Locomotive Details a K D Felegraphic Code C :1 Duplicate 1907 Book_J2^_ (; 0|)\Tig|]| \° COPYRIGHT 1*1- Baldwin Locomotive Works Illustrated Catalogue Details OF Locomotives AND Cable Code For Duplicate Parts BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO, PHILADELPHIA George Burn ham John H. Converse Samuel M. Vauclain William P. Henszey William L. Austin Alba JB. Johnson A LIBRARY of CONGRESS ' Twe Cooies Received A«f t8 1907 s Copyright Entry /?U^. )-7. /fo7, CLASS A XXcNo. COPY 3. Copyright, 1907, by Burnham, Williams & Co. The Edgell Press Philadelphia DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Introductory IT is intended in this publication to place before customers a work that may be found useful for ready reference in ordering duplicate parts of locomotives for renewals and repairs, and at the same time furnish such a complete record of names of the various parts comprising a locomotive and tender as will avoid the possibility of error in ordering supplies, from a misinterpretation of these names. It is intended that the illustrations and their descriptions shall be so clear that no difficulty will be experienced in following the catalogue of names for any pieces that it may be found necessary to order. Instruc- tions for cabling are also given so that the expense of ordering duplicate parts from a distance will be reduced as much as possible. The system of manufacture employed in connection with the large number of machines at all times in process of construction, embracing the principal classes, insures unusual and especial facilities for filling orders at once, or with the least possible delay. All work is accurately fitted to gauges which are made from a system of standards kept exclusively for the purpose, thus providing for like parts fitting accurately in all locomotives of the same class. This plan of interchangeability enables the customer to secure the maximum amount of service at the minimum cost for repairs. The advantages resulting from these methods are apparent in the expense of maintenance and repairs and in the saving of expensive pat- terns, drawings, special tools, and shop room. Repairs can be made with the utmost promptness, and engines thus be kept in almost con- tinuous service. DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Class Designations EACH locomotive has the builder's number plate attached to sides of smokebox directly over steam chests, except in small engines of special designs, when it is placed on smokebox door, or in some other conspicuous position. This plate contains the name of the manu- facturers, the consecutive construction number of the engine, and the year in which constructed. In ordering parts, in all cases where it is possible to do so, this con- struction number should be given, and when this cannot be obtained, the original road number or name should be supplied. This information will assist in ready reference to original records of construction and facilitate the work of renewals. The different classes of locomotives are designated by a combination of figures with one of the letters A, B, C, D, K, or F, to indicate both the plan and sizes, as follows: The letter A indicates that there are no traction driving wheels, and that the locomotive is driven by gear wheels engaging in a rack-rail or rails. The letter B indicates that two wheels are connected as driving- wheels. The letter C indicates that four wheels are connected as driving wheels. The letter D indicates that six wheels are connected as driving wheels. The letter E indicates that eight wheels are connected as driving wheels. The letter F indicates that ten wheels are connected as dri vino- wheels. 6 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS A figure (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14) is used to denote the whole number of wheels under the locomotive. A figure or figures, following the figures indicating the whole num- ber of wheels, indicates the diameter of cylinders, viz. : 8 indicates cylinders 7 inches in diameter. 10 12 x 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Thus 8-26 C indicates an eight-wheeled locomotive, having four wheels coupled, and cylinders sixteen inches in diameter; 8-26 D indicates an eight- wheeled locomotive, having six wheels coupled, and cylinders of the same diameter ; and 10-34 K, a ten- wheeled locomotive having eight wheels coupled, and cylinders twenty inches in diameter. The same rule applies to Baldwin four-cylinder compound locomo- tives (Vauclain System). Thus 10-f-f D indicates a ten-wheeled loco- motive, having six wheels coupled, a fourteen inch high-pressure cylinder on each side, and a twenty-four inch low-pressure cylinder on each side. (For arrangement of cylinders, see Plate 6.) The addition of the fraction ^ indicates that there is a truck at each end of the locomotive. Thus 8-26^ C indicates an eight- wheeled loco- DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 7 motive, having four wheels coupled, cylinders sixteen inches in diameter, and a two-wheeled truck at each end. The addition of the fraction J 1 indicates that the engine is on the ''Forney" plan, having the truck back of the firebox. Thus S-26}i C indicates an eight-wheeled locomotive, having four wheels coupled, cyl- inders sixteen inches in diameter, and a four-wheeled truck back of the firebox. 6-26 * 3 C indicates a six-wheeled locomotive, having four wheels coupled, cylinders sixteen inches in diameter, and a two-wheeled truck back of the firebox. The figures following the class designation, as found on every loco- motive, give the class number for that locomotive, and supply an indi- vidual designation for it, in addition to the construction number. Thus 8-26 C 500 means the five-hundredth locomotive of the 8-26 C class. DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Instructions for Cabling The cable address of these Works is, " Baldwin, Philadelphia." All code words relating to duplicate parts begin with the letter "E." Each of the tables accompanying the plates in this book has in large heavy letters opposite the plate number a code word, the use of which indicates that all the parts shown on the plate are required ; and each of the items has opposite it a code word in small heavy letters indicating that only that particular piece is needed. In all cases it is understood that a set or enough for one locomotive will be sent unless specific instructions to the contrary are given. On pages, 33-41 a list will be found of duplicate parts in groups, such as are generally ordered, with a code word corresponding to each group. In answering inquiries for prices, the cost is made for delivery f.o.b. vessel in Philadelphia or New 7 York unless otherwise indicated. The construction or consecutive number of the locomotive should be used in cabling and in writing orders. This is shown on the builder's plates, which are generally on the smokebox above the cylinders. Code words corresponding to construction numbers will be found in the tables herewith (pages 15-23), which range from 1 to 45,000 (from 1 to 1,000 inclusive proceeding by units, and from 1000 to 45,000 proceeding by thousands). Words consisting of more than ten letters are counted as two words. When the name of a railway or firm embraces two or more words con- taining ten letters or less in all, they can be cabled as one: for instance, "Costarica Railway" (two words), meaning Costa Rica Railway. It is a rule of all telegraph companies that in cabling, three figures count as one word. Therefore, any construction number can be cabled in two words: for instance, 13 975 (13975), which would be counted two words. Inasmuch, however, as figures are more apt to be improperly transmitted than words, a table has been prepared (see page 15) by the use of which construction numbers can still be given in two words and some of them in one, these words being less liable to misconstruction than the figures. io BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Messages should be written very plainly, so that there can be no doubt as to the word used, and no possibility of the division of one word into two. Upon application a code word will be assigned, representing the name of any railroad company or firm desiring to do business by cable with the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Example: The construction number 6000 would be one word, ' ' Kenlobbig ; " while 6020 would be " Kenlobbig Earthworms," and 12540 "Eensgezind Ecofora " ("Eensgezind " standing for 12,000 and " Ecofora " for 540). 6020 could also be 6 020, and 12540 be 12 540 ; but the word method is preferable. Example : if it be desired to cable for a boiler complete, as shown on Plate 1, for engine 13978, to be shipped by steamer to Havana, Cuba, the message would read as follows (the signature should be the name of the company ordering or its code word) . Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans Encotyle Eerewoord Eensklaps Eenbladig (Signed) (Code name or actual name of Company) Translation : Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word. Encotyle . . Boiler and all parts on Plate 1. Eerewoord . . For one locomotive, construction number. Eensklaps Eenbladig I3978- (Name of Company) DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES n But if a set of tubes were wanted, the message would read: Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans Encravacao Eerewoord Eensklaps Eenbladig (Signed) (Code name or actual name of Company) Translation : Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word. Encravacao . Boiler tubes. Eerewoord . . For one locomotive, construction number. Eensklaps . ) , v 13978. Eenbladig . j (Name of Company) If three sets of tubes were wanted for the same locomotive, or for locomotives of the same dimensions, the message would read: Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans Encravacao Eergierig Eensklaps Eenbladig (Signed) (Code name or actual name of Company) 12 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Translation : Havana, January 10, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word. Encravacao . Boiler tubes. Eergierig . . For three locomotives, construction number. Eensklaps . ) _ K1 -. ^13978. Eenbladig . \ (Name of Company) To order a pair of cylinders from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with parts attached, a message would read : Rio, March 1, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekroon Effricatum (See page 33.) Eensdeels Eddaic (Signed) Code name or actual name of Company) Translation : Rio, March 1, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekroon . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word (see*) for locomotive, construction number (see**). Effricatum . . * 1 pair cylinders with heads, covers, chests, caps, casings, glands, valves, yokes and pistons, painted and varnished. Eensdeels . / t?aa ■ [-**ii743- Eddaic . . ) (Name of Company) DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 13 A cable message from Yokohama, Japan, for a erosshead for left side of locomotive 14126, would read as follows: Yokohama, March 22, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eeredienst Endosmic Eeretomben Eensnarig Eboueuses (Signed) (Code name or actual name of Company) Translation : Yokohama, March 22, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eeredienst . . Please ship by quickest freight route as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word. Endosmic . . Crosshead. Eeretomben . For left hand side of one locomotive, construction number. Eensnarig . ") _, y 14126. Eboueuses . \ (Xame of Company) To order an eccentric strap from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for loco- motive 10055, a message would read: Rio, March 1, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans Endrudge Eeresabels Eenschalig Ebaucheras Eerstdaags (Signed) (Code name or actual name of Company) 14 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE) WORKS Translation : Rio, March i, 1905. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Eerekrans . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by cede word. Endrudge . . Eccentric Strap. Eeresabels . . For right hand side of one locomotive, construction number. Eenschalig Ebaucheras Eerstdaags . . Backward motion. (Name of Company) 10055 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES '5 Cable Code Numbers i Eachwhere 2 Eactarius 3 Eadbert 4 Eadburge 5 Eadwin 6 Eager 7 Eagerly 8 Eagerness 9 Eagrass io Eanred ii Eapse 12 Earinus 13 Earshrift 14 Earthiness 15 Earthling 16 Earthly 17 Earthquake 18 Earthward 19 Earthwork 20 Earthworms 21 Earwig 22 Earwort 23 Easeful 24 Easels 25 Easily 26 Easiness 27 Easium 28 Easterling 29 Easterly 30 Eastward 31 Eatable 32 Eatage 33 Eauzan 34 Eavagier 35 Ebahi 36 Ebalacon 37 Ebalette 38 Ebanacee 39 Ebanista 40 Ebanizar 41 Ebankers 42 Ebano 43 Ebanoyer 44 Ebaque 45 Ebarbement 46 Ebarbeuse 47 Ebarboir 48 Ebaroui 49 Ebattons 50 Ebattriez 51 Ebattront 52 Ebattu 53 Ebaubi 54 Ebauchage 55 Ebaucheras 56 Ebauchiez 57 Ebauchoir 58 Ebbeanker 59 Ebbeboom 60 Ebbene 61 Ebbenhout 62 Ebbero 63 Ebbestrom 64 Ebbezeit 65 Ebbing 66 Ebbrezza 67 Ebbrieta 68 Ebbrioso 69 Ebdomada 70 Ebelians 71 Ebenaceo 72 Ebenastre 73 Ebenbild 74 Ebeneous 75 Ebenezer 76 Ebenfalls 77 Ebenheit 78 Ebeni 79 Ebenier 80 Ebenistes 81 Ebenmass 82 Ebenoxyle 83 Ebenrecht 84 Ebensohle 85 Ebenspiel 86 Ebenuz 87 Ebenwage 88 Eberesche 89 Ebergement 90 Eberhard 91 Eberhirsch 92 Eberlue 93 Eberulf 94 Ebetazione 95 Ebetement 96 Ebeto 97 Ebeurrer 98 Ebeylieres 99 Ebiasaph 100 Ebionisme 101 Ebiscum 102 Ebisele i6 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 103 Eblana 145 Ebraizzare 187 Ebruitiez 104 Eblandior 146 Ebraizzava 188 Ebruitons 105 Eblanditus 147 Ebraizzo 189 Ebrulpho 106 Eblanine 148 Ebrancadas 190 Ebucheter 107 Eblouimes 149 Ebrancado i 9 i Ebudae 108 Eblouir 150 Ebranchait 192 Ebulinus 109 Eblouiras 151 Ebranchiez 193 Ebulliate no Eblouired 152 Ebranchons 194 Ebullicao in Eblouiront 153 Ebranlait 195 Ebulliency 112 Eblouisses 154 Ebranler I96 Ebullition 113 Eboda 155 Ebranliez 197 Ebulo 114 Ebonist 156 Ebranlions I98 Eburacum 115 Ebonite 157 Ebrasure 199 Eburatus 116 Ebonized 158 Ebreche 200 Eburinorum 117 Eboraci 159 Ebreneur 20I Eburiphore 118 Eboracum 160 Ebria 202 Eburnation 119 Eborarios 161 Ebriacus 203 Eburnean 120 Eborense 162 Ebriation 204 Eburneos 121 Eborgnage 163 Ebriativo 205 Eburninae 122 Eboribus 164 Ebriato 206 Eburobriga 123 Ebosia 165 Ebriavisti 207 Eburodunum 124 Ebouage 166 Ebriedad 208 Eburon 125 Eboueur 167 Ebrietas 209 Eburones 126 Eboueuses 168 Ebriety 2IO Eburovices 127 Ebouffer 169 Ebrieux 211 Ebusus 128 Ebouiger 170 Ebrillade 212 Ecabochage 129 Ebouilli 171 Ebriosa 213 Ecabocher 130 Eboulait 172 Ebriosidad 214 Ecachement 131 Eboulee 173 Ebriositas 215 Ecaffer 132 Eboulement 174 Ebriosos 216 Ecafignon 133 Ebouleront 175 Ebrious 217 Ecaflote 134 Ebouleux 176 Ebriulatus 218 Ecagne 135 Ebouqueter 177 Ebrodunum 219 Ecaillage 136 Ebouriffe 178 Ebroin 220 Ecaillaire 137 Ebouisine 179 Ebromagi 221 Ecaille 138 Ebouter 180 Ebromagus 222 Ecaillette 139 Ebouture 181 Ebrondeur 223 Ecalcarate 140 Ebraiche 182 Ebrosser 224 Ecaler 141 Ebraico 183 Ebrouait 225 Ecalisseur 142 Ebraismo 184 Ebrouement 226 Ecalyptre 143 Ebraisoir 185 Ebruiter 227 Ecangage 144 Ebraizzano 186 Ebruiteras 228 Ecanguer DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 229 Ecaqueur 230 Ecarasse 231 Ecarquille 2^2 Ecarrure 233 Ecart 234 Ecartais 235 Ecartasses 236 Ecartelait 237 Ecarteler 238 Ecartement 239 Ecarterais 240 Ecarteriez 241 Ecarteur 242 Ecartons 243 Ecatissage 244 Ecaude 245 Ecauvage 246 Ecbalion 247 Ecballium 