LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©Imp d*pi?rt$y f u ' o UNITED STATES OF AMERICA rasas Hi Hi V Ural D fH H ■BBK. 9 HHH HHi THE UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. A HOOK STATISTICAL INFORMATION, COMPILED BY r William S. Sloan. )/ NEW YORK : Gilliss Brothers, Publishers, 75 & 77 Fulton Street. iSSi. Copyright, 1SS1. By William S. Sloan. PREFACE. STATISTICAL information is, at best, dry reading; but the writer hopes that the names and events chronicled in the following pages will serve to recall to graduates many pleasant memories of their college days and friends, and, in a measure, enable them, in fancy, to live that part of thei'r life over again. These same names and events should also prove pleasant reading to the present and future undergraduates, and will, the writer trusts, serve as incentives to their college- spirit, making them realize that their actions are but a part of Columbia's undergraduate life, and that future generations of college men will look to them for precedents. The information herein presented had to be taken from so many uncertain sources, that the writer knows mistakes have appeared, but these he believes are confined to names. He takes this opportunity to urge all present and future recorders of Columbia achievements to make their work accurate and intelligible. For the very kind assistance and encouragement given by many graduates and personal friends, the writer is truly grate- ful, and he assures them that their help has been no mean factor in the work of preparing these statistics. Corrections and further information are most earnestly solicited; for, if the demand warrants the undertaking, a second edition will appear in a year or so. William S. Sloan. 21 West 17TH Street, New York City. October, 1881. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Secret Fraternities : Alpha Delta Phi, 10 Psi Upsilon, .......•• ll Delta Phi, 2I Chi Psi, 29 Delta Psi 3 1 Phi Kappa Sigma, ........-■ 4° Axe and Coffin (so-called), .....•••• 4 2 Phi Gamma Delta, .......••• 43 Phi Kappa Psi, 45 Delta Kappa Epsilon, ......■•• 46 Zeta Psi, 5° Phi Delta Phi (S. of L.), 5* Cyclopes (S. of M.), . . . ■ 5 1 Literary Societies, . 53 Philolexian Literary Society, ........ 54 Columbian Peithologian Society, ....... 68 Barnard Literary Association, 7 s Scientific Societies, 79 Chemical Society, .......... 80 S. of M. Laboratory Association, ....... 80 Scientific Society of the S. of M., . . . . . . . 80 Chemical Society of the S. of M., 81 S. of M. Chemical Society 81 Chemical Society of the S. of M., . 82 Engineering Society of the S. of M., 83 Law School Societies, 85 Undergraduate Publications, 87 Columbiad, ........... 89 Cap and Gown (Acta Columbiana), 91 The Columbia Spectator, ....... 95 Miner, 96 S. of M. Quarterly, 98 Class Histories, ....*....... 99 6 contents. Valedictorians : page School of Arts, ico School of Law, .......... 101 Goodwood Cup, 102 Class Day, 103 Burial of the Ancient. 105 Receptions, 106 Miscellaneous Organizations: Young Men's Christian Association, ....;. 109 Church Union of Columbia College, . . . . . . no Tau Kappa, no Ivy Club, in Sigma Tau, in Ace of Clubs, . . . . . . . . . . rn Delta Delta in Junior Society of S. of M., ........ 111 Rochdale Equitable Pioneers, ........ 112 Ye Ferre Gemot, . . . . . . . . . . 112 Philosophic Commune . 112 The Senior Club, .... ... ... 113 Mines Club, . 113 The Quadrangle of '76, . ........ 113 The Quadrangle, ..... ..... 113 Billiard Club (1864), 114 Billiard Club of '75, . 114 D. K. E. Billiard Club 114 Chess Club (1864), . . . 115 Chess Club of '68, .......... 115 Chess Club of '78, 115 John Jay Chess Club, 1 15 Columbia College Chess Club, ....... 116 La Bourdonnais Chess Club, . 116 Whist Clubs, . 116 Euchre Club of '77, .......... 1 16 Columbia College Musical Association, . . . . . . 117 Columbia College Glee Club (1873-4), • • • • ■ ■ II 7 Piano Quartette of '77, 118 D. K. E. Glee Club, 118 Columbia College Glee Club, 119 Fencing Club of '73, ......... 121 Boxing Club of '75, 121 Rifle Club of '78, 121 Walking Club, Class of '79, ........ 121 Walking Club, Class of '83, 121 Riding Club, 122 Velocipede Club, . • ....,... 122 Bicycle Club, 122 Columbia Lawn Tennis Club, 123 PAGE Base Bali., ...... 124 Foot Ball, Captains since 1S7U, . . . .... 127 Record of Matches, . . 127 Athletics, . 131 Officers of C. C. A. A., . . . . . . 132 Field Meetings of C. C. A. A., . ...... 132 Columbia Winners in I. C. A. A., ... 142 Boating, ... 14=; Officers of Psi Phi Boat Club, . 146 Officers of Columbia College Boat Club, ... . 146 Regattas of C.'C. B. C, ........ 147 Boating Record, ■•........ 53 Cricket : Captains, . ...... 158 Record of Matches, 158 Errata, 161 Index of Names, 163 SECRET FRATERNITIES, JN THE ORDER OF THEIR ESTABLISHMENT AT COLUMBIA COLLEGE. An (*) indicates the death <>f the member ; a (t) the leaving college before gradua- tion ; names separated from the various classes by dashes are those of members chapters admitted without matriculation at Columbia College. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. COLUMBIA CHAPTER Fraternity of Alpha Delta Phi, Cl A.SS OF 1S36. ♦Giles Mumford Hillyer New York City Rev. John Henry Hobart, S.T.D Geneva, N. Y John Jay New York City R« v. Henry McVickar New York City *Henry Ward, Jr New York City *Rev. George Gilfert Waters New York City ♦Harvey Augustus Weed New York City. Class of 1S37. *Rev. Charles Aldis New York City. Samuel Blatchford, LL.D New York City. Nathaniel W. Chittenden New York City. * Anthony Halsey New York City. William Henry Leggett New York City. John McMullen, Jr New York City. Rev. John Ireland Tucker, S.T.D Troy, N. Y. John Vanderbilt, Jr New York City. ♦Samuel II. Whitlock New York City. Class of 1838. Benjamin T. Kissam New York City. ♦Benjamin Romaine, Jr New York City. ♦George Templeton Strong New York City. ♦Francis Marion Ward New York City. ♦Henry Hall Ward New York City. Class of 1839. James Walker Fowler Newburg, N. Y. ♦George James Cornell New York City. Daniel De Forest Lord New York City. James William Walsh New York City. Class of 1840. rd Smith Boyse New York City. John R. Brownf New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. II *James Farley Clark New York City. ♦Alfred George Jones New York City. John Levvisf New York City. Rev. Dwiglit Edwards Lyman New York City. Rev. Ebenezer P. Rogers, D.D.f New York City. LAMBDA CHAPTER OF THE Fraternity of Psi Upsilon, ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1842. Class of 1840. *John Mitchell Mason New York City. Class of 1842. Robert Jaffrey New York City. William Seymour Kernochan Paris, France. Rev. Wheelock Hendee Parmly, D.D Jersey City, N. J. Oliver Everett Roberts New York City. *John Sym Springfield, Ohio. Class of 1843. *Thomas Charles Taylor Buckley New York City. William McCune San Jose, Cal. *Rev. Charles Foote Peake Tuscaloosa, Ala. *John Christian Philip, M.D Brooklyn, N. Y. George Payn Quackenbos, LL.D New York City. Rev. Charles Reynolds, S. T. D Fort Riley, Kansas. Rev. James Stephenson, D.D Class of 1844. Rev. Alfred Barry Beach, S.T.D.,f New York City. Rev. Joseph Pemberton Taylor.f Camden, N. J. Class of 1845. *George Henry Cross * New Rochelle, N. Y. John Drake New York City. *Rev. George Barnard Draper, D.D Harlem, N. Y. C. Rev. John Jay Elmendorf, S.T.D Racine, Wis. George Alfred Jones Hartford, Conn. 12 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. John Wheeler Leavitt New York City. ♦Leonard Palmer Miller, f New Rochelle, N. Y. *Henry Phelps Wainwright New York City. Class oe 1846. Rev. William James Frost, S.T.D Wilmington, Del. ♦William Montgomery Johnston New York City. Edwin Merritt Kellogg, M.D New York City. Jeremiah Loder New York City. Rev. William Whittingham Olssen, D.D Annandale, N. Y. Rev. Daniel Caldwell Millett, D.D.,) Holmesburg, Penn. Class oe 1847. Rev. William Samuel Coffey East Chester, N. Y. *Rev. Wentworth Larkin Cliilds.f Portsmouth, N. H. Rev. Robert Holdcn New York City. John Moneypenny, M.D Cambridge, N. Y. Rev. Archibald Morrison Morrison Philadelphia, Penn. Rev. Israel Leander Townsend Washington, D. C. *Rev. Robert Travis, Jr New York City. Rev. Israel Jerome Townsend, f Blue Earth City, Minn. Class of 1848. Horace Walpole Carpentier Oakland, Cal. Richard Mead De Mille New York City. Rev. Morgan Dix, S.T.D New York City. ♦John Edson.f New York City. Joseph Wesley Harper, Jr New York City. *( leorge Morford Riots .Brooklyn, N. Y. Theodore Frelinghuysen Lewis New York City. John Lockwood Brooklyn, N . Y. ♦Lewis Morris \c\v York City. Isaac Van Winkle New York City. Class of 1849. ♦Rev. Edward Courtlandt Babcock Greenpoint, N. V. *< lharles Hinckley Brown New York City. Churchill John Cambreling New York City. ♦Baldwin Dix New York City. George Loyd Freeman, M.D Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. 1 ,ew is Ashhurst Kemper, S.T. D Nashotah, Wis. 1 lent v Effingham Lawrence, f New York City. Aaron Ogden New York City. ::: ( George Colgate Pollen . . .' New York City. Rev. John Frederick Schroeder New Milford, Conn. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 13 John Drake Skidmore New York City. ♦Prosper Montgomery Wetmore, Jr New York City. John Jay White New York City. Class of 1850. William Camac, M.D.,f Philadelphia, Perm. Malcolm Campbell New York City. Rev. James Starr Clark, S.T.D Tivoli, N. Y. Rev. John Ferris Delaplaine Cornell Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic Rene Coudert New York City. Rev. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, S.T.D Baltimore, Md. Rt. Rev. George Franklin Seymour Springfield, 111. Charles Augustus Silliman New York ( ity. Rev. John Esten Cooke Smedes Raleigh, N. C. Class of 1851. George Brooks, M.D.,f Jersey City, N. J James Colles, Jr.,f New York City ♦Rev. James DeKoven, S.T.D Racine, Wis John DeRuyter, Jr New York City Rev. Legh Richmond Dickinson Ridgewood, N. J William Henry Draper, M.D New York City ♦John Frederick Echalaz.f Brooklyn,. N. Y Rev. Merritt Hubhell Wellman Eastport, Me Class of 1852. *Charles Ludlow Bogert New York City. Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart Brown,f Fond du Lac, Wis. Rev. Lea Luquer Bedford, N. Y. *Archibald Bleecker McDonald New York City. Washington Romaine Nichols • New York City. ♦Henry Austin Tailer New York City. ♦Thomas Lyell Smedes, f New Orleans, La. Class of 1853. ♦Cornelius Van Alen Anderson, M.D New York City. ♦William Emerson, Jr Castleton, N. Y. Rev. William George Farrington, D.D Bloomfield, N. J. Albert Ward Hale New York City. John Adams Kernochan Pittsfield, Mass. ♦Archibald Somerville Van Duzer New York City. Class of 1854. Henry Martyn Congdon* New York City. Elias Guion Drake, Jr New York City. 14 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Leicester Kent Ely New York City. *James Cortlandt Parker, Jr New York City. Rev. Charles Stedman Pomeroy, M.D Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. Marvin Richardson Vincent, S.T.D New York City. James Le Baron Willard.f New York City. Class of 1855. Augustus Sidney Doane.f New York City. *Charles William EofLf Wheeling, W. Va. Alfred Pell.f New York City. George Richard Schieffelin New York City. Class of 1856. *Rev. Eastburn Benjamin New York City. Henry Julius Cammann New York City. Charles Mukerch Clark Dubuque, Iowa. Maturin Livingston Delafield Riverdale, N. Y. *Manuel De Puga, Jr.,f New York City. Thomas Townsend Lawrence New York City. Edward Eugene Lee,f Robert Bowne Minturn, Jr New York City. Rev. George Benton Newcomb,f New Haven, Conn. James Gilliam Osborne New York City. *Robert Schuyler Pell,f New York City. Rev. [George] Wendell Prime New York City. James Ray.f New York City. Alexander Macomb Stanton Fordham, N. Y. Russell Stebbins, Jr New York City. Charles Crooke Suydam New York City. *John Francis Walton Brooklyn, N. Y. *Howell Lewis Williams New York City. Class of 1857. Philip Woodruff Holmes Greenwich, Conn. Cyrus F. Knapp,f *Janies Thomson Tailer New York City. William Richmond Talbot, Jr Wickford, R. I. Class of 1858. William Henry Boughton.f New York City. Richard Philip Hart Durkee.f Chicago, 111. Nicholas Luquer, Jr Brooklyn, N. Y. *James R. Manley .' Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Henry Marshall New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 15 ♦Francis Stanton, f Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Roswell Weston, \ Philadelphia, Perm. Class of 1859. John Crosby Brown New York City. Irving Grinnell New Hamburgh, N. Y. John Wendell Minturn.f New York City. Robert Watts, M.D.,f New York City. Class of i860. ♦Clarence Stewart Brown New York City. *Jacob Lorillard Camman New York City. Beverly Chew Duer,f New York City. George Richmond Fearing Newport, R. I. Edward Renshaw Jones New York City. ♦Francis Lewis McCrackan New York City. Robert Dillon Nesmith, M.D New York City. Edward Pelham Robins Brooklyn, N. Y. ♦John William Southack, Jr., M. D New York City. ■^Frederick Augustus Tracey New York City. Class of 1861. *George Herbert Carey West New Brighton, N. Y. Price Whittlesey Hasbrouckf New York City. Mahlon [Day] Sandsf Newport, R. I. Class of 1862. Charles Dudley Fuller New York City. *George Wolfe Gillespie New York City. John L. Hobson.f New York City. Alexander Duer Irving New York City. *John A. Vanderpoel New York City. Class of 1863. William Cornell Binns New York City. Henry Augustus Hurlburt, Jr New York City. William Mathews Martin New York City. Philip Justice Sands New York City. ♦Frank Roe Van Buren New York City. Egbert Ward New York City. Class of 1864. John Neilson Beekman, M.D New York City. Matthew Brinckerhoff Du Bois, M.D New York City. l6 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Rev. John Brainard Morgan Paris, France. William Franklin Mott New York City. *Arthur Pemberton Sturges New York City. Class of 1865. Henry Rutgers Beekman New York City. Lenox Smith New York City. Class of 1866. Julian Tappan Davies New York City. William Augustus Hooker New York City. William Sprague Hoy t,f New York City. Daniel Lord, Jr New York City. Willard Parker, Jr., M. D New York City. Phnceix Remsen.f Babylon, N. Y. George Putnam Smith New York City. Augustus Talbot New York City. Richmond Talbot New York City. Class of 1867. *Schuyler Ogden.f New York City. Hector Craig Fitz Randolph Bay Side, N. Y. George Winthrop Thorne,f New York City. James Henry Work New York City. Class of 1868. William Thompson Buckley ,f New York City. Benjamin Howell Campbell New York City. Charles Tudor Carey New York City. Frederic de Peyster Foster . . New York City. Elmslie Morven Gillett New York City. John Louis Gross, Jr.,f New York City. Joseph Bayley Halsey New York City. William Mitchell, Jr.,f New York City. Hoffman Rogers, \ New York City. Theodore Voorhees Troy, N. Y. Class of 1869. James William Beekman, Jr.,f New York City. Robert Lenox Belknap New York City. Jacob Bininger New York City. Lewis Edwards.f New York City. Harry Madison Jones ". New York City. Edward Tillou New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Class of 1870. 17 Arthur Livermore Ford.f Brooklyn, N. V. Franklin Butler Lord N ew York City. Nathaniel Marsh.f New Yo rk City. Walter Ogden New Vo rk City. George Washington Riggs St. Louis, Mo. Class of 1871. Rev. Robert Barbour New York City. William Haliburton Bridgham New York City. Gordon Salstonstall Buck.f New York City. Clarence Rapelje Conger New York City. George Beach De Forest.f New York City. Jacob Herrick Henry New York City. Wiliam Kemble.f New York City. James Prendergast.f Jamestown, N. Y. Henry Remsen,t New York City. Rev. Henry Mason Smyth Pittsburgh, N. Y. George Francis Work New York City. Class of 1872. James Edward Andrews.f New York City. Frederic Augustus Brown New York City. Lockwood De Forest.f New York City. Frederic Paret Marshall New York City. Charles Joseph Nourse Columbia, Penn. ♦Augustus Coe Pirson New York City. John Krom Rees St. Louis, Mo. John Ruggles Strong New York City. Class of 1873. Frederic Remsen Hutton New York City. Henry Rutgers Marshall New York City. Class of 1874. Charles Singleton Bartow.f New York City. Charles Ramsey Buckley Brooklyn, N. Y. George Forest Butterworth New York City. John Hone Foster New York City. Edward Inglis Frost Philadelphia, Penn. Frederic Williams Hinricks New York City. *Louis Frederic Lacey Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Grey Mackenzie,! New York City. Benjamin Franklin Rees,f New York City. IS UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. John Thomas Sherman,! New York City. Frank Storrs New York City. Class of 1875. Howard Gallup New York City. Henry Whiting Hayden,f New York City. Henry Keney Pomroy.f New York City. Samuel Cady Root New York City. George Sherman New York City. Richard Henry Williams, f New York City. Class of 1S76. Harold Arrowsmith Brooklyn, N. Y. George Birdsall Cornell,! New York City. Jasper Tillerous Goodwin New York City. Howland Pell,f New York City. Egbert Guernsey Rankin Brooklyn, N. Y. Du Bois Smith Smithtown, N. Y. Benjamin Stephens Van \Vyck,f New York City. Class of 1877. Ogden Brower f New York City. Herbert Padleford Brown New York City. Charles Augustus Clark Brooklyn, N. Y. Clarence Wadsworth Francis New York City. Charles Sutellus Lindley New York City. Hopper Striker Mott New York City. Benjamin Barker Odell, Jr Newburgh, N . Y. John Buckley Pine New York City. William Yan Yorst Powers New York City. Edward Eugene Sage Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. Class of 1878. Samuel Francis Adams New York City. Charles Slover Allen Astoria, N. Y. William Porter Allen New York City. Francis Sedgwick Bangs New York City. Archibald Stewart Barto\v,f Astoria, N. Y. Henry Lawrence Bogert Flushing, N. Y. Charles Spencer Boyd f Brooklyn, X. Y. Charles De Hart Brower New York City. Willard Parker Butler New York City. Benjamin Farquhar Curtis New York City. Thomas Monroe Davis. ... New York City. James Williamson Pryor New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 19 Class of 1S79. Harold Gray Angell,-f »• -New York City. Hamilton Young Castner Brooklyn, N. V. Charles Eldredge Mamaroneck, N. Y. Worthington Chauncey Ford.f Brooklyn, N. Y. ( rraeme Munroe Hammond New York City. Harry Olrnstead Lacy Brooklyn, N. Y. George Fanshawe Mil liken New York City. I [erbert Parsons, f Flushing, N. Y. Allied Purdy Welsh Seaman Hempstead N. Y. George Percy Seeley New York City. Wallace Augustus Smalley New York Citj . Vanderbilt Spader Brooklyn, N. Y. William I.ukens Ward,f Port Chester, N. Y. Class of 18S0. William (haves Bates New York City. Samuel Victor Constant New York City. Frank Draper New York City. Claudius Monell Roome New York City. William Harris Roome New \ ork City. William Alexander Taylor, f Areola, N. J. Howard St. Clair Wait Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Walker, Jr New York City. Class of 1881. Lucius Hart Beers New York City. Edward Renshaw Bush ' Greenwich, Conn. Joseph Owen Crane, f New York City. William Curtis Demorest New York City. William Elliot New York City. Lucius Wales Hotchkiss Brooklyn, N. Y. Augustus Damon Ledoux Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Thomas Alexis Painter, Jr.,f Brooklyn, N. Y. Cornelius Van Yorst Powers.f New York City. George Sharp Raymer Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederic William Reid New York City. John Robert Stanton, f New York City. Thomas Beale Stearns Brooklyn, N. Y. Franklin Bryant Torrey Brooklyn, N. Y. Alvan Howard Van Sinderen Brooklyn, N. Y. Newell Bertram Woodworth.f New York City. Class of 1882. Nicholas Murray Butler Brooklyn, N. Y. Bainbridge Percy Clark New York City. 20 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Horace Clark, \ New York City. Frank Bacon Crocker New York City. Henry Emerson, Jr.,f New York City. Jefferson Davis George, f New York City. William Thornton Lawson New York City. Alfred Peckham Oakley.f New York City. Leonce Girard Romaine New York City. William Wadsworth Russel,f Yonkers, N. Y. *Daniel Beale Stearnsf Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Hooper Trask, Jr.,f New York City. Norman White, Jr.,f New York City. Class of 1883. John Kendrick Bangs New York City. James Brown New York City. John Edward Calhoun New York City. George Endicott New York City. Edwin Babcock Holden New York City. Abraham Valentine Williams Jackson Yonkers, N. Y. Robert Mulford New York City. Eberhard Lambert Pupke New York City. Frank Dempster Sherman Peekskill, N. Y. Sydney Augustus Smith New York City. Arthur Lucian Walker Morristown, N. J. *Nelson Ripley White, f New York City. George Clarence Whitney New York City. Class of 1884. Charles Francis Briddon New York City. Walter Shepherd Clark New York City. Henry James Davison, Jr New York City. John William Dowling, Jr New York City. Joseph Hart Durkee New York City. George Barton French New York City. Joseph Bloomfield Harriot New York City. George Albert Holden New York City. John Foster Jenkins, Jr Yonkers, N. Y. George Kemp, Jr New York City. Henry Charles Lee New York City. John Isaiah Northrop New York City. William Ross Proctor Barryville, N. Y. Louis Bertrand Rolston New York City. Philip Leon Runkle New York City. Beverly Reid Value Elizabeth, N. J. Samuel Clinton Van Dusen New York City. William Henry Wetmore. .* New York City. Total— 347. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. DELTA CHAPTER OF THE Fraternity of Delta Phi, Names are given in the year and order initiated. MDCCCXLII. Edward Z. Lewis Brooklyn, N. Y. *Albert Gallatin, Jr New York Citj . *William E. Bunker New York City. James W. Gerard, Jr New York City. Cornelius Van Vorst, Jr Jersey City, N. J. *N. Bergasse La Bau New York City. Benjamin H. Franklin New York City. William R. Morgan New Orleans, La. ♦William B. Lawrence, Jr New York City. Edward H. Swan, LL.B New York City. *Benjamin N. Aymar New York City. C. H. Hoyt,f Brooklyn, N. Y. MDCCCXLIII. *John Babcock Arden, M.D New York City. Samuel Hollingsworth, D.D Port Chester, N. Y. George Irving New York City. William B. Minturn, M.D New York City Charles S. McKnight New York City. *William A. McVickar New York City. Arthur Bronson, Jr New York City. *R. S. Garden Abbott St. Croix, W. I. *Samuel B. R. Nichols New York City. J. Winthrop Chanler New York City. *David B. Ogden, Jr New York City. *George T. Elliott, Jr New York City. *William H. Hudson New York City. MDCCCXLIV. *Francis S. Cottenet New York City. MDCCCXLV. Charles B. Hoffman New York City. *John G. Hyer New York City. UNDERGRADUATE KKCORD. ♦G. Mortimer Belden New York City, Fre lei ick W. Rhinelander Now York City. ♦Francis Van Rensselaer N evi York City. CM is 1>. Swan. 1.1 .H New York City, ♦Timothy G. Mitchell New York City. MDCCCXLVI. James F. Ruggles New York City. John W. Ehninger New York City. James L. Dunham, f Brooklyn, V Y. ♦John Grenville Kane New York city. ♦John Stearns Lane New York City. Joseph K. RiggS New York City. William C. Pell Taris. France. William 11. Elliott.f Now York City. Columbus B. Rogers New York City. ♦Henry W . Johnson Jamaica, NY. MDCCCXLVII. Matthew Morgan, Jr.f Now York City. < ieorge ( llinton Farrar Now York City. ♦E. Bowman Miner, M. P Wilkesbarre, Pa. Edward Sheldon, f Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Leavenworth,-| Elizabethtown, N. J. Cornelius L. King U. S. A. Benjamin C. Wetmore New York City. Cornelius R. A.gnew, M.D New York City. Eugene Langdon,f New York City. ♦Henry De Coste 1 1 an nets Hoosick Kails, N. Y. Joseph Sands New York City. William A. 1 [ardenbrook Now York City. Charles F. Wetmore, f New York City. ♦James M . Pendleton,-f New York City. ■lloiiix C. Babcock.f New York City. MDCCCX1 \ 111. David Porter Lord Now York City. ♦John Vernor 1 lenrj New Brunswick, N. J. Rt. Rev. William K. Ajrmitage, S.T.D Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph 1 .arocque New \'ork City. ♦Adolphe Ke Moyne, Jr New York City. John W. Harper Now York City. Edv, anl S. 1 [offman, M.D/. Morristown, N. J. Matthew M. Blunl U. S. A. UNDERGRAD1 ATE RECORD. 23 MDCCCXLIX. Eugene Thorn New York City. John W. Francis, Jr., M.D New York City. Nor. nan A. Beach New York City. Stewart II. Brown Liverpool, England. George C. Pennell Champlain, N. Y. Joseph A. Harper.f New York City. MDCCCL. Charles H. Ward New Vork city Thomas McCarty New York ( it\ . Henry M. Bedford, M.D New York City. Frederiek A. Hackley.f Utica, N i Edward Mayo.f Elizabeth, N. J. James Morris New Vo rk ci ,' MDCCCLI. ♦Benjamin Rush Rhees, I New York City. ♦Edward W. Laight, Jr New York City. ♦Daniel Embury, Jr Brooklyn, N. Y. ♦John Bennem, Jr Brooklyn, X. Y. MDCCCLII. ♦Philip A. Embury Brooklyn, N. Y. Oscar Smedberg N ew Vork City Gunning S. Bedford, Jr New y ork City William Allen Johnson Salisbury, Conn. Herbert B. Turner New York City. William Irving Clark New y ork City Charles M. 1 >a Costa Brooklyn, N. Y. Mortimer Hendricks, f New York City. Elbert M. Willet New York City. MDCCCLIII. Abbott Brown Jamaica Plain, Mass: ♦Henry C. Marvin New Yo rk City. ♦Pierre McCarty P ariSi Frarice . George W. Havemeyer.f New York City. Robert 1.. Cutting, Jr New York City William R. Smedberg _ tj v; \ Alexis Emerson Mcllvame New York Citj . MDCCCLIV. Charles A. Kairchild.f New York City. benjamin I.. Curtis New Vork r , M 24 UNDKRGKADUATE RECORD. Goold 11. Redmond Orange, N. J. Richard T. Packwood New York City. MDCCC] V. ♦Philip M. Lydig, Jr., LL.B New York City. John Ward, Jr., 1 1 .B., M. D New York City. |. V. D. Reed.f New York City. S. Van Rensselaer, -I Orange, N. J. Lewis A. Curtis New York City. Effingham T. Hyatt, f New York City. ]. mies P. Lacombe New York City. MDCCCLVI. Abner Mellen, Jr New York City. Oscar E. Schmidt New York City. MDCCCLVII. Samuel W. Francis, M. D New York City. Edgerton L. Winthrop New York City. David Lydig New York City. James Benkard, Jr New York City. F. D. Ogilby.t New York City. Henrj A. Coil Taylor New York City. John Gihon, Jr Yonkers, N. Y. Reuben W. Howes, Jr Hoboken, N. J. MDGCC1 VIII. A. N. Moni>. LL.B New York City. Walter Cutting Pittsfield, Mas.-. ♦Augustus F. King I ' . S. V. fames Core King Duer Staten Island, N. Y. Henry Dudley New York City. William Elliot Laight, Jr New York City. t\h\ ard Walter West Brooklyn, N. V. MDCCCLIX. Charles Emerson.'f Staten Island. N.V. Walter B. I aw renee Flushing, N. V. M1VCC1 X. Run-all Hoffman, *LL.B New York City. Emile Henry Lacombe, LL.B New York City. *Daniel Frederick Boardman, LL.B New York City. Marinus Willett ! New York City. Henry Yates Satterlee New Hamburgh, N. Y. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 25 MDCCCLXI. *James Brinckerhofi Pell New York City. William Lowndes, \ New York City. *3 lephard S. Chesbrough,f New York City. ( re'rard Beekman, LL.B New YorK City. Leander T. Howes.f New York City. Charles King.f U. S. A. MDCCCLXIL Edward S. Brownson Brooklyn, X. Y. Martin Van Buren New York City. MDCCCLXIII. William M. Imbrie.f Jersey City, N. L Graham Youngs. . .' New York City. ♦Henry W. Johnson, Jr.,f Jamaica, N. V. William S. Kanshawe.f New York City. Francis G, Brown Tarrytown, N. Y. MDCCCLXIV. Augustus Floyd Delafield New York City. Henry A. W. Barclay New York City. Lucius K. Wilmerding New York City. Andrew J. Gilhooly New York City. James Baker, Jr., LL.B New York City. MDCCCLXV. Edgar Fawcett ' New York City. Henry D. Babcock Riverdale, N. Y. lame- M. Wayne, Jr New York City. John McL. Nash, LL.B New York City. John A. Smedberg New York City. William D. Foulke, LL.B Bloomfield, N. 1. Robert Cambridge Livingston, f New York City. Theodoret Bartow,) Pelham, N. Y. MDCCCLXVI. Kdw aid F. Weeks, LL.B Elizabeth, N. J. Frederick Sherman, J New York City. Oliver E. Cromwell, | Rye, N. Y. John J. Taylor.f Newport, R. I. Wm. Bayard Cutting, LL.B New York City. Frank Y. La Large, f New York City. John Cropper, LL. B New York City John Steward, Jr New York City. 26 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. *David Stewart, Jr New York City. John Alsop King, Jr New York City. MDCCCLXVII. John Peck, Jr., f New York City. J. C. Watt.f New York City. Frederick Branson, Jr New York City. Beverly Ward.f . ' New York City. Dennistoun Wood, LL. B New York City. Albert L. Gallatin, f Cambridge, England. William E. Iselin New York City. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, f New Brunswick, N. J. *Thomas C. Ward,-}- New York City. Kenneth Robertson New York City. William L. Brooks, f New York City. R. Fulton Cutting New York City. MDCCCLXVIII. J. Murray Livingston New York City. Jsaac Townsend, j New York City. James B. Murray, f New York City. Valentine A. Blacque New York City. Edmond Kelly New York City. MDCCCLXIX. Ludlow Ogden, LL.B New York City. Edmund G. R. Trimble New York City. Richard Spottswood Robertson Pittsburgh, Pa. John Gordon, Jr New York City. Henry , Duncan Wood New York City. Alexander B. Simonds, LL.B College Point, N. Y. George N. Williamson New Brunswick, N. J. Richard Ogden College Point, N. Y. John Henry Hobart, LL.B New York City. Travis Coles Van Buren,f . . New York City. Win. Whitehead Ladd, Jr., LL.B Brooklyn, N.Y. MDCCCLXX. William Seton Gordon Detroit, Mich. Harold Morgan Smith New York City. T. Ma lack Cheesman, New York City. MDCCCLXXI. Bache McE. Whitlock, LL/B. New York City. J. Halsey Haight,f New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 27 Sidney G. Ashmore New York City. George Barnewall Ogden.f ., New York City. Chalmers Wood New York City. James Kent, Jr,,f New York City. A. Foster Smith.f New York City. John F. Adam.f New York City. William Duncan McKim New York City. MDCCCLXXII. Herbert C. Pell, LL.B New York City. Edwin C. Kent New York City. William E. Wyatt Westchester, N. Y. N. Pendleton Schenck Brooklyn, N. Y. MDCCCLXXIII. Gouverneur M. Ogden New York City. Norman T. McL. Melliss New York City. William E. Verplanck Fishkill-on- Hudson. Theodore Haight Westchester, N. Y. Henry Pendleton Rogers Hyde Park, N. Y. Thomas Stafford Browne, Jr Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert George Remsen New York City. Wesley Harper New York City. MDCCCLXXIV. Le Roy King Newport, R. I. John Ha'rper, Jr New York City. Spottswood D. Schenck . . Brooklyn, N. Y. Walter Floyd Crosby New York City. Louis M. Cheesman New York City. Oakley Rhinelander New York City. James Symington, Jr New York City. Fred. O. Beach New York City. MDCCCLXXV. J. R. Suydam, Jr New York City. W. V. Kingsland New York City W. Kent New York City. Havelock Symington New York City. MDCCCLXXVI. George Bird.f New York City. G. H. Warren New York City. Frank P. Benjamin New York City. 28 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. William G. Clark New York City. Horatio R. Harper New York City. James Duane Livingston New York City. Herbert A. Weeks New York City. Ernest H. Crosby New York City. Newbold LeRoy New York City. MDCCCLXXVII. Frederick V. Crosby, f New York City Yan Home L. Wood New York City Howard G Wetmore New 7 York City- George F. Garr New York City Maurice M. Minton New York City Harry A. Smedberg New York City Edgar Richards New York City MDCCCLXXVIII. I.. M. Thorn, Jr New York City. Fielding L. Marshall Morrisania, N. Y. Robert B. Yan Courtlandt Kingsbridge, N. Y. F. Schuchardt, Jr.,f New York City. Thomas Nash New York City. N. Everston Crosby . New York City. Charles Remsen New York City. John C. Onderdonk New York City. F. M. Rutherford New York City. MDCCCLXXIX. Frederick N. Phinney New York City. Alexander Harvey New York City James T. Horn New York City Leon Marie New York City Clarence L. Speyers New York City Townsend Cox, Jr New York City W. St. J. Elliot Marshall, f New York City MDCCCLXXX. W. Bard McVickar New York City. Lewis B. Delafield, Jr New York City. William D. Harper New York City. Henry S. Van Schaick New York City. Rufus Delafield New York City. Laurence \\". Miller Ringwood, N. J. Sherman H. Esselstyn Clayton, N. Y. P. Randolph Morris : Bartow-on-Sour.d. George E. Wyeth : New York City UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 2Q MDCCCLXXXI. Ernest W. Schenck Brooklyn, N. V. Bard P. Schenck Brooklyn, N. Y. Conde R. Thorn New York Cits . Irving Duer New Brighton, S. I. Total, 278. ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER Fraternity of Chi Psi Class of 1848. *Thomas P. St. John New York City. Class of 1849. William B. Ackley Brooklyn, N. Y. William Astor New York City. ♦Gilbert C. Briggs New York City. Ezra W. Collier New York City. ♦William M. Knox ' New York City. J. Edwards Leavitt New York City. *Ezra K. Sherwood New York City. John Shrady, Jr New York City. Frederic D. Tappan New York City. Edward P. Taylor Auburn, N. Y. Charles E. Van Beuren New York City. Class of 1850. John M. G. Aims New Haven, Conn. Goodkin Baker New York City. Galen A. Carter Stamford, Conn. Walter R. T. Jones New York City. William PI . Terry New York City. Class of 1851. J. B. Brown New York City. *James Sanford Lodi, N. Y. George A. Seaman New York City. William R. Smith New York City. Tohn L. Tappan Beilin, Germany. 30 undergraduate record. Class of 1852. Armand Cousin New Orleans, La. J. F. S. Hunt Brooklyn, X. V. Quintin M. Thorne Brooklyn, N; V. Class of 1853. Henry Astor New York City. Adrien C. Brooks Ravenswood, N. Y. Edmund E. Paulding Kingston, N. Y. *St. Clair Smith New York City. Class of 1S54. Samuel black well : Newbern, N. C. ♦Charles B. Cromwell New York City. ♦Francis A. De Wint Fishkill, N. Y. Daniel 1 tolsman Greenwood, N. Y. Edward Kirkland New York City. ♦George V. Pomeroy, Jr New York City. ♦Reginald H. Smith New York City. Cl \>s of 1S55. O.. Edward Harmon New York City. ♦Arthur McJ. Henderson Jersey City, N. J. John G. Wendell New York City. Class of 1856. ♦Walter Gregory Jersey City, N. I . Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr New York City. George L. Kingsland New York City. J. Lansing Zabriskie Jersey City, N. J. Class of 1S57. Henry E. Davies, Jr New York City. Elbridge T. Gerry New York City. Louis Johnson New York City. Henry Keteltas New York City. Class of 1858. Eugene Cruger Crugers, N. Y. A. Van Horn Stuyvesant New York City. Robert R. Stuyvesant New York City. ♦Immortal. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 31 ALPHA CHAPTER OF 11 IF Fraternity of Delta Psi. Founded in Columbia CAUge in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Forty -Seven. The following list includes the members of the New York University Chapter, which was united with the Alpha. It has been found impossible to make a correct separation, and therefore the (+) have been omitted. Cl ASS OF l850. William Myn Van Wagenen, George Gordon Byron. Charles Arms Budd, i.V. Y.U.) Ci vss of 1851. ♦John Hone Anthon, Samuel F. Barger, ♦Charles A. Shepherd, ♦George Ehninger, Jr., James R. Welling, Charles Arms Cook, John W. McGrath, John Newton Tuttle, Frederick Beasley Norcom, Thomas William Channing Moore, William Greene Ward, ♦Alfred Henry Thurston, ♦John S. Lawrence, *Henry E. Holmes. Class of 1S52. Gardiner Spring Hutchinson, Edward K. Collins, Jr., Henry T. Norcom, Edward Willett, Charles Theobold Jung, William Carey Smith, William Amos Ketchum, Richard H. Tucker. 32 i NDERi (RADl \ IK RECORD. Ci vss of 1853. 1 reorge Moore Rodgers, Alexander Scott, William Stout Edwards, ♦Thomas Robinson Rodgers, George Colden rracj . Richard Howard, ♦Francis Saltus Banks. 1 liram Kctchum, Jr., \.Y. V. U.) Cl i.SS OF 1854. Samuel Milford Blatchford, Frederick Newbold Lawrence, ♦Horace 1 >urrie Steele, Stewart 1 yndon W oodford, Cullen Lawson Carter, ♦Orlando Harriman Morris, John Edward Taylor, ♦Joseph 11. Nash, ♦( lharles Edwards Morgan, ♦Brockholsl Fulton Cutting, Benjamin Strong, ♦Cutler Cot-day McAllister, ♦Ge »rge Washington Bacon, I'Mw in Ellery Anderson, Carleton Moses Herrick, Jeremiah 1 ,ott Zabriskie. Cl ISS OF l>rr- James Ray 1 [osmer, Alexander Robert Chisholm, Woodruff Collins, William Parker Ravenel, David Burgess Miller, Stephen Titus 1 [osmer. Cl \ss OF 1856. James Weeks, lMw in Stanton Babcock, ♦William Rollinson Hyslop, William Jones Seabury, ♦] lerman Frederick 1 l NDI R.GRADU V IK RECORD. William Jones Fuller, John W. Timpson, David Gardiner Thompson, Jr., David Bradley 1 ee, *Henry Parish Conrey, ♦William Thomas Van Riper, William Warren Ayres, Leonard William Kip, Jr. Frederick Ferris Thompson, ( Williams.) Cl \ss of 1S57. Francis W. Waldo, Edwin P. Livingston Ludlow, Charles Porter Russel, James Burton Herrick, James H. Slipper, George Butler 1 rriffin, William Gibbs MacNeill Whistler, ♦Morgan Lew is Smith Brower, Ephraim Leonard Corning, Henry B. Nott. Class of 1858. James Hater, Abram Greene Richards, Thomas Fitch Thatcher, Rol.en Kerr Richards, *Wyllys Pomeroy Ma\ter, * ♦Gilbert Taveau Totten. ♦Charles Willard Chauncey, [X. )'. I \) Class of 1859. William Frank Burroughs, John Rutherford Matthews, John Haggerty Draper, Edwin Ely Fuller, ♦Edward Henry Anderson, Stephen Whitney Phoenix, Gabriel Mead Tooker, Franklin Miller, Hemv W. Miller, lames Frederic Moore. 