THE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY. Its Charter, AND OTHER ACTS OF LEGISLATION RELATING THERETO; Ordinances and By-Laws. OFFICERS FOR 1877-'8. ;rtlier enacted, That the head or chief mas- ter for the said College shall be called and styled " The Presi- dent," and the masters thereof shall be called "Professors and Tutors,", but neither President, professors, or tutors, while they remain such, shall ever be capable of the office of Trustee. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted, That the President, pro- fessors, and tutors, or a majority of them, shall be called and styled " The Facility of the College," which Faculty shall have the power of enforcing- the rules and regulations adopted by the Trustees for the government of the pupils, by rewarding or cen- suring them, and, finally, by suspending such of them as, after repeated admonitions, shall continue disobedient and refractory, until a determination of a quorum of the Trustees can be had ; and of granting and confirming, by and with the a]3probation and consent of the Board of Trustees, signified by their mandamus, such degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, to such pupils of the Institution, or others, who, by their proficiency in learning, or other meritorious distinction, they shall think entitled to them, as are usually granted and conferred in colleges ;, and to grant, to such graduates, diplomas or certificates, under their common seal, and signed by the Faculty, to authenticate and perpetuate the memory of such graduation. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That persons of every relig- ious denomination shail be capable of being elected Trustees ; nor shall any person, either as President, professor, tutor, or pupil, be refused admittance into said College, or denied any of the j)rivileges, immunities, or advantages thereof, for or on ac- count of his sentiments in matters of religion. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted, That no misnomer of the said Corporation shall defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise, or bequest, to or from the said Corporation : I^rovlded, The intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear upon the face of the gift, grant, will, or other writing, whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or from the said Corporation. Sec. 9. And he it further enacted, That the constitution of the said College, herein and hereby declared and established, shall be, and remain, the inviolate constitution of the said College for- ever ; and the same shall not be altered, or alterable, by any or- dinance or law of the said Trustees : Pronlded, That it may be lawful for the Congress of the United States to revoke and repeal this act, at any and at all times whenever they shall think fit so to do. Sec. 10. And he it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the said Board of Trustees to keep a regular book or journal. 5 in which shall be entered, under their direction, besides an account of all their ordinary acts and proceedings, all the by-laws, ordi- nances, rules, and regulations, which may be adopted hj the said Board, for their OAvn government, and for the goYernment of the Institution ; also, a schedule of all the property and effects, real, personal, or mixed, which shall or may be invested in the said Trustees, for the use of the said College, by virtue of any gift, grant, bargain, sale, will, or otherwise, together with annual statements concerning the accounts and finances of the Institu- tion. That it shall, moreover, be the duty of the said Trustees to cause to be enrolled, in the said book or journal, the names of all the contributors to the Institution qualified to vote for Trus- tees, with their respective places of residence ; and the said book or journal shall at all times be open to the inspection or examin- ation of the Attorney-General of the United States : and, when required by either House of Congress, it shall be the dut}^ of the said Trustees to furnish any information respecting their own conduct, the state of the Institution, and of its finances, which shall or may be so required. Sec. 11. And Z>l it further enacted, That in case an}^ vacancj^ or vacancies shall happen in the Board of Trustees aforesaid, by death, inability, resignation, or otherwise, at any time between the stated or triennial elections, that then it shall and may be laAvful for the other Trustees, or any five of them, to proceed, at any subsequent meeting after the happening of such vacancy or vacancies, to choose, by ballot, any suitable person or persons to fill the same. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the employment or application of the funds or income of the said Corporation or any part thereof, for any purpose or object other than those expressed and defined in the first section of this act, or the investment thereof in any other mode than is described and provided in the second section thereof, shall be deemed and taken to be a forfeit- ure of all the rights and immunities derived from this act, and the same shall, thenceforth, cease, and become null and void. Approved February 9, 1821. TERRITORIAL ACT. An Act for the relief of the Columbian College in the District of Columbia. Jie it evacted hy the Tjeyislative Asseinldy of the District of Oohmihiei, Tbat the Columbian College, in the District of Co- lumbia, chartered by and organized and acting under the act of Congress approved Febrnary nine, eighteen hundred and twenty- one, may, fi-om the. proceeds of any sale of its property, apply such sum as may be needful to pay its present indebtedness, and place its libraries, buildings, and apparatus of instruction in good condition, and execute all deeds needful to quiet the title of property already sold. Sec. 2. And be it further evaetcd, That the Trustees of said College elected May last shall constitute the Corporation of said College until their successors in office shall be chosen and quali- fied as is hereinafter provided, and may, until then, as vacancies occur in their niunber, temporarily fill them by the election of fit persons residing hi the District of Columbia. Sec. 3. Ariel be it fitrtJier enacted. That said Trustees shall meet .in the Law Building of said College, at noon, on the twentj'-fiftli day of June, eighteen hundred and seventj^-two, for the purpose of choosing, and shall then and there, or at the time and place to which said meeting may be adjourned, elect thirteen Trustees and thirteen Overseers, who shall, upon their election, constitute the College Corporation, and they and their successors - shall thenceforward be, and be known and recognized as, the Columbian College in the District of Columbia. Sec. 4. Ave] be it farther enacteel, That the Trustees chosen at the said meeting in Jiuie, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, or who may thereafter be chosen, shall be residents of the District of Columbia, and that at said meeting, and at any annual meeting of Trustees and Overseers to be thereafter held in said city of Washington on the Tuesday next preceding the last Wednesday in June, annually, the Trustees and Overseers in convention assem- bled shall fill vacancies in their Board, and shall, by ballot, elect from among the Trustees two suitable persons, one to be President and the other to be Treasurer und Secretary of said Corporation and of the Board of Trustees, and shall establish ordinances and by-laws, or alter or repeal the same ; and also frame laws and regulations for the College Faculty and students in all the de- partments thereof, and by ballot elect such teachers, tutors, pro- fessors, lecturers, and President, and with such salaries and duties as said Corporation may deem proper. Sec. 5. And be it fitrtlier exacted. That at said annual meetings not less than seven Trustees and three Overseers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business except adjournment, and adjournment may he made by any number pj'esent : Provided^ That a final adjournment shall not be delayed beyond one week after the time fixed for the annxial meeting. Sec. 6. And he it fnrt/ier enacted. That during the interval between said annual meetings the Trustees shall, as now, hold semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, and occasional meetings, to fill temporarily, as the case may require, vacancies in the Faculty or in their own Board, and with all their present powers as modified by this act, subject to the ordinances and by-laws of the Corpo- ration ; but no real estate or other property of said Corporation shall, after the twenty-fifth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be disposed of by the Trustees, except by vote of the Corporation or in pursuance of its ordinances. Approved July 25, 1S71. An Act suiiplemental to the act of Febrnaiy uiutli, eighteen hiindred and twenty-one, incorporating the Cohimbiau College, in the District of Co- lumbia. J3e it enacted by the Senate and House of Hejyresentatives of the United States of Ameo'ica in Congress assembled. That the act to incorporate the Columbian College in the District of Co- lumbia, approved February ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty- one, be, and the same is hereby, so modified that said corporation shall be hereafter known and called by the name of the Columbian University, and in that name shall take, hold and manage all the estate and property now belonging to said College, or that may hereafter be conveyed, devised or bequeathed to said Corporation by its original name ; that the restriction of the yearly value of the property of said corporation to the sum of twenty-five thou- sand dollars be, and the said restriction is hereby, repealed ; and that said corporation may increase the number of its overseers to twenty-one, and the number of its Trustees to twenty-one, exclu- sive of the President of the Faculty, who shall be, ex ojficylo, a trustee of said corporation. Sec. 2. That the act for the relief of the Columbian College in the District of Columbia, enacted by the Legislative Assembly of said District, and approved July twenty -fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, be and the same is hereby, approved and con- firmed : Provided^ That this act, nor the said act of the Legis- lative Assembly of the said District, shall be so construed as to authorize the said Columbian University to sell, or use the pro- ceeds of any sale of land granted by Congress to said institution for any purpose other than that expressed in the act of incorpo- ration, and the act granting any such land or real estate, or con- trary to any will, devise or grant of any land or real estate here- tofore or hereafter made, by any person or persons