Copyright 1904 by Ostermoor&Company 116 Elizabeth. St. New York. Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." — Shakespeare, "" Tempest'' IV., I. V* c£* t&* In bed we laugh, in bed we cry, And born in bed, in bed we die. The near approach a bed may show Of human bliss to human woe. — Isaac de Benserade. Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." — Shakespeare, " Tempest" IV., I. Ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep. — Shakespeare, " Othello." Ever soothe thee to repose — Reyom. Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep. ■ — Edxu. Yount Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." — Shakespeare, " Tempest" IV., I. Whose merits invite one to sleep. w* %£& ^v -Shenstone. O Bed! O Bed! delicious bed! That heaven on earth to weary head. — Hood, " Her Dream." Gin from Mfs . Marcus Berlin Dec. 5, 1932 J The Test of Time A Half Century Record Proves All Our Claims Regarding Superiority of the Ostermoor Mattress OSTERMOOR & COMPANY, -^ Established over 50 years ago 116 ELIZABETH STREET NEW YORK -fo^ o Copyright, 1897, by Ostermoor & Co. Copyright, 1898, by Ostermoor & Co. Copyright, 1900, by Ostermoor & Co. Copyright, 1902, by Ostermoor & Co. Copyright, 1904, by Ostermoor & Co. J* Three Hundredth Thousand of the Tenth Edition. ALL THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK, TITLE, COVER, ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS, DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS AND EMBELLISHMENTS, TRADE MARKS, ETC., ARE PROTECTED BY THE ABOVE COPYRIGHTS DULY ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEARS 1897, 1898, 1900, 1902 AND 190+ BY OSTERMOOR & COMPANY IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON, D. C. *) INDEX OF CONTENTS. ^ Pages 19 16, 17, 18 15 • 24 26 . 25 26, 27, 35, 37 20, 21, 22 28, 29, 32, 33 ^ Beds. Feathers ....... Of Other Days Importance of ..... . Cotton. Curious Facts About ..... Fibre ; Nature of ..... Exceptional Purity ..... The Ostermoor Treatment of . Hair. A Dangerous Mattress Filling- Contrasted with Ostermoor Human ........ .21 Mattresses, Renovation of ..... 32, 33 Hand'Laid Filling. Described 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Illustrated 21, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43 Imitation of Ostermoor 38, 39, 135 Label, Genuine Ostermoor .... 39, 135 Ostermoor Cushions. All Kinds, Price List 105 Boat .... .88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 105 Car 118 Carriage .......... 70 Chair 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 Church Pew 107 to 115 Church Kneeling 115 to 117 Deck 95 Divan 119, 120, 121 Mission Style . . . 102 Seat, Hall 72, 74, 97 Seat, Window 67, 68, 104 Ostermoor Mattress, Built not Stuff ed, 40, 41, 42, 43 Ostermoor Mattress, Contrasted with Hair, . 20 to 33 Ostermoor Mattress, Construction and Materials. A. Ostermoor Filling, What it is ..... 25, 26 B. -Formation of Sheets ....... 27 C. -Ostermoor Method of Building, . . 28,29,40,41,42,43 D. -Specialization ........ 30, 31 E. -Evolution . 37 F. -Imitations of . . . ..... 38 G. -Label ; for Your Protection ..... 39 6 Index of Contents — Continued Ostermoor Mattresses. Pages. For Gymnasium Use ........ 73 For Hospital Use 49, 62, 63, 64, 65 For Invalid Use 58, 59 For Yacht and Steamer Use . . . . . 75 to 95 Flotation Qualities . 76 to 79, 81, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, 106 Government Tests 76, 79, 82 Testimonials of Actual Use, Nearly Every Pag-e, Beginning 28 Yachts Furnished with . . . ... . 92, 93 Price Lists, Ostermoor Mattresses. As Advertised, $15.00 Kind 129 Covered with Dust-proof Satin Finish Ticking- . . 130 Covered with French Mercerized Art Twills . . 131 Especially Soft 132 to 134 Extra Thick Imperial Edge . . . 133 to 134 French Edges, Special 132 Irregular Shapes, Angres, Corners, etc. .... 128 Round Corners ........ 128 Smaller Sizes for Cribs 129 to 133 Special Coverings, etc 130 to 134 Price Lists, Ostermoor Pillows and Bolsters. Bolsters 127 Pillows 126 Price List, Ostermoor Springs. Description .......... 123 For Metal Beds 125 For Wooden Beds 124 Sleep, That One-third Our Life. As Nature Acts 9 Food, and its Relation to Life ..... 10 Importance of ; Its True Value 11 Life and; Table of 12 Poverty of ; Through Willful Abuse 13 Suffering* from Lack of ..... 14 Ways of Inducing ........ 15 Specials of Ostermoor Quality. Bedsteads {Ask for special book " Built for Sleep") . . 122 Couch-Chair 100 Divans 119, 120 121 Springs ... .... 123, 124, 125 Ostermoor Mattresses are as far Superior in Com- fort and Luxury to all other Mattresses trie world over as the Elegant Modern Limited Express Train is to the Post Chaise of Old* J* «5* «J" «5" *?* «?* B^ m SLEEP. " The Night-time of the Body and the Day-time of the Soul." — Iamblichus. of all things, good, sound, restful, beneficial sleep — is without doubt the most vital necessity of our very existence, and ^f/l that our vitality, our sole life's capital, depends entirely upon sleep? ^^-gSS*^^ Every twenty-four hours we go to sleep, and wake up, and thus ^S^^ every day we prove nature's wisdom even to the smallest details of the immutable laws ever guarding us. The body we inhabit is most marvelously constructed. The brain, the highest development of the body, a wonderfully complex machine, the seat of thought and will, is the controlling motor of our entire bodily mechanism. Our individuality, that wonderful, many-sided mystery, without form, matter or name, sits in the brain, guiding the body, like a grand central operator with millions of wires, controlling an immense electrical system. The heart, our engine, works on for ever, providing the power which pumps the blood that feeds the brain and makes possible its unceasing work. The eyes, danger signals, aided by the nerves, which perceive light, and the cars, secondary danger signals, through nerves interpreting sound waves, are the sentinels of nature, while the machinery is in op- eration. They, with our other senses, taste, smell and touch, act as guardians, and when we sleep the most vigilant and important is last to go off duty, and first to return. The onset is gradual, sleep general, being made up of many delightful little sleeps, premonitory intima- tions that nature is preparing to take complete possession of our body. These little sleeps ob- scure each sense and the physical and muscular or- gans, slowly, separately in regular order, one after another, until each becomes involved. The brain reposes, volition ceases, unconsciousness is complete, and sleep becomes profound We sleep to wake, And wake to sleepagain." Anonymous. ^PTW W' E EAT T0 SLEEP— but we sleep to live. The cry for M ^L sleep being ever greater than the cry for food, although ^k A our existence depends upon both, sleep itself is of far greater , H at i importance than food. h^M mr *& As nas b een proven, a man can go forty days without ifej^^T ^^T '^B&t food ! He can live seven days, or even longer, without food or water !! He dies in seven days without sleep ! ! ! During sleep only, the resting time of consciousness, the brain and entire nervous system are in a somnolent quiescent state, off duty as it were, and it's then that nature, through our complex internal mechanism, does that peculiar daily housekeeping on which our very existence depends. Does it, too, in a certain orderly co-operative way, curiously following a regu- lar method of work both intricate and elaborate, which mysteriously results in the conversion, assimilation and absorption of the food we eat into the blood cells and tissues of the body, throwing off and repairing all waste, giving just the amount of care and nourishment required to all parts of our body, both mental and physical, in regular sequence, and thus preserves that just balance — vitality — the capital which carries us through life, and by vital force makes possible its accomplishment. This interchange or renewal of energy so vital to health, occurs much more rapidly and thoroughly before midnight than after, because it's then the heart, our engine, works along, pumping the blood, carrying the new material and removing the waste. There is also a greater consumption of oxygen before midnight than after. Oxygen is the one thing needed in order that nature's work shall readily and healthfully take place. The heart gradually runs down in force from the time of retiring until arising in the morning. The pulse beats more slowly, and less strongly; the vital processes are slower; the circula- tion becomes more sluggish. Therefore, although to many the morning nap is particularly re- freshing, it is a fact that for pur- poses of best recuperation, the old adage of "an hour before midnight ^ is worth two after it," points uner- ringly to the better way physically. 'Sleep, gentle Sleep, Nature's soft nurse." ' Sleep that knits up the ravel I'd sleeve of care. " S A RACE we sleep far too little. An infant's life is nearly all sleep. Gradually, as the child grows older, the hours of sleep are shortened to half the day or about twelve hours. Youth, until the age of twenty is reached, requires fully ten hours sleep. Although nature demands less hours of sleep in sum- mer than in winter, it has been proven that eight hours of sleep is required for the average male adult in good health. By this is meant not simply eight hours in bed, but that amount of good sound, restful sleep, night after night. Men as stated, really need to sleep fully eight hours, and men require less sleep than women. When this period is voluntarily limited, the animal part of the body secures all the benefit of rest, robbing the brain, the most important of all, of its strength and virility. Experience readily verifies this. The physical part of the body makes the first demand through nature for new force — and a few hours sleep only will invariably repair the ravages of physical fatigue ; but the brain and nerve system, unless the sleep be of sufficient duration, receives no benefit whatever, and yet all our prosperity depends entirely on the quality of work our brain performs. Our power to work is intimately related to our ability to sleep, and there is no more reliable indication of sound health than the capacity to sleep naturally, and the more active and energetic the waking life, the deeper the sleep. To expend more nervous energy each day than can be evolved by food and sleep, is to become both mentally and physically bankrupt in a short period ; hence the absolute necessity of permitting tired nature to have her required time, a good eight hours, to properly restore the lost vitality which fully preserves that "just balance" called health. Woman possesses more nervous excitability than man, and therefore requires more sleep than man. Her pulse beats five times more per minute, than his, yet women can bear the loss of sleep far better than men, and the length of time they can de- vote to night nursing, in response to calls of affection or duty, has scarcely any limit, and their phys- ical recuperation is most rapid. * Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." 'For some must watch, while some must sleep. So runs the world away. ARLY SLEEP IS BETTER than late, because the muscles of the brain and other nerve centers recover more quickly and thoroughly from strain or exhaustion before midnight than they will after, the heart works better, and recuper- ation is then more complete. Sleep follows the diminution of blood in the cerebral vessels. The blood is squeezed out of the brain like water from a sponge, and it becomes in a measure bloodless. This bloodless condition is indispensable; without it, sleep cannot be induced. Wakefulness means a full flow of blood through the brain. Whatever, then, tends to withdraw the blood from the brain, tends to produce sleep; with healthy persons leading a perfectly normal life, this change is automatic. The blood naturally ebbs away from the brain because it is time the brain had a rest, and sleep slowly steals away the senses. On the other hand, mental strain, worry, over-work, over-eating, and all other "overs" which interfere with the even, placid working of the nerves, are decidedly detrimental to the function of sleep, and at such time the breathing is labored, irregular, and not that deep natural inhalation; which induces sleep. More oxygen is consumed, and more needed during sleep, as breathing is deeper before midnight than after, therefore the great necessity for plenty of fresh, pure air, in order that nature may have all the materials needed during her hours of recuperation. This requires open windows in sleeping rooms, wide open windows too, if you please, with proper protection from draft, for good sleeping means good breath- ing, good breathing means good health, good health means good digestion, good digestion, that greatest preservative from all ills, both mental and physical. Indeed, by far the most common cause of sleeplessness is indigestion in its various forms, due in the majority of cases to injured nervous systems; a condition unheard of, unrecognized, and absolutely unknown and unappreciated during our forefathers' less strenuous times one hundred years ago. OUR LIFE IS ONE-THIRD SLEEP. According to statistics of scientists, the average lifetime of 70 years is spent about as follows : Sleeping 24 years 9K months Working - 16 " 8 " Playing 15 " 6 " Eating - 6 " 6 " Illness - - - I " 5*/ 2 " Dressing - - 2 " 1 1 Waste - - - 2 " 2 .v 1 c> After Sir John Mandeville. throughout the World. Lamb Seed Plant. After Baron von Herberstein. 25 k HE MATERIALS from which the mattress is constructed are more vitally important than is generally recognized by the average sleeper, or even by the highest authorities on hygiene and sanitation. Physicians only cursorily dwell upon this subject, and have given it by far too little thought. In health, we spend fully one-third of our lives in bed — far too many invalids all their weary hours — and yet we passively continue the use of whatever material habit, tradition or in- heritance may have handed down for a mattress filling, utterly regardless of its sanitary or unsanitary qualities, although during sleep the pores of the skin are all wide awake, wide open as it were, and ripe for the absorption of germs. Therefore, a germ-proof mattress is an absolute necessity. This requires a non-absorbent filling of positive purity, and one that will remain uncontamin- ated under all conditions. Cotton is undoubtedly the purest filling obtainable. Being a vegetable fibre, it has none of those horribly objectionable features like hair. Of far greater resi- liency than hair, having a natural spring, it is readily sterilized and made non-absorbent owing to its pecu- liarly complicated fibrous formation. It is hygienic and sanitary, and the coolest material known, non-heating, a non-conductor as well, and peculiarly cool tot- summer use. Cotton was used for stuffing Cushions in Egypt, in the days of Menes, nearly seven centuries ago. Frequent mention of its use is made by historians. It was then known as Kurpas ; its origin a mystery. Centuries later, but little understood, it was called "vegetable lamb" or "plant wool." One of our own Cotton Fields. OTTON— not simply cotton and nothing more — but cotton mixed with brains, a fabric evolved from cotton, that is no more like original cotton than the finest cloth is like original wool, makes the celebrated Ostermoor, that un- rivaled mattress filling. We use only an exceedingly high grade of fully matured cotton, having unusually long, tough fibres of great strength and resiliency, botanically known as Gossypium Herbaceum. Our standard of quality secured, the fibres pass a rigid inspection, being most carefully tested for that first essential, elastic strength and requisite length of fibre. They must also be fully matured, or the valuable protection from all impurities and atmospheric changes given each fibre by that outer skin may be entirely lost from imperfect growth. Absolute purity is our especial pride ; pure originally, we make cotton purity itself by our treatment, all developments are made under the most rigid precautions as to cleanliness, tt| that extreme cleanliness which is a part of purity. ^= We are remarkably careful in manipulation to enhance and preserve the original purity and eliminate every trace of even the minor vegetable oils and all bacteria, microbes, germs, etc., while aging, curing, cleaning and preparing the fibres for use, not only by the most approved sterilization, but also by an especially adapted system of air filtration with m, as through various processes, passes forward to completion. Cotton is one of nature's marvels and a far more complicated structure than is generally understood. Microscopically examined it presents the appearance of a collapsed tube with corded edges, tightly curled or twisted spirally its entire length, like an elongated spring, and is composed of four distinct parts: 1.— The inner tube, resembling the core of a (mill, 2.— Which contains the spiral center above described, 3. -This tube being again enclosed within an crter tube of cellulose. 4. -The whole is further protected and com- pletely covered by an encircling skin, or en- swathing sheath of hard white varnish, really cotton wax, — a shell-like, non-absorbent guard against all impurities. Baling and Shipping Depot. 27 HE FINAL TEST for tensile strength of fibre and prepara- tion complete, the filling as nearly perfect as human hands and almost human complicated machinery built by the ingenuity of great experts can make it, is the only filling known that, unlike hair, is absolutely germ-proof, dust-proof, moth-proof, vermin-proof, water-proof, and so absolutely dry that it is free even from the water of hydration, and so entirely non-absorbent it will float. After all this preliminary preparation, which covers far more work and exacting labor than you can imagine, or than is easy to describe, it is made into sheets for the purpose of making an enduringly perfect filling of everlasting elasticity, so that a hand-laid mattress can be built up therefrom. Judge the value of these sheets by the amount of labor required to make them. The already carefully prepared material is lightly blown apart and thoroughly worked and beaten by frictional rotary air pressure into loose, flaky sheets, all the while undergoing the in- tensest heat, thus preserving unbroken, unstrained, each separate fibre we took such pains to cure and treat. These sheets are slowly and evenly drawn over drums, and re- drawn or spun over cards, while the fibres are being straightened and stretched to their utmost tensibility, and at last are carded over great giant complex machines, during which certain action is brought to bear which shrinks or contracts the tensibility, thus naturally curving the fibres. Now, passing along over open cylin- drical revolving hoops, twin sheets are formed one over the other, the fibres of which unite, each joining or interlacing one within the other through natural curl or spring, and these coalesce into the first perfect single sheet. A few more revolutions to increase thickness, and at last appear those won- derfully elastic, beautiful, light, airy, interlacing, fibrous sheets of Ostermoor, virginal in purity, absolutely sanitary, perfectly non-absorbent, which made day in, day out, year in, year out, during over fifty years of ever constant better- ment, has revolu- tionized the art of mattress making, and made the name of Ostermoor famous. Magnified section of pressed Ostermoor a corn- sheet. Ostermoor Sheets at Cutting Table. 28 with the Osterrrioor OMPARE the vast superiority of the Ostermoor sheeted filling over hair, which is still further enhanced by the un- usual method of making an Ostermoor Mattress. A " hand- laid" filling "built" in layers, not "stuffed" like hair, makes the Ostermoor Mattress peerlessly perfect in shapeliness and elasticity, and evenly soft in every spot. Unlike hair these merits are enduring, it is practically un-wear-out- able, first cost being last and only cost for years to come. By the Ostermoor, and no other method of making, " hand-laid sheeted filling," and no other filling, is this possible. That's why the name of Ostermoor made the mattress famous. In making a hair mattress, the tick, cut any old way — no attention being paid to matching pattern or stripe — is sewn up and completed all but one end like a bag with an open end, and into this bag the mattress maker " stuffs "the hair, never evenly, easily displaced, tufting alone shifting and bunching it. Does the picture appeal to you ? Surely not. Contrast with this primitive method of work, the extraordinary care used in building an Ostermoor Mattress. Our method requires that the ticking cover be cut in a peculiar way, not only that, but cut to match pattern, top, bottom, sides and ends, and stripes or pattern seamed to match both border and top — on this detail we insist — and it's all such details that count. The Ostermoor cover, unlike the hair bag, is only partially made, the borders are set on and double stitched, the top being left open and folded back like the lid of a box or trunk. (Continued next page. ) Stuffing a Hair Mattress. Norton, Bristol Co., Mass. February (5, 1901. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — My first experience with an Ostermoor Mattress was in 1880, when I spent the winter in Boston. I always supposed it was an unusually fine quality curled hair, and often remarked I never saw so good a bed. At length I espied a label upon end of mattress witli your firm name on it, stating the material of which it was made and your wonderful guarantee not to mat. This led me into purchasing an Ostermoor mattress lohich, during the past tiventy-one years, has given us more and more satisfaction each day, and is today just its coed as the day it was ///ado. You made our church pew cushions, and I must say they are just as satisfactory today as when we first used them. Ostermoor mattresses and cushions certainly do not mat down as does hair, and are everlastingly soft, clean and comfortable. Respectfully yours, E. B. WHEATON 2g Into this well-made, box-like cover, the Ostermoor sheets of natural springy softness, fully two and a half inches in thickness, purity itself, are laid one over the other by the hands of experts, until the required thickness be obtained, and then gently compressed to about one-fifth the original thickness, thus deftly incorpo- rating or interlacing the whole billowy mass into one sheet of uniform thickness throughout, which is then daintily enclosed in tick entirely by hand, and hand- sewn within across both ends and one entire side; see pages 40, 41, 42, 43. Thus, all the softness being most evenly distributed, every square inch possesses exactly the same resilience and elasticity, no formation of bunchy lumps or hollows, nor matting down, for shifting of filling is an utter impossibility. Thus is achieved that high standard of "hand-laid" construction, so dif- ferent from the usual mattress making, enhancing so greatly the value of the perfect Ostermoor filling, which together with that exacting detailed finish; that minute accuracy in tufting — each tuft of same space and tightness of tension ; that care- ful stitching and boxing of border; that wonderfu' blending of brains, skill and materials so all too briefly described, which results in the upbuilding of that perfect whole, that incomparable sleep inducer — the Ostermoor Mattress, which unlike hair is exceedingly soft and elastic, besides being absolutely pure, dust-proof, germ-proof, vermin-proof and water-proof. E. H. Gregory. M. D., St. Louis, Mo. 3525 Lucus Ave, March 10, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Siks: — Ostermoor Mattresses have been in use in my house since 1877. During these twenty-seven year* they have constantly grown in favor, remaining always the same, requiring no remaking. I think them far superior to hair in every way. Hair beingan animal fibre — is sanitarily unclean, and uncleanable — while I have proven Ostermoor mat- tresses to be what you claim — purity itself. They unquestionably make the most comfortable, the cleanest, and the most wholesome beds. Yours truly, E H. GREGORY 3° STERMOOR MATTRESSES are built, not stuffed, and the Oster- moor method of mattress building remedies all the faults so com- mon in other mattresses and is absolutely the only mattress so built on the market, and the only mattress that does not require re- novation. We build as many mattresses in a week as most manu- facturers stuff in a year, and guarantee our cheapest mattress at $15.00 to be better by far than others can possibly stuff at $50.00. Other manufacturers hire men for general all-around work, mattress makers who stuff, stitch, tuft, etc. — in fact one man, a mattress maker, who does all the work upon the mattress except making or sewing the tick. The Ostermoor system of mattress building is radically different. Each mat- tress passes through the hands of at least twenty different operators, some men, some women, which ever is best fitted for the work, and they are given sufficient time to properly complete each portion of their labor, and do it well. Perfection of work is our hobby. Our whole system is built upon that plan of individ- ual specialization which secures absolute per- fection. This means expert services; to secure which we divide the work in branches, the branches in parts, and put one person only at work on each particular part, that part in which they excel, and they do nothing else but that one thing hourly, daily, yearly, in many cases, as their parents have done before them, during the past fifty years ; as the entire work through- out our factory has been so specialized, for nearly fifty of the fifty-one years we have been making mattresses, during which time we have made the building of mattresses a science! 