.COMMUmCATIOSS ON AND OTHER CONNECTED AGRICULTURAL SUBJECTS, FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, FOR 1857. THE DRAINAGE OF MARLBOURNE FARM. BY EDMUND 'RUFFIN D l(UF The low-grounds of Marlbourne farm, on the Pamunkey River, have remarkable and important conditions in regard to the supply of injurious water, and its being diverted by proper drainage. These conditions, when first noticed by me, and also far years afterwards, while they demanded my investigation, and more and more directed my draining labors, were also supposed to be peculiar features of this farm, or of its neighborhood, as nonesuch had been then observed elsewhere. But it is more probable that the like remarkable cha- racters of land and water, and the like require- ments and difficulties of drainage, belong also to many other and remote localities of bottom-lands bordering on this and other rivers. Further — from recent and extended personal observations, made long after the writing of this report was begun, I have learned that the like remarkable and impor- tant character of land, and conditions of injuri- ous water, extend generally throughout the low and level lands of south-eastern Virginia, and the much broader surfaces of similar lands in North and South Carolina. And I now infer, that through- out all this great region, the natural conditions of the supply of excessive and injurious water, and the great and general difficulty of draining, are similar to those which I have had to contend with — and which conditions have scarcely any v/here been understood, or the difficulties properly treated in practical operations. Yel, these very conditions which, while neglected or unknown, have heretofore operated as insuperable difficulties to the effective drainage of such lands, when un- derstood, and made to direct the plan and labors of draining, will be the best means for both reducing their cost, and greatly increasing their efficiency. When first occupying this farm, all my previous labors and experience in draining had been on lands of entirely different character. The general principles and laws of draining are indeed uni- form. But my former practice, and errors, and failures, and also the successful operations on the small spaces of narrow and sandy alluvial low- grounds of the high and hilly lands of Prince George county — bordering on small and rapid streams, sometimes hastily and enormously swollen by heavy rain-floods pouring down from the hills — afforded no precedents, or instruction, for my later occupied farm, where almost all the conditions were reversed. In some cases, my previous experi- ence served to mislead the later efforts, made under circumstances so different. A total stran- ger to my new locality, and to all that was re- quired for its proper drainage, I found no existing practices, or even opinions, of other persons, from which I could gain any useful lessons for my in- struction. Few, if any, of the numerous farms bordering on the Pamunkey needed draining labors of such difficulty and magnitude as did mine. But every such farm needed more or less of additional draining; and everywhere, within my limited range of observation, there was great deficiency of pro- per views to direct such labors, and consequently of profitable results from the actual and also very laborious operations. The extent of land of this farm when first boughtand occupied (Jan. 1844,) and thenorsince made arable, (exclusive of some 22 acres of high table land around the mansion, now included in the permanent pasture,) was 73U acres. All this is of low-lying land, except some 10 acres of Winter Hill, which is a high and narrow spur stretching out from the main body of table land. (See Map, Figure I.) The later purchase, in 1850, of the adjoining Talley tract, of 300 acres in all, gave the additional surface for tillage , after all DRAINAGE . the forest part had been subsequently cleared and drained, of about 49 acres of low land, besides some 52 acres of the higher terrace, or "third low-ground," principally. Thus the two tracts which now make Marlbourne farm, together con- tain (730—10 = 720-1-49=:) 769 acres of "second low-ground" or of the middle terrace. Of "first lowground " or the lowest terrace, subject to inunda- tion by even the highest freshes of the river, there is not an acre of the farm — nor any other ground ex- cept along the face of the steep bank of the river. Neither is any part of the soil of the farm formed by river alluvium, or the deposition of sediment from the river floods. In the present condition of the ri- ver, and of its highest floods for thousands of past years, it may be safely asserted that the river has not covered, and could not have affected, any other than lands of the lowest terrace, or " first low- grounds," which constitute considerable propor- tions of many other Pamunkey farms. But even these- lowest lands (of other properties,) whether rarely or often submerged, have gained but little either of accretion or of fertility of soil, from the scant and poor sediment of the river floods — and in some cases, these lands have lost much soil, and even sub-soil, by the recent washing and de- nuding action of the strong currents of the high freshes. These facts are mentioned to prevent the common and entirely erroneous inference of stran- gers, that the low-grounds of this river, below the head of tide, are of alluvial formation — except, (and this but partially,) the lowest lands, still sub- ject to inundation, and in some cases also to denu- dation. The highest and the middle (or third and second) low-grounds entirely, and also the lowest for its sub-soil, have been formed mainly by the reverse or denuding operation of the great flood, which at a very remote (but the latest) geological epoch, rushed, from the north-west, over this whole region, and washed and scooped out and' shaped the now valleys and bottom lands, and the present channels of the tide rivers — after the same flood had previously deposited its drifted and sus- pended materials over the whole surface, and of which entire deposit the present high table-lands and all their lower beds are formed, as the present bottoms were by the earlier deposited earth. The great deposition of drift, or suspended materials, and that mostly of barren earth, which is general over the higher surfaces in our tide-water region, also served to add something in material and more in fertility and value, to the bottom-lands of this farm, as of all other bottom-lands, or high flats, bordering on rivers. For though one part of the great action of the deep and violent and long- passing flood was to wash off" and remove the pre- viously accumulated deposits — first down to the surface of the now highest terrace, next, by the more contracted current, to the middle terrace, and still later to the lowest, and finally to the present narrow channel or bed of the river — still, in the diminution of volume, and fluctuations of velocity of the current, there were also some new and superficial and partial deposits of sediment left on the before denuded terraces. These de- posits occurred successively on each terrace, when the still covering but then subsiding waters were comparatively tranquil, and so the finer and richer suspended earths were then let fall, to form the surface soils of the bottom lands. This manner of action has served to vary the form of the sur- face and the composition of the soils, as may be seen by any careful observer on the ground, and in facts which will be adverted to in the following | account. The course of the great flood was in the direction of the general course and descent of the broad bottom through which the very crooked and narrow Pamunkey river now meanders, form- ing the low-grounds mostly in different peninsu- las or "necks," usually of several miles width. Hereabout, the whole bottom varies from 4 to 5 miles across, from one foot to the other of the high table land on both sides. The latest action of the ancient flood has left the surface of this farm in many long, low, and irregular flat ridges, stretch- iiig in the general direction of the great flood, but also in some cases varying, as might be inferred from the different modes of action, and the diff'e- rent courses of particular smaller currents. And the ridges also show soils and sub-soils of all tex- tures, from the closest and most intractible clay to the lightest and loosest sand — and of which soils there were, in their original state, all grades of quality between poverty and great richness. The irregular depressions, or basins, left between the different low ridges, or knolls, for the greater part, had no sufficient fall, or lower outlets, and there- fore they had mostly remained under ponds of shallow water, when the land elsewhere had been left dry, or bare of water. Into and through these former ponds, ffowed the small streams from springs in the ravines of the high table land. And in the course of ages, the sediment brought down and deposited by the turbid rain-ffoods which swelled these streams, had served to raise the bottoms of these ponds from 2 to 6 feet, with a very close clay, and also in most cases had added, latest, a deep, black, and extremely rich clay soil. Such, it seems to me, were the producing causes of the re- markable variety and frequent changes of both the different levels of the surface, and of the dif- ferent textures and degrees of fertility, of the soils of this farm. Reference to the Map, Fig. I. and the explanations thereof, will serve best to show the variations of the levels of the surface — and also the many and great difficulties thereby opposed to the drainage of the farsn by even the best system of surface and open ditches — and which difficulties v.'ould be still more obvious to an ob- server of the land itself. This Map (Fig. I.) also presents the numerous ditches, all of them open and impassable by teams, as they were before my own better system was begun. And besides all the ditches that I found, there v/ill appear there some others which I, at first, deemed necessary and therefore dug, while 1 still trusted to, and aimed to make more perfect, the former plan of mere surface-draining. For the greater convenience of reference, and for comparison with the present condition of things, in this map (for 1844) there is also included the low-ground of the Talley tract, which was not occupied until in 1859. Also there are there designated the divisions of the farm ac- cording to my subsequent six-field rotation, which was not established, or devised, until in 1848, and which had not been extended regularly to the later purchased Talley tract, when (in 1856,) I transfer- red the whole property to my children, and when the rotation, and its division of fields, were changed for a different scheme. The whole body of low-land, of both proper- ties, had long been cleared and cultivated, except about 26 acres of both tracts, and which space is within the letters R, I, c, b, H. in Fig. I. This land, mostly of rich, low and wet swamp, which I found under its original heavy forest growth, was cleared and brought under tillage at different times from 1845 to 1855. ^:^' 53 P^ I '^ ^ '^ § ft ^ ^ -3 DRAINAGE The map (I.) shows the numerous open ditches which had been dug, and were designed to be kept open to their first depth, and r.ll of which were then deemed indispensable. Yet not one of tliem ope- rated properly, or sufficiently for its designed purpose. When properly located, and if deep- ened and well-shaped, the larger ditches might have been made to serve well as stream-carriers, and to receive the surface-water only. But of all the ditches designed to tap and collect spring or under-water, none of them could have been made effective, by any care or labor, because it was impos- sible for any ditches to be kept open deep enough for that purpose, even if any had been dug deep enough at first. Therefore, while all of these nu- merous ditches, as here marked, were impassable by teams, and therefore all constituted great im- pediments to tillage — and every one, as serving to remove some water, was necessary to be.kept open, not one of them served its purpose fully or effec- tually; and all the land that had required draining at first, was still suffering, more or less, by excess of water — and would have so suffered even if every ditch had been kept as deep, and in as good order, as had been designed at first.* The positions of streams and of the larger wet ditches, as shbwn on Fig. I, generally indicate, with sufficient distinctness, the lower levels of sur- face compared with stretches of other ground on one or both sides. But there are sundry excep- tions to this rule, especially on the higher grounds; and some others may be seen on the maps, in cases where djtches, to connect detached basins, or to drain basins, have to discharge through rims, or ridges, of higher surface. Besides the indica- tions of lower levels presented in the positions of ditches, and the courses of the streams, the grounds of the lower and lowest levels are distinguished by suitable markings, and by different colors on Fig. I. and further, by the marked levelling of dif- ferent lines and points, stated in numeral figures, on Fig. II. But it should be observed that the three different levels indicated by different colors, are only relative to adjacent surfaces, or border- ing grounds. Absolute differences, or grades of elevation, will be indicated according to the actual measurements, and all in reference to the lowest original surface of the low-ground of the earlier purchase, which is the point designed by the nu- meral 0, near Jl, the eastern outlet of the present main ditch, (Fig. II.) It may be stated, gene- rally, that the differences of elevation of adjoin- * The engraver of the maps has not correctly copied the drawing in the dotted or broken lines, and which defect, to prevent njjst.-ilves of tlie reader, will require this additional ex- planation. The dotted and bro1■ < NORTH DRAINAGE lateral progress of the water, and of its final dis- charge, was much slower than the average supply to the upper sources (and elsewhere) by rain, the obstructed water would necessarily fill the sand-bed •'ijatsome lower place, (as under 6, Fig. III.) up to the impervious clay above; and still farther on, and lower, the water would press upward, in propor- tion to the measure of the higher level of the dis- tant water, and the pressure of its weight on the water confined below. According to a well-known law of hydrostatics, water, so confined between two inclined and impervious beds, and pressed on by the weight of all the remote water standing at a higher level, would rise perpendicularly, if a ver- tical passage were afforded by a well, or an auger- hole, to a height equal to that of the distant and higher standing water, pressing thereupon. Therefore, if the sand-bed was surcharged, and its water pressing upward with sufficient force un- der 6, (Fig. III.) where the glutted bed approaches nearest to the surface, a spring, or ooze, might there be formed, either permanent, or otherwise flowing or oozing out only when the sand-bed was fullest of water. Or, even without showing any separate water, the soil there might generally be too damp and cold for healthy production. The longer the lateral course and passage of the confined water, and the lower its forced depression, by the superincumbent impervious bed, the greater "would be its tendency to rise, by filtration. Under these circumstances, wherever the surcharged sand- bed passed under clay, there would rise injurious dampness by means of upward pressure and filtra- tion, or still higher by the operation of capillary attraction of the upper earth. And this injury from wetness might occur even where no water was ever found in the digging of ditches, or was seen separate, except sucli as had fallen in rain on the surface, and which could not sink and escape by percolation, because the lower bed was already full of moisture, and could receive nomore. But in the case of a partial discharge of water at 6 (Fig. III.) or not, either the greater portion, or the whole, of the under-water, still surcharging the sand-bed, would continue to press onward iu the direction of the dip of the bed and its imper- vious cover, to beneath g, and thence to berteath k and I, the clay soil of higher elevation — and thence, under the still higher and also dry sandy land near the river, to s, the out-let in springs bursting out on the surface of the lower impervious bed. Before any drainage had been attempted, and also, and to great extent, after the former shallow and insufficient ditching, the constant upward pres- sure of the confined under-water served to keep the lower parts of the incumbent beds always damp, and very unfavorable to tillage, and to the production of the soil above, even though no water might be seen to rise, or to stand; and none was so seen in the low-grounds, except in some very few feeble and terajjorary springs, and none of these north of the line of the present main ditch. With these inconsiderable exceptions, the only water seen was that of the several streams which passed through the farm, and the rain-water which, when in excess, stood for more or less time on every low depression — and also wherever the land generally suffered from moisture, without showing any other than rain-water. Accordingly, the only aim of the earlier attempts to drain, (i. e. on the first plan,) was to collect the rain-water from the surface, and to conduct it off with the streams and their temporary rain-floods — which objects were I but imperfectly attained. The general opinion then was, (and perhaps is now,) that draining was ' only required for land where water, either stand- I ing or flowing, was visible on the surface, or j could be readily reached by shallow ditches. ! This first method of draining, in former use on this farm, was to make open ditches to carry off the permanent streams, to the lowest and then only outlet on the farm, (which was at Ji., Fig. I.) These ditches, being too narrow and shallow, very slowly carried off the rain-floods also — which then, from every heavy rain, rose above the mar- gins of all the principal ditches, and overflowed the bordering low-grounds, and sometimes the dis- tant basins, filled by refluent water from the swol- len main stream. Numerous smaller, and also open ditches, were cut wherever there appeared oozing water, or wherever rain-water collected in basins. These operated very partially and imper- fectly. The best possible operation of these small ditches, and when in their best condition, could only be to take off the surface rain, or other wa- ter, which was too much in excess to be absorbed by the earth, or retained on its surface. Such shallow ditches nowhere reached the glutted sand- bed — did not draw off any of its confined water — and could not lessen the upward pressure, and the great and general cause of wetness of the land. Yet every such ditch, at some times, served to gather and carry off a little of the injurious water, which after being drawn up from below, by insen- sible filtration, saturated the upper soil in many places; and therefore every ditch, seeming to be of some use, was supposed to be indispensable — while all of them together produced but very little benefit, and no complete drainage anywhere. Re- ference to Fig. I. will show all these numerous open ditches, which formerly were dug, and were designed to be kept open. They were dug no deeper than they were, because the need of deep draining was not then even suspected. And if the necessity had been then understood, it would have been impossible to keep ditches open to the suffi- cient draining depth. Before the next, or the second method was begun, (my first improvements by covered drains,) I was aware of the importance, (as the very foundation of any system of general drainage,) Of deepen- ing the out-let, and deepening and widening the stream-ditches leading to it. And this workwas^ soon begun — including the substitution, by new ditches, of some of the old courses that were obvi- ously and entirely wrong in their position. But it was not until in 1851, after the purchase of the adjoining Talley tract, that I was enabled to make the additional northern and lower out-let, (at Q, Fig. II.,) and thereby was permitted to begin pro- perly the third method, and the only proper plan of drainage for this land, by deepening the princi- pal ditches into the sand-bed, and thereby tapping and discharging its before confined water. But this reference is in advance of the actual proce- dure. The second method of draining attempted was by means of covered drains. These, taken from the then lowest places of discharge, at the bottoms of the nearest open stream ditches, (as at g, Fig. III.,) were extended to every wettest spot (as 6 and o) and along every oozing line and slope. These drains, designed to be covered as soon as completed, were dug as deep as their out-lets permitted, so as for them to have a slight descent — and they usually reached the glutted sand-bed, or its water forcing a way upward, at the upper end DRAINAGE . of the digging, where the sand-bed rose higher. Thus every such ditch received some of the water forced up by hydrostatic pressure, and of course every one did some good in lessening the surcharge of water, and reducing the general and pervading evil of the confined water. While much of this woric was in progress, and while finding many evidences of particular cases of upward pressure of under-water, still I had not recognized the general existence of this pressure of water from below. If knowing it in many places where no water, or only a little by slow filtration, was found, and which could not be reached by the spade, it might have been tapped by an auger-hole, and drawn up vertically into the ditcli and so con- ducted away. It was much later that good use was made of this aid. With all their defects of both plan and construction, and especially that of all the early diggings being too sliallow, the co- vered drains generally served their designed pur- poses, at least as long as they continued to operate. But, for want of sufficient depth (that being pre- vented by the then shallow out-lets, and prin- cipal open ditches,) and for other errors of con- struction, which experience enabled me to cor- rect in later operations, many of these early-made covered drains failed partially, and in some cases entirely, and were repaired, or substituted by deeper and effective drains. In Fig. II., where all the covered drains are marked, wherever two or more are very near to, or cross each other, it indicates that the first had failed, and had been substituted by another. As the deepening of the old lower part of the main ditch, and the deep digging of the new part, were in gradual progress from 1844 to 1855, and the principal tributary stream-ditches were deep- ened in proportion, every covered drain, made in later times, could have a deeper out-let, and there- fore could be sunk deeper than the older ones, and was so much the more operative, and will be so much the more durable in its operation. Reference to Fig. III. will better explain the early use and operation of the covered drains. In wet and oozy spots, as near 6, shallow open side ditches, o, had formerly served merely to take off such part of the surplus of under-water as there rose to the surface in winter and spring, or when the under-water stood higher than that level. These