34 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. CLASd OF l86i 1. Robert Peabody Barry, Charles De Ruyter, Richard Lewis Morris, Jr. Class of 1S61. *Prescott Hall Ward, S. of L., John Ayscough Tucker, Frank Alleyne Otis, ^Sidney Stewart Henop, S. of L. Cornelius Fellows, Jr., Thomas Taunton Sabine, Bankson Taylor Morgan, {Trinity. Cl VSS of 1S62. Thomas Freeborn, Joseph Louis Spofford, Edmund Augustus Waul, Nathan Brewster Morse, Jr.. *Goodwin Watson, Frederick Shonnard, *Francis Willis, William Henry Willis, Jr., *John Lawrence Churchill, Philip Ferdinand Kobbe, George Mortimer Tibbits. Class 1S63. Francis Henry Weeks, Stayvesant Fish Morris, Rutherfurd Stuyvesant, Charles Alfred Post, Robert Emmet Robinson. Li iss OF 1S64. Henry Hills Parker, Reginald Heber Bartow, Francis Ferdinand Marbury, Jr.. Joseph Bayley Lawrence. Class of 1865. Jeronte Hill Atkinson, Frederick Prime, Jr. UNDERGRADl ATE RECORD. 35 Class of [866. Frederick Sistare Kobbe, John Frederick Wissman, Edward I [oliand Nicoll, Marshal] Pepoon Bell, Frederick Thompson, S. of L., Benjamin Robert Winthrop, Jr., S. of I.., John Watts Kearney, S. of L. John Anthon Callender, {Bellevue.) O \ss of 1867. Nicholas Fish, George Winthrop Folsom, James Boggs Livingston, J. Philip Tillinghast, ( llarence Melville I ryde, Rudolph Augustus Witthaus, William A. Weed, S. of M. v'l \s> OF 1S68. fohn William Schmidl Arnold. George Lockhart 'Rives, I >uane Livingston Peabody, I [enry Coil Mortimer, Thomas Parish Sherman, S. of L., Edward Swan Fearing, S. of M. Class of i86g. *John Jacob Astor Bristed, Herman Kobbe, I [enry Cady Sturges, 1 [amilton Fish, Jr., William Alexander I bier, Willard Bartlett, * Robert Henry Hunt, 1 [enry Waterman Holden, Charles Augustus Peabody, Jr. Class cf 1S70. William Neilson Winthrop, George Livingston Peabody, 36 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. ♦William Lorillard Edgar. George McLean, Robert Stratton Morison, Frank Dodge Sturges. Edgar Bradford Clark, S. of L., Stacy Budd Collins, Jr., S. of L., John Christopher Connor, Jr., S. of L. Cl vss of 1S71. Edward Livingston Trudeau, S. of Med. Robert Waller, Jr., Abram Evan Gwynne, Frank Goddard Haughwout, Denning Duer, Jr., Chester Clark Munroe, Stuyvesant Fish, John Watts Russell, James Brander Matthews. James Otis Morse, Jr., Henry Walter Webb, S. of M. Class of 1872. Edward Fermor Hall, Francis Robert .Rives, Jr., William Merriman Humphrey, *Robert Arnold, Edward Wanton Casey, S. of M., Robert Ray Hamilton,' Arthur Delano Week>, Valentine Mott, Schuyler Hamilton, Jr. Class of 1873. Gilbert McMaster Speir, Jr., lames Montaudevert Waterbury, Jr., Casimir DeRahm Moore, Sutherland Tenney, Jose Ay mar, George Cornell Freeborn, S, of Med., ♦John Scott Laugh ton, S. of I... Charles Nathan Harris, S. of L., William Seward Webl Glover Crane Arnold, (Bell l NDERGRADUATE RECORD. 37 Class of i S74. Spencer Aldrich, Clifford Allan Hereschoff Bartlett, S. of L., Robert Clifford Cornell, George Cornell Freeborn, S. of Med., George Christ Kobbe, John Lindley, S. of I.., S\ Ivanus Allien Reed, John Ellis Roosevelt, S. of L., Benjamin Aymar Sands, Sutherland Tenney. Class of 1S75. Thomas Cumming Bach, George Alexander Brown, S. of M., Randolph Hurry, Augustin Monroe, S. of M., Henry de la Montague, S. of M., James Punnett, Jr., S. of L., John Henry Purdy. Samuel How land Russell, S. of M , Oliver Drake Smith, Charles De Ka\ Townsend, Alfred Torrance, S. of M. 1876. Charles Ring, S. of M., Ledyard Sands, Latham Gallup Reed, Center Hitchcock, William Guy Richards, S. of Med., James Clinch Smith, S. of M., Frederick Oakes, Robert Townsend, Wilmot Johnson, Jr., Irvin Auehincloss Sprague, William Augustus Pierrepont, S. of L., Louis Bogert Wright, S. of L., Albert Gallup, S. of L. 1877. Theodore Vernon Boynton, Edward Howe Wales, S. of M., Gaspar Griswold, 38 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Philip Glendower Peabody, Gouverneur William Morris, S. of M. Frederick Delano Weekes, Charles Montagu Ward, Henry Wager Ilalleck, S. of L., Cornelius Smith Lee, S. of L., John Murray Mitchell. Frederic Holme Wiggin, {Bellezue.) 1878. Francis Reynolds Hitchcock, William Waller, Charles Frederick Hoffman, Jr., William Henry De Forest, Jr., William Hamilton Russel. 1879. William Barclay Parsons, Jr. , Henry Gallup Paine, John Johnston, Robert Wrightson Webb, Rudolph Rissel, S. of M., James West Roosevelt, S. of Med., Edwin Hayden Herrick, S. of L., Frank Eldric'ge Randall, S. of L. 1880. Romulus Riggs Colgate, Robert R. Livingston, Robert Morgan Gibbes Barnwell, William Fellowes Morgan, John Smith Lawrence, Jr., Robert Maclay Bull, Cyrus Edson, William Hickok Taylor, John Tracey Edson, Charles Sprague Lincoln, S. of I.., Frederic Augustus Potts, Jr., S. of M. Francis Ehrick Ward, S. of \!., David Augustus Clarkson, *\Yilliam de Rham, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 39 Charles Adams Moran, George Elder, Jr., S. of M., Adrian Gardiner liegeman, S. of M., Frank Mauran Lawrence, S. of L., Frederic Madison Mixter, S. of Med. 1882. Edward de Peyster Livingston, James Lawrence Hamilton, Othneil De Forest, Francis Egerton Webb, S. of M., Nathaniel Pendleton Rogers, Eugene Higgins, Marshall Orrae Wilson, Reginald William Rives, Drayton Bun ill, Frank Lyon Henry, Rowland Parry Keasbey, Harry de Berkely Parsons, George Burrington Parsons, William Riggin Travers, Jr. 1883. William Petit Trowbridge, Jr., S. of M., Nathaniel Stone Simpkins, S. of M., John Ernest de Ruyter, Arthur Lawrence Lesher, Herbert Livingston Satterlee, Hamilton Fish Webster, George Carnegie Palmer, Walter Norman Eldridge, Norman Henderson, S. of M. 1SS4. John Armstrong Chanler, Ambrose Dyer Henry, Charles Taber, Reverdy Johnson Travers, Jerome Lucien Hill, S. of M., William Mitchell Vail Hoffman, Clark Ostrom Eldridge, Alan Le Roy Reid, S. of M., Ramsay Turnbull. 40 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. IOTA CHAPTER OF THE Fraternity of Phi Kappa Sigma FOUNDED 1855. Names of the Founders of the Chapter are in small capitals. Class of 1856. Whittingham Cox, A. M Westchester, N, V. Peter I. Labagh, A. M Class of 1857. Erskine Mason, A.M., M.D New York City. Rev. William S. Boardman, A.M New York City. Oliver Phelps Jackson, A.M New York City. Edgar Pinckney Smith, A.M., LL.B New York City. Right Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, S.T.D Salt Lake City, Utah. Class of 1858. *Addison W. Champney.f New York City. Rev. Henry C. Kinney, A.M .' Chicago, 111. Gilbert R. Lindsay, Jr.,f Railway, N. J. William J. Marrin, A.M., LL.B New York City. James Woodruff Romeyn, A.M Detroit, Mich. Class of 1859. Edward F. Browning, A.M New York City. Courtland De Peyster Field, A. M New York City. William Jay, Jr., A.M., LL.B New York City. Edward N. Whitehouse, A.M Chicago, 111. Henry Bruen Whitehouse, A.M., LL.B Chicago, 111. Adolphus Bradford,! Rye, N. J. Manuel F. Molina, f, A.B Cuba. *Stephen Richard Reynolds, A.M New York City. Class of 1S60. *Robert Troup Pell, A.M. , LL.B New York City. Frederick A. Foster, f New York City. Class of 1862. *J. Sidney Betts, Jr.,) New York City. John Thomas Burr UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 41 Robert Bage Canfield, A.M New York City. Leslie Chase New York City. George Anderson Lawrence, A.M New York City. William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., A.M., LLB New York City. "David Burr Olyphant Morristown, N. J. *Henry Howard Marvin Brooklyn, N. Y. ♦Richard Varick Pell, A.M., M.D Brooklyn, N. Y. *Gerardus Post, LL.B New York City. Class of 1863. Miner Trowbridge, f New York City. Willard Parker Wooster, A.M., M.D New York City. James Herman Aldrich, A.M New York City. Class of 1864. Alfred Perry McClellan Brooklyn, N. Y. Horatio Potter, Jr.,f New York City. Class of 1865. Douglass William Burnham, A. M Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. Charles King Gracie, A.M., M.E New York City. John Hone, Jr New York City. ♦Julian James New York City. *Robert M. Potter, f New York City. Seymour Van Nostrand, A.M Germany. Class of 1S66. *Edward Waul Malloy Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank Ames Mullany Washington, D. C. William Bleecker Potter, M.E St. Louis, Mo. Graham Robinson, f New York City. William Edwin Smalley, A.M., LL.B New York City. Stephen Dover Stephens, Jr., A.M., LL.B Richmond, N. Y. Class of 1868. William Preston Beck Missouri. Campbell Mortimer. f, A.B New York City. John Archibald McDonald Pueblo City, Colorado. N. Sartell Prentice, f, A.B New York City. Rev. Arthur Sloan, A.M Danbury, Conn. Class of i86q. Thomas H. Rodman Brooklyn, N. Y. Class of 1870. Arthur Ingraham, A.M New York City. 42 I NDERGR VDt A IT RECORD, Axe and C offin y (SO-CALLED.) \ secret society Founded in Columbia some time between c86o [864 by members of the Societj al Vale. The following are known to have been members : Cl VSS OF [858, Jacob A. Geissenhainner New York City. I'l VSS OF I864. Charles Stedman Bull, M. D New \ 01 k > ity. Cl vss of [865. George Goelel Kip New York City. Randolph Branl Martine New York City. Roderick Burt Seymour Jersey City, N. I . John Visscher Wheeler New York City. Cl vss 01 [866 Clarence Brainerd New York City. ♦Nathan Robins Carter New York Citj . 1 'l.i 1 ence U riah Embury ,f New York City. Moses Downs Getty New York City. Cl vss of 1867. George Gosman De Witt, Jr New York City, Ci vss OF 1 368 James Michael Brady Now York City. \\ altei l'\\ ing ( !olton Brooklyn, N. Y. James Prescotl Sw ain, J 1 ■ Now York * 'ity. ( 1 vss of [869. rhomas Newby Cuthbert Yonkers, N. Y. ( 1 vss of [870. George Sun Scofield, Jr New York * Thomas C. E. Ecclesine New York I i } . Cl vss of [871. James Otis Morse, 1 1 New York City. UNDERGK M'l \ rE RECORD. I ; SCHOOl OF Mims. Ralph W. Booth, |r.,| New Vork City. ♦Robert P. Byrd, | William S. Duval, | California. I'. Harding.f New N " lk City. Robert llav.f New Vork City, Ernest Meliss/| New Vo,k City. OMEGA CHAPTER OF nil' Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, ESTABLISHED l 'l \ss OF I 865, Rev. Isaac Van Winkle, A.M Cold Spring, N. \ 1 '1 V.SS OF [867. Rev. John Alexander Deniston, Jr., A.M Jersey City, N. J. Charles Henry Smith, S. of 1 \ onkers, N. V. ('1 VSS OF iS(.i). I oh,, Victor Hecker.f New v " ,k City. Frank Norsworth) Shephard, LL.B., A.M New Vork City Rev. Edward Bay Smith, LL.B., A.M Norwich, N. V. ('l ASS ( IF t870, [saac Baker Barrett, A.M Albany, V \ . Rev. John Henry Houghton, A.M.,| Salem, \. \ . Rev. Samuel Moran. A.M.,| Creenwoor! Iron \\ oik ., N. V. Waller Howe, S. of I N ^'" Vl,lk City. (l VSS OF [87I. William Henry Conover Newark, N. J. Henry Hyde Munscll.f New York City. II, mm Ken 1 Nevers.f New York City. Benjamin Franklin Romaine, Jr., LL.B New York City. W. G. Rosencrantz.f Brooklyn, N. \ George Whitefield Waul, M.P New Vork City. 44 UNDERGR \l'i \ l'l' RECORD, Join. W. II. VVeihel.-f New Vork City. William Henry Clark, S. of ] New York City. John Edward Crowley, S. of 1 New York. City. Peter Joseph Kelly, S. of I Brooklyn, N. Y. Class of [872. Edmund McCaffil Now York City. Rev. Robert Henry Wilkinson, A. M Upper Aqueboque, N. Y, A.nderson Price, S. of I New York City. Cl \>s of 1S73. Oils Field, Jr., A.M New York ( ity. Alfred K. Kiefler.f Detroit, Mich. Rev. Samuel C. M. Orpen,-| Lima. [nd. William 1 ahiner, S. of M..I Wilmington, X. C. Alphonse I [enrj Alker, s. of I New York City. l'l ISS OF C874. i reorge w ashington Carr, s. of 1 New York City, Fred. 1 tannon Comstock, S. of 1 Now York City. John Henry Shepherd, S. ol 1 Shreveport, La, Cl \ss OF 1875. William Edward Conroy, A.M.. M.D Brooklyn, N.N Charles Praper Fagnani, A. r>.. U.S., s. of L Now York City. Frank Rook. S. of I Now- York City. James Wendel Smith, S. of 1 Now York Citj . l'l VSS OF 1876. rracej Underhill, S. of M.. I Now York City. Lucien Oudin, 1 L.B., S. of 1 Now York City. James ralman Waters, Jr.. A.B., S. of 1 Now- York City. John Augustus Walther, S. of Med Now York City. l'l \sS OK I877. I ouis Bertram Cady. M. E., S. of M Saulsbury, N C. John Waltei I V.\ is, S. of M,^ London, Eng. Walter Demarest, S. of Mod.. I Now York City. James Adams Hathaway, S. oi Mod Now York City. Cl \ss OF 1878, Charles Edward Blydenburgh, M.E., >. of M.. . .Rawlings, Wyoming IV Charles Augustus Deshon, A.B., S. of I Now York City. l NDERGR \l'i \ I'l RECORD, 45 Cl ass OF i >7>i. S\ [vanus Billings Pond Now York City. Charles Coffin Protheroe] B.S., S. of 1 Mew Vmk City. ( i vss of [880. John Hammel Browei Browning, S. of. M.,| New York City. George Preston Hotaling, S. of 1 New York City. i'i VSS OF [88l. 1 iwrenci Kneeland, S. of 1 Brooklyn, N. Y. Benjamin F. De Voe, S. of I Brooklyn, N. Y. ( 1 \-.s of [882. George M. Hicks, S. of Med Delaware, Ohio. Walter Hitchcock, S. of Med Now York City. Q v., OF [883. Edgar Grant Barratt, S. of M New York City. GAMMA CHAPTER ni 1111 Fraternity of Phi Ka^a Psi. ESTABLISHED [87a. ,\ a ■ initiated. MDCCCLXXII. [876. Richard T. Bang New York City. 1876. 1 lavid Caiman New \ ork <.'iiy. [876, Philip II. Dugro New York City. Benjamin Fillager.f New York City. 1875. Evan P. ( teorge, Jr Now York City. ( »scai S. 1 Loffman.f Now York City. [876, Joseph P. Land.f New York City. 1S70. Benjamin F. Mayor New \ ork City. 1 8 1 \ it red Meyer Now York City. [876. Washington E. Page New \ ork City. 1876. Louis C. Raegener Now York Citj 1S7 3, Ira L. Bamberger Brooklyn, N, \ [873. 1 !Ouis St. Amant Brooklyn, N \ 46 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. MDCCCLXX1II. 1875. John A. Browning Brooklyn, N. Y 1876. Townsend Jones, Jr Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y 1876. Robert A. Livingston New York City S. of M. Willard I. Pierce, j New York City 1874. Henry T. Scudder New York City 1877. Chauncey II. Sillinian New York City S. of M. II. K. Viele.f New York City MDCCCLXXIV. S. of.M. William II. Baker.f Sing Sing, N. Y 1877. George B. Crumbie.f Nyack, N. Y 1878. Cornwall K. Peyton Port Chester, N. Y 1878. W. J. G. Beams New York City S. of M. Charles L. Constant New York City 1878. Frank A. Dugro.f New York City 1875. Harrison Griswold,f New York City 1878. Jefferson Seligman New York City BETA CHAPTER OF THE Fraternity of Delta Kappa Epsilon. The (f) have been omitted. Class of 1868. Augustus Porter Barnard, M. E 28 W. 20th St., N. Y. Class of 1869. Henry Drisler, Jr „ Harper Brothers, N. Y. Class of 1872. Robert Clarence Dorsett, LL.B 120 Broadway, N. Y. William Henry Haldane, A.M., LL.B 8 & 10 Pine St., N. Y. William Edgar Reyes, A.M., LL.B 353 8th Ave., N. Y. Clarence Lexow, LL.B., Ph.D 8 & 10 Pine St., N. Y. Class of 1S74. George Robson Allerton Bronxville, N. Y. Charles Hilton Brown New York City. Frank Drisler, A.M 48 W. 46th St., N. Y. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 47 Seldon T. Scranton Henry, A.M., LL.I5 283 8th St., Jersey City, N.J. Edward Sumner Rapallo, A.M., LL.B 13 Cortlandt St., N. V. Frank Dunlop Shaw, A.M., LL.l! Grand Hotel, N.Y. Thomas De Witt Thompson, A.M 28 West 25th St., N.Y. Class of 1875. William James Adams, A.M., M.E San Francisco, Cal. William Bahcock, A.M., LL.B 252 W. 25th St., N. Y. William T. Lees New York Gas Light Co. Arthur Macy, C.E., Ph.B 26 Cedar St., N. Y. Thomas Samuel Ormiston, A.M., LL.B 15 W. 32d St., N. Y. Milton Strong Thumps... 1, Ph.B 26 Cedar St., N. Y. Charles Waldstein, Ph.D London, England. Martin Edward Waldstein, A.M., Ph.D 6 Gold St., N. Y. Class of 1876. :;: ( reorge Merchant Clearman, Jr Montclair, N. J. Aymar Embury, A.M., LL.B 31 W. 37th St., N. Y. Francis Newberry Holbrook, C.E., M.E. Columbia College. William Walter Shotwell, LL.B 114 East 37th St., N. Y. Calvin Mather Wetmore 365 Greenwich St., N. Y. Raphael R, Zingsem Hackensack, N. J. Class of 1S77. Charles Pierre Bonnett New York City. Frederic William Floyd, C.E., M.E Washington, D. C Robert Ward Van Boskerck, C.E Hackensack, N. J. ( '[.ASS OF 1878. Edward Mead Bliven 146 W. 34th St., N. Y. William Warren Bliven 146 W. 34th St., N. Y. James Arthur Booth *. 127 W; 12th St., N. Y. Gjorge Charles Brinckerhoff ] 1 Mercedes St., Havana, Cuba. Charles Elder Caldwell 122 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Ward Clements New York City. Joseph Franklin Crowell Arlington, N. J. William Fullerton, Jr Leipsic, Ger. Henry Ellsworth Gregory 223 W. 14th St., N. Y. Charles Frederick Hurlhurt New York City. Herman Charles Joy Alamosa, Col. George Rockwell Kent, M.E., LL.B Buckingham Hotel, N. Y. Joseph Matteson Knapp Hackensack, N. J. Richard Alexander Parker 220 W. 2ist St., N. Y. Nelson William Perry Cincinnati, Ohio. 48 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Wibray James Thompson Chicago, 111. Alexander Woods, Jr 373 8th Ave., N. Y. Class of 1879. Thomas John Brereton Yonkers, N . V. Edward Hodges Brown New York City. William Gage Davis, LL.B Lawrence, Mass. William Earnest Daw 220 W. 21st St., N. Y. George Pierre Erhard 699 Broadway, N. Y. Charles Arthur Hollick New Brighton, Staten Island. Herbert Allan Kingsbury 346 Broadway, N. Y. Reuben Knox ' 20 East 69th St., N. Y. William Henry Loyhed St. Paul, Minn. William Gage Lewis, LL.B Lawrence, Mass. Charles Wells Marsh Brooklyn, N. Y. John Henshaw Mulchahey 50 W. 22d St., N. Y. Samuel Duffield Osborne 428 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Peter Francisco Charles Sander, Ph.B., LL.B San Francisco, Cal. Gardner Hutchinson Sheldon, M.E 123 Montague St., B'klyn, N. Y. George Camerone Stone 25 W. 32d St., N. Y. William Mayberry Strowbridge Cincinnati, Ohio. Granville Whittlesey Williams, M.E Class of 1880. George Engs Blackwell Astoria, L. I. Edgar Stuart Blunt Edwin Perry Clark Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Elijah Knox, Jr 20 E. 69th St., N. Y. Wheaton Bradish Kunhardt New Brighton, Staten Island. James Parker, Jr Plainfield, N. J. Louis Napoleon Phelps ill East 39th St., N. Y. Frederic Dimon Philips ? 10 W. 30th St., N. Y. Charles Antoine Preston 191 2d Ave., N. Y. Frederic William Schmadeke 388 E. 4th St., N. Y. Perez Mason Stewart 105 W. 61st St., N. Y. Sidney Barcalo Stuart 425 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Nelson Jarvis Waterbury, Jr 351 W. 29th St., N. Y. Class of 1881. Charles Alfred Andresen 109 W. 43d St., N. Y. Howard Van Fleet Furman 12 W. 25th St., N. Y. William Tudor Griswold Salem, Oregon. Thomas Gedney Patton 113 E. 57th St., N. Y. Harry T. Peck Greenwich. Conn. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 49 Gustavus Woodson Rawson .*. .36 W. 46th St., N. Y. Ogden Herman Rood 341 E. 15th St., N. Y. Richard Hilliard Sterling Cleveland, O. Eugene Talman Stuart 425 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Alfred Earnest Swain Cleveland, O. John Alfred Benson, M.D New Jersey. Class of 1882. John Murray Beam Goshen, N. Y. George N. Bell Garden City, L. I. William H. Cooper TO Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. David Beauregard Falk Charleston, S. C. George Washington Falk 27 W. 58th St., N. Y. John J. Griffiths Edward Le Grand Kalbfleisch Brooklyn, N. Y. William Henry Singer Pittsburg, Pa. Erdie L. Young New York City. Donald Butler Toucey 57 West 53d St., N. Y. Ferdinand Sands, A. B Anandale, N. Y. Class of 1883. James B. Hilton 7 West 34th St., N. Y. William Denny Brereton Yonkers, N. Y. William Scott Humbert Plainfield, N. J. Edward Fullerton Milliken Plainfield, N. J. Eduardo Octaviano Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Edmund Randolph Riverdale, N. Y. Albert Edward Tower Poughkeepsie, N. Y. William C. Campbell, S. of Med Class of 1884. Harvey V. A. Anderson Edward Muller Cameron 549 Mad. Ave., N. Y. Charles Madison Cannon 225 East nth St., N. Y. Luciano Jose de Almeida Bananal de Sao Paulo, Brazil. George Ernest Faliys 275 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Harry Leslie Hall 277 Clermont Ave. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert McWilliam 242 West 31st St., N. Y. George Willard Plum 255 West 14th St., N. Y. Alexander Edward Williams 217 West 44th St., N. Y. 50 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. MU CHAPTER \ OF THE Fraternity of Zeta Psi. Class of 1878. Walter Graeme Elliot New York City. Class of 18S0. John Fletcher Duffield, S. of Med New Jerjey. George Dubois Parmley, S. of Med New York City. William Kelly Simpson, S. of Med New York City. John T. Halliday, S. of L Brooklyn, N. Y. John S. K. Kennedy, S. of M.,f New York City. Class of 1881. Richard Amerman Anthony New York City. Paul Ernest Tieman Manhattanville, N. Y. Cortlandt Parker, Jr., S. of I Newark, N. J. Class of 1882. James Willie Purdon New York City William Kelly Otis New York City Francis Skillman Onderdonk, S. of L Manhasset, N. Y Thomas Marshall F. Randolph, S. of L Morristown, N. J ■ Howard Wortley Hayes, S. of L Newark, N. J Class of 1883. John Purdon ■ New York City. Robert Sewell, Jr New York City. School of Medicine. Everett Mallory Culver New York City. Frederick W. Olcutt New York City. Ernest Linwood Runyon New Jersey. Condict Walker Cutler, New Jersey. Benjamin Miller Van Syckel New Jersey. Christian Archie Herter New York City. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 51 STOREY CHAPTER Phi Delta Phi. Law School Society organized March, 1881. William Raimond Baird, M.E New York City. Charles Piatt Barker, A.B Brooklyn, N. V. DeLaguel Berier, A.B Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. Marcus Marcellus Cass, Jr Watkins, N. Y. Howard Harold Cleveland St. Paul, Minn. Cyclopes. School of Mines Society founded in 1881. 881. Michael Joseph O'Connor, 881. George Sharp Raymer, 881. Arthur Carr Roberts, S81. Thomas Beale Stearns, 881. Howard Van Sinderen, 882. William Hamilton Cooper, 882. Ferdinand Sands, 882. Willard Adams Shumway, 4 882. Donald Butler Toucey, 883. Thomas John Brereton, 883. James Brown, 883. John Edward Calhoun. Literary, Societies OF Columbia College. The first mention of any Literary Society at Columbia College is to be found in Holt's New York Journal of May 17, 1768, which states, in its account of the nth Annual Commencement of Columbia College, that Benjamin Moore and Gouverneur Morris, of the graduating class, were awarded silver medals by the Literary Society for superior excellence in Oratory and Composition. Then just previous to the Revolutionary War we know that Alexander Hamilton, class of 1777, was prominent in the Literary Society in existence at that time. There hangs at present in the Library a certificate of mem- bership in the Columbia College Society for Progress in Letters of John B. Johnson, class of 1792. The President who signed the diploma was John P. Van Ness, class of 1789. In 1795 this Society became extinct. After this the various classes had each their own Literary Associations. In 1801 the junior class formed one of these associations, under the name of Philomathean. This was thrown open to all undergraduates in 1802, and the name changed to the Philolexian Literary Society of Columbia College. After the organization of Philolex each succeeding freshman class had its Literary Association to prepare for the debates in the larger Society. In 1806 one of these Associations was thrown open to all the undergradu- ates under the name of the Columbia Peithologian Society. These two latter societies have continued in active existence from their foundation to the present time, with the exception of a few years when Peithologia was without undergraduate members. The features of- these Societies have been their anniversaries, which were carried on very regularly ; the most frequent entertainments being given by Philolex. The last anniversary was held some six years ago, and the next year it was very sensibly discussed whether it would not be prefer- able to let Semi-Annual die out and retain the Philolexian Anniversary. In addition to these anniversaries, the two Societies had many joint meet- ings at which they were addressed by prominent graduates and others. In 1878 some of the members of Philolex, thinking that the state of that Society was too low, seceded and formed the Barnard Literary Association. 54 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Philolex meets Thursday evenings, 8 o'clock, at 64 Madison avenue. Peithologia meets Friday evenings, 8 o'clock, at 67 Madison avenue. Barnard meets Friday afternoons, 2.30 o'clock, in the College Building. PHILOLEXIAN LITERARY SOCIETY COLUMBIA COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1802. Honorary Members in italics. Those who have held the office of President of the Society in 0l& Engltsj). Honorary Members of the Faculty of the College in SMALL capitals. [Note. — The Records of the Society do not show who were Honorary Members prior to 1S16.] Nathaniel F. Mo Huybert Van Wagenen, Cornelius T. Demarest, David M. Ross, Elisha D. Camp, John J. Sickels, Edward Manley, Samuel Rodgers, Samuel Akerly, William M. Price, John R. Thompson, John Mitchell, Edward Thompson, Jeremiah J. Drake, Sllevauiicr (Ktwit, William Lowdon, Philip Rhinelander, Jr., John Graham, James Watson, John O. De Wint, Joseph R. Nelson, Thomas D. Smith, Frederick Roorback, Alpheus Sherman, Samuel B. Romaine, Robert Seaman, Ferris Pell, John Watts, Jr., Tames Baehr, Thomas McCready, ?^rnr» 81. ©ntrrrlronfe, William Gracie, James McCullom, Lewis Morris, William S. Radcliff, Benjamin W. Coles, Robert McKenzie, George Bibbee, John Barnum, John V. Barton, Robert Jacques, Jonathan Gozman, David Quackenboss, Joel Cooper, ivicij«ir& ^atfirlD, Thomas Lefferts, John J. Lawrence, William Berrian, Andrew Craig, George Boyd, Benjamin Purdy, Hugh Maxwell, Peter T. Marselis, Daniel Mack, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 55 3of)\x S>. IWtcBniBljt, William E. Dunscomb, James Van Cortland t, William E. Burnll, Thomas Steel, Isaac Green, John Aubcck, (kilfcrrt %). Sanrcs, Abraham Griffen, James A. Hamilton, Edward Pendleton, Samuel W. Moore, Richard M. Popham, William Winter, James Tine, John Christie, Henry Heiser, Lambert Moore, John Brady, Timothy Clowes, Dirck Stockholm, James Inderwinck, Robert McCartee, Henry M. Francis, William H. TO>att, Uenjamtn £. (PutJcrUoiife, Jackson Kemper, Conulius 11. IDuffic, Henry Vethake, Cornelius Van Beuren , Samuel Berrian, Henry Watts, Ravaud Kearney, John Carman, John Tryon, John McLean, Peter Jay, James A. Stevens, Peter D. Vroom, Jr., William Stuart, John Phillips, William Dunlap, John Brown, John Tine, George Watts, Edward G. Ludlow, Thomas Anthony, Frederick Muzzy, John Stevenson, Benjamin Ilaight, Jr., David Fraser, Charles F. Gardiner, William H. Hart. John W. B. Murray, Peter Mackie, Jr., Alfred Floyd, John W. Francis, William Creighton, James F. De Peyster, Hamilton M. Piatt, Richard Duryee, Alexander Clinton, Henry Talbot, Israel Disossway, Gregory Thurston Bedell, George Codwise, William IT. Harrison, James L. Hannah, John Burtis, Goorge Ehninger, Peter Christie, William B. Astor, Henry Anthon, William Boyd, William Kemble, John Warren, Henry K. Judah, John T aim an, Thomas C. Murray, John Covert, Alexander Pyke, Robert Gilchrist, James W. Colton, Thomas C. Mitchell, William Rodgers, Ambrose Hart, Thomas Ludlow, Charles Ferris, George Douglass, Allen Jackson, 56 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. |olui W. Chandler, Ferdinand Vandewater, James Brooks, John Wiley, Isaac Brower, James B. Bowden, Richard F. Cadle, John Hone, Jr., Charles Anthon, Henry L. Onderdonk, Peter S. Ten Brook, Robert L. De Peyster, Stephen Kearney, Jeremiah H. Brower, William Douglass, Alexander R. Chisholm, Charles C. Troup, Peter Stuyvesant, Ezekiel Baudoine, John J. Bailey, Isaac C. Jones, Robert A. Bogardus, John Q. Jones, Samuel <£. 3Ha»mouo, William W. Green, Daniel L. M. Peixotto, Oliver G. Kane, Richard Codman, William S. Ileyer, John Kingsland, John L. Mason, J. I. Roosevelt, Jr., //, nry Van Amringe, James Ray, Brockholst L. Kip, Leonard Kip, Nelson Abeel, Abraham Ogden, Jr., William Lloyd, Frederick Dc Peyster, Henry G. Ludlow, James Romeyn, William Moore, S. A. Halsey, Michael Purdy, Francis Lynch, ./. lurry, Benjamin Isherwood, Peter C. Dyckman, John 1). Campbell, Matthias O. Dayton, John Kingsland, Archibald Gracie, Jr., J. Lynch, Isaac Clason, Jr., JEEHlltam jftlinturu, A. G. Mumforri, Samuel 2L. Steer, Augustus II'. Clason, A. B. MacLeod, Charles B. R. Shaw, James C. Norton, Henry Hone, %}tnv» James Slittrerson, George D. Post, HflSilliam U. Hatoreuce, John Ireland Jr., Meredith Ogden, Gabriel C. Carroll, William L. Graves, Sam'l a. (ttoubcrncttr, Richard F. Kemble, John M. Smith, Cijomas &. JEffiJells, William Lowerre, Gerard //'. Morris, 71) titty TXT. (KruQcr, John Neilson, Jr., fHariitus £!L?tIlet, James S. Rumsey, Seymour P. Funck, Samuel 3D. llo&ircvs, Clarence 3D. Saeuett, Jefferson W'ynkoop, William L. Johnson, Daniel Beuritt, John Lloyd, JOTilltam ifttitcijell, Charles Jones, George Jones, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 57 Sam iic I Verplanck, Andrew Hammersley, Jr., John R. Kane. %}c\mj SL U. l)O0t, William Willet, Junius Thompson, minium lictts, Isaac Low, James Drake, Henry R. Stagg, Edwin Post, John Tiebout, Jr., P, te> A. Cowdrey, William T&. Values, George Wilkes, (Smut C5. Van WaQtnen, E lis ha S. King, William D. Craft, Isaac F. Craft, Walter E. Ilyer, James Lenox, James H. Thome, iSfcujarti jJH. Willttt, John C. Slack, Dominick de Alcala, Samuel F. Wilson, Alfred A. Weeks, George W. Dawson, Edward Winslow, Edward X. Mead, Henry B. Swords, J. Howland Coit, William Gallagher, Jr., George Abeel, Carroll Livingston, Gouverneur Kortwright, John L. Stevens, William II. Munn, Simt!) J3»ite, William D. Henderson, John C. Young, Edmund B. Elmendorf, Robert A. Robertson, James H. Titus, Edmund D. Griffon, Jfofjn 3D. €>Qtini, William A'. Williams, Alfred C. Tost, Horatio Allen, Adam D. Loyau, John M. Glover, D. C. P. Schermerhorn, George W. Tethuue. Mancitis S. Hutton, Henry /'. four., Robert Barker , James Hosaek, Adrian IT Mutter, 'Thomas W. 'Tinker, Alex. H. Patterson, Abraham J. Labagh, William //. Boyd, ?l)aimltoii JWorton, arimotfjj) 11. (Kvcrn, William A. Curtis, W r illiam F. Phyfe, Waller /Vie hols, Edward E. Mitchell, John K. Hardenbrook, Esaac E. jtWiuartor, John McKeon, Charles E. Anderson, William E. Taight, Hartsehorne Gregory, Francis M ' . Kip, Henry B. Fleming, Robert Kelly, Jr., Marius N. Graves, Alexander S. Leonard, William ft. jJHtlnor, Daniel Seymour, Abraham A. Slover, Jfofw i». fflutou, Henry W. Havens, N. Pendleton Hosaek, Henry Morris, 'Thomas A'. Mint urn, Samuel Spring, Edward Spring, Robert W. Harris, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Henry A. Dubois, Joint Murray Forbes, 1 [enry Onderdonk, James M. Quin, Hamilton fJPtsi), Robert Admin, Jr., Laughton Osborne, Thomas H. Barker, les Rhind, J>., Charles McFarland, Robert C. Sands, Theodore A. Swords, Benjamin I. Haigkt, Cornelius Dubois, Jr. , George Cat/in, William Walton, Joel B. Post, Robert B. J 'an Kleeck, U.irullai Slossou, Lewis Thibou, Henry J. Morton, J. Trumbull Backus, Jofjn 3D. OQtlui), $. SI. Scijrrmrrjjorn, George F. Allen, John D. Van Beuren, 1'. Dunscomb, 2Tfjoma0 22. $Sl. Mareh, William A. Jones, Henry McViekar, C. L. M. Evangelis, Charles ALUs, George William Fash, NnUjautelffffii.crijittrnDnT, John Ireland Tueker, A. S. Witherspoon, Jesse A. Spencer, Richard H. Douglass, * Frederick Anthon, John Hone, Henry Hall Ward, Francis M. Ward, <£. Scmjjlctou .StrcmG, D. B. McCartee, /. Wallace Collet, Henry I'. Fessenden, Charles B. Freeman, Samuel II. Whitloek, Charles K. Shea, George C, Anthon, Ebenezer B. Rogers, .Jfoljn ittnsoii Unov. Charles Spear, Maneer M. Backus, Samuel Blatchford, William Edward Snowden, James Witherspoon, Alfred Met son lotttrel, Samuel Douglas, Anthony Hals.'. , (>., UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. William />'. Moffat, A. Posl Campbell, Thomas I'. M ilnei , E©ortJj(njjton liom.itnr, John N. Chester, Frederick A. Hallett, Benjamin R. Smil h, Benjamin Romaine, |ohn S. ( iascoigne, Philip Hone, Edward S. Renv ick, John P. Match, ) mat V. jFotoler, John l arey, Jr., James II . Fowler, William A'. Trav, , .■?l.unrs ?i>. iU.i'.on 7; not, John II. Mortimer, William W. Smith, Benjamin '/'. ffissam, Daniel II. Beadel, Peter \. Jay, Jr., 4J. ilrmsfH SiroiiQ, Edward . tnthony, Edward Simpson, fames K ip A.nderson, rhomas F. Griffing, fones Rodg Jacob B. Jew in, Laroeque, Benjamin C. Leveridg David s. Coddington, John R. Ruggles, Shapter, Jr., li. ID. V.m 1 OOIIII'.. . ii . Qua, : nbos, Wm. Ward Duffield, Robert ( >. I (oremus, Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, Thomas 1 [arison, 1 r., Bflttlltgm JJ. Ulariuurll, William II. Ebbets, < teorge W. Cassedj , William 11. Harison, * Ibadiah Newcombe, John II. Clarke, Roberl I .e Ro) , 1 1 ., t reorge I .. New ton, < lilberl L, Beekman. John li. Stewart, I ohn Ma ion Ferris, Elisha Nichols, ( hoen Sweeny, I . I w ard 1 1. Nel ion, 1 ;e Thomas, William Forrest, Jr., Samuel Bowden, WUJjedocft ?A>. Warmly, ( (liver Everel i Roberts, I homas Balch, Augustus Seward, Thomas B, I )ibblee, James 1 1. Phinney, Joel B. Phinnej . 1'ilw ard Cooper, Roberl Moffet, Edward I.. Chichesiei . John Rankin, | r., .Silas EWeiV lloosrucll, afiratn S.i \ M ii' 1 »RD. 6] Leonard P. Miller, c".ro. TDr.iprr, Pierre M. Van Wyck, Samuel Thoma i Jone . e 1 1 <■! 1 1 j * Iross, \.n,. n B, Reid, Win. S. Ki'i nocha n, fohn I Elmendorf, II. P. W .lint Lghl , E, 1 1 . Swan, Win. I tudson, u. Willet, . 7)ol)n ffi, IDyrr, i leorge I rving, F. S. Tallmadge, S. K. Stanton, i ii.nlr . s. McK night, Elisha Riggs, J i . , (,'. Mortimer Belden, /:, . . rly R. Betts, <;. T. Ellet, Elisha Ki^K s - 1 1. mi j i Inderdonk, Benj, A. lerdonk, Francis 1 1< |ues, Ch irles B. Hoffman, Philip Rogers, Upton 1 1 . Pearce, Edward < ! met, • reOl g< K li>'s, E. I'. Dennis, W. J. Lane, Jr., \ I . Sackett, P, Roosevell fohnson, Roberl ( lockroft, / , froy Ravenhill, Chas. J. Walton, .TiofirnO WS, lij.unrr, 4). OTUsoii titotrsn&rr, I .. Howard Newman, 8Tj)O0, JJ. St. .TJofjn, i ','/ a, litti R, , ignew, Joseph I arot que, John Edson, I r., //. />,<: ii.iiiii, i , I r\\ i . p, Merle, \ ii ..i i i: i, inn ii,.!. John Pi >"/>< i /en, I I mi y W, Johnson, \\ in. |. Frost, EdW. A. Shrlil, ,n, c. C. Fli i i. /■ . /;. Miner, Willi. mi A ,i,,i, Edward I ,eavenw orth, C. Z, King, ??!'in, 12, anntl.iQC, William C. Pell, Edward F, Tra> i , Charles E. Tuthill, William II. Terry , Edwin Allaire, Lewis Mori is, />. Portet Lord, Win. .1. Harden i David II. Naylor, ;?)o0n Tcnior 7>.>nm», /■ rskine M. Rodman, fohn l .. Tap] ian, Walter A'. Jones , \. M . John I''. Echalaz, William Mot row fCnoA , E. K . Slu i wood, Matthew M. Blunt, John Shnnlv, Jr., A i 1 1 1 : i ml ( inisin, i harles A. Sheppard, Quenl in M . Thui in , John W. Harpi r, | < >h 1 1 A . Hows, CT;ro. ?T. JDriturll, ( 'has. De Gray Mount, <;. II. Hinton, Ch irles k ino, John F. I luni, J. II. Pell, James M. Morris, James A'. Smedb, < reorge K neeland, 62 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Eugene Thorn, JosrpJj W. ?Barper, Jr., Irving W. Clark, <£. Van fSLlltn Stirtrrson, Edward W. Laight, Richard F. Stevens, gliomas jfttc€nrti>, Frederick A. Ilackley, Edward F. Paulding, Daniel limb toy, Jr., William Allen Johnson, Elias G. Drake, Jr. , Win. Betts, Jr., Albert W. Hale, Charles L. Bogert, Delancy W. Knevils, Henry C. Marvin, Laurens Hamilton, 11. 11. Messenger, John Bennam, Jr., ( lharles S. Pomeroy, Wm. Emerson, Jr., John V. Lewis, •1'. P. McElrath, 88Tm. ffi. JJrarviiiQtou, A. W. Pell, 5^cvurit U. (Turner, Marvin K. Vincent, Abraham S. Jackson, |. S. Merriam, N. C. Hart, Abraham J. Dittenhoefer, Charles W. Torrey, |anies Ray, William G. Ulshoeffer, J. A. Kernochan, L. K. Ely, J. W. Timpson, Geo. A. Ostrander, Joiju jjrrnuris OTnlton, . 