V w_ w&kL FAMILY PRAYER BOOK, FOR THE USE OP HEADS OF FAMILIES: DESIGNED MORE PARTICULARLY FOR AGED PERSONS. WITH AN INTRODUCTION, AND AN ESSAY ON FAMILY RELIGION. BY Rev. EMERSON DAVIS, PASTOR OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN WESTF1ELD, MASS. SPRINGFIELD : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY WOOD & RUPP. 1842 3>/ $£" ,33 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1842, By WOOD & RUPP, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. 3 ? Springfield, Aug. 12, 1842. Rev. Mr. Davis, Dear Sir: — We are about publishing a Prayer Book designed for the use of Heads of Families, and shall print it in large type, in order to adapt it to aged persons. We should be happy to have you prepare an Introduction and an Essay on Family Religion, and perhaps an Address to the Aged. Please reply by next mail, and much oblige Your Ob't Serv'ts, WOOD & RUPP. Westfield, Aug. 14, 1842. Messrs. Wood & Rupp, Gent : — Your favor of the 12th inst. has been received. I am glad to learn that you are intending to publish a book of Prayer adapted to Heads of Families and Aged Persons; and shall very cheerfully comply with your request, as soon as circumstances will permit. E. DAVIS. INTRODUCTION. Prayer is a duty enjoined by the dictates of nature, as well as by the word of God ; and we should regard it to be our privilege, as well as our duty. An unspeakable privi- lege it certainly is, to be permitted to ask the Creator of all things to supply our wants, to shield us from danger, and to prepare us for endless felicity. The question perhaps will be asked by some, on opening a prayer-book published by Congregationalists, and sanc- tioned by congregational ministers, whether our denomina- tion is verging towards Episcopacy ? If the use of written prayers, by here and there an individual in family devo- tion, or the reading of them for the sake of becoming fa- miliar with the best forms of expression, is proof of an Episcopal tendency, then it must be admitted, that Congre- gationalists have always verged towards Episcopacy. Our Puritan ancestors " did not dispute the lawfulness of set forms of prayer, provided a due liberty was allowed for prayers of their own composure." They demurred against the use of liturgies in public worship, but not against the use of Prayer books on all occasions. Prayer books have been published in England from time to time by the Dissenters. Rev. William Jay, in the preface 1* VI INTRODUCTION. to his " Prayers for the use of Families," while he earnestly recommends the use of free extemporaneous prayer, says, " there are those who have only a slender degree of relig- ious knowledge," or " feel a bashfulness of temper, so that they cannot gain confidence enough to pray in the presence of their households." In such cases he recommends " forms in preference to neglect." In an anonymous Essay on prayer, published in England in 1760, it is said, " there are cases, wherein forms may not only be lawful, but have the preference." Bishop Wilkins calls them crutches, and says " there are some lame chris- tians that stand in need of them," and as another author expresses it, " some are so mean in their faculties ; have so small a stock of ideas, and these so confused ; have their minds so little opened by their knowledge and sense of di- vine things, and they move in so low a sphere in religion, that I doubt not a well composed form may be useful for a time." Those using written forms are advised to vary from them by additions, or omissions, as occasion may require, until they surmount the necessity of using them at all. There are two uses of prayer books in addition to the one to which I have already alluded, which furnish a suffi- cient reason for recommending them to the use of Congre- gationalists. 1 . They will assist those Christians who need the assistance, in acquiring a dignified style of expression, and make them familiar with language proper to be used in public addresses to the Supreme Being. I know very well that the efficacy of prayer does not depend on the smoothness, or richness INTRODUCTION. vil of the style, nor on a well arranged collection of words ; but on the offering up of the desires of the heart to God for things agreeable to his will. He knows our desires be- fore they are expressed, and can understand a petition clothed in language wholly unintelligible to men. Nevertheless, it is the duty of every Christian to learn to pray in a manner intelligible and edifying to his fellow Christians. The voice of many devout disciples is never heard in the social prayer meeting, because they consider themselves unable to ad- dress the throne of grace so as to edify others. Family prayer is often neglected for the same reason, especially by those who become the subjects of grace after a family of children has grown up around them. Is it not the duty of every Christian to learn to pray ? It is certainly important to use becoming and appropriate words when we speak to God in behalf of others. If we use undignified expressions, we disgust the intelligent ; if we use learned and pompous words, we speak in a tongue unknown to the ignorant ; if we use quaint and fa- miliar language, the minds of those who hear are diverted from praying to criticising. It cannot be supposed that those who lead in prayer will edify and awaken in the souls of those who hear, the same desires which they express, un- less their language is plain, unostentatious, easily under- stood, and free from disagreeable peculiarities. Generally, those who would pray thus, must learn to pray. A person cannot ordinarily rise and address an assembly pertinently and effectively, unless he has learned to speak in public. I do not suppose that a person is inspired when he prays, any Vlll INTRODUCTION. more than when he preaches. The Spirit may indeed as- sist his infirmities, but the appropriateness of his language, and the propriety of his expressions, will depend on his ac- quaintance with the Scriptures, and the attention he has given to the written and extempore prayers of others. The disciples came to Christ on a certain occasion, and said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disci- ples." Neither John, nor Jesus, gave his disciples a form to be used on all occasions, but they taught them how to pray. There is no evidence that the early Christians were con- fined to written forms of prayer. Justin Martyr says, " the minister prayed according to his ability." Tertullian says, " they prayed without a monitor, or without any other com- mon prayer book than their own hearts." While I object to the use of a liturgy, I would recommend to all Christians the reading of approved forms of prayer for the purpose of acquiring a dignified and appropriate style of expression. 2. The other use of prayer books is for purposes of devotion. I do not mean to substitute the reading of them for extempore prayer ; but in addition to extempore prayer, or as a preparation for it, I would recommend the reading of a written prayer. Every Christian may advantageously use a prayer book in his closet for the same purpose that he uses a Hymn book, Baxter's Saints' Rest, or Doddridge's Rise and Progress. No pious person can sit down and read a book of well selected prayers, without having his pious feelings aroused, and without having a more fervent spirit of prayer kindled in his soul. Dr. Watts says, " Has not many a holy soul found its inward powers awakened and INTRODUCTION. IX excited to lively religion, by such assistances? May not many a penitential wish be excited under a sense of sin ? Many a pious aspiration of heart, many a joyful sound of praise, has undoubtedly owed its rise to the words and lan- guage of some well composed form." A prayer book, in the estimation of the writer, may be used with profit by every Christian. As I have already said, I would not, except in a few peculiar cases, recom- mend the reading of prayers as a substitute for extempore prayer ; yet I would recommend such a book to all in order to teach them how to pray, and to awaken devotional feel- ings preparatory to extempore prayer. In the compilation of this volume the publishers have had regard to the wants of aged people. Some, by reason of infirmity, find it difficult to follow a connected train of thought to the edification of others in family devotion — and many are unable to retire to a private chamber for secret prayer, because " the keepers of the house tremble ;" such will be assisted in praying, and meditating, and preparing for the scenes before them by the use of a prayer book. Such are the reasons which have induced the publishers to present this volume to the public. A part of the prayers are original, and a part selected. May those into whose hands this book shall fall, have in addition to the form, the spirit of prayer, or the going forth of the soul in strong de- sires for the objects mentioned in their petitions. Without this, all prayer is unavailing. E. DAVIS. AN ESSAY FAMILY RELIGION An attention to personal religion is the acknowledged duty of all men. Every individual is bound to worship God in secret as well as in public, and to maintain such a character as becomes the children of God. Upon every head of a family devolves the additional duty of maintaining the worship of God in his own house, He ought to resolve as Joshua did, " As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Family religion includes not only family prayer, but the reading of the Scriptures, and the giving of appropriate in- struction to children and other members of the household. Family prayer is the most important part of family religion ; if it be neglected, the other duties will be neglected also. This is the duty against the performance of which objec- tions are oftenest brought. In this Essay, therefore, my principal object will be to offer some reasons why every head of a family should worship God in their houses. 1. There are many texts in which the duty is implied. It is said that it is not commanded ; be it so ; if the duty is Xll AN ESSAY ON clearly implied, it teaches us what the will of God is in re- lation to this matter, as distinctly as if it were expressly commanded. We are bound to do according to the will of God, and it matters not whether we learn his will from ex- press precepts, or by inference from other subjects. In Gen. 18:19, God says of Abraham, "I know him, that he will command his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord." It is here said that Abraham's religion would not be confined to himself. It would be felt in his family. It was not: necessary to command Abraham to pray in his family, or to do what he could to promote family religion ; he would do it as a matter of course. Is it not equally true that all, who are the children of Abra- ham, will in this respect imitate the father of the faithful? The duty of family prayer is also inferred from the morn- ing and evening sacrifices under the ceremonial law. Aaron was directed to burn incense every morning, and again every evening, on an altar made for that purpose. It appears from Luke 1 : 9, 10, that this kind of offering was accom- panied by prayer on the part of the people. If it was nec- essary that the families of Israel should maintain religious worship morning and evening " throughout their genera- tions," it is certainly necessary for all others. Joshua said, " As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." This resolution was approved by God, and recor- ded for our instruction and admonition. Does not God recommend an attention to family religion by saying of Job, that " he offered sacrifices for all his children," and that " he did it continually ?" FAMILY RELIGION. Xlll In 2 Sam. 6 : 20. we are told that David after having spent a day in the public worship of God, went home at evening to bless his household. Does not this mean, that he went home to perform religious services in his family ? He did not make his attendance on public worship an ex- cuse for neglecting family religion. What shall be said of the example of Daniel, who prayed in his house with his windows open toward Jerusalem ? Was it secret prayer or was the household present? In Ps. 118 : 15, it is written, " the voice of joy and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous," that is, when you go to the tabernacle or house of a righteous person you will not hear the voice of carnal mirth, nor profanity, but the voice of rejoicing and prayer. In Jer. 10 : 25, it is said, God " will pour out his fury upon the heathen and upon the families that call not upon his name." If it be said that families here means nations, I answer, nations are made up families, and a family is a na- tion in miniature. If it is God's will that nations call upon him, it is as clearly his will that families call upon him. In Acts 10 : 2, we are informed that Cornelius was a de- vout man, one that feared God with all his house, and prayed to God always. In the 30th verse it is said, " an an- gel stood by him as he was praying in his house." From the account given of Cornelius, it is very evident that he had religious services in his house, — that he prayed with his family. From these and similar portions of scripture, 1 infer that it is the will of God that heads of families should maintain the worship of God in their houses. The practice of the 2 XIV AN ESSAY ON primitive saints is recorded with approbation, and this cir- cumstance should satisfy the candid reader of the Bible that God expects him to pray in his family, and to train his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 2. The beneficial effects that are produced upon a family by an attention to family religion, proves that it is a duty. Where family prayer is attended by the head of the family at fixed hours, it prevents much disorder that would other- wise exist. It affords a reason for requiring each member of the family to be at home at a seasonable hour, and pre- vents wild and giddy youth from annoying your peace and corrupting your children by being often at your houses, and remaining to an unseasonable hour. Your children will be preserved from many temptations, and be induced to form regular habits of retiring and rising, which are as conducive to health as to good morals. It has been often observed, that if there be in a neighbor- hood a prayerless family, it will be the place where young persons and adults will assemble to spend an evening in dis- coursing upon the marvelous, in vilifying the characters of the absent, or in amusements that detract from the dignity of rational beings. Let God be worshipped in every house, and much of this iniquity will be driven away. Let God's name be invoked morning and evening in a gambling house, or in a house of riot and debauchery, and these vices will either be abandoned, or those who practice them will retire to another place. If children see their parents devoutly calling upon God morning and evening, confessing their sins, and petitioning for favors for themselves and others. ■ FAMILY RELIGION. XV there is much more reason to hope their minds will be seriously impressed, than there would be, if they were train- ed in a prayerless family. A pious man received a letter from one who had been his apprentice, in which he gave the following testimony respecting the utility of family prayer : " Never shall I be able sufficiently to thank you for the precious privilege with which you indulged me in your family devotions. Eternity will be too short to praise God for what I there learned. I was there convinced of my wretched state as a sinner ; it was there I first knew the way of salvation, and there that I first experienced the preciousness of Christ in me the hope of glory." " Most households are made up of a majority of young persons, and it is rare to find a family without a child or youth. In the morning of life, the mind receives a direction even on moral and religious subjects, which is seldom lost ; hence it is of great importance that the first impressions be favorable to a life of piety." What means can be used that will affect the young mind so certainly and so favorably as family prayer ? What scene so interesting as that of a family bowing the knee morning and evening to suppli- cate the blessing of God ? It is a sight upon which the God of families looks down with delight ; it is a sight at which angels rejoice ; and it may be, that it affords a new thrill of rapture to some departed and sainted relative. The wicked scoffer may look upon such a scene with con- tempt, and the cold-hearted caviler may ask " what profit shall we have if we pray unto him," but the records of eternity will show, that family prayer has a powerful though XVI AN ESSAY ON silent, and perhaps slow influence upon many minds. It will impart a moral grandeur and dignity to any community to have a family altar erected in every dwelling, around which God is worshiped morning and evening. Can there be any doubt whether it is the will of God that men should pray daily with their families ? Is it not plain that he ap- proves, and requires a service that he has thus designedly blest? 3. The effect of family prayer with its kindred influences in propagating piety, proves that it is a duty. Families are little communities established by God for the purpose of propagating piety. By collecting all the inhabitants of the earth into little groups, and subjecting them to the dominion of a head, God has provided in the best possible manner for the religious and moral training of the people. No so- cieties are so important as families, the head of which ought to act as a priest of the little community in offering with and for them morning and evening sacrifice. Religion declines in the church, if it declines in the family. " The best public institutions cannot supersede the necessity of domestic piety." It is said that in the State of New Hampshire there de- scended in the course of 80 years from one family in which God was worshiped, 230 professors of religion. In a small church consisting of 15 members, 13 of them were from one family, the head of which like Joshua had said, " as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." In another church consisting of 49 members, 37 of them were the children of those in whose house God was worshiped. If FAMILY RELIGION. XV11 the history of families should be traced, we should un- doubtedly find a mass of evidence proving the influence of family prayer in propagating piety from one generation to another, and in diffusing it from one country to another. I would not advise parents to provide wealth for their chid- ren ; but I would urge upon all the supreme importance of leaving them an example of piety, and the recollection of ten thousand prayers offered in their behalf at the family altar. We have many delightful instances of family piety flowing clown through successive generations. Missionaries from the family of Mayhew through five successive generations, labored in Martha's Vineyard, and were all held in high esteem, as men of distinguished talents and piety. The family of John Rogers the Martyr is still more remarkable, and that of President Edwards equally so. It is true many profligate men and women have descended from pious fami- lies, but the number is comparatively small. It is an argu- ment in favor of family religion, that nearly all the people in the land distinguished for their moral worth, and exert- ing the best influence, were trained in pious families. In this way God is teaching us that he approves of family prayer. Families are not so much what the church makes them, as the church and 'state are what families make them. Magistrates and ministers of religion were once children in the family, and what they are as magistrates and ministers, was determined for the most part by the instruction they then received. It is a mistake to suppose that the instruction re- 2* XV111 AN ESSAY ON ceived in the house of God is of itself sufficient for the training of children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. " Every parent should bring his children to the house of God, that they may enjoy its ordinances, but the seed lodged in the tender mind by the minister at the sanctuary must be watered and nurtured at home." If no other reason could be assigned for family prayer and instruction except its influence in propagating piety from generation to generation, we should be sure that it is the will of God that it should be maintained. 4. The influence which the maintenance of family re- ligion produces upon the head of a family, proves it to be a duty. The instructions given, the adorations, the confes- sions, and the thanksgivings, are as useful to the head of the family, as to the members of which it is composed. Coming to the family altar morning and evening helps to keep alive in the soul the flame of devotion ; it does some- thing towards subduing an inordinate love of the world ; and inclines to circumspection. No man, who prays in his family habitually and conscientiously, can indulge in sin as freely as he otherwise would. What a comfort it must be to a parent sitting by the death-bed of a member of his family, to recollect that he has often prayed with and for the dying, and done what he could to lead him to Christ ! If the reader of this Essay is a parent, and would bid his family farewell with peace and joy, let him maintain the worship of God among them ; let him so pray and teach and exhort, that in the hour of sepa- FAMILY RELIGION. XIX ration, he can call God and his children to witness, that he has discharged his duty in some such manner as required. How painful must it be for a prayerless parent to witness the agonies of a dying child, to see him agitated, and it may be convulsed through fear of an approaching hell. Such are some of the reasons, why prayer ought to be offered morning and evening in every family. Many neg- lect this duty altogether ; others pray once a day, morning or evening, as is most convenient, and others pray only once a week. Some excuse themselves because they are diffident, ignorant, or not eloquent. If such had a sense of their own wants, or of the spiritual necessities of their families, these excuses would vanish. Love to the souls of their friends would cast out fear, and the reading of the Bible, or a prayer book would supply them with language, and a pressing sense of need, would make them eloquent. But what shall be said of those who can find time to pray only once a day, or once a week ? I would ask such if they do not spend more time every day in idle talk, or in doing nothing, than would ordinarily be consumed in maintaining regular family devotion. Who gives you your time, and for what purpose ? Are you not commanded to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness ? Some excuse themselves from the performance of this duty, on the ground that they are not professors of religion, and that the prayers of the wicked are an abomination in the sight of the Lord. It is not the act of praying that is an abomination, but praying with a wicked heart ; for the same reason the plowing of the wicked is sin, and yet no XX AN ESSAY ON FAMILY RELIGION. one excuses himself from tilling his land for fear of commit- ting an abomination. It is the duty of every man to pray in his family ; if his heart is not right, the fault is his own ; he should repent at once, and lift up holy hands without wrath or doubting. There can be no valid excuse for neg- lecting any duty, which it is the will of God we should perform. E. DAVIS. EXTRACT FROM ORTON'S DISCOURSE TO THE AGED. Let me exhort the aged men and women, as Paul com- mands Titus to do, " that they be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience ; that they be in be- haviour as becometh godliness, and teachers of good things." Let me entreat you to proceed in the ways of righteousness, and not be weary of well doing. Remember the dignity of your hoary head, and be careful never to lose or lessen it. .V. M* JA. M* At* *Y- •&£+ "Jy* *7v* *7V* *}*" w "/v* w Polycarp, a primitive bishop, and a disciple of St. John, being summoned before a heathen magistrate, and com- manded to abjure Christ, made this noble reply : " Four- score and five years I have been serving Christ, and he hath never done me the least wrong ; how then shall I blaspheme my King and Saviour ?" Let your experience of the power and comforts of religion, let such an example of steady piety, let the near approach of death, and your hopes of glory, all join to make you very careful not to lose the things that ye have wrought, and sully the honor to which you have a claim. Labor after greater patience and contentment, XXU TO THE AGED. greater mortification to the world which you are soon to leave, and to have your conversation habitually in heaven. Endeavor to be doing all the good you can, especially by bearing testimony to the pleasure and peace that are to be found in the ways of righteousness. Aged Christians are apt to be discouraged because they think they can do little for God. But, my friends, do the best you can, out of re- gard to the Master you serve, who doth not cast off his aged servants, nor despise their feeble attempts to promote his interests ; and who has promised that " to old age and hoar hairs he will bear and carry and deliver you." Do this out of regard to your descendants, to those whom you leave behind, and to the support of religion. Endeavor, according to the language of the Psalmist, " to bring forth fruit even to old age, that you may flourish in the courts of the Lord ;" that it may be said of you, as of the church at Thya- tira, that your last ivorksare more and better than the first. Then will you shine in the double lustre of age and holiness, be the ornaments of religion, and " come to your grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in its season." FAMILY PRAYERS. FAMILY PRAYERS. SUNDAY MORNING. O thou Most High ! Thine eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good ; thou seest every secret thing ; thou searchest the hearts, and triest the reins of the children of men. We would come into thy presence with reverence and deep humility, for it becomes us to lie ir! the dust, and, putting our hands upon our mouths, to cry, unclean, unclean; God be merciful to us sinners. We acknowledge ourselves to be sinners. Our iniquities are great and numberless ; but with a bro- ken heart and contrite spirit, we pray to be delivered from them, and to be led in the way everlasting. We are ruined by sin ; we have no merit in our- selves, and can offer no excuse for our transgressions ; but thou art rich in mercy. The blood of Jesus Christ cleansest from all sin. On the morning of this holy Sabbath, of this day consecrated to the solemn duties of religion, we would approach the mercy seat, and beseech thee, O Lord, that thou wilt blot out our iniquities and forgive our sins. 3 26 FAMILY PRAYERS. Wilt thou look upon the face of thine anointed, and for his sake be merciful unto us. Create in us clean hearts, and renew a right spirit within us. Enlight- en our minds that we may understand thy word ; give us tender and wakeful consciences, that we may feel the force of truth, and warm our hearts by a sense of thy presence, and then we shall no longer live at a cold and dying rate. May we remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy ; may we keep it in commemoration of that day in which our Saviour arose from the dead, hav- ing finished the work of redemption. We pray that our souls may rise this day from drowsiness and sloth to watchfulness and diligence in thy service. Be thou with us in the public, private, and social duties of this sacred day ; may we so hear thy word, so search the scriptures, so commune with our hearts, and so call upon thy name, that our souls shall derive an eternal benefit. Thou, Lord, knowest the hearts of each member of this family. Bless us who are parents, and give us wisdom, and faith, and patience, that we may dis- charge our duty to our children with an eye single to thy glory. We beseech thee to have mercy upon the children — may they all be interested in the great salvation ; convince them all of sin, and lead them to the Saviour, who has said " Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We render thee thanks, most merciful God, for the favors thou hast conferred upon us. We thank thee SUNDAY MORNING. 