ditches did not reach the surface of the summer height of the water in the sand-bed, and therefore, in summer they were useless for their designed purpose. Afterwards, when a covered drain was extended from the then bottom of the old main ditch (??.) a.t g, along the dotted line from g to the old side-ditch at o, and that side-ditch also deep- ened and covered, then the new digging being sunk below the summer height of the water in the sand,- bed, operated to draw off water at all times—though still to but small depth, and with no aid from up- ward pressure of the water, as there was no con- finement of the water there. Later, when the main ditch, at h, was sunk, (first by the auger and afterwards by the spade,) low enough to tap the confined water in the sand-bed, the water, under the hydrostatic pressure, would rise with force into the ditch, and its level would be lowered in proportion in the sand-bed, and by this lower and more effectual draining of the sand- bed, all the neighboi'ing covered drains, as shallow as the one here represented, would be left dry, and become useless for their designed object of drain- ing the under-water of the sand-bed. All the covered drains which reached water in the sand-bed were dug on "the south side of the present main ditch (Fig. II.) A few which were made on the north side, (as SL, xy, and at R, Fig. II.) though deep and well constructed, reached no water, even with boring extended into the sand- bed. The reason for this will be seen hereafter. As soon as each field, or separate large portion of land, was provided with covered drains, the older open ditches were- mostly rendered superfluous and useless, and were filled with earth. The three prin- cipal streams only, (South, South-west, and West Branches,) which brought in much surface-water and rain-floods (and also mucli sand,) from high land outside cf this farm, were left in open and deepened ditches; and a few other smaller ditches were left open for full trial, which are designed to be soon converted to covered drains. These are the ditches VU, x, and ah, (Fig. II.) in West Field, and cd, or ef, or perhaps both, in South Field. The covered-drains are invisible at the surface of the earth, and of course no impediment to tillage. The stream-ditches which will remain open will be almost the only impediments, and even these obstructions will be much lessened in importance, by the sloping of their sides, and lowering of their margins. A comparison of the number of ditches formerly open, and all of which then obstructions to the passage of teams, as shown on Fig. I., and the few now open, and the still fewer to continue open, will display the great advantage gained in the mere removal of impassable obstructions to teams, and preventions to ploughing and tillage. After all the covered drains which were at first deemed essential had been constructed, on the land first occupied, I obtained, by purchase, the adjacent land, Talley's, (shown in Fig. I.) which first enabled me to give another and lower place of discharge to the waters of half of the whole farm — and also put in my possession the head sources (on the third terrace,) of sundry springs and under-ground veins, which before I could not command, nor their issues into my for- mer property. These new and important facili- ties I proceeded to put to use, as soon as my other labors permitted, by extending the main ditch, enlarged and deepened, entirely through the cen- tral low-grounds, and making the new out-let (at Q, Fig. II.,) as deep as the neighboring property would permit — and the whole ditch (1900 yards) as deep as could then be safely kept open. To obtain greater draining depth than could be done at first by the spade, the auger was used to bore through the impervious clay bottom (of the earlier excavations,) and into the glutted sand-bed, by which much of the under-water was drained upward, in advance of the later and still deeper, and much more ef- fectual excavation by the spade. All of the glut- ted sand-bed, when first exposed, or tapped, is quick-sand. And even if the first digging could have been sunk deep enough everywhere to pene- trate the quick-sand, it would not have been safe to do so at first. If then attempted to be dug into, the fluid quick-sand would flow in from the sides like water — and thus leaving the solid upper clay without support, it would fall in, and nearly fill the ditch. To prevent this evil, it was necessary at first barely to reach the quick-sand, if it could be reached by digging — and then leave it to dis- charge the before confined water through the new out-let thus afforded, until the general cleaning out of the ditches in the next spring season. Then the upper sand, previously opened, and before quick or fluid, would, by being drained, have become firm; and then a layer (of 7 or 8 inches thick,) D R A I N A^ E . could be dug out, before agaia reaching and having again to stop at the sand still quick. In this man- ner, and in successive years from 1850 to 1855, 1 gradually enlarged the whole main ditch, and deep- ened it to 6 feet generally, and to 7 at one point — reaching the quick-sand for two-thirds of the whole length of 1900 yards, and excavating the bottom into what had been quick-sand full two feet in some parts. Also the quick-sand has- been reached by deepening with the spade, for some 1000 yards length of the lower parts of the several larger tri- butary streams, and of the upper part of the main stream, which is formed by their confluence, (at ;), Fig. II.) Only at and near the old out-let of the main ditch, .4 (Fig. II.,) the depth is still less than 4 feet, and the quick-sand is not approached — because of my not being allowed to lower the dis- charge througli the adjoining and lower land. This deep ditching into the under-bed of glutted sand was the third method used for draining this land, and the only correct principle of procedure. The object had before been but partially effectea by the previous and numerous covered drains, most of which derived their supplies of water from the sand-bed below — and in most cases of the earlier works, when the sand had not been exposed to the eye, or its presence and close neighborhood then known. And as the constructing, of covered drains and the later deep digging of the principal open ditches were in progress together, for some years of the same time, and as both plans were, and still are, in operation together, their separate effects cannot be estimated with any opproach to accuracy. The actual and the necessary operation of this penetrating, for such long extent of diggings, the before confined water of the sand-bed, is to draw in as much water therefrom as can find a lower or more ready discharge by this new and lower out-let than existed before. And in proportion to this measure of relief, or the reducing the previous glut of the sand-bed, so much will be lessened the former upward pressure of the confined water, and its universal though slow discharge to the surface by insensible filtration. The lateral passage of the under-water, through the sand-bed, from be- neath the hills to the nearest new out-let into the deep ditches, is still from 600 to 1100 yards of distance — through which, the water has to force its way through fine sand, and with very slight descent. Of course, such passing of the under- water must be extremely slow. But, gradually, the small veins in the loose sand must be washed out larger at and near their out-lets, and these openings will extend higher and higher into the body of the sand-bed, and the v/ater will then flow out faster. The facility for percolation , and the con- sequent better draining operation, maybe expected to increase for years to come. But already, the pro- gress of the operation, though slow, is manifest, both in the greater general dryness and good tilth * of the soil, and also in the laying dry of some co- vered drains, and the lessening the flow of water from many others. These latter effects can only result from lower discharges having been given for the water of the sand-bed. Should the deepening of the main ditches into the sand-bed serve to keep permanently free from water 6 inches depth only of the upper layer ©f the sand, that would be enough to cut off the previous permanent supply of under-water to every older covered drain — and would prevent ail the former upward pressure of water, and its former effect of keeping all the earth above too damp. Further — by the removal of the glut of water from the few upper inches depth of the sand, so much of the sand-bed would thereby be changed from being a continual source and supply of wetness, to a sure means of dryness to all the over-lying earth and soil. For then, there being no wet earth above the sand to consti- tute an impervious bed, (as all wet earth is imper- vious to more water,) the excess of rain-water, instead of remaining in pools in every slight de- pression of the surface, will sink into and filtrate through the then pervious under-earth (even if it be clay,) to the then drained sand below, to be therein absorbed, carried down to the lower glut, and with the other water pass off to the nearest lower out-let. A layer of dry (or well drained) sand, at from 5 to 7 feet below tlie surface of level land, will as certainly keep the surface soil drained, as the same sand, if always surcharged with con- fined water, will surely make the surface-soil wet — and will render all efforts to drain the soil of but slight benefit, until the surcharge of w"ater, and its upward pressure, shall have been removed. So far, nothing has been said of the draining of the larger portion of the land, lying north of the present main ditch, (Fig. II. and IV.) And almost Hothing had been done especially for that object, except to keep open rain-ditches through all the lowest depressions of surface, and grips through the slightest depressions, and to have all this land, as elsewhere, kept in beds and alleys, (or " ridge and furrow" culture,) so as to lead off, as quickly as could be, the surface-water derived directly from rains. To these imperfect drainage operations, always formerly in use, I could devise no means of improvement, other than more perfect execu- tion of that plan. Much of the soil was of the stiff clay of medium elevation, (h to /, Fig. IV. and of green tint in Fig. I.,) all of which suffered from wetness, and yet in Avhich no practicable depth of ditching could find under-water. The causes of both these facts may be seen in the pro- file of strata exhibited in Fig. III. and IV. The water in the sand-bed, below this higher clay sur- face, k to I, had pressed upward in the same way as elsewhere, and as has already been described. And though the over-lying earth was there so much thicker, that thickness did not prevent the earth being injuriously affected, and up to its surface, by the upward pressure of the water confined below. The rain falling in excess on the surface, could not sink into the under-beds, except in dry sea- sons — (for undrained soil isthedryest of all and very dry and hard in dry seasons — ) and of course a small portion of the injurious excess of rain-water could only be drawn olf, by means of alleys, grips and rain-ditches, and slowly and imperfectly, be- cause of the almost perfectly level surface of this clay soil. The removing or lessening of the general sur- charge of water, by the later tapping the sand- bed along the -main ditch and elsewhere, has re- duced the upwai'd pressure, and consequent wet- ness of soil, on .the north side as much as on the south, though in a different mode. And the drain- ing effect of the main-ditch on the north side is the more manifest, because nothing more has there been done than had always before operated. In- deed much less is now done than formerly. For some of the former wet and impassable ditches are now but shallow and usually dry grips; and many former grips are no longer opened. A large space of this land (in River Field,) for which beds and alleys, and also sundry grips, had been heretofore deemed indispensable, has been tilled in corn this DRAINAGE / unusually wet year (1857) with flush ploughing, and without a grip or water-furrow — or there ap- pearing any indication of the want of either — the crop being tlie best ever grown on the land. By cutting off, at the main ditch, so much of the for- mer supply of under-water, probably all the for- mer upward pressure of water has been now re- moved from this land — and the upper layer of the sand-bed may already serve to drain from, instead of supplying water to, the surface soil. This ma- nifest change, and draining effect has been pro- duced generally on land of this description lying as much as half a mile from the nearest part of the main ditch, the deepening of which is the only known cause. This condition of things will serve to explain why the covered drains dug north of the main ditch have not operated to draw any un- der-water. If my views and deductions are correct, the draining effects of tapping the quick-sand bed, and reducing its surcharge of water, will increase for a long time to come. And as soon as the effect extends so as to drain the whole upper layer of the sand-bed, then all the covered drains should cease to flow — and serve only (and for that would still serve well,) in aid of surface draining, to draw and to speedily discharge, any excess of rain that may fall on the bordering land, and whicii will quickly find its way into any neighboring co- vered drains. Besides in the greater depth of draining, there has been effected, in connection with the ditches, much improvement, which it will he enough here to slightly mention. The great depth of an open stream ditch *can only be maintained by well and broadly sloping the sides — having the width of the top not less than thrice the perpendicular depth of the ditch, and the bottom as narrow as can convey the ordinary stream. To this shape most of the open ditches have been made to approach, through greater or less portions of their courses — and the work will be persevered in until all that are de- signed to be kept open shall have been brought to the shape and proportions named. When this widening of the top and sloping of the sides shall have been completed for the central and higher portion of the main ditch, then that portion of the bottom may be sunk a foot lower, so as to pene- trate to the quick-sand throughout. Already, by thus lowering the margins, and sloping the sides of the rain-ditches, (of which the bottoms usually are dry, except immediately after the fall of rain,) — and of which work, much is effected by the plough, and when ploughing to prepare for tillage — most of the length, of the rain-ditches, even now, are no longer obstructions to the passage of teams, or the running of ploughs, carts, or even the work- ing of reaping machines. In the last harvest, (of 1857,) the reaping machine safely and effec- tually cut across one of these completed and pro- perly shaped rain-ditches, along which good wheat stood within a few inches of the middle of the firm bottom. Yet this ditch formerly was a standing puddle of mire and water, 3 feet deep from the top of its then raised banks, and served to ob- struct tillage and prevent the growing of crops for full 12 feet of width, besides the damage to the tilled crops by the teams turning on both sides of the ditch. Yet the bottoms of these ditches, are now deeper than in their best original state, and are far more effective for draining than any depth could cause, if without the present lowered and sloped margins. By extending this additional improvement to all the open ditches — and mainly by ploughing, (when preparing the field for corn,) so as always to throw every furrow-slice in the direction from the ditches and grips — all the rain- ditches will hereafter be nearly obliterated, as im- pediments to tillage; and tlie obstruction of tlie larger stream-ditches will be very much lessened. Where parts of the rain-ditches are already so shaped as no longer to impede tillage (or plough- ing across, if dsired,) so much of the n)arks for such ditches are omitted on Fig. II. But after a fcv.^ more years, and of ploughings from these ditches, scarcely any of these present impediments to tillage will remain — and the now obstructing rain-ditches, though then as deep and as operative as ever, will be much less noticeable in the fields, than the marks for them now appear on the maps. The higher land, or third terrace, throughout, (Fig. I., white with yellow outlines,) which had no ditches prior to my occupancy, neverlheless re- quired, and has received, much under-draining. The injurious under-v/ater, there, was derived from higher sources than the general sand-bed. Therefore these covered drains will not be laid dry by the deepening of the main ditch, or any other now open ditches. An important improvement has latterly been made, of different character; not operating di- rectly to drain, but indirectly, by diverting or dividing the great rain-floods which came down the bed of South Branch from high and hilly lands outside of the low-grounds and the farm. This stream formerly pursued the verv circuitous course shown in Fig. I. (from T by" P and S to .^.) Since, by cutting a ditch along the boundary line of the farm, and the straiglitest course per- missible, to the eastern out-let Jl, V\g. II., about half the length of the previous passage of the wa- ter has been saved; and much injury prevented, in reducing the height of the floods of the before con- fluent streams. From this cause, added to the more important general deepening and enlarging of the main stream ditch, and its having the additional out-let at Q, in latter years it has rarely occurred that any rain-flood has overflowed a few of the lowest spots of tillage land. The changes, and the beneficial effects of the whole under-draining, both by the numerous co- vered drains, and the few later deep open ditches, though certainly very great, and also highly profi- table, cannot be estimated otherwise than gene- rally, and much on supposition. The actual and known increased production of the farm, which occurre.d. during and since these operations, is no correct measure of the benefit of draining. For — besides extensions of cultivated surface by the later purchase of very poor land, (as was all the old tilled part of Talley's,) and the gradual bring- ing under culture 26 acres of new cleared and rich forest swamp land — there were in progress other improvements, and especially that of early and general marling. How much of the subsequent and general improvement of fertility, and actual increase of crops, may be due to marling, or to better tillage, and a better rotation, including the introduction of the pea-crop for manuring — and how much is due to draining, or might have been obtained by draining alone — I cannot know, and will not hazard a conjectural estimate. But high as I place the fertilizing effects of marling, these could not have been oljtained, (nor the proper benefits of any other manures,) if on other than drained or dry soils. And except on the higher I and naturally dry ground, my marling would have I been of but little effect, without the aid of draining. 10 DRAINAGE Neither did the draining, even when most effec- tual, convert the before unproductive ground at once to a productive condition. All the naturally wet land, that had not been too v/et for the ordi- nary' mechanical operation of ploughing, had been regularly tilled, and had been reduced by cropping and wet ploughing to extreme sterility. This was the case with nearly all the' higher wet land, (marked green on Fig. I.,) and on parts of the loivest land also. After such land had been well drained, it still was so poor as to be worthless in its then condition; and even after marl had been applied, it was still very poor, and only then ren- dered capable of being well and profitably im- proved and enriched, by the further use of putres- cent or alimentary manures, aided by proper til- lage, and manuring crops. Further, the addition of more surface for crops, by the bringing in the extremely poor land later bought — and also the poorest parts of the older purchase, (at first omitted from tillage because of their extreme barrenness,)— while adding something more to the general or gross products of the farm, served to lessen, and to keep down, and still keeps down even to tliis time, the general or average rate of production to the acre — which is the much surer indication of the measure of improvement, or of its increase. For these reasons, tlie statement of for- mer and recent crops would be delusive, and lead to incorrect conclusions — in some cases making the improvement appear greater than the truth, and in others, much less. It is then with the claim for allowances for all these grounds for incorrect deductions, that the following statement of the principal grain crops will be submitted. It should be premised that the crops for the first two or three years were made on the then dryest portions of the land, and where the want of draining was then least felt. Also very early in my occu- pancy, the old ditches were all well cleaned out, (and some of them also deepened,) and the former plan of draining (by the first method,) was in its best operation. No wheat had been sown for 1844; and ray first crop, in 1845, was grown on detached pieces of the dryest and richest land that the farm offered, without regard to the order of culture, or any plan of rotation. Also I had pre- viously marled part of the ground for this first crop of wheat. All these circumstances made that crop much lai'ger than a fair average field or portion of the farm would then have yielded. It is understood that previous to my occupancy, the land (including the subsequent Talley purchase) had never yielded as much as 1000 bushels of wheat in any one year, and rarely reached to near that quantity. In my occupancy, as well as before, no guano, or other bought or transported manure, (other than marl,) has ever been applied to this land. Neither has any hired or additional labor been employed for the drainage or other improve- ments, more than the always insufficient supply of hand and team-labor, used for the tillage, cropping, and general management of the farm. CROPS OF WHEAT AND CORN MADE ON MARLBOURNE FARM. WHEAT. CORN. 1 Tears. Acres. Crop. Bushels. Average to acre. Acres. Crop Bushels. Average to acre. REMARKS. 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 134 201 235 256 263 238 267 259 255 287 333 327 351 1977 2432* 3511 5127 3375* 4595 6072 5332 4790 5830 8004 5647* 8410 14.75 11 42 15.32 20.02 12.83 19.73 22.74 20.60 18.8 20.31 24. 17.37 23.96 156 112 120 175 106 137 124 148 124 143 144 158 138 250 2830 1600* 3600 4500 3080 5431 3500 4027 5438 5097 5000 6175 ^21* 10,0001 18.14 14.28 30. 25.71 28.12 39.64 28. 