248 Ecbasis 249 Ecbatic 250 Ecbibi 251 Ecbibitum 252 Ecbirsoma 253 Ecbolade 254 Ecbolique 255 Ecbyrsome 256 Eccanthis 257 Eccedemmo 258 Eccedendo 259 Eccedenza 260 Eccederai 261 Eccedero 262 Eccedessi 263 Eccedevamo 264 Eccedevate 265 Eccediate 266 Eccedo 267 Eccehomo 268 Ecceite 269 Eccentric 270 Eccentros 271 Eccessivo 3i3 Ecfonesi 272 Eccettuano 3H Ecfrassi 273 Eccettuare 3i5 Ecgonine 274 Eccettuava 316 Echacantos 275 Eccheuma 3i7 Echacorvos 276 Ecchymose 318 Echadico 277 Ecchymosis 3i9 Echadores 278 Eccillum 320 Echaduras 279 Eccitammo 321 Echafaud 280 Eccitando 322 Echafauder 281 Eccitarla 323 Echaillon 282 Eccitarono 324 Echalas 283 Eccitassi 325 Echalasser 284 Eccitata 326 Echamiento 285 Eccitativo 327 Echampeau 286 Eccitatore 328 Echampi 287 Eccitavamo 329 Echamplure 288 Eccitavate 33o Echancrais 289 Ecciterai 33i Echancrant 290 Eccitero 332 Echancrure 291 Eccitolla 333 Echando 292 Ecclesia 334 Echandole 293 Ecclesians 335 Echanges 294 Ecclesiola 336 Echangiez 295 Ecclinuse 337 Echangions 296 Eccopeur 338 Echangiste 297 Eccrisis 339 Echapellas 298 Eccycleme 340 Echapoter 299 Ecderon 34i Echappade 300 Ecdicus 342 Echappiez 301 Ecdippa 343 Echappons 302 Ecdique 344 Echarbon 303 Ecdore 345 Echarnoir 304 Ecdurorum 346 Echarpes 305 Ecdysies 347 Echarseter 306 Ecelenore 348 Echauboule 307 Ecepper 349 Echaudoir 308 Ecerner 35o Echauffer 309 Ecerveler 35i Echauffure 310 Ecetera 352 Echaulant 311 Ecfisa 353 Echaux 312 Ecfisesi 354 Echazones IS BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 355 Echeable 356 Echeancier 357 Echebulus 358 Echeclea 359 Echecrates 360 Echecs 361 Echedamia 362 Echeggia 363 Echeggiano 364 Echeggiare 365 Echeggiava 366 Echelades 367 Echelaos 368 Echelidae 369 Echelonner 370 Echeneide 371 Echeneidis 372 Echeniller 373 Echephron 374 Echepolis 375 Echeveria 376 Echevinage 377 Echidna 378 Echidnine 379 Echidorus 380 Echignole 381 Echimyd 382 Echimyside 383 Echinacee 384 Echinaria 385 Echinated 386 Echinidae 387 Echinidans 388 Echinipede 389 Echinital 390 Echinite 391 Echinocere 392 Echinoderm 393 Echinodore 394 Echinogale 395 Echinogyne 396 Echinoide 397 Echinome 439 Echtbreuk 398 Echinomys 440 Echteband 399 Echinopo 441 Echtebed 400 Echinopode 442 Echtelijk 401 Echinorhin 443 Echtgareel 402 Echinozoa 444 Echtgenoot 403 Echinulate 445 Echtheit 404 Echinus 446 Echthre 405 Echinussa 447 Echting 406 Echionides 448 Echtkoets 407 Echiopsis 449 Echtwort 408 Echiquete 45o Echura 409 Echite 45i Ecidine 410 Echiuride 452 Ecimable 411 Echkendji 453 Eckard 412 Echmagoras 454 Eckband 413 Echnomos 455 Eckbert 414 Echoes 456 Eckehard 415 Echoicus 457 Eckelhaft 416 Echoing 458 Eckeln 417 Echome 459 Eckenhalm 418 Echometer 460 Eckenzahl 419 Echometria 461 Eckerganz 420 Echometro 462 Eckermast 421 Echonele 463 Eckhaus 422 Echopolus 464 Eckkegel 423 Echoppage 465 Ecklade 424 Echoppe 466 Ecklonie 425 Echoton 467 Eckplatz 426 Echouage 468 Ecksaal 427 Echouais 469 Ecksaeulen 428 Echouasses 470 Eckschuh 429 Echouer 47i Eckstamm 430 Echouerais 472 Eckstein 431 Echoueriez 473 Eckthor 432 Echoueront 474 Ecktisch 433 Echouiez 475 Eckzahn 434 Echouons 476 Eclactisme 435 Echrefite 477 Eclaffer 436 Echsenbrut 478 Eclair 437 Echsenei 479 Eclairage 438 Echtbreken 480 Eclairais DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES [9 481 Eclairci 523 Eclogarius 565 Ecorchant 482 Eclaircise 524 Eclogarum 566 Ecorchasse 485 Eclairons 525 Eclopper 567 Ecorcheler 484 Eclampsy 526 Eclore 568 Ecorchiez 485 Eclanche 527 Ecloses 569 Ecorcons 4S6 Eclandre 528 Eclosion 57o Ecornifle 4S7 Eclapsia 529 Eclusa 57i Ecossain 4S8 Eclapside 530 Eclusement 572 Ecossaises 489 Eclatable 53i Ecmatyrie 573 Ecossoneux 490 Eclatais 532 Ecmelia 574 Ecotado 491 Eclateriez 533 Ecnephias 575 Ecotant 492 Eclatons 534 Ecnomus 576 Ecotard 493 Ecleche 535 Ecobuer 577 Ecouailles 494 Eclecticos 536 Ecochelage 578 Ecouanette 495 Eclectique 537 Ecocheler 579 Ecouchures 496 Eclectiser 538 Ecoeurant 580 Ecoulard 497 Eclectisme 539 Ecoeurer 58i Ecoulera 498 Eclectizar 540 Ecofora 582 Ecoulerait 499 Eclegma 54i Ecofrai 583 Ecourgee 500 Eclepsis 542 Ecoica 584 Ecourgeon 501 Eclesiarca 543 Ecoicos 585 Ecourtant 502 Eclettismo 544 Ecoincon 586 Ecoussage 503 Eclidon 545 Ecolage 587 Ecoutames 504 Ecligmata 546 Ecole 588 Ecoutasses 505 Ecligmatis 547 Ecolerer 589 Ecouterais 506 Ecligmatum 548 Ecoliers 59o Ecouterons 507 Eclingure 549 Ecometria 59i Ecouteur 508 Eclipsable 55o Ecometro 592 Ecoutille 509 Eclipsais 55i Econduirai 593 Ecoutillon 510 Eclipsar 552 Economat 594 Ecoutoir 511 Eclipsaron 553 Economicas 595 Ecouvette 512 Eclipse 554 Economico 596 Ecphasis 513 Eclipsons 555 Economique 597 Ecphlysis 514 Eclipticus 556 Economist 598 Ecphoneme 515 Eclissage 557 Economizar 599 Ecphonesis 516 Eclissammo 558 Economize 600 Ecphora 517 Eclissando 559 Econtrario 601 Ecphorarum 518 Eclissassi 560 Econverso 602 Ecphoris 519 Eclissava 56i Ecoper 603 Ecphorome 520 Eclisser 562 Ecoperche 604 Ecphractic 521 Eclisso 563 Ecoquer 605 Ecphraste 522 Eclittica 564 Ecorcage 606 Ecphyma BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 607 Ecphymote 608 Ecphyse 609 Ecphysese 610 Ecpiema 611 Ecpiesme 612 Ecpleope 613 Ecplerome 614 Ecplessia 615 Ecplexie 616 Ecpnoe 617 Ecpyeme 618 Ecpyesis 619 Ecpyetique 620 Ecpyrosis 621 Ecqui 622 Ecquod 623 Ecrabouir 624 Ecrache 625 Ecraigne 626 Ecrainier 627 Ecrapette 628 Ecrasable 629 Ecrasais 630 Ecraser Ecraserais Ecraseriez Ecrasiez 634 Ecrasure 635 Ecremaison 636 Ecremer 637 Ecremillon 638 Ecremoire 639 Ecrevisse 640 Ecrhexis 641 Ecriames 642 Ecrieront 643 Ecrille 644 Ecrirons 645 Ecrise 646 Ecriteau 647 Ecritmo 648 Ecritoire 631 632 633 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 Ecriturer Ecrivaille Ecrivimes Ecroe Ecroistre Ecrouellet Ecrouir Ecroutage Ecrysie Ecsarcome Ecstacy Ecstasize Ecstatic Ecstatical Ectadion Ectatique Ectatops Ectenes Ecthese Ecthesien Ecthlimme Ecthlipse Ecthlipsis Ecthyma Ecthymose Ecthymosis Ectilotici Ectimosi Ectipo Ectobie Ectoblast Ectocarpe Ectocyste Ectoderme Ectogramma Ectolitro Ectometro Ectonstero Ectopage Ectopagia Ectophyte Ectopia 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 7i3 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 73i 732 Ectopogono Ectopones Ectosarc Ectosmie Ectozoa Ectrogenie Ectromata Ectromatis Ectrome Ectroparum Ectropical Ectropio Ectrotico Ectrotique Ectylotic Ectypal Ectype Ectypique Ectyporum Ecuable Ecuacion Ecuanteur Ecubier Ecueil Ecuiage Eculeo Ecumais Ecumant Ecumenical Ecumenico Ecumeresse Ecumeront Ecumeux Ecumions Ecumoire Ecunemica Ecunemicos Ecuorea Ecuoreos Ecureuil Ecusson Ecussonne DETAILvS OF LOCOMOTIVES 21 733 Ecvolorum 775 Edelmuth 817 Edetanos 754 Ecvolus 776 Edelopal 818 Edgar 735 Eczematous 777 Edelraut 819 Edgeless 736 Edacidade 778 Edelreis 820 Edgewise 737 Edacious 779 Edelrose 821 Edgythe 738 Edaciously 780 Edelschoen 822 Edharz 739 Edacissimo 781 Edelsinn 823 Edhemite 740 Edacitatis 782 Edelsinnig 824 Edibility 74i Edacite 783 Edelstahl 825 Edible 742 Edaphodont 784 Edelstolz 826 Edibleness 743 Eddaic 785 Edelthat 827 Edicaria 744 Eddas 786 Edelthier 828 Edicendum 745 Eddered 787 Edelvrouw 829 Edichio 746 Eddering 788 Edelweiss 830 Edicola 747 Eddoes 789 Edematico 831 Edictabam 74S Edealogia 790 Edematoso 832 Edictabis 749 Edeatros 791 Edematous 833 Edictalium 75o Edecan 792 Edemera 834 Edictamus 75i Edecanes 793 Edenique 835 Edictarem 752 Edecimamus 794 Edenisch 836 Edictavi 753 Edecimatum 795 Edenize 837 Edictione 754 Edecimavi 796 Edenizing 838 Edictionis 755 Edelaardig 797 Edenruine 839 Edictorum 756 Edeldame 798 Edental 840 Edicule 757 Edelerde 799 Edentalous 841 Ediderunt 758 Edelfest 800 Edentamus 842 Edidici 759 Edelfink 801 Edentation 843 Edidicimus 760 Edelfisch 802 Edento 844 Edidisti 761 Edelfrau 803 Edentula 845 Edifiant 762 Edelfuchs 804 Edentulus 846 Edificaban 763 Edelgarbe 805 Edeopalmo 847 Edificacao 764 Edelhengst 806 Edepoe 848 Edificada 765 Edelhof 807 Edera 849 Edificados 766 Edelknabe 808 Ederaceo 850 Edificao 767 Edelknecht 809 Ederaceus 851 Edifice 768 Edelkrebs 810 Ederato 852 Edificios 769 Edellehen 811 Ederoso 853 Edifiement 770 Edelmann 812 Edesio 854 Edifieras 771 Edelmarder 813 Edesseno 855 Edifieriez 772 Edelmass 814 Edessenus 856 Edifieront 773 Edelmoedig 815 Edesside 857 Edifiques 774 Edelmogend 816 Edetana 858 Edifizio BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 859 Edify 860 Edifying 861 Edifyingly 862 Edikt 863 Edilberto 864 Edileship 865 Edilicio 866 Edilidade 867 Edilita 868 Edilitaire 869 Ediografia 870 Ediologia 871 Ediosmo 872 Ediotide 873 Ediotomia 874 Edisaro 875 Edisma 876 Edisseris 877 Edisserto 878 Editeur 879 Editicia 880 Editioned 881 Editioning 882 Editor 883 Editores 884 Editorial 885 Editoribus 886 Editorship 887 Editress 888 Editresses 889 Edituate 890 Edituating 891 Edixerimus 892 Edixi 893 Ediximus 894 Edixissem 895 Edizione 896 Edmondie 897 Edmundo 898 Edoardo 899 Edocenter 900 Edocephale 901 Edoctum 902 Edocuerunt 903 Edocui 904 Edocuisti 905 Edolandi 906 Edolandos 907 Edolandum 908 Edolatorum 909 Edolatum 910 Edolavisti 911 Edolien 912 Edomitas 913 Edomitavi 914 Edomiter 915 Edoner 916 Edonio 917 Edonismo 918 Edonorum 919 Edormisco 920 Edossage 921 Edostome 922 Edredon 923 Edredones 924 Edris 925 Edrisiden 926 Edrum 927 Educacao 928 Educadores 929 Educados 930 Educaremus 931 Educate 932 Educateur 933 Educative 934 Educatore 935 Educatrix 936 Educatum 937 Educaturi 938 Educaturos 939, Educaturum 940' Educavano 941 Educavisti 942 Educavit 943 Educeret 944 Educeretis 945 Educhiamo 946 Eductor 947 Edulcare 948 Edulcorado 949 Edulcorant 950 Edulcoreis 951 Edulica 952 Edulious 953 Edulis 954 Edumia 955 Eduquant 956 Eduquemos 957 Eduques 958 Edurescis 959 Edurorum 960 Edwardsie 961 Edwarsite 962 Edwig 963 Edyllium 964 Edzard 965 Eedbrekers 966 Eedbreuk 967 Eedgespan 968 Eegaas 969 Eekhakker 970 Eekhandel 971 Eekhoren 972 Eelbuck 973 Eelpot 974 Eelspear 975 Eeltachtig 976 Eelterig 977 Eeltzweer 978 Eenbladig 979 Eenbloemig 980 Eendebout 981 Eendenei 982 Eendenhok 983 Eendenkom 984 Eendenkooi DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVEvS 23 985 Eendennest 8) 000 Eenoogig 30,000 Eenzal 986 Eendenroer 9,000 Eenrijm 31,000 Eenzalums 9S7 Eender 10,000 Eenschalig 32,000 Eenzarium 988 Eendeveder 1 1 ,000 Eensdeels 33,000 Eenzatu 989 Eendjes 12,000 Eensgezind 34,000 Eenzbacite 990 Eendracht 13,000 Eensklaps 35»ooo Eenzbacon 991 Eendvogels 14,000 Eensnarig 36,000 Eenzbacpar 992 Eengrepig 15,000 Eenspan 37,000 Eenzbdaic 993 Eenhandig 16,000 Eenstemmig 38,000 Eenzbdas 994 Eenheid 17,000 Eenstijlig 39,000 Eenzbdered 995 Eenhelmig 18,000 Eenvakkig 40,000 Eenzbdoes 996 Eenhoekig 19,000 Eenvervig 41,000 Eenzbecan 997 Eenhoofdig 20,000 Eenvinnig 42,000 Eenzcatum 99S Eenhoorn 21,000 Eenvoetig 43,000 Eenzcole 999 Eenhoornig 22,000 Eenvoud 44,000 Eenzdake I ,000 Eenhuizig 23,000 Eenvoudig 45,000 Eenzdime 2 ,000 Eenigerlei 24,000 Eenwijvig 46,000 Eenzdurium 3 ,000 Eeniglijk 25,000 Eenzaam 47,000 Eenzear 4 ,000 Eenkennig 26,000 Eenzabing 48,000 Eenzeabat 5 ,000 Eenkleurig 27,000 Eenzabors 49,000 Eenzeatum 6 ,000 Eenlobbig 28,000 Eenzaceom 50,000 Eenzedite 7 ,000 Eenoog 29,000 Eenzadare DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 25 Useful Sentences for Cabling for Parts of Locomotives Eenzelvig . . At what price and how soon can you ship duplicate parts covered by code word ? Eenzijdig . . How soon can you ship duplicate parts covered by code word ? Eeotomous . Please ship by express as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word Eerambt . . Please ship by express as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for locomotive, construction number Eerbetoon . . Please ship by freight as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word Eereblijk . . Please ship by freight as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for locomotive, construction number Eereboog . . Please ship overland as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word Eeredegen . . Please ship overland as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for locomotive, construction number Eeredienst . . Please ship by quickest freight route as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word Eeregraf . . . Please ship by quickest freight route as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for locomotive, construction number Eerekrans . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word Eerekroon . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for locomotive, construction number Eeremantel . Please ship by sailing vessel as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word 26 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Eereplaats . Eerepoort . Eerepost Eereposten Eereprijs . . Eeresabels . Eereschot . Eerestoel Eeretempel Eeretitels . Eeretomben Eeretrap . . Eerewacht . Eerewapen. Eerewijn. . Eerewoord . Eergevoel . Eergierig . Eerlijk . . Eerlijker Eerloozer . Eermetaal . Eernamen . Eerpenning . Please ship by sailing vessel as soon as possible duplicate parts covered by code word for loco- motive, construction number . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts to the value of $ . . . . . . . Please ship by steamer as soon as possible duplicate parts to the value of $ for locomotive, construction number . Please ship by sailing vessel as soon as possible duplicate parts to the value of $ . Please ship by sailing vessel as soon as possible duplicate parts to the value of S for locomotive, construction number . For right hand side of one locomotive, number . For right hand side of two locomotives, number construction construction For right hand side of three locomotives, number For right hand side of four locomotives, construction construction number . For right hand side of five locomotives, construction number . For left hand side of one locomotive, construction number . For left hand side of two locomotives, construction number . For left hand side of three locomotives, construction number . For left hand side of four locomotives, construction number . For left hand side of five locomotives, construction number . For one locomotive, construction number . For two locomotives, construction number . For three locomotives, construction number .... . For four locomotives, construction number locomotives, construction number locomotives, construction number . For seven locomotives, construction number . For eight locomotives, construction number . For nine locomotives, construction number For five For six DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 27 Eerroof . . Eerroovend Eershalve . Eerstdaags . Eertijds . . Eervol . . . Eervoller Eerwaarde Eerwaardig Eerzamer Eerzucht Eerzuchtig Eesting . Eestmout Eetbak . Eethuis Eethuizen Eetion . . Eetionem Eetkamers Eetlepels Eetlust . Eetmalen Eetplaats Eetregel . Eetsters . Eettafel . Eetwaar . Eetzaal Eeuwen . Eeuwenoud Eeuwfeest Eeuwjaar Eeuwspel Eeuwzang Eeuwzangei Efantel Efaufile Efectuado Efectuamos Efectuaron For ten locomotives, construction number . . . Hold order of until you receive instructions. Forward motion. Backward motion. further 28 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Efectuases Efectueis Efedra Efemerides Efemerie Efesias . Efesio . . Efestite . Efetico Effable . Effacable Effacage . Effacais . Effacasses Effacerais Effaceriez Effacerons Effacest . Effacing . Effacons . Effaecata Effaecatus Effaner . Effanures EfFarcimus Effarcio . Effarciunt Effarement Effarvatte Effatio . . Effatione EfFatorum Effauce Effaumer Effeccao . Effecerim Effecissem Effectible Effectif . Effectione Effective- . Effectivus DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 29 Effectless . Effectrix . . Effectuais . Effectuar Effectuose . Effecundo . Effeiance Effeito . . . Effeituoso . Effelure . . Effeminar . Effeminava Effeminize . Effendi . . Effenende . Effenheid . Effening . . Efferascis . Efferasco Efferatio . . Efferatus Efferous . . Effersimus . Effersisti . Effervens Efferveo . . Effervesce . Effestria . . Effestuer Effete . . . Effettore . . Effettrice . Effettuato . Effettuavi . Effeuiller . Effezione. . Efncacia . . Efncaz . . . Efficiency . Efficient . . Efncienza . Efneta . . . 