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'%/■ ./ % V . y? ^xm,t i^Bmt&ants nf 3ot|n Norton of Iranfor^ Hittlj Nolf anb iatPB of ®tl|pr lEmtgrant NnrtnnH. tXu Waltpr Utiillkaru Nartnn LAKEVILI^E, CONN.: THEJOIRN'AL PRESS 1909 ^"^"f-^^o or / LOT NORTON, 1st 17*:i— 18J0 ^Sl LOT NoKToN 2ni. 1769— 1W7 LOT NORTON, 3kd 1803—1880 ^TTHIS pamplilet is issued for two reasons. First, as a ^^ medium for setting forth sundry notes regarding the Nortons, gathered in various ways. Second, in hopes that more interest in genealogy will be created in the different branches of the family and that all will work for a Norton Genealogy that shall be as complete as possible. One correspondent suggests a Family Association, with yearly meetings, etc. I hereby express my thanks for notes and data to Miss Mary E. Brooks of Torrington, Conn., (custodian of all records compiled by her grandfather, Lewis M. Norton, who in his day (died 1860) possessed more information regarding the Nortons than any other living man) , also to Miss Frances A. Norton and Mr. George C. Norton of Buffalo, N. Y. The plus (t) mark indicates that I possess data regarding descendants and would be glad to hear from any one interested. WALTER W. NORTON. Lakeville, Conn., August 1909. The History of the Norton family begins at the time of the Norman Conquest when Le Signeur de Norville crossed over to England with King William the Conqueror, September 29, 1066, and was his Constable. The name at that time being Norville which in French signified North Village; the name being changed long afterwards to Nor-ton, which in English is, North-town. It is supposed that all the families of this name in England, Ireland and America were derived from one man. lEmtgratttH The names, dates of birth, arrival in this country, and death of the Norton Emigrants, as recorded by Lewis M. Norton : BORN ARRIVED DIED Thomas, Guilford 1582 1639 1648 Francis, Branford 1606 1631 1666 Rev. John, Boston 1606 1635 1663 William, Ipswich 1610 1635 1694 John, Branford 1622 1646 1709 Thomas, Saybrook 1626 1639 1712 Mary, dau. Francis 1629 1631 Francis, Charleston 1584 1631 1667 George, Salem .... 1629 -^ 1659 John, Guilford 1628 1639 1683 Recorded by George C. Norton Nicholas, Martha's Vineyard 1610 1630 1690 Walter, York, Me. 1575(?) 1632(?) 1635(?) Henry, York, Me Before 1650 1657 (?) 6 3(oI|tt Nnrton John Norton born about 1622 probably at London, 3rd son of Richard Norton and Ellen Rowley, daughter of Thomas, emigrated to America, and as far as we know came first to Bran ford, Conn, ^ His name firet appears on the records there on the first page of the first book July 7, 1646, in a list among whom lands were to be divided. These were records of the early acts if not the first acts of the proprietors, or planters as the}^ were commonly called. His name appears repeatedly to 1648 in similar lists. The first inhabitants of Branford were from Wethersfield, Conn., and from Southampton, L. I., and the settlement is said to have been begun in 1644, but the laying out of the lands was not begun before 1646. John Norton removed from Branford to Hartford about 1659. The description of his Hartford property seems to be worth an insertion in this place. It is on "The original distribution of the lands of Hartford, page 452 and 455." Sept. 29, 1659 he made a purchase in Hartford of Jasper Gunn - - - of several pieces of land, ''and housing". He probably left Branford at about that time - - - but was before a proprietor in the new township of Farmington. "Land in Hartford upon the river of Connecticut, belonging to John Norton and his heirs f()rever, - - - one parcel of which he bought of Jasper Gunn, containing by estimation one acre and two roods, be it more or less, together with a house and barn standing thereon ; wdiich parcel of land abutts on the highway leading from the old ox-pasture to the mill, on the west side of land appointed for a burying place and on Charles Fox's land on the East and on John Stedman's land on the South - - - and on O. (0 zias) Goodwin's land on the North. Next are described seven pieces more, a part of wliicli was on the "East side of the great river," - - containing in all about 35 acres. The next and last piece is thus described, • - "More one parcel of wood land which he bought of Jasper Gunn, lying in the ox-pasture, containing by estimation thirty acres, be it more or less, abutting on John Pantry's land on the South and on a highway lying in that ox-pasture on the East on Mill river on the West." "Those parcels of land were