F2.57 A ssLi::'ri'ii OF LIFE AND CHARACTER ^^^S^i/ OF THE REV. DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. NEAR SIXTY VEARS PASTOR OF THE CHURCHES OF BUFFALO AND ALAMANCE. INCLUDIxNG TWO OF HIS sermons; some account op the regulation, TOGETHER WITH THE REVOEUTIONART TRANSACTIONS AND INCIDENTS IN WHICH HE WAS CONCERNED ; AND A VERY BRIEF NOTICE OP THE ECCLESIASTICAL AND MORAL CONDITION OP NORTH-CAROLINA WHILE IN ITS COLONIAL STATE. BY THE RET. E. W. CARHTBIERS, A.M. GREENSBOROUGIl, N. C. PRINTED BY SWAIM AND SHERWOOD 1842. .C3 3 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1842, BY THE AUTHOR, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of North Carolina. \-^ PREFACE. The following account of a minister of the gospel, in connex- ""^-ion with the Presbyterian church, was not, in the first instance, "~ ^^ intended or thought of for publication ; but the author began, p about a year ago, to inquire into his character and to gather up ~ some facts in his history, which were still circulating in his neigh- borhood as a kind of floating capital for conversation, partly in compliance with the wishes of two or three individuals who felt some interest in the matter, and partly to gratify a natural curi- osity and find employment for a portion of time which, owing to some peculiar circumstances, might otherwise have been spent in mental inactivity, or to very little profit. Finding however that his interest increased with his progress, and that, when the first few sheets of collected materials were read to the same individuals above referred to, the eflect was the same on them, he was induced, ])y their solicitations and by the growing in- terest which he felt himself, to extend and continue his re- searches until all the materials might be collected that could be found. Having done so, it was their opinion, and the' opinion of some others who were then consulted, that they ought to be put into a more durable form and given to the public, believing that it Y/as due both to his memory and to the community in which he had lived. How far the memoir, thus prepared, and now laid before the public, may be acceptable, remains to be seen ; but the object of the writer has been to preserve and extend, so far as he could, a knowledge of the character and services of one who ought never to be forgotten in a country to the improvement and welfare of which his life was devoted. There may have been others in the country, belonging to the same period, who were equally entitled to the gratitude and ven- eration of ])osterity ; but my location on the same ground which ..^x. ]V I'KKI'ACE. had formorly been the scene of his kibors gave me a better o])- portunity perliaps of becomuig acqupinted with his history than any other person, and, whether tliis made it my dnty or not, it seemed to devolve on me the task of writing liis Ufe if it was to be done at all. The employment has been thus far pleasant and profitable to myself; and no regret has been felt on my part, except that it had not fallen into the hands of some one who was more capable of doing justice to the subject. It ought to be stated that, for reasons which will bo found in their proper place, there was a want of materials for a minute and full biography ; and therefore nothing more has been pro- posed than to give a mere sketch, or general account of liis life. The materials for this have been obtahied from different sources : Some things have been taken from the records of the cliurch ju- dicatories to which he belonged ; others from communications furnished by two or three of his oldest pupils who are yet living, which are hereby most cheerfully and gratefully acknovrJedged ; and a few more liave been gathered in conversation with the most aged people in his congregations ; but the principal p«rt lias been furnished by the surviving members of his family. If any apology should be expected for occupying so nuich space with certain matters, such as the Regulation, and the Ec- clesiastical condition of the country previous to the Declaration of Independence, which have only a remote, if any, connexion witli tlie m;; '1 subject, and which may bo thought to belong more properly to ilie department of general history, it may be suffi- cient to say, that they are matters of much imerest, and that they are but little known. They may perhaps be familiar to a few men of education and general reading ; but to the comnnmity at large, if known at all, they are little more than tales of the nursery ; yet they are certainly more hni)ortant than the mhmtc details of juvenile peculiarities and the every day occurrences of ordinary life, which, with slight variations, form so large a part I'UKFACE. V of most biograpliies ; and therefore the present plan would liave been adopted, under the existing circumstances of the country, if biographical materials lind existed in abundance, and had been at my command. Tiie things mentioned above are not to be found in any general histories v/e liave, or in none that are within tlie reach of conmion readers; and besides, in the present desti- tution of such works, owing to past neglect, this is one of the principal ways by whicii the materials for such a history, both civil and ecclesiastical, are to be furnished ; for trie history of the men who lived and acted during that period, as public men, whether in church or state, is in fact the history of the country. In contemplating this subject we are surprised to fmd how soon oblivion comes over the most important transactions and events of time, when tliey have not been " given in charge to the his- toric muse," who may rehearse them with fidelity to one genera- tion after another, and to as many as wish to hear the stor}^ ; and every one who loves his country, values the blessings, civil and religious, v/hich he enjo}s, and venerates the men by whose patriotism and valor these blessings have been secured to us, must regret t]ie apathy and want of public spirit which have been sulTcring one important character after another, and one interesting transaction after anollier, to be carried by the lapse of time into the darkness of the past, where tliey must remain as thiough they had never been, until time shall be no more. That a religious establishment once existed in North Carolina, aiitl, although it may not have been distinctly mentioned in the ]nil)lic documents or manifestos of that period, was reall^^, at least with the mass of the people, one of the largest items in the catalogue of grievances which made the British yoke so intoler- able, is matter of surprize, when mentioned, to nine-tenths of the present generation ; arid t'le Regulation, v/hich is now regarded by our greatest men as tlie very germ of the Revolution in this Sinle, is lo most peoj>!o like a tale of romance. 1; is said, and no VI PREFACK. doubt with truth, Ijy tliose v/ho have })aid most attention to our history during the period referred to, tliat a correct and authentic account of that transaction cannot be given without having ac- cess to tlie colonial office in England ; but the writer professes to communicate only such facts as have come to his knowledge. — The subject of the following memoir having been present at what is called the Regulallon battle, on the Alamance, some notice of it was unavoidable ; and those who were disposed to patronize the work, wlienever the subject happened to be men- tioned in conversation, expressed a wish that a pretty full ac- count of it might be given, so far as the facts could be ascertained. For information on botli these subjects the connnon histories of the country have all been consulted ; and also the earliest le- gislative records that have been preserved, and the printed revi- sals of the lav/s that were made previous to the Revolution. — For access to these soiu'ces of information, and for some assist- ance in making the search, my acknowledgements are due to the present Grovern.or and Secretary of State, and to the President of the Uni-^'crsity. For a number of things of minor importance no other authority couJ.d be obtained than local tradition or verbal testimor.y; but in such cases pains have been taken to get an account of the same thing from different persons, and from the same person at dixTerent times, whenever it could be done, for the pur-pose of comparing them together, and if possible ascer- taining the truth. My wish and design throughout has been to state nothing Avhich did not appear to be true ; and my author- . ities are generally cited, v.^iether history, tradition, or original records. If any mistakes have been made, I would be glad to have it in my power at any time to correct them ; and if there are deiiciencies, as there certainly arc, I would willingly receive from any source the materials for supplying them hereafter. THE LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. Of the parentage and early life of David Caldwell, the subject of this sketch, but little is known ; and that little, tliough of a favorable kind, is not calculated to awaken in the reader any- unusual interest, except from its coiniexion with those events which have deprived us of a more full and satisfactory account. Some of these events were of a public, and others of a private or domestic kind ; and while the former, together Vvdth the gen- eral privations and suiferings then experienced throughout the length and breadth of the land, and from the same cause, have been long since followed by results in which we all rejoice, and which we hope will continue with undiminished lustre to the latest generation, the design and ultimate effects of the latter are probably better understood now, at least by himself and by those most deeply concerned, since they have exchanged the darkness and miseries of time for the light and blessedness of eternity. The British army, when encamped on his plantation in the spring of 1781, with a virulence and recklessness m.ore be- coming barbarians than a civilized people, burned his library and all his papers of every description that could be fovmd, not sparing even the Family Bible which contained the record of his age, and also the ages of all the members of his family. Thus by one ruthless and wanton act, his books, his manuscript ser- mons, his academical and college exercises, and his epistolary correspondence were all consigned to the flames. As he gener- ally wrote out his sermons with care, so far as his other avoca- tions permitted, he must have had a considerable quantity, and they were probably valuable, but his correspondence, whether more important or not, was no doubt more interesting; for it is known that he kept up a correspondence with some of his old college mates who Avere at that time among the most distin- S hiri: OF DAVJl) tAl.DWELL, D.l). CMiishi'd men of the ago. Tiie loss was to him irreparable, and w;)ii!(l have been midcr any circmnslances ; but- in his situation nothing could be done. In relation to his library it was after- guards partially, and but partially repaired. By various demands upon his time and attention, and especially by a train of domes- tir trials v/hich conmienced not long after the vrar and continued AV'ithout any abatement until his death, a return to his former habit of writing his sermons, or even of maintaining any regular correspondence with Iiis literary friends, was out of his power. From the period here referred to, he hardly ever wrote a ser- mon, or any thing else by which any thing like a correct esti- mate might be formed of the cast of his mind, of the tone of his piety, or of the usual style and manner of his preaching. These have to be learned from other sources ; for during the war, wri- ting sermons, liowever it might be with some others, seems to have been out of the question with him, especially during the latter part of it ; and the same causes wliich prevented him from writing much afterwards prevented him from taking care of Mdiat little he did write. Only two or three of his sermons in manuscript remain ; and these cannot be regarded as fair speci- mens of his ability as a preacher, when we consider the haste in which they were necessarily written, the. biu'den of his school, the pressure of domestic cares and troubles, and all the disad- vantages under which we know lie labored. A mhiister's talents aiid acquirements may, in general, be esti- mated with tolerable correctness by his standing and influence in the judicatories of the church ; for there he is brought hito contact with men who are educated like himself, and engaged in the same pursuits, — while the discussions which are often unavoidable on subjects of the greatest difliculty and importance, the occasions, of frequent occurrence, on which all the craft and pov/er of the enemies of the truth have to be met, and which demand all tlie energy, moral courage, and fidelity that can be furnished; and the ways and means which have to be devised for meeting the various exigencies of the church, and for carrying on the work of reformation in the world, are all calculated to test the strength of a man's intellect, the extent of his knowledge, the soundness of his theological opinions, and the state of liiS LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D. >) piety. In this case, liowcver, little or no assistance can be de- rived from that sonrce ; for the records of the Orange Presbytery, which was the only Judicatory on the meeting of which, mitil the Synod of the Caroiinas was formed, he could attend with any degree of punctuality, were consumed some years ago when the house of the Stated Clerk was burned. Owing to the great dis- tance, and the nature of his occupations, which rendered it inex- pedient, if not impracticable, for him to leave home long at a time, he seldom attended tlie meetings of the higher Judicato- ries until a Synod was formed here in the South ; and of course his name appears on their records like that of many others, merely as a member. But from a few facts v\drich are known, and which will be noticed more particularly hereafter, it appears that he was much respected and possessed in a high degree the confidence of his brethren and of the churches. It appears, therefore, that much of our knowledge of his charac- ter, attainments, and usefulness, being of a traditionary kind, must be gathered from the recollections of his family, and of the most aged people in his congregations. Here too there is much uncer- tainty ; for such a length of time has elapsed since he was an actor on the busy theatre of life, that tradition is silent respecting much that it would be desirable to know ; and the memory of the most aged is at fault except in relation to those things which were the most prominent, or which made the m.ost vivid impres- sion at the the time of their occurrence, and their recollection of even these is frequently indistinct. Much that would be inter- esting might have been obtained from this source fifteen or twenty 3^ears ago ; but as half a generation or more has passed away since his death ; and as he lived to the extraordinary age of a hundred years, or near it, something like the same length of time must have been passed by him, previous to that event, in such a decline of his physical and mental powers, that those who grew up around him during this period, or who had not known him before, could have but an imperfect idea of what he was when in the full vigor of his days, and when the candle of the Lord shone upon his tabernacle. Thus all the co-temporaries of his active life, and many of the most interesting transactions and events in which he was con- 10 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. cerned hare either passed entirely beyond oitr reach, or are to be seen only in the dim and shadowy distance ; and, although the results of his labors remain, and probably will remain while sun and moon endure, the biographer is left to gather up such scattered mementos of his existence, and such occasional or in- direct testimonies to his worth, as his connexions in life, and the institutions and common histories of the country have preserv- ed. None of these have been knowingly neglected ; and scanty as the materials are, it is hoped that they will not be miinterest- ing, nor altogether unprofitable to the reader. David was the oldest son of Andrew and Martha Cakhvell, who had but four children, all of whom were sons. He was born in Lancaster county, Pa., and on the 22d of March, 1725. As this statement rests on the authority of no record, it ought not perhaps to be regarded as absolutely certain ; and yet there can be very little doubt of its correctness. His family recollect to have heard him frequently state this fact in the latter part of his life ; and while there is per' saps nothing of which the memory of aged people is less tenacious than dates and numbers, the uni- formity with which he mentioned the same date must be regard- ed as strong evidence of its truth. In confirmation of this, an old gentleman iii the south part of this county, who is now over eighty years of age, but whose memory is apparently as good as it ever was, told me not long since that he recollected very well the first time Dr. Caldwell came to his father's house ; and that in the course of conversation between him and his mother, when she happened to mention the date of her birth, he jocu- larly remarked, " If one died of old age, the other might begin to look out; for that was the year in which he was born." The subject was frequently mentioned afterwards, during his subse- quent visits, and always as a settled matter that they had both been born in the same year ; but it being improbable that he could be mistaken about his age at so early a period, and her birth being matter of record, the date of his may be considered as settled. Other circumstances might be mentioned, corroborative of the statement, if it were regarded as a matter of sufficient im- portance, or if there were any remaining doubt ; but it is prc- suniod that what has been said will be deemed satisfactory. LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 11 When a man has been so far useful in his day and generation, or has been so prominent in any way as to furnish materials of sufficient interest for a biography, it is expected, as a matter of course, that something will be said of his family and connexions. This is more a matter of curiosity perhaps than any thing else ; for it seldom happens that more than one of a family rises to much distinction in the world, or not by his own merits. Whole families, and for successive generations, may be respectable and useful ; but it seldom happens that more than one man of original or superior mind appears in any one line, who can rise to em- inence by his own energies, in spite of competition, or whatever obstacles may be tlurown in his way. The greatest men whom the world has seen have either risen from such obscurity that any notice of their descent, or of their immediate family comiexions, could only serve as a foil to set them off to better advantage ; or they have stood alone amid the entire circle of living or known kindred, and appeared as much above them as the)'- did above the mass of the community around. These facts are so notorious, and so much observed by all classes of people, and in every age and clime, that, in general, we do not expect to find a whole fam- ily possessing talents and making attainments in science, or per- forming exploits, which will command the admiration of socie- ty ; nor to see the son of a man of genius, in any given instance, inlieriting the talents of the father. All that is known to the writer of Dr. Caldwell's family may be given in a few words. They were respectable, and highly so, in then* neighborhood ; but none of them attained or sought dis- tinction in society. His father was a farmer, in comfortable cir- cumstances ; and was a very worthy man. His brothers were some of them Ruling Elders in the church to which they be- longed ; and all of them were respected in their station as citi- zens and neighbors. Andrew, the second son, and John, the fom-th, never married ; but died at the paternal residence some years after the Revolutionary War — precisely when is not known to me, though it was near the beginning of the present century. The constitution of the latter was so much impaired by the hardships which he endured in the camp, in common with the rest of the army, during the winter of '77 and '78, that he never 12 LIFi: OF DAVlu CALDWELL, D.D. enjoyed any health afterwards ; and did not Hve many years. — Alexander, the third son, married and removed to North Caro- hna before the commencement of the war, hi which he took an active part, and by wliich he lost his life. He settled on a form adjoining that of his brother ; and served as a soldier during most of the time that the British army was in North and South Carolina. In the course of the summer after the Guilford battle, he took what was called the camp-fever ; and having been brought home by his friends, he died in the bosom of his family. He left a widow with seven children, — three sons and four daughters, who, as soon p.? the estate could be settled and the land sold to advantage aftsr the conclusion of peace, removed with her family to Green county in Tennessee, where she died only three or fom* years ago, and where some of her children are still living. V/hen his circumstances enabled him to do it, or gave a suffi- cient impulse to'his mind, or both, David devoted himself to lit- erary pursuits and to the work of the gospel ministry. Why he did not commsnce earlier, or whether he gave any indications in early life of unusual aptness to learn, and of a desire to acquire knowledge, it would be useless to enquire ; and the history of useful men in every age and clime, but especially in our own country, admonishes us not to attach too much importance to what passes in early life. The names of a man's parents, the date of his birth, and the incidents of his childhood, are matters which, however they may gratify a natural, and to some extent, perhaps, a laudable curiosity, can add but httle to the stock of useful knowledge. It is to the character and principles of the tnan, and to the amount of good which he has accomplished in the world, that our attention must be chiefly directed ; for the benefits which he confers upon society, of whatever kind, are the measure of his worth as a member of that society ; and for these alone can he have any claim upon our gratitude ; while the early promises of childhood are often falacious, and are sel- dom realized in after life to the extent of the fond anticipations indulged by parents and friends. The precocity of genius, or the extraordinary aptness to learn which is sometimes manifes- ted in childhood ; the sprightliness and vivacity, the sallies of Lier, 0¥ DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 13 wit, and the various little achievements, of whatever kind, or however displayed, which, at that period, are so grateful to the parental heart, and wliicli are so often extolled if not greatly ex- aggerated in works of this description, would in most cases ne- ver have been heard of beyond the walls of the nursery, or the immediate and intimate intercourse of the family circle, if tiie subject of eulogy had not become distinguished in subsequent life ; but on the otlser hand, many of those who have stood high for talents, moral worth, and public usefulness, passed through the early stages of life without exciting any uncommon interest, or attracting any marked attention on the part of friends and acquaintance. Any man's biography must consist chiefly in an account of what he did and suffered for the benefit or for the injury of mankind. The biography of an author must con- sist mainly, at least in ordinary cases, in an account of his wri- tings ; that of a soldier, in an account of his adventures or ex- ploits ; and that of a minister of the gospel, or any body else, in a detail of his labors and plans for the welfare or the ruin of others. Whatever qualities or traits of character may be observed in childhood, that might be fairly regarded as favorable indications of future usefulness in some sphere or other, their development depends on circumstances which are not under the control of man ; and the fondest expectations are as often disappointed as realized. Men of the most gifted minds and who ultimately at- tained the greatest eminence, either in church or state, have been obliged, perhaps in a majority of cases, to struggle with great difficulties, and meet with many interruptions or long delays in the course of their preparation for usefulness ; and there is as much variety in the operations and results of Providence as there is in creation. It sometimes happens that a young man, who had gone so long and so recklessly in a course of dissipation, manifesting not only an utter disregard of moral principle, but an entire destitu- tion of literary taste, that he was regarded by all who knew him as a hopeless case, unexpectedly receives an impulse from some source or other which, to the surprize of every body, leads him to abandon his evil practices and devote himself to the acquisi- 14 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. tioii of knowledge with an ardor and a perseverance that could hardly be surpassed, and he is soon found occupying an eminent rank in some of the learned professions. Nor are there want- ing cases in which a man who was brought up in the most ab- ject poverty, and kept employed in the most servile drudgery, without manifesting, or having it in his power to manifest, any desire to improve his own condition, much less the condition of others, until he has arrived to such an age that no one thought of his ever emerging from his native obscurity, is, by some pro- pitious change in his circumstances which, at the same time, seems to work a radical change in his views and feelings, furn- ished with the means and inspired with the love of science ; and soon astonishes the world by the extent and variety of his at- tainments, the power of his eloquence, or the display in some way or other of capacities and energies which had for half a generation lain dormant or unnoticed. Again, we meet occa- sionally with instances in which a man who had passed through the whole of what is usually considered as the seed time of life in some ordinary occupation, not from necessity, but apparently from inclination, when he has arrived to maturity or to that peri- od in which most men are reaping the fruit of their early toils, suddenly manifests an energy of character and a firmness of purpose which surprize those who had known him from his in- fancy, and which soon place him with the foremost in the career of learning and of usefulness. In all such cases there were no doubt qualities which needed only to be placed in circumstances favorable to their development ; but they were unnoticed by others, or not sufficiently known to justify any certain calcula- tions as to what the man was capable of doing, until the proper impulse was given, or such a change of condition took place as waked up his energies, and set him forward on a career of im- provement and usefulness. The first thing we know of David Caldwell after the date of his birth is that in the early part of his teens his father bo and him to a house carpenter ; and that after having served an ap- prenticeship to that business until he was twenty -one, he work- ed four years for himself, before he determined to change his occupation. Instead, however, of ■considering this any re- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. l/> proach, or being ashamed to have it known or mentioned after- wards, he made use of it himself, whenever occasion offered, to encourage other yomig men who were in similar circumstances. Beside the testimony of his family and others who had often heard him state the fact, it was told me not long since by Mr. C, one of our most venerable and useful ministers, who has been instrumental in bringing, not hundreds, but thousands pro- bably, to the knowledge of salvation, and whose praise is in all our churches. Having professed religion when he was about twenty -five years of age, he soon felt an irresistable desire to preach the gospel ; but was destitute of funds, and was too far advanced in life, as he thought, to work his own way in obtain- ing an education. He could not think of leaving the Presbyte- rian chm-ch to join any other denomination ; for there was no other whose doctrines and discipline he approved. Being thus anxious and perplexed, he concluded that he would take an English school, if he could get one, in Dr. Caldwell's congrega- tions, where he could study by himself and recite whenever he was prepared, leaving his subsequent course to be determined by circumstances. In execution of this purpose he was endeav- oring to raise a school in some part of the Buffalo congregation, when Dr. Caldwell, who had been informed of his wishes and of what he was attempting to do, met with him at some neighbor- hood meeting ; and having taken him aside mentioned what he had understood respecting his present plan and his ultimate ob- ject, and proffered to subscribe for three scholars himself if he went on with the school. After a pause however he observed to him with great kindness that if he could possibly raise as much money as would pay his board for one year, which at that time did not amount to very much, he had better go to school for that length of time himself, before he attempted any thing else ; and then he could not only get a better salary for teaching, but could study privately to better advantage, adding that he would never ask him for a cent of money for his tuition until he would say himself that he was able to pay it without inconvenience. Mr. C. replied that he possibly could raise that much money ; but being twenty-five years of age, he was afraid he was too far ad- vanced to think of getting such an education as would fit him for 16 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. usefulness in tlic ministry. Tlie Dr. told him not to be discour- aged ; for that was just his own age when he began, having been bound to the carpenter's trade until he v.'^as tv\^enty-one, and then having worked four years for himself, before he ever saw a Latin Grammar. Mr. C. in giving this account added with feeling and emphasis that if Dr. Caldwell had not taken him by the hand then, and encouraged and aided him as he did lie never could have got into the ministry ; and it is given here because, while it is a striking proof of his generosity and kind- ness in helping forward others in their education, who were young men of promise but were struggling with poverty and other discouragements, — a trait of character for which he was remarkable through life, — it settles the point as to the manner in which his early life was spent, and the period at which he commenced his literary course. That he was bound out to learn a mechanical trade at a peri- od of life when he ought to have been at school, could not have been owing to absolute necessity on the part of his father ; for, judging from the quantity of land which he owned in Lancaster county, and from the price at which it has been valued since, it appears that he must have been in comfortable circumstances. Still it might not have been convenient even for a Pennsylva- nia farmer, in the condition of the country at that time, to raise the funds that were necessary to give his son a liberal education; and the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians of that da3'-, or those of them who were plain farmers, not having the advantages of education themselves, and especially if they felt the importance of religion, were not disposed to make any great sacrifices for the sake of giving a son a liberal education unless he were pious and wish- ed to enter the gospel ministry. People of that description, and in those circumstances, of whatever denomination, viewing the success of the gospel as a matter of supreme importance, are not generally disposed to patronize anything which they cannot see will be likely to promote the cause which they have most at heart ; and it was for a long time a very common remark that misanctified learning had never been of any benefit to the church. Learning was A'^alued then as it is now, and valued highly by people of this class ; but only when it was consecrated to the LIFE OF DAVID fAJ.UVVKLL, D.U. I i service ol' religion. Of course, parents of this character did not commonly think of giving a son an education until he had \n-o- fessed religion and formed the purpose of devoting himself to the work of the gospel ministry ; and hence the most of thos(! vv^ho came into the ministry at that day came into it later in lile than at the present time. It was probably for some such reasons that the father of David Caldwell, instead of sending him to school when young, preferred putting him in a way by which he could make an honest living, in case he should remain a stranger to the power of religion; and leaving him to take his own course when arrived to maturity. Whether he manifested in youth any uncommon thirst for knowledge, and availed himself of every possible opportunity for acquiring information, as many others have done in similar cir- cumstances, cannot now be ascertained ; for his history during that period is to us a perfect blank ; but from the generous sacri- fices which he made to accomplish his purpose when it wiis once formed, and from the avidity with which he pursued his studies when once engaged in them, it might be fairly inferred that he had not been hitherto a stranger to books. In contem- plating the character, and in tracing the progress of any man who has filled a large space in the public eye, and for a time sv.^a^'cd the destinies of millions, or who has in a more silent and unob- trusive Vv'^ay exerted a more salutary and permanent influence, we feel some gratification in knowing by what reasons he was led to pursue the course which he did, or to take any important step in that course ; but in this case we are left to mere conjec- ture, from which no certain conclusions can be drawn in any case, and no confirmatioji of principles derived. Why he de- layed four years after becoming master of his own time, before he commenced a course of education, and what were the motives which influenced him then to take that course, are matters res- ])ecting which not a particle of information can be obtained ; but on comparing the few facts which are known, of a subsequent date, it seems probable that about this time he made a profession of religion, and that it was the change effected in his views and feelings by the power of divine grace which led to a change in 'his pursuits. It has been mentioned to me bv some of his familv 3 i.^ LIFE OF DAVJD CALDWELL, D.D, wlio gottlieir knowledge of the fact from what they had heard }iim or his friends say on the subject, that from the time he ob- tained a hope for himself, his supreme desire was to become useful in bringing others to a knowledge of the truth ; and his subsequent conduct must be regarded as a confirmation of this statement. The very first measure which he adopted to accom- plish his ends, was a proof either of his native generosity and love of learning, or of the extent to which his mind was under the influence of religion, and his consequent indifference to the world ; for he made a proposition to his brothers, that if they would furnish him with money to carrjr him through college, he would relinquish all claim to any share in the estate. This must be regarded as evidence of unusual generosity; of the high value which he put upon an education, or of his strong confidence in the divine goodness ; for his portion would have been double the amount which they would be required to furnish according to the proposition ; and they accepted it without any hesitation. No writings were drav^'n, however, and no receipts given, nor any other security required at the time than a verbal promise, and their confidence in each other's integrity; but at his father's death, which happened soon after his settlement in Carolina, he AVent all the way back to Pennsylvania and gave them a quit claim to every thing. As two of his brothers never married, he he came in with his married brother, Alexander, for a claim in their property at their death ; but he received only a third of the amount that would have been due to him, if the quit claim had not been given. This he never regretted ; nor manifested any disposition to recede in any degree from the tenor of his first pro- posal. Where, or under whose tuition, he commenced his preparation for college, is not recollected ; but it is known that before going to college, he studied for some time with a Mr. Smith, who kept a classical school somewhere in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, and who was probably the father of the Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D., afterwards President of the College of New Jersey. What progress he made, or what was his standing as a scholar •during this period, nothing is known ; but it seems that he taught ?Jrhool for a year or more before ffoin? to college. This "was LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D..B. I'J Stated to me not long since as a fact by a gentleman whose father was at that time living in the same neighborhood, and whom he had often heard speak of it ; and it is probable, from the length of time which elapsed from his commencing the study of the clas- sics until he took his bachelor's degree. In what year he entered college as a student,and what was his standing while there for tal- ents and scholarship, we have no means of ascertaining; but he was graduated in the college of New Jersey in 1761, the year in which President Davies died,as is shewn by the college catalogue; and being then a member of the senior class, he was one of those who carried the remains of their venerated preceptor to " the house appointed for all living." This fact he mentioned inciden- tally in conversation with the writer not a year before he died ; and, although he was then just entering his hundredth year, the mention of Davies seemed to revive the recollection of former days, and to restore for a time the vivacity and energy of youth. Although the history of his childhood and youth may not have been regarded as a matter of so much importance that without it, his services and his very name must be forgotten in the coun- try to which he was an ornament and a benefactor, yet some re- gret will, no doubt, be felt by the reader as well as the writer, that we have not a more full and accurate account of the manner in which he employed his time ; the facilities which he enjoyed for mental and religious improvement; the state of his mind as to religious comfort, or his growth in grace ; his plans of future usefulness, &c., at the period to which we have now arrived ; but we are even here guided only by glimpses which we get at distant intervals, and which are barely sufficient to keep us in the direction of his path. Respecting his habits while in college, only one fact has come to my knowledge, which is an evidence at once of his strength of constitution, and his intense application to study. An elderly gentleman, of good standing in one of his congregations, stated to me a few weeks since, that when he was a young man, Dr. Caldwell was spending a night at his father's, one summer about harvest, and while they were all sitting out in the open porch after supper, a remark was after some time made about the impropriety of sitting so long in the night air, when he observed that, so far as his o-wn cxpr^rioiire 20 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. had gone, there was nothing imwholsome in the night air; lor while he was in coKege, he usuaUy stndied in it, and slept in it, during the warm weather, — as it was his practice to study at a table by tlie window, with tlie sash raised, until a late hour, then cross his arms on the table, lay his head on them, and sleep in that position until morning. This was not very far behind the most inveterate students of the 17th century, whether in Eu- rope or America; and a man who had strength of constitution to pursue such a course of application, though of moderate abilities, could hardly fail to become a scholar. After leaving college, he engaged to teach a school for a year at Cape-May ; and while there he probably attended to his theo- logical studies privately, getting assistance as he could from the minister in the place, if there was one, and if not, from some one in the neighborhood, according to the custom, and we may add, according to the necessity, of the times. His family recollect to have heard him frequently speak of the Presbytery of New Cas- tle, in reference to that period ; and from this fact it is inferred that he had frequent intercourse with some of the ministers com- posing that body, as they were convenient, for the purpose of obtaining books, and such instruction as they could give him. On leaving Cape May, he returned to Princeton, where he was employed for a time as tutor in college, or as assistant teacher in the department of languages, during the sickness or temporary absence of the regular teacher ; but as his object in teaching was merely to support himself while preparing for the ministry, his engagements in that way were only temporary. All his leisure time was employed in the studies and exercises required by the standards of the church with which he was connected, prepara- ttny to licensure ; and the number of trials assigned him by the Presbytery under the care of which he was taken, the manner in which he acquitted himself before that body, and the short space of time in which he passed through all his examinations and tri- als, are sufficient proof of his capacity and diligence. From this tune the facts in his history, if not so full as might be desired, are more to be relied on, because they are either matters of re- cctrd, or are pretty well sustained by oraUtestirnonj'". J Iv was botli licensed and ordained by the Presbytery of New LIFE OF PAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 21 Brunswick ; and the following facts have been conniutnicated, at my request, by the Stated Clerk of that body. At a meeting of the Presbytery held in Princeton, Sept. 28th, 17G2, David Caldwell oflered himself to be taken on trial as a candidate for the gospel ministry; and having given good satis- faction, as to his motives in wishing to enter the ministry, he was received. The subject assigned him for a Latin Exegesis was the Perseverance of the Saints ;* and for a Sermon, 1 Peter, i. 15. But as he ivho hath called you is JioIjj, so be yc Jioly, &c. At a meeting of the Presbytery held at Bedminster, May 1 0th, 1763, he performed these exercises ; and had assigned him for a sermon 2 Cor. v. 17. Therefore if any man be in Christ, &c. At the same time he was examined on the arts and sciences; and his examination was sustained. The Presbytery met again at Princeton, June 6ih, 1763, and assigned him for a lecture the 87tli Psalm. August 16th, Presbytery having met again at Princeton, w^as opened with a lecture from the 87th Psalm, by Mr. David Caldwell ; and after singing, he preached the sermon appointed. At the same meeting, and two days after, he was licensed to preach the gospel ; and was appointed to supply at Hardwick, Oxford, and Mansfield, one Sabbath each, before the next meeting. Oct. 11th of the same year, he was appointed by Presbytery to supply at New Brunswick, Metuchen, Maiden- head, (now Lawrence,) and Deerfield; and when Presbytery met in April, 1764, he was appointed to supply at Deerfield until the next meeting. These details are thus minutely given, partly, because it may be some satisfaction to his old friends and ac- quaintances ; and partly, for the purpose of ascertaining, as near- ly as possible, when he first came to North Carolina. The records contain no further notice of him, after the above date, until May 16th, 1765, when the Presbytery having met in Philadelphia, it is stated on the minutes that the Synod had ap- pointed Mr. David Caldwell to labor at least one whole year as a missionary in North Carolina ; and had ordered the Presbyte- ry to ordain him previous to his going there, tha-t he might the better answer the important ends of his mission. Presbytery immeditately made arrangements for that purpose ; and assigned *Nt]n datar perseverantia sanctorum. 22 LIFE OP DAVID CALDWEJ.L, D.D. him as trials for ordination, The foundation of moral obliga- tion^'^ for a Latin Exegesis; and . for a sermon, Mat. xvi. 26. For whosoever ivill save his life shall lose it, &c. At this same meeting, " a call was laid before Presbytery from Buffalo and Alamance settlements in North Carolina for Mr. David Cald- well to settle there in the work of the ministry, which was put into his hands for consideration." He must therefore have come into this part of the country in the summer or early in the fall of 1764, and given these congregations a grant that he would settle among them ; for there is no mention of him at the fall meeting of Presbytery, nor until the next spring ; and then a call was presented for his pastoral labors. July 5th, 1765. Presbytery met at Trenton, and was opened with a sermon from Mr. David Caldwell on the text assigned him ; after which he read his Latin Exegesis ; and Presbytery resolved to ordain him on the following day. Accordingly he was, on July 6th, 1765, solemnly set apart to the work of the gospel ministry in the manner prescribed by our book of Disci- pline ; and the Rev. William Kirkpatrick preached the ordina- tion sermon from 1 Tim. vi. 20. The records state further that at this meeting he was dismissed to join the Presbytery of Han- over in Virginia ; and that the call for his labors having come from congregations within the bounds of that Presbytery, he was directed to give his answer, as to his acceptance or non- acceptance of it, to that body. It is presumed that he set off for North Carolina immediately after his ordination, though we have no certain account of him for some time, and no notice of him can be found in any of the Ecclesiastical records until the middle of the following year ; nor did he become connected with the Presbytery of Hanover for eighteen months, or near it, after his dismission from that of New Brunswick. The reasons of this do not appear; but he must have proceeded on his mission without delay; for it is known that he went to Mecklenburg on a visit, where he spent some time, before he came to reside in Guilford; and it appears from some Sheriff's receipts, still preserved among his papers, that he paid tax in Guilford, or in Rowan, which then included •■■'In quo fundiilur uhligntio moralis. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 23 that part of the present county of Guilford in which he resided ^ as early as 1766. Of course he must have been here the year before, and regarded as a citizen, or his tax would not have been due at that time. From the records of the Presbytery of Hanover, it appears that he was invited to sit as a corresponding member of that body, at a meeting held at North Hico, now known as the Red House church, on the 4th of June, in this same year, 1766; and again al another meeting held in the month of October following. On the 11th of October in the following year, 1767, he was received as a member of that body upon his dismission from the Presbyte- ry of New Brunswick ; and at the same time a petition was pre- sented from the congregations of Buffalo and Alamance to have him installed and settled as their pastor. The petition was gran- ted; and his installation took place, according to appointment of Presbytery, at Buffalo, March 3rd, 1768. The Rev. Hugh Mc- Adden preached the Installation sermon, presided, and appears to have performed all the services prescribed by our standards in such cases. My authority for this is the sermon preached by Mr. McAdden on that occasion, which is now before me in man- uscript ; and is a very sensible, practical, and appropriate dis- course. At this time there were probably not more than three or four, if so many, regularly settled ministers of the Presbyte- rian denomination in the State ; but in the course of this year sev- eral others were settled, so that if David Caldwell was not the very first, he was among the first, who settled here, and made North Carolina their permanent residence. Having lived much longer too, and in many ways exerted a more extensive and lasting influence than any other belonging to that eventful peri- od, it may be said, without any disposition to exaggerate his worth, or to give him undue praise, that his history is more iden- tified with that of the country, at least so far as literature, en- lightened piety, and good morals are concerned, than the history of any one man who has lived in it ; and this seems to be the opinion of those who knew him best, and who are the most competent judges. The people who composed his congregations at their organi- sation were mastlv from his native countv ; and were here sev- ~M l.TFK OF UAVU) CALDWKLL, D.V. oral years ])efore iiiui. Many of them had known him from his childhood; for they had been taught in the same schools, and had worshipped in the same sanctuar}'. For reasons similar to tiiose which have since influenced so many of their descendants to leave this country and remove to the far west, they determined to leave the land of their nativity, and remove to the far south ; but they agreed to come in a body. A company was formed, called the Nottingham company, which sent out agents and pur- chased a large quantity of land in what is now Guilford county, on the waters of Buftalo and Reedy Fork ; and wlien they were making their arrangements to change their residence, which was about the time he commenced his education, or soon after, they made a conditional agreement with him, that, if Providence per- mitted, when he obtained license to preach, he vv^ould come and be their preacher. Whether they thought their lands there were exhausted, and that it was necessary for them, on that account, to seek a new country ; or whether they hoped to improve their circumstances by selling them at a good price, and buying here "where the range was good and land cheap, is not important. — Probably some were influenced by one motive, and some by an- other ; but they were not willing to be without the preaching and ordinances of the gospel. They were aware that there Avere no ministers, or none of tlieir own denomination, in the region to which they were directing their course, in the settle- ment of which they were in fact pioneers, and that there were none to be obtained except from the churches in the northern States ; and therefore they thought it prudent to make provision jor this in time, by engaging or bespeaking the services of one whom they knew. Accordingly he came out, as we have seen, wiihin a year after liis licensure; and a call was made out for him and laid before the Presbytery to wliich he belonged as soon as it could be done. The Buiialo church was organized about five or six years be- fore lie came ; and tlie Alamance soon after, or wlien he waS here as a licenciate in 1764. This fact was communicated to t] le writer a number of years ago by one of the oldest members belonging to that church, now deceased,' who said that he dis- tiii("i!v reco!]ectod (he circumstance; and thai Mr. Caldwell was LIl'K OF DAVIO C'ALUVVKl.1,, U.D. 2o not then ordained ; and as he had no authority to ordain elders, not being ordained himself, the Rev. Henry Pat ill o was reques- ted to attend for that purpose. The Alamance church was or- ganized at that time for the express purpose of uniting with the Buffalo, that they might thus be able to support a minister ; but convenience and other considerations would soon have pro- duced the same result. In addition to the fact that convenience required it, being too remote to attend regularly at the Buffalo, especially in the winter, they differed from the others in their religious sentiments. In Pennsylvania they belonged to what was called the New-light party, or the followers of Whitefield, and as they came out to their new settlement, they were led by the similarity of their religious views and feelings to associate together and make their residence in the same neighborhood ; while the people of Buffalo who had belonged, with few ex- ceptions, to the old side, were led, by a similar principle of con- geniality, to locate together and form a society of their own. — This distinction, Avhich is now scarcely known, caused no small difficulty for a number of years ; and required much firmness and prudence on the part of the pastor, but it did not prevent them from uniting freely in the call for his services, nor from giv- ing him a cordial support afterwards. The same distinction which existed here seems to have pervaded the entire mass of the Presbyterian population which emigrated in such numbers from Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, from eighty to a hundred years ago ; and spread over the middle and western regions of North Carolina. Whitefield had been shortly be- fore, or was at that time, traversing those States with Apostolic zeal and with little less than Apostolic power ; and the feelings which were there excited were carried by the people wherever they went. That was in many respects an important period for this country ; and it might be interesting, and perhaps pro- fitable, for any one who had leisure and ability, to trace the in- fluence of that extraordinary man upon the interests of religion here, and upon the character and welfare of the community. — That influence was certainly manifest in all the earliest, if it has not been in the latest, revivals that have been experienced ; and tliese revivals, it is generally believed, have had a greater effect 26 LIFE OF DAVIi) CALDWELL, D.D. upon the condition of society, in producing good order and a christian spirit and deportment, than all other causes com- hined. Although Dr. Caldwell was placed over congregations which were thus divided in sentiment, and under the influence of strong religious feeling, he managed so as to prevent a rupture or any serious difficulty. He did not profess to belong to either party, but to both ; for as both had manifestly some things that were right and others that were wrong, he made it his bushiess, as it was his duty, to approve the one and to condemn the other ; and by this course, with his characteristic mildness and pru- dence, he was able to maintain a good degree of peace and har- mony, and to avoid the acrimony , and censure to which ho would have been otherwise exposed. The distinction here re- ferred to seems to have been forgotten with the increase of religious knowledge and the prevalence of vital piety ; and the ministers and people of the Presbyterian communion appear now to be all united and harmonious in their views. It has been seen that in the spring of 1765, he was appointed by the Synod of Nev/ York and Philadelphia to labor at least one whole year as a missionary in North Carolina ; and that as soon as he was ordained he set off on this mission. It appears from the records of the Synod that he fulfilled this appointment ; and of course he spent that year in itinerating as a missionary through the Presbyterian settlements of this State, including the congregations of which he soon after became pastor, as they were then vacant, and visiting the counties lying between the Yadkin and Catawba rivers, where it appears the population was nearly all Presbyterian. In that regoin, as well as in Guilford, he found many whom he had known in his youth ; and while there he formed, or rather renewed, an acquaintance which had an impor- tant bearing oii his comfort and usefulness through subBcquent life. Having concluded to become stationary at the expiration of that term of missionary service, in the course of the year 1766, probably towards the latter part of the year, though the precise time is not recollected, he married Rachel, the third daughter of the Rev. Alexander Craighead, of Mecklenburg county, with whom ho lived in 2:reat harmonv until hisdeatii ; and bv Avhom LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 27 he had, besides three or four children that died in infancy, eight sons and one daughter who hved to maturity, and all of whom survived him. He had known this lady in her childhood, as they were both natives of the same county, but he had not seen her for fifteen years or more ; for about the time that he com- menced his education, Mr. Craighead removed from Lancaster, and settled in Rockbridge county, Va. Nothing is known of him while there further than that he was one of the original members of the Hanover Presbytery which was organized at Hanover on the first Wednesday of December 1755 ; but it is not probable that he was present at the organization, though his name is included in the list of members as he had signed the petition to have the Presbytery formed ; for on hearing of Brad- dock's defeat, which happened in July of that year, he fled, as did all his neighbors, some in one direction, and some in another, as attachment to distant friends, or as prospects of safety or in- terest directed ; but he never halted until he reached Mecklen- burg county in this State. By that disastrous event " the west- ern parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, were left exposed to the incursions of the Savages ; the frontier settlements were generally broken up ; and the inhabitants were driven in- to the interior."