F 14- Ss Book_Jl5l4Ji£ Cbe Dew Sakiti $e$qui€emennidl Report of tbe J1ddre$$e$ and Proccediti9$ of the Celebration of tbe isotb JInniversary of the Tn- corporation of the Cown of new Salem, at Hew Salem on Cbur$dav,J1ud. 20tb, 1903 « « • « Itt^ol, Pass.; flTtanstript §ook anb |ob ^rint, Exchange Street 1904 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Preliminary Arrangements, 3 Exercises of the Anniversary Celebration, 4-10 Address of Welcome, 6-S President Vaughan's Address, 11-12 Historical Address, 13-49 Preceptors of the Academy, 33-4 Trustees of the Academy, 37-4^ George W. Horr's Address, 50-53 Letters of Regret, ■ 54-6o Various Addresses, 61-62 Bear's Den, 63 Geography of New Salem, 64-5 Antiquarian Exhibit, 66-69 The Old Gun— Where is it? 70-72 New Salem Town Officers, 73-77 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE MEETING. W T THE annual town meeting holden March 3, 1903, it ^(\ was voted to observe the one hundred and fiftieth anniver- X, \x-— "w^sary of the organization of the town of New Salem as a district; in connection with the annual reunion of the alumni of New vSalem Academy, on the third Thursday of August fol- lowing. The sum of one hundred and fifty dollars was appro- priated for the expenses of the occasion, and a committee of seven was appointed to act in connection with the regular Aca- demy' reunion committee. The following were appointed viz: Daniel Ballard, Eugene Bullard, Albert Ballard, Edwin F. Stowell, Lyman E. Moore, Willard Putnam, Mrs. B. F. Fay. The reunion committee consisted of the following viz: Mrs. Charles Aborn, Geo. Fisher, Miss Eliza Merriam, Frank Cogs- well, Miss Luna Pierce, Fred Whipple, William Bullard, Mrs. R. K. Seig. At a meeting of the joint committees Eugene Bullard was chosen chairman and Edwin F. Stowell secretary and treasurer. The meeting was held as arranged on the 20th of August. Although the day opened with a heavy rain storm there were present during the day eight hundred people, many coming from distant places to see once more the scenes of their early life. NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING. The exercises were as follows: PRESIDENT OF THE DAY, E. H. Vaughn of Worcester. PRAYER, By Rev. Perry Marshall. ADDRESS OF WELCOME, By Fayette W. Wheeler of Boston. HISTORICAL ADDRESS, By Eugene Bullard of North New Salem. Dinner was served at vestry of Congregational Church. AFTERNOON EXERCISES. Addresses by Hon. Richard Irwin of Northampton. George W. Horr of Athol. Rev. a. V. House of Worcester. General Merriam, U. S. A., of Worcester. Willis Sibley of Worcester. W. A. Davenport of Greenfield. Music was furnished during the day by the Farmers' Band of New Salem. At the academy was exhibited an interesting collection of ancient relics contributed by the people of the town. THE visitors. It is of course impossible to give a full list of all visitors, but below will be found some of those noticed enjoying the day's celebration. C. J. Moulton of Erving, Misses Eucy and Emma Grover of Dana, George H. Shores of Springfield, Miss Ella Vorce of NE IV SALEM SESQ UI- CENTENNIAL. j Orange, Otis I,. Hager of North Dana, Mrs. K. W. Cook of Athol, Rev. and Mrs. A. W House of Worcester, Miss Louisa Childs of Orange, Charles H. Cogswell of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Ellis of Bridgeport, Ct., Daniel Hunt of Enfield, C. B. Estey, H. h. Holden of Petersliani. Dr. Willis Sibley of Worcester, Dr. Clarence Whitaker of Worcester, E. C. Haskins of Dana, Eucien Stone of Orange, Proctor Whitaker of Orange, Miss Clara Berry cf Dana, Daniel Beecher, H. P. Billings of Hardwick, J. B. McGibeny of Philadelphia, Eliot F. Soule of New York city, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Alden of New York city, George A. Brown of Amherst college, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Fay of Athol, Henry C. Ellis of Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Triley of Providence, R. I., Capt. George R. Hanson of Green- wich Village and Miss C. C. Douglass of Greenwich, Clayton Grover of Dana, D. E. Hunt, Enfield, Miss A. Tenny, Millers Falls, Angle V. Davis, Athol, C. C. Brooks, Orange, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Carpenter, Reeds Ferry, N. H., Olive C. Edwards, Holyoke, John B. F'arnsworth, Leominster, W. H. Sawtelle. Orange, Dr. C. E. Smith, Guy Drury. Andrew Bigelow, Cor- nelius Leonard of Athol, Abbie A. Lincoln, Dana, Mrs. Clara Rice, Seymour, Conn., Miss Ethel Rice, Seymour, Mrs. Charles Grout, Millington, Mrs. Fred L. Morrison, Shutesbury, R. S. Chaffee, Enfield, W. D. Stowell, Levcrett, Mrs. W. Wood, Orange, Mrs. W. C. Willard, Orange, H. O. Knight, Uxbridge, R. N. and Mrs. Edna Doubleday, No. Dana, M. N. Doubleday, North Dana, Harriet E. Gibbs, Atlanta, Georgia, Lizzie A. Wilbur, Boston, Mrs. R. E. Carpenter, Orange, Mrs. D. A. Chickering, Enfield, G. O. Chickering, Whitinsville, Mr. and Mrs. Miner Browm, Athol, W. H. Sawyer, Littleton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thurber, Leverett, M. L. Hoyt, Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Felton, Enfield, Miss Lillian Cogswell, Enfield, A. Towne, Springfield, Mattie Childs, Orange. ADDRESS OF WELCOME By Fayette W. Wheeler. It is with many pleasant emotions that I look back upon the years of my boyhood spent here among you. I remember so well walking to church on Sundays, of the friendly greetings, of sitting in the family pew, and listening to the grand old an- thems sung b}- the clear, strong voices of our choir, and how much I enjoyed that music. Mrs. Charles Chandler presided at the organ, while Mr. Gill, and later Porter Eaton, were the leaders of the choir. Some of the singers' voices are now hushed forever, but the songs they sung still live in my memor}-. I love to think of our old pastor, Rev. David Eastman, and family. He was a minister of the old school, refined and court- eous, preaching with devoted fervor the gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then after the morning service came the Sunday school, of which Deacon Poole, was superintendent for many years. We had few of the modern Sunday school methods in that school, but the lessons taught there have, I am sure, exerted a most salutary influence over many boys and girls in their after lives. I recall most vividly my first day at yonder academy, my meeting with Prof. Stratton, the principal, and my first impress- ion of academic life. I love to think of the lyceum, and of those who took part in the debates on those momentous questions, many of wiiich originated in the fertile brains of our committee. The social gatherings, the musicals and literary entertainments, the May holiday in the woods, when we gathered the sweet- :j:H.- NE W SALEM SESQ Uf- CENTENNIAL. 7 scented arbutus, the autumnal field-day.. All these form many pleasant pictures for memory to dwell upon. The recollections of these pleasant scenes and associations are very dear to me, and, in the years since spent in the busy life of the city, they ofttimes seem to me as the shaded side of the hot and dusty way of life, or as the grasp of a warm, friendly hand in a far away land. We have assembled on this occasion to celebrate in an appro- priate manner the 150th anniversary of the founding of the town of New Salem. It was an important event 150 years ago, and we do well to thus honor the sturdy line of patriotic citizens who founded and maintained its institutions. In order to comprehend the full significance of this hour, and understand the impelling force of circumstances which rendered this celebration possible, we must consider the pious and liberty- loving ancestry from which we sprang, and turn back to that never-to-be-forgotten December day when a band of God-fearing men and women moored their frail bark on the wild New Eng- land shore. Welcome back to New Salem, to its academy, and all the old associations which cluster about this beautiful spot. New Salem has ever been noted from the earliest days for her generous hos- pitality. She has never yet been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and I feel certain that on this occasion her citi zens will maintain her well-merited reputation. Once more all roads lead to New Salem, the latch -string is out, and again I extended to you all a most cordial welcome. At the morning session the church was comfortably filled, while in the afternoon there was not a vacant seat to be found, and it was necessary to bring in chairs to accommodate the crowd. Both the outside of the church and academy bore tasteful dec- 8 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. orations of red, white and blue streamers, and interwoven at the top with neat effect. The interior of the church was attired in anniversary gown. It has recently been repainted in a fresh and pleasing tint. A new stage has been erected, which adds much to the convenience of the edifice. The front of the stage was banked with goldenrod, and these simple decorations were in fine harmony with the recently renovated building. Another interesting feature, which was much appreciated by the many vdsitors, was several stone slabs, properly marked, showing old landmarks. They are a permanent thing and as years go by will be more and more interesting. The site of the first church, near the present one, was one of the places marked, as well as the site of the old fort almost opposite the academy, "erected by the early settlers in defence against Indian hostil ities in 1740." The large coUecticni of antiques and relics in the Academy was visited by a large number throughout the day. This ex- hibition was in charge of Chas. P. Johnson, and was one of the most creditable ever seen in this section. There were multitudes of interesting things, averaging in age from 50 to over 200 years. It is wonderful what an assortment could be gathered together, and the interest manifested in it was clearly shown by the crowded condition of the room throughout the entire day. Else- where we give a partial list of the collection. A most enjoyed portion of the day was the really fine music by the New Salem band which gave two concerts, from 9 to 10, and from 4 to 5, as well as selections in the hall both morning and afternoon. The work was very creditable indeed and the musicians received hearty applause for their music. The two concerts rendered were as follows: NEW SALEM SESQUf-CENTENNIAL. March, Overture, Waltzes. March, Medley of War Songs, MORNING. "Tenth Regiment" "L'Emotion" "Gerbelle" Finale, March, Overture, Trombone Solo, "The Jolly Coasters," AFTERNOON. "A Buffalo Review" "Narraeansett" R. B. Hall Bosquier Ripley Selected Arr. by Dalbey Munnell Munnell Dalbey Selected Mr. x\rthur Martfn. Waltzes, "Venetian Mights" Maresh March, Characteristic, "Alagazam" Holzmann Popular Medley, "Something Doing" Mackie-Beyer Finale. Anniversary badges were in great demand. The}' were of neat design and will serve as pleasant reminders of the day and event. It is interesting to note that the first reunion of the Academy was held 29 years ago last Thursday to a day, and there were a number present who were at this reunion. Mrs. R. K. Sieg was in her accustomed place near the south entrance with the bundle of Reunion Banners and the registra- tion book. The Banner this year was of unusual interest and its pages were eagerly scanned. Mrs. Sieg was heartily com- plimented on the splendid success of this number. It has scarcely ever been equalled. Ernest H. Vaughan of Worcester made an ideal presiding officer. He was full of life and vigor and his introduction of speakers and his pleasant way of making announcements met 10 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. with much favor. Mr. Vaughan as president has been a hard worker, despite his busy law duties in Worcester and his re- election was a deserved tribute to good and effective work. Mr. Vaughan stated at the anniversary that he could not under any circumstances accept a re-election, as he should probably be out of the country next August, but the election stood and probably if Mr. Vaughan cannot be present the vice-president, Henry P. Billings of Hardwick will take charge. PRESIDENT VAUGHAN'S WELCOME In opening the afternoon exercises, President Vaughan said that there were always many disappointments in life and the day's program was not without them. He spoke feelingly of the absence of Congressman Gillett and of his recent accident. Mr. Vaughan then introduced Councillor Richard W. Irwin of Northampton, who delivered the oration of the day. Mr. Irwin prox-ed to be a delightful speaker, intermingling humor and loft)' references to New England character, and showing his versatil- ity in many ways throughout the address. He said he brought congratulations direct from Gov. Bates who, had not another engagement interfered, would have been present at the anniver- sary. Mr. Irwin humorous!