purchased of Jasper Gunn, and passed over to John Norton by a deed of sale Sept. 29, 1629 - - but it should have been 59, - - which deed was witnessed by Messrs. John Steel, and John Sumor. Recorded this 15th day of Feb. 1666, per me - - John Allyn Register." "These parcels of land above written are all sold to Ensign Jarred Spencer, and stand recorded to him in the 445th page of this book. John Allyn Register." On the page above referred to is a deed from John Norton - - "Land in Hartford upon the river of Connecti- cut, belonging to Ensign Jarred Spencer and his heirs for- ever, which he purchased of John Norton. Then follows a description of all the above said pieces. "February 1666, John Norton ordered me to record these parcels above written to Ensign Jarred Spencer he having sold them to him. John Allyn, Register." There is next following a receipt signed by John Norton. "These presents witness that whereas Jarred Spencer of Hartford was indebted unto me John Norton of Farmington the sum of one hundred twenty-two pounds and ten shillings, for certain parcels of land and housing situated at Hartford", etc., This was dated Feb. 23, 1664. With respect to the question - - When did John Norton remove to Farmington? - - the best evidence to be 8 found ill the record of the baptism of his son Samuel "May 30, 1659. On the Proprietor's Book in Farmington his name appears among the 84 proprietors in the First Division of lands - - and onward. The town was hicorpoiated 1645. There can be little doubt that he was a proprietor there several years before his settlement in Farmington even possibly before he removed to Branford. Made free at Hartford May 21, 1664. He was then of Farmington. Joined the church in Farmington in October 1661. He married first Dorothy who died in Branford, Jan. 24, 1652. Married second Elizabeth who died in Branford, Nov. 6, 1657, and third Elizabeth Clark, who died in Farmington Nov., 8, 1702, said to be sister of John Clark of Saybrook. He died in Farmington Nov. 5, 1709. Children by first wife Dorothy, all born in Branford. ^'t i Elizabeth b. about 1645 m. Nov. 24, 1668 John Plumb of Milford. • t ii Hannah b. 1647 m. Jan. 3, 1666 Samuel North of Farm- ington. iii Dorothy b. Mch. 1, 1649 m. Dickenson. 2 iv John b. May 24, 1651 ('hikl by second wife Elizabeth born in Branford. V Felix b. Oct. 14, 1657 d. Jan. 15, 1857-8. Children by third wife Elizabeth Clark. vi Samuel bap. in Farmington May, 1659 d. August 20, 1659. t vii Thomas b. Sept. 1680 in Farmington m. Jan. 7, 1700 Hannah Rose. 9 2 1 : John Norton (/o/^?t) born in Branford, Conn., May 24, 1651 died in Farmington, April 25, 1725, married in Farmington, Ruth daugliter of Deacon Isaac Moore and Ruth Stanley. He was deputy to the General Court for Farmington in 1680, 1681 and 1682. Widow Ruth and son Thomas adminis- tered liis Estate. Children born in Farmington. i Ruth b. 1675 m. Feb. 25, 1700 Thomas Seymour of Hartford. t ii Isaac b. 1680 m. May 6, 1707 Elizabeth Galpin of Hai'tford. t iii Elizabeth b. 1682 m. June 5, 1702-3 Samuel Catlin of Hartford. N iv John b. 1684 m. May 6, 1708 Anne Thompson of Farm- ington. V Mary b. 1686 m. Ist. John Pantry, Jr., of Hartford, m. 2nd. Solomon Boltwood of Amherst. t vi Sarah b. 1689 m. Aug. 10, 1710 Samuel Nowell of Farmington. vii Hannah b. 1692 m. Jan. 29, 1713 John Pratt of Hartford. t viii Dorcas b. 1695 m. Joseph Bird of Litchfield and Salisbury. 3 ix Thomas b. 1697. t X Ebenezer m. July 1, 1726 Sarali Savage. MEMORANDA. Deacon Isaac Moore first of Farmington was one of the first settlers of Norwalk. He married at Hartford, Dec. 5, 1645 Ruth daughter of Jolm Stanley. Was Representative for Norwalk in 1657. About 1660 went back to Farmington wliere he was a Deacon. Was Sergeant in 1649 and may be the Isaac Moore who came in the ship "Increase" 1635 from London to Boston. 10 o O 4; J. Thomas Norton (John, John) born in Farmington July 11, 1697 died in same place 1760, married first, November 17, 1724 Elizabeth McTan of Stratford, Conn., who died in Farmington 1736. Married second, 1739 (Widow) Kachel Pomeroy. Married third, Sept. 11, 1753 Elizabeth Deming. Owned considerable property in Farmington and * was a good citizen, and an excellent farmer. Was one of the original proprietors of Salisbury and April 1739 drew lot number 24 in the first division of land. In 1748 purchased considerable land from Thomas Lamb. "Know all men by these Presents that I, Thomas Norton, of Farmington, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut, in New England, for and