m « v hh| &&# -J MH S M Hi M M ■ mm m HH 11 Class Book.. CopyrightTSl _ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. A printed copy of "Instructions : How to Accomplish the Christian Mental Healing Work," will be presented to any person clipping out this coupon and sending it with One Dollar ($1.00) to the following ad- dress : R. ANNA GERMAN, C. M. D., Los Angeles, California, Headquarters of the Christian Truth-Seek- ers' Association. Puis? 0f % \ BY R. ANNA GERMAN ft LIBRARY nt CONGRESS Two Copies Received MAY 9 1904 Ceoyrlght Entry CLASS a! XXc. No. B MO ?x Affinity CHAPTER IV. Love Is the fulfilling of the law. — Jesu9. Love is the germ of man's true existence through its sacred influence, nature, GOD'S male and female instruments, whereby the forces of His perfect government have de- fined all creation, that meet and mingle in their proper sphere, from the smallest atom to the largest planet ; and when not in- terfered with by thrusting in man-made laws, they cannot fail to reach their true affinity in due season. Like magnets they are attracted to, and require each other's support. It was affinity that launched the earth in its orbit. Like motives and similar tastes are requi- 57 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. site for the success and happiness of the marriage state. And I cannot agree with the advocates of extreme dissimilarity be- ing advantageous to the sexes. It is cer- tainly a mistake, since opposites in any- thing seldom harmonize, and should be care- fully avoided. True sex affinity must ever recognize its own. The intuitions of the sin- cere heart usually form opinions instan- taneously, and these impressions are seldom wrong. Of course, there may occasionally seem an exception to the general rule, and love at first sight may sound imprudent, yet they who are its fortunate possessors are always the most congenial, and therefore, the most successfully mated. It seems as if they have simply re- newed the tie of a former existence, and we need never be anxious for an ideal mar- riage, even though the vow be taken under the most humble circumstances; but this does not necessitate hasty marriage — 58 Sex Affinity. for love, if it be pure, will survive spotlessly the. most dismal adversities, notwithstanding many declare that "Few have married for love without repenting it." I cannot coincide with them; I do not think such per- sons competent judges; they must have mis- taken the real sentiment of true love. Pure affection is of the soul ; it is not mere respect, social endurance, or the "demon cf lust." Love lasts throughout all eternity and will conform to any circumstance in life, no matter how difficult that may be. It will "scale the mountain-peak, defy the prison- cell, and distance holds no obstacles." How- ever, be not over hasty to take upon your- self the responsibilities of wedlock — a step that means so much to the success and life of others as well as to your own future con- tentment, prosperity and happiness. Mistake not passion for affinity, let pure motive, honest desire, and reason guide you ; then there will be little cause for serious 59 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. regret when looking back over your past life. In short, understand thyself and true affinity will lead the way. It is said that love and reason divide the life interests ot man. Then let love, if it be love, be not over exacting, and above all else, not unrea- sonable. The awakening of distrust and jealousy most assuredly doom the affections, like in comparison with the letter to true Christianity, it "killeth," while the real spirit of love gives life and gladness always. Pure affinity adds hope to aspiration; it governs the lower nature and will secure honesty and loyalty in the home. Perhaps the most common matrimonial error, and the one most to be regretted, is the mistake of selecting a life-partner for the sole purpose of advancing financial inter- ests along with social position, and then ex- pect to prosper after having presumed to upset the whole domain in the regulations of human nature. Again, the unwise notion 60 Sex Affinity. of seeking to secure the hand of one whom you have every reason to believe does not share your sentiments, but whose affections you hope to win after marriage, often proves a risky undertaking, for nine times out of ten it is a sad failure for both par- ties. As Lancelot said to the unfortu- nate maid of Astolat, "I love not to be con- strained to love, for love must arise of the heart and not by constraint." It is difficult to say which of the contracting parties in such cases have been made to suffer the most, but wretched they usually are beyond all doubt; though it may not be publicly known it is often privately lamented. There- fore, like in all things else, there should be equality in the affections, if you would avoid unhappy solicitations for each other in the years to come. Under these circumstances it would have been much better to have loved and lost. Far better is the spare in- tellectual repast with quiet and virtue than jarring and confusion over worldly gain. 61 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. The approach of misplaced confidence is not the work of "The one altogether lovely." Cold indifference and selfishness withers hope and will scatter affinity to the wind, for love is sensitive and easily pained when be- stowed with no response. Carelessness for each other's comfort and happiness is, "The little rift within the lute, That by and by will make the music mute, And ever widening slowly silence all." But when equal affinity exists both can forgive and forget all grievances with- in the bounds of reason, no matter what the trouble may chance to have been. "Beholding only the beautiful, the good and the true in character." The nature of love is protection to save, never to injure the object of affection, even though no appreciation is shown in return. Every effort at kindness, even good intentions, are often misconstrued and are painful to those who do not share in the sentiments of sex affinity. 62 Sex Affinity. So must it ever be in matters of inharmo- nious domestic relations and absolute advice will prove a decided mistake. Under such circumstances even the religious counsellor cannot conscientiously dictate terms. In deed, this is the time when perfect neutral- ity betokens the greatest blessing to both parties, from friend to church. "A soft answer turneth away wrath," sayeth the Scripture, "But grievous words stir up anger." It is the little, the numerous unconscious acts of kindness that prove the depth of sincere affection. Divine love which should be our only example forgets not to bestow fragrance upon the smallest violet that peeps its tiny head above the common earth. You cannot undo a mistake or a wrong. by angry argument or cruel comment; you must possess enough sincerity to overlook the supposed grievance, if you would retain harmony in the household. 63 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Speak gently, 'tis but a little thing to do, Speak softly, 'twill bring blessings "unsought to you, and remember, stolid indifference for each other's opinion is the most fatal condition in the marriage state to overcome, and should never be allowed to reach that point. They who are offended are yet concerned and may reconsider, while the absolutely indifferent person has ceased to contemplate the wrong or the pleasure. Unadulterated affinity is the music of married life, and sends forth none of the discords of inharmony; without it there can be little assurance of stability in the matri- monial alliance, and a separation is sure to be the result. Only 'What God hath joined together can no man put asunder.' Love and finance rule the world and the storehouse of nature hath endless resources, nevertheless domestic economy is necessary to insure matrimonial prosperity and should ever be reasonably observed by each. Undue 6 4 Sex Affinity. extravagance should never be participated in by husband or wife; they ought to share alike the joint earnings of their united co- partnership contract, wherein their interests must ever be identical, but this fact is too often overlooked and negligence and jeal- ousy are apparent in every direction, while they search in vain for the reason that is causing so much domestic trouble, misery and discontent. Willful destructiveness is an indication of degeneracy as surely as jealousy is an ad- mission of inferiority. Much has been said and written regard- ing the regulations of the divorce law. Un- der prevailing legislation the divorce law is a blessing to the civilized nations of the world. What good to either individual or society could possibly be gained by compell- ing the continuation of a union that is no more congenial than would be the result ob- tained by throwing together alkali and 65 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. acids? In the latter case we would expect nothing short of one constant fermentation and for two such opposite natures to dwell contentedly is out of the question. Yet they may not be any more to blame for the up- heaval than are the unthinkable chemicals. It is much to be regretted when a thought- ful, perhaps gifted nature, is compelled to appeal to acquaintances and those outside the home circle for the sympathy and en- couragement they deserve. Parents, wives, and husbands, this is the open door to much waywardness, discouragement and separa- tion, then take heed lest you estrange the no- ble genius you may be entertaining una- wares. While legislation has yielded many im- portant questions to the rights of woman during the latter half of the Nineteenth cen- tury, and the wives of to-day have enumer- able advantages over those of the past gen- eration, still there remain vast opportunities 66 Sex Affinity. for improvement along this line. Nothing takes the self-respect so completely out of the mind of an intelligent person as absolute financial dependency, and I am 'fully con- vinced after long observation that two-thirds of the discord now existing among married people would be removed if a fair amount of the monthly income were placed unreserved- ly at the disposal of the wife, not as a beg- gar's mite, but as an equal allowance in just return for honest service. The conscientious woman grows weary under financial oppres- sion and eventually rebels the same as man. especially when penurious circumstances forces upon her the deceit she must so often resort to in order to obtain that which is justly her right to possess. Furthermore, she is often tried beyond all endurance when obliged to stand by and witness shameful ex- travagance in ways she absolutely does not approve. As Susan B. Anthony so practically advises, "If I were a husband I never would 6 7 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. admit that my marriage was a failure until I had tried the profit-sharing plan with my wife." Nature intended that man should pro- vide, and it is woman's disposition to de- spise a stingy, unprincipled man; so woman, physically only, is not man's equal, and she catches it on every side and will, as long as humanity believes that "might makes right." Not unlike the slave wives of India, she must continue to flatter her lord and mas- ter. No wonder she so often resorts to the feminine faculty of intuition, for the cun- ning deception which is her only weapon for combating animal strength. True beyond all doubt, this is largely the male plane, even nature has liberated and more compassionately favored the man in numerous respects, but this is the more reason why he should be kind and generous to woman. Generation is also requisite to increase conjugal felicity. Legitimate offsprings are 68 Sex Affinity. indeed the indissolubly welded links in the golden ties of human affections. Children do much toward increasing the bliss of mar- ried life. Without them a home is incom- plete; but while parents should be gentle^ kind and patient, they should be firm, and above all else truthful with the little ones. The old way was never to "Spare the rod/* while at present it would seem that parents have gone to the other extreme, and the child is now often spoiled and the wrong side of his nature left to rule over him at will. Physical punishment is usually unneces- sary if you have done your duty and taught the child his rightful lessons — obed- ience, truthfulness, honesty and respect, his just inheritance from your estate. Also in rearing a family, care should be taken that every consideration worthy of mention, be not lavished upon the offspring, to the sacrifice of all comfort and compassion for 6 9 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. the mate, for almost unconsciously we are apt to become selfish and neglectful of our companion and allow ourselves to drift in fancy, that we are living our lives over again in our children. Then some day we will awaken to the cold fact that our idols have taken on new bands of more congenial ties, and then it is that we begin to realize for the first time, that we have unwittingly sacrificed the devotion of the one we should have cherished and protected; but when this time arrives it is often too late to rectify one of the most common mistakes of this period. Oh, ye idolizing parents, remember this, that youth cannot sympathize with age ! Let moderation in all circumstances, gov- ern the matrimonial obligations in wed- lock. To indulge in vulgar excess is to tamper with the seeds of death, while on the other hand, total ab- stinence causes the blossom to wither and mortals to reek with suppressed desire. The 70 Sex Affinity. human affections must have an ideal for hope to rest upon, although with some indi- viduals anticipation is often sweeter than actual attainment; nevertheless, communion with the higher order of creation strength- ens the character of the sexes and enriches the nature. These statements might appear contradictory were it not that even nature seems fickle sometimes as she coquets with the destroying elements; but the sunshine contradicts the storm, and sorrow and heart- ache, mellow and mould us into a higher or- der of being. True companionship should be our highest motive for sex union; there- fore always endeavor to select your life-part- ner from among those of your own intellec- tual station, never from beneath, recollecting that this is the quality that especially wears well; this is the faculty most worthy of perpetuation. Far more blessed is the unlawful love-child than is the would-be legitimate; where submission to hatred and compulsion is the source of propagation. 