3o BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Effictorum . Effictum . . Effierced . . Effiercing . Effigiado . . Effigiar . . Effigiassi . Effigiava . . Effigie . . . Effigierai . Effiloche Effiloquer . Effimero . . Effindere . Efflagitas . Efflagito . . Efflammans Efflanque . Efflation . . Efflatos . . Effleurais . Effleure . . Efflevisti . . Efflictim . . Effloreo . . Effloremus Effloresce . Efflorui . . Efflower . . Effluencia . Effluente . Effluescis . Effluvial Effluvio . . Effluvioso . Effluxed . . Effluxing Effluxorum Effocare . . EfToderunt . Effodimus . Effodisti . . DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 31 Effoedis . Effoedo . Effondrait Effondront Effor . . Efforcais . Efforcant Efforcing Efforcions Efforeria . Efformed Efformier Effortless Effossioni Effossum DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIV1-S 33 Groups of Duplicate Parts with Code Words [In some cases it will be more convenient to order parts by using these group words; in others by a reference to the plates. To find part needed, see index at the back of the book.] Effouage Effoueil . Effractor Effracture Effrange . Effrayable Effrayer . Effrayeras Effrayiez . Effrayons EfTreement Effrenatio Effrenatus Effrenibus Effrenis . Effricare . Effricatum Effrico Effrique . Effriter . Effrixisti Effroisser Effruitant . i Boiler with Tubes, Double Cone, Dry Pipe, Throttle work complete, including Stuffing Box and Gland, Dome Cap and Safety Valves, Smokebox Front and Door, Fire Door with Liner and Frame and Cleaning Plugs, tested and primed. . i Boiler with Tubes and Cleaning Plugs only, tested and primed. . i Firebox. . i Set Boiler Tubes. . i Set Boiler Tube Ferrules. . i Double Cone. . i Set Steam Pipes. . i Throttle Valve, Box, Pipe, Elbow, Crank, and Rod. . i Smokebox Front and Door. . i Fire Door with Frame and Liner. . i Set Cleaning Plugs. . i Set Fusible Plugs. . i Set Boiler Lagging. . i Set Boiler Jacket. . i Set Boiler Jacket Bands. . i Set Safety Valves, complete. . i Pair Cylinders with Heads, Covers, Chests, Caps, Casings, Glands, Valves, Yokes and Pistons, painted and varnished. . i Pair Finished Cylinders, bolted together, without any fittings. . i Set Front Cylinder Heads. . i Set Back Cylinder Heads. . i Set Front Cylinder Covers. . i Set Back Cylinder Covers. . i Set Cylinder Glands and Bottom Rings. 34 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Effrutico ... i Set Metallic Packing complete, for Piston Rods and Valve Stems. Effugio .... i Set Composition Rings for Metallic Packing of Piston Rods and Valve Stems. Effugisti ... i Set Cjdinder Casings. Effugitos ... i Set Steam Chests. Effugiunt . . i Set Steam Chest Caps or Lids. Effulcrate . . i Set Steam Chest Glands and Bottom Rings. Effulge . . . i Set Steam Chest Casings. Effulgence . . i Set Steam Chest Casing Covers. Effulgent . . i Set Steam Chest Valves. Effulgetis . . i Set Steam Chest Valve Yokes. Effulsio ... i Set Steam Chest Relief Valves. Effulsioni . . i Set Pistons with Rods and Packing. Effultorum . i Set Piston Rods. Effultus ... i Set Piston Packing. Effumable . . i Pair Cylinders with Heads, Covers, Casings, Valves, Stems, Pistons, Metallic Piston Rod and Valve Stem Packing, complete (Vauclain Compound Sys- tem). Effumant. . . i Pair Finished Cylinders with Bushings, bolted to- gether, but without other fittings (Vauclain Com- pound System). Effumigare. . i Set Front Cylinder Heads, High Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). Effuming. . . i Set Back Cylinder Heads, High Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). Effundica . . i Set Front Cylinder Head Casing Covers, High Press- ure (Vauclain Compound S3 T stem). Effundir . . . i Set Back Cylinder Head Casing Covers, High Press- ure (Vauclain Compound System). Effundo ... i Set Front Cylinder Heads, Low Pressure (Vauclain Compound System ) . Effusion ... i Set Back Cylinder Heads, Low Pressure (Vauclain Compound System ) . Effusive ... i Set Front Cylinder Head Casing Covers, Low Press- ure (Vauclain Compound System). Effusively . . i Set Back Cylinder Head Casing Covers, Low Press- ure (Vauclain Compound System). Effusoris . . i Set Front Valve Chamber Heads (Vauclain Com- pound System). DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 35 Effusorum Effuticius Effutile . EfFutilis . Effutilium Efialte Eficiencia Efigies . . Eflagelle . Efourceau Efraimo . Efusal . . Egagre Egagropilo Egailler . Egalement Egalisage Egaliser . Egaliseras Egalisons Egalitaire Egalite . Egancette Egarerais Egareriez Egareront Egariez Egarons . i Set Back Valve Chamber Heads (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Front Valve Chamber Head Casing Covers (Vau- clain Compound System). i Set Back Valve Chamber Head Casing Covers (Vau- clain Compound System). i Set Valve Chamber Bushings (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Main Piston Valves with Rings (Vauclain Com- pound System). i Set Main Piston Valves with Rings and Stems (Vau- clain Compound System). i Set Main Piston Valve Rings (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Pistons with Rods and Packing, High Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Pistons with Rods and Packing, Low Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Piston Packing Rings, High Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Piston Packing Rings, Low Pressure (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Piston Rods (Vauclain Compound System). 2 Starting Valves (Vauclain Compound System). 4 Cylinder Cocks (Vauclain Compound System). i Set Cylinder Relief Valves (Vauclain Compound System). Set Frames without Fittings. i Set Frame Front Rails. i vSet Frame Pedestal Caps. i Set Pedestal Wedges. i Set Pedestal Wedge Bolts. i Set Pedestal Gibs. i Set Driving Wheels complete, on Axles with Eccen- trics, Eccentric Straps, and Boxes, painted and varnished. i Set Driving Tires. i Set Wrist Pius. i Set Driving Axles. i Set Eccentrics. i Set Eccentric Straps. i Set Guides with Filling Pieces. 36 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Egarrotte . . i Set Crossheads. Egauler . . . i Set Crosshead Gibs. Egayantes . . i Set Crosshead Filling Pieces. Egayasses . . i Set Crosshead Pins. Egayer . . . i Set Rods complete, except Oil Cups. Egayeras . . i Set Rod Brasses. Egayions . . i Set Rod Straps. Egberto . . . i Set Rod Keys. Egdauama . . i Set Rod Straps with Brasses, Keys, Bolts and Set Screws. Egeenne . . . i Set Links complete, with Blocks ■ Lifters, Eccentric Rods and all Pins. Egeirino . . . i Reverse Shaft. Egelamus . . i Set Reverse Shaft Bearings. Egelantier . . i Set Rock Shafts. Egelbeere . . i Set Rocker Boxes. Egelgras . . . i Set Valve Rods. Egelidamus . i Counterbalance Spring. Egelidas . . . i Pump complete. Egelkruid . . i Pump Plunger. Egelochus . . i Pump Feed Cock. Egentium . . i Pump Check complete. Egenulorum . i Complete Set of Springs. Egerane . . . i Set Driving Springs. Egermage . . i Set Driving Spring Links. Egersimon . . i Set Engine Truck Springs. Egesaretus . i Set Tender Springs. Egesippe . . i Forward Equalizing Beam. Egestas . . . i Forward Equalizing Beam Fulcrum. Egestione . . i Set Equalizing Beams. Egestionis . . i Set Equalizing Beam Fulcrums. Egestorum . . i Bell with Clapper and Tongue. Egestosi ... i Bell with Clapper and Tongue, Frame, Yoke and Crank. Egestosus . . i Sand Box complete. Egestuum . . i Smoke Stack complete with Base. Eggaree . . . i Smoke Stack Base complete. Eggebalken . i Smoke Stack Cone. Eggehaken . i Smoke Stack Netting. Eggement . . i Set Grate Bars. Eggen .... i Set Grate Frames or Holders. Eggerigst . . i Set Rocking Grates, with all Fixtures. DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 37 Eggerling . Eggiger . . Eggigheid . Eghiazar Egialus . . Egidarmato Egidio . . . Egifila . . . Egignere Egilopical . Eginetique . Eginopside . Egiochus Egipciana . Egipcios Egipiro . . Egiptologo Egirine . . Egissent . . Egiziache . Egiziaco . . Eglecopala Egloga . . Eglogiste Egloguista Eglon . . Egmond . Egnatia . Egnatius Egoarico Egoasinha Egobole . Egobuer . Egofonia Egoger . Egohine . Egoical . Egoismar Egoismo . Egoistical i Set Engine Truck Boxes with Brasses and Cellars. i Set Engine Truck Box Brasses. Set Engine Truck Box Cellars. Set Driving Boxes with Brasses and Cellars. Set Driving Box Brasses. Set Driving Box Cellars. Set Tender Boxes with Lids, Wedges and Brasses. Set Tender Boxes with Lids. Set Tender Box Wedges. Set Tender Box Brasses. Engine Truck complete, with Wheels, Boxes, etc., painted and varnished, i Engine Truck complete, except Wheels and Boxes. i Engine Truck Center Pin. i Engine Truck Swing Bolster, i Engine Truck Frame. Engine Truck Wheels without Axles, bored. Pair Engine Truck Wheels on Axles, painted and varnished. Pilot. Pilot Bull Nose. Pilot Draw Bar. Engine Front Draw Casting. Water Gauge, complete. Water Gauge Glasses. Water Gauge Lamp. Injector. Injector Steam Valve. Injector Feed Cock. Injector Check. Steam Gauge. Steam 'Gauge Stand. Steam Gauge Lamp. Steam Gauge Lamp Globes. Steam Gauge Lamp Stand. Blower Valve. Heater Valve, i Steam Brake Valve for Engineer, i Steam Brake Stop Valve, i Blow-off Cock, i Set Gauge Cocks, i Set Cylinder Cocks. 38 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Egoistique . . i Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator. Egoity . . . . i Set Cab Cylinder Oilers, B. L. W. Style. Egoletro . . i Set Condensing Steam Chest Oil Cups. Egologie . . i Set Rod Oil Cups. Egologique . i Set Guide Oil Cups. Egomet . . . i Set Rock Shaft Oil Cups. Egomiste . . i Set Eccentric Strap Oil Cups. Egophone . i Whistle. Egopodio . . i Headlight. Egopogono . i Throttle Lever complete, with Quadrant, Latch Link, Stud, Handle and Spring. Egoprico . . i Reverse Lever complete. Egoprosope . i Reverse Lever Rod, or Reach Rod. Egorgement . i Set Cab Brackets. Egorgeoir . . i Set Cab Bracket Plates. Egorgeront . i Foot Plate. Egorgille . . i Tender Wedge. Egosiller . . i Tender Wedge Box. Egotheism . . i Engine Back Draw Bar. Egothele . . i Exhaust Nozzle and Thimbles. Egotism ... i Set Exhaust Nozzle Thimbles. Egotistic . . i Set Smokebox Netting. Egotize ... i Spark Ejector. Egotizing . . i Spark Ejector Valve. Egout .... i Set Smokebox Cleaning Holes and Caps. Egoutier . . . i Set Driving Brake Shoes. Egouttage . . i Set Driving Brake Heads. Egraffigne . . i Set Brake Cylinders complete, with Pistons and Rods. Egrageure . . i Set Driving Brake Cams. Egrainage . . i Tank with Funnel and Lid, Valves, Lugs and Handles, painted and varnished. Egrainoir . . i Tank Funnel and Lid. Egramente . i Tank Cock. Egraminer . i Tender, complete on Wheels, painted and varnished. Egrappage . . i Tender Chafing Casting. Egrapper , . i Tender Front Draw Casting. Egratigner . . i Tender Back Draw Casting. Egravoir . . i Set Tender Frame Center Pins. Egregiat . . . i Set Tender Pedestals. Egregiorum . i Set Tender Trucks complete, with Wheels, painted and varnished. DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 39 Egregious . Egregores . Egrenement Egressao Egressed Egressing Egribos . Egrillard Egriot . . Egrisage Egritude . Egrotant . Egsmeden Egsmederij Egsmid Egtand . Egtanden Egualendo Egualezza Egualimmo Egualirai Egualisco Egualissi Egualito . Egueille . Eguerunt Eguilles . Eguimus . Eguisier . Eguisti Egularum Egurgito . Egypciaco Egypius . Egyptiaque Egyptien Egyptology Ehamote Ehebett . Ehebruch i Tender Truck complete, with Wheels, painted and varnished, i Set Tender Trucks complete, without Wheels and Boxes. i Tender Truck complete, without Wheels and Boxes. i Set Tender Truck Center Plates. i Set Tender Wheels on Axles, painted and varnished, i Pair Tender Wheels on Axle, painted and varnished, i Set Tender Wheels without Axles, i Set Tender Brake Shoes, i Set Tender Brake Heads, i Cab. 4o BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Ehebund Ehefrau . . Ehegatte Ehegeld . . Ehegemahl Ehegenosse Ehegericht Ehegespons Ehegestern Ehehaelfte Ehejoch . . Eheklage Eheleben. . Eheleute . . Eheliebe . . Ehelos . . . Ehemals . . Ehemann Eheordnung Ehepaar . . Ehepfand . Eherecht. . Ehering . . Eheringen . Ehern . . . Eheschatz . Eheschmied Eheschuld . Ehesegen . Ehestifter . Ehestunde . Ehevater. . Ehevogt . . Eheweib . . Ehewunsch Ehodum . . Ehontement Ehoupper . Ehrbarer. . Ehrenamt . Ehrenbahn. Ehrenbett . DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 4> Ehrenbild . Ehrenbogen Ehrengabe . Ehrengift Ehrengrab . Ehrengruss Ehrenhaft . Ehrenkampf Ehrenkerze Ehrenkette. Ehrenkranz Ehrenkreuz Ehrenkrone Ehrenlied . Ehrenlohn . Ehrenluege Ehrenmahl Ehrenmann Ehrenmusik Ehrenpaar . Ehrenplatz. Ehrenpreis. Ehrenpunkt Ehrenrauch Ehrenrecht Ehrenreim . Ehrenrock . DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 43 Types of Locomotives IX order to aid in understanding the class designations more readily, the different types of engines manufactured at these Works, with the class designations of each type, and the kind of service for which they are specially designed or adapted, are shown by line illus- trations, in the following pages. 44 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS 5 A (RACK RAIL TYPE) MOUNTAIN SERVICE L= ft \ \ 6 B INSPECTION SERVICE DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 45 46 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 47 4 8 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS ^ ^ DC LjJ Q Z LjJ <-> CO LLl * 5 co a. x LLl DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 49 5o BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 51 52 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVEvS 53 54 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 55 56 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVEvS 57 58 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 59 Illustrated Plates Plate 1 Plate 2 LU Q. > > < C/) < Q < DC *-& 6 1 62 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Boiler and Attachments Plates 1 and 2. Encotyle Encouardi . . i . Boiler. Encoubert . . 2 . Firebox. Encoudam . . 2A. Front Tube Sheet. Encoufer . . . 2B. Firebox " Encougard . . 2C. Water Space Frame. Encouloir . -> Dome. Encounters • 4 " Ring. Encourager • 5 " Cap. Encourais . . 6 " Base. Encourar • 7 " Casing. Encouriez . . 8 " Cover. Encourons • 9 Throttle Valve. Encourront . IO " Box. Encourumes ii " Pipe. Encouteiro . 12 " " Elbow. Encouto . . 13 " Valve Crank. Encouturer 14 " Rod. Encradle • 15 " Stem. Encradling . 16 Stuffing Box. Encranio • 17 " Gland. Encrasser . . 18 Dry Pipe. Encratitas . • 19 " Front End. Encratiti . 20 " Ring on Tube Sheet Encravacao . 21 Tubes. Encravar . 22 Double Cone. Encravo . . 23 Steam Pipes, R and L. Encreases . . 24 Smokebox Ring Front. Encrepe . . . 24. \. " " Middle. Encrespado • 24" b. " " Back. DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 63 Encrespar . 25- Smokebox Front. Encrespeis 26. Door. Encrespo 27- " " Liner Encresta 28. Number Plate. Encrestada 29. Smoke Stack Base. Encrimson 30- Fire Door. Encrinic 31- " " Frame. Encrinital . 32- 11 " I^iner. Encrisped . 33- Corner Plug. Encristado 34- Fusible ' ' Encrivore . 35- Waist Encroach . 36. Lagging. Encroached 37- Jacket. Encroise 38. Smokebox Baud. Encrotter . 39- Safety Valve. Encroutant 40. " Stem. Encruar . . . 41. " Spring. Encruecer . 