* Mrs. Caldwell used to say, when relathig the hardships and perils of those times to her family, that, " as they went out at one door the Indians came in at the other," — mean- ing that when they left the house the Indians were close at hand; and that they narrowly escaped with their life, without being able to take any of their property or furniture with them. Mr. Craighead settled in Sugar Creek congregation where he lived and died ; but whether he was ever installed there as pastor of that church is not known. While in Pennsylvania he became a great admirer of White- field ; and miited with his followers. In this country he is said to have been a warm and zealous preacher ; but was somewhat disposed to melancholy. It seems that he belonged to a race of people who were remarkable for their piety and strong attach- ment to the church; for Mrs. Caldwell frequently remarked when conversing with her family and friends on this subject, *See Marshall's Colonial History, page 293. 2S LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.B. that her ancesters, on the paternal side, had aU been preachers in a direct hue as far back as she had any knowledge of them, which was for three or four generations. Mr. Craighead had several other daughters, all of whom married into wealthy and respectable families in the upper counties or districts of South Carolina ; and he must have been esteemed as a minister and a christian through the region of country in which he lived ; for the Sugar Creek church has been served ever since, with the exception of two or three intervals of a few years each, by some one of his descendants. His son, the Rev. Thomas Craighead, who was licensed in April, 1778, never settled as pastor there or anywhere else in North Carolina ; but he preached there for some time as a supply. Next his grand son, the Rev. Samuel C. Caldwell was for thirty-five or forty years pastor of the church; and was beloved every where, and by all who knew him, in the church and out of it. At present his great grand son, the Rev. John M. Caldwell occupies the same station ; and is no less es- teemed for his own merits than for his ancestral recollections. Mx. Craighead died in March 1776 ;* and was hurried near Su- gar Creek church. No marble monument tells the traveller where he lies; but his remains were carried to their resting place on two green sassafras sticks, each about three feet long, Avhich had just been cut from the woods for that purpose ; and when the grave was filled up, these were stuck down, one at the head, and the other at the foot, merely to serve as a temporary designation of the place. They both grew however ; and are now trees of considerable size. These are his only monument, except "a good name, " which is still remembered and is cher- ished in the affections of the people where he hved ; and the piety and usefulness which ha.ve hitherto belonged to his de- scendants. The industry and perseverance manifested by David Caldwell during the whole course of his preparation for the ministry might be regarded as a pledge of his future usefulness ; and no pledge of the kind was then given which was not redeemed af- terwards. When once installed and permanently settled his ob- ject seems to have been to adapt himself to the circumstances ^Records of the Presbyterian Chinch, pnq-e 353. LIFE OK DAVID CALDWELL, D.P. 29 and wants of the community in which his lot was cast ; and to pursue such a course as would, in the end, be most for their improvement and welfare. It was manifest that, situated as his congregations were, he could not depend on them for such a support as would enable him to devote himself exclusively to the work of the ministry ; for they promised him only two hundred dollars ; and that was to be paid in grain, if the people chose, at a stipulated price, which was wholly inadequate to tlie support of a family. He therefore purchased a tract of land, containing some two or three hundred acres ; and on that raised the most of his provi- sions. As soon, too, as he was prepared for it, he commenced a classical school at his own house, which he continued, with two or three short interruptions, until he was disqualified by the in- firmities of age. Tliis was an employment in v/hicli he not on- ly excelled, as he certainly did, but in which he took great de- hght ; and therefore it would, in all probability, have been a matter of choice with him, if his circumstances liad not made it necessary, or if there had been no considerations pressing it up- on his attention as a matter of duty in relation to the church and the country. But it was clearly necessary if he would maintain his family in comfort, and it was as obviously neces- sary for the prosperity of the church in this region, and for the improvement of the community at large ; for there were then no institutions of the kind in the State, or none of much value and permanence. The legislature had done nothing efficient ; and there was no probability that it could do any thing credita- ble to itself or beneficial to the public until a change should be effected in the state of society, and in the financial and pecuni- ary condition of the country. In the impoverished state of the colony, owing to the heavy debt incurred by the French war, the restrictions on trade, the frauds and peculations of govern- ment officers, &c., but little could be done ; and then the mass of the people must be so far enlightened as to send men to the As- sembly who would understand the value of education, and might feel that they would be sustained in adopting such meas- ures as would give it due encouragement. In 1754 an act was passed makina- some appropriation for the establishment of a 30 LIFE OP DAVID CAldWElL, D.D. public seminary, but it proved ineffectual.* In 1764 an act was passed for the erection of a school house in the town of New- born; and in 1767, the very year probably in which Mr. Cald- well commenced his school, if not the year after, the Trustees of the Newborn Academy were incorporated. But that school could not have been very prosperous ; for many of the youth from the surrounding country were sent up here for their edu- cation. The Kroomes, the Whitefields, the Hatches, and others are still recollected ; and for several years a considerable pro- portion of the scholars in Caldwell's school were from the eas- tern part of the State. The Rev. Henry Patillo, not far from this time, taught a pri- vate school either in Orange or Granville ; but precisely where and with what success has not come to my knowledge. Not long before the Declaration of Independence, an act of Assembly Avas passed establishing an Academy in Charlotte ; but that was several years after Mr. Caldwell commenced ; and although the school had begun with fair prospects some time before it was incorporated, yet it does not appear to have continued m suc- cessful operation there more than a few years. Caldwell's school, probably from being conducted with more ability and prudence, seems to have been the most efficient and the most noted ; and that its celebrity was owing to the ability with which it was conducted, there is the most abundant proof. Being a thorough scholar himself in all that he professed to teach, and having a peculiar tact for the management of boys, as well as a facility in communicating instruction, he soon be- came so celebrated as a teacher that he had students from all the States south of the Potomac ; and according to the testimony of those who were better judges of the matter than the writer, lie was certainly instrumental in bringing more men into the learned professions than any other man of his day, at least in the southern States. Many of these became eminent, as statesmen, lawyers, judges, physicians, and ministers of the gospel ; and while some of them only prepared for college with him, — usu- ally for Princeton, until Chapel Hill was established; and then for that institution, — the larger portion, and several of those who *.Martin, \o!. 2, p. GS, 184, 220. I.IKK OF DAVID CALUWKLL, D.U. 31 became the most distinguished in after life, never went any where else for instruction, and never enjoyed any higher advan- tages. Five of his scholars became Governors of different States; many more members of Congress, some of whom occupied a high standing and still occupy it ; and a much greater number be- came lawyers, judges, physicians, and ministers of the gospel. It would be a credit to any man to have been the instructor of such men as Judge Murphy, Judge McCoy, and many others who, in the same road to honor and usefulness, fell very little if any behind them ; and to one who knew the value and import- ance of religion as he did, it must have been a matter of very pleasant reflection that he had been instrumental in bringing into the gospel ministry such men as the Rev. Samuel E. Mc- Corkle, D.D., the Rev. John Mathews, D.D. and the Rev. John Anderson, D.D., who died a few years since in Washington co., Pennsylvania, and many others who were burning and shining lights in the world. Such was his reputation, if the survivors of that period may be credited, that it was considered throughout the South a sufli- cient recommendation or passport for any man to have passed through the course at his school with the approbation of the teacher ; and when it is known that such men as Dr. Mathews, Dr. Anderson, and many others but little if at all inferior to them, received the whole of their literary and theological instruction there, it may be readily supposed that a certificate from the hand of such a teacher would be received without much hesita- tion. Probably no man in the Southern States has had a more eiiviable reputation as a teacher, or was more beloved by his pupils ; and no man, with tlie same ninnber of scholars, ever had so few occurrences of an unpleasant kind while they were under his care, or saw less to regret in their subsequent conduct. The number of scholars in his school was large for the time and the circumstances of the country — usually about fifty, sel- dom less, and sometimes sixty or more ; but it is not recollected by any of his family, or by any of his pupils who are yet living in this part of the country, that he ever had to expel or suspend a student for improper conduct. His mode of discipline was his own ; and was not only so peculiar that it could not be imitated o2 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWKLL, D.D. to advantage, Lut was so successful that it could not be sur^ passed, and has been seldom equalled. He had a rod which the l)oys feared more than the birch; and when necessary it was administered, and with certain effect, but in such a way that no hostile or revengeful feelings were engendered ; for while his scholarship and weight of character commanded their respect, his aliability and kindness secured their affection. There was a something about him which was unique, and which language cannot define. The expression of his countenance and his whole manner were such that with a very few words he commonly produced in an offender the very feelings of shame, remorse, &c., which he ought to have ; and at the same time left him in a state of suspense, or under a kind of apprehension that there might be something still more severe kept in reserve and ready for use should it be needed ; but all was done with such calm- ness, with such good humor, and often with such an air of pleas- antry on his part, that no feelings of anger or resentment were excited in the pupil. That this is not going beyond sober truth, or giving too high a coloring to his character, may be shewn by a reference to the testimony, or the opinion, of others. Sometime ago I received a very interesting communication from one of the oldest of his pupils in this region, Avho as a physician is of very respecta- ble standing in his profession, as a citizen is much esteemed for his intelligence and worth of character, and as a man has always been remarkable for his close observation of passing occurren- ces and for his perfect recollection of whatever he saw or heard ; but as he modestly recpiested that his name might not be men- tioned, I shall, for the sake of convenience in referring to him as authority, call him Doct. B. He says, "In January 1787, 1 entered the school of Dr. David Caldwell as a pupil. I person- ally Imow but little except as to the management of his school. I boarded, from the time I entered his school until the autumn of 178.9, within half a mile of the schoolhouse. In 1790 I became assistant teacher ; and resided in his family for more than two years. As a husband, a parent, and a master the Dr. was in- dulgent and kind. During my residence in his family I never witnessed an act of unkindncss from him towards any member LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D. .3.. of his family. As a master, in my opinion, he was indulgent to a fault. For my own part I reverenced him a.s I did my father. In his school lie governed as a parent, without any of that impe- riousness so often witnessed in those who are ' clothed with a hlttle brief authority.' He appeared to be always pleased when we were attentive to and made good progress in our studies. In case we did not, through inattention or want of capacity, make that progress he had a right to expect or wished, we only expe- rienced a mild reproof, or a little scorching sarcasm. When a student made a classical author utter the most absurd nonsense he would cry out, Muriher dherrig ; and then ask him per- haps if he understood Irish. This was almost murder to the feeUngs of the dull student. I do not recollect e\^er to have seen him inflict punishment with the rod except in one case ; and that was on a small, idle, very idle boy. " Immoral acts ana profane language were proscribed, of course ; and seldom came to his knowledge, though often committed and uttered. He had a goat that possessed a strong taste for books ; and if ever a student, from thoughtlessness, left a book exposed, this goat was certain, if he came on it, to appropriate the whole, or part, to his own use. On one occasion the monitor for the week was a moral and worthy young man, A youth, whom I shall call Tom, having left his Dictionary exposed, the goat dis- covered it, and proceeded to make his own use of it. Tom ran to its rescue, uttering a strong imprecation on his goatship in the presence and hearing of tlie monitor, who immediately noted it down verbatim in his bill. Tom was rather a favorite with old Domine, and with his school fellows. We all knew, as well as Tom, that, on Friday evening he had to answer for it. At length the dreaded evening came ; and /was pleased to see my favorite prepare for flight, in case it should be necessary, though we were all ignorant what was the punishment to which he might be subjected for such an oflence. The monitor presented his bill ; and a number of us having answered for our petty of- fences, and acts of neglect, Domine 's eyes fell on Tom's name and oflence. He looked alternately on the bill and on Tom ; and then read out the name and the charge. Tom with the quickness of thought asserted, ' They area d — ned creature; 34 LIKE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. and I can prove it from Scripture.' Domine bit his lips, and mildly replied, < Tommy, Tommy, there are a number of small- er boys here ; and you should set a better example before them.' J do not recollect any one ever having to answer for a similar offence afterwards." The time which boys spend in school is apt to be the most pleasant part of their lives ; for being then free from the cares and anxieties usually attendant on the public avocations of life, they are at full liberty to range among the beauties of classic taste and genius, and to derive instruction or pastime from all the sources of information that may be within their reach, and from whatever occurrences may take place around them. Things are frequently occurring too, either from a mischievous disposi- tion, or from mere thoughtlessness and levity on their part, which not only cause merriment or reproach at the time, and are ever afterwards remembered with pleasure or regret, but which are trying to the patience of the teacher, and become a test of his character as a disciplinarian. The above incident is of this de- scription ; and related, as it is, in that facetious and happy man- ner, for whicli Doctor B. is admired by those who know him, it will probably be as amusing to those who read the account as it was to those who witnessed the scene. He then goes on to say, " The management of his churches was very similar to that of his school. His scholars respected him as a father, and confided in him as a friend. I once saw indignation flash through the school on a young man's insulting the Doctor ; and the same thing, I am persuaded, would have taken place in his churches if any one in their presence had dared to offer him an insult." At that period it seems to have been the general impression that the birch Avas eibout as necessary for boys at §chool as their bread and meat ; but his family recollect to have witnessed or heard of not more than two or three instances in which he found any necessity for a resort to corporal punishment ; and one of these was sufficiently salutary in its results to justify a notice of it here. Samuel D., whose father kept a public house at the comity seat, was sent to Dr. Caldwell's school at the age of 14 or 15 ; but brought with him all those habits of idleness and dissipation which he had formed in the tavern. Being natural- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWEI-L, D.D. OD ly what is called " a smart boy," and liaviiis^ a good share of that dexterity at mischief which boys of his age readily acquire in such circumstances, he was exerting a very unhappy influ- ence on the other scholars, especially on those that were younger than himself. After every other means had been tried in vain, the Dr. took him one day into a private apartment of liis school house, and there apphed " tlie rod of correction" until he ac- complished his object : Samuel was subdued, and promised obedience. From that time he was a reformed boy ; and was thenceforward as orderly in his deportment and as attentive to his studies as any of the rest. When he arrived to maturity he removed to Georgia, where he married and settled ; but having lived to bury his wife and all liis children, he felt the loneli- ness of his situation ; and hearing that his old preceptor was still living, he resolved to pay him a visit. His head was as grey as that of his quondam preceptor, though he was not much more than half as old ; and their meeting was a very affecting one. The old man was sitting in the chimney corner, wrapped in those silent meditations which are so natural and so befitting one who had served his generation by the will of God, and was nearly severed from all the ties of earth, from which he was roused by some bustle among the servants and by the footsteps of his visitor entering the apartment and approaching towards him. His sight had been once renewed, and was faded again beyond the assistance of art. His faded eyes were now directed towards the object that had attracted his attention ; and he wait- ed in silence for some announcement that would let him know who was before him. " Dr. Caldwell, don't you recollect me?" was the enquiry of Mr. D. as he reached out his hand. "I do not," was the reply. " Don't you recollect that very bad boy whom you once had in your school and whom you had to whip so se- verely?" "0 yes! Samuel D." With that they seized each other by the hand; and for a moment tears were the only ex- pression of feelings which were too deep for utterance. Mr. D. then concluded a brief history of his life — his fortunes and mis- fortunes, his connexions and bereavements, by saying that he had not a relation living in North Carolina, and no business to call liim into this part of the country ; but as he coiisidcred thai o() LIFE 01' DAVia CALDWELL, D.D. Br. Caldwell had done him more good than^all other men, and having learned that he was still living, he had come all the way here, a distance of two or three hundred miles, to see him once more before he died. This incident, which is somewhat extra- ordinary, appeared to fm-nish a good illustration of Dr. Cald- well's judiciousness and success in the exercise of discipline ; and of the universal and high regard in which he was held by all classes of his pupils. His scholars, without any known exception, whatever might have been their talents, their subsequent attainments in literature and science, or the eminence to which they arrived in their res- pective avocations, regarded him through life, v/ith the highest veneration as an instructor, and cherished his memory, as a man and a christian, with the warmest affection. The present Gov- ernor of North Carolina, John M. Morehead, whose professional standing is probably second to that of no other in the State, and the correctness of whose judgment in relation to talents and scholarship ,no one who is acquainted with him will call in ques- tion, after having been under his instruction between two and three years, and having been prepared by him for the Junior class half advanced in college, speaks of him in the very highest terms, in every respect, though he was then between eighty-iive and ninety years of age ; and time worn veterans in the service of their country — men who have stood firm against the intrigues of ambition and the assaults of power — men who have fought the battles of freedom and maintained the rights of the people in the halls of our national legislation, year after year, until they have grown grey in the service, have been known to shed tears at the mention of his name, when passing in the public convey- ance by the place where his remains lie buried, and by the church in which ho preached and they were hearers from Sab- bath to Sabba.th, while preparing under his instruction for future distinction and usefulness in the world.* But the most important service which he rendered, as a teacher, *The Honorable Lewis Wiluams was one of those above alluded to ; and as his death has been announced since the preceding sheets went to press, there can be no impropriety in thus mentioning his name here, in connexion with a fact so honorable to his feeling's as a man and to his character as a public servant. il.FE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. o / was to the church, or to tiie cause of rehgiori ; for nearly all the young men w'lo came into the ministry of the Presbyterian church, for many years, not only in North Carolina, but in the States south and west of it, were trained in his school, many of whom are yet living ; ciud while some of them are superannuated, others are still useful men, either as preachers or as teachers in different institutions of learning. In a connnunication recently received from the Rev. E. B. CiUTic, who is one of his oldest pupils yet living, he says, " Dr. Caldwell, as a teacher, v/as pro- biibly more useful to the church than any one man in the United States. I could name about forty ministers who received their education in whole or in part from him ; and how many more I cannot tell ; but his log cabin served for many years to North Carolina as an Academy, a College, and a Theological Seminary. His manner of governing his school, family and churches was very much the same, that is, on the mild and paternal plan, gen- erally attended with some wit and pleasant humor ; yet few men have ever succeeded better in keeping good order." I'he log cabin here spoken of, if the dwelling house be meant, was a two story log house with a chimney in the middle, which was a re- spectable building for those times ; and the forty ministers whom he mentioned as having received their education under him, were educated during or after the Revolutionary war. But his school was in operation nine or ten years before the Declaration of Independence ; and therefore it can hardly be any exaggera- tion to say that at least fifty ministers of the gospel were educa- ted in whole or in part in his school. He v/as their instructor in theology too, as well as in the classics and sciences ; and thus in the language of Mr. Currie, "his log cabin," — for his school house was litterally such, and his dwelling house v/ould bear the name, — "served North Carolina, for many years, as an Academy, a College, and a Thelogical Seminary." Seven of his students Avere licensed to preach the gospel by the Orange Presbytery in one day, all of whom were consistent, devoted men ; and at one period there were not more than three or four members belong- ing to that Presbytery who had not been his scholars. Many of these professed religion during their connexion with the schooJ, and came into the ministry, though nothing was farther from •'^S LIFE or DAVID CAldWKlL, D.D. their thougiit,s when tliey went there. An aged and venerable servant of Christ, mentioned to tlie writer not long since, that he recollected ten, he being himself one of the nmiiber, who pro- fessed religion while in school and became preachers ; and said that he knew abont as many more who professed religion in the school after he left, and took the same course. It would be unpardonable not to pay a passing tribute of res- pect here to the memory of Mrs. Caldwell, who, for good sense and ardent piety, had few if any equals, and certainly no supe- riors, at that time and in this region of country. In every respect she was an ornament to her sex and a credit to the station which she occupied as tlie head of a family and the wife of a man who was not only devoted to the service of the church, but was em- inently useful hi his sphere of life. Her hitelligence, prudence, and kind and conciliating manners were such as to secure the respect and confidence of the young men in the school, while her concern for their future welfare prompted her to use every means, and to improve every opportunity, for turning their at- tention to their personal salvation; and her assiduity and suc- cess in this matter were such as to give rise and currency !o the remark over the country that " Dr. Caldwell made the scholars, but Mrs. Caldwell made the preacher s.^^ The remark might be to some extent true ; and the fact, if it was one, miglit be ration- ally and satisfactorily accounted for, without any disparagement of his piety, or implying any doubt of his zeal on this subject ; for, apart from the consideration that his time and attention were so much occupied with other things that he could not make the same direct efforts in this way, which, in other circumstan- ces, he might have made, we all know how difficult it is for a teacher, while engaged from morning till night, and day after day, in the literary and scientific instruction of his pupils, and in exercising authority and discipline over them, to maintain that kind of religious inlluence, which, humanly speaking, is necessary to their conversion. It is not impossible, as might be shown by a reference to many examples, especially at that day, of whom Dr. Caldwell must be regarded as one, notwithstand- i,i)g the common remark above mentioned; nor did those who kiU'w them boih understand it as literal I v true, but made it or LIFE OF DAVID C AL])\VL:LL, D.J). 39 used it to express their high opinion of her piety and zeal ; — yet it was to him, and to the whole church, so far as known, a cause of gratitude which ought not to be passed over in silence, that he had an assistant in this work who was so competent and so faithfnl. Without dwelling on this, however, at present, or undertaking to eulogize one whose record is on high, it is certain that many young men who went there with no other wish or thought than that of being prepared to reap the rewards or wear the honors of this world, were converted to the Lord before they left, and became in due time devoted and useful ministers of the gospel, several of whom ascribed their awakening and conversion to her instrumentality. Whenever any of them be- came concerned about their salvation, whether impressed by some dispensation of Providence, or awakened under the ordi- nary means of grace, the resort was to Mrs. Caldwell in prefer- ence to any body else ; and those who were truly pious and had their attention turned to the gospel ministry, found that they were increased in faith, advanced in christian knowledge, and encouraged to persevere in their toilsome course of preimration for usefulness, by her conversation and her example as a chris- tian. The aged minister whose name has been already men- tioned, observed to the writer not long since, that although he believes he Avas a christian before he went there, and was aim- ing at the ministry, yet in his circumstances his trials and dis- couragements were so great that he was sometimes on the point of giving up all hope of ever attaining the object of his wishes, but by her advice and encouragement, he was kept along, and that she was of more service to him than all the ministers in the Orange Presbytery. All who were pious when they went, or who became so while there, Iiave always spoken of her with the highest veneration, and have borne a uniform testimony to her uncommon intelligence on the subject of religion, including doctrines, precepts, experience, &c. ; her devotional spirit, her clieerful piety, her humble zeal, her confidence in God ; and since she has gone to reap the rewards of piety in another world, she will bo had in long remembrance here on earth. Thus in every way his school was a nursery for the church, or for the gospel ministry ; and while the whole country is deep- '10 I,IFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D ly indebted to it for the advancement of literature and science, and for the genera! difTusion of useful knowledge, the church, and the Presbyterian church especially, has cause to rejoice that, in the providence of God, his lot was cast in this country just at the time when such services as he could render, and such influence as he was prepared to exert, were highly important, if not abso- lutely necessary, to its welfare ; and that he was prepared to labor so long and so successfully in the Lord's vineyard. What- ever may have been his success in the ministry, or in the work of converting men by his personal labors, as a minister, or what tliat success might have been had he given himself wholly to the ministry, as Paul directed Timothy to do, we need not now enquire ; for the influence which a man exerts on the youth of the country who are to fill the places of public trust and respon- sibility, in church and state, if it is of tlie right kind, is the most extensive, salutary, and permanent ; and it surely cannot affect the question of a man's usefulness, in the character of an ambas- sador for Christ, or in the great work of reconciling men to God, in what particular wr.,y, or on what class of men, his agency was employed. From the condition of the country at the time of his settle- ment, he soon found it necessary, or considered it his duty, to turn his attention to another subject. There Vv^as no physician Avithin any reasonable distance, or none in whose skill any con- fidence could be placed ; nor was there any known probability of obtaining one ; and the people amongst whom he lived and to whose welfare he was devoted, like all first settlers in a new or wilderness country, being not well provided with the conve- niences and comforts necessary to health, were in great want of medical assistance, but he being a man of liberal education, and their pastor, it was natural that they should look to him, as they did, for every thing that was beyond their own knowledge or abilit)^, so far at least as they depended on the agency of man. Whatever might be said, in ordinary cases, against a minister's engaging in pursuits or avocations, not immediately connected with the duties of the ministry, surely no one of liberal views and humane feelings will say that, situated as he was, he could be fairly charged with delinquency in rolp.tion to his ordination LUK OF DAVID C AJ.DW K J.I., D.U. -J 1 VOWS and his responsibilities as a gospel minister, in thus ailr'iid- ing to the calls of humanity. At all events he felt it his duly, under the existing circumstances, to acquire such a knowledge of medicine, if possible, as would enable him to be of service in this way to the people of his own charge, if no more ; and for this purpose he procured a few medical works from Philadelphia, with the intention of making the best use of them he could. — While thus engaged in this study, alone and unaided, devoting to it every leisure moment, and even curtailing the hours of sleep, that he might make the greater proficiency, a regular phy- sician, by the name of Woodsides, from Pennsylvania, who was a distant relation of Mrs. Caldwell, and a young man of piet}', came along unexpectedly, and was prevailed on by Mr. Cald- well to remain with him for some time, board in his family, and practice in his congregations. What were his particular reasons for coming south, and how long he might have remained in Guilford, had he lived, we have no knowledge ; but he had not been here over a year Avhen he was removed by death, and just in the beginning of his usefulness. His coming, however, at that time seemed to be providential ; for Mr. Caldwell not only got all the instruction and assistance he could give him, at the very time too when it was most needed, as well as the privilege of attending with him on his practice, whenever he chose ; but ob- tained, partly by gift and partly by purchase, a number of val- uable works in the profession. The books of this young and promising physician, whose death was so premature and so much regretted, which he had not given to his reverend friend and pupil, were sold after his death at public sale. Mr. Caldwell bought them, and got them low ; for no one else had any use for them, or knew their value. With the assistance he had thus received, and by his own assiduous application, he soon became respectable for his knowledge and skill in the medical profession; and was for many years the only practising physician, of any note, over a space of country twenty miles or more in diameter. It is probable too, that he obtained some assistance in acquir- ing a knowledge of the theory and practice of medicine from his intimate friendship and intercourse with Doct. Rush, which com- menced while they were students together in college, and seems Q 42 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D, to have been continued tln-ough life. They were not class mates ; for Doct. Rush was graduated a year before him ; but their friendship commenced then and continued until it was in- terrupted by death. Doct. Caldwell, as he began now to be generally called, though he did not receive the title of D.D. for many years afterwards,- procured the writings of Doct. Rush, as they were published ; and maintained a regular, or at least a frequent correspondence with him. He went twice all the way to Philadelphia to consult him, or get his assistance, in a case of affliction in his family, taking the patient with him ; and on one of these occasions obtained his co-operation in another matter of some interest which will come into notice again. His practice of medicine was therefore not quackery : He was not a mere sciolist in any thing that he undertook to teach or professed to understand ; and although he may not have been Avhat would be considered a well read physician at the present day, he was behind few, if any, at that time, in all the ordinary diseases of the country, while in some that have usually been very difficult to manage he was much celebrated. He continu- ed the practice of medicine, in connexion with the duties of his school and of liis pastoral office until his fourth son was prepar- ed to take his place, and then he declined it, except in some spe- cial cases, or among his particular friends. His constitution was uncommonly vigorous and his health uninterrupted, or he could not have discharged the duties belonging to all these dif- ferent professions. During the whole of his public life he hard- ly ever knew what it was to be sick, except by one attack of fever some time after the Revolutionary War ; and his hfe was at last terminated, not by disease or violence, but by the gradual and easy decay of nature. As might be expected, his active habits and his uniform temperance in every respect, were the means of preserving his health and vigor ; for while he took no more time for recreation and exercise than was really necessa- ry, he was as regular in that as in the duties of his school room or any thing else ; and even his recreation consisted not so much in relaxation, or in idle hours, as in a change of employment. The Rev. E. B, Currie, in the communication already referred to, says, " Dr. Caldwell's life was rather a life of labor than of Lli'E OK DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 43 Study ; and when we consider that he had a large school which he attended generally five days in the week, two large congre- gations which he catechised at least twice a year, four commu- nions which ahvays lasted four days each, besides his visiting the sick, frequently preaching in vacant congregations, &c., &c., we can see that there was not much time left for study ; but he was a close student when opportunity oifered." This referred, however, to the period when Mr. Currie was acquainted with him, which was some years after the Revolutionary War, and when Dr. Caldwell had arrived to that stage of life in which his energies were somewhat abated. Besides, he had lost his libra- ry, which he was able to replace only by very slow degrees ; and he was also more occupied than formerly with public af- fairs. During the first sixteen or eighteen years of his ministry he studied very closely ; but his principal time for study was at night. He was in the regular habit, during this period, of go- ing to bed at ten and rising at four ; and this would allow him as many hours to spend in the study room as are usually spent there by ministers of the present day, who have nothing on hand but their ministerial and pastoral duties, or no others of a professional kind. As a proof of his industrious habits, and of a strict regard to the preservation of his health, he ditched and irrigated his mead- ows with his own hands ; and he did it by working with his spade something like an hour at a time, morning and evening, until it was accomplished, unless called away to visit the sick, or to discharge some other pastoral duty of incidental or casual occurrence. When not thus called away, however, it was his recreation for the time being ; and the consequence was, not only that his health and vigor were preserved, but that he had the best meadows in the country. If the meadow did not require his attention, he found something else of a profitable kind to af- ford employment for those hours which most others devote ex- clusively to relaxation; but every hour, and almost every min- ute that could be so employed was sedulously devoted to study; and thus he was able to accomplish what would appear to many impossible. The remark has been made and repeated until it seems to be 44 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWElL, D.D. regarded as a truism, that men should be employed to the lull extent of all their powers, mental and physical ; and that when thus employed they are healthier and happier, as well as more useful, than when any of their powers are suffered to lie dor- mant ; but after long experience, and much discussion, it is yet undecided whether the extreme division of labor which has so much prevailed in Europe, and which has many advocates in thiscoimtry, is favorable either to the highest degree of intellec- tual improvement, or to the greatest amount of usefulness. Can the intellectual powers be more fully developed, and be made to accomplish a greater air^onnt of good, by having them always employed on one subject, if employed at all ? or, if " much study is a weariness to the flesh," can that weariness be relieved bj" engaging in something that will bring all the physical ener- gies into exercise, and in a way that will contribute to the stock of materials required for our support and comfort, as well as by a process of invigoration, essentially the same in its nature, but having no such design, and no tendency to produce such a re- sult ? The discussion of this matter, Avhethcr it belongs to the department of philosophy, physiology, metaphysics, or ah to- gether, would be out of place here ; and must be decided by an appeal to facts, or be left to the silent testimony of experience. But it is believed that the early settled ministers of our church in this State who were engaged in teaching, farming, &c., as well as preaching, will compare very favorably, for talents, learn- ing, and efficiency as preachers, with those of the present day, though enjoying advantages which are supposed to be greatly superior, and devoted for the most part to the exclusive business of preaching tlie gospel ; and for proof of this we might refer to the state in which they left their congregations, as to intelligence and piety, and produce tlie sermons which they published while living, or which they left in manuscript, and which yet remain perhaps as an undervalued treasure in the hands of a generation too careless or too much occupied in other ways to make them available for the common benefit. Our country during the lat- ter half of the eighteenth century abounded in luen of ability and moral worth, in all the departments of public life ; and the times required su'^h. North Carolina during that period appears to LIKE OF DAVID CALDWELL, B.D. 45 have had a ministry that was as able, zealous, and useful, as any- State south of the Potomac ; and of this fact we may be satisfied by obtaining a proper knowledge of their character. But that we may be able to judge of a man's character and to from a correct estimate of the services he has rendered, or of the injury he has done, it is necessary to be acquainted with tlie circumstances in which he was placed. The history of a man who was prominent or influential cannot be written with- out describing all the transactions and events in which he had any agency ; and as these transactions and events go to make up the history of the country, that history cannot be written cor- rectly, or so as to be satisfactory, without giving him the same prominence in it that he had in the scenes and events there des- cribed. Again. In all countries and in all ages, religion, whether true or false, has had such an influence, directly or indirectly, on the government, that, without keeping that influence fully and disthictly in view, justice cannot be done to the government, nor can its measures be fairly accounted for or explained. This is one reason why many of the principal histories we have are so vmsatisfactory : They were written by men who were either hostile to religion in their feelings, and wished to say as little about it as possible, or were incapable of estimating its influence. It has been said by a late writer of some celebrity that the people of every country are just what the government makes them ; but whether this be true or not in relation to other coun- tries, it is not true of the people in the United States. Perhaps, however, it would be more correct to say that the government of every country is just what the people of that country make it ; or at least that it may be regarded as an index to the char- acter of the people at the time it went into operation. For ex- ample, a despotism could never be established, if the people, or a large proportion of them, were not so ignorant or so debased in some way, as to be fit for bondage ; and on the other hand, a republican government can never be established unless the people understand their rights, and have intelligence and moral principle sufficient to govern themselves. In the former case, fclse rehgion, or superstition, on the part of the people, may have contributed greatly to the establishment and subsequent 46 LIFE UP DAVID tAL,D\VELJb^ D.D. support of tlie very power by which they were oppressed ; but then the government did not make them superstitious ; for it Avas the result of their intellectual and moral condition which made them fit subjects to be thus acted upon, and to obey the dictates of arbitrary power. In the latter case true religion may contribute, and must contribute, to the formation and support of a free government ; and wJienever tlie doctrmes of the gospel are properly understood and generally received, they will make the people free. Their responsibility to God, their individual importance as subjects of his universal dominion, the participa- tion which they have now in his merciful regards, and the infi- nite importance of securing an everlasting interest in his favor by conibrming to the dictates of his will, are so clearly presen- ted that those who believe these truths will bid defiance to any authority whose claims are incompatible with the obedience here required ; and therefore mankind are indebted to the Bible for v/hatever rational and permanent freedom they have at any time enjoyed. These doctrines have, in this respect, or so far as the present interest of mankind is concerned, an indirect in- fluence upon multitudes who do not believe with the heart unto righteousness ; and whenever any portion of the church unites so far with the civil government as to become accessory to its oppressive or unrighteous measures, or to employ the power of that government to enforce its own peculiar views of doctrine, or modes of worship, it has so far departed from the spirit of the gospel ; and has not only relinquished, in the same degree, its own liberty, as a part of that kingdom which is not of this world, if belonging to it at all, is but unjustifiably interfering with the rights of conscience in others. The revolution which made the American Colonies an inde- pendent nation must be ascribed to the influence of christian principle ; and it w^as an act in the great drama of the world of such magnitude, and was productive of such joyous results, that we can hardly ever become weary in contemplating it, nor can any thing that may serve to make us better acquainted with its origin or progress be destitute of interest. Society/ was resolved into its original elements ; and tliose elements had to be combined and rc-organized by the master spirits of the day. Such men IcIiE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 17 were found in every department ; and ministers of the gospel, of different denominations, were called upon by the voice of their country, and by strong convictions of duty, to encourage resistance to "the powers that were ;" and to aid in a course of measures that would necessarily involve much calamity and suffering. But the motives of the men who were at that time prominent actors on the great theatre of conflict between truth and error, liberty and oppression, cannot be understood, nor can their worth be appreciated, without bringing into view the con- dition of the country up to the time when this conflict commen- ced ; the character of the people whose destiny, with that of unborn millions, was at stake ; and the tyrannical measures and spirit of the government to which they were subject. The people who, under the British government, settled the country now covered by the United States, or by the old thirteen States, were very different in their political and religious senti- ments; in their pecuniary circumstances and habits of living; and were influenced by different motiv-cs in exchanging a civilized for a savage country. Those who settled New England and most of the country north of the Potomac, w"ere actuated by re- Hgious motives ; and sought the wilds of America as an as^dum from religious intolerance and persecution in the old world. Of course not many of them were people of rank or fortune — hav- ing no other nobility than intelligence and moral worth ; and no wealth but a good conscience and industrious habits. The pos- session of the soil and the liberty of worshipping God as they thought right, with the privilege of governing themselves in ac- cordance with the laws of England, were secured to them by charter; and for the sake of these they left the endearments of home and the advantages of civilized society. The proprietors, or those who obtained the charters, were themselves emigrants;* ancf shared in the privations, toils, and perils of colonizing a savage country. Their government, therefore, so far as they were permitted to form one, was emphatically the child of nature — a government of the people, free and independent; and such a government as this, any people will form, if left to the dictates of nature and an enlightened conscience. The country to the *Bancron, vol. 2 p. 12B. -i^< l.IKK OF DWH) CALDWELL, U.L» southward was settled under the auspices of nieu who belonged to the ranks of the nobility, the wealthy and influential, whose object was an increase of wealth or fame ; and hence their ef- forts from the first to introduce into their colonies orders of no- bility and an established church. If at any time they granted free toleration and promised great immunities, as an encourage- ment to emigants, it was only for selfish purposes ; and was not of long continuance. The first attempt of the English to form a permanent settle- ment on the territory now belonging to the United States, with any thing like intelligent and sober views of the subject, was made by the talented, heroic, and enterprising Sir Walter Ra- leigh. Having obtained a patent from Elizabeth for the pur- pose, he sent out two ships laden with men and provisions, un- der the command of Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow in 1584, for the purpose of makuig discoveries and exploring the country with a view to a settlement. They landed on the shores of what is now North Carolina, on one of the islands forming Ocra- cock Inlet ; and after trafficking with the natives and ranging the coast for a few weeks they returned to England. His pa,tent " was drawn on the prhiciples of feudal law, and with strict re- gard to the christian faith, as professed in the church of Eng- land.^'* It is supposed that he was stimulated to this enter- prise, in part, by an attempt made about twenty years before to find an asylum in the new world for the persecuted Protest- ants of Europe. The celebrated Jasper de Coligny, Admiral of France, the leader of the Huguenots during the period, or a part of the period, in which they were so cruelly persecuted, had long cherished the project of finding a place of safety for his persecuted brethren in America ; and two attempts were made under his auspices to form settlements on the southern coast — the first at Port Royal, near the south west corner of South Car- olina, in 1562 ; and the other at the mouth of the river May, the San Mattheo of the Spaniards, and the St. John's of the English, in Florida, which was in 1564.t These were both un- successful ; and the project was, from necessity, abandoned. — * Bancroft, vol. 1, p. 92. fBiiicroft, vol. 2, p. 62-Gl : Johnson's life of Green, vol. 1, p. ITO, Appcndi.v. LIIE OF DAVID CALDWKLL, D.D. -1''* Ilaleigh had learned the art of war under Coligny ; and being an admirer of his character, hoped to accompUsh what his mas- ter had failed to dOj and to found a protestant nation in the new world, but with a government conformed to that of England. — - When the ship which he had sent out returned, the men, being deUghted themselves, gave such a glowing description of the country to Elizabeth and her court, that they gave it the name of Virginia, because it had been discovered under the reign, and by the encouragement of a virgin Queen. The name which was thus given in the first instance, to what is now North Car- olina, came to be applied almost indefinitely to the continent; and the country from Florida to the St. Lawrence, which was cal- led by the Spaniards Florida, and by the French Carolina, was by the English called Virginia. In the early part of the next y^ear, Raleigh fitted out a new expedition, consisting of seven vessels, and carrying one hundred and eight men, who were to form a colony in Virginia, now North Carolina ; but having fail- ed in this and several other attempts of a similar kind, he resign- ed liis patent ; and nothing more was done towards colonizing Virginia, or America, durhig the remainder of that century. In 1606, charters were granted by James I. to two distuict and rival companies : The first was composed of noblemen, gen- tlemen, and merchants, in and about London ; and the second, of knights, gentlemen, and merchants, in the west. The former alone appear io jiave acted efiiciently under their charter, which extended from 34° to 38° N. lat.* The charter contained none of the elements of popular liberty — not one elective franchise ; and not one of the rights of self-government ; but religion was especially enjoined to be established according to tlie doctrine and rites of the church of England. Near the end of the year, three vessels, with 105 men, destined to remain as colonists, sailed under the command of Newport, for some harbor in Vir- ginia. After encountering many hardships and perils, they ar- rived on the coast in April of the next year ; but without any design or knowledge on their part, they were carried by a severe storm past the settlements of Raleigh, into the Chesapeak Bay. Finding on a river, which, after their monarch, they called James'- ••^Bancroft, vol. 1, p. 120. 7 5,0 hlii^ Ui' UAVIU c aldvvell, u.d. river, a nioie favorable location than Raleigh's men had founds they formed a permanent settlement. They suffered greatly from famine and from tlie savages ; but by a variety of fortu- nate occurrences, and especielly by the talents, energy, and firm- ness of the celebrated John Smith, the little colony was enabled to maintam its ground ; and in time became prosperous. By charters granted, and settlements formed afterwards, on one side and the other, it was reduced to its present limits, as to latitude ; but being the oldest colony, it retained the name of Virginia ; and for tlie same reason it is often called the Old Dominion, By various modifications of their charter, and in other ways, they obtained in a few years nearly all the civil rights and priv- ileges which they could claim or expect as British subjects ; but the church of England was "co-eval with the settlement at Jamestown, and seems to have been considered from the begin- ing as the established religion." When the government was ad- ministered by martial law under Sir Thomas Dale, thougli " con- formity was not strictly enforced, courts-martial had authority to punish indifterence with stripes, and infidelity with death."'* \Vliile the colony was feeble, and it was the interest of all con- cerned to have it increased by accessions from abroad, dissenters were encouraged to come, and were suffered to retain in peace their own forms of v/orship ; but this was not of long continu- ance. Sir William Berkley, who entered upon the duties of his office in 1642, was popular as a governor and as a man ; but he was a zealous high church man, and exerted himself to have that church fully established. In 1643 " it was specially ordered that no minister should preach or teach, publicly or privately, except in conformity to the constitutions of the church of Eng- land ; and non-conformists were banished from the colony."t — Some who were thus banished /;ro6f/Z>/y came over to Carolina m which no regular settlement had hitherto been established ; for in this year a company having heard of a river that lay south- west of the Appomatox, obtained leave of the Virginia legisla- ture to prosecute discoveries in tliat direction. J Even in the time of Cromwell, though the laws of conformity were not en- forced against other dissenters, " an act was passed by which . >*Biiii(?roft-, vol.. 1, p. 14v3. fUancioft, vol 1, p. 207. tBancroQ, vol. 2, p. 133. LIFE OP DAVID GALDVVELJ., D.D. 61 Quakers were banished, and their return regarded as felony." * After the Restoration, in 1660, the EngUsh church became again the rehgion of the state ; or rather the intolerant spirit of former years revived, for tlie laws on this subject had not been changed; and conformity appears to have been enforced with as much rigor as in England.! The church of England, with very little more toleration, continued to be the estabUshed church of Vir- ginia until the Revolution of 1776 ; and even after independence was gained, efforts were made to have it re-established. When people first began to settle permanently within the pre- sent limits of North Carolina has not been ascertained. In 1622 a man by the name of Porey, Secretary of the Old Dominion, travelled over land to the Chowan river; and on his return made a very favorable report. J In 1630 a patent was granted to Sir Robert Heath for the whole of Carolina ; and some efforts were made to form a colony ; for William Hawley appeared in Vir- ginia as Governor of Carolina; and leave was granted by the Virginia legislature that it might be colonized by one hundred persons from Virginia. The attempts were unsuccessful ; for the patent was declared void some time after, because the pur- poses for which it was granted had not been fulfilled,§ though some straggling individuals or families may have remained. Whether the company which obtained leave of the Virginia le- gislature in 1643 to prosecute discoveries on the great river of which they had lieard south of the Appomatox, under a promise of a fourteen years monopoly of the profits, were seeking a place of safety from religious intolerance, and whether they prosecuted those discoveries and made any settlements, I have not seen sta- ted; but in 1652 the sons of Governor Yeardly wrote to Eng- land that the northern country of Carolina had been explored by "Virghnans born."