63 Gilbert R. Lindsay, Jr., Stcplien H. Tyng, Jr., Henry Keteltas, Gerrit Hubert Van Wagenen, George G. Haven, George L. Kingsland, Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr., 7Dcnri» OT. (fTooprr, R, R. Stuyvesant, A. H. Baldwin, Philip W. Holmes, Daniel S. Duval I, Edward H. Anderson, Henry E. Davies, Jr., Marshall S. Hid well, Jr., Francis C. Wainwright, Thomas F. Timor, Abner Mellon, Jr., Benjamin Pell, James IV. A'omevu, William L. Jones, William T. Sabine, Richard S. McCulloh, James Frederick Moore, Euge ue Dubois, Augustus F. King, ■Stcnljru 11. llruiiol&s, George Waddington, Francis Osborn Dawson, Howard Clarkson, Herbert Kettell, Walter L. Clarkson, James S. Satterthwaite, L. Gardner Hopkins, yoseph Augustus Slipper, Thomas L. Ogden, Henry I. Schmidt, Edward L. Greenwood, Y . W. Green, William L. Raymond, William Fellowes, |r., James 11. jfttauln>, Samuel IV, Francis, L. Christie, George W. Maynard, J. B. Carter, Stephen Hague Turnbull, Sidney S. 1 lonop, William M. Van Wagenen, Joseph Greenleaf, Jr., Richard C. Ray, William H. Caswell, Samuel 1$. WavK, Edgar M. Cullen, Henry J. Cullen, Jr., William A. Boyd, William A. Rice. Htastus IS. IVliDD, Edgar L. Tooker, Thomas H. Messenger, Francis Lieber, Charles Davies, Charles Mi rray Nairne, Charles a. Joy, William G. Peck, James Benkard, Jr., yoseph M. Turner, Irving Grinnell, Albert B. Whitney, Sturafjam Sun&am, Charles Ames Spencer, E. Treadwell Hustace, Edward N. Whitehouse, Henry Bruen Whitehouse, Robert Goelet, Jr., E. M. Pell, Charles W. Ogden, BffiUliam .a. ©. Jlegman, J. Howard Van Amringe, Edward R. Atwill, William H. Crosby, C. F. Eagle, E. Walter West, George Lansing Taylor, Hairy A. Schermerhorn, Albert McNulty, Jr., Rockwood McQuesten, Thomas Henry Still, Edward Mitchell, Cornelius 15. Mitchell, 6 4 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Gratz Nathan, John M. Adams, G. W. Joy, F. Rockwell, Charles S. Knox, L. P. Walton, Henry Dudley, R. W. Howes, Jr., Charles B. Rice, W. Meikleham, Francis Babcock, Marinus Willet, Jr., J. B. Kissam, William P. Hillyer, F. Thayer, J. N. Low, Thomas T. Sabine, Cortlandt Irving, F. Fallerbury, Jr., J. Ackerman Coles, Willard P. Ward, Abraham Van Santvoord, Gerardus Post, S. M. Cooke, W. G. Lathrop, Jr., H. R. Bee km a n y Jojjn Jtf . JiKffrniau, Joijn W, aSrcftman, W. N. McVickar, J. Lyman Price, Arthur B. Ross, Seymour Van Nostrand, William M. Imbrie, Arthur P. Sturges, Roderick B. Seymour, Frank F. Wilson, Isaac Van Winkle, William B. Bolmer, H. R. McElligatt, Julini E. 30ai)tcs, II. V. W. Tucker, y. M. Wayne, William A. Vandervoort, W. P. Douglass, F. W. Stevens, Alfred C. Clark, Willard Parkrr, Jr., Daniel Lord, Jr., George Putnam Smith, Edward H. Nicoll, W. R. Fisher, W. A. Hooker, James Murray, Nathan R. Carter, William S. Hoyt, J. O. Fowler, Jr., W. PL Butterworth, H. L. Huston, Geo. H. Owen, Lawrence Loot, Geo. W. Ferguson, H. A. Whiting, W. B. Walker, Lenox Smith, Giraud Graham, Theodore L. Smith, Walston H. Browne, Henry D. Lloyd, Philip Tillinghast, Jr., John H. Caswell, Henry D. Heyward, Hobart Lewis, William I. Thomson, James McNamee, N. A. Conger, Samuel A; Blatchford, R. A. Witthaus, Jr., James Baker, Jr., Louis E. Binsse, James M. Bruce, A. L. Foster, J. Henry Work, Campbell Mortimer, A. Ernest Vanderpoel, Edgar Fawcett, H. Croswell Tuttle, C. E. Ogden, Geo. B. Johnson, Nicholas jFtsfj, Martin Van Buren, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 65 J. F. Wissman, F. M. Blossom, Alfred H. Beach, F. G. Conkling, C. M. Hyde, John A. King, Jr., C. H. Burtis, T. V. Hecker, Graham Youngs, Stewart Church, . Theodore Voorhees, H. Craig Fitz Randolph, Jndian James, D. N. Sanders, Jr., Geo. B. De Forest, Dennistoun Wood, Theodore McNamee, $. <&. JtRffrrnau, OTtMam 13. iFoulfec, Henry C. Mortimer, John A. Smedberg, W. J. M. Sloane, Lucius K. Wilmerding, William M. Geer, Hal Allaire, Robert H. Hunt, F. B. Hunt, OTUlartr Bartletr, Henry W. Holden, Fred. A. Browne, Andrew J. Gilhooly, Elmslie M. Gillett, Joseph B. Halsey, William Mitchell, Jr., Henry C. .Mortimer, Geo. L. Rives, Geo. N. Sanders, Jr., Arthur Sloan, Charles G. Adams, Evelyn Bartow, Robert Lenox Belknap, Jacob Bininger, John J. A. Bristed, William A. Ducr, Hamilton Fish. Jr., Ed. B. Hallock, William D. Hooper, R. Henry Hunt, Henry M. Jones, Shipley Jones, Herman Kobbe, John H Livingston, Charles A. Peabody, Samuel A. Purdy, Frank N. Shepard, Edward B. Smith, Henry C. St urges, Edward Tillow, Edward F. Weeks, Thenford Woodhull, Isaac B. Barrett, Sofjtt Cropper,* Albert L. Gallatin, William E. Gillhooly, Edmond Kelly, Franklin B. Lord, R. S. Morison, B. F. Shepard, Frank D. Sturges, Frederick Bronson, Jr., ©larrnce 3£t. (Eoitgcr, Stuyvesant Fish, Abram E. Gwynne, Lewis C. Ledyard, John W. Russell, Henry M. Smyth, J. Cunningham Watt, Robert Barbour, J. Herrick Henry, y. Brander Matthews, Mowbray Saul, Robert Waller, Jr., Aug. W. Whiton, G. Francis Work, Gurdon S. Buck, liofiert &ritottr, jFrc&mcfc SL iSrotonc, Frederick B. Carter, Robert R. Hamilton, E. Fermor Hall, 66 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. William B. Kemp, J. Murray Livingston, John H. Maghee, Frederick P. Marshall, William H. Pearson, Francis R. Rives, Jr., John R. Strong, George M. Tibbits, Isaac Townsend, Edmund G. R. Trimble, H. Duncan Wood, 1 laliburton Fales, Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., Sperry Howardsmith, John K. P\'ees, Henry E. Woodward, Frederick R. Hutton, Harold M. Smith, Gilbert M. Spier, Jr., [saac L. Strebeigh, David Thompson, James M. Waterbury, Jr., (Kcovqc "N. WSSilliMttBOii, James B. Murray, Robert F. Cutting, Henry R. Marshall, Silas M. Stillwell, Jr., Spencer Aldrich, Jose Aymar, T. Matlack Cheesman, Robert C. Cornell, Henry G. MacKenzie, Joseph D. Morgan, Edward S. Rapallo, S. Albert Re, d, Benjamin A. Sands, Sutherland Tenney, C. C. Edgerton, « Ludlow Og,le>i, Casimir De R. Moore, Bache McE. Whitlock, G. T. Butterworth, John II. Foster, S. E. Heasley, (Kcorsr . Fowler, fames C. Gai rison, M.D., Robert Gilcrist, A. P. Halstead, Peter F. Eiunn, Jacob Leroy, Horatio G. 1 v\\ 1-, John McDonald, Benjamin Moore, An... Neal, D.D., Waldron B. Post, Paschal N. Strong, S. PP. •James Stoughton, ♦Charles Watts, Nicholas L. Waring, Peter Van Zandt, Gregory T. Bedell, S.T.D. Jacobus Dyckman, M.D., I G. Ferris, (.'has. G. Ferris, Richard Freeke, David 11. Fraser. M.P.. William Hogan, ♦Peter V. B. 1 i\ ingston, J. R. Rhinelander. M.P.. * Albert Ammermann, Olix er Baldwin, ♦Matthias Bruen, Jr., Alexander Puer, I'NPRRGR inr \ l I RKCORV) 6 9 I indlej M. Hoffman, 1 1 [oilman, Ben jamin R. Kissam, M . 1 >, William Keteltas, Augustine N, I awi ence, Edward McVickar, Philip K. I aw rence, 1 lornelius F. 1 ow , *J . A. Robertson, "Matt. C, Patterson, John \. Sidell, John Sw nrtwout, Peter s. Tow nsend, M. I >., William Bailey, John B. Beck, M.D., 1 reoi ge \\ . Bruen, Richard F. Cadle, * rhomas I , Da\ ies, Robert Hyslop, Edw ard K ing, 'l'lu nn. is ( '. Mitchell, Thomas 1 '. M urraj , •N. ( rreene Pendleton, •Roberl Raj . Alex. 1 1. Robertson, •Hugh Smith, S.T.D., John Varick, •( lornelius I >a> is, Ben i.imin 1 1 ilton, I'll. nlrs Anllion, "'James W, Berrian. Archibald 1 iracie, Jr., Willi. nn I ronside, Francis Morton, •Roberl C. Sands, Robert Seney, J. inns s. Watkins, M.D., *Abel T. Anderson, James Brown, David C. Colden, •James W. Eastburn, Isaac Ferris, S.T.D., \ Icholas 1 ow, John E. Mowatt, John J. Robertson, S.T. I >., * rhomas M. Strong, S.T.D. V'li MM Vanderveer, M.D., J. inn's i'. !■•. ( llarke, John l>. Campbell, Isaac Fisher, •Manton Eastburn, S. P.D., John I rregg, 1 ), Phoenix [ngraham, William 1 ow ei re, Edmund Ludlow, Richard Raj . Edw .ml \. Rogers, Richard \ . 1 ley, •Peter Forrester, M.D., Frederic Fairlie, Robei 1 Gracie, I .inns 1 ,enox, John ( I'Blenis, William Stale) . Abraham D. Wilson, M.D., *< tabi nl P. I lisosw aj . •Petei Dykers, M.D., Edward P. Heyer, •1 loin v J. 1 owerre, Charles Jones, Edward Renville, •James 1 1. Roosevelt, George J. Rogers, Richard I ,. Schieffelin, •John L. Suckley, Richard Wj nkoop, Henry Waddell, William Whet tan, Alexander W yckoff, Edmund I >. Bai 1 j , •John B. Bleeker, Joseph 11. Coit, S.T.D., Cornelius R, I tisosway , William Ireland, Samuel R. Johnson, S.T, I ). , I I fin \ I aw 1 ence, •Philip E. Milledoler, M.D., Jot,,, F. Mitchell, Archibald (!. Rogers, John K. Tow nsend, 7° UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. *Rutsen Suckley, Jefferson Wynkoop, ♦William B. Barnes, William Forsj th, Geo. U. Fisher, S. [\D., Win. N. Gibert, Pierre M. Irving, ♦William Inglis, ♦Isaac 1 ow, facob W. Morris, William 11. Muun, Stephen 1 1. Meeker, Robert Shaw, John C. Slack. Chas. E. Slagg, Peter Stagg, Henry J. Whitehouse, S.T.D., John M. Glover, M.D., Edwin Holt, N. Gouverneur Kortright, Adrian H. Mullcr, Alexander 1 1. 1'atterson, John L. Stevens, Thomas W. Tucker, William R. Williams, S.T.D., Alfred Wagstaff, M.D., ♦Edward M.Clarke, Edmund P. Elmendorf, John B. Foulke, Atlolplms N. Gouverneur, Henry A. 1 lever, John A. Hicks, S.T.D., ♦William L. Keese, William W. Lamb, William A. Lawrence, Jonathan Lawrence, Andrew K. Robertson, ♦Chas. J. Smith, Alexander M. Burrill, James Cornell, Edward C. Crary, ♦Wm. Duer, James T. Gibert, M.D.. Daj ton Hobart, William 11. Hobart, M. IX, Pierre P. Irving, George W. Johnson, Alexander Robertson, M.D. William II . Lupp, *Elias J. Marsh, M.D., N. O. Ogden, Henrj Perkins, M.D., ♦Benjamin Aycrigg, Benjamin Drake, W. 11. Ellett, James A. M. Gardner, M.D. Jacob Warren, M.D., Anthony L. Robertson. John F. Smith, Oliver S. Strong, ♦William Wilson, M.D., Peter Wilson, William A. Clarke, M.D. . *James M. Cummin gs, John W. Hammersley, Gabriel F. Irving, *Thomas II. Merry, Jr., ♦G. N. Nelson, D. Phoenix Riker, Beverly Robinson, Jr., ♦William H. Roosevelt. Thomas Swords, Jr., Harris Wilson, G. H. Van Wagenen.Jr., Jacob S. Raker, 1 [enry N. Brush, Edward B. Eastburn, J. H. Hobart Haws, William C. Hey ward, George C. Hoffman, John C.Jay, M.D., Alfred Ludlow, Jonathan Nathan, Samuel Penny, Jr., Minturn Post, M.D., Henry Rogers, Jr., fohn Schermerhorn, ♦Daniel C. Taylor, Joseph C. Wallace. ♦Jonas Butler, I NDERGRADUATE RECORD. 71 Thomas T. Devan, Robert Goelet, ♦Ogden Haggerty, Henry S. Hoyt, Mortimer Livingston, Austin 1.. S. Main, M.D., John A. Morrill, Henry Nicoll, *J. L. Vandervort, M.D., Alexander R. Walsh, Richard Whiley.Jr., Martin R. Zabriskie, Theodore A. Bailey, fames Heyward, M.D., Samuel Ogden, Thomas \V. Ogden, Chariot R. Swords, Washington Coster, ♦Robert L. Cutting, John Delafield, Jr., Benj. T. Ferguson, Nicholas C. Heyward, John T. Kneeland, M.D., Henry Ledyard, Fdw ard Jones, M.D., B. Franklin Miller, ♦Henry C. Murphy, Geo. L. Schuyler. (Record for 1831 lost.) Henry T. Anthony, Walter T. Avery, I. Henry Bell, 1 [oratio Bogert, Wm. L. Boyd, George Carvill, John Chr) -lie, Daniel G. F. Fanshaw, Alexander C. Hillman, Philip 1.. Jones, M.D., Frederic W. Miller, James A. Ostrom, Henry J. Ruggles, Wm. C. Russell. Gardiner Spring, John E. Stillwell, M.D., Frederic Townsend, ♦Russel N. Townsend, Philip W. Thomas, William S. Verplanck, t'.eo. W. Wright, roseph Adreson, John F. Delaplaine, Jr., Pierre C. De Peyster, Edward A. Duer, John M. Gelst< n, Philip Kearney, Jr., S. Bard McVickar, ♦James W. Metcalf, M.D., Allied Ogden, Francis 1 . Ogden, ♦Gouverneur M. Ogden, Henry B. Renwick, Wm. R. Renwick, Bruce Schermerhora, |. o. Smedberg, Robert Spencer, Alfred Storer, ♦Ab'm G.Thompson, Jr.,M.D. A. Post Bayley, William Dennis, William M. Gillespie, John S. Heard, M.D., Bronson Murray, 11. C. He Rhani, Jr., ♦Robert S. Swords, Floyd Windsor, Edward He Witt, ♦James A. M. Gardiner, Thomas B. Gilford, Andrew S. Hamersley, Joshua E. Jones, Jolm S. Lawrence, Joseph Melntyre, John C. White, William 11. Wilson, Christian Zabriskie, Jr., Newbold Edgar, J. Henry Hobart, S.T.D., John Jay, F Wilmot Johnson, 72 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Edward H. Laight, Henry McVickar, James Renwick, Jr., Charles M. Seymour, T. Byrnes Wood, Samuel Blatchford, John W. Clark, John K. Duer, William H. Leggett, Daniel McL. Quackenquier, George S. Van Cleef, Jeremiah La Rocque, William R. Travers, John S. Anderson, Charles E. Anthon, George C. Anthon, John J. Astor, Jr., Edward R. Bell, James C. R. Brown, John E. Burrill, Jr., Frederic A. Cairns, A. P. Campbeli, George J. Cornell, William M. Cooke, John W. De Peyster, Henry Drisler, Jr., Richard S. Emmet, Charles Ingersoll, Daniel D. Lord, ♦Joseph R. Mann, John Pirnie, Jr.. Peter B. Pirnie, Robert L. Tillotson, James W. Walsh, James L. White, *Gerard S. Boyse, J. Farley Clark, Ogden Hoffman, Jr., Lydig M. Hoyt, ♦Alfred G. Jones, Robert L. Kennedy, Edward H. Lawrence, *Levi A. Lockwood, ♦John M. Mason, Alonzo C. Monson, Jotham Post, M.D., Ellis Potter, Jr., Samuel D. Rogers, William C. Schermerhorn, Joseph K. Stearns, Joshua F. Worth, George W. Colloid, Frederic Cunningham, Cornelius R. Duffle, S.T.D. Henry B. Elliot, James Emott, Jr., William Kemble, Jr., Robert Leroy, Jr., Israel Moses, M.D., William Nicoll, George M. Root, John E. Swords, ♦John J. Townsend, Francis Whiley, James Campbell, Charles Carow, Frederick Frye, Henry C. Goodhue, Robert Jaffray, Jr., Richard M. Lawrence, Jr., William P. Lee, L. K. Miller. Clement Moore, ♦Robert M. Olyphant, Edward F. Potter, N. P. Rogers, George Sharp, John B. Stevens, William P. Stewart, P. H. Anthon, Benjamin N. Aymar, Abraham S. Brower, ♦Thomas C. T. Buckley, William E. Bunker, W. F. Chrystie, L. G. Coles, John W. Dana, M.D., A.V. II. Ellis, Benjamin H. Franklin, Albert Gallatin, Tr., UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 73 *James W. Gerard, Jr., Joseph W. Harper, Charles H. Hoyt, Edward Johnson, William B. Lawrence, Jr., ♦Edward Z. Lewis, William R. Morgan, Horatio Nelson, John C. Philip, M.D., H. Pirnie, Theodore Pomeroy, V. Quillard, Zebedee Ring, John H. Ross, M.D., Mason M. Smith, S.T.D., John B. Stevens, Cornelius Van Vorst, Jr., Clement W. Alburtis, Benjamin G. Burrill, Robert B. Campbell, J. P. Girard Poster, ♦Samuel Hollingsworth.S.T.D. N. Bergasse Labau, Charles W. Lawrence, Edward McGee, William B. Minturn, M.D., A. C. Morrill, Peter M. Pirnie, ♦Edward H. Swan, Otto W. E. Van Tuyl, M.D., C. W. Whiley, M.D., George T. Elliot, Jr., M.D.. George Irving, J. W. Leavitt, Jr., F. S. Tallmadge, R. S. Carden Abbott, Arthur Bronson, Jr., Elias G. Brown, John G. Kane, Jeremiah Loder, ♦Frederick Nash, M.D., William W. Olssen, S.T.D., Cornelius D. Blake, J. H. Bolton, George W. Bruce, Henry P. Campbell, ]. Winthrop Chanler, Wilhemus B. Conger, Lyman D. Demaray, ♦Carroll Dunham, M.D., James L. Dunham, Robert Holden, J. Stearns Lane, Theodore F. Levis, Isaac Lawrence, William S. Ludlum, M.D., John J. McLaren, Clarence G. Mitchell, Timothy G. Mitchell, John Monneypenny,Jr.,M.D. Matthew Morgan, R. Nathan, John Neilson, Frederic W. Rhinelander, Joseph K. Riggs, I. Leander Townsend, Robert Travis, Jr., ♦Francis Van Rensselaer, Theodore B. Bronson, ♦Horace W. Carpenter, Jefferson Coddington, Ralph L. Cook, ♦Richard M. De Mille, ♦Morgan Dix, S.T.D., ♦George C. Farrer, P. Leslie Irving, Levi M. Kellogg, ♦John Lockwood, Jr., Columbus B. Rogers, Otis D. Swan, Isaac Van Winkle, Benjamin C. Wetmore, Joseph M. White, Charles H. Brown, Churchill J. Camberling, Baldwin Dix, ♦George L. Freeman, M.D., Charles E. Rhinelander, John D. Skidmore, Prosper M. Wetmore, Jr., 74 UNDERGRADU \ n< RECORD, I Liny ( '. Babcock, : i g( G. I'o nni, M ilcolm ( lampbell, Galen A. Carter, James Colles, A. F. Cushman, Edwin W. Edwaeds, William 11. Elliot, John W. McGrath, A. B. Neilson, William Neilson, F. L, Purroj , Joseph Sands, ( teorge M. Smith, John E. < ' Smedes, Evan T, Walkei , r. Westervelt, ♦John 11. Anthon, R, T. Auehniuly, ( leoi ge Bi ooks, I acob B. Brown, Stew art 1 1. Brown, William Camac, James S. Clark, Charles A * look, \\ i 11 lam T. Cornell, William Cutting, ♦James De Km en, S.T, 1 >., ♦John 1 >e Ku\ ter, J r., 1 egh R. 1 Dickinson, Will. am 11. Draper, M.D., i leorge Enninger, John T. Hall, Edward S. Hoffman, M.D., F. \. 1 aw rence, \ F. Ludlum, James M. Pendleton, James Sandford, t reorge A. Seaman, \. 11. Thurston, M.D., i !ornelius Vanderbilt, J r., ♦Charles 11. Ward, William G. Ward. James R. Welling, Merrill 11. Wellman, D. Aug. Wright, F. Banks, John Beckwith, C. Milford Blatchford, | . F. I telaplaine Coi aell, Ansel \. Kellogg, 1 ,ea I iuquer, Edward Mayo, A. B, McDonald, Samuel L. Mitchell, Jr., Washington R. Nichols, I lenry A. Tailei , John E. Taylor, Lewis Taylor, William E. Thorn, Eustace rrenor, M.D., John Trenor, I r., M.D., Richard 1 1. Tucker, B. Cutting, George W. Mean, 1. J. Greenwood, J r., Regmal 1 1. Smith, St. Clair Smith, *A. s. Van Du A. R. Chisolm, Carleton M. 1 [errick, EliasJ. Marsh, M.D., Charles E. Morgan, M. 1 >. ♦Orlando 1 1. Moi ris, J. C. Parker, Jr., G. V. Pomeroy, Jr., Edgar P. Smith, Benjamin Strong, i ',. Thomson, J. C. Trippe, Stewart I.. \\ oodford, J. R. 1 Eosmer, David B. Miller, M.D., 1". S. Babcock, Charles Bar r ell, Samuel J. Ulaekwell, 1 lenry J. Cam man, ♦Whittingham Cox, R. L. Cutting, W. | ones Fuller, I \in RGR \i»i : \ I I RECORD. 75 •William R. Hyslop, 1 [ei mon F. I ee, Joseph Meeks, Chai les I". Russell, William J. Seabury, A. Sidney Sloane, Morgan I . S. Brown, Elbridge T. (Jerry, ( reorge B, ( rriffin, James I ten ick, 1 ,ouis Johnson, Edwai d II. Ludlow, W. II. Martin, M.D., w. ( '.ny Masset, Mytton Maury, s.'l'.l >., •| [< n!\ B. Nott, •Daniel S. Tuttle, S. ID., Frank W. Waldo, ♦Jacob A. ( ieissenhainer, 1 1 1 1 1 1 y C. Kinney, William J. Marrin, Thomas F. Thatcher, Gilbert Patten, E. F. Browning, I [enry F. Cushman , Walter Easton, C. De P. Field, E. T. Hustace, C. \. Jackson, Jr., William Jay, | i . , James P. Lacombe, William Lummis, John E. Mc< llintock, B ranklin Miller, Henry W. Miller, G. M. Tooker, Robert B \ an Kli eck, [r., Robei i P. B E. A. I lurry, SamiH l K. Lyon, M. I >., E. II. Pomeroy, ♦Langdon I Ireenwood, Edward Mitchell, R, L. Moiris, Edward L. Tookei , R. Travers, Stephen 1 1 . I'm nbull, Prescott Ward, John T. Bui r, N. Ellsworth ( lornwall, J r., F. Foster, Cornelius B. Mitchell, John F. B. Mitchell, Samuel H. Rodman, F. C. 1\ Beck, Peter A. Jay, l >a\ id W . Alexander, ( ierard Beekman, Thomas B. Brow n Charles S. Bull, MiD .. John T. Butterworth, I Inn j B. < "I nwall, Edmund 1 »• Davidson, Theodore F. C. Demarest, II. Duyckinck, I >uane S. Everson, I I • 1 1 1 > Floy, Thomas H. Harmer, Frederick W. Jack ion, I . Baylej I .aw rence, I [oward ( >sterhoudt, Albert E. Valentine, M.D., II. C. Beadel, Henry Beadel, Jr., A. F, Berrian, Archibald M.Campbell.M.D. ♦Thomas C. Campbell, * w . E. Cornell, |. Hookei Hamersley, George (l. Kip, Randolph B. Man ine, I). S. Miller, Frederick Prime, J r., John E. Swezey, Edward II. Van Winkle, John V. Wheeler, Augustus F. I >elafield, Clarenci I I mbury, Moses 1 ». Getty, Robert Hay, 7'- i mm ki.u \iu VT1 RttCOKI Ralph W, Booth, Charles R, Hone, G. E, Harding, Ernesl Melliss, ( leo, w ( Ii.hiiu i j . Win. Si ii.ii i Duval, Roberl P, Byrd, w I Powe, E, s. Fearing, John J, raylor, Joseph J, Casej Edward ( '. I lough ton, <;. II. Johnson, Edward V\ . Malloy, lllgUStUS ( M i'i 1 1. mi. Frank A Mullany, Wilh. in i B, Potter, * . Robinson, Wilh. mi i'. Smallej . foseph II Anderson, Henrj v V\ . Barclay, Walton r. Pell, Jacques a. Bei nheimei . George ( i, I >e w itt, Jr., i reorge I >uj ekin< k, Chai tes Jei negan, Edw m | . Valcnl ine, F * ! w hitmon . John w. s. Arnold, M.D., w ilium r. Beck, * James M Brad] . 1 ■ •.>• II Coui sen, William D. Mills, I \ McDonald, I m McCarthey, I hi.nw 1 . Peabody, N'liti Stev .ml. j,., James P Swain, fr., rhomas \. Cuthbert, *\\ . u.i\ .ii.i i Cutting, Charles K. Frank, Willi. mi Iselin, David Stewart, It.. Felix Vdler, w nlden r. Andei son, Richard Berrian, rowson < !aldwell, George H. Dibblee, * r, C, E, Ecclesine, Willi. mi Fanning, 1 1 . At iliur I ngraham, i ii orge l . Peabod) . M . Spencei s. Roche, G. s. Scofi< Id, fi . 1 kerning l ; . Smith, William v Webb, W llll.lUl II. V \>ll,>\ >■! . Edward B, Hilton, Richard B, Kelly, James Otis Morse, Jr., lKiiix Munsell, Benjamin F, Rom iin< . Wilh. mi II. Sage, Albert Seesel, t )cai s. Strauss, Georgt w. Ward, Sidnej ( i. Ashmore, Edraond McCaffil, Valentine M>>tt. M.D., W illi.nn I . Mm pliv, *Roberl H. w ilkinson, Willi. nn 1 1. Geissenhaii i reorge S. I [artson, K. i. '. I n ingston, Alfred P Mead, Promas ( •. Rignej . Otis Field, Henrj A. Mott, Jr., Samuel C. M, 0) pen, w . \ Smith, *Mai thorough * Ihurchil William P, Allen, Francis S. Bangs, Charles DeH Brower, Benjamin F. * ui tis, Charles F. Roily, Jr., Edv .u,i w . I [opkins, *Ralph W . K,'ii\ on, •Edward a. i ow, [i . lames W Prvor, I NnKKi'.RAlH'A IK KI'.CoKI). 77 Jefferson Seligman, Egbert C, Simonson, Joseph W. Spalding, •Frederic S, Barnum, * rheodore B. Foster, William Hallock, Emil Joseph, \v. A. Kellogg, Solomon J. Ohart, Herberl I>. Pettit, Edwin R. A. Seligman, Leon N. Adler, George 1". Blackwell, Edgar S. Blunt, Pelham St. G. Bissell, John W. 1'. Carlisle, William C, Chamberlain, I low aid Coghill, Herman P. Gerbert, William 11. Hubbard, Charles II. Johnson, William G. Le Boutillier, Milton 1'',. Lehman, •Henry S. May, Henry Mihalovitch, Ross Miller. Clias. 1.. Morganstern, Frank F. Nadal, Charles A. O'Neill, William 1.. Uohl>, Claudius M. Roome, William 1 1. Roome, In^lis Stuart, Richard A. Anthony, 1 ueius 1 1. Rcers, Joseph t >. Crane, Arthur W. Cabot, William (' . Pemorest, William A. Dunning, James ('. Egbert, Jr., William Forster, Richard J. II. Gotthiel, Henrj M. I. add, •Charles E. Manierre, •Reginald 1 1 . Sayre, J. Lewis Smith, Jr., ( reorge 1 1. Sullivan, Paul E. Tieman, I lowanl McDougall, F. Benedict 1 terzog, Robert Ai row smith, Seymour Bookman, N. Murray Rut lei, Robert S. Carlin, 1 .. Girard Romaine, John s. Ward, Jr., Newell B. Woodworth, I "liu k. Bangs, l'dw in 1 [erzog, Edwin R. I [olden, Francis E. Laimbeer, John Laimbeer, J r., Edward 1'. 1 yon, Allied L. Maniei te. Francis L. II. Pott, Robert Sew ell, J r., Sydney A. Smith, Frederic B. White, Nelson R. White, ( reorge l'>. French, i reorge A. 1 [olden, Augustus L. ('. Smith. William II. Wetmore, Samuel C, Van Dusen. 78 UNDERGRADt v it RECORD. BARNARD LITERARY ASSOCIATION OF COLL MBIA COLLEGE, | Founded 1877. | '83, Frank Arnold, '8l, John C. Baker, '8 1. foseph E. Baker, 8 1, Harry F. Barrell, '8a, Edmund Benjamin, '83, I. rhomas Joseph Bird, George I'. Blackwell, '8o, 1 ouis I . Boury, '83, Edward M. Cameron, '8 1. fames Carter, '8a, James V. Chalmers, '84, Bertrand Clovei . Jr., '81, fames P. Cono^ ei . '80, Samuel V. Constant, '80, I isepli l'. Crow ell, '78, I tolbrook Cushman, '78, \\ illinm s. Day, '84, Arthur Dwight, '8 1. Ferguson, '83, Halstead II. Frost, '83, I. Gillies, B 1, |i>lm K. i iore, '83, 1 [enry E. Gregorj . Alfred Gudeman, '83, w atei s. Hallett, '>.;. Frank S. Halsey, '8a, rheodore \\ . 1 [arris, '84, I [asbrouck Ha\ iland, '8 \, w illiam 1 . Ha en, '83, James Heard, Jr., 'Si. Charles F. Hurlburt, '78, \ iham \ W. J ackson, '83, 1 andreth 11. King, '80, Hai i\ O. 1 acey, '70. I. Albert 1 ocke, )\., '80, William K. 1 owerj , '8a, Charles M . 1 am, 'Si. David S. M.u-l.i\ , '8a, Nelson k\. McCrea, 'S4. E, I. Nathan, '70, George W, Ogden, '84, Samuel D. Osborne, '70, r. \. Painter, '80, 1 ouis V Phelps, '8o, Fred. P. Philips, '80, Elbert S. Porter, '80, Michael Pupin, '8 ;. James W. Purdj , Jr., '83, Alfred P. Quimby, '83, Thomas P. Rambaut, 'Si. 1 ,ouis D. Raj . '8a, .1 1. Runk, E. B. Schmitt, '83, William W. Scrugham, '80, Alfred P. W. Seaman, '79, Samuel G. Shav . 'So. Samuel E, Stillwell, '83, Eugene l\ Stuart, 'Si, Sidney B. Stuart, - Charles V. Van Doren, '79, Ransford E. Van Gieson, ': Hugo .1 . Walther, '83, GardineC H. Waring, '80, Schuyler S. Wheeler, '83, \\ am V\ iley, '8a, Alexander I". Williams, '84, Mornay William-. '78. Scientific Societies Columbia Col/cor \ marked difference is to be noticed between the Scientific and the Literary Societies, the former having heretofore been merely temporary organizations in contrast to the very regular existences of the latter. The first authentic record of a scientific society is found in the Columbiad or Columbian, No. I, published in April, 18(14. This was known as the Chemicai Society. The establishment of the School of Minos shortly afterwards, apparently killed this, as Columbiad No. 2 merely repeats the list of officers given in No, 1, while in No. 3 no mention whatever is made of this association. The School ok Mines Laboratory Association, which appeared in 1873, short-lived as it was, can boasl oi being the lost Scientific Society in the School of Mines. In 1S75 appeared a Scientific Society of the School of Mines which lived over two years. The year 1S77 was the date of the CHEMICAL SOCH I'V OF THE SCHOOL OF Minis. April 5th, I878, On the grave Of this was formed the SCHOO] <>l Minis Chemical Society. 'This flourished, and on < )ctober 28th, 1878, a sister association was organized under the name oi the ENGINEERING Society ok rHE School of Mines. The present Chemical Society is the successor oi the one just mentioned. It is to he hoped that the publish- ing of /'//,■ Quarterly will do away with these constant reorganizations and make the present societies fixtures. As no official records of the earlier societies are in existence, the mem- bership list> have been compiled from contemporaneous college publi- cations. 8o UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. President, C. A. Joy, Ph.D. Vice-President, II. II. Nazro, A.B, Secretary, T. !'.<'. Demarest. Treasurer, E. II. Lacombe, A.B. Registrar, II. Floy. Curators, ■ L, II. Lighthipe, A. B., J. B. Lawrence, (>. Beekman. M. Brown, H. Y. Satterlee, F. Clarkson, W. M. Martin, W. P. Douglass, F. R. Van Buren, C. F. Eagle, R. E. Robinson, W. K. Fisher, J. M. Adam-,, k. C. Hall, J. N. Beekman, S. F. Holmes, I). S. Everson, P. A. Jay, M. B. Dubois, I). Marvin, Jr., T. II. Harmer, J. Murray, C. B. Rico, K. McQuesten, F. W. Stevens, G. II. Owen, W. Molt, K. Stuyvesant, M. Willed, Jr. SCHOOL OF MINES LA BORA TOR Y ASSOCIA TION. President, II. Walter Webb. Vice-President, Benj. Frank Recs. Secretary, II. Waldo. Treasurer, II. C. Bolton, Ph.D. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF TIIK SCLIOOL OF MINES. 1375. President, F, R. Hutton, '76. Vice-President, A..Y . Schneider,'76. Treasurer, F. F. Hunt, '76. Librarian, E. II. Garrison, '76. A',v. Secretary, \V. C. Ross '7(1. Cavison, Adrian ( r. Hegeman, I Ierman I [ollerith, \V. B. Kunhardt, Jos. G. Mattison, Edgar Richards, Frank Klepetko, William Elliot, Edgar 11. Booth, 'Honorary Members. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Ferd. I. G. Wiechmann, Lucius Pitkin, Albert L. Colby, E. K. Dunham, F, T. Aschman, Thomas D. O'Connor, Clement Le Boutillier, Herman T. Vulte, Henry Feuchtwanger, Albert Colman, Ferdinand Sands, Percy Neyman, \Y. T. Richmond, Arthur II. Elliott, Victor M. Braschi, E. Austin Oothout, ( has 1'. Sawyer, C. Van Vorst Powers, Charles A. Wittmack, John B. Lynch, J. Howard Wainwrfght. ENGINEERING SOCIETY SCHOOL OE MINES. ORGANIZED OCTOBER a8tt, 1878. Honorary President^ Win. I'. Trowbridge, A.M. 1879. Nathaniel L. Britton, , Leo. George Cloud, 1 larry C. Cornwall, Louis P. DeLuze, Ceorge S. Eastwick, Louis F. Haffen, 8 4 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Charles S. Harker, Herman Hollerith, Robert A. Johnston, Edward C. Koch, Thomas H. Leggett, Jr., Edwin Ludlow, Ralph E. Mayer, Hubert J. Merwin, Otis M. Munroe, J. W. K. Neftel, Charles M. Noble, W. B. S. Reed, Robert D. Rhodes. Frank P. Benjamin, Frederick I). Browning Alfred D. Churchill, Louis G. Engel, Robert O. Francke, Herman Garlichs, James L. Greenleaf, Louis M. Hooper, 1880. Frank Klepetko, Wheaton B. Kunhardt, Juan A. Navarro, Andrew McLean Parker, Ferdinand Ruttmann, Jr. George Singer, George H. Singer, Joseph Walker, Jr., Herbert A. Wheeler. Philip E. Chazal, Charles G. Curtis, Edward M. Douglas, Edward K. Dunham, William T. Griswold, William C. Hough, William P. Little, Walter M. Meserole, M. J. O'Connor, George S. Raymer, Chandler D. Starr, Thomas B. Stearns, Alfred E. Swain, I kiman T. Vulte, William F. Williams. 1882. Augustus I. Burton, Thomas P. Conant, William H. Cooper, William F. Downs, Anton F. Fmrich, Alfred J. Moses, E. Austin Oothout, William S. Page, Clarence Q. Payne, John Ii. Porter, Willard A. Shumway, William F. Staunton, Jr. Daniel B. Stearns, Nathaniel S. Stockwell, Donald B. Toucey, William S. White. Law School Societies Columbia College. These Societies have no regular continued existence, being Clubs which exist in yearly parts, as it were. Each succeeding class controls the organization for the time being, and while each Secretary keeps the list of members for his year no entire roll is in existence. The system of or- ganization is about the same in each, a Chief Justice being annually elected by the members, or appointed by the President, and in turn two Assistant Justices are appointed by the Chief Justice for each case. Thus a mem- ber from time to time acts as Judge or Lawyer. The features of these Clubs are the Annual Joint Debates presided over by Prof. Theo. W. Dwight. The Clubs have varied in number from time to time, the prin- cipal being the DWIGHT, COLUMBIA and BARNARD. ( Iwing to the nature of these organizations a complete list of mem- bers would be of no value, besides being almost impossible to obtain. It will be enough to say that about one-fourth of each class enroll them- selves, while a much smaller proportion engage in active participation. Publications BY THE UNDERGRADUATES OF Columbia College. Academic Recreations. 1815. Published by the Columbian Peitholo- gian Literary Society. This volume is styled No. I ; but there is no printed copy of any other similar publication. Address before Philolex and Peithologia, by Gulian C. Verplanck, class of 1801, on August 2d, 1830. Published by the two Societies. Address before Philolex and Peithologia, by Edward P. Livingston, class of 1796, on August 1st, 1831. Published by the two Societies. Chancellor Livingston. 1831. An address by John W. Francis, M.D., class of 1809, delivered before the Philolexian Literary Society. Published by the Society. The First Good and the First Fair. 1835. A poetical essay by Jed- ediah B. Aulcl, '35. Published by his class. Address before Philolex and Peithologia, by Rev. Edw. Y. Higbee, on February 22d, 183S. Published by the two Societies. Catalogue of Peithologia. 1838. Published by the Society. William Harris, S.T.D. 1840. Address by Benjamin I. Haight, '28, delivered before the Philolexian Literary Society on May 17th, 1840. Published by the Society. Primary Education. 1840. Address by M. Charles Paterson, '12, be- fore the Columbian Peithologian Literary Society on June 3d, 1840. Published by the Society. Catalogues of Philolex. 1842, 1847. Published by the Society. Duties and Responsibilities of the Rising Generation. 1848. Address delivered before Philolex and Peithologia by Win. Alexander Duer, LL.D., on July 24th, 1848. Published by the two Societies. Catalogue of Peithologia. 1849. Published by the Society. Annual Register of Columbia College. 1848. Published by Stephen R. Weeks. This was the first ever issued, and was sold for ten cents a copy. 88 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Annual Register of Columbia College. From 1850-57, the Annual Registers were published by the senior class, and were sold for twenty- five cents a copy, with the exception of the last. Fifty cents was the charge for this. The Register of 1850-51 contained a sketch of the college building, and the one for 1851-52 was enlivened by the use of a colored border on each page. The class of '57 indulged in fancy borders of six different designs, employing as many colors in the printing. The committee in charge consisted of Samuel W. Francis, Elbridge T. Gerry, George G. Haven, Pierre McCarty, and James H. Slipper. The Trustees were so horrified by this piece of extravagance that, from that date, the Register has been published by the college authorities. Columbiana, a Bagatelle by the Students of Columbia College, 1S50, 1855. An anonymous publication. The first issue appeared in 1850. The front page says that it is " Not by the Faculty." The second edition, in 1855, contained a few additions. The table of con- tents for the latter issue is The King and His Cabinet, a Remarkably Short Attic Comedy, by Th. Horatius Delpho. In Two Acts. (This is a witty burlesque on the inauguration of Charles King, LL.D.) Elegy in a College Yard, by a melancholy " senior." (The various professors are very well " shown up." Stephen Weeks comes in for his share.) Nevermore, (James Renwick, Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy and Chemistry, taking the part of "The Raven.") Extracts from Comet. (The Comet was evidently an anony- mous publication that had previously appeared.) Catalogues of Philolex. 1852, i860. Published by the Society. The University Quarterly. 1860-61, 1861-62. Conducted by an association of collegiate and professional students in the United States and Europe. Columbia editors: J. Howard Van Amringe, '60; E. Walter West, '61; W. F. Whitehouse, '60; and Charles Sigourney Knox, '62. E. H. Pomeroy, '60, delegate to association meeting at Worcester, Mass., July 25th, i860. Association headquarters at New Haven. Each number from 150-200 pages. Basis of allotment, five or seven pages for each one hundred students; total number of pages in a year not to exceed number of subscribers at that college. Exclu- sive of news items, the following articles by Columbia gentlemen appeared in the order given : Academical Ethics, by Charles Murray Nairne, L.H.D.; Account of School of Law, by Theodore W. Dwight, LL.D.; Professional Study, by Abraham Suydam, '60; Columbia Col- lege, by E. Walter West, '61; Literary Societies of Columbia College, by Wm. M. Van Wagenen, '61 ; American Colleges, by Abraham Suydam, '61. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. SO, Philolexian Poem. 1861. Delivered by Erastus B. Rudd, '6r, at the 107th Semi-Annual, February 20th, 1861. Published by the Society. Catalogue of Peithologia. 1861. Published by the Society. "ARISE." 1862. Poem delivered December igth, 1862, the 60th anni- versary of Philolex, by Samuel Walden Cooke, '65. Published by the Society. The Columbian. April, 1864. Afterwards The Colu.mmad. No better explanation can be given than the following extract from the opening editorial : " The custom, which has been prevalent for many years in the principal colleges of our land, of publishing a college paper con- taining a list of the societies and fraternities connected with the college and such other matter as may prove of interest to the student, the class of '65 now proposes to inaugurate in our venerable institu- tion." The first number was a sheet 18x12 in., and contained the Membership Lists of the Secret Societies on the first page. The two inside pages were occupied by a one-column editorial; a three-column class-poem, delivered at the Semi-Annual Exhibition, February 20th, 1865, by S. W. Cooke, '65; and two columns devoted to the Philolexian and Peithologian Literary Societies. The Faculty and Trustees were given in the first column of the last page, and the other two columns were taken up with the Alumni Association officers, the Chemical So- ciety, the Y. M. C. A. of Columbia College, Class Officers, Base-Ball Associations, and a summary of the 58th Anniversary of the Columbian Peithologian Literary Society. The next class changed the name to The COLUMBIAD, which it has retained. Its appearance has been annual ever since, and under the direction of the Junior Class, the various secret societies having been tacitly allowed representation on the Board of Editors. Feeling among the secret societies ran so high in 1868 that two COLUMISIADS appeared. The authorized edition was in book form, a style that succeeding classes have adopted. The various organizations have always supplied cuts to accompany their lists of members. The Columbiad of '77 contained a fine engraved portrait of President Barnard. That this Columbiad was issued is due to F. Delano Weeks, of the class, who undertook all financial responsibility at a time when the publication was threatened by "class politics." The Columbiad of '80 was marked by being the first that really contained illustrations. The same number introduced "Grinds" on classmates. Both these features have been retained. The Boards of Editors are as follows, the year referring to the pub- lishing class : 1865. Archibald M. Campbell, George G. Kip. go UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 1866. Geo. Putnam Smith, Julien T. Davies, William B. Potter. 1867. Edgar Fawcett, Chairman. Clarence M. Hyde, Geo. G. DeWitt, Jr., H. Craig F. Randolph, Samuel A. Blatchford. 186S. William P. Beck, Chairman. Walter E. Colton, Elmslie M. Gillett, George L. Rives, Horace H. Thayer, J. McLean Nash, Secretary. 1869. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Chairman. Hal. Allaire, John H. Livingston, Samuel A. Purely, Robert Lenox Belknap, Secy. 1870. Frank D. Sturges, Chairman. Isaac B. Barrett, Richard Berrian, T. C. E. Ecclesine, George H. Dibblee, Charles M. Garth, Edmond Kelly, S. S. Roche, David A. Rowe, Franklin B. Lord, Treasurer. 1S71. Stuyvesant Fish, Chairman. Fred. Bronson, Jr., Clarence R. Conger, Francis Hustace, George W. Ward, Augustus W. Whiton, Wm. H. Sage, Treasurer. 1872. E. Fermor Hall, Chairman. Haliburton Fales, Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., Wm. H. Haldane, Richard Ogden, John K. Rees. 1873- Gilbert M. Speirjr., Chairman. Emilio Y. Del Pino, Sutherland Tenney, Frederick R. Hutton, George N. Williamson, S. M. Stihvell, Jr., Secretary. I. L. Bamberger, Tieasurer. 1S74. Frank D. Shaw, Chairman. Walter S. Allerton, Robert C. Cornell, T. M. Cheesman, P. P. Harrower, S. Albert Reed, S. T. S. Henry, Secretary. I875- George Sherman, Chairman. William Babcock, Wm. D. McKim, Thomas S. Ormiston, John Henry Purdy, John A. Browning, Alister Greene, Secretary. 1S76. N. P. Schenck, Chairman. Harold Arrowsmith, Aymar Embury, P. Henry Dugro, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 91 John E. H. Hyde, Latham G. Reed, Edward Pratt, Treasurer. 1S77. F. D. Weeks, Chairman 6° Tr. Wesley Harper, William Henry Hyde, Jr., Gustav Kobbe, T. F. Drovvne, Jr., W. R. Townsend. 1878. Frederick W. Holls, Francis S. Bangs, William P. Allen, Joseph F. Crowell, Francis R. Hitchcock, Oakley Rhinelander, Edward P. Schell. 