7i Pulse of the Advanced Thought. If we would advance mortal existence and uplift the human race we must not lead an inconsistent life. Indeed, we cannot do so and then hope to improve our progeny. Our motives and aims must be kept spiritually pure if we would assist to obliterate crime and give elevated ideals to exalted aspira- tions; and no better or surer way can be thought out whereby to attain this higher estate than to practice domestic and social equality, along with political and moral free- dom in the home as well as abroad; thus we may assist to liberate mankind, that they may follow unrestricted the dictations of their higher conscience. Marriage will then be of the heart and not from forced circum- stances, virtue and love will be the "Minis- tering angels" at every bridal altar; then evil motives will hold no sway, and divorces will be unknown and man-made laws will not attempt to unfashion the works of "Di- vine wisdom." 72 Sex Affinity. Equal sex affinity is the guiding spark in the life of every married couple, imparting health and strength for each emergency as they journey along this pathway together, love leads onward and upward into endless bliss where harmony dwells com- plete. L' amour est la chaine d'or qui nous lie aT Infini. "Who travels alone with eye on the heights, Tho' he laughs in the daytime, oft weeps through the nights; For courage goes down with the set of the sun, When the toil of the journey is all borne by one. He speeds but to grief, tho' full gaily he ride, Who travels alone without love at his side. Who travels alone without lover or friend, But hurries from nothing to naught at the end; Tho' great be his winnings, and high be his goal, He is bankrupt in wisdom, and beggared in soul. Life's one gift of value to him is denied. Who travels alone without love at his side." 73 Qtyrifittan Mtnt&l paling CHAPTER V. "Go ye unto all the world and preach the Gos- pel and heal the sick." The method of treatment known as Chris- tian Mental Healing is to-day the most pow- erful remedial agent in existence, and there is no doubt but what it is the key to that principle which the Master Physician em- ployed in his marvelous cures among sick and sinful humanity. It is one of those grand gifts of the Great Creator, and when understood you will find it to be both nat- ural and practical, and all who will may learn to accommodate themselves with this ever present healing power — children as well as adults — and the former are often 74 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. much quicker to grasp the new old idea than the latter, "I thank thee, Oh, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hath revealed them unto babes, for so it seemed good in thy sight." — Jesus. To fully understand the principle of "Christian Mental Healing," certainly re- quires the perfect reliance, the confidence of the child thought, although any one who will strive to live in touch with nature's law, and does not attempt to break the Divine commandments, with his own wrong no- tions, cannot fail to keep well himself and heal those who are ailing. Perhaps, you will say; this I have invariably tried to do and still I am a constant sufferer. Then allow me to insist, that you are worrying too much over your physical condition and should "Take less thought for the body." You, perhaps are arguing, just the oppo- site to what you should in order to keep 75 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. well. You are constantly making wrong sug gestions and holding them in consciousness, while you put them into practice. Do not affirm what you do not wish to bring to pass. Endeavor to keep in mind that only joy and health are man's legitimate state, since it is evident that suffering is a part of the "Wages of sin," a statement in accord with just law, as there is no lodging-place for error in truth. We should endeavor to keep in mind pure ideas regarding health laws, and in propor- tion as we succeed in this line, will we grad- ually become attuned and the trouble will disappear, leaving us much better for this mental experiment. If you have had unfortunate experiences or failure in busi- ness, dismiss these unpleasant thoughts from your mind, resolve that you will not be haunted by dark forebodings 76 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. of whatever is disagreeable or irritates you, — forget it; thrust them out of your mem- ory. If you wish to give a treatment, retire in- to the quietness of your own sanctuary, where you can gain an audience with your calm in- nermost thoughts; then try to realize that man's true state is health, harmony, and that life and love are the powers of truth that govern. There can be no sickness; "In fact," no failure, — otherwise they could not be destroyed — and remember, that all discord is the result of ignorance and fear. A calm recognition of these eternal facts will regulate all the functions of the body far more effectually than drugs. To disarm fear entirely is to have dominion over every mor- tal condition, be that physical or mental. Nevertheless, if you have already drifted to where you fancy that you are unable tc help yourself, then call in an honest practi- tioner, one in whom you have confidence, and allow him or her, as the case may be, to 77 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. realize this perfect state of health for you — a conclusion you have not been able to reach for yourself — while you in return render all the aid possible in the way of entertaining just as much composure as you can command during your course of treat- ment; in other words, learn how to concen- trate the thought in harmony. The success lies in your knowing, as you should know, that the nature of Divine love is not willing that any one should suffer and that there is no disease in this perfect law of govern- ment. When this fact becomes clear to you, then you will begin to perceive the true principle of the healing power, the Di- vine process that will make you whole. The antidote for decreptitude and ugli- ness, like the receipt for health and happi- ness, lies in keeping in mind the good, the beautiful, and the true. Do not abuse the lenses of the soul, the mirrors of character. If the eyes are beautiful, the carriage grace-* 78 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. ful, and the intellect bright, appreciation will often overlook the plainness of features and figure. Do not allow yourself to grow old. Pure oxygen, sunshine and smiles, defy the fur- rows of time. If you are becoming de- crepit and morose you should make a criti- cal examination of self each day and religiously endeavor to correct these dis- agreeable complaints, and if you are persis- tent, you will overcome. I know a beautiful character who discovered at the age of fifty five years that she was beginning to stoop and totter as she walked. She determined to correct this unsightly appearance of old age, and with her new found aid, "Chris- tian Advanced Thought," she was enabled to step forth in a very short time with all the elasticity and grace of a Gibson girl. She has proved to her satisfaction that it is un- wise as well as unnecessary to acquiesce to the first signs of approaching disease. 79 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Long years of ripe experience should fash- ion us more gracefully, just as time has ar- tistically carved the towering cliff and strengthened the majestic oak. To the most beautiful natures age has given an add :> ed charm. The beautiful are the hierogly- phics of Divinity. Then I said: "I covet truth; Beauty is unripe childhood's cheat; I leave it behind with the games of youth;" As I spoke, beneath my feet The ground-pine curled its pretty wreath, Running over the club-moss burrs; I inhaled the violet's breath; Around me stood the oaks and firs; Pine-cones and acorns lay on the ground; Over me soared the eternal sky, Full of light and of Deity; Again I saw, again I heard, The rolling river, the morning bird; — Beauty through my senses stole; I yielded myself to the perfect whole. — Emerson. If you find that you have a trait of char- acter or acquired a habit that is disagree- able and repulsive to those about you, en- deavor to eradicate it from your life and you will be much happier by so doing. Begin 80 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. this self -re formation by being less severe in your criticisms of others, calm the troubled waves of "Sense testimony" and conform yourself to circumstances, while endeavoring to recognize and obtain the good in every- thing; then gradually you will become more charitable and less selfish, and you will begin to realize that the trouble lies principally with self and that it is you who will be oblig- ed to rectify these mistakes before you can hope for permanent relief. Try to detect your own faults rather than those of your neigh- bor. For the best results you should never urge a person to accept mental treatment against his will, no matter how near and dear such person may be to you. This precious jewel should ever be regarded as too valuable to be thrown promiscuously about. "Cast not your pearls before swine," said Jesus, "Lest they turn and rend you." Besides, over- persuasion often proves a "Stumbling-block" and the means of them missing their only opportunity for a proof of this beautiful 81 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. truth on the present plane of existence. Fur- thermore, a desire for the treatments are very helpful, faith being a large factor in the case; that is, the faith that comes of under- standing and not blind faith merely, where- in there is a grand difference. Indeed, this is one of the secrets for ninety per cent of the incurables, responding so readily to Christian Mental treatment. They have usually exhausted every other known rem- edy, and at last when they do turn, it is with open arms to any means that offers a ray of hope, thus making the way possible for truth to enter into their hearts; then, they find that after all else has failed, Di- vine love "Is a very present help in time of trouble." To a great extent faith is requisite in all manner of treating disease, even that which is wholly material, since it is inconsistent to suppose that a rational per- son will trust to some method wherein he has not the slightest faith or confidence, 82 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. which amounts to the same thing*. The fact that you will permit of the treatment, is faith sufficient to heal you; but as a rule we should not expect very satisfactory results if we resort to over-persuasion or compul- sion. We have no authority like a charla- tan, to trample upon the honest right to man's idea of self-preservation. While this course does not always meet with ap- proval, experience is often found to be the wiser teacher. Bear in mind that the process for giving Mental treatment is about the same, no mat- ter by what name it is called. The healing work is accomplished either through silent or audible declarations, which answer the same purpose, since they bring about identi- cal results. The metaphysician's effort must ever be to arouse his patient to a higher channel of thought. The Mental treatment, whether imparted silently or audibly, present or absent, when given under possible cir- 83 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. cumstances, will usually prove satisfactory in every case; however the composed or passive state of mind, without argument or suggestion is the best, since both are merely employed to assist in impress- ing a clear realization of health on the minds of yourself and patient. Health is always present waiting to be recognized; in fact all healing is effected by the same mental process, declaring for the supremacy of truth and harmony over discord. For best results, Christian morality should al- ways be observed by both healer and patient. Christianity furnishes a firm support for the weak and afflicted to lean upon in time of suffering. No special formula should be employed as it has a tendency, no matter how angelic the compilation, to become a re- ligious incantation that is liable to be me- chanically repeated and fanatically adored, rather than the impartation and clear reali- zation of the healing principle. All Mental 8 4 Christian Mental Healing As It Is, methods are effected by a similar pro- cess; the principle difference, when there is any, lies usually in the fact that all, except the Christian Mental practitioners, do not fully recognize the governing influence, pow- er or force, as Divine, and are therefore not giving credit where credit is due; but are constantly striking the rock in their own name. This means of procedure must of course prevent them from entering into the promised land of actual understanding. These mistaken practitioners imagine that they are in possession of a secret power, one they may summon with their own human will, and by this means they usually surround their patients with mysticism, and keep z person in ignorance of what is justly his right to know, namely: that the under- standing of GOD as spirit, life and love, is the knowledge of the health-giving princi- ple, that makes whole. 