' \^^ c,oNg «i » * o MINISINK VALLEY REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH RECORDS, 1716-1830 The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society A HERITAGE CLASSIC /a> \ / DOM. GE.ORGL WILHLLM MANCIU5 (1706-1762) Co-Pastor with Dom. Petrus Vas at Kingston Dutch Church, I 732. Missionary to the Minisink District iWint^tnfe trailer BefotmeD l^ntc^ Ci^utc]^ OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1913 President, Clarence Winthrop Bowen First Vice-President, . . William Bradhurst Osgood Field Second Vice-President, . William Isaac Walker Secretary Henry Russell Drowne Treasurer, Hopper Striker Mott Historian, William Austin Macy, M. D. Necrologist, Winchester Fitch Registrar of Pedigrees, . Winchester Fitch Executive Committee Abraham Hatfield, Jr., Chairman William Bradhurst Osgood Field Henry Pierson Gibson George Austin Morrison, Jr. Hopper Striker Mott Clarence Winthrop Bowen William Isaac Walker Trustees HowLAND Pell Gen. James Grant Wilson Henry Pierson Gibson William Isaac Walker Samuel Reading Bertron Tobias Alexander Wright Ellsworth Everett Dwight Henry Russell Drowne Clarence Winthrop Bowen George Austin Morrison, Jr. Thomas Townsend Sherman John Reynolds Totten Abraham Hatfield, Jr. Hopper Striker Mott William Bradhurst Osgood Field Committee on Publication Hopper Striker Mott Josiah Collins Pumpelly George Austin Morrison, Jr. John R. Totten Royden Woodward Vosburgh Tobias A. Wright Capt. Richard Henry Greene William Alfred Robbins William Becker Van Alstyne, M. D. COLLECTIONS OF THE NEW YORK GLNLALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL 50CILTY VOL V NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1913 F//C. In cooperation with the , nj S^ Genealogy Society of yS j, ^ Sussex County, New Jersey O^'^jf^^ Facsimile Reprint Published 1992 By HERITAGE BOOKS. INC. 1540 Pointer Ridge Place. Bowie. Maryland 20716 (301) 390-7709 ISBN 1-55613-556-4 A Complete Catalog Listing Hundreds of Titles on History. Genealogy and Americana Free on Request RECORDS Baptisms by Dom. Petrus Vas, 1716 to 1719, 97 to 98 Baptisms and Births, 1737 to 1803, . . . 98 to 219 Marriages, 1738 to 1797, 265 to 278 Church Members, 1745 to 1791, .... 281 to 285 Baptisms and Births, 1805 to 1816, Baptisms and Births, 1803 to 1827, Marriages, 1804 to 1825, .... Walpttli Cl^urcl^ ISecorD Baptisms and Births, 1741 to 1830, Marriages, 1741 to 1769, .... . 219 to 230 . 231 to 264 . 278 to 280 I to 92 . 92 to 94 With j^omait of ^om. (George l^ilbelm !3l^anciujtf Edited, with an Introduction, by ROYDEN WOODWARD V05BURGH NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1913 LIMITED EDITION 100 numbered and signed copies No New York Genealogical and Biographical Society / Secretary INTRODUCTION It is not within the limits of this introduction to recite in detail the story of the earliest visits of the Dutch, in the region generally termed as the Minisink valley. The first occupation was for the purpose of conducting mining operations. It is probable that these operations were commenced during the time of the Dutch occupa- tion of New York ; and they may have been continued secretly for a time, after the colony was transferred to the English. It seems quite clear that the first occupation has no connection with the settlement of the valley, by the way of Kingston, which commenced about the year 1690. We quote here from Eager's History of Orange County, giving the recollections of some of the settlers, who were old men in 1787; as a whole, we believe this to be as authentic a story of the earliest history of the region as can be briefly pre- sented. "We place before the reader a copy of a letter from Hazard's Register, written by Samuel Preston, Esq., which will throw much light upon the point of early settlement in the Minisink country, by whom and when made, and be far more satisfactory than anything we could say. * * * Copy of Letters from Sam'l Preston, Esq., dated Stockport, June 6 & 14, 1828. MINISINK, MINEHOLES, &C. In 1787 the writer went on his first surveying tour into Northampton County; he was deputed under John Lukens, Surveyor General, and received from him, by way of instructions, the following narrative respecting the settlement of Minisink on the Delaware, above Kittanny and Blue Mountain : That the settlement was formed for a long time before it was known to the Government in Philadelphia. That when the Government was informed of the settlement, they passed a law in 1729 that any such purchases of the Indians should be void ; and the purchasers indicted for forcible entry and detainer, according to the law of England. That in 1730 they appointed an agent to go and investigate the facts ; that the agent so appointed was the famous Surveyor, Nicholas Scull ; that he, James Lukens, was N. Scull's apprentice to carry chain and learn surveying. That as they both understood and could talk Indian, they hired Indian guides, and had a fatiguing journey, there being then no white inhabitants in the upper part of Bucks or North- ampton County. That they had very great difficulty to lead their horses through the water gap to Minisink flats, which were all settled with Hol- landers; with several they could only be understood in Indian. At the ven- erable Depuis's they found great hospitality and plenty of the necessaries of life. J. Lukens said that the first thing which struck his attention was a grove of apple-trees of size far beyond any near Philadelphia. That as N. Scull and himself examined the banks, they were fully of opinion that all those flats had at some very former age been a deep lake before the river broke through the mountain, and that the best interpretation they could make of Minisink was, the water is gone. That S. Depuis told them when the rivers were frozen he had a good road to Esopus, near Kingston, from the 11 Mineholes, on the Mine road, some hundred miles. That he took his wheat and cider there for salt and necessaries, and did not appear to have any knowledge or idea where the river ran — Philadelphia market — or being in the government of Pennsylvania. They were of opinion that the first settlements of Hollanders in Mini- sink were many years older than William Penn's charter, and that S. Dupuis had treated them so well they concluded to make a survey of his claim, in order to befriend him if necessary. When they began to survey, the Indians gathered around ; an old Indian laid his hand on N. Scull's shoulder and said, "Put up iron string, go home." They then quit and returned. I had it in charge from John Lukens to learn more particulars respect- ing the Mine road to Esopus, &c. I found Nicholas Dupuis, Esq., son of Samuel, living in a spacious stone house in great plenty and affluence. The old Mineholes were a few miles above, on the Jersey side of the river by the lower point of Paaquarry Flat ; that the Minisink settlement extended forty miles or more on both sides of the river. That he had well known the Mine road to Esopus, and used before he opened the boat channel through Foul Rift, to drive on it several times every winter with loads of wheat and cider, as did also his neighbors, to purchase their salt and neces- saries in Esopus, having then no other market or knowledge where the river ran to. That after a navigable channel was opened through Foul Rift they generally took to boating, and most of the settlement turned their trade down stream, the Mine road became less and less traveled. This interview with the amiable Nicholas Dupuis, Esq., was in June, 1787. He then appeared about sixty years of age. I interrogated as to the particulars of what he knew, as to when and by whom the Mine road was made, what was the ore they dug and hauled on it, what was the date, and from whence, or how, came the first settlers of Minisink in such great numbers as to take up all the flats on both sides of the river for forty miles. He could only give traditionary accounts of what he had heard from older people, without date, in substance as follows: That in some former age there came a company of miners from Holland ; supposed, from the great labor expended in making that road, about one hundred miles long, that they were very rich or great people, in working the two mines, — one on the Delaware where the mountain nearly approaches the lower point of Paaquarry Flat, the other at the north foot of the same mountain, near half way from the Delaware and Esopus. He ever under- stood that abundance of ore had been hauled on that road, but never could learn whether lead or silver. That the first settlers came from Holland to seek a place of quiet, being persecuted for their religion. I believe they were Armenians. They followed the Mine road to the large flats on the Delaware. That smooth, cleared land suited their views. That they bona fide bought the improvements from the native Indians, most of whom then moved to the Susquehanna ; that with such as remained there was peace till 1755- I then went to view the Paaquarry Mineholes. There appeared to have been a great abundance of labor done there at some former time, but the mouths of these holes were caved full, and overgrown with bushes. I con- cluded to myself if there ever had been a rich mine under the mountain it must be there yet in close confinement. The other older men I conversed with gave their traditions similar to N. Dupuis, and they all appeared to be grandsons of the first settlers, and very ignorant as to dates and things relating to chronology. In the summer of 1789 I began to build on this place ; then came two venerable gentlemen on a surveying expedition. — They were the late Gen. James Clinton, the father of the late De Witt Qinton, and Christopher Tappan, Esq., Clerk and Recorder of Ulster County. — For many years before, they had both been surveyors under Gen. Clinton's father, when he was surveyor general. In order to learn some history from gentlemen of their general knowledge, I accompanied them in the woods. They both well knew the Mineholes, Mine road, &c., and as there were no kind of documents or records thereof, united in the opinion that it was Ill a work transacted while the State of New York belonged to the govern- ment of Holland ; that it fell to the English in 1664 ; and that the change in government stopped the mining business, and that the road must have been made many years before such digging could have been done. That it un- doubtedly must have been the first good road of that extent made in any part of the United States." The "Minisink country" consists of the valley of the Neversink, west of the Shawangunk Mountains, and the Delaware valley, as far as the Delaware Water Gap. The first settlements of which au- thentic knowledge can be ascertained were made about 1690, at what was later called the Upper Neighborhood, near Cuddebackville. A few years later more families came, and the settlements stretched further down the Neversink valley, to the junction with the Dela- ware; in later years the valley between Huguenot and Port Jervis was known as the Lower Neighborhood. The Neversink river was then called the Machackemeck, and the valley between Cuddeback- ville and Port Jervis was often spoken of as Peenpack. The earliest Patents in this neighborhood were the Waghaghkemeck* Patent, Oct. 14, 1697; the Minisink Patent, Aug, 28, 1704, which confirmed the Indian deed of 1702, and several other patents of less importance, which need not be enumerated here. The Waghaghkemeck* Patent was granted to Jacob Cuddeback, Thomas Swartwout, Anthony Swartwout, Bernardus Swartwout, Jan Tys, Peter Guimar and David Jamison. The settlers in the Minisink valley were Dutch, French Huguenots and English. The first minister of the Gospel among the settlers in the Min- isink was the Rev. Petrus Vas, of Kingston. The earliest baptisms that he administered will be found in the records of the Kingston Dutch Reformed Church. Sixteen of the baptisms administered by Vas will not be found in the Kingston record. They cover the years 1716 to 1719, and were obtained from some source (probably from Vas) by Domine Johannes Casparus Fryenmoet, and recorded by him on page 15 of the Minisink-Machackemeck record in the year 1745 and numbered by him as baptismal entries 206 to 221. When George Wilhelmus Mancius arrived in the Province of New York, excepting a short stay in New Jersey, he took up work in the congregations of Ulster county, and soon he became the colleague of Vas, at Kingston and its allied churches. His scholarly accom- plishments which enabled him to speak Dutch, French, English and German, were of great advantage to him in his labors in the Mini- sink. He was the prime mover in the religious work, which resulted in the establishing of four Dutch Reformed churches in the Minisink * Or Maghaghkemeck. IV valley. A part of the records of three of these churches has been transcribed in this volume. And it is our purpose here to outline the histor}' of these four churches, to show the sites that they have oc- cupied, and to cite briefly the group of secondary churches that have grown out of them. THE MINISINK CHURCH. The first entries in the Minisink-Machackemeck record are in the handwriting of the Rev. George W'ilhelmus Mancius. They extend from Aug. 23, 1737, to Sept. 19, 1740. occupying pages 3 to 10 in the original record, and being numbered as baptismal entries I to 102; see pages 98 to 103 in this volume. The title page of the Minisink-Machackemeck record, which should be on page 97 of this volume, is as follows : *Kerkelyk protocoll voor de gemeente van Menissing beginnende met den jaar 1737 d. 23 August. Kerken Boek Van Den gemeenten Van Minissink en Magagkamack. The Property of the Prot. Refd. Dutch Church Deer Park, Classis of Orange, N. Y. July 1844. Geo. P. Van Wyck, Pastor. The first title was written by Domine George Wilhelmus Mancius ; the second by Domine Johannes Casparus Fryenmoet. The facts brought out by the title page and by the handwriting on it, seem to be sufficient to warrant the supposition that the Minisink church was the senior of the four churches, and for this reason it is taken up first. The only act of Consistory recorded in the hand of Domine Mancius is generally supposed to have been passed at the first meeting, when the organization of the churches was effected. A translation of it follows : "Whereas, some among us are unwilling to remunerate the minister who is coming to officiate among us and yet wish to avail themselves of his services, it was approved and resolved by the Consistory: That every one dwelUng among us requiring the services of the minister shall pay for the baptism of a child six shillings, and those who live without our bounds shall pay for the baptism of a child three shillings. Signed in behalf of others. GEORG WILHELM MANCIUS. Done in Consistory, August 23, 1737." It should be noted that the name Machackemeck does not appear in this record during the ministry of Domine Mancius. * Translation : Ecclesiastic record for the congregation of Menissing. beginning with the year 1737, the 23rd of August. Church Book of the congregations of Minissink and Magagkamack. The Minisink church was about eight miles below Port Jervis, on the Old Mine Road, in the present township of Montague, Sussex county, N. J. The name Minisink was applied locally by the settlers to the tract of land in the vicinity of this church, extending prin- cipally to the southwest. It was also known as the Nominack or Namanach church, deriving this name from the parsonage, which was located about three miles below it on the Old Mine Road. The site of the church was about abreast of the northernmost point of Minisink island, where the Delaware river forks. It is about a quarter of a mile below the cross roads where an old building stands, formerly a store kept by Judge Stull and now a tavern known as the "brick store." There is a sharp bend in the road, which swings from a southeasterly to a northeasterly direction, and on the river side sloping down towards river bed, lies the land once occupied by the ancient Minisink church and burying ground. The ground is thickly wooded with trees of between fifteen and twenty-five years' growth, and is overgrown with dense underbrush. The site would hardly be discernible in passing along the road, were it not for one or two badly neglected modern gravestones, which lie at the turn of the road, so near the highway that they might easily be taken for mile- stones. Further back among the trees some twenty rough field stones remain, marking as many graves. They are flat stones, prob- ably from the river bed, and the traces of inscriptions are only evi- dent on one or two of them. There are also in this graveyard about six modern marble stones, bearing dates 1824, 1825 and 1853. ^ considerable number of the legible gravestones, formerly here, were transferred to the newer cemetery behind the present church, in Montague village, which is about three quarters of a mile along the road, in a northeasterly direction. Among the stones transferred to the newer cemetery, are a number of Westbrook family stones, bear- ing dates shortly after 1800. It is difficult to fix the date when the old Minisink church ceased to be used for the purpose of Divine service. On two occasions the Minisink congregation petitioned the New Jersey Legislature for per- mission to hold a lottery to raise money to pay off the indebtedness upon their church, resulting from repairs to the church edifice and parsonage. The first petition was dated Oct. 16, 1795, Thomas Kyte being allowed £1 :o5 :og, in the Donation Account of the Minisink Corporation under date of Oct. 31, 1795, "to go to Trenton to advo- cate a petition for a church lottery before the Assembly to pay the arrears of the church building and parsonage, &c." The second VI petition was dated Oct. 9, 1804. It would appear that a number of years intervened between the time that the old church became un- tenantable, by reason of age and want of repair, and the time that the second church was erected in about the year 1827. Information concerning the date of the erection of the second church very in- definite ; however the county records of Sussex county were not examined. It seems quite certain that during this interval this con- gregation worshiped in the Shapanack church.* The minutes of the Minisink Consistory contain nothing definite about the date of the erection of the second church, although the date of the sale of the old church is mentioned. There are no minutes between Sept. 5, 1797, and July 14, 181 6. The first book of the Minisink church record was also used by the Machackemeck church. The baptisms appearing in this book are transcribed in this volume, covering pages 97 to 230 ; the marriages, covering pages 265 to 278. For additional items not included in this volume, see translation of this record by Rev. J. B. Ten Eyck, pub- lished by W. H. Nearpass, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1877. Abstract of items omitted in this volume : Minutes of Consistory, Aug. 23, 1737 to Feb. 16, 1792. Act of Subordination, signed by Church Officers, Apr. 16, 1745 to Apr. 19, 1755. Members of Consistory, 1741 to 1750. List of members received in Machackemeck church by Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten, on Oct. 12, 1787, from a piece of paper, not a part of the record book. The proper title of this book should be the Minisink-Machacke- meck record, as it was the joint record of the two churches, from 1741 to 1803; from 1805 until it ends in 1816, it is the record of the Minisink church alone. The last meeting of the Consistory recorded in Low Dutch in this book, is translated by Ten Eyck as follows : "The Reverend Consistory being assembled together in fear of the Lord, February 16, 1792, at the house of Joannes D. Westbrook, after prayer it was resolved to become incorporated in pursuance of the Act of the State of New Jersey, and for this end that we unanimously sign a short application to be enrolled in the Register Book of the County of Sussex, in the above mentioned State." The second book of records of the Minisink church (now the only one in their possession), was the minute book of the Corpora- tion and Consistory, and was commenced in the year 1792. The following extracts are copied from this book : "Records of the Elders and Deacons of the Church of Menesing incor- porated the first day of March 1792 as may be seen in the Records in Clerk's Office in the County of Sussex Rhodes Clk. as also may be viewed in the church records of Menesing dated February 16, 1792." * For Shapanack church see page xix. Vll "Succession of Consistory and their Acts. There has been a succession of Elders and Deacons in the Church of Menessing from August 23, 1737 to May the ii, 1785 when the combined Consistories of Walpeck, Menesing, and Magagkameck, viz. Isaac Van Campen made a Call on the Rvd. Elias Van Joannes Decker Bunschooten then Minister of the Gos- Hendrick Wm. Cortrecht pel of Schachtkook who accepted of Joannes C. Westbrook the Menesing Call the 9th of July next Hendericus Decker following and was installed by the Jesias Cortrecht Revd. Jacob R. Hardenbergh the 29 William Ennes of August 1785 and also at the same Frederick Van Demerck time by the above mentioned Consist- J. R. Dewitt ories received as their lawful Minister Simon Westfall of the Gospel as may be seen in Mene- Harmanus Van Emwigen sing church records." Jacob D. Gumaar Elias Cortrecht Thomas Kyte "On a meeting of the Consistory of Menesing Church the 16 Febru- ary 1792. Present Elias Van Bunschooten After calling on the name of God Joannes D. Westbrook they thought for several reasons that Gysbert Sutfin it was best to be incorporated : and for Joannes Van Etten that purpose, at the same time, signed Abraham Westfal a certifacate which is recorded by Cornelius Cole Rhodes Clerk of the County of Sussex Benjamin Fisher of the State of New Jersey the ist of Gedeon Cole March, 1792." Jeremiah Van Demerck "July 14th, 1816 the surviving members of the Consistory together with the male members of this Congregation met at the house of Mr. Stool* the meeting was opened with prayers by the Rev. Charles Hardenbergh. Whereas it Appeared that there were only two members remaining in Consistory Viz Abraham Westfall Elder and Joseph Ennes Decon it was Resolved that the meeting proceed to the Election of church officers when the following persons were only chosen Viz Abraham Westfall and Joseph Ennes Peter Vannest and Joseph Ennes ( ^*^^" f Decons Benjamin Depui the Elders and Decons Elect After having been published to the Congre- gation were Installed In there respective offices. At the same time Also Elizabeth Ogden wife of Samuel Depui on making a satisfactory confession of her faith was received as a member in full Communion with the church. Q T CHARLES HARDENBERGH Pres." "September 8, 1829. The Consistory, trustees of the Minisink Congregation having previously consulted with most of the owners of the seats in the old meeting house, and having given public notice of the meeting this day with the owners of seats to see if there were any objections to selling the old house, the proceeds thereof to be apphed by the Consistory for the use and benefit of the congregation. This day accordingly a number of the inhabitants met with the con- sistory & no one objecting to said sale the Consistory resolved to sell said * James Stoll. Vlll house, & gave public notice of such sale on the 26th of September inst. at the old house. September 26, 1829, the sale of said house was postponed untill Satur- day October nth, 1829. C. C. ELTING, Prest & Clk of Consistory." The old church was finally sold on Nov. 7, 1829, the fund arising from the sale amounting to $148.33. Abstract of contents of second book, Minisink record : Baptisms, June 14, 1817 to Jan. 18, 1903. Marriages, Oct. 5, 1817 to Dec. 17, 1902. Minutes of Consistory, Feb. 16, 1792 to Sept 8, 1866. "The minutes are continued in the new book procured for the purpose November 1866." Communicants, July 14, 1816 to Dec. 5, 1879. Donation account, Dec. 15, 1792 to Nov. 25, 1798; salary receipts, etc. THE MACHACKEMECK CHURCH. The Machackemeck Church stood on the Old Mine Road, about one quarter of a mile above the point where it crossed the Neversink. This site is at the junction of East Main Street and New Jersey Avenue, in the City of Port Jervis ; it is on the opposite side of East Main Street from the old Machackemeck burying ground, and is at present occupied by a public school. The first church was probably built in the year 1743. We quote the documentary evidence, from the minutes of the Consistory, in the Minisink-Machackemeck record, which concerns the building of this church as well as the first Minisink church. "The Reverend Consistories of the two churches met together March 7th, 1742, and executed the following: VIII. Having approved of the object by collection to aid and build up the Low Dutch churches in the States of New York and New Jersey, and that for this object suitable persons should be chosen by Consistories and Justices in these churches. IX. The Reverend Consistory chose Jan Van Vliet, William Cool, Hannes Westbroeck, Hendrick Kortrecht. Besides, his Majesty's Justices chose Salomon Davids, Peter Keuikendal, William Kortrecht. The following persons were appointed Collectors, viz. Jacobus Swartwood, Jan van Vliet, Hendrick Kortrecht and Derrick Westbroeck. August 21. The Collectors reported that they had collected £13, 9s. od. Their expenses were £2, os. 4d. January 7, 1743. The Reverend Consistory resolved that of the money collected each church should retain half. That the money should be appro- priated for the upbuilding of one church should they agree to build together, and if not, then each church should retain the amount collected in their bounds. And if it should occur that they should both build, and any money should remain over, it should be used for the benefit of both churches, and if more money should be collected, it would be subject to the above conditions. I testify to the above minute in behalf of the Consistory of both churches. JOH: CASPARUS FRYENMUTH. Done in Consistory January 7th, 1742/3." IX The first church remained standing until it was burned to the ground, with a good part of the surrounding settlements, by the Indians under Brandt, on the night of July 20, 1779. The second church was probably erected about the year 1786, as various sums of money and some building material were donated in the spring and summer of that year, as it appears in the church record. It occupied the same site as that of the first church. The third church was built in 1833, on the main street of the Village of Port Jervis, about a mile north of the first site. The fourth church was built in 1868, upon the site of the third church. The church of 1833 was then moved to the new cemetery at Carpenter's Point, about one quarter of a mile below the site of the first church, where it now serves as a chapel for conducting funeral services, and for a Sunday school. When and how the Minisink-Machackemeck church record was secured by the Reformed Dutch Church of Deer Park, we are unable to state, but it is evident that the Rev. Geo. P. Van Wyck thought it prudent to settle any question of ownership, by his writing on the title page in July, 1844. It seems likely that when the Rev. Samuel B. Ayers became pastor of the Minisink church in 1838, that the Rev. Cornelius C. Elting, who had previously been pastor of both churches, retained for the Port Jervis church the old Minisink- Machackemeck record. As stated before, this record was used ex- clusively by the Minisink church, from 1805 to 1816. What is now known as the second book of the Machackemeck church record, but what was really the first book belonging to that church exclusively, contains the following title page, which should appear at the top of page 231. "Magagkameck church Record bought of Solomon Smith for s 16 by Elias Van Bunschooten in A. D. 1795." Abstract of contents of this book : Baptisms, June 19, 1803 to Nov. 4, 1871. Marriages, Feb. 8, 1804 to Feb. 7, 1872. Minutes of Consistory, 1817 to 1858. Communicants, 1817 to 1871. From the Trustees' record book of the Machackemeck church commenced in the year 1789, by the Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten, we copy a part of the records relating to the incorporation of the church, as they were written in his hand. "It appears from the church record of Menessing and Magagkameck dutch reformed protestant churches, that there were in the church of Magag- kameck regular ecclesiastical officers in August 23th 1737 and that their succession has continued till May lith, 1785 at the time last mentioned the Elders, Jacob R. Dewitt, Symon Westfaal, Harmanus Van Emwegen and Deacons Jacob Dewitt Gumaar, Thomas Kyte, together with the Elders and Deacons of the Churches of Walpeck and Menissing made a regular call upon the Revd. EHas Van Bunschooten which call the said Minister accepted the 9th day of July 1785 and was installed by the Revd. Jacob R. Harden- bergh the 28 day of August the same year, and in the said Hardenbergh's presence, the said Elders and Deacons of the said united churches received and accepted the said Bunschooten for their regular and lawful Minister of the Gospel according to the discipline of the dutch reformed protestant Church in America. Moreover it appears from the abovesaid church records, that a regular succession of Elders and Deacons of said church of Magagkameck has been continued from the nth day of May 1785 to the 14th day of March 1789. On the said 14 day of March 1789 a certificate formed according to the laws of the State of New York for religious incorporation passed the 7th day of March 1788 and the 6th day of April 1784 as may be seen in the preceeding copies of the said acts, was signed by the Minister, Elders and Deacons viz Elias Van Bunschooten Wilhelmus Vredenburgh Solomon Kuikendal Jacobus Swartwout Benjamin Depuy Simeon Westfal Wilhelmus Cole Joannes Decker Samuel Depuy and according to law the said Sertificate was Acknowledged and recorded the 9th day of June 1789 as may be seen in the said Sertificate. A copy of the first return March 29, 1793. An account and Inventory of all the Estate both real & personal with the annual Revenue arising thereon belonging to the Dutch reformed Church of Magagkameck in the county of Orange. One acre of ground with the Church on it without any annual income from the seats. The third part of twenty-three acres and some parts of an acre of ground, with a house and barn on it, which the Minister possesses for the time being as part of his salary. Between forty- four and forty-five pounds subscribed yearly to be paid to the Elders and Deacons of said Church, and by them to be paid unto our present Minister while he resides among us. One Bible, One Psalm-Book, One Book of Records, Sabbath-Day Collec- tion in Bank, two pounds, fifteen shillings and nine pence. One little Trunk. This is to certify that on the 29th day of March 1793 the within account and inventory was exhibited on oath to William Wickham one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Orange by the Subscribers being a majority of the Trustees of the Church within named. Sworn the 29th day of Benjamin Depuy March 1793 before me Harmanus Van Emwegen Wm. Wickham Joannes Decker Wilhelmus Cole Marteinus Decker." The church v^as first incorporated as the "Reformed Dutch Church of Mahackamech." In 1838, by an Act of the Legislature, the name was changed to the "Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Deerpark." THE WALPECK CHURCH. The site of the first church of the Walpeck congregation was within the Walpeck Bend of the Delaware, about a mile west of the XI present village of Flatbrookville, in the township of Walpack, Sussex county, N. J., near the fork of the road leading down to Rosencrantz ferry. This site was upon the Old Mine Road. *"The original deed for the ground (containing four acres), upon which the church was erected, was made by Thomas Brink and Nicholas Schoonhovan, in the tenth year of His Majesty, King George, February ist, 1737. This deed was never recorded, and on February 26th, 1744, another genuine deed was made and recorded, a note of which is made on the Church Records. The church edifice was erected prior to 1741 (though its exact date is not known), since Rev. Mr. Fryenmoet was preaching in it at that time. * * The second church edifice of Walpack was built a half-mile further up the river road, near where Jacob Smith now lives. The date of its erection is unknown, but it was previous to 1800. In this building Rev. Mr. Van Benschoten and Rev. Mr. Force preached. It was occupied down to 1816, when the third edifice was erected, on the original foundation. * * * This third building was erected by the German Reformed people, who had at this time a church organization there. It was dedicated on Christmas day (1819), the services being conducted in both German and English. After its erection, the Reformed Dutch con- gregation, on account of their own building having become old and dilapidated, purchased one-half of the edifice built by the Germans. The two congregations occupied it on alternate Sabbaths. Soon after the commencement of Mr. Pitts' labors, the members of the German Church mainly united with the Reformed Dutch Church. The Germans however continued to own a half interest in it so long as it stood. Two Trustees were chosen biennially, to have charge of their half of the building." The above is quoted from Dr. Mills' Discourse, because as much reliable information is not available at present. The occupants of the Jacob Smith farm now are Isiah and Elijah Gariss; their mother was a relative of Jacob Smith and they have lived on this farm for the past thirty years. The house occupied by Jacob Smith is three- quarters of a mile north of the original site of the Walpeck Church, on the river side of the road. About two hundred yards north of the Smith house, on the opposite side of the road, and some distance back from it, are the foundations of an old building. So far as the recollections of the Gariss brothers can be relied upon, this building was a house and never a church. It is probable that Dr. Mills drew some of his information from the Trustees' book of the Walpeck * See Historical Discourse of Reformed Dutch Church of Walpack. by Rev. S W. Mills, pp. 23-24. XII church, of which further mention will be made. The fourth church was built on the original site, in 1855. The corner stone was laid August 22nd, 1855, by Rev. Robert Pitts ; the church was dedicated on Dec. 20, 1855, the Rev. David A. Jones, of Montague, preaching the sermon. This church supplied the needs of the congregation until 1897, when the fifth church was erected in the village of Flat- brookville, about a mile east of the original site. The land for the present church was given by John S. Smith. The Flatbrookville congregation still uses the old burying ground, conveyed by the deeds of 1737 and 1744. At the present time it occupies less than two acres, bordering on the side road leading down to Rosencrantz ferry. There are a few very old gravestones in the graveyard, but all traces of inscriptions have vanished long ago. The oldest stone with an inscription shows the date 1793; nothing more. Another reads "M. W. B. May 2, 1795." The only book of records at the present time known to exist, con- cerning the Walpeck congregation, is transcribed in this volume, covering pages i to 94. The parts of this record not printed are the Minutes of the Consistory, 1741 to 1793, which are not very com- plete, and a small list of members admitted, covering the years 1745 to 1827. We quote from this record, written in the hand of the Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten, the following relating to the incorporation of the church : "Dec. 14, 1793. The Rev. Consistory, meeting in fear of the Lord, after calling upon God's name, have deemed it proper and resolved to be incor- porated and therefore signed a certificate, December 14, 1793'. The same was registered, through Jacobus Cermer and Andries Ding- man Jr. by Chas. Rhodes Clerk on Dec. 26, 1793. The above matter has been noted in the Corporation book, dated Febru- ary 14, 1795." When the Minisink, the Machackemeck and the Walpeck churches were incorporated, the duty of making proper records of incorporation fell to the pastor at the time, the Rev. Elias Van Bun- schooten, and a more painstaking and accurate recorder could not have been found, as the Trustees (or Corporation) books of the Minisink and of the Machackemeck congregations bear witness. He bought at least four durable record books, of uniform size, bound in full calf. Two of these books are now in the possession of the Port Jervis church. The third is the principal record now in the possession of the Minisink church. And the fourth was prob- ably in the possession of the Walpeck church, up to the year 1902. This fourth book is referred to a few lines above as "the Corporation book." It was undoubtedly consulted by Dr. Mills, when he wrote his historical discourse on the Walpeck churches; it is probably referred to by Mills, when he mentions that a note of Xlll the deed of 1744 "is made on the Church Records." It is reported that this book was burned at Flatbrookville, in the year 1902, in a fire of the store of John S. Smith, who for many years had been Treasurer of the Lower Walpack congregation, and who had in his possession almost all of the papers and records of both the Upper and Lower Walpack congregations. This book probably contained, in addition to the Corporation records, the baptisms, marriages, etc., beginning at the time the first book of records was completed. The present records of the Lower Walpack churches will be found ab- stracted under the heading of the Bushkill Church, see page xxii. Nathaniel Van Auken, living about two miles north of Flatbrook- ville, on the river road, has in his possession some unimportant Sunday school records of the Flatbrookville church, covering about twenty years, commencing about 1865. THE SMITHFIELD CHURCH. As the records of the Smithfield church do not appear in this volume, it has not been thought necessary to give much information concerning it, beyond what appears in Dr. Mills' Historical Dis- course on the Walpack church, pages 22 and 23, a copy of which follows : "Before speaking of the Church edifices in the bounds of the Walpack Church, it may not be amiss to allude to the Old Log Church, in which the Smithfield congregation first worshiped. This was, so far as we can learn, the first house of worship of any description erected in this region of coun- try. It was built below the 'Mine Holes', on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware, opposite Tock's Island, near the present village of Shawnee. It is supposed to have been built about the year 1725. It was probably erected for the purpose of furnishing the miners, and those settled around the mines, with a place for holding religious services, while as yet there was no Church organization. When the Smithfield Church was organized (in 1737), they worshiped in this Log Church, and for many years subse- quently. The evidence, from the original Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Machackemeck and Menissinck, during the ministry of Fyren- moet, is clear and decisive that this Smithfield Church was Reformed Dutch, with its Consistory composed of Elders and Deacons, the names of whom from time to time are recorded in that Book, with those of the three other Churches. We deem it important to state this, since the intimation has been made, in a History of the Shawnee Presbyterian Church (by Rev. J. Kirby Davis), that this was originally a Presbyterian Church; they are called 'Dutch Presbyterians', i. e., Presbyterians using the Dutch language. The Church first in existence laiown as the Smithfield Church, at what is now called Shawnee, was Reformed Dutch, and not Presbyterian. Its officers signed the 'Act of Subordination to the Classis of Amsterdam', with those of the other three Churches, April 19th, 1746. Their names were, Benjamin Depuy and Moses Dupuy, Elders, and Lambart Brynck and James Hyndshaw, Deacons. This Church continued in connection with the other three Churches in enjoying the services of the same minister, as before remarked, until about the year 1753, when it withdrew. The cause leading to this withdrawal was probably the erection of a 'Presbyterian Meeting-House' there in 1752, XIV the land for which had been given by WiUiam Allen, in 1750. This was a stone building (known as the Old Stone Church), and after its erection was occupied by various denominations — Presbyterians, Reformed Dutch, and Lutherans. Notwithstanding the Smithfield Dutch Church withdrew from the other three Churches, still Fryenmoet and Romeyn both preached from time to time in this Stone Church, which was now used b>' the Dutch con- gregation, on account of the Old Log Church having become unfit for use. But while the Presbyterians had their house of worship, it appears from the History by Mr. Davis, just referred to, that there was no organization of a Presbyterian Church until 1816, when the Rev. John Boyd ordained the first Elders. Previous to this, Presbyterian ministers preached here occasionally to those preferring that form of worship and organization. Meantime the Reformed Dutch Church, having no house of worship of its own, declined and at length died out, and those who had been connected with it fell in with the Presbyterian Church when its organization was effected." The Smithfield Presbyterian church was organized before 1816. Mr. Samuel Turn of Bushkill, Pa., has in his possession the original subscription list, to raise money for the calling of the Rev. John Boyd. It is dated November 4, 1813, and commences as follows : "Whereas the Honorable Mr. John Boyd of the State of New Jersey has offered his Services to preach the Gosple in Middle Smithfield and Lower Smithfield, * * *" The organization of the Presbyterian church was effected on Jan. 3, 1814, as it appears in the church record. The minutes of the Consistory as recorded in the Minisink-Machackemeck record, con- tain a number of references to the Smithfield church, before it with- drew from the other three churches. The withdrawal of this church did not mean that it ceased to exist as a Dutch Reformed church. After the separation of the churches, the Smithfield church sold their rights in the parsonage occupied by Domine Fryenmoet. Men- tion of this will be found in the Acts of the Coetus of Oct. 7-14, 1755, an extract from which follows : *"5. James Hyndshaw, elder at Smithfield, and Johannis Westfael elder at Minnesink, presented to our Assembly for our consideration and our decision, a certain difficulty existing between the Consistory of the three churches of Rev. Fryenmoet, and the Consistory at Smithfield. This arose out of a misunderstanding about certain ecclesiastical action taken by the Rev. Consistory of the four churches on April 16, 1750. Both sides have promised to acquiesce wholly in our decision to be given thereon. The Rev. Assembly, having heard the reasons for and against, and having carefully considered the action itself, found itself in conscience bound to give the following unanimous decision: That, whereas it appears that the church of Smithfield has been legally and ecclesiastically separated from the three other churches, the Rev. Consistory of Rev. Fryenmoet's three churches are, according to the contents of the aforesaid action, obliged to pay to the Rev. Consistory at Smithfield thirty pounds. It will have to make every effort to secure that amount from the churches ; and, should anything be lacking, to supply the deficiency out of the elders' treasury. Whereupon both parties thanked the Assembly for this decision." For further particulars concerning the Smithfield church, see History of Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties, Penn., page 1096. * See Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, page 3598. XV Abstract of contents of the Smithfield record : Baptisms, May 22, 1741 to July i, 1807. Marriages, July 4, 1742 to Feb. 16, 1752. Minutes of Consistory, Record of Resolutions, and Record of Church Councils. Members admitted, by confession and credentials. Record of Expenditures. THE PARSONAGE AT NAMENACK. Within a few years after Domine Fryenmoet was settled as pastor of the four congregations, arrangements were made to secure him a suitable parsonage. The site of the parsonage was selected so as to be as nearly central as possible for the four congregations. It was in the present township of Montague, about three miles below the Minisink church, on the Old Mine Road, opposite Nominack Island and near the old Nominack Fort, which was erected during the French and Indian War. The land was originally owned by the Westbroecks. At the present time the land is a part of a farm owned and occupied by James B. Fuller, the son of Eli Fuller. The old building and well were not far from the present Fuller house, and one of the stones now in the foundation of the Fuller house was once the corner-stone of the parsonage. It has carved upon it the monogram of Domine Fryenmoet, in fac-simile of his handwriting. As the nearest church to the parsonage was the Minisink church, it was sometimes known as the Nominack church. The Consistory frequently met at the parsonage, and the words "Done in Consistory at Namenack," often appear in the minutes as recorded in the Mini- sink-Machackemeck record. We quote from this record as follows : "February 4, 1745. The Reverend Consistories of the four churches, assembled together, passed the following resolutions: * * * 3. The Consistory of the three churches have resolved to provide a suit- able dwelling house for their minister so soon as practicable, and for this end have appointed Derrick Westbroeck as Superintendent. They have fixed the first Monday in April to begin the work, or sooner. For this purpose he should notify the people to aid in the work, and those who did not do •work should pay money. The Superintendent should provide all the mate- rials; he should keep a true account of the same, which should be repaid to him by the Consistory of the four congregations, to which, by their signatures, they have bound themselves. Each Consistory shall bear the fourth part of the expense." The minutes of the Consistory as recorded in the Minisink- Machackemeck record, contain frequent reference to the Domine's house and repairs for it. On April 16, 1750, a resolution in Con- sistory was passed to the effect that, if any of the four congregations wished to separate from the others, the fourth part of the house and lot should be purchased by the remaining congregations, or sold at auction. It was also resolved that "by the present dwelling of the XVI Domine there shall be built of stone another house twenty feet long and twenty broad, or the same breadth of the present house with a cellar underneath and a study above." It is probable that the corner- stone, referred to above, is from this stone house. The parsonage and twenty-three acres of land, belonging jointly to the congregations of Minisink, Machackemeck and Walpeck, was sold in i8(X), and the sale was duly recorded in the Trustees' book of the Machackemeck church as follows : "Peter Vannoy a trustee of the Mahakkamack Congregation Sold there part of the personage house and Lot for 442 Dollars and Seventy Cents and Received the First payment may 1st 1800 Which is to be paid in three Eaqual payment. Peter Vannoy paid two Dollars of Sd. money to Mr. Kuyte for Writing the Deed for our Share." According to the Machackemeck Trustees' book, the final pay- ment was received on June 7, 1802. THE SECONDARY CHURCHES. THE CLOVE CHURCH. In the month of August, 1756, it is supposed that Domine Fryen- moet was forced to abandon his congregations, on account of Indian massacres in this section, brought about by the French and Indian War. A number of the settlers, after the burning of their homes, sought a more protected spot than the Peenpack valley. They re- moved "over the mountain" about fifteen miles southeast, and settled in the Clove. According to the petition, which is quoted on the next page, the settlement commenced about 1747; probably there were one or two families there some years before, although the principal influx of settlers occurred during the French and Indian War. Among the early settlers were the Deckers and the Ditsoorts (now Tits- worth). The Clove church stood about three miles north of Decker- town up the Clove valley, in the township of Wantage, Sussex county, N. J. An ancient burying ground marked the spot until about twenty years ago, when the remaining stones were pulled up by William Wilson, at that time the owner of the farm upon which they stood. At the present time the field is ploughed over and used as a meadow, and all traces of the graveyard have disappeared; Horatio Hill is the present owner of the farm. The second Clove church stood about one-half a mile south of the first site, on the left hand side of the road leading to Deckertown; immediately opposite this site is the old church graveyard. The third Clove church now stands about 200 yards north of the second site, on the same side of the road. This church is now known as the First Presbyterian XVI 1 Church of Wantage. The records of the church are in the posses- sion of Wallace W. Titsworth, who also has the original petition to the Classis of New Brunswick, for the organization of the church. The petition is dated Aug. 21, 1787, and is signed by fifty-eight inhabitants of the Clove ; in part it reads as follows : *"Our Ancestors, a