:;!!K(iMt«mHym(m;um.itw;iMmiqti:_ijuuiiiHa»m ► JS®° £ • 8"^ .^-^v Hi Illustrated Catalogue OF Solid Gold Society Emblems, Pins, Buttons and Charms, MANUFACTURED BY Irons 6c I^ussell, Successors to CHARLES F. IRONS, 102 Eriendship St., Providence, R. I. CHARLES F. IRONS. CHARLES A. RUSSELL. E. A. JOHNSON & Co., PRINTERS, PROVIDENCE. R. I. Please do not cut the illustrations out of the Cata- logue. Order by numbers the goods desired, stating if solid gold or rolled plate is wanted, also give the number of page in Catalogue. ^//- IRONS & RUSSELL, MANUFACTURERS OF Emblems, Pins, Buttons and Gljarms, SOLID QOLb ^ ROLL 7LATE. 102 Friendship Street, Providence, H- I. CHARLES F, IRONS. CHARLES A. RUSSELL. To THE Trade: The goods represented in this Catalogue on the first 150 pages, are Solid Gold, finely engraved and appropriately enam- eled. Goods represented, commencing on page 152, are fine Rolled Gold Plate, correctly enameled and chased, or engraved. All cuts represent the exact size of the goods. This ^ monogram we have adopted as our trade mark for solid gold goods. Considering quality and finish our prices will always be found as low as any in the market. Our regular goods are sold only to the Jobbing Trade. We carry in stock many patterns not illustrated here and are con- tinually adding new designs We make a specialty of designing and furnishing presenta- tion jewels. We do enameling for the trade and also make tools, dies and cutters for manufacturers. We invite correspondence for anything wanted in the Em- blem line. Your Respectfully, IRONS & RUSSEIvL. INDEX Adelphi Royal Adze Aid Union Equitable Agents Railroad, Association Alfredian Alliance Farmer's Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers America, Catholic Knights of . . America, Catholic Total Abstinence Union of American Flag- American Junior Mechanics American Legion of Honor American Mechanics' Commandery American Mechanics' Rings American Mechanics Amethyst Stone Rings America, Modern Woodmen of American Order of Foresters America Patriotic Order, Sons of. American Protective Association American Protectiye League American Protestant Association American Railway Union American Wheelmen Anchor Ancient Order of Foresters Ancient Order of Hibernians Ancient Order of United Workmen Ancient Order United Workmen and Odd Fellows Ancient Order United Workmen, Degree of Honor Ancient Order United Workmen, Select Knights Ancient Order Workmen, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias combined. Anvil and Hammer Arcanum, Royal Army Corps Army of the Republic, Grand Artist Axe Association, Catholic Mutual Benevolent Athletic Badges Association, Emerald Beneficial Association of Railroad Station Agents.. Association, Switchmen's Mutual Aid.. Association, Travelers' Protective Association, Young Men's Christian 113 128 112 125 118 130 119 111 112 114 87 106 116 149 87-88 150 99 89 92 104 116 115 107 128 89 110 83 to 84 84 116 86 84 127 98 93 93 126 128 111 144-145 114 125 124 143 115 140 141 141 139 139 139 139 138 140 142 141 139 141 139 139 139 138 140 141 142 142 141 106 99 91 104 114 107 91 110 85 86 98 94 111 124 Index B Baker's German Union Bars for Engraving Barber Barrel • ■ Base Ball Bena Brith, Independent Order Bena Brith, and Odd Fellows Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Benevolent Catholic Legion Beta Theta Pi Baptiste, St. Jean Bicycle Blacksmith Blacksmith Union Blue Ribbon or Murphy Boot and Shoe Bohemian Bricklayers. Brotherhood Railroad Conductors. . . . Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen.. Brotherhood of Railroad Switchmen.. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen . ■ Brotherhood of the Union Bumble Bee Butchers Butchers' Saw Buttons for Lapel c Cadets of Temperance Camel .. Cars Calendar Perpetual Canadian Foresters Carpenters' Saw Carpenters' Plane Carpenters' Union Catholic Benevolent Legion Catholic Knights of America, Catholic Knights of Foresters Catholic Knights of St. John Catholic Knights of Wisconsin Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association Catholic Order of Foresters... Catholic Societies Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America ^ Catholic Western Union Chancellor Chapter, Royal Arch Masons Christian Endeavor Christian Association, Young Men's . . Chain, Mystic Chess Player's Christian Union, Woman's Chief Patriarch jewel Chosen Friends Circle, Patriarchal 117 134 126 128 119 113 113 105 111 105 "112 107 127 126 102 128 116 126 121 123 124 124 116 123 126 126 103 129 91 127 127 127 111 HI 111 112 111 111 92-111 111-112 112 111 72 24 115 115 106 119 103 65 113 63 138 141 141 107 142 142 142 142 135-142 140 13.0-142 122 122 122 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 50 143 111 111 31-32 106 63 Indkx. Class Pins College Pins - Columbus, Knights of Comb and Sissors Commandery, American Mechanics. . . Commandery Badges Commandery Patriotic Order, Sons of. Commercial Travelers' Association Confederate States Conductors Conductor's Punch Cooper's Adze Corps Badges Cornet Cow Crosses , Curry Comb and Brush . D Danish Order , Daughters of America Daughters of Herman Daughters of Liberty Daughters of Pocahontas . . . Daughters of Rebekah Daughters of Odd Fellows . Dare to do Right Degree of Honor Delta Phi Delta Tau Delta Doctors Dog Drovers Druggist . Druids Drum Dutch Order, Harugari E Eagle, Knights of Golden Eastern Star Elks Empire Order Mutual Aid Emerald Beneficial Association. Encampment, Odd Fellows' Engineers England, Sons of. Epworth League Equitable Aid Union < Federation of Labor, American. Farmers' Alliance Father Mathew Fire Engine Fire Hook and Ladder Co ..... . Firemen Railroad Fifth Army Corps r Elag PINS. BUTTONS. CHAKMS 105 105 112 140 126 116 239 104 143 114 141 125 120 128 93 127 143 127 119 127 114 116 119 116 . 96 63 63 , 102 116 139 105 105 113 141 US 127 126 126 141 126 101 127 217 97 97 26-27 27 105 138 112 114 58-59 136 62 121-126 142 122 118 141 143-115 141 115 112 130 130 140 112 129 129 142 122^ 93 114 Index. Foresters Foresters' Rings Foresters of America • Foresters, Ancient Order.. ^ ■•• Foresters, Canadian Order Foresters, Knights of Sherwood Foresters, Independent Order Foot Ball Badge Fraternal Mystic Circle Freight Car Firemens' Bar Fire Engine Friends, Chosen Friends. United Order G German Roman Catholic German Turners German Bakers Gold Miners Golden Eagle Golden Cross Golden Rnle Good Smaritan Good Templars Good Fellows, Ancient Order Grand Army of the Republic Grangers Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Grand Orient Order H Harugari Harp Hatters Heptasopli Herman, Sons of Herman , Daughters of Hibernians High Priest Jewel Holy Name Society Hook and Ladder Honor, Knights of. Horse Horse Car Horse and Rider Horseshoe Hose Cart Hose Cart and Ribbon Hostler Household o f Ruth Husbandry, Patron of 1 Ice Cart Immaculates' Order Independent Order Bena Brith Independent Order Foresters Independent Order Good Templars . . PINS. BUTTONS. CHARMS 89 to 91 139 91 149 89-90 139 91 89 139 91 91 90 90 139 91 145 118 139 129 126 129 113 117 111 117 117 128 97 141 97-143 119 119 117 103 102 119 119 93 140 94 130 59 118 136 117 127 128 130 140 130' 119 119 110 141 im 146 112 129 100-101 140 100 127 129 127 , 127 129 129 127 117 130 127 113 113 90 91 102 10 Index. Independent Order Immaculates International Associations of Machinists Illinois Legion of Honor.. Iron and Steel Workers' Association Iron Hall J Jean Baptiste Society Jewels for Master Mason Jewel for Past Chief Patriarch Jewel for Past High Priest Jewish Order.. Jockey Jonadab Junior Order American Mechanics Junior Order Epworth League K Kasher Key Keystones King's Daughters Knights of America, Catholic Knights of Columbus Knights of Golden Eagle Knights of Golden Rule Knights of Golden Eagle Rings Knights of Honor Knights of Honor and Odd Fellows com- bined Knights of Honor and Knights of Pythias combined Knights and Ladies of Honor Knights of Labor Knights of Maccabees Knights of Maccabees' Rings Knights of Malta , Knights of Mystic Chain Knights of Order of the Red Cross Knights of Pythias i Knights of Pythias and Knights of Honor combined Knights of Pythias and Masonic combined Knights of Pythias, Masonic and Odd Fellows combined Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows com- bmed Knights of Pythias Rings Knights of Pythias Sisters Knights of St. John and Malta. Knights of St. John. Catholic Knights of the Sherwood Foresters Knights of Pythias Uniform Rank Knights of the Maccabees of the World.. Knights Select United Workmen Knights St. George Knights of St. Crispin Knights Templar Knights Templar Rings Knights Templar Lockets PINS. BUTTONS. CHAKMS. 113 116 141 106 119 118 112 140 144-145 65 146 113 127 117 87 139 88 115 113 128 24 135 31-32 143 111 112 140 97 141 97-143 117 149 100-101 140 100 101 72 101 109 109 108 137 108 149 114 114 106 106 118 66 to 70 137 73 to 79 72 72 72 72 149 71 ]14 112 92 71 80 to 82 108 137 86 138 118 137 128 25 135 33 to 46 149 44 to 46 Index. Knights Templar Sword Knights of Wise Men Li Labor, Federation of America League, Sexennial League of American Wheelmen Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association Ladies' Grand Army of Eepublic Ladies of the Golden Eagle Ladies' Druids Ladies' Masonic Ladies' Odd Fellows Ladies' Temperance Ladies' Thirty Second Labor, Knights of Lady's Knights of Honor Lady's Knights of Maccabees Lapel Buttons Legion of Honor, American Legion of the Red Cross Liberty, Daughters of Locksmith Locket Charms for Knights Templar Locomotive Locomotive Engineer Locomotive Fireman Locomotive and Tender Lumbermen's Association Lyre M Maccabees, Knights of Maccabees' Rings Malta, Knights of. Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows Masonic Masonic Rings Masonic and Knights of Pythias Combined Masonic Buttons Masonic High Priests' Jewels Masonic and Odd Fellows Combined .... Masonic Past Commanders' Jewels Masonic Past Masters' Jewels Master Mason Mechanics, American Medical Doctors Militant, Patriarchs Miners Miners and Laborers' Association Modern Woodmen of America Mortar Moulders Musical Instruments Murphy or Blue Ribbon Mutual Aid Empire Order Mutual Aid Association, Switchmen's.. Mutual Benevolent Association, Catholic Mystic Chain Mvstic Shrine.... PINS. BUTTONS. CHAEB 25 117 no 114 107 141 111 93 97 101 26-27 63 102 143 109 109 101 101 108 135 to 142 106 106 114 116 128 44 to 46 129 122 121 142 122 123 142 122 122 128 127 108 136 108 149 114 114 69 17 to 26 135 29 to 47 149-150 72 135 147 14 30 148 145-146 17 to 23 135 28 to 30 87-88 88 113 141 118 64 136 64 128 128 99 139 99 126 119 127 102 112 124 124 111 140 111 106 106 49 138 r,c) Index. PINS. Mystic Shrine Rings 149 Mystic Shrine Scarf Pin 49 BUTTONS. CHARMS. National Railroad Agents' Association. . . 125 National Association of Machinists 116 National Union Society 116 National Turners' Association 117 Native Sons of Golden West 130 New England Order of Protection 116 Northwestern Travelling Mens' Associa- tion Charm O Odd Fellows 51 to 59 Odd Fellows and Ancient Order United Workmen 84 Odd Fellows and Bena Brith 113 Odd Fellows, Three Links 51-52 Odd Fellows, Daughter 63 Odd Fellows, Daughters of Rebekah 63 Odd Fellows Encampment 58-59 , Odd Fellowis, Grand United Order 59 Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor com- bined ' 101 Odd Fellows and Masonic combined 48 Odd Fellows, Patriarchal Circle 63 Odd Fellows Past Chief Patriarch Jewel. 65 Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias com bined 72 Odd Fellows and Red Men 95 Odd Fellows Rings ■ 149-150 Odd Fellows and Temple of Honor 103 Odd Fellows and United Workmen com bined 84 Onyx Keystone Orangemen 118 Oil Derrick Order of Alfredians 118 Order of American Mechanics 87-88 Order of Elks 105 Order of EIks, B. P 105 Order of Foresters . 89 t0i9 1 Order of Golden Cross 1 19 Order of Good Fellows ' 119 Order of Grand Orient 1 13 Order of Harugari 117 Order of Junior American Meelianics.. 87 Order of Independent Immaculates 113 Order of Hibernians 110 Order of Railroad Conductors 120 Order of Telegraphers 125 Order of Railroad Telegraphers 125 Order of Railroad Trainmen 124 Order of Rechabites 103 Order of New England Protection 116 O rder Red Cross . 118 Order of Red Men 95 Order Sons of America Order of Tonti 114 142 136 136 186 136 139 138 138 139 135 139 141 142 142 140 138 114 60 to 62 60-61 62 30 63 31 143 91 119 119 117 110 120 125 122 96 Index. 13 Order of United Friends Order of United Golden Cross Order of United Odd Fellows Order of United Workmen Orient Grand Orient of Junior Mechanics P Palette Parlor Car Passenger Car Past Chief Patriarch Jewel Past Regent Royal Arcanum Patriarchal Circle Patriarch, Past Chief Jewel Past Chancellor ■ Patriarchs Militant Past High Priests' Jewel Patrons of Husbandry Past Commanders' Jewel Past Masters' Jewels Patriotic Order Sons of America Patriotic Order Sons of America Com mandery Perpetual Calendar Physicians and Surgeons Pilgrim Fathers Plain Pins for Engraving Plain Buttons for Engraving Pins for Engraving Plasterers ■ Plough Pocahontas, Daughters of Postman Printers' Stick Protective Order of Elks Protective Association Protective American League Pythias, Knights of R Railroad Agents' Association Railroad Badges Railroad Conductors Railroad Emblems Railroad Engineers Railroad Firemen Railroad Station Agents' Association Railroad Switchmen Railroad Telegraph Rebekah Degree Rechabites, Order of Red Cross, Order Red Men Red Men Rings Red Men and Odd Fellows Red Ribbon or Reynolds Regent Past Relief Corps. Woman's, Badge Republic, Grand Army of PINS. BUTTONS. CHARMS. 117 119 119 59 83 to 84 139 85 113 136 86 139 126 129 129 65 98 63 63 65 72 64 136 64 147 130 148 145-146 104 138 104 104 143 105 116 131 to 133 133 131 to 133 126 128 96 126 126 105 137 116 140 114 66 to 72 137 73 to 82 125 142 120 to 125 120 to 12 120 142 120 120 to 125 142 120 to 12 121 142 124 142 122 125 142 124 142 124 125 125 63 103 118 95 140 96 149 95 102 98 138 93 93 94 H Indkx. Reynolds or Red Ribbon . . Rings Roller Skate Roraan Catholic Rooster Royal Adelphi Royal Arcanum Royal Arch Chapter Royal League Royal Masonic Rite Royal Temple of Templars Ruth's Household . • Saddle Saddlers' Knife Sail Boat. . . • • Samaritan Saws Scissors Scissors and Comb Seamen's Society Second Army Corps Select Knights of Ancient Order United Workmen Senior Order American Mechanics Sexennial League Sheaf of Wheat • Shears Sherwood Foresters Shield of Honor Ship Shoemaker's Shrine, Mystic Shrine Rings Sigma Kappa Sigma Sisters of Pythias Sixth Army Corps Skate, Roller Skull and Cross Bones Slipper, Masonic Sons of America, Patriotic Order Sons of England Sons of Herman Sons of Jonadab Sons of St. George Sons of Temperance Sons of The Golden West Sons of Veterans Square and Compass St. Crispin Steam Fire Engine St. George St. George Ritter St. Jean Baptiste Society St. John Catholic Knights Stone Cutter Stove Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association Sword Knights' Templar PINS. 102 149-150 129 111-112 127 113 98 24 115 103 117 127 127 128 103 127 128 126 128 93 86 88 114 128 128 92 115 128 128 49 149 105 71 93 129 21 104 118 119 117 118 102 130 93 17 128 129 118 118 112 112 126 128 124 25 138 135 140 98 31-32 47 139 139 86 138 138 141 141 140 135 137 141 142 50 143 30 104 94 28 to 80 141 124 Index. 15 T Tailors' Shears - . Tea Kettle.-. Telegraph Operator Temperance Temperance Cadets Temperance Union Temple of Honor Templar Knights Temple of Honor and Odd Fellows com- bined Temple of Templars, Royal Theta Delta Chi Third Degree Mason Third Army Corps Thirty Second Degree Masons Three Links Odd Fellows Tmman's Shears Tobacconists' Tonti Order Total Abstinence Catholic, Union Trades Trainmen, Brotherhood of Railroad Travelers' Association Traveling Mens' Association, N. W Travelers' Protective Association Trowel Trunk Makers' - Turners, German . . . . Turner Bund U Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias Union, Brotherhood of the Union, Carpenters' Union, Catholic Total Abstinence, of America Union, Equitable Aid Union, German Bakers United American Mechanics Unity, Manchester Odd Fellows Union, National Society Union, Western Catholic United Friends' Order United Order Golden Cross United Order Grand Odd Fellows United Order Red Men United States Mail United Workman Rings United Workmen United Workmen and Odd Fellows. . . Veterans, Sons of Violin 128 128 125 102-103 103 103 103 25 103 103 105 17 to 23 93 49 51-52 128 128 114 112 126 to 129 124 143 143 126 128 117 117 71 116 127 112 112 117 88 59 116 111 117 119 59 95 126 149 83 to 84 84 93 127 135 142 137 139 140 139 140 125 33 to 46 28 to 30 46-47 122 114 80 to 82 119 96 85 84 i6 Index. W Western Catholic Union Wheat Sheaf White Stone Rings Wheelmen, League of American Wise Men Wisconsin Catholic Knights Women's Relief Corps Women's Christian Temperance Union Woodmen of the World Woodmen, Modern, of America Workmen, United Order Y Yacht... Young Men's Christian Association Z 2eta Psi Presentation Jewels Rings Ill 128 150 107 117 HI 93 103 99 99 83-84 128 115 105 144 to 148 149 to 150 141 140 140 139 141 107 143 99 85 nflsoNic. 17 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. Pierced Out and JEngraved. 374 30 SolidfGold, i8 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masous. Eiiaiueled. back ground— Emblem and Border Engraved Gold. 1398 1331 542 851 909 719 122 1311 1438 Coral Handle. Enameled Trowel. 637 528 Solid Gold. 228 119 19 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. Enameled and Engraved. 142 366 1112 1172 804 805 Onyx with Square and Compass iu relief. 570 Enameled Shields in Relief on Eng-raved Border. -469 1168 566 614 930 of 460 432 Solid Gold, 20 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. Eoman Gold Backsround. Emblems and Borders in Relief. 1217 813 847 1213 798 715 582 205 740 Shields Euanieled and Engraved. Square and Compass in Relief. 855 Solid Gold. 21 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. Enameled and Engraved. 1400 104 812 188 1300 538 441 127 Solid Gold. 22 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. — Pierced Out Enameled and Engraved, 1109 779 1284 1332 609 1067 1511 Pierced Out and Engraved. 85 739 Solid Gold. 335 23 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Master Masons. Enameled and. Engraved. 1718 1743 1742 Solid Gold. 1541 1537 24 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. Koyal Arch Chapter. Enameled and Engraved. 390 1578 384 645 W^ 272 17 Solid Gold. 25 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. For Knights Templar. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Cross and Crown, or Skull and Bones, in Kelief, 814 1235 1490 586 1341 1334 Solid Gold. 1242 26 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. Eastern Star. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 123 1492 832 858 632 f«/\^ y.. ^ 'M^M 853 827 Solid Gold. 1856 27 Solid Gold. MASONIC PINS. Eastern Star. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1260 U78 Charms. 438 Solid Gold. V>#' ^ 1445 1215 28 Solid Gold. MASONIC CHARMS. For Master Masons. Roman Gold Background. Emblems in Relief. 196 146 300 301 Solid Gold. 356 Solid Gold. 29 MASONIC CHARMS. For Master Masons. Enameled and Engraved. 513 G Set with Turquoise. 480 517 Black Onyx, Set in Gold Band, Emblems in Relief. Gold Name Plate on Reverse. 30 Solid Gold. MASONIC CHARMS. For Master Masons. Enameled and. Engraved. 340 526 142 381 Masonic and Odd Fellows' Combined. 209 Solid Gold. Solid Gold. 31 MASONIC CHARMS. Onyx Keystones. Settings Engraved Gold. No Setting. Gold Rings. Plain Gold Back for Lettering. 10 13 Solid Gold. 32 Solid Gold. MASONIC CHARMS. Keystones Enameled and Engraved. Wide Baud around Keystone. 