Author . ^M'Kt •« **^ E. Title. Imprint. r J. /;)?'.<.-.s'cw represented the town in the Hempstead Convention, at which the Duke's laws were promulgated. Not only did Governor Nicols assume control of civil affairs in the town, but he issued orders regulating ec- clesiastical matters; appointing clergymen, and prescrib- ing the amount of salary to be paid by the town, and even designating the persons to assess and collect it. " Anno 1665, the 27th of December, the minister, who was sent to preach by the Hon. Gov. Richard Nicolls, preaclied his first sermon at the house of Gys- bert Tonissen." The name of the minister who preached the above mentioned " first sermon " is not given in the record ; neither does it anywhere appear who his successors were, or whether they were Dutch, English or French. It probably is sufticient for us now, as it was for the good people of Boswyck in their day, to know tiiat they were the governor's favored gentry, and probably in his interest. It is hardly necessary to say that it was the Church of England which the governor thus sought to impose on the people of Bushwiek. But, though obliged to pay the taxes, they would not attend the preaching of the person so officiously thrust upon them, and finally he and his " Beloved Roger " were withdrawn. This attempt to force an established church upon the town of Bushwiek, was felt to be a galling injustice, and finally, with other infractions, led to a public meeting of the people of the county, held at Flatbush, in 1664, whereat were passed several strongly- worded resolutions, condemnatory of the English, for their faithlessness in violating the conditions of the treaty, and in compelling them to litigate in a language which they did not understand. A significant expres- sion of the feeling of the people on this point, is found in the fact that two cases then pending before the court of sessions, were withdrawn, and referred to arbitrators appointed by the meeting ; the parties alleging that they were Dutchmen, " and did not wish to have their rights adjudicated by an English court." It was, also, agreed by the meeting, that they would have nothing to do with the courts, and that they would settle all differences in future by arbitration. The inhabitants thereafter adhered so strictly to these resolutions, that the courts were seldom occupied by civil causes, and usually adjourned on the first day. No lawyer resided in the county before 1783 ; and the Episcopal Church was not established here until 1776, during the occupa- tion of the town by the British, during the Revolution- ary war. The Dutch churches supported all the poor of the county; all who could labor being employed, and no poor-tax was raised in the county until the year 1785. In February, 1687, Governor Dongau granted a pat- 10 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF BUSHWICK. ent to the town of Bush wick (given at length in Stiles' Hist, of Brooklyn, pp. 345-380), conferring on it the usual corporate privileges of towns in those days, and accurately defining its boundaries. These boundaries did not include the site of the subsequent village of Williamsburgh. This probably arose, not from any over-sight, but from the fact that tlie site of Williams- burtrh was originally surveyed and owned by the Dutch West India Company. The good people of Bushwiek, in common with other towns, had suflPered so long from the misrule of the big- oted Duke of York, James the II, that the news of his abdication, in 1688, and the succession to the English throne of his daughter Mary, and her husband William, Prince of Orange, was received with a general outburst of heartfelt joy. The misguided zeal or ambition, however, of certain persons who were impatient of delay, defeated the de- signs of the new government, and involved the province in scenes of turmoil and strife. Although the Dutch inhabitants of Bushwiek gener- ally were peacefully inclined, and patient under the ar- bitrary rule of the English governors, there were among them some who were less tractable ; and occa- sionally instances of disorderly conduct are recorded — noticeably in 1693, 1694 and 1697. " On the 20th of August, 1693, Jurian Nagell, of Bushwiek, together with two others of Brooklyn, endeavored to stir up sedition among the crowd, who had assembled at a general training of the Kings County militia, on Flatland plains. Captain Jacques Cortelyou deposed before the Court of Ses- sions, that, ' being in arms at the head of his company,' he heard NageU say to the people then in arms on said plains, in Dutch, these mutinous, factious and seditious words, fol- lowing, viz. : ' Slaen ivij-der onder, wij seijn drie l Bushwick. In front of it (or more probably of its predecessor), contuma- cious John of Leyden was exposed to the public gaze, ignominiously tied to a stake, with a horse-bridle in his mouth, a bundle of rods under his arm and a label on his breast, stating that he was a writer of lampoons, etc. Here, too, a thief was once punished by being made to stand under a gallows, with a rope around his neck and an empty sword scabbard in his hand ; and here, also, saddest sight of all, a venerable clergyman of the town, who had incautiously married a couple without observing the formalities demanded by the law, was condemned to flogging and banishment ; a sent- ence, however, which, in consideration of his gray hairs, was commuted to that of exile from the town. " Long after the Revolution, the old town-house con- tinued to be the high seat of justice, and to resound with the republican roar of vociferous electors on town meetings days. The first Tuesday in April, and the fourth of July, in each succeeding year, found het-dorp (now Anglicized to Bushwick Church), suddenly meta- morphosed from a sleepy little Dutch hamlet into a brawling, swaggering country town, with very de- bauched habits. Our Dutch youth had a most enthusi- astic tendency and ready facility in adopting the con- vivial customs and uproarious festivity of the loud- voiced and arrogant Anglo-American youngsters. One day the close-fisted electors of Bushwick devised a plan for easing the public burden, by making the town- house pay part of the annual taxes ; and, accordingly, it was rented to a Dutch publican, who afforded shelter to the justices and constables, and by his potent liquors contributed to furnish them with employment. In this mild partnership, so quietly aiding to fill each other's pockets, our old friend Chris. Zimmerman had a share until he was ousted, because he was a better customer than landlord. At last the electors of Bushwick grew tired of keeping a hotel, and sold the venerable struc- ture to an infidel Yankee, at whose bar the good do- minie could no longer feel free to take an inspiriting cup before entering the pulpit; and the glory of the town- house of Bushwick departed." (Field). The school-house which stood near (Map d, Fig. 3), was occupied by a district school until within a few years past — latterly under the charge of the Board of Education. In siglit of the church, and covering the present OLD BUSHWICK GRAVEYARD. junction of Parker street and Kingsland avenue, was the ancient graveyard of the original Dutch settlement, for many years unused and its few remaining monu- ments neglected, broken .and almost undecipherable. In 1879, Isaac De Bevoise, grandson of Isaac, who was here buried, undertook the pious duty of removing such remains as were left. He collected seven large casket-boxes of bones, whose identification was impos- sible ; besides a few remains which were identified by neither coflin- plates or headstone. He estimated them at 250 skeletons, and he remarked that all had sound teeth — save the one tooth which used to hold the Dutch pipe. The work of removal was done at the ex- pense of the old families, under the direction of the Consistory of the Church ; and the boxes are deposited under Bushwick Church. The few inscriptions in this RFSTORY OF THE TOWN" OF BUSH: WICK. old bvirial-place liave been preserved by Stiles, in Hist, of Brooklyn, ii. 3 74 ; and by Town-Clerk Wm. O'GoEMAN, in the L. I. City Weekly Star, Dec. 31, 1880. From the old burying-ground, and looking along the old Woodpoint road, the two venerable De Voe houses might be seen (Map d, 4 and 5), standing (on either side the old road) between Parker and Bennett streets, near De Bevoise avenue. They are well de- picted in the accompanying sketch taken in the fall of 1867. THE BE VOE HOUSES, AS SEEN FROM THE OLD GRAVEYARD. On De Bevoise avenue was the old De Bevoise house, later known as the residence of Charles I. De Bevoise. Here, again, we must let our Newtown friend, Town-Clerk Wm. O'G-okman describe : " The ' Manor House ' on Meeker Avenue is a good point to stroll from, when historically inclined, towards old Bushwick township. Here wound its way the Woodpoint road to the old town dock ; and here, within sight of each other on oppo- site sides of Meeker Avenue, are the WyckofI and DeBevoise homesteads. Eacli of them has its liistory, antedating the Declaration of Independence by many years. But each house has likewise a middle history, connecting tlie past gen- eration with the present by two living and hearty links. * * * In the Manor house we see the birth-place of Nicholas Wyckoff, President of the First National Bank. He was Supervisor of Bushwick town. Step across Meeker Avenue, and on the edge of the open lots stands the old DeBevoise house. Charles I. DeBevoise was born in that house, and he too became a Supervisor of Bushwick township. We believe they are the only representatives of Bushwick now remaining. " Bushwick, from its birth under the old Dutch Governor Stuyvesant, was a lively little township, and much prone to irritate iier neighbors. In fact she was a thin wedge driven from Greenpoint to the ocean, right through the extremities of several sleepy towns ; and, as her humor was, she con- stantly kept one or other of them awake. The Supervisor of little Bushwick of that date must be active, of an aggressive turn of mind, but withal good-humored, and endowed with the vitality of perfect health. These were the sine-qua-nons demanded of all candidates in her elections; which were a species of Olympic games once a year to her. ' ' The competitors were many, and to be successful was esteemed of great honor. Charles I. DeBevoise and Nicholas Wyckoff bore off these honors in their day. In their stock of health they out-distanced all competitors. It is doubtful if either of them lias lost a tooth — they are neither of them venerable — they are merely men containing some eighty years of accurate recollections and of the best health. This represents their physical condition, the only province of the tourist. Their reputation as citizens is known of aU." [Mr. Wyckoff died while these pages were passing through the press. — Editor.] "The "Wyckoff House" was erected by Theodorus PoUiemus, of Flatbush, who married Anna Brinckerhoflf here, and here settled. He afterwards became the chosen representative of Bushwick in the Con- gress and Conventions, from 1775 to 1777. He died in 1781, and after Independence liis children sold out to Peter Wyckoff, the father of the President of the First Na- tional Bank. But the Wyckoffs still held, and still do hold, their ancestral farm on the boundary-line between Brooklyn and Newtown, beyond Metropolitan Avenue. The ex-Supervisor resided there ; wliile the Polhemus-Wyckoff estate, with its old house, has passed to the stranger." Of the genealogies and romances of the Polhemus and connected families of Schencks, Hikers, Remsens and Lar- ramores, the town-cleek discourses most genially and instructively. "Thirty years since and the Manor House grounds on Meeker avenue presented a Baronial appearance ; the Wyckoff woods and the Wycoff-Polhemus house had retained all its companion trees, barns and out-houses. Two immense poplars stood sentries at the gate on the Woodpoint road ; they have yielded to time, and are no more. In the last stages of their decay, our thoughts often reverted to the times when the Bushwick farmers carried their produce to the old town-dock past the same trees and watched the growth of the young saplings newly planted. Thirty years ago, and nothing was disturbed along the Woodpoint road, on its way to the town-dock of Bushwick ; but, m 1880, all is uprooted, and the town-dock itself and its tide-water are traversed over by the horse-cars. The specta- tors of the old poplars never dreamt of such changes ; but the Wyckoff house is now, as ever, a farm-house. The DeBevoise house is also on the old Woodpoint road ; and, for generations, was the homestead of the DeBevoise family, of Bushwick, descended from Carel DeBevois, the Huguenot, who became the first school-teacher and town- clerk of Brooklyn. It still belongs to Cliarles I. DeBevoise, and in that house he was born, and there, too, he was mar- ried—once, if not twice ; and we believe history records that his father, Isaac DeBevoise, did also endure similar experi- ence of these changes in life. The ex-Supervisor resides in the large mansion adjoining the old house, nor have his eyes ever failed, for upwards of eighty years, to rest on the place OLD BUSHWICK MILLS. 17 of his nativity— which circumstance is rather a unique ex- perience of constancy in this our land of change. The Schenck family, of Brooklyn, are closely entwined with these DeBevoises, of Bushwick ; in proof of which, on a window of the old house, remains the name of a bride from that family, cut on Iier wedding-day, immediately be- fore she had assumed her new name of DeBevoise. The fifth generation are now represented in continuous residence from Carel DeBevoise, of 1736, who was a farmer, and the first of the name in Bushwick, to Charles I., and his son, Isaac DeBevoise ; and, still later, to a six-year old boy, the son of this last Isaac. The barn of the DeBevoise house is precisely as the Hes- sians of General Rahl liad left it— warm and comfortable in a plentiful neighborhood, which these warriors of so much per head soon learned to appreciate and fully to enjoy. To the sound of the drum they trampled down, in 1776, a new clay floor ; and, this accomplished, they eat, drank and smoked out their long occupation. Of the English tongue, they learned but little from the natives of Bushwick, who, indeed, knew little of it themselves ; all spoke in Dutch, and in secret they cleaved together until the war was over. Few of them returned to Europe ; many remained in Bush- wick ; Louis Warner, who lived near Cooper's glue factory, Hendrick Plaus, and Christopher Zimmerman, who, for many years, was miller at Luquere's mill, were of this number, and are yet well remembered. The Prince of Hesse made money by their absence ; a Hessian lost to him was a clear gain— such being the terms of bargain and sale of that Princely Potentate with Royal George III., of England. It was a glorious bargain for all parties, save to King George, who had to pay expenses." On Bushwick avenue, near the north-east corner of that avenue and North Second street, was the old iJ-^adel house, now used as a grocery-store ; and several other old houses long remained in the immediate neigh- borhood of the church. North-west of the church and close to Bushwick creek was the residence of Abram Van Ranst, a lieutenant of the Kings County Militia, who fled, with his family, to Harlem, at the time of the battle of Brooklyn. His house became the head-quar- ters of Mr. Pherson's corps of refugees and tories. Set Kivis Padt, or the Cross-roads, on Bushwick avenue, between Johnson and Adams streets, long re- tained several of the old houses which clustered there in the olden time. The inhabitants residing along the water-side {Ilet Strand of the olden day) at the close of the Revolution, were Martin Kershow, David Miller, Charles Titus, Andrew Conselyea, Thomas Skillman, Francis Titus, William Bennett and John Titus. Speaking of the Titus family, John M. Steaens, Esq., says : "But as we passed northerly along the shore, we came to an ancient tavern, since fronting on First street, just south of Grand, on land conveyed to Francis Titus by Isaac Meserole, prior to 17.'58. By whom this celebrated public house, known for generations as the 'Fountain Inn,' was built, I do not know. Its site was devised by Francis Titus to his son, Charles, who was known as old ' Charlum Titus,' and who kept this place for many years. Of a Saturday night, the settlers usually gathered around its bar, and con- tributed to a weekly carousal, and bacchanal songs, such as should have startled the sensibilities of a Christian people. As a general result, in less than half a century, three-fourths of the farms in town had changed hands through the ruin wi-ought by the influence of the Fountain Inn. Passing this noted inn, our pathway leads past the old Titus Homestead, where the Francis Tituses, for three generations, lived and died. Here we pause to relate an incident illustrative of human gratitude and human selfishness. Tennis Mauritz Covert died at Slonmouth, N. J., seized