few in number, who formerly belonged to the Low Dutch Reformed Church, settled our country about forty years since. During part of that time, the Rev. Thomas Romine, by permission of his Church- Council and people of the Minisinks, preached some of his time amongst us. By his leaving there we again became destitute, till the Rev. Mr. Bunschooten was installed in Minisinks congregations, who labored some time amongst us; and whose labor, to appearance, has been attended with the blessings of God, so as we have upwards of thirty communicant members amongst us." The Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten was pastor of the Clove church until 1812. He settled there in 1792 and owned a farm and mill; he died there on Jan. 10, 181 5. Abstract of records of the First Presbyterian Church of Wantage : Vol. I. Clove Dutch Reformed church organized, Apr. 16, 1788. Presbyterian church organized, Nov. 24, 1817; Trustees sworn in Dec. 7, 1817. Baptisms, Oct. 22, 1785 to Oct. 25, 1818. Marriages, Sept. 2, 1798 to Sept. 19, 1812. Members, from organization to March 28, 1816. Minutes of Consistory, Nov. 24, 1798 to Feb. 20, 1812. Minutes of the Presbyterian church from organization to 1835. Church accounts. Vol. II. Missing. Vol. III. Baptisms, July 3, 1835 to Apr. 29, 1843. Vol. IV. Commences 1873. The Sussex County Historical Society has the marriage records of the Rev. Sylvester Cooke, kept while he was pastor of this church, probably for the years intervening between Vol. HI and Vol. IV. THE WESTTOWN CHURCH. A few years after the Rev. Elias Van Bunschooten began preach- ing at the Clove church the congregation found that they were unable to pay his salary, that had been agreed upon. Accordingly they united with the church at Westtown, in order to divide the expense. The Dutch Reformed Church of Westtown was probably located in the present village of Westtown, in the town of Minisink, Orange county, N. Y. It is about eight miles east of Port Jervis and northeast of the Clove church. The union of the Clove and the West- town churches commenced in 1791 and ended in September, 1799. But according to the records of the Clove church, Van Bunschooten continued to serve the Westtown church, after the separation and at least until May 4, 1802, when the parsonage jointly owned by the • See Historical Discourse of Reformed Dutch Church of Walpack. by Rev S W Mills, page 30. ., . . . XVlll two churches was sold. The church was organized as a Presbyterian church, on March lo, 1803. No examination was made of the rec- ords of this church. For further particulars, see Clove church record and Ruttenber and Clark's History of Orange county, page 667. THE CUDDEBACKVILLE CHURCH. Cuddebackville, in the town of Deer Park, Orange county, N. Y., is about eight miles northeast of Port Jervis, in the Neversink valley. The first settlement was made there in 1690. For many years it was a preaching station of the Machackemeck church. On Aug. 6, 1844, a committee consisting of the Rev. George P. Van Wyck, Benjamin Cuddeback, Philip Swartwout and John P. Whitaker, was appointed for the purpose of organizing a church at Cuddebackville. The effort was not successful, but the church was finally organized in the spring of 1854. The records of this church were not examined. THE HAINSVILLE CHURCH. The village of Hainsville is about three miles southeast of Mon- tague, in the township of Sandyston, Sussex county, N. J. This church, known as the North Dutch Church of Sandyston, was erected in 1855, at a cost of $850. It is within the bounds of the Minisink congregation, and under the control of the Minisink Con- sistory, as a branch church. It was erected through the efforts of the Rev. David A. Jones, while pastor at Montague, and all the steps leading to its organization will be found fully recorded in the min- utes of the Consistory of the Minisink church. On May 4, 1855, ^^ a meeting of Consistory in the church at Montague, it was "Resolved, First, that it is very desirable & important to erect a Church in San- dyston in connection with the R. P. Dutch Church of N. America. Second, That as a Consistory, we will cordially cooperate in the attainment of this object." On June 25, 1855, a meeting was called at the house of Amos Van Etten in Sandyston, and it was deter- mined to solicit subscriptions for the new church, in both Sandyston and Montague. On July 7 another meeting was held, when it ap- peared that $680 had been subscribed. A Building Committee was appointed, consisting of Joshua Shay, C. W. Brodhead, Samuel Clark, John Kyte, Abraham Credmore, John D. Everitt and James Bennet. July 14, the Committee reported at a meeting of the sub- scribers, and the land offered by Abraham Bennet was selected as the site of the church. This land, comprising one-quarter of an acre, was adjoining the turnpike in Sandyston, near the Stone School House, in which there had been preaching for many years, in con- XIX nection with the Dutch Church of Minisink. Abraham Bennet gave the land for the use of the church, with the provision that, if the church ceased to exist as a Dutch Church, the land should revert to himself or his heirs. July 23, the bid of Jacob Wainwright of the Clove, Montague, to put up the building for $850 was accepted. Sept. 20, the corner-stone was laid by the Rev. David A. Jones, with suitable ceremonies. The new church was dedicated on Tuesday, Dec. II, 1855. "The following was the order of the service: Invo- cation, Salutation and reading portions of the Scripture, as Psalms 122 & 132 & Kings 8: 54 to close; Rev. Robert Pitts of Walpack. Prayer; Rev. S. D. Beegle, Methodist Minister of Hainsville. Ser- mon; Rev. Dr. McLaren of Newburgh, N. Y. from Rom. 1:16. Dedicatory Prayer; Rev. D. A. Jones, Pastor of the Minisink Church. Benediction; Dr. McLaren." On Jan. i, 1856, a Sociable was held at the house of Amos Van Etten, to aid in furnishing the church, which netted $83, which was expended for blinds, stove, etc. For many years the church at Hainsville was occupied jointly by the Dutch Reformed and the Methodist Episcopal denominations, and it was known as a Union church. But under the terms of the deed of gift of the land, and by numerous resolutions of the Con- sistory of the Minisink church, it is evident that the ownership re- mains solely Dutch Reformed. In consideration of the fact that the Methodists had assisted financially, in the building of the church, permission was granted them to use the church for their services. A few years ago the Methodists built a new church, opposite the old church, and since that time the church has been unoccupied by either denomination. The records of this church (if any exist) were not examined. THE SHAPANACK CHURCH. This church, although included with the secondary churches, was so closely identified with the original four churches, that it might well be treated as one of them. It stood on the Old Mine Road, about thirteen miles below the site of the Minisink church and seven miles above the site of the Walpeck church. The Shapanack tract of 962 acres of land was deeded by John Crook, Jr., to Alexander Rosenkrans and Frederick Schoonmaker, on March 16 and 17, 1729. Col. John Rosenkrans, the son of Alexander, gave the land for the site of the Shapanack church and burying ground, with the provision that it should revert to the donor, when no longer used for religious purposes. The site of the church is about 400 yards north of Col. John Rosenkrans' dwelling which was a part of the old Shapanack XX Fort, of Revolutionary fame. The church stood on a knoll on the east side of the river road, almost opposite the head of Shapanack Island. *"The exact date of the erection of the church is not known, but it is supposed to have been before the Revolutionary war, during the Pastorate of Rev. Mr. Romeyn. It was built of logs and was octagonal in form. Some of the logs, and even the foundation, were to be seen" as late as about the year i860. The Shapanack church was in use until about the year 1825, but was vacant after the stone church at Peters' Valley was erected. For a time at least, after the first Minisink church had fallen into decay and before the second church was erected, it was the only church where Divine service was held, between the Machackemeck and the Walpeck churches. The farm upon which this church stood is now owned by Mr. Joseph Hull, an Elder of the Lower Walpack congregation. Elder Hull states that this church was in use as late as about the year 1825. That he knew an old lady who died about twenty-five years ago, who had told him that she used to go to the church, when she was a girl ; that she rode to the church on horseback, from the brick store at Montague, a distance of about thirteen miles. And that at that time there was no other church where services were held, below the Machackemeck church. Elder Hull well remembers the site of the church, which is now in a ploughed field; it is about fifty feet back from the road. A knoll about 100 feet north of the church site, sur- mounted by several trees, contains about a dozen gravestones lying flat on the ground. One is the gravestone of William Clark, who died Aug. 10, 1795, AE. 45 y. 5 m. 3 d. On a higher knoll across a deep gully, and about 200 feet further north, is what appears to be the oldest graveyard. On a little plateau on the top of this knoll, stretching from one edge to the other, is a row of unmarked graves, supposed to be Van Campens. No records of the Shapanack church are known to exist; this church was within the bounds of the Wal- peck congregation, and was probably under their jurisdiction. THE peters' valley CHURCH. The ancient Walpeck congregation is still one civil corporation. It now consists of two separate congregations, each with their own church officers and pastor, the separation having taken place about i860. The Upper Walpack congregation has two churches, one at Peters' Valley (Bevans P. O.) and the other at Dingmans. The Lower Walpack congregation also has two churches, one at Flat- * See Historical Discourse of Reformed Dutch Church of Walpack, by Rev. S. W. Hills, page 25. XXI brookville and the other at Bushkill. Peters' Valley is in the south- ern part of the township of Sandyston, Sussex county, N. J. About the year 1825 a stone building was erected there, which was used both for a church and a school-house. In 1838 this building was sold at Sheriflf' s sale and purchased by Robert StoU and used for a time as a store. Within a few years it became a tavern, for which purpose it serves at the present day. The present church edifice at Peters* Valley is about 100 yards below the tavern, in a southerly direction. It was erected in 1838, at a cost of $1,400, by James C. Bevans, contractor. It was dedicated on the last Thursday in May, 1839. The records of this church have always been kept with the records of Dingmans church. THE DINGMAN's FERRY CHURCH. The village at present known as Dingmans is in the township of Delaware, Pike county. Pa., about three miles northwest of Peters' Valley. The church is about one-quarter of a mile north of the village on the east side of the river road, leading to Milford, Pa. It was erected in 1850, at a cost of $1,300. The Building Committee consisted of John I. Westbrook, Albert S. Stoll and John Van Gor- den; the contractor was W. F. Brodhead. For some time before the erection of this church services had been held in the school- house, nearly opposite the church and just below the cemetery. The Dingmans cemetery lies north-west of the church, on the west side of the road leading to Milford, and extends back up on the mountain. This cemetery was in use at an early date, as the Dingman family burying ground. At the present time there is no evidence of the burying ground having been used before 1820, although some of the gravestones being rudely carved and "home made," have a similar appearance to the early pioneer stones in the Machackemeck and the Minisink burying grounds. The records of Dingman's Ferry and the Peters' Valley churches are in the possession of Mr. Frank Stoll, the Clerk of the Consistory of the Upper Walpack congregation. They were commenced by the Rev. Harmon Van Slyke Peeke, in the year 1892, while he was Student Supply to this congregation; since that time they are far from complete. A memorandum by the Rev. Mr. Peeke states that the list of members, which commences on Jan. i, 1862, was taken from the minute book of the Consistory; and that no knowledge of older records could be obtained in the year 1892. With the exception of the list of members, all records com- mence in the year 1892. Mr. Frank Stoll states that all the records of the Peters' Valley church were kept in the Dingman's Ferry book. xxu He has in his possession a letter from the Rev. Gilbert S. Garretson, who was pastor of the Upper Walpack congregation from 1863 to 1884, in which he says that the older records of this congregation were borrowed by the Lower Walpack congregation and were never returned. If such is the case, it is possible that they were destroyed in the burning of the store of John S. Smith, at Flatbrookville, already referred to. THE BUSHKILL CHURCH. At the present day the Bushkill church is much stronger than the other church of the Lower Walpack congregation, at Flatbrookville, already described under the heading of the Walpeck church. The village of Bushkill is in the township of Lehman, Pike county. Pa. The site of the church is on the east side of the road leading to Ding- man's, just above the railroad crossing. The church is about one and a half miles south-west of the site of the first Walpeck church. It was erected in 1832, largely through the efforts of the Rev. David Gushing, who was Stated Supply to the Walpeck congregation at this time. The land was given by Henry Peters. The Building Committee consisted of Simeon Schoonover, John M. Heller and James Nyce; the edifice cost about $2,000. The corner-stone of the present church edifice was laid July 11, 1872, by the pastor, the Rev. John F. Shaw. The first Building Committee was Henry M. Labar, J. M. Swartwood and P. J. Guillot. A new Committee was appointed on Aug. 20, 1873, consisting of Jacob Nyce, William Schoonover and John Heller; they served until the building was completed, and employed Edward Burch, as contractor. The edifice cost $5,359.95. *"It was dedicated January 13th, 1874, when the Historical Discourse * * was preached in the morning by Rev. S. W. Mills, of Port Jervis. Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D., of New York, preached the dedication sermon in the afternoon, from Ps. Ixxxiv, i, after which the form of dedication was read by the Pastor. Rev. J. H. Bertholf, of New York, preached in the evening." The corner- stone of the present edifice bears the following inscription : "R. C. A. Built 1832. Rebuilt 1872." The cemetery adjoining this church is not so large as the Dingmans cemetery, but at the present time it contains evidence of more older gravestones. The oldest one at present legible shows the date of death as 1795. The records of this church are largely destroyed or missing. Commencing with June, 1909, complete records have been kept by the present Stated Supply, the Rev. William Schmitz. * See Historical Discourse of Reformed Dutch Church of Walpack, by Rev. S. W. Mills, page 32. xxni Abstract of contents of records of the Lower Walpack churches : Vol. I. Members, from 1878 to present. Dismissals, deaths, marriages and baptisms, 1909 to present. Vol. II. Minutes of Consistory, 1878 to present. Vol. III. Record of Elders Meetings, of Bushldll and Flat- brookville, kept separately. THE GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH AT FLATBROOKVILLE. The Walpack Union Congregation (German Reformed) was in- corporated April 15, 1820. The trustees were John Bergstracer, Lewis Trauger, PhiHp Smith, Leonard Gariss and George Crisman. This congregation was absorbed by the Walpeck congregation in 1841. No church records of this congregation are known to exist. In describing the secondary churches, it should be understood that the only ones listed are those of the Reformed Dutch denomina- tion, as originally constituted. JOHANNES CASPARUS FRYENMOET. Johannes Carparus Fryenmoet was the first settled pastor of the Minisink congregations. He was born in Switzerland, about 1721. When sixteen years of age he came to this country and settled in the Minisink.* He was ordained in the spring of the year 1741 by Rev. Peter Henry Dorsius, who was minister of the congregations in Bucks county, Penn. He was probably installed as pastor of the Minisink congregations in the month of May, 1741. His first bap- tisms were administered at Smithfield, on May 22, 1741 ; he com- menced the church record at Walpack, on May 31, 1741 ; and on the following Sunday, he recorded his first baptisms in the Minisink- Machackemeck record. The validity of his ordination by Dorsius • Extract from the letter of the Consistories of Machackemeck, Minisink and Wal- peck, to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated May 3, 1743; see Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York, pages 2801-3. • • "In the same way there was urged upon us a man by the name of Johannes Cas- parus Fryenmoet. He had studied a little in Zurich, Switzerland. On coming over here he was hired out to service to somebody. He however gave evidence of an excellent char- acter, and lived an edifying life. In the course of time he came in contact with Rev. Dorsius, who agreed to educate him for the ministry on condition that we should pay him for it. We did not question his right to ordain him. Meanwhile we were sup- Slied by Rev. (G. W.) Mancius. When we came to feel that our congregations ought to ave a minister of their own we were deceived in our judgments by that pretended au- thority; and with deplorable thoughtlessness we neglected to ask advice from his Rev. (Mancius) who had so faithfully ministered among us. A while after, when Fryenmoet had been fulfilling the office of minister among us in all its parts, we understood tliat other ministers, your High Revs. Correspondents, denied the legality of the power which Revs. Dorsius and Frelinghuysen were exercising; also that Rev. Freeman was among the first who questioned their authority. When those gentlemen were asked for a proof of their authority, the Rev. Dorsius, who figured as the principal actor in this affair, declined to show his authority. • » • He declared that it was sufficient that his Rev. had signed the Certificate of Ordination; that, if anyone wanted proof of his authority, he must either be good enough to come down to see him, or make complaint against him before the Synod. However urgently they begged of him to show them his authority, that the distressed churches might be relieved of their anxieties, inasmuch as they were in great distress about the validity of the admin- istration of the Sacraments; — for they were devoted to the observance of our Reformed Church-Order, conformable, as it is to the Word of God — was all in vain. We were re- fused. • • " XXIV was soon questioned. The Classis of Amsterdam censured Dorsius for ordaining Fryenmoet and John Henry Goetschius, as he had acted without their authority. The Consistory of the four Minisink churches appUed to Vas and Mancius for advice about the matter; subsequently it was also submitted to Boel. At the suggestion of these ministers the whole matter was referred to the Classis of Amsterdam. Boel and Mancius mention it in their letter to the Classis, dated Aug. 9, 1743 (2813)*. The Consistory of the Mini- sink churches sent a letter to the Classis, dated May 3rd, 1743, in which they asked for a ratification of Fryenmoet's ordination ; Fry- enmoet joined in this request. The letter recites that in the fall of the year 1742 it was learned that Dorsius was not authorized to ordain (2802). That immediately it was agreed that Fryenmoet should cease administering the Sacraments, until the case was decided. All baptisms administered by Fryenmoet prior to this time and entered in the records of the Minisink churches, have been crossed off by Fryenmoet, as is shown in the photographic reproduction, op- posite page 2. The crossing off of these baptisms reveals an error in dating in the transcript of the Minisink-Machackemeck record, as printed in this volume, on pages 106 and 107. In the original record, from which these observations are made, the eleven baptisms from "Debora Schoonhoven" to "Lydia Vredenburgh," are recorded with- out year date; Jonathan Decker and Lydia Vredenburgh are re- corded as being baptized on December 6th. It is evident therefore that the year in which these baptisms took place was 1742 and not 1743, as it is printed. The note on page 106 was made by a person having no knowledge of the facts, and even without an examination of the original record. It is true that the baptisms as designated in the note, were crossed out. The other baptisms marked "onwettig," and also crossed out in the record, as illustrated by the photograph, extend from "Hermanns Brinck," on page 103, to "Angontje Ker- mer" on page 105. The baptisms on page 105, taking place on May 3, 1743, were administered and recorded by Domine Mancius. The baptisms on page 106, dated "April 23" and "April 26" are without year date in the original record, but to anyone with the original be- fore them, it is obvious that they are a continuation of the baptisms of April 23, 1744, written in the hand of Fryenmoet, as are the other baptisms of that date.f The dates on which Mancius administered * All numbers following in parenthesis are page numbers referring to the Ecclesi- astical Records of the State of New York. t If further confirmation as to the correct year is desired, it is suggested that the record of baptisms in the families involved, be worked out. XXV baptisms are therefore May 3, 1743; Oct. 17, 1743; Oct. 18, 1743; April 23, 1744, and April 26, 1744. All the baptisms recorded in the Walpeck record, up to "Eva Dingenman" on page 2, were crossed out by Fryenmoet, but no explanation was given in that record, and they were not marked "onwettig." In their letter of May 3rd, 1743, the Consistory and Fryenmoet avow that it would be very desirable, if time and money were avail- able, for him to complete his studies in Holland, and to appear before the Classis for examination and ordination, in the usual way (2802). But, as Fryenmoet had already married, and as his services were constantly needed by the congregations, they begged the Classis to accept his written Confession of Faith, which was sent with the letter, instead of a personal appearance (2803). The letter was acted upon at a meeting of the Classis of Amsterdam, held on May 4, 1744. The Classis gave permission to the ministers neighboring on Fryenmoet, to examine him and to ordain him, in the name of the Classis (2839). A letter to this effect was dispatched to the Consistory of Minisink and Machackemeck, dated May 30, 1744 (2843). A meeting was held at Kingston, on Dec. 16, 1744, by the Consistory of Minisink*, and the Revs. Vas, Mancius and Weiss. These ministers accepted Fryenmoet's written Confession of Faith, instead of holding an oral examination, and questioning him upon Theological Doctrines. On that day Fryenmoet was ordained validly, with the laying on of hands by the Rev. Petrus Vas ; he was also legally installed as pastor of the Minisink congregations. A full account of the proceedings of the previous day was dispatched to the Classis of Amsterdam, in a letter dated Dec. 17, 1744 (2862-64), which was signed by the members of the Consistory of Minisink* and Fryenmoet, Vas, Mancius and Weiss. All these transactions are fully confirmed and corroborated by an entry in the minutes of the Consistory, as recorded in the Minisink-Machackemeck record, dated April 16, 1745, which follows: "The Consistories of the three churches — Menissinck, Walpeck and Mac- hackamech — assembled together, transacted the following, viz : I. They have looked over and confirmed the following classical letters, viz : The letter to Classis, dated May third, 1743, and the answer to it by the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, May 30, 1744. The reply to the Reverend Classis, dated December 17, 1744." The failure to hold an examination at the time of Fryenmoet's ordination at Kingston and the matter of rebaptism of the children was the subject of further correspondence with the Classis of Am- • Through some error, made either by the scribe of the Classis, or by the translators, the letter to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated Dec. 17, 1744, and the reply from the Classis, dated June 6, 1746, both mention the Consistory of Kingston, instead of the Con- sistory of Mtntsink, as it should be. XXVI sterdam (2909). In his letter of July 18, 1747, to the Cassis, Fryen- moet mentions the hardship that will fall upon the minister, in case his congregation join the Coetus, on account of the expense and difficulties of the journey to New York; also that his two most distant congregations are about fifteen Dutch miles (sixty English miles) from each other. He states that the congregation have ac- cepted "with great pleasure and satisfaction" the decision of the Classis declaring invalid the baptisms administered by him, before his valid ordination at Kingston, and that "therefore most of the children have again been baptised, excepting those who have died or have removed away" (2963-64).. There is no evidence of the rebap- tism of these children as far as the records are concerned ; the names have been crossed ofif as illustrated, but they are not re-entered in the records. The Classis of Amsterdam replied to Fryenmoet's let- ter, on May 5, 1749. They "heartily wish and earnestly request" that the Consistory of Minisink will join the Coetus, "now estab- lished" (3060). This recommendation was accepted as is shown by the minutes of the Consistory in the Minisink-Machackemeck record. "October 15, 1749. In an ecclesiastical assembly of the four united churches of Smithfield &c., assembled together, the following was transacted : 1st. A letter was read from the Reverend Classis of Amsterdam. It was specially agreed to take it into consideration the next morning at eight o'clock, for which purpose the former Consistory, October 16, again assem- bled and transacted the following: The whole Consistory were unanimously agreed, pursuant with the desire and request in the letter for us to join the Coetus, which desire and request was compHed with and is adopted." Domine Fryenmoet sent a letter to New York expressing his willingness to join the Coetus; it was read at the meeting of the Coetus held on Nov. 7, 1749 (3098). At the meeting of the Sixth Coetus, held Sept. 11, 1750; the minutes read as follows (3132): "i. New Members. — Domine Fryenmoet, minister at Minisink, with his elder, Benjamin De Puy, were affectionately received as members of the Assembly." Fryenmoet continued his pastoral relation with the Minisink con- gregations until August, 1756, when it is supposed that he was obliged to leave, on account of the incursions of the French and Indians. The last baptisms recorded by him in the Minisink-Machackemeck record, during his pastorate, took place on August 22, 1756. Several references to his flight from Minisink are quoted below, and from them it would appear that the reason why Fryenmoet left his con- gregations is not clearly stated. From letter of the Conferentie to the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, dated Nov. 9, 1756 (3679). "4. * * * Raritan congregation * * * A great part of the con- gregation was induced to call Dom. Fryenmoet, (a fugitive minister, who XXVll had been compelled to leave his place through danger of the pubHc foe;) but a committee or Circle of the Coetus was called in who did what they could to remove him, and now have succeeded, * * * " From letter of the Coetus to the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, dated Oct. 3, 1758 (3719)- "The churches being vacant, Rev. Casparus Fryenmoet went to live there, under pretext of having been obliged to flee from the enemy. Thereupon a dispute arose in the only recently united churches, about calling him. * * * At last Rev. Fryenmoet himself, seeing that no urging on his part could well bring it to a (unanimous) call, consented to accept a call that came to him from Livingston Manor, Claverack and Kinderhook." From letter of the Conferentie to the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, dated Oct, 12, 1758, mentioning the trouble at Raritan and its asso- ciated congregations, Readington, Harlingen and Bedminster, N, J. (3722). "* ♦ * Complaint of a committee from the North Branch portion of the congregation at Raritan, * * * 2. Dom. Fryenmoet, fleeing before the public enemy, came to North Branch, and was several times asked by the Consistory there to officiate, which he did with so much acceptance that many members of the four united congregations requested that he might preach in all the churches; but the Consistory in the other three villages refused, no doubt because of their engagements to a certain Hardenberg, who had married the widow of Dom. Frelinghuysen." LIST OF PASTORS OF THE FOUR MINISINK CONGREGATIONS. Minisink, Machackemeck, Walpeck and Smithfield. GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS, Aug. 23, 1737, to Sept. 19, 1740. JOHANNES CASPARUS FRYENMOET, May 22, 1741, to Aug. 22, 1756. THOMAS ROMEYN, April 20, 1760, to Sept. 22, 1771. Minisink, Machackemeck and Walpeck. ELIAS VAN BENSCHOTEN, May 11, 1785, to Aug. 28, 1797. The second date marks the expiration of his second call, although he supplied the churches occasionally, in later years. Minisink. JOHN DEMAREST, 1803 to 1806. CORNELIUS C ELTING, Jan. 30, 1817, to Oct. 16, 1837; in- stalled Feb. 26, 181 7. SAMUEL B. AYERS, Mar. 24, 1838, to April 20, 1841 ; in- stalled June 28, 1838. n- n- n- XXVlll JACOB BOOKSTAVER, Oct. 25, 1841, to March, 1847; in- stalled Jan. 12, 1842. JAMES G. MORSE, Presbyterian Supply, Aug. 21, 1848, to 1849. JOHN T. DEMAREST, April 8, 1850, to May 12, 1852; stalled May 14, 1850. DAVID ADKIN JONES, Nov. 26, 1852, to Sept. 26, 1858; stalled May 17, 1853. CORNELIUS GATES, April 10, i860, to March 17, 1862; stalled May 16, i860. WILLIAM CORNELL, July 10, 1862, to April 16, 1863; stalled Sept. 2, 1862. WILLIAM S. MOORE, April 18, 1864, to July 19, 1869; stalled June 29, 1864. N. ELMER, Supply, 1870. WILLIAM J. HILL, Student Supply in Summer 1871. WILLIAM E. TURNER, May 21, 1872, to 1875. P. F. WYCKOFF, Supply 1877 to 1879, but never ordained. THOMAS FITZGERALD, April, 1879, to April, 1881. JOHN L. STILLWELL, May 28, 1882, to May 4, 1884. JOSEPH MILLETT, 1887 to July, 1890; installed July 19, i GILBERT LANE, May 21, 1893, to April 2-^, 1896. ANDREW J. MEYER, 1900 to 1904. Machackevneck. JOHN DEMAREST, 1803 to 1806. CORNELIUS C. ELTING, called Nov. 16, 1816; installed Jan. 25, 1817; died Oct. 24, 1843. GEORGE P. VAN WYCK, Feb. 29, 1844, to May 19, 1852. HIRAM SLAUSON, Feb. 22, 1853, to Oct., 1857. SAMUEL W. MILLS, called Dec. 16, 1857; installed Feb. 22, 1858; to Nov., 1871. SAMUEL J. ROGERS, called Feb. 15, 1872; installed April 2, 1872; to May, 1876. HENRY M. VOORHEES, March, 1877, to 1879; installed May 10, 1877. GOYN TALMAGE, 1879 to 1887. LIVINGSTON L. TAYLOR, 1887 to 1891. XXIX AME VENNEMA, 1892 to 1895. THOMAS H. MACKENSIE, 1896 to 1905. WILLARD CONGER, 1905 to . Walpeck. JAMES G. FORCE, Nov. 15, 1808, to 1827; installed Nov. 17, 1811. ISAAC S. DEMUND, called Oct. 15, 1827; installed Dec. 2, 1827; to June 13, 1829. DAVID GUSHING, Oct., 1831, to July, 1832, Stated Supply. GARRET C. SCHENCK, Feb. 23, 1834, to March, 1835; in- stalled April 6, 1834. JAMES B. HYNDSHAW, called Oct. 26, 1835; installed Jan. 17, 1836; to Oct. 9, 1839. ROBERT PITTS, April 21, 1841, to i860, Stated Supply. Lower Walpack. ALEXANDER McWILLIAM, Nov., i860, to May 17, 1870; installed June i, 1861. JOHN F. SHAW, Oct. i, 1870, to 1877; installed Dec. 8, 1870. HENRY L. REX, Feb. i, 1878, to April 15, 1888. ELIAS W. THOMPSON, Student Supply in Summer of 1889 and 1890. FRANK DeW. TALMAGE, Student Supply in Summer of 1891 and 1892. CHARLES H. WHITAKER, Dec. 10, 1893, to April 13, 1900. JOSEPH R. BEALE, April 15, 1904, to Oct. 15, 1905 (or later?). WILLIAM SCHMITZ, June i, 1909, to . Stated Supply. Upper Walpack. NATHAN W. JONES, Stated Supply, 1861 to 1862. GILBERT S. GARRETSON, March, 1863, to 1884; installed May 19, 1863. JOHN M. ALLEN, 1888 to 1892. HARMON V. S. PEEKE, Student Supply in Summer of 1892. GEORGE HAWS FELTUS, Student Supply in Summer of 1893- XXX WILLIAM GUTHRIE MYLES, 1894 to 1897. JOSEPH ADDISON JONES, Student Supply in Summer of 1897 and 1898. GEORGE ALBERT LUCKENBILL, April, 1899, to Oct.. 1899. J. W. LOUDEN, April, 1900, to July, 1901. ALONZO A. RANSON, Student Supply in Summer of 1903. JOHN D. GRULL, Oct. 16, 1903, to April, 1905. N. I. M. BOGERT, Student Supply in Summer of 1905 and 1906. FRANK E. MASON, Student Supply in Summer of 1909 and 1910. J. H. RENDALL, Student Supply in Summer of 191 1. 3^alpec6 Cl^urcl^ )SecorD0 KERCKENBOECK VAN DE GEMEYNTE WALPECK BEGONNEN MET DEN PREDICKDIENST VAN JoH. Casparus Fryenmuth Predikant Aldaer a. D. 1741 May 31. Translation CHURCH REGISTER OF THE WALPECK CONGREGATION. Commenced with the Pastoral Service of Joh. Casparus Fryenmuth. Preacher there, May 31, 1741. WITNESSES 1741. 31- July 12. Gerrit Brinck Stephanus Maria Ditsoort Johannes Brinck Johannes Lena Cool Jochem Schoon- Lisabeth maker Rachel van Garden Leonard Cool Johannes Sara van Garden Nicolas Schoon- Benjamin hoven PieternellaWestfael Hendricus Van John Weyen Elisabeth van Campen Jacobus Devoor Abram Eva Dingenman Antony Maxfield Maria Eva Freeland Hendricus Schoon- Roedolfus hoven Johanna Decker William Waert Maria Decker John Isaac Roelof Brinck Antje Kuyckendal Bernardus Swart- Maria wood Margrietje Decker Edward Parkerton, Lisabeth Cool Gysbert van Garden, Rachel Decker Johannes Rosen- k r a n t z , Catharine Rosenkrantz James Handickea, H a n n a Handickea, syn Huys vr. Adam Dingenman, Rachel Dingenman Roedolfus Schoon- hoven, Dorothea Schoonhoven, syn Huys vr. Pieter van Garden, Margriet Decker, syn Huys vr. Derrick Kermer, Christina Kermer DATS I74I. WITNESSES 23- 1742. July 5- Aug. I. Sept. 12. Sept. 26. 1743- Oct. 19. Boudewyn van der Dorothea Lip Tenty Engeland Gysbert van Cam- pen Sara Decker Johannes Kuycken- dal Lisabet Brinck Hannes van Garden Margriet Quick Thomas Brinck Antje Kleyn Hendrick Kort- recht Jannetje Ennist Cornelis Devoor Lena Westfael Hannes Kortrecht Margriet D e n n e - marken Hendrick van Gar- den Eleonora Decker Benjamin Smith Catharina Schoon- hoven Jacobus Kuycken- dal Alida Dingenman Thomas Quick Rachel Emmans Andries D i n g e n - man Cornelia Kermer Lucas Johannes Sara Rachel Abraham Lena Samuel Catharina Catharina Sara Rebecca Eva Hendricus Schoon- Jan hoven Johanna Decker Abraham Van Jannetje Camp, Jr. Catharina K o r t - recht Abraham van Til- Grietje burgh Sara Clevensher Rodolfus Schoon- hoven, Dorothea Denemarck, syn Huys vr. Abraham van Camp, Susanna Du Puy, syn Huys vr. Samuel Shammers, Sara Kortrecht, syn Huys vr. Luer Kuyckendal, Lena Consalesduk Samuel Du Puys, Jen- ny M e d o o 1 , syn Huys v. Jacobus Devoor, Eva D i n g e n man, syn Huys vr. Adam Dingenman, Sara Buttler Jan Decker, Dina Kuyckendal, syn H. vr. P i e t e r van Aeken, Russje van Aeken, syn Huys vr. Isaac van Campen, Lena van Campen, syn Huys vr. Jacobus Devoor, Eva Dingenman, syn Huys vr. Hendrick Kortrecht, Jannetje E n n e s , syn Huys vr. Johannes Kortrecht, Grietje Denne- mark, syn Huys vr. 'jfj' r: ... .r sS^ ~> Cr ^.%^,:fe,^C:i^ / Q v^'.' ^ u tiT* .. j -V/ ) ' ' ^ - \l- 1 ill "71 -c 1 ' • / / ir ■ / y . -^z ^V, /i /L.. X /./ ^ >'; ^iV / /,>--.•. «/'Toses Van Kampen, Sarah Oberfield Har Rosekrace, Cathrina Wood John Smith, Abigail Bell B e n j . Rosekrance, Mary McGee Johannis Rose- k r a n c e , Marya Roosa i8o DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1784. Aug. — . Cornelius Westfael Jacob, b. Jacob Neerpass, Cathrina Neerpass Jan. 28, 1779 Christina Benj" Fisher J ohannis, Johannis D. W e s t - Mary Bartron b. Jan. 28, brook, Marya 1779 Brink John McCarty Josephat, Susanna Keator b. April 22, 1780 Marya Brink Ephraim, J s i a s Kortreght, b. J u n e Cornelia Cole 18, 1779 James Mullener Joseph, Rachel Middagh Ruben Gideon Middagh Wi 11 iam Garetie Cortreght Cortreght, b. Oct. 10, 1779 Christina Eberth Cathrina, Hendrick W. C r t - b. May 16, r e g h t , Cathrina 1781 Middag Samuel Westbrook Petrus, b. Cathrina Vreling- Jan. 4, bergh 1781 1781. April 18. Cornelius De Witt Maria Antje Westbrook Aug. 19. Johannes Van Etten Daniel Rachel Williams Benjamin Ennes Benjamin Helena Van Etten I78I. March 13. Rynier De Witt Famatie,b. Sarah Quick March 15, 1781 Leonard Cole Margret, Janekie Brink b. Aug. 17, 1781 Israel Wells Abraham, Rachel Van Aken b. Feb. II, 1781 Levy Van Aken Elisabeth, Jacobus Van Aken, Marya De witt b. April Elisabeth Bun- 1784. 17,1781 schoten April 20. Johannis Brink Ruben Blandina Westfael Westfael Sylvester Cortreght Deborah Annatie Davis Wilhelmus Westfael Margaret Hayns Lydia i8i DATE PARENTS CHILD 1784. Jacobus Quick Cornelius Hannah Pelton Jacob Gumaer Jacob Alida Decker Daniel Cortreght Solomon Antje Westbrook Ezekiel Gumaer Abraham Naomi Low Abraham Westfael Annatje BlandinaVanEt- ten William Cuddeback Abraham WITNESSES Annatie Van Etten Abraham C u d d e - Seletta V a n in back, Esther Gu- Wegen maer Above baptized 20 April, 1784, by Dom. Soloman Freligh. June 8. Samuel Caski Martin Martin Decker, Mary Sarah Decker Van Etten Isaac Opdegraf Jacob June 13. Sept. 26. Wilhelmus Tichort Stephanus Maregreet M i d- dagh Anthony Bun- Cornelius Cornelius Middagh, schoten Lena Middagh Maregreet Decker Francis Little Caty Lena Neffe Jacob Wilson Mierom Margaret Van Etten Elias Middagh Abraham Sarah Van Aken Van Aken Benjamin Cole Samuel, Sarah Kimber Margaret, Sarah Samuel Kimber Sarah Maria Bennet Samuel Van fleet Annatie Cornelius Van fleet, Janetie Clark Annatie Van fleet Solomon Kuyken- Famety, b. dal Aug. 13 Maria Westbrook Jacobus Rosekrance Ariantie, Maria Hoornbeck b. Aug. 13 Petrus Gomaer Elisabeth, Corn* Waller, Jan- Anntje V a n in b. Aug. 5 netie Waller Wegen Cornelius Van in Jacob, b. Jacob Van in Wegen, Wegen Aug. 4 Annatie Van in Lena Westbrook Wegen l82 WITNESSES 1784. Sept. 26. 1785. May I. Jacob Schoonhoven Apolonia Price Daniel MjJ-ers C a t h r i n a Van Aken Lodewyck Van de Marck Garetie Van Aken Harme Rosekrance Elisabeth Van Aken Absalom Van Aken Magdalena Van Aken Daniel McSweeny Greetie Terwilli- ger John English Lydia Westbrook Haremanus Van in Wegen Margrita Cool Samuel Depuy Antie Swartwoud Abraham Cudde- back Janneke Dewitt Henericus Van Et- ten Elisabeth Decker Cornelius Van Aken Hester Depuy Jacobus Van fleet Maregreet P a 1 - matier Samuel Kasky Sarah Decker Evert Hoornbeck Hesther Cud de- back Walter Simon Phene Lane Samuel Morrow Lydia Decker Jannekie, b. Sept. 21 Jacob, b. March 26, 1784 Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1784 Jesaias, b. May 6 , 1784 Margaret, b.July22, 1784 Rachel, b. 24 May, 1783 Levy, b. Aug. 23, 1784 Josias, b. Jan. 6, 1785 An tie, b. March 11, 1785 Hesther, b. Dec. 26, 1784 Deborah, b. March 26, 1785 Helena, b. Jan. 22, 1785 Elisabeth, b. March 20, 1785 M ary , b. March 13, 1785 Joseph, b. Feb. 16, 1785 J a cob, b. April 27, 1785 David, b. Jan. 2,1781 Jocobus Swartwoud, Jannekie Swart- woud Jacobus Van Aken, Elizabeth Bun- schoten Isaac Van Aken, Mar garet Hoorn- beek A b m . Cuddeback, Hester Swartwoud Johannes Decker, Deborah Van fleet Benj. Depuy, Helena Depuy Jacob Hoornbeck, Lydia Hoornbeck i83 87. Wilhelmus We st- brook Alchie Westbrook William Crafford Cathrina Smith John Van Etten Margaret Berklow Rynier Dewitt Sarah Quick Joseph V. Noy Mary Conklin Joseph Jobs, b. May 30, 1785 Moses, b. Jan. 23, 1785 Henery, b. Dec. 30, 1783 Maria, b. May 7, 1784 Benjamin, b. Dec. 29, 1784 Benjamin V. Noy, Lydia Westfael Elias Cortreght William, b. Deborah C m - May 15, stack 1784 Elias Conklin Elisabeth Seletta Helm Daniel Ennis Phebe, b. MagdalanaHoorn- Aug. 4, beck 1785 Jacob Shymer Susanna, Phebe Wallen b. June 21, 1785 Aaron Westbrook E m y , b. Roger Clark, Emy Marya Dewitt June 15, Skinner Cortreght 1785 Cornelius Kettle Rachel, b. Manuel Windfield, Cornelia We st- July 14, Rachel Kettle brook 1785 Peter Brink, Jun. Cornelius, Cornelius Brink, Anna Grootvelt b. June 251 1785 Sarah Hoghteling Israel Wells James, b. Rachel Van Aken Aug. 6, 1785 Samuel Morrow Solomon Sept. 18. Lydia Decker David Westfaal Fametie Middagh Johannes Westfael Rachel Brink Peter Van Etten Margaret Brink Arie Vrelingbergh Sarah Van Aken Grietie Cleophas Latier, Greetie Tiechean [Tietshoort] Petrus Petrus Brink, Rushie Brink Westfael Samuel Lydia Rosakrance Maria Abm. Van Aken, Martin Dewitt 1 84 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1785. Sept. 18. Jeremiah V a n d e - Cathrina, mark b. Sept. Esther Cortreght 10, 1785 Aaron Cortreght Dorothy, Heylte Van Gar- b. Oct. I den [sic] 1786. March 5. Josias Cortreght Gideon, b. Knelia Cole Feb. 5, 1786 Abraham Westfaal Salomon, Antie Westbroek b. Jan. 23, 1786 Salomon West- Jacob, b. Ledia Westfael broeck Jan. 30, Maragriet Dewitt 1786 March 8. Levi Van Aken Hannah, Maria De Witt b. Jan. 28, 1786 Elisa Decker Cattrina, Eva Dingman b. April 5, 1782 Jacob Aptsepack John, b. Elizabeth Maticks Nov. 13, 1785 Henry Horton Bethiah.b. Margaret Kimber May 30, Sarah, b. - March 10, - —^ Petrus Van Noey Elias, b. Hannah Conkling Nov. 23, 1785 Jan. 22. Jeptha Kelleam Peter, b. Mary Lot Oct. 8, 1785 Samuel Hellem P e t e r , b. Annatie Westfal Sept. 17, 1784 John McCarty Abraham, Susannah Cator b. Nov, 26, 1785 Hendrick O p e n - Jacob, b. houise Dec. I, Annatie Risly 1785 Ezechiel Lane Majory, b. Jannetie Middag Nov. 22, 1785 James Bunnel L e n a , b. Elizabeth Shimer Nov. 4, 1785 i85 WITNESSES 8. 30- 31- Cornelius De witt Hester, b. Antie Westbroeck Sept. 26, 1785 David Shoemaker Thomas, b. Mary Tayler May 18, 1785 Antony Van B u n - Maria, b. schooten Sept. 10, Maragriet Decker 1785 Philip Traver Annatie, Maria Shoemaker b. Dec. 22, 1785 Samuel Kettle Blandina, Rushe Westfaal b. May 12, 1786 Abraham Carmer Jacobus, b. Sarah Allvord b. April 26, 1786 Cornelius Brinck Petrus, b. Sarah Hoogteling May 27, 1786 Joseph Ennes Joseph, b. Margriet Van Et- ,1786 ten Abraham Westfaal Maria, b. Maria Masterson June I, 1786 Andries Decker Knelia, b. Elizabeth Engler Oct. 20, 1785 Ashkenas Shappee J e n e , b. Mary Cooly Sept. 15, 1780 K e z i a , b. Nov. 15, 1782 Robert, b. Dec. 19, 1785 William Crofford Mary, b. Cathrina Smith April 15, 1786 Anthony Van Aken Lodewyck, Rebecca Wells b. Oct. II, 1786 Saferyn Westbroek Jenneca, b. Blandina West- Nov. 8, broek 1786 Petru s Brinck, Rushe Westfaal Joannes Van Etten, Knelia Decker Lode. Van Demark, Gerritie V. Aken 1 86 DATS PARENTS 1786. Dec. 31. James Rider Cattrina Showers Daniel Van Garden Johanna W e s t- broet Jacobus Westbroeck Geertie Brinck Jonathan Clark Altie Westfal Leuwis Mead Levina Mead Dec. 22. Nelly Desha Salomon Lane Magdalena West- broek William Van Gar- den Lena Sherred Joseph Walles Elisabeth Wever Aaron Van Campen Cathrina More William Aray Mary Painter Andrew Cuikendal Margaret Tomson Michael Seely Elshe Van Cam- pen Daniel Smook Francke Fortner WITNESSES Cattrina, b, Oct. 4, 1786 Martynus, b. Nov. 5, 1786 Samuel, b. Dec. lo, 1786 Elisah, b. March 28, 1786 Christian, b. Sept. 15. 1784 Heyltie, b. Nov. 17, 1786 Melesen,b, Oct. 26, 1785 Samuel, b. b.Aug.— , 1785 Sarah, b. Oct. 16. 1786 Elisabeth, b. July II, 1786 Isaac, b. Aug. 30, 1784 Elisabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1785 Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1786 Susannah, b. Feb. 23, 1784 S a r a h , b. July 25, 1784 John, b. Sept. 5, 1785 Martynus Desbri, Maragret Lewis [or Louw] Morgan Desha, Heyltie Van Gar- den i87 23. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Adam Aray Jonathan, Caty Johnson b. Sept. 25. 1776 Isaac, b. Feb. 3. 1779 Da vid, b. April I, 1782 Elisabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1784 L y d i a , b. March 8, 1786 William Desha Caty, b. Elizabeth Winter- Dec. 16, moet 1786 Daniel Van Garden Charity, b. Grietie Middag Jan. 2, 1787 Samuel Middag Samuel, b. Maragriet Westfal A u g . 20, 1786 Johannes J. West- Hester, b. broek March i. Hester Shymer 1787 Art Brinck Caty, b. Petrus Hogteling Lena Hoogteling Sept. 3, 1768 Welhelmus W e s t - Hester, b. brook March 16, Altie Westbrook 1787 Jacobus Westfal Hester, b. Cattrina Quik April 4, 1787 Daniel Westfal Cherk, b. Maria Westbrook March 15, 1787 Walter Semon Solomon, Solomon Lane, Lena Fanny Lane b. Jan. 15, 1787 Westbrook Aaron Cortrecht Jacobus, b. Jacobus Van Gar- Heyltie Van Gar- March 28, den, A n t i e Van den 1787 Etten Israel Wells Jesse, b. Rachel Van Aken March 26, 1787 i88 1787. April 22. June 7. June II. Oct. 28. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Jacob Dewitt J acob, b. Maria Decker Nov. I, 1786 Benjamin Fisher Simeon, b. Maria Barthran March 11, 1787 Cornelius Cettel Chelly, b. Cornelia West- Feb. 8, brook 1787 George Boman Eva, b. Elshe Metier March 6, 1787 Antony Van Etten M a r i a , b. Magdalena Van July 9, Etten 1787 William Cole Rebecca, b. "At" Van Aken, Sarah Wells June 21, 1787 Reb. Wells William Van Gar- Salomon,b. den July 15 Lena Sherred James Brinck Fanny, b. Martha Arnot May I, 1787 William Rouly Samuel, b. Jane Daly May, 16, 1787 Abraham Carmer Jemirae, b. Sarah All ward Sept. 27, 1787 William Crafford Elizabeth, Cattrina Smith b. Aug. 3, 1787 Lodewyck Van De- Jacobus, b. Jacobus Van Aken, merk Sept. 29, Elizabeth Van G e r r e t j e Van 1787 Bunschooten Aken Jacob Shimer Abraham, Abraham Shimer, Pheby Wallon b. Aug. 4, 1787 Lena Westbrook Samuel Helm J a c b , b. Hannah Westfal Aug. 27, 1787 John Van Sickle Jacobus, b. Jane Rosakrans Se pt. 21, 1787 Jonathan Van Gar- Pet rus, b. den Aug. 19, Lidia Van Sikle 1787 1 89 DATB PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1788. April 27. Solomon Lane Fanny, b. Lantie Westbrook Nov. 17, 1787 Peter Van Noey Ledia, b. Hannah Conkling Feb. 23, 1788 June I. Rynier De Witt Maragriet, Sarah Quick b. March 8, 1788 May 29. Jacobus Westbrook Cattrina,b. Geertie Brinck May 9, 1 788 June I. Leonard Cole Joseph, b. Jenneca Brinck March 10, 1788 William Cole Andris, b. Sarah Fuller April 18, 1788 David Mooren William, b. Tabitha Boorten Nov. 8, 1785 Antony Van Bun- Thomas, b. schooten Jan. 29 Maragriet Decker June 22. James Bolett Cattrina, b. Elizabeth Chimer Oct. 28, 1787 John Lonsbery John, b. Mary Carr April 22, 1784 William Cortrecht Hester, b. Elizabeth Brinck b. March I, 1788 Samuel Helm Bethcy, b. Polly Tiff May 30, 1788 July 13. Ary Westbrook Alexander, Mary Cortright b. April 16, 1787 Moses Brinck Joseph, b. Anny Cortrecht Feb. 2, 1788 Robert Carman Joseph, b. Sarah Tifft May 27, 1787 Deborah, b. Aug. 21, 1779 Roberd, b. May 4, 1781 190 1788. July 13. Robert Carman Sarah Tiflft Jepthah Killam John, b. Mary Lott Nov. 25, 1787 Aug. 24. Jacobus Brinck Mattheus, Arriantie Rose- b. June 28, krans 1788 Joseph Kettle M a r i a , b. Sarah Van Etten June 17, 1788 Soveryn Westbrook J a c b , b. Lidea Westf ael Blandina W e s t - Aug. 3. brook 1788 Oct. 12. Abraham Westfal Lidia, b. Antie Westbrook Sept. 18, 1788 Joseph Ennes Daniel, b. Maragriet Van Sept. 21, Etten 1788 Oct. 26. Robard Faulkner Cornelius Ariaantie Schoon- Schoon- maker maker, b. Jefred Root Rachel Peer Nicholas Van Loon Experience Parks Barnardus Deen- merk Mary Chambers Wilhelmus C h a m- bers Clouwdiana Sophia Deenmerk Patty, b. Feb. 22, 1783 S a r a h , b. Oct. 22, 1784 Susannah, b. July 6, 1786 Charlothy, b. Feb. 27, 1788 o h : NOM 1787 latth b.Jui 1788 I ari J u n 1788 aco A u j 1788 anie Sep 1788 :orne Sch^ make March 23, 1786 Abraham, b. Feb. 4, 1788 Catherine, b. Feb. 22, 1788 H annah, b. Sept. 22, 1787 Lea, b. Sept. 14, 1788 Lea,b.July I, 1786 191 27. 28. 25- 29. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES James Erl Samuel, b. Susanna Love Oct. II, 1784 Mathew, b. May II, 1786 Samuel Penet Benjamin, Anny Van Gar- b. March den 3, 1788 Ezechiel Williams Lea, b. May Lidia Westbrook 20, 1788 Peter Dingman Eva, b. C r e s h e Stoffle- June 2, been 1787 John Taylor Lidia, b. Elizabeth Swart- June 4, wout 1788 Thomas Drake R u t h , b. Agnas Fourman Nov. 12, 1786 George, b. Oct. 17, 1788 Peter Swartwout M a r y , b. Sarah Baker June 20, 1788 Joannes Rosekrans Rebecca,b. Maria Rosa Jan. 28, 1785 Jacob, b. July 10, 1786 Joannes, b. April 29, 1788 Simeon Miller J a m e s, b. Elizabeth Peer Sept. 3, 1788 Elias Decker Clara, b. Caty Lions Oct, 12, 1787 Andrew Decker Eva, b. Elizabeth Inglet March 2, 1788 Elisha Decker Maria, b. Rachel Dyckman Aug. 22, 1788 Daniel Middag Maria Van Bun- schoten 192 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1788. Oct. 29. Philip Jacson A n n y , b. Sarah McDool Nov. 4, 1788 Oct. 30. William Richerd Nathaniel, Rachel Devenport b. Sept. 20, 1788 Nathan Dreaper Saly, b. Wyomy [place Hannah Cortright May 27, baptism] 1788 Nov. 9. Jacob Plouegh Jenny, b. Lidia Cortright April 9, 1788 Abraham Westfaal Elizabeth, Maria Masterson b. Oct. 8, 1788 Jonathan Hoghtel- Grietie, b. ing June 15, Dortea Middag 1788 Simeon, b. June 10, 1786 Dec. 28. Thomas Van Etten Daniel, b. Elizabeth Ennes Nov. 8, 1788 Nov. 15. Cornelious De Witt, Elizabeth, Jr. b. Sept. 6, Antie Westbroock 1788 1789. Feb. 8. Salomon Westbrook Joannes, b. Maragriet De Witt Jan. 9, 1789 Willaim Cortreght Samuel, b. Cattrina Helm Jan. 2, 1789 March 29, . Aaron Cortright Petrus, b. Hyltie Van Gar- Jan. 9, den 1789 March 31, . Johannes Van Et- Solomon, ten b.Feb. 12, Rachel Williams 1789 Jacobus Van Etten Josua, b. Maria Schick F eb. 21, 1789 April 18. Samuel Kittle Simeon, b. Rushe Westfal March 18, 1789 June 6. Jacobus Van Garden Jacobus, b. Antie Van Etten April 29, 1789 of 193 WITNESSES James Erl Susanna Love Samuel Penet Anny Van Gar- den 27. Ezechiel Williams Lidia Westbrook Peter Dingman Cresshe Stoffle- been John Taylor Elizabeth Swart- wout Thomas Drake Agnes Fourman Peter Swartwout Sarah Baker 28. Joannes Rosekrans Maria Rosa Semeon Meller Elizabeth Peer Oct. 25, Elias Decker Caty Lions Andrew Decker Elizabeth Inglet Elisha Decker Rachel Dyckman b. 4, b. 12, b. 17, Samuel, b. Oc t . n, 1784 Mathew,b. M a y , II 1786 Benjamin, b. March 3, 1788 Lea,b.May 20, 1788 Eva, b . June 2, 1787 Lidia, June 1788 Ruth, Nov. 1786 George, Oct. 1788 Mary, b. June 20, 1788 R e b e cca, b. Jan. 28, 1785 Jacob, b. July 10, 1786 Joannes, b. April 29, 1788 James, Sept. 1788 Clara, Oct. 1787 Eva, b. March 2, 1788 M a r ia, b. Aug. 22, 1788 b. 3, b. I 2. 