M// >H / ^. ilM'^. UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA. ^^ AN INFALLIBLE GUIDE TO DISCOVER THE AGE OF HOBSES. BY LOUIS BRA.NDT, VETERINARY SURGEON. Right of Translation reserved. WITH FORTY-SIX WOOD ENGRAVINGS, BY G. KAEHRLE. Price $1. INDIANOLA, TEXAS. 2/^ S F8if 3^3 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1860, by Loms Brandt, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New- York. PREFACE There are few persons^ even among the veterinary surgeons, who are able to determine the exact age of a horse, after it has attained its eighth year, how much less then can it be expected that those should do so, who have neither anatomical nor physiologi- cal knowledge of that animal. Horse-dealers are frequently accused of deceiving- purchasers in the age of horses ; now every horse- dealer must be desirous of retaining and increasing his good reputation, and would therefore not deceive others in this respect unless he were himself deceived. The purpose of this book is, entirely to set aside this deception and to enable all, both sellers and buyers (even those who never before knew anything about the age of a horse) by a careful perusal of its contents, to discover for themselves with unerring- accuracy the age of any horse. This book is published in convenient form, so that it may be c-arried in the pocket, as it would be dif- ficult for a person, who was going to purchase a horse, and who had perhaps never before taken any interest IV in horses, to remember all the rules given in this book after one perusal. The author who has theoretically and practically studied as veterinary surgeon, has had opportunities of examining thousands of stud-horses of various ages thus thoroughly convincing himself of the reliability of the rules he has laid down for the dis- covery of the age of a horse. The value of that most beautiful and useful animal, differs much at different ages, and as its age is so frequently mistaken, it is necessary that the public should possess a sure guide by which its may be as- certained. This is the purpose of The Author. September 1860. iittr0kttioit. The age of horses can only be ascertained with any degree of exactness, by the teeth ; particularly by the incisors. The only reliable and positive proof of the age of horses being the successive changes which take place during a succession of years, it becomes absolutely' necessary that one should make oneself thoroughly acquainted with these changes, viz : form, attrition, etc., etc. The following description and drawings will enable every individual without exception, to ascertain easily and accurately the age of a horse. A foal is born without incisors, but has 12 back teeth, 3 pair in each jaw, which have at least forced their points through the gums. In the course of 14 days after birth 4 nippers appear, in 6 weeks the middle teeth, and in the course of 8 months the 4 cor- ner teeth ; so that in 9 months it has 24 teeth in the upper and lower jaws. These are called foal-teeth, and are all changed by their 5th or 6th year ; those succeeding them are called horse-teeth. The back teeth appear in the following order : the 4 front pair, as before stated, appear at birth and are afterwards changed. The 4th double pair (the first which remain stationary) a^^pear after the 9th month, and are sure to be found in every foal of a year old. The 5th four appear in the second, sometimes not un- til the third year, and the 5th usually in the fourth, frequently not until the fifth year. All these three 5 6 pairs of back double teeth remain unchanged, as do also the four hook-teeth which as to the time of their ap- pearance are the most uncertain of all. They appear sometimes at the end of the third year, sometimes in the middle or at the end of the fourth, often in the middle and less frequently at the end of the fifth, but sometimes not until the beginning of the sixth year. The back and hook teeth need not be very minutely described as they are of little use in ascertaining the age ; but the incisors on the contrary deserve great attention on this account. Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shews the right side of the milk incisors of the lower jaw, in their natural size and fully de- veloped. a. The nippers; hy The middle tooth ; c, The corner tooth. The surface is represented arched On the exterior. Qi) Shews the contracted body of the tooth. (0 The narrow arched neck, (m) The root. A, B, C, shew the concave side of these teeth to- wards the hollow of the mouth. The mark is en- closed within the outeredge d A f, d B f, d C f, and the inner somewhat lower one d e f. (g) Shews the hollow inside surface of the body of the tooth. The incisors of the foal differ from those of the horse : Istly by their regular conical formation, 2ndly almost in the centre of their body a narrow con- traction is visible, which is called the neck ; this is entirely wanting in the horse teeth, 3rdly at their full growth they are smaller than horse teeth. The full length of the milk teeth is about half that of horse teeth; this cannot however be perceived in live horses. The exact breadth is also not to be de- pended upon, because the milk teeth of large foals appear almost as broad as those of small horses. If the nippers are horse teeth they will form a great contrast with the middle and corner teeth, whose size will at once betray them as milk teeth, especial- ly the corner teeth, if the middle ones have changed. 