42. " C Encruzado 43- Relief Lever. Encuaderno 44. Crown Bar. Encubabais 45- Staybolt. Encubado . . 46. Spark Ejector. In ordering steam pipes (No. 23), it will be necessary to specify the side, if both are not wanted. Smoke stack base ( No. 29), while shown in one piece on this plate, is frequently made in two parts, as shown on Plate 38, and either part can be had by referring to the latter plate. See Plate 4 for steel base. Jacket bands are not given a number in this list, as they are easily designated without. In many cases patented valves are used instead of the safety valve shown on this plate. In ordering, state whether valve is wanted with or without relief lever. Plate 3 64 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 65 Arrangement of Fire Bricks in Firebox Plate 3. Encubamos Figure 1. — Bricks supported on Encubar . 1. Fire Brick. Encubarian . 2. " " Tube. Encubaron .3. " i( Plug, Front. Encubertar • 4- " " Back. Figure 2. — Bricks supported on Studs. Encubierta . 5. Fire Brick Stud. Plate 4 56 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 67 Pressed Steel Smokebox Front, Cylinder Head Cover, and Stack Base Plate 4. Encubridor Encubrimos . 1. Smokebox Front. Encubrir . . 2. " Door. Encubriras . 3. Cylinder Head Cover, Front. Encubriria . 4. " " " Back. Encuentras . 5. Stack Base. Plates 1 and 2 show cast iron smokebox fronts and stack bases, and Plate 5 cast iron cylinder head covers. These have in recent 5 r ears been superseded on many railroads by similar parts made of steel sheets pressed while hot in dies giving them the required forms. They are much stronger, and consequently more durable than cast iron, present a simple, neat appearance, and in many cases when injured can be brought back to their original shape. Plate 5 a \\\\ i ■,- , ' . 5 5 - 5 ggg ■- , S 5 ^ ggj|E . '. ■ gSSSSSSSSSSSS 68 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 69 Single-Expansion Cylinder, Steam Chest and Attachments Plate 5. Encuentro Encuerda . . 1 . Cylinder. Encugentar . 2. Front Head. Encuirer . . 3- Back Enculasse . . 4- Front Casing Cover. Encumber . . 5- Back < i Encumbraba 6. Cylinder Gland, R. and L. Encumbrar 7- < < ( Bottom Ring. Encumbreis 8. Wood Lagging. Encumbro . 9- Casing. Encumear . 10. Steam Chest. Encunare . 11. < 1 < i Cap. Encunasen 12. (i a Gland. Encurralar 13- < ( ( ( " Bottom Ring. Encurtador 14- ( c a Casing Cover. Encurtain . 15- i ( ( ( Casing. Encurtamos 16. i < ( < Valve. Encurtidos 16A " Balanced Pattern Encurtiera i6e ( < (< " Packing Strips. Encurtir . 16c < ( a *' " Springs. Encurtiras 17- a 1 < " Yoke. Encuvage . . 18. ( 1 i i Joint. Encyanthe • 19- a ( c Oil Pipe Stem. If a single cylinder, head, gland, or steam chest is ordered, the side required for should be specified. Plate 6 FIG. 1 ES (Q) | g, !< , p: ~~j [^ ~ FIG. 2 ^ E C * i ^ ^z - 70 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 71 Baldwin Compound Cylinders (Four Cylinder, Vauclain System) Plate 6. Encycle Figure 1. Baldwin Compound Cylinders with Low-Pressure Cylinder above High- Pressure, showing one side of locomotive. Figure 2. Baldwin Compound Cylinders with High-Pressure Cylinder above Low-Pressure, showing one side of locomotive. The High- and Low-Pressure Cylinders are cast in one piece. Plate 7 DIAGRAM SHOWING COURSE OF STEAM IN FOURoCYLINDER COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVE ^\\\\\\\\\\\^\^v\\\\\^\v\\\\v\v\\\^ 72 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 73 Diagram of Baldwin Compound Cylinders (Vauclain System), Showing the Course of Steam in the Cylinders and Valve Chamber Plate 7. Encycleme Encyclia . . i. Cylinder. Encyclical . . 2. High-Pressure Front Cylinder Head. Encyclios . 3- Back Encyclique 4- " Front " " Casing Cover Encyclon 5- Back Encymon . 6. Low- Pressure Front " " Encyoneme 7- Back Encyrte . . 8. " Front . " " Casing Cover Encyrtite . 9- Back Encystment IO. Front Valve Chamber Head. Encytis . . ii . Back " Encyto . . 12. Front " " " Casing Cover. Endacin . . 13- Back " Endagrie . . 14. Valve Chamber Bushing. (See Plate 13). Endamage . 15- Piston Valve. Endamaging 16. 11 Stem. Endamenes 17- ; 'High- Pressure Cylinder Gland. Endanger . 18. *Low- Pressure " " Endangered • 19- *Valve Chamber Gland. If a single cylinder, head, casing cover, bushing, valve, stem, or gland is ordered, the side required for should be specified. ^Metallic Packing is used in all Stuffing Boxes of Compound Cylinders. (See Plates 91 and 92). Plate 8 DIAGRAM SHOWING COURSE OF STEAM IN BALANCED COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVE ^///////////////////////////////////Z^T^k ^///////////////////////////////^ 74 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 7^ Diagram of Baldwin Balanced Compound Cylinders Showing the Course of Steam in the Cylinders and Valve Chamber Plate 8. Endangion Endark . . . i. Cylinder. Endarken . . 2. High -Pressure Front Cylinder Head. Endarkened 3- a i< Back Endarking . . 4- (( C( Front " " Casing Cover Endaubage 5- ( i ( ( Back '1 1 1 Endaubeur 6. Low Front ' ' " Endazeh . . 7 • " Back Endearedly 8. ( ( CI Front ' ' Casing Cover Endearment 9- (I 1 < Back <( Endeavour IO. Front Valve Chamber Head. Endebles . 1 1. Back " Endeblezes 12. Front ' ' Casing Cover. Endecader 13- Back <{ i ( i ( a i i Endecaedro 14- Valve Chamber Bushing. | See Plate 13.) Endecagono 15- Piston Valve. " " Endechador 16. 1 < it Stem. Endechamos 17- *High-Pressure Cylinder Gland. Endechando 18. *Low ' ' < < << Endechar . . 19- * Valve Chamber Gland. If a single cylinder, head, casing cover, bushing, valve, stem, or gland is ordered, the side required for should be specified. -Metallic Packing is used in all Stuffing Boxes of Compound Cylinders. (See Plates 91 and 92). Plate 9 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVEvS 77 Baldwin Compound Cylinders, Two Cylinder Type Plate 9. Endecharon Endechases . 1. High -Pressure Cylinder. Endecheis . .2. Low-Pressure Cylinder. In ordering steam chest, steam chest valve, steam chest cap or cas- ing, cylinder heads or cylinder head covers, use code words shown 011 Plate 5, specifying for which side the parts are required. Plate 10 ^^^ ^ ^^ R^^ CD CO 78 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 79 Intercepting and Reducing Valves for Baldwin Two Cylinder Compound Locomotives Plate 10. Endechoso Endehesado i Intercepting Valve Front. Endehesais 2 " " Back. Endehesar " " Distance Bar Endeictic 4 " " Packing Rin< Endeixis 5 " 11 Spring. Endelechia 6 " " Front Head. Endellione • 7 i i li Back " Endelsy . . 8 < < " Bushing. Endemial . 9 Reducing Ya Ive Piston. Endemicite IO << ' Rod. Endemico . ii " ' Packing Ring. Endemie 12 " Spring. Endemique 13 . ' Head. Endemoniar 14 < ' Bushing. Endenize 15 ' Plugs. Endenizing 16 " ' ' Poppet Valves. Plate 11 80 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Si Diagram of Tandem Compound Cylinders, Showing the Course of Steam in the Cylinders and Valve Chamber Plate 11. Endentacao Endentadas . i Endentado . 2 Endentamos 3 Endentaron 4- Endentecer 5- Endenteis . . 6 Endentezco • 7- Endenture . . 8 Endeonose • 9 Endeosar . IO. Endeque ii. Enderecar . 12. Endereco 13- Enderezado • 14 Enderezeis 15 Endermatic 16. Endermic . • 17 Enderon . 18 Enderum • 19 Endetteras . 20 Endettiez . 21 Endettons . . 22 Endever . . • 23 Endexa . . • 24 Endgueltig • 25 High-Pressure Cylinder. Front Head. Back " Front " Cover. Valve Chamber Head. < ( it ii " Bushing. Piston Valve. " Rings. Cover. Low-Pressure Cylinder. Front Head. Back (Central), Cover. Front Back Valve Chamber Head. Cover. " Bushing. Piston Valve. Rings. . Valve Stem. . Intermediate Valve Chamber Gland. .*Low-Pressure Cylinder Gland. .^Intermediate Cylinder Gland. .*Valve Chamber Gland. If a single cylinder, head, casing cover, bushing, valve, stem or gland is ordered, the side required for should be specified. ^Metallic Packing is used in all Stuffing Boxes of Compound Cylinders. (See Plates 91 and 92). Plate 12 V^ c o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o <*>-. k TlLS IZL r l 3 82 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 83 Saddle for Tandem Compound Cylinders Plate 12. Endiable Endiabrado 1. Saddle. Endiaco . . 2. Steam Pipe. Endiamante 3- " Ring. Endiandre . 4- Exhaust Connection. Endiaper 5- Gland Plate 13 E3 B ' B =^1 ii B B3 H H B l 1 h B H □ □ □ 1 III □ n □ D n 1 4 | | | D □ □ □ □ 1 1 U □ □ 1 1 I — 1 B I 1 t=i i 1 i — i B B F=l P=3 t= f=^ 1=1 E3 1= B B B H B B B 5 □ □ n □ 5 □ □ 4 DDD □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ B B B E3 B B B B B) bd t=l B B IB 84 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Piston Valve and Bushing for Baldwin Compound Locomotives (Vauclain and Balanced Systems) Plate 13. Endiapered Endica . . . i. Piston Valve. Endicuzza . . 2. " " Packing Ring. Endigue ... 3. " " Stem. Endilgada . . 4. Valve Chamber Bushing. If a single valve, stem, or bushing is ordered, the side required for should be specified. Plate 14 ARRANGEMENT Wh|eq H ighj Pre s sure Cv I. ARRANGEMENT Wl^eq High) Pressure Cyl. 86 DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 87 Arrangement of Starting Valves and Cylinder Cocks for Baldwin Compound Locomotives (Vauclain System) Plate 14. Endilgador Endilgamos . 1. Starting Valve Lever in Cab. Endilgar . . 2. " " " Fulcrum in Cab, Endilgaron . 3. " " Rod from Cab. Endilgases . 4. Upper Arm. Endilgueis . 5. Lower " Endimanche 6. Shaft. Endiosado . 7. Starting Valve Rod under Cylinder. Endiosamos . 8. Cylinder Cock " " " Endiosaron . 9. " " Strip. Endiosases . 10. Starting Valve. Endioseis . .11. Cylinder Cock. Plate 15 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 89 Cylinder Cock Work, for Single-Expansion Locomotives Plate 15. Endiple Endireitar . 1. Upper Arm. Endive . . 2. Lower ' ' Endivia . . 5' Shaft. Endknospe 4- 11 Bearing. Endkopf . . 5- Cock Strips. Endless . . 6. Lever in Cab. Endlessly . 7 • 11 Fulcrum. Endlich . 8. Coupling Rod Jaws Plate 16 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 91 Vacuum Valve for Low-Pressure Cylinder Ports (Vauclain System) Plate 16. Endlichere Endlong . . . 1 Low- Pressure Port Vacuum Valve. Plate 17 92 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 93 Relief Valve for Low-Pressure Cylinder Heads (Vauclain System) Plate 17. Endmost Endoblado . 1. Low-Pressure Cylinder Head Relief Valve, Front. Endocardio . 2. " " " " " Back. In ordering a single valve, state whether it is wanted for front or back cylinder head. Plate 18 94 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 95 Combined Relief and Vacuum Valve for Low- Pressure Cylinder Heads (Vauclain System) Plate 18. Endocarp Endocarpei . i. Low-Pressure Cylinder Head Relief and Vacuum Valve, Front. Endocarpon . 2. Low-Pressure Cylinder Head Relief and Vacuum Valve, Back. In ordering a single valve, state whether it is wanted for front or back cvlinder head. Plate 19 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 97 Frames and Pedestals Plate 19. Endoceras Endochroa i. Top Rail and Pedesi Endochromo 2 , Front Rail. Endocladie 3- 11 Top. Endocrane 4- " " Bottom. Endoctorer 5- Middle Brace. Endoctrine 6. Back Endocus / • Frame Filling Piece Endocyme 8. Pedestal Wedge. Endocyst 9- Bol Endodaque IO. Gib. Endomyque 1 1. Cap. While this plate does not show the pedestal bolted to the frame rail, engines have been constructed on this plan, and when ordering a pedestal to replace, it will only be necessary to refer to its position on the frame. Plate 20 f\ r G y ll CN Ll 1 fen ^ £2 nr s =|l rf i7 < 1 r-f oO o i« -J °° — H o> 1 1 (4 ob J 00 © 1 [.. Jm» o • — — T---] — Q ^ CO r" J * c » co CO 1 CO I CD < 1 — < _l 5 ri OO - ts o o 2 = -\ o n r 00 1 — H* I = o > , t Jif li 1 1 1 r . 00 * { dS 1 o t : r _r OO ^F 1 i =*,!> V 1 J *4 V ^ ( ■ S eo o - — -Tj fit CS i 1 n /■ <^ ir 1- \ r :r ~ r^ L£ 98 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 99 Frames and Pedestals Plate 20. Endophlee Endophleon . i. Top Rail and Pedestals. Endophore . 2. Front Rail. Endophylle • 7- Frame Filling Piece. Endoplast . . 8. Pedestal Wedge. Endopleura • 9- " Bolt. Endopodite . IO. Gib. Endopogon . ii. Cap. Endoptere . . 12. Back Frame. Endoptilo . • 13- Trailing Pedestal Cap. Plate 21 3 OR 4 7 — c OR 4 -t f 5 3 or 4— m j- 1 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES IOI Driving Wheels, Axles and Tires Plate 21. Endor Endorhizal Endorhizo Endormais Endormant Endormeur Endormez . Endormi i. Axle. 2. Eccentric. 3. Wheel Center (Cast Iron). 4. " " (Cast Steel) 5. Wrist Pin. 6. Tire. 7. Crank Axle. Orders for wheels or their parts, when not in fnll sets, should indi- cate particular pair of wheels required, or the pair for which parts are needed. Plate 22 I02 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 103 Wrought Iron Driving Wheel Center (Vauclain Type) Plate 22. Endormions Endormiras . . Driving Wheel Center. For many years east iron has been used in this country for driving wheel centers. Lately, however, on account of the increased severity ot locomotive service, a demand has arisen for stronger wheels, and this has been met by the wrought iron center here described. The method of manufacture is plainly shown by the drawing. The parts are forged separately under drop and steam hammers and a hydraulic machine, and assembled as shown by the dotted lines. They are then brought to a welding heat and placed between steel dies of suitable dimen- sions, the upper one being connected to the piston rod of a powerful steam hammer. A few blows then weld the parts together, making a homogeneous, solid forging. These wheels possess great strength, lightness, and beauty of design. The counterbalance is filled with lead when necessary to bring it to the required weight. For clearer illustration of method of manufacture, (See Plate 23, Figure 1). Plate 23 104 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 105 Wrought Iron Engine Truck and Tender Wheel (Vauclain Type) Plate 23. Endorsing Endosados . 1. Wheel Center. Endosarc . .2. Retaining Ring. Endosareis . 3. Tire. The conditions which brought forth the wrought iron driving wheel have caused the existence of the engine truck and tender wheel of the same type. The construction is shown by Figure 1. The tire is shrunk on the center and is further secured by two wrought iron retaining rings held by rivets (see Figure 2) . The steel tire lasts much longer than the chilled tread of a cast iron wheel, and when, after having been turned several times, it is finally worn too thin for use, it can be replaced by a new one; whereas, when the tread of a cast iron wheel is worn through the chill, the whole wheel must be thrown away. For the position of these wheels in the truck, (see Plates 42 and 72). Plate 24 DKTAILS OK I.OCOMOTIYKS 107 Guide Bearer, Guides, and Crosshead for Single- Expansion Locomotives Plate 24. Endosas Endoscopic 1. Guide Bearer. Endoselado 2. " Knee. Endoselar . 6' Top Guide Bar. Endosimon 4- Bottom Guide Bar. Endosiphie 5- Guide Fillings. Endosmic . 6. Crosshead. Endosmose 7- Gibs. Endosmosis 9- Plate. Endosmotic 10. Pin. Endosperma 11. Key. Orders for guides, when not in full sets, should specify whether top or bottom guides are wanted, and for crosshead the side should be given. Plate 25 rrrn I i TJ h-^d V E o Q ? * •Q3 £JEL Jl IU o U*l-= rp ^ E ir M 4 1 08 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES ic 9 Guide Bearer, Guides, and Crosshead for Single- Expansion Locomotives Plate 25. Endospore Endossador i. Guide Bearer. Endossed 2. " Knee. Endosseras 3- Top Guide Bar. Endossiez . 4- Bottom Guide Bar. Endosso . . • 5- Guide Fillings. Endostomo . 6. Crosshead. Endotheque / • Gibs. Endotric . 