o°'.'>;^'> .//^iX >^..:^^'> %'T^.- ,o'> 'a*o ■ >»>:,. .,« ■ .*«Si^'. '^'f. ^-^^ .*j Ic • L'*. «>. ^^ *• V ^- o. \^W^^\J^ "v^^-y ' 0* .. '^..^^ o* • .^^^^. 4 aV "^^ 5.^ -^^ • . C Richardson, Charles Francis Phelps 1812 I Sl Washington, D. C. Rittenhouse, David - Riggs National Bark. .-Washington, D, C. Roe, Capt. Fayette Washington, U.S.A. (Lt.-Col. U. S. V.) Roeskilde Cottage, Port-Orange-on- the-Halifax, Florida. Root, Charles Stevens, Lt. U. S. R. C. S Care of T. C. Root Eatt Berlin, Conn. Root, Cyrus Laurel, Md. Sanger,Maj.Gen. Joseph Prentice, U.S.A.-Care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. Saxton, Henry Dearborn War Dept Washington, D. C. Schwartz, John Loeser 1631 Mass. Ave Washington, D. C. Seymour. Henry Albert 913 F St Washington, D. C. Smith, Robert Atwater War Dept Washington, D. C. Gen. c. Soc. No, No. 3917 140 : 4762 181 : 1556 69 : 1434 66 : 5110 203 4437 165 5071 192 5084 190 3473 125 3993 145 4334 161 2688 95 3172 108 3346 116 1207 58 5109 199 648 35 208 4915 186 3959 142 880 48 4438 166 5113 202 204 4164 155 5075 195 3459 121 LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Name Address Smith. Rev. Roland Cotton 1461 R. L Ave. Washington. D. C. Spence.. Joseph William Winthrop. Ph. D. 2019HdlyerPlace. Wasbngton. D. C. Stetson. Rev. Caleb Rochford St. Mark, Church.... Washington. D. C. Stetson. George Rochford 1441 Massachusetts Ave^^^^.^^^^^^ ^ ^ c. ^„,» Dr Andrew 1442 Clifton St Washington. D. C. S^ewart^ Dr^ Andrew Washington. D. C. Tainter. Frank Stone ^^ west oi „. „ , 1Y7U T - bt. John. Rans. Thompson, Royal Wheeler "- Thompson, WUliam Baker Munsey BuJAng Wasbng on, D. C. Tapper. James Brainard Taylor 1316 19th St.. Waskngton. D. C. Tweedy Frank U. S. Geological Survey.Washmgton. D. C. Van Dyke, Harry Weston Bond Bldg.. Washmgton. D. C. Van Rensselaer. Dr. John -The Rochambeau Washing on. D. C. Vaughan. Dr. George Tully 1718 I St. N. W Washmg on. D. C. Vaughan Dr. William Washington 1718 I St ^Washn^^^^"' ^^ C. Walker. William Henry The ConnecUcut Waskngton. D. C. Wallace, Elliott Lambert Library of Congress Washmgton, D. C. Webb. John Sidney Bond Bldg- - Waskngton. D. C Wells. Dr. Walter Augustine The Rochambeau Washmgton.D. C. Wheeler, Charles Van Cise 1609 16th St "^-h-S °n, D. C. Wilson. Hon-Hunji.^ ^^^^ ^ '^ ZZ W^: rSI n! C Woodward. Samuel Walter- 2015 Wyoming Ave. •• .Washington. D. C. DECEASED MEMBERS Gen. D. C. Soc. Soc. No. No. ffl .n Jlf?"' ^^^'^^' Addison, Died March 13, 1896 1 9n« ?Q ^^r'^'^^V^'"'?? Holcomb, Died March 23, 1 896. if^ 9? n i' ?:''^^' y""""^' ^- ^- N- D'^d May 6. 1896. A?? 99 S°°?' S- -L^-.^v?"""' '^'"^ September 6. 1 896. 635 22 Meade, Richard Worsam, U. S. N Died Mav 4 )M7 .107 53 Hubbard GjAer C, Died Decnkr 1 U 897.' ^^ 0:>l 10 Johnson, J. B., Died January 10 18^9 2^^I V ^rri/- R- ^-.