27 for creating and preserving us ; for the kind care thou hast taken of us ; thou hast fed and clothed us ; and what is more, thou has provided for us the bread of life — that bread which came down out of heaven, of which if a man eat he shall hunger no more. In view of thy great mercy to us, we desire to serve thee better. We cannot repay thee for the least of thy mercies ; but we would show our gratitude by being* more obedient, more circumspect, and more devoted to thy service. We would not confine our requests to ourselves. We would remember the wants of others. Regard those who are sick, and restore them to health, or prepare them to die in peace ; have compassion upon the afflicted, whether by the death of friends, by sickness, by loss of property, by trials, or by disap- pointments ; — let their afflictions do them good ; may they soon be heard to say, it is good for us that we have been afflicted. Meet with all those who may assemble this day for thy worship. Let those who preach the gospel have an unction from the Holy One ; may thy Spirit ac- company the truths to the hearts of all who hear, and may thy children be comforted and quickened, and sinners converted from the error of their ways. May the Gospel soon be published to every creature. Wilt thou hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Spirit be endless praises. Amen, 28 FAMILY PRAYERS. SUNDAY EVENING. O Lord, our God, wilt thou quicken our souls to call upon thy name ; pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication ; and in our enlivened and enlarged experience, may we know that thou art not only the gracious rewarder, but the Almighty helper of them that diligently seek thee. For such, O God, is the ignorance of our minds, and the unbelief of our hearts, that without thee we can do nothing. But the preparation of the heart, and the answer of the tongue are from thee ; thy Spirit helps our infirmities ; thy grace is sufficient for us. Unite our hearts to fear thy name ; enable us to come even to thy mercy seat ; and may our fel- lowship be with the God of love. May we approach thee, not as the Eternal Jeho- vah, but as our Father and our Friend, our exceed- ing joy, the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever. May we not only exercise that faith, by which we understand the worlds were made by the word of God ; may we not only believe in thee as the God of nature and providence, but in Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. O Lord, we thank thee that we have been per- mitted this day to hear the gospel preached. Thou knowest the manner in which we have received it. We have reason to fear that many have received it in vain ; that their hearing has only added to their SUNDAY EVENING. 29 guilt ; and that their sabbaths have been only em- ployed in treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. O, what would the spirits in prison give for one of our opportunities, one of our offers of mercy. How many now sitting in darkness, and in the re- gions of the shadow of death, would exult at the entrance of that light, against which we shut our eyes, or which we behold with indifference. Awaken, O Lord, in our consciences, the inquiry, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? May we believe thy word which has been preached to us to-day ; and keep in memory what we have heard, lest we believe in vain. May we hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee ; and may the truth, as it is in Jesus, illuminate in us all that is dark, sanctify in us all that is unholy, establish all that is wavering, comfort all that is wretched, and accomplish in us all thy good pleasure, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and that we may be glorified in Him. We sometimes hope thou hast commenced a good work in us ; we hope we have begun to see the evil of sin, to hunger and thirst after righteousness ; that we are asking the way to Zion, with our faces thith- erward ; and are praying, remember me, O Lord, with the favor thou bearest unto thy people. Command and enable us to go forward. Take us by the hand, and lead us on from strength to strength. Let the dawn break into the perfect day : and the blade become the full corn in the ear. We live in a world of changes, but thou art the 3* 30 FAMILY PRAYERS. same : may we know that thou hast made with us an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure. We are pressing through a vale of tears ; but we bless thee for the opening glory at the end. Enable us to realize, as our own, a better, even a heavenly country. Prepare us for every part of our pilgrimage ; uphold our goings in thy word ; and let no iniquity have dominion over us. We would sympathize with those that are in dis- tress. Give to them that mourn in Zion, beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Bless all the institutions which are established to diffuse the Scriptures, and to send forth missionaries. Remember those who have gone forth to preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ. Preserve their health, their morals, their spirituality, their zeal ; let them be examples of all they teach ; and be thou a little sanctuary to them among the heathen. May all the events that take place in the nations of the earth, subserve the spread of the Redeemer's empire ; and may we exult in the period, when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. And to God the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, be praises for ever and ever. Amen. MONDAY MORNING. 31 MONDAY MORNING. The heavens declare thy glory, O God, and the firmament showeth thy handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth know- ledge ; and there is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. We behold displays of thy wisdom, power and goodness in all thy works, from the largest to the least. But thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name ; and we can never be sufficiently thankful for the revelation of thy will in the Scriptures of truth. We bless thee that this sacred volume has been pre- served, and translated, and published, and multiplied, so that we all have it in our possession, and can read in our own tongue the wonderful works of God. Here we see not only thy greatness, but thy grace ; and not only thy pity, but thy rectitude ; we see mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace embracing each other. Here thou hast shined in our hearts, to give us the knowledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. For in Him thou hast reconciled the world unto thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. Thou hast made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. And thou hast raised Him from the dead, and given him glory, that our faith and hope may be in God. At the view of this infinite kindness, may we resign all our unworthy and suspicious thoughts ; 32 FAMILY PRAYERS. and placing our confidence in thee, return and say- Lord, I am thine, save me. Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. We ask not to be enrolled among the rich and the great of this world, but to be numbered with those who are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heaven- ly places in Christ. The graves are ready for us ; and we shall soon be in a state, that will render it a matter of indifference to us whether we have filled a cottage or a palace — but it will be eternally impor- tant to us, that we have been justified by thy grace, and sanctified by thy Spirit, and adopted into thy family. May we, therefore, be wise unto salvation : and make it our present, our supreme, our perse- vering concern, to obtain those blessings which are spiritual in their nature ; eternal in their continuance ; satisfying in their possession ; and which unerringly indicate that we are the friends of God. Preserve us from a false estimate of the whole of our character, or any part of it. May we regard our principles as well as our conduct ; our motives as well as our actions. May we never mistake the ex- citement of our passions for the renewing of the Holy Ghost. May we never judge of our religion by occasional impressions and impulses ; but by our constant and prevailing disposition. May our heart be right with God, and our life such as becometh the gospel. May we maintain a supreme regard to another and a better world, and feel and confess ourselves to be ™ MONDAY EVENING. 33 only strangers and pilgrims in this. How often by bodily infirmities and pains, by relative afflictions, and by dissatisfactions growing out of every enjoyment — how often have we been taught that this is not our rest. Afford us, we pray thee, all the assistance we need while passing through the scenes of life. Give us, in large abundance, the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ, that we may be prepared for every duty : that we may love thee for all our mercies ; that we may submit to thee in every trial. May we trust thee when we walk in darkness, and have no light ; and amidst all the changes of the present, and the uncertainties of the future, may our minds be kept in perfect peace, being stayed upon God. Hast thou not made with us an everlasting cove- nant, ordered in all things and sure ? The very hairs of our head — are they not all numbered ? Are not all thy ways mercy and truth? Lord, we believe, help thou our unbelief. And now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us fault- less before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy : to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen. MONDAY EVENING. O thou, whose name alone is Jehovah. Thou art the Most High over all the earth; and thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. All thy works 34 FAMILY PRAYERS. praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints bless thee. Thou art our father's God, and we will exalt thee ; thou art our own God, and early will we seek thee, for in thy favor is life. Open thou our lips, and our mouth shall show forth thy praise. Thou hast made us, and not we ourselves. Thine eye did see our substance, yet being imperfect, and in thy book all our members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there were none of them. Thou hast taught us more than the beasts of the field, and made us wiser than the fowls of the air. There is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth him understanding. Thy providence has watched over us from the womb, supplied all our wants, arranged all our affairs, and determined the bounds of our habitation. And, O, what reason have we to exclaim, the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage. We live in a land of vision. How superior are our advantages to those of thine ancient people, the Jews. The sun of righteous- ness, which was below the horizon to them, has risen upon us with healing in his wings ; and we are all the children of the day. Let us not, therefore, sleep, as do others ; but while we have the light, may we walk in the light, lest darkness come upon us. May we ever be impressed with the conviction that where much is given, much will be required : and that our greatest danger results from our dis- MONDAY EVENING. 6b tinguishing advantages — our sabbaths ; our sanctua- ries ; the Scriptures of truth ; the preaching of the gospel; and all the other means of grace. What more could have been done for us than thou hast done ? and yet how little fruit have we brought forth. We deserve to be cut down as cumberers of the ground, and cast into the fire. Yet, O Lord, spare us, for the sake of thy Son, our Saviour ; and lengthen out our day of grace. Convince us of sin, of righteousness, and of a judgment to come. May we see our danger, and our refuge too, and be led to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ ; and may we find him to be precious to our souls, the chiefest among ten thousand, and the one altogether lovely. May we be made the partakers of Christ, and not only of his righteousness, but of his spirit : that we may be, not only pardoned, but renewed ; and not only have a title to heaven, but a meetness for it. No longer alienated from the life of God, may our meditations of thee be sweet, and may we draw near to thee as to our exceeding joy. May we con- fide in thy promises, and rely on thy constant pro- tection and care. May we be devoted to thy service, and find it perfect freedom. May we delight our- selves in thy commandments, and forget not thy word, that we may not sin against thee. With affections weaned from the world, and with evidences bright for heaven, all the days of our ap- pointed time may we wait till our change comes : may we die, supported by the consolations of the gospel, and surrounded with the glory of God ; and 36 FAMILY PRAYERS. have an entrance ministered unto us abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. Prepare us for our passage, as well as for our end. While we are here, may we fulfil the duties and bear with firmness, the trials of our respective stations ; may we glorify our Father, who is in heaven ; and serve our generation according to his will. Continue thy goodness to us as a family. Adapt thy mercies to each of our wants. May those of us who hope we have passed from death unto life, walk humbly with God and grow in grace, and may those who are still impenitent, be convinced of sin and be- come the devoted servants of Christ. Remember our absent friends. Let thy ministers enjoy thy pre- sence ; and thy churches be filled with thy glory. Let this nation be under thy care, and ever prove the seat of learning and science ; of civil and religious freedom ; of social blessedness ; and of gospel privi- leges ; and be the source of usefulness to the ends of the earth. May Ethiopia stretch forth her hands unto God. And may all nations whom thou hast made, come and worship before thee. For thine, O God, is the power ; and thine shall be the glory, through our Lord and Saviour. Amen. TUESDAY MORNING. 37 TUESDAY MORNING. O Lord God of hosts, hear our prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob ; behold, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. It is in his dear and all-prevailing name we come. We have nothing of our own to plead ; no works, no worthiness, no promises. We have all, like sheep, gone astray. We have been transgressors from the womb. We have knowingly opposed thine author- ity, and abused thy goodness. We have been un- grateful under thy indulgences ; incorrigible under thy rebukes ; and have misiinproved our religious advantages. We stand before thee condemned by our own consciences, as well as by thy word. Yet, in the way of thine appointment, thou art waiting to be gracious ; and hast said, that whatso- ever we ask, believing in his name, Ave shall receive. Through Him, display thyself, in our experience, as a God, pardoning iniquity, and subduing it. Jus- tify us freely from all sin ; and sanctify us wholly, body, soul, and spirit. May we be thy workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, and prepared unto every good work. We groan within ourselves, longing, not only for deliverance from the wrath to come, but from the sin that dwelleth in us : and praying, not only for an interest in thy favor, but a growing like- ness to thy image. We bless thee for all that is past. Unless the Lord had been our help, our souls had almost dwelt 4 38 FAMILY PRAYERS. in silence : but when we said, my foot slippeth, thy mercy, Lord, held us up. But we are still in the body, and in the wilderness ; we need thine aid as much as ever ; we have a growing sense of our ig- norance, weakness, and danger ; O, withdraw not thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Whether we are called to do thy will, or to bear it, may we feel that our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. If our course conducts us through rough and trying scenes, say to us, thy shoes shall be iron and brass, and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. In view of our en- counter with our spiritual foes, clothe us with the whole armor of God ; teach our hands to war, and our fingers to fight ; and in the heat of the action tell our hearts, that we shall be more than conquer- ors, through him that loved us. And may we be concerned that the blessings we ask for ourselves, may be imparted toothers. Teach us to love our neighbor as ourselves ; and may we often examine our conditions in life, our offices, our talents, and our opportunities, to see how we may be serviceable in our day and generation. We bless thee for the light and comforts of this morning. Thou didst watch around our bed in the defenceless hours of sleep ; help us to serve thee this day with all our powers. May we feel that thou God seest us both when we go out and when we come in. Protect us from dangers seen and unseen, and bring us to the close of the day laden with the rich experience of thy kindness and mercy. TUESDAY EVENING. 39 Comfort those that mourn in Zion. Let all the afflicted find thee a very present, and an all-sufficient help in the day of trouble. Provide for the poor and needy. Guide those that need instruction ; and may integrity and uprightness preserve them while they wait upon thee. Sanctify and continue to us, and to our latest posterity after us, all our national blessings, civil and religious ; and may our country, by its institu- tions, character, and usefulness, be a praise in the whole earth. These are great blessings for such sinful creatures as we are, to ask ; but thou hast given us a name to plead, which is above every name. Behold not our guilt, but that blood which cleanseth from all sin ; not our unworthiness, but that righteousness with which thou art well pleased. And accept us in the beloved. Our Father, &c. Amen. TUESDAY EVENING. O God, we are thine, and thee we are bound to worship. We grieve to think how many there are who cast off fear, and restrain prayer before thee. But, whatever be the determination of others, our purpose, by thy grace, is taken ; and as for us and our house, we will serve the Lord. We would not live a day, or an hour, without thee in the world, careless of thy favor, or regard- 40 FAMILY PRAYERS. less of thy glory. Impress us, individually and deep- ly, with a sense of thy omniscience ; that thou art about our path, and our lying down, and acquainted with all our ways. Especially may we feel it, when we enter thy more immediate presence, and engage in the exercises of devotion. Then may we remem- ber that thine eyes are upon us ; that thou requirest truth in the inward parts ; and that nothing can screen, even our motives and principles, from thy penetration. May we every moment feel, how necessary it is to be more intimate with Him who came, not only that we might have life, but that we might have it more abundantly ; whose grace is sufficient for us : whose spirit helps our infirmities, and can strengthen in us the things that remain, that are ready to perish. We bless thee for an Advocate with the Father ; for a propitiation of infinite value ; for a fullness that filleth all in all. In Him, believing, may we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. And may we know how to obtain relief for a burdened con- science, without feeling reconciled to our imperfec- tions. May we abhor the thought of turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, or sinning, that grace may abound. Because we are not under the law, but under grace, may we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; by thy mercies, presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, and asking, What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me ? Through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief ■ TUESDAY EVENING. 41 of the truth, may our affections be set on things that are above, and may this be the growing desire of our souls, O that our feet were directed to keep thy precepts. We would not seek great things for ourselves ; but be content with such things as we have. Deliver us, O Lord, from the love of money, which is the root of all evil. May we value our substance, not as the medium of pride and luxury, but as affording us the means of support and usefulness ; and may we guide our affairs with discretion, that we may owe no man any thing, and be able to give to him that needeth. Establish in us the golden rule ; may we love our neighbor as ourselves ; and feel it not only our duty, but our pleasure, as we have opportunity, to do good unto all men ; especially unto them that are of the household of faith. Bless all the churches of the faithful. Thou hast given them rest ; may they walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost, and be edified and multiplied. Remember those in this country, who are destitute of the means of grace which we enjoy. Let not thy children be like sheep having no shepherd ; let all the churches be suppli- ed with faithful pastors, who shall feed them with the word of life. And may those who neglect the great salvation, go up to the courts of the Lord, and become the followers of Jesus Christ. Display thy power and thy glory in the sanctuary. Be with thy servants, who show unto men the way of salvation. Make them wise to win souls ; may 4* 42 FAMILY PRAYERS. they speak the things only that become sound doc- trine ; may they never expect success, as the result of their eloquence and reasonings, but from the ex- cellency that is of God. May our highly favored country be safe and flour- ishing, under the shadow of the Almighty. Regard our friends and relations. Those that are absent from us, we commend to the care and direc- tion of an ever-present God. Let those that know thee not, be made wise unto salvation ; let not those who are endeared by so many ties, be sepa- rated from us forever — How can we endure to see the destruction of our kindred ? Keep us in all places and circumstances. Hide us this night in the secret of thy pavilion, and in the morning encompass us with songs of deliverance. And now, blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things; and blessed be his glori- ous name forever : and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. O thou, before whom angels bow and archangels veil their faces ! Wilt thou assist us to call upon thy name this morning, and may we do it with pure hearts, fervently. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, for thou art our strength, and our Redeemer. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 43 We adore thee as our Creator, Preserver, and boun- tiful and unwearied Benefactor ; and we can say with thy servant of old, we laid us down and slept ; and we awoke for the Lord sustained us. And grat- itude constrains us to say, Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will we di- rect our prayer unto thee, and will look up. We are unworthy, O Lord, to come into thy pre- sence, for we have sinned against thee with a high hand, and an outstretched arm : we have wandered away from thee, and have loved to wander ; but we would take words and return unto the Lord, and pray that thou wouldst hear us for the sake of the blessed Redeemer. May we have a saving interest in Christ, whose blood cleanseth from all sin, and know him, whom to know aright is life eternal. We beseech thee to produce in us that spirituality of mind which will render our service acceptable to thee, and profitable to ourselves ; and let us not mock thee with solemn words upon a thoughtless tongue. We thank thee for the mercies of the past night : for the refreshing repose we have enjoyed, and that our eyes have been permitted to behold the light of this morning under circumstances of so much mercy. Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. We thank thee that no harm has come near us, but that this morning the sound of joy and gladness is heard in our dwelling. We bless thee that thou hast given us thy word, and that the law of the Lord is perfect, converting 44 FAMILY PRAYERS. the soul; that the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple, more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold ; sweeter are they than honey, and the honey comb. May we take thy word as a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path. We thank thee for the hopes and the ennobling prin- ciples it contains, and that in it life and immortality are brought to light. We thank thee for the plan of redemption, and the offers of grace in the gospel ; and may we have some proper sense of the obligations imposed upon us by being permitted to read it in our own tongue, and to worship God, as it were, beneath our own vine and fig-tree, having none to molest us, or to make us afraid. We beseech thee to smile upon every effort that is made to renovate the world, and bring it back to its allegiance to the King of kings. May thy word have free course, and run, and be glorified. Wilt thou bless the means of grace used in this place, and let thy kingdom come, thy will be done as it is done in heaven. May every one who has named the name of Christ be careful to depart from all iniquity, and let vice, and irreligion, and infidelity be done away, and may the wickedness of the wicked come to a perpetual end. We beseech ihee, O Lord, to pardon all our trans- gressions, and to give us free and full forgiveness in and through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Graciously regard all who minister in holy things : enable them to discharge with propriety the impor- tant duties of their high and sacred calling. May WEDNESDAY EVENING. 45 they preach good tidings to the meek, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captive, the opening of the prison to them that are bound, and the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of ven- geance of our God. Bless the minister of the gos- pel in this place. Enable him to break the bread of life to this people with fidelity, giving to every one his portion in due season : and may he be greatly in- strumental in winning souls to Christ. Bless us who are now worshiping before thee. May we rejoice to render thee our morning and eve- ning sacrifice, and may our prayer go up into the ear of mercy, and return unto our own bosoms fraught with the blessings we stand in need of. We now commit ourselves into thy hands, beseeching thee to guide and direct us this day. May our thoughts, words, and actions be such as thou canst approve ; and may we be abundantly qualified for the faithful discharge of all the duties that are incumbent upon us. Hear us, O Lord, in these our petitions, and grant us an answer in peace. And to Father, Son and Holy Spirit be present and everlasting praise. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O eternal God, whose name is love, and who so loved the world that thou gavest thine only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not per- 46 FAMILY PRAYERS. ish but have everlasting life, help us, by the Holy Spirit, to believe in Christ Jesus ; and trusting in him to have access unto thee. We feel our need of a Saviour for sinners ; for we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. When we look back even on the past day, thy law accuses us of many sins, and our own consciences justly condemn us. We have been forgetful of thy presence ; our conversation has been light and trifl- ing ; and we have not with a single eye sought thy glory, or copied the holy life of our Saviour Christ. He left us a perfect example, but how seldom we tread in his steps ; how little have we of his meek- ness and lowliness of heart, of his zeal and love ! We have sinned, notwithstanding the light of thy word, and the checks of our own consciences. Grant us thy grace, that we may not be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Give us true re- pentance, and such a sense of our sinfulness as may lead us to despair of salvation by any works of our own ; and bring us humbled and penitent at the foot of the cross. Help us by faith to behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. Teach us to renounce our own righteousness, and to depend wholly on Jesus Christ. May we be able to say and feel, " In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.' 7 Teach us to come to Jesus Christ, and to look to him, not only for pardon and peace, but also for grace and strength. We are weak, but Jesus is strong : grant that we may be made strong in and through WEDNESDAY EVENING. 47 him. Draw us to Christ, that we may receive out of his fullness all that we need, repentance, remis- sion of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit ; that he may dwell in our hearts by faith, and we be root- ed and grounded in love. We commend ourselves to thy care during the night. Let no evil come nigh us. May our last thoughts be with thee ; and when we awake, may we be still with thee. Refresh our bodies with the quiet repose of the night, and renew our spiritual strength. Teach us ever to watch and pray, and to be always ready, seeing we know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man shall come. Extend thy merciful care to all that are near and dear to us. We pray for all our relatives. May those that are endeared to us by the ties of nature, be yet more dear by the stronger bonds of grace. Grant that we may be all one in Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray for our Christian friends, for our neighbors, and all with whom we have intercourse. Bless those that minister before the Lord : may they all be faithful, wise, humble, and devoted ser- vants of the Lord Jesus Christ ; may they all fear God rather than man. Every where raise up pastors according to thine heart, which shall feed thy people with knowledge and understanding. Grant thy bles- sing to every missionary now preaching Christ to the Gentiles. Cause Jew and Gentile to turn to the Lord, that they may be. saved. Bring on the happy day, when there shall be one fold and one Shepherd ; 48 FAMILY PRAYERS. and when there shall be none to hurt or destroy in all thy holy mountain. O thou giver of every good and perfect gift, we praise and bless thee for thy great and continued mercies to us. All things thou givest to us richly for enjoyment. We receive from thee full provision for all our temporal wants, and thou forgivest all our iniquities. Like as a father pitieth his children, so thou our Lord and Father, pitiest them that fear thee. Thou knowest our frame ; thou rememberest that we are dust. Thou hast had compassion on us in our low and lost estate, and thou gavest thy Son to die for us ; and now thou offerest and givest us thy Holy Spirit, to soften our hard hearts and to help our in- firmities. Wilt thou justify us freely by thy grace, adopt us into thy family, and give us a hope full of glory. Behold what manner of love thou our Father hast bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God ! God of mercy, grant, only grant that we may be followers of thee as dear children, and show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, through Jesus Christ. And now blessing, and honor, and glory, and pow- er, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. 49 THURSDAY MORNING, O thou from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift ; in whom we live, move, and have our being ! We rejoice in the privilege that we enjoy of presenting ourselves in thy presence this morning ; and that while so many millions of our fellow beings are bowing down and worshiping the idols which their own hands have made, we are permitted to know and worship the one living and true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. We thank thee that thou hast appointed and made known a Media- tor, who has once suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God. In him we behold thee reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. And in him a multitude which no man can number, redeem- ed, renewed, and justified, are exultingly exclaiming, My soul shall be joyful in God, for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels ! O, that it were so with us ! O that we could re- joice in our spiritual condition, and read our title clear to an inheritance among the saints in light. We beseech thee, O Lord, to regard us in much mercy, who are now worshiping before thee. Behold we are vile, what, shall we answer thee ? Our sins are more numerous than the stars of heaven, or the 50 FAMILY PRAYERS. sands on the shore, and testify against us. But, O Lord, enter not into judgment with us, for in thy sight shall no flesh living be justified. We pray that thou wouldst give us the deepest sorrow for sin ; may we exercise repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ ; and let thy favor which is life, and thy loving-kindness which is better than life, rest upon us. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sins. Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Subdue in us every corrupt desire and unholy affec- tion j and enable us to resist the temptations of the adversary, and seek the way to Zion with our faces thitherward. May we be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might ; and put on the whole armor of God, having our loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate of righteousness, and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace ; above all, taking the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, that we may be able to stand in the evil day. Let thine especial blessing, O Lord, rest upon this family to-day. Be with us in the exercise of all our lawful undertakings, and prosper us in the work of our hands; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. We pray that our faith may be as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Complete that which is lacking in our faith ; THURSDAY MORNING. 51 lead us into all truth : and fill our hearts with thy rich grace. Fill our minds with the sublime and en- dearing object of revelation, that worldly things may not too much engross our attention. And wilt thou make us also to increase and abound in love one to- wards another, and towards all men. Let all bitter- ness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking be put away from us, with all malice ; and may we be kind, one towards another, tender-heart- ed ; forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven us. Inspire us, O Lord, with a well-guarded hope of being one day presented before thy presence in glory ; when we shall see thee without obscurity, approach thee without sin, serve thee without imperfection, and enjoy thee without sorrow. Prepare us for all the duties and trials that lie before us ; and may no temptation overtake us, which we have not power to resist. Ever may the candle of the Lord shine around this habitation, and may it be a place where thou delightest to dwell. Let thy blessing, O Lord, rest upon any who are sick around us, or who are in any way afflicted, either in mind, body, or estate, and give them a happy deliverance out of all their troubles. We would commend ourselves to thy paternal care and guidance during this day. Let our lives and healths be precious in thy sight : and may we every day grow wiser and better, and so live that we may be enabled to consider heaven as our home, angels our future companions, God ouf Father, and Christ 52 FAMILY PRAYERS. our elder brother. And not unto us ; not unto us, O Lord, but unto thy great name, Father, Son, and Spirit, be equal and eternal praises. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. Our Father, who art in heaven ! We adore thee as the infinite and uncreated God : without begin- ning of days nor end of years : before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to ever- lasting, thou art God. We would come into thy presence this evening with reverence and humility ; and may our prayer come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. We confess that we are vile, and that we are covered with pollution. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the crown of the head even unto the soles of the feet, there is no soundness in us. Who can understand his errors ? Cleanse thou us from secret faults ; keep back thy servants also from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over us. We thank thee for the mercies and blessings of this day : and that our unprofitable and forfeited lives have been spared, and our health continued. And in view of the goodness with which thou hast hitherto passed before us, we would say, The Lord is our refuge and fortress ; our God, and in him will ■■ THURSDAY EVENING. 53 we trust : we will not be afraid for the terror by night, nor the arrow that flieth by day ; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness ; nor for the de- struction that wasteth at noon-day. And we rejoice in the promise of thy word — Because thou hast made the Lord thy refuge, even the Most High thy habita- tion, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling ; for he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. We bless thee, O Lord, that when man had bro- ken thy law, and rendered himself obnoxious to its penalty ; when there was no eye to pity, and no created arm that could save ; that thine eye pitied and thine arm brought salvation. We render thanks to the Lamb, who was slain to redeem us to God by his blood. We rejoice that the Son has vindicated his Father's character, magnified the law and made it honorable, and is now exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, and to give repentance and remission of sins. We bless thee for the offer of mercy through him, and pray that we may have a saving interest in his atoning blood. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving kindness, and according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions'. Wash us thoroughly from our iniqui- ty, and cleanse us from our sin. O Lord, we ask not for worldly riches, and hon- ors, but may we be blessed with all spiritual blessings in and through Christ Jesus. May we present our bodies living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service ; and let us not be 5* 54 FAMILY PRAYERS. conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God ; not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, but thinking soberly as God hath dealt to us the measure of faith. Let there be in us love without dissimulation. May we abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, and be kindly affectioned one to another : not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. And whether the dispensations of thy providence are merciful or afflictive, prosperous or adverse, let our confidence in thee be unshaken. May we be able to say with thy servant of old — Though the fig-tree should not blossom, neither should fruit be in the vines ; the labor of the olive should fail, and the fields should yield no meat ; though the flocks should be cut off from the fold, and there should be no herd in the stalls: yet will we rejoice in the Lord, and will joy in the God of our salvation. Wilt thou regard in mercy those who are near and dear to us by the ties of kindred, duty or affection. Keep them in thy fear, and let their lives and healths be long continued, and may each have his name written in the Lamb's book of life. May all men fear and love the Lord ; and then shall they beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks ; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more ; and none shall need to say to his brother " know the Lord ;" for all shall know thee from the least even FRIDAY MORNING. 55 to the greatest. Teach thy people the duties that belong to them, in reference to the coming of that glorious season. May they trim their lamps and keep them burning, and be ready when the bride- groom cometh. Look in compassion, merciful Parent, upon all who are oppressed in our land, in any way. How long, O Lord, shall the selfishness of man appropriate to itself the time and toil of the weak and needy, and degrade the immortal mind with ignorance and sin ? Let us undo the heavy burdens, that the oppressed may go free ; and may our land no longer be a re- proach among the nations of the earth because of oppression. May we cease to do evil, and learn to do well. Show us that righteousness exalteth a na- tion, but that sin is a reproach to any people. And when time with us shall be no longer, and the world be receding from our view, and the scenes of eternity be about to break upon our unclouded vision, may we calmly repose in the Saviour's arms, and breathe our lives out sweetly there. All of which favors we ask in the name of Christ, our me- diator. Amen. FRIDAY MORNING. O thou that hearest prayer ! unto thee should all flesh come. Wilt thou teach us to pray in faith ; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, 56 FAMILY PRAYERS. and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him. O Lord, we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep, and we have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children. But we rejoice that with thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption, and that in the way of thine appointment thou art wait- ing to be gracious ; and hast said, that whatsoever we ask, believing in Christ, we shall receive. In his all prevailing name we come, for we have nothing of our own to plead : our righteousness is as filthy rags, and we have no goodness to recommend us to thy favorable regard. It becometh us to put our hands on our mouths and our mouths in the dust, and with the leper to cry unclean, unclean, and with the pub- lican, God be merciful to us sinners. We thank thee, O our Father, for the mercies of the night past, and for the light of this morning ; and we pray that thou wouldst lift upon us the still more cheering light of thy reconciled countenance, reconciled in Jesus Christ, who has given himself a ransom for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. O let us consider him as our risen Saviour, and may we feel the power of his resurrection, in establishing our faith, enlivening oui hope, and securing our sanctification. May we not only believe in his resurrection, but partake of it, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so may we also walk in newness of life ; reckoning ourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. FRIDAY MORNING. 57 We ask thy blessing, O Lord, on all ranks and descriptions of men. Let those who live in Chris- tian lands remember that thou hast distinguished them far above millions of their fellows, who are groping their erring way in heathenish darkness, and that to whom much is given, of them will much be required. May the darkness of idolatry and hea- then superstition, which now envelops so large a por- tion of the world, be rolled away by the advancing light of the sun of righteousness : and may thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. May we never be led to forget that every man is our brother. Thou makest thy sun to rise on the evil, and on the good ; and sendest rain on the just and on the unjust — why then should we shut up our com- passions from any that are our fellow creatures ? O dis- pose us to do all in our power to dry up the fountains of human misery, and to multiply the sources of hu- man happiness. Incline us to love the souls of men. May we pity those who are thoughtlessly destroying their eternal peace, and seek to bring them under the influences of the blessed gospel. Grant us that spirit which seeketh not her own, and is not easily provoked, and that rejoiceth in the truth. Wilt thou make us sincere in thy worship, and let us not mock thee with lip service, while our hearts are far from thee. Thou canst not be deceived, and wilt not be mocked ; and thou hast said that the hope of the hypocrite shall perish, and that his trust shall be like the spider's web. 58 FAMILY PRAYERS. Mercifully regard those, Lord, who are careless and secure. Let them not cry, A little more sleep, a little more slumber, a little more folding of the hands to sleep, till they find by awful experience, that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Look down in mercy upon us who are now before thee. Blot out our transgressions, and be at peace with us. Purge us and w r e shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. Help us to work this day in thy fear, and may we commit our way unto the Lord that he may direct our steps. May we be guarded in all our conduct, and may we strive to imitate the perfect example of Christ in humility and meekness, in charity and de- votion ; and may we begin the life of heaven while here upon earth. May our lamps be always trim- med and burning, and we be like those who wait for the coming of their Lord, and be prepared to go in and sit down with him at the marriage supper of the Lamb. And unto him that loved us, and died to re- deem us ; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. O Lord, thou art the Creator of all the ends of the earth, and the Father of the spirits of all flesh ! Thou dwellest in light that is inaccessible and full of glory : thou coverest thyself with it as with a FRIDAY EVENING. 59 garment, and art clothed with honor and majesty. Thou dwellest on high, and humblest thyself to be- hold the things that are done in heaven ; and art ex- alted above principalities and powers, that at thy name every knee should bow, and every tongue confess. Thou didst create man after thine own image, in knowledge and holiness ; thou madest him a little lower than the angels and crownedst him with glory and honor. But he continued not in the state in which he was created, but broke thy law, and brought death into the world and all our wo. But we rejoice that when he had made himself vile, and was without excuse, in due time Christ died for the ungodly ; we rejoice that thou didst so love the world as to send thine only begotten son into the world, that whoso believeth on him might not perish, but have everlast- ing life. We adore the wisdom of thy purposes, the holiness of thy ways, and the riches of thy grace ; and that in Christ mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have embraced each other. We have reason, O Lord, with shame and contri- tion, to confess our unworthiness. We have forsak- en thee, the fountain of living waters, and have hewed out to ourselves broken cisterns that can hold no water. And if thou shouldst be strict to mark our iniquities, and shouldst lay righteousness to the line, and judgment to the plummet, we could not stand in thy presence, nor answer thee for one of a thousand of our transgressions. But we would hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, 60 FAMILY PRAYERS. and with him is plenteous redemption. Remember not the sins of our youth and riper years, but blot out all our transgressions, and give us free and full forgiveness in and through him who both wrought out and brought in an everlasting righteousness. AVe bless thee for all the goodness of the past day, and pray that thy goodness may produce in us its le- gitimate fruit, and lead us to repentance. May all the dealings of thine holy hand with us be in mercy. Convince us of the evil of sin. May we see that in punishing it thou dost display not only thy justice, but thy mercy too. Bless thy church in this place, may it be a bright and shining light ; and may all who have named the name of Christ be careful to depart from iniquity. May thy people arise and shine, their light being come, and the glory of the Lord being risen upon them ; and may the church become fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terri- ble to thine enemies as an army with banners. Re- vive thy work in the midst qf us, and let us experi- ence a refreshing from thy presence, such as was seen on the day of Pentecost, and may hundreds be converted, and brought into thy kingdom, who are now in the broad road to ruin. Sanctify to all of us the means of grace. Let thy word, which we read from time to time, do us good as it is wont to do the upright of heart ; and may it be like good seed sown in good ground, and spring up, and bear fruit to thy glory, an hundred fold. Wilt thou produce in us that brokenness of heart that shall enable us to say, It is a faithful saying and FRIDAY EVENING. 