194 DATS PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1788. Oct. 29. Daniel Middag- Maria Van Buns- choten No c h ild given Philip Jackson Sarah McDool Anny, b. Nov. 4, 1788 Oct. 30. William Rechard Nathaniel, Rachel Deven- b. Sept. port 20, 1788 Nathan Dreaper Hannah Cortright S a 1 y , b. Wyomy [plai May 27, baptism J 1788 Nov. 9. Jacob Plough Lidia Cortright Jenny, b. April 9, 1788 Abraham Westfal Elizabeth, Maria Masterson b. Oct. 8, 1788 Jonathan Hoght- aling Dortea Middag Grietie, b. June 15, 1788 Simeon, b. June 10, 1786 Dec. 28. Thomas Van Etten Daniel, b. Elizabeth Ennes Nov. 8, 1788 Nov. 15. Cornelius DeWitt, Elizabeth, Jr. Antie Westbrook b. Sept. 6, 1788 1789. Feb. 8. Salomon West- Joannes, b. brook Jan. 9, Maragreit De Witt 1789 William Cortreght Cattrina Helm Samuel, b. Jan. 2, 1789 March 29 . Aaron Cortreght Hyltie Van Gar- den Petrus, b. Jan. 9, 1789 March 31 . Johannes Van Sol omon. Etten b. Feb. 12, Rachel Williams 1789 Jacobus Van Etten Maria Schick Joshua, b. Feb. 21, 1789 of 195 WITNESSES Samuel Kettle Russie Westfal Jacobus Van Gar- den Antie Van Etten Jacob Schimer Phiby Wallon Daniel Westfal Maria West- broock Jacobus Westfal Cattrina Quick John Leutie Elizabeth Fans- worth Ebenezer Earl Susannah Ray James Earl Susanna Love Benjamin Cursan Mary Chesnor Moses Chamber Susanna Young Simeon, b. March i8, 1789 Jacobus, b. April 29, 1789 Elizabeth, b. April 3, 1789 Benjamin, b. May 25, 1789 J e n n i ka, b. June 23, 1789 Josiah, b. Sept. 14, 1781 William, b. Feb. 4, 1785 Rossanah, b. May 20, 1785 Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1789 Roberd, b. Dec. 4, 1789 Ebenezer, b. May 28, 1789 Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1782 Benjamin, b. March 25, 1785 Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1789 Peter, b. March 10, 1789 Wyomy [place baptism] of 196 1789. July I. July 3- July 6. July 7- July 8. April 18. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Stephen Arnold Lois, b . Lois Darbishire Dec. II, 1783 Persela, b. June 25, 1786 Delilah, b. March 28, 1788 Perregrin Jones Mary, b. Abraham Westbrook Mary Van Gar- June 17, Blandina Rosekrans den 1789 Isaac, b. Sept. II, 1779 Cornelius Cortright Benjamin, Caty Cannaday b. March [Kennedy] 19, 1789 Thomas Reed Catterine, Jenny Hover b. March 171.1787 Benjamin, b. Feb. 15, 1789 Nathan Draper John, b. Hannah Cort- May 14, right 1789 John King, Jr., John, b. John King Mary Walker Aug. 5, 1786 Jacob Walker, b. Sept. 17, 1788 Margaret Miller Samuel Finch David, b. Mary King June 27, 1788 Philip Jackson Asa, b . Sarah McDool Jan. 8, 1789 David Shaunts Elizabeth, Wyomy Doritia Shoon- b. April maker 25, 1788 Benjamin Fisher Samuel, b. Maria Bartron April 4, 1789 Helmus Westbrook Cat hrina, Altie Westbrook b. June II, 1789 197 WITNESSES Cornelius D. (or P.) Westbrook Maria Westbrook Daniel Van Garden, Jr. Margaret Middag William Van Gar- den Helen Sherred Gideon Cole Maria Van Etten Abraham West- brook Jannetie Van Aken 6 1 a n dina b. Dec.31, 1784 Joannes, b. April 20, 1789 Anny, b. April 18, 1789 Jan nitie, b. Dec. I, 1789 M a ria, b. Feb. 13, 1790 Ledia Westfaal Peter Kittle Nelly Shimer Samuel Brinck Cattrina Kettle Johannes Kortright Susanna Kettle Abraham Cudde- back Hester Gornor Elias Middagh Maria Decker Jacobus Quick Janake Van An- ken Johannes Decker Debora Van Vliet Jacob, b. Aug. 2, »794 Susannah, b. Feb. 24, 1795 Elizabeth, b. March 29, 1772 Cornelius, b. Jan. 2, 1772 M a r ia, b. Jan. 29, 1772 Leenah, b. Feb. 8, 1772 Celletie, b. Jan. 8, 1772 James Brinck Martha Ernet Jonathan Clark Altie Westfal Samuel Quick Maria Helm H a n n ah, b. July 7, 1789 Jonathan, b. March 8, 1789 Caty, b. Aug. 14, 1789 198 DATS PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1789. Sept. 20. George Lane James, b. James Bennet Blandina Middag Sept. 30, Catrine Middag 1787 Aug. 19. John Brink, Jr. W i 1 Ham, Lena Cole b. April II, 1789 Nov. 29. Isias Cortreght Andriss, b. Knelia Cole Nov. 8, 1789 Dec. 7. Hendrick Opte- J a c b us, homs b. Oct. 8, Hennah Rysly 1789 Dec. 20. Peter Quick Jannitie,b. Hannah Dewitt Nov. 15, 1789 Jeremia Rosekrans Jannitie,b. Sarah Stricklin Oct. 8, 1789 James Wells John, b. Catrine Van Feb. 5, Aken 1788 Polly, b. Aug. 28, 1789 John Van Sikel M a ria, b. Jannitie Rose- Nov. 3, krans 1789 Dec. 21. Gideon Cole Jannitie,b. Maria Van Dec. I, Etten 1789 Elisha Van Aken Elisah, b. Cattrina Cole Jan. 16, 1789 1789. March 8. Antony Van Aken Elizabeth, Rebecka Wells b. Feb. 5, 1789 Jonathan Van Gar- Grietie, b. den Feb. 21, Lidia Van Sikel 1789 Abraham Carmen Daniel, b. Sarah Allward Sept. 3, 1789 1790. April 4. William Crofford Will iam, Catterine Smith b. Oct. 22, 1789 May 15. Jepthah Killan P h eby, b. Mary Lott March 23, 1790 199 PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES William Cole Thomas, Sarah Wells b. April 5, 1790 Aaron Vreden- Elizabeth, H elm u s Vre den- burgh b. May 3, burgh, Elizabeth Sarah Van Aken 1790 Van Garden Jaspar Taylor Samuel, Cattrine Ed- b. April mond 28, 1786 James, b. A u g . 30, 1788 Samuel Cortrecht Reuben, b. Gretie Westfal April 23, 1890 Hendrick Westfal Jurean, b. Maragriet Brinck June 26, 1790 Jacobus Enness Bethey, b. Hannah Dewitt June 14, 1790 Boudewyn Brinck Samuel, b. " Geswoere Vader " Rachel Van March 2, [Sworn father] Aken 1789 Johannes Westfal, sponsor Samuel Helm A braham, Annatie Westfal b. July 2, 1790 Jacobus Westbrook Elizabeth, Geertie Brinck b. Aug. 5, 1790 Peter Van Noye M a ry , b. Joseph Van Noye, Hannah Conk- Aug. 27, Mary Conkling ling 1790 Robert Carman John Sarah Tefft White, b. Feb. 8, 1790 William Simon Lea, b . Fanny Lane Oct. 17, 1789 Samuel Westfal Bethiah, b. Anny Lane Aug. 21, 1790 Jonathan Hogaling E p h raim. Dorothea Mid- b. Aug. dag 25, 1790 Maria Cortrecht Debora, b. Sept. 4, 1790 200 WITNESSES 1790. Sept. 25. Nov. 1 791. June 15. June 27. June 29. John Quick Maria, b. Grietie Van Aug. 28, Aken 1790 John Van Garden A b raham, Rachel Brinck b. April 22, 1790 Henry Devenport Jacobus, b. Kesia Westbrook Sept. 26, 1790 Cornelius Cortrecht Caty, b. Cattrina Caneda Oct. II, 1790 John, b. Oct. 12, 1790 James Brinck Ester, b. Ariaantie Rose- Sept. 14, krans 1790 Adriaan Line Conrad, b. Elizabeth Cort- July 26, reght 1789 Coenrad Line Maritie, b. Alida Look Sept. 19, 1789 Elias Decker C e n rad, Caty Line b. Nov. 13, 1789 John Fairchild Mary, b. Ap Mary Fredericks ril 1, 1790 Andrew Decker John, b. Elisabeth En- May 23, gelar 1789 Frederick Onson E lizabeth, Elizabeth b. Feb. Walker 20, 1790 Leonard West- C h a rk, b. brook June 22, Margaret Brinck 1789 Joseph Dewey Rhody, b. Susannah Begly Nov. 20, 1771 Susannah, b. June 18,1780 Sarah, b. June 9, 1786 Pheby, b. Aug. 12, 1788 20I PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES John Windle James, b. Mary Fish May 3, 1790 Edward Edgerton James, b. (Was baptized and Prudence Delay July 28, received as church 1789 member July 4, 1790 Richard Westbrook Sarah, b. Anny Hover Oct. 28, 1789 William Howke B 1 andina, Peggy West- b. Feb. 1 1, brook 1790 John Ryan John, b. Sarah Walker Dec. 3, 1786 Sarah, b. June 10, 1790 Abraham Van Isaac, b, Bapt, at Wyomy Gar gen Aug. 28, Elizabeth Love 1789 Daniel Westfal Abraham Maria Westbrook West- brook, b. Dec. 8, 1790 Jacob Miers Josias, b. Sarah Cortrecht March 24, 1789 Soveryn Westbrook L i d i a, b. L i d i a Westbrook, Blandina West- Dec. 5, sponsor. brook 1790 Benjamin West- L i d i a, b. Lidia Vredenburgh, brook Dec. 22, sponsor. Lena Ennes 1790 Abraham Westfal, Jannitie,b. Jr. March 14, Maria Masterson 1791 William Cortrecht Cattrina, Elizabeth Brink b. March 5, 1791 William Cortrecht, Hester, b. Jr. Oct. 19, Cattrina Helm 1790 Stephen Manrow William, b. Pheby Cortright May 13, 1791 202 DATB I79I. June 5- Samuel Helm Polly Tiflf Daniel, b, July 2, 1790 Jacob Shimer Jacob, b. Jacob Shimer, Lidea Pheby Wallon April 9, 1791 Van Aken Peter Brink Nelly, b. Henry Brink, Nelly Lidia Brink April 26, 1791 Krandal July 17- Joseph Ennes Maragreit Van Etten Benjamin Fisher Maria Bartron Cat trine, b . May 27, 1791 Elia, b. June 13, 1791 Aug. 7. William Crawford Cattrina Smith John and Amy, b. May 18, 1791 Sept. 18. Cornelius P. West- brook Maria Westbrook Cornelius Little Knelia West- brook Lidia, b. Aug. 4, 1791 Salomon, b. Feb. 9, 1791 Lidia Westfal Oct. 23- Daniel Van Gar- den, Jr. Margaret Middag William Van Gar- den Helena Sherred Abraham Westfal Antie Westbrook Knelia, b. Aug. 18, 1791 C a t r i n a, b. Aug, 28, 1791 A Hie, b. Sept. 13, 1791 Nov. 20. Nathaniel Meed Mary Buril Daniel Burril, b. Aug. 1 1, 1791 179 2. Jan. 22. Jasper Taylor Catterina Ed- mond Jane, b. June 19, 1791 Jacob Swartwout Joannes, b. Joannes Van Etten Cattrina Van Jan. 22, Rachel Williams Etten 1792 Feb. 15- Abraham Decker Elizabeth Ennes M a gda - 1 e n a, b. Jan. 16, 1792 203 28. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Jacobus Westfal Hannah,b. Cattarina Quick Feb. 2, 1792 Gideon Van Etten Joan nes, Joannes Van Etten, Blandina Barth- b. April Mary McGee ron T, 1792 Peter Brinck Polly, b. Busche Westfal Nov. 2, 1791 Jacobus Ennes Jennica, b. Hannah Dewitt May 12, 1792 Samuel Westfal Jacobus, b. Anny Lane March 31, 1792 Derick Sutfin Gysbert, b. Cattrina Van May 30, Dyke 1792 Mattheus Kittle John (Charged with being Elizabeth Gieter Kittle, b. father of gelege May 25, vader.) George 1792 Gieter, Antie Van Bunschoten, spon- sors. Petrus Kittle Pheby, b. Neeltie Chimer Sept. 15, 1792 Jepthah Killam George, b. Mary Lott July 21, 1792 Daniel Ennes Sarah Helena Hoorn- beck Cornelius Kettle Margery Cornelia West- brook Souweruyn West- Peter, b. brook Oct. 26, Blandina West- 1792 brook Tobyas Horenbeck Elizabeth, Cathrina Van b. Feb. Denmark 26,1793 Reremiah Rose- J eremiah. (Not. bap.) krans b. Jan. I, Sarah Stricklen 1792 204 WITNESSES 1793- March 24. April 21. June 10. May Jan. 26. June 9. June 30. Aug. 9. Sept. 8. Oct. 23. John Van Sikele Jannitie Rose- krans Daniel Westfal, Jr. Maria West- brook Jacobus Brinck Arianje Rose- krans Abraham Carmer Sarah Carter Hendrick Jatus ? Optenhousen Annatie Risly Jacob Shimer Pheby Wallon Salomon West- brook Maragriet De- witt Ryneer Dewitt Sarah Quick Andrew Dewitt Maria Middag John Quick Grietie Van Aken Benjamin Bush Hannah Winne Jaspar Taylor Catharine Ed- mond Benjamin West- brook Lena Ennes Gideon Van Etten Blandina Berth- ron John Sickle Jannetie Rose- krans A n d r ew, b. June 19, 1791 Sarah, b. March II, 1793 Janitie, b. Feb. 7, 1793 Peter Cat trina, b . May 27, 1792 Isaac, b. March IS. 1793 Sal omon, b. April 5. 1793 Jacobus, b. March 18, 1792 Moses, b. Sept. 1792 Rachel, April 1792 Mary, March 1793 Jerred, April 1793 E lizabeth, b. June 20, 1793 Anthony, b. Aug. 15, 1792 Grietie, b. April 19, 1793 Elizabeth, b. April 19. 1793 20, , b. b. 6, b. 2, Isaac I. Van Aken, Rachel Van Aken M ag. Van Etten, Ant. Van Etten 205 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1793- Oct. 23. Philip Mullen Maria, b. Elizabeth Decker Oct. 16, 1793 William Edwards Sally, b. Caty Wells April 19, 1793 Nov. 17. Aare Vredenburgh Benjamin, Sarah Van Aken b. Oct. 25, 1793 William Cole Nelly, b. Sarah Wells July 31. 1793 Jonatan Hogteling Doritea, b. Doritia Middag March 27, 1793 Stephen Parrish Ze belon. Lena Hogteling b. June 25, 1793 Benjamin Dupuy H annah, Osie Styvers b. Oct. 26, 1791 Dec. 25. Henry Westfal Josh uah. Margaret Brinck b. Nov. C, 1793 George Quick Jane, b. Lena Quick Sept. II, 1790 Henry, b. Sept. I, 1793 Aug. 28. Abraham Westfal Simion, b. Maria Masterson Aug. 2, 1793 1794. March 22, , Luther Foster Silas Ruth Hedger H w e 11, b. July 28, 1793 April 27. Peter Brinck Harmanus, H a r manus Brinck, Lidya Brinck b. Aug. 19, 1793 Lena Brinck Samuel Hinkly Lena, b. Lena Brinck not bap. April 3, Jane Waldrum 1793 Peter W. Brinck Elizabeth, Ann De Groot- b. June velt 18, 1792 May 18. Cornelius P. West- Petrus, b. brook May 2 , Maria Westbrook 1794 206 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1794. Aug. 3. Daniel Cortright Mary, b. Elizabeth Swart- July 13, wout 1794 Rynier Van Sickle Rynier, b. Margaret Moore Sept. 18, 1787 Lucy, b. Aug. 20, 1789 Janny, b. Nov. 13, 1792 Ledy, b. March 20, 1794 Aug. 4. Samuel C. Seely M a r i a , Patience Marrell Co rnelia, twins, b. Feb. 15, 1791 S h a r lott, b. Oct. 28, 1792 Hariott, b. March 16, 1794 April I. Derick Suttin Jacob, b. Catherine Van Feb. 19, Dyck 1794 June 12. Evert Horenbeck Greitie, b. Jannetie Van April 12, Aken 1794 Sept. 14. Benjamin Bush A n n y, b. Hannah Winne May 6, 1794 William Cortright Joan nes, Cattrena Helm b. Oct. 8, 1793 Oct. 9. Daniel McKenzee Mary, b. Elizabeth Mcin- Aug. 15, tosh 1794 Nov. 16. Abraham Everit Aaron Deborah Cort- West- right brook, b. Sept. 22, 1794 Abraham West- Cattrina, brook b. Oct. Jannetie Van 13, 1794 Aken 207 WITNESSES 25- 3- March 25. Rynier De Witt Anny, b. Sarah Quick July 25, 1794 Jonathan Van Geertie, b. Garden Au9. 4, Lidia Van Sickle 1794 H annah, b. July 17, 1791 Benjamin Depuy Sarah, b. Osie Styvers Dec. 20, 1794 Henry (member) Steven, b. (Blacks) 1785 Dina (no mem- Moses, b. ber) Jan. 8, 1791 H a n n ah, b. Junes, 1793 Jacobus Westfal E lizabeth, Cattrine Quick b. Nov. 19, 1794 George Quick Simon, b. Liza (Lena) Nov. 15, Quick 1794 Francis Rosekrans Caty, b. Ruth Drake (not Jan. 20, bap.) 1795 Soveryn Westbrook Joseph, b. Blandina West- Jan. 18, brook 1795 Anthony Van C ornelius, Etten b. April " Magdenina" I, 179s Van Etten Daniel Westfal J a n n eca, Maria Westbrook b. Feb. 4, 1795 Edward Wood Emanuel, Emanuel Brinck, Cathrena Brinck b. Jan. Elizabeth Rose- 16, 179s krans. John Van Orman Osee, b. Sarah Dupuy May 12, 1794 Thomas Van Etten Saly, b. Elizabeth Ennes July I. 1794 2o8 DATE 1795- June 13. May 25. June 28 & 29. WITNESSES July 4. July 26. Aug. 16. Jacob Shimer Pheby Wallen James Bunnel Elizabeth Shimar Philip Mullen Elizabeth Decker Gideon Cole Maria Van Etten Cornelius Kittle Cornelia West- brook Gideon Van Etten Blandina Barth- ron Jacob Myers Sarah Cortright John Van Sikele Jannitie Rose- krans Jeremiah Rose- krans Sarah Strickling Esrael Wells Jeny Lott Ira Fuller Hannah Swart- wout William Dutcher Sarah Fuller William Edwards Pheby Wells Daniel Cortrecht Plony Westval Jacobus Ennes Hennah Dewitt b. 28, b. 25, b. 27, b. 19. Ledy, Feb. 1795 Pheby, Dec. 1794 H a n n ah, b . S e p t. 18, 1794 Joannes Van Et- ten, Rachel, twins, b. May 29, 1795 Lea, May 1794 James, June 1794 Roxeny, b. Nov. 4, 1794 S a rah, b. March 31, 1795 S u se , b. May 31, 1795 Nathan, b. March 4, 1795 Denis, b. Feb. 12, 1795 Scinthy, b. March 13, 1795 Mahely, b. Feb. 2, 1795 "July," July 1795 Moses, July 1795 b. 23, b. 18, Jacob Shimer, Jr., Ledy Rosekrans Joannes Van Etten Rachel Williams James Bar thron, Elizabeth West- brook 209 PARENTS CHILD John Nyce John Lina Westbrook West- brook, b. July 6, 1795 Benjamin West- Sarah, b. brook Aug. 15 Lena Ennes Jacobus Brinck S usannah, Arriantie Rose- b. Feb. krans 16, 179s Derick Sutfin John Pow- Cathrine Van elson, b. Dyke March 15, 1796 John H. B. Ryt Thomas,b. Lea Ven De- March 23, mark 1796 Henry Westes L i z e , b. Dina Westes Oct. 30, Ethiopians 1796 Peter V. Brinck John, b. Ledia Brinck Feb. 2, 1796 Hendrick Westfal Abby, b. Greitee Brinck May 8, 1796 Evan Bevans Bethey, b. Caty Parmer March 31, 1795 Abraham Carmer Daniel, b. Sarah Alward Sept. 3, 1788 Abraham Carmer Nichols, b. Sarah Carter June 9, 1794 Catharine, b. Feb. 19, 1796 Frederick Wydelig George, b. Maria Herchsel Dec. II, 1785 Eva, b. March 8, 1789 Hester, b. Dec. 27, 1795 WITNESSES Thomas Ryt Lea Catee John Brinck Elener Cole 2IO WITNESSES 1796. April 24. Cornelius Dewitt C ornelius, Antie Westbrook b. March 29, 1796 Jonathan Van Gar- Pheby, b. den Feb. 24, Lidia Van Sickle 1796 Oct. 2. Peter Brinck, Jr. Dennis, b. Jacamyntie Mc- Aug. I, Cary 1796 1797- Feb. Gideon Van Etten Antie, b. Blandina Barth- Jan. 7, ron 1797 April Jacob Swartwout Elizabeth, Catrina Van Et- b. March, ten 1797 May 14. Gideon Van Gor- Jacobus, b. don June 20, Elizabeth Ennes 1796 Alexander Ennis Maria, b. Janetie Dewitt Jan. 17, 1797 May 18. George Quick Caty, b. Lena Quick Feb. 15, 1797 June 4. John H. B. Ryt Rachel, b. Lea Van De- May 14, merck 1797 Jacob Westbrook Maria, b. Jenny Decker April 17, 1797 Thomas Van Etten William, b. Elizabeth Ennes May 10, 1797 Sept. 3. Daniel Cortright J an n tie. Plony Westfall b. Aug. 7, 1797 Wilhelmus Ennes Lena, b. Mary Ennes Aug. 3, 1797 Jacob Myers William Sarah Cortright Johnson, b. July 24, 1797 Sept. 7. Tobias Hoornbeek L ourance. Cattrina Van de b. Sept. Merck 24, 1795 John Van Sikel Jen neke, Jannitie Rose- b. March krans 15. 1797 Cornelius B. West- brook Jannetie Westfall Willi am Johnson Cortright Blandina Cortright 211 DATS PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1797. Sept. 7. Hendrick Cortrecht William, b. Cattrina Van Aug. I, Garden 1797 James Van Aken Henry, b. Ann Wells Oct. 5, 1796 Baptized by Johannes Duryee, V. D. M. Oct. 29. Benjamin West- Petrus, b. brook Sept. 30, Lenah Ennes 1797 Daniel Westfall C ornelius. Mariah West- b. Oct. 1798. brook 7, 1797 June 13. Edward Wood L a n y , b. Har. Brinck, Lente Caty Brinck May 16, Van Garden 1798 John Low Elisabeth, Rushe Van De- b. Feb. 2, merck 1798 Jacob Probasco A braham, Sarah Van Woert b. March 28, 1798 John William L i d ia, b. Elizabeth Cort- Nov. 28, right 1797 Josephat West- Dedion, b. brook Nov. — , Elizabeth Cort- right Simeon Cole 1797 Peter, b. Gretie Van Aken Dec. 17, 1797 Samuel Boyd, Benne sworn father Boyd, b. Elizabeth Hog- June 16, teling 1798 June 24. Derick Sutphen Rich ard, Caty Van Dyke b. June 30, 1798 John Van Orman J h annes Sarah Depui Depui, b. March 29, 1798 Baptized by Rev. E. Van Bunschoten James Brinck Andrew Arriantje Roos- D i n ge - crans man, b. April 30, 1798 212 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1798. June 24. Abraham West- Sarah, b. Aaron Vredenburg brook June 14, Sarah Van Aaken Jannetje Van 1798 Aaken Isaac Evert John Jane Davies Mary Davies Davies, b. March 23, 1798 Christopher Long- Andrew, b. street June 8. (Mother not bap- tized) Abraham Kermer Silas, b. Sarah Carter Oct. 18, 1797 Baptized by Rev. I. M. Horlingen Oct. 21. Benjamin Fisher E lizabeth, Maria Bartron b. Aug. 6, 1798 Aaron French Elizabeth, Mary Myers b. July I, 1798 Adam Myers Roger, b. Navmi Mulliner Nov. 2, 1797 Rebeckah, b. Nov. 22, 1795 Bastian Myers J ohannes. John Van Gorden, Sarah Van Gor- b. July Mary Van Gorden den 23, 1798 Elias Patterson Sarah Rusha Brinck Patter- son, b . Sept. 27, 1798 Benjamin Vreden- Elizabeth, burgh b. Oct. 9, Mary Case 1798 1800. March 9. Even Beven N i c holas. Caty Carmer b. Aug. 23, 1798 Abraham Carmer Elijah, b. Sarah Carter Sept. 8, 1799 George Quick James, b. Lena Quick Feb. 4, 1799 213 PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Abraham Hogtelin Lena Wood Peter, b. Nov. 1 6, Thomas Decker 1799 Caty, b. Jane Case Feb. 6, 1800 Simeon Van Etten Daniel Kornelia Dinge- Dingman, man b. Jan. 12, 1800 Levi Decker Hendericus, Martha Follet b. Nov. 8, Jacob Decker Temperance Marsh 1799 Margaret We s t - brook, b. Dec. 5, Anthony Van Etten Magdalina Van Etten Derick Sutfin 1799 Simeon, b. Dec. 10, 1799 Nicholas Catherine Van A r r - Dyke smith, b. J an . 22, 1800 Abraham West- Mariah, b. brook Jan. 19 Ann Buckley Bastian Myers, Jr. Sarah Van Gar- E lizabeth, b. Aug. 2, den 1800 Evan Bevans James Catharine Car- Car mer. mer b. June 3, 1800 David Barthron Hyltie, b. Mary Van Etten Oct. 28, Isaac Everit Mary Davis Abraham Depuy Sarah McCaby John Low Rushe Van De- merck b. 10. 1799 B e tsy, Feb. 1800 Benjamin, b. March 12, i8oo Jeremia Van De- merck, b. Sept. II, 1799 214 DATE PARENTS 1800. CHILD Aug. 24. Jacob Myers Mahala, b. Sarah Cortright April 24, 1800 William I. Cort- H a n n ah. right b. July Christena Myers 17, 1799 Aaron French Christena, Mary Myers b. March 17, 1800 Jacob Crasman Mary, b. Esther Begel Sept. 2, 1799 Sovereiyn Hoorn- B 1 andina, beck b. Aug. 5, Annatie Decker 1800 Peter Brinck John Mc- Jackmyntie Mc- Caby, b. Caby Jan. 21, 1800 Stephen Doolittle, Peter, b. absconded April 7, Elizabeth Brinck 1799 Peter Quick Roger Hannah Dewitt Clark, b. Nov. 23, 1799 Peter Welfelt, ab- Adam, b. sconded Aug. 4, Jenneke Barthron 1799 John Van Arnom Benjamin, Sarah Depuy b. June I, 1800 Jacob Chimer M argaret, Pheby Wallon b. June 29, 1800 James Bunel J a cob, b. Elizabeth Aug. 18, Shimer 1799 Sept. 8. Jacob Probasco Mary, b. Sarah Woeltman June 6, 1800 Isaac Decker Elinor, b. Rosanna Cort- Aug. 13, right 1800 Gidean Vannalten Jacob, b. Sept. 20, Blandina Patson 1800 Daniel Cortright Samuel, b. Plony Westfal Oct. 5, 1800 WITNXSSBS Peter Brinck, Jack- emyntie McCaby B e n j a m in Fisher, Maria Barthron Abraham Skirmer, Margaret Van Ellen Jacob Shimer, Pheby Wallon Samuel Cortreght, Grietyie Westfaal 215 DATE PARENTS CHILD 180I. March 29. Daniel Westfal A b raham, Mary McCavy b. Nov. 27, 1800 Harry Westpertus William, b. Dina Westpertus Dec. 3, (probably blacks) 1799 Diana, b. Feb. 10, 1801 Daniel Van Etten Dor othy, Catherine b. Sept. Decker 18, 1800 Daniel W. Ding- Martinus man West- Maria Westbrook brook, b. March 18, 1801 George Brink Jose, b. Dorcas Doolittle Jan. 13, 1799 S a rah, b. Sept. 18, 1800 Clara, b. Nov. 9, 1795 William Johnston Maria, b. Cortright M ay 9, Christian Meyers 1801 Andrew Decker Christo- Mary Dewitt pher, b. Oct. 31, 1800 Peter Rubart John, b. Mary Van Garden Feb. 18, 1801 John H. Kite Maria Leah Van Der Ding- Merk man, b. Dec. 2, 1800 Abraham West- Solomon, brook b. Dec. Jane Van Aken 28, 1800 Jacob Westbrook Sally, b. Jenny Decker March 21, i8oi Thomas Van Etten Hannah, b. Elizabeth Ennes March 4, 1801 WITNESSES Daniel W. Dingman Maria Westbrook Wilhelmus West- brook, Aaltje Westbrook 2l6 WITNESSES I80I. Aug. 23. A b r a h am West- Marten, b. brook I 9. Anna Buckly 1801 Peter Bras Sarah, b. Susannah Wood, June 18, deceased 1797 S V e r i n e West- M argaret. brook b. March Blandina West- 28, 1801. brook John Williams Grietie, b. Elizabeth Cort- Feb. 6, reg-ht 1800 Peter V. Brinck Areantie, James Brinck, Are- Lidia Brinck b. Oct. antie Rosekrans 26, 1800 W i lliam Hoogtal- Cornelius ing B r i nek, S u sannah Cort- b. July right 4, 1801 James Fisher Mary, b. Charity Tilman May 2, 1801 Christopher Long- Christo- street pher, b. Elizabeth Foun- June I, tain 1801 Benjamin Brinck George Phanny Mulford Brinck, b. Feb. 8, 1801 James Williams Sarah, b. Rhody Heds March II, 1800 Lydia, b. Feb. 22, 1802. 1801 Oct. 2. Henry Westfall John, b. Margaret Brinck Oct. 3, 1800 Robert Killgore Polly Mel- Rachel Kyte ford, b. Nov. 29, 1801 A b r a h am Hoog- Ledy, b. teelen Feb. 16, Lena Wood 1802 B e n j amin West- Lena, b. brook Sept. 2, Lena Ennes 1801 217 WITNESSES 2. Jacob Probasco Sarah Woertman Simeon Van Etten Kornelia Ding- man Isaac Everet Mary Davis Aaron Thomas Elizabeth Davis Francis McCoemac Elizabeth Van Noey William Ennes Sary Brison Gideon Cole Maria Van Etten John C. Low Reese Van De- merk Marshal Everet Gary Van Garden John Van Etten Caty Kuikendal Nicholas McCarty Lena Decker Gideon Van Ette Blandina Betran James Fisher Charity Tilman Abraham Depuy Sarah McKaby Petrus Van Nest b. April 26 J e n n eca, b. Dec. 17, 1 80 1 George Baxter, b. June 14, 1802 Mary, b. March 10, 1796 Sary, b. July 1802 Joseph, June 1802 D o r e thy, b. June 4, 1802 Caty, April 1802 Moses, July 1802 Maria, J une 1802 Lea, Jan. 1800 Majore, b. July 4, 1802 Pe rmelia, b. Sept. 12, 1802 Jonetie, b. April 21, 1801 I s a ac, b. Oct. 23, 1802 b. 6, b. 9. b. b. 20, Isaac Everet, Davis Mary Johanes Van Ette, Mary Magee 2l8 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSBS 1803. Feb. 2. Thomas Van Etten Phebe, b. Elizabeth Ennes Jan. II, 1803 Wm. Hoogtaling John Cort- Susannah Cort - right right April 21. Daniel Westf all J an ey,b. Mary Westbrook Jan. II, 1803 Jacob Kettle Samuel, b. Mary Jamison Sept. 19, 1802 Herme Rosekrans Petrus, b. E 1 i z abeth Van Oct. 14, Auken 1798 Jacob Myers Belinda, b. Sarah Cortright Sept. 24, 1802 Peter Rubart M argaret, Mary Van Gor- b. Oct. don -,i8o3(?) Aaron French Ester, b. Mary Myers Feb. 9, 1802 Phillip Decker Cobus, b. Magdalen Horn- D e c . 30, beck 1802 Bastian Myers Cobus, b. Sary Van Gorden June 30, 1802 Soverine Hornbeck Joseph, b. Hannah Decker Dec. 5, 1802 Aaron Freden- Jane, b. burgh Dec. 29, Sarah Van Naken 1802 Joseph Hornbeck Sarah, b. M a r g aret Van May 28, Naken 1802 Daniel Westfall Matthew, b. Mary McKady Dec. 4, 1802 John Kinte(Kyte?) J eremiah. Leah Van De- b. March mark 17, 1803 Daniel " Fanstah" Samuel (Van Etten) Catherine Decker 219 DATS PARENTS CHILD 1803. April 21. Henry (nothing Henry else) Clinton.b. May 19, 1803 Sept. 12. John Fisher Sarah, b. Mary Dewitt July 9, 1803 Cornelius Van Rachel, b. Etten Aug. 4, Anne Smith 1803 Oct. 2. Peter Cortright Jacob Ev- Catherine Cebler rit,b.Aug. 16, 1802 1805. Aug. I. Gideon Cole J oh n, b . Mary Van Etten June 4, 1805 1807. Oct. 14. Abraham M. West- Hugh, b. brook March 26, Anne Buckley 1804 Ruben B uckley, b. March 26, 1805 Eliza H ager- ty,b.Aug. 29, 1806 Jocob Westbrook A braham, Jenny Decker b. Aug. 6, 1805 S olomon, b. Sept. I, 1807 Abraham I. West- John, b . brook July 21, Phebe Ennis 1807 Josaph at West- J annetye, brook b. Aug. Elizabeth Cort- 25» 1799 right S usannah, b. Nov. 24, 1802 Henry Cortright S usannah, C a t h a rine Van b. March Garden 25, 1799 WITNESSES 220 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. Oct. 14. Peter Kittle J eremiah, Elenor Shyrair b. Feb. 3, 1799 Samuel Cortright Petrus, b. Margrietje VVest- June 28, val 1798 Jacob Westbrook Esther, b. Jane Decker Jan. 13, 1798 Gideon Van Etten M a ria. b. Blandina Bertron Nov. 16, 1798 Evert Hornbeck Daniel, b. Jannetje Van May 3 , Auken 1798 John Cortright Sarah, b. Mary Clarke Aug. 18, 1798 Richard West John, b. Elenor Green Sept. 15, 1798 Nicholas McCarty John, b. Helena Decker Feb. 4, 1798 John Kyte Esther, b. Leah Van De- April 9, mark 1798 Peter Brink Elizabeth, Lydia Brink b. Nov. 3, 1798 Henry Westval Peter, b. Peggy Brink June 3, 1798 Daniel B. Westfal Jacobus, b. Mary Westbrook J uly 3, 1799 Severyn Westbrook M a ria, b. Blandina West- March 26, brook 1799 Thomas Van Etten M ar ia, b. Elizabeth Ennest July 19, 1799 Cornelius Rosen- Catharine, Peter Decker, spon- krans sor Janeka Decker Robert Killgon Anne, b. Rachel Kyte J une 20, 1799 221 WITNESSES 1807. Oct. 14. July 18. Simeon Cole J ac obus Jacobus Van Auken G r i e t j e Van Van Au- Cat harine West- Auken k e n , b. Sept. 10, 1800 brook Wilhelmus Ennist Elizabeth, Joseph Ennist, Mar- Maria Ennist b. Sept. 9, 1800 gret Van Etten Daniel W. Dingman Andries.b. Maria Westbrook Dec. 25, 1803 William I. Cort- Susannah, right b. Aug. Catrina Myers 12, 1803 Simeoh Cole V/illiam,b. M a r g r e t Va n Jan. 10, Auken 1804 Solomon West- Se veryne, brook b. Feb. Margaret Dewitt 25, 1804 B e n j a min West- Daniel En- brook n i s t , b. M agdalena En- Dec. 14, nest 1803 Henry Marvin Caty, b. Anne Van Auken Aug. 12, 1803 Josaphat West- Simeon, b. brook J " ly 1 1, Elizabeth Kort- 1803 right Daniel Westfall Willianijb. Polly Maccabe March 26, 1803 Abraham Rose- Rachel, b. krans Aug. 23, Hannah Hoflf 1805 Aaron Thomas Daniel, b. Lidia Middag, spon- Belchry Davis — 25. 1799 sor Aaron Thomas Betchry, b. Lidia Middag June 7, 1804 Soverins Horen- John, b. beek Feb. 3, Hannah Decker 1805 Hermanns Van Caty Aken W e s t - Hannah Wood brook, b. June 27, 1806 222 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. ily 18. George Westbrook Mehaly, b. Alty Cortright Sept. 7, 1805 Joannes, b. J u ne II, 1807 Benjamin Westfall Simeon, b. Hannah McCavy Dec. 12, 1804 Gilbert, b. June 27, 1807 Philip Decker E lizabeth. Magdalen Horn- b. Jan. 18, beek 1805 Andrew Decker Peter, b. Maria Dewitt Ap r il 6, 1806 Moses Crawford James, b. Rebeka Cole J u ne 28, 1807 Isaac Everet Jane West- Mary Davis brook, b. Aug. 24, 1804 Marian, b. Feb. 26, 1807 Marshal Everet Hannah, b. Caty Van Garden June 18, 1804 E lizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1806 . Simeon Westfall Jane, b. Esther Brinck July 26, 1806 William Anes J a cob, b. Hannah raw- Nov. I , ford 1802 M ses, b. Nov. 12, 1804 E lizabeth, b. Jan. 22, 1807 Elexander Ennes Diana, b. R a n n y Rose- Oct. 5, krans 1802 223 DATR PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. July 18. Elexander Ennes Daniel, b. R a n n y Rose- Jan. 21, krans 1804 L idia, Sept. 1806 b. 20, Abraham Hogtel- Caty, b. ing July 6. Lena Wook 1804 (wood) Sarah, Feb. 1807 b. 5, James Fisher Maria, b. Charity Tilman Jan. 1807 26, July 26. William Looder E lizabeth. Mary Fisher b. Oct. 1806 6, Aug. 8. Abram Depew M a ria, b. Sarah McKavey March 1804 Dirk, ' 19, 'in Nov em- b e r « 1806 J s a ph at West- L y d i L a brook Cor t - E 1 izabeth Cort- reght, b. regh Aug. 1806 12, W i Ihelmus Hoog- Jos aphat, teeling b. Fe 5 b. S u s annah Cort- 18, 1805 regt Samuel Feb. 1807 11, Daniel Kortright Simeon ,b, Plony Westfall Jan. 1804 8, Abraham West- W i Ih el- brook m u s, b. Jenny Van Au- Dec. 18, ken 1804 Andrew Decker Cornelius Maria Dewitt Dewitt.b. Jan. 31, 1804 224 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. Sept. 5. Elias Patterson Lydia, b. Russia Brink Oct. 20, 1800 Sept. 6. Zepharine West- Hester, b. brook March Blandina West- 17. 1805 brook Catharine, b. July 31, '807 Jacob Myers J a cob, b. Sarah Cortright April 10, 1805 Sally, b. Aug. 13, 1807 Sept. 20. Mary Ellis, wife of M. Van Nest Matthew Clark, baptized by Rev, John Van Norman Abraham, Sarah Depuy b. June 8, 1802 Gideon Van Etten Sarah, b. Blandina Botrun July i5» 1804 Christina, b. May i, 1806 x8o8. May 7. Job Westbrook Wilhel- Sarah Annes m u s , b. Nov. 6, 1807 Nov. 27. John J. Van Etten Daniel, b. Catherine Kyk- Jan. 22, endall 1808 John Fisher M a ria, b. Mary Dewitt — 21, 1808 Dec. II. Thomas Van Etten Levi, b. Elizabeth Ennes Sept. 6, 1805 Jon a than Dexter, b. June 15, 1807 Benjamin West- C ornelius. brook b. Aug. Lenah Ennis 20, 1806 Isaiah Van Alten M a ria, b. Dinah Westbrook Sept. 17, 1808 225 WITNESSES Peter Decker Lydia Westbrook L a n y, b. Oct. 27, 1808 Daniel Westphall Polly McAbey (Cahey) Jacob Kite Mary Courtright George Everett Eliza beth Van Gordon Alexander Annes A r i a n t ie Rose- krans Josephas Westbrook E 1 i zabeth Cort- right Benjamin Van Noey Hannah Decker Jacob Westbrook Elizabeth Shimer Andrew Decker Mariah Dewitt Peter Cortright Caty Hebler Abraham Rose- krans Polly Williams Abraham I. West- brook Pheby Annis John, b. Feb. 9, 1806 S o lomon, b. Oct. 6, 1807 William, b. Feb. 17, 180 7 E ra s tus S t a r k- w e ather, b. Feb. 4, 1809 James R o s e - krans, b. Dec . 29, 1808 Jannitie,b. March 12, 1809 S a rah, b. Nov. I, 1808 B landena, b. Dec. 2, 1808 Hester, b. Sept. 21, 1808 Samuel, b. Sept. 20, 1807 Hannah, b. July I, 1809 Hannah, b. Aug. 23, 1807 Hester H o o r - beck, b. April 4, 1809 226 WITNBSSBS 1809. Sept. 10. 1810. May 6. June 26. Feb. 16. Feb. Benjamin Westfall Hannah McCavy Simeon Westfall Hester Brink Joseph Westbrook Sarah Annis George Westbrook Altie Cartright Isaac Evert Mary Davis Wilhelmus Hogtal- ing S u s annah Cort- right Abraham Hogtel- ing Lena Wood George Brinck Dorcas Duelittle William Loder Mary Fisher Benjamin West- brook Elizabeth West- brook Benjamin Van Noey Hannah Decker Jacob Westbrook E 1 i z abeth Chy- mer Aaron Thomas Ledy Maddag B e n j a min West- brook Lena Annes A braham, b.Feb. 26, 1809 L y d i a Anne, b. July II, 1809 Hester, b. Oct. 13, 1809 C ornelius, b. April 22, 1810 Hannah,b. Oct. 1809 Ledy, Feb. 1809 10, b. 25, b. 27, Jacob, N ov, 1809 Ledy, b . Oct. 20, 1807 P h e b e J a ne, b. Aug. 16, 1809 Anny Cul- V e r , b. Dec. 22, 1808 Lena, b. Feb. 20, 1811 S o e vryn, b. July 30, 1810 L idy , b. Dec. 10, 1810 Joseph, b. June 15, 1810 Blandina, b. Dec. 17, 1809 227 WITNESSES I81I. March 10. Arthur Buchanan Polly, his wife June 12. Lydia Westbrook (deceased) N e h e miah West- brook Blandina Kittle Daniel Cortright Plony Westfall Jacob Kyte Mary Cortright Simeon Cole M a r g a r et Van Auken Solomon Kittle Mary Rosekrans July 16. William Brink Nancy Haggerty Isaiah Van Netten B 1 a ndina West- brook Polly Foster William Loder Mary Fisher Oct. 22. John Peiddis Leah Van Auken Dec. 22. Peter Young Jane Brink, his his wife Ollive, b. July 14, 1806 Polly, b. July 21, 1808 S everyne, L., b. Jan. 3, i8io Simeon Kittle, b. Aug. I, 1810 William, b. Dec . 2, 1808 Peter, b. Jan. 31, 1810 David Finch, b. Nov. 6, 1810 Betsy Van Auken, b. Nov. 16, 1810 L y dia, b. July 14, 1808 Caty Jane, b. July II, 1810 Henry, b. Jan. 13, 1811 Ann Eliza, b. April 29, 1810 Phebe, b. Jan. I, 1811 Caty Jane, b. Dec. 31, 1809 Andrew B r i n ck, b. Sept. 10, 1810 Julius Foster, Eliza Hedges, his wife 228 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSBS 1812. May 27. George Everet Marian, b. Elizabeth Van July 27, Garden 1811 Moses Crofford John, b. Rebecka Cole Nov. 21, 1811 July 26. Daniel Westfal A 1 ti e, b. Mary McCaby July 24, 1809 Benjamin Westfall Dennis, b. Hannah McCaby Aug. 21, 1811 1813. Aug. 22. Alexander Ennis Alexander, R a n n y Rose- b. Nov. krans 25, 1812 Peter Cortright Jane Catharine Cebler Young, b. Feb. 19, 1813 Colomon Kittle Belindy,b. Mary Rosekrans April 22, 1813 Oct. 15. Peter Young George Jane Brinck Everet, b. Sept. 18, 1813 Nov. 17. Simion Cole Caty Van Margret Van Au- Aucan, b. ken March 21, 1813 July Taylor,raother J osephus Jo sephu s We st- W e s t- brook — "evidence" brook, b. ("evidence is writ- M a y 6 , ten sometimes in 1813 place of sponsors or witnesses in this book.) Nov. 18. Jacob Kyte Thomas, b. Mary Cortright May 12, 1813 George Westbrook Julian, b. Alche Cortright Feb. 25, 1811 S a m uel C r t . right, b. Oct. 27, 1813 229 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1813. Nov. 18. Ruben Cortright Peter, b. Deborah Bedel Nov. I , 1809 Pheby, b. Jan. II, 1811 Isaac Bedell, b. April 18, 1813 1815. Nov. 14. Joseph Westbrook Lydia En- Sally Ennes n e s, b . Sept. 20, 1814 Jacob Kyte Elizabeth, Mary Courtright b. June 13. 1815 Jesse Loder Elisha Lanah Mapes Mapes, b. April 14, 1816. 1814 Jan. 7. Moses Crawford S u s a n Rebecca Cole M a r i ah, b. Dec. 7. 1815 Jan. 28. Benjamin West- Catharine, brook b. Jan. Elizabeth West- 26, 181S brook Peter Keator E 1 izabeth July Anne, his W e s t - wife brook, b. Dec. 7, 1815 Feb. 25. James B. Arm- Susan Ev- strong eline, b. Mary D. Foster Dec. 13, John Relyer Margaret Ennes Isaac Everet Mary Davis 1813 Julius Foster, b. Sept. 7, 181S J o s e p h Ennis, b. April 7, 1811 All on, b. July 24, 1814 230 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1816. Feb. 25. John Ennes Simon Mariah Seely Cortright, b. Jan. 28, 1813 Gesse Loder S usannah. Lenah Mapes b. March 15, 1813 Daniel Ennes Hiram, b. Susannah Renyer Nov. 3, 1811 M a rgaret, b. Sept. 13, 1813 John Relyer Philip, b. Margaret Ennes Aug. 9, 1813 Baptized by Rev. i Charles Hardenbergh Oct. 26. Moses Craford Han nah, Rebecca Cole b, June 24, 1816 Josephus West- N m i brook D e c k er. Margaret Middag b. Dec, 26,1815 Solomon Kittel Richard,b. Maria Rosekrans Aug. 24, 1816 George Everett C hristine. Elizabeth Van bjNov.i6, Gorden 1814 William Loder John Mary Fisher Worth, b. April 24, 1813 John Loder Matilda, b. Anny Culver March, 1807 Isaiah Van Etten Peter Blandina West- W e s t- brook brook, b. Feb. 14, 1814 Isaih Cortright Jane, b. Miriam Wilson March 2, 1816 Elizabeth Longstreet, adult Peggy Dogety, adult 231 Book 2 of Original Records PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Oct. 24. Oct. 28. Oct. 30. 1804. April 8. May 6. Peter Decker Seeletje Decker John Van Vliet Catharina West- fall Isaac Decker Maria Decker Jonas Schoonhoven Ezube Patterson Daniel Decker Catharine Rose- grant Charity Middagh wife of William Donally Tunis Osterhout Pride Quick Abraham Van Imwegen Elizabeth Sam- mons JohannesVan Aken Leah Cuykendal Corneliu s Mid- dagh J e n n eke West- brook Solomon Decker L e nah Schoon- hoven William Cuddebeck Annatje Van Im- wegen Josephus McCarty Jane Van Aken Jacob Cuddeback Dina Van Etten Henry Cuddeback Esther Gumaer John Van Etten Sarah Vernooy Simeon, b. March 16, M argaret, b. March 12 J a c o m - eyntje, b. Jan. 31 Deb orah, b. Oct. 27, 1802 James R o s e - grant, b. May 6 , 1803 Robert, b. 16, 1801 Sol omon Middagh, b.June 13, 1803 Lenah, b. July 31, 1803 A n tje, b. Aug. 18, 1803 E n g eltje, b.July 21, 1803 b. 12. James, Nov. 1802 Levi, Oct 1803 Maria, June 1801 Naomi, Feb. 17 Benjamin, b. Feb. 22 James, b. March 13 b. b. 16, , b. Levi Van Aken Maria Dewit 232 WITNESSES 1804. May 6. May 20. June 17. Aug. 12. 1805. Jan. 13. David Wynkoop Elizabeth Smith Benjamin Gumaer Pateence Thomas John Neerpass Sarah Squirl Isaac Van Strander Susanna Ooster- hout Samuel Lambert Esther Kettle William Little Caty Middagh John Decker Sarah Lambert Elizabeth Hoff wife of Joel Whitlock Joshua Vreden- burgh Eliza beth Van Aken Roman Elmendorf Helena Middagh Solomon Davis Margaret Daily Jacob Quick Ellenor Van Garde Isaac M. Decker H e y etje West- brook Joshua Van Aken Elizabeth Hoorn- beek Cornelius Cudde- back Margery Van Aken Henry Case Caty Neerpass John, b. Feb. 28 Thomas Lewis, b. March 3 William, b. March 14 Rachel, b. March 27, 1803 James Newkirk, b. Oct. II, 1803 Henry, Aug. 1803 Huldah, b. March 29 J o s e p h Hoff, b. Oct. 27, 1803 Caty, J an. 1803 b. b. 13, Richard, b. Jan. 16 Daniel, b. May I Ellenor, b. June 9 A braham, b. Dec. 30, 1803 Helena, b. Sept. 26, 1804 Caty, b. June 25, 1804 Willi am Neer- pass, b. April 14, 1804 233 WITNESSES Benjamin Neerpass Anna Lott Reuben Westfall Charity Cuyken- dal Gerardus Gumaer Eunice Patterson John, b. April 30, 1804 M argaret, b. July 12, 1804 Hannahjb. Oct. 20, 1804 John Neerpass Sarah Squirl Peter Vernooy Hannah Conck- lin Elias Cuykendal E 1 izbeth Gum- aer Elias Gumaer Mary Lewis Aaron, b. March 10, Wilhel- m u s , b. June 13 Martha, b. Oct. 26 Elizabeth Van Vliet wife John Van Inwegen Maria Westfall wife Henry Van Etten J a CO bus, July II, 1804 Antje, May 1805 b. 16, David Vininwagen Anna Swartwout David Outright Elezebeth Dam- port David Winekoop Elebath Smith Solomon Daves Margreth,his wife W i 1 1 e m Cudde- back, Junior Han nah Winin- wagen John Wininwagen E 1 i z e beth Van Viet Isaac M. Decker Hilt he West- brook Margret.b. Dec. II, 1805 Sarah, b. March 6, 1807 Jane, Nov. 1805 James, May 1806 Sal ay, J an . 1806 b. 27, b. 17, b. 16, Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1806 Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1805 234 DATE PARENTS CHILD 1807. Aug. 13. Peter Decker L a n a, b. Salata Decker May 8, 1805 Peter, b. Feb. 28, 1807 Samuel Patison Josep Charity Bragan Maker, b. March 21, 1805 Oliver Whitehead Matilda, b. Sala Lambert Aug. 8, 1806 B enjemin. b. April 15, 1800 Jane, b. July 21, 1806 Oliver Cornelius Van Im- Mary, b, wegen, Jr, June 12, Deb orah West- 1 806 brook Solomon Decker Mary, b. Jane Schonhoven Dec. 9, 1806 Cornelius Rose- Mary, b. crans March 12, Jane Decker 1795 Jacob Gumaer Daniel, b. Sara Van Garden Aug. 10, 1804 Hannah, b. Nov. 23, 1806 William Cuddeback Lewes, b. Hannah Van Im- Jan. 16, wegen 1807 Geremy Paterson Benjamin, Elizabeth, his b. Sept. wife 15, 1805 Isaac Decker Jane, b. Mary Decker Oct. 26, 1805 Solomon Vanetten John, b. Gemine Gumaer Nov. 20, 1806 WITNESSES 235 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. Aug. 13. Henry Cuddeback Simeon, b. Peter Gumaer Oct. 6, 1806 John Van Etten Peter, b. Saly Vernoy M ay 7, 1806 Gerardus Gumaer G ornelius. Eunice Paterson b. Oct. 21, 1806 Abraham Van Im- Jane, b. wegen Oct. 18, E 1 i zabeth Sam- 1805 mons Aug. 15. Jeremiah Van Aken Rachel, b. Mary Westbrook June 2, 1804 M s es, b. Aug. 13, 1806 Abram Van Garden Abram Rebecca Bevier We s t- brook, b. Sept. 18, 1804 Cornelius Meddagh Maria, b. Gate Van Aken Sept. 7, 1806 Richard Dekker Roanney, Gate Brink b. March I, 1805 William Dowley Henry, b. G a n e h j e Mid- Jan. 8, dagh 1804 Pegge, b. Dec. 25, 1805 Jacob Neerpass William,b. Gate Cuddebeck Feb. 17, 1807 Peter Q. Patterson, B 1 andina, deceased b. Dec. Elizabeth Brink 28, 1805 Peter, b. Ap- ril 8, 1807 Solomon Brink Yannetye, Phebe Winfield b. March I, 1807 William Little Jene, b. Gate Middagh Sept. 6, 1805 236 WITNESSES 1807. Aug. 15. John J. Sammons, Sarah Dekker Daniel Howey Jenne Quick Cornelius Middagh Jenne Westbrook Richard Shimer Ruthe Annest Abram Van Aken Elizabeth Davis Jacob Kuddebeek Dinah Van Net- ten Henry Bennet Sarah Vernoy Tunis Osterhout Ploney Quick Isaac Vanstran- der Susannah Ooster- hout Roman Elraendorf Lena Middagh Nathan Van Aken Hester Patterson John Osterhout P^SS^ Quick 2, b. 6, b. 20, b. 12, b. 30. Peter, b. Jan. — , 1806 L il 1 e y Skner, b. July 1795 Daniel, Sept. 1803 Thatje, Nov. 1804 Lydia, Oct. 1806 Jacob, Nov. 1806 Abram, b, June 26, 1806 J a k em - eyntje, b. Oct. 30 180S Sarah, b. Nov. 19, 1803 Petrus, b. July 18, 1807 Sally S h ep. herd, b. May 26, 1805 Lydia Van V 1 i et, b. Sept. 20, 1805 Teunis, b. Dec. 26, 1805 Reuben, b. March 23, 1806 Nelly, b. May 22, 1804 237 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1807. Aug. 15. John Osterhout J e r e miah Pegge Quick Quick, b. 4, Alfred, b. Joel Westbrook Elizabeth Hoff Nov. 12, 1806 Benjamin Cudde- Levi Van Levi Van Netten beek Netten,b. Jean Westbrook Dina Van Etten March 3, 1807 Isaiah Van Netten C melius Cornelius R. West- Dina Westbrook W e s t - brook, Mary West- brook, b. brook Jan. 24, 1804 E lizabeth, b. March 23, 1806 John B. Quik J a c ob, b. J e a n n a R ose- July 9. crans 1806 David Clark J a cob, b. Estor Shymer Nov. 20, 1804 "Mar cy," b. Feb. 12, 1806 Henry Van Camp Caty, b. Phebe Dewitt Aug. 30, 1805 Sarah Quick Isaac, b. July 27, 1801 Hannah, b. June 10, 1804 Frances Smith Hannah,b. Margret Quick April 7, 1803 John Decker Joshua, b. Mary Siddles May 9, 1805 Thomas, b. Jan. 14, 1807 J h annes Decker, Caty, b. as Godfather June 16, Caty Rosekrans 1805 238 WITNSSSBS 1807. Aug. 16. Sept. 13. Benjamin Carpen- ter Margret Decker Cornelius Cudde- back Margery Van- naaken Abraham T. West- brook Mary Van Keu- ren ('* V e n- kearn") David Camfield Mary Shamons Benjamin Gumaer Patien Thomis Garret Damport Caty Oosterhout Samuel Lambert Ester Kittle Ester Chimers Joshua Van Aken Elizabeth Hoorn- beek Hezekiah Vreden- burgh Cathrine Shimer George Brink Dorcas Dolittle Martin Devenport C a t h r ine Cort- regt . b. Jan. 20, 1807 Peter, b. Nov. 13, 1806 John, b. Dec, 24, 1806 J a c ob, b. Sept. 17, 1806 Samuel, b. Sept. 28, 1806 Samuel, b. Sept. 12, 1805 George, b. March 20, ,1806 Polly, b. March 29, 1806 Daniel, b. Aug. 22, 1807 Wilhel- m u s , b. Jan. 5, 1805 Havilah, b. Aug. 30, 1807 E 1 i za, Oct, 1802 Abbe, Oct. I , 1802 twins Sherlott,b. Oct. II, 1804 Alanson,b, Dec. 30, 1806 Polly Shimer, ness wit- 239 WITNBSSKS 1807. Sept. 13. Thomas Decker Jenny Case Henry Case Cate Neerpass John Quick Pegge Van Aken Samuel D. Westfal Jane Westbrook Benjamin Vreden- burgh Mary Case Hester Chambers Bernardus Titcherd Hannah Mosher b. 29, b. b. James Decker Gloriannah Case James Bennet Lydia Hoornbeek Joshua Vreden- burgh E 1 i z abeth Van Aken Elias Cuikendal Elisabeth Gumaer Absolam Case, b. July 25, 1804 Peter, b. J u ne 18, 1806 George, b. June 21, 1806 Pegge, April 1807 Mary, Aug. 1805 Aaron, March 8, 1807 Myram, b, Feb. 15, 1805 Simon Middagh, b, Dec. 25, 1804 Nancy, b. May 24, 1807 Mary, b. March 17, 1804 Jean, b . May 17, 1806 Jacobus, b. April 1 6, 1804 Zephine, b. Aug. 16, 1806 Levi, b. March 27, 1805 Hannah, b. Aug. 13, 1807 240 WITNESSES 1807. Sept. 13. 1808. June 5. July 31. Levi Van Aken Mary Dewit John Van Vliet Catherine West- phal Peter Swarthout Jane Westfall Jacob Cuddebeek Dinah Van Nette Jacob Van En- wegen Sarah Paterson Lewis Van Sickle Syche Van Vleet Absalom Van Naken M a g d a len Van Naken Lewis Mapes Mary Play Joshua Cole Leah Cole Cornelius Medack, Jun., Catharine Van Naken Jacob Van En- wegen Sarah Sammons David Canfield Mary Sammons J osi a h V a nen- wegen M a j o r e y Van Aken Samuel D. Westfal Jane Westebrook S olomon W e s t - brook, b. Nov. 4, 1803 A braham, b. S e pt. 20, 1807 Deb orah, b. March 29, 1808 Abram, b. Jan. 30, 1808 Catherine, b. July 7, 1807 Jacobus, b. Aug. 20, 1807 Jane, Aug. 1804 C o e rt, Aug. 1807 Catherine, b. Dec.29, 1807 S arah, b. May 14, 1808 Elenor, b. Dec. 14, 1807 Hannah, b. April 28, 1808 John, b. April 8, 1808 Hester, b. March 19, 1808 Diana, b. May 26, 1808 b. 23, b. 23. Solomon Westbrook Peggy Dewit 241 DATE 1808. PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES July 31. J ames Hove n - beck Elizabeth Dewitt Tunis Osterhout Prude Quick Benjamin, N. A., b. Dec. 21, 1807 Catey, W. B., b.Dec. 30, 1807 Nov. 6. Joseph Van Noey Mary Conklin Jacob, b. July 25, 1808 James Cole Lidy Van Noey William, b. Aug. 26, 1807 Jacob Quick Elenor Van Gar- den Caty, b. July 12, 1808 Solomon Kittle Mary Rosecrans Herman R s e - krans, b. Aug. 2, 1808 Henry Case Caty Neerpass Jacob, b. June II, 1808 Roman Elmendorf Leenty Meddag Henry Van Etten Mary Westfall I s a ac, b. July 30, 1807 J e s se, b. Aug. 17, 1808 Isaac N. Decker Hetty Westbrook Isaac, b. Sept. I, 1808 Cornelius Van Em- wegen Deb orah West- brook Margaret, b. Sept. 18, 1808 Nov. 27. Simon Brink Phebe Winfield Peter G. Swart- woud Elizabeth Ver- nooy Henry, b. July 26 MaryAnn, b. Sept. 7 1809. Jan. 30. Benjamin Westfall Syntje Gumaer Mar gery, b. Jan. 30, 1809 242 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1809. Jan. 30. Solomon Van Etten Jane, b . Jemima Gumare Feb. 5, 1809 John J. Sammons Mary, b. Sarah Decker March 6, 1809 Oliver Whitehead Esther, b. Sarah Lambert April 9, 1809 Isaac Decker, Jun- Daniel, b. ior Mary Decker Joel Whitlock Elizabeth Huff April 14, 1809 Joseph, b. Dec. 13, 1808 Martin Decker Eleanor,b. Huldah Cuyken- dal Dec. 31, 1808 Jacob Neerpass Catharine Kud- Anne, b. Nov. 7, deback 1808 June 4, Daniel Quick John, b. Rachel Osterhout Aug. 20, 1808 Jacob Gumare A braham. Sarah Van Gar- b. Aug. den 15, 1808 Jeremiah Van Catharine, Aaken b. Oct. Mary Westbrook 24, 1808 Richard Sheimer S a r ah Ruth Ennis Anne, b. July 30, 1808 Josiah Van Nin- Hermanne, wegen M a r g^ e r y Van Aaken b. May 4, 1809 Daniel Vreden- Juliana, b. burgh Nov. 26, Eleanor Hopkins 1805 Charack Van A n thony, Nimwegen Jane Van Etten Jan. II, 1809 John Van Nim- M artinus, wegen Elizabeth Van b. March 22, 1809 Vliet 243 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1809. June 4. Cornelius Middag Jacob, b. Jane Westbrook April 19, 1809 July 9- Benjamin Cudde- Catharine, beck b. June Diana Van Etten 6, 1809 James Bennet Blandina, L e d y Hooven- b. Jan. 30, beck 1809 Oct. I. Henry Cuddenbeck Catharine, Easther Gumaar b. June 28, 1809 Abraham Van Gar- M artinus, den b. June Rebecka Bovie 10, 1809 Benony Maps A n ny, b. Mary Nearpass March 18, 1809 John B. Quick Diana Rosecrans Martin Cole, b. Sept. 29, 1808 1810. April 15. Jacob Cuddebeck Isaac, b. Dinah Van Etten June 30, 1810 Joshuah Cole Josias, b. Lea Cole Nov. 23, 1809 Caty Cud- Sarah Shegrave d e c k, b. Sept. 20, 1809 Moses Crofford Sarah Rebecca Cole Wells, b. Aug. 6, 1809 John Bodle Jemima, b. Cheziah Parmer Feb. 17, 1809 Elias Cuikendal Hester b. E 1 i z a b e t h March Gemaar II, 1810 Alexander West- Wilhemus, brook b. March Sarah Cole II, 1810 244 DATE PARENTS CHILD i8io. April 15, John Van Ellen Daniel, b. Sarah Van Noey Feb. 12, 1810 Peter Q. Howel JenyQuick, Hester Cortright b. Sept. 26, 1809 Cornelius Meddag Sol omon Caty Van Aken v., b. July 6, 1809 Benjamin Glimps Moses, b. Margaret Wind- Jan. 7, field 1810 May 27. David Canfield Elizabeth, Mary Sammons b. Sept. I, 1809 Peter Decker Thomas, b. Charlotte Decker April 29, 1810 William Little Esther, b. Catherine Midd- Oct. 13, agh 1807 Peggy, b. Aug. II, 1809 Aaron Dewit Aaron, b. Jane Sammons Oct. 8, 1809 Lewis Mapes Benoni, b. Mary Pray March 15, 1810 Abraham Van In- John, b. wegen March 30, Elizabeth S a m - 1810 mons William Middagh Henry C, Huldah Kaskey b. Dec. II, 1809 Martin Kaskey Sarah, b. Jane Middagh Sept. 28, 1809 Margaret Middagh CharityD., b. March 18, 1810 Aug. 12. Jacob Quick Dan. Dim- Ellenor Van Gar- m ick, b. don April 24, 1810 WITNESSES 245 WITNESSES 12. Gerardus Gomaar Eunice Patterson Hezekiah Freden- burgh Catharine Shym- er Benjamin Carpen- ter Margaret Decker Peter E. L. Gumaer Mary Van Inweg- en Joshua Van Akin Elizabeth Van Hornbeek Nathan Van Aken Esther Patterson William Kuddebeck Hannah Van In- wegen 9. Frances M. Smith Margaret Quick Morin Van Garden Jane "Gigge" Samuel D. Westfall Jane Westbrook James Osterhout Elizabeth Quick George, b. Sept. 23, 1808 Esther, b. May 18, 1810 M argaret, b. Dec. 20, 1809 Jacob, b. Dec. 18, 1809 Rich ard, b. June 12, 1809 Isaiah, b. May 29, 1810 Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1808 John Q., b. March 17, 1810 William, b. Oct. 17, 1809 Sarah, b. June 28, 1810 John, b. May 22, 1810 Benjamin Horen- Jacob, b. beek Dec. 24, Mary Schimer 1809 Nathaniel Van Ak- E lizabeth, en b. A pril Jane Van Etten 26, 181 1 Daniel Van Etten Hannah, b. Margaret Cudde- Jan, 24, beck 181 I Henry Van Etten Levi D., Mary Westfall b. Oct. 9, 1810 June 3. Jeremiah Van Au- Benjamin, ken b. Jan. 22, Mary Westbrook i8n 246 DAT B PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES I81I. June 3- Samuel Lambert, the second Esther Kittle David Campfield Mary Semmons Benjamin Westfall Cyne Gumeere Alpheus and A 1 - phred, b. Aug. 25, 1810 Henry Ti- tus, b.Oct. 26, 1810 Simon, b. Nov. 27, 1810 June 9- Absalom Van Au- ken Magdalen Van Auken Jacob Ho- ornbeek, b. Aug. 13, 1810 June 12. David Van Inweg- en Ann Swartwout Jacob Gumaar Sally Van Garden M a rgery, b. May 2, 1808 Jane, b. July 22, 1810 Ezekiel, b. Oct. 8, 1810 June II. Benjamin Gumaar M a rgaret. Elias Gumaar Patience Thomas b. Sept. 3, 1808 Martha, b. Sept. 14, 1810 Margaret De Puy June 16. Ruth Enes, wife of Richard Shimer Catharine Brinck, wife of Richard Decker C atharine Jane, b. Aug. 30, 1810 Lydia, b. March 16, 1810 July 3- Abraham Van Aak- en Elizabeth Davids Catharine, b. Aug. 10, 1809 Oct. 20 Joel Whitbeck, Elizabeth Hoff Henry, b. July I, Baptized by Rev. J OHN DURYEA, , V. D. M. Dec. 15- Henry Wingfield Deborah W e s t - brook Benjamin Van I n - wegen Charity Cole Mariah, b. Sept. 13, 1811 Lewis, b. Nov. 23, 1811 247 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES l8l2. lb. 15. Peter Van Noy, Willi am, Junr. b. Oct. 6, Mary Westbrook 1811 ib. 16. John J. Saramons M a rtines, Sarah Decker b. Nov. 9, 1811 Martines Decker Catharine, Huldah Cuyken- b.July 12, dall 1811 Josiah Van Inweg- Jane, b. en June 5, Marjory Van Au- 1811. ken ly 3. Solomon Meddag Elshe, b. Margaret Van June 12, Aiiken 1811 Martin Carpenter Isaac, b. Mary Van Stran- Feb. 9, der 1812 Jacob Neerpas Benjamin, Caty Cuddebeck b. June 10, 1811 Bennoney Maps Elizabeth, Mary Nearpas b. Aug. 14, 1811 Joshuah V re den- Elijah, b. burgh April 25, Elizabeth Van 1808 Auken, deceased Joshua Cole Elizabeth, Leah Cole b. Aug. II, 1811 Alexander West- Maria, b. brook Oct. 4, Sarah Cole 1811 ly 5. Jacob W. Van Net- Huldah, b. ten Aprils, Charity Gumaer David Canfield Jesse, b. Mary Sammons Jan. 10, Jacob Van Inweg- M argaret, en b. Sept. Sally Sammons 12, 1811 Isaac Decker, Junr. John, b. Mary Decker June 20, 1812 Corns. Middag, Elias, b. Junr. Aug. 21, Catharine Van 1811 Aken 248 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1812. July 5. Peter E. L. Gomaer Cornelius, MaryVanEnweg- b. Aug. en 22, i8i I Abm. Cuddeback Jam es, b. Catharine C u y- April 12, kendaal 1812 William Cuddeback, Jane, b. Junr. July 4, Hannah Van En- 1811 wegen Aaron De Witt Abrm., b. Jane Sammons May 28, 1812 Cornelius Middag W illiam. Jane Westbrook b. June 14, 1811 July 26. William Little Levi, b. Catharine M i d - Jan. 26, dag 1812 Aug. 16. Jacob Cuddeback Joseph, b. Dinah Van Etten April 22, 1812 Benjamin C u d d e- Elias, b. back, Junr. July 30, Catharine Cuiken- 1812 dal Benjamin Cud de- Jane, b. beck Dec. 22, Dinah Van Etten 1811 Aug. 15. Samuel Lambert Daniel, b. Esther Kettle May 31, 1813 Daniel Whitlock Levy, b. Sarah Westfall July 5, 1812 Solomon Van Etten S a 1 1 y, b. Gemima Gumaer July 22, 1813 1813 Aug. 15. Levy Van Etten, Margaret, Junr. b. March Elenor Carpenter II, 1813 Josiah Van Inwegen Anne, b. Marjory Van Ak- May 17, en 1813 Jacob Cuddebeck Naomy, b. Dina Van Etten Aug. 31, 1813 Oct. 31 James R. Cole M aria, b. Jane Cuddebeck Sept. 25, 1812 249 WITNESS BS Samuel D. Westfall Jane Westbrook Benjamin West- brook Elizabeth W e s t- brook Benjamin Vraden- burgh Mary Case Peter Q. Howel Esther Cortright John Westfall, de- ceased Easter Westbrook Abraham Westfall Maria Van Aeek- en 21. Benjamin Carpen- ter Margaret Decker Alexander W e s t - brook Sara Cole John Van Inwegen Elizabeth Van Vliet Hezekiah Vreden- burgh Catharine Sheimer 22. Levy Van Garden Amey Davis Benjamin Van Noy Hannah Decker Martin Van Garden Jane Gegy 8. Cornelius Cud de- beck Marjory Cudde- beck Abraham Van En- wegen Elizabeth Van Enwegen John, b. Feb. II, 1813 Willhel- m u s , b. June 23, 1813 Mary Conckling, b. Sept. 12, 1812 Caty, b. June 9, 1812 John, b. March 11, 1813 Jemimy,b. Feb. 12, 1813 Hannah,b. Aug. 15, 1812 Aaron, b. Aug. 26, 1813 Solomon, b, June 12, 1812 Daniel, b. Sept. 18, 1812 David, b. Sept. 8, 1812 Elias, b. Aug. 17, 1812 Silas, b. Feb. 25, 1812 Sally, b. Jan. 26, 181X M aria, b. Aug. 4, 1813 Esther Gumaer, b. Oct. 20, 1812 250 WITNESSES 1813. Nov. 8. 