^U^A HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY, INDIANA. FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE PRESENT, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, NOTES, ETC., TOGETHER WITH A SHORT HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST, THE INDIANA TERRITORY, AND THE STATE OF INDIANA. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO : BRANT & FULLER. 1888. vtf 1 Democrat Printing Company, Madison, Wis. PREFACE. After several months of almost uninterrupted labor, the History of Johnson County is completed. In issuing it to our patrons we do not claim for it perfection ; but that it contains that reasonable de- gree of accuracy which only could be expected of us, is confidently asserted. The difficulties that surround such an undertaking can scarcely be realized by one who has never engaged in work of the kind. To reconcile the doubtful and often conflicting statements that are so frequently made by those who would seem to be best informed, is a task both perplexing and tedious. Yet we believe that we have been able to present a history of the county that is as nearly complete as reason can demand, and the book exceeds our promises in almost every particular. We have endeavored to set forth the facts in as concise and unostentatious language as possible, believing it is for the facts and not for rhetorical display that the book is desired. The mechanical execution and general appear- ance of the volume will recommend it, even to the fastidious. The arrangement of the matter is such as to render an index almost superfluous, as the subject under consideration is at the top of every right-hand page. For further details the italic subdivisions will enable the reader to refer with readiness to any topic. In the spell- ing of proper names there is such a wide difference, even among members of the same family, and is a matter of so arbitrary a nature, that our only guide was each man's desire. Every clew that gave promise of important facts connected with the county's history has been investigated by those engaged in the work. We believe the volume will be favorably received and highly appreciated by those for whom it was prepared. Our thanks are due to those who have rendered us assistance and to our patrons. THE PUBLISHERS. Chicago, III., October, 188S. 1470. CONTENTS. PAST I-HISTOEY OF INDIANA. CHAPTER I. page. Prehistoric Races 17 Antiquities 19 Chinese, The 18 Discovery by Columbus 33 Explorations by the Whites 37 Indians, The 31 Immigration, The First 18 Immigration, The Second 20 Pyramids, etc. The 21 Relics of the Mound-Builders 23 Savage Customs 34 Tartars, The 23 Vincennes 39 Wabash River. The 39 White Men, The First 37 CHAPTER II. National Policies, etc 41 American Policy, The 46 Atrocity of the .Savages 47 Burning of Hiuton., 48 British Policy, The 4t; Clark's Expedition 52 French Scheme, The 41 Gilbault, Father 65 Government of the Northwest 67 Hamilton's Career 64 Liquor and < taming Laws 74 Missionaries, The Catholic 42 Ordinance of 1787 70 Pontiac's War 46 Ruse Against the Indians 64 Vigo, Francis 6 CHAPTER III. Operations Against the Indians 76 Battle at Peoria Lake 104 Campaign of Harrison 92 Cession Treaties 93 Defeat of St. Clair 79 Defensive Operations 76 Expedition of Harmer 75 Expedition of Wayne 79 Expedition of St. Clair 7$ Expedition of Williamson 78 Fort Miami, Battle of 80 Harrison and the Indians 87 Hopkins' Campaign 105 Kickapoo Town, Burning of 7s Blaumee, Battle of. 75 Massacre at Pigeon Roost 103 Mississinewa Town, Battle at 106 Oratory, Tecumseh's 114 Prophet Town, Destruction of. 100 Peace with the Indians 100 Siege of Fort Wayne mi Siege of Fort Harrison 103 Tecumseh Ill Tippecanoe, Battle of. 98 War of 1S12 101 War of 1812, Close of the lo8 CHAPTER IV. Organization of Indiana Territory 82 Bank, Establishment of 120 Courts, Formation of 120 County Offices, Appointment of. 119 Corydon, the Capital 117 Gov. Posey 117 Indiana in 1810 84 Population in 1815 118 Territorial Legislature, The First 84 Western Sun, The 84 CHAPTER V. PAGE. Organization of the State, etc 121 Amendment, The Fifteenth 147 Black Hawk War 126 Constitution, Formation of the 121 Campaigns Against the Indians 128 Defeat of Black Hawk 130 Exodus of the Indians 131 General Assembly, The First 122 Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Treaty of. 142 Harmony Community 134 Indian Titles 132 Immigration 125 Lafayette, Action at 127 Laud Sales 133 Mexican War, The 136 Slavery 144 CHAPTER VI. Indiana in the Rebellion 148 Batteries of Light Infantry 182 Battle Record of States 188 Call to Arms, The 149 Colored Troops of Indiana 182 Calls of 1864 177 Field, In the 152 Independent Cavalry Regiment 181 Morgan's I laid 170 Minute-Men 170 One Hundred Days' Men 176 Regiments, Formation of 151 Regiments, Sketch of 153 Six Months' Regiments 172 CHAPTER VII. State Affairs After the Rebellion 189 Agriculture 209 Coal 207 Divorce Laws 193 Finances 194 Geology 205 Internal Improvements 199 Indiana Horticultural Society 212 Indiana Promological Society 213 Special Laws 190 State Bank 106 State Board of Agriculture 2<«9 State Expositions 210 Wealth and Progress 197 CHAPTER VIII. Education and Benevolence 215 Blind Institute, The 2 t2 City School System 218 Compensation of Teachers 220 Denominational and Private Institutions.... 230 Deaf and Dumb Institute 236 Educatic 265 Enumera m of Scholars 219 Family \ rship 252 FreeScho 5ysiem, The 215 Funds, Mi gemeut of the 217 Female Pr i and Reformatory 241 Housed" I ige, The 243 Insane Ho tal, The 238 Northern Ii ana Normal School 229 Origin of Sc ol Funds r 22l Purdue Unh -sity 224 School Statis ;s 218 State Univer 1 . iy. The 222 State Normal School 228 State Prison, South' 239 State Prison, North 240 Total School Funds 220 VI CONTEXTS. PART II.— HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Indian History — Pre-historic Races— Early Indian Occupants — The Miamis, Their Habits and Characteristics— Indian Rel- ics — The Delaware* — Their Residence in Indiana — Remnants from Other Tribes — Last of the Red Men 277 CHAPTER n. Early Settlements — Territorial Times — Traces and Early Roads— The Whetzels— The Bluffs— Straggle for the Stat.- ( fcpi- tol— First Permanent Settlement— Story of the Settlement by Townships— The ■White and Blue Hiver Settlements — Founding Franklin — Reminiscences.. . 290 CHAPTER HI. The Pioneers — Where They Came From— Who They Were — Arrival in the New Country — Deserted Cabins — Architec- ture of the Early Homes — Modes of Travel — Hardships of New Comers —Domestic Animals— Mast — Hog Steal- ing — Situation of New Homes— Primi- tive Tools — Mode of Farming — Himt- ing Incidents — Woman's Work — Doc- tors and Diseases — Morals, Social Cus- toms, Etc 326 CHAPTER IV. Schools — Early Legislative Acts in Rela- tion to — Examination and Qualifica- tions of Early Teachers — Primitive Buildings and Methods — First Schools — List of Early Pedagogues— Later and More improved Methods— provisionsor New Constitution — Present School Cen- sus— Franklin College 361 CHAPTER V. Bench and Bar — Circuit Court — Its Judges and Officers — First Sessions — Early Case: — Probate Court — Courts Under the New Constitution — Common Pleas — Fluctuation of Litigation — Circuit Judges and Prosecuting Attorneys — Early Attorneys 389 CHAPTER VI. Geology — Situation and Boundarj- — Top- ograph}- — Connected Section — Recent Geology— Paleozoic Geology 462 CHAPTER VH. Towns — Franklin — Early Business Men and Residents — Incorporation — Officers — Industries — Banks — The Press — Secret Societies— Loan Associations — Edinburg — Greenwood — Williamsburgh— Trafal- gar— Whit eland— Union Village— Other Small Villages 504 CHAPTER vm. County Organization — Organic Act — Lo- cating County Seat — Sale of Lots — Public Buildings — Methods of Doing O lunty Business — Finances — Poor Ex- penses — Creation of Townships — Elec- tions—County Officers — Roads Medi- cal Societies. Etc 680 CHAPTER IX. Military History — Early Militia — Black Hawk War — Mexican War — Civil War — Sentiments in I860 — First Troops — Sketches of Regiments — Sentiment in 1068— Bounty and Relief— Men Furnished for the War — Roll of Honor 736 CHAPTER X. Religious History — Presbyterian Churches at Franklin, Greenwood, Whiteland, Shi- loh, Hopew ell, Edinburg, and Others — Baptist Churches at Franklin, Green- wood, Amity, Mt. Zion. Trafalgar, Mt. Pleasant, Edinburg, and Other Points — Christian Churches of the County — Methodists — Catholics 837 In order to find any particular biographical sketch, refer to the township in which the per- son lives, where they will be found in alphabeti- cal order. The sketches for each township be- gin as follows: Blue River Township 399 Clark Township 175 Franklin — City and Township H.'usley Township 69? Needham Township 719 Nineveh Township 743 Pleasant Township 767 Union Township B7I White River Township 884 PORTRAITS. D. D. Banta Frontispiece William MeCaslin Facing 275 HISTORY OF INDIANA: FORMER OCCUPANTS. PREHISTORIC RACES. Scientists have ascribed to the Mound Builders varied originSj and though their divergence of opinion may for a time seem incom- patible with a thorough investigation of the subject, and tend to a confusion of ideas, no doubt whatever can exist as to the compar- ative accuracy of conclusions arrived at by some of them. Like the vexed question of the Pillar Towers of Ireland, it has caused much speculation, and elicited the opinions of so many learned antiquarians, ethnologists and travelers, that it will not be found beyond the range of possibility to make deductions that may suffice to solve the problem who were the prehistoric settlers of America. To achieve this it will not be necessary to go beyond the period over which Scripture history extends, or to indulge in tliose airy nights of imagination so sadly identified with occasional writers of even the Christian school, and all the accepted literary exponents of modern paganism. That this continent is co-existent with the world of the ancients cannot be questioned. Every investigation, instituted under the auspices of modern civilization, confirms the fact and leaves no channel open through which the skeptic can escape the thorough refutation of his opinions. China, with its numerous living testi- monials of antiquity, with its ancient, though limited literature and its Babelish superstitions, claims a continuous history from antediluvian times; but although its continuity may be denied witli every just reason, there is nothing to prevent the transmission of a hieroglyphic record of its history prior to 1656 anno mundi, since many traces of its early settlement survived the Deluge, and became sacred objects of the first historical epoch. This very sur- vival of a record, such as that of which the Chinese boast, is not at variance with the designs of a God who made and ruled the universe; but that an antediluvian people inhabited this continent, 13 HISTOET OF INDIANA. ■will not be claimed; because it is not probable, though it maybe possible, that a settlement in a land which may be considered a portion of the Asiatic continent, was effected by the immediate followers of the first progenitors of the human race. Therefore, on entering the study of the ancient people who raised these tumu- lus monuments over large tracts of the country, it will be just sufficient to wander back to that time when the flood-gates of heaven were swung open to hurl destruction on a wicked world; and in doing so the inquiry must be based on legendary, or rather upon many circumstantial evidences; for, so far as written narra- tive extends, there is nothing to show that a movement of people too far east resulted in a Western settlement. THE FIKST IMMIGRATION. The first and most probable sources in which the origin of the Builders must be sought, are those countries lying along the east- ern coast of Asia, which doubtless at that time stretched far beyond its present limits, and presented a continuous shore from Lopatka to Point Cambodia, holding a population comparatively civilized, and all professing some elementary form of the Boodhism of later days. Those peoples, like the Chinese of the present, were bonnd to live at home, and probably observed that law until after the con- fusion of languages and the dispersion of the builders of Babel in 1757, a. m. ; but subsequently, within the following century, the old Mongolians, like the new, crossed the great ocean in the very paths taken by the present representatives of the race, arrived on the same shores, which now extend a very questionable hospitality to them, and entered at once upon the colonization of the country south and east, while the Caucasian race engaged in a similar move- ment of exploration and colonization over what may be justly termed the western extension of Asia, and both peoples growing stalwart under the change, attained a moral and physical eminence to which they never could lay claim under the tropical sun which 6hed its beams upon the cradle of the human race. That mysterious peopie who, like the Brahmins of to-day, wor- shiped some transitory deity, and in after years, evidently embraced the idealization of Boodhism, as preached in Mongolia early in the 35th century of the world, together with acquiring the learning of the Confucian and Pythagorean schools of the same period, spread all over the land, and in their numerous settlements erected these ratns, or mounds, and sacrificial altars whereon they received their HISTORT OF INDIANA. 19 periodical visiting gods, surrendered their bodies to natural absorp- tion or annihilation, and watched lor the return of some transmi- grated soul, the while adoring the universe, which with all beings they believed would be eternally existent. They possessed religious orders corresponding in external show at least with the Essenes or Theraputa 1 of the pre-Christian and Christian epochs, and to the reformed Theraputre or monks of the present. Every memento of their coming and their stay which has descended to us is an evi- dence of their civilized condition. The free copper found within the tumuli; the open veins of the Superior and Iron Mountain copper-mines, with all the mod us operandi of ancient mining, such as ladders, levers, chisels, and hammer-heads, discovered by the French explorers of the Northwest and the Mississippi, are conclu- sive proofs that those prehistoric people were highly civilized, and that many nourishing colonies were spread throughout the Missis- sippi valley, while yet the mammoth, the mastodon, and a hundred other animals, now only known by their gigantic fossil remains, guarded the eastern shore of the continent as it were against sup- posed invasions of the Tower Builders who went west from Babel; while yet the beautiful isles of the Antilles formed an integral portion of this continent, long years before the European Northman dreamed of setting forth to the discovery of Greenland and the northern isles, and certainly at a time when all that portion of America north of latitude 45° was an ice-incumbered waste. Within the last few years great advances have been made toward the discovery of antiquities whether pertaining to remains of organic or inorganic nature. Together with many small, but telling relics of the early inhabitants of the country, the fossils of pre- historic animals have been unearthed from end to end of the land, and in districts, too, long pronounced by geologists of some repute to be without even a vestige of vertebrate fossils. Among the collected souvenirs of an age about which so very little is known, are twenty-five vertebras averaging thirteen inches in diameter, and three vertebras ossified together measure nine cubical feet; a thigh-bone five feet long by twenty-eight, by tweive inches in diameter, and the shaft fourteen by eight inches thick, the entire lot weighing 600 lbs. These fossils are presumed to belong to the cretaceous period, when the Dinosaur roamed over the country from East to West, desolating the villages of the people. This animal is said to have been sixty feet long, and when feeding in cypress and palm forests, to extend himself eighty-five feet, 60 that he may 20 HrSTORY OF INDIANA. devour the budding tops of those great trees. Other efforts in this direction may lead to great results, and culminate probably in the discovery of a tablet engraven by some learned Mound Builder, describing; in the ancient hieroglyphics of China all these men and beasts whose history excites so much speculation. The identity of the Mound Builders with the Mongolians might lead us to hope for such a consummation; nor is it beyond the range of probability, particularly in this practical age, to find the future labors of some industrious antiquarian requited by the upheaval of a tablet, written in the Tartar characters of 1700 years ago, bearing on a subject which can now be treated onfv on a purely circumstantial basis. THE SECOND IMMIGRATION may have begun a few centuries prior to the Christian era, and unlike the former expedition or expeditions, to have traversed north- eastern Asia to its Arctic confines, and then east to the narrow channel now known as Behring's Straits, which they crossed, and sailing up the unchanging Yukon, settled under the shadow of Mount St. Elias for many years, and pushing South commingled "with their countrymen, soon acquiring the characteristics of the descendants of the first colonists. Chinese chronicles tell of such a people, who went North and were never heard of more. Circum- stances conspire to render that particular colony the carriers of a new religious faith and of an alphabetic system of a representative character to the old colonists, and they, doubtless, exercised a most beneficial influence in other respects ; because the influx of immi- grants of such culture as were the Chinese, even of that remote period, must necessarily bear very favorable results, not only in bringing in reports of their travels, but also accounts from the fatherland bearing on the latest events. With the idea of a second and important exodus there are many theorists united, one of whom says: "It is now the generally received opinion that the first inhabitants of America passed over from Asia through these straits. The number of small islands lying between both continents renders this opinion still more probable; and it is yet farther confirmed by some remarkable traces of similarity in the physical conformation of the northern natives of both continents. The Esquimaux of North America, the Samoieds of Asia, and the Laplanders of Europe, are supposed to be of the same family; and this supposition is strengthened by the affinity which exists in their languages. The researches of Hum- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 21 boldt have traced the Mexicans to the vicinity of Behring's Straits; whence it is conjectured that they, as well as the Peruvians and other tribes, came originally from Asia, and were the Hiongnoos, who are, in the Chinese annals, said to have emigrated under Puno, and to have been lost in the North of Siberia." ' Since this theory is accepted by most antiquaries, there is every reason to believe that from the discovery of what may be called an overland route to what was then considered an eastern extension of that country which is now known as the " Celestial Empire," many caravans of emigrants passed to their new homes in the land of illimitable possibilities until the way became a well-marked trail over which the Asiatic might travel forward, and having once entered the Elysian fields never entertained an idea of returning. Thus from generation to generation the tide of immigration poured in until the slopes of the Paciiic and the banks of the great inland rivers became hives of busy industry. Magnificent cities and monuments were raised at the bidding of the tribal leaders and populous settlements centered with happy villages sprung up everywhere in manifestation of the power and wealth and knowl- edge of the people. The colonizing Caucasian of the historic period walked over this great country on the very ruins of a civil- ization which a thousand years before eclipsed all that of which he could boast. He walked through the wilderness of the West over buried treasures hidden under the accumulated growth of nature, nor rested until he saw, with great surprise, the remains of ancient pyramids and temples and cities, larger and evidently more beauti- ful than ancient Egypt could bring forth after its long years of uninterrupted history. The pyramids resemble those of Egypt in exterior form, and in some instances are of larger dimensions. The pyramid of Cholula is square, having each side of its base 1,335 feet in length, and its height about 172 feet. Another pyramid) situated in the north of Vera Cruz, is formed of large- blocks of highly-polished porphyry, and bears upon its front hiero- glyphic inscriptions and curious sculpture. Each side of its square base is 82 feet in length, and a flight of 57 steps conducts to its summit, which is 65 feet in height. The ruins of Palenque are said to extend 20 miles along the ridge of a mountain, and the remains of an Aztec city, near the banks of the river Gila, are spread over more than a square league. Their literature consisted of hieroglyphics; but their arithmetical knowledge did not extend farther than their calculations by the aid of graius of corn. Yet, 22 HISTORY OF INDIANA. notwithstanding all their varied accomplishments, and they were evidently many, their notions of religious duty led to a most demo- niac zeal at once barbarously savage and ferociously cruel. Each visiting, god instead of bringing new life to the people, brought death to thousands; and their grotesque idols, exposed to drown the senses of the beholders in fear, wrought wretchedness rather than spiritual happiness, until, as some learned and humane Monte- zumian said, the people never approached these idols without fear, and this fear was the great animating principle, the great religious motive power which sustained the terrible religion. Their altars were sprinkled with blood drawn from their own bodies in large quantities, and on them thousands of human victims were sacri- ficed in honor of the demons whom they worshiped. The head and heart of every captive taken in war were offered up as a bloody sacrifice to the god of battles, while the victorious legions feasted on the remaining portions of the dead bodies. It has been ascer- tained that during the ceremonies attendant on the consecration of two of their temples, the number of prisoners offered up in sacri- fice was 12,210; while their own legions contributed voluntary victims to the terrible belief in large numbers. Nor did this horrible custom cease immediately after 1521, when Oortez entered the imperial city of the Montezuraas; for, on being driven from it, all his troops who fell into the hands of the native soldiers were subjected to the most terrible and prolonged suffering that could be experienced in this world, and when about to yield up that spirit which is indestructible, were offered in sacrifice, their hearts and heads consecrated, and the victors allowed to feast on the yet warm flesh. A reference is made here to the period when the Montezumas ruled over Mexico, simply to gain a better idea of the hideous idolatry which took the place of the old Boodhism of the Mound Builders, and doubtless helped in a great measure to give victory to the new comers, even as the tenets of Mahometanism urged the ignorant followers of the prophet to the conquest of great nations. It was not the faith of the people who built the mounds and the pyramids and the temples, and who, 200 years before the Christian era, built the great wall of jealous China. No: rather was it that terrible faith born of the Tartar victory, which carried the great defenses of China at the point of the javelin and hatchet, who afterward marched to the very walls of Rome, under Alaric, and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 23 spread over the islands of Polynesia to the Pacific slopes of South America. THE TARTARS came there, and, like the pure Mongols of Mexico and the Missis- sippi valley, rose to a state of civilization bordering on that attained by them. Here for centuries the sons of the fierce Tartar race con- tinued to dwell in comparative peace until the all-ruling ambition of empire took in the whole country from the Pacific to the Atlan- tic, and peopled the vast territory watered by the Amazon with a race that was destined to conquer all the peoples of the Orient, and only to fall before the march of the arch-civilizing Caucasian. In course of time those fierce Tartars pushed their settlements northward, and ultimately entered the territories of the Mound Builders, putting to death all who fell within their reach, and causing the survivors of the death-dealing invasion to seek a refuge from the hordes of this semi-barbarous people in the wilds and fast- nesses of the North and Northwest. The beautiful country of the Mound Builders was now in the hands of savage invaders, the quiet, industrious people who raised the temples and pyramids were gone; and the wealth of intelligence and industry, accumulating forages, passed into the possession of a rapacious horde, who could- admire it only so far as it offered objects for plunder. Even in this the invaders were satisfied, and then having arrived at the height of their ambition, rested on their swords and entered upon the luxury and ease in the enjoyment of which they were found when the van- guard of European civilization appeared upon the scene. Mean- time the southern countries which those adventurers abandoned after having completed their conquests in the North, were soon peopled by hundreds of people, always moving from island to island and ultimately halting amid the ruins of villages deserted by those who, as legends tell, had passed eastward but never returned; and it would scarcely be a matter for surprise if those emigrants were found to be the progenitors of that race found by the Spaniards in 1532, and identical with the Araucanians, Cuenches and HuiL tidies of to-day. RELICS OF THE MOUND BUILDERS. One of the most brilliant and impartial historians of the Republic stated that the valley of the Mississippi contained no monuments. So far as the word is entertained now, he was literally correct, but 24 HISTOKV OF INDIANA. in some hasty effort neglected to qualify bis sentence by a refer- ence to the numerous relics of antiquity to be found throughout its length and breadth, and so exposed his chapters to criticism. The valley of the Father of Waters, and indeed the country from the trap rocks of the Great Lakes southeast to the Gulf and south- west to Mexico, abound in tell-tale monuments of a race of people much farther advanced in civilization than the Montezumas of the sixteenth century. The remains of walls and fortifications found in Kentucky and Indiana, the earthworks of Vincennes and throughout the valley of the Wabash, the mounds scattered over Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Virginia, and those found in Illi- nois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are all evidences of the univer- sality of the Chinese Mongols and of their advance toward a com- parative knowledge of man and cosmology. At the mouth of Fourteen-Mile creek, in Clark county, Indiana, there stands one of these old monuments known as the " Stone Fort." It is an unmistakable heirloom of a great and ancient people, and must have formed one of their most important posts. The State Geolo- gist's report, filed among the records of the State and furnished by Prof. Cox, says: "At the mouth of Fourteen-Mile creek, and about three miles from Charleston, the county-seat of Clark county, there is one of the most remarkable stone fortifications which has ever come under my notice. Accompanied by my assistant, Mr. Borden, and a number of citizens of Charleston, I visited the 'Stone Fort' for the purpose of making an examination of it. The locality selected for this fort presents many natural advantages for making it impregnable to the opposing forces of prehistoric times. It occupies the point of an elevated narrow ridge which faces the Ohio river on the east and is bordered by Fourteen-Mile creek on the west side. This creek empties into the Ohio a short distance below the fort. The top of the ridge is pear-shaped, with the part answering to the neck at the north end. This part is not over twenty feet wide, and is protected by precipitous natural walls of stone. It is 2S0 feet above the level of the Ohio river, and the slope is very gradual to the south. At the upper field it is 210 feet high and one hundred steps wide. At the lower timber it is 120 feet high. The bottom land at the foot of the south end is sixty feet above the river. Along the greater part of the Ohio river front there is an abrupt escarpment rock, entirely too steep to be scaled, and a similar natural barrier exists along a portion of the northwest side of the ridge, facing the creek. This natural wall w i t- I c > E R M H c X HISTORY OF INDIANA. 27 is joined to the neck of an artificial wall, made by piling up, mason fashion but without mortar, loose stone, which had evidently been pried up from the carboniferous layers of rock. This made wall, at this point, is about 150 feet long. It is built along the slope of the hill and had an elevation of about 75 feet above its base, the upper ten feet being vertical. The inside of the wall is protected by a ditch. The remainder of the hill is protected by an artificial stone wall, built in the same manner, but not more than ten feet high. The elevation of the side wall above the creek bottom is 80 feet. Within the artificial walls is a string of mounds which rise to the height of the wall, and are protected from the washing of the hill- sides by a ditch 20 feet wide and four feet deep. The position of the artificial walls, natural cliffs of bedded stone, as well as that of the ditch and mounds, are well illustrated. The top of the enclosed ridge embraces ten or twelve acres, and there are as many as five mounds that can be recognized on the flat surface, while no doubt many others existed which have been obliterated by time, and though the agency of man in his efforts to cultivate a portion of the ground. A trench was cut into one of these mounds in search of relics. A few fragments of charcoal and decomposed bones, and a large irregular, diamond-shaped boulder, with a small circular indentation near the middle of the upper part, that was worn quite smooth by the use to which it had been put, and the small pieces of fossil coral, comprised all the articles of note which were revealed by the excavation. The earth of which the mound is made resem- bles that seen on the hillside, and was probably in most part taken from the ditch. The margin next to the ditch was protected by slabs of stone set on edge, and leaning at an angle corresponding to the sloTie of the mound. This stone shield was two and one-half feet wide and one foot high. At intervals along the great ditch there are channels formed between the mounds that probably served to carry off the surplus water through openings in the outer wall. On the top of the enclosed ridge, and near its narrowest part, there is one mound much larger than any of the others, and so situated as to command an extensive view up and down the Ohio river, as well as affording an unobstructed view east and west. This is designated as ' Look-out Mound.' There is near it a slight break in the cliff of rock, which furnished a narrow passageway to the Ohio river. Though the locality afforded many natural advantages for a fort or stronghold, one is compelled to admit that much skill was displayed and labor expended in making its defense as perfect as possible at 28 HIST0KT OF INDIANA. all points. Stone axes, pestles, arrow-beads, spear-points, totums, charms and flint flakes have been found in great abundance in plowing the field at the foot of the old fort." From the " Stone Fort " the Professor turns bis steps to Posey county, at a point on the Wabash, ten miles above the mouth, called "Bone Bank," on account of the number of human bones continually washed out from the river bank. " It is," he states "situated in a bend on the left bank of the river; and the ground is about ten feet above high-water mark, being the only land along this portion of the river that is not submerged in seasons of high water. The bank slopes gradually back from the river to a slough. This slough now seldom contains water, but no doubt at one time it was an arm of the Wabash river, which flowed around the Bone Bank and afforded protection to the island home of the Mound Builders. The Wabash has been changing its bed for many years, leaving a broad extent of newly made land on the right shore, and gradually making inroads on the left shore by cutting away the Bone Bank. The stages of growth of land on the right bank of the river are well defined by thecottonwood trees, which increase in size as you go back from the river. Unless there is a change in the cur- rent ot the river, all trace of the Bone Bank will be obliterated. Already within the memory of the white inhabitants, the bank has been removed to the width of several hundred yards. As the bank is cut by the current of the river it loses its support, and when the water sinks it tumbles over, carrying with it the bones of the Mound Builders and the cherished articles buried with them. No locality in the country furnishes a greater number and variety of relics than this. It has proved especially rich in pottery of quaint design and skillful workmanship. I have a number of jugs and pots and a cup found at the Bone Bank. This kind of work has been very abundant, and is still found in such quantities that we are led to conclude that its manufacture formed a leading indus- try of the inhabitants of the Bone Bank. It is not in Europe alone that we find a well-founded claim of high antiquity for the art of making hard and durable stone by a mixture of clay, lime, sand and stone; for I am convinced that this art was possessed by a race of people who inhabited this continent at a period so remote that neither tradition nor history can furnish any account of them. They belonged to the Neolithic, or polished-stone, age. They lived in towns and built mounds for sepulture and worship and pro- tected their homes by surrounding them with walls of earth and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 20 stone. In some of these mounds specimens of various kinds of pottery, in a perfect state of preservation, have from time to time been found, and fragments are so common that every student of archaeology can have a bountiful supply. Some of these fragments indicate vessels of very great size. At the Saline springs of Gal- latin I picked up fragments that indicated, by their curvature, ves- sels five to six feet in diameter, and it is probable they are frag- ments of artificial stone pans used to hold brine that was manufac- tured into salt by solar evaporation. " Now, all the pottery belonging to the Mound Builders' age, which I have seen, is composed of alluvial clay and sand, or a mix- ture of the former with pulverized fresh-water shells. A paste made of such a mixture possesses, in high degree, the properties of hydraulic Puzzuoland and Portland cement, so that vessels formed of it hardened without being burned, as is customary with modern pottery." The Professor deals very aptly with this industry of the aborig- ines, and concludes a very able disquisition on the Bone Bank in its relation to the prehistoric builders. e^o% &MMm c/r .; -°"x ■"<¥ );:m y m HIEROGLYPHICS OF THE MOUND-BUILDERS. The creat circular redoubt or earth-work found two miles west of the village of New Washington, and the " Stone Fort," on a ridge one mile west of the village of Deputy, offer a subject for the anti- quarian as deeply interesting as any of the monuments of a decayed empire so far discovered. 30 HISTORY OF INDIANA. From end to end of Indiana there are to be found many other rel- ics of the obscure past. Some of them have been unearthed and now appear among the collected antiquities at Indianapolis. The highly finished sandstone pipe, the copper ax, stone axes, flint arrow-heads and magnetic plummets found a few years ago beneath the soil of Cut-Off Island near New Harmony, together with the pipes of rare workmanship and undoubted age, une.irthed near Covington, all live as it were in testimony of their owner's and maker's excel- lence, and hold a share in the evidence of the partial annihilation of a race, with the complete disruption of its manners, customs ami industries; and it is possible that when numbers of these relics are placed together, a key to the phonetic or rather hieroglyphic system of that remote period might be evolved. It may be asked what these hieroglyphical characters really are, Well, they are varied in form, so much so that the pipes found in the mounds of Indians, each bearing a distinct representation of some animal, may be taken for one species, used to represent the abstract ideas of the Mound Builders. The second form consists of pure hieroglyphics or phonetic characters, in which the sound is represented instead of the object; and the third, or painted form of the first, conveys to the mind that which is desired to be repre- sented. This form exists among the Cree Indians of the far North- west, at present. They, when departing from their permanent vil- lages for the distant hunting grounds, paint on the barked trees in the neighborhood the figure of a snake or eagle, or perhaps huskey dog; and this animal is supposed to guard the position until the warrior's return, or welcome any friendly tribes that may arrive there in the interim. In the case of the Mound Builders, it is un- likely that this latter extreme was resorted to, for the simple reason that the relics of their occupation are- too high in the ways of art to tolerate such a barbarous science of language; but the sculptured pipes and javelins and spear-heads of the Mound Builders may be taken as a collection of graven images, each conveying a set of ideas easily understood, and perhaps sometimes or more generally used to designate the vocation, name or character of the owner. That the builders possessed an alphabet of a phonetic form, and purely hieroglyphic, can scarcely be questioned; but until one or more of the unearthed tablets, which bore all or even a portion of such characters, are raised from their centuried graves, the mystery which surrounds this people must remain, while we must dwell in a world of mere speculation. HISTOET OF INDIANA. 31 > Vigo, Jasper, Sullivan, Switzerland and Ohio counties can boast of a most liberal endowment in this relation; and when in other days the people will direct a minute inquiry, and penetrate to the very heart of the thousand cones which are scattered throughout the land, they may possibly extract the blood in the shape of metal- lic and porcelain works, with hieroglyphic tablets, while leaving the form of heart and body complete to entertain and delight un- born generations, who in their time will wonder much when they learn that an American people, living toward the close of the 59th century, could possibly indulge in such an anachronism as is im- plied in the term "New World." THE INDIANS. The origin of the Red Men, or American Indians, is a subject which interests as well as instructs. It is a favorite with the eth- nologist, even as it is one of deep concern to the ordinary reader. A review of two works lately published on the origin of the Indians treats the matter in a peculiarly reasonable light. It says: " Recently a German writer has put forward one theory on the subject, and an English writer has put forward another and directly opposite theory. The difference of opinion concerning our aborig- inals among authors who have made a profound study of races is at once curious and interesting. Elumenbach treats them in his classifications as a distinct variety of the human family; but, in the threefold division of Dr. Latham, they are ranked among the Mon- golidre. Other writers on race regard them as a branch of the great Mongolian family, which at a distant period found its way from Asia to this continent, and remained here for centuries separate from the rest of mankind, passing, meanwhile, through divers phases of barbarism and civilization. Morton, our eminent eth- nologist, and his followers, Nott and Gliddon, claim for our native Red Men an origin as distinct as the flora and fauna of this conti- nent. Prichard, whose views are apt to differ from Morton's, finds reason to believe, on comparing the American tribes together, that they must have formed a separate department of nations from the earliest period of the world. The era of their existence as a distinct and insulated people must probably be dated back to the time which separated into nations the inhabitants of the Old World, and fave to each its individuality and primitive language. Dr. Robert Irown, the latest authority, attributes, in his " Races of Mankind," an Asiatic origin to our aboriginals. He says that the Western In- dians not only personally resemble their nearest neighbors — the Northeastern Asiatics — but they resemble them in language and traditions. The Esquimaux on the American and the Tchuktchis on the Asiatic side understand one another perfectly. Modern an- 32 HISTORY OF INDIANA. thropologists, indeed, are disposed to think that Japan, the Kuriles, and neighboring regions, may be regarded as the original home of the greater part of the native American race. It is also admitted by them that between the tribes scattered from the Arctic sea to Cape Horn there is more uniformity of physical features than is seen in any other quarter of the globe. The weight of evidence and authority is altogether in favor of the opinion that our so- called Indians are a branch of the Mongolian family, and all addi- tional researches strengthen the opinion. The tribes of both North and South America are unquestionably homogeneous, and, in all likelihood, had their origin in Asia, though they have been altered and modified by thousands of years of total separation from the parent stock." The conclusions arrived at by the reviewer at that time, though safe, are too general to lead the reader to form any definite idea on the subject. No doubt whatever can exist, when the American In- dian is regarded as of an Asiatic origin; but there is nothing in the works or even in the review, to which these works were subjected, which might account for the vast difference in manner and form between the Red Man, as he is now known, or even as he appeared to Columbus and his successors in the field of discovery, and the comparatively civilized inhabitants of Mexico, as seen in 1521 by Cortez, and of Pern, as witnessed by Pizarro in 1532. The fact is that the pure bred Indian of the present is descended directly from the earliest inhabitants, or in other words from the survivors of that people who, on being driven from their fair possessions, re- tired to the wilderness in sorrow and reared up their children under the saddening influences of their unquenchable griefs, bequeathing them only the habits of the wild, cloud-roofed home of their de- clining years, a sullen silence, and a rude moral code. In after years these wild sons of the forest and prairie grew in numbers and in strength. Some legend told them of their present sufferings, of the station which their fathers once had known, and of the riotous race which now reveled in wealth which should be theirs. The fierce passions of the savage were aroused, and uniting their scat- tered bands marched in silence upon the villages of the Tartars, driving them onward to the capital of their Incas, and consigning their homes to the flames. Once in view of the great city, the hurrying bands halted in surprise; but Tartar cunning took in the situation and offered pledges of amity, which were sacredly ob- served. Henceforth Mexico was open to the Indians, bearing pre- cisely the same relation to them that the Hudson's Bay Company's HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 33 villages do to the Northwestern Indians of the present; obtaining all, and bestowing very little. The subjection of the Mongolian race represented in North America by that branch of it to which the Tartars belonged, represented in the Southern portion of the con- tinent, seems to have taken place some five centuries before the advent of the European, while it may be concluded that the war of the races which resulted in reducing the villages erected by the Tartar hordes to ruin took place between one and two hundred years later. These statements, though actually referring to events which in point of time are comparatively modern, can only be sub- stantiated by the facts that, about the periods mentioned the dead bodies of an unknown race of men were washed ashore on the Eu- ropean coasts, while previous to that time there is no account whatever in European annals of even a vestige of trans-Atlantic hu- manity being transferred by ocean currents to the gaze of a won- dering people. Towards the latter half ot the 15th century two dead bodies entirely free from decomposition, and corresponding with the Red Men as they afterward appeared to Columbus, were cast on the shores of the Azores, and confirmed Columbus in his be- lief in the existence of a western world and western people. Storm and flood and disease have created sad havoc in the ranks of the Indian since the occupation of the country by the white man. These natural causes have conspired to decimate the race even more than the advance of civilization, which seems not to affect it to any material extent. In its maintenance of the same number of rep- resentatives during three centuries, and its existence in the very face of a most unceremonious, and, whenever necessary, cruel con- quest, the grand dispensations of the unseen Ruler of the universe is demonstrated; for, without the aborigines, savage and treach- erous as they were, it is possible that the explorers of former times would have so many natural difficulties to contend with, that their work would be surrendered in despair, and the most fertile regions of the continent saved for the plowshares of generations yet un- born. It is questionable whether we owe the discovery of this con- tinent to the unaided scientific knowledge of Columbus, or to the dead bodies of the two Indians referred to above; nor can their ser- vices to the explorers of ancient and modern times be over-esti- mated. Their existence is embraced in the plan of the Divinity for the government of the world, and it will not form subject for surprise to learn that the same intelligence which sent a thrill of liberty into every corner of the republic, will, in the near future, 31 HISTORY OF INDIANA. devise some method under which the remnant of a great and an- cient race may taste the sweets of public kindness, and feel that, after centuries of turmoil and tyranny, they have at last found a shelter amid a sympathizing people. Many have looked at the In- dian as the pessimist does at all things; they say that he was never formidable until the white man supplied him with the weapons of modern warfare; but there is no mention made of his eviction from his retired home, and the little plot of cultivated garden which- formed the nucleus of a village that, if fostered instead of being destroyed, might possibly hold an Indian population of some im- portance in the economy of the nation. There is no intention what- ever to maintain that the occupation of this country by the favored races is wrong even in principle; for where any obstacle to advanc- ing civilization exists, it has to fall to the ground; but it may be said, with some truth, that the white man, instead of a policy of conciliation formed upon the power of kindness, indulged in bel- ligerency as impolitic as it was unjust. A modern writer says, when speaking of the Indian's character: "He did not exhibit that steady valor and efficient discipline of the American soldier; and to-day on the plains Sheridan's troopers would not hesitate to attack the bravest band, though outnumbered three to one." This piece of information applies to the European aud African, as well as to the Indian. The American soldier, and particularly the troopers referred to, would not fear or shrink from a very legion ot demons, even with odds against them. This mode of warfare seems strangely peculiar when compared with the military systems of civilized countries; yet, since the main object of armed men is to defend a country or a principle, and to destroy anything which may oppose itself to them, the mode of warfare pursued fry the savage will be found admirably adapted to their requirements in this con- nection, and will doubtless compare favorably with the systems of the Afghans and Persians of the present, and the Caucasian people which not .to exceed double the breadth, in such a place on the northwest side of the Ohio as a majority of the officers shall choose, and to be afterward divided among the officers and soldiers in due proportion according to the laws of Virginia; that in case the quantity of good lands on the southeast side of the Ohio, upon the waters of Cumberland river, and between Green river and Ten. nessee river, which have been reserved by law for the Virginia troops upon Continental establishment, should, from the North Carolina line, bearing in further upon the Cumberland lands than was expected, prove insufficient for their legal bounties, the defi- ciency shall be made up to the said troops in good lands to be laid off between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami, on the northwest side of the river Ohio, in such proportions as have been engaged to them by the laws of Virginia; that all the lands within the ter- ritory so ceded to the United States, and not reserved for or appro- priated to any of the before-mentioned purposes, or disposed of in bounties to the officers and soldiers of the American army, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become, or shall become, members of the confederation or federal alliance of the said States, Virginia included, according to their usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully and honafide dis- posed of for that purpose and for no other use or purpose whatever. After the above deed of cession had been accepted by Congress, in the spring of 1784, the matter of the future government of the territory was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Jeffer- son of Virginia, Chase of Maryland and Howell of Rhode Island, which committee reported an ordinance for its government, provid- ing, among other things, that slavery should not exist in said terri- tory after 1800, except as punishment of criminals; but this article of the ordinance was rejected, and an ordinance for the temporary 70 HISTORY OF INDIANA. government of the county was adopted. In 17S5 laws were passed by Congress for the disposition of lands in the territory and pro- hibiting the settlement of\ unappropriated lands by reckless specu- lators. But human passion is ever strong enough to evade the law to some extent, and large associations, representing considerable means, were formed for the purpose of monopolizing the land busi- ness. Millions of acres were sold at one time b} r Congress to asso- ciations on the installment plan, and so far as the Indian titles could be extinguished, the work of settling and improving the lands was pushed rapidly forward. ORDINANCE OF 1787. This ordinance has a marvelous and interesting history. Con- siderable controversy has been indulged in as to who is entitled to the credit for framing it. This belongs, undoubtedly, to Nathan Dane; and to Eufus King and Timothy Pickering belong the credit for suggesting the proviso contained in it against slavery, and also for aids to religion and knowledge, and for assuring for- ever the common use, without charge, of the great national high- ways of the Mississippi, the St. Lawrence and their tributaries to all the citizens of the United States. To Thomas Jefferson is also due much credit, as some features of this ordinance were embraced in his ordinance of 1784. But the part taken by each in the long, laborious and eventful struggle which had so glorious a consum- mation in the ordinance, consecrating forever, by one imprescript- ible and unchangeable monument, the very heart of our country to Freedom, Knowledge, and Union, will forever honor the names ot those illustrious statesmen. Mr. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of government for the Northwestern territory. He was an emancipationist and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory, but the South voted him down every time he proposed a measure of this nature. In 17S7, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti- slaver}' clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in session in New York. On July 5, Rev. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the Northwestern territory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the pnblic credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden HISTORY OF INDIANA. 71 and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five "or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler was a graduate of Yale. He had studied and taken de- grees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had published a scientific examination of the plants of New England. As a scientist in America his name stood second only to that of Franklin. He was a courtly gentleman of the old style, a man of commanding presence and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North, lie came representing a Massachusetts company that desired to purchase a tract of land, now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This company had collected enough to purchase 1,500,000 acres of land. Other speculators in New York made Dr. Cutler their agent, which enabled him to- representa demand for 5,500,000 acres. As this would reduce the national debt, and Jefferson's policy was to provide for the public credit, it presented a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the North- western region. This fired the zeal of Virginia. The South caua-ht the inspiration, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The entire South ral. lied around him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, be- cause many of the constuitents of her members were interested personally in the "Western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends in the South, and doubtless using all the arts of the lobby, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convic- tions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise statesmanship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefferson the term "Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred char- acter. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massa- chusetts, adopted three years before. Its most prominent points were : 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a semi- nary and every section numbered 16 in each township; that is, one thirty-sixth of all the land for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. 72 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " re- ligion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good govern- ment and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of edu- cation shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Giving his unqualified dec- laration that it was that or nothing, — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it, — he took his horse and buggy and started for the constitutional convention at Philadelphia. On July 13, 17S7, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unani- mously adopted. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, a vast empire, were consecrated to free dom, intelligence, and morality. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared to save the union of States, for it was this act that was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder and tried to have the compact repealed. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee, of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact and opposed repeal. Thus it stood, a rock in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. The " Northwestern Territory " included of course what is now the State of Indiana; and Oct 5, 17*7, Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was elected by Congress Governor of this territory. Upon commencing the duties of his office he was instructed to ascertain the real temper of the Indians and do all in his power to remove the causes for controversy between them and the United States, and to effect the extinguishment of Indian titles to all the land possible. The Governor took up quarters in the new settlement of Marietta, Ohio, where he immediately began the organization of the government of the territory. The first session of the General Court of the new territory was held at that place in 17SS, the Judges being Samuel II. Parsons, James M. Varnum aud John C. Symmes, but under the ordinance Gov. St. Clair was President of the Court. After the first session, aud after the necessary laws for government were adopted, Gov. St. Clair, accompanied by the Judges, visited Kaskaskia for the purpose of organizing a civil gov- ernment there. Full instructions had been sent to Alaj. Hamtramck, commandant at Vincennes, to ascertain the exact feeling and temper of the Indian tribes of the Wabash. These instructions were ac- companied by speeches to each of the tribes. A Frenchman named Antoiue Gamelin was dispatched with these messages April 5, 1790, svho visited nearly all the tribes on the Wabash, St. Joseph and St. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 73 Mary's rivers, but was coldly received; most of the chiefs being dissatisfied with the policy of the Americans toward them, and prejudiced through English misrepresentation. Full accounts of his adventures among the tribes reached Gov. St. Clair at Kaskas- kia in June, 1790. Being satisfied that there was no prospect of effecting a general peace with the Indians of Indiana, he resolved to visit Gen. Harmar at his headquarters at Fort Washington and consult with him on the means of carrying an expedition against the hostile Indians; but before leaving he intrusted Winthrop Sargent, the Secretary of the Territory, with the execution of the resolutions of Congress regarding the lands and settlers on the Wabash. He directed that officer to proceed to Vincennes, lay out a county there, establish the militia and appoint the necessary civil and military officers. Accordingly Mr. Sargent went to Vin- cennes and organized Camp Knox, appointed the officers, and noti- fied the inhabitants to present their claims to lands. In establish- ing these claims the settlers found great difficulty, and concerning this matter the Secretary in his report to the President wrote as follows: "Although the lands and lots which were awarded to the inhabi- tants appeared from very good oral testimony to belong to those persons to whom they were awarded, either by original grants, pur- chase or inheritance, yet there was scarcely one case in twenty where the title was complete, owing- to the desultory manner in which public business had been transacted and some other unfor- tunate causes. The original concessions by the French and British commandants were generally made upon a small scrap of paper, which it has been customary to lodge in the notary's office, who has seldom kept any book of record, but committed the most im- portant land concerns to loose sheets, which in process of time have come into possession of persons that have fraudulently de- stroyed them; or, unacquainted with their consequence, innocently lost or trifled them away. By French usage they are considered family inheritances, and often descend to women and children. In one instance, and during the government of St. A'.ige here, a ro} T al notary ran off with all the public papers in his possession, as by a certificate produced to me. And I am very sorry further to observe that in the office of Mr. Le Grand, which continued from 1777 to 1787, and where should have been the vouchers for important land transactions, the records have been so falsified, and there is 6uch gross fraud and forgery, as to invalidate all evidence and informa- tion which I might have otherwise acquired from his papers." 74 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Mr. Sargent says there were about 150 French families at Vin- cennes in 1790. The heads of all these families had been at some time vested with certain tides to a portion of the soil ; and whiie the Secretary was busy in straightening out these claims, he re- ceived a petition signed by SO Americans, asking for the confirma- tion of grants of land ceded by the Court organized by Col. John Todd under the authority of Virginia. With reference to this cause, Congress, March 3, 1791, empowered the Territorial Governor, in cases where land had been actually improved and cultivated under a supposed grant for the same, to confirm to the persons who made such improvements the lands supposed to have been granted, not, however, exceeding the quantity of 400 acres to any one per- son. LIQUOR AND GAMING LAWS. The General Court in the summer of 1790, Acting Governor Sargent presiding, passed the following laws with reference to vending liquor among the Indians and others, and with reference to games of chance: 1. An act to prohibit the giving or selling intoxicating liquors to Indians residing in or coining into the Territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio, and for preventing foreigners from trading with Indians therein. 2. An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or other intoxicat- ing liquors to soldiers in the service of the United States, being within ten miles of any military post in the territory; and to pre- vent the selling or pawning of arms, ammunition, clothing or accoutrements. 3. An act prohibiting every species of gaming for money or property, and for making void contracts and payments made in consequence thereof, and for restraining the disorderly practice of discharging arms at certain hours and places. Winthrop Sargent's administration was highly eulogized by the citizens at Vincennes, in a testimonial drawn up and signed by a committee of officers. He had conducted the investigation and settlement of laud claims to the entire satisfaction of the residents, had upheld the principles of free government in keeping with the animus of the American .Revolution, and had established in good order the machinery of a good and wise government. In the same address Major Hamtramck also received a fair share of praise for his judicious management of affairs. MILITARY HISTORY 1790-1800. EXPEDITIONS OF HARMAR, SCOTT AND WILKINSON. Gov. St. Clair, on his arrival at Fort Washington from Kas- kaskia, had a long conversation with Gen. Harinar, and concluded to send a powerful force to chastise the savages about the head- waters of the Wabash. He had been empowered by the President to call on Virginia for 1,000 troops and on Pennsylvania for 500, and he immediately availed himself of this resource, ordering 300 of the Virginia militia to muster at Fort Steuben and march with the garrison of that fort to Vincennes, and join Maj. Hamtramck, who had orders to call for aid from the militia of Vincennes, march up the Wabash, and attack any of the Indian villages which he might think he could overcome. The remaining 1,200 of the mi- litia were ordered to rendezvous at Fort Washington, and to join the regular troops at that post under command of Gen. Harmar. At this time the United States troops in the West were estimated by Gen. Harmar at 400 effective men. These, with the militia, gave him a force of 1,450 men. With this army Gen. Harmar marched from Fort Washington Sept. 30, and arrived at the Mau- mee Oct. 17. They commenced the work of punishing the Indians, but were not very successful. The savages, it is true, received a severe scourging, but the militia behaved so badly as to be of little or no service. A detachment of 340 militia and GO regulars, under the command of Col. Hardin, were sorely defeated on the Maumee Oct. 22. The next day the army took up the line of march for Fort Washington, which place they reached Nov. 4, having lost in the expedition 1S3 killed and 31 wounded; the Indians lost about as many. During the progress of this expedition Maj. Hamtramck marched up the Wabash from Vincennes, as far as the Vermillion river, and destroyed several deserted villages, but without finding an enemy to oppose him. Although the savages seem to have been severely punished by these expeditions, yet they refused to sue for peace, and continued their hostilities. Thereupon the inhabitants of the frontier settle- ments of Virginia took alarm, and the delegates of Ohio, Monon- CT5) 6 76 HISTORY OF INDIANA. gahela, Harrison, Randolph, Greenbrier, Kanawha and Mont- gomery counties sent a joint memorial to the Governor of Vir- ginia, saying that the defenseless condition of the counties, form- ing a line of nearly 400 miles along the Ohio river, exposed to the hostile invasion of their Indian enemies, destitute of every kind of support, was truly alarming; for, notwithstanding all the regula- tions of the General Government in that country, they have reason to lament that they have been up to that time ineffectual for their protection; nor indeed could it be otherwise, for the garrisons kept by the Continental troops on the Ohio river, if of any use at all, must protect only the Kentucky settlements, as they immediately covered that country. They further stated in their memorial: "We beg leave to observe that we have reason to fear that the conse- quences of the defeat of our army by the Indians in the late expe- dition will be severely felt on our frontiers, as there is no doubt that the Indians will, in their turn, being flushed with victory, in- vade our settlements and exercise all their horrid murder upon the inhabitants thereof whenever the weather will permit them to travel. Then is it not better to support us where we are, be the ex- pense what it may, than to oblige such a number of your brave citizens, who have so long supported, and still continue to support, a dangerous frontier (although thousands of their relatives in the flesh have in the prosecution thereof fallen a sacrifice to savage in- ventions) to quit the country, after all they have done and suffered, when you know that a frontier must be supported somewhere?" This memorial caused the Legislature of Virginia to authorize the Governor of that State to make any defensive operations neces- sary for the temporary defense of the frontiers, until the general Government could adopt and carry out measures to suppress the hostile Indians. The Governor at once called upon the military commanding officers in the western counties of Virginia to raise by the first of March, 1791, several small companies of rangers for this purpose. At the same time Charles Scott was appointed Brigadier- General of the Kentucky militia, with authority to raise 226 vol- unteers, to protect the most exposed portions of that district. A full report of the proceedings of the Virginia Legislature being transmitted to Congress, that body constituted a local Board of War for the district of Kentucky, consisting of five men. March 9, 1791, Gen. Henry Knox, Secretary of War, sent a letter of instruc- tions to Gen. Scott, recommending an expedition of mounted men not exceeding 750, against the Wea towns on the Wabash. With HISTORY OF INDIANA. f 7 this force Gen. Scott accordingly crossed the Ohio, May 23_ 1791, and reached the Wabash in about ten days. Many of the Indians, having discovered his approach, fled, but he succeeded in destroy- ing all the villages around Ouiatenon, together with several Kick- apoo towns, killing 32 warriors and taking 53 prisoners. He released a few of the most infirm prisoners, giving them a "talk," which they carried to the towns farther up the Wabash, and which the wretched condition of his horses prevented him from reaching. March 3, 1791, Congress provided for raising and equipping a regiment for the protection of the frontiers, and Gov. St. Clair was invested with the chief command of about 3,000 troops, to be raised and employed against the hostile Indians in the territory over which his jurisdiction extended. lie was instructed by the Secre- tary of War to march to the Miami village and establish a strong and permanent military post there; also such posts elsewhere along the Ohio as would be in communication with Fort Washington. The post at Miami village was intended to keep the savages in that vicinity in check, and was ordered to be strong enough in its gar- rison to afford a detachment of 500 or 600 men in case of emer- gency, either to chastise any of the Wabash or other hostile Indians or capture convoys of the enemy's provisions. The Secretary of War also urged Gov. St. Clair to establish that post as the first and most important part of the campaign. In case of a previous treaty the Indians were to be conciliated upon this point if possible; and he presumed good arguments might be offered to induce their accmiescence. Said he: "Having commenced your march upon the main expedition, and the Indians continuing hostile, you will use every possible exertion to make them feel the effects of your superi- ority; and, after having arrived at the Miami village and put your works in a defensible state, you will seek the enemy with the whole of your remaining force, and endeavor by all possible means to strike them with great severity. * * * * In order to avoid future wars, it might be proper to make the Wa- bash and thence over to the Maumee, and down the same to its mouth, at Lake Erie, the boundary between the people of the United States and the Indians (excepting so far as the same should relate to the Wyandots and Delawares), on the supposition of their continuing faithful to the treaties; but if they should join in the war against the United States, and your army be victorious, the said tribes ought to be removed without the boundary mentioned." Previous to marching a strong force to the Miami town, Gov. St. 78 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Clair, June 25, 1791, authorized Gen Wilkinson to conduct a second expedition, not exceeding 500 mounted men, against the Indian villages on the Wabash. Accordingly Gen. Wilkinson mustered his forces and was ready Ju*ly 20, to march with 525 mounted vol- unteers, well armed, and provided with 30 days' provisions, and with this force he reached the Ke-na-pa-com-a-qua village on the north hank of Eel river about six miles above its mouth, Aug. 7, where he killed six warriors and took 34 prisoners. This town, which was scattered along the river for three miles, was totally de- stroyed. Wilkinson encamped on the ruins of the town that night, and the next day he commenced his march for the Kickapoo town on the prairie, which he was unable to reach owing to the impassa- ble condition of the route which he adopted and the failing condi- tion of his horses. He reported the estimated results of the expe- dition as follows: "I have destroyed the chief town of the Ouiate- non nation, and have made prisoners of the sons and sisters of the king. I have burned a respectable Kickapoo village, and cut down at least 400 acres of corn, chiefly in the milk." EXPEDITIONS OF ST. CLAIR AND WAYNE. The Indians were greatly damaged by the expeditions of Harmar, Scott and Wilkinson, but were far from being subdued. They regarded the pclicy of the United States as calculated to extermi- nate them from the land; and, goaded on by the English of Detroit, enemies of the Americans, they were excited to desperation. At this time the British Government still supported garrisons at Niagara, Detroit and Michilimackinac, although it was declared by the second article of the definitive treaty of peace of 17S3, that the king of Great Britain would, " with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction or carrying away any negroes or property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his forces, garrisons and fleets from the United States, and from every post, place and harbor within the same." That treaty also provided that the creditors on either side should meet with no lawful impedi- ments to the recovery of the full value, in sterling money, of all bona fide debts previously contracted. The British Government claimed that the United States had broken faith in this particular understanding of the treaty, and in consequence refused to with- draw its forces frtm the territory. The British garrisons in the Lake Region wero a source of much annoyance to the Americans, as they afforded onctor to hostile Indians, encouraging them to HISTORY OF INDIANA. 79 make raids among the Americans. This state of affairs in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio continued from the commence- ment of the Revolutionary war to 1796, when under a second treaty all British soldiers were withdrawn from the country. In September, 1791, St. Clair moved from Fort Washington with about 2,000 men, and November 3, the main army, consisting of about 1,400 effective troops, moved forward to the head-waters of the Wabash, where Fort Recovery was afterward erected, and here the army encamped. About 1,200 Indians were secreted a few miles distant, awaiting a favorable opportunity to begin an attack, which they improved on the morning of Nov. 4, about half an hour before sunrise. The attack was first made upon the militia, which immediately gave way. St. Clair was defeated and he returned to Fort Washington with a broken and dispirited army, having lost 39 officers killed, and 539 men killed and missing; 22 officers and 232 men were wounded. Several pieces of artillery, and all the baggage, ammunition and provisions were left on the field of bat- tle and fell into the hands of the victorious Indians. The stores and other public property lost in the action were valued at $32,800. There were also 100 or more American women with the army of the whites, very few of whom escaped the cruel carnage of the sav- age Indians. The latter, characteristic of their brutal nature, proceeded in the flush of victory to perpetrate the most horrible acts of cruelty and brutality upon the bodies of the living and the dead Americans who fell into their hands. Believing that the whites had made war for many years merely to acquire land, the Indians crammed clay and sand iuto the eyes and down the throats of the dying and the dead! gen. watne's great victory. Although no particular blame was attached to Gov. St. Clair for the loss in this expedition, yet he resigned the office of Major-Gen- eral, and was succeeded by Anthony Wayne, a distinguished officer of the Revolutionary war. Early in 1792 provisions were made by the general Government for re-organizing the army, so that it should consist of an efficient degree of strength. Wayne arrived at Pittsburg in June, where the army was to rendezvous. Here he continued actively engaged in organizing and training his forces until October, 1793, when with an army of about 3,600 men he moved westward to Fort Washington. While Wayne was preparing for an offensive campaign, every SO HISTOEY OF INDIANA. possible means was employed to induce the hostile tribes of the Northwest to enter into a general treaty of peace with the Ameri- can Government; speeches were sent among them, and agents to make treaties were also sent, but little was accomplished. Major Hamtramck, who 6till remained at Vincennes, succeeded in con- cluding a general peace with the Wabash and Illinois Indians; but the tribes more immediately under the influence of the British refused to hear the sentiments of friendship that were sent among them, and tomahawked several of the messengers. Their courage had been aroused by St. Ck.ir's defeat, as well as by the unsuccess- ful expeditions which had preceded it, and they now felt quite pre- pared to meet a superior force under Gen. "Wayne. The Indians insisted on the Ohio river as the boundary line between their lands and the lands of the United States, and felt certain that they could maintain that boundary. Maj. Gen. Scott, with about 1,600 mounted volunteers from Kentucky, joined the regular troops under Gen. Wayne July 26, 1794, and on the 2Sth the united forces began their march for the Indian towns on the Maumee river. Arriving at the mouth of the Auglaize, they erected Fort Defiance, and Aug. 15 the army advanced toward the British fort at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee, where, on the 20th, almost within reach of the British, the American army gained a decisive victory over the combined forces of the hostile Indians and a considerable number of the Detroit militia. The number of the enemy was estimated at 2,000, against about 900 American troops actually engaged. This horde of savages, as soon as the action began, abandoned themselves to flight and dispersed with terror and dismay, leaving Wayne's vic- torious army in full and quiet possession of the field. The Ameri- cans lost 33 killed and 100 wounded; loss of the enemy more than double this number. The army remained three days and nights on the banks of the Maumee, in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and cornfields w.?re consumed and destroyed for a considera- ble distance both above and below Fort Miami, as well as within pistol shot of the British garrison, who were compelled to remain idle spectators to this general devastation and conflagration, among which were the houses, stores and property of Col. McKee, the British Indian agent and " principal stimulator of the war then existing between the United States and savages." On the return march to Fort Defiance the villages and cornfields for about 50 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 81 miles on each side of the Maumee were destroyed, as well as those for a considerable distance around that post. Sept. 14, 1791, the army under Gen. Wayne commenced its march toward the deserted Miami villages at the confluence of St. Joseph's and St. Mary's rivers, arriving Oct. 17, and on the follow- ing day the site of Fort Wayne was selected. The fort was com- pleted Nov. 2'i, and garrisoned by a strong detachment of infantry and artillery, under the command of Col. John F. Hamtramck, who gave to the new fort the name of Fort Wayne. In lSlla new fort was built on the site of this structure. The Kentucky volunteers returned to Fort Washington and were mustered out of service. Gen. Wayne, with the Federal troops, marched to Greenville and took up his headquarters during the winter. Here, in August, 1795, after several months of active negotiation, this gallant officer succeeded in concluding a general treaty of peace with all the hos- tile tribes of the Northwestern Territory. This treaty opened the way for the flood of immigration for many years, and ultimately made the States and territories now constituting the mighty North- west. Up to the organization of the Indiana Territory there is but little history to record aside from those events connected with military affairs. In July, 1796, as before stated, after a treaty was con- cluded between the United States and Spain, the British garrisons, with their arms, artillery and stores, were withdrawn from the posts within the boundaries of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, and a detachment of American troops, consisting of 65 men, under the command of Capt. Moses Porter, took possession of the evacuated post of Detroit in the same month. In the latter part of 1796 Winthrop Sargent went to Detroit and organized the county of Wayne, forming a part of the Indiana Territory until its division in 1805, when the Territory of Michigan was organized. TERRITORIAL HISTORY. ORGANIZATION OF INDIANA TERRITORY. Oil the final success of American arms and diplomacy in 1796, the principal town within the Territory, now the State, of Indiana was Vincennes, which at this time comprised about 50 houses, all presenting a thrifty and tidy appearance. Each house was sur- rounded by a garden fenced with poles, and peach and apple-trees grew in most of the enclosures. Garden vegetables of all kinds were cultivated with success, and corn, tobacco, wheat, barley and cotton grew in the fields around the village in abundance. During the last few years of the 18th century the condition of society at Vincennes improved wonderfully. Besides Vincennes there was a small settlement near where the town of Lawrenceburg now stands, in Dearborn county, and in the course of that year a small settlement was formed at "Armstrong's Station," on the Ohio, within the present limits of Clark county. There were of course several other smaller settlements and trading posts in the present limits of Indiana, and the number of civilized inhabitants comprised within the territory was estimated at 4,S75. The Territory of Indiana was organized by Act of Congress May 7, 1800, the material parts of the ordinance of 1787 remaining in force; and the inhabitants were invested with all the rights, privi- leges and advantages granted and secured to the people by that ordinance. The seat of government was fixed at Vincennes. May 13, 1800, Win. Henry Harrison, a native ot Virginia, was appoint- ed Governor of this new territory, and on the next day John Gib- son, a native of Pennsylvania and a distinguished Western pioneer, (to whom the Indian chief Logan delivered his celebrated speech in 1774), was appointed Secretary of the Territory. Soon afterward Wm. Clark, Henry Vanderburgh and John Griffin were appointed territorial Judges. Secretary Gibson arrived at Vincennes in July, and commenced, in the absence of Gov. Harrison, the administration of government. Gov. Harrison did not arrive until Jan. 10, 1S01, when he imme- diately called together the Judges of the Territory, who proceeded HISTORY OF INDIANA. 83 to pass such laws as they deemed necessary for the present govern- ment of the Territory. This session began March 3, 1801. From this time to 1S10 the principal subjects which attracted the attention of the people of Indiana were land speculations, the adjustment of land titles, the question of negro slavery, the purchase of Indian lands by treaties, the organization of Territorial legis- latures, the extension of the right of suffrage, the division of Indiana Territory, the movements of Aaron Burr, and the hostile views and proceedings of the Shawanee chief, Tecumseh, and his brother, the Prophet. Up to this time the sixth article of the celebrated ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery in the Northwestern Territory, had been somewhat neglected in the execution of the law, and many French settlers still held slaves in a manner. In some instances, according to rules prescribed by Territorial legislation, slaves agreed by indentures to remain in servitude under their masters for a certain number of years; but many slaves, with whom no such contracts were made, were removed from the Indiana Territory either to the west of the Mississippi or to some of the slaveholding States. Gov. Harrison convoked a session of delegates of the Territory, elected by a popular vote, who petitioned Congress to declare the sixth article of the ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery, suspend- ed; but Congress never consented to grant that petition, and many other petitions of a similar import. Soon afterward some of the citizens began to take colored persons out of the Territory for the purpose of selling them, and Gov. Harrison, by a proclamation April 6, 1804, forbade it, and called upon the authorities of the Territory to assist him in preventing such removal of persons of color. During the year 1804 all the country west of the Mississippi and north of 33° was attached to Indiana Territory by Congress, but in a few months was again detached and organized into a separate ter- ritory . "When it appeared from the result of a popular vote in the Terri- tory that a majority of 138 freeholders were in favor of organizing a General Assembly, Gov. Harrison, Sept. 11, 1804, issued a procla- mation declaring that the Territory had passed into thes^cond grade of government, as contemplated by the ordinance or^787, and fixed Thursday, Jan. 3, 1S05, as the time for holding an election in the several counties of the Territory, to choose members of a House of Representatives, who should meet at Vincennes Feb. 1 and 84 HISTORY OF INDIANA. adopt measures for the organization of a Territorial Council. These delegates were elected, and met according to the proclamation, and selected ten men from whom the President of the United States, Mr. Jefferson, should appoint five to be and constitute the Legisla- tive Council of the Territory, but he declining, requested Mr. Har- rison to make the selection, which was accordingly done. Before the first session of this Council, however, was held, Michigan Ter- ritory was set off, its south line being one drawn from the southern end of Lake Michigan directly east to Lake Erie. FIRST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. The first General Assembly, or Legislature, of Indiana Territory met at Vincennes July 29, 1S05, in pursuance of a gubernatorial proclamation. The members of the House of Representatives were Jesse B. Thomas, of Dearborn county ; Davis Floyd. of Clark county; Benjamin Parke and John Johnson, of Knox county; Shadrach Bond and William Biggs, of St. Clair. county, and George Fisher, of Randolph county. July 30 the Governor delivered his first mes- sage to "the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Indiana Territory." Benjamin Parke was the first delegate elected to Congress. He had emigrated from New Jersey to In- diana in 1S01. THE "WESTERN SUN" was the first newspaper published in the Indiana Territory, now comprising the four great States of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, and the second in all that country once known as the ''Northwestern Territory." It was commenced at Vincennes in 1803, by Elihu Stout, of Kentucky, and first called the Indiana, Gazette, and July, 4, 1804, was changed to the Western Sun. Mr. Stout continued the paper until 1845, amid many discouragements, when he was appointed postmaster at the place, and he sold out the office. INDIANA in 1S10. The events which we have just been describing really constitute the initiatory steps to the great military campaign of Gen. Harrison which ended in the "battle of Tippecanoe;" but before proceeding to an account of that brilliant affair, let us take a glance at the re- sources and strength of Indiana Territory at this time, 1S10: Total population, 24,520; 33 grist mills: 14 saw mills; 3 horse mills; 18 tanneries; 28 distilleries; 3 powder mills; 1,256 looms; HISTORY OF INDIANA. 85 1,350 spinning wheels; value of manufactures — woolen, cotton hempen and flaxen cloths, $159,052; of cotton and wool spun in mills, $150,000; of nails, 30,000 pounds, $4,000; of leather tanned, $9,300; of distillery products, 35,950 gallons, $16,230; of gun- powder, 3,600 pounds, $1,S00; of wine from grapes, 96 barrels, $6,000, and 5 0,000 pounds of maple sugar. During the year 1810 a Board of Commissioners was established to straighten out the confused condition into which the land-title controversy had been carried by the various and conflicting admin- istrations that had previously exercised jurisdiction in this regard. This work was attended with much labor on the part of the Commis- sioners and great dissatisfaction on the part of a few designing specu- lators, who thought no extreme of perjury too hazardous in their mad attempts to obtain lands fraudulently. In closing their report the Commissioners used the following expressive language: " We close this melancholy picture of human depravity by rendering our devout acknowledgment that, in the 'awful alternative in which we have been placed, of either admitting perjured testimony in sup- port of the claims before us, or having it turned against our char- acters and lives, it has as yet pleased that divine providence which rules over the affairs of men, to preserve us, both from legal mur- der and private assassination." The question of dividing the Territory of Indiana was agitated from 1806 to 1S09, when Congress erected the Territory of Illinois, to comprise all that part of Indiana Territory lying west of the Wabash river and a direct line drawn from that river and Post Vincennes due north to the territorial line between the United States and Canada. This occasioned some confusion in the govern- ment of Indiana, but in due time the new elections were confirmed, and the new territory started off on a journey of prosperity which this section of the United States has ever since enjoyed. From the first settlement of Vincennes for nearly half a century there occurred nothing of importance to relate, at least so far as the records inform us. The place was too isolated to grow very fast, and we suppose there was a succession of priests and com- mandants, who governed the little world around them with almost infinite power and authority, from whose decisions there was no appeal, if indeed any was ever desired. The character of society in such a place would of course grow gradually different from the parent society, assimilating more or less with that of neighboring tribes. The whites lived in peace, with the Indians, each under- 86 HISTORY OF INDIANA. standing the other's peculiarities, which remained fixed long enough for both parties to study out and understand them. The government was a mixture of the military and the civil. There was little to incite to enterprise. Speculations in money and prop- erty, and their counterpart, beggary, were both unknown; the nec- essaries of life were easily procured, and beyond these there were but few wants to be supplied; hospitality was exercised by all, as there were no taverns; there seemed to be no use for law, judges or prisons; each district had its commandant, and the proceedings of a trial were singular. The complaining party obtained a notifi- cation from the commandant to his adversary, accompanied by a command to render justice. If this had no effect he was notified to appear before the commandant on a particular day and answer; and if the last notice was neglected, a sergeant and file of men were sent to bring him, — no sheriff and no costs. The convicted part} r would be fined and kept in prison until he rendered justice according to the decree; when extremely refractory the cat-o'-nine- tails brought him to a sense of justice. In such a state of society there was no demand for learning and science. Few could read, and still fewer write. Their disposition was nearly always to deal honestly, at least simply. Peltries were their standard of value. A brotherly love generally prevailed. But they were devoid of public spirit, enterprise or ingenuity. GOV. HARRISON AND THE INDIANS. Immediately after the organization of Indiana Territory Governor Harrison's attention was directed, by necessity as well as by in- structions from Congress, to settling affairs with those Indians who still held claims to lands. He entered into several treaties, by which at the close of 1805 the United States Government had ob- tained about 46,000 square miles of territory, including all the lands lying on the borders of the Ohio river between the mouth of the Wabash river and the State of Ohio. The levying of a tax, especially a poll tax, by the General Assem- bly, created considerable dissatisfaction among many of the inhabit- ants. At a meeting held Sunday, August 16, 1S07, a number of Frenchmen resolved to " withdraw their confidence and support forever from those men who advocated or in any manner promoted the second grade of government." In 1S07 the territorial statutes were revised and under the new code, treason, murder, arson and horse-stealing were each punish- able by death. The crime of manslaughter was punishable by the common law. Burglary and robbery were punishable by whip- ping, fine and in some cases by imprisonment not exceeding forty years. Hog stealing was punishable by fine and whipping. Bigamy was punishable by fine, whipping and disfranchisement, etc. In 1804 Congress established three land offices for the sale of lands in Indiana territory; one was located at Detroit, one at Vin- cennes and one at Kaskaskia. In 1807 a fourth one was opened at Jefferson ville, Clark county; this town was first laid out in 1802, agreeably to plans suggested by Mr. Jefferson then President of the United States. Governor Harrison, according to his message to the Legislature in 1806, seemed to think that the peace then existing between the whites and the Indians was permanent; but in the same document he referred to a matter that might be a source of trouble, which in- deed it proved to be, namely, the execution of white laws among the Indians — laws to which the latter had not been a party in their enactment. The trouble was aggravated by the partiality with which the laws seem always to have been executed; the Indian (87) 88 HISTORY OF INDIANA. •was nearly always the sufferer. All along from ISOo to 1810 the Indians complained bitterly against the encroachments of the white people upon the lands that belonged to them. The invasion pf their hunting grounds and the unjustifiable killing of many of their peo- ple were the sources of their discontent. An old chief, in laying the trouble of his people before Governor Harrison, said: "You call us children ; why do you not make us as happy as our fathers, the French, did? The}' never took from us our lands; indeed, the}' ■were common between us. They planted where they pleased, and they cut wood where they pleased; and so did we; but now if a poor Indian attempts to take a little bark from a tree to cover him from the rain, up comes a white man and threatens to shoot him, claiming the tree as his own." The Indian truly had grounds for his complaint, and the state of feeling existing among the tribes at this time was well calculated to develop a patriotic leader who should carry them all forward to victory at arms, if certain concessions were not made to them by the whites. But this golden opportunity was seized by an unworthy ■warrior. A brother of Tecumseh, a "prophet" named Law-le-was-i- kaw, but who assumed the name of Pems-quat-a-wah (Open Door), was the crafty Shawanee warrior who was enabled to work upon both the superstitions and the rational judgment of his fellow In- dians. He was a good orator, somewhat peculiar in his appearance and well calculated to win the attention and respect of the savages. He began by denouncing witchcraft, the use of intoxicating liquors, the custom of Indian women marrying white men, the dress of the whites and the practice of selling Indian lands to the United States. He also told the Indians that the commands of the Great Spirit re- quired them to punish with death those who practiced the arts of witchcraft and magic; that the Great Spirit had given him power to find out and expose such persons; that he had power to cure all diseases, to confound his enemies and to stay the arm of death in sickness and on the battle-field. His harangues aroused among some bands of Indians a high degree of superstitious excitement. An old Delaware chief named Ta-te-bock-o-she, through whose in- fluence a treaty had been made with the Delawares in 1804, was accused of witchcraft, tried, condemned and tomahawked, and his body consumed by fire. The old chief's wife, nephew ("Billy Patterson ") and an aged Indian named Joshua were next accused of witchcraft and condemned to death. The two men were burned at the stake, but the wife of Ta-te-bock-o-she was saved from THE SHAWNEE PliOPflET. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 91 death by her brother, who suddenly approached her, took her by the hand, and, without meeting any opposition from the Indians present, led her out of the council- house. He then immediately returned and checked the growing influence of the Prophet by exclaiming in a strong, earnest voice, " The Evil Spirit has come among us and we are killing each other." — [Dillon's History of Indiana. When Gov. Harrison was made acquainted with these events he sent a special messenger to the Indians, strongly entreating them to renounce the Prophet and his works. This reallydestroyed to some extent the Prophet's influence; but in the spring of 1808, having aroused nearly all the tribes of the Lake Region, the Prophet with a large number of followers settled near the mouth of the Tippe- canoe river, at a place which afterward had the name of "Prophet's- Town." Taking advantage of his brother's influence, Tecumseh actively engaged himself in forming the various tribes into a con- federacy. He announced publicly to all the Indians that the treaties by which the United States had acquired lands northwest of the Ohio were not made in fairness, and should be considered void. He also said that no single tribe was invested with power to sell lands without the consent of all the other tribes, and that he and his brother, the Prophet, would oppose and resist all future attempts which the white people might make to extend their set- tlements in the lands that belonged to the Indians. Early in 1808, Gov. Harrison sent a speech to the Shawanees, in which was this sentence: " My children, this business must be stopped; I will no longer suffer it. You have called a number of men from the most distant tribes to listen to a fool, who speaks not the words of the Great Spirit but those of the devil and the British agents. My children, your conduct has much alarmed the white settlers near you. They desire that you will send away those people; and if they wish to have the impostor with them they can carry him along with them. Let him go to the lakes; he can hear the British more distinctly." This message wounded the pride of the Prophet, and he prevailed on the messenger to inform Gov. Harrison that he was not in league with the British, but was speak- ing truly the words of the Great Spirit. In the latter part of the summer of 1S0S, the Prophet spent sev- eral weeks at Vincennes, for the purpose of holding interviews with Gov. Harrison. At one time he told the Governor that he was a Christian and endeavored to persuade his people also to become Christians, abandon the use of liquor, be united in broth- 92 UISTORT OF INDIANA. erly love, etc., making Mr. Harrison believe at least, that he was honest; but before long it was demonstrated that the '-Prophet" was designing, cunning >nd unreliable; that both he and Tecumseh were enemies of the United States, and friends of the English; and that in case of a war between the Americans and English, they would join the latter. The next year the Prophet again visited Vincennes, with assurances that he was not in sympatlvv with the English, but the Governor was not disposed to believe him; and in a letter to the Secretary of War, in Jiily, 1809, he said that he regarded the bands of Indians at Prophet's Town as a combination which had been produced by British intrigue and influence, in antic- ipation of a war between them and the United States. In direct opposition to Tecumseh and the prophet and in spite of all these difficulties, Gov. Harrison continued the work of extin- guishing Indian titles to lands, with very good success. By the close of 1S<»9, the total amount of land ceded to the United States, under treaties which had been effected by Mr. Harrison, exceeded 3u.( ii)0,000 a res. From 1805 to 1807, the movements of Aaron Burr in the Ohio valley created considerable excitement in Indiana. It seemed that he intended to collect a force o[' men, invade Mexico and found a republic there, comprising all the country west of the Alleghany mountains. He gathered, however, but a few men, started south, and was soon arrested by the Federal authorities. But before his arrest he had abandoned his expedition and his followers had dispersed. Harrison's campaign. While the Indians were combining to prevent any further trans- fer of land to the whites, the British were using the advantage as a groundwork for a successful war upon the Americans. In the spring of 1810 the followers of the Prophet refused to receive their annuity of salt, and the officials who offered it were denounced as "American dogs," and otherwise treated in a disrespectful manner. Gov. Harrison, in July, attempted to gain the friendship of the Prophet by sending him a letter,offering to treat with him person- ally in the matter of his grievances, or to furnish means to send him, with three of his principal chiefs, to the President at Wash- ington; but the messenger was coldly received, and they returned word that they would visit Vincennes in a few days and interview the Governor. Accordingly, Aug. 12, 1810, the Shawanee chief with 70 of his principal warriors, marched up to the door of the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 93 Governor's house, and from that day until the 22d held daily inter- views with His Excellency. In all of his speeches Tecumseh was haughty, and sometimes arrogant. On the 20th he delivered that celebrated speech in which he gave the Governor the alternative of returning their lands or meeting them in battle. While the Governor was replying to this speech Tecumseh inter- rupted him with an angry exclamation, declaring that the United States, through Gov. Harrison, had "cheated and imposed on the Indians.'" When Tecumseh first rose, a number of his party also sprung to their feet, armed with clubs, tomahawks and spears, and made some threatening demonstrations. The Governor's guards, who stood a little way off, were marched up in haste, and the In- dians, awed by the presence of this small armed force, abandoned what seemed to be an intention to make an open attack on the Gov- ernor and his attendants. As soon as Tecumseh's remarks were interpreted, the Governor reproached him for his conduct, and com- manded him to depart instantly to his camp. On the following day Tecumseh repented of his rash act and re- quested the Governor to grant him another interview, and pro- tested against any intention of offense. The Governor consented, and the council was re-opened on the 21st, when the Shawanee chief addressed him in a respectful and dignified manner, but re- mained immovable in his policy. The Governor then requested Tecumseh to state plainly whether or not the surveyors who might be sent to survey the lauds purchased at the treaty of Fort Wayne in 1S09, would be molested by Indians. Tecumseh replied: "Brother, when you speak of annuities to me, I look at the laud and pity the women and children. I am authorized to say that they will not receive them. Brother, we want to save that piece of land. We do not wish you to take it. It is small enough for our purpose. If you do take it, you must blame yourself as the cause of the trouble between us and the tribes who sold it to you. I want the present boundary line to continue. Should you cross it, I assure you it will be productive of bad consequences." The next day the Governor, attended only by his interpreter, visited the camp of the great Shawanee, and in the course of a long interview told him that the President of the United States would not acknowledge his claims. "Well," replied the brave warrior, "as the great chief is to determine the matter, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough into his head to induce him to direct you to give up this land. It is true, he is so far off he will not be V l)± HISTORY OF IN'DIANA. injured by the war. He may sit still in Lis town and drink his wine, while you and I will have to fight it out." In his message to the new territorial Legislature in 1810 Gov. Harrison called attentioifto the dangerous views held byTecumseh and the Prophet, to the pernicious influence of alien enemies among the Indians, to the unsettled condition of the Indian trade and to the policy of extinguishing Indian titles to lands. The eastern settlements were separated from the western by a consider- able extent of Indian lands, and the most fertile tracts within the territory were still in the hands of the Indians. Almost entirely divested of the game from which they had drawn their subsistence, it had become of little use to them; and it was the intention of the Government to substitute for the precarious and scanty sup- plies of the chase the more certain and plentiful support of agri- culture and stock-raising. The old habit of the Indians to hunt so long as a deer could be found was so inveterate that they would not break it and resort to intelligent agriculture unless they were compelled to, and to this they would not be compelled unless they were confined to a limited extent of territory. The earnest lan- guage of the Governor's appeal was like this: "Are then those extinguishments of native title which are at once so beneficial to the Indian and the territory of the United States, to be suspended on account of the intrigues of a few individuals? Is one of the fair- est portions of the globe to remain in a state of nature, the haunt of a few wretched savages, when it seems destined by the Creator to give support to a large population, and to be the seat of civili- zation, of science and true religion?" In the same message the Governor also urged the establishment of a system of popular education. Among the acts passed by this session of the Legislature, one authorized the President and Directors of the Vincennes Public Library to raise §1,000 by lottery. Also, a petition was sent to Congress for a permanent seat of government for the Territory, and commissioners were appointed to select the site. With the beginning of the year 1811 the British agent for Indian affairs adopted measures calculated to secure the support of the savages in the war which at this time seemed almost inevitable. Meanwhile Gov. Harrison did all in his power to destroy the influ- ence of Tecnmseh and his brother and break up the Indian confed- eracy which was oeing organized in the interests of Great Britain. Pioneer settlers and the Indians naturally grew more and more HISTORY OF INDIANA. 95 aggressive and intolerant, committing depredations and murders, until the Governor felt compelled to send the following speech, substantially, to the two leaders of the Indian tribes: "This is the third year that all the white people in this country have been alarmed at your proceedings; you threaten us with war; you invite all the tribes north and west of you to join against us, while your warriors who have lately been here deny this. The tribes on the Mississippi have sent me word that you intended to murder me and then commence a war upon my people, and your seizing the salt I recently sent up the Wabash is also sufficient evidence of such intentions on your part. My warriors are preparing themselves, not to strike you, but to defend themselves and their women and children. You shall not surprise us, as you expect to do. Your intended act is a rash one: consider well of it. What can induce you to undertake such a thing when there is so little prospect of success? Do you really think that the handful of men you have about you are able to contend with the seventeen 'fires?' or even that the whole of the tribes united could contend against the Ken- tucky 'fire' alone? I am myself of the Long 'Knife fire.' As soon as they hear my voice you will see them pouring forth their swarms of hunting-shirt men as numerous as the musquitoes on the shores of the Wabash. Take care of their stings. It is not our wish to hurt you; if we did, we certainly have power to do it. " You have also insulted the Government of the United States, by seizing the salt that was intended for other tribes. Satisfaction must be given for that also. You talk of coming to see me, attend- ed by all of your young men; but this must not be. If your inten- tions are good, you have no need to bring but a few of your young men with you. I must be plain with you. I will not suffer you to come into our settlements with such a force. My advice is that you visit the President of the United States and lay your griev- ances before him. " With respect to the lands that were purchased last fall I can enter into no negotiations with you; the affair is with the Presi- dent. If yon wish to go and see him, I will supply you with the means. "The person who delivers this is one of my war officers, and is a man in whom I have entire confidence; whatever he says to you, although it may not be contained in this paper, you may believe comes from me. My friend Tecum sell, the bearer is a good man and a brave warrior; I hope you will treat him well. You are 96 HISTORY OF INDIANA. yourself a warrior, and all such should have esteem for each other." The bearer of this speech was politely received by Tecumseh, who replied to the Governor briefly that he should visit Vincennes in a few days. Accordingly he arrived July 27, 1811, bringing with him a considerable force of Indians, which created much alarm among the inhabitants. In view of an emergency Gov. Harrison reviewed his militia — about 750 armed men — and station- ed two companies and a detachment of dragoons on the borders of the town. At this interview Tecumseh held forth that he intended no war against the United States; that he would send messengers among the Indians to prevent murders and depredations on the white settlements; that the Indians, as well as the whites, who had committed murders, ought to be forgiven; that he had set the white people an example of forgiveness, which they ought to follow; that it was his wish to establish a union among all the Indian tribes; that the northern tribes were united; that he was going to visit the southern Indians, and then return to the Prophet's town. He said also that he would visit the President the next spring and settle all difficulties with him, and that he hoped no attempts would be made to make settlements on the lands which had been sold to the United States, at the treaty of Fort Wayne, because the Indians wanted to keep those grounds for hunting. Tecumseh then, with about 20 of his followers, left for the South, to induce the tribes in that direction to join his confederacy. By the way, a lawsuit was instituted by Gov. Harrison against a certain Win. Mcintosh, for asserting that the plaintiff had cheated the Indians out of their lands, and that, by so doing he had made them enemies to the United States. The defendant was a wealthy Scotch resident of Vincennes, well educated, and a man of influence among the people opposed to Gov. Harrison's land policy. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of Harrison, assessing the damages at $4,000. In execution of the decree of Court a large quantity of the defendant's land was sold in the absence of Gov. Harrison; but some time afterward Harrison caused about two-thirds of the land to be restored to Mr. Mcintosh, and the remainder was given to some orphan children. Harrison's first movement was to erect a new fort on the Wabash river and to break up the assemblage of hostile Indians at the Prophet's town. For this purpose he ordered Col. Boyd's regiment of infantry to move from the falls of Ohio to Vincennes. When the military expedition organized by Gov, Harrison was nearly 4 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 97 ready to march to the Prophet's town, several Indian chiefs arrived at Vincennes Sept. 25, 1811, and declared that the Indians would comply with the demands of the Governor and disperse; but this did not check the military proceedings. The army under com- mand of Harrison moved from "Vincennes Sept. 26, and Oct. 3, en- countering no opposition from the enemy, encamped at the place where Fort Harrison was afterward built, and near where the city of Terre Haute now stands. On the night of the 11th a few hos- tile Indians approached the encampment and wounded one of the sentinels, which caused considerable excitement. The army was immediately drawn up in line of battle, and small detachments were sent in all directions; but the enemy could not be found. Then the Governor sent a message to Prophet's Town, requiring the Shawanees, "Winnebagoes, Pottawatomies and Kickapoos at that place to return to their respective tribes; he also required the Prophet to restore all the stolen horses in his possession, or to give satisfactory proof that such persons were not there, nor had lately been, under his control. To this message the Governor received no answer, unless that answer was delivered in the battle of Tip- pecanoe. The new fort on the "Wabash was finished Oct. 2S, and at the re- quest of all the subordinate officers it was called "Fort Harrison," near what is now Terre Haute. This fort was garrisoned with a small number of men under Lieutenant-Colonel Miller. On the 29th the remainder of the army, consisting of 910 men, moved toward the Prophet's town; about 270 of the troops were mounted. The regular troops, 250 in number, were under the command of Col. Boyd. With this army the Governor marched to within a half mile of the Prophet's town, when a conference was opened with a distinguished chief, in high esteem with the Prophet, and he informed Harrison that the Indians were much surprised at the approach of the army, and had already dispatched a message to him by another route. Harrison replied that he would not attack them until he had satisfied himself that they would not comply with his demands; that he would continue his encampment on the "Wabash, and on the following morning would have an interview with the prophet. Harrison then resumed his march, and, after some difficulty, selected a place to encamp — a spot not very desir- able. It was a piece of dry oak land rising about ten feet above the marshy prairie in front toward the Indian town, and nearly twice that height above a similar prairie in the rear, through which 98 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and near this bank ran a small stream clothed with willow and brush wood. Toward the^ left flank this highland widened consid- erably, but became gradually narrower in the opposite direction, and at the distance of 150 yards terminated in an abrupt point. The two columns of infantry occupied the front and rear of this ground, about 150 yards from each other on the left, and a little inore thau half that distance on the right, flank. One flank was filled by two companies of mounted riflemen, 120 men, under com- mand of Major-General "Wells, of the Kentucky militia, and one by Spencer's company of mounted riflemen, numbering 80 men. The front line was composed of one battalion of United States in- fantry, under command of Major Floyd, flanked on the right by two companies of militia, and on the left by one company. The rear line was composed of a battalion of United States troops, under command of Capt. Bean, acting as Major, and four companies of militia infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Decker. The regular troops of this line joined the mounted riflemen under Gen. Wells, on the left flank, and Col. Decker's battalion formed an angle with Spencer's company on the left. Two troops of dragoons, about 60 men in all, were encamped in the rear of the left flank, and Capt. Parke's troop, which was larger than the other two, in rear of the right line. For a night attack the order of encampment was the order of battle, and each man slept opposite his post in the line. In the formation of the troops single file was adopted, in order to get as great an extension of the lines as possible. BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. No attack was made by the enemy until about 4 o'clock on the morning of Nov. 7, just after the Governor had arisen. The attack was made on the left flank. Only a single gun was fired by the sentinels or by the guard in that direction, which made no resist- ance, abandoning their posts and fleeing into camp; and the first notice which the troops of that line had of the danger was the yell of the savages within a short distance of them. But the men were courageous and preserved good discipline. Such of them as were awake, or easily awakened, seized arms and took their stations; others, who were more tardy, had to contend with the enemy in the doors of their tents. The storm first fell upon Capt. Barton's company of the Fourth United States Regiment, and Capt. Geiger's company of mounted riflemen, which formed the left angle of the rear line. The fire from the Indians was exceedingly severe, and IIISTORr OF INDIANA. 99 men in these companies suffered considerably before relief could be brought to them. Some few Indians passed into the encampment near the angle, and one or two penetrated to some distance before they were killed. All the companies formed for action before they were fired on, The morning was dark and cloudy, and the fires of the Americans afforded only a partial light, which gave greater advantage to the enemy than to the troops, and they were there- fore extinguished. As soon as the Governor could mount his horse he rode to the angle which was attacked, where he found that Barton's company had suffered severely, and the left of Geiger's entirely broken. He immediately ordered Cook's and Wentworth's companies to march up to the center of the rear line, where were stationed a small com- pany of IT. S. riflemen and the companies of Bean, Snelling and Prescott. As the General rode up he found Maj. Daviess forming the dragoons in the rear of these companies, and having ascertained that the heaviest fire proceeded from some trees 15 or 20 paces in front of these companies, he directed the Major to dislodge them with a part of the dragoons; but unfortunately the Major's gal- lantry caused him to undertake the execution of the order with a smaller force than was required, which enabled the enemy to avoid him in front and attack his flanks. He was mortally wounded and his men driven back. Capt. Snelling, however," with his company immediately dislodged those Indians. Capt. Spencer and his 1st and 2nd Lieutenants were killed, and Capt. Warwick mortally wounded. The soldiery remained brave. Spencer had too much ground originally, and Harrison re-enforced him with a company of riflemen which had been driven from their position on the left flank. Gen. Harrison's aim was to keep the lines entire, to prevent the enemy from breaking into the camp until daylight, which would enable him to make a general and effectual charge. With this view he had re-enforced every part of the line that had suffered much, and with the approach of morning he withdrew several companies from the front and rear lines and re-enforced the right and left flanks, foreseeing that at these points the enemy would make their last effort. Maj. Wells, who had commanded the left flank, charged upon the enemy and drove them at the point of the baj'onet into the marsh, where they could not be followed. Meanwhile Capt. Dook and Lieut. Larrabee marched their companies to the right flank and formed under tire of the euemy, and being there joined L.ofC. 100 HISTORY OF INDIANA. by tlie riflemen of that flank, charged upon the enemy, killing a number and putting the rest to a precipitate flight. Tims ended the famous battle of Tippecanoe, victoriously to the ■whites and honorably to Gen. Harrison. In this battle Mr. Harrison had about 700 efficient men, -while the Indians had probably more than that. The loss of the Ameri- cans was 37 killed and 25 mortally wounded, and 126 wounded; the Indians lost 3S killed on the field of battle, and the number of the wounded was never known. Among the whites killed were Daviess, Spencer, Owen, Warwick, Randolph, Bean and "White. Standing on an eminence near by, the Prophet encouraged his warriors to battle by singing a favorite war-song. He told them that they would gain an easy victory, and that the bullets of their enemies would be made harmless by the Great Spirit. Being informed duringthe engagement that some of the Indians were killed, he said that his warriors must fight on and they would soon be victorious. Immediately after their defeat the surviving Indians lost faith in their great (?) Proph- et, returned to their respective tribes, and thus the confederacy was destroyed. The Prophet, with a very few followers, then took np his residence among a small band of Wyandots encamped on Wild-Cat creek. His famous town, with all its possessions, was destroyed the next day, Nov. 8. On the 18th the American army returned to Vincennes, where most of the troops were discharged. The Territorial Legislature, being in session, adopted resolutions complimentary to Gov. Harri- son and the officers and men under him, and made preparations for a reception and celebration. Capt. Logan, the eloquent Shawanee chief who assisted onr forces so materially, died in the latter part of November, lol2, from the effects of a wound received in a skirmish with a recon- noitering party of hostile Indians accompanied by a white man in the British service, Nov. 22. In that skirmish the white man was killed, and Winamac, a Pottawatomie chief of some distinction, fell by the rifle of Logan. The latter was mortally wounded, when he retreated with two warriors of his tribe, Capt. Johnny and Bright- Horn, to the camp of Gen. Winchester, where he soon after- ward died. He was buried witli the honors of war. WAR OF 1812 WITH GREAT BRITAIN. The victory recently gained by the Americans at the battle of Tippecanoe insured perfect peace for a time, but only a short time as the more extensive schemes of the British had so far ripened as to compel the United States again to declare war against them. Tecumseh had fled to Maiden, Canada, where, counseled by the English, he continued to excite the tribes against the Americans. As soon as this war with Great Britain was declared (June 18, 1812), the Indians, as was expected, commenced again to commit depredations. During the summer of 1812 several points along the Lake Region succumbed to theBritish, as Detroit, under Gen. Hull, Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), commanded by Capt. Heald under Gen. Hull, the post at Mackinac, etc. In the early part of September, 1812, parties of hostile Indians began to assemble in considerable numbers in the vicinity of Forts "Wayne and Harrison, with a view to 'reducing them. Capt. Rhea, at this time, had command of Fort Wajme, but his drinking pro- pensities rather disqualified him for emergencies. For two weeks the fort was in great jeopardy. An express had been sent to Gen. Harrison for reinforcements, but many days passed without any tidings of expected assistance. At length, one day, Maj. Win. Oliver and four friendly Indians arrived at the fort on horseback. One of the Indians was the celebrated Logan. They had come in defiance of " 500 Indians," had "broken their ranks" and reached the fort in safety. Oliver reported that Harrison was aware of the situation and was raising'men for a re-enforcement. Ohio was also raising volunteers; 800 were then assembled at St. Mary's, Ohio, 60 miles south of Fort Wayne, and would march to the relief of the fort in three or four days, or as soon as they were joined by re- enforcements from Kentucky. Oliver prepared a letter, announcing to Gen. Harrison his safe ar- rival at the besieged fort, and giving an account of its beleaguered situation, which he dispatched by his friendly Shawanees, while he concluded to take his chances at the fort. Brave Logan and his companions started with the message, but had scarcely left the fort when they were discovered and pursued by the hostile Indians, yet passing the Indian lines in safety, they were soon out of reach. The Indians now began a furious attack upon the fort; but the little garrison, with Oliver to cheer them on, bravely met the assault, re- pelling the attack day after day, until the army approached to their relief. During this siege the commanding officer, whose habits of aon 102 HISTORY OF INDIANA. intemperance rendered him unfit for the command, was confined in the " black hole," while the junior officer assumed charge. This course was approved by 4^he General, on his arrival, but Capt. Rhea received very little censure, probably on account of his valuable ser- vices in the Revolutionary war. Sept. 6, 1S12, Harrison moved forward with his army to the re- lief of Fort Wayne; the next day he reached a point within three miles of St. Mary's river; the next day he reached the river and was joined at evening by 200 mounted volunteers, under Col. Rich- ard M. Johnson; the next day at "Shane's Crossing" on the St. Mary's they were joined by 800 men from Ohio, under Cols. Adams and Hawkins. At this place Chief Logan and four other Indians offered their services as spies to Gen. Harrison, and were accepted. Logan was immediately disguised and sent forward. Passing through the lines of the hostile Indians,he ascertained their number to be about 1.500, and entering the fort, he encouraged the soldiers to hold out, as relief was at hand. Gen. Harrison's force at this time was about 3,500. After an early breakfast Friday morning they were under march- ing orders; it had rained and the guns were damp; they were dis- charged and reloaded; but that day only one Indian was encount- ered; preparations were made at night for an expected attack by the Indians, but no attack came; the next day, Sept. 10, they ex- pected to fight their way to Fort Wayne, but in that they were hap- pily disappointed; and "At the first grey of the morning," as Bryce eloquently observes, "the distant halloos of the disappointed sav- ages revealed to the anxious inmates of the fort the glorious news of the approach of the army. Great clouds of dust could be seen from the fort, rolling up in the distance, as the valiant soldiery under Gen. Harrison moved forward to the rescue of the garrison and the brave boys of Kentucky and Ohio." This siege of Fort Wayne of course* occasioned great loss to the few settlers who had gathered around the fort. At the time of its commencement quite a little village had clustered around the mili- tary works, but during the siege most of their improvements and crops were destroyed by the savages. Every building out of the reach, of the guns of the fort was leveled to the ground, and thus the in- fant settlement was destroyed. During this siege the garrison lost but three men, while the Indians lost 25. Gen. Harrison had all the Indian villages for 25 miles around destroyed. Fort Wayne was nothing but a military post until about 1S19. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 103 Simultaneously with the attack on Fort Wayne the Indians also besieged Fort Harrison, which was commanded by Zachary Taylor. The Indians commenced firing upon the fort about 11 o'clock one night, when the garrison was in a rather poor plight for receiving them. The enemy succeeded in firing one of the block-houses, which contained whisky, and the whites had great difficulty in pre- venting the burning of all the barracks. The word " fire " seemed to have thrown all the men into confusion; soldiers' and citizens' wives, who had taken shelter within the fort, were crying; Indians were yelling; many of the garrison were sick and unable to be on duty; the men despaired and gave themselves up as lost; two of the strongest and apparently most reliable men jumped the pickets in the very midst of the emergency, etc., so that Capt. Taylor was at his wit's end what to do; but he gave directions as to the many details, rallied the men by a new scheme, and after about seven hours succeeded in saving themselves. The Indians drove up the horses belonging to the citizens, and as they could not catch th^m very readily, shot the whole of them in the sight of their owners, and also killed a number of the hogs belonging to the whites. They drove off all of the cattle, 65 in number, as well as the public oxen. Among many other depredations committed by the savages dur- ing this period, was the massacre of the Pigeon Roost settlement, consisting of one man, five women and 16 children; a few escaped. An unsuccessful effort was made to capture these Indians, but when the news of this massacre and the attack on Fort Harrison reached Vincennes, about 1,200 men, under the command of Col. Win. Russell, of the 7th U. S. Infantry, marched forth for the re- lief of the fort and to punish the Indians. On reaching the fort the Indians had retired from the vicinity; but on the 15th of Sep- tember a small detachment composed of 11 men, under Lieut. Rich- ardson, and acting as escort of provisions sent from Vincennes to Fort Harrison, was attacked by a party of Indians within the pres- ent limits of Sullivan county. It was reported that seven of these men were killed and one wounded. The provisions of course fell into the hands of the Indians. EXPEDITIONS AGAINST THE INDIANS. By the middle of August, through the disgraceful surrender of Gen. Hull, at Detroit, and the evacuation of Fort Dearborn and massacre of its garrison, the British and Indians were in possession of the whole Northwest. The savages, emboldened by their sue- 104 HISTORY OF INDIANA.. cesses, penetrated deeper into the settlements, committing great depredations. The activity and success of the enemy aroused the people to a realization of the great danger their homes and families were in. Gov. Edwards collected a force of 350 men at Camp Russell, and Capt. Russell came from Vincennes with about 50 more. Being officered and equipped, they proceeded about the middle of October on horseback, carrying with them 20 day's rations, to Peoria. Capt. Craig was sent with two boats up the Illinois, with provisions and tools to build a fort. The little army proceeded to Peoria Lake, where was located a Pottawatomie village. They arrived late at night, within a few miles of the village, without their presence being known to the Indians. Four men were sent out that night to reconnoiter the position of the village. The four brave men who volunteered for this perilous service were Thomas Carlin (afterward Governor), and Robert, Stephen and Davis White- side. They proceeded to the village, and explored it and the ap- proaches to it thoroughly, without starting an Indian or provoking the bark of a dog. The low lands between the Indian village and the troops were covered with a rank growth of tall grass, so high and dense as to readily conceal an Indian on horseback, until within a few feet of him. The ground had become still more yielding by recent rains, rendering it almost impassable by mounted men. To prevent detection the soldiers had camped without lighting the usual camp-fires. The men lay down in their cold and cheerless camp, with many misgivings. They well remembered how the skulking savages fell upon Harrison's men at Tippecanoe during the night. To add to their fears, a gun in the hands of a soldier was carelessly discharged, raising great consternation in the camp. Through a dense fog which prevailed the following morning, the army took up its line of march for the Indian town, Capt. Judy with his corps of spies in advance. In the tall grass they came up with an Indian and his squaw, both mounted. The Indian wanted to surrender, but Judy observed that he " did not leave home to take prisoners," and instantly shot one of them. With the blood streaming from his mouth and nose, and in his agony " singing the death song," the dying Indian raised his gun, shot and mortally wounded a Mr. Wright, and in a few minutes expired! Many guns were immediately discbarged at the other Indian, not then known to be a squaw, all of which missed her. Badly scared, and her hus- band killed by her side, the agonizing wails of the squaw were heart-rending. She was taken prisoner, and afterward restored to her nation. HIST0KY OF INDIANA. 105 On nearing the town a general charge was made, the Indians fleeing to the interior wilderness. Some of their warriors made a stand, when a sharp engagement occurred, but the Indians were routed. In their flight they left behind all their winter's store of provisions, which was taken, and their town burned. Some Indian children were found who had been left in the hurried flight, also some disabled adults, one of whom was in a starving condition, and with a voracious appetite partook of the bread given him. He is said to have been killed by a cowardly trooper straggling behind, after the main army had resumed its retrograde march, who wanted to be able to boast that he had killed an Indian. September 19, 1812, Gen. Harrison was put in command of the Northwestern army, then estimated at 10,000 men, with these orders: "Having provided for the protection of the western front- ier, you will retake Detroit; and, with a view to the conquest of upper Canada, you will penetrate that country as far as the force under your command will in your judgment justify." Although surrounded by many difficulties, the General began immediately to execute these instructions. In calling for volun- teers from Kentucky, however, more men offered than could be received. At this time there were about 2,000 mounted volunteers at Vincennes, under the command of Gen. Samuel Hopkins, of the Revolutionary war, who was under instructions to operate against the enemy along the Wabash and Illinois rivers. Accordingly, early in October, Gen. Hopkins moved from Vincennes towards the Kickapoo villages in the Illinois territory, with about 2,000 troops; but after four or five days' march the men and officers raised a mutiny which gradually succeeded in carrying all back to Vin- cennes. The cause of their discontent is not apparent. About the same time Col. Russell, with two small companies of U. S. rangers, commanded by Capts. Perry and Modrell, marched from the neighborhood of Vincennes to unite with a small force of mounted militia under the command of Gov. Edwards, of Illinois, and afterward to march with the united troops from Cahokia toward Lake Peoria, for the purpose of co operating with Gen. Hopkins against the Indian towns in that vicinity; but not find- ing the latter on the ground, was compelled to retire. Immediately after the discharge of the mutinous volunteers, Gen. Hopkins began to organize another force, mainly of infantry, to reduce the Indians up the Wabash as far as the Prophet's town. These troops consisted of three regiments of Kentucky militia, 100 HISTORY OF INDIANA. commanded by Cols. Barbour, Miller and Wilcox; a small company of regulars commanded by Capt. Zachary Taylor; a company of rangers commanded by Qapt. Beckes; and a company of scouts or spies under the command of Capt. Washburn. The main body of this army arrived at Fort Harrison Nov. 5; on the 11th it pro- ceeded up the east side of the Wabash into the heart of the Indian country, but found the villages generally deserted. Winter set- ting in severely, and the troops poorly clad, they had to return to Vincennes as rapidly as possible. With one exception the men behaved nobly, and did much damage to the enemy. That exception was the precipitate chase after an Indian by a detach- ment of men somewhat in liquor, until they found themselves sur- rounded by an overwhelming force of the enemy, and they had to retreat in disorder. At the close of this campaign Gen. Hopkins resigned his command. In the fall of 1812 Gen. Harrison assigned to Lieut. Col. John B. Campbell, of the 19th U. S. Inf., the duty of destroying the Miami villages on the Mississinewa river, with a detachment of about 600 men. Nov. 25, Lieut. Col. Campbell marched from Franklinton, according to orders, toward the scene of action, cau- tiously avoiding falling in with the Delawares, who had been ordered by Gen. Harrison to retire to the Shawanee establishment on the Auglaize river, and arriving on the Mississinewa Dec. 17, when they discovered an Indian town inhabited by Delawares and Miamis This and three other villages were destroyed. Soon after this, the supplies growing short and the troops in a suffering condition, Campbell began to consider the propriety of returning to Ohio; but just as he was*calling together his officers early one morning to deliberate on the proposition, an army of Indians rushed upon them with fury. The engagement lasted an hour, with a loss of eight killed and 42 wounded, besides about 150 horses killed. The whites, however, succeeded in defending themselves and taking a number of Indians prisoners, who proved to be Mun- sies, of Silver Heel's band. Campbell, hearing that a large force of Indians were assembled at Mississinewa village, under Tecum- seh, determined to return to Greenville. The privations of his troops and the severity of the cold compelled him to send to that place for re-enforcements and supplies. Seventeen of the men had to be carried on litters. They were met by the re-enforcement about 40 miles from Greenville. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 107 Lieut. Col. Campbell sent two messages to the Delawares, who lived on White river and who had been previously directed and requested to abandon their towns on that river and remove into Ohio. In these messages he expressed his regret at unfortunately killing some of their men, and urged them to move to the Shaw- anee settlement on the Auglaize river. He assured them that their people, in his power, would be compensated by the Government for their losses, if not found to be hostile; and the friends of those killed satisfied by presents, if such satisfaction would be received. This advice was heeded by the main body of the Delawares and a few Miamis. The Shawanee Prophet, and some of the principal chiefs of the Miamis, retired from the country of the Wabash, and, with their destitute and suffering bands, moved to Detroit, where they were received as the friends and allies of Great Britain. On the approach of Gen. Harrison with his army in September, 1S13, the British evacuated Detroit, and the Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawatomies, Miamis and Kickapoos sued for peace with the United States, which was granted temporarily by Brig. Gen. Mc- Arthur, on condition of their becoming allies of the United States in case of war. In June, 1813, an expedition composed of 137 men, under com- mand of Col. Joseph Bartholomew, moved from Valonia toward the Delaware towns on the west fork of White river, to surprise and punish some hostile Indians who were supposed to be lurking about those villages. Most of these places they found deserted; some of them burnt. They had been but temporarily occupied for the purpose of collecting and carrying away corn. Col. Bartholo- mew's forces succeeded in killing one or two Indians and destroy- ing considerable corn, and they returned to Valonia on the 21st of this month. July 1, 1813, Col. William Russell, of the 7th U. S., organized a force of 573 effective men at Valonia and marched to the Indian villages about the mouth of the Mississinewa. His experience was much like that of Col. Bartholomew, who had just preceded him. He had rainy weather, suffered many losses, found the villages de- serted, destroyed stores of corn, etc. The Colonel reported that he went to every place where he expected to find the enemy, but they nearly always seemed to have fled the country. The march from Valonia to the mouth of the Mississinewa and return was about 250 miles. Several smaller expeditions helped to "checker" the surrounding 108 HISTORY OF INDIANA. country, and find that the Indians were very careful to keep them- selves out of sight, and thus closed this series of campaigns. CLOSE OF THE WAS. The war with England closed on the 24th of December, 1814, when a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. The 9th article of the treaty required the United States to put an end to hostilities with all tribes or nations of Indians with whom they had been at war; to restore to such tribes or nations respectively all the rights and possessions to which they were entitled in 1811, before the war, on condition that such Indians should agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States. But in February, just before the treaty was sanctioned by our Government, there were signs of Indians accumulating arms and ammunition, and a cautionary order was therefore issued to have all the white forces in readiness for an attack by the Indians; but the attack was not made. During the ensuing summer and fall the United States Government ac- quainted the Indians with the provisions of the treaty, and entered into subordinate treaties of peace with the principal tribes. Just before the treaty of Spring Wells (near Detroit) was signed, the Shawanee Prophet retired to Canada, but declaring his resolu- tion to abide by any treaty which the chiefs might sign. Some time afterward he returned to the Shawanee settlement in Ohio, and lastly to the west of the Mississippi, where he died, in 1S34. The British Government allowed him a pension from 1S13 until his death. llis brother Tecumseh was killed at the battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813, by a Mr. Wheatty, as we are positively in- formed by Mr. A. J. James, now a resident of La Harpe township, Hancock county, 111., whose father-in-law, John Pigman, of Co- shocton county, Ohio, was an eye witness. Gen. Johnson has gener- ally had the credit of killing Tecumseh. XECUHSEH. ' TECUMSEH. If one should inquire who has been the greatest Indian, the most noted, the "principal Indian " in North America since its discov- ery by Columbus, we would be obliged to answer, Tecumseh. For all those qualities which elevate a man far above his race; for talent, tact, skill and bravery as a warrior; for high-minded, honorable and chivalrous bearing as a man; in a word, for all those elements of greatness which place him a long way above his fellows in savage life, the name and fame of Tecnmseh will go down to posterity in the West as one of the most celebrated of the aborigines of this continent, — as one who had no equal among the tribes that dwelt in the country drained by the Mississippi. Born to command him- self, he used all the appliances that would stimulate the courage and nerve the valor of his followers. Always in the front rank of battle, his followers blindly followed his lead, and as his war-cry rang clear above the din and noise of the battle-field, the Shawnee warriors, as they rushed on to victory or the grave, rallied around him, foemen worthy of the steel of the most gallant commander that ever entered the lists in defense of his altar or his home. The tribe to winch Tecumseh, or Tecumtha, as some write it, be- longed, was the Shawnee, or Shawanee. The tradition of the nation held that they originally came from the Gulf of Mexico; that they wended their way up the Mississippi and the Ohio, and settled at or near the present site of Shawneetown, 111., whence they removed to the upper Wabash. In the latter place, at any rate, they were found early in the 18th century, and were known as the "bravest of the brave." This tribe has uniformly been the bitter enemy of the white man, and in every contest with our people has exhibited a degree of skill and strategy that should characterize the most dangerous foe. Tecumseh's notoriety and that of his brother, the Prophet, mutu- ally served to establish and strengthen each other. While the Prophet had unlimited power, spiritual and temporal, he distributed his greatness in all the departments of Indian life with a kind of fanaticism that- magnetically aroused the religious and superstitious passions, not only of his own followers, but also of all the tribes in (ill) 112 HISTORY OF INDIANA. this part of the country; but Tecuraseh concentrated his greatness upon tbe more practical and business affairs of military conquest. It is doubted whether ht^was really a sincere believer in the preten- sions of his fanatic brother; if he did not believe in the pretentious feature of them he had the shrewdness to keep his unbelief to him- self, knowing that religious fanaticism was ODe of the strongest im- pulses to reckless bravery. During his sojourn in the North western Territory, it was Tecum- seh's uppermost desire of life to confederate all the Indian tribes of the country together against the whites, to maintain their choice hunting-grounds. All his public policy converged toward this sin- gle end. In his vast scheme he comprised even all the Indians in the Gulf country, — all in America west of the Alleghany moun- tains. He held, as a subordinate principle, that the Great Spirit had given the Indian race all these hunting-grounds to keep in common, and that no Indian or tribe could cede any portion of the land to the whites without the consent of all the tribes. Hence, in all his councils with the whites he ever maintained that the treaties were null and void. When he met Harrison at Vincennes in council the last time, and, as he was invited by that General to take a seat with him on the platform, he hesitated; Harrison insisted, saying that it was the "wish of their Great Father, the President of the United States, that he should do so." The chief paused a moment, raised his tall and commanding form to its greatest height, surveyed the troops and crowd around him, fixed his keen e} r es upon Gov. Harrison, and then turning them to the sky above, and pointing toward heaven with his sinewy arm in a manner indicative of supreme contempt for the paternity assigned him, said in clarion tones: " My father? The sun is my father, the earth is my mother, and on her bosom I will recline." He then stretched himself, with his war- riors, on the green sward. The effect was electrical, and for some moments there was perfect silence. The Governor, then, through an interpreter, told him that he un- derstood he had some complaints to make and redress to ask, etc., and that he wished to investigate the matter and make restitution wherever it might be decided it should be done. As soon as the Governor was through with this introductory speech, the stately warrior arose, tall, athletic, manly, dignified and graceful, and with a voice at first low, but distinct and musical, commenced a reply. As he warmed up with his subject his clear tones might be heard, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 113 as if " trumpet-tongued," to the utmost limits of the assembly. The most perfect silence prevailed, except when his warriors gave their guttural assent to some eloquent recital of the red man's wrong and the white man's injustice. Tecumseh recited the wrongs which his race had suffered from che time of the massacre of the Moravian Indians to the present; said he did not know how he could ever again be the friend of the white man; that the Great Spirit had given to the Indian all the land from the Miami to the Mississippi, and from the lakes to the Ohio, as a common property to all the tribes in these borders, and that the land could not and should not be sold without the consent of all; that all the tribes on the continent formed but one nation; that if the United States would not give up the lands they had bought of the Miamis and the other tribes, those united with him were determined to annihi- late those tribes; that they were determined to have no more chiefs, but in future to be governed by their warriors; that unless the whites ceased their encroachments upon Indian lands, the fate of the Indians was sealed; they had been driven from the banks of the Delaware across the Alleghanies, and their possessions on the Wabash and the Illinois were now to be taken from them; that in a few years they would not have ground enough to bury their war- riors on this side of the "Father of Waters;" that all would perish, all their possessions taken from them by fraud or force, unless they stopped the progress of the white man westward; that it must be a war of races in which one or the other must perish; that their xribes had been driven toward the setting sun like a galloping horse (ne-kat a-kusk-e ka-top-o-lin-to). The Shawnee language, in which this most eminent Indian states- man spoke, excelled all other aboriginal tongues in its musical ar- ticulation; and the effect of Tecumseh's oratory on this occasion can be more easily imagined than described. Gov. Harrison, although as brave a soldier and General as any American, was over- come by this speech. He well knew Tecumseh's power and influ- ence among all the tribes, knew his bravery, courage and determi- nation, and knew that he meant what he said. When Tecumseh was done speaking there was a stillness throughout the assembly which was really painful ; not a whisper was heard, and all eyes were turned from the speaker toward Gov. Harrison, who after a few moments came to himself, and recollecting many of the absurd statements of the great Indian orator, began a reply which was more logical, if not so eloquent. The Shawnees were attentive un- Hi HISTORY OF INDIANA. til Harrison's interpreter began to translate his speech to the Mia- mis and Pottawatomies, when Tecumseh and his warriors sprang to their feet, brandishing^ their war-clubs and tomahawks. "Tell him," said Tecumseh, addressing the interpreter in Shawnee, " he lies." The interpreter undertook to convey this message to the Governor in smoother language, but Tecumseh noticed the effort and remonstrated, " No, no; tell him belies." The warriors began to grow more excited, when Secretary Gibson ordered the Ameri- can troops in arms to advance. This allayed the rising storm, and as soon as Tecumseh's " He lies " was literally interpreted to the Governor, the latter told Tecumseh through the interpreter to tell Tecumseh he would hold no further council with him. Thus the assembly was broken up, and one can hardly imagine a more exciting scene. It would constitute the finest subject for a historical painting to adorn the rotunda of the capitol. The next day Tecumseh requested another interview with the Governor, which was granted on condition that he should make an apology to the Governor for his language the day before. This be made through the interpreter. Measures for defense and protection were taken, however, lest there should be another outbreak. Two com- panies of militia were ordered from the country, and the one in town added to them, while the Governor and his friends went into council fully armed and prepared for any contingency. On this oc- casion the conduct of Tecumseh was entirely different from that of the day before. Firm and intrepid, showing not the slightest fear or alarm, surrounded with a military force four times his own, he preserved the utmost composure and equanimity. No one would have supposed that he could have been the principal actor in the thrilling scene of the previous day. He claimed that half the Americans were in sympathy with him. He also said that whites had informed him that Gov. Harrison had purchased land from the Indians without any authority from the Government; that he, Harrison, had but two years more to remain in office, and that if he, Tecumseh, could prevail upon the Indians who sold the lands not to receive their annuities for that time, and the present Gover- nor displaced by a good man as his successor, the latter would re- store to the Indians all the lands purchased from them. The Wyandots, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Ottawas and the "Wm- nebagoes, through their respective spokesmen, declared their adherence to the great Shawnee warrior and statesman. Gov. Harri- son then told them that he would send Tecumseh's speech to thePresi- IIISTOETOF INDIANA. 115 dent of the United States and return the answer to the Indians as soon as it was received. Tecnmseh then declared that he and his allies were determined that the old boundary line should continue; and that if the whites crossed it, it would be at their peril. Gov. Harrison re- plied that he would be equally plain with him and state that the President would never allow that the lands on the Wabash were the property of any other tribes than those who had occupied them since the white people first came to America; and as the title to the lands lately purchased was derived from those tribes by a fair purchase, he might rest assured that the right of the United States would be supported by the sword. " So be it," was the stern and haughty reply of the Shawnee chieftan, as he and his braves took leave of the Governor and wended their way in Indian file to their camping ground. Thus ended the last conference on earth between the chivalrous Tecumseh and the hero of the battle of Tippecanoe. The bones of the first lie bleaching on the battle-field of the Thames, and those of the last in a mausoleum on the banks of the Ohio; each strug- gled for the mastery of his race, apd each no doubt was equally honest and patriotic in his purposes. The weak yielded to the strong, the defenseless to the powerful, and the hunting-ground of the Shawnee is all occupied by his enemy. Tecumseh, with four of his braves, immediately embarked in a birch canoe, descended the Wabash, and went on to the South to unite the tribes of that country in a general system of self-defense against the encroachment of the whites. His emblem was a dis- jointed snake, with the motto, "Join or die!" In union alone was strength. Before Tecumseh left the Prophet's town at the mouth of the Tippecanoe river, on his excursion to the South, he had a definite understanding with his brother and the chieftains of the other tribes in the Wabash country, that they should preserve perfect peace with the whites until his arrangements were completed for a con- federacy of the tribes on both sides of the Ohio and on the Missis- sippi river; but it seems that while he was in the South engaged in his work of uniting the tribes of that country some of the North- ern tribes showed signs of fight and precipitated Harrison into that campaign which ended in the battle of Tippecanoe and the total route of the Indians. Tecumseh, on his return from the South, learning what had happened, was overcome with chagrin, disappoint- ment and anger, and accused his brother of duplicity and coward- 116 HISTORY OF INDIANA. ice; indeed, it is said that he never forgave him to the day of his death. A short time afterward, on the breaking out of the war of Great Britain, he joineti Proctor, at Maiden, with a party of his warriors, and finally suffered the fate mentioned on page 108. CIVIL MATTERS lS12-'5. Owing to the absence of Gov. Harrison on military duty, John Gibson, the Secretary of the Territory, acted in the administration of civil affairs. In his message to the Legislature convening on the 1st of February, 1813, he said, substantially: "Did I possess the abilities of Cicero or Demosthenes, I could not portray in more glowing colors our foreign and domestic politi- cal situation than it is already experienced within our own breasts. The United States have been compelled, by frequent acts of injus- tice, to declare war against England. For a detail of the causes of this war I would refer to the message of President Madison; it does honor to his head and heart. Although not au admirer of war, I am glad to see our little but inimitable navy riding triumph- ant on the seas, but chagrined to find that our armies by land are so little successful. The spirit of '76 appears to have fled from our continent, or, if not fled, is at least asleep, for it appears not to pervade our armies generally. At your last assemblage our politi- cal horizon seemed clear, and our infant Territory bid fair for rapid and rising grandeur; but, alas, the scene has changed; and whether this change, as respects our Territory, has been owing to an over anxiety in us to extend our dominions, or to a wish for retaliation by our foes, or to a foreign influence, I shall not say. The Indians, our former neighbors and friends, have become our most inveterate foes. Our former frontiers are now our wilds, and our inner settle- ments have become frontiers. Some of our best citizens, and old men worn down with age, and helpless women and innocent babes, have fallen victims to savage cruelty. I have done my duty as well as I can, and hope that the interposition of Providence will protect us." The many complaints made about the Territorial Government Mr. Gibson said, were caused more by default of officers than of the law. Said he: "It is an old and, I believe, correct adage, that * good officers make good soldiers.' This evil having taken root, I do not know how it can be eradicated; but it may be remedied. In place of men searching after and accepting commissions before they HISTORY OF INDIANA. 117 are even tolerably qualified, thereby subjecting themselves to ridi- cule and their country to ruin, barely for the name of the thing, I think may be remedied by a previous examination." During this session of the Legislature the seat of the Territorial Government was declared to be at Corydon, and immediately acting Governor Gibson prorogued the Legislature to meet at that place, the first Monday of December, 1813. During this 3 r ear the Terri- tory was almost defenseless; Indian outrages were of common occurrence, but no general outbreak was made. The militia-men were armed with rifles and long knives, and many of the rangers carried tomahawks. In 1813 Thomas Posey, who was at that time a Senator in Con- gress from Tennessee, and who had been officer of the army of the Revolution, was appointed Governor of Indiana Territory, to suc- ceed Gen. Harrison. He arrived in Vincennes and entered upon the discharge of his duties May 25, 1813. During this year several expeditions against the Indian settlements were set on foot. In his first message to the Legislature the following December, at Corydon, Gov. Posey said: "The present crisis is awful, and big with great events. Our land and nation is involved in the common calamity of war; but we are under the protecting care of the benefi- cent Being, who has on a former occasion brought us safely through an arduous struggle and placed us on a foundation of independence, freedom and happiness. He will not suffer to be taken from us what He, in His great wisdom has thought proper to confer and bless us with, if we make a wise and virtuous use of His good gifts. * * * Although our affairs, at the commencement of the war, wore a gloomy aspect, they have brightened, and promise a certainty of success, if properly directed and conducted, of which I have no doubt, as the President and heads of departments of the general Government are men of undoubted patriotism, talents and experience, and who have grown old in the service of their country. * * * It must be obvious to every thinking man that we were forced into the war. Every measure consistent with honor, both before and since the declaration of war, has tried to be on amicable terms with our enemy, * * * You who reside in various parts of the Territory have it in your power to understand what will tend to its local and general advantage. The judiciary system would require a revisal and amendment. The militia law is very defective and requires your immediate attention. It is necessary to have IIS HISTORY OF INDIANA. good roads and highways in as many directions through the Terri- tory as the circumstances and situation of the inhabitants will admit; it would contribute very much to promote the settlement and improvement of the Territory. Attention to education is highly necessary. There is an appropriation made by Congress, in lands, for the purpose of establishing public schools. It conies now with- in your province to carry into operation the design of the appro- priation." This Legislature passed several very necessary laws for the wel- fare of the settlements, and the following year, as Gen. Harrison was generally successful in his military campaigns in the North- west, the settlements in Indiana began to increase and improve. The fear of danger from Indians had in a great measure subsided, and the tide of immigration began again to flow. In January, 1814, about a thousand Miamis assembled at Fort Wayne for the purpose of obtaining food to prevent starvation. They met with ample hospitality, and their example was speedily followed by others. These, with other acts of kindness, won the lasting friend- ship of the Indians, many of whom had fought in the interests of Great Britain. General treaties between the United States and the Northwestern tribes were subsequently concluded, and the way was fully opened for the improvement and settlement of the lands. population in 1815. The population of the Territory of Indiana, as given in the official returns to the Legislature of 1815, was as follows, by counties: COUNTIES. White males of 21 and over. TOTAL." Wayne 1,225 6,407 Franklin 1,430 7.370 Dearborn 902 4,424 Switzerland 377 1,833 Jefferson-" 874 .. 4,270 Clark 1,387 7,150 Washington 1,420 7,317 Harrison 1,056 6,975 Knox 1,391 , ■ 8 Gibson 1.100 5.3 o Posey 320 1,619 Warrick 280 1.415 Perry 350 1.720 Grand Totals 12,112 63.897 GENERAL VIEW. The well-known ordinance of 1 1ST conferred many " rights and privileges " upon the inhabitants of the Northwestern Territory, and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 119 consequently upon the people of Indiana Territory, but after all it came far short of conferring as many privileges as are enjoyed at the present day by our Territories. They did not have a full form of Republican government. A freehold estate in 500 acres of land was one of the necessary qualifications of each member of the legis- lative council of the Territory ; every member of the Territorial House of Representatives was required to hold, in his own right, 200 acres of land; and the privilege of voting for members of the House of Representatives was restricted to those inhabitants who, in addi- tion to other qualifications, owned severally at least 50 acres of land. The Governor of the the Territory was invested with the power of appointing officers of the Territorial militia, Judges of the inferior Courts, Clerks of the Courts, Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Coroners, County Treasurers and County Surveyors. He was also authorized to divide the Territory into districts; to apportion among the several counties the members of the House of Represent- atives; to prevent the passage of any Territorial law; and to con- vene and dissolve the General Assemblv whenever he thought best. None of the Governors, however, ever exercised these extraordinary powers arbitrarily. Nevertheless, the people were constantly agi- tating the question of extending the right of suffrage. Five years after the organization of the Territory, the Legislative Council, in reply to the Governor's Message, said: ''Although we are not as completely independent in our legislative capacity as we would wish to be, yet we are sensible that we must wait with patience for that period of time when our population will burst the trammels of a Territorial government, and we shall assume the character more consonant to Republicanism. * * * The confidence which our fellow citizens have uniformly had in your administration has been such that they have hitherto had no reason to be jealous of the un- limited power which you possess over our legislative proceedings. "We, however, cannot help regretting that such powers have been lodged in the hands of any one, especially when it is recol- lected to what dangerous lengths the exercise of those powers may be extended." After repeated petitions the people of Indiana were empowered by Congress to elect the members of the Legislative Council by popu- lar vote. This act was passed in 1S09, and defined what was known as the property qualification of voters. These qualifications were abolished by Congress in 1811, which extended the right of voting for members of the General Assembly and for a Territorial delegate 120 HISTORY OF INDIANA. to Congress to every free white male person who had attained the age of twenty -one years, and who, having paid a county or Terri- torial tax, was a resident of the Territory and had resided in it for a year. In 1S11 the voting qualification in Indiana was defined by Congress, " to every free white male person having a freehold in the Territory, and being a resident of the same." The House of Representatives was authorized by Congress to lay off the Territory into five districts, in each of which the qualified voters were em- powered to electa member of the Legislative Council. The division was made, one to two counties in each district. At the session in August, 1814, the Territory was also divided into three judicial circuits, and provisions were made for holding courts in the same. The Governor was empowered to appoint a presiding Judge in each circuit, and two Associate Judges of the circuit court in each county. Their compensation was fixed at $700 per annum. The same year the General Assembly granted charters to two banking institutions, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Madi- son and the Bank of Vincennes. The first was authorized to raise a capital of $750,000, and the other $500,000. On the organization of the State these banks were merged into the State Bank and its branches. Here we close the history of the Territory of Indiana. ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE. The last regular session of the Territorial Legislature was held at Corydon, convening in December, 1815. The message of Governor Posey congratulated the people of the Territory upon the general success of the settlements and the great increase of immigration, recommended light taxes and a careful attention to the promotion of education and the improvement of the State roads and highways. He also recommended a revision of the territorial laws and an amendment of the militia system. Several laws were passed pre- paratory to a State Government, and December 14, IS 15, a me- morial to Congress was adopted praying for the authority to adopt a constitution and State Government. Mr. Jennings,the Territorial delegate, laid this memorial before Congress on the 28th, and April 19, 1816, the President approved the bill creating the State of In- diana. Accordingly, May 30 following, a general election was held for a constitutional convention, which met at Corydon June 10 to 29, Jonathan Jennings presiding and Wm. Hendricks acting as Secretary. "The convention that formed the first constitution of the State of Indiana was composed mainly of clear-minded, unpretending men of common sense, whose patriotism was unquestionable and whose morals were fair. Their familiarity with the theories of the Declaration of American Independence, their Territorial experience under the provisions of the ordinance of 17S7, and their knowledge of the principles of the constitution of the United States were sufficient, when combined, to lighten materially their labors in the great work of forming a constitution for a new State. With such landmarks in view, the labors of similar conventions in other States and Ter- ritories have been rendered comparatively light. In the clearness and conciseness of its style, in the comprehensive and just pro- visions which it made for the maintainance of civil and religious liberty, in its mandates, which were designed to protect the rights of the people collectively and individually, and to provide for the public welfare, the constitution that was formed for Indiana in 1816 was not inferior to any of the State constitutions which were in ex- istence at that time." — Dillon' 's History of Indiana. (121) 122 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The first State election took place on the first ^Monday of August, 1816, and Jonathan Jennings was elected Governor, and Christo- pher Harrison, LienY Governor. Wm. Hendricks was elected to represent the new State in the House of Representatives of the United States. The first General Assembly elected under the new constitution began its session at Corydon, Nov. 4, 1816. John Paul was called to the chair of the Senate pro tern., and Isaac Blackford was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. Among other things in the new Governor's message were the following remarks: "The result of your deliberation will be con- sidered as indicative of its future character as well as of the future happiness and prosperity of its citizens. In the commencement of the State government the shackles of the colonial should be for- gotten in our exertions to prove, by happy experience, that a uni- form adherence to the first principles of our Government and a virtuous exercise of its powers will best secure efficiency to its measures and stability to its character. Without a frequent recur- rence to those principles, the administration of the Government will imperceptibly become more and more arduous, until the sim- plicity of our Republican institutions may eventually be lost in dangerous expedients and political design. Under every free gov- ernment the happiness of the citizens must be identified with their morals; and while a constitutional exercise of their rights shall continue to have its due weight in discharge of the duties required of the constituted authorities of the State, too much attention can- not be bestowed to the encouragement and promotion of every moral virtue, and to the enactment of laws calculated to restrain the vicious, and prescribe punishment for every crime commensu- rate with its enormity. In measuring, however, to each crime its adequate punishment, it will be well to recollect that the certainty of punishment has generally the surest effect to prevent crime; while punishments unnecessarily severe too often produce the ac- quittal of the guilty and disappoint one of the greatest objects of legislation and good government * * * The dissemination of 'useful knowledge will be indispensably necessary as a support to morals aud as a restraint to vice; and on this subject it will only be necessary to direct your attention to the plau of education as prescribed by the constitution. * * * I recommend to your consideration the propriety of providing by law, to prevent more effectually any unlawful attempts to seize and carry into bondage OPENING AN INDIANA FOKEST. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 125 persons of color legally entitled to their freedom; and at the same time, as far as practicable, to prevent those who rightfully owe ser- vice to the citizens of any other State or Territory from seeking within the limits of this State a refuge from the possession of their lawful owners. Such a measure will tend to secure those who are free from any unlawful attempts (to enslave them) and secures the rights of the citizens of the other States and Territories as far as ought reasonably to be expected." This session of the Legislature elected James Noble and Waller Taylor to the Senate of the United States; Kobert A. New was elected Secretary of State; W. H. Lilley, Auditor of State; and Daniel C. Lane, Treasurer of State. The session adjourned Janu- ary 3, 1817. As the history of the State of Indiana from this time forward is best given by topics, we will proceed to give them in the chronolog- ical order of their origin. The happy close of the war with Great Britain in 1814 was fol- lowed by a great rush of immigrants to the great Territory of the Northwest, including the new States, all now recently cleared of the enemy; and by 1820 the State of Indiana had more than doubled her population, having at this time 147,178, and by 1S25 nearly doubled this again, that is to say, a round quarter of a mil- lion, — a growth more rapid probably than that of any other section in this country since the days of Columbus. The period 1325-'30 was a prosperous time for the young State. Immigration continued to be rapid, the crops were generally good and the hopes of the people raised higher than they had ever been before. Accompanying this immigration, however, were paupers and indolent people, who threatened to be so numerous as to become a serious burden. On this subject Governor Ray called for legislative action, but the Legislature scarcely knew what to do and they deferred action. BLACK HAWK WAR. la 1830 there still lingered within the bounds of the State two tribes of Indians, whose growing indolence, intemperate habits, dependence upon their neighbors for the bread of life, diminished prospects of living by the chase, continued perpetration of murders and other outrages of dangerous precedent, primitive igno- rance and unrestrained exhibitions of savage customs before the children of the settlers, combined to make them subjects for a more rigid government. The removal of the Indians west of the Missis- sippi was a melancholy but necessary duty. The time having arrived for the emigration of the Pottawatomies, according to the stipulations contained in their treaty with the United States, they evinced that reluctance common among aboriginal tribes on leav- ing the homes of their childhood and the graves of their ancestors. Love of country is a principle planted in the bosoms of all man- kind. The Laplander and the Esquimaux of the frozen north, who feed on seals, moose and the meat of the polar bear, would not exchange their country for the sunny clime of "Araby the blest." Color and shades of complexion have nothing to do with the heart's best, warmest emotions. Then we should not wonder that the Pottawatomie, on leaving his home on the Wabash, felt as sad as JEschines did when ostracised from his native land, laved by the waters of the classic Scamander; and the noble and eloquent Xas- waw-kay, on leaving tbe encampment on Crooked creek, felt his banishment as keenly as Cicero when thrust from the bosom of his beloved Pome, for which he had spent the best efforts of his life, and for which he died. On Sunday morning, May 18, 1832, the people on the west side of the Wabash were thrown into a state of great consternation, on account of a report that a large body of hostile Indians had approached within 15 miles of Lafayette and killed two men. The alarm soon spread throughout Tippecanoe, Warren, Vermillion, Fountain, Montgomery, and adjoining counties. Several brave commandants of companies on the west side of the Wabash in Tippecanoe county, raised troops to go and meet the enemy, and dispatched an express to Gen. Walker with a request that he should (186) IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. 127 make a call upon the militia of the county to equip themselves instantly and march to the aid of their bleeding countrymen. Thereupon Gen. Walker, Col. Davis, Lieut-Col. Jenners, Capt. Brown, of the artillery, and various other gallant spirits mounted their war steeds and proceeded to the army, and thence upon a scout to the Grand Prairie to discover, if possible, the number, intention and situation of the Indians. Over 300 old men, women and children nocked precipitately to Lafayette and the surrounding country east of the Wabash. A remarkable event occurred in this stampede, as follows: A man, wife and seven children resided on the edge of the Grand Prairie, west of Lafayette, in a locality considered particu- larly dangerous. On hearing of this alarm he made hurried preparations to fly with his family to Lafayette for safety. Imag- ine his surprise and chagrin when his wife told him she would not go one step; that she did not believe in being scared at trifles, and in her opinion there was not an Indian within 100 miles of them. Importunity proved unavailing, and the disconsolate and frightened husband and father took all the children except the youngest, bade his wife and babe a long and solemn farewell, never expecting to see them again, unless perhaps he might find their mangled re- mains, minus their scalps. On arriving at Lafayette, his acquaint- ances rallied and berated him for abandoning his wife and child in that way, but he met their jibes with a stoical indifference, avowing that he should not be held responsible for their obstinacy. As the shades of the first evening drew on, the wife felt lonely; and the chirping of the frogs and the notes of the whippoorwill only intensified her loneliness, until she half wished she had accom- panied the rest of the family in their flight. She remained in the house a .ew hours without striking a light, and then concluded that " discretion was the better part of valor," took her babe and some bed-clothes, fastened the cabin door, and hastened to a sink- hole in the woods, in which she afterward said that she and her babe slept soundly until sunrise next morning. Lafayette literally boiled over with people and patriotism. A meeting was held at the court-house, speeches were made by patriotic individuals, and to allay the fears of the women an armed police was immediately ordered, to be called the " Lafaj - ette Guards." Thos. T. Benbridge was elected Captain, and John Cox, Lieutenant. Capt. Benbridge yielded the active drill of his guards to the Lieutenant, who had served two years in the war of 1812. After 128 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the meeting adjourned, the guards were paraded on the green where Purdue's block now stands, and put through sundry evolu- tions by Lieut. Cox, who proved to be an expert drill officer, and whose clear, shrill voice runs' out on the nisrht air as he marched and counter-marched the troops from where the paper-mill stands to Main street ferry, and over the suburbs, generally. Every old gun and sword that could be found was brought into requisition, with a new shine on them. Gen. Walker, Colonels Davis and Jenners, and other officers joined in a call of the people of Tippecanoe county for volunteers to march to the frontier settlements. A large meeting of the citizens assembled in the public square in the town, and over 300 volunteers mostly mounted men, left for the scene of action, with an alacrity that would have done credit to veterans. The first night they camped nine miles west of Lafayette, near Grand Prairie. They placed sentinels for the night and retired to rest. A few of the subaltern officers very injudiciously concluded to try what effect a false alarm would have upon the sleeping sol- diers, and a few of them withdrew to a neighboring thicket, and thence made a charge upon the picket guards, who, after hailing them and receiving no countersign, fired off their guns and ran for the Colonel's marquee in the center of the encampment. The aroused Colonels and staff sprang to their feet, shouting "To arms! to arms!" and the obedient, though panic-stricken soldiers seized their guns and demanded to be led against the invading foe. A wild scene of disorder ensued, and amid the din of arms and loud commands of the officers the raw militia felt that they had already got into the red jaws of battle. One of the alarm sentinels, in running to the center of the encampment, leaped over a blazing camp fire, and alighted full upon the breast and stomach of a sleeping lawyer, who was, no doubt, at that moment dreaming of vested and contingent remainders, rich clients and good fees, which in legal parlance was suddenly estopped by the hob-nails in the stogas of the scared sentinel. As soon as the counselor's vitality and consciousness sufficiently returned, ho put in some strong demurrers to the con- duct of the affrighted picket men, averring that he would greatly prefer being wounded by the enemy to being run over by a cowardly booby. Next morning the organizers of the ruse were severely reprimanded. May 28, 1S32, Governor Noble ordered General Walker to call out his whole command, if necessary, and supply arms, horses and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 129 provisions, even though it be necessary to seize them. The next day four baggage wagons, loaded with camp equipments, stores, provisions and other articles, were seat to the little army, who were thus provided for a campaign of five or six weeks. The following Thursday a squad of cavalry, under Colonel Sigler, passed through Lafayette on the way to the hostile region ; and on the 13th of June Colonel Russell, commandant of the 40th Regiment, Indiana Militia, passed through Lafayette with 340 mounted volunteers from the counties of Marion, Hendricks and Johnson. Also, several com- panies of volunteers from Montgomery, Fountain and Warren counties, hastened to the relief of the frontier settlers. The troops from Lafayette marched to Sugar creek, and after a short time, there being no probability of finding any of the enemy, were ordered to return, They all did so except about 45 horsemen, who volunteered to cross Hickory creek, where the Indians had com- mitted their depredations. They organized a company by electing Samuel McGeorge, a soldier of the war of 1812, Captain, and Amos Allen and Andrew W. Ingraham, Lieutenants. Crossing Hickory creek, they marched as far as O'Plein river without meeting with opposition. Finding no enemy here they concluded to return. On the first night of their march home they encamped on the open prairie, posting sentinels, as usual. About ten o'clock it began to rain, and it was with difficulty that the sen- tinels kept their guns dry. Capt. I. H. Cox and a man named Fox had been posted as sentinels within 15 or 20 paces of each other. Cox drew the skirt of his overcoat over his gun-lock to keep it dry; Fox, perceiving this motion, and in the darkness taking him for an Indian, fired npon him and fractured his thigh-bone. Several sol- diers immediately ran toward the place where the flash of the gun had been seen; but when they cocked and leveled their guns on the figure which had fired at Cox, the wounded man caused them to desist by crying, " Don't shoot him, it was a sentinel who shot me." The next day the wounded man was left behind the company in care of four men, who, as soon as possible, removed him on a litter to Col. Moore's company of Illinois militia, then enoamped on the O'Plein, where Joliet now stands. Although the main body returned to Lafayette in eight or nine days, yet the alarm among the people was so great that they could not be induced to return to their farms for some time. The pres- ence of the hostiles was hourly expected by the frontier settlements of Indiana, from Vinceunes to La Porte. In Clinton county the 130 HISTORY OF INDIANA. inhabitants gathered within the forts and prepared for a regular siege, while our neighbors at Crawfordsville were suddenly astounded by the arrival of a courier at full speed with the announce- ment that the Indians, more than a thousand in number, were then crossing the Nine-Mile prairie about twelve miles north of town, killing and scalping all. The strongest houses were immediately put in a condition of defense, and sentinels were placed at the prin- cipal points in the direction of the enemy. Scouts were sent out to reconnoitre, and messengers were dispatched in different directions to announce the danger to the farmers, and to urge them to hasten with their families into town, and to assist in fighting the moment- aril)' expected savages. At night-fall the scouts brought in the news that the Indians had not crossed the Wabash, but were hourly expected at Lafayette. The citizens of Warren, Fountain and Ver- million counties were alike terrified bv exaggerated stories of Indian massacres, and immediately prepared for defense. It turned out that the Indians were not within 100 miles of these temporary forts; but this by no means proved a want of courage in the citizens. After some time had elapsed, a portion of the troops were marched back into Tippecanoe county and honorably discharged; but the settlers were still loth for a long time to return to their farms. Assured by published reports that the Miamis and Potta- watomies did not intend to join the hostiles, the people by degrees recovered from the panic and*began to attend to their neglected crops. During this time there was actual war in Illinois. Black Hawk and his warriors, well nigh surrounded by a well-disciplined foe, attempted to cross to the west bank of the Mississippi, but after being chased up into Wisconsin and to the Mississippi again, he was in a final battle taken captive. A few years after his liberation, about 1837 or 1838, he died, on the banks of the Des Moines river, in Iowa, in what is now the county of Davis, where his remains were deposited above ground, in the usual Indian style. His re- mains were afterward stolen and carried away, but they were re- covered by the Governor of Iowa and placed in the museum of the Historical Society at Burlington, where they were finally destroyed by fire. LAST EXODUS OF THE INDIANS. In July, 1S37, Col. Abel C. Pepper convened the Pottawatomie nation of Indians at Lake Ke-waw-nay for the purpose of remov- ing them west of the Mississippi. That fall a small party of some 80 or 90 Pottawatomies was conducted west of the Mississippi river by George Proffit, Esq. Among the number were Ke-waw- nay, Nebash, Nas-waw-kay, Pash-po-ho and many other leading men of the nation. The regular emigration of these poor Indians, about 1,000 in number, took place under Col. Pepper and Gen. Tip- ton in the summer of 1838. It was a sad and mournful spectacle to witness these children of the forest slowly retiring from the home of their childhood, that contained not only the graves of their revered ancestors, but also many endearing scenes to which their memories would ever recur as sunny spots along their pathway through the wilderness. They felt that they were bidding farewell to the hills, valleys and streams of their infancy; the more exciting hunting-grounds of their ad- vanced youth, as well as the stern and bloody battle-fields where they had contended in riper manhood, on which they had received wounds, aWd where many of their friends and loved relatives had fallen covered with gore and with glory. All these they were leav- ing behind them, to be desecrated by the plowshare of the white man. As they cast mournful glances back toward these loved scenes that were rapidly fading in the distance, tears fell from the cheek of the downcast warrior, old men trembled, matrons wept, the swarthy maiden's cheek turned pale, and sighs and half-sup- pressed sobs escaped from the motley groups as they passed along, some on foot, some on horseback, and others in wagons, — sad as a funeral procession. Several of the aged warriors were seen to cast glances toward the sky, as if they were imploring aid from the spirits of their departed heroes, who were looking down upon them from the clouds, or from the Great Spirit, who would ultimately redress the wrongs of the red man, whose broken bow had fallen from his hand, and whose sad heart was bleeding within him. Ever and anon one of the party would start out into the brush and break back to their old encampments on Eel river and on the Tippe- (131) 132 nisTORr of Indiana. canoe, declaring that they would rather die than be banished from their country. Thus, scores of discontented emigrants returned from different points on their journey; and it was several years before they could be induced to join their countrymen west of the Mississippi. Several years after the removal of the Pottawatomies the Miami nation was removed to their Western home, by coercive means, un- der an escort of United States troops. They were a proud and once powerful nation, but at the time of their removal were far inferior, in point of numbers, to the Pottawatomie guests whom they had permitted to settle and hunt upon their lands, and fish in their lakes and rivers after they had been driven southward by powerful and warlike tribes who inhabited the shores of the North- ern lakes. INDIAN TITLES. In 1S31 a joint resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, request- ing an appropriation by Congress for the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands within the State, was forwarded to that body* which granted the request. The Secretary of "War, by authority, appointed a committee of three citizens to carry into effect the pro- visions of the recent law. The Miamis were surrounded on all sides by American settlers, and were situated almost in the heart of the State on the line of the canal then being made. The chiefs were called to a council for the purpose of making a treaty; they promptly came, but peremptorily refused to go westward or sell the remainder of their land. The Pottawatomies sold about 6,000,000 acres in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, including all their claim in this State. In 1838 a treaty was concluded with the Miami Indians through the good offices of Col. A. C. Pepper, the Indian agent, by which a considerable of the most desirable portion of their reserve was ceded to the United States. LAND SALES. As an example of the manner in which land speculators were treated by the early Indianians, we cite the following instances from Cox's " Recollections of the "Wabash Valley." At Crawfordsville, Dec. 2±, 1S24, many parties were present from the eastern and southern portions of the State, as well as from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and even Pennsylvania, to attend a land sale. There was but little bidding against each other. The settlers, or " squatters," as they were called by the speculators, had arranged matters among themselves to their general satisfaction. If, upon comparing numbers, it appeared that two were after the same tract of land, one would ask the other what he would take not to bid against him; if neither would consent to be bought off they would retire and cast lots, and the lucky one would enter the tract at Congress price, $1.25 an acre, and the other would enter the second choice on his list. If a speculator made a bid, or showed a disposition to take a settler's claim from him, he soon saw the white of a score of eyes glaring at him, and he would "crawfish" out of the crowd at the first opportunity. The settlers made it definitely known to foreign capitalists that they would enter the tracts of land they had settled upon before allowing the latter to come in with their speculations. The land was sold in tiers of townships, beginning at the southern part of the district and continuing north until all had been offered at public sale. This plan was persisted in, although it kept many on the ground for several days waiting, who desired to purchase land in the northern part of the district. In 1827 a regular Indian scare was gotten up to keep specu- lators away for a short time. A man who owned a claim on Tippe- canoe river, near Pretty prairie, fearing that some one of the numerous land hunters constantly scouring the country might enter the land he had settled upon before he could raise the money to buy it, and seeing one day a cavalcade of land hunters riding toward where his land lay, mounted his horse and darted off at full speed to meet them, swinging his hat and shouting at the top of his voice, " Indians! Indians! the woods are full of Indians, (133) 134 HISTORY OF INDIANA. murdering and scalping all before them!" They paused a moment, bnt as the terrified horseman still urged his jaded animal and cried, "Help! Longlois, Cicots, help!" they turned and fled like a troop of retreating cavalry, hastening to the thickest settlements and giving the alarm, which spread like fire among stubble until the whole frontier region was shocked with the startling cry. The squatter who fabricated the story and started this false alarm took a cir- cuitous route home that evening, and while others were busy building temporary block-houses and rubbing up their guns to meet the Indians, he was quietly gathering up money and slipped down to Crawfordsville and entered his land, chuckling to himself, "There's a Yankee trick for you, done up by a Hoosier." HARMONY COMMUNITY. In 1814 a society of Germans under Frederick Rappe, who had originally come from Wirtemberg, Germain', and more recently from Pennsylvania, founded a settlement on the Wabash about 50 miles above its mouth. They were industrious, frugal and honest Lutherans. They purchased a large quantity of land and laid off a town, to which they gave the name of " Harmony," afterward called "New Harmony." They erected a church and a public school-house, opened farms, planted orchards and vineyards, built flouring mills, established a house of public entertainment, a public store, and carried on all the arts of peace with skill and regularity. Their property was " in common," according to the custom of an- cient Christians at Jerusalem, but the governing power, both tem- poral and spiritual, was vested in Frederick Rappe, the elder, who was regarded as the founder of the society. By the year 1821 the society numbered about 900. Every individual of proper age con- tributed his proper share of labor. There were neither spendthrifts, idlers nor drunkards, and during the whole 17 years of their sojourn in America there was not a single lawsuit among them. Every controversy arising among them was settled by arbitration, expla- nation and compromise before sunset of the day, literally according to the injunction of the apostle of the New Testament. About 1825 the town of Harmony and a considerable quantity of land adjoining was sold to Robert Owen, father of David Dale Owen, the State Geologist, and of Robert Dale Owen, of later notoriety. He was a radical philosopher from Scotland, who had become distinguished for his philanthropy and opposition to HISTORT OF INDIANA. 135 Christianity. He charged the latter with teaching false notions regarding human responsibility — notions which have since been clothed in the language of physiology, mental philosophy, etc. Said he: "That which has hitherto been called wickedness in our fellow men has proceeded from one of two distinct causes, or from some combination of those causes. They are what are termed bad or wicked, " 1. Because they are born with faculties or propensities which render them more liable, under the same circumstances, than other men, to commit such actions as are usually denominated wicked; or, " 2. Because they have been placed by birth or other events in particular countries, — have been influenced from infancy by par- ents, playmates and others, and have been surrounded by those circumstances which gradually and necessarily trained them in the habits and sentiments called wicked; or, "3. They have become wicked in consequence of some particu- lar combination of these causes. " If it should be asked, Whence then has wickedness pro- ceeded? I reply, Solely from the ignorance of our forefathers. " Every society which exists at present, as well as every society which history records, has been formed and governed on a belief in the following notions, assumed as first principles: " 1. That it is in the power of every individual to form his own character. Hence the various systems called by the name of religion, codes of law, and punishments; hence, also, the angry passions entertained by individuals and nations toward each other. " 2. That the affections are at the command of the individual. Hence insincerity and degradation of character; hence the miseries of domestic life, and more than one-half of all the crimes of man- kind. " 3. That it is necessary a large portion of mankind should ex- ist in ignorance and poverty in order to secure to the remaining part such a degree of happiness as they now enjoy. Hence a system of counteraction in the pursuits of men, a general opposition among individuals to the interests of each other, and the necessary effects of such a system, — ignorance, poverty and vice. I THE MEXICAN WAR During the administration of Gov. "Whitcomb the war with Mexico occurred, which resulted in annexing to the United States vast tracts of land in the south and west. Indiana contributed her full ratio to the troops in that war, and with a remarkable spirit of promptness and patriotism adopted all measures to sustain the gen- eral Government. These new acquisitions of territory re-opened the discussion of the slavery question, and Governor Whitcomb expressed his opposition to a further extension of the " national sin." The causes which led to a declaration of war against Mexico in 1S46, must be sought for as far back as the year 1830, when the present State of Texas formed a province of New and Independent Mexico. During the years immediately preceding 1830, Moses Austin, of Connecticut, obtained a liberal grant of lands from the established Government, and on his death his son was treated in an equally liberal manner. The glowing accounts rendered by Aus- tin; and the vivid picture of Elysian fields drawn by visiting jour- nalists, soon resulted in the influx of a large tide of immigrants, nor did the movement to the Southwest cease until 1830. The Mexican province held a prosperous population, comprising 10,000 American citizens. The rapacious Government of the Mexicans looked with greed and jealousy upon their eastern province, and, under the presidency of Gen. Santa Anna, enacted such measures, both unjust and oppressive, as would meet their design of goading the people of Texas on to revolution, and thus afford an opportu- nity for the infliction of punishment upon subjects whose only crime was industry and its accompaniment, prosperity. Precisely in keeping with the course pursued by the British toward the col- onists of the Eastern States in the last century, Santa Anna's Government met the remonstrances of the colonists of Texas with threats; and they, secure in their consciousness of right quietly issued their declaration of independence, and proved its literal meaning on the field of Gonzales in 1835, having with a force ol (136) HISTOEV OF INDIANA. 137 500 men forced the Mexican army of 1,000 to fly for refuge to their strongholds. Battle after battle followed, bringing victory always to the Colonists, and ultimately resulting in the total rout of the Mexican army and the evacuation of Texas. The routed army after a short term of rest reorganized, and reappeared in the Terri- tory, 8,000 strong. On April 21, a division of this large force under Santa Anna encountered the Texans under General Samuel Houston on the banks of the San Jacinto, and though Houston could only oppose 800 men to the Mexican legions, the latter were driven from the field,nor could they reform their scattered ranks until their General was captured next day and forced to sign the declaration of 1835. The signature of Santa Anna, though ignored by the Congress of the Mexican Republic, and consequently left unratified on the part of Mexico, was effected in so much, that after the sec- ond defeat of the army of that Republic all the hostilities of an important nature ceased, the Republic of Texas was recognized by the powers, and subsequently became an integral part of the United States, July 4, 1846. At this period General Herrera was pres- ident of Mexico. He was a man of peace, of common sense, and very patriotic; and he thus entertained, or pretended to enter- tain, the great neighboring Republic in high esteem. For this reason he grew unpopular with his people, and General Paredes was called to the presidential chair, which he continued to occupy until the breaking out of actual hostilities with the United States, when Gen. Santa Anna was elected thereto. President Polk, aware of the state of feeling in Mexico, ordered Gen. Zachary Taylor, in command of the troops in the Southwest, to proceed to Texas, and post himself as near to the Mexican border as he deemed prudent. At the same time an American squadron was dispatched to the vicinity, in the Gulf of Mexico. In November, General Taylor had taken his position at Corpus Christi, a Texan settlement on a bay of the same name, with about 4,000 men. On the 13th of January, 1846, the President ordered him to advance with his forces to the Rio Grande; accordingly he proceeded, and in March stationed himself on the north bank of that river, with- in cannon-shot of the Mexican town of Matamoras. Here he hastily erected a fortress, called Fort Brown. The territory ly- ing between the river Nueces and the Rio Grande river, about 120 miles in width, was claimed both by Texas and Mexico; ac- cording to the latter, therefore, General Taylor had actually invaded her Territory, and had thus committed an open 13S HISTORY OF INDIANA. act of war. On the 26th of April, the. Mexican General, Ampudia, gave notice to this effect to General Taylor, and on the same day a party of American dragoons, sixty-three in number, being on the north side of the Rio Grande, were attacked, and, after the loss of sixteen men killed and wounded, were forced to surrender. Their commander, Captain Thornton, only escaped. The Mexican forces had now crossed the river above Matamoras and were supposed to meditate an attack on Point Isabel, where Taylor had established a depot of supplies for his army. On the 1st of May, this officer left a small number of troops at Fort Brown, and marched with his chief forces, twenty-three hundred men, to the defense of Point Isabel. Having garrisoned this place, he set out on his return. On the Sth of May, about noon, he met the Mexican army, six thousand strong, drawn up in battle array, on the prairie near Palo Alto. The Americans at once advanced to the attack, and, after an action of five hours, in which their artillery was very effective, drove the enemy before them, and encamped upon the field. The Mexican loss was about one hundred killed; that ot the Americans, four killed and forty wounded. Major Ringgold, of the artillery, an officer of great merit, was mortally wounded. The next day, as the Americans advanced, they again met the enemy in a strong position near Resaca de la Palma, three miles from Fort Brown. An action commenced, and was fiercely contested, the artillerj' on both sides being served with great vigor. At last the Mexicans gave way, and fled in confusion, General de la Vega having fallen into the hands of the Americaus. They also abandoned their guns and a large quantity of ammunition to the victors. The remain- ing Mexican soldiers speedily crossed the Rio Grande, and the next day the Americans took up their position at Fort Brown. This little fort, in the absence of General Taylor, had gallantly sustained an almost uninterrupted attack of several days from the Mexican batteries of Matamoras. When the news of the capture of Captain Thornton's party was spread over the United States, it produced great excitement. The President addressed a message to Congress, then in session, declar- ing " that war with Mexico existed by her own act;" and that body, May, 1S46, placed ten millions of dollars at the President's dispo- sal, and authorized him to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers. A great part of the summer of 1S46 was spent in prep- aration for the war, it being resolved to invade Mexico at several points. In pursuance of this plan, General Taylor, who had taken HISTORY OF INDIANA. 139 possession of Matamoras, abandoned by the enemy in May, marched northward in the enemy's country in August, and on the 19th of September he appeared before Monterey, capital of the Mexican State of New Leon. His army, after having garrisoned several places along his route, amounted to six thousand men. The attack began on the 21st, and after a succession of assaults, during the period of four days, the Mexicans capitulated, leaving the town in possession of the Americans. In October, General Taylor terminated an armistice into which he had entered with the Mexican General, and again commenced offensive operations. Various towns and fortresses of the enemy now rapidly fell into our possession. In November, Saltillo, the capital of the State of Coahuila was occupied by the division of General Worth; in December, General Patterson took possession of Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas, and nearly at the same period, Commodore Perry captured the fort of Tampico. Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, with the whole territory of the State had been subjugated by General Harney, after a march of one thousand miles through the wilderness. Events of a startling char- acter had taken place at still earlier dates along the Pacific coast. On the 4th of July, Captain Fremott, having repeatedly defeated su- perior Mexican forces with the small band under his command, de- clared California independent of Mexico. Other important places in this region had yielded to the American naval force, and in Au- gust, 1846, the whole of California was in the undisputed occupa- tion of the Americans. The year 1847 opened with still more brilliant victories on the part of our armies. By the drawing off of a large part of General Taylor's troops for a meditated attack on Vera Cruz, he was left with a comparatively small force to meet the great body of Mexican troops, now marching upon him, under command of the celebrated Santa Anna, who had again become President of Mexico. Ascertaining the advance of this powerful army, twenty thou- sand strong, and consisting of the best of the Mexican soldiers, General Taylor took up his position at Buena Vista, a valley a few miles from Saltillo. His whole troops numbered only four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, and here, on the 23d of February, he was vigorously attacked by the Mexicans. The battle was very severe, and continued nearly the whole day, when the Mexicans fled from the field in disorder, with a loss of nearly two thousand men. Santa Anna speedily withdrew, and thus abandoned the region of I 140 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the Rio Grande to the complete occupation of our troops. This left our forces at liberty to prosecute the grand enterprise of the cam- paign, the capture of the strong town of Vera Cruz, with its re- nowned castle of San Juan d'Ulloa. On the 9th of March, 1847, General Scott landed near the city with an army of twelve thousand men, and on the 18th commenced an attack. For four days and nights an almost incessant shower of shot and shells was poured upon the devoted town, while the batteries of the castle and the city replied with terrible energy. At last, as the Americans were pre- paring for an assault, the Governor of the city offered to surrender, and on the 26th the American flag floated triumphantly from the walls of the castle and the city. General Scott now prepared to march upon the city of Mexico, the capital of the country, situated two hundred miles in the interior, and approached only through a series of rugged passes and mountain fastnesses, rendered still more formidable by several strong fortresses. On the 8th of April the army commenced their march. At Oerro Gordo, Santa Anna had posted himself with fifteen thousand men. On the 18th the Amer- icans began the daring attack, and by midday every intrenchment of the enemy had been carried. The loss of the Mexicans in this remarkable battle, besides one thousand killed and wounded, was three thousand prisoners, forty-three pieces of cannon, five thousand stand of arms, and all their amunitions and mate- rials of war. The loss of the Americans was four hundred and thirty-one in killed and wounded. The next day our forces advanced, and, capturing fortress after fortress, came on the ISth of August within ten miles of Mexico, a city of two hun- dred thousand inhabitants, and situated in one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. On the 20th they attacked and carried the strong batteries of Contreras, garrisoned by 7,000 men, in an impetuous assault, which lasted but seventeen minutes. On the same day an attack was made by the Americans on the fortified post of Churubusco, four miles northeast of Contreras. Here nearly the entire Mexican army — more than 20,000 in number — were posted; but they were defeated at every point, and obliged to seek a retreat in the ci ty, or the still remaining fortress of Chapul- tepec. While preparations were being made on the 21st by Gen- eral Scott, to level his batteries against the city, prior to summon- ing it to surrender, he received propositions from the enemy, which terminated in an armistice. This ceased on the 7th of September. On the Sth the outer defense of Chapultepec was successfully HISTORY OF INDIANA. Ill stormed by General "Worth, though he lost one-fourth of his men in the desperate struggle. The castle of Chapultepec, situated on an abrupt and rocky eminence, 150 feet above the surrounding country, presented a most formidable object of attack. On the 12th, however, the batteries were opened against it, and on the next day the citadel was carried by storm. The Mexicans still strug- gled along the great causeway leading to the city, as the Americans advanced, but before nightt'al a part of our army was within the gates of the city. Santa Anna and the officers of the Government fled, and the next morning, at seven o'clock, the flag of the Ameri- cans floated from the national palace of Mexico. This conquest of the capital was the great and final achievement of the war. The Mexican republic was in fact prostrate, her sea-coast and chief cities being in the occupation of our troops. On the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1848, terms of peace were agreed upon by the American commissioner and the Mexican Government, this treaty being rati- fied by the Mexican Congress on the 30th of May following, and by the United States soon after. President Polk proclaimed peace on the 4th of July, 1S4S. In the preceding sketch we have given only a mere outline of the war with Mexico. We have necessarily passed over many interesting events, and have not even named many of our soldiers who performed gallant and important ser- vices. General Taylor's successful operations in the region of the Rio Grande were duly honored by the people of the United States, by bestowing upon him the Presidency. General Scott's campaign, from the attack on Vera Cruz, to the surrender of the city of Mexico, was far more remarkable, and, in a military point of view, must be considered as one of the most brilliant of modern times. It is true the Mexicans are not to be ranked with the great nations of the earth; with a population of seven or eight millions, they have little more than a million of the white race, the rest being half-civ- ilized Indians and mestizos, that is, those of mixed blood. Their government is inefficient, and the people divided among them- selves. Their soldiers often fought bravely, but they were badly officered. While, therefore, we may consider the conquest of so extensive and populous a country, in so short a time, and attended with such constant superiority even to the greater numbers of the enemy, as highly gratifying evidence of the courage and capacity of our army, still we must not, in judging of our achievements, fail to consider the real weakness of the nation whom we vanquished. I 142 HISTORY OF INDIANA. One thing we may certainly dwell upon with satisfaction — the ad- mirable example, not only as a soldier, but as a man, set by our com- mander, Gen. Scott, who seems, in the midst of war and the ordinary license of the camp, always to have preserved the virtue, kindness, and humanity belonging to a state of peace. These qualities secured to him the respect, confidence and good-will even of the enemy he had conquered. Among the Generals who effectually aided General Scott in this remarkable campaign, we must not omit to mention the names of Generals Wool, Twiggs, Shields, "Worth, Smith, and Quitman, who generally added to the high qualities of soldiers the still more estimable characteristics of good men. The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo stipulated that the disputed territory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande should belong to the United States, and it now forms a part of Texas, as has been already stated; that the United States should assume and pay the debts due from Mexico to American citizens, to the amount of $3,500,000; and that, in consideration of the sum of $15,000,000 to be paid by the United States to Mexico, the latter should relinquish to the former the whole of New Mexico and Upper California. The soldiers of Indiana who served in this war were formed into five regiments of volunteers, numbered respectively, 1st, 2d, 3rd, 4th and 5th. The fact that companies of the three first-named reg- iments served at times with the men of Illinois, the New York volunteers, the Palmettos of South Carolina, and United States marines, under Gen. James Shields, makes for them a history; be- cause the campaigns of the Rio Grande and Chihuahua, the siege of Vera Cruz, the desperate encounter at Cerro Gordo, the tragic contests in the valley, at Contreras and Churubusco, the storming of Chapultepec, and the planting of the stars and stripes upon every turret and spire within the conquered city of Mexico, were all carried out by the gallant troops under the favorite old General, and consequently each of them shared with him in the glories at- tached to such exploits. The other regiments under Cols. Gorman and Lane participated in the contests of the period under other com- manders. The 4th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, comprising ten companies, was formally organized at Jeffersonville, Indiana, by Capt. R. C. Gatlin, June 15, 1S47, and on the 16th elected Major Willis A. Gorman, of the 3rd Regiment, to the Colonelcy; Ebenezer Dumont, Lieutenant-Colonel, and W. McCoy, Major. On the 27th of June the regiment left Jeffersonville for the front, and HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 143 subsequently was assigned to Brigadier-General Lane's command, which then comprised a battery of five pieces from the 3rd Regi- ment U. S. Artillery; a battery of two pieces from the 2nd Regiment U. S. Rrtillery, the 4th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers and the 4th Regiment of Ohio, with a squadron of mounted Louisianians and detachments of recruits for the U. S. army. The troops of this brigade won signal honors at Basso de Ovegas, August 10, 1847; National Bridge, on the 12th; Cerro Gordo, on the 15th; Las Ani- mas, on the 19th, under Maj. F. T. Lally, of General Lane's staff, and afterward under Lane, directly, took a very prominent part in the siege of Pnebla, which began on the 15th of September and terminated on the 12th of October. At Atlixco, October 19th; Tlascala, November 10th; Matamoras and Pass Galajara, Novem- ber 23rd and 24th; Guerrilla Ranehe, December 5th; Napaloncan, December 10th, the Indiana volunteers of the 4th Regiment per- formed gallant service, and carried the campaign into the following year, representing their State at St. Martin's, February 27, 1848; Cholula, March 26th; Matacordera, February 19th; Sequalteplan, February 25th; and on the cessation of hostilities reported at Madison, Indiana, for discharge, July 11, 1848; while the 5th In- diana Regiment, under Col. J. H. Lane, underwent a similar round of duty during its service with other brigades, and gained some celebrity at Vera Cruz, Churubusco and with the troops of Illinois under Gen. Shields at Chapultepec. This war cost the people of the United States sixty-six millions of dollars. This very large amount was not paid away for the at- tainment of mere glory ; there was something else at stake, and this something proved to be a country larger and more fertile than the France of the Napoleons, and more steady and sensible than the France of the Republic. It was the defense of the great Lone Star State, the humiliation and chastisement of a quarrelsome neighbor. SLAVERY. We have already referred to the prohibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory, and Indiana Territory by the ordinance of 17S7; to the imperfection in the execution of this ordinance and the troubles which the authorities encountered; and the complete estab- lishment of the principles of freedom on the organization of the State. Tbe next item of significance in this connection is the following Ian- guage in the message of Gov. Hay to the Legislature of 1S28: "Since our last separation, while we have witnessed with anxious solicitude the belligerent operations of another hemisphere, tLe cross contend- ing against the crescent, and the prospect of a general rupture among the legitimates of other quarters of the globe, our attention has been arrested by proceedings in our own country truly dangerous to liberty, seriously premeditated, and disgraceful to its authors if agitated only to tamper with the American people. If such ex- periments as we see attempted in certain deluded quarters do not fall with a burst of thunder upon the heads of their seditious pro- jectors, then indeed the Republic has begun to experience the days of its degeneracy. The union of these States is the people's only sure charter for their liberties and independence. Dissolve it and each State will soon be in a condition as deplorable as Alexander's conquered countries after they were divided amongst his victorious military captains." In pursuance of a joint resolution of the Legislature of 1S50, a block of native marble was procured and forwarded to Washington, to be placed in the monument then in the course of erection at the National Capital in memory of George Washington. In the absence of any legislative instruction concerning the inscription npon this emblem of Indiana's loyalty, Gov. Wright ordered the following words to be inscribed upon it: Indiana Knows No North, No South, Nothing but the Union. Within a dozen years thereafter this noble State demonstrated to the world her loy- alty to the Union and the principles of freedom by the sacrifice of blood and treasure which she made. In keeping with this senti- ment Gov. Wright indorsed the compromise measures of Congress on the slavery question, remarking in his message that " Indiana takes her stand in the ranks, not of Southern destiny, nor yet of (144) SCENE ON THE WABASH RIVER. HISTOET OF INDIANA. 