85 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. These are the natures, just mentioned, that send forth naught save health, the only state that is natural to man; therefore, every honest practitioner will endeavor to impress upon the mind of his patient and student, the spiritual understanding of the "Sacred word." "The words thai I speak unto you, they are truth and they are Life," said the great- est Metaphysician the world has ever known. The honest practitioner has no need, nor does he attempt to put his patients into a deep sleep, or wish to unnecessarily control the mind of his patient in order to impress upon them suggestions of health, as some misinformed persons believe. In- stead, he will endeavor to give them an idea of how to control their own body through "Divine mind." Also recollect, that a true Mental Christian practitioner cannot both heal and make sick, or produce and prevent, as many suppose, and should 86 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. any one attempt this mistaken course his healing ability will diminish and eventually be lost through wrong desire, ignorance or false motives. As well might you say that "A fountain could send forth both sweet and bitter waters." So will a constant wrang-, ling over the right and the wrong way, the me and the my, the you and the I, cause our healing ability to become cloud- ed and take chances of again forcing the sign of true Christianity into the untrodden paths of disuse; — since true Christianity and the healing principle are inseparable and must ever go hand in hand. One does not really exist without the other, but some of these blind physicians who are not wholly dishonest, will acknowledge to you that they do not fully understand what this influence is, which they are presuming to handle ; but of one thing you may be reasonably sure, they are certainly "Blind leaders," of the blind, and like materia medica, they cure 87 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. temporarily, but never heal; therefore, "By their fruits ye shall know them." Those who make light of "Christian Men- tal Healing," who ignore or neglect an ail- ment and then say that they have tested Christian healing and have found it lacking in its efficacy, are like the child who would scribble all over a blackboard and then say that the principle of mathematics is incor- rect, because he has been making figures ail day long and has not obtained the solution to his problem. Like in mathematics, there is a certain knowledge to be gained and ap- plied before you can accomplish the per- manent healing work of truth. This century has been properly designat- ed as the "Age of Medicine Worship/ and yet it is generally admitted that the so called science has no fixed principle upon which to found this broad assertion, since the drug that cures one often injures, or else will not affect another person suffering from identi- 88 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. cal causes and with the very same symptoms. The old-school physician would say this mistaken result often occurs from the difference in the condition of the sys- tem, but why not the difficulty arise from the difference in temperament or the mental state of the patient? Know ye not, Oh, Mortals! if the sway of this old Medicine Monarch is not checked, he is destined to become a greater task-mas- ter than they who kept the children of Israel in bondage to materiality six thou- sand years ago ? The trouble with nine-tenths of suffering humanity to-day is the habit of drugging. Then is it not a much better, as well as very much safer means of pro- cedure, to know that real life causation h harmonious and eternal, and sends forth only perfect conditions of health? If we some- times seem discordant, it is because through our lack of understanding we have touched the wrong chord. Our members are parts 8 9 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. of the sensitive instilment, which we may employ with advantage but cannot abuse, if we would hope to have them remain attuned* Perhaps, the condition most to be de- plored, is the one wherein the chronic inva- lid believes himself sinking away in accord with the will of Divine justice. Surely he of all mortals is to be pitied. "God 13 Love," and love is not willing that one of her children should grow weak and perish. Indeed, man was told to have dominion over all things and conditions and shall he not then be able to control his own body ? Truthfully speaking, material remedies have neither power to harm or to help, but their constant use has a tendency to destroy your trust in the Christian method and dull your mental ability to heal. Then why not give up this old threadbare idea, and inves- tigate the true Spiritual healing that Jesus taught, which is governed by the law of perfect principle and can again be satisfac- 90 Christian Mental Healing As It Js. torily demonstrated; if we are disciples of Christ's teachings and professed followers in His footsteps we ought to be able to per- form, at least a part, of the mighty works He so easily accomplished. Jesus bade His disciples to heal first, last, and in all ways; it was the "Sum total" of His every command. He said, 'These signs shall follow them that believe; they shall lay hands on the sick and they ^shall re- cover." Then let us give the sign as did he, and prove true the word He labored so ear- nestly to establish, as well as our own stand- ing in Christianity. What proof have v/e, that the healing work was ever accom- plished unless it can be repeated. James said, ''Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works;" and again, "Faith without works is dead." Christ Jesus was our great Ex- ampler ; He preached to the poor and healed the sick, and He bade His followers go unto 91 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. all the world and do likewise, in whatever city or house they were hospitably received. Our special object, like His, should be to teach mortals how to live right, in or- der to keep well, then they will have no need for a physician. The true "Christ Mental Method" heals every phase of disease and weakness known to mankind. Courage is the result of "Christian Mental Healing," and every person should understand it for the strength of character it imparts. It is the power that overcomes every obstacle in life, — whether financial, domestic, physical or mental. If you- admit, with the average Christian, that Jesus wasthe great Expounder and Dem- onstrater of all truth and healing, and that we should follow His example and keep His commandments in order to be saved, then why omit His last and greatest command ? "Heal the sick!" "If you love Me," He said, "Keep my commandments." If His 92 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. & works were miraculous, then His teachings were unnatural, hence untrue; but we find as in many other instances that both the works and the teachings of Christianity are miraculous only to the unadvanced thinker. You cannot be permanently healed through the efforts of some one else. You may be cured for a time; but in order to reach the full import that absolute freedom implies, you must eventually become your own physician. Neither can you heal success- fully if in doubt of the principle. You must understand for yourself. Even the "Master Physicians," did not claim to heal for all time to come unless the disciple would follow in the footsteps of truth. "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." To the impotent man he said, "Go thy way and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you." "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 93 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. History tells us that the Christian Heal- ing work was accomplished by Christ's fol- lowers for several centuries after the cruci- fixion. Now, if we are to accept this state- ment as true, we will naturally ask, what caused the discontinuation of this part of the Christian work? Has the "Arm of the Lord been shortened?'' And GOD, who is we are told, "The same yesterday, to-day and forever," has He ceased to longer care for His children ? Or is it not more reasona- able to conclude that this lack of power, overshadowed Christian faculty or partly lost element of the healing commandment, was due to the outgrowth and adop- tion of material remedies, the sub- stitution of sects with symbol worship and useless ceremonies, which gradually took the place of the Divine healing work and will repeat the ancient mistake if this same, though higher, perhaps, subtle enemy to spiritual progress is not recognized and care- 94 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. fully guarded against ? Yet while intel- ligence exists, the principle of "Divine heal- ing" could no more be permanently lost than could the principles underlying music, math- ematics, art or natural science. That the "Christian Mental Method" does heal is fast becoming a recognized fact in the land, and this is why its adherents are being so persecuted by the popular medical schools. If we did not heal they would let us alone, knowing that we would soon cease to practice; but we do heal, and that, too, when everything else has failed; and of this fact, dear sufferer, you may be convinced, if you will only come and investigate our method; do not despair, cheer up! though every material means has failed to give you relief, there is still hope and health in store for you. When the power of Christ Mental Heal- ing is universally understood, this knowl- edge will bring about the condition illus- 95 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. irated in Olive Newsom's beautiful essay on the Chemistry of Life : "Misery and dark- ness will pass away and poisonous remedies shall no longer be given to the sick. The laughing babe will be a joy to its parents from this time on; when ailing it shall be fed with the principle of Life, and not with the seeds of death, for health will be its guardian angel. The wife, also, shall walk along the pathway of life and she shall be beautiful, happy, contented, for no disease will lurk within the temple — the body — and her husband shall walk by her side in man- hood's vigor, with step firm, nerve steady, eyes clear, and mind self-poised. No alco- hol will then fire the blood or sear and burn the delicate tissues of the body. No quinine, calomel, belladonna, opium, aconite, chloral or other nauseous poisons shall debilitate the system, destroy the wonderful mechan- ism of the auditorial nerve or mar the beau- tiful windows of the soul — the eyes. Then 9 6 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. quarrels, bickering and senseless strife will cease, and in their place calm reason shall sit enthroned with perfect health." So it is, a true Spiritual understanding of the Sacred Word that gives youth, instead of infirmity, it brings joy instead of misery, imparting health, not sickness. The great importance of Spiritual under- standing, as taught in "Christian Ad- vanced Thought" is, it refines the na- ture, lends strength and self-reliance to character. It will calm fear and destroy excessive habits; it "Heals every dis- ease that flesh is heir to;" it brings the sun- shine of gladness into the darkened home. It will improve the memory, the mental abil- ity, and insure success in every line of occu- pation. Business people cannot afford to be without this knowledge, which alone will establish the true brotherhood of man. It is an education in itself, and will place any one who possesses even a partial 97 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. understanding, head and shoulders above the ordinary walks of life; then you will realize that knowledge is health indeed. "PULSE OF THE ADVANCED THOUGHT." To the Author: I wish to acknowledge my sincere grati- tude for the marvelous healing I have ob- tained, and also the glorious light I have received through your instructions. I trust that my experience may be the means of assisting to lift some poor sufferer out of misery into health and rejoicing. For over sixteen years I was a constant sufferer from sciatic rheumatism and chronic dyspepsia. The last six years of my illness I was taken from one specialist to another throughout the United States, but apparently grew worse the while. I had spent a small fortune in my search for health, and 9 8 Christian Mental Healing As It Is. after all else had failed was ordered by my physician to the State of California. Not with the assurance that I could be healed, but with the belief that my life might be prolonged by the change of climate on the Pacific Coast. In this, like all previous efforts, I was doomed to disappointment. Instead of improving, I grew rapidly worse, and at last was advised to make prepara- tions for the end, as my days were now numbered. I had well nigh lost all power of digestion and was being kept alive on small quantities of imported graham crack- ers soaked in scalded milk. A small quan- tity of this was administered to me every three hours. While this diet was sufficient to sustain the system, it is regarded as very con- stipating, and as I had passed the stage of taking medicine, my physician did not dare to administer cathartics, even a drink of cold water would throw me into violent retching, at which time I suffered intense L.ofC. " Pulse of the Advanced Thought. pain. In appearance, I very much resembled a person who was sinking to the last stage of chronic consumption. This was my con- dition, when, as a very last resort, I turned to the Christian Mental Healers, who thor- oughly restored my health in the marvel- ously short period of eighteen days, and from which time I rapidly increased in flesh and strength. Nor, have I had one symptom of a return of the disease, and it has now been several years since my recovery. Thus, through "Christian Mental Healing," I feel that I am enabled to give praise for my re- markable recovery, and sincerely recommend it to all who are suffering with any form of physical or mental affliction. O. O. NEWCOM, Oakland, California. ioo A lark pt?M0m?tra, CHAPTER VI. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. — I. John, 4:1. When we awaken to the truth of exist- ence, when superstition has given place to understanding, then we will no longer grope about in darkness lending ear to such ig- norance as surrounds the falsity of Modern Spiritualism. Take away the tricks of the magician, si- lence the voice of the mind-reader, and re- move the judge of character, at the same time not permitting the influence of human will power to have exercise over you. Now request the wily medium to produce her demonstrations in the broad, open light of the day, and you will then be convinced of IOI Pulse of the Advanced Thought. just how little truth there really is in the doctrine of "Modern Spiritualism," and you will never again allow yourself to be made the dupe of this bald imposition, notwith- standing many bright intellectualists declare to the contrary ; and one in particular writes in the following strain: "In these days when science is giving spirit phenomena its serious attention, it sav- ors of ignorance and obstinacy for an indi- vidual to declare all such manifestations are the result of trickery and fraud. "To my belief, after much investigation, I am satisfied that communication with dis- embodied spirits is possible, and is an estab- lished fact, as established as wireless teleg- raphy, but much less satisfactory, and rarely resulting in positive good to the recipient. But of scores of experiments, two only re- main with me as convincing evidences (to me) of actual spiritual telephonic connection between the hidden world and this. Scores 1 02 A Dark Phenomena. of other puzzling and curious occurrences have been open to the explanation of mind- reading or suggestion, but these two experi- ences remain with me, convincing and com- forting; for what can be more comforting to the human mind than the belief that dear ones who have passed into the silence may at times come near with words of counsel or warning?" Then she adds : "Nevertheless, I am confident it is not in harmony with God's plan to call back these emancipated spirits; it delays their progress and interferes with our own character-build- ing. While we dwell in the body we are intended to live upon the earth; when we pass out of the body we are intended for other realms and other occupations." Again she self-contradictingly adds : "So the human being who constantly ap- peals to some departed intelligence for coun- sel and guidance is wronging that spirit and 103 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. chafing his own nature if he receives a re- sponse. I have seen character weakened and individuality and self-reliance destroyed by continual searching after spirit communica- tion. It is an unwise and unsafe use uf time." To the latter statement I fully agree with her; but in regard to her belief, like all others who believe in "Modern Spiritualism," I fail to perceive where she has given the slightest proof of this "Dark phenomena" save her own willingness to believe what she desires to be true. At the same time I do not doubt the sincerity of many earnest spiritu- alists, those believers who are not in the circle of actual practice; those who are obliged to devote their time to other voca- tions and only their spare moments to the "Dark seances." Such as they, believe what they hear and are confident that their senses have not deceived them, while they are de- pendent on the wisdom of the cunning man- ipulator for the interpretation of spirit com- 104 A Dark Phenomena. munication. These persons are often not content with the blind faith oi rigid dogma and are reaching out for some- thing more satisfying, and if they would only withdraw long enough to give spiritualism an unprejudiced investigation, they would simply reach the conclusion as did the au- thor, i. e. y that there is practically nothing upon which to found this wonderful doc- trine, save the works of delusion and their own superstitious imagination. But why turn to such darkness in your longing for light, since you virtually say, that you have had quite enough to do with blind guides? Ah, no doubt, they have succeeded in giving you some splendid tests; they have told you many wonderful things, that you say they otherwise could not have possibly known. Moreover, they have produced many strange manifestations right in your presence, and your eyes could not have been deceived. Re- member, dear friend, while you are peace- 105 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. fully slumbering or your mind is busily occu- pied with other cares of life, the ingenious mediators between the departed and the pres- ent are industriously practicing their craft to the unwary in all directions. Nor is it neces- sary that there always be a medium present in order that we feel strange influences and even see strange sights, which are to many unexperienced persons convincing, self-evi- dent facts; and yet the truth remains that these uncommon appearances are only the mirages of our own falsely instructed ideas respecting the fraudulent methods of bring- ing about these weird apparitions. It is possible that the vivid intuitions of a sensi- tive inspirational nature, might be able at times to draw upon the mind forces to such an extent as to produce, in imagination, the touch of the "Vanished hand," hear the fa- miliar voice, to even describe the ob- ject or form held persistently in thought, but oftener these visions are the re- 106 A Dark Phenomena, suit of fraud, and aggravated symptoms of nervous indigestion, caused by prolonged anxiety, longing for the impossible. Hence I would advise such persons to go to the "Christian Mental Healers" and be treated for this ailment. Remember, the human senses can be de- ceived; Art, Astronomy, and Natural Science reverse the evidence of the senses, especially the sense of seeing. While the following little confidence game will show how thoughtless is the average per- son^ What unsuspecting citizen who has been taken in by the meek-looking individ- ual, who comes to the door and addresses you in the following words (could be con- vinced that he had turned the trick against himself) : "If it be ze love affair, cut ze cards wiz ze left hand; if ze business trouble, cut zem wiz ze right hand. I can tell you many tings good for you to know/' Now, after you have cut the cards, and have an- 107 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. swered unthinkingly a few leading ques- tions, then if the fortune-teller is half sharp, she will be able to tell you the rest. You are surprised with what she has told you so cor- rectly. How could she possibly have known so much? She must have been supernat- urally endowed. You pay her of course and are not to say displeased, and ever after be- lieve there is some truth in fortune-telling,, unaware that you had given her the key to your innermost secret. Just so thousands of honest people are caught in like manner every year with similar deceptive schemes. Indeed, there is not an ism known to man- kind but what is less harmful to society than is the doctrine of Modern Spiritualism. In it there are too many opportunities for fraudulent measures; and in the hour of be reavement so many weak individuals resort thereto with the hope of being comforted; but instead are often carried away, becom- ing willing dupes to its many forms of err- 108 A Dark Phenomena. ing mysticism, or else are left wandering about lost in doubt and fear as to what really constitutes the truth of Being. You never jee depicted on the countenances of those who are laboring in the way of love's ap- pointing, the marks of terror or intense fear. "Perfect love," says John, "casteth out fear," and this true scriptural fact alone, should be to us sufficient proof of whether or not we are affiliating with the thought that recog- nizes the sign of Immanuel : "By their works ye shall know them." I feel that I am safe in stating, without the slightest fear of successful contradiction, that any well informed hypnotist, whether he knows aught of the spiritualists' method of manipulation, can produce all, and more of the weird manifestations than they claim to perform, and that too, without the aid of the so called departed spirit, especially if he is a good judge of character and fairly pro- ficient in the art of mind-reading, a faculty 109 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. by the way, which is possessed to a greater or less degree by every individual of ordin- ary intelligence and may be improved at will. To some persons, however, more than others, it comes natural, like the gift of music and mathematics; therefore, it is not supernatural, or a manifestation derived from the controlling influence of a departed spirit, as many suppose. Here permit me to relate an incident that transpired some years ago during the inves- tigating period of the author, and may throw some light upon the subject now un- der consideration: One evening in a certain eastern city, where I was residing at the time, it was announced that a very noted medium would deliver a lecture on the ' 'Truths of Spirit- ualism," and immediately after the said lec- ture she would enter into the trance state and give free tests to all present. It is needless to add, that your humble ser- no A Dark Phenomena. vant occupied a seat in the front row. Ow- ing to the large audience present the tests would necessarily have to be briefly given, however, I was among the first to receive a message from the land of myth. And right here, I must confess, that it came nearer being a real test than any I had ever before received, notwithstanding I had already paid out many a dollar along this line, but not one that I have ever regretted, for with- out knowing the truth or the falsity of a theory you cannot honestly approve or con- demn it; and there is no other possible means known — so satisfying as a personal investigation. Returning to our subject, I will say, that when my turn came the medium announced, pointing her index finger straight toward me, that a departed spirit stood by my side and wished an inter- view with me, — through the medium of course- Well, as time was limited I was obliged tc think fast, and what to say I ill Pulse of the Advanced Thought. scarcely knew ; but at length I began by ask- ing the following questions : "Can you tell me what was the cause of your death?" "Yes," came the answer in quick response; and the medium, suiting the occasion to a fineness, threw herself into an attitude that would have rivaled the feats of a gymnast. These actions, she explained, was to indi- cate that the deceased came to his death from the effects of a severe accident of some kind, but strange to say, I could not then remem- ber of ever having been personally acquaint- ed with any one who had died of accident. Yet I was not at this time fully con- vinced of the falsity of Spiritualism and did not intend to lose this rare opportunity for promoting my convictions; therefore, I was equal to the occasion, and much quicker than it takes to write it, my thoughts rushed back over my past life and presently lit upon the memory of a sad incident that once occurred in the village where I spent most of my 112 A Dark Phenomena. childhood days. It was a circumstance that had, I remembered, impressed me quite deeply at the time — an accident, that hap- pened to an old man who obtained his liveli- hood by hauling wood to the town folks. One day while driving down a steep incline, in the suburbs of the village, the brake on his wagon, upon which he was leaning heavily, gave way, and the sudden jerk caused him to fall forward from the load of wood to the ground, when two of the wagon wheels passed over his body, causing severe internal injuries, from which he expired in a few hours. But so many years had elapsed since this incident that I had forgotten, or per- haps never did know the unfortunate man's name, and had at this particular moment associated it with that of another person whom I afterwards ascertained was still alive and well ; but over-anxious as I was for a communication from the other world, I did not at the time perceive my mistake, and in 113 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. the next breath hurriedly asked if the spirit would kindly tell me his name and describe his personal appearance, while here on earth. All of these questions, mind you, the won- derful medium standing before us had prom- ised to answer, and she kept her word. Only the description and name she gave was that of the living man, whose name I had in my hurry and momentary excitement uncon- sciously associated with that of the departed. Now, I ask, did this spirit wish to play a joke on me and so give me a wrong name and description of himself, or did the me- dium, in her anxiety to get through with me and pass along to the next person, read the narrative just as I had it mistakenly mixed up in memory? I am confident of the latter, assured as I had become with similar results in a score of just such ex- periences with many of their leading lights during my investigation, and which I could relate, only I believe the above will suffice. 114 A Dark Phenomena. Note the so called messages interpreted for our benefit, purporting to have come from the spirit land; even those from the departed statesmen would evince anything but an advanced state of existence. These communications received by the medium, would as a rule do discredit to a child of two years, for at this age the child can usually tell its own name. More than two-thirds of the tests given at the public seances will apply to every indi- vidual in the audience, and I declare with an honest conviction, after years of investi- gation, that there is nothing more impossi- ble than spirit communications. Nevertheless, I have occasionally met mediums whom I believe to be quite sincere; they were per- sons who had started out with strong faith and had listened for strange noises and dis- tant voices, and argued for their pet cause so long that they had brought themselves to rely upon a belief in the impossible. Though "5 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. how a fairly intellectual person can long en- tertain this inconsistent fallacy is to me a much greater mystery. For Spiritualism to be correct would necessitate, upsetting the Divine plan in all the working of eternal progress. Even were we to grant for the sake of argument that there is a spark of truth, — but there is not, — upon which to found this visionary theory, there could be little, at the very most, to establish save an added belief of a life hereafter, an existence be- yond the grave, a proposition that is doubt- ed by but few persons in the present age. It seems to me that it would be quite as rational to believe that we could communis cate with and retain the recollections of those on the former plane of existence before mor- tal birth, as to believe that we can converse and associate with those who have gone on before, to the future plane of existence. Both beliefs are certainly indications of hallucina- 116 A Dark Phenomena. tions. We do not remember the past, the period before birth, and we will not recol- lect in the future, prior to the period called death ; we will not recognize John and Mary and know them as we knew them here — in this thought they have now outgrown. To be able to do so would be inconsistent with the Divine plan, and to wish to is merely the result of human selfishness, and "cuts no figure" in truth. We shall be classified however, as we belong: We will not be strangers to the kindred thought; we will not sink below our level; and as now, so in the future, we will ever be provided for in "Divine principle." Even here we meet those to whom we are enemies at first sight, who repel us, while to others we are drawn, it seems as it were that we have met old friends and had known these latter indi- viduals always, but we do not remember them personally, and will not recollect them over there. 