Class _JT\^(Sil^ Book Q — "'• CopyiightN^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSm PRACTICAL PAN MAN'S GUIDE Containing the best recipes for the manufacture of Dragee and useful advices in general Pan Work. — BY — OCTAVE grilt:^o]v "MfiDAiLLE (le Vermeil'' at the Culinary Exhibition of Toulouse, France. r»RicE : $10.00 For sale by O. Grillon, 307 W. 24tli St., N. Y. .-i^<^ Copyright by Octave GRILL ON, April igii. All, rights op reproduction and translation reserved. ©CI.A2SG682 To my Son, Roger, I zvill leave to you the task of per feet ing the luork I have Just started ; you are young still, you have the neeessary intelligeiiee for it, and the firm Zi'ill to do right. With the adviees you receive daily from me, I hope that in the near future you luill be able to add new reeipes, neiv processes to the Guide I wish to dedicate to you. ] ^nir affectionate father, INTRODUCTION Dragee making is undoubtedly that part of the confectioner's art which requires the most careful attention. However, this class of work is, unfortunately, little known or at least not sufficiently appreci- ated in America, although dragees have, in fact, during the past few years made their appearance on the counters of the candy stores. It has always been a mystery to me why dragees should fail to appeal to the taste of the general public in a country where bonbons are so eminently popular. In Europe and especially in France, dragees invariably appear on the table at every wedding and christening party, and at all family cele- brations. — 6 — The only reason to which this apparent neg- lect can be attributed is the making of imper- fect goods, or insufficient knowledge on the part of the Pan-Man, and in order to improve prevailing conditions in this respect, I have de- cided to write this booklet in the form of a pocket-guide Avhich every workman can readi- ly carry with him at all times. The confection- er will find in the same all such instructions as he may possibly require, and he will find them reliable because all the recipes contained in this booklet have been practically tested and used for manufacturing, exactly in accordance with the printed explanations which I have made as detailed as possible, so they may be thoroughly understood. An uninterrupted experience, extending over 30 years, 14 years of which as foreman by one of the largest confectioner}^ concerns of France, and three years with the oldest established New York confectionery places me in a posi- tion to handle this subject thoroughly and I 7 — have not the slightest doubt but that my efforts will meet with the sincere approval of my fel- low-confectioners. This booklet will also be an indispensable guide for candy-manufacturers, their mana- gers and foremen in all the different branches of confectionery, inasmuch as it will teach them how to make all kinds of centres, such as fruit, liquor, chocolate, cream, almond, etc., etc. A special chapter will be devoted to the making of burnt almond, cream almond in the pan, silvered dragees and many other useful recipes. Gold medal at the i8s fop Steatq. V. CLiSLD <& gOM®, Inc. MAKERS OP CANDY MACHINERY PHILADELPHIA, PA. — i86 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Acorns, green 76 coffee 77 Advices of all kinds 177 Alimentary pafte Centre Dragee 107 Almond halves Dragee 56 Almond and filbert Paste 58 Almond paste Dragee 56 Almond and Pistachio Paste 58 Almond Paste for Molds 60 Angelica Sticks 144 Aniseed Dragee 146 " " transparent 147 Avola flots sugar Almonds 39 '' large 40 Bacon Dragee 116 Blanched Almond Dragee 40 " " How made 57 Bouquet or aroma 32 Bronze Color 24 Burnt Almond 151 Glazing 153 Burnt Cream Almonds 155 Cakes for glazing 120 Caramelized Sugar 154 Caraway Dragee 148 Celery Seed Dragee 149 Chewing Gum Sugar coated 164 Chocolate Color 23 " almond 59 Pellets 62 — i87 — " Centers 63 " Dragee, olive shape 63 " Liquor Dragee 93 " Sugar coated • 132 Chocolatines 51 " French 67 " Spanish, Mexican, Indian, Oriental,CeyIon, Java; 63 Chrystallizing- 69 Citron I44 Cloves, smooth Sugar 98 " hard coated 98 Cocoa Beans II9 Coffee Berries 118 " almond Paste 58 " Dragee 29 " " how to make 30 " Extract 29 " Liquor Dragee 94, Colored Centres 87 Coloring the Dragee 20 Coloring Matters 21 Common Dragee 44 " Grade 46 Compound flavors 33 Conclusion I80 Coral or Ox-Blood red 24 Coriander 25q Cosaques 131 Coumarin Essence 28 Cream Centre Dragee 7I Cream Dragee, almond shape 77 Coupled Pans, small 124 — i88 Damaged Goods 167 Dadicace 4 Devils Pills 133 Dragee 8 Dragee des Deux-Mondes 106 mottled 179 Eggs mottled 82 Eggs small 78 Engrossing 12 " with flour 45 Excelsior Dragee 51 Filberts 75 '• Color 22 " Liquor Dragee 93 " Dragee 42 " '• roasted 42 Filbertine 51 Filling and finishing 17 Fine Black 23 Flavors 25 French Chocolate 86 Fruit Dragee 53 Gas heating installation 168 Glazing 161 " Preparations 162 " hard sugar goods 161 •* of Dragees; how to 121 Glazing; how to 54 Glycerine 24 Grey 23 Gum coating 10 " " sugar centres 164 — 189 — Hard Chocolate Centre Dragee 61 Hard sugar Dragee 74 Important Instructions 30 Interiors jjg Introduction g Italian Dragee 205 Jelly Beans Centres No 1 100 " Bermuda jOO " Centre No 2 101 How coated 102 J ell J Dragee . " Gum Beans I2g Jordan Sugar Almond A " «< (( n Julienne 38 38 39 Composition -jor for glazing sweetmeets 136 Lead Granules Liquor Bottles Liquor Centres Gum coating Liquor Cores preparation Liquor Dragee Liquorice Powder composition Lozenge centre Dragee ,^^ Loie Fuller Shade Marbles assorted transparent - ^ ^ striped Marrons Marshmallow imitation Dragee Centre IO4 134 96 92 89 88 133 190 Mixed Colors " Bijou " Lot Mixtures " A " B " C Mokatine 22 37 38 34 of colored Dragees 35 36 36 37 50 National American Dragea 109 National Dragee j^08 National Marble 208 Natural Essence 29 Nonpareils -jgy Nougat Centres; how made 49 " Grades A, B, C, 49 *' Dragee 47 >j " how made 4g Nougatines g^ Olive green Olives Orange Peel Peanut Dragee roasted Pearling ,, large small 23 126 144 42 141 143 Pearls, oriental ( 124 stomach and digestive Peas 126 126 Peas and Bacon Dragee Pebbles ^^^ Pistachine "^^^ 50 igi Pistachio Dragee 41 Portrait of the Author 3 Practical way to ascertain the size of Dragees 17 Preparation of Vanilla sugar 28 Regular Colors 169 Revolving Pan Installation 172 " '• Measurements 174 '' " for Glazing 120 Roasted Almond Dragee 41 Rose Essence 29 Royal Icing 97 Rum Punch Infusion * 33 Sausage Dragee . II7 Scrapings, How to utilize 167 Seeds I45 Shells 128 Silver Dragee 156 " Sizing 161 Slate Color 23 Soft Dragee Making ^ 122 Striping Marbles HI Tea Liquor Dragee 92 Vanilla Centres 50 " Infusion 27 *' Powder 25 " " composition 2 7 Vanilline Essence 27 Varnishing Recipe 263 Varnish (new) for Dragee finishing I7 Vegetable Liquor Dragee 94 Washing of Dragees I70 Wormseed Dragee (Semen contra) I49 5 1911