147 Northern destiny: she plants herself on the basis of the Consti- tution and takes her stand in the ranks of American destiny." FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. At the session of the Legislature in January, 18G9, the subject of ratifying the fifteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, allowing negro suffrage, came up with such persistency that neither party dared to undertake any other business lest it be checkmated in some way, and being at a dead lock on this matter, they adjourn- ed in March without having done much important business. The Democrats, as well as a portion of the conservative Republicans, opposed its consideration strongly on the ground that it would be unfair to vote on the question until the people of the State had had an opportunity of expressing their views at the polls; but most of the Republicans resolved to push the measure through, while the Democrats resolved to resign in a bodv and leave the Legislature without a quorum. Accordingly, on March 4, 17 Senators and 36 Representatives resigned, leaving both houses without a quorum. As the early adjournment of the Legislature left the benevolent institutions of the State unprovided for, the Governor convened that body in extra session as soon as possible, and after the neces- sary appropriations were made, on the 19th of May the fifteenth amendment came up; but in anticipation of this the Democratic members had all resigned and claimed that there was no quorum present. There was a quorum, however, of Senators in office, though some of them refused to vote, declaring that they were no longer Senators; but the president of that body decided that as he had not been informed of their resignation by the Governor, they were still members. A vote was taken and the ratifying resolution was adopted. When the resolution came up in the House, the chair decided that, although the Democratic members had resigned there was a quorum of the de-facto members present, and the House proceeded to pass the resolution. This decision of the chair was afterward sustained by the Supreme Court. At the next regular session of the Legislature, in 1871, the Democrats undertook to repeal the ratification, and the Republican members resigned to prevent it. The Democrats, as the Republi- cans did on the previous occasion, proceeded to pass their resolu- tion of repeal; but while the process was under way, before the House Committee had time to report on the matter, 34 Republican members resigned, thereby preventing its passage and putting a stop to further legislation. INDIANA IN THE WAR. The events of the earlier years of this State have been reviewed down to that period in the nation's history when the Republic de- manded a first sacrifice from the newly erected States: to the time when the very safety of the glorious heritage, bequeathed by the fathers as a rich legacy, was threatened with a fate worse than death — a life under laws that harbored the slave — a civil defiance of the first principles of the Constitution. Indiana was among the first to respond to the summons of patri- otism, and register itself on the national roll ot honor, even as she was among the first to join in that song of joy which greeted a Re- public made doubly glorious within a century by the dual victory which won liberty for itself, and next bestowed the precious boon upon the colored slave. The fall of Fort Sumter was a signal for the uprising of the State. The news of the calamity was flashed to Indianapolis on the 11th of April, 1861, and early the next morning the electric wire brought the welcome message to Washington: — Executive Department of Indiana, ) Indianapolis, April 15, 1801. ) To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States: — On behalf of the State of Indiana, I tender to you for the defense of the Nation, and to uphold the au- thority of the Government, ten thousand men. OLIVER P. MORTON, Governor of Indiana. This may be considered the first official act of Governor Morton, who had just entered on the duties of his exalted position. The State was in an almost helpless condition, and yet the faith of the " War Governor " was prophetic, when, after a short consultation with the members of the Executive Council, he relied on the fidelity of ten thousand men and promised their services to the Protectorate at Washington. This will be more apparent when the military condition of the State at the beginning of 1S61 is considered. At that time the armories contained less than five hundred stand of serviceable small arms, eight pieces of cannon which might be use- ful in a museum of antiquities, with sundry weapons which would merely do credit to the aborigines of one hundred years ago. The financial condition of the State was even worse than the military. (US) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 1^9 The sum of $10,3GS.5S in trust funds was the amount of cash in the hands of the Treasurer, and tliis was, to all intents and purposes unavailable to meet the emergency, since it could not be devoted to the military requirements of the day. This state of affairs was dispiriting in the extreme, and would doubtless have militated against the ultimate success of any other man than Morton; yet he overleaped every difficulty, nor did the fearful realization of Floyd's treason, discovered during his visit to Washington, damp his indomitable courage and energy, but with rare persistence he urged the claims of his State, and for his exertions was requited with an order for five thousand muskets. The order was not exe- cuted until hostilities were actually entered upon, and consequently for some days succeeding the publication of the President's procla- mation the people labored under a feeling of terrible anxiety min- gled with uncertainty, amid the confusion which followed the crim- inal negligence that permitted the disbandment of the magnificent corps oV armee (51,000 men) of 1832 two years later in 1S34, Great numbers of the people maintained their equanamity with the result of beholding within a brief space of time every square mile of their State represented by soldiers prepared to fight to the bitter end in. defense of cherished institutions, and for the extension of the prin- ciple of human liberty to all States and classes within the limits of the threatened Union. This, their zeal, was not animated by hos- tility to the slave holders of the Southern States, but rather by a fraternal spirit, akin to that which ur^es the eldest brother to cor- rect the persistent follies of his juniors, and thus lead them from, crime to the maintenance of family honor; in this correction, to draw them away from all that was cruel, diabolical and inhuman in the Republic, to all that is gentle, holy and sublime therein. Many of the raw troops were not only unimated by a patriotic feeling, but also by that beautiful idealization of the poet, who in his un- conscious Republicanism, said: " I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews bought and sold have ever earned No : dear as freedom is — and, in my heart's Just estimation, prized above all price — I had much rather be myself the slave, And wear the bonds, than fasten them on him." Thus animated, it is not a matter for surprise to find the first call to arms issued by the President, and calling for 75,000 men, 150 HISTOEY OF INDIANA. answered nobly by the people of Indiana. The quota of troops to be furnished by the State on the first call was 4,6S3 men for three years' service from April 15, I860. On the 16th of April, Gov- ernor Morton issued his proclamation calling on all citizens of the State, who had the welfare of the Republic at heart, to organize themselves into six regiments in defense of their rights, and in opposition to the varied acts of rebellion, charged by him against the Southern Confederates. To this end, the Hon. Lewis Wallace, a soldier of the Mexican campaign was appointed Adjutant- General, Col. Thomas A. Morris of the United States Military Academy, Quartermaster-General, and Isaiah Mansur, a merchant of Indian- apolis, Commissary-General. These general officers converted the grounds and buildings of the State Board of Agriculture into a military headquarters, and designated the position Camp Morton, as the beginning of the many honors which were to follow the pop- ular Governor throughout his future career. Now the people, im- bued with confidence in their Government and leaders, rose to the grandeur of American freemen, and with an enthusiasm never equaled hitherto, flocked to the standard of the nation; so that within a few days (19th April) 2,400 men were ranked beneath their regimental banners, until as the official report testifies, the anxious question, passing from mouth to mouth, was, " "Which of us will be allowed to go? " It seemed as if Indiana was about to monopolize the honors of the period, and place the 75.000 men demanded of the Union by the President, at his disposition. Even now under the genial sway of guaranteed peace, the features of Indiana's veterans flush with righteous pride when these days — re- membrances of heroic sacrifice — are named, and freemen, still un- born, will read their history only to be blessed and glorified in the possession of such truly, noble progenitors. Nor were the ladies of the State unmindful of their duties. Everywhere they partook of the general enthusiasm, and made it practical so far as in their power, by embroidering and presenting standards and regimental colors, organizing aid and relief societies, and by many other acts of patriotism and humanity inherent in the high nature of woman. During the days set apart by the military authorities for the or- ganization of the regiments, the financiers of the State were en- gaged in the reception of munificent grants of money from pri- vate citizens, while the money merchants within and without the State offered large loans to the recognized Legislature without even imposing a condition of payment. This most practical generosity HISTOET OF IXDIANA. 151 strengthened the hands of the Executive, and within a very few days Indiana had passed the crucial test, recovered some of her military prestige lost in 1S31, and so was prepared to vie with the other and wealthier States in making sacrifices for the public welfare. On the 20th of April, Messrs, I. S. Dobbs and Alvis D. Gall re- ceived their appointments as Medical Inspectors of the Division, while Major T. J. Wood arrived at headquarters from Washington to receive the newly organized regiments into the service of the Union. At the moment this formal proceeding took place, Morton, unable to restrain the patriotic ardor of the people, telegraphed to the capitol that he could place six regiments of infantry at the dis- posal of the General Government within six days, if such a pro- ceeding were acceptable; but in consequence of the wires being cut between the State and Federal capitols, no answer came. Taking advantage of the little doubt which may have had existence in re- gard to future action in the matter and in the absence of general orders, he gave expression to an intention of placing the volunteers in camp, and in his message to the Legislature, who assembled three days later, he clearly laid down the principle of immediate action and strong measures, recommending a uote of $1,000,000 for there- organization of the volunteers, for the purchase of arms and supplies, and for the punishment of treason. The message was received most enthusiastically. The assembly recognized the great points made by the Governor, and not only yielded to them in toto, but also made the following grand appropriations: CSeneral military purposes $1,000,000 Purchase of arms 500,000 Contingent military expenses 100,000 Organization and support of militia for two years 140,000 These appropriations, together with the laws enacted during the session of the Assembly, speak for the men of Indiana. The celerity with which these laws were put in force, the diligince and economy exercised by the officers, entrusted with their administration, and that systematic genius, uuder which all the machinery of Govern- ment seemed to work in harmony, — all, all, tended to make for the State a spring-time of noble deeds, when seeds might be cast along her fertile fields and in the streets of her villages of industry to grow up at once and blossom in the ray of fame, and after to bloom throughout the ages. Within three days after the opening of the extra session of the Legislature (27th April) six new regiments were organized, an<4 commissioned for three months' service. These reg- 151 HISTORY OF INDIANA. iments, notwithstanding the tact that the first six regiments were already mustered into the general service, were known as ''The First Brigade, Indiana Volunteers," and with the simple object of making the way of the future student of a brilliant history clear, were numbered respectively Sixth Regiment, commanded by Col. T. T. Crittenden. Seventh " " " " Ebenezer Dumont. Eighth " " " " W. P. Benton. Nintk " " " " R. H. Milroy. Tenth " " " " T. T. Reynolds. Eleventh " " " " Lewis Wallace. The idea of these numbers was suggested by the fact that the military representation of Indiana in the Mexican Campaign was one brigade of five regiments, and to observe consecutiveness the regiments comprised in the first division of volunteers were thus numbered, and the entire force placed under Brigadier General T. A. Morris, with the following staff: John Love, Major; Cyrus C- Hines, Aid-de-camp; and J. A. Stein, Assistant Adjutant General. To follow the fortunes of these volunteers through all the vicissi- tudes of war would prove a special work; yet their valor and endur- ance during their first term of service deserved a notice of even more value than that of the historian, since a commander's opinion has to be taken as the basis upon which the chronicler may expatiate. Therefore the following dispatch, dated from the headquarters of the Army of Occupation, Beverly Camp, W. Virginia, July 21, 1861, must be taken as one of the first evidences of their utility and valor : — "Governor O. P. Morton, Indianapolis, Indiana Governor: — I have directed the three months' regiments from Indiana to move to Indianapolis, there to be mustered out and reorganized for three years' service. I cannot permit them to return to you without again expressing my high appreciation of the distinguished valor and endurance of the Indiana troops, and my hope that but a short time will elapse before I have the pleasure of knowing that they are again ready for the field. ******* I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George B. McC'lell.vn, MajoT-Oeneral, V. S. A, On the return of the troops to Indianapolis, July 29, Brigadier Morris issued a lengthy, logical and well-deserved congratulatory address, from which one paragraph may be extracted to characterize HISTORY OF INDIANA. 153 the whole. After passing a glowing eulogium on their military qualities and on that unexcelled gallantry displayed at Laurel Hill, Phillipi and Carrick's Ford, he says: — " Soldiers! You have now returned to the friends whose prayers went with you to the field of strife. They welcome you with pride aud exultation. Your State and country acknowledge the value of your labors. May your future career be as your past has been, — honorable to yourselves and serviceable to your country.'' The six regiments forming Morris' brigade, together with one composed of the surplus volunteers, for whom there was no regi- ment in April, now formed a division of seven regiments, all reor- ganized for three years' service, between the 20th August and 20th September, with the exception of the new or 12th, which was ac- cepted for one year's service from May 11th, under command of Colonel John M. Wallace, and reorganized May 17, 1862, for three years' service under Col. W. H. Link, who, with 172 officers and men, received their mortal wounds during the Richmond (Ken- tucky) engagement, three months after its reorganization. The 13tu Regiment, under Col. Jeremiah Sullivan, was mus- tered into the United States in 1861 and joined Gen. McClellan's command at Rich Mountain on the 10th July. The day following it was present under Gen. Rosencrans and lost eight men killed; three successive days it was engaged under Gen. I. I. Reynolds, and won its laurels at Cheat Mountain summit, where it participated in the decisive victory over Gen. Lee. The 11th Regiment, organized in 1S61 for one year's service, and reorganized on the 7th of June at Terre Haute for three years' ser- vice. Commanded by Col. Kimball and showing a muster roll of 1,131 men, it was one of the finest, as it was the first, three years' regiment organized in the State, with varying fortunes attached to its never ending round of duty from Cheat Mountain, September, 1861, to Morton's Ford in 1861, and during the movement South in May of that year to the last of its labors, the battle of Cold Har- bor. The 15th Regiment, reorganized at La Fayette 14th June, 1861, under Col. G. D. Wagner, moved on Rich Mountain on the lltb of July in time to participate in the complete rout of the enemy. On the promotion of Col. Wagner, Lieutenant-Col. G. A. Wood became Colonel of the regiment, November, 1862, and during the first days of January 7 , 1863, took a distinguished part in the severe action of Stone River. From this period down to the battle of Mis- sion Ridge it was in a series of destructive engagements, and was, 154 DISTORT OF INDIANA. after enduring terrible hardships, ordered to Chattanooga, and thence to Indianapolis, where it was mustered out the 18th June, 1^64. — four days after the expiration of its term of service. The 16th Regiment, organized under Col. P. A. Hackleman at Richmond for one year's service, after participating in many minor military events, was mustered out at "Washington, D.C., on the 14th of May, ^62. Col. Hackleman was killed at the battle of Inka, and Lieutenant-Col. Thomas I. Lucas succeeded to the command. It was reorganized at Indianapolis for three years' service, May 27, 1862, and took a conspicuous part in all the brilliant engagements of the war down to June, 1865, when it was mustered out at New Orleans. The survivors, numbering 365 rank and file, returned to Indianapolis the 10th of July amid the rejoicing of the populace. The 17th Regiment was mustered into service at Indianapolis the 12th of June, 1861, for three years, under Col. Hascall, who on being promoted Brigadier General in March, 1S62, left the Colonelcy to devolve on Lieutenant Colonel John T. Wilder. This regiment participated in the many exploits of Gen. Reynold's army from Green Brier in 1S62, to Macon in 1S65, under Gen. Wilson. Returning to Indianapolis the 16th of August, in possession of a brilliant record, the regiment was disbanded. The ISth Regiment, under Colonel Thomas Pattison, was organ- ized at Indianapolis, and mustered into service on the 16th of August, 1861. Under Gen. Pope it gained some distinction at Blackwater, and succeeded in retaining a reputation made there, by its gallantry at Pea Ridge, February, 1862, down to the moment when it planted the regimental flag on the arsenal of Augusta, Georgia, where it was disbanded August 28, 1S65. The 19th Regiment, mustered into three years' service at the State capital July 29, ls61, wa3 ordered to join the army of the Potomac, and reported its arrival at "Washington, August 9. Two days later it took part in the battle of Lewinsville, under Colonel Solomon Meredith. Occupying Falls Church in September, 1861, it continued to maintain a most enviable place of honor on the military roll until its consolidation with the 20th Regiment, October, 1S64, under Colonel "William Orr, formerly its Lieutenant Colonel. The 20th Regiment of La Fayette was organized in July, 1S61, mustered into three years' service at Indianapolis on the 22d of the same month, and reached the front at Cockeysville, Maryland, twelve days later. Throughout &lL its orilliant actions from Hat- teras Bank, on the 4th of October, to Clover Hill, 9th of Aprii, 1S65, HISTOET OF INDIANA. 155 including the saving of the United States ship Congress, at New- port News, it added daily some new name to its escutcheon. This regiment was mustered out at Louisville in July, 1S65, and return- ing to Indianapolis was welcomed by the great war Governor of their State. The 21st Regiment was mustered into service under Colonel I. "W". McMillan, July 24, 1861, and reported at the front the third day of August. It was the first regiment to enter New Orleans. The fortunes of this regiment were as varied as its services, so that its name and fame, grown from the blood shed by its members, are destined to live and nourish. In December, 1863, the regiment was reorganized, and on the 19th February, 1864, many of its veterans returned to their State, where Morton received them with that spirit of proud gratitude which he was capable of showing to those who deserve honor for honors won. The 22d Regiment, under Colonel Jeff. C. Davis, left Indian- apolis the 15th of August, and was attached to Fremont's Corps at St. Louis on the 17th. From the day it moved to the support of Colonel Mulligan at Lexington, to the last victory, won under General Sherman at Bentonville, on the 19th of March, 1865, it gained a high military reputation. After the fall of Johnston's southern army, this regiment was mustered out, and arrived at Indianapolis on the 16th June. The 23d Battalion, commanded by Colonel W. L. Sanderson, was mustered in at New Albany, the 29th July, 1861, and moved to the front early in August. From its unfortunate marine ex- periences before Fort Henry to Bentonville it won unusual honors, and after its disbandment at Louisville, returned to Indianapolis July 24, 1865, where Governor Morton and General Sherman reviewed and complimented the gallant survivors. The 24th Battalion, under Colonel Alvin P. Hovey, was mustered at Vincennes the 31st of July, 1861. Proceeding imme- diately to the front it joined Fremont's command, and participated under many Generals in important affairs during the war. Three hundred and ten men and officers returned to their State in August, 1865, and were received with marked honors by the people and Executive. The 25th Regiment, of Evansville mustered into service there for three years under Col. J. C. Veatch, arrived at St. Louis on the 26th of August, 1S61. During the war this regiment was present at 18 battles and skirmishes, sustaining therein a loss of 352 men 156 BISTORT OF INDIANA. and officers. Mustered out at Louisville, July 17, 1S65, it returned to Indianapolis on the 21st amid universal rejoicing. The 26th Battalion, under W. M. Wheatley, left Indianapolis for the front the 7th of September, 1S61, and after a brilliant cam- paign under Fremont, Grant, Heron and Smith, may be said to disband the 18th of September, 1865, when the non-veterans and recruits were reviewed by Morton at the State capital. The 27th Regiment, uuder Col. Silas Colgrove, moved from Indianapolis to Washington City, September 15th, 1861, and in October was allied to Gen. Banks' army. From Winchester Heights, the 9th of March 1S62, through all the affairs of General Sherman's campaign, it acted a gallant and faithful part, and was disbanded immediately after returning to their State. The 28th or 1st Cavalry was mustered into service at Evans- ville on the 20th of August, 1S61, under Col. Conrad Baker. From the skirmish at Iron ton, on the 12th of September, wherein three companies under Col. Gavin captured a position held by a few rebels, to the battle of the Wilderness, the First Cavalry per- formed prodigies of valor. In June and July, 1865, the troops were mustered out at Indianapolis. The 29th Battalion of La Porte, under Col. J. F. Miller, left on the 5th of October, 1861, and reaching Camp Nevin, Kentucky, on the 9th, was allied to RoBseau's Brigade, serving with McCook's division at Shiloh, with Buell's army in Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky, with Roseucrans at Murfreesboro, at Decatur, Alabama, and at Dalton, Georgia. The Twenty-ninth won many laurels, and had its Colonel promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. This officer was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant-Col. I). M. Dunn. The 30th Regiment of Fort Wayne, under Col. Sion S. Bass, proceeded to the front via Indianapolis, and joined General Rosseau at Camp Nevin on the 9th of October, 1861. At Shiloh, Col. Bass received a mortal wound, and died a few days later at Paducah, leaving the Colonelcy to devolve upon Lieuteuant-Col. J. B. Dodge. In October 1865, it formed a battalion of General Sheri- dan's army of observation in Texas. The 31st Regiment, organized at Terre Haute, under Col. Charles Cruft, in September 1861, was mustered in, and left in a few days for Kentucky. Present at the reduction of Fort Douelson on the 13th, 11th, and 15th of February, 1S62, its list of killed and wounded proves its desperate fighting qualities. The organization HISTOET OF INDIANA. 157 was subjected to many changes, but in all its phases maintained a fair fame won on many battle fields. Like the former regiment, it passed into Gen. Sheridan's Army of Observation, and held the district of Green Lake. Texas. The 32d Regiment of German Infantby, under Col. August A\ T illieh. organized at Indianapolis, mustered on the 24th of August, 1861, served with distinction throughout the campaign. Col. "Willich was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, andLieut.- Col. Henry Von Trebra commissioned to act, under whose com- mand the regiment passed into General Sheridan's Arm}', hold- ing the post of Salado Creek, until the withdrawal of the corps of observation in Texas. The 33d Regiment of Indianapolis possesses a military history of no small proportions. The mere facts that it was mustered in under Col. John Coburn, the 16th of September, won a series of distinctions throughout the war district and was mustered out at Louisville, July 21, 1S05, taken with its name as one of the most powerful regiments engaged in the war, are sufficient here. The 34tii Battalion, organized at Anderson on the 16th Sep- tember, 1861, under Col. Ashbury Steele, appeared among the in- vesting battalions before New Madrid on the 30th of March, 1S62. From the distinguished part it took in that siege, down to the 13th of May, 1S65, when at Palmetto Ranche, near Palo Alto, it fought for hours against fearful odds the last battle of the war for the Union. Afterwards it marched 250 miles up the Rio Grande, and was the first regiment to reoccupy the position, so long in Southern hands, of Ringold barracks. In 1865 it garrisoned Bea- consville as part of the Army of Observation. The 35th or First Irish Regiment, was organized at Indian- apolis, and mustered into service on the 11th of December, 1861, under Col. John C. Walker. At Nashville, on the 22d of May, 1862, it was joined by the organized portion of the Sixty-first or Second Irish Regiment, and unassigned recruits. Col. Mullen now became Lieut.-Colonel of the 35th, and shortly after, its Colonel. From the pursuit of Gen. Bragg through Kentucky and the affair at Perryville on the 8th of October, 1862, to the terrible hand to hand combat at Kenesaw mountain, on the night of the 20th of June, 1861, and again from the conclusion of the Atlanta campaign to September, 1865, with Gen. Sheridan's army, when it was mus- tered out, it won for itself a name of reckless daring and unsur- passed gallantry. 158 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The 36th Regiment, of Richmond, Ind., under Col. William Grose, mustered into service for three years on the 16th of Sep- tember, 1861, went immediately to the front, and shared the for- tunes of the Army of the Ohio until the 27th of February, 1862, when a forward movement led to its presence on the battle-field of Shiloh. Following up the honors won at Shiloh, it participated in some of the most important actions of the war, and was, in October, 1S65, transferred to Gen. Sheridan's army. Col. Grose was pro- moted in 1864 to the position of Brigadier-General, and the Colonelcy devolved on Oliver II. P. Carey, formerly Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment. The 37th Battaeion, of Lawrenceburg, commanded by Col. Geo. W. Hazzard, organized the 18th of September, 1861, left for the seat of war early in October. From the eventful battle of Stone river, in December, 1S62, to its participation in Sherman's march through Georgia, it gained for itself a splendid reputation. This regiment returned to, and was present at, Indianapolis, on the 30th of July, 1865, where a public reception was tendered to men and officers on the grounds of the Capitol. The 38th Regiment, under Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, was mus- tered in at New Albany, on the 18th of September, 1861, and in a few days were en route for the front. To follow its continual round of duty, is without the limits of this sketch ; therefore, it will suffice to say, that on every well-fought field, at least from February, 1S62, until its dissolution, on the 15th of July, 1865, it earned an enviable renown, and drew from Gov. Morton, on return- ing to Indianapolis the 18th of the same mouth, a congratulatory address couched in the highest terms of praise. The 39th Regiment, ok Eighth Cavalry, was mustered in as an infantry regiment, under Col. T. J. Harrison, on the 28th of August, 1S61, at the State capital. Leaving immediately for the front it took a conspicuous part in all the engagements up to April, 1S63, when it was reorganized as a cavalry regiment. The record of this organization sparkles with great deeds which men will extol while language lives; its services to the Union cannot be over esti- mated, or the memory of its daring deeds be forgotten by the un- happy people who raised the tumult, which culminated in their second shame. The 40tii Regiment, of Lafayette, under Col. W. C. Wilson, subsequently commanded by Col. J. W. Blake, and again by Col. Henry Learning, was organized on the 30th of December, 1861, and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 15J at once proceeded to the front,where some time was necessarily spent in the Camp of Instruction at Bardstown, Kentucky. In February, 1862, it joined in Buell's forward movement. During the war the regiment shared in all its hardships, participated in all its honors, and like many other brave commands took service under Gen. Sheridan in his Army of Occupation, holding the post of Port Lavaca, Texas, until peace brooded over the land. The 41st Regiment or Second Cavalry, the first complete regi- ment of horse ever raised in the State, was organized on the 3d of September, 18G1, at Indianapolis, under Col. John A. Bridgland, and December 16 moved to the front. Its first war experience was gained en route to Corinth on the 9th of April, 1862, and at Pea Ridge on the 15th. Gallatin, Vinegar Hill, and Perryville, and Talbot Station followed in succession, each battle bringing to the cavalry untold honors. In May, 1S64, it entered upon a glorious career under Gen. Sherman in his Atlanta campaign, and again under Gen. Wilson in the raid through Alabama during April, 1865. On the 22d of July, after a brilliant career, the regiment was mustered out at Nashville, and returned at once to Indianapolis for discharge. The 42d, under Col J. G. Jones, mustered into service at Evans- ville, October 9, 1861, and having participated in the principal military affairs of the period, Wartrace, Mission Ridge, Altoona, Kenesaw, Savannah, Charlestown and Bentonville, was discharged at Indianapolis on the 25th of July, 1865. The 43d Battalion was mustered in on the 27th of September, 1861, under Col. George K. Steele, and left Terre Haute enrbute to the front within a few days. Later it was al'ied to Gen. Pope's corps, and afterwards served with Commodore Foote's marines in the reduction of Fort Pillow. It was the first Union regiment to enter Memphis. From that period until the close of the war it was distinguished for its unexcelled qualifications as a military body, and fully deserved the encomiums passed upon it on its return to Indianapolis in March, 1865. The 44th or the Regiment of the 10th Congressional District was organized at Fort Wayne on the 24th of October, 1861, under Col. Hugh B. Reed. Two months later it was ordered to the front, and arriving in Kentucky, was attached to Gen. Craft's Brigade, then quartered at Calhoun. After years of faithful service it was mustered out at Chattanooga, the 14th of September, 1S65. The 45th, or Third Cavalry, comprised ten companies 1C.0 HISTOBY OF INiHAXA. organized at different periods and for varied services in 1861- '62, under Colonel Scott Carter and George H. Chapman. The distinguished name won by the Third Cavalry is established in every village within the State. Let it suffice to add that after its brilliant participation in Gen. Sheridan's raid down the James' river canal, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the 7th of Au- gust. 1865. The 46th Regiment, organized at Logansport under Colonel Graham N. Fitch, arrived in Kentucky the 16th of February, 1862, and a little later became attached to Gen. Pope's army, then quar- tered at Commerce. The capture of Fort Pillow, and its career under Generals Curtis, Palmer, Hovey, Gorman, Grant, Sherman, Banks and Burbridge are as truly worthy of applause as ever fell to the lot of a regiment. The command was mustered out at Louis- ville on the 4th of September, 1S65. The 47th was organized at Anderson, under Col. I. P. Slack, early in October, 1S62. Arriving at Bardstown, Kentucky, on the 21st of December, it was attached to Gen. Buell's army; but within two months was assigned to Gen. Pope, under whom it proved the first regiment to enter Fort Thompson near New Madrid. In 1864 the command visited Indianapolis on veteran furlough and was enthu- siastically received by Governor Morton and the people. Return- ing to the front it engaged heartily in Gen. Banks' company. In December, Col. Slack received his commission as Brigadier-General, and was succeeded on the regimental command by Col. J. A. Mc- Laughton ; at Shreveport under General Heron it received the sub- mission of General Price and his army, and there also was it mus- tered out of service on the 23d of October, 1865. The 4Sth Regiment, organized at Goshen the 6th of December, 1861, under Col. Norman Eddy, entered on its duties during the siege of Corinth in May, and again in October, 1862. The record of this battalion may be said to be unsurpassed in its every feature, so that the grand ovation extended to the returned soldiers in 1865 at Indianapolis, is not a matter for surprise. The 49th Regiment, organized at Jeffersonville, under Col. J. "W. Ray, and mustered in on the 21st of November, 1861, for service, left en route for the camp at Bardstown. A month later it arrived at the unfortunate camp-ground of Cumberland Ford, where dis- ease carried off a number of gallant soldiers. The regiment, how- ever, survived the dreadful scourge and won its laurels on many HISTORY OF INDIANA. 16X a -well-fought field until September, 1865, when it was mustered out at Louisville. The 50th Eegiment, under Col. Cyrus L. Dunham, organized during the month of September, 1861, at Seymour, left en route to Bardstown for a course of military instruction. On the 20th of August, 1862, a detachment of the 50th, under Capt. Atkinson, was attacked by Morgan's Cavalry near Edgefield Junction ; but the gallant few repulsed their oft-repeated onsets and finally drove them from the field. The regiment underwent many changes in organization, and may be said to muster out on the 10th of Septem- ber, 1S65. TheSlsT Eegiment, under Col. Abel. D. Streight, left Indianap- olis on the 11th of December, 1S61, for the South. After a short course of instruction at Bardstown, the regiment joined General Buell's and acted with great effect during the campaign in Ken- tucky and Tennessee. Ultimately it became a participator in the work of the Fourth Corps, or Army of Occupation, and held the post of San Antonio until peace was doubly assured. The 52d Regiment was partially raised at Rushville, and the organization completed at Indianapolis, where it was consolidated with the Railway Brigade, or 56th Regiment, on the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1S62. Going to the front immediately after, it served with marked distinction throughout the war, and was mustered out at Montgomery on the 10th of September, 1865. Returning to Indian- apolis six days later, it was welcomed by Gov. Morton and a most enthusiastic reception accorded to it. The 53rd Battalion was raised at New Albany, and with the addition of recruits raised at Rockport formed a standard regi- ment, under command of Col. W. Q. Gresham. Its first duty was that of guarding the rebels confined on Camp Morton, but on going to the front it made for itself an endurable name. It was mus- tered out in July, 1865, and returned to Indiananoplis on the 25th of the same month. The 51th Regiment was raised at Indianapolis on the 10th of June, 1862, for three months' service under Col. D.G.Rose. The succeeding two months saw it in charge of the prisoners at Camp Morton, and in August it was pushed forward to aid in the defense of Kentucky against the Confederate General, Kirby Smith. The remainder of its short term of service was given to the cause. On the muster out of the three months' service regiment it was reorgan- 162 HISTORY OF INDIANA. ized for one year's service and gained some distinction, after which it was mustered out in 1S63 at New Orleans. The 55th Regiment, organized for three months' service, retains the brief history applicable to the first organization of the 54th. It was mustered in on the 16th of June, 1S62, under Col. J. R. Mahon, disbanded on the expiration of its term and was not reor- ganized. The 5Gth Regiment, referred to in the sketch of the 52nd, was designed to be composed of railroad men, marshalled under J. JVI. Smith as Colonel, but owing to the fact that many railroaders had already volunteered into other regiments, Col. Smith's volunteers were incorporated with the 52nd, and this number left blank in the army list. The 57th Battalion, actually organized by two ministers of the gospel,— the Rev. I. W. T. McMullen and Rev. F. A. Hardin, of Richmond, Ind., mustered into service on the ISth of Novem- ber, 1861, under the former named reverend gentleman as Colonel, who was, however, succeeded by Col. Cyrus C. Haynes, and he in turn by G. W. Leonard, "WillisBlanch and John S. McGrath, the latter holding command until the conclusion of the war. The history of this battalion is extensive, and if participation in a num- ber of battles with the display of rare gallantry wins fame, the 57th may rest assured of its possession of this fragile yet coveted prize. Like many other regiments it concluded its military labors in the service of General Sheridan, and held the post of Port Lavaca in conjunction with another regiment until peace dwelt in the land. The 58th Regiment, of Princeton, was organized there early in October, 1861, and was mustered into service under the Colonelcy of Henry M. Carr. In December it was ordered to join Gen- eral Buell's army, after which it took a share in the various actions of the war, and was mustered out on the 25th of July, 18C5, at Louisville, having gained a place on the roll of honor. The 59th Battalion was raised under a commission issued by Gov. Morton to Jesse I. Alexander, creating him Colonel. Owing to the peculiarities hampering its organization, Col. Alexander could not succeed in having his regiment prepared to muster in before the 17th of February, 1862. However, on that day the equipment was complete, and on the 18th it left en route to Commerce, where on its arrival, it was incorporated under General Pope's command. The list of its casualties speaks a history, — no less than 703 men were lost during the campaign. The regiment, after a term char- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 163 acterized "by distinguished service, was mustered out at Louisville on the 17th of July, 1865. The 60th Regiment was partially organized under Lieut. -Col. Richard Owen at Evansville during November 1861, and perfected at Camp Morton during March, 1862. Its first experience was its gallant resistance to Bragg's army investing Munfordsville, which culminated in the unconditional surrender of its first seven com- panies on the 14th of September. An exchange of prisoners took place in November, which enabled it to joine the remaining com- panies in the field. The subsequent record is excellent, and forms, as it were, a monument to their fidelity and heroism. The main portion of this battalion was mustered out at Indianapolis, on the 21st of March, 1S65. The 61st was partially organized in December, 1S61, under Col. B. F. Mullen. The failure of thorough organization on the 22d of May, 1862, led the men and officers to agree to incorporation with the 35th Regiment of Volunteers. The 62d Battalion, raised under a commission issued to Wil- liam Jones, of Rockport, authorizing him to organize this regiment in the First Congressional District was so unsuccessful that consoli- dation with the 53d Regiment was resolved upon. The 63d Regiment, of Covington, under James McManomy, Commandant ot Camp, and J. S. Williams, Adjutant, was partially organized on the 31st of December, 1861, and may be considered on dut}- from its ven' formation. After guarding prisoners at Camp Morton and Lafayette, and engaging in battle on Manassas Plains on the 30th of August following, the few companies sent out in February, 1862, returned to Indianapolis to find six new companies raised under the call of July, 1862, ready to embrace the fortunes of the 63d. So strengthened, the regiment went forth to battle, and continued to lead in the paths of honor and fidelity until mustered out in May and June, 1865. The 64th Regiment failed in organization as an artillery corps; but orders received from the War Department prohibiting the con- solidation of independent batteries, put a stop to any further move in the matter. However, an infantry regiment bearing the same number was afterward organized. The 65ru was mustered in at Princeton and Evansville, in July and August, 1S62, under Col. J. W. Foster, and left at once en route for the front. The record of this battalion is creditable, not only to its members, but also to the State which claimed it. Its 164 DISTORT OF INDIANA. last action during the war was on the lSth and 20th of February, 1865, at Fort Anderson and Town creek, after which, on the 22d June, it was disbanded at Greensboro. The 66th Regiment partially organized at New Albany, under Commandant Roger Martin, was ordered to leave for Kentucky on the 19th of August, 1S62, for the defense of that State against the incursions of Kirby Smith. After a brilliant career it was mus- tered out at Washington on the 3d of June, 1865, after which it returned to Indianapolis to receive the thanks of a grateful people. The 67th Regiment was organized within the Third Congressional District under Col. Frank Emerson, and was ordered to Louisville on the 20th of August, 1S62, whence it marched to Munfordville, only to share the same fate with the other gallant regiments en- gaged against Gen. Bragg's advance. Its roll of honor extends down the years of civil disturbance, — always adding garlands, un- til Peace called a truce in the fascinating race after fame, and insured a term of rest, wherein its memberscould think on comrades forever vanished, and temper the sad thought with the sublime mem- ories born of that chivalrous fight for the maintenance and integri- ty of a great Republic. At Galveston on the 19th of July, 1865, the gallant 67th Regiment was mustered out, and returning within a lew days to its State received the enthusiastic ovations of her citi- zens. The 6Sth Regiment, organized at Greensburg under Major Ben- jamin C. Shaw, was accepted for general service the 19th of August, 1862, under Col. Edward A. King, with Major Shaw as Lieutenant Colonel; on the 25th its arrival at Lebanon was reported and with- in a few days it appeared at the defense of Munfordville; but shar- ing in the fate of all the defenders, it surrendered unconditionally to Gen. Bragg and did not participate further in the actions of that year, nor until after the exchange of prisoners in 1S63. From this period it may lay claim to an enviable history extending to the end of the war, when it was disembodied. The 69th Regiment, of Richmond, Ind., under Col. A. Bickle, left for the front on the 20th of August, 1S62, and ten days later made a very brilliant 6tand at Richmond, Kentucky, against the advance of Gen. Kirby Smith, lusing in the engagement two hundred and eighteen men and officers together with its liberty. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was reorganized under Col. T. W. Bennett and took the field in December, 1862, under HISTORY OF INDIANA. 165 Generals Sheldon, Morgan and Sherman of Grant's army. Chick- asaw, Vicksburg, Blakely and many other names testify to the valor of the 69th. The remnant of the regiment was in January, 1865, formed into a battalion under Oran Perry, and was mustered out in July following. The 70th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 12th of August, 1802, under Col. B. Harrison, and leaving for Louisville on the 13th, shared in the honors of Bruce's division at Franklin and Russellville. The record of the regiment is brimful of honor. It was mustered out at Washington, June 8, 1S65, and received at Indianapolis with public honors. The 71st ok Sixth Cavalky was organized as an infantry regi- ment, at Terre Haute, and mustered into general service at Indian- apolis on the 18th of August, 1862, under Lieut. -Col. Melville D. Topping. Twelve days later it was engaged outside Richmond, Kentucky, losing two hundred and fifteen officers and men, includ- ing Col. Topping and Major Conklin, together with three hundred and forty-seven prisoners, only 225 escaping death and capture. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was re-formed under Col. I. Bittle, but on the 28th of December it surrendered to Gen. J. H. Morgan, who attacked its position atMuldraugh's Hill with a force of 1,000 Confederates. During September and October, 1863, it was organized as a cavalry regiment, won distinction throughout its career, and was mustered out the 15th of September, 1S65, at Murfreesboro. The 77th Regiment was organized at Lafayette, and left en route to Lebanon, Kentucky, on the 17th of August, 1862. Under Col. Miller it won a series of honors, and mustered out at Nashville on the 26th of June, 1S65. The 73rd Regiment, under Col. Gilbert Hathaway, was mustered in at South Bend on the 16th of August, 1882, and proceeded im- mediately to the front. Day's Gap, Crooked Creek, and the high eulogies of Generals Rosencrans and Granger speak its long and brilliant history, nor were the welcoming shouts of a great people and the congratulations of Gov. Morton, tendered to the regiment on its return home, in July, 1865, necessary to sustain its well won reputation. The 74th Regiment, partially organized at Fort Wayne and made almost complete at Indianapolis, left for the seat of war on the 22d of August, 1862, under Col. Charles W. Chapman. The desperate opposition to Gen. Bragg, and the magnificent defeat of Morgan, 166 HISTORY OF INDIANA. together with the battles of Dallas, Chattahoochie river, Kenesaw and Atlanta, where Lieut. Col. JMyron Baker was killed, all bear evi- dence of its never surpassed gallantry. It was mustered out of ser- vice on the 9th of June, 1S65, at Washington. On the return of the regiment to Indianapolis, the war Governor and people tendered it special honors, and gave expression to the admiration and regard in which it was held. The 75th Eegiment was organized within the Eleventh Congress- ional District, and left Wabash, on the 21st of August, 1862, for the front, under Col. I. W. Petit. It was the first regiment to enter Tullahoma, and one of the last engaged in the battles of the Repub- lic. After the submission of Gen. Johnson's army, it was mustered out at Washington, on the 8th of June 1865. The 76m Battalion was solely organized for thirty days' service under Colonel James Gavin, for the purpose of pursuing the rebel gnerrilas, who plundered Newburg on the 13th July, 1862. It was organized and equipped within forty-eight hours, and during its term of service gained the name, " The Avengers of Newburg." The 77th, or Fourth Cavalry, was organized at the State capi- tal in August, 1S62, under Colonel Isaac P. (Tray. It carved its way to fame over twenty battlefields, and retired from service at Edgefield, on the 29th June, 1865. The 79th Regiment was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 2nd September, 1S62, under Colonel Fred Knefler. Its history may be termed a record of battles, as the great numbers of battles, from 1862 to the conclusion of hostilities, were participated in by it. The regiment received its discharge on the 11th June, 1865, at Indianapolis. During its continued round of field duty it captured eighteen guns and over one thousand prisoners. The 80th Regiment was organized within the First Congress- ional District under Col. C. Denb}'-, and equipped at Indianapolis, when, on the 8th of September, 1S62, it left for the front. During its term it lost only two prisoners; but its list of casualties sums up 325 men and officers killed and wounded. The regiment may be said to muster out on the 22nd of June, 1865, at Saulsbury. The 81st Regiment, of New Albany, under Colonel W. W. Caldwell, was organized on the 29th August, 1862, and proceeded at once to join BuelPs headquarters, and join in the pursuit of General Bragg. Throughout the terrific actions of the war its influence was felt, nor did its labors cease until it aided in driving the rebels across the Tennessee. It was disembodied at Nashville HISTORY OF INDIANA. 167 on the 13th June, 1S65, and returned to Indianapolis on the 15th, to receive the well-merited congratulations of Governor Morton and the people. The 82nd Regiment, under Colonel Morton C. Hunter, was mustered in at Madison, Ind., on the 30th August, 1S62, and leaving immediately for the seat of war, participated in many of the great battles down to the return of peace. It was mustered out at Washington on the 9th June, 1S65, and soon returned to its State to receive a grand recognition of its faithful service. The 83rd Regiment, of Lawrenceburg, under Colonel Ben. J. Spooner, was organized in September, 1862, and soon left en route to the Mississippi. Its subsequent history, the fact of its being under fire for a total term of 4,800 hours, and its wanderings over 6,285 miles, leave nothing to be said in its defense. Master of a thousand honors, it was mustered out at Louisville, on the 15th July, 1S65, and returned home to enjoy a well-merited repose. The 84th Regiment was mustered in at Richmond, Ind., on the 8th September, 1862, under Colonel Nelson Trusler. Its first military duty was on the defenses of Covington, in Kentucky, and Cincinnati; but after a short time its labors became more con- genial, and tended to the great disadvantage of the slaveholding enemy on many well-contested fields. This, like the other State regiments, won many distinctions, and retired from the service on the 14th of June, 1865, at Nashville. The 85th Regiment was mustered at Terre Haute, under Colonel John P. Bayard, on the 2d September, 1862. On the 4th March, 1S63, it shared in the unfortunate affair at Thompson's Station, when in common with the other regiments forming' Coburn's Bri- gade, it surrendered to the overpowering forces of the rebel General, Forrest. In June, 1S63, after an exchange, it again took the field, and won a large portion of that renown accorded to Indiana. It was mustered out on the 12th of June, 1865. The 86th Regiment, of La Fayette, left for Kentucky on the 26th August, 1S62, lander Colonel OrvilleS. Hamilton, and shared in the duties assigned to the 84th. Its record is very creditable, particu- larly that portion dealing with the battles of Nashville on the 15th and 16th December, 1S64. It was mustered out on the 6th of June, 1S65, and reported within a few days at Indianapolis for discharge. The S7th Regiment, organized at South Bend, under Colonels Kline G. Sherlock and N. Gleason, was accepted at Indianapolis on the 31st of August, 1862, and left on the same day en route to 16S HISTORY OF INDIANA. the front. From Springfield and Perryville on the 6th and Sth of October, 1862, to Mission Ridge, on the 25th of November, 1S63, thence through the Atlanta campaign to the surrender of the South- ern armies, it upheld a gallant name, and met with a true and en- thusiastic welcome - home on the 21st of June, 1865, with a list of absent comrades aggregating 451. The 8Sth Regiment, organized within the Fourth Congressional District, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, entered the service on the 29th of August, 1862, and presently was found among the front ranks in war. It passed through the campaign in brilliant form down to the time of Gen. Johnson's surrender to Gen. Grant, after which, on the 7th of June, 1865, it was mustered out at Washing- ton. The 89th Regiment, formed from the material of the Eleventh Congressional District, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on the 28th of August, 1862, under Col. Chas. D. Murray, and after an exceedingly brilliant campaign was discharged by Gov. Morton on the 4th of August, 1865. The 90th Regiment, or Fifth Cavalry, was organized at Indianapolis under the Colonelcy of Felix W. Graham, between August and November, 1862. The different companies, joining headquarters at Louisville on the 11th of March, 1863, engaged in observing the movements of the enemy in the vicinity of Cumber- land river until the 19th of April, when a first and successful brush was had with the rebels. The regiment had been in 22 en- gagements during the term of service, captured 640 prisoners, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to the number of 829. It was mustered out on the 16th of June, 1S65, at Pulaski. The 91st Battalion, of seven companies, was mustered into service at Evansville, the 1st of October, 1S62, under Lieut.-Colonel John Mehringer, and in ten days later left for the front. In 1863 the regiment was completed, and thenceforth took a very prominent position in the prosecution of the war. During its ser- vice it lost 81 men, and retired from the field on the 26th of June, 1865. The 92d Regiment failed in organizing. The 93d Regiment was mustered in at Madison, Ind., on the 20th of October, 1S62, under Col. De Witt C. Thomas and Lieut.- Col. Geo. W. Carr. On the 9th of November it began a move- ment south, and ultimately allied itself to Buckland's Brigade of HISTORY OF INDIANA. 169 Gen. Sherman's. On the 14th of May it was among the first regi- ments to enter Jackson, the capital of Mississippi; was next pres- ent at the assault on Vicksburg, and made a stirring campaign down to the storming of Fort Blakely on the 9th of April, 1865. It was discharged on the 11th of August, that year, at Indianapo- lis, after receiving a public ovation. The 94th and 95th Regiments, authorized to be formed within the Fourth and Firth Congressional Districts, respectively, were only partially organized, and so the few companies that could be mustered were incorporated with other regiments. The 96th Regiment could only bring together three companies, in the Sixth Congressional District, and these becoming incorDO- rated with the 99th then in process of formation at South Bend, the number was left blank. The 97th Regiment, raised in the Seventh Congressional Dis- trict, was mustered into service at Terre Haute, on the 20th of September, 1861, under Col. Robert F. Catterson. Reaching the front within a few days, it was assigned a position near Memphis, and subsequently joined in Gen. Grant's movement on Vicksburg, by overland route. After a succession of great exploits with the several armies to which it was attached, it completed its list of battles at Bentonville, on the 21st of March, 1S65, and was dis- embodied at Washington on the 9th of June following. During its term of service the regiment lost 341 men, including the three Ensigns killed during the assaults on rebel positions along the Augusta Railway, from the loth to the 27th of June, 1864. The 98th Regiment, authorized to be raised within the Eighth Congressional District, failed in its organization, and the number was left blank in the army list. The two companies answering to the call of July, 1862, were consolidated with the 100th Regiment then being organized at Fort Wayne. The 99th Battalion, recruited within the Ninth Congressional District, completed its muster on the 21st of October, 1862, under .Col. Alex. Fawler, and reported for service a few days later at Memphis, where it was assigned to the 16th Army Corps. The va- ried vicissitudes through which this regiment passed and its remark- able gallantry upon all occasions, have gained for it a fair fame. It was disembodied on the 5th of June, 1S65, at Washington, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of the same month. The 100th Regiment, recruited from the Eighth and Tenth Congressional Districts, under Col. Sandford J. Stoughton, mustered 170 BISTORT OF INDIANA. into the service on the 10th of September, left for the front on the 11th of November, and became attached to the Army of Tennessee on the 26th of that month, 1862. The regiment participated in twenty-five battles, together with skirmishing during fully one-third of its term of service, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to four hundred and sixty-four. It was mustered out of the ser- vice at Washington on the 9th of June, and reported at Indianapolis for discharge on the 14th of June, 1S65. The 101st Regiment was mustered into service at "Wabash on the 7th of September, 1862, under Col. "William Garver, and pro- ceeded immediately to Covington, Kentucky. Its early experiences were gained in the pursuit ofBragg's army and John Morgan's cavalry, and these experiences tendered to render the regiment one of the most valuable in the war for the Republic. From the defeat of John Morgan at Milton on the 18th of March, 1863, to the fall of Savannah on the 23rd of September, 1863, the regiment won many honors, and retired from the service on the 25th of June, 1865, at Indianapolis. THE MORGAN RAID REGIMENTS — MINUTE MEM. The 102d Regiment, organized under Col. Benjamin M. Gregory from companies of the Indiana Legion, and numbering six hun- dred and twenty-three men and officers, left Indianapolis for the front early in July, and reported at North Vernon on the 12th of July, 1S63, and having completed a round of duty, returned to In- dianapolis on the 17th to be discharged. The 103d, comprising seven companies from Hendricks county, two from Marion and one from "Wayne counties, numbering 681 men and officers, under Col. Lawrence S. Shuler, was contemporary with the 102d Regiment, varying only in its service by being mus- tered out one day before, or on the 16th of July, 1S63. The 104th Regiment of Minute Men was recruited from mem- bers of the Legion of Decatur, La Fayette, Madison, Marion and Rush counties. It comprised 714 men and officers under the command of Col. James Gavin, and was organized within forty hours after the issue of Governor Morton's call for minute men to protect Indiana and Kentucky against the raids of Gen. John H. Morgan's rebel forces. After Morgan's escape into Ohio the command returned and was mustered out on the ISth of July, 1863. The 105th Regiment consisted of seven companies of the Legion and three of Minute Men, furnished by Hancock, Union, Randolph, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 171 Putnam, Wayne, Clinton and Madison counties. The command numbered seven hundred and thirteen men and officers, under Col. Sherlock, and took a leading part in the pursuit of Morgan. Re- turning on the 18th of July to Indianapolis it was mustered out. The 106th Regiment, under Col. Isaac P. Gray, consisted of one company of the Legion and nine companies of Minute Men, aggregating seven hundred and ninety-two men and officers. The counties of Wayne, Randolph, Hancock, Howard, and Marion were represented in its rauk and file. Like the other regiments organized to repel Morgan, it was disembodied in July, 1863. The 107th Regiment, under Col. De Witt C. Rugg, was organ- ized in the city of Indianapolis from the companies' Legion, or Ward Guards. The successes of this promptly organized regiment were unquestioned. The 108th Regiment comprised five companies of Minute Men, from Tippecanoe county, two from Hancock, and one from each of the counties known as Carroll, Montgomery and Wayne, aggregat- ing 710 men and officers, and all under the command of Col. W. C. Wilson. After performing the only duties presented, it returned from Cincinnati on the 18th of July, and was mustered out. The 109th Regiment, composed of Minute Men from Coles county, 111., La Porte, Hamilton, Miami and Randolph counties, Ind., showed a roster of 709 officers and men, under Col. J. R. Mahon. Morgan having escaped from Ohio, its duties were at an end, and returning to Indianapolis was mustered out on the 17th of July, 1863, after seven days' service. The 110th Regiment of Minute Men comprised volunteers from Henry, Madison, Delaware, Cass, and Monroe counties. The men were ready and willing, if not really anxious to go to the front. But happily the swift-winged Morgan was driven away, and conse- quently the regiment was not called to the field. The 111th Regiment, furnished by Montgomery, Lafayette, Rush, Miami, Monroe, Delaware and Hamilton counties, number- ing 733 men and officers, under Col. Robert Canover, was not requisitioned. The 112th Regiment was formed from nine companies of Min- ute Men, and the Mitchell Light Infantry Company of the Legion. Its strength was 703 men and officers, under Col. Hiram F. Iirax- ton. Lawrence, Washington, Monroe and Orange counties were represented on its roster, and the historic names of North Vernon and Sunman's Station on its banner. Returning from tbe South 172 HISTORY OF INDIANA. after seven clays' service, it was mustered out oil the 17th of July, 1863. The 113th Regiment, furnished by Daviess, Martin, Washington, and Monroe counties, comprised 526 rank and tile under Col. Geo. "W". Burge. Like the 112th, it was assigned to Gen. Hughes' Brigade, and defended North Vernon against the repeated attacks of John II. Morgan's forces. The 114th Regiment was wholly organized in Johnson county, under Col. Lambertson, and participated in the aflair of North Vernon. Returning on the 21st of July, 1S63, with its brief but faithful record, it was disembodied at Indianapolis, 11 days after its organization. All these regiments were brought into existence to meet an emergency, and it must be confessed, that had not a sense of duty, military instinct and love of country animated these regi- ments, the rebel General, John II. Morton, and his 6,000 cavalry would doubtless have carried destruction as far as the very capital of their State. six months' regiments. The 115th Regiment, organized at Indianapolis in answer to the call of the President in June, 1S63, was mustered into service on the 17th of August, under Col. J. R. Mahon. Its service was short but brilliant, and received its discharge at Indianapolis the 10th of February, 18G4. The 116th Regiment, mustered in on the 17th of August, 1863, moved to Detroit, Michigan, on the 30th, under Col. Charles "Wise. During October it was ordered to Nicholasville, Kentucky, where it was assigned to Col. Mahon's Brigade, and with Gen. Willcox's entire command, joined in the forward movement to Cumberland Gap. After a term on severe duty it returned to Lafayette and there was disembodied on the 24th of February, 1864, whither Gov. Morton hastened, to share in the ceremonies of welcome. The 117th Regiment of Indianapolis was mustered into service on the 17th of September, 1S63, under Col. Thomas J. Brady. After surmounting every obstacle opposed to it, it returned on the 6th of February, 1S64, and was treated to a public reception on the 9th. The IISth Regiment, whose organization was completed on the 3d of September, 1S63, under Col. Geo. W. Jackson, joined the 116th at Nicholasville, and sharing in its fortunes, returned to the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 1 7: 1 , State capital on the 14th of February, 1S64. Its casualties were comprised in a list of 15 killed and wounded. The 119th, or Seventh Cavalry, was recruited under Col. John P. C. Shanks, and its organization completed on the 1st of Octo- ber, 1S63. The rank and file numbered 1,213, divided into twelve companies. On the 7th of December its arrival at Louisville was reported, and on the 14th it entered on active service. After the well-fought battle of Guntown, Mississippi, on the 10th of June, 1864, although it only brought defeat to our arms, General Grier- son addressed the Seventh Cavalry, saying: " Your General con- gratulates you upon your noble conduct during the late expedition. Fighting against overwhelming numbers, under adverse circum- stances, your prompt obedience to orders and unflinching courage commanding the admiration of all, made even defeat almost a vic- tory. For hours on foot you repulsed the charges of the enemies' in- fantry, and again in the saddle you met his cavalry and turned his assaults into confusion. Your heroic perseverance saved hundreds of your fellow-soldiers from capture. You have been faithful to your honorable reputation, and have fully justified the confidence, and merited the high esteem of your commander." Early in 1S65, a number of these troops, returning from impris- onment in Southern bastiles, were lost on the steamer "Sultana." The survivors of the campaign continued in the service for a long period after the restoration of peace, and finally mustered out. The 120th Regiment. In September, 1S63, Gov. Morton re- ceived authority from the War Department to organize eleven regi- ments within the State for three years' service. By April, 1864, this organization was complete, and being transferred to the com- mand of Brigadier General Alvin P, Ilovey, were formed by him. into a division for service with the Army of Tennessee. Of those regiments, the 120th occupied a very prominent place, both on ac- count of its numbers, its perfect discipline and high reputation. It was mustered in at Columbus, and was in all the great battles of the latter years of the war. It won high praise from friend and foe, and retired with its bright roll of honor, after the success of Right and Justice was accomplished. The 121st, or Ninth Cavalry, was mustered in March 1, 1S64, under Col. George W. Jackson, at Indianapolis, and though not numerically strong, was so well equipped and possessed such excel- lent material that on the 3rd of May it was ordered to the front. The record of the 121st, though extending over a brief period, is 174: HISTORY OF INDIANA. pregnant with deeds of war of a high character. On the 26th of April, 1805, these troops, while returning from their labors in the South, lost 55 men, owing to the explosion of the engines of the steamer " Sultana." The return of the 3S6 survivors, on the 5th of September, 1S65, was hailed with joy, and proved how well and dearly the citizens of Indiana loved their soldiers. The 122d Regiment ordered to be raised in the Third Congres- sional District, owing to very few men being then at home, failed in organization, and the regimental number became a blank. The 123d Regiment was furnished by the Fourth and Seventh Congressional Districts during the winter of 1863-'64, and mus- tered, March 9, 1864, at Greensburg, under Col. John C. McQuis- ton. The command left for the front the same day, and after win- ning rare distinction during the last years of the campaign, par- ticularly in its gallantry at Atlanta, and its daring movement to escape Forrest's 15,000 rebel horsemen near Franklin, this regi- ment was discharged on the 30th of August, 1865, at Indianapolis, being mustered out on the 25th, at Raleigh, North Carolina. The 121th Regiment completed its organization by assuming three companies raised for the 125th Regiment (which was intended to be cavalry), and was mustered in at Richmond, on the 10th of March, 1864, under Colonel James Burgess, and reported at Louis- ville within nine days. From Buzzard's Roost, on the Sth of May, 1S64, under General Schotield, Lost Mountain in June, and the capture of Decatur, on the 15th July, to the 21st March, 1865, in its grand advance under General Sherman from Atlanta to the coast, the regiment won many laurel wreaths, and after a brilliant campaign, was mustered out at Greensboro on the 31st August, 1865. The 125th, or Tenth Cavalry, was partially organized during November and December, 1862, at Vincennes, and in February, 1S63, completed its numbers and equipment at Columbus, under Colonel T. M. Pace. Early in May its arrival in Nashville was reported, and presently assigned active service. During September and October it engaged rebel contingents under Forrest and Hood, and later in the battles of Nashville, Reynold's Hill and Sugar Creek, and in 1865 Flint River, Courtland and Mount Hope. The explosion of the Sultana occasioned the loss of thirty-five men with Captain Gaffney and Lieutenants Twigg and Reeves, and in a collision on the Nashville & Louisville railroad, May, 1S64, lost live men killed and several wounded. After a term of service un- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 175 surpassed for its utility and character it was disembodied at Vicks- burg, Mississippi, on the 31st August, 1865, and returning to Indianapolis early in September, was welcomed by the Executive and people. The 126th, or Eleventh Cavalry, was organized at Indian- apolis under Colonel Robert R. Stewart, on the 1st of March, 1864, and left in May for Tennessee. It took a very conspicuous part in the defeat of Hood near Nashville, joining in the pursuit as far as Gravelly Springs, Alabama, where it was dismounted and assigned infantry duty. In June, 1S65, it was remounted at St. Louis, and moved to Fort lii ley, Kansas, and thence to Leavenworth, where it was mustered out on the 19th September, 1865. The 127th, or Twelfth Cavalry, was partially organized at Kendallville, in December, 1863, and perfected at the same place, under Colonel Edward Anderson, in April, 1S6L Reaching the front in May, it went into active service, took a prominent part in the march through Alabama and Georgia, and after a service bril- liant in all its parts, retired from the field, after discharge, on the 22d of November, 1S65. The 128th Regiment was raised in the Tenth Congressional Dis- trict of the period, and mustered at Michigan City, under Colonel R. P. De Hart, on the 18th March, 1864. On the 25th it was reported at the front, and assigned at once to Schofield's Division. The battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Dalton, Brentwood Hills, Nashville, and the six days' skirmish of Columbia, were all participated in by the 128th, and it continued in service long after the termination of hostilities, holding the post of Raleigh, North Carolina. The 129th Regiment was, like the former, mustered in at Michigan City about the same time, under Colonel Charles Case, and moving to the front on the 7th April, 1S64, shared in the for- tunes of the 128th until August 29, 1865, when it was disembodied at Charlotte, Notrh Carolina. The 130th Regiment, mustered at Kokomo on the 12th March, 1864, under Colonel C. S. Parrish, left en route to the seat of war on the 16th, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, at Nashville, on the 19th. During the war it made for itself a brilliant history, and returned to Indian- apolis with its well-won honors on the 13th December, 1865. The 131st, or Thirteenth Cavalry, under Colonel G. M L. Johnson, was the last mounted regiment recruited within the State. 176 IIISTORT OF INDIANA. It left Indianapolis on the 30th of April, 1864, in infantry trim, and gained its first honors on the 1st of October in its magnificent defense of Huntsville, Alabama, against the rebel division of General Bnford, following a line of first-rate military conduct to the end. In January, 1S65, the regiment was remounted, won some distinction in its modern form, and was mustered out at Vicksburg on the 18th of November, 18G5. The morale and services of the regiment were such that its Colonel was promoted Brevet Brigadier-General in consideration of its merited honors. THE ONE HUNDRED-DATS VOLUNTEERS. Governor Morton, in obedience to the offer made under his auspices to the general Government to raise volunteer regiments for one hnn- dred days' service, issued his call on the 23rd of April, 1864. This movement suggested itself to the inventive genius of the war Gov- ernor as a most important step toward the subjection or annihila- tion of the military supporters of slavery within a year, and thus conclude a war. which, notwithstanding its holy claims to the name of Battles for Freedom, was becoming too protracted, and proving too detrimental to the best interests of the Union. In answer to the esteemed Governor's call eight regiments came forward, and formed The Grand Division of the Volunteers. The 132d Regiment, under Col. S. C. Vance, was furnished by Indianapolis, Shelbyville, Franklin and Danville, and leaving on the 18th of May, 1S64, reached the front where it joined the forces acting in Tennessee. The 133d Regiment, raised at Richmond on the 17th of May, 1S64, under Col. R. N. Hudson, comprised nine companies, and followed the 132d. The 134th Regiment, comprising seven companies, was organ- ized at Indianapolis on the 25th of Maj, 1S64, under Col. James Gavin, and proceeded immediately to the front. The 135th Regiment was raised from the volunteers of Bedford, Noblesville and Goshen, with seven companies from the First Con- gressional District, under Col. TV. C. Wilson, on the 25th of May, 1864, and left at once en route to the South. The ISGtii Regiment comprised ten companies, raised in the same districts as those contributing to the 135th, under Col. J. TV. Foster, and left for Tennessee on the 24th of Ma}% 1864. The 137th Regiment, under Col. E. J. Robinson, comprising volunteers from Kokomo, Zanesviile, Medora, Sullivan, Rockville, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 177 and Owen and Lawrence counties, left en route to Tennessee on the 28th of May, 1S64, haying completed organization the day previous. The IoSth Regiment was formed of seven companies from the Ninth, with three from the Eleventh Congressional District (un- reformed), and mustered in at Indianapolis on the 27th of May, 1S64, under Col. J. H. Shannon. This fine regiment was re- ported at the front within a few days. The 139th Regiment, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, was raised from volunteers furnished by Kendallville, Lawrenceburg, EHzaville, Knightstown, Connersville, Newcastle, Portland, Vevay, New Albany, Metamora, Columbia City, New Haven and New Phila- delphia. It was constituted a regiment on the 8th of June, 1864, and appeared among the defenders in Tennessee during that month. All these regiments gained distinction, and won an enviable po- sition in the glorious history of the war and the no less glorious one of their own State in its relation thereto. the president's call of JULY, 1864. The 140th Regiment was organized with many others, in response to the call of the nation. Under its Colonel, Thomas J. Brady, it pro- ceeded to the South on the 15th of November, 1S64. Having taken a most prominent part in all the desperate struggles, round Nash- ville and Murfreesboro in 1864, to Town Creek Bridge on the 20th of February, 1865, and completed a continuous round of severe duty to the end, arrived at Indianapolis for discharge on the 21st of J u!y, where Governor Morton received it with marked honors. The 141st Regiment was only partially raised, and its few com- panies were incorporated with Col Brady's command. The 142d Regiment was recruited at Fort Wayne, under Col. I. M. Comparet, and was mustered into service at Indianapolis on the d of November, 1864. After a steady and exceedingly effective service, it returned to Indianapolis on the 16th of July, 1865. THE PRESIDENT'S CALL OF DECEMBER, 1864, Was answered by Indiana in the most material terms. No less than fourteen serviceable regiments were placed at the disposal of the General Government. The 143d Regiment was mustered in, under Col J. T. Grill, on the 21st February, 1865, reported at Nashville on the 24th, and af- ter a brief but. brilliant service returned to the State on the 21st October, 1865. 178 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The 144th Regiment, under Col. G. W. Riddle, was mastered in on the 6th March, 1S65, left on the 9th for Harper's Ferry, took an effective part in the close of the campaign and reported at Indian- apolis for discharge on the 9th August, 1S65. The 145th Regiment, under Col. W. A. Adams, left Indianapolis on the lSth of February, 1S65, and joining Gen. Steadman's division at Chattanooga on the 23d was sent on active service. Its duties were discharged with rare fidelity until mustered out in January, 186G. The 116th Regiment, under Col. M. C. Welsh, left Indianapolis on the llth of March en route to Harper's Ferry, where it was as- signed to the army of the Shenandoah. The duties ot this regiment were severe and continuous, to the period of its muster out at Bal- timore on the 31st of August, 1865. The 117th Regiment, comprised among other volunteers from Benton, Lafayette and Henry counties, organized under Col. Milton Peden on the 13th of March, 1865, at Indianapolis. It shared a fortune similar to that of the 146th, and returned for discharge on the 9th of August, 1S65. The 148th Regiment, under Col. N. R. Ruckle, left the State capital on the 28th of February, 1865, and reporting at Nashville, was sent on guard and garrison duty into the heart of Tennessee. Returning to Indianapolis on the 8th of September, it received a final discharge. The 149th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis by Col. W. H. Fairbanks, and left on the 3d of March, 1865, for Tennessee, where it had the honor of receiving the surrender of the rebel forces, and military stores of Generals Roddy and Polk. The reg- iment was welcomed home by Morton on the 29th of September. The 150th Regiment, under Col. M. B. Taylor, mustered in on the 9th of March, 1865, left for the South on the 13th and reported at Harper's Ferry on the 17th. This regiment did guard duty at Charleston, Winchester, Stevenson Station, Gordon's Springs, and after a service characterized by utility, returned on the 9th of ,' August to Indianapolis for discharge. The 151st Regiment, under Col. J. Healy, arrived at Nashville on the 9th of March, 1865. On the 14th a movement on Tullahoma was undertaken, and three months later returned to Nashville for garrison duty to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 22d of September, 1S65. The 152d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis, under Col. 1 o M W H W B 4 W pi t- >— HISTORY OF INDIANA. 181 W. W Griswold, and left for Harper's Ferry on the 18th of March, 1865. It was attached to the provisional divisions of Shenandoah Army, and engaged until the 1st of September, when it was dis- charged at Indianapolis. The 153d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 1st of March, 1865, under Col. O. H. P. Carey. It reported at Louis- ville, and by order of Gen. Palmer, was held on service in Ken- tucky, where it was occupied in the exciting but very dangerous pastime of fighting Southern guerrillas. Later it was posted at Louisville, until mustered out on the 4th of September, 1865. The 154th Regiment, organized under Col. Frank Wilcox, left Indianapolis under Major Simpson, for Parkersburg, W. Virginia, on the 28th of April, 1865. It was assigned to guard and garrison duty until its discharge on the 4th of August, 1865. The 155th Regiment, recruited throughout the State, left on the 26th of April for Washington, and was afterward assigned to a provisional Brigade of the Ninth Army Corps at Alexandria. The companies of this regiment were scattered over the country, — at Dover, Centreville, Wilmington, and Salisbury, but becoming re- united on the 4th of August, 1S65, it was mustered out at Dover, Delaware. The 156th Battalion, under Lieut-Colonel Charles M. Smith, left en route to the Shenandoah Valley on the 27th of April, 1865, where it continued doing guard duty to the period of its muster out the 4th of August, 1865, at Winchester, Virginia. On the return of these regiments to Indianapolis, Gov. Morton and the people received them with all that characteristic cordiality and enthusiasm peculiarly their own. INDEPENDENT CAVALRY COMPANY OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. The people of Crawford county, animated with that inspiriting patriotism which the war drew forth, organized this mounted com- pany on the 25th of July, 1863, and placed it at the disposal of the Government, and it was mustered into service by order of the War Secretary, on the 13th of August, 1863, under Captain L. Lamb. To the close of the year it engaged in the laudable pursuit of arresting deserters and enforcing the draft; however, on the 18th of January, 1S64, it was reconstituted and incorporated with the Thirteenth Cavalry, with which it continued to serve until the treason of Americans against America was conquered. 182 HISTORY OF INDIANA. OUR COLORED TROOPS. The 2Stii Regiment of Colored Troops was recruited through- out the State of Indiana, and under Lieut. -Colonel Charles S. Russell, left Indianapolis for the fronton the 24th of April, 1864. The regiment acted very well in its first engagement with the rebels at White House, Virginia, and again with Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry, in the swamps of the Chickahominy. In the battle of the "Crater," it lost half its roster; but their place was soon filled by other colored recruits from the State, and Russell promoted to the Colonelcy, and afterward to Brevet Brigadier-General, when he was succeeded in the command by Major Thomas II. Logan. During the few months of its active service it accumulated quite a history, and was ultimately discharged, on the 8th of January, 1866, at Indianapolis. BATTERIES OF LIGHT ARTILLERY. First Battery, organized at Evansville, under Captain Martin Klauss, and mustered in on the 16th of August, 1861, joined Gen. Fremont's army immediately, and entering readily upon its salu- tary course, aided in the capture of 950 rebels and their position at Blackwater creek. On March the 6th, 1S62 at Elkhorn Tavern, and on the 8th at Pea Ridge, the battery performed good service. Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Jackson, the Techc country, Sabine Cross Roads, Grand Encore, all tell of its efficacy. In 1864 it was subjected to reorganization, when Lawrence Jacoby was raised to the Captiancy, vice Klauss resigned. After a long term of useful service, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the 18th of August, 1865. Second Battery was organized, under Captain D. G. Rabb, at Indianapolis on the 9th of August, 1S61, and one month later pro- ceeded to the front. It participated in the campaign against Col. Coffee's irregular troops and the rebellious Indians of the Cherokee nation. From Lone Jack, Missouri, to Jenkin's Ferry and Fort Smith it won signal honors until its reorganization in 1864, and even after, to June, 1S65, it maintained a very fair reputation. The Third Battery, under Capt. W. W. Frybarger, was organ- ized and mustered in at Connersville on the 24th of August, 1861, and proceeded immediately to join Fremont's Army of the Mis- souri. Moon's Mill, Kirksville, Meridian, Fort de Russy, Alex- andria, Round Lake, Tupelo, Clinton and Tallahatchie are names HISTORY OF INDIANA, 1S3 which may be engraven on its guns. It participated in the affairs before Nashville on the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, when General Hood's Arm)' was put to route, and at Fort Blakely, out- side Mobile, after which it returned home to report for discharge, August 21, 1S65. The Fourth Battery, recruited in La Porte, Porter and Lake counties, reported at the front early in October, 1801, and at once assumed a prominent place in the army of Gen. Buell. Again under Rosencraus and McCook and under General Sheridan at Stone River, the services of this battery were much praised, and it retained its well-earned reputation to the very day of its muster out — the 1st of August, 1865. Its first organization was completed under Capt. A. K. Bush, and reorganized in Oct., 1864, under Capt B. F. Johnson. The Fifth Battery was furnished by La Porte, Allen, Whitley and Noble counties, organized under Capt. Peter Simonson, and mus- tered into service on the 22d of November, 1861. It comprised four six pounders, two being rifled cannon, and two twelve-pounder Howitzers with a force of 15S men. Reporting at Camp Gil- bert, Louisville, on the 29th, it was shortly after assigned to the division of Gen. Mitchell, at Bacon Creek. During its term, it served in twenty battles and numerous petty actions, losing its Cap- tain at Pine Mountain. The total loss accruing to the battery was 84 men and officers and four guns. It was mustered out on the 20th of July, 1864. The Sixth Battery was recruited at Evansville^ under Captain Frederick Behr, and left, on the 2d of Oct., 1861, for the front, reporting at Henderson, Kentucky, a few days after. Early in 1S62 it joined Gen. Sherman's army at Paducah, and participated in the battle of Shiloh, on the 6th of April. Its history grew in brilliancy until the era of peace insured a cessation of its great labors. The Seventh Battery comprised volunteers from Terre Haute, Arcadia, Evausville, Salem, Lawrenceburg, Columbus, Vin- cennes and Indianapolis, under Samuel J. Harris as its first Captain, who was succeeded by G. R. Shallow and O. H. Mor- gan after its reorganization. From the siege of Corinth to the capture of Atlanta it performed vast services, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of July, 1865, to be received by the peo- ple and hear its history from the lips of the veteran patriot and Governor of the State. 1S4 BISTORT OF INDIANA. The Eighth Battery, under Captain G. T. Cochran, arrived at the front on the 26th of February, 1S62, and subsequently entered upon its real duties at the siege of Corinth. It served with dis- tinction throughout, and concluded a well-made campaign under "Will Stokes, who was appointed Captain of the companies with which it was consolidated in March, 1S65. The Xinth Battery. The organization of this battery was perfected at Indianapolis, on the 1st of January, 1S62, under Capt. !N. S. Thompson. Moving to the front it participated in the affairs of Shiloh, Corinth, Queen's Hill, Meridian, Fort Dick Taylor, Fort de Russy, Henderson's Hill, Pleasant Hill, Cotile Landing, Bayou Rapids, Mansura, Chicot, and many others, winning a name in each engagement. The explosion of the steamer Eclipse at Johnson- ville, above Paducah, on Jan. 27, 1S65, resulted in the destruction of 5S men, leaving only ten to represent the battery. The survivors reached Indianapolis on the 6th of March, and were mustered out. The Tenth Battery was recruitefl at Lafayette, and mustered in under Capt. Jerome B. Cox, in January, 1S61. Having passed through the Kentucky campaign against Gen. Bragg, it partici- pated in man}" of the great engagements, and finally returned to report for discharge on the 6th of July, 1864, having, in the mean- time, won a veiy fair fame. The Eleventh Battery was organized at Lafayette, and mus- tered in at Indianapolis under Capt. Arnold Sutermeister, on the 17th of December, 1861. On most of the principal battle-fields, from Shiloh, in 1862, to the capture of Atlanta, it maintained a high reputation for military excellence, and after consolidation with the Eighteenth, mustered out on the 7th of June, 1S65. The Twelfth Battery was recruited at Jeffersonville and sub- sequently mustered in at Indianapolis. On the 6th of March, 1862, it reached Nashville, having been previously assigned to Buell's Army. In April its Captain, G. W. Sterling, resigned, and the position devolved on Capt. James E. White, who, in turn, was suc- ceeded by James A. Dunwoody. The record of the battery holds a first place in the history of the period, and enabled both men and officers to look back with pride upon the battle-fields of the land. It was ordered home in June, 1S65, and on reaching Indianapolis, on the 1st of July, was mustered out on the 7th of that month. The Thirteenth Battery was organized under Captain Sewell Coulson, during the winter of 1S61, at Indianapolis, and proceeded to the front in February, 1S62. During the subsequent, months it HISTORY OF INDIANA. 1S5 was occupied in the pursuit of John H. Morgan's raiders, and aided effectively in driving them from Kentucky. This artillery company returned from the South on the 4th of July, 1S65, and were discharged the day following. The Fourteenth Battery, recruited in "Wabash, Miami, Lafay- ette, and Huntington counties, under Captain M. H. Kidd, and Lieutenant J. W. H. McGuire, left Indianapolis on the 11th of April, 1SC2, and within a few months one portion of it was cap- tured at Lexington by Gen. Forrest's great cavalry command. The main battery lost two guns and two men at Guntown, on the Mis- sissippi, but proved more successful at Nashville and Mobile. It arrived home on the 29th of August, 1865, received a public wel- come, and its final discharge. The Fifteenth Battery, under Captain I. C. H. Yon Sehlin, was retained on duty from the date of its organization, at Indian- apolis, until the 5th of July, 1S62, when it was moved to Harper's Ferry. Two months later the gallant defense of Maryland Heights was set at naught by the rebel Stonewall Jackson, and the entire garrison surrendered. Being paroled, it was reorganized at Indian- apolis, and appeared again in the field in March, 1863, where it won a splendid renown on every well-fought field to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 24th of June, 1865. The Sixteenth Battery was organized at Lafayette, under Capt. Charles A. Naylor, and on the 1st of June, 1862, left for Washington. Moving to the front with Gen. Pope's command, it participated in the battle of Slaughter Mountain, on the 9th of August, and South Mountain, and Antietam, under Gen. McClel- lan. This battery was engaged in a large number of general en- gagements and flying column affairs, won a very favorable record, and returned on the 5th of July, 1865. The Seventeenth Battery, under Capt. Milton L. Miner, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on the 20th of May, 1862, left for the front on the 5th of July, and subsequently engaged in the Gettys- burg expedition, was present at Harper's Ferry, July 6, 1863, and at Opequan on the 19th of September. Fisher's Hill, New Mar- ket, and Cedar Creek brought it additional honors, and won from Gen. Sheridan a tribute of praise for its service on these battle grounds. Ordered from Winchester to Indianapolis it was mus- tered out there on the 3d of July, 1S65. The Eighteenth Battery, under Capt. Eli Lilly, left for the 186 HISTORY OF INDIANA. front in August, 1862, but did not take a leading part in the cam- paign until 1863, when, under Gen. Rosencrans, it appeared prom- inent at Hoover's Gap. From this period to the affairs of "West Point and Macon, it performed first-class service, and returned to its State on the 25th of June, 1S65. The Nineteenth Battery was mustered into service at Indian- apolis, on the 5th of August, 1S62, under Capt. S. J. Harris, and proceeded immediately afterward to the front, where it participated in the campaign against Gen. Bragg. It was present at every post of danger to the end of the war, when, after the surrender of John- son's army, it returned to Indianapolis. Reaching that city on the 6th of June, 1865, it was treated to a public reception and received the congratulations of Gov. Morton. Four days later it was discharged. The Twentieth Battery, organized under Capt. Frank A. Rose, left the State capital on the 17th of December, 1862, for the front, and reported immediately at Henderson, Kentucky. Subsequently Captain Rose resigned, and, in 1S63, under Capt. Osborn, turned over its guns to the 11th Indiana Battery, and was assigned to the charge of siege guns at Nashville. Gov. Morton had the battery supplied with new field pieces, and by the 5th of October, 1S63, it was again in the field, where it won many honors under Sherman, and continued to exercise a great influence until its return on the 23d of June, 1S65. The Twenty-first Battery recruited at Indianapolis, under the direction of Captain "W. W. Andrew, left on the 9th of September, 1862, for Covington, Kentucky, to aid in its defense against the advancing forces of Gen. Kirby Smith. It was engaged in numerous military affairs and may be said to acquire many honors, although its record is stained with the names of seven deserters. The battery was discharged on the 21st of June, 1865. The Twenty-second Battery was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 15th of December, 1862, under Capt. B. F. Denning, and moved at once to the front. It took a very conspicuous part in the pursuit of Morgan's Cavalry, and in many other affairs. It threw the first shot into Atlanta, and lost its Captain, who was killed in the skirmish line, on the 1st of July. While the list of casualties numbers only 35, that of desertions numbers 37. This battery was received with public honors on its return, the 25th of June, 1S65, and mustered out on the 7th of the same month. HISTORY OF INDIANA. IS 7 The Twenty-third Battery, recruited in October 1S62, and mustered in on the Sth of November, under Capt. I. II. Myers, pro- ceeded south, after having rendered very efficient services at home in guarding the camps of rebel prisoners. In Jul)', 1S65, the battery took an active part, under General Boyle's command, in routing and capturing the raiders at Brandenburgh, and subsequently to the close of the war performed very brilliant exploits, reaching Indianapolis in June, 1865. It was discharged ou the 27th of that month. The Twenty-fourth Battery, under Capt. I. A. Simms, was enrolled for service on the 29th of November, 1S62; remained at Indianapolis on duty until the 13thof March, 1S63, when it left for the field. From its participation in the Cumberland River campaign, to its last engagement at Columbia, Tennessee, it aided materially in bringing victory to the Union ranks and made for itself a widespread fame. Arriving at Indianapolis on the 2Sth of July, it was publicly received, and in five days later disembodied. The Twenty-fifth Battery was recruited in September and Oc- tober, 1864, and mustered into service for one year, under Capt. Frederick C. Sturm. December 13th, it reported at Nashville, and took a prominent part in the defeat of Gen. Hood's army. Its duties until July, 1,865, were continuous, when it returned to report for final discharge. The Twenty-sixth Battery, or " "Wilder's Battery," was re- cruited under Capt. I. T. Wilder, of Greensburg, in May, 1861; but was not mustered in as an artillery company. Incorporating itself with a regiment then forming at Indianapolis it was mustered as company "A," of the 17th Infantry, with Wilder as Lieutenant- Colonel of the regiment. Subsequently, at Elk Water, Virginia, it was converted into the ''First Independent Battery," and became known as " Rigby's Battery." The record of this battery is as brilliant as any won during the war. On every field it has won a distinct reputation; it was well worthy the enthusiastic reception given to it on its return to Indianapolis on the 11th and 12th of July, 1865. During its term of service it was subject to many transmutations; but in every phase of its brief history, areputation for gallantry and patriotism was maintained which now forms a living testimonial to its services to the public. The total number of battles in the " War of the Rebellion " in which the patriotic citizens of the great and noble State of Indiana were more or less engaged, was as follows: 1S8 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Locality. No. of Battles. Locality. No. of Battles. Virginia 90 Maryland 7 Tennessee 01 Texas 3 Georgia. 41 South Carolina 2 Mississippi 24 Indian Territory 2 Arkansas 1!) Pennsylvania 1 Kentucky 16 Ohio > 1 Louisana 15 Indiana 1 Missouri 9 North Carolina 8 Total 308 The regiments sent forth to the defense of the Republic in the hour of its greatest peril, when a host of her own sons, blinded by some unholy infatuation, leaped to arms that they might trample upon the liberty-giving principles of the nation, have been passed in very brief review. The authorities chosen for the dates, names, and figures are the records of the State, and the main subject is based upon the actions of those 267,000 gallant men of Indiana who rushed to arms in defense of all for which their lathers bled, leaving their wives and children and homes in the guardianship of a truly paternal Government. The relation of Indiana to the Republic was then established; for when the population of the State, at the time her sons went forth to participate in war for the maintenance of the Union, is brought into comparison with all other States and countries, it will be apparent that the sacrifices made by Indiana from 1861-'65 equal, if not actually exceed, the noblest of those recorded in the history of ancient or modern times. Unprepared for the terrible inundation of modern wickedness. which threatened to deluge the country in a sea of blood and rob, a people of their richest, their most prized inheritance, the State rose above all precedent, and under the benign influence of patriot- ism, guided by the well-directed zeal of a wise Governor and Government, sent into the field an army that in numbers was gigantic, and in moral and physical excellence never equaled It is laid down in the official reports, furnished to the War De- partment, that over 200,000 troops were specially organized to aid in crushing the legions of the slave-holder; that no less than 50,000 militia were armed to defend the State, and that the large, but abso- lutely necessary number of commissions issued was ir,114. All this proves the scientific skill and military economy exercised by the Governor, and brought to the aid of the people in a most terri- ble emergency; for he, with some prophetic sense of the gravity of the situation, saw that unless the greatest powers of the Union were put forth to crush the least justifiable and most pernicious HISTORY OF INDIANA. 189 of all rebellions holding a place in the record of nations, the best blood of the country would flow in a vain attempt to avert a catas- trophe which, if prolonged for many years, would result in at least the moral and commercial ruin of the country. The part which Indiana took in the war against the Rebellion is one of which the citizens of the State may well be proud. In the number of troops furnished, and in the amount of voluntary con- tributions rendered, Indiana, in proportion and wealth, stands equal to any of her sister States. " It is also a subject of gratitude and thankfulness," said Gov. Morton, in his message to the Legis- lature, " that, while the number of troops furnished by Indiana- alone in this great contest would have done credit to a first-class nation, measured by the standard of previous wars, not a single, battery or battalion from this State has brought reproach upon the national flag, and no disaster of the war can be traced to any want of fidelity, courage or efficiency on the part of any Indiana officer. The endurance, heroism, intelligence and skill of the officers and soldiers sent forth by Indiana to do battle for the Union, have shed a luster on our beloved State, of which any people might justly be proud. Without claiming superiority over our loyal sister States, it is but justice to the brave men who have represented us on almost every battle-field of the war, to say that their deeds have placed Indiana in the front rank of those heroic States which rushed to the rescue of the imperiled Government of the nation. The total number of troops furnished by the State for all terms of service exceeds 200,000 men, much the greater portion of them being for three years; and in addition thereto not less than 50,000 State militia have from time to time been called into active service to repel rebel raids and defend our southern border from inva- sion." AFTER THE WAR. In 1867 the Legislature comprised 91 Republicans and 59 Dem- ocrats. Soon after the commencement of the session, Gov. Morton resigned his office in consequence of having been elected to the U. S. Senate, and Lieut.-Gov. Conrad Baker assumed the Executive chair during the remainder of Morton's term. This Legislature, by a very decisive vote, ratified the 14th amendment to the Federal Constitution, constituting all persons born in the country or sub- ject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside, without regard to race or color; reduc- 190 HISTORY OF INDIANA ing the Congressional representation in any State in which tliera should be a restriction of the exercise of the elective franchise on account of race or color; disfranchising persons therein named who shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States; and declaring that the validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, shall not be questioned. This Legislature also passed an act providing for the registry of votes, the punishment of fraudulent practices at elections, and for the apportionment and compensation of a Board of Registration; this Board to consist, in each township, of two freeholders appointed by the County Commissioners, together with the trustee of such township; in cities the freeholders are to be appointed in each ward by the city council. The measures of this law are very strict, and are faithfully executed. No cries of fraud in elections are heard in connection with Indiana. This Legislature also divided the State into eleven Congressional Districts and apportioned their representation; enacted a law for the protection and indemnity of all officers and soldiers of the United States and soldiers of the Indiana Legion, for acts done in the military service of the United States, and in the military ser- vice of the State, and in enforcing the laws and preserving the peace of the country; made definite appropriations to the several benevolent institutions of the State, and adopted several measures for the encouragement of education, etc. In 1S68, Indiana was the first in the field of national politics, both the principal parties holding State conventions early in the year. The Democrats nominated T. A. Hendricks for Governor, and denounced in their platform the reconstruction policy of the Republicans; recommended that United States treasury notes be substituted for national bank currency; denied that the General Government had a right to interfere with the question of suffrage in any of the States, and opposed negro suffrage, etc.; while the Republicans nominated Conrad Baker for Governor, defended its reconstruction policy, opposed a further contraction of the currency, etc. The campaign was an exciting one, and Mr. Baker was elected Governor by a majority of only 961. In the Presidential election that soon followed the State gave Grant 9,572 more than Seymour. During 1S6S Indiana presented claims to the Government for about three and a half millions dollars for expenses incurred in the war, and $1,958,917.94 was allowed. Also, this year, a legislative c p a H *- b! c. O > *- f tl > HISTORY OF INDIANA. 193 commission reported that $413,599.48 were allowed to parties suf- fering loss by the Morgan raid. This year Governor Baker obtained a site for the House of Befuge. (See a subsequent page.) The Soldiers' and Seamen's Home, near Knightstown, originally established by private enter- prise and benevolence, and adopted by the Legislature of the previous year, was in a good condition. Up to that date the insti- tution had atforded relief and temporary subsistence to 400 men who had been disabled in the war. A substantial brick building had been built for the home, while the old buildings were used for an orphans' department, in which were gathered 86 children of deceased soldiers. DIVOECE LAWS. By some mistake or liberal design, the early statute laws of Indiana on the subject of divorce were rather more loose than those of most other States in this Union; and this subject had been a matter of so much jest among the public, that in 1870 the Governor recommended to the Legislature a reform in this direction, which was pretty effectually carried out. Since that time divorces can be granted only for the following causes: 1. Adultery. 2. Impo- tency existing at the time of marriage. 3. Abandonment for two years. 4. Cruel and inhuman treatment of one party by the other. 5. Habitual drunkenness of either party, or the failure of the hus- band to make reasonable provision for the family. 6 The failure of the husband to make reasonable provision for the family for a period of two years. 7. The conviction of either party of an infamous crime. FINANCIAL. "Were it not for political government the pioneers would have got along without money much longer than they did. The pressure of governmental needs was somewhat in advance of the monetary income of the first settlers, and the little taxation required to carry on the government seemed great and even oppressive, especially at certain periods. In November, 1821, Gov. Jennings convened the Legislature in extra session to provide for the payment of interest on the State debt and a part of the principal, amounting to $20,000. It was thought that a sufficient amount would be realized in the notes of the State bank and its branches, although they were considerably depreciated Said the Governor: " It will be oppressive if the State, after the paper of this institution (State bank) was author- ized to be circulated in revenue, should be prevented by any assign, ment of the evidences of existing debt, from discharging at least so much cf that debt with the paper of the bank as will absorb the collections of the present year; especially when their notes, after being made receivable by the agents of the State, became greatly depreciated by great mismanagement on the part of the bank itself. It ought not to be expected that a public loss to the State should be avoided by resorting to any measures which would not comport with correct views of public justice; nor should it be anticipated that the treasury of the United States would ultimately adopt measnres to secure an uncertain debt which would inter- fere with arrangements calculated to adjust the demand against the State without producing any additional embarrassment." The state of the public debt was indeed embarrassing, as the bonds which had been executed in its behalf had been assigned. The exciting cause of this proceeding consisted in the machinations of unprincipled speculators. Whatever disposition the principal bank may have made of the funds deposited by the United States. the connection of interest between the steam-mill company and the bank, and the extraordinary accommodations, as well as their amount, effected by arrangements of the steam-mill agency and some of the officers of the bank, were among the principal causes which (194) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 295 bad prostrated the paper circulating medium of the State, so far as it was dependent on the State bank and its branches. An abnormal state of affairs like this very naturally produced a blind disburse- ment of the fund to some extent, and this disbursement would be called by almost every one an " unwise administration." During the first 16 years of this century, the belligerent condi- tion of Europe called for agricultural supplies from America, and the consequent high price of grain justified even the remote pio- neers of Indiana in undertaking the tedious transportation of the products of the soil which the times forced upon them. The large disbursements made by the general Government among the peo- ple naturally engendered a rage for speculation; numerous banks with fictitious capital were established; immense issues of paper were made; and the circulating medium of the country was in- creased fourfold in the course of two or three years. This infla- tion produced the consequences which always follow such a scheme, namely, unfounded visions of wealth and splendor and the wild investments which result in ruin to the many and wealth to the few. The year 1S21 was consequently one of great financial panic, and was the first experienced by the early settlers of the West. In 1822 the new Governor, William Hendricks, took a hopeful view of the situation, referring particularly to the "agricultural and social happiness of the State." The crops were abundant this year, immigration was setting in heavily and everything seemed to have an upward look. But the customs of the white race still com- pelling them to patronize European industries, combined with the remoteness of the surplus produce of Indiana from European mar- kets, constituted a serious drawback to the accumulation of wealth. Such a state of things naturally changed the habits of the people to some extent, at least for a short time, assimilating them to those of more primitive tribes. This change of custom, however, was not severe and protracted enough to change the intelligent and social nature of the people, and they arose to their normal height on the very first opportunity. In 1822-'3, before speculation started up again, the surplus money was invested mainly in domestic manufactories instead of other and wilder commercial enterprises. Home manufactories were what the people needed to make them more independent. They not only gave employment to thousands whose services were before that valueless, but also created a market for a great portion 196 HISTORY OF INDIANA. of the surplus produce of the farmers. A part of the surplus cap- ital, however, was also sunk in internal improvements, some of which were unsuccessful for a time, but eventually proved remu- nerative. Noah Noble occupied the Executive chair of the State from 1831 to 1837, commencing his duties amid peculiar embarrassments. The crops of 1832 were short, Asiatic cholera came sweeping along the Ohio and into the interior of the State, and the Black Hawk war raged in the Northwest, — all these at once, and yet the work of internal improvements was actually begun. STATE BANK. The State bank of Indiana was established by law January 28, 1S34. The act of the Legislature, by its own terms, ceased to be a law, January 1, 1857. At the time of its organization in 1834, its outstanding circulation was $4,208,725, with a debt due to the insti- tution, principally from citizens of the State, of $6,095,368. During the years 1857-'5S the bank redeemed nearly its entire circulation, providing for the redemption of all outstanding obligations; at this time it had collected from most of its debtors the money which they owed. The amounts of the State's interest in the stock of the bank was $1,390,000, and the money thus invested was procured by the issue of five per cent bonds, the last of which was payable July 1, 1866. The nominal profits of the bank were $2,7S0,604.36. By the law creating the sinking fund, that fund was appropriated, first, to pay the principal and interest on the bonds; secondly, the expenses of the Commissioners; and lastly the cause of common-school educa- tion. The stock in all the branches authorized was subscribed by indi- viduals, and the installment paid as required by the charter. The loan authorized for the payment on the stock allotted to the State, amounting to $500,000, was obtained at a premium of 1.05 per per cent, on five per cent, stock, making the sum of over $5,000 on the amount borrowed. In 1S36 we find that the State bank was doing good service; agricultural products were abundant, and the market was good; consequently the people were in the full enjoy- ment of all the blessings of a free government. By the year 1S43 the State was experiencing the disasters and embarassment consequent upon a system of over-banking, and its natural progeny, over-trading and deceptive speculation. Such a state of things tends to relax the hand of industry by creating false HISTORY OF INDIANA. 197 notions of wealth, and tempt to sudden acquisitions by means as delu- sive in their results as they are contrary to a primary law of nature. The people began more than ever to see the necessity of falling back upon that branch of industry for which Indiana, especially at that time, was particularly fitted, namely, agriculture, as the true and lasting source of substantial wealth. Gov. Whitcomb, lS43-'49, succeeded well in maintaining the credit of the State. Measures of compromise between the State and its creditors were adopted by which, ultimately, the public works, although incomplete, were given in payment for the claims against the Government. At the close of his term, Gov. Whitcomb was elected to the Senate of the United States, and from December, 1S48, to Decem- ber, 1S49, Lieut-Gov. Paris C. Dunning was acting Governor. In 1851 a general banking law was adopted which gave a new impetus to the commerce of the State, and opened the way for a broader volume of general trade; but this law was the source of many abuses; currency was expanded, a delusive idea of wealth again prevailed, and as a consequence, a great deal of damaging speculation was indulged in. In 1857 the charter of the State bank expired, and the large gains to the State in that institution were directed to the promotion of common-school education. WEALTH AND PROGRESS. During the war of the Rebellion the financial condition of the people was of course like that of the other Northern States generally. 1S70 found the State in a very prosperous condition. October 31 of this year, the date of the fiscal report, there was a surplus of S373,249 in the treasury. The receipts of the year amounted to $3,605,639, and the disbursements to $2,943,600, leaving a balance of $1,035,2SS. The total debt of the State in November, 1871, was 83,937,821. At the present time the principal articles of export from the State are flour and pork. Nearly all the wheat raised within the State is manufactured into flour within its limits, especially in the north- ern part. The pork business is the leading one in the southern part of the State. When we take into consideration the vast extent of railroad lines in this State, in connection with the agricultural and mineral resources, both developed and undeveloped, as already noted, we can 198 HISTORY OF INDIANA. eee what a substantial foundation exists for the future welfare of this great commonwealth. Almost every portion of the State is coming up equally. The disposition to monopolize does not exist to a greater degree than is desirable or necessary for healthy compe- tition. Speculators in flour, pork and other commodities appeared during the war, but generally came to ruin at their own game. The agricultural community here is an independent one, under- standing its rights, and " knowing them will maintain them." Indiana is more a manufacturing State, also, than many imagine. It probably has the greatest wagon and carriage manufactory in the world. In 1875 the total number of manufacturing establishments in this State was 16,S12; number of steam engines, 3,684, with a total horse-power of 114.961 ; the total horse-power of water wheels, 3S.614; number of hands employed in the manufactories, S6,402; capital employed, is $117,462,161; wages paid, $35,461,9S7; cost of material, 8104.321,632; value of products, §301,304,271. These figures are on an average about twice what they were only five years previously, at which time they were about double what they were ten years before that. In manufacturing enterprise, it is said that Indiana, in proportion to her population, is considerably in advance of Illinois and Michigan. In 1870 the assessed valuation of the real estate in Indiana was $460,120,974; of personal estate, $203,334,070; true valuation of both, $1,268, ISO, 543. According to the evidences of increase at that time, the value of taxable property in this State must be double the foregoing figures. This is utterly astonishing, especially when we consider what a large matter it is to double the elements of a large and wealthy State, compared with its increase in infancy. The taxation for State purposes in 1S70 amounted to $2,943,078; for county purposes, $4,654,476; and for municipal purposes, $3,193,577. The total county debt of Indiana in 1870 was $1,127,- 269, and the total debt of towns, cities, etc., was $2,523,934. In the compilation of this statistical matter we have before us the statistics of every element of progress in Indiana, in the U. S. Census Reports; but as it would be really improper for us further to burden these pages with tables or columns of large numbers, we will conclude by remarking that if any one wishes further details in these matters, he can readily find them in the Census Reports of the Government in any city or village in the country. Besides, almost any one can obtain, free of charge, from his representative in HISTORr OF INDIANA. 199 Congress, all these and other public documents in which he may be interested. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. This subject began to be agitated as early as ISIS, during the administration of Governor Jennings, who, as well as all the Governors succeeding him to 1843, made it a special point in their messages to the Legislature to nrge the adoption of measures for the construction of highways and canals and the improvement of the navigation of rivers. Gov. Hendricks in 1822 specified as the most important improvement the navigation of the Falls of the Ohio, the Wabash and White rivers, and other streams, and the construction of the National and other roads through the State. In 1826 Governor Ray considered the construction of roads and canals as a necessity to place the State on an equal financial footing with the older States East, and in 1S29 he added: "This subject can never grow irksome, since it must be the source of the bless-' ings of civilized life. To secure its benefits is a duty enjoined upon the Legislature by the obligations of the social compact." In 1830 the people became much excited over the project of con- necting the streams of the country by " The National New York & Mississippi railroad." The National road and the Michigan and Ohio turnpike were enterprises in which the people and Legis- lature of Indiana were interested. The latter had already been the cause of much bitter controversy, and its location was then the subject of contention. In 1S32 the work of internal improvements fairly commenced, despite the partial failure of the crops, the Black Hawk war and the Asiatic cholera. Several war parties invaded the Western settlements, exciting great alarm and some suffering. This year the canal commissioners completed the task assigned them and had negotiated the canal bonds in New York city, to the amount of 8100,000, at a premium of 13^- per cent., on terms honorable to the State and advantageous to the work. Before the close of tnis year $54,000 were spent for the improvement of the Michigan road, and $52,000 were realized from the sale of lands appropriated for its construction. In 1832, 32 miles of the Wabash and Erie canal was placed under contract and work commenced. A communication was addressed to the Governor of Ohio, requesting him to call the attention of the Legislature of that State to the subject of the extension of the canal from the Indiana line through Ohio to tfce 200 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Lake. In compliance with this request, Governor Lucas promptly- laid the subject before the Legislature of the State, and, in a spirit of courtesy, resolutions were adopted by that body, stipulating that if Ohio should ultimately decline to undertake the completion of that portion of the work within her limits before the time fixed b} r the act of Congress for the completion of the canal, she would, on just and equitable terms, enable Indiana to avail herself of the bene- fit of the lands granted, by authorizing her to sell them and invest the proceeds in the stock of a company to be incorporated by Ohio; and that she would give Indiana notice of her final determination on or before January 1, 1838. The Legislature of Ohio also authorized and invited the agent of the State of Indiana to select, survey and set apart the lands lying within that State. In keeping with this policy Governor iNoble, in 1834, said: "With a view of engaging in works of internal improvement, the propriety of adopting a general plan or system, having reference to the several portions of the State, and the connection of one with the other, naturally sur*orests itself. No work should be commenced but such as would be of acknowledged public utility, and when completed would form a branch of some general system. In view of this object, the policy of organizing a Board of Public Works is again respectfully suggested." The Governor also called favorable atten- tion to the Lawrencebnrg & Indianapolis railway, for which a charter had been granted. In 1S35 the Wabash & Erie canal was pushed rapidly forward. The middle division, extending from the St. Joseph dam to the forks of the Wabash, about 32 miles, was completed, for about $232,000, including all repairs. Upon this portion of the line nav- igation was opened on July 4, which day the citizens assembled " to witness the mingling of the waters of the St. Joseph with those of the Wabash, uniting the waters of the northern chain of lakes with those of the Gulf of Mexico in the South." On other parts of the line the work progressed with speed, and the sale of canal lands was unusually active In 1S36 the first meeting of the State Board of Internal Im- provement was convened and entered upon the discharge of its numerous and responsible duties. Having assigned to each mem- ber the direction and superintendence of a portion of the work, the next duty to be performed preparatory to the various spheres of active service, was that of procuring the requisite number of engineers. A delegation was sent to the Eastern cities, but returned HISTORY OF INDIANA. OQJ without engaging an Engincer-in-Chief for the roads and railways, and without the desired number for the subordinate station; but after considerable delay the Board was fully organized and put in operation. Under their management work on public improve- ments was successful; the canal progressed steadily; the naviga- tion of the middle division, from Fort Wayne to Huntington, was uninterrupted; 16 miles of the line between Huntington and La Fontaine creek were rilled with water this year and made ready for navigation ; and the remaining 20 miles were completed, except a portion of the locks; from La Fontaine creek to Logansport prog- ress was made; the line from Georgetown to Lafayette was placed under contract; about 30 miles of the Whitewater canal, extending from Lawrenceburg through the beautiful valley of the White- water to Brookville, were also placed under contract, as also 23 ,inilesof-the Central canal, passing through Indianapolis, on which work was commenced; also about 20 miles of the southern divis- ion of this work, extending from Evansville into the interior, were also contracted for; and on the line of the Cross-Cut canal, from Terre Haute to the intersection of the Central canal, near the mouth of Eel river, a commencement was also made on all the heavy sections. All this in 1836. Early in this year a party of engineers was organized, and directed to examine into the practicability of the Michigan & Erie canal line, then proposed. The report of their operations favored its expediency. A party of engineers was also fitted out, who entered upon the field of service of the Madison & Lafayette railroad, and contracts were let for its construction from Madison to Vernon, on which work was vigorously commenced. Also, con- tracts were let for grading and bridging the New Albany & Vin- cennes road from the former point to Paoli, about 40 miles. Other roads were also undertaken and surveyed, so that indeed a stupendous system of internal improvement was undertaken, and as Gov. Noble truly remarked, upon the issue of that vast enter- prise the State of Indiana staked her fortune. She had gone too far to retreat. In 1S37, when Gov. Wallace took the Executive chair, the reaction consequent upon '"over work" by the State in the internal improvement scheme began to be felt by the people. They feared a State debt was being incurred from which they could never be extricated; but the Governor did all he could throughout the term of his administration to keep up the courage of the citizens. He 202 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. told them that the astonishing success so far, surpassed even the hopes of the most sanguine, and that the flattering auspices of the future were sufficient to dispel every doubt and quiet every fear. Notwithstanding all his efforts, however, the construction of pub- lic works continued to decline, and in his last message he exclaimed: " Never before — I speak it advisedly — never before have 3 r ou wit- nessed a period in our local history that more urgently called for the exercise of all the soundest and best attributes of grave and patriotic legislators than the present. * * * The truth is — and it would be folly to conceal it — we have our hands full — full to overflowing; and therefore, to sustain ourselves, to preserve the credit and character of the State unimpaired, and to continue her hitherto unexampled march to wealth and distinction, we have not an hour of time, nor a dollar of money, nor a hand employed in labor, to squander and dissipate upon mere objects of idleness, or taste, or amusement." The State had borrowed $3,827,000 for internal improvement pur- poses, of which $1,327,000 was for the Wabash & Erie canal and the remainder for other works. The Ave per cent, interest on debts — about $200,000 — which the State had to pay, had become burdensome, as her resources for this purpose were only two, besides direct taxation, and they were small, namely, the interest on the balances due for canal lands, and the proceeds of the third installment of the surplus revenue, both amounting, in 1S3S, to about $45,000. In August, 1S30, all work ceased on these improvements, with one or two exceptions, and most of the contracts were surrendered to the State. This was done according to an act of the Legislature providing for the compensation of contractors by the issue of treasury notes. In addition to this state of affairs, the Legisla- ture of 1839 had made no provision for the payment of interest on the State debt incurred for internal improvements. Concerning this situation Gov. Bigger, in 1840, said that either to go ahead with the works or to abandon them altogether would be equally ruinous to the State, the implication being that the people should wait a little while for a breathing spell and then take hold again. Of course much individual indebtedness was created during the progress of the work on internal improvement. "When operations ceased in 1839, and prices fell at the same time, the people were left in a great measure without the means of commanding money to pay their debts. This condition of private enterprise more than HISTORY OF INDIANA. 203 ever rendered direct taxation inexpedient. Hence it became the policy of Gov. Bigger to provide the means of paying the interest on the State debt without increasing the rate of taxation, and to continue that portion of the public works that could be immedi- ately completed, and from which the earliest returns could be expected. In 1840 the system embraced ten different works, the most im- portant of which was the Wabash & Erie canal. The aggregate length of the lines embraced in the system was 1,160 miles, and of this only 140 miles had been completed. The amount expended had reached the sum of $5,600,000, and it required at least $14,000,- 000 to complete them. Although the crops of 1841 were very remunerative, this perquisite alone was not sufficient to raise the State again up to the level of going ahead with her gigantic works. We should here state in detail the amount of work completed and of money expended on the various works up to this time, 1841, which were as follows: 1. The Wabash & Erie canal, from the State line to Tippe- canoe, 129 miles in length, completed and navigable for the whole length, at a cost of $2,041,012. This sum includes the cost of the steamboat lock afterward completed at Delphi. 2. The extension of the Wabash & Erie canal from the mouth of the Tippecanoe to Terre Haute, over 104 miles. The estimated cost of this work was $1,500,000; and the amount expended for the same $408,855. The navigation was at this period opened as far down as Lafayette, and a part of the work done in the neighbor- hood of Covington. 3. The cross-cut canal from Terre Haute to Central canal, 49 miles in length; estimated cost, $718,672; amount expended, $420,679; and at this time no part of the course was navigable. 4. The White Water canal, from Lawrenceburg to the mouth of Nettle creek, 76£ miles; estimated cost, $1,675,738; amount expended to that date, $1,099,S67; and 31 miles of the work was navigable, extending from the Ohio river to Brookville. 5. The Central canal, from the Wabash & Erie canal, to Indianapolis, including the feeder bend at Muncietown, 124 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,299,853; amount expended, $568,046; eight miles completed at that date, and other portions nearly done. 204 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 6. Central canal, from Indianapolis to Evansville on the Ohio river, 194 miles in length; total estimated cost, $3,532,394; amount expended, $831,302, 19 miles of which was completed at that date, at the southern end, and 16 miles, extending south from Iudiauao- olis, were nearly completed. 7. Erie & Michigan canal, 182 miles in length; estimated cost, $2,624,823; amount expended, $156,394. No part of this work finished. S. The Madison & Indianapolis railroad, over 85 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,046,600; amount expended, $1,493,- 013. Eoad finished and in operation for about 28 miles; grad- ing nearly finished for 27 miles in addition, extending to Eden- burg. 9. Indianapolis & Lafayette turnpike road, 73 miles in length; total estimated cost, $593, 737; amount expended, $72,118. The bridging and most of the grading was done on 27 miles, from Crawfordsville to Lafayette. 10. New Albany & Vincennes turnpike road, 105 miles in length; estimated cost, $1,127,295; amount expended, $654,411. Forty-one miles graded and macadamized, extending from New Albany to Paoli, and 27 miles in addition partly graded. 11. Jeffersonville & Crawfordsville road, over 164 miles long; total estimated cost, $1,651,800; amount expended, $372,737. Forty-five miles were partly graded and bridged, extending from Jeffersonville to Salem, and from Greencastle north. 12. Improvement of the Wabash rapids, undertaken jointly by Indiana and Illinois; estimated cost to Indiana, $102,500; amount expended by Indiana, $9,539. Grand totals: Length of roads and canals, 1,289 miles, only 2S1 of which have been finished; estimated cost of all the works, $19,914,424; amount expended, $8,164,528. The State debt at this time amounted to $18,469,146. The two principal causes which aggravated the embarrassment of the State at this juncture were, first, paying most of the interest out of the money borrowed, and, secondly, selling bonds on credit. The first error subjected the State to the payment of compound interest, and the people, not feeling the pressure of taxes to discharge the interest, natu- rally became inattentive to the public policy pursued. Postpone- ment of the payment of interest is demoralizing in every way. During this period the State was held up in an unpleasant manner before the gaze of the world; but be it to the credit of this great HISTORY OF INDIANA. 205 ''and glorious State, she would not repudiate, as many other States and municipalities have done. By the year 1850, the so-called "internal improvement" system having been abandoned, private capital and ambition pushed for- ward various "public works." During this year about 400 miles of plank road were completed, at a cost of $1,200 to $1,500 per mile, and about 1,200 miles more were surveyed and in progress. There were in the State at this time 212 miles of railroad in suc- cessful operation, of which 124 were completed this year. More than 1,000 miles of railroad were surveyed and in progress. An attempt was made during the session of the Legislature in 1869 to re-burden the State with the old canal debt, and the matter was considerably agitated in the canvass of 1S70. The subject of the Wabash & Erie canal was lightly touched in the Republican plat- form, occasioning considerable discussion, which probably had some effect on the election in the fall. That election resulted in an average majority in the State of about 2,864 for the Democracy. It being claimed that the Legislature had no authority under the constitution to tax the people for the purpose of aiding in the con- struction of railroads, the Supreme Court, in Aoril, 1871, decided adversely to such a claim. GEOLOGY. In 1869 the development of mineral resources in the State attracted considerable attention. Rich mines of iron and coal were discovered, as also fine quarries of building stone. The Vincennes railroad passed through some of the richest portions of the mineral region, the engineers of which had accurately determined the quality of richness of the ores. Near Brooklyn, about 20 miles from Indianapolis, is a fine formation of sandstone, yielding good material for buildings in the city; indeed, it is considered the best building stone in the State. The limestone formation at Gosport, continuing 12 miles from that point, is of great variety, and includes the finest and most durable building stone in the world. Portions of it are susceptible only to the chisel; other portions are soft and can be worked with the ordinary tools. At the end of this limestone formation there commences a sandstone series of strata which extends seven miles farther, to a point about 60 miles from Indianapolis. Here an extensive coal bed is reached consisting of seven distinct veins. The first is about two feet thick, the next three feet, another four feet, and the others of various thicknesses. 206 HISTOET OF INDIANA. These beds are all easily worked, having a natural drain, and they yield heavy profits. In the whole of the southwestern part of the State and for 300 miles up the Wabash, coal exists in good quality and abundance. The scholars, statesmen and philanthropists of Indiana work- ed hard and long for the appointment of a State Geologist, with sufficient support to enable him to make a thorough geological survey of the State. A partial survey was made as early as 1S37-'S, by David Dale Owen, State Geologist, but nothing more was done until 1S69, when Prof. Edward T. Cox was appointed State Geolo- gist. For 20 years previous to this date the Governors urged and insisted in all their messages that a thorough survey should be made, but almost, if not quite, in vain. In 1S52, Dr. Ryland T. Brown delivered an able address on this subject before the Legis- lature, showing how much coal, iron, building stone, etc., there were probably; in the State, but the exact localities and qualities not ascertained, and how millions of money could be saved to the State by the expenditure of a few thousand dollars; but "they answered the Doctor in the negative. It must have been because they hadn't time to pass the bill. They were very busy. They had to pass all sorts of regulations concerning the negro. They had to protect a good many white people from marrying negroes. And as they didn't need any labor in the State, if it was ' colored,' they had to make regulations to shut out all of that kind of labor, and to take steps to put out all that unfortunately got in, and they didn't have time to consider the scheme proposed by the white people" — W. W. Clayton. In 1853, the State Board of Agriculture employed Dr. Brown to make a partial examination of the geology of the State, at a salary of S500 a year, and to this Board the credit is due for the final success of the philanthropists, who in 1S69 had the pleasure of witnessing the passage of a Legislative act " to provide for a Depart- ment of Geology and Natural Science, in connection with the State Board of Agriculture." Under this act Governor Baker immedi- ately appointed Prof. Edward T. Cox the State Geologist, who has made an able and exhaustive report of the agricultural, mineral and manufacturing resources of this State, world-wide in its celeb- rity, and a work of which the people of Indiana may be very proud. We can scarcely give even the substance of his report in a work like this, because it is of necessity deeply scientific and made up entirely of local detail. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 207 COAL. The coal measures, says Prof. E. T. Cox, cover an area of about 6,500 square miles, i:i the southwestern part of the State, and extend from Warren county on the north to the Ohio river on the south, a distance of about 150 miles. This area comprises the fol- lowing counties : Warren, Fountain, Parke, Vermillion, Vigo, Clay, Sullivan, Greene, Knox, Daviess, Martin, Gibson, Pike, Dubois, Vanderburg, Warrick, Spencer, Perry and a small part of Crawford, Monroe, Putnam and Montgomery. This coal is all bituminous, but is divisible into three well-marked varieties: caking-coal, non-caking-coal or block coal and cannel coal. The total depth of the seams or measures is from 600 to S00 feet, with 12 to 14 distinct seams of coal; but these are not all to be found throughout the area; the seams range from one foot to eleven feet in thickness. The caking coal prevails in the western portion of the area described, and has from three to four workable seams, ranging from three and a half to eleven feet in thickness. At most of the places where these are worked the coal is mined by adits driven in on the face of the ridges, and the deepest shafts in the State are less than 300 feet, the average depth for successful mining not being over 75 feet. This is a bright, black, sometimes glossy, coal, makes good coke and contains a very large percentage of pure illuminating gas. One pound will yield about 4J cubic feet of gas, with a power equal to 15 standard sperm candles. The average calculated calorific power of the caking coals is 7,745 heat units, pure carbon being 8,0S0. Both in the northern and southern portions of the field, the caking coals present similar good qualities, and are a great source of private and public wealth. The block coal prevails in the eastern part of the field and has an area of about 450 square miles. This is excellent, in its raw state, for making pig iron. It is indeed peculiarly fitted for metal- lurgical purposes. It has a laminated structure with carbonaceous matter, like charcoal, between the lamina, with slaty cleavage, and it rings under the stroke of the hammer. It is " free-burning," makes an open fire, and without caking, swelling, scaffolding in the furnace or changing form, burns like hickory wood until it is con- sumed to a white ash and leaves no clinkers. It is likewise valuable for generating steam and for household uses. Many of the principal railway lines in the State are using it in preference to any other coal, as it does not burn out the fire-boxes, and gives as little trouble as wood. 208 HISTORY OF INDIANA. There are eight distinct seams of block coal in this zone, three of which are workable, having an average thickness of four feet. In some places this coal is mined by adits, but generally from shafts, 40 to 80 feet deep. The seams are crossed by cleavage lines, and the coal is usually mined without powder, and may be taken out in blocks weighing a ton or more. When entries or rooms are driven angling across the cleavage lines, the walls of the mine present a zigzag, notched appearance resembling a Virginia worm fence. In 1S71 there were about 24 block coal mines in operation, and about 1,500 tons were mined daily. Since that time this industry has vastly increased. This coal consists of 81^ to S3 J percent, of carbon, and not quite three fourths of one per cent, of sulphur. Calculated calorific power equal to 8,283 heat units. This coal also is equally good both in the northern and southern parts of the field. The great Indiana coal field is within 150 miles of Chicago or Michigan City, by railroad, from which ports the Lake Superior specular and red hematite ores are landed from vessels that are able to run in a direct course from the ore banks. Considering the proximity of the vast quantities of iron in Michigan and Missouri^ one can readily see what a glorious future awaits Indiana in respect to manufactories. Of the cannel coal, one of the finest seams to be found in the country is in Daviess county, this State. Here it is three and a half feet thick, underlaid by one and a half feet of a beautiful, jet- black caking coal. There is no clay, shale or other foreign matter intervening, and fragments of the caking coal are often found adhering to the cannel. There is no gradual change from one to the other, and the character of each is homogeneous throughout. The cannel coal makes a delightful fire in open grates, and does not pop and throw off scales into the room, as is usual with this kind of coal. This coal is well adapted to the manufacture of illuminating gas, in respect to both quantity and high illuminating power. One ton of 2,000 pounds of this coal yields 10,400 feet of gas, while the best Pennsylvania coal yields but 8,680 cubic feet. This gas has an illuminating power of 25 candles, while the best Pennsylvania coal gas has that of only 17 candles. Cannel coal is also found in great abundance in Perry, Greene, Parkeaud Fountain counties, where its commercial value has already been demonstrated. Numerous deposits of bog iron ore are found in the northern part of the State, and clay iron-stones and impure carbonates and brown HISTORY OF INDIANA. 20& oxides arc found scattered in the vicinity of the coal field. In some places the beds are quite thick and of considerable commercial value. An abundance of excellent lime is also found in Indiana, espe- cially in Huntington county, where many large kilns are kept in profitable operation. AGRICULTURAL. In 1852 the Legislature passed an act authorizing the organization of county and district agricultural societies, and also establishing a State Board, the provisions of which actare substantially as follows: 1. Thirty or more persons in any one or two counties organizing into a society for the improvement of agriculture, adopting a consti- tution and by-laws agreeable to the regulations prescribed by the State Board, and appointing the proper officers and raising a sum of $50 for its own treasury, shall be entitled to the same amount from the fund arising from show licenses in their respective counties. 2. These societies shall offer annual premiums for improvement of soils, tillage, crops, manures, productions, stock, articles of domestic industry, and such other articles, productions and improve- ments as they may deem proper; they shall encourage, by grant of rewards, agricultural andhousehold manufacturing interests, and so regulate the premiums that small farmers will have equal opportunity with the large; and they shall pay special attention to cost and profit of the inventions and improvements, requiring an exact, detailed statement of the processes competing for rewards. 3. They shall publish in a newspaper annually their list of awards and an abstract of their treasurers' accounts, and' they shall report in full to the State Board their proceedings. Failing to do the latter they shall receive no payment from their county funds. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The act of Feb. 17, 1S52, also established a State Board of Agri- culture, with perpetual succession; its annual meetings to be held at Indianapolis on the first Thursday after the first Monday in January, when the reports of the county societies are to be received and agricultural interests discussed and determined upon; it shall make an annual report to the Legislature of receipts, expenses, proceedings, etc., of its own meeting as well as of those of the local 210 HISTORY OF INDIANA. societies; it shall hold State fairs, at such times and places as they may deem proper; may hold two meetings a year, certifying to the State Auditor their expenses, who shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the same. In 1861 the State Board adopted certain rules, emhracing ten sections, for the government of local societies, hut in 1868 they were found inexpedient and abandoned. It adopted a resolution admitting delegates from the local societies. THE EXPOSITION. As the Board found great difficulty in doing justice to exhibitors without an adequate building, the members went earnestly to work in the fall of 1872 to get up an interest in the matter. They appointed a committee of five to confer with the Councilor citizens of Indianapolis as to the best mode to be devised for a more thorough and complete exhibition of the industries of the State. The result of the conference was that the time had arrived for a regular " exposition," like that of the older States. At the Janu- ary meeting in 1873, Hon. Thomas Dowling, of Terre Haute, reported for the committee that they found a general interest in this enterprise, not only at the capital, but also throughout the State. A sub-committee was appointed who devised plans and specifications for the necessary structure, taking lessons mainly from the Kentucky Exposition building at Louisville. All the members of the State Board were in favor of proceeding with the building except Mr. Poole, who feared that, as the interest of the two enterprises were somewhat conflicting, and the Exposition being the more exciting show, it would swallow up the State and county fai rs. The Exposition was opened Sept. 10, 1S73, when Hon. John Sutherland, President of the Board, the Mayor of Indianapolis, Senator Morton and Gov. Hendricks delivered addresses. Senator Morton took the high ground that the money spent for an exposi- tion is spent as strictly for educational purposes as that which goes directly into the common school. The exposition is not a mere show, to be idly gazed upon, but an industrial school where one should study and learn. lie thought that Indiana had less untill- able land than any other State in the Union; 'twas as rich as any and yielded a greater variety of products; and that Indiana was the most prosperous agricultural community in the United States. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 211 The State had nearly 3,700 miles of railroad, not counting side- track, with 400 miles more under contract for building. In 15 or 18 months one cau go from Indianapolis to every county in the State by railroad. Indiana has 6,500 square miles of coal field? 450 of which contain block coal, the best in the United States for manufacturing purposes. On the subject of cheap transportation, he said: " By the census of 1870, Pennsylvania had, of domestic animals of all kinds, 4,006,- 589, and Indiana, 4,511,094. Pennsylvania had grain to the amount of 60,460,000 bushels, while Indiana had 79,350,454. The value of the farm products of Pennsylvania was estimated to be $183,946,- 000; those of Indiana, $122,914,000. Thus you see that while Indiana had 505,000 head of live stock more, and 19,000,000 bushels of grain more than Pennsylvania, yet the products of Penn- sylvania are estimated at $183,946,000, on account of her greater proximity to market, while those of Indiana are estimated at only $122,914,000. Thus you can understand the importance of cheap transportation to Indiana.* " Let us see how the question of transportation affects us on the other hand, with reference to the manufacturer of Bessemer steel. Of the 174,000 tons of iron ore used in the blast furnaces of Pitts- burg last year, 84,000 tons came from Lake Superior, 64,000 tons from Iron Mountain, Missouri, 20,000 tons from Lake Champlain, and less than 5,000 tons from the home mines of Pennsylvania. They cannot manufacture their iron with the coal they have in Pennsylvania without coking it. We have coal in Indiana with which we can, in its raw state, make the best of iron; while we are 250 miles nearer Lake Superior than Pittsburg, and 430 miles nearer to Iron Mountain. So that the question of transportation determines the tact that Indiana must become the great center for the manufacture of Bessemer steel." "What we want in this country is diversified labor.'' The grand hall of the Exposition buildings is on elevated ground at the head of Alabama street, and commands a fine view of the city. The structure is of brick, 30S feet long by 150 in width, and two stories high. Its elevated galleries extend quite around the building, under the roof, thus affording visitors an opportunity to secure the most commanding view to be had in the city. The lower floor of the grand hall is occupied by the mechanical, geologi- cal and miscellaneous departments, and by the offices of the Board, which extend along the entire front. The second floor, which is 212 I1IST0RY OF INDIANA. approached by three wide stairways, accommodates the fine art, musical and other departments of light mechanics, and is brilliantly lighted by windows and skylights. But as we are here entering the description of a subject magnificent to behold, we enter a description too vast to complete, and we may as well stop here as anywhere. The Presidents of the State Fairs have been: Gov. J. A. "Wright, 1852'4; Gen. Jos. Orr, 1855; Dr. A. C. Stevenson, 1856-'8; G. D. "Wagner; 1859-60; D. P. Kolloway, 1861; Jas. D.Williams, 1862, 1870-'l; A. D. Ilamrick, 1863, 1867-'9; Stearns Fisher, lS64-'6; John Sutherland, 1872-'4; "Wm. Crirn, 1875. Secretaries: JohnB. Dillon. lS52-'3, 1855, lS5S-'9; Ignatius Brown, 185o-'7; "W. T. Den- nis, 1854, 1860-'l; W.H. Loomis, 1862-'6; A. J. Holmes, 1867-'9; Joseph Poole, 1870-'l; Alex. Heron, 1S72'5. Place of fair, Indian- apolis every year except: Lafayette, 1853; Madison, 1854; New Albany, 1859; Fort "Wayne, 1S65; and Terre Haute, 1S67. In 1861 there was no fair. The gate and entry receipts increased from $4,651 in 1852 to $45,330 in 1874 On the opening of the Exposition, Oct. 7, 1874, addresses were delivered by the President of the Board, Hon. John Sutherland, and by Govs. Hendricks, Bigler and Pollock. Yvon's celebrated painting, the " Great Republic," was unveiled with great ceremony, and many distinguished guests were present to witness it. The exhibition of 1875 showed that the plate glass from the southern part of the State was equal to the finest French plate; that the force-blowers made in the eastern part of the State was of a world-wide reputation; that the State has within its bounds the largest wagon manufactory in the world ; that in other parts of the State there were all sorts and sizes of manufactories, including roll- ing mills and blast furnaces, and in the western part coal was mined and shipped at the rate of 2,500 tons a day from one vicinity; and many other facts, which " would astonish the citizens of Indiana themselves even more than the rest of the world." INDIANA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society was organized in 1S12, thus taking the lead in the "West. At this time Henry "Ward Beecher was a resident of Indian- apolis, engaged not only as a minister but also as editor of the Indiana Farmer and Gardener, and his influence was very exten- sive in the interests of horticulture, floriculture and farming. Prominent among his pioneer co-laborers were Judge Coburn, HISTOET OF INDIANA. 213 Aaron Aldridge, Capt. James Sigarson, D. V. Culley, Reuben Ragan, Stephen Hampton, Cornelius Ratliff, Joshua Lindley, Abner Pope and many others. In the autumn of this year the society held an exhibition, probably the first in the State, if not in the West, in the hall of the new State house. The only pre- mium offered was a set of silver teaspoons for the best seedling apple, which was won by Reuben Ragan, of Putnam county, for an apple christened on this occasion the " Osceola." The society gave great encouragement to the introduction of new varieties of fruit, especially of the pear, as the soil and cli- mate of Indiana were well adapted to this fruit. But the bright horizon which seemed to be at this time looming up all around the field of the young society's operations was suddenly and thoroughly darkened by the swarm of noxious insects, diseases, blasts of win- ter and the great distance to market. The prospects of the cause scarcely justified a continuation of the expense of assembling from remote parts of the State, and the meetings of the society therefore soon dwindled away until the organization itself became quite, extinct. But when, in 1S52 and afterward, railroads began to traverse the State in all directions, the Legislature provided for the organization of a State Board of Agriculture, whose scope was not only agri- culture but also horticulture and the mechanic and household arts. The rapid growth of the State soon necessitated a differentiation of this body, and in the autumn of 1860, at Indianapolis, there was organized the INDIANA POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. October 18, Reuben Ragan was elected President and fm H. Loomis, of Marion county, Secretary. The constitution adopted provided for biennial meetings in January, at Indianapolis. At the first regular meeting, Jan. 9, 1861, a committee-man for each congressional district was appointed, all of them together to be known as the " State Fruit Committee," and twenty-five members were enrolled during this session. At the regular meeting in 1863 the constitution was so amended as to provide for annual sessions, and the address of the newly elected President, Hon. I. G. D. Nel- son, of Allen county, urged the establishment of an agricultural college. He continued in the good cause until his work was crowned with success. 214 HISTORY OF INDIANA. In 1S64 there was but little done on account of the exhaust- ive demands of the great war; and the descent of mercury 60° in eighteen hours did so much mischief as to increase the discourage- ment to the verge of despair. The title of the society was at this meeting, Jan., 1864 changed to that of the Indiana Horticultural Society. The first several meetings of the society were mostly devoted to revision of fruit lists; and although the good work, from its vast- ness and complication, became somewhat monotonous, it has been no exception in this respect to the law that all the greatest and most productive labors of mankind require perseverance and toil. In 18G6, George M. Beeler, who had so indefatigably served as secretary for several years, saw himself hastening to his grave, and showed his love for the cause of fruit culture by bequeathing to the society the sum of §1,000. This year also the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction was induced to take a copy of the Society's transactions for each of the township libraries in the State, and this enabled the Society to bind its volume of proceedings in a substantial manner. At the meeting in 1867 many valuable and interesting papers were presented, the office of corresponding secretary was created, and the subject of Legislative aid was discussed. The State Board of Agriculture placed the management of the horticultural depart- ment of the State fair in the care of the Society. The report for 1868 shows for the first time a balance on hand, after paying expenses, the balance being $61.55. Up to this time the Society had to take care of itself, — meeting current expenses, do- ing its own printing and binding, "boarding and clothing itself," and diffusing annually an amount of knowledge utterly incalcu- lable. During the year called meetings were held at Salem, in the peach and grape season, and evenings during the State fair, which was held in Terre Haute the previous fall. The State now assumed the cost of printing and binding, but the volume of transactions was not quite so valuable as that of the former year. In 1870 $160 was given to this Society by the State Board of Agriculture, to be distributed as prizes for essays, which object was faithfully carried out. The practice has since then been con- tinued. In 1871 the Horticultural Society brought out the best voiumo of papers and proceedings it ever has had published. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 215 In 1872 the office of corresponding secretary was discontinued ; the appropriation by the State Board of Agriculture diverted to the payment of premiums on small fruits given at a show held the previous summer; results of the exhibition not entirely satisfac- tory. In 1873 the State officials refused to publish the discussions of the members of the Horticultural Society, and the Legislature appropriated $500 for the purpose for each of the ensuing two years. In 1S75 the Legislature enacted a law requiring that one of the , trustees of Purdue University shall be selected by the Horticultu- ral Society. The aggregate annual membership of this society from its organ- ization in 1860 to 1S75 was 1,225. EDUCATION. The subject of education has been referred to in almost every gubernatorial message from the organization of the Territory to the present time. It is indeed the most favorite enterprise of the Hoosier State. In the first survey of Western lands, Congress set apart a section of land in every township, generally the 16th, for school purposes, the disposition of the land to be in hands of the residents of the respective townships. Besides this, to this State were given two entire townships for the use of a State Seminary, to be under the control of the Legislature. Also, the State con- stitution provides that all fines for the breach of law and all com- mutations for militia service be appropriated to the use of county seminaries. In 1825 the common-school lands amounted to 680,207 acres, estimated at $2 an acre, and valued therefore at $1,216,044. At this time the seminary at Bloomington, supported in part by one of these township grants, was very flourishing. The common schools, however, were in rather a poor condition. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In 1852 the free-school system was fully established, which has resulted in placing Indiana in the lead of this great nation. Al- though this is a pleasant subject, it is a very large one to treat in a condensed notice, as this has to be. The free-school system of Indiana first became practically oper- ative the first Monday of April, 1853, when the township trustees 216 HISTORY OF INDIANA. for school purposes were elected through the State. The law com- mitted to them the charge of all the educational affairs in their respective townships. As it was feared by the opponents of the law that it would not be possible to select men in all the town- ships capable of executing the school laws satisfactorily, the people were thereby awakened to the necessity of electing their very best men; and although, of course, many blunders have been made by trustees, the operation of the law has tended to elevate the adult population as well as the youth; and Indiana still adheres to the policy of appointing its best men to educational positions. The result is a grand surprise to all old fogies, who indeed scarcely dare to appear such any longer. To instruct the people in the new law and set the educational machinery going, a pamphlet of over 60 pages, embracing the law, with notes and explanations, was issued from the office of a super- intendent of public instruction, and distributed freely throughout the State. The first duty of the Board of Trustees was to establish and conveniently locate a sufficient number of schools for the edu- cation of all the children of their township. But where were the school-houses, and what were they? Previously they had been erected by single districts, but undm* this law districts were abol- ished, their lines obliterated, and houses previously built by dis- tricts became the property of the township, and all the houses were to be built at the expense of the township by an appropriation of township funds by the trustees. In some townships there was not a single school-house of any kind, and in others there were a few old, leaky, dilapidated log cabins, wholly unfit for use even in sum- mer, and in " winter worse than nothing." Before the people could be tolerably accommodated with schools at least 3,500 school-houses had to be erected in the State. By a general law, enacted in conformity to the constitution of 1S52, each township was made a municipal corporation, and every voter in the township a member of the corporation; the Board of Trustees constituted the township legislature as well as the execu- tive body, the whole body of voters, however, exercising direct con- trol through frequent meetings called by the trustees. Special taxes and every other matter of importance were directly voted upon. Some tax-payers, who were opposed to special townships' taxes, retarded the progress of schools by refusing to pay their assess- ment. Contracts for building school-houses were given up, houses HISTORY OF INDIANA. 217 half finished were abandoned, and in many townships all 6chool operations were suspended. In some of them, indeed, a rumor was circulated by the enemies of the law that the entire school law from beginning to end bad been declared by the Supreme Court \incon- stitutional and void; and the Trustees, believing this, actually dis- missed their schools and considered themselves out of office. Hon. W. C. Larrabee, the (first) Superintendent of Public Instruction, corrected this error as soon as possible. But while the voting of special taxes was doubted on a constitu- tional point, it became evident that it was weak in a practical point; for in many townships the opponents of the system voted down every proposition for the erection of school-houses. Another serious obstacle was the great deficiency in the number of qualified teachers. To meet the newly created want, the law authorized the appointment of deputies in each county to examine and license persons to teach, leaving it in their judgment to lower the standard of qualification sufficiently to enable them to license as many as were needed to supply all the schools. It was therefore found necessary to employ many " unqualified " teachers, especially in the remote rural districts. But the progress of the times enabled the Legislature of 1853 to erect a standard of qualifica- tion and give to the county commissioners the authority to license teachers; and in order to supply every school with a teacher, while there might not be a sufficient number of properly qualified teach- ers, the commissioners were authorized to grant temporary licenses to take charge of particular schools not needing a high grade of teachers. In 1854 the available common-school fund consisted of the con- gressional township fund, the surplus revenue fund, the saline fund, the bank tax fund and miscellaneous fund, amounting in all to $2,-1-00,000. This amount, from many sources, was subsequently increased to a very great extent. The common-school fund was intrusted to the several counties of the State, which were held responsible for the preservation thereof and for the payment of the annual interest thereon. The fund was managed by the auditors and treasurers of the several counties, for which these officers were allowed one-tenth of the income. It was loaned out to the citizens of the county in sums not exceeding $300, on real estate security. The common-school fund was thus consolidated and the proceeds equally distributed eacli year to all the townships, cities and towns 21S HISTORY OF INDIANA. of the State, in proportion to the number of children. This phase of the law met with considerable opposition in 1S54. The provisions of the law for the establishment of township libraries was promptly carried into effect, and much time, labor and thought were devoted to the selection of books, special atten- tion being paid to historical works. The greatest need in 1S54 was for qualified teachers; but never- theless the progress of public education during this and following years was very great. School-houses were erected, many of them being fine structures, well furnished, and the libraries were consid- erably enlarged. The city school system of Indiana received a heavy set-back in 185S, by a decision of the Supreme Court of the State, that the law authorizing cities and townships to levy a tax additional to the State tax was not in conformity with that clause in the Constitu- tion which required uniformit}^ in taxation. The schools were stopped for want of adequate funds. For a few weeks in each year thereafter the feeble " uniform " supply from the State fund en- abled the people to open the schools, but considering the returns the public realizes for so small an outlay in educational matters, this proved more expensive than ever. Private schools increased, but the attendance was small. Thus the interests of popular edu- cation languished for years. But since the revival of the free schools, the State fund has grown to vast proportions, and the schools of this intelligent and enterprising commonwealth compare favorably with those of any other portion of the United States. There is no occasion to present all the statistics of school prog- ress in this State from the first to the present time, but some interest will be taken in the latest statistics, which we take from the 9th Biennial Report (for]877-'8) by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. James H. Smart. This report, by the way, is a volume of 480 octavo pages, and is free to all who desire a copy. The rapid, substantial and permanent increase which Indiana enjoys in her school interests is thus set forth in the above report. Length Total of School No of Attendance School Am't Paid Tear. in Days. Teacbere. at School. Enumeration. Teachers. 1855 61 4,016 206,994 445,791 $ 239,924 1860 65 7,649 303,744 495,019 481,020 1865 66 9,493 402,812 557,092 1,020.440 1870 97 11.826 462,527 619.627 1,810,866 1875 130 18,13S! 502,362 667,736 2.s:J0,747 1878 129 13,076 512,535 699,153 3,065,968 BISTORT OF INDIANA. OJ9 The increase of school population during the past ten years has been as follows: Total in 1868, 592,865. Increase for year ending Increase for year ending Sept. 1,186!) 17,699 May 1, 1874 13,922 " 1,1870 9,063 " 1,1875 13,372 " 1,1871 3,101 " 1,1876 11,494 " 1,1872 8,811 " 1,1877 15,476 May 1, 1873 (8 months) 8,903 " 1,1878 4,447 Total, 1878 699,153 No. of white males 354,271 ; females 333,033 687,304 " "colored" 5,937; " 5,912 11,849 699,153 Twenty-nine per cent, of the above are in the 49 cities and 212 incorporated towns, and 71 per cent, in the 1,011 townships. The number of white males enrolled in the schools in 1878 was 267,315, and of white females, 237,739; total, 505,054; of colored males, 3,794; females, 3,687; total, 7,481; grand total, 512,535. The average number enrolled in eacli district varies from 51 to 56, and the average daily attendance from 32 to 35; but many children reported as absent attend parochial or private schools. Seventy- three per cent, of the white children and 63 per cent, of the colored, in the State, are enrolled in the schools. The number of days taught vary materially in the different town- ships, and on this point State Superintendent Smart iterates: "As long as the schools of some of our townships are kept open but 60 days and others 220 days, we do not have a uniform system, — such as was contemplated by the constitution. The school law requires the trustee of a township to maintain each of the schools in his corporation an equal length of time. This provision cannot be so easily applied to the various counties of the State, for the reason that there is a variation in the density of the population, in the wealth of the people, and the amount of the township funds. I think, however, there is scarcely a township trustee in the State who cannot, under the present law, if he chooses to do so, bring his schools up to an average of six months. I think it would be wise to require each township trustee to levy a sufficient local tax to maintain the schools at least six months of the year, provided this can be done without increasing the local tax beyond the amount now permitted by law. This would tend to bring the poorer schools up to the standard of the best, and would thus unify the system, and make it indeed a common-school system." 220 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The State, however, averages six and a half months school per year to each district. The number of school districts in the State in 1878 was 9,3S0, in all but 31 of which school was taught during that year. There are 396 district and 151 township graded schools. Number of white male teachers, 7,977, and of female, 5,699; colored, male, 62, and female, 43; grand total, 13,781. For the ten years ending with 1878 there was an increase of -109 male teachers and 811 female teachers. All these teachers, except about 200, attend normal institutes, — a showing which probably surpasses that of any other State in this respect. The average daily compensation of teachers throughout the State in 1878 was as follows: In townships, males, $1.90; females, $1.70; in towns, males, $3.09; females, $1.81; in cities, males, $4.06; females, $2.29. In 1S78 there were 89 stone school-houses, 1,724 brick, 7,608 frame, and 124 log; total, 9,545, valued at $11,536,647.39. And lastly, and best of all, we are happy to state that Indiana has a larger school fund than any other State in the Union. In 1S72, according to the statistics before us, it was larger than that of any other State by $2,000,000! the figures being as follows: Indiana §8,437,593.47 Michigan $2,500,214.91 Ohio 6,614,816.50 Missouri 3,525,352.52 Illinois 6,348,538.32 Minnesota 2,471,199.31 New York 2,880,017.01 Wisconsin 2,237,414.37 Connecticut 2,809.770.70 Massachusetts 2,210,864.09 Iowa 4,274,581.93 Arkansas 2.000,000.00 Nearly all the rest of the States have less than a million dollars in their school fund. In 1S72 the common-school fund of Indiana consisted of the following: Non-negotiable bonds $3,591,316.15 Escheated estates 17.866.55 Common-school fund, 1,666,834.50 Sinking fund, last distrib- Sinking fund, at 8 percent 569,139.94 ution 67,068.72 Congressional township Sinking fund undistrib- fund 2,281,076.69 uted 100,165.92 Value of unsold Congres- Swamp land fund 42,418.40 sional township lands.. 94,245.00 Saline fund 5,727.66 $8,437,593 47 Bank tax fund 1,744.94 In 1878 the grand total was $8,974,455.55. The origin of the respective school funds of Indiana is as follows: 1. The " Congressional township " fund is derived from the proceeds of the 16th sections of the townships. Almost all of these HISTORY OF INDIANA. 221 have been sold and the money put out at interest. The amount of this fund in 1S77 was $2,452,936.S2. 2. The "saline" fund consists of the proceeds of the sale of salt springs, and the land adjoining necessary for working them to the amount of 36 entire sections, authorized by the original act of Congress. By authority of the same act the Legislature has made these proceeds a part of the permanent school fund. 3. The " surplus revenue " fund. Under the administration of President Jackson, the national debt, contracted by the Revolutionary war and the purchase of Louisiana, was entirely discharged, and a large surplus remained in the treasury. In June, 1836, Congress distributed this money amcng the States in the ratio of their repre- sentation in Congress, subject to recall, and Indiana's share was $S60,25L The Legislature subsequently set apart $573,502.96 of this amount to be a part of the school fund. It is not probable that the general Government will ever recall this money. 4. " Bank tax " fund. The Legislature of 1S34 chartered a State Bank, of which a part of the stock was owned by the State and a part by individuals. Section 15 of the charter required an annual deduction from the dividends, equal to 12£ cents on each share not held by the State, to be set apart for common-school education. This tax finally amounted to $S0,000, which now bears interest in favor of education. 5. " Sinking " fund. In order to set the State bank under good headway, the State at first borrowed $1,300,000, and out of the unapplied balances a fund was created, increased by unapplied balances also of the principal, interest and dividends of the amount lent to the individual holders of stock, for the purpose of sinking the debt of the bank; hence the name sinking fund. The 114th section of the charter provided that after the full payment of the bank's indebtedness, principal, interest and incidental expenses, the residue of said fund should be a permanent fund, appropriated to the cause of education. As the charter extended through a period of 25 years, this fund ultimately reached the handsome amount of $5,000,000. The foregoing are all interest-bearing funds; the following are additional school funds, but not productive: 6. " Seminary " fund. By order of the Legislature in 1852, all county seminaries were sold, and the net proceeds placed in the common-school fund. 222 HISTORY OF IXDIA>~A. 7. All fines for the violation of the penal laws of the State are placed to the credit of the common-school fund 8. All recognizances of witnesses and parties indicted for crime, when forfeited, are collectible by law and made a part of the school fund. These are reported to the office of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction annually. For the'five years ending with 1872, they averaged about §34,000 a year. 9. Escheats. These amount to $17,S65.55, which was still in the State treasury in 1S72 and unapplied. 10. The "swamp-land" fund arises from the sale of certain Congressional land grants, not devoted to any particular purpose by the terms of the grant. In 1872 there was §42,418.40 of this money, subject to call by the school interests. 11. Taxes on corporations are to some extent devoted by the Constitution to school purposes, but the clause on this subject is somewhat obscure, and no funds as yet have been realized from this source. It is supposed that several large sums of money are due the common-school fund from the corporations. Constitutionally, any of the above funds may be increased, but never diminished. INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. So early as 1S02 the U. S. Congress granted lands and a charter to the people of that portion of the Northwestern Territory resid- ing at Vincennes, for the erection and maintenance of a seminary of learning in that early settled district; and five years afterward an act incorporating the Vincennes University asked the Legisla- ture to appoint a Board of Trustees for the institution and order the sale of a single township in Gibson county, granted by Congress in 1S02, so that the proceeds might be at once devoted to the objects of education. On this Board the following gentlemen were ap- pointed to act in the interests of the institution: William H. Har- rison, John Gibson, Thomas H. Davis, Henry Vanderburgh, "Wal- ler Taylor, Benjamin Parke, Peter Jones, James Johnson, John Rice Jones, George "Wallace, "William Bullitt, Ehas McNamee, John Badolett, Henry Hurst, Gen. W. Johnston, Francis Vigo, Jacob Kuykendall, Samuel McKee. Nathaniel Ewing, George Leech, Luke Decker, Samuel Gwathraey and John Johnson. The sale of this land was slow and the proceeds small. The members of the Board, too, were apathetic, and failing to meet, the institution fell out of existence and out of memory. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 223 In 1S16 Congress granted another township in Monroe county, located within its present limits, and the foundation of a university was laid. Four years later, and after Indiana was erected into a State, an act of the local Legislature appointing another Board of Trustees and authorizing them to select a location for a university and to enter into contracts for its construction, was passed. The new Board met at Bloomington and selected a site at that place for the location of the present building, entered into a contract for the erection of the same in 1S22, and in 1S25 had the satisfaction of being present at the inauguration of the university. The first session was commenced under the Rev. Baynard R. Hall, with 20 students, and when the learned professor could only boast of a salary of $150 a year; yet, on this very limited sum the gentleman worked with energy and soon brought the enterprise through all its elementary stages to the position of an academic institution. Dividing the year into two sessions of five months each, the Board acting under his advice, changed the name to the " Indiana Academy," under which title it was duly chartered. In 1S27 Prof. John H. Harney was raised to the chairs of mathematics, natural philosophy and astronomy, at a salary of $300 a year; and the salary of Mr. Hall raised to $400 a year. In 1S28 the name was again changed by the Legislature to the " Indiana College," and the following professors appointed over the different departments: Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., Prof, of mental and moral philosophy and belles lettres; John H. Harne}', Prof, of mathematics and natural philosophy; and Rev. Bayard R. Hall, Prof, of ancient languages. This year, also, dispositions were made for the sale of Gibson county lands and foj* the erection of a new college building. This action was opposed by some legal difficulties, which after a time were overcome, and the new college building was put under construction, and continued to prosper until 1S54, when it was destroyed by fire, and 9,000 volumes, with all the apparatus, were consumed The curriculum was then carried out in a temporary building, while a new struct- ure was going up. In 1S73 the new college, with its additions, was completed, and the routine of studies continued. A museum of natural history, a laboratory and the Owen cabinet added, and the standard of the studies and morale generally increased in excellence and in strict- ness. Bloomington is a fine, healthful locality, on the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago railway. The University buildings are in the 224 HISTORY OF INDIANA. collegiate Gothic style, simply and truly carried out. The building, fronting College avenue is 145 feet in front. It consists of a central building 60 feet by 53, with wings each 3S feet by 26, and the whole, three stories high. The new building, fronting the west, is 130 feet by 50. Buildings lighted by gas. The faculty numbers thirteen. Number of students in the col- legiate department in 1879-'80, 1S3; in preparatory, 169; total, 340, allowing for three counted twice. The university may now be considered on a fixed fouuaation, car- rying out the intention of the President, who aimed at scholarship rather than numbers, and demands the attention of eleven pro- fessors, together with the State Geologist, who is ex-officio member of the faculty, and required to lecture at intervals and look after the geological and mineralogical interests of the institution. The faculty of medicine is represented by eleven leading physicians of the neighborhood. The faculty of law requires two resident professors, and the other chairs remarkably well represented. The university received from the State annually about $15,000, and promises with the aid of other public grants and private dona- tions to vie with any other State university within the Republic. PURDUE UNIVERSITY. This is a " college for the benefit of agricultural and the mechanic arts," as provided for by act of Congress, July 2, 1862, donating lands for this purpose to the extent of 30,000 acres of the public domain to each Senator and Representative in the Federal assem- bly. Indiana having in Congress at that time thirteen members, became entitled to 390,000 acres; but as there was no Congress land in the State at this time, scrip had to be taken, and it was upon the following condition (we quote the act): " Section 4. That all moneys derived from the sale of land scrip shall be invested in the stocks of the United States, or of some other safe stocks, yielding no less than five per centum upon the par value of said stocks; and that the moneys so invested shall constitute a perpetual fund, the capital of which shall remain undi- minished, except so far as may be provided in section 5 of this act, and the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated by each State, which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading 1 object shall be, without excluding other scientific and HISTOET OF INDIANA. 225 classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning rs are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such a manner as the Legislatures of the States may re- spectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and pro- fessions of life. " Sec. 5. That the grant of land and land scrip hereby author- ized shall be made on the following conditions, to which, as well as the provision hereinbefore contained, the previous assent of the several States shall be signified by Legislative act: " First. If any portion of the funds invested as provided by the foregoing section, or any portion of the interest thereon, shall by any action or contingency be diminished or lost, it shall be replaced ~by the State to which it belongs, so that the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished, and the annual interest shall be regularly applied, without diminution, to the purposes mentioned in the fourth section of this act, except that a sum not exceeding ten per centum upon the amount received by any State under the pro- visions of this act may be expended for the purchase of lands for sites or experimental farms, whenever authorized by the respective Legislatures of said States. " Second. No portion of said fund, nor interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretence whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation or repair of any building or buildings. " Third. Any State which may take and claim the benefit of the provisions of this act, shall provide, within five years at least, not less than one college, as provided in the fourth section of this act, or the grant to such State shall cease and said State be bound to pay the United States the amount received of any lands pre- viously sold,, and that the title to purchase under the States shall be valid. "Fourth. An annual report shall be made regarding the prog- ress of each college, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their cost and result, and such other matter, including State industrial and economical statistics, as may be supposed use- ful, one copy of which shall be transmitted by mail free, by each, to all other colleges which may be endowed under the provisions of this act, and also one copy to the Secretary of the Interior. "Fifth. When lands snail be selected from those which have been raised to double the minimum price in consequence of railroad 226 HISTORY OF INDIANA. grants, that they shall be computed to the States at the maximum price, and the number of acres proportionately diminished. '•'Sixth. No State, while in a condition of rebellion or insur- rection against the Government of the United States, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act. "Seventh. No State shall be entitled to the benefits of this act unless it sball express its acceptance thereof by its Legislature within two years from the date of its approval by the President." The foregoing act was approved by the President, July 2, 1S62. It seemed that this law, amid the din of arms with the great Rebel- lion, was about to pass altogether unnoticed by the next General Assembly, January, 1863, had not Gov. Morton's attention been called to it by a delegation of citizens from Tippecanoe county, who visited him in the interest of Battle Ground. He thereupon sent a special message to the Legislature, upon the subject, and then public attention was excited to it everywhere, and several localities competed for the institution; indeed, the rivalry was so great that this session failed to act in the matter at all, and would have failed to accept of the grant within the two years prescribed in the last clause quoted above, had not Congress, by a supplementary act, extended the time two years longer. March 6, 1865, the Legislature accepted the conditions ot the national gift, and organized the Board of " Trustees of the Indiana Agricultural College." This Board, by authority, sold the scrip April 9, 1867, for $212,23S.50, w hich sum, by compounding, has increased to nearly $400,000, aud is invested in IT. S. bonds. Not until the special session of May, 1869, was the localit}' for this col- lege selected, when John Purdue, of Lafayette, offered $150,000 and Tippecanoe county $50,000 more, and the title of the institution changed to "Purdue University." Donations were also made by the Battle Ground Institute and the Battle Ground Institute of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The building was located on a 100-acre tract near Chauncey, which Purdue gave in addition to his magnificent donation, and to which 86$ acres more have since been added on the north. The boarding-house, dormitory, the laboratory, boiler and gas house, a frame armory and gymnasium, stable with shed and work-shop are all to the north of the gravel road, and form a group of build- ings within a circle cf 600 feet. The boiler and gas house occupy a rather central position, and supply steam and gas to the boarding- bouse, dormitory and laboratory. A description of these buildings HISTOET OF INDIANA. 227 may be apropos. The boarding-house is a brick structure, in the modern Italian style, planked by a turret at each of the trout angles and measuring 120 leet front by 6S feet deep. The dormitory is a quadrangular edifice, in the plain Elizabethan style, four stories high, arranged to accommodate 125 students. Like the other build- ings, it is heated by steam and lighted by gas. Bathing accommo- dations are in each end of all the stories. The laboratory is almost a duplicate of a similar department in Brown University, R. I. It is a much smaller building than the boarding-house, but yet suffi- ciently large to meet the requirements. A collection of minerals, fossils and antiquities, purchased from Mr. Richard Owen, former President of the institution, occupies the temporary cabinet or museum, pending the construction of anew building. The military hall and gymnasium is 100 feet frontage by 50 feet deep, and only one story high. The uses to which this hall is devoted are exer- cises in physical and military drill. The boiler and gas house is an establishment replete in itself, possessing every facility for supply- ing the buildings of the university with adequate heat and light. It is further provided with pumping works. Convenient to this department is the retort and great meters of the gas house, capable of holding 9,000 cubic feet of gas, and arranged upon the principles of modern science. The barn and shed form a single building, both useful, convenient and ornamental. In connection with the agricultural department of the university, a brick residence and barn were erected and placed at the disposa 1 of the farm superintendent, Maj. L. A. Burke. The buildings enumerated above have been erected at a cost approximating the following: boarding-house, $37,807.07; labora- tory, $15,000; dormitory, $32,000; military hall and gymnasium, $6,410.47; boiler and gas house, $4,314; barn and shed, $1,500; work-shop, $1,000; dwelling and barn, $2,500. Besides the original donations, Legislative appropriations, vary- ing in amount, have been made from time to time, and Mr. Fierce, the treasurer, has donated his official salary, $600 a year, for the time he served, for decorating the grounds, — if necessary. The opening of the university was, owing to varied circumstan- ces, postponed from time to time, and not until March, 1S74, was a class formed, and this only to comply with the act of Congress in that connection in its relation to the university. However, in September following a curriculum was adopted, and the first regu- lar term of the Purdue University entered upon. This curriculum 228 HISTORY OF INDIANA. comprises the varied subjects generally pertaining to a first-class university course, namely: in the school of natural science- physics and industrial mechanics, chemistry and natural history; in the school of engineering — civil and mining, together with the principles of architecture; in the school of agriculture — theoret- ical and practical agriculture, horticulture and veterinary science; in the military school — the mathematical sciences, German and French literature, free-hand and mechanical drawing, with all the studies pertaining to the natural and military sciences. Modern languages and natural history embrace their respective courses to the fullest extent. There are this year (1880) eleven members of the faculty, S6 students in the regular courses, and 117 other students. In respect to attendance there has been a constant increase from the first. The first year, 1874:-'5, there were but 64 students. INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. This institution was founded at Terre Haute in 1S70, in accord- ance with the act of the Legislature of that year. The building is a large brick edifice situated upon a commanding location and possessing some architectural beauties. From its inauguration many obstacles opposed its advance toward efficiency and success; but the Board of Trustees, composed of men experienced in edu- cational matters, exercised their strength of mind and body to overcome every difficulty, and secure for the State Normal School every distinction and emolument that lay within their power, their efforts to this end being very successful; and it is a fact that the institution has arrived at, if not eclipsed, the standard of their expectations. Not alone does the course of study embrace the legal subjects known as reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, TJuited States history, English grammar, physiology, manners and ethics, but it includes also universal history, the mathematical sciences and many other subjects foreign to older institutions. The first studies are prescribed by law and must be inculcated; the second are optional with the professors, and in the case of Indiana generally hold place in the curriculum of the nor- mal school. Tlie model, or training school, specially designed for the training of teachers, forms a most important factor in State educational matters, and prepares teachers of both sexes for one of the most important positions in life; viz., that of educating the youth of the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 229 State. The advanced course of studies, together with the higher studies of the normal school, embraces Latin and German, and pre- pares young men and women for entrance to the State University. The efficiency of this school may be elicited from the following facts, taken from the official reports: out of 41 persons who had graduated from the elementary course, nine, after teaching success- fully iu the public schools of this State from two terms to two vears, returned to the institution and sought admission to the advanced classes. They were admitted; three of them were gentle- men and six ladies. After spending two years and two terms in the elementary course, and then teaching in the schools during the time already mentioned they returned to spend two and a half or three years more, and for the avowed purpose of qualifying them- selves for teaching in the most responsible positions of the public school service. In fact, no student is admitted to the school who does not in good faith declare his intention to qualify himself for_ teaching in the schools of the State. This the law requires, and the rule is adhered to literally. The report further says, in speaking of the government of the school, that the fundamental idea is rational freedom, or that free- dom which gives exemption from the power of control of one over another, or, in other words, the self-limiting of themselves, in their acts, hy a recognition of the rights of others who are equally free. The idea and origin of the school being laid down, and also the means by which scholarship can be realized in the individual, the student is left to form his own conduct, both during session hours and while away from school. The teacher merely stands between this scholastic idea and the student's own partial conception of it, as expositor or interpreter. The teacher is not legislator, executor or police officer; he is expounder of the true idea of school law, so that the only test of the student's conduct is obedience to, or nonconformity with, that law as interpreted by the teacher. This idea once inculcated in the minds of the students, insures industry, punctuality and order. NORTHERN INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, VALPARAISO. This institution was organized Sept. 16, 1S73, with 35 students in attendance. The school occupied the building known as the Valparaiso Male and Female College building. Four teachers 230 HISTORY OF INDIANA. were employed. The attendance, so small at first, increased rap- idly and steadily, until at the present writing, the seventh year in the history of the school, the yearly enrollment is more than three thousand. The number of instructors now employed is 23. From time to time, additions have been made to the school buildings, and numerous boarding halls have been erected, so that now the value of the buildings and grounds owned by the school is one hundred thousand dollars. A large library has been collected, and a complete equipment of philosophical and chemical apparatus has been purchased. The department of physiology is supplied with skeletons, manikins, and everything necessary to the demonstration of each branch of the subject. A large cabinet is provided for the study of geology. In fact, each department of the school is completely furnished with the apparatus needed for the most approved presentation of every subject. There are 15 chartered departments in the institution. These are in charge of thorough, energetic, and scholarly instructors, and send forth each year as graduates, a large number of finely cultured young ladies and gentlemen, living testimonials of the efficiency of the course of study and the methods used. The Commercial College in connection with the school is in itself a great institution. It is finely fitted up and furnished, and ranks forejnost among the business colleges of the United States. The expenses for tuition, room and board, have been made so low that an opportunity for obtaining a thorough education is presented to the poor and the rich alike. All of this work has been accomplished in the short space of seven years. The school now holds a high place among educational institutions, and is the largest normal school in the United States. This wonderful growth and devolopment is wholly due to the energy and faithfulness of its teachers, and the unparalleled exec- utive ability of its proprietor and principal. The school is not endowed. DENOMINATIONAL AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Nor is Indiana behind in literary institutions under denomina- tional auspices. It is not to be understood, however, at the present day, that sectarian doctrines are insisted upon at the so-called " denominational" colleges, universities and seminaries; the youth at these places are influenced only by Christian example. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 231 Notre Dame University, near South Bend, is a Catholic institu- tion, and is one of the most noted in the United States. It was founded in 1812 by Father Sorin. The first building was erected in 1S43, and the university has continued to grow and prosper until the present time, now having 35 professors, 26 instructors, 9 tutors, 213 students and 12,000 volumes in library. At present the main building has a frontage of 221 feet and a depth of 155. Thousands of young people have received their education here, and a large number have been graduated for the priesthood. A chapter was held here in 1872, attended by delegates from all parts of the world. It is worthy of mention that this institution has a bell weighing 13,000 pounds, the largest in the United States and one of the finest in the world. The Indiana Asbury University, at Greencastle, is an old and well-established institution under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, named after its first bishop, Asbury. It was founded in 1S35, and in 1872 it had nine professors and 172 students. Howard College, not denominational, is located at Kokomo, and was founded in 1869. In 1872 it had five professors, four instructors, and 69 students. Union Christian College, Christian, at Merom, was organized in 1S58, and in 1S72 had four resident professors, seven instructors and 156 students. Moore's Hill College, Methodist Episcopal, is situated at Moore's Hill, was founded in 1851, and in 1872 had five resident professors, five instructors, and 112 students. Earlhain's College, at Richmond, is under the management of the Orthodox Friends, and was founded in 1859. In 1872 the}' had six resident professors and 167 students, and 3,300 volumes in library. Wabash College, at Crawfordsville, was organized in 1834, and had in 1872, eight professors and teachers, and 231 students, with about 12,000 volumes in the library. It is under Presbyterian management. Concordia College, Lutheran, at Fort Wayne, was founded in 1850; in 1S72 it had four professors and 118 students: 3,000 volumes in library. Hanover College, Presbyterian, was organized in 1833, at Han- over, and in 1872 had seven professors and 118 students, and 7,000 volumes in library. 232 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Hartsville University, United Brethren, at Hartsville, was founded in 1854, and in 1S72 had seven professors and 117 students. Northwestern Christian University, Disciples, is located at Irvington, near Indianapolis. It was founded in 1854, and by 1S72 it had 15 resident professors, 181 students, and 5,000 volumes in library. BENEVOLENT AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. By the year 1S30, the influx of paupers and invalid persons was so great that the Governor called upon the Legislature to take steps toward regulating the matter, and also to provide an asylum for the poor, but that body was very slow to act on the matter. At the present time, however, there is no State in the Union which can boast a better system of benevolent institutions. The Benevo- lent Society of Indianapolis was organized in 1S43. It was a pioneer institution; its field of work was small at first, but it has grown into great usefulness. INSTITUTE FOE THE EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. In behalf of the blind, the first effort was made by James M. Ray, about 1846. Through his efforts William H. Churchman came from Kentucky with blind pupils and gave exhibitions in Mr. Beecher's church, in Indianapolis. These entertainments were attended by members of the Legislature, for whom indeed they were especially intended; and the effect upon them was so good, that before they adjourned the session they adopted measnres to es- tablish an asylum for the blind. The commission appointed to carry out these measures, consisting of James M. Ray, Geo. W. Mears, and the Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor of State, engaged Mr. Churchman to make a lecturing tour through the State and collect statistics of the blind population. The " Institute for the Education of the Blind " was founded by the Legislature of 1847, and first opened in a rented building Oct. 1, of that year. The permanent buildings were opened and occu- pied in February, 1853. The original cost of the buildings and ground was $110,000, aud the present valuation of buildings and grounds approximates $300,000. The main building is 90 feet long by 61 deep, and with its right and left wings, each 30 feet in front and 83 in depth, give an entire frontage of 150 feet. The main building is five stories in height, surmounted by a cupola of HISTORY OF INDIANA. 235 the Corinthian style, while each wing is similarly overcapped The porticoes, cornices and verandahs are gotten up with exquisite taste, and the former are molded after the principle of Ionic archi- tecture. The building is very favorably situated, and occupies a space of eight acres. The nucleus of a fund for supplying indigent graduates of the institution with an outfit suitable to their trades, or with money in lieu thereof, promises to meet with many additions. The fund is the out-come of the benevolence of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, a resident of Delaware, in this State, and appears to be suggested by the fact that her daughter, who was smitten with blindness, studied as a pupil in the institute, and became singularly attached to many of its inmates. The following passage from the lady's will bears testimony not only to her own sympathetic nature but also to the efficiency of the establishment which so won her esteem. " I give to each of the following persons, friends and associates of my blind daughter, Margaret Louisa, the sum of $100 to each, to wit, viz: Melissa and Phoebe Garrettson, Frances Cundiff, Dallas Newland, Naomi Unthunk, and a girl whose name before marriage was Rachel Martin, her husband's name not recollected. The balance of my estate, after paying the expenses of administering, I give to the superintendent of the blind asylum and his successor, in trust, for the use and benefit of the indigent blind of Indiana who may attend the Indiana blind asylum, to be given to them on leaving in such sums as the superintendent may deem proper, but not more than $50 to any one person. I direct that the amount above direct- ed be loaned at interest, and the interest and principal be distributed as above, agreeably to the best judgment of the superintendent, so as to do the greatest good to the greatest number of blind persons." The following rules, regulating the institution, after laying down in preamble that the institute is strictly an educational estab- lishment, having its main object the moral, intellectual and phys- ical training of the young blind of the State, and is not an asylum for the aged and helpless, nor an hospital wherein the diseases of the eye may be treated, proceed as follows: 1. The school year commences the first Wednesday after the 15th day of September, and closes on the last Wednesday in June, showing a session of 40 weeks, and a vacation term of 84 days. 2. Applicants for admission must be from 9 to 21 years of age; but the trustees have power to admit blind students under 9 or 236 iiistoky of Indiana. over 21 years of age; but this power is extended only in very extreme cases. 3. Imbecile or unsound persons, or confirmed immoralists, cannot be admitted knowingly; neither can admitted pupils who prove disobedient or incompetent to receive instruction be retained on the roll. 4. JSfo charge is made for the instruction and board given to pupils from the State of Indiana; and even those without the State have only to pay $200 for board and education during the 40 weeks' session. 5. An abundant and good supply of comfortable clothing for both summer and winter wear, is an indispensable adjunct of the pupil. 6. The owner's name must be distinctly marked on each article of clothing. 7. In cases of extreme indigence the institution may provide clothing and defray the traveling expenses of such pupil and levy the amount so expended on the county wherein his or her home is situated. 8. The pupil, or friends of the pupil, must remove him or her from the institute during the annual vacation, and in case of their failure to do so, a legal provision enables the superintendent to forward such pupil to the trustee of the township where he or she resides, and the expense of such transit and board to be charged to the county. 9. Friends of the pupils accompanying them to the institution, or visiting them thereat, cannot enter as boarders or lodgers. 10. Letters to the pupils should be addressed to the care of the Superintendent of the Institute for the Education of the Blind, so as the better to insure delivery. 11. Persons desirous of admission of pupils should apply to the superintendent for a printed copy of instructions, and no pupil should be sent thereto until the instructions have been complied with. INSTITUTE FOE THE DEAF AND DUMB. In 1S43 the Governor was also instructed to obtain plans and information respecting the care of mutes, and the Legislature also levied a tax to provide for them. The first one to agitate the subject was "William Willard, himself a mute, who visited Indiana in 1843, and opened a school for mutes on his own account, with 16 pupils. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 237 The next year the Legislature adopted this school as a State insti- tution, appointing a Board of Trustees for its management, consist- ing of the Governor and Secretary of State, ex-offlcio,and Revs. Henry "Ward Beecher, Phineas D. Gnrley, L. II. Jameson, Dr. Dunlap, Hon. James Morrison and Rev. Matthew Simpson. They rented the large building on the southeast corner of Illinois and Maryland streets, and opened the first State asylum there in 1844; but in 1846, a site for a permanent building just eastof Indianapolis was selected, consisting first of 30 acres, to which 100 more have been added. On this site the two first structures were commenced in 1849, and completed in the fall of 1850, at a cost of $30,000. The school was immediately transferred to the new building, where it is still flourishing, with enlarged buildings and ample facilities for instruc- tion in agriculture. In 1869-'70, another building was erected, and the three together now constitute one of the most benefi- cent and beautiful institutions to be found on this continent, at an aajorresrate cost of $220,000. The main building has a facade of 260 feet. Here are the offices, study rooms, the quarters of officers and teachers, the pupils' dormitories and the library. The center of this building has a frontage of eighty feet, and is five stories high, with wings on either side 60 feet in frontage. In this Central structure are the store rooms, dining-hall, servants' rooms, hospital, laundry, kitchen, bakery and several school-rooms. Another struct- ure known as the " rear building " contains the chapel and another set of school-rooms. It is two stories high, the center being 50 feet square and the wings 40 by 20 feet. In addition to these there are many detached buildings, containing the shops of the industrial department, the engine-house and wash-house. The grounds comprise 105 acres, which in the immediate vicinity of the buildings partake of the character of ornamental or pleasure gardens, comprising a space devoted to fruits, flowers and veget- ables, while the greater part is devoted to pasture and agriculture. The first instructor in the institution was Wm. Willard, a deaf mute, who had up to 1844 conducted a small school for the instruc- tion of the deaf at Indianapolis, and now is employed by the State, at a salary of $800 per annum, to follow a similar vocation in its service. In 1853 he was succeeded by J. S. Brown, and subse- quently by Thomas Mclutire, who continues principal of the institution. 238 HISTORY OF INDIANA". HOSPITAL FOB THE INSANE. The Legislature of 1832-'3 adopted measures providing for a State hospital for the insane. This good work would have been done much earlier had it not been for the hard times of 1837, intensified by the results of the gigantic scheme of internal improve- ment. In order to survey the situation and awaken public sympa- thy, the county assessors were ordered to make a return of the insane in their respective counties. During the year 1842 the Governor, acting under the direction of the Legislature, procured considerable information in regard to hospitals for the insane in other States; and Dr. John Evans lectured before the Legislature on the subject of insanity and its treatment. As a result of these efforts the authorities determined to take active steps for the estab- lishment of such a hospital. Plans and suggestions from the superintendents and hospitals of other States were submitted to the Legislature in 1S44, which body ordered the levy of a tax of one cent on the 8100 for the purpose of establishing the hospital. In 1845 a commission was appointed to obtain a site not exceeding 200 acres. Mount Jackson, then the residence of Nathaniel Bolton, was selected, and the Legislature in 1846 ordered the commissioners to proceed with the erection of the building. Accordingly, in 1847, the central building was completed, at a cost of $75,000. It has since been enlarged by the addition of wings, some of which are larger than the old central building, until it has become an immense structure, having cost over half a million dollars. The wings of the main building are four stories high, and entirely devoted to wards for patients, being capable of accommodating 500. The grounds of the institution comprise 160 acres, and, like those of the institute for the deaf and dumb, are beautifully laid out. This hospital was opened for the reception of patients in 1848. The principal structure comprises what is known as the central building and the right and left wings, and like the institute for the deaf and dumb, erected at various times and probably under various adverse circumstances, it certainly does not hold the appearance of any one design, but seems to be a combination of many. Not- withstanding these little defects in arrangement, it presents a very imposing appearance, and shows what may be termed a frontage BISTORT OF INDIANA. 239 of 624 feet. The central building is live stories in height and con- tains the store-rooms, offices, reception parlors, medical dispensing rooms, mess-rooms and the apartments of the superintendent and other officers, with those of the female employes. Immediately iu the rear of the central building, and connected with it by a corridor, is the chapel, a building 50 by 60 feet. This chapel occupies the third floor, while the under stories hold the kitchen, bakery, emplo3 T es' dining-room, steward's office, employes' apart- ments and sewing rooms. In rear of this again is the engine- house, 00 by 50 feet, containing ail the paraphernalia for such an establishment, such as boilers, pumping works, fire plugs, hose, and above, on the second floor, the laundry and apartments of male employes. THE STATE PEISON SOUTH. The first penal institution of importance is known as the "State Prison South," located at Jeffersonville, and was the only prison until 1859. It was established in 1S21. Before that time it was customary to resort to the old-time punishment of the whipping- post. Later the manual labor system was inaugurated, and the convicts were hired out to employers, among whom we»e Capt. Westover, afterward killed at Alamo, Texas, with Crockett, James Keigwin, who in an affray was fired at and severely wounded by a convict named Williams, Messrs. Patterson Hensley, and Jos. R. Pratt. During the rule of the latter of these lessees, the atten- tion of the authorities was turned to a more practical method of utilizing convict labor; and instead of the prisoners being per- mitted to serve private entries, their work was turned in the direc- tion of their own prison, where for the next few years they were employed in erecting the new buildings now known as the " State Prison South." This structure, the result of prison labor, stands on 16 acres of ground, and comprises the cell houses and work- shops, together with the prisoners' garden, or»pleasure-ground. It seems that in the erection of these buildings the aim of the overseers was to create so many petty dungeons and unventilated laboratories, into which disease in every form would be apt to creep. This fact was evident from the high mortality character- izing life within the prison; and in the efforts made by the Government to remedy a state of things which had been permitted to exist far too long, the advance in prison reform has become a reality. From 1857 to 1871 the labor of the prisoners was devoted 240 HISTORY OF INDIANA. to the manufacture of wagons and farm implements; and again the old policy of hiring the convicts was resorted to; for in the latter year, 1S71, the Southwestern Car Company was organized, and every prisoner capable of taking a part in the work of car-building was leased out. This did very well until the panic of 1873, when the company suffered irretrievable losses; and previous to its final down-fall in 1S76 the warden withdrew convict labor a second time, leaving the prisoners to enjoy a luxurious idleness around the prison which themselves helped to raise. In later years the State Prison South has gained some notoriety from the desperate character of some of its inmates. During the civil war a convict named Harding mutilated in a most horrible manner and ultimately killed one of the jailors named Tesley. In 1874, two prisoners named Kennedy and Applegate, possessing themselves of some arms, and joined by two other convicts named Port and Stanley, made a break for freedom, swept past the guard, Chamberlain, and gained the fields. Chamberlain went in pursuit but had not gone very far when Kennedy turned on his pursuer, fired and killed him instantly. Subsequently three of the prisoners were captured alive and one of them paid the penalty of death, while Kennedy, the murderer of Chamberlain, failing committal for murder, was sent back to his old cell to spend the remainder of his life. Pill Itodii'er, better known as "The Hoosier Jack Sheppard," effected his escape in 1875, in the very presence of a large guard, but was recaptured and has since been kept in irons. This establishment, owing to former mismanagement, has fallen very much behind, financially, and has asked for and received an appropriation of $20,000 to meet its expenses, while the contrary is the case at the Michigan City prison. THE STATE TKISON NORTH. In 1859 the first steps toward the erection of a prison in the northern part of the State were taken, and by an act of the Legis- lature approved March 5, this year, authority was given to construct prison buildings at some point north of the National road. For this purpose §50,000 were appropriated, and a large number of convicts from the Jeffersonville prison were transported northward to Michigan City, which was just selected as the location for the new penitentiary. The work was soon entered upon, and continued to meet with additions and improvements down to a very recent period. So late as 1875 the Legislature appropriated §20,000 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 241 toward the construction of new cells, and in other directions also the work of improvement has been going on. The system of government and discipline is similar to that enforced at the Jeffer- sonville prison; and, strange to say, by its economical working has not only met the expenses of the administration, but very recently had amassed over $11,000 in excess of current expenses, from its annual savings. This is due almost entirely to the continual employment of the convicts in the manufacture of cigars and chairs, and in their great prison industry, cooperage. It differs widely from the Southern, insomuch as its sanitary condition has been above the average of similar institutions. The strictness of its silent system is better enforced. The petty revolutions of its inmates have been very few and insignificant, and the number of punishments inflicted comparatively small. From whatever point this northern prison may be looked at, it will bear a very favorable comparison with the largest and best administered of like establish- ments throughout the world, and cannot fail to bring high credit to its Board of Directors and its able warden. FEMALE PRISON AND REFORMATORY. The prison reform agitation which in this State attained telling proportions in 1869, caused a Legislative measure to be brought forward, which would have a tendency to ameliorate the condition of female convicts. Gov. Baker recommended it to the General Assembly, and the members of that body showed their appreciation of the Governor's philanthropic desire by conferring upon the bill the authority of a statute; and further, appropriated $50,000 to aid in carrying out the objects of the act. The main provisions con- tained in the bill may be set forth in the following extracts from the proclamation of the Governor: "Whenever said institution shall have been proclaimed to be open for the reception of girls in the reformatory department thereof, it shall be lawful for said Board of Managers to receive them into their care and management, and the said reformatory department, girls under the age of 15 years who may be committed to their custody, in either of the following modes, to-wit: "1. When committed by any judge of a Circuit or Common Pleas Court, either in term time or in vacation, on complaint and due proof by the parent or guardian that by reason of her incorrig- ible or vicious conduct she has rendered her control beyond the power of such parent or guardian, and made it manifestly requisite 242 HISTORY OF INDIANA. that from regard to the future welfare of such infant, and for the protection of society, she should be placed under such guardianship. "2. "When such infant has been committed by such judge, as aforesaid, upon complaint by any citizen, and due proof of such complaint that such infant is a proper subject of the guardianship of such institution in consequence of her vagrancy or incorrigible or vicious conduct, and that from the moral depravity or other- wise of her parent or guardian in whose custody she may be, such parent or guardian is incapable or unwilling to exercise tbe proper care or discipline over such incorrigible or vicious infant. "3. When such infant has been committed by such judge as aforesaid, on complaint and due proof thereof by the township trustee of the township where such infant resides, that such infant is destitute of a suitable home and of adequate means of obtaining an honest living, or that she is in danger of being brought up to lead an idle and immoral life." In addition to these articles of the bill, a formal section of instruction to the wardens of State prisons was embodied in the act, causing such wardens to report the number of all the female convicts under their charge and prepare to have them transferred to the female reformatory immediately after it was declared to be ready for their reception. After the passage of the act the Governor appointed a Board of Managers, and these gentlemen, securing the services of Isaac Hodgson, caused him to draft a plan of the proposed institution, and further, on his recommendation, asked the people for an appropriation of another $50,000, which the Legislature granted in February. 1S73. The work of construc- tion was then entered upon and carried out so steadily, that on the 6th of September, 1S73, the building was declared ready for the reception of its future inmates. Gov. Baker lost no time in proclaiming this fact, and October 4 he caused the wardens of the State prisons to be instructed to transfer all the female convicts in their custody to the new institution which may be said to rest on the advanced intelligence of the age. It is now called the " Indiana Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls." This building is located immediately north of the deaf and dumb asylum, near the arsenal, at Indianapolis. It is a three- stor} r brick structure in the French style, and shows a frontage of 174 feet, comprising a main building, with lateral and transverse wings. In front of the central portion is the residence of the superintendent and his associate reformatory officers, while in the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 243 rear is the engine house, with all the ways and means for heating the buildings. Enlargements, additions and improvements are still in progress. There is also a school and library in the main building, which are sources of vast good. October 31, 1S79, there were G6 convicts in the " penal" depart- ment and 147 in the " girls' reformatory " department. The " ticket-of-leave " system has been adopted, with entire satisfaction, and the conduct of the institution appears to be up with the times. INDIANA HOUSE OF REFUGE. In 1S67 the Legislature appropriated $50,000 to aid in the formation of an institution to be entitled a house for the correction and reformation of juvenile defenders, and vested with full powers in a Board of Control, the members of which were to be appointed by the Governor, and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This Board assembled at the Governor's house at Indianapolis, April 3, 1867, and elected Charles F. Coffin, as president, and visited Chicago, so that a visit to the reform school there might lead to a fuller knowledge and guide their future proceedings. The House of Refuge at Cincinnati, and the Ohio State Reform school were also visited with this design; and after full consider- ation of the varied governments of these institutions, the Board resolved to adopt the method known as the " family " system, which divides the inmates into fraternal bodies, or small classes, each class having a separate house, house father and family offices, — all under the control of a general superintendent. The system being adopted, the question of a suitable location next presented itself, and proximity to a large city being considered rather detrimental to the welfare of such an institution, Gov. Baker selected the site three-fourths of a mile south of Plainfield, and about fourteen miles from Indianapolis, which, in view of its eligibility and convenience, was fully concurred in by the Board of Control. Therefore, a farm of 225 acres, claiming a fertile soil and a most picturesque situation, and possessing streams of running water, was purchased, and on a plateau in its center a site for the proposed house of refuge was fixed. The next movement was to decide upon a plan, which ultimately met the approval of the Governor. It favored the erection of one principal building, one house for a reading-room and hospital, two large mechanical shops and eight family houses. January 1, 1S6& /ii HISTOKY OF INDIANA. three family bouses and work-shop were completed; in 1S69 the main building, and one additional family house were added; but previous to this, in August, 1867, a Mr. Frank P. Ainsworth and his wife were appointed by the Board, superintendent and matron respectively, and temporary quarters placed at their disposal. In 1869 they of course removed to the new building. This is 64 by 12S feet, and three stories high. In its basement are kitchen, laundry and vegetable cellar. The first floor is devoted to offices, visitors' room, house father and family dining-room and store- rooms. The general superintendent's private apartments, private offices and five dormitories for officers occupy the second floor; while the third floor is given up to the assistant superintendent's apartment, library, chapel and hospital. The family houses are similar in style, forming rectangular build- ings 36 by 58 feet. The basement of each contains a furnace room, a store-room and a large wash-room, which is converted into a play-room during inclement weather. On the first floor of each of these buildings are two rooms for the house father and his family, and a school-room, which is also convertible into a sitting- room for the boys. On the third floor is a family dormitory, a clothes-room and a room for the " elder brother," who ranks next to the house father. And since the reception of the first boy, from Hendricks county, January 23, 1S68, the house plan has proved equally convenient, even as the management has proved efficient. Other buildings have since been erected. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 245 THE LOG CABIN. After arriving and selecting a suitable location, the next thing to do was to build a log cabin, a description of which may be in- teresting to many of our younger readers, as in some sections these old-time structures are no more to be seen. Trees of uniform size were chosen and cut into logs of the desired length, generally 12 to 15 feet, and hauled to the spot selected for the future dwelling. On an appointed day the few neighbors who were available would assemble and have a " house-raising." Each end of every log was saddled and notched so that they would lie as close down as possi- ble; the next day the proprietor would proceed to "chink and daub " the cabin, to keep out the rain, wind and cold. The house had to be re-daubed every fall, as the rains of the intervening time would wash out a great part of the mortar. The usual height of the house was seven or eight feet. The gables were formed by shortening the logs gradually at each end of the building near the top. The roof was made by laying very straight small logs or stout poles suitable distances apart, generally about two and a half feet from gable to gable, and on these poles were laid the "clapboards" after the manner of shingling, showing about two and a half feet to the weather. These clapboards were fastened to their place by " weight-poles," corresponding in place with the joists just described, and these again were held in their place by " runs " or " knees," which were chunks of wood about 18 or 20 inches long fitted be- tween them near the ends. Clapboards were made from the nicest oaks in the vicinity, by chopping or sawing them into four-foot blocks and riving these with a frow, which was a simple blade fixed at right angles to its handle. This was driven into the blocks of wood by a mallet. As the frow was wrenched down through the wood, the latter was turned alternately over from side to side, one end being held by a forked piece of timber. The chimney of the Western pioneer's cabin was made by leaving in the original building a large open place in one wall, or by cut- ting one after the structure was up, and by building on the out- side, from the ground up, a stone column, or a column of sticks and 216 HISTORY OF IXDIAXA. mud, the sticks being laid up cob-house fashion. The fire-place thus made was often large enough to receive fire-wood six to eight feet long. Sometimes this wood, especially the "back-log," would be nearly as large as a saw-log. The more rapidly the pioneer could burn up the wood in his vicinity the sooner he had his little farm cleared and ready for cultivation. For a window, a piece about two feet long was cut out of one of the wall logs, and the hole closed sometimes by glass, but generally with greased paper. Even greased deer-hide was sometimes used. A doorway was cut through one of the walls, if a saw was to be had; otherwise the door would be left by shortened logs in the original building. The door was made by pinning clapboards to two or three wood bars, and was hung upon wooden hinges. A wooden latch, with catch, then finished the door, and the latch was raised by aDy one on the outside by pulling a leather string. For security at night this latch-string was drawn in; but for friends and neighbors, and even strangers, the "latch-string was always hanging out," as a welcome. In the interior, over the fire-place would be a shelf, called " the mantel,"' on which stood the candlestick or lamp, some cooking and table-ware, possibly an old clock, and other articles; in the fire- place would be the crane, sometimes of iron, sometimes of wood — on it the pots were hung for cooking; over the door, in forked cleats, hung the ever trustful rifle and powder-horn; in one corner stood the larger bed for the " old folks," and under it the trundle-bed for the children; in another Btood the old-fashioned spinning-wheel, with a smaller one by its side; in another the heavy table, the only table, of course, there was in the house; in the remaining corner was a rude cupboard holding the table-ware, which consisted of a few cups and saucers and blue-edged plates, standing singly on their edges against the back, to make the display of table furniture more conspicuous; while around the room were scattered a few splint- bottomed or Windsor chairs and two or three stools. These simple cabins were inhabited by a kind and true-hearted people. They were strangers to mock modesty, and the traveler, seeking lodgings for the night, or desirous of spending a few days in the community, if willing to accept the rude offering, was always welcome, although how they were disposed of at night the reader might not easily imagine; for, as described, a single room was made HISTORY OF INDIANA. 247 to answer for kitchen, dining-room, sitting-room, bed-room and parlor, and manj' families consisted of six or eight members. SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS. The Led was very often made by fixing a post in the floor about six feet from one wall and four feet from the adjoining wall, and fastening a stick to this post about two feet above the floor, on each of two sides, so that the other end of each of the two sticks could be fastened in the opposite wall; clapboards were laid across these, and thus the bed was made complete. Guests were given this bed, while the family disposed of themselves in another corner of the room, or in the " loft." When several guests were on hand at once, they were sometimes kept over night in the following man- ner: when bed-time came the men were requested to step out of doors while the women spread out a broad bed upon the mid-floor, and put themselves to bed in the center; the signal was given and the men came in, and each husband took his place in bed next his own wife, and the single men outside beyond them again. They were generally so crowded that they had to lie " spoon " fashion, and when any one wished to turn over he would say " Spoon," and the whole company of sleepers would turn over at once. This was the only way the}' could all keep in bed. COOKING. To witness the various processes of cooking in those days would alike surprise and amuse those who have grown up since cooking stuves and ranges came into use. Kettles were hung over the large fire, suspended with pot-hooks, iron or wooden, 011 the crane, or on poles, one end of which would rest upon a chair. The long- handled frying-pan was used for cooking meat. It was either held over the blaze by hand or set down upon coals drawn out upon the hearth. This pan was also used for baking pan-cakes, also called "flap-jacks," ''batter-cakes," etc. A better article for this, however, was the cast-iron spider or Dutch skillet. The best thing for baking bread those days, and possibly even yet in these latter days, was the flat-bottomed bake kettle, of greater depth, with closely fitting cast- iron cover, and commonly known as the " Dutch-oveu." With coals over and under it, bread and biscuit would quickly and nicely 248 HISTORY OF INDIANA. bake. Turkey and spare-ribs were sometimes roasted before the fire, suspended by a string, a dish being placed underneath to catch the drippings. Hominy and samp were very much used. The hominy, however, was generally hulled corn — boiled corn from which the hull, or bran, had been taken by hot lye; hence sometimes called "lye hominy." True hominy and samp were made of pounded corn. A popular method of making this, as well as real meal for bread, was to cut out or burn a large hole in the top of a huge stump, in the sbape of a mortar, and pounding the corn in this by a maul or beetle suspended on the end of a swing pole, like a well-sweep. This and the well-sweep consisted of a pole 20 to 30 feet long, fixed in an up- right fork, so that it could be worked " teeter " fashion. It was a rapid and simple way of drawing water. When the samp was suffi- ciently pounded it was taken out, the bran floated off, and the deli- cious grain boiled like rice. The chief articles of diet in early days were corn bread, hominy or samp, venison, pork, honey, beans, pumpkin (dried pumpkin for more than half the year), turkey, prairie chicken, squirrel and some other game, with a few additional vegetables a portion of the year. Wheat bread, tea, coffee and fruit were luxuries not to be indulged in except on special occasions, as when visitors were present. women's woek. Besides cooking in the manner described, the women had many other arduous duties to perform, one of the chief of which was spinning. The "big wheel" was used for spinning yarn, and the "little wheel" for spinning flax. These stringed instruments fur- nished the principal music of the family, and were operated by our mothers and grandmothers with great skill, attained without pecu- niary expense and with far less practice than is uecessarj T for the girls of our period to acquire a skillful use of their costly and elegant instruments. But those wheels, indispensable a few years ago, are all now superseded by the mighty factories which overspread the country, furnishing cloth of all kinds at an expense ten times less than would be incurred now by the old system. The loom was not less necessary than the wheel, though they were not needed in so great numbers. Not every house had a loom — HISTORY OF INDIANA. 249 one loom had a capacity for the needs of several families. Settlers having succeeded, in spite of the wolves, in raising sheep, com- menced the manufacture of woolen cloth; wool was carded and made into rolls by hand cards, and the rolls were spun on the " big wheel." We still occasionally find in the houses of old set- tlers a wheel of this kind, sometimes used for spinning and twisting stocking yarn. They are turned with the hand, and with such velocity that it will run itself while the nimble worker, by her back- ward step, draws out and twists her thread nearly the whole length of the cabin. A common article woven on the loom was linsey, or linsey-woolsey, the chain being linen and the filling woolen. The cloth was used for dresses for the women and girls. Nearly all the clothes worn by the men were also home-made; rarely was a farmer or his son seen in a coat made of any other. If, occasionally, a young man appeared in a suit of " boughten " clothes, he was sus- pected of having gotten it for a particular occasion, which occurs in the life of nearly every young man. DRESS AND MANNERS. The dress, habits, etc., of a people throw so much light upon their conditions and limitations that, in order better to show the circumstances surrounding the people of the State, we will give a short exposition of the manner of life of our Western people at dif- ferent epochs. The Indians themselves are credited by Charlevoix with being " very laborious," — raising poultry, spinning the wool of the buffalo, and manufacturing garments therefrom. These must have been, however, more than usually favorable representatives of their race. " The working and voyaging dress of the French masses," says Reynolds, " was simple and primitive. The French were like the lilies of the valley [the Old Ranger was not always exact in his quota- tions], — they neither spun nor wove any of their clothing, but pur- chased it from the merchants. The white blanket coat, known as the capot, was the universal and eternal coat for the winter with the masses. A cape was made of it that could be raised over the head in cold weather. " In the house, and in good weather, it hung behind, a cape to the blanket coat. The reason that I know these coats so well is that 250 HISTORY OF INDIANA. I have worn many in my youth, and a working man never wore a better garment. Dressed deer-skins and blue cloth were worn commonly in the winter for pantaloons. The bine handkerchief and the deer-skin moccasins covered the head and feet generally of the French Creoles. In 1800 scarcely a man thought himself clothed unless he had a belt tied round his blanket coat, and on one side was hung the dressed skin of a pole-cat, filled with tobacco, pipe, flint and steel. On the other side was fastened, under the belt, the butcher knife- A Creole in this dress felt like Tarn O'Shanter filled with usquebaugh — he could face the devil. Cheeked calico shirts were then common, but in winter flannel was frequently worn. In the summer the laboring men and the voyageurs often took their shirts off in hard work and hot weather, and turned out the naked back to the air and sun." " Among the Americans," he adds, " home-made wool hats were the common wear. Fur hats were not common, and scarcely a boot was seen. The covering of the feet in winter was chiefly moccasins made of deer-skins and shoe-packs of tanned leather. Some wore shoes, but not common in very early times. In the summer the greater portion of the young people, male and female, and many of the old, went barefoot. The substantial and universal outside wear was the blue linsey hunting shirt. This is an excel- lent garment, and I have never felt so happy and healthy since I laid it off. It is made of wide sleeves, open before, with ample size so as the envelop the body almost twice around. Sometimes it had a large cape, which answers well to save the shoulders from the rain. A belt is mostly used to keep the garment close around the person, and, nevertheless, there is nothing tight about it to hamper the body. It is often fringed, and at times the fringe is composed of red, and other gay colors. The belt, frequently, is sewed to the hunting shirt. The vest was mostly made of striped linsey. The colors were made often with alum, copperas and madder, boiled with the bark of trees, iu such a manner and proportions as the old ladies prescribed. The pantaloons of the masses were generally made of deer-skin and linsey. Coarse blue cloth was sometimes made into pantaloons. l; Linsey, neat and fine, manufactured at home, composed gener- ally the outside garments of the females as well as the males. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 251 The ladies had Hnsey colored and woven to suit their fancy. A bonnet, composed of calico, or some gay goods, was worn on the head when they were in the open air. Jewelry on the pioneer ladies was uncommon; a gold ring was an ornament not often seen." Iu 1820 a change of dress began to take place, and before 1830, according to Ford, most of the pioneer costume had disappeared. "The blue linsey bunting-shirt, with red or white fringe, had given place to the cloth coat. [Jeans would be more like tne fact.] The raccoon cap, with the tail of the animal dangling down behind, had been thrown aside for hats of wool or fur. Boots and shoes had sup- planted the deer-skin moccasins; and leather breeches, strapped tight around the ankle, had disappeared before unmentionables of a more modern material. The female sex had made still greater prog- ress in dress. The old sort of cotton or woolen frocks, spun, woven and made with their own fair bands, and striped and cross-barred with blue d3'e and Turkey red, bad given place to gowns of silk and calico. The feet, before in a state ot nudity, now charmed in shoes of calf-skin or slippers of kid; and the head, formerly unbonneted, but covered with a cotton handkerchief, now displayed the charms of the female face under many forms of bonnets of straw, silk and Leg- born. The young ladies, instead of walking a mile or two to church on Sunday, carrying their shoes and stockings in their hands until within a hundred yards of the place of worship, as formerly, now came forth arrayed complete in all the pride of dress, mounted on fine horses and attended by their male admirers." The last half century has doubtless witnessed changes quite as great as those set forth by our Illinois historian. The chronicler of to-day, looking back to the golden days of ]830 to 1840, and com- paring them with the present, must be struck with the tendency of an almost monotonous uniformity in dress and manners that comes from the easy inter-communication afforded by steamer, railway, telegraph and newspaper. Home manufactures have been driven from the houshold by the lower-priced fabrics of distant mills. The Kentucky jeans, and the copperas-colored clothing of home manu- facture, so familiar a few years ago, have given place to the cassimeres and cloths of noted factories. The ready-made clothing stores, like a touch ot nature, made the whole world kin, and may drape the charcoal man in a dress-coat and a stove-pipe hat. The piints and 252 HISTORY OF INDIANA. silks of England and France give a variety of choice and an assort- ment of colors and shades such as the pioneer women could hardly have dreamed of. Godey and Deniorest and Harper's Bazar are found in our modern farm-houses, and the latest fashions of Paris are not uncommon. FAMILY WORSHIP. The Methodists were generally first on the ground in pioneer settlements, and at that early day they seemed more demonstrative in their devotions than at the present time. In those days, too, pulpit oratory was generally more eloquent and effective, while the grammatical dress and other " worldly " accomplishments were not so assiduously cultivated as at present. But in the manner of conducting public worship there has probably not been so much change as in that of family worship, or "family prayers" as it was often called. We had then most emphatically an American edition of that pious old Scotch practice so eloquently described in Burns 1 " Cotter's Saturday Night:" The cheerfu' supper done, wi' serious face They round the ingle formed a circle wide; The sire turns o'er, wi' patriarchal grace, The big ha' Bible, ance his father's pride; His bonnet rev'rently is laid aside, His lyart haffets wearing thin and bare; Those strains that once did in sweet Zion glide; He wales a portion with judicious care, And "let us worship God," he says with solemn air. They chant their artless notes in simple guise; They tune their hearts,— by far the noblest aim; Perhaps " Dundee's " wild warbling measures rise, Or plaintive " Martyr's" worthy of the name; Or noble " Elgin " beats the heavenward flame, — The sweetest far of Scotia's hallowed lays. Compared with these, Italian trills are tame; The tickled ear no heart-felt raptures raise: Nae unison hae they with our Creator's praise. The priest-like father reads the sacred page, — How Abraham was the friend of God on high, etc. Then kneeling down, to heaven's Eternal King The saint, the father and the husband prays; Hope " springs exulting on triumphant wing," That thus they all shall meet in future days; HISTORY OF INDIANA. 253 There ever bask in uncreated rays. No more to sigh or shed the bitter tear, Together hymning their Creator's praise, In such society, yet still more dear, While circling time moves round in an eternal sphere. Once or twice a day, in the morning just before breakfast, or in the evening just before retiring to rest, the head of the family would call those around him to order, read a chapter in the Bible, announce the hymn and tune by commencing to sing it, when all would join; then he would deliver a most fervent prayer. If a pious guest were present he would be called on to take the lead in all the exercises of the evening; and if in those days a person who prayed in the family or in public did not pray as if it were his very last on earth, his piety was thought to be defective. The familiar tunes of that day are remembered by the surviving old settlers as being more spiritual and inspiring than those of the pres- ent day, such as Bourbon, Consolation, China, Canaan, Conquering Soldier, Condescension, Devotion, Davis, Fiducia, Funeral Thought, Florida, Golden Hill, Greenfields, Ganges, Idumea, Imandra, Ken- tucky, Lenox, Leaiider, Mear, New Orleans, Northfield, New Salem, New Durham, Olney, Primrose, Pisgah, Pleyel's Hymn, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Reflection, Supplication, Salvation, St. Thomas, Salem, Tender Thought, Windham, Greenville, etc., as they are named in the Missouri Harmony. Members of other orthodox denominations also had their family prayers in which, however, the phraseology of the prayer was some- what different and the voice not so loud as characterized the real Methodists, United Brethren, etc. HOSPITALITY. The traveler always found a welcome at the pioneer's cabin. It was never full. Although there might be already a guest for every puncheon, there was still "room for one more," and a wider circle would be made for the new-comer at the log fire. If the stranger was in search of land he was doubly welcome, and his host would volunteer to show him all the " first-rate claims in this neck of the woods," going with him for days, showing the corners and advantages of every " Congress tract " within a dozen miles of his own cabin. 254 HISTORY OF INDIANA. To liis neighbors the pioneer was equally liberal. If a deer was killed, the choicest bits were sent to his nearest neighbor, a half- dozen miles away, perhaps. When a "shout" was butchered, the same custom prevailed. If a new-comer came in too late for " crop- ping," the neighbors would supply his table with just the same luxuries they themselves enjoyed, and in as liberal quantity, until a crop could be raised. When a new-comer had located his claim, the neighbors for miles around would assemble at the site ot the new- comer's proposed cabin and aid him in " gittin' " it up. One party with axes would cut down the trees aud hew the logs; another with teams would haul the logs to the ground; another party would "raise" the cabin; while several of the old men would "rive the clapboards " for the roof. By night the little forest domicile would be up and ready for a " house-warming," which was the dedicatory occupation of the house, when music and dancing and festivity would be enjoyed at full height. The next day the new-comer would be as well situated as his neighbors. An instance of primitive hospitable manners will be in place here, A traveling Methodist preacher arrived in a distant neigh- borhood to till an appointment. The house where services were to be held did not belong to a church member, but no matter for that. Boards were raked up from all quarters with which to make temporary seats, one of the neighbors volunteering to lead off in the work, while the man of the house, with the faithful rifle on his shoulder, sallied forth in quest of meat, for this truly was a " ground-hog " case, the preacher coming and no meat in the house. The host ceased not the chase until he found the meat, in the shape of a deer; returning, he sent a boy out after it, with directions on what " pint " to find it. After services, which had been listened to with rapt attention by all the audience, mine host said to his wife, " Old woman, I reckon this 'ere preacher is pretty hungry and you must git him a bite to eat." "What shall I git him?" asked the wife, who had not seen the deer; '* thar's nuthin' in the house to eat." "Why, look thar," returned he; "thar's deer, and thar's plenty of corn in the field; you git some corn and grate it while I skin the deer, and we'll have a good supper for him." It is need- less to add that venison and corn bread made a supper fit for any pioneer preacher, and was thankfully eaten. III.STOUY OF INDIANA. 255 TRADE. In pioneer times the transactions of commerce were generally carried on by neighborhood exchanges. Now and then a farmer would load a flat-boat with beeswax, honey, tallow and peltries, with perhaps a few bushels of wheat or corn or a few hundred clapboards, and float down the rivers into the Ohio, and thence to New Orleans, where he would exchange his produce for substantial iu the shape of groceries and a little ready money, with which he would return hy some one of the two or three steamboats then run- ning. Betimes there appeared at the best steamboat landings a number of " middle men " engaged in the " commission and for- warding " business, buying up the farmers' produce and the tro- phies of the chase and the trap, and sending them to the various distant markets. Their winter's accumulations would be shipped in the spring, and the manufactured goods of the far East or dis- tant South would come back in return; and in all these transactions scarcely auy money was seen or used. Goods were sold on a year's time to the farmers, and payment made from the proceeds of the ensuing crops. "When the crops were sold and the merchant satis- fied, the surplus was paid out in orders on the store to laboring men and to satisfy other creditors. When a day's work was done by a working man, his employer would ask, " Well, what store do you want your order on?" The answer being given, the order was written and always cheerfully accepted. MONET. Money was an article little known and seldom seen among the earlier settlers. Indeed, they had but little use for it, as they could transact all their business about as well without it, on the " barter " system, wherein great ingenuity was sometimes displayed. When it failed in any instance, long credits contributed to the convenience of the citizens. But for taxes and postage neither the barter nor the credit system would answer, and often letters were suffered to remain a long lime in the postoffice for the want of the twenty-five cents demanded by the Government. With all this high price on postage, by the way, the letter had not been brought 500 miles in a day or two, as the case is nowadays, but had prob- ably been weeks on the route, and the mail was delivered at the pioneer's postoffice, several miles distant from his residence, only 256 HISTORY OF IXDIAXA. once in a week or two. All the mail would be carried by a lone horseman. Instances are related illustrating how misrepresenta- tion would be resorted to in order to elicit the sympathies of some one who was known to have "two bits" (25 cents) of money with him, and procure the required Governmental fee for a letter. Peltries came nearer being money than anything else, as it came to be custom to estimate the value of everything in peltries. Such an article was worth so man} - peltries. Even some tax collectors and postmasters were known to take peltries and exchange them for the monej 7 required by the Government. When the first settlers came into the wilderness they gener- ally supposed that their hard struggle would be principally over after the first year; but alas! they often looked for "easier times next year" for many years before realizing them, and then they came in so slily as to be almost imperceptible. The sturdy pioneer thus learned to bear hardships, privation and hard living, as good soldiers do. As the facilities for making money were not great, they lived pretty well satisfied in an atmosphere of good, social, friendly feeling, and thought themselves as good as those they had left behind in the East. But among the early settlers who came to this State were many who, accustomed to the advantages of an older civilization, to churches, schools and society, became speedily home- sick and dissatisfied. They would remain perhaps one summer, or at most two, then, selling whatever claim with its improvements they had made, would return to the older States, spreading reports of the hardships endured by the settlers here and the disadvantages which they had found, or imagined they had found, in the country. These weaklings were not an unmitigated curse. The slight im- provements they had made were sold to men of sterner stuff, who were the sooner able to surround themselves with the necessities of life, while their unfavorable report deterred other weaklings from coming. The men who stayed, who were willing to endure privations, belonged to a different guild; they were heroes every one, — men to whom hardships were things to be overcome, and pres- ent privations things to be endured for the sake of posterity, and they never shrank from this duty. It is to these hardy pioneers who could endure, that we to-day owe the wonderful improvement we have made and the development, almost miraculous, that has HISTORY OF INDIANA. 257 brought our State in the past sixty years, from a wilderness, to the front rank among the States of this great natiou. MILLING. Not the least of the hardships of the pioneers was the procuring of bread. The first settlers must* be supplied at least one year from other sources than their own lauds; but the first crops, how- ever abundant, gave only partial relief, there being no mills to grind the grain. Hence the necessity of grinding by hand-power, and many families were poorly provided with means for doing this. Another way was to grate the corn. A grater was made from a piece of tin sometimes taken from an old, worn-out tin bucket or other vessel. It was thickly perforated, bent into a semicircular form, and nailed rDugh side upward, on a board. The corn was taken in the ear, and grated before it got dry and hard. Corn, however, was eaten in various .ways. Soon after the country became more generally settled, enterprising men were ready to embark in the milling business. Sites along the streams were selected for water-power. A person looking for a mill site would follow up and down the stream for a desired loca- tion, and when found he would go before the authorities and secure a writ of ad quod damnum. This would enable the miller to have the adjoining land officially examined, and the amount of damage by making a dam was named. Mills being so great a public necessity, they were permitted to be located upon any person's land where the miller thought the site desirable. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The agricultural implements used by the first farmers in this State would in this age of improvement be great curiosities. The plow used was called the "bar-share " plow; the iron point con- sisted of a bar of iron about two feet long, and a broad share of iron welded to it. At the extreme point was a coulter that passed through a beam six or seven feet long, to which were attached handles of corresponding length. The mold-board was a wooden one split out of winding timber, or hewed into a winding shape, in order to turn the soil over. Sown seed was brushed in by dragging over the ground a sapling with a bushy top. In harvesting the 25S HISTORY OF INDIANA.. change is most striking. Instead of the reapers and mowers of to- day, the sicdde and cradle were used. The grain was threshed with a flail, or trodden out by horses or oxen. HOG KILLING. Hogs were always dressed before they were taken to market. The farmer, if forehanded, would call in his neighbors some bright fall or winter morning to help ''kill hogs. 7 ' Immense kettles of water were heated; a sled or two, covered with loose boards or plank, con- stituted the platform on which the hog was cleaned, and was placed near an inclined hogshead in which the scalding was done; a quilt was thrown over the top of the latter to retain the heat; from a crotch of some convenient tree a projecting pole was rigged to hold the animals for disemboweling and thorough cleaning. When everything was arranged, the best shot of the neighborhood loaded his rifle, and the work of killing was commenced. It was consid- ered a disgrace to make a hog '"squeal" by bad shooting or by a "shoulder stick," that is running the point of the butcher-knife into the shoulder instead of the cavity of the breast. As each hog fell, the "sticker" mounted him and plunged the butcher-knife, long- aud well sharpened, into his throat; two persons would then catch him by the hind legs, draw him up to the scalding tub, which had just been filled with boiling-hot water with a shovelful of good green wood ashes thrown in; in this the carcass was plunged and moved around a minute or so, that is, until the hair would slip off easily, then placed on the platform where the cleaners would pitch into him with all their might and clean him as quickly as possible, with knives and other sharp-edged implements; then two stout fellows would take him up between them, and a third man to manage the "gambrel " (which was a stout stick about two feet long, sharpened at both ends, to be inserted between the muscles of the hind legs at or near the hock joint), the animal would be elevated to the pole, where the work of cleaning was finished. After the slaughter was over and the hogs had had time to cool, such as were intended for domestic use were cut up, the lard " tried " out by the women of the household, and the surplus hogs taken to market, while the weather was cold, if possible. In those days almost every merchant had, at the rear end of his place of HISTORY OF INDIANA. 259 business or at some convenient building, a " pork-bouse," and would buy tbe pork of bis customers and of sucb others as would sell to him, and cut it for tbe market. This gave employment to a large number of hands in every villa^ \ who would cut and pack pork all winter. The hauling of all this to the river would also give employment to a large number of teams, and the manufacture of pork barrels would keep many coopers employed. Allowing for the difference of currency and manner of market- ing, the price of pork was not so high in those days as at present. Now, while calico and muslin are eight cents a yard and pork is five and six cents a pound, then,whilc calico and muslin were twenty-five cents a yard pork was one to two cents a pound. When, as the country grew older and communications easier between the seaboard and the great West, prices •went up to two and a half and three cents a pound, the farmers thought they would always be content to raise pork at such a price; but times have changed, even con- trary to the current-cy. There was one feature in this method of marketing pork that made the country a paradise for the poor man in the winter time. Spare-ribs, tenderloins, pigs' heads and pigs' feet were not con- sidered of any value, and were freely given to all who could use them. If a barrel was taken to any pork-bouse and salt furnished, the barrel would be filled and salted down with tenderloins and spare-ribs gratuitously. So great in many cases was the quantity of spare-ribs, etc., to be disposed of, that they would be hauled away in wagon-loads and dumped in the woods out of town. In those early times much wheat was marketed at twenty-five to fifty cents a bushel, oats the same or less, and corn ten cents a bushel. A good young milch-cow could be bought for $5 to $10, and that payable in work. Those might truly be called "close times," yet the citizens of the country were accommodating, and but very little suffering for the actual necessities of life was ever known to exist. PEAIRIE FIRES. Fires, set out by Indians or settlers, sometimes purposely and sometimes permitted through carelessness, would visit the prairies every autumn, and sometimes the forests, either in autumn or spring, and settlers could not always succeed in defending them- selves against the destroying element. Many interesting incidents are related. Often a fire was started to bewilder game, or to bare 260 HISTORY OF INDIANA. a piece of ground for the early grazing of stock tlie ensuing spring, and it would get away under a wind, and soon be beyond control. Violent winds would often arise and drive the flames with such rapidity that riders on the fleetest steeds could scarcely escape. On the approach of a prairie fire the farmer would immediately set about " cutting off supplies " for the devouring enemy by a " back fire." Thus, by starting a small fire near the bare ground about his premises, and keeping it under control next his property, he would burn off a strip around him and prevent the attack of the on-coming flames. A few furrows or a ditch around the farm con- stituted a help in the work of protection. An original prairie of tall and exuberant grass on fire, especially at night, was a magnificent spectacle, enjoyed only by the pioneer. Here is an instance where the frontiersman, proverbially deprived of the sights and pleasures of an old community, is privileged far beyond the people of the present day in this country. One could scarcely tire of beholding the scene, as its awe-inspiring features seemed constantly to increase, and the whole panorama unceasingly changed like the dissolving views of a magic lantern, or like the aurora borealis. Language cannot convey, words cannot express, the faintest idea of the splendor and grandeur of such a conflagra- tion at night. It was as if the pale queen of night, disdaining to take her accustomed place in the heavens, had dispatched myriads upon myriads of messengers to light their torches at the altar of the setting sun until all had flashed into one long and continuous blaze. The following graphic description of prairie fires was written by a traveler through this region in 1849: " Soon the fires began to kindle wider and rise higher from the long grass; the gentle breeze increased to stronger currents, and soon fanned the small, flickering blaze into fierce torrent flames, which curled up and leaped along in resistless splendor; and like quickly raising the dark curtain from the luminous stage, the scenes before me were suddenly changed, as if by the magician's wand, into one boundless amphitheatre, blazing from earth to heaven and sweeping the horizon round, — columns of lurid flames sportively mounting up to the zenith, and dark clouds of crimson smoke curling away and aloft till they nearly obscured stars and moon, while the rush- ing, crashing sounds, like roaring cataracts mingled with distant thunders, were almost deafening; danger, death, glared all around; i* screamed for victims; yet, notwithstanding the imminent peril HISTORY OF INDIANA. 261 of prairie fires, one is loth, irresolute, almost unable to withdraw or seek refuge." WILD HOGS. "When the earliest pioneer reached this Western wilderness, game was his principal food until he had conquered a farm from the forest or prairie, — rarely, then, from the latter. As the country settled game grew scarce, and by 1S50 he who would live by his rifle would have had but a precarious subsistence had it not been for "wild hogs." These animals, left by home-sick immigrants whom the chiils or fever and ague had driven out, had strayed into the woods, and began to multiply in a wild state. The woods each fall were full of acorns, walnuts, hazelnuts, and these hogs would grow fat and multiply at a wonderful rate in the bottoms and along the bluffs. The second and third immigration to the country found these wild hogs an unfailing source of meat supply up to that period when they had in the townships contiguous to the river be- come so numerous as to be an evil, breaking in herds into the farmer's corn-fields or toling their domestic swine into their retreats, where they too became in a season as wild as those in the woods. In 1S38 or '39, in a certain township, a meeting was called of citizens of the township to take steps to get rid of wild hogs. At this meeting, which was held in the spring, the people of the town- ship were notified to turn out en masse on a certain day and engage in the work of catching, trimming and branding wild hogs, which were to be turned loose, and the next winter were to be hunted and killed by the people of the township, the meat to be divided pro rata among the citizens of the township. This plan was fully carried into effect, two or three days being spent in the exciting work in the spring. In the early part of the ensuing winter the settlers again turned out, supplied at convenient points in the bottom with large kettles and barrels for scalding, and while the hunters were engaged in killing, others with horses dragged the carcasses to the scalding platforms where they were dressed; and when all that could be were killed and dressed a division was made, every farmer getting more meat than enough, for his winter's supply. Like energetic measures were resorted to in other townships, so that in two or thrae years the breed of wild hogs became extinct. 262 HISTORY OF INDIANA. NATIVE ANIMALS. The principal wild animals found in the State by the early get- tier were the deer, wolf, bear, wild-cat, fox, otter, raccoon, generally called "coon," woodchuck. or ground-hog, skunk, mink, weasel, muskrat, opossum, rabbit and squirrel; and the principal feathered game were the quail, prairie chicken and wild turkey. Hawks, turkey buzzards, crows, blackbirds were also very abundant. Sev- eral of these animals furnished meat for the settlers; but their principal meat did not long consist of game; pork and poultry were raised in abundance. The wolf was the most troublesome animal, it being the common enemv' of the sheep, and sometimes attacking other domestic animals and even human beings. But their hideous bowlings at night were so constant and terrifying that they almost seemed to do more mischief by that annoyance than by direct attack. They would keep everbod} 7 and every ani- mal about the farm-house awake and frightened, and set all the dogs in the neighborhood to barking. As one man described it: "Sup- pose six boys, having six dogs tied, whipped them all at the same time, and you would hear such music as two wolves would make." To effect the destruction of these animals the county authorities offered a bounty for their scalps; and, besides, big hunts were common. WOLF HUNTS. In early days more mischief was done by wolves than by any other wild animal, and no small part of their mischief consisted in their almost constant barking at night, which always seemed so menacing and frightful to the settlers. Like -mosquitoes, the noise they made appeared to be about as dreadful as the real depre- dations they committed. The most effectual, as well as the most exciting, method of ridding the country of these hateful pests, was that known as the " circular wolf hunt," by which all the men and boys would turn out on an appointed day, in a kind of circle com- prising many square miles of territory, with horses and dogs, and then close up toward the center of their field of operation, gather- ing not only wolves, but also deer and many smaller " varmint." Five, ten, or more wolves by this means would sometimes be killed in a single day. The men would be organized with as much system as a little army, every one being well posted in the meaning of every signal and the application of every rule. Guns were scarcely ever allowed to be brought on such occasions, as their use HISTORY OF INDIANA. 2G3 would be unavoidably dangerous. The dogs were depended upon for the final slaughter. The dogs, by the way, had all to be held in check by a cord in the hands of their keepers until the final signal was given to let them loose, when away they would all go to the center of battle, and a more exciting scene would follow than can be easily described. BEE-HUNTING. This wild recreation was a peculiar one, and many sturdy back- woodsmen gloried in excelling in this art. He would carefully watch a bee as it filled itself with the sweet product of some flower or leaf-bud, and notice particularly the direction taken by it as it struck a "bee-line" for its home, which when found would be generally high up in the hollow of a tree. The tree would be marked, and in September a party would go and cut down the tree and capture the honey as quickly as they could before it wasted away through the broken walls in which it had been so carefully stowed away by the little busy bee. Several gallons would often be thus taken from a single tree, and by a very little work, and pleas- ant at that, the early settlers could keep themselves in honey the year round. By the time the honey was a year old, or before, it would turn white and granulate, yet be as good and healthful as when fresh. This was by some called " candid " honey. In some districts, the resorts of bees would be so plentiful that all the available hollow trees would be occupied and many colonies of bees would be found at work in crevices in the rock and holes in the ground. A considerable quantity of honey has even been taken from such places. SNAKES. In pioneer times snakes were numerous, such as the rattlesnake, viper, adder, blood snake and many varieties of large blue and green snakes, milk snake, garter and water snakes, black snakes, etc., etc. If, on meeting one of these, you would retreat, they would chase you very fiercely; but if you would turn and give them battle, they would immediately crawl away with all possible speed, hide in the grass and weeds, and wait for a "greener " customer. These really harmless snakes served to put people on their guard against the more dangerous and venomous kinds. It was the practice in some sections of the country to turn out in companies, with spades, mattocks and crow-bars, attack the princi- pal snake dens and slay large numbers of them. In early spring 264 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. the snakes were somewhat torpid and easily captured. Scores of rattlesnakes were sometimes frightened out of a single den, which, as soon as they showed their heads through the crevices of the rocks, were dispatched, and left to be devoured by the numerous wild hogs of that day. Some of the fattest of these snakes were taken to the house and oil extracted from them, and their glittering skins were saved as specifics for rheumatism. Another method was to so fix a heavy stick over the door of their dens, with a long grape-vine attached, that one at a distance could plug the entrance to the den when the snakes were all out sunning themselves. Then a large company of the citizens, on hand by ap- pointment, could kill scores of the reptiles in a few minutes. SHAKES. One of the greatest obstacles to the early settlement and pros- perity of this State was the " chills and fever," " fever and ague," or " shakes," as it was variously called. It was a terror to new- comers; in the fall of the year almost everybody was afflicted with it. It was no respecter of persons; everybody looked pale and sallow as though he were frost-bitten. It was not contagious, but derived from impure water and air. which are always developed in the opening up of a new country of rank soil like that of the Xorthwest. The impurities continue to be absorbed from day to day, and from week to week, until the whole body corporate became saturated with it as with electricity, and then the shock came; and the shock was a regular shake, with a fixed beginning and ending, coming on in some cases each day but generally on alternate days, with a regu- larity that was surprising. After the shake came the fever, and this " last estate was worse than the first." It was a burning-hot fever, and lasted for hours. When you had the chill you couldn't get warm, and when you had the fever yon couldn't get cool. It was exceedingly awkward in this respect; indeed it was. Nor would it stop for any sort of contingency ; not even a wedding in the family would stop it. It was imperative and tyrannical. When the ap- pointed time came around, everything else had to be stopped to at- tend to its demands. It didn't even have any Sundays or holidays; after the fever went down you still didn't feel much better. You felt as though you had gone through some sort of collision, thrashing-machine or jarring-machine, and came out not killed, but next thing to it. You felt weak, as though you had run too far after something, and then didn't Catch it. You felt languid, stupid a*4 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 205 sore, and was down in the mouth and heel and partially raveled out. Your back was out of fix, your head ached and your appetite crazy. Your eyes had too much white in them, your ears, especially after taking quinine, had too much roar in them, and your whole body and soul were entirely woe-begone, disconsolate, sad, poor and good for nothing. You didn't think much of yourself, and didn't believe that other people did, either; and you didn't care. You didn't quite make up your mind to commit suicide, but sometimes wished some accident would happen to knock either the malady or yourself out of existence. You imagined that even the dogs looked at you with a kind of self-complacency. You thought the sun had a kind of sickly shine about it. About this time you came to the conclusion that you would not accept the whole Western country as a gift; and if you had the strength and means, you picked up Hannah and the baby, and your traps, and went back "yander" to " Old Virgiuny," the " Jar- seys," Maryland or " Pennsjdvany." " And to-day the swallows flitting Round my cabin see me sitting Moodily within the sunshine, Just inside my silent door, Waiting for the ' Ager,' seeming Like a man forever dreaming ; And the sunlight on me streaming Throws no shadow on the floor ; For I am too thin and sallow To make shadows on the floor — Nary shadow any more ! " The above is not a mere picture of the imagination. It is sim- ply recounting in quaint phrase what actually occurred in thousands of cases. Whole families would sometimes be sick at one time and not one member scarcely able to wait upon another. Labor or exercise always aggravated the malady, and it took General Lazi- ness a long time to thrash the enemy out. And those were the days for swallowing all sorts of roots and " yarbs," and whisky, etc., with some faint hope of relief. And finally, when the case wore out, the last remedy taken got the credit of the cure. EDUCATION. Though struggling through the pressure of poverty and priva- tion, the early settlers planted among them the school-house at the earliest practical period. So important an object as the education 2G6 HISTOEY OF INDIANA. of their children they did not defer until they could build more comely and convenient houses. They were for a time content with such as corresponded with their rude dwellings, but soon better build- ings and accommodations were provided. As may readily be sup- posed, the accommodations of the earliest schools were not good. Sometimes school was taught in a room of a large or a double log cabin, but oftener in a log house built for the purpose. Stoves and such heating apparatus as are now in use were then unknown. A mud-and-stick chimney in one end of the building, with earthen hearth and a fire-place wide and deep enough to receive a four to six-foot back-log, and smaller wood to match, served for warming purposes in winter and a kind of conservatory in summer. For windows, part of a log was cut out in two sides of the building, and maybe a few lights of eight by ten glass set in, or the aper- ture might be covered over with greased paper. Writing desks consisted of heavy oak plank or a hewed slab laid upon wooden pins driven into the wall. The four-legged slab benches were in front of these, and the pupils when not writing would sit with their backs against the front, sharp edge of the writing-desks. The floor was also made out of these slabs, or " puncheons," laid upon log sleepers. Everything was rude and plain; but many of America's greatest men have gone out from just such school-houses to grapple with the world and make names for themselves and re- flect honor upon their country. Among these we can name Abra- ham Lincoln, our martyred president, one of the noblest men known to the world's history. Stephen A. Douglas, one of the greatest statesmen of the age, began his career in Illinois teaching in one of these primitive school- houses. Joseph A. Wright, and several other statesmen of the Northwest have also graduated from the log school-house into political eminence. So with many of her most eloquent and efficient preachers. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 2G7 SPELLING -SCHOOLS. The chief public evening entertainment for the first 30 or 40 years of Western pioneering was the celebrated "spelling-school." Both young people and old looked forward to the next spelling- school with as much anticipation and anxiety as we nowadays look forward to a general Fourth-of-July celebration ; and when the time arrived the whole neighborhood, yea, and sometimes several neigh- borhoods, would flock together to the scene of academical combat, where the excitement was often more intense than had been expect- ed. It was far better, of course, when there was good sleighing; then the young folks would turn out in high glee and be fairly beside themselves. The jollity is scarcely equaled at the present day by anything in vogue. When the appointed hour arrived, the usual plan of commencing battle was for two of the young people who might agree to play against each other, or who might be selected to do so by the school- teacher of the neighborhood, to " choose sides," that is, each con- testant, or " captain," as he was generally called, would choose the best speller from the assembled crowd. Each one choosing alter- nately, the ultimate strength of the respective parties would be about equal. When all were chosen who could be made to serve, each side would "number," so as to ascertain whether amid the confusion one captain had more spellers than the other. In case he had, some compromise would be made by the aid of the teacher, the master of ceremonies, and then the plan of conducting the campaign, or counting the misspelled words, would be canvassed for a moment by the captains, sometimes by the aid of the teacher and others. There were many ways of conducting the contest and keeping tally. Every section of the country had several favorite methods, and all or most of these were different from what other communities had. At one time they would commence spelling at the head, at another time at the foot; at one time the}' would " spell across," that is, the first on one side would spell the first word, then the first on the other side; next the second in the line on each side, alternately, down to the other end of each line. The question who should spell the first word was determined by the captains guessing what page the teacher would have before him in a partially opened book at a distance; the captain guessing the nearest would spell the first word pronounced. When a word was missed, it would be re-pronounced, or passed along without re-pronouucing (as some teachers strictly 268 HISTORY OF INDIANA. followed the rule never to re-pronounce a word), until It was spelled correctly. If a speller on the opposite side finally spelled the missed word correctly, it was counted a gain of one to that side; if the word was finally corrected by some speller on the same side on which it was originated as a missed word, it was " saved," and no tally mark was made. Another popular method was to commence at one end of the line of spellers and go directly around, and the missed words caught up quickly and corrected by " word-catchers," appointed by the captains from among their best spellers. These word-catchers would attempt to correct all the words missed on his opponent's side, and failing to do this, the catcher on the other side would catch him up with a peculiar zest, and then there was fun. Still another very interesting, though somewhat disorderly, method, was this: Each word-catcher would go to the foot of the adversary's line, and every time he " catched " a word he would go up one, thus "turning them down" in regular spelling-class style. When one catcher in this way turned all down on the opposing side, nis own party was victorious by as many as the opposing catcher was behind. This method required no slate or blackboard tally to be kept. One turn, by either of the foregoing or other methods, would occupy 40 minutes to an hour, and by this time an intermission or recess was had, when the buzzing, cackling and hurrahing that en- sued for 10 or 15 minutes were beyond description. Coming to order again, the next style of battle to be illustrated was to "spell down," by which process it was ascertained who were the best spellers and could continue standing as a soldier the longest But very often good spellers would inadvertently miss a word in an early stage of the contest and would have to sit down humilia- ted, while a comparatively poor speller would often stand till nearly or quite the last, amid the cheers of the assemblage. Sometimes the two parties first " chosen up " in the evening would re-take their places after recess, so that by the " spelling-down " process there would virtually be another race, in another form ; sometimes there would be a new " choosing up " for the " spelling-down " con- test; and sometimes the spelling down would be conducted with- out any party lines being made. It would occasionally happen that two or three very good spellers would retain the floor so long that the exercise would become monotonous, when a few outlandish words like " chevauxdefrise," "Oinpompanoosuc" or "Baugh- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 269 naugh-claugh-ber," as they used to spell it sometimes, would create a little ripple of excitement to close with. Sometimes these words would decide the contest, but generally when two or three good spellers kept the floor until the exercise became monotonous, the teacher would declare the race closed and the standing spellers ac- quitted with a " drawn game." The audience dismissed, the next thing was to " go home," very often by a round-about way, " a-sleighing with the girls," which, of course, was with many the most interesting part of the even- ing's performances, sometimes, however, too rough to be com- mended, as the boys were often inclined to be somewhat rowdyish. SINGING-SCHOOL. Next to the night spelling-school the singing-school was an occa- sion of much jollity, wherein it was difficult for the average singing- master to preserve order, as many went more for fun than for music. This species of evening entertainment, in its introduction to the West, was later than the spelling-school, and served, as it were, as the second step toward the more modern civilization. Good sleighing weather was of course almost a necessity for the success of these schools, but how many of them have been prevented by mud and rain! Perhaps a greater part of the time from November to April the roads would be muddy and often half frozen, which would have a very dampening and freezing effect upon the souls, as well as the bodies, of the young people who longed for a good time on such occasions. The old-time method of conducting singing-school was also some- what different from that of modern times. It was more plodding and heavy, the attention being kept upon the simplest rudiments, as the names ot the notes on the staff, and their pitch, and beating time, while comparatively little attention was given to expression and light, gleeful music. The very earliest scale introduced in the West was from the South, and the notes, from their peculiar shape, were denominated " patent " or " buckwheat " notes. They were four, of which the round one was always called sol, the square one la, the triangular owe fa, and the "diamond-shaped" one mi, pro : nounced me; and the diatonic scale, or "gamut" as it was called then, ran thus:_/each White River, and work back to Brookville. Talung ^ of the m en ; Thomas Rush, he went in advance marking the ?oute 1 aving his son and the rest of the men to follow with nine H V provisions. Cvrus and his men had not entered Ear into the tMerneTwhen, late one evening, they met a party of Indians whose actions, notwithstanding their warm protestations of end- ship excited suspicion. The two parttes passed each other, but the white men who were unarmed, kept a more vigilant guard that ni^ than « as common even in that day. The night set in c oudy and rain soon began falling, but the hours passed quieth on, until he camp fire burned low, when the man on guard discovered In- dians lurking in the vicinity. Quietly waking his sleeping com- panions thef as quietly abandoned their camp, and notwithstand- ETS?gS of 1 the night, they followed Jacob ^ ^ man bv" feeling of the notches and blazes cut n the trees. Whatever the motive that led the red men to prowl around their Empire that night, nothing more was seen of them again on that J ° Ur Me y eting with no other hindrances, save such as were incident to he trackless wilderness, Cyrus Whetzel and ta '££"£■ iourneved on in the path indicated by the blazing of the trees, and crossed Fla^ Rock about seven miles below the present; site of Rush- •Ue and Blue River, about four miles above f ^y^le^uga Creek a little north of Boggstown. On reaching a w atei-couise a few mues east of White River, a nest of honey bees was discovered n he hollow limb of a walnut tree, which yielded a liberal 1 supply of honey: but it was too bitter to be eaten, and reluctanth the) threw t away. Nevertheless, from this circumstance, came the name of "Honey Creek," the first creek within the borders of this countv to receive a name at the hands of white men Wh te River was struck at the Bluffs, the place being so ) named bv Jacob Whetzel at the time, and we may well imagine tl at the sine which met the gaze of himself and companions was such as the" li u e pec ed tosee. Jacob Whetzel had set out to reach by So cut aSome at the mouth of the Eel River: but standing on ?he Bluff in the July days, he looked out over a wide, deep and raoidlv flowing river, through whose clear depths the eye could nenSate to the white pebblls that lay on the bottom, far below, I ho "rs'varmeAith fish, and whose level bottoms and the adjacent rolling uplands were covered with great ^^1 «,, * from a soil of wonderful richness, and there on the b k * °^™ Opc-co-mcc-cah, of the Delaware tongue, he resolved to establish his future home. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 295 Jacob Whetzel went alone down the river to his Eel River pos- sessions, while young Cyrus, with the axemen, turned back and be- gan the work of cutting out what was long known as "Whetzel's Trace." Their progress was slow. A path was cut of sufficient width to admit the passage of a team. Their chosen route led them bv what is now known as " Doty"s Hill." After passing the rolling land extending a short distance back from the river, the}' found a level countrv, which at that season of the year, was one con- tinuous swamp. In the dry seasons of previous years the Indians )/ had burned it off, and the road makers went farther in their work that first day than any succeeding one. They reached the place of an ancient beaver dam near the present eastern boundary line of Pleasant Township. It was built across the outlet of a swamp and made a pond of water a half mile long, and varying in width from a few yards to several hundred, but at that time it apparently had long been deserted by its furry inhabitants. The road these men made wound in and out among the trees and around the fallen logs as sinuous as a "runway."' The pur- pose of its makers was to make a path along which the Whetzel teams could travel to the White River. They had no thought of any subsequent travel. At the Hurricane, which they crossed in Section iS, Town 13 north, Range 5 east, and which afforded the only running water between Honey Creek and Sugar Creek, thev established their camp, and thence worked on the road east and west. This they found to be a good camp site, and it occurred to Cyrus Whetzel to name the stream Camp Creek, a name that afterward gave place to Covert's Creek, and that in time to the present name, Hurricane, so given to commemorate a wind storm that prior to the settlement l/ of the country had prostrated much of the timber along "its course. Slowly hewing their way through the woods eastward, the axe- men came at length to a great swamp about two miles west of the present east boundary line of the county, which was known in the early day as the Great Gulf. This was a mile in width and two miles in length. Two streams, Flat Creek and the Leatherwood, entered the low land, constituting the gulf at its northern end, and their combined waters at the southern made Little Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek was already named when the Whetzels came. Its Indian name of Thcu-a-mc-sax was not in use among the white trappers and hunters who were alreadv familiar with it. Great for- ests of sugar trees grew at intervals along its banks, to which the Indians themselves, in the sugar making season, came, and to the ' circumstance of these growing trees, it is supposed the present name of the stream is owing. 2 q6 JOHNSON COUNTS". Cyrus Whetzel never forgot the hardships endured while cut- ting out the "Whetzel Trace," and especially that part of it lying between Camp Creek and Sugar Creek. "We were often mid- sides in water," said he, "and at night we had to make brush heaps on which to sleep." After crossing Sugar Creek they cut through to the next considerable stream, a distance of five miles, encamping on its banks late one evening, when Jacob Whetzel, on his return from his Eel River expedition, rejoined them. After the scanty meal of the evening, Jacob produced a bottle of peach brandy, which he had procured in Owen County, and over it, the party in a merry mood, pledged the memory of wives and sweethearts at home. To the inspiration due to that bottle, are the people of Shelby Countv indebted for the name of one of their prettiest streams— Brandy-wine. The name was given that night. Soon after, then- provisions giving out, the road making was abandoned, and \\ het- zel and his men went on to their homes: but in a short time he re- turned and completed his work. Whetzel's trace proved of consid- erable importance in the settlement of Marion, Johnson, Morgan and Shelby counties. Hundreds of the early settlers traveled over all or parts of it in search of wilderness homes. The following March, 1S19, Jacob Whetzel, with his son Cyrus, returned to the Bluffs. Selecting a camping ground about 560 yards below the place where the Waverly mills were afterward built, he began building a cabin, but ere this was done, a violent snow storm came on and lasted until the snow was fifteen inches deep. At length, he prepared a place of shelter, and that sprincr cleared a small field in which he planted corn, not forgetting to plant a quantity of peach seeds he had brought with him. The following fall he moved his family to his new home, and thus he became the first settler in Morgan County. The permanent settlements of the Delaware Indians were on White River, and their favorite mode of travel was in canoes along that stream. But their towns were nevertheless connected by trails, usually winding through the forests not far from the river. Through that part of Johnson Countv, in which White River runs, the Indian trail was on the east bank of the stream. Indeed, the highway from Martinsville to Indianapolis, which passes through Waverly and over the Bluffs, runs, in the main, not far from the line of "that ancient trail. Other trails intersected it coming from the south, and so the White River trail was an important highway of the red men. And it cut some figure in the colonization of Johnson Countv by the white men. While many of the early set- ler s came into White River Township by the Whetzel trace, the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 297 very first ones came by the White River trail, and it is therefore deserving of notice in this place. From the year of the admission of Indiana, up to the time of the taking of the census in 1820, the population of the State more than doubled. The census showed a population of 147,178 in 1820. Indiana was well advertised abroad during the Indian wars. It had been well traversed by a citizen soldiery, principally from Kentucky, and the wars being over, the same soldiery and their friends came in large numbers in hunt of homes. On the nth of January, 1S20, commissioners were appointed bv the General Assembly to locate a new seat of government, which was clone in the month of June following. John Tipton, who was subsequently elected to a seat in the United States Senate from Indiana, was a member of that commission, and he has left a Jour- nal containing an account of the travels and action of himself and the commission, which, although very brief, and written without any pretence of literary skill, is nevertheless packed with valuable information to the student of the past. Tipton and Gov. Jennings set out from their homes at Corydon on the 17th of May. They laid in plenty of " baken coffey etc.," 1 and took with them " Bill, a black bov"' and a tent. Striking the ancient river trail some- where below the present site of Columbus, they traveled thereon all the way through this county and on to the mouth of Fall Creek, above the present site of Indianapolis. The party, which had in- creased on the way till it numbered seven, did not reach Bezzy's place till Saturday evening, the 20th of the month. It took them four days to ride from Corydon to that place, and two hours and a quarter to ride from the upper rapids of the In-quah-sah-quak. With Bezzy they staid ovej night. Tipton, who "had an eye for good ground, and at various times owned large tracts," saw the beauty of the prospect around him. " Good land, good water and timber,"' he wrote in his Journal. The next morning at half after four o'clock the}- set out again, but now that these commissioners, accompanied by the Governor of the State, are traveling through Johnson County over an Indian path, and their movements become more interesting to the thread of this history, the Journal becomes provokingly obscure. It savs: " Sunday, twenty-first, set out at half-past four. At five passed a corner of Section 36, Township n north, of Range 4 east, passed a place where Bartholomew and myself had encamped in June, 181 3, missed our way. Traveled east then. At 8 o'clock stopped on a muddy branch, boiled our coffev. At 9:30 turned back. I killed a deer, the first one I have killed since 1814. Came on the train (trail) at 10; found tree where I had wrote my name on the 19th 298 JOHNSON COUNTY. of June, 1S13. We traveled fast and at 7 encamped on a small creek, having traveled about Eorty-five miles." It was the northeast corner of the southeast Section of Nineveh Township, that was passed at 5 o'clock that Sunday morn- ing: but where was it that General Bartholomew and himself had encamped in June, 1S13? It was after passing that corner they missed their way and traveled east. If we knew the time that elapsed after passing the Section corner, before they missed their way, we might, with some degree of certainty, locate the t; muddy branch " and perhaps identify the very farm whereon the future United States Senator killed his deer, that Sunday, June morning, so many years ago, and may be find the spot where grew the tree on which he wrote his name on the 19th of June, 1S13. But the most we can say, is, that the encampment must have been in Nieveh Township. The boiling of the " coffev " and the shooting of the deer, most likelv took place within the borders of Blue River, and the tree on which the name was written may have been in Nineveh Township, but was probably in Franklin Township. The Commissioners were sworn in on the 23rd of May, and made the location on the 7th of June, fifteen days having been spent traveling up and down the country examining the several places men- tioned in connection therewith. One of these was the Bluffs on White River. Recurring to Tipton's Journal, we find of the date of May 26th, this: "The bluff is about 150 feet above the river, but very uneven. The water good. * * Out of this bluff issues a num- ber of fine springs, one of which some distance back from the river, has near twenty feet fall. Back of this bluff is a beautiful creek. They (the bluffs) front on the river near one mile. If they were level on top it would be the most beautiful site for a town that I have ever seen." Two of the commissioners favored the Bluff for the capital lo- cation, but the majority went for the present site of Indianapolis. Before the commission to locate the capital set forth on their work, the United States Surveyors had begun their work in the New Purchase, and they kept it up, long after the capital site was chosen. All of Nineveh Township was surveyed by Abraham Lee, as early as the month of September in 1S19. In June, 1S20, John Hen- dricks surveyed so much of Franklin Township as lies in Congres- sional Township 12, Range 5, and, in August of that year, Thomas Hendricks surveyed Congressional Township 12, Range 4, being in the west part of Franklin Township. In the same month of August, John Hendricks surveved all the lands comprised within the present boundaries of Blue River Township, and, as soon as he had completed this, he went over and surveyed the Congressional EARLY SETTLEMENTS. -99 Township, better known as Union, and, while he was at that, B. Bently was surveying Henslev. W. B. McLaughlin surveyed all of White River, in Congressional Township 14, and Bently all that is in Township 13; and, later in the season, all the territory now con- tained within Pleasant Township was surveyed by Thomas Hen- dricks, while John Hendricks surveyed all contained within Clark Township. First Permanent Settlement. — The time has now come when the first permanent settlement is to be planted in Johnson Count}'. In 1814 a young man by the name of John Campbell, born and reared in Tennessee, went to find a home north of the Ohio. Fate directed his footsteps to the vicinity of Wavnesville, in the State of Ohio, where he married Ruth Perkins, a native of South Carolina. In 1817 he moved to Connersville, and in 1S20 to the "new pur- chase" on Blue River. It was as early as the latter part of Feb- ruary, when, with his wife and four sons he set out through the wilderness to become the first settler of a countv that was yet un- formed and unnamed. Four little girls belonged to his household, but these were left behind to follow on horseback, when the home was prepared for them. A neighbor, Benjamin Crews, went with him and helped to clear a path and drive his domestic animals and team. The road which they cut must have been the most prim- itive of paths, for, when two years after, Alexander Thompson, Israel Watts and William Reynolds came over the same general route, they found a wagon road to Flat Rock, south of Rushville, but thence on they were compelled to cut their own way. Campbell reached the Blue River on Saturday, the 4th of March, and at once began the erection of a pole cabin, on the tract of land lying immediately south of the present site of Edinburg, and the same spring cleared a small field which he enclosed with a brush fence to keep out his own stock, in time to raise a crop of corn. Crews returned to Connersville for his family and moved to Campbell's neighborhood the same spring, arriving on the 17th of April. On a spot already selected by him, which afterward proved to be on the Bartholomew side of the line, he encamped the evening of his arrival. That night his son Jonathan, a lad eight years of age, while lying down and looking at the moon, through the limbs of a large tree, "saw something reach out a hand and pull up a limb,"' to which he at once called his father's attention, who said it was a coon. The next morning, on inspec- tion, the tree was found to be hollow, and Benjamin Crews at once cut it down, and as it fell crashing to the ground, a she bear and her two cubs tumbled to the earth from their den in a hollow limb. The dogs at once mounted the old beast, but cuffing them right 300 JOHNSON COUNTY. and left, she made her escape, leaving her cubs in the hands of their captors. Stripping the horses of their halters the two young bears were soon securely tied, but the horses now thoroughly alarmed at the unwonted commotion, and finding themselves at liberty, took the back track for the White Water country and ran eight miles before being overtaken and recaptured. John Campbell's neighbors were Crews and Richard Beny, the latter who lived a little over a mile below him, but within the pres- ent limits of Bartholomew County, whither he had removed the year before. But he did not have to wait long for others to come in. A half dozen or more families, it is said, moved into the Blue River woods, the same spring, but this is not certain. A large number did come in during the vear. The lands since incorporated, in part, into Blue River Township, were surveyed in August of that year, and on the 4th of October, the same year, were exposed for sale at the land office in Brookville. That dav these purchases were made of Blue River lands (which were the first within the county) by James Jacobs, William W. Robinson, and John Campbell, (who afterward lived in Sugar Creek), and on the day following, John Campbell, the first settler, and eight others made entries. Thirty-nine entries in all were made before the close of the year, covering a total of 4,400 acres. As far as now known, eighteen families moved into the new settlement during the year, of which Henry Catsinger, Simon Schaffer, Jesse Dawson, Zachariah Sparks, Elias Brock and Joseph Townsend, were Kentuckians; William Williams, and as already stated. John Campbell, were Tennesseeans; Amos Durbin was from Virginia; John A. Mow and Joshua Palmer, were from Ohio: Isaac Marshall and John Wheeler were from North Caro- lina: Samuel Ilerriott, from Pensylvania, while the native places of Louis Bishop, Thomas Ralston and Richard Cormorave are un- kown. The second year of the settlement, twenty-seven families are known to have moved in. Elisha Adams came from Kentucky and moved to the north end of the township, and founded the Adams neighborhood. Richard Foster and John and William, his brothers, Patrick Adams, Patrick Cowan, Arthur Robinson, Curtis Pritchard, David Webb, William R. Hensley, William C. Robinson, James Farrell, John Adams, John P. Barnett, Jacob Cutsinger, Isaac Harvey (a Baptist preacher), Lewis Hays, William Rutherford, Jefferson D. Jones, Thomas Russell and Samuel Aldridge, all Kentuckians: and Isaac Collier, Israel Watts and Jonathan Hougham, Ohioans: and Alexander Thompson, from Virginia; Jesse Wells and Thomas Doan, from North Carolina, EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 301 and William Reynolds, from Tennesee, moved in. By the close of this year, the lands contiguous to Blue River were taken up, and a line of settlement extended nearly across the south side of the town- ship, while John Campbell, an Irishman, had laid the foundation of a settlement at the mouth of Sugar Creek, and Lewis Hays and William Rutherford had joined John Adams 1 settlement higher up the creek. In 1S22, fourteen families moved in. Of these Able Webb, James Connor, Hezekiah Davison, William Hunt, James M. Dan- iels, John Shipp, William Barnett, David Durbin, Hiram Ald- ridge and Thomas Russell were from Kentucky; Charles Martin and Samuel Umpstead were from Ohio; and it is not ascertained whence came Baker Wells and Samuel Johnson, who came in this year. In 1823, William Freeman moved from Bartholomew County into the township, and Richard Shipp and John Hen- drickson also moved in. All these were Kentucky born. By the close of 1823, there were at least sixty-three families living in the township. Let us turn now from the southeast to the northwest, from Blue River to White River. Capt. White, an Indian, early in 1820, was found occupying a tract of land on the east bank of White River, since known as the Denny place, and being near the center of the northwest quarter of Section 32, in Township 14 north, Range 3 east. Here was an extensive Indian clearing. Capt. White left the country the same spring, going with his people, the Delawares, to Arkansas, and in the " month of April or May," the same year, one Daniel Morgan, a bachelor from western Pennsyl- vania moved to White's place and took possession. He cultivated a small held of corn, but the squirrels devoured his crop before maturity, and he returned to the land of his nativity. In the' fall of the same year, George Beeler, a resident of Morgan County, with his wife and sister-in-law, moved to Capt. White's place, and took posession; but Beeler died the same fall, and the White camp was once more vacated. The following spring another man moved to the Capt. White place. This was Abraham Sells, a Virginian, who came to Wash- ington County, in Indiana, about the middle of February, 1821. " Leaving the female members of his family in that county, accom- panied by his brother John Sells and four of his sons, and three of his own, Isaac, William and Franklin, he set out for the White River and reached Jacob Whetzel's about the 1st of March." He had crossed over to the Indian trail, on the east bank of White River, up which lie traveled, entering White River Township on Friday, the 3d clay of March, 1821, and at once he took possession 3° 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. of White's old wigwam. Abraham Sell's came to stay. He and his, brought seventy-five hogs, eleven cattle and eight horses, be- sides a goodly assortment of tools and provisions for the summer. Their families were to come in the fall. The hogs and cattle were turned into the woods to shift for themselves, together with such of the horses as were not in immediate use. A field of five or six acres was " brushed out" and enclosed with a temporary fence and planted in corn. " West of the river was an old hackberry dead- Ay ening, containing fifteen acres, requiring but little labor to bring it \into cultivation. In the year 1S20, and in years subsequent, a small green worm stripped the hackberry trees of all their leaves, killing them in a few weeks."** That was also planted in corn. The corn grown on the Capt. White place was broken into and destroyed bv their own hogs. After the crop was laid by, all except two of the company returned to Washington County, where John Sells, the brother of Abraham, and the latter's son, Issac, died. Late in the fall the others, with their families and household stuff, rejoined their White River brethren, and the permanencv of their settlement was maintained. Abraham Sells may justly be accounted as the first English- speaking white man to make a permanent home in White River Township. Close upon his heels, came Thomas Lowe, a North Carolinian, with his family and his two sons-in-law, Permenter Mullenix and William Sanders, and their families. Sells entered the township, as we have seen, on the third dav of of March, 1821, and Lowe came "between the 3d and 10," a very few days after. The latter settled on a choice tract of land in Section 8, about two miles northeast of the Bluffs, and at once made preparation for raising a corn crop, the ensuing season. About the middle of the same month of March, David Scott moved from near Bloomington, Ind., to White River Township, and camped just below the mouth of Pleasant Run,f near Abraham Sells, and cleared and planted a field of corn. His family he left behind, proposing to move them out the coming fall. Late in the Summer, however, his horses es- caped, and he became so much discouraged, that he sold out to Sells, and abandoned the county. On Wednesday, the 10th day of May, following, John Doty and his family, from Hamilton County, Ohio, entered the township. He had set out with his large family and all of his worldlv possess- ions in search of a home "in the West," and entering the Whetzel trace at its eastern terminus, had traveled upon it till within three * Judge Franklin Harden. John Tipton mentions a similar circumstance as being seen near the capital location. t So named, it is said, because it was a pleasant running stream. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 303 miles of its western end at the Bluffs. Coming to a shapely, well- wooded hill, then, as now, a landmark, along the northern side of which the trace ran, he was so well pleased with the outlook that he unyoked his cattle and made a camp, and "went to living." The next morning after their arrival, he and his three sons, Peter, Samuel, and George, began a clearing, and by hard work they managed to plant three or four acres in corn, which, when earing time came, fell a prey to the raccoons. It is said these ro- dents came in droves, and stripped it of the last nubbin. During the time the father and sons were making their clear- ing, the family occupied an open camp and were greatly annoyed bv rattle snakes. One morning while at breakfast, they were hor- rified at the sight of a monster which came crawling in at the open door of their camp. It had been attracted, it is supposed, by the odor of frying venison. More than thirty of these venemous reptiles were killed in and about the hill the first season. The next per- sons to move in, were Daniel Boaz and John Ritchev. These men with their families moved in one vehicle. Boaz was a Virginian, by birth, and Ritchey a Kentuckian. They came to White River in the fall of 1S21, and were the last of the arrivals for that A'ear. The close of the year saw eight families living in the White River settlement. Twelve more, it is certainly known, came the year following, 1822. These were Archibald Glenn, and John Murphy, from Kentucky; Nathan and Benjamin Culver, from East Tennes- see; Nathanial St. John, from Ohio; Daniel Etter, Michael Brown, Andrew Brown, and one or two others, who long since left the county, from Virginia; and William and Samuel Blean, who were born in Ireland. By the close of the second year, after the first settlement was made, not less than 100 people were living in the White River settlement. Two settlement centers, the Blue River and the White River, have been under review; let us pass to a third. In the spring of 1S21, Amos Durbin settled on the outskirts of the Blue River settle- ment, so far from its center that when the civil townships came to be organized, he was found to be in Nineveh Township, and he is therefore entitled to the destinction of being named as the first settler of Nineveh. The township derived its name from its prin- cipal creek, and it in turn from the following circumstance: Rich- ard Berry had a son, Nineveh, who, while hunting one winter's day, crossed the creek, which was orginally known as the Leatherwood, and killed a deer. With it on his back he undertook to recross the stream on a log, but loosing his footing he fell in, and came near being drowned. His father ever after spoke of the stream as "Nineveh's 3C>4 JOHNSON COUNTY. Defeat," but the early settlers dropped the latter half of the name, calling it Nineveh, and it is so known to this day. But another man must be accredited with the honor of founding the first distinctive Nineveh neighborhood. That man was Robert Worl, of whom but little is now known. He was an Ohioan, who set out for the New Purchase the latter part of the summer of 1S21. With his family and a few personal effects he floated down the Ohio in a boat to some point on the Indiana shore, whence he made his way over the Indian trails to the Blue River Settle- ment, and thence through a pathless forest to Leatherwood Creek, or as it is now known, the Nineveh, where he arrived sometime in the month of September, and at once erected a pole cabin on the bank of the creek, a mile east of the present site of Williamsburg. Worl and his family lived alone through the fall and winter, de- pending for food mainly on the rifle. The region round about was filled with- game. W 7 ild turkeys, deer and bears were as plentiful as domestic stock in the same neighborhood is to-dav. Doubtless, the first fall and winter spent by the Worls in the Nineveh woods, they found exceedingly long and dismally lone- some; but the season of leaf and flower came at last, and with it three neighbors. On Friday, the 15th of March, Joah Woodruff and William Strain, came directly from Ohio, and Benjamin Crews, who two years before moved to the Blue River neighborhood, and settled over the line in Bartholomew Count\ . All three had families, and had been Worl's neighbors in Ohio. That was a busy spring on the Nineveh. Crews camped by the side of a log for eight weeks, from the middle of March to the middle of May, by which time he had nine acres cleared after the fashion of the times, which he planted in corn, and then he built a cabin. During the year of 1822, eleven men, with their families, are known to have moved into the Township. In addition to those already mentioned, were Adam Sash, Daniel and Henry Mussul- man, and James Dunn from Kentucky, David Trout from Vir- ginia, and John S. Miller from North Carolina. The next year, James and William Gillaspv, William Spears, Curtis Pritchard, Louis Pritchard and Richard Perry, Kentuckians; and Jeremiah Dunham, an Ohioan, and Elijah De Hart, from North Carolina, moved in. In 1824, Robert Moore and George Baily Aaron Dunham, of Ohio, arrived, and Isaac Walker, Perry Baily, Joseph Thompson and Robert Forsyth, all from Kentucky. In 1825, Daniel Pritchard, John Parkhurst, William Irving and Amos Mitchel, from Kentucky, and Jesse Young, from Ohio, moved in, and, in the year following, came Thomas Elliott, Prettyman Bur- EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 305 ton, William Keaton, Clark Tucker, Daniel Hutto, John Hall, John Elliot, all Kentuckians, and Thomas Griffith, Samuel Griffith, Richard Wheeler, James McKane, James and John Wylie, Ohioans. In 1827, of those who came, John Kindle, Aaron Bur- gett and the Calvins — James, Luke, Thomas and Hiram — Milton McQuade, John Dodd, Robert Works and, as is supposed, George Henger and Jeremiah Ilibbs, are all believed to have been from Ohio, and James Mullikin, David Forsyth and James Hughes, from Kentucky. The next year Joseph Featherngill, Gabriel Givens, Mrs. Sarah Mathes and James White came, followed by Hume Sturgeon, in 1S29, and by Walter Black, David Dunham, John Wilks and Aaron Burgett, in 1S30. Sturgeon was from Kentucky, Mrs. Mathes from Virginia, and the others from Ohio, save Black, whose native place is uncertain. In the year 1822, the Burkhart brothers, David, Lewis, George, Henry and William came to this county from Greene County, Ky., bv the way of the ancient river trail. Henry and George settled on the north side, while David built his cabin within the borders of Franklin Township on the land on which the late Michael Canary so long lived, and ultimately died. All three built cabins on the trail, and they have left their family name in Buckhart's Creek, in their old neighborhood. About the time of the arrival of the Burk- harts, came Levi Moore along the trail, from the south as far as the Big Spring (now Hopewell), whence he turned to the east and built a cabin on the high ground, a few hundred yards west of the place where the Bluff road crosses Young's Creek. This cabin site has never ceased to be a place of residence. It is now occu- pied by John McCashin. Of Moore, but little is known. In the summer of 1825, he built a cabin and log stable on the east side of, and close to the line dividing the east and west halves of the south- west quarter of Section 9, in Township 12, afterward owned and occupied by Aaron LeGrange. Moore had entered the west half of that quarter, and publicly gave out that he owned the east half, but Adam Sash learning otherwise, entered that half, and the owner- ship of Moore's cabin and stable thus fell to him. On Young's Creek, which flowed through the west eighty, he built a mill, but the site was inauspicious. At that point the creek run between low banks through a wide valley, and he found it im- possible to construct a dam that would withstand the freshets. His log mill-house was built over the creek bed on piles driven into the earth with a maul, and he put in machinery with which he could grind " from ten to fifteen bushels of corn per day." Driven to desperation by repeated washouts, he at last felled a large sycamore tree top on his dam, hoping in this way to hold it down; but find- 306 JOHNSON COUNTY. ing it a vain effort, after a year or two he abandoned the enterprise, and soon after left the country and went, no one knew where. The foundation logs of his mill, after sixty-three years, are still to be seen, embedded in the Young's Creek mud, apparently as sound as the day they were placed there. Moore left a bad reputation behind him. He was charged with over-tolling the grists that went to his mill, and, not content with that, he caught a portion of the descending meal in his wide sleeyes which he transferred to his own barrel, a trick not uncommon with rascally millers of his day. It was laid to his charge also that he stole his neighbors hogs, and scrupled not to rob the Indians, who camped now and then in his vicinity. Certain, it is, that he and his family were phenomenally untidy about their home. Under the high porch of his cabin, his little flock of sheep were penned every night, winter and summer, to keep them from the wolves, a pre- caution that his pioneer neighbors could have excused perhaps, but the ducks and geese that slept upon the porch and in the cabin it- self, to keep them from their prowling enemies, the foxes, and minks, the neighbors could not excuse. Moore could not build cabins and mill houses and roll logs without calling upon his neigh- bors for assistance, nor could thev assist without dining at his table. But the memory of the combined odors of the sheep-pen, of the goose and duck sleeping apartment, and of the Moore cookery, re- mains to this day. It is said that a boiled egg was the only article of food a man could eat at the Moore table without a qualm. Nevertheless, Levi Moore left his name in a certain sense indelibly impressed upon the county. Upon the little creek, that, taking its rise a mile north of Franklin and flowing thence southwesterly till it discharges into Young's Creek, not far from the site of his first cabin, he gave the name of " Indian Creek," from the circumstance that the Indians frequently encamped upon it in the early days, and by that name it is still known. In another stream, Moore's Creek. which unites with Young's Creek, near Hopewell, his name will be held in perpetual remembrance, for it carries his name. In the month of February. 1821, Elisha Adams, a Pennsvlvanian by birth, but moving from Kentucky, and Joseph Young, a North Carolinan, and Robert Gilchrist, from Washington County, Ind., came to the county. Young settled in the delta formed bv the union of Sugar and Lick Creeks, while Adams moved farther north, and built a cabin near the present site of Amity. Lick Creek was so named bv the United States surveyors, because of the great number of most excellent deer licks found near its source. But Young's cabin soon came to be known better than the licks, and the first settlers caring little for the name bestowed EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 307 by the surveyors, changed Lick Creek into Young's Creek, and time has sanctioned their act. In the autumn succeeding Adams' arrival William Rutherford moved on Sugar Creek in Section 33, less than two miles northeast of Adams', and became the first settler in what is now known as Needham Township. About the time Rutherford was building his cabin, Adams' horses strayed off, and while hunting for them in Bartholomew County, he met with John Smiley of Washington County, who said he was looking for a mill site. While hunting game, Adams had more than once noticed a place on Sugar Creek in Section 34, where he thought a mill could be advantageously built, and he not Only acquainted Smiley with the fact, but gave him such a glowing account of the country adjacent to the site, that Smiley came to see for himself, the following summer. The place suiting him, he made a purchase, and in the ensuing fall moved his family to the county, and after erecting a cabin in which to live, began at once building a mill, which was finished the same fall, and which was the first mill in the county. In October, 1S20, George King, Simon Covert, Samuel and Cornelius Demarer, Peter A. Banta, William Porter, James and Wallace Shannon and Prettyman Burton, all of whom were resi- dents of Henry and Shelby counties in Kentucky, made a tour of parts of Indiana, to "look at the country." Crossing the Ohio, a few miles below Madison, they traveled eastwardly through Jefferson and Switzerland counties, thence to Versailles, in Ripley, and through Napoleon and on to the "Forks of Flat Rock." Shortly after crossing the Ohio, William Hendricks joined them, but at the "Forks" he turned aside to become the proprietor of the count}' seat of Decatur Count}-. King and his company kept on till the}' reached Connor's Prairie, where they took the back track on the Indian trail till they came to the location of the seat of government, where "four little cabins" were all there was of the future city. Crossing the White River at that place, they visited Eagle Creek and then White Cieek, after which they re-crossed the river at Whetzel's. Riding up to the Bluffs, they followed Whetzel's trace out to the Indian trail, where they saw Loper's unfinished cabin, and thence they traveled southward past the Big Spring and Berry's ford, and so on to their homes, having been absent seventeen days. The following fall. King and Covert, who were brothers-in-law, and William Shannon, a neighbor, returning to the state, made another journey to examine the country. This time they went direct to Indianapolis, passing through Johnson County, and at- tended the first sale of lots in that new city. Crossing White River 20 J OS JOHNSON COUNTY. the same day, they rode to the neighborhood of Eagle Creek where they camped. The next morning they set out in earnest for the Wabash country and saw but one cabin from Tuesday morning till the following Sunday evening. The journey was a disappoint- ment to them. The country was not apparently as good as they had been led to expect. " Good land was like the milk sick, still ahead." They returned to their homes by the way of the Vermil- ion River country. After another year, King and Covert made a third trip to the state. This time they were accompanied by Garrett C. Bergen, and the purpose of their journey seems to have been to enter lands in Johnson County. King, who was the leader in all these expe- ditions, was of the age of forty years. His native place was Wythe County, in Virginia, whence he had moved with a widowed mother to Kentucky while a lad. where he had been apprenticed to a wheelwright with whom he had learned the trade. He had the knack of money getting, and having accumulated a small sum, he was desirous of settling himself in a new country at such a place as he would be enabled to control the location of a county town, on lands he might himself own. On this third visit he saw his op- portunity. On the 8th of January, 1S21, an act had been passed organizing Bartholomew County, and on the 31st of December following, bills to incorporate Morgan, Marion and Shelby counties had been approved bv the Governor, leaving the territory lying between, to be incorporated thereafter. The situation was patent to every one, but King seems to have been the only one who was able to take advantage of it. On reaching the Blue River settle- ment he fell in with Samuel Herriott, whom he questioned concern- ing a suitable town site in the neighborhood of the center of the unorganized territory, and from him learned of what was supposed to be a suitable tract lying in the angle formed bv the confluence of Lick and Camp creeks. The land lookers went at once to it, and after looking the land over and each selecting his tract, they rode off to Brookville to make their entries. But when there they learned that the unexpected thing had happened. Twenty-two daws before, Daniel Pritchard had entered the very eighty that King had marked as his own. But George King was not the man, when once he had put his hand to the plough, to look back. He purchased the eighty adjoining the Pritchard tract on the west, while Bergen bought on the north and Covert on the east, as they had originally intended, after which they returned to the neighbor- hood of their purchases, and King rinding the owner of the coveted eighty, paid him two hundred dollars for his bargain and took a conveyance in fee. Covert and Bergen returned to their homes, EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 3O9 but King remained. Securing names to a petition to the Legisla- ture, praying for the organization of the territory lying between Morgan and Shelby into a county, he went by the way of Corydon, then the capital of the State, and procured the passage of an act organizing the new county, which receiving the signature of the Governor, became a law on the 31st of December, 1S22, and the county was named Johnson, in memory of John Johnson, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State. John Smiley, the miller, was appointed by Governor Hendricks, sheriff of the county, and in accordance with the law, issued a writ of election to be holden on Saturday, the Sth day of March, 1S23. Two voting places were named, one at the house of Hezekiah Davison, on Blue River, and the other at the home of Daniel Boaz, on White River. Israel Watts and Daniel Boaz, were elected associate judges; Samuel Herriott, clerk of the circuit court; William Shaffer, county recorder; and William Freeman, John S. Miller and James Ritchey, commissioners, and a county govern- ment was thereupon duly organized. Here let us pause in our story and take a look backward. Up to the close of the year, 1S22, there were three centers of settle- ment in the county, Blue River, Nineveh and White River, the first of which contained fifty-nine families, the second twenty and the third fourteen. There were a few cabins scattered here and there throughout the county, outside of these settlements as we have seen, enough by actual court to bring the whole number up to an even 100, which according to the usual method of computa- tion in such cases, gives a population of 500.* All these original settlers were poor men. It is hard for the people of this more favored age to form a clear conception of the depth of their poverty. The greater part were land owners, it is true, but unimproved land was selling at " Congress price," and a cabin and five or six acres of cleared land added from fifty to seventy-rive dollars to that price. The number of acres of cleared land contiguous to the 100 cabins in the county did not exceed 500. Probably there were as many horses in the county as heads of families, and three times as many cattle. Hogs were becoming numerous, in a few localities, but were worth little more than so many wild deer. All the furniture in the 100 cabins did not cost as much as the furniture to be found in a single one of a good man}- houses in the count}' to-day. It is hard to estimate aggre- gate values in the absence of the assessor, but it is believed that In my History of Johnson County, published in iSSi, by a printer's mistake the num- ber is put at 550. It was written 500. I inadvertently repeated the mistake in " Making a Neighborhood." 3IO JOHNSON" COUNTY. excluding land values, an assessor on the first day of January, 1823, could not have found over $5,000 or $6,000 worth of property in the whole county. Returning from this digression, we find that George King, hav- ing secured the county organization, early in the following spring (1823), moved to his purchase, that he might be on the ground when the time for locating the county seat came round. It was in the latter part of February or first of March, that accompanied by his two unmarried daughters and his married daughter and her husband, David McCaslin, and Simon Covert, whose wife staid be- hind until the ensuing fall, and Isaac Yoorheis, a young and un- married man. King left his Kentucky home and came to Johnson Count}-. The movers found a road cut out to Elisha Adams' place, and thence on, assisted by Robert Gilchrist,* they made their own road up the east bank of Young's Creek to the mouth of Camp Creek." It was late in the day when the axemen followed bv the teams and cattle reached the creek, where they found a dark and turbu- lent stream rolling between them and their destination. Not knowing the fords the teams were driven back to a high dry knoll where a camp fire was started and a camp made. Little did the campers on that knoll, as they watched bv the light and warmth of their camp fire that night, dream that they would live to see the day when that knoll would become the site of a college devoted to " Christianity and Culture." f Hardly were the teams unhitched that evening, when it was discovered that the meal and sieve had been left at Adam's, where- upon King and Gilchrist and McCaslin returned, leaving Covert and Voorheis to occupy the camp alone. Other things it seems had been left behind, also, for the campers milked into and drank milk out of the bells, which had been brought for use in the range. The next morning on the return of King and McCaslin the pilgrims sought for and found a place to safely cross the " swollen stream." A beautiful tract of high and dry land on the north bank of Young's Creek, which has since been graded down and is now occupied by the residence of Judge Woollen and of others, was their objective point, but such a network of down logs overgrown with spice wood and other bushes all woven together, with wild grape vines, not to mention a forest of beeches, maples, hackberries, sycamores and buckeyes, did they encounter that the whole day was consumed in reaching their destination. The writer has repeatedly talked with " In the early records this name is spelled Gilcrees. The family have since changed the spelling as in the text. t This is the motto placed on the seal of Franklin College. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 311 three of the men who cut the first road through what is now known as the Old Bear Plat of the city of Franklin and also with others who saw the place before the town site was cleared off and all agreed in pronouncing it the most impenetrable thicket in all the cduntry round about. A hurricane not many years before had passed down Young's Creek and up Camp (now Hurricane), leav- ing a wide swath of fallen timber in its wake and it was through this the road was made that day. In the evening, wearied and hungry, the emigrants reached the hitrh around King had selected for his cabin site. A tent was erected and a hasty camp made. The meal bag and the seive, having been brought up from Adams', a supper of corn cake and bacon was enjoyed. Tin cups took the place of cow bells for drinking vessels. At an early hour the men lay down on a browse bed before a glowing camp fire, under cover of a tent to sleep. Thev were too tired to talk and soon were in the land of dreams. During the night, however, a tempest of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning and wind arose, and such commotion ensued in the forest around them that they felt their lives were in peril. At intervals the crashing of falling trees could be heard, and be- fore the blast had expended its force a large tree, close by, was wrenched from its roots and fell thundering to the earth, but hap- pily in a direction from them. More than fifty years afterwards Col. Simeon Covert, speaking of that falling tree, said: " It shocked us greatly," and sure it must, as it crashed to the earth amid the blackness of night, in a tempest-tossed forest. The next morning work was begun on King's cabin, a two-roomed structure with an entry between, which served as a house for all, till the little fields were cleared and the crops laid by. That cabin stood on the highest part of the knoll which has since been cut down, crosswise of the present line of Jefferson street. The next step taken was to make clearings for corn. Covert's patch was amid the fallen timber in the track of the old hurricane. Over three acres he grubbed, chopped and burned, clearing after a fashion, and planting on the 30th of May. At the end of seventeen days he laid his corn by, and the following fall gathered at the rate of fifty bushels to the acre, of good corn. The particulars of King's and McCaslin's planting has not been remembered. In the latter part of September, Simon Covert, having returned during the summer to Kentucky, moved his family to his new home. Quite a company accompanied him. John B. Smock, and his brother Isaac, who settled at Greenwood, and Daniel Covert, Moses Freeman and Joseph Voorheis, who subsequently settled on Young's Creek, in what was afterward known as the Hopewell 312 JOHNSON COUNTY. neighborhood, were of the company. About the time Cover set out for Kentuucky after his family. Thomas Williams, a Pennsyl- vanian by birth, but hailing from "Washington County, in this state, came to the neighborhood, and began the erection of a cabin on the south side of the creek: and in the same month Covert returned, Williams moved his family and goods into his new home. He brought with him the first yoke of oxen that ever came to Franklin. Five commissioners had been named, in the act of organizing the county, whose duty it was to meet on the first Monday in May, 1 82 3, and select a town site for the new county. For some reason the meeting was deferred, till the 22nd of the month, at which time three of the five met at the house of John Smilev, on Sugar Creek, whence they proceeded to discharge that dutv. " A paper village" had been laid out by Amos Durbin, near the mouth of Sugar Creek, the site of which the three commissioners went to see. On the northeast quarter of Section S, in Township 13 north, Range 4 east, which lay a half mile from the geographical center of the county, was the highest, dryest and best drained tract of land to be found short of the Sugar Creek or White River highlands — a tract on which was an elevation, now known as Donnell's Hill, and there were some who thought the commissioners might make the location in that place. George King, sharing in that thought, had already entered the quarter section, but it is quite evident he pre- ferred the location to be made on his Pritchard purchase. While at his house, and after examining the proposed site in the angle of the creeks, the commissioners inquired about the country at the center of the county, and even set out through the pathless woods to ex- amine the place for themselves. But, for some reason, they went without a guide, and in a violent rain storm, that came up while they were on the journey, they lost their way, and finally, came back to King's cabin, without having seen the hill, whereupon, they at once proceeded to locate the town on the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 12 north, Range 4 east, which forty acre tract King donated to the county, together with eleven acres lving between it and Youngs Creek. It was made the duty of the locating committee to report their action to the county commissioners, and this being done, Samuel Herriott suggested that the new town be called Franklin, and it was so done. In the following August* Franklin was surveyed, and on Sat- urday, the 2nd of September, the first sale of lots took place. John 'There is no written evidence of the dale. Of two men who remembered the circum- stances, one said it was in August, and another September. In my history of Johnson County, published in 1881, I adopted the latter date, but the fact that the sale of lots toolc" place on the second of September, of which there is written evidence, excludes that month. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 313 Campbell, of Sugar Creek, who had been appointed county agent, superintended the sales, and to encourage bidding he laid in a sup- ply of whisky, with which to treat the thirsty crowd. The record shows that he presented a claim for whisky and paper of " Si.i8? 4 ," and George Adams, who was present, and still survives, remembers that "there was plenty of whisky on hand." This was not the first whisky which had been at the new county seat. The sur- veyor, who ran the town lines, was drunk at the time, and the bend in Madison street remains a silent witness of that fact, to this day. Nor was it the last. In 1S26, a further allowance was made to the agent of $2.61^, for " whisky and paper." At the time of the first sale of lots, the town site was covered with trees, logs, bushes and vines. The bush had been cut out enough to mark the lines, but it was several years before the streets and public square were entirely clear of bushes and logs. In the fall of 1824, when Daniel Covert made his second visit to view the coun- try, the town site was yet uncleaned. During that year, however, improvements were begun. A man by the name of Kelly, from Jennings County, built a cabin on the west side of the square, and under the pretence of keeping a bakery, sold beer and cakes. In the same year of 1824, a log court house was erected on lot num- ber 22, the site now occupied as a dwelling place by Christian Axt. William Shaffer, the county recorder, who was a carpenter by trade, had the contract for building the court house, and no sooner was that contract off his hands, than he erected a dwelling for himself on the southeast corner of the square. While he was at that work, John Smiley, the sheriff, built a log house on the north- west corner of Main and Jefferson streets, and about the same time a log cabin was erected on the lot west of Smiley's house, in which Daniel Taylor, hailing from Cincinnati, opened the first store in the new town. In that year of 1824, or the following, Edward Springer built a cabin in the west side close to Kelly's and opened a smithy. In 1S25, Joseph Young and Samuel Herriott erected the first frame building in the town which adjoined Shaffer's home on the north, and in which they conducted a general store and tavern business. 1/ The town developed slowly. The brush and logs and trees were still in the public square and the roads wound in and out among the trees and around the largest logs. Fire wood was convenient, and as late as 1S28, when John Tracy came to the county, he found the town "still full of logs. The trees had been cut down and the tops used for firewood." The brush was grubbed in the public square by Nicholas Shaffer, who was paid for the work out of the count}- treasury, $6.58. Preparing the logs for 314 JOHNSON COUNTY. rolling, and rolling and burning, seems to have been done volun- tarily by the citizens, but they evidently made a long job of it. In the fall of 1826, Daniel Covert helped roll logs on the public square. The late John Herriott said: "I came here in May, 1827, and helped to cut the brush out of the public square. We met every evening for two or three weeks to burn logs and brush.* " After the logs were ready for rolling," said the late Jefferson D. Jones, " the citi- zens would meet about sundown and roll a few heaps." In 1828, the work was still going on. " All the trees were down in the pub- lic square" when John Tracy came in that year, "but a good many were still on the ground." "When these were rolled and burned, the historian has been unable to learn. There are so/ne secrets sealed even to him. In 1826, one John Williams put up a saw-mill, which was pro- pelled by oxen on a tramp-wheel; but it seems to have been a failure. Among the early settlers was John K. Powell, a hatter. It is remembered that for want of better material, he made his " sizing " of wheat flour, and that his hats in consequence had the infirmity of melting in rainy weather and of breaking in dry. Caleb Vannoy started a tan yard, in those early days, and Pierson Murphey and James Pitchey came as physicians and Fabrius M. Fuch and Gilderoy Hicks, as lawyers and Samuel Headly and Samuel Lambertson, as tailors. Others remembered were : Robert Gilchrist, Hezekiah McKinney, Harvey Sloan, Eli Gilchrist, James Frary, Simon Moore, Jesse Williams, John High, the Joneses and others. The country around Franklin was settled slowly. One of the first to move in was John Harter, who settled on Young's Creek, about a mile below town, where he built a mill. He bought his mill irons of John Smiley, for which he agreed to pay in corn, two bushels to be due every other week, until the irons were paid for. The late Jefferson D. Jones, used to tell that Harter had no bacon and he no meal, and that by agreement, he took a half bushel of meal every other week from" the mill, for which he left with the miller, its worth in bacon. In 1825, Simon Covert and George King made an exchange of lands whereby the former became invested with title to King's 160 acres at the center of the county, to which he at once cut out a road and moved. Shortly after, Thomas Henderson,^ from Kentucky, located the quarter section containing the Big Spring, and made preparation to move to it. A large immigration soon followed, of Presbyterians, all of whom were from Henry, Shelby and 'Mercer counties, in Kentucky. Most of them were related, and all were 'History Presbyterian Church of Franklin, 1S74, p. 196. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 315 descendents of Dutch or French families, that had settled in or around New Amsterdam (New York), during' the seventeenth century. Among those who moved to the Hopewell neighborhood, as it has since been called, during the early years of its history, may be mentioned, Moses Freeman, Daniel, John and Cornelius Covert, brothers of Simon; Joseph Voorheis and Isaac, the latter of whom came to the country as we have seen, with George King; Isaac Vannice and Samuel Vaunuvs, Stephen Luyster, David Banta, Peter LeGrange and his sons, Peter D. and Aaron; John Voris, Simon Yanarsdall, Zachariah Ramsdall, Melvin Wheat, William Magill, John P. Banta, John Bergen, Peter Demaree, Andrew Car- nine, Theodore List, Stephen Whitenack, Peter Banta, Henry Van- nice, Peter Shuck, John Davis, Simon Vanarsdall, Joseph Combs and Thomas Roberts. On the south and west sides and south- west corner of the township, we find that Thomas Mitchel, Michael Canary, Dr. Robert McAuley, Jacob Demaree, Henry Byers and Ebenezer Perry, John Brunk and Joseph Hunt moved in quite early, and passing up the south side are the names of Major Townsend, John D. Mitchell, John Gratner, Joseph Ashley, John Harter, Alexander McCaslin, John C. Goodman, John Gibben and Jonathan Williams. In the central and northern parts were Will- iam Magill, Garrett C. Bergen, Peter A. Banta, Milton Utter, Henry, James, John and William Whitesides, Stephen and Lem- uel Tilson, Thomas J. Mitchel, John Brown, Elisha Dungan, Ed- ward Crow, David McCaslin, Harvey McCaslin, Robert Jeffrey, John Herriott, Middleton Waldren, Travis Burnett, David Berry, Samuel Overstreet, John Wilson, David, Thomas and George Al- exander, and William and Samuel Alison. Needham Township was originally part of Franklin Township, and was settled as such. The first settlement made within its bor- ders is generally accredited to William Rutherford, who built his cabin in the fall of 1S21, a short distance below the place where Smiley built his mill. The same year John Ogle settled within Johnson County, near the present site of the mill now owned by William Clark, Esq., where he himself built the first mill on the site about 1826. In 1822, John Smilev, as we have seen, moved to his place on the creek. The next year, the same in which King and Covert and McCaslin began the settlement at Franklin, John Mozingo, Squire and Lewis Hendricks, Abner Taylor, and William D. Smith, moved in. Afterward, in quick succession came Landron Hendricks, Jacob Fisher, Thomas Needham, Samuel Owens, Will- iam and Isaac Garrison, Jacob Wiles, James Tetrick, Jacob Bowers, and Jesse Beard. In October, 1S20, George King and a number of others as we 316 JOHNSON COUNTY. have seen, made a tour through Central Indiana, during which tour the_v passed the crossing of Whetzel's trace and the old Indian trail, where they discovered a little cabin, newly built and with the roof partly on. It had never been occupied, but as the travelers rode by they noticed a wagon containing movers close at hand, com- ing through the woods, from the east, and they surmised that the movers were coming to the cabin. This is the first that is known of the cabin, at that crossing, and whether the movers then seen by King and his companions, took possession or not, it was Daniel Loper's cabin, and he moved into it about that time. He was distinguished for being the first white man to make a settlement in two townships of Johnson Count}' — Pleasant and Clark — and yet of him very little is certainly known. No one knows whence he came nor whither he went. He seems to have been a genuine backwoods- man, a lover of the forest solitudes, and gave his confidence to no one. With him came a man by the name of John Varner, who was reputed to be of somewhat feeble intellect, and was his depen- dent and henchman. Loper owned a wagon and a yoke of oxen, with which Varner is known to have made several trips to the White Water country with the fruits of the chase which he ex- changed for provisions and whisky. But Loper did not remain long at the crossing. The following year, Nathaniel Bell, from Ohio, traveled the Whetzel trace in search of a home. " He rode on horseback with a sack under him, in which he carried his provisions. His horse carried a bell around his neck, which was kept silent by day, but when night came Bell made a camp, unloosed the bell, hobbled the horse, turned him out to graze, and then lav down to sleep. Bell having explored the Eel River lands, and not liking them, returned and called at the cabin of John Doty. * * Here he disclosed his purpose, and that was to get a description of the land at the crossing of the traces and enter it at Brookville, on his way home, and then settle there anil keep a tavern and build a house, mill and a distillery for whisky. Applying to Peter Doty, son of John Doty, for aid in getting a description of the land, Peter agreed to furnish it for $1, but Bell declared he had no money beyond the sum necessary to enter the land. Finally, Peter agreed to accept the bell on the horse and the desired information Was thus obtained." * In December, 1821, Bell entered Loper out, and the latter seems to have moved shortly after, to Whetzel"s old camp, on Camp Creek, where he put up a cabin and thus became the first settler of Clark Township. Sometime after his removal to that place, John Varner died of a sudden illness, and was buried in a walnut * Judge Hardin. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 3 I 7 trough, covered with a slab, by Loper, with the assistance of the Dotys, a mode of burial not unfrequently adopted by the Indians. When they reached the place of the funeral, they found Loper digging a grave with a garden hoe and throwing the dirt out with his hands. A belief prevailed among some of the early settlers that Loper had been instrumental in the death of Varner, which was, no doubt, groundless. Soon after his death, Loper left the country, and his going was as mysterious as his coming had been. No one knew when he went nor to what place. Jacob Fisher, who saw his place in 1S25, says: "It looked like it had been deserted two or three years." He was a thriftless, and doubtless a harmless frontiersman, who was mean-spirited enough to flee from a rumor, however groundless it may have been, rather than stay and fight it. After Loper left, his place continued to be a camping-ground for movers, but it ultimately gained the reputation of being haunted by a ghost. Old John Varner's spirit was believed in some quarters to rest uneasily in its walnut coffin. On one occasion, it is said, a company of movers were aroused in the dead hour of night by a mysterious appearance, and horror stricken they hitched up their teams and fled in hot haste, not halting until they reached John Dotv's, at the hill. If Lope^r was shiftless, Bell was worse. Loper courted the soli- tudes and meddled with no one; Bell loved company and that of the worst. He courted the patronage of land-lookers, and other trav- elers, but it was told of him and generally believed, that he or his confederates extorted money from his guests, by secreting their horses in the woods and demanding rewards for their return: and in consequence his cabin soon ceased to be a stopping place. Judge Hardin, in his account of a journey, made by himself and mother, through Johnson County in 1825, says: " Bell's location * * was renowned for a hundred miles away in every direction, and was a prominent point in all the travels of the pioneers in the New Purchase." At an early day he built a mill at the crossing which for a few years served to furnish an occasional sack of meal to the settlers. Judge Hardin who saw the mill, thus graphically describes it. " It was a strange piece of machinerv, and when in motion pro- duced unearthly sounds in its rattlings and creakings and rumblings. The hoop inclosing the runner was a section of a hollow log, sitting loosely over and around the grinder, to prevent the escape of the meal. When the team made a sudden movement, the revolving momentum often communicated to the enclosed hoop, and it, too, was thrown into a sudden circular motion. The strange drummings so frightened the horses, that they increased their gait beyond con- trol, and the increased whirl of the grinder overcame its gravity .1 iS - JOHNSON COUNTY. and caused it'to take a tangential leap from above down among the horses and men. His mill was never profitable." It was current report that Bell so managed matters at his mill as to steal more of the grist in corn or meal, or both, than he took bv lawful toll. He wore the sleeves of his " warmus" or hunting shirt unusually large, in which he not only managed to pick up a few extra grains while tolling the grist, but on the pretense of ex- amining the meal, as it came from the spout, he caught in his large open sleeves, a tolerable share of the meal as it poured to the chest below, after which folding his arms about him, he would saunter off to his own chest or cabin and unload. Sometimes his victims would remonstrate with him, but his usual reply was, " Well the little old man must live." On one occasion, it is said, his sleeves being well gorged with meal, the horses became frightened and ran off, knocking the mill-stones from their frail scaffolding to the ground below. Bell received a blow that knocked him down and scattered the meal, stored in his ample sleeves, in every direction. He was not seriously hurt, but he was badly scared and promised to do better in the future, a promise he soon forgot. In addition to Bell's other misdeeds, he was accused of harbor- ing horse thieves, and of being a hog thief himself. At a log roll- ing, Permenter Mullenix and he got into a quarrel, and the latter charged him outright with the crime of hog stealing. This was more than " the little old man " could stand, and so he went to Indianapolis and employed Judge Wick and Calvin Fletcher to prosecute Mullenix for slander. The action was begun, but Mul- lenix defended on the ground the charge was true, and making proof of the fact, to the satisfaction of the jury, had judgment for his costs. The case then went before the grand jury, the re- sult of which was, Bell was indicted, tried and sent to the peniten- tiarv. After serving his term he returned to his home, but soon after he abandoned the county, and his confederates were sent to the state's prison, or followed him. His place "became one of the most lonely and desolate places in the county, being overgrown by briers and brush, and deserted." When Simon Covert moved his family to Franklin, in Septem- ber, 1S23, John B. Smock, and Isaac, his brother, from Mercer Countv. Kv., came with their families, and household goods also. Thev were destined to the neighborhood of the after site of Green- wood — a neighborhood soon to be known as the Smock neighbor- hood. Between Franklin and their destination, a pathless woods lav. and thev were two days " bushing " a way to it. During the following year, 1S24, the state road leading from Madison to Indianapolis was cut out, over which the same year, James Smock, EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 319 a brother, came to join them. In 1825, one over an even half a dozen of families joined them, viz. : Garrett Brewer's, Garrett Van- diver's, Garrett Sorter's, Robert Lyon's, and Joseph and John and Samuel Alexander's — all Kentuckians, from Mercer County. The Smock settlement was a half-way place between Franklin and Indianapolis, and from this may be accounted the fact of its com- paratively slow growth, for many years. Up to about 1830, it ap- pears that the number moving in was quite small. In addition to those already mentioned, may be named John Comingore, who came, in 1826, Cornelius Smock, in 1827, Alexander Wilson, in 1828, and Isaac Voris, in 1829. In 1824, the state road was cut out, and notwithstanding the country in the center and south side of the township was inclined to be wet, settlers shortly began making entries of land, and, in 1828, David Trout, and a little later in the year, James Tracy and his grown sons, Nathaniel, Thomas and John, William Pierce and James Chenoweth built cabins and started clearings extending from the center of the townships outhward. All these men — excepting the Alexanders, who were.Pennsylvanians, and David Trout, who was a Virginian, had moved from Nineveh — were Kentuckians. On the fourth day of May, 1S29, Pleasant Township was created by striking off from White River all the territory east of the range line, making the west boundary the same as it now is; but, up to 1838, Clark Township formed a part of Pleasant. Elections were ordered to be held at the house of Isaac Smock, and Isaiah Lewis was appointed inspector. The township took its name from its principal stream, Pleasant Run. Two explanations have been given, accounting for the name of the creek, one of which is, that when the country was first settled the stream was a gently flowing, pleasant running stream; and the other that it was the reverse of this, and the name was given by the way of irony. Here, as everywhere else, it is difficult to fix upon the years when men moved in, but it is certain that an impetus was now given to immigration into the township. By mid-summer of 1834, the following persons are known to have moved into and about the Smock neighborhood, to wit: the Comingores, Henry and Samuel, the McColloughs, John Lyons, Peter Whitenack, Samuel Eccles, the Henrys, Robert, Hiram and Samuel, J. D. and William Wilson, John and James Carson, Dr. William Woods, William McGee and sons, William and Joseph Brenton, Marine D. West, Berryman Carder, and the Todds. All these were from Kentucky, except the v Henrys, from Virginia, the Wilsons who were from North Caro- lina, the Woods, the McCulloughs and the Carsons, who were from Tennessee. Lower down in the Tracy and Trout neighborhoods, 320 JOHNSON COUNTY. Thomas Gant, the Hills, Littleton, Joseph, Squire and Charles, James Stewart, David Lemmasters, Reuben Davis, William Mc- Clelland, Daniel, David and John Brewer, Robert Smith, Abraham Sharp, and probably others, moved in, while over toward the south- east corner and east side came in Thomas Graham and his three sons, Samuel, James and Archibald, and also Lewis Graham, Isaac Clam and Andrew McCaslin, followed soon after by Ashford Dow- den. Abraham Banta, Solomon Steele, Jacob Peggs and others. Bv the close of 1834, persons were located all over the township, but it could not be said to be fairly inhabited before 1840. In 1S21, Daniel Loper having been " entered out" by Nathaniel Bell, moved eastward on the "trace" to Whetzel's old camp on Camp Creek, where he made the first permanent home in what is now known as Clark Township. Shortly after. John Ogle moved into the northeast corner of what is now known as Needham Township (some sav in the same year, but others in the year after), and, at the same time, his brother Levi, moved into the southeast corner of Clark. In 1822, a settlement was made on the east side of Sugar Creek, in Shelby County, by Joseph Reese, John Webb, and some others, and, attracted by this settlement, a few more came quite early into Clark Township, as also into Needham. In 1822, Will- iam and John MeConnell came to the neighborhood, and it ma}' be that the Ogles came the same vear. It is extremely difficult, at this time, to ascertain with any de- gree of certainty, the dates of arrival of the first and subsequent set- tlers, but next after Loper's cabin, and the Sugar Creek settlement, pioneers began moving upon the highlands in the north. The first one to go in was Hugh McFadden, and the second, Glen Clark. Both were here in 1S25, and the probability is that both came that year. In 1826, there moved into the settlement thus be- gun, John L. McClain and Alexander Clark, from Kentucky, and three Hosiers, Robert, Jacob and Abraham. The next vear, James and Moses McClain, and Robert Ritchey came in from Ken- tucky, and Moses Rains from Virginia. The vear after, Jacob McClain, from Kentucky, and the vear after that, Thomas Clark and Thomas Robinson, Kentuckians, and Edward Wilson and Samuel Billingsly, North Carolinians. In 1832, David Justice, Abraham Jones, Matthias Parr and James Kinnick, from North Corolina; and, in 1S33, Andrew Wolf, George Wolf, Tennesseeans, and all those mentioned above, save the few Sugar Creek settlers, and David Parr and John Fitzpatrick went into the neighborhood of Loper's old cabin. In 1S34, there was quite an influx of immi- grants: Allen Williams, John Tinkle, Robert Farnsworth, David Farnsworth, Henry Farnsworth, Aaron Huffman and Daniel Mc- EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 3 21 Lean, Tennessecans, and Henry White, Ellis White, Joseph Hamil- ton, Henry Grayson and Taylor Ballard, Kentuckians, and Charles Dungan, a Virginian; John Eastburn, a North Carolinian, and Oliver Harbert, born in Dearborn County, Ind., moved to the township in 1S34. Clark Township was now filling- up quite fast. The follow- ing persons are believed to have moved in during the year 1835, to wit: Joseph Hamilton, Theodore Vandyke, John Wheatly, Lyman Spencer, Parker Spencer, Caleb Davidson, Conrad McClain, Thomas Portlock and Samuel McClain; and James Williams, David McGauhey, John Harbert and James White, followed the next year, while James Magill, David McAlpin and Jacob Halfaker came in 1S37. Let us now go from the northeast corner of the county, to the southwest, and note the progress of settlement there. In the month of September, 1823, two young men, David and Alexander Stevens, sons of John Stevens, living in Jackson County, came to the Nineveh settlement to view the country. The best lands having been taken up in that neighborhood, Curtis Pritchard and William Spears went with them to look at the Indian Creek coun- try in the next Congressional township on the west. It was on the 1 2 th of September when the brothers and their guides reached the desired place. The latter had hunted game on Indian Creek, and had observed several choice locations. They struck the South Fork, or near the place where the Martinsville road now crosses, and (roin£ down that, not far from the confluence of the North and South forks, they encountered a man with a deer on his back who had a camp on a mound on the south side of the creek. His name was John Davis, and accepting his hospitality, they staid with him that night. He was living in a pole cabin about twelve feet square, with the fire place on the ground in the center, with a hole through the puncheon roof for the smoke to escape. Over the door was hung a bear skin, and bear and wolf and deer skins made the bed around the fire on which Davis and his guests and his two big dogs slept that night. Before retiring, the guests parcook of an ash pone and of a wild turkey, which the woods- man hung before the fire over a broken pot lid to catch the dripping gravy, with which he basted the roasting fowl, using for that purpose a wooden spoon. Davis was a hunter and trapper, who said he had come to the county from Clark County, in 1822. One William Horton, had come with him, and for a time they had camped together, but a disagree- ment arising, Horton had moved by himself and was living in a hut a half mile southward. Davis seems to have been quite a suc- cessful hunter and trapper, while Horton was less so. During the 322 JOHNSON COUNTY. winter of 1S22 and 1824, it is remembered that the former trapped six beavers on Indian Creek, and killed five bears. The raccoons, muskrats and grey foxes taken, is not known. On one occasion he caught three wolves in a pen at one time. The following sum- mer he married Polly Elkins, and continued to reside in the neigh- borhood till 1827, when he moved away. Horton left the country shortly after the visit of the Stevenses. The next morning after the night of the feast, John Davis went with his guests, and showed them the lands on which John Stevens and Richardson Henslev and their families. were so soon to make settlement; and then the bovs returned home.. Richardson Hens- lev, John Stevens' neighbor, shortly before the return of the two young men, had sold his farm and proposed returning to Kentucky, but thev gave such a glowing report of the country they had seen, that both Stevens and he determined to move to it. Accordingly, on Wednesday, the 23rd of September, Henslev, with his family, and his two sons-in-law, William Davenport and Ambrose, his brother, and William Mitchell and their families, and John Stevens and his two sons, Alexander and Gideon, and a boy he had brought up, Ephraim Harrell, set out for the new country. The movers came in three wagons, Henslev and Stevens had one each drawn bv three yoke of oxen, and Davenport and Mitchell joined in one drawn by one yoke of oxen and one pair of horses. Forty head of cattle and 100 hogs and a flock of sheep accompanied them. They were rive days on the road to the Nineveh, and four thence to the final stopping, a distance less than seven miles in a straight course. They had to cut a road every foot of that four days' travel. John Stevens and Richardson Henslev went before and chose the way, while William Mitchell, William Davenport and Alexander Stevens followed with their axes, and made a path for the wagons. On the evening of the third day they camped by a dead poplar tree, which caught lire during the night. The next morning, Fri- day, October 3, the journey was resumed, and at five o'clock that evening, they camped on a " black haw bush knoll " a half mile from what was soon to be known as Hensley"s Spring. As the night closed in they looked back in the direction they had come, and were startled to see, barely two miles away, the flames blazing \ in the top of the poplar the}' had left burning that morning. The ~~^next morning the pioneers selected their respective tracts of land, and Henslev " without saying a word,"' cut down a straight sugar tree, measured off sixteen feet, cut it off, saving, " I've got the first cabin log cut." Cabins were erected as soon as could be, and were covered with lin bark. John Stevens returned to his family in Jack- son County in about three weeks, leaving his son, Alexander, and EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 323 his foster son, Ephraim Harrell, who remained during- the winter, taking care of the cattle and hogs. Early the next spring they re- turned to their father's home, and assisted him to make the final move, landing at their new home on Indian Creek, on Tuesday, the 6th day of April. 1824. The work of clearing the land was begun as soon as the men could get at it. Bv the time for planting in the spring, Hensley had six acres cleared for corn and four acres for an orchard; each of his sons-in-law about three acres, and Stevens seven acres. The wild turkeys annoyed them by scratching up their coin as soon as it was planted. The squirrels followed the turkeys, and by the time for harvesting, the crop was nearly destroyed. Hensley sowed his orchard in turnips, and raised an immense crop — about 500 bushels, on which he wintered his cattle. In the following fall (1824), William Holman, Isaac Holman, Ar- thur Bass and Nathaniel Elkins moved to the township. Dur- ing the ensuing winter, William Chase arrived, and the next season Peter Titus, and Charles and Mitchel Ross and Richard Perry. Following soon after came Henrv Mussulman, Albert Roberts, John Schrem, John and Lewis Shouse and Aaron Hol- man : and at intervals during the years intervening between 1826 and 1S33. James Taggart (who was afterward killed at the battle of Buena Vista), William Skaggs, Holland Jones, John Brunk, Nicholas Hobbs, Hiram Porter, Reason and John Slack, John Voris, Simpson Sturgeon, Montgomery Smith, Andrew Under- wood, Leonard Lefller, John McNutt, William Mitchell, Thomas Lyman. S. W. Weddle, Thomas Lockhart, Thomas Alexander, John Clark, Jesse Wells, Samuel Fleener, Hiram T. Craig, John Boland, Samuel Woollard, Frederick Ragsdale, George Bridges, William Clark, Abraham Masse v, McKinnev Burk, Averv M. Buckner, Levi Petro, James Wiley, Elijah Moore, Stith Daniel, Thomas L. Sturgeon, James Forsyth, David and Uriah Young, Godfrey Jones, R. W. Elder, James Hughes, George White, Rich- ard Joliffe and Perry Bailv. Let us turn to Union Township on the north of Hensley. Some time in 1823. Bartholomew Carroll moved from Kentucky bv the way of the Three Notched Line road, then newly cut out. and found his way through the bush to the South Fork of Stott's Creek, and settled in Section 34, where John Vandiver afterward built a mill. Carroll had a family, consisting of his wife, three sons, William, John and Samuel, and two girls. The grandfather of his children lived with him — a very aged man, who died, it is said, when he was one hundred and ten years old. Bartholomew Car- roll was a genuine backwoodsman. He spent his time in the wil- 21 n 2 A JOHNSON COUNTY. derness hunting game and wild honey. The country about him was well stocked with all kinds of game, common to the country^ and an experienced bee-hunter could take honey in vast quantities. It is said that Carroll would sometimes have as many as ioo bee- trees marked in the woods at a time. There is some uncertainty as to the time when many ot the pioneers moved into Union Township. It is next to impossible at this time to ^et the names of all who came in, or the time when they came. In fifty years, much that was at the time of interest, sinks into oblivion. In October, 1826, Peter Vandiver, John Garshuiler, Joseph Simpson and Mrs. Christina Garshuiler settled on the east side of the township, not far from the headwaters of the South Fork of Stott's Creek. The North and South forks of btott s Creek run through this township. Both afforded mill sites in the west side of the township in the early times. They were so named from a family by the name of Stotts, who settled at the mouth of the stream in the early times. Another stream of this township is Kootz s t ork, which taking its rise between the two Forks of Stott s Creek, empties into the south one. A frontiersman by the name of Kootz lived at the outlet of this stream long enough to give immortality to his name. The same year Mrs. Gwinnie Utterback, with her family of eight sons and one daughter, settled on a tract of land ly- ing half a mile south of the present site of Union village. In 1827, George Kepheart moved to Section 23, and Alexander Gilmer, to the northeast corner. In 1828 there was growth. Nearly 2,000 acres of land were entered, and a dozen families moved in. Peter Zook Samuel Williams, Henry Banta and John James stopped in the \ andiver neighborhood. "Jacob List and Philip Kepheart located near the east boundary line. Benjamin Utterback moved near to his sister- in-law, and Adam Lash and James Rivers moved to the north side, and Tohn Mitchell not far from the northwest corner, and Jesse Youncr near the center. In 1S29 ten more families moved into Union, Robert Moore and Joseph Young into Jesse \oungs neighborhood, afterward known as Shiloh, William Bridges and Tohn Tames near Vandiver's, William Kepheart and James Vaughan in the Utterback neighborhood, and Henry Guseclore in the northwest corner. Peter Bergen and Andrew Carmne moved on the east side adjoining the Hopewell neighborhood, and John Millis settled not far from the center of the township. I he next year Garrett and James Terhune, two brothers, settled a mile west of Vandiver's; Gideon Drake moved to within a mile of the Morgan County line; Bennett, Austin and William Jacobs moved up to the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. $2$ north side; Nicholas Wyrick settled on the North Fork of Stott's Creek, and David and Cornelius Luyster on the east side of the township. In 1S31, Isaac Knox, John McColgin and Joshua Hammond, who were Virginians, settled in the northwest corner on the North Fork of Stott's Creek. Willis Deer and Wesley, his brother, and John L. Jones, settled near Mrs. Utterback; John Henderson to the northwest of them some miles; George Kerlin and Peter Shuck on the east side of the township, and Garrett Vandiver not far from the present site of Bargersville, while Serrill Winchester and Jacob Core moved into Jesse Young's vicinity. The next year, Jacob Banta and Samuel Throgmorton moved in, and in 1S33, Daniel Newkirk, the gunsmith, Peter D. Banta, Peter Banta, David Demaree, John Knox, John Gets, Joshua Landers, and, probably, Jesse Harris, Peter Voris and John Shuck. The fam- ilies moving into the North Fork neighborhood were nearly or quite all Virginians, but all the others, with but few exceptions, were Kentuckians. Garrett Terhune was New Jersey born, but moved from Kentucky. Jesse and Joseph Young, Gideon Drake and Robert Moore were from Ohio. Out of more than seventy families referred to, three-fourths were from Kentucky. What was true of the nativity of the first settlers of Union Township, was true of all save Nineveh. That was settled by Ohioans mainly. In all the others the majority were Kentuckv born. A sprinkling from east Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, western Pennsylvania, and also Ohio, was to be found in all neigh- borhoods. We have seen that the population of the county at the time of its organization was about 500. In 1828 the number of polls, as shown by a report made by the Auditor of State to the Legisla- ture, was 506, which would give a population of between 2,500 and 3,000. In 1830 the census showed a population of 4,019. In 1S32 there were 908 polls, showing a population of about 5,000. In 1835, judging from the vote of that year, it had increased to at least 6,500, and in 1840 the census showed an increase to 9,352. o 26 JOHNSON COUNTY, CHAPTER III. BY D. D. BANTA. The Pioneers — Where They Came From — Who They Were — Arrival in the New Country — Deserted Cabins — Architecture of the Early Homes — Modes of Travel — Hardships of New Comers — Domestic Animals — Mast — Hog Stealing — Situation of New Homes — Primitive Tools — Mode of Farming — Hunting Incidents — WomanV Work — Doctors and Diseases — Morals, Social Customs, Etc. SETTLEMENTS were first made in Johnson County ^ early in 1820. All of the New Purchase was open to immigrants by that year, and when the time came for laving it off into counties, it was found that settle- * T ments in all had been begun about the same time. In all. the growth was slow in comparison to what has been seen in new counties further west, in a later day. At the end of the first year there were not to exceed twenty families in Johnson County. * During the second the number in- creased to about fifty-rive, and at the close of the third it was not less than 100. It took ten years to bring it up to 800. The majority of the first settlers of Johnson County visited the country and selected the place of their future abiding before mov- ing. The greater part of these made some sort of arrangement for shelter before coming. A few bought lands on which cabins had already been built by earlier settlers. Others unaided, or with hired or volunteer help," built their own cabins, while others still, hired the work done altogether. A cabin of two rooms, finished after the fashion of the times, usually cost about $50. Not a few at the beginning moved to the country without knowing -where they were" going to locate, and having no promise of shelter. Occasionally one of these found an unoccupied cabin in the woods, into which he moved and lived until he could built for himself. Samuel Herriott, who came to the county in December, 1820, find- ing such a cabin on Sugar Creek, moved in. It had been erected the fall before, and was unfinished, having "neither door, floor, nor chimney." His wife, after raking a six-inch snow out, drove forks in one corner of the cabin and laying poles therein, THE PIONEERS. 327 crossed them with chipboards on which she made the bed. This she curtained with the wagon-sheet, making it quite comfortable. In the center of the floorless cabin, against a stump, she set a tire burning, which gave warmth to the family, and over which she hung the pot when she wanted it to boil. In this primitive abode Mr. Ilerriott and his wife lived till about the first of February fol- lowing, when they moved to their new home on the west side of the creek. This new cabin had a puncheon floor when they moved in, and Dame Herriott, more than fifty vears afterward, speaking of her " one big pot and two splint-bottomed chairs," declared that when the men could sit on the edge of that puncheon floor and eat their dinners out of that pot, she " felt well fixed."* But unoccupied cabins were not of common occurrence. The greater number of those who ventured to move to the country without having homes prepared beforehand, or friends to give them shelter, camped in the woods while building their cabins. In 1S22, Andrew Pierce came to the White River settlement. His wife and he had walked all the way from Pittsburg, each carrying a bundle containing all their worldly goods. At their journey's end, which they reached after the winter weather had begun, they camped by the side of a log in the woods, till, with the help of the neighbors, a rude cabin was built, in which they found shelter. Benjamin Crews, who moved to Nineveh early in the spring of 182 1, camped for eight weeks before his home was made. The season was so far advanced, and the necessities for raising a crop so great, that the first thing he did was to clear a field and plant it in corn, after which he put up a cabin. Sometime in 1S26, Thomas Henderson, who was living at the Big Spring, notified his neighbor, Simon Covert, that a family had moved into the woods some miles to the westward of his place, and he proposed that thev go and see who it was. Shouldering their axes, they set out, and at the end of a five miles' tramp, they found Mrs. Gwinnie Utterback, a widow with her family, consisting of eight sons and one daughter, camped in the woods a short distance south of the present site of Union village. The two pioneers, with the assistance of the Utterback boys, fell to with a will, and soon had a pole cabin up, into which the widow and her house- hold at once moved, and began life in the Indiana wilderness in earnest. At this distance an air of romance is cast about many occur- rences that no doubt were painfully matter of fact to the parties concerned, at the time. In the fall of 1830, Garrett Terhune and " History Presbyterian Church of Franklin, p. T93. 32S JOHNSON COUNTY. his brother James, arrived from Kentucky, and settled on the east side of Union Township, a mile west of Peter Vandiver's place. Gai rett Terhune had a family of ten children, and he paid a man $30, all the money he had, to move him out. No preparation for shelter had been made, and when the end of the journey was reached, the movers' goods and their families were literally turned out in the woods. The brothers at once built two open camps ten feet apart and facing each other. In the space between the) made the camp fire, at which the meals were cooked, and around which both families gathered of nights listening to the moan of the autumn winds in the tree tops and the howl of the prowling wolves. At the end of six weeks they abandoned their camps for a double cabin which they had erected in the meanwhile. Peter Vandiver, Terhune's nearest neighbor, moved to the country in 1S26. Ten children were in his family and they were without shelter. The father, assisted by the older sons, immediately built an open camp, twelve by twenty feet, into which the family moved and lived till a better house was made. The " open camp," as it was called in the early days, was quite frequently met with at one time in the Johnson County forests. The most of those who came to the county without homes pre- pared beforehand, found shelter till that could be done, in the hast- ily constructed open camp. The greater number of the early set- tlers had cabins prepared before moving. This was specially true of those who came from the southern part of the state, and from Kentucky. But it would seem, that of these, the greater part moved into unfinished homes. The man who came in advance to build was quite often read)' to return for his family and goods, as soon as his cabin was raised and had a roof on. Door, window, floor and chimney could be attended to afterward. Robert Forsyth's cabin was without floor, door, chimney, daubing, chink- ing or loft, when he moved to it. John P. Banta came to the county, a year before he moved, and built a cabin, put a roof on, chinked the cracks, and made a mud and stick chimney. When he moved to it in September, 1829, it was without door, window, floor or loft. William Keaton and his wife moved into theirs before a place for a door, window or chimney, was cut out. The top log of the door span had been cut out and the family climbed in and out as best they could, till such time as a larger entrance could be made. It was so common in the pioneer times, this moving into un- finished cabins, that it seldom or never caused comment. It may be safely assumed that during the first ten years after the first white man moved to the countv, more than half of the people who THE PIONEERS. 329 came to find homes, lived for a time in unfinished cabins. Quilts and blankets hung over cabin doors and windows, gave protection against wind and weather for weeks, and in some instances, for months, to a large per cent, of the people who came during those first ten years. The "first cabins were primitive structures. They were made of round logs felled on or near the home site. Some were square enclosures, but most were parallelogram in form. Sixteen by eighteen feet was a common size, but some were 18x20. The roof was held in place bv weight poles. The cracks between the logs were chinked with wood and daubed with tempered mortar to keep out the rain and cold. The back wall and jambs were made of dry earth invariably dug from beneath the floor and beaten so firmly into place as to stand the fires of many winters. Mounting above these was the mud and stick chimney, which, after a few years, usuallv had to be propped with a pole to keep it from fall- ing. Slabs of ash — blue ash preferred — hewn to a face, made the floor — a floor that gave a silvery brightness at the touch of the scrubbing broom and mopping cloth. There were no carpets in those davs, but in most families, Sunday morning saw the cabin floor as white as the table linen. If there was poplar plank to be had, it went inn the cabin door, but if there was none, riven oak boards, smoothed with a drawing knife, answered the purpose. On wooden hinges the door was apt to swing, and its fastening might be a wooden pin, or better, a wooden latch with the string hang- ing out. In the construction of many of the first cabins, not a nail, not a scrap of iron entered. Wood and clay composed it all. A " worm" fence around it protected it and the door-yard, from the cattle and hogs. Very soon a better order of cabin architecture followed. The two roomed cabin with its clapboard roof nailed on, its logs scotched, its doors and windows cased in sawed stuff and painted blue or red, was to be seen everywhere. Sometimes the two rooms would be separated bv an " entry," making a form of cabin known in some quarters as a " saddle-bags cabin," but usually, the line dividing the two rooms, consisted of a wall of logs, through the middle of which was cut the " inside door." Into the majority of the primitive cabins, the Johnson County pioneers moved during the autumnal season. Most of them came in wagons, but not all. Andrew Pierce and his wife walked all the way from Pittsburg, carrying packs on their backs. Stith Drniel, who settled near the present site of Trafalgar, packed through from Kentuckv on horse back. Richard Perry, who came in 1823, brought part of his goods in a two wheeled vehicle, drawn by 330 JOHNSON COUNTY. oxen, and packed the residue on horse-back. He was ten days traveling 200 miles. Ladd, who settled at the bluffs, close to the line, moved all the way from North Carolina in a sled. George Bridges came to the country with two wagons, one of which was " home-made." The wheels were made of thick oak plank with iron tires. Not infrequently the wife and mother rode on horse back, and the biggest children walked. Mrs. John Doty rode all the way from the North Bend, below Cincinnati, and carried the baby. Mrs. Nancy Forsyth rode from her old Kentucky home on horse back. At the crossing of the Driftwood, she took on a sack of meal and carried her two year old baby in her lap before her, while the baby carried the pet house cat. The fall of the year was usually chosen as the time to move, of necessitv. The wretched condition of the Indiana roads as found at almost all other seasons of the year, operated largely to bring this about. From the season of the beginning of the fall rain, on through the winter and spring and till the summer drouths held the land in their dry embrace, it was next to impossible to haul a load from the Ohio River to central Indiana. Some years the dry sea- son was of such short duration that the mud-roads held sway the year round. George Kerlin, who moved to the country in the month of September, 1831, found the roads next to impassable from the Ohio River out. At any other than during the dry sea- son, it was a hard dav's ride from Franklin to Edinburg and return. It occupied all of one day to ride to Indianapolis. When once in his new home the pioneer was apt to find his lines in any but pleas- ant places. His cabin was cheerless. Everything was new. The conveniences of life were scant. Much had tc be left at the old home that could not be supplied in the new. It is difficult to con- vey to the people of this age an adequate idea of the unsupplied wants of the people who lived in the early days. Poverty abounded evervwhere. There were few, indeed, who had money, and the majority lacked in everything that is now deemed essential to comfort. In 1820, a man with his family, came to Johnson County from Tennessee, whose earthly all, was a "rifle-gun and fifty cents worth of powder and lead, a little scant bedding and a skillet and piggin." Another man had a "straw tick, a broken skillet, a bucket, a rifle- gun, a butcher knife and a steelyards."' Still another man's outfit of culinary ware was a coffee pot and a few pewter dishes. And one man after clearing his little field for corn planted the seed with his axe, He had neither horse, plow or hoe, nor money with which to buy them. James and Moses McClain, who moved to this count}' from Oldham Countv, Ivy., in 1S27, brought their two families and their THE PIONEERS. 331 worldly goods in one two-horse wagon. Moses had no money and James had 25 cents. Garrett Terhune, as we have seen, paid all his money to the man who moved him. He had a wife and ten children to maintain, besides two horses and a dozen head of cattle. The story of the hardships endured by this man and his family, as told by a son who survives, presents a most pathetic picture of the times. The first and second planting of corn failed, and the third which came was ruined by the frost. There was no grain for the cattle and many of them died. The horses were so poor that they could not work in the plow beyond two hours at a time, but had to be turned out to graze. Before the second year's crop came, Mr. Terhune had to have corn for bread. "I never ate acorns because I had to," said James, the son, "but I ate acorns because I was hungry." The meal was low in the barrel and the corn pone was cut into twelve pieces of equal size at each repast. The father without money went to the hawpatch to buy bread, where he met a distant relative who sold him the needed grain and waited for the pay. Thus they tided over their day of distress till the new crop came. William Keaton had a somewhat similar experience. Being out of breadstuffs, he left a sick wife and a family of little children, and went to the neighborhood east of Edinburg to buy corn, with- out money. But, unacquainted as he was, everyone refused to sell to him, and then he went to Tannehill's mill. It had so hap- pened that as he moved from Kentucky, he had brought a few pounds of wool which he had left at Tannehill's carding machine. The wool was still there and uncarded, and, in his extremity, he persuaded the miller to hold the wool as security for a grist of corn, and was thus enabled to return home with meal for his hungry family. Sometimes, during the first few years, breadstuffs could not be had at any price. The years 1S24 and 1S25 were exceedingly hard ones. The raccoons and the squirrels destroyed the corn patches to such an extent, that many who would have been provided otherwise by their own crops, had to work elsewhere. John Dotv's family, living on White River, subsisted for weeks on dried venison, and his was not the only family reduced to this ex- tremity. Twelve miles north of Indianapolis, on Connor's prairie, was an abundance of corn, and to that Egypt, many went' from all parts of the country, and were supplied. On one occasion, Peter and Samuel Doty, John's sons, set out with their axes on their shoulders, and a "few dollars in their pockets, to buy corn at the prairie. After they had gone four miles, Daniel Etter, a neighbor, overtook them. He left at home a wife and nine little children. Etter was without money, but he had a butcher knife — probably 33 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. one of his own make (for he was an expert blacksmith) and a steelyard that would draw 300 pounds. At their journey's end the men found work, and in due time the Dotys, with the money they had and, with that earned, announced their intention of returning; but Etter was not ready to go. He had earned only twelve bushels and had his butcher knife and steel- yard still on hand. Never had the outlook seemed to him quite so full of gloom before. He had made a hard struggle to maintain his family, and it seemed as if every year the difficulties became greater. " I cannot," said he, " return to my wife and children with only twelve bushels of corn. It is useless to try to live in this coun- try any longer, and the sooner my troubles are ended the better." His friends, assuring him they had no intention of leaving him behind them, proffered to take his knife and steelyard and try their luck in the corn trade. That same evening they found a man who wanted a steelyard, and with that and the knife, thirty more bushels of corn were bought, and Daniel Etter was fairly beside himself with joy. The men at once went to work on two large dug-outs, into which the corn was laden, and after being lashed together they were floated down the river and landed at the mouth of Honey Creek, whence the precious grain was distributed among the neighbors. Most of the Johnson County settlers brought domestic animals with them to the new country. In the beginning these were left mainly to shift for themselves. Men who were hard pressed to get corn to make bread for their families, made little effort to secure it for their beasts. There was no pasture, however, according to the present signification of that word, but the range was boundless, and a pioneer cow, hog, sheep, and even horses, soon learned to find a living in it. Probably most of the animals brought to the country were woods wise when they came, but if not, they soon became so. All soon became "rangers, learning to go where the picking was the best. The readiness with which the domestic animals adapted themselves to their environments was often a subject of comment among their owners. Some curious stories are told relat- ing to the early domestic animals. The pioneer describing his moving was apt to speak of " driving " his cattle and other stock, but he was not always accurate in the use of the word. After a few days' travel there was usually no driving, the stock following close upon the teams of their own accord. When Charles Dun- gan came from Washington County, Va., he brought two cows. For a few days they had to be driven, but after that they followed the teams as faithfully as the dogs, and although the roads were lined with movers, never once did thev make a mistake in wagons. THE PIONEERS. 333 They knew their owner's wagon, and when the camping place was reached at night they laV down, and were ready to resume the journey in the morning. Amid the Johnson Count}- forests, hickory, beech, oak and wal- nut trees grew in great abundance, and seldom failed to bear a bountiful mast. The strain of hogs common in that day, was a shifty one, and usually kept in good condition the year round. Dur- ing the fall season when the new mast was falling, they became / fat and were killed out of the woods for bacon. As early as 1824, wild hogs had become quite numerous along the border, and there were few men of the county who did not kill their meat in the woods. So wild were some droves that it required as great, and indeed sometimes greater, skill, to hunt them down than even the deer. The habit of the drove of returning at night to their usual bed enabled the hunter to creep up and get one or more shots in the morning. Not uncommon was it for the pig hunter to dig a hole in the earth, and rilling it with water, drop in heated stones till a temperature was reached suitable for scalding, after which he dressed his meat and hauled it home. The fat hog of the early days, it must be borne in mind, differed much from the fat hog of these days. It never became so fat it could not run with great swiftness, and if a ranger, as most were, it was sure to be more or less wild. Indeed, the tendency of the hog to relapse into a wild state, was more marked than in any other animal. Perhaps it was because the hog was less looked after than an\- other domestic animal. The writer remembers a barn- yard fowl that had been overlooked by a moving family and left to shift for herself on an unoccupied farm. At the end of three months she was wilder than a quail, and at the approach of man would fly into the top of the tallest tree. The first lot of hogs that were driven through from central Indiana to an Ohio River town, was in 1S24 or 1825. They were purchased in the vicinity of the bluffs on White Rive*r, by a man from Ohio, by the name of Jacob Lowe, and were turned into a large field on the old Whetzel farm, and men were employed to drive them back and forth for several days in order to train them for driving on the road. The farmer's anxiety concerning his hogs was less for their food than for their safetv. If they did not turn wild and thus escape him, they were liable to be killed or stolen. The foxes and wolves preyed upon the young pigs, while a bear did not scruple to pull down a full grown hog on occasion. But the owner feared the hog thieves more than the wild animals. The thieves infested every quarter of the county. Amid the dense woods, and far be- yond the hearing of the nearest settler, it was no hard matter to 334 JOHNSON COUNTY. run down with trained dogs young swine and mark them with the thief's own mark. It was still easier to go into the woods and shoot a fat shote. Joseph Voorheis, who settled about three miles north of Hopewell, hearing a shot in the woods, went in the direc- tion of it till he came to a couple of men who had killed and were skinning a hog. They appeared quite friendly, and affecting great admiration of his gun. one of them took it as if to look at it. Xo sooner was he disarmed than their demeanor changed. They threatened his life and the man really thought his end had come. The hog thieves reminded him that " dead men tell no tales," but finally relenting, they made him swear never to reveal what he had seen, and true to his oath, he never told it till after he moved to Iowa about thirty years ago, and after both thieves had long been dead. One of these men was a son of Nathaniel Bell, the first representative Johnson County had in the state's prison. Bell had long been suspected of hog stealing. The grasses now common on every farm, were not indiginous to the soil. Blue grass, timothy, red-top, are all interlopers, and came after the settlements were begun. In the nature's deadenings, and along the margins of the open swamps, wild grasses grew scantily in patches. There were not many of these places to be found, however. Wild pea vines afforded a more bountiful and nutritious herbage than the wild grasses of the country. As the " deadenings " increased in acreage and age, the pasturage grew better. But the pioneers had to wait a good many years for the grass in the deadenings. In the autumnal season, the cattle fed on the acorns, like the deer, and at all seasons the thick underbrush af- forded a nutritious browse on which cattle, horses and sheep "picked for a living." During the inclement winter weather when stock were loth to leave the clearing, the farmer felled lin, ash, maple and other trees that his stock might browse on the twigs. He, whose animals ranged the woods in quest of food, faced a con- stant fear of their loss by straying. The habit of wandering was apt to grow on all ranging animals, unless they were driven back to their homes at stated intervals. Statutes were passed providing for the return of straying beasts by the finders, but so common was the evil, that at one time hardly a farm could be found on which the recent loss of an animal was not lamented, or a posted one could not be pointed out. Every farmer had his " ear-mark," and even - hoof of stock he owned, save his horses, bore it. This mark was made of public record, and by means of it, many a wandering beast was reclaimed. Upper and under-bits, smooth crops, half- crops, slits, swallow-forks, holes, and the like, at one time, disfig- ured one or both ears of every cow, hog, or sheep in the country. THE PIONEERS. 335 The hardships from the straying propensity of animals was felt in its greatest severity by the new-comer. We know that he and his wife and children suffered from home-sickness. So severe was the attack now and then, that families moved back to the old home, to return to the new after the spell was over. Most families visited the old home in a year or two, and thus tided over the spell. Among the early settlers was a wide-spread belief that their domes- tic animals not infrequently suffered the pangs of home-sickness. At times an irresistible desire would seem to overcome a horse, a pig, and sometimes a cow, to return to the old place, and much trouble came to the settler in consequence. Samuel Owens had a horse that repeatedly went back to the old home in Clark Count}'. Some curious stories have been told, illustrating this disposition to return, the following two of which are well vouched for: Daniel Covert moved to the county in September, 1825, bring- ing with him horses, hogs and cattle. His horses becoming dis- quieted, set out for their old Kentucky home, but he overtook them near Columbus, and brought them back. Next, his hogs disap- peared, but he recovered them all save one sow and eight shotes. These, after a vain hunt, he gave up for lost. Sometime dur- ing the winter, business called him to Kentucky, where he re- mained for a few weeks, and then set out for his Johnson County home. On his way back, a short distance south of Graham's Fork, in Jennings County, and not less than rifty miles from home, he met his sow and eight shotes, and a new litter of pigs, on the march southward. On inquiry, he ascertained where she stopped on the way for her new progeny to be born and to grow in strength sufficient to bear the hardships of the further journey. In the early part of January, 1823, Daniel Pritchard moved to the Blue River settlement, from Henry County, in Kentucky. Among other domestic animals he brought a sow with a family of pigs, six weeks old. In a day or two she and her pigs were missing, and after much hunting he gave them up as lost. But in a few weeks a letter came from his old home, announcing their safe return. The entire journey they had made, of over a hundred miles, swim- ming the river on the way, and not one was missing. Central Indiana, at the time the first settlers came, abounded in wild animals, some of which, the deer, notably, was a blessing, while the most of the others proved a curse. Of all, the most ma- levolent was the wolf. He was a prowler and a thief. He hunted singly and in packs. The pioneer who killed a deer, dare not leave it in the woods over night, unless he sprung it to the top of a sapling. John Smiley, while living on Sugar River Creek, left his meat hanging under a shed at the end of his cabin, far above the / 33^ JOHXSON COUNTY. reach of the most active dog, but the wolves came, and leaping up to it, dragged it down and devoured it. Young calves found by them in the woods they were sure to devour, and on one occasion, a pack ran down a full grown cow, belonging to Garrett Terhune, and killed her. When found, they had chewed one leg off, and eaten other portions. But it was in the destruction of sheep that the wolves did the greatest injury to the pioneer settler. To the wool he looked for his winter clothing. It made jeans for his own coat, and flannels and linsey woolseys for his wife's dresses; and it was therefore next in his economy to bread. Levi Moore, as written elsewhere, penned his sheep under his cabin; a few pioneers joined the pen to the cabin, while the greater number built a sheep house more or less remote from the dwelling place. If. by any chance, the flock was left unhoused over night, its decimation was probable be- fore morninIn 1826, the board of justices allowed John Campbell, the county agent, a credit of 13^ cents for depreciation of money in his hands belonging to the count}' library fund. This scarcity of money was not as serious an evil as it may seem to the reader of the present. The pioneers were less depen- dent, in a certain sense, than the people of to-day. Almost every thing that went into the living of the people, was produced in the country, and out of the .want of money, a system of exchanges arose, which made its want unfelt. The taxes were next to noth- ing, and but little money was needed. A man out of debt could get along quite well with an exceedingly small sum during the year. The ginseng that was dug by the family was readily bart- ered for coffee or calico, at 25 cents per pound. His deer hides and venison saddles, the merchant took likewise in exchange for " store goods." If he had one horse more than he needed, he gave it in exchange for clearing and rail making, and the little money he found in his pocket toward the end of the year, he paid out in taxes and for leather to make shoes for his family, not forgetting himself a hat, and once in a long while, his wife a shawl, or an ex- tra Sunday dress. Many a pioneer has been compelled for want of the necessary postage, to leave his letter in the postoffice for weeks. To all the other obstacles that the Johnson County pioneer encountered, add the scourge of sickness incident to the new coun- try. For forty years the autumnal fevers withstood the skill of the physicians throughout central Indiana. These fevers, of both inter- mittent and remittent types, appeared oftentimes in their most ag- gravated forms, and occasionally neighborhoods would almost be depopulated by them. 354 JOHXSOX COUNTY. The years 1820, 1821, and 1822, were attended by more fatal sickness in the southern border counties than has ever been ex- perienced since. "Whole communities in some instances fell vic- tims to the prevailing diseases. So alarming did the mortality become, that by an act of the General Assembly passed December 31, 1821, Friday, the 2nd day of the following April, was set apart as a day for public prayer to "God Almighty, that He may avert the just judgments impending our land, and, that in His manifold mercies. He will bless the country with fruitful seasons, and our citi- zens with health and peace." That same year, 1821, an epidemic of intermittent and remittent fevers set in during the latter part of July, in the new town of Indianapolis, and continued until some time in October, during which nearly every person was more or less in- disposed, and seventy-two, or about one-eighth of the population, died.* The fall succeeding the first settlements in the spring, the scourge broke out on Blue River, and prevailed to such an extent, that there were hardly enough well people to attend to the wants of the sick ones. In the eighteen families living in that neighbor- hood, two adults, one the wife of Joseph Townsend, and the other, Richard Connor, died. There were no sawed boards in the place suitable for making a coffin, in which to bury Mrs. Townsend ( whose death is beiieved to have been the first white person's in the county), and in the emergency, Allen Williams knocked the back out of his kitchen cupboard, and with the lumber thus ob- tained, made a coffin. About the same time a man by the name of Mills, died in the Whetzel neighborhood, near the Morgan County line, and his coffin was made of boards hewn with the broad axe out of wild cherry wood. The same fall Thomas Beeler, while en- deavoring to found a settlement in the White River bottom, above the Bluffs, fell a victim to the scourge of the country. Up to 1836, there was little or no abatement in the malignance of the pre- vailing fevers. After that time there was a perceptible diminution of sickness throughout the county, which lasted up to about 1843, when the tide turned again, and for a period of five or six years, in- termittents and remittents again scourged the land. About 1859, tne mst draining tile manufactory was established in the county, and it marked the beginning of the era of the final disappearance of the autumnal fevers. Since the wet lands of the countv have been cleared and drained, a case of fever of the types, common in the earlv days, rarely is developed. How to be feared, and how inexpressibly gloomy the sickly seasons were to the pioneers, their descendents can never know. * Drake's Diseases of the Valley of North America. 311. THE PIONEERS. 355 An attack of bilious fever, or of fever and ague, might run its course in a few days, and the patient be "up and about" again. Indeed, with the " fever and ague " a great many were in bed only while the paroxysm lasted. And yet, apparentlv, the most innocent form of autumnal sickness might at any moment, develop into a malignant tvpe of disease, requiring instantaneous and the most heroic treatment, to save the patient's life. One might have two or three chills in as manv davs, each followed by fever, and there be no cause for alarm; but if a "sinking chill" set in, the experienced ones knew how important it was to have medical attention at once. Unless a re-action could be brought about, the patient's death was quite sure to occur within a day or two. As soon as the doctor reached the bed-side of such a sick person, he began at once a course of treatment calculated to bring about the desired re-action. Stimulants such as brand}', capsicum and quinine were given in large doses, and applications of mustard were freely made. In- stances are given, where, during fourteen hours ioo grains of quinine and one quart of brandy have been administered before a re-action could be brought about. On one occasion, a man had a sinking chill, which was followed by a sweat that lasted two days and two nights. At midnight a doctor visited him, and among other things, prescribed a dose of rhubarb. His wife got the medicines mixed, and instead of the rhubarb, administered 120 grains of capsicum at one dose. The next morning when the doctor returned, she met him at the gate with the tears streaming down her face, and lamenting that she was the unfortunate cause of her huaband's death. After examining his patient, and lincling that he had passed the crisis, the doctor re- lieved the wife of her anguish by saving, " Madame, your mistake has saved vour husband's life." Doctors' services were hard to secure in the beginning, and the medicines known to the people, were powerless in bad cases of sickness. Elisha Adams, who died in the fall of 1823, was visited by a doctor who came from Columbus. Not infrequently the doctors themselves succumbed to the prevalent diseases. At one time, in the town of Franklin, of five physicians, only two, Drs. Donnell and Ritchey, were able to ride, and so extensively were their services in demand, that they rode from place to place on a gallop, each riding daily not less than fifty miles. Judge Franklin Hardin gives the following graphic description of the condition of affairs during the sickly seasons: -•heath numbered his victims by hundreds. The land was filled with mourning, and the gravevards tilled with the pioneer death Many persons seemed to die from pure stagnation of blood in the veins. The doctors, by following the old system, only 23 356 JOHNSON COUNTY. accelerated the crisis. Active stimulants only were found to be suitable. A quart of whisky in a night, with large doses of qui- nine, once more restored life and mobility to the blood and saved the patient. From the iirst of August to the first of October in each year, no business requiring labor was set apart to be per- formed. Sickness was the rule, and business was despatched, medicines provided and preparations made to meet the sickly sea- son. After this was over, in any assemblage, one-half the members at least, wore pale faces. This was the age of quackery and quack medicines. After the quinine in the shops was used up, which was often the case before half the sickly season was over, the people had no remedy except in the use of boneset and gentian. The sick, therefore, readily fell in with any promised relief. Sap- pington's pills and others, with big names, heralded by along list of curative virtues, found a ready sale. Against the walls of every cabin, suspended from nails, hung two or three dozen small bottles already emptied of their contents, but with little, if an}- realization to the sick, of the promised benefit. A cart-load could have been gath- ered in a day, and such a collection would present to our children now an interesting and strange display of old curiosities, and form a long catalogue of quack nostrums." ft remains to take a glance at the intellectual and moral condition of the pioneers. We have seen something of the poverty of the people in general: the intellectual was as great if not greater. Bor- der life seldom promotes mental activity. The home life of the pioneer was one of hum-drum toil. The subjects of his thought and conversation were usually of the commonplace. No newspa- pers came freighted with the world's occurrences, to stir the pulses of his life. He knew, and would know, nothing of what was going on outside of his immediate neighborhood, save as he might hear from the lips of an occasional acquaintance, or stranger whom he met from abroad. He had but few books, and read little in those he had. When he talked it was usually with one whose area of knowledge was no wider than his own. How utterly dry and dull and fruitless life must have been to the many in those days. There was, however, an excepted class. The men who indulged in the chase could not help being students to some extent of natural his- tory. They studied the ways of the beasts and the birds. They learned to read the " signs " in the woods and along the streams, and became more or less experts in woodcraft. These men be- came educated in a certain sense, and in old age they, in general, could talk intelligently and instructively of what they had seen and learned of forest life. The early pioneers, unconsciously, perhaps, felt the evil ten- THE PIONEERS. 357 dency of their surroundings, and longed that their children might be better. Most of them had been scantily educated in youth, and all expressed a desire to see their own children have the advan- tages of the good schooling that had been denied them. In ac- cordance therewith, whenever the number of children in a neighbor- hood was enough to fill a school-house, one was provided, and a schoolmaster employed. Those first school-houses were of the most primitive stvle, and the first schoolmasters were in general meagerly educated, but both served their purpose. That first generation of scholars may not have been as well trained in the rudiments of knowledge as are their great-grandchildren of to-day, but the zeal for the cause of elementary training which they de- rived from their fathers and the poorly equipped schools, they passed on down the line, and the great-grandchildren are reaping the benefit to-day. The inquirer after the facts of the past is constantly reminded of the exhibition of lawlessness on the part of some at the begin- ning, and for several years after the county was organized. But it was mainly confined to lower grade crimes. An examination of the records of the Circuit Court of the county for a few years after its organization, discloses a state of society which indicates, at a glance, something of the moral condition of the people. At the March term of this court for 1S24, the second term of court ever held in the countv, of six causes on the docket, four were for bat- teries and affrays. At the September term of that year of twelve causes, eight were criminal, five being for batteries and affrays. At the March term for 1S25, of fifteen causes on the docket, ten were criminal causes, seven of which were for batteries and affrays. At the September term of that year, of fifteen causes, eight were criminal and seven for batteries and affrays. At the March term for 1S26, of nineteen causes in all, thirteen were criminal, and of these, eleven were for batteries and affrays. At the September term for the same year, of seventeen causes on the docket, ten were criminal, and of these, seven were for batteries and affrays. At the March term, for 1827, of thirty-seven causes in all, nine- teen were criminal, and of these, sixteen were for batteries and af- frays. At the September term for that year, of thirty-seven causes, twenty-one were criminal, and of these, nineteen were for batteries and affrays. And so on. The record shows that the fighting and quarreling prevailed to an amazing extent. The principal business of the circuit court (and we have no record of what was done by the justices) was trying cases of assault and battery and of affrays. In 1S26 there were 173 votes cast at the general election held in the count}-, and eighteen prosecutions in the Circuit Court for light- 35° JOHNSON COUNTY. ing, which was one fight to every ninth voter. And yet in the face of these figures, men whose memories took in the times when they were being made, were wont to say that " not half the fights in the county ever got into the courts," and I think their estimate was about right. But the reader must not be misled by the figures. The county taken as a whole was far less given to turbulence than the figures would seem to indicate. There was relatively but little fighting done in the country neighborhoods. Most of it took place at the elections, at the musters, and at the towns. At the first election on Blue River, which was held at the house of Hezekiah Davison, the first keg of whisky ever brought to the county was on the ground in the interest of William Williamson, a candidate for clerk of the Circuit Court. Being free to all thirsty voters, during the day, many became intoxicated, after which a promiscuous fight was in- augurated, during which the combatants beat, bit, scratched and eouered each other, and wallowed in the mud and mire as was never known in the county before, and for that matter, for many years after. On the same da} - at the White River voting place, it is re- membered that John Doty and Permenter Mullenix had a hard fight over their respective candidates. Men fought over very triv- ial matters in those days, but to their credit be it written, they usually deferred their collisions till they could meet in some public place, and hence the country neighborhoods were far less pestered with brawls than the court records would seem to indicate. Strange as it may sound to modern ears, it is nevertheless true that men fought for the sport of the thing. It was not uncommon for a lusty man, who, feeling the effect of a dram of ardent spirits, and taking pride in his manhood, to challenge the crowd he hap- pened to be in, and it was seldom some one did not accept his challenge, when a fisticuff at once ensued. A man vet living, nar- rated a circumstance to the writer, illustrating in a high degree the spirit of the times. He was at a log-rolling when one of his asso- ciates began vaunting his powers. " I can tie your hands behind your back," said my informant. It was agreed that he might make the attempt. A rope was brought, and everything being ready, my informant, who was a large, powerful man, promptly knocked his man down and tied his hands behind him before he recovered. It was deemed a good joke. But the lawless element did not have it all their own way. In truth, the large majority of the people were law-abiding in all particulars. There were neighborhoods in which a personal encounter not only did not take place the year round, but in which no man lived who engaged therein at the elec- tions or musters. The truth is, a limited number of the people THE PIONEERS. 359 comprised the rowdy element that engaged in the most of the brawls. The tines constituted the seminary fund, and Thomas Calvin, a noted pugilist of the early days, used to say, he " carried up one corner of the county seminary." The repressing influence of the law was made to be felt from the beginning, while the senti- ment of the great majority of the people was unqualifiedly in favor of order. With the first comers came the Christian Church. John P. Barnett, who came to the county in 1S21, was a Baptist preacher, and rinding others here of like faith, they organized in 1S23 the first church in the county. Early in the history of Nineveh Town- ship, a Baptist Church, under the preaching of Mordecai Cole, was organized at the home of Daniel Mussulman; and when Rich- ardson Henslev moved into Hensley Township, he carried with him a Baptist faith, and a Baptist Church was soon planted on In- dian Creek. In 1S24, the Presbyterian Church, the first in Frank- lin, was organized, and shortlv after the Presbyterian Church of Greenwood, and in 1S31, the Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, and in 1832, the Presbyterian Church of Shiloh in the western edge of the county. In 1823, the Rev. James Scott, an itinerant Metho- dist minister, traveling up White River and preaching to the set- tlers wherever he found them, came to the Bluffs, where he preached and ultimately organized the first Methodist Church in the county. In this review, the social life of the pioneers deserves a word. Among the brightest pictures that have been handed down to us from their times, are those representing its social life, and many persons of to-day, led captive b} - them, long for the return of that social life, forgetful of the fact that by reason of changed condi- tions, it would be as much out of place now as would the return of the wild beasts that then inhabited the woods. The people in the beginning were dependent on each other. In sickness and in health, at home and abroad, they felt and realized this dependence. In sickness, the pioneer's neighbors volunteered to nurse him, and to plant or plow or harvest his corn, according to the season when his sickness came. If a doctor was required a neighbor volun- teered to go after him, and if the sick died, he well knew that his neighbors would volunteer to dig his grave and lav his body to rest, and most likely show kindness to his family after he was gone. The peculiar difficulties attending the labors of the pioneers re- quired the joining of forces. The men of the neighborhood had to unite to build their cabins and to roll their logs. It was quite common to swap work in order that the strength of two or more might be exerted to a common end. Even housewives not infre- 360 JOHNSON COUNTY. quently found profit in this kind of combination. In corn planting time, families frequently exchanged work, and old and young would drop and cover corn side bv side. In the harvest field, reapers, cradlers, and binders marched in phalanx across the fields of grain. Men were wont to "splice" teams when they went to market at a river town. Now, out of all this interdependence and association, came sociability. Men and women who are a great deal together are quite sure to grow to like each other, and to love each other's society. But other causes combined to promote sociability. The absence of newspapers and books promoted conversation. When the winter weather came and the fire was kindled in the wide-mouthed lire place, and sent its genial warmth to the remotest corners of the room, the tongues of those who sat around it were loosened. They had naught else to do, and so they talked to escape the pangs of their own inanition. The family circle was in truth the talking circle. And it was this love of conversation that led to the family visit- ing that was such a feature of the early times. During the seasons when the work was slack, neighbors visited each other till " bed- time," or longer, according to circumstances, and the visits were al- ways returned. The social habit manifested itself in divers ways. Saturday was a day on which men went to the towns, or other central place, to hear the news. They talked of their crops, of the incidents occur- ring in the various neighborhoods, and thus was established a habit that is yet observed, although the cause has long gone by. All over central and southern Indiana, men frequent the towns on Sat- urdavs as on no other dav. SCHOOLS. 