1879. H. A. Kingsbury, Chairman. Edward J. Runk, Charles E. Cornell, D. Morgan Hildreth, Jr., John C. Wetmore, W. Barclay Parsons, Jr., Tr. 1S80. J. Duane Livingston, Chairman. Landreth H. King, W. Harris Roome, William G. Le Boutillier, Fred. D. Philips, William L. Robb, Wm. Fellowes Morgan, Treas. W, Bard McVickar, Artist. Harry T. Peck, Chairman. Charles A. Moran, George F. Garr, Eugene T. Stuart, Edward Hinman, F. B. Torrey, Treastirer. F. Benedict Herzo?, Art. Ed. N. Murray Butler, Chairman. N. Evertson Crosby, James W. Purdon, Robert Arrowsmith, George B. Parsons, William K. Lowrey, William K. Otis, Treasurer. Newell B. Wood worth, Artist. The Cap and Gown. 1868. Prospectus issued on April 27, 1868. In- troductory number had the date of June, 1868. First volume com- menced October, 1868. "All politics, college as well as national," were excluded from the opening numbers. The terms were $2.50 per annum, 10 numbers, afterwards reduced to $2.00. Each number con- sisted of at least eight pages, size, 9%-x. 12 in. In November, 1873, rep- resentatives from the School of Mines were admitted to the posts of editors, and the name changed from The Cap and Gown to Acta Columbiana to satisfy the following condition ; " That the name of the paper be changed, so that it shall not be a name which shall be- long peculiarly to the Academical School or to the School of Mines." The number of pages was raised to twelve and the size diminished to 7x11 in. A tinted cover was put on, October, 1875, the name run- ning diagonally across the same, and the paper • was made the present size, 8 x io l A in., and the pages varied in number from six- teen to twenty-four as the occasion demanded. In October, 1876, the 9 2 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. paper assumed the present appearance. The appearance of a rival journal, in July, 1877, compelled the editors to make the paper a tri- weekly, i.e., twelve numbers per annum. The subscription price was reduced to Si. 50. The next year the price was restored to $2.00, and the volume increased by six numbers, making a total of eighteen. The Boards of Editors are appended, the first board being also the founders. 186S-69. I >avid B. Ogden, '69, Man. Ed. William D. Foulke, '69, Sec. Samuel A. Blatchford, '67. Cadwallader E. Ogden, '07. John H. Livingston, '79. Franklin B. Lord, '70. 1869-70. C. R. Conger, '71, Man. Ed. Henry M. Smyth, '71, Sec. W. H. Sage, '71, Treasurer. S. A. Blatchford, '67. Ludlow Ogden, '70. T. C. E. Ecclesine, '70. EJmond Kelly, '70. Frank B. Lord, '70. Seth Low, '70. G. L. Peabody, '70. F. G. Haughwout, '71. William D. Foulke, '69. David B. Ogden, '69. J. B. Murray, '71. 1870-71. C. R. Conger, '71, Man. Ed. Frederick A. Brown, '72, Sec. Henry D. Loder, '71, Treas. Geo. N. Williamson, '73. Frank G. Haughwout, '71. William H. Sage, '71. Henry M. Smyth, '71. Ludlow Ogden, '72. Lefferts Strebeigh, '73. T. C. E. Ecclesine, '70. Edmond Kelly, '70. Geo. L. Peabody, '70. J. B. Murray, '71. 1871-72. L. Strebeigh, '73, Man. Ed. Frederick A. Brown, '72, Sec. Sutherland Tenney, '74, Treas. Henry R. Marshall, '73. P. C. Bicknell, '74. Robert H. Wilkinson, '73. Frederick R. Hutton, '73. Otis Field, '73. Frederic W. Hinrichs, '74. F. G. Haughwout, '74, S. of M. Clarence k.Conger/73, S.of L. 1872-73. L. Strebeigh, '73, Man. Ed. S. Albert Reed, '74, Sec. Henry R. Marshall, 'j^Treas. Frederick R. Hutton, '73. William D. McKim, '75. George N.Williamson, '73. William S. Gordon, '73. Pierre P. Harrower, '74. Sutherland Tenney, '74. Frederic M. Hinrichs, '74. George Sherman. '75. F. G. Haughwout, '74, S. of M. Clarence R. Conger, '73, S.of L. C. C. Edgerton, '74, S. of L. Acta Columbiana. I873-74- Geo. C. Kobbe, '74, Man. Ed. Alister Greene, '75, Sec. Thos. S. Ormiston, '75, Treas. George Sherman, '75. Benj. S. Van Wyck,'76. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 93 Pierre P. Harrower, '74. Albert J. Loder, '74. Frank Storrs, '74- John E. H. Hyde, '76. Harold Arrowsmilh, '76. F. H. Williams, '74, S. of M. Douglas A. Joy, '75, S. of L. L.Benedict, '74, S. of M. J. Krom Rees, '75, S. of M. F. R. Hutton, '76, S. of j\I. Lefferts Strebeigh, '75, S. of L. C. C. Edgerton, '74, S. of L. 1874-75. T. S. Ormiston, '75, Man. Ed. Latham G. Reed, '76, Sec. F. Delano Weeks, '77, Treas. George Sherman, '75. Edward D. Perry, '75. William E. Conroy, '75. Harold Arrow-smith, '76. John E. H. Hyde, '76. Du Bois Smith, '76. John B. Pine, '77. J. Krom Rees, '75, S. of M. F. R. Hutton, '76, S. of M. Franklin Pool, '75, S. of M. Spotswood D. Schenck, S.of M. Arthur Macy, '75, S. of M. George C. Kobbe, '76, S. of L. Frank Storrs, '76, S. of L. 1875-76- John B. Pine, '77, Man. Ed. Francis S. Bangs, '78, Sec. T. Monroe Davis, '78, Treas. W.J. Adams/78, Treas., S.of M. Leighton Williams, '76. F. Delano Weeks. '77. Cornelius W. Morrow, '76. William W. Shotwell, S. of M. 1876-77. James W. Pryor, '78, Man. Ed Fred. W. Holls, '78, Bus. Ed. Henry G. Paine, '79, Treas. W.J. Adams, '78, Treas. S.of M. F. Delano Weeks, '77. Henry E. Gregory, '78. John W. Davis, '78, S. of M. Jacob Fischer, '78, S. of L. 1877-78. James W. Pryor, '78, Man. Ed. G.P,Erhard,'79.S.of M.Bus.E. H. A. Kingsbury, '79, Treas. Henry E. Gregory, '78. William II. De Forest, Jr., '78. Win. J. Adams, '78, S. of M. John W. Davis,' 78, S. of M. 1878-79. H. A. Kingsbury, '79, Man. Ed. G.P.Erhard,'79,S.ofM.,j9K.,\£. Frank B. Torrey, '81. Harry T. Peck, '81. G. II. Sheldon, '79, S. of M. W. T. Griswold, '81, S. of M. John B. Pine, '79, S. of L. 1879-80. Harry T. Peck, '81, Man. Ed. Louis N. Phelps, '80, Bus. Ed. W. H. Roome, '8o, Treas. Frank B. Torrey, '81. N. Murray Butler, '82. A. L. Beebe, '80, S. of M. W. T. Griswold, '81, S.of M. W. F. Downs, '82, S. of M. John B. Pine, '79, S. of L. 1880-81. N. Murray Butler/82, Man. Ed. Frank B. Torrey, '81, Bus. Ed. Harry T. Peck, 'Si. R. Arrowsmilh, '82. James B. Hilton, '83. John K. Bangs, '83. T. B. Stearns, '81, S. of M. W. F. Downs, '82, S. of M. F. D. Sherman, '83, S. of M. <).| 1 NDBB.GRADUA rE RECORD, 1SS1 8a. A II. on F. Hyde, '83, John K. Bangs, '83, Man. Ed, ' J«*ins,Jr., '84. R, Ai 1 1 >« sun 1 li, '8a, Bus, Ed, N. Murray Butler, '8s W. F. Dov us, '8a, S. of M. F. 1>. Sherman, '83, s. oi M. James B. Hilton. '83, "' L Hall, '84, S. of M. Facta Columbinaria, a journal devoted to Expurgations. No. i, January [9th, 1 S74 ; No a, April [5th, 1 S74 ; No. 3, December. [876. An anonymous publication intended as .1 comic papei which should ape the Acta Columbiana. The firsl number consisted oi luii four pages and opened with a poem some three columns in length, entitled "The Foot-Ball Tournament," descriptive oi a foot-ball match with Rutgers. 1 1 was written in heroic style, and was a verj clever bur- lesque on a poem entitled " The River Tournament," by Pierre Pascal Harrower,'74» which appeared in the final numbei oi the ( '•'.* and Gown, Theresl of the reading mattei wasmade up mostly of personal grinds, many oi which were very good. The paperwas soldat " Fritz's," and a large numbei of copies were disposed of. lis appearance created much talk in college, and its contents were considered very clever. No. a was not considered as much a success as No. 1 , but was excellent. It con- tained several ven good valentines addressed to the professors; "Mine Host's l Rgei (very fai from the ( German ><\ Uhland),"a parody on Prof. Short's translation of " Mine Host's Daughter," Chat had appeared in the \cta Coh >idianaj a "Lecture on Light," " Situations Wanted," and a few additional grinds. The secret of the editorship lias been Kept very well, luii ii was generally attributed to a low members of the l lass of '74. No. ; w .is a scurrilous ami libellous sheet that the editors oi tin- two former numbers denounced in a letter to the Acta Colum- biana signed l>\ several initials. This number bore the announcement thai n was published by "request of the Faculty." The best written article it contained was an examination of the Faculty l<\ a committee oi the students. No other numbers have evei appeared, s.>\,,. 01 Columbia, Way [876, During the college year [875 7c the tgitated the subject of a Columbia Song Book, and finally an- nounced thai the editors ha. I undertaken the task of producing a book which would shorthj be issued, In May, 1870, the Songs of Columbia appeared, ami was .1 most creditable publication, typo- graphically as well. is otherwise. It was handsomel} bound in blue cloth wiili silver stamping, ami contained all oi the fantiliar Columbia ans, \»iih several now songs. By the end oi the next college year the entire edition was disposed of. The book was published by the Board oi Editors oi I », and was edited by John B. Pine, '77, then Managing Editoi of the Acta. UNDERGR UH' All RECORD. I'm Coi i MB] \ Specta iok. 1877. in the spring of 1S77 it had become apparent to some of the students (several editors of the Acta among the number) that a second college paper could be started and made to pay at Columbia, the Acta Columbiana should continue as a monthly journal, while the new paper, which was to be issued twice as often, would become a " news " paper, Accordingly, an organization of the parties interested w a* effected on April 24, 1S77 ; and in the early pan of June the first number appeared of I'm Co- lumbia Spectator. In sice it was copied from the Acta; but it differed from the latter in having no cover. The subscription price was fixed .it two dollars per annum— eighteen numbers — and this rate has been retained ever since. In the number bearing date Februarj 15. 1S70. a now feature was inaugurated in Columbia journalism — namely, the insertion of a full-page cartoon in every issue. In ipite ot prophesies to the contrary, these cartoons appeared regularly and met with so much approval that, in the autumn ot 1880, tlu- plan of scattering smaller illustrations throughout tlu- papei was adopted, ami even number now contains several society illustrations with an occasional cartoon. A list of tlu- various Boards of Editors is subjoined : 1877 78. F.W. 1 loiK. '78, i.i'is,iK-v.':s.s.oii ...I/..- s. B. Pond, '79, s Win. F. Morgan, '8o, J. \V. Spaulding, '78. Charles il. Crow, '78. Henry G. Paine, '70. W, Barclay Parsons, ir. ,'-,>. Marcus Benjamin, '78, S. of M . Chandler I ), Starr. '8o, S. -oi M . * Resigned position .is : Marc! ed by C. II. Crov Henry G. r.iiiu'.'-o. ; Wm. S. Sloan, '8i, W. Barclay Parsons, Jr., '79. Sylvanus B. Pond, '70. Thomas J. Brereton, '70. Wm, Fellowes Morgan, '80, Wm. 11. Taylor, '8o. Reginald 11. Sayre, '81, Chandler D. Starr, '8i,S. of M. Frank E. Ward, '8i, S. of M. F. W. 1 lolls. 'So. s. of 1 . 1879-80. Wm. S. Sloan. 'Si. Afan. ■ W. Fellowes Morgan, - 1 Reginald II. Sayre, 'Si. Sec. Geo. 11. Taylor, '8i, I W. Bard McVickar, 'So. J. Duane 1 ivingston, 'So. Win. II. Taylor, 'So. F. Benedict Herzog, 'Si. Wm. K. Otis. ( 8a. E. P. Clark, 'So. s. of M Goo. s. Raymer, 'Si. s. of M. C. E. Caldwell, 'So, s. y>i 1 . ._ * Resigned position and editorship, December, 1870, ; succeeded by R 11 , Sayre I Re- signed position and editorship, October, 1S-0; succeeded bj \\ H.Tayloi Messrs. C. D, Starr, 'Si. S. >'t M.. and A. Gerald Hull. '8t, S. of M.. served hall the term of office. Both resigned in Octobei . 9 6 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. l88o-Sl. Reginald H.Sayre.'Si, J/,w. E. Geo. H. Taylor, '81, Treas. Win. K. Otis, '82. Wm. R. T ravers, Jr., '82. Geo. S. Raymer, '81, S. of M. F. S. Barnum, 'Si, S. of L. Wm. S. Sloan, '82, Man, Ed* Alexander Harvey, '82. Herbert L. Satterlee, '83. 1881-82. Chas. A. Moran, '81, Bus. Ed. F. Benedict Herzog, '81. Alexander Harvey, '82. Herbert L. Satterlee, '83. Wm. H. Cooper, '82, S. of M. F. B. Herzog, S. of L. 81 P. S. Wm. K. Otis, '82. Wm. H. Cooper, '82, S. of M. ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Walter N. Eldridge, '83. R. Sewell, Jr., '83. f L. F. Boettcher, '83, S. of M. C. E. Pellew, '84, S. of M. John A. Chanler, '84. ♦Resigned position of Man. Ed., April, 1881, succeeded by A. Harvey, who in turn resigned the position May, 1SS1, and was succeded by H. L. Satterlee. t Resigned. The Miner. The Class of Seventy-Nine, School of Mines, in its junior year decided that there were enough reasons to warrant thepublication of a year book similar to the Columbiad, which would represent more fully the Scientific Department. So in the Spring of 1878 the Miner No. i appeared. It contained lists of the members of all the Societies and Or- ganizations connected with the School of Mines, records of the Ath- letic achievements of the University and grinds on members of the editing (junior) class. Editors. Class of '79. Geo. P. Erhard, Chief. G. H. Sheldon, Ed. Ludlow. Class of '80. A. P. Hallock, W. A. Smalley, W. B. Kunhardt, A. L. Beebe, H. A. Robinson. Class of 'Si. George S. Raymer, Ed. K. Dunham, Chandler D. Starr. Richard H. Sterling, Artist. Class of '82. Ferdinand Sands, Chairman. William A. Shumway, William H. Cooper, Norbert R. Ward, Clarence I. Payne. Catalogues of Barnard Literary Association. May 31st, 1881. Published by the Society. April 30th, 1878. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 97 Pocket Sum: Book for the use of the Students arid Graduates of Colum- bia College. December 4th, [878. The prefatory note said that "A cheap, compact edition of the most popular songs of our Alma Mater has been desired for some time by Columbia's undergraduates. This little book is offered merely as an attempt on the part of the Columbia itor Association to supply this desire." The book contained the words of eighteen songs with the first bar of the air. Edited by Wil- liam S. Sloan, then Treasurer of The Spectator. Published by tl umbia Spectator Association. Catalogue of Peithologia. April 16th, 1879. Published by the Society. , Songs of Eighty-One. March, 1879. A collection of favorite college airs for the use of the Class of 'Si, compiled according to resolution passed by the class of 'Si, on November 8th, 1S78. Edited and pub- lished by J. O. Crane, Chairman; Harry T. Peek, W. Forsfer, T. G. Patten. The Phonograph. Thursday, April 24th, 1S79, notices appeared on the college grounds of a new weekly paper entitled The Week, which was announced to appear on Tuesday, April 29th. The students on Mon- day, April 28th, discovered announcements of a paper to be issued "semi-spasmodically," entitled The Phonograph, and were further informed that the first number would be ready at one o'clock. Both of these announcements were anonymous. The PHONOGRAPH appa- rently had no raison d'etre and was a little four-page paper containing college news and a few personalities, such as might have been pub- lished in any paper. A second number, a little more personal, appeared May 5th, with a supplement of two pages. The contents of No. 2 were of more interest, containing as they did the list of entries for the Fourth Field Meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association, a description of the Fourteenth Field Meeting of the C. C. A. A., and amusing "Ink Photographs" of the Junior crew. The notices of the second number announced that the former pub- lishers had sold out to a " newer and fresher board." No other num- bers appeared. Later developments proved that the first publication was caused by a feeling of rivalry against parties erroneously supposed to be the publishers of The Week. The Week. On April 29th, 1S79, a four-page paper edited by the famous " Richard Roe and John Doe," appeared on the college grounds with the promise of appearing weekly, provided sufficient cash inducements were offered. Apparently these were not satisfactory, as but one number appeared. The title assumed was The Week, and the editors adopted the pronoun " I " in their editorials, after the style of Labou- 98 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. chore in the London Truth. The paper was very newsy and con- tained none of the objectionable personalities current in anonymous college publications. The best piece in the paper was a very good parody entitled " Eldredge's Advice to the Rowers — with apologies to the shades of Win. S." The School of Mines Quarterly. The Quarterly was established by the joint action of the Engineering and Chemical Societies of the School of Mines in the spring of 1879, just previous to the close of the term. A board of editors was elected, consisting of two from each of the societies and representing the two upper classes. The first num- ber of the magazine appeared in November following, and the subse- quent numbers of the volume in January, March and May. The reading matter is made up of papers read before the societies, and of notes on current scientific topics. In March, 1S81, the organization was changed by admitting the Association of the Alumni to an interest in the publication. By the new arrangement the Board of Editors consists of three nun from the Engineering courses, three from the Chemical course and three from the Alumni Association. Em inks, 1879-80. Chandler D. Starr, Chief. Alfred L. Beebe, '80. Wheaton B. Kunhardt, 'So. Ferdinand I. G. Wiechmann, '81. Editors, 1880-S1. (Old Organization.) Edward K. Dunham, Chief. Alfred L. Beebe, 'Si. Alfred J. Moses, '82. Edward A. Oothout, '82. (New Organization.) Alumni. Chemical. H. S. Munroc, E.M., Ph.D., '69. T. D. O'Connor, 'Si. P. De P. Ricketts. E.M., Ph.D., '71. F. I. G. Wiechmann, '8i. E. Waller, Ph.D., '70. C. A. Wittmack, '82. Engineering. W. A. Shumway, '82. W. F. Staunton, Jr., '82. Alfred J. Moses, 'S2. l NDERGR \1H A IF RECORD. 99 Ci iss Histories. Three of the graduating classes hsve published His- tories after leaving college, and, while these cannot be called " Under- graduate Publications," yet it is but right to mention them. Samuel A. Blatchford, '67, one ol the founders i^( the Cap and Gown, published the first, and it is really a remarkable compilation of statistics as well as being an interesting narrative of facts. The next issued was by 1 1 trence R. Conger, '71, who was very prominent in the management of the Cap and Gown while an undergraduate. This History is espe- cially interesting as the members of the class of '71 were very active, individually as well as collectively, during their college course. The famous "Court Martial," presided over by Prof. William (.;. Peck, is given due prominence. Considerable of the "official correspondence" addressed from time to time to individual members of the class is also published. Sylvanus Albert Reed, '74, was the next author. This is not as statistical as the two volumes previously issued, and is a well written compilation of Seventy-four's deeds while its members at- tended or were supposed to attend the undergraduate curriculum. I \T1 RECORD. VALEDICTORIANS SCHOOL OF ARTS. The college has fficial list of Valedictorians. The following was compiled foi the ( 'olumbiad of '70, by Beverly R. Betl ;, Librarian, with the help oi Stephen R. Weeks, Assistant Librarian. A few names have since been added to the list. 1771. John Copp. 1802. Roberl Macomb. [810. Pascal M . Strong. [812. William ( Ireighton. 181O. Thoma i M. Si rong. is 1 7. Samuel I > Rogers. 1818. Richard Van. I, l »ey. 1819. Thomas 1 . Wells. [820. I tenry I .awrence. [821. Peter A. ( lowdrey. 1823. Smith Pyne. [824. William 1 »uer. 1827. J. Trumbull Backus. 1828. Barzillai Slosson. 1829. Theodore Sedgwick, Ji 1830. Edward Jones. 1831. John B. < Gallagher. 1832. Russell N. Towitsend. 1833. Edward Slosson. 1834. Anthonj Ten Broeck. 1835. John R. Thurman. [836. Harvej A. \\ eed. 1837. John Vandei bilt, Jr. 183S. Isaac V. Fowler. 1S39. James W. Walsh. [84O. William Nicoll. iS.| 1 . Robt. 1 '. Nan Voorhis 1842. Edward E. Potter. 1843. Jaim-s. W. ( ierarcl, J r. 1 8 1 1. \. Bergasse I ,abau. 1845. Alexandei McCue. 1 846. John < '.. I [yei . [847. J . Winthrop < Ihanlei . 1848. I [orace W. ( larpentei , 1849. Aaron < Igden. 1 850. fames Stai c (.'lark. [851. William 1 1. Draper. [852. John W. Harper. 1853. A. S. Van I >uzer. [854. < reorge W. Bacon. 1855. 1 terbert B. Turner. 1856. Edwin S. Babcock. 1857. Philip W. I [olmes. 1858. James R. Manly. [859. Edward 1 1. Anderson. 1 860. Robert Troup Pell. [86] . Waller B. Law i. in e. [862. William II. Willis, Jr. 18G3. . 1864. 1 lenrv Floy. 1865. Charles King Gracie. [866. ( teorge*Putnam Smith. 1867. A. Lentilhon Foster. [868. ( teorge 1 .. Rives. [869. I [amilton Fish, Jr. 1S7C. ('.en. I,. I'eahody. 1871. Henry M. Smylh. 1872. R, Kay I [amilton. 1873. Gilbert M. Speir, Jr. [874, ( George < '. liobbe. 1875. John I lenry Purdy. 1876. James A. Renwick. 1S77. J. Murray Mitehell. 1878. Mornay Williams. [879. Herberl \. Kingsbury. [880. Charles F. Moody. [881. i [.ill \ T. Peck. I \ih RG« \i>t \ l I' RECORD. VALEDICTORIANS OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW. May 23, [86 >. Commencemenl at the Hall of the Historical Society, 2nd Ave, c.r. nth St. Valedictory by Robert C. Hutchings, A. B., I'i inceton. Ma) 21, [862. At the same place. Valedictory by Edward Carrington, Jr., A. I!., Vale. May 19, 1863. At the same place. Oration by Wm. Walter Phelps, A.B., Vale, with the Valedictory Address. May 18, 1864. At the same place. Oration by Alberi McNulty, Jr., A. B„ Columbia, with the Valedictory Address. Franklin McA eagh, A. B., Yale, was elected Valedictorian and Alberi McNulty, Jr., Alternate. Mr. McVeagh was prevented from speaking by ill-health. Maj 17, [865. Ai the same place. Oration by JOSEPH F. K.ERNOCHAN, A.B., Vale, with the Valedictory Address. Ma) t6, [866. At the same place. Oration by Ebenezer B. Convers, A.M., Vale, with tin- Valedictory Address. May 15, 1867. At the Theatre Francaise, 75 Wesl 14th St. Oration by foHN W. Sterling, A.B., Vale, with the Valedictory Address. May 13, 1868. At the Academy of Music, where all subsequent Com- mencements have been held. Oration by Samuel fi. Valentine, A.B., A.mherst, with the Valedictory Address. May 19, 1869. Oration by GEORGE C. HOLT, A.B., Vale, with the Vale- dictory Address. May 18, 1S70. Oration by Orrin Skinner, with the Valedictory Address. May [6, 1871. Oration by WILLIAM MITCHELL, Jr., A.M., Columbia, with the Valedictory Address. May 15, 1872. Oration by Robert A. Van Wyck, with the Valedictory Address. May 14, 1873. Oration by GEORGE [NGRAHAM, A. B., Wesleyan, with the Valedii tory Address. May 13, 1874. Valedictory Address by Francis B. Daniels, A.B., I larvard. May 12,1875. Valedictory Vddress by Frederic W. Hinrichs, A.I'... i Columbia. Sine.- 1 S73 the Valedictory Address at Commencement has been dis- pensed with. Recipients of the Goodwood Cup. In iSd| the graduating class decided t<> presenl a testimonal to its most populai member, the idea undoubtedly being suggested by the pri e ni the Alumm Association, awarded by the join! action "I the faculty and class in the " must i ;ii tli l'u I and deserving studen I oi the graduating class." As it was about the time of the Goodwood races in England, the peculiar force "i the term " Goodwood " sufficiently impressed the class so as to lead them to give theii testimonial a handsomely carved wooden cup, with .1 gold plate suitably engraved the title oi the Goodwood Cup, The fortu- nate recipient was Joseph Bayley Lawrence, The following year the graduating class, foi what they considered good and sufficient reasons, changed the form and name oi the testimonial, and called it the Woodi \ Spoon, rhal same yeai the class of '66, then in its junior year, despite the angry opposition of the senioi class, decided to forestall the senioi presentation by presenting a similar testimonial to one oi its own members, and followed the example set by the class oi 't'.( in form and name, So in [865 both the Wooden Spoon and Goodwood Ci p were presented, Verj naturally the next year the class oi '66 did awaj with the senior presenta- tion iml left tin- custom to the junior class, While the numbers were small ii was not so difficult to agree upon some really popular man; but class politics soon interfered with a genuine vote oi popularity so that the Cup be- came a mere matter oi which faction was the stronger. Seventy-eight was almost torn asundei by .1 very bitter contest. Seventy-nine, deciding that no one man was really pre-eminent in popularity, abolished the presenta- tion; Eighty,aftei a somewhat prolonged struggle, followed Seventy-nine's example, Eight) one, by coupling certain conditions with the method oi election, effected the same result; and Eighty-tWO unanimously decided not to present the I'll'. The presentation was of a social nature, giving the students an oppor- tunity to shov< the college grounds upon peculiarly fa> orable circumstances. i mm RGK \i'i v l E R] CORD, '".'< The ceremonies were usually » presentation speech with .1 reply, followed by dancing, the time chosen being in the evening and the pla< e, the college campus. A list oi the recipients are subjoined, the year referring to the class. c '.mum ood Cur (Senioi yeai I, 1S04 foseph Baj In 1 av rence. Wooden Spoon (Senioi yeai I, iS<>s Seymoui Van Nostrand, ( rOOD\\ ood Cup (J unioi j eai ), [866 William Bleeker Potter, Nicholas Fish. [868 I .ucius Kellogg Wilmerding, [869 1 tenry Cady Sturges. 1870 i reorge Stan Scofield.J 1 . 1871 James Otis M01 e, 1 1 . 187.- Robert Arnold. [873 David Thomson. [87 1 Robert Clifford Cornell, [875 * lhalmers W ood, [876 Robert rownsend. 1 1 -7 Charles Montague Ward. t8 s fames Williamson Pryor. Class Day. In [858 the Alumni Association established a pri e oi fift) dollars to be awarded to the " most faithful and deserving student oi the graduating class." rhe method oi selection required the facultj to select three names and to submit thein to the class, who from these three designat* one to re- the pri e. rhis designation required .1 meeting oi the class, and il wasfrom that occasion that formal class organisations commenced, and gradually became general, rhe class ol l 68 was the first to organise in freshman year, rhe Class of '64 in addition, as is elsewhere narrated, presented a 1 1 to its most popular member. This presentation was made at .1 dinnei given by the recipient of the Cup to his class-mates. The Cla ol '65 decided to have exercises oi a public nature before gradu- ation, and thus started Cl iss Day. rhe ceremonies were substantially the same each year, and usually included Music, an Oration, .1 Class Poem, the reading ol the Class History, Smoking the Class Pipe, fastening a me- I.' I UNDERGRADIM it REC» >RD. in, i] 1.1 1 plate on one of the trees, planting an ivy, and "saluting the rooms," , visiting each lecture room to sing a farewell song. The class oi '78 was the lasl to observe this pleasant custom, though several have since made attempts to revive it. The officers oi the various clai added, 1'ln- omission oi some oi the officers is due to their absence from 1 lie exei cises, [865. Historian, William V McVickar, John M. Heffernan. . Randolph B, Martine, 1 ,enox Smith, [866 . James M. Bruce. Orator, Julien T, Davies. /'...-, Wil- lard Parker, 1 1 C . \\ illiam B, Potter. t86 . Samuel A. Blatchford, Poet, Edgar Fawcett. Chairman, John Henrj Work. [868. Freshman organization -onus to have proved too much tor this class, .is ii had no Class Day exercises. 1869 1, John Jacob ^.stoi Bristed. , William D. Foulke. . Willard Bartlett. Gn that, Chas. A. Peabody, Jr. . William B. Cutting. Spencer S. Roche. Orator, rhomas C. E. Ecclesine. ' orge 1 . Peabody. ( ' . Edmond Kelly. 1871. ffii on, Clarence R, Congei . Henry Day Loder, J. Brandei Matthews 1/, Denning Duer, fr, l Richard 1"-. Kellj 1872 . Robert Raj II. million. Oral .1 udlov Ogden. Valentine Mott. 1873 1 .1 efferts Strebeigh. >r, JoseAj mai 1 I lino-, M. Waterbury.Jr. Chairman, Silas M. Stilwell, Jr. £874 ■■' • m, S Albert Reed. Oratjr, Robert C. Cornell, Geo I Cobbi 1 . \\ illiam W . Johnson, 1875. .'.':■ . ,E Delevan Perry. Orator, Howard Gallup, Poet, Wil- li, im E. Conroy, Cha .1 halmers Wood. Cornelius W. Morrow. . V Pendleton Schenck, . w ilmot [ohnson, I r. Burial of rm ; Ancien r. I'ho Class of '66, ;\t the close of their sophomore year, desiring to show in an emphatic way their delight in leaving behind them the stud] oi Aiu-H-nt Geography, then a pari ol the sophomore Curriculum, resolved to publicly bury their detested foe. ["he services were simple, yel verj pathetic, consisting of .1 funeral procession up Fifth avenue to the College green, where an oration and elegj were delivered, followed l>\ an adjourn- ment to .1 neighboring beer saloon, where friends of the rejoicing sopho- mores were convivially entertained, Succeeding classes deemed the precedent an excellent our, and have more or less enlarged on the original idea. Sixty-seven had the honor of really burying Ancient Geography, bul deliverance from Bojesen's Grecian Antiquities has proved an equal source of joy. rwo of the classes, namely, '69 and '70, were sufficiently wealtl j purchase an ancient urn for the ashes of their foe. Se\ entj -one and Se\ enty three decided not to have a Burial. Seventy-four varied from former classes by having .1 " Burial of Animosities " between themselves and the freshman (*75) class. In place oi the customar) I . or beer-drink- ing, the two classes headed by a strolling German Band marched to Del- monico's for a "love feast." Seventy-five, however, returned to the old custom. Eighty-one most effectually buried Bojesen, being the last class tormented by that study. Eighty-two was, therefore, compelled to choose .i now study .md buried an Anglo-Saxon reader. Eighty-three held .1 Roman rriumph over their conquered foe, " 1 egendre." In the following lists the dates refer to the class and not to the year. r866. — Orator, Geo. Putnam Smith. I yby William J. rhomson, C man of Committee, Augustus C. Merriam. Samuel A. Blatchford. Poet, Edgar Fawcett. Chairman, G. W. rhorne. (868, Orel , Frederic deP. Foster. . '. . Andrew J. Gilhooly. ( 1 . Rives, 106 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. [869. — Orator, Willard Bartlett. Poet, Hal. Allaire. Chaiitnan, Hamil- ton Pish, Jr. 1870. — Orator, Thomas C. E. Ecclesine. Poet, George 11. Dibblee. Chair- man, William Fanning, Jr. 1871. — Class decided not to have a Burial. 1S72. — Orator, Robert Kay Hamilton. Poet, W. 1.. Murphy. Chairman, J. M. Livingston. 1873. — Class decided nol to have a Burial. 1874. — Orator, Frank l>. Shaw, '74. Grand Sachem, Chas. R. Buckley, '74. William Penn, William 1). McKim, '75. Chairman, T. M. Chees- 111:111 , J r., '74. 1875. — Orator, William Babcock. Poet, Henry I'. DeMille. Chairman, Samuel C. Root. 1876. — Orator, Richard T. Bang. Poet, Montgomery II. TJiroop, Jr. Chairman, Robert A. Livingston. 1S77. — Orator, Thomas S. Drowne, Jr. Poet, Gustav Kobbe. Chairman, V. Delano Weeks. 1S7S. — Orator, Charles F. Hurlburt. Poet, Charles H. Crow. Chairman, facob Fischer. 1879. — Orator, John C, Wetmore. Poet, Herbert A. Kingsbury. Chair- man, John 11. Mulehahey. 1880. — Orator, J. Duane Livingston. Poet, Elbert S. Porter, Jr. Chair- man, Ransfonl 1'".. V;ui Ciieson. 1881. — Orator, Thomas G. Patten. Poet, Harry T. Peek. Chairman, William Forster. 1SS2. — Orator, James 1'.. N ies. Foot, William K. Otis. Chairman, N. Murray Butler. 1883.— CarnifiX (also Orator), L. L. Delafield, Jr. Haruspex [Foot), Her- bert 1.. Satterlee. Chairman, John E. de Ruyter. Receptions GIVEN BY STUDENTS OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Schooi of Mines Reception, Friday, December i8th, 1S74. Committee. Vrthur 11. Macy, '75, Chairman. Chas. S. Boyd, '77. F. N. Holbrook, '76, 1. W. Drummondj '78, J. 1'". Randolph, '76, W. Fullerton, '77, Jr., S. Albert Reed, '77. l \l>l RGRADUATE RECORD. I"7 School of Mines Reception, Monday, Dec. 2oth, 1875. ( 'ommittee. F. N . Eiolbrook, '76, Chairman. c. B. ('-null. '77- w - ''• Butler, '78. K. \V. Van Boskerck,'77. G. P. Erhard, '70. K. A. Parker, '7S. W. W. Owens, J,., "79. School of Minks Reception, Friday, Dec. 22D, 1876. < 'ommittee. C. B. Cornell, '77. NV - W. Owens, Jr., '70. C. M. Hammond, '78. G. P. Erhard, '7'). R. A. Parker, '78. C. A. Hollick, '8o. J. |i. B. Browning, '78. C. 1». Starr, '80. School of Minks Reception, Friday, Dec. 2ist, 1877. < 'ommittee. George P. Erhard, '79, Chairman. George II. Sheldon, '79. H. E. Knox, Jr., '80. W. A. Smaller, 'So. W. P. Little, 'Si. George Elder, '81. Columbia College Ball, Delmonico's, Wednesday, Jan. i6th, 1878. Managers. Robert C. Cornell, '74, Chairman. Jasper T. Goodwin, '76. Francis S. Bangs, '78. Geo. P. Erhard, '79. 'S. of M. School OF MINES RECEPTION, FRIDAY, DEC. 20TH, 1878. c 'ommittee. George.P. Erhard, '79, Chairman. G. H. Sheldon, '79. C. A. Andresen, '81. E. Ludlow, '79. ^ v - T. Griswold, 'Si. W. A. Smalley, '80. A. 11. Van Sinderen, '81. •\V. B. Kunhanlt, '80. J. D. George, '82. A. L. Beebe, '80. D. B. Falk, '82. Win. 1 1. Cooper, '82. i DERGRADUAT1 I'M ORD. School oi Mines Reception, Friday, Dec. 22D, 1879. i 'ommittee. Win. II. Cooper, '82, Chun in, ui . <). V. Dougherty, '82. W. I,. Hi, ;enbui I [enry I mei on, '82. ( ;. I'',. Woods, E. < >ctaviano, '83. Junior Reception, Class of '81. Tuesday, April 9TH, 1880. ( 'ommittee, Edward Hinman, Chairman. K. A. Anthony, F, Benedict I [erzog, I.. II. Beers, ( '. E. Manierre, l>. A. < ion, Henry I,. Mills, Jr., I "". F. Garr, Thus. I >. Rambaut. School of Mines Reception, Friday, Dec. 17111, 1880. < fin 111 1 lire. Win. II. Cooper, '82, Chairman, VV. A. Shumway, '82. J. E. Calhoun, 'S3. II. Feuchtwanger, '82, W. I.. Dusenbury, '84. G. E, Wood, '83, W. E. Newberrj Senior Promenade, Class of '8i, Delmonico's, Feb. c6th, i88i. < 'ommittee, Edward Hinman, Chairman. R, \. Anthony, II. L, Mills, Jr., D, A, I llarkson, ( '. A. Moran, (!. F. Garr, E. T. Roberts, I.. W. Hotchkiss. R. II. Sayre. Junior Reception, Class of '82 -Friday, April 220,1881. < 'ommittee, r>. Percj Clark, ( 'kairman, < ■■ W. I awrence, I .. ( ;. Romaine, Fred. II. Lee, W. R. Travers, Jr., 1 ■ B. Parsons, K. B. Van Cortlandt, J. W. Purdon, fohn S. Ward, |r. Miscellaneous ( )rganizations. RELIGIOUS, YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. FOUNDED [862. 1 X 1 im I' IN [869, [864. President, |. B. Lawrence, "64. Secretary \ Wm. N. McVickar, '65. Vice-Pres., A. P. Sturges, '64. Treasurer, W. J. Thomson, '66. [865; President, Wm. N. McVicl ar, '65. Secretary, Wm. J. Thomson, '66. / ,,, /■,,■>.. Samuel W. Cooke, '65. Treasurer, Will, ml Parker, Jr., '66. Registrai , Uigustu - Talbot, '66. Ami 35 membei , [866. President, Willard Parker, Jr., '66. Secretary, Henry A. Whiting, '66. Vice-Pres., fames M. Bruce, '66. Treasurer, Richmond Talbot, '66. A 11 < I 1 s members. [867. lent, John Henry Work, '67. Secretary, Ant. .in.' L. Foster, '67. p>w.,Robt. Lenox Belknap,^, Treasurer, Jas. McNamee, '67. Ami [2 active, 45 honorary members. [868. President, Robt. Lenox Belknap, '69. Secretary, Thenford Woodhull, '69. '//,/ Pm., Edward Tillou, '69. Treasurer, Chas. A. Vdams, '69. \,,.l [6 acl ive, 5 1 honorai y members. 110 l NDERGR V.DI \ I E RECORD. CHURCH UNION OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Pi )l NDED [866. i SCTINCT 1\ 1872. 1867. President, A. Ernest Vanderpool, '67, Secretary, Robt. Henry Hunt, '69, Vice-Pres., Cadwalader E.Ogden,'67. Treasurer, Henry Drisler, Jr. '69. Librarian, Geotge B. Johnson, '67. And 14 members. 1868. President, John McLean Nash, '68. Secretary, Evelyn Bartow, '69. Vice-Pres., David B. Ogden, '69. Treasurer, Henry Drisler, Jr., '69. Librarian, Walter Ogden, '70. And [6 active, 7 honorary members. 1S69. President, Robert Henry Hunt, '69. Secretary, John Oven, '69. Vice-Pres., Wm. Berriap Hooper, '69. Treasurer, George W. Heasly, '69. Librarian, Joseph Hooper, '71. And — active, 12 graduate members. 1870. President, Henry W. Holden, '70. Pec. Sec, Obadiah Valentine, '71. Vice-Pres., William N. Webbe, '70. Treasurer, Charles L. Short, '72. C<>r. Sec, Joseph Hooper, '71. Librarian, ] os. F. Vermilye, '71, 1871. President, Obadiah Valentine, '71. Pec. Sec, Chas. 1.. Short, '72. Vice-Pres.,] os. F. Vermilye, '71. Treasurer, S. C. M. Orpen, '73. Cor. Sec, Joseph Hooper, '71. Librarian. J. B. Robinson, '73. And 17 active, 20 honorary, 25 graduate members. SOCIAL. TA U KAPPA. (1 \ss OF '66. Geo, Putnam Smith, [ulien T. Davis, William I'.. Potter, Edward W. Malloy, Graham Robinson, Nathan R, Carter, William E, Smalley, \V. Sprague Hoyt, W. Augustus Hooker, Edward 11. Nicoll, Daniel Lord, Jr., Frank A. Mullaney, Augustus C. Merri im. UNDERGR \l'l A II RECORD. //')• CLUB, Cl VSS OF '''7. Samuel A. Blatchford, Hector C. F, Randolp] James McNamee, John 1 1. Kneeland, A. Ernest Vanderpool, I i< orge S, McCulloh, A. 1 entilhon Foster, Roland 1*. [rving, fames Henry Work, Cadwalnder E, Ogden. SIGMA TAU. < i LSS "i '69. 1 Allaire, John II. I i\ ingston, Robt. I enox Belknap, David B. Ogden, Hamilton Fish, Jr., Chas, A. Peabody, Ji William M. Geer, Samuel A. Purdy, I r, Robt. II. Hunt, Edward B. Smith, 1 teni v M . [ones, I teni 5 C. Stura ,/(/■• of c/.rss I'l VSS OF '69, Robt. Lenox Belknap, Shipley [ones, Jacob Bining< 1 . John II. I.n ingston, \\ . Bayard Cutting, David 1'.. Ogden, William [selin, I . A. Smedberg, Henry M. [ones, I >avid Stewart, |i., Edward fillou. DELTA DELTA. 1876. 1 .mis M. { heesman, '78. Win. II. DeForest, |r.,':S. Oakley Rhinelander, '78, Francis K. Hitchcock, '78. John R. Suydam, '70, s. of M. William II. Russell,'78. JUNIOR SOCIETY.