4thly the outer surface of the foal teeth are smooth and striped with brown ; but on horse teeth the same surface is divided by a dirty yellow indentation, in- clining towards the centre, wiiich is sometimes double on the upper teeth. The last two signs of distinc- tion are alone sufficient to prevent any one from mis- taking a foal for a horse tooth. Of the Formation of the Incisors. In order to become fully acquainted with the form of the incisors, one must accurately examine those taken from the jaw bones of dead horses of various ages. On every incisor may be observed. 1st A grinder which visibly protudes with each tooth out of its cavity above the gum, and which commences in a funnel shaped cavity, and ends in a smooth even surface. 2nd A substance which is partly exposed, and partly hidden by the gum and in the cavity of the tooth. 3rd A root end with which each tooth sinks into its cavity. The foal as well as the horse-teeth suffer a slow and continual waste of tooth-substance, from chewing and biting with their grind- ers, by which means not only the form of the grinder is changed from year to year but the length of the teeth is constantly decreasing, and that frequently quite evenly and regularly, so that in the course of time, at a very advanced age they will sometimes not exceed half an inch in length while in youth they were 2| — 3 inches long. The breadth and length of the teeth decrease in time in the same proportions. The thickness as well as the breadth of the foal-teeth is constantly decreasing, from the grinder to the end of the root; the contrary is the case with the horse-teeth. The form of the foal incisors may be thus classified : 1st The grater or grinder. 2nd Its external surface, out- wardly arched towards the lips. 3rd An inward surface arched towards the hollow of the mouth. The two last mentioned pass together into the root of the tooth. The grinder which has not been used, of every foal or horse, 8 has the form of an egg, and is three times as broad as it is thick, hollowed out in the shape of a funnel, and is supplied with two sharp edges, which surround the socket. We will call this socket "the mark." In the centre of this mark a kernel may be observed, which forms a tube commencing at the end of the root, for the reception of the nerves and vessels; this must not be confounded with the mark of the tooth, which is entirely different; the mark being the outer, and the cavity the inner hole, and which is found in every young tooth not yet worn down to the kernel, Avhich tooth consists merely of an enameled shell, filled during the life time of the animal with a thickish fluid, which by degrees becomes a grey matter. This fluid enters the lower incisors, upon an average to the depth of 4, and in the upper ones 8 lines, and is entirely seperated from the beforenamed inner socket, by means of an enameled funnel-shaped shell of its own. One of the outer edges forms at the same time the basis of the outer surface, and one of the interior, that of the inner surface. The outer edge of each tooth, always rises one or two lines above the inner one, so that when the newly formed upper and loAver incisors are first used, and grated together, the outer edges alone touch for a considerable time. The inner edges do not come into contact, until the outer ones are worn down to an equal height with. them, Avhich for the horse-teeth generally requires a whole year. 10 Fig. 2. I year. Represents the lower jaw of a half year old foal. By observing the inside, it will be percieved that, both the outer and inner edge of the nipper are worn, but of the middle teeth only the outer edge, while the corner teeth have not yet come into contact. Fig. 3. 4- year. Is the representation of the outer side of the jaw of a half year old foal. a, a) The Nippers; h, h) The Middle teeth; c, c) The Corner teeth. 11 Fig. 4. I year Ik a side view of the jaw of a lialf year old foal. Y'v^. 5. 1 year. Shews the lower jaw at a year old; where the edges of all the incisors are partly worn by friction, and the inner edge of the corner teeth alone remain uniniured. 12 Fig. 6. 2 years. Is the lower jaw at 2 years old, in which the edges of the nippers and middle teeth, and their mark are worn down, and the inner edge of the corner tooth is also brought into requisition. At the age of 2| years the teeth begin to change, and those which then appear are called permanent, or rather Horse-teeth. 