of the land since known as the old Titus Homestead, many years previous to 1719. Francis Titus had married his widow, and brought up his children. The eldest son, Teunis Covert, under the laws then prevailing, was the sole heir of this farm, to the exclu- sion of all his father's younger children. On the 16th of May, 1719, this Teunis Covert makes a deed of this farm to Francis Titus, his 'loving father-in-law,' for his care and expense in bringing up the grantor and his father's other children ; and then described the home and farm as occupied by the grantee, containing fifty-eight acres, &c. This land continued in the possession of Titus for over thirty years, but the generous step-son was not remembered in the step- father's will, made some thirty years afterwards. Devising a large estate to the testator's own children, to wit: Francis, Charles, Jan, Johannes and Titus Titus, and charging there- on legacies to his daughters, Antie, Hellena, Elizabeth, Janetje, Hyeotte and Christina, reservmg an estate for life or during widowhood, to his wife, Elizabeth — yet, his step- children are all forgotten ; and this Elizabeth he turns out to poverty if she marries again. The step-son, who gen- erously gave up his estate, an inheritance from his ancestors, received not even an honorable mention when the recipient of his benefaction made his last eartlily preparation for his death-bed. Pursuing our way .along the East River shore, we come to the old homestead of the Wortmans, who, for nearly a hundred years, had an honorable name among the denizens of Bushwick, and only ceased to be mentioned as leading citizens about 1780. This old homestead is now represented by a more modern domicile near Bushwick creek and Second street, on property now of General Samuel I. Hunt. The farm originally had ninety-six acres, some forty acres of the western part having passed to one William Laytin, and by him was sold to Francis Titus, mentioned above. The remainder was owned by one William Bennett, and was devised by him to his son William, as to the northwestern part, and to Jacob Bennett, as to the southeasterly part. The former passed to William Vail, and through him to the wife of Samuel I. Hunt ; the latter was afterward known as the farm of Frost, O'Handy, Butler and Sinclair." Subsequently, but prior to 1798, were erected the houses of Peter Miller and Frederic Devoe. In 1798, also, William Van Cotts resided at the Sweede's Fly. One by one, however, these old farm-houses have dis- appeared before long rows of modern brick dwellings. The Boerum House, on Division avenue, between Broadway and Kent avenue (see cut on next page), and the Remsen house, on Clymer street, near Kent avenue, long remained as mementoes of the past. Old Bushwick Mills — both tide m\\\s.—Luqueer''s (later known as M.ister's), erected in the year 1664, by Abraham Jansen, who received a grant of the mill-site and privileges, was, with the exception of Brewer's mill, on Gowanus creek, the first established in the present city of Brooklyn. It stood on a branch of Maspeth (Newtown) creek, near the junction of BISTORT OF TBE TOWN OF BXJSHWIVK. olas Wyckoff himself. The old road from John Eden's store on Metropolitan avenue around its junction with Newtown and Brooklyn retains its Knickerbocker aspect with singular tenacity ; the more wonderful because the road is a frequented thoroughfare, but traffic glides past in silence and respects the repose of houses formerly much disturbed by the military tramp of the Revolution." Sixteen head-stones occupy the Schenck Cemetery ; the i-emaining inscriptions are pre- served in Stiles' History of Brooklyn, ii, 378, but more particularly in a valuable article, by Wm. O'Gok- MAN, Esq., Town Clerk of Newtown, in L. I. Weekly Star for January 14, 1881. The 2ihysician of old Bushwick was Dr. Cornelius Lowe, who enjoyed the practice of Bushwick, New Lotts and a part of Newtown. He was an ardent patriot, unmarried, boarded with Alexander Whalley and died about 18.30. He was succeeded by Dr. George Cox, who boarded in the Rev. Dr. Basset's family, removed to Wil- liamsburgh after it became a village, and became con- nected by marriage with the Miller family. Greenpoint since the Revo- lution. — Isolated by its peculiar posi- tion between New- town and Bushwick creeks, and occu- pied only by a few large farms, Geeenpoint, or " Cherry-Point," as it was formerly called, may be said to have enjoyed an almost sepa- rate existence from the rest of the old township of Bushwick. It contained, during the Revolutionary period, and for years after, only five (Dutch) families, each having its own dwelling-house, its own farm, and its own retinue of jolly negroes in field and kitchen. On the shore of Newtown creek, on present Clay street, between Union and Franklin avenues, resided Jacob Bennett, whose father, then quite an old man, ment in the primitive times, when the Newtown tide- 1 owned and lived upon a farm on the opposite side of water ebbed and flowed to the boundary of the little I the creek, which he subsequently gave to his son-in- plot ; but now the rail-track bounds the cemetery on law, Mr. Hunter, from whom it derived its present the one side, and the gas-lamps of Brooklyn illuminate | name of Hunter'^s Point. it by night ; evidences of modern habits quite incon- 1 Some years after the war, another Bennett house was sistent with the notions of those who spent their quiet [ erected near the present bridge, and was subsequently lives to the sound of the old Schenck mill — the site of I sold to a Yankee by the name of Griflin; but this, like- which K hardly in the traditions of the venerable Nich- 1 wise, has disappeared before the march of improvement. Grand street and Metropolitan avenue. " A few years since," says Mr. T. W. Field, " there was no more striking scene near the metropolis than the view at this point. As the road to Jamaica struck the marsh, a rude bridge, with the most fragile railing which ever, deluded a tired passenger to lean against it, crossed a narrow strait in the mill-pond. A few rods to the left stood an unpainted hovel dignified with the name of the Mill, against the side of which, and dwarfing it by comparison, hung suspended the gigantic wheel. Close to the bridge stood another tenement whose meaner appearance made the mill-house respectable. This was the toll-house, one of a class of structures which are only less universally detested than the quarantine and the pest-house. Across the broad level marsh, nearly a mile in width, rose the hills of Newtown, covered with their tall forests, amid which,here and there,open spaci s of cultivated lands checkered the green expanse with squares of brown earth or crops of various colors. Through the green salt - meadow, the slumbrous tide-wa- ter currents wound their unseen cours- es; and, in the midst of the verdure, rose the broad sails of vessels, which ap- peared as incongru- ous with the green meadow as would a western prairie over which tall ships were sailing. A mile or more to the right, on an- other branch of Maspeth kill, stood another structure, known as Schenck^s mill, the site of which is only known by tradition, so completely have its ruins been concealed by alluvial deposits, swept by the rains from the cultivated fields around." Near at hand, behind the house of Mr. Nicholas WyckofP, was still the little burying-ground where slept all of that name who heard the clatter of the mill and the splash of the sluggishly turning wheel. The Schencks were of old Bushwick, from its settle- THE BOEEUM HOUSE. GREENFOINT SINGE THE REVOLUTION. 19 On the edge of the meadows near the north-east corner of the present Oakland and Freeman streets, on premises since owned by James W. Valentine, stood the old Provoost dwelling, which was the original Capt. Peter Praa house. On the river bank, between India and Java streets, was the old Abraham Meserole house; which was originally built more than one hundred and sixty years since, although the western part of it was added about 1775. John A. Meserole, a descendant of the original proprietor and a Revolutionary patriot, had possession of the place at the time of the Revolution. A troop of Hessians were quartered in the house, and made free with all the live stock on the farm, except one cow, which the family hid in the woods, in a nook since occupied by S. D. Clark's grocery store. A building known as the Baisley house was afterward erected on this estate, on the present Huron street, near Franklin. On Colyer street, near and east from Washington, stood the house of old Jacobus Colyer, the worthy ancestor of all of that name in this vicinity. The last of the series of these originals was the resi- dence of Jacob Meserole, near Bushwick creek, on Lorimer street, near Norman avenue. These five buildings, with their barns and barracks, and the old slate-enclosed poioder -house, below the hill (on the spot since covered by Simonson's ship-yard, and which was afterwards removed as an undesirable neighbor), constituted the whole of Greenpoint settle- ment. Cherry Point was almost isolated because of a pecu- liar lack of facilities for communication with the outer world. The only road, from there to any place, began at old Abraham Meserole's barn, ran diagonally across, north-east to the east end of Freeman street, then past the Provoost premises,then south toWillow Pond,thence along the meadow to the Cross-roads, and from that point to Wyckoil's woods, so to old Bushwick church " round Robin Hood's barn " to Fulton Ferry, where the wearied traveler embarked in a ferry-scow for Coenties slip, at the city, and was thankful if he arrived there in safety, it being a little more than he had reason to expect. As for going to Astoria, it has been described as being something like taking a journey to the Moon ; there being no road thither, until the erection of the Penny-bridge, in 1796, which let the people out into the mysteries of the island, and left them to feel their way around in' the woods to Astoria. Each farmer, however, owned his boat with which he conveyed pro- duce to the New York market; and, for all practical purposes of intercommunication with each other or with their friends in Newtown, Bushwick or Brooklyn, they used the boat much more frequently, perhaps, than the road. The modern history of Greenjpoint dates from the year 1832, when Neziah Bliss, in connection with Dr. Eliphalet Nott, purchased some thirty acres of the John G. and Peter Meserole farm. In 1833, he bought the Griffin farm; and in 1834 he caused the whole of Greenpoint to be laid out in streets. In 1838 he built a foot-bridge across Bushwick creek. At about the same time the Point was re-surveyed, and the Ravens- wood, Greenpoint, and Hallet's Cove turnpike was in- corporated. This road, which was opened in 1839, ran along Franklin street, and was subsequently continued to Williamsburgh. Although, even as late as 18.53, this road was not graded, it proved to be the opening door to the growth of Greenpoint. The first house-builder was John Hillyer, the mason, who boldly broke ground in the field on India street, in November, 1839; the edifice, a substantial brick one, be- ing sufficiently completed to admit of his occupying it with his family, in June of the following year. A few months after, Mr. Brightson commenced building on two lots in Java street, and almost simultaneously, three other buildings were begun, viz.: a building, which afterwards became an inn, well remembered by the oldest inhabitants of Greenpoint as Poppy Smith's tavern ; the residence of Mr. Archibald K. Meserole, on the hill, north side of Eagle street, between Frank- lin and Washington streets; and the store-house, after- wards Vogt's paint shop, built by Cother cfc Ford for A. K. Meserole. From this time buildings increased so rapidly as to defy the most active historian to keep track of their erection. Many of these houses stood up on stilts, bearing very much the appearance of having been commenced at the roof and gradually built do\vnward, a sufficient number of stories being appended to reach the ground. This style of building, peculiarly characteristic of Greenpoint in the earlier days, obtained mostly on the locality known by the people of that day as " the Or- chard," and, also, in Java, Washington and Franklin streets, and was rendered necessary by the extreme depth of the mud, always the great drawback of the place. Trade at Greenpoint commenced in the store-house above spoken of. David Swalm succeeded the first tradesman here. A coal-yard was opened at the foot of Freeman street, on the East River, at the projection of the shore which originally gave Greenpoint its name. This establishment was purchased, in 1849, by Abraham Meserole, who transferred the business to the corner of Java and Franklin streets ; and the yard was speedily followed by other lines of industry, and by various manufactories. A Union Sabhath-school was established in the au- tumn of 1845, under the superintendence of William Vernoon; and sessions were held at various places in the village. The Episcopalians commenced here in 1846. The Methodist, Baptist, and Dutch Refoi-med denominations commenced their distinctive church or- iri^STORY OF THE TOWN OF BUSHWICK. ganizations in 1847, and were followed by the Univer- salists and Roman Catholics in 1855. The profession of medicine was first represented in Greenpoint by Dr. Snell, from Herkimer county, N. Y., who settled here in 1847. He was followed in 1850 by Dr. Job Davis, and he, in turn, by Doctors Peer and Hawley, Heath, Wells, and others. The first magistrate and constable were appointed about 1843. Mrs. Masquerier, in 1643, opened the first school. This good woman's ministrations were finally sup- planted by the public-school system; and in 1846, a school-house was erected on the hill east of Union ave- nue, between Java and Kent streets, and which was first presided over by Mr. B. R. Davis. This was the commencement of School No. 22. In 1850 a ship-yard •wa.f. established by Mr. Eckford Webb (since Webb & Bell) ; and the first vessel con- structed was a small steamer called the Honda, which was made to ply upon the Magdalena river of South America. Since that day he has constructed many vessels. Other ship-yards were established, until ten or twelve were at one time in active operation, turning out every variety of craft, from the humble skiflf to the largest wood and iron steamers. In September, 1852, the Francis' Metallic Life-Boat Company was incorporated, with a capital of $250,000, and erected a large and commodious factory. They had a successful career, until the repeal, by Congress, of that section of the steamboat law respecting life- boats, when the demand fell off, and, so did the com- pany. The ferry between the foot of Greenpoint avenue and the foot of Tenth street, New York, was estab- lished, in 1852, by Neziah Bliss, and soon afterwards transferred to Mr. Shepard Knapp. Previously, all water communication with New York had been by skiffs, at a charge of four cents per passenger. In 1853 the Greenpoint Oas Light Gompa^iy was in- corporated, with a capital of $40,000, and a patronage at the outset of twenty-six customers. In the summer of 1854, what was projected as the Greenpoint and Flushing plank-road was first used. The intended ter- mini of this road were the Greenpoint ferry and a point on the Astoria and Flushing railroad, half a mile from the latter place. By reason of the opposition of some Dutch farmers along the proposed route the road was not completed according to the original design; but united with the Williamsburgh and Newtown road at the end of Calvary cemetery. (The history of Greenpoint, subsequent to 1864, is included with that of the consolidated city of Brook- lyn). Arbitration Rock. — We have thought desirable to place in permanent form, by re-producing it in these pages, the substance of a very infieresting article by William O'Gorman, Esq., the antiquarian town-clerk, of Newtown, published originally in the Long Island Weekly Star, concerning this historic land-mark be- tween Old Bushwick and its neighbor, Newtown. "Arbitration Rock " marked the final end of that famous fight between Newtown and Bushwick, which raged with unabated fury, from the days of Governor Stuyvesant, in 1660, to 1769. Stuyvesant loved Bush- wick. He hated Newtown. He bequeathed a legacy of rancor to the two towns ; but he also opened up a field on which all the brave sons of either town could display their determination to defend their boundary rights. In Governor Cornbury's time the dispute between Newtown and Bushwick had waxed hot and furious to a white heat. It suited the Governor to a charm. He " saw " twelve hundred acres in it — he " discovered sinister practices," he realized " pernicious conse- quences." The Bushwick men claimed that their boundary (extended to the straight line which ran from the Old Brook School to the northwest corner of Ja- maica. The Newtown men claimed that their bound- ary . ran from the " Arbitration Rock " to the same point ; or more