'His occupation gone". — An Ostermoor Mattress needs no renovation. Watkinson Juvenile Asylum and Farm School, Hartford, Conn. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Albany Ave., P. O. Box 965, March 1. 1004. Gentlemen: — It is twenty-three years since I first fitted out a dormitory with Ostermoor Mattresses, and all additional mattresses since, except four I was induced to purchase on the claim that they were equal to yours, and a trifle less in price. None of these four are in existence now, while the first and all that came from you are as good as new. Our beds are occupied by boys from twelve to twenty years of age, who wear them very hard, and two years ago we took off ' t he ticks for a thorough washing, ami your mattresses went together without a single exception in perfect order, while the four I speak of went to pieces, so that we could do nothing with them. For durability and cleanliness toe cannot find their equals and no bed is more comfortable. Soon after my first purchase of you, I replaced hair mattresses in my own house with Ostermoor Mattresses, and to show you how well we like them, after using them so long without any repairs or renovation of any kind, it is a common expression, both by my wife and myself , when we spend a night away from home, " How I wish we had our Ostermoor mattress with us." Yours faithfully, E. B. SMEAD, Principal 3i STERMOOR SPECIALIZATION shortens time, and time means money in mattress making. Each specialist doing but the one thing they do best soon become experts, do it better and far quicker than it can possibly be done by others. Ten different branches are each grouped under one pro- fessional head in that expert construction, constituting the Ostermoor Hand-Laid System, which requires eight additional individual operations by specialized experts to complete. All these experts command the highest salaries, salaries that are prohibitive to the average mattress manufacturer, who knows nothing and cares less as to the training or treatment of expert work people, and seeks only for cheap labor to cheapen cost, for with him it is not how good a mattress can be made, but how cheap. Ostermoor Mattresses are not the usual kind that most people consider good enough; not the cheap kind, dear at any price, but cheaper in the end by far than the cheapest of all; they are the different kind — the better kind — of a quality not obtainable elsewhere at any price. Quality only bears the Ostermoor Label. Ostermoor-quality. One suggests the other. Not a mattress for one taste, but for all tastes. Not for one pocket, but for all pockets. An underpriced luxury. An Ostermoor un-wear-out-able money's worth. Imitation of an Ostermoor Mattress "A Hopeless Task." Discouraging to Hair Mattress Renovators. 32 ; ONE LONG SLEEP. An Ostermoor Mattress ends all sleep troubles, and makes the way infinitely smoother, brighter, and more comfortable during one-third the journey at least. The first cost of an Ostermoor Mattress is the last and only cost. It will never cost you a cent for repairs of any kind, and will not mat or pack like hair, nor need to be made over just every so often like the hair mattress, which ever becomes an increasing source of expense, until even remaking is impossible, and the purchase of a new mattress becomes an absolute necessity. The change from a dirty, dusty hair to an Ostermoor Mattress can be made at any time, in any climate, under any condition of health, and is a change for the better under all circumstances, and cannot be made too soon, either for your comfort, health or economy. We want the Ostermoor to become your mattress, its purity your delight, and its luxury your everlasting comfort. The cleaning or remaking of a hair mattress, means merely beating out the dust, ripping apart the old tick, repicking, washing, drying, and finally baking the old hair to kill the vermin, and moth, and their eggs, losing a large part of the hair so doing, then restuffing in new tick, or the old one which has been washed meanwhile, and the result is but a dis- fmM The usual annual mak- ing over and refilling of a hair mattress absolutely necessary to keep it fairly clean and comfortable. If done at home — dirt and annoyance. If sent away — expense and loss. -V MMSL. : v, mm couraging makeshift, which must soon be repeated. Such work if done at home means dirt and annoyance, if sent away expense and loss, without any allowance whatever for value of hair that may be stolen by dis- honest workmen, or inferior hair used in substitution, a trick often practised, as you know by experience. J* John Byrne, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. 314 Clinton St., February 7, 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs : — I have used Ostermoor Mattresses in my house without any renovation whatever , for over a quarter of a century — (28 years)— and have seen them for that length of time in St. Mary's Hospital, and / do not hesitate to state that triey are in every respect superior to those made from the best quality of curled horse hair. Ostermoor extracts heat from the body without absorb- ing moisture, and has therefore a special advantage in cer- tain r/ieuiuatii conditions. As for cleanliness, perfection in workmanship and i extraordinary durability, I doubt if the Ostermoor Mattress has any equal. Very respectfully, JOHN BYRNE 33 Contrast the simplicity and wonderful cleanliness of an Ostermoor riattress, which needs no remaking— with the dirty, dusty, hair. See how easily tick is removed for washing, if desired, owing to its superior construction. Should the tick of an Ostermoor Mattress become soiled through any cause. soap, brush and water will cleanse it thoroughly, and will not hurt the filling, because it's non-absorbent. Dried in the sun it is absolutely unharmed. If pre- ferred, ticking is very readily taken off to wash, the sheets of Ostermoor Filling having incorporated into one sheet, thickness of mattress cannot become dis- placed, and will remain intact, sweet, pure and clean. In rare instances should top sheet be stained, as it cannot penetrate over one-eighth of an inch, soiled part is easily peeled off, the filling returned and closed within the washed ticking, and retufted, when mattress in every respect is equally as good as new! An Ostermoor Mattress is dust-proof, and during twenty years' use can never become as dusty and dirty as a hair mattress will, in less that many months. It is also proof against all germs, all vermin, all dirt or water, and is so resilient and elastic it will never mat or pack, costs new less than half the price of a really first class quality hair, and never costs any more. Hair, originally unclean, and practically uncleanable, attracts dirt, absorbs all moisture and emanations of the body, is a breeder of vermin, an ever increas- ing expense, and, at all times, new or old, a dangerous menace to health. Long, practical experience. Superior ever- lasting elasticity. Proven non-ab sorbent. 34 RIVING, POURING RAIN WETS YOUR CLOTHES. You are wet to the skin, as wet as if you had taken a bath in your clothes, but you have not absorbed water ; neither will an Ostermoor Mattress; and its clothes (or tick) will dry far more quickly than your own. It is non-absorbent. It will float. John C. Barron, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 35 Broadway, Jan. 6, 1902. Geni lemen :— I have no hesitancy in adding my testimony, from a long, practical experience, as to the everlasting elasticity, durability, non-absorbent, and buoyant qualities of the Ostermoor Mattress. In these respects I think them superior to all other mattresses. Yours truly, JOHN C. BARRON Washington, D. C. Prindle & Russell, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 509 Seventh Street, May 29, 1897. Gentlemen :— In response to your inquiry of the 2Gth inst., we have to state that some time in 1889 you made a set of Ostermoor Cushions for our steam launch, the " Alma," which launch, during the flood of 1894, was suite, and remained under water for a number of days before av could raise her. Upon raising the launch we found some of the Ostermoor cushions had been away, but of such as remained each one was in perfect condition, except •with • to the plush covering, which was too much soiled by mud for use. The said cushions were returned to you to be recovered, and were then in as perfect condition as were the new ones which were made to replace those lost. The cushions in question, which have been in use since 1889 (eight years), are entirely free from mildew ami unpleasant odor, "eery elastic and satisfactory and prove all you claim. We most heartily recommend the Oster- moor as being the best material of which we know for cushions, and also because cushions made of such material are perfect life preservers, being acceptable to and approved by the United States Steamboat Inspectors. Very cordially, PRINDLE & RUSSELL Prindle & Russell. Washington, D. C, Jan. 3, 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — Our present views relative to Ostermoor Cushions have not been changed since our letter of May 29th, 1897, and we most cordially endorse today every statement made therein. Very cordially, PRINDLE & RUSSELL Under water 2 months. Good as new after 13 years' service. Perfectly free from damp and mildew. 35 HE SUPERINTENDENT of one of the largest Massachusetts State Institutions, using nearly a thousand Ostermoor Mat- tresses, and enthusiastic in their praise after twenty-four years' actual use, stated to us recently that his original order was given us against the judgment and advice of his Matron and her as- ^Tt7fr^^'?>*** 1 ■■ sistant, who wanted hair — which they had previously been using — and was given to us unknown to her. Several months after they were in use he asked how she liked the mattresses he bought; she exclaimed, "Oh! they are splen- did— perfect — I am so glad you bought such good hair mattresses and not those cotton ones. My bed is so comfortable, and the mattress the best I ever slept on." (Used even without a spring of any kind.) " At this statement I sent for the mattress, had it opened, showed her the filling, when she would hardly believe her own eyes. " They think Ostermoor mattresses far better than any hair, for they are as soft today as when new. Soap and water don't hurt them in the least, for when the Ostermoor ticks become soiled, as will happen, they simply put them through the hot steam sterilizer, and dry them in hot air, and they come out like new, without any injury whatever, and that's impossible with hair. Absolutely nothing approaches Ostermoor Mattresses in excellence. Nayatt Point, Rhode Island. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 25, 1900. Gentlemen : — I learned to appreciate the merits of cotton as a material for a mattress fifty years ago, when a young housekeeper, desiring something better than I could then buy for a bed, I procured thirty-odd pounds of the very best cotton, and, with my wife's help made a mattress which, when placed upon a spring arrangement, also of home construction, furnished all the needed requisites of softness and elasticity. Since that time I have had many beds of many kinds, among which I have a vivid memory of some hours of refreshing slumber upon a bed of warm ashes, un- der the boilers of an Alabama River steamer one winter night, and also of occasional bivouacs upon Vir- ginia soil during the war. At other times the best curled hair mattresses have been mine, but I have found absolutely nothing ap- proaching in excel- lence your Osier, moor Mattress. It is indeed a mar- vel, and I can most heartily endorse same as fully prov- ing all you claim. Yours truly, H. H. RICHARDSON SS?fwKW^ISS3^Si 36 STERMOOR MATTRESSES need nothing; in the way of re- newal for an ordinary lifetime, except a cleanly turning- and airing daily — as all mattresses should have — and a generous sunbath several times yearly, to keep them indefinitely as 44 good as new." They puff or rise in the sun and heat, as if endowed with life — as a ** pan of biscuit n rises. Used with pleasure for 22 years. Cannot be excelled. Proved superior to best Hair Mattress during 1(5 years' constant use of a large number. Four special points have they surpassed. Marion, Ohio. Messrs. Ostermooe & Co. January 18, 1901. Dear Sirs: — I beg to assure you that our great regard for Ostermoor Mattresses makes it a pleasure to tell you that they cannot be excelled by any other. After using our first one, purchased in 1879, twenty- two years ago, for a few months, we disposed of a hair mattress and replaced by another one of yours. ( >n general cleaning- days we place our mattresses in the sun for a few hours, and as my little girl once said : " They act as if they had Royal Baking Powder in them," they puff or rise so greatly .' They are so cool in summer and warm in winter, fully as soft without being so oppressive as feathers, and much soft r than hair. All our beds, and also those of nearly all our friends, are supplied with Ostermoor Mattresses, and time only makes us think more highly of them. They are surely perfection in every way. Yours respectfully, MRS. E. J. FAIRFIELD New Jersey School for Deaf Mutes, Trenton, N. J. Weston Jenkins, Principal. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co March 21, 1900. Dear Sirs :— Ostermoor Mattresses have been used in this school for the past sixteen years, and have proven entirely satisfactory. They are fully equal in comfort to the best hair mattresses, and are superior in the following respects, viz. : First — They do not mat or pa, A- a ft, many years' us,'. Second— They are lighter and more elastic than hair. Third — They do -not absorb emanations from lite body and foul odor to the extent that hair does. Fourth — They can be made perfectly fresh and sweet af- ter long continued use by simple exposure to the air and strong sunlight. I would not wil- lingly have any other material used for mat- tresses in an institution under my charge. Very respectfully, WESTON JENKINS, Principal 37 E ARE OFTEN COMPLIMENTED, we regret to say, upon the Ostermoor Mattress in various words, as fol- lows : " That Cotton Mattress of yours is truly wonder- ful." "Yours is certainly the finest Cotton Mattress made," etc., etc. The Ostermoor Mattress is not a cotton mattress ; its raw material, we grant you, was cotton, but cotton of an unusual grade, and the various processes to which we subject the fibres en- tirely changed and evolved from that cotton an entirely new fabric, the same as cloth is evolved from wool, — and not ordinary cloth, either. The Ostermoor process of imparting enduring elasticity and wonderful softness to the fibrous texture of cotton, has achieved a result incomparable with any other known material, it being impervious to moisture, proof against vermin, permanently elastic, and will never mat, pack, lump or bunch like hair. These enduring and desirable qualities, together with our unusual method of making — hand-laid sheeted filling, and hand-closed ticks — make the Ostermoor Mattress an article of distinctive merit; while the cotton mattress is simply cotton, a makeshift and nothing more, usually much less, as the many so called cotton mattresses are not even cotton, but the poorest refuse waste thereof, being only cotton ginnings, no more cotton than shoddy is wool, or coal dust is coal, and relatively as worthless. t£* ^* (£* Howell Co. Bank, West Plains, Mo Jos. L. Thomas, Pres't. March 7, 1900 Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — I had entire- ly forgotten the fact that I had purchased one of your Os- termoor Mattresses some seventeen years ago, and doubted your statement, sup- posing, of course, I had a hair mattress; but on appealing to my wife she coolly informed me that I had been sleeping on one fur the past seventeen years. / ha-cc enjoyed it vastly, and it is now as satisfactory, as fresh and as clastic as it was when first gotten, not- withstanding its constant use since purchased. I take pleasure in adding my testimony to its merits in these late days of fraud and humbug. Very truly yours, JOS. L. THOMAS Liked so well thought it Hair during over 17 years' constant use. As fresh today as new. 38 HE SUCCESS of the Ostermoor mattress is due to merit, brains, push, business ability, and the advertising publicity, that has cost us over a million dollars, and has made its fame world wide. That's reputation. Such a reputation is so valuable, you may safely trust us not to wreck it, but to ever guard most zealously. It means also that we must be always making mattresses ever of the same merit and trustworthiness, yesterday, today and tomorrow, to retain our success. That's responsibility. Beware of imitations — don't be swindled — the storekeeper who offers you a substitute for the Ostermoor Mattress, claiming it's "just as good," "expressly made for me" — or "I made it myself and I know how it's made " — not only in- sults your intelligence, but is a dishonest swindler as well. He is simply trading on our success — our reputation — has no responsibility and nothing to lose. Would he accept counterfeit money in payment? Oh, no ! And yet imitation money is " just as good " as his imitation substitute. As a matter of fact, such substitutes are dis- honestly worthless, and attempts to sell them nothing but the commonest form of mean, petty swindling. Storekeepers don't make mat- tresses, and don't even know how they are made, ami if they sell an imitation of the Ostermoor Mattress, they must patronize one of those numerous concerns who are making it a business to furnish cheap substitutes of no value whatever, that are simply expected to sell on the true merit and honest reputation of the Ostermoor Mattress. Any storekeeper who attempts such substitu- tion, recognizes that it is possible only because you have heard how .desirable our Mattress is, through our advertising, and he not only robs you of your money and cheats you with a worth- less counterfeit, but betrays your confidence and insults your intelligence. The Cheap Imitator's Fate. The cheap imitator who endeavors to trade upon the ideas or reputation of an- other can not win permanent success. The man who copies and cheapens his competitor's productions often finds that the cream of the business belongs to the honest, responsible originator, and that the imitator must at best content himself with the leavings. No matter how he fools the public, the man who imitates the goods or trade- mark of a competitor, by that act con- fesses to the world his inferiority, and is sure ultimately to lose tenfold what he gains by his dishonest course. That which leans on another's reputa- tion will ultimately fall. — Clip. Substitution is Suspicious. A sale of stock is advertised. There are horses with pedigrees and records to be sold. Farmer Brown attends the sale with the pur- pose of buying one of these good horses. But the seller says to him, " That horse you want is a good horse, of course, but I've got another there that is just as good which I'd like to sell you." " Has he just as good a pedigree?'" ' ' Well no, he hasn't anv pedigree to speak of." " Has he any record." " Well, no, we never held a watch on him that I know of, but he's ' just as good ' as the horse you want." Would Farmer Brown buy the " just as good " horse ? The question answers itself. And yet this same farmer will allow himself to be swindled time and again by accepting " just as good " articles in place of those he called for, although the article he called for has a pedigree and a record, and is a standard in the markets of the world. Yet in place of this standard article he will accept a substitute which nobody knows anything about, an un- tried, unproved article which has no record of value and no proof of origin. Let the buyer who is offered a substitute bear in mind that substitution is suspicious, and that a substitute always carries the ear marks of a swindle. — Printer s Ink. 39 HOSE prosperous human vultures, offering an imitation "just as good " mattress, brazenly preying on our pockets and yours, slyly fatten on such dishonesty simply because they have nothing to lose, no reputation to maintain, no valuable name to ruin, no merit or quality to guard ; they have no responsibility, and when caught and exposed, just creep back without even a squeal of protest into that obscurity where they belong, and are despicably greater thieves than the desperate human failures — thieves through hunger. Take care ! Don't be fooled ! The name of Ostermoor is a personal guarantee of reliability, our confidential responsibility. Our label on each mattress we make is as much our personal guarantee as though issued to you individually. Beware of imitations. Every genuine Ostermoor Mattress bears our illustrated, trade-marked, Hand-Laid Filling Label in exact design and colors as reproduced above — and also has the name Ostermoor woven every three inches in the Binding on all Edges. Put there for your protection. Look for them. Accept no substitute. 4o Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand=Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Mattress. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Co Fig. 1. Building the Sheets of Ostermo-T in open tick by hand. See description, pages £8, 29, 30. Used 12 hours daily for ix years. Good as new. Everlastingly comfortable. Trade Mark — Registered A billowy, downy mass of springy softness, virginal in its purity, an un- rivaled mattress filling — such stuff as dreams are made on Price list, Ostermoor Mattresses, as Advertised, page 129. Blackstone, Va. , , ,. Messrs. Ostermoor iS: Co. January 14, 1904. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress bought by my grandfather, T. Freeman Epis, of Blackstone, in June, 1856, forty-eight years ago, is still in use, and as good today as the day it was made, and lias had no repairs or renovation of any kind during all that time, except that the tick has been taken off and washed. This mattress has had harder usage than many, for it has been lain upon at least twelve hours every day for the past f arty -eight years, with the possible exeeption oj some twenty days during all that time, when it was not used. It was bought as the very best mattress that could be obtained in 1856, and we had always spoken of it in the family as an exceptionally fine quality hair mattress, and it was only when ticking was taken off for washing some four years ago, that your label was discovered. The new mattress purchased from you by myself at that time has proven to be fully as good, if not better, than the original one. To say that we are delighted with Ostermoor Mattresses is to poorly express the satisfaction we have found during all these many years' experience of their wonderful merits and everlasting r< iinfort, Yours respectfullv, 1 3 IMRS.) R, F, DILLARD 4' Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand=Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand^Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Mattress. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Co. the Sheeted Filling laid in place, partially • 1 within ticking. See descript ion, pages 28, 2! Trade Mark — Registered This results in that absolute uniformity in thickness, softness and elasticity, where every square inch exactly duplicates the other — bringing sleep full of rest from head to feet. Price list, Ostermoor Mattresses, as Advertised, page 129. Rev. Jos. A. Seiss, D.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 1338 Spring Garden St., February 14, 1904. Sirs: — I have had one of your Ostermoor Mattresses in constant use for thirty-two years past. It is not in the least matted down, but is just as soft, clean and elastic as tvhen new, although the ticking is very badly worn and giving way rapidly now, so that I think recovering is necessary. / certainly would not have a mattress for personal use except the Ostermoor, for there is not, to my knowledge, anything so satisfactory and enduring as your mattress possible to be obtained. Surely the sight of this thirty-two-year-old mattress, and my remarkable experience, must convince doubters, if any are left. My experience, wonderful as it is, I understand is not exceptional, and I most heartily recommend your wonderful mattress. I have given you many orders for self and friends also the Lutheran Theo- logical Seminary at Mt. Airy, which we furnished throughout with Ostermoor mattresses, where they are proving just as satisfactory. The Ostermoor Cushions you put in the pews of the Church of the Holy Communion thirty-two years ago have given entire satisfaction. Not a cushion is in the least matted down, and I cannot in any particular see that they have depreciated from what they were when new. Yours truly, JOS A. SEISS Used constantly for 32 years, but just clean and elastic as when new. Would use- no other 42 Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand-Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand~Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Mattress. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Possess mar- velous merits. 34 years old. Recovered after 26 years' use. Good as new today. Fig. 3. Binding and enclosing the sheets within the tick by hand sewing. See description, Trade Mark— Registered pages 28, 29, 30. Careful stitching and boxing of border, and minute accuracy in tufting, complete this peerless mattress — perfection itself in every smallest detail — whose merits invite one to sleep. Price list, Ostermoor Mattresses, as Advertised, page 129. J* Buffalo Stained Glass Works, Buffalo, N. Y. Ecclesiastical and Domestic Stained Glass. Mi isrs. O rERMOOR & Co. 29 Pearl St., February 3, 1904. Gentlemen : — Thirty-four years ago my lather bought an Ostermoor Mattress. It was in constant use w itli 'lit repairs of any hind untK the spring of 1896, when it was sent to you to fix up and recover. We arc now using it, and as far as I can see it is as go id as ii was the first day we £, r ot it. We have three others of your mattresses bought within two or three years after the above, and are using them every day. So far we have not had anything done to them, and they arc in good shape. I can commend them for their marvelous merits and absolute freedom from vermin. Should I need a mattress any time I shall get yours unquestionably in preference to any other. They are the best in the world. Yours respectfully, •>- R. O. RIESTER 43 Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand-Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand=Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Mattress Fig. i. A completed Ostermoor Mattress Opened to show construction. See description, pages 28, 29, 30. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Co. Trade Mark— Registered A dust proof, moth proof, vermin proof, germ proof and absolutely water proof sleep inducer that will not mat or pack, and needs nothing to keep in perfect order for years to come but a good, airy sun bath several times a year. Price list, Ostermoor Mattresses, as Advertised, page 129. Massachusetts School for Feeble Minded, Waverly, Mass. Walter E. Fernald, M.D., Supt. Messrs. Ostermoor & Cm. March 5, 1904. Gentlemen: — Large numbers of Ostermoor Mattresses have been in constant use in institutions with which I have been connected for the past twenty-five years, and I may say that I am thoroughly familiar with them and their good qualities — and we are using them here throughout. / consider Ostermoor to be a superior material/or mattresses; in /act I believe it is superior to the best curled hair or any other substance for that purpose. I have been sleeping on an Ostermoor Mattress for years and have found it as comfortable as any mattress I have ever used. I have always found your mattresses made in a first-class manner, and everything used in construc- tion of same to be of excellent quality. Very respectfully, WALTER E. FERNALD, Supt. Constant use 25 years. Superior to best hair or any other mattress. 44 Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on — Shakespeare By 27 years' actual proof best bed ever made. The widely Advertised Ostermoor Mattress, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, two parts, A. C. A. Ticking, $15.50. If made in one part, costs $15.00. Price list all sizes of Advertised Mattresses, pages 128 and 12 9. J* 54-0 Land Title Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March JO. 1904. Gentlemen : — / have very satisfactorily used Ostermoor Mattresses in my house for twenty-seven years. I consider them superior to any hair mattress for comfort and service. I have induced many friends to buy them instead of hair, believing- them, by actual proof the best bed in the market. Yours very truly, Jt Jt <£ M. MOON CHILD 25 years' use fully proves extreme durability and everlasting elasticity. The Dalles, Oregon. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. April H, 1904. Dear Sirs: — All my hopes twenty-five years ago with regard to Ostermoor Mattresses have been more than fulfilled with regard to their "extreme durability" and have proven during these years their " everlasting elasticity." They are today wholly satisfactory after all these years of constant service. Very truly yours, J* .* Jt E. M. WILSON 30 years old, still in use. Exceedingly durable. Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children, Syracuse, N. Y. J. C. Carson, Superintendent. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 27, 1897. Dear Sirs : — The Ostermoor Mattresses purchased of you thirty years ago are stilt in use at this institution. Some of them have been made over and recovered, but the majority have had no repairs and still are in good condition. Your mattresses are certainly exceedingly durable, elastic and comfortable, and their use here has been very satisfactory indeed. Yours very truly, J. C. CARSON, Supt. 45 Ostermoor Mattresses Are such stuff as dreams are made on " — Shakespea re Two Part Mattress, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, in Satin = Finish Ticking, If made in one part, costs 50c. less. Price list, stock sizes, page 13 0. $17.00. W. C. Whitcher, Stoneham, Mass. Dealer in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Hay and Straw, Etc. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 29, 1904. Gentlemen: — It gives me great pleasure to say that the Ostermoor Mattresses I bought from you thirty-five years ago, and which have been in constant use ever since, are to-day as good as new ; if any- thing, they are softer and more elastic than when new. We are delighted with them, and it's a marvel the way they wear, for they have never matted the smallest particle. We think the Ostermoor Mattress the most perfect bed in the world. Use my letter as you like ; it's all true. I'm glad to tell you. Yours very truly, y/V_ c. WHITCHER e^* t^* t^* Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 10, 1904. Gentlemen : — President Story has just handed me your letter, and we are more than glad to have an opportunity to speak in the higliest terms of your Ostermoor Mattresses, for they are the very best mattress •we ever saw. We have used them for the past twenty-two years and they are now in need of recovering and retuft- iiig, although not at all matted down, but very shapely and most wonderfully soft. As to comfort, they have proven perfection. I am very sorry that I was foolish enough to add a few of another kind of mattress to the house not long ago — they are not satisfactory, and were we to furnish today, we would choose Ostermoor Mattresses in preference to hair or any other mattress made. Respectfully, ANNA T. LINCOLN, MATRON Most perfect bed. Softer and more elastic than when new — 35 years ago. A marvel. Prefer to hair. Used 22 years and good for 22 more. They are perfection. 4 6 27 years' complete satisfaction. 20 years old and will give satisfaction years to come. Used 25 years. No other half as good. Entire satisfaction. Although 29 years old, could not ask for a better mattress. Better than hair. Best obtainable for comfort, health and cleanliness. Bank of Honeoye Falls, Honeoye Falls, N. Y. A. M. Holden, Banker. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 23, 1904. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress I bought of you twenty-seven years ago has always given complete satisfaction, and it is in absolute perfect condition to-day after having been in constant use all of these years without the slightest renovation or repairing. Yours truly, A. M. HOLDEN (^* ^» %£*> Messrs. Ostermoor & C< Crawfordsville, Ind. March 9, 1900. Gentlemen : — My Ostermoor Mattress bought of you twenty years ago is still in use — it is by far the most satisfactory mattress we have ever used- is in very good condition indeed, and we feel sure will give satisfaction for many years to come. Yours truly, v * J& .* JOHN S. BROWN The London Rubber Co., Ashtabula, Ohio. A. A. Southwick, Sec'y and Treas. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 23, 1904. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress that you sold me in 1879, twenty-five years ago, and the two previous to that time, are giving entire satisfaction and are a great comfort. They have never been made- over, and are perfectly good today in every way. No other mattress ever made is one-half as good rear after year as yours They are so very comfortable, and no expense whatever after once purchased. I am well satisfied. Very respectfully, Jt Jk J* A. A. SOUTHWICK T. C. Maxwell & Brothers, Geneva, N. Y. Forest Nursery. Messrs. Oster-rioor & Co. March 9, 1900. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattresses I purchased of you over twenty-nine years ago seem to be just as good as when first received. They are excellent in all particulars and give us the best of satisfaction. I am eighty-two years old, appreciate a good bed, and could not ask for better than you furnished us when you sent those mattresses. Yours truly, jZ jZ jZ T. C. MAXWELL War Records Office, War Department, Washington, D. C. Marcus J. Wright, Agent for the Colleetion of Confederate Records. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 20, 1904. Gentlemen: — / am delighted with the ten years' use of Ostermoor Mattresses and Pillows. They retain their elasticity and the surface remains smooth, with no formation of lumps or knots— being much more comfortable than hair, and better still, absolutely clean. I regard Ostermoor Mattresses as the best obtainable for comfort, health and cleanliness. Very truly, tfi* t£* i£* MARCUS J. WRIGHT Used for 25 years. All you claim. Recommended in highest terms, used over 25 years with- out remaking, and still in perfect condition. Tefft, Weller & Co. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 320 Broadway, March 2, 1902. Dear Sirs: — Ostermoor Mattresses are all you claim in every particular, as I have proven during twenty-five years' very satisfactory use in my home. Yours truly, MORTON D. BOGUE Boys' Home, Hamilton, Canada. Mrs. D. B. Pratt, Corresponding Secretary. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 25 East Ave., North, December 6, 1902. Dear Sirs:— The Committee of Management of the Boys' Home, Hamilton, Canada, have pleasure in stating that the Ostermoor Mattresses, purchased from you nearly twenty-five years ago, have been in consta nt use ever since, without any remaking whatever, and are still in perfect order. As we have found them so very satisfactory in every particular, we take much pleasure in recommend- ing them in the highest terms. Wishing you every success, I remain yours sincerely, MAY PRATT, COR. SEC. 47 Ostermoor Mattresses " Are such stuff as dreams are made on " — Shakespeare Special Ostermoor Mattress. Tufted in Squares or Biscuit Style, which Costs $2.00 Extra. Price list, stock sizes, Mattresses as Advertised, pages 128 and 129. For other styles with Special Coverings, Extra Thickness, etc., see pages 130 to 134. Rev. Francis Goodwin, Hartford, Conn, ~ • or. 783 Main St., February 9, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & L". ' ,«,„ Dear SiRS:-It gives me much pleasure to bear my unqualified testimony as to the excellence ot Oster- moor Mattresses and Cushions. I think that in cleanliness, comfort and durability, and never requiring to be remade, Ostermoor IS much to ha preferred to hair or any other material. It is over twenty-five years since I first used your Mattresses and Cushions, and my very satisfactory experience only confirms the judgment expressed above. Yours very truly 1 FRANCIS GOODWIN ^C it* i^* Goshen Light & Power Co. J. W. Corwin, Prest. _ „ n J April 8, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Lo. ... . • t . Gen rs:-The Ostermoor Mattress bought of you thirty-three years ago (1871) is still in use, in perfect order and fully as elastic as when first used. It has been so entirely satisfactory, that I gladly recommend it to any who desire a really good Yours truly, mattreSS - J. W. CORWIN i^rV %£r* %£& St. Paul's School, Concord. N. H., Office of the Curator _ s r March 6, 1902 Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs— We take pleasure in stating that we have one hundred and fifty, or more, Ostermoor Mattresses purchased from you between the years 1875 and 1880. They are still in use, in excellent con- dition and giving most perfect satisfaction after twenty-seven years' constant use. Very respectfully yours, A. H. CAMPBELL, CURATOR Bear unqualified testimony to their excellence after 25 years' use. 33 years' in use. Elastic as new. Gladly recommend. Giving most per- fect satisfaction. 27 years' old to-day. 48 In constant use for 30 years. All we claim in every way. Constant use for 17 years and in perfect condition today. Hav> depreciated with Jij years' constant use. Recommended and considered the best during 27 experience. Proven during H years' use quite equal to best hair. D. B. Wendle. Philadelphia, Pa. Messrs. Ostein R & Co. 5811 Haverford Ave., March 3, 1904. Gentlemen: — I am thoroughly cognizant of the value of the Ostermoor Mattresses, having had them in constant use for thirty years. They are still in use and giving perfect satisfaction. I ordered the mattresses at the time you put the cushions in the Cumberland Street M. K. Church, this city, which are also in splendid condition. That wonderful Ostermoor is all you claim. Very truly, D. B. WENDLE Addison Bank, Addison, N. Y. Lattimer & Winton. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 8, 1898. Gentlemen:— I beg to say the Ostermoor Mattress bought of you in December, 1881, has been in constant use for seventeen years, has needed no repairs, and is apparently in perfect condition. It is as soft and sweet and grateful to the tired system as when first made. The cushions of the First Presbyterian Church of this place were supplied by you at that time, filled with the same material — Ostermoor. They hold their shape and elasticity, and are as comfortable as when put in. I am most happy to certify to the honest material and workmanship that enter in the combination of both your cushions and mattresses. Yours very truly, DAVID B. WINTON 5^W t0& %£& H. C. K Kingsbury & Kingsbury, Westfield, N. Y. H. C. Kingsbury, Jr. Attorneys and Counselors. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 5, 1901. Gentlemen: — In October, 1878, I purchased an Ostermoor Mattress and it has been in use continu- ously from that time to this, without any repairs of any kind — and last night it was just as soft and comfortable as when first purchased. I cannot see that these twenty-six years' constant use has affected or depreciated it in any manner whatever. Very respectfully yours, H. C. KINGSBURY j^* t^* H?* 616 High St., W. Hoboken, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 21, 1904. Gentlemen: — I have had one of your Ostermoor Mattresses in constant use for twenty-se7>en years; it remains in as good shape and condition as when purchased. I have recommended them to my friends, and have ordered several from you for them. All have given complete satisfaction. I consider them the cleanest and best mattress I have ever seen. Very truly yours, F. C. TOMLINSON t 1904 . " le T^S^7wt^even years ago 1 purchased your Ostermoor Cushions for the Baptist Church, and an Ostermoor Ma^esI for iyself 'and it is with great pleasure that I report both cushions and mat- tress /k rood sha fie today < having retained their elasticity perfectly. Fifteen ye£s ago I purchased another mattress for a friend, and can say the same of ,t. I much prefer Ostermoor to best hair obtainable, and am glad to recommend them. ^ ^ ^ Would use no other. Although 28 years old, promise to last for years. Have retained elasticity most perfectly for 27 years. Prefer to hair. A. H. STEVENS J* J* J* The Union League Club. Philadelphia. Pa. ^^ ^ ^ M % r ; N ™ R ; N '-I hlealways found that Ostermoor Mattresses possess all the excellencies claimed for them having used them personally in preference to hair tor the ^Jm£r*~» years wtfh ever increasing satisfaction. J. A. SMITH, U. S. N. Possess all the excellencies claimed. 27 years experience. 52 No one could ask for finer, although 24 years old. Better than any new one, although 22 years old. All you claim in every particular. 20 years old and far the best. Proved all yi >u claim for 28 years without repairs. Still good. 20 years old. Still giving perfect satisfaction. Have given 25 years of excellent satisfaction. Never repaired. Seems as good as ever, although 21 years old. A. D. Paul & Co., Canandaigua, N. Y. Druggists and Apothecaries. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 172 Main St., January 2">, 1904. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress you made me in 1880, twenty-four years ago, I think is the fittest bed we ever had, and is today in as good shape as when you sent it to me. We have had hair mat- tresses, but they do not in any way compare with your Ostermoor. We have three, all in elegant shape, and no oik- could ask for finer. Yours truly, C. R. PAUL Union Springs, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 10, 1904. Gentlemen: — I consider the Ostermoor Mattress purchased of you in 1882, after these twenty-two years of constant use, better today than any new one of any other kind. I am delighted with my ex- perience. Yours truly, T. J. MERSEREAU fc?* ^* (;?* The Warren Packard Co., Warren, Ohio. Lumber. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 4, 1808. Dear Sirs : — The Ostermoor Mattresses you made for me in October, 1878, twenty years ago, I have not forgotten by any means. They are still in constant use, and are by far the best I have seen, and pre- fer them to any other kind, the best hair not excepted. They are in every particular a.\\ you have ever claimed or claim for them now. I take great pleasure in recommending them. Yours very truly, WARREN PACKARD St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, South Orange, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 12, l'J04. Dear Sirs :— We must express our pleasure and approval of Ostermoor Mattresses. They are all you claim, as we have proven in their use here for twenty-eight years, since 1870. Although used they have had no repairs whatever, and are still perfectly clean and soft. Trusting that our recommendation will be of some service to you, we remain, Respectfully, Sister M. Austin, SISTERS OF CHARITY Amos Dale, President. H. H. Stephenson, Cashier. Oil City National Bank, Oil City. Pa. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 22, 1904. Gentlemen :— I bought my first Ostermoor Mattress in 1884, twenty years ago, and others since, all are still in use and give perfect satisfaction. They are all you promise. We are indeed well pleased. Respectfully yours, H. H. STEPHENSON The Upson-Walton Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 155-163 River St., March 15, 1904. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Mattresses bought of you in 1879 (twenty-five years ago) arc still in use exceedingly comfortable, and have given most excellent satisfaction. Yours respectfully, E. P. BABBITT David S. Hopkins, Architect, Grand Rapids, Mich. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. December 5, 1903. I n vr Sins:— Yours at hand, and glad to say the Ostermoor Mattress I got from you in 1882, twenty-one years ago, is still in use, and never had any repairs whatever until recovered last year, and it is now just as good as new. I had occasion to get a new one some time since, and, having lost your address, got hold of another "so-called felt," which is not nearly as good in any way. Yours truly, DAVID S. HOPKINS 53 OSTERMOOR PILLOWS AND BOLSTERS are far purer, sweeter, cleaner and cooler than feathers or hair, and better in every way. They are not quite so soft as feathers, but are far softer than hair, and from a sanitary standpoint much more desirable than either Ostermoor Pillow, 20 inches wide by 30 inches long, 5atin Finish Ticking, Price list, Pillows, stock sizes, page 126 L.55 J* Edwin A. Van Trump, Wilmington, Del. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 835 Market St., March 23, 1904. Gentlemen : — It is with a great deal of pleasure that I am able to say, in my judgment there is no better mattress made than the Ostermoor. Mine has been in constant use since 1876, wit/tout having anything done to it in the shape of repairs, and as tar as I can see it is as good as when I first bought it, twenty-eight years ago. Very truly yours, E. A. VAN TRUMP t^* te" 1 K&* The Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, Middletown, Orange Co.,N.Y. Selden H. Talcott, M.D., Supt. Messrs. Ostekmook & Co. January 5, 1902. Gentlemen : — We have used a large number of Ostermoor Mattresses in this institution during the past twenty-seven years, and we take pleasure in stating they have given the greatest possible satis/action Ostermoor Mattresses are superior to hair, they are extremely light, do not mat or get lumpy, and are very cleanly, durable and comfortable in every particular , and the very best I have ezier seen. Hence, we can cordially commend them to those who are in search of a comfortable, most durable and satisfactory bed. With best wishes I am. Very respectfully yours, Jt jt Jt SELDEN H. TALCOTT Nothing in the shape of repairs in over 28 years. For 27 years have given greatest possible satisfaction. Best ever seen. Philadelphia, Pa. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. No. 1354 Orthodox St., March 16, 1904. Gentlemen: — The two Ostermoor Mattresses to which you refer as having been shipped for my account in August, 1880, twenty-four years ago, were for my brother, who states that they have been in constant use during' all the intervening period, and that they have given great satisfaction. The mattresses which you shipped me to Frankford, Pa., September 12th, 1879, twenty-five years ago, are in excellent condition and we are exceedingly well pleased. * * * * I would not think of using other than Ostermoor mattresses, did their cost largely exceed your price, as they never fail or depreciate in the very slightest particular. Ostermoor surely are the most perfect of all beds, and you deserve more than praise, for your mattress is a public benefaction. Yourstruly, J EFFERSON JUSTICE 23 years' constant, satisfac- tory use. Would not think of using any other. 54 Used 28 years without remaking. Better than any new one. After 22 years' use in good shape and very comfortable. In good condition after 21 years of wonderful comfort and durability. 22 years' constant use. Equal to hair Without renovation. 22 years old. Good as new. Would not be with- out it. 16 years old and good as when first purchased. Used them for 18 years and recommend highly. Highest praise. Used 20 years. Good as new. Better than best of hair. W. L. Farnum, Flint, Mich Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 12, 1904. Gentlemen : — Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions are a proven excellence with us. We have used the Cushions in the First Baptist Church, of which my husband was pastor for twelve years, with great satisfaction, and the Mattress in our home constantly without remaking for over twenty-eight years, and it is today, in every respect, better than any new one. Respectfully, Mrs. 1 W. L. FARNUM The Middlesex Banking Co., Middletown, Conn. Robt. N. Jackson, President. Messrs. Ostermoor lV Co. 74 Monroe St., January 5, 1904. Gentlemen :— I have received your favor of the 1st inst., asking about the Ostermoor Mattresses which I bought from you in 1882, twenty-two years ago, and in reply beg to say they are still in use, are very comfortable and have certainly worn exceedingly well. Yours truly, ROBERT N. JACKSON ^* fc9* ^* Wm. Ray. M. T. M vine. Geo. Copeland & Co., New York City. Cotton Brokers. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 129 Pearl St., February 12, 1904. Gentlemen :— I take great pleasure in saying that I have used Ostermoor Mattresses in my family for upward of twenty-one years, and can testify to their wonderful durability and comfortableness, they being at this time in surprisingly good condition. Yours truly, m. -r. MAINE Lewis & Slocum, Beaver Falls, N. Y. Manufacturers of Wood Pulp and Sulphite Boards. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 9, 1904. Dear Sirs: — I have had an Ostermoor Mattress constantly in use'm my home since 1882, and it has proven more satisfactory than hair, much softer, has not required any of the attention hair does to keep in absolutely perfect order. Yours truly, j N _ SLOCUM Charles H. Yeager, Erie, Pa. Shirts, Fine Underwear and Hosiery. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 6, 1904. Gentlemen: — Yes, I have used the Ostermoor Mattress, and no other, for twenty-two years (since August, 1882), and it is apparently just as good as new. Now, knowing what they are, would not do with- out it at any price, yes, no matter what it cost. There is nothing so good. Yours very respectfully, c. H. YEAGER Neshanlc, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 22, 1904. Dear Sirs : — The Ostermoor Mattress bought of you sixteen years ago has been in constant use ever since, and is today, as far as I am able to judge by sleeping on it every night, as good as when first re- ceived. It is a constant pleasure and satisfaction. Very truly, CALVIN CO RLE Ayers & Patterson, New York. Insurance Brokers. ■ Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Ill Broadway, March 12, 1904. Gentlemen : — I bought two Ostermoor Mattresses eighteen years ago. We are still using them with great satisfaction, and they seem to be in as good condition as when we first got them. I can recommend them highly as being just what you claim them to be. Yours truly, h. E. AYERS t^* ^* (£• Kingston, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. December 8, 1899. Gentlemen : The Ostermoor Mattresses I purchased of you twenty years ago have given perfect satisfaction, and are just as good as when I first received them. They are not matted or packed in the least. This is no surprise to me, as I have never heard but the highest praise for them. A short time ago I met an old friend who purchased over twenty of your mattresses at least twenty years ago, and he in- formed me that they were as good as new today. That I consider them better than the best hair, accounts for having them in my home. Very truly yours, WM. H. SLEIGHT 55 STERMOOR PILLOWS AND BOLSTERS are far purer, sweeter, cleaner and cooler than feathers or hair, and better in every way. They are not quite so soft as feathers, but are far softer than hair, and from a sanitary standpoint much more desirable than either. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Co. Ostermoor Wedge Bolster, 20 inches wide, 48 inches long, Satin Finish Ticking, $5.60. Price list Bolsters, all sizes, page 12 7. J* William Baldwin. Methodist Book Concern, New York. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 150 Fifth Ave., March 2, 1904. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Mattresses I purchased from you twenty-four years ago have given the very fullest satisfaction in their use. They are as good as new today. Yours very truly, WM. BALDWIN Chicago, 111 Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 1444 Monroe St., February 10, 1904. Gentlemen: — The two Ostermoor Mattresses purchased by me in January, 1883, over twenty-one years ago, have been in constant use ever since, and are at this writing in a most excellent condition, never having been repaired or recovered. The highest possible endorsement that I can give them is justified by their use and durability. Most respectfully yours, J. M. JUDD Hotel Fiske, Old Orchard, Me. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 15, 1904. Gentlemen : — In 1876, twenty-eight years ago, I furnished my hotel throughout with Ostermoor Mat- tresses ; they have been in use ever since that time, and are apparently as good as when put in, and I cheerfully recommend them to all, their use having been so very satisfactory, and my patrons being so well pleased. Yours very truly, C. H. FISKE Woody Crest, Tarrytown, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 31, 1904. Dear Sirs: — Miss Helen Gould requests me to reply to your letter in regard to the Ostermoor Mat- tresses we have in use in the house. I beg to say we consider them very good indeed ; they are very soft, keep their shape well, and we think them the best obtainable. Very truly, MIRIAM W, JAGGER Very fullest satisfaction in 24 years' use. 21 years' excellent use. Never repaired. Highest possible endorsement justified. As good as when first made, 28 years ago. Consider them the best in the house. 22 years' service endorses all claims in every particular. 56 The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Co., New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 26 Exchange Place, January 12, 1904. Gentlemen: — 1 am simply doing justice both to you and myself by endorsing everything you claim for the wonderful Ostermoor Mattresses. The mattresses you furnished me, some twenty-two years ago, are still in good condition, though they have been in continuous service since they entered my house, and I have been entirely satisfied with them in every particular. I use nothing else. Yours truly, CHAS. M. FUSSELL Highly pleased. 18 years' service. Elasticity unimpaired. 22 years old and good for another 22 years. Splendid. Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor ne lias been in use eighteen years, another about thirteen years. Both have given entire satisfaction, and their use is a delightful comfort. Very truly yours, S. K. SMITH S7 STERMOOR PILLOWS AND BOLSTERS are far purer, sweeter, cleaner and cooler than feathers or hair, and better in every way. They are not quite so soft as feathers, but are far softer than hair, and from a sanitary standpoint much more desirable than either. Copyright 1897 Ostermoor & Co Ostermoor Bolster, 18 inches wide, 54 inches long, Satin Finish Ticking, $5.00. Price list, Bolsters, all sizes, page 127. J* Medical Department U. S. Army, Fort Assinniboine, Mont. Lieut. S. M. DeLoffre. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March L0. 1901 Gentlemen:— I have used one of your Ostermoor Mattresses for twenty-three years and it has given the most perfect satisfaction in every way, proving all you claim. Very truly yours S. M. DELOFFRE, SURGEON, U. S. A. Fifth Avenue Theater, New York. Edwin Knowles, Sole Manager. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. December 22, 1000. Gentlemen:— I desire to say that I have used Ostermoor Mattresses on my beds for nearly eighteen years, and I would not be without them. I consider them far superior to any other mattress made, both as regards comfort and durability. Believe me, very truly yours, EDWIN KNOWLES St. Joseph's Institute, West Chester, N. Y. Male Department for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 9, 1900. Gentlemen: — Having used Ostermoor Mattresses in our institution for the last eighteen years, we willingly bear testimony to their superior merits. Those ordered from you eighteen years ago are about as good as when first used. We consider them far superior to hair mattresses. Very respectfully yours, CELESTINE SCHOTTMULLER IC& V* 10* Hyatt House, Washington, Ind. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 9, 1901. Dear Siks: — Have used Ostermoor Mattresses for the past nine years, in this house, and for private family use over seventeen years. They are in my opinion the very best thing I ever used, as they never mat down, become hard or lumpy, absorb no moisture, and need no remaking. I prefer the Ostermoor Mattress to any other, not excepting the finest hair. Very resDectfully yours, ALBION HORRALL Proved all we claim during 23 years' experience. Used 18 years. Would not be without them. Superior to all others. Most superior merits. Better than hair. 18 years old. Good as new. Used Ostermoor Mattresses 17 years and prefer to finest hair. ( < nistant use by invalid both day and night for 17 years— with- out the slightest depression. mi .,■,,, , old Retain elasticity. Preferred to best hair. 58 INVALIDS CAN SECURE MORE COMFORT on an Ostermoor Mattress than on any other they have yet found. Its constant elasticity, no matter if used day and night ; its evenness and perfect freedom from lumps or knots makes it a delight and joy to the bed-ridden. For special cases and for those seeking exceptional comfort we make special Mat- tresses, thicker and with daintier care, far more luxuriously resilient than regular — more costly, of course, but of still greater perfec- tion, as firm as you wish, or as soft as a feather bed. See next page. H. J. Franklin, Troy, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 27, 1904. Gentlemen: We have used Ostermoor Mattresses for the past seventeen years and during that time one has been in constant use both night and day — being used by an invalid — really three times seventeen years' ordinary use, equal to more than fifty years ordinarily — and with such continued use there is not even the slightest depression in it. It is my opinion it is far superior to any curled hair mattress of the finest quality in the market. Wishing you all the success possible, I remain, Very truly yours, & & jt H. J. FRANKLIN Thomas F- Joyce, M.D., New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 217 East 31st St., March 13, 1902. Gentlemen : — It is now twenty years since I purchased two Ostermoor Mattresses. They are still in use and are giving perfect satisfaction ; they never mat down, become hard or lumpy, but always retain their elasticity, do not absorb moisture, consequently are free from foul odors, always fresh and sweet. 1 ptefer them to the best curled hair. Respectfully yours, THOMAS F.JOYCE Water Gap Sanitarium, IVIinsie, Monroe Co., Pa. Dr. F. Wilson Hurd, Prop. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 10, 1902. Dear Slks:— Have been using Ostermoor Mattresses for the past seventeen years. The test has been one well calculated to prove their efficiency and the claims you make. They are certainly most restful, healthful beds, and have given entire satisfaction to all the guests, who pronounce them the finest they have ever slept upon. No better beds can possibly be obtained, particularly for use in insomnia nervous cases, and for all persons who have trouble in sleep. Your product is certainly a remarkable one, and of great benefit to mankind, and we are happy to say a good word for so wonderful a bed and well worthy of the highest praise. Yours trull , F.WILSON HURD (^* ^* ti?* David B. Sherwood, Elgin, 111. Attorney at Law. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 6, 1904. Gentlemen:— I have used Ostermoor Mattresses for some fifteen years in my family. They are all you claim for them ; and to a sick person they are a continuous blessing. In cleanliness and healthfulness your Mattresses are the best and cheapest- good as new after many years' use, evenly soft and comfortable, and very restful. Yours truly, D. B. SHERWOOD 59 Ostermoor Special Mattresses Especially Soft French Edge Mattress,! ft. 6 in. wide, two parts, Mercerized Art Twills, $23.00. See price list page 132. We make still thicker ones. See price list, page 133. Extra Firm, Hard Mattresses, with Square Tufts, listed, page 134. Canandaigua, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & ( • ». January 15, 1904. Dear Sirs:— We have used your Ostermoor Mattresses continuously for thirty-seven years with per- fect and ever-increasing satisfaction. They prove your claims in all particulars, and are certainly uncqualed— so soft and restful, and everlastingly comfortable. Very respectfully, m Q BR , STOl t^* (^* (^* 60 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 10, 1904. Gentlemen :— Will you please send me a Special Ostermoor Mattress, to be of the same excellent kind I have bought so frequently and found so very satisfactory during the past fifteen years. There are none so good as Ostermoor. Yours very truly, MRS. THOS. F. RYAN Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 161 Gates Ave., March 1, 1904. Dear Sirs :— We have used Ostermoor Mattresses in our family thirty years, and they are still in perfect condition, always used by invalids repeatedly. We consider them superior to the best hair mattress in comfort and durability and would use no other. Very respectfully, MRS. C. RIGGS (^* t^* *^* Rev. Dr. S. M. Studdiford, Trenton, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 311 South Clinton Avenue, March 6, 1904. Devr Sirs :— The Ostermoor Mattress you sold me twenty-five years ago is still in service and is in most excellent condition, as well as the Ostermoor Cushions you put in our church-the Third Presbyterian — atsametime. All are as good as ever. Yours truly, SAMUEL M. STUDDIFORD Cnequaled. :!7 years' perfect satisfaction. X' mr so good. - vcars. Still in perfect condition after 30 years' use. •_'."> years of service and in most excel- lent condition. 6o Extract from Hall's Journal of Health. WHOLESOME BED is at last possible. It is safe to say that the majority of ail beds in use in the best houses are unclean, and in a good state to induce disease. This will seem strange to our readers, but they will presently see the philosophy of the remark. By far the largest portion of beds in use among us are made in whole or in part from some animal substance, chiefly curled hair. These are naturally and almost uniformly wanting in cleanliness. They impart their own peculiar animal odor to the air about them, and give off an offensive oil to whatever they come in contact with. Besides, the usual manner of gathering and preparing these unwholesome articles, added to the decep- tions practiced by the incorporation of substances to cheapen them, render beds not infrequently things to be avoided rather than to be sought with assurance of calm and sweet repose. It stands to reason that vegetable substances would prove more healthful and infinitely more agreeable than animal fibres for this purpose, provided the essential condition of perma- nent elasticity could be secured. The tendency of vegetable fibres is to pack and consolidate, a characteristic which is perhaps less apparent in feathers and curled hair. For many years cotton was employed, and greatly admired for its sweetness; but its tendency to mat, pack and become uneven and depressed in spots after continued use rendered it unpopular and undesirable. But some years ago those ingenious people, Ostermoor & Co., discovered a method of forming cotton into light and very elastic sheets, and from that moment it was found possible to make pillows, mattresses and cushions possessing quite as much elasticity as the best hair, and with no tendency to become solid after much wear. To accomplish this a fine quality of cotton was required, which, after being perfectly cleaned, was subjected to intense heat, and afterward treated to a chemical solution which imparted to it interlacing power. It was then made into the light and airy sheets of which we have spoken, and these sheets were piled one upon another until the desired thickness was reached. The structure was then covered with a tick, constituting the wholesome and comfortable OSTERMOOR MATTRESS. FACSIMILE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS LABEL REDUCED SIZE FACSIMILE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS LABEL REDUCED SIZE NONE ARE GENUINE OSTERMOOR WITHOUT THIS LABEL. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. SEE PACES 38 AND 39. 61 IT ISN'T NECESSARY TO TRAVEL to seek the rest cure-the change from a hair to an Ostermoor Mattress will do more than change of scene. The expressman brings the Ostermoor to your home— just as it leaves our workroom, carefully wrapped in sterilized water-proof paper ; burlap, fresh, clean, pure, untouched, undefiled, yours alone, not handled by a d o z e n people, and hauled and mauled in open wag- o n t o your door. ■ -^^^^tf? Nervousness sleeplessness, and insomnia may not be entirely cured— but that dread condition can at least be palliated and restful sleep secured by the use of an Ostermoor Mattress. . . This has been proven. At our urgent request a prominent physician suggested the use of an Ostermoor Mattress to a patient, a lady unable to sleep, and unable to travel, and he reports his astonishment and her delight and grati- tude at the wonderful Cure effected. Two more converts to the use of Oster- moor, who heretofore thought hair unexcelled. Dr Cyrus Edson. _ - r 56 W. 50th St., New York, Feb. 26, 1902. A t b i ess * m g. MeS G:; N ™ R rT h t rSennoor Mattresses is an absolutely ideal, soothing soporific sleep inducer and ^ducesjeep a ereat blessing. I deem its use in cases of insorr nia almost magical in securing sleep. B ° CYRUS EDSON 62 So satisfactory would not consider using: any other after 15 years' experience. Can surely recommend. Good as ever, although is years old. liest mattress ever used. As good today as when purchased 20 vears ago. Cannot praise too highly. after 14 years' constant use. i.midas new. 14 years' experience taught me. liest obtainable. Superior to hair. Northern Papific Beneficial Ass'n, Brainerd, Minn. W. Courtney, M.D., Chief Surgeon Eastern Division. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 18, 1904. Gentlemen:— It is now some fifteen years since we began using your Ostermoor Mattresses, and we have purchased nothing else since that time. They have been so satisfactory that ive have not deemed it necessary to consider any other goods than your own. They have worn well and remain smooth and elastic longer than any other mattress we have ever used. As long as Ostermoor mattresses continue to give us as much satisfaction we will buy no other. Yours truly, WALTER COURTNEY Interlaken Sanitarium, LaPorte, Ind. Horace Wardner, A.M., M.D. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 21, 1900. Gentlemen:— That particular Ostermoor Mattress I got of you eighteen years ago has been in con- stant use, and I do not see but it is as good as ever. I can surely recommend them highly. Very truly, HORACE WARDNER Waldemere. Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N. Y. For the Private Care and Treatment of Nervous and Mental Disorders. Elon N. Carpenter, M.D., no W. 57th St., New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 12, 1902. Gentlemen:— I have been using nothing but Ostermoor Mattresses for the past twenty years. Some of them have been in constant use all of this time and today are apparently in as good shape as the day they were purchased, not having been made over during the whole t%uenty years' service. I do not hesitate to say they are the best mattresses J have ever used, either in a public or a private hospital. I am using them in my New York home, and they are giving me as much satisfaction at home as in the hospital. They can not help but please the most fastidious. Very truly yours, E N. CARPENTER, M.D. The Glen Springs, Watkins, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 25, 1904. Gentlemen:— The Ostermoor Mattresses I Purchased from you in 1890 have given perfect satisfac- tion. I cannot speak too highly in their praise, and after fourteen years 0/ constant use I do not see but that they are just as good as they were the day we purchased them. I have personally slept on one, and it is today perfectly smooth and elastic as ever. I weigh some- thing over two hundred, and that's a pretty good test. You may send me two more of the four-foot-six size, |30.00 each, extra thick, Imperial border, weighing sixty pounds each. Yours very truly, WILLIAM E. LEFFINGWELL, PRESIDENT t^* t^* (^* St. Albans Hospital, St. Albans, Vt. T. R. Waugh, M.D., Supt. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 19, 1904. Dear Sirs:— It is with pleasure that I do what I hesitate to do as general rule. I do not intend to give my name to a bad thing, or speak in too excessive terms of only a reasonably good one. But I have used Ostermoor Mattresses for the past fourteen years in the hospital, and I find they do continue soft and elastic and are so far superior to best of hair I cannot endorse too highly. Experience has taught me this, and compelled me to change my first judgment, formed hastily on examination, without experience and use, for which I apologize. I am more than pleased, for they are certainly the best mattress we have ever found. I am, respectfully, T. R. WAUGH Used "all the time,'' not 'some of the time The Ostermour Mattresses only stand this test without renovating. 63 FOR HOSPITAL MATTRESSES. ■ Ik No better, no softer mattress can be found. Used constantly, all the time, day and night. Always enduringly elastic. STERMOOR MATTRESSES HAVE PROVEN THE STANDARD of excellence for hospital use where a sanitary mattress of undoubted pur- ity and cleanliness is not only desired, but an absolute necessity. Ostermoor Mattresses are absolutely guaranteed to be dust-proof, vermin- proof and non-absorbent, and practically germ-proof. They possess most marvel- ous everlasting elasticity that is not affected by steaming or sterilization of any kind. They can be put through whole, and come forth as soft and elastic, sweet, pure and clean, showing no depreciation whatsoever. For hospital use we recommend that Ostermoor Mattresses be made in three parts, as shown on page 49. These parts are readily interchanged and easily re- placed if soiled, etc. J* New York Foundling Hospital, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. East 68th St., February 10, 1904. Dear Sirs:— We have been using the Ostermoor Mattresses and Ostermoor Pillows exclusively throughout this institution /or the last thirty years, and there has been no necessity 0/ having them remade during all that time. We most gladly recommend them as the cleanest and most comfortable mattresses possible to be ob- tained. We would use no other. Theorder just given you for 400 Ostermoor Mattresses, Pillows and Bedsteads for our Summer Home must prove our strong endorsement. Respectfully, SISTER THERESA VINCENT, SISTERS OF CHARITY Would use no other. After SO years' service without renovation. Proven all claimed in every way for 22 years. Used 19 years with increasing satisfaction. 19 years' entire satisfaction. Highly recommended. 64 St. Catherine's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Bushwick Ave, January 'JO, L904. Gent lem en :— Having used the Ostermoor Mattresses throughout for over twenty years, it pleases me to state that they are still in good condition, need no repairs, all you claim in every way, and I can gladly recommend them, as we are certainly well pleased. Very respectfully, SISTER M. CATHERINE, SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC ^* t^* (^* St. Peter's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Henry St., bet. Congress and Warren, March 24, 1904. Respected Sirs:— We have used your Ostermoor Mattresses for the past nineteen years with increas- ing satisfaction, and we highly recommend them to institutions and hospitals as the best mattress obtain- a le. Very respectfully, SISTER DEMETRIA, SISTERS OF THE POOR OF ST. FRANCIS St. Francis' Hospital, Trenton, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 2(i, 1901. Dear Sins: — Your Ostermoor Mattresses have been in use over nineteen years in our hospital. They have given entire satisfaction, and we can highly recommend them as the most comfortable and durable bed possible to be obtained. Very truly, Sisters of St. Francis For 17 years best ever used. Possess all merits claimed. Used constantly, day and night, for 22 years ; never sag in middle. St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Grand Ave. and Montgomery St., March 1, 1902. Gentlemen: — Your Ostermoor Mattresses have been in use in this hospital for the past seventeen years, and we are happy to testify in their favor. We are convinced that they are the best mattresses we have ever used, and when we add that they have all the good qualities you claim for them, we think further praise is unnecessary. Yours respectfully, SISTER M. GABRIELLE, SISTERS OF CHARITY ^* (io other. Yours respectfully, S|ster p _ ASSIS , UM St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Burlington, Vt. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. December 13, 1903. Gentlemen: — We think Ostermoor Mattresses are unsur- passed and most highly commendable in every particular, and especially so for their durability, sweetness, etc. We have used them for the last twenty years, and they have stood the test so well that they will prob- ably last a number of years longer with even greater satisfaction. Sincerely yours, Sister JOSEPH St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Osterm < & Co. February 12, L904. Gentlemen:— It gives me pleasure to say that we have been using Ostermoor Mattresses for the past thirty years, and we like them so well would use nothing else. The old ones are still in most excellent condition, fully as soft, fresh and comfortable as the new ones fur- nished in 1896 Notwithstanding the hard, constant use they have had both day and night they never get lumpy or sag in the middle. I have recommended them to everybody. Very respect full v, SISTER M. STEPHEN, Sisters of Charity 6 7 HE LARGE HOTELS, CLUBS, Etc, desiring the most luxurious of Mattresses and Cushions have found the Ostermoor all that they desire — a delight and comfort to their guests and patrons. Hotel Marie Antoinette, New York City. Grand Boulevard and 66th Street. Messrs. Ostermoor & Cn. March 6, l'.KH. Gentlemen :— Ostermoor Mattresses are all that you claim. I prefer them to any hair mattress, and gladly endorse them most highly- Yours truly, A. DUTTENHOFER ^* J* 1^* Louisville Hotel, Loulsviue, Ky. Ross Paris Co. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 22 1904. Dear Sirs :— We have in use over one hundred Ostermoor Mat- tresses purchased of you in 188G, eighteen years ago, at w hich time the hotel was remodeled and refurnished. We have much pleasure in saying that they are as good as new to- day, and have given most excellent satisfaction. Very respectfully, ROSS PARIS CO Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. G2 2d Place, Jan. 24, 1900. My Dear Sirs: — More than twenty-five years since, my Mother purchased several Ostermoor Mat- tresses of you ; we were so satisfied that five years later we used them throughout the Guigou House, at Pine Hill, N. V. They gave tin- best of satisfaction, and are still in use. I am now using one of the first mattresses bought of you, and after twenty-five years' constant use I find it as good as new. I consider them better than hair and cannot speak of them too highly. I am very truly yours, A. GUIGOU, Former Owner and Prop, of the Guigou House, Pine Hill, N. Y. ^* i0* t<9» The Julien House, Belvidere, III. D. A. Tousley, Proprietor. January 10, 1900, Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — Although we have run the Julien House since 1865 we only commenced using Ostermoor Mattresses sixteen years ago, and they have always given perfect satisfaction in every particular. The oldest ones we have are apparently as good as the day we f>ut them into use. We-think they are in every way superior to the /-est hair matresses, and cannot say too much in praise of them. Yours very truly D. A. TOUSLEY All you ;laim. Prefer to hair. Good as new, though IS years old, giving excellent satisfac- tion. After 2"i years' constant use good as new- today. 16 years' experience. Cannot say too much in praise. Slept on one for 15 years. Still perfect and noth- ing like it in the world today. 68. PRIVATE RESIDENCES IN THE UNITED STATES from Maine to California — North, South, East West — arc using Ostermoor Mattresses and Window Seat Cushions, Chair Cushions, etc., wherever Ostermoor can be used, and a sightly, shapely Cushion is desired (and when is it not?) An Ostermoor Cushion is free from dust, will keep in shape ami never mat down. J* Bell Place Realty Company, St. Louis, Mo. E. P. Bell, Gen'l Manager. Office, 814 Union Trust Building. 707 Olive Street, February 13, 1902. Gentlkmkn :— The Ostermoor Mattress you sold me in June, 1887, fifteen. years ago, has been slept on by mo ever since, and I exfet t to enjoy its comfort for many years to come. We have never had anything done to it in these years. If everything we buy would give as good satisfaction for the money as the Ostermoor Mattresses, our lives would be strewn with true happiness. The mattress you ask about is on an old family four-post bedstead, one hundred and fifty years old, handed down in direct descent from one of the Royal Dukedoms of France, and I think your mattress now on it is better than any the whole line of Dukes ever saw in their lives, and there is certainly not// ing like it in the world today. Very truly, ERNEST P BELL Messrs. Ostermoor & C< Up; ;i fiifMc 6 9 OSTERMOOR not HAIR is the only Mattress suitable for use in refined homes Ostermoor means Mattress Insurance Plus ever increasing comfort Less all remaking charges Austin, Nichols & Co., New York City. Importers, Manufacturers and Wholesale Grocers. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 1, 1901. Gentlemen : — Nineteen years ago I was first attracted to Ostermoor Filling instead of hair as one of a committee of three looking for a good church cushion for the Janes M. E. Church of Brooklyn. We sold the hair cushions in use and substituted Ostermoor Cushions, by preference over all others, and our action has never been regretted. They have given perfect satisfaction during the past nineteen years of continuous use, and the wear is hardly perceptible. I also purchased Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions for my personal use at various times, then and since, and I assure you that I never go away from home that I do not notice a vast difference, and sadly wish for the delightful luxury of my own bed. / would not exchange Ostermoor Mattresses for the l>est hair mattresses that can be made, and I honestly believe there is no other material comparable with Ostermoor for a mattress or cushion. It is simply "par excellence.' 1 ' 1 Respectfully yours, ♦J a ft CHAS. M. PATTERSON 1^* t&* t^> J. S. Prout, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 26 Schermerhorn St., March 5, 1904. Gentlemen : — It gives me much pleasure to say that your Ostermoor Mattresses and Pillows, after nineteen rears' service, are as elastic and satisfactory as at the time of their purt hase. We know of nothing to compare with them in excellence, and would use no other. Respectfully, (Mrs.) J. S. PROUT ' Par excellence. 19 years' experience. Nothing com- parable with Ostermoor. 19 years' satisfactory service. Elastic as ever. 7o > A PADDING FOR OR CUSHIONS in Railway Cars and Carriages, nothing has yet been found that equals the Ostermoor Filling. It makes a cushion proof against moisture, moth and vermin, as well as dust ; is markedly resilient and practically unwearoutable, and for this purpose, as well as many others, Ostermoor Filling is incomparable. We refer to all the most prominent Railroad Car and Carriage Builders, who are large customers. Used 20 y'eai s. Words of highest Commendation, 17 years' most excellent satisfaction. Highly appre- ciated for everlasting elastic quality. Messrs. Ostermoor iV G Edward L. Spencer, New York City. Attorney and Counselor at Lav/. 45 Broadway, January '28, 1900. Gentlemen :— In 1880, twenty years ago, I purchased two of your Ostermoor Mattresses. These 'mattresses were in constant use during all that period and had never been remade or required repairs of any kind. They a/ford us the greatest satisfaction. I used one personally ',' preferring it to a hair mattress. Their elasticity and durability, in my opinion, surpass the best hair. This is evidenced by the long and thorough test they were subjected to in my family. I have only words of the highest commen- dation for Ostermoor Mattresses. Yours very truly, EDWARD t- SPENCER t^* |^* t^* J. W. Beardsley's Sons, New York City. Pure Food Specialties. ' '\ Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 474, 476, 478 Greenwich Street, March L5, 1904. Gentlemen : — We take great pleasure in saying that the Ostermoor Cushions we purchased for the Wesley M. E. Church, Hamilton, Bermuda, now in use some seventeen years or more, are giving most excellent satisfaction and are apparently as elastic as when put in. We can further say that the many Os- termoor Mattresses that you have sold us during same number of years, some of which we have been using in our own houses, have given most e cccllcnt satisfaction. The Os- termoor Cushions that you fur- nished for the Clinton Ave- nue Baptist Church, New- ark, N. J., have been much admired, and are also high- ly appreciated for their clastic quality. We take great pleasure in commending the Oster- moor Filling, and also the superior -workmanship dis- played in the various forms in which you have manu- factured it, and we have no hesitation in saying that we believe any one using it will be most thoroughly satisfied. We remain, Respectfully yours, J. W. BEARDSLEY Ostermoor Carriage Cushions are Rain proof and Dost proof 7i STERMOOR MATTRESSES are so absolutely water proof they will float. Moisture doesn't affect them in the least. They are, therefore, especially adapted for seaside use, where all other mat- tresses so soon become sodden and damp and uncomfortable. J* The Christian Intelligencer, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. i and 6 Warren St., March 27, 1004. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress, in our judgment, is far superior to the best hair mattress, being- decidedly more comfortable and cleanly, and requiring practically no attention bei ause of its freedom from matting and everlasting softness. We have had your Ostermoor in constant use in our home since the fall of 1889, and with the exception of cleansing the ticking, nothing has been done to it, and yet it holds Words of warmest praise for sterling merits. Proven superior to best hair, during 15 years. its shape al- ia o s t pi fei tly to this day ; apparently it is as good as the day we re- ceived it, fifteen years ago. We have nothing but -words of the warmest praise for the sterling merits of Ostermoor. Geneva Hygienic Institute, Geneva, N. Y. Dr. J. C Knapp, Supt. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 19, 1904. Dear Sirs:— It gives us pleasure to say that the Ostermoor Mattresses we purchased of you twenty- six years ago have always given perfect satisfaction. They have been in constant use since we purchased them, and we think are superior to the best quality of curled hair. We cheerfully commend them as the most comfortable, satisfactory bed obtainable. Respectfully yours, j c KNAPP Very truly yours, R. F. BOGARDUS 26 years' constant use. Perfectly satisfactory. Superior to hair. Perfect as they can be made. Wholesome, Healthful, Comfortable. Insures Perfect rest and poise of B< idy. 72 AKE ADVICE FROM THE HUMBLE CAT— seek an absolutely dry place to sleep. An Ostermoor is the only mattress made that is so dry that it will not even absorb moisture from the body ; hence absolutely sweet, pure, clean and comfortable at all times, under all sorts of con- ditions, and a hair mattress isn't ! Dr. H. B. Campbell. Bridgeton. N. J. Messrs. Ostermook & Co. April 8, 1903. Gentlemen :— I have an Ostermoor Bedstead, and on it an Ostermoor Upholstered Spiral Spring. < >n each there is an Ostermoor Mattress, both being covered with your High Grade Satin Finish Ticking, and it is no wonder that with a combination of such No. 1. body rests as that I have been sleeping so rest- fully over a third of my time ever since. I am timing up a cottage at the shore, and hope to add Ostermoor comforts there, on account of their peculiar fitness, for I think Ostermoor Mattresses, Cushions and Springs are about as perfect as they can be made and that you deserve success. Sincerely yours, H. B. CAMPBELL ^* t£& t&& Avon Park, Florida. March 12, 1903. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — I have slept on Ostermoor Mattresses for several years with the greatest possible satisfac- tion and comfort, on account of the non-absorbent quality and consequent wholesomeness, being so much more healthful than any animal product can be. Dr. McCartney has some fifty of your Mattresses at the Hotel Verona of this place, and I hear only good words spoken of them. Their perfect wholesomeness and durability have been well proven. Wishing that every one could be supplied with your excellent beds, I remain, Very truly yours, O. R. THACHER Dr. R. R. De Witt, Hampshire, 111. March 6, 1004. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — I really think I owe you an ac- knowledgment of the complete satisfaction the Oster- moor Mattress has given me during five years' use. To a doctor particularly, its firmness, softness, and hygienic qualities insure that perfect rest by a poise of body he of all others most appreciates. It is the one household article we prize above all others, and my wife says it is as good as the day it came. Yours truly. R. R. De WITT, M D. 73 PECIAL OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES OF ALL KINDS, hard as are used for gymnasium and tumbling, or to cure in- somnia, luxuriously soft sleep inducers, which possess an endur- ance four times as great as those made of any other material . Their absolute non-absorbent qualities, and even thickness and elastic resiliency, being markedly superior to all others. ini^ljl1111l1lliniU U;[ataLHttlttitli Martin W. Baku, M. D., Chief Physician. Frank M. Scheiblev, Steward. Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Children, Elwyn, Delaware County, Pa. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 17, 1902. Gentlemen: — Ostermoor Mattresses have been used for many years (nineteen i in this institution, and we have found them entirely satisfactory. Very truly yours, F. M. SCHEIBLEY William E. Norris, Palo Alto, California. Resident Agent Caledonian Insurance Co. Messrs. Ostermoor cy. Co. February '.mi, huh. Dear Sirs: — I purchased one of the Ostermoor Mattresses through an advertisement that induced me to make the trial over eight years ago. On receipt of the goods I found that your guarantee as to workmanship had been fully complied with; this is assured now, havingtesied to my infinite satisfaction its qualities as a bed — my faith in your promises being unconditionally con tinned, and I feci safe in asserting that you are selling the very best bed that mortal man ever slept upon. I am past middle life, of active habits, and my business keeps me out of doors most of the time, and since having the mattress, when I prepare for my night's rest it is with the blessed assurance of sweet and refreshing sleep and a pleasant awakening in the morning, with that " tired feeling" entirely banished. I had been greatly annoyed of late years with wakefulness, but I now enjoy most blessed rest and sleepless conditions have all disap- peared, that demon Insomnia having been forced to retreat before the magic of your sleep inducer, and I feel positive that did old Rip Van Winkle but have had an Ostermoor Mattress in- stead of a bed of forest leaves he would still be comatose, and Joe Jefferson an unknown man. Sancho Panza gave thanks to the man who invented sleep. I, wh through sad experience greatly value that invention, feel just as grateful to you, for your invention surely makes sleep possible. It is for that I give you this unsolicited testimonial to the val- ue of your produc- tion, and / consider it worthy of far more than I have said or can say in its praise. It is an absolutely perfect bed. Yours truly, WILLIAM E. NORRIS ^^jijm .UAINT CONCEITS in the way of Furniture, with movable Cushions, can be most success- fully carried out with Ostermoor Filling, the two special pieces, as illustrated on this page, conveying but a slight idea of their beauty. The richness and elegance of movable cushions, daintily made, rather than heavy upholstery, is certainly appreciated by lovers of the artistic. The Gleason Health Resort, Elmira, N. Y. E. B. Gleason, Manager. PIANO SEAT BACK. Mahogany Frame, Movable Seat Cushion, Attached Back, Silk Velour Covering, $150. Nothing but words of praise. Will last indefinitely. After 15 years' use. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 9, 1901. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Mattresses which you sold me snme fifteen years ago have been in constant use in our establishment ever since that time. I am glad to say they have given entire satisfaction, and from their present appearance I think they will last for an indefinite period without remaking, required by hair. / have used one on my own bed and have nothingbut words of praise for it, as it retains its elasticity and smoothness \ ami is superior in comfort to any other mattress that we have ever used. I can most sin- cerely recommend them to any one who desires an evenly soft, restful mattress, that unlike hair willnot be, ome dt ad or lumpy by < onstant, hard use It is not my habit to give such letters, but when I find an article so really good, I am pleased you should derive any benefit you can from my appreciation of your excellent mattress. Yours truly, ■£ •>* •* E. B. GLEASON January 7. 1900. Ostermoor all you claim. Better than anything else. 17 years old. Worn exceedingly well. Have retained elasticity remarkably. A. D. Southworth, Northfield, Minn. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Mattress is indeed all you claim. Until I bought your mattress I had been sleeping on an "air mattress," which caused me no end of suffering'. It was fairly good with the mercury not lessthan 65 degrees, but lower than that, even with lots oi blankets under one and unless the bed is softly blown and only half full of air, the cold air rushes between one's back and the [mattress and it takes far more of the warmth from this aged fellow than I have on tap. The man who induced me to buy the "air mattress" suicided last August, a victim of insomnia. Had In- but an Ostermoor he would have had a far better show of favors from that coy goddess " Sleep," and would have had, I am sure, a much longer life. Anything I have said relative to the merits of the Ostermoor Mattress 1 am ready to substantiate. I 'seas von see /it, if you think it will indu, e any one to buy an Ostermoor, and so set themselves the best found- ation in the wide, wide world for a grand, restful time, hater than anything they ,) a . V ( !< i. Gentlemen: — We like Ostermoor Mat- t resses after seventeen years' use very much indeed ; they have worn exceedingly well and have retained their elasticity to a re- markable degree. We prefer them to any 'her mattress made. Yours truly, J. B. TREVOR 75 76 TEST MADE ABOARD U. S. MAN OF WAR. U. S. S. "Vandalia," 3rd Rate, Navy Yard, New York. ~F~- "t\ commodore earl English, U. S. N., ™*-* — v ' Chief of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. Washington, 1). C, December 10, 1879. Sir : — In obedience to your orders of December 8th, I beg leave to submit herewith the statements to me of Lieut. - Commander G. F. F. Wilde, Executive officer of this vessel, in reference to the Ostermoor Mattresses and Pillows. This statement is made in accordance with the Instructions received at the time the said articles were issued to this ship for trial, with my approval of the same. " The Ostermoor Mattresses and Pillows were placed in the berths of the ship on the 2Gth day of March last, and have, therefore, undergone a trial of something more than eight months. " The present condition of the Mattresses and Pillows shows that they retain their original elas- ticity unimpaired. The surface of the filling remains even and smooth without having formed into 'lumps' or 'knots' to the slightest extent. In the tropical climate the filling was found to be a remarkably cool and comfortable substance to lie upon. It was non-absorbent of moisture, either from the body or damp atmosphere, and remained sweet and pure, and free from the slightest objectionable odor under all conditions of atmosphere. " The Mattresses and Pillows were also found to be free from vermin of all kinds, at all times. In one room where there was a hair mattress in use, the officer occupying it was troubled with bug vermin, despite all efforts to prevent the annoyance, but the Filling in every instance remained proof against the pests. " As regards the flotation qualities of the ' Ostermoor,' I would make the following report of test made by me. A sample or ' model ' mattress, one foot long, ten inches wide, and five inches thick, weighing one and one-half pounds in the aggregate, was used. The ticking at one end was cut away to permit the water to make its way in between the sheets of filling, if possible. A chain shackle, weighing twenty-five pounds, was made fast to the model, which was then placed in the water. At the end of twenty-four consecutive hours the upper side of the model was still above the surface of the water ; upon being taken from the water and examined, the model was found to weigh four and one- half pounds gross weight, the greater part of this weight being caused by the water which the ticking had absorbed. The water had penetrated the ' filling' only about one-eighth (%) of an inch. " I would recommend the Ostermoor Mattresses and Pillows for the use of Officers of the Navy. My opinion is that the Ostermoor filling is the most cleanly, comfortable and durable substance, for the purpose to which it is put, ever tried in the navy, and it is a most efficient life-preserving material as well. " All the officers of the ship using these Mattresses concur with me in this opinion, and I strongly recommend the universal use of these Mattresses and Pillows by the bureau." Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Commandant's office, RICHARD W. MEADE, Navy Yard, New York. Commander U. S. N., Commanding. Forwarded December 11th, 1879. W . W . QUEEN, Captain Commanding. 77 T SEA THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MATTRESS is most readily recognized. Many a passenger can recall the discomfort, even agony, of a night spent on a damp, dank, sodden mattress, and the after effect of cold and rheumatism. Not one in a hundred of the average steamer mattresses is as dry as it should be. All other mattresses we have ever seen when near water rapidly absorb moisture. The Ostermoor never will, but is so non-absorbent it wi than cork, sustaining weight in the water for moor Pillow or Mat- that straps and plicated ad just - life preservers Every ounce of an ounce of life mattress fi 1 1 e d superior to hair luxuriously soft \ ab 1 e , surpassing \ and purity, and enduring. Always clean — n o m u s t y perfect at all times and against all vermin. The fectly ideal mattress in every float, and is more buoyant fifteen times its own many days. An Oster- tress is so effective their varied com- ments used with are unnecessary. Ostermoor is preserver and a with same far and far more and comfort- i n cleanliness these merits are sweet, pure and odor — s an i tar i 1 y absolutely proof Ostermoor is the per- respect, a s h o r e or afloat. t^» ^* ^* Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. w „ n March 18, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen :-While Executive Officer of the U. S. S. "Vandalia," in March, 1878, just twenty-six years ago, Ostermoor Mattresses were purchased for the Ward Room against my desire, as up to that time I considered [hair very much better, but I have always congratulated myself upon their introduction, for my bed proved to be the finest I had ever known, and as I wrote you in my last letter from Manila while aboard the » Oregon, I have since that time used Ostermoor Mattresses exclusively, and would buy no other did they cost double that of any other mattress made. . ... . , Those I have purchased for my own use at various times during the past twenty-six years, arc still in use, and have proven perfect in elasticity ; free from lumps and hollows, are fully as satisfactory as the day they were fur- chased, and I have gladly sung their praises at all times. When Secretary of the Light House Board, from A ugust, l8g 4 , to March, l8q8, I purchased Ostermoor Mattresses to Jit out various vessels for the Light House Establishment. They have all given the most entire satisfaction not only for their exceptional comfort and elasticity, but because they retain that elasticity, are non-absorbent, and more than all aboard ship, vermin will not come near thou. _ From actual experience, I can most heartily endorse all you can say in their praise, and wishing you every success deserved by so meritorious an artiele I am sincerely yours, F. F. WILDE, Capt., U. S. Navy Thorough and exhaustive tests made and reports gathered from exact data. 73 Extracts J from paper before the American Geographical Society, New York. BY THEODORUS B. M. MASON, Lieutenant U. S. Navy. From the Bulletin of the Society: "The Ostermoor Mattress has just been adopted by the Navy Department. It has been approved and recommended by a board ordered by the Chief of the Steamboat Inspection Service. This is a step in the right direction, and could steamship companies be made to see that their own interests would be advanced by providing such means and advertising it, just as hotels have provided fire-escapes and apparatus, a great stride would have been taken. "This mattress is an invention of Mr. H. D. Ostermoor, of this city. The Board of Naval Officers who tested it at Washington report that ' the Mattress ' consists of several sheets or thicknesses of raw cotton, which had been subjected to a great heat, to remove all possible traces of vegetable oils, and then while under pressure, to a process which renders the fibres impervious to water or dampness. "A 'bunk mattress' of this kind supported one man weighing 150 lbs., who stood upon it, and a dead weight of 50 lbs. of iron, without sinking enough to wet its upper side. It also supported two such men, only wetting the soles of their shoes. After twenty-four hours floating, the ticking having become saturated, the inside was examined, and found to be totally untouched by moisture, the extreme outer fibres of the outer sheets being barely touched by the dampness. Heavy weights were then used to sink it, and it remained under water forty-eight hours. Upon being examined at the end of this time, it was found that the moisture had penetrated between the sheets, the interior of the sheets themselves being entirely free from dampness. The mattress was then dried, when the usual softness and sponginess was observed to return to the material. So well pleased was the Board with the comfort and cheapness of the mattress that they recommended it even for shore use. They have, however, already been used for a long time on shore and afloat. Pullman uses them in his sleeping-cars and uses the material for filling cushions of his palace cars. They are used in many of the Hospitals ami Public Institutions. All who have used them testify in highest terms as to then- softness, their not lumping and their cleanliness. The objection to mattresses stuffed with cork is their hardness and sogginess after being in the water waterproof covers, their smell. An Ostermoor Billow pounds, on which were placed thirty pounds of iron, is spectors to have floated eight days. An Ostermoor chair | a man in the water with the greatest ease." ^* (^* |^* 1 606 20th Street, N. W., Connecticut Avenue. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Washington, D. C, March 22, 1900. Gentlemen :— In answer to yours of the 18th inst., regarding a paper read by me before the American Geographical Society, Feb- ruary 27th, 1870, beg to say that I have had no reason to change my opinion since ; on the contrary, my twenty-one years' experience with ( (stermoor Mattresses has but strengthened it. I shall be glad to ren- der you any other assistance you may require in bringing so good an article to public notice. Very truly yours, THEO. B. M. MASON, LIEUT. COMD., U. S. Navy for some time ; to those with weighing three and a half reported by the steamboat in- cushion would therefore support -<&*"■ 79 THE OSTERMOOR IS A LIFE PRESERVER. Extract from Proceedings of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels at the Twenty-seventh Annual Session, held at Washington, D. C, Commencing on January 15, 187 9. At the meeting of February 3, 1879, the following was adopted : " Your Committee on Life-Saving Appliances, to which was referred the Ostermoor Mattress, for approval as an auxiliary Life-Saving appliance, have examined the same. The Committee has made some tests with the Ostermoor filling, and finds it very satisfactory. It also finds, after the Mattress had remained in the water several days, that the filling was only partly wet. In one test, a Pillow of three and one-half (3j^) pounds was made, on which were placed thirty pounds of iron, and it floated eight davs without sinking. When the mattress is made of the same material as that which was tested, the ("ommittee would have no hesitation in recommending them as an auxiliary." (Sigd.) FRANK BURNETT, iSig-d.i e. PLATT STRATTAX, (Sigd.) JOHN FEHREXBATCH. Office Supervising Inspector-General Steamboats. Treasury Department, April ■!(), 1902. I certify that the above is a true copy of an extract from the proceedings of the Board of Supervising Inspectors, Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting, held in Washington, January, 1879. I am using an Ostermoor Mattress mysetf and think them absolutely unequaled. JAMES A. DUMONT, Stip'g Inspector-General 8o Used continuously for •21 years and still the best ever slept on. Softer and more pliable than hair. Has stood all tests, not a sign of a lump in it. U. S. S. Passaic. Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Mr. II. D. Ostermoor. December 7, 1879. Dear Sik : — Your letter of the 5th is at hand, and in reply I desire to inform you that I will very gladly ffive you my opinion of the Ostermoor Mattress I received from you last December. Since reci ived it has been continuously in use, beingon the bed occupied by myself ami wife, ami it is today in as good condition as tin- first day it was used. Jt is, -without exception, the best mattress 1 have ever slept on ; much better, in my opinion, than a hair one, as it is softer and more pliable. I shall never use any other kind on my beds in my house if I should ever go to housekeeping, and 1 intend, when I am ordered to sea, to make a special request to be furnished with one for my cabin bunk. If you remember, our Board pronounced on all features except the matter of getting lumpy by long usage, and it was principally to test this feature that I ordered mine from you, and I can cheerfully state that mine, having been used for one year, is as smooth now as the day it came, not a sign of a lump in it. ) 'on are at perfect liberty to show my letter to any officer you wish, and I can fully endorse the re- commendations of your other patrons by stating that I am more than pleased with my mattress. and think it is the most comfortable one I ever saw, and, in addition to that, my official report will show what I think c fit as a life preserver. A mattress that will stay under water for forty-eight hours and thin come out with only the outside layers of ( >stermoor damp, should speak for itself. I am, Very truly yours, J. D. GRAHAM, COMD. U. S. NAVY Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. New York, March 20, 1899. Gentlemen : — In reply to your letter of the 18th inst., I beg to state that I reiterate everything I said in the above letter twenty years ago. / have used an Ostermoor Mattress continually from the t/'/iit I received it in 1878, uud it is to, lav in as good condition as the day I received it from you . I again say it is the best mattress I ever slept on. I should use no other. Yours very truly, J. D. GRAHAM, Comd. U. S. Navy ^* ^* t^* Delighted. Could not be induced to use hair after using Ostermoor for fifteen years. Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Construction and Repair. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. August i, 1892. Gentlemen : — I have severaFof your Ostermoor Mattresses In use today and I am most happy to say that I have used them continuously for nearly /if teen years, and I prefer them to the lust of hair in\every respect, and could not now be induced to use hair — although before I used the Ostermoor I thought hair could not be beat. Their most satisfactory use since adoption by various Depart- ments of the Navy first brought them to my attention, and / have been delighted with my experience of them, and have always thought I was favoring my friends in recommend- ing Ostermoor Mattresses. Nothing whatever has been done to those I haz in the way of repair, nor has renovation been needed, but there is one now that needs a little attention, new tick, etc. I send it to you by express ; please fix it up, return to my residence, 1631 16th Street, N. W., with bill, for ! wish it to last, like an old but true friend, as long as I do. Wry truly yours, THEODORE D WILSON OSTERMOOR A AATTRpSS^ thatwiuFloAT This illustration represents an actual occurrence in N. Y. Harbor, where an Ostermoor Mattress was so used : — f* On Board Steamer Tiger Lily. New York Harbor, B July 15, 1880. T Whereas, We, the under- a signed witnesses to the test- i lg of the Ostermoor Mattress and Pillow, being- interested in the question of the most efficient means of saving life at sea in case of sudden disaster, so many of which disasters have recently oc- curred, do hereby Rks. ilve, That the Oster- moor has stood the test with astonishing effect, and so far as wc can see is as buoy- ant as cork. We further Resolve, To recommend all Steam Vessels to adopt the Ostermoor Matt n use. The Pillow alone, which any person can use in the case of an accident, without having to adjust it to the body, is, in our opin- ion, after having witnessed the tests, quite sufficient to keep afloat one person, and probably two or three. JOHN F. MCGLENSEY, COMOR. U. S. N SUCH AN ONE IS THE WONDERFUL OSTERMOOR \. Heaton Robertsqn. Dan'i D. V. Stuart, Lieutenant I". S. N. H. J. Lamarche. H. F. Peck. Robert Courtney. Francis S. Nash, Ass't Surgeon U. S. N. Francis W. Bi oi d. R. B. Chouler. John B. Morford, Supt. Jersey City Ferry. ('. M. Witsc ii. R. S. Bussing, Jr. James W. Britt. Edwin W. Ivins. R. C. Hamii ton. Geo. E. Condit. I S. MlTCHKl I . EVERY OUNCE OF WHICH IS AN OUNCE OF LIFE PRESERVER ! We have furnished over fifty thousand Ostermoor Mattresses to the different departments of the United States Navy.- 82 XHAUSTIVE test made and glorious recognition received for the marvelous merits of the Ostermoor Mattress at Hyde Park, London, England. Steamer Hudson, New York, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 13, 1897. Gentlemen : — At the suggestion of the agent of a steamship line of this city whose ships are furnished with your mattresses, and with whom I was discussing their merits a few days since, I write this letter, believing you will be interested in this account of how the Fisheries Exhibition Gold Medal and Diploma were won by the Ostermoor Mattress. While in charge of the United States Life-Saving Service exhibit at the International Fisheries Exhibition, held in London in the year 1882, a much soiled and torn mattress was sent to my exhibit from the United States National Museum, it having been entered as a life-saving appliance for fishing vessels. (Adopted and used exclusively by Commission of Fish and Fisheries.) I learned that it was an Ostermoor Mattress, which had the previous year been awarded a medal at Berlin, returned to the National Museum with other exhibits, and stored there until preparations were made for the Fisheries Exhibition, when it was, by order of Prof. Spencer Baird, shipped to London. On account of its soiled and torn condition, it was not given a very prominent position in my exhibit, and I am free to confess I took but little interest in it. As it was an American article, entered for competition, it was taken, with other exhibits, to the lake in Hyde Park on the day the practical tests of life-saving appliances were made. Being a member of the jury on life-saving devices, I took an active part in the tests. The jury was composed of two Admirals, one Captain and one Commander of the English Navy ; a Commander of the French Navy, a Captain of the Spanish Navy, a Lieutenant of the U. S. Revenue Cutter Service. The jury made very thorough tests, and the decisions were impartial and never questioned by the exhibitors. There were entered for competition mattresses of all descriptions and materials ; various prepar- ations of cork, and different shapes and designs of rubber. One in particular, of which much was expected, was a combination of several inflated rubber cylinders. The Ostermoor was the last on the list to be tested, which gave it a better opportunity to show its superiority. Its predecessors all failed in one particular ; that when a man attempted to climb from the water upon them, the opposite side invariably tipped up, which made it impossible to get on unless a man was on the opposite side to hold them down. Much to my surprise and satisfaction, when the Ostermoor Mattress was placed in the water, it showed greater buoyancy, and the men had no diffi- culty in getting upon it — several on one side even, it remaining flat and firm in the water, Nine men were easily supported upon and around it. After the tests at Hyde Park, by direction of the jury, the mattress was weighed and placed in the basin of the fountain on the Exhibition grounds, where it remained two weeks, the fountain playing upon it all that time. On its removal it was weighed and found to have absorbed the weight of one man (150 lbs.) and part of that was no doubt due to its torn covering. I have since used (for fifteen years) your Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions, both ashore and afloat, and consider them far better than the best hair in every way. They possess wonderful elasticity, are exceedingly durable, and all you claim in every particular, and I cheerfully write this in their behalf. Your attractive circulars do not exaggerate the merits of Ostermoor in the least. Very truly yours, C. H. McLELLAN, First Lieut. U. S. R. S., Commanding Is ^aaxsQoo'uQ©®*^ ASSING ALL TESTS SUCCESSFULLY, referred to in preceding pages, Ostermoor Mattresses have been approved and adopted in various de- partments of the United States Navy. We have furnished over fifty thousand Ostermoor Mattresses aboard the (J. S. War Ships, Torpedo Boats, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, etc., etc., both for officers and enlisted men, and also throughout the Messrs. Ostermoor & C< United States Marine Corps, " Revenue Cutter Service, " " Light House Service, 44 Commission Fish and Fisheries, " ** Life- Saving Bureau, 44 " Engineer Corps, " " Naval Hospitals, 44 Mississippi River Commission, etc., etc. J* Headquarters U. S. Marine Corps. Quartermaster's Office. Washington, D. C, February 15, 1902. Siks: — Referring to your communication of the 7th inst., requesting an expression from this office of the ex- perience of the Marine Corps with Ostermoor Mattresses, I have to reply that the large quantity of Mattresses procured from you were distributed to the various posts of the Corps for use of the enlisted men serving there ; that they have been subjected to much necessarily hard service ; and that they have been found highly satisfactory, being exceedingly clastic, durable and far superior in all kinds of Mattresses previously tested by the Corps. Forwarded approved, Very respectfully, CHAS. HAYWOOD. F. L. DENNY, Brigader-General, Commandant Colonel and Quartermaster U. S. Revenue Cutter Service, Treasury Department. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Washington, D. C, March 15, 1904. Gentlemen': — Ostermoor Mattresses, Pillows, Boat Cushions, etc., have been adopted exclusively for use of the Revenue Cutler Service. Five new ships have been completely equipped with them throughout, and it affords me great pleasure to say that they have given perfect satisfaction in all particulars, and in wear, cleanliness, elasticity and durability we deem them better than hair or any other mattress known. Very truly yours, C. F. SHOEMAKER, CAPTAIN R. C. S., Chief of Division ht House Establishment, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 11, 1904. Dear Sirs: — I have found Ostermoor Mattresses so superior in every way, and especially rind them so much better than hair, that I have purchased many for my personal use and have also equipped the Light House Tenders under my charge with them throughout. Very respectfully, -4 D. P. HEAP, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army J U. S. Engineers' Office, Chicago, III. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 1637 Indiana Ave., January '27, 1901. Gentlemen:— I feel no hesitancy whatever in commending Ostermoor Mattresses, as / consider them the best Mattress obtainable in every possible way. In October, 1886, I purchased your Mattresses for the U. S. Snag Boat John R. Meigs, and after more than fif- teen years' service they arg still in use in good condition and entirely free from vermin. Since then all additional Mattresses required for other vessels in that District I have purchased from you, and they have all been equally satisfai tory. I also recommended the use of your Mattresses aboard the rive new boats of the Mississippi River Commission and for the new boat, General John Newton. It is with infinite satisfaction that I personally use an Ostermoor Mattress in preference to best •white hair ob- tainable, without regard to price. Very respectfully, J. H. WILLARD, Maj. Corps of Engineers (^* %£* %0& General Superintendent, Llfe-Saving Service. Treasury Department. Messrs. Ostermook & Co. Washington, I). ('., March 16, 1904. Gen rLEMEN:- The Ostermoor Mattress which I purchased of you rive years ago I am able to say without qualifi- cation is in every way the best Mattress 1 ever slept on. Until I began using it I slept on a hair mattress and nobodj could persuade me that there possibly could be anything better. Testi- mony was not enough, but my own experience proves all you claim. Last Spring I lay in bed more than a mouth, day and night, suffering from an attack of sciatica, when I could hardly move, and I found that the softness, elasticity, and sweetness of the Ostermoor Mat- V. S. Battleship Missouri. tress wonderfully reduced the discomfort and irksomeness of that painful period. I most cor- dially recommend the mattress for both sick and well. In my opinion, considering the amount of time we have to spend in sleep — if one only can sleep— you are actually conferring a blessing upon mankind by offering so reposeful a couch, and that, too, at so inconsiderable a price. Respectfully, jt Jt Jt S. I. KIMBALL, GEN'L Supt. 2204- R Street. Washington, D. C. Messrs. Ostermook & Co. February 22, 1904. Gentlemen: — In reply I beg leave to say that tin- Ostermoor Mattresses furnished by you to the vessels of U. S. Fish Commission, "Fish Hawk " in 1880 and "Albatross" in 1882, are still in use aboard both vessels ; those on the "Albatross" were in markedly good condition, when I relinquished command of that vessel, having retained their elasticity remarkably well after eighteen years' < ontinuous service. They have proven satisfactory in every respect and I consider the Ostermoor Mattresses particularly well adapted for use aboard ship. Very respectfully, Z. L. TANNER, Commander, U. S. Navy Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Co., Baltimore, Md. Willard Thomson, Vice-President and General Manager. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 241 South St., February 5, 1904. Dear Sirs :— Replying to your letter of the 29th of January, addressed to the Superintendent of the " Eastern Shore Steamboat Company," as to the condition of the Ostermoor Mattresses that are used in our line, beg to advise that we furnished the steamer "Eastern Shore" in 1883, twenty-one years ago, with about 200 of them, and they have been in constant use ever since, and are seemingly good today for as many more years. In 1891 we furnished the steamer " Pocomoke " with Ostermoor Mattresses through- out and at this writing, after thirteen years' use, they are as good as when first put in ser- vice, and it gives me pleasure to be able to recommend them without qualification. The Eastern Shore Steamboat Company is now a part of this system. Yours truly, WILLARD THOMSON, Vice-President and General Mgr. S. S. City of Mackinac. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Detroit, Mich. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 14, 1904. Gentlemen :-We have used your Ostermoor Mattresses on all our steamers for the past twenty-one years, and infinitely prefer them /■< the best hair at the same price. We have found they possess all the merits that yon claim for them. Our patrons compliment us on our excellent beds. Yours respectfully, A. A. SCHARTZ, GEN'L SUPT Jh j* tP* General Offices People's Evening- Line Steamers. J hn Englis, President. Pier 32, North River. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. New York, December 15, L903. Dear Sirs :— After eight years' thorough trial of Ostermoor Mattresses, with which the steamer "Adirondack" of this line is equipped entirely throughout, we are pleased to say that they have given the most entire satisfaction to this Company, from an economical stand- point, and because they have been so much appreciated by passengers. Many of our patrons Iiave expressed their pleasure because if the exceptional comfort with whit h they have slept on your .Mattresses. The contract just given you for 1,000 mattresses to equip our new steamer surely expresses our full satisfaction. Yours very truly, PEOPLE'S LINE OF STEAMERS, JOHN ENGLIS, PRESIDENT S.S.Adirondack. People's Line. S7 Ocean Steamship Company of Savanah. P. E. Le Fevre, Superintendent. 81 Beach St., New York, March 2, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & G>. Dear Sirs : — I am pleased to express our satisfaction with the Ostermoor Mattresses purchased from you in 1898. They are in continual use, and wefindthey possess all the e xcellencies claimed for them. We are discarding hair, as ■we consider Ostermoor preferable in every way. Yours truly, P. E. LE FEVRE, SUPERINTENDENT (^* J* t^* New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co. Alfred G. Smith, Sec'y and Treas. 90-96 Wall St., New York, March 15, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — The several thousand Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions which you have, from time to time, supplied to the steamers of this line, have proved to be all that you claim for them in every particular^ and have given us the most entire satisfaction. The additional orders recently given you to equip the rest of our boats throughout is surely proof of our satisfaction. Yours truly, ALFRED G. SMITH, Secretary and Treasurer J* V* V* Maine Steamship Company. , Horatio Hall, Gen'l Manager. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 290 Broadway, New York, February '27, 1904. Gentlemen :— Replying to your inquiry, it is with great pleasure that we can certify to the excellence of Oster- m ior Mattresses: they have proven all that you claimed in every respect. Our new steamships, "North Star," " John Englis " and "Horatio Hall," are equipped with them throughout, and they have given the utmost satisfac- tion in every way, as also have those used aboard the " Manhattan " and " Cottage City." We have three thousand of your Mattresses now in use. Our patrons are delighted with their comfort and luxury. I have Ostermoor Mattresses in my own home, the first one hav- ing been purchased to replace a very expens- ive hair one, and I am glad to say that the Ostermoor surpassed it in comfort and dura- bility. II 'e consider Oster- moor Mattresses the acme of com fort, and indispensable for clean- liness. Yi airs truly, Maine Steamship Co. Horatio Hall, GEN'L Mgr. S. S. "Horatio Hall, ' of the Maine Steamship Co. r HE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS is s0 non . absorbent it is rated by the U. S. Steamboat Inspection as an auxiliary Life Preserver. We have furnished Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions to all Yachts of any prominence in the United States, among the many owners to whom we gladly refer being : Messrs. Win, K. Vanderbilt. C. Oliver Iselin. Delancv Kane, Alexander Taylor, Jr., Edward M. Brown. George Gould, Charles Warren Lippit. Alexander E. Orr, John Jacob Astor, j. Malcolm Forbes, David Dows, Jr.. Henry S . Burnham. fames Gordon Bennett, Elbridge T. Gerry, Chester W. Chapin, John J. Phelps, and hundreds of others, too numerous to mention The Emperor of Germany and the King of England, whose Yachts we have furnished with mattresses and Cushions, have both given us gold medals and diplomas for our work in this special line alone. David Dows & Co., New York City. February 15, 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 17 years old and Gentlemen :-It gives me in an much pleasure to be able to say admirable state. that the Ostermoor Cushions fully justified. and Mattresses you made for my boat are still in use and in an admirable state of preserva- tion and in my opinion fully justify all you said concerning them at the time of the purchase, seventeen years ago. Yours truly, A. E. ORR Brown & Seccomb, New York City. 81 Beach St., March 26, 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs: — I have used Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions on the steam yacht "Fedalma " since lusi'i, sixteen years, and it affords me great pleasure to state that they have given me z>ery great satisfaction, and have fully proven to be all //uit you claimed for them in Yours truly, EDWARD M. BROWN l\ed 16 years, and still give very sjreat satisfaction. s 9 HE OSTERMOOR HAS PROVEN A PERFECT FILLING, particularly desirable for Mattresses, and also for Cushions and Upholstered Back-Cushions — either ashore or afloat ; aboard ship it has become a recognized necessity on account of its absolutely non-absorbent qualities and that perfect freedom from all damp or mildew at all times and under all conditions. Ostermoor Cushions are not hurt or spoiled by water, and are always readily available, most efficient life preservers. Ostermoor Cushions and Mattresses are softer than those filled with the best of hair and wear far better. They never mat or pack like hair, nor do they need remaking, as hair does, but retain their unusual merits and keep in perfect order indefinitely without requiring any attention, care or any expense for years to come — first cost being their last and only cost. Used continuously for 18 years. Permanently elastic. Heartily recommend. 9° Bolton, Lake George, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 19, 1897. Gentlemen : — For eighteen years or more I have been using your Ostermoor Cushions in fitting out my numerous steam launches, giving them the preference over the best hair, not only on account of their permanent elasticity and cleanliness, but also from the fact that if divided into proper lengths they make excellent readily available life preservt rs. I have also used your Ostermoor Mattresses whenever I have had to purchase any for my house, and I have used one continuously for eighteen years. They have all given me satisfaction, and I can heartily recommend them. Yours respectfully, J. BUCHANAN HENRY John J. Phelps, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 35 South William St., Jan. 15, 1900. Gentlemen:— The yacht " Brunhilde " was sold several years ago, but up to then I was perfectly satisfied in every way with the Ostermoor Mattresses, etc., you made /or same in 1885, and should use your Ostermoor again in preference to any- thing else. It is all you claim for it. Yours truly, JOHN J. PHELPS C. Oliver Iselin, New Rochelle, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. April 24, 1900. Dear Sirs: — The Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions I have bought of you from time to time since you furnished my yacht " Titania " in 1887, give entire satisfaction, and should I build another yacht / would certainly give you another order. Truly yours, C. OLIVER ISELIN Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling: Co., New York City. Eugene Jones, President. 207 Produce Exchange, Feb. 28, 1900. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs: — Yours of the 26th inst., asking for some endorsement of your Ostermoor Mattresses. i-, before me. In reply to which I would say, that we still have in use the mattresses bought of you some thirteen years since, and that they have stood most admirably the test of time, and that we liave found them to be all thai you claim for them, everlasting elasticity, marked durability, equal, if not better, than the best hair mattresses, and they have proved most satisfactory in every respect. Yours very truly, EUGENE JONES All we claim. Use our mattress in preference to all others. 13 years' entire satisfaction. Use no other. Stood most admirably the test of time for 13 years, and prove all you claim. 9i ALOON OR BERTH MATTRESSES WITH OSTERMOOR FILLING are always dry, sweet and pure, soft as or softer than hair, as you prefer, and a perfect raft or life preserver in the water — ever at your service- never sodden or damp, nor a foul, ill-smelling odor — as if mildewed, which is always noticeable in best of hair and all other mattresses aboard ships. But rarely luxurious and of such absolute comfort and enchanting cleanliness with an absolute freedom from all objectionable features that makes them preeminently superior to all other mattresses the world over. These merits are most unusual. Ostermoor Mattresses — and none other — possess these merits. J* G. Sidenberg, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor .V Co. 24 Broad St., February 3, 1902. Gentlemen:— I beg to state that the Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions you put in steam yacht "Theresa," twelve years ago, arc just as good as new, and I have no fault to find with them whatever, as they have given me every satisfaction. Yours very truly, G. SIDENBERG (^* 1£& i2H 10 years old and as good as new. Kenilworth Inn. Biltmore, Asheville, N. C. Entire Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March ' 21 - 1897 " »tfafaction. Gentlemen :-The Ostermoor Mattresses on my yacht " Thespia " give entire .satisfaction and ful- b ^^V^ 1 ' 6 " /ill all representations made regarding them. Yours truly, DAVID DOWS, JH ^'s", \Y* ■S*£>?^ Q2 USHIONS, FOR SALOON OR CABIN, Deck or Small Boats, of Ostermoor make and filling, are the only absolutely perfect ones obtain- able — handsome, luxurious articles of remarkable elasticity and endurance. They will outwear three of any other filling. Far more buoyant than cork ! Cary Smith & Ferris, New York Naval Architects and Yacht Brokers 90 Wall Street Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 6, 1904 Deak Sirs :— I am satisfied that Ostermoor Mat- tresses and Cushions are the very best obtainable for yacht use, etc. I have yet never heard a complaint about them, although you have fur- nished about all of the yachts and steamers of my design since 1880. Very truly yours, A. CARY SMITH 24 years' experience, and yet to have a complaint. 10 years' use. All you claim in every particular. Superiority and luxuriousness well proven. Alexander P. Ketchum New York City 4 William St. Feb. 24, 1904 Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — I sold my yacht "Son o n a " some years ago, but dur- ing the time I owned -— her was exceedingly ' pleased with the Os- termoor Cushions and Mattresses you supplied me with, nd if I were again fur- nishing a yacht, should certainly apply to you for similar articles. Yours truly, A. P. KETCHUM ^* (^* %£* A. H. Abell, Hamilton, Bermuda. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. February 13, 1900 Dear Siks:— The Ostermoor are all you claim them to be, in every particular, and have given per- fect satisfaction for ten years ; shall never— as long as they can be had— use anything else. They never lose their shape or get lumpy. Their superiority and luxuriousness is well proven. Too much cannot be said in their praise. Most truly yours, A - H - ABELL Exceedingly pleased. Would use no other. ONLY A FEW OF THE YACHTS WE REFER TO USING OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES AND CUSHIONS Aeolus Addie Aida Albicore Aloha Alpha Alva Anna Atalanta Arrow Athlon Aunt Polly Aztec Banshee Bedouin Bijou Brunhilde Cacique Carlotta Carola Carmelita Cinderella Challenge Crusader Clermont Curlew Commanche Dauntless I tiana Edris Electra Eleanor Ellie Enaj Enterprise Erin Eavelle Eedalma Fortuna Era Diavolo Genevieve ( iracie Graling Halcyon I [arbinger iloosier Ins Ianda I tuna Julia Kanawha Lancer Machigowne Marion Marjorie Mayflower Meda Merle Merlin Mermaid Meteor Mischief Mohican Namouna Narod Neola Nomad Nourmahal Nirodha Nydia Osceola Palladin Papoose Parthenia Privateer Polly Priscilla Prospero Puritan Queen Mab Roamer Rondina Rosalie Rajah Ruffhouse Sanona Sappho Seminole Shearwater This list represents but a fraction of the many Yachts we have furnished, which comprises nearly all of any prominence in the waters of the United States. Siren Skylark Social Sphinx Susquehanna Sybil Thalia Thetis Theresa Thespia Titania Una Utowana Vidette Vikinj Virginia Volunteer Wenonah Wacouta Wild Duck Yama Yampa Vonondio Zara Zarah 94 New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., New York, Grand Central Station. George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent. Messrs. Osterm no K & Co. March 10, 1904, Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Mattresses that I bought of you in 1893 (eleven years ago) have proven perfectly satisfactory and are all that you claim them to be in every respect, besides vermin-proof and non-absorbent. We think them excellent and a perfect success. Very truly yours, GEORGE H. DANIELS Proven all you claim. Vermin-proof and non-absorbent. Phelps, Dodge & Co., 99 John Street, New York. February 17, 1904. Messrs. Osteri r & Co. Dear Sirs : — I take pleasure in advising you that the Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions fur- nished by you for the yacht "Aloha" have given entire satisfaction in every respect, and are proving all that you claim them to be. We consider them superior to the very best of hair, and their use is a comfort and pleasure. Very truly yours, ARTHUR CURTIS JAMES United States Naval Force on Asiatic Station, Manila, Philippine Islands. January '27, 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — Rear- Admiral Watson desires me to say in reply to your letter of December 12, 1899, that the testimonial he gave in April, 1897, as to the wonderfully meritorious qualities and ever- lasting elasticity of the Ostermoor Mattresses pur- chased of you in 1883, seventeen years ago, holds good today, after three years' more hard use. Very respectfully, E. H. WATSON t^* t^* ^» Dr. Cyrus Edson 5(5 W. 50th St., New York, May 2(5, 1903. Messrs. Ostekmook & Co. Gentlemen : — I first experienced the delightful comfort and luxury of the Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions aboard a boat which led me to pur- chase one for my own bed, and I am glad to ex- press my approval. It is a great improvement on the hair mattress, not only from the standpoint of cleanliness and hygiene, but also from that of comfort, wherein it greatly surpasses hair. I am greatly pleased with my personal use of same during the past five years. It certainly makes the absolutely ideal bed. Yours faithfully, CYRUS EDSON Superior to best of hair. Satisfaction, comfort, pleasure. Used for 17 years. Ever- lastingly elastic. Wonderfully meritorious. Greatly surpasses hair. Absolutely ideal bed. 95 ; II ATTRESS-CUSHIONS for use aboard boats, outside — cunningly ^ \?^1\'W ■ devised for use in places not usually utilized — covered with water- j--M.^m m p r00 £ ma terials — that stand all sorts of hard usage — without de- -•'.Jtiyi-^ preciation of comfort, beauty or shapeliness — adding to the comfort -~ •' and luxury of lounging in the open air and consequently enhanc- ing the enjoyment and pleasure of many a trip. These have been specialties of ours for years. «£* «£* j* Such cushions are possible only with Ostermoor and no other filling, which makes them prac- tical, desirable and useful at all times and in all sorts of places. •£* ^* c^* They are absolute- ly waterproof, so n o n -a b s o r b e n t they will float in- definitely, and are therefore recog- nized by the U. S. Steamboat Inspec- tion as Auxiliary Life Preservers. Refer to Pages 76, 78, 79, 81 and 82 and note severe tests made. V* V* ^* Thus they serve as Life Preservers — should occasion arise — are easily at hand in case of need — much more so than anything else obtainable. Add wonderfully to the deck furnishing — and are altogether a luxurious necessity. We have special Waterproofed Coverings for such work as this. Some also simply treated to shed water. All fabrics usual in a full assortment of colors. 9 6 ware & Hudson Canal Company, Albany, N. Y. C. D. Hammond, Gen'l Agent. Ostermoor & Co. February 23, 1901. Nf lemen :— Seventeen years ago I purchased two Ostermoor Mattresses which have been in constant use since that time. They have given entire satisfaction, and are stilll in good condition. I should at this time purchase none but Ostermoor Mattresses if I had occasion to add new, as I think them the very best obtainable. I also purchased a new set of Ostermoor Cushions for the Methodist Church, of Slingerland, N. Y., at the same time, and these have also given entire satisfaction, are still in use and in good condition. Yours truly, 17 years' con- stant use with entire satis- faction and still good. C. D. HAMMOND %£*> %0* f^* 'OURSTET-SPECIAL" CUSHIONS. Corduroy Plush Covering, $J.50 per square foot. 15 years' experience. Proves all our claims. Riverhead, N. Y. March 1, 1901. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs: — My experience during the past fifteen years with Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions goes to prove all that you claim for durability and elasticity. They are undoubtedly of the first quality and greatly to Just as good be commended. as new - They show no sign of packing down or becoming hard and bunchy as hair does, but are just as comfortable today as when new. No hair mattress fur me hereafter. I consider my Ostermoor is worth its weight in gold. Faithfully yours, ROBERT WEEKS, Archdeacon of Suffolk. J* Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Henry E. Jacobs, D.D., Dean. January 17, 1900. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs: — I take great pleasure in stating that the Os- termoor Mattresses and Cush- ions in the Seminary have worn very satisfactorily, and stood the test of our fifteen years' constant use most admirably. We heartily endorse their use. Sincerely yours, HENRY E. JACOBS CORDED-EDGE CUSHIONS-SQUARE TUFTS. Sec Price List, page J05. 97 T TCT-JTf\\TQ OF ALL KINDS-sizes and shapes— for all ^-J KjL L1\JL\kJ nurnoses — are simD C' \~S ith mattresses and bedsteads which I have had shipped to this far away point. Yours very truly, (Rev.) BROWNELL GAGE mi L itij wmwwm CHAIR CUSHION. Repp Covering, both sides alike, $5.00 each. i<4 LL SORTS OF CUSHIONS for Cozy Corners, Chairs, Divan*, etc., etc., are most luxurious and exceedingly enduring, built of Ostermoor Filling in the Ostermoor way. They will not mat or pack, but preserve their lines and shapeliness indefinitely, and there being no friction with this evenly elastic filling, covering wears twice as long, so that they are most econom- ical. Moth proof. Uust proof too ! Proven all you claim during 10 years. Are giving the greatest possible satisfaction. Better than the best hair money can buy. Superior to all others, although 10 years old. WINDOW SEAT CUSHIONS. "Ourstet" Double-Rolled Edge. See Price List, per square foot, page 105. «(?* t£& 1£& Henry Bullard, Middletown, Conn. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 71 Washington St., March 19, 1901. Gentlemen: — My experience with Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions has proven they are all you claim for them in every particular. I am sleeping on an Ostermoor daily, and have been for ten years past, with the greatest possible satisfaction. 'J'/ify are softer than hair, very evenly elastic, and do not mat or pack, or form in lumps ami hollows as hair does. My wife has recommended them to her friends and neighbors who have since bought them of you, and are very much pleased. The Ostermoor Jl/attresses and Cushions that you furnished for my steam yacht ivere m6re than satisfactory. • Yours very truly, £L ^t Jt HENRY BULLARD Lord, Owen & Co., Chicago, 111. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave., May (i, 1902. Gentlemen : — About ten years ago I was induced to give the Ostermoor Mattress a comparative trial with a first-class curled hair mattress, which was the best that money could buy. I have used your Mattress con- stantly ever since, and it gives me much pleasure to state that I find it to be in all respects as com- fortable, agreeable, and as satisfactory as any mattress that I have ever used, and your claims as to its wonderful merits and superiority over all others, I believe, are fully sustained. I would further state that I have not only observed, but experienced the desirable points of your Seat Cushions both in church and at home, those you made for me being fully as satisfactory as the Mattress in all particulars. Respectfully yours, THOMAS LORD CHAIR CUSHIONS. Corduroy Plush Covering, both sides alike, $7.00 each. (Minimum Cushion charge is 1 square feet.) io5 Price p- "**"• ' »** t> Ostermoor Cushions are all hand-laid sheeted filling, closed and sewn within covering entirely by hand Uniform, softness, perfect fit, and preservation of shape. Ostermoor Cushions absolutely guaranteed. Pantasote 1.40 Fabrikoid Leather 1.40 Velour . 1.50 Mohair Plush 1.70 Cost Complete, three inches thick, any shape desired, covered with Duck or Ticking . $ 1 .00 per square foot. Corduroy Plush . $1.35 per square foot. Denim . . . 1.15 " " Mercerized Art Twills 1.15 " " Repps . . 1.20 " " Mohair Damask . 1.25 " " Corduroy . . 1.30 " " Hand=Buffed Leather 1.75 " " The minimum Cushion charge is 4 square feet. Bottom of Cushion in Denim to match color of Covering, 10 cts. extra per square foot. Cushions with Imperial Borders, as illustrated, page 100, 25c. extra per square foot. "Ourstet Special" Style tufted edges, as illustrated, pages 96, 97, 98, 25c. extra per square foot. io6 Recent test of the wonderful floating quality of the Ostermoor Mattress. S. S. Princess Victoria, Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Victoria Messrs. OSTERMOOR X: C<>. ( Ientlemen : — According March 24, 1904. to instructions from the Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Com- pany's Coast Service, I supervised a severe test of the flota- tion qualities of the Ostermoor Mattress. Its buoyancy as a life saving appliance has estab- lished itself fully, and we prefer it for safety's sake, to the cork belts which the Passenger Act calls for, deeming it far more serviceable. One of the single size Ostermoor Mattresses supplied to the S. S. Princess Victoria, was thrown over- board at nine o'clock A. M. A small board was on same, S. S. Princess Victoria. ant } a l )UC ket containing 160 pounds of sand — dead weight was ad< led. After floating over four hours, the entire depth of the mattress was almost entirely clear of the water. When 1 got on it myself (as I weigh 180 pounds) the mattress supported an entire weight of 340 pounds, and was even then but partially submerged. The mattress was left floating in the water with the 160 pounds of sand upon it, until three o'clock the following day, and during the entire thirty hours it floated clear of the water, and when taken out, it was found that only the outer surface, of the outer sheets, were but slightly wet. This test was a proven success in every particular, and permit me to say that, during the twenty-two years I have followed the sea, having some knowledge therefore of the value of life saving appliances, I have never yet seen so remarkable a retention of buoyancy. It may interest you to know that during the test I pad- dled around the harbor on the Ostermoor Mattress for several hours, with a bucket of sand and a board to stand on. Trusting also that the photograph I send you under separate cover, taken during the test, may prove of interest, I am, faithfully yours, C. D. NEROUTSOS, First Officer, S. S. Princess Victoria Photographed during actual test. BUOYANT MATTRESSES. {Extract from the Daily Times, Victoria, B. C] " The Princess Victoria, which is expected to go on the regular run again about April 1st. will carry an add itional life-preserving outfit by reason of being supplied throughout with the celebrated Ostermoor mattnss in all the sleeping apartments. " These come to the company guaranteed to be capable of sustaining a heavy weight in the water. They are impervious to water, the Ostermoor filling being especially adapted to make it buoyant. A test was made on Thursday night in the inner harbor with one of the mattresses. It was thrown into the water, and easily sustained a man's weight with 160 pounds of sand in addition. It is calculated by those in charge that the mattressess would each bear up the weight of four men. " '! he test was being made of the time during which they would withstand the water. After being immersed about two days, no change could be noticed in their buoyancy. They will form no incon- siderable addition to the comfort and life preserving outfit of the ship." DAILY TIMES, VICTORIA, B. C, MARCH 12, 1904. 107 have furnished bcer^jnenti^uie EliorTsaTid C hutches t uthe^mted States i»ith STflRfl)OOR cushions Our Special Book "Church Cushions" is yours for the asking io8 A I TO THE LAST CENSUS there are 118,153 complete Church edifices in the United States, including all but the Jewish and Roman Catholic denominations. This num- ber, of course, also includes Chap- els, Sunday Schools, etc. Cath- olics never cushion their pews, except in rarest instances; and we have done but very little for the Jewish Synagogues. Excluding these, also the Chapels and Sun- day Schools, we find there are not quite 100,000 complete Church Auditoriums, probably less than 75,000 of which are furnished with cushions. Ostermoor Cushions are in use in over one-third of these — the twenty-five thousand we have furnished being really all of any prominence. The Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, was one of the first we furnished, in 1853, and the cushions have seen fifty-one years' constant service, and yet are as good today for as many more. The pastor, Rev. Dr. R. S. MacArthur, says: Heartily recommended. After 51 years' constant use certainly as good as new today. Calvary Baptist Church, New York. Messrs. Ostekmuok & C<>. March 24, 1904. Dear Sirs: — It gives me much pleasure to say that the Ostermoor Cushions put by your company into the Calvary Baptist Church ffty-onc years ago arc still in most excellent condition, and I can very heartily recommend them. They still retain their elasticity, ami arc free from moth and vermin of every sort. They have preserved their shape better, and are, in my judgment, in every way more desirable than cushions made of any other material off "cred to the public. The cushions were put in the church long before I became a preacher. Of their present condition I can judge. In regard to the length of time they have been in use, and the satisfaction they have univer- sally given, the officers of the church are my authority. We found the cushions, after so many years' constant use, in s/ie/i good condition that upon going into our nciv church we had you recover them, and they are today i ertainlv as good as new. Very respectfully, R. S. MACARTHUR, D. D., PASTOfl A photographic reproduction of one of these Ostermoor Cushions after over fifty years a record of which we are exceedingly proud. This cushion is on exhibition in our show rooms today. log ROBABLY THE MOST NOTABLE EXAMPLE of the truly mar- velous endurance and longevity of Ostermoor Cushions is to be found in All Souls' Church, 4th Avenue and 20th Street, New York City. These Cushions — made by us in 1855, are 49 years old to- day — have never as yet been recovered, nor have they had any repairs whatever during all these years, other than the necessary replacing of a few tufts, and sewing up rips, in Damask covering, that is now worn with age and badly faded, but are in such perfect shape today, and possess their original elasticity to such an extent as seems almost incredible, after forty-nine years of constant service. See testimonial given us in 1881, by the Rev. Dr. H. W. Bellows, at that time pastor of church; and then read the one given by the Rev. Dr. Thos. R. Sheer, the present pastor, after a lapse of twenty-three years. J* All Souls' Church, New York City. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. June 7, 1881. Dear Sirs: — I am happy to say the Ostermoor Cushions placed in our church by your company twenty-six years ago are in excellent condition at this date, still elastic, and apparently likely to outlast most of those who sit upon them. . I have recommended the Ostermoor Cushions to many churchbuilding com- mittees as cheaper, better than all others and free from dangers from moth, or tendencies to mat or lose elasticity. — i - T — Respectfully yours, ""N' H. W. BELLOWS, D. D., Pastor V* 1^* l£* 156 E. 38th St., New York. March 4, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs: — You may add to the testi- monial given you by Dr. Bellows, that those Ostermoor Cushions are still in use and in good condition today. The sexton states that no repairs whatever have been made during the eighteen years he has been with the church, excepting to put in a few new buttons and sewing up the rips in Damask covering. This gives you a complete record of forty- nine years, and certainly makes an excellent showing of remarkable longevity. Yours sincerely, THOS. R. SLICER, Pastor All Souls- Church Interior of All Souls' Church, March 1904. showing condition of these Cushions after 49 years' of service. Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand-Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand-Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Cushions. Copyright 1897, Ostermoor & Co Mode of building up the Ostermoor sheets in open covering by hand, a dainty method of building Cushions that guaran- tees accuracy in weight, thickness, and uniform elasticity. and far Cushion The method of building Ostermoor Cushions is most unusua different from the usual stuffing of every other Cushion ever made Covers are all cut and daintily finished, complete in every particular, with lining basted to cover to prevent friction, and all seamed together on the heavy duck used for bottom, which is left open the entire length of one side and both ends, like the lid of a box or trunk. Into this box-like cover the Ostermoor Sheets are hand-laid, one over the other, by carefully calculated weight per square inch, until the desired thickness be obtained, and then by gentle, even pressure, the whole is incorporated into one sheet of uniform thickness, and enclosed within the already completed cover- ing entirely by hand sewing across the two ends and one entire side. South Congregational Church, Springfield, Mass. Thirty years old. Retain shape and elasticity most remarkably. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. October 15, 1900. Gentlemen : — It affords me pleasure to state that the Ostermoor Cushions which have been in use in the South Congregational Church for nearly thirty years air still in excellent condition, and probably 7i'/// remain so for many yours to come. They retain their shape and elasticity remarkably, and show no signs of wear whatever. Vours trul H. C. ROWLEY, Chairman parish Committee h, Ill Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand-Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand-Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Cushions. Copyright 1897, Ostermoor & Co. Stowing the dainty Ostermoor sheets evenly built in place, and being compressed within the completed covering entirely by hand sewing, across both ends and the entire back. By this building only is it possible to secure that absolute uniformity in the distribution of elasticity which Ostermoor Cushions possess ; every square inch exactly duplicates each other, and guaranteed accuracy of both thickness and width is assured. The surface of filling being even, and the covering tightly drawn and basted to lining, prevents friction, and wears much longer than ordinarily. Compare our exceptional method with the usual manner of stuffing Cushions, that means making a simple sack or bag, leaving but one end open, stuffing filling into same in a haphazard fashion, which quickly sewn up, and as quickly tufted, depending entirely upon tufts for shape, making at best an uneven Cushion that is bound to mat and pack. Ostermoor Cushions never mat or p ac k — never spread — lump or become uneven. ^* ^* t*3* First Universalist Church. Providence, R. I. .»'•/-» sr r , 11 Euclid Ave., March 24, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. iJ e.^ 1 -"" n,s -i Dear Sirs:— I did not reply at once to your letter of inquiry concerning the Ostermoor Cushions you put in my church, because I desired to speak with members of my parish concerning them. The Cushions have given entire satisfaction. The best evidence of their durability is the fact that nobody has suggested that they need renewal, and it will be thirty-two years next fall since the church was built and the Cushions put in. HEN ry I RVTrJ& s cW^K/l)iW, rs PASTOR since ie?s Have given entire satisfaction fur iJ'2 years. Illustrating the Distinctive Art and Superior Workmanship of Hand=Laid Sheeted Filling and Hand-Sewed Closing of the Ostermoor Cushions. Showing the built up Sheets of Ostermoor appearing from out a completely finished Cushion, ripped open for Inspection. Note resiliency of filling. Copyright 1897, Ostermoor & Co. The Corded-Edge Cushion is the standard of its class, and just such as we have been making for the past forty-nine years, but showing all the wonderful improvements we have made in the art during these many years' experience. A very square and shapely Cushion of unbroken outline, lying perfectly flat upon the pew seat, and swelling above cords. Made with a boxed-edge border and Corded-Edge Cushion Corduroy Plush Covering. lined throughout with heavy cotton cloth; bottomed with eight-ounce duck; cov- ering all in one piece, from underside or facing of front edge to bottom of back; tightly basted to lining to prevent friction. All edges corded and sides stitched through and tufted in eight-inch diamonds with four-inch breaks. Uniform thickness throughout both front and back. J* Better than hair. '2'J years old, excellent condition. St. Mark's P. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. St. Mark's Rectory, January 20, 1898. Dear Sirs : — It gives me pleasure to say that the Ostermoor Cushions furnished St. Mark's Church twenty-nine years ago today are still in excellent condition, and have given good satisfaction. I do not perceive that they have matted down or failed in every respect to wear better than hair; and are free from dust and moth. Very respectfully yours, s. M. HASKINS, Rector H3 Ostermoor Church Cushions* Photographic reproductions of Ostermoor Cushions of our original designs. Copyright 1897, Oitennoor & Co "Ourstet" RolIed=Edge Cushion Diamond Tufting Corduroy Plush Covering Design Patent applied fur. The "Ourstet" Rolled-Edge Cushion is an entirely new, original design — exclusively our own, which we have arbitrarily named, superior even to, and an improvement upon, the Corded-Edge Cushion. It is the acme of art in cushion-making, and we have applied for design patent upon same. It possesses unusual features, covering being all in one piece, unbroken by cords or seams, nothing to rip or wear, has an unusually thick, high front, with a double-rolled edge — especially desirable for circular pews, and being less thick in back, has a decided pitch which adds wonderfully to comfort and durability — only evolved by us after 51 years' constant study of the requirements of the art in making Ostermoor Perfect Church Pew Cushions. "Ourstet" Rolled=Edge Cushion Diamond Tufting Super= Extra Mohair Damask Covering. Design Patent applied fur, Flemington Baptist Church, Flemington, N. J. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 5, 1904. Gentlemen : — I am pleased to testify to the undoubted excellence of the Ostermoor Cushions you placed in the Flemington Baptist Church in 1867, and which you simply recovered in 1889. They are today in excellent order, and giving us perfect satisfaction, and we feel quite sure are as good as new today., after thirty-seven years of service. Yours truly, HOWARD SUTPHIN, TREASURER SINCE 1880 Undoubted excellence. Good as new to- day, after 37 years of service. H4 Ostermoor Church Cushions* Photographic reproductions of Ostermoor Cushions of original designs. Copyright 1897, Ostermoor & Co. Corded-Edge Cushion Square or Biscuit Tufting Corduroy Plush Covering Especially made for St. Agnes' Chapel, Trinity Church Corporation, New York City. Although over 49 years old, still in good condition. Would use no other. First Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Hartford, Conn., October IS), 1900. Gentlemen -.