61 worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom we are chief. May he be delightful to us in all his mediatorial offices ; may we love his commands, believe in his promises ; and bear his yoke which is easy, and his burden which is light, that we may find rest unto our souls. We thank thee that thou hast revealed to us the way in which fallen and perishing sinners can be eternally united to thyself; and that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. In his name we come ; O receive us graciously, and love us freely. May the same mind be in us, that was in Christ Jesus. May we remember that the night is far spent, and the day is at hand ; may we therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light : walking honestly as in the day ; not in rioting and drunken- ness, not in strife and envying ; but may we put on the Lord Jesus, and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. We pray for a world lying in wickedness. May the heathen who are now sitting in the region and shadow of death have the gospel preached to them, and let the worshipers of idols see that their gods are a vanity and a lie, and cast their idols to the moles and to the bats, and with their own hands sub- scribe unto the Lord. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most mighty, and ride forth, conquer- ing and to conquer, till the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Dissipate the clouds of error and super- stition which hang over the church, and let the gos- 62 FAMILY PRAYERS. pel in its purity prevail in the earth, till the name of Christ shall be praised from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth. Protect us during the defenceless hours of the night ; let no harm come near our dwelling, but let the shades of evening descend upon us in peace and quietness : and may we lie down at peace with the world, and with thee, and lift our eyes upon the light of another morning, better prepared for thy worship. And to him who hath loved us, and given himself to die for us, to him be glory and honor forever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. thou Shepherd of Israel ! Doubtless thou art our Father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not. In the beginning thou hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heav- ens are the work of thy hands : they shall perish, but thou remainest ; they all shall wax old as doth a gar- ment ; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed : but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. Thou art unsearchable in thy judgments, and thy ways past finding out. Who by searching can find out God ? We rejoice, O Lord, that wherever we turn our eyes, we behold the evidences of thy wisdom, power and goodness. Thou sittest upon the circle of the SATURDAY MORNING. 63 earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grass hoppers before thee. Thou hast meted out the heavens with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance ; thou takest up the isles as a very little thing. Help us in conscious unwor- thiness, to bow before thee with mingled emotions of adoration, fear, humility, and love. We bless thee for the circumstances of comfort in which we find ourselves this morning, refreshed by the quiet repose of another night, and the permis- sion to worship before thee in the way of thine ap- pointment. Thy mercies are new every morning, fresh every evening, and repeated every moment; and while we enjoy thy rich blessings, let us not for- get to render praise to Him unto whom all praise belongs. We thank thee for thy word, which makes known to us what we are by nature, and what we must be by grace, before we can have a title to an inheritance among those who are sanctified. Bestow upon us while we wait before thee, a spirit of grace and supplication, and indite our petitions for us ; for, by reason of sin, we know not how to ask, nor what to ask. We rejoice that through the sufferings of Christ a new and living way has been opened for the salvation of all who believe in Jesus. Give us to exercise faith in him. We thank thee that the re- demption by him is full and free, and needeth not the added righteousness of man to make it perfect. We pray that our confidence in thee may be unshaken ; and may each of us be able to say — The Lord is my 64 FAMILY PRAYERS. Shepherd, I shall not want ; he maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Look in mercy, O thou King of kings, upon a world revolted from thee, and now lying in wicked- ness. We mourn that iniquity abounds, and that the love of many waxes cold ; and that so few come up to the solemn feasts of Zion. But thou hast said — * When iniquity comes in like a flood, I will lift up a standard against it. Roll back, O Lord, the tide of iniquity that threatens to overwhelm all that is pure, lovely and of good report. May men every where see the error of their ways, and yield a willing sub- mission to the mild reign of king Immanuel, and bow to the sceptre of thy love. Let the young in our midst be convinced that youth is the time to seek the Lord, the time to ensure the great reward, and yield themselves willing and obedient subjects of thy kingdom, while it is an accepted time, and a day of salvation. And especially may all those who have been dedicated to thee in baptism, remember that they are thine not only by creation and redemption, but also by dedication ; and that obligations of infi- nite weight are resting upon them to consecrate themselves to thy service in the morning of life, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when they shall say, that because of sorrow and in- firmity they have no pleasure in them. Bless the Sabbath schools among us, and make these little SATURDAY MORNING. 65 nurseries of piety the places from which thy church shall be abundantly replenished by multitudes who shall be pillars in thy church militant, and brighter pillars in thy church triumphant. Bless this family with a Father's blessing. We rejoice that thou takest the solitary and settest him in families. We bless thee for the comforts of home, and for all the joys of social life. May our influence over each other be such as we shall not be ashamed to review when we meet at the bar of God. Let no root of bitterness spring up among us, but may we do unto one another as we would have others do unto us. We shall not always remain here. Separations will take place on earth, and death will take us to his cold embrace, one after another ; and let us so live, as that when we stand around the dying bed of one and another of this dear circle, there may be no unkind feelings to allay, and nothing over which we shall be obliged to throw the cloak of charity. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Help us to spend this and all our days to thy praise. And when days and nights shall be no more, may we be admitted to thy presence, where is fullness of joy ; and to thy right hand, where are pleasures for €ver more. And to God only wise, Father, Son, and Spirit, be ceaseless and united praises. Amen. 6* 66 FAMILY PRAYERS. SATURDAY EVENING. O Lord God of Hosts ! Thou hast established thy throne in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all. We bless thee for the appointment and revela- tion of the one only Mediator between God and man: by whose sufferings and death sinners are reconciled to thee, and made kings and priests unto God. Thou hast laid on him the iniquity of us all. Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows ; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. We look to thee as to the Creator of all the ends of the earth. Thou art the former of our bodies, and the Father of our spir- its, and hast a perfect right to the best services we can render to thee. Thou hast endowed us with faculties of mind and powers of body, capable of being improved and exercised in thy service, and for the benefit of our fellow men : we pray that we may consider these faculties and powers as talents, for the improvement of which thou wilt require us to render up an account; and may we so live, that this ac- count may be rendered up with joy, and not with grief. We thank thee for the fatherly care thou hast ex- ercised over us from the cradle to the present time. We thank thee that we have enjoyed health and friends, and have been supplied with food and rai- ment convenient for us : and in view of all the good- SATURDAY EVENING. 67 ness with which thou hast passed before us, we would call upon our souls and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy great and holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls ! and forget not all his benefits, who crowneth our lives with loving-kindness, and with tender mercy. But notwithstanding thy good- ness, we have been evil and unthankful. We are all gone out of the way ; there is none that doeth good. We are all as an unclean thing, and our righteousness is as filthy rags. Our goodness is as the morning cloud and early dew, which quickly passeth away. But, O Lord, be not strict to mark our iniquities against us, and cast us not away from thy presence, as thou might justly do ; but have mercy upon us according to thy loving-kindness ; and according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions. Take away these stony hearts, and give us hearts of flesh, that we may walk in thy statutes, and keep thy commands. May we take thy yoke upon us for it is easy, and thy burden, and bear it, for it is light, and so may we find rest unto our souls. Let thy blessing rest, most merciful Parent, upon all for whom we should pray. Bless those who are near and dear to us by the bonds of friendship and affection. Grant thy blessing upon the church and people in this place. And may thy ministering ser- vant, who from week to week breaks the bread of life to this people, receive an unction from the Holy One, and be abundantly furnished unto every good word and work. We thank thee that thou hast 68 FAMILY PRAYERS. committed the gospel treasure to earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power might be of God. We rejoice that it has pleased thee, by that which the world calls the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe. Help us to mourn over the desolations of Zion, and over our own sinfulness. O that our heads were waters, and our eyes fountains of tears, that we might weep day and night for our multiplied offences. Help us to think on our ways, and turn our feet unto thy testimonies. May we put off the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteous- ness and true holiness. We thank thee that thou hast cast our lines in a pleasant place, and given us a goodly heritage. Thou hast crowned our land with innumerable blessings, and hast not dealt with any other nation as thou hast dealt with us. May w T e continue to be under thy watchful care, and strive to be a holy, that we may be a happy people. May we feel a growing conformity to the image of thy Son, and strive to imitate him in all things. May the time past suffice for us to have wrought the will of the flesh, and henceforward may we live more by faith on him who gave himself for us, and who ever liveth to make intercession for us. In all our intercourse with our fellow creatures, may we deal justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Send forth the heralds of salvation to all the benight- ed portions of our world; and let the heathen soon SATURDAY EVENING. 60 be given to thy Son for his inheritance, and the ut- termost parts of the earth for his possession. Prepare us for the solemnities of the coming Sab- bath ; and if we are permitted to go up to thine house, may we enter thy gates with praise, and thy courts with thanksgiving. Give to those who shall proclaim thy truth on the morrow, the tongue of the learned, that they may know how to speak a word in season to them that are weary. And now, Lord., what wait we for, but thy blessing ? Our hope is in thee. Watch over us for good this night. Save us from devouring flame, and let us repose in quietness and peace. May thy holy angels pitch their tents about our dwelling, and let thy banner over us be love. Meet out all our changes in much mercy ; and when time with us shall be no longer, and we are called to make the exchange of worlds, may we be able to look back upon a life well spent in thy ser- vice, and forward with bright anticipations and well grounded hopes, to an inheritance that is incorrupti- ble, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away. And we will render equal and undivided ascriptions of praise to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. SUNDAY MORNING. O God, thou art very great ! thou art clothed with honor and majesty ; and it becomes us to approach 70 FAMILY PRAYERS. thee with reverence and godly fear. We are un- worthy to come before thee, but we rejoice that we are not unwelcome ; for thou hast said, Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money ; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price ; incline your ear, and come unto me, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mer- cies of David. We bless thee for the return of holy time, and for the institutions of religion ; but espe- cially for the institution of the Sabbath, and all the delightful privileges which flow to us from its observ- ance. May we ever remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, and be in the spirit on the Lord's day ; and with active zeal engage in all the duties of reli- gion, secret, social, and public ; and may we remember that every prayer, sermon, and Sabbath, increases our responsibility, and brings us nearer to our final ac- count ; and enable us so to improve the privileges of this holy day, that eventually we may render up that account with joy, and not with grief. May we re- member that on the morning of this day the Saviour burst the bars of death, and rose triumphant from the tomb, as the first fruits of them that slept ; and may we consider this as the earnest of our own bright resurrection. We thank thee that on this day we may lay aside the busy cares and anxieties of the world, and spend the hours of sacred time in com- munion with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts : our souls long, yea, even faint for the SUNDAY MORNING. 71 courts of the Lord ; — and if suffered to go to the place of prayer, maj we enter into his gates with thanks- giving, and into his courts with praise : and may it be to us none other than the house of God, the very gate of heaven. We beseech thee, O Lord, to be with those to-day who minister at thine altars. Teach them to break unto thy people the bread of life in faithfulness and sincerity. May they preach in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven ; and may they see the work of the Lord abundantly prosper in their hands. Give them an unction from the Holy One, and let a double por- tion of thy Spirit rest upon them, as they proclaim thy truth from the sacred desk ; and make thy word to have free course, and run, and be glorified : — make it the wisdom and power of God unto the sal- vation of all that hear it. And wilt thou be with those who have gone to plant the standard of the cross in the dark corners of the earth that are full of the habitations of cruelty. Be thou a wall of fire round about them, and a glory in their midst ; and give them many souls as seals of their ministry, and stars in the crown of their rejoicing. May pure and undefiled religion prevail in this place. Pour out thy Spirit as rain upon the mown grass, and as showers that water the earth. May thy children be edified and quickened, and impeni- tent sinners be pricked in their hearts, and led to re- ceive the Saviour, and find peace in believing. We pray thee to bless the young of this place and of our 72 FAMILY PRAYERS. land, and may they early become acquainted with him whom to know aright is life and peace. May they be found daily watching at wisdom's gates, waiting at the posts of her doors. O let our sons be as plants, grown up in their youth, and our daughters, as corner stones, polished after the simili- tude of a palace. Smile, O Lord, upon the Sabbath schools in this place. Give to the superintendents all the wisdom they need, and enable them to adopt those measures and execute those plans, which shall best advance the interests of the schools, and promote piety in the pupils. Bless the teachers, and make them faithful stewards of the Lord, and abundantly reward them for their labors of love. Wilt thou enable us to day to live as we shall wish we had done, when Sabbath and sanctuary privileges shall have passed away. May we exercise the most godly sorrow for sin, and a lively faith in the Son of God, as our Mediator and Intercessor. May we look on him whom we have pierced and mourn, and be in bitterness as one that mourneth for her first- born. Feed us with heavenly manna, and give us to drink of the fountain of living waters. Be with us through this day, and may we keep it holy, even to the end of it ; not thinking our own thoughts, speaking our own words, nor doing our own actions. May we strive to overcome sin, and seek after that holiness without which no man shall see God ; and forgetting those things which are be- hind and reaching forth unto those which are before, may we press toward the mark for the prize of the SUNDAY EVENING. 73 high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And wilt thou give us the spirit of adoption, whereby we may cry Abba, Father ; and may the Spirit bear witness with our spirits, that we are born of God. And when heart and flesh shall fail us, be thou the strength of our hearts, and our portion forever : and unto Fa- ther, Son, and Spirit be ascriptions of endless praise. Amen. SUNDAY EVENING. O thou that dwellest in the heavens ! unto thee would we lift up our eyes, even unto thee, from whence cometh our help. At the close of another day of holy solemnities, a day consecrated to thy worship, we would come to offer up our evening sac- rifice. Let us bring no vain oblation before thee, but let the language of our lips, and the prayer of our hearts, come up before thee with acceptance. We acknowledge that we are not worthy to come into thy presence ; and we will not come in our own name, but in the name of him who has said, What- soever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. We acknowledge that we have been evil and unthankful ; and that we have been unprofi- table servants ; having known our Master's will, we have not done it. We have done those things which we ought not to have done, and have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; we have 7 74 FAMILY PRAYERS. rolled sin as a sweet morsel under our tongues, and have drank in iniquity as the ox drinketh in water. But, notwithstanding our iniquities testify against us, and we have nothing we can offer as an excuse for our transgressions, yet we rejoice that thou art in Christ reconciling the world unto thyself, not im- puting their trespasses unto them. We thank thee for the offers of eternal life in the gospel, and that this plan of redemption is made so plain that he that runneth may read, and the wayfaring man, though a fool in other matters, may not err in this. Deeply impress upon our minds a sense of the renewed obligations conferred upon us by the blessed privileges of this holy Sabbath. Sanctify to us the dispensation of thy word, to which we have listened to-day ; and may we give earnest heed to the truths which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Wilt thou make thy word quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Give us the teachings of thy Spirit, that we may understand and love thy statutes ; since he only that doeth thy will, shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God : while he is cursed, who continueth not in all things written in the book of the law, to do them. Make thy word profitable to us for doc- trine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness ; and in searching thy truth, may we find the pearl of great price. We beseech thee, O Lord, that thou wouldst sub- due and scatter every form of error in thy church SUNDAY EVENING. 75 and throughout the world. Remove from the house- hold of faith, every thing that exalts itself against thy word, and perverts the right ways of the Lord ; and bring thy people of every name into the unity of the Spirit. Cast down the Man of Sin ; overthrow the False Prophet ; scatter the temples of Idolatry ; break the fetters of Infidelity, and the yoke of the oppressor, and overturn, and overturn, till he whose right it is, shall come and reign King of nations, as he now is King of saints. We thank thee, O Lord, for the ministry of recon- ciliation, and that through the foolishness of preach- ing, thou art pleased to save them that believe. Fill us with grateful emotions, that we sit under the con- tinual droppings of the sanctuary. And while we enjoy these rich blessings, we would extend our sympathies to those who are deprived of them, and who are sitting in the region and shadow of death. Thou hast promised that thy Son should have the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. Verify this promise, we pray thee. May the gospel in all its renewing, elevating, and sanctifying power, be proclaimed in all lands and in all tongues, till all the millions of Adam's lost race shall know that Christ hath opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness. And for the ac- complishment of this end, be pleased to grant thy rich blessing on all the efforts now making to publish these glad tidings to all nations. Bless the Bible, and Missionary, and Education Societies, and all others whose object is the dissemination of truth, 76 FAMILY PRAYERS. and the glory of God. Bless the missionaries of the cross, who have taken their lives in their hands, and have gone to foreign lands, or to distant and desolate portions of our own land, to preach Christ and him crucified. Thou knowest their temptations, their privations and wants ; and we beseech thee to sup- ply them from thine infinite fullness, as thou seest they need. Animate them with courage, zeal, prayer and hope ; and let them have the unspeakable joy of knowing that they do not labor in vain, nor spend their strength for nought ; and permit them to see the work of the Lord abundantly prospering in their hands. Mercifully regard thine ancient people, the Jews, and seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. How long, O Lord, shall they be a scattered and a peeled nation, a hissing and a by-word in all the earth? Confirm the truth of the gospel, and glorify thy Son, by bringing them into the blessings of the new covenant ; for if the fall of them was the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches oF the Gentiles, how much more their fullness. Bestow thy blessing upon us, as we retire to rest. Let thine angels keep their watch about our beds ; and may our sleep be seasonable, quiet, and refresh- ing. Let the week upon which we have entered, be one of signal blessing to us ; may we be faithful in our day and generation, doing with our might what our hands find to do, knowing that time is short, and life uncertain, and that there is no re- MONDAY MORNING. 77 pentance, nor knowledge, nor device in the cold grave to which we are hasting. And when we come to the close of life, may we go down to the grave like a shock of corn fully ripe for the sickle, and find our work done, and well done. And we will say, not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy great name, be glory and honor and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. • MONDAY MORNING. Infinitely great, and ever blessed God! Aid us as we attempt to worship thee this morning, by prayer and supplication. Indite our petitions for us, that our morning offering may be acceptable to thee ; and give us a spirit of grace and supplication ; for we are so worldly in our feelings, and so grovelling in our desires, that of ourselves we cannot worship thee aright. We are unworthy to approach thee, for thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, and canst not look on sin with the least degree of allowance. Behold, we are vile ; what shall we answer thee ? In view of our transgressions we would abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. We thank thee that if any man sin, we have an Ad- vocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the right- eous ; and that he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. In his adorable and all-prevailing 7* 78 FAMILY PRAYERS. name we come, feeling that it is through him alone that thou hearest prayer. He is the way, the truths and the life : the way we should walk, the truth we should believe, and the life we should live. Accept our early and hearty thanks, for the re- newed expressions of thy mercy which we behold all around us this morning. We thank thee that in- stead of being confined to our beds by pain and lan- guishing, we are permitted to rise from them, re- freshed by the repose of the night past, and strength- ened for the duties which are before us. We thank thee that the voice of joy and gladness* is heard in our dwelling, instead of the voice of lamentation and mourning ; and that the bloom of health is seen on every cheek, instead of the paleness of the tomb. We bless thee for the privileges of the past Sabbath. May we bring much of it into the week with us, and let us exhibit in our daily deportment that love to God and good will to man which the services of thy house are calculated to produce. May all the chris- tian graces be in operative exercise in us : May \\i give all diligence to add to our faith virtue ; and to virtue knowledge ; and to knowledge temperance ; and to temperance patience ; and to patience godli- ness : and to godliness brotherly kindness ; and to brotherly kindness charity : knowing that if these things be in us and abound, they will make us that we shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowl- edge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And may we give diligence to make our calling and election sure ; for if we do these things we shall never fall : and so an MONDAY MORNING. 