27.21 43.85 33.11 34.62 39.81 24.06 40. After 1844, all the land cultivated rn corn had been marled, — and all of the wheat, after 1845. Since 1848 (inclusive) when my six-field rotation was begun, one entire field has always been under broad- cast peas, of which all the vines, and most of the grain, were ploughed under as manure for wheat. * These crops very short, owing to remarkably bad seasons, t This by estimate, as the crop is not yet gathered. Then, if putting aside the progressive rates of S reduction as a measure of the improvement by raining, there is nothing to adduce for proof, but the former and present condition of the land as to moisture and dryness, intractability and cloddiness, or pulverization and now usual better tilth and ease of ploughing and tillage. The differences in these respects, and whether with or without the knowledge of the former and recent rates of pro- duction, to any observer well acquainted with the farm both in former and the present times, would be sufficient proofs of the benefit and profit of the latter drainage, and the comparative inefficiency of the first-used plan. But to strangers, and by writing, 1 cannot offer any positive or satisfactory evidence, other than the assertion that, in all of the above recited conditions, very great improve- ment has been produced by the two better methods of under-draining — by covered drains, and by still deeper and more operative open main ditches. All the ground of the two lower levels, (severally marked blue and green. Fig. I.) and some other also of the much higher and oozy ground, formerly was always much too wet for at least half the year, and yet, most of which, in long droughts, was ex- tremely dry and hard, and very difficult to plough, and when ploughed, was generally left in hard clods. Now, (with some small exceptions,) this land is as dry as any very flat and stiff land well can be; and where longest and best drained, the soil is easily and well pulverized by ploughing, and put in beautiful condition of tilth. It is true that in some limited spaces the draining has not yet been completely effectual. Further, even where most operative, more perfect drainage might be ob- tained by super-adding the English system of " fre- quent" or " thorough draining," to remove surface water — if that very costly improvement could be NEW PLAN FOR PLOUGHING FLAT LAND. 11 afforded on our lo\v--priced lands. But with these exceptions — and speaking according to common opinion qnd understanding in regard to land and draining — every observer of this farm would now pronounce that it is %i^eU drained nearly throughout. And further — a new observer, if enlirely unac- quainted with the former condition of the land, would probably suppose that the lowest land had always been generally as dry — and had needed, for perfect drainage, only the few open stream-ditches now visible. Even these, where completely shaped, have their sides so sloped and lowered, and their bottoms so narrow, and altogether they present so little impediment to passage, that the actual depth and capacity of the open ditches would be much un- der-rated. And if the great number and extent of the concealed under-drains were made known to such new observer, he could scarcely believe that there had ever existed any necessity for their construction. But successful and profitable as has been the latter drainage, taken altogether, I have to confess that half of my labors were so injudiciously and improperly applied, as to be (to that amount,) nearly throv/n away. If the proper labors could have been given in the proper order — and beginning with the best and most important means, instead of these being the latest employed — the actual ef- fects and benefits mit,ht have been obtained in half the time, as well as with half the cost of labor that has been incurred. Much of this loss was una- voidable, because of the want, at first, of the pro- perty or the control of other land, necessary for the proper plan of drainage, v/hich has latterly been adopted. But the greater errors and losses were owing to my own want of knowledge in the beginning, both of the true causes of the then ex- isting evils, and of the proper course and means for remedy, even if these means had been then available. A KEW FLAW FOR PLOUGHTIVG FLAT LAND, W AID OF DRAINAGE. BY EDMUND HUFFIN. On the borders of the Atlantic tide-water rivers, and for more extended spaces near the mouths of these rivers, there are many and large bodies of low-land and of surfaces nearly level, or but slightly undulating. All such lands, naturally, are more or less wet and require drainage for their good tillage and production. And whether drained effectively, or ever so imperfectly, such lands, xuider culture, usually require, and have, a num- ber of open ditches, to collect and carry off the streams, and the excess of rain and surface water. Note. — In this report of a partfcular drainage operation, it has been the design and effort of the writer to make it as concise ae could be, so as to exhibit, generally, the causes of ■wetness, the means used for remedy, and the results produced. If any reader should desire more extended information on the general subject, either in reasoning as to causes, or instruc- tion and directions for the practical' labors of draining, and in various circumstances, such particular information may be found in two other of my previous writings, viz: the article " On Draining," in my published " Essays and Notes on Agri- culture" (1S55) and a report on the "Agricultural Features of Lower Virginia and North Carolina," first and recently pub- lished in De Bow's " Southern and Western Review," and since communicated, with additions, to the Virginia State Agricul- tural Society. In former publications, I have offered my views at length in regard to the proper modes of draining, and the subsequent tillage (in very wide beds,) of lands of this class — and therefore these important and main branches of the general subject need not be here discussed. Nor will either be men- tioned, except incidentally, and as necessary for explanation of the later and auxiliary improvement by the manner of ploughing, which I design now to set forth, and to recommend. Whether any field, or farm, of the flat surface in view, is drained properly or improperly, there will be many ditches running in different direc- tions Where the lands are most level (as in large spacesof interior lands of lower Virginia and North and South Carolina,) the ditches may be placed al- most anywhere, and in any direction, to operate as designed. But more generally, and especially on the borders of rivers, the surface has so many and frequent though it may be but slight undula- tions, that the open drains, for rain or surface water, must be placed precisely in the loAvest de- pressions, and directed in the courses of these de- pressions. As these latter circumstances are the mo>,t usual, and are the most difficult, I will sup- pose them to exist, when making the following re- marks. Then, in a field of this kind, we may suppose there to be many slight and mostly narrow depressions, running in various directions, betAveen the somewhat higher and very much broader in- tervals of dryer land, but still not dry enough for draining to be dispensed with. Through all these depressions, (even where there are no springs to collect, or permanent stream to vent,) there pass- open rain-ditches, which are impassable by ploughs and team's — or smaller grips, which perhaps are ploughed across, and therefore rcquirecleaning out, and almost renewing, after every ploughing of the ground. In either case, these open surface-drains, of whatever sizes, are great sources of trouble, and great impediments to tillage. Further — as the depressions are usually but very little below the level of the near adjacent ground — and the line of the ditch is not at all lower than its borders — it follows that the earth thrown out in the first digging must raise the margins — perhaps to be raised still higher by every subsequent clean- ing out of the ditch. These banks, even if spread as far as to be thrown by shovels, still raise the margins — and even if but two or three inches higher than the ground farther off from the ditch, this slight elevation seriously impairs the proper draining effect of the ditch. Further — when the ploughs have to stop and turn at the sides of the ditches, they always bring there and leave some earth on the margins — and this serves still more to counteract drainage, and to cause future labor. Such would be existing evils, even when great and unusual care is used to remove the first-raised banks of ditches, and to prevent subsequent accu- mulations of earth there. But it is much more common, and far worse, to let the ditch banks remain to raise the margins — and further, to add to them by the subsequent ploughing, (if flush,) being so ordered that every furrow-slice, cut near to the ditch, is turned towards its banks. Within the last two years, I have introduced a new manner of flush ploughing, which serves from the beginning to moderate the evils in question; and which, in the course of time, will have the best effects, in adding to the draining operation and effects of open ditches, of all kinds and sizes, and also in lessening the future labors for main- taining their proper operation. 12 NEW PLAN FOR PLOUGHING FLAT LAND. Fence — or border of another field NEW PLAN FOR PLOUGHING FLAT LAND. 13 The annexed figure, or diagram, will enable me to explain more clearly the manner of ploughing. Tlie whole space represents a field, or part of a field, which is divided by two long depressions into three irregulai'ly shaped "cuts" or divisions, D, E and F. Along the middle of the larger interior depression, there had been kept open a narrow rain ditch, of the usual shape, b, b, say 2 feet deep, and 3 wide, (and which depth was necessary,) at which the plough and teams had to turn, because of the impassable obstruction. The other and smaller depression had a grip (a, a) say 15 inches wide and lU deep, across which the ploughs passed, and which was filled and required cleaning out after every ploughing. A permanent stream ditch, c, d, is one of tiie Ijoundaries, bordered on both sides by tlie lowest ground of the field. A rain- ditch y, b, d, makes another boundary, a farm road another, and on the fourth side is a fence along side of the adjacent farm — or another field of the same farm. It is desired to plough each of these cuts in such manner as to throw every furrow-slice from the outsides, and towards the centre. It is supposed that the ditch 6, b, and the grip a, a, are in tlie best locations — that is, combining as much as possible the requisites of having the sliortest courses that can be obtained in the lowest ground. If any de- fect of location exists, it should be corrected, and the ditch or grip be made correct in position. This being done, the next thing is to mark off the ground for ploughing. The field is supposed to have been left, after the last previous tillage, either in broad beds (25 feet or more,) high enough and well-sloped — or in low and narrow beds, pre- viously designed to be ploughed flush, and to be again bedded in the progress of tilling the corn- crop. The farmer, or a careful and intelligent man, and a boy, having each one end of a strong but light cord (of strong iiemp twine) about 75 feet long, will direct the ploughman where to mark. Taking one cut, (as D,) the man walks along the outside lines, or as close thereto as the near horse of a plough-team can easily and safely walk. The boy carries the string stretched, and keeps it at right-angles to the outside line on which the man walks. The ploughman, with a small one-horse plough, or coulter, follows the track of the boy, and barely scratches the ground, 80 as to make a perceptible mark. If a larger furrow were opened, it would be an inconvenience to the main work. Thus, if beginning on the cut D, the first line laid oft', will be h, h, h, h, h, pa- rallel to, and the length of the line distant from the surrounding boundary line of the cut D. At each angle, the plough should mark a little beyond its supposed full distance, and then be lifted back to the proper place indicated by the length of the string, when stretched from the next side. The intersection of the furrows will mark the exact place for the angle. Thus each successive mark- ing will be made, parallel to and equidistant from the preceding, until the work reaches nearly to the centre. If the last circuit made (i, i, i,) does not permit the line to be again used at its full length, it should be shortened, to any less length (say 30 or 40 feet), and another and the smallest interior space (D) marked around.* Next, the plough should mark a line from each of the angles * The engraver of the diagram has made it very incorrect ^in not having the marked lines parallel to each other through- out each of the several cuts — as is described above, and as the drawing also required,— E. R. I of the inner space through the corresponding an- gles to the outer boundary, as the dotted lines are I placed. The cut is now ready to be ploughed. I The plough is first lun around the small interior i space (D) turning the slices towards the centre, ! And as the furrows in the beginning are very short, I it will be best (to save much trouble in the fre- i quent turning,) not then to use a team of more I than two horses. But as soon as the furrov/s are of j sufficient length, this temporary expedient should i be laid aside, and the larger plough and team suit- j able for the land be used. After a few furrows : are cut around the inside marked circuit, so as I to well designate the outline, then the small inte- I rior space D should be ploughed outward; or any I way will serve. The plough then resumes its pre- I vious place and course, and continues to go around, I and to turn the slices inward. The ploughman, ! in running every furrow should let the plough cut j straight and fully up to and turn at the dotted I lines. This will keep the work right at the an- j gles, in which places it would otherwise be sure ] to get out of order. But with this care, and with cutting all the furrows as straight and as equal as I every ploughman should do, the ploughing will go on as correctly as in any other mode — and with less loss of labor, and with more thorough execu- tion. More thorough, because there will be no unbroken strips left, and only covered, as in all ridge or bed-ploughing — and no unnecessary and barren water-furrows made, where of no use, as in the closing of "lands" in all flush-ploughing. Further — as the ploughman approaches within a few yards of the next marked line, and still more when nearer, he has in that a test and gauge of his previous work, and a sure guide for the next succeeding. Wherever his last cut furrows obvi- ously vary from being parallel to, or of equal dis- tance from, the surrounding and nearest mark, he has but to make the width of his subsequently cut slices to suit and remedy the defects. The dif- ferences of texture or condition of the soil, or of the C(jver of vegetable matter, will cause the plough to gain more in width in some places than in others, if no care is used to prevent. But with the guidance of the parallel lines marking the widths, and the cross-lines indicating the proper points for the angles of the furrows, it will be easy for the ploughman, (or for any number of ploughs following each other on the same cut,) to make even and equal work, and to close at the outside lines, with but little loss of labor in broken fur- rows. It is obvious that the outside boundaries, whether made by ditches, fences, or growing crops on adjacent fields, can be ploughed more nearly to, in this mode, than in any other whatever. The ploughs, and the depth of ploughing, may be of any description suitable to the soil. But, for the convenience of reference to eff'ects, I will suppose the operation and conditions to be like my own. In that, the ploughs for breaking up, whether in winter, to prepare rough or grass land for corn, or in summer, to prepare clover (or weed) land for wheat, are drawn by four mules, and usu- ally in easy ground, cut and turn slices 7 to 8 inches deep, and 12 to 14 inches wide. First, let us consider the operation of the plough- ing, in reference to its great and usually sole ob- ject, that of thoroughly breaking, loosening, sub- verting, and giving tilth to the soil, for sufficient depth, and also burying and covering the vegetable matter which stood on the previous surface. The land is supposed (like mine) to have been left (at the previous tillage,) in straight and well- 14 NEW PLAN FOR PLOUGHING PLAT LAND. shaped broad and high beds — say ^5 or 21h feet wide, and about 16 inches of difference of perpen- dicular height between the centre or crown of the bed, and the bottom of the alley. The new plough- ing will necessarily cross t!ie former ploughing, and the beds and alleys, in every variety of direc- tion. In part, the furrows will run in precisely the same direction with the beds and alleys — in part, they will cross at right-angles — and else- where, they will cross diagonally, at angles of every different size. Before trial, I feared great ditFiculties, and especially in ploughing across the beds at right-angles. But, in practice, the ditR- culties were much less than expected — and, on the whole, less than belong to any other and usual mode of ploughing. When ploughing directly across the beds, it is true that the new furrow is of very unequal depths — perhaps 10 inches at the middle of the bed, and barely 1 to 2 inches when crossing the bottoni of the deep and narrow alley. But these very diflerent depths, if something more laborious to the team, are more suitable to the re- quirements of the soil in the extremes of thick- ness, made artificially by the former bedding. The deeper ploughing under the crown of the bed is still the more beneficial, because that place had been broken but imperfectly, or not at all, by the previous ploughings, which raised the bed, and lapped the soil, without breaking it below, at the crowns of the beds. In the alleys, where the new ploughing barelyscraped, the sub-soil had generally been previously reached, in deepening the alleys; and no greater depth of ploughing was needed, inasmuch as the beds are to remain as they were before. When the new ploughing is immediately across the old beds (or at right-angles,) the beds necessarily there retaiu precisely their former po- sition, and, immediately after the new ploughing, appear even higher than before. In the alleys there was so little cutting, and so little of other earth thrown in, that there will be but little earth to clean out, to leave these beds in better shape, as well as in better tilth, than after any former ploughing. The advantages of more easily and throughly breaking the ground, and the disadvantages of throwing more of the ploughed soil into the alleys, both increase as the direction is changed to be diagonal — and from diagonal to coinciding with the direction of the alleys. There could be no- thing of this disadvantage (worth consideration) of throwing more earth into the alleys, if every fur- row was of equal depth, whether in the highest or lowest places — or at the crowns of the beds and in the alleys. In that case, wherever any part of a fur- row was opened, it would be filled by the next cut furrow-slice, of precisely equal size. But in prac- tice, the furrow-slices are not of equal thickness whether cut at the crown, or the side of the bed, and in the alley, ( — and they ought not to be equal — ) and therefore the new flush ploughing does operate slightly, to change for the worse, the previous relative positions of the beds. But this change, and damage, is less than is usually made by the careless ploughing of beds, in the same direc- tion, and whether with the design of raising and preserving the same beds, or cleaving and reversing them. After the flush ploughing described, and in every direction, the former alleys are plainly to be distinguished. And, at a proper time and condition of the land, the running of a two-horse plough up and down in each alley, will sweep out cleanly all the loosened earth that would absorb rain-water, and obstruct its discharge, and leave each bed and alley in the best designed shape and condition for surface drainage. But this opening of the alleys cannot be well done immediately after the plough- ing of each cut, -nor until rain shall have fallen, and dried off, so that the loose and turfy earth has been somewhat consolidated. In the interval be- tween the ploughing and the subsequent opening of the former alleys, t!ie only evil and danger of the plan may occur, in the fall of so much rain that it will be long befjre the then water-glutted alleys will be fit for the plough; and when, consequently, great damage will be caused by this long water- soak. ng of the earth in the alleys. Every care should be used to prevent this evil. This manner of ploughing should be used cer- tainly for every winter ploughing, (to prepare for corn,) and it may be for any other time when the farmer is sure of being able to complete any one cut, before being stopped in any part of it by hard- ness of the soil caused by drought. On this ac- count, it may be too hazardous to resort to this kind of ploughing, in summer, when " fallowing," or ploughing grass land to prepare for wheat. Except for this danger of being stopped by drought, summer would be the best time for ihe operation, as there would be then no danger of damage to the land from the occurrence of saturating and injurious rains, while the alleys were still partially choked by loose earth. So much in regard to the effects of this mode of ploughing or tilth, and as affecting the preserva- tion of the former bedding. Next I will describe the much more important effects and the main ob- ject, in aid of surface-drainage. While the plough- ing will be as cheap, and more effectual, as plough- ing merely, it will at the same time, and with no more expense, greatly aid the other and proper labors for the most effectual surface drainage. In general terms, the effect of every such plough- ing is to remove the entire surface-soil, to the depth ploughed, from the out-side towards the centre, as much as the width of the furrow-slices. The amount of earth thus removed is enormous. It is dug and removed by the cheapest possible im- plement and process — and even this labor costs nothing for draining, in as much as it is required for and compensated as necessary tillage. As each furrow-slice removed is replaced by another, there will be but very little (and unappreciable) effect in altering the general level of each cut. But the effect will be considerable, at the outside furrow, even at the first operation — and still more and more at every subsequent ploughing, so long as it ma}^ be expedient to continue the same manner of ploughing, for furthering the same object. If ttie f^urrows were cut equal, with perfect ac- curacy, the results might be exhibited to the eye and understanding with geometrical exactness and force. And this can still be done, with due allow- ances for the imperfection of practical operations compared to theory. But to some extent, practice in this case may even surpass the theory stated. For, while the latter supposes equal dimensions of furrow-slices throughout each cut, in practice, it will be quite easy to cut the i'ew outside slices of greater than the general depth, and so the more to lower the outside margin. There is another thing which will be here mentioned, which should be understood hereafter in every named operation. When a boundary line of a cut is aditch (of the usual steep and irregular sides,) the team cannot safely walk so close to the edge as to plough and turn away all the margin earth. There must be from 3 feet to 1 foot left everywhere uncut (according DRAINAGE 15 to the depth or irregularity of tlic side of the ditch) which earth will require to be dug and pulled back by hand-hoes, which thus perform what the plough cannot do at first. This hoe-'\?'ork-, being always understood, and