3^ - sy DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Scientific Papers OP THE Bureau of Standards S. W. STRATTON, Director No. 395 relation of the high-temperature treat- ment OF HIGH-SPEED STEEL TO SECONDARY HARDENING AND RED HARDNESS BY HOWARD SCOTT, Assistant Physicist Bureau of Standards SEPTEMBER 16, 1920 -^*2.fc«H ^ PRICE. 10 CENTS Sold only by the Superintendent of Documents. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 h is- I>. e»f 2. nov . 19 (923 RELATION OF THE HIGH-TEMPERATURE TREAT- MENT OF HIGH-SPEED STEEL TO SECONDARY HARDENING AND RED HARDNESS By Howard Scott CONTENTS Page I. Introduction 521 II. Physical properties and structure of high-speed steel 522 1 . Effect of quenching temperature 524 2. Effect of tempering temperature 527 III. Significance of the physical characteristics of high-speed steel 535 IV. Summary 536 I. INTRODUCTION The metallography of high-speed tool steel presents certain anomalies, the explanation of which is not clear from the usual conceptions of the mechanism of hardening in simple carbon steels, as, for example, the familiar polyhedral structure of prop- erly quenched high-speed steel, which is often called austenite, although its physical properties are largely those of martensite. The explanation of such anomalies and a better understanding of the fundamental nature of high-speed steel is becoming more and more important as the peak of its development is being reached. It is even probable that future improvements will be largely in the technique of treatment and the adjustment of compositions to meet special requirements, in which cases fundamentals are of highest importance. From this angle the problem of developing high-speed steel is one of constitution and not composition. In spite of a wide variety of compositions, the general characteristics are very similar. The most effective method of attack is, therefore, through the study of a number of the physical properties of a high-speed steel and their correlation with the corresponding characteristics of simple carbon tool steel, the recognized reference standard. The relations for carbon steels between heat treat- ment, micros true ture, and physical properties have been rather thoroughly studied and are summarized in another paper. 1 1 Scott and Movius, see forthcoming paper, Thermal and Physical Changes Accompanying the Heating of Hardened Carbon Steels. S 21 522 Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards [Vol. 16 To make the proposed correlation, the microstructiire, hard- ness, density, magnetic properties, and thermal characteristics of a typical high-speed steel as affected by various treatments were studied. The variety of properties investigated necessitated the cooperation of several other laboratories of the Bureau of Stand- ards; H. S. Rawdon prepared the micrographs, E. L. Peffer made the density determinations, R. L. Sanford the magnetic tests, F. H. Tucker the chemical analyses, Miss H. G. Movius prepared the thermal curves, and several assistants aided in the work. The previously published researches related to the present one are those of Edwards and Kikkawa, 3 Carpenter, 3 Yatsevich, 4 Mathews, 5 and Andrew and Green. 8 Edwards and Kikkawa determined the effect of tempering temperature on the Brinell hardness of two series of chrome- tungsten steels of constant carbon content, chromium being vari- able in one series and tungsten in the other. A constant harden- ing temperature of 1350 C was used with one exception, and the density changes of one representative composition were deter- mined. This work represents the most important contribution to date to the study of the physical properties of high-speed steels. Carpenter investigated the effect of quenching and tempering temperatures on the structure and etching time of some high- speed steels. Carpenter, Yatsevich, and Andrew and Green studied the critical ranges of high-speed steels as affected by maximum temperature and rate of cooling. Mathews summarized his wide experience with cutting and physical tests of high-speed steel and reviewed developments since the classic experiments of Taylor and White. These papers represent work on high-speed steel of a wide variety of compositions and treatments, so that it is very difficult to establish any relation between the various properties studied. The present work is, therefore, confined to one representative type of modern high-speed steel. II. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURE OF HIGH- SPEED STEEL For the purpose of this investigation tests were made on a standard type of high-speed steel, chosen because it shows sec- 2 Edwards and Kikkawa, Jour. Iron and Steel Inst., 92, p. 6; 1915. 3 Carpenter, Jour. Iron and Steel Inst., 67, p. 433, 1905; 71, p. 377, 1906. 4 Yatsevich, Rev. deMet., 15, p. 65; 191s. 6 Mathews, Proc. A. S. T. M., 19, p. 141; 19:9. 8 Andrew and Green, Jour. Iron and Steel Inst., 99, p. 305; 1919. Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 16. Fig. i. — Hardening cracks in high-speed steel Specimens of steel B, i by % by 3 inches, were hardened as follows; a, Quenched in oil from 1030 C; surface of fracture parallel to 1 by 3 inches surface; ft, cooled in air from 1050 C; cracks perpendicular to 1 by 3 inches surface; c, quenched in oil from 1050 C; fracture parallel and at 45 to 1 by 3 inches surface Scott] Heat Treatment of High-Speed Steel 523 ondary hardening definitely. Unfortunately, sufficient material of one composition was not available, so that another composi- tion was used also, this being purchased to duplicate the first as nearly as possible. As seen from the chemical composition given in Table 1, the two steels are very similar except in carbon con- tent, which is low in the B steel for the brand used. As pointed out later, the lower carbon content, apparently, is responsible for a poorer steel. TABLE 1.— Results of Chemical Analyses of High-Speed Steels No. C Mn SI W Cr V P s A Per cent 0.77 .65 Per cent 0.25 .31 Per cent 0.47 .17 Per cent 17.8 17.6 Per cent 3.5 3.4 Per cent 0.74 .73 Per cent 0.020 .004 Per cent B For hardening, the specimens were placed in an electrically heated alundum tube furnace in which charcoal or illuminating gas was burned to prevent excessive oxidation. The specimens were slowly brought up to temperature and held there 1 5 minutes before quenching. The quenching medium was a light mineral oil. Tempering consisted of heating for 15 minutes in an oil bath for temperatures up to 250 C, in a nitrate bath up to 6oo° C, and in a chloride bath for higher temperatures. The use of these baths assured a uniform temperature quickly reached. All high-temperature measurements were made with platinum thermocouples. The specimens were cut from a i-inch square bar (steel A), and a 1 by Y% inch bar (steel B), both factory annealed. The magnetic test 'specimens were of 1 cm square cross section, the hardness specimens were of 1 by % inch (steel A), and 1 by y% inch (steel B) section, and the density specimens about 1 by 1 by % inch (Fig. 7) and about one-half inch face cubes (Fig. 5). Specimens for micrographs were taken from the ends of the hardened magnetic test pieces. In hardening, both steels usually cracked when quenched from the region of 1050 C. The cracks followed the contour of the specimens, thus indicating that they were characteristic of the steel and not due to inclusions. The cracking was particularly severe in the case of the low-carbon steel B, photographs of typical samples of which are shown in Fig. 1 (a, b, and c). This steel cracked also on cooling in air from 1050 C. It was, how- 524 Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards [Vol. 16 ever, possible to obtain specimens on which the physical measure- ments could be satisfactorily made in spite of the cracks. The density measurements were made by the usual method of weighing in air and in water, the specimens being dipped in alcohol prior to immersion in water to insure the absence of bubbles. The magnetic measurements were made in a long solenoid, corrections being made by the use of shearing curves. Other tests were made by the usual standard methods. 1. EFFECT OF QUENCHING TEMPERATURE It has long been recognized that raising the quenching temperature increases the cutting efficiency of a high-speed steel J3/n /tooo /oooo 8000 t>000 vooo 2000 ~i 1 1 r C.t>5, W /r.s, Cr J.V, r.Y3 ooa Quenched /n o// • ■ a Same sj&ec/merrs after dijbfo/ng /n //au/d a/r 300 900 /000 //00 tfOO 80 70 60 SO Quer?c/?