|| Exploring parties to the south as well as to the west continuing to be encouraged, it is not improbable that some of these would settle on the fertile lands of the Chow- an or Roanoke. As the waters of the Chowan rise not far from the principal settlements then in Virginia, it would be in accord- ance with the known principles of human nature to suppose that *Bancroft, voi. I, p. 231 ; JefFerson's Notes, p. 22S. fB.incroft, vol. 2, p. 200; Jefferson's Notes, p. 228. ^Bancroft, vo). 2, p. 133. ^ Bancroft, vol. 2, 131. ||Bancroft, vol. 2, p. 13'3, 52 LXV£ OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D individuals and families, who were either fond of a roving life, or disliked tlie intolerant laws enacted under the influence of Governor Berkley, would descend these streams until they conld follow them no farther, or until they were beyond the reach of a power which they disliked; and as the country on Nanse- mond river was settled chiefly by dissenters of difl'erent names, it is probable that, for the rights of conscience, some of these would risk the hardships and perils of the wilderness, and trust to the guidance and protection of Providence. In 1653, Roger Green led a company across the wilderness from Nansemond to the Chowan ; and others probably, encour- aged by their example, or influenced by similar motives, soon followed. It is certain that the corner of North Carolina, which lies north-east of the Roanoke, was settled chiefly from Virginia; and it must have been not far from this time,§ for in a few years after the above date, George Cathmaid received a largo grant of land, for having settled sixty-seven persons in Carolina ;t and volunteer emigrants had preceded them by several years. J — About the year 16G0,]| a smaU company from Massachusetts formed a settlement near the mouth of Cape Fear river; and obtained land from the Indians, principally for the purpose of grazing. In two or three years the settlement was pretty much broken up; but "New England planters, and New England principles of popular liberty, remained in North Carolina." In 1662, George Durant obtained, from the chief of the Ycopim Indians, the neck of land which still bears his name ;* and pro- bably made it a refuge for his friends or acquaintances who wished to get away from opression. In the early part of the year 1663, Charles II, being surroun- ded by a set of courtiers who were rapacious and importunate, granted to eight of them a charter to the whole country south of ^.Bancroft, vol. 2, p. 1:34. IBancroft, vol. 2, p. 135. ^Martin, vol. 1, p. 126. llWilliampon, vol. 1, p. 191, *Durant's Neck is still famous, not only for the transaction above nipn- tioned, but tor its having furnished the world with the seed of the Timothy \ grass. Amono- the first settlers there, it i^ said, was a certain Quaker, by the name of'PinKjtliy somebooy, who ob.-^erved a kind of s^rass ijTowini)' wild which he supposed would l;e good *or cultivation. Under this impression he collected some of the seed and sent it to a friend in England, who, having tried it, and founj it very valuable, called it Timothy grass, m honor of his frrend in Carolina who had furnished hiin with the seed. LIFli OF PAVIU CAi,l)\VJ;:.LL, D.U. 5.3 Virginia ; or from 36° of N. lat, to the river San Matthco iu Florida, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. I41 addition to an absohite right to the soil, and the power of makuig laws, not contrary to the laws of England, they had the power of building churches, chapels, &c., to be dedicated and consecrated according to the ecclesiastical law of England ; and the right of advowson and patronage ; but the proprietors w/i,--/// grant to nonconformists such indulgences and dispensations in that be- half, for and during such time and times, and with such limita- tions and restrictions, as they, the proprietors, saw fit and reason- able. See charter, sec. 18. This charter has been much praised, as being liberal towards dissenters ; and perhaps it was liberal for the times ; but its lib- erality consisted in giving the proprietors y;er?w/5'.9/o;i to be so, if they thought proper. It secured no rights of conscience to the colonists. As the proprietors were the courtiers of Chaxles, they partook of his spirit ; and the same intolerance would pro- bably have been exercised here that was in England, if they had not known it would be fatal to their interest. In asking a grant of the country, they professed to be actuated by "a pious zeal for the propagation of the gospel," but their real object wastlieir own aggrandizement. To encourage emigration, they held out liberal terms to emigrants ; and promised adventurers gratuities of land according to the number of their respective families, with a free toleration in the exercise of religion. They were allowed to form a representative government, with certain limi- tations, and thus a degree of popular freedom was conceded, which, it seems, was not intended to be permanent ; but it could never be recalled, and had an important influence in producing the results which we now enjoy. When this charter was gran- ted, the settlement on the Albemarle was large enough to at- tract attention; for "people had been moving in there for more than twenty years at their own expense ;"* choosing rather to run the risk of gaining the friendship of savages, and trust to Providence and their own efforts for subsistence, than bear tlie insolence and cruelty of civilized men " when clothed with a little brief authority," and regardless of every thing but their *Williamson, vol. 1, p. 91. 54 LIFi; OF DAVID C ALD\Vi:i.J.; L'.D. own importance ; and when the proprietors obtained their grant, they understood that the people on the waters of the Chowan had purchased large tracts of land from the Indians.* " As they were chiefly refugees from ecclesiastical oppression, they had no claims on government ; nor did they wish to draw its attention. They regarded the Indian natives as the true lords of the soil ; treated with them in that capacity ; purchased their lands ; and obtained their grants."§ The liberal terms offered by the proprietors had their desired efl'cci ; and considerable accessions were soon made to the po- pulation. A company came from the island of Barbadoi's and settled on the Civpe Fear, with Sir John Yeamans at their head, who, after arrangements were made for organizing a govern- ment, according to the term.s proposed by the proprietors, was appointed governor, with a jurisdiction extending from that river to the St. JVIattheo. The settlement on Albemarle was increased by some emigrants from Bermuda ; and by a number of Quakers and other dissenters who had been driven by intol- erance from other colonies. Sir William Berkley, one of the proprietors, and governor of Virginia, being then in his gov- ernment, or aljout to return to it, was desired to visit this settle- ment on the Albemarle, and establish a suitable form of gov- ernment, lie was informed by the proprietors that the propo- sals made to the settlers on Cape Fear, where many of the New England colony still remained, had been prepared in answer to a paper forwarded to them by persons who desired to settle there ; but were not intended for the meridian of the Albemarle conntr^'", where the)^ hoped he would find a more facile people, who, by his influence, would settle on terms more favoraole to the proprietors. He was authorized to establish two govern- ments, one on each side of the Chowan, as individuals, anxious for liberty of conscience, might desire a governor of their own ciioosing whom those on the opposite side of the river might dislike. All this seems to imply that the popular rights and the freedom of conscience here granted was only for selfish purpo- ses, or was not intended to be perpetual ; and it is amusing to observe how Sir William, who, as governor, had carried his ='M;uf.in, vol. ], p. ISO. ;\Vi!lirim:=on, vol. 1, p. 9'>, note. LIFE Ol' DAVID (iALD\Vi:i,L, D.l). ")5 high church priuciples so far in Virginia, could cliange his course so as to promote his interest as proprietor in CaroHna. Nor was this all : The settlement on the Albemarle, it was found, was not within the chartered limits of Carolina ; but belonged to Virginia. The proprietors of Carolina ap])lied for an enlarge- ment of their charter; and obtained one extending from 29° to 36° 30' north latitude. Berkley, as might have been expected, suflering his feelings of interest as a proprietor to overcome his sense of duty as governor, consented to the alteration ; and then, probably finding their knowledge of their rights, and their love of liberty, greater than had been anticipated, he did not deem it prudent " to discuss the principles or dispute the posses- sion of these bold pioneers;" but appointed William Drunnuond, an emigrant to Virginia from Scotland, probably a Presbytarian, a man of prudence and popularity, and deeply imbued with a passion for popular liberty, to be their governor. The second charter, though not differing materially from the first, was perhaps more liberal in its provisions, or more toler- ant in its spirit ; a,nd whether it admitted of any dispute or not as to its literal meaning, when viewed in connexion with the terms offered by proprietors to emigrants, there was no doubt of its having been violated by tb.e adoption of the Test act, or by any other measure which seriously interfered with the rights of conscience. However the colony increased gradually in popu- lation ; and prospered in every way, under Stephens as their gov- ernor, and a simple representative form of government. As there appears to have been no preachers and no religion, or no public worship, there was no occasion for any disturbance on that score. The people were plain, simple planters ; and lived on the produce of the soil and of the waters. These yielded their products in abundance ; and while they lived in plenty, and at their ease, for the present, they were probably careless of the future. But when the colony was prospering, and a fair pros- pect was presented of its becoming numerous and powerful, the proprietors attempted to take away the liberty which they had granted. The fundamental constitntions drawn up by the cele- brated John Locke, with the assistance, it is said, of Ashley Coo- per, Earl of Shaftsbury, the avowed object of which was, '• to 66 LIFE Oi' iJAVlU CALDWELL, D.D. make the government of the colony agree, as nearly as possible, with the monarchy of v/hich it was part, and to avoid creating a numerous democracy," v/ere adopted in March 1670, and im- mediately forwarded to Albemarle. Besides establishing or- ders of nobility, and a powerful aristocracy, for the purpose of putting a stop to the progress of republican principles and man- ners, it contained an article which made the church of England the established church of Carolina forever. These constitutions were rejected by the people, not exclusively or chiefly, it is sup- posed, on account of this article ; for the christian world liad been so long accustomed to a religious establishment that, how- ever repugnant it might be, in the judgment of dissenters, to Avhat was right, they would probably have been contented with a generous toleration ; but the whole system was so odious on account of its aristocratic form and spirit, and was so directly subversive of that equality of rights which they had previously (nijoyed, that the attempt to enforce it, together with the restric- tions laid on their commerce a few years afterwards, led to a re- bellion, or ratlier a revolution, headed by John Cuipepper — a man "more sinned against than sinning," as to this matter — which threw the country into confusion for years ; and peace could not be restored until the Grand iModel, as it was termed, was exchanged in 1693 for a form of government more conge- nial with their sentiments and better suited to their condition. In 1672, William Edmundson from England, a preacher in the Quaker society, visited his Quaker bretln-en in Albemarle set- tlement; and was so successful that he formed a society before he left — the first man o^ any denomination, it is said, who held a religious meeting or organized a religious society in North Carolina. In the autumn of the same year, George Fox, the father of the sect, having made his way through the wilderness, and over the great bogs of the Dismal Swamp, was received with much cordiality in a region which had always been the refuge of Quakers and "renegadoes" from ecclesiastical oppres- sion. These preachers were both gratified with their success. Francis Jones, a member of the council, and other persons of distinction, or of influence, joined their society; and a monthly meeting of dis;cip']ine was pstabHshod. Quaker principles are Llii: OK JJAVIU CALDWKLl., U.li. 57 favorable to liberty ; and are perhaps rather democratic lliaii repubhean. Having come mto existence, as a sect, in the midst of intolerance and oppression, they learned at once to contend, to suffer, and to forgive. After Fox and Edmundson, on their visit to Albemarle, had so effectually recommended their prin- ciples to the governor, the chief secretary of the colony, mem- bers of the council, and other persons of influence, if the estab- lishment of the fundamental constitutions was before difficult, it was now impossible ; and peace and order were not restored until it was done by Quaker influence. The high toned prerog- ative principles, and intolerant measures which prevailed in Virginia had been driving from her soil a most valuable part of her population, the non-conformists of various names, who most- ly sought refuge on the Albemarle ; and if that party in Virginia chose to call North Carolina " rogue's harbor," or " the refuge of runaways, rogues, a.nd rebels," because those who were so called, but who were really fugitives from oppression, and the advocates of popular liberty and the rights of conscience " fled daily to Carolina as their common subterfuge and lurking place," it need never cause her sons to blush, for they were such runa- ways, rogues and rebels as were a loss to Virginia, and a gain to Carolina. They made resistance to oppression here more easy and certain ; and if the demand of that government for their surrender was refused, it was a refusal which seems to have been justified by the result as well as by the nature of the case.* In the southern part of the province, which included, with the settlement on Cape Fear, the one which had been formed in what is now South Carolina, the struggle against aristocratic power seems to have been more severe and protracted. About a month before the fundamental constitutions were signed by the proprietors in England in 1670, a company sailed for Caroli- na, under the conduct of Joseph West as commercial agent for the proprietors, and William Sayle who was to be their gover- nor. He was probably a Presbyterian; and his government extended from Cape Carteret as far south as the Spaniards would tolerate.t The settlement was formed on Ashley river, and he ^'Bancroft, vol. 2, p. 157. |Bancroft, vol. 2, p. 16B: 0,b LIFE GF DAVID CAldVVELLj D.D. coiinuonced his government with fair prospects ; but soon fell a victim to the chmate. Tlie government of Sir John Yeamans was then extended over this settlement; and he himself removed thither in the following year.* A considerable majority of the people were non-conformists t — puritans from England ; Pres- byterians from Scotland and Ireland ; Dutch from Holland ; and an accession of the same class from New York, in 1674, when that province was taken by the British. There was also a par- ty who were attached to the church of England and in favor of the constitution which the proprietors were endeavoring to es- tablish. Yeamans was the son of a cavalier, a needy baronet, who, to mend his fortune had become a Barbadoes planter ; f and, when appointed governor of Carolina, endeavored of course to carry out the wishes of those to whom he owed his appoint- ment. His council was composed of men who had the same views with himself, while the members of the lower house ap- pear to have been mostly opposed to these views ; and thus a scene of confusion and violence ensued which was most deplora- ble. In the short space of four years, from 1682 to 1686 there were five governors ; and this state of things continued until a kind of revolution was eflected on the banks of Ashley and Coop- er rivers, similar to that which had been effected on the Albe- marle, by which Governor Colleton was driven out there in 1690, as Governor Miller, in 1 678, had been in the northern settlement. The whole province of Carolina was held by one charter, and belonged to the same proprietors ; and therefore, although there were two distinct settlements with governments in some respects distinct, there was a unity of design and of measures which produced pretty much the same results in both.§ The liigli church party having gained the ascendancy, exercised so much violence and such disregard to the rights of others, that the government was brought into contempt, and ruin seemed to threaten the country. They attempted to deprive all dissenters of the right of suffrage, to curtail their civil privileges, and to render their situation so irksome that they would be obliged to leave the colony, A pretty large body of French huguenots ^Bancroft, vol. 2, p. 16G. fSimms' Hist. S. C, p. 57,68, 58. tBancroft, \'*f»!. -2, p. 137, 187. 'jWillianiKon, vol. 1, p. 143, 150; Sinim?, p. 81. LIFE QF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 59 having been driven from their native country by persecutioji, had sought in Carolina that civil and rehgious freedom which i.s the inahenable right of every man ; but instead of receiving the kindness and hospitaUty to which they were entitled, both by their sufferings and by their protestantism, they were treated with harshness and contempt. They were the most peaceful, industrious, and useful people in the country ; and the proprie- tors had mtrusted Governor Ludwell to admit them to tlie same political privileges with the other colonists ; but the party in power refused to comply. Being aliens they were incapable of holding lands until they were naturalized ; and this party, so hide bound and aristocratic in their notions, not only refused, at least for a time, to naturalize them, but declared their marriages by ministers who had not been episcopally ordained, illegal, and their children illegitimate.* With a view to quell these distur- bances and get matters regulated, the proprietors sent over John. Archdale, who was himself a proprietor, and a member of the Quaker society in England. He assumed the government in 1695; and uniting, as he did, the firmness, sagacity, and pru- dence of the governor with the philanthropy and conmiand of temper for which the members of that society are usually dis- tinguished, he overawed the turbulent and succeeded most hap- pily ill restoring order and prosperity to the country. Although averse to war and the shedding of blood, he thought it best, in the existing circumstances of the country, to make preparation for defence. With this view he had a militia law passed, though in the spirit of toleration, and with an exemption hi fa- vor of those who are restrained by conscientious scruples from bearing arms, which has been ever since retained in our code with perhaps some temporary modifications. He determhied, however, to carry out his pacific principles, as far as it could be done, in his intercourse with all concerned ; and he was not dis- appointed. He pursued the same course with the Indians that William Perm had done in Pennsylvania, and with the same success.t In every way he managed so as to make no enemies and secure the friendsliip of all. He received, as he deserved, ■■*=Sirnms, p. 79. Wi]liam?nn, vol. 1, p. 151. TWiUirmison, vol. 1, p. 152-15,''). GO LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D. the graiitiide of all parties, and his name will be rev'ered while our institutions remain. After Archdale left the colony the intolerance of the high church party was exerted with increased energy and with tem- ])orary success. Lord Granville, a zealous member of the church of England, was now palatine of Carolina ; and exert- ed all his influence to get that church established in the prov- ince. Accordingly he instructed Sir Nathaniel Johnson, who, in 1703, was appointed governor of the southern colony, to pro- mote the passage of a law for that purpose. As he had been suspected by Queen Anne of not having been very favorable to the revolution, he was obliged to qualify for this office in the manner required by the laws of England, and to give security for his faithful observance of the laws of trade and navigation, and for his obedience to such instructions as she might from time to time give him. Having been thus instructed, and being assisted by the principal officers in his part of the province, he exerted himself with so much zeal and success as to procure the election of a sufficient number to carry his point. Great opposition was made to the bill, but it passed into a law, and was ratified by the lords proprietors. This part of the prov- ince was divided into ten parishes ; provision was made for the support of ministers, the purchase of glebes, erection of church- es, &c. ; and an act was passed requiring members of assembly to conform to the religious worship in the province, according to the church of England, and to qualify for office by receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the rites and. usages of that church.* Tliis was an act of the most rigid con- formity ; and betrayed in this otherwise peaceful and happy country all the bigotry and intolerance which had disgraced the reign of Charles II. in England. The inhabitants of Colleton, who were mostly dissenters, sent John Ash, a man of influence among them, to lay their griev- ances before the lords proprietors ; but the governor prevented him from embarking at Charleston, and he had to travel by land to Virginia. On his way through Albemarle, the people of that settlement generally; approving of his object, prevailed on Ed- *Martin. vol. 1. p. 217-210. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. ffl niund Porter to accompany liim, as deputy, on their behalf. — Unable to obtain rehef from the proprietors, he would have laid the grievances of the people before parliament, but was preven- ted by death, and his papers fell into tlie hands of tliose whose interest it was to suppress them. In the mean time the intrepid governor suiTered no obstacle to-obstruct or impede his progress. A corporation, composed of twenty individuals, was instituted, with judicial power in ecclesiastial matters. It had power to deprive ministers of their livings ; and the acts of the legislature Avere executed with the utmost rigor. This was in direct vio- lation of the chartered rights of the colonists ; the dissenters, whom it was designed to exclude from a seat in the assembly, and from places of trust or profit, were exasperated ; and all was in confusion. In the next spring the authority of Sir Nathaniel was extended over the northern part of the province, which was left without an executive head, by the death of president Walker ; and he appointed Robert Daniel to succeed Walker, as deputy governor, with a strict charge to have the church of England established by law. The bill which was introduced for this purpose, met with strong opposition, but the address and influence of the governor, secured its passage.* The spirit of intolerance had been increasing with the growth of the province ; for the con- stant influence of executive patronage, and numerous emigra- tions from Virginia, had given the high church party a majority in the legislature.! According to tlie above act, any man hold- ing a place of trust, was subjected to a fine, who neglected to qualify himself, by taking the oath which the law required. — This part of the province was now div' _ed into parishes, as the other had been ; and provision was made for building churches, laying out glebes, and makhig appropriations for the support of the clergy. The people, who were not so obsequious to the will of the governor as the members of the assembly had been, at once manifested their purpose not to submit ; and the Quakers who composed a large part of the population in Pasquotank and Perquimons, seemed disposed to sacrifice their pacific principles, if necessary, to the preservation of their rights. But the dissen- *Martin, vol. 1, p. 220. fVVilliamson, vol. 1, p. 169. 62 LIFE OF DAVID C,AJiDWEl,Lj D.D. ters, in the two parts of the provmce, united for the purpose of laying their complaints before the throne ; and Joseph Boon was sent to England witli a petition to the house of lords. That body came to the resolution that " the laws complained of, were founded on falsity in matter of fact, repugnant to the laws of England, contrary to the charter of the lords proprietors, an encouragement to atheism and irreligion, destructive to trade, and tended to the depopulation and ruin of the provhice." — They next addressed the queen, and besought her to take mea- sures for delivering the province from " the arbitrary oppression inider which it lay, and having the proprietors of it prosecuted according to law." The lords commissioners of trade and plan- tations, to whom it was referred, sustained the resolution of the house of lords, and recommended that process be issued against the proprietors accordingly. The queen's lawyers were directed to procure a writ of quo warranto, and to report what more should be done, that the queen might take the government of Carolina into her own hands ;* but it was abandoned, and the people were left without relief. Two years before, (1702,) the assembly passed an act raising thirty pounds currency in each precinct, towards the support of a minister. In the beginning of the next year the first Episcopal minister arrived, the Rev. Mr. Blair, who had been sent out by lord Weymouth, and was supported principally at his expense ; but he soon found it so diificult to give satisfaction, and to en- dure the hardships of his situation, that he returned to England.t In 1705 the first church erected in the province was built in Chowan precinct ; and in the following year a larger one was built in Perquimons. About the beginning of the following year, two Episcopal ministers arrived, the Rev. Messrs. Adams and Gordon, who were sent out by the society which had been established in England in 1702, for the propagation of the gos- pel in foreign parts ; and they took charge of the churches al- ready mentioned, with the parishes to which they belonged.^ It seems that dissenting ministers were not allowed to solemn- ize the rite of marriage ; but a magistrate might perform this ceremony, provided there was no minister in the parish, — oth- *.Martin, vol. 1, p. 2*20, •!• Williamson, vol. 1, p. 169. tMartin, vol. 1. n. '2^0 LlKJi OK U4-VJV tU\IJJVVELL, V.V. <>;' erwise he was subject to a fine of five pounds. Previous to this, marriage had been considered a mere civil contract; and all that was required of persons wishing to marry was to signify their mutual consent in presence of the governor, or any mem- ber of the council, with a few neighbors as witnesses; but after the church of England was established, a minister of that church, if to be had, was necessary to render a marriage valid, though in case of the absence or default of such, a magistrate might act. Dissenters were allowed to worship in public, but subject to such rules, regulations and restrictions as were contained in the several acts of the British parliament.* Quakers were permit- ted to affirm instead of swearing ; but they could not in this way give evidence in any criminal case, nor serve on a jury, nor obtain a seat in the legislature,! nor hold any office of profit or trust. But such encroachments could not be quietly made on the liberties of a people who had long been accustomed to feci themselves as free as the living orders of creation around them; and who had in one instance at least, and to a gratifying extent, resisted the exercise of aristocratic or arbitrary power. The es- tablishment of the church, with the consequent taxation for its support, and the infringement on the rights of conscience, seems to have given rise to the contest between Thomas Carey and William Glover, for the highest office in the colony. The former had been appointed by Sir Nathaniel Johnson as deputy gover- nor of the nortliern part of the province ; but the proprietors disapproved of the appointment, and directed their deputies here to elect one from among themselves as president and commander- in-chief. Glover was chosen ; but was strongly opposed by those over whom his authority was extended. The Quakers, whose numbers and influence had long given tone to public sentiment, took part with Carey ;J and so did many others who felt that not only their natural, but their chartered rights, or the promises made to them at first by the proprietors, had been vio- lated. Most of the other colonies were settled by men to whom the tyrannical or oppressive governments of the old world were intolerable ; and they had frequent and hard contests v/ith the *Williamson, vqI. 1, p. 168. +Mai tin, vol. 1, p. 22l9- .fMattiri, vol 1, v. VM) 127; YM (34 LIFE OF DAVID CAJLDVVELL, D.D. tools of arbitrary power ; but North Carolina was settled by <*' the freest of the free," — by men who had exchanged other couutries with their advantages and disadvantages ; their great- er safety and superior comforts ; their intolerant spirit and op- pressive measurses; for a residence far from the abodes of civil- ized society, where they might enjoy the freedom of nature ; and from the time that British authority vv^as extended over them, they had become accustomed to revolution, or to resist the un- just demands of those in pov/er. When the proprietors first un- dertook to establish their authority on the Albemarle, they were obliged to compromise matters; as we have seen, with those who had, years before, purchased land of the Iiidians, and who considered themselves lords of the soil.* The attempt to estab- hsh the fundamental constitutions of Locke, a few years after- wards, met with such determined opposition that they were ob- liged to abandon it, and leave the people to the exercise of such a representative government as had been at first granted. It was with great difficulty that a law could be passed establishing the church of England; and the attempt to enforce it met with a bold and strenuous opposition. But the men in power, by the exercise of authority and pat- ronage combined, generally succeeded, during the infancy and mihority of the colony, in obtaining the enactment of such laws as they wished ; and in putting them into operation to some ex- tent. The Quakers appear to have been a thorn in the side of the governors who were at this period the instruments of op- pression ; and heavy complaints were made against them. To president Glover they paid no respect, or none such as he wish- ed ; for " they would shew themselves singular, coming to the table with their hats on, laying their hands on the book, repeat- ing the words of the oath, but using the word declare instead of the word swear, and then, having their explanation of the sense or meaning in which they took it entered underneath, they sub- scribed without kissing the book, and declared they took it in that sense and no other." So it appears that there was then no toleration given them ; or that there was at least an attempf made to compel them to take an oath. Thomas Pollock who *Banciolt, vol, X p. 135. I.IFi: OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.U. 'i.'y succeeded governor Hyde as president and comuiander-in-chicl", in a letter to Lord Craven, attributes the disturbances and ca- Jamities of tliat period to "• the machinations of the Quakers." '• Our divisions, chiefly occasioned by the Quakers and some other ill-disposed persons," he says '• have been the cause of all our troubles." Again, he says that they had been ''a great oc- casion of the war" with the Indians; for by their disobedience to the government, and the encouragement they gave others to imitate them, they had been the chief cause of its not liaving been carried on with sufficient vigor. " In some of the precincts, being the most numerous in the election fields, they chose sucli members of the Assembly as would oppose what was necessary to carry on the war. The generality of the people, seeing that the Quakers, from their disobedience and opposition to the gov- ernment, rose actually in arms, and attacked the governor and council, without any manner of punishment, were emboldened to do the like, and seemed to want a leader only to raise anothcj' insurrection." Yet in a subsequent letter to another of the pro- prietors, he tells us that althougli the Quakers had been very re- fractory under the administrations of Glover and Hyde, they had been peaceable under Ijis ; and had been as ready in supplying the troops with provisions as any of the otlicr inliabitants. Ii would seem then that if they "did rise actually in arms and at- tack the governor and council," in the time of Glover and Hyde, there must have been great cause for it, or they must have al- tered very much in a short time; and if North Carolina had ever "been the paradise of Quakers" it was not so when those men were in power. In 1715 the Assembly met at the house of John llccklelield, one of tiie deputies, who lived on Little river, a stream that di- vides the counties of Pasquotank and Perquimons. An act was passed, entitled, ^^n act for establishing the church and ap- pointing select vestries. The country was divided into nine parishes ; and twelve vestrymen and two church wardens were appointed in each. They were directed to procure ministers, purchase glebes, build churches &c.; and for defraying these and all other parish expenses they were empovv^ered to levy a poll tax to the amount of five sliillinL'-s i)er poll. If they procured a (Jti J.IFI: UF DAVIU CALDWKLL, D.D. toimster tliey were to give him a salary of not less than My pounds per annum, and he was allowed a certain fee for every marriage. It repealed or took the place of former acts on tliis subject ; and the only notice it takes of dissenters is a clause ex- empting them from the fine of three pounds imposed on others for neglecting or refusing to qualify and serve according to the act when elected as vestrymen or church wardens. The act never was printed ; for it was repealed or substituted by another before there was any printed revisal of the laws ; but it is among the earliest legislative records tbat have been preserved ; and it appears to have continued hi force, without any material altera- tion or amendment, for about twenty-six years. At a biennial session of the assembly held in the same year at the house of Capt. Richard Sanderson on Little river, an act was passed enti- tled, t/ln act for the more effectual observing of the Queen's jjeace, &c.* which shewed the spirit of the party in power, and was a near approximation to the severity ex:»Tcised under the act of uniformhy in England. After a preamble which gives a sad picture of the recent " revolutions " and troubles in the pro- vince, it was enacted that all persons who might at any time '•speak any seditious words or speeches, or spread abroad false news, write or dispense scurrilous libels against the present gov- ernment now lawfully established, &c. should be reputed as utter enemies of the queen's peace ; and should be punished at the discretion of the justices of the general court, by fines, imprison- ment, pillory, or otherwise ; that they should be compelled to give good and sufhcient security for their good behaviour during t!ic pleasure of the court ; that they should be incapable of hold- hig any office of profit or trust in the government ; and that those who might at any time know of such evil practices as afore- said and concealed the same, should be punished as if they them- selves had committed such crimes." It was then enacted that the laws of England should be the laws of this colony, so far as they ivere compatible with our way of living and trade ; that no person should hold any commission, office, or place of trust what- ever, without first having qualified himself according to the •fiitriciness of the laws of Great Britain, novv' in force, under the ''^Davis' Fii-yt Revisal, p. 10. LIFE OF PAVID CALDWELL, ILD. C.7 penalty of one hundred pounds ; that the coimnon law of Eng- land should be in force in this government, except such parts in the practice as could not be pnt in execution for tlie want of certain officers; and that the statute laws made for maintaining the queen's royal prerogative, the security of her royal person, the succession of the crown, the establishment of the church, tlie indulgence to protestant dissenters, &c., should be in force here. The people of the southern part of the province liaving be- come heartily tired of the proprietary goverimient, and finding a favorable opportunity, resisted the authority of those whom they had long regarded, not as protectors, but as oppressors ; and in 1719, effected a revolution without bloodshed, which was followed by thirty years, or more, of comparative quiet and prosperity. The right of the proprietors was not formally re- linquished for several years ; but a governor was appointed im- mediately by the king ; and his authority was, from tins time, acknowledged by the people, and practically exercised in that part of the province,* This revolution did not extend to the northern part of the province ; but the people here appear to have remained quiet under the proprietary government until I728,t when the proprietors resigned their charter to the king. The whole province then pa,ssed under the regal government, and was divided into North and South Carolina ; but the church of England continued to be the established church in both these provinces, as it did in Virginia, until the Revolution, In North Carolina, the act for the establishment of the clmrch, underwent from time to time various alterations, some times for the better,, and some times for the worse, or some times with more and some times with less indulgence to dissenters ; but nothing like religions liberty was ever granted by law. The object of the violent encroachments made upon the civil rights of the people here, during the reign of Queen Anne, appears to have been the secure establishment of the church of England ; and this was done under the influence of the alarm excited by the bishops in the time of William, J who, at first, shewed himself a friend to the rights of conscience. But when the law had once been passed it could not be repealed or abrogated, except by an entire *Lire ofGrcon, vol. 1, p.252; fMartin, vol.l,p.288. tLife of Green, vol,l.p.248 •'"^ I-Il'K OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D revolution in the govornment ; for the governor, who was ap •pointed by the proprietors while their authority continued, and afterwards by the king, had a veto power on all laws, and was ahuost sure to be sustained in the exercise of it by the council^ who were appointed either by the same transatlantic authority^ or by himself, I^esidcs, t!ie establishment of the church in- creased the patronage and power of the governor ; and after all, any act passed here, though it liad the sanction of the gov- ernor, might be disapproved by the higher power in England. Thus tlie aristocratic or high-toned party, though a minority, tri- umphed over tlie liberties of Carolina ; and continued to enjoy the triumph with some limitations until the Revolution of 1776 ; for besides occasional appropriations from the common treasury of the colony for ecclesiastical purposes, the inhabitants, of what- ever creed or -religious profession, were compelled to pay a tax for tiie erection of clnu'ches, the purchase of glebes, and the support of ministers in the established church. In South Caro- lina the assessment was made and levied, for a number of years, b}- a board of commissioners constituted for the purpose, and endowed with ample power; so tliat the salaries for the minis- lers, in the respective parishes, were levied independent even of the legislature of the State. In North Carolina this was not tlie case ; and if it had been attempted, probably another Cul- pepper would have arisen up, who, with the Quakers and other non-conformists, constituting, as they did, a large majority, to stand at his back, v/ould have imprisoned the whole board of commissioners, with the governor at their head ; and would have taken the whole business into his own hands. Here some appearance of liberty was maintained ; for the tax was layed by the vestrymen, and they were chosen by the people. In April, 1741, an act was passed, entitled an act for estab- lishing the cliurch, for appohiting parishes, and the method of electing vestries ; and for directing the settlement of parish ac- counts throughout this government, which makes no radical al- teration in the former. The taxes which were asses-sed by the vestrymen were to be collected by the slieriir like other taxes ; the minister was to reside constantly hi the parish, and not omit oj-Hr-iaiiiio- ill the church or chapels, unless prevented by sickness LIKE OF B,AVI1) C Ai.DWKLL, R.I). 69 or permitted by the vestry to officiate in vacant places, kc; but Iciiown dissenters from the church of England were exempt, ;is before, merely from being compelled to qualify and serve as ves- trymen.* This act was amended in 1751, so that vestrymen were to be elected by ballot ; all were allowed to vote who v/erc entitled to vote for members of assembly, any one might bo chosen as vestryman who was eligible to the assembly ; and members of his majesty's council might vote and be voted for, which had not formerly been the case.t The legislature was often occupied in regulating the affairs of the church ; and whenever a new county was formed, it was, at the same time, constituted a parish. The tax appears to have been exclusively a. poll tsix ; and tliis bore hard on the poor, wliile to the weal- thy, who had nothing to pay for their lands or mercliandize, it was a mere song. From history, and from the acts and records of the legislature, we learn tliat there was, on this and on every thing else that concerned the liberties and welfare of the people, ahiiost a constant struggle between the upper and lower house ; or between the governor and council, and the popular branch of the assembly. Tlie mauitenance and adva.ncement of the church, as a means of sustaining, if not of extending, their power, seems, to have been a prominent object with the former ; while the aim of the latter was to diminish that power and to secure the freedom which they so highly prized ; and it was sel- dom that either could carry a measure, except in a way of com- promise, that is, by yielding something which was desired by the other. That the church establishment was irksome to the people is evident from the fact that they fell on the plan of electing men as vestrymen who, they were aware, would not serve •,i and this prevailed to such an extent as to call for the attention of the legislature. An act was passed to put a stop to such undutiful conduct in future, and prevent the alarming evils which might arise out of it. This was not all; for it appears that the people also got into the habit of absenting themselves from the polls and taking no part in the election. The advocates of the churck establishment, as if they supposed this was all owing to the in ^.Swann's Rcvisal, p. 15G. "iSwann's Rcvisal, p. ^')2. t^Iartin. vol.2 p. 91. 70 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELT.., D.D. flucncc of dissenters, wlio were now becoming numerous in the province, seem to have been resolved on exerting their power to the full extent, for they passed a law embracing both electors and elected vestrymen. The assembly which met at Wilming- ton, Jan. 30th, 17G4, enacted, among other things, that all per- sons qualified to vote for vestrymen in their respective parishes, (the people called Quakers excepted) should attend and give their vote for vestrymen, in the manner before directed, unless prevented by some bodily infirmity, or legal disability, under a penally oftwenly shillings, proclamation money, to be recover- ed by a warrant from any justice of tlie peace within the coun- ty, provided that such penalty was sued for within ten days af- ter it was incurred. A man was a free holder who had posses- sion of fifty acres of land for life, or a lot in some town within the limits of his parish ; and any freeholder (Quakers excepted) might be elected a vestryman. Then he must take before some magistrate, and in presence of the vestry, the oaths appointed by law to be taken by public officers ; and repeat, and subscribe in the vestry book, the following declaration, viz : I, A B, will not oppose the doctrine, discipline, and liturgy of the church of England, as by law established. It v.^as further enacted that every person chosen as a vestryman in any parish, and duly summoned, who might refuse or neglect to qualify agreeably to the directions of tliis act, if a l;noivn dissenter from the church of England, should forfeit and pay the sum of three pounds, proclamation money, to be recovered as other fines in this act directed.* This v\^as amended by the assembly which met in Newbern, Nov. 3d., 1768, so as to extend the penalty on dissen- ters for refusing to qualify and act when elected as vestrymen to every person wb.o might be chosen as a vestryman ; and fi'om the operation of this law none but Quakers were excmpt.t — These laws may not have been rigidly ciiforced throughout the whole State ; nor is it probable that it could be done at this pe- riod, and with the large accession which had been made to the population by emigrants who were advocates of civil and reli- gious freedom. The design in presenting these facts is not to raise any objcc- =*'i)iiviri' Ist Revisal, p. 317. fDavis' 2nd Revisal, p. 433. LIPK OP DAVJP CALDWKLL, D.D. 71 tioii or excite any hostile feelings against the Episcopal church as Episcopal ; for as such they do not affect it ; but as it was then a religious establishment, united with the civil power, and employing that power for its support and extension ; and the same objection would lie against the legal establishment of any other denomination. All intention of making, in this work, any sort of attack upon other religious communions in our country, is utterly disclaimed by the writer ; but it is as important surely that we should keep in view the religious oppression, as that we should remember the civil tyrranny, from which we were deliv- ered by the valor and patriotism of our forefathers. That a man should be obliged to pay a tax of four or five shillings an- nually, or any sum, for supporting a form of worship which he conscientiously believed to be wrong, or was at least irksome to him, was a greater violation of his rights and more injurious in its effects, than that he should be compelled to pay a penny on every pound of tobacco he sent to market, or a few cents on every pound of tea he used ; yet the latter, or the principle which led to the imposition of sucli a tax, is constantly spolien of as a main cause of the revolution. They who interfere v/ith the rights of conscience are no friends either to religion or to their countr}^; for the supremacy of conscience must be maintained, or the best safeguard to moral rectitude is gone. Moral principle is always weakened by every successful temptation to violate the dictates of conscience ; and such temptations must be found by many un- der every religious establishment, in the fear of incurring the penalty by refusing to conform, on the one hand ; and in the pros- pect of gain or promotion on the other, by yielding an implicit obedience. Whether one form of church government has a greater tendency than another to unite with the state, and to be- come overbearing and intolerant ; or whether there ever has been a case in which the benefits were greater than the evils re- sulting from the legal establishment of religion under any form, are matters the discussion of which, if any discussion be necessa- ry, must be left for tliose who are more competent to the task ; but we may be allowed to contemplate the grievances from which we have been delivered, as the Israelites of old were re- quired to remember their bondage iii Egypt ; and perhaps it 16 r^ LH'i: OK DAViB CALUWJiXL, V.V. a duty to place before our minds, whenever occasion oll'ers, the oppressions and evils of the past in full contrast with the privi- leges and blessings of the present, for the purpose of keeping alive our gratitude to the author of all good, and of manitaining the vigilance and firnniess necessary to preserve and improve what Avc possess. At one period, and for many years, probably from the estab- lishment of the church of England, according to the letter of the laws, whatever might have been the intention, Presbyterian and dissentiiig ministers, if there were any in tlie colony, were sub- ject to perform military duty. The assembly which met at New- bern, June Sth, 1146, passed an act y?;?- ihe better regulating of the militia, which makes the militia to consist of all the free- men and servants within the province, except ministers of the churcli of England, members of liis majesty's council, members of the assembly, &:c., but ministers of other denominations are not noticed.* At a meeting of the assembly held in Wilmington January 30, 1764, this act was so amended as to exempt from military duty, Presbyterian ministers ivhcn regularly called to any congregation in the province,t which, Martin says,| was the first instance of avuy indulgence granted^ by lav/ to non-con- formists. This is not strictly correct ; for some indulgence, it is believed, had been previously granted to Quakers, but to no others. According to the above act, however, if literally inter- . preted, Presbyterian ministers could not claim exemption, un- less they were regularly called to some congregation within the province. If laboring as missionaries in destitute parts, they miglit be required to appear under arms at every muster, or be subjected to a fine ; and, both before and after this date, many ministers, in or past the middle of life, and of high standing in their profession, were sent out here from the north, to serve as missionaries, some for six months, and some for a year, wlio could not claim the provisions of the act. Some amendment was made to the act about two years afterwards ; but with res- pect to dissenters, there was no alteration. It was so amended by the assembly which met at Newbern, December 5th, 1770, in reference to Quakers, th.at, t'lough they were required to be en- *S\van:% p. 215. fD:i\L' lit Rcvis^l, [t :U1. jVol. % p. 184; LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 73 rolled as others, no fine could be imposed on thorn for not mus- tering or bearing arms, except in cases of invasion or insurrection, when they must serve or furnish a substitute, under a penalty of ten pounds ;* and this seems to have been the last alteration of the militia laws during the continuance of the British govern- ment. When Presbyterian ministers began to organize churches and settle in North Carolina they do not appear to have considered themselves bound by the laws on the subject of marriage ; but proceeded to marry persons, when requested, according ^o their own rules and regulations. From the establishment of the church, dissenting ministers had not been allowed to celebrate marriages ; but in April 1741 a special act was passed, by Avhich it was enacted, that every clergyman of the church of England, or, for the want of such, any lawful magistrate should join in mar- riage all persons who might lawfully enter into this relation and had complied with the directions contained in the act; that no jus- tice of tiie peace should perform this ceremony in any parish where a minister resided and had a cure, without first obtaining permis- sion of the minister, under a penalty of five pounds, proclamation money, to the use of the minister; that no minister or justice should marry without license first obtained for the purpose, or thrice publication of the banns, as prescribed by the Rubric in the Book of Common Prayer, under a penalty of £50 ; that no minister should go out of this government to marry persons be- longing to the government, under the same penalty ; that no minister or justice might refuse to marry persons, when regular- ly called on, under a penalty of ten pounds, if by license," or five pounds, if by banns ; and that the minister of any parish should always have the benefit of the fee for marriages in said parish, if he did not refuse or neglect to do the services thereof, no mat- ter who performed the marriage ceremony.t Why the Presby- terian ministers did not consider themselves bound by this law does not appear ; but they had married so many that the legis- latiu'e found it necessary to pass an act declaring these marriages valid, and granting tliem permission to continue the practice ii-i future, under certain restrictions. The Assembly winch met at *Davis' 2nf] Rnvisal. p. 455. iDavis' 1st RcvJsal,p. 71. 10 .7.4' LIKK ©F DAVID CALDWELL, D.U Newbcmiii November, 1766, passed an act amendatory to the preceding, which has the following preamble and enactments : " Whereas by an act entitled An act concerning marriages, it is enacted that no minister, or justice of the peace, shall celebrate the rites of matrimony between any persons, or join them togeth- er as man and wife without license or certificate of publication, as mentioned in the said act : And whereas the Presbyterian or Dissenting clergy, conceiving themselves not included in the re- strictions of ministers mentiond in that act, have joined many persons together in holy matrimony without either licence or publication, whereby the payment of the just and legal fees to the governor on such occasions has been eluded, the validity of mar- riages may be endangered : "jSe it enacted &c. that all marriages that have been or shall be solemnized, before the first day of January next, by any of the dissenting or Presbyterian clergy, in their accustomed man- ner, shall be, and are hereby declared to be, as valid, legal, and efl'ectual, to all intents and purposes, as if performed by any min- ister of the church of England, under a license taken and grant- ed according to the direction of the aforesaid act. Jind be it further enacted, That from and after the first day -of January next, it shall and may be lawful for any Presbyteri- an minister, regularly called to any congregation in this prov- ince, to celebrate the rites of matrimony between persons and join them together as man and wife, in their usual and accus- tomed manner, under the same regulations and restrictions as any lawful magistrate in the province might celebrate and sol- emnize the same." — They were subject to the same penalty of fifty pounds for marrying without license or publication of banns, Vhich was perhaps nothing more than fair ; but they were re- quired, impliedly at least, like magistrates, to ask permission of the Episcopal minister, if there was one in the parish ; and they smust give the fee to the parish minister. This act, thus restrict- ed as it was, not being approved by the king, was repealed by proclamation of the governor about two years after ; and then the act of 1741, we presume, remained in force until the Revolu- 'fion. >Tbe la W5 against dissenters in North Carolina, were severe ; LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 75 but they were not enforced with as much rigor as in some of the neighboring colonies. There was nothing iii<:e a court of high commission in miniature, or a body of men appointed for the sole purpose of enforcing the ecclesiastical laws; and non- conformists were never imprisoned or brought to the whipping post, for preaching the gospel. While in South Carolina, at one time, a board of commissioners, clothed with almost absolute power, were enforcing the laws of conformity to the utmost, re- gardless alike of chartered rights and the common feelings of humanity, the people in the Old North State, though for the sake of peace, they were paying tax to the support of a church whose doctrines and rites they disapproved, appear to have been elec- ting their representatives without much regard to religious creeds, or in spite of the odious Test act ; and while in Virginia, at a subsequent period, dissenting ministers were imprisoned for preaching Jesus Christ to dying men, and for proclaiming salva- tion through the iron grates of their prison window, to the crowds assembled on the outside, as they usually did in such cases, regardless of consequences, they were sometimes taken out to the whipping post, and received forty stripes, save one ; liere in a land where the first altars were erected to freedom, and where the fire had never ceased to burn, or the incense to ascend, even in the darkest and stormiest night, Presbyterian ministers, and probably others too, were celebrating marriages without asking leave of the parish minister, and building churches, hold- ing meetings, and administering ordinances, without consulting the Bishop of London, or obtaining license from any human authority ; the people, without any serious apprehension of con- sequences, were setting at nought the enactments of arbitrary power, by electing for vestrymen such men as they knew would not serve, or by staying away from the polls and electing no vestrymen at all ; and in some counties, as in the one in which I am now writing, they were compeUmg the assembly to re- scind their vestry acts. The state of morals and the amount of religious knowledge and influence may be inferred from the nature and policy of the government ; the character of the executive and judicial officers ; and the extent to which the country Avas supplied. Math an en- 7{J LIKE oe DAVID CALDWKLL, D.D. lightened and evangelical ministry. The avowed design of the proprietors, and 'the v/ish of die khig, whose authority was over all, was to have the govermncnt of Carolina conformed as nearly as possible to the monarchy of England, of which they considered if as a part; and such officers were appointed, and such instruc- tions were given them, from time to time, as were thought best calculated to secure this object. During the proprietary govern- ment, the principal officers were appointed by, and retained at the Avill of the proprietors. The province was held as a properti/ ; and the inhabitants were regardiid only as serfs, or as the culti- vators of a soil that belonged to their sordid landlords. The governors, judges, and other officers appointed by them, had little or no sympathy with the people whom they governed ; and their main object was to enrich themselves, tliough in doing it the tenants of the soil should be made pennyless and wretched; or to please their employers and retain their offices as badges of honor, or as the means of support. Perhaps no other colony suifered more from the appointment of officers who were at once destitute of moral principle, and regardless of their reputa- tion. With perhaps two or three honorable exceptions, the whole of the proprietary officers, especially those of the higher grades, were very far from being a credit to their stations : and often the governors and judges were the greatest rowdies in the country. At one period they were as often engaged in affrays and broils, in assaults and batteries on each other, and dealt as much in foul mouthed recriminations, as any other class of people; and the court dockets of that day are disgraced by their mutual indictments, and by presentments of the grand jury for such shameful violations of the laws.