always required in aid of any manner of ploughing, (and much less in this than any other,) need not again be referred to. And the cutting to the edge of the ditch will be supposed to be effected by the plougii, though always (for the earlier work) requiring to be finished by hand-hoes. Then the effect of the first ploughing on this plan, by a four-hors'; plough, will be to remove the whole surface-soil, for 8 inches deep, a fur- row's width, (say 14 inches) in the directions from the outside to the centre. And the outside fur- row-slice, or earth of the dimensions stated, will be removed entirely and permanently from its for- mer position — and its equivalent quantity distri- buted over the interior or central space of the cut. This operation will lower the margin of the boun- dary ditches or grips, 8 inches deep, and for a width of ]4 inches. When the like ploughing has been done on the adjoining cut, (E) and to the other side of the grip a, a, the furrow-slices would thus be removed from both sides of the old'grip, and nearly as deep. A furrow then run along its course, and back in the same track, would deepen the grip, partly fill and slope tlie borders, and thus, •while the grip would be made deeper and better for drainage, it could be less an impediment to tillage, and less liable to be entirely filled with earth by being plouglied across. When the like ploughing is subsequently repeated, another fur- row-slice is removed from the outsides of the cuts, and so much a more gentle slope is given to the grip. Then, and thereafter, the plough will be sufficient to clean the loose earth out of the grips. If more depth is desired, it can be given in closing the ordinary ploughing. And even if made of double the former depth, so wide and so gentle will be the slope of the margins, that the grip will present no serious obstacle to the crossing of ploughs, in any direction, of carts, or even of the passage, at work, of reaping machines. The same operation of lowering and sloping off the margins of the deeper rain-ditches would be proceeding in the like manner, and would only re- quire longer time to approach or perhaps reach, the same good results. Even the deepest stream ditches would be much improved, in their surface- drainage operation ; and their obstruction to tillage and to other team labors be greatly diminished. AGRICULTURAL FEATURES OF LOWER VIRGIIVIA AND IVORTH CAROLIM. BY EDMUND RUFFIM. I. General remarks. The public but slightly in- formed of the region in question, and especially with lower Morth Carolina in general. The eastern portion of North Carolina presents a large region, of remarkable features, topogra- phical, geological, and agricultural. The enclosed broad sounds, and other waters, are not less in- teresting, for their recent and great changes; and, besides, they have been the scenes of some of the minor but romantic and interesting incidents of history. Into iioanoke Sound, by the then broad open passage from the ocean, which is now dyked across by dry land, Sir Walter Raleigh's ships en- tered, and on Roanoke Island they planted the first, though but ineffectual, settlement of British colonists in America. In another portion of these now almost land-locked Avaters, there occurred many of the acts of Teache, or Blackboard, the celebrated pirate, and finally, the naval engage- ment in which he was defeated and killed. It the lands of this region were even worthless, for agri- cultural and economical uses, they would deserve and rev/ard the investigations of the exploring and laborious geologist; and if destitute of all scien- tific interest, they would deserve far more atten- tion than ever has been bestowed on them, for their peculiarities of agricultural character, and capa- bilities for high improvement and profit. Yet, there is no equal space of territory in all the States of the American Union that has been so little visited or seen by other than its residents, and of which the character and values have been so little noticed or known. It is rare that any stranger enters this terra incognita. And even of the residents of other parts of North Carolina, of the class inclined and accustomed to travel for business or pleasure, where one such has seen this portion of their own country, one hundred have visited the remote States of the North or South, or West. The region here referred to, except as to the line of sea-shore, has no exact geographical limits — or at least there is no present information upon which to designate the extreme southern and the whole western boundary. I would include all of the low-lying and very level land, which is the universal character of all the coast lands, of North Carolina, and for a breadth of two to five or more counties westward. As soon as the surface begins to lose its apparent almost perfect level, and to swell perceptibly into rising slopes, there should be placed the western or upper boundar)' of the low and flat region which is here referred to gene- rally. The same character of country extends northward to the Chesapeake bay and its lowest western affluent rivers; and how far south of North Carolina I am not sufficiently informed to say. In addition to the one universal feature of low and level surface of the highest and firmest lands, it is much intersected by narrow strips of lower and swampy but also firm ground; and, also, immense spaces are occupied by large and boggy swamps, which were"" impassable, and almost impenetrable by man, until his improvements and labors had pro- duced artificial passage-ways. This great region ati'ords sundry somewhat con- nected, but yet substantive subjects, for separate treatment. Such are the now cultivated land and its agricultural condition, and the improvements most needed — description of the great swamps, and such agricultural improvements as have been there made — the geological origin and structure of the different great classes of lands — notices of the ocean sand-beach, and the enclosed sounds, and other navigable waters, and the changes that have occurred in both, &c. Some others, or perhaps all, of these several divisions of the whole great subject may be hereafter discussed. For the pre- sent, I will confine myself to sketch the agricul- tural features, condition, wants, (and errors of culture,) and capabilities of the particular and peculiar agricultural region which lies between 16 DRAINAGE the Chesapeake bay and Hampton roads and Nan- semond river, on the north, the ocean on the east, and Albemarle sound on tlie south. On the west, the outline would include all the Dismal Swamp. But all the gryat space, and the circui^stances of that swamp proper, will be passed over now, to be resumed and considered in another and substantive article. The further extension of the western boundary would include the lower Chowan, and the basin of the lower Roanoke. The area desig- nated includes some of the oldest agricultural set- tlements and oldest towns, and'- (on the Roanoke especially) some of the richest lands on our Atlan- tic border. It is also intersected by sundry lines of public travel, and some of which (the land and water steam-lines to Norfolk) have long been used by numerous passengers. Still, all these circiim- stances do not make this particular agricultural district an exception to the general rule or condi- tion of all the great low-land region, of being un- seen, unknown, and little appreciated by strangers. Of the many thousands of travellers who visit, or pass through, Norfolk or Portsmouth, on the great routes, scarcely one ever treads the soil, except in the towns — or ever sees any of the lands of the country, except in the rapidly changing glimpses afforded from a steam-car, or the more distant and uncertain views from a steam-vessel. Princess Anne county, which reaches within three miles of Norfolk, and Norfolk county, lie wholly in the designated section; and these counties, out of the towns, are as little known to the residents of ail other parts of Virginia, as any counties west of the Alleghany mountains. Yet, within the heart of one of these counties, and within a few miles of the other, are the important towns of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and the noblest harbor, and one of the most important Government dock-yards and naval stations, of the United States. And the country has been as little appreciated as it was little known; and even by its residents, until re- cently, and by those v/ho knew it best, as well as by strangers, who had only heard it spoken of and described in the most contemptuous epithets. And, though recent improvements of prices of lands, and in fewer and more remarkable cases, of pro- ducts and profits, and still more, and longer, in some of the North Carolina counties, indicate much actual improvement and higher apprecia- tion, still very few, even of the most intelligent proprietors, are yet fully aware of the true and great wants of their lands, and their great capa- bility for improvement. Proper drainage alone would double the productive value and the profits of the whole great area of what is usually con- sidered the now dry land, and of the firm and par- tially drained swamps. In addition to the pecu- liar grounds for agricultural improvement and profit in the land itself, no known region possesses such great facilities for navigation, and for choice of markets. And, in every respect, no where is there a region where agricultural improvement is more needed, and is more available, and offers more prospective profit; and no where have the great advantages offered by Nature been more neglected, or seem to be less known. For the present, my remarks on this region will be applied especially and particularly to the por- tion lying east of Perquimons river. My personal observations did not, at first, extend farther west; and much of whatever may be here said of the country extending beyond Perquimons, and inclu- ding the lower Roanoke valley, will be on report deemed entirely reliable. II. Peculiar characters of the low-lands, in surface and qualities of soil. The most striking feature of this firm low-land region, is its very low and level surface. Large bodies, say of 1,000 acres or more together, are more uniformly level than any as large spaces of alluvial, or other bottom land, on any of the great rivers of Virginia Such bottom-land as borders the Pamunkey river, for example, might be called undulating, compared to the general greater flat- ness of the whole great region under considera- tion. The numerous smaller swamps, interspersed, (wliicli receive and conduct off the overflowing surface water,) are, usually, not much lower than the adjacent highest ground. So far as the eye would indicate, changes of level of even so much as a foot of difterence, can rarely be perceived, except in the swamps and depressions which con- vey the rivers and smaller streams, or temporary rain-floods. But changes of level which are barely perceptible to the eye, are usually made abun- dantly distinct by the gathering of water on the sliglitly depressed surfaces, which serve to make the numerous swamps of firm soil. A stranger, if travelling tlirough the country in any and different directions, might suppose that the surface of the land was nowhere higher than ten feet above ordi- nary high tide, or the usual height of the naviga- ble and level waters; but the real heights are greater than would thus appear to the eye. In the interior of Princess Anne county, at Level Green, (the farm of Edward H. Herbert, Esq.,) where the surface seems to the eye as low as any — the elevation, as determined by levelling instruments, is about twenty-one feet above tide. Still, the va- riations of surface-level are so gradual, (except as to the beds of water-courses,) that it is often diffi- cult, if not impossible, to reach any outlet for drainage of a few feet of fall, without conveying the water by a ditcli of some miles in length, and through as high, or higher ground. This feature of the surface presents the greatest impediment to the drainage of the interior lands, and especially upon the ordinary method of mere surface drain- age, by open and shallow ditches. But with all the slight undulations of surface levels, there is nothing to obstruct the view, except the standing crops and fences on the farms, and the trees on swamp or other forest lands. Except for these obstructions, any object of the size of a man, or horse, could be seen over miles of inter- vening space and distance. In all the great area now under consideration, there is not (native to the locality) a stone, or even a small pebble; and, in few cases, but a little of small gi'avel.* The soils vary, in different places, between open and light sandy loam, and very close compact gray clay (so-called;) or, perhaps, more correctly, ex- tremely close and compact soil and subsoil, com- posed mostly of the minutest particles of sand, and which, therefore, are stiffer, closer, and more in- tractable under cultivation than the finest or true clay elsewhere. Of such red and yellow clays as make many of the best soils and subsoils of the upper country, (above the falls, or among the mountains,) none are seen here. * There may be, and probably are exceptions, as higher in the tide-water region, in some coarse and imperfect sand- stone, recently formed, by ferruginous spring-water filtrating through coarse sand, and, in the course of time, cementing with a deposit of iron the before separate and loose grains of sand. There are many such recent formations of this stone. DRAINAGE 17 III. Peculiar characters of the rivers, and the many Jit for navigation. The water-'courses are numerous, and many of them are deep enough to be navigated by sea-ves- sels. In some of the smaller rivers, in parts too narrow and crooked for the ordinary small vessels to turn about or to pass each other when meeting, there is enough depth of water to float a ship. A glance at this section on a large map of North Carolina will show the great number and close neighborhood of these rivers which flow, nearly parallel to each other, into the northern side of Albemarle Sound. The lower parts of these rivers, where of widths, severally, from one to five miles, are more properly estuaries or large creeks, (in the proper sense of that word, and not as usually misapplied,) kept full by the refluent water of Al- bemarle Sound — ^just as they would be, and to nearly equal height, if there was no other supply of water from head-springs or rain-floods. But even as ascending these rivers, and after they are contracted to very narrow widths, and, as appear- ing on the map, the upper channels might be inferred to be merely shallow and insignificant streams, they are, in fact, deep, though narrow rivers, of level and slow-moving water, and con- tinuing deep almost to their visible head-sources; and otf'er good facilities for navigation to such ex- tent, in number and in length of rivers and their sundry branches, that one-half of them are super- fluous, and, therefore, are not put to use. If any obstructions exist, they are made merely by trees fallen across, and are easily removed. The whole country, and especially from Perquimons county to Currituck Sound, is pervaded by broad and deep estuaries near to the sound; and their head-waters, extending near or into the Dismal Swamp, make, with their many branches, a net-work of natural still-water canals, narrow and crooked, indeed, but as deep, as smooth, and as sluggish as artificial canals, and, free from the changes of levels and the obstruction of lock-gates, which accompany the benefits of canal navigation. Most of these rivers receive their head waters from the Dismal Swamp or other swamps. The water of all is black as seen in the rivers, and the color of brandy or Madeira wine as seen in a glass, being tiius deeply colored, as are all the swamp waters, by the vegetable extractive matters in and on the boggy swamp soils. This discoloration is not en- tirely lost in the salt tide-water of Elizabeth river, at Norfolk, nor in Currituck Sound; where nine miles wide, below the former (and now closed) Currituck inlet, which, not many years ago ad- mitted deep sea-vessels. In travelling along the public road from Eliza- beth City, North Carolina, to Currituck Court- House, within the distance of seven miles, we passed four navigable water-courses, including the Pasquotank and two of its brandies. Three of these had draw-bridges for the passage of masted sea-vessels. The fourth stream had no draw- bridge, because it was not needed in such close vicinity to others; and, also, becaus<', though this branch had abundant depth and an open channel for sea-vessels, it was so narrow and crooked that the banks and trees standing on the borders would entirely obstruct the masts and yards. Such great and numerous natural facilities for navigation, as in the many rivers of this region, are unequalled; and they are exceedeil by the aid of art, only in the canal navigation of the Dutch Netherlands. IV. General want of drainage and of proper views on the subject. C Level as is the general surface, and slight the variations of height, m adjacent spaces of all the peninsula between the waters of the Chesapeake and Albemarle, still there are frequent slight changes; and these, more than great changes else- where, are marked by consequent differences of character. Every farm of a few hundred acres has some of its surface of swamp, and usually un- drained. What is called high or dry land is, in- deed, the highest and dryest, but mostly still and always suffering more or less for want of sufficient drainage. The parts which may be only from two to three feet lower than the neighboring highest surfaces, are, because of the depression only, swamps of wet though firm ground. These swamps are very generally of firm soil, and the boggy swamps are of entirely different materials and formation. In all this flat country there are very few springs showing at the surface, and but rarely any springy or oozy places. The water and the wetness of the numerous smaller swamps are due entirely to rains. On the higher spots, or larger high spaces, the early settlements were all made, and tillage has there been continued, with but little respite, to this time. The intermixed lower lands, or smaller swamps, were deemed worthless, and their culture was rarely attempted until within recent times. Yet, even with the imperfect superficial drainage which only is in use, these swamp lands are found to be best, and of fertility rarely exceeded anywhere. Some of this firm swamp, in Perquimons, of which Mr. J. T. Granberry's estate in part is composed, and which but lately has been drained or brought un- der cultivation, he bought lately, at |55 the acre, unreclaimed. A highly intelligent neighbor told me that he remembered when the same land could not have been sold for 75 cents the acre, and was deemed of no value whatever for tillage. The soils and also the subsoils vary in texture from moderately light to extremely stiff, close, impervious (now) to the descent of water, and re- markably intractable under tillage, and almost always either too wet or too dry for good plough- ing, even under good farmers. Under the worst cultivators such soils are sometimes mud or mire, and sometimes of clods almost as hard as brick- bats. These soils are general or common in Per- quimons only. Yet, on good farms, of this very difficult soil, there are seen the best (and excel- lent) crops of wheat, and other best crops, of all the counties on the sound. The greatest drainage labors and most of the best farmers and best cul- tivation are also in that county; yet even there, and though many of the ditches are of great size and the drainage labors are remarkable for their extent and cost, still, almost every where, the tilled land is but partially and insufficiently drained. On much the larger portion, perhaps nineteen- twentieths of all the cultivated and even highest surface of the whole region, the drainage is much worse and still more insufficient. V. The true principle of drainage for this region and the geological facts on ichich the principle is founded. The great error of the method of drainage, general in all this region, is that the drains or ditches are designed, and only operate, to draw the superfluous and, therefore, injurious rain-water from and over the surface. The principle 1 would propose to substitute, is to draw off (and keep drawn off) the water which is in excess, some feet below and up to the surface, and by thus removing the before constant saturation or glut of the lower 18 DRAINAGE . earth, to permit tlie excess of falling rain to sink into the lower earth, and thence pass off below instead of being kept on and near the surface, as now and heretofore, until it either can flow ofi' on the surface to ditches, or is evaporated. Both the existing error and the evil eliects and also the benefit of the proposed substituted plan are de- pendent; on the geological structure of the land, and especially of its inferior beds. But, in ad- vance of all description and reasoning as to the causes of the supposed existing phenomena and of tracmg the effects in reference to draining, I will simply assume the truih of the great and all-im- portant fact on which my plan and reasoning are founded. 