}^ spoke of his college classmate, E. H . Vaughan. and said he had alwa3's understood that New Salem was a very healthy place, that none but visitors ever died, and he sincerely hoped he would not be numbered among the miss- ing at the close of the day's exercises. The American, said the speaker, is a composite of all nations: he came from no one in- divi4ually. The freedom and blessings we are now enjoying came to us through hardships and privations suffered by our forefathers. Right here in New Salem the early settlers endured much, the fruits of which the present day residents are enjoying. The public mind is influenced by argument slowly, by event quickly. It was the event of the Boston massacre that influenced the public mind, already aflame, to a higher and more decisive degree. Mr. Irwin spoke of the events which liberated the En- glish .speaking people, and of the Puritan fathers and their hard- ships and sufferings. The free schools and free church were 12 NE W SALEM SESQ UI-CENTENNIAL. both preceded by the free ballot. The Puritan contained the germs of our national greatness. New Salem is not like a hill of potatoes, "the best part under the ground," for there are many active, energetic people here and it is well shown by this celebration. There were small beginnings and big results. There is nothing in the history of the world equal to the re- sults of what the Puritans did many years ago. Mr. Irwin told of the many acts of loyalty which occurred in Massachusetts in early days, and of her record along patriotic lines. Education has been the anchor to the windward through its long history. The speaker told of the benefits of academic life and the good it had done to multitudes of young men and women. He inter- spersed his remarks throughout with spicy anecdotes and pleas- ant stories, and was heartily applauded at the close. \ HISTORICAL ADDRESS By Eugene Buleard. Concerning the history of the territory occupied by the town of New Salem, previous to its occupation by the white man, we know but little, and to that little nothing more will ever be added. We know that these hills and valleys have existed from the earliest periods of time. We know that the waters of these rivers and brooks, have ever been flowing toward the ocean. We know that this whole region for a hundred years after the landing of the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, was an unbroken forest, an unexplored wilderness. Its hills and valleys were covered with a heavy growth of tall pines, mammoth hem- locks, chestnut, oak, birch and ash. And in these prime\ al forests was the home of the bear, the panther and the wolf. i\nd on these grassy meadows, along the streams, was the feed- ing places of the deer and the moose. The wild turkey and the partridge was to be found everywhere. The pickerel and the trout were plenty in the ponds and brooks, and in the spring time the shad and the salmon came up from their home in the ocean and were abundant in all these streams. The Indian had been in possession, of this land for unnumbered generations. They were branches or clans of the Nipnets or Nipniuck, whose domain extended from Northfield on the north to Springfield on the south. They usually had no fixed place of habitation, there was no land in this vicinit}^ upon which they raised corn; they remained only at one place while the game and fish were plenty. But there were two places upon our territory that were more prominently occupied; one was up- 14 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. on the bow between the Spectacle ponds near the village of South Athol and the other at a place called the Bears Den, near the village of North New Salem; the latter was the general camping-place of all the surrounding clans. Here on the north- ern cliff a hundred feet above the roaring waters of Swift river, in times of war, they met to celebrate their victories over their enemies, and when defeated it was here they hid away in the crevices of the rocks. Tradition tells us, and it is confirmed by history, that King- Philip in the summer of 1675, a few days previous to his attack upon old Deerfield was at the "Bears Den" for a day or two, and that he gathered around him upon the council ground the chiefs of all the neighboring clans, and warned them of the dan- ger that was before them, and asked for their help in driving the white man back into the sea from whence he came. In the wars with the Indians previous to the settlement of our town, the white man had been victorious in all directions and the Indian had learned that he was his superior, and that he was here to stay; so when our first settler came, they made no re- sistance to his coming, but were ever ready to strike a blow upon the new comer, when it could be done without danger to hitnself. And while no battle took place with the Indians in our town and no lives were lost, the early settler was for several years obliged to be ready at all times to defend himself, his wife and his- children. Tradition tells us that at the time of the set- tlement of our town, the number of Indians in this vicinity was much less than in previous times. ■ The township of New Salem was first granted to Joseph An- drews and others of Salem in 1729, but they did not meet the conditions required, and on December 31, 1734 the general court granted to Daniel Kpes, Benjamin Brown and others living in Salem a grant for a township equal to six miles square, and NE W SALEM SESQ Uf- CENTENNIA L. 15 later issued to them another grant ci lour thousand acres. On the 20th of August 1735 the proprietors effected an organization and located the township upon the territory' now occupied by the town of New Salem. The tract as laid out was about ten miles long and 3 1-2 miles wide, and contained 30,060 acres. The additional tract was annexed to the northern end of the new township, making it thirteen miles in length. Later it was widened on the west by the annexation of a part of Shutesbury. It was shortened at the south end by the setting off of a tract to Prescott. In 1830 and 1836 large tracts were taken from the north and east parts and annexed to Athol and Orange The conditions imposed upon the settlers of the new township were as follows, viz: Sixt\- home lots were to be laid out in a defensable manner. One lot was for the home of the minister; one lot was for the support of the minister; one lot was for the benefit of schools. Each settler was to pay five lbs. for his lot, and give bond for twenty-five lbs., that he would within three years build a house seven foot stud and 18 feet square and have seven acres in grass or grain; and that within five years, they should settle a learned minister. Whoever failed to comply with these conditions forfeited his right. The land was sur- veyed and a plan of the township was made upon parchment. This parchment with many other papers relating to the early history of the town, were destroyed by fire in 1856. Thus most that we know concerning the first settlement our town comes down to us through the uncertain traditions of the pa.st. It was nearly three years before anyone could be induced to settle. They eventually obtained the promise of Jeremiah Meacham of Salem to make the first settlement; the proprietors agreeing to make him a present of 10 lbs. He came with his family in the spring of 1737 and located one mile north of the centre of the town upon the farm now occupied by Frank A. i6 NE IV SALEM SESQ UI-CENTENNIAL. Hatstat. He first built a log cabin and then commenced to pre- pare his land for cultivation. His cabin was located upon the spot now occupied by Mr. Hatstat" s house. He was a brave man, and his wife was like unto him, brave. This family even- tually consisted of six sons and three daughters. Five of these sons took an honorable part in the great struggle for independ- ance. In Pequoig, ten miles to the northeast of him, were a few white settlers, but in all other directions he was twenty miles from neighbors. He was soon followed bj- other brave settlers. Amos Foster settled in the west part of the township, upon the land now occupied by Charles A. Merriam. Mr. Fos- ter was three weeks in making the journey from Salem with an ox team, mosth' through an unbroken wilderness. His great- grand-daughter, Mrs. Abby Giles Herrick, who is living near us, at an advanced age, is patiently awaiting the call of the Master. Jeremiah Ballard settled one-fourth mile to the north of the centre; Benjamin Stacy located 2 1-2 miles to the south; Daniel Shaw settled near by him; Samuel King in the south-west; Sam- uel Pierce, Amos Putnam and James Cook came a j-ear later. In the extreme north part of the township one of the first settlers was Jonathan Chase; he walked from Salem alone and brought upon his shoulder a bushel of rye and in his hand a heavy iron kettle, which contained the provisions for his journey. There after settlers came rapidly, nearly all of them coming from Salem and towns in that vicinity, and the wilderness here and there began to show garden spots, where our forefathers had cleared away the giants of the forest and caused the earth to bring forth its increase. The first grist mill was built by James Cook in 1740 near the farm now owned by J. Wells Wheeler, two miles south of the centre; the original millstone is now lying in the stream near NE W SALEM SESQ UI CENTENNIAL. ij the spot where the mill was built. Before the building of this mill, all grain had to be carried on horse back to Hadley on the Connecticut river, a distance of sixteen miles; the course being known by marked trees at conv^enient distances. In the year 1750 Jeremiah Ballard and Jeremiah Meacham were granted a license to erect a sawmill upon land belonging to the proprietors. This mill was built in the east part of the township, upon the middle branch of Swift river, near the lo- cality called Buffalo. The fear of the Indians, and the stories of trouble with them at Pequoig and other places near by, caused much uneasiness among the settlers, and two forts were built, one upon the pres- ent town farm and the other near the Academy building, and the meeting house was so built that it could be used as a refuge in time of danger. The farmer carried to the field his trusty rifle, and ever kept it near him. And when the}' attended divine worship they went armed, for no one could tell when the Indian would come, and so amid many privations, hardships and discouragements they watched and worked, and like the children of Israel in their bondage they increased and thrived. In August 1736 the proprietors voted to build a meetinghouse 45 ft. long, 35 ft. wide and 20 ft. stud, and each of the proprie- tors were assessed 3 lbs. to defray the cost of building. The house was built in 1739 but was not entirely finished for many years. There was a day of great rejoicing and festivity when the frame was raised. Among the items of the day's expenses, were sugar, rum, molasses, pork, beef, butter and cheese, men and horses from Hadley, 29 lbs. 13s. 5d. making about $150.00 of our mone\-. INIanj' of the settlers from time to time went into the sen-ice of the province against the Indians. The settlement furnished 18 hEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. 12 men for the expedition against Louisburg in 1745, and they all took part in the capture of the city. On the third of March 1753 a petition was presented to the great and general court by Jeremiah Ballard and other residents, asking for an incorporation. While all other papers relating to this subject are on file in the Archives at the State house, this petition is missing. A remonstrance signed by seven of the proprietors was presented on the 22nd of March in which, while they do not object to the organization, they desire to correct certain statements made by the petitioners. The petitioners say that the proprietors have not finished the meeting house accord- ing to agreement; they reply, that the proprietors have paid to John Gannon, one of the petitioners, the money for the comple- tion of the meeting house. The petitioners claim that the meet- ings of the proprietors have not been held in New Salem accord- ing to agreement; they answer, that they have always been will- ing to have them held in New Salem; the petitioners claim that suitable roads have not been built; they answer, that the pro- prietors have appropriated a suitable amount of monej^ for the building of the roads, but the act of incorporation was passed on the 15th of June, and made public on the 25th day of June. Section ist. "That the township of New Salem with the additional grant made to the township, be and hereby made in- to a district by the name of New Salem, and the said district is invested with all the privileges, powers and immunities that towns in this province do and may enjoy, except that of sending a representative to the general assembly. And the inhabitants of said district shall have full power and right, from time to time, until further order of this court, to join with the town of Sunder- land in the choice of a representative, and that said district shall pay their just part of the expense of a representative according to their proportionate part of the province tax and that the town N£IV SALEM SESQUl-CENTENNIAL. ig of Sunderland as often as they shall call a meeting for the choice of a representative shall give notice to the clerk of said district, for the time and place of holding said meeting, to the end, that said district my join with them, and the clerk of said district shall set up in some public place a notification thereof accord- ingly. Section 2nd. All of the lands shall be taxed one penny per acre, for the space of three years, and all the moneys thereby raised, shall be employed in finishing the meeting house, re- pairing the roads, and defraying other public charges. Section 3rd. That Elieyar Porter, Esq., is hereby empow- ered to issue his warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant in said district, to meet at such time and place as he shall ap- point, to choose all officers as they are allowed to choose, for the transaction of the affairs of said district." The warrant of Esq. Porter, the original of which is in the Archives at the State House, reads as follows: "To Capt. Jeremiah Ballard, you are therefore to will and re- quire, in his majesties name, to give reasonable notice to all in- habitants of this district, that are qualified to vote in town and district meetings, that they assemble and meet together at the meeting grove, on the day of the 5th of July next at one of the clock in the afternoon, then and there to make choice of a mod- erator, and all such officers as towns and districts are allowed to choose, for the conducting of their affairs. Given under my hand and seal, this 28th day of June 1753, in the twenty-seventh day of his majesty's reign, Elieyar Porter, Justice of the Peace." The record of that meeting as well as all subsequent meetings for one hundred and three years were lost by fire. George II was at that time King of England and the Lieut. Gov. of the province, who was appointed by the King, was 20 NEW SALEM SESQULCENTENNIAL, Spencer Phipps. The central figure in the affairs of the town- ship at this time appears to be Capt. Jeremiah Ballard, and I can count in this audience today, twenty of his descendants. The population of the township at this time was about two hundred and fifty.. 