/r?g temperature /JOO'C Fig. 4. — Relation of quenching temperature and subsequent treatment in liquid air to maximum induction, residual induction, and coercive force of steel B tool, so that the highest temperature short of fusion is the best. Observations were therefore made to determine the effect of quenching temperature on the properties under consideration to obtain evidence as to the nature of the constitutional changes. Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 16. a -/7s rece/Vec/ W£k" 6- 900 °C C-97J °C '4 nA • V\" ■ • e - //£5~°C c/-/oso°c f-/£00°C Fig. 2. — Microstructure of specimens of steel A quenched from temperatures noted. X500. Etched with 2 per cent alcoholic HN0 3 a. Annealed; (6), 900° C; (c), 975° C; (rf), 1050 C; c, 1125° C; /, 1200 C Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 16. g>~^ZO °t /7-/£90°CGnfer,or) /'- /Z90°C (r?ear surface) Fig. 3. — Microstructure of specimens of steel A quenched from temperatures noted. X 500. Etched with 2 per cent alcoholic HN0 3 g, 1220 C; It. 1290° C, interior; i, 1290° C, structure near surface Scott] Heat Treatment of High-Speed Steel 525 The microstructure of steel A as quenched from several tempera- tures is shown in the micrographs of Figs. 2 and 3, the magnetic properties in Fig. 4 (lower curves of shaded areas), and the density in Fig. 5. The effect of quenching temperature on the Brinell and scleroscope hardness (recording instrument) of steel B is also shown in Fig. 5. roo r ^600 8b5 k 5 ■Stee/ _S -Sri net/ hardness *5tee/ J? - Sc Zeros cO/be hardness ■Sfee/ /? -JDens/fy 800 900 /000 /I00 /ZOO Quenching temperature /joo r 1 Fig. 5. — Relation of quenching temperature to Brinell and scleroscope hardness of steel B and to density of steel A These data permit of a classification of the quenched specimens into two groups according to the nature of their physical character- istics. The properties of the first group, quenched from tempera- tures up to about 1100 C, vary in a manner distinct from those of the second group, quenched from above that temperature. Besides the change in slope of the curves, the physical properites of the two groups are affected differently on cooling below ordi- nary temperatures. Thus the magnetic properties of the speci- mens quenched from the high temperatures are markedly in- creased (Fig. 4, upper curve of shaded area) by immersion in liquid air, while the specimens quenched from the low temperatures remain practically unchanged. This is indicative of a con- stitutional difference, other than a continuously changing one, between the specimens of the two groups and has an important bearing on the anomalies of high-speed steel. 526 Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards [vu. tt To distinguish between these two groups, specimens quenched from the lower temperature range will be referred to as given the low-temperature treatment, and those from the upoer range as given the high-temperature treatment. The microstructure of the samples given a low-temperature quench is obscured by the excessive amount of free carbide im- bedded in the apparently structureless matrix. The micro- structure of the specimens of this series will be called martensite from their physical characteristics, but it must be recognized that this may be a misuse of the term, depending, of course, on its definition. The specimens quenched from the high-temperature range show well-defined grain boundaries in a structureless matrix containing little free carbide. This structure is typical of properly quenched high-speed steel and will be called polyhedral. The polyhedral structure, smaller volume change, constancy of hardness, and more rapid loss in magnetization with quenching temperature in this range are all suggestive of austenitization, though the polyhedral structure is not necessarily proof of it. It is seen by extrapolation of the magnetic properties that zero magnetization, and hence complete austenitization, would be attained for a quenching of about 1450 C if this temperature could be reached without fusion. That partial austenitization has occurred on quenching from the high-temperature range is shown, however, by the changes in physical properties on cool- ing below ordinary temperatures. This treatment, if carried to a low enough temperature, completes the A 3 transformation with a corresponding change in physical properties, direct