1814. Feb. 14. July 31. 1815. Mar. 26. July 16. Jacob Gumaer Sally Gumaer Benjamin Van En- wegen Charity Cool Cornelius Middag Meriam Van Aken Henry Windfield Deborah W e s t - brook David Glimps Mary Middag Solomon Middag Margaret Van Auken Benjamin Westfall Syntie Gymaer Peter Van Noy, Junr, Mary Westbrook James Sawyer Catharine Neer- pas Levy Van E 1 1 e n, Junr. Elenor Carpenter Daniel Van Inweg- en Mary Cuykendall Joel Whitlock Elizabeth Hoff Catharine Westfall, widow of John Van Vliet William Geegge Elizabeth Winner John Van Inwegen Elizabeth Van- Vleet Samuel V a n i n - wegen Caterina crans Ro se- Simeon, b. April 1, 1813 George, b, Dec. II, 1813 E dmund, b. May 7, 1813 Jane, b. Dec. 15, 1813 Sally, b. Jan. 3, 1812 L y d i a, b. May 13, 1813 Catharine, b. Jan. 6, 1814 Sally, b. Dec. 20, 1814 Hannah.b. Nov. 10, 1813 John, b. Feb. 4, 1815 Rachel, b. Nov. I , 1813 Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 27, 1813 John, b. Nov. 19, 1814 Hiram, b. Oct. 16, 1814 Sally, b. Feb. 15, 181S Peter, b. April 13, 1815 251 WITNESSES Benjamin Cudde- back, Junr. Ca tharine Cuy- kendall Abraham Westfall Mariah Van Aken Jacob Nearpass Caty Cuddeback Peter E. Gumaer Esther Cudde- back James R. Cole Jane Cuddeback Benjamin Cudde- back Dianna Van Etten Isaac Decker Mary Decker Isaac Van Aken Elizabeth Court- right Mary Van Strander wife of Martin Carpenter David Glimpse Mary Middag Harmanus Van In- wegen Hannah Cole Henry Cuddeback Esther Gumaer Jacob Gumaer Sally Van Garde David Canfield Mary Saramons Daniel Van VHet Hester West- brook Henry Winfield Deborah W e s t- brook Levy, b. July 2, 1814 Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1814 George, b. Oct, 6, 1814 Morgan, b. Jan. 27, 1815 Elenor, b. Jan. 27, 1815 S e n e a, b. May 13, 1814 Benjamin, b. Apr. 2, 1815 Benjamin W e s t - brook, b. Oct. 21, 1814 Levy, b. March 8, 1814 Benjamin, b. June 21, 1815 David, b. Oct. 22, 1815 George, b. Aug. 10, E 1 e a n or, b. July 2, 1815 Sally, b. Jan. 13, 1815 James, May 1816 Aaron, Dec. 1815 b. 14, b. 13, James Van Vliet Mary Westbrook 252 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1816. Oct. 13. Moses Brass William.b. Jane Windfield Nov. 4, 1813 Stephen, b. Nov. 27, 1815 Samuel D. West- Jane, b. phall Aug. 4, Jane Westbrook 1815 Peter Van Noy Jane, b. Mary Westbrook July 9, 1816 Cornelius Cudde- Martha, b. back Aug. 26, Margere Van Ak- 1815 en George Nearpas A n n y, b. Mary Westbrook June 21, 1815 Benjamin Westfall Rusiller.b. Sinche Gumaer April 14, 1816 Jeremiah Van Auk- Lea, b. en Aug. 5, Mary Westbrook 1813 T homas Clarke, b. Dec. 12, 1815 Daniel Van Inweg- Betsey, b. en May 22, Mary Cuikendall 1816 Benjamin Van In- Eli, b. wegen April 27, 1816 Abm. Glimpse Maria, b. Jenny Glimplse Oct. 30, 1815 Oct. 28. Joseph Bennet William,b. Polly Van Noy Aug. 24, 1814 Lydia, b. Oct. 7, 1816 1817. March 2. David Wynkoop J acobus Elizabeth Smith S wart- w u t, b. Jan. 22, 1817 253 DATB PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES I816. Graudus Swartwout Sally Ann, Matilda White- b. Dec. 2 2, head 1813 Jane H oorn- beek, b. March 14, 1816 I817. March 16. Abraham C u d d e- William back Abraham, April 10. Caty Cuykendall Solomon VanVleet, b. Sept. 6, 1815 Benjamin, Jr. b, March Sally Carpenter 13. 1823 Joel Whitlock David Canfield April 13. Betsey Buckley Easter Corsa(?) Titus a blackman(?) Lenah Hopkins - adi May 4. Joel Whitlock Aaron, b. Elizabeth Hoff Nov. 19, 1816 David Canfield William Mary Sammons Baldwin, b. Nov, 23, 1816 Benjamin Cud de- back Rosetta, b. Oct. 19, Catherine Cuy- 1816 kendall Samuel Van In- Benjamin, wegen Catherine Rose- b. April 5. 1817 krans Samuel Lambert Catherine, Easter Kittle b. Nov. James R. Cole 24, 1815 Martin, b. Jane Cuddeback April 9, 1817 May 25. John J. Sammons Sarah Decker Huldah.b. Dec. 29, 1813 Cornelius, b. March 17, 1817 254 DAT E PARENTS CHILD WITNBSSBS l8l 7- May 25. Martin Decker Huldah Cuyken- dell Isaac Van Stronder Sarah Van Stron- der Nelson, b. Dec. 4, 1814 M atthias, b. March 19, 181 6 June 8. James D. Swart- wout Naomi Cudde- back Peter, b. April I, 1817 June 22. Peter E. Gumare Easter Cuddeback Ezekiel, b. May 10, 1817 July 6. Isaac Decker, Junr. Mary Decker Benjamin Vreden- burgh Mary lase — de- ceased Levi, b. May 22, 1817 Glorana,b. Mays, 1816 July 20. James Sawyer Catharine Near- pass John Near- p a s s, b. April 6, 1817 Aug. Si- Titus Westbrook, a blackman of Lidia West- brook Phillis Van Auk- en, a black wo- man of James Van Auken E n i s , b. April 14, 1808 Philis, b. April 30, 1810 Titus, b. Dec. 12, 1813 Anson, b. June II, 1817 Sept. ll. Marcus Stickney Betsey Buckley Eliza Maria, b. March 25, 1807 William Franklin, b. May 27, 1809 Wash i n g- ton , b. April 25, 1811 Dec. 21. Phillip Swartwout Esther Westbrook Peter, b. May 25, 1817 255 PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES Samuel D. Westfall Esther, b. Jane Westbrook Aug. 31, 1817 Samuel Lambert John, b. Esther Kittle March 9, i8i8 Abraham C u d d e- Jane, b. beck Dec. I , Caty Cuykendell 1817 Anthony Van Etten Elizabeth, Jane Cuykendell b. Dec. 1 9, 1817 Salomon Van Auken Leah, b. Margaret, his wife May 31, 1813 Salomon Van Auken Harrison, Margaret, his wife b. Dec. 29, 1815 Salomon Van Auken M aria, b. Margaret,his wife May 3, 1818 Henry Winfield P h e b e Deborah West- Caroline, brook b. March 10, r8i8 Cornelius Middag, Eli, b. Aug. Junr. 28, 1816 Catherine Van H annah, Auken b.May 22, 1818 Martin Decker Peter, b. Huldah Cuyken- April 23, dall 1818 Cornelius Westfall Jemina, b. Huldah Cudde- June 21, back 1817 Charity Middaugh, Huldah, b. wife of William Feb. 20, Dowley 1812 John, b. Feb. 23, 1814 Cornelius Hornbeck Eliza, b. Rachel Vernoy Dec. 22, 1817 John D. Carpenter Sarah, b. Catherine Car- June 20, penter 1817 256 DATB PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES t8i8. July 19. Henry and Anne, b. bap. on the presenta- Caty Case March 20, tion of Anna, wid- 1816 ow, Wm. Nearpas, guardian of the child Aug. 2. William and M argaret. Mary Cuddebeck b. April 10, 1818 Aug. 16. Benjamin Cudde- Elting, b. beck Oct. 10, Blandina Van Et- 1816 ten Hermanns Van In- E valina wegen S wart- Hannah Cole wout, b. Dec. II, 1817 Wilhelmus Westf all Cornelius, Mary Cole b.July 12, 1818 Jacob Cuddeback, Diana, b. Junr. July 10, Elizabeth Van 1818 Auken Sept. 10, David Canfield Abraham, Mary Sammons Van I n- wegen, b. July 15, 1818 Sept. 13. Mrs. Mary Bloomer, adult Lieshe ) Dinah P®' Isaac, b. rvants of Van Auken Nov. 15. Jacob Vaninwagen Sarah Vaninwag- Oct. 15, en 1818 Dec. 27. Levi Van Etten, Jr. J acob, b. Eleanor Carpen- March lo, ter 1817 Benjamin Westfall Sally, b. Synche Gumare July 14, i8i8 Benjamin Cudde- Jemima, back, Junr. b. Nov. 2 1, Catherine Cuy- 1818 kendall 1819. Jan. 10. Daniel V. A. Vanin- Jane, b. wegen, not pre- May 6, sent 1818 Mary Cuykendall 257 DATE PARENTS CHILD l8l 9. Jan. 10. Solomon Van Fleet, Mary, b. Junr. March 26, Sarah Carpenter 1819 May 30. Grandus Swartwout Mary, b. Matilda White- Aug. 16, head 1818 June 13- Ben jamin Cudde- Hannah.b, back April 12, Blandina Van Et- 1819 ten John D. Carpenter Senia, b. Catherine West- Nov. 25, fall 1818 June 27. Charles Gordon, Hannah,b. not bap. April 15, Mary Rosecrans 1819 Sept. 5- A 1 e X a nder West- Jerusha, b. brook June 17, Sarah Cole 1815 J ames, b. April 17, 1817 Henry, b. May 26, 1819 William Cortrigt David, b. Jemima Huff July 18, 1819 Sept. 26. Samuel Vaninwagen Jane, b. Catherine Rose- M ay 7, crans 1819 Nov. 14. James Sawyer Benjamin Catherine Near- Carpen- pass t er, b. Sept. 17, 1819 Dec. 12. Isaac Decker A n thony. Mary Decker b. Oct. 22, 1819 Jacob Cuddebeck, John, b. Junr. Sept. 29, Elizabeth Van 1819 Auken Dec. 26. Philipp Swartwout Jane, b. Esther Westbrook Sept. 6, 1819 1820. Jan. 9- Joseph Bennet James, b. Polly Vannoy May 12, WITNESSES I819 258 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1820. Feb. 6. Nicholas Vannoy Joseph, b. Sally Bennett Dec. II, 1819 April 23, Jacob Vradenburgh Jacobus Catherine Vanau- Vanau- ken ken, b. Jan. 15, 1820 May 7. David Vannoy Jacobus Lenah Vanauken Vanau- ken, b. March 3 1, 1820 June II. Peter Rosecrans, Mary Ann, not present b. Sept. Sally, his wife 14, 1819 June 25. Henry Windfield Hannah Deborah, his wife Smith, b. May 25, 1820 Cornelius Middaugh Cynata, b. Catherine, his wife May 10, 1820 Aug. 20. Martin Decker Chauncey, Huldah, his wife b. July 19, 1820 Sept. 5. Rev. John Iveson Sarah, b. Jane, his wife June 28, 1820 Nov. 19. Levi Middaugh Jane, b. Margaret, his wife Oct. 9, 1820 Dec. 24. Simeon Westfall Ellenor,b. Sarah Sept. II, 1821. 1820 Jan. 2. Peter E, Gumare JacobCud- Hester, his wife de b ack Elting, b. Oct. 18, 1820 Solomon Vanauken Ezra, b. Margaret, his wife Nov. 13, 1820 Jan. 22. John D. Carpenter James, b. Catherine,his wife Oct. 13, 1820 Jacob Cuddeback, Wa s hing- Junr. t on , b. Elizabeth, his wife Dec. 21, 1820 259 DATE PARENTS CHILD 182I. Feb. 4. William Cuddeback Mary Van Mary, his wife Keu ren, b. Oct. 2, 1820 Feb. 18. Wilhelmus Westfall David, b. Marjery, his wife Jan. 16, 1821 March 18 . Johannus Decker Charlotte, Eleanor, his wife b. Feb. 8, 1821 May 20. Joel Whitlock John Hoff, Elizabeth, his wife b. Nov. 12, 1820 Solomon Vanfleet, Levi, b. Jr- March 14, Sarah, his wife 1821 Dinah, black girl of Nelson, b. James Vanau- Oct. 6, ken 1816 June 3- Jeremiah Vanauken Daniel, b. Mary, his wife March 12, 1818 Mary, b, Aug. 23, 1820 June 17- Grandus Swartwout Cornelius, Matilda, his wife b.Aug.31, 1820 July 1. James D. Swartwout Cornelius, Naomi, his wife b. Aug. 2, 1820 John W. Middaugh Caty Jane, Sally, his wife b. March 31, 1821 Benjamin Vanin- Charity, b. wegen April 24, Phebe, his wife 1821 Hermanns Vanin- I v a , b. wegen March 2, Hannah, his wife 1820 Aug. 12. Jacob Vaninwegen Jemima, b. Sally, his wife May 19, 1821 Sept. 2. James S. Vanfleet Daniel Vra- Mary, his wife denburgh, b. Aug. 7, 1821 Oct. 28. Benjamin C u d d e- Thomas, b. back Aug. 31, Blandina, his wife 1821 WITNESSES 26o WITNESSES 1821. Dec. 23. 1822. April 14. June 2. June 23. July 21. Aug. 4. Aug. 18. Sept. I. Sept. 15. Benjamin Cudde- beek Catherine, his wife David Vannoy Lenah, his wife James Vanauken Jane, his wife William Vannoy Esther, his wife Garret Sullivan, not present Lenah, his wife Jacob Vradenburgh, deed. Catharine, his wife Hermanns Van In- wegen, not present Hannah, his wife Phillip Swartwout Esther, his wife Jacob Cuykendall Margai et,his wife Simon Cuddeback Marjery, his wife Jeremiah Gumare Charlotte, his wife Isaac Decker Mary, his wife Isaiah Decker, Junr. Eltse, his wife Joshua Cole Leah, his wife James Sawyer Catherine, his wife Isaiah Decker Hannah b. 20, b. 9. Jacob, b. Sept. 9, 1821 Oliver, Sept. 1821 Garret, Oct. 1821 Sarah, b. Feb. 5, 1822 Jemima, b. March 3, 1822. Lenah Hopkins, b. April 15, 1822 Josias, b. May 17, 1822 Catherine, b. Aug. 7, 1821 Jane, b. June 17, 1822 John, b. Nov. 10, 1821 Isaac, Jan. 1822 Sarah, April 1822 Caty Jane, b. Feb. 26, 1822 Lidia, b. May 12, 1816 J ames, b. Feb. 28, 1822. Elizabeth, b. July 7, 1822 b. 3, b. 21. Presented by Josias Cole, Rosanna, his wife, Guardians. 26l DATB PARENTS CHILD WITNESSES 1822. Nov. 10. Nathan Vanauken Mir riam. Jane, his wife b.Nov.2i, 1821 Joseph Bennett Burnett, b. Mary, his wife Oct. 26, 1821 Peter Rosecrantz, A b r a m not present Bross, b. Sarah, his wife June 17, 1822 1823. Jan. 19. Thomas Vanfleet James, b. Margaret, his wife Nov. 19, 1822 Feb. 16. Martin Decker Eliza, b. Huldah, his wife Dec. II, 1822 Jacob Cuddeback, Leah, b. Junr. Nov. 27, Elizabeth, his wife 1822 April 27. Solomon Vanfleet M argaret, Sarah, his wife b. March 28, 1823 Henry Windfield Abraham, Deborah, his wife b. March 30, 1822 June 8. Nicholas Vannoy Lanche, b. Sally, his wife Jan. 8, 1823 John D. Carpenter Eleanor,b. Catherine, his wife Oct. 22, 1822 July 20. Simon Westfall Abraham, Sarah, his wife b. March 29, 1823 Aug. 17. Levi Middagh James Margaret,hiswife Nelson, b. June 24, 1823 Jacob Nearpass John, b. Catherine, his Nov. 22, wife 1822 Aug. 31. Jacob Gumaer Levi, b. Sarah, his wife Aug. 24, 1817 Mary Jane, b. Feb. 28, 1822 Sept. 28. Barret Sullivan, adult Jin, black woman of I. Swart wont 262 DATE PARENTS CHILD WITNESS 1823. Oct. 12. Phillip Swartwout Henry Hester, his wife Brinker- hoff, b. April 19, 1823 James S. Vanin- Jemima wegen Hornbeck, Jane, his wife b. July 19, 1823 Frederick Westfall, Nancy, b. not bap. May II, Jemima, his wife 1822 Feb. I. Cornelius Middagh M argaret, Catherine, his wife b. Oct. 1824. 22, 1823 Feb. 29. Benjamin Vanin- Joseph, b. wegen Sept. II, Phebe, his wife 1822 April 25. Isaiah Decker, not Jacob Vra- present denbergh. Ethe, his wife b. Feb. 1 2, 1824 May 23. Eleanor Drake, an adult June 6. Samuel Vanin- Herman, b. wigen, June 28, Catherine, his 1821 wife J s e p h Hornbeck, b. Nov. 30, 1823 July 4. Cornelius C. Elting, Phillip Anna Maria, his Bevier, b. wife. March 26, 1824 Solomon Van Auken, Elizabeth, Margaret,his wife b. May 8, 1824 David Vannoy C a t y, b. Lenah, his wife March 22, 1834 Wilhelmus Westfall Jacob Marjery, his wife G u maer, b. Feb. 2, 1824 Aug. 29. Jacob Cuykendall Wilhelmus, Margaret,his wife b. July 7, 1824 Sept. 12. James D. Swart- Sarah, b. wout Sept. 7, Naomi, his wife 1823 263 DATE 1824. Oct. TO. Dec. 19. 1825. Feb. 13. WITNESSES William Vannoy Hester, his wife Elizabeth, wife of Banjamin Cole Van Auken Jacob Cuddeback, Junr. Eliza beth, his wife James Sanger C a t h erine, his wife March 13. Solomon Van Etten Jemima, his wife March 27. Sally, wife of John Middagh Elizabeth, wife of A b r a m Va n- enwegen May 8. Mary, wife of Isaac Decker Jemima, wife of Frederick Westfall June 19. Hannah, wife of Hermanns Van Inwegen July 17. Senia, wife of Ben- jamin Westfall Nov. 6. Huldah, wife of Martin Decker Nov. 20. Benjamin Cudde- back BlandinaVan Et- 1826. ten March 26. Garret D. Sullivan Lenah, his wife George, b. May 22, 1824 William, b. Aug. 18, 1824 Jane, Sept. 1824 b. 24, Will iam Stone, b. March 31, 1824 Peter Gum- a r e , b. July 30, 1824 Eli, b.Nov. I, 1824 Peter Gum- are, b. Feb. 27, 1821 M a r j ery, b. Oct. I, 1824 M a ry, b. Oct. 10, 1824 M argaret, b. Dec. 15, 1824 Jemima,b. Dec. s, 1820 Peter Gum- are , b . March 23, 1824 Abigail Ann, b. Jan. 29, 1825 Jemima, b. April I, 1825 John, b. March 4, 1826 264 DATK 1826. May 2r. June 18. July 16. Sept. 10, 1829. Jan. 28. Baltiss Nearpass Sarah, his wife B e n j amin Vanin- wegen Phebe, his wife Mary, wife of Jos- eph Bennett Cornelius C. Elting Anna Maria, his wife Marjery, wife of James Horton Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin C. Van Auken Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Cudde- back Solomon Va n Auken Margaret,his wife 1827. Feb. II. March 25. April 9. May 20. July 15. WilhelmusWestfall Marjery, his wife Thomas Van Fleet Elizabeth.his wife Sarah, wife of Jacob Gumare James D. Swart- wout Naomi, his wife Lena, wife of Ben- jamin Westfall John, b. Nov. 20, 1824 Samuel, b. Aug. 27, 1824 Solomon,b. Feb. 20, 1826 P e ter, b. July 20, 1824 David, b. March 23, 1826 Willi am Denton, b. April 28, 1826 Catherine, b. April 29, 1826 Maria, b. March 28, 1826 Jacob W e s t - brook, b. Dec. 24, 1826 Isaac Middagh, Adult Charles H a r den- berg, b. Jan. 20, 1826 Benjamin, b.May 21, 1826 Jacob, b. July 18. 1824 Abraham, b.May 13, 1826 Levi, b. April 13, 1827 265 Marriage Record — 1737-97. [Taken from a pamphlet by Rev. J. P, Ten Eyck, printed 1877.] Marriage ceremonies performed by J. C. Fryenmuth unless otherwise stated. 1738 — March 5.* Johannes Westbroeck, jun., young man, born at Nytsfield, to Magdalena Westbroeck, young woman, born at Horly, and both dwelling at Manissinck, married by An- thony Westbroeck, Justice of the Peace, the last day of March. 1738 — March 26. Jan van Netten, young man, born at Nytsfield, to Maritje Westfael, young woman, born at Menissinck, and both living there, married by Anthony Westbroeck, Justice of the Peace, April 13. 1742. Joh: Casparus Fryenmuth, young man, born in Switzer- land, to Lena van Etten, young woman, born at Nytsfield, married with a license from Governeur Morris, in Jersey, by Justice Abram van Camp, the 23d July, 1742.! 1742 — July 25. Jacobus Quick, young man, born at Rhocester, dwelling in Smithsfield in Bucks County, to Maria West- broeck, young woman, born at Rhocester, dwelling at Menis- sinck, married the 22d of August. 1743 — March 13. Simon Westfael, young man, born in Dutchess County, dwelling in Smithsfield in Bucks County, to Jannetje Westbroeck, young woman, born at Mormel, dwelling at Menissinck, married the 17th of April by Pieter Kuyckendal, Justice of the Peace. 1743 — August 21. Johannes Bogaert, young man, born in Dutchess County, to Sarah Hoogteeling, young woman, born at Rochester, both dwelling at Menissinck, married the 9th Novemiber ditto, by Abraham van Aeken, Justice of the Peace. 1741 — July 19. Abram Middagh, young man, born at Menis- sinck, to Lena van Aken, young woman, born at Rochester, both dwelling here, married August 18. 1745 — March 24. Johannes Kuykendal, young man, born at Syndiaquai, to Elizabeth Decker, young woman, born at Shippegonck, both dwelling there, married April 19th. 1745 — May 12. Salomon Decker, young man, born on the Caets- baen (Katsbaan), to Lena Quick, young woman, born at Metschepekonck, and both dwelling at Metschepekonck, married June 8th. 1745 — June 2. Benjamin Westbroeck, young man, born at Nyts- field, dwelling at Menissinck, to Catharina Westbroeck, young woman, born at Nepanach and dwelling at Name- nack, married the 28th ditto. 1745 — July 21. Johannes Kortrecht, young man, to Catharina Kortrecht, young woman, both born at Rochester, and both living in Bucks County in Pennsylvania, married August 27th. * Date of first publication of banns. t Joh: Casparus Fryenmuth, J. M., geboren in Switzerland, met Lena van Etten, J. D., geboren op Nytsfield, getrouwt met een Licence van Governeur Morris in Jersey, door Justice Abram van Camp, den 23 July, 1742, 266 1746 — January 19. Benjamin Thomson, young man, born in Nieuw Engelant, to Lizabeth Westfael, young woman, born at Mac- hackemech, and both dwelling there, married February 9th. 1746 — February 23. Cornelis van Etten, young man, born at Nytsfield and dwelling at Namenack, to Heltje Westbroeck, young woman, born at Menissinck and dwelling there, mar- ried March 26th. 1746 — March 24. Jacob Westbroeck, young man, born at Gils- ford, dwelling at Menissinck, to Lydia Westfael, young wo- man, born in Duytsches County and dwelling at Sheppe- konck, April nth. 1746 — June 15. James McCarty, young man, born in London, to Lisabeth Mey, young woman, born in Hooghduytschlant, both dwelling in Bucks County, married the 13th of July. 1747 — March i. Abram van Aken, jun., young man, born at Nepenack, to Margriet Westfael, young woman, born at Men- issinck, the first living in Bucks County, and the last at Men- issinck, married the 29th ditto. 1747 — July 26. Dirk Rosenkranz, young man, born at , and dwelling in Bucks County, to Catharina van Aken, young woman, born at and dwelling at Machackemech, mar- ried the 2ist of August ditto. Mach: 1747 — July 5. James L'ove, widower of Mary Barren, to Marya Cole, young woman, born at and both dwelling at Wal- peck, married the 2d of August by Abram van Kampen, Justice of the Peace. Men: 1747 — August 30. Pieter Roet, widower of Meerte Berns, to Sara van Garden, widow of Leendert Cole, both dwelling in Walpeck, married the 9th of October. Men: 1747 — September 13. Jacob van Campen, young man, born at Nepenack, to Rachel Decker, young woman, born at Nesko- tack, both living in Bucks County, married the 9th of Octo- ber. Mach: 1747 — October 11. Cornelis Westfael, young man, born at Mach- ackemech, to Lisabeth Westfael, young woman, born at Sineaquan, and both dwelling there, married the 20th of No- vember. Mach: 1747 — November 22. Cornelis Kortrecht, young man, born at Mormel, to Tjaetje Kortrecht, young woman, born at Roches- ter, and both dwelling at Smithsfield, married the 25th of December. December 6th, Men: Jacobus Rosenkranz, widower of Sara Decker, to Catharina Cole, young woman, born at Rochester and both dwelling at Machackemech, married the 13th of January, 1747-8. Mach: 1748 — March 20. Daniel Westfael, young man, born at Mac- hackemech, to Maria Westbroeck, young woman, born at Gilsford, and both dwelling at Menissinck, married the 8th of April ditto. Mach: 1748 — October 30. Abram van Aken, widower of Margriet Westfael to Catharina Rosenkranz, young woman, born at Rochester, and both dwelling at Theeshacht, married the ist of December. 26; 1748 — November 6. Johannes Westbroeck, young man, to Maria Westbroeck, young woman, both born at Wawarssinck, and dwelling at Namenak, married the 4th of December. 1748 — November 6. Daniel Kuykendal, young man, born at Machackemech and dwelling there, to Lisabeth van Aken, young woman, born at Wawarssinck and dwelling at Thees- hacht, married the 2d of December. 1748 — December II. Benjamin Westbrock Vernoy, young man, born at Wawarssinck and dwelling at Namenak, to Lydia Westfael, young woman, born at Machackemech and dwell- ing there, married the 8th of January, 1749. 1748 — November 19. Benjamin Quick, young man, born at Metschpeconk and dwelling at Theeshacht, to Hanna Joons, young woman, born at Black River and dwelling at Metschpe- conck, married the 6th of January, 1748-9. 1749 — January 8. Joseph Westbroeck, young man, born at Wawarssinck and dwelling at Namenak, to Lizabeth Kuyken- dal, young woman, born at Machackemech and dwelling there, married the 27th of January, 1749 — February 5. Abram Chambers, young man, born at Ship- pack, to Lena Westbroeck, born at Neshotack and both dv/elling at Menissinck, married the 3d of March. 1749 — July 2. Joseph Wallon, young man, born in Nieuw En- gellant, to Neeltje Decker, widow of Jacobus Kuddebeck, both dwelling at Metschepeconk, married October 19th. 1749 — August 27. Joris Kimber, young man, born at Long Eylant and dwelling on the verdroncken lant (Drowned Lands), to Sara Westfael, young woman, born at Machack- emech and dwelling there, married the 5th of October. 1750 — January 7. Isaac Middagh, young man, born at Menis- sinck and dwelling in Theeshact, to Femmetje Decker, young woman, also born at Menissinck and dwelling at Ship- peconk, married the i6th of February. 1750 — March 4, Manuel Gonsales, widower of Rachel Louw, dwelling at Memmekatting, to Jannetje van Etten, young woman, born at Nepenack and dwelling at Namenack, mar- ried the 23d ditto. 1750 — April 8. Petrus Brinck, young man, born at Shippekonk, to Sara van Aken, young woman, born at Rochester, and both dwelling at Shippekonk, these banns are forbidden (literal, stopped) the 9th ditto, first by Catharina Hooghteel- ing and afterwards by Sara van Aken herself in the presence of me, J. C. Fryenmuth, and Antony Westbroeck, elder. 1750— April 13. Jacobus van Sickel, young man, born in Read- ingtown and dwelling there, to Sara van Aken, young wo- man, born at Rochester and dwelling at Shippekonk, married the 15th ditto. Johannes Bruyn, young man, to Maria Schoonmaker, young woman, married the 21st of June with a license from his Excellency, the Governeur Clinton, of New York. 268 175° — May 13. Cornells Westbroeck, young man, born at Nepe- nack, to Lisabeth Kittel, young woman, born at Mormel and both dwelling at Menissinck, married the 7th of June. 1750 — July 8. Antony van Etten, young man, born at Nepe- nack and dwelling at Namenack, to Annatje Decker, young woman, born at Machackemech and dwelling there, married the 3d of August. 1750 — July 15. Jacobus Quick, widower of Marys Westbroeck, to Jannetje van Aken, young woman, born at Shippekonk, and both dwelling in Bucks County, married the loth of August. 1750 — June 16. Daniel Consales, young man, born in Ulster County and dwelling at Memmekatting, to Elizabeth van Vliet, young woman, born in Ulster County and dwelling at Machackemech, married the loth of July. 1750 — December 2. Jan van Sickelen, young man, born upon the Raretan and dwelling there, to Margriet Dewitt, young woman, born at Rochester and dwelling in Bucks County, married the 14th of January, 175 1. 1751 — January 6. Jacobus Middagh, young man, born at Wac- konck, in Ulster County, to Sara Decker, young woman, born at Machackemech, and both dwelling there, married the 29th ditto. 175 1 — April 14. Jan Kermer, young man, born in Kingston, and dwelling among (onder) Walpeck, to Lisabeth van Campen, young woman, born in Upper Smithsfield and dwelling there, married the 15th of May. 175 1 — May 12. Abram Codebek, young man, born at Pienpeck and dwelling there, to Hester Swartwout, young woman, born at Sindiachquan and dwelling there, married the 29th of May. 1751 — July 3. Joel Quick, young man, to Christina Middagh, young woman, both dwelling at Machackemech, married the 3d of September. 175 1. Alexander Ivory, young man, born in Irelant and dwelling at Skippekonk, to Maria Cole, young woman, widow of James Love, dwelling among Walpek, married December 24th. 175 1 — November 23. Salomon Kuykendal, young man, to Sara Cole, young woman, both dwelling at Machackemech, and both born there. 1752 — February 9. Abraham Westbroeck, young man, born at Wawarsinck and dwelling at Namenack, to Blandina Rosen- kranz, young woman, born at Skippekonk and dwelling at Machackemech, married the 6th of March. 1752 — March 8. Jacob van Aken, young man, born at Rochester, to Margriet van Garden, young woman, born at Shippekonk and both dwelling there, married the loth of April. 1752 — April 5. Evert Roos Westbroeck, young man, born at Namenack, to Marya Kortrecht, young woman, born at Men- issinck, and both dwelling at Namenack, married the 24th ditto. 1752 — May 24. Cornells Quick, young man, born at Shippekonk and dwelling in Upper Smithsfield, to Marya Westfael, young 269 woman, born Menissinck and dwelling there, married the 14th of June. 1752 — July 5. Samuel Fench, young man, born in Goshen, to Lena Bosenkranz, widow of Cornelis Kortrecht, both dwell- ing in Mechackemech, married the 26th ditto. 1752 — August 9. Johannes Osterhout, young man, born at Rochester and dwelling there, to Jannetje Swartwout, young woman, born at Machackemech, and dwelling there, married the — September, by Johannes Westbroeck, Justice of the Peace. 1752 — December 17. Petrus Kuykendal, young man, born at Machackemeck and dwelling there, to Catharina Kittel, young woman, born at Wawarsinck and dwelling at Menissink, married the 12th of January, 1753. 1752 — October 28. Samuel van Vliet, young man, to Tjaetje Cole, young woman, both born at Machackemech and both dwelling there, married the 26th of November. 1752 — November 12. Daniel van Vliet, young man, to Sara Codebek, young woman, both born at Machackemech and both dwelling there, married the 8th of December. 1752 — December 16. Jan Middagh, young man, born at Auk- wagkonk, to Elisabeth Kortrecht, young woman, born at Machackemech and both dwelling there, married the 12th of January, 1753. 1752 — December 31. Jacobus Gunsales, young man, born at Mammekatting and dwelling there, to Sara Westbroeck, young woman, born at Namenack, and dwelling there, mar- ried the 28th of January, 1753. 1753 — March 4. Cornelis Westfael, young man, born at Machacke- mech and dwelling there, to Grietje Decker, young woman, born at Menissinck and living there, married the 6th of April. 1753 — May 27. Cornelis Middagh, young man, born at Roch- ester and dwelling in Upper Smithsfield, to Elisabeth Bun- schoten, young woman, born in Kingstown and dwelling at Menissinck, married the 15th of June. 1753 — June 24. Jacobus Devoor, widower of Evje Dingenman, to Lisabeth Prys, young woman, born in N. Engellant and both dwelling at Palingskill, married the sth of July. 1753 — July 15. Francis McGee, young man, born in Irelant, to Cathrina Quick, young woman, born at Metshippekonk and both dwelling in Upper Smithsfield, married the loth of August. 1753 — July 8. Joseph Bacor, young man, born in Trentown, to Sara M'Carty, young woman, born in Bucks County, and both dwelling in Lower Sraithfield, married the 31st ditto. 1753 — July 22. James Risla, young man, born in N. Jersey, to Cathrina Hooghteeling, born at Rochester and both dwelling at Menissink, married the 26th of August. 1753 — August 5. Jeremias Bacorn, young man, born in Phil- ipsburrough and dwelling in Lower Smithsfield, to Margriet Middagh, young woman, born at Memmekatting and dwelling at Menissink. 270 1753 — November ii. Daniel van Aken, young man, born at Machackemech and dwelling there, to Lea Kittel, young wo- man, born at Wawarsink and dwelling at Menissink, married the 15th of December. 1753 — December 2. Jeremias Kittel, young man, born at Horli, to Lea Davis, young woman, born at Menissinck and both dwelling there, married the 4th of January, 1754. 1753 — December 16. Johannes van Aken, yonng man, born at Nepenack and dwelling at Upper Smithsfield, to Maria van Garden, young woman, born at Shippehonk and dwelling among Menissink, married the i8th of January, 1754. 1754 — February 17th. Thomas Wells, young man, born in Phila- delphia and dwelling at Menissink, to Elisabeth Dewitt, young woman, born at Rochester and dwelling in Upper Smithsfield, married the 14th of March. 1754 — March 31. Petrus Kortrecht, young man, born at Name- nak, to Maria Westfael, young woman, born at Teeshact and both dwelling at Menissink, married the 19th of April. 1754 — June 2. Mattheus Brink, young man, to Sara Terwilge, young woman, both born at Shippekonk and dwelling there, married the 28th of June. 1754— June 2. James Everingame, young man, born in Cros- wicks and dwelling at Shippekonk, to Anna Quick, young woman, born at Shippekonk and dwellingin Upper Smithsfield. 1754 — July 14th. Cornelis Brink, young man, to Lisabeth van Garden, young woman, both born at Shippekonk and both dwelling there, married the 9th of August. 1754 — July 14. William Vredenburgh von Garden, young man, born in Upper Smithsfield, to Jenneke Terwilge, young woman, born at Rochester and both dwelling at Shippekonk, married the 9th of August. 1754 — July 14. William Custard, young man, born in Phila- delphia County, to Sara Swartwout, young woman, born in Upper Smithsfield and both dwelling there, married the 5th of August. 1754 — August 4. Abram Kittel, young man, born at Wawarsink, to Christina Westfael, young woman, born at Menissink and both dwelling there, married the 30th ditto. 1754 — August 25. Petrus Westfael, young man, born at Mac- hackemech and dwelling there, to Arriaentje Rosenkranz, young woman, born at Teeshachtee and dwelling there. 1754 — September 15. Mattheus Terwilligen, young man, born on the Walkill, to Lisabeth Latier, young woman, born at Smithsfield, and both dwelling at Shippekonk, married the 24th of October. 1754 — September 29. Juriaen Westfael, young man, born at Machackemech, to Terwilligen, young woman, born on the Walkill, and both dwelling at Machackemech, married the 25th of October. 1754 — October 13. Ezeckiel Decker, young man, born in Smiths- field, to Johanna van Tilburgh, young woman, born in New 271 Hanover, and both dwelling at Walpeck, married the 8th of November. 1754 — October 13. Isaac Van Aken, young man, born at Wa war- sink, to Margriet Hoornbeeck, young woman, born at Machackemech, and both dwelling at Shippekonk, married the 22d of November. 1754 — December 22. James Perry, young man, born in Wallis (Wales), to Sara Conley, born in Yerlant (Ireland), and both dwelling at Shippekonk, married the 15th of January, 1755. 1755 — January 26. Alexander Ivory, widower of Marya Cole, to Jenneke Decker, born at Menissink and both dwelling at Walpeck, married the 21st of February. 1755 — February i6th. Johannes Bevier, young man, born at Nepenack and dwelling there, to Anna Juliana Decker, young woman, born at Shippekonk and dwelling there. [This closes the marriage record in the handwriting of Rev. Mr. Fryenmoet. The number was 86.] Marriages by Anthony Van Etten, J. P. 756 — December 9. Salomon Kortregt, young man, born at Mag- gemeken, and dwelling there, to Cueliya Cool, young wo- man, born there. 756 — December 4. Daniel Decker, born at Maggemek and dwelling there, to Blandina Vredenburg, young woman, born in Penselvene, and dwelling at Sekepko. 757 — January 9. Josep Wesbroek, w. e. m., born at Wawasink, to Debra Krom, young woman, born at Sindeyaequan, and both residing at Manissink. 757 — January 22. Robbert Simon, young man, born in Pensel- vene, to Leya Meddag, young woman, born at Memekaten, and both dwelling at Cindeyaequan. 757 — January 22. Willim Macklinnin, young man, born in Irlant, to Sara Van Aken, young woman, born in Penslvene, and both dwelling at Maggagmeck, 757 — January 22. Byrn Hemmel, young man, born in Irlant, to Blandina Van Aken, young woman, born at Maghagmek, and both dwelling there. 757 — January i. Jacob Helm, young man, born at Wawasink, to Helena Van Etten, young woman, born at Manissink, and both dwelling at Manissink. 757 — March 7. Johannis Decker, w. m., born at Mombackus, to Debora Van Vliet, young woman, born at Maggemek, and both dwelling there. 757 — April 16. Benjamen Van Vliet, young man, born at Pin- pek, to Johanna Wesval, young woman, born at Sidneyaequan, and both dwelling there. 757 — May 19. Jan Van Vliet, w. m,, born at Mormel, to Leya Decker, w. v., born at Sidneyaequan, and both dwelling there. 757 — July 3. Daniel Cooper, w. m., and Janneke Wesbroek, w. v., married by me with a license from his excellency, Jon- athan Belcher, Esqr. 2/2 1757 — J^P®. 17- Anthony Wesbroek, jr., young man, born at Manissink, to Schusanna Kettel, young woman, born at Wa- wasink, and both dwelling at Manissink, married August 5th. 1757 — July 23. John Lyde, young man, born in Penselvene, to Arriyantie Rosekrans, w. d, v., born at'Tyscbag, and both dwelling there, married August 19. 1757 — July 16. Johannis Wesval, widower of Ploni Cortregt, to Marigrita Queck, widow of Johannis Van Gardn, both born at Manissink, and dwelling there, married September 2d. 1757 — August 6. Helmus Vredenburgh, young man, born at Cepksbrrie to Elisabet Van Garden, young woman, born at Schibbeconk and both dwelling there, married September 16. 1757 — August 20. Joseyas Cool, young man, born at Maghagke- meck, to Marrigrit Mollen, young woman, born at Maghag- kemeck, and both dwelling there, married September 23. 1758 — March 4. Johannis Cool, w. ra., born at Maghagkemek, to Helena Queck, w. v., born at Rosvesten and dwelling at Tyc- bag, married March 31. 1758 — March 12. Gorgh More, young man, born in Irlant, to Helena Rosekrans, widow, born at Schebekom, and both dwelling at Maghagkemeck, married April 3. 1758 — February 29. Elisa Middag, young man, born at Wesyes- ter, to Maryte Cimber, widow, born on Lang Eyland, and both dwelling at Maghgemek, and married May i. 1758 — April 29. Martynus Kuykendal, young man, born at Mag- gemek, to Catrinte Kool, young woman, born at Maghemek, both dwelling there, married June 2. 1758 — July 6. Dirck Van Etten, young man, born at Namenock, to Rusye Westvael, born at Pekeepsingh, and both dwelling here, married August 11. 1758 — July 8. Jacob Figels, young man, born in Hoge Duyst Lant, to Bebte Dawets, young woman, born in Upper Smith- fild, and both dwelling at Maggehemek, married July 28. 1759 — February 2. Abraham Cuddebeck, young man, born at Pinpeck, to Hester Gumar, young woman, born there, and both dwelling there, married March 9th, 1759 — January 5. Jacobus Van Aken, young man, born at Tysc- bag, to Elisabet Bunscoten, widow, and both dwelling there, married February 10. 1759 — February 28. Jacob I. Dewit, young man, born in Niew Engelant, to Leya Kortregt, young woman, born at Magghe- meck, and both dwelling there, married March 30. 1759 — January 26. Huged Sorrad, young man, to Enne Quek, widow, married January 2. 1759 — May 20. James Patran, young man, to Elizabet Wesbroek, young woman, married May 20. 1759 — June 2. John Dawets, w. e. m., born in the Raretans, to Elonara Wesval, w. e. v., born at Maggemek, and married July 20. 1759 — August 19. Hermanns Van Enwegen, young man, born at Pinpek, to Marrigrita Kool, young woman, born at Magge- mek, married the 21st. 273 [The record of the above marriages is in the handwriting of Anthony Van Etten, Justice of the Peace (Vredrichter). The names of persons and places are given as spelled by him. J Marriages by Rev. Thomas Romeyn. 1762 — November 19. Abram Cool, young man, born in North- ampton, and dwelling at Wantage, to Henetje Dekker, young woman, born and residing at Wantage. 1762 — November 30. Johannis Cortregt, young man, born and dwelling at Naamanack, to Susanna Kittel, widow of Antony Westbroek, also born and dwelling there. 1763 — January 2. Benjamin Van Vliet, widower, married to Grietje Dekker, widow. 1763 — January 13. Jacob van Etten and Jannetje Low were married. 1763 — April 30. Alexander Poole and Divertje Dekker, widow, were married. 1763 — May 29. Jacobus van de Merken and Catrina Schoon- hoven. June 26. Tuines Sluiter and Sytje Terwilligen. August 22. Alexander van Gerder to Lydia Kermer. 1764 — December 7, Petrus Hoogtaling and Sarah Westvaal. December 14. Leendert Brink to Rachel Cortregt. 1765 — January 17. Abram Laan and Lena van Campen. January 17. Jacob Dekker and Grietje Tilberg. February 19. Hendrick Bross and Catrina Cool. October, Josua Taylor and Hester . 1766 — October. These in the marriage state were confirmed: Gedevie Middag, son of Aert Middag, to Garretje Cort- regt, daughter of William Cortregt. Nov. 30, These in the marriage state were confirmed: Joseph Hoornbeck, son of Evert Hoornbeck, and Blan- dina Westbroek, daughter of Jacob Westbroek. Dec. 10. Is in the marriage state confirmed: Johannis Westbroek, son of Jonannis Westbroek, to En- geltje Davids, young woman. 1766 — Dec. 18. Is in the marriage state entered: Jacobus Hoornbeck, young man, to Grietje Ennes, young woman. December 26. Is in the marriage state entered: David Ennes to Gentje (?) Hoornbeck. List of names of those who were married by me in the year 1767: Oct. 8. Is by me married after last publication: Jan ver Wye to Mary Shinny, daughter of Luvonia Shinny. Oct. 15. Is by married after last publication: Josias W. Cortregt to Cornelia Cool, widow of Johannis Van Gordon. Oct. 19. Is by me married, Luvonia Shinny, junior, after last publication, to Mary Cool, daughter of Cobus Cool. 1768 — Aug. 12. Is married, Stuff el Dekker to Maria McCarty, after last publication. Dec. 2. Is married, Joseph Drake to Maragriet Hoogteling. 2/4 1768 — Nov. I. Thomas Welsh, young man, married to Gonda Krom, daughter of Rebeca Krom. Nov. 7. Abram Johson, young man, to Elizabeth Devoir, young woman. Nov. 9. Daniel Van Campen to Maria Dekker, daughter of Johannis Dekker. Dec. 7. Joseph Drake to Maria Hoogtaling. Dec. 27. Salomon Dekker, jun., to Mary Thomas. 1769 — Jan. 3. Cornells Dekker to Grietje Brink. Jan. 8. Jurian Hoogtaling to a daughter of Abram Mid- dag. Jan. 18. Johannis B. Westbroek to Lydia Horenbeek. Feb. 13. Charles Fleming to Christina Chambers. April 13. Elias Gomaer to Grietje De Pui, daughter of Benjamin De Pui. April 20. Samuel Williams to Lydia Cortregt, daughter of Arie Cortregt. July. John W. Wye to Mary Ennes. August. Benjamin Ennis to Lena Van Etten. 1770 — Feb. E. Rundle, widower, to Rebacca Fakes. March. Nicolaas De Pui to Elsje Van Campen. February. Johannis Chambers to Hanna Clover. April 9. Samuel Van Garden to Jenneke Swartwout. Dec. 29. Is married, Salomon Dekker, junior, to Mary Thomas. 1770 — April 19. Is married, Jacobus Roosekrans to Maria Hoornbeck. April 20. Is married, Derik Westbroek to Mary Wilson. April 22. Is married, John Curren to Jimentje Hoornbeck. May 8. Is married, Lodewyck H to Hester van Gordon. May 12. Is married. Jacobus Swartwout to Jenneke Davids. June 22. Is married, Joseph Ennes to Grietje van Etten, June 27. Is married, Ezechiel Gomaar to Naomi Low. August 26. Is married, Daniel Middag to Maria Bun- schoten. Nov. 29. Is married, Samuel de Pui, young man, to Anna Swartwout, young woman. Marriages by Rev. D. Romeyn. 1771 — Nov. 30. Johannes Rosenkrants, young man, born in Magagkamek, to Maria Rosa, young woman, born at Mini- sink, and both residing there. Nov. 30. William Bemer, young man, born in Germany, to Elizabeth Cool, young woman, born at Shepenagh, and both dwelling in Upper Smithfield. Dec. I. Joel Dekker, young man, born in Wantage, to Jenneke Cortregt, young woman, born in Mountague, and both dwelling there. Dec. I. Daniel Dekker, young man, born in Delaware township, to Rachel Williams, young woman, born in the same place and both residing there. 275 Marriages by Salomon Coykendal, J. P. 177 1 — May I. Salomon Coykendal, junior, and Maria Wesbroek. 1775 — June I. Joseph Sawas and Eliesabeth Kortrecht. June I. Samuel Quick and Jenneke Kortrecht. August 31. Jacobus Quick, jun., and Johanna Peltin. 1776 — May 16. Jacobus Decker and Asseltie Vanaken. Sept. 12. Joseph Job and Aeltie Wesbroek. Oct. 27. Levy Decker and Eliesabeth Decker. Oct. 28. Andries Dingeman and Catrine Cole. Nov. 8. Gerret Brink and Catryntie Kortrecht. Nov. 8, Benjamin Rashel and Geertie Dason. 1784 — July 9. Proclamation of Joseph van Noey to Marey Cainlen. Marriages by Rev. E. Van Bunschooten. On proclamation the following persons were married by Ellas Van Bunschooten, V. D. M., beginning July 9th, 1785: 1785 — Sept. 25. William Gige and Lea Davis. Oct. 27. Benjamin Rosekrans aud Hannah Travis. Nov. 7. Jacob Quick and Rachel Wood. Nov. 15. Moses Cuambers and Rhoda Riggs. Nov. 24. Gedeon Cortreght and Rachel Decker. Dec. 21. Daniel Westfaal and Maria Westbroeck. 1786 — March 14. Petrus Gemaar and Majery Decker. March 19. Thomas Brink and Sarah Bartron. March 19. Daniel Lebar and Elizabeth Chambers. March 23. Daniel Swartwout and Cathrina van Aken. April 6. James Westfall and Caty van Campen. April 6. George Bush and Mary van Campen. April 27. Gedion van Etten and Nelly Deshea. May 7. James Westbrook and Geertie Brink. May 7, Soferyne Westbrook and Blandina Westbroek. May 14. Josias Cooll and Rosina Westfall. May 17. William Cuddeback and Annatje Van Emwegen. May 21. David Litch and Mary Decker. May 31. Daniel V.Garden and Maragrieta Middag. June I. Matthew Clarck, Anny V. Dyck. Sept. 14. David Van Garden, Mary Emmans. Aug. 23. Valentine Davids, Sarah Hofman. Oct. 24. Jacob Wymant, Eleanor Delong. Nov. 13. Peter Dingman, Gusche Stoffelbeen. Dec. 6. Samuel Seeley, Abigail Wynans. Dec. 13. Robert Sylsbee, Abigail Niemen. 1787 — Jan. 10. George Quick, Catrina Meddag. Feb. 8. John Decker, Cattrina Cortreck. Feb. II. Jonathan Van Garden, Ledea Van Sickel. Jan. 29. Jacob Decker, Maria Terwelliger. March 11. Moses Brinck, Anny Cortrecht. March 19. Joannes Neerpas, Sarah Squrrel.* * The proper name of Squirrel in Low Dutch is Inkhorn, The banns were published under the latter name. 276 1788- 13- , 27. 29. I, 22. 24. 1787 — March 19. Casparus Middag, Lidea Shipperd. April 9. Benjamin Carpenter, Margaret Decker. Henry Westfal, Margret Brinck. Syrnon Westfal, jun., Syntie Cuddebeck. Valentine Smith, Helena Depuy. David Dills, Rachel Broadhead. Jacob Krass, Anna Depuy. Joseph Swartvvood, Nelly Schoonhoven. Matthew Winans, Mary Van Garden, Benjamin Depuy, jun., Ariaantie Van Aken. Alexander Swartwout, Caty Schoonmaker. Bill Cortrecht, Cattrina Helm. Jacob Decker, jun., Tempy Marth, Cornelius Depuy, Susanna Chambers. Henry Quick, Sarah Quick. Elisha Decker, Sarah Carmer. Verdenant Van Etten, Sarah Westbrook. Jacobus Kuikendal. Philip McCarty, Policy Van Demerck. Petrus Swartwout, Jannite Westfaal. Henry Poh, Jemima Halbart. Jacob Arneld, Anne Mullen. Chareck Rosekrans, Sara Cortrecht. Solomon Rosekrans, Cattrina Van Garden. Calvin Clark, Polly Barker. David Van Emwegen, Rachel Van Aken. Thomas Van Etten, Elizabeth Ennes. John Coolbaugh, Susannah Van Campen. Gedeon Cole, Maria Van Etten. Samuel Quick, Maria Dinnis. William Barnet, Elizabeth Nyce, Joseph Cortrecht, Elizabeth Sly. David Westfal, Jacamyntic Cuddeback. Manuel Van Etten, Maria Shimer. Benjamin Decker, Rachel Cortright. John Brooks, Bethiah Goodspeed. John Clarke, Elizabeth Smith. Broer Decker, Mary Van Campen. Gysbert Carmer, Peggy Decker. Samuel Westfall, Anny Lane, Martinus Kuikendal, Antie Cole. Jacobus Van Aken, Cattrina Westbrook. Jacob Myers, Sarah Cortright. Nathanael Van Aken, Maria Westbrook, Jacobus Van Vliet, Maria Westbrook, widow of Salomon Kuikendal, Jun. June 16, John Van Aken, Grietie Westfall. Cornelius West: Cole, Annatie Geemaar. Alexander Sutherland, Sarah Schoonhoven. Stephen Munroo, Phebe Cortright. Abraham Swartwout. Geo, Sprigal, Sofya Lebar. Mays. May 29. May 29, May 31, May 31, June 5, July 3- July 15- July 23. Aug. 2. Sept. II Oct. 23, Oct. Dec Oct. -Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 23." March 2. May 12. June i^. June 22. July 17. Sept. 14. Sept. 21. Sept. 25, Oct, 6, Nov, 3, Oct. 10. Nov Nov Dec, Dec. 18, 1789 — Jan, 27. Feb. I, Feb, 8. Feb. 16. Feb. 19. Mar. 5. Mar. 18, June 15 July 14. Nov. I. Dec. 21. Dec. 24. Feb. 16. 9. 23- 16, 277 1789 — Feb. 28. Petrus Decker, Selitee Decker. July 26. Abraham Westbrook, Jannitee Van Aken. 1790 — Mar. 31. Levi Cortrecht, Sarah Decker. May 24. George Luths, Mary Evvens. June 5. Benjamin Westbrook, Lena Ennes. Sept. 7. Joseph Rosekrans, Jamima Emmes. Sept. 16. William Edwards, Caty Wells. Sept. 13. Daniel Kittle, Cattrina Crow. Oct. II. Benjamin Decker, Maria Cole. Oct, 24. James Campbel, Margaret Stewart. Oct. 28. Cornelius Tailor, Caty Brinck. Nov. 20. Richard Decker, Caty Brinck. Dec. 19. Thomas Caskey, Lidia Hopkins. Dec. 19. Cornelius Meddag, Jane Westbrook. Dec. 28. Samuel Gonsalis, Heyltie Dewitt. Dec. 30. Luther Clark, Susannah Ross. Dec. 16. Nathanael Meed, Mary Burrell. 