in Consideration of that Parental Love and Affection that I have and do bear unto my Son, Lot Norton of sd Farmington and by way of Portion from me to him do Give, Grant, Convey and Confirm unto him my sd Son Lot Norton and unto his Heirs and assigns forever, all my Kight to Land laid out in the Township of Salisbury, in the County of Litchfield and Colony aforesaid, containing about Three Hundred Acres be the same more or less, according to the Survey Bills thereof as on Record . Reference there unto being had, and also my Right to undivided Land in sd Township be ye same more or less, to Hav© and to Hold the above given and granted Premises with the Appurtenances thereof unto him the said Lot Norton and unto his Heirs and Assigns to his and their proper uses and Behoof from the day of the Date of the sd Property forever, he and they to hold and enjoy the same quietly and Peacably without any Reclaim Challenge, or Contradiction, or Molestation from me the sd Thomas 11 Norton or any other Person or Persons forever, and the sd given and granted Premises unto him the sd Lot Norton his Heirs and assigns against myself and all other Person or Persons forever shall and will warrant and defend the same by these Presents. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this 27th day of January in the Twenty Eighth year of his Magisty's Eeign Anno Domini 1755. Signed, sealed & Dlvd in Presence of (^ ^r^f//9 aD I Solomon Whitman i C^fj/ (\C^^^ O^ ^Y iii Elizabeth, b. 1746, Dec. 19. d. 1814, Jan. John Dowd t vi Ebenezer, b. 1748, Aug. 12. d. 1795, Sept. 24. 1. Experience Lewis 2. Charity Mills t V Rachael, b. 1762, June 26. d. 1819, Dec. 17. Amasa Cooke vi Marana, b. 1755, March 13. d. 1828, Oct. 20. Jonathan Buell t vii Olive, b. 1758, Jan. 13. d. 1815, April 6. Timothy Buell t viii Nathaniel, b. 1760, Dec. 21. Patty Beebe t ix Birdsey, b. 1763, June 30, d. 1812, March 27. Hannah Starr 4 3 2 1 17 Samuel Norton {Samuel, Tfiomas, Tliomas) oi Goshen b. 1718, March 6, Durham, m. 1740, March, 7 Molly Lucas of Middletown, d. 1801, April 29, Goshen. Samuel went to Goshen before 1741, Nov. 11. Lived on East Street. He died 1801, Sept. 19, Goshen. CHILDREN MARRIED t i Jabez, b. 1741, Oct. 6. d. 1777, Dec. 1. Margaret Beach 2. Sarah Buell ii Lydia, b. 1743, April 3. John Allen iii Sarah, b. 1745, Oct. 7. Royce Gaylord t iv Samuel, b. 1747, May 19. d. 1826, Dec. 7. 1. Elizabeth Lewis 2. Phoebe Squire V Abijah, b. 1749, Feb. 28. Lucy Cook vi Molly, b. 1751, April 20. Abel Brewster t vii Levi, b. 1769, May, 19. Olive Wheeler 44 4 3 2 1 18 David Norton (Samuel, Thomas, Thomas) of Goshen, b. 1726, Jan. 30, Durham, m. 1752, Jan. 27, Anna Bronson of Woodbury, Conn., b. 1726 June. d. 1816 Dec. 7 at Goshen, daughter of Cornelius Bron- son, Jr. David moved to Goshen about 1752. Was a steady, energetic farmer. He d, 1769, Nov. 21, Goshen. CHILDREN MARRIED t i David, b. 1753, March 6. d. 1837. Lois Ferguson t ii Eber, b. 1755, July 29. d. 1838, Feb. 1. Dianthe Dowd t iii Oliver, b. 1758, March 5. d. 1838, June 6. MarthaBeach t iv John, b. 1758, Nov. 28. d. 1828, Aug. 24. Lucretia Buell V Anna, b. 1760, Oct. 29. d. David Hudson t vi Alexander, b. 1763, March 10. d. 1848, Nov. 2. Rhoda Collins t vii Andrew, b. 1765, May 7. d. 1838, Oct. 28. Lorraine Hurlbut t viii William, b. 1767, May 30. d. 1840. Ann Morrison (widow) t ix Miriam, b. 1770, March 22. d. 1|43, May 6. ^ Timothy Collins i 3 2 1 19 Jonathan Norton {John, Thomas, Tliomas) of Bristol, Norfolk, Conn., b. 1712, Feb. 18, at Say- brook, m. Ruth , d. 1809, Jan. 15, Norfolk. He d. 1801, Oct. 27 Norfolk. CHILDREN MARRIED i Jonathan, b. 1738, March 5. d. young t ii Stephen, b. 1741, June, 21. d. 1261, Bept. 11. Experience Gaylord iii Ruth, b. 1743, Aug. 20. iv Jonathan, b. 1745, Aug. 27. 45 V Sarah, b. 1748, Feb. 28. vi Phoebe, b. 1750, May 10. vii Job, b. 1752, d. young. viiiJob, b. 1757, d. 1759. ix Lucy, b. 1761, d. young. 4 3 2 1 20 John Norton {John, Thomas, Thomas) of Durham, b. 1715, Feb. 16, at Durl]am, m. 1742, Mary Griswold of Wethersfield, b. 1723, June 23, daughter of Samuel and Mary Francis Griswold. CHILDREN MARRIED i Mary, b. 1743, April 13. Cornelius Hall ii Rhoda, b. 1745, Aug. 16. Asael Parmelee + iii Moses, b. 1746, Dec. 28, d. 1822, Jan. Mary Linn iv John, b. 1748, Feb. 23. 8. V Aaron, b. 1751, June 24 1. Eunice Rutty(widow) 2. Lydia Hutchin9on(widow) vi Anna, b. 1754, Feb. 3. Baker t vii Elah, b. 1757, May 8. Huldah Hull viiiAbel, b. 1762, July, 4. s. t ix Amos, b. 1764, Nov. d. 1822, Dec. 4. Sylvia Field 4 3 2 1 21 Benjamin Norton {John, Thomas, TAomas) of Durham and Killingworth b. 1719, Feb. 12, Durham, m. 2 1 Elizabeth Seward (Noadiah) of Killingworth, b. 1724, Nov. 22. Benjamin died 1758. CHILDREN MARRIED t 1 Benjamin, b. 1746, July 10. Azubah Munger t ii Noadiah, b. 1748, Aug. 17. 