8. Filling Piece. Endotropis 9- Plate. Endoudecer IO. Pin. Endouzaine .ii. Key. Orders for guides, when not in full sets, should specify whether top or bottom guides are wanted, and for crosshead the side should be given. Plate 26 m • © DETAILS OF LOCOMOT1YKS in Guide Bearer, Guides, and Crosshead for Baldwin Compound Locomotives (Vauclain System) Plate 26. Endowed Endowing . Endowment Endplatte . Endpunkt . Endracco Endrao . . Endreim Endressie . i. Guide Bearer. 2. " " Knee. 3. Top Guide Bar. 4. Bottom Guide Bar. 5. Guide Front Filling or Block. 5 A. " Back 6. Crosshead. 10. Pin, < < i i i i Orders for guides, when not in full sets, should specify whether top or bottom guides are wanted and for crosshead the side should be given. Plate 27 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES "3 Valve Stem Guides and Crosshead for Baldwin Compound Locomotives (Vauclain System) Plate 27. Endrevelo Endriago 1. Valve Stem Top Guide Bar. Endrinales 2. " Bottom Guide Bar. Endrinas 3- " Guide Front Filling or Block. Endrispe 4- " Back " Endrivet 5- " Crosshead Lug. Endroguant 6. " Crosshead. Endroguet . 7- Pin. Orders for valve stem guides, when not in full sets, should specify whether top or bottom guides are wanted ; and for crosshead the side should be given. Plate 28 114 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS ii5 Valve Motion Work (Stephenson) Plate 28. Endroit Endromide Endromidis Endrudge ■i: Endrudging Endschloss Endsilbe Endspitz Endstuhl Enduisiez Enduisons Endulzaban Endulzadas Endulzado Endulzais . Endulzemos Endulzo . . Endurable . Endurais 6. 7. Re\ 8. 10. 11. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- 18. 19. Axle. Eccentrics. Eccentric Strap, Front Half. " Back " Rod, Inside (Forward Motion). " Outside (Back " ) erse Link, Back Half. Front " " Filling Piece. " Saddle. Sliding Block. Link Lifter. Reverse Shaft. Counterbalance Spring. Reverse Shaft Bearing. 11 Lever Rod. Rock Shaft. " Box. Valve Rod. Orders for reverse shaft bearings, rock shaft boxes, and link work when not in sets, should specify the side required for. Plate 29 116 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Valve Motion Work (Walschaerts) Plate 29. Endurance Endurant Endurcimes Endurciras . Endurecias Endurecido Endurentar Endurer . . Endurezcas Endurezco Enduring Enduringly Endurons Endways Endwise Endyalite Endymion Endymionem Endymionis Endytis . . Endzapfen i. 2 . 3- 4- 5- 6. 7 • 8. 9- io. 1 1. 12. 13- H- 15- 16. i7- 18. 19. 20. Eccentric Crank, Rod. Link. Bearing. Front Reverse Shaft. " " Bearing. Back " " Bearing. Front Reverse Lever Rod. Back " " " • Counterbalance Spring. Lifting Link. Radius Rod Combination Lever. " Link. Crosshead Plate. Valve Yoke Crosshead. " " Guide. " " " Crosstie. Knee. Orders for reverse shaft bearings, link bearings and valve motion work, when not in sets, should specify the side required for. Plate 30 118 DETAILvS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 119 Rock Shaft Rod and Hanger Plate 30. Endziel Endzweck . . 1. Rock Shaft Rod. Eneacordio .2. " " " Hanger. Eneadas ... 3. " Cl " " Bearing. Eneaginias .4. " " " Oil Cup. Orders for rock shaft rods, hangers, and bearings, when not in sets, should specify the side required for. Plate 31 Plate 32 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Rods, Straps and Brasses Plates 31 and 32. Eneagona Eneagonos .A. Main Rod. Eneandria . . B. Back Parallel or Side Rod Enebral . . . C. Second " " " " Enebrinas . . D. Third " " " " Enebros . . . E. Fourth " " " " Enecabamus 8 Strap of Stub i. Enecandos 9 c < < < i 1 2. Enecantium . io. ii t( c 1 3- Enecaremus ii (< t ( ( ' 4- Enecate . . 12 H i i i ' 5- Enecating . 13 i i a < ' 6. Enecatrici . 14 i ( i i t ' 7- Enecatrix . 15 Brass " ' ' i. Enecia . . 16 ( < a t ' 2. Enecturam • 17 i i i i i ' 3- Enecturi 18 c< n ( 1 4- Enecturos . 19 i i c < i ' 5- DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 123 Enecuero . 20. Brass of Stub 6. Enecuerunt . 21. ci « u 7 Enedreyte . 22. Key " " 1. Eneida . . • 23. K a a 2 Eneldos . . • 24. " " " 3- Eneleo . . • 25. " " « 4- Enematibus . 26. „ „ 5> Enemion • 27. cc «« 6 Enemistado . 28. " " " 7. Enemistas . . 29. Bolt. Enemitique • 30. Set Screw. Enenkel . . • 3i. Jaw Pin for B. Eneoptere . • 32. c< ci c Eneorema . • 33- " " D. Energema . • 34- " " K. When rods are not ordered in full sets, the side for which the parts are wanted should be given, as well as the letter of the rod and the stub number. Give the stub number in all cases when ordering straps, brasses, keys, bolts, or set screws Plate 33 124 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 125 Inside Connecting Rod for Balanced Compound Locomotives Plate 33. Energemati Energetico 1 Rod Body. Energical . 2 Front Stub. Energiche . 3 " Brass. Energizar .' 4 " Bolts. Energizing 5 " Key. Energumeno 6 " Washer Energy . . 7 Back Stub Brass. Enero . . . 8 " " Strap. Enervabais 9 " Bolts. Enervabunt 10 Key. Enervacao 11 " Holder. Plate 34 wtyw 126 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Pistons and Packing Rings Plate 34. Enervador Enervais . i . Piston Head. Enervamos 2 " Follower. Enervant . 3 Bolts. Enervaron 4 Bolt Nuts. Enervasses 5 " Rod. Enervative 6 " Key. Enervaturo 7 . " " Nut. Enervavero 8 " Spring Rings (Cast Iron). Enervement 9 T Ring (Cast Iron). Enerverais IO " Brass and Composition Rings Enerveront ii Spring. Enervibus . 12 " " Studs and Nuts. Enerviez 13 11 Wire Springs. This plate indicates four kinds of packing generally used, and cus- tomers can readily refer to the particular pieces by the number of the piece, as well as the figure number. Plate 35 128 Plate 36 129 Plate 37 s^r^rn? iZ to — IP^ ft 130 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 131 Springs and Equalizing Work Plates 35, 36 and 37. Enervons Enervorum 1. Forward Driving Spring. Eneti . . . 2. Second " ' ' Eneyer . . 3- Third Enfadadas 4- Fourth Enfadadico 5- Fifth Enfadando 6. Forward Truck Equalizing Beam. Enfadarian 7- Driving Equalizing Beam, First. Enfadeis 8. " " " Second. Enfadonho 9- " Third. Enfagoter . 10. " Fourth. Enfaixar 1 1. Forward " Link. Enfaldada . . 12. 11 " " Fulcrum Enfaldador I2A Driving Enfaldamos 13- Spring Link Enfaldare . 14- " Staple. Enfaldaron 15- Forward Truck Center Pin Bolt. Enfamar . . 16. Transverse Equalizing Beam. In ordering from these plates, it is necessary to specify the figure as well as the number of piece, as it will be noticed that the same numbers have different shapes on the different figures. Plate 38 132 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Smoke Stacks Plate 38. Enfamined Enfamished i. Base. Enfancon . 2. " Flange. Enfangada 3. Cone. Enfangados 4. Top. Enfangueis 5. Netting. Enfardaras 6. Body. Enfardasen 7. Chamber. Enfardelo . 8. Inside Pipe. Enfarelar . 9. Hand Hole and Plate. In ordering top parts of " Diamond " plan of stack, the order shonld always specify whether top or bottom part of No. 4 is wanted when both pieces are not required. Plate 39 i34 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 135 Pilot and Front Bumper, Iron Draw Bar Attachment Plate 39. Enfarinait Enfarinhar 1. Bumper. Enfarinons 2. Stiffening Plate. Enfascie . . 3- Pilot Frame. Enfastiado 4- " Bars. Enfatiche . 5- " Bottom Band. Enfatico . . 6. Draw Bar. Enfatilhar . 7- " Shoe. Enfects . . 8. Bottom Plate. Enfeeble 9- Pushing Shoe. Enfeebling 10. Pilot Bracket. Enfeeblish 11. Middle Brace. Enfeitador 12. Smokebox Brace. Enfeiticar . • 13- Spring Buffer. Enfelon . . 14- Case. Enfeloned . • 15- Spring The bracket Xo. 10 is made right and left, and when only one is wanted the side required for should be specified. Plate 40 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 137 Pilot and Front Bumper, Bull Nose Attachment Plate 40. Enfeloning Enfelujar . 1. Bumper. Enfeoff . . 2. Stiffening Plate. Enfeoffed . 3- Pilot Frame. Enfeoffing . 4- " Bars. Enfermaban 5- " Bottom Band. Enfermados 6. " Draw Casting. Enfermames • 7- " Supp Enfermar . 8. Bottom Plate. Enfermaria 9- Pushing Shoe. Enfermedad 10. Pilot Bracket. Enfermeiro 11. Middle Brace. Enfermiez . 12. Smokebox Brace. The bracket No. 10 is made right and left, and when only one is wanted the side required for should be specified. Plate 41 138 DKTAII.S ()!• LOCOMOTIVKS 139 Pilot and Front Bumper, Automatic Coupler Plate 41. Enfermizas Enfermizo . . 1. Bumper. Enfermons . 2. Stiffening Plate. Enfernizar • 3- Pilot Frame. Enferonner . 4. " Bars. Enferrure . • 5- " Bottom Band. Enfesta . . . 6. " Draw Casting. Enfettered • 7- Pilot Automatic Coupler. Enfeudacao . 8. Bottom Plate. Enfevered . • 9- Pushing Shoe. Enfevering . 10. Pilot Bracket. Enfezado . 11. Middle Brace. Enfiada . . . 12. Smokebox Brace. Enfiadura . . 16. Coupling Pin Lifter. Enfiamento • 17. " Bearing The bracket Xo. 10 is made right and left, and when only one is wanted the side required for should be specified. Plate 42 140 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 141 Engine Trucks Plate 42. Enfiando Enfiarono . . Fig. 1. — Two-Wheeled or Pony Truck. Enfiassimo Fig. 2. — Four-Wheeled Enfiatello . 1. Center Pin. Enfiativo 2. Swing Bolster. Enfiatuzzo " " Crosstie Enfiavamo 4- Link. Enfiavate . 5- Truck Frame. Enfiazione 6. " Pedestal. Enficeler 7- Cap. Enfieranno 8. Equalizing Beam. Enfierced 9- Spring Link. Enfiercing . 10. Axle. Enfierebbe 11. Wheel. Enfieremo . 12. Radius Bar. Enfieresti . 13- " " Brace. Enfiero . . 14. Longitudinal " Enfievrait . 15- Spring Staple. Enfievriez . 16. Seat. Enfievront 17- Safety Strap. This plate embodies both the pony and ordinary four-wheel truck, I and in ordering parts by the designating numbers the figure number should first be given. Plate 43 142 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 143 Engine Truck Center Pin Guide and Crosstie, Radius Bar Crosstie and Clamp Plate 43. Enfiladed Enfilading Enfilado . Enfilais . Enfilamos Enfilant . Enfilasses Enfileirar i. Engine Truck Center Pin Guide. i ( i (. a " Cross tie Radius Bar Crosstie. " Clamp. " Pin. Plate 44 144 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 145 Sand Box and Bell Work Plate 44. Enfilerais Enfiliez . Fig. 1.— Sand Box. Enfilons . Enfiring . Enfisema Enfitar . Enfiteusis Enfiteuta Enfivelar Enflais 1. Base. 2. Top. 3. Lid. 4. Body. 5. Valve. 6. Lever. 7. Valve Connecting Rod. 8. Pipe Flange. Enflammait Fig. 2. — Bell and Frame. Enflaquer . Enflautado Enflautar Enflauteis . Enflauto Enflerez . . Bell. Frame. Yoke. 4. Crank. 5. Tongue. 6. Aeorn. Plate 45 146 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 147 Foot Boards and Wheel Covers Plate 45. Enfleront Enfleshed . Enfleshing Enfleurant Enfleuri . . Enflorar . . Enflowered Enfogado Enfoliates . Enfolier . . 1. Cab Foot Board. 2. Running " 3. Cab Foot " Brackets. 4. Running " 5. Wheel Cover. 6. " " Pipe. 7. " " Acorn. 8. " " Bracket. 9. " " Column. These parts are seldom ordered except in full sets, and the side wanted for should be given when they are not so ordered. Plate 46 148 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 149 Back Bumper and Attachments Plate 46. Enfoncage Enfoncais . Enfonceur . Enforcedly . Enforcing . Enforciras . Enforcive . Enformacao Enforms Enfortuned Enfouimes . Enfouining i. Cab Bracket. 2. " " Plate. 3. " " Pipe. 4. Back Bumper. 5. Engine Step. 6. -- " " Hanger. 7. Foot Plate. 8. Tender Wedge. 9. " " Box. 10. Back Draw Bar. 11. " Brace. Cab brackets are made right and left. Orders for single brackets should give side wanted for. Plate 47 '.W S WWS S VVVVk'.Vk^VlM^tl.H.llH I V V Ift! fr SS3SS3333 1 IfcJT VASSSSV>S\'A\\SS'A\\VSM 150 DETAILvS OF LOCOMOTIVES 151 Rocking Grate Work Plate 47. Enfouir Enfouiras . 1. Bar. Enfouiriez . 2. Frame. Enfouiront 3- Connecting Bar. Enfourchi . 4- Arm. Enfournait 5- Rod. Enfournons 6. Handle. Enfourrer . 7- Shaft. Enfraile . . 8. 11 Bearings. Enfranger . 9- Drop Plate. Enfrasques 10. " Handle. Enfrassia 11. " Shaft. Enfratico 12. ' ' Bearing When complete sets of these bars are not wanted, the order should give the position from the front of the bars that are required. Plate 48 =o awwwwwwwww: 152 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 153 Rocking Grate Work Plate 48. Enfreador Enfrear . . i. Bar. Enfreedom . 2. Frame. Enfrenaba . 3* Connecting Bar. Enfrenases • 4- Lever. Enfrestado 5- " Rod. Enfriabais . 6. " Handle. Enfriadera 7- Drop Plate. Enfriado . 8. Rod. Enfriamos . 9- Crank. Enfriarian . IO. " Handle. Enfriaron ii. " Bearing When complete sets of these bars are not wanted, the order should give the position from the front of the bars that are required. Plate 49 An UUUL 154 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 155 Plain Grate for Wood Plate 49. Enfronhar Enfroquer . . 1. Bar. Enfroward . 2. Dead Plate. Enfueirar . .3. End Holder. For this plarTof J grate it will be necessary to specify for which side dead plate is required when not in full sets. Plate 50 156 DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 157 Plain Grate for Soft Coal Plate 50. Enfuisses Enfumado . . 1. Bar. Enfumar . . 2. Dead Plate. Enfumoirs . .3. End Holder. Enfundadas . 4. Drop Plate. Enfundado . 5. " " Handle Enfundamos 6. " " " Support. Enfundaron .7. " " Shaft. Enfundeis . . 8. ' " " Bearing. The bearings for drop plate shaft are made right and left. This should be observed in ordering duplicates. Plate 51 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 159 Smokebox Fittings Plate 51. Enfunester Enfunilado 1. Exhaust Nozzle. Enfunilar . 2. Netting. Enfurece 3- Deflecting Plate. Enfurecida 4- Slide. Enfurecio . . 5- Spark Ejector. Enfurezca . 6. Cleaning Hole and Cap Enfuriar . . ■ 7- Exhaust Thimbles. In ordering these parts, if any change is required from original fittings, especially with reference to nozzle, the order should specify whether single or double opening is wanted. Thimbles always include three sizes to a set, and the particular size wanted, when not in full sets, should be given. Plate 52 1 60 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 161 Throttle and Whistle Work Plate 52. Enfusa Enfuscado . . Fig. 1. — Throttle Work. Enfuscar . Enfuster Enfutage Enfuyais Enfuyant Enfuyiez Enfuyons Engabanado Engabelar . Engacar . . i. Lever. 2. Quadrant. 3. Latch. 4. " Link. 5. Rod. 6. Jaw. 7. Link. 8. " Stud. 9. Handle. 10. " Sprin; Engachsig . . Fig. 2. — Whistle Work. Engaco . . Engageais . Engageante Engagedly . Engagiste . 1. Lever. 2. Arm or Crank. 3. Shaft. 4. " Bearing. 5. Link. In ordering Link No. 5, Fig. 2, the distance from center to center of jaw should be given. Plate 53 162 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 163 Reverse Lever and Attachments Plate 53. Engaillage Engainant . 1. Lever. Engaineras 2. Fulcrum. Engainiez . 3- Handle. Engainons . 4- Latch. Engaiolar . 5- " Spring. Engaitadas 6. " Rod. Engaitado . / • Catch. Plate 54 164 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 16* Steam Brake Work (Spread Style) Plate 54. Engajar Engalado . i. Brake Cylinder. Engalanar . 2. ' ' Piston Rod. Engalgaban • 3- 1 Cylinder Head, Bottom. Engalgada . • 3A. ' Top. Engalgados • 4- Stuffing Box Nut Engalla . . 5- Connecting Link. Engallador 6- Hanger Link. Engallarse • 7- Head. Enganabais . 8. 1 Shoe. Enganadico • 9- Bell Crank. Enganamos . IO. ' Rod. Enganaron ii. ' ' " Adjusting Nut. Enganchado . 12. ' Cylinder Support. Engancheis • 13- Hanger " Engancho . 14- 1 Lever. Separate catalogues of patented power brakes may be obtained by applying to the makers. Plate 55 166 DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 167 Steam Brake Work (Equalized Style) Plate 55. Engandujo Enganeis . 1 Brake Cylinder. Engangento 2. " Piston Rod. Enganifa . . -> " Cylinder Head. Enganosas 4 " Stuffing Box Nut Enganoso . 5 " Connecting Link. Engantant . 6 " Lever. Enganzar . • 7 " Head. Engaols . . 8 " Beam. Engarabato • 9 " Shaft. Engaraire . . 