1 791 — Jan. 10. Elias Kuykendall, Elizabeth Gumaar. Jan. 13. Mosis Van Campen, Ann Riggs. Jan. 20. Benjamen Nearpass, Anny Lott. Jan. 30. William Kuykendal, Elizabeth Westbrook. Feb. 7. David Van Emwegen, Antie Swartwouwt. Feb. 17. Martynus Cole, Lena Rosekrans. M^y 15- Jacob Swartwout, Cattrina Van Etten. May 19. Charles Dutcher, Margaret Cortrecht. Aug. 5. Manuel Westfal, Helenah Decker. Aug. 7. Benjamin Depuy, Maria Depuy. Sept. II. William Mapes, Cathrina Decker. Sept. 5, Abraham Van Aken, Elizabeth Davids. Nov. 16. Derick Sutfin, Caty Van Dick. Dec. 7. Even Bevans, Caty Carmer. Dec. 8. Abraham Carmer, Sarah Carter. Dec. 19. Ruben Westfal, Tyatie Cuikendal. Dec. 2. John Decker, Sarah Lamberd. Dec. 22. Martin Van Dyck, Mary Beagal. Dec. 31. Matthias Clark. 1792 — Jan. I. John Curtis, Polly Munroe. Jan. I. Jacobus Bennet, Ledia Hornbeck. May 20. Peter Quick, Lucy Lane. May 21. Benjamin Gumaar, Maria Depuy. June 7. Joseas Titchsord, Mary Van Garden. Sept. 13. Jacobus Cole, Rachel Wells. Oct. 25. Wintfield, Bennet. Nov. 4. Nyse. Nov. 18. Daniel Van Aken, Jr., Sarah Van Vliet. Dec. 6. Abraham Decker, Maria Cortrecht. Dec. 6. James Van Demeck, Sarah Hoornbeck. Dec. 25. John Van Demerk, Jeny Annest Curtright. ^793 — Jan. 17. Daniel Vredenburg, Lena Hopkins. July 7. Peter Cuddeback, Elizabeth Helm. Aug. II. John Nice, Lena Westbrook. 278 1793 — Oct. 28. John Buckbee, Lena Beemer, widow of Peter Decker, deceased, Nov. 25. Evert Horenbeck, Jun., Jane Van Aken. 1794 — Feb. 27. John Louw, Rushe Van Demerck. March 3. Sephaniah Drake, Shans. Apr. 27. Daniel Cortrecht, Plomy Westfall. July 24. William Dutcher, Sarah Fuller, widow of William Cole. Oct. 9. Jacob Kunbell, Anny Ansley. Oct. 9. Powel Carpenter, Lucy Kellam. Oct. 26. Joshua Van Aken, Elizabeth Horenbeck. Nov. 16. Samuel Cortright, Anny Kyte. Dec. 18. Levi Meddag, Elshe Van Garden. 1795 — Jan. 4. Cornelius Cuddeback, Sarah Van Etten. Jan. 8. John Kyte, Lea Van Demerck. Jan. 18. Henry J. Brinck, Nealy Emmens. Jan. 15. Daniel Westbrook Dingman, Mary Westbrook. Feb. 5. Jacob Horenbeck, Lea Van Aken. March 8. Charles Tyler, Ezable Young. 1795 — March 8. Timothy Tyler, Rachel Meddag. May 22. Thaddeus Caperon, Ledia Ennes. Aug. 2. Moses Decker, Margaret Cuddeback. Sept. 13. Solomon Cuddeback, Margaret Yan Etten. Sept. 20. Jonathan Jones, Sebily, wife of John Mushback, dec'd. Dec. 15. John Middagh, Maria Decker. Dec. 20. Henry Van Etten, Maria Westfal. Dec. 17. David Clark, Ester Chambers. Dec. 23. Jacob Westbrook, Jenneca Decker. 1796 — Jan. 10. Jacob Quick, Leentie Van Garden. March 27. George Deusenbury, Cherity Flemen. Sept. 29. Sovereign Horenbeck, Annatie Decker. Oct. 6, Benjamin Vredenburgh, Mary Case. Dec. 25. Bastian Myers, Sarah Van Garden. Dec. Wilhelmus Ennes, Maria Ennis. 1797 — Jan. 17. Jacob Smith, Margaret Smith. Jan. 22. Joseph Cole, Lidea Middag. Jan. 22. Simeon Cole, Grietee Van Aken. July 28. Henry Wood, Cattrina Kittle, widow of Samuel C. Brink. •A^ug. 3. Josaphat Westbrook, Elizabeth Cortright. Aug. 26. John Van Vliet, Cattrina Westfall. [Continued from original record.] 1804 — Feb. 8. Gerardus Van Imwegen, Maria Demarest. April I. William Compton, Mary Depuy. May 6. Joel Schoonhoven, Mary Holden. June 20. Daniel G. Finch, Lydia Van Aken. Aug. 10. Marinus Chambers, Lydia Van Garden. Aug. 19. Peter Quick, Jr., Elizabeth Brink. Nov. 24. John Johnson, Phebe Cuykendal. Nov. 27. John Sammons, Sarah Decker. 279 i8o4 — Dec. 6. John Decker, Mary Siddales. 1805 — None. 1806 — Jan. 9. Richard Shiner, Ruth Ennes. May 25 — Lewis Lambert, Mary Cashey. June 5. John Middagh, widower, Mary Decker, widow. July 9. John Faulke, Margaret Heiner, wid. of George Stahl. By me John Demarest, V. D. M. 1807 — Aug. 16. Alexander Westbrook, Sarah Cole. Confirmed by me, Rynier Van Nest. 1808 — June 16. Lewis Allen, Sarah Bugsbee. By me, J. Demarest, V. D. M. 181 7 — May 17. Cornelius Hornbeck, Rachel Vannoy. By Rev. E. C. Elting, in Montague, Sussex Co., New Jersey. July 26. Wilhelmus Westfall, Marjery Cole. In Minisink, Orange Co. Aug. 9. Anthony Van Etten, Jane Cuykendall. In Mini- sink. Nov. 24. Isaac Van Standen, Catharine Ranette, widow. In Montague, Sussex County. 1818 — April 4. Aldert Stearns, Elizabeth Quick. In Montague, Sussex Co. Dec. 19. Samuel Swartwout, Jemima Whitlock. Married in Minnisink. 1819 — Jan. 21. William Campbell, Hannah Johnson, colored. May I. Nicholas Vannoy, Sarah Bennet. Montague, Sussex Co., N. J. June 12. Joseph Neely, Catharine Vredenburgh. Mon- tague, Sussex Co., N. J. June 19 — Jacob Vredenburgh, Catharine Van Auken. Montague, Sussex Co., N. J. Sept. 25. David Vannoy, Lenah Van Auken. Montague, Sussex Co., N. J. Oct. 30. Simeon Westfall, Sarah Cuddeback. Dec. 4. William Vannoy, Esther Westfall. Married in Upper Smithfield, Pike Co., Penn. 1820 — Jan. I. James C. Decker, Rachel Van Strander, Minnisink. Feb. 2. Stroud J. Hollingshead, Jannet Labar. May 6. John W. Middagh, Sally Van Auken. Upper Smithfield, Pike Co., Penn. June 17. Jacob Cuykendall, Margaret Decker. In Minni- sink. July I. James S. Vanfleet, Mary Vredenburgh. Mon- tague, Sussex Co., N. J. July 8. Benjamin A. Westbrook, Mary Nearpass, Mon- tague, Sussex Co., N. J. July 8. Johannes Decker, Eleanor Quick. Minnisink, Sept. 16. Samuel Van Auken, Hannah Vannoy, Mon- tague. Sept. 16. David Swartwout, Synche Cuddeback. Peen- pack. Dec. 30. Peter Westbrook, Eltsie Westbrook. At Basher Kill, N. Y., by C. C, Elting. 28o 182 1 — Jan. 13. Garret Van Auken, Nancy Butter (or Butler). At Sheholy, Penn. Jan. 25, James Van Auken, Jane Vannoy. Montague, Sussex Co. April 14. Jeremiah Gumar, Charlotte Cuddeback, at Peenpack, Orange Co., by C. C. Elting. June 16. Frederick Westfall, Margaret Cuddeback, Peen- pack. June 17. Thomas Vanfleet, Margaret Cuddeback, Peen- pack. Aug. II. Daniel Hilferty, Catharine Westfall, Minisink. Oct. 20. Isaiah Decker, Jr., Eltse Vredenburgh, Mon- tague, Sussex Co., N. J. Nov. 17. Isaiah Decker, Hannah Vradenburgh, Montague, Sussex Co., N. J. Nov. 24. John Van Strander, Hannah Carpenter, Mini- sink. Dec. I. Abraham Ackerman, Leah Cuykendall, Minisink. Dec. 8. James Dilly, Margaret Vanimwegen, Peenpeck. 1822 — Aug. 10. Benjamin Cole Van Auken, Elizabeth Vreden- burgh. Montague. 1823 — Feb. 22. John Adam Morrison, Catharine Nyce, Mon- tague. June 7. Edward Dilly, Hylah Decker. Minisink. June 14. James Cuddeback, Jemima Cuddeback, Peen- pack. Dec. 3. Jacob C. Wilson, Parmelia Patterson. 1824 — Feb. 21. Thomas H. Johson, Marjery Case. Basher Kill. March 20. James Horton, Marjery Cuykendale. At Min- nisink. July 10. Jacob Westfall, Mary Westfall. Montague, Sus- sex Co. Aug. 7. Henry Scott, Anna Doxy. Minisink. Sept. 8. James S. Phillips, Mary Amanda Wallace. Mini- sink. Sept. I. William Doxy, Clary Schoonhoven. Minisink. Sept. 8. John H. Broadhead, Louisa Ann Ross. Sept. 25. Pompey Swartwout, Anna Gumaer. Minisink. Dec. 4. Samuel B. Smith, Hilah Caskey. Minisink. 1825 — Jan. 4. George T. Lambert, Julia Reed. Minisink. May 14. Lewis White, Elizabeth Middaugh. Deerpark. May 14. Henry Little, Jane McDonald. Deerpark. May 30. George Cop, Rachel Kittle. Montague. July 16. Levi Cuddeback, Maria Van Imwegen. Deer- park. Oct. 15. Philip Holden, Huldah Westfall. Oct. 27. Charles Sidgrieves, Jane Depue. 28l Church Members — 1745-67. [Copied from a pamphlet by Rev. J. B. Ten Eyck, printed in 1877.] The following is the record of members of the Churches of Machackemeck and Mennisinck under the ministrations of Revs. J. C. Fryenmuth and Thomas Romien: Register of Church members who from time to time by con- fession and by the exhibition of sufficient credentials were re- ceived as brothers and sisters in the Church.* 1745 — April II. These upon representation of satisfactory certificates in presence of Jan Van Vliet and Johannes West- broeck, elders, were received: Madlena Decker, Antjen Rosa, wife of Johannes Westbroeck. The following were received upon a confession of faith in the presence of the above named elders: Hendrick Kortrecht and his wife Gerretje van Bunschoten, Derrick Westbroeck and his wife Jenneke van Keuren, Jacob van Etten and his wife Antjen Westbroeck, Cornelis Westbroeck and his wife Antjen Rosa, Jan van Etten, Willem Kortrecht, Magdalena van Etten wife of J. C. Fryenmuth, Benjamin West- broeck, Cornelis van Etten, Johannes Cornelis Westbroeck, Cor- nelis Westbroeck, jun., Antony van Etten, Catharina Westbroeck, Heltje Westbroeck, Maria Westbroeck, Jannetje van Etten. 1745 — April 12. In the presence of ihe reverend Consistory of Menissinck, having beforehand laid aside the Roman Catholic religion (Roomsch Catholycke Religie), on satisfactory confes- sion of our Christian Reformed faith as a member of our Re- formed Church is received Hermanns van Nimwegen. April 14. In the presence of the same Consistory and Pieter van Aken, elder of Walpeck, upon the exhibition of satisfactory certificates as members of our Church were received: Hermanns Decker and his wife Antje Keyser. June 19. In the presence of Hendrick Kortrecht and Dirk Westbroeck, elders of Menissinck, upon confession of faith and life, as members o f our Low Dutch Reformed Church, the fol- lowing persons were received: William Ennes and his wife Lisabeth Quick, Johannes West- fael and his wife, Apollonia Kortrecht, Arie Kortrecht, Aeria- entje van Etten wife of Aert Middagh, Maritje Westfael wife of ian van Etten, Rachel De Witt wife of Isaac van Aken, Dievertje laul wife of Andries Decker. June 23. Upon the representation of satisfactory certificates, in presence of Niclas Du Puy, elder of the Church of Smithsfield, as a member of the above named Church was received Christina Rosenkranz wife of Cornelis Kortrecht. Sept. 19. In the presence of Hendrick Kortrecht and Dirk Westbroeck, reverend elders of Menissinck, upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, as members of the above mentioned Church were received: * Register van Ledematen, die van tyt tot tyt door belydenisse & ver- tooninge van genoeghsame getuyghschriften als Broeders & Susters in dese Gemeentens zyn aengenomen. 282 Margriet Jansen wife of Willem Kortrecht, Annatje van Aken wife of Benjamin Westfael, Naemi Kuttebeck, Margriet Westfael. As also upon the presentation of a satisfactory certificate Sara Schammers wife of Abram Kermer. Sept. 20. These in presence of William Cole, reverend elder of Machackemech, upon confession of faith and life, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church were received: David Cole and his wife, Alleonora Westfael, Jacob Westfael. Dec. 20. In the presence of Dirk Westbroeck elder, and Cor- nelis Westbroeck, deacon, of Menissinck, on representation of a satisfactory certificate, as member of our Low Dutch Re- formed Church, was received Aeltjen van Etten wife of Antony Westbroeck. 1746 — March 27. These in presence of the respected elders of Menissinck on satisfactory confession of faith and life were re- ceived as members of our Reformed Low Dutch Church : Antony Westbroeck, Johannes Westbroeck, Maritje Westfael. Sept. 18. These in presence of Jacob Westfael, respected el- der of Machackemech, upon sufficient confession of faith and life, were received as members of our Reformed Low Dutch Church: Thomas Decker and his wife Jenneke van Nimwegen, Jaco- bus Rosenkranz, Antje Quick, Beeletje Quick, Maria Koddebeck. As also upon representation of a satisfactory certificate to the respected Consistory is received Pieter Lammertse Brinck. 1747 — April 16. These in presence of Jacob Westfael and Dirk Westbroeck, elders of Machackemech and Menissinck, upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, to our Reformed Church were received: Johannes Westbroeck, jun., and his wife Lena Westbroeck, Jacobus Swartwout, Pieter Gemar, Mattheus Brinck. Sept. 10. These in presence of David Cole, elder of Machac- kemech, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church, upon satisfactory confession of faith and conversation, were received the following: Johannes Decker and his wife, Lisabeth de Witt, Tjaetje de Witt, Femmetje Decker, Salomon Kuykendal. 1748 — April 7. These in presence of the respected elders of Menissinck as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church up- on satisfactory confession of faith and life, were received: Andries Decker, Jacobina Bernhardin. October 16. These in presence of the respected elders of Machackemech upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church were received: Gerardus van Nimwegen and his wife Jannetje de Witt, Antje Westbroeck wife of Jacobus Swartwood, Jesyntje Swartwood wife of Jan van Vliet. As also in presence of the same elders upon certificate were received, October 19: Jan Alderse Rosa and his wife Catharina van Etten. 283 1749 — Sept. 21. In the presence of the reverend elders of Machackemech upon satisfactory confession of faith and conver- sation as a member of our, according to God's word, Reformed Church, was received Willem Cole. 1750 — April 12. These in presence of the reverend elders of Machackemech, upon satisfactory confession of life and doctrine, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church, were received: Rachel van Etten wife of Dirk Kittel, Catharina Kittel. October 11. These in presence of the reverend elders of Machackemech, upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church, were received: Benjamin Depuy and his wife Lisabeth Swartwout, Philip Swartwout and his wife Antje Wynkoop, Lisabeth Gemaer wife of Samuel Swartwout, Lisabeth Westfael, wife of Cornelis Westfael, Annatje Decker wife of Antonie van Etten, Johanna Westfael. 1 75 1 — April 4. Upon satisfactory confession of faith and con- versation, in the presence of Jacob van Etten, reverend elder of Menissinck, as a member of our, according to God's word. Reformed Church, was received Daniel Cole. November 16. These upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, in the presence of Jacob Westfael, elder of Machacke- mech, were received as members of our Church: Jacobus Middagh and his wife Sara Decker, Debora Schoon- hoven wife of Joris Davis. 1752 — March 26. In the presence of Jacob van Etten, elder, on satisfactory confession of faith, as a member of our Church was received Alidagh Middagh. October 20. These in the presence of Johannes Westbroeck, elder of Machackemech, upon satisfactory confession of faith and life, as members of our Reformed Church were received: Josias Cole and his wife Marya Kimmel, Lea Decker widow of Salomon Davis, Jaetje Cole. 1753 — August 30. These in presence of Thomas Decker, elder of Machackemech, upon satisfactory confession of faith and con- versation, as members of our Reformed Church were received: Arriaentje Oosterhout wife of Herman Rosenkranz, Sara Cole wife of Salomon Kuyckendal. 1754 — April II. In the presence of the reverend elders of Menis: upon confession was received Sara van Etten. 1755 — March 27. These in presence of Thomas Decker and iohannes Westfael, respective elders of Machackemech and lenissink, as members of our Low Dutch Reformed Church, re- ceived in confession: Arie Vredenburg and his wife Sara Rosenkranz, Symon Westfael and his wife Jannetje Westbroeck, Daniel Gonsales and his wife Lisabeth van Vliet, Jacobus Gonsales and his wife Sara Westbrock, Joseph Westbroeck and his wife Lisabeth Kuykendal, Abram van Aken, Pieter Kuykendal, Joris Davis, Jacobus Westbroeck. 284 March 29. Also upon confession in presence of Thomas Decker respected elder of Machhackemech, is received Hester Swartwout wife of Abram Kodebek. [This closes the record of members in Mr. Fryenmuth's hand- writing.] These by me (T. Romien) are received as members: 1762 — April 9. In presence of William Ennes, elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, were received on confession: Hendrick Williamse Cortregt, Derick Romien, Susanna Ro- mien, born van Campen, wife of Do. Romien. Sept. 26. These in presence of Arie Vredenburgh and Philip Swartwout, elders, by confession were received: Abram Cornelis van Aken, Hermanns van Nimwegen and Margrieta his wife, Catrina widow of Martinus Kuikendal. 1764 — April 18. These by satisfactory confession to the Church of Namanach, were received in presence of Johannis Westvael, elder: Gysbert Van Gorden and his wife Maria van Gorden, Debora Westbroek wife of Joseph Westbroek. August 15. These in presence of Arie Vredenburg and Syman Westvaal, elders of Machagkemech, as members of the Low Reformed Dutch Church, were received on confession: Maragrites van Vliet wife of Benjamin van Vliet, Catrina van Aaken widow of Dirk Roosekrans, Lea van Aaken wife of Daniel van Aaken. Also upon presentation of satisfactory certificates as members of the Low Dutch Reformed Church, were received: Jacob Rutscher Dewit, Annetje Westbroek widow of Major Jacobus Swartwout. By satisfactory confession of faith these are received in pres- ence of Jacob Westvaal and Hermanns van Nimwegen, elders of Machagemek, January 17, 1767: Ephraim Middag, Helmus Cool, Lea Cool wife of Helmus Cool. Record of the members received by me in the year 1767: 1767 — September. These upon satisfactory confession of the godly truth, in presence of William Ennes and Hendrick Cortregt, respective elders of Naamnach, were received: Maragrita Westvaal wife of Johannis Westvaal, Josias W. Cortregt and Susanna W. Cortregt son and daughter of William Cortregt, Jurian Westvaal son of Johannis Westvaal, Maria Westvaal wife of Daniel Westvaal. [This closes Mr. Romien's record.] [Continued from original record.] 1785 — Dec. 10. James D. Westbrook and wife Maria Brinck, Samuel Westbrook and wife Catrina Vredenburg, Salomon Lane, Marareitee Berkelo wife of Johannes Van Etten, Maria Berthron wife of Benjamin Fisher. 1786 — Feb. II. Abraham Dutcher, Elizabeth Cole wife of William Beemer, May 6. John Van Etten, Benjamin Fisher, Amy Rimer wife of John Steermand, Lena Westbrook wife of Solomon Lane. *85 May 6. Gilbert Sutfin and wife Geertie Sutfin, Johannis I, Westbrook and wife Hester Chiraer, Lena Van Etten wife of Jacob Helm, William Crawford. Sept. 27. Jeremiah Van Demark and wife Hester Cortrecht. Dec. 31. Jonathan Clarck, Lewis Meed, Johannes Van Etten and wife Rachel Williams, Abraham Westfall and wife Antie Westbrook, John Steward, Ledia Westfall widow of Jacob West- brook, Maria Decker wife of Cornelius Cole, Jannitee Van Etten wife of Jacobus Van Garden, Rushe Westfall wife of vSamuel Kettle, Maria Westfal wife of Petrus Cortrecht, Mary McGee wife of Joannes Van Etten, Jr., Jerushe Bromesun wife of Abram Dutcher, Lidia Brinck wife of Cornelius Dewett, Lidia Vreden- burg wife of Petrus Westbrook, deceased. 1787 — May 19. Mattheus Brinck and wife Mary Adams, Seene Walker wife of Jurian Brinck. July II. Petrus Van Etten. Aug. 18. Sarah Windfield wife of Hu Depuy, Grietie Van Etten wife of Joseph Ennes. Sept. 28. Joseph Ennes, John Evens, Gideon Cole. 1788 — June 20. Cornelius Cole, John Lounsberry, Maria Westbrook wife of Daniel Westfal, Ledy Drake wife of Matthew Williams, Esther Kidder widow of John Herris. 1789 — May 8. Maria Van Etten wife of Gideen Cole. July 8. Philip Jacson admitted to membership and baptized at Wyoming, was born 29 March, 1766. 1790 — June 4. Jannatie Pouleson wife of Gysbert Sutfin. 1 791 — June 3. Derick Sutfin, Henry Openhuis and wife An- natie. 289 INDLX Ackerman, Abraham, 280 Adam, Hans, 121 Adams, Mary, 285 Adkins, Sarah, 71 Aersen, Jan, 14 Aerson, John, 14 Petrus, 14 Akle, Sarah, 70, 79 Aken, Sarah, 73 Allen, John M., xxix Lewis, 279 William, xiv Allvord, Sarah, 185 Allward, Sarah, 188, 198, 209 Amy, Mary, 62, 63; 70,73, 90 Andriesse, Glaasje, loi Anes, Elizabeth, 222 Jacob, 222 Moses, 222 William, 222 Annes, Alexander, 225 James Rosekrans, 225 Lena, 226 Sarah, 224, 226 Annis, Pheby, 225 Annest, Ruth, 236 Ansley, Anny, 278 Aptsepack, Jacob, 184 John, 184 Aray, Adam, 187 David, 187 Elisabeth, 187 Lydia, 187 Isaac, 186, 187 Jonathan, 187 William, 186 Armstrong, James B., 229 Julius Foster, 229 Susan Eveline, 229 Arneld, Jacob, 276 Arnold, Delilah, 196 Lois, 196 Persela, 196 Stephen, 196 Arnot, Martha, 188 Ase, Susannah, 90 Asherly, Rachel, 22 William, 22 Atkins, Sarah, 66, 67, •]■], 82 Atos, Ater, Jupe, 156 Aulin, Amy, 38 Avarts, Avants, Vernits, Maragriet, 157 Hendrik, 157 Ayers, Samuel B., xxvii Samuel B., Rev., ix Ayres, Elizabeth, 77, 84 Ayrs, Anna, 176 B Baaty, Nancy, 36 Bacor, Joseph, 269 Bacorn, Jeremias, 269 Baen, Catharina, 13 Geertje, 13 Baker, Abraham, 33 Daniel, 46 Helena, 46 Henry, 35, 39 Jane, 46 John, 36 Jonathan, 33, 35, 36 Nancy, 39 Sarah, 191, 193 Barker, Polly, 276 Barnet, William, 276 Barraber, Lisabeth, 169 Barren, Mary, 266 Barret or Bayert, Hen- drik, 156 Neeltje, 156 Barten, Benjamin, 44 Barthran, Maria, 188 Barthron, Blandina, 203, 208, 210 David, 213 Hyltie, 213 James, 208 Jenneke, 214 Maria, 214 Sarah, 41 Bartran, Mary, 177 Bartron, Daniel, 33, 65 Elizabeth, 65, 67, 68, 84 James, 24, 33, 68 Lidia, 24, 42 Maria, 196, 202, 216 Mary, 180 Richard, 65, 68, 84 Sarah, 275 Sarah Depuy, 67 Barttron, Elizabeth, 42 Daniel, 42 Baseter, Charles, 146 Elizabeth, 146 Basetis (Baxter), Charles, 149 Maria, 149 Bash, Johannes, 94 Beagal, Mary, 277 Beakar, Sarah, 36 Beaker, Anny, 41 Hannah, 42 Henry, 37 Jonathan, 37, 39 Mary, 39 Rachel, 37 Sarah, 37 Beale, Joseph R., xxix Beamer, Ann, 166 Bearch, Eliza Jane, 62 Mary, 62 William, 62 Becker, Anna, 49 Joh. Dan., 12 Maria Christina, 12 Bedel, Deborah, 229 Bedell, Jane, 89 John, 79, 89 Beegle, S. D., Rev., xix Beemer, Adam, 144 Ann Elisabeth, 146 Catrina, 146 Elisabeth, 146, 149, 152 Hendrick, 149 Henry, 146, 156 Johannis, 146, 149, 153 John, 146 Lena, 278 Peter, 146, 157 Petience, 156 Petrus, 152 Rebekka, 157 Sarah, 149 Thomas, 146 William, 153, 284 Beemis, Mary, 22 Beer, Peter, 155 William, 155 Begel, Esther, 214 Begly, Susannah, 200 Behm, Maria Barbara, 14 Behmin, Barbara, 112 Bel, Abigail, 98, 100, 102, 106, H4-116 Ebbegken, 103 Belcher, Gov., 94 Jonathan, 271 Bell, Abigail, 107, 109,119, 120, 125, 128, 132, 136, 179 290 Bemer, Peter, 149 William, 274 Bemis, Mary, 25 Bennet, , 277 Abraham, xviii Blandina, 243 Cobus, 148 Cornelia, 172 Hendrick, 172 Henery, 172 Henry, 148, 236 Jacobus, 239, 277 James, xviii, 198, 239, 243. 257 Joseph, 252, 257 Lydia, 252 Maria, 172, 181 Petrus, 236 Sarah, 236, 279 Susanna, 172 William, 252 Zephine, 239 Bennett, Abraham, xix Burnett, 261 Henery, 172 Joseph, 261, 264 Mary, 172, 261, 264 Peter, 264 Sally, 258 Sarah Van Etten, 172 Benschooten, Antony, 21 Cornelius, 17 Elisabeth, 21 Benschoten, Antje, 100 Anthonie, 100 Antonie, 105 Elisabeth, 150, 155 Gerretje, 100, 102 Jenneke, 105 Bensley, Adam, 68, 71 Anna, 68 Catharme, 71 Caty, 68 Israel, 68, 71 Jacob, 68 Berck, Catharine, 55 Diterich, 55 Berg, David, 60 Hontetrick, 60 Marjory, 60 Bergstracer, John, xxiii Berk, Cornelia Van Et- ten, 82 Cyrus, '^^ Elemanda, 83 Honteter, 73 Hontiter, 84 Margaret, 74, 11, 83, 89 Mary Magdalen, 82 Peter, 82 William, 11, 83 William Smith, 84 Berkelo, Marareitee, 284 Berklow, Margaret, 183 Bernhard, Catharina, 14 Bernhardin, Catharina, 9, 112 Christina Elisabetha, 5, 14 Christina Elizabeth, 102 Christina Lis., 11 Christina Lisabetha, 4, 10 Jacobina, 14, 282 Johanna Margreta Elisabetha, 11 1 Margareta, 9 Berns, Meerte, 266 Bertbr , Elisabeth, 33 Bertholf, J. H., Rev., xxii Berthron, Blandina, 204 Daniel, 46 David, 46 Ledy, 45, 47 Maria, 284 Sarah, 46 Betran, Blandina, 217 Daniel, 45 David, 45 Bertrand, Sarah, 48 Bertron, Blandina, 220 Sarah, 44 Besetis, Charles, 156 John, 156 Best, Margareth, 104 Nicolas, 104 Bevans, Bethey, 209 Evan, 71, 209, 213 Even, 74, 277 Jacob, 71 James C, xxi James Carmer, 213 John, 74 Sally, 86 Sarah, 90, 91 Sydney, 74 Beven, Even, 42, 43, 212 John, 43 Moses, 42 Nicholas, 212 Bevier, Annatie, 4 Annatje, 3 Hester, 117, 120, 124, 127-130, 132 Jesse, 124 Johannes, 271 Marytje, 124 Rebecca, 235 Bicker, Cattrena, 35 Bight, John, 122 Bill, John, 151 Binckner, Mary, 51 Birk, Elizabeth, 70 Peter, 70 Birney, Ann, 174 Bishoff, Maria, 122 Blair, Elizabeth, 45 Blake, Margaret, 87 Susannah, 68 Thomas, 68 Blenkenberg, Lena, 149 Blizatd, Rachel, 170 Blizzard, Elizabeth, 74 Bloomer, Mary, 256 Blysard, Rachel, 174 Bodine, Abraham Van Campen, 71 John, 68, 71 Lena, 51 Lenah, 63 William, 68 Bodle, Jemima, 243 John, 243 Bodly, John, 151 Boel, xxiv Boen, Marytje, 12 Bogaert, Antje, 97 Benjamin, 125 Hannatje, 109 Hannes, 109 Jacob, 108, 112, 113,118, 125 Johannes, 265 Lizabeth, 108 Sara, 113 Bogard, Antje, loi, 102 Ezechiel, 99 Gysbert, 99 Jacob, 10 1 Jesintje, loi Bogardes, Jenneke, 4 Bogardus, Jenneke, 125 Evert, 10 Bogart, Jacob, 104 Sara, 104 Bogert, N. L M., xxx Bolett, Cattrina, 189 James, 189 Bolton, Peggy, 49 Boman, Eva, 188 George, 188 John, 112 Bomen, Jan, 103 Margarit, 103 Bons, Johanna, 30 Bonschote, Gerretje, 136 Bookstaver, Jacob, xxviii Boom, Elisabeth, 146 Boorten, Tabitha, 189 Borck, John, 106 Julick, 106 Borgh, Julick, 106 Bortrah, Dirck, 31 James, 31 Bortron, James, 29 Bos, Antje, 17 Cobus, 20 Dina, 13 Hendrick, 13 Bos, Jacobus, 17 Marytje, 13 Rachel, 20 Sara Elisabeth, 13 Bosch, Cathrina, 15 Dina, 7 Johannes, 15 Maria, loi Bosenkranz, Lena, 269 Bosh, Angonietje, 6 Dina, 12 Hendrick, 6 Lena, 10 Marytje, 6 Botrun, Blandina, 223 Bouman, Hanna, 106 John, 106 Bovie, Rebecka, 243 Bowman, Maria, 106 Boyd, Benne, 211 John, Rev., xiv Samuel, 211 Bragan, Charity, 234 Brandt, ix Bras, Peter, 216 Sarah, 216 Brass, Hendric, 176 Hendrick, 179 Henericus, 179 Maria, 176 Moses, 252 Stephen, 252 William, 252 Breffert, Edtward, 168 Mary, 168 Breffoert, Edtwort, 166 Rebecca, 166 Brenck, Cornells, 170 Jen, 168 Mateues, 140 Lideia, 169 Yuerrean, 140 Brencke, Russe, 170 Brenk, Lendert, 169 Cathrynte, 169 Breslar, John, 134 Brinck, Andrew Dinge- man, 211 Areantie, 216 Art, 187 Benjamin, 12, 28, 52,216 Boudewyn, 199 Catharine, 246 Cathrena, 207 Cathrina, 12 Caty, 187, 211, 277 Cornelia, 12, 25, 94 Cornelis, 5, 103, 109, 1 13, 114 Cornelis, Jr., 126, 133 Cornelius, 133, 185 David, 27 291 Brinck, Dennis, 210 Derick, 47 Elesabet, 27 Elisabeth, 133 Elizabeth, 44, 123, 189 205, 214 Emanuel, 207 Ester, 200 Esther, 222 Fanny, 188 Garret, 4 Geertie, 186, 189, 199 Geertje, 8, 120 George, 216. 226 Gerret, 5, 6 Gertie, 32, 46 Greitee, 209 Hannah, 197 Har., 211 Harmanus, 205 Henry, J., 278 Hermanus, 103, 114 Hester, 4, 128 Isaac, I Jacobus, 41, 107, 115, 190, 204, 209 James, 188, 197,200,211, 216 Jan, 103, 114 Jane, 46, 51, 228 Janitie, 204 Jannitie, 28 Jenneca, 189 Jenneke, 5 Johanna, I, 3, 6, 8, 12, 100, 113 John, 12, 52, 209 John McCaby, 214 Joseph, 189 iurian, 285 .ambart, 104 Lambert, 6 Lammert, 104 Ledia, 209 Ledy, 226 Lena, 5, 27, 32, 106, 205 Lenart Cole, 109 Lidia, 216, 285 Lidya, 205 Lisabet, 2, 3, 15,94, 116, 120, 123 Lydia, 246 Manuel, 52 Maragriet, 37, 199 Maregreta, 169 Margaret, 41, 44, 46,200, 205, 216 Margret, 276 Maria, 133, 284 Marrigrit, 30 Mary, 125 Matheus, 116 Brinck, Mattheus, 103, 107, 107, 109, 114, 115, 119,120, 123, 125, 128, 129, 190, 282, 285 Matthew, 47 Moses, 189, 275 Niclaes, 11, 12, 27 Peter, 52, 167, 203, 205, 214 Peter, Jr., 210 Peter V., 209, 216 Peter W., 205 Petrus, 116, 133,185,267 Phebe Jane, 226 Pieter Lammertse, 282 Polly, 203 Rachel, 2, 200 Roelof, I Rusha, 212 Salmon, 167 Samuel, 109, 197, 199 Sara, 3 Sarah, 38, 41, 52 Stephanus, i Susannah, 197, 209 Thomas, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 41, 44.46 William, 41 Brink, Abbe, 238 Abigail, 179 Aert, 137 Ann, 56 Anna, 21 Antje, 17, 20 Arie, 103 Beniaman, 30 Benjamin, 64, 173 Benjn., 31 Gate, 235 Catharine, 48, 56 Catherine, 47, 60 Cathrena, 29 Cathrina, 179 Caty Jane, 277 Charity, 179 Clara, 215 Corneleja, 16 Cornelia, 16, 18, 24 Cornelis, 99, 100, 131, 167, 270 Cornelis, Jr., 134 Cornelius, 139, 160, 164, 173. 183 Cornelius, Jr., 164 Daniel, 52, 58, 65, 68 Dereck, 166 Derick, 56 Dina, 102 Elanah, 31 Elibeth, 28 Elinar, 30 Elisabeth, 18, 19, 20, 58, 136, 177 292 Brink, Eliza, 238 Elizabeth, 55, 68, 136, 162, 201, 220, 235, 278 Ephraim, 180 Eva, 13, 17, 20 Femetje, 152 Garret, 174 Geertie, 15, 275 Geertje, 17, 18, 48, 98, 162 Geertye, 27 George, 215, 238 Geretie, 177 Gerit, 176 Gerret, 98, loi, 105, 132, 275 Gerrit, i Gerty, 158 Grietje, 274 Harmanus, 141, 150 Helena, 5 Hendrickje, 20 Hendricus, 179 Hendrik, 144 Hendrikje, 22 Henry, 52, 58, 202, 241 Hester, 226 Jonathan, 31 Jacob, 179 Jacob Kuikendal, 158 Jacobes, 166 Jacobus, 13, 19, 141, 161, 179 James, 56,60 Jams, 38 Jane, 50, 53, 65, 68, 227 Janekie, 180 Jannatje, 171 Jenneke, 99 Jenny, 60 Jini, 38 Johannes, 5, 13, 20, 134 Johannis, 17, 30, 171,180 John, Jr., 198 Jonas, 161 Jose, 215 Joshua, 64 Jure, 167 Lambertus, 99, loi, 103 Lanah, 64 Leendert, 152, 273 Lena, 98, 141 Lenah, 24 Leonard, 161 Levi, 47, 48, 56, 58 Lidia, 161, 162, 202 Lisabet, 19, 131 Lovisa, 65 Lydia, 105, 220, 227 Manuel, 31, 64 Maragrita, 139 Maregrietie, 179 Margareth, 50, 60, 183 Brink, Margreta, 33 Margriet, 35 Margrietje, 134 Margrita, 16 Maria, 16, 94, 100, loi, 143, 148, 161, 166 Mary, 56, 179 Marya, 137, 180 Mateus, 136 Matheus, 100, 102, 132, 164, 270 Mattheus, Jr., 134 Moses, 179 Mosis, 147 Necholas, 24 Niclaes, 13, 93 Nicolaes, 136 Nicolas, 29 Nicolaus, 16 Nelly, 202 Peggy, 220 Peter, 141, 179, 202, 220 Peter, Jr., 183 Petrus, 100, 131, 134, 137, 140, 144. 147.150, 183 Petrus, Jr., 137 Petrus Van Garden, 150 Rachel, 18, 20-22, 150, •83 Ruben Westfael, 180 Russia, 224 Samuel, 31, 55, 160, 164, 167, 174 Samuel C, 278 Sara, 15 Sarah, 18-21, 30, 47, 56, 60, 2 1 5 Sherlott, 238 Simon, 241 Solomon, 176, 235 Stephanus, 17 Thomas, xi, 29, 31, 47, 48, 52, 56, 60, 275 Thomis, 38 William, 29, 35, 38, 198, 227 Yannetye, 235 Brison, Sary, 217 Bristol, John Decker, 79 Leavitt B., 79, 83 Mariah, 83 Britin, Betcy, 45 Broadhead, Abraham Coolbaugh, 85 Cornelia, 36, 64, 66, 68, 69. 75. n^ 82, 86, 90 EfEe, 77 Effy, 79 Garret. 36, 50 Garret, Jr., 85 Gerret, 34, 37 Hannah, 63, 66, 70, 74,80 Broadhead, Joannah, 79 Johanna, 34 John, 13 John H., 280 Nicholas, 37, 77, 79 Rachel, 83, 276 Sarah, 66, 70, 72, 77, 84 Broca, Abraham, 33 Judica, 33 Brocau, Jane, 56 Brodhead, C. W., xviii W. F.,xxi Brokaw, Abraham, 37, 38, 43 Jane, 48, 51. 61, 76, 79, 85. 86 Judith, 58, 65 Margery, 38 Maria, 37 Mary, 53, 77, 81 Sally, 43 Bromesun, Jerushe, 285 Brooks, Betsey, 71 Elizabeth, 54, 65, 74, 80 Elizabeth (Betsie), 58 Gorge, 170 Hannah, 79, 84 John, 170, 174, 276 Sarah, 174 Bross, Abram, 155 Hendrick, 273 Henry, 155 Brown, Benoni, 14 Cornelia, 58 Daniel, 36 David Decker, 74 Ebenezer, 14 Elias, 66 Henry, 153 Henry Marvin, 80 Jacob Hufty, 63 Johanna, 35 John, 58, 63, 66, 70, 74,80 Joseph, 38 Martha, 171, 173 Natan, 35 Nicholas Broadhead, 70 Rachel, 38 Reuben, 35 Walter, 35, 36 Bruyn, Johannes, 267 Brynck, Gertje, 168 Lambart, xiii Brynoek, Greetje, 172 Buchanan, Arthur, 227 Ollive, 227 Polly, 227 Buckbee, John, 278 Buckley, Ann, 213 Anne, 219 Betsey, 253, 254 Buckly, Anna, 216 Bugsbee, Sarah, 279 293 Buk (Cuk), Mary, 144 Bulbungh, Dereck, 166 Bull, Chrisse, 76 Elizabeth, Maria, 76 Hannah Rogers, 76 Rosenkrans Chrisse, 76 Bunel, Jacob, 214 James, 214 Bunnel, James, 184, 208 Lena, 184 Matth., 34 Pheby, 208 Buncehoten, Jacob, 27 Jacobus, 27 Bunschooten, Rev. Mr., xvii Antje, 17 Bunschoten, Abraham, 25 Agnietje, 32 Anthony, 176, 181 Antje, 158 Antoni, 13 Antony, 6, 109 Cobus, 141 Cornelia, il, 13 Cornelius, 181 Elisabeth, 141, 180,269 Elizabeth, 182 Gerretje, 129 Gerritje, 130 Isaak, 25 Jakobus, 25 Jenneke, 176 Jesyntje, 109 Lena, 176 Maria, 167, 274 Lisabeth, 129, 137 Buntschote, Elizabeth, 135 Bunscoten, Elisabet, 272 Buril, Mary, 202 Burrell, Mary, 277 Burtron, Sarah, 52 Bush, Anny, 206 Benjamin, 204, 206 George, 275 Henrik, 15 Johannes, 15 Lena, 15 Mary, 204 Rebekka, 15 Buss, George, 69 Jacob, 66, 69, 74 John, 74 Polly. 66 Buth, John, 59 Mary Littesua, 59 Butter (Butler), Nancy, 280 Buttler, Sara, 2 Butts, Fanny, 60 Jacob, 59 Jane, 59, 60 John, 59, 60 Buzzard, Elizabeth, 70 C Caanan, Sarah, 34 Cainlen, Marey, 275 Caler, Magdalena, 52 Camfield, David, 238 Jacob, 238 Cammers, Christina, 28 Susana, 28 Welhelmis, 28 Campbel, James, 277 Campbell, William, 279 Campfield, David, 246 Henry Titus, 246 Cancalis, Jannitie, 28 Manuel, 28 Caneda, Cattrina, 200 Canfield, Abraham Van Inwegen, 256 David, 240, 244, 247,251, 253, 256 Elizabeth, 244 Jesse, 247 John, 240 Sally, 251 William Baldwin, 253 Cannady, Cattrina, 37 (Kennedy), Caty, 196 Cansalis, Sara, 28 Cape, Elizabeth, 62, 72 Sarah, 39, 43, 72 Caperon, Thaddeus, 278 Caress, Elizabeth, 58 Leonard, 59 Susannah, 59 Carman, Charlothy, 190 Deborah, 189 John White, 199 Joseph, 189 Patty, 190 Roberd, 189 Robert, 189, 190, 199 Sarah, 190 Susannah, 190 Carmen, Abraham, 198 Daniel, 198 Carmer, Abraham, 185, 188, 204, 209, 212, 277 Asa Baldwin, 49 Catharina, 24 Catharine, 71, 74, 209, 213 Cattrina, 43 Caty, 212, 277 Daniel, 209 Elijah, 212 Elizabeth, 38 Gilbert, 39, 49 Gysbert, 276 Isaac, 72, 73 Isaac, Jr., 62 Carmer, Jacobus, 24, 185 Jemime, 188 Johanna, 34 John, 39 Lena, 44 Luther, 72 Nichols, 209 Peter, 204 Sarah, 62, 276 Susannah, 73 Carpenter, Benjamin, 238, 245, 249, 276 Catherine, 255, 258, 261 Eleanor, 256, 261 Elenor, 248, 250 Hannah, 249, 280 Isaac, 247 James, 258 John D., 255, 257, 258, 261 Margaret, 245 Martin, 247, 251 Powel, 278 Sally, 253 Sarah, 88, 255, 257 Senia, 257 Carr, Mary, 189 Carson, Rachel, 39 Carter, Sarah, 204, 209, 212, 277 Cartright, Altie, 226 Case, Anne, 256 Caty, 256 George, 239 Gloriannah, 239 Henry, 232,239, 241,256 Jacob, 241 Jane, 213 Jenny, 239 Marjery, 280 Mary, 212, 239, 249, 278 William Neerpass, 232 Cashey, Mary, 279 Caskey, Hilah, 280 Thomas, 277 Caski, Martin, 181 Samuel, 181 Cass, George, 58 Jacob, 58 Caster, William, 29 Castnor, Maria, 27 Catee, Lea, 209 Cator, Susannah, 184 Cattington, Christophel, 143 Joseph, 143 Cebler, Catharine, 228 Catherine, 219 Cermer, Abram, 16 Christina, 16 Grietie, 16 Jacobus, xii Lena, 28 294 Cermer, Ludija, i6 Lydia, 141 Sara, 16 Cettel, Chelly, 188 Cornelius, 188 Chaimber, Cloudean, 29 Sarah, 29 Wm. Helmis, 29 Chaimbers, Mary, 30 Chamber, Peter, 195 Moses, 195 Chambers, Abraham, 163 Abram, 117, 443, 267 Benjamm, 25 Catrien, 28 Caty, 47 Christoffel, 21 Christina, 24, 274 Elizabeth, 275 Ester, 278 Helmes, 21 Hester, 239 Jacob, 164 Johannis, 274 John, 23, 28, 47 Lena, 143, 190 Margaret, 79, 81, 87 Maria, 23 Marinus, 278 Mary, 30, 190 Moses, 47 Myram, 239 Neeltje, 164 Polly, 47 Susanna, 276 Wilhelmus, 25, 190 Chaortrecht, Susanna, 165 Chandlar, Hester, 123 John, 123, 130 Samuel, 130 Chandler, Antje, 126 John, 126 Chasnor, Margaret, 43 Cheat, Adam, 136 Cheiners, Hester, 166 Jacob, 166 Chesly, Jenny, 162 Chesner, Ann, 53 Chesney, Margriet, 34 Chesnon, Margaret, 36,39 Mary, 30 Chesnor, Margaret, 46, 49 Margariet, 41 Mary, 29, 195 Chestnor, Anna, 57 Anne, 31 James, 31 Chettel, Johaenna, 166 Chidister, Massa, 83 Chimer, Elizabeth, 189 Hester, 285 Jacob, 214 Margaret, 214 Chimer, Neeltie, 203 Chimers, Ester, 238 Jacob, 167 Lena, 167 Polly, 238 Chitister, Merey, 80 Choertrecht, Gerte, 165 Jantet, 165 Choertrect, Hendrick W., .65 Chollins, Barbary, 41 Thomas, 41 Chram, Johannes, 25 Necholas, 25 Chress, Christian, 140 John, 140 Christopher, Nicholas,i75 Chymer, Elizabeth, 226 Cimber, Maritje, 154 Maryte, 272 Cimmer, Joris, 142 Sarah, 142 Cinney, Rachel, 28 Citel, Elizabeth, 136 Jan, 136 Cittel, Cornelius, 136 Jeremia, 136 Cittle, Elizabeth, 136 Clarck, Jonathan, 285 Matthew, 275 Clark, xviii Abraham, 172 Calvin, 276 Catharina, loi Catrina, 151 Daved, 166 David, 237, 278 Elisabeth, 140 Elisah, 186 Elizabeth, 66 Elizabeth, Smith, 73 Isaac, 172 Jacob, 237 Jacobus, 153 James, 140, 151, 153 Janetie, 181 John, 39 Jonathan, 172, 173, 186, 197 Jonnethan, 166 Luther, 277 Marcy,237 Mardochia, loi Matthew, 223 Matthias, 277 Roger, 183 Samuel, xviii, 28 Thomas, 28 William, xx, 39, 73 Clarke, John, 276 Mary, 220 Clavonsher, Sara, 112 Cleck, Jacob, 173 Jarnton, 173 Clevensher, Sara, 2 Clevins, Sara, 130 Clifford, Henry W., 85 Mary Green, 85 Cline, Elizibeth, 59 Clinton, Gen., ii Gov., 267 De Witt, ii James, Gen., ii William, 133 Clover, Hanna, 274 Cock, Anna, 113 Cockrum, Susanah, 31 Cocks, Cathrina, 39 Joseph, 39 Coddebak, Abram, 139 Abram, Jr., 139 Codebek, Abram, 123,124, 128, 268 Jacobus, 124 Petrus, 128 Sara, 269 Coel, Harmans, 26 Marrigrit, 26 Rachel, 26 Col, Leendert, 168 Marey, 168 Cole, Abraham, 113 Abram, 51, 155 Andries, 6-8, 12, 14,94. 114, 122 Andris, 189 Anna, 22 Antie, 276 Benjamin, 118, 181 Catharina, 106-108, 113, 124, 127, 266 Catrena, 167 Catrina, 169 Catrine, 275 Cattrina, 198 Caty Van Aucan, 228 Charity, 246 Cornelia, 7, 180 Cornells, 116, 119, 129 Cornells Westbroeck, Cornelius, vui, 172, 485 Cornelius West., 276 Daniel, 283 David, 109, III, 113, 116, 118, 120, 124,125, 282 David Finch, 227 Dina, 7 Dorethy, 217 Elener, 209 Elenor, 251 Elisabeth, 8, 107, 113, 123 295 Cole, Elizabeth, 247, 284 Famatie, 178 Femmetje, 108 (Foly), Femmetje, 144 Gedeon, vii, 276 Gideon, 197, 198, 208, 217, 219, 285 Hanna, 10, 12, 93 Hannah, 251, 256 Helena, 3 Hermannes, 7 Hermanus, 3, 10 Heyltje, 129 Jacob, 12, 50, 51, III, 116, 178 Jacobus, 7, 10, 13 Jacobus Van Auken,22i Jaetje, 283 James, 241 James R., 248, 251, 253 Jane, 65, 67 Jannitie, 197, 198 Jesse, 179 Joannes Van Etten, 208 Johanna, 6 Johannes, in, 113, 118, 125, 128, 132 John, 219 Joseph, 189, 278 Josephas, 178 Joshua, 240, 247, 260 Joshuah, 243 Josias, 107, 108, 113,116, 124, 130. 137. 178, 243, 260, 283 Knelia, 184, 198 Lea, 243 Leah, 240, 247, 260 Leendert, 7, 13, 266 Lena, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 198 Leonard, 3, 180, 189 Lidia, 260 Lisabeth, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 108, 109, III, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 126, 131. '37 Margaret, 181 Margret, 180 Margrietje, 113, 131 Maria, 5, 22, 109, iii, 113, 125, 128, 129, 137, 248, 268, 277 Marjery, 279 Martin, 253 Mary, 155, 256 Marya, 6, 7, 112, 114, 117, 266, 271 Martynus, 277 Nelly, 205 Nenzi, 6 Peter, 211 Petrus, 116, 178 Cole, Rachel, 22, 78, 87, 208 Rebecca, 188, 229, 230, 243 Rebecka, 228 Rebeka, 222 Rosanna, 260 Samuel, 124, 181 Sara, 14, 109, iii, 118, 127, 137,243,249,268, 283 Sarah, 13, 50, 174, 179, 181, 240, 247, 257, 279 Sary, 29 Sarte, 167 Simeon, 211, 221, 227, 278 Simion, 228 Tjaetje, 125, 269 Tjatje, 127 Thomas, 199 Wilhelmus, x, 107, 113 Willem, 108, 118, 124, 125, 132, 283 WiUem, Jr., 109 William, 107, no, 113, 188, 189, 199,205, 221, 241, 278, 282 Wm., 179 Coles, Phebe, 76, 82 Coll, Maregreetje, 170 Compen, Elisabeth, 18 Cornelius, 18 Compton, William, 278 Comstac, Rody, 168 Comstack, Deborah, 183 Comstock, Debera, 164 Debora, 165, 169 Phebe, 149, 152 Roedy, 166 Comstok, Debora, 159 Phebe, 145 Conckel, Christina, 34 Concklin, Hannah, 233 Conger, Willard, xxix Conklin, Elias, 175, 183 Elisabeth, 183 Esther, 177 Helena, 175 Jannetje, 177 John, 177 Nicholas, 175, 177 Mary, 177, 183, 241 Wm., 177 Conkling, Hannah, 184, 189, 199 Mary, 199 Conclin, Hannah, 175 Conley, Sara, 271 Consales, Elisabeth, 121 Daniel, 118, 121, 124,268 Johanna, 118, 123 Consales, Joseph, 100 Manuel, 12, 121, 124 Maria, 12, 118, 120, 121, 123 Sara, 100 Consalesduk, Lena, 2 Consalis, Manuel, 28 Consalus, Maria, 140 Mary, 43 Samuel, 43 Consolis, Lena, 34 Samuel, 44 Sarah, 44 Conterman, Anna Maria, 122 Pieter, 94 Contriene, Maria, 22 Contriman, Maria, 22 Contryman, Maria Elisa- beth, n Cooke, Sylvester, Rev., xvii Cool, Abram, 16, 140, 146, 156, 273 Andrew, 16 Andreas, 103 Andries, 3, 17, I9, 22, 100, 146 Catrina, 16, 140, 145- 147. 152, 153.273 Catryntje, 99 Charity, 250 Catharina, 100, 102, 165 Cobus, 273 Corneles, 140 Cornelia, 3, 19, 134, 144, 158,273 Cornelis, 99, 102, 134,153 Cornelius, 136, 140, 144, 151. 154 Cornelius Westbroek, 151 Cueliya, 271 Daniel, 145, 151 David, 99, 102, 107 Elisabeth, 139, 146 Elizabeth, 274 Femitje, 154 Gideon Westbroeck,i43 Grietje, 134, 153 Grietye, 168 Gritje, 140 Harmanus, 17, 18 Hejltje, 142 Helmus, 284 Hendrik, 18 Isaac, 19 Jacob, 22, 151 Jeseos (Jacob), 148 Johannes, 1, 102, 106 Tohannis, 146, 272 Josephat, 106 Josephus, 145, 154 296 Cool, Joseyas, 272 Josias, 102, 142, 154 Lea, 284 Leendert, 18 Lena, i, 100, 140 Lenert, Jr., 100 Leonard, i Lisabeth, 9Q, 103, 105 Maragriet, 142, 144 Margriet, 17 Margrietje, 107 Margrita, 182 Maria, 98-100, 103, 105, 134, 140, 144, 146,151, 154 Martinus, 144 Mary, 273 Mosis, 17 Petrus, 102, 143, 150, 154, 156 Rachel, 19, 100 Sara, 102, 134 Sarah, 145, 147, 150, 171 Simion, 150 Wilhelmus, 148, 151 Willem, 100, 102 William, viii, 104, 145, 154 William, Jr., 108 Coolbaugh, Abraham, 84 Abm., 'j'j Andrew Jackson, 80 Hannah, 73, 78, 81, 86, 90 James, 83 John, 80, 276 John v., 84 Moses, 83 Moses W., 80 Sarah, 71, 80, 84, 88 Susannah, TJ William Findley, 80 Coole, Catrinty, 168 Catryntye, 168 Jacob, 168 Josias, 168 Samuel, 168 Sara, 168 Cooll, Josias, 275 Cooly, Mary, 185 Cooper, Daniel, 271 Isaac, 24 Coon (Boom), Elisabeth, 142 Cop, George, 280 Cornell, William, xxviii Corthreght, Elizebeth, 35 Corthregt, Abraham, 28 Cornelia, 28 Corthright, Cornelius, 29 Elizebeth, 29 Henrey, 29 StofiEel, 29 Corthright, William, 29 Cortrecht, Aaron, 187 Abraham, 27 Abraham Decker, 27 Abraham P., 31 Annie, 27 Anny, 189, 275 Are, 166 Bill, 276 Catrina, 169 Cattrina, 37, 201 Caty, 200 Cornelius, 200 Cristefol, 27 Daniel, 208, 278 Debora, 199 Elesabet, 34 Elias, vii, 164 Elizabeth, 41, 45 Febe, 164 Hendrick, 27, 211 Hendrick Wm., vii Hester, 189, 201, 285 Jacobus, 27, 187 Jannitie, 32 Jesias, vii John, 166, 200 Joseph, 276 July, 208 Lena, 27 Levi, 277 Margaret, 277 Maria, 199, 277 Rachel, 38 Resyna, 31 Petrus, 285 Reuben, 199 Samuel, 199 Sara, 276 Sarah, 136, 201 Thomas, 27 William, 189, 201, 211 William, Jr., 201 Cortregh, Elizabeth, 223 Cortreght, , 176 Aaron, 184, 194 Andriss, 198 Ante, 176 Aron, 169 Blandina, 166 Cathrina, 172, 174 Cornelis, 106 Daniel, 106, 175, 181 Deborah, 180 Dorothy, 184 Elias, 169, 183 Elisabeth, 171, 175, 177 Elizabeth, 200, 216 Elsabth, 167 Esther, 184 Garetie, 180 Gedeon, 275 Gideon, 184 Cortreght, Hendrick W., 172, 180 Isias, 198 Jacob, 176 Janneke, 171, 175 Jannete, 169 Johannes, 169, 173 John, 177 John, Jr., 26 Jonas, 175 Jones, 167 Josias, 166, 184 Lea, 175 Ledea, 169 Lidea, 166 Lydia, 173 Maria, 178, 179 Maria Dor, 177 Mary, 177 Marya, 169 Marya Dewitt, 183 Moses, 171, 178 Nicholas, 177 Petres, 167 Petrus, 179, 194 Rachel, 26 Sa£feryn, 171 Samuel, 167, 173, 192, 194, 214 Sarah, 176 Simon, 179 Solomon, 176, 181 Susanna, 169 Sylvester, 171, 174, 180 Wilhelmus, 174 William, 183, 192, 194 Yennek, 166 Cortreck, Cattrina, 275 Janntie, 43 Cortregt, Abraham, 23 Abram, 17, 19, 23, 154 Abram P., I9 Anna, 20 Annatie, 17 Annatje, 158 Anne, 152 Anthony, 23 Arie, 138, 274 Benjamin, 17, 20, 22 Billinest, 16 Catharina, 162 Cathrine, 238 Catrina, 16, 17, 19, 141, 144, 148, 153- 157 Christina Elisabeth, 23 ChristoEfel, 23 Cobes, 23 Cornelia, 20,21, 146, 147 Cornelus, 17 Daniel, 18, 141, 143. 146, 158, 164 Derik, 18 Elias, 140, 152, 159 297 Cortregt, Elisabeth, 23, 144, 148, 149, 151 Eliza, 21 Garretje, 273 Gedion, 158 Gerritje, 150 Gideon, 141 Gisbert, 144 Hendrick, 22, 94, 138, 146, 159, 284 Hendrick Jansen, 159 Hendrick Johnson, 140 Hendrick William se, 144, 284 Hendrik, 136, 140, 143, 144. 150 Janitje, 150 Janneke, 18, 143 Jannetje, 24, 143, 164 Jannitje, 150 Jenneke, 16, 274 Jesaias, 158 Johannes, 21, 136 Johannis, 144, 273 John, 18, 20, 136, 140, 141, 146, 150 John, Jr., 20 Joseph, 18 Josias, 150 Josias W., 273, 284 Lea, 146 Lydia, 21, 149, 158, 274 Maragriet, 144, 159 Margriet, 146 Maria, 140 Maria DeWit, 136 Mosis, 158 Petrus, 138, 147, 158, 164 Ploni, 272 Rachel, 18, 19, 152,273 Rebecca, 19 Salomon, 138, 146 Samuel, 21 Sarah, 23, 149 Silvester, 151 Solomon, 147 Sophryn, 158 Susanna, 159 Susanna W., 284 Susannah, 223 Symon, 147 William, 94, 144, 273, 284 William Johnson, 158 Ysaac, 154 Cortright, Aaron, 192 Abraham, 25 Abraham P., 25 Abraham Peter, 72 Abram, 42 Alche, 228 Alty,222 Antony, 42 Cortright, Benjamin, 25, 196 Blandina, 210 Caty, 63, 64 Cornelia, 25 Cornelius, 37, 70, 196 Daniel, 72, 206, 210, 214, 227 Deborah, 206 Elizabeth, 211, 219,225, 278 Esther, 249 Hannah, 192, 194, 196, 225 Henry, 30, 219, 244 Isaac, 30, 72 Isaac Bedell, 229 Isaih, 230 Jacob Evrit, 219 Jane, 48, 51, 230 Jane Young, 228 Janntie, 210 Jenny, 45 Jentie Ennes, 25 Joannes, 206 John, 220 John Drake, 69 Lidia, 192, 194 Maria, 215 Mary, 37, 48, 52, 63, 67, 189, 206, 227, 228 Peter, 219, 225, 228, 229 Petrus, 192, 220 Phebe,276 Pheby, 201, 229 Rachel, 276 Rosanna, 214 Ruben, 229 Sally, 69 Samuel, 214, 220, 225, 278 Sarah, 70, 208, 210, 214, 218, 220, 224, 276 Susannah, 51, 72, 216, 218, 219, 221, 226 Thomas, 72 William, 206, 227 William I., 69, 214, 221 William Johnson, 210 William Johnston, 215 Cortrigt, David, 257 William, 257 Corsa, Abram, 16 Banjamin, 30 Benyamin, 32 Easter, 253 Dennis, 16 Dinis, 30 Pecke, 32 Pieter, 32 Corsan, Hannah, 37 Rachel, 36, 37 Corso, Hannah, 35 Corso, Peter, 35 Corua (Corsen), B e n j a - min, 158 Petrus, 158 Coss, Catharine, 84 Daniel, 91 George, 64, -j-j, 84, 91 James Force, 77 Maryanne, 73 Samuel, 64 Costerd, William, 20 Costor, Abraham, 19 William, 19 Cotregt, Gerritie, 141 Maragriet, 158 Cottenton, Christoffel, 148 John, 148 Cotton, Peggy, 52 Counterman, Peter, 12 Course, Benjamin, 168 Maria, 168 Courtright, Amanda, 83 Beniaman, 30 Catrina, 30 Cornelius, "jd, 78, 83, 87 Daniel, 87 Eleyebeth, 29 Elisha, 31 Elizabeth, 251 Elizebeth,3i Jane, 87 Mariah, 78 Mary, 225, 229 Nelly, 76 Susannah, 66 Counsoles, Mare, 164 Countryman, Hendrick, 7 Rachel, 7 Cova (Fero). Anna, 156 Coykendal, Salomon, 275 Salomon, Jr., 275 Craan, Johannes, 32 Crafford, Elizabeth, 188 Moses, 183 William, 183, 188 Craford, Hannah, 230 Moses, 230 Cral, John, 139 Samuel, 139 Cran, Elizabeth, 36 Joannes, 36 Crasman, Jacob, 214 Mary, 214 Crawford, Amy, 202 James, 222 John, 202 Moses, 222, 229 Susan Mariah, 229 William, 202, 285 Credmore, Abraham, xviii Cregan, Peter, 38 Rachall, 38 298 Cressman, Daniel, 54 George, 54, 59 Ira, 59 John, 54 Sally, 59 Sarah, 54 Crinkel, Christeenne, 28 Crisman, Elesabet, 34 George, xxiii Johan, 34 Croeck, Geertruyd, 10 Croel, Antje, 143 John, 143 Lea, 143 Crofford, John, 228 Mary, 185 Moses, 228, 243 Sarah Wells, 243 William, 185, 198 Crom, Sarah, 151 William, 151 Crook, John, Jr., xix Crosman, Febe, 169 Jacob, 165 Samuel, 165, 169 Croswell, Esther, 52 Grouse, George, 86 George Wintamute, 86 Crow, Cattrina, 277 Crub, Andries, 142 Petrus, 142 Cuambers, Moses, 275 Cuck, Mary, 29 Ruben, 29 Cuddeback, Abm., 182, 248 Abraham, 181, 182, 197, 253 Abram, 178 Benj., 170 Benjamin, xviii, 170,230, 231,251, 253,257,259, 263 Benjamin, Jr., 248, 251, 256 Blandina, 259 Caty, 232, 251 Charlotte, 280 Cornelius, 197, 232, 238, 252 Cornlius, 278 Diana, 256 Easter, 254 Elias, 248 Elizabeth, 258,261, 263, 264 Esther, 174, 178, 251 Esyntje, 178 George, 251 GeradusSwartwoud,i75 Hannah, 257 Henry, 230, 231, 235, 251 Hesther, 182 Cuddeback, Huldah, 255 Jacamyntie, 276 Jacob, iii, 230, 231, 248, 264 Jacob, Jr., 256, 258, 261, 263 Jacobus, 175 James, 248, 280 Jane, 248, 251, 253, 263 Jemima, 256, 263, 280 John, 260 Joseph, 248 Leah, 261 Lewes, 234 Levi, 280 Levy, 251 Margaret, 278, 280 Maria, 264 Marjery, 260 Martha, 252 Mary, 259 Mary Van Keuren, 259 Moses, 175 Naomi, 230, 231, 254 Peter, 174, 238, 277 Petrus, 175 Rosetta, 253 Salay, 233 Samuel, 177 Sarah, 279 Senea, 251 Simeon, 235 Simon, 260 Solomon, 278 Synche, 279 Thomas, 259 Washington, 258 Willem, Jr., 233 William, i8t, 234, 259, William Jr., 248 William Abraham, 253 Wm., 177, 178 Cuddebeck, Abraham, 252, 272 Catharine, 243 Gate, 235 Caty, 247 Cornelius, 249 Elting, 256 Isaac, 243 Jacob, 243, 248 Jacob, Jr., 257 Jane, 248, 255 John, 257 Lena, no, X13 Levi, 230, 231 Margaret, 245, 256 Maritje, no Marjory, 249 Mary, 256 Marya, 113, n6 Naomy, 248 Cuddebeck, Sally, 249 Syntie, 276 Willem, n3 William, 230, 231, 256 Cuddebeek, Abram, 240 Benjamin, 237, 260 Catherine, 260 Jacob, 240, 260 Levi Van Etten, 237 Cuddebek, Abram, 144 Catrina, 152 Heyltje, 156 Jacob, 144, 156 Cuddenbeck, Catharine, 243 Henry, 243 Cuikendal, Andrew, 186 Catharine, 248 Elias, 239, 243 Elisabeth, 186 Hannah, 239 Hester, 243 Sarah, 186 Tyatie, 277 Cuikendall, Mary, 252 Culver, Ann, 58 Anna, 47, 48 Anny, 230 Hannah, 42 Curren, John, 274 Cursan, Benjamin, 195 Elizabeth, 195 Mary, 195 Curtis, John, 277 Curtregh, Elezebath, 38 Curtright, Alasabeth, 43 Jeny Annest, 277 Curtwright, Isaac, 49 Leah, 49 Cursaw, Isaac, 43 Jane, 43 Peter, 43 Cushing, David, xxix Custard, Benjamin, 54 Cyrus, 85 Elizabeth, 85 John Van Camp, 85 Mary, 161 Mason, 85 Sarah, 56 Susanna, 31 Susannah, 56 William, 54, 56, 59, 85, 161, 270 Custerd, Rebeca, 72 Cutright, David, 233 Sarah, 233 Cuttebeck, Benjamin, 107, n3, 243, 248, 256 Lena, 107 Maria, 107, 249 Willem, 107 299 Cuttenbeck, Elsje, 104 Lena, 106 Maria, 104 Cuykendaal, Catharine, 248 Cuykendael, Catelyntje, 178 Cathrina, 178 Jacobus, 178 Salomon, 178 Cuykendal, Charity, 233 Cornelius, 163 Ellas, 233 Huldah, 242 Jonathan, 178 Leah, 230, 231 Phebe, 278 Samuel, 163 Solomon, 171 Wilhelmus, 233 Wm.. 178 Cuykendale, Marjery, 280 Cuykendall, Catharine, 251 Catherine, 253, 256 Caty, 253 Huldah, 247, 255 Jacob, 260, 262, 279 Jane, 260, 279 Leah, 280 Margaret, 260, 262 Mary, 250, 256 Wilhelmus, 262 Cuykendell, Caty, 255 Huldah, 254 Jane, 255 Backer, Eliner, 39 Sarah, 34 Daily, Charles, 15 Margaret, 232 Margareth, 50 Willjam, 15 Daley, Daggy, 41 Margaret, 56 Daly, Jane, 188 Jannetje, 33 Dami, Russie, 109 Damport, Elezebeth, 233 Garret, 238 Samuel, 238 Danels, Eva, 38 Danmark, Benardus, 34 Christina, 34 Daniel, Anna, 3, 5 Darbishire, Lois, 196 Dason, Geertie, 275 Davens, Mary, 26 Timothy, 26 Daves, James, 233 Margreth, 233 Daves, Solomon, 233 David, Catrina, 167 Davids or Daniels, Mar- itje, 152 Ann, 151 Beeletje, 149 Beletje, 98 Belitie, 136 Belletje, 144 Catrina, 141, 147 Cobus, 158 Daniel, 103 Debora, 135 Elisabeth, 158 Elizabeth, 246, 277 Engeltje, 144, 155,273 Eva, 139, 154 Jacobus, 147, 151 Janneke, 151 Jenneke, 147, 274 John, 144 John, Jr., 154 Joris, 102 Lea, 136, 143, 149 Leonora, 144 Lesabeth, 167 Maria, 141 Maritje, 156 Oseltje, 141 Petrus, 158 Salomo, Jr., 103 Salomon, viii Salomon, Jun., 98 Solomon, 158 Valentine, 275 Davies, Jane, 212 Leah, 164 Mary, 212 Davis, Mr., xiv Amey, 249 Anatje, 171 Angeltje, 171, 174 Annatie, 180 Annatje, 124, 161, 174 Belchry, 221 Beletje, 137 Catharina, 114 Cathrina, 179 Catlyntje, 24 Daniel, 232 Elisabeth, 116, 175 Elizabeth, 161, 217, 236 Engeltje, 115, 161 Jacobus, 132, 137, 164 (Jaems), Joris, 106 Jan, 134 Janny, 168 Jany, 134 Jenneke, 118, 161 J. Kirby, Rev., xiii John, 135 Joel, 108 Jonas, 109 Davis, Joris, 108, 112, 115, 118, 124, 125, 130, 283 Lea, 130, 159, 270,275 Maria, 130, 170 Mary, 213, 217, 222,226, 229 Petrus, 119, 135 Polly, 164 Salomon, 114, 116, 119, 125, 283 Salomon, Jr., 108, 109 Samuel, 108 Solomon, 232 Dawets, Bebte, 272 John, 272 Dayis, Saloman, 98 Dayly, Margaret, 52 Margarit, 46 Paggy, 44 Susannah, 72 Deary, Susannah, 49 De Camp, Elisabeth, 175 Deckker, Annatie, 136 Grietie, 135 Janneke, 168 J. H., 136 Johannes, 135, 136 Johannis, Jr., 168 Joseph, 168 Lea, 136 Nancy, 168 Tomas, 136 De Dutscher, Margariet, 107 De Duyser, Margriet, 97 De Duyster, Margriet, 97 Deen, Sara, 3 Deenmark, Bernardus, 33 Jenneke, 33 Deenmarken, Femmetje, 166 Deenmerk,Barnardus,i90 Clouwdiana Sophia, 190 Fametje, 161 Femetje, 161 Lea, igo De Grootvelt, Ann, 205 De Hooges, Claertje, 97 Decker, Aaron, 48, 51, 54, 56, 59-61, 76, 79, 85,86 Abigail Ann, 263 Abm., 90 Abraham, 10, 26, 27, 30, 34,45, 49, SI, 60, 63, 67, 78, 80, 84, 86, 87, 130, 202, 232, 277 Abraham D., 86, 91 Abraham Brokaw, 48 Abram, 4, 6, 7, 13 Abram H., 12 Abram Hendrickse, 4 Absolam Case, 239 A£fe, 36 300 Decker, A£fy, 50 Alida, 108, 137, 114, 181 Amanda, 60 Amos Atkins, TJ Andrew, 19 r, 193, 200, 215, 222, 223, 225 Andrew D., 60-62, 77, 83.87 Andries, 108, 112, 113, 118, 120, 124, 130, 138, 160, 185, 281, 282 Andries Dingman, 41 Anna, 51,55, 57, 58, 153 Anna Juliana, 271 Annatie, 214, 278 Annatje, 108, 109, 112, 115, 123, 124, 126, 128, 131. '32, 137, 171. '74, 268, 283 Anne, 28 Anthony, 257 Antie, 26, 31,34, 36, 124 Arie, 30 Barbara, 3 Beeletje, 12 Beletje, 122 Belinda, 61 Bellinda, 79 Benjamen, 164 Benjamin, 7, 8, 30, 38, 104, 109, 114, 251, 276, 277 Benjamin Cortright, 63 Bernardus, 51 Blandiena, 43 Blandina, 52 Broer, 25, 26, 104, 108, 110, 113, 115, 124, 127, 276 Caleb, 61 Calvin, 59 Caroline, 87 Casparus Freyenmoet, 118 Catharina, 5, 12, 24, 33, 93. "9 Catharina Mapes, 72 Catharine, 36, 56,83,90, 247 Catherine, 215, 218 Cathrina, 11,13, I0S> 277 Cathrine, 39 Catrena, 169 Catrina, 34 Cattrina, 36, J84 Caty, 39, 63, 73, 78, 213, 237 Caty Jane, 260 Cecilia, 'j'], 89 Cecillia, 76, 82 Celletie, 197 Ceselia, 71 Charlotte, 244, 259 Decker, Chauncey, 258 ChristoEfel Maul, 108 Christophel M., 169 Christopher, 160, 172, . 