1765 375 1820 2145 1870 987 1776 910 1830 1889 1880 869 1790 1543 1840 1305 1890 856 1800 1949 1850 1253 1900 809 I8IO 2107 i860 957 While there has been some reduction in the population of our town, from causes which have made a reduction in all of the hill towns in our vicinity, our great decrease is owing to the annexation of our territory to other towns, had our territory' re- mained the same, our population today would have been 3100 (thirty-one hundred-) By a general act of the Legislature the district became a town August 23, 1775. When the war of the Revolution came it found the men of New Salem read}- , The news of the battle of lycxington flew throughout New England like wild-fire, the swift horseman with his red flag proclaimed it in every town and village. When the news of the battle reached New Salem the people were hastily assembled on the village green by the notes of alarm, every man came with his gun and other preparations for a short march. The militia of the town were then divided into two companies, one of which was commanded by Capt. Goodell; this company was paraded before much consultation had been had upon the proper steps to be taken, and w^hile determination w^as expressed Upon almost every countenance, the men stood silently leaning on their muskets, awaiting the movement of the spirit in their officers. The Capt. was supposed to be tinctured with toryism jVEIV SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. 21 and his present indecision and backwardness were ample proof if not of his attachment to royalty, at least of his unfitness to lead a patriot band; some murmurs began to be heard, when the I St lyieut. William Stacy, took off his hat and began to address them, he was a man of stout heart but of few words. Pulling his commission from his pocket he said "Fellow soldiers I don't know exactly how it is with the rest of you but for one, I will no longer sen^e a king who murders my own countrymen," and tearing the paper in a hundred pieces, he trod it under his foot. Sober as w^ere the people by nature, they could not restrain a wild hurrah as he stepped forward and took his place in the ranks. Capt. Goodell made a feeble endeavor to restore order, but they heeded him as little as the winds. The company was summarily disbanded and a reorganization took place on the spot. The gallant Stacy was chosen captain, the company voted at once to march to the seat of war, which was done before the next night. Capt. Stacy served through the war and rose to the rank of Ivieutenant Colonel. He received from General Washington a present of a gold snuff box. Soon after the war he removed to the far west, and was killed by the Indians near Marrietta, Ohio. There is in the archives, in the State House at Boston, the names of about 142 men from New Salem who serA^ed in the war of the Revolution. Benjamin Haskell was at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was near Gen. Warren when he fell and assisted in carrying him from the field. Two of his grandsons are wnth us today. Two boys from the north-east part of the town, James Win- ship and Henry Foster, stood behind Ethan Allen when with that big oath he demanded the surrender of old Ticonderoga. They followed him past the islands of I^ake Champlain into the Richelieu River and up into the city of Montreal, where they 22 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. met their terrible defeat. James Winship went into imprison- ment with his brave leader. Henry Foster was fatall}' wounded, but managed to escape across the St. Lawrence river, with a few survivors of the expedition; he died in the night, and as the first rays of daylight were coming from the east they buried his body in the sand, without a word of praj-er or benediction they left him alone in his glorj-. Aaron Hager was at the battle of Bennington. Jesse Trask was at Stillwater and Saratoga. Jacob Tyrrell was at White Plains and Monmouth and Valley Forge. Lieut. Samuel Mann- ing stood behind Washington at Yorktown. Capt. Jeremiah Ballard, son of the early settler of the same name, commanded a company composed of men from this and the surrounding towns. This company was for a time in the service in the northern country, the particulars of which we are unable to give. Capt. Jacob Sampson commanded a company in the northern campaigns, and later represented the town in the General Court. His great grand-daughter, Mrs. R. K. Seig, has a prominent part in our exercises today. William Knight was at Benning- ton. Aaron Forbush was at Whiteplains and Valleyforge. In October, 1777, one division of the Hessian prisoners, num- bering 1000 men w'ho were captured with Gen. Burgoyn, passed through the north part of the town on their journey from Greenfield to Petersham. Thomas Andrews gave to all these men a supply of apples from his orchard. These apples were of the very poorest qualit}-, but they were very acceptable to the prisoners. Several of these men remained in this town and in Petersham, all of whom took unto themselves American wives, and today several of their descendants are numbered among the residents of this town. Some suitable point in their journey will be marked, .so that this incident will be remembered hy our descendants. NE IV SALEM SESQ UI CENIENNIAL. 23 We who are living in our homes today, enjoying all the com- forts of modern improvements, do not realize all the hardships and privations of our forefathers. For them it was a hard life, a life of unending toil. They had but few books; the news- paper was almost unknown. Previous to the Declaration of Independence there were but two holidays in the year, Thanksgiving and Fast, which were observed in a most solemn and devout manner. For Christmas they had no use; they fully believed that the old province law was right, which imposed a fine, also imprisonment, for anyone who should make any observance of Christmas. Notwithstand- ing all the disadvantages surrounding them, they were the ancestors of a noble band of men and women, who made this town the leading town in the county, of men and women who went away to the north, to the east, to the south and to the west. And they and their descendants have done much toward mould- ing the institutions of our country. There are in the United States eleven post-ofhces named New Salem, all named for our town. For a period of more than thirty' years after the close of the Revolutionary War, this town gained rapidly in population and in business. The merchants were wide-awake, progressive men, and trade came from alb surrounding towns. The farmers were intelligent, and cultivated their lands to good profit. All surplus products, such as pork, beef, poultry, butter and cheese, found a market in Boston, and when the farmer returned from market he brought with him his winter's supply of groceries. Some of the best lawyers and physicians of the state were lo- cated here. There were two tanneries in town, one near the centre, which was burned in 1853, and one at North New Salem, which continued in business till i860. In days previous to railroads, a large amount of lumber and shingles were sent to 24 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Cobb's Landing on the Connecticut River, from whence a large part was sent to the West Indies. Previous to 1812, New Salem was a part of Hampshire County, and the people of this town took an active part in the establish- ment of the new county. At that time the population was larger than any other town in the county. Massachusetts was not in favor of the war of 18 12, and Gov. Strong refused to call out any of the military companies of the state, except for the defence of the coast. A few men from this town enlisted into the regular army. Among them was Moses Pierce, who was at Plattsburg, and Leonard Curtis, who fol- lowed Gen. Scott in the campaign in Canada. He took part in the battles of Lundy's Lane and Chippeway. At Chippeway he lost a leg, and for manj^ years received a suitable pension. To him I am indebted for much unwritten history of the war of 1812. On the afternoon of August 5th, 1813, a horseman came galloping into town with an order from Gov. Strong that a com- pany of militia should be immediately sent to Boston, as the British had landed nearby, and were threatening the city. There were at that time in this town three military companies. It was immediatel}^ decided that the company of which Eben- ezer Torr}- was captain should be sent. These'men were mostly from the north and east parts of the town. James Day was fifer and Thomas Shaw was drummer of this company. During the night, the men composing the company were notified to appear at the store of William Whitaker, at 10 a. m., on the following da}^ armed and equipped as the law required, with three days' rations. The men were all there with the exception of four, whose places were immediately filled with volunteers. The company numbered 78 men. Captain Torry, owing to the dan- gerous illness of his wife, was unable to go, and the command went to Lieutenant William Whittaker. A large number of A'EIF SALEM SESQUl-CENTENNlAL. 25 iriends and neighbors witnessed their departure. Many of the men went with the expectation that they should never return. They expected they should soon meet on the battlefield the veteran soldiers of England. At 12 o'clock, noon, the line was formed, and six gallons of the favorite drink of the day was passed to the men. and amid the loud hurrahs of the men, w^omen and children, they commenced their march. They camped the first night at Petersham, and on the evening of the third day they passed in review before Gov. vStrong on "Boston Common," Lieutenant Whittaker was personally complimented by Gov. Strong for the fine appearance of his men and for their promptness in responding to the call. But the British, learning of the preparations for their reception, retreated to their ships and sailed away. The companj^ remained in the vicinity of Boston two months, and were then discharged and sent to their homes. Two of them, Samuel Haskell and Jason Phinney, made the journey on foot in 23 hours. In 1855, all the survivors of these men, and their surviving widows, were granted by Congress a warrant of 160 acres of Government land. In 1814. Gov. Strong ordered a draft for a regiment of .soldiers, for the defence of the coast of Massachu.setts, from the towns of this vicinity, with orders to report at New Salem for organiza- tion. The draft was made on Sunday, September 12th. The men drafted from New Salem were: William Smith, John Shaw, Samuel Shaw, Joseph Shaw, -Asa Powers, John Powers, John Fay and Andrew^ Newell. Among the officers of the reg- iment were Samuel Putnam of New^ Salem, paymaster, and Rev. Alpheus Harding, of New Salem, chaplain. A few of the drafted men obtained substitutes and one or two paid their commutation money, $50.00. with which substitutes were readily obtained. Two or three days were .spent in New Salem in organizing the regiment, during which time it rained almost 26 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. incessantly, and on Friday morning the regiment left New Salem amid the shouts and huzzars of about five hundred people, who had assembled to witness their departure. On Tuesday, the 20th, they arrived in Boston, and reported to the Adjutant General. This reginxent was kept in Boston about a in o nth. In 1830-31, when it was proposed to build a railroad from Boston to Worcester, there was great excitement in this and the neighboring towns. The}^ said "the cost of building the road would ruin the country; there would be no use for horses, and everything would go to ruin." The representative to the Gen- eral Court was Ebenezer Torry, a man of great intelligence and discernment, and who for many years had held many of the offices in the town. When he came home at the close of the term, he told them how he had worked and voted for the rail- road, and of the benefit it would be to the country, but the men of New Salem would have nothing to do with him; it ended his political life. He could never again be elected to any office. More than 60 years ago, we heard the old man tell the story of his defeat and predict that railroads would become common all over this country. " For many years previous to the building of the Vermont & Massachusetts railroad through the towns of Athol and Orange there was a line of six-horse stage Coaches from Brattleboro to Worcester, which passed through this town. One of the stage drivers and proprietors of the route was Ginery Twitchell, whose birthplace and early home was here. lyater he became president of the Boston & Albany railroad, and was for four years a member of Congress from one of the Boston districts. In 1843 and 1844, several families in this town were converted to the Mormon faith and, in the spring of 1846, about 35 per- sons, with six two-horse teams, commenced their journey for NE IV SALEM SESQ U f- CENTENNIAL, 27 Nauvoo, 111., and expecting later to go with the Mormon people to California, then a province of Mexico. I saw the departure •of these people and, with a bo\''s curiosity. I wondered where they were going and what they were going for. Some of these people are j-et living in Utah. Joseph Woodbury, with his famil}^ returned after an absence of two years. He returned with the same horses, harnesses and wagon that carried him to Nauvoo; but he did not come back a Mormon. lyater he be- came a minister of the Methodist church. Among the number who went with the Mormons was the family of Greene Haskell- Although not a believer in Mormonism, Mr. Haskell could not bear the separation from his wife and children, so he decided to go to California and await the coming of the Mormon people, who were expected to arrive a year or two later. He went to Boston and sailed with Captain Sutter, They were nine months in making the passage, forty days of which time was occupied in getting around Cape Horn. He assisted Captain Sutter in building a mill on one of the branches of the Sacramento. As he was standing by the flowing water, which was making a channel from the mill-wheel to the main stream, he discovered the beautiful gold shining brightly in the water, and the news spread rapidly all over the world. ■ In the great Rebellion, the story of which is familiar to many who are here today, New Salem did her full share. The town furnished one hundred and thirteen men, twelve of whom never returned, and today their bones lie mingled with the soil of nearly every southern state. The men of New Salem were in nearly all of the important engagements of the war. They were at Roanoke Island and Newburn, at Fair Oaks and Seven Pines, at Fredericksburg and Antietani, Port Hudson and Vicks- burg, with Grant in all the battles of the Wilderness, and they stood by and saw the closing scenes at the surrender of Lee. i8 ■ NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL Adolphus Porter was wounded at the battle of Newbiirn, seiif. home and granted a pension. He .soon threw away his pension, enlisted again, and sen-ed to the end of the war. William N, Dexter was for nearlj- a year a prisoner at Andersonville. Foster Smith was killed at one of the battles of the Wilderness. At the attack on Port Hudson, June 15th, 1863, Walter T. Putnam was killed. John Tyler Bliss was killed in one of the battles before Richmond, Albert Bliss, whose regiment was in one of the mountaihs of Tennessee, was granted a furlough to come home and visit his wife and children. He died on the journey, but his companions tenderly brought with them his body and buried it among his kindred, David Bliss died at one of the hospitals at Washington. Elliott Towne died in Fredericksburg, in 1863. Upon a tablet in the cemetery in North New Salem is the following pathetic inscription: To the memory of William Leighton, who died at Yorktown, Va., May, 1863, aged 15 years. The soldiers in the war of the Rebellion were Austin A. Has- kell 42d regiment, Henry Holley, Jason Hanson, Frank M. Connor, Charles Vaughn 21st, James Fleet 2d, James Golden 2d, Charles Scott 2d, Albert Fleshman 2d, Lewis Chombard 18th, Victor Dupon 2d, FVancis Marshead 2d, Francis W. Neevill 26th, David Hutchinson 2d, Charles Axworthy 2d, Wilbur H. Hale 2d, George H. Smith 2d, F. A. Blodgett 31st, Elbridge Smith 31st, Charles B. Bliss ist H. A,, James Bailey 24th H. A., Henry Winslow 2d, Wilson Upton 2d, Charles E. Tupper 31st, A. A. Bliss 2ist, H. D. Bliss 21st, W. H. Sawin 21st, Joseph W. Hay- den 2ist, F. S. Day 27th, D. W. Joyslen 27th, Adolphus Porter 27th, iV. P. Peirce 27th, Jesse Stranger ist, William Harvey 2ist, Erastus Weeks 21st, Charles Davis 27th, Charles Griffin 27th, Oscelow Goodnow 27th, Alvin Clark 26th, A. R. Clark 26th, David Bliss 15th, Charles M. Stevens 31st, A. M. Russell IVE W SALEM SESQ VI- CENIENNIAL. 