10 " Rod. Engarampar . 11 " " Adjusting Nut. Engarbaba 12 " C\ T linder Support. Engarbadas • 13 " Hanger. Engarboil . • 14 " Shaft Support. Engarce . . 15 " " Bearing. Engaritado . 16 " Rod Lever. Engariteis . • 17 " Shoe. Separate catalogues of patented power brakes may be obtained by applying to the makers. Plate 56 168 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 169 Journal Boxes Plate 56. Engarland Engarrafar Engarrafo . . Engarrison . 1. Box. Engarzamos . 2. Cellar. Engarzaron . 3. Brass. Engarzases . 4. Cellar Bolt. Engarzeis . Engarzo . . . 1. Box. Engasgado . 2. Wedge. Engastaban . 3. Brass. Engastada . . 4. Lid. Engasto . . . 5. Axle. Fig. 1. — Driving Box. 2.— Truck Box. Fig. 3.— Tender Box. Plate 57 ^ssssssssm^ >ssssvssssvS» 170 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 171 Pump Work Plate 57. Engathmig Engatillo . 1. Pump Barrel. Engatinhar _ Top Chamber. Engatusado • 3- Bottom Chamber. Engatusar . •' 4- Valve. Engatuseis • 5- " Cage. Engaver . . . 6. Plunger. Engazonner 7- Gland. Engbloem . . 8. 11 Bottom Ring. Engbloemen • 9- ' ' Studs Engborstig . 10. Chamber Studs. Engeance .11. Check Pipe. Engeigner . . 12. 11 Coupling Nut. Engeira . . • 13- Feed Pipe. Engeitado . • 14- " ,; Coupling Nut. Engel . . . • 15- Pet Cock. Engelbert. . . 16. " " Lever in Cab. Engelbild ■ i7- " " Fulcrum. Engelblume . 18. " " ;'' Rod. Engelfried . . 19. 11 Guide Engelgras . . 20. " il Crank. Engelhar . . 21. " " Hanger. Engelknabe . 22. " Rod. Engelkruid • 23. c< t< u Jaw. Engelmesse . 24. " " Lever. In ordering pump barrel, the side wanted for should be indicated in the order. Plate 58 172 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 173 Pump Check and Feed Cock Plate 58. Engelmiene Engelmund . . . Fig. 1. — Pt Engelname 1. Check Body. Engelrein . 2. " Flange. Engelroche 3. " " Studs. Engelsauge 4. Valve. Engelsch 5. " Seat. Engelschar 6. " Cage. Engelseele 7. Casing. Engelskind 8. Check Pipe Coupling Nut Engelskopf . . . Fig. 2. — F Engelstand 9. Feed Cock Body. Engelstill . 10. " " Plug and Nut. Engelsweib 11. Hose Coupling Xut. Engelthal . 12. " Swivel. Engeltrude 13. Feed Pipe. Plate 59 i74 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Feed Water Work Plate 59. Engelure Engelwelt . . i. Shaft. Engelzoet . . 2. " Quadrant Engenceant J- " Handle. Engendered . 4- " Hanger. Engendrais 5- 11 Rod. Engendrer . 6. Cock Shaft. Engendriez 7- " Bea Engendront 8. " Hanger. Engenhador 9- Cock. Engenharia IO. Pipe Clamp. Plate 60 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 177 Headlight Shelves and Signal Light Bracket Plate 60. Engenheiro Engenho . . 1. Headlight Shelf Column. Engenhoso . 2. " " Edge. Engeoleur . . 3. " Shelf. Engeray ... 4. " Bracket. Engerbage . .5. Signal Light Bracket. Headlight brackets are made right and left, and orders for single brackets should specify the side. Plate 61 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVEvS 79 Whistle, Steam Gauge Stand, and Drip Funnel Plate 61. Engerber Engessar . . i. Whistle Bell. Enggasse . 2. Bowl. Engherzig . . 3- Valve. Engibate 4- Lever. Engibatis . 5- Steam Gauge Stand. Engihoul 6 Cab Lamp Engimelgar • 7 Gauge Cock Drip Funnel Plate 62 1 80 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Injector Valves Plate 62. Engimelgo Enginadure . i. Steam Valve. Engineers . . 2. Feed " Engineman . 3. Cheek " In ordering these parts, if they are required for any change from original dimensions, or are additional to what was first put on the engine, the size and kind of pipes to be used should be specified. Plate 63 182 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 183 Valves and Cocks Plate 63. Enginery Engines . , Enginous Engirdle Engirdling Engiscopio Engisome Engisop . 1. Blower, Heater, Steam Brake Stop Valve or Spark Ejector Valve. 2. Drip Cock. 3. Blow-off Cock. 4. Cylinder Cock (Buchanan style.) 5. " Cock. 6. Gauge " 7. Steam Chest Relief Valve. In ordering cylinder cocks when not in full sets, the side they are wanted for must invariably be specified. In ordering valves covered by number 1 above, specify the name of the valve wanted, as these valves are of different sizes, though of the same type. Plate 64 f^=>\ ■S^T 184 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 1S5 Oil Cups Plate 64. Englad Engladded . i. Cylinder Oiler in Cab, Baldwin style. (See Plates 87, 88, 89 and 90 for Sight Feed Cylinder Lubri- cators). Engladding . 2. Oil Pipe Connection on Steam Chest. Englaender . 3. Condensing Oil Cup " " " Englaine . . 4. Crosshead, Guide, or Connecting Rod Oil Cup (Needle style). English . • . .5. Crosshead, Guide, or Connecting Rod Oil Cup (Plunger style). Englishman . 6. Rock Shaft Oil Cup. In ordering numbers 4 or 5, it will be necessary to specify whether they are wanted for crossheads, guides, or rods. Plate 65 ceo T •- 5 186 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 187 Glass Water Gauge Plate 65. Englishry Englobar Engloom Engloomed Englooming Engloutir Engluage . 1. Upper Fitting. 2. Lower " 3. Drain Valve. 4. Glass. 5. Guard. 6. Water Gauge Lamp Bracket. Plate 66 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS Engineer's Brake Valve, and Steam Brake Piston Plate 66. Englued Engluement . . . Fig. 1. — Engineer's Brake Valve, Engluing . . i. Disc Valve. Englut ... 2. Valve Cover. Engmaschig .3. " Body. Engnetz ... 4. Handle. Engobage . . . Fig. 2. — Steam Brake Piston. Engodado . .5. Steam Brake Piston Rod. Engodar ... 6. " " Piston. Engodativo .7. ; ' " " Packing Rings. Engolfaba . . 8. " " " Follower. Engolfamos .9. " " " Xut. Plate 67 190 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 191 Steam Gauge Lamp, and Water Gauge Lamp Plate 67. Engolfando Engolfaron . . . Fig. 1. — Steam Gauge Lamp. Engolfases . . . Fig. 2. — Water Gauge Lamp. Engolfeis . 1. Reservoir Engolosino 2. Burner. Engomaba 3- Shade. Engomabais 4- Base. Engomadas 5- Globe. Plate 68 192 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 193 Headlight Plate 68. Engomadura Engomamos . 1. Case. Engomarian . 2. Reflector. Engomaron • 3- Glass. Engomeis . • 4- Chimney. Engommant • 5- Burner. Engonasi . . 6. Reservoir. Plate 69 194 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES [95 Water Tank Plate 69. Engoncar Engordaron i. Tank. Engordasen 2. Filling Funnel. Engordurar 3- Funnel Lid. Engorgeant 4- Valve L,ifter. Engorgeth . 5- 11 Wheel. Engorgitar 6. " Body. Engorlador 7- " Gooseneck. Engorlar 7A Flang Engorroso . 8. Handles. Engouant . 9- Lugs. Engouffre . IO. Fuel Board Angle Iron. Plate 70 <© J^L L CO jn £ E E c 3 • • • • • • 5 I oo 00 1 t S • • • • • • v 1 . • • • • J • • • • r J| o 11 1 • • a n ;»t # sp 196 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 197 Tender Frame, Wood Plate 70. Engourdir Engoznabas 1. Truss Bar. Engoznado 2. " " Crosstie. Engoznaran 3- Wedge Block or Chafing Casting Engoznas . 4- Front Draw Casting. Engpaessen • 5- Back " Engpass . . 6. Pushing Shoe. Engracado 7- Frame Washer. Engracante 8. Longitudinal Draw Casting Bolt. Engrachar . • 9- Corner Bracket. Engracia 10. Center Pin. Engradecer . 11. Safety Chain Hook. Engrailing . . 12. Brake Shaft Guide. Orders for center pins should specify whether front or back are required when not for full sets. Plate 71 198 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 199 Tender Frame, Iron Plate 71. Engrainage Engraisser 1 . Side Channel Bar. Engraixar . 2. Longitudinal Channel Bar. Engranaje . 3- Transverse Engrandeci 4- t< (< << Engranero 5- Corner Plate. Engranger . 6. Brace. Engranizar 7- Side Bearing. Engrapador 8. Brake Shaft Crosstie. Engraparas 9- " Hanger Angle Iron. Engrapas 10. Safety Chain Hanger. Engrapasen 11. Front Draw Casting. Engrappled 12. Back " Engrasais . 13- Chafing Casting. Engrasando 14- Center Pin. Engrasaran 15- Bolster Cap. Engrasaria 16. Brake Clevis. Engrases • 17- Tender Step. Engrasped 18. Brake Shaft Step. Engrasping 19. Safety Chain Hook. Engratie 20. Brace. Strap. Orders for center pins should specify whether front or back are required when not for full sets. Plate 72 DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTI YKS Tender Truck, Arch Bar Plate 72. Engraulis Engrave . . i. Channel Bar. Engravery . 2. Top Bar of Frame. Engravure . 3- Truss " " Engreaten . • 4- Bottom " " Engrecer 5- Wheel. Engregge . 6. Side Bearing. Engreimos 7 • Frame Filling Piece. Engreiran . 8. Center Plate. Engreireis . 9- Truss Engrelar . IO. 11 Washer. Engrenhar ii. Bolster Guide. Engrescado 12. Spring Seat. Engrescar . 13- Brake Clevis. Engresques 14- " Beam Safety Chain Engret . . 15- Bolster, Wood. Engreter 16. Bolster, Cast Steel. In ordering parts for a single truck, the order should specify whether thev are wanted for front or back truck. Plate 73 ^T si 1 *> ] I, I & 00 Jj. t '^ ' 202 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 203 Tender Truck, Wrought Iron Plate 73. Engrieves Engrimanco Engrogne Engrosado . Engrosamos Engrossed . Engrossing Engrotar Engrudabas Engrudador Engrudara Engrueso Engrumecer Engrumecio Engrumele Engsichtig Engsinn . . 1. Frame. 2. Crosstie. 3. " Brace. 4. Pedestal. 5. " Cap. 6. Equalizing Beam. 7. Spring. 8. " Link. 9. " Seat. 10. Center Plate. 11. Frame Filling Piece. 12. Side Bearing. 13. Brake Hanger. 14. " Clevis. 15. Safety Chain Clevis. 16. Spring Link Washer. In ordering parts for a single truck, the order should specif y "whether thev are wanted for front or back truck. Plate 74 204 1 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 205 Tender Brake Work Plate 74. Engsinnige Engualdado 1. Shaft. Engualdar . 2. Handle. Engualdeis 3* Hanger. Engualdo 4- Step. Enguantada 5- Pawl. Enguantes 6. Ratchet. Enguard 1 • Plate. Enguarding . 8. Eye Bolt. Enguenille • 9- Beam. Engueuser 10. Lever. Enguia . . 1 1 . " Rod. Enguicador . 12. 11 Jaw. Enguicar • 13- Washer. Enguichado • 14- Head. Enguiche • 15- Shoe. Plate 75 206 DKTAILvS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 2c>7 Electric Truck for Inside Hung Motors Plate 75. Enguico Enguijarro i. Bolster. Enguinos . . 2 . Transom. Enguizgado . 3- " End Filling Piece. Enguizgo . 4- Tie Plate. Enguizgue . 5- Truck Frame. Engulfed 6. Truss Bar. Engulfing . • 7- Equalizing Beam. Engulfment 8. Pedestal. Engulho . . 9- Cap. Engulidor . IO. Tie Bar. Engulipar . 1 1 . Swing Link. Engulir . . 12. " " Bearing. Engulliais . 13- " Beam. Engullidas 14- " " Crosstie. Engulliste . 15- Equalizing Beam Spring. Engurria 16. " Seat (Top). Engweg . . 17- 11 (Bottom) Engyi . . . 18. Bolster Spring. Engyon . . 19. 11 Seat. Engyscope . 20. Motor Suspension Bar. Engystome 21. " " Spring. Plate 76 2C8 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 209 Electric Truck for Outside Hung Motors Plate 76. Engyum Enhabile . . 1. Bolster. Enhabiling 2. Transom. Enhache . . 3- 11 End Filling Piece. Enhaemon . 4- Tie Plate. Enhale . . . 5- Truck Frame. Enhalsing 6. Truss Bar. Enhanced . . 7- Equalizing Beam (Outside). Enhancing . 8. " (Inside). Enharbour 9- Pedestal (Outside). Enhardened 10. (Inside). Enhardimes 11. Cap. Enhardiras 12. Tie Bar. Enharinado 13- Swing Link. Enharinar . 14. " Bearing. Enharineis 15- Equalizing Beam Spring. Enharino 16. " Seat Enharmonic 17. Bolster Spring. Enharnache • 18. " Seat (Top). Enhatijaba . 19. " (Bottom) Enhatijar . . 20. 11 Tie Rod. Enhatijo . 21. Side Bearing. Enhayeur . . 22. 11 Plate. Enhearten 23- End Frame. Enhebradas . 24. Rail Guard Bracket. Enhebrado • 25. Motor Suspension Bar. Enhebramos 26. " " Spring. Enhebrar . . 27-. Brake Clevis. Enhebraron . 28. Center Plate. Plate 77 2IO DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 211 Apparatus for Burning Fuel Oil Plate 77. Enhebreis Enhedged . Enhedging Enherbolar Enherbolo . Enhestador Enhestamos Enhestar . Oil Injector. Cock. " Shaft. 11 Handle. " Quadrant. Injector Steam Valve. Fire Brick. Plate 78 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Sellers Injector, 1876 Plate 78. Enhestaron 213 Enhestases 1 . Delivery Tube. Enheuder . 2 . Combining Tube. Enhielado . 3 • Steam Nozzle. Enhielar 4- Valve on Xo. 7. Enhielo . . • 5- Solid Spindle. Enhoramala . 6. Nut on top of Xo. 5. Enhorts . . 7- Hollow Spindle. Enhuche . 8. Crosshead. Enhuerado • 9- Collar on Xo. 26. Enhueraron . 10. Lock Xut for Xo. 9. Enhuiler .11. Follower on Xo. 26. Enhunger . . 12. Packing Rings under Xo. 11. Enhungered 14- Fulcrum Pin. Enhydridem • 15- Link. Enhydro . 16. Knob on end of Xo. 28. Enhydrobie • i7- Lock Xut for Xo. 16. Enhydrorum iS. Xut on Xo. 29. Enhygros . 19. Plain Ring for Copper Pipe. Enicabant . . 20. Check Valve. Enicabimus • 23. Union to Pipes. Enicocere . • 24. Coupling Xut. Enicode . . • 25. Lower Cylinder. Eniconette . 26. Upper Eniconevre . 28. Connecting Rod. Enicostome . 29. Waste Pipe. Enicotarse • 30- Screw Valve. Enicure . . • 3 1 - Stuffing Box for Xo. 30. Enidride • 32- Follower on Xo. 31. Eniellage Packing Rings under Xo. 32. Enigmar ■ 34- Lever on Xo. 30. Enigmatico • 35- Collar on Xo. 28. Enigmatist • 36. Stud Bolts. Enigmatize • 37- Pin through Xos. 9 and 15. Enigme . . • 38. " 15 " 45- Enimous • 39- ". " " 28 " 34- Enimvero . . 41. Pressure Foot. Eniousses . . 42. Guide Rod. Enipei . . . • 43 Spring for Xo. 41. Enipeos . . • 44 Latch. Enipeum • 45 Starting Lever. Enisurorum • 46 Funnel for Overflow. In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped the injector. Plate 79 214 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 215 Sellers Injector, 1887 Plate 79. Enitebatur Enitebunt . I . Delivery Tube. Enitentem . 2. Combining Tube. Enitentis 3 • Forcing Steam Nozzle. Enithare • 4- Lifting " ' ' Enivrant 5- Spindle Nut. Enivrantes . 6. Stuffing Box for Spindle. Enivrerais / • Spindle. Enivriez . . . 8. Crosshead. Enivrons • 9- Collar on No. 10. Enixarum . . 10. Stuffing Box for Water Valve. Enixionem .11. Follower for No. 6. Enixionis . . 12. Packing Ring in No. 6. Enixo . . . • 13. Lock Nut for No. 9. Enjabegaba • 14- Follower for No. 10. Enjabegues • 15- Links. Enjabler . 16. Packing Ring in No. 10. Enjabonado • 17- Water Valve. Enjabonar . . 18. Ring in No. 17. Enjaboneis . 19. Plain Rings for Copper Pipe. Enjabono . . 20. Check Valve. Enjaezadas . 21. Valve Stem for No. 17. Enjaezado . . 22. Guide for No. 20. Enjaezar • 23. Plain Unions for Iron Pipes. Enjaezaron . 24. Coupling Nuts. Enjaezeis . • 25. Injector Body. Enjaezo . . . 26. Hand Wheel on No. 21. Enjail . . . . 29. Waste Pipe. Enjailed . . • 30. Waste Valve. Enjailing • 3i- Cam for closing Waste Valve. Enjalbega . • 32. Jam Nut for No. 29. Enjaler . . • 33- Starting Lever. Enjalmada • 34. Lever on Cam Shaft. Enjalmados • 35- Pin through No. 9 and No. 33 Enjalmero . .36. Cam Shaft. Enjalmo .38. Index. Enjambage • 39- Funnel for Overflow. Enjamber . . 40. Plug Water Valve. Enjamberas • 4i Regulating Handle. Enjambons . 42. Inlet Valve. In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the ma the injector. Plate 80 DC O H o LU -5 V cc UJ h * < 0) h (f) o < I _l o CC U (/) LL DC UJ _l _l UJ if) 2l6 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 217 Sellers Self-Acting Injector, Improved Class K for Hot Water Plate 80. Enjambrado Enjambrar Enjambreis Enjangado Enjarcia Enjarciado Enjarciara Enjardinar Enjardino . Enjaretado Enjaretar Enjareteis Enjarrete . Enjauger Enjaulaban Enjauladas Enjaulado Enjaular Enjaulemos Enjaulo . Enjeba Enjebabas Enjebado Enjebasen Enjergaban Enjergais Enjergo . Enjergue Enjoado . Enjoailler Enjoamente Enjoar Enjoativo Enjoignais Enjoigniez Enjoignons Enjoindras Enjoindre . Enjoined Enjoining . Enjoinment 2K, Delivery Tube. Combining Tube. Steaui Nozzles. Spindle Nut. Steam Stuffing Box. Spindle. Crosshead. Water Stuffing Box. Follower. Packing Ring. Lock Nut. Follower for No. 10. Links. Packing Ring. Plain. Ring for Copper Pipe. Reducing Ring for Copper Pipe. Check Valve. Guide for No. 20. Plain Union for Iron Pipe. Reducing Union for Iron Pipe. Coupling Nuts. 25K. Injector Body. 12. 