79 entrance shall be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Be with us, O Lord, in all our undertakings. En- able us to provide things honest in the sight of all men. While we labor for the things which perish with the using, may we be laying up treasures in heaven, where the moth and the rust do not corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. Give us grace and strength to overcome sin, the world, and the adversary of souls ; for thou hast said, He that overcometh shall be clothed in white raiment ; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his holy angels ; and he shall sit with me on my throne, even as I overcame and am set down with my Father on his throne. Be graciously near to all our friends, and make them thy friends ; and if we have any enemies, wilt thou forgive them, and help us to cherish towards them the utmost kindness and love ; may we bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us and per- secute us ; that we may be the children of our Fa- ther which is in heaven ; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Look in tender mercy, O Lord, upon those who are bowing down to gods which their own hands have made, or rendering that homage to thy crea- tures which belongs only to thee. Teach the hea- 80 FAMILY PRAYERS. then that the Godhead is not like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art or man's device, and may they cast their idols to the moles and to the bats, and honor and serve the only living and true God. Pour out thy Spirit upon this place in copious effusions, and let the solemn inquiry be heard from every im- penitent soul, " what must I do to be saved ?" and mav righteousness run down our streets like water, and salvation like an overflowing stream. Extend thy compassions to the whole family of man. En- lighten the Gentile world with a knowledge of the truth, and may the Sun of righteousness arise upon them with healing in his wings. Let the wilderness and solitary place be glad for them, and the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose. Wilt thou bless thy church universal. We thank thee that thou hast established thy church on earth, and hast put the seal of thy redeeming grace upon it. Cause all thy people to strive for the welfare of Zion, and may they mourn over her desolations, and rejoice when her righteousness goes forth as bright- ness, and her salvation as a lamp that burnetii. Arise and have mercy on Zion : let the time to favor her, yea, the set time come : and when her enemy comes in like a flood, do thou lift up a standard against him. Bless the portion of thy heritage in this place. May we be a praying people, zealous of good works ; and so let our light shine, that men seeing our good works, may glorify our Father who is in heaven. We renewedly commend ourselves to thy care and guidance through the day. Be with us in our out- MONDAY EVENING. 81 goings and in-comings, and let all our steps be ordered by thee. And to the triune Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit, be present and eternal praise. Amen. MONDAY EVENING. O God ! Thou art greatly to be feared, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about thee. Thou art King of kings, and Lord of lords. Thou only hast immortality, dwelling in light unapproach- able and glorious. Thy tender mercies are over all thy works ; and thou hast displayed the exceeding riches of thy grace, in sending thine only begotten Son into the world, that the world through him might believe. We thank thee for the privilege of prayer ; and that we are not only allowed, but commanded to seek thy face, with the assurance that those who seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. We confess our unworthiness, and that we have forfeited all claim to thy favorable regard ; and if we are ever saved from the wrath to come, it must be because thy compassions fail not, and thy mercy has not clean gone forever. Notwithstanding our sinfulness, thou hast commended thy love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us : and thou hast sent the gospel to announce that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. 82 FAMILY PRAYERS. As thou hast given us this Saviour, wilt thou pro- duce in us that faith by which we shall be enabled to receive him into good and honest hearts : making him our great example, and endeavoring to conform to his requirements in all things. May we never be ashamed of Christ, nor of his words, remembering that if we confess him before men, he will confess us before his Father and the holy angels. Give us grace to perform all our duties as unto the Lord, and not unto man. Enable us to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and to run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despised the shame of it, and is now set down on the right hand of God, where he ever liveth to make intercession for us. May we ever be mindful that this world is not our home, but may we seek one to come, even an heavenly. And may we be looking for, as we are hasting unto, the coming of the Lord Jesus, when he shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless all our dear friends and connexions with the same favors which we ask for ourselves. Forgive our enemies, and bless our benefactors. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion ; and build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Give unto those that mourn in Zion, beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness* MONDAY EVENING. 88 Be pleased to bless our common country. Make all our officers peace, and our exactors righteousness. Hasten the time when nations shall learn war no more, but when they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Let oppression cease in our land ; and may the lac- erating scourge be laid aside, and the galling yoke be broken, and those who are bowed down beneath an iron bondage, and held in unrequited servitude, be brought forth into civil liberty, as well as into the freedom wherewith the sons of God are free. Wilt thou grant that the banner of the cross may be unfurled on every heathen shore, and that all men may receive the knowledge of thy word, and rejoice in the life and immortality that are brought to light in the gospel. Comfort all that are in affliction. Relieve the wants of the poor and needy : sustain those who are languishing on beds of sickness and sorrow ; and if any are appointed unto speedy death, wilt thou fit and prepare them to make the great ex- change of worlds, and may thy rod and thy staff comfort them as they pass through the valley and shadow of death. Bless this family with every needed grace and mercy. Let our lives and health be precious in thy sight ; and as the evening shades gather around us, may they remind us of death, and that soon we shall be called to bid adieu to earthly scenes, and all we now hold dear. May our meditations upon the un- certainty of life, be frequent and profitable, and lead us to rely more and more firmly on the atoning merits 84 FAMILY PRAYERS. of the blood of Christ for pardon and salvation. We ask and offer all in the name of Jesus Christ, for whom we bless thee ; and to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be present and eternal praise. Amen. TUESDAY MORNING. Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, who hast said that thou wilt be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be thy people ; dispose our hearts, by the gracious in- fluence of thy Holy Spirit, to worship thee through one Mediator, Jesus Christ our Lord. Thou art God, and there is none beside thee : the Creator of heaven and earth, the Lord of glory, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty. Accept, through thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, our unfeigned thanksgivings for the mercies of another day. Thou gavest us our being, and thou preservest us from day to day. Through the de- fenceless hours of the night thou hast kept us in safety. Thou hast given us a soul capable of know- ing and rejoicing in thee, and a body by which we may serve thee. TUESDAY MORNING. S5 We bless thee for the seeing eye, and the hearing ear, for the free use of our limbs and our senses, for the power of the mind, and the affections of the heart. But, O Lord, we thank thee most of all for thy spiritual blessings. We bless thee that we were not born in heathen lands, but in this favored country, where the light of thy truth clearly shines. We thank thee for the comfort of the Holy Scriptures, for the labors of faithful ministers, and for all the means of grace. O how great has been thy love to us ! Thou sparedst not thine own Son, but deliver- ed him up for us all, and with him thou hast freely given us all things. We are invited to come to thee ; though we be guilty and sinful, we are freely offered pardon, peace, and salvation ; and thou givest us a hope full of im- mortality in Christ Jesus our Saviour. What reward shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ? We desire now afresh to devote ourselves to thy service. We give up ourselves, our whole selves unto thee. God of peace, sanctify us wholly. God of our life, grant that our whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But with shame and confusion of face, we would confess that we have been rebellious and disobedi- ent. Thou art holy, but we are unholy. Thou art merciful, but we have often been selfish and unkind. Thou art pure, but we are impure. Thou art pa- tient, but we are impatient. We have abused all thy 8 86 FAMILY PRAYERS. gifts, and made them occasions of sin. Lord, we acknowledge our impenitence, we confess our unbe- lief, and bewail our self-righteousness. Forgive us all our offences, remember not against us our transgressions, but remember thy great and tender mercies w r hich have been ever of old. Grant unto every one of us a saving interest in the death of Christ, full and free forgiveness of all our sins, and grace and strength to go and sin no more. Lord, help us to love thee, teach us to serve thee. Give us thy strength that we may overcome our corrupt nature. Grant that this day we may have power from on high to resist every temptation, to confess Christ before men, to labor stedfastly with a single eye to thy glory, to live in the spirit of prayer, in faith, humility, self-denial, and love, and walk before thee in that narrow way that leads to eternal life. Fill us with love to others. Teach us to do good to all men, and to seek according to our means to visit and relieve the fatherless and the widows in their affliction : and do thou keep us unspotted from the world. Lord, for thy name's sake, hear us. We beseech thee, according to thy infinite mercy, give us grace to serve thee, constantly and unfeignedly. Herein art thou glorified, that we bear much fruit. For thine own glory, grant us thy Spirit, that we may bring forth all the fruits of righteousness. And hear us, Father, in behalf of our relations and friends, our neighborhood, our Minister, and all for whom we ought to pray. Help those that are weak. TUESDAY EVENING. 87 Comfort those that are cast down. Heal those that are sick. Relieve those that are in distress. Be merciful unto thy Church. O bless us and cause thy face to shine upon us ; and may thy way be known upon earth, thy saving health among all na- tions. Bring the Gentiles to Christ. Gather thy people Israel into thy fold. Give us wisdom and zeal in every effort of Christian love for spreading thy Gospel. Bless all societies formed for this end, and let those who support and conduct them have thy direction and guidance. Lord, grant that the power of the cross of Christ, may at length fully triumph over all error and superstition, all idolatry, and delu- sion, and sin. Gracious Lord, not for our worthiness, but for the only name's sake of Jesus Christ, hear these our prayers, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. TUESDAY EVENING. O thou, who art the God of all the families of the earth ! be thou present with us now, and enable us by thy Holy Spirit, and through thy Son's inter- cession, to worship thee in spirit and in truth. We come before thee acknowledging that we were all born in sin, the children of wrath, and have in common a corrupt nature and a continual propen- sity to depart from thee. And, how often have 88 FAMILY PRAYERS. we offended thee, by actual transgressions. Even in the day that is past, by vain thoughts, by idle words, by sinful indulgences, we have grieved thy Spirit, and we have incurred thy displeasure. Our only refuge is in thy promised mercy in Christ Jesus. We cast ourselves wholly on that mercy. Fixing all our hopes on our Saviour, Jesus, we con fess our guilt, and earnestly pray that his blood may cleanse us from all sin. Give us, we beseech thee, such a sense of thy mercy in free forgiveness, through the blood of Christ, that we may be constrained to present our bodies a living sacrifice unto thee. Enable us daily to crucify the lusts of the flesh. Give us such a a measure of thy grace, that all the powers of our minds, all the affections of our hearts, and all the talents thou hast entrusted to us, may be unreserv- edly devoted to thee. We pray thee, great Lord of the harvest, who seest and knowest all men, and hast the hearts of all in thy control, bless all Universities, Seminaries, and Schools, that in them, the young may be trained up in the fear of God and the faith in Christ. Send forth into thy vinyard, both in our own country and in every land, men of an enlightened mind and a devout heart, men of patient perseverance, of firm resolution, of entire dedication of body and soul to their work, and of unquenchable love for immortal souls. And give us, we beseech thee, the comfortable as- TUESDAY EVENING. 89 surance that our sins are forgiven. Let thy Holy Spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are children of God. Plentifully impart to us the gift of thy Spirit, that we may bring forth love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, long-suffer- ing, forbearance, and temperance. Grant that we may so copy the example of our Saviour, as to be the Epistles of Christ, known and read of all men ; and have clear evidence of our own salvation. Teach us so to live, that we may glorify thee who hast bought us with a price of such amazing value as the blood of thine own Son. O that all now in thy presence may indeed ob- tain mercy in Christ Jesus, be passed from death unto life, and love and serve thee unfeignedly. But, O Lord, how cold is our love to thee ! how dead, how dull are our hearts ! Help us to love thee : to love God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and all our strength. Shed abroad the love of God in our hearts, by giving us the Holy Ghost ; and may we be taught of God to love one another. Be thou present with us in our more retir- ed devotions : praying to our Father which is in secret in our closet, may we find his presence and blessing there. Bless, O Lord, all that are near and dear to us. Many beloved relatives and friends are now absent from us ; but thou art with them, and all their wants are known to thee. Give them thy grace ; ever guide them here by thy counsel, and may none of them be wanting in thy heavenly kingdom. 8* 90 FAMILY PRAYERS. We pray for all in authority ; Lord, may their counsels be ordered by thee as may be most for the good of our country. Give, we beseech thee, to all the ministers of Jesus Christ everywhere, true knowledge and under- standing of thy word ; and may they set it forth in their lives accordingly. Make them wise to win souls. Lord, call forth and send out many faithful laborers to the work of the ministry. Bring it to pass that the distant isles shall wait on thee, and the Gentiles come to thy light. Thanks be unto thee, O Lord God, for all thy goodness towards us. How multiplied are thy mer- cies every day ! How excellent is thy loving kind- ness ! We bless thee for all thy long-suffering and forbearance towards us. We bless thee for the in- finite mercies of redeeming love. We bless thee for the knowledge of thy salvation, and for the light of thy truth : for protection from every danger during the night, and provision for all our wants by day. Thou hast spread our table with food, and thou givest us every needful good. Accept these our prayers and our praises, which we offer up in and through Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advo- cate. Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 91 WEDNESDAY MORNING. Our Father, who art in heaven ! We bless thj name for the privilege of prayer. We are not wor- thy to approach thee ; for we have sinned against thee in times and ways without number ; and if thou shouldst call us into judgment for our offences, we must become speechless before thee, and every mouth be stopped. But, O Lord, encouraged by thy prom- ise, that thou art more ready to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask thee, than earthly parents are to give good gifts unto their children, we would come boldly to the throne of grace, and present our wants before thee, in the hope that thou wilt answer our petitions for the sake of Him whom thou always nearest. We desire to acknowledge thy goodness in contin- uing our lives, and preserving our healths to* the present moment. Thy love to us has been as un- ceasing as the flight of time. May gratitude ever dwell in our hearts, and praise flow from our lips. May prayer, as it is our highest privilege, ever be our delight : and while pursuing our earthly pilgrim- age to eternity, hold sweet communion with thee, O Lord. To thee may we flee in every hour of temp- tation or grief, and wilt thou show thyself the hearer of prayer. Let us be clothed with humility, and manifest this grace in all our intercourse with man- kind. May we seek after holiness, and learn of him who was meek and lowly of heart. May we con- 92 FAMILY PRAYERS. sider ourselves as strangers and pilgrims here, and have our affections set on heaven. May we live above the world while we live in it ; and whatever our situation in life may be, though we should have but one talent, yet by a life of holiness may we do much to recommend the gospel of Christ. Extend thy compassions to all men. Have respect unto the Jews, the seed of Abraham thy friend. May they renounce their unbelief, and embrace the Saviour whom their fathers crucified. Enlighten the Gentile world with a knowledge of the truth ; and may the Sun of righteousness arise upon them with healing in his wings. Let the wilderness and the solitary place be glad, and the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose. Prepare us for all the events of this day ; for we know not what a day may bring forth. May we be willing to deny ourselves, to take up our cross daily, and follow Christ. Keep us from evil ; and espe- cially from sin : let it not have dominion over us. Impress thine image upon us, and as we are the monuments of thy mercy, so do thou make us the trophies of thy victorious grace. Write laws of gratitude upon our hearts for all thy goodness to us. Let not our hearts be haughty, nor our eyes lofty, and may we not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think ; for God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. May thy blessing, O Lord, rest upon this family, and may all the mem- bers of it belong to the household of faith. Cleanse us, we beseech thee from our secret faults. Search WEDNESDAY MORNING. 93 us, O God, and know our hearts ; try us, and know our thoughts, and see if there be any evil way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Look in mercy upon those who are visited with sickness and infirmity. May they bow with sub- mission under thy rod, knowing that the Judge of all the earth can only do right. May we remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them ; comfort all who mourn in Zion. The bruised reed thou wilt not break ; the smoking flax thou wilt not quench ; and a broken spirit and a contrite heart thou wilt not despise. Let those who go down to the sea, and do busi- ness in the great waters, remember that thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters. Give the winds and the waves charge concerning them, and when they behold thy wonders in the great deep, may they bow down and worship him who rideth upon the whirlwind, and directeth the storm. Pre- serve them on the ocean, and bring them to their destined haven in peace and safety : may they all experience thy rich grace ; and by them may thy word run to and fro in the earth, and knowledge be increased. And may those who navigate our inland waters, receive the sympathy and prayers of thy people, and the time soon come when they shall not be required to desecrate thy holy day ; but may they have the privilege of sitting in the sanctuary, as thy people sit, and hearing as thy people hear. Enlarge the kingdom of the Prince of peace, and let the 94 FAMILY PRAYERS. healing virtues of the Balm that is in Gilead be dif- fused as far as the curse of sin is found. We beseech thee, O Lord, to be with us, and grant us thy blessing to-day. In all our intercourse with our fellow men, may w 7 e exhibit the meekness and temper of Him who went about doing good, and may we strive to imitate him in all his imitable perfec- tions, and do to others as we would that they should do unto us. And now unto him who is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the throne of thy glory, be ascribed dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O thou, from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift ! Thy thoughts are not as our thoughts, nor thy ways as our ways ; for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are thy ways higher than our ways, and thy thoughts than our thoughts. We rejoice that thou hast said — Let the wicked for- sake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, and he will abun- dantly pardon. We thank thee that thou hast de- signed that thy word shall be made mighty to the pulling down of the strong holds of sin, and that WEDNESDAY EVENING. 95 thou hast said — As the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and retumeth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater : so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth ; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it. Manifest thyself to us at this time as thou dost not to the world ; and let our communion be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. We bless thee for thine infinite condescension to us, un- worthy creatures : for though thou art the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, yet thou dwellest with him that is of an humble and a contrite heart, and trembleth at thy word. We acknowledge the purity and equity of thy laws, and the w r isdom of thy government. We bless thee for the bounties of thy providence, and the richness and freeness of thy salvation. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful work to the chil- dren of men. But we have forsaken thee, the Foun- tain of living waters. We have abused thy gifts, despised thy goodness, and disobeyed thy commands. And we would repent of our sins, and seek thy for- giveness. May we always exhibit the humility which becomes the transgressors of thy law. Let us not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 96 FAMILY PRAYERS. Cause thy grace to dwell in the hearts of all thy people, O thou Shepherd of Israel. May they watch unto prayer against anger, pride and covetousness. May they look diligently, lest any fail of the grace of God ; lest any root of bitterness, springing up, trouble them, and thereby many be defiled. May their character be like the path of the just, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Let it be our constant inquiry — Lord, what wilt thou have us to do ? May we love thee with all our soul, and mind, and strength. Dispose us to submit to thy will ; and may a view of thine excellence make us suitably afraid. Give us a good hope through grace that our names are written in the book of thy re- membrance ; and may we be rooted and grounded in that faith by which we receive the atonement of the Messiah : for other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, in Jesus Christ, and there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved. Grant that we may see the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Enable us to ex- ercise at all times the spirit of hospitality. May we take pleasure in exchanging kindnesses between one another, and in supplying the wants of the stranger and the destitute. Lead us to do good and to com- municate, for with such sacrifices thou art well pleased. As we have freely received, so may we freely give. O Lord, bless those among us who are in the morn- ing of life. Preseve them from the dangers that surround them. Be thou their strong tower to which WEDNESDAY EVENING. 