Drop-Forgings anb Drop-Iorgings Only FAIT J,H^VlLLIAMSac€ '^^OOKDTN, NEW YORK Class _iJ2j,15_ Book 3)J "TL GoffyrightN" COPVRIGHT DEPOSIT. J. H. Williams & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF IRON STEEL, COPPER, BRONZE AND ALUMINUM Drop-Forgings Business Established in Brooklyn, July i, 1884. Incorporated, July i, 1895 Tenth Edition — July, 1901 J 3 3 O < 3 9 to 3 I Richards St. and i to 29 Bowne St., near Hamilton Ferry, Brooklyn, New York, U. S. A. (■(>p>right 1901 by J. II. Wii.mams cS: Co., Brooklyn, N. \'. Two CopiM Received AUG. 21 igOfH Copyright entry . ^WAy zt, *fo/ ICLASS^XXa N« COPY B. . . WILLIAMS & CO. INDEX ^ 0/ ^^^ '^ V Page Addition i . COPY B. . . i . 8 Air Valves 61 Ammonia Union Forgings . 59 Automobile Parts .... 48-53 Connecting Rods .... 48 Crank Shafts 50 Igniter Levers 48 Rod Ends 49 Steering Gear 51 Starting Levers 51 Valve Stems 52 Chain Pipe Wrenches,Vulcan 50 Changes 8 Codes 62-65 Collars, Shafting 54 Connecting Rods 48 Crank Handles 38 Crank Shafts 50 Cutter Wheel Forgings, Stan- wood 60 Dies 07 Dogs, Lathe 40-41 Engineers' Wrenches (See Wrenches) Eye Bolts . . . . . . . 45, 53 Flanges and Ferrules .... 59 Hammock Hooks 61 Handles, Crank 38 Handles, Car Register ... 61 Handles, Machine^ .^,., . ,. ._39c Hoist Hooks . .y. Vj. /'/'^2M^> Igniter Levers . '. .' ' '. / .'48 ' Keys ,-cc\^-c c-ccv.-c54. Lathe Dogs . .^.' \s\ ^^\^\i\ \ Machine Handles'' ''.' '."'/ .'3^ New Lines of Goods .... 8 Pipe Wrenches, Vulcan . . 56 Rod Ends 49 Rope Sockets 46-47 Sample Boards 71-74 Sockets, Wire Rope . . Spanners, Face . . . . Hook . . . . " (Light) Pin Page 46-47 . . 26 . . 25 . . 25 . . 24 Special Forgings .... 66-70 Starting Levers 51 Steering Gear (Automobile) . 51 Tack Claws 60 Tests, Hooks 44 Eye Bolts 45 " Chain Wrenches . . 57 Thumb Nuts 55 Thumb Screws 55, 61 Toggle Pins 01 Tool Posts 37 Tool Post Rings ...... 37 Tool Post Wedges 37 Valve Stems 52 Vulcan Chain Pipe Wrenches 56 Wire Rope Sockets . . . 46-47 Wrenches 9-36 Box 17 Car 35 Check Nut 17, 61 Construction 23 Engineers' 10-14 Hexagon Cap-screw . . .15 Machine 27 cPipecc.c .c cc. 56 J"S"^J ;/:. I 20-22 "'Set-screw ..... 18-19, 23 ,c^S^CGketc...,c^ . . . 28-34, 61 1"^ Spanner',.'^ .^' 24-26 '''straight .' V 18 Taper-handle 16 Tool Post ....••.. 36 Track 35 Triple-head 23 \- J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 7 WE are sole makers of the "SVVX ^""^ A'ulcan brands of drop-forged specialties. Our factory is equipped with the best appliances for the accurate and economical production of drop-forgings. The works are protected against fire, not only by automatic sprinklers but by the most approved fire extinguishing and preventive appa- ratus and an efficient, drilled fire department composed of our employees. We therefore offer customers the use of the best known machinery in producing drop-forgings and give them ample protection against delays and losses from fire. As our working force is skilled and experiencea and we carry a varied stock of materials, we serve customers promptly and well. Estimates furnished on receipt of model or drawing and speci- fications stating quantity required. Annealing, Tempering and Case=liardening done to order Pamphlet descriptive of our Annealing, Case-Hardening and Tempering facilities will be sent on application. Cuts and tables showing our goods are furnished for cus- tomer's catalogues ; if desired we will prepare such matter for printer and correct proof. Terms Cash Payable in New York City par funds, with no allowance for exchange. All goods delivered on cars or boat. New ^'ork, without charge for packing or cartage. Cable Address— "Winrich, Brooklyn" Codes used: — Western Union, Lieber's Standard and "A. B. C." -fourth edition. Private code in back : see pages G2 to G5. 8 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. ADDITIONS AND CHANGES Appearing for the First Time in this Catalogue NEW GOODS Air Valves Connecting Rods Eye Bolts, new designs Hammock Hooks Handles for Car Registers Igniter Levers Starting Levers Thumb Screws, new design Toggle Pins Wire Rope Sockets Wrenches, Check Nut Hexagon Cap Screw Socket, new design Spanners, Face Spanners, Hook Taper Handle ADDITIONS We have increased our established lines by adding sizes to Ammonia Unions Crank Shafts Crank Handles Eye Bolts Hoist Hooks Lathe Dogs Rod Ends Valve Stems Wrenches, Double Head Tool Post Double Head Engineers' " S " Single Head Box- Triple Head CHANGES AFFECTING PRICES Crank Shafts, new list prices Hoist Hooks, reduced list prices Rod Ends, new list prices Thumb Nuts, new list price ^^ inch. Valve Stems, new list prices Wrenches, " " " for 274 to 28C inclusive, " S " " " 20 & 20i, Engineers' " " " " oG to 58 inclusive. Engineer CHANGE AFFECTING DESCRIPTION Wrench No. o7L (page 11, Catalogue 1900) is now No. oS (see page 14) ; no change in size. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. WRENCHES WE were the first to establish a uniform line of drop-forged Wrenches and to make them with the fifteen degree angle since generally adopted. Others have appropriated the results of our costly experimenting but we do not approve of imitating the patterns or brands of other makers ; the goods shown herein are not copies. We offer a larger number of Wrenches than are made by any other manufacturer and the widest range of sizes. Wrenches for every size bolt from ^ inch to 5 inch, inclusive, are in stock. All Wrenches are, unless otherwise specified, in stock in three conditions, viz. : UNFINISHED WRENCHES, plain forgings, with openings milled to fit the nut or screw on which they are to be used ; SEMIFINISHED WRENCHES, milled to fit the nut or screw on which they are to be used and case-hardened all over, other- wise plain; FINISHED WRENCHES, milled to fit the nut or screw on which they are to be used; ground, polished, case-hardened all over, lacquered, heads bright, packed in separate envelopes. Unfinished, plain forgings (not milled) are furnished on demand; these have openings from 3^ to ^ inch smaller than the finished sizes. Engineers* Wrenches, pages 10 to 14, Taper-handle Wrenches, page 16, Check=nut Wrenches, pages 17 and 61, Construction Wrenches, page 23, and Car Wrenches, page 35, are in stock milled to fit U. S. and Whitworth Standard finished nuts. Hexagon Cap=screw Wrenches, page 15, are in stock milled to fit standard hexagon cap-screws. Set=screw Wrenches, pages 18 and 19 and Box Wrenches, page 17, are in stock for standard sizes of set-screws. **S'* Wrenches, pages 20 to 22 and Socket Wrenches, pages 28 to 34, are in stock for either U. S. or Whitworth Standard finished nuts, set-screws or cap- screws. Triple=head Wrenches, page 28, Machine Wrenches, page 27 and Tool=post Wrenches, page 36, are in stock for either U. S. or Whitworth Standard finished nuts and set-screws respectively. Wrenches are milled to International Standard, Metric Measure or special sizes without extra charge in lots of 25 or more of a size at a time. Please use numbers when ordering; an order for '• ^ inch and I inch wrenches" may mean bolts or openings of these sizes and may be any of several lines ; an order for " | inch and | inch openings" may also mean either of several styles. Numbers alone are sure. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. bJ3 ■~A ^ ^ B ^ cu CD c (U ;rj -I-' > -TIJ s o f3 ooos®::j^:2;::2:22i:*2:^ss ^ -TJ --CX^O^CC-^OO-^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' 1— i^i CO Tf O itC O O •^ rH rH 5 ■ tn tn «'>i^i-Kd>!2;:iS"i-SiSSi^SHSHccH^SH«^^ •|K H V S — hi r-iwHooMlfml^ioloeHN'^'wMlX'Hl-r-jce si(»is!ce-j!««-^^-<(N«F^f*5fC^ -^^-if^i^-^'c'^o „„^ „ 'P w s^ (I. OJ — OJ --oi -rw 5 §o--(Nfc^icor>ooa2-^^3;22^^2222SS ;^ J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. ^5 ^ M r# ^^ •1 •o o z / i^ ^ '/ ? w ^ ^ 1 f f (U '5 c c c O /^ <^ % \ C/3 <1> u ft c m W' V .