13- 14- 15- 16. 19. 19a 20. 22. 23- 23a 24. . 27. . 29. . 30. • 3i- • 32. • oo- • 34- • 35- . 36. • 37- .38. . 40. . 41. . 42. • 57- . 57a. ■ 58. • 59- Wrench. Waste Pipe. Waste Valve. Waste Valve Cam. Jam Nut for No. 29. Starting Lever. Cam Lever. Pin, No. 38 and 33. Cam Shaft. Washer on 36. Collar and Index. Plug Water Valve. Regulating Handle. Inlet Valve. Iron Overflow. Copper Overflow. Cap over Hot Water Valve. Hot Water Valve. In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped on the injector. Plate 81 218 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIYKS 219 Koerting Injector Plate 81. Enjolais Body. Handle Lever Complete. Side Rods, Right and Left. Connecting Link and Pins. Crosshead for Starting Shaft. Nuts for Crosshead. Starting Shaft. Nuts for Starting and Overflow Shafts. Yoke Bar. Lower Steam Valve. Upper Lower " Nozzle. L'pper " " Lower Water " L'pper ' ' ' ' " Front Body Cap. (Also Lower.) Top and Bottom Body Caps. Overflow Xozzle. Check Valve Complete. Overflow Valve Complete. Overflow Stuffing Box. Followers for Stuffing Boxes. Xuts for Stuffing Boxes. Crosshead for Overflow Valve. Connecting Links for Overflow Valve. 26. Pin for Connecting Links for Overflow Valve. Screws " " " Bell Cranks for Overflow Valve. Coupling Xuts. Unions for Iron Pipe. Spanner Wrench. Unions for Copper Pipe. Throttle Valve Stuffing Box. Xut for Stuffing Box. Follower for Stuffing Box. Spindle for Throttle Valve. Arm for Latch on Throttle Valve. Latch. Handle. Washer. Xut. Adjusting Screw. Throttle Valve. In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped on the injector. It injectors do not have the regulator M, the parts including Nos. 34 to 44 are not wanted, and plain valve and cap substituted. Cap No. 16. Lower Steam Valve No. 10. Enjolant 1 . Enjolasses 2 . Enjolerais . 3 • Enjoleriez . • 4- Enjoleront • 5- Enjoleur . 6. Enjoliver 7- Enjolivure . S. Enjolons . 9. Enjoncher . . 10. Enjonquer . .11. Enjoo . . . . 12. Enjoyabais • 13- Enjoyamos . 14. Enjoyaron . • 15- Enjoyases . . 16. Enjoyeis . 17. Enjoyelado . 18. Enjoyments . 19. Enjoys . . . 20. Enjuagado . 21. Enjuagamos . 22. Enjuagar • 23. Enjuagaron . 24. Enjuagueis • 25. Enjugada . 26. Enjugadero . 27. Enjugadora . 28. Enjugando . 29. Enjugare . 30. Enjugaseis • 3i- Enjugeraie • 33- Enjuguemos • 34- Enjuiciais . • 35- Enjuicie . . 36. Enjuncaban • 37- Enjuncado • 38. Enjuncais . • 39- Enjundia . 40. Enjundioso . 41. Enjuta . . . 42. Enjutos . . • 43- Enkelinnen • 44- Plate 82 DC O f- o LlI O Z o ri~ L ^~ 220 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES Monitor Injector Plate 82. Enkels Enkelvoud .... I. Body (Back Part) . Enkennel . 2. ' ' (Front Part) . Enkernels . 3- ' ' Screw. Enkindling 4- Yoke. Enklauw 5- " Gland. Enklauwen 6. " .Packing Nut. Enkratiten 7' " Lock Nut. Enkrinit . . 8. Steam Valve Disc and Nut. Enkystado . 9- " " Spindle. Enkyste . . IO. Handle. Enlabiado . ii. Rubber Handle. Enlabiamos 12. " " Top Nut. Enlabiar 13- Jet Valve Disc and Nut. Enlabiaron 14. 11 " Spindle. Enlabiases 15. " " Bonnet and Nut. Enlabusar . 16. Gland. Enlacador . 17- " " Lever Handle. Enlacadura 18. " Top Nut. Enlacement l8 A. " Tube. Enlacerait . i8b. Lifting Nozzle. Enlaceriez . 19. Water Valve. Enlacons 19A Eccentric Spindle. Enladrillo . 20. Water Valve Bonnet. Enlaidir . . 23- " " Lever Handle. Enlaidisse . 25. Steam Nozzle. Enlaidites . 26. Intermediate Nozzle. Enlaivar . . 27. Condensing " Enlaminar . 28. Delivery ' ' Enlangour . 30. Line Check. Enlapado . 3i- 11 Valve. Enlarding . 32- Stop Ring. Enlarge dly . 33- Overflow Nozzle Enlarme 33A. " Chamber with Nut. Enlarmure . 34- Heater Cock Check. Enlassure . 35- " " Bonnet and Nut Enlazadas . 36. " vSpindle. Enlazadora 37- 11 T Handle. Enlazaseis 38. Coupling Nut, Steam End. Enlazasen . 38a Tail Piece, " " Enlazemos 39- Coupling Nut, Water End. Enleague •39A Tail Piece, Enleaguing 40. Coupling Nut, Delivery End. Enleiar . . 40A Tail Piece, " " In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped on the injector. Plate 83 O I- o UJ LU CO Q. o UJ 222 DKTAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 223 Eclipse Injector Plate 83. Enleio Enlengthen 1. Handle of Regulating Valve. Enlenzaba . . 2. Small Nut holding in Stem. Enlenzados • 3* Jam Nut. Enlenz.ando • 4- Main Nut holding Injector in Shell. Enlenzaron • 5- Stem. Enlenzases . 6. Lifting Jet. Enlenzeis . • 7- Combining Tube. Enlerdar . . . 8. Discharge Tube. Enlevacao . • 9- Check Valve. Enlevage . . 10. Space for Packing. Enlevais . . . 11. Follower for confining Packing. Enlevasses . 12. Shell. Enlevront . • *3- Body. Enliasse . . • 14- Adjusting Tube regulating Water and Steam Supply Enlico . . . • 15- Body of Overflow Valve. Enlight . . . 16. Overflow Valve. Enlighten . • 17- 11 " Spring. Enlighting . . 18. Threaded End of Body. In ordering parts for injector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped on the injector. Plate 84 224 DETAILS OF I/)COMOTIYKS 225 Plate 84. Little Giant Injector, "Locomotive" Enligner Enlink . . I. Body. Enlinked 2. Stuffing Box. Enlinking . 3- Starting Lever. Enlist . . . 4- Injector Lever. Enlisting 5- Right and Left Nut. Enlistment 6. Starting Valve Body. Enliven . . 7- Main Steam Valve. Enlivened . 8. Jet Valve. Enlivening 9- " Stem. Enlodabais 10. Starting Valve Link. Enlodadas . 11. Fulcrum. Enlodado 12. Stuffing Box Nut. Enlodamos 13- Large Packing Nut. Enlodar . . 14. Small Enlodarian 15- Overflow Cap. Enlodaron . 16. Valve. Enlodeis 17- " Nozzle. Enloquecer 18. Check Valve Stop. Enloquezco 19- Coupling Nut. Enlosados . 20. Swivel. Enloso . . 21. Combining Tube Clamp Enlourecer 22. Quadrant. Enlouzar . 2 3- Thumb Screw. Enlumineur 24. Steam Tube. Enluminons 25- Combining Tube. Enlutabais 26. Discharge Tube. Enlutado 27. Check Valve. Little Giant Injector, 1889 EnlutamOS Enlutar .... 1. Bodv. Enlutarian 2. Stuffing Box. Enlutaron . . . 3- Starting Lever. Enmaderare . . 4- Adjusting Wheel. Enmadraba . . 5- " " Stem. Enmadrados 6. Stem Holder. Enmadraron . . 7- Main Steam Valve. Enmagrecia . . 8. Jet Valve. Enmagrezca 9- " " Clamp. Enmallaban . . 10. Starting Valve Link. Enmallado . . 11. Fulcrum. Enmallar . . . 12. Stuffing Box Nut. Enmallemos . . 13- Large Packing Nut. Enmangaban 14. Small Enmangado . . 15- Overflow Cap. Enmangar . . . 16. Valve. Enmantada . . 17- " Nozzle. Enmantando 18. Check Valve Stop. Enmantare . . 19. Coupling Nut. Enmantases . . 20. Swivel. Enmaranado 21. Combining Tube Clamp. Enmaranar . . 22. Crosshead. Enmaraneis . . 2 3- Side Bars. Enmarble . . . 24. Steam Tube. In ordering parts for in- Enmaromado 25- Combining Tube. jector, give in all cases the Enmaromar . . 26. Discharge Tube. maker's number stamped on Enmaromeis • 27. Check Valve. the injector. Plate 85 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 227 Hancock Inspirator Plate 85. Enmaromo Enmascaro . IOI. Enmendaba . . 102. Enmendador 103. Enmendamos . 104. Enmendaron 105. Enmentres 106. Enmews . . 107. Enmienda . 108. Enmities 1 11. Enmoheceis IIIA Enmohecer IIIB Enmohecido IIIC Enmoves «3- Enmudecias «3- Enmudecido 113. Enmudezco "3- Enmured 114. Enmuring . 114. Ennaeorum 114. Ennaeos . . 114. Ennaeteris ii5- Ennaeum . 116. Ennarrheur 117. Ennasser . 117A Ennastrar . . 117B. Ennatar . . 117c. Ennation 118. Enneacanto 119. Enneacordo 120. Enneacruno 121. Enneadici . 122. Enneadicos 123. Enneaeteri 124. Enneafillo . 125. Enneagonal 126. Enneagono 127. Enneander 128. Enneandria 129. Enneandro 130. Enneapogon 131- Enneapyle . 132. Enneatic J 33- Enneatical . !34- Ennegrecer 135. Ennegrezco 136. Enneige . . 3 1 ' Ennemi . . 138. Ennense J 39- Ennensibus 140. Ennensis 143. Ennensium U4- Enneoctone • MS- Ennevoar . 146. Ennia . . . 149- Ennianista • 150- Enniano . 157- Ennianorum . 158. Furnished for Either Copper or Iron Pipe. Lifter Steam Nozzle. Tube. Forcer, Steam Nozzle. Combining Tube. Regulating Valve Spindle. Connecting Rod. Clean-out Plug for Body. Overflow Nozzle. Line Check Valve Complete. Case for in. Cage " " Valve for in. Nipple for Steam Connection, " " Suction " " " Delivery " K *< Overflow " Coupling Nut Steam Connection. " " Suction " " " Delivery " " " Overflow " Connecting Link for Final Overflow Valve. vSteel Pin for 115. Final Overflow Valve, Complete. Stem. Nut for 117. Disc " " Bonnet for Final Overflow Valve. Packing Nut for Final Overflow Valve. Bonnet for Intermediate Overflow Valve. Intermediate Overflow Valve. Holder for Overflow Valve Crank. Adjusting Ring. Bonnet for Regulating Valve. Packing Nut for Regulating Valve. Forcer Steam Valve. Bonnet for Steam Valve. Packing Nut for Steam Valve. Coupling Nut for 126. Lifter Steam Valve. Steel Stud for Connecting Rod. " " " 122 and 133. Crank for Overflow Valve. Side Strap, R. H. " L. H. Steel Bolt for 134 and 135. Lever. Wood Handle for 137. Screw for 137 Rubber Wheel for 105. Steel Screw " " " Bolt " 115 " Pin Connecting 137 and 146. Steam Valve Stem. Cap Screw for 120. In ordering parts for in- Iron Washer for 120. jector, give in all cases the Steam Valve Seat. maker's number stamped on Bonnet for Steam Valve. the injector. Plate 86 228 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 229 Ennoblezco 202. Ennoblir . . 203. Ennobliras . 205. Ennoblites . Ennodius 206. -97- Ennoeme 208. Ennoergie . 209. Ennoicyle . 210. Ennoitar . . 211. Ennomus . 213. Ennosigaeo 214. Ennovelar . 215- Ennoyage . 217. Ennuvear . 218. Ennuyais 220. Ennuyante 222. Ennuyasses 224. Ennuyerais 225. Ennuyeux . 227. Ennuyons 231- Ennychie . 233- Enodabamus 234- Enodabilis . 236. Enodandos 237- Enodantium 238. Enodaremus • 2 39- Enodation . 240. Enodator . 241. Enodatoris 245- Enodatorum 247- Enodaturam 248. Enodaturos 249. Enodaveris 250. Enodavero 260. Enoding . . 284. Enodios . . 285. Enoiseler . 286. Enojaba . . 287. Enojabamos 288. Enojadas 289. Enojadizas 290. Enojamento . 291. Enojamos . 292. Enojariais 293- Enojarian 294. Enojaron 295. Enojosas 296. Enojoso . 297. Enojuelo 298. Enologia 299. Enologista 300. Enomancia 301. Enometro . 302. Enomota: ch 3°3- Enomphclo 304. Enoncer . . 305- Enonceriez 306. Metropolitan Locomotive Injector Plate 86. Ennoblecer Packing Nut for No. 285. Champ Ring. Steam swivel Ring. Valve. Forcing Steam Jet. " Combining Tube. Check Valve Cap. Check Valve. Check Valve Casing. Auxiliary Steam Valve. Packing Gland for No. 305. Overflow Valve. " Center Piece. Regulating Valve Handle Nut. Wheel. Packing Nut for No. 302. Lifting Steam Jet. " Combining Tube. Overflow Valve Pin. Stud Bolt. Regulating Valve Wheel Disc. Nut for Overflow Disc. Union Nut, Steam End. Tail Pipe, Steam End. " Suction End. Union Nut, Suction End. Tail Pipe, Delivery End. Union Nut, Delivery End. Nut for Stud Bolts. Union Nut for Overflow Nozzle. Overflow Valve Cap. Disc for Overflow Valve. Tail Pipe for Overflow Nozzle. Steam Packing Gland. " Valve Stem. " Center Piece. Side Links. Pin for Steam Stem. Spring. Outflow Valve Crank Bolt Nut. Bolt for Side Links. Nut for Bolt for Side Links. Lever. Handle Rod. Wood Handle. Handle Nut. Fulcrum Bolt. Nut for Fulcrum Bolt. Connecting Bar. Nut for Connecting Bar. ( Fulcrum Collar. Regulating Steam Stem. " Center Piece. Fulcrum Nut. Overflow Valve Crank. " " Stem. Crank Bolt In ordering parts for in- jector, give in all cases the maker's number stamped on the injector. Plate 87 NATHAN SIGHT FEED CYLINDER LUBRICATOR 230 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 2} I Nathan Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator Plate 87. Enoncerons Enonciatif . . i. Condenser. Enonciez . . 2. Filling Plug. Enophilo . . . 6' Auxiliary Oiler. Enophobia . . 4- Safety Valve. Enophorias 5- Reducing Plug. Enopliens . . 5^ .Blow-off " Enoplocere 6. Delivery Nut and Coupling. Enoplops . . 1 ■ Water Valve. Enopta . . . 8. Stud Nut. Enorchibus 9- Sight Feed Glass. Enorme . . . IO. Upper Sight Bracket and Nut. Enormement, 1 1. Lower ' ' Enormezza 12. Body. Enormidade . 13- Gauge Glass Plug. Enormiorem . 14. " Glass. Enormioris . 15- Upper Gauge Bracket and Nut Enormity 16. Lower ' ' Enormous . i7- Waste Cock. Enormously 18. Regulating Valve. Enoscopio . 19. Bottom Plug. Plate 88 NATHAN TRIPLE SIGHT FEED CYLINDER LUBRICATOR BULL'S EYE TYPE 166-F-3 □ HP 15. 3 nm cum xoti 232 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 233 Nathan Triple Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator Bull's Eye Type 166-F-3 Plate 88. Enostose Enotabamur 1. Condenser. Enotaremur 2. Filling Ping. Enotatas . . 6' Hand Oiler. Enotatura . 5- Reducing Plug. Enotaturis . . 6. Delivery Nut and Tailpiece. Enotescis . • 7- Water Valve. Enotesco . 8. Stud Nut. Enotomies . 9- Sight Feed Glass and Casing Enotomy 9A . Feed Xozzle. Enotria . . . 11. Body. Enotuerunt 13- Gauge Glass and Casing Enouage . . H- Waste Cock. Enoueur . . • 15. Regulating Valve. Enouricar . 16. Top Connection. Enpatron i7- Equalizing Pipe. Enpatroned 18. Oil Pipe. Enpierces . 19. Water Pipe. Enquerais . 20. Sight Feed Drain Valve. Enquerant . 21. Reserve Glass and Casing. Enquerir . . 22. Cleaning Plug (Body). Enquerriez 23- Body Plug. Enquerront 24. Oil Pipe Plug. Enquest . . 28. Gauge Glass Bracket. Enquester . 29. Cleaning Plug (Gauge Glass) Enquesting 30. Gauge Glass Cap. Plate 89 'X* 0-D Oorw. TFW j| Me J 2d FIG. 1. FRONT ELEVATION 234 Enquiciado . . . I. Enquiciar . . . . 2. Enquicieis . . . 3* Enquicio .... • 4- Enquicken . . . • 5« Enquiers ... . 6. Enquimes . . . 7- Enquistado . . . . 8. Enquistar . . . - 9- Enquisto .... . IO. Enraciner . . . . ii. Enrageais . . . . 12. Enrageant . . • 13- Enragions . . . . 14R. Enraivecer. . . . 14L. Enraleceis . . . • 15. Enraleci .... . 16. Enramabais . . • 17- Enramada . . . . 17A. Enramados . . - ijb. Enramarian . . . 17c. Enramaron. . . . 17D. Enrameis. . . . . 18. Enramer .... . i8a. Enrancar .... . i8b. Enranciado . . . . 18c. Enrancieis . . . . i8d. Enrancio. . . . . i8e. Enrange .... • 19- Enranked . . . . 20. Enranking . . . . 21. Enraps . 22. Enrareces . . . . 22A. Enrarecias . . . . 22B. Enrarecido . . . • 23. Enrarezco . . . • 23A. Enrastraba . . . • 23B. Enrastrar .... 23C. Enrastro .... • 23D. Enravish .... • 23F. Enravished . . . . 24. Enrayasen . . . • 25. Enrayasses . . . 26. Enrayement . 26A. Enrayemos . . . . 26B. Enrayeras . . . . 26C. Enrayo . 26F. Enrayoir .... . 27. Enredaba . . . . . 27 A. Enredadera. . . . 27B. Enredamos . . . . 27C. Enredarian. . . . 28. Enredeis . . . . . 29. Enredijo .... . 30. Enredosas . . . • 3 1 - Enredoso .... ■ 32. Enregelar . . . • 32 A. Enrehojaba . . . • 32B. Enrehojar . . . • 32C. Enrehojeis . . . • 32i> Enrehojo . . . . • 32E. Enrejada . . •32F. Enrejados . . . . 3 2G. Enrejaseis . . . ■ 32H Enrejasen . . . • 33- Enrejemos . . • 33A Enrenant. . . • 33R- Enrenoire . . . •33^- Condenser. Plug. Boiler Nipple Tail Pipe. " Nut. Equalizing Tube Nipple. Nut Tube. Condenser Tail Pipe. " " Nut. Air Brake Equalizing Tube. Oil Reservoir. Water Tube, complete. Upper Feed Arm, Right. Left. Tail Pipe. " Nut. Automatic Safety Valve, complete. Stem. Check. Bush Ring. Packing Nut. Bv-Pass Valve, R or L Cylinder, complete Stem. " Handle. Nut. " Bush Ring. " Packing Nut. Extension Sleeve. Packing Nut. Upper Air Brake Arm. Filler Plug, complete. " Plug. " Handle. By-Pass Valve for Air Brake, complete. Center Piece. Stem. Handle. Nut. Packing Nut. Support Arm Nut. Air-Brake Nozzle. Water Valve, complete. Center Piece. Stem. Handle. Packing Nut. Upper Gauge Arm, complete. " " Arm. " " " Packing. " Ball Check. Lower Gauge Arm, complete. " Feed Arm. Oil Tube. Vent Stem. Regulating Valve, complete. . Stem. . Handle. Plate. " Washer. Nut. . Gland, r. Bush Ring. :. Packing Nut. Drain Valve, complete. vSeat. Body. " " Stem. Detroit No. 3-C Locomotive Lubricator Plate 89 Enqueter Plate 90 236 DETAILS OP LOCOMOTIVF.S 237 Detroit No. 21 Locomotive Lubricator Plate 90. Enresinado Enresinar . . . . 