to said insti- tution. [Approved March 3, 1873.] TRUSTEES AND OVERSEERS. Trustees. W. W. CORCORAN LL. D. Hon. JOHN A. BOLLES, LL. D. WILLIAM GUNTON, Esq. Uii. C. H. NICHOLS. Rnv. S. P. HILL, D. D. ANDREW ROTH WELL, Esq. Hon. WILLIAM STICKNEY W. F. MATTINGLY, Esq. J. O. WILSON, Esq. R. C. FOX, Esq. HENRY BEARD,' Esq. Rkv. J. W. PARKER, D. D. Rev. J. H. CUTHBT,RT, D. D. JAMES C. WELLING, LL. D. S. F. BAIRD, A. M. O'Z'ciseers. Rev. C. H. RYLAND, Ale.xanilria, Va. W. V. BOUIC, Esq., Rockville, Md. T. U. WALTER, Ph. D., LL. D., German- town, Pa. Rev. J. W. M. WILLIAMS, D. D., Balti- more. Rev. W. T. BRANTLY, D. D., Baltimore. Rev F. WILSON, D D., Baltimore. HIRAM WOODS, Esq., HENRY TAYLOR, Esq., A. F. CRANE, , Esq., C. A. KEYSER, Esq., EUGENE LEVERING, Esq. Hon. NATHAN BISHOP, New York. Rev. WM. HAGUE, D. D., Boston, Mass. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR i877-'8. President. Vice-President. . W. W. CORCORAN. JOHN A. BOLLES. Secretary and Treasurer. WM. STICKNEY. Executive Committee. Messrs. BOLLES, GUNTON, NICHOLS, STICKNEY, and WELLING. Auditing Committee. Messrs. BEARD, ROTHWELL, and WILSON. Committee on the Laiv School. Messrs. MATTINGLY, WELLING, and BEARD. Committee on the Medical College. Messrs. NICHOLS, FOX, and PARKER. Committee on Preparatory School. Messrs. CUTHBERT, FOX, and WILSON. Committee on the Columbian College. Messrs. PARKER, HILL, and WILSON. ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS. Article I. — Officers. The Officers of the Corporation shall be — A President, A Vice-President, A Secretary and a Treasurer ; all of whom shall be chosen from the Trustees by ballot, at the annual meetings of the Corporation, and hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are chosen and qualified ; the ballots of a majority of the corporators present and voting at such meetings being necessary to a choice. Thei'e shall also be chosen at said meetings, by ballot or otherwise, the following commit- tees : An Executive Committee of five Trustees ; An Auditing Committee of three Trustees ; A Committee on the Preparatory School ; A Committee on the College proper ; A Committee on the Law School ; A Committee on the Medical College ; And a committee on every other School or College connected with the University ; each of said committees to consist of three Trustees. Any vacancy in either of said offices or committees, in the Fac- ulty of the University, or of any of its Schools or Colleges, or in the Board of Trustees, that may occur between said annual meetings, may be temporarily filled by the Trustees, at any duly- notified meeting of the Board, by the ballots of a majority of Trustees present and voting at such meeting. Honorary Overseers and 1'rustees. The President of the United States, the Chief -Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Attorney-General shall be Honorary Trustees of the University, and may attend the meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Trustees, with the privilege of discussion but not of voting therein ; and any person who shall give ten thousand dollars to the Corporation shall be either an Honorary Overseer or Trustee, according' to his residence. 11 Article Jl.—Pozvers a?id Duties of the Officers of the Corporation. I. — President. The President of the Corporation shall preside at all annual or other meetings of the Corporation, and at all meetings of the Board of Trustees, with the powers ordinarily bestowed upon the presiding officers of deliberative assemblies. 2. — Vice-President. In the absence of the President, his powers and duties shall devolve upon the Vice-President, and in the absence of both these officers, upon a Chairman, who shall then be chosen for that purpose. 3. — The Secretary. The Secretary shall notify all meetings of the Corporation, and of the Trustees, and shall attend and keep a record of all business transacted at those meetings. He shall issue all notices to com- mittees and others, conduct the correspondence of the Corporation, and have the custody of their files and records except as herein otherwise provided. He shall hold the seal of the Corporation, and affix impressions of the same to all diplomas, deeds, and other pajDers requiring such impression, conformably to these ordinances, and to votes of the Corporation and of the Board of Trustees. The seal shall remain the same that has been heretofore used by the Corporation, substituting the words Columbian University for Columbian College. He shall have the custody of the plates from which are printed the College diplomas, and shall cause such diplomas to be printed, engrossed, and sealed, as may be directed by the Trustees or by the Corporation. \.-—The Treasurer. The Treasurer, before entering upon his duties, shall give bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars for the faithful performance of said duties, with two or more sureties to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee, which bond shall be deposited with, and safely kept by said Committee. He shall receive and receipt for to the party making payment, 12 all moneys paid to him as Treasurer ; pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee and none other, except salaries duly established ; invest, as the Executive Committee and the President of the Corporation shall jointly direct, the endowment funds of the University; keep full and complete records, accounts, and schedules of all such receipts, disbursements, and investments, and of all the estate and property of the Corporation, and report the same, duly vouched and certified by the Auditing Committee, to the University at its annual meetings, and to the Trustees whenever they may so direct. The said annual report shall be sent, in print, to each member of the Corporation, with the notice of the annual meeting. The salary of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees, but shall not, in the aggregate, exceed fifty dollars a month. 5- — Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, by such business agents as they may designate, shall collect and pay over to the Treasurer all rents, in- terest, dividends, subscriptions, tuition fees, and all other moneys at any time due to the Corporation ; keep properly insured and in good repair all buildings belonging to the University ; take care that the grounds and fences, and matters thereto appertaining, be kept in good condition ; and have, subject to the orders of the Corporation and of the Trustees, the control and management of the property and business affairs and interests of the University. Said Committee shall meet once at least in every month for the transaction of business, and shall keep a full record, by 'a clerk of its own election, of all its doings, which record shall, at all times, be subject to inspection by the Board of Trustees and Board of Overseers. Jointly with the Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall have the custody of, and shall keep in some place of safe deposit selected by said Committee, all deeds, mortgages, policies of insurance, leases, bonds, shares, promissory notes, and all other scrip and securities belonging to the Corporation, all of Avhich shall be deposited in a safe with some safe-deposit company, the key to which safe shall be held by the Treasurer, but which safe shall not be opened except in presence of him and some other member of the Executive Committee. The Vice-President of the University shall be chairuuiu of the Executive Committee, of which Committee the President of the Faculty shall be a member. The business agents employed by the Executive Committee shall receive such compensation as said Committee may direct : J^rooided, That said compensation shall not exceed three per cent, on the moneys collected and paid over to the Treasurer by said agents, and provided that nothing shall be paid for the collection of dividends or interest. Once at least in each year, and oftener if required by the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee shall present to said Board * full report of their doings from the date of their last preceding report. 6. — Auditing Committee. The Auditing Committee shall carefully examine all the Treas- urer's accounts and vouchers, and endorse upon said accounts the result of their examination, before such accounts are laid before the Trustees. 7, 8, 9, 10. — Other Standing Committees. Each of the other Standing Committees, twice at least in every term of the School or College confided to its care, once near the opening, and once near the close of each term, shall visit and care- fully inspect the condition of said School or College, and make a written report thereon to the Executive Committee, and the sub- stance of those reports shall, by the Executive Committee, be made known to the Board of Trustees'. Article III. — Meetings of the Corporation. ■ The annual meeting of the Corporation shall be held in the city of AVashington, at 12 M., on the Tuesday' next before the last Wednesday in June ; notices of which meeting shall be given in writing, through the post-office, by the Secretary, to every Over- seer and Trustee, including honorary Trustees, at least one week before the day of meeting. Upon the written application of seven Overseers, or of seven Trustees, or of the Executive Committee, addressed to the Pres- ident or acting President of the Corporation, a special meeting 14 of the Corporation shall be called, upon such notice as is above prescribed for the annual meeting, for the transaction of such business only as may be specified in the notice. The Trustees shall submit an annual report of the operations of the University in all its departments at each annual meeting of the Corporation ; which report shall, under the direction of the Trustees, be prepared by the President of the Faculty, and shall contain a full account of the affairs and condition of every Col- lege and School of the University, together with such suggestions as the Trustees may deem likely to promote the welfare of the University, and the cause of good morals and sound learning. The Corporation, at its annual meeting, shall take such action, as it may deem needful in the election of President and Faculty of the University and its several Colleges and Schools, and in re- gard to any and all matters affecting the interests of the Corpo- ration. Article IV. — Meetings of the Trustees. Once in each quarter-year, viz., on the second Wedaesday of June, September, December, and March, there shall be a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for the transaction of such business as may be lawfully brought before the meeting. Special meetings of the Trustees may be called whenever the President of the Corporation may direct, at which meetings only such business shall