^ iftj «3 C 1 £ \|r^^= '\ ^ ,' 1 -^^ w ^ tfl 03 £ ^*^S /'_ ^ ^ u U w '"■'^^ ,//'' "i- a> (A c ■— ; 'i £ « £ 3 c- X c .y o JLJ T3 X3 c 0) ri OJ c ^ u u OJ o s" 3 C _aj ri -G bjj OJ X C 2 < fc/) rt 'rt 'o "c > rt o o 3 4> 4> oj .2 '5 rt w ^ ^ 1 O bJO T3 X £ 'oj CU 3 5 G O OJ OJ CO e .!2 II S s C/5 C ^ ^ ^ rt rt OJ 1) , 1 5 ii — n I/; «-" ^,^ .> O 1) oy oy oy :52: «'- «'-r !« H H» -IK ^ir: V •-I'* r; c CO '* 'Th X 1> WJ s,-s m'M ^;w «>» -;n - js ■5I <^ oy c^ a; c §£ ,Jw ,J'-e M'« ««-„ ««:„ „,„ ^i^ vO "^ — '^ ^ -03 ~^^ ^^^ ^^^ rt fC 1-N ,- o>i o>J oy 00 00 nO ^ '■" V. 3 ^ ^N -^^ oZ fC ^ A j_ — 0 — 'f ^ C^l (M CC CC CC CO '-t^ 'd^ >0 CO <^ 1 10 lO CO 00 r- CO oi T— CO 00 CO 1- 00 Ci a: ^ Ol lO CO ci '^ r-i' .— ' !-(■ r-t' r-i 01 CM (M_ (M_ S^l CC CC CO TJH CO CO CI 10 GO oi QO r^ Ut! 10 '* 10 »C CO CO I- CO ^ ^ r^ 01 C^l ^'« -■« ,^'- ,^l» '^■'' -'« is'^ ii^'"" Ja J» -.1^(1 -!t)< lai i«e ^n -■« r,^ «-»- es'M «» m'-k fs!^ ""i^h "h "In "'IM "-i-H "'rH --|M th;m cxia N,ai ^m n^n nisc nloi "V "•-< c^n ^j.n r:r< n,-t< c^m is.w c^.n :^,n csiw «|!0 r— i ,—1 oyc>j^c>J<^o>jc>5o>io>j<^^o>Jo^oyo>5oyc^oyoy^^oyoyoyo>5^ iM -!^ -1^ •« ■« to i(» WIN --'« c'l- w'-. to to -:-»- -'-^ -l:o i» -l« -.'« n-)- «;^ w'^ cs'^ sM« «'« col-c ~« i« iM i-i irH --IM "im ^[■■£ ^'!a> M I^H n;-J ctto -H "•- ? fi'^c n'-f ^-f 'i^ lO lO CO i^ t- 00 OD Ci «> i-x nx -'« -0. w^M w:« rtix o:x kx mx H-f c. .-^ --^ CO CO 10 1.0 i~ 1- c: cr- r- W-* -:^ ^j^ T-' CO CO «5|N «:« Hto r^to !,■:!« !-:« -!« wcj '-I '^irt -•»< -•«< "^i-H "^'-H iff[x i-'x w:-H ^-^ '^iw -IM r-;j5 -H'rt „H C^lM J^lM H» six COjM CSlM T-l rl ^ ,-( I-H 1-1 ^ ^ ^ rt jcyoyoycyoyoyoyo>{oyo>Jo>J<^o>ioyo>jo>icycyc>ioyo>Jc>! M'N w,« w:« «i'N ffl« -!C2 ^to l-Ol ,«■» t^'x NX -'!•> -^'« |C5 [W -> w> '-,5 !» l-:x lCl» «tCC rtto -■ro -,r: -^; -iw ^v- ~/M r-rt k'm .Mlm H-h "'^ ^ ^ ►-« t-i.. ^ ^ ^^ , -[-^ f^X KiM 01 Ol CI cy o>{ c>i ^1 ^1 „'== ,0 vo so vo 00 icicifOfcr>.i>.^«osOvin vO^^OOOOOOOvOfNfN 00 00 ^ ^ 00 OO^'^OOOO ^^^^(yj 00 n (N PO — « o>iQ>^oyc>jc;oyo>joyo>jcyoy nOOOOOO^-^OOOO^^OOQO cy o>! cy ^ ^ 00 ^ P- fC «V5 ID m tN tN irivoiNooaO'-fNfc^icvo !> 00 a ^ ^ ^ J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Num- ber — « -^N ^0) -'W O — rNOOa©^fNrO'^ icicin>ici/jiciicici/5ir>u5iciDirivOvOOOvo »1 oooooooooooooooo~oo COt^COi-Hi-iCCT-lrHOiOiCOCOCOCSiiQiOiOiOO lO lO CO !>■' t--' 00 C5 oi o o 'm' cJ CO CO OO OO OO CO CO ^" '*' id utJ cd cd o cc 00 o ci d oi ^ ai oi oi co ,— ( ,— 1 ^H I— ( ,— 1 (M ^ 1 lOiOOLCiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiOiO CO CO CO lO lC T-l lO lO t}^ -^^ .-J rH --H Tf^ t--. (M_ Cvl CN t- c^i c |5c |!c _to -to -Ico J« J« Je» J*» miM wlK cote t-'w into c^cs >i^|eo wto i-:X -» '-!_ ^1- ,_, rH rl ^M ^Im ''to '^Im r-l ^ l-H -Ice rl 1-1 .-( ^ r-. a; ^ |5 -Ix -Ix -Ix H» -Ice Nlx HX t-ix wlx iclx ia« w|x mix lOiot^t^-r-ooO'^^'^'i^-^Oiaicocococo c i-lx Hx -if -> iftto cto cclx coix 'M(MC^?MC5c>i<^oy=^o>joyoy^c^da<^o>joyoy^ itt Mix eolx _lw -iw Jtc ml-* loto cc'-j" icto -to -to -'« -In Hoe t-to -I-* -l'^' urto "i- (M Svl ""l- *H ^1- (M — C<1 -1- CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ '^ ^ (M j^o>jo>j^oyo>Joyc>jo>io>5o>!^o>io>5oyo>i^o>J 1' J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. HEXAGON CAP-SCREW WRENCHES 15 These are made from the Wrenches described on pages 11, 12 and 13 by milling the openings to the sizes shown on following table to fit the heads of standard hexa- gon-head cap-screws. All the sizes shown are kept in stock ; see, on page 9, the conditions in which they are furnished. When ordering, please use numbers and state whether Unfinished, Semi-finished or Finished Wrenches are desired. Unfinished Wrenches have Milled Openings SINGLE HEAD For Hexagon V Head Thickness .12 Cap-screws ; Diameter of Openings Finished S.^: tu of Head 01 .i a; 1/1 c 2 Screws ^^ CuD 1.13 (iE z 700 3/16 3/8 ^ /2 -$.09 $.18 700 701 1/4 7/16 3^ \ .10 .15 .20 701 701a 5/16 1/2 3^ i .10 .15 .20 701a 702 3/8 9/16 4f ^ .12 .18 .24 702 703 7/16 5/8 '5i 7% .14 .21 .28 703 704 1/2 3/4 (U U .17 .25 .34 704 705 9/16 13/16 7^ M .20 .30 .40 705 705 a 5/8 7/8 7i M .20 .30 .40 705a 706 3/4 1 ^ /^ .25 .38 .50 706 707 7/8 1 1/8 '^\ U .32 .48 .64 707 708 1 1/4 IH T% .40 .60 .80 708 DOUBLE HEAD 723 723a 724 725 725a 725b 726 727 728 729 730 731 731a 731b 732 732a 733 734 735 736 737 3/1 ( )&l/4 3/16cSi5/16 3/1 6 & 3/8 1/4 cSi5/16 1/4 &3/8 5/1 6 & 3/8 5/16&7/16 3/8 &7/16 3/8 &1/2 7/16 & 1/2 7/1 6 & 9/1 6 1/2 &9/16 1/2 &5/8 9/1 6 & 5/8 1 1/2 &3/4 9/1 6 & 3/4 1 5/8 &3/4 5/8 «&7/8 3/4 &7/8 3/4 &1 7/8 &1 3/8 & 3/8 &: 3/8 & 7/1 6 c^ 7/1 6 & 1/2 & 1/2 & 9/1 6 & 9/1 6 & 5/8 & 5/8 & 3/4 c^ 3/4 & 13/16& 3/4 & 13/16 c^ 7/8 & 7/8 & 1 & 1 & 1 1/8 & 7/16 4 1/2 4 9/16 H 1/2 ^ 9/16 ^ 9/16 H 5/8 H 5/8 ^ 3/4 <5^ 3/4 ^ 13/16 7f 13/16 7f 7/8 7f 7/8 '% 1 8^ 1 8^ 1 8^ 1 1/8 n 1 1/8 93 1 1/4 Hi 1 1/4 iif _7_ ,«^ 1_ 3 2 "'^ 4 _7_ Rr 1 3 2 *^ 4 3 2 '^ 32 4 *^ 3 2 1 Rt _9_ 4 "'■ 3 2 1- Rr _9>^ 4 *^ 3 2 4 "^ 16 3 2 '^ 16 3 2 "^ 32 -5_ Rr il. 1 6 "'• 3 2 5_ R. 35 16 ';^ 64 32 '-^ 64 u & /« il & -7^ 3 2 "-^ 1 6 64 *-*^ 16 ^5 ,<^ 3 1 6 4 "^ 6 4 7_ Rr 3 1 1 6 *^ 64 7_ Rr Jl_ 1 6 *-*^ 1 6 3 1 Rr 3^ 6 4 *-^ 16 .15 .23 .30 .15 .23 .30 .17 .25 .34 .18 .27 .36 .18 .27 .36 .18 .27 .36 .20 .30 .40 .21 .32 .42 .23 .35 .46 .25 .38 .50 .28 .42 .56 .30 .45 .60 .30 .45 .60 .30 .45 .60 .34 .51 .6S .34 .51 .6^ .36 .54 .72 .41 .61 .82 .43 .65 .86 .50 .75 1.00 .53 .80 1.06 Larger or special sizes, either single or double-head, to order. 16 J. H. WILLIAMS cS: CO. TAPER HANDLE WRENCHES Single Head These will he milled to Metric Measure, International Standard or to special sizes \\hen required. A sample nut or screw for use as guage should accompany orders for specially milled wrenches. Each opening is at an angle of fifteen degrees with the handle, which admits of turning a hex- agon nut completely around where the swing of the handle is limited to thirty degrees. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. When ordering please use numbers and state whether Unfinished, SetnU finished or Finished Wrenches are desired. The following Semi-finished and Finished Wrenches have hole drilled in end of handle : Number, . 517 518 519 51 9i 520 520^ 521 521 i Diameter Hole, inches, 11 I i 1 1 Ij ij Unfinished Wrenches have Milled Openings. Num- ber 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 516.1. 517' 518 519 5191 520' 5201 521 521.1. For U.S. Standard Nut; Size Bolt 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 Opening Ex- Thick- Price, Price, Semi- Price, Fin- treme ness Un- fin- Fin- ished Length Head finished ished ished i . 3| \ $ -.10 1 .15 1 .20 il ^ * .12 .18 .24 H of 1 6 .14 .21 .28 m ^ hh .17 .25 .34 i 'k M .20 .30 .40 u 8| 11 .25 .38 .50 if^g n .32 .48 .64 H Hi ^ .40 .60 .80 l/e 13 -H- .50 .75 1.00 If 14| 3- 4 .()5 .98 1.3i 44 n 10.50 15.75 21.00 ^k 59 95 27.50 41.25 55.00 H 59 2^ 27.50 41.25 55.00 Num- ber 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 5161 517' 518 519 5191 520 520.1 521 5211 No. 521 milled to order for nuts on 5 inch bolts. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. CHECK NUT WRENCHES 17 '4^' i4 These are for use on Check, Jam or Lock Nuts. With the exception of thickness, which is one-half the diameter of the bolt, the heads are the same as those on our Engineers' Wrenches, pages 10, 11 and Ki. They will be milled to Metric Measure, International Standard or to special sizes when required. A sample nut or screw for use as gauge should accompany orders for specially milled wrenches. Each opening is at an angle of fifteen degrees with the handle, which admits of turning a hexagon nut completely around where the swing of the handle is limited to thirty degrees. Other sizes in preparation. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. When ordering please use numbers and state whether Unfinished, Semi= finished or Finished Wrenches are desired. Unfinished Wrenches have Milled Openings For U. S. Ex- Thick- Price, Price, Num- Stand'rdNut; Opening, treme ness Un- Semi- Price, Num- ber Size Bolt Finished Length Head finished finished Finished ber 602 5/f6 H li $ .11 $ .17 $ .22 602 6U3 3/8 1h ^i T^H jn .20 .26 603 604 7/16 U ol -35 .15 .23 .30 604 605 1/2 s «i i .18 .27 .36 605 607 5/8 ll'. H .28 .42 .56 607 608 3/4 u lo' V .36 M .72 608 609 7/8 h\ lU /.! .46 .69 .92 609 610 1 If 13^- i .59 .89 1.18 610 For Double Head Check-Nut Wrench No. 97^, see page 01. SINGLE HEAD BOX WRENCHES These can be broached to hexagonal openings if desired ; sizes and prices on ap- plication. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. When ordering, please use numbers and state whether Unfinished, Semi^ finished or Finished Wrenches are desired. Num- For Set-Screw Extreme Thickness Price, Un- ' Price, Semi- Price, Num- ber Size Length Head finished finished Finished ber 107 3/16 3 1 $ .09 $ .12 § .18 107 108 1/4 3- 9 .10 .15 .20 108 109 5/16 3? TS .11 .17 .22 109 110 3/8 4^ 3 .13 .20 .26 110 1 1 1 7/16 4 .16 .24 .32 111 112 1/2 5^ .19 .28 .38 112 113 9/16 i H=ffi -^;^ dj • 1 r- — X n w mice UJ w be cc s,-s 5 '" ^da^oy^ o §£ H-— .I-«l- •2 s S V X a • ' - =511 £ . iX ;^S^i X (5 c •a 1^1- c 3 sO sO •' — 00 — 00 J^ lis^pc^rNfC O '- N =>j =y cy cy ■^ -^ -^ vO % ^\^^^^^™* tr. ^^^ Vi O -VH '^'V - ^V, ^- « ^'5 fO bo u.t/) (r. 1-* , _ vO t> QO Ov p j__ "5 fC PO fC fC 5 i £!5(N(N(N(N ^-^ ! J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. ^,^.^^^^.^,^. m ^ i ao cc X X CO X X 7C X GC X X GO X 2;l 'M 'M (M -M iM C-l X X X X •^ O --0 CO -^-,0 lO lO lO lO lO lO lO iC LC ^ ! -M S^ iC -^. -^. --. -^. ^. ^. '^. --: (MC<>(NC<1(M(MCi da c^^o>J<^^o>J^oyoyo>jo>J<^oy^oyQ>{o>ioyoy^oyey^daoy^daoaoaQyc>jo>j PO PO PC IC IC IC ^ 00 — OO— — fN — fN — oO— ' 00 \5^^ ^ ic~ pci>«^r> t>— o\ — ovicO\ ic~ fc IC fc (vj ^ -^p-^oso 0000 00 oovofs fN r^vo^ oo icic r> t>. tN ao> IN IN =a ^ N© 00 v^ -^ fO '^r 00 ^ -"T 00 00 OOOO^O © — r^ ^ ico tNooovO — 2'^"^"^'^"^^'^'^"^iC'"iCiCiC''5iCiCiCiCOOO'^OvOOOOvOlNtN 22 .: be C o o '■5 c "2 5 « = o j: = 3 c E z c/) c 2 3 S' N um- ber fSPO tiCOtNOOa© — fNfC^iCvOOOaO-^fNPC^iC t>.t>.r>.r>t>t>.t>t>.oooooooooo«ooooooaaaa>o^a c; c; -^ :c !:c o CD CD CO QO cc Gc X Gc X o c; o c; c c: w c: CD -,D I- t- t- t- !>• i>- 1- Oi Oi C5 Oi C5 o cc cc cc cc cc cc cc c: Price, Semi- fin- ished ■ C iC I- t- I^ t^ t^ t^ t^ ^ '^i -^ -^ ^ -^ 00 GO OC OO CO GO GC CC m £5S o o 00 oo oc GO 'OC' oc a;' ci CI as CI oi CI ic o >c ic »o lO to ic cccococccococccoco-*'*'*'*'*^<:o<:c<:o! '-! ->! =>i ^ ^ 00 0000^ — 00 fO tN tN tN ^ For Set Screws ; Sizes 3/4 & 1 7/8 & 1 7/8 &1 1/8 1 & 1 1/8 1 & 1 1/4 1 1/8& 1 1/4 For H. S. Standard Nuts ; Size Bolts 1/2 & 9/16 1/2 & 5/8 9/16 & 5/8 9/1 6 & 3/4 5/8 & 3/4 5/8 & 7/8 3/4 & 7/8 3/4 & 1 7/8 & 1 7/8 & 1 1/8 P n fc lootNooovo n fc^ mvo^ OvO — fSPC ^ ic tNlN;flNtNtN|NtN00-'000000000020XO^a>O^O^O^p^ (Nr:5 53 T% 211- 3 2 8 i 4 .38 .48 .63 432 434 8 T% T% 2^^ 8L \ .43 .54 .70 434 436 '^ V ,^ 2ir ^h i .49 .(>() . / / 436 438 d h Ti; 33^2 9=t i .oo .67 .85 438 440 ;>3 I 3 3V 10;} 1 .62 ./o .94 440 442 4 3 8 3 8 3/. 11 -1 4 .70 .85 1.05 442 Larger sizes in preparation. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. MACHINE WRENCHES These are unusually heavy, being designed for use on Planers, Milling Machines, Lathes, Drill Presses, etc. The Unfinished are sold in four (4) sizes; viz.: Numbers .S9o, 896, 397 and 39S but each can be milled to several combinations; see list. Table gives sizes of openings for U. S. Standard Nuts and Set- screws only but each wrench admits of milling to several combina- tions of Hexagon and Square Head Cap-screws. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. Please use numbers when ordering, and state whether Unfinished, Semi=finished or Finished Wrenches are desired. Unfinished Wrenches have Milled Openings. Large Head Small Head Num- for U. S. for Extreme Price, Price, Price, Num- ber Standard Nuts; Size Bolt Set-screws ; Size Length Unfin- ished Semi- finished Fin- ished ber 395 A 3/8 3/8 ^ $ .20 $.30 $ .40 395 B 3/8 7/16 .20 .30 .40 C 3/8 1/2 .20 .30 .40 D 7/16 3/8 .20 .30 .40 E 7/16 7/16 .20 .30 .40 F 7/16 1/2 .20 .30 .40 396 A 1/2 7/16 ^2- .25 .38 .50 396 B 1/2 1/2 .25 .38 .50 C 1/2 9/16 .25 .38 .50 D 1/2 5/8 .25 .38 .50 E 9/16 7/16 .25 .38 .50 F 9/16 1/2 .25 .38 .50 Q 9/16 9/16 .25 .38 .50 H 9/16 5/8 .25 .38 .50 397 A 5/8 9/16 •^2 .30 .45 .()0 397 B 5/8 5/8 .30 .45 .60 C 5/8 3/4 .30 .45 .60 398 A 3/4 3/4 10 .40 .no .80 398 B 3/4 7/8 .40 .()0 .80 C 3/4 1 .40 .(;o .80 D 7/8 3/4 .40 .(io .80 E 7/8 7/8 .40 .()0 .80 F 7/8 1 .40 .60 .80 t/5 U c z o < c o z 55 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. s^-s a; - «■> 2: o S! .r s: ^%u iX !r F (U o V are adapted for Nuts, Set-Sc :h may be adjusted to the e fitted to hexagon end of w penings are broached to IT. id special sizes furnished to ^8 g c o 11 If. O rt 2 - 1 1 be c 'u u 2 o •a y 1 1 o o i Si-|f Occ "S I c « c o •So 4^ ^:Z UJ-t; rt a; 1- H^ ^ H rt ?. P ^ (A ,f. c^i: OJ2 ^-a C u C x: =3 eg ^ ^ XcC j: 3UIBS joj apH puB aipuBH aiuBS JOJ 3[OH ao aipuBH -uij inoqiiA\ X X q^Suaq aaiaujBiQ SBazisauiBS ipugxan ^tuBqs JO jajauiBtQ pB3H JO J3;3UIBIQ q;Su3T 9ut3J^x3 V- J, ^ JJ O 0) 0) .i . > ? s O rt 33 C3 CCCOCOCOCOCO; 1-. 1- in* lO — 1-r Hx X H» Ci H^ H^ H" wx K~ "- .. L^iX -ITT '•'=,'2 w» rtiX H« J-'" ISX «- n'.x ^12 .« S^'" lOiX :'!: «:-r N|X H» M'-? t~x J« ^'Icc ZT' NiX in:cs «'2 POT" nix "2 wx cC' Nix X 5/16 3/8 (N NO a 00 PC 00 ^ NO 00 PC nO NO 00 lO PC ■^ NO in 00 O 1/2 9/16 5/8 mlcrosics fl^tlc -.its tcl} 5>} 'Ti c^i o :o -o cc -t^_ -1^ -t; '-t; -^_ '-t^^ tj^ ^ r-I r-i T-H r-! i-H rH rH .-! (M* CM* (m" CO CO CO CO 3UJBS aOJ 310H JO aipuBH -uij inoqiiA\ oc X QC- 'CO GC cC' GC: X X '-C --C ■-:r O O O O Ci Oi Ci G5 CI C^l ->! C'l C^l c: C: ^C: X CO X X ^ ■ * ■ ' ,-i r-^ ^ ,-i ^ r-' ^' '^^ r^i oi ^m' 10 qiSuaq ~ "-H C-l CO' jajSUIBIQ w- ""^ '^■~ ^^ HoaazisJOj :inx;-SM SB3Z1S3UIBS !piI3-X3H n:x — ^■' ^' >lU>jqS JO J313UH3I(I ^^ -X -- MX pB3H JO J3:9UI13I(I "Z z" "2 01 '^ Ol ''^ qiSuaq auiaa^x^j X' O* ^'' ^l** C/5 O Z w Oh w ■r. Short Diam. Finished Openings For Set- Screws ; Size For Cap- Screws; Diam. Screws 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 For U.S. Stand'rd Nuts ; Size Bolts 00 -^ \ 00 ^ \\ HEXAGON OPENINGS Short Diam. Finished Openings ^ „ r-l ^ ^ C4 (M Ovl For Cap- Screws; Diam. Screws 1 1/8 1 1/4 For U.S. Stand'rd Nuts ; Size Bolts 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 aaqumsj O ^ n re PC PO PC PC J. H, WILLIAMS & CO. O O Q < E LU OQ D O Q .0 nal charge, ixagon and c Measure, Unfinished ed with or ?^2 2- ^ ^ V- .S OJ-" 3 1) '^^ V V J2X! In ^s )J i ^ & -c-^ §1 \ ^^ .c^ o.s-u: ^5*.- *^ '"_— «> c 1) I (U t« i -^^ O 1" 5^ -o c S ~ '-^ b rt - 2 E >.^ . a; ^ 3 1- V. i^-o '".b-^- ;S :ii 5'S 01 ^ •^ rt oif t«^ j;.r: =^.5 ftJ5 :S > o ^ a,H3vo>ia 310H PUT3 31P ?§:;? SONINildQ HLIAY -luui-ui.^ qii.v^ -^ aioH-ioaipuBjH 1 UU^ HOI>f^ -uij jnoqjiyW •aiaNVH qi:8u9'i 1 ^» ro^ -Nij -►lo az S ■iii>3!a 1 .w .» "iiO'd 9ZIS aoj '1"N[ 'S 'n SB 9^IS 3UIBS r..-. L-l^ :>lMi3qS JosuBj -x^H ^nm\s JO -lUBici 1 cix .^ „,j ■pB3H JO -UIBIQ '^ -a qj^usq 3iU3a;x3 1 tj- S' tn ^ ^'^^ -1^1 5 ."3 2 a c?)Q.S a t—t fcO "'" (/J 'O (/) ^ C , 5 !" i:: u (L> IC N w C/3 Cl, en w ftj I- i- - ^ <; iii.22 a &°- tn u 73 ^^-c-s-- 0§^ N fc^ Oi -C - •- ^ S ,^ J5 X) ^ Uh cr- • 5 V- z < x^... 2: ■ rt (/• <*5 •- -■H^K c^ ca S5^N 00 « X '^. X ^ - luBqs JO siJBJ xan K. ^u«qs JO -uiBiQ 1 pBSH JO -UIBIQ •q-»Su3q auiaajxg ^- CD w < a Short Diam. Finished Openings d^dd ^d$j d^djidd QUO) l/4cSi3/8 5/1 6 & 3/8 5/16&7/16 3/8 & 7/1 6 3/8 & 1/2 7/16 & 1/2 7/1 6 & 9/1 6 For Cap-Screws; Diam. Screws 1/4 & 5/16 1/4&3/8 S/16&3/8 5/16 & 7/16 For U. S. Standard Nuts; Size Bolts HEXAGON OPENINGS Short Diam. Finished Openings For Cap-Screws; Diam. Screws 3/1 6 & 1/4 3/16&5/16 1/4 & 5/16 1 /4 & 3/8 5/16cSc3/8 5/1 6 & 7/1 6 3/8 & 7/ 16 3/8 & 1/2 7/16&9/16 7/1 6 & 5/8 For U. S. Standard Nuts ; Size Bolts 3/16 & 1/4 3/16&5/16 1/4&5/16 1/4&3/8 5/1 6 & 3/8 5/16&7/16 3/8 & 7/16 3/8 & 1/2 i3 qiun^ 0Qoamu.OE — j:^j^oia*-jTfi!C*i l|^«)lOitc^O|to■l:la■oa ;'-; ^'-c— '— T— T— 1 ■— .' c^^-^^^^ ^^^'^^^^ d^^c^dSi-^ >i yi >i Z Z >i <^ n.rnwr5-n|.