1. Sarah Hopson 2. Abigal Hall, (widow) t iii Joel, b. 1760, Sept. 11. Adah Blatchley 46 iv Hannah, b. 1752, Sept. 17. V Elizabeth, b. 1756, May 10. t vi Elnathan, b. 1755, May 10. vii Charity, b. 1758, Sept. 24. James Davis Timothy Hill Rachael Camp Samuel Wright 22 Ephriam Norton {John, Tliomas, TJiomas) of Durham . b. 1721, Aug. 20, Durham, m. Mary He died New Durham, N. Y. MARRIED Elizabeth CHILDREN t i Charles, b. 1748, Dec. 8. ii Elizabeth, b. 1751, June 19. iii Mindwell. b.l756, Oct. 11. 23 Stephen Norton {John, Thomas, Thomas) of Durham and Norfolk, b. 1724, June 7 at Durham,m. Abigail Graves of Durham, b. 1725, Sept. 25. He d. 1808, Nov. 13. ^.>T.,.T MARRIED CHILDREN i Medad, b. 1749, June, 30 d. 1821, Dec. 27. s. ii Abigail, b. 1754, July 14. Daniel Parmelee iii Stephen, b. 1756, Jan. 26. d. 1843. Lovina Coy iv Ozias, b. 1759. Dec. 31, d. 1842, Jan. 25, Hannah Parmelee V Lyman, b. 1763, June 1. d. 1814, April 13. Olive Weld vi Lewis, b. 1766, April 28, d. 1770, Jan. 8. 9. 47 ®l|p (J&wtlforb (Eoupttant The covenant made by Mr. Whitfield's company and signed on shipboard was as follows: "We whose names are hereunder written intending by God's gracious permission to plant ourselves in New England, and, if it may be, in the southerly part about Quinnipiac: we do faithfully promise each to each, for ourselves and families, and those that belong to us, that we will, the Lord assisting us, sit' down and join ourselves together in one entire plantation ; and to be helpful each to the other in every common work, according to every man's ability and as need shall require; and we promise not to desert or leave each other or the plantation, but with the consent of the rest or the greater part of the company who have entered into this engage- ment. As for our gathering together in a church way, and the choice of officers and members to be joined together in that way, we do refer ourselves until such time as it shall please God to settle us in our plantation. In witness whereof we subscribe our hands the first day of June 1639. (signed) ROBERT KITCHELL JOHN HUGHES .]OHN BISHOP WM. DUDLEY FRANCIS BUSHNELL JOHN PARMELIN WILLIAM CHITTENDEN JOHN MEPHAM WILLIAM LEETE HENRY WHITFIELD THOMAS JONES THOMAS NORTON JOHN JORDON ABRAHAM CRUTTENDEN WILLIAM STONE FRANCIS CHATFIELD JOHN HOADLEY WILLIAM HALL JOHN STONE THOMAS NASH WILLIAM PLANE HENRY KINGSNORTH RICHARD GUTRIDGE HENRY DOWD THOMAS COOK (Smith Hist, of New Haveu Colouy p. llil) 48 *NtrIjola0 5Jortott of iUartlia'fl Hiit^iiard. 1 Bin— lean Nicholas Norton, born, 1610; died 1690; wife Elizabeth settled, first, in Weymouth, Mass., later on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., (Munsell's American Ancestry, Vol. X, p. 88.) That he was in Wey- mouth in 1639 is apparent from the following : "Nicholas (Norton) , Weymouth, bought Feb. 20, 1639, of Richard Standerwick of Broadway, Somer- set county, clothier, all the cattle in the hands of Mr. Hull in New England (Plymouth Colony record) (Pope's Pioneers of Mass., p. 332) The records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Vol. IV, part 1, show that Nicholas was living as late as May 15, 1657, in Weymouth. Nicholas allotted in Wey- mouth : "six acres in mill ffield" and "Five acres adoyning to John Whitman's greate lot;." (History of Weymouth, Mass., p. 263.) A great lot was assigned to Nicholas, Feb. 3, 1651. This lot was situated on the east side of the Great Pond (History of Weymouth pp. 281-82.) July 23, 1645: the town ordered : All hogs also all Pigs over 8 weeks yoked except Nicholas Norton's," etc. Nicholas residence is Here referred to as being opposite the great swamp. In 1646 he was a constable and collector of rates (taxes) . He was made a rater (or assessor) Nov. 26, 1651 and in 1656 was reim- bursed for the loss of an ox (Records of the Mass., Bay Colony, Vol. IV, part 1, p. 303.) There was found this year due Nicholas for keeping *It is reported a London genealogist lias lately discovered the ancestry of Nicholas Norton hei-etofore unknown. 