7 '^^4 Co'' "S \ ^ .e^^ vv^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf UNITED STATES OF ABIERICA. m©er^ © JVieiiODies ^^^^R © e i^ ® ]V{£Li o D I e s KLIZABE in BORRODAILE./^^-^^''^*'-"*''- -i»^~^- -jj!'^-^ - 5-2 y'r7/v ///<;•« these melodies, dear friend, May they a brightness bring, That to the tvintry day shall lend A charm, to rival Spring. j*-g«^-i- //U9 /S HARD & PARSONS : NEW YORK. Copyright 1886, BY Hard & Parsons. ^ WINTER SPLENDORS. % UT Winter !}cis yet bria[;)ter scenes — \)Q boasts i^pienaors beyond wrjat noraeous i^ummer i?nows, fr C^utumn wit!} pis many fruits, and woods oil flusl^ed witl; many Ques. oome wpen tpe rams nave cla?^ed \\)Q snow, and clothed tpe trees witl; ice, Willie il^e slant sun of Pebruary pours ^nto tl^e bowers a flood of lipl^t. cipproaci} ! ^'be Incrusted surface sball upbear 1ny steps; ond 'l^e broad arcbma portals of tf^e qrove Welcome tl;y entering. ErVAN T. ICY FEATHERS. 'HEi verdure of tbe plain lies buned deep Deneafb tl^e da^zlina deluae ; and ti^e bents C^nd coarser nrass upspeannn o er tpe rest, ■^f late unsmbtly and unseen, now SQine Conspicuous, and in bright apparel clad clnd fledaed wltlj icy fealt)ers, nod superb. COUI'EK. OLD KING WINTER. J WINTER, ruler of \\)Q inverlec! year, ^by scattered \)Q\? Vvitr? sleet-!i!^e as^es filled, ^by breaib conaealed upon tby lips, iby cbeel^s Rrinci d witb a beard made wbite witb olber snow: ^ban tbose of aae ; iby forebead wrapped in clouds, leafless brancb tby sceptre, and tby tbrone slidina car, indebted to no wbeels, But uro d by storms alon^ its slipp ry way, ^ love ibee, all unlovely as tbou seem st, Qnd dreaded as tbou art. COWFER, FROSTY DA VS. c — ' ^HE sl?y IS bniar^t, tl;e am serenely cola, ^\)G been nortb-west, that heaps tr;e drifted snow; Hon nnontbs entire o er frozen re9ions bluws; rHon braves l^is blast ; \)\s, qelid breatb inhales Ond feels more viaorous as trje frost prevails, David Humi'i)i;kvs A DAZZLING GARMENT. c — ■ ^'HE cl^ensl^ecl fields r ut on ti^eir winter robe of purest wt;ite, (^is bnci^tness all ; save wpere ilje new snow melts olona tl^e mo^y current. lSow tl)e woods iDovj tr)eir l;oar rjeods ; and, ere i\)e Ian9uid sun Paint from tbe west emits 91s evening ray, Qartl^ s universal face, deep-l^id and cl^iil, 9s one wild dazzling waste, tba!" buries wide e worbs of man. A FIRESIDE SONG. \10W 1l}e wintry winds are blowing rrioanlnaly alonp ; 0n t^e dyina embers tl;)rowin^ Fuel, set QQc\) face a^lowinp, oljeer eacl} l^eart witl} sona. Rot for any moonlit bower ^n ^outl^ern clime, Will we aive tl^is rtortl^enn dower, ^i^is delial^tful, social l^our — Qve in winter time. I. W. JOKDAN'. BEAUTIES OF WINTER. L'MP ME naked trees stretcl; out tl^eir arms all day, C^nd eaci; bald [^ill-top lifts its reverend [;ead, ols if for some ne^' covenncj to pray. (c>ome, Winter, tpen and spread t!}y robe of wl^ite obove t!}e desolation of tr)is scene; v:dnd wl^en tpe sun witb aems spall rnabe it bnabt, yn, wpen its snowy folds by midmqbt s queen, Ore Silvered o er witp a serener liQl;t, We II cease to sial; for Rummer s livma aneen. Elizabeth C. Kinney. A FLEECY COVERING. M'^AST falls a fleecy sl^iower ; t^e downy flabes Descendma, and wit9 never-ceasma lapse '^oftly alial^tma upon all below, Qsslmilate all objects. Qarll; receives (gladly tl^e ti^ickenma mantle ; and \\)Q areen 0nd tender blade, tl;?at feared tfje d^iH'm^ blast, Escapes unl^urt beneail;) so warm a vei 511. COWPKR. BRIGHTNESS J I V THIN. I lOUGH boundless snows ll;e witi^ered beat I; deform, Ond \\)Q dinn sun scarce wanders il^rouab tbe siorm, Y et sboll tl^e smile of social love repav, Will; menial liabt, tl^e melancholy day : olnd wben its syort and sullen moon is o er, be ice-cbained waters slumbering on tl)e sbore ; Mow bnabt tbe facaots in tbe little ball Dlc^e on tbe beof'ibi ^'^^ warm \\)Q pictured wall. Cami inci I . A WINTER NOON. P0N ti;e soutl^ern side of tl^e slant [)ills, clncl wl^ere trje woods "fence off tl^e northern blast, ^\)Q season smiles, resigning all its ra^e, Ind pas t[;e warmti; of irYoay. (^f}e vault is blue Without a cloud, and wpite witl^out a specb, %^\)Q da^zlma splendor of \\)Q scene below. COWPHR. ]VrN TER S UN SHINE. ^*«*,,. UMMEiR IS a alonous season Warm, and brigbt, and pleasani Out \\)Q past IS not a reason ^ )o despise ibe present ; )o, wQile beahb can climb tbe mountain, Ond tbe loa ligbts up tbe bci'l, (i|)bene are sunny days in winien, after al D. V. Macakthv. THE SNO W-SHO WER. ^^^EiE bow in a livincj swarm tl^ey come Krom tl^e chambers beyond lljat misty veil ; '^ome bover awbile in air, and some r\usb prone from tr^e sby libe summer 901!, clll, droppma swiftly or settlina slow, rrieet, and are still m trje depths below; Klabe after flabe Dissolved in tl^e darb and silent labe. Bkvant. ■ii.