117 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Behold! silvery locks turn to gold, and 4ear old wrinkled brows radiant with youth ; would you be able to recognize the face thus changed of your most beloved one? On the other hand, to grow old and more decrepit on that beautiful shore would be contrary "to every known theory entertained by mor- tals ; while to remain forever a babe or aged and ugly, would be to say the least, any- thing but a joy forever. So it is not, can- not be true; there is no spirit land, no literal hell, no heaven. "Behold! the Kingdom of God is within you." Within x an intelli- gent consciousness, not in a material location can perfect harmony be found; then let us endeavor to keep pace with the highest at- tainments possible that we may improve our standing, not only in the present condition, but in the future as well. This is our moral duty, this is our principal work, here and now, but to suppose that the departed car? return to associate with or exist for an in* 118 A Dark Phenomena. stant in their former condition, is to pre- sume that we possess the power to reverse the order of wisdom. This alone should prove the inconsistency of such a course. An effort if attempted must insure failure at the outset. The next stage of consciousness may be similar to the present, but it must be dif- ferent to the one outgrown. What we shall be like does not yet appear, but we know that we shall be classified as we be- long. Another erroneous theory for worldly wisdom to stumble over is the belief in re- incarnation. To return here under the ordinary conditions and be subject to old tempta- tions; would be nothing gained by man, and little advantage aside from prac- tice for his Creator; whose work was fin- ished long ago, and pronounced good. This, a retrograde step, would keep man ever look- ing backward and forever hinder his spirit- ual advancement in life. Like modern spir- 119 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Stualism, this impossible theory would com- pel Divine wisdom to be constantly doing the work over and over, thus forever hindering the eternal facts of perfect evolution. Think for a moment of a person coming back to this plane of existence to prepare for cer- tain vocations left unlearned, in a world wherein a score of years are sufficient to change the conditions so materially that scarcely a trace of the former beliefs and practices can be found which were regarded as of vital importance to man's well-being the generation before. Indeed, it is true that a few short years here or elsewhere is not sufficient for a full understanding of the eternal facts of existence (to me), an added proof that we do not return here to com- plete the Divine knowledge. "In my Fath- er's House are many mansions," said Jesus. In every age and to every race has arisen inspired prophets who have voiced, to some ^extent, the sentiments of true Christianity, 120 A Dark Phenomena. science and the brotherhood of man ; but in- variably have they stumbled over their su- perstitious beliefs in the necessity for symbol worship and their crude misconceptions of Deity. This is one grand reason why we find under the teachings of absolute Chris- tianity a higher, a more universal culture and civilization. It is because of our less personified humanized conceptions of GOD. Thus, in every age we joyfully behold the lessening of dead rites, superstition, and use- less ceremony, and in their place conies unity, reason, truth and purity. We sometimes hear an enthusiast rave over the superior spiritual attainments of the East India Buddhist priests, but it would seem that if their virtue and understanding were so far in advance of the Christian world that the masses of their people would cease, at least to some extent, after all these years of unsurpassed wisdom claimed for their masters, to rot with filth and disease; 121 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. and that they would put away some of their abominable religious customs of persecution and extreme cruelty. Like all other isms their theory is more beautiful to talk from than to live, and so with the rest of human- ity they are obliged to come to advanced Christianity for high-caste universal civiliza- tion, reason and revelation, and it is unrea- sonable for us to close our eyes to these in- disputable facts. There is no mysterious power, bogy man, spectre or devil, save that which we conjure up from the depths of our own superstitious imagination. If this is not the case, then there must exist a power equal with and aside from GOD, who is "All powerful." It is absurd, in this enlightened age, to accept such ignorant mysticism as truth, though it may seem to appear clothed with angelic ves- ture. A more recent explanation of the phe- nomena surrounding Spiritualism, is that 122 A Datk Phenomena. which is claimed by mental telepathy. From the image of thought, imprinted on the in- ner or subconscious as well as the conscious mind, it is held by non-spiritualists to be such that the mental impressionists can often perceive these mental pictures, even though the circumstance may have long since been forgotten by the person who has retained them. Think of this as you may, it does not alter the fact that the knowledge obtained therefrom is the result of mind-reading, just the same, and not from the control of de- parted spirits. Here you may readily see that it is not absolutely necessary for a thought to be uppermost in the mind in or- der that the practitioner read it correctly; since the obliteration of anything, mental or material, is an impossibility. It is possible, yes probable, that thoughts audibly spoken or even silently spoken are retained and may be sent out where they move on and -on through vibration, until they reach a re- 123 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. ceptive chord in a responsive nature where the thought is taken up and repeated. In the same way facts concerning events of note may sometimes be obtained, even though they have not yet actually transpired. The idea is first born in thought before it takes on form and action. Many of these im- pressions come to us through the power" of intuition, an inspirational faculty we all possess to a certain degree. Much can be accounted for along this line through the vivid impressions left here on earth with us by those who have passed on before; last- ing impressions similar to those of an un- usual incident in the memory of childhood days. The power of intuition and concen- tration are so marked in some individual* that you could almost believe that they were supernaturally endowed, when it is a gift, the same as an unusual talent in any special line of genius. 124 A Dark Phenomena. Many persons, the detective and the pro- fessional gambler, and those in various other vocations as well as the clairvoyant, the "Commercial Medium" and mesmerist could give valuable testimony on this sub- ject. You would not question one who was gift- ed with a superior knowledge of the principle governing music, mathematics, art, et cetera, and believe them to be supernaturally con- trolled. Then why should you insist that other uncommon circumstances must be the result of this dark phenomena? 125 $fer00ttai JHagnrttem, MtBttmi&m. CHAPTER VII. Mesmerism is another source from whence arise many forms of error and supersti- tion. The notion that there exists a mag- netic fluid or force possessed by some indn viduals, that may be employed at will and as an influence for good or evil, is certainly erroneous. As a fact, it has never been established that such a force exists, save the forces of our own false imagination. Mortal man is naturally fond of anything that savors of mystery. It is true some individuals seem to possess more naturally attractive quali- ties than others ; this is called personal mag- netism, and when they are attracted to those of like temperament they are often able to 127 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. exercise considerable influence over each other, especially if one happens to be a good judge of character and knows where and when to take advantage of the weak points in human nature; then he may make it ap- pear to the uninstructed to have acquired a wonderful power derived from some unex- plainable source. (Besides, the whole world loves to be flattered. ) Then if you believe in and fear this power, not knowing from whence it came, you make yourself an easy subject. Animal magnetism, hypnotism and mes- merism, wherein there is practically no dif- ference, save that one person employs man- ipulation for cencentrating the thought, while another may resort to mental sugges- tion, hand passes and even metallic instru- ments of various designs for this same pur- pose, yet the result obtained by each, no mat- ter how mysterious it may appear to the ob- server, can all be accounted for through 128 Personal Magnetism, Mesmerism. the exercise of "Mind over matter." They merely demonstrate the excessive control that the human mind holds over the body, hence the necessity for thought being prop- erly instructed. If you understood your way in truth, such attempted influence could have no power over you. Even an honest mesmerist will tell you that he cannot possibly influence you contrary to your will. You must become passive or he cannot have the slightest con- trol over you. Then if you know what he is about, and make the proper resistence you stand "Master of the situation;'' therefore, if you are influenced it is plain to be seen that you are obliged to yield yourself to his will, and the fact that you were influenced when not aware does not change the situa- tion ; you simply became an innocent, though willing subject. You must invariably lend yourself either willingly or ignorantly to his will ; then, after all, it is a question whether 129 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. or no you do not bring about the desired effect yourself. "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves, servants to obey, his ser- vants ye are to whom ye obey?" St. Bernard has wisely stated that "Noth- ing can work me damage except myself; the harm that I sustain I carry about with me and never am a real sufferer but by my own fault." I once knew an aged professor who took annual tours throughout the country, giving entertainments and lecturing on the princi- ples of hypnotism, mesmerism, et cetera; he also gave class instructions whenever the op- portunity afforded, and on one of these oc- casions he was just about to proceed with the first lesson of a small class when some person knocked on the outer door. Of course he was obliged to answer the call, which proved of a business nature, and there- fore detained him some moments longer than he had anticipated. When he left the students 130 Personal Magnetism, Mesmerism. they were all comfortably seated with their backs toward the door; he was not aware of what had taken place during his absence and was amazed on his return to find each person in a deep, hypnotic sleep, from which he was obliged to awaken them, for as he afterwards stated, he had no de- sire or intention to put them to sleep at this time, since he had only just begun his ex- planation on the subject when he was called to the door. After this experience he in- variably declared that in all his years of practice he had never hypnotized a single person; instead, they had brought about the desired effect themselves. Let this be as it may, in such instances there lies use- ful object lessons; it proves that we govern our own bodies, and with proper understand- ing we may govern them aright. Yes, I think I hear you say, that is ail very well, yet there is certainly mystery ex- isting somewhere. What about animals? 131 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Even the old house-cat and the common wa- ter-snake, both have been known to charm a bird until it would hop into the creat- ure's mouth. Granted; but did not the ani- mal first have to secure the undivided atten- tion of the bird before he could obtain in- fluence over it ? Then who can say that the bird, while making little or no resistance, did not become a willing victim, not realiz- ing of course that its life was to pay the penalty of ignorance? Just so, it is said with regard to music, there is charm, and musical instruments are often used in capturing the boa-constrictor and other wild animals. The plaintive strains of the weird tones have touched a responsive chord in their sympa- thetic natures, causing them to forget all else and so follow blindly wherever it leads., True to nature, fowls, reptiles and animals of every kind, not unlike the human being in this respect, are extremely sensitive and often very curious. Now you would not 132 Personal Magnetism, Mesmerism. acknowledge there is error in the sweet tones of music; then, as with the animal, the fault must lie in the mistake of forget- ting self and being lead by the enemy behind the instrument. In fact, there is no power in either man- ipulator or instrument; there is nothing su- pernatural in any of these peculiar phenom- ena; all can be rationally accounted for; there is no power in them, save the power we ourselves in our ignorance of what the in- fluence is, concede, and that is usually through the loss of self-possession; there- fore, we should learn to judge between the false and the true, then no delusion can have control over us to affect us in the least. The only power that really exists is a "Divinely natural" one and in it there is no mysticism. When we begin to under- stand this great fact the terror and spectral will soon disappear, leaving us very much wiser for our investigation. If in doubt or 133 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. fear concerning a thing- do not run from it, come back, pick it up, handle it, as did Moses in the wilderness, handle the serpent. You, also, will find that it will be- come a staff to lean upon instead of some- thing to fear. To superstitiously dwell upon the prob- abilities of the delusive forces of animal magnetism, is to set up a fear in conscious- ness more difficult to eradicate than is sin or disease. To fear animal magnetism is to establish an aggressive form of hallucina- tion. And personal magnetism is a mild type of animal magnetism, a mixture of character-reading, flattery, passion, intui- tion, and will-power; but neither one of these faculties should be ignored or feared; each should be understood and controlled with right thought and reason. 