^M^- !^- '^^^^ O'^'^^'- '6. 1899. 1437 M WMK '{Yr;;^^"o'^'''°^^°"' ^- S- A- Died January 4. 1901 1432 64 Wilhelm. Wilham Hermann. U. S. A Died lun^ lOni ^11 ^l Beale Charles F. T.. Died November," 19^1 ^ ' ^^'• (}1 ^l M°^'-1^T''' ^A^V' H\^- ^- D'^^ December 28. 1901 646 33 Mernll, James Cushmg, U. S. A., Died O-tober ?7 1 009 2499 92 Appleby, George Franklin, Died April 30 1903 1559 72 Watkms, John Elfreth, Died August 1 I 1903 'Sn fy t"tT' -^tT '^^°^.^\' ^- ^- ^- Died May 13. 1904. 630 17 Smith, Frank Birge, Died December 21 1904 9?.'? OZ P'T' V^^'^f'-'.'^- S. A., Died March 7, 1905. Zbli yi tJarber, LeDroictLangdon, DiedMay 19 1905 1839 80 ^t'r^'^^'T/ V- !• ^-r.' ^'^^ J"- m''i905'- A9« V J y "'^^l^^P"' F'-edenc Wolters, Died April 29, 1 908. 0/0 I i> 1 hompson, Gilbert, Died June 8. 1 909. 205 6 Roe. George, Died September 15, 1909 29 1 8 1 03 Riggs, Elisha Francis, Died July 6, 1910 ^?S ' Q ? S^t^"'^"' ^'^'^^ '-y^"' Died January 1 8, 1 9 1 1 9?Q r9 5 'T^^vX^" Leer, Died January 28. 1911. xiVn II T^\ ^"^'If^ Augustus, Died April 1 8, 1 9 M . J5W I7U Moore, Clarence, Died April 1 5 1912 .'^'-t. 639 '?^ Kendall. Henry Myron. U. S. A.. Died October 2. 1912 Alt li9 Wk"^"' ir'?^ S^^'"-^' Died March 3. 1914. ' 4335 162 White. Fletcher, Died March 22, 1914 OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY Governor-General.HOWLANDPELL. m v u 7 Pine Street. New York. Vice-Governor-General. RICHARD MCCALL CADWALADER. „,.,,,,. „ 133 South 12th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Deputy Govemor-General forthe Dutrict of Columbia, DR. H. L. E. JOHNSON. ^ ^ 1 82 1 Jefferson Place. N.W.. Washington. D. C. Secretary-General. CLARENCE STORM. ^ .M Vt 45 William Street. New York. Deputy Secretary-General. FREDERICK DWIGHT. 45 Wilham Street, New York. Treasurer-General. WILLIAM MACPHERSON HORNOR. „, , , , l- o 430 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Deputy Treasurer-General, FRANCIS HOWARD WILLIAMS, 1300 Locust Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Registrar-General, GEORGE NORBURY MACKENZIE. 1 808 Park Avenue. Baltimore, Md. Historian-General, T.J. OAKLEY RHINELANDER. m v u 45 William Street, New York. Chaplain-General, REV. CHARLES L. HUTCHINS, D. D.. Concord, Mass. Surgeon-General, HENRY A. GRIFFIN, M. D., 53 West 54th Street. New York. Chancellor-General. HON. HENRY STOCKBRIDGE. Baltimore. Md. 28 W it, . J*^^ V ' "V^^V'' . " V' >^ %i**:t» ^^»' ^q, 'i.^0- -0 O^^.C^^^^^^o .'i'^ eO*** ^. A<=U. - p.* / "^^ ^?^w.* '^^ ^^ c" *• lI°^ >\a:i^'. q. '».T vPC,' O^ 'O . A * A l<^ o*/'* '^^^ -^^o< ■lo< V ^o. >9 V ^^ 'oK •^0^ eP-n^. \^. <. •"^••,^^ ~vi* .0 I* .."•. *< O^ "o ^^ ^o*»JL«-.^ <> *' .Tt ^♦'' .,