ralHfflH BBWJfffl H HlMBfflHWS ffl HHBHHiunRSN Bfl WmmHaMmm HHHnHRi mWam IB HBHR1m98& HH HH HI gDQEUjUl ■■fl mm HH KfrBrt/lfMlfHrr lICBVaflElHZlf] ■.I,-, ■ 1 1 HH M BHWi liMI n HHH9B11 HHfli HI '% £ G ,* "oo^ *- ^ V* ,0 c> o5 ■* ( 0o, \ ^^^^ -' J -p A v> -J- ***** -. ^^>" - ; *«$ ^% \ S ' I) Brown XHnipersit^ HISTORICAL CATALOGUE 1764=1894 HISTORICAL CATALOGUE Brown University PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND I 764- I 894 PROVIDENCE, R. I. PRESS OF P. S. REMINGTON & CO., I5I-I53 DORRANCE ST, l3 9 5 7522 ^^^VG^, OF WAS VU^ CONTENTS PREFACE ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS CORPORATION Presidents Acting Presidents Fellows Trustees Chancellors Secretaries Treasurers FACULTY AND OTHER OFFICERS Professors Tutors Instructors Librarians Assistant Librarians Registrars Steward CORPORATION, January 1895 FACULTY AND OTHER OFFICERS, J GRADUATES, 1769-1894 ADVANCED DEGREES DOCTORS OF MEDICINE HONORARY GRADUATES SUMMARY .... INDEX OF RESIDENCES INDEX OF OFFICERS INDEX OF GRADUATES lS 95 PREFACE This first English catalogue of the officers and graduates of Brown university was preceded, so far as is known, by the following publications in Latin : Catalogus, 1769-1772. Nocopy preserved; mentioned in Dr. Ezra Stiles's Diary as the first catalogue of the institution. Catalogus Eorum qui in Collegio Rhod. Ins.etProv. Plant. Nov. Anglornm, ab Anno 1769, ad Annum 1775, alicujus Gradus Laurea donati stint. Broadside; similar issues appeared in 1786, 17893111! 179s. Same, 1769-9S. i6mo. 22 pages. Same, 1769-1801. 121110. 24 pages. Same, 1804. 121110. 24 pages. Catalogus eorum qui in Universitate Brownense . . . 1S08. 121110. 28 pages. Catalogus Universitatis Brownensis. 1S11. 121110. 31 pages. Same, 1814. 12 1110. 36 pages. Catalogus praesidum et sociorum . . . in Universitate Brunensi. iSi^. 22 pages. This and all succeeding issues are in octavo. Catalogus Universitatis Brownensis. 1817. 23 pages. Same, 1S20. 25 pages. Same, 1823. 27 pages. Catalogus senatus academici ... in Universitate Brovvnensi . . . 1827. 28 pages. Same, 1830. 30 pages. Catalogus ... in Universitate Brunensi. 1S36. 51 pages. With full list of officers and index, as in succeeding editions. Same, 1842. 58 pages. With colored paper cover, like succeeding editions. Same, 1846. 63 pages. Same, 1852. 74 pages. Same, 1856. 7S pages. Same, i860. Si pages. Same, 1S66. 88 pages. Same, 1869. 99 pages. • Same, 1873. 109 pages. Same, 1880. 127 pages. Same, 1SS6. 134 pages. The scope of the Latin catalogues was restricted to a list of officers and grad- uates, with an index of the latter. Degrees were indicated, and different type viii BROWN UNIVERSITY was employed to distinguish clergymen, and high dignitaries in school and state. The Historical Catalogue aims to present a complete list of officers and graduates, and also to give a condensed statement of the public career of every graduate, including also time and place of birth and death of the deceased, and address of the living. In the list of the Corporation, residence and date of death have been added. Other new features likely to be helpful are the Index of Officers, and the Index of Residences. The biographical sketches represent rather an assemblage of information ready at hand than an effort to discover rare or unpublished material. Sources have in all cases been indicated, the catalogue professing to be no more correct than its informants. The authorities most frequently consulted have been : The above-mentioned Latin catalogues, supplemented by the an.nual cata- logues to date. Information not otherwise credited is referred to this source. The necrologies published annually in the Providence journal since 1847, though printed in a greatly abridged form before 1S60. The use of this source of information is indicated at the end of a biographical sketch by the abbrevia- tion : Nee. The biographical cyclopaedia of Rhode Island, 1881 : R. I. eye. Brown University in the Civil War, by H. S. Bun-age, 1868 : B. U. civ. -war. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography, 1887-89 : Cyc. Am. biog. The Baptist encyclopaedia, by William Cathcart, 1883 : Baft, encyc. Annals of the American pulpit, by W. B. Sprague, 1857-69 : Sprague Annals. The two works by R. A. Guild : Life of James Manning and early history of Brown University, 1S64 : Manning & B. U. ; and History of Brown University, 1S67 : Hist. B. U. Brown University alumni of Fall River, Mass., by J. S. Bray ton, 1S88 : B. U. Fall River. Congressional directory, by B. P. Poore, 1878 : Cong, direct. Historical register of officers during the Revolution, by F. B. Heitman, 1893 : Heitman Rev. Cyclopaedia of American literature, by E. A. and G. L. Duyckinck, 1856-66 : Duyckinck. Critical dictionary of English literature, by S. A. Allibone, 1858-71 ; and Supplement, by J. F. Kirk, 1891 : Allibone. Bibliotheca Americana, by O. A. Roorbach, 1852-55 : Roorbach. American catalogue, 1876-90; and Annual American catalogue, 1890-94: Am. cat. Bibliotheca Britannica, by R. Watt, 1824: Watt's Bib. Brit. Cyclopaedia bibliographica, by James Darling, 1854: Darling's Cyc. bib. Dictionary of books relating to America, by Joseph Sabin, 1S6S-92 : Sabin. Bibliography of Rhode Island, by J. R. Bartlett, 1864: Bibliog. R. I. Index-catalogue of the library of the surgeon-general's office, U. S. army, 1SS0-94 : Surg.-gen. cat. PREFACE ix The year-books of the Baptist, Congregational, Episcopal, and Unitarian de- nominations. The general catalogues of theological seminaries, especially Newton, And- over. Rochester, and Princeton. The catalogues of the various Greek-letter fraternities, which often present full, but not always accurate biographical information. Frequent reference has also been made to the new edition of Johnson's en- cyclopaedia, while most of the ordinary cyclopedias and biographical dictionaries have been consulted in the course of the work. For information in regard to living graduates the chief dependence has been placed upon the replies received in response to the circular sent out with the Ad- dress Book in June 1S94. The information asked was grouped under the follow- ing heads: Class, full name, degrees, positions held, present occupation, pub- lications, and present address. The replies varied with every degree of fulness and insufficiency. From a small proportion of the graduates it has been impos- sible to obtain any reply at all. In many of these cases, however, printed mate- rials were at hand from which sketches could be written. All information from personal sources has been marked P. A dozen or more changes in the spelling of names have been made, on the authority of the persons concerned or on trustworthy precedent. In a few cases it has been impossible to verify the translation of names possessing doublets in English, like Horatius. In certain instances the date of birth has been obtained by reckoning back from the date of death the number of years, or of years, months and days, of the person's age. Since the class of 1801, the annual cat- alogues have furnished the residence on enteringcollege of graduates whose birth- place is not known. In the enumeration of living and deceased graduates, all before the class of 1S70 whose addresses are not known are counted as deceased; all after that date as living. It is an interesting fact that every department is represented by some living graduate ; while in a sense it may be said that the direct line of the university's tradition remains unbroken after a hundred and thirty years, since four graduates are living who were in college when two mem- bers of the first graduating class still survived. The work of preparing and printing the Historical Catalogue has been accom- plished in the eleven months from July 1S94 to June 1895. It has occupied all the time that could be spared by the editor from his duties as librarian, and the entire time of one assistant. Experience elsewhere has shown that a reasonably perfect catalogue can never be written unless the publication of a less satisfac- tory compilation is first hazarded. The gratifying interest shown by the gradu- ates in correcting the Address Book since its publication a year ago inspires the hope that the present more extensive undertaking may receive like attention at their hands. It is proposed that the Historical Catalogue be issued every five years, the next edition appearing in 1900. The Address Book, meanwhile, will be published annually, probably as early as February of each year. X BROWN UNIVERSITY In conclusion it remains only to be said that the greater possibility of mis- takes, owing to the fact that almost every feature ot the work is a new undertak- ing, as well as to the enormously enlarged scope of the catalogue — not to men- tion their greater liability to detection in vernacular dress — renders foiestalment of criticism unnecessary, and enjoins upon the editor only the utterance of an urgent plea for corrections, of whatever degree of importance, from whatever source. HARRY LYMAN KOOPMAN, Brown University, Librarian. June 1895 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Additions and Corrections All who receive the Historical Catalogue are requested to note at once the following changes : Page 2 : 1783-1834 Solomon Drowne 3: 1S8S-1S95 Adoniram Judson Gordon died 1S95 8: 1866-1S72 John Bryant Hartwell died 1872 8: 1866-1S76 Earl Potter Mason died 1S76 S: 1874-188S Adoniram Judson Gordon died 1S95 9: 1887-1895 Eustace Carey Fitz died 1895 11: Solomon Drowne 11: John Mathewson Eddy died 1817 13: Eli Whitney Blake 1870-95 14: James Richard Jewett 1S91-95 14: Josias Lyndon Arnold 16: James Robinson Boise died 1895 21 : Adoniram Judson Gordon died 1895 22 : Eustace Carey Fitz died 1S95 34: Peter Hawes, A. M. Admitted to bar 1795; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1795-1829; secretary Washington insurance company -1S29; councilman or alderman New York 1S09-12; member N. E. society; Calliopean society 1793-99. Author various poems. See Hawes, G. R. Edward Hawes the emigrant, 1895. Born Franklin, Mass., June 6, 176S ; died 1829. Hawes 42: Silvanus Waterman. Medical student, Mass.?; physician, Litchfield, Kennebec co., Me. 1S01-45?; farmer -185 1. Born Halifax, Mass., Oct. 12, 176S; died Litchfield, Me., Oct. or Nov. 1851. P. 46: Melatiah Everett . . . ; died Wrentham, Mass. Nee. 1859 56: Henry Finney Clark. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; New Albany, Ind. 1S19-20. Born Bristol, R. I., Jan. 1, 1790; died New Albany, Ind., June 21, 1S20. P- 61: Samuel Phinney. Teacher, Plainfield academy 1S13 ?-i5 ? ; licensed Episcopal 1815; founder Orange co. institute, Newburg, N. Y., and principal i830?-50? Born Canterbury, Conn., July 2, 1786; died New- burg, N. Y., April 19, 1855. P. 73 : Lewis Leprilete Miller . . . president . . . 1S46-47. 92: William Taber Hawes. Merchant, New Bedford, Mass. ; manufacturer, Winthrop, Mass. From Fairhaven, Mass.; born 1805; died Winthrop, Mass., Oct. 3, 1858. Nee. 1859 104: Henry Adolphus Miles. Born Grafton, Mass., 1809; died Hingham, Mass., May 31, 1895. no: John Milton Mackie. . , . ; law student, Heidelberg and Leipsic. . . . Born Wareham, Mass., Dec. 19, 1813; died Great Barrington, Mass., July 27, 1894. And. theol. nee. 1895 xii BROWN UNIVERSITY Page 112 : Perez Simmons. . . . Nee 1885 114: Charles Wilkes Wood. Teacher, Rochester, Mass., Wareham, Mass., Peirce academy, Middleboro, Mass. 1S34-38; .... resident, Middleboro 1888-95 .... Born Middleboro, Mass., June 30, 1814; died Middleboro, March 3, 1895. And. theol. nee. 1895 126: Ezekiel Gilman Robinson. For Evidences, etc., read Christian evi- dences, 1895. 126: John Calvin Stockbridge. Read Carey avenue church, Chelsea, . . . Free street church, Portland, Me.' 132: Benjamin Franklin. Author The creed and modern thought; The church and the era ; Marriage and divorce. 133 : Edwin Charming Larned. U. S. district attorney for northern district of 111. . . . Author Life of Sivedenborg. 136: Charles Hart. Attorney-general R. I. 1855-57; member R. I. senate 1860-61, '71-72. 137: James Bradford Richmond Walker. . . . ; editor Cruden's Concord- ance, etc. A 4> 138: Thomas Russell Budlong. Born Lowell, Mass., Sept. 7, 1822; died Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 6, 1855. P. 140 : Edwin Metcalf . 145: Thomas Stafford Drowne, A. M. 1852; D. D. Norwich university 1866. Episcopal clergyman; assistant pastor Trinity church, Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1848-5S; pastor St. Paul's church, Brooklyn 1858-75; in charge of Church of the Mediator, Brooklyn 1875-76; Church of the Ascension, Brooklyn E. D. 1877; cathedral chapel, and warden St. Paul's and St. Mary's cathedral schools, Garden City, L. I. 1S78-86; in- structor Systematic divinity and dogmatic theology, General theological seminary, New York, N. Y. 18S8-89; secretary federate council of N. Y. dioceses 1868- ; diocese of L. I. 1S68-; standing committee and board of trustees of the diocese 1869- ; examining chaplain 1873- ; deputy, gen- eral convention 1877- ; secretary General theological seminary 18S6-; recording secretary American ethnological society, New York; honorary local secretary diocese of L. I. for Church House, Westminster, Lon- don ; life member N. Y. historical society; L. I. historical society; cor- responding member Royal historical society of London ; R. I. ; Wis. ; Penn. ; and other historical societies. Author End of pride, discourse, 1853; Architectural instructor, 1S56; Commemorative discourse, com- pletion of Church of the Holy Trinity, 1867 ; CJnirch charity founda- tion, Brooklyn, historical sketch, 1S68; Address, comme??iorative service, Church of the Holy Trinity, 1S71 ; Beauty of holiness, sermon at opening of Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, L. I., 1885; Histori- cal notes of diocese of E. /., 1894; besides various literary, theological and historical articles. Address, Bedford Ave., Flatbush Station, Brook- lyn, N. Y. P. 14S : Samuel Haskell . . . ; Heroes and hierarchs, 1895. 153: Hezekiah Shailer . . .; brigadier general N. Y. national guard. 154 : James Petigru Boyce . . . ; Speech before S. C. legislature, Dec. 1862. 156: Cyrus Garnsey . . . ; hardware merchant; farmer. 157: James Walcott Lathrop. Died June, 1S95. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Xlll Page 162: Benjamin Francis Thurston . . . ; lecturer Law of patents, Cornell uni- versity 1888-89; • • • trustee Brown university 18S8-90. 165: Henry Clay Rice . . . ; died Worcester, Mass., July 16, 1891. 166 : George Benjamin Ruggles . . . Born North Providence. 167 : Thomas George Dickson . . . ; British vice consul; teacher of English to the children of the royal family. 173: William Henry Watson . . . examiner . . . 1S72-82; regent . . . 1882-; . . . member Society of the colonial wars of N. Y. . . . Old school in- tolerance, . . . Medical education . . . , 18S5; . . . Francis Keman. 174: Alfred Porter Putnam. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1855; • • • lecturer Bible history and archaeology, Tufts college. 1S0: Henry Cooley Parsons . . . ; U. S. military service 1S63, captain. '93 196 206 212 216 219 226 22S ■855 Masters of Arts. 183: Moses Brown Jenkins . . . Died Providence, R. I., April 12, 1S95. 183 : Amos Joseph Saunders . . . storekeeper . . . 1S66-94; retired; justice of peace 1874- ; has held various town offices 1864-. P. 185: Samuel Leonard Crocker. Address unknown. 186: Richard Olney . . . ; U. S. attorney-general 1893-9^; secretary of state 1S95-. 1S6: George Lavater Stedman . . . ; presidentN. Y. Baptist union for minis- terial education 1S95-. 186: Francis Wayland White . . . Address, Summit, N. J. 189: Reuben Brooks Poole .. . Teacher, Rockport, Mass. one year; Phila- delphia house of refuge iS6i?-63; librarian Y. M. C. A., N. Y. 1864-95; . . . vice-president . . . 1S92-93; president 1894-95 • • • Born Rockport, Mass., 1834; died New York, N. Y., April 6, 1S95. 192: William Brown Phillips . . . ; profes-or, Swarthmore college. 192: Henry Gilbert Safford ... ; South Framingham, Mass. 1875-84; preacher, Winthrop, Mass. one year; Newton Upper Falls; elsewhere; omit president, etc. William Leete Stone . . . Autbor Life and times . . . Joseph Trask Plumer. Thomas Frederic Brown. Omit the word " Address." George Bartlett Barrows . . . ; admitted to R. I. bar 1866; reporter R. I. supreme coui t 1893-. 212: Edson Cummings Chick . . . ; journalist. 213: George Henry Kenyon...; assistant surgeon-general R. I. 1893-94; ... secretary Providence medical association; president; treasurer R. I. medical association. 215: Horace Mann Willard . . . New London, N. H. . . . vice president American institute of instruction. Author addresses, reports and periodical articles. William Conrad Rhodes. U. S. military service 1S63, corporal. George Byron Hanna. Transfer to page 217. Calbraith Bourne Perry. Omit D. D. Bethany college. Lyman Fisk Rand. Insert under Bachelors of Philosophy, page 229. Add A. B. Oberlin college 1871. 241 2 4 I 242 242 xiv BROWN UNIVERSITY Page 230: Nathan Fellows Dixon.... R. I. senate 1885-89; U. S. senate 1S89-95. 234 : Nathaniel French Davis . . . LL. D. Colby university 1S94. A $ 236: Peter Benton Shiere . . . Address, 210 Elm St., West Somerville, Mass. P. Eugene Kincaid Dunbar. . . Insurance agent. Address, Bradford, Vt. Richard Moses Elliott . . . 149A Tremont St. Andrew Jackson Jennings . . . Warren, R. I. William Warren Landrum .... trustee Richmond college. Address, 911 Park Ave. 243: Henry Ward Parker ... M. D. Harvard university 1890. 243 : Adrian Scott ... ; A. M. upon examination 1891 . . . Author . . . ; An outline of surgery and the surgical profession, in Atlantic medical weekly, vol. 3, 1S95. 244: John Carter Brown Woods, A. M.; LL. B. Harvard university 1874. Admitted to bar 1874; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1874- 5 member common council 1877-85,; president 1881-85 : member Providence school committee 1881-S5; R. I. house of representatives 1881-87; R. I. senate 1S91-92, '94-; R. I. board of state charities and corrections 1892- ; R. I. commission on improved roads 1892-95; R. I. commission on geological survey of the state 1S95-; trustee Brown university 1884- ; R. I. school for the deaf 1895- ; director, on the part of Brown university, R. I. school of design 1894-95; president R. I. society for prevention of cruelty to animals 18S8-; moderator Charitable Baptist society; member Sons of the American Revolution ; president 1892-93. Address, 62 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. R. I. man., Z *, P. 247: George Lewis Collins . . . American medical association. 250: Frank Ernest Rockwood . . . Address, Lewisburg, Penn. 250: Albert Qeorge Upham . . . ; trustee Rochester theological seminary 250 264 266 277 1895-. Cephas Burpee Welton . . . Address, Williamson, N. Y. James Rea . . . Address, Buffalo, N. Y. Augustus Wood . . . Address, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. Newton Stone Fuller . . . Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 9, i860; died Colorado Springs, Colo., May 8, 1S95. 2S2 : Clifford Angell Harrington... Address, 98 Wevbosset st., Provi- dence, R. I. 2S9 : William Chamberlain Burwell . . . Address, 64 Alumni Ave. 295 : Joseph Somers Russel . . . Address, Hope Valley, R. I. 301-30S : For A X read A 9 302 : Ernest Potter Jenks . . . Address, 939 Eighth Ave. 302 : Robert Lew Preston Nason . . . Address, Champlain Mills, Wills- boro, N. Y. 304: John Lincoln Alger. .. ; superintendent of schools, Bennington, Vt. 1S95-. Address, Bennington, Vt. 305 : Edmund Cody Burnett . . . ; instructor Greek, Brown university 1S94- 95; History 1S95-. Address, Brown University. 305: James Quayle Dealey . . . Latin 1S94-95; Political science and History 1895-. vVddress, Brown University. 305 : James Geoffrey McMurry . . . Last known address . . . ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 3°7 308 309 3°9 Chester Aquila Cook . . . lawyer. John Durward Miner. John Edward Weeden. Secretary Texas brewing company. P. William Howard Paine. Superintendent Seamless stock company. Address, 98 Point st. 310: Walter Allen Young. Principal grammar school, Slatersville, R. I. 1891-93; Bryant and Stratton English school, Providence, R. I. 1S94-. Address, 140 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. p - 311: Isaac Philip Greene. Real estate broker. Address, Room 318, No. 17S Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. 311 : Herbert Howard Rice. Address . . . Hartford, Conn. 312: Robert Northam Turner. Teacher, Fay school, Southboro, Mass. 1892-93; student, General theological seminary, New York, N.Y. 1S93- 915. Address, Bristol, R. I. 312 : Walter Lincoln Chase. Member firm Chase and Ritter, engravers and publishers of maps and atlases. Address, Box 492, Philadelphia, p Penn. r ' 312 : Horace McFarland. Student of anthropology and geology, Brown uni- versity 1S92-93; law student. Address, Falmouth Hotel, Portland, Me. P - 314: John Davis Edmands Jones. 316: William Douglas. Life insurance agent. Address, 13 Hartford Build- ing, Toledo, Ohio. 31S: Mary Emma Woolley . . . ; instructor Biblical history, Wellesley col- lege 1895-. Address, Wellesley, Mass. 320: Albert Davis Mead . . . ; fellow and graduate student of zoology and neurologv, University of Chicago. Address, 17 Ray St., Chicago, 111. Chic. 321 : Lucia Maria Clapp Noyes. Address, East Foxboro, Mass. 3S9: William Watson Waterman, A. M.; M. D. University of the city of New York 1857. Professor Chemistry, Metropolitan medical college 1856-57; teacher, Wis., 111., Nev. 1858-6S ; superintendent of schools Taunton, Mass. 1869-S6; Clinton, Mass. 1886-89; park commissioner 1894-; temporarily retired; president Association of N. E. school super- intendents 1S75; vice president Mass. teachers' association 1879-91; American institute of instruction 18S3-94. Author School reports, Taun- ton, 3 vols. 1846-85; Manual of studies and methods for primary and grammar schools, 1885. Address, 1 White St., Taunton, Mass. CORPORATION PRESIDENTS 1765-1791 JAMES MANNING, D. D. died 1791 1797-1S02 JONATHAN MAXCY, D. D. died 1S20 1804-1S26 ASA MESSER, D. D., LL. D. died 1836 1S27-1S55 FRANCIS WAYLAND, D. D., LL. D. died 1S65 1855-1S67 BARNAS SEARS, D. D., LL. D. died 1S80 1868-1872 ALEXIS CASWELL, D. D., LL. D. died 1S77 1872-1S89 EZEKIEL GILMAN ROBINSON, D. D., LL. D. died 1894 1889- ELISHA BENJAMIN ANDREWS, D. D., LL. D. ACTING PRESIDENTS 17S6-1786 Perez Fobes, A. M. Vice President died 1812 1791-1792 David Howell, A. M. Ad interim died 1824 1792-1797 Jonathan Maxcy, A. M. Pro tempore died 1S20 1802-1S04 Asa Messer, A. M. Pro tempore died 1836 1826-1827 Alva Woods, A. M. Ad interim died 1887 1840-1841 Alexis Caswell, A. M. Pro tempore died 1877 1S67-186S George Ide Chace, Ph.D., LL. D. Ad interim died 1885 FELLOWS 1764-1791 James Manning, D. D. President died 1791 1764-17S3 Joshua Babcock, A. M. Westerly died 17S3 1764-1768 Jeremiah Condy, A. M. Boston, Mass. died 1768 1764-1789 Morgan Edwards, A. M. Philadelphia, Penn. died 1795 1764-1788 Thomas Eyres, A. M. Newport- died 1788 1764-1789 Edward Upham, A. M. Newport died 1797 Note. The degrees assigned to the members of the Corporation and Faculty are the highest borne in the given office. BROWN UNIVERSITY 1 765- 1 S05 1765-] 807 1765-] 771 1 767-] 771 I76S-] 735 1768- 793 1768- 772 1771- 784 1773- 824 1774- [782 1782- 795 1783- 834 1784- 7 88 1785- 803 1788-] 792 I78S-] 835 1789-1 S34 I7S9- SiS 1792- 802 1793- 1S0S 1793- 833 1795- [812 1802- [S26 1S03- [812 1805- 839 1807- S25 1S0S- [865 1812- [815 1813- tS 3 3 1815- l8 3 2 1818- 'S44 1S25- [S41 1S27- 1S55 182S- 1S53 1S32- 1S43 i§33- rS 4 3 1S34- tS 54 1S34- 1864 1S35- 1854 1S35- 1869 1841- 1S51 1S42- 1874 1843- 1846 Hezekiah Smith, D. D. Samuel Stillman, D. D. Marmaduke Brown, A. M. Henry Ward, A. M. Jabez Bowen, A. M. Jonathan Easton John Davis, A. M. George Bissett David Howell, LL. D. Thomas Arnold, A. M. Benjamin Waterhouse, M. D. Solomon Drown, A. M., M. D. Thomas Fitch Oliver, A. M. Enos Hitchcock, D. D. Moses Badger, A. M. Robert Rogers, A. M. James Brown William Williams. A. M. Jonathan Maxcy, D. D. Haverhill, Mass. Boston, Mass. Newport Newport Providence Newport Boston, Mass. Newport Providence Providence Cambridge, Mass. Providence Providence Providence Providence Newport Providence Wrentham, Mass. President Abraham Lynsen Clarke, A. M. Providence Henry Wight, D. D. Bristol Perez Fobes, LL. D. Raynham, Mass. Asa Messer, D. D., LL. D. President David Leonard Barnes, A. M. Providence Samuel Eddy, LL. D. Providence Thomas Baldwin, D. D. Boston, Mass. Nathan Bourne Crocker, D. D. Providence Alexander VietsGriswold, D. D. Bristol Henry Edes, D. D. Providence Nathaniel Searle, LL. D. Providence Lucius Bolles, D. D. Nicholas Brown, A. M. Francis Wayland, D. D. Daniel Sharp, D. D. Theron Metcalf, A. M. Wilkes Wood, A. M. Salem, Mass. Providence LL. D. President Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Middleboro, Mass. Robert Everett Pattison, D. D. Providence John Pitman, LL. D. Richard Fletcher, LL. D. James Henry Duncan, LL. D. Barnas Sears, D. D. John Carter Brown, A. M. Providence Boston, Mass. Haverhill, Mass. Newton Centre, Mass. Providence William Giles Goddard, LL. D. Providence d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d led 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d led 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d led 1 d ed 1 d led 1 d ied 1 d ed 1 d ied 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ed 1 d ied 1 d ied 1 d ed 1 d ied 1 d ed 1 d ied 1 FELLOWS 3 844-1S48 Zachariah Eddy, A. M. Middleboro, Mass. died i860 844-1S50 William R Williams, D. D. New York, N. Y. died 1885 847-1853 Theron Metcalf, LL. 1). IJoston, Mass. died 1S75 848-1S62 Alvan BOND, I). I). Norwich, Conn. died 1882 S50-1S89 Alexander Duncan, A. M. Providence died 1889 S51-1S79 Isaac Davis, LL. D. Worcester, Mass. died 1883 853-1S57 James Nathaniel Granger, D. D. Providence died 1S57 853-1S74 John Kingsbury, LL. D. Providence died 1874 854-1S61 NATHA18 Bishop, LL. D. New York, N. Y. died 1S80 855-1S5S Francis Wayland, D. D., LL. D. Providence died 1865 855-1867 Barnas Sears, D. D., LL. D. President died 1SS0 85S-1869 Baron Stow, D. I). Boston, Mass. died 1869 859-1887 Alva Woods, D. D. Providence died 1887 862-1889 Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D. D., LL. D. Providence died 1S89 863- Edwards Amasa Park, D. D..LL. D. Andover, Mass. 865-1874 Shadrac'H Standish Bradford, A. M. Providence died 1S75 866-18S8 Charles Smith Bradley, LL. D. Providence died 188S 868-1872 Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D. President died 1877 S70-1S87 Horatio Nelson Slater, A. M. Webster, Mass. died 18SS 870-1889 William Gammell, LL. D. Providence died 1SS9 872-1SS9 Ezekiel Gilman Robinson, D. D., LL. D. President died 1894 874- Alvah IIoyey, D. D., LL. D. Newton Centre, Mass. S75-1877 Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D. Providence died 1877 875-188S Rowland Gibson Hazard, LL. D. Peace Dale died 1 888 877-1SS8 Merrick Lyon, LL. D. Providence died 188S 879-1S87 Heman Lincoln, D. D. Newton Centre, Mass. died 18S7 888- Francis Wayland, LL. D. New Haven, Conn. 888- Adoniram Judson Gordon, D. D. Boston, Mass. 888- Thomas Durfee, LL. D. Providence 888- Rowland Hazard, A. M. Peace Dale 8SS-1889 John Calvin Stockbridge, D. D. Providence 889-1S93 Thomas Poynton Ives Goddard, A.M. Providence died 1893 SS9- Samuel White Duncan, D. D. Haverhill, Mass. 889- Elisha Benjamin Andrews, D.D., LL. D. President 890-1893 Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe, D. D. Reading, Penn. S90- Charles Lewis Colby, A. M. Milwaukee, Wis. 890- Thomas Davis Anderson, D. D. Providence 593- Robert Hale Ives Goddard, A.M. Providence 594- Richard Olney, LL. I). Boston, Mass. BROWN UNIVERSITY TRUSTEES 1764- 1735 1764- 1780 1764- 1776 1764- 1776 1764- 1777 1764- 1778 1764- 1770 1764- 1769 1764- J 774 1764- 1791 1764- 1789 1764- 1789 1764- !793 1764- 177S 1764- 1788 1764- 1791 1764- 1765 1764- 1778 1764- 1784 1764- 1782 1764- !793 1764- 1790 1765- !794 1765- [ 794 1765- t792 1765- [799 1766- 1791 1766- 1782 1768- 17S5 1769- '7S5 1769- 1787 1769- 1786 1769- [774 1769- t 77 S 1769- [769 1769- 777 1770- 7§5 1771- 797 1774- 791 Stephen Hopkins, LL. D. Joseph Wanton, A. M. Samuel Ward, A. M. John Tillinghast, A. M. Simon Pease James Honyman Nicholas Easton Nicholas Tillinghast, A. M. Daniel Jenckes Nicholas Brown John G Wanton Joshua Clark Gardner Thurston John Maxson John Gano Samuel Winsor Samuel Stillman, A. M. Josias Lyndon Job Bennet Edward Thurston Peleg Barker Ephraim Bowen George Hazard Russell Mason Joseph Russell Isaac Backus, A. M. Sylvester Child Nicholas Cooke John Tanner Joseph Brown Nathan Spear John Warren William Brown Thomas Greene Archibald Campbell James Helme Darius Sessions Henry Ward, A. M. John Jenckes Providence Newport Westerly Newport Newport Newport Middletown Newport Providence Providence Newport Hopkinton Newport Newport New York, N. Y. Providence Boston, Mass. Newport Newport Newport Newport Providence Newport Swansea, Mass. Providence Middleboro, Mass. Warren Prov.idence Newport Providence Boston, Mass. Newport * Swansea, Mass. Providence East Greenwich South Kingstown Providence Newport Providence died 1785 died 1780 died 1776 died 1776 died?i777 died 1778 died?i776 died 1797 died 1774 died 1791 died?i789 died 1793 died 1802 died?i778 died 1804 died 1803 died 1807 died 1778 died 1784 died? 1 782 died? 1 808 died 1812 died 1797 died? 1 794 died 1792 died 1806 died?i79i died 1782 died? 1 785 died 1785 died? 1 787 died?i7S6 died?i774 died?i778 died 1769 died 1777 died 1S09 died 1797 died 1791 TRUSTEES 1774- 1S03 John Brown, A. M. Providence died 1803 1776- 1S00 William Russell Providence died 1825 1776- 1789 Daniel Caiioon Providence died?i7S9 1776- 1777 John Cole Providence died 1777 1776- 1792 Joseph Clarke Jamestown died 1792 1776- 1797 Joseph Nightingale Providence died 1797 1782- 1S0S John Innes Clarke Providence died 1S08 1782- 1817 John Smith Providence died?i8i7 I7S2- 1S02 Esek Hopkins North Providence died 1802 1782- 1812 Rufus Hopkins North Providence died 1812 1782- 1784 Thomas Jenkins Providence died?i7S| 1782- 17SS Enos Hitchcock, A. M. Providence died 1803 1782- 1804 Ebenezer Thompson Providence died?iSo4 1783- 1798 Welcome Arnold Providence died 1798 I7S4- 1809 Daniel Tillinghast Providence died?iSo9 1785- 1815 Jabez Bowen, U,. D. Providence died 1815 1785- J793 William Bliss Newport died?i793 I7S5- 1793 William Greene Warwick died 1809 1785- 180S William Bradford Bristol died 1808 1786- 17SS Robert Rogers, A. M. Newport died 1835 1786- 1798 Benjamin Foster, D. D. New York, N. Y. died 179S 1788- 1790 John Stanford, A. M. Providence died 1834 1788- 1S00 Peleg Clarke Newport died? 1 800 1788- 1792 Daniel Rogers Newport died ?i792 I7S9- 1799 Isaac Senter, A. M., M. D. Newport died 1799 17S9- [826 William Holroyd Providence died?i826 1789- 1S01 George Benson Providence died 1S36 1790- 1800 Samuel Ward, A. M. New York, N. Y. died 1832 1790- '839 William Patten, D. D. Newport died 1S39 1791- 1792 Jonathan Maxcy, A. M. Providence died 1820 1791- 1S25 Nicholas Brown, A. M. Providence died 1 84 1 1791- t796 John Francis. A. M. Providence died 1796 1791- 1809 John Mason Providence died? 1 809 1792- [813 Cyprian Sterrv Providence died? 1 825 1792- 1 80S Benjamin Bourne Providence died 1S0S 1793- 1821 Ray Greene Warwick died 1S49 1793- 1795 Christopher Fowler Newport died? 1 795 1793- 'S35 Thomas Poynton Ives Providence died 1835 !793" [79 8 Melancthon Smith Newport? died? 1 798 1793- 'S13 Samuel El am, A. M. Portsmouth died 1813 1794- [Soo Francis Malbone Newport died 1809 1794- 1819 Simeon Martin Seekonk, Mass. died 1819 1794- [822 Theodore Foster, A. M, Providence died 1828 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1794- [S28 1794- S07 1795- [803 1797- S05 179S- S37 1798- S13 1798-] 851 1798- Sio 1799-] S22 1 799-] SiS 1S00- 827 1800- 83S 1800- 820 1800- 826 1S00-] 809 1801- S29 1S02- tS 3 5 1S03- S07 1S04- S19 1S04- 833 1805- lS 3 2 1S07- 818 1S07- cSn 1S09- ,S 3 S 1S09- [841 1S09- t 8 3 2 1S09- t8 3 9 1S09- S13 1813- [S20 1813- ^53 1813- [S19 1813- [852 1813- [815 1813- [858 1815- [S28 1817- [S26 1817- [822 1817- 1826 181S- [S74 1819- L831 1S20- [828 1820- 185 1 1S20- [825 Stephen Gano, A. M.', M. D. Thomas Baldwin, D. D. Charles Thompson, A. M. Sa.mlel Eddy, LL. D. Olney Winsor John Dorrance, A. M. Levi Wheaton, A. M., M. D. John Rogers John Pitman Joseph Jenckes, A. M. Thomas Arnold, A. M. William Hunter, LL. D. Thomas Tillinghast Samuel Greene Arnold. A. M, Christopher Olney John Throop Child Elisha Reynolds Potter Ezekiel Robins James Brown Mason, A. M. Moses Lippitt Elisha Scott Williams, A. M. Lucius Bolles, A. M. Joseph Clay, A. M. Richard Jackson James Rhodes William Collier, A. M. Thomas Lloyd Halsey, A. M. Henry Edes, A. M. James Burrill, LL. D. Tristam Burges, LL. D. Ebenezer Secomb Amasa Mason Nathaniel Searle, A. M. Sullivan Dorr Alexander Viets Griswold, D. Oliver Kane William Jones Pardon Bowen, A. M., M v D. David Benedict, D. D. Stephen Smith Nelson, A. M. Daniel Sharp, A. M. Romeo Elton, D. D. Nicholas Brown, A. M. Providence died ] 82S Boston, Mass. died ] 825 Swansea, Mass. died ] 803 Providence died 339 North Providence died ? 337 Providence died Si3 Providence died ] S51 Providence died ? Sio Rehoboth, Mass. died ] 82 2 Providence died S18 Providence died S27 Newport died 349 East Greenwich died 82 1 Providence died 826 Providence died 809 Warren died? 829 Kingston died 335 New York, N. Y. died? S07 Providence died [S19 Providence died ? 333 Beverly, Mass. died 845 Salem, Mass. died [S44 Boston, Mass. died [S11 Providence died S38 Pawtuxet died [841 Charlestown, Mass. died [ 843 Providence died '855 Providence died [851 Providence died [820 Providence died '353 Salem, Mass. died? [819 Providence died 852 Providence died L832 Providence died 85S D.Bristol died 343 Providence died? S26 Providence died S22 Providence died S26 Pawtucket died 1874 Attleboro, Mass. died '853 Boston, Mass. died '853 Newport died 870 Warwick died S41 I820- 1821- IS2I- 1822- 1822- 1823- IS23- 1825- 1826- 1826- IS26- I82S- 1828- IS2S- 1828- 1S2S- 1828- 182s- 1830- 1831- 1832- 1832- IS33- 1835- 1835- 1836- 1836- 1837- IS37- I83S- 1838- 183s- 1839- 184 1- 1842- IS42- 1842- 1842- '843- IS43- 1844- 1844- TRUSTEES 7 827 William Gammell, A. M. Newport died 1S27 844 Stephen- Hopkins Smith Smithfield died 1858 S40 Samuel Willard Bridgham, A. M. Providence died 1840 S57 Moses Brown Ives, A. M. Providence died 18157 S43 Edward Carrington Providence died 1843 852 Thomas Buffum Smithfield died?i852 875 Richard Ward Greene, LL. D. Providence died 187s 844 Jonathan Going, D. D. Worcester, Mass. died 1844 834 Robert Hale Ives, A. M. Providence died 187s 873 Richard James Arnold, A. M. Providence died 1873 S82 Zachariah Allen, LL. D. Providence died 1SS2 S56 Thomas Burgess, A. B. Providence died 1856 842 John Carter Brown, A. M. Providence died 1874 857 John Brown Francis, A. B. Warwick died 1864 834 John Pitman, A. M. Providence died 1864 838 James Davis Knowles Newton Centre, Mass. died 1838 S75 Rufus Babcock, D. D. Salem, Mass. died 187s 863 Henry Jackson, D. 1). Charlestown, Mass. died 1S63 854 Levi Hailk. A. M. Warren died 1854 834 Robert Everett Pattison, A. M. Providence died 1874 S35 Richard Fletcher, A. M. Boston, Mass. died 1S69 836 Gustavus Fellowes Davis, D. D. Hartford, Conn. died 1S36 844 Joseph Leonard Tillinghast, A. M. Providence died 1844 862 Heman Lincoln Boston, Mass. died 1869 S67 Samuel Boyd Tobey, A. M.. M. D. Providence died 1867 840 Timothy Ruggles Green, A. M. New York, N. Y. died 1840 S64 Benjamin Babcock Thurston Hopkinton died 1S81 S79 William Phillips, A. M. Providence died 1S79 8S7 William Hague, I). D. Providence died 1887 S47 Job Durfee, LL. I). Tiverton died 1S47 S7S Robert Hale Ives, A. M. Providence died 1875 851 Isaac Davis, LL. D. Worcester, Mass. died 18S3 S58 Baron Stow, D. D. Boston, Mass. died 1S69 847 John Wavland, D. D. » Roxburv, Mass. died 1863 866 Edward Brooks Hall, D. D. Providence died 1S66 843 William Giles Goddard, A. M. Providence died 1846 S75 Edward Mellen, LL. D. Wayland, Mass. died 1S75 854 Nathan Bishop, A. M. Providence died 1SS0 848 Ebenezer Thresher Boston, Mass. died 1SS6 S50 Alexander Duncan, A. M. Providence died 1S89 859 Alva Woods, D. D. Providence died 18S7 S53 John Kingsbury, A. M. Providence died 1874 S60 Thomas Vernon, A. M., M. D. Kingston died 1S76 8 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1845-1871 William Allen Crocker, A. M. Taunton, Mass. died 1871 1845-1872 Arthur Savage Train, D. D. Haverhill, Mass. died 1872 1S47-1870 Horatio Nelson Slater, A. M. Providence died 1888 1847-1S65 Samuel Budd Swaim, D. D. Worcester, Mass. died 1865 1848-1880 Samuel Greene Arnold, LL. D.Providence died 1880 1851-1877 Thomas Perkins Shepard, A. M., M. D. Providence died 1877 1851-1S53 James Nathaniel Granger, A. M. Providence died 1857 1852-1892 George Howland, A. M. New Bedford, Mass. died 1892 1853-1886 Charles Thurber, A. M. Worcester, Mass. died 1886 1853-1873 Albert Day Hartford, Conn. died?i873 1853-1856 Sewall Sylvester Cutting, A. M. New York. N. Y. died 1882 1S54-1869 Stephen Abbott Chase Salem, Mass. died?i869 1854-1875 Charles Worthen Flanders, D. D. Concord, N. H. died 1875 1S54-1862 Alfred Bosworth, A. M. Warren died 1862 1855-1879 Gardner Colby Newton Centre, Mass. died 1879 1856-1873 William Samuel Patten, A. M. Providence died 1873 1856-1S88 John Calvin Stockbridge, D. D. Boston, Mass. 1S56- Marshall Woods, A. M., M. D. Providence 1857- William Goddard, A. M. Warwick 1857- 1865 Thomas Poynton Ives, A. M. Providence died 1865 1858-1877 George Lewis Collins, M. D. Providence died 1877 1S58- 1S74 Jonas Goulding Warren, D. D. Newton Centre, Mass. died 1884 1859-1862 Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D. D. Providence died 1889 1860-1894 Thatcher Thayer, D. D. Newport died 1894 1S62-1874 Thomas Goodwin Turner Warren died 1875 1862-1879 Heman Lincoln, D. D. Providence died 1887 1863-1865 Shadrach Standish Bradford, A. M. Providence died 1875 1S63-1894 Abraham Holley Granger, D. D. Providence died 1894 1865-1887 Jefferson Borden Fall River, Mass. died 1887 1865-1889 Joseph Warren Merrill, A. M. Cambridge, Mass. died 1889 1866-1872 John Bryant Hartwell Providence 1866- William Sprague, A. M. Narragansett Pier 1866-1876 Earl Potter Mason Providence 1869-1892 JohnGreenleaf Whittier, A. M. Amesbury, Mass. died 1S92 1869-1875 Rowland Gibson Hazard, LL. D. Peace Dale died 1888 1870-1874 Alvah Hovey, D. D., LL. D. Newton Centre, Mass. 1872-1890 Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe, D. D., Reading, Penn. 1S72-1889 Joseph Charles Hartshorn, A. M. Providence died 1S89 1873-1875 Alexis Caswell, D. D., LL. D. Providence died 1877 1873-1888 Francis Wayland, LL. D. New Haven, Conn. 1873- William Williams Keen, M. D., LL. D. Philadelphia, Penn. 1874-188S Adoniram Judson Gordon, D. D. Boston, Mass. 1874-1878 Benjamin Franklin Thomas, LL. D. Providence died 1878 TRUSTEES 9 874-1877 Merrick Lyon, LL. D. Providence died 1888 875- James Barlow Simmons, D. D. New York, N. Y. 875-1883 Albert Nicholas Arnold, 1). D. Chicago, III. died 1883 875- William IIadley Eaton, D. D. Nashua, N. H. 875- Albert Keith Smiley, A. M. Mohonk Lake, N. Y. 875-1888 Rowland Hazard, A. M. Providence 876-1888 Thomas Durfee, LL. D. Providence 876-1888 Edwin Miller Snow, A. M., M. D. Providence died 1888 S76- Arnold Buffum Chace, D. Sc. Valley Falls 576- Horatio Nelson Slater, A. M. Providence 577- Elijah Brigham Stoddard, A.M. Worcester, Mass. 877-1S91 Daniel Leach, D. U. Providence died 1S91 878-1883 Comfort Edwin Barrows, D. D. Newport died 1883 578- Richard Mead Atwater, A. M. Syracuse, N. Y. S79-1894 William Francis Sayles, A. M. Pawtucket died 1894 879-1S90 Charles Lewis Colby, B. P. Milwaukee, Wis. 579- Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, D. D. New Haven, Conn. 8S0- Edward Judson, D. D. New York, N. Y. 580- Joseph Henry Walker, LL. D. Worcester, Mass. S84-18S8 Adin Balloi- Underwood, A. M. Newton, Mass. died 1888 8S4- John Carter Brown Wood's, A. M., LL. B. Providence SS4-1891 Mortimer Hall Hartwell, A. B. Providence died 1S91 8S7- Andrew Jackson Jennings, LL. B. Fall River, Mass. 8S7- Eustace Carey Fitz, A. M. Chelsea, Mass. 888- Heman Lincoln Wayland, D. D. Philadelphia, Penn. 888- Francis Almon Gaskill, A. B. Worcester, Mass. S8S- Joseph Pitman Earle, B. P. New York, N. Y. 88S-1890 Benjamin Francis Thurston, LL. 1). Providence died 1S90 888- James Leland Howard, A. M. Hartford, Conn. 8S9- Arnold Green, LL. D. Providence 889- Charles Bradford Goff, Ph. D. Providence 8S9- Henry Sweetser Burrage, D. D. Portland, Me. 890- Moses Homan Bixby, D. D. Providence S90- James Goodwin Batterson Hartford, Conn. 890- Robert Ives Gammell, A. M. Providence 890- Oscar Lapham, A. M. Providence 891- Colgate Hoyt New York, N. Y. 892- William Vail Kellen, Ph. D. Boston, Mass. 892- Jonathan Chace, A. M. Valley Falls 592- Cornelius Sowle Sweetland, A. M. Providence 593- George Lewis Collins, M. D. Providence 894- Rowland Gibson Hazard, A. M. Peace Dale 594- John Peirce, D. Sc. Providence BROWN UNIVERSITY CHANCELLORS 1764-1785 Stephen Hopkins, LL. D. Providence died 1785 i78t;-iSiq Jabez Bowen, LL. D. Providence died 1815 18115-1828 Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. Bristol died 1843 1828-1840 Samuel Willard Bridgham, A. M. Providence died 1840 1841-1854 John Brown Francis, A. B. Warwick died 1864 1854-1S67 Samuel Boyd Tobey, A. M., M. D. Providence died 1867 1867-1873 William Samuel Patten, A. M. Providence died 1873 1874-1878 Benjamin Franklin Thomas, LL. D. Providence died 1878 1879-1888 Thomas Durfee, LL. D. Providence 18SS- William Goddard, A. M. Warwick SECRETARIES 1764-1776 Thomas Eyres, A. M. Newport died 1788 1776-1780 Thomas Arnold, A. M. Providence died 1827 1780-1806 David Howell, LL. D. Providence died 1824 1806-1829 Samuel Eddy, LL. D. Providence died 1839 1829-1837 Nathan Bourne Crocker, D. D. Providence died 1865 1837-1843 Theron Metcalf, A. M. Boston, Mass. died 1875 1843-1846 William Giles Goddard, LL. D. Providence died 1846 1846-1853 Nathan Bourne Crocker, D. D. Providence died 1865 1853-1874 John Kingsbury, LL. D. Providence died 1874 1875-1889 Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D. D., LL. D. Providence died 1889 1890- Thomas Davis Anderson, D. D. Providence TREASURERS 1764-1767 John Tillinghast. A. M. Newport died 1776 1 767-1775 Job Bennet Newport .died 1784 1775-1796 John Brown, A. M. Providence died 1803 1796-1825 Nicholas Brown, A. M. Providence died 1841 1825-1857 Moses Brown Ives, A. M. Providence died 1857 1857-1866 Robert Hale Ives, A. M. Providence died 1875 1866-1882 Marshall Woods, A. M., M. D. Providence 1882- Arnold Buffum Chace, D. Sc. Valley Falls PROFESSORS Faculty and Other Officers professors James Manning, D. 13. Languages, afterwards Moral Philosophy, 1769-91. died 1791 David Howell. LL. D. Natural Philosophy, 1769-79; Jurisprudence, 1790- 1824. died 1824 Joseph Brown, A. M. Natural Philosophy, 1784-85. died 1785 Benjamin Waterhouse, M. D. Natural History, 1784-91. died 1846 Benjamin West, LL. D. Mathematics and Astronomy, 1786-98: Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1798. died 1813 Perez Fobes, LL. D. Natural Philosophy, 1786-98. died 1812 Jonathan Maxcy, A. M. Divinity, 1791-92. died 1820 Asa Messer, A. M. Learned Languages, 1796-99; Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1 799-1 So 2. died 1836 Calvin Park, D. D. Learned Languages, 1804-1 1 ; Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics, 181 1-25. died 1847 Solomon Drown, M. D. Materia Medica and Botany, 1S11-34. died 1834 William Ingalls, M. D. Anatomy and Surgery, 1811-23. died 1851 William Corlis Bowen, M. D. Chemistry, 1S11-13. died 1S15 Levi Wheaton, M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine, 1S15-2S. died 1851 Tristam Burges, LL. D. Oratory and Belles-Lettres, 1S15-28. died 1853 John Mathewson Eddy, M. D. Adjunct, Anatomy and Surgery, 1S15-17. died 1871 John D'Wolf, A. M. Chemistry, 1817-34. died ^62 Jasper Adams, A. M. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1819-24. died 1841 Usher Parsons, M. D. Anatomy and Surgery, 1823-28. died 1S68 Alva Woods, A. M. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1S24-2S. died 1887 Horatio Gates Bowen, A. M. Natural History, 1S24-28. died 1848 William Giles Goddard, A. M. Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics, 1825-34; Belles-Lettres, 1S34-42. died 1846 Romeo Elton, D. D. Latin and Greek Languages and Literature, 1825-43. died 1870 Alexis Caswell, D. D. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1828-50; Math- ematics and Astronomy, 1850-63. died 1877 12 BROWN UNIVERSITY George Ide Chace, Ph. D., LL. D. Adjunct, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy., 1S33-34; Chemistry, Physiology, and Geology, 1834-59; Chemistry and Physiology, 1S59-64; Geology and Physical Geography, 1864-65; Chem- istry and Geology, 1865-67; Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, 1S67-72. died 1885 Francis Wayland, D. D., LL. D. Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, 1834-55. died i86q William Gammell, LL. D. Assistant, Belles-Lettres, 1835-37'; Rhetoric, 1S37-50; History and Political Economy, 1S50-64. died 1SS9 Horatio Balch Hackett, A. M. Adjunct, Latin and Greek Languages and Literature, 1835-38; Hebrexv Literature, 1S3S-39. died 1875 Charles Coffin Jewett, A. M. Modern Languages and Literature, 1843-48. died 1868 James Robinson Boise, A. M. Assistant, Greek, 1843-45; Greek Language and Literature, 1845-50, 1851-52. John Larkin Lincoln, LL. D. Assistant, Latin, 1S44-45 ; Latin Language and Literature, 1S45-91. died 1S91 William Augustus Norton, A. M. Natural Philosophy and Civil Engineer- ing, 1850-52. died 1S83 John Addison Pouter, A. M. Chemistry applied to the Arts, 1S50-52. died 1S66 Robinson Potter Dunn, D. D. Rhetoric and English Literature, 1851-67. died 1867 Samuel Stillman Greene, LL. D. Didactics, 1851-54; Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1855-64; Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, 1864-83. died 18S3 James Burrill Angell, A. M. Modern Languages and Literature, 1852-60. Henry Day, A. M. Natural Philosophy and Civil Engineering, 1852-54. Nelson Wheeler, A. M. Greek Language and Literature, 1853-54. died 1S55 Barnas Sears, D. D., LL. D. Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, 1855-67. died 1880 Albert Harkness, Ph. D., LL. b. Greek Language and Literature, 1855-92 ; Emeritus, 1S92- Nathaniel Peter Hill, A. M. Chemistry Applied to the Arts, 1859-64. John Peirce, A. M. Assistant, Chemistry Applied to the Arts, 1862-63; Chem- istry Applied to the Arts, 1863-64. Jeremiah Lewis Diman, D. D. History and Political Economy, 1S64-81. died 18S1 Benjamin Franklin Clarke, A. M, Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1S68-93; Mechanical Engineering, 1S93- John Howard Appleton, A. M. Chemistry Applied to the Arts, 1S68-72 ; Chemistry, 1872- Timothy W'hiting Bancroft, A. M. Rhetoric and English Literature, 186S-90. died 1890 PROFESSORS 13 Eli Whitney Blake, A. M. Physics, 1S70- Ezekiel Gilman Robinson, D. D., LL. 1). Moral r. mem. John Morley Green. Ensign 2d R. I. regiment 1779: lieutenant 1780; 1st R. I. regiment 1781. Died 1784- Heitman Rev. Joseph Jenckes, A. M. Trustee Brown university 1799-1818. Died 1818. Alexander Jones. Died 1840. William M'Clellan. Died 1809. Samuel Snow, A. M. Died 1838. Levi Wheaton, A. M. ; M. D. 1812. Physician, Hudson. N. V. ten years; New- York, N. Y. two years ; Providence, R. I. ; trustee Brown university 179S-1851 ; professor Theory and practice of medicine 1815-28; physician of port of Provi- dence. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 6, 1761 ; died Providence. Aug. 29, 1851. Nee. 1852, R. I. c\c. *7 1783 Jacob Campbell, A. M. Principal classical school, East Greenwich, R. E; lawyer, East Greenwich. Author Poetical essays,, and essays in prose. Born East Greenwich, R. E, 1760; died East Greenwich, March 5, 178S. R. I. eye. Luther Harris. George Tillinghast, A. M. Died 1829. John Tillinghast, A. M. Othniel Tyler, A. M. Died 1S46. William Wilkinson, A. M. Principal Latin school, Providence, R. E 1 7S3- 94; librarian Brown university 1785-SS; postmaster Providence 1790-92; book- seller, Providence i794?-i8i7; member R. I. house of representatives 1813-18; town council, Providence, 1824; held high masonic offices. Born Thompson, Conn., 1760; died Providence, R. E, May 16, 1S52. Nee. 1852, R. E eye. *6 1786 Robert Landals Annan. William Annan. Oliver Bowen, A. M. Died 1S04. Nicholas Brown, A. M. Merchant, senior partner, house of Brown and Ives; member R. E house of representatives ; R. I. senate: presidential elector 1840: trustee Brown university 1791-1S25; treasurer 1796-1S25; fellow 1825-41 ; one of the founders Providence Athenaeum; Butler hospital for the insane. Born Providence, R. E. April 4, 1769; died Providence, Oct. 27, 1841. R. I. eye, Cvc. Am. biog., Bapt. enevc. Hunt Am. merch. Benjamin Bowen Carter, A. M. Died 1831. Edmund Freeman, A. M. Jonathan Gould, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1794. Timothy Greene, A. M. Died 1812. Jairus Hall, A. M. Lemuel Kollock, A. M. ; M. D. 1819; Harvard university 1S22. Died 1823. 32 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1786 James Manning, A. M. Joseph Mason, A. M. Died 1S43. Preserved Smith, A. M. ; Williams college 1797. Clergyman. Died 1834. Amos Wood. Ordained Baptist 17S7 ; pastor Weare, N. H. 1787-98. Died 1798. Benjamin Woods. Died 180S. *15 I787 Abner Alden, A. M. Author Columbian exercise, 4 vols., i8oo?-i8i2. Died 1820. Abraham Crouch, A. M. Died 1S26. Samuel Eddy, A. M., LL. D. 1801. Delegate, R. I. convention on U. S. con- stitution 1790; admitted to bar 1790; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; clerk R. I. supe- rior court 1790-94; clerk R. I. general assembly 1793; member committee to col- lect and revise R. I. laws 1794; secretary of state, R. I. 1797-1S19; member U. S. house of representatives 1819-25 ; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1826-27 ; chief justice 1827-35; fellow Brown university 1805-39: secretary 1806-29; cor- responding member Mass. historical society. Author Scripture its own interpreter, 1S1S; Reasons offered to the First Baptist church in Providence, 1S18. Born Johnston, R. I., March 31, 1769; died Feb. 3, 1839. R. I. eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Am. q. reg. 11 John Faxon. Died 1827. Oliver Hawes, A. M. Died 182 1. Eli King, A. M. Died 1817. Nathaniel Lambert, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1838. Oliver Leonard, A. M. Died 182S. John Milton Mann. Died 1S09. Jonathan Maxcy, A. M. ; D. D. Harvard university 1S01. Tutor Brown uni- versity 1787-91; librarian 17SS-92 ; licensed Baptist 1790; ordained 1791 ; pastor First church, Providence, R. I. 1791-92 ; acting president, Brown university 1792-97; president 1797-1802 ; Union college 1S02-04; S. C. college 1804-20. Author sermons, addresses and orations, contained in his Literary remains, with memoir by Romeo Elton, 1S44. Born Attleboro, Mass., Sept 2, 1768; died Columbia, S. C, June 4, 1S20. R. I. cyc, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Memoir, Am. q. reg. 11, Sprague Annals 6. *10 1788 Benjamin Adams, A. M. Lawyer, Uxbridge, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1809-14; Mass. senate 1814-15, '22-25; U. S. house of represen- tatives 1S16-21. Born Worcester, Mass., 1765; died Uxbridge, Mass., March 28, 1837. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. Amos Maine Atwell, A. M. Author Address before Mt. Vernon lodge, masonic, 1S00. Died 1815. William Barton, A. M. Jesse Blackinton. Jabez Bowen, A. M. Born 1774; died 1S16. John BriggS. Clergyman. Died 1811. 1788 GRADUATES 33 James Burrill, A. M., LL. U. 1813. Admitted to bar 1791 ; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; attorney general R. I. 1797-1814; speaker R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1S14-16; chief justice R. I. supreme court 1S16; member U. S. senate 1S17-20; trustee Brown university 1813-20. Born Providence, R. I., April 25, 1772 ; died Washington, D. C, Dec. 25, 1820. R. I. eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Am. q. reg. 11 Herman Daggett, A. M. Licensed Congregational 17S9; pastor Presbyterian church, Southold, L. I. 1790-91 ? ; Southampton, L. I. 1792-96? ; West Hampton, L. I. 1797-1801 ; Brookhaven, L. I. 1801-07; teacher and preacher, Cairo, N. Y. one year; preacher, Patterson. N. Y. ; principal academy and preacher, North Salem, N. Y. two years; principal academy, New Canaan, Conn.; Foreign mission school, Cornwall, Conn. 1818-24; resident, Cornwall 1824-32. Author Sermon on death of Rev. S. Buell, 179S; Inauguration address, 1818, in Memoirs of H. Obookiah, 18 19. Born Walpole, Mass., Sept. 11, 1766; died Cornwall, Conn., May 19, 1832. Sprague Annals 2 Simeon Doggett, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1791-96; licensed Congrega- tional 1793; principal academy, Bristol, R. I. 1796-1813; pastor Mendon, Mass. 1813-31; Raynham, Mass. 1831-45. Author The -way of eternal life, 1796; Discourse on education, Bristol academy, 1796; Oration at Taunton, 4th July, /799 ; Discourse at funeral of Richard George, 1827 ; Sermon on death of Capt. Joseph Prince, 182S; Sermon at ordination of T. P. Doggett, 1833; Tzvo dis- courses on slavery, 1835; National union, fast-day sermon, 1839; Sermon on transcendentalism, fast-day, 1S43. Born Middleboro, Mass., March 6, 1765; died Raynham, Mass.. March 19, 1852. Sprague Annals 8, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1852 Jabez Pond Fisher, A. M.; Dartmouth college 1833. Clergyman. Died 1S36. Harding Harris, A. M. Died 1808. Josiah Holbrook, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1795. George Jackson, A. M. Died 1832. Ebenezer Lazell. Oidained Unitarian 1792; pastor Second church, Attleboro, Mass. 1792-97. Died 1828. Sprague Annals 8. Joshua Leonard; A. M. Yale college 1792. Clergyman. Died 1843. William May. Died 1790. Samuel Mead. Clergvman. Died 1S18. Stephen Tillinghast, A. M. Died 1841. John Turner. Clergyman. Died 1839. Benjamin Whitman, A. M. Died 1S40. *20 I789 Paul Draper, A. M. Died 1S00. James Fenner, A. M. ; LL. D. 1825. Member R. I. house of representatives several years; U. S. senate 1805-07; governor R. I. 1807-11, '24-31, '43-45; presidentinl elector 1821, '37; president R. I. constitutional convention 1S42. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 22, 1771; died Providence, April 17, 1846. R. I. cyc, Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Am. q. reg. 11 Samuel Ward Greene. Died North Providence, R. I., Sept. 22, 1849. Nee. 1850. Jeremiah Brown Howell; A. M. Dartmouth college 1791. Lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; member U. S. senate 1811-17. Born Providence, R. I., 1772; died Providence, Nov. 1822. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. 34 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1789 John Clark Nightingale, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1790; A. M. 1795. Died 1S06. Thomas Park, A. M. ; LL. D. 1822. Professor Learned languages, S. C. col- lege. Died 1844. Nicholas Power, A. M. Died 1844. Edward Richmond, A. M. ; D. D. 1815. Clergyman. Died 1842. James Tufts, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1795; pastor Wardsboro, Vt. 1795-. Died 1S41. *9 I790 William Allen, A. M. Jasper Bentley. Moses Brown; Yale college 1790. Died 1791. Thomas Cobb. Died 1849. Jacob Convers. Joseph Delano. Aaron Draper. Died 1818. Nathaniel Drinkwater, A. M. John Fitch. Clergyman. Died 1827. Andrew Graham, A. M. Benjamin Hunt Hall. Peter Hawes, A. M. Died 1829. Elias Hawes. Died 1842. Benjamin Heaton, A. M. Died 1800. Asa Messer, A. M. ; D. D. 1806; Harvard university 1820; LL. D. University of Vt. 1812. Tutor, Brown university 1791-96; librarian 1792-99; professor Learned languages 1796-99; Mathematics and natural philosophy 1799-1802; acting president 1802-04; president 1S04-26; licensed Baptist 1792; ordained 1801; farmer, holding various town offices, Providence, R. I. 1826-36. Author Discourse, thanksgiving day, 1798 ; Discourse, Sunday preceding commence- ment, 179Q ; Oration, Providence, 4th July, 1803 ; Address, commencement, /8oj ; Oration, Providence association of mecha?iics and manufacturers, 1803 • Ad- dress, commencemejit, 1S10; Address, comme?icement, 181 1 ; Discourse, Warren association, 1812. Born Methuen, Mass., 1769; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 11, 1836. R. I. eye, Bibliog. R. I., Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc. Am. q. reg. 1 1 Job Nelson, A. M. Lawyer; judge of probate, Hancock co., Me. Born 1766; died Oiland, Me., July 2, 1850. Nee. 1850. Martin Parris, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1839. Freeman Perry, A. M. Nehemiah Shumway. John Waldo. Phineas Walker. Died 1841. Abijah Whiting, A. M. Died 1S00. *22 1791 Jonathan Abbot. Died 1793. Samuel White Baylies, A, M, Died 1824. 1791 GRADUATES 35 Barnabas Billings. George Rawson Burrill. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Author Oration, 4th July, Providence, i,g7- Died 1818. James Ellis, A. M. Lawyer, Rehoboth, Mass. Died 1S49. Elisha Fairbanks, A. M. Died 1824. William Hart, A. M. Died 18 10. * Joseph Searles Hunt. William Hunter, A. M.; LL. D. 1819. Admitted to bar 1795; lawyer, New- port, R. I.; member R. I. legislature 1799-1812, '23-25; speaker 1S11-12; member U. S. senate 1812-21; charge d'affaires, Brazil 1834-41; minister, Brazil 1841-45 ; trustee Brown university 1800-3S. Author Oration, Newport, July 4, //9j ,' Oration, Newport, 4th July, 1801; Speech on seizing East Florida, 1813; Annual address, R. I. society for encouragement of domestic in- dustry, 1824, 1826; Oration, Providence, 4th July, 1826. Born Newport, R. I.. Nov. 26, 1774; died Newport, Dec. 3, 1849. Sabin, Am. q. reg. 11, Nee. 1850, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye. John Jones, A. M. Samuel King, A. M. James Brown Mason, A. M. Physician, R. I.; Charleston, S. C. 1795-98? in business, Providence. R. I. i798?-i8i9; member R. I. house of representa- tives; speaker 1812-14; member U. S. house of representatives 1815-19; trustee Brown university 1S04-19. Born Thompson, Conn. 1774; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1S19. R. I. eye. Cong, direct. John Morse. Clergyman. Died 1S44. Chiron Penniman, A. M. Obadiah Penniman, A. M. Jonathan Russell, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S17. Law student; merchant: charge d'affaires, Paris 1810-1 1 ; London 1S11-12; commissioner to negotiate treaty of Ghent 1S14; minister, Norway and Sweden 1814-18; resident, Mendon, Mass. 1818-32; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1820; member U. S. house of representatives 1821-23. Author Tribute to memory of N. Hay-ward, 17Q0 ; Oration, J'rovidence, July 4, 1800 / To t/ie freemen of R. I., by a republican, n. d. ; The whole truth, i8c8; Address, Worcester agricultural society, 1821' Letter to J. P. Van Ness, 1828; Letter on Henry Clay, 1828. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Feb. 27, 1771 ; died Milton, Mass., Feb. 17, 1832. R. I. cvc, Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Sabin, Am. q. reg. 11. *16 1792 Peter Oliver Alden, A. M. Died 1843. Bildad Barney, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1796. Thomas Murray Clark; Yale college 1792. Died 1795. William Watts Folwell, A. M. Elected professor of Rhetoric, University of Penn. 1795, but declined ; resident South Hampton, Penn. ; farmer, Seneca co., N. Y. 1S07-5S. Born South Hampton, Penn., Jan. 2, 176S: died Romulus, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1858. Nee. 1859 Elijah Dix Green. Died 1795. Benjamin Hazard. Admitted to bar 1796; lawyer, Newport, R. I. 1796-41; member R. I. house of representatives 1809-40; speaker 1816-18. Author Re- port of committee, House of representatives \_on~\ increasing banking capital, 1826; Report of committee on extension of suffrage, 1829; Letters to J. ^_. 36 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1792 Adams [on masonry in R. /.], 1834; Argument in case of R. I. against Mass., supreme court of U. S., 1838. Born Middletown, R. I., Sept. 18; 1770: died Newport, R. I., March 10, 1S41. R. I. eye, Sabin Nathaniel Hazard, A. M. Member U. S. house of representatives 1819-20. Born Newport, R. I. 1773; died Washington, D. C, Dec. 17, 1820. ' Cong, direct. Thomas Cranston Hazard. Died 1850. William Vernon King, A. M. Died 181 1. George Larned. Born 1774; died Thompson, Conn., May 1858. Nee. 1858. David Leonard, A. M. Ordained Baptist evangelist 1794; preacher, Nantucket, Mass. two years; Assonet, Mass. two years; Gold, street church, New York, N. Y. ; merchant, Bristol, R. I. 1805; posimaster, Bristol 12 years; secretary Bristol insurance co. ; editor and proprietor Bristol republican. Author Sermon on death of John Holmes, 1795; Oration, festival of St. John, 1796; Funeral ser- mon, 1800; Oration, 5th July 1802 1 Oration, 4th July, 1803 ; Oration on acquis- ition of Louisana, 1804. Born Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 15, 1771 ; died Harri- son township, la., July 22, 1818. . . Sprague Annals 6 George Jaffray Patten, A. M. Died 1830. Jahaziah Shaw. Died 1813. Eli Smith, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1793; pastor Hollis,. N..H. 1793- 1830. Born Belchertown, Mass. 1759; died Hollis, N. H. May 11, 1847. Sprague Annals 1, : Nec. 1847. Richard Montgomery Stites, A. M. Lawyer, Savannah, Ga. Born EJiza- bethtown, N. ]., March 1777; died 1813. . , , P. Paraclete Tew, A. M. Ebenezer Withington, A. M. Died 1831. *17 1793 Paul Allen, A. M. Contributor to Portfolio, U. S. gazette, Philadelphia, Penn. ; Portico, Baltimore, Md., editor Federal republican, Baltimore ; Journal of the times, Philadelphia; Morning chronicle, Baltimore, to 1S26. Author Oration on death of R. W. Howell, college chapel, Nov. 22, 1792 ; Ora- tion on necessity of political union, commencement, R. I. college, 1797 ,' Oration before Federal Adelphi, Sept. 4, 1798 ' Oration at election of officers of iude- pe?ideut companies of Providence, April 29, 1799 ; Oration on the principles of taste, before Federal Adelphi, Sept. 4, 1800; Original. poems, 180,1 ; History of the expedition under Leivis and Clark, 2 vols., 1814; Life of Alexander I., 1818; History of the American revolution, 2 vols., 1819; Noah, a poem, 1821. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 15, 1775; died Baltimore* Md., Aug. 18, 1S26. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Duyckinck, Sabin, Bibliog. R. I. George Corlis Bowen. Died 1795. Gilbert Dench, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1793-94- Died 179S. Jones Godfrey, A. M. Died 1831. Thomas Lloyd Halsey. Merchant; U. S. consul, Buenos Ayes.; trustee Brown university 1809-39. Born 1776; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 2, 1855. Nee. 1855. John Hathaway, A. M. Died 1799. William Augustus Leonard. Zephaniah Leonard. John Merrill. Died 1816. 1793 GRADUATES 37 Lemuel Wadsworth, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1797; pastor Rabj , now Brookline, N. H. 1797-1817? Born Stoughton, Mass., 1769; died Nov. 25, 1817. Sprague Annals 2 Isaiah Weston, A M, Clergyman. Died 182 1. Wilkes Wood, A. M. Fellow Brown university 1833-43. Died 1843. *12 1794 Jeremiah Bailey, A. M. Lawyer, Wiscasset, Me., member Me. house of repre- sentatives 1811-14; judge of probate 1814-35; member U. S. house of represen- tatives 1835-37 ; collector of customs, Wiscasset, 1849-53. Born Little Compton, R. I.; died Wiscasset, Me., July 7, 1S53. Nee. 1853, Cong, direct. Samuel Willard Bridgham, A. M. Admitted to bar 1796; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives; speaker 1826; attorney general R.I. 1814-18; first mayor Providence 1S32-40; trustee Brown university 1S21- 40; chancellor 1828-40. Born Providence, R. I., 1774 ; died Providence, Dec. 28, 1840. R. I. eye. Timothy Briggs. Died 1797. William Briggs, A. M. Congregational clergyman. Died East Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 1848. Nee. 1849 William Grant, A. M. Died 1S12 Lloyd Bowers Hall, A. M. Enoch Hazard, A. M. Died 1844. William Tweedy Hazard. Died 1794. Zenas Lockwood Leonard, A. M. Licensed Baptist 1794; ordained 1796 pastor, Siurbridge, Mass. 1796-1832; principal grammar school 1797-1810 member Mass. house of representative-* six terms ; one of the founders Stur bridge association ; president Baptist missionary society for Worcester co Author Circular letters to Sturbridge association, 1802, '/o, '22, '23; Oration 4th July, 1816. Born Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 16, 1773; died Sturbridge, Mass June 24, 1841. Sprague Annals 6 John Park Little, A. M. Died 1S09. John Miles, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1797; pastor, Grafton, Mass. 1797-1S26; Shrewsbury, Mass. 1826-49. Born Westminster, Mass., 1765; died Shrewsbury, Mass., March 1S49. Nee. 1849 Stephen Smith Nelson, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Hartford, Conn.; Mt. Pleasant, N. Y. ; Attleboro, Mass.; Plymouth, Mass.; Canton, Conn.; preacher, Amherst, Mass. ; trustee Brown university 1819-31. Born Middle- boro, Mass., Oct. 5, 1772; died Amherst, Mass., Dec. 8, 1S53. Nee. 1854, Bapt. encyc. Joseph Rawson, A. M. Jairus Remington. Clergyman. John Wilkes Richmond, A. M. Physician, Providence, R. I. Author Ad- dress to public in relation to steamboat travel 183S; To the men of R. I., -who love honesty and truth, 1847; Personal, 1849; R. /. repudiation, 1853; Rhode Island repudiation, or, The history of the revolutionary debt of R. I., 1855; Rejoinder to Providence Journal, 1855; Address to the electors against S. G. Shearman; Facts relative to the political claims of Wilkins Updike, 1847; History of the registered debt of R. I., 184S. Born 1776; died Philadelphia, Penn., March 4, 1857. Nee. 1857, P. 38 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1794 Nathaniel Searle, A.M.; LL. D. 1823. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; trustee Brown university 1813-15; fellow 1815-32. Died 1832. Mason Shaw. Lawyer, Raynham, Mass.; Castine, Me.; sheriff Hancock co. Me. 20 years; clerk Hancock co. court; resident, Belchertown, Mass. Born Raynham, Mass. 1773; died Belchertown, Mass., Oct. 27, 1S60. Nee. 1861. Solomon Sibley. Admitted to bar 1795; lawyer, Marietta, O. ; Cincinnati, O. ; Detroit, Mich. 1797-1846; member U. S. house of representatives 1820-23 ; judge Mich, supreme court 1824-36. Born Sutton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1769; died Detroit, Mich., April 4, 1846. Cong, direct. Daniel Warren. Samuel Watson, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1798; pastor, Barrington, R. I. 1798-1821? Born Barrington, R. I., 1773; died Jan. 16, 182 1. Sprague Annals 8. *20 1795 Samuel Greene Arnold, A. M. Trustee Brown university 1800-26. Died 1826. Isaac Averell. Died 1800. William Baylies, A. M.; LL. D. 183 1. Lawyer, West Bridgewater, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1808-09, ' I2 > ' J 3' '20-21, '30-31; Mass. senate 1825-26; U. S. house of representatives 1S13-17, '33-35. Born Dighton, Mass., Sept. 15, 1776; died Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1865. Nee. 1866, Cong, direct. Isaac Briggs. Ordained Congregational 1797; pastor York, Me. 1797-1805; Boxford, Mass. 1805-30; Chatham, Mass. 1830-35; North Rochester, Mass. 1835-58. Born Halifax, Mass.. May 7, 1775; died East Morrisania, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1862. Nee. 1862 Peleg Chandler. Lawyer, Bangor, Me. Died Bangor, Me., 1847. Nee. 1848 Joseph Warren Crossman; A. M. Yale college 1803. Clergyman. Died 1812. Stephen Cutler. Qaius Deane, A. M. Died 1830. Joseph Eaton. Born 1775; died Plainfield, Conn., Sept. 4, 1857. Nee. 1858 Elisha Fisk, A. M. Tutor 1796-99; pastor Congregational church, Wrentham, Mass. 1800-51. Born 1770; died Wrentham, Mass., Jan. 11, 1851. Nee. 1851 James Gordon. James Gurney. Clergyman. Died 1839. John Alfred Hazard. Died 1799. Amos Hopkins. Died 1808. Erastus Larned, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1824. John Luscombe, A. M. Simeon Marcy. Andrew Morton. Died 1S05. Charles Odingsell Screven, A. M. ; D. D. 1826. Licensed Baptist 1801 ; pas- tor, Sunbury, S. C. 1801-06; president Mount Enon college 1806; preacher, Sunbury and in or near Liberty co. Author Discourse on organization of Savannah association; Sermon on Ephesians iv. 4-6; Charge at ordination, from I. Timothy iv. 16. Born 1774; died New York, N. Y., July 2, 1830. Sprague Annals 6 Thomas Screven. Died 1S30. John Smith. Died 1812. Asaph Thompson. 1795 GRADUATES 39 Ezekiel Whitman, LL. D. 1843; Bowdoin college 1843. Admitted to bar 1799; lawyer, New Gloucester, Me. 1799-1807; Portland, Me. 1807-52; member U.S. house of representatives 1809-1 1, '17-23 ; Mass. council 1815-16 ; Me. constitu- tional convention 1819; chief justice court of common pleas 1822-41; chief justice Me. supreme court 1841-4S. Author Genealogy of the descendants of John Whitman. Born Bridgewater, Mass., March 9, 1776; died East Bridge- water, Aug. 1, 1866. Cyc. Am. biog.. Nee. 1866 Abiel Williams, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1850. John Winslow, A. M. Died 1822. Oliver Wiswell. *26 1796 Asa Aldis, A. M. Lawyer, R. I., afterwards Vt. ; chief justice Vt. supreme court. Died St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 16, 1847. Nee. 1848 Abraham Blanding, A. NL; LL. D. 1838 Died 1839. Bezer Bryant. Physician, Anson, Me. 1800-62; judge court of common pleas, Somerset co., Me. 1809-12. Born Kingston, Mass., Feb. 14, 1769; died Anson, Me., Sept. 17, 1862. Nee. 1863 Tristam Burges, A.M.; LL. D. 1823. Admitted to R. I. bar 1799; lawyer Providence, R. I.; member R. I. general assembly iSn ; chief justice R. I. su- preme court 1815-16; professor Oratory and belles-lettres, Brown university, 1815-28; trustee 1813-53; member U. S. house of representatives 1825-35. Author Battle of Lake Erie, -with notices of Com. Elliott's conduct, 1S39; Speeches, appended to Afemoir, by Henry L. Bozven, 1S35. Born Rochester, Mass., Feb. 26, 1770; died Watchemoket, Seekonk, Mass., Oct. 13, 1853. Nee. 1854, Memoir, R. I. eye, Cyc. Am. biog. Oliver Cobb, A. M. ; D. D. 1S34. Congregational clergyman, Rochester, Mass. 1799-1849. Born 1769; died Rochester, Mass., June 22, 1849. Nee. 1S49 Daniel Crane, A. M. Died 1827. Philip Hayward, A. M. John Holmes, A. M. Admitted to bar 1799; lawyer, Alfred, Me.; member Mass. house of representatives 1802-03; Mass. senate 1813 17; Northeastern boundary commission 1815; U. S. house of representatives 1817-20; delegate, Me. constitutional convention 1820; member U. S. senate 1820-27, ' 2 9"33 i commissioner on Me. state prison and criminal code; member Me. house of representatives 1835-3S; U. S. district attorney for Me. 1841-43. Author The statesman, or, Principles of legislation and law, 1840. Born Kingston, Mass., March 1773; died Portland, Me.. July 7, 1843. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. Joseph Holmes, A. M. Ship-builder, Kingston, Mass. Born Kingston, Mass. Dec. 1, 1772; died Kingston, April 8, 1863. Nee. 1S63 Asa Kimball. David King, A. M. ; M. D. 1821. Physician, Newport, R. I. 1799-1S36; U. S. surgeon, Fort Walcott, Newport harbor; censor, vice president R. I. medical society; president 1830-34; director Redwood library, Newport. Born Rayn- ham, Mass., 1774; died Newport, R. I., Nov. 14, 1836. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Bost. med. & surg. jnl. v. 15, p. 334, Redwood John Mitchell Roberts, A. M. ; D. D. S. C. college 1816. Clergyman. Horace Senter, A. M. Died 1804. 40 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1796 Benjamin Shurtleff, A. M.; Harvard university 1802; University of Illinois 1834; M. B. Harvard university 1802; M. D. Harvard university 1811; Shurt- leff college 1843. Physician, Boston, Mass. Died Boston, Mass. April 12, 1847. Nee. 1847 Benjamin Benneau Simmons, M. D. University of Edinburgh. Died 1844. Ignatius Thompson, A. M. ; Dartmouth college 1801. Congregational clergy- man. Died Halifax, N. S., Oct. 1848. Nee. 1849 Nathan Whiting, A. M. Died 1842. *17 1797 Benjamin Allen, A. M.; LL. D. 1822; S. C. College 1808. Tutor, Brown university 1797-98; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Union col- lege 1800-09; Languages and literature, Universitv of Penn.? Died 1836. John Baldwin. Member U. S. house of representatives 1825-29. Born Wind- ham, Conn.; died 1850. Cong, direct. Liberty Bates. Lawyer, Mass.; Ellisburgh, N. Y. Died Antwerp, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1853. Nec - l8 53 Horatio Qates Bowen, A. M. ; M- D. Philadelphia. Professor Natural history, Brown university 182428; librarian, 1S24-40. Born 1779; died Providence, R. I., March 23, 1848. Nec. 1848 Nathan Carey, A. M. William Collier, A. M. Licensed Baptist 1798; ordained 1799; pastor New- port, R. I. 1799-1800; First church, New York, N. Y. 1800-04; Charlestown, Mass. 1804-20 ; chaplain state prison, Charlestown; city missionary, Boston, Mass. 1820-43. Author Sermon before Mass. Baptist missionary society., 1816; Sermon at ordination of G. W. Appleton, 1819; editor National philanthro- pist, 18.26-28?; Baptist preacher, 1827-?; Hymn book; Sermons, by J. Saurin; The Gospel treasury, 4 vols. ; Works of A. Fuller. Born Scituate, Mass., Oct. 11, 177 1 ; died Boston, Mass., March 19, 1843. Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6 Joseph Bullein Cook, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Euhaw, S. C. i799?-i8o4; Beaufort, S. C 1804-20? Died 1820. Sprague Annals 6 Paul Dodge. Abijah Draper, A. M. ; M. D. 1819. Died 1836. James Ervin. Admitted to bar 1800; lawyer, Pedee co., S. C. ; member S. C. house of representatives 1800-04; solicitor northern judicial district, S. C. 1804-16; member U. S. house of representatives 1817-21 ; trustee S. C. college 1809-17. Born Williamsburg district, S. C, Oct. 17, 1778; died near Darling- ton Court House, S. C. July 7, 1841. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. Samuel Ervin. Horace Everett, A. M. Lawyer, Windsor, Vt. ; prosecuting attorney, Wind- sor co. 1S13-17; member Vt. legislature 1819-20, '22-24, '34! Vt. constitutional convention 182S; U. S. house of representatives 1829-43. Born Vt., 1780; died Windsor, Vt., Jan. 30, 1851. Nec. 1850, Cyc. Am. biog , Cong direct. Drury Fairbank, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1800; pastor, Plymouth, N. H. 1800-18; Littleton, N. H. 1S20-36; farmer, Senator, N. H. 1836-53. Author Discourse Plymouth, IV. H.,fast day, 1804; Apostolic conformity, sermon at baptism by immersion of Mrs. D. Johnson, 1807; Sermon, fast day, Plymouth, N. H., 1810, Born Holliston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1772; died Senator, N. H., Jan. 11, 1853. Nec. 1853, P. 1797 GRADUATES 41 Richard George, A. M. Died 1827. Nathan Holman, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1S44. Francis Howard, A. M. Died 1808. Job Morton. Died 1S43. Calvin Park, A. M. ; D. D. 181S. Teacher, Worcester, Mass. 1797-1800; licensed Congregational 1S00; tutor, Brown university 1800-04; librarian 1S00-06; pro- fessor Learned languages 1S04-11 ; Moral philosophy and metaphysics 1S11-25; ordained evangelist 1815 ; pastor. Stoughton, Mass. 1826-40. Born Norlhbridge, Mass., Sept. 11, 1774; died Stoughton, Mass.. Jan. 5, 1847. Nee. 1S47, Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 Abel Richmond. Clergyman. Died 1843. John Sabin, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1845. John Simmons, A. M. ; Middlebury college 1803. Died 1829. Jairus Ware, A. M. Died 1836. John Dick Witherspoon. Admitted to bar 1800; lawyer, Marion district, Ga. 1800-05; Society Hill, S. C. 1805-20; member S. C. house of representatives 1818, 1S24; senate 1828; commission to revise S. C statutes. Born Williams- burgh district, S. C, March 17, 1778; died Society Hill, S. C, April 2, 1S60. Nee. i860. *23 1798 Morrill Allen, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1801 ; pastor, Pembroke, Mass. 1801-41 ; farmer, Pembioke; member Mass. senate 1844-46; president Plymouth county agricultural society; corresponding member Royal agricultural society, Turin, Italy. Born Dover, Mass., April 3, 1776; died Pembioke, Mass., Aug. 17, 1870. Nee. 1871 Nathaniel Bullock, A. M. Teacher, Charlestown, S. C; instructor and libra- rian Beaufort college, S. C. seven years; admitted to bar 1806; lawyer, New- port, R. I. 1S06-08; Bristol, R. I. 1S0S-67 ; member R. I. general assembly 18 15- 27, except three years, also 1S43-44; collector of customs, Warren and Bristol, R. I. 1827-36; lieutenant governor, R. I. 1S42-43. Born Rehoboth, Mass., May 1, 1779; died Bristol, R. I.; Nov. 13, 1S67. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1868 Lucius Cary, A. M. Died 1S06. Andrew Dexter, A. M. John Fessenden, A. M. Died 1845. Theodore Dwight Foster, A. M. Died 1S02. William Elijah Qreen. Lawyer, Grafton, Mass. 1801-05; Worcester, Mass. 1805-30; farmer, Worcester, Mass. 1830-65; justice of peace and of the quorum, Worcester co. Born Worcester, Mass.. Jan. 31, 1777; died Worcester, July 27, 1865. Nee. 1865 Abraham Gushe. Ordained Congregational 1S03; Unitarian clergyman, Dighton, Mass. 1803-60. Born Raynham, Mass., Sept. 19, 1775; died Dighton, Mass., Oct. 25, 1S61. Nee. 1862 Washington Hathaway. Died 1818. William Peter Maxwell, A. M. Born S. C. 1778; died North Kingstown, R. I., June iS, 1S5S. Nee. 1858 Nathanael Greene Olney, A. M. Died 1819. William Harvey Sabin. Died 1842. 42 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1798 James Tallmadge; LL. D. University of the city of New York 1838. Lawyer, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; New York, N. Y. ; member U. S. house of representa- tives 1817-19; delegate, N. Y. constitutional convention 1821, 1846; member N. Y. assembly 1824; lieutenant governor N. Y. 1825-26; one of the founders American institute; president 1831-50; member council University of the city of New York 1830-46; president 1834-46. Born Stanford, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1778; died New York, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1853. Nee. 1854, Cyc. Am. biog. Otis Thompson, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 179S-1800; librarian 1799-1800; Congregational clergyman, Rehoboth, Mass. Author various sermons; editor Hofikifisian magazine. Born 1776; died North Abington, Mass., June 26, 1859. Nee. 1859 Alvan Underwood, A. M. Congregational clergyman, West Woodstock, Conn. 1801-58. Born West Woodstock, Conn., 177S ; died West Woodstock, April 4, 1858. Nee. 185S Silvanus Waterman. Conrad Webb, A. M. Rodolphus Howard Williams, A. M. Died 1S07. *18 1799 Whipple Aldrich. Physician, afterwards planter, St. Mary's. Ga. Died St. Mary's, Ga., March 1853. Nee 1853 Paul Louis Armand Auboyneau, A. M. Died 1845. Elisha Ball. Died i860. Allen Bourne, A. M. Died 1814. Joshua Bradley, A. M. Licensed Baptist 1799; preacher, Attieboro, Mass.; Pawtucket, R. I.; ordained 1801 ; pastor Newport, R. I. 1801-7; Mansfield and Tolland, Conn. 1S07 ; Middletown, Conn.; principal academy, Wallingford, Conn., and preacher, North Haven and New Haven 1809-13; pastor and teacher, Windsor, Vt. iS 13-17 ; pastor, Albany, N. Y. 1817-19; principal seminary, and pastor, Middlebury, N. Y. 1819-24; Ellesburgh, N. Y. 1824-26; Pittsburgh and Alleghany, Penn., 1826-27; preacher, Edwardsville, 111. 1827; principal Rock Spring seminary 1827-28; preacher, and principal Young ladies' school, Louis- ville, Ky. 1828-29; teacher, Middletown, O. 1829-30: principal seminary, Con- nersville, Ind. 1830-31 ; teacher, Indianapolis, Ind. 1S31-32 ; preacher, Ky. 1S33 ; preacher and teacher, Pittsburgh, Penn; principal seminary, Brownsville, Penn. 1S47-4S; preacher, Newport, R. I. 1S48; evangelist, St. Paul, Minn. 1S50- 55 ; one of the founders Granville college, O. ; Indianapolis education society 1831 ; Rector college, Va. ; Female college, Bottecourt Springs, Va. 1843; Lan- singburg, N. Y., education society 1S49. Author Accounts of religious, revivals in many parts of the U. S., /S/j-iS, 1S19; also numerous pamphlets; editor Some of the beauties of free-masonry, extracts, 2d ed., 1S21. Born Randolph, Mass., July 5, 1773; died St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 22, 1S55. Sprague Annals 6, Nee. 1S56 Jeremiah Chaplin, A. M. ; D. D. S. C. college 1S19. Tutor, Brown univer- sity 1799- 1800; pastor Baprist church Danvers, Mass. 1802-17 ; principal Maine literary and theological institution 1817-21; first president Waterville college 1822-33; preacher, Rowley, Mass.; Willington, Conn.; Hamilton, N. Y. Born Rowley, now Georgetown, Mass., Jan. 2, 1776; died Hamilton, N. Y., May 7, 1841. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Bapt encyc. 1799 GRADUATES 43 Thomas Cochran. Clergyman. Nathan Fellows Dixon. Admitted to bar 1S02 ; lawyer Westerly, R. I. ; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives 1S13-30; U. S. senate 1839-42; director Washington bank; president 1S29-42. Born Plainfield, Conn. Dec. 13, 1774; died Washington. D. C., Jan. 29, 1842. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Cong, direct. Zachariah Eddy, A. M. Teacher, Newport, R. I. 1799-1S00; Plainfield, Conn. 1S00-01 ; Stonington, Conn. 1801-02; Bridgewater, Mass. 1802-03; admitted to bar 1S06; lawyer, East Middleboro, Mass. 1S06-56?; fellow Brown university 1844-48. Author various articles on N. E. history. Born Middleboro, Mass., Dec. 6, 1780; died East Middleboro, Feb. 14, 1S60. Nee. i860 Wood Furman, A. M. Aaron Gardner. Franklin Greene, A. M. Merchant, Boston, Mass. three years; merchant and manufacturer, Providence, R. I. ; U. S. pension agent for R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1S15-16. Born Potowomut, Warwick, R. I., Sept. 3, 17S6; died East Greenwich, R. I., Oct. 2, 1864. Nee. 1S65, R. I. cyc. Galen Hicks, A. M. Episcopal clergyman. Died Taunton, Mass., Nov. 8, 184S. Nee. 1849 Jonathan Parsons Hitchcock. Phineas Johnson, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1S70. Lemuel Le Baron, A. M. Died 1843. Judah Alden M'Clellan. Lawyer, Bloomfield, Me. Born Woodstock, Conn., May 24, 1780; died Bloomfield, Me., Aug. 20, 1S64. Nee. 1865 John Pitman, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S43. Admitted to N. Y. bar 1806: lawyer, Ken- tucky 1807-8; Providence, R. I. 1S08-12; Salem, Mass. 1812-16; Portsmouth, N. H. 1816-20; Boston, Mass. 1S20; Providence, 1820-64; U. S. district attor- ney for R. I. 1S20-24; U. S. district judge 1824-64; president R. I. society for the encouragement of dojnestic industry 10 years; president Providence Athe- naeum 1839-57; trustee Brown university 182S-34; fellow 1S34-64. Author An- nual address, R. I. society for encouragement of domestic industry, Oct. 21, 1828, 1829; Discourse, Aug. 5, j8j6, in commemoration of first settlement of Providence, 1836; Address, Alumni association of Brotvn university, Sept. 5, 1843, 1843. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 23, 17S5; died Nov. 17, 1S64. Bibliog. R. I., Nee. 1865, R. I. cyc. Zachariah Soule. Abraham Burnham Story. James Thompson, A. M. ; Williams college 1803; Dartmouth college 1806; D. D. Harvard university 1841. Unitarian clergyman, Bane, Mass. 1S04-54. Died Barre, Mass., May 14, 1854. Nec - l8 54 Alvan Tobey. Clergyman. Died 1810. Daniel Turner, A. M. Died 1808. William Hilton Williams. *24 l800 Benjamin Franklin Bourne, A. M. Died 1S19. John Melancthon Bradford; A. M.; A. B. College of N. J. 1804; A. M. 1807?; D. D. Union college 1812. Tutor, College of N. J. 1803-04; clergyman. Died 1826. 44 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1800 Thomas Burgess. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; judge Providence municipal court 1832-53; chief justice court of common pleas; trustee Brown university 1S28-56 ; Butler hospital. Born Wareham, Mass., Nov. 29, 1779; died Provi- dence, R. I., May 18, 1856. Nee. 1826, R. I. eye. Gaius Conant. Preceptor academy, Taunton, Mass. 1800-01, Rochester, Mass.; ordained Congregational 180S; pastor Paxton, Mass. 1808-30; Second church, Plymouth, Mass. 1834-41 ; farmer, Paxton 1841-62. Born Bridge- water, Mass., Sept. 6, 1776; died Paxton, Mass., Feb. 6, 1862. Nee. 1862 Enos Cutler, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1800-01; lawyer, Cincinnati, O.; lieutenant U. S. A. 1808; colonel 4th infantry 1836; resigned 1839; served in warofiSt2; Seminole and Creek wars ; resident, New Haven, Conn. ; Salem, Mass. Born Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 1, 1781 ; died Salem, Mass., July 14, i860. Nee. i860, Cyc. Am. biog. John Gordon Dorrance. Royal Farnum. Died 1845. Theodore Adelphidos Foster, A. M. Jonathan Gilmore, A. M. Clergyman. Daniel Loring. Clergyman. John Mackie, A. M.; M. D. 1813; M. B. Dartmouth college 1805; M. D. 1812. Physician, Providence, R. I. Born Wareham, Mass., Aug. 1, 1780; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 22, 1S33. P. Moses Miller, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1800-04; Congregational clergy- man, Heath, Mass. ; West Hawley, Mass. ; Chicago, 111. Died Chicago, 111., April 22, 1855. Nee. 1855 Andrew Rawson. Died 1835. Liberty Rawson. Died 1819. Abiel Russell. Gravener Taft. Died 1838. William Randolph Theus, A. M. Calvin Tilden. Died 1832. Paris Jenckes Tillinghast. Merchant, Fayetteville, N. C. 1800-38; cotton planter and merchant, Columbus, Ga. 183S-50; resident, near Columbus 1850- 68. Born Providence, R. I., July 18, 1780; died near Columbus, Ga., Nov. 24, 1868. Nee. 1869 Nathaniel Todd ; A M. College of N. J. 1803. Clergyman. Levi Tower, A. M. Principal private school, Newport, R. I. Died Newport, R. I., June 4, 1854. Nee. 1854 John H Tucker, A. M. Died 1861. Daniel Young. Died 1830. *23 I80I George Barstow, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S03; pastor, Hanson, Mass. 1803-21? Born Duxbury, Mass., 1770; died Feb. 11, 1821. Sprague Annals 1 Lemuel Bishop. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1809. William Blanding, A. M. ; M. D. 1821. From Rehoboth, Mass. ; born 1773; died Rehoboth, Mass., Oct. 9, 1S57. Nee. 1858 Lucius Bolles, A. M. ; D. D. Union college 1S24. Ordained Baptist 1S05 ; pastor, Salem, Ma-s. 1805-26; assistant corresponding secretary Baptist general 1801 GRADUATES 45 convention for foreign missions 1824-26; corresponding secretary 1S26-42; one of the founders Salem Bibleand translation society 1812 ; fellow Brown university 1818-44. Author Sermon at dedication of Nezu brick meeting house Salem, Mass., 1806 j Sermon before Salem female charitable society, 18 10; Sermon at ordination of Hosea Wheeler, 1S18. Importance of the Scriptures to a teacher of religion, 1S22. Born Ashford, Conn., Sept. 25, 1779; died Jan. 5, 1844. Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc. Enoch Brown, A. M. From Abington, Mass. ; died 1839. Joseph Cheney. Clergyman. From Holden, Mass. ; died 1833. Samuel Dexter. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; manufacturer, Providence; mem- ber R. I. senate two terms. Born Boston, Mass., July 4, 1781 ; died Provi- dence, R. I., Feb. 26, 1862. Nee. 1S62 Ezra Leonard, A. M. ; M. D. 1826. From Raynham, Mass; died 1832. James Lesley. From Abbeville District, S. C. Samuel Viall Medbery. From Rehoboth, Mass. Moses Noyes, A. M. Preceptor, Providence, R. I. 1832-40. From Abington, Mass. ; died 1S41. Jonathan Nye, A. M. ; University of Vt. 180S. Clergyman. From Wareham, Mass. ; died 1S43. George Washington Perkins. From Bridgewater, Mass. ; died 1856. Andrew Pickens. Governor of S. C. From Pendleton District, S. C. ; died 1838. Robert Sterry. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1820. Gad Tower. From Abington, Mass. Philo Hortensius Washburn, A. M. From Raynham, Mass. ; died 1825. Alfred Williams. From Taunton, Mass.; died 1849. John Mason Williams, A. M.; LL. D. 1S42 ; Harvard university 1845. Admitted to bar 1804; lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. 1S04-16; Taunton, Mass. 1816-44; member Mass. senate 1S1S; associate justice circuit court of common pleas 18 19-21; associate justice court of common pleas 1821-39; chief justice 1839-44; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1S44-56; commissioner of insolvency 1S4S-56; resident, New Bedford 1856-68. Author Oration, Nezv Bedford, July 4, 1S06 / Address before the Dialectic society, Nezv Bedford, 18 13 ,' Address on life of Samuel Howe, 1828 ' Remarks on animal magnetism, 1837; Extracts from charge to grand Jury, 1838/ Sketch of Judicial life of P. O. Thacher, 1843," Legal opinion on constitutionality of Mass. prohibitive liquor law, 1S55 ; Nullification and compromise, 1S63; editor Reports of Sir H. Ho- bart; contributor to various periodicals. Born Taunton, Ma^s.,June 24, 1780; died New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 28, 186S. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone. *19 l802 Robert Anderson. From Pendleton District, S. C. Sumner Bastow. From Uxbridge, Mass.; died 1845. Frederic Whiting Bottom. Admitted to bar, Worcester co., Mass. 1804; lawyer, Charlton, Mass. ; Southbridge, Mass. From Plainfield, Conn.; died South- bridge, Mass., May 25, 1S55. Nee. 1S55 Henry Bowen. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S06-67 ; attorney general R. I. 1817-19; secretary of state, 1S19-49. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 5, 17S5; died Providence, April 16, 1S67. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1867 William Ward Bowen. From Providence, R. I. : died 1S39. 46 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1802 Samuel Bugbee, M. D. 1816. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died 1841. Apollos Cushman. Admitted to bar 1806; lawyer, Plainfield, Mass. ; Attleboro, Mass. ; Pawtucket, R. I. 1812-64; justice of the peace; notary public; justice of the quorum ; commissioner to qualify civil officers. Born Middleboro, Mass., Aug. 9, 17S2; died Pawtucket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1864. Nee. 1865, R. I. eye. Gardner Daggett, A. M. From Attleboro, Mass.; died 1821. Ferdinand Ellis, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1S02-05 ; ordained Baptist; pastor, Boston, Mass. ; Marblehead, Mass. ; Exeter, N. II. 1817-32; elsewhere in N. H.; Freeport, Me.; Exeter, N. H. Author various sermons and theo- logical writings. Born Medway, Mass., 1780; died Exeter, N. H., Feb. 20, 1S58. Nee. 1858, Bapt. encyc. Melatiah Everett. From Foxboro, Mass. ; died 1858. Malbone Gardner. Lawyer, R. I. From South Kingstown, R. I.; born 1783; died Pennfield, Mich., July 1856. Nee. 1856 Benjamin Gleason, A. M. From Boston, Mass. ; died 1847. John Godfrey, A. M. From Taunton, Mass. ; died 1862. Levi Hart. From Preston, Conn. John Holroyd, A. M. Studied law; ordained Baptist 1830; pastor, Cheraw, S. C. 1830-31; Danvers, Mass. 1831-37. Born Providence, R. I., May, 1783; died Providence, Nov. 8, 1837. Sprague Annals 6 Paul Jewett, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1806-09; clergyman. From Rowley, Mass.; died 1841. John Work Judson. From Ashford, Conn.; died 181 1. Milton Maxcy. From Providence, R. I.? died 1818. Alfred Metcalf, A. M. From Franklin, Mass.; died 1820. William Norton. From Abington, Mass. Samuel Perry, A. M. From South Kingstown, R. I. Jeremiah Pond, A. M. From Wrentham, Mass.; died 1854. Samuel Metcalf Pond, A. M. Lawyer, Hancock co., Me.; jndge of probate. From Franklin, Mass.; died Bucksport, Me., Jan. 23, 1S49. Nee. 1849 Warren Rawson. From Mendon, Mass.; died 1848. William Robinson. From King and Qjjeen co., Va. Richard Waterman, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I.; born 1784; died Providence, Nov. 30, 1856. Nee. 1857 Henry Wheaton, A. M.; LL. D. 1819; A. M. Harvard university 1825; LL. D. 1845 ; Hamilton college 1843. Admitted to bar 1805 ; studied law at Poitiers, Paris, and London, 1805-07; lawyer, Providence, R.I. 1807-12; New York, N. Y. 1812-27; division judge-advocate U. S. army 1814; justice marine court, New York 1815-19; reporter U. S. supreme court 1816-27 ; delegate, N. Y. consti- tutional convention 1S21 ; member N. Y. state assembly 1823 ; commissioner to revise the statute law of N. Y. 1825 ; Charge" d'affaires, Denmark 1827-35 ; Prus- sia 1835-37; minister, Prussia 1837-46; chosen lecturer on International law, Harvard law school, but died before entering upon office; corresponding mem- ber French institute 1843; member Royal academy of Berlin 1846. Editor Na- tional advocate 1812-15 ; author Oration before the Tammany society, 1810; Considerations on uniform bankrupt laius throughout the U. S., 1815 ; Di- gest of the lazv of maritime captures and prizes, 1S15; Science of public or in- ternational law-, discourse-, 1821 ; Digest op the decisions of the Supretne court of the U. S. 1789-1820, 1821; Continuation to 1829, 1S29; Address at opening of Neiv York Athenaeum, 1S24; Case of Gibbons vs. Ogdcn, 1824; Reports of cases in the Supreme court of the U. S. 1816-2J, 12 vols., 1826-27; History of the 1802 GRADUATES 47 Northmen, 183 1; Inquiry into the British claim to right of search, 1832; Wheaton vs. Peters, copyright case, 1834; Elements of international law, 1S36; Histoire du progres da droit des gens en Europe, 1841 ; Progress and prospects 0/ Germany, discourse before Phi Beta Kappa of Brown university, 1847; also contributor to N. A. review and other periodicals. For full notice of his works, see Allibone's Dictionary. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 27, 1785; died Dor- chester, Mass., March 11, 1848. Nee. 1S4S, R. I. eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, etc. John Whipple, A. M.; LL.D. 1S44. Admitted to bar 1S05 ; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; member R. I. general assembly. Author Speech delivered at a Whig meeting, Providence, R. I., August 28, 1S3J • Discourse at Providence, 1838; Report touching certain resolutions passed by the U. S. house of represen- tatives, Dec. 12, 1838, relative to petitions for the abolition of slavery, 1839; Address to the people of R. I. on the approaching election, 1843; The Rhode Island question, 1S4S; Law of usury, in reply to Jeremy Beutham ; Discourse on Daniel Webster, 1852. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 22, 17S4; died Oct. 19, 1S66. Nee. 1867, Allibone, Bibliog. R. I. *28 1803 Philip Allen. Merchant, Providence, R. I. ; cotton manufacturer, Providence 1812-65; president R. I. branch TJ. S. bank 1S27-36; member R. I. general as- sembly 1819-21 ; governor R. I. 1851-53; member U. S. senate 1853-59. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 1, 1785; died Providence, Dec. 16, 1865. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1866, Cong, direct. Anselm Bassett. Teacher, Rochester, Mass.; admitted to bar 1808; lawyer, Narraguages, Me. 1S0S ; Columbus, Me. 1S09-11; Rochester. Mass. 1811-12; Westport, Mass. 1S12-32; Taunton, Mass. 1832-63; member Mass. house of representatives 1831 ; register of probate for Bristol co.. Mass. 1832-51. Born Rochester, Mass., April 29, 1784; died Taunton, Mass. Sept. 9, 1S63. Nee. 1864 Aaron Blake. Tutor, Union college 1805-06. Benjamin Cowell, A. M. Pension lawyer, Providence, R. I.; clerk U. S. cir- cuit and federal courts; chief justice R. I. court of common pleas. Author Spirit of ''76 in Rhode Island, 1S50. Born Wrentham, Mass., Nov. 17S1 ; died Providence, R. I., May 6, i860. Nee. i860, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc. Philip Manchester Fiske. From Scituate, R. I. ; died 1828. Chandler Flagg. Physician, Marblehead, Mass. Born Grafton, Mass., 1781 ; died Marblehead, Mass. Sept. 10, 1S58. Nee. 1859 David Holman, A. M. Teacher, Cumberland, Mass. (?); ordained Congrega- tional 1808; pastor, Douglas, Mass. 1S07-42, 184S-53; member Mass. legislature three years ; chairman school committee 30 years ; post-master 42 years. Born Millbury, Mass., Dec. 13, 1777; died Douglas, Mass., Nov. 16, 1S66. Nee. 1867 Samuel Hartwell Lothrop. From Charleston, S. C. ; died 1S30. Thompson Miller, A. M. Admitted to bar 1806; lawyer, Middleboro, Mass. 1806-0S; Boston, Mass. 180S-61. Born Middleboro, Mass., Nov. 27, I779:died Boston, Mass., April 7, 1861. Nee. 1861 George Isaacs Olney. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 3. 17S4; died Providence, April 2, 1864. Nee. 1864 Alpheus Padelford, A. M. From Taunton, Mass.; died 1828. Lemuel Paine. From Foxboro, Mass.; died 1852. 48 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1803 Levi Hooper Perkins. From Bridge-water, Mass. Enoch Pratt, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S07 ; pastor, West Barnstable, Mass. 1807-37; resident and occasional preacher, Brewster, Mass.; agent Amer- ican Bible society, Barnstable and Worcester counties, Mass. Author History of East ham, Wellfleet, and Orleans, Mass., 1644-1844, 1844. Born Middleboro, Mass., 1781 ; died Brewster, Mass., Feb. 2, i860. Nee. i860, Cyc. Am. biog. Thomas Rand. Ordained Baptist 1803; pastor, Holyoke, Mass. 1803-28; New Salem, N. H. 1828-34; Hinsdale, N. H. 1834-36; city missionary, New York, N. Y. five years. Born Manchester, N. H., May 21, 1776; died Holyoke, Mass., May 31, 1857. Nee. 1857, Bapt. encje. John Reed, A.M.; LL. D. 1845. Tutor Languages, Brown university 1S04- 06 ; principal academy, Bridgewater, Mass. one year ; lawyer, Yarmouth, Mass. ; member U. S. house of representatives 1813-17, 1821-41; lieutenant-governor Mass. 1844-51 ; resident, West Bridgewater, Mass. 1852 ?-6o. Born West Bridge- water, Mass., Sept. 2, 1781 ; died West Bridgewater, Nov. 25, i860. Nee. 1S61, Cyc. Am. biog. Zabdiel Sampson, A. M. Lawyer, Plympton, Mass.; member U. S. house of representatives 1817-20; collector of customs, Plymouth, Mass. 1820-28. Born Plympton, Mass.; died Plymouth, Mass., July 19, 1828. Cong, direct. Caleb Hamilton Shearman, A. M. Clergyman. From Brimfield, Mass. Jason Sprague, A. M. From Attleboro, Mass.; died 1825. Jonathan Thayer, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; afterwards Maine. From Milford, Mass.; died Camden, Me., Sept. 20, 1853. Nee. 1854 Daniel Thomas, A. M. Congregational clergyman, Abington, Mass. From Middleboro, Mass.; died Abington, Mass., Jan. 5, 1847. Nee. 1847 Elnathan Walker. Clergyman. From Taunton, Mass.; died 1820. Christopher Webb, A. M. Lawyer, Weymouth, Mass. From Weymouth, Mass.; born 1781 ; died Baltimore, Md., Feb. 12, 1848. Nee. 1848 *23 l804 Amos Allen, A. M. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1836. Richard Briggs, A. M. Clergyman. From Middleboro, Mass.?; died 1837. Lemuel Williams Briggs. From Middleboro, Mass. ; died 1840. Jason Chamberlain, A. M. ; University of Vt. 181 1; A. B. Bowdoin college 1806. Professor Greek and Latin, University of Vt. 1S11-14. Died 1821. . Seth Fobes. Elias Frost, A. M. ; M. D. 1S24. Physician, Plainfield, now Meriden, N. H. 1806-63; selectman, Meriden; member N. H. house of representatives two terms. Born Mendon, now Milford, Mass., Jan. 10, 1782; died Meriden, N. H., March 31, 1863. Nee. 1863 John Qreen, A. M.; M. D. 1826; A. M. Harvard university 1815; M. D. 1826. Physician, Worcester, Mass. ; founder Worcester public library. Born Worces- ter, Mass., April 19, 1784; died Worcester, Oct. 17, 1S65. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S66, Harv. Oliver Hay ward, A. M. Clergyman. Died 183 1. Benjamin Hobart, A. M. Lawyer, Abington, Mass. 25 years; tack manufac- turer, Abington; member Mass. house of representatives 1S28-29. Author History of Abington, 1866. Born Abington, Mass., Oct. 24, 17S1 ; died South Abington, Jan. 25, 1877. Nee. 1S77 1804 GRADUATES 49 Tisdale Hodges. From Norton, Mass.; died 180S. Virgil Maxcy, A. M. Charge d'affaires, Belgium. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1S44. Marcus Morton, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S26; Harvard university 1840. Admitted to bar 1S07; lawyer, Taunton, Mass.; clerk Mass. senate 1811-12; member U. S. bouse of representatives 1817-21; member Mass. executive council 1S23; lieu- tenant-governor 1S24-25; justice Mass. supreme court 1825-40; governor 1840, '43; collector of customs, Boston, Mass. 1S45-4S; member Mass. constitutional convention 1853; member Mass. house of representatives 1S58; overseer Har- vard university 1854-60. Born Freetown, Mass., Feb. 19, 17S4; died Taunton, Mass., Feb. 6, 1864. Nee. 1864, Cyc. Am. biog. George Norton. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died 1S06. Warren Preston. Lawyer, Norridgewock, Me. ; judge of probate Somerset co. ; lawyer, Bangor, Me. ; Boston, Mass. Born Northbridge, Mass. ; died Boston, Mass., July 1, 1861. Nee. 1862 Samuel Randall, A. M. Law student, Providence, R. I. 1804-05; preceptor academy, Warren, R. I. 1805-11; postmaster, Warren iSti-44; judge Bristol co. court of common pleas 1822-24; justice R. I. supreme court 1824-32 ; admitted to bar 1S34; town clerk Warren 50 years. Editor Warren newspaper at differ- ent periods. Born Sharon, Mass., Feb. 10, 1778; died Warren, R. I., March 5, 1864. Nee. 1S64, R - !• c yc- Silas Randall. From Sharon, Mass.? Thomas Hale Sill. Lawyer, Erie, Penn. 1812; delegate, Penn. constitutional convention ; member U. S. house of representatives 1826-27, '29-31 ; presidential elector 1848. Born Conn.; died 1856. Cong, direct. John Qoulding Thayer. From Milford, Mass.? Silas Tobey, A. M. From Berkeley, Mass.; died 1817. Lemuel Williams. Lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. 1S0S-29; collector port of New Bedford 1829-37; lawyer, Lowell, Mass. 1S37-42; Boston, Mass. 1842-48; col- lector port of Boston 1842-45; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. 184S-69. Born Fair Haven, Mass. .June 5, 1782; died Worcester, Mass., Nov. 14, 1869. Nee. 1870. Samuel King Williams, A. M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; member city council, Boston. Born Raynham, Mass., Nov. 17, 17S5 ; died Boston, Mass., Nov. 20, 1874. Nee. 1875. William Durkee Williamson, A. M. ; Harvard university 1820. Lawyer, Bangor, Me. 1S07-46; state attorney Hancock co. 1808-16; member Mass. senate 1816-20; president Me. senate 1820-21 ; acting governor Me. 182 1 ; mem- ber U. S. house of representatives 1821-23; j u ^ge of probate 1824-40; bank commissioner 183S-41 ; president Bangor bank ; corresponding member Mass. historical society 1S36-46; member other historical societies. Author History of Maine 1602-1S20, 2 vols., 1832 ; Notice of Orono, a chief at Penobscot ; — Indian tribes in New England, in Collections Mass. historical society 1846; Lutherans, in American quarterly register, vol. 13, 1840; Laws and laxvyers, Jewish, Ro- man, English, and American, in same, vol. 14-15, 1842-43. Born Canterbury, Conn. July 31, 1779; died Bangor, Me., May 27, 1S46. Cyc. Am. biog , Cong, direct., Allibone. *22 1805 Hyder Ali Ball. From Orange, Mass. Sylvester Fuller Bucklin, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S0S; pastor First church, Marlboro, Mass. 1808-32; resident, Marlboro 1832-60. Born Seekonk, Mass., July 2, 1784; died Marlboro, Mass., May 25, i860. Nee. i860 50 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1805 Royal Carpenter. Physician, Rehoboth, Mass. From Rehoboth, Mass.; died Rehoboth, May 23, 1849. Nee. 1S49 Cyrus Chapitl. From Orange, Mass.; died 1S11. Dennis Cook. From Tiverton, R. I.; died 1841. Bartholomew Cushman. From' Kingston, Mass.; died 1S37. Walter RaJeigh Danforth, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R.J.'; clerk supreme judicial court for Providence co., or court of common pleas 1807-18; editor Providence gazette 1820; Microcosm; Express; Republican herald; member Providence town council ten years; collector of customs, Providence 1829-41 ; mayor Providence 1853; member R. I. house of representatives 1855. Author lectures: Reminiscences of Providence. Born Providence, R. I., April 1, 1787; died Providence, Aug. 11, 1861. Nee. 1861, R. I. eye. Samuel Deane, A. M. Congregational clergyman, Scituate, Mass. 1810-34. Author Sermo7i at Scituate, May 26, 18 ij. before Society for suppression of in- temperance ; The poptiloits village, poem before Philermenian society. Provi- dence, Sept. 1826 ; History of Scituate, Mass., 1831 ; Discourse at dedicatio?i of Second Congregational church, Scituate, Oct. ij, 1830. Born Mansfield, Mass., March 30, 1784, died Aug. 9, 1834. Cyc. Am. biog., Sabin Stephen Walker Eddy, A. M. From Providence, R. I.; died 1807. Williams Emmons, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1805-08; librarian 1806- 08; lawyer, Augusta, Me.; Hallowell, Me.; member Me. house of representa- tives 1833; member Me. senate 1834-35; judge of probate 1841-48. Born Frank- lin, Mass., 1783; died Hallowell, Me., Oct. 8, 1855. Nee. 1856 Amasa Fisk. Lawyer, Dover, Vt. From Upton, Mass.; died Dover, Vt., March 23, 1847. Nee. 1847 David Gilmore. From Raynham, Mass. Melvin Gilmore. From Raynham, Mass. ; died 1858. Aaron Hobart, A. M. Lawyer, Abington, Mass.; Hanover Four Corners, Mass. 1811-24; East Bridgewater, Mass., 1S24-58; member Mass. house of rep- resentatives 1814; senate 1819; U. S. house of representatives 1820-27; Mass. executive council 1827-31 ; judge of probate 1843-58. Born Abington, Mass., June 26, 17S7; died East Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 19, 1858. Nee. 1859, Cyc. Am. biog. John Howe. Admitted to bar 1808; lawyer, Bristol, R. I. 1S0S-41 ; member R. I. house of representatives several years; collector of customs, Bristol 1841-45; farmer, Bristol 1845-53; resident, Philadelphia, Penn. 1853-64. Author va- rious orations. Born Killingly, Conn., July 5, 1783; died Philadelphia, Penn., March 14, 1S64. Nee. 1864, R. I. cyc. Benjamin James, A. M. Physician. From Boston, Mass.; died New Jersey, April 1850. Nee. 1850 Jonathan Keith. Congregational clergyman, Raynham, Mass. From Bridge- water, Mass.; born 1782; died Raynham, Mass., Dec. 16, 1855. Nee. 1856 Joseph Francis Lippitt, A. M. Lawyer. Born Providence, R. I. ; died New York, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1857. Nee. 1858 Samuel Prince Loud, A.M. Lawer, Dorchester, Mass. 1805-75 ; associate jus- tice court of sessions, Norfolk co. 1822-28; chairman board of county com- missioners, Norfolk co. 25 years; member Mass. house of representatives eiuht years ; Mass. senate 1832-34; Mass. executive council 1841-43; Mass. con- stitutional convention 1853; state trustee Institution for the blind 1832-51. Born Weymouth, Mass., March 10, 1783; died Dorchester, Mass., July 11, 1875. Nee. 1877 Theron Metcalf, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S44; Harvard university 1S48. Admitted to bar 1808; lawyer, Franklin, Mass. 1808-9; Dedham, Mass. 1S09-39; county at- 1805 GRADUATES 51 torney 12 years; member Mass. house of representatives 1831, 1833, 1834; Mass. senate 1S35 ; reporter Mass. supreme court, Boston 1839-48; justice Mass. supreme court 1S48-65; fellow Brown university 1832-43, 1847-53. Author Militia laws of the U. S . and of Mass. ' Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the Supreme court of Mass., 1S40-47; Principles of the law of con- tracts, with examples of their application ; associate author Digest of the de- cisions of the courts of common law and admiralty in the U. S. ', editor Yelver- ton's reports, 1820; Star hie on evidence, 1826; Russell on crimes, 1S31; Maule and Selzvyn's reports, 1832; associate editor Revised statutes of Mass. ; also frequent contributor to periodicals. Born Franklin, Mass., Oct. 16, 17S4; died Boston, Mass., Nov. 13, 1875. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1876, Am. cat. John Shaw, A.M. Clergyman. From Abington, Mass. ; died 1844. John Burgess Snow, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. From Rochester, Mass. ; died New York, N. Y., June 17, 1S48. Nee. 1848 John Starkweather. From Rehoboth, Mass.; died 1857. James Valentine. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1825. Boiling Mumford Walker. From Dinwiddie co., Va. ; died 1814. Thomas Dennie Webb. Admitted to bar 1S07; lawyer, Warren, O. 1S07-65; editor Trump of fame 1812-16?; U. S. collector of internal revenue 1814; mem- ber Ohio senate two terms. Born Windham, Conn., May 10, 17S4; died War- ren, O., March 7, 1S65. Nee. 1865 Jared Whitman. Admitted to bar 1S0S; lawyer, Nantucket, Mass. 1S0S-10; Abington, Mass. 1S10; member Mass. house of representatives 1S27-28; Mass. senate 1839-41 ; commissioner Plymouth co. 1S28-34; member Mass. consti- tutional convention 1S53. Born Abinglon, Mass., Sept. 27, 1784; died South Abington, May 23, 1S78. Nee. 1878 Jacob Willard, A. M. From Lancaster, Mass.; died 1818. *28 1806 Nathan Alden, 1807, A. M. Teacher, Fair Haven, Mass.; merchant, Fair Haven; farmer, Dewittville, N. Y. 1829-70. Born Fair Haven, Mass., Nov. 1, 1786; died Dewittville, N. Y., April 23, 1870. Nee. 1S70 David Aldrich. Ordained Baptist ; pastor, Goshen, Conn.; farmer, Cumber- land, R. I, justice of the peace, Cumberland. Born Cumberland, R. I., Jan. 14. 17S1 ; died Cumberland, May 19, 1S79. Nee. 1879 Richard Bedon Bedon. From Beaufort, S. C; died 1857. David Benedict, A. M. ; D. D. Shurtleff college 1851. Ordained Baptist 1806; pastor First church, Pawtucket, R. I. 1806-28; trustee Brown university 181S- 74. Author General history of the Baptist denomination, 2 vols., 1S13; 6th edition, 1S49; abridgment, 1820; abridgment of Robinson's History of bap- tism, 1817; History of all religions, 1824; Address before the Grand lodge of R. I., June 24, i8jo, 1830; Fifty years among the Baptists, i860; Compendium of ecclesiastical history; History of the Donatists; Conference hymn book. Born Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 10, 1779; died Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 5, 1874. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1875 Martin Benson. From Newport, R. I.; died 1816. John Ball Brown, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1813. Physician, Dor- chester, Mass. 1809-10; Boston, Mass. 1S10-62; surgeon and physician Boston almshouse 1815 ; associate surgeon, consulting surgeon, Mass. general hospital. 52 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1806 Author Two letters on curvature of the spine, 1S3S; Remarks on operation for cure of clubfeet, 1S39; Reports of cases in Boston orthopedic institution, 1844, '45. See biographical notice in Medical communications Mass. medical society, vol. 10, 1S66. Born Wilming'on, Mass., Oct. 20, 1784; died Boston. Mass., May 14, 1S62. Nee. 1862, Surg.-gen. cat. Palmer Cleaveland, A. M. From Thompson, Conn. John Gilmore Dean. From Raynham, Mass. ; died 1S39. Henry D'Wolfe. Merchant; afterwards farmer, Bristol, R. I. From Bristol, R. I.; born 1784; died Bristol, Oct. 17, 1857. Nee. 1858 Elijah Dexter, A. M. Clergyman, Plympton, Mass. 1809-51. From Roches- ter, Mass.; died Plympton, Mass., Oct. 1851. Nee. 1852 Jacob Eames. From Belfast, Me. William Fox. From Woodstock, Conn.; died 1820. Henry Holmes. From Kingston, Mass.; died 1852. Daniel Johnson. Ordained Congregational 1808; pastor, Orleans, Mass. 1808- 29; Victor, N. Y. 1829-36; preacher, Sweden, N. Y. ; Parma, N. Y. ; farmer, Fairport, N. Y. Born Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 5, 1783; died Fairport, N. Y., Oct. 11,1867. Nee. 1868 Daniel March. From Sutton, Mass.; died 1807. David Perry, A. M. From Rehoboth, Mass.; died 1854. Willard Preston; D. D. University of Georgia 1839. Lawyer, Vt. ; ordained Congregational 1811; pastor, Providence, R. I. 1816-21; president Univer- sity of Vt. 1825-26; pastor Presbyterian church, Savannah, Ga. 1826-56. Au- thor numerous discourses. Born Uxbridge, Mass. 17S5 ; died Savannah, Ga., April 27, 1856. Nee. 1856, Univ. Vt. Lewis Reeve Sams. From Beaufort, S. C; died 1S56. Noah Whitman; M. B. Dartmouth college 1809. From Bridgewater, Mass.; born 1785; died 1S54. Dart. *19 l807 Cyrus Alden, A. M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; Fall River, Mass. 1827-55; jus- tice of peace; member Mass. house of representatives 1837 ; inventor hay scales. Author Abridgme7it of law, with practical forms. From Bridgewater, Mass. ; died Tiverton, R. I., March 29, 1855. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1855 Oliver Angell, A. M. Teacher, Providence, R. I. Editor series of six Read- ers. From North Providence, R. I.; born 1787; died Providence, Nov. 12, 185S. Nee. 1S59 John Bailey, A. M. Tutor and librarian, Brown university 1S08-14; member Mass. house of representatives 1815-16; clerk Mass. department of state 1817- 23; member U. S. house of represntatives 1824-31. Born Canton?, Norfolk co., Mass.; died Dorchester, Mass.. June 26, 1835. Cong, direct Luther Barstow. From Canterbury, Conn.; died 1817. Lorenzo Bishop. From Attleboro, Mass. ; died 1809. Samuel BIOSS, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Stafford, Conn.; western N. Y. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died North Bay, Oneida Lake, N. Y., July 27, 1850. Nee. 1850 Leonard Burbank, A. M. From Worcester, Mass.; died 1S37. James Hervey Cady, A. M. From Killingly, Conn. 1807 GRADUATES 53 Daniel Cook. Medical student, Boston, Mass.; surgeon, U. S. army 1S12-15; physician, Waterville, Me. 1815-36 ; Maumee City, O. 1S36-63. Born Kings- ton, Mass., July 29, 1785; died Maumee City, O., March 22, 1863. Nee. 1S63 Israel Day, A. M. From Killingly, Conn. John Dunbar. From Hanover, Mass. Klisha Pope Fearing, A. M. ; M. D. Physician, Falmouth, Mass. 1S10-26; Nantucket, Mass. 1826-66. Born Wareham, Mass., Oct. 11, 17S5; died Nan- tucket, Mass., June 25, 1876. Nee. 1877 Nan urn Harrington, A. M. Lawyer, Worcester co.. Mass. From Westboro, Mass.; died Westboro, Dec. 31, 1848. Nee. 1849 Barzillai Hayward. From Bridgewater, Mass. Jacob Hill. Fiom Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1852. John Ladd Hutchins. From Killingly, Conn.; died 1808. Adoniram Judson, A. M.; D. D. 1S23. Graduated Andover theological semi- nary 1810; ordained Congregational 1812 ; Baptist missionary, Burmah 1812-50. Author Elements of English grammar, 1S08; Young ladies' arithmetic, 1S09; Dictionary of the Burman language, 1S26; The Holy Bible translated into Burmese, 1S35; 2d edition, 1S40; Grammatical notices of the Burmese language, 1842; Dictionary, English and Burmese, 1S49; Dictionary, Burmese and Eng- lish, including A grammar of the Burmese language, 1S50; 2d edition, 1883 ; besides various papers and tracts. See Memoir, by Francis JVayla/id, 2 vols., 1852. Born Maiden, Mass.. Aug. 9, 1788; died at sea April 12, 1S50. Nee, 1851, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. eneve, Johnson's eye, Allibone, And. Bailey Loring, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S10; pastor First church, Unitarian, Andover, Mass. 1S10-60? Born Pembroke, Mass., 17S7 ; died North Andover, Mass., May 5, 1S60. Abbot Hist. And., Nee. i860 Charles Manton. From Johnston, R. I. ; died 1816. George Washington Martin, A. M. From Newport, R. I.; died 1S50. John Russell Martin; M. B. Dartmouth college 1S10. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1817. Zedekiah Sanger, A. M. From Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1863. Ebenezer Stoddard, A. M. Lawyer, Woodstock, Conn.; member Conn, leg- islature several years; lieutenant-governor Conn, one year; member U. S. house of representatives 1821-25. Born West Woodstock, Conn., May 6, 1786; died Woodstock, Aug. 11, 1S47. Cong, direct., Nee. 1847 Samuel Isaac Thurston. From Georgetown, S. C. ; died 1S20. Charles Wheeler, A.M. ; A. B. Bowdoin college 1S0S Teacher Wiscasset, Me. ; Salem, Mass. ; teacher and preacher. Middleboro, Mass. ; preacher First Bap- tist church, Boston, Mass. 1S12; teacher and preacher, Washington, Penn. x Si3-39; ordained Baptist 1S14; president Rector college, Prunytown, West Va. 1839-51. Born Rowley, Mass., April S, 17S4; died Jan. 11, 1851. Sprague Annals 6 Eliab Whitman, A. M. Lawyer, Lisbon, Me. 1811-13; North Bridgewater, Mass. 1S13-62; member Mass. legislature 1S40-41. Born East Bridgewater, Mass., May 30, 178S; died North Bridgewater, Sept. 20, 1862. Nee. 1S63 John Willis. Teacher; master high school, Plymouth, Mass.; farmer, Middle- boio, Mass. Born West Bridgewater, Mass. 17S4; died Marshfield, Mass., Aug. 17- l8 64- Nee. 1864 Ezekiel Robins Wilson, A. M. From Hightstown, N. J. *28 54 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1808 l808 Luther Bailey, A. M. Principal academy, Wrentham, Mass.; Bradford, Mass.; preacher, Dover, Mass. 1S11 ; Cambridgeport, Mass.; principal Bristol academy, Taunton, Mass., and preacher, three years ; ordained Congregational 1816; Unitarian clergyman, East Medway, Mass. 1816-43; resident, East Med- way, 1843-61. Author sermons. Born Canton, Mass., May 3, 17S3; died East Medway, Mass., Dec. 19, 1861. Nee. 1861 William Barker. Student, Andover theologica' seminary. Born Middleboro, Mass., June 10, 1787; died Andover, Mass., Nov. 29, 1809. And. Simon BarstOW. From Canterbury, Conn.; died 1866. Abiel Bolles, A. M. Private tutor, Charleston, S. C ; superintendent Orphan house, Charleston ; president Charleston college; principal Female academy, Charleston. Born Woodstock, Conn., July 13, 1786; died Charleston. S. C, April 14, 1866. Nee. 1866 Otis BriggS, A. M. Clergyman. From Stoughton, Mass. ; died 1842. Elias Brown. Lawyer, Stonington, Conn. From Preston, Conn.; born Jan. 28, 1786; died Brooklyn, N. Y., May 6, 1861. Nee. 1861 Abiel Leonard Carrol. From Woodstock, Conn. Seth Chapin, A. M. Studied over two' years with class of 181 1 at Andover theological seminary; ordained Congregational 1S12; pastor, Ilillsboro, N. H. 1812-16; preacher, Rowley, Mass., Mansfield, Conn., etc. 1816-19; pastor, Han- over, Mass. 1819-24; acting pastor, East Haddam, Conn. 1825; Hunter, N.Y. 1825-27; Attleboro, Mass.; West Granville, Mass. 1833-35. Born Mendon, Mass., June 25, 1783; died Providence, R. I., April 19, 1850. Nee. 1850, And. Josiah Haydon Coggeshall, A. M. From New Bedford, Mass.; died 1817. Henry Tudor Cooke. From Providence, R. I. Jacob Corey, A. M. Died 1841. From Sturb ridge, Mass. George William Russell Corlis, A. M. ; M. D. 1822. From Providence, R. I. David Curtis, A. M. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Warwick and Coventry churches, R. I. 13 years; six other churches in Mass. and R. I. Born Stough- ton, Mass., Feb. 17, 1782; died East Stoughton, Sept. 12, 1869. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1870 William Goodell Field. From Pomfret, Conn. Josiah Jones Fiske, A. M. From Sturbridge, Mass.; died 1838. John Brown Francis. Law student, Litchfield, Conn.; resident, Spring Green, Warwick, R. I. 1821-64; member R. I. house of representatives 1821- 29; R. I. senate 1831-42, '45-56; governor R. I. 1832-38; member IT. S. senate 1844-45; trustee Brown university 1828-57; chancellor 1841-54. Born Phila- delphia, Penn., May 31, 1791 ; died Warwick, R. I., Aug. 9, 1864. Nee. 1S64, R. I. eye. Daniel Frost. Admitted to bar 1810; lawyer, Canterbury, Conn. ; Mass. ; Can- terbury, Conn., 1856-63; temperance reformer. Born Canterbury, Conn., April 17, 1786; died Canterbury, July 17, 1S63. Nee. 1864 Samuel Glover. Clergyman. From Boston, Mass.; born 1784; died Cam- bridge, Mass., Dec. 13, 1851. Nee. 1852 Artemas Johnson, A. M. ; M. D. 1816. From Sherburne, Mass. ; died 1827. Evan Malbone Johnson. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1813; priest 18 14; cu- rate Grace church, New York, N. Y. 18 14-15 ; pastor St. James's church, New- ton, L. I. 1815-26; St. John's church, Brooklyn, L. I. 1826-47; St. Michael's mission church, Brooklyn, 1847-65. Born Bristol, R. I., June 10, 1792; died Brooklyn, N. Y., March 19, 1865. Nee. 1865, Cyc. Am. biog. 1808 GRADUATES 55 Jeremiah Lippitt, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; merchant in the South. From Providence, R. I.; died Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 1S46. Nee. 1847 William Learned Marcy, LL. D. 1S33; Union college 1839. Teacher, New- port, R. I.; lawyer, Troy, N. Y. ; lieutenant, afterwards captain, war 1S12-15; recorder, Troy, N. Y. 1S16; adjutant-general N. Y. militia 1821; comptroller N. Y. 1823; associate justice N. Y. supreme court 1829-31 ; U. S. senator 1S31- 33 i governor N. Y. 1833-39; U. S. commissioner on claims against Mexico 1839-42; chairman democratic state convention, Syracuse, N. Y. 1843; U.S. secretary of war 1845-49; U. S. secretary of state 1853-57. Editor Troy budget, 1S1S. Born Southbridge, Mass., Dec. 12, 17S6; died Ballston Spa, N. Y., July 4, 1S57. Nee. 1S57, Bapt. encyc. Cyc. Am. biog. Jeremiah Mayhew. Student, Andover theological seminary over two years with class of 181 1. Born New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 23, 17SS; died New Bed- ford, Jan. 4, 1S11. And. Dutee Jerauld Pearce, A. M. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. ; attorney-general R. I. 1819-25; U. S. district attorney 1824-25; member U. S. house of repre- sentatives 1S25-37 ; presidential elector 1821. Born Prudence Island, R. I., April 3, 1789; died Newport, R. I., May 9, 1849. Nee. 1849, R. I. cyc, Cyc. Am. biog. Isaac Porter; M. D. Dartmouth college 1S14. Physician, Boston, Mass.; Charlestown, Mass. From Sterling, Conn.; born 17S4; died Porter, Wis., Sept. 2, 1S54. Nee. 1855 Thomas Power, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S11 ; lawyer, Northfield, Mass. 181 1- 16; Boston, Mass. iS 16-60; resident, Framingham, Mass. 1860-6S. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 8, 17S6; died Framingham, Mass., Sept. 9, 1868. Nee. 1869 Benjamin Rice. Graduated Andover theological seminary 181 1; home mis- sionary, Maine 1811-12; pastor, Sturbridge, Mass. 1812; ordained Congrega- tional 1813; pastor Presbyterian church, Skaneateles, N. Y. 1S12-17, Chester, Mass. 1818; Second Congregational church, So. Deerfield, Mass. 1819-27; New Gloucester, Me. 1828-35; Buxton, Me. 1S35-42; Win- chendon, Mass. 1S43-46. Born Sturbridge, Mass., May 9, 1784; died Win- chendon, Mass., July 12, 1847. Nee. 1847, And. Ezekiel Rich, A. M. Student, Andover theological seminary 180S-9; ordained Congregational 1812; home missionary; pastor, Troy, N. H. 1815-1S; teacher and home missionary Troy, N. H. 1818-24; home missionary Cheshire co., etc., N. H. 1824-27 ; teacher, Troy, N. H. 1S27-45 ; pastor, East Woodstock, Conn. 1830-31; resident, Rochester, N. Y. 1845-; Deep River, Conn. -1854. Born Greenwich, Mass., April 2, 1784; died Deep River, Conn., Nov. 22 1854. Nee. 1855, And. John Rogers. From Providence, R. I.; died 1820. Nathaniel Sprague Spooner. From New Bedford, Mass.; died 1S60. Bradford Sumner, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1809-11; lawyer, Boston, Mass. From Taunton, Mass. ; born 17S2 ; died Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 25, 1855. Nee. 1S56 John Burt Wight, A. M. ; Harvard university 1S16. Private tutor, S.C. sev- eral years; ordained Congregational; pastor First church, East Sudbury, now Wayland, Mass. 1815-30; Unitarian pastor, Castine, Me.; Milford, N. H.; Chelsea, Mass.; Dennis, Mass. till 1842; member Mass. legislature 1850. Born Bristol, R. I., May 7, 1790; died Wayland, Mass. Dec. 20, 1883. Nee. 1S84 George Willard, A. M. ; M. D. 1822. From Uxbridge, Mass. ; died 1S46. *33 56 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1809 l809 James Barnaby. Teacher, Taunton, Mass.; ordained Baptist 1811; pastor, Harwich, Mass. 1S11-19, 1S52-59, 1S62-77; New Bedford, Mass. 1S19-23; Deer- field, N. H. ; Salisbury, Mass. ; Amesbury, Mass. ; Danversport, Mass. ; Lowell, Mass.; Townsend, Mass.; Nantucket, Mass. 1S46-49; agent Baptist Sunday school union 1849-52; pastor 1859-62. Born Freetown, Mass., June 25, 1787; died Harwich, Mass., Dec. 10, 1877. Bapt. encyc., Nee. 1877 Gardner Burnbank, A. M. From Worcester, Mass.; died 1S48. Ebenezer Burgess, A. M. ; D. D. Middlebury college, 1835. Preceptor Univer- sity grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1809-n; tutor, Brown university 1S11-13; graduated Andover theological seminary 1815; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, University of Vt. 1815-17; agent American colonization society, Africa 1S17-18 ; student of theology 1818-19; ordained Congregational 1821; pastor First church, Dedham, Mass. 1820-70; founder and president Dedham savings bank. Author The Dedham pulpit:, Burgess genealogy. Born Wareham, Mass., April 1, 1790; died Dedham, Mass., Dec. 5, 1S70. And., Nee. 1870 Thomas Carlile, A. M. ; Harvard university 1S14. Clergyman. From Provi- dence, R. I. ; died 1824. Henry Finney Clark. From Providence, R. I.; died 1820. John Hopkins Clarke. Admitted to bar 1812; clerk supreme court, Providence co., R. I. 1812 ; in business, Cranston, R. I. until 1S24; manufacturer, Provi- dence 1824-70; member R. I. house of representatives 1836-37, 1864-65; U. S. senate 1847-53; R. I. senate one year. Born Elizabeth, N. J., April 1, 1789; died Providence, R. I., Nov. 23, 1870. R. I. eye, Nee. 1871 Robert Cochran. Clergyman. From New Boston, N. H.; died 1818. Joshua Dean. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1812; ordained Con- gregational 1814; pastor East Groton, N. Y. 1814-24. Born Taunton, Mass., July 16, 1788; died East Groton, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1824. And. David Delano, A. M. From New Bedford, Mass. James Bradford Dorrance, A. M. From Sterling, Conn.; died 1S42. Jabez Fox. From Bozrah, Conn. Jonathan Going, A. M.; University of Vt. 1812; D. D. Waterville college 1S32. Ordained Baptist 1S11; pastor Cavendish, Vt. 1811-15; Worcester, Mass. 1815-32; principal Latin grammar school, Worcester 1816; correspond- ing secretary American Baptist home mission society, residence, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1832-37; president and professor Theology, Granville, O., literary and theological institution 1837-44; trustee Brown university 1825-44; one of the founders Newton theological institution ; Ohio Baptist education society. Author Discourse, Belchertoivn, Mass., J/i7ie 24, 18 16 ; Outli?ie of plan for a Baptist literary and theological institution in New R?igland, 1S19; Discourse at Worcester, Dec. 11, 1825, after the execution of Horace Carter, 1S25. Born Reading, Vt., March 7, 1786; died Granville, O., Nov. 9, 1844. Bapt. encyc., Sprague Annals 6, Den., Colby Henry Goodwin. From Bristol, R. I.; died 1811. Silas Hall, A. M. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Taunton, Mass.; Warren, R. I.; Middleboro, Mass.; New Bedford, Mass; Attleboro, Mass.; Sharon, Mass.; South Abington, Mass.; Swansea, Mass.; Rehoboth, Mass.; Raynham, Mass. Born Raynham, Mass., Jan. 16, 1789; died South Abington, Mass., Dec. 29, 1876. Nee. 1877 1809 GRADUATES 57 Daniel Fiske Harding. From Sturbridge, Mass. ; died 1858. William Haven. From Framingham, Mass. Robert Hume, A. M. From Charleston, S. C. Jacob Ide, A. M. ; D. D. 1837. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1812 ; ordained Congregational 1S14; preacher, East Abington, Mass.; York, Me.; Portsmouth, N. II. ; assistant pastor, Park street church, Boston, Mass. ; pastor, West Med way, Mass. 1S14-S0; senior pastor 1865-80; trustee Amherst college 1839-63. Author over 40 discourses: editor Christian magazine:, Works of N. Emmons, -with life, 7 vols., 1842-45. Born Attleboro, Mass., March 29, 1785 ; died West Medway, Mass., Jan. 5, 1SS0. Hist. Attleb., And., Nee. 1880 Elijah Morse, A.M.; Harvard university 1814. From Medway, Mass.; died 1831. Joshua Perry. Student of theology; teacher several years; in lumber busi- ness, Brooks, Me. ; farmer, Hanson, Mass. Born Hanson, Mass., April 27, 1788; died Hanson, Mass., Sept. 2, 1S75. Nee. 1877 Thomas Pope, A. M. From New Bra in tree, Mass.; died 1854. Joseph Randall. From Providence, R. I.; died 1811. Luke Reed. From Middleboro, Mass.; died 186S. George Hallam Richards. From New London, Conn.; died 1S43. John Taylor, A. M. Clergyman. From New Salem, Mass.; died 1861. William Tyler, A. M. Manufacturer, Pawtucket, R. I.; ordained Congrega- tional 1819; pastor, South Weymouth, Mass. 1819-32; South Hadley Falls, Mass. 1832-39; connected with Mass. home mission society; editor Courier, Northampton, Mass. two years; delegate, convention for revising Mass. con- stitution. Born Attleboro, Mass., Jan. 7, 1789; died Auburndale, Mass., Sept. 27, 1875. Nee. 1876 Oliver Wait. From New London, Conn. ; died 181S. Daniel Whitman. Medical student, Bridgewater, Mass. ; farmer, East Bridge- water, Mass. Born East Bridgewater, Mass., April 12, 1784; died East Bridge- water, April 30, 1S79. Nee. 1S79 Samuel Scott Wilkinson. From Smithfield, R. I.; died 1S22. ( Thomas Williams, A. M. Congregational clergyman. From Weymouth, Mass.; died Poland, Me., Nov. 1846. Nee. 1S47. *30 l8lO David Avery. Principal University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1S11- 13; farmer, Mansfield, Conn, until 1832 ; Hampton, Conn. 1832-69; resident, Jewett City, Conn. 1S69-75; member Conn, legislature 1822-23. Born Wren- tham, Mass., Sept. 7, 1787 ; died Jewett City, Conn., April 6, 1875. Nee. 1875 Isaac Bailey. From Ward, Mass.; died 1824. William Bates, A. M. Teacher in the South two years; lawyer, Baltimore, Md. until 1820: Wareham, Mass. 1820-71 ; adjutant general Md. troops 1812- 15 ; town clerk Wareham ; member Mass. general court. Born Wareham, Mass., Dec. 22, 17S7; died Wareham, Nov. 8, 187 1. Nee. 1873 Abel Cushing. Teacher, Hingham, Mass.; admitted to bar 1814; lawyer, Dorchester, Mass. 1814-37; member Mass. house of representatives 1832-34; Mass. senate 1836-37; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; justice police court, Boston 1S43-5S. Born Hingham, Mass., March 13, 17S5; died Dorchester, Mass., May 19, 1866. Nee. 1866 Collins Darling. From Bellingham, Mass.; died 1843. 58 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1810 Appleton Downer. From Preston, Conn. ; died 1S33. Simon Ray Green. From East Greenwich, R. I. Philip R Hopkins. From North Grantham, N. H. Hervey Jenks. Principal University grammar school 1S10-11; licensed Bap- tist 1S11; preacher, West Stock bridge, Mass., and Hudson, N. Y. 1811-13; or- dained 1812; pastor, Hudson 1813-14. Born Brookfield, Mass., June 16, 17S7 ; died Hudson, N. Y., July 15, 1814. Sprague Annals 6 Daniel Kendrick. Ordained Congregational 1S12 ; pastor, Pittston, Me. 1812- 20; Edgecomb, Me. 1822-33; Biistol, Me.; Lyman, Me.; West Minot, Me.; resident, Portland, Me.; Wilton, Me. Born Hollis, N. H. 17S6; died Wilton, Me., May 4, 1S6S. Nee. 1868 Cyrus Lothrop. Resident, Easton, Mass. From Easton, Mass.; died Taun- ton, Mass., May 21, 1854. Nee. 1S54 Henry King M'Clintock. Teacher, Providence, R. I.; afterwards in South Carolina and Georgia. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died Monticello, Ga , April 1848. Nee. 184S Martin Moore, A. M. Preceptor Day's academy, Wrentham, Mass.; ordained Congregational 1814; pastor Central church, Natick, Mass. 1814-33; Cohasset, Mass. 1833-41; one of the proprietors and editors Boston recorder 1S44-63; pastor, North Abington, Mass. two years; member N. E. genealogical Society. Author Sermon \on the history of] Natick, 1S17; Sermon, 18 ig, death of Mrs. Hannah Coolidge ; Memoirs of Rev. John Eliot, apostle of the Indians, 1S22; Memoir of Sofhronia Laxvrence ' Sermon, Cohasset, i8jj, and North Mans- field, i8jj ; History of the Boston revival of 1842 ' Pastoral reminiscences, 1866. Born Sterling, Mass., April 22, 1790; died Cambridgeport, Mass., March 11, 1866. Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1866 David Reed, A.M.; Harvard university 1S18. Principal Plymouth academy, Bridgewater, Mass. 1810-12; student of theology, Harvard university 1813; li- censed Unitarian 1S14; preacher 1814-21; editor and proprietor Christian reg- ister, Boston, Mass. 1821-66; one of the founders American anti-slavery soci- ety 1828. Born Easton, Mass., Feb. 6, 1790; died Boston Highlands, Mass., June 7, 1870. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S70 William Reed, A. M. Teacher, Plymouth, Mass.; Nantucket, Mass.; Milton, Mass.; South Carolina; theological student, Harvard university; occasional preacher; resident, Easton, Mass. 1844-64. Born Easton, Mass., Dec. 12, 1788; died Easton, July 2, 1864. Nee. 1864 Charles Roby, A. M. From Dunstable, Mass.; died 1822. George Washington Spencer. From East Greenwich, R. I.; died 1811. John Taylor. Merchant, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I.; born 1792; died Providence, July 1, 1S59. Nee. 1859 Francis Dehon Wait, A. M. : M. D. University of Penn. 1820. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1813. Physician. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 23, 179 1 ; died 1833. And. Daniel Whiting. From Dover, Mass.; died 1833. *20 l8ll Israel Alger, A. M. From Easton, Mass. ; died 1825. William Henry Allen, A. M. ; M. D. 1S17. From Providence, R. I.; died Providence, Dec. 25, 1850. Nee. 1851 1811 GRADUATES 59 Nicholas Brown, A. M. Resident, Europe; Orangetown, N. Y. ; U. S. con- sul, Italy 1S45-53 ; resident, Providence, and Warwick, R. I.; lieutenant-gov- ernor, R. I. 1856-57; trustee Brown university 1S20-25. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 2, 1792; died Troy, N. Y., March 22, 1S59. Nee. 1859, R. I. eye. Latham Avery Burrows, A. M. Military officer 1S12-15 ; lawyer, Owego,N. Y. ; first judge, Tioga co., N. Y. many years; member N. Y. senate 1S24-2S. Born Groton, Conn., 1792; died Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1855. Nee. 1856 Daniel Chessman, A. M. Clergyman. Author Compendium of English gram- mar. From Boston. Mass.; died 1S39. Benjamin Cozzens, A. M. Lawyer, Pawtucket, R. I.; Providence, R. I.; cot- ton manufacturer, Providence; lawyer, Providence 1850-59; New York, N. Y. 1859-65. Born Providence, R. I., June 3, 1791 ; died New York, N. Y., Aug. 2S, 1S65. Nee. 1S65 Joshua Prentiss Dickinson; M. D. Harvard university 1S16. Physician, Ban- gor, Me. 1816-56. Frum Holliston, Mass. Born 1792 ; died Bangor, Me., Nov. 17, 1S56. Nee. 1857 George Foster. From Cambridge, Mass.; died 1S17. Arnold Gray. From Little Compton, R I.; died 1S66. Luther Metcalf Harris, A. M. ; M. U. Ph vsician, Roxbury, Mass. ; U. S. army surgeon 1S14. Born Brookline, Mass., May 7, 1789; died Jamaica Plain, Mass., Jan. 2S, 1865. Nee. 1865 Ezra Hutchins, A. M. From Killinglv, Conn ; died 1S19. Oliver Hawes Kollock. Lawyer, Cheraw, S. C. 1S14-20?; planter, Cheraw i82o?-62. Born Wrentham, Mass., May 18, 1790; died Cheraw, S. C, July 25, 1S62. Nee. 1863 David March, A. M.; M. D. 1S16. From Sutton, Mass.; died 1S29. George Phippen, Ordained Baptist 1S12; pastor First church, Middletown, Conn. 1812-17; First church, Lynn, Mass. 1817-22; Canton, Conn. 1S2S-37, 1854-60; Fayetteville, N. Y. ; West Troy, N. Y. ; Newburg, N. Y. ; Lee and Tyringham, Mass. 1S44-50; associate principal academy, Peekskill,N. Y. 1S50- 54; resident, Tyringham 1S60 70; Chicago, 111. 1S70-73. Born Salem, Mass., Feb. 2, 1790; died Chicago, 111., April 15, 1873. Nee. 1873 Aaron Putnam. Clergyman. From Pomfiet, Conn.; died 1S31. Dexter Randall, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; politician. Author Dem- ocracy vindicated, Danism unveiled, 1846. Born North Providence, R. I., Feb. 1, 1788; died Providence, R. I., April 23, 1867. Nee. 1867 Thomas Rivers, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. From Charleston, S. C; diet! 1S41. Thomas Russell; M. D. University of Penn. 1814. From Salem, Mass.; died 1814. Hartford Sweet, A. M. From Atlleboro, Mass.; died 1S1S. Charles Norris Tibbitts. From Preston, Conn. ; died 1827. Thomas Tolman. A.M. ; Harvard university 1822. .Admitted to bar 1815 ; lawyer, Charles on, S. C. ;" Canton, Mass. 1817-37; Boston, Mass. 1837-69; member Mass. house of representatives; chairman committee on elections 1845-47; member Mass. executive council 1S49, '50. Born Stoughton, Mass., ?"eb. 20, 1791; died Boston, Mass., June 20, 1S69. Nee. 1S69 Daniel Wardwell. Admitted to bar 1815; lawyer, Whitesboro, N. Y. ; Manns- ville, N. Y. ; Pulaski, N. Y. ; Adams, N. Y. ; Ellisville, N. Y. ; judge court ot common pleas, Jefferson co. 1824; member N. Y. house of represematives four terms; U. S. house of representatives 1S31-37; resident, Rome, N. Y. 60 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1811 1860-78. Boi-n Bristol, R. I., May 28, 1791 ; died Rome, N. Y., March 27, 1878. Cong, direct., Nee. 1878 Peter Wheelock, A. M. From Mendo'n, Mass. William Winsor, A. M. From Smithfield, R. I.; died 1815. *24 l8l2 Thaddeus Allen, A. M. In business; principal private school, Boston, Mass. 1820-40; member Mass. house of representatives; school committee, Boston. Author Inquiry into views-, services and influences of the leading men in the origination of our union and in the formation and early administration of the government., 1847. Born Dover, Mass., May 14, 1786; died Boston, Mass., April 18, 1883. Nee. 1884 John Lauris Blake, A. M. ; Trinity college 1855; D. D. Augusta college, Ky. 1837. Licensed Congregational 1813; ordained Episcopal deacon 1815 ; pastor St. Paul's church, Pawtucket, R. I. 1815-20; Concord and Hopkinton, N. H. 1820- 22; principal Young ladies' school, Concord, N. H. ; Boston, Mass. 1822-30; pastor St. Matthew's church, Boston, Mass. 1824-32. Author American uni- versal geography, 1S33; Anecdotes of America?i Indians; Biographical diction- ary, 1835; Biblical reader, 1826; Book of natttre laid ope?i ; Compendium of universal geography' Conversations o?i chemistry, 1848; Conversations on vegetable physiology and botany, 1S34; Evidences of Christianity ; Family text- book for the country : a cyclopedia of agriculture and domestic enconomy, 1852 ; Farmer 's every-day book, 1852 ; First book in Astronomy ; First book in natural philosophy ; First reader; General biographical dictionary, 1856; Geog- raphy for children; Geological vie-iv of the world; High school reader; His- torical reader ; History of the America?! revolution; Juvenile companion and fireside reader ; Lectures on rhetoric ; Lessons in moder?z farming, 1851 ; Let- ters on co?ifirmation ; Mrs. Marcefs conversations ; Modern farmer, 1853 ; Nat- ural philosophy ; Our -world in a nutshell; Pare?ital instructions] Second reader; Text-book of geography and chronology, 1814; Text-book of modern geography ; Universal biographical dictionary, 1S57; Wonders of art, 1845; Wonders of the earth ; Wonders of the ocean : Young orator; editor Literary advertiser; Gospel advocate. Born Northwood, N. H., Dec. 21, 1788; died Orange, N. J., July 6, 1857. Nee. 1857, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Roorbach, Am. Cat. Christopher Champlin Dexter, A. M. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S25. Andrew Murdock Dorrance. From Brooklyn. Conn. Isaac Fiske. From Weston, Mass.; died 1813. Ralph Gilbert, A. M. Law student, Hebron, Conn. 1S14; admitted to bar 1814; lawyer and farmer, Hebron, Conn. ; judge Tolland co. court 1851-52; judge of probate; town clerk and i-egistrar Hebron. Born Hebron, Conn., Sept. 12, 1789; died Hebron, March 7, 1864. Nee. 1864 William Giles Goddard, A. M. ; LL. D. Bowdoin college 1S43. Law student, and associate editor Worcester spy 1812-13; editor Rhode Island. American 1813-25; professor Moral philosophy and metaphysics, Brown university 1S25- 34; Belles-lettres 1S34-42; trustee 1842-43; fellow 1842-43 ; secretary 1843-46. Author Political, and miscella?7eous -writing, edited by his son F. W. Goddard, 2 vols., 1870. Born Johnston, R. I., Jan. 2, 1794; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 16, 1846. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc. 1812 GRADUATES 61 Richard Ward Greene, A. M. ; LL. I). 1848. Admitted to bar 1816; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1S16; Providence, R. I. 1816-75 ; U. S. district attorney 1S26- 45; member R. I. senate 1847-48; R. I. house of representatives 1865-72; chief justice R. I. 1S4S-54; trustee Brown university 1S23-1S75. Born Potowomut, Warwick, R. I., Jan. 21, 1792; died Providence, R. I., March 14, 1875. R. I. eye, Nee. 1875 Daniel Hewett r A. M. Born Taunton, Mass. ; died 1846. Moses Brown Ives, A. M. Graduated law school, Litchfield, Conn.; admitted to R. I. bar 18 15 ; merchant, Providence, R. I. ; president Providence bank 1835- 57 ; one of the founders Providence Athnaeum ; trustee Brown university 1822- 57 ; treasurer 1825-57 > one °f the founders and treasurer Butler hospital. Born Providence, R. I., July 21, 1794; died Warwick, R. I., Aug. 7, 1857. Nee. 1857, R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc. Cyrus Kingsbury, A. M. ; D. D. 1854. Graduated Andover theological semi- nary 1S15; home missionary, Va. and East Tenn. 1S15-17 ; missionary. Che- rokee Indians, Tenn. 1817-18; Choctaws, Miss. 1818-32; Ind. Ter. 1832-70- Born Alstead, N. H., Nov. 22, 1786; died Boggy Depot, Ind. Ter., June 27, ♦1S70. And., Nee. 1871 Henry Cogswell Knight, A. M. Ordained Episcopal, but was never pastor. Author The Cypriad, "with other poems, 1S09; The broken harp, poems, 181 5; Poems, 1821; Letters from the South and West, by Arthur Singleton, Esq., 1S24; Lectures and sermons, 2 vols., 1S31. Born Newburyport, Mass. 1788?; died Rowley, Mass., Jan. 10, 1835. Cyc. Am. biog., Duyckinck, Sabin, Allibone William Palmer Newell. From Vernon, Vt. ; died 1837. John Luke Parkhurst. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S17; prin- cipal academy, Amherst, Mass. 1S17-19; pastor, Plainfield, N. H. iSi9-2i;Gil- manton, N. H. 1S21-25; teacher, Monitorial school, Wiscasset, Me. 1825-26; editor Christian mirror, Portland, Me. 1S26; principal academy, Gilmanton, N. H. 1827-32; teacher, Portland, Me. 1832-34; Standish, Me. 1834-43; resi- dent, Gorham, Me. 1S43-50. Author Systematic introduction to English gram- mar, 1820; English grammar for beginners, 183S; First lessons in reading and spelling; Moral philosophy. Born Framingham, Mass., Sept. 7, 17S9; died Gorham, Me., May 20, 1850. And., Allibone Samuel Phinney. Clergyman. From Canterbury, Conn. Ephraim Randall. Ordained Unitarian; pastor, New Bedford, Mass. ; Stough- ton, Mass.; Saugus, Mass.; Westford, Mass.; resident, Easton, Mass. Born Easton, Mass., Nov. 29, 1785; died Easton, Dec. 16, 1871. Nee. 1S72 James Sanford, A. M. Ordained Presbyterian 1S14; pastor, Fabius, N. Y. 1S14; Antwerp, N. Y. ; Holland, Mass. Born Berkeley, Mass., May 7, 1786; died Ware, Mass., Aug. 23, 1865. Nee. 1865 John. Sanford, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S15; evangelist 1S15-1S; pas- tor, South Dennis, Mass. 1S18-39. Born Berkeley, Mass , 1789; died Taunton, Mass., July 11, 1S66. Nee. 1S66 Preserved Smith, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S14; pastor, Warwick, Mass. 1814-44; Pembroke, Mass. 1844-49. Born Rowe, Mass., Aug. 1, 1789; died Greenfield, Mass., July 30, 18S1. Nee. 1882 Joseph Wheaton. Tutor, Brown university 1813-15; clergyman. From Reho- both, Mass.;' died 1825. < Amos Whiting. From Holliston, Mass.; died 183S. Thaddeus Whiting. From Wrentham, Mass.; died 1813. 62 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1812 James Manning Winchell, A. M. Student, Union college 1S0S-11; licensed Baptist 1812; preacher, Bristol, R. I. 1812-13; ordained evangelist iS 13 ; pas- tor First church, Boston, Mass, 1814-20. Author Jubilee sermons : First Bap- tist church, Boston, 1665-1818, 1819; editor Watts' s psalms and hymns, -with sup. plement. Born North East, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1791 ; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 22, 1820. Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc, Allibone. *23 1813 Horace Adams. From Killingly, Conn.; died 1813. Zachariah Allen, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S51. Admitted to bar 1815; cotton manu- facturer, Providence, R. I. 1S22-S2; member town council, Providence; mem- ber R. I. historical society 1822-82; president 18S0-S2 ; one of founders, R. I. society for the encouragement of domestic industry 1824; Providence Athe- nieum ; Butler hospital for the insane; Free public library; trustee Brown university 1826-82; president Providence association of manufacturers and mechanics. Author Practical mechanics., 1829; Practical tourist, 1832; Phil- osophy of the mechanics in nature, 1851 ; Bi-cente?iary of the burning of Provi- dence in ibyb / defence of the R. I. system of treatment of the Indians and of civil and religious liberty, 1S76; Solar light and heat, 1S79; also several arti- cles in sciemific magazines. Born Providence, R. I., Sept, 15, 1795; died Providence, March 17, 1882. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc , Allibone, Astor cat., Nee. 1S82 Russell Allenton. From Providence, R. I.; died 1815. Joseph Kinnicutt Angell, A. M. Admitted to R. I. bar 1816; reporter R. I. supreme court 1S45-49. Author Treatise on the common lazv in relation to ■water courses, 1824; The right of property in tide zvaters, 1826; A treatise on the limitations of actions at law and suits in equity, 1829; Treatise on the lazv of private corporations aggregate, in conjunction with Samuel Ames, 1832; Practical summary of the lazv of assignments, 1S35 ; Inquiry into . . . i?i- corpo real hereditaments, 1837 ; Essay on the right of a state to tax a body cor- porate, 1837; Lazv of carriers of goods and passengers. 1S49; Treatise on the lazv of fi re and life insurance, 1S54; Treatise on the lazv of highzvays, com- pleted by Thomas Durfee, 1S57; editor U. S. lazv intelligencer and reviezv, 1829-30; signer Nine lazvyers' opinion, 1S42. Born Piovidence, R. I., April 30, 1794; died Boston, Mass., May 1, 1857. Nee. 1S57, R. I. hist, tract 11, K. I. cyc, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone. Samuel Atkinson. From Boscawen, N. H. Jacob Atkinson. From Boscawen, N. H. Barton Ballou, A. M. From Cumberland, R. I.; died 1848. Chester Chapin ; A. M. Union college 1S18. From Springfield, Mass. Alvan Cobb, A. M. Licensed Congiegational 1S14; preacher, Taunton, Mass. iS 1 4 ; ordained 1S15; pastor First church, Taunton, Mass. 1815-61; founder Congregational board of publication. Author various sermons and articles. Born Plymouth, Mass. 1788; died Taunton, Mass., April 2, 1861. Nee. 1861 Timothy Gardiner Coffin, A. M. Lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. From Nan- tucket, Mass.; died New Bedford, Mass.. Sept. 19, 1854. Nee. 1854 Luke Drury. Associate justice R. I. supreme court 1822-24. Author System oj geography for schools upon an entirely nezv plan, zvith an atlas of 40 lumi- nous maps, 1822. From Marblehead, Mass.; died 1S45. 1813 GRADUATES 63 Job Durfee, LL. D. 1845. Lawyer, Tiverton, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1814-20, 1826-29; speaker 1S27-29; member U. S. bouse of rep- resentatives 1820-25; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1833-35; chief jus- tice 1835-47; trustee Brown university 1S37-47. Author poems, lectures, orations and judicial charges, contained in his Complete -works, -with memoir-, edited by his son, 1S49. Born Tiverton, R. I., Sept. 20, 1790; died Tiverton, July 26, 1S47. Memoir, R. I. eye, Nee. 1847 John Durnford. From St. George's, Bermuda. Romeo Elton, A. M.; Harvard university 1S20; D. D. Nashville college 1842. Teacher, Philadelphia, Penn. several \ ears ; ordained Baptist 1S17 ; pastor Sec- ond church, Newport, R. I. 1817-22; Windsor, Vt. 1824-25; professor Greek and Latin languages, Brown university 1S25-43; studied abroad 1825-27; resi- dent, Conn. 1843-45 ; Exeter, England 1845-67; Bath, England 1867-69; Bos- ton, Mass. 1869; trustee Brown university 1820-51. Author Life of Roger Williams, 1852; editor Literary remains of Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, 1S44; Rev. John Calender's Historical discourse, 183S; Eclectic review. Born Burlington, Conn., 1790; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1S70. R. I. eye, Bibliog. R. I., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1870 George Fisher. Lawyer, Oswego, N. Y. 1S16-36?; contestant for seat in U. S. house of representatives 1S29; manufacturer i836?-40? president Northwestern insurance co., Oswego; resident, New York, N. Y. 1858 ?-6i. Born Franklin^ Mass., March 17, 17SS; died New York, N. Y., March 26, 1861. Nee. i86i,Cong. direct. Ebenezer Force. From Wrentham, Mass. Benjamin Ives Gilman, A. M. Merchant, Philadelphia, Penn. 1813-1825; Tene Haute, Ind. 1825-34; Alton, 111. 1834-36; St. Louis, Mo. 1836-66. Born Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 3, 1794; died Monticello, 111., Jan. 11, 1S66. Nee. 1866 Joel Hawes, D. D. 1S31. Teacher, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1S16-17; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S17; ordained Congregational 1818; pastor First church, Hartford, Ct. 1S1S-67; travelled in Europe and the East 1844. Author Lectures to young men, 182S; Tribute to the memory of the Pilgrims, 1S30; Memoir of Normand Smith, 1S39; Character everything to the young, 1843 ; The religion of the East, 1845 ; Looking glass for the ladies, or the for- mation and excellence of female character, 1S45; Washington and Jay, 1850; An offering to home missionaries. Born Med way, Mass., Dec. 22, 1789; died Gilead, Ct., June 5, 1867. Cyc. Am. biog., And., Nee. 1867 Daniel Knight. From Worcester, Mass. ; died 1S26. Joseph Knight, A. M. Clergyman. From Monson, Mass. ; died 1S60. Jerome Loring, A. M. From Hingham, Mass. Joshua Morton. From Middleboro, Mass. Morgan Nelson. From Middleboro, Mass. Emerson Paine. Congregational clergyman, Middleboro, Mass. ; Little Comp- ton, R. I.; Halifax, Mass. From Mansfield, Mass.; born 1786; died Halifax, Mass., April 26. 1851. Nee. 185 1 Jonas Perkins, A. M. Ordained 1815; pastor Union religious society, Brain- tree and Weymouth, Mass. 1815-60. Author numerous tracts. Born North Biidgewater, now Brockton, Mass., Oct. 15, 1790; died Braintree. Mass., June 26, 1874. Nee. 1875 Enoch Pond, A. M. ; D. D. Dartmouth college 1S35. Ordained Congregational 1815 ; pastor, Ward, now Auburn, Mass. 1815-28; editor Spirit of the Pilgrims 1S71-S2; professor Systematic theology, Bangor theological seminary 1S32-56 ; 64 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1813 president, professor Ecclesiastical history, and lecturer on Pastoral duties 1S56- 70; president and professor emeritus 1870-82; Author Review of Judson on baptism, 1813; Monthly concert lectures, 1824; Memoir of Pres. Samuel Da- vies, 1829; Memoir of Susanna h Anthony, 1830; Murray's gra7nmar improved, 1832 ; Memoir of Count Zinzendorf, 1839; Wickliffe and his times, 181 1 ; Morn- ing of the Reformatio?!, 1842; No fellowship with Romanism, 1843; Review of Second advent publications, 1843; Mather family, 1844; Young pastor's guide, 1844; World's salvation, 1S45 ; Pope and pagan, 1846; Probation ; Swedenbor- gianism revietved, 1846; Plato, his life, works, opinions, and influence, 1846; Life of Increase Mather and Sir William Phipps, 1847 ; The church, 1848; Me- moir of John Knox, 1856; Wreck and the rescue, a memoir of Rev. Harrison Fairfield, 1858; Lectures on pastoral theology, 1866; Prize essay on Congrega- tionalism, 1867; Lectures on Christian theology, 1868; History of God's church, 1871 ; Sketches of the theological history of N. E., 1880; Conversa- tions on the Bible, 1881 ; editor J. Norton's Life of John Cotton, 1832; besides numerous articles in magazines and reviews. Born Wrentham, Mass., July 29, 1791 ; died Bangor, Me., Jan. 21, 1882. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1882 John Ruggles. Teacher, Ky. 1813-14 ; lawyer, Skowhegan, Me. 1815-17 ; Thom- aston, Me. 1817-74; member Me. house of representatives 1823-31; speaker 1825-29, 1831; judge district court, Me. 1831-34; member U. S. senate 1835- 41 ; originator patent law of 1836. Born Westboro, Mass., Oct. S, 1789; died Thomaston, Me., June 20, 1874. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Nee. 1875 Thomas Shepard, A. M. ; D. D. 1853. Graduated Andover theological semi- nary 1816: ordained Congregational 1819; home missionary, Ga. 1816-18; agent Conn, asylum for deaf and dumb 1818-19; pastor, Ashfield, Mass. 1819- 33; N. E. agent American Bible society; pastor, Bristol. R. I. 1835-79; mem- ber school committee, Bristol, 25 years. Born Norton, Mass., May 7, 1792; died Bristol, R. I., Oct. 5, 1S79. And., Nee. 1880 Jonas Leonard Sibley. From Sutton, Mass. ; died Sutton, Feb. 1852. Nee. 1852 Albert Smith. Admitted to bar 1816; lawyer, Portland, Me. 1817-?; member Mass. house of representives 1820; Me. legislature; postmaster, Portland, Me. several years ; U. S. marshal, Me. 1830-38; member U. S. house of represen- tatives 1839-41 ; U. S. commissioner to lay out the north-eastern boundary under the Ashburton treaty 1842-47; resident, Washington, D. C. ; Boston, Mass. Born Hanover, Mass., Jan. 3, 1793; died Boston, Mass., May 28, 1S67. Cong, direct., Nee. 1867 Caleb Hopkins Snow, A. M.; M. D. 1821. Tutor, Brown university 1814-16; librarian 1814-18 ; physician. Author History of Boston, 1825; Geography of Boston and adjacent towns, 1830. Born Boston, Mass., April 1, 1796; died Boston, July 6, 1835. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone John Thomas, A. M. Lawyer, Plymouth, Mass; merchant, Plymouth; New York, N. Y. Born Kingston, Mass. ; died Irvington, N. Y., July 26, 1855. Nee. 1855 Benjamin Dunham Weeden. Cotton broker, Providence, R. I. ; member common council 1832-33. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 15, 1792; died Provi- dence, Feb. 11, 1876. Nee. 1876 Earl Percy White, A. M. From Norton, Mass. ; died 1849. Amherst Wight. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. until 186 1 ; Port Chester, N. Y. Born Bellinghnm, Mass., June 15, 1791; died Port Chester, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1879. Nee. 1879. *35 1814 GRADUATES 65 l8l4 Seth Aldetl, A. M. Unitarian clergyman, Lincoln, Mass. From Bridge- water, Mass.; died Westboro, Mass., Nov. 1853. Nee. 1854 Goodwin Allenton, M. D. 1817. From Providence, R. I.; died 1819. Samuel Angell, A. M. From North Providence, R. I.; died Providence, Aug. 21, 1853. Nec - l8 53 Richard James Arnold, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I. 1814-23; rice and cotton planter, Bryan co., Ga. 1823-61; resident, Providence, 1861-73; trustee Brown university 1S26-73. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 5, 1796; died Providence, March 10, 1873. Bapt. encyc, R. I. eye, Nec. 1873 Samuel Young Atwell, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1835-40?; speaker 1S36-37. Born Providence, R. I., June 24, 1796; died Chepachet, R. I., Oct. 25, 1844. R. I. eye. James Barker. From Middleboro, Mass. Manning Belcher. Teacher, Charleston, S. C. 1814-34; planter and teacher, Pendleton District, S. C. 1834-6S. Born Wrentham, Mass., July 13, 1790; died Pendleton District, S. C, Sept. 13, 1S68. Nec. 1869 John Bisbe. Clergyman. From Plympton, Mass. ; died 1829. Daniel Bodurtha. From West Springfield, Mass. Reuben Bryant. From Templeton, Mass. Thomas Bump, M. D. From Middleboro, Mass. Anson Qansello Chandler, A. M. From Monmouth, Me.; died 1863. James Ford, A. M. Admitted to bar 1818; lawyer, Taunton, Mass. 1818-19; Fall River, Mass. 1S19-73; member Mass. general court 1824-26; postmaster four years ; justice of peace; judge police court; member school committee 11 years; alderman three years; inspector Titicut almshouse 12 years. Editor Monitor, Fall River, 25 years. Born Milton, Mass., Aug. 3, 1784; died Fall River, Mass., July 27, 1873. B. U. Fall River, Nec. 1874 Ansel French, A. M. From Canton, Mass.; died 1S32. Abner Alden Hathaway. From Raynham, Mass.; died 1818. Willard Holbrook, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1817 ; pastor Hudson, N. II. 1817-18; ordained Congregational 181S; pastor, Row- ley, Mass., 1S18-40; Millville, Mass. 1841-50; Linebrook, Mass., 1S51-54; resident, Rowley, Mass. 1S54-60. Born Uxbridge, Mass., April 7, 1792; died Rowley, Mass., Feb. 7, 1S60. Nec. i860, And. Alexander Jones, A. M. ; D. D. Kenyon college 1844. Principal school, Bardstown, Ky. ; ordained Episcopal 1825; pastor Zion church, Charlestown, Va. 1824-51; St. Paul's church, Richmond, Va. five years ; St. Peter's church, Perth Amboy, N. J. 17 years. Born Charleston, S. C, Nov. 8, 1796; died Perth Amboy, N. J., Feb. 15, 1874. Nec - ^74 Joseph Joslen, A. M. Tutor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1S15-18; admitted to bar 1S1S?; preceptor Monmouth, Me. 1820-24; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S24-25; principal classical school, Newport, R. I. 1S25-45; jus- tice court of common pleas, Newport co., R. I. 1827-41; postmaster, New- port 1845-49, 1S53-57; president people's constitutional convention; chosen state treasurer by the adherents to that constitution. Editor 1'ost, Providence 1849-53; Mercury, Newport several years. Born Smithfield, R. I., April 9, 1793; died Newport, R. I., May 23, 188S. Nec. iSSS Esek Samuel Hopkins Leonard, A. M. From Taunton, Mass.; died 1834. 66 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1814 John Burroughs Hopkins Leonard, A. M. From Taunton, Mass.; died North Providence, R. I., March iS, 1S53. Nee. 1853 Samuel Lyman. From Springfield, Mass. John M'Corrie. From Portsmouth, R. I. Andrew Mackie, M. D. 1817. Physician, Plymouth, Mass. 1817-30; New Bed- ford, Mass. 1830-71 ; vice president Mass. medical society. Born Wareham, . Mass., Jan. 24, 1794; died New Bedford, Mass., March 2, 1S71. Nee. 1871 James M'Pherson. From Charleston, S. C. Mark Moore. From Sterling, Mass. ; died 1850. Lemuel Parkhurst. From Milford, Mass.; died 1S1S. Moses Partridge. Clergyman. From Bellingham, Mass.; died 1824. Moses Fenelon Randall, A. M. ; M. D. Bowdoin college 1S1S. From Boston, Mass.; died before 1849. Bowd. Stetson Raymond, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S17 ; pastor, Chatham, Mass. 1817-29; Assonet, Freetown, Mass. 1829-36; Bridgewater 1836-51. Born Middleboro, Mass., Nov. 16, 1787; died Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 21, 1864. Nee. 1865 William Richmond, A. M. Episcopal clergyman. New York, N. Y. ; pastor St. Michael's church, Bloomingdale, N. Y. Born Dighton, Mass., Dec. 11, 1797; died Bloomingdale, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1S58. Nee. 1859, Cyc. Am. biog. Thomas Baldwin Ripley. Ordained Baptist 1S16; pastor First church, Portland, Me. 1816-28; First church, Bangor, Me. 1829-34; Woburn, Mass. ; Fourth church, Providence, R. I.; teacher, Nashville, Tenn.; pastor, Nash- ville; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Clarksville, Tenn.; Memphis, Tenn.; Holly Springs, Miss. ; city missionary, Portland, Me. Born Boston, Mass., Nov. 20, 1795; died Portland, Me., May 4, 1876. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1876 James Sawyer. From Boylston, Mass.; died 1822. Flavel Shurtleff, A. M. Clergyman. From Carver, Mass.; died 1S45. John Jay Sibley. From Sutton, Mass.; died 1815. George Odiorne Strong. Merchant, Lynn, Mass. Born Randolph, Mass., Nov. 6, 1791; died Lynn, Mass., Feb. 8, 1S67. Nee. 1867 Lot Bumpus Sullivan, A. M. Teacher academy, Wrentham, Mass. : ordained Congregational; pastor Lyme, O. six years ; home missionary, western N. Y. ten years; N. H.; Vt. ; preacher, Shutesbury, Mass.; resident, Fall River, Mass. 1860-61. Born Wareham, Mass., June 27, 1790; died Fall River, Mass., March 1, 1S61. Nee. 1861 James Thayer. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1817. Charles Foster Tillinghast, A. M. Admitted to bar 1816; lawyer, Che- pachet, R. I. 1816-17; Providence, R.I. 1817-64; member R. I. constitutional convention 1843 ; R. I. house of representatives one year. Born New York, N. Y., June 18, 1797; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 3, 1864. Nee. 1864, R. I. cyc. George Hopkins Tillinghast, M. D. Physician. From Providence, R. I.; born 1796; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 28, 1858. Nee. 185S Shearjashub Bourne Townsend, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1815-16; ordained Congregational 1817; pastor First church, Sherburne, Mass. 1817-32? Author Oration before United brothers society. Brown university, 1822. Born Barrington, R. I., April 14, 1796; died July 20, 1832. Sprague Annals S John Atherton Wadsworth, A. M. ; M. D. 1S1S. Physician, Portsmouth, R..I. 1818-1827; druggist, Providence, R. I. 1S29-49; physician, Sacramento, Cal. 1S49-55. Born Milton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1793; died Providence, R. I., April 21, 1S66. Nee. 1S66 1814 GRADUATES 67 Reuel Washburn. Admitted to bar 1818; 'awyer, Livermore, Me. 1818-78; registrar of probate Oxford co., Me. 1821-23; member Me. senate 1827-29; Me. bouse of representatives 1S32-36, 1841-42; Me. executive council 1829; judge probate court Androscoggin co., Me. 1856-59. Born Ravnham, Mass., May 21, 1793; died Livermore, Me., March 4, 1878. Nee. 1878 Benjamin Whitmore. Ordained Congregational 1816; pastor, Cbiltonville, Plymouth, Mass., 1819-57. Born Wareham, Mass., 17S6; died St. Mary's Parish, La., July 12, 1857. Xec - l8 5S Elijah Frink Willey, A. M. Clergyman. John Fowler Williams, A. M. Lawyer, Stafford, Conn. 1S16-?; West Woodstock, Conn.; judge probate court. Born West Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 30, 1790; died West Woodstock, Oct. 13, 1867. Nee. 1869 Seth Elliott Winslow. Clergyman. From Barre, Mass. Welcome Young. Lawyer, Halifax, Mass. until 1826; East Bridgewater, Mass. 1826-56; master in chancery several years; U. S. commissioner of bankruptcy, Mass.; member Mass. senate 1846-48. Born Taunton, Mass., Oct. 31, 1792; died East Bridgewater, Mass., May 13, 1871. Nee. 1871 *47 1815 Jasper Adams, A. M.; Yale college 1819; D. D. Columbia college 1827. Stu- dent, Andover theological seminary two years with class of 1S19; tutor, Brown university 1818-19; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy lSig-^; ordained Episcopal deacon 1819; priest 1820; president College of Chnrleston, S. C. 1824-26, '28-36; Geneva, N. Y., now Hobart, college 1S26-2S; chaplain, and professor Geography, history, and ethics, U. S. military academy, West Point, N. Y. 1838-40; principal seminary, Pendleton, S. C. Author Address before Euphradian society, College of Charleston, 1833; Relation of Chris- tianity to civil government in U. S., sermon before convention of J'. E. church, Charleston, Feb. 13, 1833; Characteristics of the present century, baccalau- reate address, College of Charleston, 31 Oct. 1S34, 1836; Moral causes of wel- fare of nations, oration, Nov. 1, 1S34, College of Charleston ; Eulogium, Jan. 23, 1833, College of Charleston, on Elias Horry; Baccalaureate address, Charleston, 1S35; Sermon on total eclipse of the sun, 1835; Sermon, Advent Sunday, 1836; Elements of moral philosophy, 1837. Born Medway, Mass., Aug. 27, 1793; died Charleston, S. C, Oct. 25, 1841. Cyc. Am. biog., And., Sabin Crawford Allen, A. M. ; merchant, Providence, R.I. 1815-25?; cotton manu- facturer. Providence 1825 ?