36l CHAPTER IV. BY D. D. liANTA. Schools — Early Legislative Acts in Relation to — Examin- ation and Qualifications of Early Teachers — Primitive Buildings and Methods — First Schools — List of Early Pedagogues — Later and More Improved Methods — Pro- visions of New Constitution — Present School Census — Flanklin College. .ONGRESS of the United States, in the month of April, i*3iQj passed an act to enable the people of the In- diana Territory, to form a state constitution and to organ- ize a state government. Five propositions were offered for the " free acceptance or rejection " of the people, through their delegates in convention assembled, two of which related to learning. In the first it was proposed to grant the sixteenth section in every congressional town- ship " to the inhabitants of such township for the use of schools," and in the fourth, to reserve an entire township " for the use of a seminary of learning." To the everlasting honor of the members of the first constitutional convention of the state be it written, they accepted these propositions in a spirit as broad and liberal as that in which they were tendered. The constitution they framed pro- vided that all moneys realized from the sale of school lands should " remain a fund for the exclusive purpose of promoting the inter- est of literature and the sciences, and for the support of seminaries and public schools." And it was further provided that " It shall be the duty of the General Assembly, as soon as circumstances will permit, to provide by law for a general system of education, as- cending in a regular gradation from township schools to a state uni- versity, wherein tuition shall be gratis and equally open to all." Whatever may be said of the performance, the promise made by the new state was as liberal as the most zealous lover of learn- ing, of that early day, could have wished. The state stood com- mitted in her organic law to a free school system that should begin in the district school, and end in the university. But how utterly impossible it was to carry into immediate effect these commend- able resolutions. All of Indiana was a savage wilderness, save a narrow border along the southeastern, southern and southwestern 362 JOHNSON COUNTY. boundaries of the state. The population was less by nearly four thousand than the population of Johnson, Shelby and Bartholomew counties, at the time of the taking of the last census; and the cash value of all the property in the state was. doubtless, less than that within any one of the counties named, at the same time. The con- stitution itself wisely provided that "no lands granted for the use of schools" should be sold before 1820, the year in which the first settlers came to Johnson County. As a matter of fact, more were sold prior to 1S2S, at which time the first legislative act was passed, authorizing the sale. Prior to that time, the laws authorized the leasing of the school lands, and in some townships of the state, thev never have been sold, but are still leased, and the proceeds turned into the school fund of the townships. It would be a useless task to present, even an epitome of the many school laws that were passed from the organization of the state up to the time of the adoption of the present constitution, in 1S50, when a radical change in educational affairs was brought about. Whether these laws were wise or unwise, it would be hard to judge, save from a speculative stand-point, for the funds derived from the school revenue sources, were in general, so meager that the maintenance of a district school depended more upon the en- terprise of the people in nearly every case, than upon the law. Yet the laws passed from time to time served one most excellent pur- pose; they pointed out a convenient line of action to the people who were desirous of maintaining schools, and gave a sanction to all their efforts. The first comprehensive school law was passed in 1824. It provided for three trustees in every school district, a feature that was kept on foot up to the time of the adoption of the new con- stitution. These trustees were given authority to examine teach- ers in reading, writing and arithmetic, the onlv studies mentioned in that law or in any succeeding, for many years. For thirteen years the district trustees were the school examiners, and we may well imagine the character of some of the examinations. Hardly one in a hundred may be said to have been fitted to conduct a school, let alone pass upon the qualifications of another before hand, to do the same thing. We may readily see the course such an examination would be apt to take if made at all. While it was not uncommon to meet with trustees who could neither read nor write, it seldom, if ever, happened that there was not one of the three, at least, who did not make some claims to elementary book knowledge. The candidate's hand-writing could be seen of all, and in the early days a full, round, smoothly flowing hand was more than half the accomplishment. It opened the store door to a SCHOOLS. 363 clerkship for the ambitious youth; it was pointed to as a master qualification in the candidate who was running for public office, and to the school-master it was deemed an invaluable acquisition. It is easy to see how the trustees would scan the candidate's chirog- raphy. They could do this and remain silent. Mentally, they could admire or criticise, and not subject themselves to criticism in turn. As to the rest, they talked with the candidate on various themes, judging of his general fitness for school teaching, from what he said. If they were not book-learned, they were, at least, fair judges of men. They could give an estimate of the applicant's general intelligence, more or less satisfactory to themselves, and one which nearly always had the merit of satisfying their con- stituency. In 1837, the law was so changed that three count} - examiners were chosen to conduct examinations in lieu of the district trustees who were to be appointed by the circuit judge of the county. This system, with modification, principally affecting the appointing power, continued in vogue up to 1S52. It was unquestionably a step up- ward. It afforded an opportunity of securing men, qualified to dis- charge the duty, which was a great deal. But such men were not always secured, if we may judge from contemporanious history. Barnabas C. Hobbs, a former superintendent of public instruction in this state, made application for a license to one of these county examiners. The only question asked was : " What is the product of 25 cents by 2 5 cents? " "We had then," says Mr. Hobbs, "no teach- ers' institutes, normal schools, nor ' best methods' bv which nice mat- ters were determined, and precise definitions given. We were not as exact then as now. We had only Pike's arithmetic, which gave the sums and the rules. These were considered enough for that day. How could I tell the product of 25 cents by 25 cents, when such a problem could not be found in the book? The examiner thought it was 6]^ cents, but was not sure; I thought just as he did, but this looked too small to both of us. We discussed its merits for an hour or more, when he decided that he was sure I was qualified to teach school, and a first-class certificate was given me." The early laws provided for the erection of school-houses, but like every other public improvement of that day, the school house when made, represented the labor of the district applied to the. ma- terial growing on the ground. Under the law the trustees were empowered to call out every "able bodied male person of the age of twenty-one or upwards, being a freeholder or householder, residing in the school district," one day in each week until the building was completed. Such person might, in lieu of work, pay in " plank, 364 JOHNSON COUNTY. nails, glass or other materials," but if he failed to work or pay in materials, he suffered a fine of 37 }> cents for each day lost. The law provided further that the school-house should be "eight feet between the floors, and at least one foot from the surface of the ground to the first floor, and finished in a manner calculated to ren- der comfortable the teacher and pupils, with a suitable number of seats, tables, lights, and everything necessary for the convenience of such school. These exceedingly general requirements were not always observed in the building of school-houses. All were not raised a foot above the earth, nor all eight foot from floor to ceil- ing, but so general was this last requirement observed in Johnson County, that the old school-houses, in general, bore strong resem- blance to each other on the outside. In the beginning the few houses erected were of the most primitive style of log cabin architecture. Indeed, some were little or no better than the hunter's camp. The first school-house built in the south half of White River Township, was arranged for the fire to be kept burning in the center of the earthen floor. A chimney built on four posts planted in the ground, about six feet apart, and rising to the roof, was intended to carry the smoke away. The benches were arranged on the four sides of the fire. Usually the chimney was placed in one end. One house in the south part of the countv, in very early times, was made without a window. It was lighted by the door and its very large chimney. As the children increased in a neighborhood, to a number sufficient to support a school, their fathers were quite sure to make provision for one. While thev themselves were, in general, the most meag- erly educated, they, nevertheless, were anxious that their children should have good school advantages, and willingly they joined in providing school-houses. Whether made of round or hewed logs — whether eight feet between the floor and ceiling, or less, all school houses (save a few at the very first) had puncheon floors, capacious fire-places with mud and stick chimneys, long benches made of slabs or puncheons. Every house had a long window, made by cutting out a log the full length of one side or end of the house, beneath which window was the writing table. This was made by laying a plank on pins, driven with an upward slant into the wall, or if a plank was not to be had, which was sometimes the case, by laying smoothly shaved riven boards thereon, or even smoothly shaved halves of logs. One of the greatest drawbacks to the efficiency of the pioneer schools, was the want of competent teachers. This want was felt in every county in the state with more or less severity. " The pioneer teachers were generally adventurers from the east, or from SCHOOLS. 365 England, Scotland or Ireland, who sought temporary employment during winter while waiting for an opening for business," says Barnabas C. Hobbs. The southern states furnished their quota, and western Pennsylvania was not behind any section of equal area in the number sent forth to become educators of the youth of the land. While there was one here and there of the early teachers who was well qualified for the work, the great majority, it must be admitted, were not. So loud were the complaints of the inefficiency of the school teachers throughout the state, that they reached the ears of the governor. In the annual message of Gov- ernor Noble, in 1833, he thus calls the attention of the General Assembly to the subject: "The want of competent persons to in- struct in the township schools, is a cause of complaint in many sec- tions of the state, and it is to be regretted, that in employing tran- sient persons from other states, containing but little qualifications or moral character, the profession is not in that repute it should be. Teachers permanently interested in the institutions of the country, possessing a knowledge of the manners and customs of our extended population, and mingling with it, would be more calculated to ren- der essential service, and be better received than those who came in search of employment." And he proposes as a remedy for the evil the establishment of a seminary for the special training of our native teachers or the incorporation of the manual labor system with the preparatory department of the Indiana College at Bloom- ington. All sorts of teachers were employed in Johnson County. There was the " one-eyed teacher " ; the " one-legged teacher" ; the " lame teacher"; the " single-handed teacher "; the teacher who had "fits;" the teacher who had been educated for the ministry, but owing to his habits of hard drink had turned pedagogue ; the teacher who got drunk on Saturday and whipped the entire school on Monday. Some are remembered for the excellence of their teaching, and some for their rigorous government. Some are remembered for their good scholarship and some for their incompetency. As late as 1848, teachers were emploj'ed in Johnson County whose license certified that they could teach arithmetic to the " Single Rule of Three." While the curriculum of studies was confined mainly to reading, writing and arithmetic, there were schools wherein no book was used but the spelling book. There were schools taught by teachers who did not claim to be able to teach anything beyond spelling, reading and writing. One such was taught by John Pruner in the northwest corner school house of Union Township. Pruner taught two or three terms in succession, and proved himself an acceptable and popular teacher. The children spelled and read 366 JOHNSON COUNTY. and wrote in accordance with the custom of the schools of the times. It came to pass, however, that some of his students wanted to study arithmetic, and there came a young man to the neighborhood, Abram Aten, who claimed to be able to teach it. He offered him- self as a candidate for the school against Pruner, and there was at once a great commotion in the neighborhood. Should the popular Pruner be thrown overboard to make room for a man who could cipher? was the all-absorbing question. A school meeting was held and the matter was thoroughly canvassed. Nothing could be said against the character of either candidate, and so the question was debated upon the square issue of arithmetic or no arithmetic. Fiery speeches were made extolling reading and writing and John Pruner on the one side, and reading, writing and arithmetic and the untried man on the other. A great deal of feeling was evinced, and it looked at one time as if the district would be rent assunder. On taking the vote, those in favor of the arithmetic carried the da}' by two or three majority, and Aten was given the school. Thomas Lynam was a popular pioneer teacher, but he made no pretense to a knowledge of arithmetic. One of his pupils, A. B. Hunter, ciphered through the arithmetic without any assistance from his teacher. One of the curious chapters of the times, is the low wages paid for all manner of intellectual labor. The governor of the state re- ceived $1,000 per year, a supreme judge and a judge of the circuit court each $7°°; a member of the General Assemblv drew $2 per day, and legislated on Christmas and New Year's davs the same as on any others, except when they happened to fall on Sunday. Salaries of officers were even less in some of the eastern states. The governor of Vermont received $750 per annum for his ser- vices, the secretary of state $450, and the treasurer $400. Minis- ters, well educated, and of most excellent natural abilities, preached the year round for $300 or less: nay, the "Rev. Allen Wiley, a man of varied learning, deep in theologv, strong in faith, and full of the Holy Ghost, received that year (1830) as his portion of the sum total, $20. My colleague, Rev. Amos Sparks, a most unique man, full of goon common sense, of marked eloquence and power in the pulpit, and popular with the people, received for his portion, being a married man with several children, $175, a part of which was paid in dicker."* An unmarried circuit rider of the times, who was paid $100 per year, was deemed to have been paid a good compensation. Small salaries were likewise the rule with teachers. The Rev. B. R. Hall, the first principal of the Indiana Seminary, at 'Early Methodism in Indiana, p. 19. SCHOOLS. 367 Bloomington, which was the state school, received a salary of $250 per year. He was elected in 1823, and when two years after, the board of trustees elected John M. Harney to the chair of mathematics and philosophy, one applicant informed the board by letter that he was "educated in England, and would accept the situation at a salary of $250 and find his own family." For a great many years the pay of teachers was in general, kept at the lowest notch. The first school taught in Hensley Township, was by Jesse Titus, a "lame school-master," at $1.00 per scholar. This was in the winter of 1826-27. He could not have had over nine- teen scholars, which would reduce his compensation to $6.00 per month. Out of that he paid his board, which cost him $1 per month. The patrons of his school were all poor men, but anxious to afford means for the education of their children. John Stevens had three to educate, and as an inducement to Titus to teach the school, he proffered to set off the board against their tuition, and it was done. Ten dollars and $12 per month was quite frequently paid to teachers in Johnson County during the early days. Indeed, a sub- scription school of twenty-five scholars, at $1.50 per scholar, was long considered a well-paying school. The winter schools might go over this, but the few summer schools taught, so often fell below, that it was quite customary for the teacher to "board around," in order to make up the loss as nearly as he could. In 1844, Anderson B. Hunter taught a school in Waggoner's smoke house, which had been fixed up for the occasion, for $8 per month, and boarded himself. In the spring of 1846, he taught for $14 per month, paying for his board 50 cents per week. A like condition of things prevailed elsewhere in the state. In Orange County, a subscription school was taught at " three bits per pupil for three months." In 1845, schools were taught in that county at $10 per month. Nor was this peculiar to Indiana alone. In Mas- sachusetts the school system had reached such a stage of develop- ment by the year the first settlers came to Johnson Count)', that the school-districts had been laid off in such a manner that " no scholar is obliged to walk further than three-fourths of a mile from the extremity to the center of the district where the school is situ- ated." Public schools were kept open from three to four months each winter, and a master was paid " from $10 to $20 per month," while a mistress for a summer school was paid " from $5 to $6 per month."* The wages paid to teachers during the formation period of our state's history are believed to have been in the main up to the level of the wages paid in most of the other states during the same period. * Nile's Register, vol. 20, p. 10S. 36S JOHNSON COUNTY. It is much to be regretted that we have no record of the time when the earlier schools of the county were opened. It would seem that the time has passed when the information can be supple- mented by an appeal to human memory. No other query calls out such a diversity of answers as the one relating to the time and place of the tirst schools. Inasmuch as a considerable settlement was established on the Blue River, before at any other point, it seems reasonable to suppose that the first school in the county was opened in that neighborhood. In this place a reference will be made to some of the earlier schools of which we have knowledge, but without any attempt at a chronological arrangements of them. In White River Township I have encountered three first schools. It is claimed that a school was taught somewhere in the south half of the township, in a log school-house, in which the fire was built in the center of the dirt floor. The name of the teacher is not given. It is very certain that Mrs. Samuel Parks, a widow, taught a school in her own house, sometime after her husband's death, which occurred in August, 1825. By some, hers is said to have been the first school in the township. In very early times a double log cabin stood on the Bluff road between the bluffs and the pres- ent site of Brownstown. One John Collins, a school-master, lived in one of the rooms, and taught a school in the other, as early as 1826. It is remembered of him that he owned the land on which the house stood, and at play-time he made the school children " pick trash." The labor of the children at the noon hour in the clearing may have been understood beforehand. I remember a school which run four days in the week, nor was he required to call books before 9 o'clock in the morning. Fridays as well as Saturdays the teacher gave to the cultivation of his corn. Three of the largest boys of the school, all belonging to the same family, by some sort of an arrangement between the father and teacher, worked in the hitter's clearing of mornings, and helped him plant his corn. They thus earned the money to buy their books and possi- bly paid a part or all the schooling of the family for that term. They had a walk of two miles to the master's clearing, and were always on the ground by sun up. I yet remember the great store they set by their bright new Eclectic Readers. A like uncertainty as to the first school taught, we encounter on entering Union Township. William Bond, about 1832, taught a summer school in the neighborhood of the present site of Union village. About the same time, a pole cabin was built for a school- house, on the west side of George Kerlin's farm, on the Three Notched Line Road, in which Jeremiah Callahan opened the first school. In Hensley Township there were three first schools, but SCHOOLS. 369 the weight of evidence seems to point to the fact that in the winter of 1826-7, Jesse Titus taught the first school. The log house in which the school was taught was erected near the present Friend- ship Church site, and was 16x18 feet, and fronted south. A log for a window was cut out at the west end, and the sash was filled with " paper glass." The wide-throated chimney was in the east end, and under the long window, logs split into halves, and smoothed to a face, were mounted on a sort of trestle work for a writing table. The following is the roster of children that attended that first school: Ephraim Harrell, Gideon and Betsy Stevens, Betsy Har- rell, Avery, Godfrey, Elizabeth and Nancy Chase; Abram, Daniel, Permelia and Anna Heethers; Polly, Bloomfield, Roland and Richard Hensley; Milford, Bluford and William Richardson. The American Spelling Book was used in that school, and the English First Reader. Toward the close of the school, six or seven of the scholars were furnished with copy books, and set to making " pot hooks and hangers." The succeeding winter, Samuel B. Elkins taught in the same house, and by some this was thought to have been the first school. Elkins is said not to have been " very good in figures, but wrote an excellent hand, and was a good reader and spelled well," and above all, was a " good hand with young chil- dren." In 1824, Aaron Dunham moved from Brown County, Ohio, to the Nineveh neighborhood, in which there were living at the time, twelve families. He was an educated man for his time, being a good mathematician and a good grammarian. I have seen speci- mens of his hand writing among the files of the Circuit Court, and I know that he wrote an excellent hand. In November of this year, Dunham came to open a school in a log cabin, formerly lived in by William Strain, about one-fourth of a mile northeast of Williams- burg. This house was furnished with a puncheon floor, split log benches, greased paper windows and a hewed log writing table, resting on stakes driven into the earth. The teacher was paid $40 for a three months' school. About twenty scholars attended, of whom Jeremiah Woodruff, then twelve years old, and still living, was one. One of the girls, a Miss Dunham, studied grammar, and young Jeremiah tried it for a day, but his father, Joab Woodruff, who was the leading man in the community, pronouncing grammar nonsense, the boy abandoned it. About twenty scholars attended that school, the following of whom are remembered, viz. : the brothers, Jeremiah, William and Nelson Woodruff, a Miss Dunham. Benjamin Crews' three boys, David Twet's two children, William Strain's two, and Daniel Pritchard's two. Mr. Dunham continued to teach 37° JOHNSON COUNTY. for many years in Nineveh Township with the approbation of his patrons, and the loving remembrance of his pupils. In 1S26, Benjamin Baily taught a school close to the Vicker- man place in the same township. This school was in a cabin on a dirt floor. At a very earl} day a school was opened not far from the present site of Amity, by James Heinaner, who was succeeded the next year by one named McCloskv. George Adams, yet liv- ing, attended both those schools and still has the " ciphering book " he wrote then. He used Bennett's arithmetic, and according to the custom of the times he transferred the examples to a copy book to- gether with the processes employed in solving them. In 1828, Elzy Mathes taught in the Price school-house, three miles north of Edinburg, a subscription school of three months at $1 per scholar. During his term the deer annoyed him a great deal by coming to lick during school hours in the outside chimney corners of his school-house. The children would give attention to the ani- mals at the expense of their lessons. Mathes secured two planks which he so arranged, that by pulling a string that was brought over to his seat in the school house, as to fall with a great clatter and bang. Not long afterward the deer, a buck and a doe came, and Mathes enjoining silence, pulled the string and down came the planks with a mighty racket and away went the deer never to re- turn. The master and his school went out and were amazed at the great leap the terrified buck had taken. It was over twenty feet. The deer never after, were a source of disturbance to his school, and as far as I have heard, his was the only school in the county ever disturbed by them. Austin Shipp, the first student from John- son Count) - , who ever attended the Indiana Seminary at Blooming- ton, "taught in 1830, in an old cabin on the Marshal farm three miles northwest of Edinburg." A log school-house stood on the Maux Ferry road, a short distance south of the present site of Furnas' mill, in which Thomas Alexander taught during the winter of 1827-8. Coming to Franklin Township, we find that the first schools were held in the log court house. A cloud of uncertainty hangs over them. Dr. Pierson Murphy is known to have taught at an early period in the history of the town, but whether he was the first may be doubted. Aaron LeGrange attended his school seven- teen days, which he says must have been about 1825. " I used Pike's arithmetic. Our other books were anything we could get. I remember we had Dilworth's spelling book." In the winter of 1829-30, Thomas Graham is known to have taught in the log court house. John Tracy, a young man of twenty-one years, SCHOOLS. 371 attended, walking from his father's house, a distance of live or six miles. Mr. Tracy studied arithmetic. Gilderov 1 licks, who moved to the town in 1S34 anc ^ began the practice of law, which he suc- cessfully pursued for over twenty years, turned aside occasionally during the first years and taught school. Another who is remem- bered to have taught in the town schools during the earlier years, was William G. Shellady. " The first school between Franklin and Martinsville '" was at the present site of the Mount Pleasant Church — the Byers neighborhood. Joseph Ringland was the teacher, and after him came Henry Drury, and then a man by the name of Yitito. In September, 1825, Thomas Henderson moved from Ken- tuckv, and settled at Big Spring, now Hopewell. His first inquiry was for a tract of land to enter, on which was a site suitable for a school house, a church and a grave-yard, and he succeeded in be- coming the owner of the tract of land on which these indispensable adjuncts to every good neighborhood were subsequentl}" located. In 1829, a hewed log house, 20x30 feet, was erected, the floor and ceiling of which were laid with whip-sawed lumber. For a few years this building was used as a church, and for many as a school house. The first school taught in that house was the same year of its erection, by John R. Smock. He taught two winters out of three, one of which he boarded with Simon Covert, at 50 cents per week. Nancy Henderson taught the intervening winter. In 1833, the people of the neighborhood organized an educational so- ciety, which, by the terms of the compact, was to continue for five years, during which two terms per year of five months each were to be taught, and the patrons were to pay $1.25 per scholar, per term. This society was kept on foot for three years, during which the school house doors were kept open for ten months of each year. Two and a half years Samuel Demaree, a Kentucky school-mas- ter taught, and after him came a Mr. Ayers, who finished the last of the three years. The first school in Pleasant Township was in the Smock neigh- borhood, at Greenwood. The date is uncertain, but it is believed to have been as early as 1825. William S. Holman, since become so celebrated as a statesman and politician, is remembered to have taught one or more terms of school in the Greenwood school while a student in the Baptist Institute in Franklin. Clark Township was late in being peopled, but it is said that a school was taught therein well up toward the north side, as early as 1828; but of it little is now remembered. Thus far have I adverted to some of the early schools of the county, and it now remains to give a list of such of the early " 2 4 372 JOHNSON COUNTY. teachers as have been remembered by their old pupils. This list is necessarily incomplete, because of the fallibility of memory. Man}- of these persons taught in more than one school house and township, and no attempt will be given to localize them. It is as follows: William Bond, John L. Jones, Sr., Henry Drurv, Jere- miah Callahan, Henry Banta, John L. Jones, Jr., Matthew Owens, Charles Disbrow, David V. Demaree, Washington Miller, Asa B. Nav, Joseph Ravnor. William Lane, Louis Shouse, John Roberts, Thomas Graham, Piersen Murphy, Gabriel M. Overstreet, A. D. Whitesides, John Slater, A. B. Hunter, Elijah Harrell, Andrew Robe, Franklin Hardin, Jacob Fishback, Hiram Jackson, D. Loper, Joseph Ringland, William F. Johns, Hugh Smiley, Sebastian C. Fox, Joshua Eccles, Nelson Brock, Elizabeth Sutton, William Mitchell, Andrew Robe, James Collins, James Abbett, Samuel Hare, Elisha Hardin, James Wishard, David Todd, Thomas Alex- ander, Thomas Lynam, E. W. Morgan, Zalmon Disbrow, A. B. Hunter, William Cotton, James Mullikin, William Jones, Peter II. Banta, Miss West, Getty, Malcom McLean, William Allen, Pe}ton B. Culver, Samuel McClain, John F. Peggs, John Colvin, John Mathes, James Prather, John Abbey, Henry Woodard, Squire O. W. Garrett, Gaines, Ephraim Hewitt, William Irwin, William Keaton, Henry House, Cary Slack, Samuel Griirith and Willet Tyler. During the first fifteen years of the county's history, school houses were located with reference to the accomodation of neighbor- hoods, solely. As the county became settled other considera- tions began to rule. From 1S35 to 1840, the county was laid off into school districts, so as to give about live to each congressional township. White River, which is a third larger in area than a con- gressional township, was laid off into six school districts, and pro- vided with as man)' school houses. The Lyons school house was in the northeast corner, and the Glenn, in the northwest. The Hughes school house was toward the east side, not far from the center thereof, while the Low occupied a like position on the west side. The Dunn school house was in the southwest corner, while another stood over toward the southeast. In Union Township there were five houses, one near the center of the township and one in each corner. Something like this order prevailed in all the townships. It will thus be seen that the division was on a geographical basis, of one house to from seven to nine square miles territory, and that some school children would necessarily have long roads to travel. Two, and even three miles were not infrequently traveled, night and morning, by the little folk of the early day. And when schools. 373 we remember that the school paths often led through the gloomy woods the greater part of the way, we may imagine something of the courage of both parents who sent, and of the pupils who went, to the early schools. One man remembers that he went a mile through an unbroken wood. He was eight years old, and used to run every step to and from the school-house, fearing lest a bear might overtake him. Another says, that he and his little brother one morning actually encountered a bear on their way to school, and that although it fled, they were ever after so afraid that they ran from home to school and cowered in a corner if they were the first comers, until others arrived. Two young girls, the daughters of Peter Whitenack, met a bear on the way to the Hopewell school one morning a little to the east of what is now known as the Don- nell hill, and it disputed the path with them b}^ " setting up in it." The preciptancy with which they turned and fled is easier to im- agine than describe. When the man with a gun arrived the bear had gone. There were no teachers' institutes, no normals, no training schools in those days. There were no books to be had on peda- gogics. No " best methods " were inculcated. Every teacher was left to his own way of doing things in the school-room. Of course there was great variety in the manner of teaching adopted. Here were teachers from the Carolinas, from Virginia, from Ken- tucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New England, Old England, Ireland and Scotland. Each had his way — a way learned in the country he came from. The dissimilarity of methods, however, was usually seen in minor matters. In the graver phases of school life, the dissimilarities usually disappeared. A pre-requisite to successful teaching always has been, and al- ways will be, an ability to govern. In the early days government occupied a higher place in the teacher's qualifications than it does in this. In whatever else he lacked he must not in this. It was for him to make his scholars mind, and the entire catalogue of pun- ishments were in general at his disposal. The pioneers were a sturdy, thorough-going set of men and women, who were seldom content with any half-way measures. The same may be said of their children, and it may be doubted whether they would have entertained a feeling of respect for a teacher who would not on oc- casion, inflict corporal punishment with savage severity. Be this as it may, the early school-masters ruled with a rod of iron. It was the custom to whip on the slightest provocation, and now and then for no provocation at all. An early teacher in Blue River Town- ship would sometimes drink to a state of intoxication on Satur- day. On Monday morning he would reach the school-house all 374 joiiNSOx county. broken up, and sometimes he would switch the entire school before the noon hour. But there were not many drunken teachers employed in Johnson County, and the severest teachers were among the most temperate. Sebastian Fox, an early teacher in the northern part of the county, stood at the very head of those who whipped with the greatest severity. He kept in the school room a green, tough switch, about six feet long, and he invariably took off his coat and threw it on one of the joists overhead, before administering his punishment. He whipped not only for violations of school rules, but he whipped for laziness and natural dullness. He frequently whipped till the "red streaks could be seen on a bovs back through his shirt." He carried his punishments to such a pitch, that his school at last revolted, and the trustees had to be sent for. Ed- ward Keene was a young man, almost grown, whom he very much disliked, and had, on more than one occasion, mercilessly whipped, as Edward thought, without sufficient cause. One day the boy did something that inflamed the master, who told him he must take a whipping or leave school. To the big boy or girl the alternative of leaving school or taking a whipping was always given in those days. Keene left, but after consulting with a couple of his mates, he concluded to return the next day. On his arrival, the school- master at once pulled off his coat and took down his best switch. '■ Will you step out and take your whipping," said he. " Yes, if you are able to give it,"' bravely answered young Keene. At that point, his two big school-mates, William H. Wishard and Washington Culver, arose, and proposed to help him out. The whipping was put off and the trustees were sent for, to patch up a peace. Not a few instances occurred in the county, in the early davs, of the larger pupils of the school being driven to open rebellion by the severity of their teachers. Such an occurrence once took place at the Hurricane school-house. A teacher named Cottingham, whipped with a six foot switch ferociously. One day he undertook to make a stubborn boy cry, and lashed him until the school rose c// masse and demanded a cessation. In Union Township, a Cana- dian by the name of Bradley, once taught. He undertook to intro- duce a new punishment, ljy striking the scholars with a rule on the open palm of the hand, and on the bunched end of the lingers. His punishments seemed to the eyes of the larger pupils inhuman, and once when about to beat a little boy on the ringer nails, the big boys interfered. They told him he might whip the little one on the back and they would say nothing, but he could not beat the ends of his fingers: and Bradley wisely forbore to ever after whip, save in the orthodox way. schools. 375 Sometimes the school-master's discipline took a humorous turn. On one occasion, Andrew Rabe, who was an exceedingly strict school-master, but a very popular one nevertheless, went to his school and discovered that something had been going on out of the usual order, but what, he could not divine. At the noon hour he learned that two of the big boys had fought that morning, and that one of them had received a bloody nose. Immediately, on " calling books," the teacher, in accordance with his custom, impanelled a jury and proceeded to try the accused. Three big boys were selected to try the case who were acceptable to the accused. The teacher sat as judge and prosecutor, and saw that the evidence was properly introduced. But the jury hung. Two of the jurors voted guilty, affixing the proper punishment, but the third stood out for mercy. He insisted upon a verdict of "not guilty," but was willing to affix to it, "if they ever do it again, each to have twenty- live lashes well laid on." The judge and prosecutor was equal to the occasion. There could be no failure of justice in his court because of a stubborn juryman, and so without further ceremony he was set aside and another put in his place. The new man was a brother of one of the accused, but kinship was not a disqualification in that court. The parties on trial, however, were consulted, and agreed to the substitution, and the record was thus kept straight. Thereupon the new jury retired, and promptly returned a verdict of guilty, with " five good licks apiece." The inevitable question followed: "Will you take your whipping or leave school?" One of the par- ties, now a venerable man, who has for many years wisely adminis- tered the law as a justice of the peace in his neighborhood, after a few moments' thought, said he could not afford to leave school just then, and gave his back to his master's use. Rabe was a good whipper, and it is said he got all the good there was to be had in the five strokes on that occasion. Turning to the next victim he put the same question of going or staying. This young man was not so sure. His mind was not made up. He did not much like to leave school, but he liked less to take the whipping. He had about made up his mind to leave, when the thought occurred, " What will father say? " " Go," said he to that very brother who had sat as a juror and approved the sentence, "go and see what father says." He went, and presently returned with these words: " Father says if you come home he will give you the all-firedest licking you ever had." That settled it. He, too, stood out on the floor and let Andrew Rabe tip-toe it on five of his best, and there was no more fighting in that school. But whipping on the back with a switch, and on the hands and 376 JOHNSON COUNTY. fingers with a rule, were not all the punishments inflicted. The early school-masters were ingenious in devising novel modes of torture for their children. One school-master habitually pulled the ears of refractor}' pupils. Sometimes one ear, after a manipula- tion at his hands, would puff up to double its natural size. The "dunce block" and the "fool's cap," were in every school. Some teachers kept a " leather spectacles." I remember to have seen two boys alternately tie on each other the "leather specs," in the meanwhile dancing and crying in rage. I once saw a teacher incarcerate quite a big girl for some mischief, "in the hole under the floor." I will never forget how he pushed her fingers off the unmoved puncheons at the sides, when he closed the lid over her. Making a pupil stand in the corner or by the side of the teacher, or on one leg, were favorite modes. If a boy was particularly bashful (which was not often the case) he might be seated between a couple of girls with admirable effect. " Bringing up the switch" was another mode. An idle child would be startled out of a doze by the switch dropping at his feet. "Bring up the switch!" would be the stern command, and there was no escape. The idler must cany the evidence of his subjection to the master, in the presence of the whole school. How often have I seen a teacher rush up to an idler, or mis- chief-maker, and strike him over the back and shoulders with all his might and main. Boxing a child's ears with a closed book or the open hand was quite common with some. I remember once an edition of the elementary spelling book, bound in wooden backs. The wood was exceedingly thin, of course, and split so easily that a blow with a book over a child's head would shatter the back into splinters. After the backs of two or three books had been ruined by the teacher, the children made such an outcry over the mutila- tion, that the teacher ceased their use altogether as instruments of punishment. I have seen teachers kick their pupils; have seen them attach split quills to their noses; bumb their heads together, and one old teacher kept a short rod of whalebone, which had the merit of never wearing out. In these days teachers were careful to seat the boys and girls on different sides of the house. This was the custom at church and at the dinner tables. In no case were the school children to sit to- gether, except for punishment. Nor were they allowed to play together. I remember one school-master who was so strict in this particular that he established an east and west line, which ran from the spring through the middle of the school-house, on the west side of which, in the house, the girls sat, and out of doors the}- played. On the east side, within, the boys sat, and without, schools. 377 played, and the rule was not deemed an unreasonable one by his pupils. It was the custom in that school, as in a good many others, throughout the count}-, for the children to be seated in the order of their arrival in the morning. The first arrival sat at what the teacher chose to call the head. The next arrival sat next to him, and so on in order to the last. The only advantage to the scholar arriving first, was that he recited his lesson first. There were few classes, save the spelling class, in the old schools. In the beginning, Dilworth's spelling book was used, and after that came " Webster's American Spelling Book," and that in time was succeeded by the " Elementary Spelling Book " by the same author, which held the field against all rivals for more than twenty-five years. The old school-masters placed great stress on spelling. Twice a day the whole school stood up and spelled " for head." A half-day in every week was given to the spelling match. Night spelling schools were of frequent occurrence. Every scholar was kept ham- mering away at the spelling book as long as he went to school, and there were few schools in which one or more pupils had not the book by heart. The words in the elementary spelling book were written rythmical!)-, and it was no hard matter to commit by rote whole columns of words. This book was used as a reader also. In some schools, after a pupil had learned to spell sufficiently well, he was set to pronouncing the words in the book at sight. After he was able to readily pronounce all the words in the book, he was deemed sufficiently advanced to begin reading. The elementary spelling book served the purpose of reader. " She fed the old hen. The old hen was fed by her. See how the hen can run." This was the first lesson. After the book had been read through a half dozen times, another was in demand. There were few, or no, readers, accessible. A few copies of the "English reader," or of the " Columbian," might be had, but in general, such books as could be picked up in the neighborhood, were used. The " Life of Marion" was not an uncommon school reading-book in those days. Histories, the Pilgrim's Progress, "dream books," and even sermon books, were used. The Bible and the Testament were very common. About 1835, B. P. Emerson's readers came into use, and his " third class reader " was often met with in the schools of the county. About five years after, McGuffey's Eclec- tic series appeared, and ultimately occupied the field, to the ex- clusion of all others. The introduction of the eclectic series marked an era in the schools of the county, and they were of in- calculable advantage to the people of the western country. 37§ JOHNSON COUNTY. It was the custom in those days for a pupil to study one thing at a time. I have already adverted to the practice with regard to the spelling book. The pupil was kept in that till he could pronounce all the words it contained, at sight. He might have actually learned in the meantime to read fairly well, but the teacher would ignore his acquirement. He must go through the spelling book in the manner I have indicated. After that he was set to reading, and thence on, that was his chief studv. He continued to spell, it is true, as long as he went to school, but until he finished his course in reading, his two or four lessons a day were reading lessons. During the interval his teacher might consent for him to take a copy book to school and learn to write. Learning to write was a very simple exercise in that day. The copy book con- sisted of a few sheets of foolscap sewed together. The teacher made and mended all the pens. This work he usually did while hearing a boy or girl read a lesson. The pen made, he wrote a line of pot hooks, or a, b, c's, or a sentence for the pupil to reproduce, on the lines below. Whenever, in the judgment of the teacher, the scholar could read and write well enough, he was permitted to fetch an arithmetic and slate, and begin to cipher. Pike's Arithmetic was the one generallv used in the beginning. This book consisted of "sums" and "rules." There were other arithmetics to be met with, however. I have heard of Dilworth's, and Smiley's, and Bennett's, as being in use. There were few definitions, and no methods given. The scholars recited no lessons in arithmetic, no matter what book he used. He committed the rules and multipli- cation table, and " worked the sums." When he failed to get the true answer, he went to the teacher, who " worked the sum " for him, and if not too busv, explained the process. A bright boy might stud}' arithmetic for weeks, and the teacher never give him a word of instruction. The practice of pursuing one study at a time doubtless had its advantages. The course of studies was so limited that it was well for a scholar to have one fairly learned before beginning another. The same plan was pursued in the only college in the state. In 1828, Doctor Andrew Wylie was elected president of the Indiana College at Bloomington, and into that institution the learned Doctor introduced a like practice. The student therein studied languages and nothing else, until he had completed the language course: mathematics and nothing else, until he had completed the mathe- matical course, and so on. But the plan has long since given way in both college and common schools to what is now considered the better one of " mixed courses of studies." Whatever the faults of the modern method, the old was faulty in this: scholars were some- SCHOOLS. 370 times kept back to an unwonted degree. The writer could read so as "to make sense of his reading" before his teacher allowed him to read in school; he could write a hand that could be read, and read writing readily before his teacher allowed him to write after a copy in school; he learned to read numerals, add, subtract, mul- tiply and diyide in short diyision before his teacher would recognize his slate. Indeed, he ciphered in school for two weeks before his teacher showed him any attention. And there were many others who in some sort went through a like experience. A picture of the early school days in the county would be in- complete without an allusion to the efforts of the old masters to teach good manners. There was a yast deal of bowing and cour- tesying (crutcheying it was called) in the early days. Every boy had to doff his cap and bow to the assembled school, on entering in the morning, and every girl had to make her courtesy. In some schools every pupil, on re-entering the school-room after going out, had to go through a like ceremony. In some, the children were required, on the entrance of a visitor, to rise to their feet and salute him by bow and "crutchey." Some teachers, on entering the school-room, would bow to their scholars, thus teaching them by example. John R. Smock, an old-time pedagogue, before dismiss- ing school in the afternoon, had his scholars collect their belongings and march out of the school-house, and form in line with the tallest at the head, and by his side, the next tallest, and so on, down to the very least, who stood at the foot, when they awaited his com- ing to the door. While the line was forming, he covered the tire with ashes and righted the room, after which he appeared at the door, when all hats, including his own, were doffed, and after an in- terchange of formal bows and " crutchies," the little folks broke ranks and scattered for home. It is remembered that one very cold evening a big boy refusing to wait for the fire to be covered and the bowing to be done, left for home. The next morning the teacher called him out and inflicted such a severe punishment that, no matter how inclement the weather, he never after failed to re- turn his master's bow from his place in the line. It was the rule in those days for all scholars to be "loud scholars."' The silent schools were few and far between. The odds in the argument were believed to be in favor of the loud school. The man who can carry on a train of abstract thought, amidst noise and confusion, has a great advantage over one who must seek privacy and quiet. The business man must learn the secret, and so must the lawyer. All the old school-masters had it. Franklin Hardin, it is said by his old pupils, " could hear a class recite, work a sum in arithmetic and keep one eye on the school, 3 So JOHNSON COUNTY. all at one time." Charles Disbrow could hear a class, make a pen, and watch the school at once. " A celebrated Scotch teacher, Alexander Kinmont, of Cincinnati, as late as 1837, would conduct a school bv no other method. He claimed that it is the practical, philosophical system, by which boys can be trained for business on a steam-boat, wharf, or any other place." And so the schools in Johnson County were very generally loud schools. The boys and girls spelled and read oftentimes at the tops of their voices, and in favorable days the noise of their lesson-getting could be heard half a mile off. How incomplete this review would be without some reference to the school sports of the pioneer days. The boys played with a dash and vim worthy of imitation yet. No half-acre or acre school lots bounded their play grounds, for hardly a school-house that did not stand in an unenclosed woodland of from forty to many hun- dreds of acres in extent. Every sport was calculated to call for the utmost endeavor of the player. The races run in " prisoner's base," sometimes covered miles. There was " cap ball " for the little boys — a game of short, quick dashes, and admitting of bois- terous talking and hallooing by all at once. The leading games for the larger boys were " cat," " town-ball " and " bull-pen." The first two were played with the bat and ball, and out of the second has come our modern base ball. The third, " bull-pen," was the best pioneer game. It had an element suggestive of warfare in it. To become a proficient player in " bull-pen," required a quick eye, physical activity, speed on foot, good bottom, nfanly courage, good throwing powers, quick perception, good judgment, and last, but not least, the ability to maintain one's position in the innumerable arguments that were sure to arise in the course of the game, for there were no umpires in those days. How earnestly the pioneer boys would debate questions on the play ground, and how apt were they to come to blows before a conclusion was reached. The moral sentiment of the country took high ground in the early day against turbulence, and the teachers labored to repress it among their scholars. The fathers and teachers, too, would tight on small provocation, but every effort was made to repress the tendency among the bovs, but, in spite of it all, the boys were quite often as quick to assert their manhood as the testiest father or school-master in the countv. The usual thing when a fight took place in school, was for the teacher to whip both combatants by way of punish- ment, but there were instances when whipping carried with it no repressing tendency. A ^Yashington County school-master had two boys who, disliking each other, often fought to the teacher's great annoyance, but without a decisive victory attending the SCHOOLS. 38r banner of either. Both had been punished time and again by the teacher without avail. The usual fight occurring one day, the teacher bethought him of a new scheme. He cut a bundle of good switches, and bade the boys stand up in the school-room and switch each other till one cried " enough"! The temper of the lads was yet up, and they were not sorry of the opportunity given to still further punish each other, and so they tell to with a will and kept at it till one under the pain cried out the word, and the switching ended. Ever after there was peace between those two boys. An old student of Franklin Hardin, says that quite a number of large boys and voung men attended his school, many of whom would fight with each other on the slightest provocation, to the great vexation of their teacher. Hardin always played with his scholars, which, indeed, was the custom with nearly all the school masters of the early day, and he was thus ever present to quell dis- turbances on the play ground. The turbulence of the young fel- lows greatly annoyed their teacher. Hardly a day passed that he was not called upon to exercise his office as peace maker. There came a time, however, when he wearied in well-doing. Two lusty boys, ringleaders in all quarrels, disagreed for the tenth time, and showed right. " Boys," said the teacher, " we have had enough of this, I think you had better now settle it once and for all. You may tight it out, and I will see to it that there is fair play." " Here," to the bystanders, " let us form a ring and see it out." The prop- osition was no less unexpected than novel. The ardor of the lads cooling down they concluded not to fight. After that the practice of lighting fell into neglect in that school. Among the other school practices in the early days was the one of " turning out," or '• barring out the master." This occurred at Christmas time, and the event was usually not less enjoyed by the teacher than his scholars. The custom was for the big boys to bar the school-house door against the entrance of the teacher, and keep him out till he agreed to furnish a treat, usually of apples, for the school. Sometimes cakes and cider were furnished, and in some parts of the state whisky, even, was demanded, but I never heard of a Johnson County teacher treating his scholars to any thing stronger than cider. Of course the teacher resisted — there would have been no fun else, and sometimes by superior skill or strength, he managed to make his way into the school house, when the victory was his. In the effort to do so, it was allowable for the scholars to seize his person if they could, when, if he still held out, they might tie him and earn' him to a neighboring creek and cluck him till he promised the treat. Not many teachers held out thus far, but instances have been known, when, after cutting a hole in the 382 JOHNSON COUNTY. ice, teachers have been immersed once — nay, twice, and held under till they were glad to give in. All this, be it remembered, was done in fun and taken in good part bv the teacher, who held no ill-will against any one on account thereof. Instances, it is true, have occurred in the county, where the effort of the scholars to force a treat was resisted in good earnest by the teacher and bad blood followed, but the general rule was otherwise. Many amusing stories are told of turning the teacher out. On one Christmas occasion, William Surface's scholars barred the school-house door against him. On reaching it he demanded en- trance, which, of course was refused, unless he would agree to treat. He declined, however, to answer to an oral proposition. " Some dispute," he said, " might arise, as to what was said," and so he demanded that a written proposition be presented to him. It was done, and pen and paper passed out to him with it. Beneath the boys' scrawl he wrote: " I except to the above proposition. William Surface," and passed the writing back. The boys were satisfied, and at once admitted the master. " You had better read with care what I have written," said he to his scholars. " It is one thing to accept a prop- osition, and quite another to except to it." The boys acknowledg- ing that the tables had been turned upon them, the teacher im- proved the occasion, " Were I sure," said he, " that you knew not the difference between the meaning of the words, I would be ashamed of vou. I think vou do, but your carelessness is not much less reprehensible, than your ignorance would have been. Unless you mend your ways in this respect, you will be fleeced all through life by every scoundrel who meets vou." The treat followed the lesson, and all was serene in that school. A teacher by the name of Groves, who taught in the early day, in the northern part of the county, was barred out one Christmas morning. Living in a cabin hard bv, he called on his wife to assist him. The weather was extremely cold, and it occurred to him that if he could drown out the school-house fire he could freeze out the meeting, and accordingly ascended to the top of the chimney, and his wife, handing him up buckets of water, he poured it down into the fire-place. But the effort was in vain. The boys raking the coals upon the ample hearth defied him. He next thought to smoke them out, and to that end laid boards over the chimney top; but the boys had thought of that contingency and were provided with a long pole with which to remove the boards. The teacher, not to be outdone, replaced the boards, and calling upon his wife, who entered with spirit into all his plans, had her mount the roof SCHOOLS. 3S3 of the house and take her seat upon the chimney top, while her lord went below to be ready to enter the house as soon as the boys should leave it. Once more the youngsters resorted to the pole, and with such vigor did they heave at the obstruction above, that they not only removed the boards, but upset the dame, who, at the risk of limb and life, came tumbling to. the earth. The obdurate master, abandoning all hope of taking the fortress by direct attack, sat down before it in siege. As the girls and younger scholars arrived that morning, he sent them to his own cabin, where his wife, turning school-mistress for the occasion, kept watch and ward over them. The " stars fought for Sisera" that day. Nature asserting her claims, one by one the garrison had to go out, and each one became the captive of the besieging master, w ho, march- ing him off in triumph, left him under the charge of the madame. Bv the time for dismissing the school in the afternoon came around, every bov had been taken in, and the school was in full blast in the master's cabin. He who investigates the history of the common schools of John- son Count}- during the early years of its existence, cannot fail to find evidence of their growth in usefulness as he goes over the ground. The growth may not be very marked, taking one year with another, but the evidences of it are to be seen nevertheless.. There is an influx of better teachers and of better methods. Geography is in- troduced into the schools quite generally, and also the study of English grammar. In geography, Olney's and Smith's are the books in general use. Murray's grammar was the first, but it was soon superseded by Kirkham's and Smith's. New arithmetics took the place of the old, first Smith's, and next, Ray's, and a series of read- ing-books. McGuffey's Eclectic, was by degrees introduced into every school. A partial uniformity in text-books was attained, and this allowed to some extent, the organization of classes. Elsewhere, reference has been made made to the eclectic series of school books as potent factors in the advancement of the schools of the county. There was another factor deserving of mention in this connec- tion. In 1S37, the "Indiana Baptist Manual Labor Institute" was opened to students in Franklin, and, notwithstanding the fact that poverty hung like a cloud over the infant institution, it was so managed as to keep its doors open to the youth of the land in search of opportunity for achieving a higher education. Doubt- less, its work seemed of little consequence to the general run of people of that day, but looking back from our "coigne of vantage" now, we see that Johnson County reaped a rich reward from the infant college, even then. Numbers of young men, attending the institute in its early years, went forth to teach in the district schools 384 JOHNSON COUNTY. of the county. They took with them not only a knowledge of the rudiments of the elementary English branches, but they taught in such a spirit of enthusiasm as to implant in the minds of their scholars far higher ideals of education, than had been the case be- fore. They did much to leaven the lump and prepare the people of the county for what was to follow. The people of Johnson County have done well by Franklin College, the lineal successor of the institute, since that day, but what they have done has been less a beneyolence than the payment of a first debt. How much is owing to the colleges of the country by the beneficiaries of the pub- lic schools, in general, we are slow to concede. But in the blessings brought to the people of Johnson County by the Eclectic school- books, and by the masters sent out by the Baptist Institute, we have the lesson brought home to us. The books were prepared and perfected by the professors who taught for their daily bread in the Miami University, and the old Cincinnati College. In this place it may be proper to refer to the old county semin- ary at Franklin. By an act of the legislature of February 4, 1S31, every county was authorized to establish a seminary in which a higher education than the common schools afforded, was to be taught. Under this law steps were taken looking to the establish- ment of such a seminary in Franklin. A two-story brick building was begun about 1840, and finished in the summer of 1S42. But no school of the kind contemplated by the legislature was ever es- tablished therein. In September, 1842, the Rev. William Sickles, a Presbyterian clergyman of the town, began a subscription school in the new seminary building, which continued for a year. After him, two young women, the Misses Atell and Merrill, taught for a brief period. Afterward, it was used by the Methodist congrega- tion of the town as a preaching place for a year or two, and ulti- mately the county sold the building, and it was turned into a private residence. In 1850, a convention was called to frame a new constitution for Indiana. Two college professors were members of that conven- tion when it assembled, one of whom was John I. Morrison, who represented Washington County, and who was made chairman of the committee on education. He had quite recently been a pro- fessor in the Indiana University at Bloomington, but had returned to his old home in Salem, where he had long been principal of the Washington Academy. Professor Morrison was at heart a thor- ough-going free school man, but he did not believe that free schools in Indiana could ever be successfully inaugurated, without such a systematic organization of all the school forces, as could only come from a state department of education. To that end he framed a resolution proyiding for the oflice of a state superintendent of edu- SCHOOLS. 3»S cation, and presented it to his committee; but his committee promptly rejected it. Thereupon, with a courage worthy of all praise, he presented his resolution to the convention itself, which not only gave him a patient hearing, but approved of his proposi- tion and framed it into the new constitution. The office of super- intendent of public instruction was thus provided for, which meant systematic organization, equality of means and uniformity of methods throughout the state. It required many years to put the department in full command, but the fact has been accomplished. During the years that have come and gone since 1851, the pub- lic schools of Johnson County have steadily grown in usefulness and public favor. The public school fund has been constantly aug- menting; courses of study have been greatly enlarged; uniformity in text-books and consequent classification of pupils has become a fact, and schools are kept open, free to all, and within convenient distance to all, from not less than five to eight months in the year. In addition to all this, a system of township graded schools has been established, wherein a higher education may be had than is taught in district public schools. One of these is in the center of White River Township; one at Trafalgar, in Hensley; one at Will- iamsburg, in Nineveh; one at Hopewell, in Franklin, and one at Whiteland, in Pleasant. To these add the city schools of Franklin, and the Edinburg and Greenwood schools, wherein more extensive courses of studies are introduced and taught, and we have an edu- cational system in active operation in Johnson County, which is the pride and glory of its people. The following table, presents a view of the condition of the schools of the count}' at this time : Enumeration of Children, 1S88. No. of School- Houses. Value of School Property. 682 407 487 409 408 508 45i 393 232 1 1 10 10 12 9 1 1 9 9 7 $7,500 8,75° 5,400 Nineveh Township Clark Townsh ip S.ooo 7,000 9,000 Totals 3,977 SS $69,150 1,257 694 2 75 3 1 $311,000 ll.OOO Totals 2 226 5 $54,000 69, 150 $i-.;,i5° 386 JOHNSON COUNTY. Whole number of children in the county within the school age 6,203 Whole number of pupils enrolled in 1SS7 4.0S.S Whole number school-houses 93 Total value school-houses and grounds "$123,150 FRANKLIN COLLEGE. This sketch would be incomplete without some reference to Franklin College. Early in the history of the state, the leading men of the Baptist faith saw the necessity of founding a school of higher education, which should be under the control of their de- nomination. In 1834 the hrst steps were taken looking to that end. A meeting was held in Indianapolis, of Baptist ministers and laymen, and an educational society organized, the chief purpose of which was to " establish one or more literary or theological sem- inaries." At the third meeting of the society, held at Indianapolis, in January, 1835, the plan for a college was so far developed that four places were selected from which to receive bids, two in De- catur County, and the others at Indianapolis and Franklin. In the following June, the location was made at Franklin, and the " In- diana Baptist Manual Labor Institute," was formally established on paper. This was the age of manual labor schools. About this time Hanover College was staggering under a name indicative of the manual labor carried on in shop and held bv the youth who went there in quest of knowledge: and during the same period, not a few of the legislators of the state sought to graft upon the state college at Bloomington something of the same sort. The reader of the Senate and House journals for 1830 up to 1S40, will find many resolutions and reports referring to "glebes" and "farms" and "Fellenberg" and " Lancastrian" svstems of education in con- nection with the Indiana College. It was in the air, and the foun- ders of Franklin College could not well help beginning with a Manual Labor Institute. In 1837 a frame building was completed on the chosen site, at a cost of $350, and a school seems at once to have been opened therein by the Rev. A. R. Hinckley. In 1843, a large and com- modious brick building was begun, but was not completed for four years. It is what is known as the North Building. The year fol- lowing its beginning, the Manual Labor Institute, bv a legislative enactment, gave place to Franklin College, and soon thereafter the Rev. G. C. Chandler became its first president, who served as sucti * I am indebted to H. I). Voris, superintendent of schools of the county, for the fore- going figures. SCHOOLS. 387 up to 1849, when he resigned, leaving the college without a presi- dential head, for a period of two years. These were years of gloom for the college and its friends. The institution was in debt, and liable to be sold on execution. But its friends rallied, the debt was paid off, and in 1852, the Rev. Silas Bail}', D. D., an able man and a profound scholar, was elected to the presidency, and a new and brighter chapter in the history of the college was entered upon. Within a few months after the Doctor had signified his acceptance, a new building, the counterpart of the one of 1S43, was projected and under way. Its corner stone was laid by Judge F. M. Finch, in the presence of the college, and a large number of the citizens of the town, during the spring session of 1853, and the building was completed in about one vear from that time. Like every other college in the state, Franklin knows the dis- advantage that comes of poverty. As early as 1842, a plan of raising an endowment was submitted, and man}' times since the plans have been put forth having the same end in view. But only a college man can realize how painfully slow the work of building up an endowment progresses. By 1853, a scholarship en- dowment of $60,000 was subscribed for, but for some reason the subscription proved of little advantage to the institution. The larger part of it was never collected. Dr. Bail}' continued to exer- cise the office of president up to 1S62, a period of ten years, when failing health obliged him to resign, shortly after which the college doors were closed. All the boys save two lame ones went to the war. For three years the school was abandoned. IniS67, Professors William Hill and Jeremiah Smith, opened a private school, which they continued with success, up to 1S69, when the board of trustees once more took possession, and the college was put on its feet. A corps of teachers, with the Rev. W. T. Stott as " acting president," was put in charge. The next year, the Rev. H. L. Wayland, D. D., was elected president. " Vigorous efforts were now made to so present the needs and importance of the college, that the Bap- tists of the state would raise at least $100,000. After repeated efforts, President Wayland became discouraged and resigned. The board had incurred a considerable debt in repairs, and in advancing the pay of instructors, and so, in the early part of 1872, the college property was taken to secure the debt," and further work was abandoned. This was the darkest hour in the history of the institution. The admirable work done under President Baily's administration had endeared it to the love of the young men who had been its students under him, as well as to the thousands of its friends throughout the state. 25 388 JOHNSON COUNTY. For several years the friends of the college had been hampered in their efforts to build it up, by a sentiment of hostility, on account of what was deemed its unfavorable location. In proportion as the peril increased, the clamor on account of location increased, and for a time it seemed as if the college would tro down altogether, or be moved to some other place. To avert the impending calamity, a joint stock association was organized, mainly of citizens of Johnson County, who promptly subscribed $51,175, and the institution was once more free of debt. The Rev. W. T. Stott was then elected president, an office he still holds, and a full faculty gathered about him, since which the work of education has gone on with the regu- larity of the seasons. The work of increasing the permanent endowment of the col- lege has slowly but surely progressed. To-dav, the productive en- dowment is $110,674.37; not yet productive, $30,118. Small as this endowment is, it is, nevertheless, large enough to be a guaran- tee against any such financial troubles in the future, as have over- taken the college in the past. The erection of a large and handsome new building, to which the old ones are to be the wings, has been commenced, and has so far progressed as to insure its enclosure the present year. This building will cost $40,000, which will be borne by voluntary contributions. A greater era of prosperity has never befallen the institution than the present. During the collegiate year just closed, the number of students in attendance was 223. The entire number who have received all, or the greater part of their education in Franklin College, is 3,000. The first graduate was John W. Dame, in 1847, since which ninety students have taken their degrees at the end of a full course of studies in Franklin Col- lege. The names of the presidents of Franklin College have already been given. Among the persons who have served as professors, we may note William Brand, Dr. John S. Hougham, John W. Dame, Jeremiah Brumback, Barnett Wallace, Mark Baily and C. E. Baily. The faculty, as now constituted, is as follows: Rev. William T. Stott, D. D., president, and professor of mental and moral philosophy: Rev. Columbus H. Hall, B. D., vice president, and professor of Greek language and literature; Miss Rebecca J. Thompson, A. M., professor of mathematics, pure and applied; Rev. Arthur B. Chaffee, A. M., professor of chemistrv and physics; David A. Owen, A. M., professor of geology and botany; John W. Moncrief, A. M., professor of history; Francis W. Brown, A. M., Ph. D., professor of Latin language and literature; J. D. Bruner, instructor in modern languages; Mrs. Arabella R. Stott, instructor in painting and drawing: James M. Dungan, instructor in music, in- strumental and vocal; Miss Lucia May Wiant, instructor in elocution.. BENCH AND BAR. J8 9 CHAPTER V. BY D. D. r.ANI'A. Bench and Bar — Circuit Court — Its Judges and Officers — First Sessions — Early Cases — Probate Court — ■ Courts Under the New Constitution — Common Pleas — Fluctuation of Litigation — Circuit Judges and Prose- cuting Attorneys — Early Attorneys. ORIGINALLY it was provided that the circuit court of Johnson County should be held at the house of John Smiley, " or at any other place the said court shall adjourn to, until suitable accommodations can be provided at the permanent seat of justice of said county." The county was attached to the fifth judicial circuit, or as it was popularly known, to the " New Purchase " circuit, and was given two terms of court a year — a spring term and a fall term. Three judges were provided for by constitutional enactment, viz. : a president judge, who was elected by the Gen- eral Assembly of the state, and two associate judges, who were elected by the popular vote of the people of the county in which they served. The necessity for associate judges sprung out of a feeling of jealousy existing in the pioneer mind of professional men. It was not enough to have a jury of twelve men selected from the vicinage, to which all issues of fact could be submitted, but there must needs be two laymen, selected by popular vote from the same vicinage, who were to occupy a seat along with the president judge, and having the power to overrule him on all questions of both law and fact — a power that was occasionally exercised. In the absence of the president judge, the associates were clothed with all the powers appertaining to a circuit court. They could make up issues, try civil and criminal causes, grant restraining orders and hear writs of habeas corpus. The system continued up to #?ie adoption of the present state constitution in 1S51. At the time Johnson Count}' was made a part of the fifth judicial circuit, William W. Wick was the president judge. He had been commissioned for a term of seven years, on the 2nd day of January, 1S22, then being in his twenty-eighth year. Judge Wick was a man of marked ability, and was for a long time identi- 39O JOHNSON COUNTY. fied with the people of Johnson County. He was born in western Pennsylvania, and studied law in the office of the Hon. Thomas Corwin, at Lebanon, Ohio. In 1S20, he moved to Connersville, where he was living at the time of his elevation to the bench, not long after which he moved to Indianapolis, where he continued to reside up to 1S65, when he moved to Franklin, living the remain- der of his days with his daughter, Mrs. Laura Overstreet. He died in 1S79, and all that is mortal of him lies in the Franklin Cemetery, without a stone to mark his resting place. During his somewhat busy life, he served ten years on the circuit bench, four years as secretary of state, and rive years in Congress. At the first election held in the county, Israel Watts, of the Blue River settlement, and Daniel Boaz, of the White River, were chosen without opposition, as far as now known, associate judges. Of the former, but little is known. He had the misfortune to live in a community where no one has ever cared to perpetuate, in writing, the memory of its pioneer citizens, a misfortune in which a large majority of the Indiana pioneers have shared. The most we can say of Israel Watts is, he was an uncultured and honest man. and was thought well of by the public he so long served in a minor judicial capacity. He could barely write his name, as the records show, but he was considered a man of excellent judgment. He served seven years associate judge, after which he was elected to the probate bench, and served seven years thereon. We know more of Judge Boaz. His neighbor, Judge Hardin, thus writes of him : " He was a fine specimen of the old Virginia gentleman, and of unbending dignity. He was affable, polite and kind, and was highly useful in imparting knowledge to his neighbors, of legal matters, and in their distress, when sick, and no doctor could be procured, in advising and contributing medicine for their relief." On Thursday, the 16th day of October, 1823, the first term of the Johnson circuit court was begun at the house of John Smiley. All the judges were present, and Samuel Herriott, clerk of the court, and John Smiley, sheriff. John'Smilev lived in a two-roomed cabin, in one of which the court was convened, and in the other of which the grand jury held its sessions. James Dulanev, Daniel B. AVick and Calvin Fletcher, appeared as attorneys, and were duly sworn as such. The sheriff produced the following ' L good and lawful men and discreet householders " who served as grand jurors, viz. : John Israel, foreman, William Barnett, Thomas Doan. John Darter, George King, Jonathan Palmer, John White, John A. Mow, Joab Woodruff, William Fester, John Jacobs, John A. Miller, Simon Shaffer, Jefferson D. Jones and John Frazier. Daniel B. Wick, a younger brother of the judge, was appointed to prosecute BENCH AND BAR. 39 1 the pleas of the state. In the room in which the grand jury met, Mrs. Smile\ lay sick. The prosecutor carried in his pocket a flask of ardent spirits, from which the sick woman was invited by the prosecutor to drink. After her declination, the bottle was gener- ally handed to the grand jurymen, most, or all, of whom were less scrupulous than the sick woman. It was remembered that a large per cent, of the male popula- tion of the county attended that first term of the Johnson circuit court. Most of them came on foot, carrying rifles, and wearing leather breeches. All gave the closest attention to the legal proceed- ings, which, however, were of short duration, leaving considerable time for shooting at a mark, a pastime in which the yeomenry of that day, loved to engage. When the dinner hour had arrived, judges, lawyers, jurymen and spectators were invited to eat of the dinner which had been prepared for the purpose. The mistress of the house being sick, Mrs. Nancv Rutherford, a near neighbor, volunteered to bake the cornbread and roast the venison and wild turkevs that made the principal part of the feast. One civil case was on the docket when court was called the morning of that first dav, entitled: "Henry Hines, assignee of William II. Eads and Thomas C. Eads, partners, trading and doing- business under the firm of William H. Eads & Co., vs. William Hunt, " in which a judgment was rendered on default in the sum of $33-54- The grand jury returned indictments charging assault and battery against William Burkhart and Martin Cutsinger, and one against David Burkhart and Richard Berry, on charge of an affray. All of these breaches of the peace occurred at the time of the first election, held at the home of Hezekiah Davison, in the March be- fore. Amos Durbin filed a petition for a change in a highway, after which, an allowance of 75 cents was made to each of the grand jurymen, and of $2 to each of the associate judges, and then the court adjourned until the next term, to meet at the house of George King. On the first Monday in March, 1824, the court convened at the place appointed, with the same officers as at first. George King's wheelwright shop having been put in order, was made the court room. Gabriel Johnson, Philip Sweetzer, Edgar C. Wilson and Hiram Brown were admitted to practice at the Johnson County bar. The following named persons were sworn as grand jurors, to wit: Isaac Davison, Hezekiah Davison, David Webb, Andrew Pierce, Jacob Groseclose, Robert Gilcrees, William Burkhart, George W. Blankenship, John Adams, Si\, Jesse Davison, Ab- raham Lowe, Lewis Pritchard, John Hamner, John Campbell and Patrick Cowan — fifteen good and true men ; and Abraham 39 2 JOHNSON" COUNTY. Lowe was made the foreman. On the case of the State vs. David Burkhart and Richard Berry, who were indicted at the former term of court, for an affray, being called, the first named on being arraigned plead not guilty, and demanded a jury. The following persons were called and sworn to " well and truly " try the case, viz.: Zachariah Sparks. David McCaslin, William Etter, Willis S. Mills, Michael Brown, Permenter Mullenix, Abraham Sells, Spen- cer Barnett, Philip Moore, Philip W. Robinson and William Ruth- erford. After hearing the evidence and the argument of counsel, they found the defendant guilty, and assessed his fine at one cent. An alias writ was issued for his partner in crime — Richard Berry. An indictment for an assault and battery was found against John Doty, of White River. He and Permenter Mullenix, at the elec- tion, in March, 1823, had a light about their candidates for clerk, and doubtless, this indictment arose out of that trouble. Timothy S. Goodman obtained a judgment against William Hunt, in assump- sit, for $85.92. An appeal from Justice McDonald's docket, of a case entitled, " State of Indiana vs. William Quin," was dismissed by " Wick for the State." Curtis Pritchard and Isabella, his wife, acknowledged the execution of a deed, to lands in Kentucky, be- fore the court, which was made a matter of record. The bond of James Thompson, guardian of Alfred Thompson, Jennette A. Thompson, Alexander B. Thompson and Gelia D. Thompson, with William R. Hensley and Ann Thompson, as sureties, was approved. William Smiley was allowed 75 cents for all day's services as sheriff. John Smiley, sheriff, $25 for "extra services," Samuel Herriot, clerk, and Daniel B. Wick, prosecuting attorney, each the same. The term began and ended on the same dav, during which the presiding judge found time to lay down on King's work-bench and " shake with the ague." The following September ( 1S24), the court convened again, at the house of George King, but immedi- ately the following entry was ordered bv the judges: '-The court being satisfied that a more convenient house for the holding of the court can be had in the Town of Franklin, the seat of justice for said county, now adjourns, to meet at that house instanter." The "convenient house" referred to was the first court house erected in the county. It stood on lot 22, and was built during the summer of 1S24. by William Shaffer, the county recorder, who was by occupation a house joiner. Thomas Williams, who was the owner of the only yoke of oxen then in the new town, drew the logs to the building site for Si. The house was in keeping with the poverty of the county. It was two stories high, was built of hewed logs, and a broad wooden outside and south side stairs led from the ground up to the second floor, which was the court BENCH AND BAR. 393 room. This was furnished with a table, "two sphnt-bottomed chairs, one for the judge and one for the clerk," with wooden benches without backs, for the accommodation of associate judges, lawyers, jurymen, litigants and spectators. Harvey Gregg, producing his commission as prosecuting attor- ney for the fifth judicial circuit, was duly affirmed by Judge Wick. Michael G. Bright was admitted to practice at the Johnson County bar. The business of the court had so increased that it required two days to dispose of it. Nine state causes claimed the attention of the court, three of which were recognizances for surety of the peace. One was against Andrew Pierce with John Rowe as complaining witness, who, says the record, being duly sworn saith, "That he is not as fearful of bodily injury from the said Andrew as when he first complained against him, but that he is still afraid he, the said Andrew, will do him some bodily injury, and that he is afraid to trust him"; and the said Andrew was thereupon required to give surety that he would keep the peace toward all men, and "more especially toward the said John Rowe." In the log court house, the circuit courts continued to assemble every spring and fall, up to 1831, when a new brick structure was erected in the public square at a cost of $1,176.50. On the 18th of May, 1S49, this building was consumed by fire, after which another brick house was built on its site at a cost of $10,684. O n the 1 2th of December, 1S74, this in turn, was consumed by fire. Thereupon, the county commissioners caused a frame building to be erected south of the square, which served the purpose till a new one, begun in 1879, cou ld be completed. This imposing structure was erected at the contract price of $79j io °- From what has been written, it will be perceived that the circuit court, as originally con- stituted in this state, was a court of very general jurisdiction. In 1S30, a probate court was established, and Israel Watts was elected and served as probate judge of the county up to 1837. For a period of more than twenty years the two courts retained then- respective jurisdictions without any material change. With the adoption of the new constitution in 1851, the old judi- cial system gave way, and with it ended the first period of the county's judicial history. The names of those who have held the office of circuit judge in the Johnson circuit court will be given hereafter. The following are the names of those who served as associate judges, viz. : Israel Watts, 1823 to 1830; Daniel Boaz, 1823 to 1837; William Keaton, 1830 to 1S35; James R. Alexan- der, 1835 to 1843; Robert Moore, 1837 to 1^44; James Fletcher, 1843 to 1S45; John R. Carver, 1844 to 1851; John Wilson, 1845 to 1851. The following persons filled the office of probate judge: 394 JOHNSON COUNTY. Israel Watts, 1S30 to 1837; John Smiley, 1837 to 1844; Bartholo- mew Applegate, 1844 to 1851; Peter Voris, 1851 to 1852. The new constitution kept the circuit court on toot with its two terms a year. The office of associate judge was abolished, and the probate court also gave way for a new court — the common pleas. All the weightier matters of the law were left to the juris- diction of the circuit court, but the General Assembly having been empowered by the constitution to create courts of inferior jurisdic- tion to the circuit court, in 1853 the common pleas court was legis- lated into existence. It was intended to be a court of convenience. Four terms a year were provided for, and it was given exclusive jurisdiction in all probate matters, and concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit court in misdemeanor cases, and in inferior civil causes. Johnson County constituted one district, and Franklin Hardin was elected the first judge, and served as such to i860. Judge Hardin, in his younger days, had studied law, but had no experience as a. practitioner. He had, however, a valuable experience as a legisla- tor, and had served as a delegate in the constitutional convention. He had a fine natural ability, was a diligent student, a painstaking judge, and under his administration the Johnson common pleas at- tained a degree of popularity that clung to it as long as it had an existence. The conditions that led to the final overthrow of the common pleas court arose mainly out of the legislation of the state. In i860, the districts were greatly enlarged. Johnson, Shelby, Brown, Morgan and Monroe counties were being joined in one circuit. Similar changes were made with all the counties, which, at once, de- prived the court of its most popular features, viz. : that of being a county court. The judges, instead of being taken from the ranks of neighbors, came, ifi a great measure, from the ranks of strangers. Originally, the jurisdiction of the circuit and common pleas was separate and distinct, but act after act was passed extending the jurisdiction of the common pleas, until the partition wall was fairly broken down. There came a time when this could be truthfully written. " The circuit court has jurisdiction of all felonies and misdemeanors; the common pleas of all misdemeanors, and under certain circumstances, of felonies. The circuit court has exclus- ive jurisdiction of all cases where the title to real estate comes di- rectly in issue, but the common pleas may try causes where the title comes collaterally in issue. The circuit court has exclusive jurisdiction in actions for slander and libel, for injuries to the per- son, and for breach of promise; the common pleas in all probate matters. In the wide domain of causes arising out of contract, comprising nine-tenths of the matters litigated in our courts, their BENCH AND BAR. 395 jurisdiction is concurrent, and from them an appeal may go directly to the court of last resort." The anomalous spectacle was presented of two courts, each having its own judge and prosecutor, with substantially the same jurisdiction, administering justice in the same county. The com- mon pleas districts were laid off without reference to the circuits, and in many places, as soon as the term of one court expired, the other was ready to begin. A few instances occurred where the laws authorized both courts to be in session at the same time. In 1iS7.11 an ac t was passed abolishing the common pleas, and giving to the circuit court jurisdiction of all causes theretofore belonging to both courts, and providing for four terms a year in each count)'. The following persons held the office of common pleas judge in the Johnson district, with their terms of service annexed to their names, viz.: Franklin Hardin, 1853 to i860; George A. Buskirk, i860 to 1864; Oliver J. Glessner, 1864 to 1868; Thomas W. Woollen, 1868 to 1870, resigned before term expired; Richard Coffev, 1S70 to 1873. Judge Buskirk was a resident of Monroe Count)-, Judge Glessner of Morgan, and Judge Coffey of Brown. Judges Hardin and Woollen were of Johnson County. From the organization of the county up to 1869, it had been attached to the Indianapolis circuit, but a new circuit was established in that year, consisting of Johnson, Shelby, Barthol- omew and Brown counties, and in 1S73, when the act abolishing the common pleas was passed, Johnson and Shelby counties were organized into a circuit, which arrangement is still in existence. Comparison of Business. — An inspection of the records of the circuit and common pleas courts discloses some interesting facts relating to the legal business of the county. From the organiza- tion of the common pleas court up to and including i860, the cases on the docket of the early spring terms, varied from fortv-one to sixty-three, the highest number being in 1856. During the same time in the circuit court the number of cases on the docket at the spring terms varied from fifty to seventy-nine, the highest number being reached in 1858. During the war period, the cases on docket at the spring terms ran from eighty-three in 1861, down to twenty- five in 1863, and twenty-two in 1S64. In the common pleas court there was little change, the average during that period being about sixty causes. In 1872, the number of causes at the March term of the circuit court reached 104, the first time in the history of the court the 100th was passed. At the following September term the number reached 121. There was a corresponding increase on the common pleas docket. Legal business was on the increase, not only in Johnson County, but in every other county in the state, 39 6 JOHNSON COUNTY, and in truth, everywhere in the west. Beginning with 1870, and continuing for a period of thirteen years, was an unprecedented era of litigation throughout the country. The first term of the circuit court after the abolition of the common pleas, in April, 1873, at which term the cases left over at the final term of the common pleas, were transferred to the circuit court docket, bringing the whole number of causes on its docket up to 177. The following table shows the number of civil causes on docket at each term, from and including the year 1874, U P t0 anc ^ m " eluding the year 1887 (with the exception of the year 1878, the court docket for which year, not being found). Only three terms of the court were held in 1873, hence the exclusion of that year: February Term. April Term. Sept. Term. Nov. Term. Total. IS74 200 156 204 214 136 98 92 133 92 1 11 100 104 "3 173 155 204 220 132 9+ no 79 64 106 11S "5 99 80 180 165 264 256 i5 J 7° 140 i°3 128 141 145 144 116 126 175 204 146 108 90 102 94 116 131 120 112 679 65. S76 1876 1S77 .. S36 528 352 444 409 400 489 483 187a 1SS0 1SS1 1882 1SS1 1SS4 1885 1S86 475 ISS7 I8SS The criminal causes are excluded from this showing, but it is believed that there has been during the past ten years, as great a falling off in the criminal business of the court as in the civil, if not a greater. A confirmation of the facts as shown by the term dockets, appears in the number of pages of records made each year by the clerks. The record contains a history of the work done, and a comparison of the total number of pages of record made each year, proves the same facts that are proved by the dockets of cases filed. In 1876 the court reached high water mark, the total number of causes for that year being 876, which was 157 more than ever reached before in one year, and forty more than ever reached since. An inspection of the table will show that for the two years preceding 1876, the number of causes greatly exceeded the highest number reached in any succeeding year, save in 1S77, and that the business of the court has diminished, until it is but little more than half what it was in the two flush BENCH AND BAR. 397 years. In 1SS2 and in 1883 it was considerably less than half what it was in 1876 and 1877. The increase of legal business in Johnson Count}' dates from a period following close upon the heels of the war. Many causes combined to this end, two of which may be named. It was at this time that the gravel roads of the county began to be built. The early legislation under which the work was begun was exceed- ingly crude. The laws were ambiguous and uncertain, and out of this sprung litigation. Even after, by successive legislative acts, the - gravel road laws had been reduced to a somewhat orderly system, the litigation continued because of the magnitude of the interests concerned. Gravel road construction proved expensive, and men in general refused to pay assessments until their legality was estab- lished by the courts. As a consequence, beginning with 1869 and continuing up to 1875, the court of the county was crowded with a class of business hard to manage by reason of the man}' novel ques- tions arising, but profitable to the lawyers engaged in it. Another potent cause of the increase of business during the same period, came as a legacy from the war. The inflated condi- tion of the currency following its close, brought about a period of wild and reckless extravagance. The courts reaped the rewards. The efforts of creditors to secure their debts, and of debtors to es- cape payment, helped to swell the dockets. To adjust the al- most infinite variety of business complications, arising out of the disturbed condition of the monetary affairs of the people, occupied a period of not less than twelve years, from 1865 to 1877. The following table shows the names of the persons who have held the office of circuit judge in Johnson County, their places of residence, and the time during which they held office: William W. Wick, Indianapolis 1S59 Fabius M. Finch, Franklin 1859-1865 John Coburn, Indianapolis 1S05-1S66 Cyrus C. Hines, Indianapolis 1866-1S69 Samuel P. Oyler, Franklin 1869-1870 DavidD. Banta, Franklin 1S70-1876 Kendall M. Hord, Shelbyville 1876-1888 William W. Wick, Indianapolis. .. I S23-1S25 Bethuel F. Morris, Indiannapolis. 1825-1S34 William W. Wick, Indianapolis. .. 1834-1840 James Morrison, Indianapolis 1S40-1842 Fabius M. Finch, Franklin 1842-1843 William J. Peaslee, Indianapolis.. 1843— 1850 William W. Wick, Indianapolis. .. 1850-1852 Stephen Major, Indianapolis 1852-1859 The following have filled the office of prosecuting attorney up to the present time, to-wit: Daniel B. Wick, 1823; Harvey Gregg, 1824; Calvin Fletcher, 1S25; James Whitcomb, 1826; William W. Wick, 1S29; Hiram Brown, 1831; James Gregg, 1832; William Ilerrod, 1834; William Quarles, 1838; William J. Peaslee, 1S40; Hugh O. Neal, 1841; H. H. Barbour, 1843; Abram Hammond, 1S44; Edward Lander, 1S4S; John Ketchum, i8.jS : David Wal- lace, 1848; Gabriel M. Overstreet, 1S49; David S. Gooding, 1851; 398 JOHNSON COUNTY. Reuben S. Riley, 1853; D. W. Chipman, 1855; Peter S. Ken- nedy, 1857; William P. Fishback, 1863: William W. Leathers, 186^; Joseph S. Miller, 1867; Daniel W. Howe, 1869: Nathaniel T. Carr, 1870; John Morgan, 1871; K. M. Hord, 1872: W. S. Rav, 1874; Leonard J. Hackney, 187S; Jacob L. White, 18S0; Frederick Staff, 18S2; Peter M. Dill, 1S86. Up to, and including the incumbency of David Wallace in 1848, all were residents of Indianapolis, save William Herrod, who lived in Columbus. Of the others, Gooding and Riley lived in Greenfield; Chipman, Fishback and Leathers lived in In- dianapolis; Kennedy, and Miller in Danville; Carr and Morgan, in Columbus; Hood, Ray, and Hackney, in Shelby ville, and Over- street, Howe, White, Staff and Dill were residents of Franklin, where all vet reside, save D. W. Howe, who moved to Indianapolis shortly after the close of his term, where he has made an enviable reputation as a judge of the Marion supreme court. The first lawyer to settle permanently in Franklin was Fabius M. Finch, who after a thirty years' residence in the town and prac- tice at the bar, moved to Indianapolis, where he still resides. In 1833, Gilderov Hicks moved to the town, and opened a law office and practiced with a good degree of success up to about 1857? when he retired on account of failing health, and shortly after died. About 1847, John Slater, a Canadian, began the practice, and con- tinued up to 1S56, when he left the country, and subsequently died in Tennessee. The same year of Slater's admission to the bar, Gabriel M. Overstreet was admitted, and in the year following, Anderson B. Hunter. On the 21st of February, of the year following (1S49), these two young lawyers formed a partnership, which is still unbroken, and has the merit of being the oldest partnership in the practice of law in the state. In 1851, Samuel P. Oyler began the practice, and is still at the bar. In 1856, Richard M. Kelly settled at Edinburg, where he opened an office and continued in the active practice at the Franklin bar up to 1878, at which time he died. Others came during this early period of the history of the Franklin bar, but none remained in the practice beyond a few years. Of these were, Duane Hicks, son of Gilderoy, who died ere he reached the prime of life; Joseph Thompson, who, after a short struggle, moved to Macomb, in Illinois, where he yet lives; H. H. Hatch and Joseph King, both of whom settled at Edinburg, but soon moved to the west, and Jonathan H. Williams, who was killed early in the war in a Shenandoah Valley battle. BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 399 BLUE RIVER SKETCHES. William L. Applegate, one of the substantial farmers and stock-raisers of Blue River and Nineveh townships, was born in Johnson County, Ind., on the 15th day of April, 1833. He is the third son and sixth child of Bartholomew and Elizabeth (Drake) Applegate, natives respectively of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The father emigrated to Warren County, Ohio, in an early da} - , was married there, and later, went back to New Jersey and became captain of a sailing vessel. In 1821, he made a tour through Indi- ana for the purpose of purchasing land, and being pleased with the country in what is now Johnson County, entered 160 acres in the present townships of Nineveh and Blue River. To this land he moved his family in 1832, and for some years thereafter, lived the life of a pioneer, enduring all the hardships incident to life in a new and undeveloped country. He served as probate judge in an early day, and died in 1854, aged sixty-one years. Mrs. Applegate sur- vived her husband twentv-eight years, ctving in 1882, aged eighty- one. They were the parents of thirteen children, eleven of whom grew to manhood and womanhood, seven now living. William L. Applegate grew to manhood in Johnson County, and early became acquainted with the rugged duties of farm life. His early educa- tional training was somewhat limited, and for some years he man- aged the home farm, looking after his mother's interests. At the age of thirty-six, on Christmas day, 1S68, he married Miss Katie G. Irons, daughter of Garrett and Mary Ann (Giberson) Irons, of New Jersey, a union blessed with the birth of two children, viz. : Frederick T. and Bart I. Mrs. Applegate died in 1872. Subse- quently, Mr. Applegate married Miss Annie M. Irons, sister of his former wife, by whom he has had two children, viz. : Bennie and John B. Mr. Applegate owns a well improved farm of 150 acres in Nineveh and Blue River townships, the line between the two run- ning through the place. He is an exemplary citizen, a republican in politics, and an active member of the Odd Fellows. Henry C. Bailey, cashier John A. Thompson's Bank, Edin- burg, was born in Shelby County, Ind., September 21, 1854, and is a son of Julius M. and Eveline (Thornberry) Bailey. His parents were both natives of Indiana. The father, for a number of years, was identified with the mercantile interests of Freeport, Ind., and later followed merchandising in Indianapolis. He was a man of character, high social standing, and for many years an active member of the Christian Church. Henry C. Bailey was reared and educated in his native town and Indianapolis. On 400 JOHNSON COUNTY. quitting school he accepted a clerical position in the office of the Marion County circuit court, and later engaged with the Brad- street Commercial Agency, with which he was identified for a period of ten years. In 1S87 he became assistant cashier in the banking house of John A. Thompson, Edinburg, the duties of which position he is still discharging. Mr. Bailey possesses supe- rior clerical abilities, and in his various positions earned the repu- tation of a safe and painstaking business man. May 4, 1884, he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Thompson, the accom- plished daughter of John A. Thompson, of Edinburg, a lady favorably known for her rare attainments and amiable traits of character. They have two children, to-wit: Lillian and Mary E. Charles Bay was born in Montgomery County, Ky., March 6, 1819, and is the only son of Joseph and Judith (Epper- son) Bay, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Tennessee. Until fifteen years of age he resided in his native state, but in 1834 accompanied his father to Johnson County, Ind., where he has since resided. The father died in 1837, while on a visit to Kentucky, and the mother departed this life in Johnson County, in the year 1851. The}' were, the parents of four children, two of whom are living, to-wit: the subject of this sketch, and Mrs. Nancy Jones, of Illinois. Mr. Bay early chose agriculture for a life work, and has always pursued that calling. He owns a fine farm of 145 acres, in the western part of Blue River Township, and is one of the suc- cessful farmers and leading citizens of his community. Mr. Bay has been three times married : first, to Miss Alice Watts, who died in 1850. The children of this marriage were three in number, two now living, viz.: Joseph R. and Israel. Mr. Bay's second wife was Keturah Chenoweth, who died in 1855, leaving one child, a daugh- ter, Mary A. The third marriage was solemnized with Mrs. Har- riett F. DeHart, who has borne five children, two of whom are now living, Laura and Joseph N. Bay. George M. Bishop, son of Valentine and Mary E. (Horine) Bishop, was born in Mercer County, Ky., on the 1st day of Janu- ary, 1821. His father was a soldier in the Canadian War, and died in Kentucky, at the age of forty-five years. The mother died later, aged fifty-eight years. The subject remained in his native county until his twenty-fifth year, and then went to LaRue County, and engaged in blacksmithing at the town of Buffalo, where he followed his trade for some time. In 1876, he came to Indiana, and for two vears thereafter, followed farming in Johnson Count}', moving at the end of that time to Bartholomew Count}', and later, to Shelbv County, where he resided until his removal to Edinburg in 1884 or 1S85. Although having moved a number of times, Mr. Bishop has BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 4OI been successful in a business point of view, the fruits of his indus- try and labors, being represented at this time by valuable real es- tate in Edinburg, besides other property of a personal kind. While a resident of LaRue County, Ky., Air. Bishop was elected coroner, the only official position he has ever held, or desired to hold, being much averse to political notoriety. He married in LaRue County, June 4, 1846, Miss Catherine A. Dye, of Ken- tuck}-, who has borne him eleven children, the following of whom are living: John W., Mary J., Louisa F., Sarah B., Melissa E., George F., William E., Charles E., and Virdie T. Alexander Breeding (deceased) was a member of one of the early pioneer families of this part of Indiana. He was born in the town of Columbiana, Adair County, Ky., on the 9th day of November, 1823. His parents were David and Mary (Hendrick- son) Breeding, the former of Scotch, and the latter of Irish, descent. In 1S28, when the subject was but five years of age, the family immigrated to Indiana and settled in Bartholomew Count)', thence later to Johnson Countv, where Alexander grew to maturity. Reared amid the stirring scenes of pioneer times, Mr. Breeding's early life was a constant series of toil and hardships, but the ex- perience gained thereby enabled him to overcome successfully many obstacles which would have discouraged men of less spirit and determination. His chief occupation for one year was hauling whisk)' to the city of Madison, and he also made trips by flat- boat down the river. Later he began farming in Blue River Town- ship, Johnson County, a business be followed until his death, and by means of which he accumulated a large and valuable propertv. He became a prominent stock-raiser, a business which also proved financially profitable, his large stock-farm in Blue River being at this time worth over $100 per acre. As a public-spirited man he is fully alive to the material and moral interests of the community. Mr. Breeding occupied a conspicuous place among his fellow- citizens of Blue River Township. He was married December 12, 1843, to Rebecca Ann Thompson, by whom he had eleven child- ren, three of whom are living, viz. : William H., Effie L., wife of William M. Perry, and Frank A. Mrs. Breeding dying, Mr. Breed- ing subsequent]} married Miss Mattie J.Kerr, who now lives with her uncle, Thomas Kerr. Mr. Breeding was a republican in politics, and an active member of the Christian Church. I [is death occurred on the 12th day of August, 1887. John Brockman (deceased), the subject of this sketch, was a native of Shelby County, Ind., born on the 21st day of June, [828. He was raised a farmer, and earl}' began working at that use- ful occupation, which he followed successfully all his life. July 12, 402 JOHNSON" COUNTY. 1 86 1, he married Miss Mary Beeson, whose father, Isaac Beeson, was born in North Carolina, in the year 1S01. Mr. Beeson came to Indiana many years ago, and was a leading farmer of Blue River Township, where his death occurred March 29, 1S84. He had a family of nine children, two of whom fell in defence of the old flag in the late Civil War. Mrs. Beeson died in the year 1871. For several years after his marriage Mr. Brockman lived with his father- in-law. and in 1884 erected a beautiful residence, which was his home for a little less than two years. He met his death under the following painful circumstances: "One Friday afternoon he took his gun for the purpose of shooting a hawk, but failing in this, started to go out where his dogs were chasing a rabbit. In the act of climbing a fence near the house, the gun by some means was discharged, the shot taking effect in his body, severing an artery near the heart." Mrs. Brockman seeing him fall, ran to his assist- ance, and reached him in time to see him expire. He died in her arms without a sign of recognition. His funeral was largely at- tended, and the sermon on the occasion, preached by Rev. Mr. Turner, of Edinburg, was a glowing and eloquent tribute to a loving husband and father, and a deserved enconium to his worth as an honorable citizen and respected neighbor. At the time of his death Mr. Brockman was fifty-eight years and six months old. Mr. and Mrs. Brockman raised a family of five children, namely : Vinson, Ulysses, Isaac, Annie and Charles, all of whom are living with their mother on the home farm in Blue River Township. W. T. Brockman. — Eandav Brockman, father of the subject of this sketch, was a native of Virginia, and grew to manhood in Kentucky, having been taken to the latter state when but four years old. He married in Kentucky, Martha Shipp, and later moved to Shelby County, Ind., settling in the woods, and for some years lived the rugged life of the pioneer. He was one of the earl}- settlers of Shelby, and at the time of his arrival his nearest neighbors were the Indians, with whom he appears to have been upon terms of the greatest friendship. He made a valuable farm, and became a leading citizen of the community in which he resided. Mrs. Brockman died at the age of sixty-four; she was the mother of twelve children, seven of whom are now living. Until within a year of his death. Mr. Brockman lived on his home place, consist- ing of 320 acres of land, but later moved to Edinburg, and died in that town at the advanced age of seventy-two. He was an active member of the Methodist Protestant Church, a great temperance worker, and in early life supported the principles of the whig party. W.. T. Brockman was born and reared in Shelby County, and early chose the farmer's vocation for his life work. His educa- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 4O3 tional training was confined to a few months' attendance each year in the common schools, but by observation he has since become the possessor of a fund of valuable practical knowledge. December 22, 1852, he married Martha, daughter of William and Phoebe (Coons) Lewis, of Shelby Count)-, the parents natives of Vir- ginia. Shortly alter his marriage, Mr. Brockman purchased his present farm in Johnson County, which lies in sight of the old home place, where the years of his youth and early manhood were passed. lie now owns one of the most valuable and attract- i\ e farms in Blue River Township, and is justly considered one of the leading citizens of the community in which he resides. Mr. and Mrs. Brockman are the parents of six children, four living, viz. : Sarah C, Mary J., Landay and Clara E. The deceased children are: Ella O. and Maggie. Mr. Brockman is a republican in poli- tics, and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Protestant Church. C. L. Clancy, the gentleman whose sketch is herewith pre- sented, is a native of Jefferson County, Ohio, born in the town of La Grange, on the 3d day of May, 1851. He is a son of William Clancy, who was at one time, a leading hotel man of La Grange, and who died when C. L. was quite young. The children of the family, four in number, after the parents' death, were kindly cared for bv relatives, the subject falling under the especial care of an uncle, Charles Clancy, with whom he made his home until his fourteenth year. At that early age, with the spirit that animated the patriotic young men throughout the entire north during the trying years of the nation's peril, he offered his services to his country, enlisting in the One Hundred and Seventh-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served for one year. During his period of service he was with his regiment in thirteen battles, thus winning a record of which older soldiers might be proud. On quitting the arm} - he engaged in the harness business at Carding- ton, Ohio, and four years later located at the town of Chesterville, that state, where he was similarly engaged for two years. He af- terward abandoned the business and accepted an agencv to sell washing machines in Indiana, and in 1871, came to Johnson County, where the following year he engaged in the livery business in the city of Edinburg, which he continued several years. He then abandoned livery and opened a feed and sale stable, which he has since carried on in connection with raising and dealing in line blooded horses and trotting stock. He is, at this time, one of the leading stock-men of Johnson County, and at his stable can be seen a number of very line animals, among which the names of Daniel Boone, Blue Bull, Mambrino Turk, have more than a local reputa- tion. Mr. Clancy is well known among the stock-men of the state, 26 4O4 JOHNSON COUNTY. and lias already a large and lucrative business, which is steadily in- creasing. He was married September r, 1S7S, to Miss Ida, daugh- ter of David M. White, of Bartholomew County, who has borne him one child, Charles S. In addition to his fine stock, which repre- sents a capital of several thousand dollars. Mr. Clancy owns valuable real estate in Michigan and Kansas, and a fine farm near the town of Edinburg. Politically, he is a republican,. and in religion belongs to the Christian Church of Edinburg, as does also his wife. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Jacob Coffelt (deceased), the subject of this sketch, was a member of one of the oldest pioneer families of Johnson County, his parents, Henry and Barbara Coffelt, moving here from Tennessee several years before the county organization, and settling near the present site of Amity, in Blue River Township. Here the Coffelt family lived the life of pioneers, and amid the stirring scenes of frontier life, raised a family of children, several of whom eventually became leading citizens of the community. Jacob Cof- felt was born in east Tennessee, September iS, 1800, and while still young, accompanied his parents to Johnson County, Ind., where he grew to manhood as a farmer. His first wife was Miss Re- becca Hamner, whom he married in this county, and with whom he lived happily for about twenty years. After her death he mar- ried Miss Rachel C. Brown, of North Carolina, daughter of Benja- min and Lydia (Walters) Brown, both of whom died in that state. The marriage was solemnized on the 15th day of August, 1866. Mr. Coffelt was an industrious farmer, and a man whose good name was never impugned by any who knew him. He was for years, a great sufferer, but was not confined to his bed until within a few hours of his death, which sad event occurred on the 5th day of March, 1885. Mrs. Coffelt is at this time a woman well advanced in age, being seventy-three years old. She is widely and favorably known for her kindly and benevolent disposition, and unblemished Christian character. Thomas R. Coffelt (deceased), native of Tennessee, and son of Henry and Barbara Coffelt, was born on the 1st day of January, 1813. When quite young, he came to Indiana, and settled, prior to the organization of Johnson County, on Young's Creek, near the present site of Amity, in Blue River Township. Here he cleared a farm and lived the live of a pioneer, having been one of the early settlers in the southern part of the county. On the 4th day of April, 1833, he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Hamner, sister of John Hamner, a member of one of the early pioneer families, and by her had two children, both deceased. Mrs. Coffelt died on the nth day of July, 1849. Mr. Coffelt's sec- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 405 ond marriage was solemnized Jul}' 19, 1S60, with Miss Amanda Brown, daughter of Benjamin and Lydia (Walters) Brown, of Ashe County, N. C. To this marriage were born two children, one of whom, Mrs. Nancy E. Barron, is now living. Mr. Coffelt fol- lowed farming all his life, and was a man of many noble and sterling qualities. His death occurred at his home place, near the village of Amity, on the i5th»day of April, 1S73, his age being sixty years three months and fifteen days. His widow still survives, and lives on the home farm, a handsome place of 200 acres, finely improved. She was born January 13, 1824, and is a well preserved woman for her age. Isaac D. Collier, of the town of Edinburg, the oldest na- tive born citizen of Blue River Township, and possibly of Johnson Count}', his birth having occurred on the 19th day of April, 1S24. His early years were passed in a routine of hard labor, in his fath- er's saw- and grist-mill, and while still young he assisted in trans- porting the products of said mills by flat-boat to New Orleans and intermediate points. At the age of eighteen he began learning the blacksmith's trade with his father, and after becoming proficient in the same, engaged in the business for himself, and followed it until 1S52. In that year he joined the tide of emigration to California, and was there until 1S59, mining and working at his trade. Re- turning to Johnson County in 1859, ne purchased the family home- stead, and resided upon the same until 1861, when he entered the army as private in Company C, Twenty-seventh Indiana Infantry, Col. Colgrove's regiment, with which he served seven months, when he was discharged on account of physical disabilities. In 1862, he suffered a severe loss by fire, but soon rebuilt the house in which he at present resides. While making a second trip west, a little later, Mr. Collier met with a serious accident, being thrown from a horse, resulting in the breaking of one of his legs, which disabled him for over nine months. He was absent from home nearly two years, and spent the time hunting and trapping through- out the States of Missouri and Kansas. Since 1S72, Mr. Collier has been in the employ of John A. Thompson, as night watch in the large flouring mill near Edinburg. He was married November, 1850, to Mrs. Catherine C. Toner [nee Folander), by whom he has had two children, viz.: Annie L., wife of Martin W. Hunt, and Maggie. By her previous marriage, Mrs. Collier is the mother of one child, a son, William Toner. Mr. Collier is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and a republican in politics. John A. Collier, the gentleman whose biographical sketch is herewith presented, is a representative of one of the earliest pioneer families in Johnson County, his father, Isaac Collier, having located 406 JOHNSON COUNTY. on the present site of Edinburg, before the county was organized. The Colliers were early residents of Greenfield, Ohio, in which town the above named Isaac worked at the blacksmithing trade. He served in the War of 1812 as drum major, and shortly after the close of the struggle came to Indiana. He eventually came to Johnson County and built the first residence in the town of Edin- burg, and also claimed the distinction of being the first mechanic of the place, opening a blacksmith shop immediately upon his arrival. He was a splendid mechanic, especially skilled in fine work, such as edged tools, guns, pistols, etc. His wife's maiden name was Nancy Jones. He married her in Ohio, and raised a family of nine children, only two of whom are now living, to-wit: Isaac D. and the subject of this sketch. He died in the year 1840, at the age of sixty. His wife survived him forty years, dying in 1880, at the ripe old age of ninety. John A. Collier was born in the town of Greenfield, Ohio, on the 2^th day of November, 1S20. He was raised in Johnson County, Ind., and obtained his first start in life by flat-boating and saw-milling. He subsequently purchased land in Blue River Township, and engaged in farming, which was his occu- pation until 1883. In that year he turned his attention to the manu- facture of brick, a business he still follows. In this enterprise Mr. Collier has been quite successful, the yearly production of his kilns being over 200,000 brick, all of which find ready sale in Edinburg and vicinity. Mr. Collier was married January 1, 1845, to Miss Deborah Ann Bills, daughter of Abraham and Harriet (Johnson) Bills, of New Jersey. The following are the names of Mr. and Mrs. Collier's children now living: Susan, wife of Smith; Margie, wife of William Dark; John B.; Harriet B., wife of Fair, and Isaac. George Cutsinger, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cutsinger, was born in Shelby County, Ind., on the 28th day of February, 1843. He was educated in the country schools, and reared to agri- cultural pursuits, which he has always followed, beginning farm life for himself about the year 1866, in Jackson Township, Shelby Co. He afterward moved to Johnson County, where, after a short residence, he returned to Shelby, and at this time lives upon the paternal homestead, one of the best improved farms in the section where it is located. Mr. Cutsinger owns valuable lands in Johnson and Bartholomew counties, and in addition deals in thorough-bred horses and other fine live-stock. He is an industrious and intelli- gent man, and one of the leading citizens of the community in which he resides. Miss Matilda Miller, of Bartholomew County, daughter of Isaac and Anna Miller, became his wife on the 10th day of De- cember, 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Cutsinger have six children, whose BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 4O7 names are as follows: Mollie W., wife of Prof. A. J. Loughery, of Edinburg; Kittie, wife of E. Wheatly; Frank M., Elizabeth D., and Roscoe. Mr. Cutsinger is a democrat in politics, but has never sought official honors at the hands of his fellow citizens. John* M. Cutsinger, farmer and stock-raiser, and a member of one of the early pioneer families of Johnson County, was born in Blue River Township, on the 8th day of January, 1839. ^ s father was Jacob Cutsinger, a native of Virginia, and an early set- tler of Johnson County, moving here some time before the county was organized. Jacob Cutsinger was a farmer and distiller, also a stock-raiser, in all of which he was very successful. He died in the year 1852. John M. Cutsinger is the youngest of a family of seven children, two of whom, beside himself, are living, viz. : Will- iam and Mrs. Catherine A. Heiflan. He was reared to agricul- tural pursuits, and in time became a leading farmer of Blue River Township, where he now owns 120 acres of fine land, upon which are many valuable improvements. He deals largely in stock, and, in addition to his own land, farms other places, renting a good deal of ground. He is an energetic and enterprising citizen, and a con- sistent member of the Methodist Protestant Church, to which his wife also belongs. He was married in Bartholomew Count}', Ind., to Miss Imelda Carter, daughter of John S. and Sarah (Cook) Carter. To this union have been born the following' children: Mrs. Ella J. Klein, Mrs. Sarah M. Furnas, Annie E., Samuel S., Thomas A., Jessie M., Homer C. and Floyd W. Martin Cutsinger, third son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Har- ris) Cutsinger, was born in Shelby County, Ind., on the 7th day of February, 1856. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, received a good education, and began life as a farmer, in which calling he has been more than ordinarily successful, owning at this time one of the largest and best improved farms in the vicinity of Edinburg. Mr. Cutsinger's life has been characterized by that energy and ag- gressiveness which marks the successful man, and as a reward of his well-directed business efforts, he stands to-day in the foremost rank of Johnson County's representative citizens. In connection with his farming interests, Mr. Cutsinger has given a great deal of attention to live-stock, and upon his beautiful farm, one mile north- east of Edinburg, are to be seen some of the finest short-horn cat- tle in this section of the state — some of which represent a capital of over $300 each. To his efforts is largely due the credit of awakening an interest in behalf of improved herds among the farm- ers of Johnson County, and upon all matters pertaining to the grow- ing of fine stock, he is an authority. Aside from his farming and stock interests, he is interested in the Edinburg Starch Works, own- 4-OS JOHNSON COUNTY. ing a share in the factory, and takes an active interest in the succes s of the business. Mr. Cutsinger was united in marriage, May 4, 1876, to Miss Charity N. Williams, of Bartholomew County, daughter of Claiborne Williams, one the prominent farmers and stock-raisers in this part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Cutsinger are the parents of four children, three of whom are living, viz.: Homer, Clarence and Minnie Belle. Samuel Cutsinger, a prominent farmer, and one of the lead- ing business men of central Indiana, was born in Washington County, Kv., on the 25th day of June, 1820. Two years later the family came to Indiana, and settled in what is now Jackson Town- spip, Shelby' County, where amid the active scenes and rugged du- ties of pioneer life the youthful years of our subject were passed. The family living in moderate circumstances, young Samuel was obliged to bear his part in the work of clearing and developing tlje farm, consequently his educational training was very limited, as but little time could be devoted to attendance at school. He early displayed rare business qualifications, however, and by much min- gling with men in after years acquired a practical education such as few possess. He remained with his parent until his marriage, which took place December 12, 1839, w 'th Elizabeth Harris, and then moved to Edinburg, where he had engaged in the mercantile busi- ness the year previous. Here he remained until 1S41, when he moved back to Jackson Township, and resumed farming which, with stock-raising, he has since carried on. Mrs. Cutsinger was born in Kentucky, September, 1820, and came to Shelby County, Ind., when but nine years of age. Thirteen children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Cutsinger, namely: Mary, Jane, George, Ed- monson, Maria, Catherine, Ann, Hannah B., Martin, Indiana, Ivory II., Eleanor and William E. Of these, all are living with the excep- tion of the fifth daughter, Ann, and nearly all settled near their father's home. As a farmer and stock-raiser, Mr. Cutsinger has met with success such as few achieve, and in his business transac- tions has displayed financial ability of the highest order. Begin- ning life with little or no capital, he has so managed his affairs as to accumulate a large fortune, owning at this time over 1,800 acres of valuable land, besides having a large amount of capital in- vested in manufacturing enterprises at Edinburg and Franklin. He has made a great deal of money in stock, dealing extensively in cattle and hogs, always making it a point to have them as large and fat as could be found in the market. Latterly he has dealt more in cattle, and fattens yearly from 200 to 250 head of choice steers. In 1869, Mr. Cutsinger, with three other business men, founded the Edinburg Starch Works, the largest enterprise of the kind in BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 4O9 the state, and one of the largest in the United States west of the Alleghany Mountains. He has been the leading spirit of the en- terprise, and much of its success has been due to his able manage- ment and business foresight. Latterly he became identified with the starch works at Franklin, in which he has a large amount of .capital invested. Both of these establishments are appropriately mentioned in another part of this volume. The better to look after his business interests, Mr. Cutsinger, in 1884, moved to Edinburg, where he has since resided, his residence here being one of the finest homes in the city. Politically, Mr. Cutsinger has always been an unswerving supporter of the democratic party, but he has never sought official honors at the hands of his fellow-citizens. Person ally, he is very popular, and with true Kentucky hospitality believes in having as many of the good things of this world as is consistent with a successful business career. In his wife he has se- cured a life partner who has always been a helper to him, and one well qualified to fill the duties of wife and mother. She seconds her husband in Q-ivinsj crenuine welcome to all who have the good fortune to become the recipients of their hospitality, and is favor- ably known among a large circle of friends and acquaintances for her man}' excellent qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Cutsinger are active members of the Christian Church of Edinburg. Thomas H. Daily (deceased) was born December 4, 1841, in the town of Charlestown, Clark Co., Ind., and was a son of David W. and Mary A. (Shirle}) Daily, natives respect- ively of Indiana and Kentucky. He was the youngest of a family of eleven children, seven of whom are living, and grew to manhood in his native county, in the common schools, of which he received the elements of an ordinary English education. When the war cloud gathered over the country in 1861, he responded to the call for volunteers, enlisting when but nineteen years of age, in Company D, Twenty-second Indiana Infantry, with which he served gallantly for a period of three years. He entered the ser- vice as a private, but soon obtained a lieutenant's commission, and later, was promoted captain, in which capacity he served on the staff of Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, between whom and himself there ex- isted an intimate friendship. He participated in a number of cam- paigns and battles, and was with his command through all its varied experiences in the service, during which time he gained the good will of his men and the confidence and esteem of his superiors in office. He passed safely through various engagements in which his command took a part, but was severely hurt by being thrown from his horse against a tree, the effect of which was materially to 41 JOHNSON COUNTY. shorten his life. He was mustered out of the service at Atlanta, Ga., September 14, 1864. and on (quitting the armv he received through the interposition of a friend, the position of passenger conductor on the J., M. & I. Railroad without having to pass through the usual preliminaries and promotions required for such service. He ran a train for twelve years, but owing to physical disability superin- duced by the injury received while in the army, was finally com- pelled to abandon the road, which he did very reluctantly. For about three years and nine months previous to his death, Mr. Daily was a confirmed invalid, and during that time, his comfort and satis- faction was to meet and converse with his old army comrades and recall the scenes of his battles and campaigns in which they took part while in defence of the flag. He married September 27, 1868, Miss Maggie Walsh, daughter of John Walsh, Esq., who shared with him the future vicissitudes of life, and who is now living at her home in the town of Edinburg. Mr. Daily died on the 3rd day of May, 1881, and was buried in his native town of Charles- town. He was a devoted member of the Catholic Church, in which faith his wife and children were also raised. Mr. and Mrs. Daily raised a family of three children, namely: Katie, born July 8, 1S69; Ella W., born January 4, 1872, and Maria, born November 25, 1873, died February 28, 1880. Mrs. Dailv has looked carefully to the intellectual training of her children, Miss Katie being a gradu- ate of St. Mary's academy, an educational institution located near Terre Haute. The other daughter, Ella W., is pursuing her studies at the same school. Cassius W. Davis, the subject of this sketch, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the onlv living child of Moses and Elizabeth (Donnelly) Davis. Paternally, Mr. Davis is descended from En- glish ancestors, and upon the mother's side from Irish. He was born on the 28th day of November, 1852, and at the early age of sixteen began life for himself, choosing for his calling the carpenter's trade, at which he served a three years' apprenticeship. He began working at his trade in Edinburg, Ind., to which place he came in 1866, and after following it several years, accepted a clerkship in the grocery house of Breeding & Bro., by whom he was employed until about the year 1883. He then became book-keeper for H. Maley & Co. (saw- and planing-mill), a position he still holds. Mr. Davis is a careful and competent business man, and enjovs the con- fidence of the wealthy firm, by which he is employed. In addition to his clerical position, he is interested in the mercantile business, being one of the partners to the grocery store of Maley, Davis & Co. He was married in November, 1S81, to Miss Ite Furgason, BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 4 II a native of Johnson County, Ind., daughter of Frank and Maty Furgason, of Edinburg. Mr. Davis is a member of the K. of P. order, and with his wife belongs to the Christian Church. Miles DeCoursey, farmer, Blue River Township, was born in Nineveh Township, Johnson Countv, Ind., Julv 10, 1839, aiK ^ ' s the voungest son of John and Phebe ( Barnes ) DeCoursev, natives of Kentucky, and of French and German descent, respectivclv. John and Phebe DeCoursey were married in Henry County, Ky., and in 1832 moved to Indiana, and settled in Johnson Counts', where the father farmed for several years. He died February, 1S57, in Huntington Countv, where he moved five years before. Mrs. DeCoursev is still living, a remarkably well-preserved old lady of eighty-one. Mr. and Mrs. DeCoursey were the parents of seven children, three living, two in this countv and one in Missouri. The immediate subject of this biography was raised a farmer, and remained with his father until the latter's death. He resided for some years in Johnson, Morgan, Marion and Grant counties, and later returned to Johnson, settling in Blue River Township, where he owns a handsomelv improved farm of seventy-two acres. August, 1861, Mr. DeCoursey enlisted in Company F, Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Col. Dumont's regiment, for the three years' service, but was discharged at the expiration of eighteen months, on account of phvsical disabilities. He was with the regi- ment in the bloody battles of Greenbrier, Bull Run, South Moun- tain, Antietam, and several more engagements, in all of which he bore the part of a true and faithful soldier. His disability was of such a nature, that upon one occasion, at Frederick City, Md., his phvsicians abandoned all hopes of his recoverv. and sent the tidings of his death to his mother. January 20, 186S, Mr. DeCoursey and Miss Hannah Mitchell, daughter of Joseph Mitchell, were united in marriage. To this union have been born four children, viz.: John W., Arthur I., Minnie G. and Ernst, all living at home. D. L. Demixg, the subject of this biography, was born in the town of Edinburg, Ind., August 27, 1854, an< ^ i ,s a son °^ ^ - J" and Heppy Deming, of English and German descent, respectively. The father was for some years a prominent merchant of Edinburg, but is now engaged in agricultural pursuits in Bartholomew County. He has been twice married, his first wife, whose maiden name was Sallie White, and by whom he had one child. He afterward mar- ried her sister, Heppy White, who has borne him five children, three living, whose names are as follows: Clara, wife of John A. Thompson, Mary, and D. L., the subject of this sketch. D. L. Deming was raised in Bartholomew County, and received a com- mon school education, supplemented by one year's attendance at 412 JOHNSON COUNTY. Butler University, Irvington, Ind., where he graduated in the com- mercial course. On quitting school he accepted a clerkship in the dry goods house of John Walsh, Edinburg, and after spending one year in his employ, accepted a similar position with John A. Carvin, with whom he remained five years. Severing his connection with his employer, Mr. Deming next engaged in business for himself, dealing in agricultural implements in Edinburg, with an interest in the same kind of a house in Franklin. He carried on a very suc- cessful business until quite recently, when he sold out both stores. He owns a fine farm in Nineveh Township, a good property in Edinburg, and is justly considered one of the substantial and ener- getic citizens of Johnson County. Politically, he wields an influ- ence for the republican party, but has never aspired to political honors, preferring to spend his time and talents in other directions. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., belonging to the lodge in Edin- burg. October n. 1882, he solemnized his marriage with Miss Mary, daughter of Peter J. and Mary (Brewer) Banta, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed families of the county. The fruits of this union are two children, namely: Byron J. and Edwin L. Deming. Abraham Deupree (deceased) was a native of Kentucky, born in Nicholas County, that state, on the 17th day of June, 1S11. His paternal ancestors were French Huguenots, and the family history can be traced back through many generations to the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew, in which so many protestants lost their lives. Two members of the family t-scaped from France, shortly after the massacre, and making their way through England, came to America, and settled in the colony of Virginia. The descendents of these two brothers subsequently emigrated to North Carolina and Kentucky, and from the latter state the father of the subject of this sketch, came to Indiana in 1822, and located near the pres- ent site of Edinburg. Soon after the family's arrival in the new country, the father died, leaving a widow and five small children. Abraham at this time was a mere youth, of twelve or thirteen years. Thus early deprived of his father he was obliged to make his own way in life, and impressed with the necessity of an education he attended such schools as the county afforded, until he was able to teach. For some years he taught school during the winter seasons, and worked on the farm the rest of the year, and by prudent man- agement succeeded in laying the foundation for the comfortable competence, with which his later life was blessed. In 1833, he married Hannah B. Carter, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Leonard) Carter, of New Jersev, who bore him seven children, six of whom are now living. He became a member of the Christian BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 413 Church of Edinburg, at the time of its organization in 1834, as did also his wife, and until his death was an earnest and consistent Chris- tian, having been licensed to preach in the year 1840. Although he never excelled as a public speaker, yet his talents were far above mediocrity, and bv his earnest efforts in behalf of the church, did as much, if not more than any other member, to place it upon its present substantial footing. He was a strict temperance man, abstained from the use of tobacco and intoxicants in all their forms; and shrank not from the performance of any duty for the bettering of the con- dition of his fellow man. He left to mourn his loss, a widow, live children, and sixteen grand-children. Mrs. Deupree joined the church the same time as her husband, and is the only charter mem- ber of the Edinburg congregation, now living. John E. Deupree, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Deupree, was born in Shelby County, Ind., on the 23d of June, 1S40. He was reared in Johnson County, grew to manhood on a farm, and at the age of twenty-two, with the spirit that animated the patriotic voung men of the north, he entered the army as a member of the Third Indiana Cavalry. lie served three years and one month, and bore the part of a brave and gallant soldier on many bloody battle fields, and was twice wounded — at Knoxville, Tenn., March, 1864, in the left shoulder, and at Goldsborough, N. C, 1865, in the left shoulder blade, where the bullet still remains, the latter wound disabling and unfitting him for active duties in the field. He was discharged May, 1865, and immediately thereafter returned to Johnson County and engaged in farming in Blue River Town- ship, where he has since resided. He manages the home farm and looks after the interest of his mother, who is an old lady of seventy- live. He owns land in Shelby County, and has met with reasonable success as a farmer and stock-raiser, being at this time one of the well-to-do citizens of the community in which he resides. Novem- ber, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Kennedy, by whom he had one child, who died in infancy. Mrs. Deupree died in the year 1872, and on the 9th day of August, 1874, Mr. Deupree married Miss Elsie Allen, who has borne him three children, viz. : Marth E., Alpha A., and Avery E. Mr. and Mrs. Deupree are members of the Christian Church. James H. Dorsey, 'attorney at law, Edinburg, was born at the town of St. Paul, Shelby'County, Ind., August 28, i860, and is a son of Dr. James and Lydia A. (Hart) Dorsey. The father was a native of New Jersey, but in early youth was taken by his par- ents to Butler County, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. He was a physician of extensive practice, and during a long and varied professional experience earned the reputation of one of the most 414 JOHNSON COUNTY. successful medical men of southern Indiana, having moved to this state a number of years ago. lie began the practice of his profes- sion in Shelby County, and until his death, in March, 1862, com- manded a large and lucrative business in the counties of Shelbv and Decatur. Lydia A. Hart, wife of Dr. Dorse)', was descended from Scotch ancestry, on the father's side, and maternally from Irish. Some years after the death of her husband, she married Robert Armstrong, of Edinburg, who departed this life in 1873, leaving one daughter, viz. : Mary Armstrong. By her first marriage Mrs. Armstrong had two children, the subject of this sketch being the younger. James H. Dorsey was reared principally in Johnson County, Ind., and at the age of seventeen graduated with honors from the Edinburg high school, delivering the valedictory address upon the occasion. He afterward became a student of Moore's Hill College, in which he completed the prescribed course, his grades of examination during the period of his attendance averag- ing ninety per cent., the maximum of the institution. Impressed with a strong desire to enter the legal profession, Mr. Dorsey read law as opportunities would admit, under the instruction of William A. Johnson, and after obtaining a knowledge of the profession, was admitted to the bar in 18S1, being at the time barely twentv-one years of age. He began the practice in Edinburg, with the late C. W. Snow, Esq., and soon succeeded in establishing quite a profitable business, which he subsequentlv discontinued, and re- moved to Colby Count) - , Kan., where he was for some time en- gaged in the real estate and abstract business. Owing to the poor health of his wife he was compelled to leave Kansas, and return to Indiana, where he has since resided in the enjoyment of a lucrative practice in the courts of Johnson and other counties, being at this time city attorney of Edinburg. Politically, Mr. Dorsev wields an influence for the republican party, and in his professional and social relations, enjoys in a large measure the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. Miss Adda, daughter of Alexander and Re- becca (Thompson) Breeding, became his wife on the 10th day of September, 18S1, a union blessed with the birth of two children, namely: Howard A. and Fred J. Mrs. Dorsey died on the 12th day of April, 1885, and lies buried in the Edinburg cemetery. Martin V. Ensley, retired farmer, is a native of Shelby County, Ind., born on the 19th day of December, 1830. Isaac Ensley, the father of Martin V. Ensley, was born in New York, and accompanied his parents to Shelby County, Ind., where he grew to manhood. He married, in that county, Martha A. Brown, daughter of Harvey and Patience Brown, who were among the earliest settlers in Jackson Township. Isaac and Patience Ens- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 415 ley were the parents of the following children, viz. : Pauline, Bailor and Martin V., the subject, being the only member of the family now living. Mr. Ensley died in 1S32. Mrs. Ensley subse- quently married Hugh Smiley, an early school-teacher of Johnson County. She departed this life in May, 1842. Being thus early deprived of his only friend and protector, young Martin Ensley was placed under the especial care of a guardian, John J. Lewis, and for two or three years thereafter, was compelled to work from place to place bv the month, in order to obtain a livelihood. In 1849, when nineteen years of age, he began farming for himself on the old home place, and on March 21, 1S51. he was united in marriage with Miss Lvdia Smock, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Burch) Smock, a union blessed with the birth of four children, namely: Sarah, wife of William H.Jones; W. A.; Rachel, wife of George Lewis, and Emma, wife of Byron Duffey. Mr. Ensley has made the pursuit of agriculture a life work, and has been more than or- dinarily successful in his chosen calling. He has added to his farm until he has become the owner of several valuable tracts of real estate, some of which he divided among his children. He still owns the old farm of 280 acres in Jackson Township, Shelby County. In 1SS1, Mr. Ensley retired from active life, since which time he has been a resident of Edinburg. He is a democrat in politics, and since 1876, has been an active member of the Metho- dist Church. His first wife died in August, 1877, and on the 20th day of November, 1879, ms second marriage was solemnized with Miss Selina Varner, of Hamilton County, Ohio, daughter of Thomas and Martha (Lefeber ) Varner. Thomas and Martha Var- ner were early residents of the above county and state, and were the parents of the following children, viz. : Saline, Eliza, Sarah (deceased), Amanda, and T. Henry Varner. By his second mar- riage, Mr. Ensley is the father of one child, to wit: Edgar E. Ensley. J. D. Fee, the subject of this sketch, is descended from Scotch ancestry, the original name being McDutfie, by which a well-known clan in the early history of Scotland, was known. The clan McDuffie was early subjected to religious persecution, in conse- quence of which the majority of that name were compelled to flee their native country and take refuge in Ireland, where in time the name became changed to McFee. Still later, the clan was lepre- sented in England, where the name subsequently became anglicized to Fee, by which it has been known since about the year 1700. In 1 780, several representatives of the Fee family came to Amer- ica and settled in Pennsylvania, thence later to Kentucky, where, as early as 1798, the name was well-known among the settlers of Maysville and Boone"s Fort. The ancestors of J. D. Fee were 416 JOHNSON" COUNTY. among the early pioneers of Clermont County, Ohio, where his grandfather, Rev. Elijah Fee, acquired some celebrity as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Jacob and Elizabeth (Cam- rex- •, Fee, parents of J. D.. were both natives of Clermont County, Ohio. Thev had a family of eleven children, nine of whom are now living, J. D. being the youngest. The subject was born in the town of Moscow, Clermont County, Ohio, March 3, 1S41, and re- ceived a practical education in the schools of his native town. He was raised on a farm, and remained under the parental roof until the age of seventeen, when he entered the army, enlisting August 1, 1862, in CompaiTy D, Second Ohio Artillery, with which he served two years. During that time he took part in several active campaigns, and bore a gallant part in some of the bloodiest battles of the war, including Shiloh, Stone River, Lookout Mountain, Nashville, and numerous minor engagements. At the expiration of his term of service, he was honorablv discharged, and imme- diately thereafter returned to his native county, and engaged in farming, which he followed about two years. In the spring of 1 868, he came to Edinburg, where, until 18S8, his principal busi- ness was painting and paper hanging. In February, of the latter vear, he purchased an interest in the hardware store of L. Compton, and the firm of Compton & Fee is now one of the leading business firms of the city. Thev carry a large assortment of general hardware, tinware and stoves, their stock representing a value of $6,000. Mr. Fee is an active member of the G. A. R., I. O. O. F., and W. O. H., and in politics supports the principles of the republican party. He has always manifested a live interest in municipal af- fairs, and is at this time a member of the town board of Edinburg. November, 1S66, he married Miss Hattie A. Parker, daughter of James E. and Catherine Parker, of Clermont County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fee are members of the Edinburg Methodist Episcopal Church. Thomas B. Forelander was born in Monroe County. Ya., October 31, 1S24, and is a son of Lewis and Susan (Sparr) Fore- lander. Paternally, Mr. Forelander is descended from Dutch an- cestry, his father having been born in Holland. On his mother's side he is of German lineage, although his mother was a native of Pennsylvania. Lewis Forelander was a tanner bv trade, and fol- lowed his calling for a number of years in Pennsylvania, in which state his death occurred. His widow afterward emigrated to Ohio, thence later to Indiana, in several counties of which she lived at different times, mainly Union, Ilenrv, Hancock and Johnson, moving to the last named in 1S38. Mr. and Mrs. Forelander have a family of four children, two of whom: Catherine, wife of J. D. Collier, BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 417 and Thomas B., are now living. Thomas B. Forelancler remained with his mother until her death. He early learned the milling trade in Johnson County, and did his first work in John A. Thomp- son's mills, at Edinburg, where he continued several years. lie has followed milling all his life, principally in Johnson County, and has the reputation of being one of the best millers in this section of the state. He has been an honored resident of Johnson County for half a century, and during that long period of residence no shadow of suspicion has been breathed against his good name or Christian character. He is an active member of the church, an uncompro- mising advocate of temperance reform, and a republican in politics. In i860, he was united in marriage with Miss America, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Ruffin) Spicer, who were born in the States of North Carolina and Kentucky, respectively. Mrs. Forelander was born in Johnson County, Ind., and is the mother of five child- ren, two of whom are living, viz.: Susie and William L. Forelander. Mr. Forelander is at this time assessor of Blue River Township. J. P. Frost (deceased), whose biographical sketch is here- with presented, was a native of Ohio, Richland County, born on the 8th day of March, 1S23. In early life he learned the trade of car- pentering and cabinet-making, in the city of Mansfield, Ohio, and after becoming proficient in the same, emigrated to Trimble County, Kv., where he followed his chosen calling several years. On the 2ist day of February, 1850, he married Miss Amanda V. McCormick, daughter of Adam and Rachel (Bellows) McCor- mick, a union blessed with the birth of four children, two of whom are living, namely : Minerva, now Mrs. Miles H.Mitchell, and Mary E. (Mrs. Thomas E. Valentine). For a period of three years Mr. Frost exercised his mechanical skill in the construction of boats for the Ohio River, but in 1856, came to Edinburg, Ind., and resumed carpentering and cabinet-making, which he carried on quite successfully for some time. He subsequently abandoned mechanical pursuits for the gro- cery business, and after following that branch of trade for some years engaged in the undertaking business. Mr. Frost was rea- sonably successful in the accumulation of property, and occupied a conspicuous place among the leading citizens of Edinburg. He was an earnest member of the Methodist Church, and for a number of years an active worker in the Masonic fraternity. He died at his home in Edinburg, on the 27th day of April, 1880. Mrs. Frost, who is still living, was born on the 7th day of March, 1823. She is a remarkably well-preserved lady, and has a large circle of friends in and around Edinburg. She and daughters, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Valentine, are members of the Edinburg Methodist Episcopal Church. Alb JOHNSON COUNTY. Orlando Furnas, miller, Blue River Township, is a native of Clinton County, Ohio, and third son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Bal- lard) Furnas. Joseph Furnas was born of English parentage, in South Carolina, and at the age of two years was taken to Ohio, in which state he resided from 1S04 to 1838. In the latter year he moved to Marion County, Ind., and opened a tavern on the Old National Road, which business he conducted several years. His wife dving in 1S47, he returned to Ohio, where he farmed until 1852, and then engaged in the milling business. He subsequently resumed farming, and followed that occupation until his death on the 13th day of January, 1870. He lost his first wife in 1845, and later married Mrs. Howk (nee Compton), by whom he had one child. By his first marriage Mr. Furnas had a family of eight children, three now living, to wit: the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Mary J. Lewis and Mrs. Ruth E. Guver. Orlando Furnas was born on the 8th day of October, 1S35, aiK ^ when young, learned the miller's trade with his father, in Clinton County, Ohio. He worked at the trade in his native state, and later in Marion and Johnson counties, Ind. He was at one time employed in the Car- lisle mill, Indianapolis, and in 1856, started a mill on Eagle Creek, Marion County, for David Baker, with whom he remained two years. He next operated a mill in the town of Bridgeport, the same county, which burned in 1859, entailing upon him a serious loss, in fact breaking him up financially. Shortly after this disaster he went back to Ohio, where he worked at milling about eighteen months and then returned to Indiana, and became superintendent of Beeler & Fletcher's large mills in Marion County, where he was employed for thirteen years. In 1875, he came to Johnson County and purchased what was known as the Old Foster Mill in Blue River Township, which he has since improved and supplied with machinery for the manufacture of flour by the roller process. The mill stands on the west bank of Sugar Creek, has a capacity of sixty barrels per day, and is one of the best and most successful mills in the county. Mr. Furnas has been identified with the mill- ing business since 1852, and is one of the most expert manufac- turers of flour in this section of the country. He has been successful financially, owning mill property representing a value of $12,000, and a finely improved farm of 150 acres. He was married in 1S58, in Marion County, Ind., to Miss Rebecca Ross, of Mont- gomery County, Ohio, daughter of Henry J. and Sarah (Carter) Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Furnas are the parents of six children, namely: Sarah A. (deceased), Cyrus I., Henry E., Eugene, Ella and Lucy Ann. Mr. Furnas has always taken an active part in poli- tics, and in 1S83, was -elected representative in the legislature on ^ BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 419 the republican-prohibition ticket. He is a member of the Masonic order, and with his wife, belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Capt. Charles Griffith, mechanic, Edinburgh was born in Franklin County, Ohio, January 19, 1830, and is a son of Charles and Jane (Johnson ) Grilhth, of the same state, the father of Irish, and the mother of Welsh, descent. The family moved to Jennings County, Ind., when the subject was but an infant, and there young Griffith grew to manhood, attending in the meantime such schools as his neighborhood afforded. On attaining his majority he began the blacksmithing trade, at the town of Queensville, and after work- ing in that place a short time, located in Vernon, and still later in Franklin, Johnson County, in all of which places he was reasonably successful in his business. From Franklin he went to Decatur County and opened a shop in the town of Sardinia, where he worked for a period of about live years. He married in Jennings County, in 1855, Miss Camelia McKeehan, a union blessed with four children, two of whom, Ella, wife of E. E. Carvin, and George S., are now living. Mr. Griffith responded to the country's call in 1861, enlisting that year in Company D, Seventh Indiana Infantry, with which he shared the fortunes and vicissitudes of war until honorably discharged, at the expiration of his three years' term of service. He entered the army as second lieutenant of his company, was subsequently promoted to first lieutenant, and still later, for gallant and meritorious service, was given the command of the company, and held a captain's commission from that time until dis- charged in 1864. Capt. Griffith was a brave and gallant officer, greatly beloved by the men whom he led on many blood} - battle- fields. At the close of the war he returned to his family in Jennings County, and the same year, in the fall of 1864, he moved to Edin- burg, where he has since resided, in the pursuit of his trade. Mr. Griffith is a skillful mechanic, and by diligent application to his call- ing, has succeeded in accumulating a comfortable competence, including a pleasant home and several other residences in Edinburg. He is essentially a self-made man, and as such, commands the re- spect of his fellow townsmen and others. John Hamner, one of the oldest living settlers of Johnson County, is a native of Mercer County, Ky., and the third of a family of seven children, born to John and Mary (Neubarv) Hamner. His parents were both born in Virginia. John and Mary Hamner moved to Kentucky a short time after their mar- riage, and from the latter state in 1823, came to Johnson County, Ind., and settled near the present site of Edinburg. Here they lived upon a farm until their deaths, which occurred at the ad- 27 420 JOHNSON COUNTY. vanced ages of eighty and seventy, respectively. John Hamner, Si\, was a soldier in the War of Independence, during which struggle he participated in a number of battles, among which was the last engagement in which the American Army under General Washington took place. The subject of this biography was born Feburary 5, 1S10, and was thirteen years of age when his parents moved to Johnson County. He was reared a farmer, and for a period of sixty-five years has been a resident of this county, during which time he has occupied an honorable place in the community, and commanded the respect and confidence of all who knew him. His life-work has been that of a farmer, and at this time he owns 200 acres of valuable land, in the County of Edinburg, and lives upon the place where his father settled in 1823. Mr. Hamner has been twice married, the first time in 1832 to Miss Nancy Lash, daughter of Joseph and Mary Lash, by whom he had six children, only two of whom are living, to-wit: Samuel and Maria (Miss Durbin). Mrs. Hamner died June 20, 1849, an ^ lw0 years later Mr. Hamner was united in marriage to Mrs. Mitchell, who died on the 8th day of September, 1885. No children were born to his last marriage, but by a previous union with Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Ham- ner had two children, one of whom is now living. Mr. Hamner is a representative democrat of the old school, having always been an earnest supporter of the principles of that party. He is now living a quiet and retired life, which only those who have battled success- fully with the world for over three quarters of a century, know how to appreciate. Samuel Hamner, fifth son of John and Nancy (Lash) Ham- ner, was born in Johnson Countv, Ind., November 18, 1S42. He was raised on a farm and received but limited educational training, having attended a single term of school in an old log school-house, which formerlv stood upon the spot now occupied by his residence in Blue River Township. At the age of eighteen, Mr. Hamner began life for himself as a renter on his father's farm, and later obtained a tract of land of his own, which he subsequently sold, and purchased his present place in the western part of Blue River Township. October 29, he married Miss Honorah E. Abbott, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Warner) Abbott. Mrs. Ham- ner was born in Johnson County, but the marriage was solemnized in the town of Bedford, Kv. Mr. and Mrs. Hamner are the par- ents of nine children, four of whom, John T., Andrew, James and George E., are living. Mr. Hamner owns a valuable farm of 100 acres, and is one of the substantial citizens of the township. He is a democrat in politics, and a member of the Methodist Church, as is also his wife. BLUE RIVER TOWXSIIU'. 4 2r E. M. Hardy, editor and proprietor of the Edinburg Courier, is a native of Washington Count)', Ind., born in the town of Salem on the 24th day of February, 1857. His parents, Niles and Maria (Bliss) Hardy, were born in Massachusetts, but early settled in Washington County, where, for a number of years, the father was a distinguished physician. He practiced his profession in the town of Salem, and died there when the subject of this sketch was but six months old. Mrs. Hardy is still living, having reached the advanced age of seventy years. E. M. Hardy was the onlv child born to Niles and Maria Hardy. By a previous marriage the father had three children, and the mother, who was also married twice, had three children by her former husband, Francis Dickson. The educational training of the subject was liberal, including a course of instruction in a private school at New Albany, Ind., and several years' attendance in Knapp's College, in which he completed the prescribed German and English courses, in 1868-9. Having earl)' manifested a decided preference for the printer's trade, he be- gan learning the art as circumstances would permit, and in 1872, engaged in the music publishing house of H. L. Benham, Indianaop- lis, where he remained one year. Previous to that time, in 1870, he came to Johnson County, and for some time thereafter, was em- ployed in a mill at Whiteland, where, in addition to his work in the mill, he studied and became proficient in the art of type-setting. Severing his connection with the Indianapolis house, Mr. Hardy started a job printing office at Whiteland, where he soon acquired a lucrative business. He came to Edinburg in 1877, and in part- nership with H. C. Allison, established a printing office, and suc- ceeded to the proprietorship of the Courier, of which he became sole owner and proprietor the following year. Under his man- agement, the Courier has been successfully conducted, its circula- tion largely increased, and it is now one of the most successful local papers in Johnson County. (See Press of Edinburg.) Mr. Hardy is a clear and forcible writer, a scholarly gentleman, and possesses many of the elements of the successful journalist. He was mar- ried February 24, 1878, to Miss Rose B. Myers, of Johnson County. Mr. Hardy is a member of the I. O. 0."F. and W. O. II. fraternities, and, with his wife, belongs to the Presbyterian Church of Edinburg. Samuel Hayes, the subject of this sketch, was born in Shelby County, Ind., on the 21st day of October, 1S49. His grand- father, Lewis Hayes, was a native of North Carolina, and an early settler of Shelby County. John Haves, father of Samuel, was born in North Carolina also, and was bv occupation a farmer and stock-raiser. He departed this life at his home in Shelby Count)-, 42 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. about the year 1856. His wife. Jane Hardin, was born in Indiana, and is still living near Franklin, being now Mrs. Shipp. To Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were born four children, viz.: Samuel, Lewis, James and Madison, all living in this state. Our subject was reared in Johnson and Shelbv counties. He was educated in the common schools, and early adopted the pursuit of agriculture for a vocation. February 20, 1873, he married Eliza E. Beeson, of Johnson County, whose father was one of the pioneers of Blue River Township. Shortly after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes moved to White County, thence later to Shelby County, where they resided for a period of eleven years. In 1SS6, he moved to his present home. He owned at one time a valuable farm of 101 acres. He is one of the energetic farmers of his township, and a citizen in whom his friends and neighbors repose implicit confidence. A republican in politics, he has never sought official position, and a member of the Metho- dist Protestant Church, he encourages the dissemination of relig- ious truth irrespective of denomination or creed. His wife is also a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and takes an active part in the congregation lo which she belongs. Mr. and Mrs. Haves are the parents of the following children, viz.: John W., born February 10, 1874, died March 1, 1879; Lewis O., born De- cember 16, 1875; William S., born September 6, 1S77, died Julv 2, 1880; and Charles C, born April 13, 1879. J. W. Hood (deceased). — Mr. Hood was a Kentuckian by birth, born in Adair County; on the 27th day of November, 1837. His father, Bonaparte Hood, was a prominent citizen of that countv, and a captain in the Mexican War, in which struggle he met his death. J. W. Hood was reared to agricultural pursuits, which useful calling he made his life work. He accompanied his mother to Johnson County, Ind., in 1852, and being the oldest member of the family, was compelled, while still young, to bear the chief burden in the family's support. He looked after the interest of his mother until her death, and until thev were able to make their own way in life, assumed the responsibility of caring for the younger members of the family. He began farming for himself in Johnson County, and by dint of industry, and the exercise of good judgment and economy, succeeded in purchasing a tine farm, upon which he lived until his death, September 11, 1885. As a neigh- bor and citizen Mr. Hood was well thought of, and his memory will long be cherished in the community of which he was for so many years a conspicuous member. He assisted in the organiza- tion of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Edinburg, and was one of its most zealous workers. Politically, he was a republican, and in re- ligion a member of the Christian Church. His marriage with Miss BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 423 Rebecca M. Mitchell, of Johnson County, Inch, was solemnized on the 18th day of January, 1863. Mrs. Hood's parents, William and Mary (Allen) Mitchell, were among the pioneer settlers of Johnson County, moving here when the county was in a wilderness state. Mr. and Mrs. Hood had a family of seven children, four now living, viz.: William S., born September 12, 1S64, at this time principal of the Tavlorsville high school (Bartholomew County) ; Edgar G., born September 19, 1S66; Howard, born August 11, 187 1, and Effie L., born January 13, 1878. Deceased members of the family are: infant not named, born September 25, 1S63, died December 15, 1863; Cora, born January 23, 1869, died October 30, 1S70; Gertie May, born May 5, 1875, died December 3, 1876. Joseph Johnson, marble dealer and prominent citizen of Edin- burg, was born in Clermont County, Ohio, March 2, 1S27, son of Richard and Keziah (Van Arsdal) Johnson, natives respectively of Virginia and New Jersey. Richard Johnson was a cousin of the noted Richard R^ Johnson, of Kentucky, and like the latter, was imbued with the military spirit, having served with distinction in the War of 1S12. Joseph Johnson is the fourth son and seventh child of a family of ten children. He was raised a farmer, but in early life manifested decided preference for mechanical pursuits. Ac- cordingly, he began working at the carpenter's trade a short time before attaining his majority. He soon acquired great proficiency in his chosen calling, and for a number of years was one of the leading mechanics in his native county, many of the finest residences and other buildings there having been erected under his personal supervision. In 1855, he came to Edinburg, Ind., and followed his trade in the town and country surrounding for a period of thirty- three years, erecting during that time many of the leading business houses and residences of the place. In 1879, he abandoned car- pentering and engaged in the marble business in Edinburg, which he still carries on. Mr. Johnson has been an energetic man all his life, and has met with well earned success in his trade and business. He is a republican in politics, and as such has rendered valuable service to his party in Edinburg, where his counsels always com- mand respect and weight. He was married in Clermont Count}-, Ohio, April 30, 1850, to Miss Margaret Parker, daughter of James E. and Jennie (Logan) Parker, a union blessed with the birth of nine children, only three of whom are living, namely: W. A., a leading young attorney of Franklin, Jennie K. (Mrs. Badger), and Maggie. Mr. Johnson and family are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, belonging to the Edinburg congregation. J. W. Landis, one of the leading lumber manufacturers of Johnson County, and a permanent citizen of Edinburg, is a native of 424 JOHNSON" COUNTY. Pennsylvania, born in Lancaster County, that state, on the 14th day of February, 1S32. He is the youngest, son of Abraham Landis, also a native of Pennsylvania, and for a number of years an industrious mechanic of Lancaster Count}-. The name of subject's mother was Margaret (White) Landis. The family left Pennsyl- vania in 1S53, and immigrating to Johnson County, Ind., settled at the town of Williamsburg, in the old cemetery of which place the father and mother now rest side by side. J. W. Landis preceded his parents to Johnson County, moving to the town of Williamsburg in 1852, where he engaged in his trade of carriage making, which he had previously learned in Pennsylvania. Mr. Landis early ac- quired great proficency in his chosen calling, and from 1852 until 1865, did a profitable business in Williamsburg. In the latter year he* began the manufacture af agricultural implements at Edinburg, but soon abandoned the business, and in 1S67, began dealing in live- stock, which he carried or, successfully for about eight years. In the meantime he embarked in the lumber business in Shelby County, and for some time operated a mill in the vicinity of Edinburg, which, like his previous ventures, proved financially profitable. He was interested in a saw-mill in Edinburg for some years, in partnership with Jacob Mahley, but sold out in 1S83, and the year following, began the manufacture of lumber at the town of Trafalgar. In 1887, he moved his large steam saw-mill from the latter place, to Franklin, where it is now in operation. This is one of the largest and best equipped mills of the kind in Johnson County, requiring the labor of twenty men, and turning out upon an average of 20,000,000 feet of lumber yearly. In addition to the mills already enumerated, Mr. Landis, in 1885, purchased the mill at Needham, which he operated until 1S86, disposing of it the latter year. In his various business enterprises, Mr. Landis has displayed excellent judgment and ability, and as a result of his well-directed efforts, is now in the enjoyment of a comfortable competence. His large lumber trade is constantly increasing, and in the business circles of the state, he enjoys an enviable reputation. He is a member of the Masonic, I. O. O. F.,and K. of P. fraternities. Mr. Landis was mar- ried September 13, 1853, to Miss Mary H. Hoffman, of Lancaster County, Penn., daughter of Frederick Hoffman. Of the eight chil- dren born to Mr. and Mis. Landis, only two are now living: Mary A., widow of M. C. Cargar, and IdaT., both of whom reside in Edinburg. Mrs. Landis died in 1880. J. H. Law, of the firm of Sims & Law, butchers, Edinburg, was born in Jefferson County, Ind., January 22, 1834, the oldest son of William and Mary ( Barnes) Law, natives of Kentucky. The'father was a farmer, followed his chosen calling, and in 1836 BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 425 settled in Johnson Count}', Ind., where he lived until his removal to Tipton County, fourteen years later. He is still living in the lat- ter county, having reached a ripe old age. He lost his wife in 1873. She was Lorn in the year 180S, and was her husband's senior by four years. She was the mother of ten children, all but one living. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Law married a Mrs. Ellis, who is now dead. He makes his home at this time with his son-in- law, T. J. Hancock, of Tipton County. J. H. Law began farming in 1854, in Tipton County, and continued that calling four years, and then began merchandizing at the town of Normanda, where he continued until i860. In 1861, he volunteered his services to his country, and enlisted in Co. K, Forty-seventh Indiana Infantry, Col. Slack's regiment, with which he served until discharged for physical disabilities at the expiration of nine months. On leaving the army he returned to his family in Tipton County, and there re- sided until 1866, when he moved to Johnson County, where he has since made his home. He was for some years extensively engaged in the live-stock business and farming, both of which he discontin- ued in 1886, and engaged in butchering in Edinburg, where he has now, in partnership with Mr. Sims, one of the best meat markets in the county. Mr. Law is a progressive citizen, an energetic busi- ness man, and an agreeable Christian gentleman. He is a member of the G. A. R., and for many years has been an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which his wife also belongs. He married October 5, 1S54, Miss Hannah Bills, of New Jersey, daughter of Abraham and Harriet (Johnson) Bills, by whom he had two children, Millard F. (deceased), and John F., who is now thirty years of age. John F. married Miss Nancy Jenkins, daugh- ter of Joseph Jenkins, one of the prominent old settlers of Johnson County. Isaac Lesley, mechanic and foreman of the H. Maley & Co.'s large saw-and planing-mill in Edinburg, is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and the oldest son of David and Sarah (Schaeffer) Lesley. Mr. Lesley's parents were Pennsylvanians by birth, but in an early day emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, and later, to Indiana. Isaac Lesley grew to manhood in his native county, and early learned the carpenter's trade, which, in the main, has been his life work. February 16, 1851, he was united in marriage to Mary Shally, of Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Shally, and one year later moved to Indiana, settling in Shelby County. In 1853, he came to Edinburg, and followed his trade here with much success and financial profit for a period of three years, abandoning it at the end of that time, and engaging in farming, which he car- ried on until about the year 1870. He assisted in organizing the 426 JOHNSON COUNTY. Edinburg Furniture Company, with which he was connected until the destruction of the factory by fire. Subsequently, he accepted the position of foreman in the saw and planing-mill of H. Maley & Co., the duties of which he has discharged with commendable abil- ity to the present time. He is a skilled mechanic, a most worthy citizen, and enjoys the confidence of the wealthy firm by which he is employed. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics supports the principles of the democratic party. A J. Loughery, the subject of this sketch, was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., September 13, 1S65, son of R. S. and Martha (Mitchell) Loughery, parents both natives of this state. The father was by occupation a miller, and followed that calling for a number of years in the counties of Johnson and Bartholomew. He served in the late war as member of Company C, Twenty- seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and for a period of three years shared the vicissitudes of his command in many of the bloodiest battles of the strugge, in one of which, the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., he received a severe wound, a minne ball passing nearly through his body. He was with the regiment in the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Va., Gettysburg, Penn., Re- sacca, Atlanta, and numerous other engagements, including Sher- man's celebrated Georgia campaign, in all of which he bore the part of a brave soldier and sincere patriot. He died at .Lowell Mills, Ind., in 1877, and lies burried in the Edinburg cemetery. Of the six children born to Mr. and Mrs. Loughery, four are living, the subject of this sketch being the oldest of the family. Mrs. Loughery is still living, making her home at this time in Edin- burg. A. J. Loughery was reared to manhood in Edinburg. and in iSS-{, graduated from the high school with honors, delivering the valedictory address upon that occasion. In 18S7, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary W. Cutsinger, a young lady of refinement and intelligence, and a graduate in the same class with her husband. Mr. Loughery became principal of the Edinburg high school, in 1886, and has already won an enviable reputation as a painstaking and successful educator. He is a young man of exemplary habits, and possesses those traits of character which insure his success in the future. He and wife are members of the Christian Church of Edinburg. Henry Maley. — Among the representative business men of Edinburg, is Henry Maley, who was born in Germany, on the 18th dav of March, 1841. His parents were John and Catherine (Mohr) Maley, both natives of Germany. They left that coun- try when our subject was in his infancy, immigrating to the United States and settling in Shelby County, Ind., where the r BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 427 father engaged in the pursuit of agriculture. Mr. and Mrs. Maley had a family of seven children, four of whom are living. By a subsequent marriage Mr. Maley had three children, all living. Henry Maley was reared a farmer, and early became acquainted with the rugged duties of that useful occupation. His educational advantages were quite limited, but by coming in contact with busi- ness men in after life, he obtained a practical education, such as schools and colleges fail to impart. From 1864 until 1S70 he was engaged in farming, in connection with which he also manufactured brick and drain tile, meeting with encouraging success in the latter business. He made a specialty of the manufacture of tiling for several years, but in 1872 began operating a saw-mill, and for some time thereafter did a lucrative business in Johnson and Shelby counties. In 1S78 he erected a mill in Edinburg, and one year later engaged in the lumber business in Charleston, W. Va., where he also built a mill, which, with the one in this place, he is still operating, the style of the Edinburg firm being, Henry Maley & Co. He does a large lumber business, running in addition to his saw-mill, a planing-mill and two lumber-yards, all of which return him a handsome profit. He is also interested in the Edinburg Pulley Factory, besides having considerable capital invested in city property and real estate in the country, owning a fine farm of 264 acres in Shelby County. Mr. Maley is essentially a self-made man, and in his social and business relations, enjoys the unbounded con- fidence of his fellow-citizens. He is prominently identified with the material prosperity of Edinburg, and all movements for the public good find in him an earnest and heart)' supporter. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic and K. of P. orders, and in politics wields an in- fluence for the democratic party. January 10, 1864, he married Miss Rebecca Compton, of Shelby County, Inch, a union blessed with the birth of the following children: Phebe, wife of E. D. Robbins, William H., Charles E., Maude, Claude and Alma E. Jacob Mahlev, the subject of this biography, is the eldest of a family of six children, born to Adam and Margaret (Zehmer) Mahley, and dates his birth from the 9th day of November, 1S34. He was born in Germany, and remained in his native country until 1854, at which time he came to the United States and located in Shelby County, Ind., where, for about ten years, he was variously employed working at different occupations. In 1865 he engaged in the general mercantile trade at the town of Mt. Auburn, Shelby County, which he continued with gratifying success for some years, and later purchased a valuable farm, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1883, he effected a partnership in the saw-milling and lumber business with Henry Maley & Co., in which he met with 428 JOHNSON COUNTY. success and financial profit. Mr. Mahley has been very fortunate in his business ventures, owning at this time valuable real estate in Shelbv County and Edinburg, besides interests in a saw-mill and grocery store in the latter place. He is one of the leading citizens of Edinburg, and enjoys the esteem and confidence of all who know him. He owns valuable propertv, his large brick residence on Walnut Street being among the finest dwellings in the city. Miss Emma Davisson, who became his wife on the 19th day of September, 1872, is a native of Shelbv County, Ind., and daughter of Reuben and Rebecca Davisson. Mr. and Mrs. Mahley have two children: Jesse W. and Harry. Politically, Mr. Mahley is a democrat, and in religion, is a member of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Mahley is a member of the Christian Church. G. E. Mayfield, the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch, was born in the town of Dupont, Jefferson County, Ind., July 1, 1S51, son of Francis and Adelaide (Wilson) Mayfield, na- tives respectively of Trimble County, Kv., and Madison, Ind. Francis Mayfield was, for a number of years, a merchant at the town of Dupont, and afterward engaged in the pork packing business at Columbus, Ind., a venture which did not prove financially successful. He was a member of the legislature from Jefferson County, in 185 1, and during the war held the position of provost marshal of Jefferson County. He is now living upon a farm in Jefferson County, having reached the advanced age of three score and ten, a well-preserved man for his vears, retaining unimpaired to a marked degree his mental and physical faculties. Mrs. May- field is living also, being eleven years younger than her husband. They are the parents of eight children. G. E. Mayfield passed his youthful years in his native village, and was the recipient of a common school education. His first experience was upon a farm, and subsequently he accepted a position as book-keeper with a pork packing establishment at Columbus, where he continued until the failure of the firm, several years later. On leaving Columbus he went to Indianapolis, where, for a period of about one year, he was associated in the brokerage business, with J. P. Wiggins, Esq.; returning to Columbus at the end of that time, he engaged as book-keeper with the Wright Bros., pork packers, in whose employ he continued until 1879. Severing his connection with the above firm, he became book-keeper in the private banking house of John A. Thompson, at Edinburg, and after two or three vears in that capacity, was promoted cashier, a position he now holds. Mr. May- field is an accomplished business man, thoroughly familiar with the details of banking, and enjovs the unbounded confidence of his em- ployer. He is withal a courteous gentleman and well deserves BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 429 mention as one of Edinburg's wide-awake and energetic citizens. His wife, Mamie Hill, whom he married March iS, 1S75? is a native of Columbus, Ind., and daughter of Judge Ralph Hill, a prominent lawyer of Indianapolis, and an ex-member of Congress. Mr. and Mrs Mayfield have two children, Clifford H. and Mina F. D. McDonald, the gentleman for whom this sketch is prepared, is a native of Canada, born in the County of Glangary, Ontario, on the 7th da}' of October, 1833. His father, John McDonald, was a native of New York, and a soldier of the War of 1S12. The mother, Christiana (Cameron) McDonald, was born in Canada, and was descended from Scotch ancestry. The McDonald family came originally from Scotland, and was early represented in this country by several members who settled in various parts of the eastern states. John and Christiana McDonald reared a family of fourteen children, all sons, eight of whom are still living. The subject of this biography remained in his native country until his sixteenth year, at which time he began life for himself, working at different occupations in various parts of the country. He traveled for some time from place to place, and finally settled down at the town of Lawrenceburg, Ind., where he learned the cabinet-maker's trade, which he followed in that town for a period of eight or nine years. While at Lawrenceburg, he became acquainted with, and married, Miss Eliza J. Armstrong, who bore him three children, namely : Luella, Lizzie and Mary. From Lawrenceburg, Mr. Mc- Donald went to Evansville, where, after a residence of about one year, he returned to the former place, and later, moved to Kentucky and engaged in the same business at the town of Carrollton. He was in the employ of the government for some time building hos- pitals, bridges, etc., but in 1862, engaged in the furniture trade in Madison, Ind., where he did a fairly lucrative business until 1868. From Madison he came to Edinburg. where, for two or three years he operated a furniture factor}', and later, 1884, engaged in the furniture trade and undertaking business. In 1856, he identified himself with the Methodist Church, of which he has since been an earnest and consistent member. He lost his first wife on the 10th day of April, 1880, and on the 16th day of November, 1881, his second marriage was solemnized with Miss Jennie Battin, of Ohio, a union blessed with the birth of one child: Edwin W. Mr. Mc- Donald is a republican in politics, a member of the I. O. O. F., and as a citizen commands the respect and confidence of the people of Edinburg. Adam Mutz, whose biography is herewith presented, is a na- tive of Lancaster Countv, Penn., born December 22. 1829, the son of George and Catherine Mutz. The father was a native of Ger- 430 JOHNSON COUNTY. many, and by trade a weaver. He came to the United States a number of years ago, settling in Pennsylvania, where he followed his vocation for some time, and where he subsequently married Miss Catherine Frybarger, a native of Switzerland. Some years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Mutz emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, and settled near the city of Dayton, and later moved to Miami County, that state, where Mr. Mutz followed agricultural pursuits for a period of about twenty years. He subsequently re- tired from active life, and until his death, at the advanced age of eightv-four years, resided in the city of Covington. Mrs. Mutz departed this life in the spring of 1S87, at the age of eighty-seven. Mr. Mutz served in the German arm)' before coming to the United States, and served in several campaigns against the great Napoleon. Adam Mutz was reared principally in Montgomery County, Ohio, and obtained the rudiments of a practical education in such schools as the county at that time afforded. He subsequently attended a school at Fairmount, Ohio, paying his own way bv working for wages during the summer seasons. At the age of nineteen he came to Johnson County, Ind., and after following various occupa- tions for a number of years, effected a co-partnership, in i860 or 1S61, with Martin Lynch, in the drug business, which firm still exists, the oldest business establishment at this time in the town of Edinburg. In his business relations Mr. Mutz has a reputation more than local, and as a public-spirited citizen fully alive to all the interests of the city in which he has so long resided, few occupy a more conspicu- ous and honored place. Bv diligent attention to the demands of the trade he has succeeded in establishing a very successful business, which has returned him a comfortable competence, his property be- ing among the most valuable in the city. He is a democrat in pol- itics, and for a period of thirty-five years has been an honored member of the Odd Fellows fraternity, being at this time treasurer of the Herndon Lodge. On the 12th day of April, 1S66, he mar- ried Miss Martha Jarrell. daughter of Henry and Lucv Jarrell, a union blessed with the birth of rive children, namely: John R., Lucy, Kate, Edell and Howard H. G. A. Mutz, son of George and Catherine Mutz, is a native of Ohio, born in Montgomery County, that state, on the 16th day of July, 1837. At the age of thirteen, he was taken by his parents to Miami County, Ohio, where he resided until 1S59, at which time he moved to Shelby County, Ind., and engaged in teaching. His success in that calling is attested by the fact of his having been em- ployed for six successive years in the same place, during which time he earned the reputation of an able and painstaking instructor. While thus employed, he married Miss Sarah Mullendore, of Shelby BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 43 1 County, daughter of Jacob Mullendore, one of the leading farmers of that part of the state. Until 1870 Mr. Mutz was variously en- gaged, his principal vocation during the time having been agricult- ural pursuits, which he carried on in connection with teaching music. In the above year he engaged in the manufacture of furni- ture at Edinburg, and for a period of four years was one of the proprietors of the Edinburg Furniture Company, which subse- quently sustained a very heavy loss bv fire. After the destruction of the factory, Mr. Mutz began sellin"' furniture and undertaking supplies, but later abandoned the business, and purchased an in- terest in a family grocery store, which he carried on from 187S until 1S84, in partnership with J. M. Carvin. The partnership was dissolved in the latter year, after which Mr. Mutz purchased the grocery house of J. D. Brewer, Esq., which he still owns. Mr. Mutz is in the enjoyment of a large and lucrative business, his an- nual sales amounting to over $30,000. His store is well supplied with all the goods demanded by the current trade, and is one of the best known and most substantial business houses of Edinburg. Politically, Mr. Mutz is a democrat, but has never been an aspirant for official honors, preferring to use his time and talents in other directions. He is an ardent friend of education, and for a number of years has served as a member of the Edinburg school board, of which he is at this time president. His early educational train- ing was liberal, attending first the common schools, and later the high school of Piqua, Ohio, and Heidelberg College, Seneca County, that state, in both of which he made substantial progress in the more advanced branches of learning. He is a member of the K. of P., and Masonic orders, and a gentleman in whom the citi- zens of Edinburg place great reliance. Mr. and Mrs. Mutz have two children, viz. : May Belle, wife of Elwood Allen, leading manu- facturer of Miamisburg, Ohio, and George Raymond Mutz, who is still under the parental roof. Prof. William B. Owen, superintendent of Edinburg schools, is a native of Ohio, born in Ashland County, that state, on the 30th day of July, 1853. His father. Rev. A. K. Owen, is a Pennsyl- vania!] bv birth, and a distinguished minister of the Methodist Church, stationed, at that time, at the city of New Philadelphia, Ohio. Rev. Mr. Owen has held various official positions in his denomination, among which were those of presiding elder, and member of the board of appeals. He is one of a family of eight children, three daughters and five sons, the latter of whom all be- came ministers of different denominations, while two of the daught- ers married ministers. Bv his marriage with Miss Margaret Bru- baker, Mr. Owen had a family of seven children, four of whom 432 JOHNSON COUNTY. are now living, viz.: Elizabeth, wife of W. B. Taggart; Edwin B., superintendent of schools at Areola, 111.: George, a journalist in Oregon, and William B., the subject of this biography. William B. Owen enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education, graduating at the age of twenty-one from Baldwin University. Berea, Ohio. In 1876, he began teaching in Lancaster, Pa., and in the presi- dential campaign of that year, took an active part by canvassing various counties in the state, in the interest of the republican candi- dates, Haves and Wheeler. He made a number of public speeches, and earned the reputation of an able and eloquent political orator. In 1878, he returned to his native state, and accepted the superin- tendencv of the Delta schools, where he taught rive years, and then became superintendent of the schools of Tuscola, 111., a position he held until taking charge of the schools of Edinburg, Ind., in the fall of 18S7. As a teacher, Prof. Owen ranks among the best-known educators in this part of the state, and as an institute organizer and lecturer, few have a more extended reputation. He has been a member of the National Teachers' Association for five years, and while principal of the Delta, Ohio, high school, achieved some prominence in educational circles as editor of the School Journal, published at that place. He is a regular contributor to various periodicals, and in addition to his school work, gives instructions in sketching and oil painting, being an artist of acknowledged ability. Politically, he is an ardent supporter of the republican party, and in religion, holds to the Presbyterian creed. He was married in Dela- ware County, Ohio, in 1S78, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Jefferson P. and Delia (Thrall ) Maynard, a union blessed with the birth of three children, viz. : Carl M., L. Percival, and Lou M. Mr. and Mrs. Owens are members of the Edinburg Presbyterian Church. Dr. Luther Paine is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, born in the town of Miamisburg, on the 29th day of November, 1S24. His parents were Henry and Allettah (Lane) Paine, the father at one time a leading school teacher of the above county, where he also held the position of major in the state militia service. Dr. Paine's first experience in life was on his father's farm, and his early educational training embraced the limited course appertaining to the indifferent schools of that day. While still young he learned in Warren County, Ohio, the blacksmith's trade, which was his work for forty-one years. He followed his calling several vears in Warren, Montgomery and Preble counties, Ohio, and in 1852, came to Johnson County, Ind.. locating at Edinburg. where he car- ried on his business continuously until 1882. Dr. Paine was always a great reader, and in his hours of leisure turned this taste to his advantage by studying the standard works on medicine, for which BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 433 profession he early manifested a decided preference. This course of study embraced the leading authorities of the Eclectic system, and so thoroughly did he read them that in 1882, he abandoned his trade and began to practice in Edinburg. He afterward entered the American Eclectic College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, in which he completed the prescribed course, graduating in the class of 1S83. Prior to his entering upon the active practice of the profession, the Doctor had treated various diseases by the magnetic method, but since 1882, he has given his attention to the practice of both methods. The Doctor was married April 16, 1845, to Miss Re- becca Vanderveer, daughter of Benjamin and Jane Vanderveer, of Ohio, by whom he has had six children, namely: George, Laura, Mary J. (deceased), Luther E., Margaret E. and Benjamin V. The Doctor is a republican in politics and an active member of the I. O. O. F. and Masonic fraternities. Joel C. Pierce was born in Johnson County, Ind., September 29, 183S, and is the second child of David and Nancy (Tracy) Pierce, natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. David Pierce came to Johnson County in an early day, and was for a num- ber of years engaged in teaching in Pleasant Township. He fol- lowed teaching as a profession the greater part of his life, and at one time held an official position in the county. Of the children born to David and Nancy Pierce three are now living, viz. : Will- iam, Joel C. and David. Mrs. Pierce subsequently married George Hargan, and moved to the State of Iowa. The subject of this sketch was reared principally in Tipton County, this state, but in 1854, returned to Johnson County, where he has since resided. Since 1855, he has lived in the western part of Blue River Town- shis, where he now owns a beautiful and well improved farm. He is a substantial citizen, upright in all his dealings and enjoys the con- fidence and respect of a large circle of friends throughout this and other townships. He is a member of the Christian Church, and in politics, votes with the democratic party. In 1864, he married Sarah A. Henderson, daughter of L. J. and Catherine (Allen) Henderson. Seven children have been born to this marriage, viz.: Jessie T., Flora M., Joel E., Lewis E., Clarence I., Katie and Laura B. (deceased). Mrs Pierce is also an active member of the Chris- tian Church. Jackson Pruitt, prominent farmer and stock-raiser, son of Pleasant and Mary Pruitt, is a native of Shelby County, Ind., and was born on the first day of November, 1840. His early educa- tional privileges were of a meager character, embracing a few months in the common schools, but his practical knowledge, ob- tained by coming in contact with business men, has enabled him to 434 JOHNSON COUNTY. discharge successfully the duties of an active life. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, which honorable calling has been his life work. April 10. 1864, he was married to Miss Eliza Patterson, of Jennings County, Ind., and daughter of Adam and Roxana Pat- terson. Mr. Pruitt ran a saw-mill several years for his father, and later began farming in German Township, Bartholomew County, where he now owns a valuable farm of 400 acres. In 1S74 he moved to Blue River Township, Johnson County, since which time his residence has been in the suburbs of Edinburg, where he moved in order to better educate his children. In addition to his farming interests, Mr. Pruitt has been extensively engaged in buying and selling live-stock, being at this time one of the most active dealers in this section of the county. He is an ardent friend of education, takes an active part in all public enterprises, but is withal, a man of domestic tastes and habits, finding his greatest pleasure in his home and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt have three children, viz. : Arthur W., Nannie, and Charles F. Jacob Pruitt, one of the substantial citizens of Edinburg, and youngest son of John J. and Elizabeth (Hawkins) Pruitt, was born in Shelbv County, Ind., on the 20th dav of Julv, 1S58. He was raised to agricultural pursuits, and chose that useful occupation for a life work, and followed it with good success until his removal to Edinburg in the year 1888. Mr. Pruitt belongs to that sturdy class of people, who though quiet and unassuming, have by their industry and sterling qualities of manhood, proved the most valu- able and substantial members of societv. He occupies a prominent place in the estimation of his neighbors and fellow-citizens, and has a large circle of friends in Edinburg and surrounding country. He is the possessor of a tine farm in Blue River Township, and is otherwise well provided for, in the way of earthlv wealth. Like all members of his family, Mr. Pruitt is a republican, but has never been a partisan or office-seeker. He married, in December, 1881, Miss Mary'Ludeka, of Buffalo, N. Y., daughter of Henry and Abigail ( Dangert) Ludeka, natives of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt are the parents of four children, viz. : John (deceased), Ralph, Belle and Howard. John J. Pruitt (deceased). — Few of the early pioneers of Johnson Countv were more widely and favorably known, than the late John Pruift, brother of Pleasant Pruitt, whose biography ap- pears below. John J. Pruitt was born in the district of Abbey- ville, South Carolina, on the 9th day of August, 1814. and when less than a year old was brought bv his parents to Indiana, in which state he grew to manhood. His youthful years were spent in the counties of Franklin. Fayette and Shelby, and like the sons of all BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 435 early settlers, he was reared in a time when hard work and mani- fold privations were the common lot of all. He early developed extraordinary powers of endurance, and choosing agriculture for a life-work, bent all of his energies to the accomplishment of the one purpose o.f founding a home, in which he was more than ordinarily successful. In 1S36 he married Miss Jane Kyle, a native of Fayette County, Perm., daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Nixon) Kyle, who were among the early settlers of Shelby County. To this marriage were born eleven children, seven of whom are living, namely : William N., Pleasant, Mrs. Elizabeth Sergeant, Joseph, Mrs. Mary Thompson, David and Jacob. The deceased members of the family are as follows: Moses, died at New Orleans, July 9, 1861; Herman, died November 15, 1861; Abigail, wife of Robert W. Medkirk. died April 12, 1870; Belle, wife of G. W. Overstreet, of Franklin, died March 24, 1S76. Mr. Pruitt, was very success- ful in his business affairs, and during a long and very active life, accumulated a large propertv, much of which consisted of valuable real estate, in Johnson, Shelbv and Bartholomew counties. He was a liberal patron of all public enterprises, and a man prominent in the circles in which he moved. In his death, which occurred on the 5th day of November, 1S61, the family suffered the loss of a kind husband and father, and the citizens of the community, a wise coun- seller and faithful friend. Mrs. Pruitt departed this life on the 21st day of November, 1887, aged sixty-nine years and a day. Pijcasaxt Pruitt, Sr. — Among the successful self-made men, of Johnson County, men who have been foremost in the laudable work of developing the material resources of the country as well as adding character to the community, the name of Pleasant Pruitt is deserving of especial mention. The ancestors of Mr. Pruitt were among the sturdy yeomenry of South Carolina, in which state the family was represented in colonial times by a number of worthy members. Moses Pruitt, father of the subject, was a Carolinian by birth, and an early settler of Franklin County, Ind., moving to this state about the year 1S15, and later to Fayette and Shelby Counties, in the latter of which his death subsequently occurred, at the age of fortv-seven years. He was essentially a self-made man, and during his life accumulated a valuable property, all of which represented the fruits of his unaided efforts. His wife, whom he married in South Carolina, was Elizabeth Hawkins, a woman of sterling worth, whose virtues and characteristics are largely repro- duced in the subject of this biography. Moses and Elizabeth Pruitt were the parents of seven children. Pleasant being the second born of the family. His birth occurred in the district of Abbeyville, S. C, on the 6th day of January, 181 1, and at the age of four years, 28 436 JOHNSON COUNTY. he was brought by his parents, to Franklin County, Ind. He af- terward accompanied the family to Fayette and Shelby counties. and it may be truly said that the best years of his life were passed amid the rugged duties and stirring scenes of pioneer times. Be- ing the eldest son. he was early compelled to bear his share of the family burden, consequently his educational training was of a meager character. His practical knowledge, however, gained through a long series of years in the school of experience, is more thorough and complete, and by means of it, he has been enabled to transact successfully, the duties of a very active life, and turn, what to many would have proved misfortune, to his own advantage. No- vember ii, 1833, he took to himself a help-mate, in the person of Miss Nancy Breeding, who proved a true and faithful wife, and valu- able assistant until her death, which occurred on the 2Sth day of March. ibSj. Mrs. Pruitt was born in Kentucky County, this state, in the year 181 7, and was a woman honored and respected for her many admirable traits of character, having been an earnest member of the Christian Church for a number of years. To Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt were born a family of eleven children, four of whom are living, namely: Alexander, Jackson, Milton and Elizabeth, (Mrs. Drake |, with the latter of whom Mr. Pruitt, now makes his home. Mr. Pruitt's life-work has been that of a farmer, in which he has been more than ordinarily successful. To each of his chil- dren he recently gave a fine farm, besides assisting them in various other ways. In all his business transactions, Mr. Pruitt has made it a point to meet promptly his every obligation, and to-day he is proud of the fact that he owes no man. His life has been a long and useful one, and during a residence of sixty-six years in John- son County, the people have learned to revere him for his sterling manhood, and have profited by his advice and counsel. He is now in the seventv-eighth year of his age, a well-preserved old gentle- man, retaining in a remarkable degree, his mental and physical faculties. He is an earnest member of the Christian Church, and a true type of the old-time gentleman. Elder P. S. Rhodes, pastor of the Edinburg Christian Church, is a native of Rockingham Count v. Ya.. born on the 25th dav of November, 183S. His parents, David and Magdalene E. Hilde- brand Rhodes, were also natives of Virginia, in which state the father followed the farmer's occupation. He was a minister of the Menonite Church, and died in the year 1859, aged forty- nine years. Mrs. Rhodes is still living on the old home- stead in Rockingham County, having reached her seventy- eighth year. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes raised a family of twelve sons. The subject of this sketch was reared in his native state, and re- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 437 ceived a good common school education. He afterward became a student of Washington College, Iowa, where he pursued his studies for sometime, with the object of entering the ministry in view, and also taught several terms of school, and earned the repu- tation of a successful instructor. He was ordained a minister of the Christian Church, at Chandler, Iowa, October, 1872, by Elders E. S. Athearn and C. White, and immediately thereafter entered upon the active duties of his calling among the churches of that state. In 1874, he returned to Virginia, and, after preaching sev- eral years in his native county, accepted the position of district evangelist, and later became evangelist for the state, which work required his time and attention for nearly five years. He founded, in 1880, at the town of Gordonsville, Va., the Atlantic Missionary, a religious periodical, with which he was identified in the capacity of editor about four years, contributing in the meantime to columns of various papers of the church with which he is connected. Owing to the poor health of his family, he was compelled to dis- continue missionary and evangelistic work, and accept a pasturate, which he did in 1887, moving that year to Edinburg, where he has since ministered with great acceptance to the large congregation at this place. Elder Rhodes is a popular minister, and possesses many of the elements which go to make up the successful pulpit orator. He is earnest and faithful in the presentation of scriptural truth, honest in his religious convictions, and has already won a warm place in the affections of his congregation. He was mar- ried September n, 1862, in Keokuk, Iowa, to Miss Isabelle Law- ler. daughter of Ausburn Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes have a family of six children, viz. : John, Medora, Ella, William, Bertie and Florence. M. A. Roth. — George J. Roth, father of the subject of this sketch, and one of the reliable men of Edinburg, was born in Nuremburg, German}', April 7, 1826, and is a son of Frederick and Ann Maria Roth. He came to America in 1849, and located in Louisville, Ky., thence later to Edinburg, Ind., which place has been his home since the year 1853. He married Miss Frances E. Gibbs, of Shelby Count}', Ky., in 1S51, and by her had these chil- dren, namely: Mary Ann, Michael A., George J., William R., Amelia, Lillius, Mollie and Llewellyn. Mrs. Roth dying, Mr. Roth afterward married Miss Sarah E. Runchv, of Shelby County, Ind., a union blessed with the birth of two children : Frances E. and Edward. Mrs. Sarah Roth died December 22. 