2g 31st, Lyman Holden 31st, S. P. Williams 31st, C. Upton 31st, H. C. Joyslen 31st, F. W. Newland 31st, Asa F. Richards 31st, Aibrona Baldwin 36th. H. S. Smith 53d. Reuben Gibson 53d, W. T. Putnam 53d, A. K. Town 53d, James L. Powers 53d, D. Hamilton Jr. 53d, F. E. Strattou 53d, George C. Warner 53d, Charles Fisher 53d, V. V. Vaughn 53d, F. C. Thompson 53d, Emory Raskins 24th, Lyman C. Gibbs 21st, D. E. Morrison 31st. J. F. Freeman 53d, A. A. Washburn 52d, J. G. Hayden3ist, William N. Dexter 27tli, Dwight Freeman 27th, Abel Rawson 36th, William Leighton 2d Cav., F. H. Bliss 53d, John T. Bliss 27th, William Bliss 27th. Lafayette Smith 31st, Henry Weeks 27th, A. W. King 36th, Daniel Bosworth 27th, E. E. Giles 27th, Lourin Ramsdell 27th, James W. Hayden 21st, L. D. Phillips 32d, H. L. Freeman 27th, George Harding 24th, Jessie Haskins 53d, H. W. Amsden 53d, Charles P. Bliss 53d, L. P. Sampson ist, Arad Johnson 34th, George R. Hanson 20th, James V. Smith ist, H. D. Haskell ist. Samuel Hoitt 31st, William H. Pierce 27th, Charles Reynolds 27th, George W\ Harding 21st, Jesse Hayden 21st, Merriam King 21st, Reuben Weeks 21st, M. L. Chamberlain 3d, A. P. Wheeler 31st. William Hemming- way 31st, Foster Hanson 31st. The following were either killed or died in the service: Wil- liam Leighton, Lafayette Smith, Arad Johnson, Chaides Rey- nolds. L. D. Phillips, W. T. Putnam, A. E. Town, Charles E. Tupper, A. A. Bliss, J. W. Hayden, David Bliss, C. A. Stevens. In the late war with Spain our representative Ola N. Cole followed close behind the "rough rider" at El Canej' and San Juan. Although our town made an early appropriation for schools, from the stand point of today, we should say that these schools were not of a high order. About eight weeks in winter and pos- sibly as much in summer was considered a liberal amount of JO NEW SALEM S^.SQUI-CENTENNIAL. schooling; it was almost impossible to obtain suitable teachers previous to the time of New Salem Academy. In 1780 the town was divided into 16 school districts, which remained about the same for nearly a hundred years. The districts held an annual meeting at which time a clerk and prudential committee were chosen. The prudential committee hired the teachers and taxes were assessed upon the district for the building and repair of school houses by a vote of the district. One hundred years ago the salary of the female teachers was from $1.25 to $1.50 per week and often, when money was scarce, the teacher boarded around, that is, the families would board the teacher for a week or more without paj', and I have heard some of these teachers say it was a very pleasant experience to them. The families usually doing their best to make the teacher's stay pleasant and agreeable. The mcne)' raised for support of schools was usually divided among the districts by the following plan: one third to each district, one third in proportion to number of scholars in each district and one third in proportion to valuation of each district. I have several times spoken of the military companies of the town. From 1760 to 1835 all able bodied men from eighteen to forty-five years of age, were obliged to belong to a military company and to meet on the last Wednesdays of May and Oct- ober and at such other times as should be specially appointed for military drill, or as it was said in those days for "training." For many years there were three companies, and in the years of ni}^ earliest remembrance, there was in our town more than a score of Colonels, Majors, Captains and l^ieutenants. I should say from what I have learned from a former generation that this duty was considered a pleasant one. The officers of the com- pany were expected to furnish such refreshments as the customs of the time demanded; and in choosing their officers, the ques- NE W SALEM SESQ UI- CENTENNIAL. j r tion was often discussed, "will this man be liberal in treating." The companies were formed into a regiment with companies from the surrounding towns, and once a year they met at a con- venient place for "muster" as it was called. The law concern- ing the dress, equipments, and general appearance of the men was very strict, it was as follows, viz: for non-appearance on ist Tuesday of May a fine of $3.00; non-appearance at any company training $2.00; deficiency of gun, bayonet or ramrod $r. 00; de- ficiency of cartridge-box, cartridges or knapsack 30c; deficiency of two spare flints or priming wire 20c; disorderly firing, not more than $20 nor less than $5; neglecting to meet to choose officers $1; disorderly behaviour $20; neglect of regimental duty $4; giving false information or refusing to give names of persons liable to do military duty $20; unmilitary conduct of musicians not more than $20, nor less than $10; neglect of towns in pro- viding ammunition not more than $500, nor less than $20; neglect in w^earing uniform $2: for release, when ordered to march if paid within twenty-four hours, $50.00. One hundred years ago insurance of buildings was a thing unknown to our people. When a house was destroyed by fire, the neighbors and townsmen of the unfortunate man immediate- ly assisted in rebuilding his home. The destruction of houses by fire was very seldom in comparison with that of the j^resent day. On a Monday night in the summer of 1801 the house of Pale- tiah Day was destroyed b}' fire; on Wednesday fifty of his neigh- bors went to his wood lot, timber for a new house was hewn, and the shingles made; on Thursday the frame was raised; on Friday the shingles were put on, the walls were enclosed and the floor of the kitchen was laid; on Saturday he moved into his new house with such furniture as his neighbors were able to give him; on Saturday evening one hundred and twenty-one of 32 NE W SALEM SESQ C V-CENTEA'AVAL. his neighbors and friends came to congratulate him, and all of the matrons and maidens and the men and boys took part in the festive dance. As the population of the town largely increased, the want of a higher and more liberal education than afforded by the district schools, became apparent. The subject in all its phases was for several years discussed and at the same time the building of a new church to take the place of the one built sixty years before. Among those who took a prominent part in this discussion were Rev. Joel Foster, Dea. Thomas Kendall, Varne)' Pierce Esq. and Ezekiel Kellogg Jr. Esq. At a town meeting held on the 14th day of January 1793, a committee was appointed who at a subsequent meeting reported, that the town should move the old meeting house to the north-east corner of the common, so as to . be suitable for an Academ}- and town house. The Academy was to be on the first floor and the town house on the second floor. The x\cademy was incorporated by an act of the Legis- lature February 25, 1795. vSamuel Adams was at that time Gov. of Massachusetts. This building was destroyed by fire Oct. 4, 1837 and in 1838 another building was erected. to be used only as an Acadeni)'. The trustees mentioned in the act of incorpor- ■ ation were Rev. Joel Foster, Rev. Soloman Read, Rev. Joseph Blodget, Rev. Joseph Kilburn, David Smead Esq., John Golds- bury Esq., Jonathan Warner Esq., David Sexton Esq., Eben- ezer Mattoon Jr. Esq., David Blodget Esq., Martin Kingsley Esq., Ezekiel Kellogg Jr. Esq., Samuel Kendell, Varney Pierce and Asa Merriam. The first meeting of trustees was at the hotel of Dea. Samuel Kendell, July 7, 1795 at 12 o'clock noon. Among the rules passed at the meeting was the following, viz: "That the tuition shall not exceed one shilling per week." JV£IV SALEM SESQUl-CENTENNIAL. 33 At a later meeting it was voted to advertise the school in the two newspapers published in Worcester, also in Thomas Alma- nac. The first principal of the Academy was Fowler Dickinson. He has been followed by forty-six successors; most of them have been good scholars and successful teachers. PRECEPTORS OF NEW SAI.EM ACADEMY. Name. Fowler Dickinson Proctor Pierce Joel Foster Joseph Billings Alvah Toby David Kendell Warren Peirce William Rickey Alpheus Harding Oliver Greene John Wallace Joel Wright Eeonard Jewett Phinehas Johnson Oliver Fletcher Allan Gannett Constant Field Joseph Anderson Charles Osgood Alonzo Andrews Euther Williams J. Mason Macomber Horace T. Blake John Stacy Gardner Rice Residence. Amherst New Salem Stafford, Conn. Hartford Unknown Athol New Salem Unknown Barre Unknown New^bury, Vt, Milford, N. H. Unknown East Sudbury Templeton Unknown Charlemont Shelburne New Salem New Salem New Braintree New Salem Worcester Belchertown East Sudbury Coninieuced Graduated, Office. Dartmouth i795 1796 1797 Yale 179S Brown 1 799 Har^'ard 1801 Dartmouth 1802 1804 1805 1807 1808 ' ' 1 809 *' 1810 Brown 181 1 Dartmouth 18 14 1825 Williams 1826 1827 Dartmouth 1830 1833 Williams 1836 1837 Amherst 1838 Yale 1840 Middle' n, Conn. 1849 34 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Name. Virgil M. Howard Residence. Hard wick ConniieQced Graduated. Office. Yale 1853 Charles Whittier Amsbury Williams 1856 J. H. R, Marsh Unknown Dartmouth 1857 Joseph A. Shaw Sudbury Harvard I858. Andrew J. Lathrop Watertown " 1859 Henry M. Harrington Joseph A, Shaw Ro^alston Sudbury Amherst Harvard i86r 1863 D. G. Thonipson Unknown Tufts 1868 E. A, Perry Sdtuate " 1868 F. F. Foster Weare, N. H Dartmouth 1868 Lorenzo White Southampton Middle' n. Conn. 1869 F. E. Stratton Athol Williams 1873 William H, Smiley Maiden Howe 1877 Dana P. Dame Dover, N. H. Dartmouth 1880 Virgil M. Howard Deerfield Yale 1881 F. F. Whittier Boston Colby, Me. 1884 Paul F. Ela Goshen, Conn. Middle'n.Conn. 1886 L. D. Gilbert Mecca, Ohio Wesley 'n U., 0. 1888 Herman N. Dunham Freeport, Me, Bowdoin, Me. 1890 Emerson E- Adams Wilton, Me. " " 1892 Charles H. Cambridge Grafton, Vt. Tufts 1903 The school from its commencement had many students from our town and from the surrounding country, but the tuition and the help our tow^nsmen were able to give, was not sufficient to defray the expenses of the institution, so a petition was presented to the General Court asking for help. The Legislature granted to the Academy a township of land which they could locate upon any of the unappropriated lands, belonging to the state of Mass- chusetts in the district of Maine. A committee was sent to Maine and after looking for several weeks among the public lands, they found nothing that they thought worthy for settle- IVE IV SALEM SESQ Ul- CENTENNIAL. 35 ment, and they began their homeward journey, discouraged and disappointed. They were obliged to wait a day or two at Ban- gor, for a schooner to take them to Boston, While sitting be- side the blazing fire at a hotel, they told the story of tlieir wan- derings and disappointments; an old Indian, also sitting beside the fire apparenth^ asleep, said, "give me much strong water and me show 5'ou good land;" his conditions were immediately complied with, and the next morning after giving him more strong water, the}' commenced their journey. They followed him in a north-easterly direction about one hundred and fifty miles to a place near the boundary line of New Brunswick and not far from the St. John river, and there he showed them good land; which they immediately selected. But they waited in vain for purchasers of their lands, and finally the need of the Academy was so great that James Houlton and several other residents of this town, sold their farms and went as settlers to this township, which they named "Houlton" and which became the county seat of Aroostook County. From the sale of this land the Academy received about five thousand dollars. It has often been said and has been recorded in history, that the Academy lost much of this grant of land by the readjust- ment of the boundary line between the state of Maine and New Brunswick. This statement was not correct. All of the land belonging to the Academy was sold long anterior to the ratifica- tion of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, which was made in Washington, Aug. 5, 1842, by Daniel Web- ster and Lord Ashburton. 1856 the Academy received a gift of $1,000 from Ira Stratton of Cambridge; in 1870 $10,000 from the .state of Massachusetts and $5,000 was raised by subscription. In 1896 by the will of Mrs. Parmelia Butterfield of Orange $1,000 was received. 