175.215 Clara, 191, 193 Cobus, 218 Coenrad, 200 Cornelia, 27, 29, 33, 127, 178 Cornelia Van Leuwan, 10 Cornelis, 32, 108 Cornelius Dewitt, 223 Cornilia, 30 Dane], 166 Daniel, 25, 27, 30, 33,54, 63, 81, 164, 230, 231, 242, 271 Daniel, Jr., 90, 92 David Van Garden, 51 Efye, 34, n Eleanor, 242, 259 Eleonora, 2, 6, 10 Elia, 35 Elias, 24, 32, 36,38, 104, 115, 176, 191, 193, 200 Eliesabeth, 275 Elijah, 49, 83, 90 Elinor, 214 Elisa, 26, 163, 184 Elisabeth, 5, 112,178,182 Elisha, 25, 28, 31, 36, 191, 193, 276 Elisha, Jr., 36 Eliza, 26, 261 Elizabeth, 25, 35, 51, 58, 61-63, 170, 175, 205, 208, 222, 260, 265 Elizebeth, 60 Eltse, 260 Ephraim, 46 Esegiel, 34 Ethe, 262 Eva, 191, 193 Ezechiel, 131 Ezeckiel, 270 Ezegiel, 37 Femmetje, 8, 9, 97, 109, no, 114, 1 19, 124, 130, 138, 267, 282 Garret Broadhead, 50 Garretye, 168 Geertje, 97 George Washington, 59 Gerret, 3 Gerrit, 97 Gertje, 104 Grietje, 3, 97, 128, 130, 131.269 Hanah, 44 Hanna, 11 Decker, Hannah, 43, 47, 62,72, 77,84, 218,221, 225, 226, 249, 260 Hannah Anne, 67 Hannah Miffin, 80 Hannatje, 25 Hannes, 108 Helemus, 172 Helena, 114, 220 Helenah, 277 Henderick, 41 Hendericus, vii, 8, 213 Henderikus, 24, 25 Hend'k, 33 Hendrick, 12, 30, 31, 97, ic8, 114, 115, 168,172, 176, 177 Hendricus, 34, 93, 127 Henry, 35, 38, 43,45,49, 51. 54. 56, 58, 61, 67, 80,86 Henry Shoemaker, 50 Hermanns, 281 Hester, 225 Hiram, 85 Huldah, 232, 258, 261, 263 Hylah, 280 lemimi, 30 Isaiah, 260, 262, 280 Isaiah, Jr., 260, 280 Isaac, 51, 214, 230,234, 241, 251, 257, 260, 263 Isaac, Jr., 242, 247, 254 Isaac Cortright, 64 Isaac M., 232, 233 Isaac N., 241 Isaac Steel, 88 Jacob, 26, 46, 72, 97,105, 113, 124, 213, 275 Jacob, Jr., 276 Jacob Vradenbergh,262 Jacobus, 107, no, ni, n4, 124, 169, 172, 174, 275 Jacomeyntje, 230, 231 James, 28, 230, 231, 239 James C, 279 James Force, 79 James Madison, 67 James Rosegrant, 230, 231 James Van Campen, 80 James Washington, 61 Jan, 2, 97, 98 Jan, Jr., 3 Jane, 36, 48, 54. 57. 59. 60, 61, 77,82,220,233, 234 Jane Mapes, 63 Janeka, 220 Janneke, 53 Jannetie, 44 301 Decker, Jannetje, 8, 10-12, 122, 132, 163 Jannetjen,93 Jannica, 41 Jason, 84 Jean, 239 Jenneca, 38, 278 Jenneka, 34 Jenneke, 8, 10, 12, 24, 33, 46, 83, 132, 271 Jennika, 38 Jennike, 32 Jenny, 210, 215, 2Iq Jesaiah, 175 Joannes, vii, x Job, 61 Joel, no Johanes, 71 Johanna, i, 2, 4 Johannes, 8, 10, 82, 94, 107, no, n2, n8, 124, 130, 182, 197, 237,279, 282 Johannes, Jr., 131 Johannes Van Aken,n2 ohannis, 26, 32, 35, 38, 271 Johannus, 259 Johans, 174 John, 25,30, 35, 37, 51, 53. 54. 56, 58, 60, 61, T], 81, 200, 232, 237, 247, 275, 277, 279 John, Jr., 76, 79, 82, 89 John Brown, 72 John Westbroek, 62 Johns, 174 Johonas, 67, 77 Johannas, 66 Jonathan, xxiv, 107, n4 Joseph, 132 Joshua, 237 Josias, 176 Jury. 35 Knelia, 185 Lana, 234 Lany, 225 Lea, 3, 8, 32, 33, 92, 97, io8-no, n4, n6, n9, 125, 131, 132,283 Leah, 85, 89, 178 Leja, 166 Lena, 4, 5, 10, 13, 94, 104, 165, 217 Levi, 24, 50, 213, 254 Levi Van Etten, 92 Leya, 271 Levy, 72, 275 Liedeja, 15 Lisabeth, i2, 108, no, 123, 129 Louwrenz, 12, 94 Decker, Lydia,6, 8, 10, 12, 13.93. 176, 182, 183 Madlena, 281 Magdalena, 202 Majery, 275 Manuel, 63, 64 Maragriet, 185, 189 Maregreet, 181 Maregreta, 176 Margaret, 49, 245, 249, 276, 279 Margaret Maria, 57 Margaret VVestbrook, 213 Margret, 39, 176, 238 Margriet, i, 5, 7, 109, n2, n6, 118, 124, 128 Margrietje, i Maria, i, 4, \\\, 119, 172, 175, 188, I9t,i93, 197, 230, 231, 278, 285 Mariah, 67, 89 Marinda, 92 Marilie, 28 Maritje, 106 Marjery, 263 Marteinus, x Martin, 181, 242, 254, 255, 258, 261, 263 Martines, 247 Mary, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 67, 76, 78, 174, 234, 239, 242, 247,251, 254, 257, 260, 263, 275, 279 Mary, , 49 Marya, n Molly, 89 Moses, 72, 177, 278 Mercy, 66 Nancy, 60 Neelgje, 104 Neeltje, 108, no, in, 114, n9, 267 Nelson, 254 Paul, 76 Peggy, 276 Peggy Mariah, 90 Peter, 56, 220, 222, 225, 231, 234,239.244,255, 278 Petrus. 107, 109, n4, 118, 277 Phebe, 172 Philip, 131, 222 Phillip, 218 Polly. 172 Rachel, i, 3, 94, 109, no, n2, n4, n7,i25, 130, 266, 275 Racheltje, 104, U4 Reggy Mariah, 87 Richard, 246, 277 Richard Fulk, 63 Decker, Rosse Vanaken, 32 Ruth Mariah, 71 Rymerick, 132 Saertje, 138 Salata, 234 Saliche, 65 Salita, 56 Sality, 55 Salomon, 104, 107, no, n4, n5, n9, 124, 128, 132, 137, 265 Samuel, 24, 32, 72, 109, n8, 169 Samuel, 165 Sara, 2, 5, 9, 13, 14, 45, 94, 104, 107-109, ni, n4, 124, 125, 128, 131, 137, 266, 268, 283 Sarah. 15. 36, 38, 41, 44, 49, 61, 88. m, n4, 132, 172, 173, 174, 181, 182, 242, 247, 253, 260, 277, 278 Sarah Anne, 79 Sarah Eveline, 91 Sary. 58 Seeletje, 231 Seleche, 79, 83 Seletje, 53 Selitee, 277 Selitie, 35 Simeon, 82, 230, 231 Simon L. 86, 88 Simon Ingles, 49 . Solomon, 176. 230, 231, 234 Susanna, 3, 50 Thomas. 50, 52. 57, 59, 79, 107, 108, n4, n5, n8. n9, 123, 124, 128, 137.213.237,239,244, 282, 283, 284 Tomas, 27 Willem, 4, n4 William, 103 William Wayne, 86 Wilson Monroe, 80 Dekker. Alida. 147,155,159 Andreas, 103 Andries, 17, 100, loi, 103, 105, 133, 139 Annaatje, 105, 134 Annatie, 141 Annatje. 98, 145, 146, 150, 156, 159 Antje, 21, 23, 139 Antye, 27 Benjamin, 17, 20, 21,22, I02, 155, 162 Blandina, 145, 159 Boudewyn, 144 Broer, 98, 100, 102, 150 302 Dekker,Catharina,99iio5 Catrina, 153, 154 Catrine, 155 Cornelia, 19 Cornells, 102, 274 Cornelius, 19, 27, 143, 162 Daniel, 21, 102, 134, 141, 159, 162, 274 David, 145 Debora, 105 Divertje, 105, 273 Elias, 18,98, 154, 164 Elies, 17 Elisa, 17, 18, 100 Elisabeth, 157 Eliza, 19 Evon, 18 Ezakiel, ig Ezechiel, 23, 142 Femmetje, 98, 99, loi Geestje (Grietje), 23 Grietje, 138, 147, 273 Gritje, 147 Hans, Jr., 138 Henetje, 273 Henderikkus, 16 Hendrik, 141 Hendrikkus, 144 Henrick, 98, 99 Henrik, 100 Hermanus, loi Jacob, 18, 23, 141, 143, 149. 150,273 Jacob, Jr., 102 Jacob, Jun., 98 Jacobus, 103, 105, 143 Janache, 18 Janatje, 133 Janche, 146 Janeche, 154 Janneke, 17 Jannetje, 134, 141. I43 Jeneke, 155 Jenneke, 21, 160 Jennetje, 164 Joel, 161, 274 Johannes, 98, 99, 103, 105, 134 Johannes, Jr., 141, 147 Johannis, loi, 148, 155, 274 Johannis, Jr., 146, 155, 160 Johannis Broerschen, 21 John, 142 Jonecke, 144 Joris, 102 Josias, 102, 144, 152, 156 Laurentz, 105 Leaatje, 103 Lea, 98, 103, 139, 143. 146, 149, 157 Dekker, Leentje, 152 Lena, 17, 105, 140, 162 Lenora, 100 Levi, 134 Lidea, 136 Lisa, 148 Lydia, 20, 21, 98, 153 Magdalena, 150 Magerie, 155 Manuel, 164 Maragritie, 139 Mareitje, loi Margriet, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105 Maria, 23, 140, 144, 148, 153, 162, 274 Martinus, 140, 144, 146, 148 Mary, 21 Moses, 161 Neeltje, 139 Nieltje, 133 Peter, 145, 155 Petrus, 99, 102, 140, 152, 153 Philippus, 133 Rachel, 19, 20, 100, 102, 105, 134 Richard, 235 Roanney, 235 Salomon, 99, 102,141,153 Salomon, Jr., 153, 274 Samuel, 152 Sara, 98, loi, 102,103,134 Sarah, 22, 141, 145, 146, 148, 149, 154,156,157, 236 Stephanus, 139, 143. '57 Stuffel, 273 Symon, 156 Theatie, 141 Thomas, 98, loi, 102 Wilhelmus, 103 Willem, 133 Delang, Sara, 13 Delay, Prudence, 201 De Long, Arriaentje, 5 Eleanor, 275 Demarest, J., 279 John, xxvii, xxviii, 279 John T., xxviii Maria, 278 Demarken, Femete, 176 Demerken, Cloudina, 28 Demmon, Elijah, 49 Jesse, 49 John, 49 Demund, Isaac S., xxix Denemark, Dorothea, 2 Denemarken, John Chris- toffel, 4 Denemerken, Blandina,i8 Christofifel, 4 Denemerken, CI a u d i n a Sophia, 4 Job. Christoffel, 4 Margriet, 8 Denis, Hester, 105 Denmark, Bornodis, 30 Christofil, 30 Cloudina, 25 Cornelea Hover, 30 Denmarken, Dorothea, 12 Dennemaken, Christoffel, 10 Dennemarck, Antje, 3 Christophel, 3,92 Dennemark,Christoffel,i4 Grietje, 2 Margriet, 102 Margrieta, 14 Dennemarke, Anna Dor- othea, 6 Christoffel, 6 Dorothea, 6 Margriet, 99 Dennemarken, Bernard- us, 15 Christoffel, 9, 11, 15 Femmetje, 9 Johan Christoffel, 5, li, 102 Margriet, 2, 10 Dennemerken, Blandina, 21 Margriet, 4 Dennis, Adam, 175 John, 175 Depew, Abram, 223 Dirk, 223 Maria, 223 Depu, Helena, 176 De Pue, Mosis, 17 Nicolaas, 17 Depue, Aaron, 57 Anna, 87 Benj. 54 Benjamm, 70, 74, 89 Blandena, 44 Caty Anne, 80 Daniel, 87 Daniel, Jr., 23, 25, 28 Elesabeth, 43 Elias, 25 Elijah, 89 Elisabeth, 23, 57 Elisabetha, 54 Elizabeth, 68, 83, 89 Ensy, 82 Hannah, 54, 88, 90 James Van Campen, 74 Jane, 81, 89, 280 Johannes, 15 ohn, 43. 44. 54. 57. 61 John, Jr., 57, 61, 80 Margaret, 91 303 Depue, Maria, 23, 26 Marretje, 105 Mary, 61 Melcher, 82,89 Moses, 54, 57, 87, 91,105 Nathan, 91 Nicholas, 25, 57, 91 Nicolaas, 28 Nicolas, 54 Samuel, 89 Sara, 16 Sarah, 15, 61, 89 Sarah Overfield, 89 Susanna, 89, 105 Susannah, 6g, 81 De Pui, Benjamin, 19,143, 144, 151,274 Elisabeth, 144, 154 Grietje, 274 Hendrikkus, 152 Henry, 152 Janneke, 151 Johannis, 142 John, 143 Lena, 143 Maria, 17 Nicolaas, 274 Samuel, 274 Sarah, 18 Susanna, 142 Wyentje, 18 Depui, Benjamin, vii Samuel, vii Sarah, 211 Depuis, t S., i, ii Samuel, ii De Puy, Benjamin, 161 Daniel, 59 Jacobus, 161 John, Jr., 59 Margaret, 246 Mary, 59 Depuy, Abraham, 169,213, 217 Anna, 276 Antie, 182 Benj,, 170, 182 Benjamin, x, xiii, xxvi, 63, 81,207,213,277,283 Benjamin, Jr., 276 Benjn., 174 Cornelius, 276 Daniel, 47 Eleanor Maria, 55 Elijah, 81 Elyah, 76 Elisabeth, 168, 170 Elizabeth, 63 Greetje, 170 Grietye, 168 Helena, 182, 276 Hester, 182 Depuy, Hu, 285 Isaac, 217 Jane, 55, 76 John, 35, 47 Jonetie, 217 Margaret, 68, 174 Margrietje, 159 Maria, 277 Martynes, 170 Mary, 278 Moses, xiii, 35, 63, 169 Moses, Jr., 170 Sam'l, 170, 178 Samuel, x, 55, 168, 170, 183 Samuel Swartwoud, 178 Sarah, 40, 42, 207, 214, 223 Susan, 76 Dery, Susanna, 35 Desbri, Martynus, 186 Desha, Caty, 187 Heyltie, 186 Morgan, 186 Nelly, 186, 275 William, 187 Deshea, Nelly, 275 Deusenbury, George, 278 Devans, Abraham, 24 Elizabeth, 24 Devenport, Alanson, 238 Henry, 200 Jacobus, 200 Martin, 238 Rachel, 192, 194 Devens, Hannah, 40 Leonard, 40 Devin, Abraham, 113 Antje, 106 Leendert, 12 Niclaes, 10 Terrenz, 10, 12,93, '^3 Terrins, 103, 106 Devince, Abraham, 31 Elizebeth, 31 Devins, Abraham, 19 Jacobus, 159 Devis, Jan, 138 Devoir, Benjamin, 154 Cornelius, 142 Daniel, 142 Elizabeth, 274 Helena, 142 Lena, 140, 154 Rachel, 142 Devoor, Abram, i, 139 Adam, 3 Alida, 119 Andries, 5 Benjamin, 7 Brechie, 123 Cornells, 2, 7, 100, 119, 130 Devoor, Daniel, 5, 120, 123, 130, 139 Daniel, Jr., 120 David, 100, 1 19, 123,139 Elisabeth, 120 Engeltje, 130 Hendrick, 7 Isaac, 139 Jacobus, 1-3, 5-7, 119, 120, 121, 269 Johannes, 119 John, 121 Lena, 2, 168 Lisabeth, 120 Mattheus, 119, 123 Rachel, 5, 120, 122 Sara, 7, 122 Wilhelmus, 119 Willem, 5, 7, 119, 121 Devor, Helena, 175 Devour, Antje, 153 Elias, 154 Heltje, 18 Jacobus, 147, 154 Tjaatje, 147 Devous, Antje, 160 Dewett, Cornelius, 285 Dewey, Joseph, 200 Pheby, 200 Rhody, 200 Sarah, 200 Susannah, 200 De Wit, Anna, 163 Blandina, 98, loi, 107 Cornells, 169 Elcy, 44 Elizabeth, loi Elsy, 43 Jacob, 169 Jannetie, 135 Jannetje, 99, loi, 106 John, 98 Lisabeth, 98, 99 Rachel, 99, 100, 104, 106 Rener, 169 Tjaadje, loi, 105 Dewit, Aaron, 244 Andrew Cupes, 69 Andrus, 157 Calharina, 62 Cornelius, 62 Elizabeth, 69 Grietie, 143 Henry, 69, 77 Jacob, 157, 175 Jacob I., 272 Jacob Rutscher, 284 Jannetie, 103 John, 62, 69 John H., 69 Liedia, 163 Lovina, 69 Maria, 136, 230, 231 304 Dewit, Mariah, ']^ Mary, 240 Peggy, 240 Peter, 6g Rachel, 69 Sally, 6g Sapherin (Severyn), 175 Tjaadje, 103 De Witt, Abrm., 248 Aaron, 248 Ann, 154 Andries, 112 Anna, 137 Anny, 207 Annatje, 153 Blandina, 108 Bodwyn, 146 Cornells, 126, 129, 158 Cornelius, 141, 148, 180 Cornelius, Jr., 162, 192, 194 Elisabeth, no, 141 Elizabeth, 192, 194 Elshe, 41, 46 Eyke, 6, 7, 10 Eyken, 15 Famatie, i8c Grietje, 11, 13, 18, 20, 126, 128 Hanna, 171 Heiltje, 138 Henry, 112 Hyltje, 138, 174 Jacob, 129, 138, 141, 145, 146, 149, 151 Janetje, 128 Janneke, 175, 182 Jannetje, 107-109, 112, 113, 116, 117, 282 Johanes, 138 J. R., vii Lisabeth, 11, 107, 108, 118, 137, 282 Lodewyk Hoorbeek,i62 Maragreit, 194 Maragriet, 189, 192 Maragrita, 16 Margaret, 175 Maria, 119, 145, 149,158, 162, 180, 184 Margriet, 124 Margrita, 21 Mary, 149 Marya, 115 Moses, 174, 175 Paul, 122 Rachel, 115, 122, 125, 126, 281 Rynier, 141, 180,189,207 Sara, 122 Sarah, 148, 158 Tjaati, 121 Tjaatje, log De Witt, Tjaetje, 118, 282 Dewitt, Andrew, 204 Cornelius, 163, 185, 210 Egbert, 112 Elisabeth, 270 Elizabeth, 241 Gretie, 25 Hannah, 198, 199, 203, 214 Hennah, 208 Hester, 185 Heyltie, 277 Jacob, 120, 160, 188 Jacob R., ix, 151, 154 Jacobus, 204 Janetie, 210 Jenneke, 154 John, 72 Lisabeth, 130 Maragriet, 184, 204 Margaret, 221 Margriet, 268 Maria, 120, 142,148,183, 222, 223 Mariah, 225 Martin, 183 Martinus, 120 Mary, 177, 215, 219, 224 Marya, 130, 180 Moses, 204 Mosis, 151 Paul, 120 Phebe, 237 Pieter, 120 Ryneer, 204 Rynier, 183 Samuel, 160 Sarah, 72 Susannah, 72 Dey, Maria, 140 Dieven, Jacobus, loi Therrens, loi Dills, David, 276 Dilly, Edward, 280 James, 280 Dimman, John, 31 Sarah, 31 Dimon, Assa Budd, 53 Elisabetha, 53 Elizabeth, 67 Hannah, 67 James, 51 John, 51, 53,67 Dina, 207 Dinah, 256, 259 Dingeman, Adam, 16 Andries, 275 Eva, 163 Kornelia, 213 Maritje, 159 Petries, 16 Rachel, 92 Dingemans, Andries, 103 Cornelia, 103 Dingenman, Adam, I, 2, 4-8, II, 12 Alida, 2, 4, 6, no, 121, 122 Andries, 2, 5, 7, 1 10, 125, 127 Cornelia, 7 Eva, 1-3, 6,7 Evje, 5, 7, 119-121, 269 Hendrick, 7 Jacob, 5 Jacobus, II, 12 Rachel, i Dingman, A., 41 Adam, 93, 146 Alida, 26 Andres, 167 Andrew, 92 Andrew, Jr., 88 Andries, 19, 143, 221 Andries, Jr., xii Andris, 26, 35 Caroline, 92 Cornelia, 19, 85, 143,167 Daniel, 66 Daniel V, Campen, 36 Daniel W.,62, 215,221 Daniel Westbroek, 26 Daniel Westbrook, 278 Elizabeth, 33 Eva, 19, 26,28, 146,184, 191. 193 Eve, 25, 31 Evi Sayre, 92 J., 41 Jacob, 26 Jacobus, 31 James, 28, 36 Jane, 62 Johannis, 31 Kornelia, 217 Lea Elizabeth, 91 Margaret, 77 Margaret Jane, 86 Martin W., 79, 82, 86,91 Martinus Westbrook, 215 Mary, 88 Oladan, 31 Peter, 191, 193, 275 Priscilla Mariah, 79 Ragel, 35 Solomon Hornbeck, 82 Susan Elizabeth, 92 Dingmanse, Alida, 21 Andrew, 17 Andries, 17, 21 Cornelia, 21 Elisabeth, 17 Eva, 17 Lydia, 17 305 Dinmark, Bornodis, 30 Leah, 30 Sarah, 30 Dinnis, Maria, 276 Ditschious, Sara, 104 William, 104 Ditsoort, Anna, 99 Annaatje, 98 Bernhardus, loi Jacobus, 97,98 Maria, i, lol, 105 Neeltje, 103, 105, 107, no, 114 Sara, 98, 114 Stephanus, 97, loi Willem, loi, 114 William, 103, 107 Ditzoort, Maria, 4 Divans, Jacobus, 144 Maria, 144 Divens, Abraham, 26 Josip, 31 Leendert, 31 Levey, 26 Divoor, Abram, 21 Divvins, Rachel, 22 Terrens, 22 Dixon, Mary Ann, 91 Thomas, 9 1 Dodesinck, Mally, 92 Doff, Elisabeth, 125 Thomas, 125 Dogety, Peggy, 230 Dolittle, Dorcas, 238 Donally, William, 230,231 Doolittle, Dorcas, 265 Peter, 214 Stephen, 214 Dorsius, Rev., xxiv Peter Henry, Rev.,xxiii Doty, Marinda, 90 Dowley, Henry, 235 Huldah, 255 John, 255 Pegge, 235 William, 235,255 Doxy, Anna, 280 William, 280 Drach, Elizabeth, 48 Peter, 48 Joh. William, 48 Drake, Eleanor, 262 Ephraim, 65 Evje, II George, 191, 193 John, II Joseph, 156,273,274 Joshua, 65 Ledy, 285 Ruth, 191, 193, 207 Sephaniah, 278 Thomas, 191, 193 Draper, John, 196 Nathan, 196 Dravese, Marya, 26 Dreaper, Nathan, 192, 194 Saly, 192, 194 Dreck, Joseph, 168 Du Bois, Cornelia, 159 Josephat, loi, 106 Duelittle, Dorcas, 226 Duff, Thomas, 131 William, 131 Duk, Lena Consales, 100 Duke,Elizabeth Consales, no Dunnum, Sarah, 47 Dupue, Lidia, 25 Dupuis, N., ii Nicholas, ii Du Puy, Catharina, 3 Hanna, 3 Lisabeth, 3 Maritje, 4 Moses, 3 Moses Nicolase, 3 Nicolas, 3, 281 Susanna, 2, 4 Dupuy, Benjamin, 6, 7, 116, 118, 121, 124,128, 205 Catharina, 122 Catharine, 120 Elizabeth, 128 Hannah, 205 Johannes, 6, 14, 120,122 Johannes, Jr., 10 Margrietje, 128 Maria, 124 Maritje, 7, 8 Moses, xiii, 124 Samuel, 118 Sara, 6, 10, 14, 94 Sarah. 207 Susanna, 8, 14 Du Puys, Samuel, 2 Duryea, John, Rev., 246 Duryee, Johannes, 211 Dutcher, Abraham, 284 Abram, 285 Charles, 277 Scinthy, 208 William, 208,278 Dyckman, Rachel, 191, 193 Eager, i Eakle, Sarah, 84 Earl, Ebenezer, 195 James, 24, 195 Martha, 26, 29 Matha, 30 Roberd, 195 Suffiah, 24 Eastlich, Alexander, 45 Betcy, 45 Easterline, Susannah, 85, 90 Eberth, Cathrina, 180 Christina, 165, 180 George, 172 Jacob, 165, 172 Marshal, 165 Edgerton, Edward. 201 James, 201 Edmond, Catharine, 204 Catterina, 202 Cattrine, 199 Edwards, Mahely, 208 Sally, 205 William, 205, 208, 277 Edwart, Catrina, 20 Frederick, 20 Einans, Johan, 27 Elbertson, Engeltje, 156 Nicholas, 156 Eldredge, Nathaniel, 89 Sarah Elizabeth, 89 Eldrige, Hannah Nyce,84 Nathaniel, 84 Elie, Hester, 4 Ellis, Mary, 223 Elmendorf, Cornelis, 104 Isaac, 241 Richard, 232 Roman, 232, 236, 241 Teunis, 236 Elmer, N., xxviii Elten (Eltinge), J a c o- mynte, 109 Jocomyntje, in, 137 Elting, Anna Maria, 262, 264 C. C, viii, 279, 280 Cornelius, 264 Cornelius C, xxvii, xxviii, 262 Cornelius C, Rev., ix David, 264 E. C, Rev., 279 Jacomyntje, 99, loi, 106 Phillip Bevier, 262 Elyea, Sally Ann, 89 Emans, Johan, 32 Lena, 32 Emens, Anne, 167 Caty, 40 Elaneh, 35 Eliesabeth, 16 Jemima, 40 Nicholes, 16 Emery, Cornelia, 69 Cyrus, 64 Elenor, 66 Hannah, 70, 72 Hannah Eliza, 90 George, 72 3o6 Emery, James Hamilton, 82 John Keen, 72 Julia Anne, 68 Nathan, 64, 66, 68, 69, 75, 77, 82, 86, 90 Oliver Perry, 75 Phebe Jane, 77 Sarah, 72 Susan, 86 Emins, Catharine, 36 Emmans, John, 24 Mary, 275 Nicolas, 24 Rachel, 2 Emmens, Alexander, 7 Catharina, 13, 32 Cattrina, 37 John, 5 Lea, 18 Lena, 42 Marya, 11 Niclaes, 7, 9, 10, 13 Niclas, 7 Nicolaas, 18 Nicolaes, 5, 11 Polly, 51 Nealy, 278 Emmes, Jamima, 277 Emmins, Daniel, 21 Nicolaas, 21 Emmons, John, 31 Sarah, 31 Empson, Abraham, 40 Ann, 45 Benjamin, 40, 45 Caty, 40 Elizabeth, 40 Joseph, 40 Rachel, 45 Sarah, 45 William, 40 Emson, Anne, 71 Bengamin, 43 Roberd, 43 Enderes, Christian, 50 Enes, Catharine Jane, 246 Ruth, 246 Enest, Cornelis, 39 Elijah Clark, 58 Isaac, 58 England, Tenty, 2 Engelar, Elisabeth, 200 Engler, Elizabeth, 185 English, John, 182 Levy, 182 Ennes, Alexander, 8, 137, 160 Benjaman, 167 Benjamin, 105, 157, 160, 164, 180 Catharina, 160 Catharine, 75, 79, 89 Ennes, Cathrina, 179 Catrina, 157 Cattrine, 202 Cobus, 151 Cornelius, 133 Danel, 167 Daniel, 70, 75, 82, no, 151, 159, 162, 163, 190, 203, 223, 230 David, 273 Diana, 222 Elenor, 64 Elesabet, 27 Elexander, 222, 223 Elisabeth, 16, 18, 19,21, 94. 139. 157 Eliza Maria, 67 Elizabeth, 35, 66, 82,162, 192, 194, 202, 207, 210, 218, 224, 276 Greetje, 176 Grietje, 20, 143, 273 Hannah, 64, 65, 67 Hiram. 230 Isaac, 64, 65, 67 Joseph, vii Ledia, 278 Leentje, 159 Lena, 201, 204, 209, 210, 216, 277 Lenah, 211 Lidea, 167 Lidia, 223 Lisabeth, 13 Loiza Seely, 66 Jacob, 70 Jacobus, 203, 208 Jannetje, 2, 4-8, 15, 101, no Jennica, 203 Johannes, 164 John, 66, 128, 170, 230 Joseph, 123, 162, 170, 185, 190, 202, 217, 274, 285 Margaret, 64, 79, 86, 87, 229, 230 Mar^riet, 116, 160 Maria, 163, 167 Mary, 210, 274 Matilda Jane, 65 Moses, 208 Nicolaas, 157 Peggy, 70, 76 Ruth, 279 Sally, 229 Sarah, 203 Simon Cortright, 230 Wilhelmus, 210, 278 Willem. 99 William, vii, 105, 109, no, u6, 123, 125,128, 13^. 133. 137. 139. 157. 160, 162, 217, 281, 284 Enness, Bethey, 199 Cornelia, 104 Jacobus, 199 William, 104 Ennest, Elizabeth, 220 Jannetje, 6, 102 Magdalena, 221 William, 102, 136 Ennis, Alexander, 210,228 Benjamin, 274 Daniel, 150, 155, 183 Elisabeth, 155 Lenah, 224 Maria, 210, 278 Phebe, 183, 219 Ruth, 242 Ennist, Elizabeth, 221 Jannetje, 2 Joseph, 221 Maria, 221 Wilhelmus, 221 Epson, Benjamin, 40 Jane, 40 Erel, Martha, 38 Matte, 27 Erl, James, 191, 193 Martha, 40, 43 Mathew, 191, 193 Samuel, 191, 193 Ernel, Jacob, 38 Ernet, Martha, 197 Erwen, Catharina, 14 Etten, Jacomyntje,io7,n3 Evelandt, Antje, 16 Evelant, Antie, 17 Frederick, 20 Evens, Elisabeth, 174 John, 174, 285 Everet, Allon, 229 Elizabeth, 222 George, 228 George Baxter, 217 Hannah, 222 Isaac, 217, 222, 229 Jane Westbrook, 222 Marian, 222, 228 Marshal, 217, 222 Moses, 217 Everett, Christine, 230 Erastus Starkweather, 225 George, 225, 230 Everigame, James, 133,270 Everit, Aaron Westbrook, 206 Abraham, 206 Betsy, 213 Christina, 163 Cristion, 169 Hanna, 153 Isaac, 213 Jacob, 153 Maria, 103 soy Everitt, John D., xviii Evert, Hannah, 226 Isaac, 212, 226 John Davies, 212 Every, Molly, 168 Evvens, Mary, 277 Eylenberg, George, 77 Hannah Nyce, 92 John, 77,92 Mary, 92 William Nyce, 92 Eylenberge, Mary, 84 Eylenberger,James Nyce, 84 John, 84 Eylenbergh, Elizabeth Jane, 80 John, 80 Fairchild, John, 200 Mary, 200 Fakes, Rebacca, 274 Fanstah (Van Etten), Daniel, 218 Samuel, 218 Fansworth, Elizabeth, 195 Farletier, Clea, 137 Moses, 137 Faulke, John, 279 Faulkner, Abraham, 190 Cornelius Schoonmak- er, 190 Robard, 190 Feber, Martin, 122 Feltus, George Haws, xxix Fench, Jacobus, 127 Samuel, 127, 269 Feydlie, Adam, 144 Jacob, 144 Figeli, Jacob, 136 Syme, 136 Figels, Jacob, 272 Figly, Eva, 149 Jacob, 149 Finch, Daniel G., 278 David, 196 Samuel, 196 Fish, Mary, 201 Fishcharrelt, E 1 i s abeth, 123 Fisher, Benjamin, vii, 188, 196, 202, 212, 214, 284 Benjn., 177, 180 Elia, 202 Elizabeth, 212 Jacobus, 177 James, 216, 217, 223 Johannis, 180 John, 219, 224 Maria, 223, 224 Fisher, Mary, 216, 223, 226, 227, 230 Permelia, 217 Samuel, 196 Sarah, 219 Simeon, 188 Fishier, George, 85 John Van Scoda, 85 Nathaniel, 85 Susannah, 85 Fitzgerald, Thomas, xxviii Fleming, Charles, 27, 274 Charls, 24 Sarah, 27 Thomas Whiting, 24 Flemen, Cherity, 278 Flemmen, Jeramia, 33 Margaret, 33 Flimmen, Caarls, 28 Cristina Cambers, 28 Follet, Martha, 213 Marthah, 50 Mattha, 72 Forbis, Eleonora, 14 Hanna, 143 Forbus, Elenor, 93 Force, Rev., 58 Rev. Mr., xi James G., xxix Forguson, Benjamin, 144 Thomas or Hanna, 144 Fortner, Francke, 186 Forva (Corva), Ann, 152 Fortnor, Lewis, 45 Margarit Kuikendal, 45 Foster, Ann Eliza, 227 Julius, 227 Luther, 205 Mary D., 229 Polly, 227 Silas Howell, 205 Fountain, Elizabeth, 216 Fourman, Agnas, 191 Agnes, 193 Frazer, Jane, 71, 90 John, 63 William, 63 Frazure, Jane, 74 Freebes, Mar. Cathrina, 15 Freeland, Eva, i Freeman, Rev., xxiii Sarah, 34, 36, 41 Fredenburg, Antje, loi, 105 Arie, 103 Catrina, 151 Fredenburgh, Aaron, 218 Esther, 245 Hezekiah, 245 Jane, 218 Fredericks, Mary, 200 Freligh, Solomon, 181 Frelinghuysen, Dom., xxvii Rev., xxiii Fremen, Sarah, 38, 44 French, Aaron, 212, 218 Caty, 52 Elizabeth, 56, 212 Ester, 218 Marie, 54 Moses, 59 Richard, 52, 54, 56, 59 Sarah, 56 Selitie, 52 Susy, 52 Freyenmuth, Johannes Casparus, 109 Joh. Casp., 106 Friman, Sara, 32 Frink, Henry, 51 John, 51 Fritche, Susan, 49 Fruche, Sevilla, 62 Susannah, 62, 66, yy Fruchey, Susannah, 83 Fryenmoet, xiii, xiv, xxiv, xxv, xxvi Dom., XV, xvi, xxvi Rev., xiv Rev. Mr., xi, 15, 94, 271 Casparus, Rev., xxvii Heyltje, 116, 128 J. C, 120, 121, 123, 128 J. C, Rev., 132, 136 Joh. Casparus, 116 Joh. Dom., 163 Johannes Casparus, xxiii, xxvii Johannes Casparus Dom., iii, iv Johannis Casparus, 142 Maria, 121 Fryenmout, J. C, 118 Fryenmuth, Mr., 284 Antje, III Dorothea, 106 J. C, 93, 108, 265, 267, 281 J. C, Rev., 281 Joh. Casparus, viii, i, 103, III, 265 Frynmoet, Magdalena, 142 Fuller, Denis, 208 Eli, XV Ira, 208 James B., xv Sarah, 189, 208, 278 a Gaeress, Abraham, 53 Isaac, 53 3o8 Gaeress, Leendert, 53 Gamaer, Esther, 178 Grietje, 136 Ganis, Mary, 71 Gans, Elizabeth, 65 Garess, Caty, 61 John, 61 Susan, 61 Garis, Elizabeth, 75 John, 75 Peter, 75 Gariss, Barbara, 85 Elijah, xi Isiah, xi Leonard, xxiii Garretson, Gilbert S.,xxix Gilbert S., Rev., xxii Gates, Cornelius, xxviii Geavins, Agnes, 156 Geegge, Hiram, 250 William, 250 Geemaar, Annatie, 276 Gegy, Jane, 249 Geraaa, Hester, 138 Gemaar, Antje, lO! Elizabeth, 243 Ezechiel, 105 Hester, 139, 144 Jacob de Wit, 103 Lisabeth, 103 Peter, 105 Petrus, 275 Pieter, loi, 103 Gemaer, Elizabeth, 121 Ezechiel, 153 Grietje, 136 Lisabeth, 109, 118,283 Margrieta, 131 Pieter, 118, 121 Gemar, Lisabeth, 107, 113 Maria, 109 Pieter, 109, 282 Gemes, Matte, 27 Geres, Catharine, 55 Jonas, 55 Lohnhart, 55 Germer, Catrina, 136 Gibbons, Nancy, 147 Gibs, Ruth, 155 Gibson, John, 35 Mary, 35 Gieter, Elizabeth, 203 George, 203 Peggy, 175 Gige, William, 275 Gigge,Jane, 245 Gillet, Eusebia, 156 Gladden, Temperenz, 94 Glimplse, Jenny, 252 Glimps, Abram, 147 Benjamin, 244 David, 250 Moses, 244 Glimps, Sally, 250 Glimpse, Abm , 252 Benjamin, 251 David, 251 Maria, 252 Goetschius, L H., Rev., 138 J. H., Rev., 133 John Henry, xxiv Golden, Bethuel, 82 Elisha, 82 George C, 82 Isaiah, 82 William Nyce, 82 Gomaar, Alida, 144 Annatje, 155 Elias, 159 Elisabeth, 147, 159 Ezechiel, 274 George, 245 Gerardus, 245 Grietie, 141 Jacob, 144, 147, 155 Jacob De Witt, 159 Maria, 141, 159 Peter, 141 Petrus, 147, 159 Tiatje, 159 Gomaer, Alida, 21 Cornelius, 248 Elias, 154, 168, 274 Elisabeth, 181 Ezegeel, 169 Hester, 151 Jacob, 21 Maria, 147, 154 Peter E. L., 248 Petrus, 181 Samuel, 168 Gomar, Alida, 146 Jacob, 146 Maragietje, 146 Gonsales, Benjamin, 128 Daniel, 128, 283 Jacobus, 128, 283 Manuel, 12,14, 128, 129, 267 Maria, 126, 129, 132, 137 Rymerick, 132 Samuel, 128, 132 Sara, 14 Gonsalies, Maria, 15 Gonsalis, Benjamin, 152 Elizabeth, 46 Manuel, 25 Maria, 25, 143, 160 Samuel, 46, 152,277 Gonsaly, Catharine, 41 Lena, 40 Manuel, 40 Mary, 40 Samuel, 41 Gonsolis, Sarah, 30 Goodspeed, Bethiah, 276 Goodwin, Sellie, 155 William, 155 Gordon, Allener V., 34 Charles, 257 Hannah, 257 Gomel, Jacob, 38 Gornor, Hester, 197 Green, Elenor, 220 Grootvelt, Anna, 183 Grub, Andres, 132 Sara, 132 Grull, John D., xxx Guillot, P. J., xxii Guimar, Peter, iii Gumaar, Benjamin, 246, 277 Easther, 243 Elias, 246 Elizabeth, 277 Ezekiel, 246 Jacob, 246 Jacob D., vii Jacob Dewitt, ix Margaret, 246 Martha, 246 Gumaer, Abraham, 181 Anna, 280 Benjamin, 232, 238 Daniel, 234 Charity, 247 Cornelius, 235 Eleanor, 251 Elias, 170, 174, 233 Elisabeth, 174, 239 Elizbeth, 233 Esther, 181,230,231,251 Ezekiel, 181 Gemima, 248 Gemime, 234 Gerardus, 233, 235 Hannah, 233, 234 Jacob, 174,181, 234,245, 250, 251, 261 Jacob Dewitt, 174 Levi, 261 Martha, 233 Mary Jane, 261 Morgan, 251 Peter, 235 Peter E., 251 Peter E. L., 245 Sally, 250 Samuel, 238 Sarah, 261 Simeon, 250 Sinche, 252 Syntje, 241 Teatje, 174 Thomas Lewis, 232 Gumar, Hester, 272 Jeremiah, 280 309 Gumare, Abraham, 242 Charlotte, 260 Ezekiel, 254 Hester, 258 Isaac, 260 Jacob, 242, 264 Jacob Cuddeback El- ting, 258 Jemima, 242 Jeremiah, 260 Peter E., 254, 258 Sarah, 264 Synche, 256 Gumeere, Cyne, 246 Gun, Christian, 53 Susanna, 53 Thomas, 53 Gunn, Elizabeth, 73 Gunsales, Jacobus, 269 Maria, 12 Gunsalis, Anthony, 174 Benj., 170 Benjn., 174 Elizabeth, 170 Emanuel, 22 Samuel, 22 Sarah, 31 Gunsaly, Mary, 71 Sarah, 69 Gunsaules, Catharine, 79, 81,89 Eliza, 82, 89 Eelse, 56 Manuel, 81 Mary, 80, 90 Samuel, 56, 81, 88,90 Sarah, 86, 88 Susanna, 56 William Overfield, 90 Gunsaulis, Sarah, 81 Gustin, Anthony, 81 Thomas P., 81 Gymaer, Syntie, 250 H H , Lodewyck, 274 Hacate, Eleonora, 156 George, 156 Stephen, 156 Haccate ( M a c c a t e ) , Huwe, 147 James, 147 laragriet, 147 (Maccarte), Stephen, 147 Hage, Cattrina, 37 Hannah, 37 Henry, 37 Hagerty, Fina, 74 Haggerty, Nancy, 227 Hagle, Henry, 37, 39 Jacob, 37 Peter, 39 Halbart, Jemima, 276 Halbert, Joseph, 175 Wm., 175 Haldrin, Henrick, 98 Lea, 98 Halrmg, Henrick, 105 Laurenz, 105 Hamel, Brient, 143 Hammen, Bryan, 135 John, 135 Hanan, Ellenor, 29 John, 29 Richard, 29 Handickea, Hanna, i James, i Handshaw, Hanna, 33, 41 Hanne, 32 James, 17, 94 Marget, 29 Sarah, 94 Susanna, 17 Hang. Daniel, 88 Joseph, 88 Hankinson, Mary, 47, 62 Hankes, Catrien, 28 Hanna, Benjamin, 88 Jonas, 88, 90 Mary, 88 Philip, 88 William, 90 Hannah, 207 Hanners, John, 71 Jonas, 71 Sally Anne, 71 Hanneschat, Elisabeth, 146 Hannison, Catrina, 26 Peetrick, 26 Hanon, Johan, 27 Hanse, Catrin, 26 Hendrick, 26 Hansen, Cathrina Heyl- wills, 15 Joh. Hendrick, 15 Hanshaw, Hannah, 39, 46 Hanson, Henry, 34 Martha, 34 Hantze, John G., 74 John Gottlob, 74 Hany, Hannah, 72 Hardenberg, xxvii Jacob R., Dr., 25 Hardenbergh, Dr., 26 Charles, vii Charles, Rev., vii, 230 Jacob R., Revd., vii, x Johannes I. or G., 159 Harriot, Nathaniel, 47 Samuel, 47 Harris, Sarah, 49, 52 Hasbrouck, John, 172 Mary, 172 Haver, Elizabeth, 24 Hawndshaw, Hannah, 29 Sary, 29 Hayn, Hoyn, Frederik, 153 Hayns, Benjamin, 177 Benjemin, 18 Johs Shawer, 177 Joseph, Jr., 18 Margaret, 174, 180 Margret, 170 Haynshaw, Hannah, 35 Hazard, i Headly, Lois, 149 Heator, Polly, 89 Hebler, Caty, 225 Heckerin, A. Lisabeth, 12 Hedger, Ruth, 205 Hedges, Eliza, 227 Heds, Rhody, 216 Heely, John, 123 Thomas, 123 Heerenmans, Engelje,i04 Heeter, Antony, 21 George, 21 Maria, 158 Keeter George, 158 Heiner, Margaret, 279 Hekke, Feronica, 147 Hellem, Peter, 184 Samuel, 184 Heller, Amos, 68 Blandinah, 65 Daniel, 65 Elenor, 88 Elizabeth, 62 Jane Belinda, 62 John, xxii, 65 John M., xxii Mary Elizabeth, 83 Michael, 62, 68, 83 Sarah, 68, 83 Simon, 68, 88 Susannah, 68 Hellor, Blandina, 60 Elezebeth, 59 Hannah, 59 John, 60 Mikle, 59 James Van Auken, 60 Helm, Abraham, 199 Bethcy, 189 Catrina, 152 Cattrena, 206 Cattrina, 192, 194, 201, 276 Celette, 145 Daniel, 202 Elisabeth, 23, 143 Elizabeth, 277 3IO Helm, Hester, 170 Jacob, 23, 131, 134.139- 141, 145, 152, 164, 170, 175, 179, 188, 271, 285 Lena, 140 Maria, 125, 128, 129,131, 139, 141, 142, 148, 153, 167, 197 Mary, 175 Michel, 125 Peter, 143 Rymerig, 164 Samuel, 141, 188, 189, 199, 202 Seletta, 175, 183 Helms, Ragel, 164 Hemmel, Byrn, 271 Hempt, Caty, 85 Henderson, James, 24 John, 24 Patrick, 24 Hendreks, Johannes, 169 Joseph, 169 Hendrik, Mareja, 167 Hennischeth, E 1 i s abeth, 149 Henneshit, Michiel, 123 Sara, 123 Hennishot, Elisabeth, 157 Henry, 207, 219 Clinton, 219 David, 87 Isaac, 67 John, 67, 69, 73,77.87.91 John, Jr., ^^, 82 John Michel, 132 Mary, 73 Simeon, 82 Thomas, 91 William, 69 Hensaw, Margarit, 44 Henshaw, Maragrit, 42 Henshew, Elisabet, 15 Herchsel, Maria, 209 Herlokker, Agnietje, 146 Herris, John, 285 Herrison, George, li Herry, 37 Hesson, Ann, 8 Thomas, 8 Hesued, Jannetje, 20 Hetsel, Jacob, 73 Peter, 73 Hetzel, Fanny, 75 Mary, 75 Heyns, Lydia, 14 Hide, Shereman, 58 Susannah, 58 Higgons, Henry, 8 Robert, 8 Hilferty, Daniel, 280 Hill, Abraham, 58 Andrew, 60, 61, 65, 75 Hill, Andries, 58 David, 62 Elizabeth, 61 Elizebeth, 60 Horatio, xvi James, 60 John, 61 Margaret, 62 Margareth Elizabeth,62 Nehemiah, 62 Sarah, 75 William, 65 William J., xxviii William Uriah, 62 Hilman, Syntha, 38 Hinkly, Lena, 205 Samuel, 205 Hisson, John, 5 Thomas, 5, 13, 15 William, 13 Hoeper, John, 122 Joseph, 122 Hoever, Mari, 132 Hoeverin, Maria, 136 Hof, Sarah, 146, 153, 156 Hoff, Elizabeth, 232, 237, 246, 250, 253 Hannah, 221 Hofman, Sarah, 275 Hogaling, Ephraim, 199 Jonathan, 199 Hogdeling, Jonathan, 171, 172 Petrus, 172 Saferyn, 172 Hoghdel ing, Joseph Brass, 172 Sara, 172 Hoghtaling, Grietie, 194 Jonathan, 194 Simeon, 194 Hoghteling, Grietie, 192 Jonathan, 192 Sarah, 183 Simeon, 192 Hogtaling, Ledy, 226 Hogtelin, Abraham, 213 Peter, 213 Hogteling, Abraham, 223, 226 Caty, 223 Doritea, 205 Elizabeth, 211 Jacob, 226 Jonatan, 205 Lena, 205 Petrus, 187 Sarah, 223 Wilhelmus,226 Hoksen, Cathrina, 97 Elizabeth, 97 Holden, Mary, 278 Holden, Philip, 280 HoUingshead, Stroud J., 279 Hommel, Abram, 148 Brient, 148 Honterberg, , 92 Jacob, 92 Marjory, 92 Hoogeling, Maria, 141 Hooghdeylen, Johannes, 104 Jonathan, 104 Hooghteeling, Catharina, 119, 135,267 Cathrina, 269 Jacob, 119 Jonathan, 114, 158 Maria, 106 Maritje, 130 Sara, 109, 119 Hooghteling, Gertruy,i78 Sarah, 178 Hooghteiling, Catharina, 130 Hoogtaling, Cornelius Brink, 216 John Cortright, 218 Jurian, 274 Maria, 274 Petrus, 273 Wm.,2l8 William, 216 Hoogteelen, Abraham,2i6 Ledy, 216 Hoogteeling, J o h a n nes, 100, 106, 114 Johannis, 158 Josaphat, 223 Leenty, 148 Maritje, 158 Petrus, 100, 148, 165 Samuel, 223 Sarah, 265 Wilhelmus, 165,223 Hoogteling, Abraham, 161 Antje, 165 Jonathan, 165 Lena, 187 Maragriet, 273 Peter, 179 Petrus, 161 Sarah, 185 Hoogtehnk, Jonathan, 162 Lena, 162 Hoorbeek, Elisabeth En- nes, 160 Jacobus, 160 Hoorenbeek, Rachel, 98 Hoornbeck, Benjn., 171, 176 Blandina, 214 Elizabeth, 232 Evert, 113, 182,273 3" Hoornbeck, Gentje, 273 Helena, 203 Jacob, 168, 182 Jacobus, 176, 273 Jacos, 176 Janneke, 174 Jimentje, 274 Joseph, 171, 182, 273 Lydia, 182 Magdalana, 183 Maregreet, 171 Maria, 181, 274 Mary, 175 Rachel, 105 Sara, 129 Sarah, 277 Sovereiyn, 214 Hoornbeeck, Abrah a m, 178 Abram Hooghteehng, 122 Annatjen, 97 Elisabeth, iio Evert, 106, 107, 110,122, 178 Jacob, 128 Jannetje, 122 Joost, 97 Judic,97 Lena, no, 163 Ludwig, 107 Lydia, 106 Margriet, 271 Maria, 107, 126 Maritje, 114 Sara, 97 Hoornbeek, Abram Van Aken, 118 Elisabeth, 154, 238 Evert, 165, 168 Jacob, 154 Jacobus, 147 Lena, 162 Lidia, 162 Lourance,2io Lydia, 147. '59.239 Maragriet, 147 Margaret, 182 Margrietje, 118 Maritje, 104 Sara, 126, 168 Sarah, 160, 174 Tobias, 210 Hoorrenbeeck, Maretje 106 Hoovenbeck, Ledy, 243 Hoover, Hannah, 23 Hopkins, Eleanor, 242 Lena, 277 Lenah, 253 Lidia, 277 Horbeker, Agnietje, 149 Horenbeck, Elizabeth, 203, 278 Evert, 206 Evert, Jr., 278 Greitie, 206 Crete, 170 Jacob, 278 Sovereign, 278 Tobyas, 203 Horenbeek, Benjamin,245 Evert, 158 Jacob, 245 John, 221 Lena, 158 Lydia, 274 Margriet, 134 Maria, 156 Marretje, 100 Rachel, 102 Sara, loi Soverins, 221 Horenbek, Benjamin, loi Evert, loi Horlikke, Horbekke, An- genetje, 152 Horlingen, I. M., Rev.,212 Hornbak, Benjamin, 148 Lena, 148 Hornbeck, Belinda, 91 Bellinda, 79, 86 Benj., 172 Cornelius, 255, 279 Daniel, 220 Eliza, 255 Evert, 66, 220 Jacob, 66 Jacobus, 176 Jenny, 66 Joseph, 218 Ledia, 277 Lena, 176 Magdalen, 218 Margaret, 164 Maria, 171 Sarah, 218 Soverine, 218 Hornbeek, Bellinda, 82 Benjamin, 167 Cobus, 148 Elena, 167 Jacob, 66 Jannetje, 158 Joseph, 148 Ledia, 167 Lena, 155 Lydia, 148 Magdalen, 222 Mareyte, 167 Maria, 148, 158 Priscilla, 6i5 Sara, 167 Sarah, 155 Hornbek, Cobus, 151 Grietje, 151 Lydia, 151, 157 Hornebeck, Evert, 49 Leah, 49 Horton, Bethiah, 184 Henry, 184 James, 264, 280 Marjery, 264 Sarah, 184 William Denton, 264 Houser, Caty, 30 Houwel, Louwrenia, 3 Richard, 3 Houwy, John, 4 Hove, Emmanuel, 29 Hannah, 29 Hovenbeck, B e n j a min, 241 James, 241 Hover, Aariantie Schoon- maker, 51 Anny, 201 Antje, 20 Benjamin Van Garden, 49 Cathann, 25 Catharina, 19, 94 Catrina, 17, 20, 22, 25, 31 Caty, 30 Cornelia, 17 Elesabet, 26 Elisabeth, 21, 35,37. 39 Elizabeth Nice, 72 Elizebeth, 31 Emmanuel, 20 Gilbert, 87 Hanna, 20 Hannah, 28 Henderick, 17, 20, 34 Henry, 20, 25, 30 Jane, 66 Jenny, 196 John, 21 John Linderman, 87 Lisabeth, 19 Lodeweyk, 26 Lodewick, 52 Lodewyck, 34 Lodewyk, 31, 162 Mannuel, 24 Manual, 20, 28, 31 Mary, 66 Peter, 51, 66, 69, 72 Petrus, 26 Salomon, 52, 162 Samuel, 20, 21, 30, 38 Sara, 28 Sarah, 38 Solomon, 49 Susan, 87 Susannah, 24, 69, 70 312 Howel, Betchcy, 52 Caty, 249 Femitje, 156 Jeny Quick, 244 Laetitia, 5 Peter Q., 244, 249 Petrus, 152 Richard, 5 Sarah, 149 William, 152, 156 Howey, Daniel, 236 Howke, Blandina, 201 William, 201 Howy, Abraham, 61 Catharine, 6g Charaty, 74 Charity, 55, 61, 64, 65 Daniel Van Gorden, 65 James Nyce, 74 John, 69 Jonathan Van Gorden, 64 Mariah, 69 Mary, 69 Peter, 69 Robart, 55 Robert, 01, 64, 65, 74 William, 55 Huber, Catharina, 12 Joh. Mich., 12 Johannes, 12 Juliana, 127 Maria Juliana, 5, in, IIS, 129 Huberin, Maria Juliana, 120 Huff, Elizabeth, 242 Jemima, 257 Hull, Joseph, XX Hunt (Kint), Jeruche, 147 Hydelberk, Christian, 45 William, 45 Hydt, Gerretje, 119, 123 Hyndshaw, Elisabeth, 14 James, xiii, xiv James B., xxix Sarah, 26 Hyne, Adam, 29 Eve, 29 Beniaman, 29 Hynshaw, Hannah, 40 Hyse, Anna, 177, 179 1 Ilenberger, Mary, 80 Immens, Alexander, 22 Ann, 26 Daniel, 22 Imson, Benjamin, 84 Elizabeth, 84 Mary, T], 83 Inglet, Elizabeth, 191, 193 Iveson, Jane, 258 John, Rev., 258 Sarah, 258 Ivory, Alexander, 132,268, 271 Jacobus, 132 Jackson, Anny, 194 Asa, 196 Philip, 194, 196 Jacson, Anny, 192 Philip, 192, 285 Jagerin, Maria Barbara, 7, 10 Jamison, David, iii Mary, 218 Janse, Margriet, 102, 105 Jansen, Lena, 6, 10 Margriet, 98, 108, no, III, 114, 116, 126, 130, 163, 282 Janson, Margrit, 103, 104 Jayne, Elizabeth, 89 Jemes, Margrit, 32 Jillet, Esaba, 168 Jin, 261 Jinnings, Daniel, 90 Hannah, 85 John, 80, 85 John, Jr., go Mehaly Maria Van Auken, 80 Job, Joseph, 275 Johns, Hannah, 116 Johnson, Abram, 142 Ann, 12 Caty, 187 Edward, 10-12 Geertje, 147 Hannah, 279 Henderikkus, 146 Hendrick, 142, 147 Hendrik, 146 Henry, 10 Johannis Batton (Bal- tus), 159 John, 278 Lea, 142 Maragrit, 140 Margriet, 132 Mary, 15, 94 Peter, 20 William, 20, 159 Johnst, Johanna, 134 Johson, Abram, 274 Thomas H., 280 Jonas, Jonathan, 48 Jones, Anne, 155 D. A., Rev., xix David A., Rev., xii, xviii, xix Jones, David Adkin, xxviii Joseph Addison, xxx Edward, 50 Hanna, 157 Hannah, 157 Isaac, 196 Jonathan, 47, 50, 278 Mary, I96 Nancy, 48 Nathan W., xxix Perregrin, 196 Sevila, 47 Sivilla, 48 William, 157 Jongbloet, Claesje, 116, 119, 129 Jonkbloet, Klasje, 136 Joons, Hanna, 102, 119, 267 Hannah, 117, 125 Johanna, 126 Moses, 102 Saertje, 120 Jorner, David, 160 Johannis, 160 Jory, Maria, 4 Kane, Mary, 125 Kanneda, Jacobus, 155 John, 155 Karick, Elenor, 63, 70 Jacob, 63 Frederick, 63, 70 Mariah, 70 Karmer, Lidia, 162 Kaser, Beniaman, 29 Nancy, 29 Kaskey, Huldah, 244 Martin, 244 Sarah, 244 Kasky, Mary, 182 Samuel, 182 Keally, John, 4 Keater, Leah, 159, 170 Susanna, 161, 164 Keator, Elizabeth, 164 Elisabeth Westbrook, 229 Jannetje, 173 July Anne, 229 Leah, 168, 172, 179 Peter, 229 Susanna, 177, 180 Keen, Abraham, 72 Elizabeth, 72 Mary, 72, 131 Keesbrei, Christiaen, 93 Keersbi, Christiaen, 8, 127 Heyltje, 127 313 Keetcr, Cornelia, 17 Elisabeth, 147 George, 17 Jannetje, 158 Jannitje, 154 Le:i, 154 Susanna, 158 Yannetje, 154 Kehrns, Catharine, 50 Leonhard, 50 Keiser, Christina, loi Lea, 15 Kelder, Lidia, 169 Kellam, Lucy, 278 Kelleam, Jeptha, 184 Peter, 184 Kember, Mareytie, 136 Kemmel, Mareitje, 102 Maria, 108 Kenedy, John, 178 Thomas, 178 Kentner, Mary, 62 Kepser, Jacomyntje, 1 1 Kerker, Rebecca, 160 Kermer, Abraham, 11, 26, 98, 100, 102, 105, III, 115, 167, 212 Abram, 14, 16, 125, 282 Agnietje, 18 Andres, 169 Angenitje, 115 Angonietje, 115 Angonitje, 163 Angontje, 105 Annatje, 16, 24, 93 Catrina, 17 Christiena, 16 Christina, i, 3, 8 ,11, 12, 14, 19, 22, 94 Cornelia, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 17, 94, 103, no, 124, 125, 127, 132 Derrick, I Dirck, 3 Dirk, 8, 11 Elesabeth, 167 Eliesabet, 16 Elisabeth, 17, 27, 100, 134, J4I Elizabeth, 21, 25, 103, Grietje, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13 Gysbert, 21 Hanna, 127 Hannatje, 25 Isaac, 33 Isak, 6 Jacob, 17 Jacobes, 169 Jacobus, 16, 102, 141, 146, 165 Jan, 7, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21,33, J24, 268 Kermer, John, 21 Lena, 165 Lidia, 17 Lisabeth, 3, 6, 8, 14, 124, 132 Lydia, 19, 21, 98, 273 Margriet, 26 Marntje, 163 Sara, 14, 112, 163 Sarah, 16, 18, 146 Silas, 212 Kerrick, John D., 90 Ketel, Dirk, 118 Keter, Elisabeth, 151 Jacobus, 163 Jannetje, 150 Jannitie, 143 Maria, 163 Susanna, 170 Kettel, Abram, 141, 143 Elisabeth, 166 Jeremias, 143 Joseph, 143 Lea, 138 Rachel, 141 Richard, 141 Schusanna, 272 Kettle, Abraham, 167 Abram, 148 Anne, 174 Blandina, 185 Catrina, 147, 150 Cattrina, 197 Cornelius, 183, 203 Daniel, 141 Derik, 154 Elisabeth, 145, 149 Elizabeth, 150 Esther, 232, 248 Jacob, 75, 167, 218 Jan, 148 Janneke, 167 Jeremie, 141 Jeremias, 149 Joseph, 190 Lea, 154 Leah, 171, 173 Margery, 203 Maria, 159, 167, 190 Marjory, 84 Mary, 75 Mary Halbert, 75 Marya, 173 Petrus, 149 Plonea, 167 Rachel, 154, 183 Ragel, 167 Samuel, 185,195,218,285 Simeon, 195 Susanna, 197 Keuikendal, Peter, viii Keukendal, P i e t ernella, 104 Keyser, Antje, 281 Arriaentje, 7 Jacomyntje, 8, 11, 15 Lea, 7, 8, 15 Keyzer, Abram, 13 Dirk, 13 Kittle, Abram, 152, 164 Belmdy, 228 Betsy Van Auken, 227 Blandina, 227 Catharina, 159, 164 Cattrina, 278 Colomon, 228 Cornelius, 208 Daniel, 277 Easter, 253 Elizabeth, 164 Engeltie, 152 Ester, 238 Esther, 246, 255 Herman Rosekrans,24i Jacob, 173, 197 Jeremiah, 159, 220 Jerremy, 164 Johanna, 164 John, 203 Jurrian, 164 Lea, 150, 159, 208 Marjory, 73 Mattheus, 203 Peter, 197, 220 Petrus, 203 Pheby, 203 Rachel, 280 Saml., 173 Samuel, 164, 193 Simeon, 193 Solomon, 227, 241 Susanna, 21, 169, 173 Kidder, Esther, 285 Kiersbi, Christiaen,93,i23 Josua, 123 Killam, George, 203 Jepthah, 190, 198, 203 John, 190 Killan, Pheby, 198 Killgon, Anne, 220 Robert, 220 Killgore, Polly Melford, 216 Robert, 216 Killman, Arie, 20 Elisabeth, 20 Kimbel, Casparus, 120 Joris, 120 Lena, 120 Marya, 113 Petrus, 120 Kimbell, Marytje, 124 Kimber, Casparus,io7,i5o Helena, 150 Joris, 127, 131, 137, 267 Margaret, 184 3H Kimber, Margriet, 131 Maria, 107, 130 Maritje, 150 Marya, 131 Marytie, 135 Petrus, 107, 137 Samuel, 181 Sara, 127 Sarah, 181 Kimmel, Joris, 115 Lisabeth, 116 Marya, 116, 283 Kimmer, Casparus, 128 Lena, 128 Lisabeth, 128 King, Jacob Walker, 196 John, iq6 John, Jr., 196 Mary, 196 Kinne, Antje, 25 Hannatje, 25 Kinny, Catharina, 22 Lourence, 22 Kinte, Jeremiah, 218 (Kyte), John, 218 Kintner, Elisabetha, 53 Johann Georg, 53 Mary, 57 Phillip, 65 Rudolp, 53 Rudolph, 65 Kiphart, Susanna, 35 Kite, Jacob, 225 John H., 215 Maria Dingman, 215 William, 225 Kithaline, Mary, 83 Kithcart, Susannah, 36 Kittel, Abraham, 134 Abram, 130, 144, 270 Apollonia, 130 Appolonia, 163 Catharina, 127, 135, 269, 283 Cathrina, 138 Catrina, 133 Dirk, 120, 283 Elisabeth, 122, 133 Jacob, 134, 163 Jeremias, 130, 132, 270 Johanna, 120 Lea, 128, 132, 135, 145, 168, 270 Lisabeth, 129, 268 Mosis, 144 Rachel, 91, 130 Richard, 129, 130, 230 Salomon, 230 Samuel, 164 Solomon, 230 Susanna, 133, 136, 144, 273 Klearwater, Geertje, 97 Klein, Conrad, 50 Elizabeth, 50 Margareth, 50 Klerk, Jeams, 138 Kleyn, Antje, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12 Catharina, 5, 8, 13 Cathrina, 15 Johannes, 8, 13 Kneicht, Susannah, 78 Koddebeck, Abraham, 97 Jacobus, 97, 1 10 Maria, 282 Maritje, 97 Koddebeek, Maritje, 97 Kodebek, Abram, 129 Willem, 137 Koetebek, Elsje, 98 Koeper, Henne, 34 Koettebeck, Dina, 102 Elsje, 102 Naomi, 102 Koettebek, Benjamin, loi Elsje, loi, 102 Jacobus, 100 Lena, loi Mareitje, 98, 100, 102 Naomi, loi Willem, loi Kole, Cornelia, 166 Elsabeth, 167 Kool, Abraham, 104 Andries, 16 Benjamin, 24 Catharina, 24 Catrinte, 272 Catryntie, 135 Catryntje, 138 Cornelia, 138, 165 David, 138 Hanna, 26 Harmanus, 161 Jannetje Lena, 16 Johannes, 104 iosias, 138 ffaria, l6( Marrigrita, 273 Rachel, 24 Samuel, 155 Sara, 133 Sarah, 24, 136, 161, 176 Wilhelmus, 161 Koole, Beulah, 154 Jonathan, 154 William, 154 Kortrecht, Abraham, 2, 10, 103, 107 Abram, 6, 13, 137 Abram P., 11 Abram Van Kampen,8 Anna, 97 Annatje, 8, 10, 13, 93 Apolonia, 100 Kortrecht, Apolonie, 99 Aplony, 117, 122 Apollonia, 107, 109, iii, 114, 117, 118, 120, 123, 125, 126, 281 Antoni, 13 Arie, 99, 109, iii, 112, 117, 118, 281 Bastaien, 117 Bastiaen, 109, iio, 112, 114, 125, 130 Bastian.. 100, 109, 114 Benjamin, 13 Catharina, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, ID, 13, 114,265 Catharine, 94 Cathrina, 11, 163 Catriena, 15 Catryntie, 275 Christina Elisabetha, 14 Cornelia, 8 Cornells, 5,98, 104, 114, 266, 269, 281 Cornelis Cool, 104 Cornelis H., 6, 10, 93 Cornelis Hendr., 7 Daniel, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 108 Daniel, Jr., 94 Elias, 98, 137 Eliesabeth, 275 Eiisa, 4 Elisabeth, 10, 125, 269 Elizabeth, 129 Femmetje, 112 Geertje, 116 Gerretje, 116 Hannes, 2, 4 Hendrich, 129 Hendrick, viii, 2, 4, 7, 8, II, 15, 124, 126, 130, 281 Hendrick Corn., 5, 7, 8 Hendrick Cornelise, 5, 6, IIO Hendrick H., 6, 112, 118, 128 Hendrick Hendrickson, 103 Hendrick J., 115, 116 Hendrick W., 163 Hendrik, 163 Henrick Henrickse, 99, 109 Henrick Janse, 100 Hester, 12 Jacob, 117 acobus, 6 Jannetje, 8, 15 Jenneke, 4, 124, 275 Josias, 104, 114 ohannes, 2, 3, 8, 10, 14, 99, 125. 265 315 Kortrecht, John, 99, 132, 163 Jonas, 112 Lea, 99, 130 Lena, 8, 104, 109 Levi, 16 Lidia, 103, 164 Lisabeih, 125 Lydia, 99, 112, 131, 163 Margriet, 163 Maria, 93, 100 Mary a, 126, 268 Moses, 109 Petrus, 123, 126, 127, 129, 131, 163, 270 Rachel, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 109 Salomon, 130 Samuel, 2, 109, 118 Sara, 2, 3, 5-7, 11, 14, 15, 98, 105, 109, 115, 118 Sarah, 15 Sebastian, 104 Susannetje, 1 10 Sylvester Symon, 116 Tjaetje, 6, 7, 109, 266 Tjatje, 4, 5,93 Willem, 98, 108, no, III, 114, 116, 281, 282 William, viii, 104 Wm., 163 Kortrect, Ragel, 169 Kortreckt, Hendrick J., 117 Kortright, Daniel, 223 Elizabeth, 160, 197, 221 Hendreck W., 167 Johannes, 197 Simeon, 223 Kortreght, Elias, 165 Elisabeth, 179 Elizabeth, 33, 161 Esther, 26 Hendrick W., 160 Hendrik, 33 Jacob, 161 Jacobus, 26 Jenneke, 161 Josias, 165, 179, 180 Lidia, 165 Thomas, 26 Kortregt, Antje, 160 Apollonia, 104 Arie, 103, 105 Bastian, 102, 133, 134 Benjamin, 25 Catharina, 105 Catryntje, 134 Christoffel, 102 Daniel, 15, 24, 105, 140 Elisabeth, 103, 134, 140 Eliza, 26 Elizabeth, 161, 165 Kortregt, Eva, 26 Gerretje, 162 Helena, 102 Hendrik, 138 Henrich, 102, 105 Henrich, Jr., loi Hennch Henrichse, 102 Henrick Cornelius, 102 Hester, 24 Jacob, 161, 166 Jan, 134 Johannes, 25, 102 Johannis, 26 Jonas, 161 Josias, 165 Laurent, 102 Lea, 135, 138 Leah, 160 Levi, 160 Leya, 272 Lidia, 160-162 Lisabeth, 138 Margrita, 138 Maria, 134 Moses, 15, 160 Petrus, 160 Rachel, 102, 161 Ragel, 133 Salomon, 134, 271 Sara, loi Susanna, 162 Willem, 102, 105 William, 26, 103 William Ennest, 102 Kosenkranz, Lena, 6 Koster, Jacob, 21 William, 21 Kottebek, Abraham, 99 Noemi, 99 Willem, 99 Kotregt, Janneke, 136 Petrus, 136 Krandal, Nelly, 202 Krass, Jacob, 276 Kriss, Christian, 29 Mary, 29 Kroeg, Andries, 137 Lisabeth, 137 Krom, Annatje, 106, 161 Benoni, 140 Cornells, 99, 106, 107, III, 113 Cornelius, 17, 143 Debora, 134, 136, 140, 145 Debra, 271 Elisabeth, in Gonda, 118, 274 Henrick, 99 Johannes, 113 Lydia, 99, 135, 140, 1451 151 Maria, 107, 113 Krom, Rebeca, 274 Rebecca, 118, 127 William, 135, 143 Kuddeback, Catharine, 242 Kuddebak, Benjamin, 155 Jeryna (Jesysus), 155 Kuddebeck, Abram, 112, 114 Dina, iii, 114, 116 Elsie, 135 Elsje, 115 Hendricus, in Jacobus, III, 267 Noemi, 114 Samuel, 245 Willem, in William, 245 Kuddebeek, Jacob, 236 Jakemeyntje, 236 Kuddebek, Abram, 151 Abram, jr., 155 Benjamin, 152 Hester, 155 Jacobus, 151 Lena, 122 Sarah, 155 Kudebek, Abraham, 138 Jakemyntje, 138 Willem, 138 Kuikendaal, Salomon, 133 Kuikendal, Annatje, 139 Benjamin, 155 Catrma, 139, 140, 144, 157.284 Catryntje, 99 Caty, 217 Cornelia, 146 Daniel, 103, 146, 152, 155 Elisabeth, 146, 152, 157 Elizabeth, 152 Emanuel, 157 Femetje, 143, 146 Femmetje, 157 Henderikkus, 139 Henderikus, 149 Henrich, 99 Henrick, 99, 139, 146 Hendrickus, 157 Hendrik, 146, 152, 157 Hendrikkus, 146, 157 Jacob, 98, loi, 149 Jacobus, 276 Johannes, 105 Jonathan, 157 Joseph, 100, 149 ka, 107 Lea, 150 Lieur, 100 Marretje, loi Martinus, 139, 147, 276, 284 Mosis (Moris), 149 3i6 Kuikendal, Nelletje, loi Peter, 140 Pieter, 98, loi, 135, 147, Salomon, 134, 141, 144 Salomon, Jr., 276 Sara, 99, 144 Sarah, 141, 151, 157 Soloman, 151 Solomon, x Tatje, 139 William, 143, 146, 149, 157 Kunbell, Jacob, 278 Kuttebeck, Dina, 108 Jacobus, 108 Maria, 108 Naemi, 282 Roelof Elten, 109 Willem, 109 Kuttenbeck, Abraham, 106 William, 106 Kuychendal, Maria, 130 Daniel, 130 Kuyckendal, Abram, 4 Antje, I Catharina, no Daniel, 107, 109 Dina, 2, 3 Jacob, 97 Jacobus, 2, 4, 97 Johannes, 2, 108, no Lisabeth, n9, 128 Luer, 2 Nellie, 125 Nelly, 108 Pieter, 107, lig, 265 Petrus, 127 Salomon, no, 115, 127, 283 Sara, 2, 128 Kuykendaal, Martinus, 138 Pieter, 283 Kuykendael, Cornells, 97 Johannes, 97 Mattheus, 98 Petrus, 98 Kuykendal, Annatje, 123 Benjamin, 6, 118 Catrina, 139, 142 Catryntie, 135 Christina, 6 Christyntje, 138 Cornells, n3 Daniel, n3, ng, 125, 130. 135. 