— SCHOOL OF MINES C'l \ss OF 1S70. H. Y, Castner, E. 1 udlow, G. P. Erhard, G. F. Milliken, C. A. Hollick, G II. Sheldon, G. W. Williams. ( 1 \-.s OF 1SS0. E. P. Clark, W. A. Smalley, ;J. 1.. Greenleaf, Maxwell Smith, W. B. Kunhardt, |. Walker, h. [12 UNDERGRADUATE RECO Class of [881, E. K . I > 11 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 , K. II. Sterling, i ;. S. Raj nu'i , ('. I >. Si Ci vss OF [882. Fei il. Sa M.I ., \Y . A . Shumv ay, W. II. < looper, \. R. Ward, D. B, I oui ey, i >. \ . I lougberty, I'.. I.. Kalhfleish, |i. ROi HDALE EQUI TABLE PIONEERS. \ Cooperativi Association. Organized is;<). " // , help those who help them r, * I .mi.- 1 I' I'.n li . J.l (uane I i\ ingston, Robei i M, Bull, Robert R. Livingston, Horatio R. Harper, fames E. Thorold Rogers. YE FEEEE-GEMOT. [878 79. Gesithcundmen jh. I ugenius T. Stuai 1. Thomas G. Patten, Erminius F. Nordeman, Georgius F. Garr, |. Ludovicus Smith, Gulielmus Forster, Henricus T, Peck,* Henricus C, Williamson,* I Mu. mlus Hinman. [879 So Si. Gesithci ndmen- Members of the Maeg Henricus C. Williamson,* Erminius F. Nordeman, Eugenius T. Stuart, Henricus T. Peck,* Thomas G. Patten, Gulielmus Forster, Rufus ( '•. Angell, 11 ive held tii>- fli . . ..• PHILOSOPHIC COMMUNE OE COLUMBIA ' COLLEGE. Ci \-.-> ,.i '80. Charles M. Belden, Henrj S. May, George 1 Blackwell, Charles F. Moody, I andretli II. King, Willi. mi W. Scrugham, J. Albert I ocke, Jr.. Sidnej B. Stuart, Gardinei II. Warine r m>i RGR mm' \ i 'I RECORD, 113 THE SENIOR CI UE. [88o, -.. Horatio R. Harper, Viet-JPrts., Roberl M. Bull. Second Ttttts., I. Duane 1 ivingston. W. Fellowes Morgan, K. M. G. Barnwell, William G. Bates, fames I''. Bush, Prank Draper, w. n.ud McVickar, fielding L. Marshall, Ro Miller, •Honorarj members. ( >. V. Dougherty, '8a, C. 1''. Ferrer, '8 ;. E. Octaviano, '83. I Kin \ C. Paine, William ll. Taylor, Herberl A. Weeks, i ieorge Bird,* Cyrus Edson,* Robt. R. 1 i\ ineston.* MINES CLUB. FOUND) M Aruii 5 I'll, [88l, E. 1 . young, '82. 1 1. Feuchtv angei , '8a. \V. II. Singer, '83. Wm. II. Cooper, '8s THE QUADRAA Gl /■' OF '7<>- \\ illiam E. Wyatt, csl Ingle Robert Tow asend. 3d \.n [le l edyard M. Sands, ad Angle. N. Pendleton Schenck, .|ili Angle. THE QUADRANGl E. 1S74-75. Roberl rownsend, '76, i^i Angle. Wm, E. Verplanck, '76, ad Angle. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., '76, 3d Angle. N. Pendleton Schenck,' 76, 4th \n gli fohn 11. Purdy, '73. Chalmers Wood, '75. Edwin C. Kent, '76, Latham G. Reed, '76, fames A. Renwick,'76. Ledyard M. Sands/76. rhomas S. Drowne, Jr., '77. Gusta-v Kobbe*, '77- Spotswood D. Schenck, S. ol M. William E. Wyatt, S. oi 1 [875 7"- William E Verplanck,'76, [si Angle. Latham G. Reed, '76, ad Angle. Edwin C. Kent, '7c, 3d Angle. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., '76, |.th Vngh L*edyard M, Sands, '70. Thomas S. Drownejr., '77. fames A. Renwick/76. Louis M. Cheesman, '78. 114 I'MiERGRADUATE RECORD. Oakley Rhinelander, '78. Gustav Kobbe, '77. John H. Purely, S. of L. Wm. H. De Forest, Jr., '78. Robert Townsend, '76. William H. Russell, '78. N. Pendleton Schenck, '76. Chalmers Wood, S. of L. William E. Wyatt, S. of L. 1876-77. Gustav Kobbe, '77, 1st Angle. Thomas S. Drowne, Jr. ,'77, 2d Angle. William H. Russell, '78, 3d Angle. Oakley Rhinelander, '78, 4th Angle. Louis M. Cheesman, '78. William H. De Forest, Jr., '78. BILLIARDS. BILLIARD CLUB. 1864. Henry Beadel, Jr., '65. Douglas W. Burnham, '65. Charles K. Gracie, '65. George G. Kip, '65. William Lowndes, '65. Roderick B. Seymour, '65. Lenox Smith, '65. Julien T. Davies, '66. W. Sprague Hoyt, '66. W. Augustus Hooker, '66. William B. Potter, '66. Moses D. Getty, '66. Clarence Brainerd, '66. BILLIARD CLUB OF 'is- William Babcock, Thomas C. Bach, William E. Conroy, Howard Gallup, Randolph Hurry, Edward W. Price, Samuel C. Root. DELTA KAPPA RPSILON BILLIARD CLUB. Edward M. Bliven, '78. William W. Bliven, '78. James A. Booth, '78. Alexander Woods, Jr., '78. Perez M. Stewart, '80. Charles A. Preston, '80. GeorgeC. Brinckerhoff,'78, S. of M. Richard A. Parker, '78, S. of M. Nelson W. Perry, '78, S. of M. George P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. F. W. Schmadeke, '80. Edgar H. Loyhed, S. of M. Wilbray J. Thompson, Special, S. of M. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 1 15 CHESS. CHESS CLUB. 1864. Gerard Beekman, '64. Charles S. Bull, '64. Henry B. Cornwall, '64. Frederick W. Jackson, '64. Archibald M. Campbell, '65. Thomas C. Campbell, '65. Samuel W. Cooke, '65. Wm. N. McVickar, '65. Seymour Van Nostrand, '65. CHESS CLUB OF '68. Frederic de P. Foster. Andrew J. C-ilhooly. Elmslie M. Gillett. Wm. Mitchell, Jr. fohn Mc L. Nash. Duane L. Peabody. CHESS CLUB OF '78. Pres. , Holbrook Cushman. Vice-Pres., Benjamin T. Curtis. Treas., Mornay Williams. William P. Allen. I anics A. Booth. Charles pe H. Brower. J. Franklin Crowell. T. Monroe Davis. Henry E. Gregory. Edward W. Hopkins. Edward A. Low, Jr. JOHN J A Y CHESS CL UB. November, 1878. Pres., Edward J. Runic, '79. Sec, Theodore B. Foster, '79. Samuel D. Osborne, '79. Charles Y. Van Doren, '79. Howard Coghill, '80. Henry S. May, '80. William F. Morgan, '80. William Forster, '81. Herman F. Nordeman, '81. William Walter, '81. George E. Vail, '8i. William F. Wilcoxson, '81. n6 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. COLUMBIA COLLEGE CJ&ESS CLUB. February 12th, 1S79. Pres. and Cor. Sec, George E. Vail, '81. Vice-Pres., James B. Nies, '82. Pec. Sec, W. Bard MeVickar, '80. Treas., Harry de B. Parsons, '82. Henry S. May, '80. Nathan Bijur, '81. William Forster, '81. Charles E. Manierre, '81. Henry L. Mills, Jr., '81. Charles A. Moran, '81. Herman F. Nordeman, 'Si. Eugene T. Stuart, '81. William Walter, '81. William F. Wilcoxson. '81. Frank L. Henry, '82. John C. Spencer, Jr., 'S2. Robert B. Van Cortlandt, '82. LA BOURDONNAIS CHESS CLUB. 1880. Pres. & Cor. See., George E. Vail, '81, Vtce-Pres., Henry L. Mills, Jr., Sec, Harry de B. Parsons, '82. Treas., James B. Nies, '82. H. F. Nordeman, 'Si. A. W. Parsons, '83. William Walter, 'Si. James W. Purdon, '82. Charles A. Rapallo, Jr., 'S4. Chas. E. Pellew, "84, S. of M. CARDS. A. Floyd Delafield, William B. Potter, T. C. E. Ecclesine, Chas. M. Garth, Frank D. Sturges, Robert S. Morison, / 7 'HIST CLUBS. CLASS OF '66. Edward II. Nicoll, Daniel Lord, Jr. class of '70. George McLean, George L. Peabody, William \. Webbe, Walden P. Anderson. KNLGHTS OF THE WHIST TABLE. George E. Blackwell, '80. Eugene T. Stuart, 'Si. Perez M. Stewart, 'So. Sidney P>. Stuart, 'So. EUCHRE CLUB OF '77. F. S. Ackerman, Gustav Kobbe, T. S. Drowne, Jr., Robert Tomes. I'NDERC.RADUATK RECORD. 117 MUSIC. I L. Unfortunately Glee Clubs have never proved successful at Columbia. 'This is not owing to a want of good voices but to the utter lack of practice, the indispensable requisite for good chorus singing. The earlier organiza- tions were principally quartettes of personal friends. The large member- ships of the Glee Club under its varied organizations are apt to be misleading, and it must be borne in mind that but a small percentage possessed good voices and that a very much smaller number were entitled to be called active members. COLUMBIA COLLEGE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. William M. ( teer, Henry M. Jones, George Francis Work Robert Waller, |r., Robert Arnold, E. Fermor Hall, T. C. E. Ecclesine, '70. Edmond Kelly, '70. Dennistoun Wood, '70. Robert Harbour, '71. William 11. Bridgham, '71. Clarence R. Conger, '71. Frank G. Haughwout, '71. Quartette of '69. Edward B, Smith, Henry C. Sturges. Qu IRTETTE of '71. J. 1 lerrick I lenry, Henry M. Smyth. Quartette of '72. Edmund McCafhl, Valentine Mott. Francis I Eustace, '71. Richard 15. Kelly, "71. # Henry Day Loder, '71. J. Brander Matthews, '71. James Otis Morse, Jr., '71. M. Saul, '71. H. Van Rensselaer, '71. George W. Ward, '71. John Hone Foster, S. Albert Reed, Edward D. Perry, '75 Latham G. Reed, '76. COLUMBIA COLLEGE GLEE CLUB. 1873. Quartette of '74. Robert C. Cornell, T. Matlack Cheesman, Ji Second Quartette, William I). McKim, '75. George Sherman, '75. ils undergraduate record. Reorganized in 1874. Reinhold L. Hermann, Director. First Tenors. First Basses. John Hone Foster, '75. Robt - C. Cornell, '74. Edward D. Perry, '75. William D. McKim, '75. G. Brown, S. of M., '75. Second Tenors. ,„ , „ Second Basses. S. Albert Reed, '74. . T. M. Cheesman, Jr., '74. William Babcock, '75. George Sherman, '75. Latham G. Reed, '76. William V. V. Powers, '77. PIANO QUARTETTE OE '77. First Piano. Second Piano. Gustav Kobbe, C. Montague Ward, Center Hitchcock. Channing Ellery. GLEE CLUB, CLASS OF '78. Henry Lawrence Bogert, Leader. First Tenors. First Basses. William H. DeForest, Jr., Samuel F. Adams, Edward P. Schell, Ralph W. Kenyon, Edward M. Bliven. Holbrook Cushman. Second Tenors. Second Basses. William Waller, Cornwall K. Peyton, James Arthur Booth, William P. Allen, Henry L. Bogert. Oakley Rhinelander. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON GLEE CLUB. 1878. First Tenors. First Basses. Edward M. Bliven, '78. Gilbert R. Hawes, S. of L. William G. Davis, S. of L. J. H. Mulchahey, '79. Second Tenors. Second Basses. J. Arthur Booth, '78. George P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. Charles F. Hurlburt, '78. Herbert A. Kingsbury, '79. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. IIQ COLUMBIA COLLEGE GLEE CLUB. ORGANIZATION IN 1877. Henry Lawrence Bogert, '78, Leader. First Tenors. First Basses. Edward P. Schell, '78. William H. DeForest, Jr., '78. Edward Mead Bliven, '78. Second Tenors. William Waller, '78. Willard B. Butler, '78, S. of M . James A. Booth, '7S. Henry L. Bogert, '7S. Ralph W. Kenyon, '78. Holbrook Cushman, '78. George P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. Second Basses. Cornwall K. Peyton, '78. Win. Van Vorst Powers, '77. Herbert A. Kingsbury, '79. F. B. Stewart, '78, S. of M. ORGANIZATION IN 187b. S. Austen Pearce, Mus. Doc, Oxon., Instructor. President. Henry L. Bogert, '78. Secretary, Charles F. Hulburt, '78. Treasurer, Elbert S. Porter, '80. Board of Directors, President, Secretary and Treasurer, ex officio, and E. P. Schell, '78. H. A. Kingsbury, '79. G. P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. First Tenors. First Basses. Edward P. Schell, '78. William G. Davis, S. of L. Vanderbilt Spader, '79. C. A. Andresen, '8i, S. of M. Edward M. Bliven, '78. William Ward, S. of Med. Frank Draper, '80. William H. Taylor, '80. William G. LeBoutillier, '80. Second Tenors. James A. Booth, '78. Charles F. Hurlburt, '78. Walter D. Starr, '81, S. of M. Thomas G. Pat f en, '81. Henry L. Bogert, '78. William Waller, '78. Ross Miller, '80. William H. Hubbard, '80. Holbrook Cushman, '78. Elbert S. Porter, '80. F. B. Stewart, '79, S. of M. Gilbert R. Hawes, S. of L. Ralph W. Kenyon, '78. George Shea, Jr., '80. John H. Mulchahey, '79. Frank C. Wilcox, S. of L. William F. Wilcoxson, '81. Second Basses. Cornwall K. Peyton, '78. George P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. Edward A. Low, Jr., '78. Herbert A. Kingsbury, '79. William E. Daw, '79. John Bates, '81. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. ORGANIZATION IN 1879. S. Austen Pearce, Mus. Doc, Oxon., Instructor. President, II. A. Kingsbury, '79. Vice-President,}. O. Crane, '81. Secretary, F. B. Stewart, '79, S. of M. Treasurer, J. I). Livingston, '8c First Tenors. Vanderbill Spader, '79. William F. Wilcoxson, '81. Henry C. Williamson, '81. J. Duane Livingston, '80. Frank 1,. Henry, '82. William A. Moore, '82. First Basses. John H. Mulchahey, '79. William E. Daw, '79. Thomas G. Patten, '81. J. Lewis Smith, 'Si. F. 1!. Stewart, '79, S. of M. Edward S. Field, '81. II. F. Nordeman, '81. L. W. Miller, '82. Second Tenors. Fred. I). Phillips, '80. W. G. Le Boutillier, '80. Joseph O. Crane, '81. C. E. Manierre, '81. Geo. II. Sullivan, '81. J. C. Spencer, Jr., '82. Second Basses. II. A. Kingsbury. '7c). Samuel S. Fowler, '81. Reginald H. Sayre, '81. John Bates, '81. William Forster, '81. C. Van Vorst Powers, '81. Wm, Fellowes Morgan, 'So. REORGANIZE Robert Arrowsmitli, First Tenors. II. F. Nordeman. 'Si. W. A. Dunning, '81. W. C. Demorest, 'Si. J. F.Jenkins, Jr., '84. Wm. K. Lowrey, '82. First Basses. II. S. Kimball, 'Si. Samuel S. Fowler, '81. J. C. Spencer, Jr., '82. James W. Purdon, '82. A. L. Manierre, 'S3. II. J. Davison, Jr., '84, S. of M. Harry T. Peck, '81. // John T. D MARCH, l88l. '82, Leader and Director. Second Tenors. Franklin B. Torrey, '81. Sterling Rossiter, '83. A. L. Seligman, '83. J. II. Ward, Jr., '83. Frank W. Arnold, '81. Wm. T. Lawson, '82. Second Basses. Lucius W. Hotchkiss, '81. W. E. Newberry, '84, S. of M. Henry M. Ladd, '81. J. A. B. Cowles, '83. E. L. Pupke, '83. T. J. Brereton, '83, S. of M. 'arbler. Fisher, '83. UNDERGR V l > I " VTE RECORD. ATHLETIC. FENCING CLUB OF '73. Jose 1 Aymar, Emilio V. I >el Pino, 1 efferts Strebeigh, William S. Gordon, ( ieorge N. Williamson. BOXING CLUB OF '75. Charles Waldstein, Oliver D. Smith, 1 1 Minor K. F. Blake, Edward W, Price, William D. Mckim, William J. Adams, Randolph Hurry, James Kent, Jr., William Babcock. RIFLE CLUB OF '78. Ralph W. Kenyon, Captain. Charles S. Allen, Jacob Fischer, Henry L, Bogert, Francis K. Hitchcock Jolm L. Bogert, Chas. F. Hoffman, Jr, John F. Brush, William Kent, Joseph F. Crowell, William 11. Russell, Wm. II. DeForest, Jr., William Waller, F. A. Dugro, IK in v K. C. Watson. WALKING CLUB, CLASS OF '79. A. I. Burton, J. A. Lynch, C. E. Cornell, J. H. Mulchahey, Ferd. Sands. WALKING CLUB, CLASS OF '83. John k. Bangs, Edward W. Clarke, F. B. While, James B. Hilton, Edwin Ilerzog, Edwin B, Holden, Nelson R. White, Albert F. Hyde, John West, Samuel ('. Williams, Astley Atkins, Sydney A. Smith, Edmund Benjamin, Edward J. O'Gorman. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. COL UMBIA COLLEGE RLDLNG CL UB. Donald B. Toucey, '82, S. of M. Henry D. Brewster, '83, S. of M. John E. Calhoun, '83, S. of M. George E. Wood, '83, S. of M. Henry S. Stearns, '83, S. of M. Robert Sewell, Jr., '83. Christian A. Herter, S. of Med. COLUMBIA COLLEGE VELOCIPEDE CLUB. President, William A. Duer, '69. Secretary, I. Townsend, '72. Hal. Allaire, '69. G. Andrews, S. of M. Robert Arnold, '72. Jacob Bininger, '69. J. J. A. Bristed, '69. Frederic Bronson, '71. Frederick A. Brown, '72. Edgar B. Clark, S. of L., '70. Stacy B. Collins, Jr., S. of L., '70. Vice Pres., David Stewart, Jr.-, '69. Treasurer, J. Brander Matthews, '71. Denning Duer, Jr., '71. E. Fermor Hall, '72. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., '72. William Iselin, '69. Henry M. Jones, '69. J. Murray Livingston, '72. Chas. A. Peabody, Jr., '69. John W. Russell, '71. John R. Strong, '72. COLUMBIA COLLEGE BICYCLE CLUB. ORGANIZED William G. Bates, '80.* James Brown, '83, S. of M. Henry J. Brunei", '83. Drayton Burrill, '82. B. Percy Clark, '82. Walter S. Clark, '84. Albert A. Cohen, '81. Edward Cohen, '84. Joseph H. Durkee, '84. Clark 0. Eldridge, '84. Walter N. Eldridge, '83. Edwin B. Holden, '83. William T. Lawson, '82.* Frederick H. Lee, '82. Elliot Marshall, S. of Med. P. Randolph Morris, S. of L. William K. Otis, '82. Newell * Have held office of President. NOVEMBER IOTH, 1879. William R. Proctor, '84, S. of M. James W. Purdon, '82. George S. Raymer, '81, S. of M. Charles A. Reed, '83, S. of M. E. Remington, '83, S. of M. Reginald W. Rives, '82. L. Girard Romaine, '82. N. Pendleton Rogers, '82. Reginald H. Sayre, '81. Philemon H. Scudder, '84. Edward H. Snyder, '80. Henry S. Stearns, '83, S. of M. Charles Taber, '84. George H. Taylor, '81.* Reverdy J. Travers, '84. William R. Travers, Jr., '82. Edward Warren, '84. B. Woodworth, '82. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 123 COL UMBIA LA WN TENNIS CL UB. Founded 1880. Presidents — In 1880, W. Bard McVickar. In 1881 , W. Barclay Parsons, Jr. Sidney G. Ashmore, R. M. G. Barnwell,' Robert R. Livingston, Ross Miller, Honorary. 1880. William Constable. W. Bard McVickar, J. Duane Livingston, Henry G. Paine. David A. Clarkson, William DeRham, Charles A. Moran, George H. Taylor. N. Evertson Crosby, Othniel DeForest, Alexander Harvey, Win. H. Harrison, Jr., Edward deP. Livingston, Lawrence W. Miller, George B. Parsons, William S. Sloan, Wm. R. Travers, Jr. John E. DeRuyter, Walter N. Eldridge, Devereux Emmett, Sherman H. Esselstyn, Clark O. Eldridge, Ambrose D. Henry, 1884. Arthur L. Lesher, George C. Palmer, Hamilton F. Webster, H. S. Van Schaick. Charles Taber, Reverdy J. Travers, J. M. Wainwright. School of Mines. W- Barclay Parsons, Jr., '82. Frank E. Ward, '82. Townsend Cox, Jr., '83. Norman Henderson, '83. N. S. Simpkins, '83. Jerome L. Hill, Jr., '84. 124 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. BASE-BALL. Unfortunately no records can be obtained previous to April, 1864, the date of the first Columbiad, and even from that date statistics are few and far between. The names of numerous class nines are given and the scores of a few games, but Base Hall never flourished at Columbia, and the facts given below are merely to show how little active work was ever accom- plished. Class of '65. R. B. Seymour, Captain. E. S. Brownson, Chas. K. Gracie, \Y ilia id P. Ward, F. F. Wilson. Class of '66. Julien T. Davies, Captain. Clarence Brainerd, Theo. H. McNamee, Edw. W. Malloy, Aug. C. Merriam. Class uf '67. II. C F. Randolph, Captain. J. A. Denniston, Jr., John Henry Work, H. A. W. Barclay, Chas. H. Burtis. Class of '69. Captains oj 2. Columbia. — 3 touchdowns to nothing. November 17th, 1S77, Princeton, N. J. Princeton vs. Columbia. — 4 goals, 6 touchdowns to nothing. November 16th, 1878, Hoboken, N. J. Univ. OF PENN. vs. Columbia. — Drawn game. October 25th, 1879, Hoboken, N. J. STEVENS vs. Columbia. — Drawn game. November 1st, 1879, Princeton, N. J. Princeton vs. Columbia.— a goals, 3 touchdowns to nothing. November 15th, 1879, Young America C. C. Ground, Phila., Penn. Univ. of Penn. vs. Columbia.— i touchdown (protested) tn nothing. November 20th, 1879, Hoboken, N. J. Rutgers vs. Columbia. — Drawn game. November 22d, 1879, Hoboken, N. J. Yale vs. Columbia. — 2 goals, 3 touchdowns to nothing. November 6th, 1S80, Polo Grounds, New York City. Harvard vs. Columbia. — 3 goals, 1 touchdown to nothing. November 10th, 1880, New Haven, Conn. Yale vs. Columbia. — 13 goals, 3 touchdowns to nothing. Novemberi3th, 1880. Columbia vs. Rutgers.— 3 goals, 1 touchdown to 3 touchdowns. Athletics. COLUMBIA COLLEGE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. In the Cap and Gown of January 20th, l86g, there appears an interesting letter from Cambridge University, England, written by George L. Rives, '68, in which he advocates the formation of an athletic association at Col- umbia. A previous issue of the Cap and Gown contains a call for a meeting to organize such an association — David B.0gden,'6o, having agreed to preside. The result of these efforts was the formation of the Athletic Association of Columbia College, on March iOth, i86q. . To encourage athletic sports the Trustees generously made an annual appropriation of Two Hundred Dol- lars. The first field meeting was held Wednesday, June 2d, 1869, on the Capitoline Grounds, Brooklyn ; no records being kept, however, of times, distances, or heights. On .May 15th, 1S74, aquatic sports were held under the auspices of the Association. In the autumn of 1878 it was decided to make the fall sports consist mainly of handicap events, a decision followed by succeeding officers. In the spring of 188 1 class games were given, open to members of the sophomore and freshman classes. The following extract from a number of the English sporting paper Land and Water, published in the Winter of 1871, is of sufficient interest to warrant its reprint here : " Columbia College lias taken the lead of American colleges in the in tioduction of athletic sports, in imitation of the English universities. An Athletic Association has been organized and is now in successful operation * * * * The Association has received every encouragement and pecu niar'y aid from the Faculty and Trustees of the College, and bids fair to become a permanent institution." 13- UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. LIST OF OFFICERS. 1868-69. President. — I). B. Ogden, '69. Secretary. — C. A. Peabody, Jr., '69. Treasurer. — J. Bininger, '69. 1875-76. J. A. Renwick, '76. N. P. Schenck, '76. Wilmot Johnson, Jr., '76. 1869-70. President. — Edmond Kelly, '70. Secretary. — Dennistoun Wood, '70. Treasurer. — Geo. L. Peabody, '70. 1876-77. C. W. Francis, '77. T. S. Drowne, Jr., '77. F. D. Weeks, '77. 1870-71. President. — C. C. Munroe, '71. Secretary. — J. H. Henry, '71. Treasurer. — J. B. Matthews, '71. 1877-78. L. M. Cheesman, '78. W. H. De Forest, Jr., '78. H. L. Bogert, '78. 1871-72. P resilient. — Robert Arnold, '72. Secretary. — A. 1). Weeks, '72. Treasurer. — J. Krom Rees, '72. 1878-79. W. B. Parsons, Jr., '79. J. C. Wetmore, '79. J. H. Mulchahey, '79. 1S72-73. 1879-80. President. — Casimir De R. Moore, '73. L. N. Phelps, '80. Vice-President. — None. W. H. Roome, '80. Secretary. — W. F. Morgan, '80. Treasurer. — J. D. Livingston, '8o. 1S73-74. 1SS0-S1. President. — T, M. Cheesman, Jr., '74. Geo. H. Taylor, '81. Secretary. — S. A. Reed, '74. Alex. Harvey, '82. Treasurer. — G. F. Butterworth, '74. Wm. S. Sloan, '82. I374-75- 51-82. President. — Randolph Hurry, '75. Wm. S. Sloan, '82. Secretary. — Charles King, S. of M.,'76. Sterling Rossiter, '83. Treasurer. — George Sherman, '75. J. F. Jenkins, Jr., '84. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 133 FIELD MEETINGS. First Field Meeting. — Capitoline Grounds, Brooklyn, June 2d, 1869. EVENT. WINNER. I. One Hundred Yards Dash, William Iselin, '69. Throwing the Base-ball, Ferris, S. (if M. Hurdle Race (Regulation), Edmond Kelly, '70. Running High Jump, C. C. Munroe, '71. One Hundred and Fifty Yds. Dash, William Iselin, '69. Standing Long Jump, Half-Mile Run, Standing Broad Jump, Hurdle Race, 200 yds., 16 flights, Standing High Jump, One Mile Run, C. C. Munroe, '71. Schuyler Hamilton, Jr., '72. C. C. Munroe, '71. William Iselin, '69. C. C. Munroe, '71. Wm. N. Webbe, '70. Second Field Meeting. — Capitoli 1. One Hundred Yards Dash, 2. Running Long Jump, 3. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 4. Throwing Base-ball, 5. 150 Yards Dash, 6. Running High Jump, 7. Half-Mile Run, 8. Standing Long Jump, 9. Hurdle Race, 200 Yds., 16 flights, 10. Standing High Jump, 11. One Mile Run, 12. One Mile Walk, 13. Consolation Race, 200 yds., neGrounds,Brooklyn, Nov. 12th, 1869. ( \. M. Speir, Jr., '73, 12 s. C. C. Munroe, '71, C. C. Munroe, '71, Cooper, S. of M., W. S. Webb, '73, A. D. Weeks, '72, E. Kelly, '70, R. Arnold, '72, E. Kelly, '70, C. C. Munroe, '71, J. H. Henry, '71, J. W. Russell, '71, H M. Smyth, '71, 16 ft. 6 in. 22 1-2 s. 328 ft. 16 s. 4 ft. 10 1-2 in. 2 m.30 1-2 s. 9 ft. 9 in. 34 s. 4 ft. 2 in. 5 m. 40 s. 10 m. 8 s. Third Field Meeting 1871. 1. Throwing Base-ball, 2. One Hundred Yards Dash, 3. Running High Jump, 4. Hurdle Race, 200 yds., 15 flights 5. Running Long Jump, 6. 30(3 yds. Heat Race, 2 out of 3, 7. Standing High Jump, 8. Half-Mile Run, ' 9. Three-legged Race, 150 yds., IO. Standing Long Jump, Capitoline Grounds, Brooklyn, May 27th, C. C. Munroe, '71. G. M. Speir, Jr., '73. A. D. Weeks, '72. C. C. Munroe, '72. R. Arnold, '72. G. M. Speir, Jr., '73. R. Arnold, '72. R. Waller, Jr.. '71. j C. C. Munroe, '71. \ R. Arnold, '72. R. Arnold, '72. 134 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. EVENT. WINNER. 11. Consolation Race, 200 yds., S. Fish, '71. 12. Hurdle Race, 150yds., 12 Bights, A. 1>. Weeks, '72. 13. One Mile Walk, S. Fish, '71. 14 One Mile Run, F. Frost, S. of M. Fourth Field Meeting. — St. George Cr, Club Grounds, Hoboken, June 6th, [872. 1. One Mile Walk, \. 1'.. Simonds, '73, 8 m. 52 s. 2. Running High Jump, A. D. Weeks, '72, 3. Hurdle Race, 200 yds., A. 1>. Weeks, '72, 30 S. 4. Running Long Jump, A. 1>. Weeks, '72, 5. One Hundred Yards Hash, G. M. Speir, Jr., '73, (). Standing Long Jump, R. Arnold, '72, 9 ft. 1 in. 7. Three-legged Race, \ £■ ¥'^ T 'J^ ' 73 ' (l.C. Bach, 75, 8. Half-Mile Run, C. M. Speir, Jr., '73, 2 m. 20 s . g. Standing High Jump, R. Arnold, '72, 10. Hurdle Race, 150 yds., A. D. Weeks, '72, 11. 150 Yards Dash, (',. M. Speir, Jr., '73, 17 s. 12. Consolation Race, R. Hurry, '75, Fifth Field Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 17th, 1S73. 1. One Mile Walk, A. P. Simonds, '73, S in. 53 s. 2. Throwing Base-ball, C. He R. Moore, '73, 309 ft. 8 in, 3. Standing Long Jump, J. S.C.Wells, '75, S.of M., u ft. 4. 150 Yards Dash, Martinez, '75, S. of M., 16 1-2 s. 5. Standing High Jump, Perrin, '75, S. of M., 3 ft. 8 in. 6. Three-legged Race, 100 yds ^ G.B.Cornell,'76, S.of M.. ^ \ R. W.Van Boskerck, '76, J [ 3 s. ( S. ofM., ) 7. Running High Jump, Perrin, S. of M., '75, 4 ft. 6 in. S. Quarter-Mile Run, Martinez, S. of M.,'75, 05 s. 9. Running Long Jump, T. C. Bach, '75, 10 ft. 4 in. 10. Hurdle Race, 150 yds., 11. F. Morewood, S.of M. '76,2(1 1-4 s. 11. One Mile Run, S. A. Reed, '74, 6m. 2 I-4S. 12. Consolation Race, 150 yds., R. Hurry, '75, 1S s. 13. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, G. Brown, N.Y.A.C., 2 m. 21 s. A.Q1 \in SPORTS. — Harlem River, May 15, 1S74. Four crews entered. Two mile handicap. Course from High Bridge to Boat 1 louse. 1. (Scratch.) 1'. Timpson, '77, S. of M., how ; F. S. Rapallo, '74, 2; R. C. Cornell, '74, 3; 1'.. F. Rees, "74, S. of M., stroke. 13 m. 19 1-2 s. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD, l ;- 6 i sec.) W. K. Oakes, ':;,, S. of M., bow ; W. E. Wyatt, '76, 2; E. W. Page, '70. 3; 1. A. Sprague, '76, stroke; S. A. Reed, '74, coxs. 14 m. 1^ 5. 3. (Scratch 1 L Macy, '75, S. ol M., bow; W. J.Adams, '75, a; J. C. Wells, '75, S. oi M., 3; Gaspar Griswold, '76, stroke. 14111.40-. 4. (i^sec.) Freshman crew ('771. W. V, \'. Powers, bow; J. M. Mitchell, -• ; C. W. Francis, ;, ; 11. I'. Brown, 4; C. M. Ward, 5 ; F. IV Weeks, stroke; J, B. Pine, coxs. 14 m, 45 s. Tub Race. R. C. Cornell, '74; P. Timpson, '77, S. of M.; E. S. Rapallo, '74. Won by Rapallo. Sixth Field MEETiNG.-r-St. George Cr. Club Grounds, Hoboken, Ma] 23d, 1S74. EVENT. WINNER. RECORD, 1. One Mile Walk, \\ . E. Conroy, '75, torn. 26 s. a. Throwing Base-ball, E. Sniffen, S. of M., 275 Ft. 3 Standing Long Jump, Martinez, S. of M., '75, toft, 4. Running Long Jump, F, D, Weeks, '77. 15 ft, 4 in. 5. One Hundred Yards Dash, R.W.Van Boskerck.S ol M, '70, 11 s. <>. Standing High Jump, F. 1>. Week-, '77, 4ft.31.-ain. 7. Running High Jump, F. P. Weeks, '77, 411.01 >n 8. One Mile Run, S. A. Reed, '74, 5 m. 51' s. 1 i;. B. Cornell.S.of M.,'70. J ■ R.W.Van Boskerck, S. of '- 10 s. i M..>. \ to. Strangers' Mile Walk, Simonton, 8m. 53 3-4 s, 11. Half-Mile Run, R. Hurry, '75, am. 433-45, ia. Consolation Race, 150 yds., S. C. Root, '75, 10 1-2 s. Seventh Field Meeting.- V V. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 8th, 1S75. 1. One Mile Walk, C, W. Francis, '77- l ) ni. 1 1 |v 2. Throwing Base-ball, Wetmore, 315 ft. 3. one Hun. lied Yards Dash, S. C. Root, '75. n r-4 s. 4. Hurdle Race, too yds., C.S. I indley.S. of M.,'77, is ?, 5. One Mile Run, J. A. Renwick, '76, 5m.143.4s. 0. Running High Jump, J- W. Pryor, 7 s . 5 !l - < m - \ G.M. Hammond, S.oi M./7S. 7. rhree-leggedRace, j ,, ,, ,.,.„„„.„ 8. Three Mile Walk, \\. W. Bliven, '78, 30m.153.4s. 9. Halt-Mile Run, G.M.Hammond.S.of M./7S, a in. is [-5 s. to. Running Broad Jump, II. L, Bogert, '78, 16 ft, 8 in, 11. Strangers' One Hundred Yards Hash, Jew itt, l l ',4 S. 9. Three legged Race, 136 UNDERGRADl ATE RECORD. 12. Standing Broad Jump, II. L. Bogert, '7S, 9 ft. 4 in. 13. Consolation Race, Quarter Mile, W. Waller, '78, 62 s. Eighth Field Meeting. — N 20th, 1876. 1. One Mile Walk, 2. Running Broad Jump, 3. Half-Mile Run, 4. Putting the Shot (16 lbs.), 5. One hundred Yards Dash, 6. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, 7. Running High lump, 8. Three Mile Walk, 9. Hurdle Race ( Regulation), 10. One Mile Run, 11. Standing High Jump, 12. Quarter-Mile Run, 13. Three-legged Race, 100 yds., 14. Consolation Race, Quarter Mil Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May C. W. Francis, '77, 8 m. 4-5 s. H. L. Bogert, '78, 17 ft. 3 in. ('.. M. Hammond, '7S, S. of M., 2 m. 15 s. H.F.Morewood.S. of M. ,,'76, 27 ft. J. W. Pryor, '78, 11 1-5 s. F.C.Saportas.N.Y. A.C. ,2 m. 20 v. H. L. Bogert, '7s, 5 ft. 4 in. W. W. Bliven, '78, 27 m. S4-5.S W. II. DeForestJr.,'78, 19 4-5 s. J. A. Renwick, '76, 5 m. 182-5 s. J. W. Pryor, '78, 4 ft. 4 in. W. Waller, '78, 56 2-5 s. \ ('.. M. Hammond, S. of 1 U. '78, ) H. P. Brown, '77, 13 s. e, W. E. Hildreth, S. of M .,'77,58 s. Ninth Field Meeting. — N. Y. ber 4th, 1876. 1. One Mile Walk, 2. Pole Vaulting, 3. Two Hundred ami Twenty Yards Dash, 4. Quarter-Mile Run, 5. Running High Leap, 6. One Mile Run, 7. One Hundred Yards Dash, 8. Running Long lump, 9. Three Mile Walk, 10. Throwing the Hammer (16 lbs.), 11. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 12. Half-Mile Run, 13. Consolation Race (1-4 Mile), 14. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, Nov< C. Eldredge, '79, F. D. Weeks, '77, W. Waller, ' 7 S, m. 2 1-4 s. 8 ft. 3 in. 25 3-4 s. R. R. Colgate, '80, 55 s. H. L. Bogert, '78, \v. o. R. R. Colgate, '80, 5 m. 12 1-2 s. W. Waller, '78, IO 1-2 s. H. L. Bogert, '7S, \v. o, C. Eldredge, '79, 25 m. 48 s. C. S. Boyd, S.ofM.,'77, 68 ft. 3 in. W. H. DeForest,Jr.,'7S. 22 s. G.M.] [ammond.S.ofM.,'78, 2 m. 25s. W. Hartlett, S.of M.,'8o, 69 s. C. Vought, H. A. C, 2 m. 12 s. Tenth Field Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 5th, 1877. By special invitation, Princeton men participated in these sports. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 137 EVEN r. WINNER. RE< ORD. i. One Mile Walk, C. Eldredge, '79. 7 m.a8 i-as. ..... I H. 1.. Bogert, '78, 5 ''• 5 «• 2. Running lliq,h lump, , , ,.. ., . Q ,. 6 s • ' ( J. \\ . Pryor, 78, 5 ft. 5 in, 3. Half-Mile Run, R. R. Colgate, '8o, 9 m. S s. 4. Pule Vault, F. D. Weeks, '77, 8 ft. 5 in. 5. One Hundred Yards Dash, W. Waller, '78, 11 1-4 s. 6. Throwing the Hammer, G. D. Parmley, '70, /'., 7°. ft- 1 >»• 7. Quarter-Mile Run, G.M.Hammond.S.of M./78, 54 3-4 s. S. rwo Hundred and rwenty Yards Dash, W. Waller, '78, J? S. 9. Two Mile Walk, C. Eldredge, '79, w. o. ig 111. 30 s, 10. Running Broad Jump, A. C. Hunt, '78, /V., 18 ft 1 in. u. Hurdle Race (Regulation), J. W. Pryor, '78, 20 i-a s. 12. One Mile Run, W. J. G. Beams, '78, 5111.213-4*. 13. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, E. Merritt, N. Y. A. C„ 2m. 11 3-45. 14. Medley Race, i-s Mile. W. 11. De Forest, Jr, '78, Eleventh Field Meeting. — N, V. A. C, Grounds, Moti Haven, October 27th, 1S77. 1. One Mile Walk. C. Eldredge, '79, fm. 44-5S. 2. Running High Jump, J. P. Conover, '8o, 5 ft. 3 in. 3. Half-Mile Run, R.R.Colgate, *8o, w. o., 2m.153.4s. 4. Pole Vaulting, J. W. Pryor, '78, 7 ft. 6 in. 5. One Hundred Yards Hash, W. Waller, '78. 104-5 s. 6. Throwing the Hammer (16 lbs.), H.G.Ridabock.S.ofM.,'79, 69ft. 2 in. 7. Quarter-Mile Run, W. R. Stewart, 'So, 572-5 s. 8. Two Hundred and Twenty Yards Dash, W. Waller, '78, w. 0., 25 3-5 s. 9. Two Mile Walk, C. Eldredge, '79, 15m. 463.5s. ro. Running Broad lump, J. P. Conover, '80, 18 ft. 4 in. 11. Hurdle Raee (Regulation), J. 1'. Conover, '80, (no time taken.) 12. One Mile Run, W. J. G. Reams, '78, 5 m. 16 s. [3. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, W. 11. Griffin, 2m.134.-5s. 14. Steeple Chase, W. R. Stewart, '8o, Twelfth Field Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Moti Haven, May 4th, 1878. 1. One Mile Walk, W. B. Parsons, Jr., *79, 8m.43 1-4S. 2. Running High Jump, J. P. Conover, '80, 5 tt. 6 in, 3. Half-Mile Run, A. I. Burton, '79, w. 0., 2 m. 21 s. 4. Pole Vaulting, 11. L. Bogert, '78, 7 ft. 6 in. 5*. One Hundred Yards Hash, W. Waller, '78, W. «>., 11 I-4s. 6. Throwing the Hammer, G.D.Parmley.S.of Med. ,73 ft. 7 in. i "> s UNDERGR \l'l \ 11 RECORD EVENT. w INNER, R] CORD. Quarter-Mile Run, A. 1. Burton, '79, 56 s, Two 1 [undred and I'w entj Vards Dash, \\. Waller. ':>, 25 s, Running Broad Jump, J, P. Conover, '8o, 20 !i. :: Hurdle Race (Regulation), J. W. Pryor, '78 (after a dead heat), 10 1-4 >-. One Mile Run, <,'. Eldredge, ';>). 500.13 1 _• s, Strangers' Halt Mile Run, F. Banham, 11. A. C, 2m. 1? 1-4-. W. Forstcr, 1;,. rug of War (a out of 3),'8i, \ A..H.VanSinderen,S.of M., / *oi-4« 8] • r -'79. ] I. II. Montgomery, 1 and ' F.E.Ward.S ofM., ) ,,3 " 4S 1 t Steeple Chase, W. 11. De Forest, Jr., '78. * Intercollegiate measurement 1. . ami heel I'iiiK 1 1 1 \ 1 11 Field Meeting -V Y. V. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, Novembei ad, 1878. 4 All tki :■ Hi ... ills. 1. One MiK- Walk. w. E. Gould, '79(25 s.),8 m. 39s. 2. Half-Mile Run, II. M. Moore, S. >>i \l.. '82 (100 \ ils.), 1 m. 59 4-5 s. 3. Owe Hundred Vards Dash, L\J.Brereton, , 79(4yds.), ll 4-5 s. 4. Running High Jump, R. 11. Sayre, 'Si. w . o., 4 ft, in. s. rhrowing the Hammer, W. R. Pryor, S. of I .. 63 ft. 1 in, o. Two Hundred and rwentj Vards I >ash, G.H.Taylor,'8i( to yds.), 24 4-5 -. ;. Pole Vaulting, F. 11. 1 ee, '82, w. o., 8 ft. 7 in. 8, Running Broad Jump, W. \. Moore, '82, i-u 71-201. 9. Quarter-Mile Run. F. Rutherford, S.of. M., '70 (18 yds.), 57 4-=, s. 10. Strangers' Half-Mile Run. F. Banham, II. A. C, 2m. 13s. it. Two MiK- Walk. W. Hallock, '70 (200s.), 19 m. .J- 1 -. \. 1>. 1 edoux.S. oi M.. 1 isi Tug 12. Tugof War (2 out of 3)— *8t, j J. 11. Montgomery, '8i r. '70. \ n.\ an Sinderen.S.oi M.. 1 1;.. I F. E. Ward, S.ofM.. „„ Sv 13. Hurdle Race (Regulation), O, De Foresl (16 yds.), w. o., No time taken, 14. One Mile Run, f.C. Wetmore, '79 (20 s,), 5 m. 40 s, 1=,. Steeplechase, W.F.Morgan, 'So. w. i NDERGRADUATE RECORD, 139 I'm RTEENTH FIELD Mil NNG M.i\ 3, 1879. EVENT. 1. One Mile Walk, 2. Half-Mile Run, 3. Running Broad Jump, 4. Putting the Shot (10 lbs.), 5. Two Hundred and Twenty Yard Dash, (1. Pole Vaulting, 7. One Hundred Yards Dash, s. Running 1 1 igh Jump, i). Quarter-Mile Run, 10. Throwing the Hammer (16 lbs.), 11. Two Mile Walk, 12. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 13. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, 14. One Mile Run, 15. Tugof War (2 out of 3),College, College vs. S of M., — \. V. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, WINNER. Ki < ORD. R. II. Sayre, 'Si, 8m. 16 2-5 s. \V. J. U. Roberts, 'Si, 2m. 14 4-5 s, \Y. A. Moore, '82, W. <>., 10 ft. 6 in. ]. F. Bush 'Si'. 30ft. 3 i-2in. r. J. Br ere ton, '70 25 3-5 s. 1 . II. Lee, '82, \v. 0., i ft. q in. T. J . Brereton, '70. 3-5 s. \\ P, 1 .aw son, '82, C ft. 2 in. \Y . J. U. Roberts. 'Si, s7 s. J. F. Bush, '>■ , OS ft. 4 in. R. II. Sayre, 'Si, 10 111. 51 s. \Y . T. 1 .aw son, >-, 1 9 3-5 s - \\ . R. Trask, : m. 22 2-5 s. c. 11. Trask, Jr.,'82 ,S. of M.. 5 m. 27 3-5 s- w . B. Parsons, Jr., ' 79- T. 11 C. A. Painter, Jr., R. Muller, '8l , Eldredge, '79, 'Si, 2d Tug in 111. ;.' 2-5 S.; 3d Tug by 3 11. Sin, ui nu- J- F. Bush, '80, llum. 10 in.l J. II. Montgomery, "Si, Fifteenth Field Meeting. — N. Y. a. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, Novembei 8, 1S79. ./// the runs and 7sa/k.< we/e handicap events. 1. One Mile Walk. H. P. Case, 'S3 (Scr.), 8 m. 1 1-2 s. j. One Hundred Yards Dash, l'..W .Brov n, S. of M., 'S3 (3yds.), No time taken. 3. Standing Broad Jump, F. H. Lee, '82, 9ft. 3 T-4.n1. 4. Pole Vaulting, 1-'. A. Hopkins, S. of 1.., 7 ft. 5. Throwing the Hammer (16 lbs.), J. F. Hush. '8o, So it. 5 in. 6. Two Hundred and Twenty Yards Hash,, , 83(8yds.), 23 1-4 s. 7. Two Mile Bicycle Race, W. T. Lawson, '82, 8m.32i-2s. S. One Mile Run, 9, Hurdle Race (Regulation), 10. Putting the Shot ( 10 llw.l. 11. Half-Mile Run, [2, Two Mile Walk. W. Newbrough, '80 15" yds. |, 5 ni. 2 14s. E. T. Gannon, S. of M., 'S3 (8 yds.), J. F. Bush, 'So. 3311.1 1-2 in. (I. H. Taylor. 'Si (Scr.), 2 111. 12 s. II. P. Case, '83 (Scr.), i7m.lOl.-2s. 140 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. M- EVENT. Quarter-Mile Run, 14 Running High Jump, 15. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, 16. Running Broad Jump, 17. Tug of War— '81, '3 1 vs. 'S3, '81 vs. '80, * Intercollegiate rules. N. A. A. A WINNER. RECORD. W, R. Travers, Tr., '82 (35 yds.), 51 3-4 s. W. T. Lawson, '82, 5 ft. 1 in. W. J. U. Roberts, S.I. A. C, 2 m. 25 s. J.S.Voorhees.S.of Med. ,21 ft. 8 i-4in.* r T. A. Painter, Jr., 1 tt t» ■»«■ -11 ,st Tug by 8 H. R. Muller, f , 5 .. J it. (15 m. lim- •J A.H. Van Sinderen, S.of fit.); 2 d Tug M., I by 2 ft. (10 m. I A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., j limit), rules, 21 ft. 4 in. Sixteenth Field Meeting, May 1, 18S0. 1. One Mile Walk, 2. Running High Jump, 3. Half-Mile Run, 4. Pole Vaulting, 5. One Hundred Yards Dash, 6. Throwing the Hammer, 7. Quarter-Mile Run, 8. Two Hundred and Twenty Y Dash, 9. Two Mile Walk, 10. Running Broad Jump, 11. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 12. One Mile Run, 13. Stranger's Half-Mile Run, 14. Putting the Shot, 15. Two Mile Bicycle Race, 16. Steeple Chase, 17. Tug of War— 'Si. 'Si vs. '82, '83 7'S. '82, '81 vs. '83, — N. V. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, irds W H F. G. W L. F. W W r t. Jh I A. 1 j. P. Case, '83, 8m. 40 1-2 s. H. Taylor, '81 (w. o.), 5 ft. 2 in. .R.Travers,Jr.,'82(w.o.), 2 m.28 s. H. Lee, '82, 8 ft. W. Brown, S. of M., 'S3, 11 s. H. Montgomery, '81, 68 ft. 8 in. Combes, '81. 