13 A Description of the Horse-teetli. m jn. Fiar. 7. A. Represents the appearance of the horse-incisors in their respective places in the lower jaw, with their outer surface arched towards the distant bony blade of the socket. a, a) The two Nippers; b, b) The middle teeth ; c, c) The corner teeth ; k, k) The Hooks; e, d) Is the cavity in the outer partition of the mark; 14 0, o) Shews the furrows which distinguish the Horse- teeth ; m m) The root of the Hooks. or _ ^ fc Fig. 7. B Shews the incisors of the horse on the lower jaw, from the inside of the mouth, in their position towards the distant jaw bone, in which they are usually enclosed. a a) The nippers, on the right side of which the at- trition of the outer and upper edge is visible, where they come into contact with the edge of the left side. b h) The two middle teeth the right side of the outer edge of which is beginning to be worn, while the inner side is still uninjured. d & e) The dotted lines shew the crown of the tooth projecting beyond the gum. 15 k k) Are the hooks about to break through. m, m, m, 7n) Are the roots of the teeth not yet filled out with the bony substance. Shews a nipper after the probable friction caused by the cutting of the horse incisor. I, Shews it breaking through afresh at the age of 3 years. 1 & 2 Is its breadth. 3 & 4 its thickness. IG //. Rejiresents the friction surface as it appears at the age of 6 years (the crown cut off \ inch) where the breadth (1 & 2) begins to decrease, and the thickness (3 & 4) takes the form of an egg. III. This section shews a rounder friction surface of 12 years old, in which the breadth and thickness become proportionate. IV. A triangular friction surface of 18 years. V. Is a friction surface of 24 years in which the breadth (1 & 2) measures but half as much as the thick- ness (3 & 4). Fig. 8. B, C. Shews a horse-incisor, viewed from the side in which the root. c, e) Is twice as thick as the upper end; b and c) Shew two foal-teeth, raised out of the socket, and viewed from the side. 17 Fig. 8. D. [See page 15.] Is an Incisor split length- wise, of a full grown horse. d, CL, f) Is the outer raised edge. a, o) The funnel shaped cj'vity of the tooth. A') The hollow body. m) The still unfilled root of the tooth. A full grown stallion and gelding has 40 and a mare 36 real teeth, the former have 4 hook-teeth which are wanting in the latter, although sometimes in place of the hooks small stumps simular to teeth are found. The so-called Wolfes-teeth which in some young horses are found next to the first double teeth are not included in this number; because they are not real teeth, they appear only in youth, frequently do not break through the gums at all, and usually disappear again, in 8 or 9 years. 24 of the real teeth in either sex, are seated in the upper part of the mouth, viz above the lips. 12 in each check bone, and 6 on each side. They are divided into 6 double pairs, counting from below, upwards, so that those situated next to the in- cisors in all the 4 rows are 1st. Their neighbors 2nd and so forth 3rd, 4th and 5th, and the last pair (which are called back teeth) are the 6th. 12 others are seated in the lower part of the mouth, surrounded by the lips, 6 in the upper, and 6 in the lower jaw, all of which are covered by the lips, and stand in a row, in the form of an arch, occupying the entrance of the hollow of the mouth. These are called In- cisors. The 4 innermost (2 in each jaw) are called Nippers, the outer 4 in both jaws, the corner teeth and the 4 seated between the nippers and the corner teeth, are called the middle teeth. Each back tooth, and in- cisor in both rows of the under-jaw, comes into contact and rubs against the back tooth and incisor of the same name in each row of the upper jaw. The teeth of the 18 latter are however all broader and thicker than those of the former. The 4 Hooks are seated alone, over each corner tooth, nearer to the same on the lower, than on the upper jaw, but so that they never come in contact with each other, like the back teeth and incisors. The whole number of teeth does not become complete and perfect, until the horse has attained the age of 4^ or 5 years. Before t4iis time the younger it is, the fewer of them it has in its mouth, and those which it has do not all remain. The form of a permanent incisor may be thus described. The more it loses in length by friction, the more it also loses in width, so that the nearer the friction surface ap- proaches to the end of the root, the narrower and thicker it must appear. Fig. 8. A. [See page 15.] Shews most accurately and minutely, how the friction surface changes by friction. Fig. 7. A, k, k, and Fig. 7. B, k, k. [See page 13.] Shew the form of a Hook tooth. The form of every new hook tooth resembles a cylin- der, in the shape of a hook, with a conical projecting grinder, which is surrounded by a spoon-shaped edge, turned towards the hollow of the mouth, so that the cone cannot be seen from the outside, and the whole grinder has the appearance of the back side of the bowl of a spoon. The edge surrounds the half inch long cone, like a screen, but so that two deep furrows remain between the two. With the exception of this