36 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNJAL.. Of the long line of eminent men and women who received their education from New Salem Academy I have time only to speak of a few. One of the earliest graduates was Abel Rawson who went to northern Ohio; he was a successful lawyer and be- came an eminent judge; his three brothers Bass, Secretary and Laquino, were noted physicians and leading men in the northern reserve. Ex. Gov. A. H. Bullock, Judge P. Emory Aldrich, Hon. Alpheus Harding, Hon. Wm. Richardson of Galveston, Texas, Rev. Francis E. Tower, Hon. Collins Whittaker, for 20 years U. S. Consul for the port of St. John, N. B., Hon. Elislia Allen, U. S. minister to the Sandwich Islands and who became later Chief Justice of the islands and who was sent by them as special Embassador to the U. S. It was my good fortune to be a student at New Salem Aca- demy from 1852 to 1856. The Academy at this time was in a very flourishing condition; in 1853 the students numbered more than 100. Their homes were in New York, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Ashland, Worcester, Fitchburg, Barre, Petersham, Athol, and many other towns. Among the assistant teachers in these years, were Ozi W. Whittaker, now one of the bishops of the Episcopal church. Miss Sarah B. Packard and Miss Hattie E. Giles, who by the establishment in Atlanta, Ga., of an insti- tution for the education of colored girls, have erected to them- selves a monument which will perpetuate their memory in all coming time. By the establishment of high schools in all the larger towns around us the Academy has lost much of its pat- ronage; but to us and the small towns near us, the old Academy will ever be of the greatest benefit, and as days, months, years and ages shall circle away, may it be tenderly cared for, and its light ever be burning brightly. A list of the Trustees of New Salem Academy with the date of their election and resignation or removal by death: NE W SALEM SESQ WI-CENl ENNIAL. 37 Elected Resigned Died Rev. Joel Foster 1795 181O Rev. Solomon Reed 1799 Rev. Joseph Blodget 1828 Rev. Joshua Kilburn 1816 David Smead Esq. I 802 John Goldsbury Esq. 1802 Jonathan Warner Esq. 1802 David Sexton Esq. 1799 Ebenezar Matoon Jr. Esq. 1816 Daniel Bigelow E.sq. 1802 Martin Kingsley Esq. 1797 Ezekiel Kellogg Jr. Esq. 1802 Samuel Kendell • 1814 Varney Pearce 1823 Asa Merriam ( ( 1797 Joseph Metcalf of Orange 1797 1818 James Humphreys of Athol 1797 183I • Edward Upham 1799 1805 Joshua Greene 1799 1832 Samuel F. Dickinson 1802 1817 Solomon Smead Esq. 1S02 1825 Rev. Ezekiel Bascom 1802 1832 Samuel C. Allen 1802 1825 Rev. Warren Peirce 181O Benjamin Pickham of Salem 1805 1808 Samuel Eastman of Hard wick 1808 1817 Rev. Alpheus Harding 181O 1869 Capt. Charles C. Rabstion 181O 1816 Rev. Festus Foster 1814 1820 Rev. Charles Wellington 1816 1833 Col. Jacob Putnam 1816 1827 SS NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Elected Resigned Died Nathaniel Jones Esq. 1816 1832 Capt. John Putnam 1817 1827 David A. Gregg 1817 1820 Joseph Estabrook Esq. Royal 'n 1818 Jonathan Gregory I§20 1827 Rev. lyUther Wilson 1820 1838 Dr. William H. Cutler 1823 1832 Laban Marcy Esq. of Greenwich 1825 1854 Hon. Richard E. Newcomb of Greenfield 1825 1834 Naham Bryant 1827 1839 John W. Humphreys 1827 1845 Rufus Bullock Esq. of Royal' n 1827 1831 Jones Estabrook 1827 1830 Rev. Preserved Smith of Warwick 1828 1846 F. H. Allen Esq. 1830 1835 Rev. Josiah Moore of Athol 183I 1833 Jonathan Hartwell Esq. 1831 1837 Rev. John Goldsbury, Hardwick 1832 1835 Gardner Paiggles Esq. of Barre 1832 1835 Dr. Amasa Barrett 1832 1837 George Blodget of Orange 1832 1834 Dr. George Hoyt of Athol 1833 1835 Asahel Paige 1833 1857 Capt. Samuel Giles 1834 1876 Rev. G. R. Noyes 1834 184I Charles Osgood 1835 1850 Apollos Johnson 1835 1843 Rev. Einus H. Shaw 1835 1838 Dr. George H. Eee 1835 1857 Dea. Maham V . Bryant Esq. 1837 1857 NEW SALEM S ESQUI-CENTENNIAL. jg Died Ebenezar Macomber Joseph Young Rev. Salmon Bennett Dr. Joseph Stone of Hardwick 1S39 i^49 Rev. Nathaniel Gage Italy Foster Esq. of Dana Norwood Daman of Templeton Theodore Jones of Athol Dr. I^inus Cook of Wendell Rev. Luther Wilson Rev. John Keep of Dana Rev. Ephraim Nute, Petersham 1845 Rev. C. Everett of Northfield Joseph Stevens of Warwick 1847 1850 Hon. Henry W. Cushman of Bernardston Hon. Davis Goddard of Orange Rev. Claudius Bradford Rev. William H. Heywood Chene}' Abbott of Prescott Hon. John Raymond, Hardwick 1852 1854 William Mixter of Hardwick Alpheus Harding Jr. 1854 1903 Jabez Sawyer Esq. of Wendell James Knight Rev. Thomas Weston Thomas Root of Greenwich Constant Southworth, Hardwick 1857 1878 Rev. John Goldsbury, Warwick 1857 1878 Horace Hunt Esq. 1857 1870 Rev. Edward P. Blodgett of Greenwich 1859 i860 Elected Resigned 1838 1843 1838 1844 1838 1844 1S39 184I 1847 1843 1845 1844 1845 1844 1857 1844 1855 1845 1864 1845 1861 1845 1850 1846 1850 1847 1849 1852 1850 1861 1850 1859 I 850 1857 1850 1861 1852 1853 1857 1854 1856 1877 1857 1862 1857 1859 1857 1885 40 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Harding Hemingway Samuel B. Estey of Greenwich Rev. Levi Ballon of Orange Rev. D. Bancroft of Prescott Thomas D. Brooks of Wendell William T. Freeman Dr. Jonathan W. Goodell of Greenwich John G. Mndge of Petersham David Allen of Greenwich Rev. Wm. Hooper of Orange N. ly. Johnson of Dana J. B. Root Willard Putnam Rodney Hunt of Orange Rev. David Eastman Col. S. F. Dudley, Shutesbury Eyman E. Moore Geo. A. Berry of Shutesbury Rev. N. Trask F. A. Haskell A. J. Clark of Orange E. Dwight Trout of Hard wick Edward F. Mayo of Warwick Rev. Baxter Newton of Leverett 1878 Rev. Samuel H. Amsden R. D. Chase of Orange Daniel Ballard Charles Chandler Richard Dudley of N. Eeverett Edwin F. Stowell Nathaniel E. Holland Elected Resigned Died 1859 1870 i860 1861 1861 1865 1861 1862 1861 1895 1862 1886 1862 1864 1864 1869 1864 1865' 1865 • 1869 1861 1902 1867 1885 1869 1869 1877 1869 1876 1870 1875 1870 1875 1876 1877 1876 1882 1877 1879 1878 1892 1878 1892 1878 1883 1878 1885 1879 1882 1882 1882 1902 1883 1885 1885 1895 Elected Resigned 1885 1885 1892 1886 1892 1896 1892 1892 1895 1895 1902 1896 1902 1902 1902 NE IV SALEM SESQ Uf- CENTENNIAL. 41 Died William S. Douglas, Greenwich 1885 Dr. W. M. Wright Edwin C. Haskins of No. Dana James B. McGibney William H. Hemingway Henry C. Ellis of Petersham Eli F. Buzzell of Wendell 1895 1903 Walter H. Pierce of Prescott Rev. A. V. House E. L- Adams Frank J. Crawford of Dana F. A. Wendermuth of Prescott In 1895 by vote* of the town a high school was established, which has been conducted in connection with the Academy, to the mutual benefit of both. In 1892 the Legislature required all the towns of the state to be formed into districts, which should choose a superintendent of schools. Dana, Greenwich and Prescott were associated with this town and E. L,. Adams, who had for several years been preceptor of the Academy, was chosen Supt. He was reelected the present year, but has resigned to accept a better position in his native state of Maine. His successor is W. G. Davis of South Framingham. In politics the people of the town have always taken a promi- nent part. In the time previous to the war of 181 2 the town was decidedly anti-Federalist. In the division between the Whig and Democratic parties the town became Whig by a small majority. Upon the dissolution of the Whig party and the for- mation of the Republican party the town became decidedly Re- publican and has ever remained so. In 1838 the present town house was built. In that year the United States government distributed among the States the sur- 42 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. plus revenue which had accumulated in the treasury. New Salem's share of this surplus revenue was sufficient to pay the expense of building the town house. In 1 846 a brass band was organized in the north part of the town. The band maintained its organization until 1857, when by death and removal of manj' of its members, it was dissolved. In 1849 the. band was appointed by the Governor to furnish music for the encampment of the militia in the western part of the state and it was said that the band was one of the very best in the state. The following is a list of its members: Arad W. Lynde, John D. Smith, James F. Smith, Horatio Smith, Rufus Day, Franklin Haskins, Arad Terry, Darwin Whitaker, Aldison Phillips, Francis B. Crowl, Hiram H. Robbins, Ransom Pierce, W. W. Pierce, E. C. Thompson. The leaders of the band were Francis B. Crowl and E.G. Thompson. One of them, Darwin Whitaker, is with us toda3^ The Farmers' band which furnishes us with music today was organized in 1891 and is compo.sed of members from all parts of the town. The following is a list of its past and present mem- bers: Walter E. Crowl, William Bullard, Fred Ballard, Fred Curtis, Fred Whipple, D. A. Stowell, Frank Hemmingway, Everett Newland, C. J. Moulton, Alfred Moulton, Sewall King, E. C. Chamberlain, Ralph Freeman, John Marshall, Harry Cogswell, George W. Fisher. Its first instructor and leader was Frank McGibeny, later Walter T. Crowl was leader, at present Fred Ballard is leader. The band has furnished music for many public meetings in this and the neighboring towns. The first minister was the Rev. Samuel Kendell of Woburn, a graduate of Harvard college. He was ordained Dec. 4, 1742. The earliest records of the church were dated on that year, so it is supposed that the church was organized at that time. Mr. Kendell brought with him two slaves, John and Chloe, who re- JVEIF SALEM SESQUf-CENTENNlAL. 43 mained with him many years. He was a man of culture and re- finement and was universally beloved. He was the pastor till March 1776, a period of 34 years, when he resigned, but con- tinued to live in New Salem until his death in 1792. He was succeeded by Rev. Joel Foster in 1778, who resigned in 1802. In 1778 by an act of the general court a parish society was organized distinct from the town organization; previous to this time nearly all church affairs were arranged in town meetings. The minister was called by vote of the town and a tax was as- sessed for the payment of his salary. In 1794 a new church was built and it has been said that it was one of the best, if not the very best, in the county, and it is in that church that we are as- sembled today. In the j-ears succeeding the building of this church, the congregations were very large, often filling this house to its utmost capacity. One Sunday the pastor of this church made an exchange with the Rev. Joseph Estabrook of the church in Athol. As he looked over the large congregation before commencing his sermon, he said "I am glad to be per- mitted toda}' to come up out of the wilderness and to speak to this audience of civilization, culture and refinement." Rev. Warren Pierce became pastor 1804 and resigned in 1807. Next came Rev. Alpheus Harding, who was pastor thirty-seven 3^ears; he was succeeded by Rev. James Locke. Rev. Claudrus Bradford was ordained in 1951 and remained two years. Rev. Thomas Weston was ordained in 1856 remaining two years. In 1866-67 Rev. Thomas Pond was the preacher. The last pastor. Rev. J. Nelson Trask, resigned in 1874, since which time, w^hile the society has kept its organization perfect, the preaching has been by occasional supplies. In li^oo a Universalist society was organized in the north part of the town, a town was laid out on the farm of John Haskell, near north pond, a common was arranged, a frame for a meeting 44 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. house was put up and there the work stopped; no houses were built and the frame after standing a few years was taken down and was used for building a hotel at New Salem centre. Tlie common j-et remains, the land has never been occupied, has never been cultivated and no trees have ever grown upon it. In 1807 a meeting house was built in the north part of the town, its location was near the house of B. W. Fay; in 1836 this house was moved to North New Salem. From 1807 to 1823 Rev. Alpheus Harding supplied the pulpit on the last Sunday of every month. In 1823 there came a separation in the Cong- regational churches of Massachusetts, the first church with their pastor took the side of Unitarian Congregationalists and the people of the north part of the town became Unitarian Cong- regationalists, and organized a church. They bought the meet- ing house from the first parish and installed the Rev. L,evi French as their pastor. In the call asking him to become their settled minister, they offered him the following salary: "One hundred and fiftj^ dollars from the present members of the society, fifty dollars in produce at its market value, also to fur- nish his fire wood and that he shall receive all the subscriptions from those who may hereafter join the society, and all the money that may be obtained from charitable societies, until it shall amount to one hundred dollars, making in all three hundred dollars a year; also two cows, and to move his family, and allow him three Sabbaths a year to visit his friends should he desire to do so." Mr. French resigned in 1830. In 1832 Rev. Erastus Curtis was installed and remained pastor till 1843; from 1843 till 1867 the pulpit was supplied by preachers from various denomi- nations. In 1867 a Methodist society was organized, receiving cooperation and assistance from the remaining members of the original society. The M. E. preachers were as follows 1867-68; Henry H. Olds NE W SALEM SES Q UI- CENTENNIAL. 45 1S69, William Wignall; 1870-71-72 Randell Mitchell; 1873-74 Charles E. Seaver; 1875-76 Leonard P. Frost; 1877 Moseley Dwight; 1878 W. Wendell; 1879 by order of the presiding elder, without consultation with the church members, the church was disorganized and members transferred to the Orange M. E. church. In 1883 was begun the present arrangement of the pastor of the Congregational church of New Salem supplying the North New Salem church on Sunday afternoons. The church edifice was thoroughl}' remodeled and repaired in 1901 and 1902. Jan. 2, 1903 a Congregational church was organized and recognized March 4, 1903, by council. The third Congregational church was organized on Aug. 13, J 845 at New Salem Centre. A church edifice was built in 1854. The pastors have been Revs. William H. Hayward, Erastus Curtis, Wm. Kemp, David Eastman, Samuel H. Amsden, W. S. Clark, David Plummer, J. T. Closson, Albert V. House. In 1901-2 a parsonage was built, mainly through the efforts of the pastor. Rev. A. V. House. 1792 a Baptist church was built in the south part of the town; in 1800 the building was moved three miles to the north of its original location. 