be transacted as may be specified in the notice. All meetings of the Trustees shall be notified by the Secretary, by letter to each Trustee, mailed not less than two secular days before the meeting. The year of the Corporation, for all financial purjDOses, begins at noon on the first Wednesday of June. Article V. — Oiiorum. In all cases not otherwise provided, a majority of the persons entitled to attend and vote shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A smaller number may adjourn any meeting. Article VI. — Sales of Land and other Property. None of the real estate of the University shall be sold by the Trustees except such as they may be authorized to sell by the 15 Corporation, and the concurrence of nine Trustees shall be neces- sary to authorize any such sale. All deetls and conveyances of the real estate of the University must have the signatures of the President and Treasurer of the Corporation, and also of the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Aeticle VII. — Examinations, Commencements, and Exhibitions. The Commencement of the Columbian College shall be held an- nually on the second Wednesday in June ; that of the Law School on the Tuesday next before the second Wednesday in June ; that of the Medical College (after the year 1877-78) on the Tftsday next after the second Wednesday in June ; and the annual Exhi- bition of the Preparatory School on the Friday next after the second Wednesday in June. Whenever the Trustees shall so determine, any two or more of said Commencements and Exhibitions may be combined and held on one and the same day. The Board of Trustees will determine at what hour and where each and all of these anniversary celebrations shall be held. No person will be allowed to deliver any address, or to take any part in them, without the sanction of the Faculty of that Col- lege or School. No medal or other badge of merit, and no diploma or certificate of any sort will be conferred at those anniversaries, excejDt by direction or permission of the Board of Trustees, on the recom- mendation of the several and respective Faculties of said Colleges and Schools. The President of the Faculty will preside at all of these cele- brations, and, under the Trustees' direction, will determine what seats shall be reserved, to whom such seats shall be assigned, and what shall be the form and style of the invitations and cards is- sued therefor. At no Examination, Commencement, or Exhibition Avill the in- troduction or use of any distilled spirit or fermented liquor be al- lowed, on penalty of forfeiture of diploma to the offending party. Article VIII. — Diplomas and Certificates. All diplomas and certificates of Scholarship bestowed upon graduates from the University, or any of its Scliools or Colleges, 16 or upon any other person, shall be signed by the President of the Faculty and by the Secretary of the Corporation. The only charge for any diploma shall be the mere cost thereof, assessed by the Executive Committee, and paid to the Treasurer. Article IX. — Course of Instruction. The present course of studies and instruction in all the depart- ments of the University shall continue, subject to such changes as may be made by the Corporation or by the Trustees. Article X. — Free Instruction to Children of Professors and other Teachers. No tuition fee shall be charged for the instruction of the chil- dren of any professor or teacher connected with the academic department of this University, or for the tuition of any student for the ministry of any denomination, who comes recommended by the Church of which he is a member. Article XI. — The Faculty. The present corps of instruction, and their present rate of sal- ary, shall be continued until the Board of Trustees shall other- wise direct, and may be increased by the Trustees, subject to the approval of the Corporation. Article XII. — Names of the Colleges and Schools of the University. The names of the several departments of instruction shall be as follows, viz : The Preparatory School of the Columbian College. The Columbian College. The Law School of the Columbian University. The National Medical College of the Columbian University. And no other name or title shall be used by the corps of in- structors in these departments. Article XIII. — College Laws. All students connected with the University, in any of its Schools or Colleges, shall be subject to such rules, not inconsistent with these Ordinances and By-Laws, as may be established by their respective Faculties, with the approval of the Board of Trustees. 17 Article XIV. — Vacancies. The place of any member of the Corporation who shall be absent, without satisfactory reason, from two successive annual meetings of the Corporation, shall be declared vacant. Article XV. — Tuition Fees. In all the Colleges and Schools connected with the University, including the Preparatory School, every student must pay the tu- ition fees, established by the Corporation or Boavd of Trustees, within one month after they become due, or, failing to do this, the delinquent student must not be allowed to receive any further instruction until such fees are fully paid. Article XVI. All Ordinances, By-Laws, and votes of the Corporation at vari- ance with the foregoing are rescinded and repealed. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ill* 029 892 092 A LIBRARV OF CONGRESS llliiil 029 892 092 ft