* About the time the charter was resigned to the king, was perhaps the worst period ; and the most disgraceful scenes occurred soon after the change took place. Sir Richard Everard and (ieorge Burrmgton, as govern- orSj^William Smith aschief justice, and Ednmnd Porter as judge of admiralty, were conspicuous for their aberrations, both as men and as public servants ; and will have an unenviable noto- riety, wherever our colonial history may be known. Tiiose wlio formed the first settlements within the present li- Williamson, vol. 2, p. 43, 47, 241. Lli'K OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 77 mits of North Carolina, were, as we have seen, Quakers and other dissenters, who, having fled from persecution, mostly from Virginia, had taken up their residence among savages for the sake of enjoying peace of conscience ; and may tlierefore be supposed to have been a serious and moral people. The acces- sions made after the charter was obtained were mere adventur- ers from England, the older colonies, and the West India is- lands ; and were probably very diiferent in their character. — Being excluded by their " iron bound coast" from the same freedom of intercourse with the world that was enjoyed by the other colonies, their progress in improvement was necessarily slow ; and it was tlie policy of the government to discourage every thing that might difl'use intelligence or increase the popu- lar influence. In some of the colonies printing presses were strictly forbidden by the king;* and would, no doubt, have been proliibited in Carolina had there been any occasion for it. Ed- ucation seems to have been, for a long time, entirely neglected ; no notice was taken of it, and no provision was made for it by government. There were men of talents and education in the country, and they sent their sons abroad to be educated ; but unaccountably neglected to do any thing for the cause of learn- ing at home. Gabriel Johnston, who was appointed governor in 1734, was the first who urged on the assembly the impor- tance of making some provision for schools. He was a native of Scotland and a literary man. Having been educated in the University of St. Andrews and afterwards professor of oriental languages in that institution, he knew the value of learning and wished to see it promoted ; but when appropriations were made for it they were either wasted or taken to meet some other de- mands on the treasury. The first academy or school of any kind established by legislative authority was the Newbern aca- demy in 1767; and Martin says in his history that there were but two, those of Newbern and Edenton, at the Declaration of Independence. The assembly wbich met at Newbern, Dec. 5th, 1770, passed an act entitled An act for founding, establishing, and endowing of Queen's College in the town of Charlotte in Mecklenburg county ; but being disapproved by the king it *xMartin, vol. 1, p. 177, 182. 7S LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, CD. was repealed by proclamation.* It is not noticed by Martin in his Collection of Private Acts, and only the title is given in Da- vis' Revisal. The precise date of the repeal is not stated ; but in the next year an act was passed to amend it, and of course it was not then repealed. This however must have been done before 1773; for that was the year in which the Revisal was published. While the effort to get such an institution establish- ed there at that early day was highly creditable to the public spirit and enterprize of the people in that region, the refusal of the king to sanction what the assembly had done was additional evidence that no favor was to be expected from the British go- vernment, and thus the honor of giving education the aid and encouragement which it deserves was left for those who by suf- fering together in the same cause had acquired mutual confi- dence and esteem, and by securing their independence had gain- ed at once the self-respect and the pecuniary resources that were necessary for the purpose. In 1749, James Davis brought the first printing press into the province and set up at Newbern; and in 1764 he commenced the first newspaper, called the North Carolina Magazine, or U- niversal Intelligencer. Williamson, in accounting for the neg- lect of education says, <' The laws that were made to support a religious establishment retained their force ; for they were sup- ported by the spirit of party. Learning was neglected because it was of no party ; no troops enlisted themselves under its ban- ner. Pride or passion were not ready to lend their assistance ; and reason, a cool auxiliary, for many years gave inefiectual support." This is inconsistent, or at least unsatisfactory ; for reason gives not an cmxiliary, but the main support to the cause of learning. The truth is, it was the policy of the gov- ernment to keep the people in ignorance ; and they had not the power, whatever might have been their wishes, to pass any law on this subject without the consent of the governor and coun- cil, nor to carry any law of the kind into efiect without fidelity on the part of those who were entrusted with the management or custody of whatever appropriations were made by legislative authority. This appears to have been the reason w4iy learning =' Da vis's 2d Revisal, p. 4Qr). 501, LIEK QV DAVTD CALDWELL, D.D. 7fJ i'eceived no legislative patronage in Carolina for more than a hundred years ; and Governor Berkley, who breathed the spirit and echoed the sentiments of his employers, has, hi the follow- ing specimen of his patriotic views and christian temper, explain- ed to us the character and designs of the men who were then controlling the destmies of this country. In a communication to the proprietors, dated in June, 1671, near thirty years after he was first appointed governor, he says, in relation to the colony mider his own jurisdiction, " We have forty eight parishes and our ministers are well paid, and by my consent sliould be better, if the?/ ivould pray of tener and preach less ; but as of all other commodities, so of this, the worst are sent us ; and we have few that we can boast of, since the persecution in Cromwell's ty- ranny drove divers worthy men hither. Yet I thank God there are no free schools nor printing presses, and I hope we shall not have any these hundred years. For learning has brought disobedience, and heresy, and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them, and libels against the best government : God keep us from both." The British government took efficient measures for throwmg upon the American colonies a most undesirable kind of popula- tion ; for enactments were made, from time to tmie, by which felons and almost all classes of offenders might be, at their own request, transported to America.* It is probable, however, that these dregs of English society, then at all times so abundant there, found their way, not to Carolina, at least not to any great amount, but, as they have been doing ever since, to more pros- perous and accessible parts of the country ; yet the treatment of this province by the higher powers was calculated to depress the people, to paralize their energies, and to make them idle and vicious. The restrictions on their commerce were unjust and grievous to be borne. But few articles of export were free from a heavy duty or drawback of some kind ; and the mechanical arts were in a great measure interdicted. The manufacture of hats, ropes, iron, and of all the most profitable articles, was, for years, either forbidden, or so trammelled that people could not ■engage in it to advantage.! Such treatment, instead of being -=^Martm, \^o\. 1. p. 144> 152, 1(M tMartin; vol. 2, "p. 13, 14* 50. so LIFE OF DAVID CAluWELL, D.D. favorahle to morality and good feeling, bad just the opposite ef- fect ; dissatisfaction with the government increased; and con- tention was kept up between the people andtlieir rulers. But perhaps the greatest evil which North Carolina experi- enced during the early period of her Ihstory, and to which many of the others may be attributed, was the want of an enhghtened and evangelical ministry. The Saviour told his disciples that they were the light of the worldand the salt of the earth: they and their successors were to be the living instrumentality by which the knowledge of God should be maintained in the world, and mankind be preserved from becoming wholly corrupt. To prove the necessity and value of such a ministry, no arguments are necessary at the present day, and before a christian commu- nity ; but for a long time Carolina had no christian ministry at all. From the first settlement until the year 1700, except the short visit of Edmundson and Fox, the two Quaker preachers al- ready mentioned, in 1672, our shores were visited by no mes- senger of peace ; and until 1703, just 40 years after the charter was granted, there was no one to go in and out before the peo- ple, and break to them tlie bread of life from Sabbath to Sabbath. In 1705, the Bishop of London sent over Gideon Johnson as his commissary for the province of Carolina, who was directed to make his residence at Charleston ; and other ministers were oc- casionally sent over, mostly by the society formed under the reign of king William, for the propagation of the gospel in for- eign parts. In 1725, the Bishop of London, as patriarch of England, extended his jurisdiction to the American colonies ;* and then ecclesiastical affairs here were regulated, as far as practicable, according to his directions. There were churches or chapels in nearly every county ; and in some counties there were two or more. In Orange county there were several; and the University of the State took the name of Chapel Hill, from the fact that there was a chapel on one of the eminences in its immediate vicinity. The established church had sufficient au- thority and ample resources; but the number of ministers actu- jdly resident here, and their character and usefulness, are not well known. Although provision was made for the support of '•"Martin, vol. 1. p. 207. LIFE OV DAVID CALBWELL, D.U, $,1 a minister in every parish, there were probably not more thai'i half a dozen in the province at any one time ; and while some of these appear to have been serious, well meaning men, and to have exerted on the whole a salutary influence, of many it may be said, as Gov. Berkley said of those in Virginia, as of all other commodities, so of this, the worst were sent us. When old Governor Dobbs met the assembly, at Wilmington, February 3d, 17G4, for the last time, he deplored the want of clergymen; told them that 24 out of 30 parishes were vacant; and urged tltem to adopt suitable measures for increasing the supply.* — Martin sayst there were not more than six ministers belonging to the established church living in the province at the com- mencement of the Revolution ; and he is probably not far wrong. Religion is represented as being at a low ebb, and the state of morals as quite deplorable ; but there was certainly more reli- gious knowledge and influence then, owing to the increase of dissenters, than at any preceding period. The running of the boundary line between North Carolinjl and Virginia, in 172S, sixty-five years after the charter was giv- en, furnished historians with some curious facts respecting the condition of the colony, and the character of the people, at that time. The commissioners from this side shewed when they en- tered on the business, that they were as competent to the task as those from Virginia ; but it had been delayed for some time by the {ormeY, because there was no money in the treasury) nor could they purchase the necessary stores until the council had sold A/a/iA-^a^eAi/* to individuals who advanced the mon- ey. J The Virginia commissioners were well provided with comforts and "good cheer ;" and seemed to make light of the poverty and of what they deemed the irreligion of Carolina. In writing to the commissioners§ on this side, Dec. 16th, 1727, they say,l| " Wo, think it very proper to acquaint you in what manner we intend to come provided, that so you being appouN ted in the same station may, if you please, do the same honor *Martin, vol. 2, p. 180. tVol. 2, p, 395. :]: Williamson, vol. 2, p. 18. ^^Villiamson, vol. 2, p. 23.5. IITlie commissioners on the p;irt ot Virginia, were Col.'l;Bird, RicharS FilzvviUiam, and William Danclridge: Those on the part of CarolinajWerO John Loviok, Christopher Gale, Edward Moaeley, and William Little; It S,i LIKE 01' DAVID CALDWELL, I). D. to your country. We will bring with us about twenty men fur- nished with provisions for thirty days ; we will have with us a tent and marquees for the accommodation of ourselves and our servants. We bring as much wine and rum as will enable us' and our men to drink every night to the success of the following day ; and because we understand there are gentiles on the fron- tiers, who never had an opportunity of behig baptized, we shall have a chaplahi with ns to make them christians. For tiiis pur- pose we intend to rest in our camp every Sunday that there may be leisure for so good a V\'ork. And whoever in that neighbor- hood is desirous of novelty may come and hear a good sermon. Of this you will please to give notice that the charitable inten- tions of this government may meet with the happier success." To this the others replied as follows : " We are at a loss, gen- tlemen, whether to thank you for the particulars you give us of your tent stores and the manner you design to meet us. Had you been silent about it we had not wanted an excuse for not meeting you in the same manner ; but now you force us to ex- pose the nakedness of our country, and to tell you we cannot possibly meet you in the manner our great respect to you would make us glad to do, whom we are not emulous of out-doiiig un- less in care and diligence in the afiair v/e come to meet you a- bout. So all we ansvv^er to that article is, that we will endeavor to provide as well as the circumstances of things will admit us ; and what we may want in necessaries will, we hope, be made up in the spiritual comfort we expect from your chaplain, of whom we shall give notice as you desire, to all lovers of novel- ty ; and doubt not of a great many border christians." The commissioners from Virginia said in their diary that " their associates from Carolina did not bring above two men with them who would put their hands to any thing but the ket- tle or frying pan ; and that they spent so much of their industry m this way that they had but little spirit or inclination for any other work. The women and children of the borderers came to stare at the commissioners with as much curiosity as if they had lately landed from Canton or Morocco. The men appeared all to dread that the line should pass to the south of their land, as in 'fhat case thev must submit to some kind of order and ijovern- LIFE OF DAVID GALDWELL, D.D. S3 meiit, while . in Carolina, every one did what was best in his own eyes ; and none paid any tribute to God or to Caesar." — The state of society was no doubt bad in many respects ; but the commissioners might have found as many women and chil- dren who would have stared at them in Virginia as in Carolina ; and it is not wonderful that people who had once enjoyed " the freedom of the woods and of the waters, with the privilege of worshipping God as they pleased, should dread the spirit and measures of fhe Virginia government at that time. Many women brought their children to the Virginia chaplain to have them baptized ; but it is added that " they brought no capon along with tliem to make the solemnity cheerful." Al- though the Reverend gentleman christened more than a hun- dred children, during the running of the line, he did not marry one couple. " None were attracted by the novelty of having their hands joined by a man in holy orders ; they considered marriage as a civil contract only, and its knot as firmly tied by a Justice as by an archbishop-" Within a few years after the date just referred to, the charac- ter of society began to undergo a great and rapid change, not by displacing those who had hitherto been occupants of the soil, but by accessions from abroad. These were from diffierent countries, and held opinions and practised forms of worship whicSi were in some respects different ; but they were all, or with very ^q\v exceptions, opposed to the established church, on principle, and not from a reluctance to pay what might be neces- sary to maintain its institutions and promote its welfare ; for they knew the value of religion and had been taught to give its ministers a decent support. The increase of population is shewn by the number and size of the counties formed in rapid succes- sion, as given in Williamson's history, or the Revised Statutes; but for the character of the people who thus swelled the amount of population and changed the face of society, we must look to other sources. It has been seen that the first monthly meeting of the Quakers was held in 1672 ; and, as the writer has been recently informed by one of their most intelligent members, their first yearly meet- ing was held in the county of Perquimons in 1701. Whether £4 LIFE OP DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D. any considerable accessions were made to the society from abroad about this time, or what may be their entire number at any time, cannot be well ascertained, since they never " number the people," or make the number of their members a matter of re- cord ; but about the middle of the last century several hundred of them came into Guilford and the adjoining counties from Pennsylvania ; and in a few years after a number came from New England, chiefly from the Island of Nantucket. At the commencement of the revolution they had religious establish- ments, or meetings, monthly and quarterly, in Perquimons, Pas- quotank, Orange, Guilford, Johnson, and Carteret ; and in all ihey must have amounted to several thousands. A company of French Huguenots, a class of people who, wherever they went, seem to have formed a most valuable por- tion of society, being encouraged by King William, came over to America in iG90, and settled above the falls of James river in Virginia ; but not being pleased with their location there, and the lands in Carolina being mostly unappropriated, they remov- ed south in 1707, and settled on the river Trent, with a man by the name of Rybourg for their pastor.* About this time, a col- ony of German protestants, from Hiedleberg and its vicinity, on the Rhine, came over to Carolina, under the conduct of Christo- pher dc Graflenried and Lewis Mitchell.t The colony consisted pf about one hundred families, or six hundred and fifty persons ; and landed in 1709, at the confluence of the rivers Neuse and Trent, where they erected temporary shelters until they could be put in possession of the lands which had been promised them. The place of (heir encampment was called New Bern, from the town of Berne in Switzerland, where de Graflenried was born. De Gratfenried and Mitchell had agreed with the proprietors in London for ten thousand acres of land, which was to be laid off" for them in one body between the Nuese and Cape Fear, with a promise of a hundred thousand more to be reserved for them a certain number of years; and the former having paid for five thousand acres, received, according to promise, the title of baron. These Germans, or palatines, as they were called, were very ;^70or, having been driven from their native country by a long •HViUramson, vol. l,p. 178. -fibid, 170. tIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, ILD. 85 series of persecutions and vexations; and tiieir leaders were boinidto give t!iem, on certain conditions, two hundred and fifty acres of land for each family. Although they sulTeved greatly from the Indians, and were unfoirly dealt w ith by the men in wliom they confided, being industrious and moral in their hab- its, they seem to have been prosperous ; but their history is ve- ry little known, any farther than it is given by Williamson, which is for the space of only a few years About the middle of the last century, or a little earlier, large numbers of protestants from diflerent conntries and speaking different languages, sought refuge from oppression in North Ca- rolina ; and in a short time overspread a large part of the prov- ince. These were mostly from the Highlands of Scotland; the north of Ireland ; the Marquisate of Morovia ; and other Ger- man countries. Tliey were not only protestants, but were near- ly all dissenters from the church of England. The influx began in the time of Governor Johnston; and about the year 1740. A small company or two came a few years earlier; but they did not begin to come in large numbers before 1746 ; and the tide of emigration continued for twenty-five or thirty years. In the year 1736, Duplin county began to be settled by people from the north of Ireland and Switzerland, who were mduced by Henry McCuUoch to come and settle on his land. He had, by some means or others, obtained a large quantity, about seventy thou- sand acres ; and wished to have it occupied. He had been ap- pointed his majesty's surveyor, inspector, and controller of the revenue and grants of land ; and speculated largely in crown lands with a view of paying for them by importing settlers. — His son, Henry Eustace McCuUoeh reported between three and four Inmdred persons, who had been thus brought into the pro- vince ; and retained about the quantity of land above mentioned, for which he managed to settle his accounts with the crown without paying a dollar.* This was the first importation of people from Ireland to this State, of which I have seen any no- tice ; and several years elapsed before there was another. From the printed records of tlie synod of Philadelphia, (p. 173.) it ap- pears that in 1744, a representation from many people of North Williamson, vol 2, n. f)2. SG. . LII'K OF DAVIO C.AluWE.LL, 13.11, Carolina was laid before that body, showing their destitute con- dition ; requesting the synod to -take their estate into considera- tion ; and desiring that some oise might be a.ppointed to corres- pond with them. In what part of the State these people hved docs not appear; but from a collection of manuscript conmunii- cations received by tlie editor of the Raleigh Star in ISIO, Irom intelligent men over the State, and now preserved in the Uni- versit}^ library, it appears that the greater part of those who, in 17'3t3, settled on the lands of McCulioch in Duplin county, were Presbyterians from Ireland. That was the lirst Presbyterian settlement formed in North Carolina of which I liave seen any account ; and like all oilier cln-j^tian people they w,ould desire to have preaching. The middle and western parls of this State were settled al- juosi entirely by Presbyterians from the north of Ireland ; but tiicy or their anccstofs, having forme.rly removed to that coun- try from Scotland, tliey are usually called Scotch-Irish. In the reign of James I. the earls of Tyrone and Tyreonnel, having conspired against tlie gov^ernment, were obliged to fly from tjie kingdom to escape punishment. Some of their accomplices Vv'ere arrested and executed ; but as the two earls were attain^ ted by a process of outlawry, their vast estates, containing a- bout 500,000 acres of land, escheated to the crown. King James resolved to improve a country which, having been desolated by war, v/as covered by woods, hifested by robbers, or inhabited by ignorant Catholics. The escheated lands' were divided into small tracts to suit adventurers who might be willing to settle them, or would engage to pjacc^.on the land a certain number of sub-tenants withhi a given time; and, by his direction, a pre- ference was given to people from the west of Scotland. They were protestants from his own country ; an industrious people ; and the passage being short, they could easily comply with their contracts in settling the lands. Many of them Vvcnt over then, bnt the establishment of prelacy in Scotland in 1037, and again lOGl, to which, as Presbyterians, they could not coiiscientious'y submit, compelled many more to emigrate. Their superior knowledge, industry, and temperance, soon enabled them to >U])plrint tlie n.ativcM; and by the end of tint century, six of the Llij'E Oi' DAVID GAJ^DWEL!.. D.D. 5< northern counties were inliabitcd" by their -ucscendents, or the remains of Cromwell's army.. Through ail tlie subseijuent rev- olutions and troubles of England they were the steady suppor- ters of goveriunent against every- attempt to establish a Catho- Hc prince ; and ihey adhered with equal firmness to the Hano- ver Succession. Their loyalty and iJieir faithful services enti- tled them to the favor and the confidence of government ; but being treated like aliens, marked with distnist as citizens, and denied the free enjoyment of their rights as chrislians, they de- termined to seek in a foreign land' the liberty which was denied them at home. They migrated by thousands to Pennsylvania where the principles of civil and religious liberty weve in .full operation ; but, partly from the difiiculty of obtaining land, and partly from otlier reasons, they found it expedient to remove further south. In Virginia, land could be obtained in abun- dance and upon easy terms ; but the goverimient there being in constant hostility v/hh religious freedom, the greater part of them came on to N. Carolina, and settled on lands belonging to the earl of Granville.* They liave ever -been the staunch friends of liberty, and of every thing else that can elevate the character or promote the welfare of society. Combining the intelligence, orthodoxy, and piety of the Scotch, with the ardor,- and love of liberty peculiar to the Irish, they were the most efil- cient supporters of the American cause during the struggle for independance ; and they have done more for the support of learning, morality and religion than any other class of people. The Presbyterian population in the south-east part of the State, came mostly from the Highlands of Scotland; and the first emigration of which we have any account, resulted from the un- fortunate attempt of prince Charles Edward, grandson of James II, to regain the throne of his ancestors. Being a descendant of the Stewarts, when he landed in Scotland, the Highlanders ilocked, in large numbers, to his standard ; but when he was overthrown at the battle of Culloden, on the 16th of April 1746', they were obliged to fly. The chieftains and prominent men were mostly put to death, and multitudes of the people were hunted down and slaughtered hke wild beasts ; but at length a *\ViI!iam?on, vol. 2, p. ()9r-7L S6 LIKE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D pardon puiised the great seal, exempting from trial and punish- nient nineteen out of twenty among the rest, on condition of tlieir being transported to America ; and for determining the mel- ancholly fate of every twentieth man they resorted to the lot. Those who survived and were expatriated, were accompanied by many others, who, although they had not taken up arms, favor- ed the prince's cause, and voluntarily shared the exile of their countrymeiL A considerable number of them came to North Carolina about the end of the year 1746 ; located themselves on the Cape Fear river ; and formed the settlement in the midst of which the town of Fayetteville now stands.* Williamson makes no mention of this circumstance; but says,t that in 1749, Neal McNeal arrived at Wilmington with his family, and five or six Imndred colonists who settled, some in Anson, others in Bladen, but most of them in Cumberland. There was a second impor- tation in 1754 ; and from that time there was one annually : nor have the importations yet ceased ; for, it is said that a goodly uumber came over during the last year, and settled in the same region. The Moravians, being driven from their native country, the Marquisate of Moravia, by persecution, about the beginning of the 1 7th century, sought refuge in England and the British col- onies. In the spring of 1735, a colony of them arrived in Geor- gia ; and formed a settlement on the Savannah river, at or near the town of the same name. In the true missionary spirit, they made it a paramount object to enlighten and christianize the savages ; and their etforts were likely to be very successful ; but their establishment was broken up by the war between the British and the Spaniards in 1737, and agahi in 1739. Being compelled to bear arms in these scenes of conflict, contrary, not only to their principles, but to the promises which had been given them; and their christian labors being entirely interrupted, by these and other causes, they removed, part of them in 173S, and tlie rest in 1740, to Pennsylvania, where they formed the settlements of Bethlehem and Nazareth. The oppressions and hardships which they and their missionaries among the heathen endured from ill disposed persons, and in other waysy led them *'Martiii^ vol; 2, p. 48. fVof. 2; pf 7'6. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 8fl to seek irom the British government more toleration, a]id greater security in the enjoyment of their rights. After a sti-ict exami- nation into the origin and existing state of this chiircli, they were declared by an act of Parliament, v/liich received the royal sanc- tion, May 12th, 1749, to be an ancient Episcopal church; and had full liberty of conscience allowed them wherever settled in any of the American colonies. They were exempted from per- sonal military services for a reasonable compensation; and were permitted to affirm instead of taking an oath. About the same time they entered into negotiations with the earl of Greenville for a quantity of land in North Carolina to be located wherever they chose ; and in 1751 their agents made a purchase of a hun- dred thousand acres. In the latterpart of the following year this was surveyed and entered, mostly in what is now Stokes county; and the general deed for the whole was signed and sealed, Au- gust 7th 1753. The tract was called Wachau, or Wachovia, j'om respect to an honorary title of their great patron, count Tinzendorf, who was lord of the valley Wachau in Austria; and on the 12th of the ensuing November, twelve yoimg or unmar- ried men arrived and began to make improvements on Mill creek. In the course of the next year a town was commenced on the same spot, called Bethabara, now Old Town ; and the towns of Salem, Bethany, Friedburg, Friedland, and Hope, were formed in pretty rapid succession ; so that before the Declaration of Independence, they had six settlements, and a population pro- bably of about five hundred. For intelligence and moral worth; industry and economy ; sobriety and good order, they arc not surpassed by any class of pepple in the country ; and these have given them affluence, respectability, and a regular advancement in whatever is most desirable and praiseworthy. The Moravians constituted but a small proportion of the Ger- man population which came into the middle and western regions of North Carolina, immediately before or along with the Pres- byterians and other dissenters; and they were pretty equally divided between the Lutheran and German Reformed denomin- ations. Their grants of land aiid the organization of their churches, all date about the same time ; and from Haw river to the mountains, their entire numl^er could not have been nmch 12 9© LIFE OF DAVID CALBWEJ.L, D.I). less than that of the Scotch-Irish. They had at least twenty churches, if my information be correct, before the Declaration of Independence ; and these were mostly organized from 1770 to 1775, though some of them may have been organized a little .before the former date. They had but few preachers ; and hardly any of these were calculated to advance the interests of vital piety, or to elevate the character of the people. Some of them had no kind of authority to preach, and no claims to the confidence of the churches on the score of piety ; but came out here, either from the northern States or from Germany, pretend- ing to be preachers; exercised an assumed authority ; and acted as self constituted pastors of the churches, or went from place to place, imposing on the people who knew no better, or were glad to meet with any one who came to them as a minister of Christ. Others were probably of a diiferent character, and exer- ted a good influence ; but none of them seem to have been dis- tinguished for intelligence, zeal, and usefulness. Had their churches been supplied with ministers of the right stamp from the first, they would have been in a very different condition ; and the people, possessing in a high degree, as they do, the firmness, energy, and perseverance requisite to undertake and accomplish great things, w'ould have been with the foremost in every good work. Of tlie Baptist denomination at this period, my information is very limited.* They had ministers and churches before the De- *0n page 75 of this work, it is said that in Virginia, at one period, "dis- senting ministers were impr!^oned for preaching Jesus Christ to dying .nen, and that for proclaiming salvation through the iron grates of their prison windows, to the people assembled on the outside, they were sometimes taken out to the whipping post and received forty stripes save one." The allusion was to the Baptist ministers; and the recurrence to it here, is partly for the purpose of correcting a mistake. Having no authority by me at the time, in relation to that mailer, and having been, not long before, told by one who was thought to be well acquainted with the subject, that such had been the fact, it was so stated ; but on a little examination after that part of the manusciipt had gone to tiie press, it is believed that the laller purl of the statement is not correct; and the state of things there, as in North Carolina, was bad enough without any exaggeration. The Baptist ministers were I'requently Beaten and maltreated in various ways, by ill disposed persons; and they were sometimes threntened with the whipping post; but the power of their enemies did not extend that far; and the act, if it had been done, would have been illegal. Many of them however were imprisoned, in some cases for 'jflooihs at a (rtne. and were treated Vihilc there with much inhumanitv; but LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 91. claration of Independence ; and about as early as the Presbyteri- ans, or any other class of dissenters. Shubael Streus came into what is now Randolph county, probably about 1755 ; and in a few years had a church on Sandy Creek of 606 members. Two of his converts, Tidance Lane and Elnathan Davis, became preachers ; and remained in this State for a number of years. About the same date we find Daniel Marshall on the Uwharic, where he iiad many added to his church ; and Joseph Murphey pastor of a church on Deep Creek in Surry county. I find the names of some half a dozen others, who were not stationary; but spent a great portion of their time in preaching from place to place ; and there were no doubt other settled ministers of that denomination of whom I have seen no mention. There were churches, besides those already mentioned, on Abbott's Creek, Tar river, and probably in other places. They must have had at least a dozen churches, and half that many settled ministers, besides as many more who were not confined to any particular place. In the fall of 1764 the celebrated Whitefielcl passed through the eastern part of this State on his way from Philadelphia to Savannah in Georgia;* and in the course of the next Spring he passed through it again on his return to Philadelphia. Both times he preached in all the principal towns on his route, and to large collections of people who were deeply interested ; but of the permanent results of his labors I have seen no account. When at Newcastle on his return northward in the spring, he says,t « all along from Charleston to this place, the cry is, for they preached, whenever occasion offered, to the people collected on the ont- eide, many of whom were converted, and several who hecame preachers. — See Taylor's Lives of Baptist Ministers in Virg'inia. The Toleration Act of England liad been adopted by the legislative author- ity in Virginia ; and the Presbyterian ministers submitted to that, not as a British, but as a Virginia law. Their troubles and vexations were great ; but it does not appear that any of them were imprisoned. They had much diffi- culty to get their preaching places licensed, and labored under great disad- vantages; but the Lord was with them and they prospered. The Baptist ministers, it seems, did not submit to that law, and were roughly treated. — They determined to go to prison and to death, rather than acknowledge, in any way, the right ot man to take from them the privilege of worshipping God as they pleased ; but whether this was tJie best and most christian course or not, is a matter with which we need not be concerned at present. *Sce Gillie's Life of Whitefiold 182. flbid 183. 92 LIFE OF DAVID CAluWELL, D.D. Christ's sake stay and preach to lis ;" and this may be consid- ered as evidence of botii liis previous and present success. He said himself of Newbern, wlien he preached there in the prece- di)]g November, that "good impressions were made; and that he found what they called New-Lights in almost every place ;" but what became of his converts is not known, unless they fell in with the Methodists when they came into that region a few years after. This is mere inference ; but, from a variety of cir- cumstances, it seems to be highly probable. The Methodists had not done much in this State previous to the Revolutionary War. In 1775, George Shadford had charge of the Brunswick circuit in Virginia, where there appears to have been a considerable awakening on the subject of religion which extended into the counties of Halifax and Bute, now Franklin, in N. Carolina; and in July of that year Thomas Ran- kin, who had been sent out by Mr. Wesley as superintendent of the Methodist societies in America, being on a visit to the Bruns- wick circuit, came over into Carolina; but did not remain long. It is probable that some of the fruits of Whitelield's labors may have been then gathered into this church ; for, as appears from his life, he preached with his accustomed zeal and success all through that region, on both his journeys through the State ; and,, as he did nothing towards forming churches any where, his converts in that part of North Carolina had no other oppor- tunity, so far as is known, of connecting themselves with any christian society. The first Methodist circuit in this State, called (lie Carolina circuit, which included the whole State, though their operations were then confined pretty much to a few coun- ties on the Roanoke and Albemarle, was formed May 24th, 1 77G ; and they had at that time 683 members. Edward Drum- goole, Francis Poythuss and Isham Tatum were appointed on the circuit ; and there may have been some local preachers liv- ing in those counties for two or three years previous ; but of them we have no account. The manuscript volume in the library at Chapel Hill, already mentioned, is very interesting as far as it goes; and throws a good deal of light on the commencement and progress of settle- nients in North Carolina, as Avell as some other matters of im- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 93 porlancc. From it we learn that Edgecomb began to be settled in 172G, by people from Virginia, who came there for the sake of living at their ease, as the climate was mild, the range good, and game in abundance; Wayne in 1785, but made little pro- gress, until 1750; Franklin about 1750; Caswell in 1750, but had not more than ten families until 1755, when the Leas, Graves, Kimbros, Pattersons and others came from Orange and Culpep- per counties in Virginia ; Rockingham in 1750, by hunters, who were soon followed by a more substantial population; and Guilford about the same time, as appears from the deeds of land obtained by the Nottingham company. That company, by a- gents sent out for the purpose, purchased 33 surveys, or 21,120 acres, on the waters of North Buffalo and Reedy Fork ; and one of their deeds, which is now before me, is dated December 3d, 1753. Further details respecting the settlement of tlie dif- ferent counties at this period, might be given ; but it is not per- mitted by the limits assigned to this -work. The records of the Orange Presbytery, which was the oldest and for a long time the only Presbytery in North Carolina, hav- ing been destroyed some years ago, very little is known about the early history of the Presbyterian church in this State ; but there were a good many churches organized a number of years before there were any settled ministers. From 1745 to 1758 the two Synods of Philadelphia and New York, appointed mission- aries frequently to North Carolina as well as to the other pro- vinces to the South ; and it is believed that the Presbyteries in that region did more in this kind of missionary labor than the Synods. After the two Synods were united in 1758, praisewor- thy efforts were made to have the southern settlements supplied ; but it appears that the appointments were not often fulfilled, during the French war, owing to the difficulties and dangers of travelling. The churches m Granville are said to have been organized by the Rev. William Tennant, and the Lord's supper to have been administered by him for the iirst time in that coun- ty ; but when this was done is not known. It is also said that the Rev. Alexander Craighead who came into this State in the autumn of 1755 and died in March 176G, organized most of the chiu'ches in JNIecklenburg and Cabarrus counties ; and of course & 1 LIFE Oi' DAVID CALDWELL, D.E> they must have been organized between those dates. It is not known precisely when or where the first Presbyterian church was organized in the State, and for the reason ah'eady given, — In a communication of the Synod to the General Assembly of Scotland, in 1753, they say, " Tiiere are also large settlements lately planted in various parts, particularly in North and South CaroUna, where multitudes are extremely anxious for the min- istration of the gospel, but who are not formed into congrega- tions and regularly organized for want of ministers ;* and in 1755, the Presbytery of Newcastlti state that, in addition to a vast number of vacant congregations under their care in Penn- sylvania, Maryland and Virginia, there were fourteen congre- gations in North Caroliiia that were looking to them for sup- plies.! It is probable that some of the churches in Cumberland county were among the first, if not the very first organized churdies of the Presbyterian order in the State ; but this is a matter of inference. In the summer of 1755 the Rev. Hugh Mc- Addcn was sent out by the Presbytery of Newcastle as a mis- sionary to North Carolina, and spent nearly a year in traversing the State from one end to the other. In his missionary journal, which is now in my possession and is full of interest, he speaks of several meeting houses ; a great many pious people with Avhom he became acquainted ; and a number of settlements M'here he was most earnestly entreated to remain and become their pastor ; but says nothing about organized churches. The Avriter has been told by some of our oldest ministers that the church now known as the Red House is about the oldest hi the State ; but this can hardly be correct ; for, although Mr. McAd- den preached frequently in that neighborliood, he makes no men- tion of any church nor of any house for public worship. The first Presbyterian minister, known to have settled in the Scotch region, was the Rev. James Campbell ; and the following account of him from the Rev. Colin Mclver, will be read with interest. " He was originally from Campbelltown, in Argyl- shire, in Scotland ; and he is spoken of as one of the excellent of the earth, — as an eminent christian, and an active, assiduous, and useful minister of the gospel. He is said to have left his *i !otlo-e's Ilislorv 204. rlbid. '-US. L.i;^ «F i)AVIB CAI.DWKLL, D.D. 95 native country, and to have arrived in the city of Philadelphia, a licensed preacher, in 1730. Soon after he was ordained to the gospel ministry, and installed as pastor of a congregation some- where in Pennsylvania. Not long after his ordination, he be- came considerably dejected ; and,. under the influence of a fear that he had taken upon himself the ministerial office without be- ing duly called, he ceased, for a few years, to preach. From this unhappy state of mind, however, he was relieved by the celebrated Mr. Whitefield ; and became more zealous and en- gaged in the ^york of the ministry than he had ever been. In 1755 he removed to this State, and had charge of four congre- gations on Cape Fear river, not many miles from Fayetteville. To these congregations, he acted the part of a very faithful and devoted pastor, until he was removed by death in 1781." Al- though Mr. McAdden spent some time in that region he makes mention of no minister, except one of the Baptist denomination, by the name of Miller ; and from this it might be inferred that Mr. Campbell had not arrived, or had not become much known; but he speaks of the Irish settlement in Duplin witli much inter- est, and soon after became their pastor. He set off from this set- tlement about the first of May, on his return to Pennsylvania ; and spent about two weeks of missionary service in the counties and towns along the sea board, of which he gives a very unfa- vorable account as to the state of religion. At what time he came to reside in North Carolina is not known ; but it must have been in the course of a year or two ; for his family have informed me that he lived several, perhaps nine or ten years, in Duplin ; and the same fact is mentioned in the collection of manuscripts to wliich reference has been already made. Besides numerous appointments of missionaries to the south every year, iii 1764, the Synod, considering the state of many congregations in the south, particularly in North Carolina, and the great importance of having those congregations properly organized, appointed the Rev. Elihu Spencer and Alexander McWhorter, as missionaries to this country, that they might form societies, help them in adjusting their bounds, ordain el- ders, administer sealing ordinances, instruct the people in disci- pliniSj arid .finally dirett them in their ct>nduct, particularly in 96 LIFE OF DAVID C ALDWELL, D.D. what manlier they should proceed to obtain the stated ministry,* These missionaries fulfilled their appointment ;t and were ex- ceedingly useful. When the writer first came into this comity, some very aged people still recollected Mr. Spencer; and said that ho had organized many of the churches in this region. He was present at the organization of Alamance church ; and probably he organized Haw River about the same time, though they had a house of worship there, as early as 1762, as I have been re- cently informed by an elder of that church. Those ministers were both urged by the people in different places to settle in Carolina ; but declined the invitation. The Presbytery of Hanover which at that time appears to have extended over the whole country south of the Potomac, was very active in giving occasional supplies to the va,cancies, and some settled pastors to the churches, in North Carolina. — Mr. McAdden was received as a licentiate from the Presbytery of Newcastle, Oct. 4th, 1759^ and when the Presbytery met at Balialo, March 3rd, 1768 to instal Dr. Caldwell as pastor of the churches in Guilford, calls w^ere presented for his pastoral servi- ces, from Hico, Dan river and Country Line, which, after some consideration, it appears he accepted, and continued to labor faithfully there in the Lord's vineyard until he was removed by death, in January 1781. Joseph Alexander was received as a licentiate from the Presbytery of Newcastle ; and was ordained and installed as pastor of Sugar creek in March 1768. Henry Patillo was licensed by the Hanover Presbytery in 1 755 ; or- dained in 1758; and accepted a call from Hawfields in 1765. James Criswell was licensed by the same Presbytery in 1764; received a call from Nutbush, Grassy creek, and Lower Hico, in the same year ; and in 1765 was ordained as their pastor. At a meeting of the Presbytery held in Buffalo church, March 7th, 1771, Hezekiah Balch was received as a licentiate from the Presbytery of Newcastle, and was ordained. At the same meeting a petition was drawn up, addressed to The Synod of Philadelphia and New York, for the organization of a new Presbytery, to be called the Presbytery of Orange. This peti- tion was signed by Hugh McAdden, David Caldwell, Henry ^Records of ihe Presbyterian Church, p. 339. jlbid. 343. LIFE OF DAVID C AhDWKLL. D.I), 97 Patillo, Joseph Alexander, Hczekiali lialch, and James Cr'is- well :* and to these was afterwards added the name of Hczokiah James Balch, a hcentiate under the care of Donegal Presbytery,, who had been sent out here by the Synod as a missionary. The petitioners requested that the Synod would appoint the first meeting to be held at Hawlields on the first Wednesday of the following September, which would be Sept. 1st, 1770; and the petition was granted accordingly. From all this it appears that David Caldwell was among the first settled ministers of the Pres- byterian church in North Carolina ; and his name is identified with the history of our church in this State, more perhaps than the name of any other man in it ; for he lived much longer than any other; and considering all the ways in which his influence was exerted he did more for the cause of humanity, and for the advancement of sound learning and Bible religion. The walls of Jerusalem were built here "in troublous times;" for, at the period now under consideration, the country was in a high degree of exasperation. The people were in open hostility with the government; and the delicate and trying part which Dr. Caldwell and some of his brethren had to act, makes it necessary that we should enquire a little into the causes and results of the prevailing excitement. It has been seen that from the time the authority of the pro- prietors was extended over the little settlement on the Albe- marle, dissatisfaction, more or less intense, according to circum- stances, was felt by the settlers ; and that there were frequent risings of the people against the government. The laws were often not suited to their condition ; and were as often disregarded or trampled on by the rulers, for the purpose of gratifying then- avarice or their love of power. North Carolina, for more than a hundred years was "insulted and oppressed by the weak or vicious administration of wicked judges and worthless govorn- ors." The royal governors were entrusted with extensive pow- er by the king ; and it was always exercised to depress the spi- rit of freedom. The absolute veto which they liad on the acts of the assembly, and the power of proroguing or dissolving the ^Records of Hanover Prosbvtorv. Prcsbvtcriau Rocorfls SPO. Hodo-p'g Ilistorv :38'4-. ... 13 98 LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D, assembly at pleasure inacle each one, for the time behig, nearly ul)solute sovereign of the provhice. The people had no remedy; lor they lield their office, not during good behaviour, but during the pleasure of the crov/n. The same was the case with the judges , and if the idea of being in subjection to a foreign power is always humiliating, no matter with what lenity it is exercised, it becomes intolerable in the hands of men who have neither moral rectitude nor a sense of honor, and who are unremovable except by the hand of death or the pleasure of a distant mon- arch. In addition to all this, for a long time, the officers of eve- ry grade, from the governor down to the sheriff, were paid, not by a fixed salary, but by fees which aflbrded great temptations and great facilities for extortion and corruption. In 1760 the lower house sent an address to the kmg in which they say that by the injudicious and partial appointment of justices, un- qualified for the trust, and by the removal of others liable to no objection, magistracy had fallen into contempt, and courts had lost their influence and dignity ; that rioters were permitted to assemble in several parts of the province, erect sham judicatures, imprison the peaceable subjects of the king, break open jails, and release malefactors with impunity ; that the authors of these outrages were countenanced by the governor and honored with commissions as justices and militia officers ; that citizens had received corporal punishment by the arbitrary mandates and private orders of judges still continued in office -, that illegal and arbitrary jjecuniury claims loere enforced for the use of the governor and secretary ; that the forms of writs of elections had been arbitrarily altered and diversified, to have particular men chosen and defeat the election of others ; some writs dirv^ct- ing the freeholders, others the inhabitants generally, to choose, — by which last form servants and even convicts might be ad- mitted to the polls, whereas, by King Charles' charter, laws were directed to be made by the assent of freemen and their delegates; that a writ had been issued to one county for fewer members than they had used and ought to send, and to another none at all, till several bills had passed ; by which practices it remained no longer a secret, that the governor intended to mod- el the assembly for his own particular purposes, as he had be- LIFE OF IJAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 'HJ fore reformed Ihc council by suspensions and new appoint- ments.