49 cattle £1^ 5s. He had about this time lumber from thetowu mill, 3,500 feet, 2,000 feet, 4,000 feet are specified. He was wood ward July 14, 16o8 and received in 16G0, £1 from the town for kilhng a wolf (From records of Weymouth, Mass.) The Indian chief Wanepetuck and three other chiefs executed a deed without date conveying land m Weymouth to Nicholas Norton , and sixty other persons which was confirmed by the Court m the vear 1685 Land was allotted to Nicholas m Tisbury township, Martha's Yineyard,Mass."Febru- arytheO- 1681-82; "whereas we James Allen and Thomas Mayhew was appointed by the freeholders of Tisbury to Layout unto Those men swamp or Low land which had none or but little to their house lots making them equal with others as near as we could and in order there unto we have Layed out all the .wamp land we found as folio weth and first at a place called Wasquims we Layed out the first lot to Henery Luce the second to Daniell Stuard (Stewart) the third to Nicholas Norton the fourth to Curnelas Brigs the fifth to Joseph Daggitt the sixth to James Allen being the last upon that book iTisbury Town Records, page 15). When this grant was made Nicholas had probably lived on Martha's Vineyard about twenty years. Both Nicholas and wite Elizabeth died in 1690. The will of Nicholas Norton, made in 1690, names seven daughters. It speaksofsonin law Thomas WoUing "da fters, 'Pese,' Butler, Stanbridge, Huxford and Williams. ' Notes by G. (J. N., 416 OakSt., Buttalo, N. Y. MARRIED CHILDREN „ ., „ 1 i ta.c. b. 1641, May 3. a. 1723. Ruth Bayes ii Jacob, b. 1643, March "• 2 m Joseph, b. 1651. a. 1741. Jan. 30. 1. >'»X ^Tw 50 3 iv Benjamin, b. 1659, V Ruth, b. vi Sarah, b. vii Priscella, b. viiiEsther, b. ix Elizabeth, b. X Hannah, b. xi Mary, b. d. 1733, 1. Hannah iJa^f '''''■ 2. Avis Stanton Moses Cleveland John Stanbridge John Butler (Capt) 1. Thomas Huxford 2. Jonathan Dunham James Pease Augustine Williams Thomas Walling 2 1 Isaac (Nicholas) b. 1641 May 3, Weymouth, Mass., (Farmers' Register p. 208. Pope's Pioneers of Mass. p. 332) m. Ruth, daugliter of Thomas and Ann (Baker) Bayes' (New England Register LIII p. 130.) He d. 1723. CHILDREN i Jacob, ii Samuel, iii Joseph, iv Thomas, V Benjamin, vi Isaac, vii Hannah, MARRIED Dinah Coffin Content Coggeshall Hepsibah Skiff Joshua Daggett 1 Joseph (Nicholas) b. 1651, ra. first Mary Bayes (Will of Thomas Bay es) second, Anne Trapp (New Eng. Register Vol. 53, p. 130, Munsell's American An- cestry Vol. 10, p. 89.) He d. 1741, Jan. 30. (Edgartown, Mass. Vital Records.) 51 CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE t i John, b. 1674, d. 1730, Dec. 6. t ii Joseph, b. 1678, d. 1734, iii Sylvanus, b. 1680 t iv Ebenezer, V Lydia, iv Rachel, vii Elizabeth, viiiBethia, ix Ann, X Eunice, xi Thomas, MARRIED Mary 1. Sarah Swain 2. Mary Green Pease Deborah Mayhew 2 1 3 Benjamin {Nicholas) b. 1659. ra. Hannah DW'(a' who died 1733. He d. 1733. CHILDREN i Mathew, b. 1697, d. 1779, t ii Nicholas, b. 1688, iii Jacheus, iv Jacob, V Benjamin, vi Elizabeth, vii Avis, MARRIED Mary Daggett Martha Daggett Edward Thurston Pardon Tillinghast 52 (iporgp Norton of i>alpm, iiaaa. George Norton, born in England, emigrated with Higginson to Salem in 1629. Took the freeman's oath May 14, 1634. There is some evidence that he was a carpenter by trade. Was connected with a company wlio obtained leave from General Court to settle Jeffrey's Creek in 1640, afterwards called Manchester. Removed to Gloucester about 1641. Was representative of that town 1642-3-4. Moved back to Salem 1644. Was dismissed from church at Gloucester to church at Wen ham Sept. 21, 1645. Married Mary . He died 1659. CHILDREN MARRIED i Freegrace, b, 1635, d. 1675, Oct. 19. 1 ii John, b. 1637, Oct. Mary Sharp iii Nathaniel, b. 1639, May. 2 iv George, b. 1641, March 28. d. 1696, Nov. 15. 1. Sarah Hart 2.Merey Gillett \ r v Henry, b. 1643, Feb. 28. fO -'Jjl-* '— * vi Mehitable, b. 1645 vii Sarah, b. 1647, Sept. 14. viiiHannah, b. 1649, ix Abigail, b. 1651, Samuel Martin X Elizabeth, b. 1653, Aug. 7. Timothy Symmes 2 1 1 John Norton {George) of Salem b. 1637 at Salem, m. 1660, April 3, Mary Sharp. CHILDREN MARRIED i Mary, b. 1661, Nov. 4. ii Mary, b. 1664, April 26. iii Hannah, b. 1668, Aug. 17. iv Abigal, b. 1670, Nov. 30. 53 V George, b. 1672. April 20. vi Elizabeth, b. 1674, Aug. 30. vii John, b. 1679, Oct. 30. 