178 217 Solid Gold. 528 Solid Gold. 33 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Heavy Wide Band Around the Cross, Centers Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached vt^itli Joint, Movable Visor. Keystone on Back Enameled and Engraved. 330 275 312 Solid Gold. 352 34 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Heavy Wide Band Around the Cross, Centers Euameled in Appropriate Colors and Eng-raved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Cross and Crown in Relief. 304 153 671 Keystone on Back Enameled and Engraved. 364 78 Solid Gold. 317 Solid Gold. 35 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Keystone on back enameled and engraved. 223 350 102 Solid Gold. 159 36 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Hemlet attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Skull aud Bones or Cross and Crown in Relief. Kej'stone on Back Enameled and Engraved. 366 367 309 307 308 Solid Gold. 22 37 Solid aold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Cross and Crown in Relief. Enameled and Engraved Keystone on Back. 54 211 204 200 Solid Gold. 38 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled iu Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Delta, also Skull and Bones in Relief. 208 138 97 47 Solid Gold. 203 39 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Knameled in Appropriate Colors and Eng-raved. Skull and Bones, or Cross and Crown in Relief. Keystone on back enameled and engraved. 647 Knight in relief. m 302 Templar Cross Ro- man Gold, centre Enameled. 348 318 Solid Gold. 40 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Keystone on back enameled and engraved. Front. 376 279 No. 376. Keystone opens on back leaving large place for lettering. 371 Back. 376 176 549 497 346 Solid Gold. 41 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled in Api3ropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Diamonds and Rubies set in Charms. 351 347 335 Diamonds in Crown only. 368 Solid Gold. 336 839 42 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Enameled, in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Keystone on back enameled and engraved. 84 2o'J 43 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARMS. Euanieled in Appropriate Colors aucl Engraved. All cross and crowns, Deltas, skull and bones are in relief. 63fi 110 52 Solid Gold. 145 44 Soltd Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR LOCKET CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. 262 139 Cross and Crown in Relief. Delta in Relief. 135 Delta in Relief. 227 140 Solid Gold. 45 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR LOCKET CHARMS. Heavy Wide Band Around the Cross. Centres Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Cross and Crown in Relief. 107 Bail to Swivel. Skull and Bones in Relief. Solid Gold. 46 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR 32 DEGREE LOCKET CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. All crosses and crowns, and Deltas in relief. ,.=J^^ /gay. i 207 206 205 Back to 205, 206, 207 498 96 Front. Solid Gold. 96 Back. 47 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR 32 DEGREE CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 214 180 180 490 ROYAL MASONIC RITE. 480 83 473 249 Solid Gold. 48 Solid Gold. MASONIC AND ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Combin ations. Pieroecl Out and Engraved. 751 7 1071 Enameled in Colors and Engraved. W 294 560 577 995 619 576 616 1336 784 1778 785 m 1727 49 Solid Gold. MYSTIC SHRINE PINS. Euanieletl in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1237 1528 1482 1819 1760 1861 1806 1600 1579 1672 1859 1860 MASONIC 32 DEGREE PINS. 1777 1625 Solid Gold. 1655 1759 1629 50 Solid Gold. MYSTIC SHRINE. Only Genuine Tiger Claws used for these Badges. There are several Sizes and Prices kept in stock. The Sphinx Heads are iu Relief, either in Roman Gold, Moon Stone, Tigerite, Amethyst or Jasper. Different Pendants can be attached as ordered. CHARM. 496 379 Solid Gold. rflTRIflRCHS niLIT/INT. 51 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Solid Gold Wire Chased. 743 248 224 1424 234 1423 776 699 1422 774 199 1432 1430 1433 1822 1(512 1823 164 731 Solid Gold. 52 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 950 726 646 452 1074 1613 725 717 426 862 336 1496 1025 Solid Gold. 53 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Pierced and Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 606 1495 1356 825 1403 mi 1231 1303 1038 1305 543 1404 S26 1108 Solid Gold. 1339 ifS. ^ 407 365 54 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved- 905 857 130 1024 444 933 1565 786 564 894 131 1312 110 Solid Gold. 1357 1072 618 1435- 466 656 1301 1439 55 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1376 1576 1574 37 816 840 1538 1542 1449 841 583 721 669 1474 178 192 Solid Gold. 867 56 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Pierced out and engraved. 367 400 "l.1r^ f 421 550 Onyx on engraved border, emblems in relief. 663 1840 V 147 1119 Three colored stones in centre of links. 341 1829 1815 1834 Solid Gold. 57 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. fr,. "'<%'j mms^ ^mk/J TMff 1626 1696 1731 # y 1684 1732 1716 J% P3 W= 1744 1775 1697 1752 1699 1734 1753 1601 1770 1676 M 1719 1673 Solid Gold. 58 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. ^Enameled and Engraved. Encampment. 1457 364 722 723 1498 143 935 175 892 1563 565 183 Pierced out, Enameled and Engraved. 724 221 1220 545 416 442 Solid Gold. 414 59 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Encampment. 627 222 229 1688 1602 MANCHESTER UNITY. Grand Uuited Order of Odd Fellows. 1238 1019 Solid Gold. 1804 6o Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 36 151 Solid Gold. 40 6i Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' CHARMS. 353 423 463 484 525 326— Front. 326— Back. 543— Same pattern as 326, but smaller. Solid Gold. 62 Solid Gold. ODD FELLOWS' CHARMS. Enameled and Engraved. Tent and Links in Relief. Tent and Links in Relief. 127 641 222 534 509 Black Onyx, set in gold band, gold emblems in relief, enameled and engraved. Gold name, Plate on reverse. 466 470 Solid Gold, 460 63 Solid Gold. DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1405 332 174 1010 Patriarchal Circle. — Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 1803 182 413 Solid Gold. 64 Solid Gold. PATRIARCHS MILITANT. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Canton Pins. i^'syp' j9' 1388 297— Front. I'JSO 1241 Charms. 297— Back. 1477 1146 472 265— Front. 271 Solid Gold. 265— Back. 65 Solitl Gold. PAST CHIEF PATRIARCH I. O. ofO. F. scroll and .onograa. p.erced out and carved. Border of top bar in relief Tent and heart in relief, and enameled. 66 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PINS. All Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Skull and Cross Bones in Relief. 1614 1378 1583 1582 1584 1575 1573 1380 1355 1499 267 727 879 749. 308 Solid Gold. ■°iiit'm 1369 KNIQHT5 OF FTTHIflS. 67 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PINS. Enameled in Appropriate C olors and Engraved. 986 1013 839 809 1021 179 921 1173 1500 -^, 857 ^^sr^sc. m mm 1402 1557 '1358 1290 1291 1501 Solid Gold. 1567 68 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PINS. Pierced Out, Engraved and Enameled in Appropriate Colors. 1459 4^^0 1298 1297 844 1306 1214 1313 1343 1504 1440 1363 Solid Gold. 1118 1502 69 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PINS. Enameled iu Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmets in Relief. 1171 1292 -1475 1450 552 Enameled Shield in Relief on Engraved Border, 1503 1530 1302 Solid Gold. 1560 1364 1366 70 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. mk 1686 1745 1747 1763 1677 1685 1721 1735 0Mi V 1830 872 1367 1711 1756 1705 1833 1670 Solid Gold. 71 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS UNIFORM RANK PINS. All Enameled in CoxTect Colors and Handsomely Engraved. 1783 mm 1738 1484 PYTHIAS SISTERS PINS. lb'87 mai^^^m 1521 1623 Solid Gold. 72 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS COMBINATION PINS. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows Combinations. 870 729 Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows and Masonic. 1233 801 941 Knights of Pythias and Masonic. 790 831 Knights of Pythias and Knights of Honor. 929 728 PAST CHAKCELLOK PIN. 1494 Solid Gold. 940 73 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS EQamelecl in Appropri- ate Colors and En- graved. Helmets At- tached with Joint, Movable Visor. Books, Skull and Bones in Relief. 286 166— Front. 166— Back. 314 327 Solid Gold. 341 74 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. A wide border around Charms, with enamel pieces set midway of all repre- sented on this page. 133 385 Solid Gold. 184 75 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmets Attached with joint, Movable Visor. 323 380 441 370 372 310 Solid Gold. 76 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmets Attached with Joint. Visors to Open. All Backs Plain for Lietterinsr. SH 378 303 883 439 Solid Gold. 299 Solid Gold. 77 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. - Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Skull and Cross bones in relief. Bible and sword in relief. 450 382 Solid Gold. 355 78 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS- Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 280 235 363 57— Front 57 -Back 553 69 251 Solid Gold. 79 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Black Onyx set in Gold band, Gold emblems in relief enameled and engraved. Gold name plate on reverse. 461 468 500 425 420 Bright gold centre, Emblems in relief. 511 Solid Gold. 482 8o Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. UNIFORM RANK. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 313— Front 229— Front .^S. W ^^"^WA m 413 313— Back 884 Solid Gold. 229— Back 8i Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. UNIFORM RANK. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. Skull and Bones, also Lily in relief, a wide band surrounds the charm with enameled piece set midway of band. 324— Front. 230- Front. 324— Back. 230— Back. 305 440 Solid Gold, 82 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CHARMS. UNIFORM RANK. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Helmet Attached with Joint, Movable Visor. 319— Front. 319— Back. 183— Front. 414— Front. 414— Back. Solid Gold. 183— Back. Solid Gold. 83 ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN'S PINS. Eiiauieled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1293 1561 1508 884 1453 1507 ,M^ ^ ■S^i 1522 Solid Gold. 84 Solid Gold. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN'S PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Combination Ancient Order United Workmen, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pytbias. ^ G12X 889 Solid Gold. 85 Solid Gold. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN'S CHARMS. Eiianielecl in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 421 r Black Onyx set in Gold Band. Gold Emblems in relief, enameled and engraved. Gold name plate on reverse. Solid Gold. 424 Solid Gold. SELECT KNIGHTS A. O. U. W. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Pin.e. 991 224— Front. Charms. 850. 224— liaLk, Orient of Junior Mechanics. 267 237 1821 Solid Gold. 87 Solid Gold. AMERICAN MECHANICS' PINS. JUNIOR ORDER. Pierced Out and Enaraved. 1166 1247 1191 1244 833 Pierced out. Engraved and Enameled in Correct Colors. 1329 1755 1757 967 1723 1771 449 139G Solid Gold. 1480 88 Solid Gold. AMERICAN MECHANICS' PINS. SENIOR ORDER. Pierced Oat and Engraved. 775 1549 1481 476 262 1647 1252 1766 ^■- 1429 318 f 1740 Junior Order American Mechanics* Charm. 329 Solid Gold. 464. 89 Solid Gold. FORESTERS' PINS. ANCIENT ORDER FORESTERS OF AMERICA. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. 820 836 Solid Gold. go Solid Gold. Independent Order of Foresters. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Ijj^S 1483 1661 1640 875 648 1125 1817 661 1228 1198 658 1703 1205 1324 1149 Solid Gold. 1780 1797 91 Solid Gold. Canadian Order of Foresters. PINS. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 897 910 1207 CHARMS. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 234 433 225 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. 294 320 Solid Gold. 92 Solid Gold. FORESTERS' PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS. 1359 1810 1812 KNIGHTS OF SHERWOOD FORESTERS. 1076. Solid Gold. Solid Gold. 93 Grand Army of the Republic Pins. Enameled In Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 927 1101 1100 1041 1052 S^^' &^. 1036 1523 1098 SONS OF VETERANS. 1099 1102 1568 CORPS BADGES. 1121 1122 WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. 1042 Solid Gold. 1819 1073 1694 1037 1206 94 Solid Gold. Grand Army of the Republic Charms. All Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Plain Backs for Lettering, 242 5-28 210— Back. 252 Sons of Veterans. Solid Gold. 95 Solid Gold. RED MEN'S PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1519 871 Solid Gold. 96 Solid Gold. RED MEN'S CHARMS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 344 332 257 321 256 Daughters of Pocahontas. 1249 1785 Solid Gold. Solid Gold. 97 KNIGHTS OF GOLDEN EAGLE. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. PINS. 1327 1196 325 1181 1208 1800 Ladies of G. E. 1381 CHARMS. 1787 1608 mm 1725 316 292 Solid Gold. 290 98 Solid Gold. ROYAL ARCANUM PINS. Enameled and Engraved. 965 1386 1518 ^2^ 1162 943 Past Regent. 1651 CHARMS. 819 tf/ *^'^> 7» 260 822 Solid Gold. 99 Solid Gold. MODERN WOODMEN PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors, and Engraved. 1111 1776 1774 1197 1414 1636 1144 Woodmen of the World. 1702 1733 1701 1816 Modern Woodmen Charms. 467 435 Solid Gold. 462 100 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF HONOR PINS. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 696 697 38 698 KNIGHTS OF HONOR CHARMS. Enameled in Correct Colors. 157 171 Solid Gold. 117 lOI Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF HONOR PINS. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR. 1061 1059 880 239 KNIGHTS OF HONOR and ODD FELLOWS COMBINED. 829 830 DRUIDS PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1021 1090 610 Solid Gold. 360 102 Solid Gold. TEMPERANCE PINS. GOOD TEMPLARS. Enameled and Engraved. 207 554 613 434 197 191 114 SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. oSO 118 362 Murphy, or Blue Ribbon. ]07 Reynolds, or Red Ribbon. 673 792 Solid Gold. 103 Solid Gold. TEMPERANCE PINS. TEMPLE OF HONOR. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. T. of H. and O. F. Good Samaritan. Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 325 1322 299 972 ORDER OF RECHABITES. Enameled in Colors and Engraved. 1266 1265 1264 Royal Temple of Templars. 919 1326 Solid Gold. 104 Solid Gold. Patriotic Order Sons of America. PINS. Pierced Out around Star and Engraved. Silver Heads of Wasliington are in Relief. 973 954 932 295 1458 Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1212 1183 482 1516 1517 COMMANDERY P. O. S. of A. 1781 1060 1089 CHARMS. Enameled in Colors and Engraved. 434 Solid Gold. 333 105 Solid Gold. COLLEGE AND CLASS PINS. Delta Tail Delta. Tlieta Delta Chi. Zeta Psi. Beta Theta Pi. 1280 Delta Phi. 12&.; 1277 Sigma Kappa Sigma. 1276 1278 ORDER OF ELKS PINS. Enameled and Engraved. 1652 1370 1799 1268 1451 io6 Solid Gold. American Legion of Honor Pins. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 846 837 958 CHARMS. 1028 KNIGHTS OF MYSTIC CHAIN PINS. 535 CHARMS. 1179 287 Solid Gold. 289 107 Solid Gold. League of American Wheelmen Pins. Enameled and Euarraved. 1479 1839 1587 CHARMS. 1844 1664 891 436 Solid Gold. 1408 io8 Solid Gold. KNIGHTS OF MACCABEES PINS. Enameled aud Engraved. 1730 1794: K. O. T. M. of the World 1174 Ladies O. T. M. 1713 1674 1665 CHARMS. 493 495 454 Solid Gold. 519 Solid Gold. 109 KNIGHTS OF LABOR PINS. Enameled and Engraved. 1187 1132 1011 1106 1156 1159 1163 956 KNIGHTS OF I.ABOK CHARMS. 272 277 Solid Gold. 274 no Solid Gold. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. PINS. 445 Solid Gold. 447 Solid Gold. CATHOLIC SOCIETY PINS. All on this Page Enameled aud Engraved. Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association. 911 Charms. — Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association. 1635 1035 Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association. 443 444 Catholic Order of Foresters 1647 Catholic Knights of America 1810 1812 Western Catholic Union Catholic Knights ofWisconsin. German Roman Catholics. 1868 Catholic Benevolent Legion. 1431 I 916 504 Solid Gold. 112 Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. All are Enameled and Engraved. Knights of Columbus. 1079 Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America. 1826 1227 St. Jean Baptiste Society. 1070 88.S 1649 Catholic Knight of St. John. 882 Equitable Aid Union. 1485 1594 Solid Gold. 974 1793 1088 Father Mathew. 953 Empire Order Mutual Aid. 918 Solid Gold. 1^3 Miscellaneous Pins and Charms. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Chosen Friends. 874 Fraternal Mystic Circle Kasher. 1471 Bena Brith. 594 1182 Bena Brith Independent Order and 0. F. of Immaculates. 283 985 Doctors' M. D. 457 1617 Solid Gold. 114 Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Knights of Malta. 1323 Knights of Malta. 343 Knights of St. John & M. V 1758 Order of Tonti. 1397 1488 1611 Charms. American Protective League, 1330 N. W. Traveling Men's Association. 291 121 Confederate States. 1556 Solid Gold, 115 Solid Gold. ISCELLANEOUS PiNS AND CHARMS. Enameled in appropriate Colors and Engraved. Epworth League. 486 Toung Men's Christian Association. 1845 Christian Endeavor. 854 1476 1669 Shield of Honor Charm. Royal League. 1667 1847 1157 Solid Gold. 1818 1462 ii6 Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Degree of^Honor, A. 0. U. W. Daughters of Liberty. d^^sj^ 1708 1706 Comniandery New England Order of American Protection. Mechanics. 1406 Pilgrim Fathers. 1295 Brotherhood of the Union. 1267 Bohemians. ^P1. 1066 1526 1456 Daughters of America. 1679 National Union. 1096 1426 National Association of Machinists. 7 1328 1632 Solid Gold. 1654 117 Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. National Turners Association. German Turners. 1054 902 Harriguria. 1082 596 396 erraan Bakers Knights of Union. Wise Men. 309 1245 Sons of Jonadab. 881 567 Household of Ruth. 1570 Order of United Friends. 931 1018 Knights of the Golden Rule. 0333 904 1091 896 Solid Gold. ii8 Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. All ou this pag-e Enameled and Engraved. Knights of St. George. 822 977 Sons of St. George 1437 1524 Orangemen. 1428 St. George Hitter. 1250 1114 732 1788 1256 Alfredians. 419 Sons of England. j w 1 m 1 1644 Order of the Red Cross. 1344 1251 Solid Gold. iig Solid Gold. MISCELLANEOUS PINS. 1080 339 Base Ball. 1124 Sons of Herman. 125 210 Daughters of Herman. 571 Good Fellows' Pin. Ifi20 Charm. V 247 Chess Players. 1656 Moulders. 1176 328 Solic I20 Solid Gold. Order of Railroad Conductor's Pins. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 1360 1027 1463 CHARMS. 456 1447 i 121 Solid Gold. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Pins. Enameled and Engraved. 1389 1095 1147 1240 g&3 1195 979 Solid Gold. 1184 Solid Gold. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Charms. Enamelled and Engraved. Solid Gold. 123 Solid Gold. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Pins. Enameled aud Engraved. 960 906 980 .1:^^ 1631 Solid Gold. 124 Solid Gold. 3rotherhood of railroad Trainmen Pins. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 1391 1138 1473 Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association Pins. Enameled in Correct Colors and Engraved. 1467 11 1155 1165 1724 S. M. A, A. Charms. 1.551 1782 475 471 Solid Gold. 125 Solid Gold. Order of Railroad Telegraph Pins. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. 901 1084 952 900 Association Railroad Agents 1529 913 Association of Railroad Station Agents. 1413 1417 Solid Gold. .CONBUCTOR^ |gg»g^ 1085 National Railroad Agt's Assoc'n. 1150 126 Solid Gold. TRADE PINS. Enameled au d E ugr a v ed. Artists. Prioters. Blacksmith's Union. 799 Solid Gold. 1053 Solid Gold. TRADE PINS. 127 Musical. Telegraph. 256 520 260 285 356 270 Carpenters' Union. 252 369 128 Solid Gold. TRADE PINS. Enameled and Engraved. 9*23 964 Tinmen's Shears 924 494 477 1008 Miners' and Laborers' Association. Seamen 806 1200 Tailors' Shears. 1246 478 215 Solid Gold. 936 424 i2g Solid Gold. TRADE PINS. Enameled and Engraved. 788 Horse Car. 939 462 1015 1616 451 Passenger Coach. Freight Car. 581 Steam Fire Engines. 736 Hose Carts. 1063 1047 1051 746 Fire Hook and Ladder Companies. 796 795 Solid Gold. 1064 Roller Skate. 130 Solid Gold. Native Sons of the Golden West Pins, Enameled aud Engraved. 474 1393 1392 Grangers' Pins. Enameled and Engraved. lii 1262 945 Farmers Alliance. 537 1532 Heptasoph. Heptasoph. V/* 997 Am. Federation of Labor. 1527 418 Solid Gold. 1663 131 Solid Gold. PINS FOR ENGRAVING. Engraved Border, Centre left Plain for Monograms, Etc. 685 679 502 501 760 527 695 763 690 755 759 692 Solid Gold. 540 765 132 Solid Gold. PINS FOR ENGRAVING. Engraved Border, Centre left Plain for Monograms, Etc. 754 752 546 681 177 635 762 768 764 603 176 769 770 753 767 ^ /? 761 756 Enameled and Engraved. 1877 1876 948 Solid Gold. 628 Solid Gold. 133 PINS FOR ENGRAVING. Engrraved Border, Centre left plain for Monogram, Etc. 1873 1880 1878 1872 1874 1884 1879 1885 1888 1889 1887 Buttons with Screw Backs. Engraved Borders, Centres Plain for Engravinc Monograms or Emblems on. K'^ivin^ 063 064 Solid Gold. 058 134 Solid Gold. PLAIN BAR PINS For Engraving Name, Etc. Any Emblem in this Catalogue can be attached to these Bars. 1274 1271 1867 1371 1345 18fi2 1864 1865 Solid Gold. 1866 135 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Masonic. 037 026 027 032 0128 0194 040 09,5 0135 0202 0140 091 013 076 096 32d Degree Masonic. 097 OICO Solid Gold. 0175 0161 0145 0178 136 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Odd Fellows. Oil 0119 0153 0203 0205 Patriarchs Militant. 098 0158 0126 Encampment. 085 n. 018 033 Solid Gold. 0155 Grand Orient. National Union. 067 137 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Knights of Pythias. 010 Oa6 028 0117 0132 088 0146 029 0147 0204 086 0193 Uniform Rank. 052 Maccabees. 024 0129 0136 0166 Knights of St. George. 0134 069 0189 Solid Gold. 066 070 '38 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Mystic Shrine. 0101 050 0190 0176 0118 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. 0170 0173 044 041 Patriotic Order Sons of America. 020 Royal Arcanum. 045 023 . 0162 Solid Gold. 0164 Past Regent. 0110 139 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin ou Back to Prevent Turning-, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Ancient Order United Workmen. 0131 039 0148 0156 0105 Junior Order. American Meclianics. Senior Order. 0154 030 046 090 0107 0149 Degree of Select Knight Orien'l Degree Fraternal Honor. A. O. U. W. A. Mechanics. A. 0. U. W. Mystic Circle. 073 025 0163 094 Solid Gold. 140 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Bade by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors, and Engraved. Red Men, 0139 0172 Woodmen of the World. 0151 0137 0108 Modern Woodmen. 0127 Am. Protective- Association. Knights of Sons of Veterans. Grand Army. Columbu?. 093 0188 087 Farmers Alliance. Heptasoph. 014 0171 Knights of Honor. 080 077 0142 Solid Gold. 0200 Solid Gold. 141 LAPEL BUTTONS. ^in on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved, Young Men's Christian Epworth League. , Association. 0169 •Catholic Order of Foresters 0138 0116 072 Catholic Knights Catholic Catholic Mutual of America. T. A. Union of Benevolent America. Association. 0180 Knights of St George. 0183 Sons of St. George. 0181 Sons of England. 053 071 Knights of Golden Eagle. 070 066 Bicycle. 0206 021 0174 Chess Players. Druggists. 049 048 0115 0104 St. Jean Baptiste. An. Or. Hibernians. Confederate States. 0109 0106 0179 Solid Gold. 092 142 Solid Gold. LAPEL BUTTONS. Pin on Back to Prevent Turning, Front Attached to Back by Screw. Enameled in Appropriate Colors and Engraved. Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen. 043 065 042 Order of Railroad Conductors. 068 Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers. 084 Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen. 0103 0152 Switchmen. 099 0150 Railroad Agents. Am. Railway Un. 083 0165 079 0201 National Association of Mechanics. International Association of Mechanics. 0100 0113 Solid Gold. 143 Solid Gold. Masonic. Uniform Rank K. P. Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias. 530 637 529 "Woodmen of the "World. Knights of Golden Eagle. 544 Perpetual Calendar. 449 976 152 504 Traveler's Protective Association. Epworth League. 532 King's Daughters. 559 Oil Derrick. 1882 144 Solid Gold. ATHLETIC BADGES. Enameled and Eugraved. Wreath, Boat and Man in Relief. Wreath, Man and Ball in Relief. A 14 Pierced out around Gun and Wreath, Dog in Relief. A 11 Eagle in Relief, Wheel pierced out. A 141 A 13 Solid Gold. 145 Solid Gold. ATHLETIC BADGES. Enameled and Engraved. A 12 A 10 PAST MASTERS' JEWELS, 13150 4424 Solid Gold, 146 Solid Gold. PAST MASTERS' JEWELS. 1646 1955 The center of bars plain for lettering, scrolls pierced out and carved, plain gold star on blue ribbon, square, compass and quadrant in silver, each made separate and riveted together, sun in relief on engraved gold rays. Keep in stock several other designs. Solid Gold. 147 Solid Gold. PAST HIGH PRIEST JEWEL The two bars with black enamel letters are attached by a red ribbon ; the triangle attached to upper bar by ring ; raised gold border ; center piece set below the border; the emblems enameled red on gold ground; on the triangles of the pendant the characters in black enamel on engraved ground with raised borders ; the breast plate in relief, enameled in appropriate colors ; back en- graved with appropriate characters. Solid Gold. I4B Solid Gold. PAST COMMANDER'S JEWEL 4136 Gold letters on enameled ground, the Sir Knight and horse in bold relief, a raised border around the shield, scroll pierced out and carved, helmet head with working visor, passion cross heavily carved, small maltese crosses enam- eled, large maltese cross engraved gold ground, with emblems in relief. In most cases for these jewels, prefer to submit special drawing. In order- ing please give full name, number, and location of Cammandery. Solid Gold. 149 Solid Gold. Without Top. SOLID GOLD RINGS. Interchangeable. Patented. Interchangeable Top. Completed. 6000 Odd Fellows. O. F. Encampment. Mystic Shrine. Knights Templar. 6003 6004 6002 Knights of K. of Pythias. Uniform Rank K. P. Golden Eagle. 6001 Red Men. 6005 6006 6012 Am. Mechanics. United Workmen. Maccabees. 6010 Foresters. 6007 6008 6009 Solid Gold. 6011 ISO Solid Gold. SOLID GOLD RINGS. 5000 5001 Amethyst Stone. 5002 13 38 6 61^ Iticliiiiond & Co., Patent White Stone. 263 243 242 Solid Gold. In addition to the goods illustrated herein, we carry a large line of pins, charms and buttons for other societies. We have in stock a good assortment of presenta- tion jewels for various societies and will furnish special designs for jewels, athletic medals and other badges. We will furnish medals, badges or buttons for any special occasion, in gold, silver, bronze or aluminum and furnish designs and estimates for same. All goods illustrated on pages from No. 17 to 150 are solid gold. . Ved Gold p EmBiiEms ^ - Pins « ^ Ancient Order of Hibernians. 551 592 Catholic Mutual Benevolent Ass'n. 586 613 Ladies Catholic Total Absti- C. M. B. A. nence Union of A. 526 762 763 764 Rolled Gold Plate. 544 164 Rolled Gold Plate Buttons. Enameled and Engraved. Masonic. Masonic Chapter. Odd Fellows. 4000 4001 4002 4003 Encampment. Patriarchs Militant. Knights of Pythias. 4004 4005 4006 Uniform Rank. United Workmen, 4007 4008 Jr. American Mechanics. 4020 4021 4022 4023 Rolled Gold Plate. Senior American Mechanics. 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 Redmen. Foresters. Royal Arcanum. Sons of Veterans. Maccabees. 4024 i65 Rolled Gold Plate Buttons. Elnaiueled and Engraved. K. ofP/tMas Brotherhood L. Eiiijineers. Brotherhood L. Firemen. Switchmen. 4031 4025 Brotherhood American Pro- K. R. Trainmen. tcctive Ass'n. 4026 Catholic Foresters. 4027 4028 United American Workmen. Railroad Union. 4029 Masonic and Odd Fellows. 4030 4032 4033 Enameled and Chased. Shrine. ^^'^P' Odd Fellows . -r^ 36 61 Knights of Pythias. 4034 Red Men. Rolled Gold Plate. i66 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Scroll Borders, Emblems on both sides in relief, Enameled. 1978 1977 1937 1868 Emblems Enameled and Chased 1826 2042 1735 1080 Rolled Gold Plate. 1856 Compass and Square pierced out, G Enameled. 167 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Emblems in Relief on Polished Surface. 1165 1641 1166 557 Skelton Pierced Out Around Emblems. 1998 419 Rolled Gold Plate. 72 i68 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Box Rim?, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1800 1554 1752 1710 427 1043 558 Rolled Gold Plate. 1 69 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. fifiS 609 1023 628 1764 Rolled Gold Plate. 170 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1422 Pierced Out Around Emblem. 