1876, and Novem- ber 25, 1880, Mr. Rotlvs third marriage was solemnized with Mrs. Nancy Cummings (nee Matheny), of Morgan County, Ind., who is his present wife. Michael A. Roth was born in the city of Louis- / 438 JOHNSON COUNTY. ville, Kv., February II, 1853, and while still an infant was brought to Edinburg, where he has since resided. He was educated in the schools of the town, and made his first beginning in life sawing wood for the J., M. & I. Railroad, and later began dealing in coal in a small way, which business eventuallv increased until he was enabled to start a coal yard. He operates the yard at this time, supplying the greater part of the coal consumed in the city, doing a flourishing business. In connection with the coal yard he has charge of the Adams Express office in Edinburg, and in all his bus- iness transactions has the reputation of an earnest and energetic man. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fel- lows orders, and in politics supports the principles of the demo- cratic party. October 14, 1S77, was solemnized his marriage with Miss .Mary K. Werner, of Bartholomew County, Ind., daughter of John Werner. Three children are the fruits of this union, namely : George J., Clarence A. and Maggie A. John B. Ri"bush, a native of Montgomery County, Va.. and second son of George and Susan (Tinkle) Rubush, was born on the 17th day of November, 1823. George Rubush, the father, was a native of England, and his wife was born in the state of Pennsyl- vania. Thev were among the early pioneers of Johnson County, Ind., moving here in 1S33. George Rubush was by occu- pation a stone and brick mason, and for a number of years preached for the United Brethren Church. He resided in Johnson County eleven years, and then moved to Hamilton County, Ohio, where his and his wife's death occurred, at the respective ages of seventy-three and sixty-eight years. John Rubush grew to man- hood in Johnson County, Ind., and until his twentieth year worked at the farmer's occupation. He then began contracting and build- ing, which he continued until 1862, when he entered the army as member of Company G, Third Indiana Cavalry. He served three years in the army, during which time he earned the reputation of a brave and gallant soldier, having been with his command in many of the bloodiest battles of the war. Orr leaving the service he re- turned to Indiana, locating in Brown County, thence in 1S65. to John- son County, where, with the exception of several years spent in Indianapolis and Acton, he has since resided. Mr. Rubush has given his time and attention principally to contracting and building, and has earned the reputation of a skilled and successful mechanic. He is a member of the Christian Church, and stands high in the community as a straightforward and courteous Christian gentleman. He has been an elder of the Christian Church of Edinburg for a period of twenty years, and is one of the leading and influential members of the society. He married, December, 1843, Miss Eliz- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 439 abeth McLain, daughter of Jacob McLain, of Kentucky, by whom he has had seven children, the following living, to-wit: Lymon S., Isabelle, Fletcher, Sarah and John. The deceased members of the family were Ellen and Malissa. G. B. Ruxkle, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Blue River Township, was born in Bartholmew County, Ind., Decem- ber 7, 1834, and is a son of Lewis and Ruth (Barlow) Runkle, na- tives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky. Mr. Runkle's parents came to Johnson Countv quite early, and settled upon a farm. Our subject was raised a farmer, and at the age of sixteen went to Shelby Countv, where he remained until attaining his ma- joritv. He then went to Clinton Count}', where on the 13th of De- cember, 1S55, he married Miss Mahala Anderson, daughter of William and Rebecca Anderson. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Runkle returned to the old homestead in Johnson County, where he still resides, and which he owns. He is a successful farmer, an energetic citizen, and as a man is widely and favorably known for his man} - excellent traits of character. Of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Runkle, three are living, namely: William J., Lydia and Mamie, wife of Harry Furnas, Esq. William P. Rush, M. D., one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Edinburg, is a native of Franklin County, Pa., and son of James and Margaret (Hasson) Rush. Dr. Rush's ancestors were natives of Ireland, from which country the father emigrated a number of years ago, and settled in Pennsylvania, where his death occurred. His widow subsequently moved to Ohio, and after spending some time in that state, moved to Vernon, Inch, and later, to Louisville, K\\, where her death occurred at the age of sixty-three. Dr. Rush was born March 7. 1822, and spent the greater part of his early life in the town of Vernon, Ind. He ob- tained a practical education in the schools of the above place, and having earlv evinced a decided preference for the medical profes- sion, entered upon the study of the same in the year 1841, under the instruction of Dr. Thompson, now of Indianapolis. He after- ward pursued his studies with Drs. Schlissler and Batty, of Madison and Vincennes, respectively, and began the practice of his profes- sion about the year 1844, at the town of Rockford, this state. Im- pressed with the necessity of a more thorough preparation for his chosen calling, the Doctor, in 1854, entered the Medical University of Louisville, Ky., from which institution he graduated in the class of 1854-5. July, 1845, he began the practice of medicine at Edinburg, Ind., where, with the exception of about live years spent in Indianapolis, Ind., he has since resided. While in Indianapolis the Doctor was engaged a part of the time in the wholesale drug 440 JOHNSON COUNTY. trade with Messrs. Daily and Kiefer, which branch of business he carried on in connection with the practice of his profession. His practice at this time is quite extensive, including a large portion of Johnson and adjoining counties, and in his profession he occupies a conspicuous place among the successful medical men of this part of the state. November, 1846, the Doctor's marriage with Miss Eliza G. Stout, of Vincennes, was solemnized, a union blessed with the birth of seven children, whose names are as follows, to-wit: Lucy (deceased), Margaret (deceased), Thomas, Eliza G., wife of Owen Moffett, E. W. J., James and Louis Rush. Politically, Dr. Rush is a democrat, and in religion, a Roman Catholic. H. W. Scholler, the gentleman whose name introduces this biography, is a native of Jefferson County, Ind., and son of George and Elizabeth (Ox) Scholler, parents born in Germany. George Scholler was a stone-mason by trade, and was employed in that vocation for some time in the city of Madison, where he did some fine work for the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad Company. Both he and wife died at Madison, and lie buried in the cemetery of that city. H. W. Scholler was born on the 14th day of September, 1844, and grew to manhood in his native county. His early edu- cational advantages were quite limited, and at the age of ten years he began working for himself in a brick-yard, and later found em- plovment in a starch factory, at Madison. After continuing in the latter vocation for a number of vears, and becoming thoroughly familiar with the details of the business, he came to Edinburg and accepted a position with the firm of Tilford & Co., starch manufac- turers, and later purchased an interest in the business and became a member of the well-known firm of Cutsinger & Co. He still re- tains his interest, and at this time is general superintendent of the factory. Mr. Scholler is essentially a self-made man, and as such occupies a conspicuous place in the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Politically, he is a democrat, taking an active in- terest in the councils of his party in Edinburg and Johnson County. He is a member of the Masonic and K. of P. fraternities, in the deliberation of which he bears a conspicuous part. June 11, 1S65, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Herbesh, of Madison, Ind., a union blessed with the birth of six children, three of whom: Clinton C, Harry A. and Florence, are living. James R. Sharp was born in the city of Madison, Ind., on the 23d of October, 1842, and is a son of John and Miriam (Mc- Cartney ) Sharp, natives respectively of Ohio and Indiana. John Sharp was a printer by trade. He came to Indiana a number of vears ago, settling in Madison, and later came to Johnson County, where he and wife died at the respective ages of forty-two and BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 44I sixty-seven years. They were the parents of five children, three of whom are living, viz.: Alice, wife of Henry Henry; Miriam, wife of Mr. Reese, andjames R. The subject'syouthfulyearswere spent in the counties of Jefferson and Johnson, and at the early age of fourteen he began life for himself as a grocer's clerk in the town of Tavlorsville. Owing to the fact of his being obliged to rely upon his own resources at such an early age, his educational training was sadly neglected, but by coming in contact with the business world he soon obtained a practical education which has enabled him to discharge successfullv the duties of a very active life. From Tav- lorsville he came to Edinburg, where he held a clerical position until September, 1S61, at which time he entered the army, enlisting in Company E, Twenty-seventh Indiana Infantry, for three years' ser- vice. He participated in the most active campaigns of the war, and took part in many of the bloodiest battles of that great struggle. On leaving the army he returned to Edinburg and accepted the posi- tion of book-keeper in the bank of Harvey Lewis, and later, in 1SS5, became book-keeper for S. Cutsinger & Co., in their starch factory at this place, a position he now holds. Mr. Sharp is a skill- ful accountant, and for nine years was city clerk of Edinburg. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and G. A. R., and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Church. His marriage with Miss Sarah Van Dorn, daughter of J. D. Van Dorn, whose biography appears in this work, was solemnized on the 24th day of October, 1866. To Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have been born three children, namely: Jessie (deceased), Eva D., and Harry V. Dr. Julius C. Sharp, one of the oldest medical men in John- son County, is a native of Highland County, Ohio, born on the 9th day of November, 1810. His father was Isaac Sharp, and his mother's maiden name was Sallie Leaveston. Isaac Sharp served as a corporal in the War of 181 2, and died shortly after the close of that struggle, in the vigor and prime of early manhood. Mrs. Sharp subsequently married Alexander Mence, Esq., by whom she had four children. By her first marriage she was the mother of five children, the subject of this biography being the second son and only member of the family now living. The mother of Dr. Sharp was the second time left a widow, and later, she was united in marriage with J. S. Crumley, Esq. Dr. Sharp was raised and educated in his native county, and grew to manhood amid the stir- ring scenes of farm life. Impressed with a desire to enter the medi- cal profession, he began preparing for the same, by a course of reading in the office of Dr. C. C. Sams, of Hillsborough, Ohio, and later graduated from the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, 442 JOHNSON COUNTY. completing the prescribed course of that institute in 1S41. He be- gan the practice of his profession at the town of Marshall, not far from his old home, where he continued twelve years, and then moved to Shelby ville, Ind., where he was similarly engaged for three years. He afterward practiced two years in Clark County, 111., two years at Bowling Green, Ind., and in 1855, located in Edinburg, where he continued the profession until his retirement from its active duties, about the year 186S. Since that time he has turned his attention principally to mechanical pursuits, being a skillful artisan in all kinds of wood-work. etc. The Doctor has a military record ex- tending over a period of one year in the late Civil War, having served that time as member of Company II, Fifty-third Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Col. W. Q. Gresham's old regiment. He was in the battle of Shiloh and other engagements, but owing to sick- ness, was discharged from the service at the end of the time above mentioned. Dr. Sharp was married in 1850, to Miss Deborah Toner, daughter of John Toner, of Edinburg. One child was born to this marriage, namely: John E. Sharp, now one of the leading citizens of Columbus, and auditor of Bartholomew Count}'. J. L. Sims, one of the progressive citizens of Edinburg, son of William P. and Mary A. C. (Murphy) Sims, was born in Bartholo- mew County, Ind., on the 10th day of April, 1S34. He began life for himself before attaining his majority, as an employe of the J., M. & I. Railroad Company, and continued that calling with little or no interruption until the breaking out of the Civil War between the states. He held various positions with the above company, in- cluding the local freight agency at Edinburg, the duties of which he discharged for a period of sixteen years. Julv, i86i,he entered the army, enlisting in Company H, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteer In- fantrv, for the three years' service, during which time he participated in a number of active campaigns and bloody battles, and earned a record of which he feels deservedly proud. It is a noticeable fact that during his army experience, he never once visited his home, and from the time of enlisting- until honorably discharged, he did not see any member of his family. He resumed railroading upon his return from the service, and continued it until a few years ago. On severing his connection with the J., M. & I. Railroad Company, he was appointed postmaster of Edinburg, and discharged the duties of that office three years. He is at this time proprietor of a meat-market in Edinburg, a business which has returned him hand- some financial profits. Mr. Sims and Miss Ellen Bradburn, of Philadelphia, Perm., daughter of Alexander and Ellen (Remo), of the same state, were married on the 19th day of July, 1857. They BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 443 are the parents of eight children, seven living, viz. : Charles E., Gertrude J., Many A., Maggie M., Samuel S., Nellie A. and Horace S. The deceased member of the family was John D. N. N. Sims, the gentleman whose name introduces this bio- graphy, was born in Bartholomew County, Inch, on the 20th of February, 1833, son of William P. and Mary A. C. (Murphey) Sims, natives of Tennessee and Kentucky, respectively. Pater- nally, the Sims family were Scotch, while the subject's mother was descended from English ancestry. William P. Sims was by occu- pation a butcher, in which business he accumulated a handsome competence. He died a number of years ago, and lies beside his wife in the cemetery at Edinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Sims were the parents of eleven children, of whom these are living, viz.: J. L., W. P., John F., Christian P., Palmyra and Mary. N. N. Sims' first practical experience in life was as a railroader, having been en- gaged for some time as fireman and locomotive engineer with the J., M. & I. Companv. Later he engaged in the produce business at Edinburg, and for a period of three years served as city marshal. He was proprietor of a meat market for twelve years, and in 1S86, began dealing in poultry, a business which proved quite remunera- tive. In addition to his business career, Mr. Sims has a military record of which he feels deservedly proud, having responded to his countrv's call, in i860, by enlisting in Co. C, Twenty-seventh In- diana Volunteer Infantry, with which he shared the fortunes and vicissitudes of the war for three years. He was with his regiment in many of the bloodiest battles of the eastern campaign, including Gettysburg, and earned the reputation of a brave and gallant sol- dier. He was honorably discharged in September, 1S64. Mr. Sims was married October i, 1S54, *° Miss Emilv Huff, of Johnson Countv, Ind., by whom he had five children, namely: William D., Louis A., Edward B., Jerome H. and Alvarado (deceased). Mrs. Sims died in the year 18 — . Mr. Sims subsequently married a half-sister of his first wife, to-wit: Miss Mary Danver, who has borne him two children, both deceased. In his various business enterprises Mr. Sims has been quite successful, his property at this time representing a value of over $20,000. He has done a great deal to advance the material interests of Edinburg, and is justly considered one of the city's leading citizens. Charles W. Snow. — Charles W. Snow (deceased), late member of the Johnson County bar, was born in Clark Count}', Ind., on the 9th day of May, 1827, son of John and Mary Snow, early residents of Shelby Countv, where the family settled in 1839. Charles W. was the eldest of a family of nine children. His par- ents being in moderate circumstances, he was early in life obliged '- 444 JOHNSON COUNTY. to relv very largely upon his own resources, and while still young contributed his full share toward the support of the family. He received a practical education in the common schools, and at the age of twenty-two, with his young wife, Jennette Pike, of Ken- tucky, whom he had married two years previous (January 24, 1846), moved to Franklin, and began the study of law with Col. Ovler. He was admitted to the Johnson County bar in 1855, and began the practice at the city of Edinburg, to which place he moved the year previous, and soon earned the reputation of an able attor- ney and safe counsellor. He continued the practice for several years with good success, and bv diligent attention to the interests of his clients, acquired a business which returned him handsome profits. He accumulated large tracts of valuable real estate in Indiana and elsewhere, all of which is at this time in the possession of his widow, who resides in Edinburg. Mr. Snow departed this life at his home in Edinburg, on the 24th day of July, 18S4, deeply lamented bv all who knew him. He was laid to rest with the appropriate and touching Masonic ceremonies, of which order he had for a number of years been an active member. For much of his success Mr. Snow was indebted to the wise counsels and sensible advice of his wife, who proved a helpmeet indeed, in his hours of adversity, and an appreciative sharer of his days of prosperity. His large estate, embracing 800 acres of land in Sullivan County, Ind., 900 acres in Texas, besides other valuable property, she has ably managed, a fact which attests her superior business abilities. Mrs. Snow is the mother of two children, both deceased. While unfortunate with her own family, she has generously aided other children, proving a foster mother to eight orphans whom she raised and cared for. She is now looking after the interests of a ninth, who, like the other sharers of her bounty and care, will doubtless grow up to call her blessed. Thompson Family. — The name of Thompson has been prom- inently connected with the history of Johnson County from the early days, and that family has done fully its share in bringing about the many changes it has taken to turn the forests of the past into the magnificent country that is embraced within the present limits of Johnson County, and to develop the rich and well-improved portion of the Blue River Valley that surrounds the busv town of Edinburg. The Thompsons are of Scotch-Irish descent, and the first of whom we have an account — James Thompson by name — came to America from Ireland about 1774-75, having eluded his parents who were opposed to his coming; in the same vessel with him came his cousin, Carmichael, and wife. Soon after their ar- rival in this country, and in the beginning of the War of the Revo- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 445 lution, Carmichael lost his life bv an attack of pleurisy, and soon after his death, about 1776, his widow married James Thompson. The} - moved to Tennessee in early times, but it is uncertain whether it was in this state or in Virginia, before their departure, that Alexander, their only son, was born. Alexander was born July 5? 177S, and grew to manhood in Granger County, Tenn. About the year 1S00, he was married to Ann Donaldson, daughter of William and Mary Donaldson: she was born September 10, 1775. In 181 6, Alexander and family moved to Franklin County, Ind.: staved there one vear, then moved to what is now Fay- ette County, where they remained till 1S21, when the}' came to Johnson County and settled near Edinburg, where he died August 21, 1822, with fever, being cut down in the prime of man- hood. His wife survived him some time, her death taking place June 21, 1836. They had six children born in Tennessee, and two after their removal from that state. James, the eldest, was born April 19, 1S02, and died October 4, 1872; Isabel C, born March 2, 1804, was married to Nathan Wheeler, January, 1822, and died August 26, 1834; John S., born September 6, 1806, who was a prominent man in Johnson County, was sheriff of the county for some years, also served in the legislature as representative and state senator; he was engaged in business for some time with T. R. Threlkeld and A. C. Thompson, in the mercantile line in Edinburg; he was married in the fall of 1835, to Sarah Carvin; in 1837, he sold out his interest in the store in Edinburg, and moved to Franklin, where he was engaged in the mercantile business for awhile, after which he moved on a farm in Bartholomew County; he died September 20, 1845. The next of Alexander Thompson's family — Mary — was born January 18, 1809; married William R. Hensley, January, 1823, in Edinburg; died October 21, 1873, m Texas. Alfred C, who is the onlv one surviving of the family, whose biography is fully written up further on, was born Septem- ber 2, 1S11; Jennet, born June 2, 1814, married in Edinburg to Timothy R. Threlkeld; in 1839, moved to Texas, where she lived till her death, which took place December 13, 1S76; Alexander B., born August 2, 1817, died in 1825; Celia D., born August 22,1822, in Edinburg, Ind., married in Jackson Count} - , Tex., in 1S41, to Darwin M. Stapp; died of yellow fever October 10, 1867. Alfred C. Thompson. — Prominent among the successful and public-spirited men of Edinburg and Johnson County, is A. C. Thompson. As above stated, he is the only surviving member of the family of Alexander Thompson, and was born in Granger County, Tenn., on the 2nd dav of September, 181 1. Unlike the youth of the present day, his early years were passed amid scenes 446 JOHNSON COUNTY. where a ceaseless routine of labor was the common lot of all, and his educational training embraced only a few months* attendance each year in such schools as the country at that time afforded. While it can be said that Mr. Thompson is not educated in the sense of scholastic attainments, yet, by intelligent observation and the exercise of those qualities which mark the career of the suc- cessful man. he has obtained a fund of practical knowledge which has enabled him to discharge faithfully the duties of a very active business life. While still young, he was taken by his parents to Franklin and Fayette counties, Ind., and at the age of ten years accompanied them to Johnson County, where, since the year 182 1, he has constantly resided. By the death of his father in 1S22, he was thrown upon his own resources, and thus early in life laid the foundation upon which his subsequent successful career was in a large measure founded. He remained at home and grew up a farmer, an occupation he followed with success until 1836, at which time he embarked in the mercantile business at Edinburg, in part- nership with T. R. Threlkeld and John S. Thompson. After a time this business was abandoned, owing to the stringency of the times, and he subsequently engaged in the carpenter's trade, which he carried on about two years. In 1841, he again embarked in the mercantile business, and, in time, became one of the leading mer- chants in Johnson County. He continued merchandising until 1S70, the last ten years of which time he was associated in the business with his son, E. C. Thompson. Having accumulated a handsome competence in the mercantile trade, Mr. Thompson, in 1870, dis- continued the business, and the year following, in partnership with his son, E. C, established a bank in Edinburg, which they have since conducted successfully, and which at this time is one of the most substantial and well-known private enterprises of the kind in this part of the state. In 1S7S, his youngest son, John A. Thomp- son, became a partner in the institution, and the firm now consists of A. C. Thompson & Sons. Mr. Thompson justly ranks as one of the safest and most successful business men of Johnson County. He is a financier of transcendent ability, endowed with wise fore- sight, intuitive perception, broad comprehension and accurate judgment. He is clear-headed, able to utilize all his energies and accomplish the purpose of his will even though it required long and persistent effort. His life has been free from vicious habits which weaken and destroy the physical system, and although upward of seventy-eight years, he is to-day in the possession of all his physical and mental faculties, and bids fair to live many years in the enjoyments of his many blessings. He is a conspicuous example of the successful self-made man, and the BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 447 acquisition of his fortune, amounting to over $159,000, by honest business methods, speaks well for his ability as a financier. He became a member of the Christian Church a number of years ago, and is still a devoted worshipper, contributing liberally of his means toward the support of the Edinburg congregation. Mr. Thompson was married in 1835, to Maria W. Carvin, who proved help-mate to him in his years of struggle and adversity, and an appreciative sharer of his prosperity. She was a devoted Christian woman, and her death, which occurred on the 14th day of January, 1887, was felt as a calamity by the entire community. The following are the names of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson: Sarah A., born March 29, 1S36, died November 3, 1836: Edward C, born December 22, 1S37; James M., born April 16, 1840, died August •9,1844: Harrison C, born July 1, 1843, died August 12, 1844; Mary A., born March 7, 1846, died April 26, 1853; Hannah E., born April 25, 1849; Amanda C, born October 4, 1851, died Sep- tember 2. 1852: Richard L., born February 9, 1854, died June 27, 1S54, and John A., born October 1, 1S55. Hannah E. Thompson, the fifth of the living children, was married March 29, 1S70, to G. B. McEwen, who died December 9, 1879. Mr. McEwen was born September 7, 1847, and was the second son of William and Mary (McFall) McEwen. The McEwen family came originally from North Carolina, and were among the prominent citizens of Colum- bus, where William McEwen carried on the banking business. G. B. McEwen was interested with his father in the bank, and became one of the active business men of Bartholomew County. He was an accomplished scholar, an active member of the Christian Church, and a gentleman who possessed the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends in Bartholomew and Johnson counties. To Mr. and Mrs. McEwen were born the following children, viz. : Imogene, born December 29, 1870; Edith R., born March 8, 1873, died August 15, 1873; William A., born June 14, 1875; Nannie L., born February 13, 1878, and Lillie, born July 2, 1880. James Thompson (deceased), as has been stated, was the eld- est son of Alexander, and was born in Granger Countv, Tenn., April 19, 1S02. He passed his boyhood days in Tennessee, having limited educational opportunities, and came to Indiana with his par- ents in 1816: was with them during their stay in Franklin and Fayette counties, and came with them to Johnson Countv in 1821. In the following year his father died, and, being the oldest son, he was of great assistance to his mother in carrving on the farm. Mr. Thompson was brought up a farmer, but learned the trade of blacksmithing under Isaac Collier, and afterward went into part- nership with him in blacksmithing, continuing in it up to the time 448 JOHNSON COUNTY. of his marriage in 1S25, when he was united to Susan Collier, daughter of Isaac, by whom he had children as follows: Rebecca Ann, born April 19, 1S26; John Alexander, born April 22, iSjS: Isaac M. and Alfred C, twins, born August 22, 1831 (A. C. died April 12, 1858); W. II., born December 7, 1833; Redding B., born November 27, 1838, died June 22, 1849: James I., born April 15, 1841, died in September, 1876. Some time previous to his marriage, he had been laying plans preparatory to engaging in the milling business, and soon after his marriage, in 1825, erected a grist- and saw-mill on the Blue River, near where the mill of John A. Thompson now stands. This was one of the first mills in John- son County, and James Thompson was one of the pioneer millers. He could hardly have realized then to what perfection the process of milling would be carried in comparatively so short a time, and the primitive mill of that day would be almost as much of a curios- ity to the people of to-day as the present mill, with all its improve- ments and milling machinery, would have been to the early settlers. He engaged in, and carried on, the milling business so successfullv, that about fifteen years later he added a woolen mill and rebuilt the saw- and grist-mill, making them as perfect as the day and age were capable of. In 1852, Mr. Thompson abandoned the saw- and woolen-mill, and built a line six-story stone and brick mill, with all modern improvements, changing the site of the mill a few hun- dred feet down the Blue River. This mill he carried on until he sold out to his son, John A., in 1859, having accumulated an ample fortune. Mr. Thompson also owned a farm, which he worked with the aid of his sons. Politically, he was a whig, and later a re- publican, but never specially sought any office, though he was jus- tice of the peace for man}' vears, holding that office at the time of his death. He relinquished the office for a time prior to the time of his retiring from the milling business, and after he had sold that out, having more leisure, again accepted it. Susan Collier, Mr. Thompson's first wife, died in September, 1850, and he was mar- ried again December 29, 1850, to Phoebe Hicks, bv whom he had several children, three of whom — Mary Emily, Charles Fremont and Lydia Harriet — are living. Coming to Johnson County at so early a day, and in the heighth of his youth and strength, Mr. Thompson entered into the affairs of life with that earnestness of purpose that insured success. He did much to improve and ad- vance the country and community where his lot was cast, and raised a family who have been and are amply capable to further what he began. In his dealings, he was strictly honorable and possessed of that common-sense and good judgment that enabled him to see what was for his own good, and made him a prominent BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 449 factor in his community. After he sold his mill to his son John he was not as actively engaged in business, but carried on a certain amount up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1872, and was caused indirectly by a kick received from a mule about a year previous to this. This kick caused injuries which, though at one time nearly healed, were further aggravated a short time before his death bv his being run over by a wagon drawn by the same team. The combination caused the formation of an abscess which was the immediate cause of his death. He died at the ripe old age of seventy, having accomplished a life-work that was an honor to his name and justly entitled him to the respect of all. James E. Thompson, third son of John A. and Elizabeth Thompson, was born in Johnson County, on the 29th day of Decem- ber, 1863. He was raised in Blue River Township, received a good education, and began life for himself in his father's mill, near Edinburg, of which he eventually became superintendent. Mr. Thompson possesses those traits of character which render him popular with the people, and as a business man, fully alive to the interests of the enterprise with which he is connected, few young men have as good a record. He stands high, socially, and has be- fore him a promising future. March 28, 1887, he married Miss Fannie W. Wilson, daughter of C. C. Wilson, of Columbus, Ind. James I. Thompson (deceased). — Few business men in John- son County were more widely and favorably known than the late James I. Thompson, of Edinburg. Mr. Thompson was a native of Johnson County, Ind., born April 15, 1841, the son of James and Susan (Collier) Thompson. He was reared and educated in Johnson County, and for some years was prominently identified with the mercantile interests of Edinburg. He subsequently abandoned merchandising, and accepted a position in the large flouring-mill of the late John A. Thompson, where he held the po- sition of book-keeper and general superintendent. While thus employed he married Miss Jennie Cutsinger, daughter of Samuel Cutsinger, of Edinburg, and shortly thereafter engaged in the pork- packing business at Columbus, where he continued for some time. Later he established a harness and saddlery business in Edinburg, and after discontinuing this branch of trade, became identified with the Blue River Starch Works, of which enterprise he was one of the proprietors. Mr. Thompson was one of the leading citizens of Edinburg, and a man widely and favorably known throughout business circles of the state. He was a marked example of those sound, practical business qualifications, which secure the confidence of the people, ami those personal qualities that win and retain the public esteem. He took an active part in the prosperity of Edin- 450 JOHNSON COUNTY. burg, was a liberal patron of all measures, having for their object the material and moral good, and will long be remembered as one of the community's most progressive and reliable business men. He was a republican in politics, and an active member of the Ma- sonic and K. of P. fraternities. His widow lives in Edinburg, and is the mother of seven children, whose names are as follows, to- wit: Elizabeth, Minnie, James S., Lewis J., John A., Jr., Stella (deceased) and Mary I. Mrs. Thompson has spared no pains in the intellectual improvement of her children, all of whom have en- joyed superior educational advantages. The daughters have at- tended the well known Vassar College, of which institution the eldest. Miss Elizabeth, completed the musical course. The second daughter, Miss Minnie Thompson, is an artist of acknowledged ability, and the eldest son, James S., holds an important clerical position in Boston, Mass. John A. Thompson (deceased). — Among the active and suc- cessful business men of southern Indiana, few occupied a more con- spicuous place than the late John A. Thompson, of Edinburg. Mr. Thompson was a native of Johnson County, born on the 22nd day of April, 1828, the eldest son of James and Susan ( Collier ) Thompson. His early years were passed upon his father's farm near Edinburg, and in the common schools he received a practical English educa- tion, which, supplemented by a year's course in Franklin College, and a thorough knowledge of business affairs, obtained in subse- quent life, entitled him to a place among the best-informed men of the community. At the age of eighteen he accepted a clerkship in. his uncle's store at Edinburg, and later, in partnership with two brothers, under the firm name, of John A. Thompson & Bros., rented his father's large flouring mill on Blue River, and engaged in the milling business. The firm thus constituted, continued about three years, at the end of which time (1859), J onn ^- purchased the entire interest, and became sole owner of the mill propertv. He carried on the business with the most encouraging success dur- ing the years that followed, and realized therefrom a handsome for- tune. In 1872, his valuable mill was completely destroyed by fire, entailing upon him a loss considerably in excess of $60,000. With the energy characteristic of the man. he soon rallied from the effects of the disaster, and at once rebuilt the mill, and was soon in the en- joyment of a far more extensive business than he had formerly con- ducted. December. 1874, he established a private bank in Edin- burg. which, with his milling business, he carried on with success and financial profit until his death. In addition to the above enter- prises, he owned several valuable farms and dealt largely in live- stock, especially fine cattle, upon the raising of which he was con- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 45 1 suited as an authority bv the stock-men of his neighborhood. In his various business ventures, he was more than ordinarily fortunate, financial success such as falls to the lot of few having attended him throughout his long and useful career. Mr. Thompson was essentially a business man, and as such ranked among the most successful and progressive in southern Indiana. As a financier he had no superior in this section of the state, and as a public-spirited and courteous gentleman, he deserves a prominent place in the rank of Johnson Countv's representa- tive citizens. In politics, he was an ardent republican, and al- though not a partisan in the sense of seeking official position, was one of the leaders of his party in Johnson County, and ren- dered valuable service in many local, state and national contests. He was a man of deep feelings and true instincts, a devoted mem- ber of the Christian Church, and a liberal contributor to all charita- bleand benevolent purposes. He hated deceit, underhandedness, and impurity, with, the same fervor that he loved honest}-, sinceritv and uprightness. Those who knew him best loved him most, and his death, which occurred on the 13th day of October, 1S86, left a vacuum in the commercial affairs, and was felt as a personal be- reavement by the citizens of Edinburg, and all others with whom he had relations of a business nature. His success in a financial point of view is attested by the fact of his having accumulated val- uable property in different states. His fortune at the time of his death was estimated at above $300,000. Mr. Thompson was united in marriage, January 19, i860, to Miss Mary Cutsinger, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Cutsinger, a lady widely and favorably known for her many excellent traits of character. The issues of this marriage were the following children, namely: Susan, wife of Henry Bailey, born October 20, i860; Samuel C., born March 10, 1862; James E., born December 29, 1S63; Lillie ]., born February 17, 1867; William T., born May 14, 1870, and Isaac C, born July 31, 1873. Jonx A. Thompson, youngest son of A. C. and Maria Thomp- son, was born in Johnson County, Ind., on the 1st day of October, 1855. He was reared and educated in Edinburg, and here he also began his business career in 1878, as partner in the banking house of his father, with which he is still identified. He is thoroughly posted in all the details of banking, and at this time holds the responsible position of cashier. In his business and social relations Mr. Thompson occupies a conspicuous place in the estimation of his fellow citizens, and as a courteous gentleman, few stand higher in the community. He owns a third interest in Thompson & L'o.'s Roller Mills, at Edinburg, and occupies one of the most beautiful 29 452 JOHNSON COUNTY. residences in the city. October 2, 1879, he married Miss Clara, daughter of Benjamin J. and Heppv Deming, a union blessed with two children, viz. : Rebie and Frank. J. M. Tindle was born in Randolph County, Ind., June 14, 1842. He is the youngest of a family of nine children born to Robert A. and Amy Tindle, the father a native of one of the east- ern states, and the mother of Ohio. Mr. Tindle's paternal ances- tors were Scotch-Irish, and were among the early residents of Ohio. His grandfather was one of the first settlers in Cincinnati, and made brick in that city when it was only a small western town. Robert A. Tindle grew to manhood in Cincinnati, and there learned the trade of brick making with his father. He married in 1S22, Amy, daughter of Oliver Kelly, of Cincinnati, after which he came to Indiana and engaged in agricultural pursuits in various parts of the state. In 1852, he abandoned farming, and began the manu- facture of brick in Shelbyville, and later sold out his business and went west for the purpose of purchasing land. Since his departure nothing has been heard from him, and the supposition is that he met his death in some mysterious manner. His wife departed this life in Edinburg in the year 1872. J. M. Tindle was reared prin- cipally upon a farm, and after the mysterious disappearance of his father, looked after his mother's interests until her death. In 1862 he entered the army, enlisting in Company M, Twentv-first Indiana Infantry, and was afterward transferred to the First Heavy Artil- lery, at Baton Rouge, La. He served with the latter until the close of the war, and took part in the last artillery engagement of the Rebellion, which was fought at Mobile, Ala., April 11, 1865. After being honorably discharged from the service he returned to Edinburg, and for about three years or more worked at different places and employments in and around the town. He next opened a blacksmith shop about three miles east of Edinburg, at the Har- vest City Mills, which he operated for about fifteen years, and then moved to the town where he has since resided. From 1882 to 1885, he followed his trade in Edinburg, but since the latter year has been engaged in various pursuits, being at this time in the in- surance business. Mr. Tindle is a prominent member of the United Order of Honor, and has assisted in organizing lodges in different parts of the state, being at this time employed especially for that purpose. In politics, Mr. Tindle is a republican, and in religion be- lieves in the doctrine as taught and practiced by the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has been twice married, first on August 20, 1869, to Miss Clara Dragoo, of Johnson County, by whom he had five children, all living, viz.: Minnie M., Korah, Svlvester K., Abigail and Wilford O. "Mrs. Tindle died April, 1883, and on the BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 453 ist da}- of August, 1S86, Mr. Tindle married his present wife, Mrs. Venia Compton {tiee Pitcher). By her previous marriage .Mrs. Tindle had one child, Oscar Compton. J. L. Toner, one of Edinburg's most enterprising citizens and business men, is a native of Lycoming County, Pa., and the oldest of a family of ten children, born to John and Susan (Latchaw ) Toner, of the same state. The parents moved to Indiana in 1853, settling at Edinburg, Johnson County, where their deaths occurred at the advanced ages of eighty-four and seventy-eight years, re- spectively. Of the twelve children of John and Susan Toner, but three are now living, namely: J. L., Solomon and Deborah (Mrs. Sharp), all of whom make their homes in Edinburg. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in his native state, and at the age of eighteen, went to the city of Pittsburg, thence later, to Shelby County, Ind., where, for about one year, clerked in the dry goods store of N. Teal, Shelb3'\'ille. He subsequently accepted a similar position with Isaac Sorden, Esq., in Shelbyville and Edinburg, and in 1S56 purchased his employer's stock in the latter place and be- gan the mercantile business upon his own responsibility. Shortly after engaging in business, he erected what is now the Central Hotel, designed for dry goods store and hall, which he subsequently sold, and purchased a flouring-mill, operating the latter quite suc- cessfully for six years. The mill afterward burned, entailing upon him a heavy loss, aggregating over $10,000. The next business venture in which Mr. Toner became interested, was a mill for the manufacture of hominy, which he erected in 1872 at a cost of $15,000. He disposed of this in 18S3, and for one year thereafter was engaged as a grain and flour broker, a business which proved financially remunerative. In 1886, he built a large elevator in Edinburg, and began buying and shipping grain, a business which he still carries on. He is at this time one of the largest grain dealers on the J., M. & I. Railroad, buying and shipping as much as any other man similarly engaged in Johnson Count}'. In his va- rious business enterprises Mr. Toner has met with more than ordinary success, which has resulted principally from two causes: first, a wonderful energy, and, second, a remarkably good judg- ment. He has accumulated a handsome competence, much of which has been expended in the material improvement of Edin- burg. He has built a number of substantial buildings in the city, one of which, his private residence, represents a capital of over $23,000. Mr. Toner was united in marriage to Miss Malinda C. Shipp, daughter of Samuel Shipp, of Frankfort, Ind., on the 28th day of September, 1S48. To Mr. and Mrs. Toner have been born 454 JOHNSON" COUNTY. four children, only one of whom is now living, namely: Susan, wife of C M. Hess, of Indianapolis. J. P. Townsend, one of the oldest native born citizens of John- son County, and a prominent resident of Blue River Township, is the joungest of a family of four children, all sons, born to Joseph Townsend, a pioneer, who came to the county in 182 1. The father was a native of Kentucky, in which state he married Lucv Barnett. When they came to Blue River Township, the family consisted of two sons, and on the 27th of September, 1824, the sub- ject of this sketch was born. Joseph Townsend died in the year 1825, at the age of thirty. His wife survived him three years, de- parting this life in 1828, aged thirty. After his parents' death, the subject was taken bv an uncle, Ambrose Barnett, under whose care he grew to early manhood, working the meantime upon a farm. Hard toil being the rule of the times in which his youthful years were passed, he obtained but meager educational training, but bv intelligent observation, he has since acquired a fund of val- uable, practical knowledge. He was married September 1, 1845, to Rosa Jane Wells, of Johnson Countv, daughter of Baker and Sarah (Cutsinger) Wells, who bore him two children, viz.: Joseph T. and George R., the former deceased. Mrs. Townsend died on the 3rd day of August. 1854. March 25, 1855, Mr. Townsend was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Rhoda I McGuire) Russell, of Shelby County. For seven years Mr. Townsend held the position of freight agent for the J., M. & I. R. R. Co., at Edinburg, and later, in 1865, purchased eighty acres of land, one mile northwest of Edinburg, to which he moved the fol- lowing year and began farming. He has since purchased other land, and is now the possessor of valuable real estate, upon which are some of the best improvements in the township. He is a re- publican in politics, and has held the office of constable three terms. li. W. Tucker, the gentleman for whom this sketch is pre- pared, is a native of Johnson County, Ind., and dates his birth from the 13th day of September, 1853. His father, George H. Tucker, was an early settler of this county, and died here in' 1855. His mother, whose maiden name was Parthenia Nay, subsequently mar- ried Harris Almond, of Hendricks County, Ind., where she now re- sides. Owing to the death of his father, which occurred when the subject was but two years old, and the consequent dependent con- dition of his mother, he was early in life thrown upon his own resources, and for a number of years contributed his full share toward the Family's support. He found employment in different ca- pacities, working at whatever presented itself, until about the year 1S75, at which time he rented a small farm and engaged in the pur- BLUE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 455 suit of agriculture. By the exercise of rigid economy, he was enabled to purchase a place of fifty-three acres, which he still owns. In 1887, he engaged in the agricultural implement business, in Franklin, in partnership with W. D. Branigan, and in 1SS8, started a similar establishment in Edinburg, where he now has stock to the amount of over $40,000. Mr. Tucker's life is a commendable ex- ample of what energy and determination can accomplish in the face of adverse circumstances. Beginning life with no capital, he has by diligent application, succeeded in establishing a good home and a remunerative business, and is at this time classed among the suc- cessful men of Edinburg. October 17, 1875, he married Miss Si- belia Pritchard, who has borne him three children, two of whom, Florence A. and Anna C, are living. J. C. Valentine, an old and reliable business man of Edinburg, was born in Lycoming County, Penn., August 19, 1819, the son of Jacob Valentine, a native of one of the eastern states. He spent the first fifteen vears of his life in his native state, and in 1834, ac- companied his parents to Switzerland Count}', Inch, where he grew to manhood. While still young, he began working at the carpen- ters trade, in which he acquired great proficiency, as is attested by the numerous residences, barns, and other buildings he erected while following his chosen calling in Switzerland County. He followed mechanical pursuits for a period of twenty years, aband- oning that work in 1S60, and engaging in the mercantile busi- ness at the town of Edinburg, where he has since resided. He carried a full line of groceries and queensware; also, feed, lime and cement, in which departments of the trade, he led the town. Mr. Valentine has met with encouraging success in his business, having by diligent attention to the demands of the trade, and by that exercise of economv by which his life has been characterized, succeeded in accumulating a comfortable competence. He was, until recently, associated with his son, under the firm name of Val- entine & Son, but is now living a retired life in Edinburg. Mr. Valentine is an active member of the Methodist Church, and for a period of forty years, has been prominently identified with the Masonic fraternity. He is a democrat in politics, and while not a partisan in the sense of seeking official preferment, has always taken a lively interest in political matters, both local and national.. Mr. Valentine married in Switzerland County, in December, 1842, Miss Elmira Cole, who has borne him ten children, four of whom are living, viz.: Phoebe F., Thomas E., John C, and Horsford E. Like his ancestors, Mr. Valentine possesses a vigorous body, and although nearly seventy years of age, retains, unimpaired, all his 456 JOHNSON COUNTY. faculties, both mental and physical, and bids fair to outreach the al- lotted three score years and ten. J. C. Valentine, Jr., son of J. C. Valentine, was born in the town of Mt. Sterling-, Switzerland Co., Ind., on the 1 8th day of June, 1859. He was raised in Johnson County, and through industry gained a fair education, which, supplemented, by a practical business experience, has made him an intelligent and well-informed man. In early life he began clerking in his father's grocery store, where he obtained his first knowledge of business, and later, accepted a clerical position in the Edinburg Starch Works, his duties being that of book-keeper and correspondent for the firm. He after- ward became a partner in the establishment, and is at this time a member of the well-known firm of S. Cutsin ONCERNING the founding of Franklin, and the location of the county seat at that place, so much has already been said by Judge Banta in his chapter on the early settlement, that it would be useless to repeat it here. In Chapter VIII, there is also much of interest pertain- ing to the town in its early days. From the best infor- mation at hand, Daniel J. Taylor, Joseph Young and Samuel Ilerriott, were the first to engage in the mer- cantile trade in the town of Franklin. The first named came from Cincinnati, Ohio, as early as 1S25, and opened a small general store, next to the Smiley Hotel, on Jefferson Street, where he carried on a fairly successful business for a short time. Of the personal history of Mr. Taylor, and his pioneer experience in Franklin, but little is now known, bevond the declar- ations of a few old settlers, all of whom unite in the expression that lie was a man of ordinary intelligence and business ability, but that he made but little impression as a merchant and tradesman. TOWNS. 505 Messrs. Harriott and Young became identified with the mercantile interests of the town as early as 1825, and sold goods veiy success- fully for several years thereafter. George King, the proprietor of the town, was an early merchant, and a little later came Hicks and Gilchrist, Simon Moore and Cornelius McDertned, all of whom are remembered as fairly successful tradesmen. At the time the town was laid out, and for several years suc- ceeding, its importance was chiefly recognized in the light of a cen- tral trading point, for a large area of territory surrounding, because of the fact of its having been selected as a seat of justice for the count}-, it acquired a well earned reputation. Capital sought invest- ment in the new town. Tradesmen, representing various lines of business were attracted by the advantages the place offered, and until the year 1S36-7, a general spirit of prosperity seemed to have characterized the growth and development of the village and country surrounding. A season of depression was experienced in 1S37, but the increase in population and facilities for business dur- ing the several years succeeding was gradual, uniform and certain. Prior to 1841, the spirit of substantial improvement and enterprise was developed in a limited degree. At a later period, however, new life and vigor began to be infused into the elements of pro- gress, and more rapid advances in the prospects of trade began to be foreshadowed. After the completion of the railroad, activity in every department of industry was the rule, rather than the excep- tion, and capital before withheld from profitable investments, be- gan to seek investment in public and private enterprises which have since yielded profitable returns. From that time the character of the general, improvements was no longer uncertain, but continued to assume a more healthy and permanent aspect, than was ever before known, and the population, therefore, increased in a greater ratio, during the succeeding decade. At this time the place is supplied with two railroads, and other facilities necessary for a successful mercantile town, make Franklin equaled by few and surpassed by a far less number of places of its size and population. In addition to the merchants already named, the following may be enumerated among the many who sold goods in the city from time to time, at a later period: Henry Fox, Herriott & Overstreet, W. II. & R. T. Overstreet, Williams & McClellan, Manwarring & Adams, all of whom began business prior to 1S50. Prominent among the more successful merchants since that year, were John L. Jones (still in business), R. T. Ditmars, White & Branham, Needham & Brown, Gullett, Webb & Keightly, M. M. Tressler, E. R. Moore, Fessler & Day, David Vawter, David Alexander, $06 JOHNSON COUNTY. Thomas Wood, William McCaslin, John Ransdell, Abbott & John- son, and others. Early Residents. — Between the years 1S24 and 1S34. the fol- lowing persons purchased lots and became residents of Franklin: William G. Springer, Edward Springer, Caleb Vannoy, George King. A. Vannoy, D. Covert. W. Brice. X. C. Shaffer, George W. Blankenshh?, J. Young, C. Griffin, J. Herriott, S. Moore, A. Lewis, A. Hutto, 'David Monfort, John Carter. G. E. Murphy. Cornelius Hutton, Thomas "M. Adams. Samuel Olmsted. Samuel Mall. Will- iam G. Eaton, James Shaffer, J. D. Jones, Charles Johnson, Robert Smith, Thomas Alexander, Edward McDermed, Charles Griffin, P. Murphy, Davidson Patton, R. Gilcrees, Samuel Herriott. James Ritchev, Gilderov Hicks, Jacob Sibert, Jabez G. Bright, Fabius M. Finch, J^R. Kerr, J. Alexander. J. M. McCaslin, David Alex- ander, John S. Thompson, F. Utterback, B. Webb, James K. Bennett, W. Yarbrough, W. E. Clark. S. Headly, E. Parkhurst, J. Williams, S. Taylor, I. Israel, John Foster, John R. Carver, A. Thompson, Mussulman. R. C. Forsvth, John A. McGill, Alexander Wilson, S. Allison, William G. Shelledv, J. S. Tilford, John Reese, A. Jacobs, R. Thompson, J. Chenoueth. J. Jones, J. Bright, E. Springer, S. Hall, N. G. Eaton, John High, James Terry and William Henderson. The following list prepared by Dr. Donnell, includes the names and occupations of a majority of the citizens of Franklin in the year 1841: William H. Overstreet, merchant: Henry Nance, mil- ler; James Nance. Lerov Burns, miller: Abram Lay, jailor; W. E. Clark, tailor; Isaac Jones, sheriff: Thomas Williams, farmer: Cardman Springer, shoemaker; Hamilton, saw-mill; Robert Gilchrist, merchant: Jesse Williams, merchant: Robert Jeffrey, tanner; Richard Grubb, tailor; M. P. Adams, clerk: Amos Comp- ton, Henry D. West, carpenters: James Chenoweth and Thomas Chenoweth, blacksmiths: Samuel Headley, tailor: John Foster, hotel: John Slater, lawyer: jabez Bright, saddler; John Shaffei, Simon Shaffer, Harvey Shaffer and William Shaffer, carpenters; Pearson Murphey, physician; Nathaniel Peppard. shoemaker; William Leach, hotel: Randolph Griffith, clerk: Simon Moore, Sr., merchant; Plowden, clock dealer; Jacob Sibert, shoemaker; Charles Johnson, teamster: Eli Gilchrist, merchant; David Allen, clerk of circuit court; James Gwinn, mechanic: Alfred Scull, plasterer; Gilderoy Hicks, lawyer: William Sickles, minister and teacher in seminary; Rev. David Monfort, pastor Presbyterian Church; Thomas Alexander, merchant; Johm R. Kerr, clerk; John Logan, laborer; James Wilson, mechanic; Sherva Law- horn laborer; John Alexander, William Cummins, and Henry Cum- TOWNS. 507 mins, blacksmiths; George King, merchant and farmer: Harvey Sloan, mechanic; John Jackson, cabinet-maker; Samuel Allison, shoemaker: Samuel Herriott, farmer, trader and merchant; Gar- rett C. Bergen, farmer and tanner; George Bergen, tanner: John High, mechanic; Stephen Porter, wagon-maker; D. Smith, liquor dealer; John Terhune, laborer; Daniel Webb, physician; A. D. Sweet, physician; William Springer, teamster: Samuel McKinney, lawyer; James Fletcher, saddler; Rev. A. W. Hinckley, pastor Baptist Church; David Alexander, blacksmith; Horatio G. Finch, law student; David White, stage-driver; Frank Ferguson, me- chanic; Henry Banta, wagon-maker; Rev. William Tilton, Bap- tist minister; Tunis Vannuys, farmer; James Smock, laborer; Nat Wilson, railroader; Abram Starks, carpenter: Robert Todd, wagon- maker; Ellis Armstrong, carpenter; Wm. Davidson, painter; John Alexander, stage driver: Wm. Pierson, carpenter; Dick Robbins, laborer; McKinley L. Johnson, painter; James Harvey, carpenter; Caffertv, tailor; Rev. Mr. McCard, minister C. P. Church; William Lovelace, cabinet maker; Baker, laborer; James Davidson, painter; William H. Mitchell, carpenter; John Thomp- son, blacksmith: Thomas Douglass, cabinet maker; Newman, lawyer; John Bowen, brick mason; Samuel Lambertson, tailor; W. II. Henderson, tinner; Joseph McClellan, merchant: Alexander Wilson, wheel-wright; Ed. McDermed, saddler; William Car- son, hatter; John Ritchie, saddler; Joseph Young, farmer; S. B. Moore, merchant: James Ritchev, physician; Lvsander Adams, shoemaker; George Comingove, tanner; William Moreland, tanner; William Gwinn, mechanic; J. C. King, minister; Abdallah Thomp- son, carpenter: I. P. Montfort, clerk; James Frary, mechanic: J. H. Donnell, physician; John S. Tilford, cabinet-maker; F. M. Finch, lawyer: James Bennett, John H. Vannuys, farmer: Tunis Yannuvs, farmer; Nicholas Shaffer, hotel; Jacob McClellan, clerk. Incorporation. — It is impossible to lix definitely the date of the incorporation of Franklin as a village, but from the most reliable information, it could not have been far from the year 1838 or 1839. Pursuant to the provision of the General Assembly, for the incor- poration of towns and villages, then in force, the citizens assembled and submitted the question to the determination of the legally qual- ified voters present. At that election, upon counting the ballots so cast, it was found that a small majority of the citizens were in favor of the measure, accordingly the incorporation was effected, and the necessary municipal officers chosen. It did not prove popular, however, and after a short trial was abandoned. Subsequently a town incorporation was adopted, which continued successfully until 1861. A city charter was obtained in 1861, and at a session of the 508 JOHNSON COUNTY. common council, held November 4th of that }ear, an ordinance was passed defining the limits of the corporation as follows : Section I. Be it ordained by the common council, of the city of Franklin, that the ward, citv or corporation, wherever the same may occur in this or any following ordinance, or in any ordinance hereafter ordained or established by said council, shall be construed to extend and apply to all that part of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Johnson and State of Indiana, included in and embraced by Section fourteen (14), the north half ('2) of Section twenty-three (23), the west half ( ' 2 ) of Section thirteen (13), and northwest quarter I ' + 1 of Section twenty-four (24), Township 12 (12) north, Range four (4) east. Section 2. That said city shall be divided into three wards, to be bounded as described in the following sections: Section 3. All that part of said city lying south of a line running east and west through the center of Jefferson Street, in said city, shall constitute the First Ward. Section 4. All tnat part of said city lying north of the line drawn east and west through the center of Jefferson Street, and east of a line running from the center of Jefferson Street north, along the center of Market Street to the center of Adams Street; thence east to the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad; thence with said railroad to the north boundary of said city, shall constitute the Second Ward. Section 5. All that part of said city lying north of the north line of Ward No. I, and west of the west line of Ward No. 2, shall constitute the Third Ward. Under the above ordinance the following officers were elected: mayor, Benjamin Davis; clerk, John O. Martin: treasurer, Will- iam H. Henderson; city attorney, D. W. Howe: marshal, Will- iam H. Myers, resigned, and Solomon Gerow appointed January 26, 1862; assessor, Chambers C. Hamilton. Councilmen. — The following have served as members of the citv council from time to time, since 1867: Thomas W. Woollen, W. J. Mathes, J. T. Jones, Leland Payne, \V. C. Crowell, James Wilson, A. B. Hunter, John Beal, Armstrong Alexander, A. B. Colton, George F. Herriott. John R. Fessler, W. II. McLaughlin, R. T. Taylor, R. S. Sturgeon, L. P. Ritchey, William B. Ellis, William I. Peters, I. I. Covert, I. H. McLaughlin, M. Walker, William A. Davis, William I. Peters, Charles Riker, B. M. Stansi- fer, James Jacobs, R. M. Miller, W. T. Pritchard, Charles Day. Industries. — To go back to the founding of Franklin, and give in detail an account of its various business and manufacturing en- terprises, is a task beyond the power of the writer to accomplish. There are but few persons now living, who were here when the citv was laid out, and those few were too voung then, or too old, now, to remember very much concerning the earlv industries of the place, consequentlv the chronicler is forced to depend mainly upon " hear say " evidence for many of the facts in the following pages. Among the first industries attempted in Franklin, was a tannery, established as early as the year 1825 or 1S26, by a Mr. Yannoy, who began business upon a limited scale, near the creek, on South Main Street. After operating the yard a short time, Mr. Yannoy sold out to Robert Gilchrist, who did a fairly successful business for a few years, and then disposed of the enterprise to Robert TOWNS. 509 Jeffrey. Later, H enry Krumpenske became proprietor, and in 1863, the business was purchased by Messrs. Wheat & Bergen, who ran it until 1867, when Bergen became sole proprietor. Mr. Bergen operated the tannery quite successfully until 1876. About the year 1844, a tobacco and cigar factory was started in East Franklin, between Jefferson and Madison streets, by W. H. Mamvarring, which was operated until early in the fifties. Mr. Manwarring manufactured cigars and plug tobacco, which were sold throughout the country from wagons, two or three of which were kept running for some years. Woolen-mills. — In the manufacture of woolen goods the farm- ing community of Johnson County were greatly benefited, in an early day, by the presence in Franklin of carding machines and woolen-mills, which afforded a good market for the wool product. The first attempt of this kind was made about the year 1837, by Abdallah Thompson, who erected a small frame building on King Street, which was supplied with machinery for carding and spin- ning. George W. Branham, about 1855, erected a large three-story brick woolen-mill, near the railroad, where the Waggener and McLaughlin planing-mill now stands, and supplied it with machinery for the manufacture of such woolen goods as blankets, cashmeres, jeans, yarns, etc., all of which products soon obtained an extensive sale in Indianapolis, and other cities. About the year 1868, Messrs. Bradley & Kerlin erected a woolen factory opposite the Union Roller Mill, and began the manufacture of such goods as are made in mills of the kind, but the enterprise did not prove financially remunerative, consequently was soon abandoned. Pork Houses. — The pork business was one of the early indus- tries of Franklin, and some time in the forties, a slaughter and pack- ing house was erected in the southeast part of town, by Dr. John Peggs and John High. The largest pork packing firm that ever did business in Frank- lin, was that of Herriott, Vawter, Wheat & Alexander, which was formed about the year 1867 or 1S68. A brick building was erected in the south part of town, where the starch works now stand; a large force of men was emploved and for about four years the firm did a prosperous business. Flouring Mills. — "Pearl Roller Mill" operated at this time by Payne, Johnson & Co., is entitled to more than a passing notice, now one of the oldest landmarks left of the earlv history of the city. This mill is probably the first one ever erected in the vicinity, and was built by Messrs. Branham & Yandes. After being operated a few years bv the above firm, it passed into the posses- sion of Mr. Branham, who, later, in partnership with J. V. Branham, 5IO JOHNSON COUNTY. did a good business until 1854. In that year it was purchased by Ebenezer Baldwin and Leland Payne, who operated it as a firm until 1SS1, the capacity being about sixty barrels of flour per day. July 1, 1881, Mr. Baldwin retired from the firm, and was succeeded by John W. Ragsdale, in 1882. In 1882 the mill was remodeled, and supplied with machinery for the manufacture of flour by the roller process, seven double sets of rollers being put in. with a ca- pacity of 200 barrels per day. In April, 1884, Dr. P. W. Payne, brother of L. Payne, and J. B. Payne, a son of the latter, became members of the firm. During this co-partnership, the mill was materially improved in the way of bolting and cleaning machinery, and became one of the best mills in the county. July. 1887, Dr. Payne and Mr. Ragsdale retired from the firm, and were succeeded by M. L. Johnson and W. H. Small, since which time the partner- ship has been known as Payne! Johnson & Co. In March, 1S8S, the mill was well nigh destroyed bv the explosion of one of the large boilers, which completelv demolished the south end of the building, resulting in the death of the engineer and fireman. The proprietors have since repaired the loss consequent upon the disas- ter, by enlarging the building and furnishing a new and more pow- erful engine. What is known as the Needham mill, east of the J., M. & I. Railroad, was erected some time in the forties, by William Needham, and was originally intended for an elevator. It was sub- sequently supplied with mill machinery, and has been in operation ever since. It is still owned by Mr. Needham, and is now operated by Mr. Jordan. Union Roller Mill. — One of the most successful enterprises of Franklin is the mill property of McDaniel & Co., known as the Union Roller Mill, the history of which, dates from about the year 1852. The building was erected by a stock company, composed of well-known business men of the city, and when completed, be- gan to be operated bv W. H. Overstreet, who ran it until about 1857. The next proprietor was John Tressler, who operated it until sometime in the sixties, when John Clark became owner. Major George Herriott purchased the property in 1S70, and after- ward remodeled the building and otherwise improved the mill. It was operated some time bv Messrs. Smilev & Hutchins, and in De- cember, 1S79. passed into the hands of C. W. and Ira McDaniel, at which time, the daily capacity was estimated at seventy-five barrels. The building was thoroughly remodeled, and a roller plant with a capacity of 200 barrels was put in, in 1880. Four years later an eleva- tor with a capacitv of 35,000 bushels was erected south of the main building. Ira McDaniel disposed of his interest, in 1S80, to W. B. Wright, but purchased from the latter in 1886. January, 1888, Will- TOWNS. 511 iam Sucko bought Ira McDaniel's interest, and is now a member of the firm. The mill building is a three-story frame structure, 41x52 feet in size, with basement and attic. The engine room, thirty-six feet square, and the machinery, which is of the latest improved pat- era, is operated by an eighty-seven horse power engine, one of the finest in the state. Saw-mills. — Johnson County, being a heavily timbered country, early led men of enterprise to engage in the manufacture of lumber. Accordingly, saw-mills were among the first industries of Franklin. It is not. now known who brought the first steam saw-mill to the town, but as early aS 1840, one William Nance, was operating one on South Jackson. Street, west of the Bergen tannery. In addition to sawing lumber, Mr. Nance manufactured corn-meal, and operated his mill with fair success for several years. There have been saw-mills in operation continually since 1840, and to give an appropriate sketch of each, is now impossible. There are two mills in active operation at this time, by N. M. Pittman and J. L. Landis, respectively. Planing Mills. — Probably the first planing mill in Franklin was erected and operated by John High and Dr. Thomas, some time prior to 1854- In addition to planing lumber the firm ran a saw- mill, and also machinery for the manufacture of lath shingles. The mill did a good business for about four years, when the building was destroyed by fire. John Voris & Bro., about the year 1865, erected a planing mill near the Martinsville Railroad on Jefferson Street, and operated it with reasonable success, until the death of Mr. Yoris, a few years later. It afterward passed into other hands and did not prove financially successful, until the present proprietors, Messrs. Jones & Bergen, obtained possession. These gentlemen have been established here for several years, and by proper attention to the desires of their customers have attained quite a handsome trade. Adjoining the mill is a large lot used in storing lumber, and just north of the main building is a brick foundry and machine shop, which has been in operation for some time under the management of the proprietor, Anton Sawer. Waggener & McLaughlin. — The firm of Waggener & Mc- Laughlin is composed of two individuals, both of whom can be classed among the well-known and reliable business men of Franklin. The large planing mill, of which they are proprietors, was built by Payne & Payne, who operated it with encouraging success until 1882, at which time it was leased by Robert Waggener. One year later the building was burned, after which Mr. Waggener leased the brick building formerly used as a woolen factory by Baldwin & Payne, and tilted it up with good machinery. He purchased the 512 JOHNSON COUNTY. building in 1887, and the following year took in W. II. McLaugh- lin as a partner, since which time the well-known firm of Wag- cener & McLaughlin have became widely and favorably known throughout Johnson and neighboring counties. Ransdell Brothers. — These gentlemen also do a large business in dressed lumber, scroll-work, mouldings, etc., besides dealing ex- tensively in lath and shingles, and filling large contracts for builders. The firm was organized in 1885, and now operate a planing mill on Jefferson Street, which has a daily capacity of 7,000 feet. The Messrs. Ransdell are practical business men, and by strict attention to the demands of their customers, have built up a large and lucra- tive trade. Coopcragx. — There are at this time two establishments of this kind in the city, wherein the manufacture of barrels is carried on, both of which are carried on by the well-known firm of Walker & Sons. The business was originally started in i860, at the present location, on the J., M. & I. Railroad, and from the beginning proved financially remunerative, as is attested by the fact that the firm were compelled to enlarge their facilities for manufacture in 1885. They employ eleven men in the old shop and twelve in the new, the latter of which stands near the college building, and manufac- ture upon an average of 40,000 barrels per year, nearly all of which are used by the starch works and flouring mills of Franklin. The firm operate a stave and heading machine at Martinsville, which with the business of the shops in this city, represent an in- vested capital of $4,000. 'The Franklin Starch Works. — The largest and by far the most important branch of industry, within the limits of Franklin, and the one by which the city has become so well-known throughout the country, is the Franklin Starch Works, Thompson. White & Co., proprietors. This extensive enterprise was established in 1SS0, by a company composed of Samuel Cutsinger, J. M. Thompson, J. L. Hartley and J. M. Detrick. In due time the large brick building, 150x200 feet in size, and two stories high, was completed and supplied with the latest improved machinery, and representing a capital of $90,000. The works have a capacity of 1,200 bushels of corn per day, or an average annual consumption of 250,000 bushels, which converted into the finest quality of starch represents the enormous sum of 6,000,000 pounds. Several changes have been made in the company since its organization, the first of which was in the summer of 1881, when Messrs. Detrick and Hartley re- tired. The same year George and Edmonson Cutsinger became members of the firm, and are still identified with the enterprise. The company at this time is composed of J. M. Thompson, Samuel TOWNS. 513 Cutsinger, George Cutsinger, Edmonson Cutsinger and Thomas White, all of whom rank among the most reliable and best-known business men of Johnson County. The Indiana Starch Company was organized and incorporated October, 1885, with a capital of $50,000. David Swift, William A. McXaughton, Oren C. Dunn and Henry J. Forsyth, stockholders. A suitable plat of ground in the south part of the city, adjoining the J., M. & I. Railroad, was secured, upon which, in due time, the present handsome buildings were erected, and supplied with neces- sary appliances and machinery. Owing to financial embarrassments, however, the company was not able to put the factory in operation, and the magnificent buildings, much to the regret of the citizens of Franklin, are now standing idle. Johnson County Creamery Company. — The manufacture of butter is another of the branches of industry to be found within the limits of Franklin. The company was organized and incorporated under the state law, Julv, 1886, with a capital of $6,000, and a stated term of existence of fifty years. The company is composed of Louis H. Hulsman, Harry E. Hamilton and William B. Jen- nings. The machinery used is of the latest and most approved pattern, and the capacity of the creamery is about 2,500 pounds of butter per week. The gentlemen who comprise the firm are practical business men. Franklin Steam Laundry. — This enterprise was established in April, 1883, by Messrs. Winchester & Lane, and was then known as the Crystal Laundry. Mr. Winchester retired from the busi- ness in 1884, after which the firm became known as Lane & Stewart, Lane purchasing his partner's interest at the end of three months. It afterward passed through the hands of several per- sons, and, in February, 1888, Whitesides & Lane, the present firm, became owners and proprietors. They remodeled the establish- ment and refitted it with new appliances, and now have a complete outfit, the whole representing a capital of $1,500. The business, from a very small beginning, has increased until the laundry is now kept running at its full capacity. Hotels. — Probably the first house opened for the accommoda- tion of the traveling public in Franklin, was a small two-story frame hotel on the corner of Jefferson and Main streets, erected some time in the thirties, bv Judge Smiley, and kept by one William Leach. The building was afterward purchased by a Mr. Taylor, and answered the purpose of a place of entertainment for several years. The Foster House, south of the lot now occupied by 1 la/.- ell's livery stable, was erected in an early day, by John Foster, who became a citizen of the town when it was a mere backwoods vil- m_j. JOHNSON COUNTY. lage. The Foster House was part log and part frame, and earned a fair reputation as a hotel, but was abandoned about the year 1843. Late in the thirties, Nicholas Shaffer erected a two-story frame build- ing where the llazell livery stable stands, and opened it for the benefit of those who saw fit to accept and pay for his hospitalities. This early became the leading hotel of the place, and for a number of years was a popular resort for the traveling public. Shaffer kept it for some time, and is remembered as a very courteous and accommodating landlord. The house was torn down about the veai" 1848. The Strahmier House was built in 1848, by John Ilerriott, and first used as a boarding-house for workmen employed on the Madi- sonville Railroad. Subsequently, it passed into the hands of Will- iam Strahmier, who remodeled and enlarged the building, and made it a popular hotel. It was kept by different parties, and stood until 1S81, at which time it was destroyed by fire. James Chenoweth, about the year 1848, erected a two-story frame hotel southeast of the court house, where the Vance livery stable stands, and acted the part of "mine host" some four or five years. The build- ing was afterward used as a residence, and disappeared several years ago. The PeggS House, corner of Railroad and Madison streets, one of the few old land-marks left standing in the city, was erected as early as 1S47 or 1S48, by Jacob Peggs. It has been used as a hotel continuously since the above year, and is now kept by Richard Rhodes. The building, an old-fashioned frame struc- ture, is in a good state of preservation, and bids fair to withstand the ravages of time for many years to come. Merc/units' s Hotel. — This "hotel was built originally for a board- ing-house, by G. W. Branham, who opened it about the year 1850, for the accommodation of railroad workmen. Subsequently, it was remodeled, the frame part torn away, and a substantial brick struc- ture erected by George Bridges, Amos Alexander and Sanford Webb, after which a Mr. Hyde, of Indianapolis, took charge, and ran it a number of years. The large addition west of the old building was erected about the year 1867, at which time several thousand dollars were expended in interior improvements and fur- nishing. The house has been run by different parties, among whom ma}- be mentioned Runyon, Hyde, Weatherford, Browning, Strahmier and Thomas. The present proprietors are Messrs. Hellerick and Wilson. Banks. — The financial operations of a city, as shown by the transactions of its banks, mirror its importance as a commercial center, and reflect the prosperity of the country tributary to its business. The history of Franklin's banking operations dates from TOWNS. 515 January, 1855, at which time the- first institution of the kind in the city. The Farmers" Bank, an outgrowth of the Franklin Insurance company, was organized under the free banking law of the state, then in force, with Samuel Herriott, president, and R. T. Over- street, cashier. This bank proved an active stimulus to the busi- ness of the town, and continued in successful operation until about the year 1862. The next bank was a private concern, organized about the year i860 or 1861, by Willis S. Webb, W. W. Woollen and Theodore Pinkney. The venture proved quite successful, and after an exist- ence of two years, resulted in the organization of the First National Bank, which was established in 1S63, with a capital of $132,000; W. S. Webb, president, and W. W. Woollen, cashier. This was Bank No. $0, one of the first organized in Indiana under the na- tional banking law, and being operated by well-known and sub- stantial business men, soon took rank among the most successful institutions of the kind in the state. It did a large general banking business, and for a number of years enjoyed a reputation much more than local. The second officers were Capt. John Banta, pres- ident; T. W. Woollen, cashier, and later Mr. Woollen and E. G. Brewer were elected to the offices of president and cashier, respect- ive!}". Subsequently, Judge Woollen was succeeded as president by James Forsyth, and the next cashier was R. T. Taylor, who afterward became defaulter to a large amount, crippling the bank and causing a suspension of its business in 1877. Second S\ r cih\>>Ht! Bank. — The Second National Bank of Frank- lin, was organized in the summer of 1863, with a capital of $100,000; G. W. Branham, president, and R. T. Overstreet, cashier. The capital was increased shortly afterward to $150,000, and the bank continued under the original management until 1S66, when Mr. Branham resigned the presidency, and was succeeded by John Clark. On severing his connection with the institution, Mr. Branham went to Kansas City, Mo., and organized the First National Bank at that place. Subsequently, Mr. Clark was succeeded by W. H. La- grange, aside from which there were no other changes in the man- agement of the bank until the expiration of the charter in 1S83. The Second National enjoyed a very successful and prosperous career, and paid regularly, ten per cent, upon amounts invested, besides other demands. The charter expiring, the business of the institution was closed, after which, a majority of the stockholders organized the Franklin Bank, with L. W. Fletcher, president, and R. T. Oyerstreet, cashier. One year later, Mr. Fletcher was suc- ceeded by R. T. Overstreet, whose place as cashier, was then filled by E. C. Miller. After one year's service as president, Mr. Over- 33 5l6 JOHNSON COUNT V. street, owing to failing health, was compelled to retire from the po- sition, whereupon John T. Vawter, Esq., was elected to fill the vacancy. The institution continued as a state bank until Mav, 1S85, when it was re-chartered under the national banking law, as the Franklin National Bank, Messrs. Vawter and Miller, retaining their respective positions. In the meantime, August, 1882, the National Bank of Frank- lin was organized, with a capital of $50,000, the following well- known business men constituting the official management: John Clarke, president; W. H. Lagrange, vice president, and J. C. Smith, cashier. This institution continued in successful operation until February, 1S88, when the charter was surrendered for the purpose of consolidating with the Franklin National Bank, which was duly effected on the first day of the above month. It is a not- able fact, that during the existence of the above institutions, Frank- lin was the only city in the state that supported two national banks. Since the consolidation the Franklin National Bank has been officered as follows: President, John Clarke; vice president, J. C. Smith; cashier, E. C. Miller; assistant cashier, Victor Smith. It has a capital of $100,000, a surplus of $20,000, and is considered one of the leading and reliable banking houses of central Indiana. Gas Works. — Franklin has a complete svstem of gas works, extending throughout the city, furnishing ample light, there being about five miles of pipe laid. The gas companv was organized and incorporated May, 1869, with a capital of $50,000. The first directors were: D. G. Vawter, P. W. Pavne, N. M. Scholfield, L. W. Fletcher, W. fj. Jennings, T. W. Woollen, John Clarke, R. T. Overstreet, Robert Hamilton and John T. Vawter. About three-fourths of the business houses, and one-fourth of the resi- dences of the city, use gas, also the starch works, hotel, flouring mills, school buildings and court house; the average daily consump- tion being from twelve to sixteen thousand cubic feet. The present officers of the company are: T. W. Woollen, president; W. S. Young, secretary; S. P. Oyler, treasurer, and A. L. Woollen, superintendent. The Press. — The honor of establishing the first newspaper in Franklin, belongs to John R. Kerr, a native of Tennessee, who, as early as the year 1846, issued the first number of The Exam- iner, a small local sheet, largely made up of clippings from other papers. Mr. Kerr was an educated gentleman, but through some mistorture became totally blind, and his newspaper venture at this place was a dernier ressort to obtain a livelihood. He had learned the typo's art in his younger davs, and being a fair writer, was in- TOWNS. 517 duced to enter the field of journalism at the suggestion of his friends, quite a number of whom assisted him in procuring the necessary outfit. His wife, who was also blind, assisted in setting type, and a nephew, Frank Kerr, became business manager of the paper, which soon obtained a fairly remunerative circulation. After edit- ing the Examiner a short time Mr. Kerr sold the office to Jona- than Williams, and went to Gosport, Owen County, where he en- gaged in business, and in which place his death subsequently occurred. Mr. Williams took possession of the office in 1852, and started The Jeffersonian, which proved a decided improvement upon the original paper. The jfeffersonian was started as an independent local, devoted to the interest of Franklin and Johnson County, and under the editorial management of Mr. Williams, made its regular weekly visits until 1854, when George Allison, a vigorous writer and practical newspaper man, became proprietor. Mr. Allison greatly improved the paper, and made it a potent factor in mould- ing public opinion, and it is safe to say that none of his numerous successors in Franklin, ever gave the people a more satisfactory or lively local sheet, than The Jeffersonian, between the years 1854 and 1862. In the latter 3-ear Mr. Allison entered the army, and during his absence the paper was regularly issued by his brother, Harvey Allison, who spared no pains to make it what it, purported to be, the republican organ of Johnson County. The "Jeffersonian continued to be published under the management of Mr. Alllison, until the spring of 1882, at which time John F. Moses became editor and proprietor. He sold it the same fall to Henry Holt, who ran the paper quite successfully, until 1886, when the office was purchased by D. W. Barnett, the present proprietor, by whom the name was changed to The Franklin Republican, by which it has since been known. The political complexion of the paper, as indicated by the name, is decidedly republican, and is a live local sheet, devoted to the in- terests of Franklin and Johnson County, and fearless in the discus- sion of the leading political and public questions of the day, it will compare favorably with any other county paper in the state. Mr. Barnett is a trenchant writer, an experienced newspaper man, and has already greatly increased the circulation of the Republican, and secured a liberal advertising patronage. The paper is a six-column quarto, neat in its mechanical make-up, and the only republican sheet at this time in Johnson Countv. The Star of Hope was established in 1853, by W. T. Hatch. After issuing it one year, he changed the name to The Star, and in 1855 sold out to E. W. Jeffreys, who published it as a political 5l8 JOHXSOX COUNTY. sheet, under the name of The Republican, until 1S57. In that year it was purchased by George Allison, and by him merged into the Jeffersonian. The Franklin Herald was founded in 1859 by a snvdicate of democratic politicans. with Henry J. Sharp as editor, who was after- ward succeeded by M. R. Slater. The Herald was designed as a political sheet, in the interest of democracy, and under the editorial control of Mr. Slater, who was a writer of average ability, and a shrewd politician, it soon became the recognized party organ in Johnson County. Slater was a practical printer, and in its mechan- ical appearance, the Herald ranked among the best papers ever published in the city. The office was destroyed by fire in 1861, after which the county democracy purchased a new outfit and re- vived the paper, with Slater in charge as editor and publisher. Fearless in its advocacy of part}' measures, the Herald made many enemies during the early years of the war. In 1S63, the of- fice was mobbed by a detachment of Pennsylvania troops, who had been informed bv some one unfriendly to the editor, that the paper was being conducted in the interest of the Confederacy. The work of the mob was complete. All the office material was thrown into the streets, the presses were destroyed, and for some time thereafter no efforts were made toward reviving the paper. Sub- sequently, Charles Patterson, a local printer, refitted the office, and resurrected the paper under the name of The 'Johnson County Tress, which was published until about the year 1869, or 1870, John M. Farley becoming editor and proprietor in 1S67. Mr. Slater took editorial control in 1S70, and changing the name to The Democratic Herald, continued the publication until 187S, at which time the office was purchased by W. S. Bliss. In the meantime, December, 1S76, Mr. Bliss, at the solicitation of certain local politicians, who were not pleased with the course pursued by the regular democratic paper, started an opposition sheet, to wit : The Democrat, an eight-column folio, which was reg- ularly issued until 1878, when both papers were consolidated under the name of The Herald Democrat. Mr. Bliss was a superior printer, and came into control of the paper, well fortified with many years' experience in the field of journalism. He was also a fair Writer, and got out a very neat and readable paper, but failing to make the venture financially remunerative, he disposed of the office in June, 1S79, to G. E. Finnev and Luther Short, and retired from the business. Messrs. Finnev & Short adopted the simple name, The Democrat, bv which their paper should be known, and continued as partners until April, 1886, at which time Mr. Short purchased the en- tire interest and became sole editor and proprietor. Shortly after TOWNS. 519 purchasing the paper, Mr. Short refitted the office with over $2,500 worth of presses and material, and by studying the wants of the people and giving them an ably-edited and dignified paper, has suc- ceeded in securing a large list of subscribers, besides doing a lucra- tive advertising business. The Democrat is in size a six-column quarto, a model of neatness in mechanical appearance, and fearless in its advocacv of democratic principles. It is manly and dignified in the discussion of the leading questions of the clay, remarkably free from the personal abuse with which the columns of so many local partisan sheets abound. The yacksonian. — This paper was started about the year 1S80, by M. R. Slater, and, as indicated by the name, was designed as an orthodox democratic sheet of the old school. It was ably edited, and continued its regular visits until 1S86, when Mr. Slater dis- posed of the office in order to accept a government position in Ari- zona. The last number appeared in the above year. The Daily Press. — Several attempts have been made from time to time to run a daily paper in Franklin, but until quite recently all such ventures have proved disastrous financially. While editing the Herald Democrat, W. S. Bliss established the Daily Herald, a small folio, which, under the original management, was delivered to subscribers about three months, when James B. Wilson, an em- ploye in the office of Mr. Bliss, became editor. Mr. Wilson con- tinued the publication a few months, when finding his financial support insufficient to meet the expenses incident to running a dailv, was compelled to suspend the paper. It was afterward re- vived by Frederick C. Williams, who published it at intervals four or five years, but, like his predecessor, failed to make it financially remunerative. The Daily J\ ews, a four-column folio, established by Frank McClellan and James Moody, made its first appearance in March, 1SS0. It was printed in the Democrat office, and began its career under favorable auspices, but after a few months, died a painless death, for want of proper financial support. The next attempt in the line of daily journalism was made No- vember, 1S80, at which tijne appeared the first number of the Daily Argus, with N. I>. Milleson and George L. Higgins, editors and proprietors. Like its predecessors, the Argus was a small four-col- umn folio, devoted to the local happenings of Franklin and Johnson County, and like them also, its career was soon cut short by adversity, but few numbers having been issued. The Daily Gazette was started several years ago, by Bert Fess- ler and George Bundy. The printing was done in the office of the Democrat, and the paper, under the joint editorship of Messrs. 520 JOHNSON COUNTY. Fessler and Bundy, made its appearance a few months, when the former purchased his partner's interest, and became sole proprietor. Fessler ran the Gazette a short time, when learning that a daily without patronage was not a paying investment, discontinued its publication. The Daily Star. — The latest attempt at daily journalisim in Franklin, and by far the most successful, is the Star, established July, 1S85, by Messrs. Aikens & Needham, the former an exper- ienced typo and successful newspaper man. The Star began its career in a very humble way, and was first issued from Franklin College, in the shape of a small three-column folio. It was issued under the joint proprietorship of Messrs. Aikens & Needham, about three mouths, when the latter sold out to his partner and retired from the concern. W. W. Aikens took possession of the paper under many adverse circumstances, not the least of which was the embar- rassed condition financially, but actuated by a laudable desire to succeed he issued the paper regularly, until it won recognition among the farmers and professional men, and obtained a paying circulation. He commenced with an old press, that had been used for a number of years, and type and material well worn, but as his means would permit he improved the office, and at the end of one year moved to his present commodious quarters on Jefferson Street, which he has since furnished with an entirely new outfit of job type, presses, etc., etc. The Star is now a five-column folio, and presents an attractive appearance, with every indication of being in a flourishing condition. Its mechanical execution is good, and its local department is equal to any daily in the southern part of the state. Its present circulation is 700, which, with the liberal adver- tising patronage, denotes its thrift as well as the energy and enter- prise of the proprietor, who certainly deserves well of the public for furnishing a bright, newsy, and in every way, a readable daily paper. In addition to the papers mentioned, was a small sheet estab- lished some time in the fifties, by Charles Patterson, who used its columns as a medium through which some very caustic personal matter was given publicity. But few numbers were issued, and the name of the paper, and nearly all the facts concerning it, have long since been forgotten. As early as the year 1S37, Dr. David Monfort, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Franklin, published a doctrinal pamphlet which obtained a wide circulation throughout the country. A little later was published a religious controversy between Dr. Monfort and Rev. A. R. Hinckley, pastor of the Baptist Church, touching the subject of Christian Baptism, which was also largely read. Some time during the war, Dr. Pinckney TOWNS. 521 published a political pamphlet on the causes of Rebellion, and a funeral discourse of a colored man preached about the same time by Rev. Mr. Collier, of the Presbyterian Church, was published, and caused no little sensation among the church people of the city. Secret Societies. — Freemasonry was introduced into Franklin in January, 1S50, at which time Franklin Lodge No. 107 was or- ganized under a writ of dispensation, with the following members: Fabius M. Finch, W. H. Hunter, J. Edwards, J. II. Williams, S. F. McGuffin, W. C. Hendryx and A. Shaffer. The dispensa- tion was granted by Elisha Deming, most worshipful master of In- diana, on the 1 6th day of the above month, and on the 20th day of May, 1850, the lodge was chartered with the following officers: Fabius Finch, W. M.; H. Hunter, S. W., and Joshua Edwards, J. W. The first officers elected were the following: J. Ed- wards, W. M.; S. McGuffin, S. W.; C. Hamilton, J. W.; Henry Fox, secretary; P. Birchard, treasurer; Thomas Morrison, S. D.; D. Coster, J. D., and S. Lambertson, tyler. The lodge held its sessions for several years in a hall on Jefferson Street, over the store room of Mr. McCollough, but in 1S68, the present hall on the corner of Jefferson and Water streets, was erected and furn- ished at a cost of several thousand dollars. This is one of the most commodious lodge rooms in the city, elegantly finished and furn- ished, and reflects great credit upon the organization. Franklin lodge has had quite a checkered experience, having passed through seasons of adversity, as well as prosperity, and is now in a prosperous condition. The following is a list of the past masters since its organization: Fabius M. Finch, Joshua Edwards, W. H. Hunter, Joseph P. Gill, James T. Jones, John T. 'Vawter, Henry Keneaster, William W. Woolen, Isaiah J. Armstrong, Francis J. Pusey, William B. McCollough, Columbus H. Hall, Isaac M. Thompson, Charles W. McDaniel. Officers for 1888; Elmer Walker, W. M.; J. C. Wood, S. W.; Luther Short, J. W.; J. M. Storey, treasurer; W. S. Young, secretary; L. E. Ott, S. D.; Robert Mitchell, J. D., and J. L. Davis, tyler. Higher Degrees. — Franklin Chapter No. 65, was chartered May 21, 1867. The first officers were James C. Bennett, high priest; William A. Marrs, king, and William H. Jennings, scribe. The chapter has enjoyed a reasonable degree of prosperity. Offi- cers for 188S: Michael Walker, high priest; R. C.Wood, king; William S. Young, scribe; J. T. Jones, capt. host.; D. D. Wal- dren, P. S.; Luther Short, R. A. C: Charles Byfield, first veil; A. Sauer, second veil; B. Peters, third veil; J. M.Storey, treasurer, and H. L. McClellan, secretary. 522 JOHNSON COUNTY. Franklin Commandery was organized April 3, 1S72. with the following charter members: Henry H. Boyce, James C. Bennett, Isaac Armstrong, John H. Lozier, W. W. Browning, James T. Jones, A. L. Bone, John B. Hopper, George M. Payne, Daniel Howe, Richard T. Taylor and Moses R. McGreggor. Present membership, 48. Officers: Luther Short, E. C. ; Robert C. Wood, generalissimo; Isaac M. Thompson, captain general; C. H. Hall, prelate; Samuel Harris, S. W.; Michael Walker, J. W. : J. M. Storey, treasurer; H. L. McClellan, recorder; D. D. Waldren, standard bearer; J. T. Jones, sword bearer: Charles Byfield, warden; J. L. Davis, guard. Odd Fellowship. — Johnson Lodge No. 76, was instituted Jan- uary 14, 1850. After the institution, the lodge went into the nomination of officers. E. May was nominated N. G.: W. S. Johnson, V. G. : C. C. Hamilton, secretary, and W. S. Cameron, treasurer, all of whom were elected and installed by the G. M., when the lodge was declared duly organized. At the meeting, January 15, Bros. Moore, Compton and Hamilton, were elected trustees. During the first few years of its history, Johnson Lodge grew and prospered, but at the breaking out of the war internal dissensions arose, which, for a time, seriously interfered with the success of the society. Quite a number of members left the city, others voluntarily withdrew from the order, and as there was no accessions to make up the losses, the lodge eventually became weak in numbers, and at one time the propriety of surrendering the charter, was seriously contemplated. A few faithful ones con- tinued to meet, and, by their earnest efforts, succeeded in keeping aliye the organization. The year 1867, marked a new era in its history. At that time an interest was revived, old members re- turned, and a number of new members were initiated. With but little interruption, the spirit of progress has since continued, and the lodge is now in a health} - condition numerically and financially, the present membership being seventy-two. The present hall was built by the lodge at a cost of $2,000. It is a well-arranged and commodious room, with the necessary ante-rooms, and occupies the third story of a large brick building, on Jefferson Street. The lodge has cash at interest to the amount of $1,500, The following are the names of the officers for 18S8: John C. McXutt, N. G. ; Samuel T. Fowler, V. G. ; S. C. Brown, secretary; Albert B. La- grange, treasurer; Henry N. Dunlap, conductor: George Turpin, warden; S. A. Bright, chaplain; W. H. McCoy, R. S. to N. G.; W. W. Long, L. S. to N. G.; Ed. Moorehouse, I. G.; S. Buck, O. G.; Mort Rollins, R. S. S.; Jacob Holstein, L. S. S.; William Riddle, R. S. to V. G.; C. N. Craig, L. S. to V. G. TOWNS. 523 Hesperian Lodge JSTo. T2, K.ofP*. — This lodge was instituted November 10, 1S70, with ten charter members. The officers were: John Hogarth Lozier, V. P.; Samuel P. Oyler, W. C; W. L. Dunlap, V. C; J. F. Jelleff, R. and C. S.; R. B. Crane, F. S.; J. Beard, B.; J. Bice, G. 1 Levi Springer, I. S.; James C. Dunlap, O. G. The instituting officer was Charles P. Carty, G. R. and C. S., assisted bv acting grand officers John B. Ryan, G. G.; J. W. Smithers, G. V. C; W. H. Short, G. R. and C. S.; and W. H. Rail, G. I. S. The duties of the other positions were per- formed by the same officers. The name Hesperian was proposed by the V. P. J. H. Lozier, and unanimously adopted. The first person admitted as a member after the first meeting, was J. Frank Pusev, who is still a member of the lodge. Of the charter mem- bers, five brothers, Beard, Oyler, Jelleff, William L. and J. C. Dun- lap, remain. The others have located elsewhere, and some are not now members of an}- lodge. At the January session of the G. L., in 187 1, brothers Lozier, Oyler, Beard, W. L. Dunlap, Jelleff and Crane, received the rank of P. C, in accordance with the laws then in force. The first representative was J. H. Lozier, and John Beard was the first P. C, recognized by the G. L. for any official po- sition. At the same session of the G. L., at which he was ad- mitted, W. Hazzleton, G. C, appointed him as G. I. S. J. H. Lozier was afterward elected as a P. G. C. ; Samuel Oyler be- came such by virtue of his service, and William L. Dunlap became Junior P. G. C. at the end of his term as G. C. Number 1 2 had an uninterrupted growth until the financial panic of 1873-5 struck the countrv and the lodge at the same time. From that time a season of adversity continued for about five years. In the meantime, Indianapolis Division No. 2, of the uniform rank, which had been organized with C. J. Many as commander, hearing of the demoralized condition of No. 12, gave an entertainment in Franklin for the benefit of the lodge. From that time the real prosperity of the lodge began : petitions began to pour in three and five at a time, and scarcely a meeting passed for more than a year after at which applications were not received. The lodge has made commendable progress, and is now free from debt, with an active membership of 174. The large and commodious hall on East Court Street, in which meetings are held, was purchased in 1881; it is in size, 50x70 feet, elegantly furnished, and with other lodge property, represents a value of $1,500. But few deaths have occurred since the organization, and but little sickness has afflicted the brethren. They are a healthy and hardy set of men, and no one who has seen them in rank and file "From history of the order in Indiana. 524 JOHNSON COUNTY. would have a contrary opinion after witnessing their parades. J. F. Jelleff, P. C, has always been considered the father of the lodge. Others especially prominent in lodge affairs during the early days of its history, were: J. C. Dunlap, John Beard, Samuel P. Oyler, and Rev. John Hogarth Lozier, the last two being men of wide reputation throughout the United States. The officers of Hesperian Lodge for the term ending Decem- ber, 1S8S, are: Robert A. Brown, P. C. ; Benjamin P. Brown, C.C.; William Featheringill, V. C; J. B. Payne, prelate; W. E. Lane, K. of R. S.; James R. Fleming, M. of E.; Harry Duncan, M. of F.; J. A. Swem, M. at A.; Joseph P. Smith, I. G. ; John Jackson, O. G. Present membership, 174. Sam Oyler Division JVo. 29, Uniform Rank K. of P., a higher degree of the order, was instituted August, 18S6, with twenty-eight members, a number which has since increased to thirty-four. This is one of the best disciplined divisions of the Fourth Regiment Indiana Brigade, and stands second to no other division in the state. It is composed of the leading young men of Franklin, and is an organization in which the city, as well as the lodge, feels just pride. The officers for 1888 are: John H. Tarlton, sir knight captain: Samuel B. Eccles, S. K. Lt. ; Benjamin P. Brown, S. K. herald; Jesse Overstreet, S. K. G.: Elmer Walker, S. K. S.; Will- iam Featheringill, S. K. recorder; I. L. Duncan, S. K. treas.; J. M. Store}', inspector general, and Dr. D. H. Miller, surgeon of the Fourth Regiment, are members of Division No. 29. Knights of Honor. — Franklin Lodge No. 1726, was insti- tuted August 12, 1880, and chartered on the 19th day of the same month, with the following members: H. C. Allison. Milton G. Alexander, S. C. Brown, John F. Bullock, Rufus D. Black, John Carson, Samuel H. Clem, George G. Creasv, William L. Dunlap, Homer J. Hall, Richard M. Johnson, John H. Martin, William H. McLaughlin, William O. Peters, Edward W. Pierce, John M. Rosen- burg, William H. Smith, A. Shaffer, John C. Wood and Samuel Yager. The organization is in a flourishing condition, numbering at this time twenty-three members. There has been but a single death in the lodge since its organization. Robinson Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor, was instituted April 13, 1881, by Grand Protector Robinson, with twenty-one members, a number which has since increased to thirty. The officers are: Green, protector: Joseph McKane, V.P.; Mrs. N.J. McGlade, chaplain: Mrs. N. Brown, P.P.; Edward King, guide; Nicholas Brown, sentinel: P. II. McGlade, guard. Knights of Labor, Assembly No. 10028, was instituted in Franklin, September, 1S87, with twenty-seven charter members. TOWNS. 525 While not as strong numerically as formerly, the assembly is still in the enjoyment of a reasonable degree of prosperty, numbering among its members some of the leading laboring men of the city. Franklin Lodge JVb. 100, I. O. G. T., was organized October, 18S6, with thirty-two charter members. The first officers were: Edward Baney, W. C. T.; P. H. McGlade, P. W. C. T.; Mrs. James Moody, W. V. T.; Elijah Sexton, treasurer; W. A. Car- penter, secretary; Mrs. W. A. Carpenter, financial secretary; Rev. Mr. Bright, chaplain; William Phillips, marshal, and Thomas Foley, lodge deputy. Present officers: Gabriel Moran, W. C. T.; Mrs. Emma Foley, P. W. C. T.; Lizzie Solenberg, W. V. T.; Frank Fowler, chaplain; Alonzo Bergen, secretary; Jane Misner, financial secretary; Edward King, marshal, and Stephen Gooden, L. D. (i. A. R. — A Grand Army Post No. 1, of the district of John- son, was instituted in Franklin, on the 28th day of August, 1866, with the following charter members, to-wit: John R. Fessler, Will- iam S. Young, Thomas B. Wood, James C. Dunlap, S. W. Mar- tin. Robert S. Parr, H. P. Mullikin and Freeman P. Williams. S. W. Martin was chosen commander, and for about two years the post grew and prospered, the roster at one time containing the names of about seventy members. Later, dissensions arose, which, with a general lack of interest on the part of the members, finally led to the disorganization of the post. WadsworthPostNo. 127, was organized December 9, 1882, with seventeen members, whose names are as follows: Charles Ryker, W. M. Connor, G. M. Overstreet, Jr., II. H. Luyster, Adrian Shaffer, W. S. Young, S. C. Brown, James M. Brown,~W. D. Voris, W. C. West, H. S. Bvers, Jr., George C. Whitlock, Thomas Flinn, James M. Bone, D. H. Miller, Henry King and S. C. Dunn, Jr. First officers: G. M. Overstreet, post commander; W. M. Connor, S. V. C; W. D. Voris, J. V. C; S. C. Brown, O. D.; W. C.,West, O. G. ; Charles Ryker, chaplain ; D. H. Miller, surgeon ; W. S. Young, Q. M., and H. S. Byers, adjutant. The post has steadily increased in membership, the names upon the roster at this time (18S8), being considerably in excess of 100. It is the leading post in John- son County, and one of the most prosperous and best disciplined in this congressional district. The following are the officers for the year 1888, to-wit: Dr. W. C. Hall, commander; M. D. Adams, S. V. C; Cyrus Drake, J. V. C; T. B. Wood, adjutant; J. M. Storey, Q. M.; J. C. Dunn, O. D.; R. Coons, O. G.; Robert Mitch- ell, I. G.; L. Rosburst, surgeon; John Fossett, chaplain; David Dahoney, O.: D. D. Walden, Q. M. S., and Wesley Drake, S. M. Wadsworth Women's Relief Corps No. 59, was organized July 526 JOHNSON COUNTY. 10, 1SS7. with twenty members. The officers are : Lydia Brown,, president: Margaret Green. S. V. P.: Julia Dunlap, J. V. P.; Mary Luyster, chaplain ; Mai. Hall, treasurer; Lucia Storey, secretary: Ida Overstreet, conductor: Macia Knohe, assistant conductor; La- vina Brown, guard; and Maggie McCaslin, assistant guard. The corps has now an active membership of twenty-six. Building, Loan and Saving . Association, of Franklin, was or- ganized under an act of the General Assembly, providing for such associations, and incorporated May 28, 1S83, with the following stockholders: J. C. Smith, Isaac McLaughlin, W. M. Neal, Charles Bvtield, John H. Tarleton, Henry Holt, W. H. McLaughlin, N. C. Allison, J. M. Dunlap, C. W. McDaniel, B. P. Brown and R. M. Johnson. The objects of the association as stated in the articles of incorporation, are as follows : the " accumulation of funds from the savings of its members, to be loaned among themselves and such other persons as the board of directors determine, for use in buying houses and lots and making such other investments as they may deem advisable." The capital stock was fixed at $200,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $200 each, the same to be managed by a board of directors elected by the association. The association has proved very successful, and quite a number of buildings, principally dwel- lings, have been erected during the last five years. Women's Christian Temperance Union. — A potent factor in developing the temperance sentiment in Franklin, is the Women's Christian Temperance Union, organized in the fall of 1885, with about ten or twelve members. Mrs. Mary Hamilton! was the first president. Since its organization, the membership of the societv has largely increased, numbering at this time, thirty-rive. It is composed of the best ladies of the city, who will, no doubt accomplish the good for which this organization was designed. Meetings are held semi-monthly, at the headquarters in the base- ment of the court house, and a course of literary entertainments relating to the subject of temperance is sustained. The officers for iSSS, are as follows: president, Mrs. Nellie Dungan: vice presidents, Mrs. Anna Reece, Mrs. Mollie Dupont, Miss Eva Jones, Mrs. R. ]. Thompson and Mrs. Henry fivers; secretary, Mrs. Lizzie Dunlap: treasurer, Mrs. Fannie Bergen. Present Business. — Dry Goods: Dittmars & Voris, J. L. Jones, MeXaugton Bros., E. R. Wyrick. Clothiers: Xort Whitesides and A. J. Finegold. Groceries: L. W. Knobe. Henry Strickler. J. C. Smith, J. C. Dunlap, George M. Israel, J. R. Fleming, W. W. Long. A. A. Blizzard, A. B. Lagrange, I- X. Lagrange, H. M. Lefferson. Drugs: W. B. McCollough, Samuel Eccles, D. H. Miller, Robert Wood, Donnell & 'Son. Hardware: J. M. Storey, TOWNS. 527 Smith & Telson. Boots and Shoes: Younce & McLaughlin. E. R. Moore, James Gilson, Daniel Davis, Demaree & Draper, A. White- sides, Henry Wyle. Books and Stationery: Yager & McCoy. Agricultural Implements: Duncan & Byers, Jacob Mullendore, Branigin & Tucker. Furniture : E. P. Randall, Dudley Peak. Notions: Baumgart and Axt. Jewelers: P. H. McGlade, Charles Beck, H. Bishop, Charles Frame. Merchant Tailors: A. Carpen- ter, Young & Kelley, H. Hieronymous. Harness: Alonzo Bergen, A. Shaffer, Frank Snow. Meat Markets: Brown & Son, McColly, William Drake & Son, Randel & Fisher. Millinery : Mrs. Ram- dall. McCollough & Todd, Lizzie Hazlett, Mrs. Henikin, M. Reese, Mrs. Caslin. Livery: James Lee, M. Hazlett, A. G. Vance, Jud Stewart. Dealers in Coal: J. M. Dunlap, A. B. Colton. Restaur- ants: Jordan & Pettiford, Hellerick & Wilson, Skoski. Pho- tographer: A. G. Hicks. Feed and Wood: William Chambers. Undertaking: William Brown. Saloons: Crockett Pierce, Smile)', John Craig, Hellerick & Wilson, Jeff McClain, William Stewart, William Hays. Sewing Machines: W. Mendenhall, W. Lamasters. Cigars and Tobacco: James V. Sebern, Jefferv, the latter manufactures cigars. Horse Dealers: Jacobs Bros. Horse and Cattle Dealers: Powell & Powell. Marble Works: McCol- lough & Todd, William Green. ^Carriage Makers: Hite and Clark. Poultry Dealer: A. Green. Edinburg. — Situated in the southern part of Blue River Town- ship, on the J., M. & I. Railroad, near the boundan' lines of Shelby and Bartholomew counties, is the city of Edinburg, the second place in commercial importance in Johnson County. In the midst of an exte nsive district unsurpassed for fertility of its soil, and sur- rounded by large and well improved farms, the owners of which have become rich and prosperous, Edinburg has become the cen- ter of trade for a large community, and has attained prominent rank in commercial matters among the towns of central and south- ern Indiana. Occupying, as it does, a beautiful site on the bank of Blue River, and encompassed by a flourishing agricultural region, it seems to have obtained the kindest favors of fortune. The history of the town dates from the earliest settlement of the county, and upon its site were made some of the first improvements ever attempted in Johnson County. Among the earliest settlers in the village and vicinity, are remembered John Campbell, who located about half a mile to the southeast; Adam Mowe across the line in Bartholomew County; Isaac Collier, John Adams. Lewis Jiishop, and Alexander Thompson, on the site of the town, all of whom came to the county as early as the year 1S21. John Holland came in the latter part of 1S21, or early in 1^22, and located a home 528 JOHNSON" COUNTY. within the present limits of the town, and about the same time Joshua Palmer settled a short distance west of the village, and be- came the owner of land. The town is situated in Section 34, Town 1 1 north, Range 5 east, and occupies parts of the tracts of land purchased from the government in 1820, by Alexander Thompson, John Campbell, and Abram Lee. " It is uncertain," says Judge Banta, " when the town of Edin- burg was laid out; but from all the evidence that has been adduced, it would seem it could not have been later than in the spring of 1822. It is hard to reconcile this date with certain records* in ex- istence, but so many of the old men, during the past twenty years, have asserted their confidence in a date not later than the one given, that it would seem to be safe to follow it. Lewis Bishop and Alexander Thompson were the proprietors of the place. They early saw that a town would be a necessity to the country which was destined to grow up around them within a few years, and de- termined that the necessity should be supplied on the banks of Blue River. The lands surrounding it for many miles were of the finest quality, and the ' rapids ' in Blue River afforded a splendid mill site, and so the town was located." The original plat, consisting of twenty-seven blocks, sixty-three lots, was filed for record in the yt^ir 1825. The part laid out by Lewis Bishop lies in the southwest corner of the east half, north- west quarter of Section 34, Township 11 north, Range 5 east, and the part laid out by Alexander Thompson, lies in the northeast cor- ner of the west half, southwest quarter of the same section. Sub- sequently the plat was enlarged by addition, by William Hunt and Isaac Collier, and the whole, consisting of 1 1 1 lots, was recorded on the 26th day of April, 1S34. The P^ at > as recorded, shows the following streets running east and west: Plumb, fiftv feet wide: Main Cross, sixty feet; Center Cross, thirty feet, and Campbell, fiftv feet. The streets running north and south are: Main, sixtv- nine feet wide; Pleasant, fifty feet; Walnut, forty-seven feet, and Holland, thirty-six feet. Says Judge Banta: " The new town seems to have had recog- nition from the start. Booth and Newby, merchants, in Salem, Ind., determined on opening a stock of goods, suitable to the wants of the back-woods, at some point on Blue River, and selected Edin- burg as the place. Alexander Thompson was accordinglv em- ployed to build them a suitable store-room for the purpose, which he did in 1822."' The house was a diminutive log structure, and stood about eight}' feet south of Main Cross, on Main Street, and in the fall of the year, William R. Henslev. agent for Booth & Newby, brought a boat load of goods up the Blue River, to the TOWNS. 529 mouth of Sugar Creek, and on Sunday the hoys went down and carried the goods up to the store on their shoulders. This was the first stock of goods exposed for sale in both township and county. Mr. Hensley appears to have carried on a fairly successful busi- ness for some vears, exchanging his merchandise for such articles of traffic as the county afforded, such as ginseng, deer skins, deer hams, etc., large quantities of which he hauled to Salem, thence they were marketed at Louisville and other points on the Ohio. In the meantime, other improvements were being pushed forward, and "by the fall of 1822, the village contained four families, whose log cabins were scattered over a considerable tract of ground in the midst of the native forest." Among the earliest residences erected in the new town, were those of Isaac Collier, and John Adams, on Main Cross Street. Patrick Cowen on Main Street, Gavin Mitchell, where the Central Hotel now stands, and James Thompson on Walnut Street. These were all log buildings of the most primitive pattern, and were fin- ished with lumber, manufactured by the old whip saw process. Between the years 1823 and 1830, the following persons secured lots and became residents of the town : John Bishop, Hiram Smith, Thomas Hewson, John Givens, T. Pittman, Israel Watts, J. Hunt, John McGinnis, W. C. Cline, W. Martin, H. Jerrell, G. Earlywine, John Englebright, P. Runkle, N. Ritchey, Otto Lyman and others, the majority of whom improved their respective purchases, by erecting dwellings and other buildings. The second in the place was opened about the year 1825, by Israel Watts, who offered for sale a miscellaneous assortment of merchandise in a small frame building on the west side of Main Street, which had been erected the year previous. A little later Otto Lyman and John Givens engaged in merchandising in a small building, which stood on the lot now occupied by Thompson's Bank, corner of Main and Main Cross streets. The building had been previously used for a cabi- net shop by William Cline, an early settler in the town, and one of the first mechanics. Messrs. Lyman and Givens put up an addition to the house and for a period of five or six years carried on a very successful business. Booth & Newbv continued their store about ten years, and in July, 1826, Messrs. Gwinn & Washburn, began merchandising. George B. Holland went into business in July, 1828, and a little later Austin Shipp and Timothy Threlkeld were licensed to vend merchandise, and about the same time Simon Abbott " in addition to the right to retail " foreign and domestic goods " added spirituous liquors also." These mercantile establishments were highly prized by the early settlers, as the nearest market 53° JOHNSON COUNTY. place, prior to the founding of Edinburg, was Madison, a distance of fifty-six miles. The first mechanic in Edinburg, was Benjamin Collier who erected a blacksmith shop, where the Moffet Bros, drug store now stands, Main Cross street, as early as the year 1824. He was a Pennsvlvanian, but came here from Ohio, and did the principal part of the work in his line, for several years, earning the reputa- tion of a skillful mechanic. lie subsequently abandoned black- smithing and engaged in the milling business, being the pioneer mill builder of Johnson County. As already stated, William Cline was an early mechanic. lie settled in the village about the year 1823, and at once erected a small cabinet shop, and engaged in the manufacture of furniture. He was an expert workman and soon found ample opportunities for the exercise of his skill, in making chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, etc., for the early settlers, the majority of whom, previous to his arrival, were content to put up with furni- ture of their own rough manufacture. Mr. Cline's business increas- ing, he was soon compelled to hire additional help, and for a year or two gave employment to one or two hands. George Earlywine was perhaps the second blacksmith, he came as early as 1827, pur- chased lot No. 1, in Hunt's addition, and worked at his trade for several years. The growth of Edinburg during the first eight or ten years of its history, was quite slow, to account for which several reasons have been cited. Prominent among these reasons was the wild and unsettled condition of the county, and the prevalence of sick- ness which periodically visited the few settlers along the various water courses. Many of the pioneers suffered severely from vari- ous forms of malarial diseases. Considering the condition of the county this could hardly have been otherwise. "The soil largely composed of decaying vegetable matter was shut out from the healthful sunshine by the dense shade of an almost unbroken forest, and being saturated with moisture, it was a fruitful source of aerial poison." Blue River, obstructed by fallen trees and an accumula- tion of driftwood, becoming little better than a stagnant pond in the heat of the summer months, added largely to the other sources of disease. The new comers thus exposed were poorly housed, and were too often careless of even the protection they might have had. The water they drank was often but little better than the drainage of the surface, and their diet was limited in variety, and frequently confined to articles not at all promotive of health. Under these cir- cumstances it is not at all surprising that Edinburg and vicinity, early acquired the reputation of a sickly climate. But a few years TOWNS. 53I of well directed industry served to remove these fruitful sources of disease. The channel of the river was cleared, drifts were burned, and the dense growth of weeds and wild pea-vines destroyed by cultivation of the soil. The removal of these various causes of disease had a gratifying effect upon the village, and it early became the nucleus of a very flourishing settlement, as well as the chief source of supplies and distributing point for a large area of Johnson, Shelbv, Bartholomew and Brown counties. The growth of the town during the first twenty years of its history, however, was quite slow, but as the population of the coun- try increased, business grew and developed with the demands of the times. According to the statement of a well-known fbcal au- thority, the town, in 1845, numbered about 250 inhabitants, but the construction of the Madison Railroad that year, gave new life to the place, and within a comparatively short time, the population was increased more than two fold. The road marked an important era in the history of the village, and it soon became the distributing point for a large number of towns in central and southern Indiana, among which were Danville, Mooresville, Gosport, Spencer, Bloom- ington, Shelbyville, Knightstown, and other villages between In- dianapolis and Louisville. It early became the leading grain and pork market of the central part of the state, and as a mercantile point was for some years the principal place of traffic between In- dianapolis and the Ohio River. During its period of prosperity, the merchants found it exceedingly difficult to keep up their stock, and from thirty to forty wagons could be seen in a single clay unloading goods, grain, etc., at the stores and warehouses. This spirit of prosperity continued several years, but eventually subsided, owing to the completion of the railroad to Indianapolis, and the consequent gravitation of trade to that city. To go back to the beginning of the town and give a true detail of its various business enterprises, where they commenced, and by whom conducted, is a task beyond the power of the writer to ac- complish. Several mercantile establishments were opened in an early day, and, in addition to the business men already mentioned, the following may be classed among the leading merchants from 1836 to a later date, to-wit: A. C. Thompson, Harvey Lewis, Thompson, Fogarty & Givens, Austin Shipp, John Walsh, Frost & Valentine, J. C. Valentine, Walsh & Deming, and Walsh & Ser- geant. Incorporation. — Of the original incorporation of Edinburg, but lit- tle is now known, as the earl)' records of the town are not accessible. It is supposed to have been effected as long ago as 1835, under the law governing the incorporation of towns and villages, but the 34 532 JOHNSON COUNTY. local chronicler is authority for the statement that it failed to meet the approbation of the people, and consequently was abandoned, after a few years' trial. It was afterward revived, and under wise municipal regulations, the town has since grown and prospered. The interests of the little citv are looked after and iroverned bv a board of trustees, a marshal, clerk, treasurer and attorney. The officers at this time (1888), are as follows: trustees, A. W. Win- terberg, J. D. Fee, and Nathaniel Mowney; marshal, George Roth: clerk, Matthew Duckworth: treasurer, Thomas L. Richard- son; attorney, James H. Dorsey. The Postqffice. — It was a strange and pathetic sentence of Dr. Johnson, when he said: " We shall receive no letters in the grave." There is no power in that silent domain to appoint postmasters: no communication open, and no mail contracts can be made with the proprietor of the grim passenger boat. The Edinburg office was established as early as the year 1823 or 1824, with Gavin Mitchell as postmaster. It is said that for safe keeping, he carried the few letters that came to the village in his hat, and would frequently deliver them at church, the only occasion when the settlers of the community would congregate. This fact led a local poet of a later day, to apostrophize somewhat after the following fashion: The post office too, is wonderful now, With its lock boxes and that; Why I can easily remenber just how Mitchell carried the thing in his hat. Hotels. — Among the earliest improvements of Edinburg, was the pioneer inn which only differed from the ordinary cabin of the settler, in that its hospitalities were dispensed to the traveling pub- lic at a stipulated price. The presence of numerous land buyers and home-seekers rendered places of entertainment necessary, and to accommodate all such, Thomas Carter, as early as 1826, received license from the board of county justices, to keep a tavern in the village of Edinburg. At the March term of 1827, Patrick Cowen received the like privilege, and in May following, Louis Bishop took out a license. About this time, or perhaps a little earlier, one David Stipp, appears as a tavern keeper in a small building which stood on West Main Street. Another early hotel stood on the lot now occupied by the residence of Mrs. Robbins. W. P. Sims, about the year 1S46, built a large frame hotel on the corner of Walnut and Thompson streets, which, for a number of years, was the principal place of public entertainment in the town. The Gait House, a two-story frame building, east of the depot, was built some time in the forties, by Joseph Hagerman, who ran it success- towns. 533 fully several years. It has been used for hotel purposes ever since, and is now kept by Mrs. Armstrong. The Central Hotel, the leading house in the city at this time, was built a number of years ago by J. L. Toner, who originally designed it for a business house. It is a large three-story brick structure, conveniently located near the depot, on Main Cross Street, and has the reputation of being one of the best stopping places in Johnson County. The building was converted into a hotel several years ago by John Snepp, who purchased the property for the purpose, leased it to Joseph Cox, who was the first landlord. Mr. Strahmier succeeded Cox and ministered to the traveling public a short time. The building was afterward purchased by Thompson & Mutz, who remodeled it at considerable expense — adding all the necessary modern improve- ments. The present landlord is M. R. Coleman. Industries. — In the year 1826 or 1S27, James Thompson availed himself of the splendid water-power on Blue River opposite Edin- burg, and took steps to secure the right to erect a mill at that place. A jury, summoned under the law, made the condemnation required, and immediately thereafter Mr. Thompson, in partnership with Isaac Collier, commenced building a saw- and flouring-mill, which was soon completed and in operation. This mill was highly prized by the citizens of the village, and for a number of years furnished nearly all of the flour and lumber used by early settlers of a large area of Johnson, Shelby and Bartholomew counties. Mr. Thomp- son's business proved remunerative from the beginning, and, in order to supply the great demand created by the constantly in- creasing population of the country, he was afterward obliged to enlarge his facilities for grinding and sawing. This he did about the year 1835 by rebuilding and thorough!}' remodeling the mill, and supplying it with new and improved machinery. He continued the business with success and financial profit until 1S50, at which time it became apparent that a mill of larger capacity was required to meet the demands of the trade. Accordingly, in that year, he erected a large four-story, brick structure about fifty feet from the old building, and began the manufacture of flour upon a more ex- tensive scale. This was the largest and best mill in Johnson County, and one of the best at that time in the state. After oper- ating it for a few years, Mr. Thompson rented the mill to his sons, and, later, John A. Thompson purchased the property and became sole proprietor. Under the management of the latter the business rapidly increased, and during the war the annual sales amounted to over $30,000, a part of which was realized from flour furnished the Government. The business of the mill continued to increase in the years that followed, and during the interim between 1866 and 534 JOHNSON COUNTY. 1S72, a larger amount of flour was shipped from Edinburg than from any other town in southern Indiana. In the latter year the mill was entirely destroyed by fire, entailing a loss upon Mr. Thompson of over $60,000. Mr. Thompson immediately rebuilt a much larger mill which, furnished with the latest improved ma- chinery for the manufacture of flour by the roller process, repre- sents a capital of over $100,000. The building is a large six-story brick and stone structure, the main part 50x80 feet in size, and is by far the largest and best mill in Johnson County, and one of the finest in the state. The capacity is 200 barrels per day, and the flour, which has a wide reputation for its superior quality, is shipped to all parts of the United States. Mr. Thompson operated the mill until his death, since which time the business has been man- aged by members of his family. Distil/cries. — Among the earliest industries of Edinburg, was a distillery, a short distance north of the town, erected as long ago as the year 1835, by Otto .Layman. He invested considerable capi- tal in the business, and manufactured a good brand of whisky, which was marketed by wagon at Louisville to Cincinnati and other points on the Ohio. Owing to the small price of whiskey, and the cost required to put it upon the market, Mr. Lyman's ven- ture did not prove financially remunerative, and he was compelled to abandon the business about the year 1842. A second distillery was started about the year 1849 or 1850, by a stock company, which carried on a small business for some time, where the starch factory now stands. The enterprise afterward passed into the hands of Dellard, Ricketts & Co., who enlarged the buildings and increased the capacity, by supplying additional appliances for the manufacture. It was in operation until 1861, at which time the large stock of whisky was sold and the business abandoned. Tannery. — The early settlers of Johnson County were obliged to rely very largely upon their own resources for man}" articles of daily use, among which was leather. This was first manufactured in limited quantities, by the settlers themselves, but later, tanneries were started in various parts of the county, one of the first of which appears to have been located in Edinburg as early as 1837 or 1838, by Pulaski Runkle. Mr. Runkle made a good quality of leather, and followed the business with fair success for several years. He found ready sale for all he could manufacture, but soon abandoned the business on account of the low prices, occasioned by compet- ing tradesmen. Hominy Mill. — About the year 1857, Theodore Hudnut erected a mill in the southeastern part of the town, and began the manufact- ure of hominy. A Mr. Bradley afterward purchased an interest towns. 535 which he subsequently sold to M. C. Tilford, who, in partnership with Hudnut, under the firm name of Hudnut & Tilford, operated the null until its destruction by lire, some time in the sixties. After the fire a building on Main Street, opposite the Central Hotel, was secured, and supplied with the necessary machinery, and the manu- facture resumed by Mr. Tilford was continued some time longer. Mr. Tilford afterward abandoned the manufacture of hominy, and fitted up the mill for grinding flour, but was prevented from engag- ing in the latter enterprise by a large tire, which completely de- stroyed his building. In the meantime, Mr. Hudnut began the manufacture of hominy in Terre Haute, where he now has the largest mill of the kind in the west. A second hominy mill was erected in Edinburg in the year 1S71, by J. L. Toner, who invested $15,000 in the enterprise. The building is a substantial brick structure, stands on the east side of the railroad, and was used for the manufacture of hominy exclu- sively but a few years. Mr. Toner spared no money or pains to make the enterprise successful, but his business not coming up to his expectations, he finely abandoned it, and, in 18S3, sold the building to Thompson, Schooler & Co., who converted it into a flouring mill. This mill is now one of the best on the line of the J., M. & I. R. R. It is supplied with full roller machinery, manu- factures both flour and meal, and has a daily capacity of 150 barrels. The second flouring mill in Edinburg was erected early in the fifties, by Hall & Legate, who carried on a successful business until 1S65. It was then purchased by J. L. Toner, who enlarged the capacity to 150 barrels per day, and did a prosperous business until the building burned in 1871. The mill stood in the north- west part of the town, and was erected and completed at a cost of $2 3,000. Mr. Toner suffered a loss of $20,000 by the fire, half of which was covered by insurance. Woohn-mill. — A woolen-mill was built in Edinburg about the year 1863, by a stock company composed of citizens of the town. The buildings stood near the starch works, and the factory, when in operation, required the work of about seventy men. The articles manufactured consisted principally of jeans, yarns, flannels, blank- ets, satinets, for all of which there was a good demand, by the wholesale houses of Indianapolis, and other cities. The factory was in operation at Edinburg until about the year 1877, when the better to increase the business, the companv moved the machinery to Columbus, and used it as a factory at that city. A part of the old building is still standing, used by the starch factory. 536 JOHNSON COUNTY. Furniture Factory. — Not the least in the list of Edinburg's manufacturing enterprises in the past, was a furniture factory, es- tablished about the year 1868, by a stock company, under the name of the Edinburg Furniture Company. A capital, variouslv esti- mated at from $17,000 to $20,000, was invested, and a large two- story brick building, 50x70 feet in size, was erected on Main Cross Street, east of the railroad, and furnished with all the modern ma- chinery and appliances required by first-class establishments of the kind. The factory was established under the most, favorable aus- pices, and was soon running to its full capacity, giving employ- ment to about fortv skillful workmen, many of whom came from a distance. The original company sold out in 1870, to another com- pany composed of Lewis Nichle, David Mullendore and G. A. Mutz, who enlarged the facilities of the factory, and operated it very successfully until its destruction by fire in 1873. The loss to the company was about $16,000, only $6,000 of which was covered by insurance. Foundry. — A foundrv was started in Edinburg as early per- haps, as 1868, by a gentleman from Dayton, Ohio, name unknown, who erected for the purpose, a good building, a short distance west of the depot. It included a machine shop, and gave employment to several mechanics, whose principal work consisted in building threshing machines, and doing general repairing. It proved a re- markable addition to the manufacturing enterprises of the town, but like several factories and mills alluded to, was destroyed bv the fire fiend, after a few years' successful operation. Planing-mills. — The first movement in this direction was made some time in the sixties, by Charles Nicholson, who put up a two- story frame building east of the depot, which he operated as a planing-mill several years, and later, added machinery for the manufacture of sash, doors, mouldings and all kinds of building ma- terial. It was operated successfully for several years. Mr. Hors- ford, the present postmaster of the town, operated a planing-mill for some time, and in connection therewith, did a fairly successful business for about six months, manufacturing pearl and cracked wheat. ■Maley cf- Co.'t Sir.:- and Planing-mill. — Prominent among the manufacturers and lumber dealers of Indiana, is Henry Maley, who beiran the saw-milling business in Edinburtr about the year O l> o 1N7S. After operating his mill until 18S3, he effected a partner- ship with Jacob Mahley, under the firm name of Henry Maley & Co., which soon became widely and favorablv known as one of the most successful lumber firms doing business on the J., M. & I. Railroad. The first mill was burned in 1886, and as soon there- towns. 537 after as circumstances would permit, a second mill was erected, which at this time, is bv far the largest and most successful enter- prise of the kind in Johnson Count}'. A brick planing-miU was afterward built which, with the saw-mill, gives employment to about thirty hands. In addition to the production of their own mill, the company operate a large lumber yard, to supply which requires nearly all the lumber manufactured by twelve other mills in differ- ent parts of the count}-. Large shipments are made to the New England states, principallv to Boston, in which city the company have an agent who does an extensive business. The enterprise at Edinburg represents a capital of nearly $100,000, and is justly ranked as one of the largest and most prosperous manufacturing enterprises of Johnson County. Machine Shop, Payne Bros. — This enterprise was established about the year 18S4, by D. J. Elliott, who operated for two years as a repair shop, selling out at the end of that time to E. Payne & Bro. In addition to repairing all kinds of machinery, the firm is now preparing to make machinerv, and will soon enlarge the build- ing for the purpose. Thev are first class machanics, and the shop promises to remain a pernament fixture to the town. The Edinburg' Pump Factory was established in 1888, and although in its infancy, bids fare to become one of the leading manu- factory establishments of the place. Preparations are being made to erect a suitable building, and the indications point to a large and successful business. Several men are employed, and the pumps which, for simplicity and durability, cannot be excelled, have already won a good reputation among dealers. Edinburg Pulley Factory, one of the latest manufacturing enterprises of the town, was established in 1888, by a stock company, for the manufacture of a late improved wooden pulley, invented by William R. Fee. The company is composed of well-known busi- ness men, and a large amount of capital has already been invested. The brick building east of the depot, formerly used for a planing- mill, has been secured, and filled with the necessary machinery, and a number of skillful mechanics, under the personal superintendence of Mr. Fee, have already more than they can do to fill orders from all parts of the country. Blue River Starch Works. — This mammoth enterprise, one of the largest and most successful of the kind in the United States, dates its history from the year 1S68. It was established bv a stock company, composed of Samuel Cutsinger, M. C. Tilford, E. K. Horsford and Joseph Fisher, who jointly invested in the undertak- ing about $40,000. The business proved successful beyond the company's most hopeful expectations, and but few years elapsed 538 JOHNSON COUNTY. until it became necessary to enlarge the facilities of the works in order to supply the great demand which the starch created in the markets. The buildings were enlarged and otherwise improved from time to time, new machinery was added, and the factory soon became the largest of the kind in the state. In April. 1885. the buildings caught fire and were burned to the ground, entailing a loss upon the companj' of about $75,000. They were at once replaced by larger and better buildings, in which a capital of $90,000 was invested. The main structure is brick, two stories, 300x150 feet in size. The warehouse is 40x100 feet, besides which there are sev- eral large corn cribs, sheds, and an office separate and apart from the factory. Various changes have been made in the company from time to time, Samuel Cutsinger being the only one of the original stockholders now connected with the enterprise. The orig- inal capacity of the mill was 400 bushels of corn per day, and at the time of its destruction in 1885, 1,000 bushels were required each day. The capacity at this time is 1,500 bushels per day, or nearly 500,000 bushels per year, which represents 7,500,000 pounds of starch as the yearly product of the factor}'. To manufacture this enormous amount, the work of seventy men is required. Shipments are made to all parts of the United States, the best markets being in the eastern states where the company is repre- sented by agents. Edinburg Benevolent Society. — Impressed with a laudable desire to promote the moral welfare of the community, by providing a place of public worship in Edinburg, and feeling unable to accom- plish the work without a concert of action, the citizens of the vil- lage, pursuant to notice, assembled on the 22d day of September, 1833, for the purpose of adopting suitable plans and obtaining sub- scriptions for building a meeting house. At this meeting a propo- sition made by Jacob Beck, Esq., that a " Benevolent Society " be formed, was acted upon, after which an organization was effected and a constitution was adopted. The object of the society, as set forth in the constitution, " is to promote the cause of Christianity, and the happiness and comfort of ourselves and the rising genera- tion around, bv building a meeting house in or near Edinburg, for the use and benefit of all denominations, giving preference to none, and doing justice to all; and such other things as we may deem practicable and proper for the good of mankind in general, and es- pecially for the good of society around us." To carry out the object of the society, a building committee composed of the following persons, was appointed, to-wit: Judge Joseph Dawson, R. B. Treadway, Gavin Mitchell, D. D. Lawler, James Thompson, Israel Watts, Timothy R. Threlkeld, Jacob \ towns. 539 Barton, Isaac Marshall and John Lewis, and at an ensuing meeting, II. B. Hunt, Roland Williams. Jacob Barton, Jacob Beck and Nathan Kyle, were elected a board of trustees. Jacob Beck, James Thompson and John Lewis, were appointed a committee to draft plans for the proposed building. These were reported in due time, after which the contract was awarded to W. R. Farns- worth, who agreed to erect the house as per plans and specifica- tions, for the sum of $475. A lot on Main Street was purchased, and in due time a neat frame building was completed and ready for occupancy. It stood in the rear of Dr. Rush's office, and, until 1846, was the only house of worship in the town, having been used during that time by all denominations. It answered well the pur- poses for which it was intended, but ceased to be used as a meet- ing place after the erection of other houses of worship. The building is still standing, and is now used as a carpenter's shop. Secret Societies. — Freemasonry is represented in Edinburg by Edinburg Lodge No. 100, which was chartered on the 29th day of May, 1850. The original membership was quite small, but of the early history of the organization little was learned. It has enjoyed a fair measure of prosperity, and at this time numbers fifty mem- bers, whose names are as follows: Ephraim Adams, J. R. Bay, Israel Bay, J. A. Bland, I. D. Collier, J. S. Cox, Harry Coons, William Carney, G. W. Downs, J. C. Eagle, M. Fickle, J. A. Freese, P. M. Graves, James Hays, Samuel Hays, J. L. Hartley, M. W. Hubbard, W. M. Howell, J. B. Jackson, Joseph Johnson, W. F. Joyce, Thomas Kerr, W. W. Kerr, J. M. Kelly, J. T. Kelly, W. N. Kyle, George W. King, John Landis, Jacob Mutz, G. A. Mutz, J. D. McLain, Henry Maley, I. B. Nickey, Anton Otto, Luther Payne, J. A. Perry, A. R. Russell, Thomas L. Richardson, G. B. Ru'nkle. Martin Snepp, H. M. Scholler, William Threlkeld, J. A. Thompson, J. W. Turner, J. C. Valentine, J. H. Vaughan, A. W. Winterberg, V. Wetzell and II. C. White. Officers for 1S8S: W. F. Joyce, W. M.; J. T. Kelly, S. W.; J. A. Freese, J. W.; A. W. Winterberg, treas.; Thomas Kerr, sec: G. W. Downs, S. D.; I. B. Nickey, J. D.: J. A. Perry, tyler; J. D. McLain and W. W. Hubbard, stewards. Odd Fellowship, the younger sister of Masonry, and scarcely second in its beneficent influences upon mankind, was first known in Edinburg, in March, 1S50, at which time Herndon Lodge No. 95, was instituted under a dispensation from the Grand Master of Indiana. A charter was granted in July of that year, and the members whose names appear first upon the records, are the fol- lowing: I. S. Jelf, Stewart Wilson, Edward M. Hubert, A Clark, I. I. Hunt, I. P. Shipp, Ephraim Adams, I. R. Hancock, A. J. 540 JOHNSON COUNTY. Alexander, Peter Delony, John Wallace, Samuel R. Collier, and George W. Grayson. Among those who became members a little later may be named: Adam Mutz, James E. McGuire, William P. Pudney, William McCartney, Henry Pudney, Robert Chase, and S. H. Steinbarger, all of whom were initiated within one year after the lodge was instituted. Until 1885, meetings were held in a rented hall, on Holland Street, but in that year the third story of Thompson's large brick business house, on the corner of Walnut and Main Cross streets was purchased, and fitted up for lodge purposes. This is now the finest lodge room in the county, being handsomely furnished and elegantly frescoed, the latter work costing several hundred dollars. Herndon Lodge has had a career of great pros- perity, and it is still in a very flourishing condition, numbering among its members many of the leading citizens of the city and adjacent country. Knights of Pythias. — This order is represented in Edinburg by Fidelity Lodge No. 42, which was instituted on the 12th day of January, 1874. Thirty-eight names appear on the original application for a dispensation, but onlv eighteen became charter members of Fidelity lodge. The first officers were: George W. Downs, P. C; Charles O. Lehman, C. C. ; Thomas White, V. C; George A. Mutz, P.; William R. Strawn, K. of R. and S.; Thomas E. Valentine, M. of F.: John C. Kelley, M. of E.; Harris H. Pin- ney, M. at A.: David Mullindore, I. G., and John H. Breeding, O. G. Other members: Mark G. Deming, William A. McNaughton, John T. Bennett, Charles C. Winterberg, John Gebhart, Edward Fields, Edward Strahmier and Charles W. Snow. The lodge has moved along uninterruptedly, nothing having oc- curred in its history that would be unusually interesting in general. The local history of the lodge is, of course, pleasant in its recollec- tions. The present membership exceeds the average, and is com- posed of the representative men of the town. Prominent among these are, past chancellors W. C. Wilson and George W. Downs, the latter, the first representative of No. 42. All members of the grand lodge who have attended its sessions for the last few years, know brother Wilson. His connection with the standing-committees of finance and accounts, state of the order, and others, and also his ability as a debater and public speaker, have given him much prominence in the grand lodge. C. O. Lehman, a former P. C. of the lodge, but now a non-resident, also attained considerable reputation in the grand lodge. He was an active member, and held office as one of three grand lodge trustees, consecutively from 1878 to 1881. R. M. Kelly Post No. 21J, G. A. P., was organized August TOWNS. 54I 3, 1S83, by Isom Griffin and others, of the Columbus Post, with the following- charter members: Isaac Iloleman, Francis Myers, W. C. Prather, Jacob D. Fee, James R. Sharp, Charles R. P. Wolf, Charles W. Lee, E. II. Thompson, J. B. Nickey, J. D. Breeding, J. C. Freese, O. R. Johnson, Leander Stater, John McCoy, Jeremiah Applegate, George W. Barker, James T. Wicker, R. S. Rawlins, Samuel McCrea, William Nicholson and William McCallister. The first officers were J. C. Freese, P. C. ; Leander Stater, S. V. C; E. H. Thompson, J. V. C; J. D. Breed- ing, Q. M. ; W. C. Prather, surgeon; C. W. Lee, chaplain; A. W. Winterberg, O. D.; J. B. Nickey, O. G.; J. R. Sharp, adjutant; J. D. Fee, S. M., and Charles A.'P. Wolf, Q. M. S. At one time the post numbered ninety-three members, and was one of the strongest and best disciplined organizations of the kind in Johnson County. The membership has been greatly decreased by re- movals, the roster at this time showing the names of only forty belonging. It is in a prosperous condition, however, and has be- fore it a promising future. United Order of Honor. — A lodge of the U. O. EL, was in- stituted at Edinburg on the 15th da)' of May, 1885, with the fol- lowing charter members: S. L. Burton, J. T. Burton, John M. Tindel, E. M. Hardv, M. R. Coleman, Rose B. Hardy, Leonard Compton, Elijah Dehart, M. H. Mitchell, C. E. Whitesides, O. R. Stivers, William C. Caruthers, Frank G. Dodge, May J. Kinsey, J. W. Turner, D. McDonald, William Ashby, James H. Sweet, Lewis Woods, J. D. Fee, Austin H. Wright, Minerva F. Mitchell, Harriet F. Bay, Margaret Dehart, John Treon, John Sichler and L. C. Phillips. The object of this order is mutual protection and insurance, and the cultivation of a social spirit among its members. It is gaining rapidly in popular favor, and has lodges in nearly every town of any considerable importance in the county. The Edin- burg lodge at this time numbers fortv-two members. Building and Loan Association. — The first association of this kind was organized a number of years ago, and continued in exist- ence until within a comparatively recent date. The present Build- ing, Loan and Savings Association was incorporated with a subscribed capital of $22,000, in shares of $200 each. The capital stock of the association was fixed at $100,000, in 500 shares, each representing $200. The object of this association, as stated in the articles of incorporation, is as follows: "The accumulation of funds from the savings of its members, to be loaned among themselves and any such other persons as the board of directors may determine, for use in buying houses and lots, building and repairing houses, and make such other investments as they may deem advisable." The 542 JOHNSON COUNTY. duration of the society was limited to a period of eighteen A'ears, and the names of the original members are as follows: A. Mutz, Henry Maley, Michael Moffett, Adolph Dalnibert, H. M. Holmes, T. E. Valentine, R. C. Williams W. M. Park. D. L. Deming, William M. Howell, Owen Moffat, G. E. Mavfield, E. M. Hardy, George Wilbur, W. II. Dowell, George J. Roth, Jr., A. C. Deu- pree, Nathaniel Moonev. S. S. Broughton, William P. Rush. W. F. Joyce. C. S. Fisher, Stephen Schon and C. W. Davis. T/ie Press. — The press is another illustration of the growth and development of a town and country. Though it is hardlv probable that the ardent expectations of the first proprietors of the town have been realized, vet, thev have come so much nearer fulfillment than most of the dreams of those who founded the towns on the western frontier, that the founders are revered for their wisdom and enter- prise. Perhaps there is nothing that more faithfullv portrays the material wealth and commercial prosperity, than a well conducted newspaper. In this particular Edinburg has reason to be contented. The Edinburg Courier had its origin in 1875, immediately after the wide-spread financial depression of 1873. For a few years the paper struggled along under adverse circumstances. In 1877, E. M. Hardy, the present editor, became associated with H. C. Al- lison, in conducting the paper, and in 1878 became owner of the entire concern. Under his management the paper has assumed a front rank among the weeklv journals of southern and central In- diana. The Courier is not the advocate of any particular political creed, but is, on the contrary, wholly independent of party ties. It is devoted to the interests of Edinburg, and each week finds it filled with local news of interest to the citizens of the town and vicinity. Mr. Hardy wields a ready pen, and his paragraphs on public events are both interesting and able. The citizens of Edinburg and sur- rounding country show their appreciation of the paper by extend- ing to it a liberal patronage. It is issued on Thursday of each week, and is a seven-column folio. The present success of the Courier is entirely due to the energv and business capacitv of Mr. Hard\', and it is recognized as an influential journal for both public and private morals. Banks. — The first bank in Edinburg was a private institution, established in 1S68, by Harvey Lewis, and was known as the Lewis Bank. . Mr. Lewis began the business with a small capital, and being obliged to do the greater part of the banking on de- posits, for which he paid a high rate of interest, met with financial reverses, and was soon compelled to relinquish the undertaking. He closed the doors of his bank in 1872, after nearly three years of unsuccessful business. The private bank of A. C. Thompson TOWNS. 543 & Sons, one of the strongest and most successful banking firms in Johnson Count}', was established in 1871, by A. C. & E. C. Thompson, who continued the business as a firm until 1878. In that year, John A. Thompson, Jr., became a member, and since then the firm has been known as A. C. Thompson & Sons. The bank building on the corner of Walnut and Main Cross streets, was erected in 1872, and is one of the best arranged and most commo- dious structures of its kind in this part of the state. The Messrs. Thompson are energetic men, and have much more than a local reputation in business circles. They do a general banking busi- ness, and the institution of which they are the head, will continue to be in the future as it has been in the past, one of the leading en- terprises of Johnson County. In 1874, John A.Thompson engaged in the banking business at Edinburg, which he carried on ver} r suc- cessfully until his death in 1886. The bank is still in operation, under the management of G. E. Mavfield, cashier, and H. C. Bailey, assistant cashier, and is on a solid financial basis, the pro- prietors being among the wealthiest people of Edinburg. Edinburg i'nioii Agricultural Association. — The people of Edinburg have maintained an agricultural society for a number of years. The association first leased grounds a short distance east of the city, and ^about twelve years later rented ten acres, and erected thereon suitable buildings, etc., at a cost of several thousand dollars. Still later, the society purchased eighty acres of land one mile east of the town, forty acres of which were afterward sold and the rest fitted up with the necessary buildings, race track, etc. The grounds are beautifully situated and well improved with halls, stables, storage rooms, office, and a half mile race track — the best in the county. Fairs have been regularly held for a number of years, and the exhibits of agricultural and horticultural products, ma- chinery, live stork, etc., have alwa3 r s compared favorably with like exhibitions elsewhere. Fires. — Edinburg, like many larger places, has been visited from time to time by the fire fiend. As was said of Chicago, after her great conflagration, " she has been born in fire and raised in power." The new Edinburg, that phcenix-like, rose from the ashes of the old town, is far more substantial, and its new growth has been a picture of beauty. From its birth it has had its fires as other towns and cities have, but the first considerable conflagration occurred late in the forties, when their buildings on Main Crocs Street, were reduced to ashes. In 1850, a large fire broke out on the corner of Main Cross and Walnut streets, resulting in the complete destruction of two large business houses, and later several fires occurred in different parts of the 544 JOHNSON COUNTY. town, destroying private residences, mills, foundry, depot and many other buildings. All these, though, of considerable loss to the people, have been beneficial to the town, and the means of the erection of much handsomer and more imposing buildings than otherwise would now adorn the place. They were really blessings in disguise, as much as they appeared the contrarj' of blessings at the time. But for them, the town would not wear its present comeli- ness and beaut}-. General Growth. — The growth and prosperity of Edinburg, since about the year 1869, have been all that its inhabitants and friends could reasonably expect or desire. Substantial improve- ments have been pushed forward steadily, and at this time no city in Indiana, corresponding in size and number of inhabitants, can boast of as fine and handsome public and private buildings, as the prosperous little city on Blue River. Its stores and business houses are large, and of a much better class than may usually be found in towns of its size. Among these may be mentioned the buildings on the corner of Walnut and Main Cross streets, owned by H. M. Holmes, George Townsend's brick business house, the John A. Thompson buildings, bank and business houses of A. C. Thompson, and the business houses of John Walsh heirs, Adam Mutz, Mrs. E. Sergeant, Mutz & Lynch, Frank Winterberg, A. W. Winterberg, Alexander Pruitt, Alexander Mooney, James M. Carvin, Noah Sims, James Wade, George Wilbur, J. C. Valentine, and a number of others that are a credit to the town, all of which will show the energy and enterprise of the inhabitants. Others are now in course of erection which will compare favorably with those already con- structed, and still others are contemplated, showing that while business may be depressing in other localities, here, at least, the march of improvement goes steadily on. Taking more than ordi- narv pride in their surroundings, many of the citizens have erected private residences, equal, some of them, to any in this part of the state, which should not be overlooked in the general summary of the city's elegant buildings. Quite a number of palatial dwellings, situated in beautiful grounds, and surrounded by majestic trees, ornamental shrubbery and fragrant flowers, are seen along the principal streets, and would be creditable to much larger and more pretentious cities. But of the many none will be particularized for fear of omissions that might appear unjust to the owners. Other ornaments to the architectural beautv of the town are the hand- some churches and school buildings which find appropriate mention in other chapters of this volume. Business Register. — John A. Carvin, Mark Deming, W. H. TOWNS. 545 Thompson and E. Sergeant Co., dry goods; G. A. Mutz, J. C. Valentine & Son, Malev, Davis & Co., James M. Carvin and J. C. Freese, groceries; Maffett Bros, and Mutz & Lynch, drugs; Webb & Richardson, hardware and agricultural implements; Compton & Fee, hardware and tinware: A. W. Winterberg, boots and shoes; George E. Wilber, manufacturer and dealer in harness: George Morman & Co., furniture and undertaking; D. McDonal, furniture; Mrs. R. C. Williams, jewelry; G. W. Tucker, agricultural implements; Thompson & Dodge, tailoring and gents' furnishing goods; John Sichler & Co., merchant tailors; J. B. Nickey, boots and shoes; Stephen Schon, bakery and confec- tioner}-; Frank Winterberg, confectionery; Julia Farley, restaurant; J. C. Warren, restaurant; Anton Bossmeier, bakerv and confection- ery, William Bogie, manufacturer and dealer in saddlery and harness; Joseph Hughes, George Townsend, George Wills, John Wade & Bro., Mooney & Roth, and James Wade, saloons; Henry Bell, boots and shoes; Sims & Law, meat market; John Wells, meat market; Mrs. Harvey Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Davis, Mrs. McColgan, and Misses Farrer & Saddler, millinery; N. N. Sims, buyer and shipper of poultry: Charles Sims, cigar and news stand; C. C. Winterberg, confectionery and bakery; Harry Sims, proprietor of Acme laundry; Samuel Haslan, and Haslan Brothers, barbers; Joseph Johnson, marble dealer; John Beall, photograph gallery; C. L. Clancev, dealer in fine trotting horses, and proprietor of sale stable; T .D. VanDorn, manufacturer and repairer of wagons, carriages, etc.; Thomas Stein, gun-smith; Edward White, livery stable; H. Mitchell, blacksmith; William Parrish, livery barn; John Schoe- ler, blacksmith; Michael Roth, coal dealer, and agent U. S. Ex- press Co.; Clarence Valentine and D. G. Mitchell, coopers; Austin Wright and Joseph Watson, painters and paper hangers; Charles Smith, blacksmith; William Dowell, railroad agent; Fred Runkle, telegraph operator; E. K. Horsford, postmaster; James H. Dorsey, Edward Deupree and J. L. Herbest, attorneys at law. This brings us to the end of the sketch of Edinburg. Sixty-six years laden with sorrows and joys, bright anticipations and van- ished hopes, have added both age and dignity to the little city. Many of the old citizens who were wont to indulge in pleasant dreams of what the town would some day become, are quietly sleeping their last long sleep in the city of the dead. The boys and girls of those early days are boys and girls no longer; they have taken the places of men and women in the ranks, and are earnestly endeavoring to perform their part in the great drama of life. The reflections, however, of what they were in their youthful days, can be seen in the many bright and happy faces of the chil- 546 JOHXSOX COUNTY. dren who daily throng the public schools. During these years up- ward of two-thirds of a century, Edinburg has steadily gained in prosperity and financial strength, and is accorded a place among the solid cities of southern Indiana. Nature, with lavish hand, has laid a golden offering at her feet, but only those found on the sur- face have as yet been realized. Already investigations are being made to bring to light the mysteries beneath, and when once the subtle and powerful agent now sought for is liberated, the town will doubtless experience transformations as amazing as those accom- plished bv Alladin and his wonderful lamp. Greenwood. — Beautifully situated midway between the cities of Indianapolis and Franklin, on the J.. M. & I. Railroad, is the thriv- ing town of Greenwood, the third place in point of population and commercial prosperity in Johnson County. The location is admir- ably adapted for a town, being ten miles from Indianapolis, the same distance from Franklin, and surrounded bv a region of coun- try which in all that goes to make up a prosperous agricultural community, cannot be excelled bv any other part of Indiana. The country immediately surrounding the town was settled at a very earlv period, and among the pioneers who located homes in the vi- cinity are remembered: Isaac Smock, John B. Smock, Garrett Brewer, George Noble, Garrett Yandiver, David Voorhis and others, the majority of whom began making improvements upon their respective purchases early in the twenties. In 1S25, a Pres- bvterian Church was organized at the residence of John B. Smock, and named Greenfield, and a little later a postorrice of the same name was established near the cross-roads where the town was after- ward located. Dr. Benjamin S. Noble, a prominent physician, and brother of Gov. Noah Noble, located near the •' cross-roads " in the northern part of Pleasant Township earlv in the forties, and began practicing the medical profession, in which he was afterward asso- ciated with a former pupil, Dr. W. H. Wishard, who moved to the localitv from the village of Waverly, Morgan Countv. From the most reliable local authority, these two physicians, and Rev. P. S. Clelland, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, who came a lit- tle later, were the first permanent settlers upon the present site of Greenwood. The locality being several miles from a town, or store, the necessity of a trading point for the accommodation of a rapidly increasing community, soon became apparent, and to meet the general demand, one James W. Parker, about the year 1S46, opened a small general store, in a frame building which stood on the northeast corner of the public crossing. Mr. Parker came from Ripley Count}-, and is remembered as a fairly successful merchant, in a small way, his stock at the time it was first displayed towns. 547 having represented a value of about $300. Contemporaneous with the store was a blacksmith shop, and a little later other mechanics were attracted to the place, so that by the latter part of 1846 it was pretty generally known that Greenfield would eventually become the commercial center of a goodly portion of Johnson and Marion counties. To accommodate such as desired to settle in the neigh- borhood, small lots were laid out from time to time, and sold, but of the original survey, nothing definite is now known, the county records fail to show when, or under what circumstances, the origi- nal plat of the town was laid out. A well-known citizen, who has been a resident of the village for many years, is authority for the statement, that the first lots were never regularly platted, but were simply sold and recorded as parts of the sections to which they formerly belonged. It might be well to state in this connection that the town site lies in the east half of the southwest quarter and the west half of northeast quarter, of Section 32, Township 14 north, Range 4 east, of the congressional survey, the former part purchased from the government, September 7, 1824, by Henry Smith, and the latter, December 15, 1825, by Isaac Reed. By 1847 the population of the village had increased to such an extent as to render an addition necessary. Accordingly, in Sep- tember of that year, a plat of twenty-six lots was laid out by P. S. Clelland. They found ready purchasers, and in March of the fol- lowing year, the area of the village was further enlarged bv an ad- dition of twenty-four lots, east of the original plat, by J. J. Dungan. William H. Wishard's first addition west of the Madison state road, was surveyed December 27, 1849, and his second addition, consist- ing of six lots, bounded upon the east by the above road, was made and recorded May, 1S55. In the meantime (1851) John B. Dob- bins laid out an addition of thirty-one lots, west of the Madison and north of the Shelbyville roads, which, with the addition enumerated, constitutes the greater part of the whole town. Smock's addition of five lots, in the western part of the village, was laid out and re- corded in 185 1. John Rubush's addition north of the last named, was surveyed in 1858, and in December, i860, he platted a second addition of seventeen lots, which forms the extreme north- east corner of the town. The other additions to Greenwood are Grafton Johnson's eighteen lots south of the Shelbyville road, sur- veyed March, 1S69: John Smart's thirty-nine lots north of Dobbin's plat, made April, 1S74, and J. M. Wishard's addition of fourteen lots, surveyed and recorded in 1888. Early Purchasers oj Lots. — The following list includes the majority of those who purchased real estate in Greenwood, between the years 1848 and 1852: F. Steuart, S. A. King, H. B. Sherman, 35 54§ JOHNSON COUNTY. Orville Bass, William Carder, James Scantlin, C. G. Dungan, Grafton Johnson, P. Bradburn, P. K. Parr, P. A'. Luvster, George Crasv, G. D. Eccles, William Martin. |. S. Van Horn, John Brooks, W. Wheeler, O. P. Smith, Mary White, W. Owen, B. S. Noole, William Martin, Gideon Eddv, W. F. Falconer, John C. Burton, L. W. Jones, William McCool, J. B. Searl, W. Wvcoff, J. J. Kelly, J. Fitzpatrick, M. J. Noble, F. R. Clark, J. Utterback, S. Graham, C. H. Myers, M. A. Dashiel, F. V. Vanbrough, M. M. Crow, I. Foster and J. White, the majority of whom improved their pur- chases and became residents. In addition to the above were a number of others, who became owners of real estate from time to time in the unplatted part of the town, while several of the parties enumerated were among the earliest settlers in the immediate vicin- ity of the village. Business Men. — As already stated, James W. Parker was the first person to engage in the mercantile business in Greenwood. He carried on a reasonably successful business for about two years, and was then succeeded by Grafton Johnson, who brought a large stock, and enlarged the capacity of the building. Mr. Johnson subsequently erected a commodious brick business house, and in time became one of the leading merchants of Johnson County. He was a successful trader, an upright and honorable gentleman, and during a long and prosperous business career, accumulated a large fortune. He was identified with the mercantile interests of the town until the year 1882. Another early merchant was James M. Dixon, who erected a frame business house on the lot now occupied by the store building belonging to the Johnson heirs. He sold goods for a period of about five years, but of his success in trade little is now known. J. B. Whipple & Bro. carried on a fairly successful business at an early day, in a building south of the Johnson store room, and about the same time, or perhaps a little later, Eber and Hosea Sherman be- gan merchandising on the corner southeast of the crossing. The latter continued only a few years. William McLean, of Madison, brought a stock of goods to the town at an early day. which was offered for sale by a clerk by the name of Ruddick, who carried on the business for some time. Messrs. Wishard & Scott effected a co-partnership in the general mercantile trade in 1S51, and continued the business quite successfully until 1S61, when the firm dissolved, Wishard retiring. Scott ran the store three years longer, and then disposed of his stock and left the place. Conspicuous among the successful merchants of the town, is N. E. Noble, who began selling goods in 1862 in a building which stood on the northwest corner of the crossing. He subsequently towns. 549 erected his present large brick store on Main Street, and is still in business, the oldest merchant now in the place. J. J. Dungan be- gan merchandising many years ago in a building near the railroad. He also platted an addition to the town, and is remembered as a reasonably successful business man. His building was afterward destroyed by fire. Of her Merchants. — Additional to the foregoing, the following men and firms were identified with the commercial interests of Greenwood at different times, namely: Malon Draper, Capt. D. W. C. Hopkins, Marcus Justice, Grafton Peek, who is still in the town, Bass & Cook, Rosengarten & Scott, Armstead Hollo- way, William F. Kinnick, Francis E. Clark, G. W. Storey, Will- iam Carlisle, Tague & Randall, F. M. Teague, Jacob Bishop, Henry Powers, S. Justus, Powers & Justus, James McGuire, A. G. Pruitt, Jacob Comingore, William Comingore, George Clark, Theron Hopkins, Joseph Tompkins, Dr. Wells, and others whose names cannot be recalled. Early Mechanics. — It is not known who was the first mechanic in Greenwood. Soon after the town was laid out, however, two brothers, Robert and William Todd, erected a shop where Dr. Noble's house now stands on Noble Street, and began working at the cabinet-maker's trade. They were good workmen, and found abundant opportunities for the exercise of their skill in manufactur- ing furniture for the earl}' settlers of the town and adjacent country. Thcw continued to supply the local demand for about twelve years, and were reasonably successful in their business. Samuel Graham was an early mechanic, and worked at his trade, blacksmithing, several years in a small shop which stood south of the Johnson store building. The following were also among the early mechan- ics of the town, namely: Nathaniel Beezley, blacksmith; Henry Sponberg, cabinet-maker: William Owen, shoemaker: Michael Sullivan, wagon-maker; Thomas Howard, William Clark, and Clark, blacksmiths, and William Wilson, shoemaker. Physicians. — -'Dr. B. S. Noble, an early settler of the town, was the first man to practice the medical profession in Greenwood. He moved to the locality from Lawrenceburg in an early day, and for a number of years ranked among the leading physicians in John- son and Marion counties. He practiced until 1853, a part of the time with Dr. W. H. Wishard, and then went west, locating in Iowa. I lis sons, N. E., Dr. T. B., Rev. Samuel and Noble, are among the leading citizens of Johnson County at this time. Dr. W. H. Wishard, to whom reference has already been made, moved to the village from Morgan County, and read medicine under the instruction of Dr. Noble, witli whom he also practiced for some- 550 JOHNSON' COUNTY. time. He followed his profession in Greenwood until 1S61, and later moved to Indianapolis, in which citv he now resides. Among other medical men of the town from time to time, are remembered the following: Drs. Deashiel, McCann, McCorkle, Turner, Feree, Hibbs, Guthrie, Wells, Gabbard, Hendricks and Curry. The phy- sicians at this time are: Drs. T. B. Noble, J. M. Wishard and Z. Carnes, all of whom are experienced in the profession, and have large and lucrative practices. Incorporation. — In June, 1864, the citizens of Greenwood agi- tated the question of erecting and maintaining a municipal corpo- ration, and to decide the matter an election, was held on the 25th of that month, the result of which was a majority in favor of the project. The corporation consummated, the town was divided into five wards, and a council consisting of the following persons elected, namely: E. C. Smith, F. S. Wilson, T. B. Hungate, S. Mavrield and A. W. Gilchrist. The other officers were: F. M. Teague, clerk: James McGuire, marshal: W. H. Thornton, as- sessor, and A. Iloliway, treasurer. The corporation has been maintained ever since, with decided benefit to the town, as is at- tested bv numerous improvements which have been inaugurated and carried out. The municipal officers for 18SS, are as follows: E. C. Smith, X. S. Maitz and J. W. Prewett, councilmen from the First, Second and Third wards, respectively: W. H. Bishop, clerk; C. R. Milburn, treasurer, and Jacob McClain, marshal. Industries. — Among the early residents of Greenwood was Lv- sander Adams, to whom is due the credit of starting one of the first manufacturing enterprises of the town, a saw-mill, which stood near the railroad, a short distance south of the corporate limits. Mr. Adams manufactured a great deal of lumber for the local and gen- eral trade, much of which was shipped to various points through- out the state. The mill was operated by steam power, and was a fixture of the village for a number of years. A saw-mill was erected on the creek a short distance south of the town, a number of years ago, bv John Smart, who after operating for some time, sold out to other parties. Messrs. Bass & Rice owned it at one time, and it was afterward moved from the neighborhood. Darby Brunnamer engaged in the saw-milling business near the depot, several years ago, and is said to have manufactured a great deal of lumber. He subsequently abandoned the business, and his mill was moved to other parts. One of the earliest manufacturing enterprises of the town, was a carding machine, erected as long ago as 1S47 or 1S48, by one Richard M. Steen. The building, a very primi- tive affair, stood a short distance east of the Presbyterian Church on Bluff Street, and was supplied with ordinary TOWNS. 551 machinery, operated by a large tread-wheel, horses furnish- ing the motive power. The mill was well patronized by the neighboring farmers, but being constructed upon quite a limited scale, did not prove financially remunerative to the proprietor. It was in operation, about three or four years. A second carding ma- chine was erected about the year 1854, and though a small affair, was a decided improvement upon the one described. It stood on Bluff Street, was operated by steam, and did a fair business until 1S56. The first manufacturing enterprise of any considerable magni- tude attempted in Greenwood, was an iron foundry, established about the year 1S50 or 185 1, by A. G. Searle. A reasonably suc- cessful business was conducted until about the year 1862, when, owing to the small demand for work, and the necessary expenses required to operate it, the proprietors saw fit to discontinue the foundrv and remove the machinery from the town. Later, the building was secured by Allen Donelly, who fitted it up with ma- chinery for the manufacture of gloves, which business he com- menced upon quite an extensive scale, giving employment to about twenty hands, the majority of whom were required in the factory, while the others did sewing at their residences in the village. Mr. Donelly made the manufacture of buckskin gloves a specialty, and such was the superior quality of his goods, that they soon had a large sale among the dealers in Indianapolis and other cities. The factorv was in operation about two years. The Greenwood steam flouring-mill was erected about the year 1S55, by Messrs. Henderson & Smith, who operated it successfully until 1862 or 1863. During that time it was extensively patronized by the people of Johnson, Morgan and Marion counties, and it is stated that farmers living within two miles of Indianapolis came to Greenwood for their flour. Mr. Henderson purchased his part- ner's interest in 1863, and operated the mill until about the year 186S, when, meeting with financial reverses, he w r as compelled to abandon the business. Subsequently the property passed into the hands of other parties, and it was run by different ones until 1873, at which time it was purchased by Charles Dixon. N. S. Martz became owner in 1884. He operated it until 18S8, and then closed out to the present proprietor, who, the same year, completely re- modeled the mill, and supplied it with the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of flour by the roller process. The mill has a good custom trade, besides manufacturing for the general market. Fruit and I T egetable Packing House. — A detailed account of the mammoth canning house of J. T. Polk, the largest and most complete establishment of the kind west of Baltimore, would alone 552 JOHNSON COUNTY. till many pages of this volume, hence but an outline of its history and development is here given. Mr. Polk began the fruit canning business in a small way in 1872, his first work being merely experi- mental, his wife doing nearly, if not quite all, the canning, at their residence near the village. Meeting with encouraging success in the venture, Mr. Polk, the following year, engaged in the busi- ness upon a more extensive scale, fitting up a barn for the purpose, in which, with the assistance of hired help, he packed about 26,000 cans of fruit, which found ready sale. In 1878, a large building, 45X2S8 feet in area, was erected a short distance east of the town limits, and supplied with all the necessary machinery and appliances. In the meantime Mr. Polk en anc ' the mother in 1794. The grandfather on the father's side, was Adrian Aten, who emi- grated from Henry County, Ky., to Preble County, Ohio, where his death occurred. The grandfather on the mother's side, was Abram DeMott, who also removed from Henry County, Ky., to Preble County, Ohio, where he also died. The parents of our sub- ject were married in Ohio, and 1840, emigrated to Johnson Count}', Ind., and settled in Franklin Township, two miles south- west from the town of Franklin; the mother died in Johnson County in the fall of 1S50. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The father removed to Cumberland County, 111., in about 1S69, where he died July 23, 1874, in his seventy-ninth year. He also was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was united in marriage to Martha Banta, in 1S51, who died in about 1861, and he was married the third time in about 1S63, to Miss McKinlev, in Illinois, who survived her husband and died in Illinois, in April, 1887. Our subject was reared on the farm and attended the schools of the neighborhood, and the count}- academy in Franklin, and secured more than an average education for those days. After leaving school, and when a young man, he conceived the idea of teaching school, and accordingly set out to find a school. In the township of White River he found a teacher holding school in the Wyric neighborhood (E. W. Wyric, now a merchant of Franklin, being a scholar), who was unable to teach arithmetic. A discussion arose among the patrons of the school as to whether "arithmetic to the single rule of three" should be taught or not, and our subject being an adept at ciphering, entered into the con- test and expressed his views so strongly, that when a vote was held he was chosen teacher, and at the expiration of that quarter, suc- ceeded the teacher who could not work in figures. Beennnincr with that school, our subject taught three months' schools for five win- ters, and then turned his attention to farming. He was united in marriage on December 9, 1S52, to Eliza Jane Thompson, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., on August 1, 1832, and was the daughter of William and Susan Thompson, who were natives of North Carolina, and among the first pioneers of Johnson County. She died February 9, 1872, leaving three daughters and one son as follows: Susan M., born March 19, 1854, now tne wl ^ e °^ Taylor Wheat, of Franklin; M. Alma, February 28, 1859, now tne w ^ e of Edward Jewett, of Shelby ville ; Florence, December 22, 1862; Riley W., February 1, 1S56, and died September 22, 1881. Our subject was married a second time on November 18, 1S74, t0 J en " nie Epperson, who was born in Rockbridge County, Va., on De- cember 25, 1839, and is the daughter of Lyttleton and Elizabeth 582 JOHNSON COUNTY. (Flint) Epperson, who were both natives of Rockbridge County, Ya., and came to Indiana during the forties, and remained there some time, dying in Aurora, this state, with cholera, about the year 1S45, both dying in one week. To this union a daugh- ter — Opal, was born November 12, 1877. In the death of Riley, the only son, our subject suffered an irreparable loss, as he was a young man of rare intellectual attainments and worth. He was an apt student, and graduated from the Franklin high school, and but for his failing health would have entered col- lege. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for some time before his death turned his thoughts on religious subjects, and the hereafter. After leaving school he studied dentistry, and for several years practiced that profession. He was a young man universally respected, and beloved by all who knew him, and his death was regretted by all. Mr. and Mrs. Aten and the three older daughters are members of the Methodist Church, of which he has served on the official board. He is a strong advocate of prohibition, and in politics, is a republican. David D. Banta, LL. D., was born in Union Township, Johnson County, May 23, 1S33, the son of Jacob and Sarah (Demaree) Banta. The Bantas were a Dutch family, who came from Holland and settled in New Jersey, just when is not definitely known, but it is known that they were there in 1686. On the Demaree side, the Judge is of French descent; the Demarees fled from Picardy, France, into Holland, during the Huguenot persecutions, and, in 1676, David Demarias (now Demarest in the east, but softened into Demaree in the west) came to America and settled on the Jersey side of the llackensack River. Branches of both families moved to Caughnewauga, Perm., near Gettysburg, before or about the commencement of the Revolutionarv War, remaining there until the winter of 1779-S0, when they moved to the vicinity of Harrod's Station, Kv. Near the close of the centurv, branches of these fam- ilies moved into Shelby and Henry counties, Ky. Jacob Banta, son of Peter Banta and father of Judge D. D. Banta, was born in Henry County, Ky., August 14, t8ii. In December, 1831, he married, in Henry Count}-, Sarah, daughter of David Demaree, who was judge of the circuit court in his circuit: she was born in Henry Count}', January 14, 1S15. In the fall of 1832, they-moved to Johnson Co., Ind., and settled in Union Township, in the woods. Jacob was a large man, full six feet in his dockings, well formed, and possessed of great physical strength, and had been chosen cap- tain of a militia company in Kentucky, for the same reason that Saul was chosen King of Israel. His labors in John County were of short duration, for, in the latter part of August, 1835, ne was FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 583 stricken down with fever, and died on the 4th of September, be- ing less than a month over twenty-four years of age. The subject of this sketch was at that time but a few days over twenty-seven months of aee, but the sickness and death of his father made a vivid • impression on his mind, and he can now recall his father lying upon his sick bed. After the funeral, his mother and he went to live with her brother, in the Hopewell neighborhood, where they remained till the spring of 1837, when she returned to her home. In the fall of 1839, D. D. attended his first school, and, though only six years of age, walked two miles through a blazed path in the woods. At seven vears, he often went to mill astride his grist of corn, return- ing sometimes after nightfall. In the spring of 1841, his mother was married to Jesse Young, and, from about 1841, he attended the district school every winter, working summers on the farm. This he kept up till he was fifteen years of age, when he attended one year at the Hopewell school, which was superior to the other schools in that vicinity, and was kept by a Yankee schoolma'am. In the spring and summer of 1S51, he taught a three-months' school in White River Township, making many friends and ac- quaintances. Early in the spring of 1852, he set out with his cousin, David N. Demaree, for a jaunt into Iowa. They went down the Ohio and up the Mississippi to Keokuk, then walked up to Burling- ton, and thence to Fairfield, cut cord-wood and worked in a saw- mill alternately for iwo months, after which they footed it over southern Iowa to look at the country. They came home via Chi- cago, walking half way across Illinois, as there was no railroad across then; also walked from La Porte, to Noblesville, Ind., where they struck a railroad, and returned home during the summer. That fall, Mr. Young, his step-father, sold out and moved to Iowa, taking his family. David went along with the others, and hired out chopping cord-wood at thirty-five cents a cord, finding it hard work to make seventy cents a day; after a day or two of this work, a severe snow-storm set in and forced him to seek home; as he had to walk nine miles, he became weary before reaching home, and in crossing a stream, fell and hurt himself severely. All this tended to make him disgusted with his occupation, and he resolved that he would never follow such a life. His mind had heretofore been wavering in regard to his future occupation, but these few circumstances made him come to a quick conclusion to study law, and, the next morning after arriving home, he astonished his mother by informing her of this resolution. In pursuance of this determi- nation, he immediately made arrangements to study law with Clinton & Baldwin, attornevs, of Fairfield, and went to work at once on Blackstone, never leaving his studies long enough to return 584 JOHNSON COUNTY. for his ax, which he had left in the woods, and never collecting the money for what wood-chopping he had done. He read industri- ously till the next spring, 1853, when he returned to Johnson County and entered Franklin College. In the fall of 1S53, he and his friend John C. Miller, went to the Indiana University at Bloom- ington, where he graduated, in 1S55, in the scientific department; he remained at the institution, however, studying the Latin and Greek languages and English literature until the law school opened, in the early part of the winter, when he entered it under Judge James Hughes, keeping up his linguistic studies meanwhile, and Until the next June, but attending particularly to the law, which he continued to do until he graduated from that department, in Feb- ruary, 1857. In the meantime, June 11, 1856, he was married to Mrs. Melissa E. Perrin, daughter of James Riddle, of Coving- ton, Ky. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, March 27, 1834. The fall following his marriage, and while still in the law school, he was elected principal of the Monroe Count}' Female Academy — the former principal having resigned — and had the charge of about seventy-five girls of all ages; he took charge of this institution for about three months, pursuing his law studies as best he could. After oraduatin7 ham County, Ky., August 7, 182S, son of Joseph and Mary (For- syth) Featherngill; the former born in Virginia, in 1790, and died in Nineveh Township, this county, February 19, 1S63; the latter born in Kentucky, in 1 794, and died in this county September 30, 1S35. The family came to the county in 1829, and settled in Nineveh Township. The immediate subject of this sketch is the sixth in a family of eight children; he was raised on the farm, and was a student at the pioneer country schools. At the age of twenty- one years he began the business of life for himself, and in 1856, set- tled where he now resides, and owns 100 acres of excellent land. The marriage of Mr. Featherngill occurred September 13, 1849, to Miss Martha J. Mullikin, born in Henry County, Ky., October 30, 1S30. They have had nine children, of whom five are now liv- ing: Thomas H., born 1854; Mary E., born 185S; Susan E., born 1862; Charles C, born 1864, and Julia B., born 1868. Politically, he is an earnest republican, and cast his first presidential vote for John C. Fremont. He and wife are member of the Christian Church, having united with the same about thirty-six years ago. For almost three score years Mr. Featherngill has been a resident of this county, and is a highly respected citizen of the community in which he resides. John H. Featherngill, one of the prominent and substantial citizens of Franklin, Ind., was born in Oldham County, Ky., on March 27, 1S22, and was reared on the farm, securing a fair edu- cation in the common schools. He began life for himself in 1843, as a farmer in Nineveh Township, Johnson County, Ind., at which he continued until about fifteen years ago, when he had to leave the farm on account of ill health, and removed to Franklin. For a number of years he was engaged in pork packing in Franklin and Indianapolis. He was married December 17, 1843, to Martha A. Brannigan, who was born in Kentucky in 1826, and was the daughter of John Brannigan. She died in 1S46, leaving two child- rdn: James R., born October 1, 1844, died December 20, 1861; and Lucy F., born October 13, 1846, and died in 1872. The par- ents of our subject were Joseph and Mary (Forsyth) Featherngill, both of whom were natives of Virginia, the former of English, and the latter of Irish, descent. The former was born in 1794, and died in 1863; and the mother born in 1799, and died in 1835. From Virginia the parents went to Kentucky, and in 1829 came to John- son County, Ind., and were among the early settlers of Nineveh Township. To them were born eight children, five of whom survive. W. 11. Fisher, Jr. — Among the ex-soldiers of Johnson County, is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He is a citizen of 608 JOHNSON COUNTY. Franklin, and is engaged in the meat business, on East Jefferson Street. He is a native of Johnson County, Ind., having been born four miles north of Franklin, on the old homestead, October 15, 1S40. He is the third son of thirteen children — ten sons and three daughters — born to Capt. W. H. and Mary J. (Henderson) Fisher. Capt. Fisher was a native of Kentucky, born March i8,\ 1 Si 3, and was the son of Capt. James Fisher, who was an offi- \ cer of dragoons in the Black Hawk War. His father was a soldier J in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. Capt. W. H. / Fisher came with his mother to Clark County, Ind., when about twelve years old. His mother was then a widow, his father having died about one year after the battle of Tippecanoe. He removed x. to Johnson County, in 1836, having been married in 1835. He followed farming until the breaking out of the war, and in Au- gust, 1862, enlisted in the Federal Army, and at the organization of Company I, of the Seventieth Regiment of Indiana Infantry, he was elected captain of the same, and served for nineteen months, when, after a severe spell of sickness, from which he could not rally, he resigned, and returned to the farm in Johnson County, where he continued to reside until his death, which occurred in September, 1885. The mother was also a native of Kentucky, and was born in February. 1818. She was the daughter of John Hen- derson, whose father was also a Revolutionary soldier. Prob- ably no other one family in Johnson County has contained so many soldiers as the Fisher family. Not only were the grand- fathers and father soldiers, but rive sons of the present family served in the late war. They were: James, John and Thomas," members of Company F, Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer In- fantry: Joseph was in his father's company (Company I, Seventieth Indiana ), and our subject was a member of Company D, Seven- teenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Mounted Infantry. Our sub- ject enlisted and was ordered into camp Mav 15, 1861, and served until June 25, 1864, and during that time participated in thirty-one rights, and was in the hospital only one night. But his health was materially injured by long and constant service in the saddle. James was wounded at North Ann River, Va., from which death resulted. John was wounded at Port Republic in the knee, and in the second day's right in the Wilderness, lost his l^i,t arm. He lived until Feb- ruary 1 2, 1873, but his health was seriously impaired after the service. Thomas was fatally wounded at the Second Bull Run battle. Joseph went with Sherman to the Sea, and now resides in Iowa. Returning to Johnson County, our subject remained two years, and in 1866, went out to Iowa, from which state he returned to Frank- lin, Ind., in January, 1870, and engaged in the meat business. He FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 609 was married in 1S64, to Sarah J. Good, who was born in Tennessee, in 1840, and came with her parents, Abram and Martha (Green) Good, in 1841, to Indiana. To this union five children have been born. David Fitz Gibbon. — David Fitz Gibbon, clerk of the circuit court of Johnson Count}', Ind., was born near Vernon, Jennings County, Ind., March 15, 1S42, and is the son of Thomas and Ellen (O'Mahoney) Fitz Gibbon, both of whom were natives of Cork, Ireland. The parents were married in their native country, and emigrated to America in about 1820, locating in Baltimore, Md. From Baltimore, they removed to Madison, Ind., and thence to Jennings Count}-, where they had purchased a farm. In about 1845. they returned to Madison, and in July, 1849, tne y removed to Edinburg, Johnson County, where the father engaged in mer- chandising, and where they both died, the father in April, 1S74, and the mother in 1871. To the parents fourteen children were born, seven of whom survive. Of the surviving children, our subject is the fifth in birth. He was reared principally in Edinburg, Ind., and received a good education, attending the pub- lic schools of that place, and then spending two years as a student at Notre Dame College. Finishing his school days in i860, he next engaged as clerk with John Walsh and John M. Sargant, mer- chants of Edinburg, with whom he remained for about eighteen years, with the exception of about three years spent as book- keeper for an Indianapolis firm. In April, 1880, he removed to Franklin, and took a position with Walsh & McNaughton (now W. A. McNaughton), where he remained up to the taking posses- sion of his present position. March 18, 1886, he was nominated»by the democratic county convention for the office of circuit clerk, and in November of the same year, was elected by a majority of 350 votes, and in November, 1887, took possession of the office. He was united in marriage July 17, 1867, to Josephine Morgan, who was born in Kentucky, and is the daughter of Col. Morgan, who removed from Henry County, Ky., to Johnson County, Ind., in 1856. To this union three children have been born, two of whom are living. J. D. George, M. D., a prominent physician of the homoenK- pathic school of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., was born in Jeffer- son County, Ind., on March 13, 1S54, and is the son of W. J. and Jane (Spann) George. The father was born in Kentucky, in about 1827, and is the son of Milton George, a native of Virginia, and a pioneer of Kentucky, who removed at an early date to Indiana, and located in Jefferson County. W. J., the father, has followed farm- ing as a life vocation, and now resides in Jefferson Count} - . The I 6lO JOHNSON" COUNTY. mother was born in Jefferson County, Ind., and was the daughter of Moses Spann, who died in 1SS6, in his eighty-fifth year: she died when our subject was but five months of age, and his father subse- quently married Edith Spann, sister to his hist wife. To our sub- ject's parents two sons and one daughter were born, all of whom survive, and to the second marriage seven children were born. Our subject was reared on the farm, where he remained, attending school during the winter months, until he was nineteen years of age, and then spent a year in clerking in Madison, Ind. Returning to the farm he attended the high school for two years. He then taught school for two years, reading medicine at the same time, the two years being spent at the Reform School at Plainfield, Ind., of which he was an officer. He then located at Indianapolis, Ind., and read medicine with Drs. Runnels of that city, for several years, and during that time attended the Cleveland, Ohio, Ilomreo- pathic Hospital College, entering the same in 1876, and graduat- ing in 1878. lie practiced as an assistant to Drs. Runnels from 1878 until 1SS0, in Indianapolis, and next located in Franklin, Ind., where he practiced for three years, and then closing his office, went to New York Citv. where he took a post-graduate course in the Post-Graduate College, Bellevue Hospital College and the New York Homoeopathic College. He next returned to Franklin, and resuming his practice, has remained ever since, building up a large practice and establishing a firm footing, both profession- ally and socially. He is at present, and was several years ago, secretary of the Indiana Institute of Homoeopathy, and in 1886 was elected to a seat in the city council of Franklin. He was married September 1. 1885, to Mattie Bergen, of Vinton, Iowa, and to this union a son, George B., was born September 5, 1886. Dr. George is a member of the Hesperian Lodge, Xo. 12, K. of P., and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Thomas W. Graham was born where he now resides, Feb- ruary 12, 1849, son °f J ames H- and Jane A. (Dobbins) Graham; the former born in Kentucky, June 6, 1809, and died April 29, 1886; the latter was born in South Carolina, November 10, 1S15, and died in this county in 1859. His paternal grandfather, Thomas Graham, was born in Virginia in 1772, and died in Johnson County in 1859. About 1S30 the family came from Kentucky to Johnson County, Ind., and settled just east of Franklin, and later located north of this place. In a family of ten children our subject is the seventh. He was reared on the farm where he now lives, and was a student at the country school, and at an early age began farming for himself, and this vocation he now follows. The marriage of Mr. Graham was solemnized December 23, 187^, to Mary E. Dem- FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 6ll aree, a native of this county, born July 24, 1850, daughter of Henry and Nancy S. (Winchester) Demaree. To the above mar- riage five children have been born: Everett, born 1S75; Anna, 1S77; .Maggie, 1880; Minnie, 1882, and Walter, 1S86. In politics, he is a republican, and he and wife are members of the Bethany Presbyterian Church, at Whiteland. Philip C. Halfaker, one of the oldest blacksmiths in John- son County, Ind., and doing business in Franklin, was born in Bar- tholomew Count}', Ind., on July 18, 1834, and is the son of Jacob and Ruth (Campbell) Halfaker, natives of Virginia and Ohio, re spectively. Father was born August 12, 1S02, and died in Johnson County, in 1879. Mother was born in 1812, and died in Johnson County, in 18S3. The paternal grandfather was born in Virginia in about 1765, and died in Johnson County in 1850. The Halfaker family emigrated to Johnson County in 1827, and settled in Blue River Township, and in 1837, removed to Clark Township, where the subject of this sketch grew to manhood on the farm, and at- tended the country schools, securing a limited education. In 1851, he came to Franklin and began serving a three years' apprentice- ship at the blacksmith's trade in the shop of Webb & Clark, and in 1858, began business for himself, and with the exception of four years, has carried on the blacksmith trade in this city. He is a practical mechanic and a first-class workman, and has met with success, his business extending over a large scope of territory. June 16, 1858, he was united in marriage to Miss Anna L., daugh- ter of Jesse and Nancy Coleman, who was born August 11, 1839. To this union are these five children: William C, Charles G., Edgar B., Cora, and Roscoe C. Politically, Mr. Halfaker is a republican, and in 1863 was made a Mason. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. W. C. Hall, M. D., physician and surgeon, and a prominent citizen of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., is a native of New York State, and was born September 11, 1S30, at the village of Castile, being the third son of Justice and Rachel (Gibbs) Hall. Dr. Hall entered Alleghany College, at Meadville, Pa., at the age of fifteen years, and spent three years completing the scientific course. In 1849, he entered the office of Dr. J. H. D. Rodgers, of Madison, Ind., and began the study of medicine, and subsequently studied at the Louisville Medical College, and, in 1S57, attended his last course of lectures at the Starling Medical College, of Col- umbus, Ohio. He removed to Jefferson Countv, Ind., and prac- ticed his profession until 1S62, and then enlisted as a private in the Eighty-second Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was shortlv afterward transferred to the Seventeenth Regiment, Ohio " 39 6l2 JOHNSON COUNTY. Volunteer Infantry, and commissioned a surgeon. Returning from the war, he located in Franklin, Ind., where he has since resided, and practiced his profession. He has given his entire time and at- tention to his profession, and that he has made a decided success is evidenced by the large practice he now has and has had for years. During 1875 and 1876, he was president of the Board of Health of Johnson County. He is a member of Wadsworth Post, No. 127, G. A. R., of which he is the present post commander. Dr. Hall was married in March, 1S5S, to Malvina C. Tilford, of Hanover, Ind., who was born in 1834. Josiah H. Handley was born October 12, 1846, in Dorchester County, Md., son of Henry and Mary A. (Woollen) Handley. The father of our subject was born in Maryland about 1805, and died in his native state in 1850, and by occupation was a carpenter. His mother, also a native of Maryland, was born in 1S15, and now re- sides in this county. Our subject received a common school educa- tion, and at ten years of age, began supporting himself. From 1861 until 1S67 he led the life of a sailor on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. In 1867, he began farming in Maryland, and in 1868 came to Johnson County, and worked on the farm by the month, until February, 1869, when he began farming for himself, in Union Township, where he remained until 1879, wnen he removed to his present farm, which contains 104 acres. For several years he has been engaged in breeding tine-stock, and has been very sue- cessful. Mr. Handley was married December 10, 1868, to Miss Nancy J. Carnine, born in Johnson County, Ind., near where she now resides, September 30, 1848. Mrs. Handley is the daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Banta) Carnine, natives of Kentucky, the former born in 1804, and died in 1873, and the latter died in this county in 1853. Mr. and Mrs Handley are the parents of four children: Sarah A., born October 10, 1S69; James E., June 3, 1873: Mary Anna, December 19, 1879, anc * Lorin A., February 12, 1 88 1. Politically, he is a republican, and through his own industry and economy, has succeeded. Mr. and Mrs. Handley are members of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church. Samuel Harris, the subject of this sketch, was born in Union Township, in the western part of Johnson County, Ind., July 30, 1844, and is the son of John and Jane (Province) Harris. The father was born in Kentucky, in 1818. and was the son of Jesse Harris. Jesse Harris was a native of Kentucky, and he was the son of Joshua Harris. Joshua and a brother, while quite young, were left orphans, and were drafted into the American Army during the Revolutionary War. At the battle of Bunker Hill, the two brothers were separated, and the other brother was never heard FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 613 of after. Jesse Harris served in the War of 1812, and participated in the battte of New Orleans. He removed to Indiana in about 1824, and in 1827, came to Johnson Count)', and located in what is now Union Township. Joshua, the grandfather, came with the family, to Johnson County, where he died. John, the father, was a farmer, and was quite prominent, holding several public offices, serving for about twenty years as trustee of his township. He died in 1867, holding office at that time. The mother was born in Ireland, near Londonderry, in about 1816, and came to America when quite young, with her widowed mother. The)' located in Kentucky, and she then removed to Indiana, and the marriage of the parents occurred in Johnson County. She came here to make her home with an uncle, her mother having married a second time. She is now residing in Union Township, Johnson County. To the par- ents eight children were born, all of whom, save one, survive. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured a common school edu- cation. He remained on the farm until about 1878, during which time he was engaged in buying stock on an extensive scale. In 1878 he located in the village of Union, in the township by that name, where he merchandised and traded in stock, for about three years. He was married December 19, 1867, to Cordelia S. Garsh- wiler, who was born in Morgan County, Ind., December 30, 1850. To this union two children have been born, one of whom survives. Our subject is quite an active Mason, being a member of Franklin Lodge, No. 107, F. & A. M., Franklin Chapter, No. 65, and Franklin Commandery, No. 23, and a member of the Ind- iana Consistory of Scottish Rite. In 1882 he was nominated bv the democrats of Johnson County, for the office of cir- cuit clerk, and was elected by a majority of 475 votes, and removed to Franklin in 1883, taking his position November 1, 1883. He held the office of circuit clerk for four years. Janu- ary 1, 1888, he engaged in the insurance, pension and loan business in Franklin, purchasing the business of Samuel A. Wilson. Upon his retirement from the office of circuit clerk in 1887, he was the recipient of a gold-headed cane at the hands of the court, bar and officials of Johnson County, as a token of the esteem and respect in which he was held by the members of the same as an efficient officer, good citizen and clever gentleman, and resolutions were adopted and spread on record as follows : Resolu- tions adopted September 24, 18S7, by the court, bar and officers of the Johnson County circuit court, in relation to Samuel Harris, retiring clerk of the court: "It being at this time suggested by the members of the bar, that before the convening of the next session of this court, the term of office of Samuel Harris as clerk thereof, 6 1 4 JOHNSON COUNTY. will have expired, the court, on motion of Jacob L. White, ap- pointed Samuel P. Ovler, H. C. Barnett and W. J. Buckingham, to draft suitable resolutions expressing the esteem in which said retiring clerk is held by the court and the members of the bar of this county, and said committee reported the following resolutions: " The committee appointed to draft resolutions on behalf of the court and bar, relative to Samuel Harris, Esq., retiring clerk of this court, respectfully submit the following: First, That during the four years of Mr. Harris" services as clerk of the court he has displayed in the performance of the duties of that offi:e great in- dustry, promptness and accuracy, and now at the close of his of- ficial term we hereby express our acknowledgment of the able and efficient manner in which he has discharged his official duties. Second, That we desire to place upon the records of the court our said acknowledgments and approval, and our sense of his courtesy shown us in the discharge of his duties. Third, That these reso- lutions be spread upon the records of this court, and a copy fur- nished Mr. Harris at the close of his official term. S. P. Ovler, H. C. Barnett, W. J. Buckingham, Committee. Which resolu- tions were received by the court and ordered spread upon the rec- ords thereof, which was accordingly done." Eli P. Haymaker, farmer and stock-raiser, was born in Mont- gomery County, Ya., May 25, 1843, being the fourth in a family of five children born to Philip and Martha (Perterson) Haymaker, and is of German lineage. His father was born in Virginia, and died in that state about 1848; the mother, also a native of Virginia, was born in 1810, and now resides in that state. Our subject re- ceived a common school education in his native state, and worked on the farm until 1862. when he enlisted in Company F, Eleventh \ n-ginia Infantry, C. S. A., where he served three years, and dur- ing this time was promoted to the position of second sergeant. He was at the seven days' battle before Richmond; also Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, and Druey's Bluff. In March, 1865, Mr. Haymaker came to Johnson County, and for a number of years worked by the month on a farm. In 1870, he settled on the farm he now owns, and is one of the most extensive farmers in Johnson County. His mar- riage occurred September 16, 1S69, to Miss Sarah, daughter of William R. and Louisa Ann (McRae) Poulter. Mrs. Haymaker is a native of Mercer County. Ky\, born April 13, 1S48. and is the mother of these children: Zora A., born August 13, 1870: Ira P., February 4, 1872: John W., April 18, 1S73. (deceased); Charles O., February 31, 1876: Lelie, January 26, 1879: Guy E., June 6, 1880, and Clarence E., August 15, 1883. -Mr. Haymaker is a democrat, an Odd Fellow, and belongs to the Bargersville Horse FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 6l5 Thief Detective Company, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. [acob Hazelett, the subject of this sketch, is one of the lead- ing young republicans of Johnson County, and sheriff of the same, and is also engaged with his father, M. Hazelett, in the livery busi- ness in Franklin. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on April 19, 1S50, and is the son of M. and Elenor (McClannahan) Hazelett, both of whom were born in Ireland and immigrated to America in 1S49, and located in New York, thence to Cincinnati and thence to Franklin County in August, 1852. Both are living. Our subject was reared in the city of Franklin, and attended the city schools, securing a fair education. He engaged in the livery business in May, 1S66, and has continued up to the present date, he and his father now owning the leading stable in the city. In 1882, he made the race on the republican ticket for sheriff, but was defeated bv 125 votes, and in 18S6, he was again re-nominated by the republicans for sheriff, and was elected by a majority of 101 votes, being the only one on the republican ticket who was elected that year, and enjoys the honor and distinction of being the first re- publican sheriff of Johnson County. He is a member of the K. of P. order, of which he is also a member of the uniform rank. Harvey D. Henderson, farmer, was born on the farm where Albert List now resides, January 10, 1830; he is the son of Thomas and Mary (Demott) Henderson, and is of Irish-Dutch descent. His father was born in Virginia, June 17, 1796, and died September 28. 1862, and was among the early pioneers of Johnson County. The mother of Mr. Henderson was born in Kentucky about 1802. In a family of eleven children, our subject is the fifth. He received a good education, and at twenty-one years of age, he embarked on his own responsibility on life's voyage, and, in 1858, settled on his present farm, which contains 167 acres. Mr. Henderson was mar- ried October 17, 1855, to Miss Nancy S. Wheat, born near where she now resides, November iS, 1833. The father of Mrs. Hender- son was born in Virginia, in 1808, and died in Franklin, in 1886; her mother was born in Kentucky in 1806, and died in Franklin in 1881. To Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were born these children: Mary L., born 1856; William E., born 1858; Florence II., born 1S59; J°hn E., born 1S62; Anna L., born 1863, (deceased, 1864); Emma and Ella (twins), born 1866; James M., born 1867, and Ethel, born 1879. In politics, Mr. Henderson is a republican, and he and wife are members of the' Hopewell Presbyterian Church, having united with this denomination in 1858 and 1S53, respect- ively. His father donated the ground upon which the Hopewell 6l6 JOHNSON COUNTY. Church, school-house and cemetery, are located. These people are highly respected, and both are representatives of early families. Stratiier Herod, farmer and carpenter, is a native of Putnam County, Ind., born November 14, 1S46, and is the fifth in a family of nine children born to Rev. E. D. and Lucinda (Kendall) Herod. His father was born in Kentucky, December 28, 181 5, and his mother, a native of the same state, was born in 1823, and died Jan- uary 30, 1888. In 1831, the father came to Indiana and settled in Putnam Countv, and later removed to Johnson Count} - , where he now resides. For almost fifty years he has been a Baptist minis- ter. The immediate subject of this biography was raised on the farm, and received a common school education. At the age of twenty vears he began life for himself, and in 1871 came to John- son Countv, and settled in White River Township, where he re- mained for one year, and then removed to Hensley Township, where he resided until 1SS1, when he came to Franklin Township, where he has a an d emi- grated to Kentucky when a boy, locating in Mercer County. While living in Kentucky he was married to Eleanor Frary, the wedding occurring in 1S20 or 182 1, in the town of Harrodsburg. Eleanor Frary was born in Mercer County, Kv., in 1801. In 1823, they came to Johnson County and settled on the farm where our sub- ject was born. In about 1835, they exchanged farms with his brother and removed to the same, which was east of the Franklin College, and is now partly in the corporate limits of Franklin. The father died January 10, 1877* an cl the mother died August 26, iSSv To the parents six children were born, of which our subject was the second; a brother and sister are the only surviving members of the children, save our subject. The brother is William L., who was born June 30, 1838, and is now a practicing physician of Marvs- ville, Utah, and the sister is the wife of William L. Peggs, now living near Indianapolis, Ind. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured his early education in the Franklin schools and college. He began reading medicine in the office of Drs. Webb and Thomas in Franklin, Ind., and in 1S46, began practicing. In the fall of i860 he entered the University of Ann Arbor, Mich., graduating from the medical department of that institution in the spring of 1861. He returned to Franklin and resumed his practice, and has continued up to the present. He has held various public positions of trust, among which were those of city councilman of Franklin four years, secretary of the county board of health, and is at pres- ent city health officer, and coroner of Johnson County, having been elected to the latter office in 18S6. He was married December 28, 1S47. to Isabella Peggs, who was born in Trimble County, Ky., December 23, 1825, and is the daughter of Jacob Peggs, now a resident of Franklin Ind., and probably the oldest citizen of John- son County, being in his ninety-fourth year. His wife died July 7, FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 623 1SS4. To this union nine children were born, of whom five are living-, three daughters and two sons. In politics, the Doctor is a democrat, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. William C. Jones is the third son of Bazil G. and Maria S. (Tucker) Jones, born near where he now resides August 17, 1S44. His father was born in 1S02, and died in this count}', May 9, 1847; his mother born in Kentucky, in 181 1, and died in this county October 30, 1881. The paternal grandfather of our sub- ject, was Horatio Jones, born in 17S3, and died in Johnson County, in i860. This family came to this count)- in a very early day, and some of them were prominent in local politics. At sixteen years of age our subject began life for himself, and for some time supported the family. In 1877, Mr. Jones settled where he now lives, and owns 118 acres of good land, and in addition is engaged in stock- raising. The marriage of Mr. Jones occurred in 1874, to Miss Maggie Painter, a native of Hendricks County, Ind., born in 1846. They have these four children : Estella, Lela, Chester C. and Nora. In politics:, he is a true republican, a K. of P., and a member of the Christian Church. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Mr. Jones is an honest, upright citizen, esteemed by all who know him. Joshua P. Jordan, miller, and one of the leading citizens of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., was born near Georgetown, Brown Co., Ohio, on February 16, 1820, and is the son of Joshua, who was born in Ripley, Brown Co., Ohio, and was a soldier of the War of 1812. He emigrated to Indiana in about 1850, and located in Jennings County, where he followed the carpenter's trade, and died in 1873. The maiden name of our subject's mother was Mary Williams, who died at his birth. Our subject served an apprentice- ship at the cabinet-maker's trade in Clermont Count}', Ohio, and came to Indiana in 1840, and located in Jefferson County. He fol- lowed his trade until about 1S50, but in about 1S45, began milling. He removed to Jennings County in about 1862, and came to Frank- lin in 1865, and has been milling up to the present time, being for seventeen years in the employ of Baldwin & Payne. He assumed charge of the Franklin mills in January, 1887. He became a mem- ber of the Christian Church in about 1870, and is now an elder of the Franklin Church of that denomination. He was married in August, 1841, to Casandria Clematis, who was born in Jennings County, Ind., August 8, 1822, and is the daughter of John Clemans. To this union eleven children have been born, nine of whom survive. Thomas J. Kelly, farmer, is a native of Clark County, Ind., born November 14, 1833, being the eldest of six children, to the marriage of Madison and Elizabeth (Patterson) Kelly, natives of 624 JOHNSON COUNTY. Kentucky; the birth of the former occurred February 14, 1S09, and his death April 21, 1857, the latter was born in 1S12, and died in 1S50. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Kelly was Anthony Kelly, a native of Virginia, born February 26, 1774, and his death took place February 15, 1844. The Kelly family came to Johnson County in 1837. Our subject grew to manhood on the farm, and was a student at the subscription schools. His life has been that of a farmer, and in 1875, settled on his present farm, just outside the corporation limits of Franklin. In 1861, Mr. Kelly was united in marriage to Miss Letta J. Bone, a native of Butler County, Ohio, born June 21, 1836. They have five children : Thomas E., born 1863; Smith, 1S65; Harry, 1867; Lillie, 1870, and David B., 1876. He is a republican in politics, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. James Kerlin, deceased. — Among the citizens of Johnson County, Ind., worthy of mention in a work of this character, none, perhaps, are more so than the subject of this brief biographical sketch. James Kerlin was the son of George and Rachel (Banta) Kerlin, and was born in Henry Count} - , Ky., on February 12, 1S25. His parents were natives of Kentucky, and emigrated to Johnson County, Ind., in about 1S32, when their son was but seven years of age. The parents upon coming to Johnson Count)', located in Union Township, where they lived out their lives, and died on the old homestead. The mother survived her husband, and for many years was fondly and tenderly cared for and comforted by her son, our subject. He was reared of the farm, and secured a good com- mon school education, to which he added by means of a vigorous brain and desire to improve himself, a fund of practical knowledge which made him conversant with literary works, and particularly with the Scriptures, all of which he read with an understanding, grasping and retaining the true inwardness and purport of the works he read. With the exception of three years spent in manu- facturing coverlids, in Indianapolis, and two years at Union village, Johnson County, in the saw-milling business, his life was spent on the farm in Union Township. He was an excellent farmer, a very fine manager, and was very successful in life, leav- ing his family a comfortable home. He was united in mar- riage on August 24, 1871, near Knobnoster, Mo., to Miss Lou J. Tyler, who was born near Louisville, Ky., September 24, 1838, and is the daughter of Milton W. and Mary (Seaton) Tyler, na- tives of Kentucky, who removed thence to Johnson County, Ind., where the)- resided for about eighteen years, and then removed to Johnson County, Mo., where the} - reside at present on the farm. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Kerlin, one son and two daughters FRANKLIN' CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 62$ were born, as follows: Seaton Tyler, born November 23, 1S72; L. Leona, August 24, 1875, and M. Wyota, May 7, 1877'. Mr. Kerlin died July 8, 1887, from heart trouble, his death occurring very suddenly, leaving a widow and the three children to mourn his sudden death. He was an exceptional man in point of integ- rity, honesty and purity of character, and led an upright and vir- tuous life, and by his example wielded an influence for good on all who came in contact with him. He was a practical Christian, read and believed in the Scriptures, and more, followed out their teachings to the letter, and had been converted, but had never joined anv church organization. He was a devoted and kind husband and companion, a wise and loving father, and was in return loved and venerated bevond power of speech by his deso- late and grief-stricken family who to-day sadly mourn his loss. To know him was to love and respect him for his many virtues, and he is to-day remembered by a host of friends and acquaintances who followed his remains to the burial ground, and keep fresh and green his memory. Mrs. Kerlin and family removed to Franklin on September 8, 18S7, in order to give her children an opportunity of securing good education. She is a woman who was a fit com- panion for her deceased husband, and is no doubt able to complete the life-work begun and laid down by her husband — that of rear- in''' and making g-ood men and women of their children. Mrs. Kerlin is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. L. W. Knobe, proprietor of one of the leading retail grocery houses in Franklin, Ind., and in local experience the oldest grocery dealer in the city, was born in Jennings County, Ind., September 29, 1840, and is the son of Balzer and Magdaline Knobe, the former being a native of France, and the latter of Germany. The parents were married in Europe, and emigrated to America in about 1838. They at once came west to Indiana, and located on a farm in Jennings County, where both died in 1849, of cholera, their deaths occurring within a week of each other. To the parents live children were born, three of whom survive. After the death of his parents, our subject went to live with a cousin, and at the age of fourteen years was " bound out" to a lady at Madison, Ind. He was subsequently in the employ of D. J. Vawter, at Vernon, and with that gentleman came to Franklin, and altogether spent five years in his employ. He was next with Brooks & Jones, grocerv dealers, and, in 1859, engaged in the restaurant business in Franklin, and continued until Jul)', 1861, when he volunteered in Company I, Eighteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, of which he was appointed orderly sergeant at its organization. Eight months later he was promoted second lieutenant, and in 1863 he was promoted 626 JOHNSON' COUNTY. first lieutenant. He served as such until September I, 1S63, when he resigned on account of physical disabilities. Returning to Franklin, he entered into co-partnership for the purpose of doing a grocery and bakery business. March 5, 1865, his business was entirely destroyed by fire, upon which he had not a cent of insur- ance. Receiving support from friends, however, he was enabled to make another start in the same business, with his former partner. This firm, which had done a prosperous business, continued for three years, and his partner then sold out to James Hamilton, who, about eighteen months later, sold out to James Richer. Our subject next bought out William Mains, who was dealing in groceries and provisions, and has since carried on that business, together with a full line of candies, fruits, toys, etc., and has now probably the leading store of the kind in Franklin, and does an immense busi- ness. Mr. Knobe was married on March 10, 1S65, to Damaris Kimbel, who was born in the State of New York, and to them have been born four children, three of whom survive. Both Mr. and Mrs. Knobe are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the G. A. R., Wadsvvorth Post, No. 127, at Franklin. A. B. Lagrange, the subject of this sketch, is a dentist and grocery dealer of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., and was born in Johnson County, on August 18,1841. lie is the son of Aaron and Catherine (Banta) Lagrange. The father was born in Kentucky, and came to Johnson County, when but eighteen years of age, with his parents, who were among the pioneers of the county. He was a farmer by occupation, and was in the Black Hawk War. He is now a citizen of Franklin; is a Presbyterian in religion. The mother died in 1847. Her father was Peter Banta, an early settler of Johnson County, Ind. To the parents of our subject, four child- ren were born, of whom he is the second, and the oldest of three boys (one sister), all survive. He was reared on the farm, and at- tended the schools at Hopewell. Later heattended Franklin College. He entered the Federal Army in 1863, joining Company G, of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Indiana Regiment of Volunteers, and served until his discharge in the fall of same year (ninety days' enlistment). He taught school in Kansas for several years after the close of the war, and, in 1S70, entered the medical department, of Ann Arbor (Mich.) University, where he graduated in 1S72. He then returned to Franklin, and engaged in the dental profes- sion, and has continued up to the present. He was connected with the grocery business in 1883, doing good business. He was mar- ried in 1S72, to Fanny Butler, of Johnson County, who was born in Ohio, and is the daughter of Eli Butler. To this union is one FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 627 son, George, who was born in 1877. Mr. Lagrange is a member of the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church; he is also a member of Wadsworth Post, No. 127, G. A. R. Daniel C. Lagrange, retired farmer, was born in Mercer Countv, Ky., February 9, 1826, son of Peter and Lemima (Co- vert ) Lagrange, and is of French-German lineage. His parents were natives of New Jersey, and in 1826, came to Johnson County, and settled in Franklin Township, where they died. Mr. Lagrange is the youngest of three living children, and received a common school education. At the age of twenty-two years he began farm- ing for himself, and now owns 167 acres of line land in this town- ship. Mr. Lagrange has lived at Hopewell, for eighteen years. His marriage to Miss Catherine List, occurred in 1S48. Mrs. La- grange was born in Switzerland Count}', Ind., in 1829. They have four children: Maggie, Samuel, John and Edith. In politics, Mr. Lagrange is an ardent republican, and is a representative of one of the early families of this county. He and wife are members •of the Presbyterian Church. W. H. Lagrange, vice president of the National Bank of Franklin, Ind., was born three and one-half miles northwest from Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., on January 13, 1841, and is the son of Peter D. and Patsy M. (Ransdell) Lagrange, both of whom were natives of Mercer County, Ky. The father was born in 1S02, and was the son of Peter Lagrange, a native of Virginia. Peter, the elder, removed to Kentucky, and thence to Johnson County, Ind., in 1826, and was one of the early pioneers of the county. Peter D. was a farmer, and died on the old. homestead near Franklin, in 187S. The mother was born in 1806, and was the daughter of Wharton Ransdell, who lived and died in Kentucky. She died in Johnson Countv in 1873. To the parents seven children were born, two of whom survive. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm, and secured a limited education in the district schools. In 1875 he left the farm and located in Franklin, and in January, 1878, was elected president of the Second National Bank of Franklin (now defunct), of which he was at the head for rive years. He was then elected vice president of the National Bank, and holds that position at present. He was married in 1862, to Clarinda J., daughter of Daniel Brewer, who was born near Franklin in 1844, and to their union six children were born, as follows: Jasper W., Mary O., Frank E., Elenore J., Charles B. and Clarinda L., all living. Mr. Lagrange and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. John A. Lane, junior member of the Erm of Whitesides & Lane, proprietors of the Franklin Steam Laundry, was born in Madi- 40 628 JOHNSON COUNTY. son, Jefferson Co., Ind., on September 17, 1S57, and is the son of W. E. and A. L. (Reynolds) Lane, the former being a native of Baltimore, Md., and the latter of Madison, Ind. The father located in Franklin in 1S73, and his family followed the next year. They are now residents of this city, the father being employed at the planing-mill of Robert Waggener. Our subject was reared in Madison, where he obtained a very good education, graduating from the public schools of that place. He learned the trade of ma- chinist, and for several years followed the same, and then for two years was employed as clerk in a grocery store, and then next en- gaged in the laundry business. He was married January 19, 1885, to Jessie F. Ritchev, daughter of Leon Ritchey. His wife died October 16, 1SS5. and on December 29, 1887, he was married to Bessie Kerling, of Franklin. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lane are members ^Qf the Christian Church. James Lee, hotel and livery stable proprietor, of Franklin, Ind., was born in Shelby County, Ind., on Februaiy 13, 183S, and is the son of John and Sally A. (Bonner) Lee, the father being a native of West Virginia, and the mother of Ohio. Thev immigrated to Shelby County in about 1825, and located in that county, where thev were married. The father died in 1878, and the mother in 1S76. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject was reared on a farm, and received his education in district schools. He located in Franklin in December, 1S71, and was merchandising in Shelbv Countv for four years, previous to 1871. He began the livery business upon coming to Franklin, and sold out a year later, and engaged in the restaurant and livery business, and in i!S86 took charge of the Hotel Lee, and conducts that popular hotel, and a livery stable, at present. In 1S61 he was married to Mollie Landram, who died in 1S65, leaving two child- ren, who are now living. In 1876 he was married to Mollie Bar- nett, daughter of William H. Barnett, recorder of Johnson County, and to their union six children have been born, all living. Richard M. Lee was born in Jefferson Countv, Ind., on Sep- tember 8, 1848, and is the son of H. J. and Lucy (Short) Lee, both natives of Jefferson County, Ind. The father was born in 1822, and the mother in 1S26 or 1S27, and died in 1856. The father is a farmer, and lives in Jefferson County, Ind. The father's second marriage was to Miss Lizzie Mathews. Four children were born to the first marriage, three of whom are living. To his second marriage ten children were born, seven of whom are living. Our subject was reared on a farm, attended the schools in Jefferson Countv, and enlisted in 1863, in Company H, of the Tenth Indiana Cavalry. His brother, John M.. was in the Third Indiana Cavalry, FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 629 and died in Andersonvflle prison. Our subject was mustered out at Vicksburg, Miss., in 1865. He returned to Jefferson County and fanned until 1869, and then went to Nebraska, and remained three years farming. He returned to Indiana in 1S73, and came to Franklin in 1SS1, and has resided here since, carrying on farm- ing. He was elected councilman of Franklin, in 1885, to rep- resent the Third Ward, served two years, and was appointed street commissioner in May, 1SS7, and resigned in March, 1888. He then went to farming again. He was married March 27, 1877, to Mrs. Nancy A. Cooper, born in Johnson County, Ind., on April 10, 1857, and daughter of Martin and Sallie Beard. She was a widow. One daughter has been born to them. She is a member of the Christian Church. Albert List was born in Henry County, Ky., October 4, 1832, son of Garrett and Elizabeth (Voris) List, and is of German descent. His father was born in Kentucky, in 1808, and is now a resident of Marion County, Ind.; his mother, also a native of Ken- tuckv, died in this county. Our subject is the eldest of eight children, three of whom are now living. In 1S34 he came with his parents to this count)', and settled near Hopewell Church. He received a common school education, and at the age of sixteen years, began working by the month as a farm hand, which he continued six years, when he began farming for himself, in Marion County, Ind., having removed to that county about 1853. In 1875 Mr. List returned to Johnson County, and located on his present farm, which consists of no acres of well-improved land. In 1878 he began the dairy business, and now has thirty Jersey cows. During the year 1887, he sold 5,019 pounds of butter. In addition to this, he has given his attention to the cultivation of small fruits, at which he has been very successful. The marriage of Mr. List occurred in 1S56, to Miss Eliza Hoefgoen, a native of Pennsylvania, who died in 1872. To this marriage were born three children : Maria A., Ella and Mattie M. Mr. List was mar- ried again in 1874, to Miss Amelia Lockwood, a native of Ohio. They have one child, Mary L. Politically, Mr. List is a republican, and he and wife are members of the Presbvterian Church. Tunis Calvin List, of Franklin Township, is one of four children to the marriage of Theodore and Susan ( Yannuys) List, and is of Scotch-Irish origin. The parents of our subject were natives of Kentuckv; his father's birth occurring in that state in 1797, and his death in Johnson County in 1877. The mother was born in Mercer County, and died in this county, at about seventy- five years of age. The family came to Johnson County in 1838. Here the boyhood days of our subject were spent, and here in a 63O JOHNSON COUNTY. log-house which stood where the Hopewell school building now stands, he was educated. Mr. List has followed farming success- fully all his life, and is the present owner of a good farm of 150 acres, upon which he has resided twenty-seven years. His mar- riage occurred in 1852, to Miss Mary C. Luyster, a sister of Capt. H. H. Luyster, mayor of Franklin. Mrs. List was born in 1836, where she now lives. The}- are the parents of four children: Luna May. born 1S56; Robert M., born 1858; Samuel W., born 1863, and William, born 1866. Politically, Mr. List is a republican, and cast his first presidential yote for John C. Fremont, and since that time has yoted for every republican nominee. Samuel W. List, a brother of our subject, was a soldier in the late war, a member of Company F, Seventh Indiana Volunteers. He was wounded at Petersburg. Va., and died at City Point, July 4, 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Tunis C. List are members of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church. H. H. Luvster, the subject of this brief sketch, is one of the prominent citizens of, and mayor of, the city of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind. He was born three miles west from Franklin, hid., on November 14, 1832, and is the son of Stephen and Mary 1 Van- diver) Luvster. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born in 1797. His father was Cornelius Luyster, a Hol- lander bv birth, and on his (Stephen) mother's side was a de- scendant of the Van Ordens, one of the prominent Knickerbocker families of New York. From Pennsylvania, Cornelius removed to Kentucky, when Stephen was a boy, where he died. From Ken- tucky, Stephen removed to Butler County, Ohio, and, in 1829, came to Johnson County. Ind.. and was one of the pioneers of the county. He learned and worked at the wagon-making trade, but in later life followed farming. He died in 1^79. The mother was born in Kentuckv. in 1S00. and was the daughter of Henry Van- diver, of Mercer County, Ky. The parents were married in Ken- tuckv. She died in 1S76. Both were members of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, after its organization. To the paients five children were born, four of whom are living. Our sub- ject was the youngest. He was reared on the farm, and secured a common school education. In May, 1864, he was in- strumental in organizing Company G, One Hundred and Thirty- second Regiment Indiana Volunteers, which was organized for the 100 days' service, and of which he was chosen captain. He was discharged at Indianapolis in September, 1864. He engaged in merchandising, in 1867, in merchant tailoring and boots and shoes, but made his home on the farm, and in 1871 located his family in Franklin. He retired from business in 1874. 1° May, 1884, he FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 631 elected mayor of Franklin, on the republican ticket, and in 1886 was was re-elected. He is a member of the G. A. R. post, and has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since he was six- teen years old. He was married, in 1855, to Miss Mary I. Carna- han, who was born in Tippecanoe County, Ind., and is the daughter of Rev. James A. Carnahan, a pioneer minister. To this union six children have been born, three of whom are living. She is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. J. O.Martin, deceased. — Among the citizens of Johnson County, Ind., worthy of mention in a work of this character, none, perhaps, are more so than the deceased citizen, whose name heads this brief biographical sketch. Dr. Martin was born in Fayette County, Penn., on January 15, 1S21, and was the son of John and Elizabeth (Cotton) Martin, both natives of Pennsylvania. He was reared on the farm, and was given a good common school educa- tion. He remained on the farm until grown, and during the latter part of his life on the farm, taught school several years. During the forties he came to Indiana, and having found teaching was not a suitable life vocation, he entered the office of Dr. Ullery, at Ris- ing Sun, and began the study of dentistry. He had previously read medicine with Dr. James, at Catlettsburgh, Ky. In 1849 he returned to his native state, and locating at Dunbar, began practic- ing his profession — dentistry. He returned to Indiana, in 1S52, and locating in Franklin, succeeded in building up a name and business, both professionally and otherwise, which survives him. Socially he was affable, sunny and genial, and his cheery disposi- tion naturally attracted many friends and acquaintances, who keep fresh his name in their memory. He was a member of the Pres- byterian Church, and also of the Masonic lodge, by which frater- nity he was buried on January 9, 187S, his death having occurred the 7th of the same month, from that fatal malady, " Bright's Dis- ease.*' On May I, 1849, -Dr. Martin was united in marriage with Charity Denton, the daughter of Joseph and Mary (Voorhess) Den- ton, who was born on January 18, 1829, in the State of New York. The parents were natives of New York State, and came to Indiana in 1S31, locating in Switzerland County, where they lived and died. To Dr. Martin and wife three children were born, as follows: Mary Elizabeth, born on February 8, 1S30, married Dr. Voorheis, of Columbus, Ind., and died December 27, 1886; Sarah C, born July 6, 1851, and died January 22, 1854, and John D., born July 25, 1853, now living in the west, thus leaving a widow and one son survivers of the family. Dr. Martin was one of the leading men in the procuring of the charter of the city of Franklin. He served as clerk of Franklin after it had a city charter, for many years; was 632 JOHNSON COUNTY. one of the leading characters in the building of the cit}* school building, also in buying and laying out the new cemetery. William J. Mathes, deceased, was born in Culpepper County, Ya., August 1, 1818, and was the son of Joseph and Sarah (At wood) Mathes, both natives of Virginia. Joseph Mathes came to Johnson County in 1S25, and resided on a farm near Edinburg until his death. He reared a family of nine children. After his death, Mrs Mathes and William J., our subject, removed to a farm in Nineveh Township, where her death occurred in 1856. Mrs. Mathes wis a Baptist. March 22, 1S45, William J. Mathes was married to Miss Rachel Mullikin, whose mother was born in Henry County, Ky., Februar}' 13, 1823, of Irish descent. To this union five children were born, three of whom are now living: Joseph L., Clara B., wife (if Smith B. Fesler, and Sarah E. Our subject was a merchant at Williamsburg, several years, and held the office of postmaster, and township trustee. In September, 1S63, he removed to Franklin, where he resided until his death, which occurred October 9, 1886. Here he engaged in the mercantile business, in connection with which he run a livery and sale stable. He was elected countv commissioner three terms, and held that office at the time of his death. He was a democrat. Joseph L. Mathes was born in Johnson County, May 30, 1S51. He received a common school education, and began life for himself at the age of twenty-one years, and for eight years, was engaged in the mercantile business in Franklin. In 1873, he engaged in farming. In 1873, he mar- ried Mary J- Coleman, a native of Johnson County, who has borne him these children : William J., Mary E., and Hugh Q. He is a democrat, and a member of the K. of P. order, and with his wife, belongs to the Christian Church. Allen McCaslin, a highly respected pioneer and citizen of Johnson County, was born in Shelby Countv, Ky., September 30, 1S18, son of David and Mary (Marrs) McCaslin. The former was born in Wythe County. Ya., about 1767, and his death occurred in Johnson County, Ind., December 17, 1850; the latter was born in Pennsylvania about 1777, and died May 18, 1S41. The subject of this biographical sketch came to Johnson County in 1829 and settled on the farm where he now resides. He attended school in the old log school-house, which stood near where the Presbyterian Church of Franklin, now stands. By occupation Mr. McCaslin is a farmer, and owns a valuable farm. He was united in marriage November 5, 1S40, to .Miss Margaret Ditmars, a native of Somer- set County, N. J., born October 3, 1S20, daughter of Garrett and Sarah (Verbryck) Ditmars. Mr. and Mrs. McCaslin have had five children, two of whom vet live, namely: William O., born i85i,and FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 633 Harriet D., 1855. ^ e ' ias been a member of the Presbyterian Church for fifty years, and for forty years has been an elder, and for fortv-eight years his wife has been a member of the same church. Politically, he was formerly a whig, but is now a repub- lican, and cast his first vote for William H. Harrison. Everett M. McCaslin, a native of Johnson County, Ind., was born February 24, 1855, and is the son of Wosson and Jane S. (Winchester) McCaslin. The subject of this biography grew to manhood upon the farm, and received a common school education at the Hopewell Academy. In 1876, he began farming for himself in Osage County, where he remained four years, and then returned to this county and, in 1886, settled where he now resides. The marriage of Mr. McCaslin occurred September 6, 1876, to Miss Belle Ditmars, daughter of Cornelius and Catherine (Banta) Dit- mars. Mrs. McCaslin was born in Franklin Township, September 6, 1855. To the above marriage two children were born: Her- bert D., born March 8, 18S2, and Caroline, April 30, 1886. In politics, Mr. McCaslin is an ardent republican, and cast his first presidential vote for R. B. Hayes. He and wife are members of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder. Mr. McCaslin is a leading young farmer, industrious, and a liberal supporter of all laudable public enterprises. John McCaslin is a native of Scott County, Ind., born Sep- tember 25, 1825, being the eldest of six children, four of whom are now living. His father, Alexander McCaslin, was born in Mercer County, Ky., January 23, 1801; his mother, Elizabeth (Sellers) McCaslin, was born in Shelby Count}-, Ky., in 1804, and died in Johnson County, Ind., in September, i860. The McCaslin family came to Indiana in 181 5, and in 1829 located in Johnson County, two miles south of Franklin. The immediate subject of this sketch attended school in Franklin, in a hewed-log school house that stood near where the Presbyterian Church now stands. About 1S48 he began farming in the southern part of Franklin Township, and in 1864 removed to his present farm, which consists of 354 acres of good land. For twenty-live years Mr. McCaslin has been breed- ing short-horn cattle, and now has a herd of seventy. Mr. Mc- Caslin was married in 185 1 to Miss M. J. Alexander, born near Greenville, Tenn., December 29, 1829. They have five children, viz.: George A., born 1852; Robert N., born 1856; Martha B., born 1866; John A., born 1871, and William E., born 1875. Mr. .McCaslin is a republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. John II. McCaslin is the fourth son of Wasson and Jane S. (Winchester) McCaslin, and is of Scotch-Irish lineage. He was 634 JOHNSON COUNTY. born in Franklin Township, Johnson Co., Inch, October 22, 1859, an< * grew to manhood upon the farm. Mr. McCaslin re- ceived a common school education, and at the age of twenty-one years, embarked on his own responsibility in life's voyage, as a far- mer, and by industry and good management has secured a valuable farm, upon which he located in 1S86. Mis residence, which was built in 1SS6, at a cost of $1,500, is one of the finest in the town- ship. The marriage of Mr. McCaslin occurred October 20, 1886, to Miss Anna E. Woods, born at Greenwood, this county, April 13, 1863, daughter of Alfred C. and Elizabeth (Smock) Woods, the former born in East Tennessee, December 17, 1821; the latter born at Greenwood, March 30, 1829, and died in 1876. Politically, he is a republican, and cast his first presidential vote for the lamented Gar- field. Mr. and Mrs. McCaslin are members of the Franklin Pres- byterian Church. William McCaslin, deceased. — Among the citizens of John- son County, Ind., probably no one was more prominent than the one whose name heads this biographical sketch. He was born in Virginia, February 7, 181 7, and was the son of natives of Virginia. The parents removed from Virginia to Mercer County, Ky., and from there came to Johnson County, Ind., in about 1827. At that time the subject of this sketch was about ten years of age, and he was given a common school education, and when a young man taught school. He was possessed of a fine business education, which he secured in practical business pursuits, and was recognized as one of the ablest financiers of the county. He remained on the farm until i860, and then removed to Franklin, where he resided until his death, which occurred June 5, 18S3. He was a Christian in the true sense of the word, and was a member of the Presbyterian Church, of Franklin, and for several years led the choir of the same. He began life with a farm of eighty acres, given him by his father, and as evidence of his financial ability it is only neces- sary to state that he left an estate valued at about $50,000. His nature was charitable, and many need} - persons were the recipients of his generous bounty. As a citizen he was progressive and en- terprising, and always stood in the front row, when a move was made toward the advancement of the town and county. He was nited in marriage three times. The first time was in 1838, when he was married to Charity Vannuvs, who died April 11, 1S39, aged twenty-two years. His second marriage was solemnized on November 1, 1S39, to Cynthia ( King) Shafer, who was born October 21, 1814, and died March 2, 187S. To this marriage three children were born : V. Brainard, born November 2,1840, died June 6, i860; Elizabeth A., born Jul}- 11, 1843, and died Sep- FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 635 tember 24, 1S45, and B. K., born April 28, 1S49, and died September 4, 1850. He was married the third time on December 25. 1879, t0 Marguerite Mullen, who was born near Carlisle, Pa., May 7, 1838, and is the daughter of Sampson and Sarah (Golden) Mullen, of Welsh and Irish descent, respectively- Both parents died when their daughter was a child, she being but two years of age at the death of her father, and six at the death of her mother. Mrs. Caslin was married to our subject in Thomasville, Ga., where she was spending the winter season, her home being at the time in Minneapolis, Minn. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has a large circle of friends in Franklin. Mr. McCaslin's por- trait appears in this volume. Wosson McCaslin, an old and respected citizen of Franklin Township, was born June 18, 1827, in Scott County, Ind., being the third in a family of seven children born to the marriage of David and Polly (Sellers) McCaslin, the former born in Mercer County, Ky., in 1797, and died in Johnson County in 1873, and the latter was born in Kentucky in 1801, and died in this county in 1871. In the fall of 1827, the family emigrated to Johnson County and set- tled in Franklin Township, just west of the city of Franklin, where the subject, of this biographical sketch grew to manhood. He at- tended school at the old log school-house, that was located in Frank- lin, near where the Presbyterian Church now stands. The life of Mr. McCaslin has been that of a farmer, which he began for himself at twenty-one years of age, and, in 1856, settled on his present farm, and now owns 360 acres of excellent and well improved land. As a farmer and stock-raiser, Mr. McCaslin is progressive and up with the times. He was united in marriage November 13, 1S50, to Miss Jane S. Winchester, born in this county, September 28, 1828, being a daughter of Serril and Mary A. (Miller) Winchester. The father of Mrs. McCaslin was born in Hardin County, Ky., in 1804, and died in this county in 1S54; her mother was born in North Carolina in 1S03, and died in this county in 1867. The Winchester family came to Johnson County in 1826, and were among the early pioneers of this part of Indiana. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. McCaslin are these seven children : David S., born 1853; Everett M., born 1855; Josie, born 1857; John H., born 1859; Florence, born 1861; Laura J., born 1863, and Ezra W., born 1873. Politically, Mr. McCaslin is a republican, and he and family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Samuel J. McClkllax, agent of the J., M. & I. R. R. Co., and one of the leading young citizens of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., was born in Franklin, on September 14, 1849. ^ e ' s tne son °^ James H. and Isabella H. (Bryan) McClellan. James H. was bora 6t,6 JOHNSON COUNTY. in Trimble County, Ky., on February 21, 1818, and was the son of William McClellan, a native of Virginia. James H. early came to Johnson Countv, Ind., and clerked in a dry goods store. He next engaged in business for himself (books). He was ap- pointed postmaster under the administration of President Pierce, and was re-appointed under Buchanan's administration, holding the office for eight years, and was the last democratic postmaster of Franklin until the Cleveland administration. After leaving the postoffice he entered the court house, and was engaged for several months as assistant in the different offices. In April, 1S61, he entered the employ of the Jeffersonville Railroad Company, and three months later was appointed agent of the same at Franklin. Upon the consolidation or the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianap- olis railroads, in 1864, he was made agent at Franklin, of the two, and continued as agent until his death, which occurred February 27, 1882. Politically, he was a democrat, and though he never held a county office, he was respected and appreciated as a citizen. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The mother was born in Shelby Countv, Ky., and is the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bryan, who emigrated from Kentucky to John- son County, Ind. She is a member of the Christian Church. To the parents three children were born, two of whom survive. The children are: Mary (deceased), Sam J., our subject, and Bettie, now the wife of W. II. Riley. Our subject was reared in Frank- lin, and secured a good education in the public schools. At the age of about seventeen years he set out to learn telegraphy, and was next appointed operator at the J., M. & I. depot, and remained as such until March 4, 1882, when he was appointed agent to succeed his father, and holds that position at present. He is a K. of P., and in religion, belongs to the Presbyterian Church, and in politics, is a democrat. W. II. McCoy, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., and member of the firm of Yager & McCoy, book and stationer}- dealers, was born in Clark Countv, Ind., on the old homestead, on April 26, 1837, and is the son of Collins and Nancy ( McDoneld 1 McCoy. Collins was born on the same farm as his son, in Clark County, on April 17. 1S07, and was the son of Maj. John McCoy, an officer of the militia; and James and Rice, two brothers, were in the battle of Tippecanoe, and were later in life Baptist ministers of some note. The greatgrand- father was Elder William McCoy, a native of Pennsylvania, and a Baptist minister. James McCoy was the great great grandfather who came from Scotland at the age of sixteen years. The McCoys came from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, and then to Indiana in 1S00. FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 637 The mother was born in Indiana on March 16, 1816, and was the daughter of John McDoneld, who came to Indiana from Ohio. Phoebe Richardson was her mother. The father died on August 27, 1872, and mother on October 20, 184S, leaving five children, four beys and one girl. Our subject was the eldest. His sister, Sarah J., is wife of Prof. F. W. Brown, of the Latin chair in college. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured an early education in common country schools. In 1854, he entered Franklin College, of which his grandfather was one of the founders. He graduated in 1861. He then taught school, first at Seymour, where he was prin- cipal of schools, and next elected professor of mathematics at Moore's Hill College, Indiana, and remained there one year. He then engaged in merchandising at Greensburgh, Ind., and next re- turned to teaching, and was principal of schools at Old Vernon. In 1869 he returned to Franklin, and engaged in business at his present stand, in the stove and tinware trade. He next engaged in the drug business, and in 1S72, his father dying, he went to the farm in Clark County, and remained ten years, coming here again in 1882, and going in the hardware business with R. A. Alexander. Eighteen months (1SS4) later, he entered his present business, and has been here since. Was married in 1863 to Miss E. A. Potter, who was born near Greensburgh, Decatur Co., Ind., in 1843, and is a daughter of X. J. M. Potter. He has four children. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. A. W. McLaughlin, city treasurer of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., is a native of Johnson County, Ind., and was born in Franklin Township, August S, i860, and is the son of W. H. and Kate (Tilson) McLaughlin. (See sketch of W. H. McLaughlin.) He was reared on the farm, and secured a good education in the district schools, and public schools of Franklin. He engaged in the saw-mill of his father in Franklin until May 4, 1 886, when he was elected to his present position as a republican, receiving a majority of about 162 votes. He was elected for two years. December 19, 1883, he was married to Miss Stella Thompson, who was born in Edinburg, Ind., in i860, and is the daughter of I. M. Thompson, of the firm of Thompson, White & Co., proprietors of the Franklin Starch Works. To this union, a son, Harry A., was born Feb- ruary 27, 1885. Mr. McLaughlin is a member of the K. of P., uniform rank, and his wife is a member of the Christian Church. W. H. McLaughlin, one of the leading citizens of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind.. and junior member of the firm of Waggener & McLaughlin, planing-mill and lumber dealers, of Franklin, was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, on January 8, 1S33, and is the second of five children, born to L. K. and Esther (Hunter) Mc- 638 JOHNSON COUNTY. Laughlin. Our subject was born in Norwich, Ohio, but reared principally in McConnellsville, that state, where he attended the public schools, securing a limited education. After leaving school he learned the carriage-maker's trade, and in 1S50 removed to Franklin, Ind., and continued at his trade until 1S57. He then married Miss Kate Tilson, on April 30, 1857, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., on January 4, 1839, anc ' ' s t ^ e daughter of Stephen Tilson. He removed to the farm the same year, where he remained until the spring of 1863, and where a daughter and son were born. He engaged in the saw-mill business in 1S63, and ran a mill for one year. Soon after he went to Tipton Countv, where he remained for about two and a half years, and then purchasing an interest in a mill, removed it to Cass County, Ind., where he remained from 1866 to 1869. He next returned to his farm and spent a year there, being at the same time engaged in the lumber business. In 187 1, he located in Franklin, and en- gaged in dealing in walnut lumber exclusively. From that time on, until about 1883, he was engaged in the lumber business, saw- milling and planing-milling, with different parties, and then pur- chased a mill of his own and ran the same up to August, 1887, when he sold the same to X. M. Pittman. In the early spring of 1888, he formed a partnership with Robert Waggener, and with him is engaged in the planing-mill, saw-mill and contracting and building business. In 1S62, he volunteered in Company F, of the Fifth Cavalry, Ninetieth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, and served for seven months, resigning on account of disabilities. At the organization of the regiment he was given the position of a supernumerary lieutenant, and soon afterward was elected first lieutenant, which position he held until his resignation, serving under the command of Col. Isaac P. Gray, now governor of Ind- iana, being on detached duty, and with the governor was on the celebrated Bedford raid. Our subject has always been quite promi- nent as a citizen, taking an active interest in town and county affairs. He has served in the city council several terms, and on the city school board a number of times, and is a member of the board at present, and serving out his second term. He is a republican in politics, and stands high in his party, and in 1SS2, was chosen by His party to make the race for clerk of the countv, and in 1SS4 was nominated for treasurer. He is a member of the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, and Knights of Honor fraternities, and is a member of the Baptist Church. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin four children have been born, all of whom survive. The children are: Lena, wife of C. N. Hall, of Peru, Ind.: Arthur, now city clerk of Franklin; Annie, who lives at home with her parents, and FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 639 Thad, who clerks in a clothing store at Peru. Mrs. McLaughlin and the eldest daughter are members of the Baptist Church. Lewis K, father of our subject, was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, in 1S03. He was a graduate of the Eclectic School of Medicine, and practiced his profession in Ohio, for eighteen years, and removed to Franklin, Irid., in 1849, and practiced until his death, which occurred in September, 1851, with cholera, which he contracted while on a visit to Cincinnati, Ohio. The mother of our subject was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, in 1809, and is now a resident of Franklin. Stephen Tilson, father of Mrs. W. II. McLaughlin, was one of the pioneers of Johnson Count}', coming from Virginia at a very early date, and locating here when the country was almost a wilderness. Rev. E. M. McMillen, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., and a leading young minister of the place, is a native of Lawrence Countv, Ohio, having been born in Burlington, on the Ohio River, on October 1, 1S57. He is the only child of the Rev. Archibald J. and Gertrude (Merrifield) McMillen, both of whom were natives of Ohio. The father was born in 1829, and was the son of Isaac and Winifred McMillen, from near Zanesville Ohio. He was educated for the ministry at the old Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, graduating from that eminent institution in the class of 1S54. He began his ministerial work in about 1856, at Ashland, Ky., and subsequently had charge of the Presbyterian congregations at Greenup, Ky., Burlington, New Plymouth, Athens, Ohio, and Ravenswood, W. Ya., having charge of the church at the latter place for a period of eleven years, and dying there on April 2, 1878. He was a fine classical scholar, possessed of a strong mind, and was of broad and liberal views, though he held close to the teachings of his faith. He was eminently pious, and possessed the full confidence and esteem of the people of the different charges he presided over. He was chap- lain of the Fourteenth Regiment of U. S. Kentucky Infantry for two years, and during that time led an active life, during which time he contracted a cold, from which came the asthma, and of the latter affliction he died. His brother, John McMillen, was a major in one of the volunteer regiments of the Union Army, and was captured at Chancellorsville, and imprisoned at Andersonville, where he died. The mother was born at New London, Huron County, Ohio, in 1833, and was the daughter of James and Huldah Merrifield, natives of New Hampshire. She died in 1858, when our subject was fourteen months of age. In 1863 Rev. Archibald McMillen was united in marriage with Miss Eugenia A. Samuels, who was a native of Virginia. To this union two sons — Egede C. 64O JOHXSOX COUNTY. and Herbert C, were born. Egede is a resident of Huntington. W. Ya., and Herbert is a student at Hanover College, Indiana, while their mother resides at Barbersville, Ky. Our subject's early edu- cation was secured in the public schools of New London, Athens, Ohio, and Ravenswood, W. Ya. He entered the preparatory de- partment of the Merrietta College, Ohio, at the age cf fourteen years, and six years later, in 1878, graduated from that college. In the fall of 1878, he entered the Lane Theological Seminary at Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduated from the same in 18S1. From there he went to Paris. Ky.. and took charge of the General As- sembly Presbyterian Church, where he remained oyer five years. He next took charge of the Lebanon (Ky.) Presbyterian Church, and in November, 1SS6, came to Franklin, Ind., and took charge of the Presbyterian Church, which is the leading church organiza- tion of the place. He was married on October 26, 1886, to Laura D. Ray, who was born in Marion County, Ky., in 1858, and is the daughter of Philip and Sarah Doneghy, both natives of Kentucky. Rev. McMillen, though a young man in years, is an able and eloquent divine, and his stay in the different charges, and particularly in Franklin, has been characterized bv vigorous work, filling each pulpit with satisfaction to his congregation. During the first three months of 1887. a wonderful revival blessed his work in Franklin, resulting in the conversion and accession to the Presbyterian Church of more than 220 persons. W. A. McNaughton, the subject of this sketch, is one of the leading young citizens and business men of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., and proprietor of the largest dry goods and carpet estab- lishment in the city and county. He was born at Leavenworth, Crawford Co., Ind., on November 4. 1849. He is the son of Rev. S. W. and Sarah (Forbes 1 McNaughton. The father was born in Indiana, in 1S26, and is a minister of the Methodist Church, and has been a member of the Indiana Methodist Episcopal Conference for about thirty-five years, during which time he has occupied pul- pits at many points in the southwestern portion of the state. He is now stationed in Yanderburg County. The mother was born in Pennsylvania, and died in 1S68. To this union eight children have been born, two of whom are dead. The father has since married. Our subject was reared from his thirteenth year in Edinburg, John- son Co., Ind., and secured a limited education in the public schools. He began life as a cash boy in the store of Harvey Lewis, at Ed- inburg, and thence was promoted to a clerkship, and later was cashier and book-keeper in the bank of Mr. Lewis, remaining with that gentleman until his retirement from business in about i s 7-. He next took an interest in the dry goods store of John Walsh, and FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 64I in 1SS0 the firm removed to Franklin. Upon the retirement of Mr. Walsh, from the business, in 1883, our subject assumed full proprietorship of the business, and continues the same at present. He is a member of the K. of P. order, uniform rank, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was married December 27, 1870, to Annie C, daughter of John Walsh, who was born in Ed- inburg. To this union live children have been born, all of whom are living. Mrs. McNaughton is a member of the Catholic Church. John C. M. McNutt, a member of the law firm of Thompson & McNutt, of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., was born in Hensley Township, Johnson County, Ind., on Ma} - 25, 1S63. His father was James McNutt, who was also born in Hensley Township, John- son County, on the 10th day of March, 1S36, and was the son of John McNutt, who came to Indiana and located in Johnson County at a very early date, in the history of the county. James McNutt, the father of our subject, was a farmer by occupation. The mother of our subject was Cyntha J. Hunt, who was born in John- son County, December 16, 1840, and is the daughter of William R. Hunt, who was a native of Kentucky, and immigrated to Johnson County in about 1826. He was born in 1818, and died in 1886. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt five children were born, four of whom survive. The mother was married in July, 18S3, to Jacob M. Cooper, deceased, a resident of Johnson Count)'. She is now a resident of Morgantown, Ind. Of the children, our subject was the second in age. He was reared on the farm until he was sixteen years of age. He, early in life, attended the district schools of his native township, in Johnson Count}-, and finished his education by graduating from the Morgantown (Ind.) high school. At the age of seventeen years, he began teaching school, and for five years continued at the same, studying law in the meantime. He read law with an uncle, C. F. McNutt, at Terre Haute, Ind., and also with S. D. Luckett, at Bedford, and then in the office of. R. M. Johnson, of Franklin, now of Washington, D. C. He was admitted to the bar in 1884, and in the spring of 1886, formed a co-partnership with William C. Thompson, and began practicing his profession in Franklin, and has continued up to the present. The firm also have a complete set of abstract books of Johnson Countv, and make abstracting a specialty. He married, July 7, 18S6, Ruth Neelv, who was born in Brown Countv, Ind., April 22, 1S65, and is the daughter of Jacob M. and Sarah A. Neely, of Morgantown, Ind. Mr. McNutt is a member of Johnson Lodge, No. 76, I. O. O. F., in which he at present occupies the chair of N. G. Mrs. McNutt is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the spring of 1888, he was nominated on the democratic ticket as candidate for 642 JOHNSON COUNTY. prosecuting attorney for the district composed of Shelby and John- son counties. Dr. D. H. Miller, druggist of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., was born in Hendricks Count}', Ind., on December 5. 1842, and is the son of Scott and Mary J. (Stout) Miller. The father was born in Scott County, Kv., in 1S14, and was the son of Henry Miller. Henry Miller removed to Hendricks County, Ind., in 1830, and was one of the pioneers of that county. He was a farmer, as was also his son. The mother of our subject was born in Hamil- ton County, Ohio, about 1S24, and was the daughter of Thomas J. Stout, who removed to Indiana, and located near Indianapolis, in Marion Count}'. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and was one of the " Bloodv Three Hundred " who went from Indianapolis to the Black Hawk War. Scott Miller entered the Federal Army, in August, 1S61, and was elected captain of Company I, Seventh Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, bv a unanimous vote at its organi- zation, and served as such until 1863, when he resigned on account of heart trouble, and returned home. He died in Paris, Texas, in 1879, while on a business visit to that place. The mother died in 1876. The subject of this sketch was the only child born to the parents. He was reared on the farm, and received his early education in the Danville Academy, situated in his native county. At the age of eighteen years lie enlisted in the federal service, going as a private in his father's company ( Company I ),of the Seventh Regi- ment of Indiana Volunteers, and served for about eight months, when he was discharged for physical disability, resulting from a se- vere attack of typhoid fever. Returning to Indiana he almost im- mediately began reading medicine at Indianapolis, and during the years 1S65-6-7, attended the Ohio Medical College of Ohio, from which he graduated in March of the latter year. In January, 1868, he located in Franklin and established his present drug business. A large and complete stock of drugs, toilet articles, fancy goods, and cigars and tobacco is carried, besides a prescription department. The business has flourished since its establishment, and is one of the leading drug stores of the city. He was married in 1S70, to Parintha Williams, who was born on a farm in Rush County, Ind., and is the daughter of Thomas Williams, and to this union, one daughter, Gertrude M., has been born. Mr. Miller is a republi- can in politics, is president of the city school board, a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pvthias fraternities, and with his wife, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Joseph II. Mullendore was born November 3, 1855, in Shelby Count}', Ind., son of Lewis and Harriet E. (Record) Mullen- dore, the former born in Miami County, Ohio, in 1823, and the latter FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 643 born in 1S31. In iS57the family removed from Shelby County to Johnson County, and here our subject was reared and educated. By occupation he is a farmer, and by industry and good manage- ment has secured a valuable farm comprising 160 acres, upon which he settled in 1S7S. He has a good residence, erected in 1886, and a substantial barn built in 1S87, also one of the best drained farms in that localitv. Mr. Mullendore was married Oc- tober 14, 1S77, to Miss Sarah E. Mitchell, a native of this county, born October 20, 185S. daughter of William and Lucinda Mitchell, the former born in 1837, the latter in 1S42, and died in 1861. To this union were born these children: Elzora E., born July 8, 1SS1, Gracia E., born April 1, 1885, and Alonzo E., born August 15, 1878, and died December 15, 18S5. Politically, Mr. Mullendore is a republican, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. William M. Neal, the subject of this sketch, is one of the leading citizens of Johnson County, Ind., and is engaged in the general blacksmithing and repair business. He was born in Jessa- mine County, Kv., on the ground where Camp Nelson was located during the late war, on December 1, 1844. His father was Moses H. Neal, who was a native of North Carolina, and emigrated from there to Kentuckv. In Januarv, 1854, rie emigrated to Indiana, locating in Johnson County. In 1S63, he removed from Franklin to Elizabethtown, Bartholomew Countv, and 'in 1867, removed thence to Jennings Count}', where he died in 1872. The mother was Matilda Bain, and was born in Greenville District, S. C, and died in Jennings Countv, in 1874. To the parents six sons and six daughters were born, only two (our subject and an older brother, John A. Neal, of Bartholomew County), survive. Our subject was reared on a farm three miles east from Franklin, Ind., and secured a good education in the district schools. In August, 1^62, lie enlisted in Companv I, of the Seventieth Indiana Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, under Col. Benjamin Harrison, ex-U. S. Senator. He served until the close of the war, losing but three days during service, and was mustered out of the service at Washington, D. C, on June 9, 1865. He returned to Franklin in November, 1S66, and engaged in blacksmithing, and has been here ever since carrying on his business, which has grown to a considerable enterprise. In 1S78, he was elected by the democrats of Johnson County, as sheriff, receiving a majority of 769 votes, earning every township in the county. He was re-nominated by acclamation, and re-elected in 1880, by a majority of 680 votes, holding the office four years. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is a Knight Templar. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge. He was married June 6, 1867, to Hattie E. Mozingo, who was born injohn- 41 644 JOHNSON COUNTY. son Count)', and is the daughter of Joseph and Julia (Owen) Mozingo. To this union three children have been born, all of whom survive. Rev. Albert Ogle, pastor of the Franklin (Ind.) Baptist Church, is a native of Indiana, and was born in Switzerland County, on April 10, 1839, being the fourth of two sons and seven daughters, born to Achilles and Charlott (Bakes) Ogle. The father was born in Westmoreland County, Ya., in 1809, and is the son of Hiram Ogle, a Virginian. In 1813 Hiram, the grandfather, emigrated to Switzerland County, Inch, where he lived until his death, following-farming. Achilles, the father, also followed farm- ing in Switzerland County, and is now an honored citizen of Vevay, the county seat of that countv. The mother of our subject was born in Switzerland County, Ind., in 1S16, and was the daughter of John Bakes, a native of England, who emigrated to America at the beginning of the present century. She died in Vevay, Ind., in August, 1886. She was a member of the Baptist Church, of which her husband is also a member. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured the rudiments of his education in the common schools of his native county. He entered the Franklin College in 1858, and attended that institution three years, and in 1864, entered the Theological Seminary at Upper Alton, 111., where he continued his studies and preparations for the ministry, and graduated from the same in 1867. He became a member of the church at about the age of fourteen rears. Upon leaving college he went directly to Mitchell. Ind., where he had been called to assume the pastorate of the Baptist Church, and at which place he was ordained in October, 1867. In 1871, he accepted a call to Seymour, Ind., where he occupied the Baptist pulpit until November, 18S5, and then came to Franklin. He was married April 6, 1864, to Mary Cotton, who was born in Switzer- land Countv, Ind., on January 17, 1842, and is the daughter of Robert and Lavinia Cotton. To this union six children have been born, four of whom survive. Prof. D. A. Owex. the subject of this sketch, was born in Greene Countv, Ind., December 11, 1852. He is the second son and third child in a family of five children, all of whom are still living. His father is Wilson Owen, also born in Indiana, son of Josiah Owen, a native of North Carolina, and grandson of Thomas Owen, who was a soldier in Cornwallis" army, and a native of the city of London, having been wounded, previous to the surrender of Yorktown: was left in America at the close of the Revolutionary War. As was usual with the boys of his age, our subject worked upon his father's farm during the summer, and attended district FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 645 school in the winter, with no peculiarity of habit to distinguish him from his associates, unless it be the awkwardness with which he handled edged tools, some of the evidences of which are plainly- visible to-day. At the age of eighteen, having a desire for better opportunities for obtaining an education, than was furnished by the district school, he employed a hand to take his place upon the farm, and went two terms to the Point Commerce high school. At the expiration of these two terms, he obtained a license, and taught two terms, beginning at his home school. In the spring of 1S73, still desirous of knowing more of the facts stored up in books and na- ture, he came to Franklin College and completed the classical course, graduating in 1878. After graduating, he was elected prin- cipal of the Salem high school. Before one year had been com- pleted in this position, he was chosen instructor in the department of Natural Science* in Franklin College. While holding this posi- tion, in the vear 1S81, he was elected superintendent of Johnson County; these positions he held for two years, teaching in the col- lege in the forenoon and attending to the county work in the after- noon. In 18S3, he was elected professor of Natural Science in Franklin College, which position he held until 1887, when the de- partment was divided into the chairs of physics and chemistry, and geologv and botany, the latter of which he occupies at the present time. He is a member of the Indiana Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In June, 1880, he was united in marriage to Nettie Paynter, of Salem, Ind., from which union there has resulted one child, who bears the name of the lamented botanist, Asa Gray. Samuel P. Oyler was born in Hawkhurst, Eng., August 26, 1 8 19, second son of Samuel and Sophia (Rabson) Oyler. His father was a farmer and a free-holder in England. The early years of Samuel Oyler were spent principally in London, where he attended school for several years. He afterward went to school in Westminster for some time. In 1834 ne immigrated to America, settling in Rochester, N. Y., where he continued his studies as best he could. In 1841 he came to Indiana and settled in Tippecanoe County, where he farmed and studied theology until 1843, when he united with the Universalist Church, and preached continuously for eight years in that cause, dividing the time equally between Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. Feb- urary 4, 1845, he was married to Julia A. Wooding, of Switzer- land County, Ind. She died in November, 1S47, and in December, 1849, he was married to Lucy Howe, daughter of Solomon Hicks. This lady is his present wife. In 1850 he removed to Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., and commenced the study of law with & 646 JOHNSON COUNTY. Gilderoy Hicks, then an attorney at Franklin. Finding the law fitted to his abilities, he relinquished the ministry, aod was admitted to the Johnson Count}' bar in 1S51. He readily passed examina- tion to practice before the supreme court in 1852, and subse- quently, upon examination, was also admitted to practice before the supreme court of the United States. He devoted himself assid- ulously to the practice of law after he was admitted to the bar. In 1852 and 1854, he served as prosecutor for his district, and con- tinued working faithfully and successfully in his chosen profession until 1861, when he left everything and entered the union army. He was one of the first to enter the service, and by his own efforts raised the first company of volunteers in this county, which was the third raised in the state. He was elected captain, and subse- quently commissioned as major of the Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served during the campaign in West Virginia, re- turning home in August. He then resumed his law practice, but for a short time only, as in 1862 he organized the second company of the Seventy-ninth Volunteer Infantry; was commissioned lieu- tenant colonel, and assigned to duty in the Army of the Cumberland. He was first with Buell, and afterward with Rosecrans, taking part in those memorable campaigns that aided so materially in bringing the war to a close. He was in the battles of Chickmauga and Chattanooga, where his regiment suffered severely. He returned to Chattanooga the day after the battle of Chickamauga, with 1,900 men, all that were left of the twenty-first corps, of which he was the ranking officer. He had the honor of leading the charge at Mis- sion Ridge, and his regiment, with the Eighty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, was the first to scale the ridge, and capture the works of the enemy. During the winter of 1863 and 1864, he was stationed in the valley of the Tennessee and the following summer, was with Sherman in his march upon Atlanta, but in July, was disabled by sickness, and in October, was compelled to resign his commission and return home. Upon his return home, he was at once chosen by the republicans to represent his district in the state senate, and he did his duty as well in the halls of legislation, as on the Held battle, serving his country in both positions with honor and distinc- tion. He served two regular, and one extra session in the senate, was made chairman of the committee on organization of courts, and a member of the judiciary committee, and in 1868, he was appointed judge of the sixteenth judicial circuit, serving till 1870, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Frank- lin. In 1866, he was a delegate and member of the platform com- mittee of the soldiers' convention held in Pittsburg. Col. Oyler has always taken a deep interest in local affairs, is, and has been, FRANKLIN" CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 647 earnest in his efforts to advance the cause of education. As an attorney, he ranks among the best in Johnson County, and has acquired a handsome competence by his practice of law. He is a worthy citizen, and highly esteemed where known. D. B. Patterson, of Franklin, Ind., was born in Needham Township, Johnson Co., Ind., September 3, 1835, and is the son of Thomas and Frances (Harris) Patterson. Thomas Patterson was born irf-Fayette County, Ky., April 24, 1S01, and is the son of Robert and James (Henderson) Patterson. Thomas came with his parents to Clark County, Ind., in 1S11, and later came to Johnson Countv, and now resides on his farm in Needham Town- ship. The mother of our subject was born at North Middleton, Bourbon Co., Ky., and died in 1835. To that union seven child- ren were born, live of whom survive. In August, 1838, the father married Nancy Hardest}', by whom he had six children, four of whom survive. Our subject was reared on the farm, and attended the district schools. He has followed farming as a vocation all his life, and removed to Franklin in March, 1885, but continues his farming. January 14, 1862, he was married to Eliza A. Beatty, who was born in Fayette County, Ky., September 30, 1830, and is the daughter of John and Sarah (Patterson) Beatty. Both Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are members of New Pisgah Presbyterian Church. J. B. Payne, the subject of this sketch, is senior member of the firm of Payne, Johnson & Co., millers, and proprietors of the Pearl Roller Mills, of Franklin, Johnson Count)', Ind. He was born at Vernon, Jennings Count)-, Ind., on June 21, 1S49, and is the son of Leland and Julia (Butler) Payne. The father was born at Newburg, Ohio, October 26, 1818, and was the son of George M. Payne, who was born at Lebanon, Conn., on January 9, 179 1 ) and he was the son of Stephen Payne, a native of Connecti- cut (see sketch of Dr. P. W. Payne). Our subject's mother was born in Jennings County, Ind., on September 2S, 1822, and was the daughter of James Butler, a native of Virginia, and came to Indiana in 1818. She died on March 6, 1850, while our subject was but nine months old. Leland Payne came to Franklin in 1S54, and en- gaged in the milling business in co-partnership with Ebenezer Bald- win, whose daughter he married the same year. Mr. Baldwin retiring from the mill in 1881, and Mr. Payne took as a partner in the business, John W. Ragsdale, in July, 18S2. In April, 1SS4, Mr. Payne retired from the firm, and his death oc- curred the same year. Until 1854, our subject was reared on a farm in Jennings County, by an aunt, and at that time joined his father in Franklin. He was educated in the public schools of 648 JOHNSON COUNTY. Franklin. After finishing school, he clerked in the woolen mills of Baldwin & Payne (his father) for two years, and next entered the flour mills of the same firm as a clerk. In 1S71, he engaged in the drug business in Franklin, at which he continued until 1873, when his health failing him, he spent a year in Minnesota. Re- turning to Franklin, he engaged in the planing-mill business, and continued until 1879, an< ^ then removed to the farm, where he re- mained until 1884, when he returned to town and engaged in his present business. He is a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias fraternities, and a member of the Christian Church. In 187 1, he married Ellen Williams, of Wayne County, Ind., who was born in Rush Count}-, Ind., on August 8, 1850. and is the daughter of Thomas Williams. To this union three children have been born. Mrs. Payne and two of the children are members of the Christian Church." Philander W. Payne, M. D. — Among the leading and older members of the medical profession of Johnson County, Ind., is Philander W. Payne, physician and surgeon of Franklin. He was born at Bedford, Ohio, on March 9, 1832, and came with his par- ents to Jennings County, Ind., in 1839. At the age of sixteen years he left the farm and entered Jennings County Seminary, where he attended for three years, occasionally teaching school, the income from which occupation was necessary for paving expenses at school. Upon leaving the seminary he taught school for two years, and then commenced a regular collegiate course at Wabash College, at Crawfordsville, Ind. On account of a disease of the eyes he was compelled to leave college before completing the full course, but the degree of A. M. was afterward conferred on him by the faculty of the college. Choosing the medical profession, he began reading medicine with Dr. A. Parks, of Vernon, Ind., and in 1855 he entered the medical department of the Ann Arbor Univer- sity. Michigan, from where he entered Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, from which school he graduated in 1S58. He afterward attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and also Bellevue Hospital College, New York City. He then began practicing in Franklin, and has continued up to the pres- ent. In 1863 he was appointed by Governor Morton, one of of the special surgeons for the relief of Indiana soldiers at Stone River, Term., and spent some time in the service. By efficient and faithful practice he has established an enviable name and standing in professional circles, and as a citizen, has earned a place in the front rank. He was one of the original founders of the Franklin Gas Works, and helped that enterprise from an experiment to a solid and flourishing industry. He was for a time trustee of FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 649 Franklin College, and held a similar responsible position in the In- diana College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Indianapolis. He was married May 4, 1862, to Mary A. Forsythe, the daughter of a well-known merchant of Franklin, and to this union three sons and four daughters have been born. Politically, he is a republican, and religiously is a Methodist Episcopalian. His father was George M. Payne, who was born at Lebanon, Conn., on January 9, i79 x > a "d was the son of Stephen Payne, who was a native of Connecti- cut, and a descendant from several families who emigrated from the mother country at a very early date, and located in the New Eng- land and Southern States. "George M. emigrated to Ohio, in 1814, and thence to Jennings County, Ind., in 1839, and came to Johnson County in 1854. He died in Franklin, January 24, 1883, in his ninety-third year. The mother of our subject was Susan Holcomb, who was born at Panton, Vt., August 9, 1794. She was the daughter of Benjamin Holcomb, a native of Connecticut, who served for eight years in the Revolutionary War, entering as a captain, but rising at once to a colonelcy, and serving as such most of the time of his service. He was with the Continental Army at Valley Forge, and present at the capture of Trenton. The mother died at Queensville, Ind., December 12, 1866. To the par- ents, who were married at Madrid, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., January 16, 1S15, seven children were born, of whom our subject is the only surviving one. The children were as follows: Livonia, born at Newburg, Ohio, September 12, 1816, and died at Queens- ville, Ind., on March 31, 1861; Leland, bora at Newburg, Ohio, October 26, 1S1S, and died at Franklin, Ind., in 1884: Minerva P., born at Newburg, Ohio, June 12, 1821, died at Vernon, Ind., February 2, 1849; George J., born at Newburg, Ohio, April 26, 1824, died at Vernon, Ind., September 15, 1850; William N., born at Newburg, Ohio, March 26, 1827, died .at Vernon, Ind., March 15, 1846; Rollin, born at Bedford, Ohio, November 21, 1829, died at Harrodsburg, Ind., November 2, 1854. Upon emigrating to Ohio, George M., the father, located on a farm, which ground is now in the Sevententh Ward of Cleveland. He followed merchan- dising principally in Ohio, and farming in Indiana, up to his removal to Franklin, when he engaged in the furniture business, and con- tinued until about fifteen years previous to his death. T. C. M. Perry, auditor of Johnson County. Ind., was bora at Gallipolis, Ohio, June 29, 1847. His father was Thomas L. Perry, who was born in Wheeling, W. \"a.. in [818, and his mother was Joannah Brunnemer, who was bora in Covington, Va., in 1822. In 1846, the father moved to Gallipolis, Ohio, and two years later came to Indiana and located at Waverly, Morgan County, where 650 JOHNSON COUNTY. he died in 1S64. His wife died the same year, and within a week of the death of her husband. The paternal grandfather of our subject was an Englishman, and the paternal grandmother was a native of Ireland, while the maternal grandparents were both Germans, the grandfather being a native of Germany, and the grandmother of America. To Thomas L. and Joannah, the parents, six children were born, as follows: Sarah (now deceased), Mary E., now de- ceased, Jennie, Francis, (now deceased), T. C. M., and Aldice. Upon the removal of the parents to Indiana, the subject of this sketch was but one year of age, and his boyhood days were spent in Waverly, in Morgan County. He was given an academic edu- cation, and later conceived the idea of fitting himself for the legal profession, and to that end read law for awhile, but was not ad- mitted to the bar, having abandoned his studies. He removed to Johnson County in 1872, and engaged in merchandising at differ- ent points in that county, for a number of years, the last point at which he was so engaged being Providence. In 18S2, he was elected trustee of Union Township, and held that office for four years, being at the same time engaged in the stock business. On March 18, 1886, he was nominated by the democratic county con- vention for the office of auditor of Johnson County, and the follow- ing November, he was elected to that office by a majority of 396 votes, and took charge of the same on November 5, 1887, at which time he removed to Franklin. He is a member of Union Village Lodge, No. S45, F. & A. M., and of Waverly Lodge, No. 818, I. O. O. F. He was united in marriage in 1881, to Mary A. Farris, who was born in Bargersville, Ind., and to this union two children have been born, both deceased. N. M. Pittmax, lumber dealer, and saw-mill proprietor, of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind.. was born in Monroe County, Ohio, on April 19, 1845, and is the eldest of seven children born to Isaac and Eliza J. (Moore) Pittman, both of whom were natives of Ohio, the father, born April 26, 1822, and the mother on July 5, 1827. Isaac Pittman came to Bartholomew Countv, Ind., in 1850, where he followed farming until his death, which occurred in iS67- His father was William Pittman, who was a Pennsylvania!! by birth, re- moving from that state to Ohio, and thence to Indiana in i860. The mother is the daughter of Solomon Moore, a native of Ohio, who came to Indiana in 1846, settling in Bartholomew County, where he died in 1856. The mother now resides in Bartholomew Countv. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured a good common school education. Leaving school, he, in 1S6S, began to learn the carpenter's trade, and worked at the same until 1870, when he began saw-milling in Monroe County, Ind. He remained FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 6 born 1870. Edward, another son, was killed in July, 1886, by a vicious mule. In politics Mr. Voris is a democrat, and in religion is a Presbyterian. By energy and strict economy Mr. Voris has been successful in life, and is now in good circumstances. Robert Waggener, contractor and builder, and proprietor of the City Planing Mill, at Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., was born in Shelby County, Ind., about six miles from Franklin, on August 27, 1830. He is the seventh of fourteen children born to Purges and Nancy (Shipp) Waggener. Our subject was reared on the farm until his eighteenth year, and attended the common schools and Franklin College. In 1849, he seryed an apprenticeship at the cabinet-maker"s trade in Franklin, and for the next year followed his trade at Edinburg. In about 1853, he located at Trafalgar, Johnson County, and began contracting and building, and remained at that place for about a year. He located in Franklin, in January, 1865, and continued contracting and building. In February, 18S2, he leased the planing-mill of Payne & Payne, and was burned out the following year. Previously, in 1S72, he was one of the organ- izers of the Builders and Manufacturers' Association, of which he served for a while as president. In 18S3, he leased the brick build- ing, formerly used as Baldwin & Payne's woolen-mills, and fitted it up with planing-mill machinery, and in 1SS7, purchased the build- ings. He manufactures doors, sash, blinds, mouldings, brackets, mantles and all kinds of finished lumber, and deals extensively in pine and hard wood lumber. He also carries on contracting and building. During his life he has erected the following buildings, beginning with a small frame school-house near Jolity, Shelby County (his first contract), which building was occupied first as a school, taught by the present recorder of Johnson County; high school buildings at Trafalgar and Williamsburg; new high school building and colored school building: Presbyterian and Baptist churches, and he now has the contract for the erection of the college building, at Franklin, J., M. & I. depot at Edinburg, Presbyterian Church at Martinsville, and numerous other public buildings, all monuments of his skill and ability as a contractor and workman. His building is about 30x60 feet, three stories, with wing 67O JOHNSON COUNTY. same height, 25x50 feet, and employs about twenty men during the season. It is furnished with new and improved machinery, and forty horse-power engine. He is now making arrangements for putting in a saw -mill plant. Me is a member of the K. of H. fra- ternity, and also of the Baptist Church. He was married, January 3, 1850, to Nancy Shipp, who was born in Shelby County, Ind., June 12, 1830, and was the daughter of Easton and Xellie (Brock- man) Shipp. She died in 1861. To their union seven children were born, three of whom survive. Mr. Waggener was married a second time, January 1, 1863, to Martha J. Alexander, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., in 1838, and was the daughter of Thomas Alexander. She died April 28, 1875. To this union six children were born, two of whom survive. On January 13, 1876, he was again married to Nancy Bryan, who was born November 17, 1842. To this union three children have been born, all surviving. Burges Waggener, the father, was born in Culpepper County, Ya., in 1798, and was the son of Herbert, who at an early date emi- grated with his family to Kentucky, where he died. Burges emi- grated from Kentucky to Shelby County, Ind., in 182 1, and settled on Blue River, being one of the pioneers of this portion of the state. At that time the country was a vast wilderness, covered with a thick undergrowth of hazle-brush, game abounded and he has many times stood in his door and killed deer. He was a deacon of the Baptist Church, and was a charter member of the first Baptist Church organized in Johnson County, the same being in Blue River Township, and is known as Blue River Baptist Church. This, it is claimed was the first church of any kind in Johnson County. He died October 20, 18S0, after a long and useful life, his death occuiring near Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., to which county he had removed in about 1875. The mother of our subject was born in Hardin County, Ky., March 18, 1800, and was the daughter of Richard and Mary Shipp, natives of Virginia and North Carolina, respectively. She died in Monroe County, Ind., in 1S67. D. D. Waldren, carpenter and contractor of Franklin, John- son Co., Ind., was born in Nineveh Township, Johnson Co., Ind., on December 22, 1842, and is the fourth of twelve children, born to Middleton and Mary J. (Johnson) Waldren. Middleton was born in east Tennessee in 1813, and the mother was born in Mercer County, Ky., in 1818. Father died the 3d of February, 1S83, in Johnson County, Ind., three and one-quarter miles south of Frank- lin. The mother died October 18, 1887. The father removed to Indiana and located in Johnson County, at a very early date. He was a farmer by vocation, and left a farm of forty-five acres. FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 67 1 Our subject was reared on a farm, and left the farm and enlisted on August 17, 1S61, in Company I, Eighteenth Indiana Infantry, enlisting as private, and was promoted to corporal. Was wounded in the knee of the left leg at Pea Ridge, x\rk.., on March 17, 1862, and at the battle of Magnolia Mills, Miss., in the rear of Vicks- burg, on May 1, 1862, in the left hip. At Winchester, Va., on September 19, 1864, in the left shoulder and wrist. Is deaf in the left ear from the bursting of a shell at Vicksburg. Was mustered out August 28, 1865, at Darien, Ga. Returning to Indianapolis, was paid off, and then went to his home on the farm. Began to learn the trade in 1870, and has been at it ever since. Was married June 13, 1866, to Elizabeth Ware, who was born in Franklin Town- ship, Johnson Co., Ind., July 21, 1S44, and is the daughter of Will- iam Ware. One child was born: Frankie O., April 7, 1867, and died March 9, 1S70. Both are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Mr. Waldren is a member of Franklin Lodge, No. 107, F. & A. M., Franklin Chapter, No. 65, and of Command- ery No. 23, of K. of P., and G. A. R. Elmer E. Walker. — Among the younger of the representa- tive citizens of Franklin, none, probably, are more worth}' of a notice in a work of this character, than the one whose name heads this brief biographical sketch. He was born in Franklin, Ind., October 5, 1861, and is the son of Michael and Mary (Andrews) Walker. (See sketch of M. Walker.) Our subject was edu- cated in the public schools, going through the same. After leav- ing school he entered his father's cooperage establishment, and in 18S6 erected a cooper-shop of his own. The building was 60x30 feet. In 18S7 he consolidated with his father's, and two shops run by Walker & Sons. He was married March 16, 1886, to Mary Wallace, who was born in Morgan County, Ind., on June 20, 1S64, and is the daughter of James Wallace. To this union . one daughter, Mary, was born December 18, 1887. In 1S81 he joined Hesperian Lodge, No. 12, K. of P., and is also a member of Sam Oyler Division, uniform rank, K. of P. He has filled all the chairs, and has represented Hesperian Lodge in the Grand Lodge at Indianapolis. He joined Franklin Lodge, No. 107, F. & A. M., and is at present, master of the same, having passed through all chairs up to that position. Mr. Walker is a member of the Christian Church, and is a republican. M. Walker, a cooper and leading citizen of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., was born in Baltimore, Md., on September 21, 1831, and is the son of Benjamin and Ann (Blaklev) Walker. Benjamin Walker was born in Hull, England, in 17S4, and emigrated to America in 1829, and located at Baltimore. The mother was a na- 672 JOHNSON COUNTY. tive of York, England, and was born in 1799. The father was a potter by trade, and in 1834 removed to Milford, Ohio. He died in 1847/ The mother died in 1S7S. in Cincinnati, Ohio. To the parents seven children were born, of whom only two survive. Our subject was reared in Milford, Ohio, and attended the schools of that place. He came to Indiana in 1854, and located in Indianap- olis, and engaged in the coopering business. His establishment was destroyed in 1855, by fire, and then he came to Franklin and worked at his trade. In the year 1S61, he opened a shop of his own. and has continued here up to the present, and together with his two sons, owns and operates the only cooperage establishments in Franklin. He was married in 1854, to Mary Andrews, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 20, 1S33. and was the daughter of Thomas Andrews. She was a devout Christian, and a member of the Christian Church. She died July 5, 1885, leaving three children out of four born. The living children arc-: Alonzo B., now a citizen of Martinsville. End. : Ada B., living with her father, and Elmer E., a citizen of Franklin. Our subject is one of the most highly respected citizens of Franklin, and has served two terms in the citv council. He is a great secret society man, and is a member of the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias fraternities. Also a member of the Christian Church. Mr. Walker is a republican in politics, and has voted for every republi- can candidate for president of the United States. John S. Webb was born in Shelby County, Ind., November 11, 1833, son of Zachariah and Nancy (Hough) Webb, and is of English descent. His father was born near Lexington, Ky., April 9, 180S. The mother of our subject was born near Xenia, Ohio, in April, 1S12, and died January 14, 1S87. The Hough family came to Shelby County in 1820. His paternal grandfather, Joseph Hough, was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in Shelby County, Ind.. about 1844. He was a lifer in the War of 181 2. The Webb family came to Indiana about 1818, and settled in Clark County, and in the spring of 182 1 removed to Shelby Count}', Ind. The immediate subject of this biography grew to manhood on his father's farm in Shelby County, and for a brief period attended the country schools. In 1S59, ne came to Johnson County and settled in what is now Needham Township, and, in 1875, removed to his present farm, which contains 193 acres of excellent land. .The marriage of Mr. Webb was solemnized March 13, 1S59, to Miss Nancy E. Welliver, born in Butler County, Ohio, May 20, TS42. daughter of Isaac and Nancy ( Sample 1 Welliver, natives of Ken- tuckv, the former born in 1804, and died in 1849, and the latter born in 1S09, and died in 1886. They have these ten children : FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 673 Nina, bora in 1S62; Allena A., 1S64; Lula E., 1867; Emily F., 1869; Daniel C, 1871; Jesse C, 1S74; Samuel J., 1877; Homer J., 1879; Marquis D., 1881, and Mary E., 1885. In politics, he is a staunch democrat, and since 1846 has been a member of the Bap- tist Church. Mrs. Webb became a member of the same denomi- nation in 1855. Thomas White, leading citizen of Franklin, Inch, and member of the firm of Thompson, White & Co., proprietors of the starch works, was bora in County Tipperary, Ireland, February 4, 1847. Our subject is the son of John and Mary (Duffy) White, both natives of Ireland. Parents left Ireland in 1850, emigrating to Cape Town, Africa, and in 1855, came to America, landing in Boston, Mass.; a month was next spent in New York, then a year in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in 1856, the family located in Bartholomew County, Ind., six miles north of Columbus. They came to Johnson County in 1S58, but subsequently returned to Bartholomew Count}-. In 1861, they located in Edinburg, Ind. The mother died in 1876, and the father in 1882. Our subject received a common school education, and in 1863, enlisted in Company M, Twenty-first Indiana Heavy Artillery, and served until January 22, 1866, vet- eranizing in the meantime. Returning to Edinburg, he entered the postoffice as clerk, in 1S66, and continued there until 1869, and then began clerking for C. C. Winterburg, at Edinburg, at which he continued until 1870, when he began keeping books for the Edin- burg Starch Company. November 1, 1880, he located in Franklin. Mr. White was married February 3, 1869, to Nannie Appleton, who was born in Johnson County, and to this union four children have been born, two of whom survive. Xort Whitesides, one of the live, energetic merchants of Franklin, Ind., and proprietor of the leading clothing and gents' furnishing establishment in the city, was bora in Johnson County, three miles northeast from Franklin, on December 22, 1853. and received a fair education in the district schools and Franklin Col- lege. He remained on the farm until his eighteenth year, and in 1873, entered a store in Franklin as clerk, at which he continued, with different parties, for a number of years. On December 17, 1 87 7, he engaged in the clothing, hats, caps, and gents' furnishing business, for himself, in Franklin, beginning on a small scale, in- vesting not to exceed $1,500. His business has prospered, and has been enlarged from year to year, until he now carries an aver- age stock of about $15,000, and dues an immense business an- nually. He carries the largest stock in his city, and has a large and commodious room, and in fact has an establishment equal to those found in large cities. He was married February 14, i s 77- 674 JOHNSON COUNTY. to Miss Maggie Slater, daughter of M. R. Slater, of Franklin. Mrs. Whitesides was born in 1858, and died in 1884, leaving one son, Virgil, who was born March 12, 187S. Mr: Whitesides is a member of the K. of P. lodge, and of the uniform rank of same. The father of the subject of this sketch is John Whitesides, one of the leading farmers of Johnson County, who was born in Oldham Counlv, Kv., in 1816, and located in Johnson County, in 1835. S. S. Whitesides, senior member of the firm of Whitesides & Lane, proprietors of the Franklin, Ind., steam laundry, was born in Johnson County. Ind., on October 19, 1843, and is the son of John and Sallie (Tilson) Whitesides. The father was born in Kentucky (See Nort Whitesides" sketch). The mother was born in Vir- ginia, and died in 1850. Our subject was reared on the farm, and secured a limited education in the public schools. He has follow ed farming and stock-trading, and located in Franklin in October, 1886. He engaged in his present business in February, 1887. He was married in January, i> s J2, to Mary Conover, who was born in Shelby County, Ind., in 1S50, and is the daughter of Nelson Con- over. To this union two children have been born, one of whom is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Whitesides are members of the Baptist Church. John M. Winchester, deceased, was born in Jefferson County, Ind., on March 23. 1826, and died October 28, 1887. His parents were Serrill and .Mary A. (.Miller) Winchester. The father was born in Hardin County, Kv., on March 4, 1804, and the mother in Rutherford County, X. C, on April 2, 1803. Their deaths occurred October 1, 1854. and June 3, 1867, respectively. To the parents the following children were born: John M. (subject) ; Nancy S., June 16, 1827; Jane S., June 28, 1828; William R., March 1, 1830, died November 18, 1844; Harvey C, March 16, 1832; Minerva, September 17. 1833. died March 20, 1861; Jordan M., January 23, 1835, died Septembers, 1858; Malissa A., born May 31, 1837; Washington N., December 27, 1838, died July 13, 1841: Louisa, born June 27, 1844, died June 27, 1844. The subject of this sketch followed farming as a vocation, and returned to Franklin, in Au- gust, 1881. On August 20, 1851, he was married to Har- riet B. Demaree, and to this union eight children were born, fwi^ of whom still survive. The wife died October 17, 1864, and on December 26, 1865, he was married to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Fisher, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., on January 20, 1839, and is the daughter of James H. and Jane (Dob- bins) Graham. James Graham was born in Shelby County, Kv., on June 6, 1809, and died April 29, 1886. Jane Graham was born in Pendleton District, S. C, on November 10, 1815. They were ^- FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 675 married March 13, 1834. To this union the following children were born: Mary A., born March 24, 1835; Charles H., Novem- ber 14, 1836, who served in Company F, Fifth Indiana Cavalry, and was a prisoner in Libbv, Salisbury and Andersonville prisons, escaping from the latter; John F., born December 30. 1S40, served in Company I, Seventeenth Indiana Regiment, died in West Vir- ginia in 1861; Robert G., born October 15, 1843, deceased; Mar- garet J., September 3. 1845, deceased: Thomas W., February 12, 1849; James W., December 24, 1850; Belle C, i\pril 12, 1853; Washington F., October 22, 1856. To the union of our subject and Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, no children were born. On October 29, 1857, Elizabeth A. Graham, widow of our subject, was mar- ried to James M. Fisher, who was born December 15, 1839, in Johnson County, Ind. He enlisted in August, i86i,in Company F, Seventh Regiment Indiana Infantry, and left Franklin August 29, of the same vear. He was a non-commissioned officer of the com- pany, and was killed in the skirmish line on North Ann River, Vir- ginia, during the Wilderness campaign. On May 24, 1864, and his remains were buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. To the union of Mr. Fisher and Elizabeth A. Graham, two sons were born, as follows: Irwin, August 14, 1S58, and Charles L., August 15, 1S60. William J. Williams, A. M., superintendent of public schools, Franklin, Ind., was born at Welsh Hills, Licking Co., Ohio, June 4, 1845. His father, John Williams, was a native of Brecenshire, South Wales, and emigrated with his parents to this country when sixteen years of age. He located in Ohio, first in Delaware Count)', then in the city of Columbus, and finally in Licking County, where he continued to reside until his death, which occurred in March, 187S. At the age of thirty-seven years, he married Miss Esther Jones, also a native of Wales. The result of this union was six sons and five daughters. Mr. Williams, until ten years of age, attended school continuously, but after that period his lessons were limited to a winter term of four months. At twelve years of age he began to contribute to his own support, and from that time to the present all the money he has expended, whether in acquiring an education or in procuring the necessities of life, has been the product of his own efforts. At the age of sixteen he prepared to enter Denison University, when his plans were frustrated by a ser- ious accident which befell his father. Being the eldest son, the farm work devolved upon him, and the idea of obtaining a col- legiate education was for a time teein»" abandoned. His father's recovery gave the young lad an opportunity to take a school dur- ing the winter. He taught three months, receiving therefor $50 43 676 JOHNSON COUNTY. as remuneration. This he considered fair wages in compai ison with farm work, which averaged from 25 cents to 40 cents per day. He next conducted a successful school and with what re- mained of his salary at the close of the session, paid his way through the spring term at college. He began a regular classical course in September, 1S62, and continued it for three months, when, his funds becoming exhausted, he was compelled to stop. During his connection with the university he taught different terms. He remained in college seven years, graduating in the scientific and classical courses. After obtaining his diploma, he was undecided which of the professions, teaching or the ministry, he should adopt. It should be remembered in this connection, that he had united some years previouslv with the Baptist Church, at Greenville, but a year later removed his membership to the church at Welsh Hill. By this last organization he was given a license to preach. The Ohio Baptist Educational Society voted him sufficient aid to begin a theological course at Newton Center, Mass. He chose to teach instead, and went to Bradford, Ohio, where he opened a private school, but ill-fate seemed to have singled him out as its victim. He had taught but two weeks, when the prevalence of small pox in town broke up tire attendance. To his great joy he succeeded a few weeks later in obtaining the position of principal of the Winamac high school. Here he remained two years. From Winamac he removed to Rochester, Ind., and became su- perintendent of public schools, from 1873 to 1S81, when he was elected co-superintendent, and served two terms, after which he was called to take charge of the teachers' department of Franklin College, which position he held for two years, when he was elected superintendent of the public schools of Franklin, Ind. The political affiliations of Mr. Williams have always been with the republican party. He was married June 20, 1S7S, to Miss Rosa Brackett, daughter of Dr. Charles Brackett, who died in the service of his country, at Helena. Ark., February 23, 1863, where he was stationed as surgeon of the Ninth Illinois Cavalry. Mrs. Williams combines all the qualities of the "excellent woman." She is a lady of education and refinement, and possesses those graces of mind and heart that make her especially attractive. Their union has been blessed with one son and two daughters: Fred. Mar- gorie and Edith. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are highly esteemed where ever known. Thomas W. Woollen was born in Dorchester County, Md., April 26, 1S30. He was the, second son of Edward and Anna Woollen, whose maiden name was Wheeler. The Woollens are of English descent. In the forepart of the seventeenth century, Mr. FRANKLIN ■CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 677 Woollen, wife, and several children , emigrated from London to this country, and on the voyage the father and all the children died of disease incident to such journeys, the wife alone, who was encicnte, reaching Philadelphia. This woman afterward gave birth to a sun, from whom sprang all of the name now known to be in this country, so far as their history has been traced. In 1642, when Capt. Lam- berton led an English colony from New Haven into Delaware, John Woollen, who seems to have been something of a backwoods linguist, and who is supposed to have been the son of Mr. Woollen, before mentioned, was employed by Lamberton as Indian interpreter. Mr. Woollen drifted down the peninsula to the eastern shore of Maryland, where there was an English settlement, and settled upon Taylor's Island, in the Chesapeake Bay. Thomas W. Woollen's grandfather, William Woollen, was born on Taylor's Island, some- thing over a hundred vears after old John Woollen settled there. The youngest son of William Woollen was Edward, the father of the subject of this sketch, who was born in 1S03, in the same county that his fathers had lived in for a century and a half. Edward Woollen was a farmer in moderate circumstances. During the summer months Thomas worked upon his father's farm, and in the winter he attended the country schools. At fifteen years of age, he removed to Baltimore. He applied himself to the carpenter's trade, studying every book to which he had access. With none to guide him in the selection of books, it may well be supposed his reading was of a very miscellaneous character, but even such read- ing was better than none. In 1844, his brother, William Wesley Woollen, left home and went to Madison, Ind. There he was suc- cessful in getting public employment, and of course wrote the fact to friends at home. Upon a boy far in his teens, this news could have but one effect. Thomas W. laid aside his miter-box and hand- saw and set out for Indiana; this was in the spring of 1848. John Taylor was at that time clerk of the Jefferson circuit court, and William Wesley Woollen had been his deputy. Adeputyship open- ing for him in the auditor's office, Thomas was installed as deputy' in the clerk's office under Taylor. There he continued up to the spring of 1852, when he became deputy treasurer under his brother, who had in the meantime been elected to that office. In the fall of that year, Col. John Chambers was elected county treasurer, and he continued Thomas in the office as deputy up to 1854, when, his term being about to expire, the deputy was placed in nomina- tion as the democratic candidate for the office itself. But that was a disastrous year for democratic nominees all over the coun- try. Know-Nothingism, which had sprung up in a night, met witli great triumphs that year, and of those who failed to with- 678 JOHNSON COUNTY. stand its assaults was the democratic candidate for treasurer in Jefferson Count}-. The entire democratic ticket was defeated. While in the clerk's office, at the suggestion of the Hon. A. C. Downey, then judge of the Jefferson circuit court, he had been industriously reading law, intending to prepare himself for that profession as soon as he should be able to do so. Under a liberal arrangement with Col. Chambers, while his deputy, he was able to acquire the means to carry out his purpose. Having, in 1850, been married to Harriet J. "Williams, daughter of the late Judge Williams, of Jackson County, and now having been defeated and was out of public employment, he sat down in the shade of his own house and continued the study of law. This he kept up to the spring of 1856, when he left Madison and went to Vernon, where Benjamin F. Lewis had just been elected clerk, and, on the suggestion of Judge Downey. Woollen was employed for a few months in the office to introduce the new clerk to its duties, after which he commenced the practice of law. This, however, did not suit him, and, in a short time, he moved to Franklin, and in con- nection with Jeptha D. New, opened a law office there. But Mr. New returning to Vernon soon after, Woollen was left alone to push his way as best he could. It is not necessary to say he suc- ceeded. As a safe and sound adviser, whether in affairs political or legal, he ranks deservedly high. By reason of his activity in political affairs, lie was chosen, in 1862, to make the race on the democratic ticket for joint representative from Johnson and Mor- gan counties, and was elected over his opponent by 580 votes. The subject of this sketch was elected cashier of the First National Bank in 1S65. In 1866, he was the democratic candidate for cir- cuit judge, but was defeated in a circuit overwhelmingly republican by a party majority. In 186S, while actively engaged in his bank- ing business, he was presented before a democratic nominating convention, held at Morgantown, as a candidate for common pleas judge. The director)' of the bank now made him president of that institution, and it was thought, with the clerical aid rendered in the bank by the other officers, he would be able to serve as judge, and at the same time supervise the general business of the bank This arrangement proved unsatisfactory. He was able to attend to his judicial duties up to about the beginning of 1870, when it was thought by the directory of the bank that his active services in that institution were imperatively demanded. In the spring of 1879, his wife had died, .leaving him with a large family of children, who needed his presence at home, and he concluded to accept the offer of the board of directors to again take full charge of the bank. During the six years of his connection with the bank, not a dollar FRANKLIN CITY AND TOWNSHIP. 679 was lost to the stockholders by any act of his, and when he left it, its stock was selling readily at $130 to the share. On his retire- ment from the bank, he resumed the practice of the law, in partner- ship with Cas Byfield, Esq. In 1872, Mr. Admire, candidate for the lower house from Johnson County, refusing" to support Mr. Greeley, the central committee displaced him and put Judge Woollen on the ticket as the democratic candidate. Admire having been regularly nominated and refusing to withdraw, it made the race a doubtful one, but Judge Woollen was elected by a majority of 341 votes. During the legislative term that followed, he took a leading part in the legislation of the state. He was, in some respects, "the ac- knowledged democratic leader of the house." In 1874, he was a candidate for the office of attorney-general, but was defeated; but, in 1S78, being again a candidate for that office, he was nominated, and, at the general election of that year, was elected to the office over his opponent, Judge D. P. Baldwin, by a majority of 14,461 votes, and it was found that he was singularly well qualified for the position. In iS8o,he was again nominated, this time by acclamation, but, at the October election, he went down with the residue of the state ticket. Judge Woollen returned to Franklin and resumed the practice of the law in partnership with his former partner, Judge Banta. E. W. Wyrick, dry goods merchant of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., is a native of Virginia, having been born in Wythe County, that State, on June 15, 1829. He is the youngest of nine children, born to Nicholas and Elizabeth (Leonard) Wyrick. The father was born in Virginia, in 1785, and his parents were Ger- mans, their parents being natives of Germanv. The mother was also born in Virginia, in 1793, and like her husband, was of Ger- man descent, both her parents being natives of Germanv. In the fall of 1 S3 1, Nicholas Wyrick emigrated to Indiana, and located in Johnson Count}'. At that time but few white settlers were in the county, the settlements being few and far between. He located on Stott's Creek, in what is now Union -Township, where he had en- tered a tract of eight}' acres of government land. To this he sub- sequently added forty acres more. He followed farming during his life, never entering public life, as his inclinations were for the quiet and independent life of a farmer. While a religious man in principle, he was not a member of any church organization, though early in life was christened. His death occurred in 1846. The mother was a member of the Methodist Church, and died in 1875. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, and secured a limited education, the schools during his boyhood being meager, and the opportunities for securing an education limited. At the I 6So JOHNSON" COUNTY. age of seventeen years, he learned the carpenter's trade, and followed the same for a period of seven years. During the above time he saved some money, and at the end of the same, he pur- chased the interests of the heirs of his father's farm, and removed thereon, where he remained until 1S56. He then removed to White River Township, where he purchased a farm of 160 acres, and remained there until 1S71, and then engaged in merchandising at Browntovvn, Johnson County. In 1875 he removed to Franklin and continued merchandising, and now owns one of the leading dry goods and notion houses in the city, situated on the corner of Jefferson and Water Streets. He was married October 10, 1S50, to Elizabeth Garshwiler, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., in 1833, and is the daughter of George Garshwiler, a native of Kentucky. To this union a son and daughter have been born, the son, George W., being born on August 7, 185 1, and the daughter, Nancy Belle, on November 10, 1853. Mr. Wyrick, wife and daughter, are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Wyrick is a democrat in politics, and was elected trustee of White River Town- ship two terms. CHAPTER VIII. County Organization — Organic Act — Locating County Seat — Sale of Lots — Public Buildings — Methods of Doing County Business — Finances — Poor Expenses — Creation of Townships — Elections — County Officers — Roads — Medical Societies, Etc. "* HE County of Johnson was organized under an act of the Indiana legislature, passed at Corydon, in Decem- ber, 1822. The fterritorv then established as a new county, had for some time been a portion of Delaware County, and was between Shelby County on the east and Morgan County on the west. The proceedings that led to the formation of the new county were spiced with much B 'ar that is interesting. Petitions were obtained that contained, so it is alleged, the names of many who had long been numbered with the pioneer dead, and of others whose existence was seriously doubted. The principal mover in this matter was George King. He came to the county early in the fall of 1822, and bought the land on which Franklin is now situated. It seems that he came COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 68 1 here for the express purpose of speculation, and bought this particu- lar ground because it was a good site for a town. Immediately after acquiring the land he went to work on his plan for a new county. What influence he was able to bring on the legislature, that was sufficient to secure success for his plans, is not now known. It is possible that he had the arts of the modern lobbyist. Judge Banta in his " Historical Sketch, " gives an interesting account of it. The act was finally passed after much controversy among the ad- vocates of the various opposing schemes. The following is a full text of it: Section i. Beit enacted by the General Assembly oj the State of Indiana, That from and after the first Monday in May next, all that part of the County of Delaware contained in the following boundaries, to-wit: beginning at the southwest corner of Section thirtv-four, in Township eleven north, of Range five east, the same being the southwest corner of Shelby Count-, ; thence running north with the line of said count}* to the southeast corner of Marion Count}-; thence west to the northeast corner of Morgan County; thence south on the line of said county to the township line dividing Townships ten and eleven; thence east to said line to the place of beginning — shall constitute and form a new county, which shall be called and designated by the name of Johnson. Sec. 2. That John Parr, of the County of Washington; Adam Miller, of the County of Jackson; John W. Lee, of the County of Monroe; James Gregory, of the County of Shelby, and Archibald McEwen, of the County of Bartholomew, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of fixing the permanent seat of justice for said county, agreeably to the provisions of an act entitled, "An act for fixing seats of justice in all new counties to be laid off." The commissioners above named or a majority of them shall meet at the house of John Smiley in said new county, on the first Monday in May, and proceed to the duties assigned them by law. Six'. 3. That the said county shall enjoy all the rights, privi- leges and jurisdictions, which, to a separate county, do or may properly belong. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of Bartholomew County to notify the commissioners above named, either in person or by written notice, of their said appointment, and the county commissioners of the County of Johnson shall allow him such com- pensation therefor as the}' shall deem just and reasonable, to be paid out of the county treasury of said county. Sec. 5. The circuit court, and all other courts of said County of Johnson, shall meet and be holden at the house of John Smiley, 682 JOHNSON COUNTY. or at any other place said court shall adjourn to, until suitable accommodations can be provided at the permanent seat of justice of said county: and so soon as the said courts are satisfied of that fact, they shall adjourn thereto, after which they shall meet and be per- manently held at such seat of justice. Sec. 6. The agent who shall be appointed to superintend the sales of lots at the said seat of justice shall receive ten per centum out of the proceeds thereof, and also of all donations made to said county, which he shall pay over to such person or persons as may be appointed by law to receive the same for the use of a library for said county. Sec. 7. The board of county commissioners of said County of Johnson shall, within twelve months after the permanent seat of justice shall have been selected, proceed to erect necessary public buildings therein. Sec. 8. The same powers, privileged and authorized, that are granted to the qualified voters of the County of Dubois and other counties named in an act entitled, " An act incorporating a county library in the counties therein named," approved January 28, 1S19, to organize, conduct and support a county library, are hereby granted to the qualified voters of the County of Johnson, and the same power and authority therein granted to, and the same duties therein required of, the several officers and the person or persons elected by the qualified voters of Dubois County, and the other counties in the said act named, for carrying into effect the provis- ions of the act entitled, " An act incorporating a county library in the County of Dubois," and the counties therein named, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, are hereby extended to, and required of, the officers and other persons elected by the quali- fied voters of the County of Johnson. Sec. 9. This act to be in force from and after its passage. G. W. Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives.. Ratliff Boon, Pntsident Assembly. Approved December 31, 1822. William Hendricks. Gov. Hendricks commissioned John Smiley sheriff, and ap- pointed the 8th of March, 1823, as election day, when the voters were to meet at the houses of Hezekiah Davison on Blue River, and Daniel Boaz on White River, for the purpose of electing two associate judges, one clerk and one recorder. At that time Israel Watts and Daniel Boaz were chosen judges, Samuel Herriott clerk, William Schaffer, recorder, William Freeman, John S. Miller and James Ritchey, commissioners. The commissioners met according to law on the 2nd Monday in May. On the same day three of the five men appointed to locate the county seat, met and proceeded to COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 683 examine the rival places that were striving for the honor, as well as profit, of having the new capital of the countv. The contest was mainly between a situation at the mouth of Sugar Creek, on land owned by Amos Durbin, and at the mouth of Hurricane, on the land of George King. It is needless to say that the latter was successful, and the county seat was located on the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 12 north, Range 4 east. This land was donated to the county by King, in addition to eleven acres lying between it and Young's Creek. On the suggestion of Samuel Herriott, who, it is said, was an ardent admirer of Benjamin Franklin, the new town was named for that illustrious American. The commissioners appointed John Campbell county agent, whose duty it was, among other things, to "receive good and suf- ficient deeds of conveyance for any lands that may have been given to the county." The town was soon laid out, and lots sold. Many of these items concerning the early history of Franklin will be found in another part of this work, and it will be unnecessary to repeat them here. By permission of Judge Banta, to whom the publishers are under man}' obligations, the following is taken from his Historical Sketch of Johnson County. It is told so aptly that his words are copied verbatim : " The first sale of lots was advertised for the 2d day of Septem- ber, 1823, and on that day the county agent, provided with ' whisky and paper' of the value of $1.18?^, for which the county paid, sold a number of lots adjoining the public square; and, on the 14th day of the same month, he exposed to sale other of the town lots. The principal sales were on the south and east sides of the square, and prices ranged from $19 for the lot on which the jail stands, to $40.56 for No. 61, which lies immediately south of the jail lot. The brush was grubbed out of the public square by Nicholas Shaffer for $6.58. and David McCaslin, Nathaniel Poor and Jacob Freeman performed labor in and about, clearing the square of growing timber, while the citizens of the place volun- tarily rolled and burned the logs of nights. " It was made the duty of the commissioners to partition the county into convenient townships, and this duty they must have performed soon after being introduced into office, for, from the August election returns for 1823, it appears that three townships had been organized — Blue River, Nineveh and White River. Blue River seems to have been confined to so much of Congressional Township 11, Range 5, as is in Johnson Countv. White River extended over all the territory now included in White River, Pleas- 684 JOHNSON COUNTY. ant and Clark, and Nineveh extended over all of Nineveh, Franklin, Union and Hensley. Public Buildings. — "It is uncertain, at this time, when the con- tract for building a court house was let, but it is certain that the house was not reach' for occupancy in March, 1824, but was ready in October of the same year. William Shaffer, the county re- corder, who was by occupation a carpenter, undertook the work, and it is safe to assume that it was begun in the spring of 1S24, and that the contract was let by the first board of commissioners, but for what price is now unknown. The late Thomas Williams, however, who was the owner of the onlv yoke of oxen then in or about the new town, drew the logs to the building site for $1. The new court house was in keeping with the povgrty of the county. It was two stories high, was built of hewed logs, and a broad wooden outside stair led from the ground up to the second floor, which was the court room. This was furnished with a table, two 'splint-bottomed chairs, one for the judge, and one for the clerk,' with wooden benches without backs for the accommodation of lawyers, jurymen, litigants and spectators. This first court house was built upon the lot situate immediately in the rear of the lot on which the bank buildings are erected. A jail was not yet provided. It is in memory, that, before a jail house was up, a prisoner, who was under sentence of imprisonment, was sent from an Edinburg justice's court, and that John Smiley, in lieu of a better place of confinement, chained the culprit to a stump in the public square his allotted time. But the chain and stump did not serve the purpose in all cases, for, in 1826, we find the board of justices of the countv making allowances out of the county treasiny for the guarding of prisoners. A contract for building the jail must have been let some time in the first half of 1826, to Samuel Herriott. At the July term of the board of justices, it was ordered that the contractor put two windows in the jail, one in each end, seven inches by eighteen, and that the logs for the jail should be seventeen feet long instead of eighteen, and that, instead of ceiling the 'upper loft' with poplar plank, it be 'laid down with hewed timbers nine inches thick.' From this order the char- acter of the structure may be perceived, and further, that the ma- terial had not yet been prepared. In the following January, the board accepted the building, but there nowhere appear sufficient data to enable us to fix upon the price paid." The method of doing county business was materiallv changed in 1824. Theretofore the county board consisted of but three com- missioners who were elected for that purpose onlv, and to them COUNTY ORGANIZATION". 685 was given the entire charge of the county business. In that year, however, the law transferred their business to what is termed the board of jurors. This board was composed of all the justices of the peace in the county who were ex-officio members of this board. This method did not remain in vogue long, as it was found to be too cumbersome and unsatisfactory. The details of the business as transacted by the board, would be of but little interest. It was gen- erally made up of hearing road petitions, appointing viewers, over- seers of the poor, inspectors of elections, superintendents of school sections, county officers, fence viewers, constables, listers, assessors, granting licenses of various kinds, passing on claims against the county, levying taxes, selecting jurors, changing roads, and many other matters pertaining to the general business of the county. In the light of our modern ways, some of the claims allowed, seem funny. In Judge Banta's " Sketch "' is the following: " One of $4, in favor of William Barnett, for work done on the court house, was allowed, and he was privileged to ' lift his bond tiled in the clerk's office for the completion of the work to be done to court house.' Patrick Cowan and Thomas Russell were each allowed $1.50, their fees in the case of the State of Indiana vs. Richard Neal; Lewis Bishop came in for $i 'charges for keeping Richard Neal while a prisoner,' and John Barnett got 50 cents, and Joseph Hickerscki $1, for standing guard over the said Rich- ard; and John Smiley, the sheriff, got $41.10 for 'guarding, dieting,' etc., said Richard Neal, and two others, Nathaniel Bell and William Barlow. Richard Neal was proving himself an un- profitable citizen. A special term of the circuit court had been called on his account, and a grand jury impanelled to consider a presentment to be made against him, charging him with having sent a challenge to fight a duel; but the jury ignored the bill, and Richard drops out of sight, leaving these bills to be paid by the countv. John Campbell, the county agent, was then allowed $2.61 % for whisky and stationery furnished for county use while agent. This whisky was for the benefit of the buyers of the town lots." Finances. — The question of raising and maintaining a sufficient revenue for the needs of the county, and at the same time keeping taxation within moderate bounds, is one of no little importance. New counties seldom have much resource for raising public funds. It is also true that their needs are not greater than their abilities. The almost universal means of obtaining the earliest funds to meet the expenses of the county was from the sale of town lots. The land on which a county seat was located was nearly always donated to the county, and the enhanced value of this land contributed to start the public treasury in a flourishing condition. The county 686 JOHNSON COUNTY. board would impose licenses upon certain kinds of business, and assess a tax that in this later day seems meager indeed. But they were relatively high, and this payment was often a matter of much concern to the citizens. The first tax lew, as revealed by the records now at hand, was in 1826, when the following was made: Each horse, 37 y 2 cents; each ox, 18^ cents; gold watch, $1; silver watch, 25 cents; each white male person twenty-one years old, 50 cents; each license to retail foreign merchandise, $15; each tavern license, $5; each ferry license, $2, and each covering horse license was placed at $2. It is probable that this total revenue derived from taxation at the beginning of the county did not exceed $300. In 1826, the treas- urer's report shows less than $400 paid out, with $29 in the treas- ury. In 1830, the amount had increased 'to about $1,000. With the continued growth of the population and increased value of property, the amount of taxes has increased until the present time. Of course there were some fluctuations as temporary expenditures increased or diminished, but there has been a general increase from the first. During the war the bounties and the relief funds raised aggregate revenue to what was then deemed unusual excess, but the ordinary expenses have long since then raised the amount to a figure far in advance of war taxes. In 1865, the total amount raised was $105,529.54. Even these figures seem moderate when compared with the present. Poor Expense. — There is no question that so closely concerns people, in relation to revenue, as the dispensation of public charity. The first provision made by law was for the appointment of over- seers of the poor in each civil township. The Jaw prescribed their duties as follows: " * * * every year to cause all poor persons who have or shall become a public charge, to be farmed out on contract, to be made on the first Monday in May, annually, in such manner as said overseers shall deem best calculated to promote the public good. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit any overseer from receiving and accepting propositions at any time for the keeping of the poor, and others who may at anv time hereafter become a countv charge/' This method was not sufficient to meet the growing demands of society, though perhaps it was well enough for the more primitive davs in which it was in vogue. Late in the decade of the forties, and early in the fifties, the farming out pro- cess was discarded in nearly all parts of the state, and the poor who had become almost wholly dependent upon the county, were placed under the charge of one man on a farm, either rented or pur- chased for that purpose. This was soon found to be a more practical way of managing these matters, and the system was enlarged and COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 687 improved. Large and commodious buildings have been erected suitable for maintaining the indigent. The item of expense charge- able to the poor is one well calculated to challenge the considera- tion of the tax-payer. For this single item alone, Johnson County expended in the year 1887, about $10,000. Of this sum, $2,500 was chargeable to expenses at the poor farm, while the balance was paid out through the medium of the township trustees, who now have distribution of funds to such persons within their respective townships as are, in their judgments, worthy objects of charity. One of the latest advancements in this direction is the establish- ment of orphans' homes in many of the counties. These are de- signed to rear and educate orphan children that are practically abandoned to the world. It is one of the most worth}- channels in which public generosity and charily can be directed. That the in- fluences surrounding an inmate of the poor-house are bad, at the best, there is no doubt, and to bring up children in the midst of the examples that must inevitably confront them in such a place, would be not only bad policy, but must result in lowering morality. John- son Count}' has kept fully abreast of the times on these questions. In August, 18S4, the county commissioners purchased one acre and a half of land at Hopewell, and established there an orphans' home, the price paid being $900. Here all children between the ages of six and sixteen, of sound mind, are kept, that are county charges. The contract of keeping them is let to the lowest bid- der, the present price being 30 cents per day for each inmate. The board appointed Emmeline Bridges, matron. There are now forty-four inmates. Later Public Buildings. — The first court house and jail have already been mentioned. A second court house having become necessary, the county board, in March, 1830, decided upon another. The new building was to be of brick, forty feet square, two stories high, with two doors, a suitable cupola, and a foundation of rock. The contract was let in clue time to Samuel and John Herriott, for $1,427, and it was to be completed in two years. The contract for finishing the building inside was let to William Shaffer, for $349.50. The entire cost was thus nearly $1,800, and when com- pleted was considered good, and for the time no doubt it was. This building served all the purposes for which it was erected, until 1849, when early in the morning of May 18th it was destroyed by fire. There was comparatively small loss of the records, or public documents. At the July term following this, the board awarded a contract to Edwin May, for the erection of a new court house, for $10,084. The s ' ze was to be 50x84 feet. In June an order had been passed to sell the ruins of the old building, but the record no- 688 JOHNSON COUNT V, where discloses the amount received for it. Edwin May, the con- tractor, became known in more recent years as the architect of the new state capitol building. John Elder was the architect of the court house for this county, and for his plans and specifications was allowed $50. By something approaching to fatality this building was also de- stroyed by fire on December 12, 1S74, after service of nearly a quarter of a century. To accommodate the county officers, and as a shelter for the records, which were nearly all preserved, a tem- porary frame building was erected on the south side of the public square. This was Johnson County's fourth court house, if it car* properly be termed such. It continued in use until the present handsome structure was erected, though it was condemned by the grand jury as unsafe for the preservation of the records. At the .March term, 1S79, the matter of building was taken under advise- ment. In April, following, the commissioners went to the towns of Washington and Columbus to inspect the court houses there. Plans and specifications were filed at the May term by no less than ten different leading architects. At a special term in July, the plans of George W. Bunting were adopted, and in September the con- tract was let. The bidders were: McCormack & Sweeney, $81,850; W. H. Meyers, $79,987: Kammacher & Denig, SioS.ooo; Farman & Pierce, $79,100. The last, being the lowest bid, was accepted, but subsequent changes and additions made the total cost of the building about $100,000. It was completed, and in Decem- ber, 1881, was accepted by the commissioners. The first floor has eight rooms, and are occupied by the auditor, clerk, sheriff, re- corder and treasurer, with smaller additional rooms for each. The second floor contains court room, county superintendents room, petit and grand jury rooms, consultation room and judge's private office. On the third floor are four rooms used for storage. The building is of the modern style of architecture, and of brick and stone. It is a durable structure, and one the citizens of the county may well feel proud of. "Jails. — The first jail was built in 1826, but what sort of build- ing it was, there is now but little means of telling. Its duration, too, is another uncertainty. That it remained in use until 1851 is more than improbable, though a hasty perusal of the records failed to find that another had been built in the meantime. At the Janu- ary term, 1851, the commissioners awarded the contract for build- ing a new jail to John Craig and Joseph Parris, for $4,800. The jailor's house was to be two stories high, and to be built of stone. The plans and specifications for this building were elaborate, and it was 10 be completed on or before March 1, 1852. When done, it COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 6S9 was a very creditable structure, and continued in use until the pres- ent one superseded it. The jail now in use was modeled after one at Danville, Ind., and was ordered at a special session of the board in July, 1S67. James F. Wiley was authorized to con'ract and procure from a competent architect two drawings and plans and specifications like in all respects to the jail at Danville. The auditor was directed to advertise the time and place of letting the contract, in the Cincinnati Enquirer and Indianapolis Herald. The contract was awarded to McCormack & Sweeney, of Columbus, for $39,900. It was completed and accepted at the August term, 1870. Organization of Townships. — The first townships created were White River, Blue River and Nineveh. It is probable these three were created at the first term of the county board, as that was the usual way at the organization of new counties. The absence of the records for the first few years of the county prevents a definite statement of the date when these townships were created. Their probable boundaries as described by Judge Banta have already been given. From the" best information at hand it seems that Franklin was the next township organized. This was most likely done within the first two years of the county's history. Hensley was next, and was organized at the March term, 1827, of the county board, bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest cor- nerof Section 31, in Township 11, Range 3, on the county line, thence on the count v line east to the southeast corner of Section 31, Town- ship 11, Range 4; thence north on the section line to the northeast corner of Section 6, Township 11, Range 4; thence west on the line dividing Townships 11 and 12 to the northwest corner of Sec- tion 6, Township 11, Range 3; thence south of the county line to the place of beginning. Pleasant Township was created by order of the board, May 4, 1S29, and included all the land now in both Pleasant and Clark townships. Union was authorized on July 5, 1830, and was bounded as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 31, Township 13, Range 3; thence east on the sec- tion line to the range line dividing Ranges 3 and 4; thence north one mile; thence east two miles; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 32, Township 12, Range 4; thence west to the county line; thence north to the place of beginning. In 1832, at the March term, the boundaries of all the seven town- ships were somewhat changed, and in May, 1838, Clark Township was organized, with about the same territory as it now has. From that time on there were no new townships created until March, 1881, when Needham was formed out of the eastern part of Frank- lin, thus making a total of nine civil townships in the county. Elections. — The following table of presidential elections was ob- tained after much search in the countv archives, and though not 690 JOHNSON COUNTY, entirely complete, are yet valuable for reference. The returns for 1824, are entirely gone, but the others are all preserved, excepting an occasional township. November, 1S2S — Democrat.! November, 1832 — Democrat, Jackson and Calhoun; whig, 1 Jackson and VanBuren; whig, Adams and Rusk. D AY Franklin 73 66 White River 34 23 Nineveh 62 23 Hensley 52 6 Blue River — No returns. November, iSj6. — Whig, Har- rison and Granger; democrat, Van Buren and Johnson. W D Blue River 140 49 Nineveh 41 10S Hensley 2 38 Union. No returns. White River 57 Pleasant 38 Franklin 160 Clay and Sergeant. D W White River 6S 27 Blue River 103 64 Union 7 2 Hensley 46 4 Pleasant 39 23 Franklin — Poll book and tally sheet missing. 9 1 37 236 Total 43S 559 November, 1S40. — Whig, Har- rison and Tyler; democrat, Van Buren and Johnson. W D Blue River 82 32 Nineveh 73 119 1 [ensley 12 77 Union 1 27 White River 64 148 Pleasant 70 59 Clark 23 53 Franklin 336 433 Total 631 998 November, 1S4J.. — Whig, Clay and Freylinghuysen; democrat, Polk and Dallas; free soil, Bir- ney and Morris. W D F S Hensley 10 100 Blue River 124 25 Clark 21 57 1 Pleasant 37 73 12 White River. . . 74 161 Franklin 315 518 2 Union o 58 Nineveh tally sheet lost. 202 votes were cast in the township, for the different candidates. November, iSj.S. — Democrat, Cass and Butler; whig, Taylor and Filmore ; free soil, Van Bu- ren and Adams. D W F S Franklin 289 235 12 Hensley 1 5 1 2 6 Union 138 32 Nineveh 146 107 White River. . . 160 67 Clark 86 24 Blue River 42 118 Pleasant 102 66 Total 11 14 675 12 COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 69I November, iSj2. — Whig, Scott and Graham ; democrat, Pierce and Kino-; free soil, Hale and Julian. W D FS Franklin 315 360 Nineveh 96 Blue River 192 Pleasant 92 Union 31 White River 84 Hensley 41 Clark 45 165 no H5 149 138 156 no Total 896 133; 20 November, 1S60. — Independ- ent democrat, Douglas and John- son ; democrat, Breckenridge and Lane; republican, Lincoln and Hamlin: union, Bell and Everett. Franklin Nineveh B. River Union . . . Hensley. W. River Pleasant . Clark. .. ID 2 89 166 133 157 iSS 156 179 123 D 89 20 9 53 60 56 39 10 Total. 1392 336 November, 1868.— Seymour and Blair; Grant and Colfax. R U 519 21 x 49 4 174 9 39 12 40 4 127 2 172 4 83 4 303 60 November, t8j6. — Democrat, Buchanan and Breckenridge; re- publican, Fremont and Dayton; free soil, Filmore and Donelson. Franklin .... Nineveh. . . . Blue River.. Pleasant .... Union White River Hensley D 356 181 124 205 185 225 R 467 107 163 144 3i 79 32 72 FS 55 18 29 7 13 20 5 6 !°95 i53 • Democrat, Clark 117 Total 1608 November, iS6^.- McClellan and Pendleton ; republi- can, Lincoln and Johnson. D Clark White River Union Nineveh Pleasant 207 Hensley 255 Franklin 330 Blue River 173 138 219 219 172 R 130 ii5 61 132 194 40 671 199 - Democrat, republican, D 555 227 Franklin Blue River Hensley 267 Union 231 White River 270 Clark 163 Pleasant 241 Nineveh 195 Total 2I 49 44 R 635 264 268 68 131 154 242 134 1697 Total 1713 153: November, 18J2. — Liberal re- publican, Greeley and Brown; republican, Grant and Wilson; democrat, O'Connor and Julian. D LR R Franklin .... 53S 664 Nineveh 201 120 Blue River . . 278 282 Hensley 250 57 Clark 131 147 Pleasant 243 238 Union 219 72 2 White River. 249 12 2 Total 2109 1700 4 692 JOHNSON COUNTY. November, iSj6. — Democrat, Tiklen and Hendricks; repub- lican, Haves and Wheeler; inde- pendent, Cooper and Cary. D R I Franklin .... 648 722 2j Blue River. .. 288 337 15 White River. 311 136 8 Pleasant 267 269 28 Hensley 299 65 37 Nineveh .... 178 104 97 Union 202 45 89 Clark 170 162 7 Total 2363 i860 304 November, 1SS0. — Republican, Garfield and Arthur; democrat, Hancock and English; independ- ent, Weaver and Chambers. R D I ' Franklin .... 783 627 31 Blue River... 366 317 20 Nineveh .... 127 178 79 Hensley 53 300 40 Union 60 237 71 White River. 156 334 9 Clark 177 168 16 Greenwood . . 166 160 4 Whiteland . . . 132 140 17 Total 2020 2461 287 November, 1884. Democrat, Cleveland and Hendricks; repub- lican, Blaine and Logan; national, Butler: prohibition, St. John. D Franklin, precinct No. 1 205 Franklin, precinct No. 2 185 Franklin, precinct No. 3 56 Needham 194 Blue River, precinct No. 1 227 Blue River, precinct No. 2 93 Nineveh 211 Hensley, precinct No. 1 210 Hensley, precinct No. 2 116 Union 242 Pleasant, precinct No. 1 159 Pleasant, precinct No. 2 118 White River, precinct No. 1 165 White River, precinct No. 2 162 Clark " 172 R N 253 29 II 107 6 i.S2 . . . . 281 1 91 7 129 46 52 7 12 15 47 54 i59 2 112 i7 97 ^ 61 176 7 Total 2515 2020 179 17 County Officers — Representatives: John Connor,* 1S24; James Paxton,* 1825; Lewis Morgan,-)- 1826: John Smilev,f 1827-31; Sylvan B. Morris,f 1828; Rezin Davis,f 1829-30; Joab Wood- ruff, 1832-33-34; John S. Thompson, 1835: James Lusk, 1836; Benjamin S.Noble, 1837: Berriman Reynolds, 1838; Fabius M. * Marion, Madison, Hamilton and Johnson counties, t Johnson and Shelby counties. COUNTY ORGANIZATION. • 693 Finch, 1839; James Richey, 1840-41 ; Franklin Hardin, 1842-43-44; Daniel Webb, 1845; Gilderoy Hicks, 1S46-4S-49-50; Isaiah M. Norris, 1847; Samuel Eccles, 1851; Royal- S. Hicks, 1853; Jo- seph M. King, 1S55, Dillard Ricketts, 1857; Augustus Keifer, 1859; O. R. Daugherty,± 1861; John A. Polk, 1S61; T. W. Woollen, + 1863; Achilles V. Pendleton, 1863; Ezra A. Olleman,^ 1865-67; Elijah Banta, 1865; David G. Vawter, 1867; William K. Admire,;}; 1869; Duncan Montgomery, 1869-71; Caleb B. Tarle- ton,+ 1S71; Thomas W. Woollen, 1873; C. McFadden, 1S75; Charles O. Lehman, 1877-79; William H. Barnett, 1881; Will- iam T. Rivers, 1S83; Jacob L. White, 1S86. Prosecuting Attorneys: Daniel B. Wick, 1823; Harvey Gregg, 1824; Calvin Fletcher, 1S25; James Whitcomb, 1826; William W. Wick, 1829; Hiram Brown, 1S31; James Gregg, 1832; William Herrod, 1834; William Quarrels, 1838; William J. Peaslee, 1840; Hugh O'Neal, 1841; H. H. Barbour, 1843; Alram Ham- mond, 1844; Edward Lander, 1848; John Ketcham, 1S48; David Wallace, 1848; G. M. Overstreet, 1849; David S. Gooding, 1851; Reuben A. Riley, 1853; D. W. Chipman, 1S55; Peter S. Kennedy, 1857; William P. Fishback, 1863; William W. Leathers, 1865; Joseph S. Miller, 1867 ; Daniel W. Howe, 1869; Nathaniel T. Carr, 1S70; John Morgan, 1871; K M. Hord, 1872; W. S. Ray, 1874; Leonard J. Hackney, 1878; Jacob L. White, 1880. Fred Staff, 1882; Peter M. Dill, 1886. Judges Circuit Court: William W. Wick, 1S23-34-50; Bethuel F. Morris, 1S25; James Morrison, 1S40; Fabius M. Finch, 1S42- 59; William J. Peaslee, 1843; Stephen Major, 1852; John Co- burn, 1865; Cyrus C. Hines, 1866; Samuel P. Oyler, 1869; David D. Banta, 1870: Kendall M. Hord, 1876. Associate Judges of the Circuit Court: Israel Watts, 1S23-30; Daniel Boaz, 1823-37; William Keaton, 1830-35: James R. Alex- ander, 1835-48; Robert Moore, 1837-44; James Fletcher, 1843-45; John R. Carver, 1S44-1S51; John Wilson, 1845-51. Probate Judges: Israel Watts, 1830-37; John Smiley, 1837-44; Bartholomew Applegate, 1S44-51; Peter Voris, 1S51-52. Court abolished in 1S52. Common Pleas Judges: Franklin Hardin, 1851-60; George A. Buskirk, 1860-64; Oliver J. Glessner, 1864-1868: Thomas W. Woollen, 1868-70; Richard Coffey, 1870-71. Court abolished in 1871. District Attorneys: S. O. W. Garrett, S. P. Oyler, Jonathan II. Williams, D. D. Banta, John Montgomery, Jacob S. Bradwell, James Harrison, J. H. Reeves, George W. Workman. { Joint, Johnson and Morgan. 694 JOHNSON COUNTY. Circuit Clerks: Samuel Herriott, 1S23; David Allen, 1839-47; Isaac Jones, 1844; R. S. Hicks, 1847; Jacob Sibert, 1850; William H. Barnett, 1855; Isaac M. Thompson, 1S71; Thomas Hardin, 1879; Samuel Harris, 1882: David Fitz Gibbon, 1886. County Treasurers: Joseph Young, John Adams, Robert Gilcrees, Madison Vandiver, William C. Jones, William F. Johns, William Bridges, Henry Fox, William H.Jennings, Jacob F. Mc- Clellan, John Herriott, Hascall N. Pinney, William S. Ragsdale, John W. Wilson (died before term commenced), George Cutsin- ger, John W. Ragsdale, George W. Gilchrist, David Swift, James M. Jacobs. Auditors: Jacob Sibert, 1S41; Jonathan H.Williams, 1S51; George W. Allison, 1855; Elijah Bennett, 1S59: William H. Bar- nett, 1868: E. N. Woollen, 1871; W. C. Bice, 1875: W. B.Jen- nings, 1S79; Thomas C. M. Perry, 1886. Recorders: William Shaffer, 1823; Pierson Murphy, 1836; Thomas Alexander, 1843: Jacob Peggs, 1844-67: William S. Ragsdale, 1859; Willet Tyler, 1863; George W. Demaree, 1S75; J. R. Clemmer, 1879; J ames T. Trout by appointment; W. H. Barnett, 1886. Sheriffs: John Smiley, Joab Woodruff, John Thompson, David Allen, Isaac Jones, Austin Jacobs, Samuel Hall, John Jackson, William C. Jones, Robert Johnson, Nixon Hughes, William Bridges, W. H. Jennings, H. L. McClellan, Noah Perry, Eli But- ler, John W. Higgins, William W. Owens, Robert Gillaspy, James H. Pudney, William Neal, G. C. Stewart, Jacob Hazelett. Commissioners, first district: James Gillaspv, James Wiley, David Forsyth, Wilson Allen, George Botsford, Reason Slack, C. R. Ragsdale, George B. White, N. S. Branigan. Warren Cole- man, Ransom Riggs, Joseph Jenkins, Ezekiel W. $Iorgan, Will- iam Bridges: second district: William G. Jones, Daniel Covert, Peter Shuck, Austin Jacobs, Samuel Magill, Melvin Wheat, Mil- ton Utter, James M. Alexander, William J. Mathes, John Kerlin, Peter Demaree, William II. Shuck, Daniel S. Grass, William J. Mathes, James H. Vandiver, Strather Herod; third district: Archi- bald Glenn, James Ritchey, Samuel Eccles, Jacob Comingore, Joseph Harmon, Moses Parr, James F. Wile) - , John Clore, Robert Jennings, James Collins. County Assessors: W. C. Jones, 1840; James Hughes, 1841; Daniel McLain, 1843; David R. McGaughey, 1844; John Ritchev, 1844; Jeremiah M. Woodruff, 1846; Malcom M. Crow, 1848; F. C. Buchanan, 1850; Hume Sturgeon, 1851. Office abolished in 1851. COUNTY ORGANIZATION. 6q$ Real Estate Appraisers: Thomas Williams, 1840; Jacob Sibert, 1846; Peter Shuck, 1850. Collectors of County Revenue: Robert Gilcrees, 1S26; Ira Woodruff (sheriff), 1827; John Thompson, 1831; David Allen (sheriff), 1S35; Hiram T. Craig, 183S; Arthur Mullikin, 1839. Office abolished in 1S40. County Surveyors: The following is only a partial list of the surveyors of Johnson County: James H. Wishard, Thomas Will- iams, Franklin Hardin, John S. Ilougham, Hiram Graves, G. M. Overstreet, P. K. Parr, W. W. Hubbard, Joseph J. Moore, Will- iam M. Elliott, Wilson T. Hougham, Daniel A. Leach, Benjamin R. Ransdell. Avenues of Travel. — The roads traversed by the pioneer set- tlers of Johnson Countv, were first the Indian trails, which were soon succeeded by neighborhood roads. After the organization of the count}', roads were viewed and established by authority of the board of commissioners. These primitive roads were little more than a path blazed out, by which the traveler might, with some degree of confidence, go from one settlement to another without fear of losing his course. These roads often traversed low, swampy lands, and, in order to make them passable, were cross-laid with logs and rails, and were generally known as " corduroys." After years of experience with dirt roads the legislature author- zed the construction of plank roads. Such roads were built in many of the counties, but were soon abandoned as impracticable. This was followed by an act of the legislature, authorizing the construction of gravel roads. This act was followed by the rapid construction of pikes, and later the county has built a large number of free gravel roads, which at present lead out from all the princi- pal trade centers of the county. Johnson County is traversed by two lines of railroad. The J., M. & I. Railroad, which traverses the entire length from north to south, was built late in the forties, the first train arriving at Franklin, Wednesday, August iS, 1847. The Fairland, Franklin & Martinsville, a branch of the C, I... St. L. & C. Railroad, furnishes an outlet to the east and west, and thus the people are supplied with the necessary competition to make trans- portation cheap. Medical. — Of the early history of the profession but little can be said. The incidents of early practice were similar to those of all western communities. The exposures and hardships incident to the practice in the pioneer days of Johnson Count}" were such that it is now a matter of astonishment that there were those who were willing to sacrifice themselves to alleviate the sufferini>- of their fellow man. 696 JOHNSON COUNTY. The almost impassable condition of the roads, the exposure to in- clement weather, and wild animals, and the uncertainty of remun- eration for their services, made the life of the pioneer physician an unenviable one. Among the prominent early practitioners may be mentioned the names of James Ritchev, Mack Smiley, A. D. Sweet, Samuel Webb, J. H. Donnell, W. W. Thomas, ). H. Woodburn, Samuel Thompson, Dr. Winslow, John McCorkle, J. P. Gill, Lewis Mc- Laughlin, James McMurry, Dr. Leavitt, John Scott, Dr. Fish, Dr. Charleton, Dr. Bush, George Riddel, — Finnimore, L. J. Woollen, Dr. Pinkney, Cardell. A. R. Miller. Johnson, J. J. Cole, South- worth, Jordon, S. Voris, J. D. Vannuys, Mitchell Bedford, Runnell, Robert Taggart, 'A. T. Davis, W. C. Hendricks, Cook, J. H. Thompson and F. B. Day. It has long been recognized by those engaged in the practice of the healing art, that a union of effort and mutuality of council are essential to success. This suggested to the members of the pro- fession in Johnson County the necessity for the organization of a societv in which members may meet, and by a comparison of indi- vidual experiences, deduce the most practical methods. With such an object in view, a medical societv was organized in 1SS0, with Drs. Z. Carries, H. Carter. T. C. Donnell. J. S. Farris. II. J. Hall, J. T.Jones, J. A. Marshall, A. Miller, P. W. Payne, J. J. Saddler, B. Wallace, W. A. Webb, and J. C. Wood, as charter members. The following are the names of those who have taken out license to practice in the county since 1S85. T. C. Donnell. Ira C. Fisher, Frank B. Day, James T. Jones, J. C. Wood, P. W. Payne, W. C. Hall, William A. Webb, A. Mil- ler, James Beebe, J. D. George, J. H. Donnell, B. Wallace, Homer J. Hall, William M. Province, L. L. Whitesides, G. W. Covert, P. K. Dobyns, Lyman E. Ott, Samuel T. Quick, William P. Bush, David Adams, John A. Bland, William E. Tilford, Jesse H. Lanam, Luther Paine, Joseph M. Wishard, Thomas W. Curry, Irvin Hibbs, Jefferson B. Ream, Charles E. Whitesides, Thomas B. Noble, J. A. Marshall, William C. Hendricks, E. B. Willan, Zach- ariah Carnes, James II. Adams. John W. Dixon, Robert B. Willan, Appleton W. Wright, Joseph J. Saddler, John L. Keglev, Thomas B. Maze. R. S. Byers, Robert Taggert, J. S. Farris. Reuben Griffith, William H. Murphv, James II. Bazell, Joseph R. Cravens, W. F. Gooden, O. B. Surface, Ira C. Willan, James P. Moser, J. T. Mercer, Samuel Pagin, Amos Davis, Urbina Stackhouser, F. P. Gillaspv, David II. Miller, James S. Roberts, Isaac D. Carman, J. G. Grim, James A. Comstock, J. K. Vincent, Samuel McGaughey, HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 697 J. O. Wharton, Thomas R. Rubush, Stephen L. S trickier, James K. Stewart, James L. Barrett, James W. Marsee, Carl T. Payne, W. 11. Wishard. HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. William A. Bridges stands among the most substantial far- mers, stock-raisers and business men of this part of Indiana. He was born October n, 1S50, son of George and Martha (Clark) Bridges. The father was a native of Kentucky, born May 4, 1S00, and departed this life August 23, 1872. He came to Johnson County in the autumn of 1S29, and settled in Hensley Township, about two miles west of Trafalgar, Ind. Here he settled on a farm and engaged in the arduous duties of clearing it up. His boyhood and youth were spent on a farm. His education was extremely lim- ited, for hard work was such a necessity in those days but little time could be devoted to schooling, but bv reason of a large amount of business, and by much mingling with men, he acquired a good practical education. He was thoroughly conversant with all things that pertained to his business, and on all general affairs he was well informed. He was honorable and upright in all his dealings, a con- sistent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Few men ac- complished as much in life, and succeeded in establishing as complete confidence in the minds of all as he. His popularity ex- tended to all with whom he had business connections, and he was one of those few who have the scarce and precious qualities of making a great deal of money in a way that added to, rather than detracted from, their popularity. In 1825, he was united in marriage with Matilda Forsythe. This union was blessed with seven children, four boys and three girls, four of whom are now living, two boys and two girls. The mother of these children was born June 3, 1806, and departed this life March 14, 1S48. On August 16, 1S48, he was united in marriage with Martha Clark, a daughter of Will- iam and Margaret Clark. This union was blessed with the fol- lowing children: Marion F., born June 20, 1849; William A., our subject, October 11, 1850. The mother of these children was born June 8, 1828. She was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, who in this, as in all the other affairs of life, has been her husband's faithful companion, and who has always proved herself that willing helper which the true wife and mother ever is. She departed this life, July 30, 1856. On October 16, 1S56. he was united in marriage with Eliza A. Prather, a daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary Prather. This union was blessed with the following children: Dillard, Adaline, Henry, Emma, Eliza 69S JOHNSON COUNTY. A., and Andrew. The mother of these children is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Bridges was always a staunch democrat, and at the time of his death was the owner of 810 acres of fine farming lands in Hensley Township, which was improved. Mr. Bridges' position in Johnson County was a fitting reward for the work and toil of a lifetime, and shows conclusively to all begin- ners on life's journey how much more honorable, useful, and satis- factory is a life of industry, exertion, and honesty. Our subject, William A. Bridges, was reared on his father's farm in Hensley Township; he received a good common school education, and at the age of twenty-one years began the struggle of life for himself as a farmer, and has always been one of the live men of Johnson Count)-. Improvement and progress has always been his watch- word, and it has always been his ambition to keep fully up with the advancing civilization of the nineteenth century. One needs but to see his beautiful home and the many surrounding improve- ments to become convinced that he has kept thoroughly abreast with the spirit of the times. October 9, 1S70, he was united in marriage with Alice M. Hunter, a daughter of Singleton and Harriet (Clemmer) Hunter: the father was a native of Kentucky, of German descent, born December iS, 1S29; he came to Indiana in 1S40, and settled in Hensley Township, where he remained until 1885, when he emigrated to Kansas, where he now re- sides. The mother was a native of Ohio, of German descent, was born April 11, 1830, and departed this life, December 15, 1882. This union was blessed with the following children: Otis, born July 9, 1S71: I Iarrv, December 12,1872; Daisy, October 22, 1877. The mother of these children was born October 27, 1850. Mr. Bridges, wife, and the two boys, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge, No. 181, at Trafalgar, alsoa member of the K. of P. lodge, No. 12, at Franklin. In politics he has always been a staunch democrat, and is the recognized leader of the young democracy of his township. He is now the present county commissioner of dis- trict No. 1. After his nomination for this office, he was appointed to fill a vacancy of eighteen months in the same, caused by the death of E. W. Morgan, and was elected at the following November election of 1SS6, by a handsome majority. He now owns no acres of fine land, in Hensley Township. In connection with farming, he has given considerable of his time to the breeding of short-horn cattle. His liberal support of churches, schools, and all landable enterprises are characteristic of the man. Such men build up a community, and erect for themselves imperishable monuments of gratitude which will live for many years after they have passed HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 699 away. Socially, Mr. Bridges is a thoroughly good fellow, enter- taining all at his home, with a liberal hospitality, and makes friends wherever he goes. Aaron V. Burget, prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Hensley Township, is an Indianian by birth, having been born in Johnson County, on the 3d day of November, 1843. His father, Valentine Burget, was a native of Ohio, and an early resident of Johnson Count}', accompanying his parents here about the year 1832, and settling in Nineveh Township. Valentine Burget grew to manhood in Nineveh Township, and in 1S39 was united in mar- riage with Nancy Keaton, a native of Tennessee, and daughter of Miles and Sylvia (Butram) Keaton, of North Carolina. To this marriage ten children were born, five of whom are now living, and residents of Johnson Count}'. Mr. Burget was a prominent citizen, and had a large circle of friends in this and other parts of the country. He died in 1885, aged seventy-one years. The subject of this sketch was reared to agricultural pursuits, receiving a good practical English education, and for some time followed the teacher's calling in Nineveh Township. He afterward abandoned the profession for farming, which useful vocation he has since car- ried on. On the 16th of April, 1863, was solemnized his marriage with Miss Lucinda, daughter of William and Mary (Teeters) Gil- laspy. The father of Mrs. Burget was drowned in White River a number of vears ag'o, and the mother, who is still living, subse- quently married Thomas Gillaspy. Mr. Burget was a resident of Nineveh Township until 1871, at which time he purchased his present home place, consisting of 109 acres, in Section 13, Hensley Township, where he has since lived and prospered. He is a democrat in politics, and as such has held minor official positions at different times, the duties of which he discharged in a manner highly satisfactory to all concerned. He identified himself with the Christian Church a number of years ago, and is an earnest and consistent member of that denomination. Mr. and Mrs. Burget have had eight children, seven of whom are now living, viz. : Dil- lard A., William M., Tillas A., Alice, Nancy A., Sallie E. and Floyd E. Emma L., the fourth child, died at the age of five years. Joseph Clark, M. D., is a native of Indiana, and was born in Bartholomew County, on the 14th day of October, 183S. His father, Thomas S. Clark, was born in the city of Manchester, Eng- land, and at an early age came to America, locating at Lebanon, Ohio, where he learned the cabinet-makers' trade. After residing at this place a number of vears, he moved to Indiana, about 1823, and entered a tract of land in Jackson Township, Shelby County. 700 JOHNSON" COUNTY, He was twice married, the first time on the 24th day of December, 1833, to Miss Martha M. Harris, of Virginia, whose death occurred in February, 1843. Four children were born to this marriage, three of whom are now living. June 15, 1843, Mr. Clark married Miss Letitia Query, by whom he had three children, all deceased. Shortly after his second marriage Mr. Clark moved to Hensley Township, and here resided until his death. In many respects Thomas Clark was a remarkable man. In early life he evinced de- cided taste for intellectual pursuits, and while a mere youth began the stud}- of Latin, Greek and Hebrew, in which he soon acquired "remarkable proficiency. His love for the classics never abated, and in old age he was able to read the Scrip- tures in the original tongues, Greek and Hebrew. He was a man of abstemious habits, possessed a tenacious memory, and was a believer in religion, as taught by Emanuel Swedenborg. He was born April, 1806, and departed this life February, 1873. Mrs. Clark survived her husband several years, dying July. 1887, aged seventy. Dr. Clark spent his youthful years on his father's farm, and received his early educational training in the common schools, supplemented by a course in Franklin College, which he at- tended two years. On quitting college he engaged in teach- ing, and was thus employed until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he enlisted in Company I, Seventy-ninth Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, Col. Fred Knefiler"s regiment, with which he served gallantly from 1862 until the close of the war. He partici- pated in a number of battles, in one of which, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., he was severely wounded in the left arm by the explosion of a shell, the effect of which was to disable him for field duty. For some time thereafter he was employed as hospital steward, at Louisville and New Albany. At the close of the war he returned to Johnson Countv, but in the meantime, while in the government service, began reading medicine with Dr. Sloan, of New Albany. Impressed with a laudable desire to increase his knowledge of the profession, the Doctor subsequently attended lectures at Louisville and New York, and in 1867 graduated in New York, and began the practice at Morgantown, where he continued about twelve years. He then relinquished the practice and engaged in the commission business at Indianapolis, which branch of trade he continued suc- cessfully until 1884. In that year he returned to Hensley Town- ship and began farming, which he has since carried on, owning at this time a fine farm of 240 acres. The Doctor was married Janu- ary 8, 1871, to Miss Harriet Skeggs, of Morgan County, daughter of Zachariah Skeggs. F. M. Coleman, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Hens- HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 701 lev Township, is a native of Johnson County, Ind., and son of F. M. and Mary ( Woollard ) Coleman. He was born on the Coleman home- stead in this township, on the 5th of March, 1S56, and grew to manhood on his father's farm, attending the common schools at intervals in the meantime, in which he obtained a practical English education. On the 29th day of December, 1876, was solemnized his marriage with Miss Frances Paskins, daughter of John Paskins of this county, a union blessed with the birth of the following child- ren: John F., Chelcie, George and Mary E. Mr. Coleman has always lived upon the place where he now resides, and as a farmer and stock-raiser, has been very successful, ranking among the enter- prising and progressive citizen, of Hensley. He is a man of pleasing address, is popular socially, and numbers his friends by the score in the community and elsewhere. Politically, he is a supporter of the democratic party, and as such has taken an active interest in local politics. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Lodge No. 358, at Morgantown. Warren Coleman. — The paternal ancestors of the subject of this sketch came originally from Germany, and settled in America in the time of the colonies. Jacob Coleman, grandfather of Warren, fought for the cause of liberty during the War of the Revolution, and his son, Jacob, Jr., served with distinction in the War of 1812. The family early emigrated to Ohio, in which state the subject's father was married m 1S09, to Miss Elizabeth Thomas, an aunt of the late General George H. Thomas, who bore such a distinguished part in the late War of the Rebellion. Jacob Thomas farmed for a number of years near the city of Cleveland, and, in 1839, came to Johnson County, Ind., where he lived until his death in 1873. His wife survived him many years, dying March 25, 1883. at the advanced age of ninety-live years. They raised to manhood and womanhood a family of eight children, of whom three are now liv- ing: Mrs. Sarah Loyd, Mrs. Amanda Hammond and the subject of this biography. Warren Coleman was born near the city of Cleveland, Ohio, on the 12th of Jul}', 1S16, and until his twenty- fourth year, resided in his native state. He accompanied his par- ents to Johnson County, in 1S39, and until his marriage, which was solemnized on the 16th day of March, 1847, with Miss Lucy Gillaspy, he remained on the home place looking after his par- ents' interest. Shortly after marriage, Mr. Coleman settled in the northwest part of Nineveh Township, and from time to time pur- chased land until lie now owns a farm of 123 acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. He has been a very industrious man, and, as a democrat, served three years as com- missioner of Johnson County, besides having held minor official 702 JOHXSOX COUNTY. positions. His wife was a daughter of Joseph Gillaspy, one of the early residents of the township. She died August 21, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman raised a family of seven children, whose names are as follows: Francis M., William D.. George \V., Susan, Lucy J., Amos, and Jacob. Daniel W. Cooper, an old and reliable citizen of Hensley Township, and one of the few pioneers now living, is a native of Wayne County. Ky.. and dates his birth from the 13th day of November, 1S23. His parents. Abraham and Elizabeth (Collett) Cooper, were natives of Kentucky, also, and early residents of Johnson County, moving here in 1833. The}- raised a family of eleven children, eight of whom are still living, four residents of this county. The subject of this sketch being the oldest son, was early compelled to contribute his part toward clearing and developing the farm. Hence his educational training was of a somewhat limited character. He made the most of his opportunities, however, and bv coming in contact with his fellow men in after life, obtained a fund of practical knowledge, and is now a well-informed man. September 12, 1844, he was married to Miss Ahulia Alexander, of Johnson County, and daughter of Thomas Alexander. The fruits of this marriage have been nine children, of whom the following are living: Annie A., Elizabeth, Ellen, Lavicy, Smith and Alice. Mr. Cooper has followed agricultural pursuits all his life, and now owns a well-improved farm of 140 acres. He is a democrat in politics, and a member of the Masonic order. He stands high in the estimation of his fellow men, and is one of the township's repre- sentative citizens. James C. Core, the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch, was born in Johnson County, on the 14th day of January, 1834. His father, Jacob Core, was a native of Ohio, from which state he emigrated to Kentucky many years ago, and there married Mary J. Forsyth, who was born at Crab Orchard, in the latter state. Mr. Core was by occupation a miller, and in addition to his trade, he was emploved for some time in Kentucky, in the capacity of overseer. He came to Johnson County, ind., in 1S27, and purchased government land in Nineveh Township, upon which he lived until his death. He died a number of years ago at the age of fifty-four, and was buried in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, where the body of his wife was also laid, she having died later at the age of sixty-four years. James C. Core has spent all his life in Johnson Count}', and is now one of its oldest citizens, having been a resident over fifty-four years. He grew to manhood on the farm, and in the old log school-house, lighted bv a window of greased paper, and furn- ished with rough puncheon benches, minus backs, he obtained the HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 703 rudiments of an ordinary English education. On the 25th day of February, 1856, he was married, and immediately thereafter he be- gan carving out a home for himself in Nineveh Township, where he continued to live and prosper until 1SS7. In that year he dis- posed of his place in Nineveh, and purchased his present farm in Hensley Township, a beautiful place of eighty acres, well stocked and improved. For some time he handled stock for James P. For- syth, and did a successful business while thus employed. Mr. Core is one of the industrious farmers of Hensley, and a popular citizen in the community where he resides. He has had ten children, seven living: .Matilda E., Martha E., Maria A., George W., John, J. C. and Effie M. The oldest daughter, Matilda, married Henry Hughes, and is living in Nineveh Township. Martha E. is the wife of George W. Short. James Forsyth, deceased. — Conspicuous among the represen- tative citizens of Johnson County, was the late James Forsyth. Mr. Forsyth was a native of Kentucky, born July 6, 1813, and a son of J. and Jane (Sturgeon) Forsyth. He grew to manhood's estate in Kentucky, and in 1S30, moved to Johnson County, Ind., and located a home not far from the city of Franklin. He entered land in Franklin and Nineveh Township, and in time be- came a large property holder and a prosperous citizen. On the 16th day of February, 1837, he married Miss Ellen N. Ragsdale, daughter of Frederick Ragsdale, one of the pioneer settlers of Hensley Township. Mr. Forsyth identified himself with the First Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in 1843, from which time until his death he was active in the councils of his church and foremost in every work to propagate religious truth. He accummulated a handsome property, but in later life met with financial reverses, which resulted in the loss of a considerable portion of his property. He was liberal in all the word implies, and his numerous bene- factions for religious and benevolent purposes, attest his unbounded faith in the Scriptural maxim, that " it is more blessed to give than to receive." His church and Franklin CoHece owe him a debt of gratitude for munificent gifts received at different times, and many who received his aid in a quiet and unostentatious way remember him as a true friend and benefactor. He served as director of Franklin College in 1875-6, and at one time was president of the First National Bank of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth were not blessed with children of their own, but through their kindness two children were reared, who will always bless the memory of their benefactors. Mr. Forsyth died on the 18th day of March, 1887, but Mrs. Forsyth is still living, having reached a serene and happy old age. 704 JOHNSON COUNTY. James A. Foster, only son of William and Francina Foster, whose sketch appears elsewhere, is a native of Johnson County. He has been a resident of Hensley Township for many years, and is one of the industrious and energetic farmers of the community in which he resides. He has been twice married, the first time on the 5th day of December, 1852. to Miss Luelia M. Clemmer, a natiye of Johnson County, daughter of Solomon Clemmer. Two children were born to this union, Lola and Lula. Mrs. Foster died August, 1883, and was burried in the Friendship cemetery. On the 25th of October, 1884, Mr. Foster's second marriage was solemnized with Miss Margaret Ellis, daughter of Jesse Ellis, a union blessed with the birth of one child, who died in infancy. Mr. Foster owns a well-stocked farm of 120 acres, and is in comfortable cir- cumstances. Politically, he is a democrat, in religion, a Methodist. William Foster, deceased, was born in Johnson County, Ind. April 23, 1831. He was a son of Richard and Lucinda (Coons) Foster, natives of Virginia, and of English and German descent, respectively. Richard Foster came to Johnson about the time the county was organized, and was one of the pioneers of Blue River Township. Subsequently he moved to Hensley Township, where, for some years, he held the office of justice of the peace. He was a prominent citizen, and did much in a quiet way toward opening and developing the country. He died at a good old age, as did also his wife, and they both rest side by side in Tipton County, this state. Mr. and Mrs. Foster raised a large family, ten children having grown to manhood and womanhood, six of whom are now living, all residents of the County of Tipton. William Foster passed his youthful years in Johnson County, and was reared on a farm. Aug- ust. 1850, he married Miss Francina Smith, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Smith, of East Tennessee. Mrs. Foster was born in Tennessee, on February 5, 1827. and is the mother of two children: James A., born August n, 1851, and Minerva, born May S, 1S59, and died in childhood. Mr. Foster was one of the leading citizens and farmers of Hensley Township, and a man widely and favorably known for his many excellent traits of character. He died very suddenly of heart disease, on January 25, 1884. He was for many years an active member of the Methodist Church, to which his wife also belonged. She is still living on the home place, which is now superintended by her son, James A. O. W. Garrett, deceased, the subject of this sketch, was a native of Kentucky, born on the 14th day of December, 181 1. He spent about thirty years in that state, and then came to Johnson County, Ind., locating in Hensley Township, of which he was a resident about twenty years, the greater part of which time was spent in \ HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 705 teaching. lie was for some time engaged in the saw-milling busi- ness in Morgan County, and at one time worked at the stone ma- son's trade, in which he acquired great proficiency. When the war broke out he offered his services to his country, enlisting in the Twenty-seventh Regiment Indiana Infantry, with the commission of second lieutenant of his company. Subsequently he was pro- moted first lieutenant, and as such served until honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service. Mr. Garrett was at one time a practicing attorney, and acquired some prominence as a mem- ber of the baf of Morgan County. He was a man of broad intelli- gence, and for a number of years took an active part in local politics. He married, in Louisville, Ky., Miss Lucy Ann Curl, daughter of Samuel and Sinah Curl, of the same state, by whom he had two children, both deceased. Mrs. Garrett was born on the 9th day of December, 1S1S. Mr. Garrett died at his residence in Morgan County, on the 8th day of February, 1876. Mrs. Gar- rett lives in the village of Samaria. John Hogeland was born in Green County, Ky., now Taylor County, on the 16th day of November, 1824. His father, John Hogeland, Sr., was a native of Pennsylvania, and of French descent. He was taken to Kentucky, when ten years of age, and there mar- ried Nancy Shipp, by whom he had twelve children, six sons and the same number of daughters. In 1833, he immigrated to Indiana and settled in Shelby County, thence one year later moved to John- son County, locating three and one-half miles north of Franklin. About the year 1S37, he moved to the northwest part of Hensley Township, and lived here until 1S70. For two or three years he resided in Samaria, and then moved west of Morgantown, where his death occurred at the advanced age of eighty-one. His wife ser- vived him several years, and died at the residence of her son, in Hensley Township, being over eighty at the time of her death. Mr. Hogeland was a prominent farmer. For a period of over sixty years, he belonged to the Baptist Church. John Hogeland, Jr., sub- ject of this sketch, was nearly ten years of age when the family came to Indiana. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and at the age of twenty, married Miss Eliza Whitsitt, of Jennings County, ind., daughter of John and Mary (Blankenship) Whitsitt. Shortly after marriage, Mr. Hogeland settled in Blue River Township, where he lived twenty-two years. He then returned to Hensley Township, where he has since resided, anil where he now owns a farm of 270 acres, one of the best improved places in the southern part of the countv. He justly ranks among the substantial men of the community, and as a farmer and stock-raiser, has few equals in Hensley Township. By his first marriage he had three children, 706 JOHNSON COUNTV. all deceased. His present wife, whom he married in April, 1866, was Mrs. Mary J. Young, widow of J. Young, and daughter of Joseph Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Hogeland are members of the Baptist Church. I. J. Holeman, the gentleman for whom this sketch is prepared, is a native of Johnson County, and dates his birth from the 7th day of April. 1844. His parents were J. M. and Elizabeth (Street) Holeman, both natives of the State of Kentucky. Our subject was raised a farmer, and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. He belongs to that large and eminently respectable class who accomplish much for the good of society in a quiet and unostenta- tious way, and during a long period of residence in Hensley Town- ship, has gained the confidence and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. March 25, 1S67, he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza J. Coleman, daughter of F. M. Coleman, and to their union have been born nine children, seven of whom are living: Nettie E., Jennie, James F., John D., Rettie, Gussie and Oris C. The names of those deceased are, Mary I., who died in her seven- teenth year, and Annie, whose age was seven months. They were both laid to rest at Bethlehem Church cemetery. Mr. Holeman owns a good farm, and is in comfortable circumstances financially. He is a democrat politically, and an earnest worker in the I. O. O. F. fraternit ,-, belonging to Lodge Xo. 196, Morgantown. Jonathan Yount. — The Yount family came originally from Germany, and were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania, in colonial times. From that state the grandfather of the subject em- igrated to Kentuckv, and was an associate of the celebrated Daniel Boone, in leading the van of civilization into the " dark and bloody ground."' He participated in many of the struggles with the In- dians, and is remembered as one of the bravest of the pioneers of a time abounding in brave and daring men. George Yount, father of the subject, was born and reared in Kentucky, Shelby County. and was a farmer by occupation. He was a man of some local prominence, having held an official position in the militia service, and for some years took an active part in politics as a supporter of the whig partv. His death occurred a number of years ago in his native state. The maiden name of our subject's mother was Sarah Bright. She was descended from English ancestry, and was married to Mr. Yount in Kentuckv, and was the mother of four children, all living, three of them residents of Johnson County. Mrs. Yount died in Johnson County, aged over eighty years. Jonathan Yount was born May 3. iSjS, in Shelby County. Ky., and grew to manhood in his native state as a farmer. His early educa- tional advantages were of a meager character, embracing in all about HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 707 five months' attendance at the country schools. Owing to the death of his father, the chit}- of maintaining the family was largely thrown upon his shoulders, and for some years he struggled hard to dis- charge his filial duties. October 28, 1852, he was married in Shelby Countv, Kv., to Miss Eliza J. Satterwhite, daughter of Turner Sat- terwhite, a prominent farmer, and in i860, came to Johnson County, Ind., settling in Hensley Township. Here lie purchased land and en- gaged in the pursuit of agriculture, which, with stock-raising, he has since cariied on successfully, having at this time one of the best improved farms in the southern part of the county. He suffered a severe loss by fire in 1876, but immediately rebuilt, and now has one of the most commodious residences and other buildings in Hensley Township. Mr. Yount is an energetic business man, and a true tvpe of the old-time Kentucky gentleman. He is a great lover of all kinds of innocent sports and pastimes, and an adept with the rifle, his skill in markmanship being unequalled in this part of the countrv. Politically, he is a democrat. Mrs. Yount died in April, 1875. She was the mother of nine children, the following of whom are living: John W., Walter L., Edwin, Charles E., George B. McC, Cordelia and Hattie O. In April, 1876, Mr. Yount married his present wife, Miss Lavina C. Smith, who has borne him four chil- dren : Harry G., Ira W., Carl and Howard II. Prof. Benjamin F. Kennedy, the subject of this sketch, was born in Bourbon County, Ky., December 5, 1S32, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Kimbro) Kennedy. Paternally, Mr. Ken- nedy is descended from Irish ancestry, and upon the mother's side, from English. Thomas Kenneth- was a native of Kentucky, and a school teacher by profession. He came to Putnam County, Ind., in 1836, and in 1861, moved to Johnson County, and settled in Henslev Township. By his marriage with Mary Kimbro, he had four children, all of whom are living. Mrs. Kennedv died in Ken- tuckv, in 1S36, and later, Mr. Kennedy married Martha Bowles. Benjamin F. Kennedy passed his youthful years in Putnam County, Ind. His educational training was liberal, attending first the com- mon schools, and later Asbury, now Depauw University, in which institution he pursued his studies three years. In 1850, he began teaching in Putnam County, and after following the profession there for six years, came to Johnson County, where he continued, first in the schools of Union Township, where he located, and later in various localities. He did much toward systematizing the schools of the countv, and was the first teacher to introduce the higher branches of learning in the schools outside the county seat. Mr. Kennedv became a citizen of Hensley Township in i860, and has been here the greater part of the time since. He was for six years 45 708 JOHNSON COUNTY. principal of the Morgantown schools, and for three years had charge of the high school of Trafalgar. In addition to his work as teacher, Prof. Kennedy served as county examiner of schools under the old law, and was the first superintendent elected, under the law providing for the county superintendencv. He discharged the duties of his office in an eminently satisfactory manner, and did much toward awakening an interest in behalf of educational work throughout the county. He taught his last school in the winter of 1878—79, at Union village, the same place where he began his labors in this county in 1856. Prof. Kennedy is a scholarly gentleman, and ranks among the most successful educators of Johnson Count)-, He was married August 31, 1S61, to Miss Delilah Davenport, who has borne him two children: Millard F. and Benjamin F. John S. Kepiiart is a native of Kentucky, born in the famous blue grass region, on the 21st day of October, 1S26. His parents were Samuel and Jemima (Swift) Kephart, both natives of the same state. Samuel Kephart came to Johnson County, Ind., in 1835, and settled in Hensley Township, where he lived until his death in 1885. He was over eighty years of age when he died, as was also his wife, whose death occurred the same year. They were the parents of fourteen children, nine of whom are living, six of them being residents of Hensley Township. The immediate subject of this biography was reared partly in Henry County, Ky., and partly in Indiana, being nine years of age when his parents moved to Johnson County. In the year 1846, he enlisted in Com- pany C, Third Indiana Volunteers, Col. Lane's regiment, for the Mexican War. and served for a period of thirteen months, dur- ing which time he participated in a number of skirmishes and bat- tles, including the bloody engagement of Buena Vista, on the 22nd of February, 1847. He returned home in July, of the latter year, and on the 22nd day of the month was united in marriage with Miss Mary C. Tapp. daughter of William Tapp, by whom he had eight children, the following of whom are living: Eliza Ann, Sam- uel, Lucy J., Catherine, Sarah and John T. Mr. Kephart began life as a farmer, and has followed his calling ever since. He served in the late war as a member of Company G. Third Indiana Cavalry, entering the service in 1861 as second lieutenant. He afterward resigned, and a little later enlisted in the Fifth Indiana Cavalry, with which he shared the fortunes and vicissitudes of war for a period of three years, holding a second lieutenant's commis- sion during that time. Upon one occasion he was tendered the commission of major by Gov. Morton, but refused to accept it. While operating in Kentucky he was captured by Morgan's Cav- alry, and for twenty-two months experienced all the rigorous treat- IIEXSLEY TOWNSHIP. 709 ment and privations incident to rebel prisons, having been for some time confined in the celebrated Libby prison pen at Richmond, Va. Among the battles in which he bore a gallant part, were : Shiloh, Franklin, Greenbriar and a number of others, besides nu- merous lesser engagements and skirmishes. He was honorably discharged from the service at Pulaski, Tenn., June 28, 1865, and immediately thereafter returned to Johnson County, where he has since resided. Mrs. Kephart died on the 16th da}' of June, 1867. On the 18th day of December, that year, Mr. Kepharfs second" marriage was solemnized with Mrs. Elizabeth Lang, widow of the late William Lang. To this marriage have been born three chil- dren: Elsie, Andrew and Rebecca M. By her previous marriage Mis. Kephart had these children: Sarah F., Mary A. and William R. Lang. Mr. Kephart is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in re- ligion a Baptist. Mrs. Kephart is also a member of the Baptist Church. Joseph J. Moore, of Hensley Township, one of the old settlers and most successful business men of Johnson Count}', was born in said county April 29, 1831. He is the son of Robert and Elizabeth (McKinley) Moore, both natives of Ohio. His parents moved to Johnson County in 1822, settling near Williamsburg, but later re- moved to Union Township, where Joseph J. was born. The other children of Robert Mooie were, John M., who died in Indianapolis, in 1886; Mary Ann, Elizabeth M. (deceased), Martha Ann, Rachel A., Robert M., and two infants (deceased). The father was one of the most prominent and useful citizens of the early days of the county, having filled, for a time, the position of associate judge. He died in Jasper County on January 20, 1855, where he moved in 1849. The death of Mrs. Moore occurred June 6, 1843. Joseph J. remained at home until he was twenty- two years of age, when he started out in life. His first employ- ment was cutting cord-wood, at which he earned his first money. Thus engaged he was called upon to teach school, after an examination had proved him to be the most able and practical, thorough English scholar in the whole community. This he followed years with marked success. He afterward served as surveyor of Morgan County, for two years, and in the same capacity for a like period in Johnson County, and as a surveyor and civil engineer he was very efficient. He entered the contest as a candidate for state senator, in 1S86, but was defeated after a very bitter contest. Although Mr. Moore has been much in public life, and has contributed as much to the public good as any man in John- son County, it is in the commercial world that his energies and tal- ents have been employed most successfully. Few men have 7IO JOHNSON" COUNTY. engaged so extensively, and have in a greater measure won by honest dealings and correct business methods, the confidence of the community. Mr. Moore was married to Miss Ermina, daughter of John II . and Sarah Forsythe, which union has been blessed bv four children: Frank F., an attorney of Frankfort, Ind., is a graduate of Franklin College, Chicago School of Oratory, and Album-, N. Y., law school; Cinchona Alice, wife of E. M. French, of Frankfort, is a fine literary scholar, and a graduate of the Bos- ton Art School; Elgin E. (deceased); Robert M., who married Miss L. E. Coleman, a native of this county, is a farmer. Mr. Moore still lives at Trafalgar, where he is extensively engaged in several lines of mercantile business, and with his estimable wife is now enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. * G. W. Musselman. — Among the successful farmers and busi- ness men of Ilensley Township, few stand as high in the estimation of the public as the gentleman for whom this biographical sketch is prepared. The Musselman family was early represented in John- son County, and the name appears frequently in connection with the early county legislation. Henry Musselman, father of G. W., was a native of Kentucky, and of German descent. He moved to Johnson County in 1S22, before the organization went into effect, and for a number of years was prominently identified with the growth and development of the country. He died a number of vears ago at a good old age, having outreached the allotted three score years and ten. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Dunn, was also a native of Kentucky. She faithfully discharged fhe duties of life throughout more years than usually fall to the lot of woman, and sleeps by the side of her husband in the old Lick Springs grave-yard, Nineveh Township. Henry and Sarah Mus- selman had a family of ten children, seven sons and four daughters, only four of the number now living, all residents of this township. G. W. Mussselman was born on the 30th day of October, 1S26, and has been a resident of Johnson County all his life. His early edu- cational training embraced a few months' attendance in such schools as the country afforded, and amid the rugged duties of farm life, he early learned those lessons of industry and economy bv which his later years have been characterized. On the 31st clay of July, 1S45. he married Miss Rebecca Smyser, of Oldham County. Kv., daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Deadman) Smyser, and shortly thereafter purchased a tract of land, consisting of eighty acres, from which he in time cleared and developed a farm. He disposed of the place in 1853, and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, consisting of 2S0 acres. This represents the fruits of his own industry, as he began life with little capital, save a well-formed HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 711 purpose to succeed. He is now one of the representative farmers and stock-raisers of Johnson County, and is an intelligent and public- spirited citizen, and has been called from time to time to fill posi- tions of trust by the people of Hensley Township. He served as assessor several terms, and for sixteen years held the office of township trustee, to which he has again been elected, a fact which attests his great popularity with the people, independent of political affiliation. Mr. Musselman is essentially a self-made man, and as such ranks with the leading citizens of the county. He is a socia- ble gentleman, and numbers his friends by the score within his own neighborhood and elsewhere. He stands high in Masonry, and politically, has always been an earnest supporter of the demo- cratic party. July 31, 1SS7, was the forty-seventh anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Musselman. They have had six children, whose names are as follows: Sarah A., wife of H. P. Durbin; Martha J., widow of J. Winchester; Ambrose F., Ma- tilda K., Ira F. and William E., the last four living with their parents. James K. P. Musseeman, farmer and lumber-dealer, son of Henry Musselman, is a native of Hensley Township, and dates his birth from the 5th day of October, 1845. He was raised on his father's farm, and at intervals attended the country schools, in which he obtained the rudiments of an English education. When only seventeen years of age, May 2, 1861, he was united in mar- riage, to Miss Venelia C. Shake, who was born in Oldham County, Ky., on the 15th day of August, 1845. Her parents, J. B. and Sarah Ann (Sturgeon), were both natives of Kentucky, and of German and Irish descent, respectively. Mr. Musselman has de- voted the greater part of his life to the lumber business, and at this time is quite extensively engaged in its manufacture, operating a mill which affords employment for quite a number of hands. His present force consists of twelve men, and the mill is one of the best in the county. He owns a farm also, besides a great deal of personal property, and is classed among the well-to-do citizens of Hens- ley. He is a democrat in all the term implies, but not an office- seeker or partisan. The following are the names of the children, born to Mr. and Mrs. Musselman: Hallie F., Walter H., Alice M., Joseph R., George and Loval II., all of whom are living. The fol- lowing children are deceased: Minnie A., died August 24, 1867; infant, died October 9, 1870, and Eddie, died August 5, 1873. Thomas J. Musselman, deceased, the subject of this sketch, was born in Hensley Township, Johnson County, February 28, 1840, and was a son of Henry and Sarah (Dunn) Musselman. He grew to manhood in his native township, was educated in the com- 112 JOHNSON COUNTY. mon schools, and early engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he followed successfully until his death. He bore a gallant part in the late war, serving three years, during which time he was with his command in many bloody battles and active campaigns. January 24, 1S61, he was united in marriage with Miss America Paskins, daughter of Thomas and Delilah (Samples) Paskins, a union blessed with three children: Mary, wife of Thomas Holeman; Hattie, wife of Andrew Bridges, and James P. Musselman. Mrs. Musselman was born January 6, 1S42. In his later days, Mr. Musselman lived in Samaria, Hensley Township, and it was in that village that his death occurred on the 22nd day of November, 18S2. Mrs. Mus- selman lives in Samaria at the present time. John Paskins, deceased, was a native of Ohio, born in Brown County, that state, on the 23rd of July, 1S23. His parents were Thomas and Delilah (Samples) Paskins, the father a native of England, and the mother of Brown County, Ohio. They were married in that state, and afterward immigrated to Indiana, settling in Johnson County, the subject at the time, being a small bov. Thomas Paskins was a blacksmith by trade. He accumulated a comfortable fortune, and died a number of years ago, at the age of sixty-six. His wife preceded him to the grave, dving at the age of thirty-eight years. John Paskins grew to manhood in Johnson County, and was reared a farmer, but later worked at the black- smith trade for some years in the town of Williamsburg. He served in the Mexican War through its continuance, and in one of its en- gagements, received a severe wound in the ankle, the effect of which was to disable him from active labor. March 27, 1848, Miss Anna Fraker became his wife. She was born July 25, 1823, in Wilmington, Del., and is a daughter of Joseph Fraker, who came to the United States many years ago, from Switzerland. The maiden name of Mrs. Paskins' mother was Frances Gass. Mr. and Mrs. Paskins had a family of eight children: Mary Ann. Harrison, Jennie, Ella S,, Francis, William J. (deceased), John T. and Joseph P., all of whom were born in this county. In August, 1871, Mr. Paskins made a trip to England, to look after an estate left him by entailment, and while there, met with his death under very mysterious circumstances. The supposition is that he was murdered for his money, as he was known to have a consider- able sum in his possession at the time. His death occurred on the 9th day of January, 1S72, and he was buried in Halifax, England. His widow resides in Hensley Township, and is a well-preserved woman for her years. She owns a good farm of 185 acres, and manages the same. J. P. Paskins was born in Johnson County, Ind., November b, HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 7 13 1862, and is the youngest son of John W. and Annie M. (Fricker) Paskins, natives respectively of Ohio and Maryland, and of Eng- lish and German lineage. John W. Paskins came to Indiana many years ago, and was by occupation a blacksmith, having followed the trade for some time in the town of Williamsburg. He was a soldier in the late war, and died in the year 1870. Mrs. Paskins accompanied her parents to thiscountrv many years ago, and is still living, making her home in the village of Samaria. The subject of this sketch was reared in Johnson Count)', and enjoyed the ad- vantages of a good English education. He began life as a farmer, and has continued that calling ever since, owning at this time a beautiful place of seventy acres, which is well improved and stocked. He is one of the energetic young men of the township, and stands hio-h in the confidence and esteem of his neighbors and fellow citi- zens. Politically, he is a democrat. ■ He married at the age of twenty-two (1884), Miss Eliza Bridges, of this county, a daughter of George and Eliza Bridges. This union was blessed with the birth of one child, Harold C. Hiram Porter, deceased. — Prominent among the self-made men of Johnson County, was the late Hiram Porter. Mr. Porter was a native of Clark County, Ind., born in the year 1S23, and was the son of Francis Porter. He accompanied his father to Johnson Count}' when seven years of age, and lived here until his death, which occurred about the year 1S66. He was an extensive farmer and stock-raiser, and frequently shipped as high as 2,500 head of hogs at one time, besides dealing extensively in other live- stock. In early life, his surroundings were of the most unfavorable kinds, but with a well-defined purpose to succeed, he overcame the many hindrances which poverty threw in his way, and amassed a hand- some fortune. He built a grist-mill near his home, which was in oper- ation a number of years, and at the time of his death owned over 600 acres of valuable land and a vast amount of other property. Mr. Porter was married first to Miss Lucinda Beech, by whom he had two children : Francis K., and Mary J., now Mrs. Logan. Mrs. Porter died in 1848, and later Mr. Porter married Miss L. Prather, who bore him three children, one of whom, Miss Hen- rietta Holman, is living. Mr. Porter's third marriage was solemnized with Miss Rachel Prather, who bore him one child, now dead. Mr. Porter's fourth wife was Miss Susan Wright, after whose death he married Miss Annie Small, who is now living at Rushville, Ind. There were no children by the last two marriages. Mr. Porter was a democrat in politics, and deserves mention as one of the representative citizens of Johnson County. ' 714 JOHNSON COUNTY. Francis K. Porter, oldest son of Hiram Porter, was born in Johnson County, Ind., January 10, 1843. He was married in 1866 to Miss Martha B. Hall, of Kentucky, who died in February, 1875. The fruits of this marriage were six children, three living, Hiram E., George M. and Susan E. In October, 1876, Mr. Porter was married to Miss Marv J. Lee, a union blessed with the birth of the following children : Sylvia P., Venna A., Sarah E., William O., Eliza B., and Nettie M. Mr. Porter is one of the substantial men of Hensley Township, and a man in whom the people have implicit confidence. He owns a farm of 125 acres, upon which are some of the best improvements in the county. He is a democrat in politics, and with his wife, belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. T. Ragsdale was born in Shelby County. Ky., April 28, 1829, and is the youngest son of Frederick and Sarah (Hunter) Ragsdale, natives of the same state, and of English and German de- scent, respectively. Frederick and Sarah Ragsdale were married in Kentucky, and resided there until 1S34, at which thime they im- migrated to Johnson County, Ind., and settled in Hensley Town- ship, near the place now owned by the subject. Mr. Ragsdale was a pioneer in the true sense of the word, and bore an active part in the development of the country. He served in the last war with Great Britain, and participated in a number of battles, including the memorable engagement at New Orleans. He was a man of many excellent traits of character, a true Christian, and with his wife, was a charter member of the Baptist Church at Trafalgar. Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale raised a family of seven children, of whom rive are living — all of them residents of Johnson Count} - . J. T. Rags- dale was five years of age when his parents moved to Johnson Countv, and for a period of over fifty years, has been one of its most highly respected citizens. Having early manifested a decided preference for mechanical pursuits, he selected the carpenter's trade for a vocation, and after becoming proficient in the same continued the calling for a number of years. In the mean- time he came into possession a farm, but not liking farm work he employed help to run the place, and continued his trade almost ex- clusively until 1876. Since that year he has operated a saw-mill, and is doing a large and lucrative lumber business. Mr. Ragsdale is a skillfull mechanic, and from childhood has had a natural liking for machinery. He has been successful in his various enterprises, and is a public-spirited citizen, and a liberal supporter of all public en- terprises. For several years he has given considerable attention to raising fine poultry, and has now some of the finest breeds in the country. Mr. Ragsdale was married May 20, 1S47, to Susan Ann HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 715 Mullikin, daughter of William and Sarah Mullikin, by whom he had four children, only one of whom, Mrs. Mollie Snow, of Boone Count)', is now living. Mrs. Ragsdale died March 23, 1S53. February 14, 1854, Mr. Ragsdale married Susan Branch, of Old- ham County, Ky., who died September 14, 1884. To the sec- ond marriage was born one child, a son, Alonzo Ragsdale, now a business man of Trafalgar. Mr. Ragsdale's third marriage was solemnized with Miss Mary Brunnemer, of Johnson County, daugh- ter of William and Nancy Brunnemer, a union blessed with the birth of one child, Pansy Lynn. Dr. Jefferson B. Ream, physician and surgeon, Trafalgar, is a native of Lancaster County, Penn., and was born on the 26th day of August, 1827. Paternally, the Doctor is descended from German ancestrj', but the family came to America from England about the year 1715, and located in one of the eastern colonies. The Doctor's father, John Ream, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1804, and died in the year 1869. He was, by profession, a physi- cian, and acquired considerable prominence in his calling. His wife, Caroline (Baking) Ream, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1807, and is still living, having reached the advanced age of eighty-one years. Dr. Ream was reared in his native county, and enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education in the high schools of Lancaster. While still young he decided to prepare himself for the medical profession, and for six years pursued the study of the same in the city of Philadelphia under distinguished instructors. While at Philadelphia he was married to Miss Elizabeth Landis, daughter of Abraham Landis, and, after completing his studies, returned to Lancaster Countv, and entered upon the duties of his profession in Landisville. In December, 1852, he came to Johnson County Ind., and began the practice at Williamsburg, where he continued until 1862, and then came to Trafalgar. He practiced in the latter place two years, and was then commissioned assistant surgeon in the gov- ernment service, and was thus emploved until 1869. On leaving the army he returned to Trafalgar, where he has since resided in the active practice of his profession. Dr. Ream stands high pro-* fessionally, and has a large and lucrative practice in Johnson and adjoining counties. He has been a close student, and during a long professional career has met with the most encouraging suc- cess. Politically, he wields an influence for the republican party. lie is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities, and takes an active part in all movements having for their object the public good. Dr. and Mrs. Ream have five children, all married and living in Johnson County, whose names are as follows: John J., ■ 7l6 JOHNSON COUNTY. Abraham H., Caroline, wife of William F. Farr; Emma L., wife of George Tucker, and Lillie A., wife of Henry E. Lochry. John G. Roberts. — Conspicuous among the old and reliable citi- zens of Hensley Township, is John G. Roberts, who was born in Jennings Count}', Ind., on the 13th day of March, 1825. His father, Albert Roberts, was a native of Tennessee, and for a number of years followed agricultural pursuits in Kentucky, in which state he married Nancy Green, by whom he had eleven children, all of whom crew to manhood and womanhood. Albert Roberts moved to Johnson County, Ind., in 1826, and settled upon the place where our subject now lives. He was one of the pioneers of Hensley, did a great deal toward clearing- and developing the country, and became the owner of several hundred acres of land. He is remembered as an honorable citizen and a courteous Christian gentleman, having for a number of years been an earnest member of the Disciple Church. He died at the age of fifty-nine, and was laid to rest in the Bethlehem cemetery. His wife survived him a number of years, dying at the advanced age of over eighty. Of the children four onlv are living, John G. being the only one residing in Indiana. John G. Roberts, was one year old when his parents moved to Johnson County. His first experience in life was amid the rugged scenes of pioneer times, and he was early taught those lessons of industry, which has marked his subsequent career. On March 11, 1847, he married Miss Charlotte, daughter of Joseph Thompson of Jackson County, after which he settled in the woods, and began to carve out a home. In this he was successful, and by industry and economy succeeded in accumulating a comfortable compe- tence, owning at this time a line farm of 205 acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. During his long period of residence in Johnson County, over sixty years, he has conducted himself as becomes an upright and honorable gentle- man, and against his character or good name, no breath of suspicion was ever known to have been uttered. Politically, he supports the republican party, and in religion, belongs to the Christian Church. Mrs. Roberts is a member of the Baptist denomination. To Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have been born twelve children, of whom the following are living: J. N., Rebecca J., Francina, John A., Lillie and Cordia, all married and living in Johnson County. John Slack. — Few men in Johnson County have lived to as ripe an old age as the gentleman whose name introduces this biographical sketch. Mr. Slack was born in Brown County, Ohio, on the 7th day of January, 1807. His father was Jacob Slack, a native of one of the eastern states, and an early pioneer of HENSLEY TOWNSHIP. 717 Kentucky, where many years ago he married Miss Delilah Down- ing. Shortly after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Slack emigrated to Brown County, Ohio, where, for a number of years, Mr. Slack was engaged in farming. They had a family of fourteen children, seven of whom are living, six being residents of Indiana. John Slack was reared to manhood in his native county and state, and there in 1830 united his fortunes with Miss Susan Bowler, daughter of William O. and Sarah (Hillman) Bowler, who has been a true and faithful wife and companion for a period of nearly sixty years. In the year 1833, Mr. Slack entered a tract of land in Johnson County, Ind., and a little later moved his family to the same, and began life as a pioneer in the woods of Hensley Township, the few settlements at that time being mere nitches in the forest. Me developed a good farm and became the owner of a large amount of land, much of which has been divided among his children. He is now one of the oldest residents of the county, and one of its most highly respected and honorable citizens. Of a family of ten chil- dren born to Mr. and Mrs. Slack, five are now living: Elizabeth II., Mary E., Susan A., Emeline and Carrie J. Mr. Slack cast his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson, and has been a sup- porter of the democratic party ever since, though not a partisan in the sense of seeking office. He is now eighty-two years of age, in possession of all his mental faculties, and in the enjoyment of tolerable health. His companion has reached the ripe old age of eighty-one. They celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage in 18S0, upon which occasion 169 friends and relatives were present to congratulate the aged couple. Mr. and Mrs. Slack have rive children, thirty-one grandchildren and twenty-five great grandchildren living. Aaron Stockton*. — Prominent among the leading farmers and substantial citizens of Wensley Township, is the gentleman for ■whom this biography is prepared. Aaron Stockton was born in Johnson County, Inch, April 10, 1845, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Holman) Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton were mar- ried in Johnson Count}-, and after residing here for a few years, emigrated to Warren County, 111., where Mrs. Stockton died in her eighteenth year, leaving two children, viz.: Thomas A., of Kan- sas City. Mo., and Aaron, whose name introduces this sketch. After his mother"s death, Aaron was brought back to Johnson County, and for a number of years made his home with his grandfather, Mr. Holman, who treated him kindly and gave him the advantages of a good common school education. By diligent application to his studies, young Stockton became familiar with the branches usually taught in the common schools, and for eleven years he followed 7l8 JOHNSON COUNTY. teaching as a profession, in which he met with the most encourag- ing success. On the 23d of December, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Lancy Colman, daughter of F. M. Colman, a union blessed with the birth of live children, all of whom are sons, viz.: Louis F., Alonzo L., George T., Marion N. and Ora A. Since his marriage Mr. Stockton has resided in Hensley Township, and since 1870, has been living on his present home place, one mile east of Morgantown. He owns a fine farm of 290 acres, upon which are some of the best improvements in the township. He is one of the wide-awake citizens of the county, and a man honored and respected by all who have the good fortune of knowing him. Politically, he is a supporter of the democratic party. Hervey Vories. an old and reliable citizen of Johnson Countv, is a son of John and Sarah ( Culley) Vories, natives respectively of Kentucky and Virginia, and was born in the former state on the 28th day of January, 182 1. The family came to Johnson County in the fall of 1S31, and for a number of years thereafter the father, owing to his trade, was known as Mason John Vories. In con- nection with his trade, Mr. Vories carried on farming, and in time became one of the well-to-do residents of the neighborhood in which he resided. By his first wife he had two children: Cather- ine, wife of John A. Coons, and Hervev, the subject of this biog- raphy. Mrs. Vories died December 19, 1866, and later. Mr. Vories married Mrs. Mason, bv whom he had one child: Benjamin F. Mr. Vories died October 10, 1S80, and lies by the side of his first wife, in the old Friendship cemetery. lie was a citizen of Johnson Countv for over half a century, and a man of many sterling qual- ities. Hervey Vories was raised in Hensley Township, and began life as a farmer. February 17, 1842, he married Miss Alazannah Carter, of Virginia, daughter of John and Margaret (McClure) Carter, a union blessed with the birth of eight children, the fol- lowing of whom are now living: Mrs. Caroline Terhune, Will- iam A., James M., Mrs. Angeline Green, and Hervey D. Of these children, all but Mrs. Green, live in Johnson County. Mr. Vories began life in an humble way, but with the energy and deter- mination which characterize the successful man, he has succeeded in accumulating a comfortable competence, including a beautiful farm of 117 acres, where he now resides. He has been an hon- ored resident of Johnson County considerably over fifty years, and has the confidence and esteem of all who know him. In religion, he is what he is pleased to term, a " naturalist, ' ? but is liberal toward those of different beliefs. John H. Woolfixgtox. the gentleman for whom this sketch prepared, is a native of Washington County, Ind., and son of NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP. 7*9 John and Hannah Woolfington. The parents were married in Kentucky, and early emigrated to Salem, this state, where for some years the father held the position of deputy "clerk of the Washing- ton circuit court. He was a man of fine clerical abilities, and dur- ing his residence in Salem did a large amount of legal writing, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Woolfington had three chilnren, two of whom, a daughter, Mrs. Eliza Underwood, and the subject of this sketch, are living. Mr. Woolfington died a number of years ago, and his widow subsequently married, and under the care of his stepfather, John II. continued until his thirteenth year, the mother dying in the meantime. At the age of twenty, our subject was married to Miss Nancy Martin, of Shelby County, Ky., after which he moved to Putnam County, Ind, and there remained until the year 1S52. He then removed to Boone County, and engaged in farming and the livery business, and eight years later moved to Clinton County, where he followed agricultural pursuits for a period of six years. While on a visit to Vermillion County, 111., his wife died, after which event he broke up housekeeping, and made his home with his son in Boone County, until 1881. By his first marriage Mr. Woolfing- ton had ten children, six of whom are living: Ann Eliza, Elias H., John N., Mary C, Lewis E. and George V. In 1SS1, Mr. Wool- fington came to Johnson County, and the same year was united in marriage with Mrs. Margaret (Slack) Bass, widow of Arthur Bass. Since then he has followed farming as his principal occupa- tion, in which he has been reasonably prosperous. He is an active and earnest church member, and as such was licensed to preach while a resident of Boone County, and later, 1881, was regularly ordained in the county. He preaches in different parts of the country, but is not engaged in regular pastoral work, going wher- ever he can do the most good. He is well versed in biblical liter- ature, and possesses a Christian character above reproach. NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP. Milford D. Adams was born in Johnson Count}', Ind., No- vember 22, 1839, and is a son of E. N. H. and Martha (Hardin) Adams. The father was born in Kentucky, about 1815, and died in Osage Cpuntv, Kas., in 1873, ar| d n ' s mother was born in Shelby County, Ind., about 1819, and died in Johnson County, Ind., Aug- ust 10, 1S65. Our subject is the second of seven children, all but one of whom are yet living. Benjamin II., a brother, was killed at the battle of Resacca, Ga. In August, 1861, Mr. Adams en- listed in Company F, Seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, for three 720 JOHNSON COUNTY. years, and in 1S62, at the second battle of Bull Run, he was taken prisoner and placed in Libby prison, and afterward to Bell Island, where he was kept until the December following, when he was ex- changed andtakento Alexandria, Va., where, January 23, 1863, he was discharged on account of physical disability. Returning home he raised a company of home guards, of which he was chosen cap- tain, and January 9, 1863, was commissioned first lieutenant by Gov. Morton. In February, 1S64, he enlisted in Company D, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteers, in which, until August 8, 1865, he served as corporal in Wilder's Brigade, Mounted Infantry. He was wounded at Selma, Ala. In 1865, he returned to this county, and engaged in farming in Needham, then Franklin, Town- ship, and in 1868, went to Illinois, where he remained one year, and then went to Vincennes, Ind., and engaged in business, where he remained four years. In the spring of 1873, he returned to Johnson County, and settled where he now resides, and owns a small farm. Mr. Adams was married in 1864, to Miss Ellen J. Johnson. They have two children living: Samuel D. and Gabrilia. He is a repub- lican, a member of the G. A. R., and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Thomas H. Alexander was born in Greeen Count}', Tenn., May 12, 1828, son of George and Margaret (Farnsworth) Alex- ander. His father, also a native of Green County, Tenn., was born in 1800, and died in Johnson Count}-, August 23, 1S73. His mother was born in the same part of Tennessee, about 1802, and died in 1846. About 1832 the family came to Johnson County, and settled in Franklin Township. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm, and educated at the country schools. At nine- teen years of age he began life as a farm hand, which he continued two years, and then learned the blacksmith's trade, and for five or six years was engaged in that business. Mr. Alexander first be- gan farming in Franklin Township, and about eighteen years ago removed to his present farm in Needham Township, the same con- taining 615 acres. He is one of the most extensive and prosperous farmers in this locality. Mr. Alexander was married, in 185 1, to Miss Sarah McCaslin, a native of Johnson County, born August 22, 1828. Thev have these five children: Mary, Alice, Margaret, George L. and Hattie. In politics, he has been an ardent republi- can since the days of John C. Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are among the old settlers of this county, and are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder. W. H. Coons, a leading young farmer of Needham Township, Johnson Co., Ind., was born in the same township, on June 15, 1858, and is the son of George and Kittie (Duncan) Coons. The NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP. 721 father was born in Kentucky in about 1823, and the mother in the same state in about 1825. The father located in Johnson County in 1852, settling- on the farm where he now lives, three miles north- east from Franklin, in Needham Township. To the parents eight children were born, six of whom survive. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm, and attended the common schools, and Franklin College, spending two years at the latter. He began life for himself about ten years ago as a farmer, and continues at the same at present. In 1884 he engaged in the breeding of black cochin chickens, and now has quite an extensive business in that line. On January 8, 1885, he was married to Annie Applegate, who was born in Louisville, Ky., in 1857, and is the daughter of J. D. Applegate. Ira C. Fisher, M. D., our subject, is a native of Johnson Count}-, Ind., born in what is now Needham Township, on the 2nd dav of October, 1S59. His parents are John and Caroline Fisher, both natives of Johnson County, and of German and Scotch de- scent, respectively. They reside in Needham Township, and are among the enterprising 1 and highly respected people of the com- munity. Dr. Fisher is the oldest of a family of three children. He was raised on a farm in his native county, and received a good En- glish education in the common schools. He early decided upon the medical profession for a life work, and began preparing for the same by a course of reading with Dr. J. H. Carter, of Indianapolis, under whose instruction he continued two years. He then became a student of the medical college of that city, from which he grad- uated in 1884. Having thus familiarized himself with the profes- sion, he began the active practive at the village of Needham, where he has since continued in the enjoyment of a lucrative and steadily increasing business. Though young in years, Dr. Fisher has already made commendable progress in his profession, and ranks among the rising medical men of the count}'. He is a close student, thoroughly devoted to his chosen calling, and has before him a promising future. He is a democrat in politics. Robert P. Hamilton, a leading farmer of Needham Town- ship, Johnson County, Ind., living one and one-half miles southeast from Franklin, on the Edinburg state road, was born in Union Township, Johnson County, Ind., on January 31, 1839, and was the eleventh of twelve children, born to Micajah and Elizabeth Luyster. The father was born in Culpepper Count}', Va., in 1797. and died May 5, 1878. The mother was born in 1797, and died January 7, 1884. The father was of English, and the mother of Dutch, ex- traction. When a boy the father left Virginia, and settled in Mer- cer County, Ivy. I lis father dying when he was quite young, he 72 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. was early thrown upon his own resources, being "bound out" soon after the family reached Kentucky, to Garrett Cozine, and during his teens was a wagoner, and drove a six-horse team from Kentucky to the inland towns of the southern states. In the sum- mer of 1834 h e came to Johnson County, and entered 240 acres of land, in Section 26, and immediately moved his family from Ken- tucky, but did not locate on his 240-acre farm until 1837. He fol- lowed farming as a life vocation, and was a member of Shiloh Presbyterian Church. He married Elizabeth Luyster in Kentucky. She was an aunt of Capt. H. H. Luyster, of Franklin. Our sub- ject was reared on the farm, and secured a limited education in the public schools. He emigrated to Kansas in the fall of i860, and remained there until the summer of 1861, and then returned to Indi- ana. He enlisted in the Federal Army, in August, 1862, in Company E, of the Seventh Regiment of Indiana Infantry, as a private. At the discharge of the Seventh Regiment, in 1864, near Petersburgh, Va.. he was transferred to the Nineteenth Indi- ana Infantry, and a week later was placed in Company G, of the Twentieth Regiment of Indiana Infantry. He was mustered out of service near Washington. D. C, on May 31, 1865, having served almost three years, and passing through the battles of Antietam, Second Bull Run, Petersburgh, the Wilderness campaign, and on to Richmond, and was at the final surrender of Appomatox. After the close of the war he returned to Johnson Count}-, Ind., and pur- chased a farm of 136 acres, in Section No. 32: the same place was exchanged in about 1 870 for another farm of 160 acres, in the same section, on the Martinsville road. In 1876, he removed to Florida, and remained there for two years, and then returned to Johnson County, settling on his old farm. On September 6, 1887, he swapped farms with E. O. and J. W. Peggs, and removed to his present farm, near Franklin, which embraces 147 acres, more or less, upon which he has a substantial brick residence. He is a member of the Shiloh Presbyterian Church, and of Wadsworth Post, No. 127, G. A. R. In politics, he is a republican. He was married on October 30, 1S68, to Margaret J. Graham, who was born in Johnson County, Ind., on September 3, 1845, and was the daughter of James H. Graham. She died May n, 1878, leaving one son — Arthur G., who was born June 22, 1871. Mr. Hamil- ton was married again on January 31, 1SS2, to Sallie C. Covert, who was born in Johnson Countv, Ind., on December 16, 1S50, and is the daughter of John R. Covert. To this union one daughter, Roxv C., was born December 23, 1882. Mrs. Hamil- ton is a member of the Shiloh Presbyterian Church, and her hus- band is an elder of the same church. NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP. 723 James Owens. — The Owens family came originally from Vir- ginia, in which state James Owens, grandfather of the subject of this biography, was born a number of years ago. lie emigrated to Kentucky in an early day, and from there came to Indiana before the state was organized, settling in what is now Craw ford Count}', where he resided until 1827. In that year he came to Johnson County, and settled in Franklin Township, where his death oc- curred on the 24th of June, 1S66. Mis father was Samuel Owens, who lived and died in Virginia. The name of the subject's father was Samuel Owens, also. He was born March 13, 1808, and died in Johnson County, Ind., October 15, 1S46. Millie Fisher, wife of Samuel Owens, and mother of James, was born in Rowan County, N. C, February 22, 1810, and is still living. Samuel and Millie Owens were the parents of ten children, seven of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. Of these six are now living: Catherine, wife of James H. Garrison; John, James, George, William and Nancy, wife of Theophilus McBride. The following are deceased: Martin. Milton and Mary. The subject of this biography was born in Franklin Township, Johnson County, on the 30th of June, 1833. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and at intervals during his j'outhful years attended such schools as the country afforded. He remained with his mother on the farm until 1852, at which time, October 31, he married Julia A. Tetrick, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Owens) Tetrick, after which he purchased eighty acres of land and began farming upon his own responsibility. After liv- ing on his original purchase four years he sold out and bought a a farm of no acres, to which he subsequently made additions, and upon which he lived for a period of eighteen years. At the end of that time he purchased his present beautiful home place of 155 acres in Needham Tow nshin, where he has since resided. He was appointed trustee of the township in 1885, to succeed Joseph Ker- lin, deceased, and sewed with ability until the ensuing election. Mr. and Mrs. Owens have had a family of six children, four of whom: Phebe J., Effie L., George H. and Thomas O., are living. Those deceased are William M. and Edgar H. The family are members of the Second Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, in Needham Township. John M. Parkmurst was born in Cameron County, Tenn., January n, 1825. His father was Daniel Parkhurst, a native of Kentuckv, and an early resident of Johnson County, moving here about the year 1836. Subsequently he emigrated to Illinois, and died in Effingham County, that state, in 1841. His first wife, Celia Stephens, mother of our subject, was born in Tennessee, and died there when John M. was a small boy. Her first marriage was 46 724 JOHNSON COUNTY. blessed with the birth of five children, three of whom are now liv- ing. After the death of the father, John M. returned to Johnson County and began life for himself as a common laborer, working by the month or year until about twenty-three years of age. On the 16th day of March, 1848, he was united in marriage with Eliza- beth, daughter of William and Maria Vickerman, after which he began farming on rented land. In 1851 he purchased 120 acres of land in Nineveh Township, since which time he has bought and sold various tracts, and now owns a valuable farm of 190 acres situated one mile northeast of the county seat. In June, 1S46, Mr. Parkhurst enlisted in Company C, Third Indiana Regiment, for the Mexican War, in which conflict he participated during its continu- ance. He took part in the bloody battle of Buena Vista, and other lesser engagements, and was the only man in his regiment who re- ceived a written discharge. In 1S54, he was elected trustee of Nineveh Township, the duties of which he discharged in an emi- nently satisfactory manner, for two terms, having been chosen to the office of justice of the peace, in the meantime. He served in the latter capacity, one term, and in 1873-74, was elected assessor of Johnson County. He identified himself with the Odd Fellows fraternity, a number of years ago, and now stands high in the order. Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst are the parents of the following children : Catherine, Mary, John W., James W., Ella M. and Julia. These members of the family are deceased: Celia M., Susan and Sarah E. William Runkle, son of Lewis and Elizabeth Runkle, was born in Culpepper County, Va., on the 13th day of March, 1813. Lewis Runkle was a native of Shenandoah County, Va., and son of Peter Runkle, who bore a distinguished part in the War of the Revolution. Lewis Runkle emigrated to Indiana in 1826, and later, moved to Iowa, where his death occurred about the year 1854. He was by trade a tanner, but after coming to Indiana, turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, which he carried on until his death. His wife died in Bartholomew County in 1S49. Mr. and Mrs. Runkle were the parents of ten children, four of whom are now living. William Runkle spent the years of his youth and early manhood in Virginia and Indiana, and grew up amid the active scenes of pioneer life. His early educational train- ing was received in the old-fashioned log school-houses. He re- mained with his parents until twenty-live years of age, and then began farming for himself, first on rented land, and two years later on 120 acres which he purchased in Needham Township, where he now lives. In 1837, he married Mary 1 lougham, daughter of Aaron and Cath- erine Hougham, natives respectively of Kentucky and Tennessee. Mrs. Runkle was born in Fayette County, December 18, 1818, and NEEDHAM TOWNSHIP. 725 died in Johnson County. Two children were the result of this marriage. Mr. Runkle's second marriage was solemnized in 1873, with Rachel McClean, daughter of Daniel and Nancy (Farns- worth) McClean, of Green County, Tenn. To this union no chil- dren were born. His wife died February 5, 1876, and on the 13th of February, 1S77, he married Sarah Ann McClean, a sister of his former wife. John" T. Yager. — Prominent among the old and substantial citi- zens of Johnson County, is John T. Yager, who was born in Old- ham County, Ky., July 29, 1S29. Paternally, he is descended from German ancestry, and traces his family history back to the early . days of Kentucky. His father, Willis Yager, was born in the above state about the year 1775, and died in Oldham County, September 31, 1835. Nancy (Overstreet) Yager, his wife, and mother of John T., was born in Oldham Count)', Ky., in 1780, and departed this life in Topeka, Kan., in the ) ear 1875. About one month after her husband's death, when the subject of this sketch was but six years old, Mrs. Yager brought her family to Johnson County, Ind., and settled where her father had previously located in Franklin, now Needham Township. " She bought eighty acres of land upon which she resided for a period of about fourteen years." Subsequently she went back to her native state, but returned to Indiana. She died several years ago, at or near Topeka, Kan. Her father died in 1836, and the mother in 1S67. Willis and Nancy Yager were the parents of five children, three of whom are living: the subject of this sketch, Samuel J., living near Topeka, Kas.. and Martha L., wife of James Netherton, who lives on the old Yager homestead. John T. Yager passed his early days upon a farm, and on the death of his father, was early compelled to con- tribute his share toward the support of the family, being the eldest son. At the age of eighteen, he accompanied his mother to Ken- tucky, where he looked after her interest until attaining his major- ity, at which time he began life for himself as a farmer. He remained in Kentucky until his twenty-fourth year, and then re- turned to Johnson County, Ind., and located upon the place where he now resides in Needham Township. His first purchase con- sisted of 125 acres of land, to which he subsequently added, until he now owns a fine farm of 165 acres, upon which are some of the finest improvements in the township. Mr. Yager's early educa- tional training was limited, owing to his time being required on the farm. Socially, he is very popular, and is an honorable and up- right gentleman; none in the county stands higher in the estima- tion of the people. September 25, 1S51, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Jemima Clare, daughter of John and Matilda (Broils 1 726 JOHNSON COUNTY. Clare, natives respectively of Jefferson and Washington counties, Ky. Mrs. Yager was born in Jefferson County, Kv., December 22, 183 |., and is the mother of one child, Samuel C. Yager, one of the leading business men of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Yager are active members of the Christian Church. CHAPTER IX. Military History — Early Militia — Black Hawk War — Mexican War — Civil War — Sentiment in 1S60 — First Troops — Sketches of Regiments — Sentiment in 1S63 — Bounty and Relief — Men Furnished for the War — Roll of Honor. 'HAT constitutes the leading features of the current his- tory of all governments is their military experiences. It is through the instrumentality of war that civiliza- tion has been established in many portions of the world. Indeed, it is claimed by not a few reputable historians, that war is the necessary forerunner of civilization, the cannon an emblem of progress, indi- cating that barbarism has been supplanted, and a higher order of things established. If this be true the military con- flicts must form the most interesting chapter of a nation's history. Prior to that fearful contest which began in 1S61 and for four years drenched the land in fraternal blood, there was but little military excitement in what is now Johnson County. A few of the earliest settlers had taken part in the War of 1812, and yet fewer had par- ticipated in some of the campaigns against the Indians, led by Gen. Wayne or the renowned hero of Tippecanoe. In the midst of the pioneer duties the early citizens had but little time for martial busi- ness. The old laws kept up the militia system, and two days in each year all able-bodied men, of lawful age, were required to at- tend the general drill in their county. These "training" days were at first observed most religiously, but a long period contributed to impair both their efficiency and that of the militia. The training days became mere times for frolic, and were attended by a motley crowd bent more on deviltry than drilling. MILITARY HISTORY. 727 Black Hawk War. — Johnson County enjoys the distinction of being one of the few that had a company in the Black Hawk War. More general mention of this war will be found in the first part of this volume. This was in 1S32, and in May of that year, a com- pany enlisted from Johnson County. Each soldier furnished his own horse and saddle, which were appraised upon entering the ser- vice. The campaign was short, and was devoid of any bloodv exper- iences. The company consisted of about 100 men, and marched from here to Chicago, near which place they remained in camp several weeks. They were ordered back home at the end of two months, having sustained no loss except a few horses which were stolen by the Indians. John Wishard was chosen captain; Samuel Herriott, first lieutenant, and Simon Covert, second lieutenant. There are four men now living in Johnson County, who belonged to this com- pany. Thev are John Brewer and Samuel Henry, of Greenwood, Aaron LaGrange, of Franklin, and James Wise, of Nineveh Town- ship. Names of other members of the company that are now re- called, were: Max Smiley, Powers Richey, Hendricks, Thomas Roberts, David Todd, Alexander Russelman, Hume Sturgeon, John Tracy, Henry Brinton, Barnett Brewer, Rev. Armstrong, Samuel Smile} - , Daniel McCalpin, Robert Farnsworth, Joseph Singleton, Garrett Vandiver, P. R. Vons, David Allen and James R. Alex- ander. Mexican War. — Johnson County shared the glory which at- tended the United States arms in that brief and brilliant campaign, in the land of the Montezumas. When war was declared against Mexico, the people of this county were among the foremost to offer a company for that service. Concerning this compay the Franklin Examiner of June 23, 1S46, has the following: For the satisfaction of their friends we give the roll of volunteers from this county as it stood when they lett this place. We understand there were some names entered at Edin- burg, after the company started, which are not on this list: Officers — David Allen, cap- tain; David Provence, first lieutenant; Elza Matthews, second lieutenant; Samuel McGuffin, John D. Tilson, AJpheus Laj and Joseph Tilson, sergeants; Jacob I oon, I''. M. Fain, Simon Hubble and James Jameison, corporals. Privates — Washington Wilson, James Parr, Peter Miller, Lawrence Lowe, Stephen A. Glasburn, James Henderson, Peter Glasburn, Daniel Coffelt, Charles Green, Jacob Kephart, John Kelley, Ephraim Donnovan, William Steele, Samuel II. I\ trick. T. Walden, J. \V. Paikhurst, Greenville Miller, James Miiler, Ambrose Armstrong, John Armstrong, James Allen, Samuel Rapp, John McLean, Hume Sturgeon, Harvey McCaslin, Adam Hopper, [esse Heffin, George Dawson, Aaron Richardson, William Kurkhart, John i >gle, John Slater, William Fisher, Frederick Aubke, W. II. Nelson, John Kephart, Charles Griffin, Cyrus Keneaster, Sylvester Nation, Peter T. Yarborough, Peter Lane, William Allen, R. K. Taylor, William Rivers, H. W. Webb, William H. Scrogham, Pleasant Cole, Joseph Hemphill, Frederick Cooper, George Duck- worth, Lafayette Matthews, S. T. Feather ngill, James Orchard, W. W. Israel, James Green, Benjamin Pan, Jonathan Williams, Lemont Morgan, Alexander Cooper, Christian F. Vaught, William Dawson, Woodward Worrel, Samuel S. Crosby, John L. Coons. Alexander ! , William Peggs, William II. Allen, Andrew Moore. John Low, Lewis II. Shively, William Nance, Jefferson Etchison, John Ferguson, Jacob Merryman. 72S JOHNSON COUNTY. This company went into camp at New Albany, the place of rendezvous. It was assigned to the Third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, and early in July, started by boat for the seat of war. It shared the vicissitudes of the war, and lost a considerable num- ber through death and sickness. Capt. Allen was among those who died. John Armstrong was killed in battle at Buena Vista, and six others of the company wounded. J. Slater was chosen captain to succeed Allen, and Harvey McCaslin, second lieutenant. The company lost in all about fifteen by death, nearly all of which was caused by disease. On their return home, in August, 1S47, the people of the whole county turned out to welcome them. It was reported as one of the largest meetings that had ever been held in the count}' up to that time. A free dinner was served to all pres- ent, after which an address of welcome was delivered by Mr. Gabriel M. Overstreet, which was responded to by Capt. Slater, on behalf of the company. Col. Joseph Lane, who was in command of the Third Regiment, was called upon, and spoke for more than an hour. He reviewed the movements of the regiment in the lield, and was cheered heartily. I n'm-. — For several years prior to 1S61, the country had been drifting surely toward civil war. The two sections, the North and the South, had different interests to serve in the admin- istration of national affairs. The republican party was then in its in- fancy, but it contained some elements that foretold destruction to the greatest institution of the Southern States — slavery. It is true that the party had not then taken any direct stand upon the question of slavery, but its leaders were among the avowed oppon- ents of that institution, and many had been identified with the movement for its abolition. Abraham Lincoln had publicly de- clared that it was his deliberate conviction that the government could not exist half slave and half free. His election to the presi- dency, was, therefore, by the Southern States, accepted as a men- ace to their institution, which had long been sanctioned by the laws, and as the} - thought, with apparent right. In that section of the Union, the doctrine of state rights as paramount to national rights, had long been taught under the leadership of John C. Calhoun. Accordinglv, they did not long hesitate to secede from the Union, when it was known that Lincoln had been elected presi- dent. In order to show to some extent what the sentiments of the people in this locality were, the following piece of editorial is given from the Democratic Herald of November 22, 1S60. The paper was then edited by D. D. Banta : The present state of affairs in the south indicate that which all good, patriotic men ■would deprecate — a dissolution oj the Union. The roll of the drum and the sound of the bugle is calling the advocates of secession together, and their numbers are far from MILITARY HISTORY. 729 being despicable. There are those who pretend to see no clanger in the movement and confine it merely to politicians. But to all such we would say, politicians, seldom or never undertake to precipitate a great measure unless they know the temper of their people justify it. It required but little sagacity to see the result of Mr. Lincoln's election. It was but the voice of the northern people in favor of that idea that is now depleting the border states of their slaves. It was virtually saying to Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, and other northern states that have nullified the Federal constitution, by refusing to recognize the validity of the Fugitive Slave Law, go on in your work of nullifica- tion, we will stand by you. So, at least, southern men understand it, and we fear, that act- ing upon this understanding, great misery will fall upon our unhappy land. To us it seems however, that prudence would be the better part of valor, in this instance. Mr. Lincoln has been elected in a constitutional manner. He was the choice of the people, and his elec- tion, merely^ can afford no good pretext for secession. Nothing but an omission on his part, to perform a duty, or the commission of a wrong, would justify such a course. And we earnestly hope and pray that "the sober second thought," will come in time to save an imperilled Union, and a happy land rendered glorious by the united efforts of both northern and south- ern men. South Carolina took the first active step;, and passed an ordi- nance of secession December 20, 1S60. In this movement she was followed in quick succession by Mississippi, January 9, 1861; Ala- bama and Florida, January 11; Georgia, January 19, Louisiana, Januarv 26; Texas, February 1: Virginia. April 17: Arkansas and Tennessee. May 0: North Carolina, .Slav 21. No president ever assumed the high office under such trying circumstances. In Feb- ruary succeeding the inauguration of Lincoln, a peace convention was held at Baltimore. This was attended by representatives from nearly all the states, but it utterly failed in its purpose; excitement was at the greatest tension throughout the country, and the public spirit ran high. Mass meetings were held in all parts of the north. While the country was in this strained condition, Fort Sumter was fired upon. That deed, more than all others, united the loyal hearts of the North in defense of the national flag that had been fired upon by those in rebellion. The)' welcomed it perhaps as the only solution of the question, and gladly responded to the call to arms. The news of the fall of Fort Sumter was re- ceived at Indianapolis on Sunday morning the 14th of April, 1S61, and at Columbus on the evening of the same day; President Lin- coln issued a call on the 15th for 75,000 troops. This was followed on the 16th by a proclamation from Gov. Morton calling for the six regiments, the quota for Indiana, as fixed by the secretary of war. In this county the wildest enthusiasm was manifested, and the most intense excitement prevailed. On Monday, April 15th, the people of Franklin held a large and enthusiastic meeting at the court house, to take steps toward organizing a company, and for expressing their sentiments on the stirring deeds of the hour. Samuel P. Oyler was chosen presi- dent, David G. Vawter, vice-president, Joseph P. Gill, and G. W. Allison, secretaries. A committee on resolutions was appointed, 730 JOHNSON COUNTY. consisting of G. W. Branham, Josiah Drake, and G. M. Overstreet. Addresses were made by Mr. Ovler, Dr. Ritchev, Daniel Howe, T. J. Morgan, Bank Byfield, G. W. Grubbs, and' Rev. J. Brum- back. Among the resolutions adopted was the following: "Be it resolved by the people of Johnson County, that while we have heretofore deprecated the horrors of civil war, and still do most sincerely regret and deplore the madness and crimes which have participated the country into those horrors, we are firmly and un- alterable attached, as we have always hitherto been, to the Federal Union and its legitimate government; and will employ all wise, just, and necessary means in our power to maintain and sustain both, and to enforce all the law's thereof; and that we unite as one man to repel all treasonable assaults upon the government, its property and citizens in every depaitment of the Union — peace- ably if we can, forcibly if we must." The whole was patriotic and strong in behalf of maintaining the union of the states unimpaired. When volunteers were called for, there was a general rush for the secretary's desk, in order to enroll names. On the next day a meeting of the company was held, and Samuel P. Ovler was chosen captain, Joseph P. Gill, first lieutenant, and William Ellis, second lieutenant. It is probable that no county in the state was more active during the first week that followed the firing on Fort Sumter, than John- son. The following item from the Herald will give some idea of the unusual excitement: " We were always under the impression that our quiet town was peaceably disposed, and that any other fever but the war fever could find its way here. The events of the last week, however, have somewhat dispelled this illusion, and since our last issue scarcely an hour passes without hearing the martial strains of the fife and drum, and witnessing the parade of some company who have enrolled themselves for the war. Six compa- nies have been formed here, and if every little town will do as well we can send enough men from Indiana alone to protect the capitol and do all the fighting." In the same issue of the paper appears the following list of officers for the various companies: Johnson County Minute Men, George W. Allison, captain; Felix Graham, first lieutenant: Samuel Lambertson, second lieutenant. Home Guards, Company A, W. H. Barnett, captain; Jacob F. McClellan, first lieutenant: Simon B. Moore, second lieutenant. Home Guards, Company B, G. W. Branham, captain; J. O. Martin, first lieutenant; W. H. Myers, second lieutenant. Home Guards, Company C, T. W. Woollen, captain; G. M. Overstreet, first lieutenant; C. F. Johnson, second lieutenant. The first company organized in the county was the one com- MILITARY HISTORY. 731 manded by S. P. Oyler. It left for the camp of rendezvous on Monday, April 22, iS6i,with 105 men. The preceding Saturday the ladies of Franklin had presented the company with a splendid silk flag. The company was assigned the position of H, in the Seventh Regiment. Capt. Oyler was immediately promoted ma- jor of the regiment. In the company Joseph P. Gill became captain, William B. Ellis, and Welcome P>. McLaughlin, first and sec- ond lieutenants. The company had a total enrollment of seventy- four men. The Seventh was one of the three months' regiments that went from Indiana under the president's first call for troops. Its time was mostly spent in western Virginia, and was under the command of Ebenezer Dumont as colonel. It was engaged at Philippi, the first place in which Indiana troops were under fire during the Rebellion. At Corrick's Ford it bore a conspicuous part. Seventh Regiment, Three Tears. — For the sake of convenience the regiments in which Johnson County men were prominent, will from this on be mentioned in the order of their numbers. While this method will often bring regiments in after others that were previously organized, it is yet the best plan of arranging them in a work of this character. The Seventh Regiment was re-organized in the fall of 1861, for the three years' service. In it was one full company from this county. This was F, and for its officers had the following: Captains, Samuel Lambertson, September 1, 1S61; Thomas A. Jeffrey, November 1, 1S62; first lieutenants, George S. Smith, September 1, 1861; Thomas A. Jeffrey, December 24, 1864; David Holmes, November 1, 1862; William Davis, June 19, 1864; second lieutenants, Thomas Jeffrey, September I, 1861; James A. Holmes, December 24, 1861; David Holmes, October 26, 1862; William Davis, November 1, 1862. Of these George S. Smith died December 24, 1S61, and David Holmes was killed in action June 18, 1S64. The company started out with an enrollment of ninety-eight men, and during its entire term of service was re- cruited with thirty-six, making a total of 134. Of this number twenty-nine died in the service. This regiment was commanded bv Col. Dumont, and joined the forces in the field in western Vir- ginia, under command of Gen. Reynolds at Cheat Mountain. It was engaged in the battles of Greenbriar, Winchester Heights, Port Republic, Front Royal, Slaughter Mountain, second battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Ashby's Gap, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Po River, North Anna River, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and others of minor importance. This long list of hotly contested battles gives some idea of the trying and faithful duty the regiment performed. 732 JOHNSON" COUNTY. Jn the Seventeenth Regiment, Company D, Johnson County, furnished nearly all the men. It was one of the very earliest com- panies that left this county for the war, and was mustered into the service early in June, 1861. During its four years of service the following were its officers: Captains — George W. Allison, April 25, 1861; William T. Jones, January 17, 1862; William A. Owens, November 23, 1S62. First Lieutenants — Robert S. Kane, May 18, 1861; William A. Owens, January 17, 1S62; John J. Howard, November 23, 1862; James N. Wagoner, September 1, 1864. Second Lieutenants — William A.Owens, May 18, 1861; John J. Howard, January 17, 1862; Jam^*, N. Wagoner, November 23, 1862; Henry Tutewiler, September 1, 1864; Edwin Churchill, November 20, 1864. This regiment was veteranized and continued in the field until the close of the war. Company D started out with ninety-eight men and recruited with eighty-four, a total of 1S2; seventeen died and twenty-two deserted. This regiment entered the service under the command of Milo S. Hascall, who afterward became a brigadier general. During most of its term it was in the mounted infantry service. It first joined the forces in the front in western Virginia, and was in Kentucky and Tennessee, at the siege ot Corinth and in pursuit of Bragg in 1862; was with Rose- crans in Tennessee, and was at Chattanooga in 1863; was in the Atlanta campaign and in the pursuit of Hood in 1S64; was in Wil- son's raid through Georgia and Alabama in 1865. It was mustered out of the service at Macon, Ga., August 8, 1865. The Eighteenth Regiment had one company from Johnson County. This was given the position of I, and its officers were: Captains, Jonathan H. Williams, July 15, 1861; William T. Stott, July 15, 1863; Henry Lawrence, July 27, 1865; first lieutenants, Charles F. Johnson, July 15, 1861; John Tilson, April 15, 1S62; Lewis W. Knobe, July 1, 1863; John Carson, December 1, 1863; Henry Lawrence, December 12, 1864; Edward Ditmars, July 27, 1865; second lieutenants, John Tilson, Jul}- 15, 1861; Lewis W. Knox, April 15, 1862; John Carson, March 14, 1863; John W. Ryket, July 27, 1865. This companv had ninetv-eight men at its organization, and recruited with eleven. Out of this number, nine died and four deserted. The regiment did much active service in Missouri in 1861, in Arkansas and Missouri, in 1S62, against Vicksburg, and in Louisiana and Texas, in 1863, in the Shen- andoah Valley in 1S64, and in Georgia in 1865. Capt. Will- iams, of Company I, was promoted major, May 23, 1863, and was killed October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, Va. Two flags belonging to this regiment are deposited in the state archives at Indianapolis. One of them is " worn out, nothing but shreds left; MILITARY HISTORY. 733 staff with cord and fringe.** The other has " nothing left but a small part of the blue field with a half dozen stars and a fragment of stripes. Bullet hole through middle of staff; staff spliced to hold it together." The Twenty-seventh Regiment had two companies, in which Johnson County men were conspicuous. One of these, C, is credited entirely to this county, although some of them were from "Morgan County. Company G had a considerable number of men from this county, but they are all credited to Morgan County. The commissioned officers in Company C from this county, were Isaac D. Collier, John Forelander and Oliver P. Ferguson, all of Edinburg, first lieutenants. The latter two were promoted from the second lieutenancy. In Company G, John R. Fesler, of Frank- lin, was the first captain, and became lieutenant colonel of the regi- ment. Squire O. Garrett, of Trafalgar, was first lieutenant. Com- pany C had a total of ninety-nine men, of whom it lost twenty-six by death, and six by desertion. In Company G there were no men, twenty died and one deserted. The Twenty-seventh was mustered into the service September 12, 1861, and the remainder of the year was passed in Maryland. It was in the Shenandoah Valley, eastern Virginia and Maryland in 1S62, and was at the Rappahannock, in Maryland, Pennslyvania and Tennessee in 1863; in Tennessee and the Atlanta campaign in 1864. Of the regi- ment's colors a national flag and a blue regimental flag, both much worn, are preserved at Indianapolis. The Third Cavalry, Forty-fifth Regiment, had one full company of men from this county. It was assigned the position of G, and had for its officers "the following: Captains, Felix W. Gra- ham, George F. Herriott and William J. Lucas. First Lieu- tenants. George F. Herriott, William J. Lucas and Daniel Callahan. Second Lieutenants, John S. Kephart, William J. Lucas and Daniel Callahan. The company started out with seventy-six men, and was recruited with thirty-seven. Thirteen died and sixteen de- serted. Company G was placed in the left wing of the Third Cavalry, and in the year 1861 served in Kentucky, in 1862 was in Tennessee and Kentucky, in 1863 in Rosecrans' campaign in Tenn- essee, in 1S64 was in the Atlanta campaign, and in Sherman's march to the sea. The Seventieth Regiment contained a large quota of men from Johnson County. Besides Company I, which was composed al- most exclusively of men from this county, there was a good repre- sentation in several other companies. Of the regimental officers, George W. Allison became quartermaster, and William A. Webb, assistant surgeon. In Company F, George W. Grubb was first 734 JOHNSON COUNTY. lieutenant, and early in January, 1865, was promoted major of the Forty-second Regiment, United States Colored Troops. The offi- cers of Company I, were: Captains, William H. Fisher and John W. Thornburgh; first lieutenants, Thomas J. Morgan and S. Wes- ley Martin: second lieutenants. Stephen W. Dungan, S. W. Mar- tin, John E. Clelland and Joseph M. Tilson. Of the ninety-nine men originally enrolled in this company, all but eleven were from this county, as were most of the twenty-nine recruits. The company lost nineteen by death. It was mustered into the service early in August, 1862, and during the remainder of that year and all of 1S63, it did duty in Kentucky and Tennessee. In 1864, it was engaged in the Atlanta campaign, and went with Sherman to the sea. In 1865 it marched up through the Carolinas. The reg- iment was commanded by Benjamin Harrison, as colonel, and took part in some hotly contested battles, and performed much arduous duty. The Seventy-ninth Regiment had one company that was raised in Johnson County. It had for its officers some of the county "s leading men. They were: Captains, Samuel P. Oyler, William B. Ellis, Daniel W. Howe, and Edwin M. Byrkitt; first lieutenants, Daniel W. Howe, Thomas C. Bachelor, William H. Huntsinger; second lieutenants, James B. Bell, George C. Whitlock, Thomas C. Bachelor. S. P. Ovler was promoted lieutenant colonel of the regiment, and Lieut. Bachelor was honorably discharged in October, 1S64. on account of wounds. In the adjutant general's report the priyates of this company were not credited to any county, but it is more than likelv must, if not all of them, were from this county. The total enrollment was ninety-rive men, of whom twenty-six died and one deserted. It was mustered into the service August 14, 1802. The regiment during that year was engaged in Kentuckv and Tennessee in the pursuit of Bragg and the relief of Chattanooga. In 1S63-4, it was in East Tennessee, and in 1864, was conspicuous in the Atlanta campaign and pursuit of Hood. Its service in 1S65, was mostlv confined to Tennessee. It was con- stantly in active service, never having been assigned to garrison duty. The regiment is credited with the capture of eighteen pieces of artillery and over 1,000 prisoners. The Fifth Cavalry, Ninetieth Regiment, was the next that had a company of men from Johnson County. This was F, and its officers were: Captains, Felix W. Graham, Ruell B. Loomis and Joseph Harmon: first lieutenants, Ruell B. Loomis, William H. McLaughlin and John Green; second lieutenants, W. H. Mc- Laughlin, John E. Green and John S. Kephart. Captain Graham rose to the rank of colonel, and Josiah M. Wishard, of Greenwood, MILITARY HISTORY. 735 became surgeon. The company started out with ioo men, was recuited with forty-two, lost fourteen by death and ten by de- sertion. In October. 1862, Company F was sent to Carrolton, Kv., and the regiment was distributed along the Ohio River,, where the winter of 1S62-63 was spent. In April, the regiment was again united. During the rest of 1863 it was in Kentucky and Tennessee, and was in the pursuit of Morgan. In the year 1864 it joined the movement against .Atlanta, and took part in Gen. Stoneman's raid in Georgia. It was in Kentucky and Tenne in 1865, and was mustered out of the service in June of that year. The Indiana Legion was an extensive organization throughout the state, for the purpose of home defense in case of need. It served another purpose, however, that proved more useful than as home guards. It was the medium through which many good soldiers were brought into the service, that, perhaps, would not otherwise so readily have entered the active service of the United States. The drilling, too, was useful in preparing men to a con- siderable extent for the evolutions that were required in actual war. In other words it was a training school where men learned the rudiments of knowledge in war that so soon enabled them to per- form in the face of the enemy like trained veterans. Johnson County had several of these companies in the Legion, and the ros- ter of the officers reveals the names of many who led companies to the held of battle. Opinion in iS6j. — The sentiment that had been gaining ground against the prosecution of the war, probably attained its highest in the summer of 1S63. This, however, was not a sentiment in favor of rebellion, but in favor of conciliation, and was willing to continue the existence of slavery. The emancipation proclamation, to those who held such views, was a dangerous and unwarranted proceed- ing. To them it seemed the government was waging a war of subjugation and for the abolition of slavery. Such a course they were heartily opposed to, and from these causes alone were opposed to the further prosecution of the war. They were equally opposed to the breaking up of the Union. A conservative or middle course was what they proposed to follow, but it is doubtful if such a plan could have succeeded at that time. President Lincoln took the smaller horn of the dilemma, and wisely concluded that it was better to destroy slavery than the Union. The Indiana legislature of 1863, passed a resolution declaring in favor of calling a national peace convention, and requested the people of Indiana to send representatives to a stale convention that should appoint delegates to a national assembly. This gave the opportunity for the various counties to express their sentiments upon the war question. 736 JOHNSON COUNTY. The Morgan Raid. — In July, 1863, there occurred an affair that created more excitement in Southern Indiana than any other period has known. This was the raid of the confederate general, John H. Morgan, through the southeastern portions of the state into Ohio. He crossed the Ohio River, at Con-don, this state, and began his short raid that spread more terror among the inhabitants than any other occurrence of the kind during the war. He pro- ceeded northward to Paoli, in Orange County, then to Salem, the county seat of Washington County. From that place his next town of importance was Vernon, in Jennings County, whence he directed his course toward Lawrenceburg. When the news arrived that Morgan had invaded Indiana soil, there was not a town in the south central part of the state in which the people did not conclude they were the direct object of attack. Consternation spread with alarming rapidity. Johnson County organized a regiment to assist in repelling the invaders. There were six companies, comprising nearly 400 men, most of whom belonged to the Legion. Other Regiments. — Besides those already mentioned there were many other regiments in which Johnson County was represented. In the summer of 1 864, there were several regiments tendered by the governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, for a period of 100 days. These were to be used in doing guard duty along the border, and thereby enable the veteran troops to take the field for active service during that time. It was hoped that this movement would advance the Union cause to more speech- success. In the One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, which was organized for the ioodavs' service, there was one company from this countv. This was G, and had for its officers, H. H. Luyster, Simeon Frazier, and Henry Bvers. The One Hundred and Forty- eighth Regiment had a considerable portion of men from this countv. The Twelfth Battery Light Artillery, also had some men from Johnson County. Bounty ami Relief. — In order to stimulate volunteering, the United States government authorized the payment of bounties early in the war to those who should enlist for the term of three years. In the first vear of the war this amount was fixed at $100. Orders from the war department at various times authorized the payment of additional sums ranging as high as $400, according to the nature and term of service. The inequalities of bounties created great dissatisfaction, but it was claimed by the authorities that the exig- encies of the times demanded it and could not be avoided. An additional inducement was offered in the way of a land war- rant for fortv-acres of public land to each soldier receiving an honorable discharge. This, taken with the amount of the bounty. MILITARY HISTORY. 737 which was considered about the value of a mule, brought about that famous and popular phrase, •' forty acres and a mule," and doubtless had much to do with the successful volunteering- which characterized the war. Besides the national bounties, large and often extravagant sums were paid by many of the counties. These had the effect to lighten the drafts, "but at the same time increased the taxes. The latter, however, cut but little figure in the question. People would not put a price on the Union, and no matter what was required to preserve it, that requirement was always met. In Johnson County this spirit was fully maintained, and the board of commissioners at different times met the popular demand by offering bounties. Another important item came under the head of Relief. This included whatever sums were paid to support the families of those who had enlisted and were absent in the field of battle, and also the supplies forwarded to the soldiers themselves. A few months' experience showed how much the government lacked of being prepared for supplying an army with the necessar}^ comforts re- quired by a soldier. Immediately after the opening of the war there was a Soldiers' Aid Society formed in Franklin by the lead- ing ladies of the town. The work which those noble-hearted women did went far toward relieving the wants of the soldiers. Scarcely a week passed without a shipment to the front of mittens, socks, blankets and such other articles as a soldier would likely need to withstand the extremities of the seasons. These contribu- tions were purely personal, and the women of the whole county were requested to bring in whatever could be properly spared. In this way many dollars were spent in the soldiers' behalf which are not included in the following amount of bounty and relief which was paid by this county: bounty, $220,000; relief, $15,000. .Men Furnished for the War. — The various calls made by the president for troops during the Rebellion were as follows: First call, 75,000, three months' service, April 15, 1861. Second call, 42,034 men, three years' service, May 3, 1861. Third call, 300,000 men. nine months" service, August 4, 1862. Fourth call, 100,000 men, six months' service, June 15, 1863. Fifth call, 300,000 men, three years" service, October 17, 1863. Sixth call, 500,000 men, three years' service, February 1, 1864. Seventh call, 200,000 men, three years service, March 15. [864. Eighth call, 500,000 men, one, two or three years' service, Julv 18, 1864. Ninth call. 300,000 men, one, two or three years' service, De- cember 19, 1864. These Calls aggregate more than 2,300,000 men, and give some 738 JOHNSON COUNTY. idea of the magnitude of the Civil War in the United States. It will be interesting to know what part of this immense armv was furnished bv Johnson Countv. The first enrollment of the militia in Indiana after the commencement of the war was made Septem- ter 19, 1862. The total militia force of the countv was 2.545, of which 294 were exempt from bearing arms, leaving 2,251 sub- ject to draft. The county was at that date credited with having furnished 1,010 volunteers, of which 945 were then in the service. It was under this enrollment that the first draft in Indiana occurred, October 6, 1862, to supply the number required by the call of Aug- ust 4th. The quota of Johnson Count}' under that draft was 156 men, apportioned among these townships: Union 33, Nineveh 19, Blue River 4, llensley 27, Clark 3. Pleasant 9, White River 61. The draft ollieers were: James Ritchey, commissioner; Leon Ritchey, marshal: P. W. Payne, surgeon. The call of October 17, 1863, demanded of Johnson County 191 men, which number was furnished without resorting to a draft. Under the calls of February 1st, March 15th and July iSth, 1864, the total quota for the county was 920 men, to offset which it was credited with 805 new recruits, 118 veterans, making 923, or 3 more than were required. The president's last call for troops, December 19, 1864, asked this county for 282 men. Against this number the countv was credited with 201 new recruits, 3 vet- erans ami 82 by draft, making in all 286. This was the condition of the account with Johnson County on the 14th of April, 1865, at which time all efforts to raise troops were abandoned. It shows a balance in favor of the count}-. The draft under this last call was made upon the basis of the third enrollment of the state, or second under the enrollment act of congress. That enrollment showed the countv to have had a militia force of 2,001. These figures show that the county furnished 2,392 men for the war, or 391 more than the number last reported as its total militia force. This need not imply that there were that number of separate men from this countv in the war, for there were not. A considerable number of the men enlisted twice, and some three times, and they were counted for each enlistment. It is probable that 300 will include the number of those who were thus recounted. Thus it will be seen that Johnson County alone furnished enough men to make more than two full regiments, a considerable army in itself. Rol! of Honor. — The following is a roll of honor, as taken from the adjutant general's report for the state, and as that work con- tains many errors, it can hardly be hoped that this roll is free from mistakes. The list given comprises only the privates who died either from wounds or otherwise before receiving a final discharge. It MILITARY HISTORY. 739 doubtless contains many errors and omissions, but is ..he best that can be obtained at this time: Seventh Regiment, Company F. Daniels, Martin V., killed at North Anna River, May 25, 1864. Featherngill, James, died at Beverly, Va., December 19, 1S61. Mullikin Joseph, died at Cumberland, Md., February 27, 1862. Pritchard, Daniel W., killed at Winchester, March 23, 1S63. Adams, Elisha, died at Franklin, Ind., June 30, 1862. Decoursey, Joel, died at Cumberland, Md., January 13, 1862, Dragoo, Belteshazzar, killed at North Anna River, May 25, 1S64. Fisher, James M., died at Washington, July 3, 1864. * Good, Francis M., died at Alexandria, July 16, 1864. Hendrix, Alban, died at Cumberland, February 11, 1862. Hill, Thomas, died at Franklin, Ind., January 14, 1862. Knowlton, Theophilus, killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1S64. Low, David B., killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1S64. Richardson, Lewis, killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1S64. Saunders, Peter, died at Indianapolis, September 12, 1861. Snediker, William H., died at Elkwater, Va., November 14, 1861. Swarr, Henry F., killed at Port Republic, June 9, 1862. Thompson, William, killed at Petersburg, June 23, 1864. Tucker, Jackson, died at Portsmouth Grove, of wounds received July 2Q : 1864. Langston, Sylvester, killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1S64. Payton, John W., died May iS, 1864, of wounds received at Wild- erness. Voorhees, Daniel L., died at Alexandria, August 1, 1864. Seventeenth Regiment, Company D. Phelps, James L., died April 25, 1865, of wounds received at Selma. Voorhees, John, died at Bardstovvn, December 24, 1864. Williams, Flemin, died at Nashville, February, 1864. Eighteenth Regiment, Company I. Crawford, Williams S., killed at Winchester, September 19, 1864. Wells, Henry E., killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Terhune, Benjamin, killed at Winchester, September 19, 1S64. Nineteenth Regiment, Company H. Furgason. James, killed at Gettysburg, July I, 1863. Smalley, John W., died September 15, 1861. Beshears, Andrew, killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1S63. 47 74° JOHNSON COUNTY. Bills, James, died August i, 1861. Br3'ant, Albert, killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1S64. Cain, John, died September 15, 1S61. Clark, Argus B., killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Cobb, Sidney, died October 8, 1862, of wounds received at Gains- ville. Dyson, Thomas H., killed at Antietam, September 17, 1S62. Glenn, John H., died August 15, 1S61. Gray, Jeduthan, died October 11, 1862, wounds received at Antie- tam. Green, David, absent since April, 1863, supposed dead. Hammack, William, killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Hillman, Joseph, died July 1, 1862. Laymon, William, died October 11, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain. Lowrey, Thomas, died September 11, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain. Patton, Samuel, died September 11, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain. Pennick, Fletcher, killed at Gettysburg. July 1, 1863. Rich, Henry C, killed September 17, 1862, at Antietam. Ruddick, Owen, died September 17, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain. Sparks, Amos H., killed at Laurel Hill, May, 1864. Sparks, Philip, died September 24, 1862, of wounds received at Gainsville. Walker, Ambrose, died July 23, 1861. Warder, Martin V., killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1S63. Wheeler, John, died August 15, 1861. Twentieth Regiment, Company G. Demaree, Robert B., died December 22, ib'64. Demaree, Amzi T., died in rebel prison. Hamilton, Peter L., died in rebel prison, September, 1S64. Kingfield, Hamilton, died in rebel prison. List, Peter D., died in rebel prison. Twenty-first Regiment, Company M. Smock, Simon V., died at home, October 3, 1S64. Kinney, Cornelius, died August 10, 1864, on steamer Empress. Stivers, George W., died October 14, 1864, at New Orleans. Twenty-second Rtgiment, Company K. Starling, Jesse, died at Louisville, June 25, 1865. MILITARY HISTORY. 74I Twenty-sixth Regiment, Company 1). Foster, James W., died at Port Hudson, August 6, 1863. James, William, died at Otterville, Mo., March 9, 1862. Lamkin, William, killed at Prairie Grove, December 7, 1S62. Mullins, Archibald, killed near Glasgow, September 19, 1861. Pherson, Robert T., died at Tipton, Mo., November 25, 1861. Twenty-sixth Regiment, Company E. Myers, William S., left sick at Lewisburg, Mo., supposed dead. Fifty-first Regiment, Company C. Elburn, Thomas, died March 4, 1863. Fifty-first Regiment, Company U. Snow, James F., died at Nashville, November 1, 1862. Fifty-first Regiment, Company F. Hord, Willis, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 16, 1862. Fifty-first Reg/men/, Company I. Hamilton, John W., died at Greenwood in 1862. Seventieth Regiment, Company B. Wood, Maford, died at Sandersville, February 21, 1863. Beeson, William H., died at Cassville, Ga., June, 1864. Seventieth Regiment, Company H. Deer, Thomas H., died August 14, 1S64, of wounds. Anderson, Lewis, died at Murfreesboro, July 27, 1863. Burnet, Levi, died at Hilton Head, S. C, February 14, 1865. Adams, Benjamin X., killed at Resacca, May 15, 1864. Adams, Bethuel, died at Sandersville, Tenn., January 17, 1863. Brown, Benjamin F., died May 15, 1S64, of wounds received at Resacca. Coleman, Jerry M., died at Nashville, July 7, 1864. Curry, Tisdale, died at Bowling Green, K\\, December 25, 1862. Dawden, Christopher, died at Sandersville, Tenn., January 27, 1S63. Hinkle, James II., died of wounds received at Resacca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Mappin, Thomas C, died of wounds received at Resacca, Ga., May 14, 1864. McAllister, Tipton, died at Scottsville, Ky., November 18, 1862. Mitchell, Samuel, killed at Resacca, Ga., May 15, 1S64. Parmer, George N., died at Nashville, Tenn., November 9, 1S63. Patterson, Samuel, killed at Resacca, Ga., May 15, 1864. 742 JOHNSON COUNTY. Combs, William C, died of wounds received at Kenesaw, June 19, 1S64. Irwin, Benjamin H., died of wounds received at Marietta. Ga., July 2, 1S64. Seventy-ninth Regiment^ Company E. Nicely, Michael, killed at Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. Wilbier, Thomas C, killed at Marietta, Ga., June 23, 1864. Seventy-ninth Regiment, Company F. Chapman, James S. M., died February 28, 1S63, of wounds re- ceived at Stone River. Dean, Joseph, died at Nashville, February 15, 1S63. Mathews, Jacob, died at Murfreesboro, March 31, 1863. Seventy-ninth Regiment, Company I. Moffat, Henry B., died at Nashville, Tenn., December 25, 1862. Anderson, George W., died at Knoxville, Tenn., March 25, 1S64. Bennett, Joseph P., died December 18, 1862. Bryant, Pearson, died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 13, 1S63. Bridges, Benjamin, died at Nashville. Tenn.. January 11, 1863. Bennett, John, died at Nashville, Tenn., December 4, 1862. Butler, Michael R., died at Chattanooga, Tenn., December 9, 1863. Bvers, James, died at Nashville, Tenn., December 28, 1S62. Callon, William A., died January 23, 1863. Coy, John, died at Nashville, Tenn., January 3, 1863. Dodd, Tilman, died (date and place unknown). Fitzpatrick, George W., died at Nashville, Tenn., December 23, 1S63. Holecraft, Edmond, killed at Kenesaw, June 23, 1S64. Johnson, Preston, died at Kansas, Ind., December 6, 1S62. McKain, William, died January 10, 1863. Neidv, William, died at Nashville, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Robinson, Alexander, killed at Pickett's Mills. May 27, 1864. Roberts, John R., died at Nashville, Tenn., December 26, 1862. Shultz, William, died at Nashville, Tenn., January 29, 1863. Shoonmeyer, Philip, died at Nashville, Tenn., January 5, 1S63. Tullv, Thomas C, died at Nashville, Tenn., December 17, 1862. Tyler, Thomas M., died at Nashville, Tenn., March 9, 1863. Tyler, William A., died at Nashville, Tenn., January 8, 1863. Vaught, Harrison, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., November 11, 1S63. Watson, David M., died at Nashville, Tenn., December 25, 1862. Wheatley, Charles H., died at McMinnville, July 31, 1S63. NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. 743 Fifth Cavalry {Ninetieth Rigiment), Company F. Hodge, Moses J., died in Andersonville prison, July 2, 1864. Hall, William I)., died at Lexington, Ky., April 2S, 1864. Hearne, John, died in Andersonville prison, August 17, 1S64. Mack, Andrew J., died in prison at Florence, S. C, November 6, 1864. Ninety-third Regiment, Company E. Harp, William M., died at Louisville, Ky., February 17, 1865. Kiskey, Samuel, died in Andersonville prison, November 17, 1864. Thomas, James A., died at Florence, S. C, October 21, 1S64. One Hundredth Regiment, Company R. Robinson, Henry, died at Marietta, Ga., August 10, 1864. Ninth Cavalry [One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment), Com- pany H. Bell, James, lost on Sultana, April 27, 1865. Calvin, Thomas, died March 8, 1864. Calvin, John W., died at Vicksburg, Miss., May 12, 1S65. Morris, George W., died at home, April 2, 1865. Ninth Cavalry {Twenty-first Regimen!'), Company L. Stout, Joseph, died at Pulaski, Tenn., July 21, 1864. One Hundred and Forty-eighth Regiment, Company D. Fulk, John A., died at Nashville, Tenn., March 23, 1865. Stafford, Lorenzo D., died at Pulaski, Tenn., April 1, 1865. One Hundred and Forty-eighth Regiment, Company F. Park, Daniel B., died at home, March S, 1865. One Hundred and Forty-eighth Regiment, Company K. Harper, William F., died at Pulaski, Tenn., July 22, 1865. NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. Benjamin F. Barnett, a farmer of Nineveh Township, was born Jul)' 8, 1842, son of Ambrose and Sopronia (Riggs) Barnett. The father was a native of Bourbon County, Ky., born July 24, 1S09, of Scotch descent, and died May 20, 1885. The mother is a native of New York, of Scotch descent, born January 23, 1817, and is now living. Our subject was reared on a farm in Johnson County until eleven vears old. He then went to Hamilton County, 744 JOHNSON COUNTY. Ind., where he remained until twenty-one years of age: then to Johnson County, where he now lives. He received a good com- mon school education, and at the age of twenty-one years he be- gan life for himself by teaching in the country schools. He taught four winter terms. He then gave up teaching and began farming, which he has continued since. August 18, 1S64, he was united in marriage with Mary E. Middleton, a daughter of Arthur and Eliza (Smith) Middleton, both natives of Ireland. To this union the following children have been born: Ida E., Julv 2, 1865; Cora F., August 31, 1866: Dilla A., March 28, 186S;" Maggie J., De- cember 16, 1S69; Deochia A., September 12, 1S71; Wilson H., June 2, 1873; Myrtle V., March 31, 1875; Daisy E., Jul}- 30, 1877: Mamia S., June 6, 1S79; Catharine M., May 11, 1881, and Thomas F., November 10, 1SS3. The mother of these children was born October 4, 1842. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. He was a Granger during the continuance of the order. In politics, he was a democrat until 1876, when he be- came identified with the greenback party. He now owns 115 acres of fine land in Nineveh Township, which is well improved. George Botsford, a farmer of Nineveh Township, was born April 27, 1853, son °f George and Louisa (Parmerlee) Botsford. The father was a native of Connecticut, and was born September 8, 1804. He departed this life November 9, 1858. The mother, also a native of Connecticut, was born December 25, 1810, and died February 8, 1885. Our subject was reared on a farm in Johnson Count}'. He received a good common school education, and at the age of twenty-one years he began the struggle of life for himself. He first accepted a clerkship with Dunlap Brothers at Franklin, where he remained a short time, and then began the carriage-making trade in 1874, serving an apprenticeship with A. N. Carnine, where he remained three years, with the exception of one winter, when he returned home to attend school. He then accepted a position as deputy sheriff, under James H. Pudney, where he remained four years. He then went to Bloomington, this state, where he conducted a photograph gallery for about six months, after which he traveled in the south and west about six months. He then returned to his home in Johnson County, where he was united in marriage with Gertrude Redman, on December 29, 1880. She is a daughter of George L. and Lina (Richardson) Redman, both natives of Kentucky, of Dutch descent. This union was blessed with the following children: Leonard J. (deceased), born October 12, 1S81; Eliza, August 10, 1883: Elsa, February 22, 1888. The mother of these children was born June 25, 1859. She is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. In politics, Mr. NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. 745 Botsford is a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Tilden and Hendricks. He now owns a nice home of eighty-eight acres, being the old homestead farm of his father. He and family are among the first families of Nineveh Township. Scott L. Bridges is a farmer and stock-raiser of Nineveh Township, born March 5, 1854, a son of George T. and Lydia A. (Peilv) Bridges, whose biographies appear elsewhere in this work. Our subject was reared on his father's farm in Franklin Township, and received a common school education. His vocation has always been farming. September 23, 1876, he was united in marriage with Mary E. Kennedy, a daughter of John and Martha (McQuinn) Kennedy; the father a native of this state, of English descent. His parents went from Virginia to Tennessee, and from there to In- diana about the beginning of the eighteenth century; the mother was a native of Kentucky, of English descent. This union was blessed with the following children: William T., Evert L., George R. and Ida May. The mother of these children was born December 22, 1856. lie is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge, No. 1S1, at Trafalgar, Ind. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. In politics, he is a democrat, casting his first presidential ballot for Tilden and Hendricks. He now owns a beautiful farm of 160 acres near Trafalgar. He and William A. Bridges own a feed mill which the)' now have in operation at the latter's place. Daniel Britton, one of the successful business men of Will- iamsburg, was born in Greene County, Tenn., January 7, 1833, son of Thomas and Malinda (Cradick) Britton, both natives of Tennessee: the father was born about 1809, of Scotch-Irish descent, anddiedabout iS7o;the mother was born about 181 1, and died about 1S40. Our subject's boyhood and youth were spent on a farm in Tennessee. He received a good common school education, and served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade, which vocation he followed for a number of years. At the age of twenty-one years he began life for himself, his occupation being blacksmithing. May 25, 1S53, he married Elizabeth K. Murphey, a daughter of William and Jemima (Stuart) Murphev, both born in Virginia; the father was of Irish, and the mother of English, descent. This union was blessed with the following children : William F., born Febru- ary 14, i854;Mary J., November, 1S55; Emma M.. May 8, 1S57, deceased: Thomas D., October 27, 1861. William was united in marriage, with Mattie McCaffrav, October 24, 1877. Mary J., was married to William Wheatlcv, May 14, 1873. Thomas D. was united in marriage with " China" Keaton, September 6, 1881. The mother was born May 25, 1834. In the late war our 74^ JOHNSON COUNTY. subject, lived in the south, and took sides with the Confederate States; he enlisted in Company A. Sixty-first Tennessee, and en- tered the war as a private, but soon became a lieutenant, which office he held until he surrendered with Gen. Joe E. Johnston, at Abbington, Va., and was paroled at Louisa, Ky., in 1865. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Buchanan. He was tax collector in Tennessee for four years, and after he came to Indiana in 1865, he was elected justice of the peace by a large majority, having received a large republican vote. He owns fifty-four acres of good land, and six town lots in Williamsburg, which are all improved except one. He is recognized as one of the live and wide-awake business men of the town, having a half- interest in a saw-mill, half-interest in tile factory, at Williamsburg, and a half-interest in a tile factory at Trafalgar. He is now post- master at Williamsburg, known as Nineveh postoffice, to which he was appointed by President Cleveland, April 1, iSSS. He is a Roval Arch Mason. Andrew J. Burkhart, a farmer of Nineveh Township, was born in Nineveh Township, October 12, 1828, a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Knapp) Burkhart. The former was born about 1791, and died 1S53; the latter was born in 1S01, and is still living. Our subject's boyhood was spent on a farm in Nineveh Township. He received a common school education, and began life for himself at the age of twenty-five years, but had the responsibility of his mother's family after he was ten years of age. His occupation has always been that of a farmer. December 23, 1853, he was united in marriage to Ursula Stevens, a daughter of David and Eliza (Martin) Stevens, both natives of Kentucky. To this union the following children were born : Millard, Mary C, Lottie and Eliza- beth. The mother of these children was born in 1S35. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In pol- itics, he is a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Pierce. He now owns 100 acres of fine farming land in Nineveh Town- ship. Prettyman M. Burton, deceased, was one of the pioneer settlers of Nineveh Township, born November 30, 1790, and de- parted this life April 14, 1886. He was reared on a farm in Tennes- see, where he received a common school education. At the age of twenty years he began life for himself as a farmer. He was a soldier in the War of 181 2. He left to his widow fifty acres of fine land. She also draws a pension of $12 per month. He was a member of the old-school Baptist Church. His wife, Mrs. Pauline Bills, is a daughter of William and Sarah (Tucker) Woodruff, the NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. 747 father a native of Ohio, of Dutch-English descent, born in 1779, and died in 1S74; tne mother of Scotch-Irish descent, born 1794, and died in 1887. Mrs. Burton, the wife of our subject, was born January 1, 1825. Her first husband was Thomas T. Bills, son of Thomas and D. A. Bills, both natives of New Jersey. Mr. Bills was a soldier in the late war. He enlisted in Company H, Fifty-fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. He served about six- months, when he was taken sick, and died on his way home. This union was blessed with the following children : William T. Bills, born Julv 12, 184S; Abraham, May 2, iS5o;Joab, May S, 1852; Absalom, February 1, 1855; Sarah Jane, July 4, 1857; Harriet Ann, September 10, 1859. This husband left to his wife about twenty acres of land. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She is well respected by all who know her. John W. Calvin, a young man of Nineveh Township, was born in Brown County, Ind., March 16, 1852, son of John and Sarah (Conn) Calvin. His father was born in Brown County, Ohio, February 19, 1823, of Irish descent, and died in Brown County, Ind., October 30, 1870. He served through the Mexican War, and again in the War of the Rebellion. He was first lieu- tenant in the Eighty-second Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and fought in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga and Stone River. After two years' active service, during which time he was several times sent home as recruiting officer, he resigned on account of ill-health, and returned home. He was a member of the Masonic order, and a respected citizen. Mrs. Calvin was born October 15, 1827, and died July 9, 1S65. Our subject was reared on a farm, and was left an orphan at the age of seventeen. After this he worked as a farm laborer, and acquired a good education. February 2, 1881, he was married to Miss Alice M. Mullendore. The issue of this marriage was as follows: Omer Thomas, born December 11, 1882; Ida Blanche, January 9, 18S3. The mother of these children was born August 1, i860. She was the daughter of Lewis and Harriet Mullendore, and died March 9, 1884. She was a lady posess- ing a most beautiful Christian character, embracing Christianity early in life. She was a dutiful wife, an affectionate mother, re- spected in society, and loved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Christian Church, at Nineveh. Mr. Calvin is a member of the Masonic order, and in politics is a democrat, and has twice been elected trustee of Nineveh Township. December 23, 1887, he was again married to Miss Mollie Hungate. The issue of this marriage has been one child: George Harlan. The mother of this child was born March 1, 1859, anc ^ ' s a daughter 74S JOHNSON COUNTY. of Turner B. and Harriet F. (Whitenack) Hungate. The father was born m Mercer County, Kv., July 28, 1827, of English descent; and the mother was a native of Ireland, and was born October 1, 183 1. Mrs. Calvin is an educated and cultivated lady, and was a prominent teacher in the public schools of this county. She and her husband are members of the Christian Church, at Nineveh. Beginning as a farm laborer at the age of seventeen, he has made a record worthy of any man. A man of tireless energy and cease- less industry, he has accumulated a handsome competence, and is one of the rising young men of the county. He has a splendid farm of 120 acres, one and one-half miles east of Nineveh, upon which he resides, and to its cultivation he devotes his entire atten- tion. Green Berry Cobb, a farmer, was born January 5, 1S48, in Bartholomew County, Ind., and is a son of Wesley and Mary Jane ( Walker ) Cobb. The father was born in Madison County, Ky., November 16, 1S24, of English descent, and died in Johnson Countv, Ind., August 20. 1883. lie was a member of the Masonic order, and respected b_v all who knew him. The mother was born in Jennings County, Ind., of English descent, June 7, 1825, and died November 26, 1871. Our subject was reared on his father's farm in Bartholomew County, where he received a common school education, and began life as a farmer at the age of twenty-one years. August 12. 1869, he married Miss Leah Frances Gillespy. The children of this marriage were born as follows: Dillard, June 10, 1870; Eddie, January 14, 1S73. The mother of these children was born December 22, 1851, a daughter of William Edy and Elizabeth Ann (White) Gillespy. The father was a native of Kentucky, and was born March 5, 1825, of Irish descent. The mother was a native of Indiana, and was born November 19, 1828. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are highly respected in society. Politically, Mr. Cobb is a democrat, casting his rirst presidential vote for Seymour and Blair. He has an excellent stock farm near Williamsburg, well stocked with animals of good breeding. Starting without a dollar of his own, he has gradually risen to a degree of independence creditable to any man. He is now living comfortably in Williams- burg, where he owns valuable property. Joseph M. Drybread, a native of Indiana, and one of the suc- cessful farmers of Nineveh Township, was born March 17, 1839. He is the son of William and Nancy (Charlton) Drybread. The father was born October 21, 1799, of German descent. Our sub- ject's grandfather, George Drybread, was of German descent, a native of Pennsylvania. In 1785.be removed from Pennsylvania NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. 749 to Kentucky, where he remained until 1798, then to Indiana terri- tory, and settled in what is now Dearborn County, where our sub- ject's father was born. The mother was a native of Ohio, born October 10, 1S08, and is a daughter of James and Mary (Passomore) Charlton. Our subject's parents were married in Hamilton County, Ohio, December 7, 1826. The father became a member of the Christian Church about six years before his death, which occurred April 29, 1885. The mother is still living on the old homestead in Bartholomew County. Our subject received a good common school education in the old log school-house. His youthful days were spent on his father's farm in his mother state. His occupa- tion has always been that of a farmer, and in connection with farming, he has given a great deal of his time to stock-raising and grazing. In August, 1862, he answered his country's call, and en- listed in Company I, Seventy-ninth Indiana Volunteer Regiment, and was with his regiment in all its battles until after the battle of Lookout Mountain, where he was taken sick and had to re- turn home, where he remained. October 17, 1866, he was united in marriage with Rebecca Wheatley, a daughter of Ezekiel and Mary (Cone) Wheatley; the father a native of Maryland, and the mother a native of Ohio. This union was blessed with two children : May, born August 22, 1867, and William N., July 27, 1870. The mother of these children was born June 1, 1850. He and his wife and daughter are members of the Christian Church. In politics, he is an ardent republican, casting his first presidential vote for Lincoln. He now owns 800 acres of fine land which is under a good state of cultivation. Lamson B. Graves, a farmer and stock-raiser of Nineveh Township, was born October 31, 1S47, and is a son of Hiram and Ann (Botsford) Graves. The father was a native of New York, who was born December 13, 1S09, of English descent, and died November 3, 1855; the mother is a native of Connecticut, and was born December 25, 1812, also of English descent. Our subject was reared on a farm in Nineveh Township, Johnson County. He re- ceived a common school education, and at the age of twenty-one he began life for himself as a farmer. On September 24, 1S68, he was united in marriage witli Mary Ryan, a daughter of Patrick and Sarah (Allen) Ryan, both natives of Ireland. This union was blessed with the following children: Anna, born November 2, 1869: Nellie, June iS, 1871, and Katie, November 23, 1S74. The mother of these children was born May 2, 1848. She and the two eldest daughters are members of the Christian Church. In politics, Mr. Graves was a republican until the organization of 75° JOHNSON" COUNTY. the national party, and he has been identified with that party ever since. He now owns 113 acres of land. Abner Hardin, a farmer of Nineveh, was born January 15, 1S1;. in Oldham County, Ky., son of Henry and Emma (Ritter) Hardin. The father was a native of Kentucky, born February 14, 1816, and departed this life April 20, 1844: the mother was a native of Kentucky, born July 18, 181 7, and departed this life July 7, 1855, and was of German descent. Our subject came to Indiana with his mother in 1852. He received a good common school educa- tion, and after the war, he attended school at Hopewell six months. At the age of thirteen years he began life for himself as a farmer, and at the age of nineteen years he enlisted in Company F, Seventh Indiana Volunteers. At Port Republic, he was wounded in the shoulder and taken prisoner. He was in the hospital at Charlotts- ville, Va., about two months, then taken to Belle Isle, where he re- mained about one month, and was paroled, and then went back to his company, and served until September, 1864, when he was dis- charged at Indianapolis. He was with his company in all its bat- tles after he returned to it after being a prisoner. April 6, 1S65, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Keaton, a daughter of William and Sarah (Johnson) Keaton, both natives of Virginia. This union was blessed with the following children: John H., born March 27, 1S66: Benjamin F., June 29, 1868; Emma B., October 27, 1870; Laura B., March 28, 1873: Lizzie Grace, December 27, 1882, and Nellie C, May 23, 1885. The mother of these children was born August 1, 1840. She is a mem- ber of the Christian Church. In politics, he was formerly a repub- lican, until the birth of the greenback party, with which he was identified about four years: since that time he has been a republican. He served as trustee of his township four years, thus demonstrating the confidence and esteem in which he is held by the citizens of his township. He now owns 333 acres of fine farming land in Nineveh Township, which is in a good state of cultivation. In connection with farming, he has been giving considerable attention to the breeding of short-horn cattle, and for about ten years he bought and shipped stock. He contracted rheumatism in the war, and for about two years has been unable to follow his chosen voca- tion. Oliver P. Hibbs, a prosperous farmer and stock-raiser of Nin- eveh Township, was born March 3, 1833, a son of Jeremiah and Hannah ( Burgett ) Hibbs. The father was a native of Kentucky, born in 1800, of Scotch-Irish descent, and the mother of Ohio, of German descent, born January 28, 1S02. She came to Indiana NINEVEH TOWNSHIP. 75 1 with her first husband, Thomas Griffith, about 1825, and about twenty-two months later, her husband died. April 17, 1830, she was united in marriage with Jeremiah Hibbs, who departed this life about 1849. Our subject was reared on a farm in Nineveh Township. He received a common school education, and began the battle of life for himself at the age of twenty-one years, as a farmer, which occupation he has continued through life. December 29, 1S56, he was united in marriage with Clara Botsford, a daugh- ter of George and Louisa (Parmerlee) Botsford. The father and mother were natives of Connecticut. The father was born about 1S06, and died in 1S57; and the mother was born in 1810, and died in 1SS5. This union was blessed with the following children: Edith, born September 14, 1861; Lina, December 4, 1863; Nettie, November 13, 1865; Man-, September 22, 1867, de- ceased; George, February 11, 1870, and Laura, December 4, 1879. The mother of these children was born March 31, 1S37. He was a Granger during the continuance of that order. In politics, he was formerly a democrat, but since the organization of the union labor party, he has been identified with that party. He now owns a fine farm of 160 acres, in Nineveh Township. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. William Holtz, a carpenter, contractor and builder, of Will- iamsburgh, was born Ma)' 10, 1837, a son of Jacob and Sarah (Cole) Holtz. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, of Ger- man descent, born in 181 5. The mother was of German descent, a native of Pennsylvania,. born in 1820. The father emigrated with his family to Ohio in 1848, where he remained about twelve years, thence to Brown County, Ind., in 1859, where he is now living. The mother died September 20, 185S. To our subject's father and mother, the following children were born: William, our subject, May 10, 1837; Sarah E., December 10, 1839, deceased: Mar- garet, February 20, 1840; Lavina S., October 2, 1842, deceased; Jacob D., December 25, 1846, deceased; Emanuel, February 19, 1847 : Mariah, March 31, 1849; Charity E., April 2, 1850; Mary E.. March 4. 1853; Ingaba J., July 8, 1855; Catharine E., March 24, 1858. The mother of these children died September 20, 1S58. Our subject's boyhood and youth were spent in Pennsylvania and Ohio, on a farm, until the age of thirteen years, when he entered an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade; served his time in Ohio and came to Indiana, June 26, i860, and settled in Brown Count}', where he worked at his trade until August, 1862, when he answered his country's call, and enlisted in Company D, Eighty- second Indiana Volunteers, under Capt. W. W. Browning: he served three years, and participated in all the battles with his company, 752 JOHNSON COUNTY. among- which may be named Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Perry- ville, Stone River, and many others; was discharged at Nashville, Tenn., 1S65. He received a common school education, and at the age of twenty-one years he began life for himself, following his trade, in connection with which trade he gave some of his at- tention to farming. August 18, 1S62, he was united in marriage with Mai Victoria Wilson, a daughter of Kalib and Catharine (Johnson, ucc Clift) Wilson; they were both of German descent; the father a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1S15, the mother born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1818, and died in 18S1. This union was blessed with the following children: Andrew E., born June 23, 1867: John B., July 18, 1869. The mother of these children was born August 7, 1847, a native of Belmont County, Ohio. He and wife are members of the Christian Church, also their children. He is a member of the Masonic order. In politics, he was formerly a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Buchanan, but since the war has been identified with the republican partv. He now owns twenty-two acres of land joining Williamsburgh, which is in a high state of cultivation. Joseph Hughes, one of the live business men of Williamsburgh, was born October 28, 1S50. and was a son of George N. and Rachel (Griffith) Hughes. The father was a native of Kentuckv, born December 8, 1823, and came with his parents at an early date, to Johnson County, and settled in Nineveh Township, where he now lives. The mother was a native of Ohio; she was born on April 6, 1824, and came with her parents to Johnson County while yet a child. Our subject was reared on a farm in Johnson Count}-. He received a good common school education, and at the age of twenty-one years he began life for himself as a farmer, which he continued fifteen years, and on January 1, 1886, he opened up a drug store in Williamsburgh, which business he still continues. On November 9, 1S76, he was united in marriage to Susan J. Prichard, a daughter of C. D. and Cassa (Featherngill ) Prich- ard. Susan J. was born September 6, 1856. In polities, he is an ardent democrat, and was the nominee for trustee of his township, at the April election of i8 764 JOHNSON" COUNTY. March 22, 1859, deceased; Loretha Ellen, January 20, 1S62; Jacob Muck, January 14, 1864, deceased: Mary Magdalena, September 7, 1866; Vina Mary, May 27, 1S69; Alonzo Levi, January 21, 1872; Carrie Jane, May 20, 1875; Thomas Hendricks, July 17, 1877, deceased; Lewis Edward, September 22, 1S79. The mother of these children was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, January 6, 1838. The father, a native of Maryland, was born in 1804, and died September "], 1881. The mother was a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1S10, and died in 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Runshe have, for many years, been exemplary members of the Christian Church at Pisgah. In politics, Mr. Runshe is a Jack- sonian democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Pierce. He was elected justice of the peace in 1S56, and from that time to the present, he has served continuously in that office, with the excep- tion of two years, when he was township assessor, making thirty- two years of official service. During this time he has lived in three different counties and has never been out of office. He has a fine farm in Nineveh Township, upon which he resides, dividing his attention between his official duties and the cultivation of his farm. Alfred Vandivter, a farmer and stock-raiser of Nineveh Township, was born May 1, 1S3S, a son of Strather and Lucy (Utterback) Vandivier, both natives of Kentuckv, of German de- scent. Our subject was reared on a farm in Johnson Countv. At the age of twenty-one years be began the battle of life for himself as a farmer. He received a good common school education. On October 9, 1S62, he was united in marriage with Laura A. Bran- igin, a daughter of Thomas and Perlina (Park) Branigin. The father was a native of Kentucky, of Irish descent, and the mother a native of Indiana. This union was blessed with the following children: Ira E., born December 1, 1863; John H., November 1, 1865; Artie B., March 7, 1867, deceased; Thomas E., August 21, 1871; Whitelaw R., October 20, 1879, and Perlina M., September 1, 1884. The mother of these children was born July 15, 1844. She is a member of the Christian Church, and her husband is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. In politics, he was formerlv a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Doug- lass, but during the war he became a republican, and has been identified with that party since that time. He now owns 193 acres of fine farming land in Nineveh Township, which is under a good state of cultivation. Thomas R. Wallace, a citizen of Williamsburgh, Ind., was born October 16, 1S32, the son of Thomas and Loretta (Wilson) Wallace. The father was a native of Kentucky, of English de- scent, born about 1S0S, and died about 1878. The mother was xixevf.il township. 765 also a native of Kentucky, born about 1S1S, and died about 1873. At twelve years of age our subject went to Tennessee, and rode race horses for about six years. He then went to Illinois, where he remained about one year; thence to Missouri, where he remained about six months; and from there he went to Arkansas, where he remained about three months; thence to Tennessee, where he resided one year; thence to Kentucky, where he lived twelve years; thence to Indiana, and settling in Brown County, for four years; thence to Nineveh Township, Johnson County, where he now resides. He had the advantage of but one month's schooling, and that while a small boy. His vocation has always been that of a farmer. At the age of twelve years he began the battle of life for himself. In 1862 he enlisted in Company H, Eighty-second Indiana Volunteers, under Capt. John M. Mathenia, and was with his company in several skirmishes, and the battle of Perr.yville. He served one year, and was discharged on account of disabilities, at New Albany. In September, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Martha E. Ferguson (nee Chatman), daughter of James and Martha (White) Chatman. The father was of English descent, and a native of the State of Maryland; and the mother of Irish descent, born in Kentuckv. This union was blessed with the following children: Mina M., born October 13, 1S56, deceased; Eoretta E., May 16, 1858; Samuel I., April 17, i860, deceased, and Charles E., October 11, 1876. The mother of these children was born December 31, 1830. He is a member of the Ralston Post, G. A. R. He and wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he was formerly a democrat, but since the war he has been identified with the repub- lican party. He now owns two houses and lots in Williamsburgh. He draws $50 per month as a pension for disabilities. He and wife are among the highly respected families of the neighborhood. Jeremiah M. Woodruff, one of the pioneers of Nineveh Township, a native of Clermont County, Ohio, was born March 4, 1812, a son of Joab and Sophia (Dunham) Woodruff. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, and was born December 16, 1789; he emigrated to Ohio in 1800. He was a farmer and trader in those times, and was a soldier in the War of 181 2. He was a democrat in politics, and represented his county in the legislature in 1S32, 1833 an d X S34> ar, d also served the county two terms as sheriff. He departed this life June 14, 1850. The mother was a native of New Jerse}', born January 17, 1792, and was a daughter of Jeremiah and Anna Dunham. She was a devoted Christian, and a member of the Christian Church, and departed this life November 27, 1878. Our subject came with his parents to *j66 JOHNSON COUNTY Johnson County at the age of ten years. He remained with his parents until twenty-one years of age, when his father offered him a farm of 160 acres, or a store which he then owned. He wisely chose the farm, and moved on it after his marriage, which occurred March 28, 1833, wedding Elizabeth Allen, a daughter of Joseph and Jane (Gillaspie ) Allen. To this union was born the following children: Joab, May 12, 1834; William N., September 12, 1S36; John L., July 31, 1838; Harriet A., December 30, 1840: Alvira A., September 16, 1843; Stephen A., January 9, 1845. The mother of these children was born May 26, 1S16, and on December 3, 1862, she was accidentals' thrown from a buggv and killed in- stantly. November 15, 1863, he was united in marriage with Sarah J. Piety, a daughter of William D. and Sarah (Thrailkill) Piety. This union was blessed with the following children : /Mice M., born August 28, 1864; James M., December 26, 1866; Piety, February 12, 1869; Rose, April 12, 1871; Benjamin F., Janu- ary 3, 1S74; tne mother of these children was born March 6, 1 83 1. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff, and all their children, are members of the Christian Church. In politics, he is an ardent republican. In 1846, he was elected county assessor, and served two terms. He has owned some 500 or 600 acres of land, but has given some of it away to his children. He is considered one of Johnson Countv*s best farmers. He has also devoted a great deal of his time to the improvement of cattle, having handled some of the finest short- horn cattle in the state. Montrose, his home place, is delightfully situated, his buildings are substantial and handsome. Surrounded by his family and all the comforts of life, he undoubtedly has many years to enjoy the fruits of his years of hard labor. James Work, an industrious farmer of Nineveh Township, is a native of Ohio, born January 29, 1834, son °^ Robert and Letta (Burgett) Work. The father was a native of Maryland, of Irish descent; and the mother was a native of Ohio, of Dutch descent. Our subject came with his parents to Indiana when only five years of age, and settled on a farm in Nineveh Township, where he was reared to manhood. He received a common school education. At the age of eighteen years he began life for himself, by working at the blacksmith's trade about one year, and then began working at the carpenter's trade, which he followed about two years, lie then began farming which he has continued since: July 15, 1854, he was united in marriage with Margaret A. Jolliffe, a daughter of Joseph B. and Catharine (Slack) Jolliffe. The father was a native of Ohio, of Irish descent, and the mother was a native of Ohio, of Dutch descent. The following are the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Work: Oliver A., July 15, 1855, deceased; Viola M., PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 767 January 21, 1859, deceased; Lillie M., deceased, and Marshall (twins), March '3, 1871. The mother of these children was born November 6, 1836. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. In politics, he is a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Buchanan. He owns 120 acres of land. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. Samuel V. Alexander, a prominent farmer and well-to-do citizen of Pleasant Township, was born on a farm in that township, October 3, 1842, and was the son of Joseph S. and Matilda (Jones) Alexander, the former of whom was the son of John and Elizabeth Alexander, and the latter was the daughter of Jubal and Jane (Suiter) Jones. His father was born about the 17th da)- of March, 1819. He was" drowned while fording White River, on horseback, September 15, 1855. He was a farmer by occupation, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The mother of our subject was born in Pleasant Township, this countv, about the 27th day of November, 1824. She was married to Joseph S. Alexander, in 1840, and about four years after his death, she was married to David Scott. She died in Pleasant Township, November 8, 1868. John Alexander was born March 24, 1780, and died in Pleasant Township, April , 5, 1855. His wife, Elizabeth Alexander, was born December 3, 1780, and died in Pleasant Township, December 13, 1872. The- first wife of Joseph S. Alexander was Elizabeth Lyons. When the subject of this sketch was vet a little child his parents located in the northeast part of Clark Township, but when he was eleven years old they returned to Pleasant Town- ship, where the rest of his youth was spent. He took up the vo- cation of a farmer for himself at about sixteen years of age. Mr. Alexander served his country in the Union army three years, hav- ing been enrolled as a private in Company D, Twenty-sixth In- diana Infantry, July 28, 1861. He received an honorable discharge at Indianapolis, September 21, 1864. He was in the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., the siege of Vicksburg, and many other skir- mishes. When Mr. Alexander returned from the war he resumed farming in Pleasant Township, which he has since continued. He has occupied his present home since the latter part of December, 1866. On the 29th of March, 1866, he was married to Mary J. Cox. She was born in Pleasant Township, July 6, 1846, and was the daughter of Irvin and Matilda A. (Davis) Cox, the former of whom was the son of Jonathan and Susannah Cox, and the latter was the daughter of Reuben and Mary (Brown) Davis. Her 76S ' ZH JOHNSON COUNTY, r father was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, October n, 1825, and died at Xenia, Ind., January 23, 1SS4. He was a minister of the United Brethren Church. The mother of Mrs. Alexander was born July 27, 1S30, in Pleasant Township, and now resides in Indianapolis. Our subject and wife have had six children : William J., born May 13, 1867; Elizabeth A.. July 18, 186S; Martha N., September 18, 1871, deceased; the next was a boy that was born April 3, 1S73, and died unnamed; Minnie B., October 16, 1875; Rosa P., Octo- ber 17, 1881, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are members of the United Brethren Church. The former is a member of the G. A. R., and he is a republican in politics. He owns 104 acres of land, about eighty of which are in cultivation. It contains a hand- some slate-roofed frame residence, and is otherwise well-improved. The wife of Mr. Alexander owns a farm of forty acres, which is in Pleasant Township. Dr. James Beebe, of Whiteland, was born in Clermont County, Ohio, September 7. 1827, and was the son of Josiah and Elizabeth (McCofium) Beebe, both of whom were natives of the State of New Jersey. He was reared on a farm in his native county, and received a liberal education. In 1850 he took up the study of medicine, and during the winter of 1852-3, he attended a course of lectures in the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati. He also attended a course of lectures in that institution during the spring of 1853. He then came to this state, and after spending a short time in Shelby County; he came to Johnson County, and en- tered upon the practice of medicine at Clarksburg. In 1857 he retired from the practice and spent some time in Hendricks County, this state. In 1861 he again resumed the practice of medicine in this county, and from that time to the year 1S68 he resided in the country east of Whiteland. In March, 1865, he became a volunteer in the Union army, and was mustered as a private in Company E, One Hundred and Forty-eighth Indiana Infantry, but was soon promoted to the rank of assistant surgeon. He received an honorable discharge September 5, 1865, at Indianapolis. In 186S, Dr. Beebe removed from his farm to Whiteland, in which he has resided ever since. His attention has been given to the prac- tice of his profession. Since August. 1875, he has performed the duties of agent for the J., M. & I. Railroad, at that place. Dr. Beebe was married in January. 1853, to Priscilla Beeler, and their marriage has resulted in the birth of one child, Joseph D. Beebe, who is now train dispatcher on the J., M. & I. Railroad. Dr. Beebe is a member of the Methodist Church, and of the Masonic lodge. In Masonry he has advanced as far as the rank of Knight Templar. Politically, Dr. Beebe is a republican; he is an influen- tial and reliable man, and a rirst-class citizen. a PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 769 Amazon Boone, a substantial farmer and respected citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, August 6, 1830, and is the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Peckingpaugh ) Boone, the former of whom was born in Bucks County, Penn., August 4, 17S5, and was the son of Thomas and Susan (Brom- field) Boone. He was married to Elizabeth Peckingpaugh, March 7, 1811. He died in Hamilton County, Ohio, May 12, 1869. The mother of our subject was born nearReading, Penn., April 20, 1792, and was the daughter of Frederick Peckingpaugh. She died in Hamilton Count}', August 24, 1854. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood on a farm in his native county. He received in the district schools a knowledge of the ordinary branches of learn- ing. In 1856, he came to Johnson County, and his home has ever since been in Pleasant Township. During the first three winters he spent in this county, he was a teacher in the public schools. He had become the owner of a farm in Pleasant Township, and his spare time was spent in improving and cultivating this. He was married September 26, i860, to Emeline Freeman. She was born in Franklin Township, this county, October 29, 1841, and was the daughter of Charles and Mary A. (Langston) Freeman, the for- mer of whom was born in the State of New Jersey, December 11, 1S08, and was the son of of John and Hannah (Brant) Freeman. He was married to Mary A. Langston, February 23, 1832. He moved with his family from Hamilton County, Ohio, to Johnson County, Ind., May 28, 183^, and settled on a tract of land which he had entered in Franklin Township. There he spent the rest of his life, his death occurring February 19, 1S79. The mother of Mrs. Boone was born within the present limits of Union County, Ind., January 7, 1816, and was the daughter of Bennett and Mary (Brown) Langston. She is still living, and continues to reside on the old Freeman homestead in Franklin Township. She is a first cousin of Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Boone located on the farm they now occupy, which lies just east, and adjoining the town, of Whiteland. The life occupation of Mr. Boone has been farming. His farm contains 1 34' j acres, and is in a good state of improvement and cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Boone have had five children : Elmer E., born Octo- ber 25, 1861; Eva E., December 15, 1S63: Charles J., July 23, 1866; Clara E., December 18, 1869, and Willie W., May 15, 1877, deceased. Our subject and wife and all of their children are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. Boone is a re- publican. He has served his township as justice of the peace one term. He is one of the successful fanners of this township, and he and wife are among its best citizens. Mr. Boone is a member 770 JOHNSON COUNTY. of the Odd Fellows lodge, having joined it at twenty-one years of age. Mr. Boone's farm is the site of the old settlers' meetings of Johnson and adjoining counties. Abram Brewer, of Pleasant Township, was born on the farm where he now lives, May 25, 1S30, and was the son of Garrett C. and Mary (Van Birke) Brewer. His life occupation has been farming. He was married December 6, 1871, to .Martha E. Pur- cell. She was born in Hancock County, Ind., October 1, 1843, and was the daughter of John and Sarah (Skinner) Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer have four children: Maggie F., born October 26, 1872; Jessie, November 19, 1876; Charles, July 29, 1879, and Hat- tie, September 19, 1882, all of whom are living. Mr. Brewer and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, the the former is a republican. He owns 100 acres of land, about half of which is in cultivation. Edgar D. Brewer, a prominent farmer of Pleasant Township, was born on the old Brewer homestead, three and one-half miles northwest of Franklin, March 25, 1850, and was the son of Daniel and Magdalene (Ditmars ) Brewer. His father was born in Mercer County, Ky., June 18, 1814, and was the son of Daniel and Theo- docia (Derland) Brewer, with whom he came to Johnson County in 1S33. The family settled in the southern part of Pleasant Town- ship, where Daniel Brewer, Sr., and Theodocia, his wife, spent the rest of their lives. Daniel Brewer, Jr., the father of our subject, was married four times, his second wife being our subject's mother. She was born in about 1S26, and was the daughter of Garrett Ditmars. The father and mother of our subject were mar- ried some time during the year 1849, the mother dying April 2, 1862, and the father March 31, 1887. Edgar D. Brewer was reared on the old homestead in Franklin Township, and in ad- dition to a good common school education, he was a student in Hopewell Academy three years. At the age of nineteen, he became a partner in a general store in Franklin, and gave his attention to this three years. In 1872, he turned his attention to saw-milling, and for three years he was connected with a saw-mill in Pleasant Township. He was married October 21, 1S73, to Sallie Ana Beazlev. She was born in Henry County, Ky., March 23, 1851, and was the daughter of Augustine and Sallie Ann (Webb) Beaz- lev. the former of whom was born in Hensley County, Ky., Sep- tember 1, 1805, and the latter was born in Henry County, Ky., August 20, 1812. Her parents were married in Henry County, Ky., August 15, 1S33. They both spent their entire lives in their native county, the former dying July 3, 1863, and the latter Sep- tember 21, 1865. Augustine Beazley was the owner of a PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 771 vast estate, and was also an extensive slave-holder. In Aug- ust, 1874, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer located on the old Brewer home- stead, where the former was born, and resided there until August, l88i,when they removed to their present home in Pleasant Town- ship. They now reside on a beautiful farm, one-half a mile west of Whiteland. It contains 104 acres, and is well improved and sit- uated. Besides this, Mr. Brewer is now the owner of the old home farm, in Franklin Township. It contains 205 acres, and is also well improved. Our subject and wife have three children: Norma, born September 1, 1874; J orm D., January 19, 1878, and Neva, March 24, 18S0; all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Brewer is a democrat. He is one of the leading farmers of the county, and he and wife are among its best citizens. Harvey Brewer, a prominent druggist of Greenwood, was born on a farm upon which is built the town of Greenwood, April 19, 1844. He was the son of Abram V. and Delilah (Rice) Brewer, both of whom were natives of Mercer County, Ky., of German descent. They were reared and married in their native count)', and came to Johnson County, and located on a tract of land where Greenwood now stands, in an early day. His boyhood was spent on the old homestead, and at fifteen years of age he entered Depauw University, where he attended two years. He then re- turned home and remained until he attained the age of twenty-two. At this age he started out into the world to do for himself. Mak- ing his way to Topeka, Kan., he there clerked in a drug store two years. He then returned to this county, and on the 7th day of October, 1869, he was married to Alice Polk, daughter of George W. and Mary (Embree) Polk, whose history is given elsewhere. In 1872, he became the proprietor of a drug store in that place, to which his attention has since been directed. He has enjoyed a good trade and one that has enabled him to accumulate considerable property. He has also dealt in money more or less. Besides his brick business block and elegant residence in Greenwood, he owns three farms which comprise a total acreage of 235 acres. The wife of Mr. Brewer, died May 1, 1SS6, leaving four children: Fred C, Maude F., Mamie A. and Alma M., all of whom are living. Mr. Brewer is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and of the Ma- sonic fraternity, having reached the thirty-second degree. In politics, he is an ardent republican. He possesses good business qualifica- tions, and is one of the substantial men of the county. John D. Brewer, deceased, who was among the most prom- inent and substantial men of Johnson County, and who was a resident of Pleasant Township for a period of forty-eight years, 49 772 JOHNSON COUNTY. was born in Mercer County, Ky., May 20, 1S07. He was the son of Daniel and Theodocia (Derland) Brewer, the former of whom was born in New Jersey in 1770, and the latter was a native of Mercer County, Ky. In 1786 Daniel Brewer accompanied his parents to Mercer County, Ky., where he married Theodocia Der- land, and came with her to Johnson County in 1834. They settled in Pleasant Township, and there spent the rest of their lives. Daniel Brewer was the son of Abram and Sarah (Truax) Brewer, both of whom were natives of New Jersey, the former being born in 1742, and was united in marriage on the 30th of June, 1766. They both died in that county, the former in 1825. Abram Brewer was the son of Everardus and Cornelia (DeLanoy) Brewer, the former of whom was born in the vicinity of New York City, in 1689, and was married November 30, 1738. His entire life was spent in the vicinity of his birth-place. Everardus Brewer was the son of Jacob and Annette (Bogardus) Brewer, the former of whom was the son of Adam Brewer, and the latter was the daughter of AnnekeJans, the owner of the celebrated Anneke Jans estate in New York City. Adam Brewer was a native of Holland, but immi- grated to America, and located on Manhattan Island, in 1642. (Jacob Brewer and Annette Bogardus were married on January 29, 16S2.) The wife of Adam Brewer was Magdalena Vcrdon. John D. Brewer, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm in his native county. He spent several years as a boat-hand on the Ken- tucky, Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He came to Johnson County in 1S33 and entered a quarter section of land in the southern part of Pleasant Township, upon which he built a cabin and immedi- ately set about clearing his land. It was soon developed into a farm, and later on this was enlarged by purchases and other entries, until he finally owned a farm of 800 acres. He was married Jan- uary 6, 1841, to Fannie Webb. She was born in Henry County, Ky., January 28, 1821, and was the daughter of James and Han- nah (SanEord) Webb, both of whom were natives of Virginia. Her father was the son of William and Catharine Webb, and her mother the daughter of Lawrence and Fannie Sanford. John D. Brewer and wife became the parents of ten children: Samuel E., born June 28, 1842 ; Hannah S., January S, 1845, deceased; the next was a son that died unnamed; Sarah D., November 12, 1849; Mary E., July 29, 1851; Etha J., October 6, 1853; Fannie D., September 6, 1855; Belle, February 4, 1S59; Maggie E., July 19, 1861; Tellie, June 22, 1863. Mr. Brewer was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was a democrat in politics. He died jst 18, 1SS1. His surviving widow, who now resides in Whiteland, is also a member of the Presbyterian Church. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 773 Samuel E. Brewer, a prominent citizen of Whiteland, was born on a farm near that place June 28, 1842, and was the son of John D. and Fannie (Webb) Brewer, the former of whom was born in Mercer County, Ky., May 20, 1807, and died at his home in Pleasant Township, August 18, 1881. His mother was born in Henrv County, Ky., January 28, 1821, and now resides in White- land. Our subject was reared on the old Brewer homestead, work- ing on the farm in summer, and attending public school in winter. At the age of twenty he entered Hopewell Academy, where he pursued his studies three years. He then took up the vocation of a teacher. This furnished his winter's employment for a period of five years, his labors as a teacher all being performed in Pleasant Township. In 1871 he turned his whole attention to saw-milling, in which pursuit he was exclusively engaged until the fall of 1887. In September, 18S3, his mill was burned. In the meantime his resi- dence near Whiteland was burned, in May, 1881. Mr. Brewer then became a resident of Whiteland, where he now occupies a very handsome residence, that was erected by him in 1S83. In 1SS4, he rebuilt his saw-mill in Whiteland, and operated it until the fall of 1887. His entire attention is now given to the business of the Whiteland Fruit Packing Company, of which institution he is secretary and book-keeper, and in which he is a heavy stockholder. He wai married March 21, 1867, to Melissa A. Springer. She was born in Franklin, this county, January 28, 1844, and was the daughter of Cordnan and Orphia (Webb) Springer, the former of whom was born in Botetourt County, Va., in 181 2, and the latter was born in Kentucky, December 4, 1S10. He died in Whiteland in De- cember, 1S76, and his widow still resides in Whiteland. The father of Mrs. Brewer was a cousin of the late Reuben Springer, of Cincinnati. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Brewer has resulted in the birth of four children: Annie L., born - March 13, 1868; Fannie E., May 2, 1871; Edward M., June 30, 1874, and Leona E., November 19, 18S7, all of whom are living. The wife of Mr. Brewer is a member of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Brewer is independent. He was elected to the of- fice of justice of the peace in 1886. » Mr. Brewer owns a well-im- proved farm in Pleasant Township, most of which is under culti- vation. Mr. Brewer organized the Whiteland Band, and taught it for two years. He is yet one of its members, and probably entitled to more credit for its success than any one else. William A. Brooks, an honored old citizen of Pleasant Town- ship, was born in Clinton Count}-, N. Y., November 28, 1S22, and was the son of Gehial and Rebecca (Anson) Brooks, who were also natives of the State of New York. His boyhood was sj 774 JOHNSON COUNTY. on a farm in his native county. At seventeen years of age he ac- companied his widowed mother to Madison, this state, where they remained some five or six years, and during that time he was chiefly employed at the carpenter's trade. In 1850, the family set- tled on a farm in Jennings County, this state. On the 10th day of June, of the same year, he was married to Eiiza J. Griffith. She was born in Jennings County, Ind., and was the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Griffith. In 1855. Mr. Brooks removed with his family from Jennings County to Johnson Count}", and he has ever since been a resident of Pleasant Township. His occupation has been that of a farmer, and in this pursuit he has been successful. He owns a first-class farm of 100 acres, two and one-half miles south- east of Greenwood, which is in a good state of improvement, and nearly all of which is in cultivation. Upon this place he settled when he first came to the count}-, and he continued to occupy it un- til 1878. His first wife died October 4, 1864, and on the 20th day of June, 1877, Mr. Brooks was married to Mrs. Ann Brewer. She was born in Mercer County, Ky., March 29, 1S25, and was the daughter of Henry R. and Elizabeth (Smock) Comingore, both of whom were natives of Mercer Count}-, Ky. Her father was the son of Henry and Rachel (Brewer) Comingore, the for- mer a native of Holland, and the latter a native of Pennsylvania. Her mother was the daughter of Jacob and Ann (Banta) Smock, who were, respectively, natives of Pennsylvania and Mercer County, Ky. The father and mother of Jacob Smock were na- tives of Holland. On the iSth day of February, 1S47. Mrs. Brooks was married to John C. Brewer, who was a native of Mercer County, Ky., born January 8, 182 1, and was the son of Abram and Ann (Cozine) Brewer. John C. Brewer died January 24, 1874. after which his wife remained a widow until her mar- riage to Mr. Brooks. The first marriage of Mr. Brooks resulted in the birth of six children : Henry W., Jane E., Charlotte S., Albert R., Hannah R., and Mary E., of whom Charlotte S. and Mary E., are deceased. The first marriage of Mrs. Brooks re- sulted in the birth of eight children: Mary A.. born March 26, 1848; Sarah Elizabeth. August 29, 1849; Laura J., February 3. 1852, deceased: Macella A., January 17, 1854; Eldora, January n, 1856; Laura M., December 29. 1857: Charles E.. May 18, 1861; John Edward, July 3. 1864. The wife of Mr. Brooks is a member of the Presbyterian Church: he is a member of the Baptist Church, and in politics, he is an ardent republican. Mr. Brooks is a di- rector and heavy stockholder in the Whiteland Fruit Packing Com- pany, a history of which appears elsewhere. He is an influential and reliable man, and he and wife are highly respected. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 775 Mrs. Mary M. Brown, widow of the late Isaac S. Brown, of Pleasant Township, was born in Union Township, this count}', September 15. 1834. She was the daughter of Andrew and Nancy ( Bantu j Carnine, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. Her father was the son of Andrew and Lydia (Bice) Carnine. Her mother was the daughter Abram and Mary (Demaree) Banta. She grew to womanhood in her native township, and was married there, to Isaac S. Broun, April 8, 1856. He was born in Wythe County, Va., January 18, 1S29, and was the v son of Aaron and Margaret (Smith 1 Brown, who emigrated to this county, and settled in Franklin Township, when he was ten years old. There Isaac S. Brown spent his youth upon a farm. He was married March 14, 1S50, to Cynthia E. Sorter. She was born in Pleasant Township, this bounty, May 8, 1832, and was the daughter of Garrett and Charity (Smock) Sorter, who were natives of Kentucky. Shortly after his marriage, Mr. Brown settled on a farm in Pleasant Town- ship, where he resided until his death. His first wife died Jul) - 30, 1S55, leaving the following two children: John B., born September 3, 1S51, deceased; and David M., May 27, 1855. He is now a resident of Newton, Kan. The marriage of Mr. Brown to the subject of this sketch, resulted in the birth of six children: Robert A., born November 27, 1S58; Charles A., April 17, 1S59: Edward S., March 15, 1865, (de- ceased) ; Isaac N., September 28, 1S67; Andrew C, July 25, 1S68, (deceased), and Mary L., September 5, 1S72. Mr. Brown was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics he was a re- publican. He became a member of the Presbyterian Church, November 23, 1850, and held the position of elder in that church for over thirty-five years. He died October 17, 1887. His widow still occupies the old home. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, having joined the same when she was but fifteen years old. Her four children are members of the Presbyterian Church. The old home farm upon which she and two of her chil- dren now live, contains 240 acres of good land. It is equipped with a beautiful slate-roofed frame residence, and is in other re- spects well improved. Mrs. Brown is very highly respected by all who know her. Her eldest son, R. A. Brown, is a graduate of Franklin College, and is at present local editor of the Logansjyort Daily Journal. The third son, Edward S. Brown, graduated in the common schools, and was a student at college at the time of his death. Isaac N. Brown and Mary L. Brown have also grad- uated in the common schools. Anthony Brlnnemer, an old and honored citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Alleghany County, W. Va., May 13, 1S11, 7/6 JOHNSON COUNTY. and was the son of George and Mary (Duke) Brunnemer, both of whom were natives of Virginia. In the twentieth year of his age he accompanied his parents to this state and located with them in Morgan County. On June 5, 1S34, he was married to Blancha Mitchell. She was born in Greene County, Tenn., August 16, 1S01, and was the daughter of Thomas and Blancha (McPheron) Mitchell, both of whom were natives of Ireland. After his mar- riage, Mr. Brunnemer settled on a farm in Morgan Count)'. In 1859, ' ie removed to Johnson County, and has ever since resided in Pleasant Township. His life occupation has been farming, but in his later years he has lived a retired citizen. He and his wife be- came the parents of four children: Sarah J., born April 1, 1836; William M. D., October 26, 1837; Mary E., September 23, 1839, and George L., January 22, 1842, all of whom are now living. The wife of Mr. Brunnemer died July 13, 1885. She was a mem- ber of the Methodist Church. Mr. Brunnemer is also a member of the Methodist Church, and in politics he is a staunch republican. He has living eighteen grandchildren and fifteen great grand- children. George L. Brunnemer, a successful farmer of Pleasant Township, is a native of Morgan County, this state, born January 22, 1842, and was the son of Anthony and Blancha (Mitchell) Brunnemer, who were natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respect- ively. He was reared on a farm in his native county, and at the age of eighteen he accompanied his parents to Johnson Count} - and settled with them on a farm one mile north of Whiteland He re- mained with his father and mother until he reached the age of twentj'-one, or until after his first marriage, which occurred on the 5th of February, 1863. The lady that became his wife was Sarah E. McClellan. She was born in this county, and was the daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Clem) McClellan, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. Immediately after marriage, they lo- cated in a house on his father's farm. February 15, 1865, he became a soldier in the Union Army, in Company E, One Hundred and Forty-eighth Indiana Regiment, with which he served as corporal until the close of the war. He was honorably discharged at In- dianapolis, September 5, 1S65. He then resumed farming on his father's place, but in the spring of 1866, he removed to his present home in Section 29, of Pleasant Township. He owns a fine farm of 206 acres, which is in a good state of improvement, and about 160 of which are in cultivation. In connection with farming, for the past seven years, he has also owned and operated a saw-mill. His first wife died September 5, 1866, and on the 23rd day of October, 1S67, he was married to Nancy C. VanarsdaU, daughter PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 777 of Cornelius A. B. and Nancy J. (Clem) Vanarsdall, whose his- tory is given elsewhere. She was born in Pleasant Township, this county, October 20, 1849. By his first wife Mr. Brunnemer became the father of two children: James D., born December 11, 1863, married to Louie A. Sharp, and Sarah E., August 12, 1866, deceased. Mr. Brunnemer and his presentwife have had three children: Albert T., born October 29, 1869; Ammie J., December 8, 187 1, married Hugh E. Johnson, and William J., March 3, 1874. Mrs. and Mrs. Brunnemer are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Politically, the former is a republican. He and his wife are among the best citizens of their township. William Daily Brunnemer, a prosperous and influential citi- zen of Pleasant Township, was born in Morgan County, this state, October 26, 1837, and was the son of Anthony and Blancha (Mitchell) Brunnemer, a history of whom appears elsewhere in this work. He was raised on a farm in his native count}-. At twenty-two years of age, or in February, i860, he accompanied his parents to Johnson County, and located with them in Pleasant Township, in which he has resided ever since. He was married on the 6th of September, i860, to Caroline R. Henry. She Avas born in Pleas- ant Township, February 13, 1839, anc ^ was tne daughter of Hiram Henry. Shortly after his marriage, Mr. Brunnemer located about one mile north of Whiteland, where, for about three years, Mr. Brunnemer was engaged at farming. In 1S63, he removed to a farm in Section 10, of Pleasant Township, and the same one he now occupies. Here he resided until December, 1875, and during these years he carried on farming interests, and also the business of grain threshing. In December, 1875, he removed to Whiteland, where a few days later, or on the 23rd of the same month, his first wife died. In Whiteland he became engaged at saw-milling, in connec- tion with his brother, George L. Brunnemer. In February, 1876, thev removed their mill one mile and a half west of Whiteland, where the}- continued to operate it together until in September, 1S77. They also were partners in a threshing outfit. In September, i877> our subject traded to George L. Brunnemer his interest in the saw- mill for his brother's interest in the threshing outfit; after this transaction occurred, he then returned to his farm in Section 10, where he has since resided. He was united in marriage to Sarah S. Sheek, December 6, 1S76. She was born in Davie County, N. C, February 2, 1843, and was the daughter of John B. and Sarah (Kinnick) Sheek, both of whom were natives of Davie Count}-, X. C. She accompanied her parents to Johnson County, in 1 85 1. The family settled in Pleasant Township, where her father died June 3, 1872. Her mother is still living, and makes her 778 JOHNSON COUNTY. home with Mr. and Mrs. Brunnemer. He is a partner in two threshing outfits, also the sole owner of the two saw-mills, one of which stands on his farm, and the other is located at Greenwood. His farm contains 104 acres of good land. It is well improved, and about seventy acres of it are in cultivation. The first marriage of Mr. Brunnemer resulted in the birth of five children: John II., born September 29, 1861, deceased; Thomas A., August 23, 1863, de- ceased; Eddy H., March 5, 186S. deceased; Elmer, January 24, 1870, and Ida E., January 28, 1872, deceased. Mr. Brunnemer and his present wife are the parents of one child, Ada L., born De- cember 1, 1877. Our subject and wife are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. In politics, the former is a republican. Dr. Zachariah Carnes, of Greenwood, was born in Grayson County, Ky., April 4, 1S40, the son of William and Eliza (Decker) Carnes, who were, respectively, natives of South Carolina and Vir- ginia. When he was twelve years old his father died. He re- ceived, in the district schools, a knowledge of the ordinary branches of learning, and as earlv as seventeen years of age, he became a teacher in the public schools of Grayson County. After teaching three terms he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Burnettsville, Hardin Co., Ky., and gave his attention to this until the fall of 1862, when he entered the military service of the State of Ken- tucky, on the Union side, and served in the capacity of first lieu- tenant one year. He entered the United States service in the fall of 1864, in Company C, Twenty-first Kentucky Regiment, and served until the close of the war. He received his discharge July 6, 1865. He then resumed mercantile pursuits in Burnettsville, Ky., and soon after this he took up the study of medicine. From 1865 to 1874 ne was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Burnetts- ville and Hardin Springs, Ky., and during the first years of this time he kept up the studv of medicine, also. In 187 1 he entered upon the practice of medicine at Hardin Springs, still retaining an interest in the store. In the fall of 1874, he entered the mecWcal department of the University of Louisville, and attended one course of lectures. From the spring of 1875, to tne * an °* J 876, he prac- ticed medicine at Hardin Springs, Ky. During the winter of 1876 77, he took his second course of lectures in the above named university, and graduated in the spring of 1877. He tfien resumed practice at Hardin Springs, but in the fall of 1S77, came to this county, and located at Greenwood, where he has ever since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Dr. Carnes was married in May, i860, to Elizabeth Burnett, who died February 1, 1865. In May, 1866, he was married to Martha J. Moore, who died three years later, and on the 25th day of October, 1S70, he was married PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 779 to Mrs. Eliza J. Wood, daughter of William and Sarah Polk, the former of whom died in Greenwood in 1S7S, and the latter still survives, and makes her home with the subject of this sketch. Dr. Carries is the father of the following three children: Will- iam S. and Henry G., twins, and Floy, the first two of whom are the children of his second wife, and the last was born to his third marriage. Dr. Carries is a member of the F. & A. M., K. of H. and G. A. R. lodges. He has always been particularly fond of fine horses, and there has been scarcely no time since he was a boy that he has not had in his possession a number of thoroughbreds ranging in value from $200 to $1,500. The Doctor is a member of the Johnson County Medical Society. The present wife of Dr. Carnes was married in about 1863, to Mr. II. Wood, who died in about 1S66, leaving one child, Harry, who at present is agent of the J., M. & I. Railroad at Greenwood. John L. Carson, a pioneer citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., July 4, 1815, and was the son of James and Sarah Carson, both of whom were natives of Virginia. His father was born October 2, 1777, and died in this county, Jan- uary 5, 1S53. His mother was born August 1, 1782, and died in this" county April 18, 1853. When he was fifteen years of age, he accompanied his parents to this county. The family settled in Pleasant Township, in which the father and mother spent the rest of their lives. His youth was spent with his parents, assisting to clear and cultivate the farm on which he has ever since continued to reside. His life occupation has been farming. He was married February II, 1841, to Elizabeth Brewer. She was born in Mercer " County, Ky., April 1, 1823, and was the daughter of Abram V. and Anna (Cozine) Brewer, who also were na- tives of Mercer County, Ky., the former being born April 19, I79 1 - The mother of Mrs. Carson died in 1830, and her father on the 12th day of March, 1873. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Carson re- sulted in the birth of two children: David N., born May 23, 1842, killed accidentally by a falling log from a railroad car: and Will- iam M., born March 17, 1844. Mr. and Mrs. Carson are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Carson is a republi- can. He and wife are very highly respected. They have a com- fortable home near Greenwood, where they reside in a pleasant way. _ _ William M. Carson, a farmer of Pleasant Township, is a na- tive of the township in which he now resides, he having been born on a farm two miles south of Greenwood, March 17, 1844. He is the son of John L. and Elizabeth (Brewer) Carson, whose his- tory appears elsewhere in this work. He was reared in his native 7S0 JOHNSON COUNTY. township, working upon a farm in summer, and attending district school in winter. His education is such as to lit him for the prac- tical affairs of life. In early manhood he took up the vocation of a farmer, and has ever since devoted his attention to that pursuit, in Pleasant Township. December 8, 1864, he was united in marriage ■ to Harriet H. Wheatcraft. She was born in Putnam County, this state, February 24, 1845, being the daughter of Malachi and Sophia M. (Bradford) Wheatcraft, a history of whom appears elsewhere. She died April 22, 1881, and on the 18th day of Mav, 1882, Mr. Carson was married to Mary E. Peek. She is a native of Switzerland County, this state, born January 12, 1848, and was the daughter of William J. and Susan (Johnson) Peek, who were, respectively, natives of Trimble and Franklin counties, Ky., the latter being born May 12, 1S13. She died March 19, 1879. The first marriage of Mr. Carson resulted in the birth of two children: Minnie C, born Januarv 7, 1S6S, and Albert L., November 7, 1869. He and his present wife have one child: Emerson, born January 29, 18S4. Our subject and wife are members of the Presbvterian Church. The former is a member of the K. of H. lodge, and the order of Chosen Friends. In politics, Mr. Carson is a repub- lican. He owns 167 acres of first-class land, about 125 of which are in cultivation. He is one of the influential men of his township, and he and wife are among its very best citizens. Ephraim Lynn Covert, an enterprising voung farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in Franklin Township, November 11, 1854, an d is the son of George W. and Mary E. (Lagrange) Covert, who now reside in the city of Franklin. When he was six years old his parents emigrated to Carlyle, Allen Co., Kan., where the father entered upon the practice of medicine and den- tistrv, to which his attention has been given ever since. He after- ward moved to Geneva, Woodson Co., Kan. Two years later he removed to Donnelson, Montgomery Co., Ills., and after residing there two years, they returned to Carlyle, and here remained until 1S73. In September of that y-ear they returned to this county, and until September, 1887, the father practiced his profession at Whiteland. The subject of this sketch received a good common school education, and in early manhood he adopted the vocation of a farmer. He was married February 20, 1878, to Miss Virginia Belle Brewer. She was born on the old Brewer homestead, in Pleasant Township, February 4, 1859, and was the daughter of John D. and Fannie (Webb) Brewer, whose history will be found elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Covert have occupied their present home in Section 14, Pleasant Township, since December, 1878. They have a good farm of ninety acres, which is well-improved, and PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 7S1 seventy of which are under cultivation. Their marriage has resulted in the birth of three children: Ada Edell, born February 6, 1880; George Derlin, October 10, 18S3, deceased, and Angelo, January 2, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Covert are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Covert is a republican. He and wife are highly esteemed by all who know them. John F. Crawford, the junior member of the firm of Bass & Crawford, of Greenwood, was born in Pleasant Township, this county, February 23, 1856, the son of Robert and Margaret E. (Carter) Crawford, of Pleasant Township. He was reared on the old homestead, and received a common school education. Later on he attended Franklin College one term, and still later he was a student in the Central Normal College, of Danville, Ind. On leav- ing school at Danville he attended a normal school a short time at Franklin. In Jul)', 1881, he accepted a position as salesman in the mercantile establishment of the late Grafton Johnson, of Greenwood. He clerked for Mr. Johnson from August 1, 1881, to March 22, 1885. He succeeded in saving sufficient means to engage in busi- ness for himself, and two days after retiring from the employ of Mr. Johnson, he became the partner of Mr. W. H. Bass, of Green- wood, in mercantile pursuits. Their business has proved to be successful, and they are now among the leading business men of that place. He was married October 4, 1886, to Maggie Smith. She was born in Pleasant Township, August 27, 1861, and was the daughter of J. W. and Adaline (Ballinger) Smith. Their mar- riage has resulted in the birth of one child, Jerre R., born July 2, 1887. Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. In politics, the former is a republican. Robert Crawford, an old citizen of Pleasant Township, is a native of Wythe County, Va., born September 13, 1825. He was the son of William and Elizabeth (Smith) Crawford, the former of whom was also a native of Wythe County, Va. His mother was also a native of the same state. His early life was spent on a farm. In 1848, he came to Johnson County, a single man, and for some years thereafter, he worked at the carpenter's trade. During the winter of 1849 an ^ r ^5°> ne taught school in Pleasant Township, and his second term of school was taught in Green County, Ind., during the winter of 1S53 and 1854. He was married in Pleasant Township, February 28, 1855, to Mrs. Margaret A. Scott. She is also a native of Wythe County, Va., born November 24, 1S29, and was the daughter of John and Mary (Smith) Carter, who were also natives of Wythe Countv, Va. She came with her parents to Johnson County, in 1830, and for five years the family resided in Franklin, where her father worked at the black- 782 JOHXSOX COUNTY. smith's trade. In the fall of 1S36, they located in Pleasant Town- ship, where Mrs. Crawford grew to womanhood, and where she was married to John Scott, January 29, 1S50. He was a native of the State of Virginia, born February iS, 1S30, and was the son of John and Catharine Scott. He died Ootober 19, 1853, leaving two children: Mary II., born December 7, 1850, and Catharine E., bom October 17, 1S52. Ever since their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford have resided on the farm they now occupy. The chief occupation of Mr. Crawford has been farming, though he has also taught school a great deal in the winter time. To Mr. and Mrs. Crawford these children have been born : William F. and John F., twins, born February 23, 1856: Wesley C, February 4, 1858; Robert L., October 25, 1859; Araminta, October 12, 1861, James A., July 24, 1S63, deceased; Maggie, born July 25, 1866, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics, he is an ardent republican. Mr. Craw- ford has served his township in the capacitv of justice of the peace four years. He and wife have a farm of about fifty-eight acres, and a comfortable home. William F. is a member of the Indian- apolis bar; John F. is a merchant in Greenwood; Wesley C. is a student at Depauw University; Robert L. is a theological student of that school, and a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Edward Ditmars, a farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in Union Township, this county, March 5, 1839, and was the son of Garrett and Sarah (Verbryck) Ditmars, both of whom were na- tives of the State of New Jersey. His father was born in 1792. When he was twelve years of age his father died, and about one year later, his widowed mother removed to a farm near Hopewell, this county, where she spent the rest of her life. She died August 5, 1855. Our subject remained on the farm with his mother until after her death. The greater part of his early education was re- ceived in Hopewell Academy. After his mother's death, he re- mained in the vicinity of I lopewell until the year 1861. He attended school in winter and worked on a farm in summer. July 29, 1S61, he became a soldier in the Union Armv, being mustered into Company I, Eighteenth Indiana Regiment. He served in the same company and regiment until the close of the war. He participated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, the siege of Vicksburg, and the second battle' of Winchester, Va. On the 19th day of September, 1864, while in the battle of Winchester, Va., he was wounded. This necessi- tated him to spend three months in a hospital. He was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, September 22, 1865. During the winter of 1865-6, he attended school at Hopewell, and during the PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 783 following summer he was engaged in the manufacture of brick. In the fall of 1S66, he went to Decatur County, this state, where he made his home with a widowed sister four years, during which time he conducted a farm. He was married in Decatur County, March 9, 1S71, to Spicy D. Thomson. She was born in Decatur Ccunty, February 5, 1839, and was the daughter of William H. and Jane B. (Blair) Thomson. Her father was born in Nicholas Countv, Ky., in June, 1791, and her mother was born near Knox- ville, Tenn., in June, 1802. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ditmars came to Johnson County and located on a farm which Mr. Ditmars had purchased during the preceding winter, one-half mile east of Whiteland. They have resided upon the same farm continuously ever since. It now contains 120 acres, and is in a good state of improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Ditmars are the parents of three children, as follows: John W., born May 30, 1S72; Garrett O., December 14, 1873, and Rolla T., December 15, 1878. Our subject and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. The former is a member of the G. A. R. lodge, and in politics, he is a republican. Robert B. Dobbins, a venerable citizen of Pleasant Town- ship, was born in Pendleton County, S. C, November 2, 1805. He is the son of John and Jane (Johnson) Dobbins.' His father was the son of James and Elizabeth (Stephenson) Dobbins, who emigrated to South Carolina from Virginia. His mother was the daughter of Francis and Margaret (Sawright) Johnson; the latter of whom was a native of Ireland. In 1818, ..he parents of our sub- ject emigrated from Pendleton County, S. C, to Clermont County, Ohio, but a year later, or in March, 1819, they came to the State of Indiana and settled in Campbell Township, Jennings County. His father died there April 12, 1S27. His mother came to Johnson Countv in about 1832, and spent the rest of her life in Clark Town- ship; she died in April, 1836. Our subject spent his youth in Jennings County on a farm. In his early manhood he took up the vocation of a farmer for himself, and continued it through life. In 1834 he came to Johnson County and located on the farm he now occupies, where he has resided continuously for fifty- four years. His farm contains 197.^8 acres of well-improved land. Mr. Dobbins was married in Ripley County, this state, October 28, 1828, to Harriet L. Hughey, who was born in Buncom County, N. C, November 29, 1804, and was the daughter of Joseph and Jane (Brank) Hughey, the former of whom was born in North Carolina. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbins resulted in the birth of five children: John M., born February 17. 1S30. deceased; Joseph II.. September 18, 1832, deceased: Samuel J., November 7S4 JOHNSON COUNTY. 16, 1835, deceased; Mary J., July 25, 1S42, and Martha II., September 24, 1S48, deceased. The wife of Mr. Dobbins died April 15, 18S5. She was a devout member of the Pres- byterian Church. Mr. Dobbins is also a member of the same church. In politics, he is an ardent republican. He cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Jackson, in 1828. Mr. Dobbins has led an industrious life, and he is now permitted to spend his declining years in comfort and happiness. lie has now spent more than half a century in this count}', and although in the eighty-third year of his age, he is still in the enjoyment of good health. The count} - has no pioneer that is more highly respected than Mr. Dobbins. Benjamin Draper, an honored citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Dearborn County, this state, July 2, 1818, and was the son of Thomas and Catharine (Harbert) Draper, the former of whom was born in Botetourt County, Va., and was the son of Thomas and Priscilla Draper. The latter was born in Pennsyl- vania, and was the daughter of Ebenezer Harbert. Before the sub- ject of this sketch was five years old his parents removed to Decatur County, this state, where he grew to manhood on a farm. In 1S40, he came to Johnson County, a single man, and engaged in agricultural pursuits in Clark Township. A year later he removed to Pleasant Township, where he was similarly engaged three years. In the latter part of 1844, he returned to Decatur County. In the spring of 1858, he again came to this county, and moved into his present home on the 1st day of March of that year. His attention has always been given to farming. He has three fish ponds on his farm, which are well stocked with different varieties of carp, and to these Mr. Draper gives his personal attention. .Fie owns 200 acres of good land, of which 120 acres are in Pleasant Township, and eighty in Clark Township. About 150 acres of his land are in cultivation. Mr. Draper was married October 4, 1841, to Eliza- beth Wheeling. She was born in Henry County, Ky., December 21, 1S21, and was the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Van horn) Wheeling. Their marriage resulted in the birth of thirteen children, as follows: the first was a daughter, born January 5, 1833, died when but one day old; Thomas M., February 6, 1844; Oliver H., February 6, 1846; Mahlon B., April 5, 1848: Miranda, November 3, 1S49, deceased; infant daughter, June 20, 1S51, deceased; Harriet H., September 11, 1872, deceased; Clara M, born May 21, 1854; Mary L., January 29, 1S56; George \\\, October 24, 1857; Benjamin F., born November 7, 1S59; John W., born September 10, 1861, and Lennie L., November 16, 1865, deceased. The wife of Mr. Draper died August 16, 1887. She was a member of the Christian Church. In politics, Mr. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 785 Draper was formerly a whig", but since 1S56, he has been an ardent republican. He cast his first presidential vote for Harrison. Mr. Draper is an honest man, and he is one of the county's most highly respected citizens. All of the children are living-, except Mahlon B.; are members of the Christian Church. Harriet H. was a member of the Presbyterian Church. James J. Davis, one of Johnson County's old pioneers, was born in Wythe County, Va., July 25, 1824. He was the son of Reuben and Mary (Brown) Davis. His father was the son of Jacob Davis, who emigrated to America from Germany. Reuben Davis was born December 18, 1797, in Wythe County, Va. He died in Pleasant Township, this county, December 23, 1857. The mother of our subject was also a native of Wythe County, Va., born October 22, 1797- She was married to Reuben Davis, April 11, 1822. She died in Pleasant Township, this county, August 21, 1857. Our subject was the only son in a family of four children. His three sisters were: Louisa J., born April 30, 1823, and died in September, 1846; Susan B., born»November 7, 1825, and died Sep- tember 14, 1S56, and Matilda A., born July 27, 1S30. She is now the wife of Rev. Benjamin Groves, of Indianapolis. When the subject of this sketch was but four years old, his parents emigrated from Wythe County, Va., to Johnson County, Ind., and settled in Pleas- ant Township, where his parents spent the remainder of their lives. The youth of our subject was spent helping to clear and cultivate his father's farm. The whole time he spent in school did not amount to eighteen months. He remained at home with his par- ents until he reached manhood. He was married on Christmas day, 1845, to Almyra Hughes. She was born in Fayette County, this state, March 6, 1S2S, and was the daughter of Rev. Jesse and Nancy (Melton) Hughes, the former being born in 179S. He was a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was twice mar- ried, his first wife being Nancy Melton, and his second wife, Eliza- beth Hawkins. He died in White River Township, July 30, 1S73. The mother of Mrs. Davis died in White River Township, June 9, 1S51. Ever since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Davis have re- sided in Pleasant Township, with the exception of about two years. The life occupation of Mr. Davis has been farming. He and his wife own 1S6 acres of land, about three-fourths of which is under cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have had four children : Reuben, born September 3, 1848, deceased; Louisa M., February 9, 1852, deceased: John T., January 23, 1855, and Jesse H., March 20, 1S58. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the United Brethren Church. In politics, he is a staunch republican. Mr. Davis served as a Union soldier from February, 1865, to the close of the war. lie 786 JOHNSON COUNTY. was enrolled in Company E, One Hunred and Forty-eighth In- diana Infantry. He was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, September 14, 1865. When Mrs. Davis was in her fourth year her parents came from Fayette County to Johnson County, and set- tled in White River Township. By leading lives of industry, Mr. and Mrs. Davis are in good circumstances, and have also given fortv acres of land to each of their children. William W. Demaree, a wealthy farmer and prominent free- holder, of Pleasant Township, was born in Shelby Count}-, Ky.., February 10, 1828, and was the son of Peter and Mary (Johnson) Demaree, both of whom were also natives of Shelby County, Ky. His father was born January 1, 1796, and was the son of David and Rachel (Brunei; \ Demaree. David Demaree was the son of Samuel and Susan (Brewer) Demaree. The mother of our sub- ject was born May 6, 1S04, and was the daughter of John B. and Ruth (Beckley) Johnson. His parents were married in Shelby County, Ky., but immigrated to Johnson County, Ind., when he was but nine months old. The family settled on a tract of land which the father had entered, one mile west of Hopewell. Here Peter Demaree spent the rest of his life, his death occurring on the 22nd day of August, 1837. His wife afterward was married to Corne- lius Covert, but she died a few months later, or January 24, 1842. Our subject then found a home with Isaac Vannuys in the vi- cinity of the old home farm. He remained with him until the age of twenty-one, when he returned to the old homestead and began farming for himself. In 1864, he removed to his present home in Pleasant Township. His occupation has always been that of a farmer, and in this pursuit he has been very successful. His farm contains 350 acres of excellent land, over 250 of which are under cultivation. Mr. Demaree was married 'o Lydia Ann Carnine, October 21, 1S52. She was born in Union Township, this county, January 14, 1831, and was the daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Banta) Carnine, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. Her father was the son of Andrew and Lydia (Bice) Carnine, and her mother was the daughter of Abram and Mary (Demaree) Banta. Mr. and Mrs. Demaree have had a family of thirteen children, as follows: Laura I., born August 7, 1853, deceased; Dewitt C, July 17, 1S55, deceased: Clara J., November 22, 1856; Electa A., July 22, 1^58. Mattie C, and a twin sister, who is deceased, No- vember 11, 1S59; William L., November 18, 1861; Ira M., Septem- ber 13, 1S63: Victor B., December 13, 1865; Edith A., October 19, 1867, deceased: Mary E., December 29, 1S69; Anna O., February 6, 1872, and George W., May 22, 1S74. Air. and Mrs. Demaree are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Demaree PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 787 is a republican. He and wife are very highly respected. Mr. Demaree's great grandparents were both natives of Holland, where they were reared and married. They came to America in about 1642. Francis Dickson, a prominent grain-dealer of Whiteland, was born in Owensboro, Daviess Count}', Ky., August 8, 1850, and was the son of Francis and Maria S. (Bliss) Dickson, the former of whom was born in Belfast, Ireland, and grew to early manhood in his native country, but immigrated to America about the age of twenty-four. Reaching this country he spent some time in Phila- delphia. He afterward came west and was married in the State of Illinois, to Ellen Clark, who died about 1S40. About 1842 he married Maria S. Bliss, the mother of our subject. She was born in Rehobeth, Mass., April 17, 1819, and was the daughter of Leonard and Lydia (Talbot) Bliss, natives of Massachusetts. Leonard Bliss was the son of James Bliss, a Revolutionary soldier. The father and mother of our subject were married in Louisville, Ky. The father died at Owensboro, Ky., December 26, 1S51. His widow was married to Niles Hardy, in Salem, Washington County, this state in about 1855. He was a physician by profession, and later a jeweler. He died in about 1857, since which time the mother of our subject has been a widow. The first marriage of Francis Dickson, St., resulted in the birth of three children : Edwin, William and Joseph, of whom only Edwin is living. Joseph died while in the service of the Union Army. His second marriage also resulted in the birth of three children: Charles H, Ellen M., and Francis, all of whom are living, and the last of whom is the subject of this sketch. By her second husband, Niles Hardy, his mother had one child: Edward M., who now re- sides at Edinburg. When our subject was three years old, his widowed mother removed to Salem, Ind., where he remained until the age of fifteen years. He had a common school education. He then went to New Albany, Ind., where he spent five years working at the miller's trade. In 1869, he came to this county, and spent about ten months in a mill at Franklin. He then purchased an interest in a flouring mill at Whiteland, in which place he has re- sided ever since. He became the sole owner of the milling prop- erty in 1875, and in connection with the operation of this property, he bought and shipped grain, until about 1884, when he converted his mill into an elevator, and has since given his whole attention to the grain business and raising of live-stock. Mr. Dickson was married October 1, 1872, to Etha Jane Brewer. She was born on the old Brewer homestead, in Pleasant Township, October 6, 1853, and was the daughter of John D. and Fannie (Webb) Brewer, SO 788 JOHXSOX COUNTY. whose history appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson are the parents of three children: John B., born August 22, 1875; Una, February 2, 1880, and Mino, December 5, 1881, all of whom are now living. Our subject and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Kennerly P. Dobyns, a successful physician of White- land, was born in White River Township, December II, 1848, and was the son of John B. and Elizabeth (Gaston) Dobyns, the former of whom was born in Montgomery County, Va., of English and German descent, and the latter was born in Clermont County, Ohio, of English descent. His father was the son of Dangerfield Dobvns, a native of Virginia. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm in his native township, and in addition to a common school education he received a knowledge of several of the higher branches of learning in an academy at Southport, Marion County. In the fall of 1S71, he took up the vocation of a teacher, and was thus engaged for six winters; with the exception of one term in this countv, his labors as a teacher were all performed in Marion County, this state. In the meantime, in the fall of 1870, he entered Bryant & Stratton's Business College, at Indianapolis, in which he graduated in 1871. In 1874 he took up the study of medicine, and in the fall of 1877 he entered the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Indiana, and attended one term. During the vacation which followed, he read medicine in the office of Doctors R. N. and L. L. Todd, of Indianapolis. During the winter of 1878-9 he took his second course of lectures in the Medical College of Indiana, department of Butler University, graduating February 28, 1S79. Shortly after this he went to Kansas, and, in June, 1S79, he located at Arkansas City for the practice of medicine. There he soon be- came initiated into an extensive and lucrative practice. In the month of June, 1SS0, he removed to the town of Hunnewell, Kan., where for a few months he practiced his profession and conducted a drug store. During his entire residence in the State of Kansas, he was the partner of Dr. James T. Shepard, of Arkansas. In January, 1882, he located at Whiteland, only five miles from his birth-place, where lie has since been in the enjoyment of a lucrative practice. Dr. Dobyns is a member of the Indiana State Medical Society, the I. O. 6. F. lodge, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a republican. Though young in his profession, he is very successful, and already has a creditable rank among the leading practitioners of the county. Joseph Dorrell, a well-to-do and influential citizen of White - land, was born in White River Township, this countv, December 12, 1836, and was the son of Jacob and Mary (Alexander) Dor- PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 7S9 rell, who were married in Dearborn Count}', this state, and came to Johnson County about 1832, and settled in White River Township, where both spent the rest of their lives. Our subject was reared on a farm in his native township. His early education, considering the very limited advantages, was thorough and complete. He was married in White River Township, January 14, 185S, to Louisa Dot} - ; she is also a native of White River Township, born Febru- ary r, 1S37, and daughter of Samuel and Mary (Mitchell) Doty, who were respectively natives of Virginia and Tennessee. In the spring after his marriage Mr. Dorrell located on a farm in Pleasant Township, upon which he pursued the vocation of a farmer until 1S65. On the 17th day of February of that year, he entered the service of the Union Army, in Company E, One Hundred and Fortv-eighlh Indiana Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war. He received an honorable discharge at Nash- ville, Term., September 5, 1865. He then returned to this county, and in the fall of 1865, he removed with his family to Howard County, this state. In the fall of 1S67 he returned to Johnson County and located on the farm he had previously occupied, in Pleasant Township. He has resided in that township ever since, with the exception of about a year and a half, which was spent on the old homestead in White River Township. In about 18S2, he removed to the town of Whiteland, where he has resided ever since. He was one of the foremost men who perfected the organization of the Whiteland Fruit Packing Company, of which he is a director and one of the heaviest stockholders. The marriage of Mr. Dorrell has resulted in the birth of live children: Mary L., born January 15, 1859; Julia M., July 16, 1S61; Samuel A., June 15. 1866; Tillie A., November 29, 1872, and Eflie May, December 13, 1881, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrell are members of the Methodist Church. In politics, Mr. Dorrell is independent. He is the owner of two farms, one of eighty-seven and one-half acres, in Pleasant Township, and one of forty acres, in White River Township. He is an influential and prosperous citizen, and he and wife are highly respected. Garrard D. Eccles, a citizen of Pleasant Township, is a native of Mercer County, Ky., born March 3, 1820, and was the son of Samuel and Jane (Darland) Eccles, who were respectively natives of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. His father was born March 15, 17S8, andwas the son of Joseph and Jane (Carr) Eccles, both of whom were natives of Ireland. His mother was born January 22, 17S5, and was the daughter of Garrard Darland, who was a native of Scotland. His parents were married in Mercer Count}-, Ky., about 181 5. They emigrated from Mercer Count}-, 79O JOHXSOX COUNTY. Ky., to Johnson County, Ind., in 1835, an d located on the farm our subject now occupies, in Pleasant Township, which has been his home ever since, and where his parents both spent the rest of their lives. His mother died Novem- ber 5, 1853, and his father died August 30, 1859. At the age of twenty he took up the carpenter's trade.' This was finished in due time, and furnished his chief employment for a number of years. He also occasionally worked some upon the farm. In 1843, he and his brother, Joseph, went to the State of Iowa. They started on the 14th day of February, and reached Washington County, Iowa, some time in March. During the three seasons following this, our subject was employed breaking prairie land in Washington and Johnson counties, that state. In 1846, he returned to this county, but in 1854, he wentto Washington, Tazwell Co., Ills., where, for three years, he worked at the carpenter's trade and clerked in a store. He then returned to the old Eccles homestead, where he has resided ever since. Since 1858, his un- divided attention has been given to farming. He has owned the old homestead himself since 1859. He was married December 9, 1857, to Mary G. Lemasters. She was born in Pleasant Town- ship, this county, November 14, 1833, and was the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Alexander) Lemasters. Her father was born in Virginia, November 14, 1805, and was the son of Richard and Gemima Lemasters. Her mother was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Crary) Alexander, the former of whom was a na- tive of Kentuckv. Her parents were married in Pleasant Town- ship, in 1828. Her mother died in Pleasant Township in April, 1843. Her father died in White River Township, in August, 1870. Mr. and Mrs. Eccles are the parents of three children, as follows: Samuel B., born November 15, 1858; Albert C, October 20, 1861, and John C, January 25, 1S64, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Eccles, and all of their children, are members of the Presby- terian Church. In politics, Mr. Eccles is a staunch democrat; he has served his township in the capacity of assessor two terms. Mr. Eccles owns a farm of 144^2 acres of land, about 100 of which are in cultivation. W. Elmore Fitzpatrick, a prosperous business man of Whiteland, is a native of Clark Township, this county, born De- cember 27, 1854, and is the son of Salem D. and Mary E. (Shaf- fer) Fitzpatrick; the former of whom was born in Shelby ville, Shelbv Co., Ky., and the latter was born in Franklin Township, this county. His boyhood was spent on a farm, and he received in the district schools a knowledge of the ordinarv branches of learning. At fifteen years of age he became engaged in the pro- PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 7 9 I duce business, having entered the employ of his cousin, R. S. Fitz- patrick. For him he traveled on a salary for a period of nearly ten years, through the States of Indiana and Illinois. The nature of his work was to purchase large quantities of produce for the New York City market. The trips he made to this city were very frequent, making sometimes as man}- as forty in one year. He became the partner of R. S. Fitzpatrick in 1881, and continued in that business with headquarters at Indianapolis until the 3 ear 1884. In September of that 3-ear he opened up a general store at Whiteland, this count}', which he has conducted ever since. His store is well stocked, and he is in the enjoyment of a liberal trade. Mr. Fitzpatrick was married November 25, 1879, to Mary A. Car- son. She was born in Pleasant Township, this county, December 23, 1S5S, and was the daughter of Daniel C. and Mary J. (Graham) Carson. She died January 24, 1SS1, and on the 31st of May, 1S83, Mr. Fitzpatrick was married at Indianapolis, to Mrs. Laura L. Smith. She was born in Sugar Creek Township, Shelby County, this state, July 7, 1855, and was the daughter of Henry and Margaret E. (McPherson) Gird. She was married to William O. Smith, October 16, 1S73. The first marriage of Mr. Fitzpatrick resulted in the birth of one child, a son, who died unnamed. The first marriage of Mrs. Fitzpatrick resulted in the birth of one child, Bertrand Lee Smith, born December 19, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and son, Bertrand, are members of the Baptist Church. In politics, our subject is an uncompromising re- publican. He is a successful business man, and he and wife are very highly respected. David N. Foster, a farmer and stock-dealer of Pleasant Township, was born in Clark Township, this county, November 21, 1843, and was the son of Henry and Permelia A. (Barngrover) Foster, both of whom were natives of Ohio. His father was the son of Christian Foster, and his mother was the daughter of Six Barngrover, who was born in Germany, but who was sent to Amer- ica when he was but six years old. That was during the Rev- olutionary War. He fell in with the British soldiers, who named him Six. Our subject was reared on a farm in his native township. He was married in Greenwood, this county, April 18, 1867, to Fan- nie McGuire. She was born in the city of Indianapolis, February 26, 1844, and was the daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Stagg) McGuire; the former was born in Versailes, Woodford County, Ky.; the latter was born in Harrodsburg, Harrison Co., Ky. For a short time after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Foster resided" in Clark Town- ship. The} - then removed to the farm they now occupy. Thev have now resided there continuously for twenty years. He buys and sells 79 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. a large amount of live-stock, and makes a specialty of dealing in fine horses. There is scarcely anything in any branch of merchandise, but what he deals in. He and wife have had eight children, as follows: Millie Grace, born September 16, 1868; Lizzie Gertrude, August 7, 1871; Dora Lellie, March 28, 1873, deceased; John Morrison, October 11, 1875: Julia Alice, De- cember 17, 1S77; Jessie Hannah, January 23, 1880; Dollie May, April 19, 1882; Guy Chester, June 11, 1885. The wife of Mr. Foster is a member of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Foster is a republican. He owns about 100 acres of land, which is well improved. Samuel Gregg, one of the well-to-do farmers of Pleasant Township, was born in Scott County, Ky., January 11, 1S30, the son of George W. and Mary (McMurtry) Gregg, both of whom were also natives of Kentucky. When he was but nine months old his parents came to Indiana and located in Rush County, where his boyhood and youth were spent on a farm. In winter he at- tended the district school, receiving a good knowledge of the ordi- nary branches of learning. He was married January 13, 1853, to Harriet Myers, daughter of Henry and Hannah (Salisbury) Myers. She was born February 26, 1S34, m R- usn County, this state, and was reared and married there. Her father and mother were respectively natives of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. For a period of five years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Gregg re- sided in Rush County. In January, 185S, they removed to John- son Count}-, and they have ever since occupied their present home. The entire attention of Mr. Gregg is given to agriculture and the raising of live-stock. He owns a fine farm of 112 acres, about eighty-five of which are well-improved and in a high state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg have had five children, as fol- lows: Harley E., born December 9, 1853, deceased; Manson D., June 27, 1857; Orlando L., September 21, 1859; Frances O., August 30, 1864, deceased; George J., December 8, 1S66, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg are members of the Christian Church. Their two sons are also members of the same church. In politics, Mr. Gregg is an ardent republican. He is a prosperous farmer, an in- telligent man, and he and Mrs. Gregg are among their township's respected citizens. James M. Howard, a citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Switzerland County, Ind., August 19, 1840, and was the son of John W. and Aletha (March) Howard, both of whom were natives of the State of Kentucky. He grew to manhood in his native county on the old homestead, and was married in that county, Jan- uary 24, 1866, to Lydia Rayl; she is also a native of Switzerland PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 793 County, born December 29, 1S45, and was the daughter of Eli and Elizabeth (Lineback) Ravi, both of whom were natives of Switzerland Countv. Mr. and Mrs. Howard began their married life in Switzerland County, but in August, 1867, they came to this countv, and located on the farm they now occupy. The entire at- tention of Mr. Howard has been given to farming. His farm contains 140 acres, about ninety of which are in cultivation. It contains a handsome residence, and is substantially improved. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have had six children: Authur, born November 16, 1866, deceased; Amrai U., January 26,1868; Clara B., No- vember 2, 1S69; Clarence E., September 3, 1874, deceased; Stella V., January 13, 1S79, and Grace, December 12, 18S0. Out- subject and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Howard is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having reached the Roval Arch degree. In politics, he is a republican. He is one of the prosperous farmers of his township, and he and wife are among its best citizens. Captain Gideon Johnson, a retired farmer, and prominent citi- zen of Whiteland, was born in Clark County, this state, November 14, 1829, and was the son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Mosley) Johnson, the former of whom was born in Maryland, in November, 1763, and was the son of Jonathan Johnson. By occupation his father was a farmer. He served in the Revolutionar}' War three years. His death occurred in Scott County, lnd., May 31, 1S47. The mother of our subject was born in Scott County, Ky., July 25, 1798, and died in Scott County, lnd., in October, 1S60. Our sub- ject's early life was spent on a farm. He received a good common school education, and at the age of twenty-one he took up the voca- tion of a farmer in Scott Count}', and continued to follow that pur- suit in that county until July, 1S62, when he became a Union soldier in Company K, Sixty-sixth Indiana Regiment, with which he served till the close of the war. He enlisted as a private, but was soon promoted to second lieutenant, and served in this capac- ity one year. He was then given the rank of first lieutenant and quartermaster, and eight months later, or in November, 1863, he was made captain of his company, and served as such to the end of the war. He was in the battle of Richmond, Ky., the siege of Atlanta, and several other smaller engagements. He commanded his company July 22 and 28, 1864, in the battle of Atlanta, the march to the sea, and the many engagements attending and fol- lowing this march. He received an honorable discharge at Indian- apolis, June 15, 1865. He then resumed farming in Scott County, and remained there until 1876, during which time he served as county commissioner two terms. In 1876 he came to Johnson 794 JOHNSON COUNTY. County and located in Whiteland. Two and one half years later he removed to his farm one mile and a half north of that place. In November, 1887, he retired from the farm, and again became a resident of Whiteland, where he now resides. Mr. Johnson was married December 7, 184S, to Martha B. Wilson. She was born in Scott County, Ind., December 22, 1827, and was the daughter of Hugh A. and Margaret E. (Dickey) Wilson. She was thrown from a wagon in a runawav, July 19, 187S, and was instantly killed. He was married March 3, 1S79, to Mary M. Duke. She was born in Morgan County, Ind., and was the daughter of George and Mary ^Brunnemer) Duke. Mrs. Mary Johnson died April 6, 1879, on h r tNV0 weeks after her marriage. On the 27th day of November, 1S79, Mr. Johnson was married to Eliza E. Duke, who was a cousin of his second wife, and who was born in Morgan County, Ind., Januar}- 15, 1844, and was the daughter of William and Nancy (Glassburn) Duke, who were na- tives of Virginia. Mr. Johnson is the father of eleven children, as follows: Albinus A., born February 8, 1852; Mary S., August 20, 1853; Sarah L., December 25, 1855; Martha F., May 22, 1858; James A., January 11, i860; David B., November 12, 1S61; Gideon E., May 11, 1866; Hugh E., October 12, 1867; Willie R., December 5, 1SS0; Daisy M., November 16, 1S82, and Ora O., October 4, 18S4; all of whom are living. The first eight are the children of his first wife, and the last three are the children of his present wife. Captain Johnson is a member of the Methodist Church, and the Masonic lodge, and the Grand Army. In politics, he is a republican. He has served as justice of the peace in Pleasant Township, one term. In 1S86 he was the candidate of his part}- for the state legislature, but failed to overcome an op- posing majority. Three of the sons of Mr. Johnson, Albinus A., James A. and David B., are graduates of colleges, the first and last of Depauw University, and James A. of the Northwestern Uni- versity, of Evanston, 111. Albinus A. Johnson is now president of the Texas Wesleyan College, of Fort Worth, Tex. These three sons are all ordained ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Grafton Johnson, late of Qreenwood, this county, was born in Mercer County, K\\, December 14, 1819, and was the son of James and Mary (Taylor) Johnson, who were respectively natives of North Carolina and Virginia. While he was yet a small boy, his parents came to this state and located in Brookville, Franklin County, and later on, in his youth, he accompanied them to Miami County, this state, the family locating on a farm near Peru. In addition to a common school education, he received two years' in- struction in Franklin College. In his early manhood, he located PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 795 at Greenwood, this county, where, soon afterward, he engaged in mercantile pursuits; for thirty-six years he was extensively engaged in the retail of general merchandise. He accumulated consider- able property, and, at the time of his death, he was one of the county's wealthiest men. His marriage occurred near Greenwood, February 21, 1859. The lady that became his wife was Miss Julia A. Noble, daughter of George and Louisa (Can by) Noble, who came to this state from Boone County, Ky., in about 1S31. This mar- riage resulted in the birth of eight children, as follows: Mary L., born August 22, 1S60; George T., August 3, 1861, deceased; Charlotte I., June 6, 1863; Grafton, September 14, 1864; Julia N., June 27, 1S67; Grace, August 10, 1S69; Martha E., October 10, 1870, deceased, and J. Albert, November 6, 1871. The eldest child, Mary L., is a graduate of Depauw University, and is now the wife of H. B. Longden, professor of Latin in that institution; Charlotte I. is the wife of Thomas B. Felder, an attorney at law, of Dublin, Ga.; Grafton is a graduate of Franklin College; Julia N. is a graduate of Wellesley College, and Grace has pursued her studies in both Wellesley College and Depauw University. Mr. Johnson was a member of the Baptist Church, and politically, he was a republican. He was one of the directors of Franklin College, and was a member of the Indianapolis board of trade. He died October 2, 1883. His surviving widow, who is an estimable lady, continues to occupy the family residence in Greenwood. She is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. David Justus, an old and honored citizen of Greenwood, was born in Guilford County, N. C, January 24, 1810, the son of Garrison L. and Tasitis (Purdue) Justice, both of whom were na- tives of Granville County, N. C. His mother died when he was nine years old, and some three or four years later his father came westward to Jennings County, hid. Our subject remained in Guil- ford County, and was employed as a farm hand. In 1S30 he joined his father in Jennings County, this state. November 13, 1830, he married Minerva, daughter of Edward Wilson. For a period of nearly twenty years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Justus re- sided in Jennings County, and during the first fifteen years of this time he was engaged at farming. In about 1846, he became em- ployed as section hand on the Madison & Indianapolis R. R. In the fall of 1850, he removed his family to Pleasant Township, this county, with the intention of resuming agricultural pursuits. He had hardly settled in this county, when he was waited upon by the superintendent of the Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, who urged him to take charge of the road between Greenwood and Franklin as section foreman. He accepted this position, and during 796 JOHNSON COUNTY. the ten years which followed he gave his whole attention to rail- roading. His labors finally extended to various parts of the road, and he frequently had in his charge as many as fifty men. Some idea of the appreciation of his services may be had from the fact that his wages were increased from 75 cents per day without board, to $3.25 per day with board. In 1859 he retired from the road and resumed the management of his farm near Greenwood, and has given his attention to its management ever since. It contains 153 acres, of which 130 acres are in cultivation. It is splendidly improved, and is situated on the pike just one mile and a half east of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Justus passed their golden wedding anniversary November 13, 1880, and they were permitted to re- main together until December 24, 1S83, when the hand of death removed Mrs. Justus from earth. Since her death Mr. Justus has made his home with his daughter. Mrs. Peas, of Indianapolis, and with his sons, Sylvester and Marquis L. Justus, of Greenwood. He and wife had a family of twelve children: William L., Rebecca, Sarah A., Alanson L., Sylvester, Elizabeth, Catharine, Daniel, Melissa J., Marquis L., David and Edward W., of whom Elizabeth, Daniel and Melissa J., are deceased. In politics, Mr. Justus is a republican. His first presidential vote was cast for Jackson. He is now in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Marquis L. Justus, of Greenwood, was born in Pleasant Township, this county, November 27, 1851, and is the son of David G. Justus, a history of whom appears elsewhere in this work. He was reared on his father's farm, and received a com- mon school education. In the fall of 1871, he became employed in a wheel factory in Indianapolis, and was thus engaged three months. He then returned home, and on the 14th of November, 1872, he was married to Miss Fannie Shryock. She was born February 22, 1856, in Kentucky, the daughter of Hillery and Mary (Lewis) Shryock, who were natives of Kentucky. For two years after his marriage, Mr. Justus was engaged at farming. For a period of five years following he was employed on the J., M. & I. Railroad. On the 10th of January, 1888, he entered the employ of his brother, Sylvester Justus, and now acts as salesman in his gen- eral store at Greenwood. He and wife have had a family of seven children, as follows: Katie, Hallie, Mamie, deceased, Ethel, Charles E., Chester D., and a daughter, who died in infancy, un- named. Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The former is a member of the I. O. O. F lodge, and is a republican in politics. Sylvester Justus, of the firm of S. Justus & Co., of Green- wood, was born in Jennings County, this state, April 5, 1S40, and PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 797 was the son of David and Minerva (Wilson) Justus, both of whom were natives of Guilford Count}', N. C. When he was ten years old his parents came to this county and located in Pleasant Town- ship, where the youth of our subject was spent on a farm. In August, 1S61, he entered the service of the Union Army in Com- pany G, Third Cavalry, Forty-fifth Indiana Regiment, with which he served until the 3rd of August, 1864, when his term of enlist- ment expired. He was captured at La Verne, Term., in 1862, but was immediately paroled. In the latter part of June, 1864, he was captured, but was fortunate enough to make his escape during the following night. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, Resaca, Nashville, the siege of Atlanta, and many other en- gagements of less importance. From this service he returned to this county and engaged in the harness business in Greenwood. August 3, 1869, he was married to Adelia A. Brewer, who was born in Pleasant Township, this county, March 25, 1851, and was the daughter of David G. and Mary (Commangore) Brewer, who were natives of Kentucky. Mr. and Mr. Justus entered upon their married life on a farm in Pleasant Township, where the former was engaged in agricultural pursuits for a period of six years. He then operated a tile factory at Greenwood two years. March, 1882, he launched in mercantile pursuits, in Greenwood, but sold his stock at about the end of one month, and soon afterward he became the proprietor of a lively and feed barn in that place, to which his attention was given until September 1, 18S7. In January, 1888, he, in connection with his father and brother, Marquis L. Justus, opened a general store in Greenwood, which now has a creditable rank among the leading enterprises in that place. The firm name is Justus & Co. The marriage of Mr. Justus has re- sulted in the birth of seven children : Leola, Bertie, Bessie, Oma, Edith, Tasitis and Mary, of whom Leola, Bertie and Oma are de- ceased. Mr. and Mrs. Justus are members of the Baptist Church. The former is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. lodges. James II. Kelly, one of Pleasant Township's progressive far- mers, was born in Franklin Tow'nship, September 12, 1838, and was the son of Madison and Eliza (Patterson) Kelly; the former of whom was born in Washington County, Ya., in 1809, and was the son of Anthony and Betsey ( Henderson) Kelly, who were re- spectively natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania. Madison Kelly accompanied his parents to Clark County, "this state, where, in about the year 1S31, he was married to Eliza Patterson. He removed with his family to Johnson Count)- about 1837, and spent the rest of his life in Franklin Township. His first wife died in Septem- ber, 1850. He was afterward married to Mrs. Bathsheba Tay- 7 the farm where he now lives. March n, 1853. He is the only liv- ing child of Robert and Louisa E. (Clem) Smith. He was reared on the old Smith homestead, working on the farm in summer and at- tending the district school in winter. When he was twenty years old his father died, after which he took up the vocation of a far- mer for himself on the old home place, and his entire attention is given to that pursuit. lie was married March 11, 1879, to Mattie C. Demaree. She was born on a farm near Hopewell, November 11, 1S59, and is the daughter of William W. and Lydia A. (Car- nine) Demaree, whose history will be found elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of two children: William F., born Feb- ruary 7, 1SS0, and Ezra A.. January 8, 1S86, both of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and son Willie, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Jeremiah W. Smith, a citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in White River Township, this county, June 25, 1840, and was the son of Joseph and Nancy (Lacy) Smith, both of whom were na- tives of Fayette County, Ind. Nancy Smith was born in Fayette County, Ind., May 2, 1S12, and is the daughter of Charles and Martha Lacy, natives of North Carolina and South Carolina, re- spectively. They were early settlers of Indiana. Mrs. Smith was married to Abner Liones. One child, a daughter, named Martha, was bom unto the marriage. The father died in 1831, and in 1835, the mother married Joseph Smith, the son of Tobias and Martha Smith. He was of Virginia parentage; he was born in Fayette County, Ind., in 1813, and died in Johnson County, Ind., in 1882. The following are her children: Mary, Rebecca, Jere- miah W. and Nancy J. He grew to manhood on the old home- stead, and was married in Marion County, Ind., October 4, i860, to Martha A. Ballenger. She was born in Wayne County, Ind., September 27, 1837, and was the daughter of Edward B. and Mar- garet (Thompson) Ballenger, natives of Virginia and North Caro- lina. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Smith located on the farm they now occupy, where they have resided ever since. The entiie attention of Mr. Smith is riven to farming. He and wife are the parents of one child: Maggie M., born August 27, 1861. She is now the wife of John F. Crawford, of Greenwood, whose sketch appears elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The former is a member of the I' . & A. M., I. O. O. F. and K. of H. lodges, and is a republican in politics. In 1S84, he was the candidate of his party for county commissioner. He is cfn influential man, and he and wife are highly respected. Mrs. Louisa E. Smith, of Pleasant Township, was born in PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 819 Gallatin County, Ky., July 30, 1827, and was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy (Shepherd) Clem, the former of whom was born in Honey County, Ky., and was the son of Philip and Phebe (Miller) Clem. The latter was the daughter of James and Elizabeth (Hill) Shepherd. Isaa*c Clem was born Jul}- iS, 1794. and died in Miami County, this state, in December, 1880. Nancy Shepherd was born March 17, 1 791, and died in Pleasant Township, September 3, 1847. When our subject was four years old her parents came to Johnson County, and located in Pleasant Township, where she grew to womanhood, and where she was married to Robert Smith, April 21, i8S2. He was born in Grayson County, Va., June 26, 1808, and was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Black) Smith, both of whom were born in Grayson Count} , Va., the former in 1760. After their marriage the}' settled on a part of what is now the Smith farm, and in that vicinity Mr. Smith pursued the voca- tion of a farmer until his death. In his early manhood he taught school a number of years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was a local preacher for over twenty- five years. He was a republican in politics, and died May 4, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Smith's marriage resulted in the birth of five children: Isaac F., born March 11, 1853; Sarah E., August n, 1S55, deceased; and three others, two sons and one daughter, died unnamed. Mrs. Smith has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church ever since she was fourteen years old. She still resides on the old homestead. [SAAC T. Tinkle, a successful farmer and respected citizen of Pleasant Township, was born June 15, 1824, in Preble County, Ohio, being the son of Henry and Martha (Young) Tinkle; the former a native of Virginia, and the latter a native of West Vir- ginia. His paternal grandparents came to America from Germain'. When he was nine years old his parents came to Indiana and located in Carroll County, where he grew to manhood on a farm, and where he was married August 28, 1845, to Mahala Dowden; she was a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, born August 27, 1S24, and was the daughter of Augustus Dowden. After his marriage, Mr. Tinkle pursued the vocation of a farmer in Carroll County until the year 18S2, when he removed to Clinton County, this state, where his first wife died. November 19, 1S83, he was married to Mrs. Elizabeth J. West, who was born in this county April 20, 1841, and was the daughter of Lemuel and Sidney (Crow) Tilson, who were both natives of West Virginia. She was married to John West December 25, 1870. He died December 2, 187S, after which his surviving wife remained a widow until her marriage to Mr. Tinkle. The first marriage of Mr. Tinkle resulted in 'he birth of ten child- 52 820 JOHNSON COUNTY. ren, as follows: Mary J., January n, 18^7 ; Lewis A., December 7, 1848; Caroline, March 2d is the daughter of Thomas and Sarah F. (Tracy) McClain, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. Immediately after their mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Trout begati housekeeping on a farm in Pleas- ant Township, upon which they resided until in March, 1863. At that time they removed to their present home, which is in Section 21, of the some township. Mr. and Mrs. Trout have had a family of nine children: Solomon A., born September S, 1856; James T., March 31, 1858; Samuel N., April 17, r86o; Jonathan J., Septem- ber 6, 1S62: Calvin E., August 15, 1864; Martha A., January 12, 1S67; William D., August 1, 1870; Adolphus F., August 13, 1872, and Robert E., September 1, 1877, all of whom are living. The whole attention of Mr. Trout is given to farming, and the breeding of stock. Besides excellent specimens of other kinds of stock, he is the owner of a fine thoroughbred norman stallion, that was im- ported from France in 1886, and for which he paid $1,500. He owns a splendid farm of 180 acres in a good state of improvement, and which is very desirably situated. He is one of the substantial and influential men of his township, and one of its progressive and prosperous farmers. Mrs. Delilah Trout, of Pleasant Township, was born in Clark Township, January 3, 1844, and was the daughter of Jack- son and Sarah (Parr) Williams, both of whom were natives of Tennessee. She grew to womanhood in her native township, and was married there January 26, 1859, to John G. Calvin. He was born in this county, January 9, 1S33. They began housekeeping PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 82 O in Clark Township. Mr. Calvin served in the Union Army one year. About 1863, he and wife removed to Morgan County, but Mr. Calvin's health was very poor, and while visiting with relatives in Clark Township in 1864, he died on the 26th day of April. He left one child: San Francisco, born December 14, i860. In 1866, on the 6th day of September, Mrs. Calvin was married to Benja- min G. Trout. He was born in this count}', January 6, 1842, and was the son of Abram and Rebecca (Garrett) Trout who were na- tives of Virginia. After this marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Trout settled on a farm in Franklin Township. In 1S72, they removed to Pleasant Township, where Mr. Trout pursued farming until March 8, 1SS1, when he died. Her last marriage resulted in the birth of three children: Warren W., born October 20, 1867; Harry, January 31. 1S69, and Jackson, August 5, 1S72, all of whom are living. Mrs. Trout is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. She owns eighty acres of good land, which is well improved, and most of which is in cultivation. She is very highly esteemed and respected bv all who know her. Mr. Trout served in the Union Army three years. Cornelius A. B. Vanarsdall, a retired farmer and promi- nent citizen of Whiteland, was born in Mercer County, Ky., Octo- ber 3, 1823, and was the son of Simon and Catharine (Whitenack) Vanarsdall, both of whom were also natives of Mercer County, Ky. His father was born December 22, 1799, and was the son of Cornelius A. B. and Mary (Brewer) Vanarsdall. Simon Vanars- dall died in Franklin Township, November 14, 1S82. The mother of our subject was born June 11, 1803, and was the daughter of Henry and Eva (Terhune) Whitenack; she died in Franklin Town- ship, August 14, 1875. When the subject of this sketch was but four years old, his parents emigrated from Mercer County, Ky., to Johnson County, Ind., and located on a tract of land in the northern part of Franklin Township, in September, 1827, a time when the woods still abounded with wolves and game. The tract of land on which his parents located, was developed into a farm, and upon this the father and mother spent the rest of their lives. Our sub- ject spent his boyhood and youth helping to clear and cultivate the farm. He was married November 25, 1847, to Nancy J. Clem. She was born in Henry County, Ky., September 24, 183 1, and was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy (Shepherd) Clem, the former of whom was born in Henry County, Ky., in 1797, and was the son of Philip and Phebe (Miller) Clem. He died in Miami County, Ind., December 27, 1881. Her mother was born in Shelby Countv, Ky., March 17, 1792. She died in Pleasant Town- ship, "September 2, 1847. After his marriage, Mr. Vanarsdal 824 JOHNSON COUNTY. pursued the vocation of a farmer until the fall of 1SS4. On the 10th day of October, 1884, he and wife retired from the farm, and have since resided in Whiteland, where the}' have a beautiful home. They have had five children, as follows: Nancy C, born October 20, 1849; M- a »&' e J-> J une 5> I ^5 1 '-, William D., April 22, 1853; Sarah E., March 5, 1855, deceased, and Samuel E., February 3, 1S57. Mr. and Mrs. Vanarsdall are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Vanarsdall is one of the county's thoroughly reliable men, and he and wife are among its honored and respected citizens. William D. Vanarsdall, a prosperous young farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in Franklin Township, April 22, 1853, and was the son of Cornelius A. B. and Nancy J. (Clem) Vanars- dall, a history of whom is given elsewhere. When he was three years years old his parents removed to Pleasant Township, in which his boyhood and youth were spent on a farm. He received a good knowledge of the ordinary branches of learning, and at the age of twenty-one he took up the vocation of a farmer for himself, in Pleasant Township. In 1S82, he removed to Franklin Township, but in the fall. of 1886 he returned to Pleasant Township, and lo- cated on the farm he now occupies. He owns a good farm of sev- enty-nine acres, about fifty-two of which are in cultivation. It contains a good new frame residence, and is in other respects well improved. Besides farming he gives considerable attention to saw- milling', and to the business of grain threshing. He was married August 26, 1S74, to Cynthia Adams. She was born on a farm two and one-half miles south of Franklin, September 19, 1855, and was the daughter of James C. and Rebecca P. (Voris) Adams. Our subject and wife have had five children: Gustin O., born August 10, 1876; Cornelia J., February 15, 1878; William E., March 1, 18S0; Arvil D., March 19, 1SS1, and Charles T., September 11, 1887, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Vanarsdall belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Vanarsdall is a successful and prosperous farmer, and he and wife are highly respected. Dominicus Van Dyke, one of Pleasant Township's honorable and respected citizens, is the son of Peter and Ady (Blue) Van Dyke, both of whom were natives of Somerset County, N. J. He was born in Franklin Count v, this state, July 30, 1S18, and spent his boyhood there on a farm. His parents removed to Rush County, Ind., when he was fourteen years of age, and in this count}- his youth was spent assisting to clear and cultivate a farm. Owing to the very limited advantages for schooling in those days, his early education was quite limited. Bv reading, in later years, however, he has somewhat mitigated the lack of a good education. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 825 He was married in Rush County, this state, November 19, 1S37, ' to Nancy, daughter of Henry and Hannah (Salisbury ) Myers, born in Lewis County, Ky., September 13, 1816. When she was eight years old her parents came to this state and settled in Rush County, where she grew to womanhood. In January following their mar- riage, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke came to Johnson County, and re- sided for one year in Pleasant Township. They then returned to Rush County and resided there on a farm for seven years. In iS|5, they again came to this county, and have ever since occupied their present home. The life occupation of Mr. Van Dyke has been farming. He owns a well-improved farm of no acres, about eighty of which are in cultivation. The marriage of Mr. Van Dvke resulted in the birth of two children, a son and daughter, who died in infancy, unnamed, and George P., born January 12, 1849, deceased, and John H., December 12, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke are members of the Christian Church. In politics, he is a republican. He is one of the influential and well-to-do men of his township, and he and wife are among its highly respected citizens. Andrew W. Vorhies, a farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in the township in which he resides, April 6, 1835, and was the son of Isaac B. and Rachel B. (Whitenack) Vorhies, both of whom were natives of Mercer County, Ky- His father was born August 10, 1801, and was the son of Jacob and Margaret Vorhies. His mother was born September 28, 1801, and was the daughter of Abram and Ann Whitenack. His parents were married in Mercer County, Ky., July 21, 1825. They came to Johnson Count}' and settled in Pleasant Township in 1827. They after- ward removed to White River Township, where both spent the rest of their lives, the father dying March 29, 1871, and the mother December 25, 1879. The subject of this sketch was, perhaps, four or five years old when his parents removed to White River Township. He grew to manhood in that township, but in April, 1861, he located in Pleasant Township, and there resided until December, 1866. He then removed to White River Township, but in August, 186S, he returned to Pleasant Township, and settled where he now resides. His entire attention has been snven to agricultural pursuits. He owns eighty-two acres of good land, which is well improved, and fifty-five of which are in cultivation. Mr. Vorhies was married October 10, i860, to Fannie Neiman. She was born in Dauphin Count}-, Penn., December 19, 1839, and was the daughter of George and Mary (Franks) Neiman, botli of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. Her mother was born April 20, 1808, and died March 29, 1842. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Vorhies has resulted in the birth of six children: Mary A., 826 JOHNSON COUNTY. born September 24, 1S61: Isaac H., December 17, 1S63: Elizabeth E., September 12, 1S66, deceased; Ollie F., April 22, 1S6S, de- ceased; Bertie A.. October 7, 1876, and Maudie May. November 22, 1S81. Mr. Vorhies is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the Knights of Honor lodge. He is an industrious and successful farmer, and he and wife are good citizens. William II. Yoris, a farmer of Pleasant Township, was born near his present home, December 21, 1847, and was the son of Abraham B. and Sarah (Lyons) Voris, both of whom were natives of Lexington County, Ky. He was reared on the old Voris home- stead, and on the 1st day of October, 186S, he was married to Elizabeth Rairdon. She was born in Brown County, this state, August 3, 1S50, and was the daughter of Henry and Margaret Rairdon. both of whom were natives of Commercial County, Ky. Ever since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Voris have re- sided in Pleasant Township. The occupation of the former is farming. He owns ninety-four acres of land, nearly all of which is in cultivation. He and wife have had nine children: Maggie M., born March 25, 1870; Arthur D., July 7, 1S72; Charles R., De- cember 16, 1S73, deceased; Dessie P., September 24, 1875, de- ceased; Maud D.. June 16, 1877; Lida J., January 29, 1879; Sallie D., March 31, 1881; Theresa B., August 15, 1883, and Fletie D., August 20, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Voris are members of the Chris- tian Church. John West, deceased, was born October 8, 1817, in Owen County, Ky., and was the son of Van and Sarah (Bourn) West, the former of whom was born February 15, 17S8, and the latter was born September 5, 1798. They were married March 23. 1815. He died March 5, 1S29, and she died October S, 1S32. The sub- ject of this sketch came to Johnson County at the age of twenty- one, and was married here to Karon II. Hendricks, September 29, 1S40. She was born in Franklin Township, this county, and was the daughter of Lewis and Sarah (Lamasters) Hendricks, the former of whom was a second cousin of ex-Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks. After his marriage Mr. West pursued the vocation of a farmer and live-stock dealer, in Franklin Township, until about 1858, when he removed to Pleasant Township. His first marriage resulted in the birth of twelve children: Miner, born June 19, 1S42; Sarah C, December 29, 1844: William C, November 1, 1847; Lucretia J., May 7, 1850; Van A., August 6, 1852; Charles J., September 6, 1856; Dora A., March 17, 1859; James E., June 18, 1S61, deceased; a twin brother of James, who died unnamed; Melvenia, September 1, 1863; Oliver P., April 1, 1866, and a son that died unnamed. Mrs. Karon H. West died PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. S27 August 24, 1S6S. The history of his marriage to Elizabeth Til- son, appears elsewhere. Mr. West was a member of the Baptist Church, and of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges. He died 1 )ecember 2, 1879. Harvey H. Wheatcraft, a well-to-do citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Putnam Count}-, this state, December 8, 1847, and was the son of Malachi and Sophia M. (Bradford) Wheatcraft, a history of whom appears elsewhere in this work. When he was a child his parents removed from Putnam County to Johnson County, and settled on a farm in the northern part of Pleasant Township, where he was reared to manhood. In summer he worked on the farm, and in winter he attended school — at first in a district school, and later, in the public schools of Greenwood. In the fall of 1867, he entered Hartsville University, in which his father had purchased a scholarship. At the close of one term at Hartsville he returned home. In the fall of 1868, he be- came a student in Wabash College, and there pursued his studies two years. Returning home he took up the vocation of a farmer and stock-raiser, to which his attention has entirety been given ever since. He was married March 15, 1877, to Margaretta L. Todd. She is a native of Marion County, this state, born on Christmas day, 1850, the daughter of Thomas J. and Betse\ 7 J. (Duke) Todd, both of whom were natives of Lexington, Ky. For three years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wheatcraft resided on the old Wheatcraft homestead. In 1S80, they removed to the farm they now occupy, which is part of the home farm. They have a farm of ninetv-six acres, about eighty of which are in cultivation. It con- tains a handsome frame residence, and is in other respects substan- tiallv improved. Our subject and wife are the parents of three children, as follows: Bradford T., born December 5, 1877; Oren M.. December 15, 1878, and William B., February 28, 1SS2. Mr. and Mrs. Wheatcraft are members of the Presbyterian Church. The former is a member of the K. of H. lodge, and he and wife are both members of the order of Chosen Friends. In addition to farming our subject gives considerable attention to the breeding of fine stock. He is now the owner of a number of blooded horses, of Blue Bull, Hambletonian and other stocks noted for speed, and his large herd of Jersey cattle is one of the best in the country. He has repeatedly received first premiums at St. Louis fairs and In- diana and Illinois State fairs. Malachi Wheatcraft, deceased, was born in Wayne County, Penn., September 8, 1807, and was the son of Joseph and Rachel (Brothers) Wheatcraft. His paternal grandparents were Edward and Rebecca (Taylor) Wheatcraft. His maternal grand- S2S JOHNSON" COUNTY. parents were Thomas and Nancy (Dever) Brothers, natives of Baltimore County, Md. Joseph Wheatcraft emigrated with his fam- ily from Wayne County, Perm., to Perry County, Ohio, in 1816, and there spent the rest of his life. On the 31st day of January, 1S33, he was married in Licking County, Ohio, to Sophia M. Bradford. She was born in Lincoln County, Me., March 17, 1813, and is a descendant of ex-Governor William Bradford, of Massachusetts. Of her parents, Charles and Elizabeth Bradford, the former was born in Plymouth, Mass., September 14, 1777; about 1804, he was married to Elizabeth Brown. In an early day he immigrated to Licking County, Ohio. In November, 1S34, he removed to Persifer Township, Knox Count}-, Ills., where he spent the rest of his life. He died February 25, 1868, in the ninety-first year of his age. Malachi Wheatcraft and wife entered upon their married life upon a farm in Perry Count v, Ohio. In the fall of 1840, they re- moved to Knox County, Ills. In 1843, they came to the State of Indiana, and located on a farm near Bainbridge, Putnam County. In the year 1850, they removed from Putnam County to Johnson County, and settled on a farm in the northern part of Pleasant Township, where the father pursued the vocation of a farmer until his death on the 19th day of October, 1873. He was a member of the United Brethren Church, and in politics, he was a republican. His surviving widow still continues to occupy the old homestead. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wheatcraft resulted in the birth of ten children, as follows: The first was a son, who died unnamed; Elizabeth R., born April 2, 1836; Eliza J., May 17, 1839; Joseph B., November 1, 1S42, deceased; Harriet H., February 24, 1845, deceased; Har- vey II., December S, 1S47; Malachi, September 7, 1850, deceased; Mary L., October 24, 1852, deceased; the next, a son, who died unnamed, and William C, November 22, 1857. William C Wiikatcraft, a farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in the house he now occupies, November 22, 1857, the son of Malachi and Sophia M. (Bradford) Wheatcraft. He was reared on the old homestead, fifty acres of which he now owns. He was married February 17, 1886, to Ida M. Moore. She was born in Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Kv., April 27, 1858, and was the daughter of John and Josephine (Krutz) Moore. Their marriage has resulted in the birth of one child, Raymond M., born Novem- ber 18, 1886. Mrs. Wheatcraft is a member of the Christian Church. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and both are members of the Society of Chosen Friends. He is a republican. The paternal grandparents of Mrs. Wheatcraft were Dr. John and Martha Temple ^ Elliott) Moore, the former of whom was born in PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. S29 Lexington, Ky., and the latter in Woodford Count}-, Ky. The maternal grandparents of Mrs. Wheatcraft were Edward T. and Ann (Kelso) Krutz, both of whom were natives of Switzerland Count}-, Ind. She died in that county in 1846, and he died near Warsaw, Ky., in 1880. The parents of Dr. John Moore were Rev. James and Betsey (Todd) Moore, the former of whom was a minister in the Presbyterian Church. David S. Whitexack, undertaker and furniture dealer, of Greenwood, and one of the prominent c itizens of that place, was born in Pleasant Township, this county, January 30, 1837, anc ' is the son of Peter and Elmira J. (Harris) Whitenack, who were re- spectively natives of Mercer County, Ky., and Culpepper County, Ya., the "former of Dutch, and the latter of English, descent. He was reared to manhood on the old homestead, where he was born, and in the district school obtained a knowledge of the ordinary branches of learning. Later, he attended Wabash College two years. On the 28th day of December, 1863, he entered the ser- vice of the Union Army, in Company F, Fifth Indiana Cavalry, with which he served until the 31st of July, 1864, when he was captured and made a prisoner of war. His brother, George M. Whitenack, whose history appears below, had become a member of the same company, August 18, 1862, and he also was captured at the same time and place. Both were imprisoned at Ander- sonville. On the 16th of September, 1864, they were removed to the prison at Florence, S. C. Their food was barely sufficient to keep them alive. On the third day of their confinement they suc- ceeded in breaking guard and making their escape. After spend- ing nine days in a fruitless effort to break entirely away, during which time they were pursued by both men and bloodhounds, they were re-captured about 100 miles from Florence, and were lodged in jail at Columbia, S. C, where they were confined six weeks. They were then returned to the prison at Florence, and there con- fined until February 14, 1865, when the entire body of prisoners was removed to Richmond, Va., and paroled on the 2 2d of the month. On regaining their freedom, the Whitenack brothers made their way to Annapolis, Md., where it became necessary for the younger, George M., to enter a hospital. David S. Whitenack determined not to leave his brother in his almost dying condition, so he availed himself of the first opportunity and made off with him on a vessel bound for Baltimore. At that city they took a train for Indianap- olis, whither they arrived on the 4th of March, 1865. Thirty days later the subject of this sketch rejoined his regiment at Pulaski, Tenn., and remained with it until the original members were mustered out. June 27, 1865, he was transferred to the 830 JOHNSON COUNTY. Sixth Indiana Cavalry, and was commissioned as second lieutenant, which rank he held until September 15, 1865, when he was hon- orably discharged at Murfreesboro, Term. From the war. Mr. Whitenack returned to Pleasant Township, and for a number of years he farmed in summer and taught school in winter. In Oc- tober. 1883, lie removed to Greenwood. In the fall of 1S84, he became the proprietor of an undertaking business at that place, which he has successfully conducted ever since. In connection with this, he has also owned and conducted a first-class furniture .store. Mr. Whitenack was married January 1, iS6r, to Sylvia R. Unthank. She was born at Port Roval, this county, April 2S, 1840, and was the daughter ot William S. and Nancy' L. (Moreland) Unthank, who were respectively natives of North Carolina and Kentucky. The mother of Mrs. Whitenack was the daughter of Rev. John R. Moreland. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Whitenack has resulted in the birth of ten children, as follows: Eva J., April 18, 1862; Ida M., April, 1864; Cora S., August 3, 1S66; Laura F., October 7, 1867, deceased; Emma F., December S, 1S69; Nannie E., January 19, 1872; Hattie, January 24, 1874, deceased; Bertha B., April 28, 1875, deceased; Edwin H., July 27, 1877, deceased, and Nellie Mabel, January 5, 18S0. Mr. and Mrs. Whitenack are members of the Presbyterian Church. The former is a member of the K. of H. and G. A. R. In politics, he is an ardent republican, and in 186S he was the candidate of his party for the office of county clerk, but was defeated. He has served as assessor of his township one term. Mr. and Mrs. Whitenack are devoted mem- bers of the church, and take an active part in the work of it, and the Sabbath school. Georue M. Whitenack, a worthy and respected citizen of Pleasant Township, was born on a farm between one and two miles south of Greenwood, December 3, 1S42, and was the son of Peter and Elvira J. (Harris) Whitenack. He was reared on the old homestead and received a common school education. August 18, 1862, he entered the service of the Union Army in Company F, Fifth Indiana Cavalry, and served until July 31, 1S64, when he was taken prisoner near Macon, Ga., and imprisoned at Anderson- ville. He received an honorable discharge at Columbus. Ohio, June 21, 1865. He then returned home and engaged at farming December 20, 1865; he married Elizabeth Park, born in this county November 2, 1845, and was the daughter of James W. and Eliza- beth (Young) Park, who were respectively natives of Kentucky and Indiana. While the chief pursuit of Mr. Whitenack has been farming, he has also, for the past fifteen years, been quite exten- sively engaged in buying and selling poultry. He and wife have PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. S3 1 had a family of ten children, as follows: William L., James H., George M., Fred D., Charles E. and Carrie, who are living; and Minnie, Jessie, Samuel, and a son unnamed, who are deceased. Our subject and wife are members, of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Whitenack is a member of the G. A. R., and, in politics, he is a re- publican. His record, both as a citizen and soldier, is irre- proachable, and his honesty and integrity are unquestioned. Peter Whitenack, one of Johnson County's pioneers, and who for the past fifty-five years has been a resident of Pleasant Township, was born in Mercer County, Ky., February S, 1S06. He was the son of John and Ann (Debon) Whitenack, botli of whom were natives of the State of New Jersey. His father was the son of Andrew Whitenack, and his mother was the daughter of Abram Debon. The boyhood and youth of our subject were spent on a farm in Mercer County, Ky. He was married there to Elvira J. Harris, November 17, 1828. She was born in Culpepper County, A 'a.. March 20, 1806. In 1833, Mr. Whitenack removed with his family to this county and settled in Pleasant Township, in which he now resides. His occupation throughout his life has been farming. He owns a farm of 190 acres, which is in a good state of improve- ment and cultivation. His first marriage resulted in the birth of eight children, as follows: John J., born February 8, 1830, deceased; Harriet F., October 1, 1831; Elizabeth A., February 20, 1834, de- ceased; David S., January 30, 1S37; Sarah J., July 2, 1839; George M., December 3, 1842; Man* E., January 30, 1845, and Martha G., April 3, 1849. The mother of these children died March 29, i860. About eight years later Mr. Whitenack was married to Margaret Van Horn, his present wife; she was born in Pennsylvania, and was the daughter of Robert and Margaret Van Horn. This latter marriage has resulted in the birth of one child, Edith, who is a graduate of the Greenwood high school, and who is now preparing herself for the teacher's profession. For a num- ber of years prior to her death the first wife of Mr. Whitenack was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, of which, also, he and his present wife are members. Daultin Wilson, a druggist of Greenwood, and the present postmaster of that place, was born on a farm in Pleasant Township, May 2, 1844, the son of William and Jane (Todd) Wilson, who were repcctively natives of North Carolina and Kentucky. He was reared on the old homestead, and in addition to a common school education, he attended Franklin College between one and two years. In January, 1865, he entered Bryant & Stratton's Busi- ness College, at Indianapolis, in which he remained three months, and during that time obtained a knowledge of telegraphy. In 832 JOHNSON COUNTY. April, 1865, he took a position as operator for the J. ,M. & I. R. R., and as agent for the Adams Express Co., at Franklin, this county, and continued there three years. In April, 1S6S, he and his brother-in-law, C. II. Myers, opened a store in this county, where Mr. Wilson continued in business until March, 1S71. About the 15th of that month he accepted the agency of the J., M. & I. Railroad, at Greenwood, and continued in that until in November, 1882. Earlv in i8S2 he began the erection of a brick business block in Greenwood, and on the first day of June of that year, he opened in it a drug store, to which his attention has since been given. He was married October 25, 1870, to Miss Lizzie F. Polk, daughter of William and Sarah (Shoptaugh) Polk, who were both born in Nelson Countv, Kv., in 1805. Mrs. Wilson was born in Bullitt Countv, Kv., June 16, 1848. Their marriage has resulted in the birth of five children: Susie P., Burr L., Cliffie H., Bessie D. and Harry, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Wilson is a staunch democrat. He was elected trustee of Pleasant Town- ship in the spring of 1SS0, and was re-elected in the spring of 1882. He was appointed postmaster of Greenwood, July 10, 18S5, and has performed the duties of that position since August 3, of that year. James D. Wilson, a successful farmer and prosperous citizen of Pleasant Township, is a native of Guilford County, N. C, born March 3, 1828, being the son of Edward and Ann (Billingsly) Wil- son, both of whom were natives of North Carolina. When he was a child his parents emigrated westward to Johnson Countv, and located on a tract of land in Pleasant Township. Our subject has ever since continued to reside on the same tract. During his early life he was employed upon the farm in summer, and was occasionallv per- mitted to attend the district school in winter. At about the age of twentv-one he took up the carpenter's trade, and to it his attention was given for some six or seven years. He then turned his atten- tion to the vocation of a farmer and stock-raiser, to which it has since entirely been given. lie owns a farm of no acres, about seventv-five of which are in cultivation. It is in a good state of im- provement, and is very desirablv situated. On the third day of De- cember, 1S57, he was married to Susan C. Oldham. She was born in Rush Count}', Ind., April 25, 1838, and was the daugh- ter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wilson) Oldham, who were respect- ively' natives of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have had seven children, as follows: Laura B., born December 4. 1858 (married Granville R. Trout, March 17, 1885. He was born in this county, June 20, 1859, an ^ was trie son °^ Andrew J. and Elizabeth (Lemasters) Trout. Mr. Trout lived only a few PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 833 months after his marriage, his death occurring August 6, 1885.); Clara A., March 2, i860, deceased; John A., June 18, 1S62; James N., September 22, 1S64: Charles G., November 15, 1867; Susan O., May 11, 1S73, and Jessie M., June 24, 1SS3. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their five oldest children, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their daughter, Clara A., was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, Mr. Wilson is a democrat, and has served his township as assessor four years. He is an enterprising and progressive farmer, and he and wife are highly respected. James F. Weley, a citizen of Pleasant Township, was born in Lewis County, Ky., January 25, 1S23, and is the son of James and Martha K. (Looney) Wiley, the former of whom was born in Philadelphia, December 14, 1790, and died in Indianapolis, March 1, 1883; the latter was born in Lewis Count}', Ky., January 23, 179S, and died in the city of Indianapolis, March 29, 1875. They were married in Lewis County, Ky., June 27, 1816. When the subject of this sketch was three years old his parents removed to this state and settled in Rush County. There he spent his boy- hood and youth, doing farm work in summer and attending school in winter. He was married in Rush Countv, February 24, 1S42, to Drusilla Myers. She was born in Rush County, November 22, 1822, and was the daughter of Henry and 'Hannah (Salisbury) Myers, the former of whom was a native of Pennsylvania, born Septembers, 17S7, and died in this county in September, 1S71; the latter was a native of Lewis County, Ky., born July 15, 1794, and died in Greenwood, this county, in September, 1870. They were married in Lewis Countv, Ky., February 17, 181 2. In 1856, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley removed from Rush County to this county, and located where they now reside. The life occupation of Air. Wiley has been farming. He owns a handsome farm of 204 acres, which is admirably situated, and about 160 of which are in cultiva- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley have had seven children: Nancy A., born January 15, 1S43; American P., December 29, 1S47, deceased; Sarah J., August 4, 1849; Marcus D.L., August 2, 185 1 ; Myrtle B., October 17, 1856, deceased; William A., May 27, 1859, anc ^ Friend F., July 14, 1S62. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, and their hve children, are members of the Christian Church. In politics, Mr. Wiley is a democrat. He was elected a member of the board of county com- missioners in 1858, and was subsequently re-elected to that position three times, serving, in all, twelve consecutive years, to the entire satisfaction of the public. Dr. Joseph M. Wisiiakd, a prominent physician of Greenwood, was born in White River Township, this county, January 1, 1828, S34 JOHNSON COUNTY. and was the son of John and Agnes H. (Oliver) Wishard, the former of whom was born in Red Stone Fort, Penn., in 1792, of Scotch- Irish descent, and the latter was born in a fort, on the present site of Lexington, Kv., in 1793, of Scotch descent. He was reared on a farm in his native township. He received a common school education, and in the fall of 1849, entered Wabash College, where he remained nearly two years. He was married to Rachel A. Lyons, April 14, 1S52. She was born in Pleasant Township, this county, in February, 1S26, and was the daughter of Robert R. and Jane "( Yanarsdall ) Lyons, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Kentuckv. In 1S52, they located on a farm in White River Township. They removed to Greenwood in 1S54, where our sub- ject entered upon the study of medicine, with his brother, Dr. W. H. Wishard, now of Indianapolis. During the winter of 1855-6, he took a course of medical lectures in the Rush Medical College of Chicago. During the winter of 1S56- 57, he took his second course of lectures in the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati, graduating in March, 1^57. Dr. Wishard, entered upon his professional labors in this county, and soon won a lucrative practice. His labors as a physician have nearly all been performed in Greenwood and vicinity. In October, 1862, he entered the service of the Union Army in the capacitv of assistant surgeon. In the fall of 1863, he was promoted to the rank of sur- geon, and served as such until the close of the war. He was cap- tured Julv 31, 1S64, near Macon, Ga., and was a prisoner for live weeks. At the close of the war, he resumed his practice at Green- wood, where he has continued ever since. His first wife died July 31, 1871. On the 27th of June, 1S77, Dr. Wishard was married to Mrs. Vandalina L. E. Creasey. She was born in Pleasant Township, and was the daughter of John and Ellen (Smock) Shortridge. In 1S5S she was married to Richard Ferree, who was killed in the battle of Resaca, Ga. In 1864 she was married to Lawrence P. Creasey, who died in 1873. The first marriage of Dr. Wishard resulted in the birth of eight chil- dren : Laura Ella, Robert Wilbur, John Watson, Harvey Hadley, Jennie, Joseph Ellis, William Arthur and Maggie, all of whom are living, except Harvey and I ladle} - . One child was born to the first marriage of Mrs. Wishard, and two children were born to her sec- ond marriage. Their names are: Charles Anderson, Ollie and Aurilla Bertha Corilla, all of whom are living. Dr. Wishard and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. The former is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. lodges. He is a success- ful physician, and has a creditable rank among the leading practi- tioners of the county. He has held the position of elder of the Presbyterian Church for a period of twenty-five years. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. 835 Capt. Robert C. Wishard, a pioneer of Johnson Count}', was born in Fleming County, Ky., August 29, 1S03, and was the son of William and Elizabeth (Furlow) Wishard, the former of whom was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, and the latter was born in the city of Philadelphia. At twenty years of age, he accom- panied his widowed mother to Johnson County, and located in White River Township, where he pursued the vocation of a farmer until the spring of 1848. At that time he removed to Pleasant Township, and he has ever since occupied the farm where he now resides. The chief occupation of his life has been farm- ing. His farm contains 120 acres, about seventy of which are in cultivation. While he has devoted almost his entire attention to farming, he has also been identified with the county's military and political history. As earl}' as 1831 or 1S32, he was made captain of a military company organized in White River Township, and it is for this reason that he is so familiarly known as Capt. Wishard. In politics, Mr. Wishard was formerly a whig. He was made the candidate of his party for the state legislature, but though he failed to be elected, he received every vote in his township but three. He served as constable in White River Town- ship for five years. Since 1856, Mr. Wishard has been identified with the republican party. He was married May 22, 1826, to Re- becca C. Smith. She was born in Mason Count}-, Ky., October 29, 1S05, and was the daughter of Samuel and Mary (Martin) Smith, who also were natives of Kentucky. Their marriage re- sulted in the birth of eight children, as follows: Caroline H., born August 10, 1827; Milton M., December 12, 1829, deceased; Emily F., June 18, 1832; John M., November 24, 1835; Mary W., October 31, 1S39; Robert W., May 10, 1S42, deceased; James A., July 25, 1S44, deceased, and Hattie L., July 26, 1S49, deceased. The wife of Mr. Wishard died August 23, 1882, aged seventy-seven. Though in the eighty-fifth year of his age, Mr. Wishard still enjoys good health. He was the youngest of a family of fifteen children, ten sons and five daughters, all of whom, except himself, are now deceased. He is one of Johnson County's oldest pioneers, having resided here continuously for sixty-five years. Alfred C.Woods, a prominent farmer of Pleasant Township, was born in Blount County, Tenn., December 17, 1821, and was the son of William and Mary (Hannah) Woods, who were respectively natives of North Carolina and Tennessee. When he was nine years old, his parents came to Johnson County, and located in White River Township. In his early manhood, he engaged in agricultural pursuits for himself, and he has ever since given that his attention. In about 1S48, he located in Pleasant Township, 53 836 JOHNSON COUNTY. where he has resided ever since. He has occupied his present home, in Section 29, since 1850. His farm contains 125 acres, of which about no are in cultivation. It contains a hand- some brick residence, and is substantially improved. He was mar- ried Julv 1, 1S47, to Elizabeth A. Smock. She was born on the farm where Mr. Woods now lives, March 30, 1S29, and was the daughter of John B. and Jane (Brewer) Smock, who were respect- ivelv natives of Pennsylvania and Kentucky. She died August 4, 1876. On the nth day of September, 1878, Mr. Woods was mar- ried to Mrs. Margaret Tilson. She was born in Anderson County, Ky., December 30, 1835, and was the daughter of Richard A. and Lucy (Jordan) Wheat, who were natives of Virginia and Ken- tucky, respectively. She was married September 30, 1852, to William T. Yories. He was born in Henry Count}-, Ky., Septem- ber 2, 1833, and was the son of John and Elizabeth (Shuck) Yories, who were natives of Kentucky. Mr. Yories died February 23, 1862. On the 23d day of January, 1S66, his widow was married to Robert B. Tilson. He was born in the State of Virginia, December 15, 1816, and was the son of Stephen and Anna (Buchanan) Tilson. He died June 16, 1867, after which his surviving wife remained a widow until her marriage to Mr. Woods. The first marriage of Mr. Woods resulted in the birth of twelve children: Jane A., William C, James H.,Eva and Henrietta (twins), deceased, Ellen E.,John E., Charles W., Annie E., Woodford W., Mary F., deceased, and Alice C. The second marriage of Mr. Woods has resulted in the birth of one child, Roscoe, deceased. The first marriage of Mrs. Woods resulted in the birth of two children: Mary I. and Laura A. Her second marriage resulted in the birth of one child, Cora. Mr. and Mrs. Woods are members of the Presby- terian Church. In politics, Mr. Woods is a republican. In 1863, he participated in the pursuit of John Morgan, serving first as cap- tain of Company A. Ninth Battalion, and subsequently was com- missioned major of the Johnson County Regiment, Indiana Legion. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 837 CHAPTER X. Religious History — Presbyterian Churches at Fraxklix, Greenwood, Whiteland, Shiloii, Hopewell, Edinburg, and Others — Baptist Churches at Fraxklix, Green- wood, Amity, Mt. Ziox, Trafalgar, Mt. Pleasaxt, Ed- ixburg, and Other Points — Christian Churches of the County — Methodists — Catholics. HE history of the Presbyterian Church in Franklin* dates from the 30th clay of November, 1S24. In what house the little congregation met to engage in public worship on the occasion of the organization is not known, but it is not unfair to presume that it was the old log court house. The record chronicling the organization reads as follows: "Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana, November 30, 1S24. — This certifies that after public worship, the following persons, who were members of the Presbyterian Church, came forward and were, by adminis- tration of the subscriber, with prayer, constituted a Church of Christ, which was, by agreement, called Franklin: George and Eleanor King, Joseph and Nancy Young and David McCaslin. The members proceeded to choose George King and David McCaslin to the office of ruling elders, who were ordained to that office after a sermon by the Rev. George Bush. The session then re- ceived Jane ?dcCaslin a member of the church on examination. (Signed) Rev. John M. Dickey, moderator." At this point it may not be improper to speak a word with reference to the ministers who officiated on the occasion. From the internal evidence contained in the record it is apparent that Rev. John M. Dickey preached the organization sermon. The Rev. George Bush, who preached the ordination sermon, was born in Vermont in 1796, was educated at Dartmouth College, and studied theoloyv at Princeton. In 1S24, he came to Indianapolis, and re- mained in this state for nearly five years. He was the author of a number of well-known works, and died about the year 1869. The record shows that Jane McCaslin, who was the wife of David W., was the first member admitted "on profession of faith." On the * From Judge Eauta's Semi-Centennial Address. 838 JOHNSON COUNTY. 25th of June following, Simon Covert and Mary, his wife, were ad- mitted on "certificates," and at the same time, their infant daughter, Dorothy Ann, was baptized, the first celebration of this ordinance occurring within the church. In August of 1827, Mrs. Margaret Gilchrist, the wife of Robert Gilchrist, died, hers being the first death of a member of this church. For many years there were neither pastor nor house of wor- ship. Sometimes meetings were held at Pleasant Hill, now Hope- well, and sometimes the members met at private houses, occasion- ally in the open woods, but oftener in the old court log-house. Those who ministered to the people then came at the charge of others; Franklin was a missionary station. Of these missionaries, the names of Revs. Isaac Reed, William Duncan, John Moreland, Jeremiah X I ill and William Wood, are the most familiar. In 1830, Rev. David Monfort, of the Presbytery of Chillicothe, Ohio, came into the state as a missionary, and was installed pastor of the Franklin Church six months after his coming. Dr. Monfort served the church until 1S50, when he was succeeded by Rev. James A. McKee, whose pastorate continued ten years. He was succeeded by Rev. Alexander B. Morey, whose labors continued a little over ten years. Rev. Samuel E. Wishard was the next pastor. His labors began in 187 1, and closed in 1877. His successor was Rev. William Torrence, whose pastorate continued about nine years, ending in 18S6. Toward the close of the latter year, Rev. Ernest McMillen, the present pastor, was installed. The church now embraces 646 members, being the second in the state in point of numerical strength. The following named ministers were members of this church prior to licensure, the first two being deceased: Revs. John C. King, Anderson Wallace, Samuel E. Barr, James H. L. Vannuys, Robert M. Overstreet and Sylvester Bergen. The church worshiped in a frame structure until 1852, when a plain, commodious brick building was erected. This was taken down in 1875, and the present church edifice erected on the same site. The present building is of brick and stone, Gothic style, with slate roof, and seats 650 persons, with a lecture- room seating 500 adjoining in the rear, and so arranged with sliding doors, that upon occasions the two can be thrown into one large audience chamber. The value of the property is estimated at $30,000. Officers, 1S8S. — Elders: A. Bergen, R. V. Ditmars, J. R. Covert, W. II. Lagrange, George W. Voris, George W. Demaree, C. II. Voris, I.N. Lagrange,W. B.Ellis. Deacons: W. B. McCollough, J. C. Smith, C. M. Demaree, E. C. Miller, O. C. Dunn, and R. A. Brown. Trustees: John Clark, I. M. Crowell and R. A. Alexander. Con £re ^rational Clerk: W. B. McCollough. Treas- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 839 urer: E.C.Miller. Chorister: C. H.Voris. Organist: Mrs. Julia Yoris. Greenwood Presbyterian Church. — The settlements in the north- ern part of Johnson Count}- were visited by ministers of the Presby- terian Church as earl}' as 1824, in December of which year, Rev. George Bush held religious services at the residence of John B. Smock, a short distance south of the present site of Greenwood. Rev. James II. Johnson preached in the neighborhood at an early day, as did also Rev. Isaac Reed, and on the 31st of December, ' 1S25, the latter officiated at the organization of the Greenwood Church, which was constituted with nine members: James, Charity, Isaac, Rachel, Mary, Henry, John B. and Mary Smock, and Gar- rett Brewer. James Smock and Garrett Brewer were elected ruling elders, and in January, 1826, trustees were chosen, and steps taken toward the erection of a house of worship; a "parcel of land," one-half mile north of the present limits of the town, was donated for the purpose by Isaac Reed and Garrett Brewer, and in due time a small log house, about iSx20 feet in size, was erected thereon, and formally dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. For some time after the organization the church did not enjoy the labors of a regular pastor, but was ministered to from time to time by transient preachers, among whom were Revs. H. Patrick, Jeremiah Hill, William W. Woods and Eliphalet Kent. In 1839, Rev. P. S. Clelland became pastor. He was a man of ability, and a logical speaker. Rev. Horace Bushnell became pastor in 1866, and served with great acceptance till 1869. The next pastor was Rev. A. Dunn, who ministered to the congregation until 1878. His succes- sor was Rev. J. B. Logan, whose term of service extended from 1878 to 18S0. Rev. J. B. Jones then became pastor, and after serving one year was succeeded by A. Dunn, who preached about eighteen months. The next pastor was Rev. James Williamson, wlv.se term of service expired in October, 1SS7, at which time the present incumbent, Rev. D. R. Love began his labors. The first church edifice was replaced about the year 1832, by a commodious frame building, fitted up with two apartments, one of which was used for school purposes. The building stood on the ground occu- pied by the first house, and was used until about the year 1852 or 1853. In 1S52, it was decided to erect a new house of worship, and a building committee was appointed to select an appropriate site for the same. A lot near the central part of Greenwood, on Bluff Street, was secured, and the building, a substantial frame structure, was completed and formally dedicated in 1853. The house is still in use, and is a comfortable place of worship. Present member- ship, 175. S4O JOHNSON COUNTY. Bethany Presbyterian Church (Whiteland) was organized Sep- tember, 1S33, by Rev. David Monfort and William Sickles, pur- suant to an order from the Indianapolis Presbytery. The following are the names of those \\ ho petitioned for an organization : A. V. and Emma Banta, Jane, Jane Ann, Mary, and Francis Dobbins, John Fitzpatrick, Thomas, L. R., Samuel C, Elizabeth; James II., Archibald C. and Poll)' R. Graham, Samuel G. and Jane Hender- son. The organization was effected at the residence of Lewis Gra- ham, a short distance from the present site of Whiteland, and at the first meeting the following persons additional to those enumer- ated, were received into membership: A. Banta, Adaline Dobbins, Allen D. and Elizabeth Graham. For about four years services were regular!)- held in a school-house, three quarters of a mile southeast of Whiteland, and at the end of that time, a building for the especial use of the church, was erected, about two miles north- east of the village. This was a frame edifice, 30x40 feet in size, and answered well the purposes for which it was intended, until 1866. In that year a beautiful brick building, 40x60 feet in size, was erected in the village of Whiteland, at a cost of $4,000. A neat parsonage was built in 1875, an d die church property is now among the best in the county. The following ministers have sustained the pastoral relation to the church: Revs. William Sickles, B. F. Woods, J. Q. McKeehan, James Gilchrist, J. G. Williamson, J. B. Logan, John H. Harris, William II. Hyatt, and the present incum- bent, Rev. H. L. Dickerson. Shiloh Presbyterian Church (Union Township) was organized on the 5th day of October, 1832, at the residence of James Wylie, by Rev. David Monfort, the following persons presenting certifi- cates of admission: Jesse Young, and Margaret, his wife, from Strait Creek, Ohio; Rebecca Clark, Rachel Titus, and Rachel Young, from West Union, Ohio; and John Young from Franklin, Ind. Jesse Young was elected, ordained and installed ruling elder, and it was unanimously resolved to call the new organization the Shiloh Presbyterian Church. Before July, 1S34, four additional members were received, all upon examination: Joseph Young, Mary Young, Thomas Titus and Mary Titus. The congregation had occasional preaching until July, 1834, when the first church building was erected. The first meeting in this house was held July 30, 1834, Rev. David Monfort preaching, and ordaining and installing an additional ruling elder, Joseph Young. From this period until 1S40, the church records show an addition of thirty-one members. From the same source it is learned that from the or- ganization, until 18S7, 243 members had been received into the church, of whom only twelve were remaining July 1, 1S87. It was RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 84I in the decade between 1840 and 1S50, that old log meeting house was removed, and the present tasteful frame structure erected in its stead. The value of the present building and grounds would be from $600 to $800. Pastors and stated supplies: Revs. David Monfort, William Sickles, David V. Smock, James H. McKee, Robert M. Overstreet, John Lyle Martin, Benjamin T. Wood, Lee, J. Quincy 'McKeehan, W. W. Sickles, John King, Nathan L. Palmer, B. F. Wood, A. C. Allen, Arthur Naylor, Horace Bush- nell, Michael M. Lavvson, Reeves, Robert Herron, Henry C. Cave, Edward N. Post, Daniel B. Banta, L. L. Larimer and Josiah Pugh. Hp-pewell. — The history of this prosperous church dates from 1 83 1, but several years prior to that time the Hopewell settlement was visited at intervals by Presbyterian ministers, who held public worship in the residences of the pioneers. " The first of these preachers, it is believed, was Rev. Samuel Gregg, of Tennessee, and his first sermon was preached at the house of Mr. Simon Covert, in the fall of 1S25. " After laboring a short time here as a missionary, Mr. Gregg seems to have returned to Tennessee, where soon afterward he entered into his rest. Rev. Isaac Reed, of Bloomington, seems to have preached a few sermons in the neighborhood during the same year, and the next, and in March, 1827, Rev. William Lowery visited the neighborhood and preached here and at Franklin. " Revs. William Henderson, William Dun- can. Jeremiah Hill, J. R. Moreland and E. Kent, are also re- membered as having preached here and at Franklin occasionally, prior to the organization of the church in 1831. " " A petition was forwarded to the Presbyterv of Indianapolis in 1 83 1, then in session at Greensburg, asking for an organization, which was granted." The organization was effected May 23, 183 1, by Messrs. Monfort and Moreland, with forty-one members, whose names are as follows: John Covert, Theodores Covert, Mary Henderson, Nancy Hen- derson, John Henderson, Margaret Mitchell, Peter Demaree, Mary Demaree, Isaac Vannuys, Ellen Vannuys, Peter Bergen, Anna Bergen, John B. Johnson, John Voris, Andrew Carnine, Nancy Car- nine, Susannah Bergen, Jane Voris, Hannah Yoris, Martha Free- man, Daniel Covert, Rachel Covert, Theodore List, Susan List, Thomas Henderson, Mary Henderson, Ann Ransdall, Simon Covert, Mary Covert, Samuel Vannuys, Anna Vannuys, Stephen Luvster, Mary Luyster, Cornelius Covert, Ann Covert. Peter Lagrange, Lemma Lagrange, William McGill, Sarah McGill, Simon Vannars- dall, Catherine Vannarsdall. The following officers were elected: Elders, John Covert, Peter 842 JOHNSON COUNTY. Demaree and Samuel Vannuys; deacons, Isaac Vannuys and Cor- nelius Covert. " During the first four years after the organization, the church worshiped in the log house, built for the joint purpose of a school-house and church." It was built about the year 1828, three years before the church was organized. It was a hewed log struct- ure, 20x30 feet in size, and was probably much the best house in the neighborhood at thfe time it was built. The second house, the first regular church building, erected in 1835, was 45x60 feet, with ceiling fourteen feet high, sustained by four large substantial posts or pillars near the middle of the auditorium. The minister who served the church after Dr. Monfort was Rev. William Sickles. He seems to have supplied the church for about one year, during which time eighteen persons are reported as having united with the church on profession. The next pastor was Rev. Savers Gazley, who gave three-fourths of his time to the church, for about two and a half years. Rev. D. V. Smock was pastor from 1842 to 1849, in which time the first parsonage was built. Rev. James Gallatin supplied the church for a short time, and was succeeded in i85i,by Rev. E. K. Lynn, who resigned February, 1854. His successor was Rev. A. C. Allen, who began his labors August, 1854, an< ^ con " tinued until June, 1859. Rev. John F. Smith was called to the pastorate November, 1S59, and continued with the church until his death in 1864. The next pastor was Rev. S. E. Barr. Rev. E. Black served eight years', and was succeeded bv the present pas- tor, Rev. J. W. Pugh, who began his labors December, 1883. The present church building was erected during the pastorate of Rev. E. K. Lynn, about 1853, remodeled during the pastorate of Rev. S. E. Barr, in 1867, and repaired during the present pastorate, at a total expenditure of $8,000. A Sunday school was organized in the Hopewell neighborhood in 1827, with John Covert, superin- tendent. Edinburg Presbyterian Church.* — The Presbyterian Church in Edinburg was organized by Rev. Henry Little, D. D., September 4, 1864, in connection with the N. S. Branch of the Presbyterian Church. The original members were twelve in number, viz. : A. S. Rominger, Amanda Rominger, Clarissa Remley, Rachel Stuart, Martha Toner, Catherine Cox, Sarah Deming, Sarah Adams, Mary (Shipp) Givens, Emily A. Rominger and Adelaide Rominger. A. S. Rominger, was elected ruling elder. The first minister was Rev. William I. Clark, who preached his first sermon in March, 1865. He served the church nearly two years. Rev. G. D. Parker * By Rev. Thomas N. Todd. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 843 began his labors with the church as stated supply, April 21, 1867, and closed the same, April, 1869. His successor was Rev. J. B. Logan, who labored for the church from May 1, 1869, until No- vember 13, 1S70; was then called as the S. S. for three-fourths of his time, on January 2, 1S71, and continued until November, 1872. I. A. Williams was called as S. S., November 17, 1872, and served until March, 1875. Rev. Henry L. Nave, of the senior class of Lane Seminary, was called to be pastor of the church, March 15, 1876. His labors were earnest and successful, and closed in Au- gust, 1S79. September 4, 1879, Rev. Alexander Parker, of Colum- bus, was engaged as stated supply for one year, to preach four sermons every month. This engagement continued for two and a half years. Rev. Mr. Scofield served the church as stated supply for one year, from April 2, 1S82. The church was subsequently supplied more or less regularly by seminary students for several 3'ears. Among these were: W. L. McEwen, of Princeton, Burt E. Howard and Thomas Turnbull, of Lane. Since January, 1887, the church has been supplied by Rev. Thomas N. Todd. The church began with twelve members, and has had a checkered career, but has done faithful service and been greatlv blessed at times. The highest number enrolled was in Rev. H. L. Nave's pastorate, when there was reported a total of 131, and an actual membership of 108. The building in which the church worships is a tasteful frame struc- ture on Main Cross Street, valued at $3,000. Ruling Elders: A. S. Rominger, Stewart Wilson, G. W. Downs, C. C. Forrer, H. Ewing, George Williams, S. B. Jenkins, Joel Kinsey, Ephraim Adams, Samuel Binley, W. B. Wilson, W. C. Williams and S. H. Kyle, clerk of session. New Pisgah (O. S. Presb\'terian Church), Needham Town- ship, was organized August 6, 1S42, by Rev. John M. Dickey, six- teen persons uniting with the organization : James Magill, Maria Magill, James Patterson, Cretia Patterson, Thomas Patterson, Nancy Ann Patterson, Madison Kelly, Eliza Kelly, Jefferson Kelly, Catherine Kelly, -William Kelly, Julia Ann Kelly, Henry Kelly, Francis Stewart, David McAlpin and Diana Pullen. David Mc- Alpin, James Magill and James Patterson were elected elders. The succession of stated supplies was Revs. William M. Stimson, Benjamin W. Nyce, John B. Save, James McCov. John Fairchild, James Brownlee, L. P. Webber, T. A. Steele and William Clark. In the same neighborhood with the New Pisgah Church, the New Prospect (O. S.) Church was organized by Rev. B. F. Wood, April 10, 1S50, the following persons joining the organization: John Henderson, Isabell Henderson, Joseph Henderson, Mitchell Hen- derson, James Henderson, Sarah Henderson, Jane McAlpin, Sarah S44 JOHNSON COUNTY. McAlpin, John McCord, George Allison, John P. Henderson, Jane Henderson, Thomas Patterson, Nancy Patterson, William H. Pat- terson, Eliza Jane Patterson and Sarah Patterson. Thomas Pat- terson and John P. Henderson were chosen ruling elders. The Rev. B. F. Wood was the first stated supply, followed by Revs. Blackburn, Leffler, John Gilchrist, John Q. McKeehan and James Gilchrist. On September 15, 1870, the New Pisgah (N. S.) and the New Prospect (O. S.) churches were consolidated. The united church assumed the new school name and occupied the old school building, the membership being, fifty. The Rev. J. G. Williamson was the first stated supply; the Rev. A. R. Naylor and Rev. Mr. Reeves followed, supplying the church in the order named. In 1S75, Rev. James Williamson commenced to supply the church, and continued to do so for twelve years, closing his labors October 1, The present membership is about seventy-five. Shiloh Church, Cumberland Presbyterian (Needham Township), was organized about the year 1835, in a school-house one mile north of .the present site of Amity village, Rev. Alexander Downey officiating. Among the charter members, seventeen in number, were John Kerr and wife, David Alexander and wife, John Alexan- der and wife, John Gribbin and wife, James Taylor and wife, John Taylor and wife, and John R. Kerr and wife. The first house of worship, which was not erected until several years after the organ- ization, stood about a half mile north of Amity. For some reason not now known, this building was never completed. In 1852, a frame house was erected about three and a half miles southeast of Franklin, Needham Township, on land donated by James Taylor. It was a fair building, and answered the purposes for which it was intended, until 1882. In that year the present temple of worship, a beautiful frame edifice, 32x42 feet, was built on the same lot, at a cost of $1,600. The following list embraces the majority of the pastors of the church since its organization : Revs. Elam McCord, James Ritchey, J. W. Neely, G. W. Edmondson, W. D. Hawkins, N. D.Johnson, L.J. Hawkins, A. Hunter and the present supply, U. L. Montgomery. Present membership, 100. First Baptist Church of Franklin.* — This history begins at the time when society in Indiana was in a plastic state. The coun- try was quite new, and was being settled by men of various religious views. Among others. Baptists came. The Franklin Pres- byterian Church had been in existence eight years, and had about sixty members when the Baptist Church was formed. Blue River Church, the country church from which Franklin came, was organ- * Compiled from Semi-Centennial History of the Church, by Dr. W. T. Stott, published August, 1SS2. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. S45 ized in 1S23. As early as January 23, 1829, an " arm " of the Blue River Baptist Church was constituted at Franklin. Elder Chauncey Butler (father of Ovid Butler, founder of Butler University) was chosen moderator of the meeting-, and Samuel Harding, of sacred memory, clerk. Andrew Vannoy (a tanner) was elected church clerk, and Elder Samuel Harding, who lived in the vicinity of Blue River Church, was requested to preach for the church " once a month." The names of the members who constituted this "arm," are Simon Shaffer, Sarah Shaffer, Andrew Vannoy, Rebecca Van- noy, David Tilson, Stephen Tilson, Mary Frary (mother of Mr. Frary, of East Franklin), Eleanor Foster, Jefferson D. Jones, Eleanor Jones and Mrs. Sidney Tilson. On the third Saturday in August, 1832, the Regular Baptist Church of Franklin was formed. Rev. James Woods was made moderator of the meeting The con- stituent members of the church, were Simon and Sarah Shaffer, John Adams, Jefferson D. Jones, Eleanor Jones, John and Eleanor Fos- ter, Simon Hunt, Stephen Tilson, Mary Frary, Catharine Bennett, Abraham Stark (brother-in-law of J. A. Dunlap), John Johns, Martha McDaniel, Mary Tracy, Keziah Tracy, Andrew Vannoy, Rebecca Vannoy and Elizabeth Cravens — in all nineteen mem- bers. John Foster was elected clerk. The monthly meeting, in September, was held in the house of Simon Shaffer, and John Fos- ter. J. D. Jones, W. G. Eaton and Stephen Tilson were appointed to ask admission for the church into the Flat Rock Association. At the November meeting, J. D. Jones and Simon Shaffer were or- dained deacons. At the December meeting the Articles of Faith of the Flat Rock Association were adopted. Elder Samuel Hard- ing was the first pastor of the church, having been elected in May, l8 -+ 3 - • J u The church seems to have had uniform prosperity under the pastorate of Elder Harding. The membership the first year was thirty-two; the second, thirty-six; the third, thirty-four. Elder Harding was an acknowledged leader in all enterprises undertaken by Indiana Baptists. He died at his home near Smiley's Mill, Shelby County, in the latter part of 1835, or early part of 1836. In June, 1836, Elder Byram Lawrence was called to the pastorate for one year. In October, 1837, Rev. A. R. Hinkley, of Sparta Church, was called to the pastorate. Under Pastor Hinkley the church bought a lot and built a church-house, the most commodious at the time in the town, and it had few superiors, if any, in the stale. It cost $2,500. Prof. Tilton was of great service to the en- terprise. He secured most of the money, and did it in a short time. The dedication services took place on the 28th day of January, 1841. 846 JOHNSON COUNTY. The sermon was preached by Pastor Hinklev. Pastor Hinklev came to the church when the membership was forty-one. lie left it with 100. During Rev. Mr. Hinkley's pastorate, Judson Benja- min became a member by experience and baptism. He went to Shurtliff College, Brown University, and Newton Theological Sem- inary, and then went as a missionary to Burmah. Failing health obliged him to come home, and he died near Boston, in 1854. The next pastor was Elder S. G. Miner, who began the pas- torate in July, 1S41, and continued one year. Elder Miner's suc- cessor was Rev. George C. Chandler, who came from the pastorate of the First Church of Indianapolis. He resigned the pastorate sometime before he did the presiding over the college, and was suc- ceeded by Elder B. C. Morse, or possibly Elder John Currier. Elder Benjamin Reece was elected pastor sometime in 1850, and continued till August, 1S51, when Elder J. C. Post was chosen. During Rev. Post's pastorate, November, 1852, Dr. S. Bailev and wife, and Prof. A. J. Vawter and wife, joined the church, and in March, 1853, upon petition of A. J. Vawter, J. N. Waggener, C. A. Whipple, J. W. Dame, R. F. Grubbs, J. S. Houghan, and William Hendricks, letters were granted them to join a new inter- est in East Franklin. At the same meeting, Rev. J. C. Post and wife were granted letters to the East Franklin Church, soon to be, and his pastorate of the First Church ceased. On the 26th day of March, 1855, the following persons met in the college chapel to organize a church: S. Bailev, Mary P. Bailev, J. C. Post, Adaline Post, Mary Parkhurst, J. S. Hougham, Mary A. Hougham, R, F. Grubbs, Louisa Grubbs, John West, C. A. Whipple, Mary A. Whipple, Lydia Whipple, Mary L. Whipple, D. T. Whipple, Ithamar Whipple, Caroline Waggener, A. J. Vawter, Maria A. Vawter, G. W. Grubbs, James X. Waggener, Milas T. Hendricks, Mary Hendricks. Sarah Hendricks, W. T. Brand, M. B. Brand, M. M. Brand, J. W. Dame, J. D. P. Hungate, W. II. Mitchell, J. W. A. Webb, Mary A. S. Hodge, Melia Shep- herd, Rebecca J. Fox, Josephine Mayhall, Elizabeth Johnston, Julia McGriffin, Cyrene A. Peggs, Sarah L. Peggs, Margaret Eoff and Elizabeth J. Nance. J. S. Hougham was elected chairman, and A. J. Vawter secretary, and Daniel Trichler was received on a letter. President Bailev was selected to supplv the pulpit. In June, Rev. E. J. Todd was called to the pastorate of the church for one year. The next pastor, Rev. J. W. B. Tisdale, of Ohio, was elected in May, 1855, and continued till November, 1856. Rev. E. J. Todd was again called to the pastorate in January, 1857, and served until January, 1858. His successor was Rev. John G. Kerr, during whose pastorate the union of the First Church RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 847 and East Franklin was consummated. President Bailey was en- gaged to supply the pulpit for an indefinite time, and served until July, 1S61. Rev. J. S. Read was then elected pastor, and served two years. In August, 1862, the church was dismissed from the Mt. Zion Association to join the Indianapolis Association. Prof. Brumback acted as pastor from July, 1S63, to July, 1864, and was succeeded by Rev. M. D. Gage, who preached from September, 1865, till July, 1867. August 14, 1867, Rev. J. H. Smith was called to the pastorate. November, 1868, Rev. I. N. Clark be- came pastor, and served as such until January, 1S71. His succes- sor was Rev. J. S. Boyden, who preached one year, at the end of which time, February, 1S72, Rev. L. D. Robinson was elected pastor. From December 17, 1876, till February, 1878, the church was without a pastor, but the latter year, Rev. F. M. Huckleberry was called to fill the pulpit, and served till 1881. October, 1881, Rev. C. S. Scott entered upon the pastorate, and the year follow- ing, work began upon the new building, which was erected in due time, and formally dedicated by Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, D. D., of Indianapolis. It is a commodious brick structure, elegantly fur- nished with all the modern conveniences, and represents a capital of about $20,000. The present pastor of the church is Rev. A. Ogle. The present membership is 360. Superintendent of the Sunday school: Prof. W. J. Williams. Greenwood Baptist Church. — The Baptist Church at Green- wood was constituted on the 17th Say of Julv, 1839, by Rev. T. W. Haynes, with eighteen members, seven of whom had been bap- tized by Mr. Haynes, while eleven held letters of recommendation from Regular Baptist churches elsewhere. After a sermon by Mr. I laynes, and the giving of the right hand of fellowship by the breth- ren present, principles of faith and rules of decorum were adopted, and under the name of " The Regular Baptists of Jesus Christ, at Greenwood," the organization was completed. The names of the constituent members are as follows: Elder Henry Hunter and wife, Mrs. Nancy Ransdale, Elizabeth Smith, Abigail Smith, A. H. Bryan, Mrs. Ann Bryan, Garrett Vandiver and wife, M. D. West, John Whitenack, Sr., Addison Wilson and wife, Mrs. Abbott, Jesse Weathers, Mrs. Weathers, Miss Ann Vandiver, Mrs. Vandyke and Miss Urey Vandyke. The first meetings were held in a grove near Greenwood, and at one of the earliest business sessions a com- mittee was appointed to circulate a petition for the purpose of rais- ing funds for the erection of a house of worship. The necessary steps were taken, but several years elapsed before the building was completed. It was finished about the year 1844, and stood a short distance west of the village, on ground now included within the S4S JOHNSON COUNTY. corporate limits. Rev. Mr. Haynes served as pastor several years, and was succeeded bv Rev. Thomas C. Townsend, who was called by the church in 1844. H. II. Hunter preached at intervals for some years, as did also Rev. J. Brumback, both of whom sustained the pastoral relations. About the year 1S58, Rev. J. W. B. Tisdale held a series of meetings, the immediate result of which was the addition of cpiite a number to the church, and a great revival of in- terest among its members. The next preacher was Rev. Mr. Golden, who was followed in a short time, by Rev. I. X. Clark, whose pastorate extended over a period of three years. Rev. E. S. Riley preached at intervals for about ten years, and was suc- ceeded bv R. W. Arnold. Following Arnold came Rev. Mr. Kep- linger, since the expiration of whose pastorate the church has been served from time to time by the following ministers: Charles Davis, R. W. Rariden, N. C. Smith and J. T. Green. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. C H. Hall, of Franklin College. The large brick house in which the church now worships, was erected about the vear i860. It stands on Bluff Street, has a seating ca- pacity of about 400, and cost $2,400. Present membership, seventy- five. Amity Baptist Church was constituted April 10, 1858, Rev. John Vawter officiating. The original members were: Travis Burnett, Milton S. Vawter, James S. Vawter, James M. Golds- borough, William Shipp, Harrison Burnett, William Brown, Mrs. Caroline Shipp, Rozana Goldsborough, Martha E. Armstrong, Sarah E. Armstrong and Caroline Shipp, the majority of whom had formerly belonged to the old Blue River Church, in Shelby County, and Mt. Pleasant congregation, near Trafalgar. James S. Vawter was the first clerk, and in 1859, he was duly licensed to preach the Gospel. The following ministers served the church as pastors: Revs. E. \Y. Garrison, William Elgin, A. J. Essex, }. W. B. Tisdale, F. M. Buchanan, J. W. Lewis, T. J. Murphy, H. R. Todd, N. Johnson, John W. Ragsdale, Stark. A. A. Laden, T. E. Stewart and J. M. Barrow, the last named being the pastor in charge at this time. The year in which the organization was effected witnessed the erection of a large and commodious brick temple of worship, 35x60 feet in size, with a seating capacity of about 400. Present member- ship, seventy-eight. Clerk, Andrew Barrow: deacons, S. M. Devore, L. O. Abbott and J. H. Brown: treasurer, Harrison Adams: trus- tees, P. W. Brown, John Fishback and J. H. Brown. Services are held regularly once a month bv the pastor, Rev. Mr. Barrow, and at intervals in the meantime by Rev. J. M. Wagner. Ml. Zion Baptist Church (Trafalgar) was formally organized RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 849 June 8, 1S44, at what was known as " School District No. i," a short distance from the town of Trafalgar, by Elders Reece and Chandler. A council from Franklin, Second Mt. Pleasant and First Mt. Pleasant churches, was convened for the purpose of con- stituting the organization, and after a sermon by Elder Reece, the following persons were formally organized into a Regular Baptist Church: Frederick Ragsdale, Sarah Ragsdale, Simpson Sturgeon, Sarah Sturgeon, William M. Clark, Martha Clark, Annie B. Lee, Mary Sturgeon, Absalom Clark, Samuel Sturgeon, Burgess Wag- oner, and John W. Ragsdale. Of the above, only two are living: Sarah Sturgeon and John W. Ragsdale. Other early members are the following: Martha Eaton, Henderson Ragsdale, Lucinda Ragsdale, Mary Sturgeon, Jane Alexander, Mary R. Forsyth, Martha Hunt, Nicholas Selch, Man- Cole, Lucy Yandiver, Thomas Clemmer, James M. Buckner, Helen Sturgeon, Harrison Halbert, James Sturgeon, Lucy Clark, E. A. Clark, Margaret M. Clark, Isabelle Clark, Nancy Shoemaker, Elizabeth Featherngill, Jackson Adams, Mrs. Adams, W'illiam Lee, Martha Long, Rebecca Stur- geon, Nancy Warren, John High,Isom Bridges, Elizabeth Bridges, William M. Clemmer, and others. Elder J. Reece was called to the pastorate in 1844, and the same year a committee was appointed to select a suitable site for a house of worship. The ground chosen was '-one acre on the northeast corner of Steth Daniel's land," and in October, 1845, a frame building, 30x40 feet in size, was decided upon by the committee; The house was not erected until some time later. It was a frame structure, and answered the purposes for which it was intended until 1866, at which time the present large building in the village of Trafalgar was erected. This house is in size, 36x50 feet, and cost the sum of $2,500. The following ministers have sustained the pastoral relation to the church at different times: Revs. Reece, Roberts, Ragsdale, Buchanan, Parker, Barrow, Huckleberry, Smith, Moore, Murphy, Hall, and Stewart. Present membership, 140. First Mt. Pleasant (Franklin Township), one of the oldest Baptist churches in Johnson County, was constituted July, 1828. The following were among the earliest members: Henry Byers, Elizabeth Byers, Peter Zook, Margaret Zook, Seaton Beadles, John Garshwiler, John Brunk, Aaron Mitchell, Nolly Kilbourn, Mariah Vaughn, James P. Beadles, Lamenta Beadles, Elizabeth Zook, Polly Helms, George Burkhardt, Elizabeth Burkhardt, Sarah ( Byers) Leach. Benetta Beadles, George P. Bartlett, Thomas Bartlett, Nancy Roberts. Francis Elliott, George Bridges, Polly Harbert, Cynthia Warren, Matilda Brunk, Paul Harbert, Margaret Harbert and Abraham Brunk. One of the first preachers was 850 JOHNSON COUNTY. Rev. John Reece, who held meetings in a little log school-house which stood a short distance from the present church building. About the year 1S37, or perhaps a little earlier, dissensions arose in the church, between the conservative and progressive or mis- sionary elements, the result of which was a division of the con- gregation. In May, 1S3S, the difficulty was partially adjusted by a re-organization under the original name, since which time the so- ciety has been known as a Missionary Baptist Church. The re-or- ganization was brought about by the efforts of Rev. A. R. Hinkley, and the following persons were enrolled as members: Henry By- ers, Peter Zook, Batson Dennis, John Herrell, Stephen Rollens, Aaron Zook, Adam Cofman, Elizabeth Byers, Margaret Zook, Emarine Jones, Paulina Herrell, Margaret Harbert, Mary Rollens, Phebe Townsend and Polly Harbert. The present membership is seventy-five. The following ministers sustained the pastoral rela- tions at different times: Revs. A. R. Hinklev, John Reece, D. Hus- ton, E.J. Todd, J. W. Ragsdale, R. M. Parks, N. C. Smith, J. M. Barrow, L. E. Duncan, Robert Moore, T. J. Murphy, C. C. Pal- mer and J. C. Rhodes. The first house of worship was a log structure erected a number of years ago, and used until the building of the present edifice. The present church building is brick, well finished and furnished, and stands about five miles southwest of Franklin, on the Martinsville turnpike. J//. Pleasant Number 2, near the Shelby Count}- line in Need- ham Township, was organized about the year 1S34, by Rev. Sam- uel Hardin, with about eight members, among whom were the following: Joseph Reece and wife, John Webb and wife, and John Duckworth. Meetings were held in private residences and school- houses for about eight years, when a frame building was erected on land donated for church purposes by Jesse Beard. This was a fair building, and answered the purpose of a meeting place until the erection of the present substantial brick edifice about the vear 1S67 or 1S6S. The present building is 35x65 feet, and represents a value of $4,500. The church has enjoyed the labors of quite a num- ber of pastors, among whom are remembered the following: Revs. Benjamin Reece, Mr. Glessner, E. J. Todd, Mr. Blood, John Reece, Mr. Edwards, R. M. Parks, John W. Ragsdale, T. W. Jolly, F. M. Huckleberry, G. H. Elgin and W. T. Vancleve. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. P. O. Duncan. The church is in a pros- perous condition, numbering about 300 communicants. The pres- ent deacons are William Reece, Jesse Beard and John R. Rags- dale; clerk, William Fisher. Hurricane Bap/ 1st Church (Clark Township) was organized about the year 1S40 or 1S41, as a branch of the Franklin congre- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 85 1 gation, and continued as such about three years, when it was con- stituted an independent organization. The following were among the earliest members: Stephen Tilson, Lemuel Tilson and wife, lames Tilson and wife, Mrs. John Brown, John Whitesicles, Even Bennett and wife, Conrad McClain and wife, and James Whitesides and wife. The organization was effected by Rev. Benjamin Reece, who preached for several years thereafter, holding meetings in the old log building, known as Friendship Church. Later, about the year 1851, a frame building was erected on ground where the old house stood, and served the purposes of a place of worship, until the growth of the congregation made the erection of a larger house a necessity. In 1879, the present handsome temple, a brick edifice, representing a capital of $3,200, was erected. The follow- in-" is a partial list of the pastors of Hurricane Church: Revs. Benjamin Reece, John Reece, Ragsdale, Miner, Todd, Elgin, Edwards and Hall. The present membership is 138. ■ Baptist Church, in the northwest corner of Nine- veh Township, was organized a number of years ago, and app- irs to have been the outgrowth of the Primitive and Separate Baptist churches, organizations of which denominations were founded in the neighborhood prior to the late war. A log house of worship was built a number of years ago, in which the old churches held services, but later, after the organization of the Missionary branch, a frame, the one now in use, was erected. The church is reputed in good condition, and has an active membership, among which are enrolled the names of man}- of the leading citizens of the community. Among the early pastors were Revs. Barrow and Ragsdale. The pastor at this time is Rev. R. E. Stewart. Baptist Church {Colored ), Franklin, was constituted about the year 1S72 or 1873, with eight members, a number which has since increased to ninety -three. The first deacons were Samuel Elkins and Squire Moore. The following ministers have sustained the pastoral relation: Revs. Mr. Singleton, Thomas Robinson, Mr. Winyard, Ephraim Tyler, William Harris, George Smith, and the present incumbent, Rev. David Slaughter. A frame house of wor- ship was built on West Madison Street, in 1878, and formally dedi- cated the same year. The officers of the congregation are: M. Clark, Anderson Beaty, and Edward Blakemore, deacons, and II. Clark, clerk. Mr. Blakeman is also superintendent of the Sunday school. Ediriburg Baptist Church (colored) was organized in the fall of 1881, by Rev. John R. Miller, with the following constituent members: Henry Gooden and wife, Esther Canady, Thomas E. Hill, Mrs. Hill, George Quinn, Malvina Quinn, David Beeler and 54 85 2 JOHNSON COUNTY. wife, David Johnson and wife, Elizabeth Gooden, Letitia Lee and Elizabeth Johnson. Rev. Mr. Miller served as pastor four years, and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Walker, who preached one year. Then came Rev. David Slaughter, the present incumbent. The building used by the church was erected a short time before the organization went into effect. It is a substantial frame edifice, and will comfortably seat a congregation of 300 persons. The mem- bership of the church at this time, is about 100. Bethlehem (Primitive) Baptist Church, Nineveh Township, was organized a number of years ago, and is now one of the oldest re- ligious societies in the southern part of the county. Of its early history but little is known save that the B^ss, Roberts, Hensley, Davenport, McNutt, Hoolman and Hughes families were among the first members. The organization was brought about by the labors of Elder Hiram T. Craig, a preacher of fine ability. He preached for the Bethlehem congregation a number of years. The first house of worship was a log structure which stood near where the present one now stands. It was used several years, but finally gave place to the frame building in which the congregation now meets. The society is not as strong in numbers as in the earl)' days of its history, having lost quite a number of its members in recent } r ears by deaths and removals. Services are regularly held bv the pastor, Elder E. D. Herrod. Stotf.s Creek Baptist {(J.S.). — Some time in the thirties there was erected in Section 10, near the present site of Union village. a log building which served as a place of worship for several de- nominations. In this house, what is known as Stott's Creek Bap- tist Church (Old School) was organized over fifty years ago. The following are the names of a few of the earlv members of the or- ganization: Bennett Jacobs and wife, Austin Jacobs and wife, William Burkhart and wife, David Vidito and wife, James Jacobs and wife, John Herrell and wife, William Utterback and wife, and Andrew Wysick and wife. Elder Bennett Jacobs was an early minister. Hiram Craig and Enoch Taber preached for the congre- gation a number of years ago, as did others whose names are not now remembered. The present pastor is Elder E. D. Herrod. The building in which the congregation worships is a small frame structure near Union village, erected about the year 1856 or 1S57. The society has never been very strong numerically, and at this time has the names of only about twenty-five members upon the records. Lick Springs Baptist Church (Nineveh Township) was or- ganized in the year 1836. Among the early members were the following: Aaron Hendricks, Merida Wilkerson, Separate Hen- RELIGIOUS HISTORY. S53 dricks, Susan Hendricks and Nancy Handy. The church building was erected about 1S39, and rebuilt in 1S50. In the latter year there was a good membership, about 100. Since then the number has greatly decreased, until at this time there are only about forty belonging. The following were among the pastors of the church: Samuel Randolph, Jariah Randolph, James McQueen, Joshua McQueen, Pond and Asa Dowd. South StoWs Creek Regular Baptist Church (Union Township) was organized April, 1S36, at a school-house near the present site of Trafalgar. The following were among the first members: Thomas Sturgeon and wife; Simpson Sturgeon and wife, William Clark and wife, Frederick Ragsdale and wife, Henry Musselman and wife, Jane Forsyth, Jane Allen and Mary Catlett. Frederick Ragsdale was the first moderator, and J. R. Callihan, first clerk. For a number of years, Rev. Asa B. Nay ministered to the con- gregation, and much of its success was due to his efforts. Revs. Ransom Riggs and Willett Tyler preached for the church at differ- ent times. The present pastor is Elder R. W. Thompson. School- houses and dwellings were used for meeting places until about the year 1S45, at which time a frame temple of worship was erected in Union Township, Section 25. The building was afterward im- proved, and is still used by the congregation. The membership at this time is quite small, numbering about fifteen. The moderator is S. T. Riggs; clerk, Henderson Ragsdale. Franklin Christian Church. — The Christian Chuich of Frank- lin was organized on the 3d day of Julv, 1848. Previous to that time ministers of the current Reformation visited the town at intervals, and held public worship in the court house, the immediate results of which were quite a number of conversions. Among the early preachers were: Elders Love H. Jameson, J. M. Mathes and John O'Kane, who were widely and favorably known throughout the United States, where tlie Disciples have gained a footing. The meetings held from time to time eventually crystallized into an organization, July, 1848, of which the following were the prime movers: John B. Cobb, J. V. Branham, Horatio Jones, John A'. Parrish, Herriott Henderson, Elizabeth Howard, Margaret Bridges, Mary Branham, Catorah Chenoweth, Lucretia Branham, George W. Branham, W. M. Bridges, Sanderson Howard, John McCorkle, Margaret Palmer, Rhoda Koyle, Elizabeth Bridges, Nancy Jones, Elizabeth How aid, Mary II. Branham and Elizabeth Hogue. At the next meeting Joseph P. and Margaret Gill united with the congregation by letter from a sister church, and Barney Clark was received upon confession. Thus organized, the church next looked around for a suitable 854 JOHNSON COUNTY. place of worship. This was found for some time in the court house, but shortly after the organization went into effect a movement was inaugurated for the erection of a building for the especial use of the ition. A lot on the corner of Jefferson and Water streets, was procured, upon which in due time was built a substantial two- story brick structure with auditorium above, while the lower part was divided into two commodious store rooms. The chapel was formally dedicated to the worship of God on the 17th dav of July, 1852, by Elders John O'Kane, J. M. Mathes and T. J. Edmon- son. From the date of organization until the erection of the build- ing in 1852, no records appear to have been kept. For some years the church had no regular pastor, but was ministered to from time to time bv transient preachers, a number of whom conducted suc- cessful revivals, resulting in man}- additions to the congregation. Elders Jameson, Mathes, Edmonson, O'Kane, Cobb and others preached at intervals, and in 1858, Elder J. J. Moss was called as as evangelist, at a salary of $700 per annum. He preached the al- lotted time and was successful in awakening an interest and build- ing up the church. In 1864, Elders John B. New and O. A. Bur- s held a series of revival meetings, and the same year O. A. Bartholomew became pastor and served during 1S64 and 1865. and was succeeded by Elder II. T. Buff, who served until about the year 1867. The next regular preacher was Elder Parker, who served one year, after whom ;ame the following pastors in the order named: Elders John Davis, a little over one year: J. M. Land, served three years; E. L. Frazier, eight years, and A. W. Conner, two years, in December, 1SS3, the present pastor, Elder S. F. Fowler, began his labors with the church, since which time, through his efforts, about 350 members have been added to the congregation. Elder Fowler is a man of splendid powers, superior oratorial abilities, and great pulpit earnestness. In 187 1. a suitable lot on the corner of Yandes and Madison streets was pro- cured, and in the same year, a magnificent brick structure, costing $26,000, was erected thereon. It was formally dedicated by Elder O. A. Burgess, and at the time of its completion, was the largest and most commodious church edifice in Johnson County. The building was struck bv lightning in June, 1885, and greatly injured, all the wood -work being completely destroyed. It was immediately rebuilt at an expenditure of $6,000, and now ranks among the bes,. houses of worship in the city. The membership of the church at this time is much stronger than at any previous period of its history, numbering 685. The Sunday school connected with the church, from the time of its organization, a number of years ago, has been regularly and successfully kept up. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 5$ 5 Edinburg Christian Church. — The first attempt to establish a Christian Church in Edinburg, was made in 1834, although travel- in-- ministers had visited the village at intervals, previous to that date, and held meetings in the houses of the few members in the town and vicinity. Among these early preachers are remembered, Elders William Irvm, J. Fawcett and James M. Mathes, under whose joint labors, on the 23rd day of February of the above year, a small organization was effected, with the following members: Gavin Mitchell, Rebecca Mitchell, David McCoy, C. McCoy, J. W. Dupree, Thomas W. Thrailkeld, Elizabeth Thrailkeld, Abram Dupree and Hannah Dupree. Of the above little band who constituted the organization, all but one, Hannah Dupree, are dead. Elder J. M. Mathes, the chief mover in the organization, is also living, at his home in Bedford, Ind. The society held its first meetings in the residences of the different members, and later ob- tained the use of the building erected by the Edinburg Benevolent Association in 1S34. Here the church met and prospered until 1S46, at which time the increasing growth foreshadowed the ne- cessity of a building of enlarged proportions. Accordingly, in that year, a movement was inaugurated to erect a house of worship for the exclusive use of the congregation. A lot on Walnut Street was procured, and a frame house, 40x50 feet, erected, which is still standing. The building is a commodious structure, and at the time of its completion was the best temple of worship in town. At the close of 1S34 the membership of the society numbered twenty-two, and among the additions of that year were the Thompsons, Knowl- tons, Waylands, Smiths, Vaughns and others, whose names cannot be recalled. In 1846, Abram Dupree was licensed to preach the Gospel, and for that year the records show a membership of 19S. For a number of years after its organization the church was ministered to in word' and doctrine by Abram Dupree, William Irvin and William Oldham. From 1S34 untu I ^7 ' tne church en- joyed the labors of twenty-eight transient preachers. The following isa list of the ministers thus employed: Elders McFadden, Lockwood, Roberts. Woodfill, Egan, New, Brewer, Cobb, Pritchard, Jones, McCorkle, O'Kane, Hall, Walden, D. Franklin, Benjamin Frank- lin, Snoddy, Gosney, Miller, Hoshour, McCullough, Buff, Ludwig, Davis, Ilolton, Goodwin, Brazzleton and Lanham. The first regu- lar pastor appears to have been Elder B. K. Smith, who began his labors in 1852, and served one year. Following him in the order named, came J. R. Frame, Knowles Shaw, D. H. Gary, T. J. Tom- linson, R. T. Brown, J. F. Sloan, W. L. Germane, W. T. Sellers, William Hough, A. W. Conner, W. W. Carter, E. W. Darst, J. II. O. Smith, X. S. McCallum. The pastor at this time is S$6 JOHNSON COUNTY. Elder P. S. Rhodes, who began his labors for the church in 18S7. He is a minister of fine ability, and has already won an abiding place in the affections of his congregation. The present official board is composed as follows: Elder, J. B. Rubush; pastor, P. S. Rhodes; clerk, C. W. Davis; treasurer, A. C. Thompson; dea- cons, D. Melville, A. J. Loughery, William Hood; trustees, A. C. Thompson, E. C. Thompson, II. C. Bailey, S. Cutsinger and Adam Mutz. In 1886 a new building was commenced on that part of the lot lying south of the old house, and, when completed, will be the finest specimen of church architecture in Johnson Count}'. The building covers an area of 90x60 feet, and the ceiling of the auditorium is twenty-eight feet high. Sunday school room in front will seat 300, gallery 100, and, when all the rooms are thrown together, which can be easily done, a congregation of 800 persons can be con- veniently accommodated. The aggregate cost of the structure will be about $18,500. Not the least among the potent working forces of the church, is the Eureka Aid Society, organized Decem- ber 8, 1883, for the ostensible purpose of raising funds for furnish- ing or assisting in furnishing the new house of worship. These ladies deserve c >pal Church. — But limited satisfac- tion was derived in tracing the early historv of Methodism in the city of Edinburg, as the records of the first class have long since been lost or misplaced. According'to the most reliable information it appears that a small class was organized about three miles north- west of Edinburg, on Sugar Creek, early in the twenties, and for some years public worship was held in private residences, princi- pally in the dwelling of an early settler by the name of Gilford. The preaching was done In- traveling missionaries, who visited the neighborhood at regular intervals. Unfortunately the names of these early pioneers of the Cross have been forgotten. Among the early members of the old Sugar Creek class are remembered Wiliam Freeman, Isaac Marshall, Arthur Robinson, Mr. Gifford, S66 JOHNSON COUNTY. and members of their respective families, all of whom have long since passed from the "church militant to the church triumphant."' One of the early preachers, but by no means the earliest, was Rev. Mr. Strange, who is remembered as a very devoted and earnest Christian man, and good pulpit orator. After meeting for two or three years on Sugar Creek, it was decided to move the organiza- tion to Edinburg. where services were afterward held in the private residence of William Hunt, one of the earliest Methodists of the town. Here the class continued to meet until the erection of a house of worship by the Edinburg Benevolent Societv, after which services were regularly held in said building for several years, the congregation increasing in numbers and influence in the meantime. In 1S4O, a frame building for the especial use of the congregation, was erected on Walnut Street. It was made a station some lime in the fifties, and since i860, has been ministered to by the following pastors in the order named, it: Andrew Hester, David Stiver, John F. McClain, Jesse Brockway, Samuel Xoble, William Mopin, John K. Pye, Enoch G. Wood, Robert Roberts, Francis Potts, Dr. Gelet, Robert Roberts, Henry E. Woods. Charles W. Eee, James W. Turner, and Mar- tin L. Wells, at the present time. The church prospered greatly un- der the ministry of Rev. J. K. Pye, whose labors were blessed by a large increase in the membership. Rev. Mr. Roberts also was instrumental in strengthening the church, and during the pastorates of Revs. Lee, Turner and Wood, large revivals were held result- ing in man}- additions to the congregation. In 1869, a movement was inaugurated for the erection of a building of enlarged propor- tions. Accordingly, a beautiful lot on the corner of Main and Thompson streets was procured for the purpose. Work upon the new building was pushed forward as rapidlv as circumstances would permit, and the structure fully completed, was formally dedicated in the year 1S70. It is a handsome brick edifice, the main building, 45x70 feet in size, connected with a chapel, 30x50 feet, the whole representing a capital of $16,000. The seating capacity is fully 800. The membership is now 7 280. A large and flourishing Sun- day school is sustained throughout the year. Methodist Church (Williamsburg). — This society is the succes- sor of an old class which was organized in the vicinity of the village as early as 1S24, or 1S25. Of the early history of the class but little is now known, save that meetings were held in private resi- dences for a number of years, and that it was disorganized some time prior to 1S50. A re-organization was effected in 1853, with about thirty or forty members, and the same year witnessed the erection of a house of worship in the town, the one now used by RELIGIOUS HISTORY. S67 the congregation. Among the ministers since the re-organization were Revs. Talbott, Rice, Woods, Fish, and later, Thomas Jones, Sydney Tinker, E. M. Farr, Thomas Brooks, George B. Young, J. B. Alley, Mr. Clouds, Thomas McClain, James Jamison and Isaac Turner. The church is quite feeble, numbering at this time only twenty-five members. The stewards are: Green B. Cobb and O. P. Burgett. The Sunday school, under the efficient superinten- dency of Daniel Britton, has an average attendance of about sixty scholars. Glade Methodist E-piscapal Church (Pleasant Township). — The history of this flourishing society dates back to a very early period in the settlement of that part of Johnson Count}' embraced within the present limits of Pleasant Township. The first meetings were held in what was known as the Glade school-house, near the eastern boundary of the township, as early as 1840, by Rev. Mr. Huffaker, who, the year following, organized a small class, among the first members of which were the following: John L. McClain and wife, Henry McClain and wife, Jesse McClain and wife, Jacob Peggs and wife, Sophia Cummings, Sarah J. Cummings, Elizabeth Cum- minfjs, Moses McClain and wife, Isabelle Peggs and Nancy Petrirs. Of the original members all have passed from the scenes of their earthly labors, except Sarah J. McClain (ucc Cummings), Eliza- beth Lemon (nee Cummings), and Jacob Peggs. The school-house was used for a meeting place six or eight years, after which a frame temple of worship was erected upon ground donated for the purpose by Elijah Cummings. This building answered well the purposes for which it was intended until the growth of the congre- gation made a house of larger proportions necessary, when a more commodious structure was erected on land of Benjamin Draper, a short distance east of the original place of worship. The present house is a frame edifice, well furnished, and represents a capital of about $2,000. Among the early pastors of the church are remem- bered Revs. J. V. R. Miller, Havens, Winchester, J. W. McMullen and William Goodwin. The church is in a prosperous condition, with the names of nearly if not quite 200 members upon the records. Present pastor, Rev. C. W. Tinsley. Greenwood Methodist Efiscofal Church.* — In thesummer of 1 849 the pastor of Franklin circuit, Rev. Mr. Shafer, began stated preach- ing in the Baptist Church of Greenwood, and the year following, Rev. Elijah D. Long, pastor of the South Port circuit, continued preaching, and organized a class, among the early members of which were the following: M. Dashiel and wife, Mrs. Selch, Mrs. Prewett, George Noble, Louisa Noble, Noah Noble, Rev. Samuel "Contributed by Rev. Samuel Noble. 55 868 JOHNSON COUNTY. Noble, John Vorhies and wife, and others whose names are not now remembered. In the fall of 1850, Greenwood was made the head of a circuit, and Rev. John A. Winchester, at present a superannu- ated member of the Southeast Indiana Conference, appointed pastor. During his pastorate, the erection of a church building was undertaken, and prosecuted to successful completion in the early part of the conference year following. The building was a substantial frame edifice which stood near the central part of town, and cost about $2,500. In the fall of 1851, Rev. Jacob Whitman was appointed to the pastorate. For the conference years of 1S52-53-54, Rev. J. W. T. McMullen served as pastor, with Rev. Strange Sinclair as assistant the second year. Rev. Sinclair came next. Succeeding him came Rev. H. M. Boyd, in the fall of 1857. Others were, Revs. William K. Ream, W. R. Goodwin, L. Havens, A. Kennedy, J. M. Crawford, F. S. Turk, T. W. Jones, Samuel Langdon, D. C. Benjamin, A. H. Reat, Jesse Miller, W. S. Falkenburg. Rev. Samuel Noble was appointed in 1882, Rev. M. Falkenburg having been transferred to the Texas con- ference that year. In the fall of 18S2, W. H. Wydman was ap- pointed pastor, serving until the fall of 1885, and was succeeded by Rev. Alonzo Murphy, who, in September, 1887, was followed by the present incumbent, Rev. C. W. Tinsley. In the spring of 18S7, the society began the erection of a new house of worship, which was completed and dedicated December, 18S7. The build- ing stands in the northeast part of the town, and is one of the finest specimens of church architecture in Johnson Countv. representing a cost of $7,000. It is a beautiful gothic structure, built of brick, and will comfortably accommodate an audience of 700. Class leader, Vorhies Brand; assistant, William H. Bishop. The Sun- day school, under the auspices of the church, was organized in 185 1, with M. Deshiel. superintendent. Whiteland Methodist Episcopal Church. — The organization of which the present class of Whiteland is an outgrowth, was founded a number of years ago at the residence of Martha Lamasters, about three quarters of a mile southwest of the present site of the village of Whiteland. Among the early members were a Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Lamarters, Isaac Clem and wife, Creed Dawson and wife, and John Smith and wife. The first meetings were held at the residence of Mrs. Lamasters, and later a school-house about three miles southwest of Whiteland served the congregation for a place of worship. Early in the forties, a log house, especially for church purposes, was built a short distance west of the present site of Whiteland, and was known in early years by the name of Mt. Ver- non. It was used until the growth of the congregation made a RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 869 more commodious building necessary, when a frame structure was erected, about two miles west, on the land of David Smith, and the name changed to Pleasant Grove Church. Here the congregation met and prospered until 1S81, at which time it was mutually agreed to erect a building in Whiteland, and move the organization to the village. Accordingly a beautiful frame edifice costing $2,000, was built that year, and since its completion the society has been mak- ing substantial progress in numbers and financial strength. For the first few years the church was an appointment of the Franklin cir- cuit, and later it was attached to the Greenwood circuit. The majority of the preachers mentioned in connection with the Green- wood class, ministered to the Whiteland church at different times. Pastor in charge at this time, Rev. C. W. Tinsley. Present mem- bership, 120. Fair \ r iew MetJiodist Episcopal Church, White River Town- ship, formerly known as Pleasant Hill, was organized some time between 1S30 and 1835. Of its early history little that is reliable is now known. The old Pleasant Hill society was kept up for several years, and accomplished much good in the community. A part of the class afterward withdrew and formed what is now the Mt. Auburn Church, and still later, the original society ceased to exist. Subsequently, a remnant of its former members re-organized, and taking subscriptions, succeeded in raising a building fund with which the present frame house of worship in Section 28, was erected. Among the early members of the class were William K. Davis and wife, Joseph Smith and wife, Nicholas Orme and wife, and others. The present membership is nearly 100, and the church is reputed one of the flourishing appointments of South Port circuit. Mt. Auburn Ch -As already stated the church is partly an out-growth of the old Pleasant Hill society, and dates its history from a very early day. Traveling ministers visited the neighbor- hood as long ago as 1S34 anc ^ I 83S> and preached in the dwellings of the settlers, and about that time a small class was organized among the early members, of which are remembered the following: John Surface, Eve Surface, Jesse Hughes, Nancy Hughes, William and Jane Ilarrell, Jane Ross, Amos and Polly Smith. About the year 1835 or 1S36, the members of the class and others, erected a short distant east of the present church edifice, a small frame build- ing, the walls of which were made of mud. It served for church and and for many years was familiarly known as the " .Mud School-House." Here the congregation met until 1848, at which time the present church edifice in the eastern part of the township, Section n, was erected and dedicated. As orig- inally constructed, the building was a rough frame structure. 87O JOHNSON COUNTY. Changes were afterward made in the building, and it now surpasses the average country church in its appearance and appointments. Among the early pastors of the church, were Revs. Eli P. Farmer, John Myers, A. Beck, A. Beech, James Scott, John Powell, J. V. R. Miller, James Mitchell, Jacob Whiteman, Hensley, Lathrop, Havens, Bowman, Ray, Shafer and others. Originally, the class belonged to Franklin circuit, but about the year 1850, it was attached to Greenwood. As a class of the latter circuit, it was organized De- cember 21, 1S50, by Rev C. W. Ruter, presiding elder, and J. S. Winchester, preacher in charge. Since 1850, it has enjoyed the labors of the following ministers: Revs. J. W. T. McMullen, S. W. Sinclair, N. M. Boyer, W. R. Goodwin, L. Havens, A. Kennedy, J. M. Crawford, F. S. Turk, T. W. Jones, S. Langdon, D. C. Ben- jamin, A. R. Reat, Jesse Miller, W. S. Falkenburg, W. H. Wyd- man, A. Murphy, and the present incumbent, C. W. Tinsley. The society has an active membership of over 150. Methodist Episcopal Church (Trafalgar). — This society is the successor of the Old Pleasant Grove Church, which was organized in the northwest part of Nineveh Township as earlv as the year 1827. A number of the pioneer settlers of that locality were Methodists, and the names familiar in the earl}' history of the church were the Thompson's, Baileys. Watkins', Day's, Carroll's, Law's and Wilson's. Early meetings were held in the cabins of the settlers, and later the Watkins school-house served as a place of worship until a building for the especial use of the congregation could be erected. Late in the thirties, Mr. Mullendore, an early settler in the northern part of the township, donated for a church building a lot about one-half mile north of the school-house, and in clue time a frame edifice was erected thereon. Here the society met and nourished for a number of years, and at one time became a strong organization with over 100 members. James Hill. S. W. McNaughton and George F. Mullendore were among the early preachers and stated supplies of the church. Owing to deaths, re- movals and other causes, the membership gradually became weaker, until at one time meetings ceased nearly altogether. A re-organi- zation was effected in 1870, and the place of meeting changed to Trafalgar, where the same year a frame house of worship, costing the sum of $1,650, was erected. This building stands near the central part of the village, and affords a comfortable and commo- dious meeting place. Among the pastors of the church since its re-organization, have been the following: Revs. Tinker, McClain, Cloud, Young, Fair, Alley and Jamison. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. Mr. Turner. JTcs/rv CIiupcI (M. E.), Union village, was organized in the RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 8/1 spring of 1S7S, as a branch of Shiloh Church, in Morgan Countv. For some time meetings were held in a school-house near the village, but in the fall of the above year, a neat frame building was erected. Among the early members of the class were the following persons: James Matthews, George Smith, John W. Taylor, John Selch, Henry Knox, John Shrockmorton and John L. Knox. The following preachers have ministered to the church since its organization: Revs. Charles Woods, Asbury, Thomas Jones, J. V. R. Miller, Charles Spray, Samuel C. Kennedv and John D. Hartsock. The society belongs to the Waverly circuit, Indianapolis district, and numbers at this time about fifty members. Friendship Church (M. E.), Hensley Township, is an old or- ganization, which meets for worship in a frame building, not far from the Morgan County line. The society is not as strong as formerly, but is still in good condition, with an active membership. Rev. Mr. Turner is pastor. Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, an old organization in White River Township, dates its existence from about 1834 or 1835. The first meetings were conducted by Rev. Jacob Brum- well, at the residence of Anthony Brunnemer, and among those who became members in an early day were Jacob and Charlotte Brumwell, Berrien and Catharine Reynolds, William Dresslar, Margaret Dressier, George Duke, Mary Duke, John Taylor, Sa- rah Taylor, Anthony Brunnemer. Magdalene Brunnemer, Henry Dressier, Malinda Dressier, William Brunnemer, Sarah Brunne- mer, Abraham Lowe, Harriet Lowe, and a number of other early settlers of the community. In 1848, Henry and Elizabeth Dress- ier deeded to the ti-ustees of the congregation a lot for church pur- poses, upon which was erected, a little later, a log house of worship. It answered the purpose for which it was intended until 1868, at which time the present frame edifice was erected upon the same lot. Among the pastors of Salem, from 'ime to time, are re- membered the following: Revs. Farmer, Beck, Brown, Crawford, Huffaker, McMullen, W. C. Crawford, George Havens, Landy Havens, Goodwin Sparks, Shelton, St. Clair, J. M. Crawford, Boyer, Ream, Kennedy, Smith, Wilks, Crane, Heavenridge, Woods, Charles Woods, Jones, Asbury, Rhoades, Miller, Sray, C. Kennedy, and Hastrock. The membership in 1SS8, is about 100, and the church is reported in prosperous condition. Rock Lane Methodist Episcopal Church (Clarksburg) was or- ganized about the year 1873 or 1874. A substantial frame house of worship was afterward erected at a cost of $2,000, and the society, though weak in numbers, the membership being about forty, is bj- JOHNSON COUNTY. now making substantial progress. The class leader is William Dun- lavy. Stewards: William Dougherty, Harvey Fisher and William Dunlavy. The church is a point on the Acton circuit, and is min- istered to at this time by Rev. James Hughes. There are three or four other Methodist churches in the county, additional to those mentioned, but owing to the absence of early records, their histories were not learned. African Methodist Efiscopal Church, Franklin, was organized in the year 1868, with the following members: Augustus Ham- mond. Mary Leonard, Mary Elkins, Jane Blakely and Mary Stark, Rev. Whitton Lankford officiating. The following pastors have ministered to the church from time to time: Revs. Henry Brown, Henry Depew, Hezekiah Harper, Joseph Alexander, Whitton Lankford, John Fergerson, Daniel Winslow, Alexander Smith, John Jordan, M. Lewis, Richard R. Titus, Nathaniel Jones and George Pope. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. John Fergerson. The building in which the congregation meets for worship, a frame structure on West Madison Street, was erected and dedicated in the year 1S68. Present membership, fifty-five. Class leaders, Adam Moore and Charles A. Pettiford. Stewards, Charles A. Pettiford, John Fossett, Hillery Moore, Charles Jordan and John Pettiford. Pleasant Hill Methodist Protestant Church (Clark Township). — This flourishing organization dates its history from the year 1S36. The first minister of the M. P. Church in the "Hurricane" neigh- borhood was Rev. Mr. Cable, who, by invitation, preached at the residence of David Parr, as earlvas the above vear. Subsequently, Rev. Peter dinger became his associate, and the result of their labors was the organization of a Methodist Protestant Church, con- sisting of the following families: Samuel Overstreet and wife, David Parr and wife, Milton Knapp and wife, Henry McAlpin and wife, Lewis Jones and wife, and Nancy Yager, all of whom are now dead. In the year of 1836, a place of worship was in demand, and the new organization united with the Baptists and United Breth- ren, in building the old log church known as "Friendship," which was used as a place of worship by the three denominations; also, as a school-house. This old log church was built in the years of 1836 and 1S37, on a lot donated by the late Harvey Sloan, of Franklin, and now occupied by the Hurricane Baptist Church. Samuel Overstreet appears to have been the first Methodist Prot- estant trustee. The rirst Methodist Protestant pastor was Peter Clingler, who was followed b}- George Baxter, John Williams, Thomas Shipp. From 1S40 to 1842, the church had the joint services of T. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 873 Shipp and C. H. Williams as pastors, and Isaac Wills and wife be- came members of the church. From 1842 to 1843, T. Shipp was pastor. From 1843 to 1845, the church had the services of James Edmeston as pastor. In February, 1844, trie Methodist Protestant Church resolved to build for themselves a separate place of wor- ship, and, having secured a beautiful lot (deeded to, and held in trust bv, Milton Knapp, Jackson Williams and Lewis Jones, as trus- tees), began immediatelv to build the old frame church known as Pleasant Hill Methodist Protestant Church, situated on the Hurri- cane pike four and a half miles northeast of Franklin, in Clark Township, Johnson County, Ind. From the years 1S45 to 1S48, H. Collings was pastor; from 1848 to 1851, T. Shipp; from 1851 to 1854, J. Gardner. From the year 1S54 to J ^55' ^ W. B.Taylor was pastor. Others who followed were: T. Bland, T. Shipp, J. Bogle, S. M. Gentry, George Hunt, Joseph Proctor, H. Duckwortb, S. M. Louden, O. R. Carlton, A. S. Baker, H. Stackhouse, A. W. Motz, C. Caddy. E. Conn. II. M. Boyer, S. H. Flood and M. Gustin, John Heim, J. II. C. McKinney. At the conference of 1879, tne church, having been left with- out a pastor, was supplied by S. T. Deekens and Prof. J. H. Martin, during whose services the building of the present church building was begun. Early in Januarv, 1^80, the church, having decided to build a new house of worship, elected a building com- mittee, consisting of J. W. Davis, Rufus Williams, S. W. Dungan, John Ballard, W. W. McCaslin, George Cutsinger and T. B. Wood, through whose efforts the subscription was raised, and un- der whose supervision the contract was let for building. The present building is built of brick, is 38x60 feet, finished and furn- ished in the latest style at a cost of $6,000. The contract for constructing the building was let on the 14th day of March, 18S0, to Robert Wagoner. The building was commenced in April, 1880, and completed October 1, of the same year, and was dedicated to the worship of God on the 10th day of October, 1880. Since 1879 the church has been ministered to by the fol- lowing pastors: J. M. Langley, F. M. Ilussey, J. L. Barclay, and the present membership is 100. Honey ('reck Church, United Brethren in Christ, an old or- ganization in the western part of White River Township, was founded as early as the year 1835. Many of the pioneer families of the neighborhood became identified with the society in an early day, and for a period of over a half century it has been a flourish- ing organization, numbering among its members at this time the leading citizens of the community. Among those who became members in an early clay were: John Scott and wife, Amos Smith 874 JOHNSON COUNTY. and wife. Ira Stater and wife, Margaret Harrell, and others. Rev. Charles McCarty was an early minister, as were also Revs. George Muth and Farmer, who, with others, did much toward establishing the church upon its present substantial foundation. For several years the society met for worship in a neighboring school-house, but about the year 1845, a frame building was erected near the site of the present church. It answered the purposes for which it was intended until 1866, when it was replaced by the present building, a neat frame structure. Present membership, about ninetv. Rev. A. J. Bowling is pastor in charge. Bethel U. B. Church (White River Township) was or- ganized about the year 185S, in a school-house which stood near the present site of the church building. The organization was effected with quite a number of members, among whom were: Mr. Nelson, Sarah Scott, Henry Primer, Wyrmla Primer, Rev. W. J. Pruner, Harvev Vorhies, Bathsheba Yorhies, and others. Rev. H. K. Muth officiated at the organization, and preached for the society sometime thereafter. The temple of worship used by the congregation was erected about the year i860. The church is not very strong numerically, numbering only about fifty com- municants, at this time. Olive Branch U. B. Church, near the central part of White River Township, was organized about the year 1858, by Rev. Henrv K. Muth. Among the early members the following names are familiar: Shelby Fullen, Elizabeth Fullen, Evans A. Ogburn and wife, James M. Barger and wife, and John G. Barger. Among the rlrst pastors are remembered, Revs. Cox, Evans A. Cabrich. The present pastor is Rev. A. J. Bowling. In 1S59 a substantial frame temple of worship was erected, the one in which services have been since held. The church is in a prosperous condition, and has the names of over forty-five members upon the records. Ediiiburg Catholic Church. — The first priest to celebrate mass in Edinburg was Rev. Vincent Bacquelin, who visited the village as early as 1S36, and held services in the house of Mrs. Tierney, one of the early settlers of the communitv. At that time there were but few Catholics in the neighborhood, but in 1845, John Walsh, Dr. William Rush and Michael Fogarty settled here, and two years later came Mrs. I Iannah Ryan, mother of James, Thomas and Richard Ryan, and Sister St. Charles. In 1S50, the Catholic population was increased by the arrival of Thomas Fitzgibbon, James Mullen, Michael Moffett, Michael Lynch, Michael McGrayee and Henry Sweetman, all of whom proved valuable additions to the church. Services were held at different places until 1S51, at which time 'a neat frame temple of worship was erected in the UNION TOWNSHIP. 875 western part of town on a beautiful eminence overlooking Main Cross Street. The building was blessed by Bishop De Saint Palais, as- sisted by Revs. William Doyle and Daniel Maloney, and named Holy Trinity. For several years Edinburg was the center of the Columbus, Franklin, Seymour, Henryville, Greenwood, Browns- town, Taylorville, Mt. Erin and Mt. Liberty missions, and conse- quently became an important point in the Vincennes diocese. The first building was used until 1886, when it was replaced by the present handsome brick structure, at a cost of $5,000. This is one of the finest church edifices in Johnson County, and reflects great credit upon the congregation. The present membership is about thirty families. The following is a list of pastors who have min- istered to the church from time to time: Revs. Vincent Bacquelin, 1835-46; Daniel Maloney, 1846-55; Edward Martimoore. 1855-62; F. Goesse, 1862-64; Joseph Petit, 1864-65; William Henry Orem, 1865-67; D. J. McMullen, 1867-68; Victor A. Schnell, first resi- dent pastor, 1868-70; John Louis Brassart, 1870 71; Victor A. Schnell, 1871-1S — . The present pastor is Row Anthony Oster, who holds services every alternate Sabbath, and at intervals in the meantime. The congregation is in a prosperous condition, and has before it a promising future. UNION TOWNSHIP. William V. Covert was born in Mercer County, Ky., April 8, 1S10, and died in Johnson County, Ind., October 24, 1859. ^ e was the son of John Covert, a son of Isaac. Covert, who was a native of Pennsylvania, of German lineage. Isaac was an early settler of Kentucky, emigrating from Pennsylvania to that state. He was the progenitor of the following offspring: John, Simon, Daniel, Cor- nelius, Jane, Martha and Lamy. John Covert, one of his sons, was an early pioneer settler of Johnson County, locating in the county prior to 1830. He was born September 1, 1782, and died April 4, 1S67. William V. Covert, his son, was united in marriage with Margaret Bergen, in Johnson County, February 20, 1834. Mar- garet Bergen was a native of Kentucky, and was born September 19, 1S15, and died in this county December 28, 1885. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Covert these children have been born: John T., Sarah A.., deceased, Peter G., William D. The sons are citizens of Union Township, and are farmers by occupation. Feb- ruary 11, 1869, Peter G. was united in marriage with Mary E. Vannuys, a native of this county, born March 23, 1836. The above union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Paul. The S76 JOHXSOX COUNTY. father, mother and son are members of the Presbyterian Church at Hopewell. The mother united with the church June 8, 1852, the father April 20, 1856, and the son in 18S4. William D. Covert, like his brother, is a progressive and representative citizen, and has devoted most of his life to farming. lie and his brother, Peter G., have, for several years, been associated together in the business of undertaking, which, together with farming, has honored both broth- ers in the gaining of wealth, and bv their industry and perseverance thev have reached prosperity, and enjoy the esteem of their neigh- bors. William D. is also a member of the Presbysterian Church at Hopewell. Jesse Y. Demaree is the son of George W. and Sarah W. (Young) Demaree. The father was born in Mercer, Ky., March 29, 1812, and died in this county, October 13, 1851, and the mother was born in Pennsylvania, April 16, 1S14, and died in this county August 15, 1S64. They were married in this county, Jan- uarv 25, 1838. This marriage resulted in the birth of the follow- in-- children: Jesse Y., David M., deceased, Robert B., deceased, Margaret J., Rachel E.. deceased, Elizabeth M. About 1835, George W. Demaree came to this county, and lived here till lie died. He en- tered the farm our subject now lives on. He was a zealous member of the Presbyterian Church, in which church he served as elder. The subject of this sketch was born and reared on the farm he owns. He received a fair education bv attending the countrv schools. He has followed farming as an occupation. He was married April 3, 1S65, wedding Mary M. Miller, who is the daughter of William and Rhoda Miller. She lived but a short period of time after this marriage. In 1872, October 3, Mr. Demaree mar- ried, for a sceond wife, Margaret A. Winchester, daughter of John M. and Harriet Winchester. Mrs. Demaree was born in this county, September 6, 1S52. The children born unto the second marriage of our subject were: Mary Ester, Hattie, Sarah E., de- ceased, Bertha Jane, Mabel Edna, deceased, Byron M. and John R. Our subject began the battle of life for himself at an early day. His father died when he was but thirteen years old, and to support the widowed mother and the family placed upon him much respon- sibility; but he succeeded in his efforts, and now owns the old homestead his father entered, excepting forty acres. He volun- teered in Company F, Seventh Indiana Regiment, in August, 1861, as a private, and was engaged at the battle of Winchester, Ya., in 1862, where he received a gunshot wound in the left thigh, and this necessitated his discharge in October, 1862. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, as is also his wife. He is a Master Mason of Union \ ulage Lodge, Xo. 545. UNION TOWNSHIP. S77 William H. Hamilton was born in Union Township, this countv, September S, 1S34, and is the son of Micajah and Elizabeth (Euyster) Hamilton. The father was born in Culpep- per Countv, Ya., in 1797, and died in this county in 1S78. He was the son of a native of Virginia, who was an early settler of Ken- tuckv, where Micajah Hamilton was reared. The mother of our subject was born in Mercer Countv. Kv., in 1797, and died in this countv in 1SS4. The marriage of Micajah Hamilton and Elizabeth Luvster was consummated in Kentuckv, and unto them were born the following children: Peter L., John, Rachel, Mary, Susan and Nancy, and then the parents and children came to this state and county in 1S34, and located in Union Township, where the deaths of the parents occurred. To them, after their arrival, were born these children: William H., Martha, Robert P. and James T., and two others who died in infancy. Of these children, eight are living, four in Johnson County, two in Missouri, one in Kansas and one in Iowa. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and received an education in the country schools. He has followed farming for an occupation. In 1S56 he was married to Charlotte J. Terrell, daughter of Henry H. and Nancy i Foster i Terrell, na- tives of Kentucky, coming to this state about 1S54. Mrs. Hamil- ton was born in Nelson County, Ky., March 2, iS_j.o. The follow- ing are the children born unto the above marriage: Nancy E., Peter S., Addie J., Mary E., Martha E., Emma S., and BJanche C. Not long after the marriage of Mr. Hamilton went to Kansas, where he lived for a period of four years, and then returned to his native state and county, where he has since made his home. Soon after his return to Indiana, the Civil War broke out, and in 1S62, August 20, he enlisted in Company E, Seventh Indiana Infantry, as private, and among the important engagements in which he participated, were Bull Run, South Mountain, Antie- tam and Union. June 30, 1865, he was mustered out of the service, at Point Lookout, Md. At the close of the war he returned to his home, and since has been actively engaged in farming. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are members of the Presbyterian Church at Shiloh. Daniel J. Helm, farmer and stock-trader, was born in John- son County, Ind., December 15, 1S52, and is the son of John and Nancy ( Clark) Helm. His father and mother were called away in death when he was but a small child. He was taken by an uncle to be fostered: but the time he remained with this uncle was short. He came to the Hopewell neighborhood when fourteen years old, and has lived here ever since. For twelve years he worked on a farm. With his earnings, he educated himself, lie attended Hanover College for three months, but ill-health com- SyS JOHNSON COUNTY. pelled him to quit school. He taught school one term: but agri- culturing has been his chosen occupation. Me now owns and cultivates a -well-improved farm of forty acres, and , enjoys the esteem of his neighbors, who regard him as a self-made and honest man. April 25, 1872, he was united in marriage with Rachel C. Carnine. She was born in this county, August 17, 1S50, and by the above marriage has become the mother of the following- chil- dren: Nannie J., Collie Roscoe, Claud A., and Annie M. Mr. and Mrs. Helm are members of the church: he of the Christian Church; she of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of Franklin Lodge, I. O. O. F. Gkorge and Hiram Kerlin. — Among the early families of Johnson County, was the Kerlin family. The father, George Kerlin, was born in Kentucky, January 19, I79°> and died in Johnson County, Inch, in 1852. He was the son of James and Margaret (Smith) Kerlin, earl}' settlers of Kentucky, in which state George was reared, and was united in marriage with Rachel Banta, De- cember 5, 1S16. Rachel was also a native of Kentucky, born March 14, 1S00, and died in this county in 1S72. For about fifteen years after the above marriage was consummated, Mr. and Mrs. Kerlin resided in Kentucky, and in 1831, removed to Indiana, and in the same year settled in Johnson County, locating on Section 24, of what is now Union Township. This was their home until called away in death. Their marriage was blessed by the birth of the following offspring: John, Peter, deceased, Arta Mecv, Delilah, de- ceased, James, deceased, Rachel, Joseph, deceased, Margaret, de- ceased, Levina, deceased, George, Hiram and Carolina, deceased. Their father was a farmer by occupation, and was a hardy pio- neer, living for over twenty years in the county. He and his wife were members of the Regular Baptist Church, taking active parts in the work of the church. George Kerlin, a son of George and Rachel Kerlin, was born in Union Township, February 15, 1834, an d was reared and educated on a farm, receiving a fair education for his day. His youth was devoted to farm work, and in early manhood, learned the carpenter's trade, which he fol- lowed till he was about thirty years of age, since when he has followed the pursuit of farming, in which he is practical and suc- cessful. February 25, 1864, he was united in marriage with Susan Keaton, daughter of William and Sarah Keaton, who were early settlers of Nineveh Township, this county. Mrs. Kerlin was born in Johnson County, August 22, 1S38. Unto the above marriage, have been born these children : Lizzie A., deceased, William H., George L., and John E. After Mr. Kerlin's marriage, he settled on a farm of twenty acres in Section 13, Union Township, andnow owns UNION TOWNSHIP. S 79 and cultivates a farm of 118 acres. Mr. Kerlin is not a member of any church, yet he is not adverse to the church cause, and ad- vocates that religion is a reality, and has always aided the church. His wife is a member of the Christian Church, and both enjoy the esteem of their neighbors. Hiram Kerlin, also a son of George and Rachel Kerlin, was born in this county, August 10, 1S36. His youth was spent on the farm, and his education obtained at the country schools, during short winter terms. His life has been devoted to farming, and has been marked by industry and perse- verance. His father died when he was a youth, but he remained on the farm with his widowed mother till he reached the age of twenty-five years. December 24, 1S63, his marriage with Lucy A. Clark was solemnized. His wife is the daughter of Allen and Martha (Webb) Clark, and was born in this county, March 21, 1840. Her parents were natives of Kentucky, and in an early day emigrated to Kentucky, from which state they removed in 1832, settling in Johnson County in the same year. This marriage has resulted in the following births: Jessie Albertine, Ella Belle, Isaac Webster, Maggie May, deceased. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Kerlin settled in life as a farmer, and has been favored with suc- cess in life. He and his wife are members of the Primitive Baptist Church. John W. Peggs was born in Johnson County, Ind., September 22, 1S4S, and is the son of Evan O. and Margaret M. (Hunter) Peggs. The father was born in Trimble County, Ky., September 14, 1814, and is the son of Joseph and Nancy (Cunningham) Peggs. Joseph Peggs was a native of Dublin, Ireland, and immi- grated to America in an earl}' day, and here was united in marri- age with Nancy Cunningham, a native of Pennsylvania, of Dutch descent. Unto the above union were born: Jacob, Rachel, Cath- erine, Ellen, Mary, Nancy, Sarah, Joseph, John F., Thomas, Evan O. and William. Soon after the marriage of the parents they removed to Trimble County, Ky., and not very long after they removed to Indiana, where their deaths occurred. Evan O. Peggs was reared in his native state, and in company with his brother Jacob, he came to this county in 1832, and has since continued in the county, farming for an occupation. In 1846, he was united in marriage with Margaret M. Hunter, a native of Trimble County, Ky., born in 1824, and died in this countv in 1S56. Unto the above marriage were born six children, of whom three are deceased. Those living are Taylor, John W. and Nancy E. The father still survives, and resides with the subject of this sketch. John W. Peggs, our subject, was reared and educated on a farm, and has followed the occupation of farming as a life work. In 1877, he was 88o JOHNSON COUNTY. married unto Sarah J., daughter of Christopher and Mary Duff. She was born in this county August 26, i860. Her parents, both na- tives of Ireland, reside in Clark Township, this county. The above marriage has been blessed by the birth of one child, a daughter, named Edna. John W. Peggs is one of the enterprising and suc- cessful farmers of Johnson County. He formerly resided in Franklin Township, but in the fall of 1887, he located on a farm in Union Township. He is a successful breeder of fine stock, of which two fine stallions are of most note. One is Robert Emmett, a Mam- brino, and the other Jim Cox, a Norman. The former is seldom excelled in point of speed; while the latter has but few equals as a draft horse. Mr. Peggs is a thorough-going man, and enjoys the esteem of his neighbors. He is not a member of any church, but if he has any choice it is the Roman Catholic Church, of which his wife is an ardent member. W. M. Province, M. D., a practicing physician at Providence, (Union village) is a native of Henry County, Kv., was born De- cember 19, 1840, and is the son of Samuel and Nancy (Harden) Province. The father was born in the County of Phamana, Ire- land, about 1808, and died in Henry County, Kv., in 1S63. He came to America at the age of fourteen years, coming with his mother. The mother and son settled in Shelby County, Ky. He was mar- ried in Henry County, Ky. The mother of our subject was born in Henry County, Ky., and is the daughter of Daniel Harden, a na- tive of Kentucky, of French origin. The following children were born unto them : Elizabeth Jane, William M., Rebecca, Mary E., Daniel H., Samuel, deceased. William M. was reared in his na- tive count}', and his youth was spent in the village of Pleasureville. October 12, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Sixth Kentucky Infantry, with Capt. H. C. McLoed, and December 19, 1S61, was mustered as a private in the United States Army, for a term of three years. Among the important engagements in which he took part, were: Shiloh, Stone River and Chickamauga. At Chickamauga he received a wound in the left arm. His services continued until December 19, 1864, when he was mustered out. After the close of the war he came to WaveiTy, Morgan Co., Ind., where he remained a short time, and then went to Bloomingdale, Ind., where he attended the academy of that place, which was taught by B. C. Hobbs and daughter. He attended school for about one year, receiving a fair literary education. He then returned to Waverly, where he began studying medicine with Dr. C. M. Lindley. Later, he attended the Miami Medical College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated in March, 1867. In 1867 he located at Union village, Ind., form- ing a partnership with Dr. L. C. Gair, with whom he continued to UNION TOWNSHIP. 88l practice till September 30, 1S71, when he bought out his partner and continued the practice alone. lie has had a lucrative practice, and has widely established for himself the reputation of a skillful and successful practitioner. From the fact that he has been in active practice for a period of over twenty years, and in one place, we conclude that he has met with more than an ordinary success. At the close of the war he found himself a poor young man, and with but limited education. He came to Indiana, and his ed- ucation, gained at Bloomingdale, he compensated for with his own finance, as well as his medical education. He has been a man of energy and perseverance, and though meeting with many adversi- ties, he has been successful in surmounting many of the obstacles of life. He is now a prospouous man, and enjovs the esteem of his neighbors. He is a member of the Christian Church, and is also a Master Mason in the Union Village Lodge, No. 545, of which he is one of its charter members. He is mas- ter of his lodge at present. November 12, 1S6S, he was united in marriage with Julia Abraham, daughter of William and Maria ( Arnold) Abraham, born in Marion County, Ind., September 28, 1S44, and the above union has been blessed by the birth of the following children: Clarence, Florence M., and Oran. Mrs. Province is a member of the Christian Church. He is, beside being engaged in the practice of medicine, also engaged in agricultural pursuits, owning and cultivating a farm of 155 acres. James II. Vandivier, a farmer of Johnson Countv, was born in Mercer Count)-, Ky., February 13, 1823, and is the son of Peter and Sarah (Garshwiler) Vandivier. His father was a na- tive of New Jersey, born October 15, 17S7, and died in this county in 1S66. The mother was born in Kentucky, October 17, 1788, and died in this country June 29, 1863. This marriage was con- summated in Kentucky, and they came to this country in 1S26, and located on Section 25, Union Township, and lived here until their deaths. Their marriage was blessed by the following children: Madison, deceased, Eliza, Strather, John, deceased. William T., Susann, Peter, Joseph S., James II., Polly, Isaac. Henry, de- ceased, Jefferson and Harriet. The father was a farmer by occu- pation, and was a pioneer of the county. He was a member of the Christian Church. Mrs. Vandivier was a member same church. Thev came to Indiana in an early day. They endured many hardships, but lived to an advanced age, and were respected by all who knew them. Their son, James, who is the subject of this sketch, was but three old when he was brought to this county. His youth was spent on a farm. In his days of schooling he had but few advantages to gain an education, S82 JOHNSON COUNTY. and what he did get was gained by attending a few short terms of subscription schools. He is a man of strong judgment and pos- sessed of a keen observation, and a store of useful and practical knowledge, which has characterized his life with utility and practica- bility. He rem. lined under the parental roof until he was twenty-five years of age. November 16, 184S, he was united in marriage with Mary Ann Buckner, daughter of Avery and Margaret (Sturgeon) Buckner. Mrs. Vandivier was born in Kentucky, May 29, 1832. Her parents came to this county about 1836, and reared her in this count_y. The above marriage was blessed by the following births: John W., Samantha, Avery M.. Joseph H., William A., Sarah M., James Thomas, and Minnie Bell. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Vandivier settled down on the place where he now lives, and has since been actively engaged in farming. He began in life with but ordinary advantages for gaining wealth, but by energy and perseverance, together with honesty and integrity, he has not only become one of the most prosperous men of the county, but a well respected one as well. He has reared a large family for whom he has cared both educationally and financially. He is one of the most extensive land holders of the county, now owning 820 acres of land in the county, lie has filled several positions of honor and trust, and at present is one of the county commissioners, being elected by a majority of over 3,000 as the democratic candidate, in 1886. Jefferson Vandivier, son of Peter and Sarah Vandivier, early pioneers of this county, was born in Union Township, August 25, 1828, and was reared on the farm. He attended school during a few short terms, and gained a knowledge of reading, writing, and ciphering. He remained under the parental roof till he reached the age of twenty-four years, and then began the battle of life for himself, and on January 26, 1S54, he was united in marriage with Luanda Margaret Canary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Terhune) Canary, who settled in this county in 1844, and now reside in Franklin. They came from Mercer County, Ky., where the wife of our subject was born, April 29, 1836. Her marriage with our subject has been blessed by the birth of the following children: Almira (wife of T. L. Banta), Elizabeth, deceased, Minerva Ann, (wife of P. S. Hamilton), Ro- zella (wife of William II. Garshwiler), Mayo L., Dillard M., Ozaies E., Henry R., Strather E., Emma C, Susan Iona and Har- riet. After Mr. Vandivier's marriage, he settled in life as a far- mer, and since has been engaged in farming, in Union Township. He staited out in life with a heavy debt over him. which he has cleared, and now he is a prosperous man, owning and cultivating two farms, one consisting of 200, and the other of 175, acres. His UNION TOWNSHIP. 8S3 success in life has been clue to his untiring energy and perseverance. He has held several positions of honor and trust. He is now the present trustee of Union Township, filling the office for a second term. He was elected as the democratic candidate in 1886, and re-elected in 1888. He has always been an uncompromising dem- ocrat, casting his first presidential vote for Taylor and Filmore. Mr. Vandivier is a progressive and energetic man, and has always been a friend to churches, schools and public improvement. He is a jocular, good-natured man. He has reared a large family, most of whom he has succeeded in giving a good education, lie is a sober, industrious and pious citizen. Thomas Forsyth was born in Jefferson Count}-, Ky., January 23, 1816, and is the son of James and Jane (Sturgeon) Forsyth. The parents were natives of Virginia, and came to Kentucky in an early day. Their marriage resulted in the birth of the following children : Matilda, Margaret, Mary, James, Thomas, John and David, all of whom, but Thomas, are deceased. The father died in 182 1, at the age of forty-three years, his death occurring in Ken- tucky. The marriage of each of the daughters was consummated in Kentucky, artd subsequentlv in 1S30, the widowed mother and her four sons, emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana, and in the same year, settled near the present location of Trafalgar. Subsequently the mother became the wife of Garret Terhune. Her death occurred at her home in the town of Trafalgar about the year 1S56, at the age of seventy years. The subject of this sketch was a youth of fifteen years when his mother came to this county, and has since lived here. He was reared on a farm and received a fair education for his day. He has followed farming for a chosen oc- cupation. He remained with his mother till he reached his ma- jority, and in the fall of 1837 he was united in marriage with Mary Ragsdale, a native of Oldham County, Ky., born August 28, 1S16. She died in the fall of 1864. Eight children were born unto the above marriage, as follows: John Thomas, deceased. James Har- vey, Mitchell S., Martha Ellen, Robert Fulton, deceased, Sarah J., Milton and Bronson H. In 1873, Mr. Forsyth married for a second w ife Mrs. Malinda J. Garrison, whose death occurred nine years later. Mr. Forsyth settled on his farm in Union Township soon after his marriage. He has never aspired to public life, but lias preferred the life of a prosperous farmer. Though he has never connected himself with the church, he is in sympathy with all de- nominations. 56 884 JOHNSON COUNTY. WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. Adaline R. Baker was born in this county, June 19, 183 1, and is the daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Whetzel) Lowe. The father was born in Salem County, N. C, and died in Johnson Count}', Ind., October 10, 1871, aged seventy-two years. The mother was born in Wheeling, Va., and died in this county, Decem- ber 12, 1852, aged forty-three years. Their marriage was con- summated in Morgan County, Ind., December 23, 1S28, andresuhed in the birth of the following children: Caroline L. and Adaline R. The parents were very early settlers of Johnson County. The father was the son of Thomas Baker, Sr., a native of North Caro- lina; and the mother was the daughter of Jacob Whetzel, an early pioneer settler of Morgan County, Ind. Adaline R. Baker was united in marriage with William Madison Knox, October 10, 1852. Unto the union was born a daughter, Sarah E. by name. This daughter became married a second time, and her marriages were blessed by the birth of the following children: Maude, Maggie, Maria, Roukin, Charles, William M., and Blithe. William Madi- son Knox's death occurred in 1855; and in 1856, his widow, who is the subject of this sketch, was united in marriage with Charles H. Baker. This marriage has resulted in the birth of five children, namely: Carolina, Louisa, Emily, Henry S., deceased, Thomas William, deceased, and Ida, deceased- Charles E. Bailey, a citizen of White River Township, was born in Butler County, Ohio, September 19, 1849, and is the son of Elias and Mary E. (Pierce) Bailey. The father was born in Burlington, N. J., October 24, 1813, and died in Marion County, Ind., December 25, 1882. He was one of three sons, whose father was Ephraim Bailey. Elias Bailey came to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1839, and here was married in 1841, to Mary E. Pierce, the daughter of John S. and Hannah C. (Baker) Pierce. Mary E. Pierce was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 22, 1826 Her mar- riage with Elias Bailey was blessed with eleven children: Emily, deceased, Sanford P., Richard, deceased, Charles E., Jose- phine M., Sarah J., Cordelia, deceased, Roswell Wells, Stew- ard W., Oscar, and Augustus, deceased. After their marriage they settled in Butler County, Ohio, where the father followed farming. Their home was here till 1853, when they removed to Decatur Count}', Ind., and in 1S64 they removed to Marion County, Ind., the father continuing farming till his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and never aspired to public life, but preferred the life of a farmer. After leading a long and useful life, WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. S85 he died universally respected by all who knew him. His widow- still survives, and resides in Marion County, the wife of Stephen A. Tucker. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and received a high school education at South Port. In youth, the car- penter's trade was uppermost in his mind, and his father, besides farming, did more or less contracting and building, and while work- ing on contracts for his father, he learned the carpenter's trade. He remained under the parental roof till he reached majority, and then went to Indianapolis, where he engaged in carpentering for three years, and then two years at South Port, and in 18S0, he lo- cated in Johnson County, where he has followed both carpentering and farming. October 15, 1S79, he wedded Laura A., the daugh- ter of James A. and Mary E. Fendley, whose sketch appears else- where. Mrs. Bailey was born in Marion Count)', Ind., September 26, 1S62. The children that have resulted from the above mar- riage, are: Mary Edith, Ethel Pearl, Clarence Evertt and Jossie. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Master Mason of South Port Lodge, No. 270, and is a democrat in politics. John R. Brickert, a native of Morgan County, Ind., was born January 19, 1859, and is the son of Charles J. and Elizabeth J. (Fitzpatrick ) Brickert. The father was born in Adams County, Penn., in 1827, and is the son of Frederick Brickert, of Pennsyl- vanian birth, and German lineage. Charles J. Brickert was reared in his native state, and in 1848 came to Indiana, and settled in Mor- gan County, where he has spent most of his life following farming and carpentering. In 1S53, he was united in marriage with Eliza- beth J. Fitzpatrick, a native of Lawrence Count}-, Ind., born in 1S35. She is the daughter of Henry C. Fitzpatrick, of Irish de- scent, and an early settler of Lawrence County, Ind. The above marriage was blessed by the birth of the following children : Will- iam H.j Charles F.,John R., Edwin W., James M., deceased, Min- nie V. and Cora A. John R. was reared on a farm in Morgan Count}'. He received his early education in the common schools, and then a normal education at Valparaiso, Ind. In 1880, he be- gan teaching in the public schools of Morgan County, and taught for three years. He took a select course at Bloomington, Ind., and later a law course at the Gillettle Law University, at Valparaiso, Ind. He was admitted to the bar in Morgan County, Ind., in April of 1S85. In the same year he became a member of the Johnson County bar. In the fall of the same year he engaged in the breeding of short-horn cattle, and Hambletonian horses, at Bluff Creek, Johnson Co., Ind., and since has continued in the breed- ing and sale of line stock. Septembers, 1S85, he was united in 886 JOHNSON COUNTY. marriage with Annie L., the daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Clark) Tresslar. The father was a native of Virginia, the mother of New Jersey. Anna L. is the only daughter of the parents; she was born in Johnson County, Ind., June 27, 1862. One child has blessed the above union, named Jacob Errett. Mr. and Mrs. Brickert are mem- bers of the Christian Church. Jonx Clore, a farmer of Johnson County, was born in Oldham County, Ky., May 9, 1826, and is the son of James and Sarah (Keller) Clore. Our subject's early life was spent on a farm, re- maining with his parents until he attained his twenty-third year. During the winter of 1847-48, Mr. Clore made a visit to his old Virginia homestead, renewing old acquaintances, and reviving recollections of his boyhood days. October 25, 1849, he was united in marriage with Margaret E., daughter of Robert and Mary Welch. To this union were born four children, as follows: William R., James R., John A., and Joel. In 1850, our subject emigrated to Indiana, and settled in White River Township, Union County, where Mrs. Ciore died, May 6, 1863. September 15, 1863, Mr. Clore was married to Mrs. Diana Rice, daughter of Joel Carpenter. Mrs. Clore departed this life after a brief married life of eleven months, and January 26, 1865, our subject was wedded to Elizabeth M., daugh- ter of Henry and Mary Utterback. To the latter marriage three children have been born: Leonard B., Annabel and Henry, de- ceased. William R. is married, and has one child named Lora.; James R. is married, and is the father of three children: Lester, Frank and Edna Belle. Mr. Gore's first land purchase was a tract of eighty acres, to which he later added largely. He has given each married child forty acres, and still retains a farm of 240 acres of fine farming land. In addition to farming he has given consid- erable attention to stock-raising. Mr. Clore became a member of the Church of Christ at the age of eighteen years, and has been a bishop sixteen years in the church at Bargersville, Johnson County, of which his wife and children are members. Politically, he has always been a democrat, except in one campaign, when he was elected county commissioner by the independents. James Collins, the subject of this biography, is a native of Johnson County, born March 18, 1826. He is the son of Henry M. and Catharine (Bell) Collins. His father was a native of Vir- ginia, and died when James was but a child. The mother of James was a native of Butler County, Ohio. She made her home in White River Township, soon after James was born: and here he was raised on a farm. In youth he attended country schools, which were supported by subscription, and in those schools he received a fair education. His home was with his widowed mother: who, in WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. SS7 after years, continued to make her home with him. She lived to an advanced age, and died in 1S79. On reaching his majority James began teaching in the public schools. He taught for fifteen rears; teaching fifteen terms, which averaged about three months each. During these fifteen years he both taught school and followed farming. The latter vocation he has followed as his life pursuit. As an active politician he began in early life. He became a demo- crat in 1854, and since has continued to be an ardent advocate of the principles of democracy. At the age of twenty-one years he was elected as constable, thus beginning his civil office career. In 1S56 he was elected assessor for his township, and in this capacity lie served three terms. In 1S64 he was made appraiser of real estate in Johnson County, holding this position for several years. In 1876 he was elected township trustee of his township, in which capacity he served two terms. Later, he served as assessor, and also as real estate appraiser. In 1SS4 he was elected by his party to the office of county commissioner from the third district, and is the present incumbent. Although Mr. Collins has never connected himself with an}' church, he has always been a friend to churches, and education as well. He is a Master Mason, to which fraternity he is much attached. Charles H. Davis, who is the subject of this sketch, is the son of William Kindrick and Ruth Turner (Orme) Davis. The father was born in Lewis County, Kv., May 25, 1S16; died in Marion County, Ind., July 6, 1S71. He was the son of Walter and Catherine (Putman) Davis, both natives of Virginia, and early settlers of Kentucky. The parent's children were: Mason T., John, Benjamin, William K., Elizabeth, Nancy and Sarah. William K. was reared in Lewis County, Kv., and in 1836, came to Marion County, Ind., and in 1S47 became a citizen of Johnson County, in which county he lived till 1S6S, when he removed to Indiana; > and lived, till his death occurred. He was married January 29, 1S46, wedding Ruth T. Orme, the daughter of Moses and Mary T. ( Elson ) Orme, both natives of Virginia, where Ruth T. was born February 1, 1818. Herparents came to Marion County, Ind., in 1.^27. The marriage of William K. and Ruth T. Davis resulted in the birth of the following children: Mary and George, deceased, and Charles H., born in Johnson County. Charles H. was reared in Johnson County up to the age of twelve years, w r hen his parents removed to Indianapolis. His education was received in the In- dianapolis schools. He learned the painter's trade, which he fol- lowed for several years in Indianapolis. October 15, 1879, he married Belle Yeager, daughter of John and Mary J. (Cunning- ham) Yeager. The father was born in Maryland, of German ori- S8S JOHNSON COUNTY. gin, and the mother in Ohio. Mrs. Davis was horn in Yankton, Ohio, September 14, 1856. Her marriage has been blessed by the birth of these children: William E., who died in infancy; Pearlie May, deceased; Grade H. and Freddie C. In 1886, Mr. Davis removed to his father's old homestead in White River Township, and since has been engaged in farming. He is the only living off- spring of his parents. His mother still lives and makes her home with her son. She and husband have been life-long members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Our subject and wife are mem- bers of the same church. Thomas Denny, the subject of this sketch, was born in Preble Count}-, Ohio, November iS, 1S35, and is the son of Jesse and Ona (Bowles) Denny. The father was born in North Carolina, January 20, 1804, and died in Johnson County, Ind., February 28, 1S65, and was of English descent. He was reared in North Car- olina, and married Ona Bowles, who, like himself, was a native of North Carolina, and was born December 15, 1S02, and died in Johnson Count}', August 3, 1S65. She was also of English descent, and was the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Bowles. Jesse and Ona Denny lived for a short time after their marriage in North Carolina, in which state were born unto them three children : Thurman, Silvira and Lucinda. Then the family removed to the State of Ohio, about 1832, and settled in Preble County, where these children were born: Hepsy Ann, Thomas, Mary and Jacob. The family removed to Indiana in 1840, and settled in Johnson County, in which place the parents died. Of their seven chil- dren, live are living. Our subject was but five years old when his parents settled in this county. His youth was spent on a farm, and he received only a fair education in reading, writing and " cipher- ing" in the country schools. February 4, 1864, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Duke, daughter of Washington and Rosa Ann (Etter) Duke. Elizabeth was born in Indiana, October 25, 1843. Unto this union have been born the following children: Margaret Harriet, and a second child named Carrie Bell, and a third child, now deceased, named Jacob. When Mr. Denny began the battle of life he had no capital other than willing hands. He owns a well-improved farm of 225 acres, of which 120 acres are under cultivation. Mr. Denny is a staunch democrat. He is a Master Mason of Glenn's Valley Lodge, No. 514. He was for- merly of Mooresville Lodge. He has been a Mason for over twenty-five years. William C. DeMott, a farmer of White River Township, was born in Union Township, Johnson Co., Ind., July 11, 1857, and is the son of John J. and Sarah A. (Covert) DeMott. (See sketches WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 889 of Franklin for parental history.) William C. DeMott was reared on a farm, and received a thorough education in the common branches, at Hopewell Academy, where he also received a fair knowledge of book-keeping. He also attended the Eastman Busi- ness College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he took a three months' course. May 17, 1881, he married Mary E. Aten, daugh- ter of John H. and Mary E. (Thompson) Aten. Mrs. DeMott was born in Franklin Township, this county, October 6, 1S60. One child has resulted from the above marriage, named Norval J., born April 30, 1S82. Soon after Mr. DeMott's marriage, he settled on his present farm, in White River Township, and since has been actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is a member of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church at Franklin. Levi B. Dolen was born in Clermont Count}-, Ohio, March 4, 1S35, and is the son of Obadiah Winans and Sarah Curtis (Brunaugh) Dolen. The father was born at Deerfield, Ohio, November 3. 1808. He' is the son of Timothy and Elizabeth (Winans) Dolen. Timothy Dolen was born in Dublin, Ireland. Elizabeth Winans was American born, and was the sister of an early minister of the Gospel in Indiana. This minister was William Winans, and was, perhaps, the first to preach a sermon at Vin- cennes, Ind. This, he preached when Gen. Harrison was territorial governor of Indiana Territory, and Gen. Harrison and one other, constituted the audience. Gen. Harrison held the candle for the minister to read his text. The father of our subject was mar- ried in Clermont County, Ohio, February 11, 1 831, to Sarah C. Brunaugh, a daughter of John and Sarah Curtis Brunaugh. The father was French. Mr. and Mrs. Dolen went to Jennings County, Ind., and there resided until after the close of the war, and then a removal was made to this county, and they located at Whiteland, where Mrs. Dolen was called away in death, September 26, 1872. Her marriage was blessed by the birth of the following children: Mary E., Levi B., Timothy M., Elizabeth B., Subrina B., deceased, Reliance T., John M. and William H. (twins ), and Emily B. Their mother was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their father still survives the mother, and is also a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. He was ordained as deacon, by Bishop Bacon, in Lawrenceburgh, Ind., in 1856, having been licensed as a minister of the Gospel in 1S34. ^ ls work as a minister has been local work. He is a cooper by trade, and makes his home with his children. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and was a small bov when his parents came to Indiana, and he has spent nearly all bis life in this state. August 7, 1S62, he 89O JOHNSON COUNTY. entered as a private in Company B, Eighty-second Indiana Volunteers, and among the important engagements in which he participated, are the following: Stone River, Hoover's Gap, Chicka- mauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face, Resaca, Kenesaw Mount, Atlanta, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. His last battle was at Bentonville. April 20, 1865, he was commissioned by Gov. Oliver P. Morton as first lieutenant of the Eighty-second Indiana Volunteers, and received his commission at FayetteviUe, N. C. He was never mustered as a lieutenant because of his com- pany being reduced to what is termed a " minimum." After the close of the war, Mr. Dolen returned to Indiana, and was married July 20, 1S65, to Mary E. Sutton, daughter of Jacob and Abigail Sutton, early settlers of this county. Mrs. Dolen was born in John- son County, Ind., April 30, 1S36. Unto this marriage have been born three children, William H., Florence N., and Charlie M. Mr. and Mrs. Dolen and two oldest children are members of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. He has, since the war. resided in this county, living for the greater part in White River Township. For seven years he lived at Whiteland, and while living there, served in the capacity of justice of the peace. He is D. G. M. of Wav- erly Lodge, No. 318, I. O. O. F. William Dorrell, an early settler of Ohio County, Ind., was a native of Ohio. His son, Jacob Dorrell, was born in Ohio, July 5> 1801, and was reared in Ohio County, Ind., where he was married December 10, 1822, wedding Mary Alexander, who was born in Ohio County, Ind., June 4, 1S04. They lived in Ohio County till 1828, when they removed to Johnson County, and settled in White River Township, in which township they lived until their deaths occurred, she dying January 12, 1873, and he, February 1, 1881. To this marriage were born the following children: John, deceased, Elizabeth, James, Cyntha Ann, deceased, William, Daniel, Paschal, Sarah, Joseph, Mary, Samuel, Urzulla, and Margaret. Their father and mother were among the early pioneers of Johnson County. They were industrious and persevering, and noted for their zealous characters. Faithful as friends, they were universally respected. William Dorrell was reared on a farm and remained with his father and mother till he reached the age of twenty-five years. He has followed farming as a vocation, in which he is practical and suc- cessful. August 12, 1858, he was united in marriage with Mar- cella Bristow, daughter of James and Sarah (Dunn) Bristow. He is a native of Kentucky, born February 19, 1805, and died in In- diana, February 25, 1855. His wife was born in Kentucky, July 17, 1816, and died in Indiana, February 2, 1S73. Mrs. William Dorrell was born in Marion County, Ind., July 22, 1S35. Unto her WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 89I marriage have been born these children : Jacob G., Joseph, deceased, Daniel D., Sarah INI., Mary E., deceased, Paschal E., William A., Thomas, James M., Robert and Cena Jane. Mr. and .Mrs. Dor- rell are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he is a democrat. He is a Master Mason in South Port Lodge, No. 270. Paschal Dorrell was reared and educated on a farm. He was married October 25, 1S60, to Martha E., the daughter of David and Rachel (Gloseclore) Sell, the former a native of Ohio, and the latter of Virginia. Mrs. Dorrell was born in Johnson County, Ind., November 3, 1834. Two daughters have blessed the above marriage: Ida Agnes, deceased, and Rosa May. Paschal Dorrell remained under the parental roof till he reached the age of twenty-seven years; then married and settled in life as a farmer, on the farm he now owns. In politics, he is a staunch democrat, and firmly set in the principles of the party. Thomas J. Draper was born in Clark Township, Johnson Co., Inch, March 24, 1S55, and is the son of Oliver H. and Phoebe (Herbert) Draper. The father and mother are residents of Clark Township, and their biographies appear in the Clark Township sketches. Thomas J. Draper was reared on a farm in Clark Township, and attended the district schools, receiving a fair com- mon school education. lie is the fourth child of twelve, that were born unto the marriage of Oliver and Phcebe Draper. These parents came to Johnson County at an early date, and began the battle of life poor, and having a large family to support and foster, they were to the necessity of putting forth much energy and per- severance. They, like their father, were endowed with energy and enterprise, and all gained fair educations, some attending com- mon schools, and others colleges. Mr. Draper gained a fair edu- cation in the common schools. He began the battle of life for him- self at an early date. He was united in marriage to Luella Finney, December 31, 1874. Mrs. Draper is the daughter of John and Mary (Waller) Finney, whose history is found in the Franklin sketches. She was born in Jennings County, Ind., July 25. 1859- Her marriage has been blessed bv the following children: Pearl and Ines. After Mr. Draper's marriage he settled in life as a farmer on rented land. By energy and perseverance, he lias won success in life, and now owns a farm of over seventy acn which nearly sixty acres are under cultivation. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church. George A. Dresslar was born in White River Township, Johnson County, Ind., January 4. 1841, and is the son of George and Malinda (Dresslar) Dresslar! The father and mother were both born in Covington County, Ya., he in 1S07, she in 1S0S: both died 892 JOHNSON COUNTY. in this count}-; he in 1S56, and she in 1887. They were married in their native count)-, and came to this county about 1834, and settled in White River Township. They lived in this county until their deaths occurred. The following are the children born to their marriage: Josephine, Archibald, deceased, Mar)-, deceased, Peter, Daily, George A., James B. and Sareena. George A. was reared on a farm, and educated in the country. He was with his parents up to the death of his father, and then, after remaining one year with his widowed mother, he began the battle of life for himself. August II, 1861, Mr. Dresslar was united in marriage with Martha L. Boaz. She was born December 3, 1842. This marriage was blessed by the birth of the following children: Elmer E., Lillie L., Erne J., Emma F., Gilford T. Soon after the close of the Civil War Mr. Dresslar located in Morgan County, a short distance west of Banta, this county. Here he farmed. October 1, 1S78, he took unto himself a second wife, Dora A. Tillman, born September 1, 1850. This marriage has resulted in the birth of the following- children: Dessie A. and Maude. August 11, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company C, Seventy- ninth Indiana Infantry. Among the battles he was in, were: Stone River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta and Perryville. lie was discharged as corporal, June 7, 1S65. He then returned to Indiana, where he has since lived. In the horrors above de- scribed, he was crippled, and since has been engaged in merchan- dising. In 1879, he moved to Williamsburgh, Ind., and for four years, was engaged in merchandising at that place. In 1883, he located where he now resides, and opened a store at what is now called Banta. In 1S84, the Banta postoffice was established, and Mr. Dresslar was made postmaster, which position he still holds. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is a rep- resentative and progressive citizen. John H. Dunn, the subject of this sketch, was born in this county, February 2, 1S44, and is the son of William and Christina (Tresslar) Dunn. The father was born in Monroe County, Ya., April 11, 179S, and died in this county, November 14, 1863. He was the son of Reuben and Nancy (Lane) Dunn, of Scotch and Irish lineage. William Dunn was reared in Virginia. On March 31, 1825, he was married in that state, to Christina Tresslar, daugh- ter of Peter and Barbara (Mallow) Tresslar. The father and mother were natives of Botetourt County, Va. Christina Tresslar was born in the same county, September 21, 1806, and still survives, living with her son, who is the subject of this sketch. The follow- ing are the children born unto William and Christina Dunn: Nancy, George W., William II., James A., Martha B., Amanda C, Sarah WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. S93 M., John H., Elias G., Alva A. and Mary M. William Dunn and wife came to Indiana in 1825, settling in White River Township. William Dunn was a farmer, and on coming to this township located on a farm. He was a member of the Christian Church; was a jus- tice of the peace. His wife is a member of the same church. John II. was born in this count}- February 2, 1844, and was raised on a farm, and followed farming as an occupation. February 2, 1S70, he married Amanda S. Garshwiler, daughter of Shelby II. and Martha (Luyster) Garshwiler. Mrs. Dunn was born in this county November 12, 1S48. The children of this marriage are: Cora, William ()., Omer S. and George. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn are members of the Christian Church. James A. Fendley. — The Fendleys are originally of Irish de- scent, but Silas A. and Malinda (Ragsdale) Fendley, the father and mother of James A., were natives of Kentucky, emigrating in 1820 to this state, and locating in Parke Count}', where, February 1, 1S36, James A. first saw the light. His grandfather, Thomas Fendley, was a native of Ireland, and emigrated to Virginia, and thence to Kentucky, where he married Miss Seelie Pollard, by whom be had nine children, as follows: Nancy, Rachel, George, Silas, Thomas, Jackson, Rebecca, Seelie and William. Being a poor man he was forced to rent land, and in this kind of farming James A. grew to manhood, helping on the farm summers, and at- tending the common schools winters, gaining what education he could in this way. October 25, 1S60, he married, in Illinois, Mary E., daughter of Eyans and Susan Bristow. Her father was a na- tiye of Ohio, and her mother of Virginia, being an extraction of Welsh and Dutch. They were both attendants of the United Brethren Church. Politically, Mr. Bristow, as well as Mr. Fend- ley ? s father, was a democrat. Mr. Bristow died in Marion County, Ind., 1864; his wife died in Boone County in 1S76. To Mr. and Mrs. Fendley have been born children as follows: Laura A., Harriet E., Sarah J., Susan E., William A., Minnie I., James A., Jr., and Victoria M. In the fall of 1869, Mr. Fendley purchased the farm on which he now lives. The original purchase was 160 acres, but one acre had been sold by Mr. Hughes, the former owner, for a church, in the extreme southeast corner of the farm, and since then Mr. Fendley has sold fifty acres to one Mull- inix, leaving him 109 acres. In a few years he erected his present commodious house, which is situated on the " Three-Notch Line " pike. A short time after his home was built, he put up a good barn, and to-day they stand as monuments to his industry. The Fendleys stand among the substantial farmers of Johnson County. S94 JOHNSON COUNTY. Mr. and Mrs. Fendley, and some of their children, belong to the Methodist Church. Politically, Mr. Fendley is a democrat. Jacob Paddock was born in Preble County, Ohio, August 8, 1827, and died in Johnson County, Ind., January 27, 1S72. He was the son of Ebenezer Paddock. He was reared in Preble Count v, Ohio, where he was married February 14, 1S4S, to Martha Bell, the daughter of David and Susannah (Roberts) Bell. These par- ents were natives of Tennessee, and emigrated from that state to Ohio, where Martha, their daughter, was born in Preble County, October 1, 1831. Immediately after the marriage of Jacob and Martha, they came to Johnson County, and settled in the White River Township, on a tract of land Jacob's father had previously visited and purchased. On this tract of land are the scenes of Jacob's and Martha's toils. He was a farmer by occupation, and when he came to the county and began the pursuit of farming he took possession of a farm of 160 acres, which was little improved. By dint of industry, and by exercising the quality of perseverance, he became a prosperous farmer, and at the time of his death owned over 500 acres of land. He enjoyed the high esteem of his neigh- bors, and was universally respected by all who knew him. His marriage resulted in the birth of three sons and four daughters. The sons are: John Wesley, William Henry and Ebenezer. The daughters, all of whom are deceased, were: Sarah Elizabeth, Lu- anda Caroline, Minerva Jane, and Luella. The sons are all farmers bv occupation, and reside in White River Township. Mrs. Paddock, their mother, was wedded to William K. Fullen, December 4, 1872. She and Mr. Fullen continued to reside in White River Township. He died November 22, 1875. Mrs. Fullen then continued on the home farm up to 1884, when she re- moved to Glenn's Valley, Marion County, where she now resides. She has been a member of the Mt. Pleasant Christian Church for over thirty years. Shelby Fullen. — Samuel Fullen, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was born in Ireland, December 28, 1766, and was united in marriage with Elizabeth Fullen, the paternal grandmother of our subject. This union resulted in the birth of three sons and five daughters: Ruhama, John, Nancy, Charles, Samuel, Sarah, Minerva, and Mary. Samuel Fullen was an early settler of Ken- tucky, coming from Virginia to that state, and in an early day, he removed to this state. His death occurred in Rush County, about 1S42. John Fullen, the father of our subject, was born in Kentucky, November 8, 1793. He was reared on a farm, and came to Indiana with his father. His occupation was farming. He was married in Indiana to Jemima Harrell, the daughter of Jeremiah Harrell, a WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 895 native of Virginia. Her parents were earl}- settlers of Indiana, where she was born. The above marriage resulted in the birth of the following children: Shelby and John. The father was called away September 10, 1821. The mother afterward married a Mr. Horton, and became the mother of other children. She died in Indiana, about 1839. Shelby Fullen, the subject of this sketch, was born in Fayette Count)-, Inch, October 3, 1819. He was reared on a farm, and received a fair education in the coun- try schools. In earl)- life he taught school, but his chosen occupa- tion has been farming. March 7, 1840, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Sutton, the daughter of Philip and Sarah L. (Childra) Sutton. Both parents were born in Preble County, Ohio, and were of German parentage, their ancestors being early emigrants to, and settlers of, New Jersey. Mrs. Fullen was born in Johnson County, Ind., August 31, 1824. Her marriage with our subject has been blessed by the following children: Philip, de- ceased, Jemima, Sarah Annie, Delilah, deceased, Rachel, Louisa, deceased, John W., Mary E., deceased, Elizabeth K., deceased, Emma I., deceased, Matilda M., deceased, and Woodberry W. Mr. Fullen's widowed mother came to Johnson County, about 1822. Her husband had visited the county and entered land, and returned to Fayette County and died. After our subject's marriage he set r tied in this county, and with the exception of a short time, he has continued to live in the county. He and wife are members of the United Brethren Church. Mr. Fullen is a representative farmer and citizen, and enjoys the esteem of his neighbors. He has tilled the office of justice of the peace and assessor of his township, and has always been a progressive man. Ira T. Gregg, the son of Stephen and Hannah (Clark) Gregg, was born in Franklin County, Ind., April 23, 1828. By tracing his paternal ancestry back as far as is definitely known, he is found to be of Scotch descent. Samuel Gregg, the great grandfather of Ira T., was born in Scotland, in 1699, and at the age of twelve years he emigrated to America, landing at Philadelphia, Penn. He set- tled in Bucks Countv,Penn., and resided there until he was twenty- one years old. He then moved to Loudon County, Va., where he was married to Elizabeth Alford. Eight children was the result of this marriage. The names were as follows: Thomas, Rebecca, Priscilla, John, Ann, Iserael, Ruth, and Aaron. Iserael, the sixth child, was the grandfather of Ira T., the subject of this sketch. He became one of the early pioneers of Ohio. Here he married, to whom is not known, and the result of the union was seven chil- dren, whose names were as follows: Amos, Ann, Stephen, George, Drusilla, Thomas and Rebecca. Stephen was Ira T. Gregg's 896 JOHNSON COUNTY. father. He was born March 7. 1777, in Ohio, and died in Franklin County, Ind., May 4, 1S37. He was married in Ohio, in 1807, to Hannah Clark, who was born in New Jersey, December 23, 1788, and died in Franklin Count} - , Ind., December 19, 1848. Nothing is known concerning Mr. Gregg's maternal ancestry, farther back than to his grandmother, Phebe Howard. Her maiden name is not now known, and all that is known concerning her is that she was married four times: first, to Baker; second, to Clark; third to Clark, a cousin of the former Clark, and fourth, to Howard; each of these unions being blessed with children. She died December 20, 1852, in Warren County, Ohio, at the advanced age of ninety- four years. After the marriage of Stephen and Hannah Gregg, they remained in Ohio until their first child was born. Their union was blessed with eleven children. The names are as follows: George, William, Malinda, Clark, Pamela, Aaron, Nancy, Alpheus, Mary Ann, Ira T. and Hiram F., all of whom are deceased, except Ira T., the subject of this sketch. In 1S0S, the father, mother, and child, set out on horseback from their home in Ohio, the mother carrying her little babe on a pillow in front of her, and in this way they journeyed to what was then the wilds of Indiana, and finally settled in what is now Franklin County. Here Mr. Gregg entered a quarter section of land, upon which he raised his family, and both he and his wife lived until death. He never engaged in any other occupation but farming, except while he was a soldier in the War of 181 2. He was quite ingenious, and was particularly skillful in the use of the common ax, broad-ax and the rifle. In politics, he was a whig, and was uncompromisingly opposed to the institution of slavery. In his dealings with his fellow men, he was honorable and just, and during his whole career he never was sued, nor did he ever have occasion to sue any one. Mr. Gregg was a Quaker in faith, but his wife was a zealous Methodist, and in an early day their house was used as a place for public worship. After Mr. Gregg's death, Mrs. Gregg being rather feeble in health, was not able to attend church away from home at all times. The class was re-organized, and at her request her home was chosen as the place of public worship. It continued to serve this purpose for eleven years without intermission, during which time all the services of the church were held there. These services consisted of regular semi-monthlv preaching, a weekly praver-meeting held every Thursday night, and class-meeting every Sunday. Only one regular protracted meeting was held there during that time. This house was used for any and all purposes for which a church was needed. Watch-night meetings were held: members were re- ceived into full connection, while at other times church trials were WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 897 held and members were expelled; the sacrament of the Lord's sup- per, and the ordinance of baptism were administered, and the use of the mourners' bench was not uncommon, and many were the per- sons who were happily converted to God at that place. The sub- ject of this sketch was but ten years of age when this class was organized, and witnesses to all these things, having joined the church and become converted at those meetings. Mr. Gregg was a sturdy farmer boy, and received a fair education for his day, by attending the common district schools. He was like most other boys, extremely fond of hunting, and his achievements in that line were usually extraordinary. Mr. Gregg deserves great credit for the kind and faithful attention he gave to his mother during her de- clining years. Inasmuch as he was next to the youngest of the children, and the older ones had married and started out in life for themselves, the duty of caring for his mother now devolved upon him alone. To add to the responsibility and arduousness of the undertaking, his younger brother was almost a helpless cripple, and this left him to care for and watch over both his mother and brother, and see that their wants were provided for, which he did very faithfully until his mother's death, and his brother's three years later. Soon after his mother's death he was united in mar- riage, when he was but twenty years of age, to Alzina H. Wil- der, of Rush County, Ind. She was the daughter of Seth and Abigail Wilder, and was born in Rush County, Ind., December 6, 1S27, and died in Johnson County, Ind., September 24, 1874. After the marriage Mr. Gregg resided on the old homestead until September, 1853, when he bought 160 acres of land in Johnson County, and moved to it. He has since bought eighty acres more, and now owns 240 acres. Here he and his wife lived happily to- gether until September, 1874, when she was called away by death. .He remained a widower until January, 1S76, when he married Elizabeth L. Shera, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Shafer) Shera, of Decatur County, Ind. She was born in Franklin Count}-, Ind., April 3, 1842. By his first wife Mr. Gregg had four child- ren: Aaron S., Mary Ann, deceased, William A. and George T. Two children have been the result of his second marriage. The first died at birth, and the second, Maggie A., is a sprightly young girl of nine years. Mr. Gregg, realizing the unlimited value of an education, has endeavored to give his children a good one. He sent his son, Aaron S., to Asbury University, now known as De- pauw; but after two years of study his health failed, and he was compelled to abandon school. William A. is a scientific graduate from that institution. Both of these sons are now among the lead- ing farmers of Lincoln County, Neb. In politics, Mr. Gregg was 898 JOHNSON COUNTY. first a whig, next a republican, and now he is a very strong pro- hibitionist. It is one of his peculiar characteristics to put his whole soul into anything in which he is interested, if it involves any prin- ciple of right or wrong. He voted the whig ticket in 1852, but was among the first to take steps toward the organization of the republican party, and has since been one of its most loyal supporters, until he became convinced that the party was not able to rid this country of the "liquor traffic," and he accordingly voted for St. John in 1SS4. In 1863, Governor Morton commissioned him as a first lieutenant in the '-Indiana Legion." In 1S64, he enlisted as a private in the 100-day service, and was made a non-commis- sioned officer. In religious views, Mr. Gregg has followed in the footsteps of his mother, and has always been a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When he moved to Johnson County, he placed his membership in the society at Mt. Auburn, and has been an active member ever since, and now has the pleas- ure of knowing that all his family have followed in his footsteps. Levi Groseclore was born in Wvthe County, Ya., March 8, 1 8 1 8, and is the son of Henry and Margaret (Spangler) Grose- clore. The father was a native of Wythe Countv, Ya. He was the son of Henry Groseclore, who was born in Germany, and set- tled in Wvthe Countv, Ya. The father of our subject was a sol- dier in the War of 181 2, and our subject has in his possession a discharge, which reads as follows: "In obedience to an order from Claibourn W. Gooch, adjutant general, dated Richmond, February 20, 1S15, you, Henry Groseclore, Jr., are discharged from the pres- ent tour of duty. Wythe C. House, March 4, 1815. Christopher Brown, Captain Thirty-fifth Virginia Militia, commanding." The father of our subject was married in Yirginia, to Margaret Spang- ler, of German descent. She was born in Yirginia, and died when our subject was but an infant. In 1S20, our subject's father came to this county, and settled in Union Township, locating in the woods. He continued in this countv till about 1S49, when he went to Iowa, where he lived until called away by death. Our subject was raised in this count}-. He gained but a limited education, learning only to read and write, and do some " ciphering." In the davs of his youth they had but little school advantages, but Mr. Groseclore is possessed of a store of useful knowledge. He has always made his home in this couuty, and has followed farming as an occu- pation, but has had a wide experience traveling throughout all most all parts of the United States. November 6, 1S46, he married Rebecca Barker, daughter of William and Susanna (Burnett) Barker, natives of Kentucky. William Barker was the son of Thomas Barker, who was the first owner of the land Cincinnati WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 899 ■was first laid out on. Mrs. Groseclore was born March 17, 1822, in Green County, Ind., where her parents settled in an early day. After the above marriage was consummated, Mr. and Mrs. Grose- clore came and settled in life in this county, and have lived here ever since. He owns two farms, one of 130, and the other of 160, acres. He and wife are members of the Christian Church at Bargersville. Five children were born unto the marriage, only two of whom are living, William Henry and John B. Mr. Groseclore cast his first presidential vote for Martin Van Buren, and was a democrat up to the candidacy of Horace Greeley, when he became a greenbacker. Judge Franklin Hardin. — The subject of this sketch was born on the 27th of July, 1810, in Fleming, now Nicholas, Count} - , Ky. His family were of French descent, and occupied an honora- ble place in the history of that state as jurists, statesmen and Indian fighters. Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois and Iowa have each named a county after his kindred. Franklin Hardin was the youngest of a family of eleven children, born to Henry and Catharine Hardin. He came of a robust family, but was himself an undersized child, with a feeble constitution; and, while his stouter brothers were assist- ing their father upon the farm, he was kept in the country schools from the time he was old enough to attend up to his fifteenth year. After the death of his father, October 5, 1825, being at liberty to do pretty much as he pleased, he attended the County Seminary in Carlisle for six months. Among other things he studied survey- ing while in the seminary, and acquired that accurate knowledge of this branch of learning which proved so useful to both him- self and the people of Johnson County in after years. In 1822 and 1823, two older brothers had explored the White River Valley, and, with means furnished by their father, had entered a con- siderable portion of land for themselves and others of the family, and, in 1824, several members moved to Johnson County. Henry Hardin intended to emigrate to the country himself, but died before doing so. After his death, the family deter- mined to cany out the intention of the father, and, in 1S25, the widow, accompanied by the subject of this sketch, then fifteen years of age, set out on horseback to visit her children and see for herself what the wilderness of Indiana was like. Two years after that journey was made, the family moved and took up their abode in White River Township. The spring of 1 seemed to him a propitious time to commence the study of law. With that view, he went to Indianapolis, and put himself under the tutorage of Ebenezer Sharp, in Latin, and of William Quarles, Esq., in law. But he met with a sad disappointment. In a few 57 900 JOHNSON COUNTY. weeks he was stricken down with a fever, and was com- pelled to go home to his mother. On his recovery, he taught about two years, when he went back to his law books. He had not gone back to the study of law as his sole occupation, but lie had not abandoned its study altogether. The summer of 1S31 was spent in making an extensive tour of Illinois, and in the following October, he returned to Ken- tucky, where he married. With his young wife, he at once set out for Indiana, and on Fall Creek he found employment for another year at his old occupation, after which, in the fall of 1832, he moved to Johnson County and located upon the farm where he now resides, where he and his estima- ble wife have uninterruptedly made their home ever since. In the spring of 1S33, he recieved the appointment of assessor for White River Township, and, although much afflicted, he com- pleted the duties before taking to his bed. This was the first em- ployment he ever had, save his five years in the schoolroom. In the spring of 1836, he applied to the circuit bench of the county, Judge Wick presiding, for the appointment of county surveyor, an office which he then received, and held for six consecutive years. This office he was qualified in a high degree to rill. From about 1S40, party lines began to be closely drawn in local affairs, and the year of 1842 marks the advent of Franklin Ha«din into that active politi- cal life which he so long and successfully lived. The democratic party in Johnson County had, for the purpose of massing their power, introduced the nominating convention as a part of its ma- chinery, and Franklin Hardin received the nomination, in 1S42, without opposition, as a candidate for representative in the state legislature, and, at the ensuing August election, lie was elected without opposition. In 1S43, he was again nominated by his party for the same office, but the whigs brought out Zachariah Collins, a tenant on his own farm, to contest the office with him. Out of the 1,517 votes cast in the county, Hardin received 1,016. and he got all but two that were cast in Union. In 1S44, he was again a can- didate for the legislature, and John Slater, a young lawyer lately come to the county, sought the nomination against him, but Hardin was almost unanimously nominated. Then Slater offered himself as an independent candidate, and sought whig support as well as democratic, and thev two ran the race, but Hardin was elected by a larger majority over Slater than had graced his triumph of the year before. Having served three years in the lower house, he new aspired to a seat in the upper, and accordingly, in 1845, he offered for a senatorial nomination, which was given him without opposition, and, out of 1,221 votes cast at the election for sen- WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 9OI ator, he received 1,059. ^ e therefore had no open opposition. In 1850, he was elected a delegate to the constitutional convention. At the termination of the work of the constitutional convention, Mr. Hardin came home, but he was met with a demand for his ser- vices as a surveyor. Lines and corners were not vet all established, ami, in 1S51, the county commissioners appointed him to the office of county surveyor. But he held the office for only one year. By an act of the legislature, approved May 14, 1852, a new court — the common pleas — was organized, and it became necessarv to elect a judge of that court at the ensuing October election in this county. Franklin Hardin was nominated Lw the democratic party as their candidate for that office. The opposition brought out A. B. Hunter, Esq., a young man of good parts, then lately admit- ted to the ban but Hardin was elected, receiving 1,020 votes out of 1,901 cast for that office. So well did he acquit himself in the discharge of his judicial duties that, at the expiration of his first term, he was re-nominated. This was in 1S56, and he was elected over Duane Hicks, a member of the Johnson County bar, in good standing, by 694 majority. At the close of his second tei m, he retired to private life, since which time he has held no public office. Judge Hardin is, and always has been, democratic in his politics. During his legislative career, he occupied a high place in the coun- cils of his part}- as an advisory member, and, in 1S56, he was a delegate to the national convention which nominated Mr. Buchanan. In i860, he supported the Breckenridge wing, and was a can- didate for elector in that interest. Judge Hardin is a firm be- liever in the truths of the Christian religion. In early life, he and his estimable wife united with the Presbyterian Church at Green- wood, and they still adhere to that faith. John Hardin was born in this countv December 16, 1S3S, and is the son of Franklin Hardin. The subject of this biography was reared on a farm, and received a common school education, and his entire life has been spent in agricultural pursuits. He was married in 1868, to Catherine and Martha (Mallow) Humbert, who was born in this count} - , May 19, 1847. To this union the following children have been born: George, deceased, Mary, Franklin, Nora and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin are members of the Christian Church. J. L. Henderson, a native of Johnson County, Ind., was born December 3, 182S, and is the son of Thomas and Mary (Demott) Henderson. The father was born in Botetourt County, Va., in 1S00, and died in Johnson County, Ind., in 1862. He was the son of Thomas and Mary (Erwin) Henderson, natives of Ireland. Thomas Henderson, Si"., was born about 1756, and died in Johnson joct, who began life with no capital other then willing hands^^ne now owns and 9 # \ 908 JOHNSON" COUNTY. cultivates twenty-eight acres of land in Section 3, Township 3, and Range 3 east. In 1S74, he married Sarah Barger, the daughter of George W. and Sarah Frances Barger. Mrs. Russell was born in Rush County, Ind., in 1S4S, April 28. The following children have resulted from the above marriage: Emma and Frankie. Mr. and Mrs. Russell, and their father and mother, are members of the church — the former two of the United Brethren, and the latter two of the Methodist Episcopal, Church. James Scott, a farmer and citizen of White River Township, was born in said township, February 12, 1S39, and is the son of John and Katherine (Heavener) Scott. The father was a na- tive of Virginia, born January 5, 1799, and died in Johnson County, Ind., October 16, 1871. The mother was also a native of Virginia, born January 16, 1802. They were married in Virginia and came to Indiana about 1S35 or 1836, and settled in White River Town- ship, Johnson Count)-. The father was a farmer by occupation. He and wife were two of the first members of the Honey Creek Church of the United Brethren denomination. They continued to be members of the church up to their deaths. Their children, in all, numbered seven, as follows: Nelson, Mary, Steward, de- ceased, John, deceased, David, Aquila and James. James was reared on a farm, and received a fair education in the common schools. August 10, 1S56, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Rush, who continued to be his companion until August 5, 1 886, when her death occurred. She was born in Johnson County, September 16, 183S. The children that blessed her marriage num- bered seven, as follows : Benjamin F., deceased, William H., James M., Greenberry M., Mary K., deceased, John W., and Charles A. When Mr. Scott married he settled down on his father's farm, and began the life of a farmer, which he has since continued. He was the youngest child of his parents, whom he faithfully cared for till they were called away in death. He has followed their Christian ex- ample, and has been a member of the Honey Creek United Breth- ren Church, since he was fourteen years of age. His wife was also a member of the same church, and labored faithfully with him, as a much devoted wife and kind mother. At her death she left our subject and five children to mourn her loss. In 1S87, Mr. Scott married for a second wife, Mrs. Amanda Beatty, nee Amanda Toland. He is still engaged in farming and stock-raising, and re- sides on Section 13, White River Township. In politics, Mr. Scott is a staunch republican. Alexander Sedam, the subject of this sketch, is a farmer by occupation. He was born in Switzerland County, Ind., September 24, 1S43, and is the son of John and Isabelle ^Bowman) Sedam. WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. QOQ The former was a native of the same count}- in which our subject was born, and was a farmer by occupation. The latter was born in New Jersey, and now lives in Cass County. Our subject is the third of nine children, six sons and three daughters: Elizabeth, de- ceased, Philip, Alexander, Joseph, Sarah, William, Isaac, Charlie and Mattie. Alexander was reared on a farm, and at the age of eighteen he enlisted in Company E, Twenty-ninth Indiana Volun- teers, with M. M. Boggs as captain. Among the important en- gagements in which he took part were, the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Murfreesboro and Chickamauga, in which he received a gunshot wound in the thigh, and was discharged. He went to Cass Countv, Ind., and in a short time thereafter came to Johnson Countv, and with the exception of something over one year, he has since lived in this county. The wound he received while defending his country has disabled him, and although he has not been able to be an active participant in farm work, he has been actively engaged in the pursuit of farming, and by successful management, he now owns and cultivates a farm of 105 acres, which he has well improved. He began the battle of life with no capital, other than willing hands. He has a nature given to mechanism, and is a suc- cessful mechinist. He has operated threshers and saw-mills, and is a practical engineer, all of which knowledge he has gained him- self. In March, 1S65, he took unto himself as a companion, Martha Sutton, daughter of Isaac and Alice Sutton. Mrs. Sedam was born in Johnson County, Ind., in February, 1845. Her mar- riage has been blessed by the birth of six children, of whom three are living: Jacob J., William E. and Fred E. Mr. and Mrs. Sedam are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the Masonic fraternitv, in which he is a Master Mason, and a past master. He is a member of Glenn's Valley Lodge, No. 514. Joseph Sedam, a farmer of White River Township, was born in Switzerland County, Inch, January 12, 1845, and is the son of John and Isabelle Sedam, whose histor, is found elsewhere in this volume. Joseph was raised on a farm. He attended the country schools, and received a fair education. He has followed farming as an occupation, and began in life with no capital other than willing hands, and for four years before his marriage worked on a farm by the month. He is a hard working and industrious man. March 3, 1867, he was united in marriage with Nancy Jane Markey, daugh- ter of Samuel and Elizabeth | Sells 1 Markey, who were early set- tlers of Johnson Countv. Mrs. Sedam was born in this county, May 22, 1843. The above marriage has been blessed by the fol- lowing children: Mary Elizabeth. Annie Belle, Lillie Jane, Samuel 9IO JOHNSON COUNTY. Albert. Harvey Grafton, Jessie Pearl, Ollie Blanche. William Ed- gar. Mr. Sedam, has lived in Johnson County nearly all of the time since he was married. He now owns a farm of sixty-eight acres, which he settled on when it was a forest. He cleared the land, and now has a nice and well-improved farm which enables him to live an independent life. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church. During the war he served three months and because of sickness was discharged. In politics, he is a dem ocrat, and cast his first presidential vote for Seymour 1 and Blair. Mathew Sedam was born in Switzerland County, Ind., May II, 1826, and is the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Engle) Sedam. The father was born in New Jersey, February 17, 1778, and died in Switzerland Count)-, Ind., in 1S30. He was married in New Jersey, wedding Elizabeth Engle, who was born in New Jersey, in September, 1782. The father was the son of Henry Sedam, a na- tive of Xew Jersey, of German descent. These parents, Henry and Elizabeth Sedam, came from Xew Jersey to Ohio, where they lived for a short time, and then removed to Indiana, and settled in Switzerland County, where they both died. The names of their childienare: Nicholas, Henry, Andrew, Maria, Charles, Abraham, Cornelius, Joseph, Mathew, John and Michael. Mathew was reared on a farm, and received a fair education in reading, writing, and " ciphering," while attending a few short terms of school. His father died when Mathew was but four years old, and his mother was left with a large family and but little means of support. Mathew left home at the age of eighteen years to begin the battle of life for himself. His work was that of farming. By industry and perseverance he established himself a good name, and also gained support. At the age of twenty-four years he took unto himself a wife, Martha Boyd, who lived but a few days over one year after their marriage, which was blessed by one birth, but the child is deceased. In 1855, Mr. Sedam came to Johnson County, and here he has since continued to reside and follow farming. November 19, 1S57, he married for a second wife, Sarah Dorrell, the daughter of Jacob and Mary Dorrell, whose history is found elsewhere. Mrs. Dorrell was born in Johnson Count)-, Ind., June 5, 1S35. Her marriage unto Mr. Sedam has been blessed by these children: Jacob J. and Maria. Jacob J. was married De- cember 26, 18S3, to Roas Hughes, daughter of George Hughes. April 9, 1886, Maria was wedded to Ora T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Sedam are members of the United Brethren Church, and their children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Reuben Sellars was born in York County, Penn., October 15, 1838, and is the son of Henry and Eliza (Fry) Sellars. The WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 9 II father was born in York County, Penn., and is of German descent, and was the son of a Revolutionary soldier. Henry Sellars was married in Pennsylvania, wedding Eliza Fry, who gave birth to the following children : Margaret, Juliann, Henry, Layah, Daniel, Sarah, Reuben and Charles. Their mother died in Pennsylvania about 1842. The father married a second and third time. " In 1867, the father came to Indiana and located in Johnson County, where his death occurred in 1S72. He was a farmer by occupation, and lost his life by wounds received in a runaway with a team of horses. Reuben Sellars was reared on a farm, and was a poor boy. He gained no education, because when he was but four years old his mother died and left the father with a large family, and he being a poor man could do but little for the education of his children. Reuben grew to manhood on a farm, and has ever since followed farming for an occupation. His brothers scattered to various parts of the country, and of their whereabouts little is known. Reuben came to Indiana in 1867, hoping to learn of his brothers, who had come westward. But he learned but little, and on visiting Marion County, and liking this section of country, located in Marion County, where he lived for a short time, and then came to Johnson Count}-, where he has since lived and followed farming. February 21, 1S69, he was united in marriage with Aby L. M. Sells, nee Aby L. M. Townsend. Mrs. Sellars was born in Johnson County, Ind., August 21, 1S38, and is the daughter of Levi and Elizabeth (Melton) Townsend. The above marriage has been blessed bv the birth of the following children: Henry L., Effie M., and Myrtle O. Mrs. Sellar"s first marriage resulted in the birth of two children, by name, Mary Caroline and Annie Jane. Mr. Sell- ars owns sixty-five acres of land, and though not a wealthy man, he is blessed with prosperitv, and enjoys the respect of his neighbors. Martin Sells, who is a farmer bv occupation, was born in Johnson County, Ind., January 9, 1S45, and is the son of William and Catherine (Robinson) Sells. The father was born in Wash- ington County, Va., in 1800. He was the son of Abraham and Nancy | Carr) Sells; the former was a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter was a native of Virginia. They came to Johnson County in 182 1, and settled in White River Township, where they lived till their deaths occurred. Their children numbered nine, viz. : William. Peggy, Margaret, Elizabeth, Susan, Frank, Jane. Char- lotte and Thomas. William was married in 1831, unto Catherine, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Surface) Robinson, early settlers of Johnson County. Catherine was born in Wythe County, Ya., in 1S11, and died in this county in 1876. William also died 912 JOHNSON COUNTY, in this county in 1869. The marriage of William and Catherine Sells resulted in the birth of these children: Eliza, Isaac, David, Elizabeth, Loyd and Martin. Martin was raised on a farm, and his life has been devoted to farming. He remained with his parents up to the age of twenty-one years. January 25, 1S66, he married Emma Brown, daughter of Absalom and Mary Ann (Gathright) Brown, the former a native of Indiana, and the latter of Kentucky. Mrs. Sells was born in Iowa, October 4, 1845. Her marriage re- sulted in the birth of a daughter, named Mary Catherine, born July 9, 1871. In politics, Mr. Sells is a staunch democrat. He is also a Master Mason. Samuel Sells was bun in Morgan County, Ind., December 23, 1829, and is the son of Abraham and Hettie (Webster) Sells. The father was a native of Virginia, and the son of John Sells, an early settler of Indiana; he lived in the state a short time; he died in Washington County. Abraham Sells was a farmer by occupa- tion, and about 1830, settled in this count}-, where his death oc- curred. The mother of our subject was a native of Vermont. Her marriage with Abraham Sells was blessed by the birth of six children, namely: Samuel, Seth, Jesse, Sarah, Eliza, and Louis- iana. Samuel was reared on a farm, and farming has been his life occupation. November 8, i860, he was united in marriage with Mary Jane, the daughter of Frank and Mary Ann (Mullen) Sells. Mrs. Sells was born in this county, October 18, 1839, anc ' ' s tne mother of the following children : Elizabeth, Hettie, Allie, Abra- ham, John, Edgar, Frederick, and Pearlie. Mr. Sells is an indus- trious and well respected citizen, self-made and worthy. In poli- tics, he is a democrat. James Millden Shufflebarger was born in Montgomery County, Va., November 24, 1S18, and died in Johnson County, Ind., July 14, 18S6. He was the son of John S. and Mary ( White) Shufflebarger. John S. Shufflebarger was a native of Virginia, and a son of Elias Shufflebarger, a native of Germany, emigrating to Virginia in an early day. John S. and Mary Shufflebarger came from Virginia to Indiana about 1824, and settled in the southwest portion of White River Township, near Waverly, and here lived and died. The following are the children born unto John S. and Mary Shufflebarger: James M., Henry, Elias, Bird G., John A., Margaret, Cyntha, and Louisa. James M. Shuffiebargcr was the oldest child, and was about six years old when his father came with his family to this county. He was reared on a farm, and in youth he had but little advantages for gaining an education. But he was a man of fixed purpose, perseverance and close observation, and through close observation he became conversant on general WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 013 topics of interest, and was a man noted for good judgment, wisdom and discretion. When he arrived at the age of twenty- three years, December 23, 1841, he took unto himself a companion, Mary J. Dresslar, who was reared in the same com- munity with him, and who was to him a school-mate and an associate in yquth. She was born December 29, 1S20, in Alle- ghany County, Va. She is the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Dresslar, who were natives of Virginia, and like her husband's parents, early settlers of Johnson County, coming from Virginia to this county in about 1S26. Henry Dresslar was a son of Henry Dresslar, Sr., a native of Germany, and an early settler of Vir- ginia. Henry and Elizabeth Dresslar's marriage resulted in the birth of the following children: Mary Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth, Frances, Margaret, Charles, Sylvanis and George. The marriage of James M. and Mary Jane Shufflebarger was blessed by the birth of the following children: Henry Lerov, deceased, John Marshal, Madison Marian, deceased, Elias Sylvanis, James Strain, George D. After the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Shufflebarger they settled in Section 16, in White River Township. James M. was a farmer, and began the pursuit with but little capital, and by energv and per- severance accomplished success. He was a progressive citizen, a faithful friend, a devoted husband, and a kind father. He was a devout Christian, a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and benevolent in character. lie was a liberal supporter of the church, and an endorser of education. lie was a man of bold and decisive character, and possessed a tenacious memory, and a store of useful and practical knowledge which made his life useful and practical. He was universally respected by all who knew him, and in his death his family lost a much loved father, and the communitv a deserving citizen. His wife still survives him, and lives with her son James, of whom a sketch appears elsewhere. She is a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. James S. Shufflebarger is a farmer of Johnson County, and is the son of James M. Shufflebarger, whose life sketch appears elsewhere. In 1884, September 23, he was united in marriage with Victoria Shephard, daughter of William P. and Martha A. (Kelly) Shephard, natives of Indiana, and later residents of Missouri, where the above marriage was consummated. Mrs. Shufflebarger was born in Jefferson County, Ind., November 1, 1862, and by the above marriage has become the mother of two children: William Leroy, and Clara May. Mrs. Shufflebarger is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Shufflebarger is a member of the Waverly Lodge, No. 31S, I. O. O. F., and ins wife is a member of Luna Rebecca Lodge, No. 45, at Waverly. 914 JOHNSON COUNTY. Tobias Smith, a farmer of White River Township, is a native of Favette Count}', Ind., born February 21, 1S23, and is the son of a pioneer settler of Fayette County. Our subject was reared on a farm, and educated in the pioneer schools. His entire life has been devoted to farming. He began the battle of life a poor man, and by hard toil and perseverance has become both a prosperous and respected citizen, enjoying the high esteem of his neighbors. He came to Johnson County about 1S43, and has since resided in the county, where he owns and cultivates a good farm of 160 acres of fertile land. June 24, 1S57, he was united in marriage with Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Hettie Sells. Mrs. Smith was born in Johnson County, Ind., September 30, 1836. This union has been blessed by the following births: Mary Alice, Abraham, Hettie Ann, Oran T., and two unnamed, who died in infanc}'. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Master Mason of the Greenwood Lodge, and in politics, a staunch democrat of the Jacksonian type. Elijah Stone is a lineal descendant of Virginia parentage. His paternal grandfather was Benjamin Stone, a preacher of the Gospel. Elijah's father was also named Benjamin, and was born in the Old Dominion State, November 11, 17S3, but was reared in that portion which afterward became West Virginia. His father removed to Pennsylvania, where the son was married December 23, 1S04, wedding Sarah Larew, who was born in New Jersey, OctoberS, 17S5. This marriage resulted in. the birth of eleven children, as follows: Abigail, Polly, Anna, Elijah, Rebecca, Benja- min, Abraham and Isaac, twins. Sarah Jane, Jeremiah and Lavicie. The father and mother came to Ohio and to Indiana in 1S16, settling in the southeast portion. Their deaths occurred in this state, the father's March 5, 1833, and the mother's December 24, 1871. Elijah Stone was born in Ohio, June 20, 1810, and was married in Indiana, December 8, 1831, to Elizabeth Ann Taylor, born in Ken- tucky, June 3, 18 1 6, died in Indiana December 8, 1851, leaving these children: William G. M., Julia Ann, Sarah Ann, Hugh M. C, Mary Ann and Martha Jane, twins, Elijah F., Isaac, and Culvin S. April 26, 1S52, their father married for a second wife, Rachel Lamkin, nee Rachel Dorrell, who was born in Ohio, September 29, 1809. Her first marriage was blessed by the birth of a son, named William, who lost his life as a soldier in the Civil War. Her second marriage was blessed by the birth of a daughter, named Elizabeth. Elijah Stone came to Johnson County in 1859, and has lived in the county ever since. His life occupation has been farming. He and wife are members of the United Brethren Church, and enjoy the high esteem of their neighbors. WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 915 Jacob Tresslar, deceased, was born in this county March 31, 1824, and died here February 14, 1S86. He was the son of Peter and Barbara Tresslar. His life occupation was that of a farmer and stock-raiser. He was a member of the Christian Church. By his marriage with his first wife he had the fol- lowing children: Mary A., Rufus A., Martin A. and Amelia T. For his second wife he wedded Fostina Boaz, youngest daughter of Judge Boaz. She lived but a short time after their marriage. He was married a third time, taking for a companion, Hannah, daughter of John and Susannah (Webb) Clark, the former a native of England, and the latter of New Jersey. Mrs. Tresslar was born in Marion County, December 23, 1838. By this marriage they had one child. Mrs. Tresslar is a member of the Christian Church. Joseph H. Throckmorton, a farmer and stock-raiser by occu- pation, and school teacher by profession, was born in Johnson Count}', Ind., December 11, 1836, and is the son of Samuel and Cyntha Ann (Brown) Throckmorton. The father was born in Monmouth Countv, N- J-, in 181 1, and died in Johnson County, Ind., March 12, 1882. He was the son of Joseph and Polly (Mar- land) Throckmorton. Joseph and Polly Throckmorton were earlv settlers of Franklin County. Samuel was reared on a farm, but served an apprenticeship at cabinet-making, and this was his voca- tion of life. He came, about 1832 or 1833, to Johnson County, in which county he was united in marriage with Cyntha Ann Brown, a short time after he came to the county. Cyntha Ann Brown is the daughter of Henry Brown, an early settler of Johnson Count}-, and she was born in December 9, 1818, and now resides with a son in Union Township. Her marriage was blessed bv the birth of the following children: Sally, deceased, Joseph H., Polly, deceased, Harriet, Melvina, Charles B., Winfred S. Joseph was raised on a farm, and educated in the common schools. Later, he attended two terms at the Butler University, at Indianapolis, Ind. In 1S55, he began teaching in the public schools of the country. He has taught both in Morgan and Johnson counties. He con- tinued to teach up to 1885, when he suspended teaching, and since has devoted his entire attention to farming and stock-raising. He began the battle of life a poor man, and by means of energy and enterprise he has been successful in life, and is now a prosper- ous and self-made man, enjoying the esteem of his fellow citizens. He owns three tracts of land in this county, all aggregating 1:96 acres. April 6, 1862, he married Sarah j. Taylor, daughter of John and Sally Tavlor, early settlers of Johnson County. Mrs. Throckmorton was born in this countv, November 22, 1835. Her marriage has resulted in the following births: Horace, Ora, Carrie, 5S pl6 JOHNSON COUNTY. deceased, and Sallie. Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton and their chil- dren are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Throckmorton is a member of Waverly Lodge, No. 318, I. O. O. F., and in politics, he is a staunch republican. Gardiner Wilkes was born in Johnson County, Ind., April 9, 1 S3 1, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Dunham) Wilkes. The former was born in Mason County, Ky., October 13, 1799, and is the son of John Wilkes, a son of Joseph Wilkes, a native of England. Our subject's father was married in Brown County, Ohio, to Elizabeth Dunham, who was born in Kentucky, April 18, 1804. John and Elizabeth Wilkes came to Johnson County, Ind., in 1830. The father was a farmer by occupation, and died in this county in 1854. The mother also died in this county in 1875. Their marriage resulted in the birth of the following children: Dunham, who died in early life; Gardiner, Sophia, Elizabeth and Cyntha. Gardiner was reared on a farm, and attended the Franklin College, where he received a practical education. He re- mained with his parents till lie reached his majority, and then be- gan the battle of life for himself as a carpenter ; later he began teach- ing in the public schools, and taught some rive or six years. After suspending teaching, he began merchandising at Waverly, Ind. He merchandised for about five years at various places, and later took up farming as an occupation, and for several years past he has been ac- tively engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1S69, he located in White River Township, where he has since resided. In 1859, he was united in marriage with Macenia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Wilkes was born in Jennings County, Ind., February 9, 1832. The above marriage has resulted in the birth of two children: Flora Belle and Dessie, the former died in infancy, and the latter died at the age of twenty-one. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes became members of the Presbyterian Church several years ago, but recently joined the Mt. Auburn Methodist Episcopal Church, which is near their residence. In politics, Mr. Wilkes is a demo- crat. He served as trustee of White River Township two terms. He is a Master Mason of the Greenwood Lodge, which does not now exist. John J. Worsham was born in Fayette County, Ind., August 11, 1825, and was the son of Jeremiah and Nancy (Fullen) Wor- sham. The father was born in Washington County, Va., in 1786, and died at Connersville, Ind., in 1S61. He settled in Franklin County, Ind., in 1811. Nancy (Fullen) Worsham was born in Tennessee in 1795, and emigrated with her father to Franklin County, Ind., in 181 1, where she died in 1S59. John J. Worsham was a carpenter by trade, and a farmer by occupation. October WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. 917 28, 1S47, he was united in marriage with Martha A. Messersmith, daughter of Jacob and Barbara (Ford) Messermith. The former was a native of Virginia, the latter of Ohio. They settled in Favette County in 1811. Martha A. Messersmith was born in Fayette County, Ind., February 3, 1825. John J. Worsham and wife came to Johnson County the year following their marriage, and settled in White River Township, where the husband died, November 30, 1881. He was well known and respected, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mrs. Worsham, who still survives, is a member. The above marriage was blessed by the birth of eight children: Thomas J., Nancy C, Grafton M., Jacob B., deceased, Thurza M., Joseph T., Jasper F., and Willie H., deceased. Grafton M. Worsham, a merchant at Smith's Valley, is a native of Johnson County, born March 11, 1S52, and is a son of the subject of the above sketch. He was reared and educated on a farm. His home was with his parents up to 1873, in which year he was united in marriage to Louisa Fullen. At the time of Ins marriage, Grafton began the battle of life as a farmer. One child, Rosa, was born unto this marriage, and later, the mother was called away in death. In 1S77, Mr. Worsham married for a sec- ond wife, Katie Hughes, unto whom has been born two children, viz.: Johnnie D. and Stella B. Mr. Worsham was engaged in farming prior to 1SS7, in which year he embarked in mercantile pursuits at Smith's Valley. His stock is general merchandise, and his trade lucrative. In politics, he is a democrat. He is a mem- ber of the Baptist Church, and his wife is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. John S. Zaring, born in Oldham County, Ky., February iS, 1838, is the son of Lewis and Nancv (Logan) Zaring. The father, now an old and well respected citizen of White River Township, was born in Oldham County, Ky., December 4, 1S08, and is the son of Benjamin and Mary (Baker) Zaring. Benjamin Zaring was born in Pennsylvania, and was the son of Philip Zaring, a native of Pennsylvania, and of German origin, and in an early day removed to Oldham County, Ky., where he died. Here Benjamin Zaring's death also occurred. Mary (Baker) Zaring was a native of Henry County, Ky., and was the daughter of John Baker, a native of North Carolina. Lewis Zaring was reared in Oldham County. Ky., and his youth was spent on a farm, and farming has been his life occupation. In July of 1833, he was married in Kentucky, wed- ding Nancy Logan, daughter of Benjamin Logan, born in Pitts- burg, Penn., December 10, 1818. Her parents were natives of Ireland, and were on their way from Ireland when she was born v3<-' 918 JOHNSON COUNTY. They settled m Shelby County, Ky., and died when their daughter was quite young The marriage of Lewis and Nancy Zaring re- sulted in the birth of three children: Mary Jane, deceased, John S and Fannie K, deceased. Their mother" was called away in death May 12, 1866. Lewis Zaring and family came to Johnson County, Ind., in 1852, and here have lived and become well known as a representative family of the county. The father is still living and he and his only living child are happy in life. With their homes together they enjoy prosperity and the high esteem of their neighbors. John S. was reared on a farm and received his educa- tion in the country schools, and since early youth has « followed the plough He was married July 29, 1S62, wedding Jemima J. Fullen, daughter of Shelby and Elizabeth Fullen, whose sketch ap- pears above. She was born in this county, June 20, 1844. Her marriage has been blessed by the following children: Lucy Alice Nancy deceased, Shelby Lewis, Ira H., Cora Jane, Rufus S.,' Daniel D., and Martha A. Lucy Alice and Shelby L.. are married. Shelby L. Zaring, a farmer and citizen of White River Town- ship, was born in this township, July 24, 1866, and is the son of John b. and Jemima J. Zaring. whose sketches appear above. He was raised or. a farm and received a fair common school education graduating from the' graded school of White River Township He remained under the parental roof up to the age of twenty-one, and December 11, 1SS7, was united in marriage with Clara E Stone daughter of Calvin S. and Amanda C. (Varner) Stone. Her father was born m Switzerland County, Ind., July 2, 1L7, and died here October 28, 1875. The mother was born in Ohio i J ■ rS 4 6. Mrs. Zaring is their oldest child, and was born in Pleasant Town- ship, this county, June 21, 1871. After Mr. Zaring's marriage, he settled down ,n life, and took up the occupation of farming! Mr Zaring is a progressive man. Mrs. Zaring is a member of the United Brethren Church. In politics, he is a democrat.