134 Personal Magnetism, Mesmerism. R. ANNA GERMAN, C. M. D. : Dear Friend of Humanity : — I wish to acknowledge the great benefits received, both mentally and physically, from the inspiring words of yonr lecture and ex- planations on the unreal forces of mysti- cism. You have made so clear the noth- ingness of the many forms of delusion to which I was a confirmed victim that I am sure were you never to accomplish anything further you would certainly have done a good work, and I wish you every success in your reformatory mission among mortals* You can never fully know the mental suf- fering I was undergoing when I was led to you for help. For over two years it had seemed to me as though some unexplainable power had taken possession of my entire being, and no natter what I was doing, or where I went, it was impossible for me to get away from this awful depressing influence. Words 135 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. are inadequate to express this terrible sensation; but of this I am confident, that had I not obtained help just as I did I would not be here to make this grateful acknowl- edgment for truth. I was losing my appetite and my whole body was becoming emaciated; I could no longer work at my trade and was afraid to walk a block from my residence, lest I should drop dead in my tracks. I was bewildered and fast losing my senses; but thanks to this light of advanced understanding it has rent the veil of darkness. My suffering is only a dream of the past and I am now healthy, happy and free through the influ- ence of "Christian Mental Healing." CHARLES LAMB, Ogden, Utah. 136 JKrform, Jfat Jnrmalfem. CHAPTER VIII. For the words that I speak unto you they are truth, and they are life. — Jesus. To that grand untiring army of men and women reformers, both ancient and modern, who have unhesitatingly labored along the line of human advancement, to them I shall ever extend my heartfelt gratitude. For the many grand lessons they have taught, and the good they have accomplished, I wish to give credit, confident as I am that theirs was an unselfish desire to uplift mankind; and in most instances I believe they have nobly ful- filled their several missions, as far as lay in their power, moved as the> were by right motives and holy aspirations. Yet, I can-t not fully coincide with all their views, con- vinced as I feel of the privilege and duty of 137 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. each individual in obedience to reason's de- mand, as well as in common justice to him- self, to do his own work according to his highest sense; and this can only be accom-* plished by following in the light of truth, as far as we comprehend it, "Trying all things and holding fast to that which is good." While being ever ready with an hon- est answer for the hope that is within us. No human being can do our spiritual work for us, and to follow the fixed rules of any par- ticular individual or sect retards self-gov- ernment, hinders individuality and upsets free progress. "Work out your own salva- tion," this is the wisest course to pur- sue; but do not become indifferent because you have no personality to lean upon. You have taken the reins of government in hand and cannot turn back ; therefore, you should strive to govern your destiny with truth, and if in earnest you will succeed, for we are told, "It is God who worketh in vou both 138 Reform, Not Formalism. to will and to do of His good pleasure." We should not hesitate to direct the way as far as we understand it, to the weary pil- grim or the "Stranger that is within our gates," remembering, as the Master said, that, "The harvest is plenteous, but the la- borers are few ;" yet we have no moral right to demand obedience to human codes. It stands with common-sense reason that the full solution of this "Stupendous life prob- lem" never has been and never can be mon- opolized, solved completely on this "Plane of thought" or hedged about with forms and human by-laws, without hindering man's spiritual growth. The compilation of any person, sect or organization is not adequate to explain the Infinity of Divine Wisdom. "Seek not to pour the world into thy little mould, Each as its nature is, its being must unfold; Thou art but as a string in life's vast sounding- board, And other strings a3 sweet may not with thine accord." 139 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. The approach of truth is the dawn of the New Light, an illumining presence that comes to one and all, like a million golden rays from a brilliant midday sun, brighten- ing up the reason, giving animation, hope and intelligence to each of GOD'S children, in proportion as they are found willing and receptive. All right thoughts derive their source from the power of Divine inspiration, no matter from whence they are gained, or by whom they are voiced; but forms of every description hinder advancement, and creeds and rituals keep you in bondage. We have no proof that Jesus ever acknowledged or established any special form of doctrine. His highest creed was strict adherence to Divine law; He turned neither to the right nor to the left, but worked straight ahead, mak- ing no concessions to His opponents, though granting equal rights alike to all mankind. When told that others were healing in His 140 Reform, Not Formalism. name and had been forbidden, He said: "Forbid them not, for he that is for us is not against us." He recognized that Di- vinely natural law required no protection from man-made laws in order to demon- strate its principle. Jesus ever labored in the way of truth's appointing; He said: "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." In the synagogue, on the sea-shore, in the wilderness, on the mountain-top, and along the lowly by-ways, on the corners of the street, or wherever He could secure the at- tention of the greatest number, and do the most good, there Hje was to be found teach- ing, explaining the word of truth for the benefit of suffering humanity. Jesus taught by comparison, and proved His theory cor- rect by demonstration, and He said to His followers, "Go ye and do likewise, for these signs shall follow them that believe." Even the rigid by-laws of many of the dif- are : 141 ferent organizations are a hindrance to man's Pulse of the Advanced Thought. best interests, since they have a tendency to narrow him in bondage, rather than to liberate and uplift, as they pretend is their chief aim. Forms of all descriptions are makeshifts to entertain mortals and detract their attention from thinking and reasoning out this all-important problem for them- selves : like churchanity, secret societies, poli- tics and patent medicines, each one is repre- sented to its followers as a panacea for all ills, instead of a decoy as they often are, to further the interests of some special form of humanly doctrine. Away with the old threadbare adage that there must be a head, a ruler, in order to obtain order, which is necessary only in matters of monarchial gov- ernment, where submission to tyranny, in- stead of obedience to our better nature and higher convictions are required. Against truth, virtue and righteousness, there is no law; therefore, instead of building magnifi- cent temples to uphold and perpetuate ig- 142 Reform, Not Formalism. norance, we should establish and maintain in the honor of liberty, more free training- schools for the purpose of better social and moral education, then we will have fewer institutions for punishing vice and crime— i to support. It is universal reform, not form- alism, that we need. 2. Remember, your mission is half ac- complished if you can set man to reasoning out these all-important questions for him- self. A better state of government must invar- iably keep pace with moral advanced thought, if truth and justice are leading. We cannot have a corrupt religion and a pure government, or vice versa; but it is not necessary to spend valuable time in running after forms and ceremonies in order to be a good citizen or a Christ Christian. Forms always have been and still are the clog in the great revolving wheel of human success and spiritual progress; then shall we forever "Bow down our head as a bulrush, 143 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. and wear sackcloth and ashes?" It requires no such inconsistency to live uprightly and to comprehend the workings of Divinely natural law; indeed, obedience to false doc- trine has darkened the ages, and is the cause of history constantly being repeated in crime and bloodshed. I say this not only from a religious but from a political standpoint as well, for while adhering to forms and useless ceremonies a man not only wastes valuable time, but it hinders him from tak- ing the necessary step for himself. He is too liable to be consoled with the erron- eous idea that he has done his duty in com- plying with certain dead rites, when in fact, GOD recognizes no form as able to save, and every one must understand this great life-giving principle for himself. Who doth the lily ask, whether or not it shall be beautiful, where it shall gather its substance or scatter its fragrance? "And are ye not of more value than many lilies ?*' 144 Reform, Not Formalism. Think you that Christian would have reached the Celestial City if he had been riding a hobby-horse? What has ritualistic forms done for progress? But look what progress will do for ritualism! No matter how much we teach or write on this sub- ject, there is no sin save that which is caused from ignorance and mistaken ideas, brought about by complying with some un- necessary form,, which cause us to neglect our duty. The practical lesson in materiality should be regarded much the same as the sign-post, used as a way-mark, to point out the true course through life ; but we must not gather about it, and bow down and worship the material sign-board. However, it is incon- sistent deception to say that we do not be- lieve in sectarianism, and that we have no creed, when constantly endeavoring to build a hedge about eternal truth with some poor- 145 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. ly devised man-made system of by-laws. You cannot take the principle of life, truth and love, tie them up in various sized parcels, and label them anything, with- out retarding spiritual growth and man's GOD-given right to reason and self-govern- ment. In the great religious missions of many of the large cities, where thousands of dol- lars are gathered annually in pennies and dimes from the appeasing wealthy classes for the purpose of teaching the Gospel to the poor, it is told on reliable authority that hundreds of individuals, both men and wo- men, go night after night from one of these institutions to the other making a business of being saved, and thereby eking out a piti- able livelihood, while the attendants of these "Soul saving" institutions are reaping a financial harvest on the percentage of each soul saved. 146 Reform, Not Formalism. At the same time the above circumstances are not different to the prevailing customs and practices of the more aristocratic gath- erings in "Lofty edifices," where ihe well- dressed business man attends for the sole purpose of securing trade, and the poln tician with the hope of gaining votes for the coming election. Behold ! This abuse of the generous multiplication of the loaves and fishes, yet no individual is wholly to blame for this state of affairs, under pres- ent legislation; it is impossible to do other- wise and exist, Under the prevailing legislation of the civilized nations of the world it is an utter impossibility to lead a genuine Christian life, and if the Great-Hearted Multiplier of ma- terial commodities were here on earth to- day, He would, beyond all doubt approve a change in present conditions, although these changes might even reverse some of His own commands. With the premium removed 147 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. from dishonest legislation there would be lit- tle inclination left to defraud, steal, commit crime or otherwise fall into temptation. Then the work of saving souls from sin would be unnecessary — a useless effort of the selfish past. To be sure there is usually a spark of truth in every theory, and while the testi- mony and experience of an individual may be suggestive of better ideas, they by no means prove the absolute certainty of a doc- trine ; and all the beauty sang of a Sweden- borgian theory will not make the human Di- vine or an "Anthropomorphic God" worthy of adoration. Even religious sentiment must be kept consistent with fixed facts and reason, if you would not lose your true spir- itual bearing. Thus when a theory savors of unexplainable mystery, then draw T closely the line of demarcation between the possible and the impossible, and if it will not stand the light of reason withdraw and be- 148 Reform, Not Formalism. ware. An excellent way to investigate sec- tarian belief is to begin by dissecting its vitals, — its foundation, — and if in the be- ginning you are asked to accept the impos- sible, to believe a system that must upset the whole or a part of the eternal order of man and things, then give it up, for it has not enough truth in it to repay you for the waste of time spent in the investigation. In other words, see that you are not led away by self- mesmerism or otherwise into accepting the impossible, even on faith. There is a way just as demonstrably correct as the science underlying the principle of music and math- ematics, but in ignorance it has no part; hence your inexcusable duty to your Intel- ligent Creator here, dear reader, is to seek the undivided garment of Advanced under- standing and so be at peace with self and your Creator while you work out the facts of eternity. No one can do your spiritual 149 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. work for you any more than he can suc- cessfully accomplish your material duties. It is true that we depend largely upon theory, but the right way is the most un- complicated one, and therefore, the best way, as far as we are concerned. But the moment you subscribe to any form of human