57 3-4 s. . N. Eldridge, '83, 24 2-5 s. , P. Case, '83, i8m.43 i-2s. H. Lee, '82, 18 ft. 7 in. H. Taylor, '81, 21 1-4 sec. . R. Travers, Jr., '82, 5 m. 5 1-2 s. E. Meyers, M. A. 0,2111.123-45. A. Potts, Jr., S. of M., 80, 29ft. 11 i-2in. . G. Bates, '80, 8m. 53 1-2 s. . R. Travers, Jr., 'S2, No t. taken. A. Painter, Jr., 1 1st Tug T> 1\T 11 I % 2 ft- m R. Muller, time H.VanSinderen,S.of M., [ limit; - 3d 'I 1 ug in H. Montgomery, J 4 nun. Seventeenth Field Mfeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, October 23d, 1880. All the > it us and walks were handicap events. 1. One Mile Walk, 2. Running High Jump, 3. Half-Mile Run, 4. Pole Vaulting, R.T. P.Fiske,S.of L.(3os.),7 m. 54 1-2 s. W. T. Lawson, '82, 5 ft. 4 in. F. A. Hopkins, S.ofL.(Scr.),2 m. 15 2-5 s. F. H. Lee, '82 (w. o.), 8 ft. 7 in. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. MI EVENT. 5. One Hundred Yds. Dash, 6. Throwing the Hammer ( 1-4 lbs.), 7. Quarter-Mile Run, 8. 220 Yards Dash, 9. Two Mile Walk, 10. Running Broad Jump, 11. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 12. One Mile Run, 13. Strangers' Half-Mile Run, 14. Two Mile Bicycle Race, 15. Putting the Shot, 16. Tug of War, '81, ('8i z/j.'83). Class Games, '83 and '84. 3d, 1881. 1. Hundred Yards Dash, 2. One Mile Run, 3. Hurdle Race (Regulation) 4. Two Mile Bicycle Race, 5. Standing High Jump, 6. Putting the Shot, 7. Half Mile Run, 8. Running Broad Jump, 9. Tug of War — 'S3, 10. One Mile Walk, 11. 220 Yards Run, 12. Throwing the Hammer, 13. Pole Vault, 14. Running High Jump, 15. Quarter Mile Run, WINNER. RECORD. H.T.Davison,Jr.,S.ofM.,'&4, (4 yds.), 10 2-5 s. 18 R. W. Blackwell, S. of L., 71ft. 11 1-2 in. W. Storms, S.of L. (12 yds.), 55s. H. J. Davison, Jr., S. of M.. •84 (8 yds.), 24 1-5 s. R.T.P.Fiske.S.of L.(45 s.), 17 m. 2 4-5 s. J. S. Voorhees, S. of Med., 20 ft. 5 in. W.R.Stewart, S.of L.(Scr.), 21 2-5 s. W. B. PeetJr.,S. of M.,'84 (35 yds.). 5 m. 37 1-2 s. R. A. Knight, M. A. C, 2 m. 15 s. C. A. Reed, S. of M., 'S3 (125 yds.). 7 m. 40 3-5 s. J. H. Montgomery, 'Si, 29 ft. 5 in. A. H. Van Sinderen, S. of M., ■>, \ H. R. Muller, ) Von by 4 >ft., in time A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., Hmit J. H. Montgomery. J N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May R H J- J- T- w A. J- [J- ! O. j I E. J- J- D. H. J- H. Mulford,'83, S. of M., 11 1-8 s. . C. Taylor, '84, F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, N. Stearns, '84, S. of M F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, .Wheeler/84, F. Hyde, '83, F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, H. Banks, S. of M, Bodleston,S. of M., Mulford, S. of M., T. Lynch, S. of M., A. B. Cowles, '83, F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, B. Porter, '83, C. Taylor, '84, F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, 5 m. 21 5-8 s. 21 3-4 s. 7 m. 42 s. 4 ft. 7 in. 31 ft. 4 in. 2 m. 11 3-4 s. 19 ft. 10 in. Won by 4 ft. 6 in. in time limit. 9 m. 2q 1-8 s. 31 1-8 s. 77 ft. 2 1-2 in. 6 ft. 5 ft. 2 1-2 in. J.I)avison,Jr.,'84,S.ofM.,59 7-8 s. Eighteenth Field Meeting, N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 7th, 1SS1. 1. Hundred Yards Dash, J. F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, 10 5-8 s. '2. One Mile Walk, R. H. Sayre, '81, 7 m. 46 s. 3. One Mile Run, W. G. Taylor, S. of L.(w.o.), 5 m. 10 1-2 s. 142 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. EVENT. 4. Throwing the Hammer, 5. Half Mile Run, 6. Putting the Shot, 7. 220 Yards Dash, 8. Standing High Jump 9. Tug of War — '83, '83 vs. '81. 10. Running Broad Jump, 11. Two Mile Bicycle Race, 12. Hurdle Race (Regulation), 13. Running High Jump, 14. Quarter Mile Run, 15. Pole Vault, WINNER. J. H. Montgomery, '81, G. H. Taylor, '81, F. E. Ward, '82, S. of M. J. F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, J. F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, f D. B. Porter, J J. A. B. Cowles, j J. H. Banks, y. of M., [ E. T. Lynch, S. of M. ( j J. F. Voorhees.S. of Med., J. N. Stearns, '84, S. of M., R. Mulford, '83, S. of M., \ R. H. Sayre, 'Si, j G. H. Taylor, '81, H.J.DavisonJr.,'84,S.of M F. H. Lee, '82, RECORD. 7S ft. 4 in. 2 m. 9 5-8 s. 30 ft. 1 3-8 in. 30 1-2 s. 4 ft. 4 3-4 in. 1st Tug by 20 in.; 2d Tug by 1 in., both in time limit. 20 ft. II in. 7 m. 13 s. No time taken. 5 ft. 3 1-8 in. .58 1-4 s. 8 ft. 6 in. INTER-COLLEGIA TE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Columbia Winners. First Field Meeting. — Saratoga, July, 1876. Championship awarded to Princeton. SECOND FIELD Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, July 6th 1877. I. One Mile Walk, 3. Half-Mile Run, 4. Pole Vaulting, 8. Quarter-Mile Run, C. Eldredge, '79, 7 m. 30 s. G.M.Hammond, S. of M., '78, 2 m. 20 1-2 s. J. W. Pryor, '78, 7 ft. <) in. G.M.Hammond, S. of M.,'78, 54 s. II. One Mile Run, 13. Two Mile Walk, W. J. G. Beams, '7S, 5 m. 33 s. C. Eldredge, '79, 16 m. 24 s. Championship awarded to Columbia. Third Field Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 28th, 1S7S. 2. One Mile Walk, C. Eldredge, '79, 7 m. 38 3-4 s. 4. Running High Jump, J. P. Conover, '80, 5 ft. 6 1-2 in.* 5. Half-mile Run, A. I. Burton, '79, 2 m. 8 1-4 s. S. Running Broad Jump, J. P. Conover, '80, 19 ft. 2 1-2 in. 9. Quarter-Mile Run, A. I. Burton, '79, 54 1-5 s. *Best on record in America. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 143 EVENT. WINNER. RECORD. 13. Hurdle Race (Regulation), J. W. Pryor, '78, 21 3-5 s. 14. Two-Mile Walk, C. Eldredge, '79, 16 m. 33 s. Championship awarded to Columbia. Fourth Field Meeting. — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 9th, 1S79. R. H. Sayre, 'Si, 7 m. 49 s. J. P. Conover, '80, 5 ft. 8 1-4 in.* R. H. Sayre, '81, 16111.491-25. F. H. Lee, '82, 9 ft. 3 in. J. P. Conover, 'So, 20 ft. C. H. Traskjr., S.of M.,'82, 5 m. 24 3-5 s. 2. One Mile Walk, 6. Running High Jump, 12. Two Mile Walk, 13. Pole Vaulting, 14. Running Broad Jump, 16. One Mile Run, *Best on record in America. Championship awarded to Columbia Fifth Field Meeting, — N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 29th, 18S0. . 1. One Mile Walk, R. H. Sayre, '81, 7 m. 54 2-5 s. IO. Throwing the Hammer, J. F. Hush, 'So, 84 ft. 3 in. r J. F. Bush, '80, "I W.B.ParsonsJr.,S.of M.,'82, I 16. Tue of War, S t- t h .0 r (w. o.) & 1 F. L. Henry 82, v L J. H. Montgomery, '81, Championship awarded to Harvard. Sixth Field Meeting, N. Y. A. C. Grounds, Mott Haven, May 28th, 1881. 8. One Mile Walk, R. H. Sayre, '81, 7 m. 36 1-8 s. 9. Throwing the Hammer, J. H. Montgomery, '81, 76 ft. 9 1-2 in. 15. Running Broad Jump, J. F. Jenkins, Jr., '84, 20 ft. 9 1-4 in. 16. Two Mile Bicycle Race, C. A. Reed. '83, S. of M., 6 m. 50 s. Championship awarded to- Harvard. Boating. It was not until 1873 that Columbia could really boast of a genuine Columbia College Boat Club. Previous to i860 a Boat Club existed, but a writer in the University Quarterly that year (i860) states that the main object of the club was to obtain initiation fees and dues from fresh- men. The interest in boating was subject to fits and starts, and boat houses were rented occasionally for the use of clubs. The boating enthus- iasm, that extended so widely among the colleges in 1873, reached Columbia, and a crew was sent to Springfield that year. While they did not win, a very creditable record was made. The next year at Saratoga the Columbia crew were victorious. This so stirred up the students that with the very substantial aid from the Trustees a Boat House was erected at a cost of ten thousand dollars and completed in April, 1876. Of this ten thousand dollars the Trustees gave six thousand, and made for its maintenance an annual appropriation of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, accompanying their gifts with the condition that the Boat House and the expenditure of the appropriation should be under their direction. The varied successes and defeats are given below; but it is to the credit of the College that Columbia crews have never been disqualified nor ever won a race on a foul. In addition to the boating record and list of boat club officers is given the summaries of the various boat club regattas. The first College regatta was given, howeyer, under the auspices of the Athletic Association on May 15th, 1874. I46 * UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. OFFICERS OF THE PS/ PHI BOAT CLUB. FOUNDED IN 1872. PREVIOUS TO C. C. B. C. 1872-73. I873-74- President, W. H. Haldane, '72. Arthur Macy, '75, S. of M. See. and Treas., Arthur Macy, '75, S. of M. W. J. Adams, '75. Captain, E. S. Rapallo, '74. E. S. Rapallo, '74. 1874-75. 1875-76. President, T. S. Ormingston, '75. Wm. Babcock, '75. Sec, and Treas., W. J. Adams, '75. J. F. Crowell, '78. Captain, Arthur Macy, '75, S. of M. W. J. Adams, '75. 1876-77. 1877-78. President, J. F. Crowell, '78. C. F. Hurlburt, '78. Sec. and Treas., E. H. Loyhed, F. D. Philips, '80. Captain, W. J. Adams, '75. J. A. Booth, '78. 1878-79. 1879-80. President, H. A. Kingsbury, '79. L. N. Phelps, '80. Sec. and Treas., E. T. Stuart, '8i. E. S. Blunt, '80. Captain, P. M. Stewart, '80. P. M. Stewart, 'So. Practically dead. OFFICERS OF THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE BOAT CLUB. 1872-73. 1873-74- President, A. B. Simonds, '73. E. S. Rapallo, '74. Vice-Ptes., J. W. Waterbury, Jr., '73. W. D. McKim, '75. Secretary, L. Strebeigh, '73. J. H. Purely, '75. Treasurer, H. R. Marshall, '73. C. R. Buckley, '74. Captain, C. De R. Moore, '73. B. F. Rees, '74. Delegates, S. Tenney, '73. F. D. Shaw, '74. A. B. Simonds, '73. J. K. Rees, '75, S. of M. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 147 I874-75- President, J. K. Rees, '72. Vice-President, W. D. McKim, '75. Secretary, J. H. Purdy, '75. Treasurer, W. J. Adams, '75. Captain, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Delegates, E. S. Rapallo, '74. J. T. Goodwin, '76. 1876-77. President, R. C. Cornell, '74. Vice-President, F. S. Bangs, '78. Secretary, F. D. Weeks, '77. Treasurer, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Captain, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Delegates, E. E. Sage, '78, S. of M. J. T. Goodwin, '76. 1878-79. President, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Vice-President, C. Edson, '80, Secretary, G. P. Erhard, '79. Treasurer, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Captain, C. Eldredge, '79. 1875-76. B. F. Rees, '74, S. of M. Arthur Macy, '75, S. of M. F. D. Weeks, '77. J. T. Goodwin, '76. J. T. Goodwin, '76. J. K. Rees, '75, S. of M. J. T. Goodwin, '76. 1877-78. R. C. Cornell, '74. F. S. Bangs, '78. G. P. Erhard, '79, S. of M. J. T. Goodwin, '76. J. T. Goodwin, '76. 1879-80. J. T. Goodwin, '76. L. N. Phelps, '80. W. B. Parsons, Jr., '79. J. T. Goodwin, '76. C. Eldredge, '79. 1880-81. President, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Vice-President, W. B. Parsons, Jr. Secretary, W. S. Sloan, '82. Treasurer, J. T. Goodwin, '76. Captain, C. Eldredge, '79. 79 REGATTAS OF THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE BOAT CLUB. First Regatta. ' Harlem River, October 20, 1876. One Mile. A. 1. G. P. Seeley, '79, S. of M., bow; R. R. Colgate, '80, 2; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 3; E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., stroke. 5 m. 34 s. 2. I. A. Sprague, '76, bow ; G. Griswold, '76, 2 ; P. Timpson, '77, S. of M., 3 ; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 5 m. 44 s. .3. '77 Crew. F. D. Weeks, bow ; J. M. Mitchell, 2 ; C. M. Ward, 3 ; Ff. P. Brown, stroke. Time not taken. I48 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. B. (10 sec.) i. G. P. Seeley, '79, S. of M., bow; J. G. Murphy, '77, S. of M., 2 ; R. R. Colgate, '80, 3 ; P. Timpson, '77, S. of M., stroke. 5 m. 24% s. 2. (Scratch.) 'Varsity Four. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; G. Gris- wold, '76, 2 ; C. S. Boyd. '77, S. of M., 3 ; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 5 m. 29' 2 s. 3. (10 sec.) '77 Crew. F. D. Weeks, bow ; J. M. Mitchell, 2 ; C. M. Ward, 3 ; H. P. Brown, stroke. C. 1. E. H. Brown, '79, 7 m. 5 s. 2. E. H. Snyder, '80,8 m. 2 s. 3. H. Cushman, '78. D. 1. College Crew. I. A. Sprague, '76, bow ; C. Eldredge, '79, 2 ; H. P. Brown, '77, 3; R. R. Colgate, '80, 4; G. Griswold, '76, 5; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 5 m. 20 s. 2. School of Mines Crew. G. P. Seeley, '79, bow; S. B. Newberry, '78, 2; J. G. Murphy, '77, 3; .... Ward, '. ., 4; C. S. Boyd, '77, 5; E. E. Sage, '77, stroke. 5 m. 31 s. Second Regatta. Harlem River, May 19, 1877. One Mile. A. Class Sixes. First Heat. 1. '78 Crew. H. Cushman, bow; C. S. Allen, 2; W. H. Russell, 3 ; W. J. G. Beams, 4 ; S. B. Newberry, S. of M., 5; W. Content, S. of M., stroke. 6 m. 51 s. 2. '77 Crew. F. D. Weeks, bow; W. E. Hildreth, S. of. M., 2; W. R. Radford, S. of M., 3; J. M. Mitchell, 4; C. M. Ward, 5; H. P. Brown, stroke. Second Heat. 1. '80 Crew. E. H. Snyder, bow; W. H. Taylor, 2; F. Crosby, S. of M., 3; F. D. Browning, S. of M.,4; R. R. Livingston, 5; C. Edson, stroke. 5 m. 40 s. 2. '79 Crew. H. Y. Castner, bow; C. Eldredge, 2; H. G. Hilton, 3; W. B. Parsons, Jr., 4; H. G. Ridabock, S. of M.. 5; E. H. Brown, stroke. Final Heat. 1. '80 Crew. 6 m. 6 j 4 s. 2. '78 Crew. B. Single Sculls. E. H. Brown, '79, w. o. C. Tub Race. 1. H. P. Brown, '77. 2. PL G. Paine, '79. 7. D. M. Hildreth, Jr., '79. U. 1. Undergraduates. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; C. Eldredge, '79, 2 ; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 3 ; R. R. Colgate, '80, stroke. 5 m. 55 s. 2. Graduates. P. Timpson, '77, S. of M., bow; G. P. Seeley, '79, S. of M., 2; G. Griswold, '76, 3; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. Third Regatta. Harlem River, November 3, 1877. One Mile. A. 1. '81 Crew. J. H. Montgomery, bow ; G. E. Vail, stroke ; H. G. Smith, coxs. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 149 2. 'So Crew. H. G. Ridabock, S. of M., bow ; F. D. Browning, S. of M., stroke ; H. Minzesheimer, S. of M., coxs. 3. '78 Crew. H. L. Bogert, bow; S. B. Newberry, S. of M., stroke; W. Content, S. of M., coxs. B. 1. '78 Crew (scratch). H. Cushman.bow; H. L. Bogert, 2; W. J. G. Beams, 3; S. B. Newberry, S. of M., 4; H. G. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 5; W. Content, stroke. 2. '81 Crew (to sec). J. O. Crane, bow; D. A. Clarkson, 2 ; L. H. Beers, 3; W. Forster, 4; J. H. Montgomery, 5; G. E. Vail, stroke; H. G. Smith, coxs. C. 1. School of Mines Crew. S. B. Newberry, '78, bow; F.D.Brown- ing, '80,2; H. G. Ridabock, '80, 3; W. Content, '78, stroke. ?.. College Crew. H. Cushman, '78, bow; G. E. Vail, '8i, 2; W. J. G. Beams, '78, 3; H. L. Bogert, '78, stroke. Fourth Regatta. Harlem River, May 11, 1S78. One Mile. A. 'Si Crew. R. T. P. Fiske, S. of M., bow; D. A. Clarkson, 2; L. H. Beers, 3; A. H. Van Sinderen. S. of M., 4; \V. Forster, 5; J. H. Montgomery, stroke. '78 Crew (ruled out for foul). H. L. Bogert, bow; J. W. Pryor, 2; C. deH. Brower, 3; W. J. G. Beams, 4; S. B. Newberry, S. of M., 5; W. Content, S. of M., stroke. '80 Crew (ruled out for foul). E. S. Blunt, bow; L. N. Phelps, 2; C. M. Roome, 3; W. G. Bates, 4; P. M. Stewart, 5 ; H. Coghill, stroke. B. 1. School of Mines Crew. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, bow; F.D.Brown- ing, '80, 2; S. B. Newberry, '78, 3; W. Content, '78, stroke. 2. College Crew. E. H. Snyder, '80, bow; \V. B. Parsons, Jr., '79, 2; W. Forster, '81, 3; J. H. Montgomery, '81, stroke. C. Scratch Race. 1. 'Varsity Four. E. E. Sage, S. of M., bow; C. Edson, 'So, 2 ; H. G. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 3 ; J. T. Goodwin, S. of L., stroke. 2. Picked Eight. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, S. of M., bow ; D. A. Clark- son, '81, 2 ; L. H. Beers, '81, 3 ; W. B. Parsons, Jr., '79, 4 ; S. B. Newberry, '78, S. of M., 5; J. H. Montgomery, '81, 6; W. Forster, '81, 7; W. Content, '78, S. of M., stroke; B. F. Rees, '74, S. of M., coxs. Fifth Regatta. Harlem River, October 26, 1878. One Mile. A. Single Sculls. W. B. Parsons, Jr., '79, w. o. 7 m. 52 s. B. 1. Class of '79. T. H. Leggett, Jr., S. of M., bow; J. H. Mulcha- - hey, 2; C. Eldredge, 3; G. P. Erhard, S. of M., 4; S. B. Newberry, S. of M., 5 ; W. B. Parsons, Jr., stroke ; C. E. Cornell, coxs. 5 m. 32 s. 150 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 2. Class of '82 H. Clarke, S. of M., bow; J. C. Spencer, Jr., 2; E. deP. Livingston, 3; F. E. Webb. S. of M., 4; W. H. Sands, 5; J. L. Hamilton, stroke; G. B. Parsons, coxs. 5 m. 45 s. 3. Class of '81. R. T. P. Fiske, S. of M., bow; D. A. Clarkson, 2; L. H. Beers, 3; H. R. Muller, 4; J. H. Montgomery, 5; G. E. Vail, stroke; G. H. Taylor, coxs. C. 1. H. P. Brown, '77, bow; C. Eldredge, '79, stroke; G. B. Parsons, '82, coxs. 2. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, S. of M., bow; H. G. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., stroke; C. E. Cornell, '79, coxs. D. College Crew. C. Eldredge, '79, bow; H. R. Muller, '81,2; R. R. Livingston, '80, 3; W. B. Parsons, Jr., 79, stroke. Mines Crew. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, bow; F. D. Browning, '80, 2; S. B. Newberry, '78, 3; G. P. Erhard, '79, stroke. Sixth Regatta. Harlem River, May 10, 1879. One Mile. A. 1. Class of '81. R. T. P. Fiske, S. of M., bow; A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., 2; R. H. Sayre, 3; D. A. Clarkson, 4; J. H. Montgomery, 5; A. H. Van Sinderen, S. of M., 6; H. R. Muller, 7; T. A. Painter, Jr., stroke ; C. Le Boutillier, S. of M., coxs. 2. Class of '80. E. S. Blunt, bow; F. L. Marshall 2; J. F. Bush, 3; W. G. Bates, 4; C. M. Roome, 5; P. M. Stewart, 6; P. St. G. Bissell, 7; H. Coghill, stroke; F. D. Philips, coxs. 3. Class OF '82. R. W. Rives, bow; J. C. Spencer, Jr., 2; J. W. Purdon, 3; G. N. Bell, S. of M., 4; W. A. Moore, 5; J. D. George, S. of M.,6; W. H. Sands, 7; F. E. Webb, S. of M. , stroke, G. B. Parsons, coxs. B. 1. Mines Crew. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, bow; A. H. Van Sinderen, '81, 2; S. B.Newberry, '78, 3; F. E. Webb, '82, stroke. College Crew (ruled out for fouling). C. Eldredge, '79, bow; T. A. Painter, Jr., '81,2; H. R. Muller, '81, 3; W. B.. Parsons, Jr. , '79, stroke. C. 1. (20 sec.) H. R. Muller, '8i,inagig. 2. (scratch), R. T. P. Fiske, '81, S. of M., in a shell; 3. (scratch), H. P. Brown, '77, in a shell (capsized). D. 1. C. Eldredge, '79, bow; T. A. Painter, Jr., '81, stroke. 2. R. T. P. Fiske, '81, S. of M., bow; S. B. Newberry, '78, stroke. Seventh Regatta. Harlem River, November, 1st, 1879. One Mile. A. 1. F. Draper, '80, 7 m. 24 s; 2. W. W. Russell, '83, S. of M. B. 1. Class of '81. G. H. Taylor, bow; A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., 2; D. A. Clarkson, 3; L. H. Beers, 4; G. E. Vail, 5; A. H. Van -Sin- deren, S. of M., 6; H. R. Muller, 7; T. A. Painter, Jr.,- stroke; C. Le Boutillier, S. of M., coxs. 5 m. 10 s. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 151 2. Class of '82.. G. N. Bell, S. of M. bow; L. W. Miller, 2; J. W. Purdon, 3; W. A. Moore, 4; D. Burrill, 5; F. E. Webb, S. of M., 6; E. DeP. Livingston, 7; W. B. Parsons, Jr., S. of M., stroke; G. B. Parsons, coxs. 5 m. 14X s. 3. Class of '83. E. L. Pupke, bow; W. N. Eldridge, 2; J. A. B. Cowles, 3; J. T. Fisher, 4: H. J. Bruner, 5; E. T. Gannon, S. of M., 6; L. L. Delafielcl, Jr., 7; S. Rossiter, stroke; E. Benjamin, coxs. 5 m. 30 s. C. 1. H. R. Muller, '81, bow; T. A. Painter, Jr., '81, stroke ; G. B. Parsons, '82, coxs. 6 m. 18 s. 2. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow; A. H. Van Sinderen, '81, S. of M., stroke; C. L. Boutillier, '81, S. of M-, coxs. 6 m. 35 s. D. College Crew. w. o. F. Draper, '80, bow; H. R. Muller, '81, 2; E. deP. Livingston, '82, 3; T. A. Painter, Jr., '81, stroke. Eighth Regatta. Harlem River, May 8th, 1880. A. The department race was declared off owing to repeated fouling. B. 1. A. L. Manierre, '83, bow; C. E. Manierre, '81, stroke; E. Benja- min, coxs. 8 m. 27 s. 2. J. C. Spencer, Jr., '82, bow; W. A. Moore, '82, stroke; G. B. Par- sons, '82, coxs. C. 1. G. E. Vail, '81, 8 m. 6 s.; 2. F. Draper, '80. D. Class Race. Two Miles. 1. Class of '81. P. E. Tieman, bow; R. Combes, 2; E. S. Field, 3; C. A. Moran, 4; J. H. Montgomery, 5; A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., 6; A. E. Williams, S. of M., 7; D. A - Clarkson, stroke; C. LeBoutillier, S. of M., coxs. 11 m. 4 s. 2. Class of '83. W. N. Eldridge, bow; E. L. Pupke, 2; G. E. Fitzgerald, S. of M., 3; J. H. Banks, S. of M., 4; E. Octaviano, S. of M., 5; E. T. Lynch, S. of M.,6; J. A. B. Cowles, 7; S. Rossiter, stroke; E. Benjamin, coxs. E. 1. Scratch Eight. E. L. Pupke, '83, bow; G. H. Taylor, '81, 2; J. A. B. Cowles, '83, 3; G. E. Fitzgerald, '83, S. of M., 4; J. H. Montgomery, '81, 5; A. D. Ledoux, '81, S. of M., 6; A. E. Wil- liams, '81, S. of M., 7; C. Edson, S. of Med., stroke; C. Le Bou- tillier, '81, S. of M., coxs. 5 m. 1 s. 2. 'Varsity Four. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow; A. H. Van Sin- deren, '81, S. of M., 2; H. R. Muller, '81, 3; T. A. Painter, Jr., '81, stroke. Ninth Regatta. Harlem River, November 4, 1880. One Mile. A. 1. D. Reckhart, '84, S. of M., bow; G. E. Fitzgerald, '84, S. of M., stroke, H. Walter, '83, coxs. ' 2. E. P. Livingston, '82, bow; W. B. Parsons, Jr., '82, S. of M., stroke; G. B. Parsons, '82, coxs. 152 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. B. Single Sculls, i. G. W. Content, '78,8. of M.; 2. G. E. Vail,'8i, S. of P. S. C. 1. Class of '81. R. Combes, bow; E. S. Field, 2; R. II. Sayre, 3; G. E. Vail, 4; J. II. Montgomery, 5; A. IT. Van Sinderen, S. of M., 6: II. R. Muller, 7; D. A. Clarkson, S. of P. S., stroke; C. Le Bou- tillier, S. of M., coxs. 2. Class OF '83. A. L. Manierre, bow; J. H. Banks, S. of M., 2; T. J. Brereton, S. of M., 3; S. Rossiter, 4; [as. Brown, S. of M., 5; E. '1'. Lynch, S. of M., 6; E. L. Piipke, 7; J. A. B. Cowles, stroke; 1 1 . Walter, coxs. 3. CLASS OF '82. W. Warner, how; J. W. Purdon, 2; W. A. Moore, 3; J. C. Spencer, Jr., 4; 1). Burrill, 5; L. M. Rutherfurd, Jr., 6; E. P. Livingston, 7; W. B. Parsons, Jr., S. of M., stroke; G. B. Par- sons, COXS. 4. Classof'84. V.J. II. Merrill, bow; E.W. Brown, S. of M.,2;C. Rockhill, S. of ML, 3; G. E. Fitzgerald, S. of M., 4; D. Reckhart, S. of M., 5; J. W. Howling, Jr. ,6; J. M. Wainwright, 7; W. B. Peet, Jr., S. of M., stroke; J. T. Walker, Jr., coxs. Tenth Regatta. Harlem River, May 141I1, 1S81. One mile. A. 1. Minks and Medical. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow; A. II. Van Sinderen, 'Si, S. of M., 2 ; I). W. Reckhart, '84, S. of M., 3 ; F. T. Lynch, '83, S. of M., stroke. 7 m. 22 s. 2. Academic and Law. R. T. P. Fiske, S. of L., bow; 1). A. Clarkson, '81, 2 ; II. R. Muller, 'Si, 3 ; J. A. B. Cowles, '83, stroke. B. 1. W. A. Moore, '82, bow; C. Eldredge, S. of Med., stroke; J. T. Walker, Jr., '84, coxs. 6 m. 40 s. 2. I). Reckhart, '84,, S. of M., bow; G. E. Fitzgerald, '84, S. of M., stroke ; H. Walter, '83, coxs. 6 m. 51 s. C. Class Race. Two i. Class of 'Si. R. Combes, bow ; E. S. Field, 2 ; R. II. Sayre, 3 ; A. D. Ledoux, S. of M., 4 ; J. H. Montgomery, 5 ; A. II. Van Sinderen, S. of M., 6 ; II. R. Muller, 7 ; I). A. Clarkson, stroke; C. Le Boutillier, S. of M., coxs. 11 m. 55 s. 2. CLASS OF '83. James Brown, S. of M., bow ; S. Rossiter, 2 ; T.J. Brereton, S. of M., 3 ; J. II. Banks, S. of M., 4 ; J. A. B. Cowles, 5 ; I). B. Porter, 6 ; F. L. Pupke, 7 ; E. T. Lynch, S. of M., stroke; II. Walter, coxs. 3. Class of '84. C. A. Rapallo, Jr., bow; G. E. Fitzgerald, S. of M.,2; F. J. II. Merrill, 3; R. E. Fishbum, S. of M., 4; D. Reckhart, S. of M., 5 ; W. Wheeler, 6 ; J. M. Wainwright, 7 ; J. W. Dowling, Jr., stroke ; J. ' • Walker, Jr., coxs. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. I53 BOA TING RECORD OF THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE BOAT CLUB. 1. Ixter-COLLEGIATE, Springfield, July II, 1873. Three miles. Yale, 1; Wesleyan, 2; Harvard, 3; Columbia and Cornell, 4; Amherst, 6; Dartmouth, 7; Mass. Agricultural, 8; Bowdoin, 9; Trinity, 10; Williams, 11. Columbia Crew. C. deR. Moore, '73, bow; O. D. Smith, '75, 2; A. B. Simonds, '73, 3; E. S. Rapallo, '74, 4; R. C. Cornell, '74, 5; B. F. Rees, '74, S. of M., stroke. 2. Lnter-collegiate, Saratoga, July 14, 1874. Three miles. Colum- bia, 1; Wesleyan, 2; Harvard, 3; Williams, 4; Dartmouth, 5; Cor- nell, 6; Trinity, 7; Princeton, 8; Yale, 9. Time, 16m. 42 x 4 s; fast- est on record for slack water. Columbia Crew. P. T. Timpson, '77, S. of M., bow; J. T. Goodwin, '76, 2; Gaspar Griswold, '77, 3; E. S. Rapallo, '74, 4; R. C. Cor- nell, '74, 5; B. F. Rees, '74, S. of M., stroke. 3. Ixter-collegiate, Saratoga, July 14, 1875. Three miles. Cornell, 1; Columbia, 2; Harvard, 3; Dartmouth, 4; Wesleyan, 5; Yale, 6; Amherst, 7; Brown, 8; Williams, 9; Bowdoin, 10; Hamilton, II; Union, 12; Princeton, withdrawn. Time, 16m. 53 %%. Columbia Crew. I. A. Sprague, '76, bow; E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., 2; J. G. Murphy, '77, S. of M., 3; G. M. Hammond, '78, S. of M., 4; C. S. Bovd, '77, S. of M., 5; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 4. Harlem Regatta. June, 1876. iK miles. Atlanta, 1; Columbia, 2; N. Y. A. C, 3. Columbia Crew when leading were run into by a tug. Columbia claimed that their bow had crossed the finish line, but Referee awarded race to the Atlanta. Columbia Crew. I. A. Sprague, '76, bow; E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., 2; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 3; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 5. Inter-collegiate. Saratoga, July 19, 1S76. Three miles. Cor- nell 1; Harvard, 2; Columbia, 3; Union, 4; Wesleyan, 5; Prince- ton, 6. Time, 17m. i I ,s. Columbia Crew, same as Race 3. 6. Freshman Race. Saratoga, July 19, 1876. Three miles. Cornell, 1; Harvard, 2; Columbia, did not finish — broken rudder-wire. Columbia Crew, class of '79. H. Y. Castner, bow; C. Eldredge, 2; H. G. Hilton, 3; E. H. Brown, 4; H. G. Ridabock, 5; G. P. See- ley, stroke. 154 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 7. Single Scull. Saratoga. July 19, 1876. Two miles. Cornell, 1 ; Harvard, 2; Princeton, 3; Columbia, 4. Columbia representative, F. Delano Weeks, '77. 8. N. A. A. O. Philadelphia, August 22 and 24, 1S76. i l 2 miles. Trial heat. Columbia, 1; Vesper, 2. Time, 9m. 14s. Final, Ata- lanta, 1; Columbia, did not finish. Columbia Crew. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; Gaspar Griswold, '77, 2; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 3; J. T. C, >odwin, '76, stroke. 9. Centennial Regatta. Philadelphia, August 28, 1876. i}4 miles- Trial heat. Columbia, 1; Elizabeth, 2. Time, 9111. Ss. Did not enter in final, owing to sickness. Crew, same as Race 8. 10. Same Regatta, distance, and place. Sept. 1, 1876. Yale, 1; Columbia, 2; Trinity, Cambridge, Eng., 3. Time, 9m. ioVs. Crew, same as Race 8. 11. Passaic Regatta. May 30, 1877. i's miles. Nautilus, 1; Columbia, 2. Columbia Crew. G. P. Sjeley, '79, bow; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 12. Same Regatta, distance, and place. Trial heat. Columbia, 1; Nautilus, 2. Final, Columbia, 1; Tri- ton, 2. Columbia Crew. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; R. R. Colgate, '80, 2; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 3; T. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 13. Harlem Regatta. June 18, 1877. One mile. Nautilus, 1; Columbia, 2; Nassau, 3. Columbia Crew. F. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 14. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1, Nautilus, 2; N. V. Athletic, 3. Time, 5111. i6< 4 >. Crew, same as Race 12. 15. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1; Nassau, 2; N. Y. Rowing Club, 3. Time, 5m. 2i I 4 s. Columbia Crew. H. P. Brown, '77, bow; C. Fldredge, '79, 2; H. G. Ridabock, '79, 3; C. Edson, '80, stroke; II. Y. Castner, '79, coxs. 16. Same Regatta, etc. Dauntless, 1; N. Y. Rowing Club, 2; Columbia, 3. Time, 5m. I4%s. Columbia Crew. R. R. Livingston, '80, bow ; G. P. Seeley, '79, S. of M., 2 ; F. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., 3; R. R. Colgate, 'So, 4; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 5; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke; C. E. Cornell, '79, coxs. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 155 17. Springfield. June 26, 1877. Four miles. Harvard, i; Columbia, 2. Time 21m. 32s. Columbia Crew. E. Kelly, S. of L., bow; C. Eldredge, '79, 2; G. P. Seeley, '79, S. of M., 3; C. Edson, '80, 4; H. G. Ridabock, '79, S. of M., 5; R. R. Colgate, '80, 6 ; E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., 7 ; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke ; H. V. Cashier, '79, coxs. 18. Harlem Regatta. Oct. 2, 1877. One mile. Columbia, 1; Atalanta, 2; Wolvenhook, 3; N. V. Athletic Club, 4. Time, 5m. io^s. Columbia Crew, same as Races 12 and 14. 19. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1; Dauntless, 2; Friendship, 3. Time, 5m. 414s. Columbia Crew. P. Timpson, '77, S. of M., bow ; C. Edson, '80.2 ; H. G. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 3 ; R. R. Colgate, '80, 4 ; R. C. Cornell, '74,5; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke; M. Nathan, '80, coxs. 20. M. A. A. O. Kill-von-Kull. Oct. 17, 1877. One mile. Columbia, i; Argonauta, 2. Columbia Crew. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; C. Edson, '80, 2; P. Timpson, '77, S. of M., 3 ; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 21. Harlem Regatta. June 22, 1878. One mile. Walkover. Columbia Crew— R. T. P. Fiske, '81, S. of M., bow; J. H. Montgomery, '81, 2; W. Forster, '81, 3; W. B. Parsons, Jr., '79, stroke; H. Coghill, '80, coxs. 22. Henley, Eng. July 4, 1878. 1 mile, 2 furl., 20 perches. Trial heat. Shoe-wae-cae-mettes (U. S.), 1; Columbia, 2; Dublin University, disq. Time, 8m. 21s. Columbia Crew. E. E. Sage, '77, S. of M., bow; C. Edson, '80, 2; H. G. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 3; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke. 23. Same Regatta. July 4 and 5, 1878. Trial heat. Columbia, 1 ; Jesus College, Cambridge Univ., 2 ; University College, Oxford Univ., 3. Time, 8m., 17s. Final heat. Columbia, 1 ; Hertford College, Oxford Univ., 2. Time, 8m. 41s. Columbia Crew — Same as Race 22. 24. Harlem Regatta. October 19, 1878. One mile. Nassau, 1 ; Co- lumbia, 2. Columbia Crew. R. T. P. Fiske, '8x, S. of M., bow; C. Eldredge, '79, 2; H. P. Brown, '77, 3 ; F. D. Browning, '80, S. of M., 4; S. B. Newberry, '78, S. of M., 5 ; C. S. Boyd, '77, S. of M., 6 ; H. G. ' Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 7; W, P.. Parsons, Jr., '79, stroke; H. Cog- hill, '80, coxs. Time, 5m. 56 T js. 156 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 25. Same Regatta, etc, Ariel, 1 ; Atalanta, 2 ; Columbia, 3 ; Dauntless, 4; N. Y. Athletic, 5. Time, 6m. 38s, Columbia Crew. 11. P. Brown, '77, bow ; C. Eldredge, '79, 2; S. B. Newberry, '78, S. of M., 3 ; F. I>. Browning, 'So, S. of ML, 4 ; H. ('.. Ridabock, 'So, S. of M., 5; \V. li. Parsons, Jr., '79, stroke; H. Coghill, 'So, coxs. 26. HARLEM REGATTA. June 12, 1S79. One mile. Trial heat. Olym- pics, 1; Columbia, 2; Watervliets, 3. Time, 5111. 19$$. Columbia Crew. C. Eldredge, '79, bow; A. II. Van Sinderen, '81, S. of M., 2; II. G. Ridabock, 'So, S. of M., 3; J. T. Goodwin, '70, stroke. 27. s vme Regatta, etc. Dauntless, i ; Mutual, 2 ; Columbia, 3 ; Eureka, 4. Time 5m. 31s. Columbia Crew. G. Eldredge, '79, bow; T. A. Painter, Jr., 'Si, 2; J. II. Montgomery, '8i, 3 ; A. II. Van Sinderen, 'Si, S. of M., 4; IPC. Ridabock, '80, S. of M., 5 ; J. T. Goodwin, '76, stroke; G. Parsons, 'S2, coxs. 2S. Childs* Cup. Philadelphia, June 24, 1879. \% miles. University o( Pennsylvania, 1; Columbia, 2: Princeton, 3. Time, 9m. 23s. C. Eldredge, '70, bow ; A. 11. Van Sinderen, 'Si, S. of M., 2; II. R. Muller, 'Si, 3 ; T. A. Painter, Jr., 'Si, stroke. 29. M. A. A. 0. Jllly-f, 1S79. I 1 ., miles. Columbia, I ; W'cslcyan, sank before finish, c !rew, same as Race 29. 30. Lake George. July 18, 1879. 1 '- miles. Columbia, 1 ; Cornell, 2 ; Wesleyan, 3. Time, 8m. 2(>s. Fastest on record in slack water. Crew, same as Races 29 ami 30. 31. Passaic Regatta. May 31, 1SS0. rK miles. Columbia, 1 ; Albany, 2; Nolan, 3. Time, 9m. 34 T jS. Crew, same as Races 29, 30 ami 31. 32. Harlem Regatta. June 2, 1880. One mile. Mystics, 1 ; Columbia, 2. Time, 7111. 2IS. Columbia Crew. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow; T. A. Painter, Jr., stroke. 33. s \mi- Reg vtt \. 1 re. Columbia, walk oxer. Crew, same as Races 29, 30, 31, and 32. undergraduate record. i57 34. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1; Union, 2; Nautilus, 3. Time, 6m. igs. Columbia Crew. Jas. Brown, 'S3, S. of M., bow; C. A. Moran, 'Si, 2; \V. A. Moore, '82, 3 ; D. A. Clarkson, 'Si, stroke ; G. B. Parsons, '82, coxs. 35. Childs' Cup. Philadelphia, June 28, 1SS0. 1% miles. Columbia, 1 ; University of Pennsylvania, 2 ; Princeton, 3. Time, 9111. 4u>. Columbia Crew, same as Races 29, 30, 31, 32, and 34. 36. Lake George. July 16, 18S0. i T 2 miles. Cornell, I ; University of Pennsylvania, 2 ; Columbia, 3. Time, 9m. 12s. , Columbia Crew, same as Races 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, and 36. 37. Freshman Race. New London, July 7, 1880. Two miles. Harvard, 1 ; Columbia, 2. Time, 11m. 32s. Columbia Crew, Class of '83. W. N. Eldridge, bow ; J. H. Banks, S. of M., 2 ; G. E. Fitzgerald, S. of M., 3 ; Sterling Rossiter, 4 ; D. Reckhart, S. of M., 5 ; J. T. Lynch, S. of M., 6 ; E. L. Pupke, 7 ; J. A. B. Cowles, stroke ; E. Benjamin, cox-. 38. Harlem Regatta. September, 1880. One mile. Trial heat. Columbia, 1 ; Triton, 2 ; Nereus, 3. Final heat. Tri- ton, 1; Columbia, 2. Columbia Crew. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow ; H. R. Muller, '81, stroke. 39. Harlem Regatta. June 4th, 1SS1. One mile. Columbia, 1 ; Resolutes, 2 ; Nautilus, 3. Time, 6 m. 27 s. Columbia Crew. F. J. H. Merrill, '84, bow ; D. Reckhart, '84, S. of M., 2 ; J. H. Banks, 'S3, S. of M., 3; E. T. Lynch, '83, S. of M., stroke ; J. T. Walker, Jr., '84, coxs. 40. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1 ; N. V. A. C, 2. Time, 5 m. 45 s. Columbia Crew. C. Eldredge, S. of Med., bow ; H. R. Muller, 'Si, 2 ; A. H. Van Sinderen, '81, S. of M., 3 ; J. A. B. Cowles, '83, stroke. t 41. Same Regatta, etc. Columbia, 1 ; N. V. A. C, 2. Time, 5 m. 41 s. Columbia Crew. Jas. Brown, '83, S. of M., bow ; D. Reckhart, '84, S. of M., 2 ; D. B. Porter, '83, 3 ; J. H. Montgomery, 'Si, 4 ; W. A. Moore, 'S2, 5 ; E. T. Lynch, 'S3, S. of M.,6 ; J. H. Banks, • '83. S. of M'., 7 ; D. A. Clarkson, 'Si, stroke ; J. T. Walker, Jr., '84, coxs. 158 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 42. New London, Conn. June 28th, 1881. Four miles. Harvard, 1 ; Columbia, 2. Time, 21 m. 45 s. Columbia Crew. W. A. Moore, '82, bow ; C. Eldredge, S. of Med., 2; D. Reckhart, '84, S. of M., 3; E. T. Lynch, '83, S. of M., 4 ; J. H. Montgomery, 'Si, 5 ; A. IL Van Sinderen, '81, S. of M., 6 ; H. R. Muller, '81, 7 ; J. A. B. Cowles, '83, stroke ; E. Benjamin, '83, coxs. 43. Freshman Race. Cambridge, Mass., June 30th, 1881. Two miles. Harvard, 1 ; Columbia, 2. Time, 9 min. 5 3-8 sec. Columbia Crew. Class of '84. C. A. Rapallo, Jr., bow; G. E. Fitz- gerald, S. of M., 2 ; J. M. Wainwright, 3 ; R. E. Fishburn, S. of M., 4; D. Reckhart, S. of M., 5; W. Wheeler, 6; F. J. H. Merrill, 7 ; J. W. Dowling, Jr., stroke ; J. T. Walker, Jr., coxs. CRICKET. In the spring of 1878 a cricket eleven was organized in Columbia by several devotees of the game. Owing to the lack of interest taken in base- ball, cricket received the support of the base-ball players. Quite a number of matches have been played, with more or less success. As in other games, the element of practice, which is so very important, is comparatively ignored, and there is not the slightest doubt but that a majority of the defeats sustained would have been avoided had the players indulged in some preparatory practice, and provided they had avoided being absent from matches. The latter habit has caused most of the games to be played with short elevens. The performances, taking these facts into consideration, have been very successful. This year an Intercollegiate Cricket Association has been formed, and annual games will be played for a silver tankard emble- matic of the Intercollegiate Championship. Captains. 1879-80— G. Hyde Clarke, S. of L. 1880— Fall. L. M. Rutherfurd, Jr., '82. 1881 — Spring. William T. Lawson, '82. SUMMARY OF MATCHES. STATEN ISLAND 1ST ELEVEN VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. May i\th, 1879, at Staten Island. 1st inns. 2d inns. Total. Staten Island 108 108 Columbia gi Staten Island won by an inning and 17 runs. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 159 COLUMBIA COLLEGE VS. ST. GEORGE'S 2ND ELEVEN. June ~ih, 1879, at Hoboken. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Columbia 41 74 x 5 St. George 54 53 io 7 Columbia won by 8 runs, UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. June l6lh, 1879, Philadelphia. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Univ. of Penn 57 137 194 Columbia 44 68 112 University of Pennsylvania won by 82 runs. STATEN ISLAND 2ND ELEVEN VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. May St/i, 1880, State* Island. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Staten Island 116 18 124 Columbia 58 52 (1 wicket down) 110 Staten Island won on score of 1st innings. COLUMBIA COLLEGE VS. ST. GEORGE'S ELEVEN. May 13th, 1880, Hoboken. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Columbia 47 40 (1 wicket down) 87 St. George 26 80 106 Columbia won on score of 1st innings. MANHATTAN 1ST ELEVEN VS. COLUMBIA. May 15M, 1880, Prospect Park. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Manhattan 50 73 123 Columbia 30 81 111 Manhattan won by 12 runs. COLUMBIA COLLEGE VS. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. May 31st, 1880, Long-wood. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Columbia 62 39 101 Harvard 34 35 69 Columbia won by 32 runs. LONGWOOD VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. June 1st, 1880, Longwood. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Longwood 112 — 112 Columbia 42 26 (8 wickets down) 68 Longwood won by 70 runs on score of 1st innings. l60 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. COLUMBIA COLLEGE VS. ST. GEORGE'S ELEVEN. Juiit <)///, 1880, Hoboken. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Columbia 160 106 266 St. George 133 133 Columbia won by 27 runs on score of 1st innings. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 7\f. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. June 12th, 1880, Hoboken. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Univ. of Penn 191 — 191 Columbia 79 55 134 University ol Penn. won by an inning and 57 runs. HARVARD UNIVERSITY VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. October ijtk, 18S0, Hoboken. 1st inns. 2nd inns. Total. Harvard no — no Columbia 34 49 83 Harvard won by an inning and 17 runs. STATEN ISLAND 2ND ELEVEN VS. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. May 2( William M., 59. William P., IS, 76,91, 115, 118. Allekihn, George R., 46. Walter S., 90, 125. Amend, O. P., 81. Ammerm \nn, Albert, 68. Anders* in, Abel T., 69. Andrew, 68. Charles E., 57. Cornelius Y. A., 13, 62. E. Ellery, 32. Edward H., 33, 63, 100. Harvey V. A., 49. Henry J., 56. James, 60. James K., 60. John S., 72. Joseph H., 76. Welden P., 76, Il6. Andresen, Charles A., 48, 107, 119. Andrews, G., 122. James E., 17. Angell, Harold G., 19, 126. Rufus G., 67, 112. Anthon , Charles, 56, 69. Charles E., 72. Frederick, 59. George C, 59, 72. Henry, 55. John Hone, 31, 74. P. H., 72. Anthony, Edward, 60. Henry T., 71. Richard A., 50, 77, 10S. Thomas, 55. Arden, John B., 21. Armitage, William E., 22, 61. Arnold, Frank \\\, 78, 120. Glover C, 36. John W. S., 35, 76. Robert, 36, 65, 103, 117, 122, 125, 127, 132, 133, 134. Arroyysmith, Harold, 18, 90, 93. Robert, 77, 91,93,94, 120. ASCHMAN, F. T., 82, 83. Ashmore, Sidney G., 27, 76, 123. ASPINWALL, Thomas S., 68. Astor, Henry, 30. John J., Jr., 72. William, 29, 61. William P., 55, 68. Atkins, Astley, 121. Atkinson, Jerome G., 34. 1 64 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Atwill, Edward R., 63. AUBECK, John, 55. AUCHMUTY, R. T., 74. AULD, Jedidiah B., 59, 87. Austen, P. T., 82. Austin, T. S., 80. Avery, Walter T., 71. Aycrigg, Benjamin, 7°- Ayers, William W., 33, 62. Aymar, Benjamin N., 21, 72. Jose, 36, 66, 104, 121. Babcock, Edward C, 12. Edwin S., 32,74, IOO. Henry C, 22, 74. Henry D., 25. William, 47, 66, go, 106, 114, 118, 121, 146. Bach, Thomas C, 37, 114, 125, 134- Backus, Mancer M., 59. J. Trumbull, 58, 100. Bacon, C. A., 62. George W.,32, 100. Baehr, James, 54. Bailey, John J., 56. Theodore A., 71. William, 69. Baird, William R., 51. Baker, Goodkin, 29. Jacob S., 70. James, Jr., 25, 64. John C, 78. Joseph E., 78. William H.,46. Balch, Thomas, 60. Baldwin, A. H., 63. Oliver, 68. Bamberger, Ira L., 45, 90. Bang, Richard T., 45, 106. Bangs, Francis S., 18, 76, 91, 93, 107, 126, 147. John K., 20, 77, 93, 94, 121. Banham, F., 138. Banks, Francis S. , 32, 74. J. H., 141, 142, 151, 152, 157- Barbour, Robert, 17, 65, 117. Barclay, Henry A. W., 25, 76, 124. Barger, Samuel F., 31. Barker, Charles P., 51. Robert, 57. Thomas H., 58. Barnard, Augustus P., 46. F. A. P., 67, 89. Barnes, William B., 70. Barnum, Frederic S., 77, 96. John, 54. Barnwall, William, 68. Barnwell, Robert M. G., 38,113, 123. Barratt, Edgar G., 45- Barrell, Charles, 74. Harry F., 78. Barrett, Isaac B., 43, 65, 90. Barron, James, Jr., 59. Barry, Edmund D. , 69. Robert P., 34, 75. Baktlett, Clifford, A. H., 37. Willard, 35, 65, 104, 106. William A., 136. Barton, John V., 54. Bartow, Archibald S., 18, 126. Charles S., 17. Evelyn, 65, no. Reginald H., 34. Theodoret, 25. Barus, C.Jr.,81. Bates, John, 119, 120. William G., 19, 67, 113, 122, 140, 149, 150. Baudoine, Ezekiel, 56. Baxter, Wvllys P., 33. Bayley, A. Post, 71. Beach, Alfred B., n. Alfred H., 65. Fred. O., 27. Norman A., 23. Beadel, Daniel H., 60. Henry, Jr., 75, 114. H. C.,75. Beam, John M., 49. Bearns, William J. G., 46, 137, 142, 148, 149. Beattie, Francis, 68. Beck, F. C. T., 75. John B., 69. William P., 41, 76, 90. Beckwith, John, 74. Bedell, Alexander, 62. Gregory T., 55, 68. Bedford, Cunning S., 23, 62. Henry M., 23. Beebe, Alfred L., 81, 82, 83, 93, 96, 98, 107. Beekman, George C, 58. Gerard, 25, 75, So, "5- Gilbert L., 60. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. I6 5 Henry R., 16, 64. James \V., 59. James W., Jr., 16. John, N.,15, 64, So. Beers, Lucius H., 19,77, 108, 149, 150. Belden, Charles M., 112. G. Mortimer, 22, 61. Belknap, Robt. Lenox, 16, 65, 90, 109, in. Bell, Edward R., 72. George N., 49, 150, 151- J. Henry, 71. Marshall P., 35. Benedict, Wm. DeL., 93. Benjamin, Eastburn, 14. Edmund, 78, 121, 151, 157, 158. Frank P., 27, 84. Marcus, 81, 95. Benkard, James, Jr., 24, 63. Bennen, John, Jr., 23, 62. Bennett, G. H. R., 62. Benson, John A., 49. Berier, DeLaguel, 51. Bernheimer, Jacques A., 76. Berrian, A. F., 75, 124. James W., 69. Richard, 76, 90. Samuel, 55, 68. William, 54. Berry, A., 56. Bethune, George W., 57. Betts, Beverly R., 61, 100. J. Sidney, Jr., 40. William, 57. William, Jr., 62. Beuritt, Daniel, 56. Bibbee, George, 54. Bibby, Edward M., 68. Bicknell, B. C, 92. Bidwell, Marshall S., 63. BlJUR, Nathan, 116. Bininger, Jacob, 16, 65, in, 122, 132. Binns, William C, 15. Binsse, Louis A., 64. Bird, George, 27, 67, 113. J. Thomas J., 78. Bissell, Pelham St. G., 77, 150. Blackwell, George E., 48, 77, 78, 112, 116. R. W., 141. Samuel, 30, 74. William B., 60. Blacque, Valentine A., 26. Blake, Cornelius D., 73. Homer K. F., 66, 121, 125. Blanche, Thomas E., 58. Blatchford, Samuel, IO, 59, 72. Samuel A., 64, 90,92, 99, 104, 105, in. Samuel M., 32, 74. Bleecker, John B., 69. John R., 59. Bliven, Edward M., 47, 66, 114, 118, 119, William W., 47, 66, 114, 135,136. Blossom, F. M.,65. Blunt, Edgar S., 48, 77, 146, 149, 150. Matthew M., 22, 61. Blydenburgh. Charles E., 44, 81. Boardman, Daniel F., 24. William S., 40, 62. Bodlesen, Oscar, 141. Bodley, Harry L, Jr., 125. Boettcher, Louis F., 96. BOGARDUS, Robert A., 56. BOGERT, Charles L., 13, 62. Henry L., 18, 118, 119, 121, 126, 132, 135,. 136, 137, 149- Horatio, 71. John L., 121. W. P., 62. BOLMER, William B., 64. Bolton, Henry C, 8o, 81. James, 58. J- H.,73. R., 82. BONNETT, Charles P., 47. Bookman, Seymour, 77. Booth, Edgar H., 83. James A., 47, 67, 114, 115, 118, 119, 126, 146. Ralph W., Jr., 43, 76. BOUGHTON. William H., 14.' BOURY, Louis J., 67, 78. BOWDEN, Samuel, 60. James B., 56. •Bowen, H. C, 28. Boyd, George, 54. Charles S., 18, 106, 136, 147, 148, 153, 154, 155. William, 55. William A., 63. William H., 57. William L., 71. 166 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. BOYNTON, Theodore V., 37, 66, 126. BOYSE, Gerard S., 10, 72. Bradford, Adolphus, 40. Brady, James M., 42, 76, 124. John, 55, 58. Br vinerd, Clarence, 42, 114,124. Brasciii, Victor M., 82, 83. Brereton, Thomas J., 48, 51,95, 120, 126, 13S, 139, 152. William 1)., 49. Brewster, t Henry 1)., 122. Briddon, Charles K. , 20. Bridge \\i, William H., 17, 117. Briggs, Gilbert C, 29. Brinckerhoff, < George C, 47, 114. Bristed, J.J. Astor, 35.65,104, 122. Britton, Nathaniel L., 83. Bronson, Arthur, Jr., 21, 73. Frederick, Jr. , 26, 65, 90, 122. Theodore B., 73. Brooks, Ail rien C, 30. George, 13, 74. James, 56, William L., 26. Brower, Abraham S., 72. Charles Be 11., 18, 76,115, 127, 149. Isaac, 56. Jeremiah H., 56. John II., 68. Morgan 1.. S., 3^. Ogden, 18. Brown, Abbott, 23, 62. Charles II., 12,46,73. Clarence S., 15. Edward IF, 48, 148, 153- Edward W., 139, 140, 152. Elias G., 73. Francis G., 24. Frederick A., 17, 92, 122. G., 118, 134. George A., 37. Herbert P., 18, 66, 135, 136, 147, 148, 150, 154, 155, 156. J. B., 29. Jacob B., 74. James, 20, 51, 69, 122, 152, 159- James C. R., 72. )"hn, 55. |ohn C, 15. John II . H., 13. John R., 10. M., 80. Morgan L. S., 75. Stewart II., 23, 74. Browne, Frederick A., 65. Walston H., 64. Browning, Edward F., 41), 75. Frederick D., ^4,148, 149, 150, 155, 156. John A., 46, 90, 125. John H. 1!., 13, 45, 81, 82, id;. Thomas R., 75. Brownson, Edward S., 25, 124. Bruce, George W., 73. James M., 64, 104, 109. I. L.,58. Bruen, George W., 69. Mathias, Jr., 68. Bkiv.m \\, William B., 82, S3. Bruner, Henry J., 122, 151. Brush, Henry N., 70. John F., 121. Bryar, Edward, 59. Buck, Guidon S., 17, 65. Buckley, Charles R., 17, 66, 106, 146. Thomas C.T., 11, 72. William T., 16. Budd, Charles A., 31. Bull, Charles S., 42,75,115. Robert M., 38, 87, 112, 113. Bunker, William F., 21, 72. BUNNER, Rudolph, Jr., 58. BURNHAM, Douglas W., 41, 114, 12*4. Burr, John T., 40. 75. Burrii.l, Alexander M., 70. Benjamin {'•., 73. Drayton, 39, 122, 151, 152. John E., Jr., 72. William F., 55. Burroughs, Wm. Frank, 33. BURTIS, C. H., 65, 124. John, 55, Burton, Augustus I., 84, 121, 126, 127, 137, 138, 142. Bush, Edward R., 19. James F., 112, 113, 139, 143. 150. Butler, Edwin E., 33. Jonas, 70. N. Murray, 19, 77, 91, 93, 94, 106. \\ 1 1 lard P., 18, 107, 119. BUTTERWORTH, George F., 17, 66. 125, 132. John T., 75. W. IF, 64. Byrd, Robert P., 43, 76. l',\ RON, George G., 31, 74- UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 167 Cabot, Arthur W., 77. Cadle, John, 68. Richard F., 56, 69. Cady, Louis B., 44. Cairns, Frederick A., 72, 82. Caldwell, Charles E., 47, 95. Towson, 76. Calhoun, John E., 20, 51, 108, 122. Callender, John A., 35. Calaian, David, 45. Camac, William, 13, 74. Cambreling, Churchill J., 12, 73. Cameron, Edward M., 49, 78. Cammann, Henry J., 14, 74. Jacob L., 15. Camp, Elisha D., 54. Campbell, Archibald M., 75, 89, 115. A. Post, 60, 72. Benjamin H., 16. Henry P., 73. John D., 56, 69. Malcolm, 13, 74. Robert B., 73. Thomas C, 75, 115. William C, 49. Canfield, Robert B., 41. Cannon, Charles M., 49. G. T., 62. Carey. Charles T., 16. George H. 15. John,. Jr., 60. Cargii.l, David, 59. Carlin, Robert S., 77. Carlisle, John W. F., 77. Carman, John, 55. Carow, Charles, 72. Carpenter, Horace W., 12, 73, 100. Carr, George \\\, 44. Carrington, Edward, 101. Carroll, Gabriel C, 56. Carter, Cullen L., 32. Frederick B., 65. Galen A., 29, 74. James, 78. J. B., 63. Nathan R., 42, 64, 110. Caryill, George, 71. Case, Henry P., 67, 139, 140. Casey, Edward W., 36. Joseph J., 76, 124. 'William B., 59. Cass, Marcus M., Jr., 51. Cassedy, George W., 60. Castner, Hamilton Y., 19, ill, 148, 153, 154, 155. Caswell, John II., 64. William H., 63. Catlin, George, 58. Chalmers, James V., 78. Chamberlain, William C, 77. Champney, Addison W., 40. Chandler, Charles F., 81, 82. Chanler, J. Armstrong, 39, 67, 96. J. Winthrop, 21, 56, 73. 100. Chase, Leslie, 41. Chauncey, Charles W. , 33. George W., 76. Peter S., 58. Chazal, Philip E., 84. Cheesman, Louis M., 27, 67, in, 113, 114, 132. T. Matlack, Jr., 26, 66,90, 106, 117,118, 132. Chesbrough, Shephard S., 25. Chester, John N., 60. Chichester, Edward L., 60. Child, Francis, 68. Childs, Wentworth L., 12. Chisholm, Alexander R., 32, 56, 74- Chittenden, Nathaniel W., 10, 59. Christie, John, 55, 58. L-, 63. Peter, 55. Chrystie, John, 5S, 71. W. F., 72. Church, Stewart, 65. Churchill, Alfred D., 84. JohnL., 34. Marlborough, 76. Clark, Alfred C, 64. B. Percy, 19, 108, 122, 127. Benjamin F., 60. Charles A., 18. Charles M., 14, 62. Edgar B., 36. Edgar P., 122. Edwin P., 4S, 95, III. H. G., 81. Horace, 20, 150. J. Farley, II, 72. J. Starr, 13, 74, 100. John W., 72. WalterS., 20, 122. i68 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. William G., 28. William II., 44. William I., 23, 62. Clarke, Edward M., 70. Edward W., 121. G. Hyde, 158. James P. T., 69. John II., 60. William A., 70. Clarkson, David A., 38, 67, 68, 108, 123, 149, 150, 151, 152, 159. F., 80. Walter L., 63. Howard, 63. Clason, Augustus W., 56. Clayson, Isaac, Jr., 56. ( II. A KM \,\. George M., Jr., 47. Clements, F. C, 62. Edward W., 47. Cleveland, 1 1 ( >ward II., 51. Clinton, Alexander, 55. Clover, Bertrand, Jr., 78. Clowes, Timothy, 55. COCKKOI' I , Robert, 61. CODDINGTON, David S., 61 1. Jefferson, 73. CODMAN, Richard, 56. CODWTSH, ( leorge, 55, 68. COFEEY, William S., 12. I'oiillILL, Howard, 77, 115, 149, 150, 155. 156. Cohen, Albert A., 122. Edward, 67, 122. Coit, llowland, J., 57. Joseph II., 69. Colby, A. I,., 82, 83. Colden, David C, 69. Coles, Benjamin W., 54. J. Ackerman, 64. L. G., 72. Colgate, Romulus R., 38, 136, 137, 147, 148, 154, 155. COLLES, James, Jr., 13, 74. Collet, J. Wallace, 59. Collier Ezra W., 29. Collins, Edward K., Jr., 31. Stacy I>., Jr., 36, 122. Woodruff, 32. Col.I.OKD, George W., 72. Colman, Albert, 83. COLTON, James W., 55. Walter E., 42, 90. Combes. Richard, 140, 151, 152. COMSTOCK, Fred. H., 44. CONANT, Thomas P. , 84. CONGDON, Henry M., 13. Conger, Abraham I?., 58. Clarence R., 17, 65, 92,99, 104, 117. David, 59. John, 59. N. A., 64. Wilhemus B., 73. Conkling, F. G., 65. Connor, John C., Jr., 36. CONOVER, James P., 78, 137, 138, 142, 143. William II., 43, 76. Conrey, Henry P., 33. Con roy, William E., 44, 93, 104,114, 135- 89, 51, 108, Constable, James, 59. William, 123. Constant, Charles L., 46, 81. Samuel V., 19, 78. Content, Washington, 148, 149, 152. CONVERS, Ebenezer B., 101. Cook. Charles A., 31, 74. Ralph L., 73. Cooke, Samuel W., 64, 109, 115. William M., 72. Cooper, 133- Edward, 60. Henry W., 63. Joel, 54. Thomas C, 59. William H., 49, 84, 95, 107, 112, IT3. Copp, John, 100. Cornell, Charles E., 121, 126, 154- George B 107, 134, 135. George J., 10, 72 James, 70. J. F. Delaplaine, 74- Robert C, 37, 90, 103, 104, 117, 118, 125, 135, 147. 153 W. E., 75. William T., 74. Corning, Ephraim L., 33. Cornwall, Henry B., 75, 115. N. Ellsworth, Jr., 75 Harry C, 83. ' Coster, Washington, 71. Cottenet, Edward, 61. Francis S., 21, 60. 67, 149. 91. 150, 18, 81, 13, 66, 107, 134. 155- UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 169 COUDERT Frederic R., 13. COURSEN, George H., 76. Cousin, Armand, 30, 61. Covert, John, 55. COWDREY, Peter A., 57, 100. Cowles, Justin A. B., 120, 141, 142, 151, 152, 157, 158. Cox, Townsend, Jr., 2S, 123. Whittingham, 40, 74. Craft, Isaac F., 57. William D., 57. Craig, Andrew, 54. Crane, Joseph O., 19, 77, 120, 149. Crary, Edward C , 70. Creighton, William, 55, 100. Crocker, Frank B., 20. Cromwell, Charles B., 30. Oliver E., 25. Cropper, John, 25, 65. Crosby, Ernest H., 28. Frederick V., 28, 48. N. Evertson, 28, 91. 123. Walter F., 27. William H., 63. Cross, George H., it, 61. Crow, Charles H., 95, 106.. Crowell, Joseph F., 47, 67, 78, 91, 115, 121, 146. Crowley, John E., 44. Cruger, Eugene, 30. Henry W., 56. CRUMBIE, George B., 46. CULLEN, Edgar M., 63. Henry J., Jr., 63. Culver, Everett M., 50. Cum mings, James M. , 70. Cunningham, Frederic, 72. Curtis, Benjamin F., 18, 76, Benjamin L., 23, 62. Charles G., 84. Lewis A. , 24. William A., 57. CUSHMAN, A. F., 74- Alex. R., 81. Henry F., 75. Holbrook, 67, 78, 115, iiS, 119, 148, 149. Cuthbert, Thomas N., 42, 76. Cutler, Condict W., 50. Cutting, Brockholst, 74. Brockholst F., 32,67. R. Fulton, 26, 66. Robert L. , Jr., 23, 7i. 74- 'W alter, 24. William, 74. W. Bayard, 25, 76, 104, in. DaCosta, Charles M., 23, 62. Dana, John W., 72, Daniels, Francis B., 101. Dater, James, 33. Davidson, Edmund D., 75. Davies, Charles, 63. Henry E., Jr., 30, 63. Julian T., 16, 64, 90, 104, 110, 114, 124. Thomas L., 69. Davis, Cornelius, 6g. John W., 44, 81, 93. T.Monroe, 18, 37, 93, 115, 126. William G., 4S, 118, 119. Davison, Edward W., 82, 83. Henry J,, Jr., 20, 120, 141, 142. Daw, William E., 48, 67, 119, 120. Dawson, Francis O., 63. George W., 57. Day, Ludlow, 59. William S., 78. Dayton, Matthias O., 56. de Alcala, Dominick, 57. de Almeida, L. Jose, 49. Dean, George F., 58. George W., 74. Deforest, George B., 17, 65. Lockwood, 17. Othneil, 39, 67, 123, 138. William H., Jr., 38, 67, 93, III, 114, 118, 119, 121, 126, 132, 136, 137, 13S. De Koven, James, 13, 74. Delafield, A. Floyd, 25, 75, 116. John, Jr., 71. Lewis A., 62. Lewis L., Jr., 2S, 67, 106, 151. Maturin L., 14, 62. Rufus, 28. de la Montagne, Henry, 37. Delaplaine, J. C.,59- John F., Jr., 71. Del Pino, Emilio Y., 90, 121. De Luze, Louis P., 83. Demaray, Lyman D., 73. 170 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Demarest. Cornelius F., 54. Theodore F. C, 75, 80. Walter, 44. William, 59. De Mille, I Ienry C, 106. Richard M., 12, 73. I) I'M i) REST, William C, 19, 77, 120. Dennis, E. P., 61. William, 71. Denniston, John A., Jr., 43, 124. De Peystkk, Frederick, 56. James F., 55. John W., 72. Pierre C, 71. Robert L., 56. DePuga, Manuel, Jr., 14. I >eRham, H. C,Jr., 7 i. William, 38, 123. William M., 59. De Ruyter, Charles, 34. John, Jr., 13, 74. John E., 39, 67. 106, 123. Desiion, Charles A., 44. Devan, Thomas T., 71. Devereux, W. P., 81. De Voe, Benjamin F., 45. De Wint, Francis A., 30. John O., 54. De Witt, Edward, 71. George G., Jr., 42, 76, 90. Dey, Richard V., 69, 100. DlBRLEE, George H., 76, 90, 106. Thomas B., 60. Dickinson, Legh R., 13, 74. Dillon, Robert J., 5S. Romaine, 59. DlSOSWAY, Cornelius R., 69. Gabriel P., 69. Israel D., 55, 68. DlTTENHOEEER, Abraham ]., 62. Dix, Baldwin, 12, 73. Morgan, 12, 73. Doane, Augustus S., 14. Dodge, Henry S., 58. William, 59. Doremis, Robert O., 60. Dor sett, Robert C, 46. Dougherty, Oscar V., 108, 112, "3- Douglass, Edward M., 84. George, 55. Richard H., 59. Samuel, 59. William, 56. W. P., 64, 80. Dowling, John, W., Tr.,20, 152, 158. Down inc., Orrien P., 81, 82. Downs, William F.,84, 93,94. Drake, Benjamin, 70. EliasG., 13,62. James, 57. Jeremiah J., 54. John, II, 60. Draper, Frank, ig, 113, 119, 150, 151. George B., II, 61. John H., 33. William H., 13, 74, 100. Drisler, Frank, 46, 125, 126. Henry, Jr.. 46, 72, no. Herman, 125. Drowne, Thos. S., Jr., 27, 91, 106, 113, 114, 116, 126. 132. Drummond, I. W., 106. Du Bois, Cornelius, Jr., 58. Eugene, 63. Henry R., 58. Matthew B., 15, 80. Dudley, Henry, 24, 64. Duer, Alexander, 68. Beverly C, 15. Denning, Jr., 36, 104, 122. Edward A., 71. Irving A., 29. James G. K., 24,72. William, 70, 100. William A., 35, 65,87, 122. Duffie, Cornelius R., 55, 68, 72. Duffield, John F., 50. William W., 60. DUGGAN, Thomas, 68. Dugro, Frank A., 46, 121. P. Henry, 45. 90. Dunham, Carroll, 73. Edward K., 82, 83, 84, 96, 98, 112. James L., 22, 73. Dunlap, William, 55. Dunning, • William A., 77, 120. Dunscomb, E.,5B. William E., 55. DURKEE, Joseph H., 20, 122. Richard P. H., 14. DlIRYEE, Richard, 55. DUSENBURY, Walter L., 108. Duval, William S., 43, 76. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 171 DUVALL, Daniel S., 63. Thomas T., 58. William C, 58. DUYCKINCK, Evert A., 59. George, 76. H. ( 75- DWIGHT, Arthur, 78. Theodore W., 85, 88., Jacobus, 68. "Peter C, 56. Dyer, John G., 61. Dykers, Peter, 69. Eagle, C. F., 63, 80. Eastburn, Edward B., 70. James W., 69. Manton, 69. Easton, Walter, 75. Eastwick, G. S., 82,83. Ebeets, William H.,60. Ecclesine, Thomas C. E.,42, 76, 90, 92, 104, 106, 116, 117. Edgar, Newbold, 71. William, 58. William L., 36. Edgerton, C. C., 66, 92, 93. Edson, Cyrus, 38, 113, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154. 155- John, 12, 61. J. Tracey, 38. Edwards, Edwin W., 74. Lewis, 16. William S., 32. Egbert, James C., Jr., 77. Egi.eston, Thomas, 82. Ehninger, George, Jr., 31, 55, 74- John W., 22. Eigenbrodt, William E., 58. Elder, George, Jr., 39, 107. Eldredge, Charles, 19, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157. 158. Eldridge, Clark O., 39,112,123. Walter N., 39, 67, 96, 122, 123, 135, 136, 151, *57- Ellery, Channing, 118. Elliot, Arthur H., 82, 83. Duncan, 67, George T., Jr., 21, 73. Henry B., 72. Walter G., 50. William, 19, 82. William G., Si. Elliott, William H., 22, 74. Ellet, G. T., 61. W. H., 70. Ellis, A V. H., 72. Elmendorf, Edmund B., 57, 70. John Tay, n, 61. Ely, Leicester K., 14, 62. Embree, Lawrence E., 126. Embury, Aymar, 47, 66, 90. Clarence U., 42, 75. Daniel, Jr., 23, 62. Edward, 58. Philip A., 23, 62. Emerson, Charles, 24. Henry, Jr., 20, 108. William, Jr., 13, 62. Emmet, Richard S., 72. Emmett, A. S., 82. Devereux, 123. Robert, 68. Emory, Robert, 58. Emott, James, Jr., 72. Emrich, Anton F., S4. Endicott, George, 20. Engel, Louis G., 84. Eoff, Charles W., 14. Erhard, George P., 48, 93, 96, 107, in, 114, 118, 119, 147, 149, 150. ESCHALAZ, John F., 13, 61. ESSELSTYN, Sherman H., 28, 67, 123. EVANGELIS, C. L. M., 59. EVERSON, Duane S., 73, 80. Fagnani, Charles P., 44. Fahys, George E., 49. Fairchild, Charles A., 23, 62. Fairlie, Frederic, 69. Fales, Haliburton, 66, 90. Falk, David B., 49, 107. George W., 49. Fallerbury, F., Jr., 64. Falls, William A., 60. Fanning, William, Jr., 76, 106. Fanshaw, Daniel G. F., 71. Fanshawe, Williams S., 25. Farrar, George C, 22, 73. Farrington, William G., 13, 62. Fash, George W., 59. Fawcett, Edgar, 25, 64, 90, 104, 105. 172 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Fearing, Edward S., 35, 76. George R., 15. Fellowes, William, Jr., 63. Fellows, Cornelius, Jr., 34. Ferguson, Benjamin T., 71. Geo. W., 64. Robert, 78. Ferrer, C. F., 113. Ferris. 133- Charles G., 55, 68. Floyd G., 68. Isaac, 69. John M., 60. Fessenden, Henry V., 59. Feuchtwanger, Henry, 83, 108, 113. Field, Courtland DeP., 40, 75- Edward S., 120, 151, 152. Otis, Jr., 44, 76, 92. FlLLAGER, Benjamin, 45. Fischer, Jacob, 93, 95, 106, 121. Fish, Hamilton, 58. Hamilton, Jr., 35, 65, 90,100,106,111,124. Nicholas, 35, 64, 103. P. Stuyvesant, 58. Stuyvesant, 36, 65, 90, 127, 134. FlSHBURN Randolph E., 152, 158. Fisher, George H., 70. Isaac, 69. John T., 120, 151. W. R., 64, 80. FlSKE, Robert T. P., 140, 141, 149, 150, 152, 155. Fitch, Joseph H., 161. Fitzgerald, George E., 151, 152, 157. T58. Fleet, C. C, 61. Fleming, Alexander, 68. Henry B., 57. Fletcher, Lawrence B., 67. Floy, Henry, 75, 80, 100. Floyd, Alfred C, 55, 68. Frederick W., 47. Folsom, George W., 35. Forbes, John M., 58. Ford, Arthur L., 17. Worthington C, 19. Forrest, William, Jr., 60. Forrester, Peter, 69. Forster, William, 77, 97, ic6, 112, 115, 116, 120, 138, 149, 155. Forsyth, William, 70. Foster, A. Lentilhon, 64, 100, 109, in. F., 75- Frederick A., 40. Frederick deP., 16, 105, 115. Herman T. E., 60. John H., 17, 66, 117, 118. J. P. Giraud, 73. Theodore B., 77, 115. Foulke, John R., 70. William D., 25, 65, 92, 104. Fowler, Isaac V., 60, 100. J. O., Jr., 64. James \V., 10. M. V. B., 58. SamuelS., 120. Theo. O., 68. Francis, Clarence W., 18, 132, 135, 136. Henry M., 55. John W., 55, 87. John W., Jr., 23. Samuel W., 24, 63, 88. Francke, Robert O., 84. Frank, Charles K., 76. Franklin, Benjamin H., 21, 72. Fraser, David, 55, 68. Freeborn, George C„ 36. Thomas, 34. Freeke, Richard, 68. Freeman, Charles B., 59. George L., 12, 73. French, George B., 20, 77. Frost, E., 134. Edward I., 17. Halstead H., 78. William J., 12,61. Frye, Frederick, 72. Fuller, Charles D., 15. William J., 33, 74. Fullerton, William, Jr., 47, 106. Funck, Seymour P., 56. Furman, Howard V., 48. Gallagher, John B., 58, 100. William, Jr., 57. Gallatin, Albert, Jr., 21, 72. Albert L., 26,65. Gallup, Albert, 37. Howard, 18, 66, 104, 114. Gannon, E. T., 139, 151- Gardiner, Charles F., 55. James A. M., 71. Gardner, James A. M., 70. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. *73 Garlichs, Herman, 84. Garr, George, 59. George F., 28, 67, 91, 108, 112. Garrison, E. H., 80. James C, 68. Garth, Charles M., 90, 116. Gascoigne, John S., 60. Geer, George J., Jr., 124. William M., 65, III, 117. Geissenhainer, Jacob A., 42, 75. William H., 76. Gelston, John M., 71. George, Evan P., Jr., 45, 125. Jefferson D., 20, 107, 150. Gerard, James W., Jr., 21, 73, 100. Gerbert, Herman P., 77. Gerry, Elbridge T., 30, 62, 75. 88. Getty, Moses D., 42, 75, 114. GlBBS, Oliver W., 60. GlBERT, James T., 70. William M., 70. GlFFORD, James N., 68. Gihox, John, Jr., 24. Gilchrist, Robert, 55, 68. Gilford, Thomas B., 71. Gilhooly, Andrew J., 25, 65, 105, 115. William E., 65. Gillespie, George W., 15. William M., 71. Gillett, Elmslie M., 16, 65, 90, 115. Gillies, Edwin J., 78. Glover, John M., 57, 70. Goelet, Robert, 71. Robert, Jr., 63. Goodhue, Henry C, 72. Goodwin, Jasper T., 18, 66, 107, 125, 147, 148, 149, 153.154. 155. I56- Gordon, John, Jr., 26. William S., 26, 92, 121. Gore, John K., 78. Gosman, Jonathan B., 54. Gottheil, Richard J. H., 77. Gould, William E., 138. Gouverneur, Adolphus N., 70. Samuel L., 56. Gracie, Archibald, Jr., 56, 69. Charles K., 41, 100, 114, 124. Robert, 69. William, 54. Graham, Giraud, 64. John, 54. Graves, Marius N., 57. W r illiam L. , 56. Green, F. W., 63. Isaac, 55. Timothy R., 57. William W., 56. Greene, Allister, 66, 90, 92. Edward R., 161. Greenleaf, James L. , 84, III. Joseph, Jr., 63. Greenwood, Edward L., 63. I. J., Jr., 74- Langdon, 75. Gregg, John, 69. Gregory, Hartsehorne, 57. Henry E., 47, 67, 78, 93, 115- Walter, 30. Griffen, Abraham, 55. Edmund D., 57. Griffin, Charles A., 59. George B., 33, 75. W. H., 137. Griffing, Thomas F., 60. Griffiths, John J., 49. Grinnell, Irving, 15, 63. Griswold, Gaspar, 37, 135, 147, 148, 153, 154- Harrison, 46, 126. William T., 48, 84, 93, 107. Gross, J. Louis, Jr., 16, 124. GUDEMAN, Alfred, 78. Guion, John M., 57. GUNN, Alexander, 54. GWYNNE, Abram E., 36, 65. Hackley, Frederick A., 23, 62. Haffen, Louis F., 83. Haggerty, Ogden, 71. Haight, Benjamin, Jr., 55. Benjamin I., 58, 87. J. Halsey, 26. Theodore, 27, 126. Haldane, William H., 46, 90, 146. Hale, Albert W., 13, 62. R. C, 82. Hall, Charles M., 59. 174 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. E. Fermor, 36, 65, 90, 117, 122. Harry L., 49, 94. John T., 74. K. ('., 80. J [ALLECK, Henry W.. 38. I I u.i.ett, Frederick A., 60. Waller S., 78. HALLID \y, John T., 50. Hallock, A. P., 82, 96. Edward B., 65. E. J., 82. William, 77, 138. Halsey, Anthony, IO, 59. I' rank S., 78. Joseph 15., 16, 65. S. A., 56. Halsted, A. I'., 68. Hamilton, Alexander, 53. Alexander, 59. James A., 55. lames L., 39, 150. John (A, 68. I .aureus, 62. Robert Ray, 36, 65, mo, 104, 106. Schuyler, Jr., 36, 66, 90, 122, 133. Hammersley, Andrew, Jr., 57. A in hew S. , 71. J. Hooker, 75. John W., 70. 1 lAM.M' IND, Graeme M., 19, 107, 135. i3 f J. 137. 142, 153- ] Iann \ii, James 1-., 55. I l.w m'.ks, I 1 1 ■nry DeC, 22, 61. Hardenbr ^, John K., 57. William A., 22, 61. Harding, g: e., 76. I I prison, Thomas, Jr., 60. William 1L, 60. Harker, Charles S.. 84. Harmer, Thomas II. , 75, 80. Harper, Horatio R., 28, 67, 112, "3- John , Jr., 27. John W., 22, 61, 100. Joseph A., 23. J. Wesley, 12, 73, 61. Joseph W., Jr., 62. Wesley, 27, 91. William I)., 28. Harding, George E., 43. Harriman, Orlando, Jr., 59. Hark lor, Joseph 15., 20. Harris, ( 'harles N., 36. Robert W., 57. Theodore W., 78. William, 87. I [arrower, Pierre I'., 90, 92. I I \RMON, I'd ward O., 30. Harrison, William II., 55. William H., jr., 67, 123. Hart, Ambrose, 55. N. C, 62. William II., 55. Hartson, ( ieorge S., 73- Harvey, Alexander, 28, 67, 96, 123, 132. I [ASBROUCK, Price \\\, 15. Hasegawa, Yothinosuke, 81. Hatfield, Richard, 54. Hathaway, James A., 44. Nathaniel, 82, 83. Haughwout, Frank( '.., 36, 92, 117, Havemeyer, c. c;., 62. ( ieorge W., 23, 62. Haven, George G., 63, 88. Havens, Henry W., 57. 1 1 AVI LAND, I [asbrouck, 78. Haws, J. II. Hobart, 70. Hawes, Gilbert R., 118, 119. William P., 57. Hay, Robert, 43, 75. Hayden, Henry W., 18. Hayes, Howard W., 50. Hazen, Wm. L., 78. Heard, James, Jr., 78. John S., 71. Heasly, (ieorge W., 1 10. S. E., 66. Hecker, John V., 43. T. V., 65. Heffernan, J. c.,65. John M., 64, I04. Hegeman, Adrian G., 39, 82. William A. ()., 63. H ei see, Henry, 55. I I ENDERSON, Arthur McJ., 30. Norman, 39, 123. William I)., 57. Hendricks, F., 62. Henry H., 82, 83. Mortimer, 23, 62. Hendrickson, George, 62. I I ENOP, Sidney S., 34, 63. Henriques, Alexander, 59. I (avid, 59. Francis, 61. Henry, Ambrose D., 39, 67, 123. Frank L., 39, 67, 116, 120, 143. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 175 J. Herrick, 17, 65, 117, 132, 133. John V., 22, 61. Selden T. S., 47, 90, 125- Hermann, Rienhold L.. 118. Herrick, Carle ton M., 32, 74. Edwin H., 38. James, 75. James B., 33. Herter, Christian A., 50, 122. Herzog, Edwin, 77, 121. F. Benedict, 77, 91, 95, 96, 10S. Hewitt, Abram S., 60. Heyer, Edward P. , 69. Henry A., 70. William S., 56. Heyward, Henry, 59. Henry D., 64. James, 71. Nicholas C, 71. William C, 70. Hicks, George M., 45. Jolm A., 70. Higbee, Edward Y., 87. Higgins, Engene, 39, 67. Hildreth, D. Morgan, Jr., 67, 91, 148. Walter E., 81, 136, 148. Hill, Jerome L., Jr., 39, 123. HlLLMAN, Alexander C, 71. HlLLYER, Giles M., 10, 59. James, 59. "William P., 64. H/LTON, Benjamin, 6g. Edward B., 76. Henry G., 148, 153. James B., 49, 93, 94> 121. HlNMAN, Edward, 91, 108, 112. HlNRICHS, Frederick W., 17, 66, 92, 101, 125. Hinton, G. H.,61. Hitchcock, Center, 37, 66, 118. Francis R., 38, 67, 91, in, 121. Walter, 45. HoBART, J. Henry, 10, 71. John H., 26. William H., 70. Hobson, John L., 15. Hodges, John S. B., 13. Hoffman, Burrall, 24. Charles B. , 21, 61. Charles F., Jr., 38, 121, 126. D. Murray, 68. Edward S., 22, 74. George C, 70. Lindley M., 69. Ogden, 69. Ogden, Jr. , 72. Oscar S., 45. William M. V., 39, 67. Hogan, William, 68. HuLBROOK, Francis N., 47, 106, 107. HOLDEN, Edwin B., 20, 77, 121, 122. George A., 20, 77. Henry W., 35, 65, no. Robert, 12, 73. Hollerith, Herman, 82, 83, 84. Hollick, Charles A., 48, 107, in. Hollingsworth, Samuel, 21, 73. Holls, Frederick W., 91, 93, 95- Holly, Charles F., Jr., 67, 76. Holmes, Henry E., 31. Philip W., 14, 63, 100 S. F., 80. HOLSMAN, Daniel, 30. Holt, Edwin, 70. George C, 101. Honk, Charles R., 76. Henry, 56. John, 59. John, Jr., 41, 56. John P., -58. Philip, 60. Hooker, W. Augustus, 16, 64, no, 114, 124. Hooper, Joseph, no. Louis M., 84. William D., 65. William B., 110. Hopke, Theo. M., 82, 83. Hopkins, Edward W., 76, 115, 161. F. A., 139. 140. L. Gardner, 63. Horn, James T., 28, 67. HOSACK, James, 57. N. Pendleton, 57. Hosmer, James R. , 32, 74. Stephen T., 32. HOTALING, George P., 45. HOTCHKISS, Lucius W., 19, 108, 120. Hough, William C, 84, 126. Houghton, Edward C, 76. John H.,43. Howard, Richard, 32. HOWARDSMITH, Sperry, 66. 1 7 6 UNIJKRi S R A I ) HATE RECORD. I [OWE, A. I!., 62. Walter, 43. I [OWES, I ,eander 'I'., 25. Reuben W., Jr., 24, 64. " I low I. AND, John, 58. Hows, John A., 61. Hoyt, ( . II., 21, 73, 60. I I iii ry S., 71. Lydig M., 72. \Y. Sprague, 16, 64, no, 114. Mi BBARD, William II., 77, 119. I I I US' IN, William II., 21, 61. Hull, A. ( terald, 95. I [UMBERT, William S., 49. I I CJMPHREY, William M., 36. I I INN, Peter I''., 68. Mini', A. ('., 137. F. I:., 65. I''. 1''., So. John !•'. S., 30,61. Robert II., 35, 65, 1 10, in. I [UNTINGTON, Benjamin S., 59. I I URLBUR 1 , Charles F., 47, 78, m(), 118, 119, 146. I lenry A., Jr., 15. Hurry, E. A., 75. Randolph, 37, 66, 1 14, 121, 132, 134, *35- HUSTACE, E. Treadwell, 63, 75. Francis, 90, 117. I [USTON, II. I, .,64. I I I I 1 MINUS, Robert C. , 101. I I 1 1 CHINSON, Gardiner S., 31. I I UTTON, Frederick R., 17, 66, 80, 90, 92, 93. Mancius S., 57. Hyatt, Effingham T., 24. I I YliK, Albert K., 94, 121, 141, 161. < !larence M., 35, 65, 90. John E. H., 66, 91, 93 William II., 59. William II., |r., 66, 91. Hyer, John G., 21, IOO. Walter E., 57. I I \ SLOP, Robert, 69. William R., 32, 75. I11, Malvern W., 81. I MBRIE, William M., 25, 64. [nderwinck, James, 55. Ingersoll, Charles, 72. I n<;i [S, William, 70, I NCR All AM, Arthur, 41, 76. ( reorge, coi. 1 >. Phoenix , 69. [reland, George, Jr., 58. John, Jr., 56. William, 69. I RONSIDE, William, 69. Irving, Alexander !>., 15. ( lortlandt, 64. Gabriel F., 70. ( icoive, 21, 61, 73. P. Leslie, 73. Pierre M., 70. Pierre I'., 70. Roland I)., III. ISKI.IN, William E., 26, 7b, III, 122, 133. ISHERWOOD, Ben jamin, 56. Jackson, A bra in S., 62. Abraham V. W.,20, 78 Allen, 55. C A., Jr., 75- Frederick W., 75, 115. ( (liver P., 40, 62. Samuel, 68. Jacques. Robert, 54. Jaffrey, Robert, n, 72. James, Julian, 41, 65. Janssen, Fred. W., 126. Jarvis, Aaron, 58. Benjamin II., 59. Jay, John, IO, 71. "John C, 70. P. A., 75, 80. Peter, 55. Peter A., Jr., 60. William, Jr., 40, 75. I K.N KINS, John J., 59. J . Foster, Jr., 20, 94, 120, 132, 141, 142, 143. Jerwegan, Charles, 76. I K WITT, I35« Jacob B., 60. Johnson, Bradish, 58. Charles II., 77. Edward, 73. ( reorge B., 64, 1 10. G. II., 76. ( reorge W., 70. Henry W., 22, 25, 6l. J. Wilmot, 71. John P.., 53. Joseph F., 60. Louis. 30, 75. 1'. Roosevelt, 61. Samuel R., 69. William A., 23, 62. William L., 56. William T., 58. William W., 104, 125. Wilmot, Jr., 37,66, 104, 113, 132. UNDERGRADUA1 I. RECORD. 177 Johnston, John, 38. Robert A., 84. William M., 12. Alfred G., 11, 72. (Jhark--, 50, 69. Edward R., 15. Edward, 71, 100. orge, 56. rge A., II. Henry M., 16, 65, in, 1 17, 122. Henry P., 57. Laac C, 56. John O., 56. Joshua E., 71. Philip L., 58, 71. Samuel T., 61. Shipley, 65, III. Townsend, Jr. , 46, 66. Walter R., 29, 61. William A., 59. William L. , 63. JORDAO, Jose N. P., 8. Joseph, Emil, 77. Jov. Charles A., 63, 80,82. Douglas A., 93. C. W., 64. Herman C, 47. JlIDAH, Henry R., 55. Jung, Charles T., 31. Kalbfleisch, Edward LeG.,49,112. Kane, J. Grenville, 22, 73. 11 R., 57. Oliver G., 56. Kearney, John W., 35. Philip, Jr., 71. Ravaud, 55, 60. Stephen, 56. Keasbey, Rowland P., 39. Keck, Frank, 44. Keese, William L., 70. Kellogg, Ansel N., 74. Edwin M., 12. Levi M., 73. W. A., 77. Kelly, Edmond, 26, 65, 90, 92, 104, 117, 132, 133. 155 Peter J., 44. Richard B., 76, 104, 117. Robert, Jr., 57. William, 81. Kemble, Richard F., 56. William, 17, 55, 72. Kemp, r e, Jr., 20. William B.,66. Kemper, Jackson, 55, 68. Lewis A., 12. Kennedy, John S. R., 50. Robert L., 72. Kent, Edwin C, 27, 113, 125. George R., 47. • James, Jr., 27, 66, 121, 125. William, 27, 67, 121. Kenyon, Ralph W., 76, 118, 119. Kernochan, John A., 13, 62. I' ;-li I* ., IOI. William S., 11, 61. Ketchum. Hiram, Jr., 32. William A., 31. Keteltas, • Henry, 30, 63. William, 69. Kettell, Herbert, 63. Keyes, William E., 46. KlEELER, Alfred K., 44. Kimball, H. S., 120. King, Augustus F., 24, 63. Charles, 61, 88. Charles, 25. Charles, 37, 127, 132. Charles R., 58. Corneliu., L., 22. 61. Edward, 6g. Elisha S.. 57. John A., Jr., 26, 65. Le Roy. 27. Landreth II., 78, 91, 112. D S Y , Herbert A., 48, 91, 93, IOO, 106, 118, 119, 120, 126, 146. KlNGSLAND, Ambrose C, Jr., 30, 63. George L. , 30, 63. John, 56. Walter F., 27. Kinney, Henry C.,40, 75. Kip, Brockhokt L., 56. Francis M., 57. George G., 42, 75, 89, 114. Leonard, 56. Leonard W., Ir., 33, 62. Kikkland, Edward, 30. KlSSAM, Benjamin R., 69. Benjamin T., 10, 60. J. B., 64. Kissel, Rudolph, 38. Klepetko, Frank, 82, 83, 84. Klots, George M., 12, 61. Knapp, Cyrus F., 14. Joseph M., 47. Kneelanij, George, 61. John H., in. John T., 71. Lawrence, 45. Kneyils, Delancy W., 62. Knight, R. A., 141. Knox, Charles S., 64, 88. Henry E., Jr., 48 107. James H. M., 60. John Mason, 59. i 7 8 UNDERGRADUATE RKCORD. Reuben, 48, 126. William M., 29, 61. K.OBBE, Frederic S., 35. George C, 37, 66,92, 93, 100, 104, 106, 125. Gustav, 66, 91, 113, 114, 116, 118, 126. Hei man, 35, 65. Philip I\, 34. Koch, Edward C. K.ORTWRIGHT, Gouverneur, 57, 70. Kl'MIARDT, Wheaton B., 48, 82, 83, 84, 96, 98, 107, 111. Labagh, Abraham J., 57. Peter I., 40. Peter L., 62. La Bai , N. Bergasse, 21, 73, 100. I VCEY, I tarry O., 19, 78, 126. Louis F., 17. Lacombe, E. Henry, 24, 80. James P., 24, 75. Henry M., 77, 120, 126. William W., Jr., 26. La F vrge, Frank V., 25. 