PS 1294 .C28 S8 Copy 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. i^ Snp^rig^t IJo,... Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMEEKA. ^yuv^n J^yer<^ies ^yiiypn J-(euei^i€S ■-" ELIZABETH BORRODAILE. l'-g(ijt<. (J-'^^jjSi-j;^^-^- ''/ somethnes hold it half a sin To put in 7vords the thoughts I feelj I-'or zvords like Nature half reveal And half conceal the sotil 7vithin." HARD & PARSONS : NEW YORK. ///; Copyright 1886, BY lARD & Parsons. THE WOODS. Sn tones most musicc — " :ed 7r -,. t,.- ..-V -.-^ -^ -,.^. fe^^d - ' trees, gr Q^ t - QDon Ids vesper sp: Q . I-,-.- -Ll_._v ^ _•-- trees, grey stc-nes, and runnels cleo' ti: end, rioTu'^e in vain would biess ! s fort!; into tl;e woods and see How all t(;e seasons, bnnp Rew beauties unto slyrub and 1ree, ^n Winter as in ^pnnp. ^ben wby should men distrust ll^e power ^\)o\ tl;)us adorns t[}e wood? ^une, be will crown eacb passing bo^^f^ ^ife witb some new pood. El.lZABElH BORKODAILE. FREE IN THE TRUTH. •^ L IS a freeman, wt)om Ipe trutb maizes free. W.ncI all are slaves bsside. ^' '^'' He lool^s abroad into tbe varied field bf nature, and, tl^ougl; poor, perbaps, compared Vvitb tbose wbose mansions alitter in b'S sigbt, oalls tbe deligbtful scenery all bis own. Mis are tbe mountains, and ibe valleys b'S, olno tbe resplendent rivers. His to enjoy Witb a propriety tbat none can feel, lOut wbo, Witb filial confidence inspired. oan lift to beaven an unpresuntotuous eye, (dnd smilina say, " PRy Patber made tbem all. COWPKR. RURAL SOUNDS. ^ V 0T rural sm^ts alone, but rural sounds, Qxpilarate \\)Q spirit and restore ^\)^ tone of languid nature. rrtigbiy winds. ^[)at sweep tl^e sbirt of some far-spreading wood yf ancient arowtl^, make music not unlike ^l;>e dasi^ of Wcean on \)v^ windina si^ore, Hnd lull tl;e spirit wi^ile tl;ey fill tl^e mind. COWPIiR. JOY IN ALL NATURE. I0K on tl^is beautiful world and read tbe trut'o ^n ber fair page; see every season brin^as riew cl^anqe to l^er, of everiostina youtb ; ^till tl^e green soil, witl^ loyous Iiym9 il;ing.s, ©warms, tl^e wide air is full of loyous wings, Qnd myriads still are bappv m "^be sleep 0f Wcean s a^ure aulfs. and wbere be flinps ^b© restless surae. Qternal Clove dotb l^eep 3n l;?is complacent arms, tbe eartb, tbe oip, tbe deep, B.'lYANT. HIDDEN JOYS. " I LQASURES lie tl}icl?est. Vv/I^ere no pleasures seem. Sj)l;ere s not a leaf ii;at falls upon Tr;e Ground ijul ^^olds some 107 oj silence on of sound, ^ome sprite beao^f"^^ ^.^'^ a summer dream, ^l-^e very meanest tl^mcjs are made supreme Witi; innate ecstasy. Laman Blanxhard. POETRY. ^HE world is full of poetry; ll^e air -9s livina with its spirit ; and \\)e 'Agaves Dance to tQe music of its rneiodies, cJnd sparl?!e m its bngl^tness. Qo"^'' - Ond mantled witt? its beauty; and i[je waiis ^)l}at close ti^e universe witl;^ crystal m, Wre eloouent vvitl^ voices, tr^at proclaim (^\)e unseen glories of immensity, 9n l^armonies. too perfect and too \)\a\) nor aual^t but beinas of celestial mould; Cind speal? to man in one eternal l^ymn, yniadma beauty, and unyielding power. J. G. SOLITUDE. ^'IHEaRE is a pleasure in \\)Q pat[)less woods, ^[^ere is a rapture on ii;e lonely sr^ore, ^)[}ene is society, wbere none intrudes, \0\j tl;e deep sea, and music in its roar: d love not frian tl;e less, but rtature nnore, nrom tl^ese our interviews, in wl^icr) 3 steal Krom all 3 may be, or l;)ave been before, ^o minale witf? ti^e universe, and feel Wl}at ij can ne er express, yet cannot all conceal Byron, UNFADING JOYS. irow ^HEN tel! me not tbat ^ sball pi Forlorn, tl^at fields and woods will cloy; Prom riature and ber cl^anges flow 0n everlastina tide of joy. y anant that summer treats will burn, ^bat keen will come tl^e frosty nipbt; But boti; sball please and eacb m turn Y ield reason s most supreme delipb"!"- ROUEKT Bloomfiei.d, NATURE'S ELOQUENCE. ^[0 bim wl}o in \\)e love of riature bolcis oommunion witl^ ben visible forms, sbe speabs Q various Ianaua9e ; for b'S gayer bours ^>\)e bcis a voice of 9laclness, and a smile Qnd eloquence of beauty, and sbe plides ^nto \)\s darhjer musinas witb a mild Qnd bealing sympatby, ibat steals away ^b®''' sbarpness, ere be is aware. Bryant. CREATIVE POWER. ^'UE o HE new year opens, early morning downs, Broad streets of silver dress \\)Q wr/itened lawns, Bleab Winter rises from il^e brindled norir;, M)\)Q tempest sbal^es and furious blasts pour fori!;). From nature s dawn, to nature s latest t>oup, Bacb spangled leaf bespeal^s creative power ; ^l;e vernal dewdrop, or autumnal breat!;, ^bat wraps tf^e foliape in tbe arms of deaib; ^bs yew, %^ cypress or tl;e blooming rose, India's lonc) summer, or tl;e bapland snows, 0lil?e proclaim wbat sceptic fools deny, ^be ^ou! s support, — a providential eye Mercy Warkex. WORDS OF COMFORT. loom, ■>)rS one wI}g, walbina in tl^e twi!iar)t ale Hears round about t)im voices as it darkens, cJnd seeing not tl^e forms from wbicr) tpey come, rouses from time to time, and turn and l^earkens ; ^o waibina l^ere in twilial^t, my friends ! 5 b^ci^ your voices, softened by tr)e distance, Wnd pause and turn to listen, as eacl? sends His words of friendship, comfort, and assistance. 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