1835 the building was taken down and a new structure was erected directly upon the line between New Salem and Prescott. This church became extinct in 1875; in 1878 the building was removed into Prescott and converted into a store. There is a Methodist church building and parsonage in New Salem close to the Prescott line and belonging to M. E. church of North Prescott. This society is partially composed of families living in the south part of New Salem. In all of the churches of the olden time there were no fire- places or stoves, and in the coldest of winter, all were obliged to remain and listen to the long sermon, which often went up to 46 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. the i6thly and 24thly. and sometimes to the 32ndl3-. About a hundred 3'ears ago a little stove was invented which the ladies filled with live coals, and placed under their feet. We have here today a specimen of one of these stoves. Later when the custom of putting stoves into churches for the purpose of mak- ing them warm and comfortable, there was great opposition. And in a neighboring town it was said, that two maiden ladies were so overcome b}' the heat from the new stove in their church that they fainted away, and were obliged to be carried out into the cool air before they recovered, and the strange part of the story is that no fire had ever been made in the stove. Probabl}- they did not need fire as much in their stoves then as now be- cause they had so much more in their sermons. In 1889 b)" vote of town a public library was established, a be- quest of $1000 was given to the town by the will of Mrs. Eliza Ellis, the income from it to be forever used for the purchase of books; in 1895 was received by the will of Mrs. Pamelia Butter- field of Orange $500 for the benefit of the library. The library now contains 2000 volumes and by the establishment of branches in the remote parts of the town is easily accessable to all. It is well patronized hy the readers of the town and also by our sum- mer visitors. Several eminent lawyers have practiced their profession here, prominent among them was the Hon. Samuel C. Allen, who lived here from 1802 to 1820; he was a member of Congress from 1816 to 1828, also his son, the Hon. Frederic H. Allen, who represented the town several times in the Legislature, also the Hon. N. F. Bryant, and there is one whose birthplace was here and whose early life was passed here, and in the years of his absence has ever been looking back to the old scenes. He is with us today and I know that no one will be more gladly wel- comed than Geo. W. Horr Esq. of Athol. N£IV SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. 47 There are in the city of Worcester three lawyers who received their education from New Salem Academy, two of them natives of this town, but as their life work is but just begun I leave their record to the future historian. The first representative to the general court was John Houl- ton, elected in 1754. The town has represented by forty differ- ent men of whom eight are now living. Among the oldest of them is Samuel Putnam, who represented the town in 1.847 ^'^d who was born in 1806. Hon. Alpheus Harding 1851 and 1853, and later was a Representative, also a Senator from Athol. Beriah W. Fay was Representative in 1865. From 1806 to 1836 the town was entitled to two members in the general court. Var- ney Pierce was elected in 1796 and with the exception of two years, was re-elected every year till the time of his death in 1823. William Whittaker who had served three years in the House of Representatives was elected Senator in 1844 and died at Boston while on duty. Samuel Giles was elected his successor. The following is the exact list of Representatives from this town to date viz: 1754 John Houlton, 1756 John Gunn, 1758 to 1760 Fellows Billings, 1785,^1787, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1795, 1805 Ezekiel Kellogg Jr., 1783, 1784 Jacob Sampson, 1786 William Paige, 1796 7, 1799 to 1823 Varney Pierce, 1806-9 Samuel C. Allen, 1813-16 Benjamin Stacy, 1801 James Fellon, 1802 Edward Upton, 1816-37 John Putnam, 182S-32 Ebenezar Torry, 1829, 1830-34 William Whittaker, 1829, 1830-34 Frederick H. Allen, 1836-37 Rev. Alpheus Harding, 1838 Euther Hunt, 1841 James Knight, 1842-52 Dr. Robert Andrews, 1843 Abner Smith, 1844 Josiah B. Harding, 1845 Frederick Pierce, 1846 Seth C. Smith, 1847 Samuel Putnam, 1848 Josiah B. Thompson, 1849 William T. Giles, 1850 Warren Horr, 1851-53 Alpheus Harding Jr., 1855 Alfred G. Williams, 1854 Charles A. Perry, 1862 Royal Whit- taker, 1865 Beriah W. Fay, 1869 Eyman E. Moore, 1872 David 48 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Eastman, 1875 Willard Putnam, 1882 Daniel Ballard, 1889 Henry D. Hamilton, 1901 Edwin F. Stowell. Senators: 1844 Hon. William Whittaker, died in office; 1844 Hon. Samuel Giles. Members of Congress: 1816-22 Hon. Samuel C. Allen, Hon. Shepherd Car}-, who was a member of Congress from Maine in 1844-46 was a native of this town and a grandson of Benjamin Haskell. Hon. Elisha Allen, son of the Hon. Samuel C. Allen, who was born here, was also a member of Congress from Maine. Delegate to the constitutional convention in 1789 was Jeremiah Ballard 2d. Delegate to the constitutional convention in 1853 was Dr. Robert Andrews. Beriah W. Fay was elected special County Commissioner in 1872 and still continues to hold that office. Among the industries of New Salem is the "New Salem Creamery Company," whose factory is located at Millington. It was established in 1894. It receives the milk from 350 cows and makes dail}^ 300 lbs. of butter. At Millington is the grist mill of Eyman E. Moore. The first mill was built in the early days of the town; the second on the same place in 1800; a larger and more commodious mill in 1858. There is annually ground and sold from this mill 50 car loads of grain. Previous to 1848 all corn and oats consumed in this town was raised here. The greatest industry of the town during the past 25 years, has been the manufacture of lumber. This has been done by five water-mills and several portable steam-mills; it is estimated that during this time 5,000,000 ft. has been cut annually. This lumber is sold mostly for the manufacture of boxes and matches. Although the best of our territory has been taken from us, and our population somewhat reduced, and our sons and daugh- ters have gone out all over our country, there is no cause for ( NE W SALEM SESQ Uf- CENTENNIAL. 49 discouragement. This town is, and will be, just what we make it. We have the same pure air and beautiful scenerj' which our ancestors so much enjoyed. The same blue sky is over our heads, and the same Heavenly Father that watched over them, and guided them, is watching over and guiding us. We shall adapt ourselves to the new conditions and the new surroundings, and when a hundred and fifty years from today the historian shall dip his pen in the ink, he will find much to record. He will speak of an increase of business and population; he will speak of the cottages of the summer visitors, which will be scattered all over our beautiful hills; he will speak of a long line of eminent men and women, whose birth place was among the hills and valleys of this town; he will speak of another student from Andover who will built us more houses. And in those days of darkness and disaster, which, as they come to all nations, will surely again come to us, he will tell us of another Jeremiah Meacham, of more Jeremiah Ballards, of another Benjamin Has- kell, of another William Stacy, of another Leonard Curtis, of another Foster Smith and of another Walter Putnam. New Salem was my birthplace, and it is a great satisfaction to me to know, that when n\\ life work is ended, it is to be ni}- last resting place. "My native town thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love. I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills, like that above." ADDRESS By George W. Horr. Since I moved from New Salem, my birthplace, about 40 years ago, to Athol, to which town in February', 1830, part of New Salem was annexed, also in March, 1837, part of New Salem called Little Grant, was annexed to Orange and to Athol, I have had knowledge each year of one fact that has never failed to attract my special notice, to wit: the amount of a tax assessed to me upon real estate in mj- good old native town; and so far I have been able to meet it, without any part thereof having been sold by the collector for non-payment. Thus far I claim to have been a good non-resident of my native town, while living in Athol, to which town New Salem had contributed on two occasions part of her territor}'. The towns have always been good neighbors, and each takes an interest in the prosper- ity of the other. The corporation of the Millers River bank of" Athol, established in 1854, afterwards Millers River National bank, came to New Salem in 1856 for a cashier, and Alpheus Harding held that office and the office of its president until his resignation of the last-named office was reluctantly received, only a few years ago. As school teachers, in manufactural occupations, mercantile pursuits, agriculture, and in almost all branches of business carried on in the thriving and prosperous town of Athol, New Salem has continuous!}' had successful representatives. .VEJV SALEM SESQUf-CENTENNIAL. 51 Pardon me for reference to an event which may be deemed personal. In July, 1864, we had an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration on the hill near Cooleyville, once owned by mv great-grandfather, Robert Hoar, and God willing, I hope, while yet the same pine trees are standing, under which we had the picnic, heard the Declaration of Independence read, an oration, toasts, short speeches and music, with Father Grover as toast- master, then in demand on Independence day; in fact a good old-fashioned celebration, brimful of patriotic enjoyment and enthusiasm. New Salem, as the historical facts establish, has a history and standing among the towns of the old Bay State most honorable and praiseworthy. To-day we meet to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the town's incorporation, and hold the 30th successive reunion of the alumni and friends of the academy. Let us refer to the year 1846, a year to be classified with halcyon and prosperous days of the academy: female department, 67; male department, 94; total, 161 students. One object of the academy was to enable the young man to wdn the inestimable prize of a good name and a reputation un- tarnished, and a standing and an influence which would enable him to elevate his own fortunes, and to become a benefactor to his fellow men in all the relations in life, — to be an honest man, which is the noblest work of God. It assisted all the students of both sexes to train their minds to habits of thought and at- tention; to exercise and apply the powers of the mind, to enlarge its bounds by a knowledge of the principles and elementary facts of the sciences, intellectual, moral and physical; and by all these combined to form the character, invigorate the understanding, and incite the heart and will to generous aspirations. This old time-honored institution has accomplished splendid results. Vou S2 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. have only to examine the long lists of its students to find the records of many successful in business pursuits, faithful instruct- ors, distinguished in professional life, some of them ele\-ated to highest places in church and state. And how numerous are they who have passed their days in the humble walks of life, in pleasant, happy family ties, in which their mutual lives have been "ideally true and poetically beautiful,", lives of usefulness, discharging their duties faithfully and honestly, uplifting and benefitting their neighbors and the individuals of different com- munities in all sections of this broad land. New Salem has always been true to the general principles which have governed the organization of the townships. The early settlers of Plymouth colony discovered that the grant of corporate powers to the small separate settlements, and the passage of general laws giving them such powers and privi- leges as would enable them to provide for their local needs, and subjecting them to the performance of such duties as might be required by the government ot the whole colony, was the best and fittest way for the transaction of the affairs of the different localities, and the}- so provided. This sj^stem, inaugurated at Plymouth, commended itself to the Massachusetts colony, so that it was adopted there at the outset. The early settlers wanted religious teachers and insti- tutions, and at that period it was for the benefit of the civil state that the institutions of religion should be maintained through some organization having legal powers to provide for the sup- port of religious teachers. They wanted schools, and of course they needed schoolhouses, and for the erection of these, school districts. All of the wants were supplied by appropriate legis- lation. These poor little schoolhouses, whether "red' ' or painted some other color, or unpainted, would not make a great show by the side of some modern institutions, but they served the iVEJV SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. S3 purpose they were intended for, quite as useful, perhaps, as if the seats had had cushions, and the desks had been of mahogany. The town was the efficient means whicli secured the prosper- ity of the household. The several families, farmers, and mech- anics, laborers, and professional men, need for the development of their resources, and the greatest enjoyment of their privileges, something beyond even the mutual support of each other in their various neighborhoods, and they found it in the town. It en- larged, while it concentrated, their sympathies, formed and moulded their opinions, and gave expansion to their united will. While we hold in most reverent regard the heroic deeds of the fathers of the republic who achieved independence, and in which tremendous struggle for the principles of civil liberty the sons of New Salem so promptly responded, yet, to these princi- ples and maxims of civil liberty, new lustre and glory, if po.ssi- ble, have been added by the imperishable deeds of valor per- formed by the loyal soldiers in the great Civil war. The sons of New Salem, who gave their best services and duties, or their lives for their country, to save the sacred legacy which had come down to us from the Revolutionary epoch, are especially dear in our remembrance upon this anniversar}-. The privates and non-commissioned officers are as fully entitled to praise and gratitude as the ofBcers. It was the steadfast valor of the common soldier which saved the Union. LETTERS OF REGRET. From F. N. Thompson. I suppose that the honor which 3'our committee conferred upon me, b}- extending to me an invitation to attend your sesqui- centennial and participate in the exercises of