*r>H.i^S)i cw.r..*ii:wr~^._'-.i-. .cw-W-Wchtaw __,._,._::_r,_,,_. r;^. o|ffln»DM0nttimton» •fffiO^.r.f.-J^I'SO ''""''''"'""'""■"" '** O — 00 00 M--* X X O^IC IC wj^O r^ t^ — — =«^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ -y.-z On Ov O \0 >c -r<-<^i 00 00 00 f*-* r^ — Ov — o lOlfliC «5fOfO ^■ii^>,-ii->. cJd^cy c^^^ OOQOWOvC ^M^ MvOX fOf^i^-^" ^~,-«^-. -\lO I>.l> IN a On o ■oo NOVO - X 00--. M«S — — XX ■* IC «5 <^t^r^ ■— ■— On On "CO ^0 -;> rii ^djjdsi dsidd :;d-Ji-^-J^ '^ •^ -* XVO CMrjO O -^ "~-- --\ 1 ^ .„ \\«5 «^\ '^■— "■ ^ \. ICIO IN rs On On .wc...:..^-S-S <->>;^ -K-!^'',?;-r^ L-B3.^W) u:ia-j|!0;cBii:rot— ( ,— i ?? ^dSjdSic^^^ SSS3 ^c^ia^ ^'^^it ii:|»ii:SOio.«>OBi'0«juMto ss^ss;:^ "l^u-^-l^u-*^ :t:!55 r-^rt \Q XX — * «TtTt XOO ^^ a«c ICfOfO iNtN ■— ■— -— <— c^i-^d tN rs SO NO M — -« 00 00 ft XX ^^^ -oTa ICU5 fO«5 r>.i> ^^^ ^^ c. Ov On z©aO'at/3H;i<ii"3iis JO suBci -^'SH ;? :>liH3MS JO uiHiQ 1 :i,* PT33H JO 'UIBIQ qiSuaq aiua.nxg ^ cr-Q. fccr/J) t/5 y u. y. rt ■j: U in .^ — > rt 'd C) \ , CQ CS ^ N ^:^:ii:ii'^-J6 c«d^-^'^^ X — — OCX 00X»- t>.r>. XaO X-* IC«5 Tf X fOtN -!-« r-' j X o J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. TRACK WRENCHES 35 These are forged with round handles from stiff, strong steel that will not bend in use and are made any length down to 24 inches over all. Furnished Unfinished and Semi-finished only; with openings broached— not milled— in both conditions Please use numbers when ordering Num- ber Outside Diameter of Nuts Open- ings Ex- treme Length 30 30 80 Thick- ness Head Weight, Each Price, Un- finished Price, Semi- finished Nmn- ber 194 195 196 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 ft 1 6 it 5 lbs. 5 OZ. 5 lbs. 7 OZ. o lbs. 9 OZ. $.60 .60 .60 $.90 .90 .90 194 195 196 DOUBLE HEAD CAR WRENCHES For use in erecting and disman- tling cars and for general construction service where a long leverage is desirable. Furnished Unfinished and 5emi=i finished only; with openings broached— not milled— in both conditions Please use numbers when ordering For U. S. Ex- Thick- Price, Price, Standard Nuts ; Openings treme ness Un- Semi- Num- Size Bolts Length Heads finished finished ber 370 1/2 & 5/8 ll&ll 19 1 1 .85 $1.28 370 371 1/2 & 3/4 ll&ifV 19 .85 1.28 371 372 1/2 & 7/8 ft & Ih 20 1 .92 1.38 372 373 5/8 & 3/4 n&^h 20 1. .92 1.38 373 374 5/8 & 7/8 H&n 21 ^ 1.00 1.50 374 375 5/8 c^ 1 14 &u^ 21 i 1.00 1.50 375 376 3/4 & 7/8 ife&n 21 i 1.00 1.50 376 377 3/4 & 1 Ir^&lH 22 i 1.10 1.65 377 378 3/4 & 1 1/8 ^1^6 & IJ 22 i 1.10 1.65 378 379 7/8 & I ij & lU 22 i 1.10 1.65 379 380 7/8 &l 1/8 h & n 23 i 1.25 1.88 380 382 1 & 1 1/8 iH&ii 23 i 1.25 1.88 382 For other "S" Wrenches see pages 20 to 22. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. DOUBLE HEAD TOOL POST WRENCHES These can be milled a size larger than stated in table. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. Please use numbers when ordering. Unfinished Wrenches have openings milled and holes broached. Num- ber Open End for V. S. Standard Nuts; Size Bolt Closed End for Set-Screws ; Size Ex- treme Length Price, Un- finished Price, Semi- fin- ished Price, Fin- ished Num- ber 124 129 131 132 139 140 143 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 3/4 9/16 7/16 9/16 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 7 I' 9 $ .30 .35 .35 .35 .40 .45 .55 $ .45 .52 .52 .52 .60 .68 .82 $ .60 .70 .70 .70 .80 .90 1.10 124 129 131 132 139 140 143 These can be milled a size larger than stated in table. The forgings for Nos. 154 and 158 are furnished in four other milled or finished combinations (Nos. 156, 157, 160 and 161) as stated in table. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. Please use numbers when ordering. Unfinished Wrenches have openings milled and holes broached. Num- Open End for Closed End for Ex- Pr ce, Price, Price, ber Set-Screws ; Set-Screws ; treme U n- fin- Fin- ber Size Size Length finis hed ished ished 152 7 16 7/16 Oh 1 25 $ .37 $ .50 152 154 1/2 1/2 6 27 .40 .54 154 156 9 16 1/2 27 .40 .54 156 157 9/16 9/16 27 .40 .54 157 158 5,8 5/8 6| 32 .48 .64 158 160 11/16 5/8 32 .48 .64 160 161 11/16 11/16 32 .48 .64 161 162 3/4 3 4 n 40 .60 .80 162 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. TOOL POST FITTINGS— Unfinished TOOL POSTS 37 ^K Openings punched out Number 2 3 4 5 7 Extreme Length .... ^r^G- ■1^1 'H GfV 'i 8=*- Diameter of Body .... n 1^ U* 9Ji! 2i ^52 Length of Body ^ H 3| 4' 5 6 Diameter of Base .... If ^ ^,^« 2ff ^^. Thickne.ss of Base .... 4 i\ 1 2 T^r f 3 Distance Base to Opening 1 2 If \% lA l| u Size of Opening if*xL| UxU ^^i ^^x^ 8x|^t 3/^x1 Price, each $ .30 .45 .60 .80 1.00 2.00 TOOL POST WEDGES For Chansfing Angles of Lathe Tools TOOL POST RINGS For Changing Angles of Lathe Tools Number Diameter, Outside . . . Diameter, Hole Thickness, Outside Edge Radius of Concave . . . Price, each Number 1 I 1/2 2 3 4 6 Length 8 3| 3| 3| n 4i 'H Width . . T% i ,5 8 U 3 4 3 4 \% Radius 2| n n 4f ^ 0| 6 Price, each $ .07 .00 .09 .10 .12 .14 .18 1 2 3 4 2|i ;*> :H 3| 4 ^h 1^ ^ 2 7 7 9 3 3 1 6 16 t6 4 4 2^ 4| 4f ■''2- i)^f $.14 .15 .20 •)0 .27 G .33 Please use numbers when ordering 38 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. CRANK HANDLES These are furnished in three conditions ; Un- finished, Broached and Finished. Unfinished are plain forgings requiring broaching before use. Broaclied have hubs broached but are otherwise plain forgings. Finished are broached, ground, polished, case-hardened all over and lacquered to prevent rusting. The broached openings are made with corners slightly rounded to prevent breakage. Holes are regularl)- finished to standard sizes given below but each forging admits of broaching to the maximum dimensions stated in table. Smaller openings than standard and special sizes will be broached to order. Hubs of Broached or Finished will be cut to shorter lengths and Handles will be offset (see cut) if desired, at an additional charge. When ordering please use numbers and state whether Unfinished, Broached or Finished are desired. ;. Size Hole c« Broached ^ X ^ u y -z — 3 J o ■s s _2 -go ir..~ 't< B^ « 3 c S BO PUS B 3 2 4J 31 2^- lf« 2 -h 1 .50 1 .75 $1.00 2 4 ^s 4 H It^c 11 ^ a .60 .85 1.20 4 6 61 5 3VV m H f 1 .75 1.00 1.50 6 8 71 6 ^ m H H f .95 1.25 1.90 8 10 H / 3t^. 2 f H 1.20 1.50 2.40 10 12 ^»^ 8 0% 9 7_ 11 \^ 1.50 1.80 3.00 12 14 101 9^- 3| n i| 1 H 1.70 2 00 3.40 14 16|lli 10 4 3 1^ 1 n 2.25 2.60 4.50 16 Smaller sizes in preparation. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. MACHINE HANDLE FORQINQS Unfinished Ball Pattern Number 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Length, over all . . 2 Ol n 3^, H 4Jr 'H 53 «w Standard L'th, Shank i- t a 8 3 7_ 1 n l\ U Maximum L'th, Shank f^ 1 i H H M n 2 2h^ Diam. Shank . . . fB hh ^1 U ^1 3 2 H i«^ 3 4 Price, each ... 1 .04 .05 .06 .OS .10 .12 .14 .1() .22 Cone Pattern Number n 13 15 16 Length, over all . . . 31 ^ •^2- 6 Standard L'th, Shank . i 3 1 H Maximum L'th, Shank Diam. Shank . . .- . f n 1| "i Price, each .... 1 or, .10 .14 .16 Please use numbers when ordering: 40 J. H. WILLIAMS cV- CO. DROP=FORGED LATHE D0Q5 With Bent Tail These are superior to any in the market, for the following reasons : They are drop-forged from steel, which gives the greatest strength and toughness of material for the least weight, while they are also heavier than dogs of corresponding sizes made elsewhere. The cross section is shaped similarly to an ogee, forming a rib on the edge, by which the metal is utilized to its greatest advantage at the point of severest strain. The steel screws have U. S. Standard threads, the points are hardened and they are from one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch larger in diameter than those generally used in Lathe Dogs. Please use numbers when ordering 13 Number 1 2 3 4 Size Dog . . Price, each . Diam. Screw Length Screw Extra Screws, each .... 