doctrine you virtually yield up your personal right to self-government, and, to a great extent, relinquish your hold upon your higher individuality. To live right brings happiness to our door, but to do so does not necessitate becoming a fanatic. Indeed, forms of every descrip- tion make arduous work out of Christian- ity, since they are all more or less based upon speculation and superstition. Then let us endeavor to find the "Happy medium. " We should not hesitate to act when duty requires. They who care not who ad- ministers good and p>iifre government are .also enemies to progress and will eventually 150 Reform, Not Formalism. find a well-grounded fear for careless indif- ference. It is delightfully apparent that if we "Learn our way in truth" and honesty, we will have little to regret and nothing to fear. Then who shall presume to dictate terms and say by what means we shall investigate the science of Being, thus retarding our spir- itual progress by building up timidity and fear. Who did hinder you that you do not understand? will be the important question. To understand the spiritual interpretation of the Word is to possess the key to heaven — "Eternal Harmony." This understand- ing is the "Pearl of great price;" it is the "Bread that cometh down from heaven, whereof ye shall eat and never hunger;" it is the seed that was to be sown by the way- side, the "New Tongue," the "New Heaven and the New Earth," wherein old conditions have passed away and "Behold! all things are become new." Whereas, ignorance is the sin of unforgiveness, and is all I5i Pulse of the Advanced Thought. that will ever need to be lost sight of, it is the cause of all sin, suffering and sorrow. Ignorance loses precious time for us in rioting and remorse; it is the one evil that we ever need to fear; but the carnal reward must be removed before we can rap- idly advance, and psalms and sermons will not prove sufficient in the future, any more than they have in the past, nor will they hold mankind longer in bondage contented with the wages of ignorance. "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me." — Christ. All religion- ists will agree that the Scriptures are an in- spired work. Then, if this be correct, it must necessarily require inspiration to understand them aright. "Would you ask figs from thistles, or grapes from thorns?" As well might you to do so as to expect to imbibe the spiritual through the literal sense of things. "The letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive," said Paul; and I might say 152 Reform, Not Formalism. this is why we cannot formulate a literal limited plan, for acquiring this spiritual knowledge, and this also, is probably the reason why the Great Teacher invariably spoke in parables, and established no special form of doctrine. Even He could not al- ways bring the minds of the multitude to readily comprehend the dawn of this New Light; it comes gradually and "Not with ob- servation, "Ye have eyes and see not, ears and hear not," He said ; and our course was to be, "Precept upon precept, here a little and there a little," as we work up to the high goal of this glorious understanding. Fur- thermore, He declared, "That the hour com- eth, and now is when the true worshiper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth," not in forms or in fear. Perfect Understanding casts out fear; and I can not agree with some advanced thinkers that a little of the Light is worse than to possess none. It was a little leaven that should leaven the whole lump, so potent is truth. 153 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. The seed by the wayside was to. fall in some places thirty fold, sixty and an hund- red fold. Permit me to say, as yet, the hundred fold are few. Perhaps the most difficult points for a beginner to grasp, in the study of Ad- vanced Spiritual teaching, or for the teacher to impart to the student, is the nothingness of discord, — the falsehood, which, when un- derstood, you will recognize to be the result of ignorance, a mistake that you will never again fear nor respect. The above thought, and man's true relation to his Mak- er, seem to be the two great sticking points to comprehend. Recollect that intelligence., like a reflector, expresses the Divine Light of life, love and truth; but keep the line of demarcation well drawn, for the Light is not, cannot be in the reflector, but vice versa, as "In God we live, move and have our being/' Again, the rays are not in the reflector, they are of the reflector, and so it is this reflected light may glance, as it were* 154 Reform, Not Formalism. and illuminate — though less brilliantly — the darkened chambers of thought. Then the receptive human senses catch clear glimpses of the true Li-ght, and are thus led on into higher and brighter views until dark- ness entirely disappears, and in its place shines the spiritual effulgence of intellectual Light. "And God said 'Let there be light, and there was light,' and God saw the light, that it was good ; and God divided the light from the darkness," — ignorance from intelli- gence. In "Nature's mirror" behold ! there beams the spark of Divine Light which casts its reflected rays out upon the receptive men- tality of man, in the sense that in life we live, move and have our existence — Individ- uality — but not in the opposite or pantheis- tic sense. This is the Idea that must be made clear to your mind, first and last; while the dignity, possibility and power of individuality are the constant declarations to be affirmed in consciousness, thus becom- 155 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. ing a law unto ourselves. Living right for righteousness sake, and not merely through fear or compulsion, should be our aim in life. There is nothing that will ever be lost or needs to perish but ignorance, and that per- fect state of society so long sought for, will be reached only in proportion as we live in a thought too broad for creeds. Rituals of every name and nature have a tendency to monarchize and divide the life interests of mankind, and then it becomes an impossibility to establish the oneness of Brotherhood and to reach that high goal foretold by Prophets and the Nazarene. "That faith is best and truest Which is world-wide in its span; That church and creed the highest, Which brings most good to man." I believe when the time comes and it is found necessary to cease following in a cer- tain direction in order to improve our cir- cumstances and obtain better conditions for 156 Reform, Not Formalism. mankind, both socially and morally, we should stop ! "Face about I" and not make ex- cuses and plead, "Suffer it to be so now." Remember the dispensation of forms and ceremonies was suffered, fulfilled and cleans- ed from consciousness and allowed to float peacefully away on the purifying waters of the Jordan, over nineteen centuries ago ; and thus, while it is right to give credit for the good that has been accom- plished in the past, it is wrong, dishon- est and unjust to continue to uphold and support systems that are not absolutely pro- lific of man's highest interests in the future. Especially after we begin to see the incon- sistency of the former trend of circum- stances. No matter how beautiful the the- ory or whom we may chance to disappoint, we should accept the good only, and de- nounce the error, under whatever covering it may be presented, for only by so doing can we deal justice to ourselves and our fel- lowman, even though he may not be will- 157 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. ing or able to perceive our good motive at the time. We must expect to be often severely criticised and misjudged for doing right; but, "Shall we not be about our Father's business," and recognize first, as at last, that we will be forced to see where we cannot be Christ Christians under unjust systems of formalism and usurary gather- ings? It is right to proselyte to convert into advanced ideas. To draw away from old, erroneous customs and practice. Where would we be today if it were not for the many advanced ideas in vogue? Would we not still be riding behind the weary ox and straining our eyes out under the sick- ly flame of the tallow dip, while bowing \a submission to the whipping-post as in the days of yore ? Suppose our forefathers had refused to accept the new inventions and to have been converted over to newer and better views. Think you that it would have been as well for humanity in the present age? Because a system is ancient, and you mav 158 Reform, Not Formalism. have that deep feeling of devotion for it, this signifies little in the correctness of a theory. Many of the pagan idolaters, are the most sincerely convicted worshipers at their shrine known on earth, to-day. So in relig- ion, as with much else in this life, discon- tent is often salutary. Discontent is as surely the father of advancement as "Ne- cessity ever was the mother of invention." Discontent brings false conditions to the sur- face where they can be recognized and de- stroyed. The day is coming and is not far distant when every man will say no more to his neighbor, here is truth and there is truth, but every one, from the last unto the great- est, will know and understand for himself. Yea, the day of ritualism is rapidly drawing to a close, the Diana of ignorance has been shattered and useless formalism is lessen- ing as the years roll by; the broad-minded will no longer accept limitation or imita- tion. 159 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. True, a few may continue to say, the time is not ripe, and " Suffer it to be so now;" yet they, also, will eventually rise above this yoke of human oppression and declare them- selves at an end with longer living in con- tention and, organizing into warfare with their fellow-man. But while truth must eventually triumph, the first and greatest victory to be achieved by mortal is to know and rule oneself. Perfect self-con- trol is a jewel that even monarchs might envy, and he who possesses this faculty wields a mighty scepter for justice, liberty and truth; so it is individual as well as universal reform, not formalism, that we want. We should cease to confound relig- ious ceremony with true Christianity. 1 60 Utupriroa AttatorriL CHAPTER IX. To be spiritually minded is life and peace. — Romans, 8:6. What is GOD? — The Great Enveloping Infinite Principle of Intelligence, the "Force that holds eternity in order." I can give no better definition than that in scriptural lan- guage : Spirit, Life, Love, Light, the Word, Truth. Who or what is man? — Man is what the Bible declares him to be, the image and likeness of his Creator. He is the off- spring or ray from intelligence. Is the human body man? — No; it is simply the sensitive instrument of the senses whereby mortals are enabled to perceive feebly a glimpse of the true individuality of man. Are the Carnal Mind and body one? — 161 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. No; mortal body is the innocent instrument, ever harmonious when governed by intelli- gence, instead of the mistaken "Erring sense," or the wrong conception of persons and things. What is the "erring sense? — It is nothing more or less than the expression of igno- rance — sin. A lie ; nothing in fact, after you learn its origin. , Do you adhere to any special school of mental healing? — No; since wishing to be like the Great Healer, I believe in trying all things and holding fast to that which is good. I am in fact a non-sectarian, Mental Eclectic — a Christian Truth-Seeker. Are the forces of will-power employed in "Christian Mental Healing?" — If you have reference to blind, stubborn will-power. No. If you mean striving for righteousness, in the sense of "Thy will, not my will." Yes. In "Christian Mental Healing" you must recognize the power of Divine will, and in order to do this you must know how to 162 Inquiries Answered. summon the true nature to your assistance. Human will-power is not the method of "Christian Mental Healing. ,, Should the "Christian Mental Practition- ers" be paid for their services ? — Jesus never charged. According to the financial system of to-day you might claim that He did not charge, yet history tells us that Hte and His disciples were supplied with all they had need for, which is, by the way, the most that money can procure at any time or in any place. See Tenth Chapter of Matthew, and read the last chapter of Acts; for what declared Paul, "If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" Besides, ia it not recorded that when Jesus sent His seventy disciples out to heal and preach, that He gave them particular instructions to shake the very dust from their feet, to im- mediately depart from any house or city wherein they were not hospitably received ? Then we have no right to accept the labor 163 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. and monopolize the time and attention of another person without a reasonable remun- eration for their service. Furthermore, we appreciate and take more interest in that wherein we are obliged to make some ma- terial sacrifice. Can a person heal who is sinful or phy- sically ailing himself? — That depends al- together upon the circumstances under which the work is attempted. "None are without sin." I have known a number of healers who were not only successful, with the case in hand, but while giving the treat- ments to others they had actually brought about a cure in themselves. It is right — when called upon — to do our best under all circumstances. Is it true that all "Mental Healing" is accomplished through hypnotic or mesmeric influence? — No, indeed; not unless you al- lege that all good is from that source instead of truth, which is all present good. As well might you say that a mother's soothing in- 164 Inquiries Answered. fluence over her child who is ailing or has fallen down and is suffering from the injury is mesmerism, if so be she has succeeded in bringing about a state of harmony and pass- ivity by reasoning and convincing the child out of its fear. What are the necessary steps to be taken in order to do the healing work ? — Study un- der standingly the spiritual import of the Sacred Word, which you will find is the key to the principle of Divine harmony, and ad- here to the truth that makes free from sin and disease. We must seek for spirituality much the same as the natural musician or the artist forgets all else and searches for the inspira- tional effects of beauty and harmony. If you correctly comprehend how to sym- bolize the Scriptures and can interpret them into their original spiritual meaning, where you gain the infinite lesson from the many objects in truth's creation, then you possess the key to actual spiritual revelation. 