evi- dence of previous austenitization. The effect on the magnetic properties of immersion in liquid air is shown in Fig. 4. The volume also increases on cooling below ordinary temperatures, a drop in density of 0.059 g/cm 3 being observed when a specimen of steel A, quenched from 1300 C, was cooled to — 45 ° C. It must, therefore, be concluded that the specimens quenched from the high-temperature range are constitutionally different from those given the low-temperature treatment in that in the former case the steel is partially austenitic, but is not in the latter. This characteristic of high-speed steel may appear peculiar to it, but on reference to the work of Maurer 7 one will find that more or less partial austenitization is common to simple high-carbon steel quenched from a high temperature, the degree depending, of course, on the carbon content and the temperature. This 7 Maurer, Rev. deMet., 5, p. 711; 1908. Scoli] Heat Treatment of High-Speed Steel 527 phenomenon is revealed by the change in density and in other physical properties on immersion oi the steel in liquid air. A further analogy between carbon and high-speed steel may be seen by comparison of the effect of the quenching temperature on the magnetic properties of high-speed steel (Fig. 4), with the effect of the same variable on those of a carbon steel (Fig. 6). /5000 /0000 5000 Cc 7r6on / C A0O- ee/ V V^- h-/so V. so vo JO 20 900 °C Qaenc/?/r>^ fem/iero/'u/'e Fig. 6. — Relation of quenching temperature to coercive force, maximum induction, and residual reduction of carbon tool steel. (Gebert) The data for the carbon steel were taken from Gebert. 8 The similarity of these two figures is striking when the lack of any similarity in microstructure is considered. 2. EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE The most interesting feature of the tempering of high-speed steel is the so-called "secondary hardening," which is revealed as an increase in hardness over the original (or a previous minimum) of certain high-speed steels given the high-temperature treatment and tempered in the neighborhood of 6oo° C. This, at first sight and in view of its absence in the usual carbon tool steels, is often considered a mysterious phenomenon. However, when the original condition of partial austenitization resulting from the high-temperature treatment is considered, the phenomenon appears quite natural. •Gebert. Proc. A. S. T. M., 19, Part II; p. 117; 1919. 2371°— 20 528 Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards \Vol.i6 The effect of increasing the quenching temperature is to increase the amount of dissolved carbide which lowers Ar" (Ar 3 _, of martensitic steels, which is long and continuous for high-alloy contents) progressively, until, for a quenching temperature of about noo° C, its end reaches room temperature. Any further increment of the quenching temperature — that is, quenching from the high-temperature treatment range — will cause the end of Ar" to fall below ordinary temperatures, with the result of partial austenitization already noted. This phenomenon is analogous to the lowering of Ar 3 in iron-nickel alloys by increasing the nickel content, the essential difference being that in the preceding case the composition of the matrix can be changed by tempering, but it can not be so changed in the latter. From the foregoing analysis it is evident that on tempering the partially austenitic, and consequently somewhat softened, steel, the dissolved carbide of the matrix will be gradually precipitated until a stage is reached at which Ar" is no longer stable for the then am d.&0 ZOO UOO t>00 800'C T~err?jber/n 3 a, 300° C; 6, 400 C; c. 600 ° C; d, 700° C Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 16. Fig. 15. — Microstructure of steel A quenched in oil from 1200° C and tempered as noted. X500. Etched with 2 per cent alcoholic HN0 3 a; 200 ° C; b, 400° C; c, 600° C; d, 7o°° C Fig. 16. — Microstructure of steel A quenched in oil from I2go° C and tempered as noted. X500. Etched u ith 2 pel cent alcoholic IIN0 6 a, 200 C; 6, 400° C; c, 600° C; d, 700° C Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, Vol. 16. C7 - Quenched /h od from /290°C, temjbered a/ 600 °C. a . 1 d"K% & .0 h s. * *•» x^ - Quenched /n o/7 from /300 °C and differ/ in //gu/'