the day, may be set down to my official connection with the people of New Salem. It hardly seems possible that a generation has passed from time to eternit}', since I first received your suffrages for the position which I held for almost 30 years. Perhaps the case of the late Ransom Adams, whose will was filed Oct. 4, 1870, was the first in which I was ofiicially con- nected with a New Salem estate, and the case remained open in the court longer, I think, than any other, from that town, the last entry upon the docket being made in 1898. My relations with the people of the town who have had oc- casion to transact business with the probate court have ever been most cordial and satisfactory to me, and I feel deeply thank- ful to the citizens of New Salem for their many favors. Several things have occurred closely connecting the towns of New Salem and Greenfield. Of the towns which now constitute F^'ranklin county, only Deerfield, Northfield. Sunderland and Greenfield are older than New Salem, and Greenfield is only six daj-^ the elder, her birthda}- being June 9 and New Salem the 15th. NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. js When these new municipalities came into existence, William Pitt, the "Great Commoner" was just coming into public notice. He lived to use his immense influence in opposition to the meas- ures instituted by the ministers of an unwise ruler, which op- pressed and incensed the people of these and other siniiliar com- munities. For this George 11. deprived him of office, but the time came when his successor, George III, was compelled to listen to his words of wisdom. One man made common fame for Greenfield and New Salem, Samuel C. Allen, who graduated at Dartmouth in 1794 became the minister of Northfield the ensuing year. He soon quitted the ministry and studied law with John Barrett of that town. He was admitted to the l)ar in 1800 and settled in New Salem. He achieved success, and in 1816 was elected to Congress as the successor of Rev. Samuel Taggart of Colrain, who had served for 14 years, and declined a re-election. Mr. Allen served his district in Congress for 12 years. In 1822 he removed to Green- field and finally to Northfield, where upon a beautiful farm, he ended his days. The home place is yet held by a descendant. Three of his sons became eminent lawyers. Two of these be- came members of Congress from Main. Elisha H. Allen after serving in Congress emigrated to the vSandwich Islands, and be- came chief justice of the kingdom. vSamuel C. Allen was for many years a representative from Northfield to the legislature; was celebrated as an agriculturalist and temperance reformer, and for several years was postmaster of East Boston. Proctor Pierce was born in New Salem, March 20, 1768, son of Abraham and Ruth (Page) Pierce. He was also descended from that John Proctor of old Salem, who was hung during the witch-croft delusion in Massachusetts. Proctor Pierce graduated at Dartmouth in 1796, and was soon elected to teach the New Salem Academy. Here he remained until his removal to Green- 56 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. field in i8co, where he taught the village school. His celebrit}' as a teacher brought many pupils from different parts of the state to take advantage of his methods; as he prepared j-oung men for admittance to college. Many men who afterwards became prominent in life were his pupils. The late Hon. George Gren- nell, Chief Justice Daniel Wells, Judge Franklin Ripley, Rev. Preserved Smith and many others w^ere members of his classes. In 1800 while teaching in Greenfield, he delivered an oration upon the life and character of Gen. George Washington. In 1802 he married Susanna, daughter of Rev. Roger Newton, the minister of Greenfield, and became a deacon in the first church. For a few years he was engaged in trade in Greenfield, but teaching was his chosen profession, and he followed this employment in Lynn, Cambridge and Boston. He died in Bos- ton April 27, 1 82 1, aged 53 years. A grandson, Isaac Newton Pierce, resides in Boston, his time being largeh^ occupiec^ in antiquarian and geneological study. When in 18 14 a draft was ordered to raise an army for the de- fence of the Massachusetts and Maine coast towns and cities, New Salem was made the rendezvous for the men from Frank- lin county. According to a letter written by Alpha Ryther, a member of the Greenfield company under command of Capt. David Strickland, (which lies before me,) they remained at New Salem several days on account of wet weather. He sa5^s, "Our officers went to a man's house by the name of Knight, (and applied) for admittance to lodge in the house but he resis- ted; we w^ent however and made ourselves at home, helped ourselves to the garden sauce and some of the soldiers killed a goose, stuffed the skin and carried it through the street. He was a Fedei'alist, (whether referring to the man or the goose, I know not) and a friend to Britain. After we started from New Salem for Boston, our compan}- wanted some water and hauled NE IV SALEM SESQ Uf- CENTENNIAL. 57 up to a place to procure it, but the man happened to be of the same stamp as old Knights; he refused it, and some one of the our company ketched hold of the old bucket and hauled it all over, well sweep and all." These early incidents, while not very creditable to the militia of the day; show the intense politi- cal enmity which existed at that period of the national history. In 1790 New Salem having 1543 inhabitants was only exceed- ed in population by Conway with 2092 people, among the towns now composing Franklin county. In 1820 she had grown to be the largest town in the county, having 2146 inhabitants. Won- derful changes are taking place day by day. It seems as though the days had come of which the prophet Nahum spoke, when he said: "The chariots shall rage in the streets; they shall jostle one against another in the broadway; they shall seem like tor- ches; fhey shall run like the lightnings." F. N. Thompson, Greenfield. From George S. Mann. WiLLARD Putnam, Esq. Dear Sir: — Some days since I received from my brother in Orange a program of the forth-coming 150th anniversar}- of the settlement of New Salem to be held there the 20th of this month. The Manns are a Petersham family, having descended from En- sign Mann, who married Alice, daughter of Rev. Aaron Whit- ney, the first minister of Petersham, about the year 1773. My father, William Mann, of Petersham, married in 1833, Abigail Cook, daughter of Benjamin Cook, who was then a resident of New Salem, or perhaps somewhat earlier and had been since about the year 181 7, having removed to your town from Guild- hall, Vt. About the time of my father's marriage he purchased a small farm of his father-in-law, Mr. Cook, situated in the north-easter- ly part of New Salem and on a short road, or highway leading from the Joseph Parker place by Ezekiel Newell farm to the Petersham and New Salem main road, and during a year or two after this purchased and lived on this place, and here I was born Nov. 25, 1834, and for a year or so, four or five years later on I well remember living there and attending school in the adjoin- ing Athol district. Some of the neighbors I well remember — William Rice, James Meacham, Mr. Newell, a Moulton family, next south of us, and then came the Totmans. Very soon after NE W SALEM SESQ Ul- CENTENNIAL. 59 this event my father sold this place to James J. Sanderson and moved back to Petersham, his native town. Since that early period I have known but little of my birth- place. Years since, say a dozen or so, I passed by the spot where the house stood on the west side of the highway, the barn and other buildings on the opposite side of the street, all of which were gone, and nothing remained to remind one of where the buildings stood, except a lilac bush near where the old house was formerly. It was a very fair one-story pitched roof dwelling with a long kitchen and two square rooms in the northerly part. There was a small ell projecting on the road southerly, which I remember was our best room.* The north westerl}^ room was occupied by my great-grandmother, then in her 94th year. She died at our home in Petersham in 1840, aged 95. She enjoyed a pension, her husband, George Fillmon, having been a soldier in the Revolution. I am sorry that I know so little regarding the early history of your town. If my memory serves me up here in the Green mountains I believe one of your early ministers. Rev. Mr. Kendall, married another daughter of Rev. Aaron Whitney, the Tory preacher of Petersham. I was not one of the fortunate ones who were schooled at your Academy — Thomas Marshall Mann, my far- ther's cousin, I think, was once there, and I believe another cousin, Samuel Mann. Sanford B. Cook of Petersham, a consin of mine, no doubt was in school there many years since, and I really forget whether or not my brother Horace attended there. Well I am writing too much. For many years I have been in- terested in family and biographical history and wish we could obtain a more full and complete account of the earl}' doings and facts of the various towns in Massachusetts. I have written this much in reply to your circular, and in considerable of a hurry, in order to meet a party on a walk. 6o NEW SALEM SESQUl-CENTENNIAL. If I possessed the reputation of a Washington or a Lincohi even, I should have considered it an honor to have been born in your town, but as I am only a humble, plain citizen, the place of my nativity will never be advertised or become famous for my having first beheld the light of day within its borders.. Very truly yours, George Sumner Mann. Brookline, Mass. ADRESSES. Rev. a. V. House. Rev^ A. V. House of Worcester, formerly of New Salem, was next introduced. He said he could add but little to the already interesting array of pleasant things said about New Salem. He spoke of the great good which will come from the inspiration of the day's exercises. Mr. House spoke feelingly of his work in the town, and of the many benefits which could be gained by living and working in small towns. W. E. Sibley. W. E. Sibley of Worcester, a class-mate at New Salem aca- deni}- of President Vaughan, spoke interestingly. He gave good advice to the young men and women of the town, and said that it is not so much what you do, or how you do it in the way of individual achievement, as it is to do your work with a will, and wnth the end in view of succeeding in that undertaking. Take up a business congenial to you and then stick to it. Mr. Sibley told of his early recollections of New Salem and the affection he had for the old Academy and the town. Maj. General H. C. Merritt. One of the interesting short speeches was by Major General H. C. Merritt of Houlton, Maine. General Merritt is in the regular arm3\ and his father was a native of New Salem and attended the Academy. The town of Houlton was a child of New Salem, being settled by a number of good people from New Salem, and so the speaker considered himself a kind of grandchild of the place. He congratulated the many sons and daughters of New Salem, who had so gloriously gone forth and succeeded in life's battle. Much credit can be given the earlj^ influence of those men and women. Ex-Representative W. A. Davenport. The last speaker of the day was ex-representative W. A. Davenport of Greenfield. He said that for many years Academ- ies were stepping stones to the colleges. To day the high school is fast taking its place, but the speaker believed that in many ways the thoroughness of the present day high school course was not equal to the old academy education. Mr. Davenport glowingly referred to Geo. W. Horr of Athol, and spoke of him as a type of the New Salem graduate, one who could be pointed to with pride. Mr. Davenport continued his address in an in- teresting strain, and it was very pleasing throughout. A^JiPV SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. THE BEARS DEN. The waters of Swift river in their descent from the high lands of the west part of the town to the lower regions of the east, pass through several interesting and romantic places. The most prominent of these is the locality called the "Bears Den." Here the water coming down through an opening in the hills, passes over the rocks and makes a most beautiful waterfall, which is surrounded on each side by cliffs of rock nearly one hundred feet in height; on the right hand side there are several caves which extend many feet back into the rock. It was here that the bold hunter, one of the first settlers of the town, killed a large black bear. It was this incident which gave the locality its name. Man}- a story has been written and many a song has been sung about the Bears Den. The fall was utilized for a grist mill and wagon shop many years ago. The business was discontinued in 1854. GEOGRAPHY OF NEW SAI^EM. New Salem is the south-east town in the county of Franklin, and is about twenty miles distant from Greenfield, the county seat. The present territory of the town comprises 15,217 acres. The surface of the town is hilly, rugged and mountainous; the highest elevation is in the south-west, where there is an altitude of 1280 feet above the sea level. Nowhere in America is there more beautiful scenerj- to be found than there is to be seen from New Salem hill — on the north is to be seen Mount Grace; to the north-east is Mount Monadnock in her solitary grandeur; to the east is Wachusett and around and between these giants are a large number of smaller mountains and hills. The climate of the town is very salubrious and healthy. The lakes and ponds in the town are the reservoir, or Thompson's pond, ill the east covering 2O5 acres; north and south Spectacle ponds covering 80 acres; Hacker's pond west from Spectacle ponds of 20 acres and Hop brook pond. The streams are, the middle branch of Swift river, which has its source in the east part of Wendell and which flows to the east past the village of North New Salem where it is joined by the water from North pond, it then turns to the south and passes through the entire length of- the town. It is joined on both sides b}' numerous small streams, among them on the east is Red brook, on the west is Moose Horn brook and Hop brook. JVEIV SALEM SESQUf-CENTENNIAL. 