267 Dina, 98 Elisabeth, n2, 123, 159 Famety, 181 Hendrick, 107, 108, n3, ns, 118, 123, 131 Kuykendal, H e n dricus, 107, 113 Hermanus, 138 Jacob, 6, 98, 1 15, 123 Jacobus, 6, 122 Johannes, 121, 122, 123, 129, 265 Josias, 131 Lisabeth, n3, ns, 120, 126, 128, 129, 133, 283 Lizabeth, 267 Lydia, 121 Margriet, 103, 137 Maritje, 93, 106 Martynes, 135 Martynus, 272 Marya, n3 Nelli, n2, n8 Pieter, 109, 114, ng, 130, 138 Pieternella, n3 Petrus, 119, 124, 133, 138, 139, 269 Petrus, Jr., 159 Salomon, 112, n3, n5, 136, 137. 268, 282 Samuel, 125 Sara, 1 10 Solomon, 181 Willem, 108 William, 277 Kuykendall, Elias, 277 Kyicendall, Catherine, 224 Kuyte, Mr., xvi Kyte, Anna, 170 Anny, 278 Elisabeth Hoornbeek, 154 Elizabeth, 229 Esther, 220 Jacob, 227-229 Jacob Hoornbeeck, 168 Johannes Hardenbergh, 159 John, xviii, 220, 278 Lea, 151 Peter, 227 Rachel, 172, 216, 220 Thomas, v, vii, ix, 151, 154, 159, 168, 170, 172, 179, 228 Laan, Abram, 273 Labah, Daniel, 90 Philip Garis, 90 Labar, Henry M., xxii Jannet, 279 Lady, Jan, 133 Laen, Abram, 163 Cathrina, 163 Elisabeth, 163 Lake, George Nyce, 70 Thomas, 70 Lakkerey, Robert, 23 William, 23 Lamberd, Sarah, 277 Lambert, Aiphred, 246 Alpheus, 246 Catherine, 253 Daniel, 248 Elisabeth, 153 George, 238 George T., 280 James Newkirk, 232 John, 255 Lewis, 279 Sala, 234 Samuel, 232, 238, 246, 248, 253, 255 Sarah, 232, 242 Lambert, Havelent, John, 153 Lance, Susannah, 75 Lane, Abraham, 36 Anny, 199, 203, 276 Bethia, 173 Effy, 159 Efje, 159 Elisabeth, 177 Ezechiel, 184 Fanny, 187, 189, 199 George, 198 Gilbert, xxviii Henderick, 36 James, 198 Lucy, 277 Majory, 184 Melesen, 186 Phene, 182 Salomon, 186, 284 Solomon, 173, 177, 187, 189, 284 Susanna, 53 Susannah, 49 Langevelt, Hannah, 172 Lisabeth, 169 Lase, Mary, 254 Latier, Barnardus, 145 Cleophas, 145, 149, 154, 183 Elisabeth, 154 Lisabeth, 137, 270 Petrus, 154 Wilhelmus, 149 Lattimore, Charles, 91 George Washington, 91 Hannah Mariah, 91 Hugh, 90, 91 John, 63, 65, 75. 83 John Craig, 83 Joseph Cortright, 91 Leah, 65 Mary, 65 2>i7 Lattimore, Polly, 63 Solomon Van Etten, 75 William, qi Layton, Abigail, 63 Abraham Brokaw, 54 Henry Schoonhoven, 58 Judith, 54 Lewis, 54, 58, 65 Peter Van Neste, 65 Lebar, Daniel, 275 Sofya, 276 Lee, Hannis, 16 Leentie, 17 Willem, 17 William, 16 Leed, Mally, 120 Lenes, Joseph, 166 Wilhelmus, 166 Lesch, Catharine, 50 John, 50 John Philip, 50 Lester, Susanna, 94 Letts, John, 48 Moses, 4.8 Leutie, Elizabeth, 195 John, 195 Josiah, 195 Rossanah, 195 William, 195 Lewis, Mary, 233 Leydi, Jacobus, 135 Johannes, 135 Leydy, John, 137 Lichert, John Jurry, 163 Margaret, 163 Lieshe, , 256 Liker, Maregrita, 167 Linderman, Garret Brod- head, 92 Hannah, 83 John J., 83, 92 Line, Adriaan, 200 Caty, 200 Conrad, 200 Maritie, 200 Lineden, Willemtje, 134 Lions, Caty, 191, 193 Litch, David, 275 John, 52 Lits, Caty, 60 Jacob, 60 John, 60 Mary Anne, 60 William, 60 Littler, Clefus, 168 Josias, 168 Little, Caty, 181 Cornelius, 202 Esther, 244 Francis, 171, 176, 181 Henry, 232, 280 Jannekie, 176 Jene, 235 Little, Levi, 248 Peggy, 244 Salomon, 202 William, 171, 232, 235, 244, 248 Litts, Mary Anne, 86 Moses, 86 Livengood, Effy, 79 Susannah, 70, 76 Livingood, Catharine, 85 Eve, 76 Lockerby, Anda, 48 Benjamin, 39 John, 57 Mary, 48 Robert, 34, 37, 39, 53 Samuel, 36 William, 53, 57 Wm., 48 Loder, Anna, 65 Anny Culver, 226 Elisha Mapes, 229 Gesse, 230 Jepthah, 66 Jesse, 229 Joh., 65 John, 66, 230 John Worth, 230 Matilda, 230 Phebe, 227 Polly, 87 Sally, 70 Susannah, 70, 230 William, 226, 227, 230 Londi, Mary, 136 Longerfeld, Hanna, 165 Longevelt, Elisabeth, 175 Longstreet, Andrew, 212 Christopher, 212, 216 Elizabeth, 230 Lonsbery, John, 189 Looder, Elizabeth, 223 William, 223 Look, Alida, 200 Lot, Grietje, 155 Mary, 184 Peter, 155 Petrus, 142 Sarah, 142 Lote, Peter, 163 Sara, 163 Lott, Anna, 233 Anny, 277 Jeny, 208 Mary, 190, 198, 203 Petrus, 160 Louden, J. W., xxx Lounsberry, John, 285 Louw, Abraham, 102, 108 Abram, iii, 114, 116 Jacobus, II Jannetje, 102, 160 Johanna, 125 Louw, John, 278 Margaret, 160 Margriet, 116 Noemi, 114 Rachel, 267 Sara, iii Love, Elizabeth, 201 Hester, 7, 24, 26 James, 10, 266, 268 James Henderse, 7 Susanna, 10, 191, 193, 195 Susannah, 24 Low, Catrina, 16 Caty, 217 Elisabeth, 211 Grietje, 155, 164 Jacob, 16 Jannetie, 153 Jannetje, 273 Jeremia Van Demerck, 213 John, 211, 213 John C, 217 Maregreta, 169 Naomi, 181, 274 Naomie, 153 Noemmy, 169 Sara, 169 Sarah, 170 Lowe, Jannetje, 21 Lowis (Louw), Maragret, 186 Lowrie, Mary, 155 Luckinbill, George Al- bert, xxx Lukens, J., i James, i John, i, ii Lundy, Mary, 122, 126,131 Luths, George, 277 Lya, 37 Lyde, Johannes, 143 John, 272 Maragriet, 143 Lydi, Henderikkus, 140 Johannis, 140 Lydie, Benjamin, 154 John, 154 Lydye, Jacob, 148 John, 148 Lyons, Catharine, 36 M Mabe, Abraham, 30 John, 30 Maccabe, Polly, 221 Mack, John, 55 Lanah, 86 Lena Van Auke, 55 Lenah, 88 Margareth, 55 3i8 Mackensie, Thomas H., xxix Macklinnin, William, 271 Maddag, Ledy, 226 Magee, Mary, 217 Magh, Mary, 38 Mahon, Catherine, 25 Majerin, Elisabeth, 136 Man, Barbara, 88 Barbary, 90 Catharine, 82 Caty, 70 Elizabeth, 71 Peter, 72 Susannah, 72 Mancius, xxiv Dom, xxiv Rev., XXV Georg Wilhelm, iv George Wilhelmus, iii, xxvii George Wilhelmus, Rev., iv G. W. Dom., 98, 134 G. W., Rev., xxiii Manknigteside, Antje, 19 Mann, Barbary, 71 Elizabeth, 81, 85 Manrow, Stephen, 201 William, 201 Manzius, G. W., Do., 106, 107 Mapes, Benoni, 244 Catharine, 76 Catherine, 240 Eleasor, 78 Elisha, 76, 86, 90 George, 90 Jane, 68, 71 Lanah, 229 Lenah, 230 Lewis, 240, 244 Mary, 78 Philip, 86 William, 277 Maps, Anny, 243 Bennoney, 247 Benony, 243 Elizabeth, 247 March, Mary, 29 Phebe, 51 Marenus, David, 176 Maring, George, 87 Margaret, 87 Marrell, Patience, 206 Marsh, Jenny, 49 Margaret, 49 Mary, 31 Simeon, 49 Temperance, 213 Marth, Tempy, 276 Marven, Cornelia, 35 Maria, 35 Marvin, Betsseb, 57 Caty, 221 Daniel, 20 Henry, 51, 57, 221 Rachel, 20, 51 Mash, Temperance, 46,72 Mason, Frank E., xxx Masten, Elizabeth, 33 Masterson, Leah, 174 Maria, 32, 185, 192, 194, 201, 205 Rebekah, 177 Uriah, 174 Martesin, Maria, 31 Matanye, Rebekah, 36 Maticks, Elizabeth, 184 Mattanje, Joseph, 158 Maria, 158 Rebecca, 158 Mattoks, Catrina, 153 Samuel, 153 Maul, Dievertje, 108, 112, 118, 120, 124, 130, 281 Divertje, 100, loi, 105 Johannes, 108 Lisabeth, 108 Maus, Elizabeth, 41 Mavin, Catharina, 24 Daniel, 24 Maxfield, Antony, i Maria, i McAbey (Cahey), Polly, 225 McCaby, Hannah, 228 Jackemyntie, 214 Jackmyntie, 214 Mary, 228 Sarah, 213 McCane, John, 74, 75 Sally Anne, 74 Sharlotte, 75 McCann, Mary, 147 McCary, Jacamyntie, 210 McCarty, James, 129 Maria, 150 Philip, I2g McCartery, James, no McCartey, Elizabeth, 164 John, 161, 164 Necholaas, 161 McCarty, Abraham, 184 Cornelius Van Etten, 87 Daniel, 87 Frederic, 78, 87 Gideon, 78 Jacob Van Auken, 80 James, 78, in, n6, 120, 125, 169, 177, 266 James, Jr., 80 John, 78, 120, 170, 177, 180, 184, 220 Josephat, 180 Josephus, 230, 231 McCarty, Lea, 217 Lisabeth, 125 Maria, n6, 230,231,273 Mary, 81, 87, 172, 175 Nelson, 78 Nicholas, 217, 220 Philip, 78, 276 Philip, Jr., 87 Sara, 269 Willem, ni Willim, 170 Wm., 177 McCavy, Hannah, 222,226 Mary, 215 M. Charty, Elizabeth, 160 William, 160 McCharty, Maria, 160 McClean, Alexander, 149 Catrine, 152 John, 149 Robert, 149 William, 152 McCoemac, Francis, 217 Sary, 217 McCracken, Susanna, 36 McDonald, Jane, 280 McDool, Sarah, 192, 194, 196 M'Gee, Francis, 129 Mary, 129 McGee, Francis, 162 Mary, 162, 165, 172, 179, 203, 269, 285 McGomley, Debora, 14 McGomly, Nathan, 14 McGumly, Nathan, 13 McGuym, Alexander, 156 M'Hollen, Margriet, 4 Mcintosh, Elizabeth, 206 McKaby, Sarah, 217 McKady, Mary, 218 McKarter, Mariea, 169 McKater, James, 139 Maria, 139 McKavey, Sarah, 223 McKenzee, Daniel, 206 Mary, 206 McLaren, Rev. Dr., xix McMichel, Elsje, n John, n McMickel, Annatje, 3 John, 3 McQueen, Elk, 152 Mary, 152 McSweeny, Daniel, 170, 175, 182 John, 175 Rachel, 182 Timothy, 170 McWilliam, Alexander, xxix Mead, Christian, 186 Leuwis, 186 319 Mead, Levina, i86 Mebe, Johannes, 28 John, 28 Mebie, Johan, 26 Marya, 26 Meckentesh, Hester, 127 Jacobus, 127 Meclean, Elsje, 144 Medack, Elenor, 240 Cornelius, Jr., 240 Medag, Elesabeth, 176 Ragel, 167 Meddag, Catrina, 275 Chatrein, 165 Cornelius, 244, 277 Elshe, 247, Gideyoen, 165 Leenty, 241 Levi, 278 Leya, 271 Rachel, 278 Solomon, 247 Solomon V., 244 Meddagh, Cornelius, 235 Jannyte, 166 Maria, 235 Medool, Jenny, 2 Meed, Daniel Burril, 202 Nathanael, 277 Nathaniel, 202 Megeaw, Ellenor, 33 Margaret, 33 Thomas, 33 Meguarde, James, 136 Meir, Bastean, 163 Petrus Wilhelmus, 163 Mekkentash, Heiltje, 133 Hester, 133 Meller, James, 193 Semeon, 193 Mennes, Lisabeth, 12 Merckel, Johannes, 93,1 15 Lisabeth, 11 Merit, Charity, 90 Merkel, Hannes, 4 Merring, Jacob, 73 John, 73 Mervin, Daniel, 22 Hendrikkus Schoon- hoven, 22 Meselis, Annatie, 28 Meser, James Gunsaules, John, 89 Metex, Migel, 166 Samuel, 166 Metier, Elshe, 188 Metticks, Samuel, 164 Mey, Elisabeth, 129 Lisabeth, 108, no, in, n6, 266 Mejjer, Andrew J., xxviii Lisabeth, 120, 125 Meyers, Christian, 215 Michael, Anna, 75, 79, 86, 87 Georg, 53 Michaels, Anne, 70 Midag, Martines, 166 Middach, Elias, 135 Eliza, 136 Hannah, 136 Jannetie, 136 Middaeg, Kegel, 166 Middag, Aard, 100, 145 Abraham, 133 Abram, 94, 274 Aert, 273 Alida, 133, 137, 140,144, 150 Anna, 103 Annatie, 151 Arianntje, 145 Ariantje, 145 Benjamin, 149 Blandina, 198 Casparus, 139, 276 Catrina, 132, 136, 140, 144, 150, 158 Catrine, 198 Catharina, 159, 160 Catharine, 248 Cathrina, 184 Chatreina, 165 Christina, 133, 137, 140, 145. 151 Cornelius, 154, 243, 240, 250 Cornelius, Jr., 255 Corns., Jr., 247 Danel, 167 Daniel, 145, 191, I94. 274 Debora, 152 Deborah, 154 Dorethea, 158 Doritia, 205 Dorothea, 165, 199 Dortea, 192, 194 Edmund, 250 Elias, 247 Elisa, 139, 150, 154, 272 Eliza, 135 Elizabeth, 145 Elpina, 150 Emanuel, 133 Ephraim, 99, 133, 142, 151, 161, 284 Femetje, 140, 146 Gedevie, 273 Gideon, 150, 162 Grietie, 187 Hannah, 255 Helena, 150 Isaac, 140 Jacob, 99, 145.243 Middag, Jacobus, 132, 142 Jan, 134, 138, 149, 161 Jannetie, 184 Jannetje, 134, 149 Jennetje, 100 Jonathan, 149 Joris (Jan), 146 Lea, 135 Lena, 158 Levi, 167 Lidea, 278 Lidia, 221 Lydia, 250 Maragrieta, 275 Margaret, 197, 202, 230 Maria, 204 Martinus, 145, 149, 150 Mary, 250, 251 Peter, 152 Petrus, 135, 142, 154 Rachel, 150, 162 Saferyn, 172 Salomon, 160 Samuel, 158, 187 Sarah, 142, 146, 152, 154 Seeletje, 138 Seletta, 170 Solomon, 250 Tunis, 135 William, 248 Middagh, Abraham, 97, 104, n3, 138 Abraham Van Aken, 181 Abram, 108, n2, U3, 119, 128, 265 Aert, 104, 109, no, ns, n8, 132, 281 Alida, 130 Alidagh, 283 Benjamin, 122 Blandina, 125 Bostean (Roslean), 176 Brechie, 123 Bregje, 98 Cate, 235 Catharina, 125 Catherine, 244, 262 Cathrina, 172, 174 Cathrina Garetje, 172 Caty, 232 Charity, 230, 231 Charity D., 244 Christina, 125, 129, 268 Cornelis, 129, 269 Cornelius, 181, 230, 231, 236, 262 Daniel, 108 Dorothea, n9, 162 Dorothy, 171, 172 Eli, 263 Elias, 174, 181, 197 Elias, Jr., 171 320 Middagh, Elisa, 129 Elisabeth, 1 10, 171 Engeltje, 230, 231 Fametie, 183 Ganehje, 235 Gideon, no, 180 Hanna, 112, 122 Hannah, 106 Helena, 232 Hendrick C, 172 Hendrick Cor., 174 Hendrik Kortrecht, 129 Henry C, 244 Isaac, 264, 267 Jacob, no, 128 Jacobus, no, 124, 125, 128, 129, 268, 283 James Nelson, 261 Jan, 97, 269 Jane, 244 Janetje, 177 Jannetje, 137, 163 John, 278, 279 John W., 279 Jonathan, 176 Jsak, 124 Lea, 137 Lena, 181, 236 Levi, 261 Lydia, 236 Malletje, 97 Maregreet, 181 Margaret, 244, 261, 262 Margriet, 269 Margrietje, 134 Maria, 197 Martinus, 104 Martynus, ns Moses, 128 Rachel, n8, 180 Robert, 230, 231 Sally, 263 Salomon, n3 Samuel, 104, n3, 171 Seletta, 173 Solomon, 171 Souverign, 138 Thatje, 236 Wilhelmus, 174 William, 244 William Cortreght, 180 Middaugh, Catherine, 258 Caty Jane, 259 Charity, 255 Cornelius, 258 Cynata, 258 Elizabeth, 74,280 Jane, 258 John W., 259 Levi, 258 Levy, 74 Marggret, 258 Mariah, 75 Middaugh, Sally, 259 Miels, Jackkemintie, 28 Jacobus, 28 Miers, Bastian, 169 Jacob, 201 Josias, 201 Migdool, Elisabeth, 3 John, 3 Miler, Rob., 29 Robert, 29 Miller, Ann, 91 Anna, 87, 91 Betsey, 66 Catharine, 81, 85, 88 Elizabeth, 69, 74 Jacob, 79, 81, 89 James, 191 Jemimy, 36 Manuel, 89 Margaret, 81,82, 84, 88, 196 Mariah, 89, 91 Martha, 23, 29 Mary, 71, 76 Matta, 27 Philip, 81 Samuel Gunsaules, 79 Simeon, 191 Millett, Joseph, xxviii Mills, Dr., xi-xiii Samuel W., xxviii S. W., Rev., xi, XX, xxii Miner, Christina, 39 John, 39 Sarah, 39 Minor, Christina, 37 Mires, Abijah, 67 Christian, 69 Jonathan, 67 Mixter, Catharine Scoan- over, 55 Isaac, 55 Isaiah, 51 Mary, 51 Mixture, Isaiah, 53 John, 53 Mollen, Antje, 19 Benjamin, 31 James, 19, 27, 31, 136 Heyltje, 136 Lea, 41 Margaret, 133, 138 Margriet, 137 Maria, 37 Marrigrit, 272 Mollener, James, 167 John, 167 Mollhallon, EUonar, 4 MoUin, Barent. loi James, 132 Margriet, loi Margrita, 168 Molnier, Jackobeus, 166 Naomey, 166 Moloney, Joseph, 30 Mary, 30 Monday, Benajy, 36 Maria, 36 Montanje, Abraham, 25 Joseph, 25 Rebecca, 20 Montanye, Rebecca, 30, 45 Mood, Samuel, 92 Samuel Westbrook,92 Sarah, 92 Moor, George, 135 Moore, Elisabeth, 145 George, 145 Margaret, 206 William S., xxviii Mooren, David, 189 William, 189 More, Cathrina, 186 Gorgh, 272 Susannah, 81 Morfi, John, 122 Thomas, 122 Morphe, Mare, 136 Tomas, 136 Morphy, Mary, 126 Thomas, 126 Morris, Gov., 265 Morrison, John Adam, 280 Morrow, David, 182 Lydia, 176 Saml, 176 Samuel, 182, 183 Solomon, 183 Morse, James G., xxviii Moser, Adam, 68 John, 68 Sarah, 68 Moses, 207 Mosher, Hannah, 239 Mosier, Dan, 71 John, 71 Motani, Rebecca, 29 Mott, Margriet, n Moul, Dievertje, n3 Divertje, 103, 133 Mulford, Phanny, 216 Mulin, Amy, 38 Mullen, Anne, 276 Maria, 205 Hannah, 208 James, 28 Maragriet, 142, 154 Philip, 205, 208 MuUener, James, 180 Joseph, 180 MuUer, Charity, 33 Heyltje, 33 Mary, 33 MuUin, James, 24, 30 Janneke, 24 321 Mullin, Thomas, 30 Mulliner, Navmi, 212 Munroe, Polly, 277 Munroo, Stephen, 276 Murphy, Timothy, 131 Thomas, 131 Mushback, John, 278 Sebily, 278 Mushbaugh, John, 34 Mushpuch, John, 35 Myers, Adam, 212 Bastian, 212, 218, 278 Bastian, Jr„ 213 Belinda, 218 Catrina, 221 Christena, 214 Christopher, 178 Cobus, 218 Cornelius, 178 Daniel, 173, 177, 182 Daniel Van Aken, 173 Elizabeth, 213 Jacob, 182, 208, 210, 214, 218, 224, 276 Johannes, 212 Mahala, 214 Mary, 212, 218 Rebeckah, 212 Roger, 212 Roxeny, 208 Sally, 223 William Johnson, 210 Mykreed, Catharina, 121 Myles, William Guthrie, XXX Myres, Bastian, 175 Elisabeth, 175 Elizabeth, 65 Jacob, 65 John, 174 Mary, 174 Sarah, 65 N Nagtigaal, Elisabeth, 149, 153 Nash, Phebe, 50 Nearpas, Anna, 256 Anny, 252 George, 252 Mary, 247 Wm., 256 Nearpass, Baltiss, 264 Benjamen, 277 Catharine, 254 Catherine, 257, 261 George, 251 Jacob, 251, 261 John, 261, 264 Mary, 243, 279 Sarah, 264 W. H.. vi Neely, Joseph, 279 Neerbas, Jacob, 135 Willem, 135 Neerpas, Benjamin, 247 Catharine, 250 Elisabeth, 177 Jacob, 247 Joannes, 275 Johannis, 177 Neerpass, Anne, 242 Benjamin, 233 Benjn., 179 Cate, 239 Cathrina, 180 Caty, 179, 232, 241 Christina, 180 Jacob, 177, 180, 235, 242 John, 232, 233 William, 232, 235 Wm., 177, 179 Nefe, Lena, 171 Neffe, Helena, 176 Lena, 181 Neffi, Helena, 127 Rebecca, 124 Thomas, 124, 127 Nelson, 259 Nerapas, Elisabeth, 145 Jacob, 145 Nerapos, Mary, 154 Nerepas, Anna Maria, 150 Baltus, 159 Benjamin, 150 Catrena, 166 Catrina, 159 Jacob, 150, 166 Maria, 166 Nethier, Hannes, 104 Margaritje, 104 Nice, Catharina, 54 Daniel, 51 George, 51 Helena, 54 John, 46, 54. 75. 277 Mary, 80 William, 46 William H., 75 Niecles, Benjamin, 29 Joshep, 29 Niemen, Abigail, 275 Nince, Caty, 45 North, Elisabeth, 154 Nottingham, Ann, 13 Brechje, 112 Mally, 112 Nyce, Balinda, 92 Catharine, 280 Daniel, 92 Elenor, 79 Elizabeth, 276 George. 52, 56, 57 George W., 74 Hannah, 74 Nyce, Jacob, xxii, 57, 67 James, xxii John, 56, 63, 67, 75, 209 John, Jr., 79 John Westbrook, 209 Lenah, 75 Lydia, 63 Mary, 83 Sara Elizabeth, 92 Solomon Westbrook,78 William, 52 Wm. H., 78 Nylen, Elisabeth, 139 William, 139 Nyse, , 277 O Oberfield, Sarah, 179 Ogden, Elizabeth, vii Hannah, 62, 72, 73 Onson, Elizabeth, 200 Frederick, 200 Ooserhout, Arriaentje,i09 Oosterhout, Annatje, 149 Ariaentje, 126 Arnaentje, 112,116,119, 137, 283 Caty, 238 Eldert, 159 Jacobus, 116, 120, 149 Johannes, 138 Leentje, 1 14 Lena, 99, 109, 116 Magdalena, 118 Maria, 128, 143, 148 Rachel, 159 Susanna, 232 Susannah, 236 Oostrander, Maria, 143 Opdegraf, Abraham, 179 Isaac, 179, 181 Jacob, 181 Sarah, 179 Optehoms, Hendrick, 198 Jacobus, 198 Openhuis, Annatie, 285 Henry, 285 Openhouise, Hendrick, 184 Jacob, 184 Optenhousen,Cattrina,204 Hendrick Jatus, 204 Osterhoudt, John, 175 Osterhout, Aldert, 173 Ariaantje, 102 Arriaantje, 100 Catey W. B., 241 Jacobus, 134 James, 245 Jeremiah Quick, 237 Johannes, 269 John, 236, 237, 245 322 Osterhout, Mag dalena, 99, 102 Nathan, 173 Nelly, 236 Rachel, 242 Sally Shepherd, 236 Solomon Middagh, 230, 231 Tunis, 230, 231, 236,241 Otley, Antie, 176 Asa, 171, 176 Samuel, 171 Oute, Elesabet, 28 Overfield, Amiel, 84 Benjamin, 25, 40, 42, 44 Elizabeth, 71, 86 Helena, 40 Joseph Ritner, 88 Manuel, 25 Maria, 40 Paul, 42 Sarah Van Campen, 80 Susannah, 71 Washington, 80 William, 71,80,84, 88 Overpeck, Adam, 60,71,85 Caty Mariah, 85 Elizabeth, 'j'j, 83 Elizebeth, 60 George, 80, 83 Samuel, 60 Sarah, 84, 85, 90 Sarah Anne, 71 Susannah Van Campen, 80 Overpeek, Adam, 81 Elizabeth, 87 Philip, 81 Sarah, 80 Oversheimer, Peter, 48 Susanna, 48 Owens, Margaret, 77, 79 Mary, 151 Paers, Jonathan, 168 Sara, 168 Painter, Mary, 186 Palmatier, Maregreet, 182 Palmetier, Maregreet,i7i, 178 Margarita, 121 Michiel, 121 Panborn, Edmond, 143 William, 143 Park, Elisabeth, 170 Parkerton, Edward, i Parks, Experience, 190 Parmer, Caty, 209 Cheziah, 243 Parrish, Stephen, 205 Zebelon, 205 Paterson, Benjamin, 234 Elizabeth, 234 Eunice, 235 Geremy, 234 Sarah, 240 Patison, Josep Maker,234 Samuel, 234 Patran, James, 272 Patrik, James, 156 Maria, 156 Patson, Blandina, 214 Patterson, Blandina, 235 Elias, 212, 224 Esther, 245 Eunice, 233, 245 Ezube, 230, 231 Hester, 236 Lydia, 224 Parmelia, 280 Peter, 235 Peter Q., 235 Sarah, 212 Peach, Lucretia, 74, 75 Peck (Pach), Johannis,i49 Pecker, Angenitje, 32 Edward, 32 Dilye, 32 Peeke, Rev. Mr., xxi Harmon V. S., xxix Harmon Van Slyke, Rev., xxi Peer, Elizabeth, 191, 193 Rachel, 190 Pegar, Mary, 55 Peiddis, Caty Jane, 227 John, 227 Peiker, Edward, 27 Rebecca, 27 Pelten, Hannah, 175 Peltin, Hannah, 168 Johanna, 170, 275 Pelton, Hannah, 181 Penet, Benjamin, 191, 193 Samuel, 191, 193 Penn, William, ii Pepinger, Sarah, 156 Perry, James, 271 Peters, Charles Ridge- way, 81 Daniel, 84 Delinda, 81 Elizabeth, 69 Else, 81 George, 81,82, 84, 88 Henry, xxii, 69, 81, 86 John, 51, 82 Maria Louiza, 86 Mary, 51 Sarah Anne, 88 Petron, Sarah, 47 Petterson, Esaba, 168 Nehemyah, 168 Petteson, Hester, 156 Nehemiah, 156 Petty, Juno, 14 Phenix, Andrew, 159 John, 159 William, 159 Phillips, James S., 280 Phoenix, Andrew, 159 Hendrick, 159 Phresuer, John, 51 Pheby, 51 Pifer, Sarah, 91 Pitt, Mr., xi Pitts, Robert, xxix Robert, Rev., xii, xix Place, Benjamin, 69 James, 69, 89 Susannah, 89 Play, Mary, 240 Ploeg, Abraham, 165 Aldert, 165 Ploegh, Aldert, 15 Hendrick, 6 Sara, 15 Plouegh, Jacob, 192 Jenny, 192 Plough, Jacob, 194 Jenny, 194 Plysser, Magdalin, 25 Poh, Henry, 276 Polhemus, Henry, 50 Pomp,Thos., 55 Pomry, Henne, 31 Poole, Alexander, 273 Potman, John, 34 Peter, 34 Pots, Patience, 13 Pouleson, Jannatie, 285 Pray, Mary, 244 Preston, Saml., i Samuel, i Price, Apolonia, 178, 182 Elizabeth, 40, 45 Prize, Elizabath, 43 Probasco, Abraham, 211 George, 65 Jacob, 211,214, 217 Joseph, 65 Margaret, 65 Mary, 214 Petrus Van Nest, 217 Prosser, Ellenor, 27 Maragrita, 22 Nelly, 33 Provoost, Margriet, 97 Willem, 97 Prys, Anna, 3 ApoUonia, in Appolony, 160 Elizabeth, 116, 156 Francasje, I45 Hanna, 3, n Johannes, 121 323 Prys, John, in, ii6, 121, 126, 160 Lisabeth, 269 Philip, 126 Puder, Lanah, 57 Pue, Hue, q8, 102 Margriet, 98 Pieter, 102 Pugh, Hugh, 5, 106 Isaac, 106 Puss, Elezibeth, 59 Jacob, 59 Peggey, 59 Putman, Moria, 59 Victor, 59 Qick, Marey, 166 Samuel, 166 Quack, Helena, 272 Marigrita, 272 Rabacka, 31 Quek, Enne, 272 Quick, Abm., 177 Abraham, 160 Abram, iii Adrian, 92 Ann, 26, 129, 165 Anna, 23, 126, 133, 138, 270 Antje, 98, 282 Beeletje, 282 Beletje, 137 Benjamin, 97, 115, 117- 119, 125, 126, 140,149, 157,267 Catharina, 117, 122,129, 162 Cathrina, 178, 269 Catrina, 149 Cattarina, 203 Cattrina, 195 Cattrine, 207 Caty, 179, 197. 210,241 Clara, 121, 122 Cornells, 122, 126, 130, 132, 268 Cornelius, 133, 148, 181 Dan. Dimmick, 244 Daniel, 242 David, 157 Derick, 176 Derrick, 104 Dirk, III, 117 Divertje, 158 Eleanor, 279 Elisabeth, 109, 116, 123, Eliza, 136 Elizabeth, 34, 37, no, 136, 245, 279 EUenor, 232 Quick, Elsey Jane, 75 Geertje, 98 George, 205, 207, 210, 212, 275 Grietje, 132, 150 Griette, 140 Hannah, 237 Henry, 205, 276 Heyltje, 19 Hiram, 70 Isaac, 237 Jacob, 133, 232, 241,244, 275, 278 Jacobus, 108, 112, 122, 124, 126,133, 137, 154, 168, 170, 175, 181,197, 265, 268 Jacobus, Jr., 275 James, 212 Janche, 147 Jane, 205 Jannitie, 198 Jenne, 236 Jenneke, 137 Joel, 108, 109, 114, 125, 129, 133, 137, 145.151. 158, 268 Johannes, 98, 108, 161 Johannis, 171 John, 70, 179, 200, 204, 239, 242 John B., 66, 243 John T., 75 Joris, 125 Joseph, 160, 179 Jurian, 148 Lea, 126, 133 Leenah, 197 Lena, 105, no, 112, 115, 119, 124, 128, 132,137, 153. 176. 205, 210,212, 265 Lisabeth, 125, 128, 131, 137, 281 Liza (Lena), 207 Lizabeth, 104 Lydia, 137 Maragret, 147 Maragriet, 157 Maregriet, 135 Margaret, 245 Margariet, 164 Margret, 237 Margreth, 133 Margriet, 2, 112, 115, 117, 118, 123, 130 Margrita, 97 Maria, 120, 157, 200 Mariah Elizabeth, 66 Marya, 171 Martin Cole, 243 Mattheus, 119 Neeltie, 17 Quick, Pegge, 236, 237, 239 Peggy, 35 Peter, 198, 214, 277 Peter, Jr., 278 Petrus, 112, 118, 123, 153. 171 Philippus, 123 Ploney, 236 Polly, 168 Pride, 230, 231 Prude, 241 Rachel, 104, 204 Rebecca, 2, 17, 19, 25 Reymerig, 97, 98 Roger Claric, 214 Rymerich, 128 Rymerick, 124 Salomon, 151 Samuel, 130, 164, 175, 197, 275, 276 Saperine, 176 Sarah, 145, 161, 180, 183, 189, 204, 207, 237, 276 Simeon, 177 Simon, 207 Susannah, 88 Teunis, 97, 157 Thomas, 2,97, 115, 117, 123, 133, 170 Tomas, 133, 136 Quik, Adrian, 99 Anna, 143 Antje, 140 Beletje, 98 Benjamin, 105, 106, 134, 157 Cattrina, 187 Cornelius, 133 Dirk, 98, 106 Elisabeth, 105 Greetje, 144 Grietje, 134 Hannah, 140 Jacob, 237 Jacobus, 102, 105, 144 Jenneke, 98 Joel, 105, 140 John B., 237 Lena, 103, 106, 141 Lisabeth, 99, 102, 133 Maragrita, 139, 140 Margriet, 99, 100, 102, 134 Maria, 133 Rachel Corregt, 157 Rebecca, 154 Thomas, 105 Rakien, Anna Maria, 135 Ralls, Elisabeth, 175 324 Ralls, James, 175 Ramsey, Lucretia, in, 116, 121 Randall, Enos, 160 Lenah, 160 Ranette, Catharine, 279 Range, Elisabeth, 156 Ransen, James, 135 Ruth, 135 Ranson, Alonzo A., xxx Rashel, Benjamin, 275 Rasor, Benyamen, 27 Hanah, 25 Hanne, 27 Rachel, 27 Ratier, Elisabeth, 144,149 Lisabeth, 131 Rattier, Elisabeth, 140 Rawford, Hannah, 222 Ray, John, 93 Susannah, 195 Rayman, George, 68 Jacob, 68 Rachel, 68 Reaser, Elizabeth, 78 Rechard, Nathaniel, 194 William, 194 Redford, John, 177 Ree, John, 3 Reed, Benjamin, 196 Catterine, 196 Julia, 280 Thomas, 196 Reifsmyder, Andries, 93, 120, 126, 131 Reifsnyder, Jacobus, 120 Joseph, 131 Maria, 126 Relie, Hester, 6, 11 Relje, Hester, 12, 100,101 Rellie, Hester, 7, 11 Relyer, John, 229, 230 Joseph Ennis, 229 Philip, 230 Remsen, Lucretia, 126 Rendall, J. H., xxx Rendle, Antje, 145 nes, 145 Renyer, Susannah, 230 Resep, Rachel, 33 Resen, Elizabeth, 76, 90 John, 76, 79 Sarah, 79 Reser, Anthony, 70, 83 Barbary, 90 Catharina, 77 Catharine, 63, 86 Caty, 65, 73 Daniel, 83, 90 Elizabeth, 74, 76, 86 Henry, 70 Isaac, 83 Jacob, 63, 74, 79. 85 Reser, James, 63 Jemimah, 79 John, 64, 70, 86, 87 Joseph, 64 Margaret, 90 Mary, 66, 68 Peter, 62, 63, 66, 68, 70, 73. 90 Philip, 62, 87 Rachel, 63 Sarah, 73 Susan, 70 Susanna, 75 Susannah, 82 William, 66 Rex, Henry L., xxix Reysly (Rigley), Anatje, 177 Rhodes, vii Chas., xii Richardson, Maria, 15 Richerd, Nathaniel, 192 William, 192 Rider, Cattrina, 186 James, 186 Riggs, Ann, 277 Rhoda, 275 Rhody, 47 Right, John, 121 William, 121 Rimer, Amy, 284 Risla, James, 130, 269 Margriet, 130 Risly, Annatie, 184, 204 Ritt, Geeshi, 115 Roaki (Rohbek), Anna Maria, 145 Robert, Antje, 121 Elisabeth, 121 Lisabeth, 120, 121 Margriet, 120, 123, 130 Vincent, 121 Roberts, Margriet, 126 Mary, 77, 80, 84 Rochel, Dirck, 3 James, 3 Roef, Hans Michel, 121 Jacob, 121 Roet, Pieter, 266 Rogers, E. P., Rev., xxii Hanna, 154 Samuel J., xxviii Romaine, Dom., 19 Rev. Thos., 19 Romein, Nicolaas, 145 Susanna, 142, 284 Thomas, Do., 142 Romeins, Dom., 23 Romeyn, xiv Dom., 22 Rev. Mr., xx D., Rev., 274 Thomas, Rev., 273 Romeyn, Thos., Rev., 159 Romfeld, Cathrina, 137 Romien, Dom., 94, 284 Dr., 22 Mr., 284 Derick, 284 T., 284 Thomas, 94, 145 Thomas, Rev., 281 Romine, Rev., 16 Thomas, Rev., xvii Romvellen, Cathrina, 132 Roos, Antje, 124 Catrina, 148 Gisbert, 104 Marytje, 120 Neelgje, 103 Neeltje, 4 (Kool), Cornelia, 179 Roosa, Catrina, 150 Marya, 179 Rooscrans, Arriantje, 211 Roosekrans,Ariaantje,l43 Arriantje, 154 Blandina, 146, 157 Benjamin, 154 Catrina, 18, 147 Cherk De Witt, 18 Daniel, 147 Derk, 284 Elia, 20 Engeltje, 154 Jacobus, 147, 158, 274 Jacobus, Jr., 154 Jannetje, 153 Johannes, 20 Johannis, Jr., 18 Lena, 145 Levi, 158 Salomon, 147 Roosenkrans, Catrina, 139 Cobus, 158 Helena, 158 Root, Catherine, 190 Elisabeth, 20 Jefred, 190 Lisabeth, 8 Pieter, 8, 12 Rortrecht, Rachel, 5 Rosa, Antje, 98, 100, 103, 104, 106, 108, no, 112- n3, 115, 119, 120, 122, 124, 134 Antjen, 281 Elisabeth, 177 Isaak, 125 Isak, n7 Jacob, 129, 177 Jan, 120 Jan A., 121, 122, 125,129 ian Aldersc, 117, 282 laria, 162, 166, 173, 191, 193, 274 325 Rosa, Mary, 177 Marya, 117 Neeltje, 114 Rebecca, 121 Wyntje, 3 Rosakrance, Lydia, 183 Rosakrans, Jane, 188 John, 25, 42 Rose, William, 177 Rosecrans, Arejate, 166 Caterina, 250 Catherine, 257 Cornelius, 234 Diana, 243 Jan, 166 Jannete, 166 Jeanna, 237 Johannis, 166 Mary, 234, 241, 257 Mary Ann, 258 Peter, 258 Sally, 258 Rosecranse, John, 49 Solomon, 49 Rosecrants, Hannah, 57 Sallomon, 57 Rosecrantz, Abram Bross, 261 Peter, 261 Sarah, 261 Rosegrant, Catharine,23o, 231 Rosekrace, Har, 179 Rosekrance, Abraham, 173 Anantie, 179 Ariantie, 181 Benj., 179 Benjn., 172 Blandina, 175 Harme, 182 Isaac, 177 Jacobus, 173, 175, 181 Jesaias, 182 Johannes, 173 Johannis, 179 Johans, 177 John, 173 Lydia, 171, 175, 178, 179 Rosekrans, Alida, 152 Antje, 100 Areantie, 216 Ariaantie, 200 Ariaantje, 161 Arianje, 204 Ariaentje, 140 Ariantie, 225 Ariantje, 140, 148 Arriantie, 190, 209 Arriyantie, 272 Aryantie, 135 Benjamin, 40, 42, 45,47, 148, 275 Rosekrans, Blandina, 136, 138, 142, 150, 196 Catherine, 253 Catriena, 16 Catrina, 16, 144 Caty, 207, 237 Chareck, 276 Christina, 98 Cornelius, 143 Coriany, 38 Daniel, 98, 152 David, 40 Elizabeth, 207 Evert, 47 Francis, 207 Geertje, 102 Hannah, 225 Harme, 100, 102, 132 Harmen, 140 Helena, 272 Herme, 218 Jacob, 191, 193 Jacobus, 98, 102, 142, 144, 152, 191, 193 Jannetie, 204 Jannitie, 198, 204, 208, 210 Jaremia, 198 Jeremiah, 203, 208 Joannes, 191, 193 Johannes, Jr., 24 Johannis, 16, 21, 152 Joseph, 40, 148, 277 Ledy, 208 Lena, 16, 277 Lenah, 24 Levy, 21 Margriet, 24 Maria, 230 Mary, 227, 228 Nicholas, 45 Petrus, 143, 148, 218 Rachel, 40, 221 Rebecca, 191, 193 Reremiah, 203 Roanny, 222, 223, 228 Rosanny, 42 Sara, 98, 103 Solomon, 276 Suse, 208 Rosekranse, Jacobus, 171 Rosekrantz, Helena, 93 Rosenkrans, Alexander, xix Amanda, 66 Ariantje, 133 Arietta V. Campen, 64 Asa, 65, 67 Benjamin, 63, 66, 82 Blandina, 160 Catharine, 74, 76, 77, 83, 90, 220 Catrina, 133 Rosenkrans.Caty, 63 Charriek, 65 Cornelia Winecoop, 75 Cornelius, 220 Cyrus Egbert, 62 Daniel, 134 Deborah Ann, 89 Diana, 66 Elizabeth, 64 Elizabet Jane, 87 Esther, 78 Event, 82 Evert, 89 Frazure, 67 Hannah, 89 Herman, 7 Horris, 65 James, 72 John, 63, 87, 89 John, Col., xix John I., 75 John J., 64 Julia Mariah, 75 Levi, 47 Levy, 62 Lidia, 133 Margaret, 70 Mariah, 69, 74, 76, 81, 83 Peggy Mariah, 89 Petrus, 133 Rachel, 64, 73, 77, 80, 83.91 Sally, 63 Samuel Shoemaker, 67 Sara, 134 Sarah, 74,78, 81,87, 89 Simeon, 63, 65, 67, 70, 75.89 Solomon, 72, 78 Susannah, 87 William, 47 Roscnkrants, Benjamin, 162, 165 Catharina, 160, 162 Catherina, 161 Francis, 162 Johannes, 274 Johannes, Jr., 162 Petrus, 161 Rosenkrantz, Alexander, 4 Catharina, 5, 161 Catharine, i Cathrina, 104 Johannes, i, 5 Hermanns, 4 Lena, 4, 5, 92 Magdalena, 4 Sara, 108 Rosenkranz, Alexander, 8 Alida, 124 Anna, 10 Ariaentje, 131 326 Rosenkranz, A r r iaantje, 127 Arriaentje, 127, 131, 137, 270 Benjamin, 116 Blandina, 125, 126, 130, 132, 268 Catherina, 7, 9, 10, 1 1, 13, 109, 118, 119, 126, 130, 266 Cathrina, 138 Christina, 281 Dirk, 109, 116, 119, 127, 131, 132, 266 Herman, 10, 12, 109, 112, 114, 116, 119, 122, 126, 137, 283 Hermanns, 7, 8 Jacob, 13 Jacobus, 107, 108, 109, III, 113, 114, 116, 118, 124, 127, 266, 282 Jannetje, 116 Johannes, 10, 11, 13, 108 John, II Joseph, 12 Leentje, 10 Lena, 5, 7, 8, 109, 116, 127 Lydia, 132 Madelena, 13 Magdalena, 9, 11-13 Margriet, 112, 113, 115 Marya, 11 Petrus, 127, 137 Salomon, 107, 114 Sara, 107, 109, 114, 116, 120, 127, 283 Roskrans, Abraham, 166, 221, 225 Petris, 166 Ross, Louisa Ann, 280 Susannah, 277 Rouly, Samuel, 188 William, 188 Rozekrans, Daniel, 168 Jacob, 168 Rubart, John, 215 Margaret, 218 Peter, 215, 218 Rummerfield, Han nah, 81, 84, 89 Rumvelt, Catrina, 142 Rundle, E,, 274 Rusle, Annaatje, 135 James, 135 Russel, Davet, 16 Evje, 13 Isak, 6 James, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16 Mattheus, 10 Rutson, Blandina, 157 (Ratran), James, 157 Ruttenber, xviii Ryan, John, 201 Sarah, 201 Ryker, Elisabeth, 153 Rymer, Ann, 176 Rys (Prys, Kyer, Ryer), Frederick, 145 Rysly, Hennah, 198 Ryt, John H. B., 209, 210 Rachel, 210 Thomas, 209 Sammons, Cornelius, 253 Elizabeth, 230, 231, 235, 244 Huldah, 253 Jane, 244, 248 John, 278 John J., 236, 242, 247, 253 Lilley Skner, 236 Peter, 236 Martines, 247 Mary, 240, 242, 244, 247, 251,253,256 Sally, 247 Sarah, 240 Sanders, Sarah, 155 Sanger, Catherine, 263 James, 263 William Stone, 263 Saunders, Sarah, 160 Sawas, Joseph, 275 Sawin, Charity, 14 Joseph, 14 Sawyer, Benjamin Car- penter, 257 Catherine, 260 Hannah, 250 James, 250, 254, 257, 260 John Nearpass, 254 Sayin, Joseph, 6 Sayre, Caroline, 88 Schaffer, Caspar, 9 Margareta, 9 Schamers, Lisabeth, 98 Samuel, 98 Schammers, Benjamin, 6 Cathrina, li Christina, 5 Helmer, 18 Maria, 33 Marya, 14 Mosis, 18 Petrus, 7 Samuel, 5-7, 11, 14, loi, 105, 115 Sara, 1 1, 14, 98, 100, 102, III, 112, 125, 127, 282 Sarah, 105, 115 Wilhelmus, loi Scheever, Christina, 159 Schembers, Hester, 166 Schenck, Catharina, 162 Garret C, xxix Schendeler, Antje, 120 John, 120 Schermerhoorn, Neeltje, 119, 123 Lucas, 120, 123 Lisabeth, 123 Schenk, Catrina, 152 Schick, Adam, 33 Maria, 33, 193, 194 Schimer, Elizabeth, 195 Jacob, 195 Mary, 245 Schink, Adam, 18 John, 18 Schippard, Benjamin, 154 Lydia, 154 Schmidt, Daniel, 50 Jacob, 50 Susanna, 50 Schmitz, William, xxix William, Rev,, xxii Schoemaker, Lena, 27 Schoenhoven, Henry, 158 Joseph Mattanje, 158 Schoenover, James, 71 Mary, 71 Schoenwars, Mary, 166 Schnabel, Andries, 52 Susanna, 52 Schnauben, Anna Eliza- betha, 93 Schnawbel, Magdalen, 50 Schomaker, Sara, 122 Schonauvel, Andrew, 50 Joseph, 50 Schonemake, Madelea,l6 Schonhove, Dolvus, 29 Dority Williams, 29 Elizabeth, 33 Evert, 33 Nicklaas, 33 Rudolphus, 33 Schonhoven, B enyamin, 32 Catrina, 30 Esegel, 27 Henry, 30 Jan, 34 iane, 234 laria, 28, 34 Mary, 44 Niclaes, 27 Piternel, 27 Rachel, 27 Redalves, 32 Redolves, 30 Schonhover, Abraham, 24 Calheen, 27 Garret, 29 327 Schonhover, Henry, 29 Schonmaker, B e njamin, 27 Isack, 27 Elesabet, 30 Schonnover, Rudolph, 35 Susannah, 35 Schonover, John, 35 Joseph, 35 Schoohaven, Debora, 134 Schoohoven, David, 125 James, 54 Thomas, 125 William Smith, 54 Schoomaker, Sara, 8 Schoonhoove, Debora, 142 Schoonhooven, C h r istof- fel, 142 Debora, 146 Joseph, 36 Lena, 39 Nelly, 39, 42 Nicholas, 36 Peter, 39 Rebbecka, 142 Schoonhovan, N i c h olas, xi Schoonhove, Ben jamin, 142, 168 Benjn, 59 Cornelius, 135, 168 Elezebeth, 59 Jan Vyert, 136 John, 59 Joseph, 142 Josias, 142 Rabecka, 136 Sarah, 142 Thomas, 142 Schoonhoven, Abraham, 43 Adolphus, 20, 24, 33 Benjamin, i, 22, 23, 46, 119 Benjn, 16 Catharina, 2 Catrina, 20, 23, 273 Cattrina, 36 Caty, 38 Clary, 280 Cobus, 22 Cornelia, 11, 14, 20, 22, 24 Cornelis, 99, 154 Cornelius, 139, 140 Daniel, 46 Debora, 105, 106, 108, 112, 113, 115, 118, 122, 124, 125, 130, 137, 161, 283 Deborah, 230, 231 Doloos, 39 Dorithy, 40 Schoonhoven, Dorothea, i Elisabeth, 22, 154 Elizabeth, 21,41, 160 Ezechiel, 139 Ezekiel, 25, 37, 53 Ezekiel V., 37 Grietie, 40, 42 Handerecus, 38 Hanna, 22 Hendericus, 14, 94 Hendrick, 11 Hendricus, 1-4, 11, 14 Hendrikkus, 22 Henry, 20, 36, 45, 58 Isack, 122 Jacob, 49, no, 160, 178, 182 Jacobus, 20, 21 James, 50 Jan, 2 Jannekie, 182 Joel, 278 John, 21, 22, 33, 38, 41. 43. 45 Jonas, 230, 231 Joris, 137 Joseph, 178 Jsaac, 139 Keety, 14 Lena, 139, 230, 231 Levi, 178 Levicia, 53 Maragriet, 22, 23 Margaret, 63 Maria, 4, 20-23, 37, 134, 140 Marrita, 27 Mary, 24, 40, 41, 58 Marya, 25 Nelly, 37, 41, 276 Nicholas, 38, 40, 41, 49, 52 Nickolas, 53 Nic'l, 33 Niclaes, 11 Niclaes, Jr., 27 Nicolas, I Nicolaus, 33 Pegay, 47 Peggy, 45 Peternella, 20 Fetrus, 20 Rachel, 14, 41, 94, 178 Rebecca, 45, 99, 106, 107, III, 113, 124 Redolphus, 20 Redolvus, 41 Rhodolvus, 51 Roedolfus, I Rodolfus, 212 Rodolvis, 39 Rodolvus, 40, 46 Rudolvus, 36 Schoonhoven, Samuel, 129 Sara, 105 Sarah, 21, 25, 46, 276 Thomas, 99, 102, 105, 106, no, n3, n5, n9, 129, 134, 137, 140 Weyntje, 115 William, 46, 50, 51, 53 Schoonhover, Abm, Deck- er, 57 Cornelers, 175 Gertie, 16 Hendrickas, 29 Hendrikus, i6 Henry, 57 Jacob, 175 John, 29, 31 Margit, 29 Mary, 30, 31 Nicholas, Jr., 29 Sarah, 30 Schoonmaaker, Magda- lena, 17 Schoonmaker, Abram, 18 Ann, 29 Ariaantie, 190 Benjamin, 3, 19, 155 Catharina, 5, 7, 100, n9, 121 Catrina, 20 Caty, 42, 276 Cornelius, 22 David, 19 Elisabet, 22 Elisabeth, 18 Elisebeth, 17 Elizabeth, 33, 51 Frederick, xix Gerret, 3 Gerrit, 19 Hanny, 22 Isaac, 18, 20, 44, 100, 162 Jacob, 5, 162 Jacobus, 1 1 Jinneke, 155 Jochem, i, 4, 5, 8, 100 Lea Kriss, 29 Lena, 20 Lenah, 24 Lisabeth, i, 3, 4 Maria, 267 Martha, 44 Moses, 3, 22, 44 Mosis, ig Petrus, 8, 178 Sara, 3, 6, 7, 94, 100 Susanna, 5 Schoonoven, James, 74 Susanna, 75 Susannah, 64 Schoonover, Benjamin, 67 Benjamin Franklin, 88 328 Schoonover, B e r n a rdus Swartwood, 8l Daniel, 67, 8i, 88 Elijah Parmer, 58 Elizabeth, 67 Ezekiel, 85 Hannah, 85 Hendrickus, Jr., 36 Henry, 36 Ira, 85 James, 58, 65, 67, 80 Leonard, 85 Margaret, 66 Rachel, 65 Rodolvus, 80 Sarah, 73 Simeon, xxii Susannah, 67, 70, 83, 88 William, xxii Schouk, Hendericus, 27 Schouwers, Johannis, 139 Maria, 139, 153 Schuymer, Abraham, 119 Jsaak, 119 Scoot, Elizabeth, 49 Scot, Elilabeth, 67 Elizebeth, 31 Scott, Elizabeth, 51 Henry, 280 Scrosman, Easter, 52 Scull, N., i, ii Nicholas, i Seafos, Elizabeth, 82, 92 Seaman, Daniel, 78 Ira Kintner, 78 Isaac Nelson, 78 Seaphos, Catharine, 86 Seeley, Samuel, 275 Seely, Cattrina, 34 Cornelia, 206 Hariott, 206 Jonas, 34, 37 Maria, 206 Mariah, 66, 230 Mary, 37 Michael, 186 Samuel C, 206 Sharlott, 206 Susannah, 186 Semlebarah, Cornelius, 39 John, 39 Semmons, Mary, 246 Semen, Solomon, 187 Walter, 187 Seymor, Abraham, 136 Elizabeth, 136 Shafer, Christina, 165 George, 85 Shammers, Christina, 27 Johannes, 3 Maria, 34 Samuel, 2, 3, 15 Shamons, Mary, 238 Shans, , 278 Shaphaly, Barbara, 40 Shappee, Ashkenas, 185 Kezia, 185 Jene, 185 Robert, 185 Sharrer, Andrew, 79 Susannah Smith, 79 Shaubas, Johannes, 132 Susanna, 132 Shauers, Mary, 164 Shaunts, David, 196 Elizabeth, 196 Shaver, Christina, 169 John Adam, 35 Sary, 35 Shaw, John F., xxix John F., Rev., xxii Shawars, Jacobus, 171 Joseph, 171 Susanna, 177 Shay, Joshua, xviii Sheefer, Caspar, 112 Valentyn, 112 Sheffard, Barbara, 155 Sheffer. Caspar, 14 Maria Susanna, 14 Shegrave, Caty Cuddeck, 243 Sarah, 243 Sheimer, Catharine, 249 Richard, 242 Sarah Anne, 242 Sheldren, Abraham, 55 Benjamin, 55 Catharine, 55 Shellet, Grietje, 138 Hugh, 138 Shemmers, Jenneke, 15 Samuel, 15 Shephaly, Barbery, 42 Sherred, Helen, 197 Helena, 202 Lena, 186, 188 Shever, Christina, 167 Shewmaker, Elizabeth, 57 Sheyger (Keyser), Fred- erick, 147 Petrus, 147 Shick, Adam, 25 Benjamin, 25 Shiffer, Barbara, 159 Hannes, 159 Lisa Margriet, 159 Shifly, Barbara, 35 Shimar, Elizabeth, 208 Shimer, Abraham, 170, 188 Cathrine, 238 Elizabeth, 184, 214, 225 Hester, 170 Shimer, Isaac, 204 Jacob, 188, 202, 204, 208, 214, 236 Jacob, Jr., 208 Ledy, 208 Maria, 276 Nelly, 197 Polly, 238 Richard, 236, 246 Shiner, Richard, 279 Sbink, Adam, 16 Maria, 16 Shinny, Luvonia, 273 Luvonia, Jr., 273 Mary, 273 Shipperd, Lidea, 276 Shirly, Catharina, 165 James, 165 Shirrid, Hugh, 143 Lena, 143 Shoemaker, Abraham Van Campen, 90 Benjamin, 67 Blandina, 71 Catharine, 80 Daniel, 67, 72, 75 David, 185 Elizabeth, 52, 74 Elizebeth, 28 Henrey, 32 Henry, 79, 81 Isaac, 28 Johannes, 28 John, 71, 80, 90, 91 John Van Campen, 90 Maria, 185 Mary, 67 Mary Anne, 79 Moses, 75, 79, 90, 91 Moses Chambers, 87 Samuel, 71, 79, 81, 87 Sarah, 63, 65, 67, 70, 75, 80 Susanna, 52 Susannah, 32, 59, 72, 79 Thomas, 185 Sho£f, John Nicholas, 85 Michael, 85 Sarah, 63 Shonoven, Anna, 47 Johanna, 47 Shoonmaker, Doritia, 196 Hanery, 44 Showas, Susanah, 29 Showers, Cattrina, 186 Joseph, 175 Mary, 175 Shurrah, Andrew, 61 Elizabeth, 61 William Hankinson, 61 Shuttz, Jacob, 90 Sarah, 90 329 Shutz, Caty Anne, 85 Jacob, 85 Shuymers, Abram, 127 Hester, 127 Shyfre, Parabel, 34 Shymer, Abraham, 172 Abram, 122, 140 Catharine, 245 Cathrina, 175 Derick, 178 Estor, 237 Hester, 171, 172, 187 Jacob, 171, 175, 178, 183 Maragrit, 140 Marie, 122 Mary, 175 Susanna, 183 Shymers, Abram, 130 Hester, 130 Shymir, Elenor, 220 Sickle, Elizabeth, 204 John, 204 Grietie, 204 Siddales, Mary, 279 Siddles, Mary, 237 Sidgrieves, Charles, 280 Simon, Jacob, 182 Lea, 199 Robbert, 271 Walter, 182 William, 199 Simour, Jacomyntje, 137 Robert, 137 Simson, Gersom, 12 John, 12 Sinor, Robert, 135 Sara, 135 Skinner, Emy, 183 Hagge, 173 Magdelana, 173 Skirmer, Abraham, 214 Slausan, Hiram, xxviii Slover, Abraham, 121 Isaac, 121 Isaak, 120 Sluiter, Abram, 151, 157 Elizabeth, 157 Geertje, 151 Tuines, 273 Sluyter, Cornelia, 15, 165 Elizabeth, 32 Janatje, 32 Wilhelmus, 32 Sly, Elizabeth, 276 Smit, Willm., 15, 60 Smith, Abraham, 50, 55, 62 Ana Maria, 46 Anna, 63, 73, 76, 83 Anna Maria, 53, 55 Anne, 219 Anny Mary , 47 Barbara, 53 Smith, Barbary, 56, 92 Benjamin, 2, 47, 88 Benjamin Schoenover, 54 Catey, 58 Catharina, 2, 53, 132 Catharine, 55, 78,80,84, 87 Catherine, 59 Cathrina, 183, 185 Catrina, 139 Catterine, 198 Cattrina, 188, 202 Caty, 60 Cecelia, 61 Charles, 62 Christian, 64, 66, 83 Christion, 56 Chrysparus Van Nak- en, 57 Coonrod, 62 Daniel, 92 David, 45 Doratha, 61 Dorothea, 47, 50, 53, 55 Elebath, 233 Elezebeth, 59 Elias, 62 Elijah, 60 Elisa. Cath., 17 Elisabeth, 50 Elisabetha, 54 Eliza, 55 Elizabeth, 39, 51, 56,62, 64, 66, 77, 79, 84, 91, 232, 252, 276 Elizebeth, 60, 61 Frances, 237 Frances M., 245 Frederick, 49 George, 47, 52, 53 Han, George, 47 Hannah, 79, 237 Jacob, xi, 47, 49, 50,51, 53-56, 58, 61, 62, 68, 278 Jacob, Jr., 62, 66, 69, T], 83 James, 42, 45, 47, 82, 88 James Barnhart, 60 Jane Amanda, 61 Johannes, 53 John, 36, 50, 54, 57, 60, 61,179 John Anderson, 59 John Philip, 47 John Q., 24s John b., xii, xiii, xxii Jonah, 82 Jonas, 46, 47. 53. 55 Jonas Samuel, 92 oseph, 36 Joshua, 54, 57. 59. 60 Smith, Julianna, 84 Laudewick, 51 Lena, 52 Lodawick, 62 Lodovick, 57 Lusy Ann, 64 Lydia, 82, 88 Margaret, 46, 278 Margareth, 50, 55 Margery, 60 Mariah, 75 Mary, 56, 60, 61, 64, 66, 73. 82, 83, 89 Michael, 50 Parmelia, 61 Philip, xxiii, 47, 50, 53, 55.56.61 Rodolvus, 42, 68, 70,73, 79.84 Samuel, 56 Samuel B., 280 Sarah, 50, 62, 68, 77, 186 Sevele, 50 Sibilla, 55 Simon, 82 Solomon, ix Susanna, 52-54 Susanna Maria, 61 Susannah, 56, 62, 69, 70, 91 Tonteawe (Dorothea), 56 Valentine, 276 William, 14, 17, 54,61,91 Smook, Daniel, 186 John, 186 Snabel, Susannah, 91 Snauber, Anna Eliza- betha, 115 Johannes, in Snedeker, Willempi, 135 Snel, Susanna, 24 Susannah, 40 Snell, Susanna, 32, 165 Snider, Jacob, 40, 44 Joseph Montonye, 40 Rebecca, 44 Snyder, Christina L i s a- betha, 10 Johan Christoffel, 4 Valentyn, 4, 7, 10 Sorrad, Huged, 272 Sprigal, Geo., 276 Squerrel, Anna Barbara, 172 Squirl, Sarah, 232, 233 Squrrel, Sarah, 275 Staats, Frederick, 147 Sebella, 147 Stahl, George, 279 Staley, Magdalen, 86 Staly, Susannah, 62 Stearns, Aldert, 279 330 Steel, Abraham, 76, 79 Belinda Hornbeek, 68 Catharina, 87 Catharine, 67, 69, 73, 77, 82, 91 Catharine Reser, 85 Caty, 58, 65, 69 Elenor, 62, 76, T] Elizabeth, 73 Eveline, 76 Gilbert, 62, 65, 68, 72, 73. 11 Hannah, 65, 68, 70, 73, 76. 78, 83. 87 Hannah Jane, 84 Henry, 34, 55 Henry, Jr., 70, 76 Isaac, 63, 65, 69, 73, 77, 85.89 Jacob, 34, 55. 58, 74, 77. 83,89 Leah, 73 Margaret, 63 Margareth, 55 Mariah, 70 Nicholas Livingood, 76 Rachel, ■]^ Sarah, 72, 77 Simon, 83 Solomon, 79 (Stol, Slot), Jacob, 156 Steermand, John, 284 Stegs, Madlena, 12 Stendly, Janneke, 23 Michel, 23 Stetler, Benjamin, 74 Hannah, 74 Susanna, 73 Steven, 207 Steward, Ann, 176 John, 166, 176, 285 Nicholas, 166 Stewart, Margaret, 277 Stickney, Eliza Maria,254 Marcus, 254 Washington, 254 William Franklin, 254 Stiel, Hendrick, 32 Isack, 32 Stiles, Catrina, 21 J.. 21 Sarah, 18 Stephen, 18 Stillwell, John L., xxviii Stoffelbeen, Gusche, 275 Stofflebeen, Creshe, 191 Cresshe, 193 Stoley, Catharine, 62 Stoll, Albert S., xxi Frank, xxi iames, vii lobert, xxi Stone, Dirk, 13 Stool, Mr., vii Stout, Maria, 4, 12 Mary, 7, 8, 10, 12, 122 Sarah, 153 Strader, Catrina, 153 Elisabeth, 153 John, 153 William, 153 Straudes, Thys, 152 Stricklen, Sarah, 203 Stricklin, Sarah, 198 Strickling, Sarah, 208 Strouds.Strouder.Mathys, 146 Stuart, Ann, 157 John, 157 StuU, Judge, V Esther, 64 Sty vers, Osie, 205, 207 Sullivan, Barret, 261 Garret, 260 Garret D., 263 Jemima, 260 ohn, 263 Lenah, 260, 263 Sutfin, Derick, 203, 209, 213, 277,285 Gertie, 285 Gilbert, 285 Gysbert, vii, 203, 285 John Powelson, 209 Nicholas Arrosmith,2i3 Sutherland, Alexander, 276 Sutphen, Derick, 211 Richard, 211 Suttin, Derick, 206 Jacob, 206 Swart, Teunis, 6 Swarthout, Antye, 168 Deborah, 240 Peter, 240 Swartswelder.Anna Mar- garet, 87 Swartwood, Absalom, 42 Alexander, 42 Andrew Jackson, 88 Antony, 4 Barnardus, 38, 89 Bernardus, i, 3 Blandina, 48 Catriena, 38 Caty, 30 Charles Ridgeway, 83 Clarissa, 83 Cornelia, 70, 81, 88 Daniel, 43, 58 David, 43 Elizabeth, 35, 72, 100 Esaia, 41 Hannah, 28, 64 Jacob, 71 Jacobus, viii, 282 Swartwood, James, 29, 30, 38 Jesyntje, 107, 108, 282 J. M., xxii John, 29, 41, 48, 49, 71, 89. 91 Joseph, 276 Lea, 3, 4, 92 Manuel, 28 Martha, 38 Mary, 28, 30, 58, 61, 80, 86 Natel, 28 Neeltje, 4 Oliver Perry, 88 Peter, 28 Philip, 91, 108 Rimareth, 89 Rimerick, 67 Samuel, 107 Sarah, 48 Sary, 29 Simeon, 58, 64, 67, 70, 75. 83. 88 Susanna, 58 Susannah, 75 Thomas, 35 Swartwoot, Antony, 3 Swartwoud, Alexander.iB Antie, 178, 182 Antje, 170 Bernardus, 19 Bernhardus, 101, 103 Cornelius Wynkoop, 144 Elisabeth, 21, 174 Gerardus, 19 Hester, 182 Jeseintje, loi Jacobus, loi, 174 Jacobus, Jr., 97 Jannekie, 182 jocobus, 182 Joseph, 19 Lisaoeth, 103 Mary Ann, 241 Peter G., 241 Philip, 144 Philipus, 174 Samuel, 103 Sarah, 177 Thomas, 18, 21,94 Swartwoudt, , 143 Alexander, 16 Jacobus, 97 Jannetje, 175 Maria, 24 Neltie, 25 Thomas, 16 Swartwout, Abraham,264, 276 Abram, 21 Alexander, 276 331 Swartwout, Ann, 246 Anna, 233, 274 Annatie, 38 Annatje, 129 Anthony, iii Antje, 155, 158, 161, 170 Antony, 5, 10, 13 Benjamin, 8, 9, 16,41,94 Benyamen, 27 Bernardus, iii, 7, 15, 46, 94 Bernardus, Jr., 13 Catherine, 260 Catrina, 136 Cornehs, 125 Cornelius, 259 Daniel, 34, 36, 39, 275 David, 279 Ebenezer, 43 Elesabet, 30 Elias, 42 Elisabeth, 112, 121, 154, 170 Elizabeth, 116, 161, 191, 193, 206, 210 Esther, 260 Eva, 97 Gerardus, 10, 118, 128, 138 Graudus, 25^, 257, 259 Hannah, 208 Henry Brinkerhoff, 262 Hester, 106, 118, 123, 124, 128, 129, 139,262, 268, 284 I., 261 Isaac, 22 Jacob, 6, 8, 10,12, 13,15, 20,21,36, 93, 136,202, 210,217 Jacobus, X, 26, 27, 40, 117, 121, 124-126, 161, 274, 282, 284 James, 37, 43 James D., 254, 259, 262, 264 Jane, 257 Jane Hoornbeek, 253 Jannetje, 10, 138, 269 Jenneke 8, 10, 12, 163, 165, 274 Jesyntje, 97, 113, 116, 118, 119, 127 Joannes, 38, 202 Johannes, 13 John, 34, 36, 44, 45, 76 Joseph, 37, 39, 41,42 Knelia, 46 Lea, 6, 9, 11, 15 Lidia, 39 Lisabeth, 118, 124, 128, 283 Lydia, 20 Swartwout, Maragriet, 18 Margaret, 76 Margriet, 13, 17, 161 Margrieta, 13 Maria, 7, 19, 27, 136 Marie, 27 Marrigrit, 26 Mary, 26, 31, 44, 51,191, 193. 257 Matilda, 259 Minne, 16 Naomi, 259, 262, 264 Neeltie, 39 Neeltje, 23 Nieltie, 27 Permele Berton, 44 Peter, 191, 193, 254 Petrus, 6, 18, 22, 30, 36, 276 Philip, xviii, 121, 125, 126, 129, 138, 161,283, 284 Philipp, 257 Philippus, 123 Phillip, 254, 260, 262 Pompey, 280 Sally Ann, 253 Samuel, 109, 113, 118, 283 Sarah, 19, 21, 161, 262, 270 Thomas, iii, 5, 12, 19, 39.45 Tomas, 27 Swartwouwt, Antie, 277 Swortwood, Elizabeth, 35 Sylsbee, Robert, 275 Symers, Abram, 125 Jacob, 125 Symor, Abraham, 132 Mari, 132 Tack, Geertry, 34 Hannah, 88 Isak, 10 Geertruyd, 10 Sara, 115, 123 Sarah, 34, 37, 39 Tailor, Cornelius, 277 Tak, Isak, 6 Sara, 6 Sarah, 23 Talmage, Frank De W., XXIX Goyn, xxviii Tamson, Benjamin, 139 Elisabeth, 139 Tappan, Christopher, ii Juriaen, 93 Tappen, Jurian, 100 Tayler, Mary, 185 Taylor, Daniel, 37 Hester , 273 Jacob, 35 James, 199 Jane, 202 Jaspar, 199, 204 Jasper, 202 Jerred, 204 John, 35, 191, 193 Josephus West brook, 228 Josua, 273 July, 228 Lidia, 191, 193 Livingston L., xxviii Mary, 72, 75 Peter, 30, 37 Rachel, 30 Samuel, 35, 199 Teckworth, Sara, 176 Teehore (Titsoort), Ja- cobus, 176 Joel, 176 Teel, Benjamin Van Demerk, 45 Catharine, 55 John, 45, 55 Mary Ann, 55 Teeler, Philip, loi Samson, loi Tefft, Sarah, 199 Teler, Pieter, 34 Nellie, 34 Ridolves, 34 Teneik, Sara, 102 Ten Eyck, J. B., Rev., vi, 281 J. P., Rev., 265 Terwielger, Sara, 140 Terwilge, Annaatje, 134 Annatje, 120 Catharina, 135 Cathrina, 122 Jenneke, 124, 134, 270 Mattheus, 123 Sara, 123, 134, 270 Seitje, 135 Terwilgen, Blandina, 131 Catharina, 118 Cathrina, 131 Mattheus, Jr., 131 Terwillege, Annatje, 1 16 Terwilleger, Greetje, 170 Terwilligen, , 270 Cathrina, 137 Cleophas, 154 Isaac, 140 iohn, 137 latheus, 140, 144, 154 Mattheus, 119, 137,270 Sarah, 164 Sytje, 273 332 Terwilliger, Biandina,i68 Cathrina, 173 Greetie, 182 Jacobus, I4g Margaret, 175 Maria, 144,275 Matheus, 149 Terwyligen,Catrina, 139 Jenneke, 139 Mathew, 139 Sytje, 139 Teter, Sevilla, 50 Sibble, 35 Thiel, Cathrina, 48 Fred'k, 48 John, 48 Thorn, Susanna, 3 Thomas, Aaron, 217, 221, 226 Betchry, 221 Daniel, 221 Duly, 156 Joseph, 226 Mary, 217, 274 Pateence, 232 Patience, 246 Susanna, 93 Thomis, Patien, 238 Thompson, Elias W.,xxix Thomson, Alexander, 5, 8 Benjamin, 121, 129, 144, 266 Catrina, 144 Joseph, 179 Margaret, 179 Tichort, Stephanus, 181 Wilhelmus, 181 Tiechean (Tietsh oort), Greetie, 183 Tichl, James, 51 John, 51 Tiel, Elizabeth, 48 John, 48, 53 Rosanna, 53 Tietsoort, Sara, 144 Sarah, 144 Stephanus, 144 Tifif, Polly, 189, 202 Tifft, Sarah, 189, 190 Tilberg, Grietje, 273 Tilburg, Abram, 17 Grietje, 150 Jacob, 18 Johanna, 19 John, 17, 18 Maria, 21 Sarah, 17-19 Tilburgh, Mary, 124 Tilbury, Sary, 38 Tillberg, Anna, 23 Maragrieta, 23 Tillburg, Johanna, 142 Tillburg, John, 142 Lena, 142 Tilman, Charity, 216, 217, 223 Timber, Maria, 139 Titcherd, Bernardus, 239 Nancy, 239 Simon Middagh, 239 Titchsord, Joseas, 277 Titer, Christina Septile, 34 Tithoor, Titsoort, Mar- griet, 168 Titman, Margaret, 86 Titsoort, Annatje, 114 Catrina, 157 Catrine, 149 Elisabeth, 139 Femitje, 157 Jacobus, III Leendert, 115 Maragretje, 145 Maragriet, 154 Margaret, 149 Margriet, 137 Maria, 5 Marya, 6 Neeltje, in, 115 Sara, 115 Sarah, 152, 156 Stephanus, 149, I57 Willem, III, 115 William, 145 Titsworth, Wallace W., xvii Titus, 253 Tock, Hannah, 34 John, 34 Tomson, Margaret, 186 Trauger, Lewis, xxiii Traver, Annatie, 185 Philip, 185 Travis, Hannah, 275 Turn, Samuel, xiv Turner, Elisabeth, 144 Esaias, 153 Jacob, 144 Johannes, 153 William E., xxviii Tvori, Alexander, 133 Wilhelmus, 133 Tyler, Charles, 278 Tys, Jan, iii Tyse, Sara, 120, 123 U Upinhuysen, Elisabeth, 177 Hendrick, Jas., 177 Utt, Jane, 59 Vadakin, Frederic, 73 Ira, 73 V. Aken, Abraham, 34, 39 Benjamin, 34, 36 Casparus, 34, 37 David, 40 Gerritie, 185 Harmanus, 36, 39 Jacobus, 34, 38 Lena, 35 Moses, 36 Rachel, 36, 40 Sarah, 39 Van , Antony, 145 Teunis, 145 Van Aak, Sara, 139 Van Aake, Catrina, 132 Van Aak en, Abraham, 99, 142, 246 Abraham, Jr., 133, 162 Abram, 139, 140, 148, 151-154, 158 Abram, Jr., 142 Abram C, 154, 161 Abram J. or Y., 148 Absolom, 150 Annaatje, 106 Annatje, 144 Blandma, 143, 148 Catharina, 135, 161 Catharine, 243, 246 Catrina, 143. U5. ISI. 153, 154.284 Cobus, 150 Cobus C, 155 Cornelis, 100, loi, 105, 106, 118 Cornelius, 139 Daniel, 135, 138, 140, 141, 145. 150, 154.159. 284 David, 17, 19, 20 Eliphas, 23 Elisabeth, 146, 151, 152 Eliza, 138 Gideon, 100 Hannah, 48 Harmanus, 17 Helena, 20, loi Isaac, 99, 100, 106, 134, 143. 147 Jacob, 17, 24, 134 Jacobus, 147. 151 James, 48 Janetje, 133 Janneke, 144 Jannetje, 22, 105, 148, 212 Jannitje, 154 Jenneke, 19, 118 Jeremiah, 243 333 Van Aaken, Jerrcmy, 164 Johannes, 118, 134, 138, Johannis, 140, 147, 150, 151. 155 Joseph, 100, 134, 152 Joshuah, 159 Lea, 140. 141, 150, 284 Lena, 19, 102, 133 Lizabeth, 103 Lydia, 99, 154 Maragriet, 143 Margery, 242 Maria, 146, 150, 152, 154. 