* It was governor Dobbs against wliom those charges were made ; and they appear to have been all well founded ; but an example or two for the sake of illustration will be sufii- cient. The people who lived on Granville's reservation, about two thirds of the whole, were no less oppressed by his lordship's agents than by the enactments of Parliament and the imposi- tions of the governor. In 1752 the compensation allowed the agents, which had been ten per cent, on all the money or pro- duce they received, and the same on all the remittances made, was altered to five per cent and an annual salary of two hun- dred pounds to each of them. Childs & Corbin, who, about this time succeeded JMosely & Holten, not being satisfied with their respective salaries and commissions, contrived, by the most vil- lanous means to extort money from those who had already paid for their lands. One of them, being a lawyer, pretended to have discovered a fatal defect in the former patents, which had been signed simply, GranvUle, by his attorneys, Moseley & Holten pretending that it ought to have been, " The right honorable earl Granville, by liis attorneys" &c. The consequence of which was that people, not knowing any better or not being able to protect their rights by an appe.al to Granville who lived in Eng- land, were induced to take out new patents ; and had all the fees to pay a second time. Jiut as this fraud could not reach the grants made by themselves, they adopted a different plan with respect to them ; and demanded two pistoles for an entry instead of one, which was the regular fee. They contrived a device Avhich they fixed to a warrant of survey, without the ledl!&t shadow of authority, and for which they charged six dol- lars ; and they frequently induced people to enter lands which they knew had been taken up, but refused to return tlie fees when the imposition was discovered. The deputy surveyors, entry takers, and other ofiicers of in- ferior grade in that department, encouraged by the example of their leaders, soon became as much of adepts in the practice of chicane and extortion. The assembly sent a remonstrance to lord Granville, and he, being convinced that his chief agents *Martiii, vol 2, p. 118. 100 LIKE OF DAVID CALDVVKLL. D.D were guilty, wrote to them on the subject ; but it was of no avail; for the laws of the province did not reach the otienders ; and the abuses continued until 1765, when the land office was shut, — In the mean time the people, finding the laws of the country could afford them no relief, and that the complaints made to his lordship were unavpiiling ; that Corbin, who had the chief dir rection of the land office, was increasing his fees from time to time without authority, and that he did not try to conceal his extor- tions, but turned a deaf ear to all their complaints, resolved to take the redress of their grievances into their own hands ; and ten or fifteen men, well mounted, crossing Chowan river a few miles a- bove Edenton, by night, seized Corbin, who lived a few miles below, and brought him to Enfield, where they kept him until he gave them a bond in £8000, with eight sureties, that he would produce his books within three weeks, and return all his illegal fees. He did not comply with his promise ; but commen- ced suit against four of the rioters, who, refusing to give security, were committed to Enfield jail. The^ prison door being cut down the next day by an armed posse, and the prisoners re- leased, Corbin found it necessary to discontinue his suit and pay costs.* Governor Dobbs, instead of frowning upon such con- duct in other officers, or taking any proper steps to prevent dis- orders of this kind, set the example himself. Finding an old kuv passed in 1715, which subjected the masters of vessels to a penalty for carrying debtors out of the province, although the law was not to be executed by him in person, and although he had nothing more to do with it than to sustain the other officers in the discharge of their duty, he took occasion from it to make an office for himself. He ordered that no vessel should sail without an order from him, lest there should be a debtor on board ; and he demanded half a pistole from the owner or master of every vessel that left the ports. The Enfield riot, as it was termed, occurred in 1759 ; and in a few months after, the magestrates of Halifax having neglected to recommend a sheriff, the governor commissioned one of the most active rioters ; and he could not be prevailed on by the assembly to take any measures against them, because one Mc- •nViiJiaii'sori, vol. 2, p. 105-112. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.l). 101 Culloch who was one of his counsellors, and a favorite, had been concerned in or was privy to the riot. He was allied to a gen- tleman who wished to have Corbin disgraced, that he might get the office, which was a very lucrative one, for himself, and ho finally succeeded. An act had been passed for erecting public buildings, and fixing the seat of government at Tower Hill on Neuse riyer ; but when the assembly was induced by the heavy expenses of the war, and other reasons, to attempt a repeal of the act in 1762, he refused his assent, because he owned the land there. When tiie assembly wished to appoint a standing- agent to attend to their business in England, a measure which was deemed to be of vital importance, especially to their com- mercial interests, and had been adopted by most of the other colonies, he refused to let them have any agent there, unless they would appoint one Smith, who was his own agent or at- torney in London ; and the same course seems to have been invariably pursued as his interest or his self-importance dictated. The number of counties having more than doubled since the sur- render of the charter, and the popular branch of the legislature, according to the former ratio of representation, becoming too numerous to suit his purpose, the king, by his influence, and with a plea that the right of making counties and boroughs, was a branch of the royal perogative, repealed the several acts by which Bertie, Tyrrell, Onslow, Bladen, Ecigecomb, North- ampton, Johnston, Granville, Duplin, Anson, Orange, Rowan, and Cumberland counties had been erected ; and also those by Avhich the boroughs of Beaufort, Bath, Edenton, Brunsv/ich, and Wilmington had been formed. The counties were to be formed anew, but in such a way that some of them would not have more than one, and none of them more than two members. The boroughs might be chartered again, but that would be done only where the inhabitants were found to be most flexible. In carrying out these measures, however, his excellency soon found himself involved in very serious difficulties ; for by the repeal of the borough charters, the property in town lots and houses, reverted to the original owners of the land — a measure which excited great indignation, and would soon have produced a gen- *Wi!liainson, vol. 2, p. 98. 102 LIFE OK DAVID CA_LI)V*'ELL, D.D oral revolt. In this critical state of affairs, he was instructed by the king,* on the prayer and remonstrance of the assembly, to f-anction a law for re-chartering these comities and boroughs, '■ saving to his majesty, his royal prerogative of granting his letters of incorporation to such counties and boroughs, ordering elections, and appointing the number of members, by whom such counties and towns should be represented in the assembly, as if that act Jiad not passed." Until the charters were renewed they could not elect representatives to the assembly ; but as ex- horbitant fees were demanded for the charters, it was made in the end a profitable measure to the governor ; and thus the peace and prosperity of the country were sacrificed to the ava- rice of those who ought to have been their guardians and pro- moters. During the pro})rictary government, when laws were not in force more than two years, unless renewed, the governors soon contrived to make that a source of profit, by demanding a par- ticular douceur, for giving then* assent to the renewal of laws which were deemed important, and the practice was not only continued to the end of ihe chapter, but miproved o.n by their .successors, and soon extended to all the olficers of government. In 1759, the lower house in a message to the upper, on the new court system, then under discussion, observed,* that the practice which had hitherto prevailed, of the chief justice exacting from the clerks a considerable proportion of their legal fees, had been t!ie cause of their being guilty of great extortions, whereby the superior courts had become scenes of oppression, and the con- duct of the chief justice and clerks a subject of universal com- plaint ; and testimonies to the same point might be multiplied to a much greater extent, if it were necessary. This state of things continued, and perhaps became nmch worse, at least, in the lower grades of ollice, until the people, unwilling to bear it any longer, undertook to regulate matters themselves ; and, in ac- cordance with this design, assumed the name of REGULATORS. The Regulation, as it was called, was therefore only one of a series of efforts made by the people at different periods of our colonial history, to obtain a redress of their grievances, when- ^^Martiiu vol. % p. IdO. LIFE OV DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. lO.J ever they became intolerable, by a nianly and determined as- sertion of their rights. A correction of the extortions and abuses already mentioned, which, instead of any radical or thorough reformation, appear to have increased, was the object of the Regulators; but there were some additional causes of dissatis- faction, which deserve to be noticed here. The French and Indian war, which was terminated by the treaty of Paris, signed Feb. 10th, 17()3, liad brought upon the province a heavy debt ; and the ability to discharge it was thought to be diminished by the great depreciation of the provin- cial currency. The paper money issued by the assembly from time to time and for various purposes, had nominal/^/ retained its proclamation value until about this time ; but now it was so depreciated that one Spanish dollar was worth nearly two of proclamation money.* In addition to all this, the governor, either to gratify his vanity, or to try the extent of his influence, sub- jected the province to very heavy demands for objects which *In 1764 the amount of bills of credit and treasury notes nnredermed was a fraction over JL)75,032, for tiie redemption of which a duty of 4 pence per g-al- lon on imported spirits--, and a poll tax of 4 sliillinpfs was laid until the whole should be sunk, which, in addition to the pre-existing- tax, amounted to 7 shil- lings on every taxable inhabitant, including- probably, all tlie men and negroes between 16 and 60 years of age. By a proclamation of Queen Anne, June IStb, 1704, regulating the curren- cy of foreign coin in the several colonies and plantations of America, the val- ue of the bills of credit issued by the colonial assemblies, was fixed at six shillings to the dollar, which was an advance of 33 1-3 per cent, on the ster- ling money of England ; and this proclamation value was retained, though for some years only nominally, until 1764, Vvhen the bills could not be passed under an advance of 88 per cent, on the sterling money, or 8 shillings to the dollar. From that time 8 shillinos to the dollar became tiie currency of N. Carolina, by custom or necessity, and not from any legislative enactment; for the king, it seems, claiuied it as his prerogative to regulate the value of for- eign com in the province; and with a moment's calculation any one can see the amount of loss sustained by the people on £75,032. In some of the other colonies, as in those of New England and Virginia, the true proclamation val- ue was retained until the adoption of the federal currency; in others, as in Pennsylvania, New .fersey, Delaware and Maryland it depreciated to 7s. 6d. In Ne-vv York it was the same as in N. Carolina; and in S. Carolina the de- preciation appears to have been only 2 pence on the dollar. This note is intended, not as a possilive or correct statement, in relation to this matter, but as a suggestion for others to take it up, who are capable of do- ing it justice, and give it the consideration which its importance demands ; for a full history and a clear exposition of this whole subject, the currency, inclu- ding all the causes and efiects of depreciation from the beginning up to the present time, would certainly be interesting, and might be useful. 104 LIFE OF UAVIU CALDWELL, D.D, were quite imnessary ; and were therefore ill timed. The peo- pleliad become so dissatisfied with governor Dobbs, and their complaints against him were so loud that it was thought best to let him visit England " for the benefit of his health ;" and William Try on, who had been trained to the profession of arms, was sent out to take his place. He qualified as lieutenant go- vernor at Wilmington, Oct. 27th, 1764; and Dobbs who Avas about 82 years of age, having died on the 2Sth of I\Iarch follow- ing before he left the shores of America, Tryon qualified as go- vernor and entered on the duties of his office. If he had not been so liberally educated as his predecessor, he was neither so bigoted, so avaricious, nor so irritable ; but he appears to have been fond of display and the exercise of authority. His firmness and other qualifications as governor were soon put to the test ; and the final result is generally known. The British parliament adopted a resolution, March 10th, 1764, the year in which Tryon came out here as lieutenant gov- ernor, asserting their 7'ight to tax the American colonies witli- out their consent, which produced a great excitement in North Carolina, as it did in all the other colonies ; and in the early part of the next year an act was passed, laying duties on certain stamps, which received the king's assent on the 22d of March. Meetings were held and resolutions were passed by the people, in all parts of the province, expressing their feelings and purpo- ses in relation both to this measure, and to the abstract principle on which it was founded. The people were more unanimous in this perhaps than they have ever been before or since ; for they concluded that if the British government could take any of their property without their consent, it could, with the same propriety, take the whole. On the 5th of January 1766, the governor announced the arrival of the sloop of war Diligence, in the Cape Fear, with a quantity of stamp paper on board, for the use of the province; and called on those who were author- ized to act as distributors of the stamps, to apply to the captain of the vessel for them ; but the people there, with Col. John Ashe and Col. Hugh Waddell at their head, made such a united, bold, and determined resistance, that the governor was obliged to yield ; James FTouston. who had been appointed stamp mas- LIFE Oi' PAVII) CALDVVEI.I,, D.l). 105 lev, and was also one of the council, was compelled to take an oath that he would not proceed on the duties of his office ; and the stamps were not even landed. In the month of JMarch this odious act was repealed ; and on the 15th of June a connnuni- cation was received from the British minister annonncing- the fact, which caused great joy, and gave to that region a tenqjo- rary tranquility. Their successful resistance to the stamp act, shewed the people their strength ; and it taught them the im- portance of union, a lesson which, if it had been duly remem- bered, would have been of great service to them afterwards, and would have saved them from a vast deal of suffering. The governor did not dare to meet the assembly while the stamp act was in force ; but prorogued it until lie could say that the act was repealed. When it met Nov. 3d, 1766, he proposed and carried two measures, which were both unnecessary, exec])t for the purpose of gratifying his vanity ; but they increased alike the debt of the province and the discontent of the people. An act was passed and an appropriation made for running the dividing line between the western settlements of the province and the Cherokee hunting grounds. He was autliorized to ap- point three commissioners for the purpose ; but for their protec- tion, or to gratify his " natural as well as acquired fondness for military parade" he "marched in person to perform it, in a time of profound peace, at the head of a company of militia, in all the pomp of war ; and returned with the honorable title conferred on him by the Cherokees,of the G7'eai Wolf of North Carolina f and thus the country had to pay for "an opportunity of exercis- ing his military talents and making a splendid show of himself to the Indians." By a great deal of management and persever- ance he prevailed on the assembly, at the same session, to a]»- propriate £5000 for building a governor's house at Newbern : but as the direction of the business was left to him lie expended this sum without raising it much above the foundation. When the assembly met the next year he made his report ; and they' found themselves under the disagreeable necessity of losing the appropriation already made, or of giving £'10,000 more for the completion of the work. They preferred the latter ; and thusj £15,000 was added to a debt which was already enormous for 14 JOfi LIFK OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D tlK? impoverisliecl condition ot' the country. It has hcen said lliat the building of Tryon's palace was the cause of tlie Regu- lation ; but this is a mistake. It was one item in the catalogue of grievances, or formed one subject of complaint; but it was viewed as a snjall matter compared with some others. Distur- bances too had taken place in different parts of the country be- fore this time ; and the minds of the people, from a hundred miles of the seaboard to the foot of the mountains, had been pre- paring for a general revolt. It does not appear on the pages of history that the people of North Caroliiia were disposed to rebel, without a cause, against the authority of those who were properly authorized to admin- ister the lav/s, or that tliey ever refused to pay whatever taxes might be necessary for the support of government ; but they were at all times ready, when they had the power, to resist op- pression or flagrant encroachments on their rights ; and now it seemed that they must resist their oppressors, or be trampled on and reduced to a state of abject submission. Offices were mul- tiplied ; and throughout all the grades of office extortion appears to have been systematized and carried to the greatest possible extent. The people had long remonstrated and complained through their representatives ; biit could get no redress. Their complaints had reached the throne; and the governors had been instructed once and again to prohibit such a shameful contempt of law and abuse of power. Gov. Dobbs, in consequence of his institutions, ordered in 1704, the last year of his administration, that a table of fees should be set up in every public office ; but owing to his example and his imbecility, any such elfort on his part, either to correct abuses in the government or to quell tlie tumults of the people, was perfectly futile. Governor Tryon, having receiv^cd similar instructions, issued a proclamation for- bidding the demand of illegal fees ; but it is perfectly manifest tiiat neither of these gentlemen was in earnest about restraining the mal-practices in question, for one effectual prosecution would have doiie more than all their blustering proclamations. No such thing was attempted, however; and the conduct of subal- tern officers, was in fact connived at by the men wlio were -sworn to administer the government faithfully, and to whom the LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. i07 community Iiad a right to look for protection. Tlic people ''were defrauded by the clerks of the several courts, by the recorders of deeds, by entry takers, by surveyors, and by the lawyers, every man demanding twice or three times his legal fees;"* and, whenever it could be done, about double the amount of legal taxes was collected by the sheriffs. Attempts were made to obtain relief by bringing indictment against individual oiiict^'-s in the civil courts ; but there they found only a mockery of jus- tice. When all legal means of redress had failed, tliey liad re- course to an expression of public sentiment by holding meetings in difierent parts of the country for the purpose ; then they re- fused to pay illegal taxes or fees ; and this brought about an open rupture with the government. There were disturbances of this kind, before the passing of the stamp act ;t for during the last meeting of the legislature under the administration of Dobbs, accounts reached Wilmington of serious disturbances in the county of Orange, the cause of which was stated to be, the exactions of the clerks, registers, and some of the attorneys, in requiring illegal and exorbitant fees ; and amidst the excitement on account of the stamp act in the follow- ing year, these disturbances not only continued in Orange, but had spread into Granville. In June of this year a paper, under this motto, " Save my country, heavens, shall bo my last," And entitled, Jl serious address to the people of Granville coun- ty, containing a brief narrative of our deplorable situation and the wrongs we suffer, and some necessary hints with respect to a reformation, was circulated in that county ; and, although the writer was an illiterate man, being written with clearness and energy, it had great effect. The excitement on account of tlic- stamp act had no tendency to divert the minds of the Regulators from grievances which they felt more at present than the other : and therefore, while the disturbances continued in Orange and Granville counties, they spread during this time into Anson, t The object of the Regulators and of those who resisted the intro- duction of the stamps at Wilmington was essentiallv the snirio : ■■Williamson, vol. 2, p. VZ\). tMartin, vol, 2, p. 191. t Martin, vol. 2, p. 21-5, lOS LIFE OF DAVID CALDWEXL, D.D. and the principal difference was that, while the latter opposed a single measure, the former aimed at a reformation of all abuses. The Regulators applauded those who so manfully resisted the operation of the stamp act at \Vilmington ; and called them, by way of honorable distinction. The Sons of Liberty ; and ma- ny of this party, too, it is said, united heartil}'' with the Regula- tors. Hitherto the neighborhood meetings had served only to keep alive and perhaps to extend the spirit of opposition or of inqui- ry ; but, finding that greater concert of action and more regu- lar means of communication were necessary, when the county court of Orange v/as in session, in the month of August, 1766, a paper addressed to the representatives and magistrates of the county was presented and read. This is said to have been the first written complaint against those extortions which had been so long and so extensively practised ; and which brought re- proach not only on the court and the bar, but on the governors and all or most of those who acted under their authority. In order that great good might come out of that which was de- signed as a great evil, the stamp law, in opposing which the Sons of Liberty had withstood the lords of parliament, the wri- ter thought that rulers should not be permitted to carry on op- pression i^i the province, of which there were great complaints among the inhabitants ; that the evils complained of should be removed, or if there was no cause, the jealousies ouglit to be removed out of their minds ; and honest rulers would be glad to have this matter freely examined ; that while there were more honest men than rogues in the country, rogues were har- bored among them, almost publicly ; that as every honest man was willing to give part of his substance for the support of ru- lers and laws, it was his duty as well as his right to inquire whether such rulers abused their trust, otherwise the part so given might do more harm than good ; that if all were rogues tliey could not subsist, but would be obliged to frame laws to make themselves honest ; that when justice is desired by all, or by the majority of men, if public grievances were not redressed it must be because what is everybody's business is nobody's : he therefore proposed that each neighborhood in the county should LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D, lOfJ appoint one or more men to attend a general meeting, on the Monday before the next November court, at Maddock's Mills,* or some place where there was no liquor, for the pm'pose of m- qiuring whether the freemen of the county were laboring un- der any abuses of power or not; and if so, they should be sta- ted in writing, and proper measures taken for their correction. This it was supposed would cause the wicked men in power to tremble, while no injury could result from such a meeting, nor any thing hinder the benefit of it, except a cowardly, dastardly spirit, which, if it did prevail at a time when liberty was begin- ning to triumph, they must remam under their oppressions un- til a more noble spirit might prevail in their posterity ; and the course he proposed was regarded as the only safe one, no matter who were their rulers ; for while men were men, if even tlie Sons of Liberty were put into oifice they would become cor- rupt and oppressive, unless they were called upon to give an ac- count of their stewardship. The Deep river settlement appointed W. C. and W. M. as delegates to attend the general meeting on the 10th of October, at Maddock's mills, with a written certificate of their appoint- ment and instructions, " to examine judicioushj whether the freemen in this country labor under any abuses of power; and in particular to examine into tlie public lax, and inform them- selves of every particular thereof, by tvhat law and for what uses it was levied, in order to remove some jealousies out of the people's minds. The representatives, vestrymen, and other offi- cers were requested to give the members of the said meeting what information and satisfaction they could, so far as they val- ued the good will of every citizen, and the executing public offi- ces pleasant and delightsome." All this was nothing more than reasonable, and what they had a right, as British subjects, to expect ; and the government party could make no valid objec- tion. While the first delegates that arrived at Maddock's mills were waiting for the arrival of others. Col. Fanning, who was particularly odious to the pleople, sent out James Watson to denounce or forbid the meethig ;t but they proceeded to busi- *On Eti'"', between two and three miles west from HiiJsboroug'li. f Jones' Defence of Nortli Carolina, p. 40. no LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELt. H.D ness ; and after a free discussion, it was resolved, as the judg- ment of the meeting, that no one man in the country, owing to its great extent, being known to more than one tenth of the in- habitants, such a meeting for public and free discussion, yearly, or as often as the case might require, was absolutely necessary, in order to reap the benefit which the constitution conferred upon them, of choosing their representatives, and of knowing for what uses their money was called for; and that no representative could possibl}'' answer the design of his constituents without such opportunities of consulting their minds in matters of weight and moment ; that as none of the representatives or government offi- cers had attended that meeting, probably from their not having duly considered the reasonableness of the request, if they were disposed to give an account of their stewardship, or be held res- ponsible for their conduct as public servants, they should have an opportunity at some other time and place on giving proper notice, A copy of these resolutions was given to Watson, who expressed his approbation of it, and promised to furnish each of the representatives with a transcript ; but Col. Fanning, instead of complying with these "reasonable proposals," at the following court, or at a general muster, read a long piece of writing in public and among the justices, in repugnance to their request, vaunting himself greatly on his performances, telling them that he had served the Regulators with copies of it, and signified that it would silence them, though none of them ever saw it or knew what it contained. In April of the following year they had a meeting at the same place ; and adopted the following preamble and resolutions : " We the subscribers do voluntarily agree to form ourselves into an association, to assemble ourselves for conference for reg- ulating public grievances and abuses of power, in the following particulars, with otliers of the like nature that may occur. 1. That we will pay no more taxes until we are satisfied they are agreeable to law, and applied to the purposes therein men- tioned ; unless we cannot help it, or are forced, 2, That we will pay no officer any more fees than the law al- lows, unless we are obliged to it ; and then to shew our dislike, jind bear an open testimony against it. LIFE OF DAVJl) CALDWELL, D.D. J ] 1 3. That we will attend our meetings of conference as often as we conveniently can, and is nessary, in order to consult our rep- resentatives on the amendment of such laws as may be found grievous or unnecessary ; and to choose more suitable men than we have done heretofore for burgesses and vestrymen ; and to petition the houses of assembly, governor, council, king, and parliament, &c. for the redress of such grievances as in the course of the undertaking may occur ; and to inform one another, learn, know, and enjoy all the privileges and liberties that are allowed and were settled on us by our worthy ancestors, the founders of our present constitution, in order to preserve it on its ancient foundation, that it may stand firm and unshaken. 4. That we will contribute to collections for defraying neces- sary expenses attending the work, according to our abilities, 5. That in case of difference in judgment, we will submit to the judgment of the majority of our body. To all which we solemnly swear, or being a Quaker or oth- erwise scrupulous in conscience of the common oath, do sol- emnly affirm, that we will stand true and faithful to this cause, till we bring things to a true regulation, according to the true intent and meaning hereof, in the judgment of the majority of us." The reader may be ready to say that here was the very spirit of '76 ; and that every man at the present day would be ready to pledge his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor in defence of the same rights and principles ; but as the Regulators had now passed the Rubicon, and were fairly at issue with the govern- ment, it is necessary to bring more distinctly into view the pro- minent characters on both sides, and the actual state of things over the country at that time ; and in addition to the common histories of the country, and such traditionary or verbal testimo- nies as appeared worthy of credit, there are two accounts in my possession, one m print and the other in manuscript, of which I shall make considerable use. The first is a communication which was made some years ago, in a paper called The Weekly Times, published somewhere in Tennessee, and which is said to have been written, or the matter furnished by a man who had been a Res-'ilntor nnd an active agent in the whole transaction, 1 12 tIFE OF DAVID CAldWElL, D.D. until the closing scene ; and the other is an account furnished me by Dr. Mitchell of the University, which he obtained in July 1819, twenty-three years ago, fronri Joseph McPherson, near Salem, in Stokes county. He was of Scotch descent ; but was born near Wilmington. In 1765 he came to live in Chatham, and found that the Regulation had then made considerable pro- gress in that county. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war he removed into Stokes where he resided until his death. — Having been in the Regulation battle, and having resided in that region for some time previous, his opportunities were good for obtaining a correct knowledge of facts ; and although he had some eccentricities or peculiarities, he is believed to have been a man of truth, and his statements worthy of credit. It is always desirable to hear both sides of a story; but in this case we have to regret that hitherto the story has been told, in any thing like an authentic or regular form, only by one side ; and we are left to gather up such fragments, often of doubtful authenticity, as have not yet entirely passed into the long dark shadow of ob- livion. The first resolution at the above meeting related to the taxes ; and while the Regulators avowed their willingness to pay what- ever taxes were agreeable to law, or were necessary for the support of government, a belief on their part is imphed, not only that there was extravagance or a useless expenditure of public funds, but that more than the lawful taxes had been demanded by the sheriffs, and that there was generally great mismanage- ment in the financial concerns of the country. The legal taxes were very heavy, considering the circumstances of the people, as will very soon appear. Governor Tryon, in a communica- tion to the Regulators,* dated June 21st, 1768, says, "As you want to be satisfied what is tlie amount of the tax for the pub- lic service for 1767, I am to inform you, it is seven shillhigs a taxable, besides the county and parish taxes." By an act pass- ed in 1764, the vestry of each parish were authorized to lay a poll tax of ten shillings on every taxable inhabitant, if they thought it necessary ; and there was also a tax of some kind *lVi!liiimson, vol. "2. p. 207. LIFK OV DAVID CALDWKLL, D.D. I I. J for destroying vermin ;"■ but wlietlier tliis was under the net oL" 1760, for tha.t purpose, or under ;i later one, I have uot examin- ed. These being poll taxes would come very heavy on the poor, and then a gvi^atdeal more was of.en collected than wan due; but money was so difncu;f to obtain that lliey must Jiave been felt as a burden by most people. MacFlierEon says, "he went witli his fath.er to Cross creek, now Fayetteviile,wilh a loatt of wheat, 40 bushels. They could get 5 shillings per bushel ; hut of tills only one shilling was paid in money ; or (hey could get a bushel of salt for a bushel of wheat. On their retm'u they had 40 siiillingsin cash ; and were able to pay their tax, which was more than any other man in the settlement could do." Sev- eral old men in this county have given me a similar account of the price of wheat as well as of some other articles; and they added that if they could bring home 40 shiihngs, or five dollars in money, for 40 bushels of wheat, they thought they were doing a first rate business. It required sonie patience to bear such a burden of taxes under these circumstances; and especially when a large portion of it was to gratify the vanity of a man, like go- vernor Tryon, in building palaces, and in doing other thing.'^ *The follnvvinq- receipt shows, in accord-iDce with Trj-on's letter to tiie Re'r'iiiitors th*; year boture, itiH ■imount rme trorTi every t^xj'iilc iiihnbifniit aa a [)"!i t;ix, exclusive oi' the parish tax, wiiich might ber^s h ':., ten shiilinirrf on the pull; and it al.-o .-hf w.- th:it ^nme tax wns ijaid h>c tit', iynying noxioua ar>i'\id\!i:—Re-in and .-took, and others were even dang-erona to the inhabitants them- selves, that some efllcient ineasnres were necessary ti^r their destruction. — In puuv' oi thi- latt' r 'act, a .-itig-le iiicideiil will m,! Ice. tk'.on af'er Or. Caldwell co-naienepd th^' practice of niedicute. he vva*- itti;rninck of wolves, attracted probably by the smell of the assai'ttlida or other medicines in his saddlebaiTs, raised tlie howl at. n little distance behind, and wore making- towards him. fie happened to liave no switc!), and could not a I ijiiit to pro- cure one, lest they .should overtuki; him; tint with his chaiacteristic presenco of mind, reachincf forward he instantly pulled the brdle otF his horse, and usinjj that for a whip, went at full speed until he reachetl his house, having just time to get Jhrougli the gale and shut it on them before they came up. ° 1 5 i 14 I.Tl-'K or DAVID CAJ.DWKLl,, D.D quite as iiiuiecessary ; yet it is probaWi^, that the people would have submitted to it if the oificers had been honest, ai.d had de- manded ijo more taxes and fees than were lawful. It is to be supposed that tlie most iute!hgent, or wealthy and inlluential class were not impos-, d (>;■■ .-s others were by the oliicers ; but • that the sheriffs, w-h- .hey could do it, demanded a great 4pal more than the aiuouut required by law is confirmed by the uniform tradition of the country as well as by history; and they were at length obliged to acknowledge some dishonesty ; for in March, 1771, they made arrangements to restore all that they had taken unjustly. It was then too late however to prevent the consequences of their iniquity ; and to them must be attribu- ted iu part the calamities which followed. The clerks of the courts were guilty in the same way; but to a much greater extent. Thomas Frohawk in Salisbury, and Ed mund Fanning in Hillsborough, were clerks of the Superior Courts in their respective counties ; and had become exceeding- ly obnoxious to the people by their extortions; but of the char- acter and conduct of the latter my information is more ample and more authentic. '•' Fanning was from the North; and it is be- iivecl, from Long Island. Frohawk was a bachelor and died very rich. It is said that he charged @15 for a marriage license ; and the consequence was that some of the inhabitants on the head waters of the Yadkin took a short cut. They took each other for better or for worse ; and considered themselves as married without any further ceremony." This is all the infor- mation I have had respecting Frohawk ; but the extortions practised in Rowan must have been similar to those practised in Orange ; for the disturbances on this account appear to have been nearly as great in the former as in the latter. It seems, at first view, incredible, that the clerk should demand £15 for a marriage license ; and yet it is not more incredible than that he ghould demand half that amount, or any thing more than the lawful fee. There were not many v/ho knew what v>'as the le- gal fee for that or any thing else ; and then the expenses of go- ing to law were so great in the way of fees &c., that fewer still cuuld obtain justice in- that way. Besides the judges were not cli-posed to enforce the laws ag;;itist oiliccrs or members of the LIFE OF DAVMI) CALDWELL, D.D. 1 15 court; and whether a man gained a suit or not, however just, depended very much on the weiglit of his purse or on Ids stand- ing and influence in societ)\ At least it was so in Orange, as we shall shew presently, especially when any one who was at- tached to the court was concerned ; and we presume it was so in the other counties, for the same judges presided in all the dis- tricts ; and people who were in moderate-circumstances, or with- out influence would make an^r sacrifices or sulTerloss to ahiiost any amount rather t!ian go to law in such cases. Fanning was a lawyer, a colonel of the comity, clerk of the Superior Court, and register. The legal fee for recording a DEED was one dollar, which, considering the difljerence oetween the value of money then and now, would be more than double the present fee ; but he made the people over the country pay four or five limes that amount. This is only a specimen of his extortions, vv'hicli it is said were practised on the same scale in his other oliices, when- ever it could be done ; and in this course ho wns. proliN- Ii'-l by the court. A people who ha.ve been religiously educated, as a majority of the Regulators had been, and who have been taught to regard the Bible as a revelation from lieaven, are not apt to rise at once in open rebellion against the established government, or bid de- fiance to the regularly constituted authorities of the land. This is the work of time and reflection. There must be consultation and inquiry into facts for the purpose of satisfying their own consciencies and of justifying themselves before the world : there will be some regard to the voice of reason ; some efii'orts will be made to obtain a redress of grievances without tlie hazard and sufferings attending a conflict with " the pov/ers that be ;" and then they must have mutual encouragemxnt and mutual pledges of fidelity and support. This is just what we find in the men whose principles and conduct are now under consideration; and it does not appear that hitherto they had as a body made any direct resistance to the operations of government. Fanning and others, who had in the same way become obnoxious to the peo- ple, were made the subjects of ridicule or of merriment by the wits and wacs of the dav : and, as is usual in such cases, carica- 11 G LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D. lures and pasquinades abounded.* The meeting at Maddock's mills, as we have seen, resolved that they would pay no more illegal ta.^es, miless tliey were forced; that lliey would pay no more exorbitant fees to officers, except by compulsion, and that they would bear an open testimoiiy against it; that they would liold frequent meetings for conference, which they would request their representatives to attend for tlie purpose of giving them information respecting what was doiie in the legislature, and of consulting together about the measures that ougiit to be adopt- ed for the common welfare; that tiiey would select more suita- ble men for the various offices in the gift of the people; that they would jielition tlie assenibly, governor, council, king and par- liament, for redress of their grievances; that they would contri- bute to collections for defraying wliatevcr expenses might be necessary in this undertakiiig; that whenever a diiference of opinion might arise they v.^ould submit to the majority; and as a pledge of their fidelity in the performance of these things tliey bound tliemselves Ijy an oath or aifirmatioiL In all this we see nothiiig but the principles and spirit which covered the patriots of '76 with immortal honor; and only because they were bet- ter Kustaiaed, had more ample resources, and were more success- ful. As complaints and petitions were f.nnd unaA^'ailing; and as the expenses attending a lawsuit were too great for any one nian, their contribiitions were made for this purpose. Tlie meet- ing at Maddock's miiis, which adopted the resolution, contribu- ted fifty pounds;! and whether any prosecutions were com- menced iminediately I have not learned ; but some time after, ''Somn fr3f>-rnpn'-- of llm poptic effii.--ioa- tlicn cominoi! in the country are here jriven a.- matters ot curiosity; and n« shewing Utf miuiiU'r .mikI spirit of the times. The Ibllowina:, MacPher.^on says he heard sunj)- at a woduiug' when lie first came into Chatham, in 1765; and belore he knew any thing of the individual lo whom it rcferp: " Wlien FiinriiniT tir.-t to Orange came He hwkeci both ywleiM-.d v.avi. An old p:!tclicd coal npun hi^ back An old iinre he rode on Both man and mare wa'nt worth five pounds As I've been often told But by his civil robberies He's lacei] \u.< coat with gold." fjoncs's iOcfciiCc, p. -i'l. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.I). 117 when an opportunity occurred which they supposed to be a fa- vorable one, Fainiing was indicted for extortion in six cases.* He was found guilty in all, notwitiistanding the partiality of the court ; and was fined, iu each case, one penny , with costs ; but being what wt^s called "a pretty smart lawyer," he pleaded his own cause, and being clerk of the court he did his own writing ; so that he had little or no costs to pay. With such encourage- ment from the court h.e continued his extortions ; and no wonder '•he laced his coat witli gold." It has been seen that the gov- ernor, soon after he was iiiducted into office, issued a proclama- tion forbidding the officers to take unlawful foes; and he gave the Regulators assurance in other ways that their grievances should be redressed ; but here was proof that, notwithstanding the oatlis of office and the pledges of honor, nothing like justice v/as to be expected. Fanniisg was a favorite with the governor; and for his emolument thousands must be oppressed, the claims of justice disregarded, and the rights of humanity contemned. In 1770 he chartered lii'ilsboroug'i, or gave it the right of send- ing a member to the assembiy ; and his object was to secure a seat for Fanning t vvi;o had become too odious to be elected for the county. He had been a member for two years previous, as representative of the county ; but, MacPherson says, he owed his election to tlie sheriff, Thos. Hart, to whom he promised a reward if he would get him elected ; and when he took his seat he brouglit in a bill, and had ii passed, forgiving Hart one thou- sand pounds, on account of liis losses as sheriff, when in fact he had lost nothing : so said the Regulators ; and they complained that in this way, their money, or a great deal of it, had gone. It being a prominent object of the Regulators in their associations to assist each other in becoming acquainted with the legislative proceedings, and with the conthict of tlie government officers, they procured a copy of the iaw^s, by which it Wi.is manifest that the officers demanded unlawful fees ; and by calculations, as to the amount of taxes raised, &c., ihejr concluded that a great deal more hnd been paid into the treasury than was fairly accounted for; and tney naiurally supposed it nmst have been employed by the men in office to enrich themselves or their friends; and * Williamson, vol.:?, p. 1-37. fMartin, vol. 2, p. 265. 118 LIFE 0¥ DAVID CALuWElL, D.D. Iliey exclaimed against paying any more taxes unless they knew how their money was expended. That there were no unprincipled and reckless men among the Regulators, or that things were not done which were highly censurable, even in their circumstances, will not be pretended ; for to expect any thing else would be to suppose that they were superior to all other people. The most enlightened, refined, and moral community, when wronged, insulted and goaded on to desperation, as they were, will break over the strict rules of pro- priety and do tilings which they themselves cannot but regret afterwards. There may have been some acts of violence on the part of individuals or small companies, before the indictments were brought against Fanning ; but it seems to have been the design of the prominent men to avoid or restrain such proceed- ings, at least until all peaceful measures had been tried. In 1767 associations had been formed, not only in Granville and Orange, but in Anson, Bladen, Mecklenburgh,* and on the west side of Hawriver,t including, if I mistake not, what are now Guilford and Randolph counties ; and they appear to have been proceed- ing with regularity, though with resolution and confidence. They had a meeting in Orange, probably at Mad'dock's mills, April 4th, 1768, at which they appointed two persons who were directed to call on the two late sheriffs and the vestrymen with a request that they would meet twelve deputies from the general meeting on the Tuesday after the next county court, and pro- duce to them their accounts. J But the sheriffs and vestrymen it seems were not willing that their official conduct should be submitted to any such scrutiny ; for before the two men could give them the notice, some of the sheriffs' deputies took by way of distress, a mare, saddle, and bridle, and carried them to Hills- borough ; but they were followed by a party of sixty or seventy men, who rescued the mare; and then, marcliing to Fanning's house, they fired a few shots at the roof of it, to let him know tlrat they regarded him as the principal cause of tlie disturbance. Such is Martin's account of this transaction; but some very aged men, of great respectabihty, have told me that the mare, with the trappings, was sold for the man's tax, four or five dollars; *.M.utin, vol. 2. p. 2'28. fMartin, vol. 2, p. 232. | Martin, vol. 2, p. 233. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 119 and that one of the officers bought the whole for tliat amount, Tlie Reguhxtors went and paid tlie money, then toolc the prop- erty, and gave it back to the owner. Probably the above transaction produced some alarm ; for the minister of the parish having undertaken to give the notice which the committee of two had been appointed to give, soon reported that the sheriffs and vestrymen would attend, as re- quested, on the 20th of May. In consequence of tiiis informa- tion the Regulators met on the 30th of Aprd,and twelve deputies were chosen ; but before the day appointed, the governor, liav- ing heard of the disturbances, sent David Edwards with a proc- lamation summoning tlie Regulators to disperse, and calling on the officers of the province to assist the sheriff in suppressing the insurrection. As the Regulators, after their late meeting, had quietly returned to their homes, the sheriff, availing himself of the advantage thus afforded, took with him a party of thirty horsemen, well armed, and riding through the country to the distance of fifty miles, took two of them, Harmon Husband and Vvilliam Hunter, whom he brought to Hillsborough and confined in jail. These were both prominent men among the Regulators ; but of the latter I know nothing, and of the for- mer, not much. It is generally said that he was from Pennsyl- vania, and tli.it he was ra,ised a Quaker. When he came to this country, he was a public speaker of high standing in that society ; but at the period under consideration he was not in connexion with them, owing to some disagreement which had taken place between him and some of their leading men. He lived on Sandy Creek, in v/hat is now Randolph county, and. was in good circumstances ; for he must have owned some three thousand acres, more or less, of very valuable land. The tra- dition of his old neighborhood says that he was some relation of Dr. Franklin ; and that the two maintained at this time a kind of verbal correspondence by means of a Mr. Wilcox, who set up the first store in Fayetteville, and who carried messages from one to the other, when he went every half year to Phila- delphia for goods ; but that they never corresponded in writing, for fear of detection. MacPherson, who lived for some time with Wilcox, after he set up an iron furnace in Chatham, makes 120 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D the same statement; and there was probably so-ine truth in itl These tilings, though not authentic, nor of any great importance in themselves, are worth knowing, as they throw some light on the history of that period. It is also said that Franklin used io send Husband pamphlets by Wilcox ; and that when they ar- rived they were distribnted over the country by Husband, who some times had them copied and republished under his own name. This was particularly the case with regard to a pamph- let of Franklin's, entiled "State Aifairs," which is said to have been republished by Husband under the title of "Sermons to Asses." It was moreover believed that both Franklin and Hus- band had in view at that time a separation from Great Britain, though the latter did not then coumiunicate his project to his associates ; and this opinion is sap|>osed to be confirmed by the fact that when some Carolinians, wlio v%''cre attached to Hus- band and his party, during the Revolutionary War, were con- lined in Staunion, Yirginia, they or some one of them said that Husband visited them and told them that the revolutionary struggle then going on, was what lie intended at the time of the Regulation. * The testimony of MacPlierson, of which so much use is here made only bee uise it is more full and explicit, than any other of tlie kind that I have seen or heard, and which he says he got from Wilcox, while he was engaged with him in his iron estabhshment, is sustained by the traditions of the coun- try, except in relation to tlse re-puh!i-.-,ation of Frankjin's pamph- lets by Husband, of wliich this is the only account that has come to my knowledge. Although wanting the advantages of education. Harmon Hus- band was certair.ly a man of superior mind ; and he was much given to reading and reflection. He was very grave in his de- portment, and had usually all that reserved and cautious man- ner of expressing himself in conversation,. for which' the people of the Quaker society" are remarkable ; but when animated he *Fro?n the pumplilets vvliicli were published about this time, and even somoye.ird oirlior, — siich. for ex.iiiipie, ar. the one eulilled : 'I'ke Inleresls of Great lirilniu tvi'h regard to her Colonics — it .-ipijeiirs th;it the tlKniiiht ot IndeptfKlence was rcvulved in more minds tlian thovsc of Ben Franklin and Ifannon l-lusb;ind, on botii side.-; of tlio Atlantic too; and while it was drou- deri there, it w^as cherished hcie. Lli'li OP DAVIJ) CAJ-1)VVKLI., D.U. 1.21 could speak, in public or private, with sufficient fluency, and with a great deal of force. He has been generally representeW}iLh,V.V. ace which was now finished and to which he had just removed. After making his acknowledgements to the province for the ele- gant edifice in which he had the happiness to meet the two honses, he called their attention, first to the abuses in the man- agement of the finances, and then to the disturbances occasioned by the Regulators. From his speech when he dissolved the as- sembly at the previous session, it appears that the sheriiT had been suflered to absent himself and withhold his public ac- counts ; and from his speech on this occasion it seems that the treasurers were in the habit of speculating on the public funds, or of employing them as a stock for private trade. He laid be- fore the assembly the depositions which had been sent him of the late disturbances at Hillsborough ; and he recommended tliat provision should be made for raising a sufficient body of njen, under the rules and discipline of war, to march into the settlements in which these disturbances had taken place, for the purpose of protecting and aiding the magistrates and civil officers. As the causes of complaint had not been removed, the trou- bles were increasing ; and every occurrence, however trivial, seemed to hasten the catastrophe. Harmon Husband was a member of the lower house, having been chosen to represent the county of Orange ; but his presence was, of course, not ve- ry agreeable to the governor ; and his conduct while there, if accounts be true, was not calculated to conciliate one of Tryons's haughty temper. The people engaged in the Regulation had refused, partly by his influence, to pay the taxes demanded by the sheriffs ; and he undertook to act the part of sherilf himself in this matter. Before he left home he collected the exact amount of tax due from every man in his county, according to law ; and took it with him. When the tv/o houses met and his name was announced as a member from Orange, the gover- nor in a haughty tone demanded the reason why the king's sub- jects in his county had refused to pay their taxes. With the plainness and firmness of a Quaker, he replied that the people owed his excellency, as they believed, so much butter ;* but as *What was the reason of this belief, if the remark wliich follows were not intended merely as a surrasm on the part of Husband, I know not, unless there was some law still unrepealed, which required or permitted the taxes to be paiJ in butter or oflier produce. That ho collected and paid the taxes is not lilFE OF DAVID C ALD\V.Kt,;L_, D..Q. 135 lliat was apt to stick to the fingers, to prevent inmecessary waste, they had freely paid it ni money, and sent it by their common- er which he was then ready to pay over to the treasurer provi- ded he could get a receipt to shew them when he returned. — With that he walked up to the speaker's table, and laid down his bag of specie, saying " here are the taxes which were refus- ed to your sheriff;" but the governor eyed him with contempt ; and sought an oJDportunity of putting down one whom he evi- dently feared, under various pretexts, such as, that a seditious piece which had appeared in the Gazette, in the form of a letter directed to Maurice Moore, one of the associate justices, had been written by Husband ; that he was one of the people who called themselves Regulators, and had been a principal promo- ter of the late riots; and that insinuations had been made by him that if he were imprisoned the people would come to his rescue, the lower house were induced to pass a vote for his expulsion; but apprehending the consequences of his return to his own county, especially under the irritation which his expul- sion would necessarily excite, Try on wished to have him arres- ted ; and having called his council together, he submitted the propriety of it lo their consideration. They disapproved of the measure ; but, at his request, Martin Howard, the chief justice, who, as it appears, was also a member of the board, heard wit- nesses at the council table, and issued a warrant for his appre- hension, under which he was committed to jail, and remained there several days before he could procure bail. It is said that he was released then only on condition that he would use his influence to prevent the Regulators from coming to Newbern ; and although this is only tradition it has been ever since believed in this part of the country. To devise the ways and means of punishing the leading men among the Regulators for their past conduct, and for preventing a repetition of the same things in future, was a prominent object ■with the legislature or with the governor, during the present only asserted by the writer in the Weekly Times, from whose comnumi- cation the above statement is taken, but seems to be well attested in other ways; and while it sliowa the confidence which the people placed in iiim, it is an evidence that they were not actuated by a mere turbulent spirit, but were willing (o fay all fawful taxes, when they knew therm to be lawfol. }S6 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D session. An act was passed making it the duty of every justice of the peace or sheriff, when informed of the assembhng of any number of persons, above ten, for the purpose of disturbing the peace, to repair to them, require and command them to disperse and return to their respective homes ; and it was made felony without tiie benefit of clergy, for such persons to remain assem- bled, to the number often, for more than one hour. It was made the duty of the justices and sheriffs to call for the assistance of any of the king's able subjects for the purpose of apprehending the persons thus assembled together. It was also made felony for any number of persons, above ten, to assemble together with an intention of disturbing any court of judicature in its proceed- ings ; of assaulting or threatening any judge or officer of court, during the term ; of assaulting any sheriff or coroner, while ex- ecuting the duties of his office ; or of demolishing or destroymg any church, chapel, court house, prison, or other house of any description. As it had been found very difficult to punish any of the Regulators in their own county, the attorney general was autliorized to prosecute them in ««y superior court or court of Oyer and Terminer, in thept^ovince ; and on an indictment be- ing found, the judges were directed to issue a proclamation a- gainst the defendant, commanding him to surrender himself and stand his trial ; and, on his failing to do so, he was to be held guilty and outlawed, and his lands and chattels forfeited. The governor was empowered to make drafts from the militia to en- force the execution of the laws; and any persons who were found embodied and in arms, with intention of opposing the military force, if they refused, on the command of a justice or sheriff, to lay down their arms and surrender themselves, were to be treated as traitors. To diminish the strength of the Regu- lators by division, four new counties were established : One by taking a part from each of the counties of Orange, Cumberland and Johnston, which, in compliment to Miss Esther Wake, a sister of Tryon's lady, was called Wake ; another was formed from the counties of Orange and RoAvan, which was called Guil- ford ; a third was formed out of the southern part of Orange to which the name of Chatham was given ; and the northern part of Rowan was erected into a county which was called Surry. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. I .>T But they were not permitted to finish their legislation in quiet; for wlien they were about to adjourn, information was received that the Regulators were assembled in great numbers at Cross Creek; and the assembly immediately voted the sum of £500 to be 'at the disposal of the governor for the purpose of enabling him to defend Newbern, as it was reported that they, intended to come and set fire to the palace. Before the legislature met, it was reported in Newbern that the Regulators, being greatly exasperated by the measures which had been taken to have Fanmng sent to the assembh^, were coming down to prevent him from taking a seat, and if tliey failed in that, to set the town on fire. Tryon was so alarmed by this report that he had New- bern fortified ; issued orders to the colonels of the militia in the counties lying on the Neuse and Tar rivers, that they should hold themselves in readiness to march against the Regulators, on the first news of their approach; and Col. Leach, of Craven county, was directed to order his regiment into town for the protection of the legislatm'e. The rumor which reached New- bern, when the two houses were about to adjourn, that the Reg- ulators were coming, was not altogether groundless; for on hearing that their representative was imprisoned there, they em- bodied, to the number of 1 000 or 1 500, as soon as they could, to go and release *him, which they were determined to do at all hazards. They crossed Haw river at Redfield's ford, four or five miles above Pittsborough ; and encamped upon tke high ground on the east side, though most of the wagons remained over night on the west side. Next morning they took up their line of march again, but had not gone far until they met Hus- band on his way home. He persuaded them to return, which was easily done, as they were then in a better humour ; but some of them went up to Hillsborough, where they made a kind of oration, though it does not appear that they did much damage. There was snow on the ground when they started ; and, as many of them had nothing more than moccasins to pro- tect their feet, they were badly frostbitten ; but this was, in their estimation, comparatively a small matter. Early in the month of February, the goverjior, lo prevent ihe Regulators from being supplied with ammunition, issued a proc- 18 l.'iS LIKE OK DAVID CALDWELL. D.D lamnfion forbidding all merchants, traders, or others to supply ■uiiy person witli powder, shot, or lead, until further notice. In the latter part of the same month he received a fresh alarm. — Kednap Howel had been sent into Halifax, as a kind of agent for promoting the cause of the Regulators in that county ; and he wrote to James Hunter, Feb. 16th, 1771, giving him an ac- count of the prospects in that region, of the spirit and resolu- tion of the Regulators there, of some of Tryon's late proceed- ings, and making some severe reflections on his excellency. — This letter was intercepted and forwarded to Tryon. About the first of March war was declared, or, it was determined in coun- cil to raise a force from the several regiments of militia, which tlic governor was advised to command m person, and march at their head into the settlements of the Regulators for the pur- pose of reducing them to obedience by force, of assisting the sheriff in levying the taxes, of protecting the election of a new member for Orange county, in place of Plarmon Husband, and of supporting the commissioners appointed to run the dividing line between Orange and Guilford. — l]nt it may be proper now to take a brief view of the country in which and the people •against whom he was going to war. Exclusive of Halifax, Dobbs, Cumberland, and some other counties in the eastern part of the province, where, according to the common histories of the country, Howel's letter to Hun- ger, and other sources, there appear to have been a great many who were warmly engaged in the cause, the principles of the Regulation seem to have prevailed in the following counties, ac- cording to their present arrangement, viz : Granville, Orange, probably Person and Caswell, though I have seen no special no- tice of them, Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Rockhigham, Stokes, perhaps Surry, Davidson, Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklen- burg, Rowan, Davie, Iredell, Wilkes, and to some extent in .J3urke and Lincoln ; for when the writer was in the latter coun- ty, a few months since, he became acquainted with some very respoctai)!G men, who said that their fathers, living, at the time tel'crred to, on tj-e west side of the Catawba, were in the Regu- '' larion battle ; and v/hilc the people throughout this wide extent LIFE OF DAV10 CALDWELL, D.U. 139 oi' country did not alt rise in arms against the governor, it is believed that they were generally Regulators in principle. The Regulators have been, in several resj)ects, not fairly re- presented ; for it happened to them, as it has usually happened to most others in similar circumstances, because they were un- successful, however just tlieir cause, it became the fashion to misrepresent and abuse them. The victors made tlieir own statements and representations ; and in time these were adopted even by their friends, because they had no others on whicli they could rely. Williamson says that they were in general of the poorest class of citizens; that while three or four of their lead- ers had some information and a considerable degree of cunning, the great body of them were deficient in every kind of Icnowi- edge ; that they lived chiefly in new settlements upon poor land ; that they liad been culpably neglectful of private schools, and of all other means of instruction ; and that the people iii the old- er settlements, near the coast, had better means of acquiring knowledge, implying that this v.^as the great reason why they were not Regulators too. In all this there is some truth ; but it is not the whole truth. The people were not in general either wealthy or learned ; but then they were not paupers, and they were not heathen. It was with them as it is with the people now: some lived on land which was poor ; and others on that which was fertile : some v/ere very poor and others were in better circumstances ; but taken all together, as any one may see, they had the best lands in the whole province ; and while they were mostly destitute of the comforts, they had the substan- tiais of life in abundance. They had not had time to amass property or procure luxuries ; for having been but a few years in the country, their time had been occupied in clearing land, and in providing the bare necessaries of life for themselves and their families. As they had, in some parts, no sawmills, no improved roads, hardly any wagons or conveniences for getting to mar- ket, arjd were obliged almost to give their produce away when they got it there, money, and the comforts which money alone can jnocure, must have been scarce. Several old men who liv- ed in the soulh side of (luilford and in the parts of Randolph adioiitimi il. told me a few vears aa:o. that about the time of the 1,10 LIFE OF DAVID CAloWKLL, D.D. Regulation, there was not a plank floor, a feather bed, a riding carriage, nor a side saddle within the bounds of their acquaint- ance ; but it was not so every where ; and on the whole there was probably about such a state of things as might be seen now in any of our irontier settlements to the west. As most of them had come from Pennsylvania, where the principles of civil and religious liberty were then better under- stood, and more fully reduced to pra,ctice than in any of the other colonies, or in any other part of the world, they could not be wholly ignorant of their rights, as British subjects; nor were they entirely without t'le means of information. Wherever people have an enlightened and evangelical ministry, they will be instructed in theprominent doctrines of the gospel, and in their relative duties ; and so far as Presbyterians were concerned they had such a ministry, not adequate to their wants, but to a greater extent perhaps than any other denoaiination at that time in the country. When the Orange Presbytery was organized the summer before the Regulation battle, it consisted of seven ministers ; and these all lived in North Carolina. Tliey were all men of classical education ; and most of them were graduates of Princeton college. There seems to have been, as already stated, a classical school in Charlotte ; probably another in Or- ange or Granville ; and Dr. Caldwell's school, which had now been in operation about five years, had prepared several young men for college, and some who became distinguished ministers of the gosp^;!. Tiiere were^ several English schools within the limits of ^vhat is now Guilford county ; and the people; generally understood the value of education. The Rev. Mr, Beuthahn,* who, as I am informed, organized the German Reformed chur- ches in Guilford and Orange, taught a German school for several years about this time, in the south-east corner of the former county; and the Lutherans had their preachers, who, being from Germany, were educated men. In a communication just received from Bishop Vanvleck, of Salem, he mentions the Rev. Messrs, Nussman and Arnt, who, having been sent over at an early period, "labored faithfully in poverty and privations till, on their urgent application, the Rev, Charles A. Storh, Roschen, *l'ninouiicecl nearly as if it were written Billaun. LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, D.D. 141 ;ind Bernhard were sent to their assistance." The German Re- formed churches had several ministers, some of whom were de- voted and useful men ; and the Moravians were well supplied. There were several Baptist ministers in the province ; but of their character I know nothing. People in these circumstances could not be so grossly ignorant as they have been represented ; and the Quakers, although they diifer from most others in their views of the ministry, ha¥,e always advocated and maintained a high degree of English education. There is no class of people in the country who are better acquainted with all the business trans- actions of ordinary life, or who have a more correct understand- ing of their rigiils and j^ivileges, as citizens ; but the Quakers, if they were not foremost in the Regulation, appear to have uni- ted heartily in all the measures for the correction of abuses, ex- cept fighting ; and -it is said that some of them had metal enough to try their hand at that too. Such, in brief, appears to have been the general character of the population; and there were a number of men over the country of liberal education, besides ministers, wliose names might be mentioned, if it were necessa- ry, so that the community was far from being in a state of bar- barous ignorance, or regardless of their moral obligation. There were other reasons, besides their superior intelligence, even admitting that such a superiority existed, why the people near the coast were not engaged in the Regulation. As they were more convenient to trade, and as there was more wealth, the country havmg been much longer settled, the taxes were not felt lo be so much of a burden. Besides the more wealthy and influential classes, who controlled the rest, either shared more in CKccutive patronage by having offices of profit con- ferred upon them, or were protected by their weight of charac- ter from the rapacity of office holders, so that the causes of dis- satisfaction did not exist there to the same extent as in other parts of the province ; but in the upper counties all, except of- fice holders and office seekers, admitted the absolute necessity of reform. Men of education and intelligence, who were un- influenced by the possession or the prospect of office, were with the Regulators in principle and spirit, but not in measures, or not in their ultra measures, just because they believed that the people were not prepared for a conflict with the established go- vernment. Jones, in his Defence of North Carohna, says tliat INIanrice Moore, one of the associate Judges of the Superior Court, was a Regulator ; and his letter to Governor Tryon after his transfer to New York, shews that he sympathised strongly Avith them, though he did not and could not consistently take part with them in their open resistance to government. The same writer says that Thomas Person, of Granville, and seve- ral other intelligent and influential men were hearty in the cause ; but, for prudential reasons, were not at the battle ; and he tells us that the party was kept up in the legislature until the Revo- lution. It is believed that Alexander |VIartin7who was after- wards governor of the State, was of the same sentiments ; for he and Dr. Caldwell were very intimate, and, if ray information be correct, the Dr. was favorable to the causfe of the Regulators, bat not to some of their measures. From the commencement of the dispute between Great Britain and her American colo- nies he jiad advocated the cause of freedom ; and in his war sermon, which is publislied at the end of this volume, he calls those who resisted the Stamp Act, as they were every where called, by way of distinction, the Sons of Liberty. He not only procured all the publications that were within his reach respecting the right of the mother country to tax her colonies without their consent, but the charters and laws of North Car- olina ; and took sonic pahis to instruct his people in tlie knowl- edge of their rights. He knew that the people had just cause of complaint ; but tliought it unwise in their circumstances to wage an open war against the government. So did many oth- ers; and all who viewed the matter in this light, cither remained neutral, or exerted what influence they could to obtain a re- dress of their common grievances in other ways. The indignation of the people had become so general and the weiglit of public sentiment so great that the officers found they must submit; and on the 7th of March, 1771, tiie sh(!riir, clerk, register, and other officers of the county of Rowan, met a com- mittee of the Regulators, consisting of James Hunter, John In- yard, William Welborn,Thos. Fluke, John Cuny, James Wilson, Samuel Waggoner, David Gillespie, James (iralunn. Hcin-y LfFE OF DAVII> CALDWELL, IX.P, 143 Wade, Peter Jiilieii, Jei^miah Fields, John Vickory, Samiu;! Jones, and Joshua Zagur. At this meeting the officers agreed "to settle with, and pay, every person in the connty, any and all such sum or sums of money^'as they or their deputies had taken through iuadvertancy or otherwise, over and above what they severally ought to have taken for fees, more than the law allow- ed them to receive, without any trouble or law for tiie recovery of the same ;" and the committee on their part agreed tliat, "when any doubt should arise, all persons within the county should give in their dema'nds to such persons as should be appointed by the people in each neighborhood to receive the same and be de- termined by gentlemen, jointly chosen by both parties, whose judgment should be final." The persons appointed were Mat- thew Locke, Harmon Husband, James Smith, James Hunter, Samuel Young, Tliomas Person, John Cain, and James Graham; John Frohawk, clerk of the county court, Thomas Frohawk, clerk of the superior court, John Brawley, register, Griffith Ruth- erford, sheriff, William Frohawk, his deputy ; Benjamin Miller, Andrew Ellison, Francis Locke, William T. Coles, former sher- iffs ; Alexander Martin and John Dunn. They agreed to meet on the 3d Tuesday in May ; but whether the meeting took place or not I have seen no mention. It is said, though there is no record of the tact, that such a meeting took place in the western part of Guilford county, where restitution was actually made to the people in that section ; and that a subsequent day was appointed for the same purpose in the eastern part of the county ; but the meeting was prevented by an event as unexpected as it was disastrous. There was, at this time, a fair prospect that all difficulties would soon be ad- justed, at least so far as to restore peace and quiet; but the plan of pacification thus happily begun was frustrated by the conduct of the haughty and imperious governor, and of those who were under his influence, or who harmonized with him in his views. A special court of oyer and terminer was held at Newbern, on the 1 Ifh of March, under the late act of assembly, where bills of indictment were found against William Butler, John Gappen, Samuel Divinney, James Hunter, Matthew Hamilton, and Red- nap Howel, for riotously and feloniously breaking the house of 144 LIFE OF DAVIU CALDWELL, I). 1>. f. Ediimiid Fanning on the 25th of September, 1770; and others against tlie same persons and Harmon Husband, John Frost, Eh Branson, Tliornas H. Smith, James Lowe, Daniel Smith, Jeremiah Fields, John G-iigle, William Dunn, Henry Litterman, Thomas Welborn, Niniaii B. Hamihon, Peter Craven, Wilham Pay gee, Robinson Yorlve, Reuben Sanderson, James Bignour James Haridon, Samuel Culbertson, and Patrick Crayton, for an assault on John Williams, at Hillsborough, on the 24th of Sept, 1770. To say nothing of the injustice and hardsiiip, (in view of all the circumstances,) of thus arraigning and trying men at a distance of two o^ three hundred miles from home, and among entire strangers, before the court adjourned, au'association paper was drawn up, which was signed by the governor, the members of the council, the speaker of the house of assembly, the grand jury, and other pei:sons of respectabihty, by which the subscri- bers solemnly engaged " to support government against the in- surgents, at the risk of their lives and fortunes, and to adopt ev- ery salutary measure in their power, for restoring peace and tranquility, and enforcing a due execution of the laws of the province. The paper was then circulated in Craven county where it was generally signed by the inhabitants ; and similar papers were circulated in other counties around the seat of gov- ernment, which also obtained many signatures. This seems to have been viewed by the people in the upper counties generally as putting an end to all lenient measures for restoring peace, or as leaving them no hope but in their own resources ; and acts of violence were again committed. The next news they heard was that Tryon had taken up the line of march ; and was on his way at tlie head of an army to subdue them by force. He had commenced the organization of an army in March by issuing orders to the colonels in all the counties, in which the Regulators were not predominant, to have one company of fifty men from each regiment, well officered and ready to march when called on ; and on the 24th of April, he inarched from Newbern at the head of 300 men, a small train of artillery with a number of baggage wagons, and attended by a posse of his friends. He was joined by detachments from dif- ferent counties as he advanced ; and having halted at Hunter's' Jodge in Wake county where he arrived on the 4th of JNlay, lie- ordered a party to attend the sheriff in levying the iines due from the men who had attended a muster of the militia without arms, on the preceeding day, and in collecting the taxes due iu the neighborhood, except from those who had joined the army as volunteers. When he left Newbern the infantry was com- manded by Col. Joseph Leech, the artillery by Capt. Moore, and a company of rangers by Capt. Neal; and before he arrived at Eno, he had been joined by a detachment from New Hanover, under the command of Col. John Ashe, another from Onslow under Col. Richard Caswell, another from Carteret under Col. Craig, another from Johnston under Col. WilUam Thompson, another from Beaufort under Col. Needham Bryan, one from Wake under Col. John Hinton, and at his camp on Eno, a few miles from Hillsborough, he received a considerable re-inforce- ment from Orange, composed of clerks, constables, coroners, bro- ken down sheriffs, and other materials of a similar kind, under the command of his friend Col. Famiing. Gen. Hugh Waddel, w^ho had been appointed commander of all the forces, was di- rected to march with the division from Bladen, Cumberland, and the v/estern couniies. These forces were to rendezvous at Sa- lisbury on the 2d of May, and to join the militia from the south- v/ard and eastward in Guilford county, on the ISth. While he was waiting in Salisbury for a supply of powder from Cliarleston, the Regulators fell upon the convoy, if I mistake not, in what is now Cabarrus county, and destroyed the powder. He took up liis line of march, however, from Salisbury; but having crossed the Yadkin, he received a message from the Regulators next-day., not to advance any further. To this he replied that lie should take the liberty of using the public highwa}^; but finding that the Regulators were assembled in great force at a small dis- tance in front, he called a council of his officers in their camp at Potts' creek. May 10th, 1771, when it was determined to re- treat across the Yadkin. The Regulators however, contrived to entangle him in a skirmish ; and being superior in numbers, lliey surrounded his small army, and took many of them ; but he escaped himself with a few of his followers to Salisbury. — ^ He had been for some lime in that region : and having esnouSed' 10 l-i(j LIFE OF DAVIU CAldWELL, D.D. tlie cause of the government with some zeal, he was much dis- Uked by the peopJe. Many of the men under his command, were more lavorable to the Regulators, than they were to the goverinnent ; and a constant intercourse had been kept up be- tween them. From Sahsbury lie sent an express to Governor Tryon, informing him of his flight, and other circumstances, which arrived before he left his camp on the Eno ; and it made him liasten his movements. The situation of Tryon was at this time becoming very critical ; for news had now reached him, that the Regulators were assembling in great numbers, with the intention of standing in their own defence ; and the troops on whom he relied, were considerably reduced in number. The men in Duplin county, except perhaps a small troop of cavalry, had nobly refused to march against the Regulators at all ; and many who came from other counties were either so reluctant to shed the blood of their fellow citizens, or were so well affected to their cause, that they deserted, while the Regulators were in- creasing every hour. In this situation nothing could save his excellency but a bold and expeditious stroke ; for to hesitate was to sutler a certain defeat ; and in the promptitude and en- ergy of his subsequent movements, he displayed a good deal of generalship. He inunediately took up the Ihie of march; crossed Haw river on tlie 1 3th ; and the next evening pitched his camp on the banks of the Alamance. While encamped liere, one third of the army was ordered to remain under arms the whole night, to be relieved every two hours ; and the same was done the next jiight; but with the additional precaution that the cavalry were to keep their horses saddled during the night, and a guard of ten men at about half a mile in front, or towards the encampment of the Regulators. That they were not seditious, or had no other design than to obtain relief from what they regarded as down- ,right oppression, is evident, from the fact that on the 15th they sent a messenger to the governor with a petition, that he would redress the grievances of the people, as the only means of pre- vonthig the bloodshed which, from the ardor of the leaders on both sides, must otherwise ensue ; and they desired an answer in four hours ; but instead of giving them any satisfaction, he -sei-it back the messenger, with a promise that he would give LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.V. 117 them an answer next day by noon. In the evening oi' tlie l.jlli Col. John Ash and Capt. John Walker, being ont on a scouting party, were apprehended, "■ tugged up to trees, severely whipped, and made prisoners." This is said to have been the result ol' personal animosity on the part of one or two individuals, which was strongly censured by the great body of the Regulators, and some of them were so much disgusted that they thereatened to give up the cause entirely, if such acts were repeated ; but they caused much alarm in the governor's camp, and especially in the breast of Col. Fanning ; for " his soid had these things still hi remembrance, and therefore his spirit was overwhelmed within liinL" The two armies encamped on the night of the 15th within five or six miles of each other, the Regulators being on or near the battle ground ; and on the morning of the 16th, Try- on had his army in motion by break of day, and marched in per- fect silence, leaving their tents standing, and the baggage and wagons in the camp, the wagon horses being kept in the gears, and the whole under a guard commanded by Col. Bryan. — When they got withhi half a mile of the Regulators, they halted and formed the line of battle, which was done by arranging them in two Imes, about a hundred yards apart, with the artillery in tiie centre of the front line. In this account I have hitherto followed Martin chiefly, some- times taking the statements of Williamson and Jones, thougli: without an express reference to either of them, as that seemed to be unnecessary ; but it is time now to take some notice of the other side. These histories give Tryon ten or eleven hundred men ; and tradition says that several hundred of these were regular soldiers ; but of this I have seen no notice in history, unless the three hundred with which he left Newbern were of this description, and perhaps the artillery company. The Regu- lators could not have had, it is believed, more than a thousand, who were furnished with arms at all suitable for such an occa- sion, though there may have been as many as two thousand on the ground ; for a great many went there not expecting to have any use for arms. The majority certainly did not expect that there would be any blood shed ; and therefore many who start- ed with their guns left them by the way, either hid in hoUovr 1.48 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D trees or deposited with Their friends, until they returned ; be- cause some wiseacre had said, " if you take your guns, the gov- ernor vvill not treat with yon.*' It is doubtful whether even Harmon Husband really wished to fight : In fact I have been told by some wiio knew iiim well in their youth and who were at this time IS or 20 years of age, that his Quaker principles would not let him figiit ; and that when he saw the " tug of war" v/ould come, or about the time the governor began to fire on them, he mounted his horse and rode away. It is believed by many tiiat his aim was to carry his point by making such a display of numbers and by manifesting such a determined spirit that the governor would be obliged to yield ; and that if he had .succeeded in collecting the people in sucli numbers, and in hav- ing them so well armed as to make the impression which he wished, he would have given this explanation of his own mo- tives and conduct. However this may have been, it is certain that many went to the place of meeting, not from an idle curios- ity, nor with a blood thirsty intent, but from a desire to see the result ; others were actuated by the higher motive of using what influence they could towards effecting a reconciliation ; and of this latter class Dr. Caldwell was one. It was a trying time to his feelings ; for a large proportion ol the n.ien in his congrega- tions were Regulators. They had attended the meetings and united in most of the measures that had been adopted for ob- taining a redress of their greivances in a regular way ; but so far as I can learn, they were not concerned in the acts of vio- lence that vs^ere committed, and it is believed that none of them v/ere ever indicted for being concerned in any of the riots. As the Regulators knew that they could not fight the governor with any hope of success v/ithout cannon, runners were sent out in every direction, on the news of his approach, to collect as ma- ny as possible, with a view of presenting to the governor such an array of numbers as would make him feel the necessity of a compromise ; and the people of these congregations obeyed the summons. Although they went not expecting to fight, yet they carried their guns, as they were in the lia.bit of doing wherever ti'.ey went, being resolved, like many others, that "their life and their 2:un should 2:0 tog-ether;" and when there, many of them LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 149 having too miicii mettle to be mere spectators when others were shedding their blood or risking their life in what was regarded as a just cause, they united with them, and fought as bravely as any on the ground. Before they left home they requested Dr. Cald- well to go along and use his intluence in ellecting a reconciliation. He accordingly went down the day before the battle, in company with Alexanderpi-Iartin,/ wlio was afterwards governor of the State, and with the sheritlof the county ; and it is said that he had an interview that evening with Tryon at his camp ; but of what passed, if such an interview took place, nothing is known. Next morning however, it is known that he passed back and forward two or three times from one side to the other, endeavoring to pre- vent a collision; and obtained from Tryon a 2jro?7iise tha.t he would not proceed to extremeties or fire on the Regulators until he had made a fair trial of what could be done by negotiation. This is not a matter of record, but it is from such a source that I cannot doubt its truth. The accounts of the battle and of the transactions immediately preceding it, as given in the common histories of the country, differ considerably from the statements made by Regulators who were present ; and some of these statements,thougli only omitted and not contradicted by history, seem to be so well attested as to be entitled to credit. Martin says that when Tryon formed his lino of battle, at the distance of half a mile from the scene of action, and the signal for which was the discharge of three cannons, he sent the Regulators a message, in reply to their petition the daV before, the purport of which was, that he had nothing to offer them, but required their immediate submission to government, a promise that they would pay their taxes, and return forthwith to their respective homes, with a solemn assurance that they would not protect the individuals who were indicted, from trial; that he would allow them one hour to consider, after which, if they did not yield and accept his proposals, the consequences which might follow, must be imputed to them alone ; that on the arrival of the messenger at the camp of the Regulators, they heard the reading of the governor's answer to their petition with impatience, bid him return to Billy Tryon, and tell him they de- fied him, for battle was all they wanted; that, although their leaders prevailed on them to listen to a second reading oftlie paper, they expressed their impatience for battle with the most violent imprecations ; that on the return of the messenger, while Tryon marched to within three hundred yards of the Regulators' camp, they advanced at the same time to a certain point in the road, when they halted likewise, and waved their hats as a chal- lenge for him to advance ; that he then sent a magistrate and an oflicer, with a proclamation, commanding them to disperse with- m one hour ; but that they disdained to listen to the magistrate when he read it aloud in front of their lines, and cried out battle, battle ! Ail the histories represent the Regulators as eager for the contest; and as acting more like maniacs than men who were conscious that their present comfort, and even their life, v/as at stake. Tlie accounts of this transaction vary so much, that it is diifi- cult to reconcile the discrepancies which are found even in the same history. During the hour that Tryon gave the Regulators to determine whether they would submit to the terms of his proclamation or not, a proposition was made for an exchange of prisoners, of v^^liom he had seven, and the Regulators two, John Ashe and John Walker. Jones says, " while the p'arley was go- ing on for this purpose, the impatience of the armies was so great, that the leaders made a simultaneous movement, and led on to battle," but in the very next sentence he says, " The two armies marched with the most profound silence ; and such was the indisposition of either side to fight, that the ranks passed each other, and were then compelled, by a short retreat, to re- gain their respective places." He represents the contending parties as standing at the distance of 25 yards apart, and occu- pying the solemn hour before battle with a verbal quarrel; the Regulators as shaking their clenched hands at the governor and Col. Fanning, walking up to the artillery with open bosoms, and defying them to fire ; and each loyal soldier, or each one of the king's forces, as '' too busily engaged either in an argument, or a fist fight," to pay any attention when "the governor roared out the word of command, directing them to fire." Martin makes nearly the same statements. He says that the opposing forces advanced in silence till tliev met, almost breast to breast. I^IFE OF DAVIP CALDVVE.Ll-, D.D. 151 tlie governor having forbidden liis men to fire until he ordered them ; the first rank of the governor's men were almost mixed with those of the Regulators, who wo-re stationed a little before the main body, and who now began to retreat slowly, to join the army, " bellowing defiance and daring their opponents to ad- vance ; and that the army, meaning Tryon's army, kept on till within 25 yards of them, and then halted, the Regulators con- tinuing to call on him, to order his men to fire, several of them advancing at the same time towards the artillery, opening their breasts, and defying them to begin. He also represents the gov- ernor as commencing the action before the hour liad expired, because, the Regulators being tardy in making known their de- cision on the proposal for an exchange of prisoners, his men be- came so impatient to advance, that he thought it advisable to lead them on ;* but m the next paraghaph he tells us that it was with the utmost difficulty his men could be induced to fire at alljt though additional provocations had been given. It is quite possible that a few who were hot headed or under the influence of spirits, may have acted in the manner above de- scribed ; for Tryon had so often made promises and threats without fulfilling either that what he said was probably not much regarded ; but I have received no such statements from men who were present, either under arms or as spectators. An old gentleman of respectability informed me that in the extreme part of the Regulation army to the westward, where a near re- lative of his was stationed, they were stretching themselves along the side of the road as far as they could, in order to let the governor, when he came by, see how many there were ; and that they were looking for him every moment to pass along, as on a review, or in a friendly way, when the guns began to fire. An old Regulator with whom I conversed last fall, told me that in the part of the army, if it might be called such, where he was, the younger part of the men were all engaged in the ath- letic exercises, wrestling, jumping, &c., and that he was himself engaged in wrestling with another young man, when Patrick ^^ClVIuUen, an old Scotchman who had been in the British service before he came to America, but was now a Regulator, came up *Vo!. 2, p. 281. fVol. 2. p. '-2B2. Joues's Defence, p. 5l 15.2 LIFK OF JUAVIU CALDWELL, D.D, and told them, with a look and a tone of firmness, to put them- selves into some order, for they would be fired on in a very few minutes. About this time Dr. Caldwell rode up in front, and connnenced making a speech to them, the purport of which was that those of them who were not too far connuitted sliould de- sist and quietly return home ; that those wlio had laid tliem- selves liable should submit witliout further resistance, promising that he and others would obtain for them the best terms they could ; and that tliey had all better wait until circumstances would be more favorable ; for the governor, as it seemed, was determined to yield nothing, and unprepared as they were, hav- ing no cannon, not much ammunition, no military discipline, and no officers to command them, they must sustain a defeat ; but before he finished, the old Scotchman called out to him that he had better go away, or the governor's men would fire on him in three minutes. He then rode off; but had scarcely got out of sight wlien the firing commenced. Before Tryon ordered his men to commence .the attack, he sent an adjutant to receive Ashe and Walker, but hat^jjfgre'p^r- ted the answer of the Regulators, that these men would be sur- rendered witiiin half an hour, he was sent back to inform them that the governor would wait no longer, and that if they did not Jay down their arms immediately, they should be fired on.— The answer was, fire and be d — n'd. He then ordered his men to fire ; but they did not seem disposed to obey. When he per- ceived this, rising on Ins stirraj)s and turning to tliein, he called out, '-fire, fire on them or on me," when the action began, and almost immediately became general. Such is Martin's account, which is probably that of the governor or of his party ; but it differs so much, as to the commencement of the action, from the statement of the Regulators, that they ought at least to be heard. According to their account, Tryon himself shot the first gun, and killed tlie first man. Some time in tlie course of the morning, as lias been already stated, lie gave Dr. Caldwell a promise that he would not fire on the Regulators until lie liad fairly tried wliat could be done by negotiation; but negotiation was not in !iis ♦; ^ thoughts ; for he offered them no other terms than unconditional submisSiioTi. Tlg writer in the Weekly Times sa^'s that "the LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 15.; Ilegnlators sent I)r, Caldwell into the governor's lines in order to effect a compromise ; and that Robert Thompson* and Ro- bert Mateer had gone there on the same business ; that the Dr. was permitted to return to the Regulators for the purpose of in- forming them that nothing could be done in the way of compro- mise, the governor being determined not to recede from the terms of his proclamation, while the other two were detained as pris- oners ; and that when Thompson attempted soon after to go away without leave, observing that as he bad come in peacea- bly he had a right to return, the governor seized a gun from some one who stood near, and shot him with his own hand.— That Try on shot Thompson himself, and shot him before the ac- tion between the two armies commenced, there is no doubt ; for it is sustained by the concordant testimony of all the Regulators with whom the writer has ever conversed ; and ISIaurice Moore, in his letter to Tryon says : " I can freely forgive you, sir, for killing Robert Thompson at the beginni7ig of the battle : he was your prisoner, and was making his escape to fight against you," Moore not having been present, wrote from hearsay, perhaps from the private statements of the governor or some of his party; and it is believed that he was under a mistake as to Thompson's motive in attempting to escape. He had gone to the place of meeting, like many others, without any expectation of fighting; he had not put himself in the ranks of those who were arrayed as combatants ; nor was he even armed with a gun or any deadly weapon, but he and Mateer had both gone to the governor, — whether deputed or not is unknown to the writer, — for the purpose of trying to obtain a friendly adjust- ment of the existing difficulties. His leaving was, therefore, not an escojje, but a retiring in the conscious dignit^r of a free- man. Being a bold independent kind of a man, however, and accustomed to express himself without much reflection or regard to the rules of etiquette, his excellency may have construed his' manner of expression as an insult ; and in a fit of passion took *The commuriicafion in the Weekly Times has appended to it the foHo\v->- inof note : "Robert Thomp^-on, the first man who fell in the battle, was the ofrandtiither of Newton Cannon, the present goveinov of Tennessee, General Robert Cannon, of Shelbyville, .Jacob Wright, Esq., of Rutherford county Jolin 'i'hompson, of Davidson couiitj', and Andrew HviieSj of Nashville;" 20 i ^4 LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D, his life. As if conscious that he was chargeable with a flagrant AHolation of good faith he soon sent out a white flag; but the Regulators, in a spirit of revenge for the death of Thompson, by which they considered that Try on had violated his promise to Dr. Caldwell, instantly shot it down, or shot at the bearer, and the flag disappeared ; but whether he was really killed or not, was perhaps never ascertained. It is strange that historians have not noticed either of the facts, that the governor shot Thompson, or that he sent out any flags ; and yet both seem to be well attested. Regulators have generally said that he sent out two flags at different times, both of which were shot down ; but the second one will come into notice presently. So lar as I can reconcile the accounts given in ditfcrent histories one with another, and these with what ap- pears to be authentic tradition, it was directly after the first flag was shot down that Tryon commanded his men to fire. The men seemed disposed not to obey ; and his situation was ex- tremely critical, it was citizen against citizen ; and no wonder that they were reluctant to connnence the work of destruction. But some bold measure was necessary ; for the Rubicon was passed; blood had been shed; to hesitate would be instant ruin ; but to go forward with intrepidity might be followed by suc- cess. Then, probably, it was, that rising in his stirrups and turn- ing to his men, he called upon them, in all the earnestness of des- paration, to fire on the Regulators or on him. Some ventured to obey ; and that emboldened the rest. The work of destruc- tion was then plied with vigor on both sides ; for men general- ly find a Rubicon in every thing ; and whether induced or for- ced over that, when it is once passed, there is no return. The governor's party had greatly the advantage as to arms, -ammunition, and military discipline ; but the Regulators com- pelled them to remain in the road, just where they wished them to be, while they occupied a more advantageous position, and nearly every man was ensconced behind a tree. Jones says " that the artillery was idle for the ^/i?^st hour, during which time the conflict was equal and well sustained." Martin says, '"' The insurgents, pursuing the Indian mode of fighting, did "(^^Tnsiderablc injury lo the king's troops; but owing to the arfi7- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D, 155 levy, and firmness of the latter, were, after a conflict of one hour, struck with a panic and fled," Wilhamson says that tiie engagement com.inenctd \^\\h the discharge oi five cannon; that " Col. Fanniiig, who commanded the left wing, unused to action and deficient in courage, fell back with the whole of his regiment, except Capt. Nash and his company ;" and that " in the mean time the cannon did great execution." The writer in the Weekly Times speaks of the havoc made by the cannon in terms of great exaggeration ; but he is evidently mistaken in many of iiis statements. The account of MacPherson is here given in full, because he was present during the whole conflict, and because it accords, as far as it goes, substantially with that of other Regulators. " The next day at noon the battle forces came in sight. The governor's aid* (!ame forward first to the Regulators and read a proclamation. (MacPherson stood near him.) The Regulators required an hour to return an answer. The messenger wheeled his horse and returned to his own friends ; and the firing immediately commenced on the part of Tryon with tlie cannon. He had four small swivels and two six pounders. At the first fire tlie balls struck the ground some distance in front of the Regulators ; and MacPherson heard one of Tryon's men say, — ' I told the gunner he aimed it too low.' The next shot went over the heads of those at whom it was aimed. After the first fire on the part of Tryon the Regulators commenced an irregular fire from behind trees, and had the bet- ter of the day. The other side fired regularly by platoons. — Presently a flag was seen advancing from Tryon's side of the field. The meaning of this no body knew except an old Scotch- man who had served in the army, and who called out, ' it's a flag, don't fire.' Three or four rifles were however fired ; and the flag fell ; but whether the bearer was killed was not known. The fighting now began again; and the royalist party fell back about the width of the battle field, that is, about one hundred yards, leaving their cannon behnid. Some of the Regulators, among whom were two of MacPherson's brothers, one older and one younger than himself, now rushed forward and seized the cannon ; but when they got them they had no amnumitiDrr, •"'■Piiilomon Hawkins, I presume, See Williamson, vol. 2, p. 148"; 156 LTFK OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D, nor did they know how to work llicin.* The smoke now clea- ved away ; and the royalists saw that there was only a small Ijody of Regulators on the ground, the rest having retired, — They began therefore to advance for the purpose of surround- ing them, which the Regulators perceiving took to tlieir heels and the battle was over." The writer in the Weekly Times, v/hose testimony is here given only so far as it seems to be corroborated by tJiat of others, says, " there was such confusion as cannot well be described. Some who had no guns attempted to rally those that had ; and some gave up their guns to such as were willing to face the en- emy. The Regulators were not prepared for battle ; for they had no higher officer than a captain. Montgomery, who com- manded a company of fountain boys, was considered the prin- cipal captain ; and he fell about the second fire from the cannon. They all soon fled and left the field except James Pugh from Orange county, and three other men who had taken a stand near the cannon. They were defended by a large tree and ledge of rocks. Although half the cannon were directed against them, they could not be driven from their position, until they had killed fifteen or sixteen men who managed tlie cannon. Pugh fired every gun, and the other three men loaded for him ; but at length they were surrounded. Pugh was taken prisoner : the others made their escape." It has been the uniform testimony of the Regulators in this section, that they did not fly until their ammunition failed ;t and this was probably the fact ; for most ''■Tlje old Regulator, bpfore alluded to, who gave me an account of the battle last fall, alter describing- the retreat of the governor's men, and the ta- king of the artillery, or the attempt to take it, by the Regulators, in which he agreed almost exactly with the statement given above, though he knew nothing of Iv] acPherson, exclaimed with much anim:ition. as a kind of seda- tive to his feelings, ' O, if either John or Daniel GiUeapie had only known as much about military discipline then as they knew a few years after that, the bloody Tryon would never have slept in his palace again'' — The statements of no one man, nei'.her MacPherson nor any body else, are given in this work without some qualifying expression, unless they are sustained by the testimony of others. + An old man who was then about 17 years of age, told the writer a little more than a year ago^that he assisted George Parsons in moulding his bullets the night before the battle ; and that when they had moulded twelve they stopped. He then observed somewhat jocosely to Parsons that it he shot all those bullets, and did execution every time, he would do his share. Parsons LIKE OF ©AVID CALDWELL, D.D. 157 of them, when they left home, did not expect that they would need more powder and lead than they were accustomed to take with them on a common hunting expedition. The accounts vary very much as to the number of killed and wounded. Williamson says that " seventy of the militia," mean- ing the governor's men, "were killed or wounded;" and that " the insurgents lost above two hundred." Martin says. " The loss of the governor was only nine killed, and si Kty-one wounded: that of the insurgents was upwards of twenty dead, and a num- ber wounded." MacPherson reverses the first part of this state- ment, and says, " nine Regulators were said to have been killed on the ground, and a great number wounded ; but how many of the royalist party were killed is not known. The account which I have always had from tlie Regulators and other old men in this region is that nine of their men, and twenty-seven of the royalists were left dead on the field ; but how many were woun- ded on eitlier side they never knew. It may be inferred from a statement in Williamson* which was probably from an official communication, that Tryon lost more men than are reported by Martin. He says, " Capt. Potter commanded a company of thirty men from Beaufort : fifteen of these were killed or woun- ded in the action." If the halfoi one small company was killed or wounded, it is natural to suppose that he must have lost more than nine in all; but this is a matter which cannot be determined with precision, nor is it of nmch importance. Those who fled were pursued ; and fifteen or sixteen of them were made prisoners. Rednap Howel, Harmon Husband, Jas. Hunter, and William Butler, were oudawed ; and a reward of £100, and 1000 acres of land was promised to any person who would bring in either of them, dead or alive ;t but neither of them was ever taken. The governor issued a proclamation the next day in which he ofi'ered pardon to all persons who had risen against the government, if they would come into his camp with- in five days, lay down their arms, take the oath of allegiance, replied in the same spiri*^, tliat he would certainly phoot them every one if there should be occasion tor it. He afterwards told my informant that he had shot ttimi evi ry one; and he believed that he had done execution every time except once wlien his gun choked in loading. *Vol. 2, p. 276. i-Williamson, vol. 2, p. 150. promise to pay their taxes, and submit to the laws of the country- According to MacPherson, tlie oath was very severe, binding them "never to bear arms against the king, but to take up arms for liim if called upon ; to pay all taxes, those that were due as well as those that should become due; and to obey all laws that liad been enacted or that should be hereafter enacted." By subsequent proclamations, the proviso was extended to the lOtli of July; but outlaws, prisoners, and those who blew up Gen. Waddell's ammunition were excluded from the benefit of the proclamation : So were the following persons who were men- tioned by name, viz : Samuel Jones, Joshua Teague, Samuel Waggoner, Simon Dunn, jr., Abraham Creson, Benjamin Mer- rill, James Wilkinson, sen., Edward Smith, John Bumpass, Jo- seph Boring, William Rankin, William Robeson, John Winkler, John Wilco^x, Jacob Telfair, and Thomas Person. Among the prisoners taken immediately after the battle was one by the name of James Few, who was Imng on the spot, as Martin says, without a trial, or, according to Williamson, by sentence of a court martial. This was an act of cold blooded cruelty and almost of fiendish malice which admitted of no apol- ogy ; for he was in a state of insanity ; and was therefore not a fit subject of punishment. Wiley Jones, who was sent by Try- on after the battle, to seize the papers of Harmon Husband, found among them a letter from Few in which he alleged that he ivus sent by heaven to relieve tfie world from oppression ; and that he was to begin in North Carolina. MacPherson says he was "a young man, a carpenter by trade, and owned the little spot of ground, just out of Hillsborough, where Mr. Kirk- land's house now stands. He wa,s engaged to be married to a young lady, whom Fanning seduced. He then joined the Re- gulators ; was taken on the field of battle ; and, at tlie instiga- tion of Fanning, was executed on the spot." The eflect upon the susceptible and perhaps somewhat visionary mind of a young uian, in such circumstances, of having his prospects of domestic happiness blighted by such a base villain as Fanning, who was trampling on every body, and especially on the poor around him, because as he was protected by the governor and by the superior court, he v/a? above the reach of law, probably Pfo- LIKE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 1 ■)9 duced in Few a degree of monomania, and he began to think that he was commissioned from heaven to rid the world of sucii heartless oppressors ; and as the regulators were then engaged in a conflict with the government, in the issue of which Fanning and others of his class were so deeply concerned, it afltbrded a good opportunity for him to begin the work. The sacriiice of Few however, uncalled for and inhuman as it was, could not abate the rage of Tryon, or quiet the guilty mind of Fanning, under whose influence he appears to have acted in this matter. Though petitioned by the citizens of Hillsborough to spare the family, he ejttended his vengeance to the unoflending parents, brothers, and sisters by the destruction of their property ; and thus shewed that he was as destitute of humanity as he was re- gardless of justice. After burying the dead and making provisions for the sick and wounded, Tryon marched with his army, on the 21st, to Sandy Creek, Husband's neighborhood, where they encamped and halted for a week. Detachments were sent out to assist in collecting the taxes, and to disperse the Regulators who were still lurking about in small parties, probably from mere feelings of mutual sympathy and not with any purpose of making fur- ther resistance. The treatment of the Regulators was certainly one of the most extraordinary things that has occurred in an enlightened and christian country. Their worst acts could by no fair construction of law be made any thing more than riots. It does not appear that one of them ever entertained a thought, much less a settled purpose of overturning the government; but by a temporary act of assembly, of twelve months' duration, passed for the purpose, and therefore, in the spirit, if not in the letter, an expos t facto law, their conduct was construed into premedi- tated rebellion ; and the leaders were tried, condemned and ex- ecuted as if they had been the worst of traitors. As their riots, if such they must be called, were the result of acknowledged and flagrant abuses on the part of the government officers, and as all they ever asked was a correction of these abuses, they might have been, at any time, either before or after the battle, converted into as peaceable and orderly subjects as any in the ■province, Mf simply redressing their grievances, and treating IGO LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. them with that moderation and kindness to which they, in com- mon with all others, were entitled. From Sandy Creek he marched through the country adminis- tering his new coined oaths of allegiance ; disarming the inhab- itants ; " levying contributions of beef and flour ;* burning houses, treadmg down corn, and insulting the suspected ; hold- ing courts martial, which took cognizance of civil as well as mi- litary offences ; extending their jurisdiction even to ill-breeding and want of good manners ;"t and exhibiting his prisoners in chains,! as scarecrows to others. He went as far west, accor- ding to Martin, as the Jersey Settlement, or, as oU^ers say, to Salisbury ; and being joined, somewhere in that region, by Gen. Waddel with a large body of men, he commenced his return on the 9th of June. After a circuitous route through the I^Ioravi- an settlement in Stokes, Big Troublesome in Rockingham, &c., he came to Guilford courthouse, seven or eight miles north east from the present site of Greensborougli, on the High Rock road; and after remaining there for a day or two on the important bu- siness of hismihtary expedition, he continued his march to Hills- borough, where a special court of oyer and terminer was held for tlie trial of the prisoners : twelve of them were indicted for high treason, convicted, and sentenced to death. On six of them, the sentence was executed almost immediately, June 1 9th ; but tlie execution of the other six was respited until the king's pleasure should be known. Tlie execution of these men was considered as unjust, or impolitic and cruel in every sense. *After his return from this western tour, sixty head of cattle, as I have been informed, were collected on the plantation on which Col. McConnell now lives, four miles south-east from Greensboro '; and were driven from that place under the clmrge of John Gilclirist, to Tryon's cnmp near Hillsboro'. These were chiefly collected from Guiltbrd county; and it is probable that similar contributions weredetnanded and made in some other counties for the support of the army while his excellency was employed in the important work of hanging the traitors. t"One Johnson who was a reputed Regulator, but whose jjreatesl crime was writing an impudent letter to lady Tryon, was sentenced, in one of these military courts, to receive five hundred lashes, and received two hundred and fifty of them accordingly."