65 These ponds and brooks are well filled with pickerel, trout, pouts and other kinds of fish. The State Fish Commissioners have recently placed in Swaft river a large number of small trout. The large amount of wood land in the town furnishes a home for the raccoon, the partridge and the fox. The deer which were here when the town was settled, and which had entirely disappeared, are now quite numerous. They are protected by law. HISTORIC PLACES MARKED. The committee have marked five historic places by placing large stones wnth suitable inscription. One was placed on the site of the old fort and stockade on the south side of the Town Farm; one at the site of the fort near the Academy building; one where the first church was built in 1739; one where the first settlement was made by Jeremiah Meacham in 1737, and one where the Hessian prisoners, captured at Saratoga, passed through this town. THE ANTIQUARIAN EXHIBIT. It is well nigh impossible to enumerate the number and write the history of all the articles exhibited, and although but a part of the man}' things in New Salem preserved for their antiquity were brought out, there were about 500 articles on exhibition. Charles A. Merriam. — Catalogue of the trustees, instructors and students of New Salem Academy, October, 1830; bed spread made by Mrs. Cyrus Merriam 67 years ago; chair over 125 years old; warming pan; candle mould and candles; pair andirons; shovel and tongs; candle snuffers and tray; old candle stick; pewter porringer; sampler; old tin apple dish; old lace handker- chief; old bracket candle holder; pair brass candle sticks 70 years old; old bread trough; 28 pieces fine old crockery; 7 pieces fine old glass ware. Prentice N. Pierce. — Old flint lock, musket and knapsack, used by Emerson Goodnow in New Salem militia in 1820; rebel rifle captured at Roanoke Island; old bottle, formerly belonging to Capt. Joel Osgood; collection samplers, framed; old oven shovel; old meat roaster; old skate; i ball from chain shot of Revolutionary times; old shoe hammer; old tin lantern; skillet; wide cradle in which the Goodnow triplets were rocked; hatchel for cleaning flax; old tea pot; sugar bowl; teacup and saucer; pewter porringer, from which the Goodnow triplets were fed; old bible, (Mrs. H. C. Crowl); old stays or corsets 200 years old. JVEIV SALEM SESQUl-CENTENNIAL. 67 Charles P. Johnson. — Slave clog and old shoe picked up from the battlefield of Shiloh or Pittsburg landing just after the bat- tle; stone Indian chisel; cop)^ book, 1800; piece of Charter Oak: arrow heads; old pistol; pepper box; revolver; little pitcher, once his great-grand-mother's, 125 years old; collection cart- ridges, old and new; old pocket ink stand; gun flints; old pewter lamp; silver teaspoon, made from silver taken from the hilt of his great-grandfather's sword, Capt. Nymphus Stacy; old tin baking oven; history of the world, 1793; dictionary over 100 years. Mrs. B. W. Fay. — Old dinner pot; old cartridge box; old chair; gridiron, 1833; toaster, 1833; revolving gridiron; old spider; bellows, 2 pewter; platters. D. E. Andrews. — Very old foot stove; 2 skillets; 2 pictures of Dr. Robert Andrews; hand reel. George W. Fisher. — Old pistol; greenback; arrow heads; old silver spoon. Richard C. Woolworth. — Warming pan over 100 years old. Marshall Fisher. — Old tin lantern; old crank reel; hand reel: foot stove; gridiron. D. B. Cogswell. — Old post-hole ax; old pitchfork. Lucien Stoughton. — Old pepper box; revolver, which figured in California, made 1800; bed blanket, homespun; old tea kettle; piggin or wooden pitchor, 1800. Rawson King. — Two candle molds; iron candle stick; pair brass candle sticks; small old tin lantern; very old tin molasses cup; two pewter porringers; 2 old iron teaspoons; old mug; pep- per shaker; skillet; snuffer and tray; 2 dresses, a bonnet and little shirt worn by Rawson King, when he was a real little kid. Mrs. Julia Whipple. — Old pewter platter; an old newspaper, 1798, with poem upon Washington's assent to take command of the U. S. armies the second time, written by "Ruricus," New Salem. 68 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Lester Ballard. — Old bass viol; bedspread, woven and worked by Lucy Fay, the grandmother of Mrs. Ballard, in 1S23. A. F. Haskell. — Pewter platter, 150 years old; loot stove; old candle stick; snuffers and tray, 200 years old; arrow heads. Levi Newton, — Old bottle, 125 or 140 years old, pewter plot- ter over 100 years old, coat and vest, spun and woven by his grandmother about 118 years ago. Albert Ballard, — Old chair which has been in the Bullard family for over 100 years, old hair trunk, old baking kettle, two skillets, olden wooden bit brace, list of the voters of Wendell in 1840. Daniel Ballard. — Old Ballard tavern sign, spinning wheel, reel, letter box, Indian relics, swift, canteen and army belt car- ried by Mr. Ballard in the civil war, cartridge box, foot stove, two ancient bread toasters, old quilt, tin apple dish, Major War- ren Horr's ancient pump, one of the first, if not the very first pump which came to town following upon the heels of the old oaken bucket, old Queen's arm and musket, one of which was carried by Mr. Ballard's grandfather of Wendell in the Revolu- tionary war; he served on the quota of New Salem. Eugene Bullard. — Old handbox, book, collection of sermons 250 years old, pair andirons, spinning wheel. A. D. Paige. — The Paige cradle. Alfred Eaton. — Old wooden bit stock, tinderbox of horn with tinder, made by his father, John Eaton. Stowell Bros. — Epaulets, belt, sash and sword of Captain Samuel H. Stowell, Captain of militia, 1840 to 1861, old secre- tary, collection old books from the late Samuel H. Stowell's li- brary, warming pan, tin lantern, pair old andirons, old dung fork, "frow," for splitting shingles, quilt made by Mary Clark Chandler over 80 years ago. NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNJAL. 6g Mrs. H. A. Cogswell. — Two decanters, two tea canisters, snuf- fers and tray, sand box for clothing, baby dress, worn by Mrs. Cogswell, 64 years old, pocket book 100 years old, made by Mollie Holbrook. Mrs. Ida M. Rawson. — Band box, old "plug" hat, shaker bonnet, pair old fashioned home spun pants, old plate, old flat iron and rest, silk hood, pair shears, tongs, old pocket book, pair brass candle sticks, tin lantern, blanket, home spun and woven 90 years ago, part of blanket, home spun and woven 100 years ago, old small tin lamp. Mrs. B. W. Fay. — Carpet bag, 1850, old leather bag, piece of dimity, part of the wedding dress of great-great grandmother Fletcher, pair satin slippers faom Scotland, 125 years ago, an- cient tortoise shell comb, candle extinguisher, old gill, and 1-2 gill measures. Confederate bill, old lace tidy, sausage filler, old watch 100 years old, given to B. W. Fay when a small child by his uncle. Mrs. J. M. Smith. — Nine pieces fine old crockery. Geo. W. Horr. — A pamphlet specimen of old time bookkeep- ing, antedating 1800, some of the entries were very suggestive, and indicated that frequent and liberal doses of fire water was considered essential to good living. WHERE IS THE OLD GUN? At the battle of Bennington, the Americans captured from the British six pieces of light artillery. Several of them were given to the colony of Massachusetts, and one of these was presented to the town of New Salem, by the General Court. Previous to its capture by General Stark the old gun had had a most eventful, varied and interseting ex- perience. It was manufactured in Dresden, Germany, and was for many years used in the wars against Poland and Austria; it came over to Liverpool with King George's Hessian soldiers; and formed a part of that splendid equipment which General Burgoyne collected for his campaign against the northern colon- ies. It was brought over in the ship with General Burgoyne and his staff; and we have read in an old history that as the vessels composing the fleet were appraching the gulf of St. Lawrence there suddenly burst upon them from the north a fear- ful storm, and the transports were scattered in all directions. The Captain of the flag ship ordered all cannons, arms and other munitions of war, brought up and thrown overboard. George Burgoyne interposed and prevented the destruction, saying, "I had rather go the bottom of the ocean than land in America, without ray supplies and equipments." The storm soon passed, and the entire fleet arrived in safety at Quebec and Montreal. And in that march through southern Canada among NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. 71 a people loyal to King George III, the old gun went along in the front ranks, which were largely increased by a motley crowd of Tories and Indians. They crossed the Richelieu river, then around to the west shore of Lake Champlain, thence down past Plattsburg — which later was to become historic ground — then along under the shadows of the Adirondacks; but soon shadows of a different nature began to gather around them. The rebels were springing up all around them; their allies, the Tories and Indians, were deserting them. The army was suffering for food. General Baum sent to Bennington with his artillery to capture supplies stored there by the rebels; he returned with neither food or cannon. The cannon given to New Salem was kept at New Salem hill for man}-^ years, and was used on all festive occasions; but sometimes they would find it missing when they went to bring it out to celebrate the glorious Fourth, but soon they would hear its sharp report in some distant part of the town. This state of affairs continued for man}' years, then came a time when the old gun was silent, and for twenty years nothing was heard of it, it had been buried under a heap of stones upon tlie farm now owned by Lester Ballard. It had been placed there by two men residents of New Salem hill; one of them went west, and, returning after an absence of twenty years, was surprised to learn that it was yet remaining where there had placed it. It soon made its appearance, and was again used in various parts of the town. On the Fourth of July, 1856, it assisted at the celebration at Millington; it was soon after carried again to New Salem hill, and on the afternoon of the 14th day of September it was h'ing upon the ground near the village school house. The writer, then a school boy at New Salem Academy, had been for some time looking at it, and thinking that in the future 72 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. he might have use for it, he arranged with some friends to carry it to a safe hiding place. At midnight the}' went out; it was a bahny September even- ing, the moon in its decadence was just coming up over the Petersham hills, and the shadows of the Academy building, ex- tended far out upon the common; in the south and west was a tissue of fine fleecy clouds. To the great astonishment of the writer and his friends the cannon was gone. Thej- looked over the common, around the boarding house, among the graves in the ancient cemeter}-. around the churches and in many other places, but the did not find it. Since that September evening, nearly fifty years ago, naught has been heard of the old cannon. While great and momentous changes have been going on all over the world, the old gun hap remained silent. Is there any one living today who knows where it is ? We have always supposed it did not go far on that evening, and that today it is somewhere near New Salem hill. TOWN CLERK'S OF NEW SALEM FROM 1855 1855-57 A. Harding Jr. 1858-59 Chas. M. Pierce. 1859-74 Royal Whittaker. 1874 R. T. Shumway. 1875 F. A. Haskell. 1876-87 Chas. Chandler. 1888-03 Edwin F. Stowell. SELECTMEN OF NEW SALEM. 1764 Amos Foster Jeremiah Ballard Benjamin Southwick Jr. 1765 Amos Foster Benjamin Southwick Jr. Jeremiah Ballard The above were obtained from old records in the possession of Daniel Ballard. 1855-56 Emerson Fay, Joseph Packard, Royal Whittaker. 1857 Emerson Fa}', Royal Whittaker, Alpheus Thomas. 74 NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. 1858 Alpheus Thomas, William T. Freeman, Joseph Gallond. 1859-60 Elijah F. Porter, F. R. Haskell, William Whittimore. 1861 Elijah F. Porter, William Whittimore, V. V. Vaughn. 1862 Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, V. V. Vaughn. 1863 Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Sylvanus Sibley. 1864 Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Daniel V. Putnam. 1865 Elijah F. Porter, Daniel V. Putnam, William T. Freeman. ' 1866 Elijah F. Porter, Daniel V. Putnam, Eugene Bullard. 1867 Elijah F. Porter, Daniel V. Putnam, J. H. Carey. 1868-70 Royal Whittaker, Daniel V. Putnam, Beriah W. Fay, 1 87 1 Royal Whittaker, Daniel V. Putnam. NEW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNJAE E. D. Andrews. 1872 Daniel V. Putnam, Elijah F. Porter, Samuel H. Stowell. 1873 Elijah F. Porter. Samuel H. Stowell. ■ Lucien T. Briggs. 1 874-76 Nelson Haskins, F. W. Newland, William E. Powers, 1877 F. W. Newland, William L. Powers, H. A. Cogswell. 1878-79 F. W. Newland, Daniel Ballard, Proctor Whittaker. 1880-83 Daniel Ballard, Proctor Whittaker, George E. Woods. 1884-87 Daniel Ballard, Proctor Whittaker. Howard S. Herrick. 1888 F. W. Newland, S. H. Stowell, William E. Powers. 1889-90 S. H. Stowell, W. E. Powers, Otis E. Hager. 1891-92 Otis E. Hager. Willard Putnam, Dwight A. Stowell. 1893 Willard Putnam, /J .V£IV SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL. Eugene BuUard, D wight A. Stowell. 1894 Eugene Bullard, Dwight A. Stowell, Edwin C. Chamberlin. 1895 Willard Putnam, Dwight A. Stowell, Edwin C. Chamberlin. 1896 Dwight A. Stowell, Edwin C. Chamberlin, Howard S. Herrick. 1897 Dwight A. Stowell, Howard S. Herrick, Willard Putnam. 1898-99 F. W. Newland, Wm. A. Orcutt, Chas. J. Moulton. 1900-03 Henry L,. Horr, Alba D. Paige, Chas. E. Holden. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. 1855 Wm. T. Giles, James W. Adams, A. W. Paige. 1856-57 Rev. Thomas Weston, Beriah W. Fay, 1858 Beriah W. Fay, Rev. Erastus Curtis, Rev. Thomas Weston. 1859 Rev. Erastus Curtis, I^EW SALEM SESQUI-CENTENNIAL Beriah W. Fay, Geo. W. Horr. i860 Dr. A. E. Kemp, Dr. I^evi Chamberlain, Daniel W. Houghton. 1 86 1 -9 1 Beriah W. Fa}^. 1862 G. A. Kemp. 1 863 A. E. Kemp. 1864-65 Rev. David Eastman. 1865-67 Joseph A. Shaw. 1868-70 Willard Putnam. 1871-72 Dr. W. H. Hills. 1873-03 Willard Putnam. 1875-77 F. E. Stratton. 1878 80 Clarence Goodnow. 1881-90 Geo. R. Paige. 1890-03 Daniel Ballard. 1891-98 Howard S. Herrick. 1898-00 Rev. A. V. House. 1900-03 William Bullard. / / L of C. JUN 121905 iiiiiiii!!^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lililiiiilipili ■••jiljii jipt-iiii! llllllllijllljl^ ■■ mm 'm' mm ^' iiitit! m m miiiiniiihHiiiiiiimim';;! iiiillllliliil m\\\] hi! i