97 they may continually resort. Suffer them not to put off the claims of religion to what they vainly think a more convenient season ; lest they should be obli- ged to take up the lamentation, the isummer is past, the harvest is ended, and we are not saved. Bring multitudes of them into the household of faith ; and make many of them the honored instruments of con- veying the blessings of salvation to those who have never heard of the way of life. Be pleased, O Lord, to blot out our transgressions as a cloud, and our iniquities as a very thick cloud. May we daily die unto sin, and live unto holiness. Let us not be relying on a false hope, which shall be like the spider's web, when God taketh away the soul. But may we be so rooted and grounded in the faith, that we shall be able to give to every man that asketh us, a reason of the hope that is in us. We commend ourselves to thy kind care and pro- tection during the night. The darkness and the light are both alike to thee. May thine eye that never sleeps, keep watch over us : and thine arm that is never weary, be thrown around us. May we lie down, having our thoughts devoted to thee, and to the things that belong to our peace. Teach us to look on sleep, as the emblem of death ; and to seek that preparation of heart with which we should desire to meet the king of terrors. Hear our petition, O Lord, at this time ; and if we have asked amiss, wilt thou refuse it; and if in any thing we have failed in asking, do thou more than make up in granting, for Christ's sake. Amen. 9 98 FAMILY PRAYERS. THURSDAY MORNING. Almighty and everlasting God, unto whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secrets are hid ! draw graciously near to us while we attempt to draw near to thee in the way of thine appointment, and grant that we may come, as it were, into the pres- ence-chamber of the King of kings. Thou hast been round about us for good during the past night, and hast brought us in safety to see this morning's cheerful light. We bless thee for our creation and preservation ; but above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee, give us such a sense of all thy mercies, as shall make us unfeignedly thankful ; and that we may show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; by giving up ourselves to thy service and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. Do thou, O Lord, who knowest the frailty of our nature and the temptations which assail us, support us by the aid of thy Holy Spirit ; sanctify our hearts, restrain us from sin, and excite us to the per- formance of every duty to those around us and to thee. May we keep in our minds a lively remem- brance of that great day of the Lord, when we must render an account of our conduct, and be judged ac- cording to the deeds done in the body. Grant us thy grace and protection this day, and whilst we THURSDAY MORNING. 99 live. Keep us in thy fear ; and make us diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Give us grace to walk uprightly in all our dealings ; direct us in all our ways ; and prosper us in the lawful busi- ness of our several stations. Defend us from all dangers and adversities ; and be pleased to take us, and our friends and relatives under thy merciful care and protection ; that we may be thy people, and that thou mayest be our God. Let thy blessing rest, O Lord, upon every mem- ber of this family. Grant us grace to discharge our respective duties faithfully. Bless the united heads of this household. May we train up those whom thou hast committed to our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May the young have the fear of God before their eyes, which is the beginning of wisdom. Save them from the misery which abused talents and wasted hours will bring, and let them not rashly rely upon their own strength. May they take heed, when they think they stand, that they do not fall. Bless the church and people in this place. Grant them to be strengthened with might in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith ; that, being rooted and grounded in love, they may be able to comprehend, with all saints, what is the length and breadth, and height and depth of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fullness of God. Give them grace to receive with meekness the engrafted word? which is able to make them wise unto salvation ; 100 FAMILY PRAYERS. and to be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Have mercy upon the impenitent : alarm the care- less, and awaken them to righteousness. Open the eyes of the spiritually blind ; guide the inquiring ; pity those who are deceived ; be gracious to all who mourn for their sins, and give them that repentance which needeth not to be repented of. Prepare us, O Lord, for all the changes of this present world : may we know how to be abased and how to abound ; and learn, in whatsoever state we are, therewith to be content. Give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and to put on the whole armor of light; to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. May we have evidence of our adoption into thy family, and may thy Spirit bear witness with our spirit that we are thy children, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ of the heavenly inheritance. Make us duly thankful that thou hast brought us in safety to see the light of another day, and that we again have the opportunity of renewing our hum- ble sacrifice of prayer and praise. We beseech thee to incline our hearts unto thy testimonies, and to guide our steps in the way of thy precepts. Give us just views of thy most holy character, and of our obligations to thee, and to our fellow-men. Increase our faith, enliven our hope, and shed abroad thy love in our hearts. Give us grace to follow after peace with all men ; and may we have that charity which surTereth long and is kind ; which envieth not, is not easily provoked, and thinketh no evil. THURSDAY EVENING. 101 Bestow upon us to-day, we beseech thee, all the grace we need, to enable us to withstand the temp- tations of the world, and the wiles of the adversary. Preserve us from sin and danger ; and may we spend each day as though it were our last, living with a wise and constant reference to the daj of final account. And when this corruptible shall have put on incor- ruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortali- ty, may we hear the welcome plaudit, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. And thine shall be all the praise forever. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. O Lord God of our salvation ! Thou art the sus- tainer of all the ends of the earth ; thou givest us life, and breath, and all things richly to enjoy. Thy glory is above the heavens : thou hast created all things, and upholdest them with thine almighty hand. We have no merit of our own ; we w^ould approach thee in the new and living way, even through Jesus Christ, our days-man with God, to thank thee for the mercies of the day past, and hum- bly to ask for the continuance of thy goodness. We desire, O Lord, to acknowledge our unworthi- ness, and to confess that our sins, which are many, have been committed against the greatest light, the most endearing love, and the constant warnings of 9* 102 FAMILY PRAYERS. conscience. Give us grace, to repent of them in sincerity, and to forsake our evil ways, and return unto the Lord, that he may have mercy upon us, and to our. God, that he may abundantly pardon. We would desire to confide in the atoning merits of thy Son, and to look to him as our Advocate with the Father : may we be accepted in him, and have re- demption through his blood, and realize that he is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. We rejoice that thou hast manifested thy love to our fallen race, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, and that salvation is offered to all through faith in him. Herein is love indeed ; not that we loved God, but that thou hast loved us, and hast given him to be a propitiation for our sins. Grant that we may be united to him by a living faith : and what things have been gain to us, may we count them but loss, that we may win Christ, and be found in him, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but the righteousness which is by faith in Christ : and forgetting the things which are behind, may we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God, in Christ Jesus. Graciously regard all the sons and daughters of affliction around us. Be thou a Father to the father- less, and a judge of the widows. Loose the bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, give redemption to the captive, and let the oppressed go free. Pity the sick, and heal their diseases. Feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. And may we remember that THURSDAY EVENING. 103 if any man seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, the love of God cannot dwell in his heart. We pray for thy blessing upon this family ; may our youth be trained up in the nurture and admoni- tion of the Lord, and walk in wisdom's ways, which are ways of pleasantness, and in her paths, which are paths of peace, Pour thy blessing upon our seed, and thy Spirit upon our offspring ; that our sons may be as plants growing in thy vineyard, and our daughters be adorned with the ornament of a christian spirit. Command thy blessing upon all the rising generation. May they remember their Crea- tor in the days of their youth ; may they seek thee while thou mayest be found, and call upon thee while thou art near. Help those who are advanced to riper years, to do with their might what their hands find to do, remembering that the day is far spent, and the night, cometh, in which no man can work. And when their earthly house of this taber- nacle is dissolved, give them a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Deliver us, we pray thee, from the dominion of sin, and save us by the working of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. May our lives and health be precious in thy sight, and enable us to commit our way unto the Lord, that he may direct our steps. We bless thee for the protection and blessings of this day ; for the food and raiment we have had ; for the comfort and luxuries we have en- joyed. May we use the good things of this life as 104 FAMILY PRAYERS. not abusing them, and be temperate in all things. May the return of night remind us of the night of death, and that it will not be long before we shall be called to close our eyes on all below, and our bodies return to dust, and our spirits to God who gave them. Prepare us for our great last change, and may we so live, that to live will be gain, but to die and be with Christ will be far better. Preserve us from evil, and defend our persons, dwellings, and friends. Fold us, O God, in the arms of thy paternal pro- vidence this night. May we sleep in peace and re- ceive strength for another day. Let every coming day be marked by some victory obtained over the world, by some sin forsaken, by some spiritual grace acquired. And then, when our last day shall come, and we rest in the sleep of death, thou wilt watch over our slumbering dust ; and on the bright and glorious morning of the resurrection, we shall arise and be admitted through thy grace into that other world, where there is no need of the sun or of the moon, but where thou, the Lord, art an everlasting light. And now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisi- ble, the only living and true God, be rendered all praise and glory forever. Amen. FRIDAY MORNING. 105 FRIDAY MORNING. O Lord ! thou who art more ready to hear than we are to ask, look down, we beseech thee, upon us, thy dependent creatures, and accept the renewal of our morning sacrifice of prayer and praise : and let thy blessing which is life, and thy loving-kindness which is better than life, rest upon us. Give us to feel that thou art glorious in holiness, fearful in praise, a God doing wonders. Impress our minds with a just and lively sense of thy goodness to us. We thank thee that our lives have been spared, and our health preserved ; that we are kept in safety through the silent watches of the night past, and are brought to see the light of another day. Do thou who hast brought us safely to the beginning of this day, defend us from its perils, and grant that all that we do may be done with an eye single to thy glory. Let our prayer, we beseech thee, come before thee as incense. We trust not in our own righteousness, but in the merits of his blood who was manifested to take away our sins. We are not worthy to appear before thee, nor to ask or receive the smallest favor. Enter not into judgment with us, sinful creatures, for if thou shouldst be strict to mark iniquity, we could render no excuse for our sin ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. We adore thee as the giver of all good. The eyes of all wait upon thee ; thou openest thy hand and suppliest all their wants. Thy mercies fail not, but are new every morning. 106 FAMILY PRAYERS. What shall we render unto thee. We thank thee for any evidence we have that we are renewed in the spirit and temper of our minds, and have passed from death unto life. May we not sleep over our own condition and the condition of those around us, as do others. And let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breast-plate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope of salvation ; rejoicing that God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to ob- tain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wilt thou bless him whom thou hast set over us in the Lord. Make him a faithful and devoted ser- vant of Christ. Give him strength i n the inward and outward man, for all the labors and trying scenes he is called to endure. Give him a double portion of thy Spirit, and may his ministry be attended with a great ingathering of souls to thy kingdom. Bless thy church and people in this place. May they be a peculiar people, abounding in good works, and let their light so shine before men, that others seeing their good works, they may glorify thee. We beseech thee, O Lord, to preserve us from all self-righteousness, and vain reliance on the merits of what we do. May we never forget that by grace we are saved, through faith, and that not of our- selves, it is the gift of God. Give us, we beseech thee, a right view of that living faith in Christ which all possess who have passed from death unto life. May we ever remember that in Jesus Christ neither FRIDAY MORNING. 107 circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, bat faith which works by love, and purifies the heart, and overcomes the world. May we not be deceived, by thinking to rely upon Christ, while we neglect to repent of sin and forsake it ; but remember that it will be useless for us to call him, Lord, Lord, while we do not the things which he commands. Thou hast raised us to heaven in point of privilege ; let us not sink to perdition from so great a height. May we never be weary in well-doing, for in due time we shall reap if we faint not. But may we press toward the mark for the prize of the high call- ins of God in Christ Jesus. May we engage in the business and active pursuits of this day with a just sense of thy overruling provi- dence, knowing that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it : except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for us to rise up early, and sit up late, and eat the bread of carefulness : for without thy blessing our labor will not prosper. Take us, we beseech thee, most merciful Parent, under thy guidance and protection. Keep us ever mindful of thy presence and of the one thing needful. Give us to drink of that water, of which if a man drink he shall never thirst. Forgive us, O Lord for all our past ingrati- tude and vileness, and for every departure from the path of rectitude and virtue, and give us free forgive- ness in the blood of Christ : in whose name we ask and offer all : and to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost be present and everlasting praise. Amen. 108 FAMILY PRAYERS, FRIDAY EVENING. Most merciful God ! Thou art, and beside thee there is no God. Thou art the first and the last ; the Alpha and Omega : the beginning and the end of all things. The gods of the heathen are a vanity and a lie : they have mouths, but they speak not ; eyes have they, but they see not ; they have ears, but they hear not : they that make them are like unto them ; so is every one that trusteth in them. We adore thee as the only proper object of supreme worship and religious adoration. We rejoice in thine omniscience and omnipresence. Thou compassest our path and our lying down, and art acquainted with all our ways. We cannot go from thy Spirit, nor flee from thy presence ; if we ascend up into heaven, thou art there ; if we make our bed in hell, behold thou art there ; if we take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utter- most parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead us, and thy right hand shall hold us. If we say, Surely the darkness shall cover us ; even the night shall be light about us. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee ; but the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. Thankful for divine protection during another day, we come before thee to pray for a continuance of that protection during the night. Give thine angels charge concerning us, and let them keep their watch about our beds. Preserve us from the pestilence FRIDAY EVENING. 109 that walketh in darkness, and from dangers seen and unseen. Bless, we beseech thee, all the families in this place. May a family altar be established in every house, and the morning and evening sacrifice offered thereon. May we remember that the wicked shall be turned into hell, with all the families that forget God. May the lives thou hast spared be con- secrated to thy service, and may we walk worthy the vocation wherewith thou hast called us. Make us consistent in our lives, bearing in mind, that we are exerting an influence by our example on all around us. Let us so live that our example may be beneficial, and tend only to lead men to embrace the religion of the cross. We have sinned against heaven and before thee ; but remember not our sins against us, O Lord, and visit not our transgressions with the rod, nor our iniquities with stripes. May the love of Christ constrain us ; and as he loved us, may we also love one another. In all our intercourse with the world, may we follow after that charity w T hich is the bond of perfectness, and the fulfilling of the whole law. Have mercy upon all who are erring and straying from thy righteous ways, having no hope, and without God in the world. May the Spirit convince them of their evil ways, and fetch them home to dwell among the flocks of thy pasture. Help us, O Lord, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and to perform faithfully every duty which we owe to others. Preserve us from envy, selfish- ness and pride, and from all manner of uncharitable- ness. Give us grace to bear with patience and a 10 110 FAMILY PRAYERS. forgiving spirit the faults of men, and the injuries of those that may do us wrong, not rendering evil for evil, but endeavoring to overcome evil with good. Let the spirit which was in our Saviour Jesus Christ, his love and forbearance and long-suffering, be also in us. Though pains or sorrows should be our por- tion, let us always rejoice in the good and prosperity of others, and be ever ready to praise thee for thy goodness, and for all the benefits bestowed upon our fellow-men. Especially give us grace to rejoice in their hopes of salvation ; in their repentance, faith, and obedience to thy holy word. We beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to accept this our evening sacrifice. Give us hearts to be thankful for all thy goodness, and especially for the favors of the day past ; and we humbly ask for thy protection through this night. Preserve us, we pray thee, from every evil ; refresh our bodies with need- ful rest ; and may we rise in the morning with thank- ful hearts, disposed to do thy will. We ask these things in the name of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. And to the God of our salvation, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. Ill SATURDAY MORNING. O eternal God ! mighty in power, and of majesty incomprehensible; whom the heaven of heavens can- 1 not contain, and who yet, in thy wonderful mercy, dost vouchsafe to hear the prayers of those whom Christ has redeemed from sin and death, look in mercy upon us the chief of sinners. Grant us the aid of thy Spirit that we may approach thee with hu- mility, — with lips unfeigned, and with hearts sincere, and in the name of Him who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. May our reliance be on his merits, and on thy promise of pardon and peace, through faith in him. Help us to pray ac- cording to thy will, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help us in every time of need. Let the words of our mouth and the desires of our heart be acceptable in thy sight. And wilt thou impress upon our minds a deep and permanent sense of thy goodness. Abundant are the mercies, temporal and spiritual, which are our happy portion. Through many dangers and deaths, seen and unseen, hast thou conducted us from the commencement of our lives to the present time. Many blessings do we enjoy, of which others are deprived. What shall we render unto thee, O Lord, for all thy benefits ! Help us to take the cup of salvation, and to call upon thy name, as the Giver of all good, and our only refuge in time of need. May thy goodness which sustained us through the 112 FAMILY PRAYERS. silent watches of the night, be our guide and protec- tion during the active labors of the present day. Defend us from sin, and from every danger. May all our conduct be ordered by thy grace, and be righteous in thy sight. Thou hast taught us to make prayers and suppli- cations, and to give thanks for all mankind ; and we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men, that thou would be pleased to make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health unto all nations. They are the work of thy hand, and the creatures of thy care : may they know that thou hast so loved them, as to give thy Son to die for their sins, and may they rejoice in thy salvation. We ask for the continuance of thy blessing upon this our favored country. Thou hast distinguished us by unnumbered mercies, and given us a great name among the nations of the earth. We would call to remembrance thy mercies, which have ever been of old. We have heard with our ears, and our fathers have declared unto us the noble works which thou didst in their days, and in the old time before them. Be with us, O God, and make us a nation fearing thee. Be thou our safeguard and defence. May salvation be to us for walls ; our officers be peace, and our exactors righteousness : surely trust- ing in thy defence, may we not fear the power of any adversaries. Bless the government and all the people of the United States, and of this State espe- cially in which we live, with wisdom, righteousness and peace. Give counsel to our counsellors, and SATURDAY MORNING. 113 teach our senators wisdom. Bless all who are set in authority over us, and so guide their counsels and strengthen their hands, that the hearts of the diso- bedient may be turned to the wisdom of the just, and our people serve thee in quietness and peace. And grant, O Lord, that a sense of the many and great blessings which, as a people and a nation, we enjoy, may engage our hearts and lives in the ways of thy laws, and in the works of thy command- ments. May we not forget that it is thou who makest us to differ from others. May we not be high-minded, but fear. Preserve us from a vain confidence of boasting ; from self-dependence, and from party dissensions. May we not use our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but follow after chari- ty, and the things which make for peace. Help us to enjoy the bounty which thy hand bestows, with temperance, sobriety and thankfulness to thee. De- fend us from pride, selfishness, and love of the world. Dispose us in all things to give that measure to others which we exact from them, and to live sober- ly, righteously and godly in this present world. We ask too, for thy blessing upon all our churches and religious institutions, that they may be conform- ed to thy will, and instruments of promoting thy truth. Give them grace to look with a single eye to thy glory, and to the best interests of mankind. May they follow after the things wherewith one may edify another. Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory ; and let there be no divisions among us, but help us rather to stand fast in one spirit, with 10* 114 FAMILY PRAYERS. one mind, striving together for the faith of the gos- pel. May thy truth spread, and godliness increase throughout the earth, and all who profess the faith of Christ walk worthy of their vocation. Enlarge the borders of the Redeemer's kingdom, till to the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, and all the ends of the earth shall rejoice to call him Lord. Hear our prayers, O Lord, and behold us of this family with thy love and favor. Enlighten our minds with the truths of the blessed gospel ; graft in our hearts the love of thy name ; increase in us true religion ; nourish us with all goodness, and of thy great mercy guide and bless us in all we do, that in this world we may live to thy glory, and in the world to come enjoy eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. SATURDAY EVENING. O God, our Father who art in heaven ! who dost from thy throne behold all that dwell upon the earth, and hast the hearts and the wants of all thy creatures before thee; we desire to come into thy presence, and to make our requests known unto thee by prayer and supplication. But wherewithal shall we come before thee, O Lord, or bow ourselves in the presence of the Most High ? We would come in the only pre- vailing name of thy blessed Son, in whom thou hast declared thyself well pleased. In the plenitude of SATURDAY EVENING. 