3/8 $ .50 ft $ .05 1/2 3/4 .60 .70 h ! ft .06 .07 .80 .08 5 6 7 8 9 10 ** 12 4 2.30 4 11/41 1/2 .95 1.10 4 ii 1 3/4 1 25 4 2 1.40 2 1/2 1.60 ¥ 3 1.80 4 3 1/2 200 4 .00 .10 .12 .18 .20 22 .33 33 5 4.00 1 U .50 J. II. WILLIAMS cSc CO. DROP=FORGED LATHE DOGS With Straight Tail 41 These are similar in design but are heavier than those with Bent Tail shown on previous page. The cross section of the body is shaped similar to an ogee, forming a rib on the edge ; that of the tail is an oval with the long axis in the direction of the thrust, thus utilizing the metal to the greatest advantage at the point of severest stress. The heads are made of sufficient size to permit re-tapping for one or two larger sizes of screws as the threads wear. The screws are the same as furnished with Bent Tail Dogs (see page 40), but have hole drilled in heads. Please use numbers when ordering Number 21 22 ^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Size Dog . 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 A.. Price, each . $ .30 .35 .40 .45 .55 .65 .80 1.05 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.30 4.00 Diam. Screw iV « i^fl i * V-k t H H i 1 1 Length Screw H u 15 2 -4 2g 2i 3 ■^k 32 'H H Size Hole in Head of Screw- n\ Vk 32 4 i 4 TS ih TB i TB t'b i each . . . $ .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .12 .18 .20 33 .Hi) .50 42 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. VULCAN HOIST HOOKS With Shank These have the greatest strength and stiffness with the least weight; their dimensions and form are the results of long and careful experiment- ing. They are forged from a fine steel, which is utilized to greatest advantage at the point of severest stress. The shanks are designed to sustain a far heavier load than is required to straighten the hooks and the strength of the hooks throughout is much greater than the stated safe capacity: see table of tests on fol- lowing page. Full size drawings will be sent on request. Tobin Bronze Hooks, from stan- dard or special dies, to order in quantities ; prices on application. List prices are reduced on numbers 7 to 13 inclusive ; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering For Extreme Num- Size Hoist; Tons Shank Dimensions Safe Capacity ; Price, each Num- ber Diam. Length Length Width Tons ber 2 1/8 2 1^ 4i 2^ 8 1 $ .15 2 3 1/4 A H ^ H H .18 3 4 1/2 1 ^ '5i H 2 .21 4 5 3/4 3 2 6 H 3 .27 5 6 7 2'- 6| 4| 4 .36 6 7 1 1/2 l' 2i ^'i H 5 .50 7 8 13/4 1«^ 2a 4 8^ 5| 6 .70 8 9 2 n ■ 3 ^i 6| / .95 9 10 2 1/2 i| 3i 101 1 6| 8 1.25 10 11 12 3 4 u 11 H 4 12L hI 10 12 1.65 2.15 12 13 5 ^ 4i 13| n 15 2.90 13 14 6 2 ^ i4 loi 18 14 15 8 93 -•8 5| 171 13 22 15 Shanks of Nos. 14 and 15 can be made longer if desired. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 43 VULCAN HOIST HOOKS With Eye Weldless These are the same, in all respects, as those with shank on opposite page, except that the bead is omitted and an eye substituted for the shank. The eye is designed to stand a much greater strain than is required to straighten the hook. See table of tests on following page. Full size drawings will be sent on request. Tobin Bronze Hooks, from stand- ard or special dies, to order in quan- tities ; prices on application. List prices are reduced on num- bers 27 to 38, inclusive ; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering For Inside Outside Ext erne Safe Num- Size Diam- Diam- Dimensions Capacity ; Tons Price, Num- ber Hoist; eter of eter of Each ber Tons Eye Eye Length Width 22 "1/8 f H ^ 2i 1 1 .15 22 23 1/4 1 1| ^ H H .18 23 24 1/2 1 2 '5| H 2 .21 24 25 3/4 H 9 1 H 4 3 .27 25 26 1 H 2i 6| 41 4 .36 26 27 11/2 If 23^ 7| 4 5 .50 27 28 13/4 1-2 8* 8^ -n .70 28 29 2 i| ^ ^ <>i / .95 29 30 2 1/2 i| 4 m H 8 1.25 30 31 3 2 4- Hi 'h 10 1.65 31 32 4 2| ^ 12| ^ 12 2.15 32 33 5 2| 4 i4 n 15 2.90 33 34 6 4 6^ 16i m 18 34 35 8 H 7 19 18 22 35 TESTS J. H. WILLIAT^IS & CO. OF VULCAN HOIST HOOKS. While we cannot guarantee the exact strength of any particular hook these goods have been often carefully tested by various parties to determine their strength. From the records kept of all these tests the weakest hook found of each size has been selected as the basis of the following table. The average strength is much greater than that stated. The cut shows at A the point at "^^ ^''"' which the straightening was measured and ""~- — '' the form of the hook when straightened out is indicated by dotted lines ; none of the hooks broke under tests. Strain Strain Strain Strain Number Required to Required to Required to Required to Number of Hook Stretch i inch ; lbs. Stretch i inch; Ibl. Stretch f inch; lbs. Straighten out ; lbs. of Hook r 2 2,S00 3.000 3,100 3,600 2 3 ;).2()() 3,500 3,700 4,300 3 4 0,900 4,300 4.600 5,500 4 5 6.500 7,900 9.100 13,800 5 V 6 S,200 9,100 9,900 12,300 6 n 7 <),S00 11,600 13.100 19,100 7 1- 8 12,800 13 560 14,550 18,950 8 9 15,850 17.830 19,200 27,060 9 X 10 20.750 22,000 23,460 38,630 10 ■fJ U 20.700 23.550 29,440 42,800 11 ^ 12 26,950 30.800 34.700 54.540 12 13 28,140 32,650 36,600 67,900 13 14 LIS In Pre par ation. 14 15 22 2,700 3.100 3,500 4,050 22 23 3,200 3,900 4.300 5,800 23 24 4.000 4,900 5,600 7,600 24 25 6.500 7,900 9,100 13.800 25 26 9.400 10,800 11,600 13,100 26 4> 27 12,200 14,000 15,800 24.000 27 UJ< 28 12.300 13,560 14,550 18.950 28 JC 29 16,520 18.500 20,820 32,440 29 *d 30 20,750 22,000 23,460 38.630 30 ^ 31 18.950 21,240 23,850 . 40.200 31 32 26.900 30.700 33,500 53,950 32 33 31,870 35.060 38,160 64,100 33 34 35 34 .35 In Prepar ation. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO EYE=BOLTS Weldless These are drop-forged from a stiff, strong steel, which care- ful tests have proved to be the best for the purpose. The metal in the heads is so dis- tributed as to utilize it to the greatest advantage at the point of severest stress. Prices given for special Eye- bolts on receipt of drawings or models and specifications. Furnished without bead shown in cut, if preferred. When ordering please state whether Blank or Threaded are desired. If not specified, Blank (shank not threaded) will be sent. Threaded Eye-bolts of stand- ard length are in stock ; prices for these are for either threads ; special threads extra. Tobin Bronze Eye-bolts for special dies to order in quantities. 45 U, S. or Whitworth Standard marine work from Standard or Prices on application. Price for Standard Safe Extra Diim Length of Diam. Capac- Breaking Price. Price, Length, . Shank from Bead Eye. Inside •f!^,; Strain ; Tons Each. Blank Each. Threaded per Inch or Fraction Thereof on Blanks Shank 3/8 1 1^ 3 2^ § .11 $ .16 $ .02 3/8 7/16 1^ If*^ 1 3 .12 .17 .02 7/16 1/2 H l?o- li ') .14 .20 .03 1/2 9/16 li n 2 (3 .17 .24 .03 9/16 5/8 i^i n •>i .6 .22 .30 .04 5/8 3/4 2 lU o 8 .30 .40 .04 3/4 7/8 2L 1^ 4 17 .40 .52 .05 7/8 1 2.V 2A 22 .55 .69 .06 1 1 1/8 93 ■^4 '2i 4 G 27 .80 .96 .07 1 1/8 1 1/4 3 2-7^ ( 33 1.10 1,29 .08 1 1/4 1 1/2 3i 2f^ 10 40 1.55 1.80 .10 1 1/2 1 3/4 ^ ^ 15. 