clearly to be understood — the New- town men claimed up to the present dividing line between Newtown and Brooklyn, where the city lamps shine on old Mrs. Onderdonk's house. It is a long walk on a hot day from the Old Brook School to Mrs. Onderdonk's house beyond Metropolitan avenue : the longer it was, the more acres it would give to Lord Cornbury, the Governor of the province. The evidence was very conflicting between Newtown and Bushwick. The boundary line oscillated between them like a pendulum, from the arbitration rock to the Old Brook School, and so for years it had vibrated back and forward, but fastened to the same suspension point on the East New York hills in the Cemetery of the Evergreens. It was a large gore of land, and con- tained 1200 acres of land for Lord Cornbury. There were riots between the Bushwick men and the New- town men, and some houses were burnt and some houses were torn down. Governor Lord Cornbury, of all men, hated " anarchy ;" and he considered it to be the duty of an impartial Governor to remove the cause of such anarchy. He decided that the gore lot of 1200 •acres belonged neither to Bushwick, nor to Newtown. He also decided that the tract of 1200 acres belonged to himself, the Lord Cornbury. He was surrounded by a body of able counselors — Arma Bridgens, Robert Millwood, William Huddle- stone, Adrian Hoogland, and of course Peter Praa — Peter Praa from Greenpoint, always keen after real estate ; and among these disinterested persons, or in- struments, in vulgar eyes, the Governor divided the 1200 acres of Ne^vtown land. Newtown, at this un- expected juncture, had need of trustworthy men, and on the 6th of May, 1706, the township vested all their ARBITRA TION ROCK. 21 powers of defence in Richard Alsop,* Joseph Sackett, Thomas Stevenson and William Hallett. This law- suit lasted twenty years, and the Town House and all the public lands of the township had to be sold to fee the la-svyers, a useful precedent for future Newtown officials who may have to carry on law-suits. The re- sult of that law-suit was not decisive ; the boundary line between Newtown and Bushwick remained un- decided until the 7th day of January, 1769, on which day the dividing line was run out to the full satisfac- tion of Newtown, and so remains to the present day. What became of the grantees after Lord Cornbury's recall is not positively known ; Newtown fought them under the name of the " Faucouniers " from 1712 to 1727, in a suit in which Richard Alsop and John Coe were plaintiffs on behalf of Newtown. Peter Praa, of Greenpoint, had sold out his patent two days after it was granted. Peter was too sagacious to trust to such titles ; but the name of Bridgens, true to its instincts, broke out again in 1873, as a plaintiff in the celebrated ejectment suit against the property owners of Laurel Hill, so sensationally got up by Weston, the walker. In the columns of the Sun he had provided an old oaken chest with an ancient will in it, both of which little adjuncts made up a little romance only to be spoiled by the fact of the same will having been in printed form for twenty-five years previously, and con- tinuously in every house on Laurel Hill. So history repeats itself. The following report terminated the dispute of a century : '■ Pursuant to an act of the Governor, Council and General Assembl}', appointing John Watts, William NicoU and Wil- liam NicoU, Jr., Esquires, or the major part of them, or the survivor or survivors of them, Commissioners to run out and ascertain a line of division between the Counties of Kings and Queens, as far as the townships of Bushwick and New- town extend :— We, the said Commissioners, having called the parties before us, and duly heard and considered their several proofs and allegations, do adjudge and determine that the Division Line aforesaid, shall be and begin at the mouth of Maspeth Kills, or creek, over against Dominie's Hook, in the deepest part of the creek, and so run along the same to the west side of Smith's Island, and so along the creek on the west side of that island to ash up a bra,\ch LEADING OUT OF THAT CREEK TO THE POND OR HOLE OF WATER NEAR THE HEAD OF MR. SCHENCK'S MILL POND ; AND FROM THENCE EASTERLY TO A CERTAIN ROCK COMMONLY CALLED THE 'Arbitration Rock,' and marked N. B., a httle west- ward of the house of Joseph Woodward ; and from said rock running south twenty-seven degrees, east to a heap of stones with a stake in the middle known by the name of the 'Arbitration Heap ; ' and from thence in the same direct line up the hills or mountains until it meets the Hne of * In this connection we cannot but allude to a series of exceedingly interesting papers, by Mr. O'Gorman in the L. I. Weekly Star, of March and April, 1880, on the Alsop Family, of Newtown, whose ancient mansion, rich in Colonial and Revolutionary history, stood on the edge of Newtown Creek, near the Penny Bridge. It was de- molished In October, 1871), and its site, as, also, that of the Alsop family burylng-ground, is now within Calvary Cemetery grounds. Flatbush, as the same is described by the survey and card hereunto annexed. In witness whereof, we have liereunto set our bands and seals this lOth day of January, Anno Domini, 1760. John Watts. W. NiCOLL. Sealed in presence of us, W. Wickham, John S. Koome." The Annals of N&otovm tells us that the survey was performed, January 7th, by Francis Marschalk, and thus describes the boundaries : '• Beginning at a certain rock, commonly called the Arbitration Rock, marked N. B. ; said rock lies N. 16 de- grees 3 minutes W. 4 chains 50 links from the northerly comer of the house, formerly the house of Frederick Van Nanda, and now in possession of Moses Beigle ; running from said rock S. 27 degrees E. 155 chains to a noted heap of stones, with a stake in the middle, known by tlie name of 'Arbitration heap," and from thence in the same direct line up the hill or mountain until it meets the line of Flat- bush." The Woodioard Souse still stands in the same good preservation that Lord Cornwallis left it in the Revo- lution ; and the Beegel House is occupied by the Onder- donk family. After the Revolution Mr. Ilendrick Beegel made another survey of the line, and in 1837, during the Su- pervisorship of Mr. DeBevoise, the line was again run over and monuments erected over its entire length. The late Mr. Nicholas Wyckofif, President of the First National Bank of Brooklyn, in 1880, made a proposi- tion to the Commissioners appointed to re-survey the boundary line between Kings and Queens Counties ; to " replace, at his own expense, by a monument to be ap- proved of by the Commissioners, the old 'Arbitration Rock,' once of such importance, but blown to pieces by some parties ignorant of its historic and trigonometrical value as a ' Bench Mark ' in the survey of the base line between Kings and Queens Counties." A note in Riker's Annals, page 171, has led its read- ers into a labyrinth of confusion, and they have propa- gated the error far and wide — as the Annals of New- town is a standard work every way worthy of its repu- tation for research and accurate details. The note reads : " This house is that now occupied by Mrs. Onderdonk. Arbitration Rock has disappeared. It stood in the meadow lying opposite this house, on the other side of the road, and early in the present century was blown to pieces, and re- moved by individuals who probably knew not its value as an important land-mark." In fact, however, the Arbitration Rock is as intact and sound as when the commissioners and surveyors were vociferating around it in January, 1769. "On November 19th, 1880, another group of excited men, the late Nicholas Wyckoif, Peter Wyckoff and Wm. O'Gorman, stood around the same old rock watch- ing its discovery by Martin G. Johnson, Surveyor. Mr. Johnson had found the old rook, from which he had started his own survey in 1850, when he had com- 22 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF BUSHWICK. menced to lay out the streets and blocks of Bushwick, and mark their position with the stone monuments, still existing in the ground, all over from Greenpoint, through all the limits of ancient Bushwick as contained in the several wards now incorporated into Brooklyn. Far off through all the fields Mr. Johnson determined his angles with the theodolite and measuring-chain ; from many distant points he defined the position of monu- ments long since ploughed over ; and, when he would call out that 'here is one,' or 'one ought to be here,' there was consequent excitement to dig down and see that his calculation was correct. And, indeed, a monu- ment was invariably found wherever the word was passed that one ought to be found. The same process through the fields revealed them in plenty ; but large trees had grown up since the monuments were set in . 18.50, and the face of nature had changed considerably since that time. But the trigonometrical work of the young surveyor still holds good and will be the perma- nent base-lines for all ages to old Bushwick, no matter what name will be granted her in the vicissitudes of time. " "Finally, the converging sights of the theodolite from all the monuments intersected each other on the time- honored head of the old Rock, and thus established its identity beyond question. The 'Arbitration Rock ' is therefore still in existence. " " The history of the fight between Newtown and Bushwick — a legacy bequeathed by old Governor Stuy- vesant — embraces the period included between 16.56 and 1769. The territory included that gore-lot of country between the old Brook School at Maspeth and the Arbitration Rock beyond Metropolitan avenue, narrow- ing to a point toward the hills beyond Ridgwood. In that direction there is still some undefined trouble, and the Legislature of last year issued a commission to certain persons to settle it." Henry Boerutm.— Among the old Long Island names is that of BoERUM— a name which the citizens of Brooklyn have perpetuated in Boerum street, and Boeriim place. The emigrant of the family was a Hollander, and his descen- dants, for many generations, have been landed proprietors on the Island. His father, Jacob Boerum, married Adrianna Remsen. a daughter of William Remsen, at the Wallabout. They had eight childi-en— Henry being next to the youngest, born April 8, 1793. He passed the days of his boyhood on his fathers farm, and during the idle winter months, availed himself of the limited educational advantages afforded by the public schools of his time and locality. After he grew to man's estate, he managed the farm, which, at that time, meant hard work, as all the market truck had to be carried to the Wallabout in a wagon, then put in a row-boat, pulled across to tlie New York market, and sold out by measure as tiie hucksters now do. On November 21, 1827, he married Susan Rapelje, a daughter of Folkert Rapelje, at Cripple- busli, of the well-known family of that name, which has been prominently identified with Long Island almost from the date of its first settlement. May 1, 1828, he purchased from the executors of tlie estate of Folkert Rapelje sixty- two acres of land, being a part of the old Rapelje farm, at Cripplebush, for the sum of $7,000, on account of which he paid .$2,700— money which he received as a part of his wife's dowry — and gave a mortgage for the balance, $4,300. He was a hard worker and good manager; and, in October, 1834, he had paid off his indebtedness, tlie executors having given htm the privilege of paying on account of the principal when he paid his yearly interest. In 1835, during the great land speculation, the homestead farm was sold, by which he secured, as his part, several thousand dollars, which, together with his earnings, amounted, in 1842, to some $20,000. About this time, the bubble burst, taking away from him the greater part of his income. He also sold, in 1835, three and one-half acres of the Cripplebush farm for $3,500, with which he built the house now occupied by his son, F. Rapelje Boerum. In 1853, DeKalb avenue was opened, graded and paved through the farm, and Mr. Boerum began selling lots and making loans on the property to purchasers, enabling tliem to erect dwellings thereon. His policy toward pur- chasers was a liberal one, and resulted in the rapid develop- ment of that part of the city embraced within the limits of the Cripplebush farm, and indirectly to considerable con- tiguous property. Within the borders of the farm now stand some 500 or 600 houses. Mr. Boerum pursued a similar policy with respect to liis part of the old Boerum homestead, at Bushwick; and, it was mainly through his instrumentality that the section commonly called Dutch- town was buUt up and populated. In all matters of public interest he always took an intelligent and helpful part; and, although he was not, in the active sense, a politician, his judgment was often sought by those in authority, and he was many times asked to become a candidate for public honors ; but he almost invariably declined, though he served two terms as Assessor, and two as Alderman of the old 9th ward. He was, from time to time, connected with numerous well-known institutions, having been an organizer and director in the old Brooklyn Gas Company, the Mechanics' and City Banks, the Mechanics', Montauk and Atlantic Insurance Companies, and as stockholder in the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and the Brooklyn Athenaeum. Mr. Boerum had seven children ; a son and daughter died in infancy. F. Rapelje Boerum was born October 26, 1829, and now occupies the old homestead. He married Diana Remsen, May 26, 1868, and has three children living. Chartes died in boyhood. Susan was born February 22, 1835, and married Charles Vanderveer, deceased, and has three children. Adrianna, born November 27, 1836, married Charles Bush, and Agnes, born September 27, 1839, died October 24, 1875. Mr. Boerum was a man of plain, unostentatious manners and unquestioned integrity. His life was a busy one from boyhood, and terminated May 8, 1868. In a quiet way he did much good, was instrumental in developing a now important part of the city, and left the impress of his busi- ness capacity and high commercial honor on the times in which he lived. He was a friend and companion of the leading Brooklynites of the period during his manhood; and his name is inseparably linked with that part of the city within the borders of which he lived and died. When he passed away his death was sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and sucli honor was paid to his memory as was due to one who had long been an influential resident of the city. His wife died May 18, 1859, aged fifty-seven years. Hon. William Conselyea. — The subject of this article is a son of the late Judge Joseph and Ann (Hopper) Conselyea, MOGRAPHIES. 23 and was bom in Bushwick, Kings county, N. Y., October 12, 1804. Mr. Conselyea's early life was spent on his father's farm and in assisting his father in the milk trade, in which the latter was extensively engaged, and his educational advan- tages were limited to those afforded by the common schools of Bushwick. In 1835 he embarked in hotel-keeping at the corner of North Second street and Bushwick avenue, and, in 1840, removed to the corner of Grand and First streets, Williamsburgh, where he opened a wholesale and retail liquor store. In 1845, he assumed the proprietorship and management of a hotel at the corner of Bushwick and Flusliing avenues. During a portion of this period, and later, he was a well-known auctioneer until his removal to his present residence, 457 Bedford avenue, in 1870, since which time he has lived retired from active business. In 1840, Mr. Conselyea, who had, since his majority, been a consistent democrat of the old school, but never an aspirant for ofHce, was nominated for Member of Assembly from Kings county, but was defeated by the election of his uncle, WiUiam Conselyea 1st. In 1843, he was again nomi- nated for the same office, and was elected, and served until the expiration of his term. April 6, 1825, Mr. Conselyea was married to Anna Maria Griffin, daughter of A. Tabor Griffin, of Bushwick, who has borne him nine children, two of whom are living. After a happy union of fifty-eight years' duration, both Mr. and Mrs. Conselyea are in excellent health, considering their ages, and are looking forward to several years more of peaceful companionship. Hon. Adrian M. Suydam.