LIBRARY CONGRESS OQOOblB^bb X^5^ mis: .49181 P88* O R PATRIOTS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. 1864, /zs THE tOI P4SY F 7 O -R PATRIOTS MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. . 1864. EXPLANATION. In submitting this pamphlet to the reading public the author is impelled by but one motive, and that is, the hope that itmay arouse thought and encourage active exertion among those, in whose hands the destinies of this country are now placed. GEORGE SCHMIDT, {Good Hope.) will be sold at all Democratic and conservative Printing Offices, and News dealers, at the fol- lowing prices : 1000 copies, .... $80,00 100 . " 12,00 50 " 7,00 25 " 4,00 10 " ..... 1,80 1 20 All orders from 10 copies on above will be remitted by addressing to the propietor GEORGE SCHMIDT J». Box 31 §, Miltbaukee, Wisconsin. •or / * AT ♦/ ° c