'J'his fact is, that the whole of this low and flat country, at some few feet below the sur- face, (within the extreme limits of from 2 to 8 feet, and more generally from 3 to 5 feet,) has underlying it a bed of pure sand which, at least in all wet seasons, is glutted with water from its bottom to its top. This fact is unquestionable, and may be tested easily by every proprietor. But I have to infer, from the geological structure of the region and on reasoning, which would re- quire too much space to state here, the further fact, that this underlying bed of water-glutted saud is nearly horizontal, but, like the overlying earth and its surface, has a gentle and general dip or declination toward the seacoast, or in a southeasterly direction. As to the general presence of the sand-bed, it is proved by every well that is dug, and not only here, but in much higher localities of the tide- water region. In the higher country, and at higher levels of surface, the sand-bed lies deeper; and also, there, generally, its upper part is dry, (or without water,) though, by digging deeper, the lower sand, there also, is always found filled (but not surcharged) with water. A like bed of sand underlies most, or all of the bottom or low land, along the rivers in the higher tide-water counties in Virginia; and, as I infer from but limited per- sonal observations, such sand, with much more regularity of position and operation, underlies the whole superficial lajers of the great low-land re- gion here under consideration. But in these low- lands, the sand-bed is naturally always glutted with water, which water is a source supplying moisture to the overlying earth, and also, by be- ing already as full of water as it can be; the glutted sand-bed is an effectual barrier to the de- scent of more rain-water from the surface of the land. This sand-bed is, therefore, the great cause of the existing wetness of the upper beds, and surface soil, and the reason why the usual surface- draining is so imperfect in operation. And the same feature offers the manner and means for effectual drainage. Of course, very few particular facts, and in narrow spaces, have been learned from my own personal observations in this low country. But I had previously discovered the underlying and also water glutted sand-bed, (concealed from all pre- vious knowledge, as a general fact,) below the broad bottom lands of my own farm on the Pamun- key river, (in Hanover county, Virginia,) and had long studied its effects; and in reference to it, had devised, and conducted successfully, extensive draining labors. At first, I had supposed this re- markable and then newly discovered feature to be peculiar to the particular locality of my own farm; but in the progress of my draining opera- tions, and the necessary study of the whole sub- ject, and the true principles of drainage, I came to infer, that the same feature, of an underlying sand-bed, belongs to the whole of the lands of our great tide-water region, and that this sand-bed, where dipping lowest, and glutted with water, was the great cause of the evil of excessive wet- ness of the lowlying soils above. I felt so confi- dent of the correctness of my deductions, that it induced me at the first time of leisure, to visit the region in question, to seek and to find the facts to confirm and to sustain my theoretical views. And before my first visit to this country, I offered to a friend, residmg therein, advice for the proper drainage of his farm (by seeking for and tapping the glutted sand-bed,) which he acted upon to some extent, and found therein the precise effects and all the benefit that could have been expected from his limited first operations on this new principle. To obtain numerous evidences of the very gene- ral existence and position of the sand-bed, it was not required for me to dig or bore into the under beds, or even to see the surface of every locality. Every farm house is supplied with water by one or more wells, and these numerous, previously, and long used wells, go far to supply all the facts required. Whether the sand-bed exists, and near enough to the surface to effect its natural drainage, may be learned usually from inquiries about the wells, their depths, and the causes of the varying quantities of their supply of water. From even but a few such examples, and applying thereto my general views derived from practice and experience of draining in far distant localities, I was confirmed in the general opinions previously formed, in ad- vanceof all personal observation. The conclusions thus reached, and for which I will proceed to argue for the conviction of others, may be thus stated; that nearly all the higher and firm, as well as the lower lands, lying between the Chesapeake and Albemarle Sound, are rendered and kept too wet, not (as universally alleged,) because the soils or their under beds are of too close texture to per- mit the superfluous rain-water to siptk, and so be discharged by percolation; but because the under- lying sand-bed is already surcharged with water, and by its supplying moisture upward, rsnders the moist earth incapable of drinking up more water from above. In the upper and middle ranges of the tide-water counties of Virginia, the reaching the sand-bed, and its being dry when reached, are essential con- ditions to the construction of a good ice-house — the dry sand bottom serving immediately to absorb, and convey away, by downward filtration, all the water formed by the melting of the ice. This is the operation of the principle of drainage of the higher beds, by the agency of a dry (or drained) upper layer of the sand-bed below. It is also es- sential to the utility of every well, that it should be sunk through the upper and dry layer (if there be such) of the sand-bed, and into the water- glutted lower part, for the purpose of its furnish- ing a permanent supply of water. And if, as gene- rally in the flat low country, the sand-bed is full of water to its top, (unless after long droughts,) and is so surcharged that the water is pressed up- ward , then , in wells there dug, not only would water be obtained as soon as the sand-bed was reached, but the water would rise still higher, and even near to the surface of the land in very wet seasons. Thus, every well in this low country may afford evidence of the existence, height, and character of the sand-bed at its top, and also the height to which water will rise therefrom, and how near the surface of the land the upper bed must be in- DRAINAGE . 19 juriously affected by tlie vvaler glut below, and whether permanently, or but for the times of wet- test seasons. Hence, it follows, that little as has heretofore been noticed, or thought of, in regard to these important facts, and the more important deductions from them, and few as are the residents who have thought at all on these particular points, it is only necessary for farmers and thinking men to reflect upon, and apply the facts they already know, to be assured of the true principle and me- thod of drainage for their land, which will now be more fully explained and argued. VI. The underlying sand-bed and its opposite opera- tions in regard to draining. Whether the underlying sand is of one continuous bed connected throughout, or broken, or separated, is not important. It is enough that it is general, and nowhere known to be wanting. Neitlier is its general thickness known, nor is its bottom but rarely accessible or known. But it is certain that this sand-bed lies upon some lower bed, impenetra- ble to water from above; and which bed, in many known cases, is marl. But whatever may be the lower bed or its texture, the sand-bed itself, however open and loose in texture, if already glutted with water, is incapable of receiving more. Therefore, there is no layer of earth so impenetrable by wa- ter, as any earth, and even sand, already full of water; and, in less degree, all dampness or mois- ture of the underlying bed of earth is so much im- pediment to the reception of rain-water from above. The following rough figure will serve to exhibit a profile or section of the supposed strata of the low- lands; but to render the differences of level appa- rent to the eye, it is necessary greatly to increase the thickness of the strata, and the rate of their dip, in the figure, exceeding the natural and actual conditions. S. E. N. W. Suppose this figure to represent the surface soil, (a 6,) and also the inferior beds, all dipping very gradually, (and very much less than in the figure,) from northwest to southeast, or in the direction from the falls of the rivers towards the ocean. The finely dotted line, c d, indicates the horizontal level. The upper bed, next below the surface soil (1,) let us first suppose here to be clayey, or of close texture, and not readily permeable by water. The next below is the sand-bed, which is wholly glutted with water, or partly dry (at top,) accord- ing to its level, or dip, or the variable supply of water, and its manner of discharge. The next bed, (3,) is of marl, or other impermeable earth, or otherwise, from its constant wetness, incapable of receiving more water from above. Now, of all the excess of rain-water that falls on the whole surface of the tide-water region, (as everywhere else,) part flows off over the surface of the land, and of that which remains, part is sooner or later evaporated, and part sinks as low as it can be admitted into, or absorbed by the lower earth. The greater discharge of rain-wa- ter by its flowing off will be on hilly surfaces, and soils of close and com|)act texture. The greater discharge by downward percolation, or filtration, will be on the most sandy or porous earth, (if dry before and to enough depth, and the more so if on level surfaces. Whatever water is not t'aken off by these two modes, can be removed only by eva- poration, and until so removed, the remaining ex- cess of water must saturate the soil, if not cover it in part, in stagnant pools, and, for the time, de- stroy its productive power, and prevent all proper tillage labors. Every transient occurrence of such wet condition must be injurious to tillage lands, and the frequent occurrence of such conditions, even if each one be transient, is enough to render even rich arable land of very little value. Of the rain-water that falls on the higher lands (at and above «,) and that sinks into the earth below, and which is too much to be held absorbed by the next beds, (1,) the excess must sink still lower, and go to supply or to surcharge the sand- bed (2,) below. And all the water in that bed, whether filling it wholly, or only its lower portion, would be slowly but continually pressing laterally in the direction of the dip, (towards e.) to seek (and find, ultimately,) a long delayed discharge in the lower channels of rivers. Although the beds of earth may be nearly horizontal, the slightest degree of their general dipping must induce the operation stated. Thus, the supply of water to glut the sand-bed is not only increased by rain- water fallen immediately above, and over porous upper beds, (at 1,) but also another and continuous supply is pressing on laterally, derived from higher levels of the sand-bed (2,) and from rains that fell many miles distant, on the higher country. And therefore, while the upper layer of the sand-bed in the higher country, (or temporarily in the lower country,) may be left dry, (as represented above the level of the dotted line at c,) at the lower level of the same sand-bed, and at the same time, it will be necessarily surcharged with water, which, not finding sufficient discharge in its gra- dualand slow descent along the dip of the bed, presses with all the weight of its higher-lying water in every direction, and not only downward and laterally, but also upward. This is evident even to the eye. For if the water received partly on a higher and distant surface, (near to and also far north westward of a,) serves to keep the water in the sand-bed no higher (at any one time) than the horizontal line at c, it will still fill the Avhole depth of the sand-bed as descending farther east- ward. As the sand-bed dips, the water confined therein (by the higher bed being but lightly per- meable,) would be pressed by the weight of the higher and remote water (rising to c,) and, by a well known law of hydrostatics, would rise as high as the line c, if having an upward vent. And pre- cisely such a vent is afforded by a well, sunk at lo, in which the water reached in the sand-bed (2) will rise to the level of d c, or as high as may there be the then height of the supply of water near to c. Thus, in nearly every well in this low-land re- gion, the water usually rises above the sand-bed which yielded the water; and after great falls of rain, or long continued wetness of the earth, the water supplied by percolation only, and mainly from a distance, rises much higher than usual, and, in some cases, to within one or two feet of the surface of the land. 20 DRAINAGE So far, for more clear explanation, it has been supposed that the higher bed, (1.) was more or less impervious, and so served to confine in the lower sand-bed its water, and greatly to resist and im- pede its escape by upward discharge. But if, as is more general, the higher bed (1) is of texture permeable to water, that difference does not mate- rially vary the circumstances as to the need and manner of draining. A pervious upper bed will absorb more freely and speedily all the water that hydrostatic pressure would force upward, so as to leave much less visible results of such pressure in particular places, as in wells and deep ditches. But in either case there would be the same gene- ral evil to the upper earth and surface soil, of moisture derived from below; and the same remedy "required, of discharging the injurious supply of water, by tapping its reservoir below. To whatever height the water (proceeding from the sand-bed) can rise in the unobstructed passage afforded by a well, (or an auger hole, bored for trial,) to the same height must there exist the force to raise the water, though more slowly, by filtration, but by the same hydrostatic pressure in all the neighboring ground. The bed of earth lying over the glutted sand may be so close (in its moist condition) as lo be impervious to the descent of rain-water, from the surface, wliich would act only by the pressure of gravity. But scarcely any earth is close enough to prevent the absorption of water, pressed upward by the much stronger force acting on the water confined below. Therefore, even when the sand-bed may be as low as six or eight feet below the surface, and a bed of unusu- ally close texture between, the confined water may be so strongly pressed upward as to reach within two feet of the surface. In such cases injurious moisture will rise still higher, by capillary attrac- tion, and more evidently over sandy than a close sub-soil or under-bed. It is owing to this condi- tion of things, that many spaces, without showing any standing or flowing, or even the slightest oozing water, either at the surface or in shallow ditches, are always damp and cold, produce only aquatic grasses or weeds, and exhibit every indica- tion of wetness except the actual and usual pre- sence of water. But after every rain, and even light rains, water will stand in puddles on such places, if level, even though the soil and sub-soil are sandy and open. For moist sand is soon filled by water to repletion, and wet sand will hold water on its surface like a dish. Thus, I infer that the whole of this low land is underlaid by a sand-bed, glutted with water to its top, and which sand-bed is generally so near the surface soil as to affect it injuriously by water from below. But even if this confined water lay too low to affect the surface earth directly, it would do it indirectly, by preventing the rain-water from sinking, and its excess being discharged by down- ward percolation. If the sand-bed below were dry, or always free from water for its upper twelve inches only, (as near c,) that upper layer of dry sand would serve as natural under-draining for all the upper earth. Such is the condition of things under the excellent and dry low grounds of Bran- don, on James river; and such is inferred to be the case with all the similar low lands, which, though level and of stiff soil, require but little draining labors, and can dispense with all under-draining. The upper layer of the universal sand-bed, being there dry, is always ready to receive and to dis- charge below all water smkingfrom above. Thus these fine lands are under-drained by nature. And the only reason why that general under-drainage is not perfect in operation, and ample for all wants of tlie land, is that this dry sand is many feet (10 to 14) below the surface of the land, and the in- tervening beds are of clayey and compact texture. Even these impediments would not prevent the surface being generally and perfectly dry, if with- out any artificial drainage. But the natural drain- ing process is too slow, and therefore the aid of some surface ditches are there needed to pass off more quickly the temporary rain-floods. But when, instead of the upper sand being dry, and so serving to drain the upper beds, the whole sand-bed is full of water, and that water is pressed upward, then all the upper beds are kept more or less wet-or moist, and are thereby rendered unable to receive any more rain-water from above by fil- tration or percolation. The stiffest and closest clay, when dry, is full of minute fissures; if no moister than usual at some feet below a dry sur- face, such clay will absorb water from above, and slowly pass, any excess, by percolation to an ab- sorbent or receiving bed below. But earth made wet or moist by water forced upward from below, whether it be close clay or loose and coarse sand, can receive no more from above, and all excess of rain-water left there in pools must remain until evaporated. We may best estimate the enormity of this evil, of the wet earth below preventing the rain-water from sinking, by the condition of the level wood- land still remaining in a state of nature and with- out any aid from ditches. On such land, in wet seasons and usually in every winter and spring, the excess of rain-water remains and covers most of the surface, and in many cases for weeks or months together. This is universally ascribed by the proprietors and neighbors to the soil or its under-earth being too stiff and close to permit the descent of water; and this is held even where the upper bed is open and light enough for any purpose. Now let us proceed to examine the actual remedy or the drainage plan in general use, and its ef- fects, and next the different principle of drainage and method which 1 propose. VII. The usual and general plaii of draining and its radical defects. The actual plan or system of draining which is in general and approved use in this region is very uniform in the general principle and features, and also very simple. It consists in digging numerous ditches, mostly shallow and small, merely for the purpose of collecting therein and conveying from the field so much of the excess of rain-water as will flow over the surface. These ditches are at various distances, according to the greater or less excess of wetness of the land, and they are of va- rious degrees of imperfect effect, according to their number and depth. But on no farm is this mode of ditching effectual for drainage, and on a few only has it ever approached that desired end, where the ditches were much deeper than usual and great labor has been bestowed, though on an erroneous system. The numerous swamps, so-called, or spaces, either broad or narrow, a little more depressed or level than the adjacent ground, serve to afford ground for outlets in deep and large ditches acting as main water-carriers through these swamps to some one of the numerous rivers or deep creeks with which the whole counti^y is intersected. Some of these deep and main discharging ditches may severally receive the waters from two or three different farms and properties, and extend for DRAINAGE. 21 miles before reacliiiig the final outlet. Still, bji combined effort for the common benefit, these longest ditches may be made ciieaply enough for their object, and may be made deep enough to suit for any system of drainage. Supposing that a proper outlet has been secured through which to discharge the water into the river, then each farmer next proceeds to dig the receiving smaller ditches to collect the excess of rain-water from the field. In most cases the farms are so level that the ditches may be laid off in al- most any direction, and usually they are made to coincide with the cardinal points of the compass, or otherwise made parallel with, or perpendicular to some road or other straight and long outline of the field. As the most laborious, and also the most perfect draining on this plan, and on the stiffest soil, is seen in Perquimons county, the ope- rations there will be held especially in view in the following description: In beginning a large drainage operation, or in renewing and substituting a former irregular and imperfect laying off, the main ditch of the field or farm is first dug to discharge into some common main water-carrier, or other deep outlet. But so uniform is the general level and shape of surface, that the required main drtch can usually be made straight, and to agree, in the preferred manner, with the other smaller ditches, and with the direc- tion of the ploughing. Into the "main" and decf)est ditch, (usually 3 to 4 feet deep,) and at right-angles to it, and 1,000 feet apart, the pa- rallel "leading" ditches enter, which are 2 to 3 feet deep. Then crossing the last, and parallel to the main ditch, and 150 feet apart, (on some farms, only 125 feet,) are dug narrow "tap-ditches," 18 or 20 inches deep, and which empty, at both ends, into the "leading ditches." The land is tilled in five feet beds, laid off parallel with the smallest or tap ditches. Still, all these ditches, with the nar- row beds and their alleys, (on water-furrows,) are deemed insufficient to carry off the excess of rain- water, without the further aid of "hoe-furrows," which are opened first by a plough, and afterwards cleaned out by hand-hoes after every ploughing of the field, because every ploughing (or horse-tillage) fills them. These "hoe-furrows" are made across the narrow beds, at irregular distances of from 18 to 25 yards and empty into the tap ditches. A " hoe- furrow" is made to pass through every slightest cross-depression, and wherever else deemed most necessary. Thus the alleys of the five feet beds first receive the surplus and overflowing rain-water; and so much thereof as can flow off over a level, or nearly level surface, passes out of the open ends of the alleys (from both ends) into the leading ditches, or across the beds along the hoe-furrows into the tap-ditches, and thence to the leading ditches. From the latter the water passes into the broader, and deeper, main ditch, and from it to the common outlet of the farm. The hoe-fur- rows (or grips) are a little deeper than the alleys of the five feet beds. The alleys may be 6 or 7 inches below the crowns of the beds. This plan is, on some farms varied by the leading ditches running parallel to the main ditches; but the num- ber of ditches and furrows, and the spaces between, are not varied. The object of this plan, and the only possible operation of it, is to draw off the excess of rain- water mainly over the surface; and even with ail these numerous ditches and furrows, on perfectly level land, no water can flow ofl" until it has satu- rated the soil, or stands above it in numerous little shallow pools; and if the field is under tillage, and has been deeply ploughed, all the ploughed layer will suck up as much rain-water as it can retain, before any surplus will begin to flow off over the surface, or, by lateral and horizontal percolation, to ooze out from the soft soil into the lower fur- rows and ditches. Such draining at best only begins to remove the injurious excess of water from the soil, after it has effected all the damage it can do for the time. It is true that every hour of the continuance of the water would greatly increase the first damage of the saturated soil, and that continuance the numerous drains serve to cut short and reduce, in time and in evil effect. Some of the main ditches in Perquimons are of much greater depth and of unnecessary width at the bottom, (which should always be narrow, no matter how wide at top. and how deep a ditch may be.) Mr. J. T. Cranberry's main ditch is 7 to 8 feet deep; and, though without its being so designed, this ditch reached the sand-bed and tapped its glut of waier. This great depth had been sought only for the different purpose of hav- ing a sufficient vent for the great quantity of sur- face water to be discharged from the field. This system cuts up every field, by spade-dug ditches, into separate spaces of little more than three and a half acres each. Then bridges are required at suitable crossing places over every main and leading ditch, and also over every tap- ditch when they are crossed by a farm load or a temporary track for hauling in a crop. As many other rough wooden structures are required to give passage to water and to exclude hogs where ever a fence crosses the tap or other ditches. The la- bor necessary to dig and keep open all these ditches, with all the other accompaniments and the in- creased labor of tillage, &c., among these open ditches, must be enormous. It would not be much more costly, and would return much more nett profit, to adopt, instead, the modern English sys- tem of deep and covered underdraining — which system, after