155 Nathaneel, 145 Nelle, 23 Pieternella, 102, 106, 118 Rachel, 24, 142, 154, 158 Rusja, 143 Rusje, 18 Russe, 141 Russie, 164 Sara, 106, 133, 138, 139 Sarah, 140, 148, 151-153, 158, 212 Usseltje, 138 Yannetje, 154 Van Acce, Anatje, 136 Van Aeeken, Maria, 249 Van Aeke, Catrina, 135 Van Aeken, Abraham, 104, 107, 108, 265 Abraham, Jr., 109 Abram, 143 Annatje, 104 Blandma, 107 Catharina, 107 Cornelis, 4 Cornelius, 108 Eliphaz, 4 Isaeck, 104 Jesyntje, 4 Johanna, 104 Lea, 104 Lena, 108 Lisabeth, 104 Maria, 143 Pieter, 2, 109 Pieternella, 104 Russje, 2 Sara, 108, 109, 118 Van Ake, Abraham, 135 Blandientie, 135 Casparus, 135 Elizabeth, 135 Gideon, 33 Isack, 34 Jacob, 34, 135 {acobus, 135 largrete, 34 Maria, 33 Sarah, 135 Vanake, Casparus, 48 Davit, 16 Jinny, 49 Rachel, 13 Rusje, 16 Van Aken, , 188 Aaron, 47 Abm., 183 Abraham, 113, 126, 160, 277 Abraham, Jr., 114, 118 Abram, 112, 113, 115, 126, 128, 236, 266, 283 Abram, Jr., 119, 123, 130, 138 Abram C, 160 Abram Cornelis, 284 Abram Isakse, in Abram J., 130 Absalom, 182 Ann, 41 Anna, 113 Annatje, IJO, 112, 117, 122, 127, 132, 282 Anthony, 185 Antje, 230, 231 Antony, 198 Aploney, 166 Ariaantie, 276 Benjamin, 39, 41, 43, 46, 131 Benjamin W e s tbrook, 251 Blandma, 38, 271 Casparus, 44,45, 51 Cate, 235 Catharina, 114-116, 119, 266 Catharine, 247 Cathrina, 127, 131, 132, 171-174, 177. 179. 182, 275 Catrine, 198 Cattrina, 38, 39 Cornelis, 6, 7, 11, 12, 125, 127, 131, 137 Caty, 244 Caty Westbrook, 221 Cobus, Jr., 141 Cornelius, 27, 174, 182 Daniel, 39, 41, 128, 132, 168, 171, 173, 238, 270 Daniel, Jr., 277 David, 27, 32, 37, 51 Eliphay, 93 Eliphaz, 14 Elisabeth, 172, 180, 182 Elisah, 198 Elisha, 198 Elshe, 43 Elizabeth, 40, 175, 198, 232, 239, 245 Eliza Johnson, 53 Van Aken, Fametje, 174 Femmetje, 131 Garetie, 182 Genny, 45 Gerretje, 188 Gerritje, 141 Gretie, 211 Grietee, 278 Grietie, 46, 200, 204 Hannah, 64, 66, 68, 73, 184 Hannes, no Harmanus, 42, 44 Helena, 182, 232 Helmus, 172 Henry, 2n Herman, 47 Hermanns, 45, 221 Hester, 6 Isaac, 35, 40, 42, 164, 182, 251, 271, 281 Isaac I., 204 Isaak, 126 Isaiah, 245 Isak, 115 Jacob, 15, 26, 46, n8, 124, 126, 131, 268 Jacob J., 68 Jacobus, 15, 38, 41, 46, n6, n7, 126, 128, 132, 180, 182, 188, 272, 276 Jacobus, Jr-, 137 James, 44, 53, 2n Janake, 197 Jane, 178, 215, 230, 23 [, 278 Janetje, 172 Jannetie, 197,206 Jannetje, 7, 268 Jannitee, 277 Jemima, 37 Jenneke, no, n9, 122, 124, 126, 137 Jeremiah, 171, 235 Johannes, n2, 116, 130, 131, 230, 231, 270 Johannis, 141, 175 John, 44, 276 John, Jr., 172 John Emmons, 32 John W., 64 Josep, 166 Joseph, 32, 38, 178, 179 Joshua, 232, 238, 278 isaak, 125 sack, 122 .ea, 168, 278 Leah, 66, 67 Leah Naamy Jane, 61 Lena, n2, 113, 119, 128, 138, 265 Levi, 137, 184, 230, 231, 240 334 Van Aken, Levy, 180 Lidea, 202 Lisabeth, 113, 119, 125, 130, 267 Lydia, 113, 126, 128, 178, 278 Lodewyck, 185 Magdalena, 182 Majorey, 240 Maragriet, 35 Maregreet, 179 Maregretie, 179 Margaret, 67, 182 Margere, 252 Margery, 173, 232 Maria, 118 Mariah, 251 Marjory, 248 Mary, 45, 61 Mary Anne, 68 May, 42 Meriam, 250 Moses, 235 Nathan, 173, 236, 245 Nathanael, 276 Nathaniel, 61, 245 Nelli, 125 Osseltje, 172 Pegge, 239 Philip, 44 Pieter, 281 Pieternella, in, 113, 128, 132 Rachel, 38, 41, 42, 180, 183, 187, 199, 204, 235, 276 Reuben, 236 Richard Wcstbrook, 64 Russie, 94 Russje, 12, 15 Sara, iii, 120, 126, 132, 267, 271 Sarah, 174, 178, 181, 183, 199, 205 Seletie, 164 Solomon, 67 Solomon Wcstbrook, 240 Sophia, 93 Sophya, 6 Usseltie, 164 Wilhelmus, 32, 141 Vanaken, Asseltie, 275 Benjamin, 49 Caty, 43 Elisabeth, 47 Elesie, 28 Hannah, 49 Jacob, 28 Mahala Mariah, 56 Marey, 57 Nathanel, 56 Nathaniel, 57 Vanaken, Rachel, 27 Vananker, Rachel, 29 Van Akin, Cornelius Brooks, 65 Hannah, 65 Jacob J., 65 Joshua, 245 Richard, 245 Van Alten, Isaiah, 224 Maria, 224 Van Arnom, Benjamin, 214 John, 214 Van Arnum, Elizabeth, 40 John, 40, 42 Susannah, 42 Van Auken, Aaron, 81, 87 Absalom, 246 Anne, 221 Anson, 254 Aram, 61 Benjamin, 245 Benjamin C, 264 Benjamin Cole, 263, 280 Calvin, 85 Catharine, 279 Catherine, 255, 264 Chrispaurus, 89 David, 36 Elijah, 87 Elizabeth, 51, 57,81,88, 218, 247, 256,257,262- 264 Elizebeth, 28 Ensly Roy, 73 Eveson Wheat, 91 Ezra, 258 Garret, 280 Grietje, 221 Hanna Jane, 80 Hannah, 'JT, 82, 89 Harrison, 255 Jacob, 28, 36 Jacob Hoornbeek, 246 Jacob J., 79, 84 Jacob Westbrook, 264 Jacobus, 81, 84, 89, 221 James, 36, 254, 280 Jane, 78-80 Jane Elizabeth, 81 Jannetje, 220 Jenny, 223 Jeremiah, 245, 252 John, 83, 87 John W„ 61, 73, ^^, 80, foseph, 81, 85, 88, 160 oseph McCarty, 87 .ea, 252 Leah, 227, 255 Lenah, 279 Lydia Mariah, 77 Van Auken, Magdalen, 246 Margaret, 74, 79-82,227, 247,250,255,258,262, 264 Margariet, 76 Margret, 221, 228 Maria, 255 Marjory, 247 Persilly Margaret, 83 Philis, 254 Phillis, 254 Nathaniel, xiii Rachel, 61, 160 Sally, 279 Salomon, 255 Samuel, 279 Sarah, 84 Solomon, 258, 262, 264 Thomas Clarke, 252 William, 263 Vanauken, Catherine, 258 Daniel, 259 Garret, 260 James, 259, 260 Jane, 260, 261 Jeremiah, 259 Lenah, 258 Mary, 259 Mirriam, 261 Nathan, 261 Van Benschoten, Rev. Mr., xi Anthony, 104 Cornells, 104 Cornelius, 19 Elias, xxvii Gerretje, 115 Heyltje Van Aaken, 19 Van Bunschooten, A n - tony, 185, 189 E., Rev., 275 Elias, vii, ix, x, 275 Elias, Rev., vi, vii, x, xii xvii Elizabeth, 188 Kanelia, 38 Maria, 185 Thomas, 189 Van Bunshoten, Antony, 14 Antie, 203 Dom., 55 E., Rev., 211 Elias, Rev., 50 Elisabeth, 123 Gerretje, 116, 117,281 Maria, 191, 194 Van Benschouten, Gerrit- je, 140 Van Camp, Aaron, 56, 59 Abm., 59 Abraham, 2 Van Camp, Abram, 72, 265 Anna, 48 Benjamin, 49 Blandina, 32 Catbarina, 75 Catbarine, 48 Caty, 237 Daniel, 28 Elijab, 59 Elisabeth, 54 Elizabetb, 85 Elizebetb, 59 Garret, 48, 49 Gerret, 32 Henry, 237 Isaac, 92 James, 59 Jannica, 28 iinny, 50 oban, 32 obn, 50, 56, 72 .eanab, 56 Lanab, 59 Mary, 48, 59 Salicha, 59 Selecba, 59 Van Campen, Aaron, 57, 186 Abrabam, 4, 23, 26, 33, 42, 46, 55, 87 Abrabam, Jr., 2, 38, 39, 43 Abram, 4, 5, 14, 94. 142, 158 Abram, Jr., 10, 11 Alexander, 8 Andrew, 43, 70, 75, 79, 86,87 Andries, 91 Benjamin, 13, 23 Belhnda, 89 Blandina, 15 Catbarina, 13 Catbrina, 94 Catrina, 10, 17, 19 Caty, 52, 64, 275 Cobus, 23 Daniel, 23, 274 Elesabet, 26 Elijab, 65 Elisabeth, i, 16, 20, 21, 57, 93, 186 Elizabetb, 41, 56,82 Elsbe, 186, 274 Emely, 86 Gerret, 42 Gerrit, 41 Gisbert, 17 Gysbert, 2 Helena, 20 Henry, 76 Isaac, vii, 2, 13, 18, 20 335 Van Campen, Isack, 4, 12 Isak, 5, 8, II Jacob, 3, 13, 15, 94, 266 Jacob S. Thompson, 86 Jacobus, 33 James, 65, 71, 76, 82, 89, Jan, 10, 15, 17,23,94 Jannetje, 2 John, 14, 15, 18, 42 John Michael, 75 Lana, 36 Lena, 2, 18, 163, 273 Lisabeth, 3, 11, 93, 268 Lucas, 2 Margaret, 42 Magdalena, 5, 38 Marey, 57 Maria, 23 Mariah, 79 Maritje, 4 Mary, 70, 275, 276 Marya, 14 Moses, 26, 39, 71, 86 Mosis, 23, 277 Rachel, 142, 158 Sarah, 18, 23, 46, 79, 90, Sarah Mariah, 86 Susan, 86 Susanna, 14, 145, 284 Susannah, 42, 88, 276 Titje, 17 William, 42, 86 Van Camper, John, 39 Maria, 39 Van de Barak, John, 39 Van de Marck, Elizabetb, 182 Lodewyck, 182 Van Demark, Benjamin, Catbren, 27 Caty, 53 Henry, 52 Sames, 35 ans, 27 eremiah, 285 ohanna Schoonboven, 52 Johannab, 44 John, 35 Joseph, 44 Lea, 53, 209 Leah, 218, 220 Lode, 185 Mary, 35 Peter, 69 Susannah, 69 William Ennes Cort- right, 52 Van de Mark, Banadiah, 54 Van de Mark, Benjamin, 50.55 Catbarine, 50 Elisabetha, 54 Henry, 54 Lea, 55 Mary, 50, 55 Sarah, 55 Vandemark, Anna Mary, 58 Benjamin, 58 Casparus, 48 Catbarine, 51 Catbrina, 184 Elisabeth, 57 Henericus, 47 Henry, 50 James, 50 James, Jr., 48 Jenny, 48 Jeremiah, 184 Johanna, 48 John, 48 Leah, 51 Margaret, 48 Rachel, 47, 50 Susanna, 50 Van Demeck, James, 277 Van Demerck, Abraham, 51 Cattrina, 210 Cherk, 43 Derek, 43 Elias, 44 Frederick, vii Hendericus, 43 Henry, 46 Jacobus, 46 Jeremia, 44 eremiab, vii Johannab, 51 John, 43, 51 Knelia, 43 Lea, 210, 278 Mary, 46 Nancy, 46 Policy, 276 Rushe, 211, 213, 278 Samuel, 43 Van Demerk, Benjamin, 56 Benjamm Berton, 44 Cattberine, 45 Caty, 41 Hendericus, 44 Henry, 41, 56 Jacobus, 41, 44, 188 Jeremiah, 24 Johannab, 45 John, 45, 277 Lea, 56 Lodewyck, 188 Peter, 45 336 Van Demerk, Riese, 217 Ruschjc, 24 Sarah, 41 Vandemerk, Elesebet, 27 Elias, 28 Handerecus, 38 Jacobus, 30 Johan, 28 Mary, 38 Lea, 30 Van de Merkcn, Benja- min, 18, 19 Cobus, 23 Elias, 162 Elisabeth, 17, 18, 20 Elizabeth, 162 Hannis, 143 Jacobus, 20, 273 Jannetje, 143 Johannis, 18 John, 21 Maria, 20 Petrus, 21 Stephanus Brink, 18 Vandemerken, Benjamin, 23 Emanuel, 23 Ezechiel, 23 Henderikkus Schoon- hoven, 22 Peter, 22 Van den Berg, Goosen, 20 Gysbert, 20 Van Denmark, Cathrina, 203 Van Denmerken.Jacobus, 37 Johanna, 37 Van der Linde, 15 Rev., 16 Van der Lip, Boudewyn, 2 Dorothea, 2 Frederick, 14 Van der Merck, Benjn,,l5 James, 8 Jeremias, 8 Maria, 15 Vandermerck, Jeremiah, 26 Leah, 26 Vandermerk, Benjamin, 48 Catharine, 48 Elizabeth, 48 Henry, 48 Jacobus, 33, 48 John, 48 Leah, 215 Nicholas, 48 Petrus, 33 Van der Merckel, Benja- min, 14 Van der Merckel, James, 7 Lisabeth, 14 Van der Merkel, Jere- mias, 15 Johanna, 93 Van der Merken, Elias, 165 Van Dick, Caty, 277 Van Ditmars, Elisabeth, 175 Van de Winkel, Alex- ander, 100 Antje, 100 Van Dyck, Catherine, 206 Martin, 277 Van Dyk, Aart, 162 Catharina, 162 Van Dyke, Aard, 152 Catherine, 213 Cathrine, 209 Cattrina, 203 Caty, 211 Van Ellen, Daniel, 244 Margaret, 214 Van Emwegen, Annatje, 27? David, 276, 277 Harmanus, ix, x Margaret, 241 Van Emwigen, Har- manus, vii Van Enwegen, Abraham, 249 Benjamin, 250 Catherine, 240 Cornelius, 241 Elizabeth, 249 Esther Gumaer, 249 George, 250 Hannah, 240 Hermanus, 272 Jacob, 240 Mary, 248 Vanenwegen, Abram, 263 Elizabeth, 263 Hannah, 248 Hester, 240 Josiah, 240 Peter Gumare, 263 Vanest, Abigal, 54 Caty Ann, 54 Elizebeth, 54 Isaac, 54 Peter, 54 Rebecca, 54 Vanett, Margriet, 166 Van Ette, Antony, 141 Cornelius, 136 Derrik, 136 Hendricus, 141 Johanes, 217 Johannis, 15 Van Ette, Kornelius, 135 Magdalena, 135 Major e, 217 Tonie, 136 Van Etten, Aeltje, 110, III, 117, 119, 121, 130 Aeltjen, 282 Alida, 137. 170, 174 Amanda, 83 Amos, xviii, xix, 63 Anna, 64, 68 Annatie, 181 Annatje, 113, 121, 155, 178 Anneke, no Ant., 204 Anthony, 69, 126, 145, 159, 171,204,207,213, 255, 271, 273, 279 Antie, 187, 193, 195, 210 Antje, 22, 23, 108, 112, 115, 126, 145, 148,154, 163, 171, 172, 178 Antonie, 134, 283 Antony, 6, no, 123, 124, 128, 131, 132, 137, 150, 153. 155. 188, 268, 281 Aeriaentje, 281 Ariaentje, 109, 118 Ariantje, 104 Arriaentje, no, 11$, 132 Blandina, 145, 171, 173, 175, 181, 256, 257, 263 Catharina, 117, 120, 121, 125, 160, 162, 282 Cathrina, 106, 129 Catrina, 210 Cattrina, 202, 277 Caty, 64-66 Caty Anne, 68 Christina, 223 Cornelia, 78 Cornells, 5, 106, 112, n6, 121, 128, 129,137, 266, 281 Cornelius, 63, 64, 68, 73, 75. 76, 83, 142, 148, 207, 219 Daniel,63, 65, 73, 78,83, 104, 115, 148, 180, 192, 194,215,224,245 Daniel Dingman, 213 David, 81 Deborah, 182 Derick, 141, 179 Derik, 150 Diana, 153,243 Dianna, 251 Dina, 230, 231, 237, 248 Dinah, 243, 248 Dirck, 145,272 Dirk, 14, 137 Dorathy, 74, 83 337 Van Etten, Dorothy, 63, 65. 75. 215 Elisabeth, 143 Elizabeth, 255 Ferdenandus, 148 Gedion, 275 Gideon, 129, 163, 177, 203,204, 208, 210, 217, 220, 223 Grietie, 285 Grietje, 159,274 Hannah, 90, 215, 245 Helena, 139, 141, 145, 164, 175, 180, 271 Henericus, 182 Hendricus, 175 Henery, 183 Henricus, 170, 178 Henry, 233, 241,245,278 Heyltje, 148 Hilay, 75 Hulda, 77 Isaiah, 230 Jacob, III, 112, 116,126, 129, 137, 139, 148, 153, 160, 171, 173.256,273, 281, 283 Jacobus, 140, 193, 194 James, 208, 230, 231 Jan, 104, 106, no, 114, 116, 120, 125, 126, 141, 281 Jane, 242, 245 Jannitee, 285 Jannitie, 28, 40 Jannelje, 6, 12, 14, 22, 25, 121, 129, 148, 267, 281 Jemima, 263 Jenneca, 217 Jenneke, 128, 160 Jesaias, 175 Jesse, 241 Joannes, vii, 185, 202, 203, 208 Johannes, 12, 120, 121, 123, 126, 129, 132, 137, 140, 160, 178, 180, 192, 194, 284, 285 Johannes, Jr., 178, 285 Johannis, 143, 150, 154 John, 63, 65-67, 69, 74, 76, 89, 122, 128, 173, 183,217,230,231,235, 244, 250, 284 John, Jr„ 79, 81, 83,89 John J., 64, 224 Jonathan Dexter, 224 Joseph, 141 Joshua, 194 Josua, 193 Lanah, 76 Van Etten, Lena, 106, 134, 152, 157, 179,265,274, 285 Levi, 134, 171, 224 Levi, Jr., 256 Levi D., 245 Levy, 174 Levy, Jr., 250, 256 Lydia, 145 Mag., 204 Magdalena, 109,111,116, 118, 120, 121, 123, 128, 142, 160, 174, 188, 281 Magdalina, 213 Magdenina, 207 Manuel, 83, 129, 164,276 Maragreit, 202 Maragret, 141 Maragriet, I90 Margaret, 76, 181, 248, 278 Margarita, 116 Margret, 221 Margriet, 162, 185 Margrieta, 126, 131 Maria, 110,150, 154,175, 178, 188, 197, 198, 208, 217, 220, 276, 285 Mariah, 67, 74, 89 Mary, 87, 174, 181, 213, 219 Mary Margaret, 79 Oliver Perry, 73 Peter, 179, 183, 235 Peter Gumare, 263 Peter Westbrook, 230 Petrus, 121, 145, 285 Phebe, 218 Polly, 64 Rachel, 63, 87, 118, 120, 129, 130, 219, 283 Robert Kenady, 73 Rymerich, 132, 163 Rymerig, 46, 164 Sally, 248 Saly, 207 Samuel, 120, 183 Sara, 14, 129, 137, 283 Sarah, 66, 150, 190, 223, 278 Simeon, 83, 213, 217 Soloman, 77 Solomon, 63, 64, 67, 74, 83, 90, 174, 192, 194. 234, 242, 248, 263 Thomas, 123, 192, 194, 207, 210, 215, 218, 220, 224, 276 Tomas, 153 Verdenant, 276 William, 210 Vanetten, John, 234 Van Fleet, Benjamin, 264 Daniel, Jr., 171, 173 Elizabeth, 264 Esyntje, 171 Jacobus, 171 Mary, 257 Marytje, 26 Rebeca, 173 Solomon, Jr., 257 Thomas, 264 William, 171 Vanfleet, Abraham, 261 Annatie, 181 Catharin, 170 Cornelius, 181 Daniel V r a denburgh, 259 Deborah, 182 Elisabeth, 182 Jacobus, 172, 182 James, 261 James S., 259, 279 Levi, 259 Margaret, 261 Mary, 259 Samuel, 181 Sarah, 259, 261 Solomon, 261 Solomon, Jr., 259 Thomas, 261 Van Flera, Mikel, 57 Samuel, 57 Van Fleren, Elesabet, 34 Samuel, 34 Van Fredenburg, Arie, 98 Blandina, 98 Van Gam, Gonda, 45 Van Garde, Arie, 33 Benjamin, 102, 169 Catharina, 32 Daniel, 169 Elisabeth, 139 Elizabeth, 135 Ellenor, 232 Harme. 98, 102, 135 Hester, 16 Jacobus, 15 Jenneke, 136 Joseph, 169 Lena, 169 Marietie, 16 Margariet, 135 Moses, 32 Petries, 15 Sally, 251 Susanna Maraja, 15 Van Garden, Abraham, 163, 200, 243 Abram, 16, 117, 235 Abram Westbrook, 235 Albartus, 23 Albert, 166 338 Van Garden, Alexander, 5. 10. 13. 93. »09, 162 Allexander, 17 Anny, 45, 191, 193, 197 Annatje, 144, 150 Antje, 23 Aplony, III Apollonia, 117 Apolonie, 106 Are, 39 Arie, 105 Benj., 175 Benjamin, 24, 45, 151, 155 Benjn, 171 Gary, 217 Catharina, 2, 6, 103, 114, 162 Catharine, 29 Catrina, 15, 143, 202 Cattrina, 52, 211, 276 Caty, 222 Charity, 187 Cobus, 22 Cornelis, 117, 159, 163, 166, 169 Cornelius, 158, 162, 164 Daniel, 104, 115, 144. 163, 165, 186. 187 Daniel, Jr., 197, 202 David, 51, 144.249. 275 Elenor, 241 Elesabet, 32 Elia, 162 Elias, 162 Eliphas, 14 Elisabet, 272 Elisabeth, 99, 134, 151, 163 Elisabetha, 53 Elizabeth, 39, 160, 164, 165, 199, 228 Ellenor, 244 Elshe, 278 Elsje, 17 Ester, 34 Esther, 24 Geertie, 207 Gideon, 163 Gisbert, 103 Gisbert, Jr., 142, 144 Grietie, 198 Gysbert, i, 3-5, 10, 18, 19, 52, 99, 100, 105, III, 112, 114, 117, 125, 134 Gysbert, Jr., 5, 8, 14. 109, 150, 162 Hanna, 8, 1 1 Hannah, 207 Hannes, 2 Harmanus, 17 Harme, 102 Van Garden, Helena, 99, 179 Hendrick, 2, 6, 10, 11, 97 Henrich, 100 Herman, 104, 115 Hester, 10, 21, loi Hesther, 162 Heylte, 184 Heyltie, 186, 187 Heyltje, 127 Hyltie, 192, 194 I sack, 23 Jacobes, 167 Jacobus, 8, II, 13, 15, 16, 39, 94, 102, 134, 162, 163, 165, 172, 175.187, 193. 195, 285 Jan, 6, II, 14, 17, 18,93, 162 Janche, 147 Janneke, 93 Jenneke, 99, 115, 127, 139 Jenneken, 123 Joannes, 197 Johanna, 10, 12 Johannes, 99, 100, 102, 112, 115, 117, 118, 123, 125, 130 Johannes Cortregt, 139 Johannis, 22, 144 John, 18, 23, 200 Jonathan, 17, 188, 198, 207, 210, 275 Joseph, 19 Knelia, 202 Lea, 165 Leah, 162 Leentie, 278 Lena, 19, 52, 100, 105, 150 Lente, 211 Levy, 249 Lidia, 165 Lisabeth, 15, 131, 270 Lydia, 171, 278 Maragrita, 16 Maragreta, 169 Maragrit, 17 Maratje, 146 Margareta, 8 Margarit, 24 Margriet, 15, 124, 126, 130. 131. 134. 268 Maria, 5, 27, 127, 134, 141, 145,151,163,270 Maritje, 5,7, 8, II, 12,93 Marretje, 3 Martie, 25 Martin, 249 Martinus, 243 Martynus, 186 Van Garden, Mary, 172, 196,215, 276,277 Marya, 10, 14, 130, 131 Monn, 245 Moses, 13, 53 Neele, 32 Peter, 16 Petrus, 10, 17, 18, 109, III, 123, 188 Pheby, 210 Pieter, i, loi Plone, 104 Rachel, 1,4,5,8, 19, loi, 103, 104 Sally, 246 Salomon, 188 Samuel, 112, 142, 163- 165, 186, 274 Sander, 19 Sara, 1-3, 8, 12, 115, 167, 234, 266 Sarah, 213, 242, 278 Seletje, 162 Silas, 249 Souvregn, 163 Susannah, 39, 42 Teatje, 177 Willem, loi, 105, 123 Willem Vredenburgh, 134 William, 19, 22, 24, 186, 188, 197, 202, 245 Vangarden, Alexander,3i Elisabeth, 17 Gouda, 17 Hester, 26, 27, 31 Jacobus, 17 Johanna, 26 Josip, 31 Margrietta, 26 Maria, 34 Marregrit, 28 Marritje, 26 Rachel, 16 Willem, 26 Van Gardn, Johannis, 272 Vangardon, Elizabeth, 46 James, 46 Rebecca, 46 Van Gargen, Abraham, 201 Isaac, 201 Van Gelder, Cornelius Timpson, 82 George, 82 Henry Owins, 76 John, 76, 82 John Jinkins, 76 Van Garden, Annatje, 21 Alexander, 21 Van Gerder, Alexander, 273 339 Van Glien, Elisabeth, 146 Van Gorde, Apolonie, 98 Gysbert, 98 Maria, 138 Van Gorden, Amanda, 81 Anne, 84 Antje, 153 Benjamin, 54, 57, 64, 84, 87 Catharine, 49, 72, 78 Catrina, 20, 138 Cherick, 70 Daniel, 153 David, 19 Diana, 84, 89 Drusilla, 87 Elisabeth, 139, 148 Elisabetha, 54 Elizabeth, 84, 87, 225, 230 Elsey, 78 Elsje, 165 Gonda, loi Gysbert, 138, 149, 284 Gysbert Gysbertse, 148 Gysbert, Jr., 153 Harme, loi Helmus, 148 Henry, 54 Heyltje, 148 Isaac, 90 Isaac P., 71, 74, 90 Jacob Dewit, 64 Jacobus, 19, 148 James, 74, 78, 81, 84, 87, 89 Jan, 20 Jane Eveline, 64 John, xxi, 57, 78, 81, 84, 212 John Wilson, 71 Joseph, 64 Lena, 98 Lenah, 89, 91 Lucinda, 84 Magdalen, 49 Margriet, 28 Maria, 149, 284 Mariah, 81 Mary, 51, 61, 78, 80, 81, 84, 212 Moses, 49, 89 Polly Reser, 70 Rachel, 74, 79, 85, 99, 100 Richard, 84 Samuel, 84 Sarah, 100, 145, 212 Sary, 218 Solomon Hornbeek, 74 Solomon Rose nkrans, ^74 Susannah, 50 Van Gorden, Sytje, 139 Willem, loi William Vredenburg, 139 Vangorden, Hannah Jane, 78 Isaac P., 78 Jemimy, 47 Marey, 57 Mary, 57 Moses, 47 Van Gordon, Gideon, 210 Hester, 275 Jacobus, 210 Johannis, 273 Mary, 218 Vangordon, Aaron, 31 Beniaman, 31 James, 31 Van Horn, Ann, 57 Anny, 51 Caty, 47 Cornelius, 42 Elizabeth, 42, 81, 83, 88 Simon, 47 Van Hornbeek, Eliza> beth, 245 Van Imwege, Cornelius, 168, 169 Gradus, 168 Gretje, 168 Harmus, 168 Van Imwegen, Abraham, 230,231,235 Annatje, 230, 231 Cornelius, Jr., 234 Gerardus, 278 Hannah, 234, 245 Haremanus, 170 Jacobus, 233 Jane, 235 Janetje, 170 John, 233 Lenah, 230, 231 Margaret, 280 Maria, 280 Mary, 234 Vaninwagen, Isaac, 256 Jacob, 256 Jane, 257 Samuel, 257 Sarah, 256 Van Innewege, Janneke, 136 Van Inwege, Janneke,i68 Vanin Wegen, Annatie, 181 Anntje, 181 Cornelius, 181 Haremanus, 182 Jacob, 181 Josias, 182 Seletta, 181 Van Inwegen, Abraham, 244 Anne, 248 Benjamin, 246, 252, 253 Betsey, 252 Cornelius, 174 Daniel, 250, 252 David, 246, 251 Eli, 252 Evalina Swartwout, 256 Grietje, 138 Hannah, 260, 263 Haremanus, 173 Hermanus, 138,251,256, 260, 261 Jacob, 173, 247 Jane, 246, 247 John, 174, 244, 249, 250 Josiah, 247, 248 Josias, 260 Lewis, 246 Margaret, 173, 247, 263 Margery, 246 Mary, 245 Rachel, 250 Sally, 250 Samuel, 253 Seletta, 177 Solomon, 249 Vaninwegen, Benja m i n, 259, 262, 264 Catherine, 262 Charity, 259 Daniel V. A., 256 Hannah, 259 Herman, 262 Hermanus, 259 Iva, 259 Jacob, 259 James S., 262 Jane, 256, 262 Jemima, 259, 262 Joseph, 262 Joseph Hornbeek, 262 Peter, 250 Phebe, 259, 262, 264 Sally, 259 Samuel, 250, 262, 264 Solomon, 264 Van Kampe, Benjin, 15 Catharina, 24 Isaac, 24 Isack, 16 Jacobus, 16 ian, 16 laria, 15 Susanna, 15, 16 Van Kampen, Abraham, 105 Abram, 13, 266 Abram, Jr., 6, 8 Catharina, 6, 13 Daniel, 8 340 Van Kampen, Gysbert, 5, 9. 14, loi Isaac, 4, 5 Isak, 6, 7, 9 James, 55 Jan, 4 Lena, 7 Lisabeth, 4, 14 Madlena, 4 Magdalena, 9 Martinus, loi Moses, 105, 179 Sara, 5, 9 Susannah, 55 Van Keuren (Venkearn), Janneke, 8 Jannetje, 3, 106 Jenneke, 98, icx), xoi, 105, no, 126-128, 131, 281 Mary, 238 Rachel, 3, 4, 6-9, 12, 13 Tjaadje, loi, 106 Van Kleef, Maria, 23 Van Leeuwen, Cornelia, 3 Van Leuven, Cornelia, 7, Hanna, 124 Van Leuwen, Cornelia, 10 Van Loon, Hannah, 190 Nicholas, 190 Vannaaken, Margery, 238 Russje, 15 Van Nak, Joseph, 167 Van Nake, Cornelius, 168 Gerretye, 168 Gretje, 168 Isaac, 160 Jannetje, 168 Joseph, 160 Lidea, 168 Maria, 168 Sartye, 168 Van Naken, Absalom, 240 Coert, 240 Cornelis, 166 David, 24 Gretie, 170 Hester, 24 Isack, 167, 170 Jane, 240 Jarmiah, 166 Jeames, 57 Joseph, 169 Magdalen, 240 Margaret, 218 Ragel, 169 Ruschje, 24 Sarah, 218 Seletta, 167 Vannaken, Elisabeth, 57 Hannah, 58 Jacob I., 58 Vannaken, Sollomon, 58 Vannalten, Gidean, 214 Jacob, 214 Van Namen, Elisabeth, 127 Sara, 127 Van Nanken, Henry Barnha r t Winter- mute, 60 John, 60 Rachel, 60 Van Nanker, James, 59 Jane, 59 Sarah, 59 Van Natte, Elizabeth, 49 Van Nette, Antje, 98, 160 Dinah, 240 Elizabeth, 32 Jacob, 98 Jacobus, 33 Margaritje, 160 Mary, 33 Van Netten, Antje, 104, 167 Catharina, 54 Cornelia, 53, 54 Cornelius, 133 Cornelius Westbrook, 237 Dinah, 236 Elizabeth, 47, 237 Henry, 227 Huldah, 247 Isaiah, 227, 237 Jacob W., 247 Jan, 265 Johannes, 164, 167 John, Jr., 54 Lena, 170 Levi, 237 Magdalen, 167 Magdalena, 164 Manel, 167 Maregreta, 170 Maria, 53, 167 Semijon, 167 Simeon, 53 Van Nest, Catrina, 20 Isaac, 16, 20, 143 Judica, 4 Judick, 24 Lea, 16 Peter, 143 Petrus, 24 N., Rev., 223 Rynier, 279 Vannest, Peter, vii Van Neste, George, 70 Ira Vredenbargh, 63 Isaac Hankinson, 70 Jacob Ross, 70 Peter, Jr., 63 Van Nimwegen, Annatje, 112, 154 Annetje, 153 Anthony, 242 Antje, 153 Caletta, 144 Cornelis, 106 Elisabeth, 112 Gerardus, 106, 107, 109, 112, 113, 140, 282 Gradus, 161 Grietje, 154, 161 Gritje, 140 Harmanus, 140, 141,144, 153. 154 Hermanns, 281, 284 Jacob, 107, 113, 147, 153 Jannetje, 107, 108, 114 Jenneke, 115, 118, 119, 123, 124, 128, 282 John, 242 Margrieta, 284 Margrietie, 141 Martinus, 242 Van Ninwegen, Charack, 242 Hermanne, 242 Gerardus, 103 Janneke, 102 Josiah, 242 Van Niuwegen, Gerardus, lOI Janneke, 102 Jannetje, loi Jenneke, 98 Tjaadje, loi Van Noey, Benjamin,225, 226 Elias, 184 Elizabeth, 217 Jacob, 241 Joseph, 241, 275 Ledia, 189 Lidy, 241 Peter, 189 Petrus, 184 Sarah, 225, 244 Sowryn, 226 Van Noj, Benjamin, 138, 142 Sarah, 142 Usselje, 138 Van Norman, Abraham, 223 John, 223 Van Noy, Benjamin, 249 Elias, 249 Elisabeth, 169 Jane, 252 Peter, 252 Peter, Jr., 247, 250 Polly, 252 Sally, 250 341 Van Noy, William, 247 Vannoy, Caty, 262 David, 258, 260, 262,279 Esther, 260 George, 263 Hannah, 279 Hester, 263 Jacobus Vanauken, 258 Jane, 280 Joseph, 258 Lanche, 261 Lenab, 260, 262 Nicholas, 258, 261, 279 Oliver, 260 Peter xvi Polly, 257 Rachel, 279 Sally, 261 Sarah, 260 William, 260, 263, 279 Van Noye, Joseph, 199 Mary, 199 Peter, 199 Van Oetten, Aaltje, 105 Aeltje, 99 Annetjen, 102 Antje, 100 Ariaantje, 100 Dirk, loo Helena, 99 Jacob, 100, 103, 105 Jan, 99, 100, 103 Lena, 99, 102 Van Orman, Johannes Depui, 211 John, 207, 211 Osee, 207 Vanoy, Benjamin, 133 Van Scoda, Johanna, 85 Van Sickel, Jacobus, 120, 267 Johannes Casparus, 120 Ledea, 275 Van Sickele, Cobus, 135 Van Sickelen, Cornells, 126 Jan, 124, 126, 268 Jannetje, 129 John, 128, 177 Reynier, 124 Van Sickkle, Jacobus, 178 Van Sickle, Jacobus, 188, 240 Janny, 206 John, 188 Ledy, 206 Lewis, 240 Lidia, 207, 210 Lucy, 206 Rynier, 206 Van Sikel, Jenneke, 210 John, 198, 210 Lidia, 198 Van Sikel, Maria, 198 Van Sikele, Andrew, 104 John, 204, 208 Sarah, 208 Van Sikelen, Abram, 143 John, 143 Van Sikkelen, Janetje, 145 Jannetje, 141, 157 Van Sikle, Lidia, 188 Van Strander, Isaac, 232, 236, 279 John, 280 Levy, 251 Lydia Van Vliet, 236 Mary, 247, 251 Rachel, 232, 279 Van Stronder, Isaac, 254 Matthias, 254 Sarah, 254 Van Syckel, John Merit, 90 Letitia Merrit, 90 Samuel, 90 Van Tessel, Johannes, 12 Theodorus, 12 Van Teesselen, Nicalaas, 153 Van Thuil, Catrina, 151 Isaac (Simon), 151 Van Tilbur, Mari, 26 Van Tilburg, Jan, 17 Margritha, 26 Mary, 35 Sary, 29 Van Tilburgh, Abraham, 2, 130 Abram, 112 Elisabeth, 25 Grietje, 2 Johanna, 131, 270 John, 25 Mary, 94, 130 Sara, 112 Van Tilbury, Sarah, 41 Vantilbury, Sarah, 29 Van Tillburgh, Hendrik- us, 150 John, 150 Van Tuil, Walter, 139 Van Tuyl, Isaac, 173 Van Vleet, Benjamin, 253 Elizabeth, 250 John, 55 Michael, 55 Solomon, Jr., 253 Syche, 240 Van Vlera, Elizebeth, 59 Van Viet, Elizebeth, 233 Van Vliedt, Benjamin, 135 Debora, 135 Samuel, 135 Van Vliere, Cornelis, 24 Cornelius, 40 Van Vliere, Daniel, 40 Lena, 24 Van Vlieren, Catharina, 122 Cornelius, 32, 165 Hieronymus, 122 Jeronimus, 165 Susanna, 32 Van Vliet, Abraham, 240 Abram, 155 Anna Catharina, 6 Annatje, 147 Benjamen, 271 Benjamin, 119, 125, 128, 147, 273, 284 Catharina, 108, 161 Catrina, 20, 139, 155 Cobus, 139, 158 Daniel, 138, 151, 155, 251, 269 Debora, 125, 128, 134, 155, 197.271 Derick, 18 Derick, Jr., 20 Derrick, 4 Dirck, 3, 6, 7 Dirk, 4, 7-9, 12, 13 Eegje, 97 Elisabeth, 13, 116, 121, 128, 152 Elizabeth, 233, 242, 249, 268 Esyntie, 136 Gerret, 4 Gertruy, 178 Jacobus, 127, 147, 155, 178, 276 James, 251 Jan, viii, 107, 108, 113, 116, 118, 119, 127, 136, 271, 281, 282 Jenneke, 9 John, 230, 231, 240, 250, 278 Judic, 20 Judica, 4 Ledia, 42, 45, 46 Lisabeth, 108, 112, 119, 124, 283 Lizabeth, 108 Lyntje, 160 Maragrites, 284 Margaret, 230, 231 Maria, 18, 107, 139 Maritje, 20, 155 Marya, 113, 178 Michael, 178 Rachel, 6, 18 Samuel, 108, 112, 116, 124, 127, 269, 277 Sara, 138 Sarah, 151 Syntye, 175 342 Van Vliet, Tjerck Van Keuren, 3 Tjerk van Keuren, 8 Van Vliett, Jennica, 43 Van Wage, Aard, 16 Van Weye, Jonas, 25 John, 25 Van Weyen, Aert, 94, 132 Cathy, 6 Charles, 3, 6, 8, 103 Evje, 3 John, I ioseph, 6 lelena, 150 Hendricus, i, 3, 132 Lena, 3 Van Wien, Lena, 25 Van Winkelen, Aron, 156 Cobus, 156 Wyntje, 152 Van Woert, Sarah, 211 Van Wyck, Geo. P., iv, ix George P., xviii, xxviii Van Wye, Susanna, 33 Varnoje, Benjn, 171 Elizabeth, 171, 175 Jannetje, 177 Joseph, 177 Petrus, 172 Oseltje, 177 Sartje, 172 Varnoye, Elisabeth, 175 Petrus, 175 Varway, Aert, 14, 124 Catharina, 14 Charles, 14 Hanna, 14 Hendricus, 124 Vas, xxiv, XXV Petrus, 97 Petrus, Rev., iii, xxv V. Bunschooten, Angan- itie, 36 V. Bunschoten, Antony, 117 G., 45 Jacobus, 38 Maria, 38, 117 V. Campen, Jacob, 37 John, 35, 37 Sarah, 35 V. Demerk, Johanna, 37 V. D. Merk, Elizabeth, 33 Jacobus, 33 V. D. Merken, Annatie, 34 V, Dyck, Anny, 275 V. Garden, Aria, 36 Daniel, 275 Elizabeth, 37 Jacobus, 37 Jenneca, 37 Susanna, 36, 37 Susannah, 35 V. Noy, Benjamin, 183 Joseph, 183 Venauken, Leana, 43 Ven Campen, Blanaena, 44 Vengarden, Catey, 43 Elizabeth, 43 Jems, 43 Vengorden, Elesa Bath, 44 Hannah, 44 Jems, 44 Vennema, Ame, xxix Vernoi, Benjamin, 133 Joseph, 133 Vernon, Petrus, 160 Vernooy, Aaron, 233 Benjamin Westbr., 121 Benjamin Westr., 126 Elisabeth, 121 Elizabeth, 241 Peter, 233 Petrus, 126 Sarah, 230, 231 Vernoy, Benjamin, 158 Benjamin W e s tbrock, 267 Petrus, 158 Rachel, 255 Saly, 235 Sarah, 236 Verwey, John, 22 Mery, 22 Verweye, Aerd, 22 Charles, 22 Lena, 17 Ver Wye, Jan, 273 Viegli, Jacob, 137 Viervan, Cornelia, 104 Vigely, Jacob, 141 Zacharias, 141 Vigli, Jacob, 132 Vincent, Hanna, 8 Vininwagen, David, 233 Margret, 233 Visher, Minne, 16 Vlierden, Elizabeth V., 54 Vliedt, Jan, 136 Vliet, Jacobus, loi Jan, loi Vocht, Andries Madlena, 14 Valentin, 14 Valentyn, 112 Volckertse, Johannes, 92 Von Garden, William Vredenburgh, 270 Voorhees, Henry M., xxviii Vradenburgh, Benjamin, 249 Catharine, 260 Hannah, 280 Vradenburgh, Jacob, 258, 260 Jacobus Vanauken, 258 Lenah Hopkins, 260 Mary Conckling, 249 Vredenberg, Lydia, 21 Vredenburg, Aaron, 212 Arie, 139, 283, 284 Benjamin, 151 Blandena, 30 Blandina, 27, 30, 33, 141, 271 Catharina, 165 Catrina, 148, 150, 159, 284 Daniel, 277 Helmus, 151 Lidia, 285 Lydia, 141, 145,150,159 Mattheus, 114 Sara, 139 Wilhelmus, 139, 148 Vredenburgh, Aare, 205 Aaron, 107, 114, 199, 239 Antje, 123 Arie, 108, 109, 116, 120, 127, 134, 284 Benjamin, 205, 212, 239, 254. 278 Blandina, 25,131, 134 Catharina, 109 Catharine, 279 Catrina, 169 Caty, 232 Daniel, 242, 249 Elijah, 247 Elizabeth, 199, 212, 280 Elsche, 38 Elsie, 135 Elsje, 32, 165 Eltse, 280 Glorana, 254 Havilah, 238 Helmus, 199, 272 Hezekiah, 238, 249 Jacob, 279 Joshua, 232, 239 Joshuah, 247 Josua, 163 Juliana, 242 Levi, 239 Lidia, 201 Lydia, 107, 114, 172 Mary, 279 Mattheus, 107 Wilhelmus, 131, 163, 165, 238 Wilhels, 135 Vrelingbergh, Arie, 178, 183 Benjn, 178 Cathrina, 180 Caty, 178, 179 343 Vrelingbergh, L y d i a , XXIV, 179 Maria, 183 Wilhelmus, x W Waaker, John, 154 Petrus, 154 Waard, Hermanus Dek- kar, loi William, lor Waarner, Frederick, 41 Wach, Caspar, 53 Wachman, Elizabeth, 48 Waerd, Benjamin, 155 Johannis, 155 Waert, Benjamin, 106 Jan, 103 John, I Lisabeth, 11 Rachel, in Willem, III William, i, 4, ll, 106 Wagenaer, Elisabeth, 163 Wagener, Andries, 14 Wainwright, Jacob, xix Waldrum, Jane, 205 Wales, Femmetje, 128 James, 128 Walker, Elizabeth, 200 Mary, 196 Sarah, 201 Seene, 285 Wallace, Francis Barton, Isayas, 161 James, 73 John, 161 Margaret Matilda, 73 Mary Amanda, 280 William Alexander, 73 Wallen, Lisabeth, 119 Phebe, 175. 183 Pheby, 208 Susanna, 6, 126, 131 Waller, Corns, 181 Jannetie, 181 Susanna, 93 Walles, Joseph, 186 Sarah, 186 Wallin, Febe, 167 Wallis, John, 168 Wallon, Joseph, 119, 267 Phebe, 164 Pheby, 188,202,204,214 Phiby, 195 Susanna, 120 Walter, Elenor Elizabeth, Moses, 89 Peter, 89, 91 Warner, Adam, 39 An Catreen, 28 Catharine, 81 Catrine, 34 Christina, 34 Daniel, 41, 77, 84 Elisabeth, 157 Eliza Ann, 71 Frederick, 28, 34, 38, 39. 49.71 Hannah, 84 Henry Arns, 88 Jacob, 36, 81,83, 88 John, 49 Lewis, 77, 83 Lodewick, 34, 36, 44 Lodewyck, 41 Lodewyk, 38 Maragriet, 44 Sarah, 38 Warsbon, ( Wa sh b u r n), Abeneser, 169 Nathannel, 169 Wasben, Rachel. 47 Wasbon, Elizabeth, 43 Wasborn, Marcia, 167 Noah (Nathaniel), 167 Wasburg, Nathaniel, 159 Patience, 159 Washboun, Elesabeth, 27 Noach, 27 Washburn, Anna Barbar, 165 Henry, 52 Nathaniel, 165 Nicholas Schoonhoven, 52 Washburne, Henry, 49 Noah, 49 Wass, Elizabeth, 49 Waus, Elisabeth, 39 Elizabeth, 38 Week, Margriet, 169 Weiss, XXV Welbingt, Dereck, 166 Welfelt, Adam, 214 Peter, 214 Wells, Abraham, 164, 180 Ann, 211 Annatje, 137 Betick, 167 Caty, 205, 277 Esrael, 208 Isaac, 173 Israel, 180, 183, 187 iames, 173, 183, 198 ames, Jr., 164 esse, 187 ohn, 198 Margriet, 6, 13, 14, 109, 117 Mary, 109 Nathan, 208 Wells, Pheby, 208 Phenes, 167 Polly, 198 Rachel, 277 Reb., 188 Rebecca, 130, 185 Rebecka, 167, 171, 198 Rebekah, 176 Sara, 167 Sarah, 172, 173, 179,188, 199, 205 Thomas, 130, 137, 270 Wels, Margriet, 100, 105 Margrita, 104 Salomon, 105 Welsch, Jacobus, 141 Maria, 107 Thomas, 141 Welsh, Thomas, 274 Weltvael, Bn., 136 Rusje, 136 Wert, Elizabeth, 65 Wesbroek, Aeltie, 275 Anthony, 272 Elizabet, 272 Janneke, 271 Magere, 49 Maria, 275 Petrus, 145 Sarah, 145 Wesbrook, Johannes, 152 Engeltie, 152 Wesfal, Christina, 152 Wessebrock, Anthonie,99 Antje, 98 Cornells, 98 Johannes, 98 Johannis, 99 Magdalena, 99 Maria, 105 Petrus, 98 Wessebroeck, Johannes, 100 Antje, 100, 103, 105 Antonie, 105 Benjamin, 105 Cornells, 100 Dirk, 100, 101 Dyrk,98 Heilje, 105 Jannetje, 100, 102 Johannes, 98 Jurk, 105 Lisabeth, 105 Tjerk Van Keuren, loi Turk, 105 West, John, 220 Richard, 220 Westbook, Seletie, 57 Westbrock, Abram, 157 Annatje, 148 Antie or Lintie, 166 Antje. 158 344 Westbrock, Benjamin, 133. 155 Daniel, 159 Derick, 149 Dirk, no Catrina, 133 Cornelius, Jr., 133 Helmus, 159 Heyltje, 136 Jacob, 129 Johanna, 165 Johannis, 156 Johannis B., 159 Johannis J., 155 Lea, 142 Lena, 159 Levi, 158 Lidia, 133 Lydia, no Maria, 141, 149 Rachel, 159, 164 SaEfrein, 129 Samuel, 142, 159 Sara, 283 Sarah, 156 Therk. 157 Tjerk Van Keuren, 137 Westbroeck, , 132 Abraham, 132, 268 Abraham, Jr., 120 Abram, 125, 128, 129-132 Abram Dirkse, 126 Aeltje, 124 Alida, 114 Anatje, 133 Annatje, 119, 131 Anthony, 265 Antie, 185 Antje, 108, III, 112, 116, 117, 121, 124-126, 129, 163, 282 Ant j en, 281 Antony, no, n7, 119, 121, 130, 136, 267, 282 Arie, 126 Benjamin, 6, 104, 108, ni, n5, 117, 124, 129, 265, 281 Catharina, in, 115, 265, 281 Cathrina, 106, 124, 129 Cherk Van Keuren, 153 Cornelis, 108, no, 119, 120, 124, 163, 281, 282 Cornelis, Jr., 122, 129,281 Cornelius, 106, 133 Derrick, viii.xv, loiS, 281 Dirck, 3 Dirk, 8, 126-128, 130, 131, 281, 282 Elisabeth, 122 Evert Rosa, 126 Evert Roos, 119, 268 Westbroeck, Gideon, 129, 132 Hannes, viii, 104 Helltje, 108 Heltje, 266, 281 Heyltje, 5, 112, 116, 121, 128, 129, 137 Jacob, 113, 114, 117, 123, 125, 131, 166, 184, 266 Jacobus, 127,132,186,283 Jannetje, no, 114, n6, 122, 127, 131, 265, 283 Jannetje M., 132 Jenneke, 115, 126, 131 Jennetje, 122 Joel, 132 Johanna, 131, 163, 169 Johannes, 108, in, 112, 115, 117, 121-123, 127, 132, 265, 267, 269,281- 283 Johannes, Jr., 9, n 2, n4, n7, 282 Johannes, Sr., 113 Johannes C, 131 Johannes Corn., 112,126 Johannes Cornelis, 281 Johannes Dirkse, 115 Johannes L, 166 Joseph, 116, 119, 120, 123, 126, 128, 131,267, 283 Josephet, 132 Lena, no, 112, 117, 119, 121, 122, 127, 130,132, 163, 169, 267, 282 Levi, 128 Lydia, 120 Magdalena, 108,114,117, 122, 123, 127, 265 Mari, 132 Maria, 9, 104, 108, no, 116, 117, 120, 121, 125, 126, 129-131, 136, 163, 265-267, 275,281 Marie, 122 Martinus, 128 Marya, 6, 112, 113, 115, 117 Marys, 268 Michel, 125 Moses, 120, 129 Petrus, 133 Rachel, 129, 164 Salomon, no, 120, 124, 127-130, 132, 184 Samuel, no, 117, i86 Sara, 118, 120, 125, 127, 128, 130, 137, 269 Sarah, 153 Susanna, 133 Wilhelmus, 124 William, 132 Westbroek, Abraham, 136, 172 Abram, 138,140-142,146, 149, 150 Abram Joh., 152 Alexander, 149 Alida, 136 Annatje, 142, 162 Annetje, 284 Anthoni, 133 Annitje, 153 Antie, 184 Antje, 140, 151, 156, 158, 165 Antje B., 153 Antone, 136 Antonie, 135 Antony, m, 146, 149, 156, 273 Benjamin, 115, 138, 140, 142, 159, 168 Benjamin Vernoi, 135 Blandina, in, 140, 150, 185, 273, 275 Casia, 150 Catharina, 117 Cathrina, 129 Catrina, 21, 138, 140, 142, 157 Ceeletje, 33 Cherk Van Cuiren, 141 Cherk Van Keuren, 142 Cherk Van Kuiren, 148 Cobus, 138 Cornelia, 136, 138 Cornelis, 134, 153 Cornelius, 136, 138, 141, 151 Debora, 133, 143, 148, 284 Derick, 146 Derik, 140,274 Elisabeth, 156, 158 Elizabeth, 24, 136, 157 Evert Roosa, 138 Evert Rosa, 134, 140 Gideon, 138, 158 Grietje, 146 Hannes, 103 HansC, 133 Heiltje, 133 Helmus, 162 Hendrik, 146 Hester, 187 Heyltie, 136, 142, 161 Huyltie, 135 Jacob, 107, in, 141,151, 273 Jacobus, 134, 151, 165 }aen, 166 anche, 149 Janetje, 140 345 Westbroek, Janneke, 140, 142, 146, 148 Jannetie, 136 Jannetje, 108, 117, 136, 147 J. Dirikse, 136 Jenneca, 185 enneke, 23, 164 Jennike, 26 Johanes, 138 Johannes, 117, 135 Johannes, Jr., 103, 117, 161 Johannes B., 162 Johannes J., 187 Johannis, 141, 146, 148, 149. 273 Johannis B., 150, 151, 157, 274 Johannis J., 172 John, 82 Jonannis, 273 osep, 271 Joseph, 128, 133, 134, 136, 140, 143, 145. 148, 284 Josua, 165 Lea, 141, 148, 151 Leah, 161 Ledea, 34 Leentje, 168 Lena, 132, 136, 140 Leonard, 136 Levi, 23 Louis, 117 Lydi, 141 Lydia, 23, 141, 148 Magdalen, 138 Magdalena, 103, 135,186 Magdalene, 146 Majory, 35 Margery, 33 Maria, 26, 107, 138, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 156, 162, 164 Maria dirks, 133 Martinus, 164 Meseri, 133 Petrus, 141, 150, 159 Saferyn, 185 Salomon, 33, 117 Samuel, 143, 151,165,168 Sara, 142 Sarah, 108, 146, 148, 149 Seletje, 133 Solomon, 82 Westbroet, Johanna, 186 Westbrok, Johannis, 26 Westbroock, Antie, 192 Maria, 195 Westbrook, Aaltje, 215 Aaron, 183, 249 Westbrook, Abm„ 66 Abraham, 169, 170, I96, 197, 206, 212, 213,215, 216, 219, 223, 277 Abraham L, 219, 225 Abraham M,, 66, 219 Abraham T,, 238 Abram, 160 Alchie, 183 Alexander, 189,243,247, 249, 257, 279 Alfred, 237 Altie, 187, 196 Anna, 66 Annatje, 23, 25, 28 Antie, 190, 194, 202, 210, 285 Antje, 172, 175, 180, 181 Are, 167 Arie, 177 Ary, 189 Benjamin, 174, 201, 204, 209, 211, 216, 221, 224, 226, 229, 249, 277 Benjamin A., 279 Blandena, 225 Blandina, 30, 179, 190, 197, 201, 203, 207,216, 220, 224, 226, 227, 230 Catharine, 61, 221, 224, 229 Cathrina, 196 Caty, 60 Cattrina, 38, 189, 206, 276 Chark, 200 Cornelia, 177, 183, 188, 203, 208 Cornelius, 179, 224, 226 Cornelius B., 210 Cornelius D, or P., 197, 202, 205 Cornelius R., 237 Daniel Dingman, 66 Daniel Ennist, 221 Deborah, 234, 241, 246, 250, 251, 255 Dedion, 211 Dina, 237 Dinah, 224 Easter, 249 Elesabet, 31 Elisabeth, 55, 173 Eliza Hagerty, 219 Elizabeth, 29, 199, 204, 208, 226, 229, 249, 277 Eltsie, 279 Emy, 183 Enis, 254 Esther, 220, 254, 257 Evert Rosa, 177 Femmetje, 160 George, 222, 226, 228 Westbrook, Hannah, 72 Hannah Jane, T] Helena, 46 Helmus, 196 Henry, 257 Hester, 187,224,226,251 Hester Hoorbeck, 225 Hetty, 241 Heyetje, 232 Hilthe, 233 Hiram, 81 Hugh, 219 Hymen, 89 Jacob, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 77, 82, 89, 171, 190, 210, 215, 220, 225,226, 278, 285 Jacobus, 177, 189, 199 James, 46, 48, 257, 275 James D., 284 Jane, 84, 239, 243, 245, 248, 249, 252, 255, 277 Janetje, 174 Jannetje, 171, 173 Jannetye, 219 Jannke, 167 Jannitie, 225 Jean, 237 Jenne, 236 Jenneke, 230, 231 Jerusha, 257 Joannes, 37, 192, 194, 222 Joannes C, vii Joannes D., vi, vii Job, 223 Jacob, 219 Joel, 237 Johannes, 167, 174 Johannes D., 94 Johannes Ja., 170 Johannis, Jr., 171 Johannis D., 180 Johannis I., 285 John, 66, 70, 72, 73, "]•], 84, 219, 238 John Coolbaugh, 78 John L, xxi Joseph, 207, 226, 229 Joseph Jobs, 183 Josephas, 225 Josephat, 211, 219, 221, 223, 278 Josephus, 228, 230 Joshua, 47, 51, 57 Josua, 55 Julian, 228 Kesia, 200 Knelia, 202 La Fayette, 86 Laffaryne, 82 Lana, 170 Lanah, 56, 63, 67 346 Westbrook, Lantie, 189 Lena, 172-174, 181, 187, 188, 216, 226, 277, 284 Lenah, 79 Lendert, 30 Leonard, 200 Levy, 68 Lidia, 191, 193, 201, 203, 254 Lidy, 226 Lina, 209 Lydia, 172, 182, 225,227 Lydia Cortright, 223 Lydia Ennes, 229 Magdalena, 177 Magdalena Winter- mute, 61 Majory, 41 Margret, 57, 60, 66, 73, 75,78, 88,216 Maria, 37, 48, 171, 181, 187, 197, 201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 210, 215,220, 221, 247,276, 285 Marie, 178 Mariah, 64, 211, 213 Marjory, 45 Marory, 43 Marten, 216 Martines, 169 Martinus, 160 Mary, 62, 174, 179, 218, 220, 235, 237, 242, 245, 247, 250-252, 278 Mehaly, 222 Moses W. Coolbaugh, 90 Nancy, 56 Nehemiah, 227 Noomi Decker, 230 Peggy, 201 Peter, 46, 203, 279 Petrus, 172, 180, 205, 211, 285 Rachel, 51 Ragel, 166 Richard, 201 Richd Broadhead, 77 Ruben Buckley, 219 Sally, 215 Salomon, 192, 194, 204 Samuel, 55, 169, 180, 284 Samuel Cortright, 228 Sara, 171 Sarah, 47, 176, 201, 209, 212, 276 Seletie, 38, 43 Severyn, 220 Severyne, 221 Severyne L., 227 Simeon, 221 Simeon Kittle, 227 Soferyne, 275 Westbrook, Soforyne, 88 Solomon, 60, 61, 62, 66, 86, 90, 91, 174, 215, 219, 221, 240 Solomon, Jr., 73, 78, 81 Souweruyn, 203 Soverine, 216 Soveryn, 190, 201, 207 Susannah, 219 Susannah Maria, 62 Titus, 254 Welhelmus, 187 Wilhelmus, 169, 183, 215,223,224,243, 249 Zepharine, 224 Westebrook, Jane, 240 Western, Pellip, 169 Westervelt, Pellip, 169 Westes, Dina, 209 Henry, 209 Lize, 209 Westfaal, Abraham, 32, 184, 185, 192 Blandina, 171 Daniel, 275 David, 183 Elizabeth, 160, 192 Grietie, 183 Grietyie, 214 Christina, 164 Jacobus, 32, 161 Jannite, 276 Jurrian, 164 Maria, 160,161, 185 Rushe, 185 Salomon, 184 Symon, ix Westfael, Abel, 97 Abm., 175 Abraham, 163, 171-173, 181 Abram, 117 Aeltey, 173 Aeltje, 110, 130, 131 Alleonora, 282 Altje, 172 Altye, 174 Annatje, 116, 173, 181 Antony, 121 Apollonia, 163 Benj., 170 Benjamin, 97, 104, 1 10, 112, 113, 117, 122, 127, 132, 172, 282 Benjn, 173 Blandina, 180 Christina, 130, 270 Cornelis, 106, 107, 109, 112, 113, 116, 120, 127, 130, 131, 266, 269, 283 Cornelis Ab., 116 Cornelis Van Aken, 127 Cornelius, 135, 180 Westfael, Danel, 165 Daniel, 104, 105, 108, 115, 116, 117, 120-122, 125, 130. 136. 163, 173, 266 David, 135 Dievertje, 130 Eleonora, 116, 118, 120, 124, 125 Eleonora, 118 Elisabet, 166 Elisabeth, in, 121, 143, 171, 178 Elizabeth, 135, 178 EUeonora, in Geertje, 103, 104 Hannatje, 109 Hendrick, 117, 165 Jackobus, 166 Jacob, 97, 107, no, in, 127, 128, 130, 135, 180, 282, 283 Jacobus, 6, 10, 1 1-13, 93, 122, 132 }ames, 179 an De Witt, 122 Jannetje, 98 Johanna, 124, 127, 135, 283 Johannes, 104, 107, 109, in, 114, 117, n8, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 130, 135. 137, 183, 281, 283 Johannis, xiv John De Witt, 170 Jorian, 107 Jory, 107 Joseph, 123, 173 Juriaen, 97, 115, 131, 137, 270 Jury, 108, 112, 116 Lea, 104 Leanora, 138 Ledia, 184, 197 Lena, 2, 7, 119, 130 Leonora, 107, 109, 113, 13s. U2 Levy, n Lidea, 190 Lisabeth, 107, no, 112, 113, 116, 120, 127-129, 132, 163, 266, 283 Lizabeth, 107, 266 Lidia, 106, 107, in, 113- 117, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 129-131, 171, 180, 183, 266, 267 Maregreet, 171 Margareta, 115 Margarita, 105 Margariet, 164 Margarita, 104 Margret, 173 347 Westfael, Margriet, 104, 112,114, 115, 117, 120, 125, 127, 131, 266, 282 Margrietje, 131 Maria, 97, 104, 106, no, 120, 142, 163, 164, 179, 270 Maritje,97, 104, 106, no, 113-116, 120, 122, 125, 126, 128, 265, 281, 282 Marya, 113, 115, 119, 125, 126, 129-131, 137, 179, 268 Nicael, 97 Pieternella, i, 11 Petrus, 125, 126, 131, • 79. 270 Petrus Brink, 183 Rushie, 183 Rusie, 173 Russia, 164 Russie, 137 Salomon, 136 Samuel, 117, 163, 170 Sara, 97, 98, no, iii, 120, 127, 131, 137, 267 Sarah, 173 Simeon, 117, 174 Simon, 108, no, 171,265 Solomon, 170 Syme, 136 Symon, n6, 117, 122, 127, 131, 283 Wilhelmus, 127, 174, 180 Westfal, Abby, 209 Abraham, vii, 190, I94, 202, 205, 215 Abraham, Jr., 201 Abraham W est brook, 201 Allie, 202 Altie, 186, 197, 228 Annatie, 184, 199 Benjamin, 195 Bethiah, 199 Busche, 203 Cathrina, 170 Cherk, 187 Daniel, 187, 195, 201, 207, 215, 228, 285 Daniel, Jr., 204 Daniel B., 220 David, 276 Diana, 240 Elizabeth, 40, 194, 207 Gretie, 199 Hannah, 188, 203 Hendrick, 199, 209 Henry, 205, 276 Hester, 187 Jacobus, 187, 195, 203, 207, 220 Janneca, 207 Westfal, Jannitie, 201 Jennika, I95 Johannes, 199 Joshuah, 205 Jurean, 199 Lidia, 190, 202 Manuel, 277 Maragriet, 187 Maria, 278, 285 Mary, 239 Plony, 214 Ruben, 277 Russie, IQ5 Rushe, 193 Samuel, 199, 203 Samuel D., 239, 240 Sarah, 204 Simeon, x Simion, 205 Symon, Jr., 276 Wilhelmus, 170 Westfall, Abraham, vii, 87, 226, 249, 251, 261, 285 Antje, 233 Benjamin, 222, 226, 228, 241, 246, 250, 252,256, 263, 264 Catharina, 230, 231 Catharine, 250, 257, 280 Cattrina, 278 Charles H a r denberg, 264 Cornelius, 2n, 255, 256 Daniel, 2n, 218, 221 David, 259 Dennis, 228 Elisa, 163 Elizabeth, 251 Ellenor, 258 Esther, 255, 279 Frederick, 262, 263, 280 Gilbert, 222 Grietie, 276 Henry, 216 Huldah, 280 iacob, 131, 280 acob Gumaer, 262 acobus, 163 James, 275 Jane, 222, 240 Janey, 218 iannetie, 210 emima, 255, 262, 263 emimy, 249 ohn, 216, 249 .edia, 285 Lena, 264 Levi, 264 Lydia Anne, 226 Margaret, 233 Margery, 241 Maria, 233 Westfall, Marjery, 259, 262, 264 Mary, 241, 245, 263, 280 Matthew, 218 Nancy, 262 Peter Gumare, 263 Plony, 210, 223, 227,278 Reuben, 233 Rosina, 275 Rushe, 285 Rusiller, 252 Sally, 256 Samuel, 276 Samuel D., 245,248, 255 Sarah, 245, 248, 258, 261 Sarah Jane, 87 Senia, 263 Simeon, 222, 226, 258, 279 Simon, vii, 246, 261 Wilhelmus, 256, 259, 262, 264, 279 William, 221 Westfalls, Jacobus, 15 Westpertus, Diana, 215 Dina, 215 Harry, 215 William, 215 Westphaal, Hendrik, 159 Lidia, 133 Maria, 133 Westphal, Catherine, 240 Jurge, 98 Westphall, Daniel, 225 Jane, 252 ohn, 225 Solomon, 225 Samuel D., 252 Westvaal, Abram, 139,143 Annatje, 147, 151 Antje, 157 Benjamin, 140, 141, 144, '47 Blandina, 140 Catrina, 139 Christina, 141, 144 Cornelis, 145, 147, 155, 157 Cornelius, 161 Cristina, 148 Daniel, 141, 143, 144, 158, 284 David or Daniel, 144 Divertje, 155, 158, 161 Elisabeth, 140-142, 144, 145, 147. 152, 155. 157 Hannatje, 141 Helmus, 160 Hendrik, 162 Hendrik Cortregt, 150 Jacob, 161, 284 Jacobus, 141, 143 Jannetje, 150 348 Westvaal, Johannes, 144 Johannis, 132, 140, 142, 147, 158, 284 Juriaan, 139 Juriaen, 139 Jurian, 139, 145,148,150, 284 Jurry, 168 Leonora, 140, 161 Lidia, 133 Lydia, 139, 142 Maragriet, 142, 144, 148, 151. 158 Maragrita, 284 Maragritje, 159 Margrita, 145 Maria, 138, 139,143.144, 147, 148, 158, 165, 284 Petrus, 145 Rosyna, 147 Ruben, 147 Russia, 141 Russia, 145, 150 Sara, 139 Sarah, 143, 147,273 Simion, 168 Simon, 140 Syman, 284 Symion, 150 Symon, 147, 150 William, 162 Zacharias, 155 Westvael, Aeltye, 168 Daniel, 136 Elesabet, 31 Grietje, 22 Johannis, 284 Leida, 166 Lidja, 142 Lydia, 138 Maria, 136 Rusje, 136 Rusye, 272 Yuerrean, 140 Westval, Abel, loi, 102 Abram, 158 Benjamin, 99, 106 Catrina, 167 Christina, 134 Cornelis, 106 Daniel, 132 Eleonora, 102 Geertje, 102 Hanna, 167 Hannah, 167 Henry, 220 Jacobus, 134 Johannes,98-ioo,io2,i34 Joseph, 134, 135 Jure, 167 J urge, 98 Jurian, 100, 135 Jurye, loi Westval, Lena, 100 Lenora, 99 Leonora, 99 Lisabeth, 99 Lydia, loi, 135 Margrietje, 220 Maria, 99, 102, 105, 158 Marretje, 99, 100 Marrietje, 103 Peter, 220 Phony, 208 Samuel, 167 Sara, 99, 102, I05 Sarah, 23 Simon, 102 Westvale, Abraham, 166 Altie, 166 Catrena, 166 Cornelis, 166 Cristena, 167 Elisabeth, 169 Gretie, 167 Jacob, 166 Jacobus, 170 James Ma Carte, 167 Lidia, 166 Rusce, 167 Russe, 170 Sara, 167, 170 Semyon, 167 Westvall, Elizabeth, 160 Westviel (Wintviel), Derick, 151 Femmetje, 151 Lydia, 151 Maragriet, 158 Westvoel, Abraham, 31 Wesval, Elonara, 272 Johanna, 271 Johannis, 272 Wever, Elisabeth, 186 Whitaker, Charles H., xxix John P., xviii Whitbeck, Henry, 246 White, Elisabeth, 177 Lewis, 280 Thos., 170, 177 Whitehead, Benjemin,234 Esther, 242 Jane, 234 Matilda, 234, 253, 257 Oliver, 234, 242 Whitlock, Aaron, 253 Daniel, 248 Eliza Ann, 250 Elizabeth, 259 Jemima, 279 Joel, 232, 242, 246, 250, 253. 25Q John Hoff, 259 Joseph, 242 Joseph Hoff, 232 Whitlock, Levy, 248 Wickham, William, x Wm., X Wildfield, Abraham, 107 Abram, 109 Abram, Jr., 114 Grietje, 128 Neeltje, 109 Sophia, 128 Thomas, 107 Wilier, Catherine, 42 Williams, Cate, 152 Ezechiel, 131, 19I, 193 Greetje, 172 Grietie, 216 Jacobus, 165 James, 172,216 Johannes, no John, 3, 8, 92, no, 131, 152, 211, 216 Lea, 191, 193 Lidia, 211 Lydia, 216 Margeree, 173 Matthew, 285 Polly, 22J Rachel, 8, 178, 180, 192, 194, 202, 208, 274, 285 Sammuel, 165 Samuel, 3, 160, 173, 274 Sarah, 216 Williamse, Femmetje, 107 Johannes, 158 John, 158 Rachel, 158 Samuel, 158 Williamson, Rachel, 162 Samuel, 162 Willims, Ledeja, 166 Ragel, 166 Samuel, 166 Wilson, Hannah, 92 Jacob, 174, 181 Jacob C, 280 John Westbrook, 92 Mary, 274 Mierom, 181 Miriam, 230 Thomas, 174 William, xvi Wm. T., 92 Winans, Elizabeth De- pue, 68 Matthew, 276 Samuel, 68 Windem oedin,Anna Elisabetha, I ( I Windemoet, Abraham, 120 Elizabeth, 132 Johannes, 115 Jory, 9 349 Windemoet, Jury Philip, 115, 120, 127 Petrus, 127 Philip, 129, 132 Windemout, Benjamin, 141 Philip, 141 Windemuth, Johan Jory, III Philip, 5 Maria Juliana, 11 1 Maria Margreta, 1 1 1 Windenmuth, Jory Philip, III Windfield, Deborah, 258 Hannah Smith, 258 Henry, 250, 258 Jane, 250, 252 Manuel, 183 Margaret, 244 Sarah, 285 Windle, James, 201 John, 201 Winecoop, Cornelia, 69 Winekoop, David, 233 Jane, 233 Winfield, Aaron, 251 Henry, 251, 255 Phebe, 235, 241 Phebe Caroline, 255 Wingfield, Henry, 246 Mariah, 246 Wininwagen, Hannah, 233 John, 233 Mary, 233 Winne, Hannah, 204, 206 Winner, Elizabeth, 250 Wintemaut, Leendert,i45 Maria, 145 Philip, 145 Wintemuth, Elizabeth, 136 Johan Christofifel, 5 Phillip, 136 Winteramute, David Hunt, 86 George, Jr., 86 Wintermoet, E 1 i s abeth, 148, 187 Wintermoet, Greitet, 169 Jeur (Jurry), 169 Jury, Jr., 148 Leonard, 136 Wintermout, E 1 i s abeth, 149 Johannis, 153 Jurian, 153 iurry, 1 62 .eendert, 149 Lidia, 162 Mary, 153 Stoffel, 148 Wintfield, , 277 Dyrck, 165 Peggy, 165 Wmtfiel, Derik, 152 Elisabeth, 152 Wintviel, Abram, 154 Derek, 146 Derick, 140 Derik, 144 Elisabeth, 146 Emmanuel, 140 John or Josua, 145 Joseph, 144 (Windfield), Maritje, 145 Wiseborn, Elizabeth, 50 Rachel, 50 Wittiker, John, 154 Richard, 154 Woeltman, Sarah, 214 Woertman, Sarah, 217 Wolfe, Jacob, 34 Jannitie, 34 Wolff, Jacob, 40 Peter, 40 Wood, Benjamin, 159 Benjn, 179 Cathrina, 179 Edward, 207, 211 Emanuel, 207 Hannah, 36, 39, 42, 44. 45.47.221 Helena, 179 Henry, 278 John, 144 Wood, Lany, 211 Lena, 213, 216, 226 Lisa Margariet, 159 Rachel, 178, 275 Susannah, 216 Tryntje, 173, 178 Wook (Wood), Lena, 223 Woolf, Caty, 40 Jacob, 40 Wordly, Cornells, 122 Isack, 12 John, 12, 122 Worner, Henry Arins, 32 Lodewyk, 32 Wornes, Cristena, 163 Mary, 163 Wright, James, 11 Jeremias, 11 Jonathan, 1 1 Wybrand, Dirck, 3 Susanna, 3 Wyckoff, P. F., xxviii Wydelig, Eva, 209 Frederick, 209 George, 209 Hester, 209 Wye, John W., 274 Wymant, Jacob, 275 Wynans, Abigail, 275 Wyndfield, Abraham, 178 Joseph, 178 Wynhoop, Antje, I2g Wynkoop, Antje, 121, 123, 125, 126, 138, 144, 283 David, 232,252 Jacobus, 125 Jacobus Swartwout, 252 John, 232 Wyomy, 192, 194-196 Yotter, Caty, 91 Young, Andrew Brinck, 227 George Everet, 228 Peter, 227, 228 Susanna, 195 > *^ ^6 64 93 Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716-1830 The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society The "Minisink country" consists of the valley of the Neversink, west of Shawangunk Mountains, and the Dela- ware valley, as far as the Delaware Water Gap. The set- tlers in the Minisink valley were Dutch, French Huguenots and English. Four primary Dutch Reformed churches were established in the Minisink Valley. The Minisink Church was located about eight miles below Port Jervis, on the Old Mine Road, in the township of Montague, Sussex County, New Jersey. The Machackemeck Church stood on the Old Mine Road at the junction of East Main Street and New Jersey Avenue, in the city of Port Jervis. The Walpeck Church was within the Walpeck Bend of the Delaware, about a mile west of Flatbrookville, in the Township of Walpeck, Sussex Coun- ty, New Jersey. Historical information on the Smithfield Church is given in the introduction but the church's records do not appear in this volume. The introduction of this book is quite lengthy and out- lines in detail the history of these four churches, showing the sites they occupied, and briefly citing the group of secondary churches that grew out of them. Part of the records of the Minisink, Machackemeck, and Walpeck Churches have been transcribed. The baptisms list the date, parents, child and witnesses; marriages list the bride and groom, their birth places, residences and the minister performing the ceremony; also included is a listing of church members. ISBN 1-55613-556-4 >?% « ^>^ o '^^c^ so. ^ov^ /•O^v^V^'*^ O^ St i'"-:;<-.v-->?-^;'°-^^^^^ "h^ ^°;r»>;'-\^>:-'X'-°>°>/.-x^-^^^^ ■i %.-i^ ,4 b''^J>. o <^- -t«** 'ov 'IP'. *1 • -*.^^ ■^^o^ •^o* ,^\o \\'W^^*'^ c^'^^^^/oo* V'^^^% ^ ■