1041. i-inch Tail Pipe. Enrestar . . • I3I4- Feed Stem Ring. Enrevesado . . 161S. Steam Valve Packing Nut. Enrheum . . . . 1621. " " Disc Lock Nut. Enrheumed . . • 1623. Gland. Enrheuming . . • 1754- i-inch Tail Nut. Enrhumais . . . 2076. Feed Valve Gland. Enrhumiez . . . 2082. Tail Pipe. Enrhumions . . . 2083. " Nut. Enrhythmos . . . 2084. Vent Stems. Enrich . . . . . 2085. Support Arm Jamb Nut. Enrichetta . . . . 2087. Feed Valve Stem Nuts. Enrichimes . . • 2105. Drain Stem. Enrichir . . . . 2107. Steam Chest Valve Bod)'. Enrichiras . . . . 2108. 11 " Cap. Enrichment . . 2109. " " " Check, %4 inches Enrielados . . • 2233. Hand Oiler, Packing Nut. Enrielaron . . • 2235. Body. Enrielases. . ■ 2236. " " Stem. Enrieleis . • 2237. Filler Plug. Enripen . . . . 2238. Water Check Stop. Enripened . . • 2239. n/ 16 Plugs. Enripening . 2240. Gauge Glass Reflector. Enripiadas . 2241. Drain Valve Body. Enripiado . . . 2246. Steam Valve Stem. Enripiar . . . • 2247. Feed Valve Center Piece. Enripiasen • 2249. Tallow Pipe " Enripiemos • 2251. Condenser Plug. Enripio . . . ■ 2253. Steam Valve Center Piece. Enriquecer 2254. " " Disc. Enriquezco . 2256. Filler Plug. Enriscadas . 2261. Feed Valve Stem. Enriscado . . . 2262. Support Arm. Enriscamos . 2264. Sight Feed Glass. Enrisque . . • 2265. Feed Glass Packing Ring. Enrisqueis . 2266. Rubber Packing. Enristreis . . . 2267. Feed Glass Washer. Enritmo . . . . . 2270. Oil Tube. Enrived . . . • 2273. Feed Nozzle. Enriving . . • • 2277. Oil Tube Bushing. Enrobage . . . . 2279. Air Brake Check. Enrobing . . . . 2280 Check Seat. Enrocabas . . 2284. Regulating Valve Handle. Enrocado . . • • 2285. Hand Oiler Handle. Enrocaseis . . 2286 Steam Valve Handle. Enrocher . . . . 2287 Filler Handle. Plate 91 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 239 Metallic Piston Rod Packing Plate 91. Enrockment Fig. 1. — Enroco Fig. 2. — Enrodabais Enrodada . . 1. Packing Case. Enrodaron . . 2. Ball Joint. Enrodelado 3- Vibrating Cup. Enrodilhar . • 4- Babbitt Ring. Enrodrigar . • 5- i i 1 < Enrodrigo . . 6. Follower. Enrojeceis . • 7- Coil Spring. Enrojecer . . 8. Stuffing Box. Enrojecido • 9- Copper Wire Joint. Enrojezco . . 10. Neck Ring. Enrol . . . . 11. Swab Holder. Enrolar . . . 12. Oil Cup Bracket. Enroleriez . • J 3- " Cup. In ordering repairs, give in all cases the number stamped on packing case. Plate 92 240 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 241 Metallic Valve Stem Packing Plate 92. Enroleront Fig. 1. — Enrolions Fig. 2. — Enrolladas Enrolled . . . 1. Packing Case. Enrolleis 2. Ball Joint. Enrolling 3- Vibrating Cup. Enrolment . 4- Babbitt Ring. Enronqueci 5- " << Enroot . . . 6. Follower. Enrooted 7- Coil Spring. Enrooting . 8. Stuffing Box. Enroque . . 9- Copper Wire Joint. Enroqueis . 10. Bushing. Enroquemos 11. Swab Holder. Enroscada . 12. Oil Cup Bracket. Enroscados • 13. " Cup. Enroscando H- Preventer. In ordering repairs, give in all cases the number stamped on packing case. DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 243 INDEX The titles and figures in bold-faced type refer to the general headings and illustrated plates. Names and Numbers of duplicate parts can be found by an inspection^of the plates. The light-faced type refers to the groups of parts on pages 33-41. PAGE Apparatus for burning Fuel Oil 211 Arch Bar Tender Truck 201 Arrangement of Fire Bricks in Firebox . . 65 Arrangement of Starting Valves and Cylinder Cocks for Compound Locomotive 87 Axle, Driving > 35, 101 Back Cylinder Casing Cover 33 Back Cylinder Head 33 Back Draw Bar . 38 Back Draw Casting, Tender 38 Baldwin Compound Cylinders, Vauclain System 71 Baldwin Compound Cylinders and Attachments ... 73, 75, 81 Baldwin Compound Cylinders, Two-Cylinder Type 77 Bell 36, 145 Blower Valve 37 Blow-off Cock 37 Boiler 33 Boiler and Attachments 62 Boiler Jacket 33 Boiler Jacket Bands 33 Boiler Lagging 33 Boiler Plugs ->, Boiler Tubes ,* Boiler Tube Ferrules 3, Brake Cylinder 3 g Brake Heads, Driving .,$ Brake Heads, Tender * 39 Brake Shoes, Driving „g Brake Shoes, Tender 39 Brake Valve Engineer's . . 139 Brake Work, Steam Driving 165 t 157 Brake Work, Tender 205 Brasses, Rod -5 122 Bull Nose, Pilot j/ Bumper and Attachments, Back I49 Bumper and Attachments, Front 135 ? 137 139 Bushing for Compound Cylinder 85 244 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PAGE Cab 39 Cab Bracket .... 38 Cab Bracket Plate 38 Cab Cylinder Oiler, B. L. W. Style 38 Cable Code Numbers 15 Cable Sentences 25 Cabling, Examples for . . . 10 Cabling, Instructions for 9 Cam, Driving Brake . 38 Casing, Cylinder 34 Casing, Steam Chest 34 Center Pin Guide and Crosstie, Engine Truck 143 Center Pin, Tender Frame ...... \ ... : . . 38 Center Plate, Tender Truck 39 Chafing Casting, Tender 38 Check, Injector 37 Class Designations 5 Cleaning Hole and Cap for Smokebox 38 Cleaning Plugs 33 Cocks and Valves 183 Code Numbers 15 Combined Relief and Vacuum Valve for Compound Locomotive . 95 Composition Rings for Metallic Packing 34 Compound Cylinder and all parts 34, 35, 73, 75, 81 Compound Cylinder, Piston Valve and Bushing for 85 Condensing Steam Chest Oil Cup 38 Connecting Rod, Inside, for Balanced Compound Locomotives . . 125 Counterbalance Spring 36 Crank or Wrist Pins . 35 Crosshead, Compound Locomotive 36, 111 Crosshead" Filling Pieces 36 Crosshead for Valve Stem, Compound Locomotive 113 Crosshead Gibs 36 Crosshead Pins . ; . 36 Crosshead, Single-Expansion Locomotive 36, 107, 109 Cylinder Casing = ' 34 Cylinder Casing Cover, Back 33, 67 Cylinder Casing Cover, Front 33, 67 Cylinder Cock 37 Cylinder Cock for Compound Locomotive 35, 87 Cylinder Cock Work, for Single-Expansion Locomotive 89 Cylinder, Compound 34, 35, 71, 77 Cylinder, Compound, and all parts 34, 35, 73, 75, 81 Cylinder Gland 33 Cylinder Head, Back -33 Cylinder Head, Front 33 Cylinder Lubricator, Sight Feed 3 8, 231, 233, 235, 237 Cylinder Oiler in Cab, B. L. W. Style 38 Cylinder Relief Valve for Compound Locomotive 35 Cylinder Saddle, Tandem Compound 83 Cylinder, Single-Expansion 33, 69 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVKS 245 PAGE Detroit No. 3-C Locomotive Lubricator 235 Detroit No. 21 Locomotive Lubricator 237 Diagram of Compound Cylinders Showing Course of Steam, Vauclain 73 Diagram of Compound Cylinders Showing Course of Steam, Balanced 75 Diagram of Compound Cylinders Showing Course of Steam, Tandem 81 Double Cone ' ' 33 Draw Bar, Pilot 37 Drip Funnel 179 Driving Axle 35, 101 Driving Box 37, 169 Driving Box Brass 37 Driving Box Cellar 37 Driving Brake Cam 38 Driving Brake Heads 38 Driving Brake Shoes 38 Driving Brake, Steam ' 165, 167 Driving Springs 36 Driving Spring Links 36 Driving Tires 35? 1^1 Driving Wheel Center, Wrought Iron 103 Driving Wheels 35, 101 Eccentrics 35 Eccentric Strap Oil Cup 38 Eccentric Straps 35 Eclipse Injector 223 Electric Truck for Inside Hung Motors 207 Electric Truck for Outside Hung Motors 209 Engine Back Draw Bar 38 Engineer's Brake Valve 37> 189 Engine Front Draw Casting • • 37 Engine Truck 37? 1^1 Engine Truck Box 37? 169 Engine Truck Box Brass 37 Engine Truck Box Cellar 37 Engine Truck Center Pin 37 Engine Truck Center Pin Guide and Crosstie 143 Engine Truck Frame 37 Engine Truck Springs 36 Engine Truck Swing Bolster 37 Engine Truck Wheel 37 Engine Truck Wheel Center, Wrought Iron 105 Equalizing Beams . 36 Equalizing Beam Fulcrums 36 Equalizing Work 131 Exhaust Nozzle ... 38 Exhaust Nozzle Thimble 38 Feed Cock, Injector 37 Feed Cock, Pump 36, 173 Feed Water Work 175 246 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PACK Ferrules for Boiler Tubes * 33 Filling Pieces, Crosshead 3& Firebox 33 Fire Bricks 65 Fire Door 33 Foot Boards 147 Foot Plate 3$ Forward Equalizing Beam 3" Forward Equalizing Beam Fulcrum 3<> Frame and Pedestals 35? 97, 99 Frame Front Rail • 35 Frame Pedestal Cap - . . 35 Front and Door, Smokebox 33 Front Bumper 135, 137, 139 Front Cylinder Casing Cover 33 Front Cylinder Head 33 Front Draw Casting 37 Front Draw Casting, Tender 3& Front Rail of Frame 35 Fusible Plug 33 Gauge Cock «• • 37 Gauge Glasses Gauge Lamp 37 Gauge Lamp Globe, Steam 37 Gauge Lamp Stand, Steam 37 Gauge Lamp, Steam 37? 191 Gauge Lamp, Water * 191 Gauge Stand, Steam 37 Gauge, Steam . 37 Gauge, Water . . 37, 187 Gibs, Crosshead 36 Gibs, Pedestal 35 Gland, Cylinder 33 Gland, Steam Chest 34. Glass Water Gauge 187 Grate Bars 36, 151, 153, 155, 157 Grate Frame 36 Grate, Plain for Soft Coal 157 Grate, Plain for Wood 155 Grate Work, Rocking 151, 153 Groups of Duplicate Parts 33 Guide Bearer, Compound Locomotive . Ill Guide Bearer, Single-Expansion Locomotive 107, 109 Guide Oil Cup 38 Guides, Compound Locomotive Ill Guides, Single-Expansion Locomotive 35, 107, 109 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 247 r w.i Hancock Inspirator 227 Headlight ?s, 193 Headlight Shelf 177 Heater Valve 37 Illustrated Plates 59 Injector 37, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227, 229 Injector Check 37, 181 Injector, Eclipse 223 Injector Feed Valve 37, 181 Injector, Koerting 219 Injector, Little Giant, 1889 225 Injector, Little Giant, "Locomotive" 225 Injector, Metropolitan Locomotive 229 Injector, Monitor 221 Injector, Sellers, Class K 217 Injector, Sellers, 1876 213 Injector, Sellers, 1887 215 Injector Steam Valve ... 37, 181 Injector Valves 181 Inside Connecting Rod for Balanced Compound Locomotives . . . 125 Inspirator, Hancock 227 Instructions for Cabling 9 Intercepting and Reducing Valves, Two-Cylinder Compound ... 79 Introductory 3 Iron Tender Frame 199 Jacket Bands 33 Jacket, Boiler 33 Jerome Metallic Packing for Piston Rods 239 Jerome Metallic Packing for Valve Stems 241 Journal Boxes 169 Keys, Rod 36 Koerting Injector 219 Lagging, Boiler 33 Links 36 Little Giant Injector, 1889 225 Little Giant Injector, "Locomotive" 225 Lubricator, Sight Feed 38 Metallic Packing 34 Metallic Packing, Composition Rings for 34 Metallic Packing for Piston Rods . 239 Metallic Packing for Valve Stems 241 Metropolitan Locomotive Injector 229 Monitor Injector 221 Nathan Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator ... 231 Nathan Triple Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator 233 248 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Oil Burning Apparatus Oil Cup, Eccentric Strap . Oil Cup, Guide . . . . Oil Cup, Rock Shaft Oil Cup, Rod Oil Cup, Steam Chest . Oil Cups Packing Piston Pedestal Cap Pedestal Gib Pedestal, Tender Pedestal Wedge , . . Pedestal Wedge Bolt Pilot 37, 135, Pilot Bull Nose Pilot Draw Bar Piston Piston Packing Piston Rods Piston Valve and Bushing for Compound Cylinder Plain Grate for Soft Coal Plain Grate for Wood Plug, Cleaning Plug, Fusible Pump Pump Check Pump Feed Cock Pump Plunger Radius Bar Crosstie and Clamp Reach Rod Relief and Vacuum Valve for Compound Locomotive Relief Valve for Compound Locomotive .... Relief Valve, Steam Chest •. . Reverse Lever Reverse Lever Rod, or Reach Rod Reverse Shaft Reverse Shaft Bearings Rock Shaft Rock Shaft Boxes Rock Shaft Oil Cup Rock Shaft Rod and Hanger Rod Brasses Rod Keys , ...... Rod Oil Cup Rods Rod Straps Rocking Grates . Rocking Grate Work 151, 153 PAGE 211 38 38, 185 38, 185 38, 185 38, 185 185 34. 127 35 35 38 35 35 37, 139 37 37 34, 127 34, 127 34 35 , 85 157 155 3 3 33 36, 171 36. 173 36 36 143 38 95 35 , 93 34 38, 163 38 36 36 36 36 38 119 36, 122 36 38 3$, 122 36, 122 36 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 249 PACK Saddle for Tandem Compound Cylinders 83 Safety Valves 33 Sand Box 36, 145 Sellers Injector, Class K 217 Sellers Injector, 1876 .' 213 Sellers Injector, 1887 215 Sentences for Cabling 25 Sight Feed Cylinder Lubricator 38, 231, 233, 235, 237 Signal Light Bracket 177 Single-Expansion Cylinder, Steam Chest, and Attachments 69 Slide or Steam Chest Valves 34 Smokebox Cleaning Holes and Caps 38 Smokebox Fittings 159 Smokebox Front and Door 33, 67 Smokebox Netting . . . . . 38 Smoke Stack 36, 133 Smoke Stack Base 36, 67 Smoke Stack Cone 36 Smoke Stack Netting 36 Soft Coal Burning Grate 157 Spark Ejector 38 Spark Ejector Valve ■ 38 Springs 36, 131 Starting Valve for Compound Cylinders 35, 87 Steam Brake Piston 189 Steam Brake Stop Valve 37 Steam Brake Valve for Engineer 37 Steam Brake Work 165, 167 Steam Chest Caps or Lids 34 Steam Chest Casing 34 Steam Chest Casing Covers 34 Steam Chest Glands 34 Steam Chest Oil Cup, Condensing 38 Steam Chest or Slide Valves 34 Steam Chest Relief Valves 34 Steam Chests 34, 69 Steam Chest Valve Yokes t 34 Steam Gauge 37 Steam Gauge Lamp 37, 191 Steam Gauge Lamp Globe 37 Steam Gauge Lamp Stand 37 Steam Gauge Stand ! . . . 37, 179 Steam Pipes • 33 Steam Valve, Injector 37 Steel Cylinder Head Cover 67 Steel Smokebox Front . . 67 Steel Stack Base '. 67 Stephenson Valve Motion Work 115 Stop Valve for Steam Brake . . . . " 37 Straps, Rod 36, 122 Swing Bolster, Engine Truck 37 250 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PAGE Tank Cock 38 Tank Funnel and Lid 38 Tank, Water ... 3 8, 195 Tender 38 Tender Back Draw Casting 38 Tender Box 37, 169 Tender Box Brasses 37 Tender Box Wedges .... 37 Tender Brake Heads , 39 Tender Brake Shoes 39 Tender Brake Work . 205 Tender Chafing Casting 3S Tender Frame Center Pins - 38 Tender Frame, Iron 199 Tender Frame, Wood 197 Tender Front Draw Casting 38 Tender Pedestals , 38 Tender Springs 36 Tender Truck 38, 39, 201, 203 Tender Truck Center Plates 39 Tender Truck, Arch Bar 201 Tender Truck, Wrought Iron 203 Tender Wedge 38 Tender Wedge Box 38 Tender Wheel Center, Wrought Iron 105 Tender Wheels 39 Throttle Lever Work 38, 161 Throttle Valve 33. Throttle Work 33, Tires, Driving 35, 101 Truck Box Brasses 37 Truck Box Cellars 37 Truck Boxes 37, 169 Truck Center Pin. Engine 37 Truck, Electric, for Inside Hung Motors 207 Truck, Electric, for Outside Hung Motors 209 Truck, Engine 37, 141 Truck Frame, Engine 37 Truck Springs .... 36- Truck, Tender 39, 201, 203 Truck Wheels 37 Tube Ferrules 33 Tubes 33 Types of Locomotives 43 United States Metallic Packing for Piston Rods 239 United States Metallic Packing for Valve Stems 241 Useful Sentences for Cabling 25 DETAILS OF LOCOMOTIVES 251 PAGE Vacuum Valve for Compound Locomotive 91 Valve Motion Work, Stephenson 115 Valve Motion Work, Walschaerts 117 Valve Rods 36 Valves and Cocks 183 Valves, Safety 33 Valve, Steam Chest or Slide 34 Valve Stem Guides and Crosshead for Compound Locomotive . . 113 Valve Yokes ' 34 Walschaerts Valve Motion Work 117 Water Gauge 37, 187 Water Gauge Glass . . 37 Water Gauge Lamp 37, 191 Water Tank 195 Wedge Bolt, Pedestal 35 Wedge Box, Tender 38 Wedge, Pedestal 35 Wedge, Tender 38 Wheel Center 105 Wheel Covers 147 Wheels, Driving 35, 101 Wheels, Engine Truck 37 Wheels, Tender 39 Whistle 38, 179 Whistle Work . . . .' 161 Wood Burning Grate 155 Wood Tender Frame 197 Wrist Pins 35 Wrought Iron Driving Wheel Center 103 Wrought Iron Engine Truck and Tender Wheel 105 Wrought Iron Tender Truck . 203 Baldwin Locomotive Works Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. Builders of Single -Expansion and Compound Passenger Locomotives Freight Locomotives Switching Locomotives Logging Locomotives Plantation Locomotives Locomotives for Rack Railroads Heavy Locomotives for Special Service Locomotives for Mills or Furnaces Mine Locomotives Trucks • Electrical Locomotives Oil-Burning Locomotives Compressed Air Locomotives SPECIFICATIONS, PROPOSALS AND FULL PARTICULARS FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION APR 16 1907 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 827 618 5