— Jacob Suydam, grandfather of Adrian Marteuse Suydam, was born February 3, 1740, set- tled at Bushwick and married Elizabeth Leaycraft, April 14th. 1764. He was a worthy and respected citizen, and died in Bushwick, July 27, 1811. His children, who attained mature age, were George, born June 20, 1767, who married Jane Voorhees, and died at Gravesend ; Gertrude, born June 25, 1770, who married Adrian Martense : Jacob, who was born March 3, 1773, and married Cornelia Farmer, of New Brunswick, N. J., and Hendrick, who was born May 16, 1778, and married Helen, daughter of John Schenck. Jacob Suydam, son of Jacob Suydam, was the father of Adrian Martense Suydam, and died August 31, 1847. Ad- rian Martense Suydam was born on the old Suydam home- stead, in Bushwick, where he has been a life-long resident. November 25, 1826, and is now tilhng a portion of the farm of his forefathers. Mr. Suydam's educational advantages were limited to those afforded by the district schools of his native town; and he early began to assist on the farm, a portion of which passed into his possession, in 1844, when he was only eighteen years of age, and which he has occupied continu- ously to the present time. January 5, 1852, Jlr. Suydam was married to Sarah G., daughter of Nicholas Wyckoff, who died in 1862, having borne him four children, only one of whom is now living. Mr. Suydam, having passed his lifetime thus far on the homestead of his family for generations before him, has seen many changes in his section of the city — of Brooklyn — and is, at this date, the only farmer, except one, living along the old Busliwick road, who has spent his days on the place on which he was born. In 1869, there was nc house on the Suydam farm, except the ancient residence of Mr. Suydam, out of which his grandfather was driven by the British during the Revolu- tionary war. During the year mentioned, Mr. Suydam, wishing to induce settlement in his neighborhood with a view to developing that section of the city, gave a man a lot on condition that he would at once erect and occupy a dwelling thereon : and, since then, his policy has been so liberal that, at the present time, there are no less than one hundred and twenty-five residences within the borders of the old homestead, bounded by Knickerbocker avenue, Vigelius street, Broadway and Palmetto street. Palmetto street. Woodbine street. Evergreen avenue. Ivy street and Central avenue have since been opened through the home- stead, and some of them are being rapidly improved. It was years after Sir. Suydam assumed control of his farm before there was any means of reaching the ferries, except by private conveyance, and he relates that he has seen men hunting on the site of the present City Park. In 1855, Mr. Suydam vras elected alderman from the eighteenth ward, and served one term. A few years later, he served a term as a member of the Board of Education. In the fall of 1873, he was elected a Member of the Assembly of the State of New York, and twice -re-elected, serving the terms of 1873, 1875 and 1877, during the administrations of Governors Dix, Tilden and Robinson, with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. He is, at present, one of the trustees of Bushwick Savings Bank, and a director of the Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Company and the Kings County Fire Insurance Company. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSBURGH. Esq. ( )f Brooklyn, E. D. THE WOODHULL SPECULATION.— After the close of the Revohitionary War, the farmers of Bushwick pursued in j^eace their oc- cupations of raising grain and cultivating gar- den vegetables for the New York market. But, ere long, upon the shores of the river which formed their western border, appeared the nucleus of a village; and, even while they rubbed their astonished eyes, it ex- panded to the fair proportions of a city. Instead of slowly amassing money by plodding labor and close- fisted huckstering, they found fortunes fairly thrust upon them by the enhanced value of their farms; due to the enterprise of others, whom they considered as Yankee intruders. They hesitated at first, dazzled by the prospect, and suspicious of the motives of those who offered it. Butjlnesse prevailed and the first pur- chase made — the rest was simply a matter of time. Richard M. Woodhull, a New York merchant, of in- telligent and comprehensive views, albeit somewhat speculative in his conclusions, was the pioneer in this movement. He had already established a horse-ferry, from Corlaer's Hook (near the foot of present Grand street. New York) to the foot of the present North Sec- ond street, in Brooklyn ; and the concentration of trade from Long Island, at this apology for a ferry, natu- rally suggested to him its probable occupation, to a limited extent, near the eastern terminus of the ferry, for a village. Had he reasoned from experience as to the growth of cities, he might have been deterred from this venture. New York City, which at the period of the Revolution had but 24,000 inhabitants, possessed at this time (1800) less than 61,000. There was, indeed, a highway from the settled parts of the city to Corlaer's Hook; but Chatham street was then the margin of the built up city, and the scattered farmsteads, shops and hotels along the Bowery were mere suburbs of the town. Had he stopped to consider that from thirty to forty years would be required to crowd three square miles of vacant lands with houses, and to occupy the De I.ancey and Willet farms with population, before his projected city on the opposite Long Island shore could become a practical success, he might have saved himself from infinite trouble and ultimate bankruptcy. True, he had a ferry established. But this could not accommodate the people whose employment was in New York. A horse-ferry, with two miles of travel on the New York side, before the business portion of the city could be reached, was to most persons a formida- ble objection to locating so far from their employment. But Woodhull was infatuated with his scheme; and, as he could not easily, in the then temper of the old Dutch residents, purchase the much-coveted land in his own name, he employed one Samuel Titus, of New- town, to secure the title from Charles (old " Charlum ") Titus of some 13 acres of his farm, which he after- wards re-purchased from the said Samuel Titus, at cost. This land, situated in the vicinity of North Sec- ond street (then called Bushwick street) was soon laid out by Mr. Woodhull in city lots, and named Wil- Uamsbxirgh, in compliment to his friend. Col. Williams, U. S. engineer, by whom it was surveyed. A shanty ferry-house and a tavern near by, were erected; one Lewis bought some lots and put up a hay-press and scales near the present North Third and First streets, where it was intended to bale the hay-crop of Long Island for shipment and the New York market; and an auction was held, at which a few building-lots were disposed of. But the amount realized came far short of restoring to Woodhull the money he had thus prema- turely invested. His project was, fully, a quarter of a century too soon. It required half a million of peo- ple in the city of New York, before settlers could be induced to remove across the East river, away from the attractions of a commercial city. Woodhull found that notes matured long before he could realize from his property; and barely six years had passed before he was a bankrupt, and the site of his new city became subject to sale by the sheriff. By divers shifts, the ca- lamity was deferred until September 11th, 1811, when the right, title and interest of Richard M. Woodhull in THE MORRELL SPECULATION. the original purchase, and in five acres of the Francis J. Titus estate, purchased by him, in 1805, near Fifth street, was sold by the sheriff, on a judgment in favor of one Roosevelt. James H. Maxwell, the son-in-law of WoodhuU, became the purchaser of Williamsburgh; but not having means to continue his title thereto, it again passed under the sheriff's hammer — ^although a sufficient number of lots had, by this time, been sold to prevent its re-appropriation to farm or garden pur- poses. WoodhuU and Maxwell's experience was that which is common to men who think in advance of their times; but they will ever be mentioned with respect as the "fathers of the town." The Morrell Speculation — Yorkton. — Mean- while, another rival was in the field, Thomas Morrell, of Newtown, who had purchased from Folkert Titus the ancient Titus homestead farm of 28 acres; and who, with James Hazard, to whom he sold a moiety, had laid it out in city lots, and had a map made of the same, whereon Grand street was laid down as a divid- ing line. Morrell then, in 1812, obtained from the city of New York a grant for a ferry from Grand street. Bush wick, to Grand street, New York; the same point to which Woodhull's ferry also ran. Yorkton was the somewhat pompous name given to the territory along the river, between South First and North Second streets; and Loss' map of Yorkton was dignified to the position of a public record. The Morrell ferry gradually superseded Woodhull's in the public estima- tion, so that both owners became rivals; and disputes ran so high between them that they would not permit each other's teams to pass over their respective lands, ' — all this tended to retard the progress of the village. Grand street became the permanent site of the ferry ; and the old Titus homestead (on the north-east side of South First street), long known as " Old Charlum's " Fountain Inn, became the head-quarters of village poli- tics, where the destinies of town and county were often discussed, on winter nights, over hot flip and brandy slings. But, while Morrell succeeded as to the ferry. Wood- hull managed to preserve the name Williamsburgh ; which applied at first to the 13 acres originally purchased, and had extended itself to adjoining lands, so as to embrace about 30 acres, as seen in Poppleton's map, in 1814, and another in 1815, of jjroperty of J. Homer Maxwell. But the first ferry had landed at Williams- burgh, and the turnpike went through Williamsburgh out into the island. Hence, both the country people, and the people coming from the city, when coming to the ferry, spoke of coming to Williamsburgh. Thus Yorkton was soon unknown save on Loss' map, and in the transactions of certain land jobbers. Similarly, the designations of old farm locations, being obsolete to the idea of a city or a village, grew into disuse; and the whole territory between the Wallabout Bay and Bushwick Creek became known as Williamsburgh. Williamsburgh. — At the time the ferries were es- tablished, there was no open road to the water side, ex- cept that of the Newtown and Bushwick Bridge Co., which came to the shore at Woodhull's ferry. There was no oj)en shore-road connecting the two ferries, nor any from the Wallabout to Williamsburgh; for, blind to their own interests, the owners of the shore-land re- fused to have any road opened over their property along the shore. Consequently the ferries could not prosper, their cost exceeded their income, and both owners died in embarrassed circumstances, and with blighted hopes. Subsequently, the ferries were con- solidated. The Wallabout and Newtown Turnpike.^ While WoodhuU (and his successor) and MorreU were at variance about towns and ferries. Gen. Jeremiah Johnson had purchased the farm of Charles Titus, 2d; and in his goings to and fro between his farm and Wil- liamsburgh, became much annoyed at having to open and shut no less than 17 barred-gates, within a distance of half a mile along the shore.* His proposition to the owners of these lands to unite with him in securing a legislative act for the opening of a two-rod road, along the front of their property from the Wallabout Bridge to the Newtown and Bushwick Bridge road at Woodhull's ferry, was not only declined, but strenu- ously opposed. Whereupon, taking the matter in his own hands, he himself surveyed the proposed road, gave due notice of application, got up a petition, and by jjersonal interest at Albany secured the required authority — and, within a month the road was opened by commissioners of the two towns. The effect was magical; for, before this there had been no means of vehicular travel with Brooklyn, except by the New- town road from the Bushwick Cross - Roads. Now the business largely increased at the ferry, and public attention began to be drawn more than ever to the many advantages of residence afforded by Williams- burgh. For, situated as it was, opposite the very heart of New York city; with a bold water-front upon the East river of a mile and a half extent (entirely under the control of its own local authorities) ; with a suffi- * In this connection we quote, from a MSS. lecture by Mr. Barnes, on the Wallabout, the following description of the *' old-time " route from Gen. Johnson's place, corner Kent avenue and Hewes street, to East New York: "travel up the farnt-lane (Hewes street) some distance be- yond the present Lee avenue church, thence south-easterly along the farm to the then woods, across the creek to Nostrand's lane, and up this lane (near the site of Husted & Co.'s brick stables) on Flushing avenue, then south-east to land of Henry Boerum, thence southerly to Bedford, then along old Bedford road, facing to the south of Fort Greene to Baker's Tavern on Long Island railroad to Fulton street ; then a road or lane, to the ferry, six miles away— a journey of two or three hours. This, however, was short, compared with the distance from the late Abm. Remsen's house (adjoining Scholes farm, and but one beyond Gen. Johnson's). This family had to travel up their farm line to the church at Bushwick, thence along tlie Bushwick road to the Cross- Roads, and along Cripplebush road to residence of J acobus Lott, where Nostrand's lane intersects the road, and then along the Cripplebush road and Bedford road, past Fort Greene to Baker's Tavern on Long Island railroad, and to Fulton street, and so to the ferry— ten miles and taking four or five hours." HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAIfSBUEGH. cient depth for all ordinary commercial purposes; and with the ground rising gradually from the river to the height of about forty-five feet above water-level, it seems as if, on the whole, Nature had designed the ter- ritory for the site of a city. Village Beginnings. — The village grew apace ; the M. E. Church (organized 1807) erected, in 1808, the first place of worship ; the North American Hotel was built about the same time ; and by 1814 the town num- bered 759 persons. About 1819, a distillery was estab- lished at the foot of South Second street, by Noah Wateebury, whose enterprise has earned for him the appellation of the "Father of Williamsburgh." A native of Groton, Ct., he came, in 1789, at the age of fifteen, to Brooklyn, where he learned to be a shoe- maker. At the age of twenty-one years, together with Henry Stanton, he took the Catherine Street Ferry; and, after carrying it on awhile, entered into the lumber trade, and subsequently established a rope-walk. He removed to Williamsburgh, in May, 1819, where he purchased from Gen. Jeremiah Johnson the half -acre of land on which, with Jordan Coles, he built the distillery above referred to. Subsequently purchasing eight adjoining acres, he laid it out in city lots ; gradually got into the real estate business ; frequently loaned money to the village in its financial embarrassments ; originated the City Bank, of which he became the first president; as also of the Board of Trustees of 1827; and, in many ways, promoted the welfare of the village. His life was one of enterprise, public spirit and high integrity. It was early found that the laws relating to common highways were entirely inadequate to the opening' of streets and other improvements needed by a village or city. If the plan had been adopted of opening all streets by common taxation, improvements might have been effected; and, in the end, their expense would have been equitably apportioned ; that is, when the whole village plot was improved alike and paid for. But, in this new community, every person wished his particular property improved, and had rather pay the expense than have such improvements deferred till the general public were willing to assume the special burden of such improvements. Mr. David Dunham, a merchant and citizen of New York, became interested in Wil- liamsburgh, by purchase at the Sheriff's sale, when the right, title and interest of James H. Maxwell (Wood- hull's son-in-law) were sold out on execution in favor of James J. Roosevelt; who continued to follow the pro- perty with his financial accommodations, until 1818 brought the final extinction of the original pioneer in- terest of these two founders of the village. Dunham shared his purchase with Moses Jud.ah and Samuel Os- born ; established the first steam-ferry from New York to Williamsburgh ; and had his name applied to Grand street, as laid down on " Loss' Yorkton Map." But, though the street was soon widened ten feet on the north side, the new name would not stick. Graad street it was, and is to this day. In 1820, David Dunham, above named, donated land near North First street, on which a school-house was erected, known as District School No. 3, of the Town of Bushwick ; and the population of the town, includ- ing the village, was, at this time, 934, of which 182 were colored. In July of this year, an advertisement in the Lone/ Island Star announces a bear-shooting, at the Fountain Inn, which " the rifle companies of Major Vinton and Captain Burns are particularly invited to attend with their music. Green turtle soup to be ready on the same day, from 11 A. M. to 10 P. M." In Octo- ber, following, three persons were indicted at the Kings County General Sessions for hull-haiting at Williams- burgh ! which argues well for the moral sentiment of the new community. In 1823, the village sustained a severe loss in the death, by drowning, of Mr. David Dunham, " merchant and citizen of New York," whose efforts had " materially changed the appearance of Williamsburgh, and were adding constantly to its im- provements. The Williamsburgh Ferry and Turnpike, maintained by him, are real and lasting benefits to the city and to Long Island." " Never disheartened by disappointment, nor diverted from his object by indol- ence or opposition," he was justly considered "the friend and founder of the village." His ferry con- tinued to run ; manufacturers (especially of whisky or rum and ship-cordage) acquired something of a foot- hold in the place ; and there appeared one or more corner groceries and a village tavern, besides " old Charlum " Titus' Fountain Inn. In 1825, Garret and Grover C. Furman, New York merchants, purchased twenty-five acres on South First street, about 150 feet from what is now Grand, near corner of Second street, at ^300 per acre ; and had it mapped into city lots. They then offered the Dutch Reformed congregation their choice of a lot 100 feet square upon which to erect a church, which was accepted; then building-lots began to be enquired about in that neighborhood. The first two lots were sold to Dr. Cox for $150, after which they sold so fast that the price was advanced to $200, and in less than six months to $250, etc. Village Organization. — It was not long before the necessity of a village organization, with officers posses- sing the power to compel the opening and improving of streets, the digging of wells and the erection of pumps, and other public conveniences, and to restrain and limit the unneighborly selfishness or particular citi- zens, was made fully apparent. Moreover, no general survey of a village plot had been made; and the people, in public and private, began to discuss, and gradually to agree upon the need of a village charter. Village Charter. — Finally John Luther and Lemuel Richardson (or rather George W. Pittman), having purchased sites for two rope- walks between North Third and North Fourth streets, procured a survey of the ad- VILLAGE CHARTER. 