grinder, the rest of the body is uniformly round and if one is cut through, the surface will be found to be almost even. 19 As the liook teeth afford no reliable guide to the age of a horse, a minute description of them is needless. We have now shown in what manner the exact age of a foal can be ascertained until it reaches the age of two years. The following will ex]Dlain how the age of a horse (which generally speaking does not average over 30 years) can with certainty be ascertained. We will take the teeth of horses of a medium size as a stand-point, and from the rules laid down for these, we can calculate the age under other circumstances. Laro-e horses it is evident have larger teeth than small ones, but the age of both can be ascertained by the same rule as that laid down for those of medium size. As we stated before, the incisors afford the safest guide to the knowledge of the age of a horse. The length of the tooth of a horse of medium size is, 3 inches or 36 lines. After the newly changed tooth has arrived at its proper length, it shoots up a line regularly every year, and if the teeth stand rightly, the grinder wears off a line every year. Should the teeth (which is the case with many horses) stand too far forwards, they do not wear down in the same proportion as they shoot upwards; we therefore see horses with very long teeth. This is however no hinder- ance in ascertaining the age. We will treat of this more elaborately anon. At the age of 5 years, the corner teeth of the lower jaw have grown up to 5 lines above the gum, each middle tooth 7, and each nipper 9. At 8 years of age, and older, each corner tooth of the same horse projects only 4, the middle teeth 6, and the nippers 8 lines above the gums. This is very important, in fact necessary to be known, because, it is the only means, by which one can decide Avith certainty upon the age of a horse, whose teeth at an advanced age have be- come longer than they would have done by proper wear. 20 We will now first describe to the reader in what man- ner the ao-e of a horse can be ascertained by those teeth which Avear down just in the same proportion as they shoot upwards, and consequently retain their proper height above the gum. Fig. 9. 2^ years. The lower jaw at 2| years old, in which the two nip- pers will be percieved to be breaking through afresh as horse teeth, and the foal teeth appear as a smooth friction surface. Fig. 10. 3^ years. Beprcsents the lower jaw at 31 years of age. The 21 middle teeth are just breaking tlirouo;h, the outer edge of the nippers is ah-eady worn down and the corner teeth blunted . Fig. 11. 4 1 years. The lower jaw at 4| years old. One may percieve the corner teeth and hooks breaking through, the middle teeth worn only on the outer edge, and the nippers Avorn down at both edsies. 22 Fig. 12. 5 years. Is an outside and side view of the lowei jaw at 5 years of agre. Fig. i3. 5 years. Shews a side view of a lower jaw a1 5 years. 23 Fig. 14. 5 years. Shews a lower jaw at 5 years of age in wliicli both edges of the nippers are worn down, almost to the ex- tinction of the mark, the middle teeth only on the outer edge, and the corner ones after having attained the same height as the others, have also come into wear. The hooks are full grown, but are not Avorn away in the least. 24 Fig. 15. 6 years. At 6 years of age one percieves the nippers worn down even with the middle teeth, in the lower jaw, which teeth have still a cavity, and the inner edge of the corner tooth has worn down, even with the outer one. 25 At 7 years the middle teeth in the lower jaw have become even, both edges of the corner teeth rub, and have still a small cavity. The hooks have lost more of their edges, and their pointed ends have become more rounded. The hooks as we have stated before, in dis- covering the age of a horse, are not to be relied on, great care is therefore necessary in consulting them, and the signs they present can only be considered useful, when they agree with those of the other teeth ; otherwise no dependance at all, can be placed upon them. 26 Fig. 17. 8 years. Is a lower jaw at 8 years of age, in which the incisors have all become equally worn, and in the corner tooth merely a trace of the disappearing mark is visible. The edges of the hooks are worn down, almost to half their height. As we previously observed, the marks in the upper teeth are as deep again as those in the under ones,and consequently wear as long again. \ I I 27 Fig. 18. 9 years. . Represents the upper jaw at 9 years old. It will be percieved that the marks of the nippers have almost dis- appeared; the middle teeth still shew a small mark; the mark in the corner teeth is still deeper; the inner edge is also worn down, whereby, the upper jaw at 9 years of age, can be distinguished, from the lower one at 6 years. 28 Fig. 19. 9 years. Shews a side view of the upper jaw at 9 years of age, in which the incision which is usually found in the comer tooth («i 11 ■ ■ 3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS K i; .'-_t