— See Maurice Moore's letter, Martin, 2nd vol. --Ap- pendix. |One of the present Editors of the Greensborough Patriot, Lyndon Swaim, has informed me that an ancestor of his, Marmaduke Vickory, was one of the men who vvere thus exhibited in chains through the streets of Siilem^s'ev- eral of them bein^- chained tonrether. LIFK OF DAVID CALL) VVRLL, D.D. tol Tliey had been almost driven, by both public and private ini])0- sitions, to act llie part which they did ; as the law by whicli they were condemned was to expire by limitation within a lew months, their death could not operate as a warning to others any longer than the law was in force ; they had acted only a subordinate part, for the leaders had all made their escape ; and " the rebellion," as Tryon wished to have it considered, was now completely subdued ; but he shewed on this occasion thai he had neither the generosity of a soldier, the dignity of a gen- tleman, nor the liberal views and humane feelings of a patriot. His anxiety to have the men condemned, and the useless display which he made at the execution, betrayed as much vanity and weakness as disregard to justice and the claims of humanity. — He appears to have " exerted the whole influence of his char- acter against the lives of these people ; for as soon as he was told that an indulgence of one day had been granted by tht- court to two of them to send for witnesses, who actually estab- lished their innocence and saved their lives, he sent an aid-de- camp to the judges and attorney general to acquaint them that he was dissatisfied with their inactivity, and threatened to re- present them unfavorably in England, if they did not proceed witli more spirit and dispatch." On the day of execution, the whole army was drawn out un- der arms, except the quarter guard and sentinels. They formed and marched in a hollow, oblong square ; the artillery forming the front and rear faces ; the first line, the right, and the second, the left face ; the main guard marchmg in the centre, with the sheriff and prisoners ; and the light horse covering the out side of the flanks to keep off the crowd. This order of march had been sketched out, and given in general orders by the governor him- self, who stooped in this manner to point out the spot for the gallows, and to give orders for clearing the field around, to make room for the army." As Maurice Moore observed in his letter, " the governor's minute and personal attention to these particu- lars, left a ridiculous idea of his character behind, bearing a strong resemblance to that of an undertaker at a funeral." — Some of them were as brave as they were loyal ; and having warred only against corruption and oppression, deserved a verv 21 16.2 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. diflereiit fate ; but Tryon was not like " Fingal, who never in- jured the 6r«fe though his arm was strong:" others of them had not waned in any way, nor had liicy done any thing " wor- thy of death," or even " of stripes ;" and none of (hem deserved the condemnation which they received, if they deserved any at all ; but they had fallen into the hands of one who neither ac- knowledged the claims of justice nor was capable of appreciating merit, especially in those who, like Job, "knew not to give flat- tering titles," or who could not bow to his haughty mandate. — Dr. Caldwell attended the trial of the prisoners; and was pre- sent at the execution. None of them belonged to his congrega- tions ; but with some of them he was personally acquainted ; and for the welfare of all he felt, as a man and a christian, a deep concern. He went therefore to Hillsborough, a distance of 46 miles, for the purpose of using what influence he could to pro- cure their acquittal or their pardon, by testifying to the charac- ter of such of them as he knew, and by appearing there as a minister of mercy to intercede on their behalf; and if he should fail in that, to aid them by his counsels and his prayers in pre- paring for the solemn change which awaited them. As to the former, his eflbrts were unavailing ; but as to the latter, his labor Avas not in vain in the Lord, and he probably felt rewarded for his trouble. When this bloody tragedy was over, the army left Hillsboro' on the following day, and encamped at Stony Creek. Next morning the governor took leave of them, and proceeded to Newbern. The troops were conducted by slow marches to Col. Bryan's in Johnston county, near the spot on which the town of Smithfield now stands, where the diflerent detachments separat- ed, and returned, each one by the nearest route, to their respec- tive counties. The inhabitants of Duplin having acted in such a 'way as to bring their loyalty into question, Col. Ashe was di- rected to stop there and get tliem to take the oath of allegiance ; but they were as obstinate about taking the oath as they had been about marching against the Regulators ; and after waiting two or three days in vain the Colonel left them to enjoy their independence and returned to his home. Thus ended an expe- dition which was, in fact, little more than a crusade against jus- LIFE OF DAVID CALDVViiLI-, D.D. 163 tice, freedom, and humanity, in which his excellency ejected nothing for the permanent tranquility and peace of the country ; and while he subjected himself to the keenest shafts of ridicule, he gathered no laurels but such as were stained with the blood of his wronged and injured subjects, or blighted by the tears of the widow and the orphan. It is matter of some regret that we are not better acquainted with the character of all those who were either outlawed, or tried and condemned ; for the justice of a cause, or the propriety of a given course of conduct, may often be estimated in a good degree by the character of the men who were engaged in it ; but even the names of many of these are forgotten. Rednap Howel, as we have seen, was the bard of the day, the "poet laureate" of his party ; and while he amused himself by making their oppressors the subjects of ridicule, he was contented with exciting others to deeds of heroism in the cause of freedom. — He appears to have been a pretty good English scholar, and a man of general information, very shrewd and full of humor ; but he took no active part in the battle, and was outlawed, not for his fighting, but for his songs. He was not like tne warrior bard who " sung the battles of his own spear ;" for he prefer- red the society of the Muses to that of Mars ; and although « his soul was fire, few were the marks of his sword in battle." James Hunter was a man of some property and influence. He had belon:j:? GALUWKLL, D.I). advance another step, or he would kill one of them at all events. As neither of them felt willing to die just then, and knowing the determined spirit of the man, they remained there ; and after talking for some time at that distance, they left him. When he learned that Tryoii had left this part of the country he returned home ; and when Independence was declared lie embarked in the cause with irrepressible ardor, Several of his neighbors re- tired to the mountains as he did and remained there until they could return with safety ; but never surrendered ; and never took the oath of allegiance. These facts the writer learned years ago from Regulators and their cotemporaries, who had, in part at least, personal knowledge of what they related ; and he feels no doubt of their being substantially correct. If Tryon's victory on the Alamance caused many serious and respectable men to become tories, it was only because they fieared God, and could not bear the thought of committing per- jury ; for, to use their own language, '• this would be giving themselves to the devil at once ;" but they had no more real at- tachment to the government by which they had been oppressed, iior any less love for liberty, than beiore : and were led wrong by their conscience only for the v/ant of better information. In propf of this the follov/ing fact may be mentioned here, though it properly belongs to a later period. When the, crisis of Amer- ican freedom arrived, some of the men in Dr. Caldwell's con- gregations who, although they had taken the oath of allc^giance, were with the friends of liberty, in principle and feeling, and wished to share with them in the toils and dangers as well as tlie honors of the contest ; but couid not at once reconcile such a course with their conscience, in view of tlie oath which they liad taken. Under these circumstances they stated their difficul- ties to the Dr.; and soon had their scruples of conscience remov- ed. He shewed them that the oath was not and could not be binding ; for besides the fact that the oath was in a measure forced, having been taken by them as the only means of escap- ing the gallows, the British government had grossly and repeat- edly violated our chartered rights since the oath was taken ; and, as obligations and duties in such cases are always recipro- cal, if those who held the reins of a-overnment and to whom LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 173 the oath was taken, instead of protecting us in the enjoyment of our rights as British subjects, which they were bound to do, had so notoriously violated their engagements and had declared their purpose to persist in this violation, we were, of course, re- leased from our obligation to obedience. Moreover, in all cases where there are parties, and reciprocal duties to be performed, as between rulers and subjects, v/hen one party, and especially the stronger one, fails, it becomes impossible for the other to comply ; therefore both must lose the advantage which they ex- pected to derive from the connexion, which henceforth ceases ; but the blame, if there be any, must rest on the party' which made the dissolution necessary. This simple course of reason- ing, expressed hi his peculiar manner, which was that of asking questions, and allowing them to suggest the answer themselves, was satisfactory ; and they shewed no more hesitancy, or want of zeal in the cause. For this the tory party abused him and charged him with having acted tlie part of a popish priest in ab- solving men from their oaths, and with having used sophistry to quiet their consciences ; but he claimed no right or power of ab- solution. He merely gave tliem his reasons for believing that they were no longer bound by their oath ; and, judging of these reasons for themselves, as intelligent men, they were satisfied ; but if there was any sophistry, it was just the sophistry by which the whole cause of Independence was sustained ; for the lead- ing men. not only in North Carolina, but in most of the other colonies, had repeatedly taken the same or a similar oath, and justified their conduct on the same grounds. The battle of the Alamance was followed by a temporary submission on the part of the people generally, so far, at least, as the payment of the taxes was concerned ; but it did not sup- press the spirit of freedom, nor prevent them from resisting what was considered oppressive or felt to be irksome in other ways. When Guilford county was formed, as we have seen, only a few months before the battle, it was by the same act of assembly erected into a parish, by the name of Unity parish ; and the people were required to elect twelve vestrymen and two churchwardens, who were empowered to levy taxes, build churches, employ ministers to preach, and to do all that the 174 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELX. P.D, laws of the province required for the full establishment of the church of England in this county as it had been established in all the otiier counties; but the wrher has not been able to ascer- tain that a house of worship v/as ever built or a minister settled liere, or that the people of Guilford county ever paid a parish tax after it was organized as a county. If reports be true, they elected Presbyterians for vestrymen, which was equivalent to saying that they had no use for such an estabUshment ; and the act remained in force onl}'" about two years ; for the assembly which met at Newbern, Jan. 25th, 1773, passed an act to dis- sovle ike vestry of Unity parish in GiiUford county, of which the following is a copy : *• Whereas, by an act of assembly passed in Newbern in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one, the freeholders within the several parishes therein mentioned were empowered to elect vestries for their respective parishes ; and whereas undue measures were made use of in the late elec- tion of vestrymen in the parish of Unity in Guilford county : "^e it Uierefure enacted by the governor, council, and assem- bly, and by the authority of the same, That the said vestry of Unity parish be liereby dissolved and set aside, as if never elec- ted ; and that an}^ tax that is laid by the vestry aforesaid on the taxable persons of the said parish, shall not be chargeable upon the said taxables, or be deemed, taken, or collected,\)y the slier- ilT, or any other person whatsoever." 'j'he people of other counties, and particularly of Rowan, wliile Guilford was a part of it, had adopted the practice of electing vestrymen who would not serve, or who would evade the laws and levy no parish taxes ; but towards the close of Gov. Dobbs' administration, the few members of the established church who lived in that county petitioned the governor, council, and assem- bly, to interpose their authority ; and 'an act was passed, as we have seen, subjecting any man who was elected, and refused to serve, as a vestrymen, to a fine of three pounds. The petitioners complamed, " That his majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects in this county, who adhere to the liturgy and profess the doc- trines of the church of England, as by law established, have not the privileges and advantages v/hicli the rubrick and canons of LIFK OF 13AVID CALDWKLL, U.I). lib ihe church allow and enjoin on all its members. That the acts of assembly calculated to forming a regular vestry in all the counties have never in this county produced their happy fruits. That the county of Rowan, above all counties in the province, lies under great disadvantages, as her inhabitants are composed almost of all nations of Europe ; and instead of miifornjily in doctrine and worsidp they have a medley of most of the religious tenets that have lately appeared in the world ; v/ho from dread of submitting to the national church, should a lawful vestry be established, eleci such of their own commit nify as evade the acts of assembly and refuse ihe oaih, whence we can never ex- pect the regular enlivening beams of the holy gospel to siiine upon us." This notable petition had only thirty-four subscri- bers, six of whom made tlieir marks, and some of tlie other sig- natures were hardly legible. Williamson, who is my authority here, says, " when thirty-four such persons could propose that six or seven hundred (more Ukely there were as many thous- ands) should be taxed for their accommodation, they certainly had need of the gospel that teaches humility." Whether this practice of resisthig or evadmg the parish laws was continued until the Revolution, is not known to the writer ; but from the character of the people, and from the spirit which they mani- fested on all occasions where their liberties were at stake, it may be presumed, that if they submitted in this case for any length of time, it was from dire necessity. As soon as Tryon returned to Newborn, from liis expedition against the Regulators, having been appointed governor of New York, he took shipping for that province ; and was succeeded here by Josiah Martin, who commenced his administration un- der auspices rather favorable than otherwise ; and his personal and official conduct at first, together with some concurring cir- cumstances in the province, were calculated to render him po- pular. Not only the number and respectabiUty of the Regula- tors, but the spirit which they had manifested in their late con- flict with Tryon, had commanded some respect from the govern- ment ; and one of the first acts of Martin was to denounce the frauds and extortions of the officeholders which had been the cause of the late disturbances. He was mild and conciliatory 17G LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.dI iii his manners ; and a report liad been circulated among the Regulators that tlieir complaints had reached the throne and that the removal of Tryon was a mark of the royal displeasure. — These things were all favorable ; but he soon got into difficulties that were inextricable. His condemnation of his predecessor's profligacy and extortion, in which he had been supported for live or six years, chiefly by the lower part of the province, which would be insufferable, even at the present day, though a mark of his wisdom, provoked the hostility of Tryon's friends. Then he got into contests with both houses of the legislature, but par- ticularly with the lower house, about the taxes, the court law, the running of the boundary line between this province and South Carolina, and almost every thing of most importance in the es- timation of the people; and these contests continued within- creasing warmth and asperity until the province renounced its allegiance to the mother country. The year 1772 was spent by governor Martin in visiting dif- ferent parts of the country ; and among others he paid a visit to Guilford county. One object which he had in view was to con- ciliate the most prominent men among the Regulators ; and he was to some extent successful. Tryon was haughty, choleric, and absolute. With high notions of his prerogative as gover- nor, he was determined to rule ; and seemed to think as the po- et has said, a prince tlmt would reclaim Rebels, by yielding, ia like him, or worse, Who saddled his own back to shame his horse. But Martin took the opposite course ; and as he was condescen- ding and familiar in his manners, the people thought him "a mighty clever, genteel man." Among others, it is said, he vis- ited Col. William Field, and his two brothers Jeremiah and Rob- ert. They were men of property, standing and influence in so- ciety ; and to secure them was an important object ; for which- ever way they went, many others would go with them. If re- reports be true, it was by his influence that they were secured to the British service ;* for otherwise they would have tried to remain neutral ; or if not neutral, comparatively inactive;- but ^Southern Citizen, September Oth", 1837. LIFE OF DAVID CA^-DWELL, D.D. 1 t / as William was the more influential one of the two, he was ap- pointed a Colonel in the army.* William and Jeremiah con- tinued in the service of the king during the war ; and were ta- ken with Cornwalhs at Yorktown. His lordship having then given them their choice, either to return home or go to Nova Scotia, where provision would be made for them, they chose to return ; but after peace was concluded they sufiered their pro- perty to be all confiscated and sold, in 1785, rather than violate their oath, or renounce their allegiance to king George. Jere- miah used frequently to say in conversation that having fouglit twice, once for his country and once for his king, and having been whipped both times, he would fight no more ; but general- ly added that, if war were to arise again between England and America, though he would not fight at his age, lie would be on the side of the king, because he had taken a solemn oath to be faithful to him while he lived ; but he would tell all his sons to fight for their country. Many others took the same course ; and, altliough they were manifestly wrong, it was for the want of better information ; but they were respected while they lived for their integrity, their christian deportment, and their many good qualities as men and as citizens ; and their descendants *Jiist before the battle of Moore's Creek, in the spring- of 1776, Willinm Field collected a small boitlle Biitoin, Su<;ar Cre^k, Hitchcock, Liltie River, New Hope. Yrdkin Valley, ("odd le Creek, Quaker Meadows, Davidson's Fort, Min- eral Spring, Apw Election, Lower Dan, l.ovver Hico, Jersey Settlement, Deep River, L'pper Haw tfiver, Mountain Meeting House, Stankin's Quarter, Lone Island, Cartledge t>eek, JN'ew Provideice, Lutican's Creek, Indian Creek, Charlotte, Cedar Spring, .TackKon's Creek, Upper Hunting Creek, lower do., Cliesnut Spring, VViili.imsburg, Cape Fear, Upper Union, Valley Settlement, Kohichucky, Ccunlry Line, Stoney Creek, Unity, Upper Hico, VVakeCounty, Fork of Yadkin, Lcng Creek, Mountain Creek, Beersheba, Calvary, Olonel Jack's Batallion, Allen's Creek, Good's and Avery's in Virginia, Sandy River in Pittsylvania, Pacolef, Broad River, Mumfoid's'Cove, Fithing Creek, Mud- dr Creek. ^OU Ln-E OF DAVIU CALDVVEl.L, D,l) memoir. At an intermediate meeting of the Presbytery held al North Buffalo, June 3d, 1777, for the purpose of settling a diffi- culty in that church, a man who kad been suspended from church privileges by the Session of the church to which he belonged,* brought his case before the Presbytery ; and as the crime charged upon him was one which admitted of no positive testimony, the Presbytery administered to him "the oath of purgation." It was first put to vote wliether the session had sufficient evidence to judge him guilty of the crime with which he was charged, which was decided in the negative; but Dr. Caldwell dissented. The vote was then taken whether they should propose to him "the oath of purgation ;" and after much discussion it was deci- ded in the affirmative ; but Dr. Caldwell again dissented ; and entered the reasons of his dissent on the records. Some of these reasons were, of course, peculiar to that case; but those which related to the abstract principle would be good any where. He stood alone in this matter ; and the course he took shews at once his firmness, and the correctness of his judgment. It is believed that this was the only instance in which that oath was ever ad- ministered by the Orange Presbytery ; and if it has ever been administered by any of our cliurch sessions, the cases have been few and far between. In the case above referred to, it should be remarked that the person accused requested that they would permit him to take the oath ; but while much may be said in its favor, and while the object proposed to be accomplished by it is certainly good, it furnishes such a strong temptation to perjury, and is so liable to be abused, that it can seldom, if ever, be Justin- liable or expedient. From the summer of 17S0 to the close of the war, every thing in North Carolina was in confusion ; for when the country was invaded and ravaged by the British army, it was harassed and plundered in a cruel and reckless manner by the tories, who were emboldened by the presence or proximity of an army whose progress for a time seemed to be irresistable. In this state of things, the Presbyterian ministers were not only inter^ rupted in their work and labor of love, and suffered, in common with others, the loss of their property to a greater or less extent ;' *Jamc& Balch, a. member of Rocky River chiircH. LIFE OF DAV^l) CALDWELL, D.I). 201 but were subjected to personal hardships and perils, in various ways, i lieu' luieiugeijcc, piety and coiu-asteiicy of deportment, as minipters of tlie gospel, were such as to command the respect of all who had any regard for religion, or were capable of appre- ciating moral worth ; but a large portion of the tories were not of this description ; and then the influence which these nnnisters had exerted in favor of Independence had made tlieni realty and in a high degree obnoxious to the British. They were men who could not fail to exert an extensive influence any wliere or at any time ; for while many of them weie young men, just enter- ed on the public stage of action and not more than two or three of them were in the decline of life, they were all men of classical education, and a majority of them were graduates of Princeton, or some other college. Dr. McWhorter, as we have seen, was employed and sent out from the north to aid the cause of Inde- pendence in the south. He was a man of literature and science, a sound divine, an able preacher, and a laborious servant in the cause of his master, as well as an ardent friend to the rights of mankind. McCaule was eloquent and accomplished, true to the church, and true to his country. Hall was talented, brave, and patriotic ; a firm defender of the truth in all its bearings ; and had all his powers and acquisitions employed for the honor of God, and the, welfare of his fellow men. McCorkie was a man of extensive learning, and a profound thinker; a philosopher and a christian ; and one who stood firm in support of Bible doctrine, the rights of conscience, and the diffusion of kno wledg-e. Caldwell was not only a fine classical scholar, and a man of very general information, but was remarkably judicious, vigilant, firm and uncompromising in defence of whatever lie regarded as important to the present or tiie future welfare of mankind ; and wherever he was known, he received as he deserved the confidence of all who were engaged in the same cause. Similar remarks might be made respecting most of the others who, dur- ing this great crisis in the destiiiy of mmumbered millions, were associated with them in the service of God and their country ; but as my knowledge of their character is more limited, the task of perpetuating their memory must be left to others. A passing notice however of those who were most distinguished cannot be 2-6 20ii LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D regarded as either uncalled for or out of place ; for if the Apos- tle admonished the churches of his time to remember those who had spoken to them the word of life, or who had been instru- mental in delivering them from their bondage to sin and Satan, the people of this country might be admonished, in tlie same spu'it, to remember those who, with the divine blessing, achiev- ed their independence, planted their churches, founded their in- stitutions of learning, and bequeathed to ail who might come after them, the inheritance of their intelligence, their patriotism, and their piety. These are the men, whatever might have been their station — whether employed in the cabinet or in the field, in the senate or in the pulpit — whose names should live while our hberties and our institutio-ns of learning and religion endure; for their history is in fact the history of the country and of the church ; and while we love and value the one we shall remem- ber and venerate the other. In proportion as a man is efficient or conspicious in any cause he becomes obnoxious to those who are opposed to it ; and on this prhiciple, as might have been expected from his weight of character, as well as from the active part which he had all along taken in the cause of independence. Dr. Caldwell was regarded by the enemy with no friendly feelings ; but for a similar reason, his house became a place of resort for his brethren of the cleri- cal profession, and for his frieiids of every description, far and near, especially when they found it necessary to seek a place of greater safety, or wished to confer with him on any subject of difficulty and importance. When the British took Charleston and overrun Sorsth Carolina in the spring of the year 1780; most of the whigs in that State tied into North Carolina and Virginia; and those who had friends or acquaintances in either of these States, naturally sought refuge with them. On this occasion the Rev. Mr. Edmunds of Charleston, being an old acquaintance and an intimate friend of Ur. Caldwell, came to his house, and made it his home, until he and his people could return with safety- Some of his brethren, who hved between the Yadkin and Ca- tawba rivers, when the British came to Charlotte, also sought refuge in his house, and remained with him or in his congrega- tions until the unemv were driven back into South Carolina. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 203 Two of his brothers-in-law, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Dunlap, who had married sisters of Mrs. Caldwell, and who lived in some of the upper districts of that State, came and brought their families with them. They rented a house on a small farm m the neigh- borhood, and kept them there for eighteen montlis, more or less; or until the British were driven out of Sooth Carolina, in the fall of I7fil. Their wagons and teams were employed most of the time 111 the Ai>ierican service ; and they uere themselves much of the time w idi tlie ariuy. Perhaps no minister of the gospel in North Carohna, or none of the Presbyterian order, was more harassed and plundered by the lories, or endured greater hard- ships and run more risks of being killed or taken prisoner, than Dr. Caldwell ; and in the course of a few weeks, from the time that the British army penetrated into this State alter the battle at the Cowpens until after the battle at Guiiford courthouse, a va- riety of incidents occurred, some of which were amusing, and others calculated to awaken feelings of sympathy and gratitude, but all of them deeply interesting. Tlie precise date of their oc- currence is not known, because ihey depend on the recollections of his family and other aged people in the neighborhood, or have been communicated from memory by some of his old pupils who hve at a distance •, but of the facts there seems to be no doubt. The histories of that period contain many and loud complaints ^against the whigs of the southern S ates for refusing to give up ' their saddle horses to the service o< the country, in consequence of which the army was subjected to great inconvenience, and the cavalry especially, rendered much less efficient than otherwise it would have been. This induced a necessity of impressing horses of that description for the use of the cavalry, as well as wagons and teams for odier purposes ; and it is said that sometimes men who were connected, or who pretended to be connected with the army, took the liberty of impressing the best horses they could find, under the plea that they were wanted for the service of the country, but could shew no authority for what they did. An in- cident of this kind occurred with Dr. Caldwell, which is worth relating, as it furnishes some illustration of his character, cind of the state of things then in the country ; or if the persons concern-: ed had any authority for taking his property, as they probably 20 t LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. had, they did not shew it at tlie time, and acted as if they had none. He had a fine blooded mare, which he called his English mare, and which was known all over the country by that name. As he was returning home one evening on his favorite animal, he was met at the end of his lane by two or three men who were perfect strangers to him ; but one of them immediately told him that he must have his mare for the use of the American army. As this was about the time when Greene and Morgan were re- treating before Cornwaliis into Virginia, and when every possi- ble effort was making to recruit the army, he supposed that this man had been sent out by Greene for the purpose of impressing suitable iiorses wlierever he could find them, and mildly asked him for his authority ; but the man drew his sword, and brand- ishing that about, rudely told him, that was his authority. The mare being a favorite, and the one on which he always rode, money could hardly have bought her ; but as he could not help himself, he quietly gave her up ; and the man, vaulting into the saddle, rode away, without making hiin any remuneration, or giving him any thing by which he might expect ultimately to obtain compensation ; — leaving, however, the very indifferent animal on which he had been riding, now becom.e unfit for ser- vice, and the accoutrements, wiiich were in a similar condition. Next morning, having learned that the men were at Martinvilie, ' he followed them to that place, with the hope of being able ei- ther to get his mare back, or to obtain some assurance of indem- nity at a future time ; but instead of obtaining either, they took from him the horse on which he then rode — the one they had left — and gave him no compensation for that one, except another which was little more than a skeleton, so broken down that it was hardly able to carry him home, and with a back so sore that it was almost putrescent, while the saddle was notsutficient to prevent him entirely from coming in contact with the horse's back. It is said that he was ntarer being in a bad humor that day than he was ever known to be before or after; but he kept the command of his temper ; and fortune seemed to turn in his favor, thou2:h it was onlv for a short time. In the evening one of his LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 205 neighbors came and told liim that his mare was in McCuistin's stable, not half a mile off; as the spoilers had taken np there for the night. He immediately laid his plan for getting her back; and as she had been taken from him without any plea of legal authority, or any evidence that the act was not downright rob- bery, he thought himself justifiable in adopting any method for her recovery that would injure no body else. Prompt, as he was, on every emergency, and never at a loss for expedients, he was not long on this occasion in devising his plan or in carrying it into effect. He had a negro servant by the name of Tom, a native African, who was remarkable for the darkness of his complexion, being the blackest negro in all the country ; and also for his dexterity at thieving, for he was considered the most expert thief any where known. Callmg up Tom, therefore, a- bout dark, he told him that if lie would contrive to get his mare away from McCuistin's that night without its being known, and would conceal her in the woods so that he could get her again, he would give him a handsome reward, which he specified; and Tom, delighted with the idea of getting so much money, as well as at having an opportunity for gratifying his furtive disposition, said at once, like one of our heroes in the last war, Fll try, sir. Accordingly he went over about midnight, with a bridle in his hand ; and as the night was cloudy and exceedingly dark, he stript himself entirely naked, the better to avoid discovery if any thing should occur to give the alarm. Then he succeeded in getting her out of the stable while the men were asleep in the hay above, and made his escape. With this exploit he was as mucli gratified as ever Bonaparte was with any of his victories; for he not only took a pleasure in thieving, but felt a pride in having it known how successful he was in the business, or in being considered the best thief in all the country. Anticipating the course which the men would take, Dr. Cald- well, to be prepared for it, sent by daylight for his two brothers- in-law, Crawford and Dunlap, to come over without delay and bring their guns with them, which they did ; and having two or three of his clerical friends there at the time, such as McCorkle, Hall, and Thatcher, he felt pretty safe. About sun rise, accord- ing to his expectation, he saw two of them coming towards the 206 LIFE OP DAVID CALDWEiL, D.D. house ; and having met them at the door, while his friends re- mained in an adjoining room, out of view, the one who had ta- ken the mare, as it was supposed, for his own use, and who, of course, felt much spited at the trick wicli liad been played, ac- costed liim with some degree of sternness, and asked him if he could tell him where the mare was. He replied that lie could not ; for he had not seen her, — wliich was literally true : he had not seen her, nor had he ascertained where she was con- cealed. The military hero then made some remarks which im- plied a chiirge of prevarication ; but tlie Doctor told him that he had never before been accused of any such thing, or treated with so much rudeness ; and intimated that he would not bear it, es- pecially in his own house. With that the o'.'uer began to bluster and utter some heavy threats, when Dr. McCorkie came out of tiie room, where he had heard ail that passed, and stepping up to the door, observed to him, in a very grave and positive tone, that he had better be civil ; for if he conducted like a gentleman he should be treated as a gentleman ; but if he continued to act in that manner they would tie him and send him off to General Green's camp with an account of his conduct — assuring hun at the same time, as the others now came forward, that they were able to do it, and would do it forthwith, unless he demeaned himself more like a gentleman. This had the intended effect: The young man became quiet, and moved off quite chapfallen, and on his own stumps, just as ine came. Thus the mare was saved for that time ; but it was not long until she was stolen by the tories, and was never recovered. Had Dr. Caldwell been able to foresee this, or had he known that she was impressed by the proper autliority in the first mstance, he probably would not have put himself to so nmch tiouble and expence to get her back ; but the whole transaction shews the state of things in the country at the time, the hardships to which the most venerable and peaceful mcii were sometimes subjected, and the expedients to which people often resorted to save or rescue their most favo- rite articles of property. With most men, a good saddle horse is, at all times, and in all couMtries, a favorite object ; but in this country, and especially in the condition in which it was at that time, destitute of good LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 207 reads and filled with enemies, foreign and domestic, when a man's safety often depended upon the fleetness of the animal on which he rode, it is not surprising that any one sliould be rehic- taiit to part with the horse that had saved, or that might save his life, even for the benefit of those wlio were fighting the bat- tles of their country. In such cases there was hardship on both sides ; and it is not necessary now to discuss the question of du- ty, for that would often depeud on the circumstances of the case. As Dr. Caldwell's mare was taken last by the tories, he got some compensation for her after the war, as he did for some of his other losses, by prosecuting the men who had done the mischief; but he did not get what he considered an equivalent. About the same time, as it is supposed, an incident occurred of a diflerent kind, which called for the exercise of difierent qualities, and was rather more fortunate in its results. His brother Alexander Caldwell was either in the army, or away from home on business ; and when he was away Dr. Caldwell was the only one to whom his wife and children could look for advice in difficulty or for protection from danger. The planta- tions joined and the houses were not a mile apart. One eve- ning about dusk, two men came there and were acting very rudely, seizing whatever they wished to carry away, ordering her to gel supper for them, &c. It is said they were British — one a sergeant or some subaltern officer, and the other a com- mon soldier. General Greene had passed by Dr. Caldwell's a few days before ; CornwalUs was now passing within two or three miles on the other side ; and the supposriiou is, that hav- ing camped some where in the vicinity, these men were sent out foraging, as others had been in other directions. There was no necessity for sending many together ; for tlie militia companies were mostly out against the tories; and several of the neigh- bors who were either not fit for military service, or who could not leave their families consistently with their duty, were with Greene's army — some having gone alone, and others had taken their families with thenj. As Greene passed by they took their "wagons with their families in them and went along with the ar- my, merely for protection ; but bore their own expenses, and returned when they pleased. Of course when the British army 20b LIFE OF DAVIl) CALDWELL. D.D. passed tlivougli the country in pursuit ot' Greene, it met with no opposition ; and the men thought that they could go any where without fear of molestation. Dr. Caldwell saw the two men above referred to, passing by the end of his lane after sun- set ; and as they were going towards his brother's house, it oc- curred to fiim that perhaps he had better go over; but before he started or fully determined to go, Mrs. Caldwell sent a mes- senger informing him of the circumstances, and requesting his advice. He sent her word that slie must treat them politely, get them as good a supper as she could, and as soon as practicable ; but that she must be careful to notice where they put their guns, and set her table in the other end of the house ; and in the mean- time he would go over and conceal himself behind a certain hay- stack. She was moreover directed to let him know when the men sat down to supper ; and to inform him correctly of all the arrangements. The house, like most others in the country at that time, was a double cabin, or a log house, with a chimney in the middle, an outer door to eacli apartment, and a communication from one end to the otner; and siie arranged every tiling according to the directions given. Woile tlie men were engaged in demolissang what was on the table, without suspicion of danger or interrup- tion, he went quietly into the ot er apartment, took up one of ti e guns Wilier;, of course he found loaded, and, stepping to tiie door of the room in whicli tiiey were so comfortably employed^ presented it, and told tiiemthat they were his prisoners, and tuat if tiiey attempted to resist or escape their life would be the forfeit. As neither of them felt willing to die just at that time, they surren- dered at once; and he marclied ti.em over to liis own house where he kept them until morning ; but it being inconvenient for him to keep tiiem long at liis own expense, to say nothing of the risk he run of being captured himself by some otiier party of the Britisi) or tories, and Greene's army being expected back in a sliort time, he put them on their parole by making tiiem take a solemn oath on t'le Family Bible t'sat they would not take up arms against tiie United States, nor in any way assist the British or tories, but demean themselves peaceably and return to him on siicii a day. By that time he expected Greene's army would be' LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 209 in the country or somewhere within reach ; but in this he was disappointed. However they kept their word very honorably, and returned to liim on the very day appointed ; but as Greene had not come accordmg to expectation, and it being uncertain when he would come, as he was employed in watching the movements of Cornwallis about Hillsborough, and waitmg for more reinforcements, he put them on their parole again in the same way ; and directed them to go and report themselves to Col. Paisley. It was never known, or is not now recollected, what became of them ; for his own situation soon after became perilous; and Col. Paisley being almost constantly out on duty he had no opportunity of seeing him, until after the Guilford battle, when matters of this kind were pretty much forgotten. When the writer came into this country however, a number of years ago, the circumstance was well recollected by the old peo- ple then living; and it is still recollected by some of Dr. Cald- well's family ; for although they were then small, it made an impression which could not be erased, and it is believed that fne fact as above related is substantially correct. It is said that Dr. Caldwell was known to Lord Cornwallis, by character, before he ever crossed the limits of North Caroli- na ; and this was probably the fact. Governor Tryon became well acquainted with him at and after the Regulation battle ; and whatever /ie*knew would probably be communicated to those whom it concerned. The Doctor was also a member of the convention which adopted the State constitution ; and his lordship would no doubt be made acquainted with the names and character of the men who composed that body. Again, the men of his congregations were all thorough-going whigs ; and that of itself would be enough ; for a commander like Corn- wallis would hardly penetrate into a country without knowing how the people in its ditferent sections stood atfected towards him. However this may have been, when Cornwallis came in- to this region he offered a reward for his apprehension : so says tradition ; and it appears to have been so uniform and so well sustained that the probability in the case is certainly very strong. When the writer first came into this county, before Dr. Cald- well's death, it was frequently mentioned by the old people in 27 -10 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. liis congregations, as a thing of which there was no doubt ; nor lias it ever been contradicted or doubted since. It is also said that the reward oftered was ^6200; and tiiat they found a Judas, not in his congregations nor in liis immediate neighborhood, but within a few miles, who agret^d to betray him for the proffered reward ; bur as he was disappointed, it is best perhaps to let his name be forgotten. It was not long however, until he fell hito the hunJs of the Tories ; but was again delivered. A reward having been offered for his apprehunsion, as he un- derstood ; and the tories, encouraged by the proxnnity of the Briiish, having become Uxore bold and feckless, he did not deem it prudent to remain in liis house ; but lay concealed for the moii part in the woods, — comitig home occasionally to see his fanniy, but making his visits siiort. He apprehended no dan- ger of his life from the British, as he often remarked ; nor from the lories while the British were within reach ; for the object of the former in apprehending him, if they could do it, would be, as he supposed, to deliver him up and get the reward; but ir this he might have been mistaken. Having ventured home one day, however, he had not long been there until the house was suddenly surrounded by a body of armed men ; and he was ta- ken prisoner. They were tories, and intended carryiiig liim to the British camp, then, as we suppose, in the lov^^er part of the county ; but as their primiry object was plunder, tiiey set one or two to guard him, and the rest went to gather up what pro- visions, ciothmg, &c., they could find. Some of his family, though they were then young, still recollect seeing their father standing there beside the pi under, while the men were around him with their guns ; and they often heard their parents relate the circumstances for years afterwards. When they were nearly reauy, as they supposed, to depart — the plunder piled up in the ^middle of the floor, and he with his guard standing beside it, — Mrs. Dunlap, v,;'ho happened to be in the house at the time, though siie had hitiierio remained with Mrs. Caldwell in an ad- joining room, with that promptness and presence of mind for which females are often so remarkable in sudden emergencies, stepped up behind him, leaned over liis shoulder, and, whisper- ing in his ear as if intending that he alone should hear it, but LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 211 really intending that some of those who stood by should hear it too, asked him if it was not time for Gillespie* and his men to be here. The oi.e who stood nearest, as she intended he should, caught the words ; and, with manifest alarm, asked her what men ? She told him it was none of liis business ; for she was just speaking to her brother. But that served only to increase the alarm ; and, in a moment, they were all panic-struck, and in perfect confusion ; — some exclaiming, " who ? wlio ? what men ?" and others vociferating at the top of their voice, " let us go, let us go, or the d — nd rebels will be on us thick as hell before we know what we are about ;" and in the consternation produced by this ingenious though simple maneuver on the part of Mrs. Dunlap, they all fled with precipitation, leaving their prisoner to the enjoyment of his Uberty, and their plunder to the care of its rightful owners. Some alarm was perhaps natu- ral; for they were just within the limits of one of the strongest whig neighborhoods in the State, as Dr. Caldwell lived on the west side of his congregations and near the line of separation between them and the Quaker settlement ; Gillespie too and his men were a scourge and a terror to the tories ; and then Gen. *This was John Gillespie wiio has been already noticed as shewing so much pioweps in and alter the Regulation battle. He was then a captain; but was raii?ed to the rank of Colonel soon after the Declaration of Indepen- dence. He wis too d^rin<>' and impetuous perhaps to have the command of a large body of men; but with a small number of kmdred spirits such as the Forbiscs. the Ha''s, the McAdoos and others, he was admirably calculated for the service in which he was engaged as a partizan officer; and while the ex- pl-iits which he performed wpre sufHcient in number qnd importance to fur- nish materials for a novel or a romance, one will sutfice to illustrate his char- acter. Not long after the warcommenced he was out on an expedition against the tories below Deep River. Within a few miles of the place where quite a large body of them were encamped, most of his men, having been by some means or other separated from him, were captured in the evenmg and taken to the encampment. Early in the morning, h.iving learned wiiat had happen- ed, he projioseil to the few who were witti him, to go and release the men; but they told hion that it vva- i'.'ly to think o! it; for (lie tories were ten or twenty to one; and if they should get him in their power they would be '-ure to take his hte. Tins was true ; for although they iiad never seen him tliey knew him well by character; and would rather have had him put out of the way than a dozen others. 'How-ever he determined on making an effort to save his men, wh'^lher any body went with him or not; and set jfl"f.lone. — When he arrived at the camp he found a large body of them collected around his men; and heard them telling John Hall, one of his best men, that ho might bo saying his prayers as fast as he could; for he had but a few minutes to live. Gillespie rode a very fleet animal ; and, throwing her bridle loosely over a bush, he walked up carelessly into the crowd. His men saw him ; but ;:il2 LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.I). Greene with his army was known to be distant not more than a good day's march, the cavahy or some scouting party of which iiSght come upon them at any time ; but that they should be so panic- struck by a whisper as to fly before an enemy was in sight, though in such a situation that they could have seen one approaching from almost any direction, and while at a conside- rable distance, can be accounted for only, on the supposition that the hand of an overruling Providence was in it ; and it furnish- es additional proof that " he is doubly armed, whose cause is just." There never was a cause m this world, however good, that was not injured and disgraced by pretended friends ; and the cause of American Independence shared, in this respect, the common fate of every thing good. Every body has read or heard of Piles' defeat, which took place about half way between the present town of Greensborough and Hillsborough; and while every one has felt indignant that some four or five hundred men from the south-west quarter of Orange, with some perhaps from the parts of Guilford and Randolph adjoining, should thus at- tempt to strengthen the enemies of their country, he has at the were careful not to betray him either by looks, words er actions. The lories felt a little disconcerted by the sudden appeaiance of a stranger among them under such circunistnnces; and they hardly knew how to proceed; but they soon a.-ked Hall if lie knew John Gillespie ] He replied that he did, very well ; and thai he j^'loried in beino- one of his men. He was then asked if he knew where he was. He said if he did, he would not tell. They offered him his life if he would give them such information that they could get him in their posessic'ii; but he uohly refused to save his life upon any such terms- The question was then put, 'Is he in this place?' Keeping his back to Gillespie and casting his eyes over the crowd, he replied, ' If he is I do not see him.' — He was then commanded to mount a stump close by, and look all over. Keep- ing Gillespie again in his rear, and looking over the company from this more elevated position, he made the same reply. He was now ordered to turn round and tell them at once whether he was on the ground or not ; for they would be trifled with no longer. He turned round; but looking entirely over Gillespie, he still gave the same answer — 'If he is here I do not see hini.' — With that they became angry, and told him with an oath that he had but three minutes lo live. When Gillespie saw that his men would not betray him even to escape an ignominious death ; and that there was no more time to lose, he walked otTio his English filly, as he called her; and as he vaulted in- to tlie saddle, told them he was John Gillespie, and they might make their best of it. That was enough: the shout was immediately raised; the men flew to their horses; and in their eagerness to get him, let the others escape ; but he was as much at their defiance in flight as he was in battle, when the disparity of numbers was not too great. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 213 same time felt delighted with the tact and bravery of Col. Lee, who so adroitly and completely cut them off, before they ac- complished their purpose, and thus turned the tide of fortune in favor of his country. This was one of the most fortunate exploits of that heroic and enterprizing officer — the most fortunate, I mean, for the cause of independence in this State; but there were some things about it, which, though they have not been noticed, ought to be known, in justice to a portion of those who were so suddenly and so fortunately perhaps for the cause of freedom, hurried into eternity. Some of them were driven to take the step which they did, by the injustice and oppression of certain officers in the whig ranks ; and if my information be correct, the name of Col. William O'Neil ought to be more odi- ous than that of tory ; for while he was elevated in rank, and clothed with power for the benefit of his country, he used both, not for the common good which he was bound in honor, and by the most sacred obligations to support, but to enrich himself. Many of those men were no doubt destitute of principle, and deserved the reward which they received ; but others of them had been true friends to the cause of independence, and had even suffered much in support of that cause. This was the case par- ticularly with the German part of them, who not being able to understand English, and being generally in good circumstances, were fit subjects for the rapacity of such a man as Col. O'Neil; and seeing no other way of escape from his oppressions, they sought refuge in the British army. Many however, who left home with the intention of joining the British standard, not hav- ing fallen in with the body which was forming under Col. Piles for that purpose, when they heard of his defeat ; immediately returned, but the following communication fromanold gentlemen of much intelligence and respectability in that neighborhood, who has been already referred to, will give the reader some idea of Col. O'Neil's treacherous conduct, and of its effects upon the people in his region. " Debember 5th, ISil. ^^ Dear Sir — I write you a few lines on the subject, about which we had some conversation when you were at my house, I mean the conduct, for a few years previous to the Guilford battle, of 214 LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL. D.D. Capt. O'Neil, who was, soon after the commencement of the war, promoted to the rank of colonel. Instead of aiding in the de- fence of our country against the tyranny of England, his con- duct had a tendency to sour the minds of our citizens against the government recently established. His taking advantage of the times to speculate and muke money, commenced when a cap- tain, by drafting an old man's son, among others, to go against the notorious Col. Fannen, who commanded a company oftories, and occupied the swamps and sandy wilds between Cape Fear and Pee Dee rivers ; but this region, having been represented as very sickly, was a terror to the people; and he obtained £75 from the old man, by finding a substitute for his son. This money he divided with the other two officers of the company, the lieutenant and ensign, but the ensign returned the old man his third part of the money, which was £25. O'Neil soon be- came very expert in this kind of traffic ; and increased his calls for men, solely that he might have it in his power to take ad- vantage of their necessities or their fears ; for he always had some understrappers ready to take the drafted man's place, for good pay; and one man was known to take the place of six different men in one day. There was no power to call him to account, as he was head commander of the regiment ; and he operated in this way in the less informed parts of the country, "The people in this neighborhood were still somewhat cowed by the late Regulation battle, and the tyrainiy of Gov. Tryon. — When young men returned, after having actually served tlie tour for which they were drafted, he would renew his calls for men ; and those who were most able to pay, by having a good horse or a rich friend, were the most lucky to be drafted. As ne knew the circumstances of most men in tlie country, his practice was, < while he professed to put the blanks and prizes all in a hat, to keep out the names of those whom he wished to have drafted, and put them into the drawer's hand as it went into the hat : of course the right ones were always drawn. He obtained so many horses in this way, that he employed an active old man to drive them to the lower counties about Edenton for sale ; but he was so prudent in his maneuvering with the enemy, that he never had a fight with Fannen. They would run, turn about, and LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 215 some suns were perhaps fired at long distances ; but he always kept out of harm's way ; and never went far over Deep river, generally about Moore county. This condnct so ruffled the minds of the people that many of them refused to serve or pay his price : some fled to their triends in other counties ; and others layout for days ajid months at a time. The end of this op- pression was the arrival of the British army at Hillsborough, when the outlyers, and all who would not submit to O'Neil's tyranny, flocked to the British standard ; and not many of them ever returned. O'Neil became very rich, though he was very poor at the beginning of the war. He never fought any ; and was not in the Guilford battle, but was sitting, on that memora- ble day, at his own fireside." The defeat of Col. Piles, and the effect which it had upon the loyalists of the surrounding country, had its share of influence in drawing Cornwallis from Hillsborough; and after a skirmish with the Americans on the Alamance creek, and another on the Reedy Fork, at Wetzel's mills, he moved up with his army hito Dr. Caldwell's congregations. They first encamped on the plantation of William Rankin, who lived on the North BulTalo creek, and was a member of the Buflalo church. He was a man in good circumstances, highly respectable, and withal, a staunch whig. After remaining there until they had eaten up and destroyed every thing on the plantation or in the neighbor- hood that was eatable or destructable,. they removed over into the Alamance congregation, and encamped on the plantation of Ralph Gorrel, Esq., who lived on the South Buflalo creek, and was not only a true whig, but was in better circumstances than any other man in that settlement. The family were turned out, as at other places, to shift for themselves ; and the officers took possession of the house. What the men and their horses could not consume, was destroyed : the corn cribs were pulled down, and the corn wasted ; the hay and fodder were burned or scat- tered about ; the fences were destroyed ; and it seemed to be an object with them to do as much mischief, and produce as much wretchedness over the country as possible, even to the unoffend- ing and the helpless. Their cavalry and detached parties were ahnost continually out foraging and annoying the inhabitants : 216 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D but they did not always return in safety ; for Col. Lee who was ever on the alert, was harassing them at every turn ; and some- tunes the neighbors would way-lay them, and cause them to return with one less than they took away. For some time, probably for two weeks or more, Dr. Caldwell had kept his retreat in a very sequestered place in the low grounds of North Buifalo ; and about two miles from his own house. Not far from the time of which we are now writing, or perhaps a little earlier, though the precise date is not recol- lected, he came nearer losing his life, or being captured by the enemy than he had ever done ; and the event made a more vi- vid and abiding impression on his mind, through subsequent life, than any other. His enemies, anxious to get him in their power, attempted to accomplish their purpose by stratagem and falsehood ; and they had well nigh succeeded. Some half a dozen men rode up to his gate one evening towards sunset, and, having called out Mrs. Caldwell, asked her where her husband was. She replied that she expected he was in Greene's camp. They told her he was not there ; for they had come directly from it ; but that Gen. Greene, having understood that he was a good physician, had sent them to take him there, if possible, as he had a great njany sick men in his camp, and wished to have his assistance as a physician. This was said with so much ap- parent sincerity and candor, that she was completely deceived, and in the prevalence of sympathy and benevolence, she repli- ed that if he was not there she did not know certainly where he was, as he had expressed an intention the last time she saw him, of going there ; but added that, if he was not there, he was probably in a certain place on the North BuflFalo, which she described. That was all they desired ; and with many bows and thanks, they bid her good bye ; but there M'as something in their looks and actions, after they had got the secret, which ex- cited her suspicion ; and the thought inmiedialely came across her mind with alarming power that she had been imposed on, and had betrayed her husband. But it was too late : the word was out ; and the men were gone. All she could do was to com- mit him to the protection of her covenant-keeping God ; and LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 217 that night was spent, not only in sleepless solicitude, but in fer- vent prayer. Whether they were all tories, or part British and part tories, is not now recollected, if it was ever known ; but as it was too late for them to venture into such a place that night, unacquainted as they were with the locahty and the way of access, they made their arrangements, it seems, to be there very early in the morn- ing. In the course of the night, he dreamed three times in suc- cession, that he was in danger there, and must leave the place. This made such an impression on his mind, that as soon as day- light appeared, he gathered up what few articles he had with him, and set off for Gen. Greene's camp, which was then on or near Troublesome creek ; but, as it was ascertained afterwards, he had not left more than a few minutes when his pursuers ar- rived. Those who choose may sneer at the idea of his having been warned of his danger in a dream ; but of the fact, as the writer has been assured by his family, there is no doubt ; and it answered the purpose, come from what source it might. His enemies were disappointed ; and he was preserved, if not frorn death, at least from trouble and vexation; and there is no one, not even the greatest sceptic, or the most wicked man, who would not be willing to be preseved in the same way, when cut off from the ordinary means of deliverance. No man of intelli- gence and sober reflection will ever pay any superstitious regard to dreams, and neither expect them before hand as a means of securing his welfare, nor rely upon them at any time when he has it in his power to ascertain his duty, or make provision for his safety, in the ordinary way ; but no substantial reason has been given why impressions, intended to secure his welfare, if suddenly placed in circumstances of great peril or difficulty, may not be made by some guardian power on the mind of a good man when asleep as well as when awake; for the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and deliver- eth them,. Were we to admit the prniciple that such impressions may be made at any time, they may be made at one time as well as another ; for it seems to be generally admitted that the mind is always active ; and, not from any feelings of superstition, but from the nature of the case, they must be more effectual if made 28 21S LIFE OF PAVID CALDWELL, D.D, in sleep than when the person is awaice. It is not my intentioia however, to enter into any discussion of tliis matter here, nor even to express an opinion ; but simply to state the fact as it oc- curred, and leave tlie reader to draw his own conclusions, or make what comments he pleases ; yet it may be proper to re- mark farther that he regarded it ever afterwards, and probably every christian will love to contemplate it, in whatever way it may be ex])lained or accounted for, as a kind interposition in his fiivor when placed in a most perilous and critical situation, in which there could be no hope of succor from any other source. As the event just related could not have taken place more than a week or ten days previous to the battle at Guilford court- house, he must have remained in Gen. Greene's camp, or in the vicinity of it, until after the conflict; for he did not return to his family until the evening of the day following or perhaps not un- til the second day after the battle. The British army having spent about two days at Gorrell's, consuming, like the locusts of Egypt, every green thing, and de- stroymg furniture, fences, farming tools, &c., made their next encampment on the premises of Dr. Caldwell ; and as this was a very important event in his history, we beg leave to give it with some minuteness, just as it was received from his family, and one or two of his old pupils who lived in the family within a few years after the event took place ; because, in the life of an individual, especially of one who was not directly engaged in the great political or military transactions of the nation, no cir- cumstance or occurrence, however trivial in itself, can be out of place, or fail to be interesting, and just in proportion as it affects his usefulness or his personal comfort. On Sunday afternoon, which, it is believed, was the Sunday before the battle, some gentlemen rode up to the gate and asked for the landlady, as they called her. Two of the neighbor men happened to be there at the time ; but they remained in the house, and kept out of view until they cou'd be satisfied wheth- er the men were friends or foes. There was also a woman liv- ing in the family at the time, whom we shall call Margaret. — She was a single woman, though somewhat advanced in life ; LIFE OP DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 219 tut being " a woman of rough manners, and of rougher Ian guage, when excited," fearing no body and caring not what she said, or in whose presence, Mrs. Caldwell persuaded lier to go out and pass herself for the landlady, which she did without any hesitation. One of the gentlemen, who was introduced to her as Col. Washington, asked her where Dr. Caldwell was. S!ie re- pliedthat she expected he was in Gen. Greene's camp. He told her she must be mistaken ; for they were just from the camp, and he was not there. She then said, if he was not there she did know where he was, as she had not seen him for some time. With that they rode away ; but in a few minutes some of them returned, and called again for the landlady. Margaret went out as before ; but having ascertained or suspected the decep- tion, they told her she was not the one they wanted, and they must see the landlady. Mrs. Caldwell then went out to the gate herself, when the same gentleman was introduced to her as Col, Washington ; the same questions were asked ; and similar an- swers were given. When this gentleman was hitroduced to JVIrs. Caldwell as Col. Washington, Margaret disputed it, and flat contradictions were bandied from one to the other several times, the one affirming and the other denying, until having mounted the fence, and seeing some of the army at a distance entering the field, she replied, " It's a,d — nd lie ; for there are your d — nd red coats." Mrs. Caldwell also began to suspect as soon as she went to tluj gate that they were British, and by a little inspection of then- dress, &c., as well as by the reply of Margaret, was now convinced that this was the fact. Under this conviction, she politely asked tiieni to excuse her for a min- ute, that she might see to her child, which was then a sucking infant, only a few months old ; and running into the house, as if for that purpose, she told the men, who were still there, to es- cape from the other door as speedily as possible, for those men at the gate were certahily the British.* Having given them *One of these men, it is said, made his escape: the other crawled into a largre hollow log, not far from the house, thiiiking that the British were only passing by and would soon be gone; but to his utter surprise and dismay, he gonn found that there was a squad of soldeirs about the log, piling up brush and kindling a tire, tie had not much time to deliberate; for the log was very dry ; and the Hauies were cracking and roarling around him. To remalu 220 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. warning she returned to the gate, when one of them told her that they would not deceive her ; for they were the British, and must have the use of her house for a day or two. With that they ahghted, and took possession of their quarters without de- lay. Dr. B. says, " The gentleman who attempted to pass him- self for Col. Washington was Lord Cornwallis. I had always considered his lordship the most dangerous and deadly enemy of my country, yet a gentleman ; and 1 would frequently abse];-ve to the old lady, when rehearsing this scene, that she might have been deceived ; for certainly Cornwallis would not condescend so disingenuously to deceive a lone woman ; but she always em- phatically replied that it was Cornwallis, and she knew his per- son well, as he had a defect in his left eye." When they turn- ed her out of the house « she retired to the smokehouse where she was confined for two days and nights with no other food for herself or her children than a few dried peaches, which she chanced to have in her pockets. Her situation was peculiarly distressing, as she had borne five children in two years or a lit- tle more, four of which consisted of two sets of twins, one of which died soon after they were born, but the other two are yet living, and the fifth was quite a young infant. Such was her distress that she went at last to her own door, and, falling on lier knees, begged for food for her children ; but no attention was paid to her entreaties. Margaret exerted herself greatly for her, passing fearlessly and resolutely among the officers and sol- diers, and returning them curse for curse. The old lady used there was certain death; and the idea of being' suffocate;! with smoke and burned up there without any body knowing it, was by no means a pleasant one. By falling into the hands of his enemies he might find mercy; and of course this was the alternative cho.sen ; but as he kad gone in iiead foremost, he was obliged to keep in the same longitudinal position until he got out. The atten- tion of the soldiers was soon attracted by a mysterious rumbling inside of the log; and when he first became visible through the smoke and brush at the end, and covered as he was with tlie black rotten wood, his appearance, instan- taneously and with great force suggested the idea of a certain personage whose name they vveie in the habit of using at all times very familiarly, but whose visible and tangible presence was by no means agreeable. Many exclamations were uttered at the moment, and some trepidation manifested ; but when he had retrograded far enough to let them see that he was really a human being, and not something worse, tiieir alarm guve place to the most boisterous mirth ; and gfter keeping him over night, more lor sport than any thing else, and find- ing that he was not likely to do tliem much harm any where, they gave him his liberty, rather than be troubled with his maintenance. LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 22 to say, when talking on tiio subject of Iicr trials on this occa- sion, 'Ah ! Margaret was a wicked creature ; but she was good to me : whatsiiould I have done without her?' A young ofli- cer went to the smokehouse door one morning for no other known purpose than that of adding to her distresses by attemp- ting to ridicule the Americans as cowards, swearing that they were rebels and cowards, and would not dare to fight his ma- jesty's army. The pious lady said to him, ' wait and see what the Lord will do for us.' The young military fop replied, 'By G-d, if he intends to do any thing it is time he had begun ;' and, she added, in giving me the account, before Thursday night he saw what the Lord did." The fact that Cornwallis attempted to impose on Mrs. Caldwell by passing himself for Col. Wash- ington is recollected by the surviving members of her family, or by some of them ; and another of Dr. Caldwell's oldest pupils yet living, has informed me that the Doctor either did write or talked strongly of writing to his lordship, after the battle, and remonstrating with him for this ungentlemanly conduct. The family of Dr. Caldwell agree almost precisely with the above account of Doct. B. as far as it goes, except that they do not recollect the circumstance oftlieir mother going to her knees to beg for bread ; but they well recollect that they had nothing to subsist on during the wliole time except a few dried apples or peaches; and they recollect another fact which may have in- cinded tlie one above mentioned by Dr. B. Unaccustomed as she was to the profaneness and rude conduct of soldiers, she applied for protection to a man, who, from his dress, and from the im- portance which he appeared to assume, she took to be a man of some rank in the army ; and in making this application, she may also have asked for something to eat ; but instead of treat- ing her with the courtesy which was due to a lady of her stand- ing, he cursed her, and told her he did not know what right she had to expect any favors ; for the women were as d — nd rebels as the men. She then applied to another, who, from his dress, his deportment, and the respect which was paid to him, she sup- posed was more of a gentleman ; nor was she in this case disap- pointed. Having informed him of the treatment she had re- ceived, he told her that the other man had no atithority what- 2/i2 LIFE OF DAVIJ) CALDWELL, D.D. ex'er in the camp ; but he assured her that if slie would let him know what she wanted, it sliould be done, so far as was in his power. She told him that she wished, in the first place, to have a guard appointed for her protection ; in the next place, she wished to have a bed for herself and her children ; and finally, she wished that some two or three articles of cooking utensils, and about as many of household furniture, all of which she specified, might not be injured nor taken away. With much >ul)anity and politeness, he told her it should be done ; and it was so done accordingly. A guard was soon appointed, with strict injunctions to see that the woman and children were not molested. A bed, witli the furniture, Avas sent off immediately to the smokehouse ; and when the army removed, the articles of household and kitchen furniture that had been specified, were left uninjured. He who acted such a gentlemanly part on this occasion, was the principal physician of the army ; but this fact was not known until after the battle, when Dr. Caldwell had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with him, while attending to the sick and wounded ; and of thanking him for the kindness he had shown to his wife and children. To us it is pleasant to find one bright spot in a picture which is otherwise so dark ; and to him it must have been a source of no small gratification, to know that among the hundreds or thousands who were giv- ing every demonstration of the bitterest hostility, tliere was even one, in vvrhose bosom the principles of honor and humanity were predominant, and who had perhaps shown all the kindness he could in the station which he occupied. We always feel pained for the honor of humanity, as well as for the saUcring that must follow, to see men recklessly de- stroying that which cannot promote the cause in which they are engaged ; but which must involve the helpless and the unof- fending in want and wretchedness. Such was the conduct of tlie British army on this occasion; and so complete was the destruction made of every thing necessary, not only to their comfort, but even to their subsistence, that, as soon as they left, the family of Dr. Caldwell were obliged to quarter themselves on the neighbors, until some provision could be made for their support. The encampment extended entirely across the planta- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 22;> tion, and over a part of two others, one on each side , and the marks of it are still visible. Every pannel of fence on the prem- ises was burned ; every particle of provisions was consumed or carried away ; every livijig thing was destroyed except one old goose ; and nearly every square rod of ground was penetrated with their iron ram rods, in search of hidden treasure. Mr. Dunlap had shortly before brought a wagon load of salt from Petersburg, which was a most valuable article in those times ; but of that they destroyed what they did not need. Perhaps the most unprincipled or inexcusable part of their conduct, however, was the destruction of Dr. Caldv/ell's library and papers, not sparing even the large Bible which contained the family record. This was neither accidental nor unavoidable : It was not done by ignorant or drunken soldiers, in the absence of their superiors, or when too much enraged to admit of con- trol ; but by the officers and men of most intelligence in the British army ; for it was done by the direction of those who oc- cupied the house ; and they were the officers and medical staff. Whether this was done by the order of Cornwallis himself, was never known ; or if it was known, it has been forgotten. Al- though he rode up there at first, attempted to deceive Mrs. Cald- well, and made arrangements for the army, he did not remain ; but occupied the house of Mr. McCuistin, about a quarter of a mile, or a little more, to the east, because that was immediately on the public road leading from Martinville to Fayetteville ; yet, as the main body of the army was encamped on Dr. Cald- well's plantation, the officers who occupied his house must have been of a high rank. It was done too with as much cool de- liberation as Omar gave the order for destroying the library at Alexandria, or as Amrou had it executed ; and this is evident from the manner in which they proceeded. There was a large brick oven in the yard, a few steps from the house, which was used for baking bread ; and having caused a fire to be kindled in that, they made their servants carry out the books and papers, an armful at a time, and throw them into the oven. As soon as one armful was burned, another was thrown in, until the whole was consumed ; and the oven was apparently as hot as Nebu- chadnezzar's furnace. Some of the family still have a distinct 224 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. recollection of seeing the men at work, carrying out the books and throwing them into the oven, lie had a large library for the time and circumstances of the country; but he was often heard to say afterwards, that he regretted the loss of his papers more than any thing else ; for they included pretty much all he had ever written, or all that was worth preserving : his college exer- cises, his trial pieces while under the care of Presbytery as a candidate for the ministry, his correspondence, and all the ser- mons, except one, that he had ever preached since he entered the ministry, a period of seventeen years. This transaction is thus minutely recorded, not to excite rancorous feelings against the perpetrators of the deed, nor undue prejudices against the nation to which they belonged ; for all who were concerned mit, directly or indirectly, have long since gone to their final account ; but as a matter of justice to the subject of this memoir, and to let the present generation know what their ancestors sacrificed and suffered in the cause of liberty. The British, while they remained in Guilford county, were continually harassed and insulted, either by the neighbors, or by the light armed parties under the command of Gen. Greene; and a number of incidents occurred which were quite amusing, and some of them not very creditable to British valor. The following extracts from the communication of my correspondent Dr. B., will be read with interest. " When his lordship was en- camped at Dr. Caldwell's, Thomas Cummins, an old Presbyte- rian bachelor, being at the house of his friend John Larkin, on the Reedy Fork, and wishing to know how his friends were fa- ring on the Buffalo, proposed to Larkin that they should go and visit them ; and on they went. The same day the Buffalo neighborhood was visited by a British foraging party, escorted by the famous, or rather, infamous Col. Tarleton and his corps, attended by a number of camp followers, or plunderers. This party found at old Mr. Denny's the objects which they were seeking, such as oats, straw, &c.; and whilst the wagons were being loaded, and the camp followers were pillaging, the Col. en- tered the house to amuse himself by ridiculing the rebels and boasting of British prowess, when suddenly an orderly came in and whispered the Colonel, who changed color, and, without say- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWKI-L, D.D. 22a ing good bye, hastened out, mouutecl his horse, and fled with his wliole corps, wagons and camp followers, he Iter skelter, sauve cjiii pud ; but by the time they arrived at the road lead- ing by BulTalo meeting house, the panic of the pillagers began to subside, no one having been knocked on the head. A widow Anderson, whose house was on the opjjosite side of the road from that of her father, Mr. Denny, observed that the pillagers were taking a direction towards her house. At that time there was on the opposite side of the Bnffalo creek, a ridge covered with lofty timbers; and Mrs. Anderson waved her hand as if giving a signal to some persons concealed in those timbers. — The route commenced again with cries and screams; and they were more frightened than ever ; for by this time the colonel and his men were far on their way to head quarters, where the wagons arrived as expeditiously as possible, having strewed the road with oats and straw. Now the prime cause of this panic was that some one of the party had discovered two heads over the fence on the opposite part of Mr. Dermy's plantation. The two heads were those of Thomas Cummins and John Larkin, who soon after entered Mr. Denny's house — Johnny looking a little wild. " No one at the present time can imagine the daring of the whigs of that day. Dillon's mill was about a mile from the head quarters of the British army ; and some soldiers being stationed at the mill for the purpose of grinding corn, it was determined to surprise them. A ca|)tain's company was detailed for that pur- pose ; and Robert Aiiderson, a son of John Anderson, long an elder of Buffalo congregation, was the person who acted as pilot. He was conducting them over the creek about seventy yards below the mill, when a sentinel fired on them ; and the party at the mill instantly took the alarm, and fled. However, they were fired on at random ; and Mrs. McCuistin told me that a woun- ded British soldier was that night brought to her house," which was then occujiied by Cornwallis, "and was about a quarter of a mile from Dr. Caldwell's. Robert Anderson was much sur- prised at the profanity of a soldier in the company which he pi- loted : Tire poor fellow had, by some means, procured a canteen of spirits, through which the ball fired by tb^ sentinel, passed ;'" 20 22G LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D and this Cciused him to utter a volley of curses ; but none of the party were injured, except the one who lost his whiskey. — A Mrs. McClane lived one or two hundred yards below the mill, whose house bad been so often plundered, that, she said, there was nothing more in or about it, as she thought, to be plundered ; but one day two very insolent Bruish soldiers entered the house, and were very busily engaged in searching it, when she observed them assume a very humble position, pull off their iiats, and cry quarters, quarters. On looking towards the door, there sat on their horses, a 'squire Brown whom she knew, and an officer whom she did not know, with presented rifles. They instaritly wheeled their horses round, and directed the prisoners to leap on behind them. As they rode off a sentinel, placed at the barn, about 70 yards from the house, fired at them; but without ef- fect. In a few minutes, Tarleton, with his whole corps, came on; and having ascertained what had occurred, he bestowed many curses on Mrs. McClane, swearing that if such a thing occurred again, he would burn the house with her in it," — Other incidents oi a similar kind might be related ;* but these, attested as they are by other persons in this neighborhood, are sufficient to shew the spirit of the whigs in tins region, the conduct of the enemy, and the state of things generally, at that time. The British army after remaining two days and nights on Dr. Caldwell's plantation, left it a scene of desolation ; and remov- ed into the Quaker settlement on Deep river ; but they were not permitted to depart in peace. Col. Lee and his corps were watching their movements ; and ready to pounce upon them, * While the British ]ny in this nein-hborhood tliey had . To those who intelhgently and cordially acknowlege an over- ruling Providence, prayer is both natural and proper; nor virill It ever be neglected by such, when engaged in a cause which they believe to be a righteous one, or when great and important interests are at stake. On the day of the battle Mrs. Caldwell and a number of old ladies belonging to the Buffalo congregation .met at the house of Robert Rankin and spent the greater part of the day in prayer, A large number of pious females in the Alamance were engaged in the same way at the house of one of the elders; and how far the deliverance of the country from a powerful and implacable foe, as the result of that day's conflict, was in answer to prayer, can be ascertained only in another world. Many in the Buffalo congregation were at this time down with tlie small pox, the infection having been caught from the British army by a prisoner a few weeks before ; and was thus imintentionally brought into the neighborhood. A young man by the name of Rankin, who had an extensive connexion and was much esteemed, had been taken prisoner at Ramsour's mill; and after a few days made his escape. He was very sick on his way home ; but as the eruption had not taken place, he was not a- ware of his situation. His death was the consequence; but his friends and acquaintances, not knowing what was the matter, flocked to see him ; and thus the disease was at once spread over the wliole congregation. This was unfortunate on many ac- counts; but all the men in both these congregations who were fit for duty were either in the battle or employed in some way under the direction of Gen. Greene. Maj. John Donnell, who was then a captain, and a member of the Buffiilo church, was o, man of great respectability and moral worth, a staunch whig and an enterprising officer. Having embarked in the cause with zeal from the first he had been much employed in the service of his country. He served a six months cauipaign mostly in Geor- gia, on the Savannah river ; and had been ever prompt to ren- der his country any services in his power. He was not in the battle at Martinville, because he and his company, or such of them as were fit for duty, had been appointed by Gen. Greene on another service. Col. John Paisley, father of the Rev. Will- LIFE OF DAVID CALDWKLL, D.D. 2o:i iam D. Paisley, was a patriot as well as a christian ; and had all along taken an active part in the service of his country. He was present at the battle with tlie men nnder his command; and was directed to occupy an eminence to the south, for the purpose of observing the movements of the enemy and communicating in- ligeuce. Capt. John Forbis* w!io lived on the A!amance,_ was there with a company of volunteers, the Allisons, tlie Kerrs, tlie Paisleys, the Wileys, and others, most of whom were his neighbors and belonged to the company of which he was cap- tain ; aud a braver band of militia was not on the ground. — They were placed in the front rank, stood firm, and fired the number of times prescribed in the general order. For bis hnnself fired the first gun in that division ; and killed his man ; for he took deliberate aim with his rifle at a British captain who was seen to fall. He was mortally wounded himself, and died a few 'days after. Several of his men were also wounded, of whom William Paisley, father of the Rev. Samuel Paisley, was one ; but none of them mortally. A number of nidividuals in the Buffalo congregation vohm- teered that morning and put themselves under officers of known valor, mostly under Col. Campbell. Dr. B, says, "JMany Guil- ford volunteers were in the battle at the court house ; and I have frequently heard the bravery of two very young men on that day spoken of. The men were John Rankin and John Allison. A number were assembled in the morning at the house of Alli- son's father, mostly females and old men. Allison's house was about two miles to the left of Greene's army; and when the big guns began to fire, these young men sprang to their rifles. The females, divining tlieir intention, laid hold on them ; and. *Itis said thit a certain colonel who was believed to have no partiality Ibr powder and lead, excused himself that mornina on the {ground tJiat he must see to the commissary department, or somethinjr else than fightiriif; and put Forbis in his plnce. His men remonstrated with him at tiie time, but he cursed them, and told them that Forbis was a Imive man and would do well enono-h. Perhaps there was no more truth in this report than in another of a similar kind resptctinsr a certain otiior officer ot" a hijrher grade, whose horse got a very bad character for always runnino- away with his rider at the bec:in- ninn; of an enf^i£jomcnt ; but hovi'ever this may have been, Forbis, in conse- quence of that appointment, or supposed appointment, has ever since had the title of colonel conferred upon him by his country men.- 30 234 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D. crying and shrieking, begged them not to go ; but they freed themselves from the hold of their friends, and ran to join their companions. They fell in with Col. Campbell's mountaineers, and fought with them until they retreated, after which they were fired at by a company of British regulars ; but escaped unhurt. Thomas Cummins," who has been already mentioned, " was also a volunteer on that day. It is said that fighting is hot work ; but be that as it may, when the retreat commenced, the said Thomas, being wrapt in his blanket, became very warm ; and as he passed the jail stuck it in a crack, not doubting but that he would return again in a few minutes. It is said he became quite wratliy when he found that the retreat would be continued and that he must lose his blanket." This Thomas Cummms was a man of some eccentricity ; but was regarded as a very sincere and devout christian ; and he fought with composure and fearlessness, because he was engaged, as he believed, in a good cause. On my first visit to the battle ground I was ac- companied by Robert Rankin, whose bravery on that occasion is well attested, and who, although just recovering from the small pox, went from his home that morning, and fell in with Campbell's mountaineers. Ilaving taken me to a tree which he had used as a bulwark, and from behind which he fired two or three times, even after most of the division had retreated, he observed that just before the retreat commenced, this same old Cummins passed by him at a "dog trot," sat down on a log a few steps beyond, and, taking out a luncheon of bread, began to craunch it,* when a ball came whizzing by his head, and so close as to brush his hair. He instantly started to his feet, coolly observed that he might as well die fighting as eating, and set off at the same gait to occupy his post again. John Larkin who lived about three miles from the battle ground, went up that morning and put himself under Capt. Kirkwood who has been called the American Diomed. When he w^ent to the Captain and asked him if lie miglit fall in with his company, he told him, certainly. He soon asked again, if he might take a tree; and received the same answer ; for, as Kirkwood remarked after- * hi speakinood use of them. The door which was barred soon gave way; and as they were enterinof he presented his gun but it missed fire. The daughters at his command instantly charged upon them with their pitcli forks, and wi;h great resolution. The oldest daughter wounded one of the men severely and made him retreat; and among them they prevented the whole posse from advaticini?- any further until their father got his gun primed again, when he put a ball '.hrough one of 'hem. His name was Frederick Sheror; and Alexander knew him vvlien he shot. The others horo him oft to the house of a Mr. Harding in the neighborhood where the body was found next day and hurried ; but in their confusion they left his iiat at the door ; and A'exiiiider wore it to preaching at Alamance the next day as a trophy. The daughter married soon after; and lived many years in the same neighborhood. 244 MFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. had no positive testimony, he took his own way of indicting punishment. Some years after, when he undertook to huild a now house, lie employed this man to do the Mork; treated him very kindly, though in such a way that he feU continnahy re- proved for lii- own meanness; and would frequently take an opportunity of telling him about a certain tory who stole his gun, describing the thief very minutely — his height, his com- plexion, the color of iiis ban', the diujple on his chin, &c.; and then would add, in his peculiar maimer, "lie was just about such a looking man as you are." No one who had no personal knowledge of Dr. Caldwell, could form a correct idea of the ef- fect produced by this course ; but it was most tormenting, and yet it was all done apparently in perfect good humor. Owing to the confusion and distress which had prevailed for some lime in the country, the exercises of the sanctuary, the op- erations of civil government, the labors of science, and even the ordinary duties of private and social life were suspended or greatly interrupted. Prayer however is practicable everywhere and at all times; for God is an infinite spirit, and may be ap- proached by the devout heart, not only on Mount Zion or in Je- rusalem, but in the closet or in the wilderness. It is natural and right for a religious community at all times, especially when in distress, to seek the Tabernacle of the Lord, if it be accessible, to hear his instructions and to present their united supplications; but if that be iinpracfic:iblo, they may mourn and pray, each one apart, or in groups arouiid the family altar; and sucti was the practice of cliristians in these times of gloominess and dismay, of vexation and trouble. While this stale of peril and suffering coiitiiiucd, Dr. Caldwell was debarred, not only from the })ublic exercises of the Sabbath, but in a great measure from the com- forts of the domestic fireside. His school also liad been broken up ; and some of his scholars were drafted to recruit the Amer- ican army, and were in the battle at liie court house ; but as soon as the country ceased to be the theatre of war, he returned to his pulpit, and to the discharge of liis ministerial and pastoral duties. The exercises of his school were also resumed as soon as circumstances permitted, though, the number of his scholars LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 245 was small until peace, and, with it, incipient prosperity, were restored to the country. But a work remained to be done wnich was equally as im- portant as the achievement of independence ; and wliicli required all the talents, learning and piety that could he brought to its performance. The formation of a constilutional government, so regulated and secured, as to answer, by its uniform and whole- some operation, all the purposes for which such a government was needed, in the existing condition of tlie country, was no easy task, and could not be the work of a day. The people had proved what had been often proved before in a similar way by the people of other countries, tliat the governujent to which they had been subject, migiit be successfully resisted and free- dom from its operations obtained; but it remained for them to do what never had been done, wiiich was, to shew the world that societies of men when thus set at liberty are capable of go- verning themselves, or of establishing a wise and wholesome government from reflection and choice. The difficulties were apparently insurmountable, as any one may perceive l)y read- ing the Federalist and other publications of that day; and tlie advocates of monarchy in this country, as well as the potentates of the old word, pronounced it an impossibility. Many, too, even of the most patriotic and intelligent, were doubtful, if not incredulous; but some thing must be done. A government was needed which should be free, yet firm and vigorous ; — so liberal in its provisions as to meet the views and embrace the in- terests of all sections of the union ; but placed on a basis so firm and so well guarded that it would remain secure from the as- saults of Ibes without, and the conflicts of ambition and party strife within. To abandon the prize which cost them so dear, and to throw away or lose the richest boon, next to religion, which heaven ever conferred upon a people, without making every possible effort for its preservation, would have been crim- inal and disgraceful in the extreme. The work ivas done, and done to tiie admiration of the world, though it took nearly as long as the war with Great Britain ; for the whole period from the conclusion of peace, if not from the Declaration of Inde- pendence, was a contest with difficulties which would have been 246 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL. D.D. easily overcome with such a government as we now have ; and the whole of it was a constant effort too on the part of the wise and patriotic, to get such a government established. When the necessity of the nieasnre became manifest, from tlie insufficiency of the old Confederation to answer the purposes for which it was formed, the people looked to the same source and employed the same, or many of the same agents, whom they had found wor- thy of confidence in the bloody strife with a foreign foe. They invoked the aid of heaven ; and confided in the integrity and wisdom of the men who had counselled and guided them through all the difficulties and perils of the past. ....AsjQiigh]LJ3eje.:jq5ected^.Dr. Caldwell was chosen by the peo- ple of his county to represent them in the Convention which adopted the present Federal Constitution ; and although there were many men of the first intelligence and ability in that body, the debates were not as able perhaps as might have been ex- pected on such an occasion ; for the ablest men or the best ora- tors were all oji one side. According to the Debates of the Con- vention, as they have been reported, the Doctor seems to have taken about such a stand as might have been expected from his previous habits and circumstances. He had lived remote from the centre of intelligence and of co-operation ; and there were no men living in his region who were liberally educated and prominent as politicians. He had therefore been without much intercourse witli the master spirits of the day ; and consequent- ly without the mental stinuiius, at least in that department of human knowledge and human interests, which such intercourse imparts. Of course he had been without the best means of cor- recling those partial or defective views which a man is apt to form on any practical subject, in a state of seclusion ; and which nothing can effectually correct but discussion or collision with other minds of intelligence, experience, and observation. With the general principles of hberty he was well acquainted ; but with tlie details of government he had never had much to do. He had been the principal source of general intelhgence as well as of religious knowledge, in his neighborhood; and while all looked up to him for instruction there wer^ none to contradict, or to enlighten and correct. Besides, having been all along oc- LIFE OF i)AVID CALKVVELL, B.D. 247 cupied with his school, his medical practice, and the duties of his pastoral office, it was not to be expected that lie would ap- pear to so much advantage in a political assembly, or that he would be so well acquauited with the details of a constitution required by the diversified interests, sentiments, and habits of this widely extended country, as those who had been from the first, in curcumstances more favorable for observation, and for having their minds excited and their views corrected by contin- ual intercourse with kindred spirits. From the Reports it appears that Dr. Caldwell was with the majority, of the first convention, m adopting the constitution on- ly on certain conditions, being an advocate for state rights, and afraid of putting too much power in the hands of the President ; and the course of events during the last few years have led ma- ny to think that the fears which were then entertained were not altogether groundless. There were both intrinsic and cn'cum- stantial (hfficulfies in the case. The formation of a government that would have sufficient firmness and vigor, and yet be suffi- ciently free and guarded against the abuse of power, was then a matter of experiment ; but people who are possessed of only a moderate share of prudence and are actuated by pure motives, always approach an expiriment with caution, where the intersts at stake are so momentous, and the dajiger, though it may not be very well defined, is manifestly great and near at hand. It was almost impossible in this case to know just what amount of power was necessary in an executive officer, and one too of wliich the world furnished no example, to enable him to fulfil the intentions of his appointment. Knowing as they did that they could put no reliance on the integrity of the men who might, in process of time, be placed at the head of the nation, it was regarded as a matter of prudence and sound policy to confer on the supreme executive no more power than would barely suf- fice for the discharge of his duties; but in their circumstances, that was not easily defined or ascertained. Even now, after a trial of more than half a century, there is much diversity of opinion on this point ; and although the dangers arising from the abuse of executive patronage are more manifest, or better vinderslood than they were at that early day, when experience 24S LIFE OF UAVII) CALDWELL, D.D bad given no sanction or confirmation to theory, and when tnitli liad not fairly put her seal upon the system whicli they were forming, it is found extremely difficult, if not imj)racticable, to form any constitutional checks by which these evils may be cer- tainly averted. The difficulty seems to be inherent ; and cannot be removed or overcome by the wisdom and power of man nor by any tlung exce])t a njoral safeguard implanted and cherished in the bosoms of those who are to be trusted. Tliere were difficuhies also arising out of the feelings or pre- judices and circumstances of the peoj)!e. They had known so much of the oppressions experienced from executive patronage, standing armies, &c., wlule subject to the British government, and had suffered so much in resisting that government when it became intolerable, that they were morbidly sensitive on every thing connected v/ith popular rights; and the same principle which led them to be jealous of a hereditary monarch was extended in some degree to their own representatives, though chosen by themselves and at such short intervals that they were removable almost at pleasure. It was therefore fortunate that the attempt to form our present government was not made at an earher day, or until they had much time for reflection and had learned mucli from experience, otherwise it could not have been formed, or must have been regarded as mere theory, — a Utopian scheme that might serve for amusement, but could never be re- duced to practice. Dr. Caldwell, tliough remarkably judicious Avhen in possession of the facts which would enable him to form a judgment, was equally cautious when those facts were want- ing. It is said, though I know not on what authority, that he drafted the article in the State Constitution which exchtdes all ministers of the gospel, as well as the one whicli excluded Ro- man Catholics, from holding certain offices under the govern- ment ; and if so, it is an evidence, not only of liis strong attach- ment to liberty, but of his vigilance in guarding against every thing which might lead to a union oi Church and State, and consequently to a violation of of the rights of conscience. A free government is a government of the people ; and unless tliey have sufficient intelligence and virtue to appreciate its val- ue and to sustain its operation, whatever wisdom may have LIFE OK DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. 219 been employed in its construction, its duration must be short; but the very struggle by which the people of this country ob- tained tlie privilege of govertiiug themselves Vv^as calculated to impair their most essential ([ualificatious for self-government. War, under any ciicunistances, is a prolific source of immorality and vice ; but when it is both foreign and domestic, as it was here, every kind of government, except that of martial law, is suspended, and all civil and ecclesiastical restraints are in a good degree removed ; the worst passions of human nature are in- tensely and constantly excited ; and the progress of vice soon gains an ascendancy over every thing good. A seven years' war of this description had produced such anarchy and wickedness that society was not easily restored even to its former state of sobri- ety and good morals. We are rather agreeably surprised, in contemplating this subject, to find as much vital religion as there was amidst the great deterioration of morals v/hich we know existed in a large portion of society; biU. siill there was an im- perious necessity for a reformation, in this respect, which should pervade the entire comnmnity ; and this was a work which be- longed peculiarly to the ministers of the gospel ; nor did they manifest any despondency ; but engaged in it with all the zeal and firmness which the difficulty and importance of the task re- quired. The statesmen of that day also, or such of them as were most prominent and influential, with one at their head, who, for wisdom, integrity, and patriotism, was almost a perfect model, not only admitted the necessity of intelligence and virtue to the support of a free government, but gave their influence to aid in the difl'usion of christain principles as the only security for good order, moral rectitude, and due subordination in socie- ty. During the war the increase of ordained ministers and of or- ganized churclies, of the Presbyterian order, appears to have been as great as in the same length of time at any period since; for soon after the conclusion of the war the Presbytery of Or- ange numbered twenty ordained ministers, with six licentiates and one or two in a course of preparation ; and these, with two or three exceptions, were all settled or laboring, in some way, within the limits of this State. They were working men; 250 LIFE OF DAVID CALDWELL, D.D. and they worked with a view to permanent good ; for they were men of enlarged views as well as of christian zeal.* They knew well that without intelligence and virtue a free govern- ment could not be long maintained ; and that there could not 1)6 a consistent and permanent state of practical religion with- out enlightened views of christian doctrine. For the attain- ment of the great objects before them, almost every one of them taught a classical school ; and as a great many men were thus prepared for usefulness in the learned professions, these schools became sources of general information to the people. In fact nearly all the literature and science in the State for many years * Tiie following statistical report from under the hand of the staled Clerk, may perhaps be acceptable to a portion of my readers, especially as we have no Pr^sbylerial or ISynodical records relating to that period. It is here given verbatim el Itlerafvm. MEMBERS, PROBATIONERS, &c. OF TUB PRESBYTERY OF ORANGE, APRIL 2d, 1784. 3hmstcrs. Churches, Messrs Alexander. Joseph - - - Bullock's Creek, " Archibald, Robert - - - Rocky River. n B:irr, David Sandy River. t( Caldwell, David - - - Buffalo. (( Cosson, John - . - - 3- Onochugues. (( Cummins, Francis - - - (« Belhel. (1 Craighead, Tliomas - - 5- Holstein. (( Edmunds, James - - - -3 (i Eraser, James - - - - Expunged Oct, 5th, 1784.* 1( Ilali, James ----- O Fourth Creek. (( Harris^, John » - - - . £. it Hill, Thomas - - . - (t McCaule, T. H. - . - £ Centre, (( McCorkle, Samuel E. - - 0} Cathey's, (now Thyatira.) " McRee, James - - - - o_ Steel Creek. <( Patil'.o, Henry - - - - n Reese, j'homas - - - - Salem. " Simpson, Jolin - - - - Fishing Creek. 4l_ Teinplefon, James - - Quaker Meadows. il Thatcher, Daniel - . . Evangelists not ordained. Messrs. Finlev, Robert licenced Oct. 9th, 1783. " Ilall, Robert « " Jxin. -iOlh, 1784. Mecklin, Robert " " Oct. 8th, 1783. " Newton, John " " Oct 8th, 1783. *' Donncll, Thomas " " April 11th, 1778. " Lake, Jacob " " Not licensed. Mr. John Springer, began June, 1782'. True return. Testis, T. II McCAULE, Presb. C'lk. -'■ The word " expunged," &c., was written in another hand. LIFE GF DAVJD CALDWELL, D.I). 231 was obtained or originated there ; and the country owes a debt of gratitude to those men which ought not to be forgotten. — They also made it an object to expound and defend the promi- nent doctrines of the gospel, and to enforce the great principles of moral obligation. Hence there was a combination of the doctrinal and practical in their preaching, wiiicli is not generally found to prevail at the present day. Much of their preaching was directed against the predominant vices of the times, such as intemperance, licentiousness, theft, robbery, &c., which were then rife every where, and required the combined efforts of all the wise and good for their suppression. There is in my pos- session a manuscript sermon preached about the close of the war, by one of the ablest men in the country, entiled, tlie crime