27 ji cent lands into street and lots, and made application to the legislature for an act which should confer upon the place the usual village powers. The desired act of incorporation was passed April 14, 1827, defining the village boundaries as " beginning at the bay, or river, opposite to the Town of Brooklyn, and running thence easterly along the division line between the towns of Bushwick and Brooklyn, to the lands of Abraham A. Remsen ; thence northerly by the same to a road or highway, at a place called Sweed's Fly, thence by the said highway to the dwelling-house, late of John Van- dervoort, deceased ; thence in a straight line northerly, to a small ditch, or creek, against the meadow of John Skillman ; thence by said creek to Norman's kill ; thence by the middle or centre of Norman's kill to the East river ; thence by the same to the place of begin- ning." The charter named five Trustees to serve till the time of the village election, viz : Noah Waterbury, Abraham Meserole ; Lewis Sanford, and Thomas T. Morrell ; also, John Miller, who declined serving ; which Board were duly sworn in April 26th, and or- ganized April 30th, by choosing Noah Waterbury, President ; Abraham Meserole, Secretary ; and Lewis Sanford, Treasurer. Their only noteworthy acts were the granting of several tavern licenses (the proceeds, $10 each, accruing to the poor of Bushwick), and pro- curing a survey of the village to be made by Daniel Ewen, for which $300 was raised by special tax. The first village election was held Nov. 5, 1827, and the old trustees were re-elected, by a nearly unanimous vote, except that Peter C. Cornell was elected in place of John Miller. The votes being one to six of the popu- lation gives 114 as the population of the village proper. While the new city fathers speedily evinced a com- mendable degree of enterprise in their efforts towards the improvement of the place, their wisdom was not altogether commensurate with their zeal. The charter itself lacked precision, in some respects, and its vagueness seems to have been often improved by the early trustees as a warrant for the exercise of extraor- dinary powers. This embroiled them in legal and political contentions with private owners of property, who, for the first time, became subject to municipal regulations. Thus, the attempt to open 1st street along the East River front between South 1st and South 2d streets, gave rise to a long and bitter lawsuit between Jordan Coles, as plaintiff, and the village, in which Coles was partly successful, but the open street re- mained in the hands of the public. Again, the Board, unwittingly, became the cats-paw of certain domestic speculators who rendezvoused at the old Fountain Inn, during the days of its decline, and these hatched schemes to possess themselves, under color of the law, of the parcels of land owned by non-residents and out- siders. By instigating taxation and assessment sales of these lauds, with and without law, they were enabled to purchase them " for a song," much to the detriment of the village, as it gave rise to much uncertainty as to land-titles. Yet the practice continued until probably 10,000 lots were sold for non-payment of taxes or assessments, while there was not law enough in these assessment or tax-titles, under which to acquire or hold the lands. But thus were matters too often managed by those who " had the ear " of the little handful of trustees, who held their sessions in a small, wooden house, with its gable to 1st street, about 75 feet north of Grand ; wherein, also, was a tin and stove store, and the oflice of a Justice of the Peace. In January, 1829, the village had reached a. milestone in its career — it had a deht ! In February it had a post-office, Lewis Sanford, postmaster; in June, a hook and ladder company was formed ; and, during the year. North 3d and South 2d streets were built, and 1st street between Grand street and the Brooklyn line was opened. In 1829, a school census revealed these facts, that Wil- liamsburgh had a population of 1,007, including 72 blacks ; 148 dwelling houses, including 10 stores and taverns ; 5 other stores; 5 rope-walks, 1 distillery ; 1 turpentine distillery; 1 slaughter-house, and 2 butchers; 3 lumber-yards ; 1 M. E. church ; 1 Dutch Reformed church ; 1 district and 3 private schools, etc., etc. In 1832, a Methodist Protestant church was formed by secession from the M. E. church. In 1835, a census of the town of Bushwick (inclusive of Williamsburgh) gave a population of 3,314 ; and 2 distilleries, 4 rope- walks, and one grist-mill, vnth a total of $398,950 of raw material consumed, and $481,272 produced — all of lohich (except the grist-mill) loere within the village limits, as were, also, 3,000 of the population. This was exclusive of many smaller establishments, wood-yards, storehouses, etc., together with 72 village streets, of which 13 were opened, and about 300 houses. This year, also, the W. Gazette was started. These facts illus- trate the progress the village had made, despite the errors of its trustees, the machinations of land- jobbers, and the depressing failures of its first found- ers. And, encouraged by these facts, its inhabitants bestirred themselves to procure an enlargment of their charter and a sti'engthening of their corporate authority. On their application, a legislative act was passed, April 18, 1835, extending the village limits by adding all the present 16th Ward, of Brooklyn, from the Sweed's Fly Road to Bushwick avenue, and the present 18th Ward, as well as a portion of the 18th Ward, between Humboldt street and the old Wood Point Road. The new charter created a Board of nine Trustees, to be annually elected, of which Edmund Frost was chosen President, and the energy and enter- prise of the new board soon inaugurated a new era in the history of the place. Several large and substantial wharves and docks were built, new avenues of trade opened by the construction of turnpikes, more streets laid out, and (against the strenuous opposition of New York) a new ferry established to Peck Slip, a move 28 ni^Tonr of the town of williamsburgh. ment which, more than anything else, perhaps, contrib- uted to the increase of Williamsburgh's population and prosperity — adding, as it did, an inducement to many New Yorkers to locate their residences on some of the beautiful and eligible sites covering the eastern shore of the East River. The Era of Speculation.— Speculation had now o-rown to enormous proportions. In 1828, in addition to the " Williamsburgh " and " Yorkton " settlements, the Jacob Berry farm, of twenty-five acres, next to the East River and Brooklyn line, and the Frederick Devoe farm, of ten or twelve acres, extending from the river to 7th street and along South 5th and 6th streets, had been laid out in village lots and mapped. In 1833, one Holmes Van Mater, of New Jersey, liaving purchased the David Van Cott property, of twenty-four acres, extending from 6th street to the old Keikout road, near 10th street, and from South 3d to Grand street, and for the space of a block to North 1st and beyond, between 9th and 10th streets, including the "common" near 9th and North 1st streets, had it mapped out into lots. John Miller had a map made of 11 acres, the north- erly half of the land, inherited from David Miller, his lather, being part of the old Keikout farm and of a piece of land extending from 7th to 10th streets, bought by David Miller of one Roosevelt. Maria Miller Meserole had the south half of the same land — mapped by the village and then in partition in 1849. Nearly all of the present Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards of Brooklyn — the original chartered limits of ^_ — ^as laid out into lots before 1834, when a general map of the village was made by D. Ewen, setting out the entire chartered village into prospective city lots. Prior to this Edmund Frost, Silas Butler, Charles O'Handy and William Sinclair had laid out twenty-five acres, extending from near North 2d street to North 10th, and from 6th street to 9th street. Sharp and Sutphen had also seventeen acres laid out from North 2d to North 7th, and from 3d to 6th street. These parcels were of irregular shape and matched to contig- uous lands by irregular lines. A company purchased several farms and combined them in a map of 939 lots of land in W., the title being vested for convenience of sale and the execution of deeds in one William P. Powers, a handsome, amiable and honest young man, who was law-clerk in the ofiice of John L. Graham, in New York. Powers also held title to one hundred and ninety-seven lots located between 9th street and Lorimer sti-eet, and South 3d street and North 2d street, and lying on both sides of Union avenue; also, he held title to the Abraham Meserole farm, west of Graham Ave. The greatest rivals of Powers' associates were one John S. McKibben and Thomas Nicholls, and, associated with them as banker and friend, one George D. Strong. Nearly all the land south of the Meserole farm, held by Powers as above, to the Brooklyn line and the cross-roads, was purchased by McKibben, Nichols and Strong, and mapped into city lots, both upland and swamp. The only portion of what was made the third district of Williamsburgh, remaining to the original owners, was the part of the Meserole farm lying between Graham avenue and Bushwick avenue, the John Skillman farm, near North 2d street, to the northerly village line and to the meadows, and from Union avenue to near Leonard street — the land formerly of John Conselyea, deceased, afterward owned by Andrew J. Conselyea, as to part, and Mrs. D. W. Townsend and Mrs. Schenck as to other portions, and John Devoe as to land on the southerly side of North 2d street, from Lorimer street to Bushwick avenue. But all these several farms and lands were mapped as city property by their old farm- owners and put on the market in competition with the land-jobbers' stock-in-trade. The village had already assumed jurisdiction, under an act extending its limits, passed in 1835, and laid out the streets as they are now recognized. Such are the matter-of-fact details of the growth of the paper suburbs of our growing town. Its springs of life were hid away in the speculating haunts of New York city in dingy upper rooms of 142 Fulton street and No. 5 Nassau street, where often at mid-day and at early night-fall gathered those who thought there was something more than Kidd's money hid away in the meadows and uplands of the old town of Bush- wick. At public and private sale large numbers of lots were disposed of, moneys were paid for margins and mort- gages were taken back for part of the purchase money to twice the intrinsic value of the property. All went merrily, the land-jobbers were reputed to have become wealthy, and their customers saw fortunes in their investments. And the pasture-lands and fields which then made uj) nine-tenths of the territory of Williams- burgh were clothed in the hopeful imaginings of the holders of lots with all the incidents of a busy, bustling town. During the year 1836, a company purchased the Con- selyea (formerly Daniel Bordet's) farm, together with an adjoining estate, traversed by the present Grand Street, laid it out (part of map of 939 lots), and erected thereon fourteen elegant first-class dwellings, designed to be the pattern houses of a new and model city. The advance in real estate and population was unprece- dented — lithographed property-maps set forth in glow- ing colors the unrivalled opportunities and advantages for profitable investments, which were eagerly caught up by the iminitiated, until by this time (1836) real estate in Williamsburgh actually exceeded its present value. The Period of Financial Collapse.— Finally the bubble burst, and in the crash which followed— known as the "General Commercial Crisis of 1837," Williams- burgh suffered deeply. A perfect business paralysis FINANCIAL COLLAPSE— A NEW START— CIVIC ASPIRATIONS. ensued, which seriously shattered the foundations of real and substantial property. Between cause and effect, intervening circumstances delayed the ultimate catastrophe to collateral investments; so that not until 1839 or '40 did Williamsburgh fully realize that the prestige of her second founders was lost. The fourteen model dwellings were followed by no similar erections; here and there a half-finished building, abandoned by its owner, suggested the vanity of all human hopes; the noise of the axe and the hammer was stilled through- out the village. From 1840 to 1844, the Court of Chancei-y was fully busied in clearing away the rubbish of private bankruptcies from investments made in these lots, that they might stand discharged from judgments and liens in the hands of responsible capitalists, and in a condition for improvement. A New Start. — But, healthful legislation, and in- creasing facilities of access, gradually restored business to its wonted channels; so rapid was the jirogress of the village that in less than ten years, its population had doubled, and its ultimate position as a city became a fixed fact in the public mind. For, during the period (1835-1844) where political and financial history had been so unhappy, social, religious and educational ad- vantages had rapidly increased and helped to lighten the general gloom. In 1837, the EpiscoiKil Church was organized in the city; in 1838, the Williamsburgh Ly- ceum was established; in 1839, the Baptist denomina- tion gained a foothold. In 1840, the opening of the Houston Street ferry opened a convenient transit to residents employed in the great manufactories along the eastern water front of New York City; the village press was augmented by the advent (of the Williams- burgh Democrat; and the first omnibus line was estab- lished. The village census gave a population of 5,094. In 1841, the Roman fti^Ao/ic denomination established itself in the Dutch village neighborhood; and the Odd Fellows organized a branch. In 1842, the First Pres- byterian, and in 1843 the First Congregational Church was commenced; while during 1843-'44 the place be- came a favorite resort of the " Millerite," or Second Advent craze .In 1 844, an amended village charter was adopted, under which three trustees and one collector were chosen for each district. From this point, up to 1850, the social, educational and literary interests of the village assumed more definite proportions and vigor; while the number of church organizations was rapidly increased in each of the denominations; and the Wil- liamsburgh Bible Society was formed. In 1848-'49, ap- peared the first Village Directory, published (as also the year following) by Henry Payson; and continued 1850-5, up to by Samuel and T. V. Reynolds; the increase of population from 1845-1850 being 19,448. The year 1851 saw