-72. Born Providence, R. L, March 27, 1799; died Providence, April 22, 1S72. Nec - lS 7^ Alvan Bond, A. M. ; D. D. 1846. Graduated Andover theological seminary 181S; ordained Congregational 1819; pastor, Sturbridge, Mass. 1S19-31 ; pro- fessor Sacred literature, Bangor theological seminary 1S31-35; pastor Second church, Norwich, Conn. 1835-64; fellow Brown university 1S48-62. Author Memoir of Pliny Fish, 1828; The memory of the fathers, 1S43 ; Christian union and its fruits, 1S45 ; Dedication sermon, 1846; Memorial of J. W. Hunt- ington, 1847; Memorial of Deacon Joseph Otis, 1S54; Memorial of Russell Hubbard, 1857; Memorial of John A. Rockwell, iS6i ; The one hundredth anniversary of the Second church, Norwich, Conn. 1S60; Respect due to the aged; History of the Bible. Born Sutton, Mass., April 27, 1793; died Nor- wich, Conn., July 19, 1882. And., Nec. 1883 68 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1815 Dana Augustus Braman. From Providence, R. I. Joseph Clark, A. M. From Middleboro, Mass. • Ebenezer Colman ; A. M. Amherst college 1827. Congregational clergyman, Newport, R. I. etc. From Ashby, Mass.; died Detroit, Mich., June 15, 1859. Nee. 1859 Benjamin Copeland. Teacher, Rappahannock academy, Va. ; Mt. Sterling, Ky. ; private tutor, Natchez, Miss.; in business, Clarendon, N. Y. 1829-35, 1843-?; miller, Brooklyn, Mich. 1835-43; member Mich, general assembly. Born Norton, Mass., May 14, 1791 ; died Clarendon, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1S79. Nee. 1879 Qeorge Copeland. Admitted to bar 1819; lawyer, Brewster, Mass. 1819-71 ; member Mass. senate 1848-50. Born West Bridgewater, Mass., April 1,1793; died Brewster, Mass., May 6, 1871. Nee. 1871 Wilbur Fisk, A. M. ; D. D. 1835; Augusta college, Ky. 1829. Law student 1815-17; teacher, near Baltimore, Md. 1816-17; Methodist preacher, Craftsbury circuit, Vt. 1818; Charlestown, Mass. 1819-20; presiding elder Vt. district 1S23- 27; delegate Methodist general conference 1824, '28, '32 ; chaplain Vt. legisla- ture 1826; principal Wesleyan academy, Wilbraham, Mass. 1826-31; president Wesleyan university 1831-39; visitor U. S. military academy, West Point, N. Y. 1832 ; chaplain Middletown artillery 1832-39; delegate, Wesleyan conference, England, and in Em-ope 1S35-36; member Conn, board of education 1839. Au- thor Future rewards and punishments, 1S23; Sermon on spirituality and truth of divine -worship, 1824; Introductory address, Wesley 'an academy, 1825; Discourse before the legislature of Vt., general election, 1826; Report of com- mittee on education, General conference, 1828; T%vo discourses on universal sal- vation, 1S29; Sermon, Mass. general election, 1829; Discourse on predestina- tion and election, 1831; Science of education, inaugural address, Wesleyan university, fSji, 1832; Substaiice of a discourse on death of Rev. Edward Hyde, 1832, 1833; Address 071 traffic in ardent spirits, 1S33 ; Substance of an address before Middletown colonization society, 1835 ; Calvinistic controversy, 1835; Travels on the continent of Europe, 1838; Reply to Pierpont on the atonement, 18-. See Life by J. Holdich, 1842. Born Brattleboro, Vt., Aug. 31, 1792; died Middletown, Conn., Feb. 22, 1S39. Wesl., Allibone Chares Edward Forbes, A. M.; LL. D. 1848. Admitted to bar 1818; lawyer, Northampton, Mass. 1S18-S1 ; county attorney several years; member Mass. general court 1S34-35 ; justice court of common pleas 1846-48 ; justice Mass. su- preme court 1848-49; founder Forbes free library, Northampton. Born West Bridgewater, Mass.', Aug. 25, 1795; died Northampton, Mass., Feb. 13, 1881. Nee. 1881 John Edwards Holbrook; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1818. Student of medicine and natural history, Europe 1S18-22 ; physician, Charleston, S. C. 1822-?; professor Anatomy, S. C. medical college 1S24-55 ; head examining board of surgeons, S. C. during Civil war; member American philosophical society; National academy of sciences. Author American herpetology, 1842; Southern ichthyology, two numbers; Ichthyology of South Carolina, ten numbers. Born Beaufort, S. C, Dec. 30, 1794; died Norfolk, Mass., Sept. 8, 1871. Allibone, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1872 Silas Pinckney Holbrook. Lawyer, Medfield, Mass. Contributor to New Eng- land galaxy ' Boston courier; author Sketches of a traveller, 1834; the Euro- pean part of Peter Parley's Pictorial geography ; editor Tribune, Boston, Mass.; Spectacles. Born Beaufort, S. C, June 1, 1796; died Pineville, S. C, May 26, 1835. Cyc. Am. biog., Duyckinck Sup. 1815 GRADUATES 69 John Edward Howard. From Bridgewater, Mass. ; died West Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. *3, 1854. Nee. 1855 John Goldwire Polhill. Associate justice Georgia supreme court. From Newington, Ga. ; died 183S. Abijah Pond. From Wrentham, Mass.; died 1S17. John Seamans. From Providence, R. I. William Arnold Shepard, A. M. Clergyman. From Foxboro, Mass.; died 1S26. George Taft, A. M. ; D. D. i860. Ordained Episcopal 1819; principal school, Providence, R. I. 1S15-22 ; pastor St. Paul's church, Pavvtucket, R. I. 1820-69. Born Mendon, Mass., Aug. 27, 1791 ; died Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 11, 1S69. R. I. eye, Nee. 1870 Joseph Thayer. Lawyer and farmer, Uxbridge, Mass. 1S1S-71 ; member Mass. general court; Mass. constitutional convention 1853; resident, Worcester, Mass. 1871-72. Born Douglas, Mass., Feb. 13, 1790; died Worcester, Mass., Jan. 9, 1872. Nee. 1872 Charles Turner. From Medway, Mass. ; died 1816. John Bliss Warren, A.M. Graduated Andoyer theological seminary 1818; home missionary, Alabama 1S19-23: ordained Presbyterian 1823; pastor Prot- estant church, Mobile, Ala. 1824-26; teacher and preacher. Mobile 1826-29; pastor Presbyterian church, Mobile 1829-30; teacher and preacher, New Or- leans, La. 1830-41 ; editor New Orleans Protestant, 1841-44. Born Wilbraham, Mass? May 20, 1794; died near New Orleans, La., 1S44. And., Nee. 1847 Benjamin Whitman, A. M. From Boston, Mass.; died 1840. *22 l8l6 Jason Hawes Archer, A. M., M. D. 1819. Physician, Fall River, Mass. 1819-52 ; member school committee four years ; first president Massasoit bank ; resident, Wrentham, Mass. 1852-64. Born Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 10, 1794; died Jan. 22, 1S64. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1S64 Salmon Augustus Arnold, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and sur- geons, New York, N. Y. 1S21. Physician, Providence, R.I. 1821-78; presi- dent R. I. medical society ; fellow; secretary board of trustees 20 years ; first president R. I. medical association; member school committee, Providence. Author contributions to Boston medical and surgical journal. Born Provi- dence, R. L, June 26, 1797; died Providence, Dec. 12, 1S7S. Nee. 1879 Elisha Atkins. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; teacher. Providence; Newport, R. I. ; justice court of magistrates, Newport. Born Killingly, Conn., April 2, 1788; died Newport, R. I., June 19, 1867. Nee. 1867 Cyrus Giles Babcock. Licensed Baptist; called to pastorate, Bedford, Mass. Died Colebrook, Conn., March? 1817. Sprague Annals 6 Thomas Poynton Bancroft. Merchant, Boston, Mass. Born Salem, Mass.; died New Orleans, La., March 16, 1852. Nee. 1852 George Leonard Barnes, A. M. Lawyer, Woonsocket, R. I. ; Providence, R. I. ; retired, Smithfield, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 6, 1797; died Smithfield, R. I,, March 27, 1S69. Nee. 1869 Hezekiah Battelle, A. M. Lawyer, Freetown, Mass. ; Swansea, Mass. until 1S27; Fall River, Mass. 1827-72; member Mass. house of representatives 1S3S-39, 1S4S-49. Born Dover, Mass., May 2, 17SS ; died Fall River, Mass., Jan. 22, 1S72. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1872 70 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1816 George William Boorom. Teacher, farmer, clerk, bookkeeper Southern bank of Ky., Carrollton, Ky. ; engineer, Pittsburgh, Penn. Born Providence, R. I., May 28, 1796; died Carrollton, Ky., Dec. 27, 1866. Nee. 1867 Isaac Bowen, A. M. Instructor and physician, Georgia. From Union, Me. ; died 1S48? Nee. 1848 Avery Briggs, A. M. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Hudson, N. Y. ; professor Waterville college, now Colby university 1822-28 ; pastor, Maiden, Mass.; Marblehead, Mass.; principal Pierce academy, Middleboro, Mass. eight years ; Hampton Falls, N. H. ; Schoharie, N. Y. Born East Stoughton, Mass., July 5, 1795; died Chicago, 111., Oct. 26, 1883. Nee. 1884 John Carter Brown, A. M. Merchant, partner Brown and Ives, Providence, R. I. ; cotton manufacturer, Providence; trustee Brown university 1828-42; fellow 1S42-74; president corporation Butler hospital for the insane; N. E. emigrant aid society ; collector library of American history. See Bart- lett's Bibliotheca Americana, 1482-1800, 4 vols., 1870-82. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 28, 1797; died Providence, June 10, 1874. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1S74 John Cooke Brown. From Tiverton. R. I.; died 1S24. John Maxwell Chisholm. From Charleston, S. C. Frederic Crafts, A. M. ; Harvard university 1820. Admitted to bar 1822; principal academy, Taunton, Mass. nine years ; master public grammar school, Boston, Mass., 15 years; teacher, Savannah, Ga. ; New Orleans, La.; academy, Bridgewater, Mass. until 1861 ; resident, Milton, Mass. Born Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass., June 5, 1797; died Milton, Mass., April 20, 1874. Nee. 1S74 Lewis Whiting Fisher, A. M. From Franklin, Mass. ; died 1827. Benjamin Franklin Hallett, A. M. Admitted to R. I. bar 1819; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1819-21; editor Providence journal 1821-27; Daily adver- tiser, anti-masonic, Providence 1827-33; Boston advocate, anti-masonic, 1833-38; contributor to Morning post, Boston; lawyer, Boston, 1838-62; mem- ber Mass. executive council 1843; member Mass. constitutional convention 1853; U. S. district attorney for Mass. 1S53-57 ; chairman democratic national committee many years. Author Report of trial of A. S. Field for murder of Jonathan Gray, 1S26; Legislative investigation into masonry, 1832 ; Address to people of Mass. in relation to freemasonry, 1833 ; Full report of trial of E. K. Avery, charged with murder of Sarah M. Cornell, 1833 ; Rights of the Marsh- pee Indians, 1S34; Oration, Palmer, Mass., July 4, 183b; Oration, July 4, 1838, at Middleborough, 183S; Oration, Millbury, July 4, 183c)- Oration, Oxford, July 3, 1841 ; The right of the people to establish forms of government, 1S48; Three letters to Col. C. G. Greene on democratic party of Mass., 1852; Speech Oct. 21, 1853, in favor of new constitution', Speech, Oct. 1,, 18^6, at grand rally of the democracy; Speech, Mass. democratic convention, i860; Speech, Washington, June 23, i860. Born Osterville, Barnstable, Mass., Dec. 2, 1797; died Boston, Mass., Sept 30, 1862. Sabin, Nee. 1863, Cyc. Am. biog. James Hubbard. Clergyman. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S18. Peter Brown Hunt, A. M. From Seekonk, Mass.; died 1831. Robert Hale Ives, A.M. Merchant, partner Brown and Ives, Providence, R. I. ; treasurer and managing agent Lonsdale manufacturing company ; trustee and secretary corporation Butler hospital for the insane 1844-75; first president R. I. hospital corporation ; trustee Brown university 1838-75 ; treasurer Brown university 1857-66; member Baltimore convention 1S52. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 16, 1798; died Providence, July 6, 1875. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1876 1816 GRADUATES 71 EHab Kingman, A. M. Private tutor, Va. 1816-24; journalist, Washington, D. C. ; editor A'. E. palladium, Boston, Mass. ; Washington correspondent Commer- cial advertiser and Journal of commerce, New York, N. Y. ; Sun. Baltimore, Md.; Courier, Charleston, S. C. ; Picayune. New Orleans, La. Born Bridge- water, Mass., May 24, 1797; died Washington, D. C, Feb. 1, 1883. Nee. 1883 Herbert Marshall, A. M. Clergyman. From Dracut, Mass. ; died 1826. Joseph Mauran, A. M. ; M.D. College of physicians and surgeons 1S19. Physi- cian, Providence, R. I. 1S19-56; travelled abroad 1856-5S; resident, Providence and New York, N. Y. 1S58-66; medical attendant, Dexter asylum 1S27-56; con- sulting physician, Butler hospital for the insane; fellow R. I. medical society; censor; president two terms; trustee College of physicians and surgeons; vice president National association of physicians for revising the pharmaco- poeia 1840; "member Mass. medical society; Providence Franklin so- ciety; R. I. society for encouragement of domestic industry 1S37-. Author Remarks on the cholera, 2d edition, 1832; Address, alumni association, College of physicians and surgeons, 1864 j Anniversary address, i86q, before same, 1869; also numerous articles in medical journals. Born Barrington, R. I., Dec. 22, 1796; died New York, N. Y., June 8, 1S73. Mauran fam., R. I. eye, Nee. 1873 Abner Morse, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1819; or- dained Congregational 1819; pastor, Nantucket, Mass. 1S19-22 ; Presbyterian church, Sennett, N. Y. 1827-28; resident, Hartford, O. 1S28-29; Bound Brook, N. J., 1833; pastor South Bend, Ind. -1841 ; resident Sharon, Mass. -1S65 ; member N. E. historic genealogical society; lecturer on scientific subjects. Editor The Christian world unmasked, by J. Berridge, 1S24; author Memorial of the Morses, 1S50 ; Genealogy of the descendants of Laurence Litchfield, 1S55 ; Genealogy of early planters in Mass., 1855 ; Genealogical register of Sherborn, Hollister, and Medzuay, Mass., 1S56; Genealogy of the descendants of Capt. John Grout, 1S57 ; Genealogy of the descendants of several ancient Puritans, 4 vols., 1857-64; Further traces of the ancient Northmen in America, 1861 ; Willis genealogy, 1863 ; Genealogical record of several families of Cut- ler in the U. S., 1S67. Born Medway, Mass., Sept. 5, 1793; died Sharon, Mass., May 16, 1S65. Sabin, Nee. 1S65, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, And. Solomon Peck, A. M.; D. D. 1S51 ; Waterville college 1849. Principal Univer- sity grammar school Providence, R. I. 1S16-18; tutor, Brown university 1818- 20; graduated Andover theological seminary 1823; ordained Baptist 1823; preacher, North Yarmouth, Me.; Charleston, S. C. 1824; professor Latin and Hebrew languages, Amherst college 1S25-32; acting professor Latin language, Brown university; pastor, Gloucester, Mass. 1834; Weston, Mass. 1S35; assist- ant corresponding secretary American Baptist missionary union 1835-38; foreign corresponding secretary 1838-58; member deputation appointed to visit American Baptist missions, eastern Europe and Asia; pastor Beaufort, S. C. 1862-65; chaplain Disabled soldiers' home, Boston, Mass.; secretary Freed- man's aid society. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 25, 1800; died Rochester, N. Y., June 12, 1874. And., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1874 Peter Pratt, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 18 16-19; librarian 1818-19. From Foxboro, Mass.; died 1842. Nathaniel Searle, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., 1796; died Providence, April 28, 1861. Nee. 1861 Benjamin Bosworth Smith, LL. D. 1S72; A. M. Middlebury college 1825; D. D. Geneva college 1832 ; LL. D. Griswold college 1S70. Ordained Episcopal 1818; pastor Marblehead, Mass. two years; St. George's church, Accomack, Va. two years; Zion's church, Charlestown,Va. ; Trinity church, Shepperdstown, Va. ; 72 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1816 St. Stephen's church, Middlebury, Vt. 1823-28; Grace church mission, Phila- delphia, Penn. 1828-32; Christ church, Lexington, Ky. 1832; bishop of Ken- tucky 1832-84; state superintendent of education, Ky. Author Five charges to the clergy ," Saturday evetiing, or thoughts on the progress of the plan of salva- tion ; Apostolic succession, facts which prove that a ministry appointed by Christ himself involves this position, 1877; editor Episcopal register of Vermont, 1S23-28; Episcopal recorder, Philadelphia, 1828-32. Born Bristol, R. I., June 13, 1794; died New York, N. Y., May 31, 1884. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1884 Joseph William Torrey, A. M. From Killingly, Conn.; died 1844. Reuben Torrey, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1820; pastor Eastford, Conn. 1820-41; North Mansfield, Conn. 1841-43; Prospect, Conn, five years; North Madison, Conn, eight years ; Elm wood, now Providence, R. I. 1852-60. Born Weymouth, Mass., April 3, 1789; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 22, 1870. Nee. 1870 Thomas Vernon, A. M. ; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1852. Ordained Congregational; pastor, Rehoboth, Mass. 16 years; teacher, Kingston, Mass. ; physician, Perth Amboy, N. J. 1852-68; trustee Brown university 1844-60. Born Newport, R. I., Dec. 20, 1797; died Providence, R. I., May 9, 1876. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1876 Samuel Stevens Warren, A. M. From Foxboro, Mass. Alexander Wood. Admitted to bar 1820; lawyer, Hanover Four Corners, Mass. ; trader, Hanover Four Corners. Born Middleboro, Mass., Nov. 5, 1796; died Hanover, Mass., Dec. 17, 1867. Nee. 1868 Simeon Wright. From Pittsford, Vt. *S3 l8l7 Benjamin Franklin Allen. From Providence, R. I.; died 1821. Samuel Ashley. Lawyer, R.I; custom house officer. From Hampton, Conn. ; born 1789; died Aug. 31, 1855. Nee. 1855 Everett Balcom. From Attleboro, Mass. ; died 1823. Jonathan Bigelow. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1820; ordained Congregational 1821 ; pastor, Lubec, Me. 1821-26; Rochester, Mass. 1827-49; Euclid, O. 1850-54. Born BoylsLon, Mass., April 5, 1793; died Euclid, O., Jan. 26, 1854. Nee. 1854, And. Aaron Brooks, A. M. Tutor and librarian, Brown university 1819-21. From Petersham, Mass. ; died 1845. Daniel Sanders Bullard. From Needham, Mass. Jonathan Porter Crafts, A. M. From Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1822. Pardon Bowen Farrington. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died 1845. William Greene, A. M. Private secretary to Gov. Brown, Columbus, O. ; law- yer, Cincinnati, O. until 1862; president school board, Cincinnati; lieuten- ant-governor R. I. 1866-67 ;delegate, Republican national convention, Chicago, 111. 1868. Born Warwick, R. I., Jan. 1, 1797; died Warwick, March 24,1883. R. I. cyc, Nee 1883 Elisha Hayward ; M. D. Yale university 1820. Physician, Raynham, Mass. 1820-68. Born Easton, Mass., Jan. 26, 1791 ; died Raynham, Mass., March 16, 1S68. Nec.1868 Charles Jackson, A. M. Admitted to bar 1820; lawyer, Providence, R. I. three years ; cotton manufacturer, Scituate, R. I. 1823-1839; Providence; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives several years; speaker 1841-42; member 1817 GRADUATES 73 R.I. constitutional convention 1843; governor R. I. 1845-46. Born Provi- dence, R. I., March 4, 179S; died Providence, Jan. 21, 1876. R. I. eye, Nee. 1876, Bapt. encyc. Henry Jackson, A. M. ; D. D. 1S54. Student, Andover theological seminary 1S17-18; licensed Baptist 1S20; ordained 1822 ; pastor First church, Charles- town, Mass. 1S22-36; First church, Hartford, Conn. 1S36-38; First church, New Bedford, Mass. 1839-45; Central church, Newport, R. I. 1847-63; one of the founders Charlestown female seminary ; Newton theological institution; trustee 1825-63; Brown university 1S28-63. Author Account of the churches in R. I., 1854; Historical discourse, Neivport, 1854; Discourse, 215th anniver- sary of the Mite society, 1S54; Discourse, death of Rev. Zalmon Tobey, 1858. Born Providence, R. I., June 16, 1 79S ; died near East Greenwich, R. I., March 2, 1863. R. I. eye, Bibliog. R. I., Allibone, Nee. 1863, Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog. Isaac Kimball, A. M. From Ringe, N. H. ; died 1S30. Edward Russell Lippitt, A. M. Principal University grammar school 1S17- 19; ordained Episcopal 1822; missionary, Qiiincy, Mass. 1S19-20; Berkeley co., Va. 1S20-23; pastor St. Luke's church, Germantown, Penn. 1823-25; pro- fessor, Theological seminary, Alexandria, Va. 1825-42; editor Southern church- man 1842-48; principal school for higher branches of education 1850-70. Born Providence, R. I., April 23, 179S; died Charlestown, Va., March 9, 1870. Nee. 1870 Warren Lovering, A. M. Lawyer, Medway, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives many years; Mass. executive council 1836-38 ; Mass. board of bank commissioners 1S39-45 ; commission for adjusting boundary line between Mass. and R. I. Born Framingham, Mass., Feb. 21, 1797; died Medway, Mass., Aug. 21, 1876. Nee. 1877 Abel Manning, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1820; pastor, Plymouth, Vt. five years; ten other churches in Vt., N. H. and Mass.; resident, Goffstown, N. H. 30 years. Born Sterling, Mass., March 14, 1788; died Goffstown, N. H., Dec. 20, 1S79. Nee. 1880 Joseph Foster Martin. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S19. Lewis Leprilete Miller, A. M. ; M. D. 1S20. Physician, Franklin, Mass. 1S20- 27; conducted, with his father, private hospital, Franklin 1820-27; physician. Providence, R. I. 1827-67; president R. I. medical society; resident, Franklin 1867-69; Providence 1869-70. Born Franklin, Mass., Jan. 6, 1798; died Provi- dence, R. I., March 8, 1870. R. I. eye, Nee. 1S70 Joseph Homer Patrick. Teacher, Ky. five years: ordained Congregational 1S27; pastor, Barrington, R. I., 1S27-30; Greenwich, Mass. 1830-42; Amherst, Mass. 1843-57; South Wellfleet, Mass. 1S57-61 ; resident, West Newton, Mass. 1861-70. Born Warren, Mass., April 15, 1792; died West Newton, Mass., June 20. 1870. Nee. 1870 Stephen Rawson, A. M. Teacher, Providence, R. I. ; Pawtuxet, R. I. 1827-30; teacher and farmer, Upton, Mass. 1830-67. Born Upton, Mass., April 14, 1791 ; died Upton, Aug. 21, 1867. Nee. 1867 William Read Staples, A. M. ; LL. D. 1862. Admitted to bar 1819. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1835-54; chief justice 1854-56; secretary and treasurer R. I. society for encouragement of domestic industry; one of the founders R. I. historical society. Editor Collections of the R. I. historical society, vol. 5 ; Gorton's Simplicities defense against seven-headed policy, 1835; author Annals of Providence to i8j2, 1843; Documentary history 74 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1817 of the destruction of the Gaspee, 1845 ; Proceedings of the first General as- sembly of the Incorporation of Providence Plantations in 1647, 1S47 ; R. I. form-book, 1859 ; History of the criminal law of R. I. ; Rhode Island in the Continental congress; Report on the cove lands in Providence. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Oct. 10, 1798; died Providence, Oct. 19, 1868. Bibliog. R. I., Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1869 Zalmon Tobey, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Bristol, R. I. ; Providence, R. I.; Pawtuxet, R. I.; resident, Warren, R. I. From Canaan, Conn.; born 1792; died Canaan, Sept. 17, 185S. Nee. 1S59 William Ward. From Petersham, Mass. Laban Mitchell Wheaton, A. M. Resident, Norton, Mass.; postmaster, Nor- ton : member Mass. house of representatives several years; Mass. executive council two terms. Born Norton, Mass., Sept. 14, 1796; died Norton, Jan. 17, 1865. Nee. 1865 Elipha White, A. M. ; D. D. Wabash college 1843. Graduated Andover theo- logical seminary 1820; ordained Congregational 1821; home missionary, S. C. 1821-22; pastor John's Island, S. C 1S22-49. From Randolph, Mass. ; born Oct. 8, 1795; died John's Island, S. C, Nov. 20, 1849. Nee. 1850, And. *25 1818 Esek Aldrich. Admitted to bar 1821 ; lawyer, Providence, R. I. a short time: merchant, Providence; principal grammar school, Providence ; member R. I. general assembly ; assessor of taxes ; city treasurer; member school commit- tee, Providence 1844-69; assistant assessor U. S. internal revenue 1S64-69. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 16, 1798; died Providence, May 24, 1869. Nee. 1S69 Samuel Tubbs Angier, M. D. 1823. From Pembroke, Mass. Alvah Carpenter. From Seekonk, Mass. ; died 1825. Thomas Francis Carpenter, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; major-gen- eral R. I. militia. Born Cranston, R. I., Feb. 21, 1796; died Providence, R. I., July 14, 1854. Nee. 1854, R - *• C J C - Elias Fiske. Student, Andover theological seminary one year with class of 1821 ; not ordained. From Upton, Mass.; born May 24, 1790; died 1854. And. Elnathan Pierce Hathaway, A. M. Lawyer. From Cincinnati, O.: born Mass., 1798; died Freetown, Mass., Jan. 23, 1858. Nee. 1S58 Walter Price Bartlett Judson, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1821. From Uxbridge, Mass. ; died 1S25. William Samuel Patten, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S21 ; lawyer, Newport, R. I. 1821-23; Providence, R. I. 1823-31; cashier Manufacturers bank, Provi- dence 1831-73; president common council Providence two years; member R. I. house of representatives three years; speaker 1S47-4S; one of the founders Providence Athemeum ; president 14 years; trustee Brown univer- sity 1856-73; chancellor 1867-73; inspector R. I. state prison ; trustee Reform school, Providence. Born Newport, R. I., March 14, 1800; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 27, 1S73. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Nee. 1874 Willard Pierce, A. M. Clergyman. From Canton, Mass.; died 1S60. Jabez Porter. From Randolph, Mass. Stephen Marsh Rogers, A. M. ; A. B. College of N. J. 1S1S. From Philadel- phia, Penn.; died 1825. Martin Snell ; A. M. Yale college 1821. From Eaton, N. H. ; died 1S48. 1818 GRADUATES 75 Jedediah Lathrop Stark, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1820'; pastor West parish, Brattleboro, Vt. 1820-34; Buel, N. Y. 1834-42; Dutch reformed church, Mohawk, N. Y., and supply Fort Herkomer and Frankfort 1842-58. Born New London, Conn., March 6, 1793; died Mohawk, N. Y., Oct. iS, 1862. Nee. 1863 Azel Utley, A. M. From Pomfret, Conn.; died 1832. William Watson. From Spencer, Mass. ; died 1S60. John Winslow Whitman. From Pembroke, Mass. ; died 1833. Solomon Lovell Wildes. Principal Nichols academy, Dudley, Mass. three years; merchant, Boston, Mass. Born North Weymouth, Mass., July 2, 1797; died Boston, Mass., March 19, 1SS7. Nee. 1888 Jared Warner Williams, LL. D. 1S52 ; A. M. Dartmouth college 1S34. Law student, Litchfield, Conn. ; lawyer, Lancaster, N. II.; member N. H. house of representatives 1S30-31, 1S35-36; N. H. senate 1S32-34; president 1834: member U. S. house of representatives 1S37-41 ; governor N. H. 1847-49; mem- ber U. S. senate 1853-55. Born West Woodstock, Conn. Dec. 22, 1796; died Lancaster, N. H., Sept. 29, 1864. Nee. 1S65, Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. *18 l8l9 Thomas Backus. Lawyer, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; West Killingly, Conn. ; lieutenant governor Conn. ; judge in probate and county courts. Born Sterling, Conn.. 1799; died West Killingly, Conn., Dec. 9, 1S5S. Nee. 1859 Ira Moore Barton, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S22. Lawyer, Oxford, Mass. 1S22-34; member Mass. house of representatives three years; Mass. sen- ate two years ; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. 1834-67; probate judge Worcester co. 1836-44 ; presidential elector 1840; member committee for revision of Mass. statutes 1S44; councillor American antiquarian society. Author Historical sketch of the old South church in Worcester; Sam p son Mason and his descend- ants' besides frequent contributions to newspapers and magazines. Born Oxford, Mass., Oct. 25, 1796; died Worcester, Mass , July, 18, 1867. Nee. 1867 Liba Conant; A. M. Dartmouth college 1S37. Ordained Congregational; pastor, Northfield, N. H. 14 years ; Hebron, N. H. nine years ; Canaan, N. H.; Groton, N. H.; Oxford, N. H. : resident, Bristol, N. H. Born Bridgewater, Mass., March 6, 1797; died Bristol, N. H., April 3, 1S81. Nee. 1SS1 Job Cushman. Ordained Congregational 1S25; pastor, Springfield, N. H. ; preacher, Winchester, N. H. ; Sullivan, N. H. ; pastor, Warwick, Mass. 1832- ^; Prescott, Mass. 1835-40; missionary, Watertown, Palmyra, Pewaukie, Wis. 1851-54; pastor, Chilton ville, Mass.; South Pond, Mass. See Cushman gene- alogy. Born Kingston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1797: died Grinnell, la., Aug. 5, 187S. Nee. 1879 William Ennis. Lawyer, Newport, R.I. From Newport, R. I.: died Newport, June 7, 1849. Nee. 1849 George Fisher, A. M. Congregational clergyman. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died Harvard, Mass., Sept. 5, 1853. Nee. 1S54 Elijah Livermore Hamlin; A. M. Waterville college 1S23. Lawyer, Waterford, Me. 1822-29; Columbia, Me. 1829-35; Bangor, Me. 1835-72; land agent Me. 1838, '41; member Me. house of representatives 1S46-47; Me. senate 1S58-59; mayor Bangor 1S51, '52; U. S. commissioner for securing the rights of fishermen under the Ashburton treaty; trustee Waterville college 1841-47; member Me. 76 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1819 historical society 1859. Born Livermore, Me., March 7, 1800; died Bangor, Me., July 16, 1872. Colby, Nee. 1873 Jesse Hartwell, A. M. ; D. D. University of Alabama 1845. Principal Univer- sity grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1S19-22?; ordained Baptist 1S21; preacher, Second church, Providence, 1822-23?; High Hills, S. C. ; Sumpter- ville, S. C. ; instructor Furman theological seminary 1823-36?; pastor, Carlow- ville, Ala. 1836-47?; president Ala. Baptist convention; professor Theology, Howard college; president Southern Baptist domestic mission board ; founder Camden, Ark., female institute 1847; president and professor Theology, Mt. Lebanon, La., university 1857-59. Born New Marlboro, Mass. 1794; died Mt. Lebanon, La., Sept. 16, 1859. Nee. i860, Bapt. encyc. Nathaniel Helme, A. M. From South Kingstown, R. I.; died 1822. James Stuart Holmes, A. M. From Hebron, Me. Jarius Shaw Keith, A. M. From Paris, Me. ; died 1859. Horace Mann; LL. D. Harvard university 1849. Law student, Wrentham, Mass. 1819-20 ; tutor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1820-22 ; librarian 182 1- 23 ; law student, Litchfield, Conn. 1821-23 ; admitted to Norfolk bar 1823 ; lawyer, Dedham, Mass. 1S23-33 ; member Mass. house of representatives 1827-33; founder Worcester lunatic asylum 1833; chairman of its trustees; member Mass. senate 1S33-37 ; president 1S36-37; secretary Mass. board of education 1837-4S ; member U. S. house of representatives 1848-53; president Antioch college, O. 1853-59; fellow American academy. Author 12 Reports of the secretary of the Mass. board of education, 1S37-48 ; Form and arrangement of school-houses, 1838; Oration, 4th July, 1842, 1842 ; Reply to Remarks on Seventh annual report, 1844; Lectures on educatio?i, 1848; Report of an educational tour in Germany, Great Britain and Ireland in 184J ," A few thoughts for a young man, 1S50; Arithmetic practically applied, in conjunction with Pliny E. Chase, 1850; Letters and speeches on slavery, 1S51; A few thoughts on the powers and duties of woman, 1853 ; Report of the educational census of Great Britain in 185 1, 1854; Intemperance, an address; Address at dedication of Antioch college / Demands of the age in colleges ; Baccalaureate for 1837 ; Ser- mons, i85t ; other addresses, etc.; editor 10 volumes Common school Journal, 1839-48. See Life, by his tvife, 1S65 ; Life and complete works, 1869; Thoughts selected from \_his~] writings, 1869. Born Franklin, Mass., May 4, 1796; died Yellow Springs, O., Aug. 2, 1859. Nee. 1859, Cyc. Am. biog., Life, Allibone Joseph Merriam, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1822 ; or- dained Congregational 1822; home missionary, Va. 1822-23; Ohio 1S23-24; pastor, Randolph, O. 1824-?. Born Grafton, Mass., Oct. 15, 1797. And. Joseph Hurlbut Patten, A.M.; Dartmouth college 1832. Admitted to bar 1821; lawyer, Newport, R. I. 1821-28 ; New York, N. Y. 1S28-66; resident, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1S66-77. Author several articles in America?i Journal of science. Born Newport, R. I., May 23, 1801 ; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1877. Nee. 1878 Evander Fuller Rawson. From Paris, Me. ; died 1825. Samuel Brenton Shaw, A.M.; D. D. Norwich university 1866. Ordained Episcopal 1824; pastor, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. 1821 ; Hagerstown, Md. 1822; Christ church, Guilford, Vt. 1822-31; St. Luke's church, Lanesboro, Mass. 1831-65 ; delegate, general convention 1S59 ; pastor St. John's church, Bar- rington, R. I. 1S67-79; vice president Berkshire Bible society; trustee General theological seminarv. Born Wickford, R. I., Dec. 29, 1799; died Providence, R. I., March 17, 1S85. Nee. 1885 1819 GRADUATES 77 Daniel Greene Sprague, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1822 ; ordained Congregational 1822; home missionary, 111. and Mo. 1822-23; pastor, Hampton, Conn. 1824-39; Second church, Colchester, Conn. 1S39-44; Presbyterian church, South Orange, N. J. 1S44-60; resident, South Orange 1860-69; Salem, N. Y. 1869-73. Born Killinglv, Conn., July 8,1796; died Salem, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1873. And., Nee. 1873 Steuben Taylor, A. M. From Barkhamstead, Conn.; died 1S24. David Torrey. From Weymouth, Mass.; died 1870. Francis Wood, A. M. Principal Washington academy, Wickford, R. I. ; or- dained Congregational; pastor, Barrington, R. I. 1S22-26; East Greenwich, R. I. 1826-29; Willington, Conn. 1S29-3S; Rockville, Conn. 1S3S-39; Prescott, Mass. 1S39-48; principal school, Barrington, R. I.; pastor, Holland, Mass. six years; town clerk, Barrington, R. I. nine years. Born Uxbridge, Mass., April S, i79S;died Barrington, R. I., Oct. 29, 1S74. Nee. 1S75. *20 l820 Moses Briggs. From Stoughton, Mass. ; died 1822. Welcome Arnold Burges. Lawyer. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1828. Abiel Childs. From Woodstock, Conn.; died 1S57. Benjamin Gorton Church. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S20. Joseph Jairus Fales, A. M. ; M. D. 1S25. Physician, Stoughton, Mass. 1S25- 27; Newport, R. I. 1827-33; Boston, Mass. 1S33-66. Born Wrentham, Mass., Jan. 1797; died Boston, Mass., Dec. 15, 1S66. Nee. 1867 John Dix Fisher; Middlebury college 1821; M. D. Harvard university 1825. Physician, Boston, Mass.; one of the founders Perkins institution for the blind. From Dedham, Mass.; died Boston, Mass., March 2, 1S50. Nee. 1850 George Gary, M. D. From Pomfret, Conn.; died 1S28. John Goldsbury, A. M. Principal Bristol county academy, Taunton, Mass.; ordained Unitarian 1S26; pastor, North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass. six years; member Mass. house of representatives 1S30; pastor and private tutor, Hardwick, Mass. eight years ; principal high school, Cambridge, Mass. ; lecturer on education, Cheshire co., N. H.; farmer, Warwick, Mass. 184S-90. Author The common school grammar ; A manual of English grammar ; Sequel to the common school grammar ; The American common school reader a?id speaker. Born Warwick, Mass., Feb. 11, 1795; died Warwick, Oct. 28, 1S90. Nee. 1891 Albert Gorton Greene. Admitted to bar 1823; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; clerk city council 1S32-67; clerk municipal court 1832-57; judge municipal court 185S-67; one of the founders Providence Athenaeum; president R. I. his- torical society 1854-68. Author Old Grimes; Militia muster; Adelkeid ; The Baron's last banquet ; Canonchet ; besides articles in periodicals; editor Thomas Dring's Recollections of the Jersey prison ship, 1829; Literary Jour- nal, 1833. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 10, 1802; died Cleveland, O., Jan. 3, 186S. Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 186S Christopher Sargeant Hale. Clergyman. From Haverhill, Mass.; died 1866. Lemuel Hall. Teacher 1820-21 ; graduated Andover theological seminary 1824; home missionary, Laconia, N. H. 1824; ordained Presbyterian 1S27; home missionary, N. Y. : pastor, De Kalb, N. Y. 1826-2S; Annisville, N. Y. 1828-29; Holland, N. Y. 1S29-30; Hamburg, N. Y. 1830-32; Bethany, N. Y. 1S33; Sparta, N. Y. 1S34; Mt. Morris, N. Y. 1S35; Centreville, N. Y. 1836-38; 78 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1820 Geneva, Wis. 1838-40; Virginia Settlement, N. Y. 1839-46; resident, Geneva, Wis.; Racine, Wis. Born Sutton, Mass., Aug. 17, 1794; died Racine, Wis., April 9, 1S68. And., Nee. 1S68 Charles Burdett Halsey, A. M. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1829. Joseph Hathaway. Lawyer, Fall River, Mass. 1825-37; Freetown, Mass. 1837-65; member school committee 1826-27; Mass. house of representatives 1827; first editor Fall River Monitor. Born Freetown, Mass., March 9, 1799; died Freetown, April 9, 1865. Nee. 1868, B. U. Fall River Henry Hersey, A. M. ; Harvard university 1824. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S23; ordained Congregational 1824; pastor, Barnstable, Mass. 1823-35; resident, Hingham, Mass. 1835-77; member Mass. constitutional convention 1853. Born Hingham, Mass., Aug. 16, 1796; died Hingham, Sept. 23, 1877. Harv., Nee. 1878 Ailing Hough, A. M. Clergyman. From Meriden, Conn.; died 1824. Joseph M'Clintock. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S31. John George Metcalf, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university. Physician, Men- don, Mass. 1826-92; member school committee 1828-68; Mass. senate 1S58- 59; town treasurer 1860-85; member Thurber medical society; American an- tiquarian society, Worcester, Mass. BornNorfolk, now Franklin, Mass., Sept. 10, 1801 ; died Mendon, Mass., Jan. 12, 1892. Nee. 1892 Swan Lyman Pomroy, D. D. 1848; Bowdoin college 1S47. Student, Andover theological seminary over two years with class of 1824; ordained Congrega- tional 1825; pastor First church, Bangor, Me. 1825-48; one of the secreta- ries American board of commissioners for foreign missions, Boston, Mass. 184S-59; resident, Portland, Me. 1S59-68; clerk State department, Washing- ton, D. C. 1866-6S; resident, Sunderland, Mass. 1868-69. Born Warwick, Mass., March 4, 1799; died Sunderland, Mass., March 17, 1869. And., Nee. 1869 Augustus Wellington Roberts, A. M. From Grafton, Mass.; died 1831. Henry Augustus Rogers, A. M. Admitted to bar 1823; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1823-24; cotton manufacturer, Providence; travelled in Europe and the East 1846-47, '65-69. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. it, 1S01 ; died Paris, France, Jan. 7, 1869. R. I. eye, Nee. 1869 William Ruggles, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S52. Tutor, Columbian college 1822-24; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy 1824-55 ; professor Mechanical philosophy and astronomy 1S55-60; Mathematics and civil polity 1861-65; Political economy and civil polity 1865-74; emeritus, Mathematics and natural philosophy 1865-77; acting president 1841-43, '54-55, '58-59- Born Rochester, Mass., Sept. 5, 1797; died Schooly's Mountain, N. J., Sept. 10, 1877. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Columbian, Nee. 1S7S Enoch Sanford, A. M. ; D. D. University of the city of New York 1884. Tutor, Brown university 1820-22; ordained Congregational; pastor First church, Raynham, Mass. 25 years; Halifax, Mass.; Wellfleet, Mass.; Dighton, Mass.; principal Hollis institute, Braintree, Mass.; corresponding member N. Y. genealogical and biographical society; member Wis. historical society. Au- thor Sketch of the pilgrims; 183 1; History of the First church i?i Raynham, 1832; Genealogy of the family of Kings i?i Raynham, 1866; History of Rayn- ham, Mass., 1870; History of Berkley, Mass., 1872. Born Berkley, Mass., Oct. 26, 1795; died Raynham, Mass., Nov. 30, 1890. Sabin, Nee. 1891 Eliakim Williams Sessions. Farmer, Pomfret, Conn. 1820-72. Born Pom- fret, Conn., July 24, 1796; died Pomfret, Dec. 15, 1872. Nee. 1873 1820 GRADUATES 79 Samuel Stetson. Teacher; lawyer, Kingston, Mass. ; Duxbury, Mass. Born Kingston, Mass., April 25, 1798; died Duxbury, Mass., Oct. 6, 1871. Nee. 1872 Ebenezer Stone, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1824. Physician, Walpole, Mass.; councillor Mass. medical society; president Norfolk district medical society. Born Sharon, Mass., Oct. 10, 1797; died Walpole, Mass., Aug. 15, 1S69. Nee. 1869 Samuel Lockwood Tyler. From Colchester, Conn. ; died 1822. Charles Washburn. Lawyer, Otisfield, Me. 1823-24; Harrison, Me. 1824-36; manufacturer, Worcester, Mass.; member Maine legislature 1830; Mass. legis- lature 1851; president common council Worcester three years. Born Kings-, ton. Mass., Aug. 11, 1798; died Worcester, Mass., Oct. 27, 1875. Nee. 1S76 Henry Nelson Wheaton ; Middleburv college 1S21. From Dedham, Mass. Horatio Gates Wheaton. From Rehoboth, Mass.; died 1824. *29 I82I Lucius Alden, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S25; ordained Congregational 1S25; home missionary, Dearborn co., Ind. 1S25-30; pastor Third church, East Abington, Mass. 1830-43 ; East Bridgewater, Mass. 1843-44; Lancaster, Mass. 1S45 ; Newcastle, N. H. 1845-73. Born East Bridgewater, Mass., June 18, 1796; died Brockton, formerly East Bridgewater, Mass., April 24, 1884. And., Nee. 1S85 Elisha Andrews, A. M. Teacher and preacher, Louisiana 1819-27. Entered with class of 1S19, from Hinsdale, N. H. ; died Jackson, La., Nov. 10, 1S27. Sprague Annals 6 Rufus Babcock, A. M. ; D. D. Bowdoin college 1S34. Tutor, Columbian col- lege 1821-23; ordained Baptist 1S23; pastor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1823-26; associate pastor First church, Salem, Mass. 1826-33; president Waterville college 1833-36; pastor Spruce street church, Philadelphia, Penn.; First church, New Bedford, Mass.; Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; First church, Paterson, N. J. ; president American Baptist publication society; corresponding secretary American and foreign Bible Society; American colonization society; agent American Sunday school union ; trustee Brown university 1S2S-75. Author Claims of education societies, 1829; Review of Beckzvith on baptism, 1S29; Making light of Christ, 1830; Memoirs of Andrew Fuller, 1S30; Sketches of George Leonard, Abraham Booth, and Isaac Backus, 1832 ; History of Water- ville college, 1836; Tales of truth for the young, 1S37 ; Personal recollections of J. M. Peck, 1858; Emigrant's mother, 1859; editor Baptist memorial. Born Colebrook, Conn., Sept. 18, 1798; died Salem, Mass., May 4, 1S75. Columbian, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1875 James Ormsbee Barney, A. M. U. S. military service 1812-15; ordained Congregational 1S24; pastor Seekonk, now East Providence, R. I. 1824-69; Beverly, Mass. five years; resident. Pawtucket, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 30, 1795; died Pawtucket, R. I., March 7, 1880. Nee. 1S80 Amos Binney, A.M.; M. D. Harvard university 1S26. Physician, Boston, Mass. ; fellow of the American academy. From Boston, Mass. ; died Rome, Italy, Feb. 1847. Nee. 1S47 Draper Carpenter, A. M.; M. D. 1S24. Physician, Seekonk, Mass., now Paw- tucket, R. I. From Seekonk, Mass. ; born 179 1 ; died Pawtucket, R. I., June 16, 1848. Nee. 1848 80 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1821 Nathaniel Cobb. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1825; home mis- sionary, Harwich, Mass. 1S25-26; ordained Congregational 1827; pastor, Nan- tucket, Mass. 1827-29; home missionary, Bloomfield,0. 1829-30; Hampden, etc., O. 1830-33; pastor, Parkman, O. 1S33-35; Presbyterian church, Clear Creek, O. 1835-37; Mt. Eaton, O. 1S37-40; Bible agent and colporteur, O. 1840-41, '45- 49; pastor, Salem, O. 1841-45; city missionary, New Bedford, Mass. 1849-50; pastor, North Falmouth, Mass. 1850-51; Chilmark, Mass. 1852-53 ; Monument, Sandwich, Mass. 1853; evangelist, Kingston, Mass. 1853-78. Born Rochester, Mass., May 9, 1S00; died Taunton, Mass., Nov. 15, 1878. And. Eliphalet Porter Crafts, A. M. ; Harvard university 1825. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1824; teacher; ordained Unitarian 1828; pastor First church, East Bridgewater, Mass. 1828-36; Sandwich, Mass. 1839-54?; teacher, East Lexington, Mass.; pastor First church, Eastport Me. 1866-76; resident, Waltham, Mass. 1876-80. Born North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass., Nov. 23, 1800; died Waltham, Mass., Jam 16, 18S0. Harv., Nee. 1880 Samuel Aborn Crapo. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. From Providence, R. I. ; died North Providence, R. I., May 9, 1853. Nee. 1853 John Locke Doggett, A. M. From Mendon, Mass.; died 1844. Oliver Everett; M. D. Dartmouth college 1824. From Dedham, Mass.; born 1798; died Dec. 15, 185 1. Nee. 1852, Dart. Eliphaz Fay, A. M. Principal Dutchess academy, Poughkeepsie. N. Y. ; law- yer; president Waterville college 1841-43; Baptist clergyman, near Pough- keepsie. From Westboro, Mass.; died Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 19, 1854. Nee. 1854 Barnum Field, A. M. Publisher and editor Independent inquirer, Providence, R. I. 1823-24; grammar school principal, Boston, Mass. From Taunton, Mass.; died Boston, Mass., May 7, 185 1. Nee. 185 1 Daniel Fisher, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1825. Physician, Mass. general hospital; Boston, Mass. ; Edgartown, Mass. Born Sharon, Mass., June 14, 1799; died Edgartown, Mass., Dec. 18, 1876. Nee. 1877 George Qriswold. Episcopal clergyman. From Bristol, R. I.; died 1829. Levi Haile, A. M. Lawyer, Wan-en, R. 1. ; member R. I. house of representa- tives 1824-35; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1835-54; trustee Brown uni- versity 1830-54. Born Warren, R. I., 1797; died Warren, July 14, 1854. Nee. 1854, R. I. eye. William Gardner Hammond. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. ; surveyor of customs, Newport, R. I. 19 years. Born North Kingstown, R. I.; died Long Island, June 19, 1S58. Nee. 185S Ezekiel Holmes; A. M. Waterville college 1824; M. D. Bowdoin college 1824. Physician, Paris, Me.; teacher Natural sciences, Gardner, Me., lyceum ; principal 1829-32; editor Farmers'' and mechanics' journal 1829; America7i standard 183 1 ; physician, Winthrop, Me. 1832-33; lecturer Chemistry and natural history, Waterville college 1833-37 ; editor Afaine farmer 1833-65; sur- veyor public lands Me. and Mass.; member Me. house of representa- tives 1835-40, '50; Me. senate 1S40-42 ; state scientific surveyor 1861-62 ; member Me. historical society 1846-65. Born Kingston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1801 ; died Winthrop, Me., Feb. 9, 1865. Nee. 1865, Colby Elbridge Gerry Howe, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1824; ordained Congregational 1824; home missionary, Kaskaskia and Paris, 111. 1824-27; Mass. and R. I. 1828-30; pastor, Unity, N. H. 1830-31; Southwick, Mass. 1831-32; Halifax, Mass. 1832-35; Marshfield, Mass. 1835-37; home mis- sionary, 111. 1837-47; in business, Waukegan, 111. Born Paxton, Mass., Aug. 14, 1799; died Waukegan, 111., June 3, 1884. And., Nee. 1S85 1821 GRADUATES 81 Samuel Gridley Howe; M. D. Harvard university 1824; LL. D. 1S68. Greek military service 1S24-30; surgeon-in-chief to Greek fleet 1827-30; president Polish relief committee, Paris; superintendent Perkins institution 1S32-76; Mass. school for training idiots and feeble minded youth 1S48-75; member U. S. sanitary commission; U. S. commission to inspect condition of freedmen : commissioner, Santo Domingo 1S71; member Mass. board of education ; presi- dent Mass. board of charities; trustee Mass. general hospital; McLean asylum for the insane. Author Historical sketch of the Greek revolution, 1S28; Reader for the blind, 1S39; besides numerous reports and pamphlets. Born Boston, Mass., Nov. 10, 1S01 ; died Boston, Jan. 9, 1S76. Nee. 1S76, Cyc. Am. biog. Thomas Jefferson Humphrey. From Tiverton, R. I. John Gale Merrill ; A. M. Waterville college 1S24; M. D.Bowdoin college 1S24. Physician, Sedgwick, Me. Born Sedgwick, Me., June 3, 1797; died 1S26. Colby, Bowd. Joseph Muenscher, A. M. ; D. D. 1S52 ; Kenyon college 1S49. Student Andover theological seminary nearly two years with class of 1S25 ; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S24; priest 1825; pastor Christ church. South Leicester, now Rochdale, Mass. 1S24-27 ; St. John's church, Northampton, Mass. 1827- 31 ; Trinity church, Saco. Me. 1S31-33; professor Sacred literature, Episcopal theological seminary, Gambier, O. 1833-41; instructor Hebrew 1841-43; profes- sor Latin, Kenyon college two years; pastor St. Paul's church, Mt. Vernon, O. 1S41-54; delegate, general convention several times; secretary Society for relief of widows and children of deceased clergymen of Episcopal church in Ohio 1845-S4. Author Church choir, 1S39; Manual of Biblical interpretation, 1865 ; Revised version of the book of Proverbs, 1S66 ; Orthography and pronun- ciation of the English language, 1S79; besides frequent articles in reviews and periodicals; editor Gambier observer; We.stern Episcopalian. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Dec. 21, 179S; died Mt. Vernon, O., Feb. 16, 1S84. And., Nee. 18S4 Allen Munro. From Seekonk, Mass. ; died 1832. John Gregory Needham, A, M. ; M. D. 1S24. Cotton broker, Providence, R. I.; druggist, Western state; physician, Smithfield, R. I.; Pawtuxet, R. I. 1836-67. Born Walpole, Mass., Sept. 7, 1S01 ; died Pawtuxet, R. I., Aug. 29, 1867. Nee. 1868 Immanuel Northup. From North Kingstown, R. I.; died 1823. Austin Packard, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S24; lawyer, West Bridgewater, Mass.; member Mass. general court; trial justice Plymouth co., Mass. Born North Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 15,1801; died West Bridgewater, Aug. 13, 1SS1. Nee. 1S85 Levi Packard, A. M. Congregational clergyman, Spencer, Conn.; Woon- socket, R. I.; Stafford Springs, Conn. From North Bridgewater, Mass.; born 1796; died Stafford Springs, Conn., Jan. 11, 1S57. Nee. 1S57 Samusl Bartlett Parris, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1825. From Marshfield, Mass.; died 1S27. Augustus Brown Reed, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S23 ; pastor First church, Fall River, Mass. 1823-25 ; Ware, Mass. iS25?-3S. Born Rehoboth, Mass., 1799; died Ware, Mass., Sept. 30, 183S. B. U. Fall River George Robert Russell, LL. D. 1S49. Admitted to bar 1S25; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S25; merchant, Manila 1S27-35; farmer and student, West Rox- bury, Mass. Born Providence, R. I., May 5, 1S00; died Manchester, Mass., Aug. 5, 1866. Nee. 1S66 &2 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1821 Joseph Sampson. From Kingston, Mass.; died 1844. Ralph Shepard. Student, Andover theological seminary 1821-24. From Little Compton, R. I. ; died Amherst, Mass., Jan. 24, 1824. And. Increase Sumner Smith, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1822-24; librarian 1823-24; English preceptor, Leicester academy 1824-26; instructor, Derby acad- emy, Hingham, Mass. 1S26-44; fanner and teacher, Dorchester, Mass. 1844-66. Born Paxton, Mass., June 22, 1799; died Dorchester, Mass., May 12, 1866. Nee. 1866 Erastus Spaulding; A. M. Geneva college. From Pomfret, Conn.; died 1853. Moses Thatcher, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1823 ; pastor, North Wrentham, Mass. 1S23-38; Ararat, Perm. ; Gibson, Penn.; Wysox, Penn. ; Masonville, N. Y. ; Franklin, N. Y. ; Virgil, N. Y. ; Bridgewater, N. Y. ; Peru, N. Y. ; Munson, Penn. 1866-68. Born Princeton, Mass., Nov. 14, 1795; died Cambridge. 111., July 21, 1878. Nee. 1885 James Tisdale. Principal academy, Darlington Court House, S. C. two years; licensed Congregational 1825 ; missionary four years; ordained 1830; pastor Guildhall and Granby,Vt. 1830-36; Gilsum, N. H. 1836-41; Shutesbury, Mass. 1841-57; Tonica, III. 1857-59; Lowell, 111. 1859-62. Born Taunton, Mass., Nov. 7, 1799; died Tonica, 111., Feb. 28, 1863. Nee. 1863 Simeon Tucker, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1825. Physician, Canton, Mass. 1825-31 ; Stoughton, Mass. 1831-78. Born Canton, Mass., Nov. 20, 1799; died Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 9, 1878. Nee. 1878 Thomas Hopkins Webb, A.M.; M. D. Harvard university 1825. Physician, Providence, R. I. 1S25-35 ; editor Providence journal 1835-38; with publishing house, Boston, Mass.; editor Common-school journal / member commission for running Mexican boundary; Franklin society, Providence; R. I. historical society; one of the founders and first librarian Providence Athenaeum; honorary member Royal society of northern antiquaries, Copenhagen ; secretary Emigrant aid society; Mass. institute of technology. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 21, 1801 ; died Quincy, Mass., Aug. 2, 1866. Nee. 1866, R. I. eye. Eliab Williams, A. M. Teacher, Va. ; admitted to Va. bar; admitted to Mass. bar 1825; lawyer, Wellington, now Dighton, Mass. 1825-27; Swansea, Mass. 1827-33; Fall River, Mass. 1833-80; member school committee four years. Born Raynham, Mass., May 10, 1803; died Fall River, Mass., April 14, 1880. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1880. *40 l822 Andrew Backus. From Pomfret, Conn. William Barry, A.M. Student, Harvard divinity school two years; Goettingen and Paris two years; ordained Unitarian 1830; pastor South church, Lowell, Mass. five years ; Framingham, Mass. until 1S44; in Europe 1844-47, '51-53, '68-74; pastor, Lowell, Mass. 1847-51 ; secretary and librarian Chicago histor- ical society 1S56-68. Author Rights and duties of neighboring churches / His- tory of Framingham, 1847 ; Thoughts on Christian doctrine, 1845; The antiqui- ties of Wisconsin / Letters from the East. Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 10, 1S05; died Chicago, 111., Jan. 17, 1SS5. Nee. 1885 James ROSS Burdick. Teacher, Capitol Hill seminary, Washington, D. C. ; agent Columbian college, D. C. ; foreign and domestic missions; ordained Baptist 1S26; evangelist 1826-32 ; pastor, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Oswego, N. Y. ; Lisle, N. Y. ; Tioga, N. Y. ; Canton, Penn. ; Scipio, N. Y. ; Jordan, N. Y. ; Syracuse, 1822 GRADUATES 83 N. Y. Born Leyden, Mass., June 29, 1796; died Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1867. Nec - l86 7 Thomas Mackie Burgess. Law student; merchant; mayor Providence, R. I. 1841-52; president Providence, Warren and Bristol railroad. Born Providence, R. I., June 6, 1S06; died Providence, Oct. 17, 1856. Nec. 1857, R. I. eye. Alexis Caswell, A. M.; D. D. 1S41; LL. D. 1865. Tutor, Columbian college, Washington, D. C 1822-25; professor Ancient languages 1825-27; ordained Baptist 1S27; pastor, Halifax, N. S. 1827-28; preacher First church, Provi- dence, R. I. 182S; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Brown uni- versity 1828-50; Mathematics and astronomy 1850-63; president 1S6S-72 ; di- rector Providence Athenaeum eight years; vice president eiuht years ; president National exchange bank, Providence; American screw company, Providence; board of trustees Newton theological institution; Baptist missionary union 1867-69; trustee R. I. hospital 1863-77; president 1S75-77 ; one of the found- ers American association for the advancement of science; vice president 1S57 ; associate fellow American academy of arts and sciences 1850; one of the corpo- rators National academy of sciences 1863; trustee Brown university 1872- 75 ; fellow 1875-77. Author Lectures on astronomy.. 1S58 ; Meteorological obser- vations, 1831-60, 1S60; Memoir of John Barstotu, 1S64; Memoir of Prof. Ben- jamin Silliman, 1866; Life and Christian work of Francis Wayland, 1867; Results of meteorological observations at Providence, 1831-76, 1882. Born Taun- ton, Mass., Jan. 29, 1799; died Providence. R. I.. Jan. 8, 1S77. Cyc Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Columbian, Nec. 1S77 Joseph Smith Covell ; A. M. Trinity college 1847. Ordained Episcopal 1825 ; pastor mission church, St. Albans, Vt. 1824-25 ; Princess Anne, Md. ; St. Paul's church, Brookfield, Conn. 1S28-37 ; Trinity church, Bristol, Conn. 1S37-47 ; Essex, Conn.; Bethlehem, Conn.; Wolcottville, Conn.; Westville, Conn.; St. Paul's church, Huntington, Conn. 1863-76; resident, Bridgeport, Conn, 1S76- 80. Born Killingly, Conn., June 4, 1797; died Bridgeport, Conn., March 16, 18S0. Nec - lSSo Samuel Leonard Crocker, A. M. Copper manufacturer, Taunton, Mass.; director and president Taunton locomotive works; director Old Colony iion works; Old Colony railroad; Taunton brick company; trustee Bristol county savings bank; Machinists national bank, Taunton ; Taunton lunatic asylum ; member Mass. executive council 1S49; U. S. house of representatives 1S53-55 ; trustee General theological seminary, New York, N. Y. ; elected trustee Brown university 1882, but died before entering office. Born Taunton, Mass., March 31, 1804; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 10, 18S3. Nec. 1S83 William Allen Crocker, A. M. Merchant, Taunton, Mass. 1S22-24; copper and iron manufacturer, Taunton 1S24-5S; New York,. N. Y. 1858-71 ; one of the managers Old Colony iron company ; president Bristol county bank; trus- tee Brown university 1845-71. Born Taunton, Mass., March 14, 1S02 ; died New York, N. Y., May 13, 1S71. Nec. 1871 Preston CummingS. Ordained Congregational 1825; pastor, Lebanon, N. Y. 1825; Dighton, Mass. 1827-36, 1848-51; Wrentham, Mass. 1836-3S; Buckland, Mass. 1840-47; antiquary, Leicester, Mass. Author Congregational diction- ary, 1852. Born Seekonk, Mass., May 1, 1S00; died Holden, Mass., April 8, 1875. Nec - l8 7 6 Benjamin Clarke Cutler, A. M.; D. D. Columbia college 1835. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1822; pastor, Quincy, Mass. 1S22-29; pastor, Leesburg, Va. one year; director Episcopal city mission, New York, N. Y. 1S32-33; pastor 84 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1822 St. Anne's church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1S33-63. Author Century sermon, Christ church, Quincy, Mass, 1826; Sermon, Nezv York city mission, 1832; Thanhs- giving sermon, 1S35 ; Sermon on national independence, 1840; Sermon on death of A. W. Dny, 1S46; Sermon on death of F.C.Clements, 1S53; Parochial sermons, 1857. See Memoir, by Horatio Gray, 1S65. Born Roxbury, Mass , Feb. 6, 1798; died Brooklyn, N. Y., P"eb. 10, 1S63. Nee. 1S63, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone Isaac Davis, A. M. ; LL. D. i860; Columbian college 1846. Admitted to bar 1825; lawyer, Worcester, Mass.; member Mass. senate 1843-54?; member Mass. executive council 185 1; Mass. house of representatives 1852; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1853; member Mass. state board of education 1862-60 ; mayor Worcester 1S56, '59,61; delegate, Democratic national con- ventions 1828-60 ; president Q^iinsigamond bank 1836-45, '54-78; Mechanics savings bank 1851-55; director Providence and Worcester railroad 1857-78; Worcester and Nashua railroad 1S4S-53, 1874-79; colonel 6th regiment Mass. militia 1828-31; member board of visitors West Point academy 1S32; presi- dent 1854; president board of trustees Worcester academy 40 3'ears; trustee Brown university 1838-51 ; fellow 1851-79; trustee Columbian college 1S47-72 ; Waterville college 1847-55 ; Norwich university ; president Mass. Baptist con- vention 1838-40; American Baptist convention 1838-40; American Baptist home mission society 1848-55. Born Northboro, Mass., June 2, 1799; died Worcester, Mass., April 1, 1883. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1883 Timothy Briggs Deane. From Fairhaven, Mass.; died 1838. Richard Evans Eddy, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I. 1822-41 ; deputy collector port of Providence 1841-45; treasurer American Baptist missionary union, Boston, Mass. 1845-54; resident, Providence 1S54-70. Born Provi- dence, R. I., July 19, 1802 ; died Providence, April 29, 1870. R. I. cyc, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1870 Joseph Whitney Farnum ; M. D. University of Penn. 1830. Professor Chemistry, Kentucky college. Fiom Providence, R. I. Daniel Le Baron Goodwin, A. M. Private tutor, Chantilly, Va. 1S22-23; student, Andover theological seminary 1823-24; ordained Episcopal 1829; pas- tor, East Sutton, now Wilkinsonville, Mass. 1825-54; missionary, Providence, R. I. 1854-67. Born Easton, Mass., July 20, 1800; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 25, 1867. R. I. cyc, And., Nee 1S68 George Washington Hathaway, A. M. Teacher, Cheraw, S. C. ; ordained Episcopal deacon 1824; pastor, Cheraw several 3'ears; merchant, Providence, R. I. -1830; ordained priest 1830; pastor St. Mark's church, Warren, R. I. 1830-52; Christ church, Lonsdale, R. I. 1852-58; Trinity church, West Troy, N. Y. 1858-63. Born Dighton, Mass., April 12, 1S00; died Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1863. • Nee 1864, R. I. cyc Samuel Kingsbury. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1825; home missionary, N. Y. 1825-27; pastor, Shirley, Mass. 1827-28; Unity, N. H. 1S28; ordained Congregational 1829; pastor, Andover, N. H. 1829-31; Jamaica, Vt. 1831-33; Warwick, Mass. 1S33-35; Middlesex and Worcester, Vt. 1835-36; Un- derbill, Vt. 1836-39; teacher, academy, Jericho, Vt. 1S39-40; pastor, Thornton, N. H.1841; farmer, Tam worth, N. H. 1841-67. Born Franklin, Mass., May 18, 1798; died Tamworth, N. H., Nov. 8, 1S67. And., Nee 186S Thomas Kinnicutt, A. M. Lawyer, Worcester, Mass. 1825-58; member Mass. house of representatives ; speaker two years ; member Mass. senate; judge of probate for Worcester co. 184858. Born near Warren, R. I. 1799; died Wor- cester, Mass., Jan. 22, 1S58. Nee 1S58 1822 GRADUATES 85 Dexter Leland. Private tutor, Edisto Island, S. C. ; student, General theologi- cal seminary; schoolmaster and acting chaplain U. S. ship Lexington three years; private teacher, Md. ; Charleston, S. C. 30 years. Born Sherburne, Mass., April 6, 1799; died Fla., March 20, 1S65. Nee. 1S67 Solomon Lincoln, A. M. Teacher, Falmouth, Mass. 1S22-23; admitted to bar 1S26; lawyer, Hingham, Mass. 1823-53; member Mass. house of representa- tives 1829, '30, '40; Mass. senate 1S31 ; U. S. marshal, Mass. 1S41-44; member Mass. board of bank commissioners 1S49-53; cashier Webster bank, Boston, Mass. 1853-69; president 1869-76; member Mass. historical society; N. E. his- toric genealogical society; American antiquarian society. Author Oration, Hingham, 4th July, 182b, 1S26; History of Hingham, 1827; Sketch of Nan- tasket, 1S30; Oration, Plymouth, centennial anniversary, birthday of Wash- ington, 1S32 ; Oration, Qiiincy, 4th July, /Sjj, 1S35 ; Oration, Hingham, 1835 : 200th anniversary of settlement of the lozvn ; Notes on Lincoln families, 1S65 ; Memoir of Rev. Charles Brooks. Born Hingham, Mass., Dec. 28, 1S04; died Hingham, Dec. 1, 18S1. Sabin, Nee. 1S81 Jacob Hersey Loud, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S25; lawyer. Mass.; registrar of probate 1S40-62 ; treasurer and receiver-general Mass. 1853-55, 1866-71; member Mass. house of representatives 1S63-64; Mass. senate 1864-66; direc- tor Old Colony railroad ; corporation actuary N. E. trust company, Boston, Mass. Born Hingham, Mass., Feb. 5, 1S02 ; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 2, 1SS0. Nee. 1SS0 Thomas Smith Webb Mott. Student, Andover theological seminary with class of 1825 two years; ordained Episcopal dencon 1825; priest 1826; pastor St. Michael's church, Marblehead, Mass. 1825-2S ;Christ church, Gardiner, Me. 182S; St. James's church, Wilmington, N. C. 1S2S; home missionary, N. C. 1S2S-36; church of St. John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock, N. C. 1S36-44; teacher and home missionary Lenoir, N. C, 1844-52; pastor St. Peter's church, Charlotte, N. C. 1S53-60; St. Paul's church, Columbus, Miss. 1855-57; editor Church intelligencer, Raleigh, Va. 1860-64; planter, Silver Dale, Catawba co., N. C 1S64-69. Born Preston, N. S., July 28, 1S00; died Silver Dale, N. C, Sept. 20, 1S69. And., Nee. 1S70 John Davis Pierce. Student, Princeton theological seminary 1822-23; princi- pal Day's academy, Wrentham, Mass. oneyear; ordained Congregational 1825; pastor, Sangerfield, N. Y. 1S25-30; missionary, Mich. 1831-36; superintendent of public instruction, Mich. 1836-41; member Mich, house of representatives 1S47-4S; Mich, constitutional convention 1850; president Mich, school board ; resident, Marshall, Mich. 1831-53 ; Ypsilanti, Mich. 1853-S2. Born Chester- field, N. H.,Feb. 18, 1797; died Medford, Mass., April 5, 1SS2. Princ, Nee. 1SS2 Samuel Presbury, A. M. ; Harvard university 1S26. Clergyman. From Taun- ton, Mass., died 1S34. Edward Seagrave, A. M. Teacher; ordained Baptist 1830: pastor, Scituate, R. I. ; Nonhboro, Mass. ; N. Y.; missionary, Kans. ; resident, Pawtucket, R- I. 1861-77. Born Chester, Vt., July 15, 1797; died Pawtucket, R. I., Aug. 18, 1877. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1878 Samuel Starkweather. Tutor, Brown university 1823-24; admitted to bar 1S26; lawyer, Cleveland, O. 1S27-76; collector port of Cleveland 1S29-40: su- perintendent light houses, O. frontier 1829-40; mayor Cleveland four years; justice court of common pleas 1852-57. Born Pawtucket, Mass., Dec. 27, 1799; died Cleveland, O., July 5, 1876. Nee. 1S77 86 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1822 Daniel Munroe Stearns. Unitarian clergyman, Dennis, Mass. From Lincoln, Mass.; died Lincoln, Oct. 19, 1847. Nee. 1848 David Robinson Straw. Lawyer, Bethel, Me. 1825-26; Sangerville, Me. 1826- 30; Guilford, Me. 1S30-76. Born Newfield, Me., Nov. 7, 1795; died Guilford, Me., Aug. 31, 1876. Nee. 1877 Henry Hannibal Fayette Sweet. Clergyman. From Attleboro, Mass. ; died 1S27. John Wilder, A. M. Clergyman. From Attleboro, Mass.; died 1844. *30 1823 Benoni Allen. Clergyman. From Attleboro, Mass. ; died Zanesville, O., Jan. 1, 1S67. Nee. 1867 Ethan Allen, A. M. Private tutor, Millwood, Va. ; principal academy, Millwood ; Hanover, Mass. 1S28-33; St. John's parish school, Rochester, N. Y. ; ordained Episcopal; pastor St. Paul's church, Otis, Mass. 1836-46; Trinity church, Nantucket, Mass. 1846-55; Christ church, Guilford, Vt. Born Londonderry, Vt., Nov. 25, 1794; died Guilford, Vt., May 19, 1867. Nee. 1867 Samuel Ames, A.M.; LL. D. 1855. Admitted to bar 1826; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. L; member city council; R. I. general assembly; quartermaster durin° r Dorr war ; member commission for revising R. I. statutes 1855; chief justice R. I. supreme court 1856-65. Joint author Treatise on the la-w of private corf orations aggregate. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1806; died Providence, Dec. 20, 1S65. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1866 Joseph Ayer. Ordained Congregational 1825; pastor, North Stonington, Conn. 1S25-37; Lisbon, Conn, 1837-49; South Killingly, Conn. 1849-57; East Lyme, Conn. 1857-68; Voluntown, Conn. 1S6S-75. Born Stonington, Conn., May 19, 1793; died Somers, Conn., Dec. 26. 1S75. Nee. 1876 William Badger. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Penn. until 1859, '61-75; navy agent 1859-61; resident, Bristol, Penn. 1875-78; Philadelphia 1S7S-79. Born Wind- ham, Conn., Dec. 10, 1802; died Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 6, 1879. Nee. 1879 Caleb Belcher ; M. D. Harvard university 1827. Teacher, Falmouth, Mass. one year; physician, Falmouth 1827-47; Cumberland, R. I. 1847-75. Born Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 2, 1S00; died Cumberland, R. I., April 7, 1875. Nee. 1875 Asa Moore Bolles. From Ashford, Conn.; died 1832. Elias Billiard. Admitted to bar 1826; lawyer, Holliston, Mass. ; town treasurer; town clerk; selectman; member school committee; Conn, general court 1S34, '35' 7°- Born Medway, Mass., Dec. 30, 1799; died Holliston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1875. Nee. 1875 Frederick Clark, A. M. From Nantucket, Mass. Silas Axtell Crane, A. M. ; D. D. 1855 ; A. M. Middlebury college 1832 ; Trinity college 1S51. Teacher 1823-24; tutor Mathematics, Brown university 1824-28; principal school for young ladies 1S28-33; ordained Episcopal 1S33; pastor St. Stephen's church, Middlebury, Vt. 1S33-37 ; president Kemper college, St. Louis, Mo. 1S37-39; pastor East Greenwich, R. I. -1872. Born Berkley, Mass., Oct. 21, 1799; died East. Greenwich, R. I., July 16, 1872. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1873 Charles Dresser, A. M. ; D. D. St. Paul's college, Palmyra, Mo. 1858. Private tutor, Va. ; ordained Episcopal; pastor, Va. ; Springfield, 111.; professor Rhetoric, and in business department, Jubilee college. Born Pomfret, Conn., Feb. 24, 1800; died Springfield, 111., March 26, 1865. Nee. 1865 1823 GRADUATES 87 Henry Seymour Fearing. Tutor, Brown universiry 1824-25. From Ware- ham, Mass. ; died 1S29. Joseph Warren Fearing, A. M.; M. D. Physician, Providence, R. I. 1826- 62. Born Wareham, Mass., Sept. 6, 1S00; died Providence, Nov. 24, 1862. Nee. 1S63, R. I. eye. John Gray. Lawyer, Brooklyn Conn.; editor Windham comity telegraph; bookseller, Newburyport, Mass.; librarian Young men's lyceum, Worcester, Mass, 1857 ?-59- Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 5, 179S; died Worcester, Mass , Nov. 21, 1859. Nee. i860 Rufus Hodges, A. M. From Norton, Mass. ; died 1S44. Aholiab Johnson. Graduated Yale law school 1825; lawyer, Stafford, Conn. 1825-30; Somers, Conn. 1830-40; Enfield, Conn. 1840-1870; judge court of probate 16 years; town clerk Enfield ten years; member Conn, general assembly 1S4S-49, '61. Author short historical sketches. Born Stafford, Conn., April 2S, 1799; died Enfield, Conn., March 3, 1S93. Nee. 1893 William Magoun, A. M. With U. S. legation, Turin about 1S52 ; clerk of manufacturing company, Turin; U. S. consular agent, Turin 1S67-71. From Pembroke, Mass. ; died Turin?, Oct.? 1S71. P. Edward Mellen, LL. D. 1S54. Principal seminary, Weslboro. Ma>,s. ; master grammar school, Cambridge, Mass.; admitted to bar 1828; lawyer, East Cam- bridge, Mass. 1S2S-30; Wayland, Mass. 1830-75; justice court of common pleas, Mass. 1S47-55 ; chief justice 1855-59; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. 1859-72; trustee Brown university 1S42-75. Born Westboro, Mass., Sept. 26, 1802; died Wayland, Mass., May 31, 1875. Nee. 1875 Seth Miller, A. M. Admitted to bar 1826; lawyer, Wareham, Mass. 1S26-76; member Mass. constitutional convention 1S53. Born Middleboro. Mass., Jan. 10, 1801 ; died Wareham, Mass., Aug. 22, 1876. Nee. 1S77 Benjamin Norris, A. M. ; M. D. 1S26. Physician, Bristol, R.I. 1826-?; Taunton, Mass. -1S35; Lexington, Ky. 1835-37; Pittsfield, 111. 1837-70. Born Bristol, R. I., Oct. 13, 1803; died Pittsfield, 111., Dec. 19, 1870. Nee. 1S71 James Plaisted. From Gardiner, Me. George Denison Prentice, A. M. ; Trinity college 1S2S. Teacher, Hartford, Conn.; editor Conn. Mirror 1S25-28; associate editor, with John G. Whittier, N. E. -weekly revietv 1S2S-30 ; admitted to bar 1S29; editor Journal, Louisville, Ky. over 30 years. Author Biography of Henry Clay, 1S31 ; Prenticeana, i860; -with biographical sketch by G. IV. Griffin, 1871 ; Poems, with biographi- cal sketch by J. J. Piatt, 1875. Born Preston, Conn., Dec. 18, 1802; died Louisville, Ky., Jan. 22, 1870. Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S70 Baalis Sanford. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S26; ordained Congregational 1S27; pastor, East and West Bridgewater, Mass. 1S27-49; Trinity church, East Bridgewater, 1850 61 ; member school committee 36 years ; resident, East Bridgewater, Mass. 1S61-S0. Born Berkley, Mass., July 6, 1S01 ; died East Bridgewater, Mass., July 2S, 1880. And., Nee. 1881 John Waters Tenney, A. M. ; M. D. Physician, Webster, Mass. From Sutton, Mass.; died Webster, Mass., Feb. 1849. Nee. 1S49 Joseph Punderson Tyler. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S26; ordained Congregational 1S28; home missionary, L.I. 1828; agent Home missionary society, and preacher, Conn., L. I., and N. Y. 182S-34; pastor, West Gloucester, Mass. 1S34; Voluntown and Sterling, Conn. 1835-36; Chil- mark, Mass., and Little Compton, R. I.; New Castle, N. H. 1S41-44. Born Griswold, Conn., Sept. 14, 1797; died North Bridgewater, Mass., Dec. 26, 1844. And. 88 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1823 William Robinson Watson, A. M. Admitted to bar; clerk Providence co. court of common pleas 1827-33, ^S'S^l cashier Bank of N. A., and afterwards City bank, Providence, R. I., 1836-41 ; collector of customs, Providence, 1841- 45, '49-54; secretary of state R. I. 1S54 55 ; state auditor 1S56-63; president City insurance company 1863-64. Author numerous political writings, in- cluding The whig party, signed " Hamilton, " 1844. Born South Kingstown, R. I., Dec. 14, 1799; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 29, 1864. Nee. 1864, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye. William Hathaway Williams, A. M. From Wellington, Mass. *27 l824 Ira Barrows, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1827. Physician, Pawtucket, R. I., 1S27-40; Norton, Mass. 1840-50; Providence, R. I. 1S50-82; member American institute of homoeopathy ; president R. I. homoeopathic medical so- ciety; honorary member N. Y., Conn, and Mass. homoeopathic medical soci- eties. Born Attleboro, Mass., Nov. 18, 1804; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 14, 1882. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1883 George Arnold Brayton, A. M.; LL. D. 1870. Admitted to bar 1S27; law- yer, Warwick, R. I.; member school committee Warwick 1829-31; R. I. gen- eral assembly ; town clerk Warwick 1834; member Landholder's convention 1841 ; R. I. constitutional convention 1842; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1843-68 ; chief justice 186S-74; resident, East Greenwich, R. I. Born Apponaug, Warwick, R. I., Aug. 4, 1803; died East Greenwich, R. I., April 21, 18S0. R. I. cyc, Bapt. encyc, Nee 1S80 George Augustus Bucklin. From Seekonk, Mass. ; died 1829. William Peckham Bullock. Merchant, Providence, R.I. 1826-49; president Commercial bank, Providence I4years ; trustee Butler hospital ; reform school ; inspector state prison; member city council two years; presidential elector 1856. Born Providence, R. I., July 6, 1S05; died Providence, Dec. 22, 1S62. Nee. 1S63, R. I. cyc Leander Cobb. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1827; ordained Con- gregational 1827; pastor, Charleston, Ind. 1827-38; Rochester, now Marion, Mass. 1S3S-72. Author History of Alario?i Congregational church. Born Rochester, Mass., Dec. 5, 1S01 ; died Marion, Mass., Sept. 2, 1872. And., Nee 1873 Moses Colburn, A. M. From Charlestown, Mass. Saunders Malbone Crooke. From Newport, R. I. ; died 1842. David Daniels, A. M. Lawyer; judge court of common pleas. From Uxbridge, Mass.; died Woonsocket, R. I., May 16, 1847. Nee 1847 Nathan Durfee, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1831. Physician and apothe- cary, Fall River, Mass. 1S40; ship-owner, manufacturer, Fall River 1840-76; treasurer and director Mass. agricultural college ; founder, and several years president, Bristol co. central agricultural society; member school committee three years; Mass. house of representatives 1S40, '4t, '44. Born Fall River, then Freetown, Mass., June iS, 1799; died Fall River, Mass., April 6, 1S76. B. U. Fall River, Nee 1876 Thomas Russell Durfee, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1827; ordained Congregational 1827 ; home missionary ; pastor, Calloway co., Mo. 1826-31; agent American Bible society, Mo. 1831-33. Born Fall River, Mass., May 14, 1S01 ; died St. Charles, Mo., July 15, 1833. And. 1824 GRADUATES 89 George Dyer, M. D. Yale college 1S27. Physician, Greenfield, Conn. 1827-32; Trumbull, Conn. 1832-78; member Conn, house of representatives one year. Born Windham, Conn., Aug. 1, 1802; died Trumbull, Conn., May 8, 1878. Nee. 1878 Charles Robinson Fisk, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S28; ordained Congregational 1828; home missionary 1828-31; pastor, Holden,Me. 1831-33; Poland, Me. 1834-35; Presbyterian church, Logan, O. 1S36-?; edilor, Galesburg, 111. 1849 ?-5i; pastor, Mendota, 111. 1853-55; resident, Mendota 1862-?; editor, Delavan, III. Born Wrentham, Mass., Oct. 27, 1804; died Dela- van, 111., Dec. 2S, 1869. And. Richard Salter Greene. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1826. George Hathaway. From Berkley, Mass. Eliphalet Williams Hervey, A. M. ; M. D. From Berkley, Mass. Francis Carter Jenckes. From Providence, R. I. Joseph Sherbourne Jenckes, A. M. From Providence, R. I. Henry Cushing Jewett, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1827; acting pastor, Kennebunkport, Me. 1828; ordained Congregational 1829; pastor, Westbrook, Me. 1S29-34; Winslow, Me. 1835-42; West Gloucester, Mass. 1S43-46. Born Rowley, Mass., Feb. 10, 1S03; died West Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 4, 1846. Nee. 1847, And. William Heron Judd. Clergyman. From New London, Conn. George Washington Keely, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S49. Tutor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1825-2S; associate principal private school, Providence, R.I. 1828-29; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Waterville college 1829-52; resident, Waterville, Me. 1852-78! connected with U. S. coast survey several years ; correspondent Royal observatory of England. Author articles in American Journal of science; Proceeding's of t lie Royal astronomical so- ciety. Born Northampton, England, Dec. 25, 1803; died Waterville, Me., June 13, 1S78. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1878 George Leonard. Tutor, Columbian college 1S24-25; ordained Baptist 1826; pastor, Second church, Salem, Mass. 1S26-29; graduated Newton theo- logical institution 1S28; pastor, Portland, Me. 1830-31; secretary Salem Bible translation and foreign mission society. Author Sermons on various subjects, 1S32. Born Raynham, Mass., Aug. 17, 1802; died Worcester, Mass., Aug. 11, 1S31. • Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6, Sabin, Newt. William Leverett, A. M. Ordained Baptist; pastor First church, Roxbury, Mass. 1825-40; Second church, Cambridge, Mass. 1840-50; Grafton, Mass. 1850-55; principal classical school, Newport, R. I.; member executive com- mittee, American Baptist missionary union. Born Brookline, Mass., Jan. 25, 1S00; died Newport, R. I., Dec. 9, 1SS2. Nee. 1883 Leonard Luce. Teacher one year; graduated Andover theological seminary 182S; ordained Congregational 1829; pastor, Westford, Mass. 1829-52; Little- ton, Mass. 1S52-53; Boxboro, Mass. 1S53-58; trustee Lawrence academy 50 years; town clerk Westford 1854-57, '60-71; member school committee West- ford 30 years. Born Rochester, Mass., May 14, 1799; died Westford, Mass., June 7, 1SS4. Nee. 1886, And. George Flagg Mann. Lawyer. Author Nine lazvyers' opinion; Geranium leaf; Oration, Apfonaug, July 4,1838 . From Providence, R. I.; died 1885. Harrison Greenough Park; A. M. Amherst college 1827. Teacher, University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1824-25 ; law student, Boston ; student, Princeton theological seminary 1828-29; ordained Congregational 1829; pas- go BROWN UNIVERSITY 1824 tor, South Dedham, now Norwood, Mass. 1829-35; Second church, Danvers, Mass. 1S37-3S; editor and agent 1837-49; pastor, Burlington, Mass. 1849-52; Bernardstown, Mass. 1856-58; Westminster, Vt. 1S58-60; resident, Wal- pole, N. H. 1860-62 ; Hancock, N. H. 1862-69; agent Mass. temperance alliance, Norwood, Mass. 1S69-76. Author Voice from the parsonage; editor Fathers' and 7not Iters' manual. Born Providence, R. I., July 28, 1806; died Norwood, Mass., June 2, 1876. Princ, Nee. 1877 Allen Ormsbee Peck. Admitted to bar 1826; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; clerk municipal court 1832-34; member common council 1832-34; secretary Ameri- can insurance company, Providence 1837-46; president 1846-63; Narragansett insurance company 1863-71. Born Rehoboth, Mass., Nov. 17, 1804; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 12, 1871. R. I. eye, Nee. 1872 Shubael Peck. From Rehoboth, Mass.; died 1824. Asa Potter, A. M. Admitted to bar 1827; lawyer, Kingston, R. I.; merchant, New York, N. Y. ; resident, Kingston, R. I.; secretary of state R. I. 1851-54. Born Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1802: died Kingston, R. I., Oct. 11,1872. R. I. eye, Nee. 1873 Jacob Richards. Physician, Hanover, Mass. 1827?; Weymouth, Mass. ; Brain- tree, Mass. Born Weymouth, Mass., June 24, 1795; died Weymouth, Jan. 2, 1861. Nec - l862 John Smythe Richardson. From Charleston, S. C. Phineas Savery, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1827. From Wareham, Mass.; died Attleboro, Mass., May 18, 1853. Nec. 1853 Aruna Captain Hoover Smith, A. M. From Fairfield, N. Y. Luther Smith. Clergyman. From Hollis, N. H. Richard Foster Sweet. From Norton, Mass.; died 1841. Tyler Thatcher. Ordained Congregational 1827; evangelist 1827-34; assistant pastor, Hawley, Mass. 1834-43; pastor, Wrentham, Mass.; teacher and preacher, Cal. 1851-69. Boin Princeton, Mass., Sept. 11, 1801 ; died Cache Creek, Cal., Dec. 4, 1869. Nec. 1870 Silas Tompkins, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1828. From Little Comp- ton, R. I. ; died 1S53. John Penfield Turney. Clergyman. From Weston, Conn. William Henry Waterman. Clerk, Valley Falls, R. I.; Crompton, R. I.; assistant cashier Roger Williams bank 1840: cashier; director; member com- mon council Providence 1847-50; board of aldermen 1856-61. Born Provi- dence, R. I., June 19, 1805; died Providence, Dec. 16, 1880. Nec. 1881 Elihu White, A. M.; M. D. 1828. Physician, Providence, R. I.; druggist, Boston, Mass. ; Dorchesier, Mass. Born Braintree, Mass., April 12, 1797; died Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 18, 1859. Nec. 1S60* William Hunt White, A. M. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1827; or- dained Uniiarian 1827; pastor, Littleton, Mass., 1827-53. From Lancaster, Mass.; died Littleton, Mass., Sept. 1853. Nec. 1853 Ezra Wilkinson, A. M. Principal academy, Monmouth, Me. 1824-26; admit- ted to bar 182S; lawyer, Seekonk, Mass., now East Providence, R. I. 1818-35; Dedham, Mass. 1S35-82; attorney middle district Mass. 1843-55; member Mass. house of representatives 1848-49, '51-52, '56-57 ; Mass. constitutional convention 1853; associate justice Mass. superior court 1S59-82. Born Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 14, 1S01 ; died Dedham, Mass., Feb. 6, 18S2. Nec. 1882. *41 1825 GRADUATES 9 1 1825 Hermon Bourne. From Attleboro, Mass. George Ware BriggS, A. M. ; D.D. Harvard university 1855. Teacher, Provi- dence and elsewhere, including one year of medical study 1825-31; graduated Harvard divinity school 1834; ordained Unitarian 1S34; pastor, Fall River, Mass. 1834-37; member school committee two years; associate pastor First church, Plymouth, Mass. 1S3S-53; pastor First chinch, Salem, Mass. 1S53-67; Third Congregational society, Cambridge, Mass. 1S67-; in Europe 1869, '82- 83; delegate, 50th anniversary British and foreign Unitarian associaiion 1875. Author Dedication sermon, Fall River, 1835; Address at funeral of W. P. Ripley, Nov. 13, 1S42 ; Two sermons, Plymouth, Mass., July 4, 1S47 ; Sermon, Unitarian convention, Salem, 184, ; Lessons on relative duties and Christian morals, 1852; Address, Middlesex Sunday school, 1853; Address, Salem, Feb. 22, 1862; Memoir of D. A. White, 1S64; Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, June 1865 ; Lecture on man, in Unitarian affirmations, 1S79; .Protest in Piedmont, in conjunction with E. E. Hale, in Christian examiner, Nov. 1S57 ; besides various sermons in magazines. Address 140 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Sabin, Bost. Ath. Cat., P. John Burrage. Private teacher, Buzzard's Bay, Mass. a few months; lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. -1843; Charlestown, Mass. 1843; member Mass. house of representatives. Born Leominster, Mass., Oct. 30, 1800; died Charlestown, r> P Mass., Aug. 24, 1843. William Burrough. In business, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 13, 1799; died Providence, Feb. 3, 1867. Nee. 1867 Cornelius Sowle Cartee, A.M.; M. D. Harvard university 1845. Student, Harvard medical school; teacher, private school Providence, R. I. ; principal school for young ladies, Providence 1S29-37 ; physician, Peoria, 111.; principal school for young ladies, Doylestown, Penn. five years; Charlestown, Mass. 1844-57; master Harvard grammar school 1S57-72 ; librarian Charlestown branch, Boston public library 1872-85. Author Elements of physical and political geography ; Questions adapted to text of the New Testament; School atlas of physical geography; Geographical question book, 1832-4. Born Providence, R. I., July 28, 1S06; died Charlestown, Mass. Dec. 23, 1885. Nee. 1886 Lucius Watson Clarke. Congregational clergyman. From Brookfield, Mass.; died Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 2, 1S54. Nee. 1854 Ira Cleaveland, A. M. Teacher academy, Milford, Mass.; admitted to bar 1829; lawyer, Dedham. Mass. 1S29-40; secretary, president, Norfolk mutual fire insurance company 1840-89. Born Hopkinton, Mass., Feb. 1, 1S02 ; died Dedham, Mass., Dec 21, 1SS9. Nee. 1S90 Lewis Wade Clifford, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1S45. From Piovi- dence, R. I.; died Hartford, Conn. Nee. 1S54 Sands Grant Cole. From North Stonington, Conn. Horatio Leonard Danforth. Lawyer, Taunton, Mass.; county treasurer 1829-41; resident, III. 1S42-44; high sheriff Bristol CO., Mass. 1844-51. Born Taunton, Mass., 1800; died Taunton. July 21, 1859. Nee. 1859 David Woodward Fiske. Principal Framingham academy 1825-26; lawyer, Wrentham, Mass. 1831-36; merchant, Detroit, Mich. 1S36-55 ; Greenfield, Mich. 1855-71; alderman Detroit. Born Sturbridge, Mass., Nov. 2, 1S01 ; died De- troit, Mich., July 12, 1871. Nee. 1872 92 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1825 George Fiske. Theological student, Cambridge, Mass. 1825-26; in business, Lowell, Mass. 1826-30; teacher, Oswego, N. Y. 1830-32; ordained Episcopal 1832; pastor, Oriskanj, N. Y. and Rome, N. Y. 1832-37; home missionary, Richmond, Ind. 1837-44; pastor St. Paul's church, Richmond 1844-55; farmer and preacher, Richmond 1S55-60. Born Lincoln, Mass., 1S04; died Rich- mond, Ind. Feb. 24, i860. Nee. 1862 Thomas Jefferson Forbes. From Bangor, Me. ; died 1837. Henry Bradford Goodwin, A. M. Graduated Alexandria, Va., theological seminary; Episcopal clergyman, Va. ; Clarke co., Md. Author various papers on the people north and south. Born Norton, Mass., 1802; died Norton, June 2, 1859. Nee. 1859 Joseph Greene, A. M. From Barnstable, Mass. William White Hall. Graduated Newton theological institution 1829; or- dained Baptist 1831; pastor, North Marshfield, Edgartown, Mass. 1836-40; . preacher, Milford, N. H. ; Kennebunk, Me.; Barre, Mass.; Pittsburg, Penn. ; Gloucester, East Haverhill, Hardwick, Mass.; Peterboro, Hillsboro, N. H. ; Heath, Rowe, Mass. ; missionary, N. H. ; Mass.; Kansas. Born Methuen, Mass. ; died Patchogue, L. I., Nov. 28, 18S4. Newt. Jubal Harrington. From Shrewsbury, Mass. Charles Colesworth Pinckney Hastings, A. M. Lawyer. From Mendon, Mass.; died Mendon, Sept. 25, 1848. Nee. 1849 William Taber Hawes. From Fairhaven, Mass.; died 1858. John Brown Herreshoff, A. M. Admitted to R. I. bar, but did not practice. Resident, Providence, R. I. -1850?; Bristol, R. I. i85o?-6i. Born Providence, R. I., 1805; died Bristol, R. I.June 11, 1861. Nee. 1861 Solon* Hill. From Medwny, Mass. Asa Hixon. Graduated Auburn, N. Y., theological seminary; ordained Congregational 1829; pastor Oakham, Mass. 1829-32; resident, West Medway, Mass. 1832-45, '57 62; Franklin, Mass. 1845-57. Born Medway, Mass., March 6, 1800; died West Medway, Nov. 16, 1862. Nee. 1862 Jerathmel Bowers Jenckes. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1848. Nathaniel Emmons Johnson. Congregational clergyman. From Killingly, Conn.; died Richmond, Va., Jan. 15, 1847. Nee. 1847 George Gordon King. Admitted to bar 1827; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1827; Newport 1S27-70; member R. I. house of representatives 1833-46, '48-49, and afterwards; speaker 1846; travelled abroad 1846-48; member U. S. house of representatives 1849-53; president Redwood library association 1844-46, '59-70. Born Newport, R. I., June 2, 1807; died Newport, July 17, 187 1. R. I. eye, Redwood, Nee. 1871 Theodore Leonard Lincoln. Admitted to bar 182S; lawyer, Taunton, Mass.; farmer, North Taunton, Mass.; justice of peace. Born Taunton, Mass., March 13, 1801 ; died North Taunton, Mass., July 14, 1887. Nee. 1888 Charles Fenner Manchester; M. D. Harvard university 1S28. Physician, Pawtucket, R. I. 182S-33, '41-78; New York, N. Y. two years; Providence, R. I. -1841; one of the founders American institute of homoeopathy. Born John- ston, R. I., Feb. 7, 1805; died Pawtucket, R. I., April 5, 1S7S. Nee. 187S Hugh Montgomery. Teacher, Cheraw, S. C. 1825-26; lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. ; South Boston, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives several years. Born Middleboro, Mas*., March 23, 1802; died Boston, Mass., March 13, 1883. Nee. 1SS3 George Washington Patten. Graduated U. S. military academy, West Point 1830; U. S. military service 1830-64; lieutenant 1S30; captain 1846 ; major 1825 GRADUATES 93 1861 ; lieutenant-colonel 1862; retired 1S64. Author Seminole's reply ; Joys that we've tasted ; Episode of the Mexican war ; Army manual, 1S63; Infantry tactics, bayonet drill, and small sword exercise, 1861 ; Artillery drill, 1861 ; Cavalry drill and sabre exercise, 1S63; Voices of the border, 1867; editor Gen. P. St. G. Cooke's Cavalry tactics, 1863. Born Newport, R. I., Dec. 25, 1808; died Houlton, Me., April 28, 1882. B. U. civ. war, Cvc. Am. biog., Nee. 1882 Onslow Peters. Judge 111. circuit court. From Westboro, Mass.; died 1856. Samuel Plaisted ; A. M. Waterville college 182S; M. D. Bowdoin college 182S. Physician, Waterville Me. Born Gardiner, Me., Nov. 24, 1S01 ; died Water- ville, Me., April 14, i860. Colby, Bowd. Horatio Pratt. Lawyer, Mansfield, Mass. 1828-29; Taunton, Mass. 1S29-72 ; district attorney ; member Mass. senate two terms; president Taunton common council. Born Mansfield, Mass., June 5, 1S05; died Taunton, Mass., May 24, 1872. Nee. 1872 William Pratt. From Shrewsbury, Mass.; died 1S39. Joseph Henry Price, A. M. ; D. D. Columbia college 1847. Ordained Epis- copal 1S30; pastor St. James's church, Amesbury, Mass. ; assistant pastor St. Thomas's church, New York, N. Y. ; pastor St. Paul's church, Albany, N. Y. 1833-37; St. Stephen's church, New York, N: Y. 1837-75; president diocesan convention 1861 ; delegate, general convention 1863; president diocesan mis- sionary committee ; chairman standing committee; trustee Episcopal general theological seminary ; vice president Bible and common prayer-book society; Tract society; member executive committee Church book society. Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 26, 1799; died New York, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1S87. Nee. 1888 James Beal Prince, A. M. From Providence, R. I.; died [S31. Robert Rhodes. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; Warwick, R. I. Born Warwick, R. I. 1S13; died Pawtuxet, R. I., Nov. 10, i860. Nee. 1861 Jared Dewing Richmond. From Ashford, Conn.; died Dec. 1SS1. P. Christopher Robinson. Preceptor old Kent academy, East Greenwich, R. I. ; admitted to bar 1833; lawyer, Woonsocket, R. I. 183389; attorney general R. I. 1854-55; member U. S. house of representatives 1859-61 ; U. S. minister to Peru and envoy to negotiate treaties in settlement of difficulties between Peru and the U. S. 1861-65. Born Providence, R. I., May 15, 1806; died Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 3, 1S89. Cong, direct., Nee. 1890 David Sanford, A. M. Student, Andover theological seminary two years; or- dained Congregational 182S; pastor, Newmarket, N. H. 1S2S-30; Dorchester, Mass. 1830-38; Medway, Mass. 1S38-75. Born Medway, Mass., Aug. 28, 1S01 ; died Medway, Dec. 17, 1875. And., Nee. 1876 Barnas Sears, A.M. ; Madison university ; D. D. Harvard university 1841 ; LL. D. Yale college 1862. Graduated Newton theological institution 182S; ordained Baptist 1827; pastor First church, Hartford, Conn. 1S27-29; professor Languages, Hamilton theological institution 1S29-36; resident licentiate, Andover theological seminary 1830; student of theology, Germany, 1S33-35; professor Christian theology and president, Newton theological institution 1836-4S; secretary and general agent Mass. board of education 1S48-55; presi- dent and professor Moral philosophy, Brown university 1855-67 ; general agent Peabody education fund, Staunton, Va., 1867-80; fellow Brown university 1841-51 ; American academy of arts and sciences; corresponding member Mass. historical society. Author Nohden's German grammar, edited, 1S42 ; The Ciceronian ; or Prussian mode of instruction in Latin, 1S44; Select treatises of Martin Luther, in the original German, edited 1846; Life of Martin Luther, 94 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1825 1850; i-epublished in England as Luther : his mental and spiritual history, 1S50; Annual reports of the Mass. board of education, 1848-35 ; Roget's Thesaurus, edited, 1854; Discourse at centennal celebration of Brown university, 1S64; also several articles in Appleton's American cyclopaedia, Bibliotheca sacra, and reviews; joint author Essays on classical literature; editor Christian review. Born Sandisfield, Mass., Nov. 19, 1802; died Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Julv 6, iSSo. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Newt., And., Harv., Alli- bone, Am. cat., Mass. hist, soc., Nee. 1881. Thomas Snow. From North Bridgewater, Mass. William Stillman Stanley, M. D. 1828. Physician, Mansfield, Mass. two years; Marmaroneck, N. Y. 1829-76. Born Attleboro, Mass., Jan. 17, 1803; died Wrentham, Mass., July 11, 1884. Nee. 1SS5 Moses George Thomas, A. M. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1828; or- dained Unitarian 1829; pastor, Concord, N. H. 1839-45; South Boston, Mass. 1845-48; New Bedford, Mass. 1848-71; resident, Atlanta, Mo. 1S71-73 ; Boston, Mass. 1S73-74; Concord, N. H. 1874-80. Born Sterling, Mass., Jan. 19, 1805; died Concord, N. H., Sept. 18, 1S80. Nee. 1881 Benjamin Clifford Wade, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1829; ordained Baptist 1829; pastor, Woburn, Mass. 1829-34. From Provi- dence, R. I.; died Hartford, Conn., July 12, 1S57. Nee. 1857, Newt. Samuel Watson. Lawyer, Nashville, Tenn. ; manufacturer of gunpowder, Sycamore, Tenn.; member Tenn. house of representatives one term ; Tenn. state board of education; trustee Nashville university; Peabody education fund 1869-76. Born Barrington, R. I., July 16, 1807 ; died Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 26, 1876. Nee. 1S78 Samuel Tyler Wilder. From Attleboro, Mass. ; died 1S37. Sydney Williams. Admitted to bar 1828 ; lawyer and insurance agent, Taun- ton, Mass. 182862; one of the founders first savings bank, Taunton ; secretary and treasurer; member school board 20 years; trustee Bristol academy; presi- dent Union mutual insurance company, Providence, R. I. 1S62-80. Born Taun- ton, Mass., Feb. 12, 1803; died Boston, Mass., July 14, 1880. Nee. 1881 Benjamin Willis. From Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1833. 1 *47 l826 Jonathan Aldrich, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1829; or- dained Baptist 182S; pastor, West Dedham, Mass. 1S28-30; Beverly, Mass.; East Cambridge, Mass. ; Worcester, Mass.; Newburyport, Mass.; Baltimore, Md.; Framingham, Mass.; Middleboro, Mass. -1853; district secretary Ameri- can Baptist missionary union 1S53-62. Born St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 14, 1799; died Worcester, Mass., Jan. 17, 1862. Nee. 1S62, Bapt. eneve, Newt. Cyrus William Allen. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1829; agent American tract society, 111. and Mo. 1830-33; ordained Presbyterian 1833; pas- tor, Potosi, Mo. 1833-34; Congregational church, Norton, Mass. 1S35-42 ; Pel- ham, N. H. 1843-47; Coleraine, Mass. 1849-52; Hubbardston, Mass. 1852-60; Eastjaffrey, N. H. 1863-70; Hanover, Mass. 1871-7S; resident, WestRoxbury, Mass. 1879-82. Born Taunton, Mass., Oct. 28, 1806; died West Roxbury, Mass., April 11, 1882. And., Nee. 1882 Nathan Ball, A. M. From Warwick, Mass. 1826 GRADUATES 95 Jason Babcock Blackington, A. M. Lawyer, Holder), Mass.; teacher, O. ; principal academy, Bowling Green, Ky. ; Tenn.; O ; farmer, Marietta, O. Born Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 24, 179S; died Marietta, O., Oct. 1871. Nee. 1S74 Zenas Bliss, A. M. Calico printer, Johnston, R. I. iS26?-50?; broker and manufacturing agent, Philadelphia, Penn. i850?-5S; resident, Johnston 185S- 62. Born Rehoboth, Mass., June 11, 1806; died Johnston, R. I., May 24, 1862. Nee. 1862 George Burgess, A. M. ; D. D. 1846; A. M. Trinity college 1845; D. D. Union college 1846. Law student 1S26-29; tutor, Brown university 1829-31; studied abroad 1831-34; ordained Episcopal 1834; pastor Christ church, Hartford, Conn. 1S34-47; bishop of Me. 1847-66. Author Book of Psalms, translated into Eng- lish verse ; Strife of brothers, 1844; Pages from the ecclesiastical history of Neiv England betiveeti 1740 and 1840 ; The last enemy conquering and con- quered, 1850; Sermons on the Christian life, 1854. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 31, 1S09; died at sea near Hayti, April 22, 1866. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1877 John Daggett, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S29; lawyer, East Attleboro, Mass. 1830-85, except 1833-34; member Mass. house of representatives 1836-39, 1866; Mass. senate 1850; register of probate Bristol co., Mass. 1852-62; member Attleboro school committee 15 years; chairman; constituent member Old Colony historical society 1854-85 ; president 1S56-85 ; member N. E. genealogi- cal society; president trustees Richardson school fund over 40 years. Author Sketch of the history of Attleborough, 1S34; same, edited and completed by his daughter, 1S94; also various poems and addresses; editor Parris's remains, 1829; Patriot, Dedham, Mass., 1S33-34. Born Attleboro, Mass., Feb. 10, 1805; died Attleboro, Mass., Dec. 13, 1885. Biog. in Hist. Attleb., Nee. 18S6 Walter William Dalton, A. M. From Bristol, R. I. Benjamin Randall Dean, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S29; lawyer, Taunton, Mass. Born Taunton, Mass. Oct. 29, 1S06; died Taunton, March 17, 1S63. Nee. 1863 Francis Deane. From Fitchburg, Mass. Abner Turner Ellis, 1S27. From Charlton, Mass. Gilbert Fay. From Westboro, Mass.; died 1835. John Appleton Fayerweather, A. M. Town officer Worcester, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives; president National bank, Worcester; Worces- ter mutual fire insurance company. Address, 39 South St., Worcester, Mass. P. Calvin Park Fiske, M. D. Harvard university 1829. From Sturbridge, Mass.; died 1874. Harv. Isaiah Lewis Green, A. M. From Barnstable, Mass. ; died 1829. Eleazar Carter Hutchinson, A. M. Student, Princeton theological seminary 1827-28; ordained Presbyterian 1829; preacher, Leesburg, Va. 1830; Shep- herdstown, Va. 1831-32; pastor Second church, Alexandria, Va. 1833-35; Petei>burg, Va. 1S35-40; ordained Episcopal 1S40; president Kemper col- lege, Mo. 1841-45; pastor St. George's church, St. Louis, Mo. 1845-51 ; Trinity church, .St. Louis 1855-59. Born Hebron, Conn., Dec. 25, 1S04; died Sara- toga Springs, N. Y., July 27, 1876. Princ. John Kingsbury, A. M. ; LL. D. 1856. Associate principal private school, Providence, R. I. 1826-2S; principal Young ladies' high school, Providence 1828-58; commissioner public schools, R. I. 1S5S-59; president Washington insurance company 1859-7^.; councillor American institute of instruction 1S30- 37; vice president 1S37-55 ; president 1S55-57; R. I. institute of instruction 9 6 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1826 1845-56; trustee Brown university 1844-53; fellow 1853-74; secretary corpora- tion 1853-74; corporate member American board of commissioners for for- eign missions; trustee Butler hospital for the insane. Born South Coventry, Conn., May 26, 1801 ; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 21, 1874. R. I. eye, Nee. 1875 Henry Fiske Leonard. From Sturbridge, Mass. ; died 1831. Qeorge Washington Messenger. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died 1828. Edwards Amasa Park, D. D. 1846; Harvard university 1844; LL. D. 1886. Graduated Andover theological seminary 183 1 ; ordained Congregational 1831; pastor First church, Braintree, Mass. 1831-33; professor Mental and moral philosophy and Hebrew literature, Amherst college 1835-36; professor Sacred rhetoric, Andover theological seminary 1836-47 ; Christian theology 1847-81 ; emeritus 1S81-; member Mass. historical society: Mass. genealogical society; Victoria institute, England; fellow Brown university 1863- ; trustee Smith col- lege; president trustees Abbot academy 36 years; corporate member American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Author Sermon at the interment of Rev. Charles B. Storrs, who died Sept. is, I&33-, J 833; Duties of a theo- logian, 1839; Selections from German literature, in conjunction with B. B. Edwards, 1839; Memoir of William Bradford Homer, 1842; Discourse before Mass. pastoral association of Congregational ministers, May 28, 1844, 1844 ; Preacher and pastor, 1845; Discourse before Mass. co?ivention of Congrega- tional tniuisters on theology of the intellect and of the feelings, 1850; Utility of collegiate and professional schools, May 29, 1830, 1851 ; Indebtedness of the state to the clergy, Jan. 2, 1851, 185 1 ; Remarks on an article in the Biblical reper- tory and Princeton review concerning a recent discourse, 185 1 ; Unity and diversity of belief 185 1 ; Life and services of Prof. B. B. Edwards, June 23, 1851, 1852; Discourse at the funeral of Prof . Moses Stuart, 1852; New Eng- land theology, 1852 ; Memoir of Prof. B. B. Edwards, 1853 ; Memoir of life and character of Rev. Samuel Hopkins-, 1854; Addresses of Rev. Drs. Park, Post and Bacon at the anniversary of the American Congregational union, May 1834, 1854; Revelation of God ; a sermon at the installation of Rev. J. M. Manning, March 11, 1857, 1857; 77ie sabbath hymn book, in conjunction with L.Mason and A. Phelps, 1858; Selected discourses and treatises on the atonement, 1859; Text of hymns in Hymns and choirs, i860 ; Memoir of Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, 1861 ; Discourse commemorative of Rev . Joseph S. Clark, D. D. 1861 ; Discourse at ordination of Rev. Walter S. Alexander, on the imprecatory Psalms viewed in the light of the Southern rebellion, 1862 ; Theological education, 1865 ; Essay on the life atid character of Dr. Samuel H. Taylor, 1871 ; Discourse at the funeral of Rev. Richard S. Storrs, of Braintree, Mass., 1874; Essay on the history of Laura D. Bridgman, the blind and deaf mute, 1878; Discourse at funeral of Rev. Samuel C. Jackson, 1878; Essay commemorative of Leonard Woods, LL. D., president of Bowdoin college, 1880; Associate creed of Andover theological seminary, 1883; Discourses on some theological doctrines, as related to religious character, 1885 ; Essay on the character of William G. Schauffler, missionary at Constantinople, 1887; also articles in Bibliotheca sacra; American quarterly register ; Spirit of the Pilgrims ; American quar- terly observer; American Biblical repository ; Congregational quarterly; Christian review; and in various cyclopedias, theological and ecclesiastical dictionaries and histories; editor Bibliotheca sacra, 1844-84,40 vols. Address, Theological seminary, Andover, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., And., Harv., Sabin, Allibone, Amherst, Hist. Essex co., P. George Bacheler Peck, A. M. Admitted to bar 1830; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1830-36; in business, Providence 1836-38; connected with Baptist mission 1826 GRADUATES 97 rooms, Boston, Mass. 183S-44; coal and wood merchant, Providence 1844-80; member Providence common council 1S44-46; school committee 15 years; R. I. house of representatives 1S59-60, '64-65 ; trustee R.I. Bible society. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 6, 1807; died Providence, Feb. 17, 18S2. Nee. 1882 William Phillips, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1S27; pastor Third church. Provi- dence, R.I. 1S28-36; Firstchurch, Charlestown, Mass. 1S36-42 ; preacher, Wans- kuck, R. I. ; Fruit Hill, R. I. five years ; Lonsdale, R. I. eight years ; East Provi- dence, R. I.; president Female seminary, Charlestown, Mass. 1S36-?; travelled in Europe and the East 1858 ; trustee Brown university 1836-79. Born Prov- incetown, Mass., Aug. 24, 1S01 ; died Providence, R. I., May 30, 1S79. R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1879 Henry White Thayer, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1831. Physician, Providence, R. I. ; New York, N. Y. Born Providence, R. I. ; died New York, N. Y., May 20, 1857. Nee. 1857 Charles Jarvis Warren. Ordained Congregational 1828; pastor, West Attle- boro, Mass. 1828-30; Plymouth, Mass. ; First church, Weymouth, Mass. 1S33- 34; principal classical school, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; associate pastor, Brooklyn, 1835; pastor, Canterbury, Conn. 1837-40; agent American temperance union, New York, N. Y. ; general agent N. Y. temperance alliance. Born Boston, Mass. 1797?: died New York, N. Y. 18S3. Nee. 1883 Lewis Washburn; M. D. Bowdoin college 1S33. Physician, Bridgewater, Mass. 1833-34. From Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1834. Bowd. Henry Williams. Admitted to bar 1829; lawyer, Taunton, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1833; Mass. senate 1835-36; U. S. house of rep- resentatives 1839-41, 1S43-45; register of probate Bristol co., Mass. 1851-53; member Mass. constitutional convention 1853; president Taunton iron works company 1854-59; trustee Bristol academy 1856-84; president board of trus- tees. Born Taunton, Mass., Nov. 30, 1805 ; died Taunton, May 8, 18S7. Cong, direct., Nee. 18S7 Nathan Willis. From Pittsfield, Mass. ; died 183S. Thomas Wilson, A. M. Born Providence, R. I., 1S05 ; died Providence, June 20, i860. Nee. i860. 2 *26 1827 Peter Child Bacon, LL. D. 185S. Admitted to bar 1830; lawyer, Dudley, Mass.; Oxford, Mass. 12 years; Worcester, Mass. 1844-S6; member Mass. house of representatives 184S; mayor Worcester 1851-52; register in bank- ruptcy 1867-78; director Worcester public library six years; president two years. Born Dudley, Mass., Nov. 11, 1S04; died Worcester, Mass., Feb. 7, 1S86. Nee. 1886 James Bishop. Student, Newton theological ins'itution 1832-34; Baptist clergyman, Watertown, Mass.; farmer, Pawtucket, R. I. Born Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 19, 1790; died Pawtucket, Aug. 23, 1SS0. Newt., Nee. 1885 Simeon Burt Carpenter; M. D. Harvard university 1S30. From Freetown, Mass. ; died 1*43. Henry Mellen Chamberlain. From Hopkinton, Mass.; died 1S76. John Henry Clifford, A. M. ; LL. D. 1849; Harvard university 1853; Amherst college 1S53. Law\er, New Bedford, Mass.; member Mass. house of repre- sentatives; Mass. senate 1S45, '62; district attorney 1849; attorney general 1849-53, '54-58; governor Mass. 1853; president Boston and Providence 98 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1827 railroad 1867; overseer Harvard university 1854-59, '65-68, '68-74; president board of overseers 186S-74; presidential elector 1868; trustee Peabody educa- tion fund; member U. S. commission relating to fisheries. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Jan. 16, 1809; died New Bedford, Mass.. Jan. 2, 1S76. Nee. 1876 Thomas Jefferson Coggeshall. In business, Bristol, R. I.; Taunton, Mass.; Wareham, Mass.; Providence, R. I. Born Bristol, R. I., Jan. 12, 1S04; died Bristol. Jan. 20, 18S5. Nee. 1S86 Zaccheus Colburn ; M. D. Bowdoin college 1829. Physician, Nashua, N. H. 1829-31; Hudson, N. H. 1S31-38; Manchester, N. H. 183S-52; North San Juan, Cal. 1S52-59; farmer, Manchester, N. H. 1859-64. Born West Notting- ham, now Windsor, N. H., Jan. 6, 1801 ; died Manchester, N. H., Nov. 21, 1864. Nee. 1S65 Harrison Gray Otis Colby; A. M. Lawyer; justice Mass. court of common pleas. Died New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 22, 1S53. Nee. 1853 William Mason Cornell; A. M. Columbian college 1843; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1844; LL. D. Western university 1S63; D. D.Jefferson college 1S65. Ordained Congregational 1830; pastor, Woodstock, Conn. 1832-34; Quincy, M;iss. i834?-39; physician, Boston, Mass. 1844?-; editor Journal of health 1846-48; Pastor and people ," Union monthly and journal of health 1863-65; Guardian of health 1S68-69; professor Anatomy and physi- ology, Western university. Author Grammar of the English language ; Sab- bath made for man ' Consumption forestalled and prevented, 1S46; Practical observations on inhalation of vapors and poxvders i/P diseases of the lungs, 1S50; Introductory lecture, Female medical college, 1852 ; Observations on epilepsy^ 1S54; Ship and shore physician and surgeon. 1865; The beacon, a wamijig to young and old, 1S65 ; Robert Iiaikes, 1S60; Life of Horace Greeley, 1872; Charles Sumner, memoir and eulogies, edited, 1874; Handy home-book of re- ceipts, 1S75; History of Penn., 1876; also numerous articles in periodicals. Address, 135 West Concord St., Boston, Mass. Surg. -gen. cat., Allibone, Am. cat., Cyc. Am. biog. Charles Gilman. Died 1849. Justin Hammond; M. D. Harvard university 1830. Physician, East Killingly, Conn. 1S30-51; Dayville, Conn. 1851-73; member Conn, legislature. Born Hampton, Conn., March 2, 1804; died Killingly, Conn., July 5, 1873. Nee. 1874 Thomas Robinson Hunter, A. M. Naval agent, Brazil station 1833-44; attache American legation, Paris 1S49; member R.I. general assembly; first mayor Newport, R. I. 1853; vestryman Trinity church, Newport. Born New- port. R. I., Aug. 21, 1S09; died Newport, Sept. 10, 1890. Nee. 1S91 Williams Latham. Lawyer, Bridgewater, Mass. 1830-73; town auditor; mem- ber Mass. historical society; N. E. historic genealogical society; secretary and trustee Plymouth county agricultural society ; member Stoughton musical society. Born East Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 4, 1S03; died Bridgewater, Nov. 6, 18S3. Nee. 1S84 Peter Raynard Minard. Episcopal clergyman. From Ashford, Conn. ; died St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 27, 1846. Nee. 1847 Isaiah Moody. From NorLhfield, Mass.; died 1828. John Mosely Moriarty, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1831. Physician, Glouces er, Mass. 1833-40; Brooklyn, N. Y. 1840-4S; port physician and super- intendent city institutions, T>ter Island, BosLon, Mass. 1S48-63. Born Salem, Mass., Oct. 14, 1807; died East Boston, Mass. Oct. 20, 1865. Nee. 1S66 1827 GRADUATES 99 Sylvanus Morse. Principal Merrimac academy, Bradford, Mass. 1827-46; Family school for select pupils, West Boylston, Mass. 1S46-53; resident, Middleboro, Mass. 1S53-71. Born West Boylston, Mass., Jan. 30, 179S; died Middleboro, Mass., March 31, 1871. Nee. 1871 Royal Paine. Clerk, New York, N. Y. two years; engaged in survey and construction Western railroad of Mass., from Boston to Albany; Michigan southern railroad; in construction N. Y. and Erie railroad: deputy collector internal revenue, New York, N. Y. Born Providence, R. I., July 2, 1S06; died Windham, Conn., Dec. 17, 1S91. Nee. 1892 Frederic Parker. Merchant, New Bedford, Mass. 1S27-47; resident, New York, N. Y. 1847-51; New Bedfoid 1S51-61. Born New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 20, 1S06; died New Bedford, Oct. 21, 1S61. Nee. 1862 Joseph Flavius Phillips. Admitted to bar 1S30; ordained Episcopal 1S33; pastor Islip, L. I.; North Ilampstead, Vt. ; Catskill, N. Y. ; Middlebury, Vt. ; Spottswood, N. J.; Niles, Mich. 1S5S-66. Born Belfast, Me., 1S03 ; died Niles, Mich., Jan. 30, 1S66. Nee. 1S66 John Pratt, A. M.; D. D. Denison university 1S7S. Tutor Languages, Tran- sylvania university, Ky. 1S2S-29; ordained Baptist 1S30; pastor First church, New Haven, Conn. 1830-31 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1S31; principal academy, South Reading. Mass. 1S30-31 ; president Gianville literary and theological institution, now Denison university 1S31-37; professor Theology 1S35-37; Latin and Greek languages 1837-59; farmer, Granville, O. 1859-S2. Born Thompson, Conn., Oct. 12, 1800; died Gianville, O., Jan. 4, 1SS2. Bapt. encyc, Newt.. Den , Nee. 1SS2 Israel Putnam; M. D. Bowdoin college 1S30. Physician, Wales, Me. 1830-35; Bath, Me. 1835-76; surgeon marine hospital; chairman town council Bath; mayor Bath 1S59-67, '68-69. Born Sutton, Mass., Dec. 25, 1S05 ; died Bath, Me., June 30, 1S76. Nee. 1S77 Elam Smalley, D. D. 1S49. Baptist clergyman, Franklin, Mass.; Worcester, Mass.; Troy, N. Y. From Dartmouth, Mass.; born 1S06; died Troy, N. Y., July 30, 1S5S. Nee. 1S58 William Hervey Spear. From Bellingham, Mass.; died 1873. James William Thompson, D. D. 1S49. Teacher, 1S27-28; graduated Harvard divinity school 1S31 ; ordained Congregational 1831; pastor South society, Natick, Mass. 1S31-32; Barton square church, Salem, Mass. 1S32-59; First society, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1859-81. Author occasional articles in Monthly religious magazine. Born Barre, Me., Dec. 13, 1S05 ; died Isles of Shoals, Me., Sept. 22, 188 1. Harv., Nee. 1SS1 Ebenezer Thresher; LL. D. Denison university 1S75. Ordained Baptist 1S2S; pastor, Portland, Me. 1S2S-30; secretary Northern Baptist education society, Boston, Mass. 1S30-45 ; treasurer Newton theological institution 1S43-45; manufacturer railroad cars, Dayton, O. 1S45-5S; manufacturer varnish, Dayton 1858-73; trustee Brown university 1842-50; Denison university 1S57-S6. Editor Baptist magazine, 1831-32 \Watchman, 1834-36. Born Stafford, Conn., Aug. 31, 179S; died Dayton, O., Jan. 12, 1SS6. Den., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1SS6 Charles Thurber, A. M. Preceptor academy, Milford, Mass. four years; principal Latin grammar school, Worcester, Mass. 1832-40; pistol manu- facturer, Worcester, 1S40-52 ; county commissioner four years; member Mass. senate 1S52-53; trustee Brown university 1S53-S6. Author several poems. Born East Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 2, 1S03; died Nashua, N. H., Nov. 7, 18S6. Nee. 1SS7 ioo BROWN UNIVERSITY 1827 Charles Wadsworth. From Barre, Mass. ; died 1866. Noah Warner. From Harvard, Mass. ; died 1S73. John Hull Weeden, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1S2S-31 ; admitted to bar 1832; lawyer, Pawtucket, R. I.; member R. I. general assembly several years. Born Portsmouth, R. [., Feb. 10, 1801 ; died Pawtucket, R. I., Oct. 27, 1870. Nee. 1871. 1 *29 1828 Albert Child Ainsworth, A. M. Lawyer, New Orleans, La. From Provi- dence, R. I.; died New Orleans, La., May 5, 1S51. Nee. 1851 Lucius Stillman Bolles, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1831. Ordained Baptist 1833; pastor, Lynn, Mass. 1S33-36; graduated Newton theological institution 1834. Born Salem, Mass. July 6, 1S08; died Boston, Mass., July 24, 1837. Newt., Sprague Annals 6 Milton Bradford ; M. D. Harvard university 1S31. Physician, Woodstock, Conn. 1831-78; member Conn, legislature 1861-62. Born Woodstock, Conn., Jan. 12, 1808; died West Woodstock, Oct. 1, 1878. Nee. 1879 Daniel Crane Burt. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1832 ; ordained Congregational 1835: home missionary, N. H. six months ; pastor First church, Acushnet, New Bedford, Mass. 1833-57; resident, Berkley, Mass. 1857-65; Fairhaven, Mass. 1865-71; New Bedford, Mass. 1871-94; clerk North church, New Bedford 11 years. Born Berkley, Mass., March 31, 1808; died New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 25, 1S94. And., Nee. 1894 Benjamin Crane. Private tutor, Va. ; teacher, Berkley, Mass. ; town officer Berkley; member Mass. house of representatives two terms. Born Berkley, Mass., Sept. 1804; died Beikley, Nov. 12, 1S61. Nee. 1862 Gamaliel Lyman Dwight, A. M. Lawyer. From Providence, R. I.; died Providence, March 15, 1S54. Nee. 1854 Henry Francis Edes, A. M. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1831 ; or- dained Unitarian 1831; pastor, Canton, Mass. 1831-34; Nantucket, Mass. 1834-42; principal classical school, Plymouth, Mass. 1842-46; pastor, Woburn, Mass. ; Eastport, Me.; Sturbiidge, Mass. ; Barnstable, Mass. ; teacher of f reed- men, Atlanta, Ga. a short time after Civil war; residence, Mattapan, Boston, Mass. 1875-S1. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 8, 1808; died New York, N. Y., March 13, 1SS1. Nee. 1S81 Francis Whitefield Emmons, A. M.; M. D. N. Y. medical college 1S55. Or- dained Baptist; pastor, Eastport, Me.; teacher, Killingworth, Conn.; New Lisbon, O. ; Wellsburg,W.Va. ; farmer, Sturbridge, Mass. 1842-81 ; in England, 1850; member Mass. house of representatives 1S48-49. Born Clarendon, Vt., Feb. 24, 1802; died Worcester, Mass., Sept. 26, 1881. Nee. 1882 Maturin Lewis Fisher. Admitted to bar 1831; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. ; postmaster, Worcester 1839-50; farmer, Davenport, la. 1850-?; Farmersburg, la. -1879; member la. senate 1852-54?; president 1853-54; superintendent public instruction la. 1859; member board of regents la. university; commis- sioner insane asylum, Mt. Pleasant, la. 1860-72 ; commissioner to build insane hospital, Independence, la. 1868; chairman board of trustees 1870; commis- sioner for erection of new capitol, Des Moines, la. Born Danville, Vt., April 3, 1807; died Farmersburg, la., Feb. 5, 1879. Nee. 1879 1828 GRADUATES 101 Lafayette Sabine Foster, LL. D. 1851. Teacher, Providence, R. I. ; principal academy, Queen Anne co., Md. 1S29-30; admitted to bar 1831; lawyer, Nor- wich, Conn. 1831-33, '35-S0; Hampton, Conn. 1S33-35; member Conn, house of representatives 1839-41, '46-4S, '54-55, '70; speaker three terms; mayor Norwich 1S51-53 ; member U. S. senate 1855-67 ; president pro tempore 1865-67 ; appointed professor Law, Yale college 1S69, but declined; justice Conn, supreme court 1870-76; commissioner from Conn, to settle boundary with N. Y. 187S-79; one of three commissioners to negotiate with N. Y. for purchase of Fisher's Island; member commission on simpler procedure for the state courts 1S7S; vice president American Bible society. Born Franklin, Conn., Nov. 22, t8o6; died Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19, 1SS0. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct.. Nee. 1SS1 Daniel Mason Hale, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S33. Physician, Bloomfield, N. Y. 11 years; Brooklyn, Conn, nine years; West Bloomfield, N. Y. Born Swansea, Mass., April 17,1808; died West Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1S82. Nee. 1S83 Charles Frederick Herreshoff. Farmer and shipbuilder, Bristol, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., July 26, 1S09; died Bristol, R. I.. Sept. 8, 188S. Nee. 1SS9 Francis Horton, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1S29; pastor, Dartmouth, Mass. 1829-32; West Brookfield. Mass. 1S32-41 ; West Cambridge, Mass. 1S43- 54; Barrington, R. J. 1S56-72. Born Boston, Mass., Nov. 29, 1803; died Bar- rington, R. L, March 19, 1872. Nee. 1872 Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe, A. M.; D. D. 1S49; LL. D. university of Penn. 1S76. Teacher public school, Boston, Mass. 1S29; tutor, Brown univer- sity 1831-32; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S32 ; priest 1S33; pastor St. James's church, Roxbury, Mass, 1832-35, '36-46; Christ church, Cambridge, Mass. 1836; editor Christian -witness; St. Luke's church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S46- 72 ; bishop central Penn. 1871-; secretary house of clerical and lay deputies 1850-62; deputy, general convention 1S50-72 ; trustee Brown university 1S72- 90; fellow 1S90-93. Author Discourse, Thanksgiving day, 1844-72 ; Review of the Report of the Boston public schools, 1S45 ; Bishop Heber's Poems, edited xvith critical and biographical introduction, 1S57; Oration before the Conn. Beta of the Phi Beta Kappa society, 1S52 ; Loyalty in the American republic, 1863; Letter relative to Bishop Hopkins' tract, 1S63; Reply to the Letter of Bishop Hopkins, 1S64; Domestic slavery, a reply to Bishop Hopkins, 1864; Memoirs of the life and services of Bishop Alonzo Potter, 1871; Poem at bi- centenary of Bristol. R. I., 1SS2 ; Charge to clergy of diocese of central Penn., 18S6; and other occasional sermons and essays. Address, Reading, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Sabin, P. Samuel Lamson, A. M. Clergyman. From Salem, Mass.; died 1S64. Amos Lovering. Lawyer, Louisville, Ky. 1832-?; St. Joseph. Mo.; Scott co., Ind.; county attorney, Scott co. ; justice court of common pleas Ind. ten years; lawyer, Nashville, Tenn. 1S62-69; Jackson, Miss. 1869-76; justice 9th judicial district Miss.; member commission to codify the laws of Miss. ; resi- dent, Louisville, Ky. 1S76-79. Born Medway, Mass. 1S05; died Louisville, Ky., Jan. 28, 1879." Nee. 1881 Ephraim Munroe, A. M. Clergyman. From Bristol, R. I.; died 1S3S. George Augustus Rhodes. From Pawtuxet, R. I. ; died Natick, R. I.. July 3, iS5Q. Nee. 1S50 102 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1828 Joseph Thomas Robert, A. M. ; M. D. Charleston medical college 1S31; LL. D. Denison university 1S69. Student, Yale medical school 1S2S-30; physician, Rohertville, S. C 1S31-32; student, Greenville theological seminary; ordained Baptist 1834; pastor, Robertville, S. C. 1S34-39; Covington, Ky. 1839-42; Lebanon, O. 1S42-46; First church, Savannah, Ga. 1846-50; Portsmouth, O. ; Zanesville, O. ; professor, Burlington university 185863, '69; president 1S69- 71; principal Atlanta Baptist seminary 1871-84. Born Robertville, S. C, Nov. 2S, 1S07 ; died Atlanta, Ga., March 5, 1SS4. Cyc. Am. biog.,Bapt. encyc, Nee. 18S4 Joseph Roby, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1831. Physician, Boston, Mass.; professor Anatomy and surgery, Bowdoin college 1838-42; Theory and practice of medicine and pathological anatomy, Dartmouth college 1S41-49; Anatomy and physiology, University of Maryland [S49-59; emeritus 1859-60; fellow American academy. See sketch by E. F. Cordell in Maryland medical journal, 1SS8-S9. Born Boston, Mass., 1807; died Baltimore, Md., June 3, 1S60. Nee. i860 James C Roy. From King and Queen co., Va.; died 1S64. Archar Benjamin Smith. Graduated Newton theological institution 1832; ordained Baptist 1832 ; missionary, St. Louis, Mo. 1833; pastor, Lynchburg, Va. 1834-41 ; agent general association, Va. ; pastor, Richmond, Va. ; Hanover, Va. ; Goochland Mills, Va. ; Auburn Mills, Hanover co., Va. Born George- town, S. C, May 16, 1S07 ; died Auburn Mills, Hanover co., Va., Dec. 5, 1877. Newt., Nee. 1878 Moses Daniels Southwick ; M. D. Bowdoin college 1S31. Physician, Well- fleet, Mass. three years; Millville, Mass.; president Worcester co. branch, Mass. medical society; member Mass. senate two years. Born Mendon, Mass., July 9, 1805 ; died Millville, Mass., June 9, 1875. Nee. 1875 Samuel West, A.M.;M. D. Harvard university 1831. Physician, New Bedford, Mass. 1831-38; Tiverton, R. I. 1838-79. Born Tiverton, R. I., Aug. 9, 1806; died Tiverton. Jan. 7, 1879. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1879 John Winthrop, A. M. Lawyer, New Orleans, La. -1854; member Gen. Tay- lor's staff, Mexican war. Born Boston, Mass. Aug. 27, 1809; died Providence, R. I., March 12, 18S6. Nee. 1886. 