all, is but the drainage of surface- water, derived from rains, by downward filtration, and as soon as may be effected after the rain has fallen on the surface in excess. This plan of draining by numerous ditches sepa- rating and surrounding small rectangular spaces was first used on the low (embanked marsh) rice- lands of South Carolina, where it was not incon- venient for tillage, inasmuch as no ploughing or other team-labor was practicable on the soft and miry soil. Thence the same system was trans- ferred to much of the high and firm land under cotton culture, but which needed some attention to drainage. Such ditching was practiced as late as 1843, on much land in Charleston district which scarcely needed a ditch (dug by the spade) any where. But there, while these frequent ditches were deemed indispensable by many planters, they were also deemed so great an impediment to the plough that that implement was excluded there- from, and these fields were cultivated by hand- labor entirely. In Perquimons, full use is made of the plough despite of the many obstructing ditches. And it has not been very long since cross-ploughing also was in use among these many ditches — the corn rows being laid off' and ploughed across as well as lengthwise of the long and nar- row rectangles. Of course the culture then must have been flat or without beds and intervening al- leys, preserved throughout the year's tillage, as since and now. VIII. Evidences or illustrations of the existing inju- 22 DRAINAGE riesfrom superfluous water, and of the proper means Jer relief. The plan or principle on which I would propose to drain the lands of this low country is very dif- ferent from what has heretofore been unusually aimed at, and, but partially effected. Instead of removing the excess of water by passing it off over the surface through numerous shallow and open tap-ditches, I would, by a few deep and mostly covered drains, tap the glutted sand-bed below, and thus, as much as practicable, lessen or entirely abate the previous upward pressure and direction of the confined water, and thereby relieving the upper bed of earth of its present supply of mois- ture from below, make it dry and permeable, and so permit, for the future, the excess of rain-water to sink into the drained upper bed, and be thus drawn off by percolation to the still lower sand- bed, (then empty enough at top to receive such temporary additions,) and thence the water to pass along the dip of the sand-bed, and far beneath the surface of the land, to the nearest deep stream or other place of discharge. It is admitted that, except as to my own li- mited operations and experience, on a single farm, (Marlbourne,) there is almost no such practical proof of the effects here anticipated in regard to this great low-land region, of which so little is well known to me. But recent, and few, and limited as have been my means for personal ex- amination and investigation in this region, there can be little doubt of the general existence of the one important natural feature on which my plan and reasoning rest, viz: the under-lying and water- glutted sand-bed, having a general, very slight, continuous dip. If this is the general and natural condition of the land, and if it is a sufficient cause for its present wetness, then it follows that the true principle of drainage, which sound theory wotild direct, is to draw the water from the bottom, and not from the top, as is the only function of shallow ditches. It may be, in some few localities, that the glutted sand-bed lies too low to be reached by ditches without too great labor and expense. But even such objections to the practical opera- tions will not invalidate the correctness of the theory. And such good objections to practice probably exist in but f^ew cases of limited localities. It is manifest, to the least consideration, that the usual and universally approved plan and procedure cannot drain this land. As to the moisture infil- trating from the glut below, or driven upward by hydrostatic pressure, or drawn still higher and diffused as mere dampness by capillary attraction, it is obvious that this moisture Cannot be lessened by any number of ditches in the upper earth. As to the excess of rain-water, when remaining sepa- rate on the surface, some of it will flow off in shallow ditches. But none will so pass off, from a level surface until the excess of w^ater stands in small pools. Nor can any of the surplus water escape by filtrating laterally through the soil until the soil or upper earth has drunk up more rain- water than it can retain. These conditions of extremely wet earth, (and the more if of recentlj' and deeply ploughed land,) must exist before the present system of drainage can even begin to act, and must still remain in force after the ditches have ceased to draw from the land that portion of the water which cannot be held absorbed. All the still remaining water, (and enough for the time to convei't tilled soil to mire,) will be removed only by evaporation, as none can sink into the earth below in its present and uaual wet state caused by the glut of water in the sand-bed, and the moisture always rising therefrom. The best farmers seeing the imperfect operation of this plan of drauiing, have sought the desired improvement in digging all their ditches deeper than usual. But, unless such deepening reached and tapped the sand-bed, the deeper ditches could not gather any water from below, and could con- vey no more from the surface of the land than would be done by shallower ditches in somewhat longer time. IX. The upper beds alwaijs permeable if drained. But even if it be conceded to my argument that the sand-bed could be tapped, and the previous up- per layer of its water be drawn off and kept per- manently lowered, it would still be denied by most of the farmers that the rain-water can then sink through the earth. This denial would be founded on the supposed impervious texture of the inter- vening bed of eartli. This belief of the under earth being impermeable to water is not only gene- ral in Perquimons, (and with much color of truth there.) where the upper earth is extremely close and stiff, and in some places eight feet or more in thickness, but also in Princess Anne and Norfolk counties, where the soil and under earth are abun- dantly porous, and not generally more than four feet thick. Further, the immense quantity of rain-water which remains long, and covers much of the sur- face on the fore«t land in its natural condition, and which water passes off where ditches have been dug, makes it seem incredible that even half of all this water could sink through the earth below. It is also a prevailing belief that there is more rain in this region than general. I presume that no more rain falls from the clouds-, but as very little of the excess of rain-water sinks into the earth, (because of its wetness below,) there is far more of the sur- plus rain-water to be removed and discharged by ditches than in other localities. In some of the nearly as level but higher lands of parts of South- ampton and Surry, in Virginia, sc-.nrely a ditch is required, and there is no evil of rain-water re- maining on the surface. T!.:ie, in furnishing a pervious soil and sub-soil and dry underbeds, nature has effectually under-drained such lands, and in so doing has enabled most of the surplus rain-water to disappear by downward filtration. The great quantity of rain-water in the low-lands which passes off in the ditches is owing to the small absorb- ing power of the always wet lower earth, and, in less degree, of the upper also. X. Examples of the effects of the true principle of drainage, in both arlijicial and natural operations. Though there has been very little practice in this region on the plan of tapping and drawing off the confined water of the inferior sand-bed, and almost none by design, there still have been some such operations, and with marked beneficial re- sults. Mr. J. T. Granberry, in Perquimons, and Mr. E. H. Herbert, in Princess Anne, tapped the water of the sand-bed when they anticipated no- thing of the important effect, and merely designed to make unusuallj' large and deep ditches. Mr. W. Sayre, then of Norfolk county, acting on my general views and advice, given to him before I had seen his land, or even any part of the region in question, sought foi' and found the wet sand-bed at four to five feet deep, and to which no ditch on his farm, or near to it, had before penetrated. He deepened the greater length of his general out- side ditch to the sand, and found great increased draining benefit therefrom in the single year which DRAINAGE 23 he afterwards continued to own and reside on the [ farm. One of the effects could scarcely be mis- : taken. In the summer after the first opening of this deep encircling ditch to the sand-bed, the well, half a mile distant from the ditch, ceased to sup- ply water, and continued thus nearly dry until in the following winter. This well, (or another very close by,) had always before, and as far back as known, yielded water abundantly, and through the dryest seasons. The subsequent and lonfj failure must have been caused by the cutting oil, by the deep outside ditch, the supply to the well of water from the sand-bed. It is difficult to appreciate such slow and gradual effects, or to know always to what particular causes to ascribe them. Such eflects from this mode of drainage may be slowly j increasing for years before reaching their max- j imum of beneficial operation. I But on this principle there are many other and great drainage operations which nature has ex- ecuted, and which show the beneficial results that are here promised. Every river or smaller deep water channel in this low-land is, in effect, a deep drain cut into the glutted sand-bed, and which cut or tapping has been operating to draw off" the neighboring confined water, and to prevent its up- ward pressure so far as circumstances permitted. Along the sides of every river and deep branch, the bordering lands, for half a mile or more in breadth, are much drier than any other adjacent lands of equal elevation and like surface. This is the case in Durant's Neck, where the land is very level, and also lower than is usual for the firmest soil. This is the long peninsula of good land lying petween Perquimons and Little river, and extend- ing to Albemarle Sound. The depressed shore of a river does not serve the better to drain bordering land because the river is a mile or more in width. A covered drain, having but a four-inch pipe or passage for water, if serving to reduce and convey away all the excess of under-water, and to prevent its pre- vious upward pressure, and so leave the upper layer of the sand-bed dry, would, for draining ef- fect, serve all the purposes of the widest river of no greater draining depth. If the natural depres- sion for the river's passage serves to drain by lateral percolation half a mile width of the bor- dering land, a deep artificial drain sunk a foot or two into the sand-bed, and whether open or co- vered, may be expected to do as much. And if so, deep parallel drains a mile apart perhaps might drain the intermediate land. And such drains, even if ten feet deep and covered, would still be made and kept at less cost than the never-ceasing trouble of the numerous shallow and open ditches in- Perquimons. But in most other places, as Prin- cess Anne and Norfolk counties, the glutted sand- bed is not usually more than four feet below the surface, and drains sunk into the sand, and if four or even eight of them to the mile of width or cross-distance, would not be very costly, and could scarcely fail of their object. XI. Draining vertically by bore-holes. Where the water is closely confined in the sand- bed by the compact texture of the wet overlying earth, and the upward pressure of the confined water is considerable, (because of the quantity, or height, or weight of the water at the higher sources,) a portion of the water may be drawn higher than the top of the sand-bed by the use of the auger. As in most of the wells the water rises to more or less height above the top of the sand, so it would rise as high in holes bored by an inch- auger. And if the main or discharging ditches were sunk but a few inches lower, then the water could be thus drawn up in holes bored in such ditch, the water rising through the boring would continue to flow off along the bottom of the ditch. In such cases, the holes, if found operative, should be bored every thirty to fifty yards in a new ditch, as some will not act at all. Each such bore, when acting to bring up a continued stream, is an artifi- cial "boiling spring." And if there is sufficient quantity and force of the water thus rising, there is no more reason why the artificial boiling spring shall be obstructed and its flow stopped than a natural one. XII. The presence of quicksand both as an impedi- ment or an aid to effectual draining. It was by such borings (commenced for a very different object) that I first discovered the general existence and the properties of the water-glutted sand-bed on my own farm, and by them drew up and passed ofl" water in considerable quantity be- fore my main ditch had been sunk within two feet of the sand-bed. But if it is practicable and safe to go deeper with the spade, this vertical draining, in open ditches, should be but a temporary expe- dient, as it was in my own case. If the water wall rise, say two feet in such bore-holes, to the then bottom of an open ditch, it will operate partially to reduce the glut of water below and prevent so much of its upward pressure. But the reduction will not be of any water that cannot force its pas- sage so high. The greatest value of the fact of tiius draining up water by boring, is the sure indi- cation it affords of the still greater success of a future deeper digging of the ditch. If water thus rises to the height of two feet, it will rise with much more force and longer continuance if the ditch is sunk deeper and the water has so nauch less height to rise. If by still later and deeper digging the ditch is sunk into the sand, then there will no longer be vertical or boiling springs, but, { instead, water oozing or flowing in laterally from I the upper sand and along the whole line of such ': digging. Of course, and the more if the sand is very fine, such continuous opening is better than any number of auger-holes, even if the bores should always continue open and discharging. The inability to execuie, at once, so extensive and costly an operation, compelled me to deepen my main ditch at different times and in several successive years. But there is another reason for such gradual deepening, which will probably be found to operate in all diggings into the sand-bed in this low country. It is most likely that this water-glutted bed is everywhere a "quick-sand," almost semi-fluid, and which, as soon as dug into, will flow in from the sides ar.d fill with sand the deeper excavation. And if the digging is per- sisted in it will cause caving or falling in of the solid and dry upper margins of the ditch, so that any effectual or permanent deepening at that time will be impracticable. If quick-sand is the greatest impediment to continued and successful deepening of the digging, its presence is also the surest proof of the necessity for the work and the best surety for its final and complete success. Quick-sand is nothing but a very pure and loose sand of which all the interstices are glutted with water. There is no coherence of the different particles of such sand, and the water contained therein is nearly as much in bulk as the solid matter of the sand itself, and when drained and passing off the water is con- tinually renewed by lateral supply from more or less remote and higher sources. Hence quick-sand M DRAINAGE is setni-fluid, and flows in almost as freely as wa- ter, fills every lower cavity of an open ditch, and is like to enter every crevice of the filling material of a covered drain, and finally to choke the nar- row conduit. Nothing can be worse than quick- sand to oppose the immediate and complete exca- ' vation of a ditch, whether to be covered or left open. But delay and time afford the remedy. When quick-sand is reached the digging should at first go no deeper than its surface, or no deeper ; into the sand than may be without causing da- mage. Then the oefore confined water, which rendered the sand "quick" or semi-fluid, will find [ a discharge into the ditch. The previous upward pressure will be removed. Later, the water will subside, leaving free the upper sand, thus drained into the ditch, and as low as the level of the dis- j charge. In a year after the first operation, the i then bottom of the ditch will no longer be of , quick-sand, as at first, but will have become firm, [ and may then be deepened some six or eight inches more, before reaching what is still quick-sand \ below. Thus so much deeper and fuller discharge j is given to the water, and so much more of the quantity removed, that thereby another layer of the then highest quick-sand is gradually converted to dryer and firm sand, and which may also be subsequently taken out safely by the spade. In this manner, and easily, and with best effects, I have, in three successive years, gained two feet of depth below the original surface of a bad quick- sand, in which at first I could not keep open the shallowest permanent passage. If all the glutted sand-bed of the low country (as inferred) is also of quick-sand, in like manner it may at first be barely tapped by ditching, and afterwards, and gradually, be dug into deeper, until all the inju- rious excess of under-water has been reduced and removed. XIII. Tests by u^hich to judge, in advance, of the expediency or success of desired draining operations, and illustrations of effects. Such is my view of the cause of the general wetness of this low-land, region, and such the pro- posed remed)'. If the principle is sound, and the deductions true, it is enough for my argument, and also for very extensive applications of the theory in practice. But it is not for me, slightly informfed of particular facts and localities as I am by per- sonal observation, to offer particular directions for practical operations, or to state the natural and various conditions of different localities, which may either invite or discourage and forbid efforts to drain by means of reaching the deep-seated sources of the injurious waters. In many or most localities of this great low-land region the pro- posed means may be used both cheaply and pro- fitably. In others, owing to the greater depth of digging necessary, the operation, though equally sure of success, might be of more cost than profit. Every judicious farmer acquainted with the local details can best determine as to the applicability of my general plan to his own farm and vicinity. But there are certain indications and preliminary tests of the need for and probable success of such undertakings, which each farmer should consult in advance. These will now be mentioned. The shallow wells on every farm will have shown whether a sand-bed has been reached, whether its being tapped brought up water, and at what height above the sand, if any, the water stands permanently, and how much higher after winter, or the wettest seasons. These facts would serre to show how high the water may be drawn up by borings, and how much below that height it may be sunk by deep ditching. Thus, any depth of ditching below the highest temporary rising of the water, in wells or bore-holes, would do so j>ie good in draining off" or reducing the glut below, and its upward pressure, though such benefit might be but for the wettest seasons. But the deeper the digging the greater would be the reduction of the hurtful excess of water. And the remedy would not be complete, until the main ditches were sunk into the sand-bed, so as to take off' from the adja- cent ground, all the former upward pressure of the under-water, and also render the upper layer of the sand-bed dry, and therefore capable of freely imbibing new supplies of rain-water infil- trated from above. Next, as to the assumed permeability to water of the upper bed of earth. It has been admitted that the upper beds, even if of the most sandy and loose texture, if full of water below, are imper- meable to more water standing on the surface. But if such wet earth be deprived of all super- fluous moisture, (as by any proper draining,) then, what was impervious before, may become as per- vious as desirable. Every one has observed such change in clay, when dug into, and the sides and bottom of the excavation left exposed to a drying atmosphere. Of course, such extent of drying, and the consequent great opening of fissures, is not to be looked for under the covering earth. But in long droughts, earth not aff'ected by under- water, will become as dry as dust for four feet or more below the surface. This is often seen in the digging of graves in summer; while in that dry condition there must be formed innumerable small pores and fissures, caused by contraction, in the most compact earth, through which water would freely sink, and in great quantity, and as low as the earth had thus dried, and fissures been formed. And these fissures could not be again entirely closed by wetness and expansion of the earth, so as to exclude all percolation of water. It is not for me to assert that there will be enough of these fissures, and reaching to sufficient depth, to serve to carry down by percolation all the ex- cess of rain-water, even when gradually falling on the earth. But there can be no question that water will be so absorbed, and conveyed away in great quantity, in a soil with under-beds thus drained, when the same earth, before beingdrained, would have been incapable of absorbing any wa- ter below the quickly saturated surface soil. For the good effect and success of the plan of draining Ihe earth from below, it is not necessary that all or even a large proportion of the water in the sand-bed shall be so drained off". It may be that the bed is twenty feet thick. However thick the bed, its being full of water and sur- charged, (proved by the water pressing upward,) shows that the supply of water from the higher parts of the country is greater than the sand-bed has openings for its lateral discharge. Thus, sup- pose the whole natural discharge of the sand-bed, into rivers and other outlets, and by evaporation, to be in volume, as 19, and the supply of water from rains, and from the more elevated and dis- tant parts of the bed, to be as 20, then it is seen that the excess of supply of 1 part can only be removed by being forced upward through the earth. This is the water that operates injuriously, di- rectly, by causing wetness to the under-earth, and indirectly, by preventing the excess of rain-water from being discharged by sinking. Then, if by tapping the sand-bed, this twentieth part of the- DRAINAGE 25 water only is removed, the whole upward pres- sure, and the surcharge is prevented. But further, if by deeper draining the still full (hut not then overgorged) sand-bed has its water drawn off and lowered only one foot of its 20 or more of sup- posed depth, that upper foot of sand, thus made dry, will serve as under-drnining (or absorbent) material for all the upper earth, and may receive and continually pass off" all the surplus rain-water that may thereafter fall on the surface. Such is the fortunate natural condition of the best low- ground farms on the