1 \ INNER, William, 44. I . VIGHT, Edward II., 72. Edward W., Jr., 23, 62. William E., Jr., 24, 57- ! . UMBEER, Francis E., 77. John, Jr., 77. I .AMI:, William W., 70. I. AND, Joseph P., 45. Lane, John S., 22, 73. W. ]., Jr., 61. Langdon, Eugene, 22. Larocque, Jeremiah, 60, 72. Joseph, 22, 61. Lathrop, William G., Jr., 41, 64. Laughton, John S., 36. Lawrence, Augustine N., 69. Charles W., 73. Edward H., 72. F. A., 74. Frank M., 39. Frederick N., 32. George A., 41. George W., 108. Henry, 69, Henry E., 12. Henry L., 100. Isaac, 73. J. liayley, 34, 75, 80, T02, 103, 109. John J., 54. John S., 31, 71. John S., Jr., 38. Jonathan, 70. Philip K., 69. Richard M., Jr., 72. Thomas T., 14. Walter B., 24, 100. Wilham A., 70. William B., Jr., 21, 56, 73- Lawson, William T., 20, 120, 122, 139, 140, 158. Leavenworth, 1M ward, 22, 6t. 1 .1 WITT, J. Edwards, 29. John W., 12, 73. LE BOUTILUER, Clement, 82, 150, 151, 152. William G., 77, 91, 119, 120. Ledoux, Augustus D., 19, 126, 138, 140, 141, 150, 151, 152. Ledyard, Henry, 71. Lewis C, 65. Lee, Charles C, 59. Cornelius S., 38. Jared B., 33. Edward E., 14. Frederick H.,67, 108, 122, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143. I [enry C, 20. Herman F., 32, 75. William P., 72. Lees, William T., 47. Lefferts, Thomas, 54. Leggett, Thomas H., Jr., 84, 149. William H., 10, 72. Lehman, Milton E., 77. Le MOYNE, Adolphe, Jr., 22. Lenox, James, 57, 69. Leo, George C, S3. Leonard, Alexander S., 57. Le Roy, Jacob, 68. Newbold, 28. Robert, Jr., 60, 72. Lesher, Arthur L., 39, 67, 123. Lewis, Edward Z., 21, 73. Hobart, 64. Horatio G., 68. John, 11. John V., 62. Theodore F., 12, 73. William G., 48. Leveridge, Benjamin C, 60. Lexow, Clarence, 46. Lieber, Francis, 63. LlGHTHII'K, L. H., 80. Lincoln, Charles S., 38. LlNDLEY, Charles S., 18, 135. John, 37. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 179 Lindsay, Gilbert R., Jr., 40, 63. Little, William P., 84, 107. Livingston, Carroll, 57. Edward DeP., 39, 123, 150, 151, 152. Edward P., 87. J. Duane, 28, 67, 91, 95, 106, 112, 113, 120, 123, 132. James B., 35. J.Murray, 26,66, 106, 122. John H., 65, 90, 92, 111, 124. Mortimer, 71. Peter V. B., 68. R. C, 25, 76. Robt. A. ,46, 106,125. Robt. R., 38, 67, 87, 112, 113, 123, 148, 150, 154- Lloyd, Henry D., 64. John, 56. William, 56. Locke, J. Albert, Jr., 78, 112. Lockwood, John, Jr., 12, 73. Levi A., 72. Loder. Albert J., 93. Henry Day, 92, 104, 117. Jeremiah, 12, 73. Loot, Lawrence, 64. Lord, D. Porter, 22, 61. Daniel, Jr., 16, 64, 110, 116. Daniel DeF., 10, 72. Franklin B., 17, 65, 90, 92. X. W., 81. LOTT, Henry R., 58. LOUTREL, Alfred M., 59. Lowdon, William, 54. Love, E. G., 81. LOWREY, William K., 78, 91, 120. Low, Cornelius F., 69. Edward A., Jr., 76, 115, 119. Isaac, 57, 70. J. N., 64. Nicholas, 69. Seth, 92. Lowerre, Henry J., 6g. William, 56, 69. Loyhed, William H., 48, 114, 146. Lowndes, William, 25, 114. Loyau, Adam D., 57. Ludlow, Alfred, 70. Edmund, 69. Edwin, 84, 96, 107, in. Edward H., 75. Edward G., 55. Edwin P. L., 33. Henry G., 56. Thomas, 55. Ludlum, N. F., 74. William S., 73. Lum, Charles M., 78. LUMMIS, William, 75. Lupp, William H., 70. LUQUER, Lea, 13, 74. Nicholas, Jr., 14. Lydig, David, 24. Philip M., Jr., 24. Lyman, Dwight E., 11. Lynch, Eugene T., 141, 142, 151, 152, 157, 158. Francis, 56. J-, 56. James A. ,67, 121, 126. John B., 83. Lyon, Charles H., 59. Edward P., 77. Samuel K., 75. Mack, Daniel, 54. Mackenzie, Henry G., 17, 66. Mackie, Peter, Jr., 55. Mackintosh, J. B., 81. Maclay, David S., 78. MacLeod, A. B., 56. Macomb, Robert, ico. Macy, Arthur, 47, 93, 106, 135, 146, 147. McAllister, Cutler C, 32. McCaffil, Edmund, 44, 76, 117. McCartee, D. B.,59. Robert, 55. McCarthey, J. M., 76. McCarty, Pierre, 23, 62, 88. Thomas, 23, 62. McClellan, Alfred P., 41. McClintock, John E., 75. McCrackan, Francis L., 15. McCrea, Nelson G., 7S. McCready, Thomas, 54. McCue, Alexander, 60, 100. McCulloh, Edward A., 81, 82. George S., 112. Richard S., 63. McCullom, James, 54. McCune, William, 11. McDonald, Archibald B., 13, 74. John, 68. John A., 41, 76. McDougall, Howard, 77. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. McEl.LIGATT, H. R.,64. McElrath, T. P., 62. McFarland, Charles, 58. McGee, Edward, 73. McGrath, John W., 31, 74. McIlvaine, Alexis E., 23, 62. McIntyre, Joseph, 71. McKenzie, Robert, 54. McKeon, John, 57. McKim, Win. D., 27, 66, 90, 92, 106, 117, 118, 121, 146, 147. McKnight, Charles S., 21, 61. John S., 55. McLaren, John J., 73. McLean, George, 36, 116. John, 55. McMahon, 1'. 1L, 66. Mc Mullen, John, Jr., 10, 59. McMurray, William, Jr., 58. McNamee, James, 64, 109, III, 124. Tlieo. H., 65, 124. McNeven, James J., 58. McNULTY, Albert, Jr., 63, 101. McQuesten, Rockwood, 63, 80. McVeagh, Franklin, 101. McVlCKAR, Edward, 69. Henry, 10, 59, 68, 72. S. Bard, 71. Wm. Bard, 28, 91, 95, 113, 116, 123. William A., 21. William N., 64, 104, 109, 115. MC'WlLLIAM, Robert, 49. Maghee, John H., 66, 81. Mahan, Alfred T., 62. Main, Austin L. S., 71. Major, Alexander, 59. Malloy, Edward W., 41, 76, no, 124. Manierre, Alfred L., 77, 120, 151, 152, 161. Charles E., 77, 108, 116, 120, 151. Manley, Edward, 54. James R., 14,63, 100. Manly, James, 59. Mann, Joseph R., 72. Marbury, Francis F., Jr., 34. March, Charles D., 59. John P., 60. Marie, Leon, 2S. Marrin, William J., 40, 75. Marselis, Peter T., 54- Marsh, Charles \\\, 48. Elias J., 70, 74. Nathaniel, 17. Marshall, Charles H., 14. W. St. J. Elliot, 28, 122. Fielding L., 28, 113, 150. Frederic P., 17, 66. Henry R., 17, 66, 92, 146. Martin, William M., 15, 75, 80. Martine, Randolph B., 42, 75, 104. Martinez, , 134. 135- Marvin, 1)., Jr., 80. Henry C, 23, 62. Henry H., 41. Mason, Erskine, 40, 62. James, 58. John L., 56. John M., n, 72. Wm. P., 58. Massett, W. Cary, 75. Matsui, Nawokichi, 81, 82. Matthews, Cornelius, 59. J. Brander, 36, 65, 104, 117, 122, 132. John R., 33. Mattison, Joseph G., 82, 83. Maury, Mylhon, 75. Maxwell, Hugh, 54. May, Henry S., 77, 112, 115, n6. Mayer, Benjamin F., 45. Ralph E., 84. Maynard, George W., 63. Mayo. Edward, 23, 74. Mead, Alfred P., 76. Charles D., 59. Edward N., 57. Meeker, Stephen H., 70. Meeks, Joseph, 75. Meikleham, W.,64. Meissner, C. A., 82, 83. Meliss, Ernest, 43, 76. Melius, Theodore, 81. Mellen, Abner, Jr., 24, 63. Mei.liss, Norman T. McL., 27. Merle, Lewis P., 61. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. iSl Merriam, Augustus C, 76, 105, no, 124. J. S., 62. Merrill, F. J. H., 152, 157, 158, 161. Merritt, Edward, 137. Merry, Thomas H., Jr., 70. Merwin, Hubert, J., 84. Meserole, Walter M., 84.. Messenger, H. H., 62. Thomas H., 63. Messer, Louis F., 67. Metcalf, James W., 71. Meyer, Alfred, 45. Meyers, L. E., 140. MlHALOVITCH, Henry, 77. Milledoler, Phillip E., 69, Miller, B. Franklin, 71. Charles E., 62. D. S., 75- David B., 32, 74. Franklin, 33, 75. Frederic W., 71. Henry W., 33, 75. • L. K., 72. Lawrence W., 28, 67, 120, 123, 151. Leonard P., 12, 61. Ross, 77, 113, 119, 123, MlLLETT, Daniel C, 12. MlLLIKEX, Edward F., 49. George F., 19, in. Mills, Henry L., Jr., 67, 108, 116. William D., 76. MlLNER, Thomas P., 60. Milxor, William H., 57. MlNARD, Isaac T., 57. Mixer, Ebenezer B., 22, 61. William, 58. MlNTON, Charles A., 60. Maurice M., 28. MlNTURN, John W., 15. Robert B., Jr., 14. Thomas R., 57. William B., 21, 56, 73- MlNZESHEIMER, H., 149. Mitchell, Clarence G., 73. Cornelius B., 63, 75. Edward, 63, 75. Edward E., 57. J. Murray, 3S, 100, 126, 135, 147, 148. John, 54. fohn F., 69. John F. B., 75. Samuel L., Jr., 74. Timothy G., 22, 73. Thomas C, 55, 69. William, 56. William, Jr., 16, 65, 101, 115. MlXTER, Frederick M., 39. Moffat, William B., 60. MOFFET, Robert, 60. Molina, Manuel F., 40. MONEYPENNY, John, 12, 73. Monroe, Augustin, 37. O. M., 82. 83. MONSON, Alonzo C, 72. MOXTEITH, William, 58. Montgomery, • James H., 13S, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156, 157, 158. Moody, Charles F., 100, 112. Moore, Benjamin, 53, 6S. Casimir De R., 36, 66, 132, 134, 146, 153- Clement, 72. H. M., 178. James F., 33, 63. Lambert, 55, 68- Nathaniel F., ^4. R. C, 62. Samuel W., 55. Thomas W. C, 31. William, 56. William A., 67, 120, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158. MORAX, Charles A., 39, 91, 96, 108, 116, 123, 151. 157- Samuel, 43. MOREWOOD, H. F., 134, 136. Morgan, Bankson T., 34. Charles E., 32, 74. John B., 16 Joseph D., 66. Matthew, 22, 73. W. Fellowes, 38, 67, 91, 95, 113, "5. 120, 127, 132, 138. William R., 21, 73. Morgaxstern, Charles L., 77. MORISON, RobertS., 36,65, 116, 124. Morrill, A. C, 173- John A., 71. Morris, Augustus N., 24. Gouverneur, 53. Gouverneur W., 38. Geraid W., 56. Henry, 57. Jacob W., 70. James, 23, 61. Lewis, 12, 54, 61. Richarc 1 L., Jr., 34,75. Orlando H., 32, 74. P. Randolph, 2S, 122. Stuyvesant ¥., 34. Morrison, Archil aid M., 12. 182 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Morrow, ( lornelius W.,93, 104. Morse, James Otis, Jr., 36, 42, 76, 103, 117. Nathan B.", Jr., 34. Mortimer, Campbell, 41, 64. Henry C, 35, 65. J«»hn II., 60. Morton, Francis, 69. Hamilton, 57. Henry J., 58. W. D., 62. Moses, Alfred J., 84,98. Israel, 72. Mott, Henry A., Jr., 76, 82. I topper S., 18. William F., 16, 80. Valentine, 36, 76,104, 117. Mount, Charles DeG., 61, Richard E., Jr., 58. MOV ATT, John E., 69. MULCHAHEY, John II., 48,106, Il8, II9, I20, 121, 126, 132, 149. MULFORD, Robert, 20, 141, 142. MULLANY, Frank A., 41, 76, HO. MULLER, Adrian II., 57, 70. Hugo R., 139, 140, 141, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158. Mulligan, William, 59. Munn, William II., 57, 70. Mumford, A. ('.., 56. Munroe, Chester C, 36, 132, 133- Henry S., 82, 98. Munsell, Charles E., 81, 82. Henry H., 43, 76. Murphy, 1 Icnry C, 71. J. G., 81, 148, 153. William L., 76, 106. Murray, Bronson, 71. James, 64, 80. James B., 26, 66, 92. John W. B., 55. Thomas C, 55, 69. Muzzy, Frederick, 55. Nadal, Frank F., 77. Nairne, Chas. Murray, 63, 88. Nash, Frederick, 73. Joseph II., 32. John McL., 25, 90, no, 115. Thomas, 28. Nathan, Gratz, 64. Edgar J., 78. Jonathan, 70. M., 155. R., 73- N W \KRO, Juan A., 84. Naylor, David II., 6l. Nazro, H. H., 80. Neal, Ava, 68. Neftel, J. W. K., 84. Nkii.son, A. I!., 74- John, 73. John, Jr., 56. William, 74. Nksmith, Robert D., 15. Nelson, Edward I >., 60. Horatio, 73. Joseph R., 54. G. N., 70. Newberry, Wolcott E., 108, 120. Spencer B., 81, 148, 149. 150. ^55. 156. Newbrough, William, 139. Newcomh, George B., 14, 62. Newman, L. Howard, 61. Newton, George L., 60. Nevers, Henry K., 43. Neyman, Percy, 82, 83. Nicole, William, 72, 100. Henry, 71. Edward H., 35, 64, no, 116. Nichols, Elisha,6o. G. J., 58. Gideon S., 58. Samuel B. R., 21, 60. Washington R. ,13,74. Walter, 57. Niks, James B.,67, 106,116. NlVENS, R. Johnston, 59. Noble, Charles M., 84. NORCOM, Frederick B., 31. Henry T., 31. NORDEMAN, Herman F., 112, 115, 116, 120. Northrop, John I., 20. Norton, James C, 56. Nott, Henry B., 33, 75. Nourse, Charles J., 17. Oakes, Frederick, 37, 125. W. K., 135. O'Blenis, John, 69. Octayiano, Eduardo, 49, 108,113, 151- O'Connor, Michael J., 51, 84. Thomas D., 82, 83,98. Ot>ELL, Benjamin B., Jr., 18. Ogden, Aaron, 12, 100. Abraham, Jr., 56. Alfred, 71. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 183 Cadwallader E., 64, 92, no, III. Chailes H., 58. Charles W., 63. David B., 92, 110,111, 131. 132. David B., Jr., 21, 60. Francis L., 71. George B., 27, 66. George W., 78. Gouverneur M., Jr., 27, 71. John D., 57. Ludlow, 26, 66, 92, 104. Meredith, 56. N. O., 70. Richard, 26, 90. Richard H., 58. Samuel, 71. Schuyler, 16. Thomas L., 63. Thomas \V., 71. Walter, 17, no. Ogilby, Frederick, 58. F. D., 24. John D., 58. O'GORMAN, Edward J., 12 1. Ohart, Solomon J., 77. Olcutt, Frederic W., 50. Olssen, William W., 12, 73. Olyphant, David B., 41. Robert M., 72. Onderdonk, Benjamin A., 61. Benjamin T. , 55, 68. Francis S., 50. Henry, 58, 60, 61. Henry L., 56. Henry U., 54. John C., 28, 67. O'Neill, Charles A., 77. OOTHOUT, E. Austin, 83, 84, 98. Orpen, Samuel C. M.,44, 76, no. Ormiston, Thomas S., 47, 90, 92, 93, 146. Osborne, James G. , 14. Samuel D. , 48, 78, "5- Laughton, 58. Osgood, Walter F.,68. OSTERHOUDT, Howard, 75. OSTRANDER, Geo. A., 62. P. Wilson, 61. OSTROM, James A., 71. O'SULLIVAN, John L., 58. Otis, Frank A., 34. William K., 50, 67, 91, 95, 96, 106, 122. OUDIN, Lucien, 44. Owen, John, no. F. N., 81. George H., 64, 80. Owens, W. W., Jr., 107. Packwood, Richard T., 24, 62. Page, Washington E., 45, 67, 125, 135. William S., 84. Paine, Henry G., 3S, 67, 93, 95, 113, 123, 148. Painter, Thomas A., Jr. ; 19, 78, 139, 140, 150, 151,156. Palache, Alexander, 59. Palmer, George C, 39, 67, 123. Parker, Andrew McL., 84. Courtlandt, Jr., 50. Henry H., 34. James C, Jr., 14, 74. James P., Jr., 48. Richard A., 47, 107, 114. Richard B., 126. Willard, Jr., 16, 64, 104, 109. Parmley, George D., 50, 137. Wheelock H., 11, 60. Parsons, Arthur W., 116. George B., 39, 91, 108, 123, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157. Harry DeB., 39, 67, 116. Herbert, 19. W. Barclay, Jr., 38, 67, 91, 95, 123, 132,137, I39- I 43- 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155.156. Paterson, M. Charles, 69, 87. Patten, Gilbert, 75. Thomas G., 48, 97, 106, 112, 119, 120. Patterson, Alexander H., 57, 70. Paulding, Edmund E., 30. Edward F., 62. William J., 60. Payne, Clarence I., 84, 96. Peabody, Charles A., Jr., 35, 65, 104, III, 122, 124,132. Duane L., 35, 76, ii5- George L., 35, 76, 92, 100, 104, 116, 132. Philip G., 38. Peake, Charles F. , 11. Pearce, S. Austen, 119, 120. Upton H., 61. Pearson, William H., 66. Peck, George W. , 124. Harry T., 48, 91, 93, 97, 100, 106, 112, 120. John, Jr., 26. William G., 63, 99. Peet, W. B., Jr., 141, 152. 1S4 UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Peixotto, Daniel L. M., 56. Pell, Alfred, 14. A. W.,62. Benjamin, 63. E. M., 63. Ferris, 54. Herbert C., 27. Howland, 18. James B., 25. J. H., 61. Richard V., 41. Robert T., 40, 100. Robert S., 14. Walton P., 76. William C, 22, 61. Pellew, Charles E. , 96, 116. Pemberton, John, 61. Pendleton, Edward, 55. Greene N., 69. James M., 22, 74. Pennell, George C., 23, 61. Penny, Samuel, Jr., 70. Perkins, Henry, 70. Perrin, , 134- Perry, E. Delevan, 93, 104, 117, 118, 125. Nelson W., 47, Si, 114. Pettit, Herbert D., 77. Peyton, Cornwall K., 46, 118, 119. Phelps, Louis N., 4S, 78, 93, 132, 146, 147, 149. Wm. Walter, 101. Philip, John C, 11, 73. Philips, Frederic D., 48, 78, 91, 120, 146, 150. Phillips, John, 55. Phinnf.y, Frederic N.. 28. James H., 6 >. Joel B., 60. Phcenix, Stephen W., 33. Phyfe, William F., 57. Pierce, Willard I., 46. PlERRErONT, William A., 37. Pine, John B., 18, 66, 93, 94- 1.35- Pirme, H.,73. John, Jr., 72. Peter B., 72. Peter M., 73. Pirson, Augustus C, 17. Pitkin, Lucius, 82, 83. Platt, Hamilton M., 55. Plum, George W. , 49. Pollen, George C, 12. Pomeroy, Charles S., 14, 62. E. H.,75, 88. George V., Jr., 30, 74- Theodore, 73. Pomroy, Henry K., 18. Pond, Sylvanus B. , 45, 67, 95- Pool, Franklin, 93. Popham, Richard M., 55. Porter, David B., 141, 142, 152, 157- Elbert S., Jr., 78, 106, 119. John B., 84. Post, Alfred C, 57. Charles A., 34. Edwin, 57. George D., 56. Gerardus, 41, 64. Henry A. V., 57. Joel B., 58. Jotham, 72. Minturn, 70. Waldron B., 68. Pott, Francis L. H., 77. Potter, Edward E., 72, 100. Ellis, Jr., 72. Horatio, Jr., 41. Robert M., 41. William B. , 41, 76, 90, 103, 104, no, 114, 116, 124. Potts, Frederick A., Jr., 38, 140. POWE, W. L., 76. Powers, Cornelius V. V., 19, 83, 120. William V. V., 18,66. 118, 119, 126, 135. Pratt, Edward, 67, 91. Prendergast, James, 17. Prentice, N. Sartell, 41. Preston, Charles A., 48, 114. Price, Anderson, 44. Edward W., 66, 114, 121, 125, 127. J. Lyman, 64. William M., 54. Prime, Frederick, Jr., 34, 75. Wendell, 14. Proctor, William R., 20, 122. Protheroe, Charles C, 45. Pryer, William C, 62. Pryor, James W., 18, 76, 93, 103, 126, 135, 136, 137, 13S, 142, 143. 149. W. R., 138. Punnett, James, Jr., 37, 125. John, 58. PUPIN, Michael, 78. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. IS 5 Pt'PKE, Eberhard L., 20. 120, 151, 152, 157. Pl'RDON, James W., 50, 67, 10S, 116, 120, 122, 150. 151, 152. John, 50. Pl'RDY, Benjamin, 54. James Yv\, Jr., 78. John H., 37, 66, 90, 100, 113, 114, 146, 147- .Michael, 56. Samuel A., 65, go, III. PURROY, F. L., 74. Juan B., 58. Fyke, Alexander, 55. Pyne, Smith, 57, 100. QUACKENBOS, George P., 11, 60. QUACKENQUIER, Daniel McL., 72. QUAClSlNBUSH, David, 54. QUILLARD, v., 73. QUIMBY, Alfred P., 78. Quin, James M., 58. Radcliff, William S., 54. Radford, W. H., 81,148. Raegener, Louis C, 45. Rambaut, Thomas D., 78, 108, 161. Randall, Frank E., 38. Randolph, Edmund, 49. H. Craig Fitz, 16, 65, 90, in, 124. J. F., 106. Thomas M. F., 50. Rankin, Egbert G., 18, 66. John, Jr., 60. Rapallo, Charles A., Jr., 67, 116, 152, 158. Edward S., 47, 66, 134, 135. 146, 147. 153- Ray, James, 14, 56, 62. Louis D., 78. Richard C, 63, 69. Robert, 69. Ravenhill, Lefroy, 61. Rayenel, William P., 32. Rawson, Gustavus W., 49. Raymer, George S. , 19, 51, 84, 95, 96, 112, 122. Raymond, Samuel G. , 56. William L., 63. Reckhart, !>., 151, 152, 157, 158. Redfield, Richard W., 58. Redmond, Goold H., 24. Reed, Charles A., 122, 141, 143- J. V. D., 24. Latham G., 37, 66, 91, 93. 113. 117, 118. S. Albert, 37, 66, 90, 92, 99, 104, 106, 117, US, 132, 134, 135- Stephen, Jr., 58. W. B. S., S4. Rees, B. Frank, 17, 80, 134. 146, 147. 149. 153- J. Krom, 17, 66, 90, 93, 132, 146, 147. Reid, Frederick W., 19. Alan LeR., 39. Aaron B., 61. Remington, E., 122. Remsen. Charles, 28. Henry, 17. Phoenix, 16. Robert G., 27. Renyille, Edward, 69. Renwick, Edward S., 60. Henry B., 71. James, 88. James A., 66, 100, 113, 132, 135. 136. James H., 72. Robert J., 68. William R. , 71. Reynolds, Charles, 11, 60. Stephen R., 40, 63. Rhees, Benjamin R. , 23. Rhind, Charles, Jr., 5S. Rhinelandkr, Charles E., 73. Frederic W., 22, 73. J. R.,68. Philip, 59.. Philip, Jr., 54. T. J. Oakley, 27, 67, 91, III, 114, 118. W. C, 66. Rhodes, Robert D., 84. Rice, Charles B., 64, 80. William A., 63. Richards, Abram G., 33. Edgar, 28, 82, 83. Robert K., 33. William G., 37. Richmond, Albert, 61. W. T., 83. Ricketts, Pierre DeP., 82, 98. RlDABOCK, Henry G., 137, 148. I49> 15°. 153, 154. 155, 156. RlGGS, Elisha, Jr., 61. George W., 17. Joseph K., 22, 73. Rigney, Promas G., 76. Riker, D. Phoenix, 70. Riley, Henry C, 62. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Ring, James J., 58. Zebedee, Jr., 73. Rives, Francis R., Jr., 36, 66. George L., 35,65,90, 100, 105, 131. Reginald W., 39, 122, 150. ROBB, William I.., 77, 91. Roberts, Arthur C, 51. Erastus T., 108. Oliver E., 11, 60. W. J. U., 139, 140, 161. Robertson, Alexander, 70. Alexander H., 69. Andrew K., 70. Anthony L., 70. J. A., 69. John J., 69. Kenneth, 26. Richard S. , 26. Robert A., 57. Robins, Edward P., 15. Robinson, Beverly, Jr., 70. Graham, 41, 76, 110. H. A., 82, 83, 96. J. B., 110. Robert, E., 34, So. Roche, Spencer S., 76, 90, 104. Rockhill, Clayton, 152. Rockwell, F., 64. Rodgers, George M., 32. Tones, 60. Samuel, 54. Samuel IX, 56, 100. Thomas R., 32. William, 55. Rodman, Erskine M., 61. Samuel H., 75. Thomas H., 41. Roger, Archibald G., 69. Rogers, Columbus B., 22, 73. Ebenezer P., 11, 59. Edward N., 69. George J., 69. Henry, Jr., 70. Henry P., 27. Hoffman, 16. James E. T., 112. N. P., 72. N. Pendleton, 39, 122. Philip, 61. Samuel U., 72. Rolston, Louis B., 20. Romaine, Bsnjamin, Jr., 10,60. Benj. F., Jr., 43, 76. L. Girard, 20, 77, 108, 122. Samuel B., 54. Worthington, 60. Romeyn, James, 56. James W. , 40, 63. Rood, Ogden H., 49. Roome, Claudius M., 19, 77, 149, 150. Wm. Harris, 19, 77, 9 1 - 93, 132. Roosevelt, J. I-, Jr., 56. J. West, 38. James H., 69. John E.. 37. Silas W., 60. William H., 70. Roorback, Frederick, 54. Root, George M., 72. Samuel C, 18,66, 106. 114, 125, 135. Rose, Hamilton L., 126. Rosencrantz, W. G., 43- Ross, Arthur B., 64. David M., 54. John H., 73. W. C.,80. ROSSITER, Sterling, 120,132,151, 152, 157- Rowe, David A., 90. Rudd, Erastus B., 63, 89. Ruggles, Henry }., 71. James F., 22. John R., 60. Rumsev, James S., 56. Runk, Edward J., 67, 7S, 91, "5- RUNKLE, Philip L., 20. RUNYON, Ernest L., 50. Rupp, William, 81, 82. Russell, Charles P., 33, 75. John \V\, 36, 65, 122, 133. Samuel H., 37. William C, 71. William H., 38, 67, in, 114, 121, 14S. William W., 20, 150. RUTHERFURD, Francis M., 28, 138. Lewis M., Jr., 152, 158. RllTTMANN, Ferdinand, Jr., S4. Ryder, Edgar L., 67. Sabine, Thomas T., 34, 63, 64. Sackett, A. T., 61. Clarence D., 56. Sage, Edward E., 18, 147, 14S, 149, 153, 154, 155- William H., 76,90,92. Sander, Peter F. C, 48. Sanders, D. N.Jr.,65. George N., Jr., 65. Sands, Benj. Aymar, 37. 66, 125. Ferdinand, 49, 51,96, 112, 121, 126. Joseph, 22, 74. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. I8 7 Ledyard, 37, 66, 113, 125. Mahlon (Day), 15. Philip J., 15. Robert C, 58, 69. William H., 150. Sanford, James, 29, 74. Saportas, F. C, 136. Satterlee, Henry Y., 24, 80. Herbert L., 39, 67, 96, 106. Richard S., 161. Satterthwaite, James S., 63. Saul, Mowbray, 65, 117. Sawyer, Charles P., 83. R., 62. Sayre, Reginald H., 77, 95, 96, 108, 120, 122, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 150, 152. Sayres, Gilbert H., 55. SCHAEFFER, George C, 58. SCHELL, Edward P., 91, 118, 119. SCHENCK, Bard P., 29. Ernest W., 29. N. Pendleton, 27,67, 90, 104, 113, 114, 125, 132. Spottswood D., 27,93, ii3- SCHERMERHORN, Bruce, 71. D. C. P., 57- Harry A., 63. James, 59. John, 70. P. A., 58. William C., 72. SCHIEFFELIN, George R., 14. Richard L., 69. SCHMADEKE, Frederick W., 48,114. SCHMITT, E. B., 78. Schmidt, Henry I., 63. Oscar E., 24. Schneider, A. F., 80. SCHROEDKR, John F., 12. SCHUCHARDT, Frederick, Jr., 28. Schuyler, George L., 71. Scofield, George S.,Jr.,42, 76, 103. Scott, Alexander, 32. Scrugham, William W., 78, 112. Scudder, Henry T., 46. Philemon H., 122. Seabury, William J., 32, 75. Seaman, Alfred P. W., 18, 79. George A., 29, 74. Robert, 54. Sedgwick, Theodore, Jr., 58, 100. Seeley, G. Percy, 19, 147,148, 153. 154. 155- Seesel, Albert, 76. Seligman, Alfred L., 120. Edwin R. A., 77. Eugene, 125. George W., 66, 125. Isaac N., 125. Jefferson, 46, 77. Seney, Robert, 69. Seton, Alfred, 68. Seward, Augustus, 60. William F., 67. Sewell, Robert, Jr., 50, 77, 96, 122. Seymour, Charles M., 72. Daniel, 57. George F., 13. Roderick B., 42, 64, 114, 124. Shapter, Peter, Jr., 60. Sharp, George, 72. Shaw, Charles B. R., 56. Frank D., 47, 66, 90, 106, 146. Robert, 70. Samuel G., 78. Shea, Charles E., 59. George, 119. Sheldon, Edward, 22, 61. Gardner H., 48. George H., 93, 96, 107, in. Shepard, B. F., 65. W. S., 62. Shephard, Frank N., 43, 65. Shepherd, Charles A., 31, 61. John H.,44. Sherman, Alpheus, 54. Frank D., 20, 93, 94. Frederick, 25. George, 18,66, 90,92, 93, 117, 118, 125, 132. John T., iS. Thomas P., 35. Sherwood, Ezra K., 29, 61. Shonnard, Frederick, 34. Short, Charles, 161. Charles L., no. Shotwell, William W., 47, 93. Shrady, John, Jr., 29, 61. Shumway, Willard A., 51, 84,96, 98, IO8, 112. SlCKELS. John J., 54. StDELL, J. A., 69. SlLLIMAN, B., 82. Charles A., 13. Chauncey H., 46. UNDERGRADI'ATE RECORD. SlMONDS, Alexander B., 26, 127. 134, 146, 153. SlMONSON, Egbert C, 77. SlMONTON, , 135- Sl.MPKINS, Nathaniel S., 39, 123. Simpson, Edward, 60. Robert G., 60. William K., 50. Singer, George, 84. George H., 84. William H., 49, 113. Skid.more, John D., 13, 73. Skinner, Orrin, 101. Slack, John C, 57.70. Slipper, James H., 33, 62, 88. Joseph A., 63. Sloan, Arthur, 41, 65. William S., 67, 91, 95, 96, 97, 123. 132, 147- Sloane, A. Sidney, 75. W. J. M.,65. Slosson, Barzillai, 58, 100. Edward, 58, 100. Slover, Abraham A., 57. Smalley, Wallace A., 19, 96, 107, in. William E., 41, 76, no. Smedberg, Harry A., 28. T. A., in. J. G., 71. James R., 61. John A., 25, 65. Oscar, 23, 62. William R., 23. Smedes, John E. C. , 13, 74. Thomas L., 13. Smith, A. Foster, 27. Augustus L. C, 77. Benjamin R., 60. Charles H., 43. Charles J., 70. Deming B., 76, 124. DuBois, 18, 66, 93, 125- Edgar P., 40, 74. Edward B., 43, 65, in, 117. George M., 74. George P., 16, 64, 90, ico. 105, no. Harold M., 26, 66. Henry G., 148, 149, 161. Hugh, 69. J. Lewis, Jr., 77, 112, 120, 161. James C, 37. James W., 44. John F., 7c. John M.,56. Lenox, 16, 64, 104, 114. Mason M., 73. Maxwell, in. Oliver D., 37, 66, 121, 125, 153. Reginald H., 30, 74. Richmond M., 67. St. Clair, 30, 74. Sydney A., 20,77,121. Theodore L., 64. Thomas D., 54. W. A., 76. William C, 31. William R., 29. William W., 60. Smyth, Henry M., 17, 65, 92, ico, 117, 133. Sniffen, E.,135- Snowden, William E., 59. Snyder, Edward H., 122, 148, 149. SOUTHACK, John W., Jr., 15. Spader, Vanderbilt, 19, 119, 120. Spalding, Joseph W., 67, 77, 95. 126. Spear, Charles, 59. Speir, Gilbert M., Jr., 36, 66, 90, 100, 133, 134- Spencer, Charles A., 63. Jesse A., 59. John C, Jr., 116, 120, 150, 151, 152. Robert, 71. Speyers, Clarence L., 28, 67. Spofford, Joseph L., 34. Sprague, Irvin A., 37, 125, 135, 147, 148, 153. Spring, Edward, 57. Gardiner, 71. Samuel, 57. Stagg, Charles E., 70. Staley, William, 69. St. Amant, Louis, 45. Stanton, Alexander M., 14, 62. Francis, 15. John R., 19. S. K., 61. Starr, Chandler D., 84, 95, 96, 98, 107, 112. H. S., 82. Walter D., 119. Staunton, William F., Jr., 84, 98. Stearns, Daniel B., 20, 84. Henry S., 122. JohnN., Jr., 141, 142. Joseph K., 72. Thomas B., 19, 51, 84. Stebbins, Russell, Jr., 14, 62. Steel. Thomas, 55. Steele, Horace D., 32. Steer, Samuel L., 56. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. [89 Stephens, Stephen D., Jr., 41. Stephenson, James, II. Sterling, John W., 101. Richard H., 49, 82, 96, 112. Stevens, F. W., 64, 80. J. Bayard, 59, 72, 73 James A., 55. John L., 57, 70. Richard F. , 62. Stevenson, John, 55. Steward, John, Jr., 25, 76. Stewart, David, Jr., 26, 76, in, 122. Francis B., 81, 82, 83, 119, 120. John H., 60. Perez M., 4S, 114, 116, 146, 149, 150. W. R., 137, 141. William P., 72. Still, Thomas H., 63. Stillwell, John E., 58, 71. Samuel E., 78. Stilwell, Silas M., Jr., 66, 90, 104. St. John, Thomas P., 29, 61. Stockholm, Dirck, 55. Stockwell, Nathaniel S,, 84. Stone, George C, 48, 81, 82, S3- Storer, Alfred, 71. Storms, Waiton, 141. Storrs, Frank, 18, 93. Stoughton, James, 68. Stowbridge, Wm. M M 48. Strauss, Oscar S., 76. Strebeigh. Isaac L., 66. Lefferts, 92, 93, 104, 121, 146. Strong, Benjamin, 32, 74. George T., 10, 59. J. S., 124. John R., 17, 66, 122. Oliver S., 70. P. Remsen, 60. Paschal N. , 68, 100. Thomas M., 69, 100. Strvker, James, 68. Stuart, Eugene T., 49, 78,91, 112, 116, 146. Inglis, 77. Sidney B., 48, 78, 112, n6l William, 55. Sturges, Arthur P., 16, 64,109. Frank D., 36, 65, 90, 116. Henry C., 35, 65, 103, in, 117. Stuvvesant, A. Van Horn, 30. Peter, 56. R., 80. Robert R., 30, 63. Suckle v, John L., 69. Rutsen, 70. SUFFERN, T., Jr., 62. Sullivan, George H., 77, 120. SUYDAM, Abraham, 63, 88. Charles C., 14,62. John R., Jr., 27, ill, Swain, Alfred E., 49, 84. James P., Jr., 42, 76. Swan, Edward H., 21, 61, 73- Otis D., 22, 73. SWARTWOUT, John, 6g. Sweeny, Owen, 60. Swezey, John E., 75. Swords, Charles R., 71. Henry B., 57. John E., 72. Robert S. , 71. Theodore A., 58. Thomas, Jr., 70. Sym, John, ii, 60. Symington, Havelock, 27. James, Jr., 27. Taber, Charles, 39, 67, 122, 123. Taggard, Tohn A., 60. William H., 59. Tailer, Henry A., 13, 74. James T., 14. Talbot, Augustus, 16, 109. Henry, 55. Richmond, 16, 109. William R., Jr., 14. Talcott, Frederic L., 58. Tallmadge, F. S., 61, 73. Talman, John, 55, Tappan, Frederic D., 29. John L., 29, 61. Taylor, Daniel C, 70. Edward P., 29. Edwin M., 5S. George H., 67,95,96, 122, 123, 132, 138, 139, 140, 142, 150, 151. George L., 63. Henry A. C, 24. Herbert G., 67, 141. J. Edward, 32, 74. John J., 25, 76. Joseph P., 11. Lewis, 74. W. G., 141. William A., 19. William H., 38, 67, 95, 113, 119,148. Ten Broeck, Anthony, 59, 100. igo UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Ten Brook, Peter S., 56. Tenney, Sutherland, 36, 66, 90, 92, 146. Terry, William H., 29, 61. Thatcher, A., 81. Thomas F.. 33, 75. Thayer, F., 64. Horace H., 90. Thibou, Lewis, 58. Thomas, David P., 59. George, 60. Ludlow, 59. Philip W., 71. Thompson, Abraham G., Jr. , 71. David G., Jr., 33, 62. Edward, 54. Frederick, 35, Frederick F, 33. John R., 54. Junius, 57. Milton S., 47. T. De Witt, 47, 66. Wilbray J., 48, 114. William A., 59. Thomson, David, 66, 103. G., 74- Giraud F., 67. William I., 64, 105, 109. Thorn, Conde R., 29. Eugene, 23, 62. Leonard M., Jr., 28. William E., 74. Thorne, George W., 16, 105, 124. James H., 57. Quintin M., 30, 61. Stephen, 68. Throop, Montgomery H., Jr., 66, 106. Thurman, John R. , 5q, 100. Thurston, Alfred H., 31. 74. Tibbits, George M., 34, 66. Tiebout, John, Jr., 57. Tieman, Paul E., 50. 77, 151. TlLLINGHAST, J. Phillip, 35, 64. TlLLOTSON, Robert L., 72. TlLLOW, Edward, 16, 65, 109, in. Timpson, John W., 33, 62. P., I34>i35, 147. 148, 153, 155- Tine, James, 55. John, 55. Titus, James H., 57. Tomes, Francis, 58. Robert, 116. Tonnele, Theodore, 82, 83. Tooker, Edgar L., 63. Edward L., 75. Gabriel M., 33, 75. Torrance, Alfred, 37. Torrey, Charles H., 82, 83. Charles W., 62. Franklin B., 19, 91, 93, 120, 126. Totien, Gilbert T., 33. Toucey, Donald B., 49, 51, 84, 112, 122. Tower, Albert E., 49. Townsend, Chas. DeKay, 37, 66. Isaac, 26, 66, 122. Israel J., 12. Israel L., 12, 73. John R., 69. Peter S., 69. Robert, 37, 66, 103, 113. 114- Russel N., 71, 100. Frederick, 71. W. R., 91. Tracey, Frederick A., 15. Tracy, George C, 32. Trask, Charles H., Jr., 20, 139, 143- W. R., 139. Travers, Reverdy, 75. Reverdy, Jr., 39, 122, 123. William R., 60, 72. William R., Jr., 39, 96,108,122,123,140. Travis, Edward F., 61. Robert, Jr., 12. 73. Trenor, Eustace, 74. John, Jr., 74. Thomas F., 63. Trevett, Russell, 59. Trimble, Edmund G. R., 26,66. Trippe, J. C, 74. Troup, Charles G., 56. Trowbridge, Miner, 41. William P., 83. William P., Jr., 39. Trudeau, Edward L., 36. Tryon, John, 55. Tucker, John A., 34. John Ireland, 10, 59. H. V. W., 64. Richard H., 31, 74. Thomas W., 57, 70. Tuthill, Charles E., 61. Tuttle, Daniel S., 40, 75. H. Croswell, 64. John N, 31. Turner, Herbert B., 23, 62, 100. Joseph M., 63, Turnbull, Ramsay, 39. Stephen H., 63, 75. Tyng, UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. I 9 I Stephen H., Jr., 63. Ulshoeffer, William G., 62. Underhill, Tracey, 44. Vail, George E., 115, 116, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152. Valentine, Albert E., 75. Edwin J., 76. Obadiah, no. Samuel H., 101. Value, Beverly R., 20. Van Amringe, Henrv, 56. J. Howard, 63, 88. Van Beuren, Charles E., 29. Cornelius, 55. John D., 58. Van Boskerck, Robert W., 47, 107, 134. 135- VAN BUREN, Frank R., 15, 80. Martin, 25, 64, 124. Travis C, 26. Van Cleef, George S., 72. Van Cortlandt, Tames, 55. Robert B., 28, 108, 116. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr., 74. John, Jr., 10, 100. Vanderpoel, A. Ernest, 64, no, in. John A., 15. Vanderveer, Adrian, 69. Vamjervort, J. L., 71. Vandervoort, William A., 64. Vandewater, Ferdinand, 56. Van Doren, Charles G., 78, 115. William H., 58. Van Dusen, Samuel C, 20, 77. Van Duzer, Archibald S., 13, 74, 100. Van Gieson, Ransford E., 78, 106. Van Kleeck, Robert B., 58. Robert B., Jr., 75. Van Ness, John P., 53. Van Nostrand, Seymour, 41, 64, 103, "5- Van Rensselaer. Francis, 22, 73. H., 117. S., 24. Schuyler, 26. Van Riper, William T., 33, 62. Van Santvoord, Abraham, 64. Van Schaick, Henry S., 28, 67, 123. Van Sinderen, A. Howard, 19, 51, 82, 107, 138, 140, 141, 149, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158. Van Syckel, Benjamin M., 50. Van Tuyl, Otto W. E., 73. Van Voorhis, Robert D., 60, 100. Van Vorst, Cornelius, Jr., 21, 73. Van Wagenen, Gerrit G., 57. G. H., Tr., 70. Gerrit H., 63. Hubert, 54. William M., 31. William M., 63, 88. Van Winkle, Edward H., 75. Isaac, 12, 43, 64, 73. Van Wyck, Benjamin S., 18, 92, 125- Pierre M., 61. Robert A., 101. Van Zandt, Peter, 68. Varick, John, 69. Verplanck, Gulian, C, 87. Samuel, 57. William E., 27, 67, 113- William S., 71. Vermilye, Joseph F., no. Robert G., 58. Vethake, Henry, 55. VlELE, H. K., 46. Vincent, Marvin R., 14, 62. Voorhees, John S., 140, 141, 142. Theodore, 16, 65. Vought, C, 136. Vroom, Peter D., Jr., 55. Vulte, Herman T.,82, 83, 84. Waddell, Henry, 6g. L. Saxbury, 58. Waddixgton, George, 63. Wagstaff, Alfred, 70. Wainwright, Francis C, 63. Henry P., 12, 61. J. Howard, 83. J. Mayhew, 67, 123, 152, 158. Wait, Howard St. C, 19. Waldo, Francis W., 33, 75. H., 80. Waldstein, Charles, 47, 66, 121 125- Martin E., 47. Wales, Edward H., 37. Walker, Arthur L., 20. Evan T., 74. John. T., Jr., 152, 157- I58- Joseph, Jr., 19, 84, in. William B., 64, 124. !<>•- UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. Wallace, Joseph C, 70. Waller, Elwyn, 82, 9S. Robert, Jr., 36, 65, 117, 124, 133. William, 38, 67, 118, Ilg, 121, 136, 137, 138. Walsh, Alexander R. , 71. Hugh, 59. James W., 10, 72,100. Walter, H., 151, 152. William, 115, 116. Walther, Hugo J., 78. John A., 44. Walton. Charles J., 61. Tohn F., 14, 62. L. P., 64. William, 58. Ward, , 148. Beverly, 26. Charles H., 23, 74. Chas. Montague, 38, 66, 103, 126, 135, 147, 148. Egbert, 15. Edmund A., 34. Francis E., 38, 95, 123, 138, 142. Francis M., 10, 59. George W., 43, 76, 90, 117. Henry, Jr., 10, 59. Henry II., IO, 59. James H., Jr., 120. John, Jr., 24. John S., Jr., 67, 77, 108. Norbert R., 96, 112. Prescott H., 34. 75. Samuel, Jr., 58. Samuel B., 63. Thomas C, 26. Willard P., 64, 124. William, 119. William G., 31. William L., 19. Warner, William H. H., 152. Waring, Gardiner H., 78, 112. Nicholas L., 68. Warren, G. H.,27. Jacob, 70. John, 55. Waterbury, James M., Jr., 36, 66, 104, 146. Nelson J., Jr., 48. Waters, George G., 10, 59. James T., Jr., 44. W ATKINS, James S., 69. Watson, Goodwin, 34. Henry R. C, 121. James, 54. Watt, J. Cunningham, 26, 65. Watts, Charles, 6S. George, 55. Henry, 55. John, Jr., 54. Robert, 15, 58. Wayne, James M., Jr., 25,64. Webb, F. Egerton, 39, 150, 151 H. Walter, 36, 80. Robert W., 38. W. Seward, 36, 133. Webbe, William N., 76. no, 116, 124, 133. Webster, Hamilton F., 39, 67, 123. Weed, Harvey A., 10, 59, 100. William A., 35. Weeks, Alfred A , 57. Arthur D., 36, 132, 133, 134. Edward F., 25, 65. F. Delano, 38, 89, 91, 93, 106, 126, 132, 135, 136, 137, 147, 148, 154. Francis H., 34. Herbert A., 28, 113. James, 32. Stephen R., 87, 88. Weihel, John W. H., 44. Welling, James R., 31, 74. Wellman, Merritt H., 13, 74. Wells, J. S. C, 134, 135. Thomas L., 56, 100. Wendel, John G., 30. West, E. Walter, 24, 63, 88. John, 121. Westervelt, T., 74- Weston, Roswell. 15. Wetmore, 135- Benjamin C, 22, 73. Calvin M., 47. Charles F., 22. Howard G., 2S. John C, 91, 106, 132, 138. Prosper M., 13, 73. William H., 20, 77. WlECHMANN, Ferdinand I. G., S2, 83, 98. WlGGIN, Frederic H., 38. Wilcox, Frank C, 119. WlLCOXSON, William F., 115, 116, 119, 120. Wiley, John, 56. William O., 78. Wilkes, George, 57. Wilkinson, Robert H., 44, 76, 92. Willard, James Le B., 14. WlLLET, Elbert M., 23, 62. William, 57. WlLLETT, Edward, 31. Edward M., 57. M., 61. Marinus, 24, 56, 80. Marinus, Tr., 64. UNDERGRADUATE RECORD. 193 Williams. Alexander E., 49, 73, 151. F. H.,93. Granville W., 48. Howell L., 14. Leighton, 67, 93. Mornay, 78, 100, 115. Richard H., 18, 125. Samuel C, 121. Stephen G., 67. William F., 84. William R., 57, 70. Wheeler, Herbert A., 84. John V., 42, 75. Schuyler S. , 78. Walter, 141, 152, 158. Whettan, William, 69. Whiley, C W., 73. Francis, 72. Richard, Jr., 71. Whistler, William G. McN., 33, 62. White, Frederick B., 77, 121. James L., 72. John C., 71. J.»hn J., 13. Joseph M., 73. Nelson R., 20,77, 121. Norman, Jr., 20. William S., 84. Whitehouse, Edward N., 40, 63. Henry B., 63. Henry J., 70. William F., 88. Whiting, Henry A., 64, 109. Whitlock, Bache McE., 26, 66. Samuel H., 10, 59. Whitmore, F. L. G.,76, 124. Whitney, Albert B., 63. George C., 20, 67. Whiton, Augustus W., 65,90. Williamson, George N., 26, 66, 90, 92, 121. Henry C., 112, 120. • Willis, Francis, 34. William H., Jr., 34, IOC. Wilmerding, Lucius K., 25, 65, 103. Wilson, Abraham D., 69. Frank F., 64, 124. Harris, 70. Herbert M., 126. M. Orme, 39. Peter, 70. Samuel b ., 57. William, 70. William H., 71. Windsor, Lloyd, 71. WlNSLOW, Edward, 57. Winter, William, 55. WlNTHROP, Egerton L., 24. Greenville T., 58. William N., 35. Benj. R., Jr., 35. Wissman, John F., 35, 65. Witherspoon, A. S., 59- James, 59. WlTTHAUS, Rudolph A., 35, 64. WlTTMACK, Charles A., 83, 98. Wood, Chalmers, 27, 66, 103, 104, 113, 114. Charles, 63. Dennistoun, 26, 65, 117- I3 2 - George E., 108, 122. Henry I)., 26, 66. T. Byrnes, 72. Van Home L., 28, 67. Woodford, Stewart L., 32, 74. Woodhull, Thenford,65, 109. Woods, Alexander, Jr., 48, 67, 114. Woodward, Henry E., 66. W( mi .worth, Newell B., 19, 77, 84, 91, 122, 126. Wooster, Willard P., 41. Work, George F.,17, 65, 117. J. Henry, 16, 64, 104, leg, in, 124. Worth, Joshua F., 72. Wright, D. Augustus, 74. George W., 71. Louis B., 37. Wyatt, William E., 27, 55, 113, 114, 135. Wyckoff, Alexander, 69. Wyeth, George E., 28. Wynkoop, Alexander, 69. Jefferson, 56, 70. Young, Erdie L., 49, 113. John C, 57. Youngs, Graham, 25, 65, 124. Zabriskie, Christian, Jr., 71. J. Lansing, 30. Jeremiah L., 32. Martin R., 71. Zingsem, Raphael R., 47. ADVERTISEMENTS. HE Farmers Loan and Trust Co., No. 26 Exchange Place, N. Y. Chartered 1822 Capital, $1,000,000. Capita] and Surplus invested in U. S. Stocks. Deposits may be made and withdrawn at pleasure on juhich i nte re si will be allowed. This company is a legal depository for court funds and is authorized to act as executors, administrators, trustees, and guar- dians. R. B. ROLSTON, President, (i. I'. Talman, Vice-President. Wm. H. Leupp, Secretary. W. D., 2d Vice-President. F. Munn, Assistant Secretary. Executive Committee : Moses Taylor, G. F. Talman, J. J. Astor, Isaac Bell, Samuel Sloan, R. G. Rolston, Robert Lenox Kennedy. Messrs. 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