115 thy mercy, thou hast sent him into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save it, and hast made him unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctifl- cation and redemption. In his name, O thou Father of our spirits, and trusting in his merits, do we pre- sent ourselves before thee, beseeching thee to have respect unto the prayer of thy servants. Hear thou in heaven, thy dwelling-place, and when thou near- est, for Christ's sake, answer and forgive. Assist us, mercifully, O Lord, in these our suppli- cations and prayers, that we may approach thee with reverence, and obtain our requests. Dispose our hearts and direct our wavs towards the attainment of everlasting salvation. In all the changes, temp- tations, and other trials of this mortal state, may we ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help. May we be of the number of thy peculiar people, zealous of good works, doing justly, loving mercy, walking humbly with thee, and adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Make us thankful, O God, for all the blessings which we enjoy, both temporal and spiritual. Help us to discern the hand of thy providence in all that befalls us. In prosperity and adversity ; whether we abound or suffer need ; may we never forget that the Lord rules ; that thou art righteous in all thy ways, and good to all thy creatures. We desire of thee, O Lord God, our heavenly Father, who art the giver of all goodness, to send thy grace unto us and' to all people, that we may worship thee, serve thee, and obey thee, as we ought 116 FAMILY PRAYERS. to do. And we beseech thee to send us all things that are needful, both for our souls and bodies : and that thou wilt be merciful unto us, and forgive us our sins ; and be pleased to save and defend us in all dangers, and keep us from all sin and wickedness, from our spiritual enemies, and from everlasting death. Make us diligent in using all the means of grace. Give us ears to hear the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, and hearts to be doers of the word, and not hearers only. May w r e be faithful in searching the Scrip- tures ; and may thy word do us good, as it doth the upright in heart. During the week which is now near its close, many of our fellow-men have departed this life, and entered into their eternal state : we yet survive, monuments of thy forbearing mercy. While our life is continued, may we live to thee. Prepare us for the duties, and for the right observance of the Lord's day which is approaching, that we may sanc- tify it as holy unto thee, and a season sacred to thy worship. Be with the assemblies of thy worshipping people ; meet them in mercy, and visit them with thy salvation. May all who seek thee be joyful and glad in thee, and find by happy experience, that one day in thy courts is better than a thousand spent in vanity and sin. May the close of each day remind us of that night near at hand, in which no man can work ; and stimu- late us to do, with all our might, what thou hast ap- pointed our hand to do. Protect us, O Lord, this SATURDAY EVENING. 117 night, that no evil may befall us, nor plague come nigh our dwelling ; watch over us for good, and keep us in safety. May we go to our rest in charity with all men ; and may we rise refreshed, disposed and strengthened to do thy will. We ask this for Christ's sake. And unto thee, O God, who art able to do for us abundantly more than we can ask or think, be glory in the church, by Jesus Christ, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. OCCASIONAL PRAYERS, FOR MONTHLY CONCERT. Our Father who art in heaven ! we adore thee as the Creator of all, and as the rightful sovereign of the universe. Thou hast looked upon a world lying in wickedness and exposed to everlasting death, and hast made provision for its salvation. We thank thee that an atonement has been made for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. Thou, Lord, didst command the primitive disciples, and through them, all who should believe, to preach the gospel to every creature. We have been slow to obey this precept ; we have loved too much our own ease, our own comfort, and our worldly treas- ures ; we have not denied ourselves, nor have we labored and prayed for the conversion of the world as we ought; we have not made it manifest that we loved our neighbor as ourselves. We pray that thou wilt forgive our past unfaithfulness, and impress our minds more deeply with a sense of our obligation to 120 FAMILY PRAYERS. do what we can for the extension of Christ's king- dom. We thank thee for the promise that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ — that the stone that smote the image shall become a great mountain and fill the earth — that the day is coming when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea — that thou wilt give thy Son the heathen for an inheritance, and the utter- most parts of the earth for a possession, and that he shall see the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. We rejoice in the evidence we have of thy faith- fulness, and that thou hast opened the hearts of thy people to feel for the heathen, and inclined so many to forsake their home and their country, and to go far hence to the Gentiles. We thank thee because thou hast prospered the missionary enterprise. Thou hast caused thousands to cast away their idols, and to listen to the Gospel of Christ. We bless thee for the establishment of so many schools for the ben- efit of heathen children — that so many of them can read thy word — that the Bible has been translated into so many languages, and that so many copies have been distributed ; that so many churches' have been gathered, and that so many souls have been brought out of darkness into light. For these things we bless thee. It is the Lord's doings, and marvel- lous in our eyes. We pray that thou wilt continue to bless the in- strumentality of thy people until Jesus shall reign FOR A YOUNG CONVERT. 121 Mherever the sun does his successive circles run. Pour out thy spirit on the churches in christian lands, and make them more prayerful and more liberal. Bless the missionaries of the cross ; comfort them in all their trials ; strengthen them for every good work ; and make them faithful unto death. Pour out thy Spirit upon missionary churches ; keep the members thereof from falling into sin, and from bringing a reproach upon the cause of Christ. Bless the children belonging to missionary schools ; may they acquire the elements of useful knowledge, and understand the sacred scriptures. We pray for their conversion from sin to holiness, and that they may be a generation devoted to thy service. We beseech thee, O Lord, to give efficacy to the means used for the conversion of the world. Let the day soon come when thy name and praise shall be known from the rising to the setting sun. We ask these favors, not because we are worthy, nor because those for whom we pray are worthy, but we ask them that Jesus Christ may be honored, and thy name glorified. Grant our requests, and to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be everlasting praises. Amen. FOR A YOUNG CONVERT. Blessed God! In the midst of ten thousand snares and dangers, which surround me from without 11 122 FAMILY PRAYERS. and from within, permit me to look up unto thee witfy my humble entreaty, that thou wouldst deliver me from them that rise up against me, and that thine eyes may be upon me for good. When sloth and indolence are ready to seize me, awaken me from that idle dream, with lively and affectionate views of that invisible and eternal world to which 1 am tending. Remind me of what infinite importance it is, that I diligently improve those transient mo- ments, which thou hast allotted to me as the time of my preparation for it. When sinners entice me, may I not consent. May holy converse with God give me a disrelish for the converse of those who are strangers to thee, and who would separate my soul from thee. May I hon- or them that fear the Lord ; and walking with such wise and holy men, may I find I am daily advancing in wisdom and holiness. Quicken me, O Lord, by their means, that by thou mayest also quicken others. Make me the happy instrument of enkindling and animating the flame of divine love in their breasts ; and may it catch from heart to heart, and grow every moment in its progress. Guard me, O Lord, from the love of sensual pleasure. May I seriously remember, that to be car- nally-minded is death. May it please thee, therefore, to purify and refine my soul by the influences of thine Holy Spirit, that I may always shun unlawful gratifications more solicitously than others pursue them ; and that those indulgences of animal nature which thou hast allowed, and which the constitution FOR A YOUNG CONVERT. 123 of things renders necessary, may be soberly and moderately used. May I still remember the superior dignity of my spiritual and intelligent nature, and may the pleasures of the man and the Christian be sought as my noblest happiness. May my soul rise on the wings of holy contemplation, to the regions of invisible glory ; and may I be endeavoring to form myself, under the influences of divine grace, for the entertainments of those angelic spirits that live in thy presence ; in a happy incapacity of those gross delights, by which spirits dwelling in flesh are so of- ten ensnared, and in which they so often lose the memory of their high original, and of those noble hopes which alone are proportionable to it. Give me, O Lord, to know the station in which thou hast fixed me, and steadily to pursue the duties of it. But deliver me from those excessive cares of this world, which would so engross my time and my thoughts, that the one thing needful should be for- gotten. May my desires after worldly possessions be moderated, by considering their uncertain and un- satisfying nature ; and while others are laying up treasures on earth, may I be rich towards God. May I never be busy to attend to those great affairs which lie between thee and my soul ; never be so engrossed with the concerns of time as to neglect the interests of eternity. May I pass through earth with my heart and hopes set upon heaven, and feel the attrac- tive influence stronger and stronger, as I approach still nearer and nearer to that desirable centre, till the happy moment come when every earthly object 124 FAMILY PRAYERS. shall disappear from my view, and the shining glories of the heavenly world shall fill my improved and strengthened sight, which shall then be cheered with that which would now overwhelm me. Amen. FOR A DAY OF THANKSGIVING. O God, thou art very great ! Thou art clothed with honor and majesty. Thou coverest thyself with light as with a garment ; and thou walkest up- on the wings of the wind. When we reflect upon thy greatness and glory, we are filled with wonder at the vastness of thy condescension : for thou stoopest even to behold the things which are in heaven* What then is man, that thou art mindful of him ; or the son of man, that thou visitest him ? We rejoice that we are under the control of a Be- ing who is not only almighty, but perfectly righteous, and wise, and good ; that all things in our world, are appointed and arranged by thy wisdom and goodness ; that thy providence numbers the very hairs of our heads, and that a sparrow falleth not to the ground, without the notice of our heavenly Father. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. We bless thee for personal mercies. If we are renewed, it is by thy Spirit. If we are justified, it is freely by thy grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. It is in thee we live, and move, and have our being. FOR THANKSGIVING DAY. 125 Thy goodness has been always near us, to hear our complaints, to sooth our sorrow, and to command de- liverance for us. And numberless are the instances of loving-kindness and of tender mercy with which thou hast crowned our lives, and the remembrance of which will cause us to strike our golden harps anew, when we mingle with those who dwell in thy house above, and are still praising thee. We thank thee for relative benefits ; for blessings on our families, on our churches, on our country. We confess that we are not worthy of the least of all thy mercies, and of all the truth which thou hast showed unto thy servants. Sins of every kind and every degree, have reigned among us ; have spread through all ranks and conditions of men ; and con- tinued, notwithstanding all warnings and corrections; and if thou hadst dealt with us after our sins, or re- warded us according to our iniquities, we should long ago have had no name, nor place, among the nations of the earth. We would call upon our souls, and all within us to bless thy holy name for thy great goodness in per- mitting us to behold this joyous anniversary. Thou hast done great things for us whereof we are glad. Thou hast given us rains, and fruitful seasons ; Thou hast filled us with the finest of the wheat ; our gar- ners have been affording all manner of store ; our oxen have been strong to labor ; our sheep have brought forth thousands and tens of thousands. Thou hast spread thy wing, and sheltered us from the pes- tilence that walketh in darkness, and the destruction 11* 126 FAMILY PRAYERS. that wasteth at noon-day. Civil discord has not raged in our land ; our shores have not been invaded ; we have not heard the confused noise of warriors? nor seen garments rolled in blood — it has not come nigh us. Our enemies have often threatened to swallow us up, but the Lord has been on our side, and they have not prevailed against us. God is the Lord who hath showed us light. May we never convert our blessings into instruments of provocation, by making them the means of nourishing pride and presumption, wantonness and intemper- ance ; and compel thee to complain — Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people, and unwise ? Is not he thy Father, that hath bought thee ? Hath he not made thee, and established thee ? For this purpose meet with us in thy house ; and may the goings of our God and our King be seen in the sanctuary. Be with the preacher, and with the hearers ; and let the words of his mouth, and the meditation of their hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength, and our Redeemer. May public instruction awaken the ardor of our feelings ; may our gratitude not only be lively, but practical and permanent. And by all thy mercies, may we present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and accep- table unto thee, which is our reasonable service. Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts ; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion ; bless the Lord, O my soul. Amen. FOR FAST DAY. 127 FOR FAST DAY. O God, thou hast established thy throne in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all. We de- sire to approach thee with such a sense of thy holi- ness as Isaiah had when he said, Wo is me, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among a people of unclean lips. Our iniquities have been great, but thy mercy in prolonging our lives to the present time, has been greater. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places ; and we have a goodly heritage. We have been per- mitted to live under the administration of mild and equitable laws. We have enjoyed civil and religious liberty. We have had the sacred scriptures from the beginning in our own language. We have been dis- tinguished from many of the nations of the earth, by the number of the blessings we have received. Thy mercies have been great, and it becometh us on this occasion to abase ourselves before thee, and confess our ingratitude and ill desert. We are a sinful na- tion, a seed of evil doers. The whole head is sick and the whole heart is faint ; from the crown of the head, even to the sole of the foot, there is no sound- ness, but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores. We acknowledge that we have been deeply guilty. We have disobeyed thy commands, and often neg- lected the duties required. Pride has encompassed us about as a chain. We have been discontented, and have often found fault with the allotments of thy 128 FAMILY PRAYERS. providence. We have placed our affections upon the world ; and the love of money, which is the root of all evil, has abounded throughout the land. We have profaned thy sabbaths, undervalued the ordinances of the gospel, and lived unmindful of the object for which we were created. We desire, O Lord, that thou wilt at this time give us clear views of sin ; may we see ourselves in some sense as thou dost see us. We would fall down before thee — we would lay our hands upon our mouths, and our mouths in the dust, and say unclean ! unto us, O Lord, belongeth shame and confusion of face. We cannot justify ourselves, nor offer any ex- cuse for the least of our transgressions. Wilt thou forgive our sins,' pardon all our iniquities, and purify our hearts. We rely solely upon the merits of Christ ; we plead his sufferings and death, and are encouraged, by what he has done, to come to the mercy seat, and ask for the pardon of our sins. We would not confess our sins with our mouths, but in our hearts ; we would cheerfully forsake them and turn from every evil way, and hereafter live so- berly, righteously, and godly in this evil world. Let this be such a fast as thou hast chosen ; a day to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free. Have mercy upon all the inhabitants of this land. Stay the. progress of sin in all its forms ; and may all the people fear God and keep his commandments. Rule in the hearts of our rulers ; teach our sena- tors wisdom, and may all who hold places of trust FOR AN AGED PERSON. 129 and power be honest, conscientious and faithful ; may they discharge their various duties having the judgment day in view. Let party spirit cease. Let thy children be of one heart and of one mind, and righteousness and truth prevail We pray thee to bless the labor of our hands du- ring the ensuing year ; prosper us in all our lawful pursuits. Let the voice of health be heard in our habitations. May those who are young, give thee their hearts, and remember their Creator in the days of their youth. Above all, we ask for the descent of the Holy Spirit, to convince us of sin, of righteousness, and of a judgment to come. Let our times be times of re- freshing from the presence of the Lord. Our prayer is before thee, O Lord ; deal not with us according to our deserts. Hear us for the sake of Christ ; in his name we present our requests, and to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be everlasting praises. Amen. TO BE USED BY AN AGED PERSON. O Thou who hast been the refuge and the dwell- ing place of thy people in all generations. As thou hast been my father's God, wilt thou be my God, and guide unto death. Thou didst watch over me in the helplessness of infancy ; thou didst protect me in the slippery paths of youth ; and thou didst 130 FAMILY PRAYERS. keep me while engaged in the business of riper years. Now thy servant is old and grey-headed. I am still dependent on thee for temporal and spiritual mercies. My strength is diminishing, and I am descending the hill of life, and must soon sleep the sleep of death. May I ever realize that my days are few, that the last sands of my life are running out, that my sun is declining, and that soon the day of life will end. O Lord, forsake me not, when the close of life is at hand ; preserve me from danger, and lead me gently down to the house appointed for all the living. Let me have a clearer sense of my sinfulness, and may the Saviour be increasingly precious to my soul. May my faith be stronger, my love more constant, my humility more Christ-like, and my last days my best days. I desire to wait patiently until my change shall come ; let me continue to serve thee as long as I live ; and wilt thou at last bring me to the grave like a shock of corn fully ripe. Hear my fee- ble petition, and keep me as the apple of thine eye, and all the glory shall be given to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and forever. Amen. FOR A SICK PERSON. O thou infinitely great and glorious God, thou killest and makest alive. Thou woundest, and thy hands make whole ; thou bringest down to the FOR A SICK PERSON. 131 grave, and bringest back again. Thou doest accord- ing to thy will in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay thine hand, or say unto thee, what doest thou ? Yet right- eous art thou in all thy ways, and holy in all thy works. Even when thou afflictest and causest trou- ble and heaviness to fall upon us, it is that we may learn righteousness from thy judgments, and receive profit from thy correction. Wherefore, though thou hast now visited our house with sickness, and art calling us to humiliation for our sins, yet we would still speak good of thy name, and love and bless thee. We desire at this season to remember all the past mercies with which thou hast been pleased to bless us and our household. God forbid that our present grief should make us unmindful of the constant benefits we have enjoyed. How long has each of our family lain down and risen up, gone out and come in, in health, strength, and peace ! How long has the candle of Lord shone upon us without intermission ! For these multiplied favors, blessed, O Lord, be thy good and holy name ! since the smallest of benefits is more than we deserve, and the sharpest affliction less. For to us, on ac- count of our transgressions, is most justly due indig- nation and wrath, tribulation and anguish. Where- fore then should living men complain, men and trans- gressors, for the punishment of their sins ? Shall we receive so much good at the hand of the Lord, and shall we not receive evil ? patiently and contentedly receive evil also ? This temper we know, O Lord, is 132 FAMILY PRAYERS. our bounden duty : O form it in us. And as, in great compassion to us, thou hast opened a way of relief for us under every trouble, by directing, com- manding, and encouraging us, in all our afflictions, to pour out our complaints unto thee, and to tell thee of all we fear and feel ; to thee, O Father of mer- cies, do we we make our supplication at this time. O Lord, be not far from us. In entire submission to thy most wise and holy will, do we now earnestly pray for that person whose sickness fills us with so much concern. O look upon him [or her] in his low estate ; suffer not, we beseech thee, his dis- order to proceed, and let not this sickness be unto death, but for the manifestation of thy grace toward us all. Thou knowest, Lord, his frame ; lay no more upon him than thou wilt enable him to bear with patience and quietness of mind. And, O thou great Physician, without whom all others are of no value, do thou direct to the most proper medicines, and bless the art of healing to his body, and our great comfort. In thy due time, restore thy servant to health and strength again, that he may have a longer day of grace and salvation, prove more useful, and do more good in his generation. In the mean time, however thou shall think fit to dispose of him, O sanctify unto him this affliction ; work in him deep humiliation for his sin ; bless him with repent- ance unto life ; enable him by faith to behold the Lamb of God, and to trust in the fountain opened in his blood for the remission of sins ; that, being justified through faith, he may have peace with God FOR A SICK PERSON. 133 through Jesus Christ our Lord. Make all his bed in his sickness, and let patience have its perfect work in his soul. Raise him up to praise thy name, to pay those vows he makes in trouble before the as- sembly of thy saints, and to walk in newness of life. But if thou dost not see fit to spare thy servant, whom we are now remembering before thee, O pre- pare every one of this family, according to our seve- ral relations, for the awful stroke. With respect to himself, if the time of his departure draweth nigh, O let his heart be comforted by thy promises in Christ, and taste that thou art gracious unto him. May his soul be safe and happy at the hour of death ; and, in the great day of the Lord Jesus Christ, may he be found amongst those who died in him. And help us all who are now in health, to improve this loud and solemn call to prepare for our own sick- ness and death. Let us not abuse our bodily strength to encourage ourselves in a sinful security and im- penitence. Give us always to be ready, by perform- ing the will of the Lord, that whensoever he shall come, we may be found of him in peace, and enter into his joy ; that whenever our health is turned into sickness, and our strength into weakness, and our ease into sharp pain, we may not be cast down or perplexed, but feel in our souls those supports and consolations which the world cannot give, nor death itself take away. Hear us, O Lord our God, in these our humble requests : forgive us our sins ; and accept our per- sons and our services through Jesus Christ our Lord. -Amen. 12 134 FAMILY PRAYERS. RECOVERY OF A SICK MEMBER. Most gracious and holy, good and merciful, God ! we have heard, we have experienced thy love. Blessed, forever blessed be thy name, that instead of being known to us by the judgments our sins have deserved, thou art manifested to us as a God willing to forgive all our iniquities. Thou hast delivered our eyes from tears, and our hearts from anguish. Thy servant, whom thou hast lately afflicted, is now a monument of thy sparing mercy. Thou hast chastened and corrected him [or her] but thou hast not deliverd him over unto death. Thou, Lord, hast turned our mourning into joy, and our fears into songs of praise. O may this thy servant, whom thou hast spared, love thee more, and walk more .exactly before thee in the land of the living. We beseech thee, perfect all that concerns his recovery : and grant that this gracious interposition may properly affect both him and every one of us in this family. From hence- forth may we all more entirely depend upon thee for the continuance and preservation of our dearest earth- ly comforts ; may we consider them as thy free gifts, O Lord, and know that thou alone, makest every earthly blessing be to us what it is. And give us grace so to use and enjoy all our temporal comforts, as those who know the fashion of this world passeth away. Grant we may learn, from this late affliction in our family, to live more like persons who are soon RECOVERY OF A SICK MEMBER. 