lower James river before adverted to — best, not so much for their great na- tural fertility, and good constitution, valuable as these are, as because they are thus under-drained by nature. The upper layer of the sand-bed un- der these lands, is always dry for some feet down. This dry layer, though some twelve feet or more below earth of clayey texture, is the true cause of the usual dry condition of those soils. And although the wells reach water in abundance at a few feet lower in the sand, that water has no up- ward pressure, and cannot damage the higher beds of earth and soil. In these cases the natural means for the lateral discharge of water from the sand-bed, (in its high level,) are greater than needed for the quantity supplied. Therefore, the higher layer of the sand-bed is Icept free from wa- ter, and always ready to receive, and convey still lower, any new and temporary supply from the upper beds and soil. If, on the contrary, the ave- rage supply of water had ever so little exceeded the means for average discharge; this upper layer of sand would have been always over-gorged with water, and the surface would suffer with wetness, as do the low-lands on the Pamunlcey river, and all this great low-land region here under consi- deration. Though wet earth is perfectly impervious to the entrance and passage by percolation of more wa- ter from the surface, (pressing downward, and by its own weight only,) I doubt whether any earth in the tide-water region is impervious. If pre- viously drained, at least, none such has occurred in my extensive draining labors and experience. Much soil is made more impervious by having been ploughed or tilled when wet. This operation ap- proaches, in effect, to what is called ''ptiddling," or kneading wet clay, or loam, which is done for the purpose of closing all the pores, and making the earth impervious to water. Such, in the greatest perfection, is the working of clay for pot- tery, and in less degree, for making tiles and bricks. Hence it is that deep and proper plough- ing, introduced on land before often ploughed wet, and always sliallow, has well-known draining ef- fect, because the "puddled" and impervious pan IS broken up, and the rain-water then permitted to sink through the natural fissures of the lower earth. NOTE. It was after the whole of this article had been written that I saw (Ma}', ISoTi in the city of Charleston, South Carolina, the best exemplification, and practical proof, of the soundness of the views expressed above. Under the city, and also, (as in- ferred from a superficial and hasty glance,) under all the higher ground of the whole neighboring country, there lies the bed of sand as described above. The top of the sand is gene- rally within three feet of the surface of the higher and firm ground on which the city is built. As deep in this sand as to the level of 20 inches above low tide mark, excavations were then in progress, in which were to be constructed large cul- verts, designed to carry away, with the drained water, the filth of the city. These deep culverts were in and across the higher parts of the site of Charleston, and extending on a level from the. tide-water of one river to the other. The greatest depth was 14 feet — and more than 10 feet in some D places in the sand-bed, and rarely less than 7 feet. The sand was wet to its top ; and a little below, it was quick, and becom- ing more and more fluid, and yielding more and more water as opened, to the bottom of tlie excavation. Water was usually reached at the depth of three feet l)elow the surface of the street. In the street fire-wells, the water usually stood still higher. I saw one, just before it was drawn off, and laid dry b.v the new and deeper digging for the culvert, in which the water stood within IS inches of the surface of tlie ground. No digging for agricultural draining could have been afforded of one-fourth this depth into the quick-sand — nor could any works for agricultural objects and profits, only, have been coniplsted speedily, and at such great expense of labor and other appliances. Therefore, no mere agricultural drainage operations could have offered such full and satisfactory evi- dences of the correctness of my theoretical views, as did then, and will still more hereafter, this great city work, of which drainage was but a secondary object, and a mean sought to be used, (in the collected spring-water, held back, for a time, by flood gates,) to wash and float off to the rivers, the soluble and other putrescent filth of the city The ditch, opened to lay the culvert in, was 10 feet wide, with perpendicular siiies As soon as the excavation reached the uppi-r quick-sand, a nar- row trench only was then dug along the middle, and kept deepest by the strong force of as many laborers as could have room to work. This central and narrow trench served to drain the sand which was then left on the sides — and by being thus made dry, it became almost immediately firm — and in a few hours this former quick-sand could be easily removed by shovels. But before entirely removing this layer of sand to the outer limit of the designed excavation, the farther caving in, (from without the limits) was prevented by driving down a close shield of thick boards, placed vertically, and with their lower edges sharpened. These boards were sup- ported, and kept in their designed direction, by a strong frame- work of timbers, stretching across the entire width of the ditch. These sharpened boards were driven downward as the excavation was lowered, and were always kept a little below the still fluid surface of the sand, and which would cave in, if not at first held up by this strong and continuous barrier. After thus securing the sides, and removing the sand through a course of some two feet thick, then another like narrow trench would be dug, and by its aid, anotjier layer of quick- sand would be first drained, and then thrown out. In this manner, the designed level for the bottom would be reached, and therefore the culvert (of arched and well cemented brick- work, laid on a floor of plank,) was constructed, and, for each portion, completed very soon after the excavation had been begun. Thus, by great expense of labor, and of mechanical supports and other appliances, this work, for each short dis- tance, might be completed, and made secure, in a day, which, if for agricultural draining, might have required, (in the ne- cessary intermissions of labor,) years for completion, and to be sunk onlv one-third as much depth into quick-sand. But though the depth of this great work, for the draining and cleansing of a city, can never be imitated, or even ap- proached in depth, in the country, or for agricultural profits, it is not therefore the less in proof of the correctness of my previous views of the natural features which cause the gene- ral wetness of the low country, and the proper and efficient means for, and the true principle of drainage for such lands, ff And, in advance of the completion of this work, and of all manifest draining results thereof, I will venture to predict that these results will be such as must be inferred from my reason- ing stated above, and that these results will be evident for all the ground witliin half a mile, or perhaps much more, from the lines of the draining culverts. XIV. Some of the farming praclices of the low- lands — Defects and proposed improvfments — Rotations of crops — Peafalloui, and narrow, and broad-bed tillage. In my hasty journeys through this country, thoucch diligently engaged in taking general and superficial views, I had but little opportunity to observe extensively, or to examine the details of farming. Therefore, nothing like minute descrip- tion will be attempted, and only general remarks offered on some of the most striking advantages and capabilities of the lands, and defects of their culture. The early settlements were made on the dryest places, and on most of these, tillage has been continued almost incessantly, from the first set- tlement to recent, or to the present time. Under such treatment, and with the necessary, or at least certain and frequent wet ploughing of land, always too wei in winter and spring, it is surpris- 26 DRAINAGE . ing that fields so abused have not become poorer than they are. 1 saw none that were so unpro- ductive as the poorest fields of the higher tide- water counties in Virginia, which have not been marled or limed, or as all such most exhausted lands were before marling and liming were begun; and wherever the formerly most reduced lands have latterly been occupied by good farmers, they have been greatly and rapidly improved. Sundry such cases are to be seen, and especially in Per- quimons county. The oldest tilled lands are here referred to. The greatest recent improvements have been the bringing under culture the exten- sive firm swamp lands which have lost little or nothing of their original and great fertility. On the farms of Messrs. Francis Nixon and J. T. Granberry, I saw the manner in which these swamp lands are brought under cultivation. The large trees, not needed for timber or fuel are beited and so killed. The heavy forest growth is mostly of gum, poplar, oak, and large swamp pine, (used for naval timber,) some of the latter of great size. The smaller growth is cut down more than once, and mostly dies. The land is used for grazing, until the roots are enough rotted to permit ditching and ploughing. This will be in about five years after the belting of the trees. Then the principal ditches are dug on the plan before described, and as they are to remain, ex- cept that when encountering a very large tree in the route, the ditch is there curved around the tree. The next spring, (or before) the smaller ditches are also cut, and the land ploughed and planted in corn. There is no marl in this region, except at a few exposures of small extent — or rather, the marl lies too deep to be accessible. Some marl has been excavated and used in Princess Anne. There are extensive Indian banks of mussel-skells on the borders of the Chowan river; and in Currituck, an Indian bank of oyster-shells stretches almost continuously for forty miles- along the eastern margin of the sound. There are also in shallow waters of the sounds immense beds of oyster- shells, in the places where the animals lived, be- fore being killed by the water becoming fresh. So there is no want of material for calcareous manuring, independent of the supplies of lime and ^of shells, available from the waters of the Chesa- peake. Some of the Indian bank shells have been used, and more lime, and to good effect, as re- ported, and better than ought to be expected on land not well drained. Next after supplying the first necessity, draining, liming would be especially beneficial to all the lands of this region. Besides other reasons, and bencfitsto be gained, lime applied on the new and rich lands would serve the better to preserve their fertility; and, on the poorest lands, it will enable the most speedy and complete ac- quiring of fertility. But the best effects from lime can be counted on only on land previously well drained, or, otherwise, not needing draining. The great crop of the Nojcth Carolina counties is corn. Next to this, and especially in Perqui- mons, is wheat. These two are the only great crops for market. The lands generally, if not suffering much from wetness, produce corn well. On the new clearings of firm swamp lands, ditched well on the ordinary plan, fifty bushels to the acre may be made. I saw a small field of wheat in Princess Anne, (where that crop is rarely at- tempted, and never on large spaces,) and several large fields in Perquimons, that in growth equalled ■what I had just before seen on some of the best lands on James river. There is no better land for the growth of wheat than the soils of close and medium texture here. But the imperfect draining of the fields must prevent the product and quality of the grain being in proportion to the growth of straw; and, moreover, the humid air of the whole region, (caused mainly by the general want of draining, and the consequent great evaporation from the earth,) makes the wheat crops more liable to be diseased with rust. It was with much surprise, some years ago, that I heard that the best and largest crops of wheat in Perquimons, and in some other parts of this region, were still reaped by the sickle, or reap- hook. This primitive mode of harvesting, which is older than the days of the patriarch Jacob, and which formerly was general in the United States, as it still is in Kurope, 1 had supposed had every- where, in this country, been substituted by the more expeditious scythe and cradle, if not by the still more modern reaping machine. And when first informed of the ancient usage remaining here, I had erroneously inferred that il. indicated very slow progress in agricultural knowledge and im- provement. But, when on my visit, while finding this practice far more extended than my previous idea of it, I also heard reasons in its defence, which seem to maintain its good economy. Nei- ther is this practice confined to small crops. The best farmers and largest v;heat growers, who sometimes make crops of more than five thousand bushels, reap them with the sickle. I knew that, by this mode, there may be avoided much of the great waste of wheat that is usually made by cradling; but had supposed that the slower opera- tion of the sickle, and the high prices of harvest labor, and the scarcity of laborers at any price, had caused this implement to be abandoned every- where in the United States, except for spots of rank and tangled wheat, or on steep hill-sides. Even for these latter circumstances, in which the proper use of the sickle would always be prefera- ble, I have not been able to resort to it, because none of our laborers are now accustomed to it, and they would make awkward and very slow work. But in this district, the regular use of the sickle has never been abaiidoned, or suspended, and, therefore, the laborers are expert; and in a heavy growth of wheat, a good hand, with the I sickle, can reap more wheat than he could, on the j same ground, with the cradle, besides saving much 1 more of what is cut down. The difference of ! waste will more than pay the diffierence of amount j of labor and greater expense through a crop. I Further, by using the sickle, and cutting as high \ as can be to save the wheat, most of the tall straw is left standing as stubble in the field, which is the cheapest, and as good a disposition as can be made of it for manviring the land, and makes a vast saving of labor in the hauling, threshing, and stacking, compared to the handling of all the greater length of straw, as usually cut by the scythe and cradle, or by a reaping machine. But, if admitting that the reaping of a heavy growth of wheat by the sickle is preferable, still, in a merely agricultural country it could not be done, for want of the additional force of hands which this process certainly requires. But in the pecu- liar condition of this district, this objection does not apply. There is so great a number of la- borers employed in cutting timber, and in the fisheries, that there are enough, for the higher wages of harvest, to supply the then extraordinary demand for labor on every wheat farm. DRAINAGE 27 Light growths of wheat are often reaped by- cradling; and where both modes are thus in use together, the more extensive use of the sickle is, in itself, good evidence of the heavy crops of wheat raised here by good farmers, and on good land. Perquimons has generally siiff soil, and is much the best wheat producing part of this region, (not including the Roanoke bottom.) In Pasquo- tank the lands are also good, but lighter, and better for corn. Those of Camden and Currituck are inferior in value of soil and agricultural products, and also as to improved farming. Currituck, espe- cially, is so intersected by navigable waters, and bounded by the sound and the ocean, that the labors or pursuits of the residents are all more or less connected with the water and its products. Except corn and wheat, there is scarcely a crop of large culture raised for market in the North Carolina counties. Cotton, which is so universally and extensively cultivated in the nearest higher counties of North Carolina, and even to some extent in those of Virginia, is not attempted here, as a crop, for market. The general prevalence of wet soil is a sufficient cause for the absence of this crop. Oats, and especially hay, would be good crops for this humid climate and soil. But neither is raised for market, and hay scarcely at all, the fodder and shucks of corn serving in the place of hay, as everywhere in our corn-growing country. Yet vessel loads of coarse and mean hay, from the northern States, are continually brought here for the use of the towns, and for the teams of the lumberers working in the swamp forests. There is no better country for grass east of the mountains. On the farm of Edward H. Herbert, Esq., Princess Anne, on a large space, and elsewhere in Norfolk county, in small lots, 1 sav,^ dry meadows of or- chard grass and clover that would have been deemed good for the best grass districts, and which well attested both the fertility and good drainage of the fields on which these crops grew. In the counties in Virginia, where near to Nor- folk, and with easy access by the regular steamers to the great northern cities, "truck" farming, or cultivating green vegetables and fruit for sale, is the sole business on sundry of the most valuable farms, and it enters more or less into the culture of many others. This business is carried on ex- clusively, largely, and successfully in Norfolk county, on river farms only, and within a few miles of the wharves. The limitation to these localities is compelled, first, because of the necessary ready access to the steam-vessels, and also because it is only in close neighborhood to a considerable town that numerous laborers can be hired whenever wanted for gathering vegetables and fruits, which requires, rarely, many hands, and for short and uncertain lengths of time. This kind of farming is the most perfect in all its operations, the most costly in money and labor, and the most produc- tive, not only in the gross returns, but in nett pro- fit, and, as reported, it is the only kind of farming in the county that is well conducted. It is not long since this "truck farming" has been estab- lished on any thing like its present important posi- tion; and in that time, the lands near Norfolk and Portsmouth, suitable forthis business, and so used, have increased, in market value and price, from 500 to 1,000 per cent. This market gardening, or "truck-farming," in these large operations, is a peculiar and remarka- ble branch of agriculture, which well deserves thorough examination, and more full report, than this slight notice. It is an important and admira- ble kind of what in England is called "high farm- ing," requiring great expenses, but returning so much the larger profits. Compared to nearly all other farming of the surrounding and neighbor- ing lands, the "truck" farms appear like an oasis in a desert. The quantity and the cost of manures applied on these farms, and the magnitude of other expenses, and still more the great returns of pro- ducts and profits would be astonishing, if not ap- pear incredible, to a stranger. Still, this business is the most laborious employment of a proprietor, exacting unceasing attention, care, and anxiety, for every hour. Nothing short of untiring indus- try, care, and also good judgment, can attain suc- cess and its great rewards; and even all these will not always prevent heavy losses. The business is precarious, and subject to gieat changes and hazards, and losses, which no industry or care can guard against. A single severe frost, at an un- usual time, may destroy a valuable crop, for which all the expenses have been incurred, except for the gathering and shipping; and which loss may reduce the nett receipts expected by thousands of dollars. In the Virginia counties, the required drainage and culture are of much easier execution than in Perquimons, and yet both are more negligently performed. No where does there seem to be any regular system of rotation of crops. This essen- tial part of good farming is neglected everywhere by poor and bad farmers. The most energetic and successful cultivators and improvers here have been so much occupied in the heavy labors of clearing and draining their new and rich swamp lands, that they had no opportunity to use any re- gular rotation of crops. This is a sufficient reason as to the newly cleared lands, for which, for some years, regul'ar rotation would not be required, and would even be improper. But this circumstance and the continued additions of new surface to the tilled land should not prevent the older and poorer land being kept under a proper rotation, or at least under a proper succession of crops. And the neglect is the more reprehensible and strange, inas- much as the farmers of this region possess peculiar facilities for rotations, in the pea-crop, and a cli- mate admirably adapted to its growth. The li- mited territory on which both the pea and the wheat crop can grow well, (the one suiting so well to prepare for and aid the growth of the other,) I deem the most favored of all agricultural regions. Still more strange appeared to me the general neglect of peas as a manuring crop in this region, from some of the best farmers of which 1 obtained most of my early practical instruction as to this particular value of the pea-crop. Yet this great means for improvement, on most farms, seems to be but little used or appreciated. It is true, that peas are planted, as a secondary crop, in every field of corn, and the returns are highly valued. But this pea-crop, except so much as is gathered for seed or for sale, is generally eaten on the ground by the hogs designed for slaughter, (greatly indeed for benefit in that respect,) so that very little of the crop, except the roots and stems, go to manure the land. I heard of no separate crops of broad-cast peas, (or "pea-fallow,") to prepare and manure for a succeeding wheat crop, the most valuable use to which the pea-crop can be applied. It is a frequent practice here for the land in corn (and secondary peas) not to be sown in wheat the autumn of the same year, (as is usual in Virginia,) but for the field to remain until the autumn of the following year, and then to be sown in wheat. 