the establishment of the Williams- burgh Savings Bank; the Williamsburgh Dispensary; the Division Avenue Ferry, and three new churches. Civic Aspirations. — Williamsburgh now aspired to be a city. Several motives conspired to this result. The village government had often exercised doubtful powers, in matters of public improvement. Its several charters, subjected, as they were by the courts, to the strictest construction, were found to allow of too little discretionary power, to bo always available in emergen- cies which were constantly arising. Again, the village trustees being mostly men of limited business experi- ence, could not readily work up to a technical and strictly constructed law. It is due, however, to the old village trustees, to say that their carelessness, as to the provisions of the charter, oftener arose from an over- ambition to serve the public in its needed improve- ments of the village, than from any corrupt motives of personal profit. And, not infrequently, they found themselves, as a Board, involved in litigations initiated by the very persons who had petitioned for improve- ments, and whose property was benefited thereby, per- haps to even double the assessments charged to it for the expenses. An unwise fostering of the fire-department, for the sake of its political influence, also gave undue influence to the roiody element of the population, which soon showed itself in an increased turbulence of the town-meetings, at which alone legal taxes could be or- dered. This, with the impossibility of getting, in the town-meeting, a fair expression of the real public voice — since the meetings could be so "packed" as to leave nine-tenths of the village voters out on the sidewalk — led to legislation for the establishment of a Board of Finance, which should determine the amounts to be raised for specific objects and provide for their inser- tion in the tax levy. The City Charter. — Such a Board was created March 1, 1849, by act of Legislature, and consisted of the President and Trustees of the village, with the Town Supervisor and nine other men especially elected for the purpose. But this did not suffice; and finally, the required city charter, drawn by S. M. Meeker, Esq., Village Counsellor, received the sanction of the Legisla- ture, April 7, 1851 ; the election forcity officers washeld in November following, and the charter went into effect January 1, 1852. Street Nomenclature of the Village of Wil- liamsburgh. — The names of public streets frequently express fragments of local history. Some are only to be interpreted by traditions. Men who lay the foun- dations of a city, or map the locations so to be occupied, are apt to respect a scripture example, in calling their cities " by their own names "—or, by the names of favo- rites and friends. Bushwick had no very conspicuous men ; so, when it became the site of a future town, no local denizen had sufficient sympathy with the matter to wish to couple his name with what seemed so absurd a project. Thus, in old Williamsburgh no streets pre- serve the memory of the Titus, the Miller, the Meserole, the Devoe, the Berry families; nor, even that of its founders, Morrell or Woodhull. HISTORY OF THE TOWK OF WILLI AM8BURGH. Mr. Danham sought, indeed, to apply his name to the present Grand street; or, at least, to sixty feet wide of the southern portion of it. But the widened street, as a centre line of departure in the designation of all the streets, took the more significant name of Grand street. And Wboclhull street, in designating the streets by numbers, was succeeded by " North Second" street. All the regular streets of the village were designated by numbers, except Grand street and the lane known as Water street; a portion of the old road along the East River shore; and a street laid out on the Commission- ers' map as " River street," whose site was over the waters of the East River and has been closed. In the designation of the streets First street ran along the East River, Second street was parallel or nearly parallel to it, and so the streets were numbered as we went east from the East River up to Twelfth street. And north from Grand street the first street having the same general directions was North First street. The old Jamaica turnpike, from tlie old Ferry out, was North Second, and so on to North Thirteenth street, at or along Bushwick creek. Then, south of Grand street and running in the same general direc- tion, though not exactly parallel. South First street to South Eleventh street, at the old Brooklyn line. In this use of numerals there was a certain degree of con- venience ; but strangers are often confused by con- founding First street with North First, or South First, etc. But it is in the present Fifteenth and Sixteenth wards, that we find the streets designated by historical names. Lorimer commemorates the middle name of John and James Lorimer Graham, two famous land- jobbers there in '36. Ewen street was named after Daniel Ewen, city surveyor, residing in New York, who surveyed both the old and new village. Graham avenue still flatters the above named Grahams. Smith street commemorated Morgan L. Smith, and Hushwick avemte was the boundary between Williamsburgh and Bushwick. N. Second street was extended on the map of the new village to Bushwick. Poicers street, in the present Fifteenth ward, was named after William P. Powers, a clerk in the office of John L. Graham, who was made nominal proprietor of 939 lots for the con- venience of their sale and conveyance to purchasers; also of several other parcels of land. He appears on the record as the greatest land-jobber of the period. While, however, profits belonged to others, the respon- sibilities and losses were sometimes fathered on him. But he has always borne the character of an upright, honest and cultured gentleman. Ainslie street was named after James Ainslie, Esq., who for many years administered local justice in Williamsburgh. Devoe street represented the Devoes, who owned a block or two of land adjoining North Second street on the South side, and whose home was in Bushwick — and not Frederick Devoe, whose farm was on the East River shore. Going north of North Second street, or the old Jamaica Turnpike, the first street parallel to it is Conselyea street, whose eastern portion runs through the farm late of Andrew J. Conselyea, and about an acre of land of William J. Conselyea his brother; hence the name ; Skillman street, now Skillman avenue to distinguish it from Skillman street in old Brooklyn, derived its name from John Skillman, Senior, who lived and died on the same farm, at or near the pres- ent residence of Charles M. Church, son-in-law to John Skillman. Jackson street was probably named from Daniel Jackson, who, in connection with Gra- ham and Reuben Withers, had some landed interests in Williamsburgh. Withers street was named after Reuben Withers, late proprietor of the Houston street Ferry. Frost street was named from Edmund Frost, who was associated with Handy, Sinclair and Butler in a tract of land in the Fourteenth Ward. Richardson street was named for Lemuel Richardson, whose worthy name is elsewhere mentioned as one of the pioneers in building up Williamsburgh. Sanford street (chang- ed to Bayard) was in honor of Edward Sanford, a distinguished lawyer associated with John L. Graham in many real-estate transactions. His name had been applied to a street in the Seventh Ward, Brooklyn : hence the change. The substituted name was pro- bably taken from the name of a street in the city of New York. Going south from Grand street Remsen street was named after Abraham A. Remsen, who owned land at its junction with Union Avenue. There is another Remsen street near the City Hall, old Brooklyn, and the name of the E. D. street was changed to Maujer street in respect to Daniel Maujer, Esq., who, about the time, represented the Fifteenth Ward as Alder- man. Nicholas Wyckoff, the late worthy President of the F^rst National Rank, has his name perpetuated, in Wyckoff street. Stagy street, with its homely name, has doubtless out-lived its patron, who is probably known to but few, if any, of the existing citizens. Scholes street represents the family of James Scholes, dec, late of what is now the 19th Ward. Meserole avenue was named from the Abraham Meserole through whose farm it ran; and not from Abraham Meserole, husband of Maria Miller of the present Thirteenth Ward. Johnson street, or avenue, commemorates the memory of the late General Jeremiah Johnson. Boerum street was named from old Jacob Boerum, who had a farm of 58 acres within the limits of the present Sixteenth Ward, Brook- lyn. This farm was the subject of the great Cleveland law suit. McKihhen street was named after John S. McKibben, who caused a map of a part of the Jacob Boerum farm, as the land of McKibben and Nichols, to be made and filed. Siegel street, which (on changing the name of duplicate streets in Williamsburgh by the Common STREET NOMENCLATURE. 31 Council of Brooklyn) superseded Marshall streot, was in honor of General Siegel of the late war. Moore street was named for the late Thomas C. Moore, a manufacturer of wire sieves and netting, who owned lands in that neighborhood. Varette street was named from Lewis F. Varette, a land speculator, who operated on the sale of village lots there and else- where. Cooke street was jjrobably named from an old resi- dent near the Cross-Roads. Debevoise street (covering a part of the old Brooklyn and Newtown turnpike, by the Cross-Roads) was named from Charles Debevoise, who lived on Flushing avenue, near the western terminus of this street. The custom of perpetuating the names of the oldest inhabitants by those of streets is more marked in the old City of Brooklyn than in Williamsburgh. In the latter place many whose names are thus perpetuated were really residents of the City of New York, and only interested in Williamsburgh, as speculators. Trustees of the Village of Williamsburgh. — 1827. Noah Waterbury, Pres ; Abraham Meserole, Sec; Peter C. Cornell ;'Thos. T. Morrell (son of Thos. and bro. of John M.) ; John Miller (had a small farm of about 1 1 acres, below South 2d and South 4th, from the East River to near 10th street, and a large family) ; Lewis Sanford, Treas.; J. Brush, ColVr; Daniel S. Griswold, Vill. Counsel; David Dunham, Clerk. 1828. James M. Halsey, Pres.; John Henry (rojie- maker, and owner of lands between 2d and 4th streets) ; John Luther; James Ainslie (for many years Justice of Peace); Samuel D. Mills (milkman); J. Brush, Collector; "W. C. Townsend, Clerk ; Abraham Meserole, Treas. 1829. Same board — except John Moi-rell (with his brother, Thomas T., real-estate dealer; also grocery busi- ness, conspicuous in early village affairs; was father of Francis V. and Thos. I., who carried on, for many years, the builders' hardware business, being prede- cessors of existing firm of C. H. Tiebout & Sons), vice Ainslie, and John Devoe (son of Frederick D., whose farm was between South 4th and South 6th streets. East River and 7th street), vice Sam. E. Mills; John Devoe; P. C. Cornell, Clerk; Riley Clark, Treas. 1830. Edmund Frost, Pres. (lumber dealer, and inter- ested in lots in N. \V. part of village, in company with Butler O'Handy & Sinclair); Lemuel Richardson (gro- cer; afterwards manufacturer of locks and builders' hardware, corner Houston and Norfolk streets, New York, of which the business of H. C. Richardson, deed., 59 Grand st., was a branch. Was a careful bus- iness man, of excellent judgment, and sterling qualities; was about the only citizen who survived the land-job- bing speculators of the village, without becoming bank- rupt, which gave him a high position in the com- munity); John Eddy; Jacob Berry (owner of Berry farm, father of Abraham J. B., the first Mayor of the subsequent city of W. — of Richard B., cashier of Tradesmen's Bk., N. Y., — of Evander B. and of a dau. who m. Geo. Bell, of N. Y.); James Ainslie; Peter Way, Clerk; John Luther, Treas.; P. P. Schenck, ColVr. 1831. Edmund Frost, Pres.; Lemuel Richardson ; Sam. D. Mills; and James Ainslie; Geo. W. Pittman (cordage mf'r); Chas. H.Davis, Clerk; John Luther, Treas.; P. P. Schenck, Coll. 1832. James M. Halsey, Pres.; John Luther; John Henry; John Morrell; Richard Churchward; Jacob Berry, Treas.; P. P. Schenck, Clerk; W. J. Fish, Clerk, part of year. 1833. Edmund Frost, Pres.; Lemuel Richardson ; Jas. Ainslie; John Morrell; Wm. Leaycraft (son of Rich. L. of N. Y. ; father of Wm. H. L., and Mrs. Demas Strong; was a J. of P., and had an office with Justice Leonard T. Coles, in old Trustees Hall, 1st St.) ; John L. Gra- ham, Vill. Counsel (figured largely in land-jobbing, became bankrupt 1837-40); Jacob Berry, Treas.; P.P. Schenck, Clerk. 1834. Edmund Frost, Pres.; Lemuel Richardson ;Wm. Leaycraft; John Luther; John Eddy; P. P. Schenck, Clerk; J. L. Graham, Counsel; Lewis Sanford, Coll, 1835. (Most of the 15th and 16th Wards, of jn-esent City of B., added to the village; number of Trustees increased to nine). 1836. Wm. Leaycraft, Prey./ Daniel Wood (carpenter and wood-turner); Edwin Ferry (grocer); Jas. Guild (hotel-keeper, cor. No. 6th and 1st sts., and was a noted miniature painter); Robert B. Dikeman (rope-maker, and brother of late Hon. John Dikeman); James Ains- lie; Henry Cooke; T. B. Clarke (segarmfr.); Rich. Leaycraft, Treas.; Alanson Ackerly, Coll. 1837. Edmund Frost, Pmv.; John Morrell; John Skill- man (owner of a large farm in present 15th Ward; was father-in-law of Chas. M. Church, Esq., who resides at old Skillmau homestead, cor. Lorimer and No. 2d sts.; also had sons John and Joseph S., still living); Abm. Meserole; John Snyder (undertaker in 15th Ward); Lemuel Richardson; Henry Cooke; Hiram Ross; Wm. Leaycraft; P. P. Schenck; Joseph Conselyea, Treas.; Alanson Ackerly, Coll.; Ed. Sanford, Counsel. 1838. Edmund Frost, Pz-fs;;.,- John Skillman; John C. Minturn (distiller); Henry Cooke; John Wright (father of Mrs. Grahams Polly; a coppersmith in Cherry St., N. Y.); John Snyder; David Garrett (ropemaker and prominent in fire department); Wm. Wheaton (wheel- wright); P. P. Schenck, Clerk; C. L. Cooke; Judge Jos. Conselyea, Treas.; Alanson Akerly, Coll. (restaurant, foot of Grand St., until very lately); Edward Sanford, CoM«se^lost with the S. S. Arctic). 1839. John C. Minturn,* Pres.; John Skillman;* C. L. Cooke ;f David Garrett; Henry Meiggs (of So. Ameri- can R. R. fame);J John Cook (an Englishman, lawyer); Thos. J. Fen wick* (bookbinder, jjartner with one Fiori); Jas. D. SjjarkmanJ (cork mfr., in Co. with Jas. L. Truslow; made a fortune; was at one time a 32 SISTORT OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSBURGH. supervisor; became Pres. of Mfrs. Nat. Bank, which he caused to be rem. to the building of Brown Bros. & Co., Wall St., N. Y. ; but complications in some new bus. ended in his bankruptcy, impair- ing, for a time, the standing of the Bank, which, by returning to W., with capital made good by stockholders) has since been prosperous. Mr. S. afterward became Pres. of Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., and d. a few yrs. since at Bordentown, N. J., at the old Joseph Bona- parte mansion). Eusebius Hopkins;* Wm. Frisby; J. J. Bennett;* J Jacob Backus; J Alanson Ackerly;]; Samuel CoxJ (flour and feed, cor. 4th and So. 1st sts. ; a careful bus. man); William GolderJ (builder); Henry Payson, Glerh; John Titus, Treas.; Hiram Ross, Coll. 1840. — Henry Meiggs, President ; William Lake, (dock builder and contractor) ; Wm. Golder;* D. W. Van Cott* (milkman) ; Hiram Ross ; And. J. Consel- yea* (owned a forty-five acre farm m present Fifteenth Ward, partitioned 1853 among his heirs); Edward Neville* (kept K. Co. Hotel, corner of First and South Seventh streets — now occupied by W. City Fire Insur- ance Co.) ; John Titus* (merchant tailor. First, near Grand street); L. D. Cuddy ;|| John Skillman ; John Cook ;1| Eusebius Hopkins ; Col. Wm. Conselyea, Jr., Treasurer; Henry Payson, Clerk; Alex. S. Tiittle, Collector (livery stable). 544 names on poll list this year. 1841. — John C. Minturn, President; A. B. Van- Cott (jeweler); Jasper F. Cropsey (owned property in Grand, between Third and Fourth streets), refused to serve ; James Fiori (of Fenwick & F., bookbinders) ; L. D. Cuddy ; Wm. Richardson (son of Simon R., partner of Wm. Wall, cordage manufacturer) ; Peter V. Remsen (son of Abraham A., lawyer for many years in Williamsburg, noted for the elegance of his chirography and the skill and exactness of the law papers which he prepared); George Doyle (builder); Richard Berry ; Henry Meiggs ; Edmund Frost ; Noah Waterbury ; Henry Payson, Clerk; W. Conselyea, Jr., Treasurer ; W. D. Lowerre, Collector. 