165 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Truth must ever be symbolized by a sphere — the circle — the great revolving wheel of eternity ; and just as we look for light from the far-off East, so will its effulgence glow full orbed only as it reaches out to the gol- den shores of the West — out to the broad, placid Pacific, encircling the earth with the unbroken bands of Wisdom and "Universal Brotherhood. ,, Do you believe in Modern Spiritualism? — ? No; I could have no more faith in the ig- norance of the departed individual than T; have in the mistakes of those in the present state of existence. What think you of Heaven, is it a sacred locality provided for a select number? — No. That would be impossible, since it would be contrary to the nature of Deity; such a course would upset the law of love and make "God a respecter of persons." Heaven im- plies a perfect state of consciousness — Peace. "The Kingdom of God is within you/' said Jesus. j66 Inquiries Answered. Do you believe in the Divinity of the man Jesus? — Truth-Seekers build not on person- ality, "either mortal or immortal." Jesus was a teacher, a Master of Spiritual Truths, "The way shower," an exemplary charac- ter. As the New Testament has it, "He was endowed with spirit without measure," but he himself declared, "If I speak of myself I speak a lie," "The words that I speak unto you, they are truth, and they are life." There is far more danger in retarding our Spiritual growth by leaning on person- ality and personal adoration than by not giving credit sufficient. Do you accept the Bible? — Yes, in its Spiritual sense, from Genesis to Revelation; and while not doubting it to be a correct his- tory of man and things, I lay very little stress on the literal significance of the Bible. However, as a "disciple of truth," I accept the spiritual import of the Scriptures as the guide through which we all may attain the understanding of everlasting life. 167 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. Do you think the Bible is an inspired work ? — Yes; I recognize it to be a literal history of a spiritual truth; in other words, a compilation of literal sym- bols of a spiritual fact, and believe that in- asmuch as it is an inspired work, it requires inspiration to read it understandingly. Jesus said to the educated Pharisees of His day, "Ye do err, not understanding the Scrip- tures." If living in fear of a "wrathful God," a "personal devil," or a "literal hell," we can never hope to reach the blessedness that true freedom implies. "God is Love," and "Perfect Love casteth out fear," said John, and it is true. Do you believe in prayer? — Yes, but Truth- Seekers use the Lord's Prayer only, and neither change it nor invent long pray- ers. We believe not in the necessity for re- ligious incantations with their useless repe- titions, to an Anthropopathical God, but know that we must so conform our life in truth that it will be one long, joyful prayer; 1 68 Inquiries Answered. as St. Paul has it, "I declare that I pray al- ways." Will you give the definition of the Holy Ghost? — The Holy Ghost means Divine In- telligence—the dawn of Spiritual Knowl- edge. What is meant by the sin against the Holy Ghost, or the unpardonable sin, as it is called ? — The sin against the Holy Ghost, or the ''unpardonable sin," has reference to the human lack of spiritual understanding, a deficiency in the knowledge that will lead us all into truth. To prove this Jesus said, "And the Holy Ghost, the comforter, shall come, who will teach you all things." On the pentacostal day it was represented as the "Fiery Tongue," symbolizing the spirit- ual purification of knowledge, as, in the Scripture, He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. What constitutes the Advanced Thought ? — "Christian Advanced Thought" explains practically the science of man's true individ- 169 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. uality. It also furnishes the spiritual import of his positive existence. Do you believe in baptism? — Jesus was baptized. No; the real meaning of baptism is to cleanse the conscience through spiritual understanding. True, Jesus suffered Him- self to make concessions to this material symbol in order to fulfil the old dispensation that he might, "Without hindrance, enter up- on the New." He taught entirely by illustra- tion and spoke principally in parables — the New Tongue (Advanced Thought). Are not doctrinal beliefs popular creeds, and sectarianism necessary to man's highest spiritual attainment? — No, not if we are to judge them by their fruits — the only per- missible judgment. Like charity, their cloak often "Covers a multitude of sins," while hindering the march of true spiritual growth. Philosophic research, history, science, and their kindred studies, broaden the intellect. So is the spoken word, helpful to man's 170 Inquiries Answered. moral uplifting, and as the great Metaphy- sician commanded, we shall go in to all the world and preach and teach the word of truth, but we cannot name this saving prin- ciple from a human sense standpoint. We will find as did Jacob of old, that both the messenger and the message of truth are nameless, and cannot be reached through human code or title. What is meant by the Scriptural command, "Have ye the mind, which was also in Christ?" — It means spiritual attainment, re- finement, abstaining from fleshly excesses. "Get knowledge, get wisdom, but with all thy getting get understanding." — Isaiah. "Culture implies all which gives a mind possession of its powers," says Emerson. But the excellence of intellectual living does not exist merely in the perfection of speech, "But in a constant preference for higher thoughts over lower thoughts." "Here is the true secret of that fascination which belongs to intellectual pursuits, that 171 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. they reveal to us a little more, and yet a little more, of the eternal order of the uni- verse, establishing us so firmly in what is known that we acquire an unshakable con- fidence in the laws which govern all things." All I see and know of truth, teaches me to trust the great eternal principle for that which I cannot yet see and do not know What think you of death ? Do you think it is possible for man to ever escape the ex- perience called death?- — Yes; that is, the sense of death ; although his exit will not be one of translation of the Body. Nor do I wish to infer that he will remain here for- ever. The time will come when the change shall be made without suffering. Jesus overcame death, but His mortal body was laid in a sepulchre; and when at length He overcame every mortal condition, even His material body disappeared to this sense, apparently from this plane of existence, Rather then, should we seek the right under- standing, that by so doing we may overcome 172 Inquiries Answered. the power of death's sting and the horror of the grave. Wherein do you differ from the average student of Christian Metaphysics? — I can- not say that I do in many respects. Perhaps, the fact that I do not believe in adhering to forms of any description or to any hu- man compilation of by-laws; yet, I do be- lieve that any one may suggest a noble idea or even give a just command; I also con- tend that all right thought is Divine Revela- tion and comes through inspiration, no mat- ter by whom it is voiced ; and that material- ity, while subject to change, proving its in- feriority, and very secondary compared with spirit, nevertheless comes in response to a certain necessary human demand for it. Not one iota of matter can be destroyed. This is a material plane and as far as the pres- ent conditions are concerned, matter is as in- destructible as the principle that governs all causation. Neither do I hold that the body is the offspring of a false concept or that 173 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. it is the expression of error, only in pro- portion as it is controlled by ignorance. In- stead, it is the sensitive instrument of the senses and will express only right thought, when led by truth and love; neither do I believe that we will ever reach the full stature of perfection in the present grade of ex- perience; yet I do believe that our special work here is to improve our every oppor- tunity for "Divine Wisdom" that we may be prepared through the Advanced Thought for whatever state of consciousness we may next be found. I also believe in mankind exercising their right to self-government and free thought and maintaining this hon- est independence, unless they are reasonably convinced otherwise through actual demon- stration from both a material and mental scientific standpoint. Perhaps I may also differ from some relig- ionists, when I conscientiously insist that I do not believe it necessary or right, or in keeping with truth, to build magnificent tem- 174 In q uiries A nswered. pies and therein to perpetuate forms of any description which have no part in the sal- vation of man. I believe in building schools for moral and spiritually intellectual educa- tional purposes, not churches for symbol worship. We should be practical teachers and healers, not mere religionists. The Truth- Seeker stands for every progressive movement, be that from a social, moral, ma- terial or mental point of view. Are not the Truth-Seekers a religious sect? — As practical Christians, the Truth- Seekers neither fear nor entertain mysti- cism in any form. Our foundation is built on demonstrable Christian principles, and require no man-made by-laws for its ac- ceptance or protection. Furthermore, we believe in building schools instead of churches, for moral and spiritual training; ''We teach how to live" — not how to die — confident that as we live, so shall we be — - physically, mentally, and morally attuned, both here and hereafter. 175 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. We support teachers, lecturers and ''Chris- tian Mental Healers" (Divine counselors). "He that is thirsty let him come and freely drink at the fountain of spiritual knowl- edge." The Truth-Seekers' motto is, "Let there be no whispering among the brethren," and "Voice no error." "Noli malun co git are." We do battle with but one foe — ignorance. Although the Cross has long been the sacred emblem of history, the Truth-Seeker will remember no longer the Crucifixion and lives only in the Resurrection ; and with the stead- ily burning flame of "Christian Advanced Thought," let us seek to illumine the dark- ened haunts of human character and with the fiery tongue of truth we will abolish ig- norance and bear onward the true message of absolute freedom to all mankind. 176 (fiaitrlugum. The author of this little volume has not attempted an extensive explanation of or protracted argument upon this stupend- ous question, believing as she does that "A hint to the wise is sufficient." Beside, most books written on this subject are usually crammed with useless theory, and there- fore, are often misleading in their state- ments; hence my object for stating briefly, while not thrusting deeply within this inex- haustible realm. The unpractical I wish to avoid, hoping thereby to be somewhat in- strumental in assisting to check falsehood, ignorance and mysticism. Nor do I claim the conception of any new ideas in particular, save perhaps the indis- putable fact that our highest spiritual at- tainment here is impossible under sectarian rites and ceremonies, where even a vestige 177 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. of dogmatic forms remain; also that the mortal body in its edonic state before it has partaken of the lie of ignorance, is beyond all cavil the innocent instrument of the senses, and as such is in line with truth's appointing and not the offspring of the false concept, the "Carnal Mind." My principal desire, however, is simply to give you the benefit of my many years of actual experience and unprejudiced research, trusting that you may read and think for yourself, as you hasten along the "rugged pathway" of this busy life. My intention in writing this book has been an effort at a fair, reasonable and hon- est commentary, timely given, as I hope, touching both ancient and modernly Ad- vanced theories; and although they have been voiced more or less in every age since enlightenment first dawned upon the mind of mortals, they never can grow unin- teresting to the Advanced Thinker. Further- more, I believe that the much needed i 7 8 Conclusion. reformation is half accomplished if once you can get mankind started to thinking out this all important question for himself. We may uncover the principle of Being, give an inkling of the true idea to work from, though were it possible to do so, we should not attempt to impart all; something must be left for self to reflect upon in order that we retain our positive individuality. You must work out this great life problem for yourself if you would make the understand- ing yours, and so take a step higher in the scale of existence. I am not unmindful that even in this en- lightened age the feminine voice is not uni- versally appreciated when heard within the realm of science, politics or religion; never- theless, if you will disarm whatever linger- ing, antiquated prejudices you may still have and hold closely the golden thread of thought connection, you cannot fail to dis- cern the living, palpitating pulse of the "Christian Advanced Thought, " and that. 179 Pulse of the Advanced Thought. too, without reading between the lines. "Let our every effort be such as will help the life of the future." If instead of gold or even fame we could impart the gift of an uplifting thought into the heart of our fellow-man, that would be serving GOD as best we can and giving as heaven doth bestow. 1 list, and lo ! the message came; Thy work was well begun; The stream has changed its mighty course, The world to overcome. The light hath broke that darkened spell, My bark moves on at will; Beneath Thou, guiding hand of love, For truth doth now propel. 1 80 MAY 9 1*04 ■Hn 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■I ■■ ■ Mil Hi ■ m |H JHHHH ■HHHh n i HI ■isv;-;.'. MsSE HBP 1