28 DRAINAGE This practice leaves the field idle and useless all the spring and summer, when in that time it mig,ht be sown m peas, and bring a manuring and cleans- ing crop to precede tlie wlieal, without any loss of time or of land. Tliis is a regular part of my own established rotation, and, as supposed, its best feature, though my more northern position and shorter warm season render the pea-crop much less productive and beneficial than in this more favored region. Still more than this omission, another is common and as reprehensible. Wheat, in some cases, is made to follow wheat in two successive years. If, in such cases, there was merely inter- posed between these two crops a broad-cast crop of peas, (for which there is plenty of growing time,) that addition only would serve to substitute a cleansing, enriching, and judicious succession of crops, for one that is inexcusable and abominable. Clover is made on most of the good farms of Per- quimous, and used as a preparing (or fallow) crop for wheat. With the superior facilities for the best growth of peas, if I were farming in this re- gion, 1 should much prefer pea-fallow to clover- fallow to precede wheat. The reason offered for the total omission of pea- fallow is the |;reat and engrossing tillage labors required for the great crops of corn, and also for the wheat harvest, both of which occur with and include the very time in wliich the land for broad- cast peas should be ploughed and sov* n. This is true, and a sufficient reason, if it is necessary to plant in corn as much land as the laboring force can cultivate. But it would be much better to secure the great benefit of a manuring pea-crop to precede wheat, by the (temporary) sacrifice of omitting to plant as much corn as would release enough labor for the additional pea-crop. This sacrifice was a necessary incident of my own change (in 1848) of the five-shift rotation, without pea-fallow, to the six-shift, with one entire field under broad-cast peas. The fields of both corn and wheat, by this change, were reduced, severally, to five-sixths of their previous size. Yet the vvhf at crops have continued since to increase, on the general average, and to exceed more and more the previous entire product, and so have the corn- crops, except in the first year only of the reduced extent of cultivation. Yet the advantages of ma- nuring by the pea-crop in my locality ayd climate are very inferior to those of this region of North Carolina. While the many firm swamps remained gene- rally under forest, these lands afforded excellent "range" for live-stock, or a great quantity of food, especially for cattle and hogs. But this be- nefit, (if it was one,) has almost ceased in the best cultivated parts of the counties on the sound. Such is Durant's Neck, the narrow and level and very low peninsula which stretches for twelve miles between Perquimons and Li'.tle river to Albemarle sound. This land, being but a few miles wide anywhere, and bounded nearly around by these deep waters, is in consequence better drained, na- turally, than the interior lands, and is very pro- ductive. Nearly all this " neck" is enclosed, and an unusually large proportion of the wliole is un- der tillage, and there is scarcely any unenclosed forest or waste land for ranging live stock, and none that affords any grazing profit. I know no place where it would be so profitable to dispense with fences, as is done by mutual agreement, by the proprietors of three several neighborhoods in Prince George county. Virginia, each including from 4,U00 to 8,000 acres, and making from 10 to 15 farms and separate properties. If the cultiva- tors of Durant's Neck would do the like they would only have to make one short and straight fence to enclose all their fine farms, and save all the cost of their present useless fences. Yet every farm and field is now separately fenced in, and some oi the proprietors have no n)aterials for fencing, and buy, and transport from a distance, all their rails. This locality, more strongly than any other, shows the absurdity of our fence Jaws, and also the strength and Jong vitality of old. habits and opinions, when the former good reasons for them liave long ceased to exist. If the live- stock were reduced in numbers to one-fourth, and these were well kept, by being herded within the farms, one cow would yield as much profit as four do now. And when the grazing stocks were so lessened in number there would be much surplus grass left to manure the pasture or other land. While three-fourttis of all the present fencing might be dispensed with, the other fourth would serve to make a sufficient pasture enclosure for every farm. For nothing in geometry, is more clearly demonstrable than the proposition that it will require greatly less length of enclosure to fence in the cattle of any well cleared and settled section of country, than to fence in all tlie fields and crops to protect them from the cattle if left at large. One-fourth of the present fencing in Du- rant's Ne".k would suffice not only to make on every farm a proper pasture enclosure, but also the general and joint barrier fence against all other people's stock. Most of the farmers in Prince George, who have joined in these arrange- ments, if not situated on the border, have no fence except the pens in which to confine the animals at night. But this extreme course is not true economy. In Princess Anne, there still remains so much uncleared and swamp land, that the leaving cat- tle to range at large is deemed very profitable to the owners, and perhaps, in general, it is there, more an offset to the expenses of fences, under our fence law, than in any other courity of lower Virginia. The open swamps bear reeds in great quantity, which afford abundant and excellent food for cattle through winter and summer. There are herds of cattle that have become wild, and are made use of when wanted for beef, only by being hunted and shot. These wild cattle would be very profitable to their owners, as they require neither food nor attention, except that they are as much at the disposal of every other person who may be inclined to shoot and steal them. It becomes a slight observer of a newly seen agricultural district of novel and peculiar cliarac- ter, to be diffident of his own opinions thereon, and more especially, when they are in opposition to those of the judicious and experienced resident farmers. One of such subjects I will mention, though without any view of urging the superior value of my opinions and practice, in this respect on my friends in this region, who unanimously and strongly protested against them, at least for their lands. Their experience of facts, in contradic- tion, certainly deserves more to be respected than my theoretical views as to this region, even though they have been sustained by the results of my own practice and experience elsewhere. As stated before, the tillage generally, and on the best managed farms, is in narrow beds (five feet,) for corn, and the same size is preserved for wheat. The beds are reversed for every crop, DRAINAGE . 29 both of corn and wheat. I v/ill not here repeat my objections to tiiis narrow bed tillage, nor my reasons for preferring (where any are necessary) beds of twenty-five or more feet in width. These views have been stated and argued at length in dilierent former publications. (The latest and fullest articles on tillage in broad beds, and also on draining in general, are in "Essays and Notes on Agriculture," 1855.) I will onl}' say liere, that all tiie reasons for preparing wide beds for low and flat lands generally, apply with greater force to the lands of this region, and especially in Per- quimous, because they are of more regular level, and with fewer alternations of slight depressions and elevations, than any other low-lands within my knowledge. The best farmers here, with whom I have argued this question, object on various grounds to my broad-beds, but especially, because their frequent cross "hoe-furrows" are deemed indispensable, and if the broad and higlier beds, and their deeper alleys were in use, the "hoe- furrows" would have to be made still deeper, and require more labor to dig, and to renew after every ploughing or horse-tillage, and be even in- convenient for the ploughs to cross. This objec- tion would be valid, if indeed it would be neces- sary (with the broad-beds, and deeper alleys) to retain the hoe-furrows; but this necessity 1 doubt. For with so much higher beds and deeper alleys between them, on land scarcely varying from a level, or from a regular and gentle slope, 1 think that the deeper alleys would substitute liie hoe- furrows, and render them superfluous, except where a cross depression of surface required a particular cross grip. In my own practice, on the Pamunkey flats, the surface is much more irregular, yet there are no grips kept across the bed?, except along the cross depressions. If the inequalities of surface level were as rare as on the Perquimons lands, my cross grips would be fewer and less necessary than they are. But if my plan of broad-beds would suit this region, there might still be added thereto another improvement, which t commenced using in 1855, and which has been continued since on the Marl- bourne farm, with increasing confidence and ap- proval. Without taking time here to describe and recommend the operation in general on the dif- ferent circumstances of my own farm and prac- tice, I will merely apply the plan to the present existing divisions and ditches of the Perquimons lands.* We will suppose that these present ditches are all necessary and proper to be retained — though such is not my opinion, if a different system of drainage were in use. Then suppose merely the change that each of the rectangular enclosed spaces of 150 feet wide, instead of being, as now, in thirty beds of five feet wide, was ploughed into six ,beds, each of twenty-five feet width. After two or three years ploughing, and tillage, and gathering of these wide beds separately, they would be as high, and their intermediate alleys as deep as desirable. Then, instead of continuing to plough each bed separately, the first furrow should be cut alongside of the central alley, and * When I first began this manner of flush ploughing of low and bedded land, and with considerable appreliension as to its coinplete success, it was not known to me that any other far- mer had either used or thought of the same method. But, subsequently, when recommending it to tlie trial of K. H. Herbert, Esq., of Princess Anne, as an important aid to his usual efficacious practice of draining, he informed me that he had already introduced and used this plan of flush plougliing on his land earlier than my first trial of it, and had found the results entirely satisfaotory. turning the slice into it. This furrow should begin and end at 75 or 80 feet distance from the ends of the rectangular "slip," or at (or something less than) the same distance of the (Central alley from the sides of the slip. Turning the plough at that distance, another furrow should be cut alongside, and throwing the slice to the first, thus making, a "list" in the former central alley. So tlie plough- ing would proceed around this first list, cutting across the ends as well as along the sides, and throwing every furrow-slice towards the centre of the ploughing. This plougliing, though flush, and cutting across the ends as well as along the beds, and with no regard paid to the alleys, would scarcely alter the outline of the previous surface, and would not lessen the height of the crowns of the beds or the depth of the alleys, except the central alley, which would in time be filled, and would not then be needed. The outside furrows would just reach the encircling ditches of the "slip," turning tlie depth and width of a furrow- slice from each at every repetition of such plough- ing. One or two furrows run along each of the old alleys, after the flush plougliing, would clean theut out and put tlie broad-beds in their original shape, and they would be more thoroughly broken by this mode of ploughing. Every successive ploughing of the land to prepare for any crop should be done in like manner. The tendency and operation would be to raise the central part of each rectangular division so ploughed around, and to lower and slope the sides and ends, or margins, next to the surrounding ditches. After a few such ploughings the shallow tap-ditches would be, to the eye, almost obliterated, or changed to mere ploughed alleys or grips. Yet, in fact, they might be deeper than before, and would certainly be more operative for surface drainage than before. The preserving and cleaning out of these "tap- ditches," instead of requiring spades and shovels, would thereafter be as well done by the last finish- ing furrows of the plough. These ditches would no longer present any obstruction to the crossing of ploughs, or partly loaded carts If desired, (and it might be even desirable in future time,) the corn- rows and their ploughing, in narrow beds, might be directed across the beds and tap-ditches. Fur- ther, the end margins of the "slip" being equally depressed, and sloped to the edges of the larger leading ditches, these would be much more easily crossed by teams, and fewer and smaller bridges would be required. Thus, in the course of time, each separate "slip" would be converted to one broad bed of 150 feet wide, and gently rounding surface, and 1,000 feet long, (the present dimen- sions of the separate divisions,) with sloped mar- gins and ditches between deeper than before, yet presenting either little obstruction, or none, to the crossing of ploughs and teams. POSTSCRIPT. Lands on the Chowan and Roanoke. A later excursion to a portion of Chowan county, and to some of the best farms on the Roanoke river enables me to add something to the foregoing notes of this generally uniform region, and espe- cially in remarkable exceptions, on the Roanoke, to this general uniformity of agricultural character. In Chowan county, my view extended only over the lands within 12 miles of Edenton, and from 3 to 4 miles back from the Chowan river and Albe- marle Sound. The general elevation of the sur- face is from 11 to 14 feet above the level of the Sound — and the land is more uniform in leyel 30 DRAINAGE than any other that I had before seen. The soils are moderately stiff, and of good texture for pro- ducing wheat. Before being cleared of the forest growth, and dildhed, most of the surface of the land was subject to be covered by the water left by heavy rains. The system of drainage in gene- ral use is similar to that of Perquimons. But the small parallel (or "tap") ditches are wider apart — usually 180 feet. According to this system, the de- tails of draining were well executed, and eti'ective; and the lands best drained, (especially those of Dr. Thomas Warren,) were very fertile and pro- ductive. These, where seen in their natural state, seemed to the eye, and by their growth and wet- ness, to be swamp. But in fact, they are of the highest level of the neighborhood, and among the dryest, after being drained and cultivated. The natural forest growth was piincipally of black gum, ash, maple, with some oak and pine — and with these, a general under-growth of reeds. For miles, no change of level of the surface was visi- ble; and the slight general descent of surface could be known only by the direction of the flow of water in the larger ditches. The farms border- ing on the Sound, only, have some narrow depres- sions, of a few feet only in depth, which serve as exceptions to the otherwise general level of the surface. The water in the wells of Edenton and the neighboring country is generally about 13 feet below the surface of the land. This would indi- cate that the water-glutted sand-bed here lies too low to produce the damage elsewhere usual to land, by keeping water on the surface — or to afford a facility for draining operations, by tap- ping the sand-bed by deep drains, or by boring. On these points, my hasty and limited observa- tions, aided by inquiry, afford no information better than conjecture. The broad Chowan is the only river of all this low-land region, east of the Roanoke, which re- ceives any considerable supply of water from higher and distant sources, or is filled by any other than the refluent water of Albemarle Sound. And even as to the Chowan, all the water brought by its upper tributaries, the Meherrin, Nottoway, and Blackwater rivers, if alone, would not usually fill the twentieth part of the broad and deep bed of the Chowan. So that even this greatest of these neighboring rivers is but a partial and limited ex- ception to their general character of having almost no head-springs, or supplies from remote sources. But the Roanoke is remarkably different in these respects. Its very distant sources are in the Alle- ghany Mountains, and they make large streams, at all times, even at the base of these mountains. Its bed, throughout its long course to Albemarle Sound, is very narrow for the great quantity of water flowing therein, and which ordinary supply is enormously increased by the transient rain-floods coming from the upper country. These rise to great heights, and cause great injury to the very rich and extensive bottom lands bordering on this river. But f )r the rare and terrible disasters to the crops, caused by these high freshes, they would be of great improving benefit to the fertility of lands they overflow, in the abundant deposit of richest alluvium which the water leaves. This de- posit has made, and maintains, the Roanoke lands the richest on the Atlantic slope; and they would be more valuable than the bottom lands of any of the rivers of that slope, but for their griater lia- bility to be overflowed, which is owing to the re- markable narrowness of the whole bed and course of the river, compared to its length, and to the volume of water which it conveys. The bed of the river, and even to its outlet into the Sound, is too narrow to discharjje its floods; and hence they overflow the bordering low grounds, of the second terrace as well as the first or lowest, to their great damage. Thus these rich alluvial low grounds of the Roanoke are greatly subject to disaster from being overflowed by floods, from which danger the low borders of tlie other rivers of Albemarle Sound are almost entirely exempt. That the low lands of the Roanoke are so dif- ferent from all of the neighboring rivers, is owing but in part to the great length of its course, from its distant mountain head-springs. This indeed causes the great volume of the floods, as well as their great burden of rich alluvium. But there is still an additional cause for the obstructed dis- charge, in the different geological character of the land over which the lower course of this river passes. The lower channels of the other neigh- boring rivers, on both sides, together with their bordering lands, seem all to have subsided, at some far i-emote time, below their former levels. But the bed of the Roanoke seems to have preserved its original elevation, if indeed it has not been ac- tually up-heaved still higher. The primitive rock shows in ledges under the channel of the Roanoke far below the foot of the great falls; and even high above the present height. of water in the bank at Halifax ferry. The river is very uniform in breadth, and not varying much from about 120 yards, from the falls to Albemarle Sound. The " first low ground" or lowest terrace, gives the richest soil — which however is not black, or dark-colored, but of I'eddish yellow, or hazel loam. The "second low ground" is worse in quality, but still is good land. The "third" is still worse; and there is in some cases still a fourth terrace, nearly as high as, though evidently lower than, and dif- ferent from, the highest table or ridge land, which is usually sandy and naturally poor. Corn is the great crop of the Roanoke lands. Though fine crops of wheat are raised by the Messrs. Burgwyn, in Northampton, North Caro- lina, and J. C. Johnston in Halifax, giving evi- dence of the fitness of the low-ground soils for that crop. Cotton is the next greatest crop to corn; and this culture is sufficient evidence that the lands on which it succeeds do not naturally suffer damage from under or spring-water. The farmers have not much to do for drainage, except to exclude, by deep and broad ditches and their banks, and to vent by culveits, the streams and rain- floods coming in from the high lands, and, by dykes, to keep ofi' the high floods of the river. Both these great objects are well efl'ected only on the pi'oper- ties of a few of the planters — at enormous expense, but at far less cost than the alternative of losing the growing crops usually once in 7 to 10 year*, on an average. The land nearest to the river, whether of the first or second terrace, is always higher than the exterior of the same terrace farther back from the river. This shape of the surface offers the highest foundation for the dykes next to the river, where they are required to be placed. There are great differences and frequent changes in the elevation of ground bordering on the river, and consequently as much difference in the required heights of the embankments. The home plantation of Th. P. Devereux, Esq., Conniicanara, in Halifax county. North Carolina, is protected by an embankment rising to the height of 26 feet throughout above the low-water level of the river. The highest DRAINAGE . 31 fresh yet known, before the embankment was made, rose 22 feet, and covered the whole plantation ex- cept a few acres Much of the dyke, being on margin of the hig;hest elevation, is only 4 feet high. But one part, which seemed about half a mile long, it is 14 feet high. To every foot of perpendicular height, there is given 5 feet width of base. On Polenta in Northampton, another of Mr. Devereux's several plantations, (all of which are thus secured by embankments,) the dyke, for 200 to 250 yards of its length is 17 feet high, and more than 100 feet broad at the base. And these high embankments are not the only heavy expense. For it is through their highest parts (these being over the lowest surface of tie land,) that it is ne- cessary to keep open large culverts to discharge the waters of land-streams and rain-floods, and from which, by valves, to exclude the river-floods when these are higher than the interior water. On this and four other adjacent farms there are 7 of the large-sized culverts, which cost about f,2000 each — and three of these are on one only of the farms. These culverts are constructed of wood, and of course cannot be very durable. Still, great as is the expense, for embankment and culverts, for each plantation, it is cheaply paid for in the safety of a single crop, which would otherwise be lost, if without this means for security from inundation. Such is the correct reasoning of each individual proprietor, and improver in this mode. And thus each one, of the few who have yet so improved, may secure his own possessions from the floods of the river. But it is obvious that every such em- bankment, operating as an obstruction, must serve to raise the floods somewhat higher on the lands still subject to be submerged. And should every proprietor exercise his equal right to embank all his own lands, and thus the general operation shall strive to confine the river within the limits of its shores, the attempt must fail, and the floods, rising higher in proportion to their lateral confinement, will overtop any dykes which can be made by se- parate individuals, each working on his own sepa- rate plan. It would be very far better, and the only means by which general success can possibly be attained, if the State were to require such works to be constructed on one uniform and the best gen- eral pian, for the benefit of all the lands and their proprietors. If such general plan confined the water to its present channel, that confinement would cause much increased velocity and power of abrasion, and thereby a deepening of the bed of the river, if the bottom is soft enough to be so deepened by washing. And if this effect would be prevented by only a few narrow ledges of rocks too hard to be lowered by abrasion, it might be well worth the expense of deeper passages being opened through such narrow and harder obstruc- tions. All the additional and general depth that could be so gained, would serve for the improve- ment of navigation of the river, as well as to aid the operation of the embankments to protect the lands from the river-floods. y..z^ ^