1842. — John C. Minturn, President ; L. D. Cuddy; Lemuel Richardson ; P. V. Remsen ; James Noble (coal) ; Robert Seeley (restaurant, South side of Grand street, near Ferry); Daniel D. Winant (billiard-table manufacturer. New York, School Trustee in Williams- burg for two or tiiree years ; after the consolidation a member for some years of Brooklyn Board of Educa- tion) ; Marvin W. Fox (from Bozrah, Connecticut, teacher); Nathaniel Willett (enterprising builder — erected present Calvary P. E. Church and City Armory, and mason work of Christ's Church, on Bed- ford avenue; at one time owned Union Hall, corner of Clymer street and Division avenue); James N. Engel, Five trustees (•) res. this year and their places were filled by special election ;$ one (+) refused to serve. Of above Board those marked * resigned before term expired ; D elected at special election. Treasurer (distiller, foot South Second street, mainly of burning fluid and camphene) ; W. D. Lowerre, Col- lector. No Counsel elected 1841 or '42 : A. D. Soper acted. 670 names on poll list. 1843. — John C. Minturn, Prc.9«WcH?; Lemuel Richard- son ; Peter V. Remsen ; M. W. Fox ; D. D. Winant ; Wm. Lake ; David Garrett ; Eusebius Hopkins ; W. D. Lowerre ; Henry Payson, Clerk ; Richard Berry, Treas.; Jeremiah Meserole, Collector (saloon N. E. cor. Gd & 1st sts). 1844. — Noah Waterbury, Pres.; Robert Sealy ; Benj. N. Disbrow (wholesale liquor, N. Y.); John A. Burdett (had ppy. interests in Gd. St., cor. 10th — still lives at Newtown, L. I., a garden farmer); Timo. Coflin (a native of Block Island; as a shipmas- ter followed the seas for many years; at length, settled on shore and run a freight-line of sailing vessels to Philadelphia and Baltimore ; some financial reverses came to him towards the close of his life. He became pres. of the Board in 1845 ; coll. of taxes in 1852 under the new city government; was a man of amiable temper, polished manners, and a kindly benevolent spirit, and an honorable,jipright and honest man) ; Isaac Sherwood (a leather merchant of New York); A. P. Cummings (one of the proprietors of the N. Y. Observer, which, by bis economy of expenditures, he made a financial success. He res. at cor. of So. 9th and 4th streets, where he had 24 lots of land, which passed to the hands of a Dr. Wade. The house has given place to stores, fronting on 4th St., and the other lots are now occup. by the res. and garden of Jost Moller, Esq., the sugar refiner, and that of Hon. Sigismond Kaufman) ; B. S. K. Richardson, Treas.; Grahams PoUey (an extensive distiller, cor. of No. 4th and 1st sts, began life as a carman; rose to in- dependence; took a great interest in popular educa- tion and in charity to the poor); Alfred Curtis (a book-keeper; eldest son of Lemuel R., a stage proprie- tor ; was at one time in bus. with his father. He ran a line of stages in New York up to about the time of his death, which was sold to give place to street rail- roads for enough to give his family a competence. He served as village treasurer to acceptance. His wid., a sister of Andrew B. Hodges, still lives. A dau. m. Gen. Jeremiah V. Meserole, and another is now the wid. of the late Dr. John A. Brady) ; W. S. Wiggins, Coll. (Shoemaker, Ewen st.) ; Paul J. Fish, ConH (lawyer in W. several years; came here in 1836 or 7; devoted his chief attention to real estate; was for a time Master in Chancery ; shifted his residence from W. to Water- town, N. Y. ; came back; then lived in Plainfield, N. J.; finally died poor). The Village Charter was this year amended and adopted, in which three trustees and one collector were chosen for each of the Districts. 1845. — Timothy Coffin, Pres.; Thos. J. Van Zant (acquired a good estate in umbrella bus. as partner of Alex. McDonald, in N. Y. ; at this time was in TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE. 33 coal bus. in W., at foot of So. 5th st. ; a prominent member of the First Baptist Church; lacked the edu- cation and culture fitting one for public life) ; Jonathan Odell (merchant in New York ; had quite a plot of land N. W. cor. of So. 8th and 2d sts., which he afterwards sold to Thomas Brewster and moved away) ; James Dobbins (rope-maker, employed some years by Schermerhorn, Bancker & Co.) ; John Hanford (hatter in Grand St., betw. 4th and 5th streets, was an excellent politician ; went to the legislature for several years ; and, though he failed in business, his compen- sation of $.S00 a session, as it was then, enabled him to live without employment for the balance of the year, with his wardrobe as if just taken out of a band-box); Grahams Policy ; David Lindsay (carpenter in the Third district, elected as a Democrat; with limited opportunities he was a man of practical good sense, and generally respected as honorable in his devotion to public interests ; became a Republican during the war; was father of David and George Lindsay, members of Assembly some two or three years); Isaiah Pittman (cordage mfr. ; after selling out to Schermerhorn, Bancker & Co. the walk from 2nd to E. of 4th, betw. No. .3d and No. 4th sts., went to Connecticut, where he died some years since) ; James M. Aymar (stationer and bookbinder, was elected J. of the P., and afterwards devoted his attention to the office during his term. He was a man of fair intelli- gence, but dogmatical in his opinions); B. S. K. Rich- ardson, Treas; C. Daniels, Coll.; Richard Walsh, Coll. (a respected citizen of the present 14th ward, coll. several years; by trade a shoemaker) ; Isaac Henderson, Coll. (afterwards interested in the N. F! Evening Post, from which he accumulated quite a fortune, and is the owner now of the building 206 Broadway, New York, in which the paper is published) ; G. E. Baker, Coll.; Henry Baker, Clerk.; P. J. Fish, Counsel. There were this yr. 856 names on poll list — but a large non-voting pop. was then in the village, as the State Census the next yr. gave vill. about 11,000 pop. 1846. — David Lindsay, President; William Wall; Timothy Coffin; Thomas J. Van Zant; John Hanford; Eusebius Hopkins; James W.Stearns (milkman in North Fifth street); James M. Aymar; James Roper (a re- spectable builder) ; J. J. Snyder, Clerk ; B. S. K. Richardson, Treasurer ; Levi Darbee, Collector (pro- prietor of the WHliamshurgh Gazette, started by Adras- tus Fish, brother of Paul J. Fish, from 1835 to 1838, when it was transferred to Levi Darbee. It was con- tinued as a weekly journal till January, 1850, when it was changed to a daily, and so continued to the time of its suspension, on the consolidation of Williamsburgh and Brooklyn ; and it was superseded in the city pat- ronage by the Brooklyn Daily Times. Mr. Darbee was industrious, but lacked the breadth of enterprise and tact essential to maintain a new enterprise) ; R. Walsh, Collector; I. Henderson, Collector; Homer H. Stewart, Esq., Corporation Counsel (a cousin of ex- Governor John W. Stewart, of Middlebury, Vermont, a graduate of Middlebury College, and a lawyer of good practice and ability. In some special matters his services were of special utility to the village); J. Quin, Street Inspector. 1847.— Timothy Coffin, Pnsident ; William Wall; Thomas J. Van Sant; William Lake ; James Gallau- dett (a shoemaker, afterwards a grocer in Grand street) ; Henry Aldworth (a coal-dealer at the foot of Grand street, noted for having written and pub- lished a book against tiie Bible, but was honest in his dealings) ; Stephen Waterman [member of the firm of Burr, Waterman &, Co., manufacturers of pat- ent iron strapped blocks for ships; the business was prosecuted with a fair success and after the death of Mr. Waterman by his surviving partners) ; John H. Gaus (a baker, at 135 Ewen street); Charles W. Houghton (mahogany dealer in N. Y. ; at one time Pres. of the late Farmers'' and Citizens' Bank) ; George E. Baker, Clerk (continued in the office for three years; went to Washington and was for several years Private Secretary to Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Sec. of State; after- wards edited and published the speeches of Mr. Seward — which had quite an extensive sale) ; Levi W. Ufford, Treas. (a respectable dry-goods merchant, in First street, and though, at one time, well off, after the burning of Central Hall, in Fifth street, which he owned and failed to have insured, he had adverse for- tune, and he died about a year since, in South Brook- lyn, quite poor; William H. Colyer, Coll. (printer and publisher; a relative, I believe, of the Harper Broth- ers); S. B. Terry, Coll.; D. Chichester, Street, Well and Pump Iiisp.; Ri( h. Walsh, Coll.; no Attij. or Counsel chosen. 1848.— Noah Waterbury, Pres.; Wm. Wall; Stephen Waterman; Wm. II. Sweezey (from Newark, N. J., who returned there soon after his official term termi- nated; he was a substantial citizen); John S. Trott, Jr. (with his brother was a distiller; their business was afterwards removed to Cherry street, N. Y. ; but John S. Trott died some years since and his brother con- tinued the business); Abraham D. Soper (an able law- yer who failed in retainers in cases of importance, by his almost constant practice in the Justice Courts ; he subsequently represented the town in the Legislature. In whatever he undertook, his practice was adroit and generally successful. He removed to W. Virginia and purchased a large tract of land, part of which he sold to some oil speculators, at prices that gave him a com- petence for the rest of his days; he became a member of the Constitutional Convention, that organized the new State of W. Va. ; he was one or two years in the Legislature and then became a Circuit Judge, and rode his circuit, generally, on horseback, over the rough roads of the country, till he was over eighty years of age. There is no doubt but Judge Soper's influence HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSBUJRGH and labor in the State of his adoption, was beneficial and conservative and at the same time progressive. He was the father-in-law of Nicholson P. O'Brien, who for many years was his law partner in W. ; also of Addison Diossy, a lawyer in N. Y. Two daughters accompanied him to W. Va., married and settled there; he had two sons, lawyers, one in practice here and one in W. Virginia) ; Henry McCaddin (an undertaker, whose busmess was the north side of Grand street, near First street); John H. Gans; Abel Smith (for sev- eral years Colonel of the 13th Reg. of the State Militia; he carried on a liquorice factory, on Devoe street near Lorimer. At the commencement of the war of the Rebellion, Col. Smith recruited a regi- ment in the N. part of the State, which he intended to accompany to the front. But, in taking the cars at Ballston, N. Y., he accidentally fell under the wheels and was killed); George Joy (stone cutter); W. H. Colyer, Richard Walsh, Stephen Ryder, Collectors; L. W. Uiford, Treas.; Geo. E. Baker, Clerk. 1849. Timothy Coffin, President; Samuel M. Meeker (a lawyer, whose carefulness has realized a for- tune, became identified with the Williamslmrgh Sav- ings Bank; the Willianisburgh City Fire Insurance Company ; the First National Bank, and the Wil- lianisburgh Gas-Light Company, from the organiza- tions of each. In the current of a quiet life and quiet affairs, he has ever proved a safe counsellor, but has generally employed more positive lawyers, as counsel, to conduct his cases in the courts ; has nursed his pet institutions, in their infancy, and though avoiding any speculative risks, he has made them a marked success ; is now President of the Williamshurgh Savings Bank, whose deposits have increased since 1851, from noth- ing, lo $21,000,000); Wm. Bunting (a paper commis- sion merchant, in New York) ; Francis V. Morrell (son of John Morrell, had a hardware store at the corner of First and North First streets, afterwards moved to the corner of First and Grand streets) ; John S. Trott, Jr. ; Andrew B. Hodges {Secretary of the Williamsburgh Fire Insurartce Company, afterwards name changed to the Citizens ; now having its principal office at 158 Broadway, N. Y.) ; Henry McCaddin ; C. W. Hough- ton; Anthony Walter (then proprietor of Union Hall, at the cor. of Meserole and Ewen Sts., now 16th ward; has since served a term as sheriff of Kings county, and one term as justice of peace); Oliver Leach (a butcher, at 105 South 4th St.); Henry E. Ripley, Coll. (a son of the Rev. Mr. Ripley, pastor of the Cong, church of Lebanon, Ct., came to W., and engaged in the lum- ber trade, foot of So. 4th st., with David Kilgour, as a partner ; his business was hardly successful ; but Mr. R. saved a high character for integrity, served as Collector, 1850 ; after the consolidation was a member of the Board of Assessors till age and infirmities admonished him to retire ; purchased a handsome farm at Huntington, L. L, on which he lives, in dignified and peaceful retirement); R. Walsh, Coll.; Stephen Ryder, Coll.; Henry Payson, Treas.; Geo. E. Baker, Clerk. 1850. — Edmund Driggs, Pres.; D. D. Winant; Sam- uel Groves (a native of Nova Scotia, followed the sea in boyhood ; early came to the U. S., and served in a privateer from one of our Eastern cities, dur- ing the war of 1812 ; then came to N. Y., and sailed as master in merchant vessels for many years, and to all parts of the world ; his wife, whose character- istics were as singular as those distinguishing sailors from landsmen, accompanied him, in many of these voyages. Her kindness of heart endeared to her her hus- band's crews, and created in her an attachment to the sailor's home on the sea; when Capt. G. came to W. with an accumulation of of over $30,000 he abandoned the sea, and sought to follow the life of a retired gentle- man. But his habits of command stuck to him; and, sometimes in public affairs, acted out his old quarter-deck disregard of the opinions of others, which interfered with his influence in public life; he was always supposed to be the original figure, of " The meek man with the iron cane"^ in the conceit of a facetious club that styled itself the Great Northwestern Zep>hyr Association, that used to hold carnivals at the Neville's Hotel cor. of 1st and So. Tth st.) ; Horatio N. Fryatt (had a fertilizing chemical factory at the foot of Division avenue on the site of MoUer, Sierek & Co's Sugar Refinery; he was in partnership with one Campbell) ; Chauncey A.Lay, book- "keeper and supervisor for the Messrs. Kemp, Masons & Builders for many years; afterward Sup't, for Torence McGuiggin, Street Contractor; for several of the last years of his life he managed for his dau. in the Hoop skirt business in Grand street near Fifth; he accumula- ted, including the house he occupied, some $40,000, chi'efly by careful investments in stocks) ; Daniel Reilly (liquor saloon) ; Harris Comstock (a measurer of Lum- ber); Thomas Green (a tanner— colored sheep-skins and morocco); Henry Oltmans (Grocery at the cor. of McKibben st. and Graham avenue. In later years has been agent and surveyor for the Kings Go. Ins. Co.; is Trustee of the W. Savings Bank; is a German and always well esteemed); Henry E. Rijjley, Coll.; James Murphy, Coll. (for many years a member of the Board of Education in Brooklyn, and commands the highest confidence of the people) ; John W. Braisted, Coll. (a Jeweler in Wyckoff st.); Henry Payson, Treas.; John Broach, Vill. Clerk (then Book-keeper with George W. Smith, popularly known as " Broom corn Smith,'''' see biography following). 1851.— D. D. Winant, Pres.; W. T. Leitch (a mer- chant in N. Y.) ; Daniel Barker (a spice grinder in N. Y.); Alexander Hamilton (builder) ; Daniel Riley; Har- ris Comstock; James Salters (carpenter and joiner); Fordyce Sylvester (eng. with Norman Francis in the manufacture of saleratus); Dan'l Lindsay; John Maerz (grocer, Meserole street) ; Benjamin N. Disbrow, Coll.; THE CITY OF WILLIAMSBURGH. Henry Cornwell, Coll. (a carman in the employ of William Wall) ; James Murphy, Coll.; W. H. Colyer, Treas.; John Broach, Clerk. This was claimed to be a reform Board. But its ca- pacity as a whole was far below the Board it super- seded. It brought forward in public life two at least who under the first year of the city became defaulters to the city for a large amount of money. The City of Williamsburgh — 1852-1854— The first officers of the new city were Dr. Abraham J. Berry, Mayor; Wm. H. Butler, City Clerk ; Geo. Thompson, Attorney and Counsel; Jas. F. Kenny, Comptroller; Horace Thayer, Edmund Driggs, Thos. J. Van Sant, Daniel Barker (First W^ard); Richard White, Absa- lom Roper, Jesse Holiley, Hai-ris Comstock (Second Ward) ; Daniel Maujer (President of the Board) ; W^m. Woodruff, And. C. Johnson, Edwin S. Ralphs (Third Ward); Aldermen. Dr. Berry, the new mayor, was well fitted for his responsible office by a gentlemanly bearing, courteous and affable manners, liberal educa- tion, political experience and personal acquaintance with previous village affairs. This year witnessed the incorporation of the Farmers and Citizens'' Hank, with a capital of $200,000 ; the Williamsburgh City Bank, with a capital of $320,000, and the Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co.; and the establishment of the Williamsburgh Medical So- ciety, and (April ) the Greenpoint Ferry. The third issue of the Williamsburgh Directory con- tained 7, .345 names, an increase of 1,742 over those of the previous year. It estimates the population of the city as over 40,000. 