47 2.15 2.50 .14 1 3/4 2 4 H 20 over 50 2.90 3.40 .18 2 P^or other Eye-bolts see page 46 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. CLOSED WIRE=ROPE SOCKETS Weldless These are drop-forged from a tine grade of steel and are made without welds ; they are, therefore, very much stronger, though lighter, than corresponding sizes of hand-forged, welded iron sockets. Their design and proportions have been carefully studied to obtain the greatest possible strengtli with the least weight. Furnished, regularly, with interior of the basket for holding rope serrated; smooth finish inside supplied to order. When ordering, please use numbers and state whether serrated or smooth are desired. If not specified, serrated will be sent. Number 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Size Rope 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 Extreme Length m -II5 'H ^ 6| n ^^- 101 Length Basket . "4 ^1 01 -'2 3 ■n 4 ^ Large Diameter n n ^ I4 01 03 •^.i 31 Basket, Outside -'i -^4 '>8 Small Diameter lA h% ll^G m Basket, Outside ■i 4 I G Tg Price, each . . $.65 .65 .80 .80 1.00 1.25 1.55 1.95 J. H. WILLIAMS cK: CO. OPEN WIRE=ROPE SOCKETS Weldless These are similar in design and proportions to the Closed Sockets shown on opposite page and are drop-forged, without welds, from a fine grade of steel, making them far superior in strength and finish to hand-forged, welded iron sockets. The Pins are made of a superior grade of steel to obtain high shearing strength. Furnished, regularly, complete with split-pin and with interior of basket for holding rope serrated ; smooth finish inside supplied to order. When ordering, please use numbers and state whether serrated or smooth are desired. If not specified, serrated will be sent. Number Size Rope . . . Extreme Length Length Basket Large Diameter Basket, Outside Small Diameter Basket, Outside Diameter Pin . Price, each . . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 413 4};i 5f^ ^>h 6| 'I n •2 1 21 01 n 8 •H 4 1| n- I'j ^ 2' 03 H 3 -4 f 1 -) Hi 1 - 1,^1 if\, 1/,T $.80 5 8 .80 3 1.00 3 1.00 1 1.25 11 1.60 n 2.05 31 lot ^ lU n 2.60 48 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. CONNECTING RODS Unfinished For Gas Engines, Etc. Full size drawings will be sent on request. Prices will be given for Special Connecting Rods on receipt of models or drawings and specifications stating quantity required. Dimensions show sizes of unfinished forgings. Please use numbers when ordering V c'?l'c BOSSES OR HEADS Thickness of Shank Price .„ s Small Largk "p ^ Diam. Thick. Diam. Thick. Z *14A 21A 24A 35A 8 li 11 1 li% 1 $ .29 .82 .34 .60 14A 21A 24A 35A *Round shank ; heads flush with shank on one side, projecting; | in. from shaiiK on other side IGNITER LEVERS I'nfinlshed For Gas Engines Full size drawings will be sent on request. Prices will be given for special Igniter Levers on receipt of models or drawings and speci- fications stating quantity required. Dimensions show^ sizes of unfinished forgings. Please use numbers when ordering STEM ARM OR LEVER ARM BOSS. Number Leng:th under Length from £ •d S "So Number Q Shoulder C. of Stem ^ ;-. Q OJ 6A i 3f !/« ^'rr t j% « $ .12 6A 6B=Right 6C=Left ■^ 4 h% a ^ i .12 6B=Right 9 4 li. 3 T% i .12 6C=Left 6D % ^ lii ^ T% T*^ .14 6D 8A TS 2^ 1 k T^H T% i .12 8A *10A ^ 4? Hi ■^ ^% 1 ^s M lOA lOB A ry^^ 11 TR * 3 '?2 lOB 12A-Right I^T 3t'b h\ f Vff 3 11 .m 12A=Right l2B.Left 12B.Left ,% -V« lr\ H ^ 1 B .18 ^Double arms projecting both sides of stem in form of T. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. ROD ENDS Unfinished These Rod or Stub Ends are drop-forged from mild steel that welds easily. They are of service in general shop use or machine manufacture as ends of Connecting Rods, Oscillating Bars, Shifting Levers, Eccentric Connections, Yoke Heads, etc., etc. Prices will be given for special forms on receipt of models or drawings and specifications stating quantity required. Dimensions show sizes of unfinished forgings. List prices are changed ; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering SHANK HEAD Price, Each Number Diameter Length under Head Diameter Thickness Number 2=A 5/16 ^ f ' /6 $ .()() 2=A *3=A 3/8 2 « .()() 3= A 5 = A 1/2 ^ i .11 5=A t5 = B 1/2 •)3 -8 1 3 4 .08 t5=B 6-A 9/16 •) Ih /« .08 6=A 7=A 5/8 03 -8 n ^ it .09 7=A 7=B 5/8 ^ H ; ii .11 7=B 7=C 5/8 n ll .5 8 .14 7=C *7=D 5/8 n H\ U .18 *7=D *9=A 3/4 H If % .20 9= A M4=A 1 i/16 o^ 2rV 1 n .40 14 = A Can be furnished longer if desired. Head off-set from center of shank ^r inch. 50 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. CRANK SHAFTS Unfinished and Weldless Cut shows form of Nos. 25 and 40 These are drop-forged from stiff, strong steel and are made close to size, leaving a minimum amount of stock for finishing. Ends marked * on Nos. 10, 20 and 40 cannot be made longer than shown b}- table; all others can be drawn out to extra length at additional charge ; see list. Full size drawings sent on request. Prices will be given for special Crank Shafts upon receipt of drawings and specifications. Dimensions show sizes of unfinished forgings. Single Throw Cranks Num- ber Size Diam. f Shafts Lengths from Arm Stroke of Piston Diam. Wrist Pin Distance Between Arms Price, Each Price for Ex- tra Length, per inch or fraction thereof Num- ber 10 1 1/16 %i& s 2 lA I/g $ .90 $ .06 10 20 1 3/16 *2|& 8J 3 ift ^1~ 1.30 .07 20 25 1 1/4 8i& 8J 3 1/2 1 1 ^ 8 n 1.75 .08 25 40 1 5/8 *8^ & 101 4 1/2 n n 2.90 .12 40 45 1 11/16 11 & 11 6 If n 5.90 .13 45 46 1 3/4 1U& 11| 6 ^ 2/, 4.75 .14 46 48 1 3/4 111 &n^ 6 1/2 1 7 23 4.75 .14 48 Double Throw Cranks 30 50 1 3/8 1 7/8 9 & 9 121 & 121 4 5 ^ 4.00 9.20 .09 .16 30 50 See cut No. 30, page 67 List prices are changed ; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 51 PARTS FOR AUTOMOBILE STEERING GEAR Unp'inished Suitable for carriages weighing from 000 to 1,500 pounds. These parts are drop-forged from stiff, strong steel and are designed for use with ball bearings in pivot hub ; they can be furnished for plain bearings in (luantities to order. Full size drawings sent on request. Estimates given for special parts on receipt of models or drawings and specifications stating quantity required. Length Axle from Shoulder . Diameter of Axle 1^ Diameter of Shoulder 1? Steering Knuckle Price $2.00 each Inches Inches Length Lever C. to C. ....... GJ Length of Hub 3 Diameter of Hub If Two other larger sizes Steering Knuckles furnished to order, viz : Inches Inches No. 5249, Length Axle from Shoulder, 10{ I No. 5850, Same general style as cut. Diameter of Axle, 2^ Length Axle from Shoulder . . . . 9| I Diameter of Axle 2 No Axle Ends in Stock for Nos. 5249 and 5850 ; would be made to order in quantities. Extreme Length Length Round part of Axle .... 2" Diameter Round Part of Axle . . . ly' Front Axle End Price $2.00 each Indies . ... II? I Distance between Arms Length Square Part Axle Size Square Part Axle . . Inches If desired in quantities two Axle Ends will be furnished in one forging of any desired length, making a solid axle bed complete without welds. Extreme Length . . Large Hub, Diam. " " Length Starting Lever Unfinished Price $ .60 each Inches ■ ^TB . 21 Length C. to C. . . Small Hub, Diam. " Length See Crank Handles, page 38 Inches . .71 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. VALVE=STEM FORQINQS Unfinished Weldless C B D F E For Gas Engines, Etc. Dimensions show sizes of unfinished forgings. List prices are changed; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering u, H EAD Stem Lro ON He.\d Price, Price for Extra u ^ (U ^• ^ . ^ ^ ^ Length, ^ 1 2 bcB "rt E o !p E "Si E tc Each per Inch or a £ 3 rt.5 r-! c: X 2i rt c c« c Fraction 3 H Z kJQ c/}C^ h = Q V V Thereof tC Z A 2 H u #2 r^G n 1^6 f\ $ .25 3 .01 A 2 4 2f\ If /^ T^G 82 3 1 A- .40 .02 4 6 2fc If _7^ 16 f 8 ■ =1 3\ .40 .03 6 8 2| 2^« /« 5 8 9 3 4 #2 .4.3 .03 8 9 3i 2t% 1 3 4 91 1 1 I 6 1 .55 .04 9 10 3| 3| 1 f 101 3 i .65 .04 10 B 1 H n A 1% H A 16 .25 .01 B 1 2 2i^e }% 3 8 i H 1% 16 .40 .02 2 4 2| '^i' G /g .5 8 9 ¥ 15 1 6 .50 .03 4 6 2il 2i 3 R 1 91 1 .50 .03 6 * 8 3 2/6 ^1 H 9j 1 6 1 .50 .03 * 8 10 3§ 3t'6 1 B 101 H .65 .04 10 12 4! 4i /« 1 13 13 1 G {i 1.00 .05 12 14 61 '5| 1 i/g 16 1 1 2.60 .09 14 C 1 8 1 16 ei .20 .01 C 2 1 4 1% .25 .01 2 4 111 #2 'i 1^ 1% .25 .01 4 5 2| 3 8 1 9 3 4 io: .50 .04 5 6 8 2fi 3t% /« T6 9 lOL 3 4 1 4 .55 .80 .05 .07 6 8 10 4t'6 8 il lA lor 13 .75 .05 10 12 4f*6 1.40 .07 12 D 13 14 2 3 4i' 2i 2fl 1 Ml 9 J5 - -1 (! If 7 8 13 16 9 11 1^ 7_ 1 6 1.70 2.20 .45 .55 .09 .10 .03 .05 D 13 14 2 3 4 2|| 2r"fi ? 1 9 .65 .0() 4 6 3A -"4 1t'6 91 .75 .06 6 *Head slightly recessed on Stem side. Continued following page. For other valves, see page 61. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. VALVE=STEM FORQINQS Unfinished and Weldless See cuts on previous page. Dimensions show sizes of untinislied forgings. For other valves see page ()1. List prices are changed ; ignore all previous lists. Please use numbers when ordering 53 Head Stem Lug on Head ^ „ 5 II Price tor ictra Leng per Inch r Fractio Thereof I "is x5 1 5 "3; 4, "" ■"" W ° E 2 n n 7 3 2 1 6i- $ .25 $ .01 E 2 3 n 1^ I 7^ "2 ,V ■i .25 .02 3 4 '^h '4 i^l. 11 9 .50 .04 4 6 'He. 3 5 1/. lOi . /') .06 6 10 '^Vt ^i 1 L iw 13 1.70 .08 10 P 2 m n 3^i /. 'h 7« 7 .35 .02 F 2 6 u '^j\ f« ,^T 9 ^ * .45 .02 6 7 H ^ il LL 9 H II .50 .03 7 12 -iu n H 1 13 3 4 1; 1.20 .0() 12 niSCELLANEOUS EYE=BOLTS Weldless These are furnished in two styles or types, A and B. They are carried in stock with Shanks blank (not threaded), but will be supplied threaded to order. Full size drawiiigs will be sent on request. Please use numbers when ordering A B Shank Diam . Eye Price, Type Number Each Type Diam. 1 Length Inside Outside Blank A 15 1 2 h H $ .11 A 15 25 5 I4 I n .14 25 B 1 1 \ 3 1 .05 B 1 10 7 u 1 1| .11 10 15 1 1 m; 11 HI .12 15 16 i_ 311 tV U\ .12 16 45 7 K 4/, u •2 a *^8 .35 45 For other Eye Bolts see page 4- 54 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. KEY FORQINGS Unfinishkd These are made from 3V to ^q inch wider than finished size, to allow for machining- and are square without taper or draft on edges. Cut to special length if desired. Taper ^^ inch to 1 foot. Width, Standard Length under Head Maximum Length under Head Thickness Price Price per Extra Width, Finished Size under Head ; Size Forgings per 100 Inch or Fraction Thereof, per 100 Finished Size 3/16 U :^2 ^ $3 50 $ .90 3/16 1/4 2 4- \ 4.25 1.00 1/4 5/16 n 5- 3% 5.25 1.10 5/16 3/8 3 6| ^ 6.50 1.25 3/8 7/16 31 ^i H 7.75 1.40 7/16 1/2 4 ^ /« 9.00 1.60 1/2 9/16 ^ 9 h 10.50 1.80 9/16 5/8 9 i 12.00 2.05 5/8 11/16 ^ 10 1% 13.50 2.20 11/16 3/4 6 12 i 15.00 2.30 3/4 7/8 7 13 n 19.00 2.60 7/8 1 8 14 f 25.00 2.90 1 1 1/8 9 15 A 35.00 3.40 1 1/8 1 1/4 10 16 ^ 50.00 4.00 1 1/4 SHAFTING COLLARS OR BUSHINGS Unfinished Drop=forged from Steel Weldless Hole forged scant to allow for finishing Size Shaft . . 15/16 1.^. l/« IH 1}| 2r% 2,-V 2]^ 2|^ Outside Diam. l}-§ 2tV •2tV ^{-1 •^T^« 'V'V -n 4fV 4A Width Face . . if ^ 1 lA- IfV lf« ill Ir-iT 1 r. Price, each . . $ .09 .11 .14 .20 .26 .35 .44 .6(; .70 For other rings see Ferrules, page 59 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. THUMB NUTS Blank or Threaded Threaded have base faced at right angle to hole Tobin Bronze Thumb Nuts to order 55 Threaded Thumb Nuts double following: List Prices List price is changed on f inch ; ignore all previous lists. For Bolt ; Size . . Diani. Top Price, Bl'ks per 100 . . 1/8 3/16' 1/4 $8.00 3.50 4.00 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 7 i_ -i) o 1 1 3 Kj 2 16 8 1(5 1 4.50 5.00 0.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 3/4 16.00 THUMB SCREWS Blank or Threaded Shoulder Drop-forged from steel which will harden slightly in water. Plain and shoulder are sold from same list. Please state when ordering which are desired ; if not speci- fied, plain will be sent. Special sizes and shapes and Tobin Bronze Thumb Screws to order. The threaded prices are for either U.S. or Whitworth Standard threads; special threads extra. Price of Blanks per 100 Length Diamete r Head 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 1/4 $1.40 $2.00 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 1/2 1.50 2.10 2.60 2.90 3.25 $4.25 $5.25 $6.25 3/4 1.60 2.20 2.70 3.05 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50 1 1.70 2.30 2.80 3.20 3.75 4.75 5.75 6.75 $7.75 $10.00 1 1/4 1 SO 2.40 2.90 3.35 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8 00 10.25 1 1/2 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.25 10.50 1 3/4 2.60 3.10 3.65 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.75 2 2.70 3.20 3.80 4.75 5.75 6.75 7.75 8.75 11.00 2 1/4 3.30 3.95 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.50 2 1/2 3.40 4.10 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.25 9.50 12.00 2 3/4 3.50 4.25 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 9.75 12.25 3 3.60 4.40 5.75 (5.75 7.75 8.75 10.00 12.50 3 1/2 4.70 6.25 7.25 8.25 9.25 10.50 13.00 4 5.00 6.75 7.75 8.75 9.75 11.00 13.50 4 1/2 7.25 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.50 14.00 5 7.75 8.75 9.75 10.75 12.00 14.50 5 1/2 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.50 15.00 6 10.75 11.75 13.00 15.50 Threaded Thumb For other T Screws at double above List humb Screws see page 61. 56 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 57 3 an o o bJD O a u O c^ a bJD aj x; a; O'-C yu4 o ^ CU CU r- C 3 1J £ 03 3 g !^ .•:;=•.■; u C i,r;- X ~ ""_ Z ^ *- 5 -t- 4^ .c '• -M S ^• ■r. X ^ © © ©©© ^- ^• i~\ d ^ ao^.^ jrrJ«S- ,x — . i;.~ Z <^ _,,.? •' I'-" ■ - -^ .£ = ,^ o ■'" ^* d t> oi,r^ rori^--.^" o ^ -- d ^ "^ -t" Ti ^ .C iA -f ->! Z "^ A x fC © ;5---- ©iD©.£ d £ ^- © fN-+.= £ •^ t> o ^0. - ■ ; O "~ d t> ^ c L:: -^ <^ -^ ^ A^ -^ ^ s-"i Z ^ 4^ ^1 •' rf o" n-v "-" A /. vj d © © IT) ©©ID d d iD©rs^ - X Z ^ <^^ ^^ ^ '-c^ rj c/i Cfl »^ © •C "" ^- X ©ID ID C d XI i-^ ^ IC (N ^".S £ © r>; rs ;7^";;, ^ d fi ''^ O S ?: — -j * ^ cc*^" o i*'" Z ^ <^ ,-H ^ ,d -v o © ID .S d X ID©© ^ c t>iD©.:=.5 on lO r< «V";2 -— .^ o fs" fS O ic'^- •« -.■«?:- O '?! "i^ Z <^ <^ o ~. ~^ 1-M CC '"' ^ cu . . . . -5 ^ .ti <^ ~^ > . 03 bJD-f, ^ - "^ r. '^'^ r^ r^ c: ^ .£ c 5 S d"*rt 11 all giShfl x: ^ X X oj oj rS G o: r^ flj 7 0. y WUJJhJM K c/: 58 r o z J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Id bJD - %% 6 (U O 7; ^ 2i ^ O) ^ ■" > ^ -^ •(T 3 aj C > C rt ^ O" CJ a; S ^ S 3 +i o s .S a ^ ^- ? -^ ^ ^ i3 ^ a; *- rt =/. ^ ^ >» t: c/: -^ -rt "O ti cu o -^ es — N _ 3 ai Tj 1:3 -^ y ^^ a; H ;? ^ (U o y 2 cu CO X - -ri ,-^ ^^ X cc f?! z '^, j 1 to 1 X -f ~Y -f ' c j;< CC CC Z 1^ 1 ^ >< c-i -t ^ jTl Z X '~ r « c 1 " y " 5 "M -t 1^ I^ ' '^ ^ r- e 2 It -t f ) -t 'N ■£ « ) 5 "^ cc 2 ic ^ < ' 1 :i; ^ '-^ i-C 1-A e 1 '^ ^i d 2 -t' i^ ■ X ■ -t- cj -t CI c 1 X ^ ^ 2 1^ c/T 1; C/3 Oj U M-l OJ _N 'S5 ;-! c« i) ^ CA! w rt j^ £ .s S I 5^ -;£ >, s X •- ^ .()(» per Dozen KiTHLR 1>LACK Oli l^RIGHT These claws are carefully wrapped and packed in boxes containing one dozen. J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES 61 Full size drawings or samples will be sent on request. Prices on application. la- Stvle No. 3. Slvle No. 4. Thumb Screws— Diaiu. Shanks ^ in. Any length, hiank or threaded, in qnan- tities. For other Thunili Screws, see page.")."). Air Valves— 2 sizes. Nam- Diani. Spread Diam. her Length Head of Wings Stem o65() 81 2 2g i 5t).J7 5" 8t'o 4 U Furnished to order in quantities^ unfinished. For other \'al\ es, see pages 52, oo. Hammock Hooks ~ I'. S. Government pattern. E.xtreme Length 4| in. Drilled for h in. bolt ; special sizes U> order in quantities. Car Register Handles— 2 sizes. Ex- Outside Maxinuini Opening's trenie Diain. Number Siiuarc Round l.ength Head -lo2H 1 \h -^1 U 5252 5 \i -'i U cc Toggle Pins— 5 sizes. Diam. Shanks § f | 1 1 Length " 5 5 411 4^ 5ig Furnished to order in quantities, unfinished. Single Head Socket Wrenches— 2 sizes. MAXIMIIM OPFNINOS Extreme Diam. Hex. across Numl.er Length Head Square I'lats 567() 6i M i'5 U 5(577 Gi 1^ 3§ ?2 Furnished in quantities with openings in head broached square or hexagon ; details on application. For other Socket Wrenches see page 28 to '.A. Double Head Check=Nut Wrench, No. 97^ Extreme Length 8 in. Thickness Heads ^ in. Openings milled 1^ and l/^ i'^- for J and I in. U. S. Standard Nuts. Milled to special sizes when required. See on page 9 the conditions in which they are furnished. For Single Head Check-Nut Wrenches see page 17. A full line of Caliper or Snap Guage Forgings for inclusive, in nreoaration. to 4 inches 62 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Special