2 1 George Norton (George) of Salem, Ipswicli, Mass., and Siiffield,Coiin., b. 1641, March 28, m. first 1669, Oct. 7,SaraliHart, who d. 1682,Jui)e 23, at Snffield. George in. second Mercy Gillett(widoM')of Windsor. The town of Suffield agreed with George Norton and Richard Austin 1695 to make all the windows for the minister's house at eighteen pence per light and to pay for the same in provision and flax. The early records of the town of Ipswich are stated to be very imperfect, and mutilated, there being but few records of births, deaths and marriages prior to 1680. The Church records of the first parish have been destroyed or cannot be found to about 1775. It is evident that the first five children of this George Norton were born in Ipswich, but that he afterwards became a settler at Suffield, Conn. From the rec- ords of the doings of the Committee for the man- agement of Stony Brook Plantation (Suffield) it appears that a grant of 60 acres of land (15 acres of it on High Street) was made to George -Norton Sept. 14, 1674. The settlement of the plantation was broken up in 1675 on account of the war with the Indians commonly known as Philip's war; but was commenced again at its close in 1676-7. The name of George Norton occurs as an inhabitant there as early as Sept. 25, 1677. He is called Ensign Norton in the list of voters March 9, 1682. He was chosen one of the selectman in 1693 and was sent a representative to the general Court in Boston the same year, at which time he is called 54 Captain Norton. In the Probate records in Hamp- shire, Book 3, pages 36—37, is found the settlement of the estate of this Capt. George Norton, dated March 31 , 1698. Mercy was his widow — his sons: George, Thomas, Nathaniel and Freegrace. His daughters: Sarah, Alice, Mary, Abigail, Joanna and Elizabeth in the above order: Thomas, Nathaniel and Alice were then of Ipswich He d. 1696, Nov 15, (Notes arranged by L. M. N.) CHILDREN BY PIR8T WIFE MARRIED t i George, b. 1671 Nov. 10, d. 1742, Feb. 13 1. Hannah Younglove 2. Martha Stiles (widow) t ii Thomas, b. 1674 Nov. 10, d. 1744 .July 13 1. Mercy Ruat 2. Mary Rayment Beverly (Widow) t iii Nathaniel, b. 1676 June 30, d, 1776 Mercy iv Sarah, b. 1670, July 12 John Parsons V Alice, b Robert Kimbal vi Samuel, b. 1679 Jan. 22. d. 1679, Feb. 2 vii Samuel, b. 1681 April 9, d, 1681, Apr. 27 BY SECOND WIFE viiiJohn, b. 1683 June 12, d. 1683, June 16 ix Mary Jane, b. 1685, June 18 Huxley X Abigail, b. 1687 Jan. 14, d. 1705, Oct. 21 txi Freegrace, b. 1689, Jan. 1, d. 1758, Nov. 20 Sarah Martin xii Joanna, b. 1693, March 17 Abraham Adams xiiiElizabeth, b. 1695, Aug. 31, d. 1697, Aug. 1 xiv Elizabeth, b. 1697, March 19, d. 1727 s. 55 There is an earl\' (ienealogical Cliart of the Nortons, of which a description appears in the "New England His- torical and Genealogical Register," Volume 13, pages 225- 230. That able genealogist, W. H. Whitmore, furnished it for pu))lication, and says it is almost the only case where he has found a carefully drawn pedigree brought by a settler. It is ornamented by arms, wliere they are mentioned here, the same arms being found in "Burke's General Armory," where his name appears. 1. The Sigjnr de Noruile came into England with William the Conqueror, and was his Constable. He married into the name ot Valois. (Arms of Valois; Semee de France or fleur de lys.) 2. Sr. de Noruile married in the name of Barr. (Argent semee de fleurs de lys, three billets barry?) 3. Sr. de Noruile married into the house of Dalbemonte, (Arms: Ermine on a pile azure three fleurs de lys or.) 4. Sr. de Noruile married Auelina, daughter of Neuil of Raby. (Arms Nevill of Raby: Gules a saltire argent. Burke.) 5. Sr. de Noruile married Joricia, daughter of Sgr. Dam pre de Coui't. (Arms: Ermine three bars cotised gules.) 6. Sr. de Noruile, alias Norton, married the daughter of Sir John [ladscoke. (Arms: Gules a bend ermine, over all a chevron argent.) 7. Sr. de Noruile, alias Norton, married the daughter and co-heiress of Monsignr Bassingbourne, (Arms: Gyronny of eight argent and azure. Burke.) and had Elizabeth who married Roger Hill, of County Stafford. — — 8. Sir John Norton, alias Noruile, who married the daughter of the Lord Grey de Ruthyn. (Arms: Barry of six argent and azure in chief three torteaux. Burke.) by whom he had: i John, of whom hereafter, ii A son, who married a daughter of Mont- chencie. (Arms of Montchenzi: Barry of twelve argent and azure. Burke.) 56 iii Joane. who married 1st William Walker, and had a daughter Agnes, who married John Winger, and had Nicholas, George and Elizabeth. Other descendants appear in the Register, iv Katherine. 