1853, January — The Board of Aldermen was as follows : Daniel Barker; Thomas J. Van Sant; Jared Sparks; Abel C. Willmarth (First Ward). Jesse Hob- ley; Joseph Smith; George W. Ratern; Harris Com- stock, President (Second Ward). William Woodruff; Edwin S. Ralphs; John Maerz; Andrew C. Johnson (Third Ward). The public-school census of persons between the ages of four and twenty-one years, shows 10,907 whites and 214 colored, total, 11,121 ; the population of Williamsburgh being, at this time, between 40,000 and 50,000. The aggregate number of children attending the public schools of the city, during any part of the previous year, was 9,372, of which 834 had attended the entire school year. Fifteen privatq schools were also reported, with an attendance of about 800. This year showed a rapid growth in institutions; the Fulton Insurance Co., with a capital of $150,000 ; the Mechanics (now the Manufacturers' National) Bank of Williamsburgh, with a capital of $250,000 ; the Williamsburgh Missionary Society ; the Young Men\ Association, connected with the Third Presbyterian church ; the Third (colored) Baptist ; the Grace (Protestant Episcopal); the First Mission (Methodist Episcopal); the German Evangelical Mission; the (Roman Catholic) St. Mary of the Immaculate Con- ception, and the St. PauVs (German) Lutheran churches. The New York Sunday School Union's annual report credits Williamsburgh with twenty-five Sabbath-Schools of every different denomination ; with four hundred and sixty-six teachers, average attendance 387 ; 4, COO scholars registered, with average attendance of 3,239 ; 6,297 volumes in Sunday-School libraries. Infant-class scholars (included in above) 465. Bushwick had, at the same time, ten different Sunday-Schools, ninety-eight teachers, average attendance 84 ; 702 scholars, average attendance 472 ; 1,190 volumes in libraries ; 55 infant class scholars. During this year were organized the Childroi's Aid Society ; the Iloioard Benevolent Society ; the Young Men^s Literary Association ; and the Young Mot's Christian Association, of Williamsburgh ; the wick Avenue Baptist ; Third Unitarian ; Second Congregational Methodist ; Graham Avenue Protest- ant Methodist ; Ainslie street Presbyterian, and Ger- man Evangelical Lutheran churches. 1854, January — Under a change of politics, the Hon. William Wall became Mayor, on the Whig ticket. Commencing life as a journeyman rope-maker, he had become the proprietor of the largest cordage-factory in the vicinity. Shrewd and successful in business matters, he lacked, perhaps, that comprehensive judgment of the complicated interests affecting the government of a city of 40,000, which would have ensured his official success. He soon came in conflict with the Board of Aldermen, and became famous for his frequent exercise of the veto-power. A compilation of these vetoes, made un- der his direction, by John Broach, Esq., then City Clerk, was afterwards printed in a pamphlet of over 100 octavo pages. Failing, however, to mould the Board of Aldermen to his views by vetoing their do- ings, he conceived the idea of annihilating a power which he had cause to esteem so dangerous ; and became, durmg the first year of his administration, an earnest advocate of the consolidation of the cities of Williamsburgh and Brooklyn. This was finally accomplished, by Act of Legislature, taking effect January 1, 1855. 1854. The Board of Aldermen was as follows: Jared Sparks; Abel C. Wilmarth; John C. Kelly; Sam'l B. Terry (First Ward). Joseph Smith; Geo. W. Baker, President; Caleb Pink; John Linsky (Second Ward). Wm. Woodruff; John Maerz; Thomas Eames; Joseph Nesbit (Third Ward). City Clerk, W^m. G. Bishop; Comptroller, Joseph W. Beerdon; Commissioner of Streets and Bepairs, Leonard T. Coles; Treasurer, Miner H. Kcitli; Collector of Taxes, Fordyce Silvester; Attorney, John Dean. The Consolidation of Williamsburgh and Brooklyn was a measure which was twenty years in ' advance of the time when it might advantageously have HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF WILLIAMSBURGH. taken place; and, for a time, it greatly injured the local trade and social prestiffe of this portion of the present City of Brooklyn. It reduced Williamsburgh to the position of an insignificant suburb of a comparatively distant city, which was in no way identified with, or informed of the needs, economies, or real interests of its new adjunct. It was said that Williamsburgh, at the time, was bankrupt ; but the more than thirty miles of streets, opened, curbed, flagged and paved, at a cost of from one to two millions of dollars, was a contribution to the new City of Brooklyn which more than balanced the debts added to the common fund. The Wallabout Canal. — One of the grandest pro- jects for Brooklyn during the days of the "City of Williamsburgh" was first suggested by the late Thomas W. Field, Esq., viz.: the extension of what is known as the Wallabout Canal through a street, first called River street, 150 feet wide, laid out for the purpose, to the junction of Moore street and the present Broadway; and through Moore street to Newtown Creek. The bridges were proposed to be raised so as to give some eight feet in the clear between them and the surface water of the canal. Lighter-barges would have been towed through without disturbing the bridges. But, if ships with cargoes in bulk were to pass through the canal, the bridges could be turned on the turn-tables. Basins at favorable places could have been constructed by private enterprise where vessels could lay without encroaching on the use of the canal. This grand project could have been chiefly con- structed by the owners of the land that would have become water-front along the borders on each side. It would have afforded, when complete, four miles of such water-front that, ere this, would have been crowded with furnaces and factories, requiring facili- ties for heavy freighting to their doors. Skill and science would have been required to keep this canal clear. But, it would have relieved the section through which it passed, of a large surplus of surface- water that concentrates there. A 50-foot street on each side of the canal would have given room to sewers, with outlets in the open bay, as at present. The waters of the canal might have been locked at the two termmi and lighter-barges have been let in only at high tides and the waters have been kept at a uniform height and 80 not exposed the debris at the bottom, only when, in cold weather, it was undertaken to wash out and clean the channel. This canal was proposed to be excavated fifty feet wide, with wall of stone about a foot above the surface of the water at high tide, and a shelf was to be made about 5 feet wide on each side to serve for a tow-path either for horse or steam power. The bridges at the street crossings were to be about 100 feet in length, weighted at one end, so as to balance on a turn-table on the street outside the tow-path, so as to make the span 60 feet over the channel. John Broach was born in Millstone, Somerset County, New Jersey, April 23d, 1812, of American parents, descended directly from Eevolutionary stock; his great-grandparents having taken an active part in the struggle for American independence, and sacrificed all their worldly posessions in the cause, except a considerable amount of Continental paper money, which was handed down, and remained in possession of the family, but did not enrich them, at the time of his birth. He received such educational advantages as the viUage school of his native town afforded, until about fourteen years of age; when, having lost his parents, he was obliged to do something for his own support, and procured employ- ment as a boy of all work in a country store for a few months, after which he received some additional education; paying for his own tuition by assisting the teacher in the instruction of the smaller scholars. In the spring of 1827, being then about fifteen years of age, he left his native village and came to the city of New York, an orphan and alone, to seek his livelihood. He soon succeeded in finding a distant relative who kept a grocery store in the outskirts of the city, on the old Bloom- ingdale road, near what was then called Love Lane, and is now Twenty-first street; a section of the city which was called the "Reef" on account of the peculiar roughness of the locality. With this relative he engaged on trial, at any wages he might prove himself to be worth, as a clerk in his store. His friend and employer was an estimable man, but probably few portions of the city could be found less favor- able to the moral development of a youth of fifteen years of age, just from the country. From this time until about twenty-five years of age, he engaj,ed in various mercantile and laboring employments,and experienced the vicissitudes which a youth, left entirely to his own direction in a large city, would naturally be subjected to. In 1835, he formed the acquaintance of Miss Cordelia Knox, a most amiable young lady (his present wife), and they were married in the spring of 1836. He then began to think seriously of preparing himself to fill some more useful and respectable position in society, and attended night schools for the study of book-keeping, and other mercantile knowl . edge. By this means he soon fitted himself for, and obtained employment in more extensive mercantile business. In the spring of 1845, he removed to the village of Wil- liamsburgh, now the eastern district of the city of Brooklyn, and soon became identified with the customary associations of a growing village. He was active in tlie formation of the Mechanics' and Workingmen's Library Association, and was its president for some years. In 1848, he was appointed Dis- trict Clerk, and in 1849 was elected Trustee of the Public Schools in Williamsburgh, and was re-elected successively, to the same office, until 1854, when the consolidation with Brooklyn took place, and his business would not permit his attendance at the Board of Education in the Western District of Brooklyn. In the spring of 1850 he was elected clerk of the Village of WiUiamsburgh, being the first clerk of the village elected by the people. He was re-elected in 1851, and remained in office BIOGRAPHIES. 37 until the city charter of the village took effect in 1852. He was one of the Charter Trustees of the Williamsburgh Dis- pensary, in 1851, and has remained a trustee and treasurer of that institution up to the present time. He was associated with the founders of the Industrial School Association of this district, in 1854, was one of the first trustees and is still a trustee, and has been twenty-eight years treasurer of that institution. In 1853, the Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Company was organized, and he was appointed Assistant Secretary of that company, and in June, 1854, was called from that posi- tion, %vithout any solicitation on liis part, to the one he has since that time and stiU occupies, as Cashier of the Williams- burgh Savings Bank. He was also private secretary to Hon. William Wall, while he was Mayor of Williamsljurgh in 1854, and up to the time of the consolidation with Brooklyn. In 1859, he was appointed under a special act of the State Legislature, together with Hon. Edmund Driggs and George Field, Esi]., of his district, and the Mayor, ComptroUor, and City Treasurer of Brooklyn, on a commission to adjust and settle all claims against the late City of Williamsburgli. By this commission the outstanding claims against the City of Williamsburgh, which had long been a source of much annoyance and litigation, were satisfactorily adjusted and settled, and the Williamsburgh Savings Bank took the bonds of the City of Brooklyn for the necessary amount to pay off the claims allowed by the commission. He took a deep interest in the war for the Union, and his three sons, all tlie children he had living, were early under arms in the field. Two of them, one in the 14th Brooklyn and the other in the 8th New York regiments, were in the first battle of Bull Run. He also assisted in fitting out several other young men for the field before the Government ar- rangements were completed for ecjuipping the sohliers speed- iiy. In 1862, his eldest .son. John H. Broach, with his father's assistance, raised a company in Williamsburgh. and joining the 173d Regiment New York Volunteers, proceeded to New Orleans and participated in the siege of Port Hudson and the battles leading thereto, and also m the Red River campaign, during which time he was commissioned as Assistant Adju- tant-General. All of his sons served during most of the war and were honorably discharged. One, however, his second son, James A. Broach, reached home only to die. within a few days after his discharge, of a fever contracted in tlie army at Savannah, Georgia. Mr. Broach lias been a resident of Williamsburgh thirty- eight years. Sylvestek Tuttle.— The subject of this biographical sketch was born in Patchogue, L. I., September 5th, 1806. the son of Rev. Ezra Tuttle, who was an active and zealous minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, widely known and respected in his time. The son inherited his father's strong religious feeling, whicli became the controlling ele- ment in his character. Before he was twenty-one Mr. Tuttle entered upon a business career in New York City. Industri- ous, careful and shrewd, he rose rapidly, and in a few years became sole proprietor of a large hat and fur store in Chat- ham Square, which was one of the only two houses in the trade that was able to withstand the panic of 1837. He be- came interested in the coal trade in tlie Eastern District of Brooklyn in 1846, and soon afterwards sold out his business in New York, associating his son with him in 1855. He rap- idly extended his trade until it assumed large proportions in the city of Brooklyn. After many years of active business life, Mr. Tuttle made a tour of Europe in 1871. While abroad he contracted a malarial disease, a recurrence of which proved fatal May 25, 1874, in his 68th year. Mr. Tuttle's energy, activity and in- tegrity enabled him to acquire a fortune, of which he made noble use. He was called to fill many responsible positions. In politics he was an active Republican. But he was best known as a sincere Christian man, whose daily walk and conversation proved him to be an earnest servant of God. In early life he became a member of the Forsyth Street M. E. Church, in New York, then an active member of the South Fifth M. E. Church. He was also a large contributor to- wards the erection of St. John's M. E. Church, at the corner of Bedford avenue and Wilson street, and, until his death, served as one of its Trustees. He was greatly interested in the North Third Street Mission, and devoted much of his time to personal religious work. A man of fine feelings, he responded heartily to the cry of distress, and gave freely in charity. A public-spirited citizen, he used his means for the good of the city and of his fellow men, and his memory is cherished in the hearts of all who knew him. Ezra B. Tuttle.— Ezra B. Tuttle, a son of the late Syl- vester Tuttle, a biogiaphical sketch of whom appears next preceding this, was born in the city of New York, May 31st, 1834. He was educated in private schools in New York and in New Haven, Conn., and at Doctor Gold's once popular agricultural school, at Cream Hill, Litchfield County, Conn. At the age of eighteen he was placed in charge of one of his father's offices, and when he attained to his majority he became associated witli his father as a partner in his busi- ness. In the summer of 1857, Mr. Tuttle was married to Miss Frances R. Day, of New Haven, Conn., daughter of Zelotes Day, Esq. They have two sous. The elder, Winthrop M. Tuttle, was educated at the Polytechnic Institute and is now assisting his father in his business. The second son, Frank Day Tuttle, graduated with honors from the Polytechnic In- stitute, and has recently entered Yale College as a student. Mr. Tuttle has long been prominently identified with the leading commercial, religious and charitable interests of Brooklyn, holding at the present time the positions of vice- president of the Brooklyn Cross-Town Railroad Company, trustee of the Williamsburgh Savings Bank, director of the Kings County Fire Insurance Company ; president of the board of trustees of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church, of Bedford avenue : vice-president of the Brooklyn Church Society ; trustee of Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. ; trustee of the Brooklyn Homeopathic Hospital : trustee of the Brooklyn City Mission and Tract Society ; trustee of the Brooklyn Bible Society, and a member of the Missionary Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church. I /o. A HISTORY TOAA^N OF BUSHAVICK, Kings County, N. Y. HENRY R. STILES, M. D. AND OF THE TOWN, VILLAGE AND CITY OF WILLIAMSBURGH, KINGS COXJTsTTY, N^. Y. JOHN M. STEARNS, Esq. Jieprintcd from "The Illustrated History of Kings County," edited by Dr. H. R. Stiles, and imblished ly W. W. Munsell & Co. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 1884. 007 190 703 fl t wi^iiy-^a