Code for Wrenches, Lathe Dogs and Hoist Hooks with Quantities Supplemental to Codes used as per Page 7. Cable Address— " Willrich, Brooklyn" When using this code, add the number showing sizes desired ; for example : a dispatch reading " Isolation fifteen " would order 10 unfinished wrenches No. lo ; reading " Muster four ten twelve" it would order 5 each Nos. 4, 10, 12 Semi-finished wrenches. A dispatch reading "Islet six Mustiness eight Zinepro eight" would order 4 unfinished wrenches No. 6, 10 semi-finished wrenches No. 8 and 15 lathe dogs No. 8 ; a dispatch reading " Putamen two Zodiac twenty-six Hydropic seven " would order 2 finished wrenches No. 2, 25 lathe dogs No. 20 and 10 Vulcan hoist hooks No. 7. A further saving may be made by using in connection with this code, the " Table of Numerals," pages 749-757 Lieber's Standard Code (1898), or the "Serial Numbers," pages 632-641 Western Union Code (1900). Thus a dispatch reading " Isolation Sabientes " (W. U. Code) would mean 10 unfinished wrenches each, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18, and a dispatch reading " Hylobate Sibmah" (W. U. Code) would mean 20 Vulcan hoist hooks each, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. Table Combining Quantities and Goods Quantities Unfinished Wrenches Semi- finished Wrenches Finished Wrenches Lathe Dogs Vulcan Hoist Hooks Quanti- ties I Islam Muslin Pustular Zealless Hybrid J 2 3 Islamitic Islander Musquash Musrol Putamen Putative Zealot Zedoarv Hyalite Hydra 2 3 4 Islet Mussel Putrid Zeolite Hydrant 4 5 Isolate Muster Puttv Zibilina Hydrogen 5 6 Ironed Musician Putrescent Zarathan Hurler 6 10 Isolation Mustiness Puzzle Zimborio Hydropic 10 12 Irongate Musket Pirate Zeladora Hurrah 12 15 20 25 Isosceles Issuing Isthmian Mutable Mutage Mutation Pigm\' Pyramid Pvrite Zinepro Zinkenite Zodiac Hygeian Hylobate Hvmn 15 20 25 30 40 Italics Iterate Mutely Mutilate Pyrology Pyroscope Zolfatea Zoneless Hyphen Hyssop 30 40 50 Ivory Mutineer Putridness Zufolare Hyperbola 50 100 Ivy Mutton Pvritical Zumology Hypericon 100 150 200 Itching Isthmus Mutual Muzzle Pyrotechny Putridity Zozymus Zumbayar Hypnology Hymeneal 150 200 J. H. WILLIAMS & C(X 63 •O .5 2^ u o 6^ ■^fSfC-^lOvOOr^lCOlDOWJOlCO© — ■- ■- fs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 1 3 X tn ^ C (U >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 ilillililliisilii >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o Z a3ESS(u.-SoSaj5Sa;ajiuS3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> W5 1 1 rt £ t^ ^ oq 2 -n g -^ u rt _ rt o -5 IJ'ii'S'aJ'aj.h'al.ti'a; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 >, if. 3 r- .5 llitllllllillisll d Z Klrtrtrtci"c«.-rta3rtrtrtrtrtrt- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> © p-;: t^ o c« =■- 2 ;n 03 5 2 =.2.rt..- 3 t/i ^ rt.h.S § s §llalo|lllEl.i.tllll >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0(^ ■^fSfO-^woor^iooicoiooicoo > d -a OJ cu p J; > rt^ - rt faiO ^ c«- oi C G 3-x; 3 3 T3 >>> '^'rt ^ ^ ^ :i ■5^ "U 'TIJ Tj "Tj 0000 ^ ^ ^ ^ I-^ v' CO. our customer's service but should he own them, he would naturally take these risks. We charge practically only for the exclusive use of dies ; this the customer controls, for we will not make forgings from them for others without his written consent. The lead proof which we submit from each die to our customer often varies from the model or drawings by what is called "'draft". This is the taper necessary on the forgings to permit drawing them from the dies while working and averages seven degrees. It can be obtained bv adding to or taking from the forging ; unless instructed to the contrary, we add the necessary draft We carry a large and assorted stock of material l)ut with new dies, where the size of metal required to make the forg- ings cannot be determined until they are tried in the hammer, delays in obtaining the right sizes sometimes occur. We can- not use poor material and drop-forgings are. therefore, not only superior to hand- forgings or castings, because the metal is improved by the forging operation but also because the nature of the process requires a good quality of material. We are daily machining many varieties of the products of our own forge and can often determine from this experience what material is best for a customer's use and furnish it in proper condition for his processes. Forgings from steel of high carbon usually require annealing before they J. H. WILLIAMS .^ CO can be machined ; we have a large and modern equipment both for this work and for case-hardening. While making forgings we carefully brush them with steel wire brushes to remove the scale but if they are to be machined we pickle them in diluted sulphuric acid to ensure the complete removal of this hard outer surface. We sometimes tumble small pieces instead of pickling them. We can often save customers expense if informed of the use for which the forgings are intended. The price is largely alTected by the quantity made with one setting of the tools. It costs as much to set dies for 100 as for 1000 pieces and the forging work is also more costly in small lots. Prices for special drop-forgings are made per piece, not per pound and vary with the nature of the work, the material used and the quantity taken. We guarantee quality of both workmanship and material and replace without charge forgings that are imperfect or defective but we cannot be responsible for the cost of labor put on them after they have left our hands. The cheapest forgings in the long run are those made unifoi"m in size and quality and close to finished dimensions, thus saving labor, time, tools and monev. 6!) # 70 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. SPECIAL DROP=FORQINGS MADE FOR Automobiles, Bicycles, Bolt Cutters, Carpenters' Tools, Chucks, Conductors' Punches, Cooking Ranges, Dairy Machinery, Elevators, Fire Arms, Golf Irons, Gymnasium Apparatus, Hydrants-, Injectors, Jewelers' Tools, Knitting Machinery, Laundry Machinery Lawn Mowers, Locomotives, Lubricators, Machine Tools, Machinists' Tools Nail Pullers. Oil Well Apparatus, Ordnance, Projectiles, Rachet Drills, Sewing Machines, Shoe Machinery, Special Nuts, Steam Pumps, Sugar Machinery, Tobacco Machinery, Typewriters, Water Motors, Adjustable and Solid Wrenches, Agricultural Machinery, Air Compressors, Automatic Sprinklers, Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Tools. Bookbinders' Machinery, Bottling and Wiring Machinery, Cable Transmission Machinery, Chain Links and Hooks, Cotton, Flax, Jute and Wool Machinery, Dynamos, Electric Motors and Apparatus, Harness and Saddlery, Hemp and Wire Rope Machinery and Appliances. Hydraulic and Lever Jacks, Ice Cutting Machinery, Lumbermen's Tools and Appliances, Marine Specialties. Pipe Cutting and Threading Machinery, Pipe Wrenches, Cutters and A'ises, Printing Presses and Printers' Tools, Railway Brakes, Tools and Appliances. Refrigerating Machinery, Rock Drills and Mining Machinery, Saw Mill Machinery, Steam, Gas and Hot Air Engines, Stonecutters' Machinery and Tools, Store Service and Cash Registry Machinery, Surgical Instruments, Tap Wrenches and Dies, Telephone and Telegraph Appliances. Trolley and Cable Railway Fittings, Weighing Machines, Wood- Working Machinery, etc. Forgings from Tobin Bronze, Copper and Aluminum J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. 71 Not in stock or for sale but showing character of work done only 1 » " ^(/^ J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Not in stock or for sale but showing character of work done only J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Not in stock or for sale but showing character of work done only t- ■i '■1 mt f l-l ^H^lifft^HHi 14 J. H. WILLIAMS & CO. Not in stock or for sale but showing cliaracter of work done only LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 484 919 A #