135 to be separated by death, and to give all diligence to grow rich towards God, that we may be better pre- pared for a breach in our family whenever it shall come. And whomsoever of us, O God, thou shalt be pleased to call away first, may we be ready to obey the summons ; and though parted for a season here, be joined again in heaven, and be all of us for ever with the Lord and with one another. That we may none of us fall short of so glorious an end, O grant us a clear knowledge of the excel- lency of our God, and a firmer dependence upon the word of thy grace. Grant us a stronger love to the Lord Jesus Christ, and a greater resemblance of him ; that each of us in our particular station may be zealous for God, full of mercy and justice towards men, and possess every temper whereby God can be glorified in us. Fill our minds with a more cheerful and lively sense of our obligations to thee, especially for this late additional mercy : write it, we beseech thee, on our hearts, so that no temptation from without, or corruption from within, may make us ever act as if we forgot it. And now, O Lord, we again present both ourselves and family, all we have and all we are, a lively sac- rifice unto thee for all our remaining days. Be with us when we are passing through the valley of the sha- dow of death ; may we then fear no evil, nor have cause to fear any. Guard us through the gloomy passage, and bring us safe to thine eternal kingdom and glory. We humbly ask all these blessings, 136 FAMILY PRAYERS. though utterly unworthy ourselves of any notice, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who ever lives to make intercession for us. Amen. FOR THE LORD'S SUPPER. All praise be given unto thee, O God, our heaven- ly Father, for this holy day, in which we imitate the company in heaven, whilst we assemble in thy courts on earth. Instead of rejecting us for our pride and wilful ig- norance and forgetfulness of thee, thou hast set apart thy day to teach us the knowledge of thy name, and of our own condition. Thou hast commanded us to make public confession of our sins, and thy perfect hatred of them ; of our manifold disobedience, and thy amazing forbearance ; of our depravity, and per- petual need of thy grace. Thou hast commanded us thus to abase ourselves before thee, lest a proud, self-sufficient spirit should destroy us. Thou hast commanded us to make intercession for all men, that our hearts may be enlarged in love towards them, and our hands ready to minister to their ne- cessities. Thou hast sent thy word unto us for re- proof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. And thou hast required us to give thee thanks in the great congregation, in order that ON PARTAKING OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. 137 our hearts may be filled with gratitude to thee for all thy benefits. O how amiable on these accounts, Lord God of hosts, are thy houses in our land ! We especially adore thy goodness, in passing over the provocations and insults we have so often repeated, by rushing into thy house in pride, hypocrisy, and contempt of thy salvation. Instead of cutting us off in this most dreadful state, thou hast been pleas- ed to lay it all open to our view. Therefore we now on our knees, implore of thee every disposition of heart, which can make us acceptable worshipers. O our God, send forth light and truth, forcibly to im- press us with the great importance of the work we have to do. Shield us from all distractions. Whilst we confess our sins, fill us with deep self-abasement and godly sorrow. Give us to ask in full assurance of receiving the things we need, pardon, righteous- ness, and strength, from thy love in Christ Jesus. Accompany thy oracles, and the preaching of thy word, with the power of the Holy Ghost, that we may be more diligent to follow the examples set be- fore us ; that thy judgments and threatenings against transgressors may deter us from walking after the flesh, and the fashion of this world. O that, by hearing thy gospel, we may clearly perceive and gladly embrace the great salvation it proclaims, and be careful to observe and do whatsoever our Lord commands. In obedience to thy command, our Saviour and our God, we now come to eat of that bread, and drink of that cup, which is designed to set thee forth mani- 12* 138 FAMILY PRAYERS. festly crucified before our eyes. O teach us, that we may come with knowledge of the nature and infinite value of thy sacrifice. May we feel our poverty and defilement, and draw nigh with a true heart, utterly rejecting every other way of salvation men naturally trust in, and placing all our hopes on thy blood to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We would come with unfeigned love, designing to make a full surren- der of ourselves to thee, thou Lord over all, and head of the church. Thou wast pleased to forgive the wo- man who was an infamous sinner, and bid her go in peace. Thou didst declare the publican justified. Thou didst put away the sin of Peter, who denied thee with oaths and curses. Thou didst take up the crucified thief immediately into glory, upon turning to thee for mercy. Bless us also, O Lord ; for- give our transgressions, as thou didst theirs. In this feast lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, that we may know that we are justified by thy blood, and shall be certainly preserved and saved by thy life, in the presence of our God forever. When the outward and visible signs of thy meritorious death are put in our hands, may we, by a true faith, eat thy flesh, and drink thy blood, sc as to find it meat indeed and drink indeed unto our souls, so that we may dwell in thee, and thou in us ; that we may know we have eternal life, and that thou wilt raise us up at the last day. May thy love for our souls, stronger than death, unite us all in love to each other, as members alike of thy body, the church. Whilst we are all looking ON ACCOUNT OF BEREAVEMENT. 139 upon thee, the just suffering for us unjust, may every angry and selfish passion die away. May brotherly love reign in our hearts, and be continually exercised with delight among us all. And all the time we so- journ in the flesh, give us, by the power of thy grace, to keep the feast upon thee our passover sac- rificed for us, not with the leaven of malice, and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincer- ity and truth. Grant these requests for the glory of thy great name. Amen. ON ACCOUNT OF BEREAVEMENT. O thou eternal and compassionate God ! help us on this affecting and mournful occasion, to raise our souls to thee in prayer. We acknowledge, that death entered into the world by sin, and so death hath passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Man, that is born of a woman, is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down ; he fleeth also as a shadow, and con- tinueth not. Thou hast determined his days, and the number of his months is with thee. Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass. Thou turnest man to destruction ; and sayest, return, ye children of men. Thou earnest them away as with a flood ; they are as a sleep, in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it 140 FAMILY PRAYERS. flourisheth, and groweth up ; in the evening it is cut down and withereth. For we are consumed in thy wrath ; we spend our years as a tale that is told. In thy righteous providence, thou hast commis- sioned death to enter this family, and remove one of its members. O thou God of consolation ! pity us in our bereaved and afflicted state. Be our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. May we be still, and know that thou art God, and that the Judge of all the earth does right. May we not despise the chastening of the Lord ; neither be weary of his correction. Sanctify unto us this in- stance of bereavement, so that with the Psalmist, we may say, We know, O Lord ! that thy judg- ments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted us. Lord make us to know our end ; and the measure of our days what it is ; that we may know how frail we are. Suitably may we reflect upon the vanity and uncertainty of human life, and all things earthly. Let the solemn providence of mortality in our family, impress our minds with deep concern to be also ready. In the death of others, may we see as in a glass, our own mortality. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. May we humble ourselves under thy mighty hand, and cast all our care upon thee who carest for us. May we exercise at all times the highest confidence in God, and with holy Job, say, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. May we remember that the Lord doth not afflict ON ACCOUNT OF BEREAVEMENT. 141 willingly, nor grieve the children of men. But, like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. — (If the deceased person was pious, then pray :) Fill our hearts with gratitude, that in the death we mourn, we are called to sorrow not even as others, which have no hope, and that we have reason to believe, that our deceased friend and relative died in the Lord, and is blessed in him. (If the deceased person was a child, then pray ;) Sanctify this providence unto those of us, who were the parents of the deceased. May we be dumb and open not our mouths, because thou didst it. And may we be enabled to feel and say with submissive Job, the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. — May we always be ready and watching for the approach of the Son of Man ; for blessed are those servants whom their Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing. And may we ever remember, that life at the longest is short, and that soon we must lie down in the cold and silent tomb, there to repose until waked by the trump of the archangel, when all the dead shall arise. With the apostles, may we know, that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eter- nal in the heavens. And when we shall be called to resign ourselves into the cold arms of death, help us to commend our departing spirit into the hands of our Almighty Redeemer, saying, as did dying Ste- phen, Lord Jesus receive our spirit, and may we go to be forever with the Lord. Amen. 142 FAMILY PRAYERS, THE LORD'S PRAYER, PARAPHRASED. Most merciful and gracious God, we, thy sinful, dependent creatures, in the name and words of our Saviour, Christ, look unto thee in prayer, as Our Father, who art in heaven, exalted above all worlds, and invisible to mortal eyes ; who humblest thyself to behold the things that are in the earth : who so lovedst the world as to give thine only Son, that through faith in him we may be heirs of eternal life. We adore thee, O Lord, for that unspeakable love, which, through him, thou hast bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God ; and, because sons, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; and, by the spirit of adoption, are permitted to cry, Abba, to thee, as unto a reconciled Father. In his name, and through his merits, we rejoice to say, Hallowed be thy name. May we truly sanctify k and reverence the Lord God in our hearts and our lives ; and may all the earth keep silence before thee. To thee may every knee bow, and every tongue confess thy name, as that of the only true and liv- ing God. May the nations of the earth, with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven, laud and magnify thy glorious name. May a thankful sense of thy boundless goodness continually swell our notes of praise. As thou, who hast called us to a knowledge of thy grace, art holy ; so may we be holy in all manner of conversation ; as it is written, THE LORD'S PRAYER, PARAPHRASED. 143 Be ye holy, for I am holy. May thy name be hal- lowed for thy glorious attributes ; for thy righteous providence, and for the redemption of mankind in Jesus Christ. Ever adored be thy name, that thou canst be just, and yet justify those who have sinned against thee ; and that our hopes are raised from sor- row, sin and death, to life immortal. Thy kingdom come. May the truth of thy blessed gospel be established in every heart, and the King whom thou hast set on thy holy hill of Zion, be by all acknowledged as both Lord and Christ. May there be added daily to thy church such as shall be saved. Grant that the ministers of thy gospel, and thy word spoken by their mouth, may be instru- mental, through the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, in the conversion of souls, till the King of saints shall have the utmost parts of the earth for his possession. O hasten on those glorious days of the Redeemer's kingdom, w T hen the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it : when wars and strifes shall cease, and the earth be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Thy will be done on earth , as it is in heaven. We pray, that through the power of thy grace, all who name the name of Christ may depart from iniquity, and hold the true faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Be gracious unto thy church, and grant that every member of it may truly love and serve thee. May all divisions 144 FAMILY PRAYERS. and discords cease. As the blessed angels in heaven, and the spirits of just men made perfect, unite in love and praise, so may thy people here on earth be joined together in one heart and one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel, and endeavoring to be perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect. Help us to follow the example of Christ's humility, patience and love, till we come, in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto the perfect man ; unto the measure of the full- ness of Christ. Give us this day our daily bread. Do thou, O Lord, who knowest our wants and our dependence, give to us and to our brethren what is needful and convenient, and give us grace with thankful hearts to receive and rightly to use it. Make us contented with what thy goodness shall bestow ; and may we desire, above all earthly things, that our souls may be fed with the bread of life — with the heavenly manna of thy word and doctrine. Forgive us our trespasses. We have erred and strayed from thy righteous ways, and have followed the evil devices of our own hearts. Do thou, the God of mercy, forgive our sins ; sanctify our hearts, and renew a right spirit within us. We beseech thee, O Lord, to blot out our transgressions, As we forgive those who trespass against us. If there be any who injure us, or wish us evil, give us grace, O Lord, truly to forgive them; and, as far as in us lies, to evercome evil with good. May the spirit of meekness which was in our blessed Saviour THE LORD'S PRAYER, PARAPHRASED 145 be in us ; may we forgive, as we hope to be forgiven, knowing that vengeance is thine, and that thou wilt judge the world in righteousness. Lead us not into temptation. Such is the frailty of our nature, that without thee we cannot but fall. Keep us, we beseech thee, both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls ; defend us from adversity, and preserve us from all temptation to sin. Give us wisdom and grace to avoid that which will entice us to transgress thy holy laws. In times of peril suffer us not to fall into sin. But deliver us from evil. When, for the trial of our steadfastness, or for other purposes of thy provi- dence, we are exposed to temptation, mercifully look upon our infirmities, and in all such dangers stretch forth thy hand to help and defend us. Grant that we may never be tempted above what we are made able to withstand ; but that through thy grace, a way may be opened to escape the snare. For these great blessings we look unto thee, our heavenly Father, through the merits and mediation of thy blessed Son ; For thine is the kingdom of the whole world, both of nature and grace, and the power to support us in trial, and to save us with an everlasting salvation. And to thee only, as thy just due, be ascribed all the glory forever and ever. Amen. 13 SELECT PSALMS AND HYMNS, ADAPTED TO FAMILY DEVOTION. HYMN 1. C. M. Braintree. Sabbath Morning. 1 Lord ! in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills, where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting, at his Father's throne, Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God, before whose sight The wicked shall not stand : Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4 But to thy house, will I resort, To taste thy mercies there ; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. 6 O, may thy Spirit guide my feet, In ways of righteousness, Make every path of duty straight And plain before my face. Watts. 148 SELECT PSALMS HYMN 2. L. M. Portugal Sabbath Evening. Heb. 4 : 9. 1 Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord ! we love, But there's a nobler rest above ; To that our lab'ring souls aspire, With ardent pangs of strong desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin, nor hell, shall reach the place, No groans to mingle with the songs, Which warble from immortal tongues. 3 No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, But sacred, high, eternal noon. 4 O, long expected day! begin ; Dawn on these realms of woe and sin ; Fain would we leave this weary road, And sleep in death, to rest with God. Doddridge. HYMN 3. C. M. Peterborough Morning. 1 Once more, my soul ! the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes ; Once more, my voice ! thy tribute pay To him that rules the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, The day renews the sound, Wide as the heav'ns on which he sits, To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame, My tongue shall speak his praise, My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, And yet his wrath delays. AND HYMNS. 149 4 A thousand wretched souls are fled Since the last setting sun ; And yet thou length'nest out my thread, And yet my moments run. 5 Dear God ! let all my hours be thine, Whilst I enjoy the light ; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a pleasant night. Watts, HYMN 4. L. M. All Saints. Evening. 1 Thus far the Lord has led me on, Thus far his power prolongs my days; And every evening shall make known Some fresh memorial of his grace. 2 Much of my time has run to waste, And, I perhaps am near my home, But he forgives my follies past, And gives me strength for days to come. 3 I lay my body down to sleep ; Peace is the pillow for my head, While well appointed angels keep Their watchful stations round my bed. 4 Thus when the night of death shall come, My flesh shall rest beneath the ground ; And wait thy voice to rouse my tomb, With sweet salvation in the sound. Watts. HYMN 5. 7s. PleyeVs Hymn. Morning. 1 Now the shades of night are gone ; Now the morning light is come ; 13* 150 SELECT PSALMS Lord ! may we be thine to-day, Drive the shades of sin away. 2 Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt, and cleanse our sight ; In thy service, Lord, to-day,' Help us labor, help us pray. 3 Keep our haughty passions bound ; Save us from our foes around ; Going out, and coming in, Keep us safe from every sin. 4 When our work of life is past, O, receive us then at last : ^ Night of sin will be no more, When we reach the heavenly shore. HYMN 6. S. M. Watchman, Evening. 1 The day is past and gone, The evening shades appear ; O, may we all remember well, The night of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest ; So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we here possess. 3 Lord ! keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears ; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. 4 And, if we early rise And view the unwearied sun, May we set out to win the prize, And after glory run. AND HYMJVS, 151 5 And when our days are past, And we from time remove, O, may we in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. Anon. HYMN 7. 7s. PleyeVs Hymn. Saturday Evening. 1 Safely through another week, God has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek, On th' approaching Sabbath day : Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 Mercies, multiplied each hour, Through the week, our praise demand ; Guarded by Almighty Pow'r, Fed and guided by his hand ; Though ungrateful we have been, Only made returns of sin. 3 While we pray for pard'ning grace, Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled face, Take away our sin and shame. From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this night with thee. 4 When the morn shall bid us rise, May we feel thy presence near ! May thy glory meet our eyes, When we in thy house appear ! There afford us, Lord ! a taste, Of our everlasting feast. 5 May the Gospel's joyful sound, Conquer sinners, comfort saints, 152 SELECT PSALMS Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief for all complaints. Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above. Newton. HYMN 8. L. M. Old Hundred. The Star of Bethlehem. 1 When marshall'd on the mighty plain The glit'ring host bestud the sky ; One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. 2 Hark ! Hark ! to God the chorus breaks, From ev'ry host from ev'ry gem ; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud, — the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my found'ring bark. 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceas'd the tide to stem ; When suddenly a star arose, It was the Star of Bethlehem. 5 It was my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark forebodings cease ; And through the storm and dangers thrall, It led me to the port of peace. 6 Now safely moor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing, first in night's diadem, Forever, and forever more, The Star ! The Star of Bethlehem ! H. R. White. AND HYMNS, 153 HYMN 9. C. M. Dedham. Fountain Opened. Zech. 13. I. 1 There is a fountain fill'd with blood, Drawn from Emmanuel's veins: And sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day ; And there have I, as vile as he, Wash'd all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb ! thy precious blood Shall never lose its pow'r, Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy pow'r to save ; When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue, Lies silent in the grave. Newton. HYMN 10. C. M. St. Martin's. Holy fortitude ; or, the Christian Soldier. 1 Am I a soldier of the cross ? A follower of the Lamb ? And shall I fear to own his cause ? Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Must I be carry'd to the skies, On flow'ry beds of ease 1 Whilst others fought to win the prize, And sail'd thro' bloody seas 1 154 SELECT PSALMS 3 Are there no foes for me to face 1 Must I not stem the flood ? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God 1 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 5 Thy saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, tho' they die ; They view the triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thy armies shine, In robes of vict'ry thro' the skies — The glory shall be thine. Watts. HYMN II. 8s. 7s. & 4s. Greenville. Prayer to the God of Christians. 1 Holy Father, great Creator, Source of mercy, love, and peace, Deign to bless thy sinful creatures, Through the Saviour's righteousness ; Heavenly Father, Through the Saviour, hear and bless. 2 Holy Jesus, Lord of glory, Whom angelic hosts proclaim, Be with us, who, here before thee, Meet and worship in thy name. Dear Redeemer, In our hearts thy peace proclaim. 3 Holy Spirit, Sanctifier, Come with unction from above, AND HYMNS. 155 Touch our hearts with sacred fire ; Fill them with the Saviour's love ; Source of comfort, Cheer us with the Saviour's love. 4 God the Lord, through every nation, Let thy wondrous mercies shine ; In the song of thy salvation, Every tongue with rapture join. Great Jehovah, Form our hearts, and make them thine, HYMN 12. 8s. 7s. & 4s. Tamworth. God, the Pilgrim's Guide. [ Guide me, O thou great Jehovah ! Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven ! Feed me till I want no more. 2 Open, Lord ! the crystal fountain, "Whence the healing streams do flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar, Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliv'rer ! Be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction. Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. Robinson, 156 SELECT PSALMS AND HYMNS. HYMN 13. C. M. Plympton. The vanity of Man as mortal. Ps. xxxix. 4 — 7. 1 Teach me tlie measure of my days, Thou Maker of my frame ; I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am. 2 A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time; Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime. 3 Some walk in honor's gaudy show ; Some dig for golden ore; They toil for heirs they know not who, And straight are seen no more. 4 What should I wish, or wait for then, From creatures, earth, and dust 1 They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust. o Now I forbid my carnal hope, My fond desires recall ; I give my mortal interest up, And make my God my all. Watts. 1* 1 82 •a, 1 \ v .^i4 o O Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide *£*. < Treatment Date: August 2005 fS ^° Pres ervationTechnologies • 4S * W0RLD LE «ER IN PAPER PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 1 606$ (724)779-2111 <$\\£&jm a7» ' o V / V^V «V^V \'™\S . : V V^V V^-V ^V-^V