9. John Norton of Sharpenhow. in Bedforshire, married and had: i John ii Jane iii Isabel iv Alice 10. John Norton, of Sharpenhow, married Ist a daughter of Mr. Danie, and had issue: i William, probably died young. He married 2nd Jane, daughter of John Oowper, (Arms, Gules a fesse indented argent (in chief a label of the second?) and had ii. Thomas iii. Richard, of whom hereafter iv. Robert, probably died sine prole V. John married 1st a Preston, 2nd a Spycer; no issue given. vi. Alice, married 1st Goodrich, 2nd Thomas Dean no issue given. vii. William, no issue recorded. % A" 11. Thomas Norton, ofSharpenhow, married 1st Elizabeth Merry and had issue: i. Mai'garet, married a Symons. ii. Thomas, who married 1st, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, who died without issue; and 2nd Alice, daughter of Edmond Cranmer, brother of Thomas (Arms: Argent, a chevron azure, between three pelicans, vulning themselves ppr) and had issue: i. Anne married Sir George Coppin, and had Robert and Thomas, ii. Elizabeth, married 1st Miles Raynea- ford, and had Robert and Garrett, and 2nd Symon Basell, by whom she had Symon. iii. Thomas died at Cambridge, iv. Henry probably died without issue, v. Robert married Anne, daughter of Robert Heare, and had, Robert, Thomas, Richard and Anne. vi. William, married Ruth Harding. 57 iii. Joiin, mavfied 1st a Spicev and 2iki a Barrett. He married 2iid Elizabeth, daughter ot Marshall, and widow of Ralph Radcliff, and had issue: iv. Luke, who married Lettice, daughter of George Gravely, and had i. Gravely, ii, Benj:unin, iii, Thomas, iv, Anne, v, Elizabeth. 6 and 7 (illegible), viii, Susanna, ix, Martha. He married 3rd the widow of Mr. Osborn, and had v. Daniel vi. Barnabas vii. Isaac We now return to the other son of John 10 and Jane Cowper. 1^. Richard Norton married Margery, daughter of Win- gar, (Arms: Gules, two helmets argent, over a garb of the last, impaling the arms of Hare) of Sharpenhow, and had: i. Thomas, who married Anne, daughter of Richard Pratt and had Thomas. ii. William (See next paragraph) 13. William Norton of Sharpenhow, married 1st Margerie daughter of Will Hawes and widow of Mr. Hamon, and had: i. William, who married Alice, daughter of John Broweat, by whom he had i. John, ii. William, iii. Richard, iv. Thomas, who married Katherine daughter of Gabriel Clincard, and had issue. Gabriel, Thomas and Anne, v. Martha, vi. Mary. He married 2nd Dennis Cholmley niece of Sir Nicholas Hare, Master of the Rolls. (Arms: Gules two bars or, a chief indented of the last. Burke) and had ii. Thomas iii. John iv. Elizabeth V. Francis ~ vi. Hugh vii. Daniel viii. Phoebe ix. Richard, who married Ellen, daughter of Thomas Rawley, of Wallden, in Essex. (Arms: Gules on a chevon cotised argent as many lions rampant of the field. Given by Burke to the Rowlet's,) and had Luke, Richard, John, Ellen and Dorothy. 58 domna bg Ham? of ^artnu Norton Wliitfield Co. Georgia. Nnmed frnm Wil- son Norton born on Gadkin Kiver, N. C. Parents William A. Norton and ]\iary Atwood. Removed to Blount Co. Tenn. and in 1833 came with wife Margaret McGaiighy and settled in Wliitfield Co, among Cherokee Indians. Norton Oneida Co., Idaho. Named after Chas. A. Norton, son of Chas. Norton who went in 1850 to Utah from Eastern States. Norton Norton Co., Kansas, Pop. 1074. Boundaries of Norton Co. were defined by act of legislature passed in 1867 and was named in memory of Orloflf Norton, Capt. of Co. L. loth Kansas cavalry killed by the Guerrillas at Cave Hill, Arkansas Oct. 29, 1865. The name was suggested by the late Preston B. Plumb, who at that time was speaker of Kansas iiouse of representatives. Norton Piscataquis Co., Maine named from Chas. C. Norton who had a store "on the corner." The place was known as Norton's Corners and about 1889 a post office was 3 2 established called Norton. Chas. C. Norton (Samuel, Henry) born on Martha's Vineyard. Norton Bristol Co., Mass. Pop. 1826. Was originally part of Taunton, Mass., which was named after Taunton, England and when the town of Norton was set oflt' it was named after Norton, England, as the two towns were situated relatively as Norton and Taunton in old England were, Norton Runnels Co., Texas. Named after George W. Norton of Louisville, Ky., who owned a large tract of land in Runnels Co. NoRTONsviLLE Albemarle Va., named after "Sippy" Norton who went there from Conn, about 1825. 