1199 Emblem in Relief on Shield. 1601 Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. 1222 Pierced Out and Chased. Pierced Out Around Emblem. 77 2090 Rolled Gold Plate. 171 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Open Borders, Flush Centres, Emblems in Relief. 1635 1623 1443 1063 1885 1695 1645 703 1817 1925 Kolled Gold Plate. 1700 172 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master Masons. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 267 405 1716 1083 1245 355 Rolled Gold Plate. t73 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Master MasoQS. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 366 198 D 356 Onyx Fronts, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1740 Plain Polished Front, Emblem in Relief, Enameled. 2029 20 U- 2071 Rolled Gold Plate. 2059 174 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Masonic Royal Arcli Chapter. Enameled Keystone in wide band. 1191 1192 12 Real Onyx, Centres in Gold Settings. 667 2083 2084 Kolled Gold Plate. 175 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights Templars. Movable Visors on Helmets, Enamel Keystones on Back of Charms, Polished Fronts, Emblems in Relief. 2006 2005 Onyx Front, Emblems in Relief. 2056 2026 1715 2057 Box Rims, Enameled and Engraved, Emblems in Relief. 1416 62 1410 Rolled Gold Plate. 176 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights Templar. Crosses Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased, Helmets with Movable Visors, Enamel Keystones on Back of Charm?. 383 D 214 58 215 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 731 Pierced Out Around Emblem. 5.55 216 Rolled Gold Plate. 177 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief Enameled. 700 1778 1588 651 1495 630 368 1473 Rolled Gold Plate. 1558 178 Rolled Gold Plate Charms, Odd Fellows. Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1777 670 1789 276 305 D 910 1366 358 234 430 Rolled Gold Plate. 1516 179 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 681 1419 217 D 122 D 1336 1765 1345 247 1387 Rolled Gold Plate. i8o Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Polished Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 2041 2011 Onyx Centres. 2060 2061 i;tv(i fir '-^^JftW ^ 2015 2072 2030 1818 Rolled Gold Plate. 17UI i8i Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Polished Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief Enameled. 1827 1938 1845. 1869 Agate Centre, Emblem in Enameled Front, All- Relief, Enameled. Seeing Eye on Back. 1886 1636 1401 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1022 1736 560 Rolled Gold Plate. 594 l82 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Polished Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1451 1642 1857 1658 1445 1454 1646 1439 1624 Rolled Gold Plate. i83 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. "Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased, Box Eims. All Emblems in Relief. 347 1085 840 Rolled Gold Plate. 1 84 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows. Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 1596 1571 Pierced out around Emblem. 110 1603 1979 1717 Pierced Out, Emblems Enameled. 736 2000 Encampment. 1555 Patriarchs Militant. 1927 Rolled (>olcl Plate. 400 D i85 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Onyx Centre. Odd Fellows Encampment. Flush Boxes Emblems in Relief— Enameled. 1939 1846 1887 1718 Onyx Centres Emblems in Relief Enameled in Colors. 1858 2031 Rolled Gold Plate. 2016 1 86 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Odd Fellows Encampment. Box Rims. Emblems in Relief. Enameled. 1743 593 632 566 1046 339 1980 Rolled Gold Plate. 1754 i87 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Kniglits of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim, Emblem Flush Box, Emblem Box Rim, Emblem Box Rim, Emblem Rests in Relief. in Relief. in Relief. on Wreath Set in Rim. 17363^ 1637 1742 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. lyyu 1719 1082 Pierced Out Around Emblem. 433 562 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 2002 1859 Rolled Gold Plate. 1888 i88 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pytliias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Black Onyx Centres, Emblems in Relief. Raised Emblems. 2032 2017 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1981 1527 Raised Emblem. 1388 1487 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief 1982 1696 Rolled Gold Plate. 1047 iSg Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1830 1595 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1829 1847 Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1940 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1871 Twist Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 15.^6 595 1952 Rolled Gold Plate. igo Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Skull and Bones in Relief, Book and Sword on Back. Flush Box, Polish ed, Emblem in Relief. 2064 1004 1466 353 D Box Rim, Raised Skull and Flat, Book and Sword Bones, Book and Sword on Back. on Reverse. 1414 Flat Charms, with Raised Skull and Bones One Side, Book and Sword on Reverse. 1007 59 Rolled Gold Plate. 1480 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Flush Box, Polished, Black Onyx Centre, Flush Box, Polished > Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. m w s-'K-.. 2007 2028 2054 Flush Boxes, Polished Fronts, Emblems in Relief. 2009 2008 Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. 2074 1028 Rolled Gold Plate. 2063 Box Rim, Emblems in Relief, Reverse Side Finely Engraved. 192 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, All Emblems in Relief, Plain Polished Backs. 694 266 Box Rim, Emblem rests Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Plain Polished on Wreath put inside - Backs. of Rim. /^ 1767 1587 45 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Plain Polished Backs. 102 1260 Rolled Gold Plate. rso 193 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Kuights of Pjthias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Plain Polished Backs. 1458 1368 262 1563 1088 359 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1474 887 1436 Rolled Gold Plate. 1652 194 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Kuiglits of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief, resting on rays, Back Plain Polished. 633 Emblems Enameled on Surface. 1413 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1337 W Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 614 Red, Yellow and Blue Stone in Centre, Emblem in Relief. 1622 Plush Box, Emblem Rests on Black Enam- eled Backgrround. 1819 Rolled Gold Plate. Emblem in Relief, Book and Sword on Back, Locket Centr e. 1470 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1346 Box Rim, Emblem ou Enameled Background. 1227 195 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias. Enameled in Correct Colors and Chased. Black Onyx Centre, Raised Skull and Bones, Book and Sword Emblem in Eelief. on Reverse Side. 1699- Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 532 Pierced Out around Emblem. 621 Same as 157. 1469 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1482 11821^ Raised Skull and Bones, Book and Sword on Back. Polished Back with Book and Sword. 139716 Rolled Gold Plate. 196 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank. Emblems in Relief, Enameled in Correct Colors. 14181^— Front 410 Pierced Out around Emblem. 1483— Front 14131^— Back 2003 Rolled Gold Plate. 1483— Back 197 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knig^hts of Pythias. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 738 1316 737 Box Rim, Emblem Rests on "Wreath Set in Rim Wire Rim. Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. Wire Rim, Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1626 1755 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1625 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 434 860 1067 Rolled Gold Plate. ig8 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knig-lits of Pythias, Uniform Rank. Flush Boxes, Enameled Emblems in Relief. 2055 1831 1873 1941 Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief 2010 2033 Rolled Gold Plate. 199 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knigbts of Pythias, Uniform Rank. Enameled in Correct Colors, Emblems in Relief. Box Rims. 1006 139— Front 1005 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 13961^ 1481 1953 139— Back Rolled Gold Plate. 1197 200 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Grand Army of the Republic. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim, Emblem Rests Flat Emblem Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. on Wreath Set in Rim. Enameled. 1643 1428 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1807 225 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 634 588 1749 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, 1075 Twist Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1561 416 1705 Rolled Gold Plate. 201 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Grand Army of the Republic. Enameled in Correct Colors. Flat Charm, Emblem Enameled on. On Back are Box Rim, Emblem Rests the Corps Badges Enameled in. on Enameled Ground. 37— Front Flat, Enameled and Chased. 37— Back 1234 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief, Backs Plain Polished. 226 572 Flat with Emblems Enameled in. 597 1092 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 332 367 D 1510 Rolled Gold Plate. 202 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Grand Army of the Republic. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box RIdq, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Rim. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1769 Emblem in Relief. 1994 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1349 Sons of Veterans. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1727 Twist Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 786 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1609 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 255 1957 1864 Rolled Gold Plate. 203 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Sons of Veterans. Enameled in Correct Colors, Box Rims, Emblems in Eelief. 1152 589 1153 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1511 Box Rim, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Rim. 1864 1852 Knights of Golden Eagle. Box Rim, Emblem Rests Box Rim, on Wreath Set in Rim. Emblem in Relief. 1795 Chosen Friends. Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1761 1056 Rolled Gold Plate. 1441 204 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order of Foresters of America. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Rim. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1794 1748 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1767)^ Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1514 Emblem Rests on Rim. 1580 1600 Rolled Gold Plate. Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. 2022 1590 Twi?t Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 205 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Independent Order of Foresters'. Enameled in Correct Colors. Onyx Centre, Emblem on Enameled Background. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 2080 Box Rim, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Ri^. 1586 Emblem Rests on Rim. 1768)^ 1594 Flush Boxes, Onyx Centres, Emblems in Relief. lad'i) Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 15c>2 Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. ?050 2098 Rolled Gold Plate. 1993 206 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order United Workmen. Enameled in Correct Colors. Pierced Out Around Emblems and Chased. Flush Box Centre, Emblem in Relief. Box Rim, Emblem Enam- eled in Centre. 155 596 106 Rolled Gold Plate. 207 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order United Workmen. Enameled in Correct Colors Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 673 1519 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1528 1583 Box Rim, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Rim. Flush Box Centre, Emblem in Relief. 1665 1380 Flush Box Centre, Emblem in Enameled Centre. 1768 1654 Rolled Gold Plate. 208 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order of United Workmen. Enameled in Correct Colors. Flush Box, Black Enam. Centre, Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. 1744 Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1804 1874 1820 Box Rim, Box Rim, Emblem Rests Emblem in Relief. on Wreath Set in Rim, 1984 Box Rim, Emblem Rests on Wreath Set in Rim. 1049 1756 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1791 739 Rolled Gold Plate. 1574 JOg Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order United Workmen. Polished Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 2012 Twist Wire Border, Polished Centre, Emblem in Relief. Enameled in Correct Colors. Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. 2075 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1929 1861 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1832 1848 Rolled Gold Plate. Polished Flush Box Emblem in Relief. 2065 Fancy Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1711 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 210 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order United Workmen. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 984 12(11 845 Wire Border, Emblem on Wreath. 1557 Black Ename'ed Centre, Emblem in Relief. 1820 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1942 1890 Rolled Gold Plate. Emblem Rests on Border. 1604 Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. 20a4 211 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Ancient Order United Workmen. Enameled in Correct Colors. Emblems in Relief. 127 D 1071 411 17111^ 1421 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 372 100 1093 Rolled Gold Plate, 212 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Modern Wooclineii of America. Enameled in Correct Colors. 1785 1762 1559 1644 1569 1771 1357 1442 Twist Wire Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1437 1019 Rolled Gold Plate. 513 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Modern Woodmen of America. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1738 1794 % 1021 1493 1634 1728 1729 Rolled Gold Plate. 214 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Twist Wire Border. Red Men. Enameled in Correct Colors. All Emblems in Relief. Box Rims. 1712 199 582 Box Rims. Flush Boxes. 254 1370 Box Rims. 1426 1893 Flush Box, ^ jfi Enameled Emblem in Centre. 354 D 1585 Rolled Gold Plate. 1649 215 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Red Men. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim8, Emblems in Relief. 1052 1758 1034 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 646 1793 Box Rim, Emblems in Relief. 1723 684 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief, Magnifying Glass in Centre, 1876 Flush Box. Emblem in Relief, Stone on Back. 1840 7281^ Rolled Gold Plate. 338 2l6 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Twist Wire Eim, Emblems in Relief. 1930 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1851 Wire Border Pierced Out Around Emblem. 2004 Red Men. Enameled in Correct Colors. Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 1837 Helmet With Working Visor, Onyx Centre to Cross, Emblem in Relief. 1944 Twist Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 2077 1987 Flush Boxes, Onyx Centre, Emblems in Relief. 2019 Rolled Gold Plate. 2036 217 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Flat, Emblem Enameled on Back and Front. 1484 Twist Wire Kim, Emblem in Belief. 1931 Twist "Wire Border, Emblem in Belief, Chased Lanescape Back. 1713 Royal Arcanum. Enameled and Chased. Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 1440 1688 Flush Box, Emblems in Relief. 1371 Box Rim, Emblem Enameled, 1721 Rolled Gold Plate. 1894 Flush Box, "Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1943 2l8 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Royal Arcanum. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1769)^ 1792 1631 Flush Box, Open Wire Helmet Attached by Joint, Helmet Attached by Joint Rim, Emblem in Polished Flush Box, Cross. Onyx Centre, Relief. Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. 1835 2069 Flush Box, Onyx Centre, Emblems in Relief. 2079 Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 2038 2024 Rolled Gold Plate. [1988 2ig Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Junior Order American Mechanics. Enameled in Correct Colors. Twist Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. Flush Box, Open Wire Box Rim, Rim, Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. 1932 1833 Box Rim, Flush Box, Emblem in Relief, Center Emblem in Engraved Landscape on Back. Relief. 1051 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1651 Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1089 1891 Rolled Gold Plate. 1839 Flush Box, Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 1849 Wire Rim, Open Work Emblem. 1619 220 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Junior Order American Mechanics. Skeleton Cross, Flush Centre, with Emblem. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Eims, Emblems in Belief. 1632 663 Flush Box, Onyx Centre, Emblems in Belief. 1796 Wire Rim, Emblem in Relief. 2036 2020 Lockets with Emblems in Relief. 1985 iU5y^ 1008>^ Rolled Gold Plate. iood]4 221 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Senior Order American Mechanics. • Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. Flush Box, Flush Box, Onyx Centre, Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. 1797 1986 2021 Junior Order American Mechanics. Box Rim, Helmet Attached by Joint. Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. Senior Order, A. M. 1036 Heptasoph. 1946 Good Templars. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1160 Rolled Gold Plate. 17681^ 222 Bit. Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Patriotic Order Sons of America. • Enameled in Correct Colors. Helmet Attached by Joint Working Visor, Onyx Cross, Emblem in Relief. Helmet Attached by Joint Elush Box, Emblem in Relief. 2078 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1773 1630 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1512 Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 2070 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1989 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1348 1724 Rolled Gold Plate. 1690 223 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. 1757 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1566 Knights of Honor. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1232 Flat, Emblem Enameled in. 130 Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. 740 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 7 1371)^ 1607 1520 1072 Rolled Gold Plate. 914 224 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Knights of Labor. Enameled in Correct Colors. All Box Elms, Emblems in Relief. 286 125 166 624 978 678 Rolled Gold Plate. 225 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Order of Railroad Conductors. All With Box Eims, With Emblems in Relief, Enemeled in Correct Colors. 919 1060 554 50 1562 Emblems in Relief— Patented. 1476 1477 Rolled Gold Plate. 226 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 10S7 696 1383 689 917 364 Rolled Gold Plate. 227 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Brotherhood Locoiiiotive Engineers. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Flush Box, Emblems in Relief. Emblem in Relief. 