—Forty-nine years ago we bought of you the Ostermoor Cushions for the First Baptist Church of this city. They are still in use and in good condition, and so well satisfied are we with their remarkably long wear that if we were to have more we would without hesitation again use Ostermoor in preference to hair or any other material. Very respectfully yours, JAMES L. HOWARD, PRES't Corded Hd^e Cushion Diamond Tufting Special Satin=Finish Mohair Damask Covering First class, although in constant use for 46 years. Apparently as good as new. Frank Street M. E. Church, Rochester, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. November 15, 1000. Gentlemen:— The Ostermoor Cushions your firm furnished the Frank Street Methodist Episcopal Church in 1854 are still in use, and are still shapely, soft, elastic and pliable, although they have been in constant use ever since they were put in the church, forty-six years ago. They are apparently as good as new. From this experience we can certainly recommend Ostermoor cushions as first class. Very truly, C. L. CRIFFITH, Chairman Board of Trustees H5 Ostermoor Church Cushions* 1 Photographic reproductions of Ostermoor Cushions of original designs. •« Ourstet-Special " Rolled-Edge Cushion Special Tufted Edges Corduroy Plush Covering Design Pat«at applied f»r. Strikingly new, rich and handsome. Especially made for Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 'for St. Bartholomew's Church, New York City; and also for Mr. George Vanderbilt, for All Souls' Memorial Church; on his estate, Biltmore, N. C. Ourstet-Special " Kneeling Cushion Matching the above Cushion Unusual and Original. Made any heigJit or thickness ; six- teen inches long, as here shown, or forty feet long for an Altar Kneel- ing Rail, for use without the step. Desiga Patent applied for. t^* i^* ^* Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 20, 1904. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Cushions you furnished our new Church have given entire satis- faction in every respect, are, of course, in first-class condition, and we are highly pleased with them. This church can speak from experience of the enduring quality of Ostermoor Cushions, as the cushions in our old church were furnished by you in 1855, we using them constantly until church was torn down in 1893 (some thirty-eight years), they being then in very good condition. They were purchased by, and are in use at the present day, in the People's Congregational Church in this city. Ostermoor Cushions have certainly proven to be all you claim in the way of durability and everlasting elasticity. We shall expect the new cushions, from the record of the old, to last for at least fifty years. Yours very truly, DE WITT H. TAYLOR, W. HOWIE MUIR,) JAMES H. MCMILLAN, DE WITT LOO M IS, > board OF JAMES T. SHAW, > trustees ELISHA TAYLOR, R. O. WHEELER, H. P. CHRISTY, ) L. E. CLARK, 6- B.WIGHT, JAMES H. MUIR, i ELDERS " Everlasting elasticity certainly proven." Cushions made 49 years ago for Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church and still Ii6 Ostermoor Church Kneelers* Photographic reproductions of Ostermoor Special Kneeling Pads made for St. Agnes' Chapel (small), and Church of St. Mary the Virgin (large). Copyright 1897, Ostermoor & Co. Unqualified testimony. Wonderful durability. 33 years old. Still in use. Corduroy Plush Covering. Both Sides Alike. Size 10x15 inches, 3 inches thick. %£& ((?• ^* Christ Church, Cooperstown, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 9, 1904. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Cushions which you furnished for our church thirty- three years ago are still in excellent con- dition, having stood the ''Test of Time" far Iwyond our expectations. Yours very truly, W. H. MERCHANT, Treasurer In excellent condition after 33 years' use. i^m ^* ^* Kent Street Reformed Church, 14-3 Noble Street. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen : — The Ostermoor Cushions which you put in the Kent Street Reformed Church more than thirty-three years ago are still in use and in very good condition i mired today. The Church is ready to bear unqualified testimony as to their durability and the extreme satisfaction which they have given. Yours truly, LEWIS FRANCIS, D. D., PASTOR Copyright 1897, Oitermoor & Co. Corduroy Plush Covering. Both Sides Alike. Size 8 x 13 inches, 1J£ inches thick. ^* tp* %2* Although 33 years old, good as new today. Church of the Ascension, West New Brighton, S. I. Messrs. Osterm >V Co. New York, March 15, 1004. Dear Sii.s: Let me add this cordial testimonial to the ipany you have received as to the excellent , . ■/, , we have had hum the Ostermoor Cushions placed in our church pews some thirty-three years ago. They were simply recovered in 1*%, and are today as good ,rs new. " The Test of Time " is certainly in their favor. Very truly yours, PASCAL HARROWER, PASTOR ^* i^* *2* 4fi years of constant use. Still retain shape and good for as many more. Plymouth Congregational Church, Rochester, N. Y. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. November 26, 1901. Gentlemen:- Your Ostermoor Cushions were put in our Church in 1855, were simply recovered by you in 1877, and now appear to be about as good as new. They retain their shape and are all in good , ondition. After forty six years' constant use, they seem as good for as many more, judging from present appearance. Yours truly, WM. T. BROWN. Pastor 117 Ostermoor Church Kneelers* # Photographic reproductions of special Hassocks, with our special filling, combination of granulated cork and wood fibre, topped with Ostermoor sheets, making most solid, light and wonderfully durable Hassocks that keep their shape. 29 years old. In most excellent ■ condition. More than fulfill guarantee. Copyright, 1897, Ostermoor & Co. Emanuel Baptist Church, Albany, N. Y. January 31, 1900. Messrs. OSTERMOOK & Co. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Cushions have been in use in our church for tiui nty- nine years and are still in most excellent condition, and very satisfactory indeed. They promise to last as lone- as the church building, and certainly more than fulfill your guarantee. Yours very truly, WALLACE BUTTRICK t*3* t&& ^* Square Hassock Corduroy Plush Covering Size, 9x14 inches. 6 inches high. t a in" l! 'V- s S l .' ,n ll 114' 'ill J! '.? UVi* 1 -*-' Vv-^-^V II STERMOOR CAR CUSHIONS have been adopted and used for many years by many of the most prominent Street Railway Lines of the United States, as the most satisfactory in every respect. They are dust-proof, a most essential feature, and possessing- marvelously endur- ing elasticity, they never mat or pack. All our claims as to their wonderful merits have been fully proven during many years continuous use in Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I., where they are used exclusively in all the cars. The latter place, as you win see from testimonial below, has never found it necessary to even have one remade dur- ing the past twenty-four years' daily demonstra- tion of their merits. No rougher usage can be imagined anywhere; they stand the severest test. After 24 years' experience, consider them superior to all others. The Rhode Island Company., Providence, R. I. General Manager's Office. Messrs. Ostermoor iV; Co. February 17, 190i. I>i m; Sirs :— We have used a large number of Ostermoor Cushions in all our cars for the/,/*/ twenty- four years, and during this time Ziar'e not found it necessary to have any remade, and consider them superior to hair or any others we have ever used. Very respectfully, ROBERT I. TODD, • bn-l Manager Elasticity perfect today, although used constantly for 21 years. Rev. Wm. S. Owens, D.D., Campbell. California. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. March 2, 1904, De \k Sirs: — We have had two of Ostermoor Mattresses in constant use for over twenty-one vears, ami tiny are in excellent condition today, and are not in any degree less comfortable or elastic than when new, after all these years of service. In lXXi, while I was pastorof the United Presbyterian Church at Steubenville, Ohio, we furnished our new Church with your Cushions, and they have also given entire satisfaction. Ostermoor products are certainly remarkable in every way, and I can most heartily recommend both Cushions and Mattresses to every one in search of a really good and exceptionally fine article. Very truly yours, WM. S. OWENS ii 9 STERMOOR DIVANS AND COSEY SEATS, either with or without spring bottom or under supports, possess exceptional comfort, and are the very acme of luxurious softness, possess- ing an endurance and longevity possible in no other make. They can be built any shape or size, making a delight- fully pleasing Drawing Room Divan, as here shown, or are readily adaptable for Bay Window Seats, Hall Seats, Divans, etc., in fact are simply perfect wherever a seat with Cushion can be used, and the luxury of springs underneath, which add so immeasurably to comfort, is desired (see illustration Stock Divan, page 121). Special shapes built to order at special prices. Construction of Spring Under-body illustrated and described, page 1*2.'!. fc?* ^* fc?* Glencarlyn, Va. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. April 4, 1904. Gentlemen: — The Ostermoor Mattress purchased oi you seven years ago is today the most comfortable bed I ever slept on, and we are perfectly satisfied. Before making the purchase I made a little allowance for the usual business exaggeration as to the merits of the Mattress, fully expecting the cotton to grow lumpy in a short time ; but constant use and proof has convinced me that your advertisement may be taken literally, and the mattress is some- thing much more than simply cotton. Notwithstanding my own corroboration of your statements a short time since I was in- duced to try another make, guaranteed to be of the same material, and in every way equal to the Ostermoor. It wasn't, of course, nor anywhere near as com- fortable, and after a week of conscientious experiment, we re- turned to our old Os- termoor and sent the "just as good" back, and now have a new Oster- moor in place, and are correspond- ingly happy. We shall never sleep on any other Mattress than the Ostermoor. Yours very truly, C. E. TOWN An Ostermoor Luxury. A. C. & R. M. Barbour, Toledo, O. March 1 1902. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — About seventeen years ago I purchased from you three of your Ostermoor Mattresses for my own use, and one that I sent to my son at Albuquerque, N. M. The three that I used at home have been in almost constant use and have given the most perfect satisfaction. The cushions since purchased are in every way fully as desirable. Yours truly, A. C. BARBOUR Almost as good as new after 23 great com- fort and per- fectly satisfactory Maryland Steel Company, Sparrows Point, Maryland. March 20, 1904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Gentlemen: — It is over 23 years ago since I first purchased Ostermoor Mat- tresses, and, after using them personally all this time, we find them about as good as they were at first. They never become lumpy or uneven, but have always retained their elasticity. We are so well pleased that we would use no other than Ostermoor Mattresses or Cushions. Respectfully yours, D. J. NIENTON Special Seats, with removable Ostermoor Cushions, made to order at small cost — either with spring Underbody or not, as desired. The sort not obtainable elsewhere at any price — as illustrated above, or like Divan on next page. For construction Underbody, see page 123. ((?• t<3* t^* Borden Condensed Milk Co., New York City. Has no equal. Never had a satisfactory mattress before. Used 17 years. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. 176-180 East 116th St., March 25, 1904. Gentlemen: — Replying to your favor in regard to the Ostermoor Mattress purchased of you some seventeen years ago, I wish to say that I never had a mattress that gave satisfaction until I purchased that one. For comfort and durability it has no equal. Since purchasing the first one, I have bought and now use five more. I have recommended several of my friends to your house, and they are all well pleased. I am only too happy to bear the most unqualified testimony as to the wonderful excellence of Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions. We would use nothing else. Yours very truly, GEORGE E. BELLOWS The Ostermoor Divan. FR-Hi-H 1 OSTERHOOR UPHOLSTERED SPRING DIVAN UNDERBODY. SPECIAL OSTERMOOR MATTRESS=CUSHION WITH FRILL. FOUR FRENCH PILLOWS, 18 in. x 18 in., GATHERED ROUND CORNERS. Cost Complete, as shown above, Covered with mercerized Art Twills, Any Color, 2 feet 6 inches wide, $40.00. 3 feet wide, $47.50. Covered with Corduroy Plush, $f0.00 extra, Grace Church, Stafford Springs, Conn. Messrs. Ostermook & G >. February 15, 1904. Dear Sirs :— The two Ostermoor Mattresses you sold me some fifteen years ago are superior to anything I ever used in that line. Besides retaining their shape and wonderful and everlasting elasticity, they seem to me to be far healthier than, not only any other materal, but even the best of hair. The Ostermoor Cushions you made for St. Thomas' Church Bethel, in 1883, twenty-one years ago, are as elastic as ever, while those you made for the addition to the church, eleven years ago, appear as if made but yesterday, they are so good. Yours sincerely, Mattress-Cushion Raised, Showing Spring Underbody. Ctftstructitn, Illustrated, page 123. Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. WM. MORRALL, Rector March 1. 1902. Messrs. Ostermhor iS: Co. Dear Sirs:— I can certainly heartily recommend your Ostermoor both for Mattresses and Cushions, as we have tried both and found them most highly satisfactory, Yours truly, WM C. LADD Ostermoor Metal Bedsteads and SpringSc The " Different " Kind. Our Special Bedstead Bo oklet, 'Built for Sleep, '' is yours for the asking. Quaint Pattern ' Four Poster ' Bedstead of Wrought Steel, a Dainty Arrangement. Nothing can i impare with your mattresses. Retained their elasticity unimpaired for 23 years, which to devotees of hair seems incredulous. OSTERMOOR METAL BEDSTEADS — both Brass and Steel — are all made with exceptional care, of selected materials and from exclusive designs. Quaint, novel, attractive and useful — metal springs, too. Illustrated book free. W e also make special upholstered springs of an unusually high grade — the kind not obtainable elsewhere. See pages 123, 124, 125. Rev. Thomas W. Illman, Taunton, Mass. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. January 22, 1904. Dear Sirs: — Through a friend of mine, who then had one of your Ostermoor Mattresses in use, I was first introduced to them. That was in 1881 (23 years ago). I ordered one as an experiment, and I take great pleasure in saying that the results have been in every way satisfactory. Since that time I have procured others from you, until now they are the only kind we have in our house. They retain their shape and elasticity in a manner that makes devotees of hair mattresses incredulous. I know of no material that i an begin to compare with the Ostermoor. My experient eivith it lias made me r,\ ommend it to many of my friends, and they soon Join in the chorus of praise. All the claims yon make for the material and workmanship of your mattresses seem to me well within the hounds oj modesty. I consider myself favored in having an opportunity to express my sentiments in regard to ( Istermoor Mattresses. With hearty wishes for your success in a business which adds so much to the comfort of the world, I have the honor to remain, gentlemen, Truly and gratefully yours, THOMAS W. I LLMAN 123 THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY OF A REALLY GOOD SPRING, ONE WORTHY AN OSTERMOOR MATTRESS, which is so hard to obtain, led us to make special experiments along the line of betterment — and re- sults in our production of one that is of radically different construction from any on the market. One that enhances the value of the mattress and remedies all the faults so common in others. We pride ourselves on the achievement. \Trade Mark- Wegistered. Ostermoor Upholstered Spiral Spring. Opened to shoith SMercerized French Art Twills, 50c. extra. Softer Pillows with French Corners, as Illustrated, 50c. extra. (^5 (^* ^* Ostermoor Sofa Pillows Square Corners, Soft White Cambric Covering. 1.25 each. 1.50 each. 1.75 each. 2.00 each. 2.25 each. 18 x 18 inches or less, 20 x 20 inches or less, 22 x 22 inches or less, 24 x 24 inches or less, . 26 x 26 inches or less, Denim Covering, 25c. extra. Pillows covered ivitb Mercerized French Art Twills, 50c. extra. Softer, Plumper Pillows with Gathered Round Corners, as Illustrated, 75c. extra. 127 Ostermoor Wedge Bolsters Covered with A. C. A. Ticking 18 x 30 inches or less, .... $2.25 each. 18 x 3G inches or less, 3.00 each. 18 x 42 inches or less, 3.75 each. 18 x 18 inches or less, ..... 4.50 each. 18 x 54 inches or less, .... 5.25 each High Grade Satin Finish 'Ticking, 60c. extra Mercerized French n Mattresses, ........... 1.50 Round Corners on Mattresses, ............ 1.00 SPECIAL EDGES AND BORDERS. French Rolled Edge Mattresses, 2.50 Mattresses with Imperial Border, Stitched Edges, ....... . 5.00 Mattresses with Imperial Border, Double Stitched Edges, . ..... 7.. r >0 Mattresses with Imperial Border, Double Stitched, French Rolled Edges .... 10.00 I2g Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on" The Regular Ostermoor Mattress as Advertised Covered with Best A. C. A. Narrow Blue and White Striped Ticking Standard Four-Inch Border, in One Part 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 45 lbs., $ 1 5.00 eacn 4 feet wide, or less, 40 lbs., . . 1 3.35 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 35 lbs., 1 1 .70 3 feet wide T or less. 30 lbs., . . 1 O.OO 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 25 lbs., 8.35 All 6 feet 3 inches long. Mattresses made in two parts cost 50c. extra Mattresses longer than 6 feet 3 inches cost 25c. e ach extra inch Mattresses wider than 4 feet 6 inches cost $i ea ch extra inch Regular Crib Mattresses 3 feet wide, 5 feet long, $9.00 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 4 ft. 6 in. long, $7.50 Dust-Proof, Satin Finish Ticking makes Softer Mattress. See page 130 130 Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on" Regular Ostermoor Mattress Covered with Ostermoor Special Dust-Proof Satin Finish Ticking. This cdbering makes much softer Mattress than A. C. A. Ticking. Standard Four-Inch Border, in One Part 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 45 lbs., $16.50 each 4 feet wide, or less, 40 lbs., . . 14.85 " 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 35 lbs. , 13.20 '« 3 feet wide, or less, 30 lbs., . . 11.50 " 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 25 lbs., 9.85 " All 6 feet 3 inches long. Mattresses made in two parts cost 50c. extra Mattresses longer than 6 feet 3 inches cost 25c. each extra inch Mattresses wider than 4 feet 6 inches cost $1 each extra inch Crib Mattresses with Satin Finish Ticking 3 feet wide, 5 feet long, $10.50 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 4 ft. 6 in. long, $9.00 Regular Ostermoor Mattress, $15.00 kind, as advertised, page 129. I3i Ostermoor Mattresses " Are such stuff as dreams are made on " -**&:- -^ :^ : y Regular Ostermoor Mattress Covered with Beautiful Mercerized French Art Twills. This cohering, in stripes and floral effects, all colors, makes e'ben softer Mattress than Satin Finish. Standard Four-Inch Border, in One Part 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 45 lbs., $18.00 each 4 feet wide, or less, 40 lbs., . . 16.35 " 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 35 lbs. , 14.70 " 3 feet wide, or less, 30 lbs., . . 13.00 " 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 25 lbs., 11.35 " All 6 feet 3 inches long. Mattresses made in two parts cost 50c. extra Mattresses longer than 6 feet 3 inches cost 50c. each extra inch Mattresses wider than 4 feet 6 inches cost $\ each extra inch Crib Mattresses with Art Twill Coverings 3 feet wide, 5 feet long, $12.00 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 4 ft. 6 in. long, $10.50 Regular Ostermoor Mattress, $15.00 kind, as advertised, page 129. 132 Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." Special French Edge Mattress. Covered with Beautiful Mercerized French Art Twills. A still softer and more luxurious round corner mattress of extra weight and thickness* Exceedingly soft, springy mattress of extra "weight, thicker than regular. Four Inch Inseamed French Edge Border. 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 50 lbs., $23.00 each 4 feet wide, or less, 45 lbs., . 21.00 " 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 40 lbs., 19.00 *' 3 feet wide, or less, 35 lbs., . . 17.00 " 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 30 lbs., 15.00 " All 6 feet 3 inches long. Hade in one or two parts, as desired. Mattresses Longer than 6 feet 3 inches, $1.00 each extra inch. Mattresses Wider than 4 feet 6 inches, $2.00 each extra inch. French Edge Crib Mattresses, Art Twill Coverings. 2 feet 6 inches wide, 4 feet 6 inches long, $14.00. 3 feet wide, 5 feet long, $16.00. Regular Ostermoor Mattress, $15.(K) kind, as advertised, page 129 133 Ostermoor Mattresses ♦♦Are such stuff as dreams are made on" Special Imperial Edge Mattress Covered wi th Beautiful Mercerized French Art Twills. A still softer and more luxurious round corner mattress of extra height and thickness. Imperial Five-Inch Border, Stitched Rolled Edges 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 60 lbs., $30.00 each 4 feet wide, or less, 55 lbs., . . 27. 00 " 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 50 lbs. , 24.00 " 3 feet wide, or less, 45 lbs. , . . 21.00 " 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 40 lbs., 18.00 " All 6 feet 3 inches long. Made in one or two parts, as desired Mattress es longer than 6 feet 3 inches cost $\ each extra inch Mat tresses wider than 4 feet 6 inches cost $2 each extra inch Extra Thick Crib Mattresses, Art Twill Coverings 3 feet wide, 5 feet long, $20.00 2 ft. 6 in. wide, 4 ft. 6 in. long, $17.00 Regular Ostermoor Mattress, $15.00 kind, as advertised, page 129. 134 Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on" Extra Thick Imperial Edge Mattress Covered with Beautiful Mercerized French Art Twills. Exceptionally luxurious mattress of extra %>eight and thickness. Can be made either firm and hard or soft and flexible. In one or fte>o parts. Tufted in small squares, like illustration, or close diamonds as may be desired. Imperial Six=Inch Border, French Rolled Edges, Double Stitched 4 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 75 lbs., $45.00 each 4 feet wide, or less, 70 lbs., . . 40. 00 " 3 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 65 lbs., 35.00 •* 3 feet wide, or less, 60 lbs., . . 30.00 " 2 feet 6 inches wide, or less, 55 lbs., 25.00 " All 6 feet 3 inches long. Mattresses longer than 6 feet 3 inches cost $1 each extra inch Mattresses wider than 4 feet 6 inches cost $2 each extra inch STILL THICKER MATTRESSES LIKE ABOVE : 7 Inch Border, $10.00 extra. 8 inch Border, $20.00 extra. Regular Ostermoor Mattress, $15.00 kind, as advertised, page 129. 135 S jt jt j* WARNING •* * * * 7~\C NOT be deceived by any one who offers you an I B Ostermoor Mattress, no matter what he claims it to be, unless it bears our name, and do not accept it unless it has our Label and Trade Mark which we show on this page. Ostermoor Mattresses and Cushions have been made by us since fSjj. Beware of cheap imitations ! Many unscrupulous storekeepers — trading on our success — substitute a spurious article. Be careful ! You meet all sorts of frauds in this world. The statement, " This is especially made for us, and is just as good," etc., is not true! All these things seem plausible when coming from a reputable man, who, per- haps, believes what he is telling you ; but we tell you, as the manufacturers of Ostermoor Mattresses, that no other mattress made is even a fair imitation or possesses half its merits, and that none are genuine unless they bear our Name, Trade Mark and Guarantee on Label. They must have it, so don't let any one fool you tfftA. FACSIMILE OF MATTRESS LABEL REDUCED SIZE Mrs. Charles H. Swift, Kennewick. Washington. March 16, L904. Messrs. Ostermoor & Co. Dear Sirs:— My Ostermoor Mattress has been a source of delight and comfort for many years. I think it the best I ever saw or slept on, and have taken pleasure in showing it, recom- mending it, and giving your address to many, for it is as soft, sweet and comfortable as the day we got it, and has never depreciated in the least. Recently I saw on sale in Chicago a mattress represented as the same as the Ostermoor, advertised in the magazines that was certainly not anything like yours; it was very inferior in- dee,!, and cheaply made; the circular announcing same was a cheaply gotten-up affair, \ r paper and cheap in every way. Of course, it is none of my busi- ness, but my mattress has proven so thoroughly and gen- uinely as represented in every way, and this was so different, it astonished me — that's all. I am just a little "cranky" over anything I know to be good in this age of shoddy goods and bogus representa- tions. Being a business woman, I certainly appreciate honor and your honest dealings, and hence I tell you this. Yours truly, M. E. SWIFT Over a million Ostermoor flattresses are in use in the United States alone. Over fifty thousand are in use in different branches of the service of the United States Navy. Over twenty-five thousand Churches in the United States are using our Ostermoor Cushions. Price List, all Sizes Ostermoor Mattresses, $15.00 kind, as Advertised, page 129. Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." — Shakespeare, " Tempest" J I'-, I. Sleep full of rest from head to feet. Tennyson. (^% ^w ^* Sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse. — Shakespeare, " Henry //' Ostermoor Mattresses "Are such stuff as dreams are made on." — Shakespeare, " Tempest" IV., I. %&* t^* (p* The innocent sleep; sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care; The death of each day's life; sore labour's bath; Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course — chief nourisher in Life's feast. — Shakespeare, "Macbeth. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Copyright 1904 by Ostermoor& Company 116 Elizabeth. St. New York.