59 NoRTONSViLLE Coiitra Costa Co. Cal., named after Noah Norton who made the first discovery of coal. NoRTONSViLLE Jeffcrson Co., Kansas. Named after H. B. Norton who was Road Master of Atcliison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co. when it was built. NoRTONSViLLE Hopkins Co. Ky., named after three Norton brothers who owned large tracts of land in the Co., Wm. F. and Geo. W. Norton of Louisville, Ky. (see Norton Texas) and X. Norton of New York. They owned the land upon which the town was laid off. NoRTONBURG BartholomGW Co., Ind. Named after William Norton, born in Shenandoah Valley, Va., 1801. Went to Trumble Co., Ohio thence to Nortonburg in 1831. His father was born in Strasburg, Germany. Baldwin Genealogy Supp, Candee Genealogy, Baldwin Durham Conn. History, Fowler Farmington, Me. History, Butler Goshen, Conn. History, Hibbard Goode Genealogy Hyde Genealogy, Walworth Industry, Me. History, Hatch Ireland Genealogy Norton ('has., descendents of, A. B. Norton Norton Thuel and Harriet R., Obituary Sketches Porter Genealogy Savages Gen. Diet. Vol. Ill Strong Genealogy Timlow Sketches of Southington, Conn. Wolcott, Conn., History, ' Orcutt AVorden Genealogy Unhtx Abby Elizabeth Adams Abraham Julia William Agard Anna Allen John Allyn John Andrews Sybil Austin Richard Averill James Rev. Sarah E. Baker Ann Baldwin Elizabeth Nathaniel Polly Bayes Mary Ruth Beach Benjamin Deborah Lucy Lydia Margaret Martha Beacon William Beale Mary Beebe Patty Benton Daniel Submit Beverly Mary R. Birdseye Joanna Dinah John Bishop Caleb Hannah Lucy Samuel Thomas Bird Joseph Blakesly Blatchley Adah 29 55 24 24 44 44 8 44 54 25 24 46 51 32-40-43 43 34 50-51 50-51 39 36 29 34 44 45 16 19 44 37 38 55 13 39 39 19 41 19 19 19 10 43 46 Boltwood Solomon Books and Pamphlets Bostwick Mary R. Bosworth Annie M. Bradley Sarah Braun Reinhold Brewster Abel Bristow Richard Bronson Anna Cornelius Lucien S. Nathaniel R. Norton Richardson Brook Charles Brooks Emmeline Brownell Rev. G. S. Buell Lucretia Jonathan Sarah Timothy Burnham Rhoda Burrall Charles George B. Harriett E. Butler John Camp Rachel Campbell Margaret Mungo Canfield Alma John Catlin Samuel Champion Mary Chase D. H. Chedsey Anna Charles P. Chittenden Elizabeth Cholmsly Denice 10 60 29 21 38 17 44 38 40-46 45 32 32 32 32 42 27 21 45 44 44 44 23 29 29 27-29 61 47 28 28 14-15-20-21 14-21 10 37 21 31 31 38 35 61 Clark Elizabeth 9 Dudley Ruth 19 John 9 Thomas (Gov.) 20 Laura J. 23 Duncan John 28 Victeraneous 23 Mungo Wilhelmina 28 27 Cleveland Moses 61 William (Capt.) 28 Cochran Jean 28 Dunliam Jonathan 51 Coffin Dinah 51 Cogswell Hester 19 Edwards Phoebe 41 Rebecca 41 Eligh Catherine 24 Coggeshall Content 51 Elliott George 13 Cole Margaret 41 Jared 13 Collins Rhoda 45 John 13-14-15-21 Timothy 45 Joseph 14 Cook Sarah 15 Sarah N. 15-21 Cooke Amasa 44 Ely Hannah 13 Lucy Corning Maud B. 44 English Ancestry 5-6 32 Evarts Ruth 38 William B. 32 Penn Cornelia 31 Coy Levina Cruttenden Deborah 47 36-39-40 Ferguson Louis Field Sylvia Foote Martha 45 A £* Curtis Sylvanus 12 46 44 Curtiss Eunice 39-41 Forbes Sarah 19 John 40 Ford Abigail 19 Fowler John 37 Daggett Joshua 51 Sarah 17 Martha 52 Fox Charles 7 Mary 52 Francis Mary 46 Davis James 47 Frost Emily F. 32 Davies Mary H. 13-15 Thomas 16 Galpin Elizabeth 10-41 Deane Allen G. 22-30 Gardner Isabella 28 James 17-21-22-30 Gaylord Experienoe 45 John P. 22 Royce 44 Laura S. 30 Gillette Mercy 53-54 Mary C. 22 Goodwich Sophia 26 Mary C. N. 17 Goodwin Ozias 7 Sara M. 22-30 Graves Abigail 40-47 Sidney N. 22 John 37 Deming Elizabeth 11 Griswold Benjamin 37 Dickenson 9 Mary 40-46 Dowd Content 43 Samuel 46 Dianthe 45 Guilford Covenant 48 John 44 Gunn Jasper 7-8 62 Hall Abigail 46 Lathrop Leonard E. 18 Cornelius 46 Lewis Elizabeth 44 David 39 Experience 44 Hamilton Marian 28 Phineas 12 Hart Sarah 33-53-54 Linn Mary 46 Hebard Keziah 19 Lucas Molly 40-44 Hervey Joel 16 Lyman Aaron 38 flickok Ezra 16 Jeremiah 16 Mahew Deborah 52 Mary 16 Martin Malinda 29 Hill Timotliy 47 Margaret 28 Hinman Rhoda 43 Samuel 53 Hooker Hannah 38 Sarah 55 Hopson Sarah 46 Mclan Elizabeth 11-13 House Alice N. 30 Robert 13 Edwin S. 29 Marsh Sarah 12 Mary S. 30 Marshall Jane 28 William S. 30 Mason Elizabeth 35-36 William W. 29 Nicholas 36 lowe Elizabeth 42 William 28 Joseph 42 Meigs Samuel 38 lubbard Elizabeth 35 Tryal 37 George 35 Merrill Esther 13-15 iudson David 45 Isaac 15 luestis Anne 30 John 15 James D. 30 Nathaniel 15 John 30 Noah 15 Margaret 30 Minor Henry W. 32 lull Huldah 46 Mills Charity 44 lunt Levi P. (Prof.) 31 Moore Isaac 10 lurlbut Lorraine 45 Ruth 10 lutehinson Lydia 46 Morehouse Joanna .38 luxford Thomas 51 Morgan Mary 37 luxley 55 Morrison Ann 45 Munger Azubah 46 erome Timothy 39 Murray Selah 38 ohnson Ann 37 udson Elizabeth E. 25 Neal Rebecca 36-38 Niles Harriett S. 26 [ilborn Elizabeth [imbal Robert 41 55 Henry N. John 0. 26-32 26 Marion R. 33 iamb Thomas 11 Martha W. 26 0^ , V ^ ^ * ^ -% V ^ ^ ' ° A % V ^ ^ ' « ^ -% \> ^ ^ ■ '' ^ "^ "^v ^ o^ ^Q CU ' » V ■ ^ > % %. V^ ^ ^ ^:^ ^ c<^' 7 o c3 ^ . =^%'M^ J cP .^