03^^13 1194 365 Wire Rim. Emblem in Relief. 1077 Twist Wire Rim. Emblem in Relief. 1947 1934 Helmet Attached by Joint, Brotherhood Liocomotive Firemen. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1038 Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. 1059 35 Rolled Gold Plate. 228 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Brotherhood liocoiiiotive Firemen. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1078 Twist Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 1935 1866 Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 1997 Rolled Gold Plate. 783 811 687 Flush Box, Wire Border, Flush Box, Box Rim, Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief. Emblem in Relief 1312 Box Border, Emblem in Relief. 1193 229 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Brotherlioocl of Railroad Trainmen. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Flush Boxes, Emblems in Relief. Box Border, Emblem in Relief. 1434 1691 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1548 1534 Wire Rim, Center Flush, Emblem in Relief. 1524 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1662 1763 Rolled Gold Plate. 1750 230 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Emblems Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1039 1494 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1393 1599 Twist "Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 1373 1706 American Railway Union. Emblem in Relief on Shield. 1342 Wire Border, Emblem in Relief. 2114 2113 Rolled Gold Plate. 1978)^ 231 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1062 693 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1799 1697 Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1274 Flush Box, Emblem in Relief. 133 D 1730 Rolled Gold Plate. 1606 232 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Enameled in Correct Colors. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 1044K 1508)^ 1789>^ Box Elms, Emblems in Relief. 895 726 916 Wire Borders, Emblems in Relief. 2081 Rolled Gold Plate. 1161 725 Band Rim, Pierced out Emblem. 533 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Order of Kailroad Telegraphers. Emblems Enameled In Relief. Lockets. Magnifying Glass. Flush Box. Emblem on Enameled Background. Kuig-hts of St. George. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. 2130 2129 B. P. O. of Elks. 2131 2058 1669 Rolled Gold Plate. 234 Rolled Gold Plate Charms, Miscellaneous. Box Rims, Emblems in Relief. Twist Wire Borders, Emblems in Relief. Catholic Mutual Orangemen. Benevolent Association. Catholic Forester 2150 2149 Knights of Mystic Chain. Mystic Shrine. 1629 2154 KoUed Gold Plate. 235 Rolled Gold Plate Lockets. Emblems in Relief, Enameled. 183 338 345 1097 1107 1015 1904 Boiled Gold Plate. 236 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Emblems Enameled and in Belief. Lockets with a Powerful Magnifying Glass. 1170 1171 1169 7283^ 1172 Engraved Landscapes on Front. 1168 316 1375 Rolled Gold Plate. 237 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Miscellaneous. Emblems Pierced Out and Set in Wide Bands. 159 150 158 149 82 178 Rolled Gold Plate. 238 Rolled Gold Plate Charms. Miscellaneous. Reading Glass with Powerful Magnifyer. Tigerite Handle. Gold Handle. 966 227 1361 180 151 175 Perpetual Calender. Letters and Figures in Enamel, Acorn Revolves in Cup, and requires to be set only once each month. 1822 Kolled Gold Plate. 239 COMMANDERY BADGES. We make a specialty of Commandery badges, and invite correspondence on the subject. If a commandery desirous of adopting a special badge will write us the full name, number and location, we will send a special design which if accepted, will furnish in Solid Gold, Silver or Plate only for the Commandery adopting the same. These are illustrated here to assist in correspondence. 240 COMMANDERY BADGES. Sold Only to Commanderies. These are illustrated here to assist in correspondence. 241 COMMANDERY BADGES. Sold Only to Commanderies. 6^^!^ These are illustrated here to assist in correspondence. 242 COMMANDERY BADGES. Sold Only to Commanderies. vr^^. These are illustrated here to assist in correspondence. INDEX A Acorn Charms Alliance, Farmer's American Mechanics America, Modern Woodmen of America, Patriotic Order Sons of... ... American Protective Association American Railway Union Ancient Order of Foresters Ancient Order of Foresters of America Ancient Order of Hibernians Ancient Order of United Workmen . . . . Arcanum, Royal Army of the Republic, Grand Association of Miners and Laborers . . B Barbers Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Blacksmiths Blue Lodge Masons Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. . . Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen . — Brotherhood of Rail-Road Trainmen Brotherhood of Railroad Conductors Butchers Buttons C Calendar, Perpetual Calvary Badge Canadian Order of Foresters Cars Catholic Benevolent Legion Catholic Foresters Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association Catholic Order of Foresters Catholic Total Abstinence Union Chapter Masons Chosen Friends Christian Endeavor Columbus, Knights of Commandery Badges Conductors, Railway D Daughters of Rebekah De Molay Badge Dog Druggists Drugtjist Locket 163 158 160 161 163 162 159 159 163 158 157 157 163 161 161 161 162 162 162 161 159 164 161 163 159 163 164 161 161 162 155 161 161 165 164-165 164-165 165 165 164 164 164-165 164 164-165 165 165 164 238 213 219 to 221) 212-213 222 230 204 204-205 206 to 211 217-218 200 to 202 234 165 233 166 to 173- 165 226-227 165 227-228 165 229-230 225 234 238 239 234 234 234 174 203 239 225 239 234 235 244 Indkx. E Eagle, Golden Eastern Star Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of Encampment, Odd Fellows Engine Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive. . Epworth League F Farmers' Alliance Firemen. Firemen, Locomotive Fire Hook and Ladder Foresters, Ancient Order of Foresters , F'oresters, Canadian Order of Foresters, Catholic Order of. Foresters, Independent Order Foresters of America, Ancient Order. G Golden Eagle, Knights of Good Fellows Good Templars Good Templars' Locket Grand Army of the Republic Grand Orient H Heptasoph Hibernians, Ancient Order of. Hose Cart Horse I Independent Order of Foresters Independent Order of Good Templars... J Junior Order of American Mechanics. .. Jockeys K Keystones Knights of Columbus Knights of Golden Eagle Knights of Honor Knights of Labor Knights of Maccabees Knights of Mystic Chain Knights of Pythias IC nights of Pythias Locket Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows com bined , 160 154 161 155 162 162 161 163 162 162 162 159 159 159 159 159 160 161 163 157 163 162 161 159 163 158 161 154 161 160 157 163 163 154 to 156 156 165 164-165 164 165 164 164 165 164-165 164 164 233 185-186 226-227 213 227-228 204 204-205 905 204-205 203 221 221 236 200 to 202 221 164 164 164 164-165 205 221 219-220 174 203 223 224 234 187 to 199 236 Index. 245 Knights of Pythias, Uniform Rank . Knights Templar , Knights of St. George Li Labor, Knights of Ladies' Catholic Mutual-Benevolent Asso ciation Ladies of the Maccabees League of American Wheelmen Legion of Honor Letter Carriers Lockets, Fancy Locomotive Engineers Locomotive Firemen M Magnifying Glasses Maccabees, Knights of the Maccabees, Ladies of the Masonic Masonic Lockets Masonic and Odd Fellows Combination.. M asonic Chapter Master Masons . Mechanics, American Militant, Patriarch Miners' and Laborers' Association Miscellaneous Charms, Modern Woodmen Mutual Catholic Benevolent Associa tion Mystic Chain, Knights of . . . Mystic Shrine National Union O Odd Fellows Odd Fellows Encampment Odd Fellows Lockets Odd Fellows and Masonic Combination. . Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias Com' bination Orangemen Order of Ancient Hibernians Order of Railroad Conductors Order of Railroad Telegraphers Owls P Parlor Car Patriotic Order, Sons of America Patriarch Militant Perpetual Calendar PINS. 156 159 163 163 lf3 161 157 161 162 162 163 163 153-154 154 154 153-154 158 155 163 160 163 161 154-155 155 154 156 163 162 162 161 155 BUTTONS. 164 164 164 164-165 164-165 165 164 164 CHARMS. 196-198-199 175- 176 233 224 235-236 226-227 227-228 238 164 166 to 176 236 165 174 164 174 164 166 to 173 164 164 184 237-238 4-165 212-213 234 165 234 177 to 186 184 to 186 235-236 174 234 225 232-233 237 222 184 238 246 Index. Protective Association Pythias, Knights of . . - R Reading Glasses Rebekah Degree Railroad Railroad Trainmen Railway Conductors, Order of Railway Union, American Redmen Redmen's Lockets Royal Arcanum S Senior Order of American Mechanics •Select Knights of A. O. U. W = Shrine, Mystic Sons of America, Patriotic Order. . . . Sons of Temperance Sons of St. George Sons of Veterans St. George, Knights of St. John's Commandery Badge Switchmen's Mutual Aid T Telegraphers, Order of Railroad Templar Knights Temple of Honor Temperance, Sons of Total Abstinence Union, Catholic. . . . Trainmen, Brotherhood of R. R U Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias . . . Union Railway, of America United Workmen, Ancient Order of. • V Veterans, Sons of • W Water Pitcher Wheelmen, League of American William Parkman Badge Woodmen of America . . Woodmen of the World . . . • Workmen, Ancient Order of United. . Workmen's Locket Y Yacht PINS. BUTTONS. CHARMS. 168 155-156 187 to 199 238 155 162 225 to 233 162 162 225 162 230 160 164-165 214-216 235-236 157 164 217-218 158 158 161 163 157 162 163 163 163 162 156 158 157 161 161 163 158 161 164-165 165 164 164 165 166 164 164-165 164 164-165 164-165 221 234 222 233 202-203 233 239 231 232-233 175-176 229-230 196-198-199 230 206 to 211 202 to 203 238 239 212-213 213 206-211 236 231 92 MAN ' INC, MAY 92 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962