1 *24 l829 John Hawes Bird, A. M. From Boston, Mass.; died 1835. John Augustus Bolles, A. M. ; LL. D. 1866. Principal Preparatory depart- ment, Columbian college; admitted to bar 1833; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; Mass. secretary of state 1843-44; member Mass. board of education ; commis- sioner Boston harbor 1852; U. S. military service 1862-65, brevet colonel; solicitor and judge advocate navy department, Washington, D. C. 1865-78; brevetbrigadier general 1S66. Author Usury and usury laws ; also numerous articles in North American review; Christian review; Christian examiner ; N. E. magazine; Atlantic monthly; editor Daily journal, Boston, 1833-? Born Ashford, now Eastford, Conn., April 16, 1809; died Washington, D. C, May 25, 1878. Bapt. encyc, B. U. civ. war, Nee 1878 Benoni Carpenter; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1832. Physician, Seekonk, Mass. 1832-37; Pawtucket, R. I. 1837-62; U. S. military service 1862-67, major, surgeon, medical inspector ; resident, Pawtucket, R.I. 1867-77; member 1829 GRADUATES 103 R. I. senate 1S67-69; R. I. board of state prison inspectors 1869-77. Born Rehoboth, Mass., March 12, 1S05 ; diedPawtucket, R. I., Nov. 22, 1S77. Adj. gen., B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1878 William Blanding Carpenter. From Seekonk, Mass.; died 1S30. Samuel Coney. Lawyer, Oldtown, Me. 1832-35 ; Exeter, Me. 183540; judge of probate Penobscot co., Me. 1S40-47; state land agent, Bangor, Me. 1847-50; lawyer, Augusta, Me. 1S50-70; state treasurer, Me. 1850-55; mayor Augusta 1S54-55 ; member Me. legislature 1S62-63; governor Me. 1S63-66. Born Augusta, Me.. Feb. 27, 1S11 ; died Augusta, Oct. 5, 1S70. Nee. 1871 James Welch Cooke, A. M. Episcopal clergyman ; foreign secretary Board of missions of Episcopal church. From Providence, R, I.; died New York, N. Y., April 12, 1853. Nee. 1853 Charles Withers Crouch, A. M. Lawyer, Charleston, S. C. two years; prin- cipal All Saints academy, Georgetown, S. C. -1843; classical school, Charles- ton, S. C. 1843-57; real estate broker, Charleston 1857-76. Born Charleston, S. C June 7, 1807; died Charleston, Nov. 29, 1SS0. Ncc. 1881 Theophilus Pipon Doggett. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S33; or- dained Unitarian 1833; pastor First parish, Bridgewater, Mass. 1833-44; preceptor academy, Bridgewater, Mass. two years; pastor, Ashby, Mass. 1S47- 53; Barnstable, Mass. 1853-60; principal private school, New Bedford, Mass. i86o-6t; pastor, Pembroke, Mass. 1S61-74; resident, Arlington, Mass. 1874-75. Author Memorial of Rev. Morrill Allen. Born Taunion, Mass., Jan. 20, 1S10 ; died Arlington, Mass., May 18, 1875. Nee. 1875 William Tully Dorrance, A. M. Travelled abroad 1830-32, '40-41, '69-74; cotton manufacturer, Providence. R. I. ; treasurer Crompion manufacturing company 1848-65. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 16, 1809; died Providence, May 17, 18S0. Nee. 18S0 Elisha Dyer. Clerk, Providence. R. I. 1S29-31; commission merchant, Provi- dence 1831-35 ; cotton manufacturer 1S35-67; director Providence exchange bank 1837-39; president when it became a national bank ; director Union bank, Providence; Providence and Washington insurance company 1850; Providence and Plainfield railroad; originator Providence and Springfield railroad; direc- tor R. I. steamboat company 1851 ; Swan Point cemetery; chairman Whig convention, Baltimore, Md., May 3, 1840; adjutant general, R. I. 1840-415; delegate, Whig state convention, R. I. 1851-55; member First light infantry 1838; honorary member Newport artillery company 1858; Providence marine corps of artillery 1859; governor, R. I. 1S57-59; U. S. military service 1862; captain; member R. I. society for Ihe encouragement of domestic industrv 1835-78; secretary; president; member R. I. historical society 1S37-90; trustee 1845-4S; director Providence Athenreum ; membercorporation Butler hospital; trustee 1S56-57; director, president Young men's Bible society; president Young men's Christian association 1S57-5S; honorary member Franklin lyceum 1S5S; Providence association of mechanics and manufacturers 1S60; member R. I. horticultural society; vice president R. I. art association 1S53 ; honorary member Board of national popular education ; member Windham co., Conn., agricultural society; vice president U. S. agricultural society ; member American association of arts and sciences; vice president Lake Erie monument association; Roger Williams monument association; delegate, International agricultural exhibition, Hamburg 1S63 ; president First national musical congress, Boston, Mass. 1S69; R. I. commissioner, International exhibition, London 1871 ; honorary commissioner, Vienna exposition 1S73. Author A 104 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1829 summer's travel to find a German home, 1864; also a sketch of school-day experiences at Black Hill in Schoolmaster, R. I., 1S61. Born Providence, R. I., July 20, 1811; died Providence, May 17, 1890. R. I. eye, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1890 Albert William Fiske. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1832; ordained Congregational 1833; pastor, Alfred, Me. 1832-44; Scarboro, Me. 1844-48; Houlton, Me. 1S48; Upton, Mass. 1S49; Kittery, Me. 1850-1857; Fisherville, now Penacook, N. H. 1857-63; acting pastor, Centre Harbor, N. H. 1864; Boscawen, N. H. 1S65; Warner, N. H. 1S65; Barnstead, N. H. 1866-68; Groton, N. H. 1S69-71 ; resident, Penacook 1863-92. Author A ne-w year offering. Born Upton, Mass., Jan. 16, 1802; died Penacook, N. H., Dec. 7, 1892. Cong. yr. bk., Nee. 1893 Charles Gordon, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1832. Physician, Lowell, Mass. 1832-35; medical student, Paris 1835-36; physician, Boston, Mass. 1836- 72. Born Hingham, Mass., Nov. 17, 1809; died Boston, Mass., March 2, 1872. Nee. 1872 Stephen Prescott Hill; D.D.Madison university 1S57. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S32 ; ordained Baptist 1S32 ; pastor First church, Haverhill, Mass. 1832; First church, Baltimore, Md. 1834-51; First church, Washington, D. C. 1S51-61. Author The best plan of an international tribunal for peace ] Christian melodies] Time the price of -wisdom ] The youth's monitor] Comprehensive catechism] assistant editor The Psalmist. Born Salem, Mass., April 17, 1806; died Washington, D. C, Sept. 15, 1884. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1885 Charles Henry Holmes. Admitted to bar 1832; lawyer, Cornish, Me.; Tops- field, Mass. Born Alfred, Me., Oct. 30, 1S10; died Topsfield, Mass., July 14, 1886. Nee. 1887 Henry Adolphus Miles, A. M. ; D. D. 1850. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1832; ordained Unitarian 1832; pastor Hallowell, Me. 1S32-36; Lowell, Mass. 1S36-53; secretary American Unitarian association 1853-59; chiefly in Europe 1859-65; pastor Christ church, Longwood, Mass. 1865-71; in Europe 1871-75; pastor New North church, Hingham, Mass. 1875-83; emeritus 1S83-. Author Discourse, dedication, Union meeting house, Dresden, Me., 1S33 ; Ser- mon, following funeral of Luther Laivrence, 1839; On natural theology in schools, 1840; Genealogy of the Miles family , 1840; Fidelity to our political idea, discourse, 1843; Thanksgiving discourse, 1843; Lozvell as it -was, and as it is, 1845 ; The Gospel narratives, their origin, transmission and preservation, 1848; Grains of gold, from the -writings of C. A. Bartol, 1S54; The altar at home, 1855; Discourse on life and character of Joseph C. Smith, 1858; Sermon, 1838, at burial of Barzillai Frost, 1859; Channing's thoughts, 1S59; Address, Worcester co. agricultural society, 1866; Words of a friend, 1870; Traces of picture-writing in the Bible, 1870; Modem ideas of the birth of Jesus, 1S77; editor Quarterly journal of the American Unitarian association, 1853-57,5 vols.; contributor to N. A. review] Christian examiner. Addiess, Hingham, Mass. • Allibone, Sabin, P. John Davis Sweet. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1832; Unitarian clergyman. From Norton, Mass. ; died East Boston, Mass., Jan. 1853. Nee. 1853 Quartus Morgan Webb. From Northfield, Mass. Welcome Wilmarth. From Thompson, Conn. Isaac Deleisseline Wilson, A. M. From Society Hill, S. C ; died 1890. 1 *18 1830 GRADUATES 105 1830 Ellis Ames. Admitted to bar 1S33 ; lawyer, Stoughton, Mass. 1833-37; Can- ton, Mass. 1S37-S4; member Mass. house of representatives 1S33-36; Mass. historical society 30 years. Born Stoughton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1S09; died Can- ton, Mass., Nov. 6, 1884. Nee. 1885 George Ide Chace, A. M. ; LL. D. 1853; Ph. D. University atLewisburg 1S53. Principal Waterville, Me., classical institute 1S30-31 ; tutor, Brown university 1S31-33; adjunct professor Mathematics and natural philosophy 1833-34; pro- fessor Chemistry 1834-36; Chemistry, geology and physiology 1S36-67 ; Intel- lectual and moral philosophy 1S7S-S2 ; chairman R. I. board of state charities and corrections 1S74-84; trustee Butler hospital 1870-S3; R. I. hospital 1S75- 84; president 1S77-84; trustee R. I. hospital trust company 1S78-84; alderman Providence, R. I. 187S. Author Mineral point mining company reports, in conjunction with C. T. Jackson, 1S63; The relation of divine providence to physical latvs ; Discourse on the life and services of Francis Wayland, 1866; Theism from the physician's standpoint ; also articles in Bibliotheca sacra; Christian review; North American review ; Baptist quarterly ; Andover re- view ; besides Lectures and essays contained in his Memorial, edited by J. O. Murray, 1S86. Born Lancaster, Mass., Feb. 19, 1S0S; died Providence, R.I., April 29, 18S5. Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1SS5 Ha/ell Wilkinson Crouch, A. M. ; M. D. University of S. C. From Charles- ton, S. C. ; died 1S36. Gideon Dana. Principal preparatory department, Bangor theological seminary ; student of theology. Andover theological seminary 1833 ; Princeton theological seminary 1833-34; graduated Bangor theological seminary 1836; ordained Congregational 1S3S; pastor, North Falmouth 1S36-37 ; South Amherst, Mass. 1838-40; West Springfield, Mass. 1S41-44; Harmar, O. 1845-50; agent West- ern seaman's friend society 1850; pastor, Delaware, O. 1S51-52; Strongsville, O. 1S52-55; secretary American and foreign Christian union, northern O. 1S55- 58; Bucyrus, O. 1860-61; North Ridgeville, O. 1S62 ; Wauseon, O. 1S63-65; Rochester, O. 1867-68; West Farmington, O. 1S69-? Born Oxford. Mass., Sept. 11, 1S05; died Oberlin. O., May 9, 1S72. And., Princ , Nee. 1873 Richard Sullivan Edes. Law student, Harvard university 1830-31; graduated Harvard divinity school 1S34: ordained Unitarian 1846; pastor, Eastport, Me. 1S36-43; Bolton, Mass. 1843-4S; resident, Bolton 184S-77. Author Memoir of Peter Edes, in N. E. historical and genealogical register; joint author Gene- alogy of the descendants of John May, 1S7S; editor Journal and letters relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 178S and ijSq, made by Col. Johti May ; ■with a biographical sketch, 1S73. Born Providence, R. I., April 24, 1S10; died Bolton, Mass., Aug. 26, 1S77. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1878, Allibone Nathan George. Farmer, Mendon, Mass. 1S30-72. Born Mendon, Mass., Jan. 4, 1S10; died Mendon, May 29, 1S72. Nee. 1872 Isaac Harris. From Abinglon, Mass.; died 1840. Benjamin Herbert Hathorne. Graduated Newton theological institution 1833 ; ordained Baptist 1833; pastor, Harvard, Mass. Born Salem, Mass.; died Lynn, Mass., Sept. 1S37. Newt. Lucius Kingman. Teacher, North Bridgewater, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives 1S34-35 ; real estate agent, Hillsboro, 111. 1S35-36; Quincy, 111. 1S36-S2. Born North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass., Jan. 23, 1803; died Quincy, 111., Oct. 27, 18S2. Nee. 1883 106 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1830 Daniel Leach, D. D. 1875. Student, Andover theological seminary 1831-32 ; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S33; priest 1834; pastor, Northampton, Mass. 1833; Quincy, Mass. 1833-38; principal Latin school, Roxbury, Mass. 1S3S- 42; private school 1842-48; agent Mass. board of education 1848-55; superin- tendent public schools Providence, R. I. 1S55-84; member R. I. board of edu- cation 1870-S9; vice president and director R. I. institute of instruction 20 years; trustee Brown university 1877-91. Author Complete spelling book, 1856; Geographical question book, 1863; A rithmetic ; besides numerous reports on education. Born Bridgewater, Mass., June 12, 1806; died Providence, R. I., May 16, 1891. R. I. eye, Nee. 1891, And., Am. cat. Francis James Lippitt, A. M. Lawyer; U. S. military service, Mexican war, captain ; delegate from San Francisco to California constitutional convention 1849; U. S. military service 1861-65, colonel, brevet brigadier-general; assist- ant counsel U. S. department of justice 1877-82. Author Treatise on the tactical use of the three arms, 1865; Treatise on intrenchments, 1866; Special opera- tions of war, 1868; Field service in tvar, 1869; Criminal laiv as administered in Mass., 1879; Physical proofs of another life, 1S88. Address, 7 Blake Row, Annapolis, Md. Allibone, B. U. civ. war, P. Joseph Moriarty, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1834. Physician, Boston, Mass.; medical supervisor quarantine station, Deer Island, Boston harbor. From Salem, Mass.; died Dec. 4, 1847. Nee. 1848 Christopher Mardenborough Nickels, A. M. ; D. D. 1858. Principal academy, Haverhill, Mass. 1830-31; student, Andover theological seminary 1831-32; tutor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1832-33; graduated Andover theological seminary 1835; ordained Congregational 1835; pastor, Gloucester, Mass. 1S35-48; chaplain Bethel congregation, New Orleans, La.; pastor, Barre, Mass. 1851-56; Central Presbyterian church, Newark, N. J. 1856-63 ; travelled abroad 1859, '67^74; resident, Newark, N. J. 1874; Princeton, N. J. 1875-76; New London, Conn. 1876-78. Born Pemaquid, Me., Jan. 18, 1805; died New London, Conn., July 10, 187S. And., Nee. 1880 Christopher Grant Perry, A. M. ; M. D. University of Penn. 1837. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. From Newport, R. I.; died Philadelphia, Penn., April 7, 1854. Nee. 1S54 Spencer Atkinson Pratt. Lawyer, Franklin, Mass. until 1837; postmaster, Franklin; lawyer, Bangor, Me. 1837-84; judge police court Bangor 1845-56. Editor Democrat, Bangor several years. Born Franklin, Mass., Oct. 10, 1807; died Bangor, Me., Sept. 14, 1884. Nee. 1886 Ebenezer Smith, A. M. From Boston, Mass.; died 1856. Elisha Stevens. From Fairhaven, Mass. Samuel Budd Swaim, D. D. 1S57. Graduated Newton theological institution 1833; ordained Baptist 1833; preacher, N. E. and N. Y. 1833-38; professor Moral philosophy and theology, Granville literary and theological institution i835?-36; pastor First church, Worcester, Mass. 1838-54; West Cambridge, Mass. 1854-62; N. E. secretary American Baptist home mission society 1862; preacher, Lexington, Mass. 1864; president Mass. Baptist convention 1864; trustee Brown university 1847-65. Author Scripture questions ; and sermons. Born Pemberton, N. J., June 22, 1809; died Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 3, 1S65. Nee. 1865, Bapt. encyc, Newt., Den. Benjamin Franklin Thomas, LL. D. 1853; Harvard university 1854. Ad- mitted to bar 1834; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. 1834-59; member Mass. house of representatives 1S42-43; judge of probate, Worcester co. 1S44-48; justice Mass. 1830 GRADUATES 107 supreme court 1853-59; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1859-70; member U. S. house of representatives 1861-63; trustee and chancellor Brown university 1874-78; member Mass. historical society; vice-president American antiquarian society; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; resident, Providence, R. I. 1870-7S. Author Latv of tow ns and town officers ; A few suggestions upon the personal-liberty law, 1S61 ; Remarks on the relation of the seceded states to the Union, 1862 ; Speech on confiscation, 1S62 ; U. S. vs. F. W. Smith, argument for defetice, 1865. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 12, 1813; died Beverly, Mass., Sept. 27, 1878. Bost. P. L. Index Sup., Cong, direct., Nee. 1879 Albert Gallatin Wakefield. Principal high school, Bucksport, Me.; admitted to bar 1834; lawyer, Bangor, Me. 1834-1S92 ; city solicitor ten years; member common council 1854; alderman 1858-59, '76; mayor 1 866-68; member water board; school committee. Born Montpelier, Vt., Nov. 1, 1804; died Bangor, Me., Oct. 6, 1S92. Nee. 1S93. 1*19 1831 Francis William Bird, A. M. Member Mass. house of representatives 1847- 48, '67-69, '77-78; Mass. Indian commission 1848; Mass. executive council 1852, '63-65; Mass. constitutional convention 1S53 ; Mass. senate 1871. Pub- lished many articles in Daily whig. Born Dedham, Mass. Oct. 22, 1S09; died East Walpole, Mass., May 23, 1894. Nee. 1S94 Walter Snow Burges, A. M. Principal Thayer academy, Edgartown, Mass.; admitted to bar 1835; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S35-92; member R. I. house of representatives 1841-42; U. S. district attorney R.I. 1845-49; attorney general R. I. 1851-54, '60-63; member R. I. senate 1859; judge court of com- mon pleas 1868-81; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1875-81. Born Rochester, Plymouth co., Mass., Sept. 10, 1S0S; died Providence, R. I., July 26, 1S92. R. I. eye, Nee. 1893 Joseph Mauran Church, A. M. Journalist, New York, N. Y. ; Providence, R. I. ; Philadelphia, Penn. ; member Penn. legislature 1S59. Born Providence, R. I. 1S13; died New York, N. Y., May 3, 1859. Nee. 1S59 Luther Crawford, A. M. Clergyman. From Alexandria, N. H.; died 1839. William Frederic De Wolf, A. M. ; LL. B. 1S35. Admitted to bar 1834; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S34-36; Alton, 111. 1836-47; commision agent, Chicago, 111. 1847-51; land agent 1851-78; city treasurer Chicago 1855; mem- ber Illinois house or representatives 1S46-47 ; justice of peace 1S74-7S; retired. Address, 226 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. P. William Henry Eddy, A. M. From Middleboro, Mass. ; died 1838. William Gammell, A. M. ; LL. D. Rochester university 1859. Principal academy, South Reading, Mass. 1831-32; tutor, Brown university 1S32-34; assistant professor Belles lettres 1835-37; professor Rhetoric 1837-50; professor History and political economy 1850-64 ; fellow 1870-89; trustee Butler hospital; president R. I. Bible society 1869-84; vice president American Bible society 1884-89; president Providence Athenaeum 1S70-81 : member R. I. historical society 1844-89; president 1882-89. Author Life of Samuel Ward, 1846; History of America?i Baptist missions, 1S50; Life of Roger Williams, 1854; besides review articles and addresses contained in his Biographical sketch, edited by J. O. Murray, 1890. Born Medfield, Mass.. Feb. 10, 1812; died Providence, R. I., April 3, 1889. Biog. sketch, Bibliog. R. I., Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1889, Sabin, Bapt. encyc. 108 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1831 Nicholas Hoppin ; D. D. Trinity college 1S59. Teacher, Lowell, Mass.; graduated General theological seminary 1837; Episcopal missionary, Providence, R. I.; Philadelphia, Penn. ; pastor Christ church, Cambridge, Mass. 1S39-74; trustee General theological seminary; member American Oriental society; Mass. historical society; N. E. historic genealogical society. Author various historical sketches, essays, sermons, review articles. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 3, 1S12 ; died Cambridge, Mass., March 8, 1886. Nee. 1SS6 Joseph Leonard Jernegan. Lawyer, Indiana; New York, N. Y. ; resident, Florence, Italy, i869?-89. From Edgartown, Mass. ; died Italy, 18S9? Nee. 1889 David King; M. D.Jefferson medical college 1834. Physician, Newport, R. I. 1834-S2; travelled abroad 1850, '72, '80; president R. I. medical society; one of the founders American medical association; president state board of health 1877-82 ; Newport historical society 1853-82 ; Redwood library. Author Pur- pura hemorrhagica, 1837 ; Cholera infantum, 1S37 ; Erysipelas, 1840; History of Redtvood library, i860 ; Historical sketch of the Island cemetary company at Netvport, R. I., 1872. Born Newport, R. I., May 10, 1812 ; died Newport, March 7, 1882. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1882 Edward Otheman, A. M. Teacher Wilbraham academy two years; ordained Methodist 1839; pastor, Cambridge, Mass., etc. 1835-41; Newburyport, Mass. 1842-43; Melton, Mass. 1844-?; supernumerary, N. E. conference 1S58-86; member school committee, Chelsea, Mass.; Mass. general court; Mass. board of education 1850; original corporator N. E. education society; tract agent N. E. conference 1853-54; presiding elder Boston district, N. E. conference 1856- 58; trustee Wilbraham academy 184S-80; president board of trustees ten years; chairman, secretary, treasurer Mass. temperance committee; secretary Mass. temperance alliance. Author Christian student, 1842; Memoirs and zvritings of Mrs. Hannah Maynard Pickard, 1845. Born Boston, Mass., July 31, 1808; died Chelsea, Mass., March 9, 1886. Nee. 1886, Sabin Francis Peck, A. M. Student Episcopal seminary, Alexandria, Va. ; ordained Episcopal; assistant pastor Grace church, Providence, R. I. ; pastor, Natick, R. I.; Wickford, R. I.; assistant pastor St. Michael's church, Bristol, R. I.; pastor Church of Ascension, Baltimore, Md. 19 years; St. Andrew's, now All Saints church, two years ; St. Mark's church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1851-61 ; assistant Grace church, New York; pastor Calvary church, Williamsburg, L. I. 22 years. Born Bristol, R. L, May n, 181 1 ; died Brooklyn, N. Y., June 14, t88S. Nee. 1889 Henry Waterman, A. M. ; D. D. Columbia college 1858. Graduated General theological seminary; ordained Episcopal 1837 ; pastor St. James' church, Woonsocket, R. I. 1S35-41 ; St. Stephen's church, Providence, R. I. 1841-45, '50-74; Christ church, Andover, Mass. 1845-49; travelled abroad 1849-50; member standing committee R. I. diocese 21 years; secretary three years; president seven years; R. I. delegate, general convention eight years. Born Centreville,War\vick, R. I., Aug. 17, i8i3;died Providence, R.I.Oct. 18, 1S76. R. I. cyc, Nee. 1877. 1 *12 1832 Obadiah Wheelock Albee, A. M. Principal Gates academy, Marlboro, Mass. 1833-51; high school, Marlboro, Mass. 1851-60; deputy collector internal rev- enue, 7th Mass. district; member Mass. house of representatives 1S49, '51, 1832 GRADUATES 109 '61, '62; Mass. senale 1855, '57. Born Milford, Mass., March 24, 180S; died Marlboro, Mass., July 31, 1866. Nee. 1866 Jonathan Earle Arnold, A. M. Law student, Harvard university; lawyer, Woonsocket, R. I. two years; Milwaukee, Wis.; attorney Wis. ter. ; mem- ber Wis. council; president Milwaukee bar association 20 years. Born Woon- socket, R. I., Feb. 4, 1814; died Milwaukee, Wis., June 2, 1S69. Nee. 1S69 Oren Aldrich Ballou. Teacher, Woonsocket, R. I.; cotton manufacturer, Woonsocket, R. I.; resident, Providence, R. I. 1S66-77 ; member R. I. house of representatives 1867-69 ; board of commissioners for erection of R.I. state prison 1875-77. Born Cumberland, R. I., Aug. 22, 1S13 ; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 21, 1877. Nee. 1S77 Samuel Willard Bridgham. Merchant, Boston, Mass. two or three years; banker, New York, N. Y. ; connected with Ladies' rel : ef association of New- York. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 24, 1S13; died New York, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1S70. Nee. 1871 Henry Earle. Bank cashier, Providence, R. I. Born 1815; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 21, 1S54. Nee. 1854 Joseph Farnum ; M. D. Harvard university 1S35. Physician. Marblehead, Mass. a few months; Salem, Mass.; dentist, Salem. Born Salem, Mass.. Dec. 14, 1S14; died Salem, Nov. 22, 1S74. Nee. 1875 Charles Nye Fearing. Dry goods commission merchant, New York, N. Y. ; manufacturer, New York. Born Wareham, Mass., March 10, 1S12 ; died New- York, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1SS6. Nee. 1886 Jonathan Russell Harding. From Bristol, R. I.; died 1832. Isaac Erving Heaton. Ordained Congregational 1S37; home missionary, Elk Grove, Wis. 1837-3S; Belmont, Wis. 1S38-40 ; teacher, Prairie du Chien and Mineral Point, Wis. 1840-42; pastor, Mount Zion, Wis. 1S43-44; East Trov, Wis. 1S45; Waterloo, Wis. 1S46-56; Fremont, Neb. 1856-69; resident, Fremont 1869-93; delegate, national council 1S71, '74; member Neb. legislature; super- intendent public instruction, Waterloo. Author New and decisive evidence of the mode of baptism, 1878. Born Franklin, Mass., Oct. 6, 1S08; died Fremont, Neb , Sept. 18, 1893. Cong. yr. bk. Charles Holden. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I.; died Providence, Aug. 14, 1S52. Nee. 1853 James Huckins. Ordained Baptist 1832; pastor South Reading, Mass. 1S32-33; Andover, Mass. 1833-35; Calais, Me. 1835-37; agent Baptist home mission so- ciety, Texas 1837-39; pastor, Galveston, Texas 1S40-60; Charleston, S. C. 1860-63. Born Vt. 1808; died Charleston, S. C, Aug. 5, 1863. Nee. 1864, Bapt. encyc. Washington Leverett, A. M.; LL. D. Shurtleff college 1S76. Tutor, Colum- bian college 1832-33; Brown university 1S33-34; graduated Newton theological institution 1836; ordained Baptist 1836 ; professor Mathematics and the natu- ral sciences, Shurtleff college 1S36-6S; treasurer, librarian, curator, trustee, member executive committee Shurtleff college 1S6S-S9. Born Brookline, Mass., Dec. 19, 1805; died Upper Alton, 111., Dec. 13, 1889. Newt., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1890 Warren Leverett, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1832-33, lS 3 6_ 37 ; agent American Bible society, Charleston, S. C. 1S33-34; teacher, Ind. 1834-36; principal school, Greenville, 111. 183S-39; preparatory depart- ment, Shurtleff college, Upper Alton, 111. 1839-41; professor Latin and Greek languages, Shurtleff college 1S41-6S; resident, Upper Alton 1S6S-72. Born Brookline. Mass., Dec. 19, 1805; died Upper Alton, 111., Nov. 8, 1S72. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. [873 no BROWN UNIVERSITY 1832 John Milton Mackie, A. M. Student, Andover theological seminary 1833-34; Student, Berlin 1833-34 '■> tutor, Brown university 1834-35 ; farmer, Great Barring- ton, Mass. Author Life of Leibnitz, 1S45; Life of Samuel Gorton, in Sparks' American biography 1848; Cosas de Espana, 1848; Life of Schamyl, 1856; Life of Tai- Ping- Wang, 1857; From Cape Cod to Dixie, 1864; also numerous articles in North American review, AmericanW hi g review l Christian review. Address, Great Barrington, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., And., Johnson's eye. Erasmus Darwin Miller, A. M. ; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1835. Physician, Franklin, Mass. 1835-43; Dorchester, Mass. 1843-81. Born Frank- lin, Mass., Aug. 8, 1813; died Sharon Springs, N. Y., July 5, 1S81. Nee. 1882 Stephen Morse, 1835, A. M. From Hooksett, N. H. Thomas Bancroft Newhall, A. M. Lawyer, Lynn, Mass.; postmaster 1842- 43; judge police court 1849-66; member first common council 1850-51; chosen mayor 1854, but declined; chairman school committee; commissioner city debt, and city hall sinking fund ; member public water board; city solicitor; member Mass. state board of health; president Lynn five cents saving bank; Lynn mutual fire insurance company 20 years; Essex co. Unitarian associa- tion; trustee Home for aged women; member Lynn bar association. From Lynn, Mass.; died Sept. 25, 1893. P. Samuel Wardwell Peckham, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; justice Providence police court 1846-55, '57-67 ; clerk municipal court; alderman; president Providence Athensenum. Author Verses in various moods and on various occasions. Address, 43 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Salmon Carpenter Perry, A. M. Teacher, White Plains, N. Y. ; clerical member, N. Y. conference 1S38-60; supernumary 1S60-61. Born East Attle- boro, May 27, 1807; died Harlem, N. Y., March 6, 1872. Nee. 1873 Samuel Randall, A. M. Preceptor academy, South Reading, Mass. 1832-34 ;tutor, Waterville college, and preceptor preparatory school 1833-37 ; principal school for young ladies, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1838-41; Philadelphia, Penn. 1841-49; or- dained Episcopal 1849; pastor, Moorstown, N. J. 1849-55; St. James's church, Pittsburgh. Penn. 1854-56; Madison, N. J. 1S56-62. Born Salem, Mass. Oct. 9, 1811; died Madison, N. J., April 20, 1862. Nee. 1862 John Kelly Simpson, A. M. From Boston, Mass. Jacob White, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1835; ordained Congregational 1836; pastor, Lyndeboro, N. H. 1836-41; Orleans, Mass. 1841- 61. Born East Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 20, 1806; died Lyndeboro, N. H., April 3, 1866. Nee. 1886, And. John Brown White, A. M.; D. D. Teacher, New Hampden college four vears; lawyer, Alton, 111.; Greenville, 111.; probate judge Greenville; profes- sor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Wake Forest college nearly 16 years; ordained Baptist 1840; president Brownsville female college, Tenn. 1853-55; president Almira college, Greenville 1855-64, '67-78; principal school for girls, Champaign 111. ; U. S. military service 1864-65, chaplain; principal school, Upper Alton, 111. 1S65-67. Born Bow, N. H., March 10, 1S10; died Greenville, 111., Feb. 12, 1887. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 18S7. 2 *2l Henry Bowen Anthony, A. M. ; LL. D. 1872. Manufacturer six years; editor Providence journal, Providence, R. I. 1838-58; governor R. I. 1S49-50; member U. S. senate 1859-84; president pro tempore, 1869, '71-75, elected but declined 1833 GRADUATES in 1S83; bequeathed the Harris collection of American poetry to Brown university library. See Memorial addresses in U. S. senate, 1885; Memorial, 1S85. Born Coventry, R. I., April 1, 1815 ; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 2, 1884. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Cong, direct., Nee. 1S85 Darius Ayer. From Plaistow, N. H.; died 1S38. Nathan Fellows Dixon. Law student, Harvard university one year; Yale college one year; admitted to bar 1837; lawyer, Westerly, R. I. 1837-S1 ; member R. I. general assembly 18:2-49, '51-53, '55-6.3. '72-77 ; presidential elector 1844; member U. S. house of representatives 1849-51, '63-71. Boni Westerly. R. I., May 1, 1S12 ; died Westerly, April 11, 1SS1.' Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., R. I. cyc, Nee. 18S1 Ebenezer Porter Dyer. Student, Andover theological seminary 1S36-37; principal academy, Stow, Mass. 1S37-38; ordained Congregational 1839; pas- tor, Stow 1839-46; city missionary, Boston, Mass. 1846-47; pastor, Hingham, Mass. 1847-63; Somerville, Mass. 1864-67; Shrewsbury, Mass 1867-77; Han- over, Mass. 1S7S-S1. Author hymns and poems; co-editor Amaranth. Born South Abington, Mass., Aug. 15, 1S13; died South Abington, Aug. 22, 1882. And., Nee. 1S83 Edward Freeman, A. M. Teacher, Bellingham, Mass. ; Waterville, Me. ; or- dained Baptist 1S36; pastor, Oldtown, Me. 1836-39; Camden, Me. three years- Bristol, Me. two years; farmer, Camden 1843-S2; principal classsical school, Camden several years. Born Mendon, Mass., April 2, 1S06; died Camden, Me. Jan. 28, 1SS2. Nec l882 William Bela Jacobs, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S36; ordained Baptist 1S36; pastor First church, Newburyport, Mass. 1S36-39; Hyannis, Mass. 1S39-43 ; Claremont, N. H. 1S43-46 ; North Yarmouth, Me. 1847-49; editor Christian chronicle, Philadelphia, Penn. 1849-61 ; Christian press, New York, N. Y. 1865-68 ; correspondent Baptist papers 186S-. Ad- dress, 236 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Newt. P Nehemiah Knight. Merchant, New York, N. Y. Born Warwick, R. I., Feb. 5, 1812; died Brooklyn, N. Y.,May 30, 1S76. Nec. 1876 Lorenzo Oren Lovell, A. M. Teacher, Fall River, Mass. ; ordained Baptist 1835; pastor, West Boylston, Mass.; several other churches, Mass., R. I., N. Y. ; resident, Rochester, Minn. 1S68-80. Born Rowley, now Georgetown, Mass., Oct. 24, 1809; died Rochester, Minn., Sept. 3, 1S80. B. U. Fall River, Nec. 1881 Nehemiah Gorham Lovell, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution two months; ordained Baptist 1834; pastor, Princeton, Mass. 1834-36; Am- herst, Mass. 1836-40; Bellingham, Mass. 1S40-47 ; North Attleboro, Mass. 1847-51. Born Rowley, Mass.; died Valley Falls, R. I., Nov. 15, 1851. B. U. Fall River, Nec. 1852, Newt. George Tracy Metcalf, A. M. Lawyer, Peoria, 111.; Boston, Mass.; Colum- bus, O.; chief clerk Interior department, Washington, D. C. ; resident, Washington. Born Dedham, Mass., Aug. 17, 1S10; died Washington, D. C, July 12, 1S71. ' Nec- lS72 George Franklin Pool. Teacher; ordained Methodist; pastor, Greenwich, R. I.; Norwich, Conn.; Sandwich, Mass. ; New Bedford, Mass. ; Newburyport, Mass.; South Boston, Mass.; Leicester, Mass.; Fall River, Mass. Born Lynn, Mass., Feb. iS, 1811 ; died Lynn, Dec. 6, 1S86. Nec. 1887 Benjamin Hurd Rhoades, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1836; preceptor, University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1S36-39; classi- 112 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1833 cal teacher, N. Y. two years; Boston and Brookline, Mass. seven years; asso- ciate principal Family school, Newport, R.I. 1849-56; principal school for boys, Newport 1856-59; librarian Redwood library, Newport 1859-80. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 26, 1S11 ; died Newport, R. I., Dec. 23, 1880. R. I. eye. , Newt., Nee. 1881 Perez Simmons, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S42; member convention which formed the People's constitution; lawyer, Hanover, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1852; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1853; member U.S. senate 1859. Born Hanover, Mass., Jan. 2, 1811 ; died Hanover, May'14, 1885. Edward Abiel Stevens, A. M. ; D. D. 1864. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S36; ordained Baptist 1837; missionary, Burmah 1836-86; president board of trustees Rangoon Baptist college. Author Commentaries on the Ne-w Testament] Barth's Church history-, translated; Elements of general history, in Burmese; Commentaries oti Matthew, Romans, Galatians and Hebrews, in Burmese; Scripture hands; Concorda?ice of the Bible; editor Burman messenger; Religions Herald. Born Sunbury, Ga., Jan. 23, 1S14; died Rangoon, Burmah, June 19, 1886. Newt., Nee. 1887, Bapt. encyc. Jabez Tarr. From Gloucester, Mass. ; died 1834. Charles Everett Toothaker, A. M. Dentist, Philadelphia, Penn. From Springfield, Vt. ; died Oct. 4, 1S90. P. Arthur Savage Train, A. M. ; D. D. 1855. Tutor, Brown university 1834-36; ordained Baptist 1836; pastor, Haverhill, Mass. 1836-59; professor Sacred rhetoric and pastoral duties, Newton theological institution 1859-66; pastor, Framingham, Mass. 1866-72; trustee Brown university 1845-72. Born Fram- ingham, Mass., Sept. 1, 1812 ; died Framingham, March 2, 1872. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1872 Lemuel Williams Washburn ; M. D. Harvard university 1837. From Taun- ton, Mass.; died 1845. Horace Alexander Wilcox, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1S33-35 ; ordained Baptist 1S35; pastor, Willington, Conn. 1835-37; professor Wake Forest college, N. C. 1S38; agent American Baptist home mission society, Ga. 1841-46; resident, Providence, R. I. 1846-54, '57-60; Manhattan, Kansas 1854-57, '60, 65; spiritualist speaker. Born Ludlow, Vt., March 6, 1807; died Manhattan, Kansas, April 15, 1865. Nee. 1865, Newt. Henry Qustavus Wiley ; M. D. Harvard university 1836. From Lynn, Mass. ; died 1844. 1 *19 1834 Oliver Ayer. Principal Rockingham academy, Hampton Falls, N. H. 1834-36; pastor Baptist church, Littleton, Mass. 1S36-43 ; Dover, N. H. 1844-51; Clare- mont, N. H. 1851-64; Deerfield,N. H. 1S64-66; Groton, Mass. 1866-74; North Oxford, Mass. 1874-80; resident, Providence, R. I. 1885-. Address, 6 Burgess St., Providence, R. I. . P. Silas Bailey, A. M. ; D. D. Madison university 1849; LL. D. Franklin college 1S71 . Principal Worcester academy, Mass. 1834-39; Baptist clergyman, East Thompson, Conn. 1S39-42 ; agent Missionary union, N. Y. 1842-45; pastor, Westboro, Mass. 1845-46; president Granville college 1846-52; Franklin college 1852-63; pastor, La Fayette, Ind. 1863-66; professor Metaphysics and theol- 1834 GRADUATES 113 ogy, Kalamazoo college 1S66-69; in Europe 1869-74. Born Sterling, Mass., June 12, 1809; died Paris, France, June 30, 1874. Den., Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1875 Joseph Bridgham, A. M. Admitted to N. Y. bar 1842; in office of U. S. dis- trict court for Southern district of N. Y. ; deputy clerk; U. S. commissioner 15 years. Author various magazine articles. Born Providence, R. I,, Aug. 15, 1S15; died Providence, March 24, 1865. Nee. 1865 Jonathan Russell Bullock, A. M. Admitted to bar, Newport, R. I. 1836; law- yer, Alton, 111. i836?-43; member common council, Alton; lawyer, Bristol, R. I. 1843-49; member R. I. house of representatives 1844-47; member committee to inquire into validity of R. I. revolutionary debt 1S49; collector of cus- toms, Bristol and Warren, R. I. 1849-54; member R. I. senate 1859-60; lieu- tenant governor 1860-61 ; special commissioner to adjust claims of R. I. against the U. S. 1S61-62; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1S62-64; judge U. S. district court for R. I. 1864-69; retired. Author Report of commissioner to ad- just claims of R. I. against the U. S., Jan. j86j, 1863; Life and times of Stukeley Westcote, with some of his descendants, privately printed, 1886. Ad- dress, Bristol, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, P. James Tift Champlin, A. M. ; D. D. 1863; Rochester university 1855; LL. D. Colby university 1873. Tutor, Brown university 1835-38; ordained Baptist 183S; pastor, Portland, Me. 1S3S-41 ; professor Greek and Latin languages and literatures, Waterville college 1841-58 ; president 1S57-73; professor Intellectual and moral philosophy 185S-73; trustee Colby university 1875-81 ; member Me. historical society 1849; resident, Portland 1S74-S2. Author Kiihner's Latin grammar, translated 1S45 ; English grammar, 1S51; Greek grammar, 1852; Kiihner's Latin exercise book, translated. 1S56; Principles of ethics, 1861 ; Politi- cal enconomy, 1S68; Intellectual philosophy, 1868; Text-book on constitution of U. S., 18S0; besides frequent articles in Christian review ,' editor Demosthenes on the crown, 1S43; Select popular orations of Demosthenes, 1848; Oration of sEschines against Ctesiphon, 1850; Butler's Ethical discourses, 1859: Butler's Analogy of religion, i860; Selections from Tacitus, 1876; Scripture reading lessons, 1878. Born Colchester, Conn., June 9, 1811; died Portland, Me., March 15, 1S82. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Colby, Nee. 1882 George Cole. Instructor and professor, Granville literary and theological insti- tution 1S35-38; editor Cross and Journal, Columbus, O. 1838-47; in business, Columbus 1847-52; Cincinnati, O. 1852-56; editor Daily gazette, Cincinnati 1852; Journal and messenger, Cincinnati 1856-64; publisher 1S64-66. Born Sterling, Conn., June 22, 180S; died Dayton, Ky., July 14, 1S68. Den., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1869 Hervey Smith Dale. Baptist clergyman; instructor Granville literary and theological institution 1S34-35 ; professor, Theological seminary, Covington, Ky. From New York, N. Y. ; died Cincinnati, O., May 27, 1857. Den., Nee. 1857 Joshua Wells Downing, A. M. Clergyman. From Lynn, Mass. ; died 1839. Samuel Eddy. From Middleboro, Mass. ; died 1837. Edward Hull Hazard. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; justice Providence police court; clerk R. I. house of representatives. Author Reminiscences of the Dorr zvar ; numerousobituaries ; frequent contributions to Providence journal. Born South Kingstown, R. I., Sept. 29, 1812; died Wakefield, R. I., Dec. iS, 1893. Nee. 1894 114 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1834 Carrington Hoppin. Medical student, Philadelphia, Perm. ; Paris; physician, Providence, R. I.; in Europe and the East 1854, '66-72, '73-79. Born Provi- dence, R. I., July 4, 1812; died Zurich, Switzerland, Feb. 17, 1879. Nee. 1879 Charles Kelsall Johnson. Lawyer, New Orleans, La. From Edgefield, S. C. ; drowned Lake Pontchartrain, June 1847. Nee. 1847 AugUStin Leland. From Sherburne, Mass.; died 1837. Edward Augustus Lothrop, A. M. From Boston, Mass. Crawford Nightingale, A. M. Ordained Unitarian 1S38; pastor, Chicopee, Mass. 1845-51; Bridgeport, Conn. 1851-53; Groton, Mass. 1853-66; Athol, Mass. 1866-67; Ayer, Mass. 1867-76; Dorchester, Mass. 1876-80; Andover, N. H. 1880. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 3, 1816 ; died Providence, Aug. 19, 1S92. Nee. 1893 David Perkins. Lawyer, Bangor, Me. 1838-39; merchant, Baltimore, Md. 1839-42; lawyer, Fall River, Mass. 1843-51; member school committee 1845- 47; selectman 1849; chairman board of selectmen 1850; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1S51-59; resident, Bridgewater, Mass. 1851-64; member Mass. legislature 1847-48; master in chancery 1850-51; member commission for erecting state alms-houses 1852 ; judge of probate and insolvency; assistant attorney-general. Born Bridgewater, Mass., Feb. 22, 1816; died Bridgewater, Sept. 19, 1864. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1865 Thomas Mawney Potter; M. D. University of Penn. 1838. U. S. navy 1S39- 76; assistant surgeon 1839; past assistant surgeon 1848; medical director 187 1. Born Kingston, R. I., Aug. 12, 1S14; died Kingston, April 13, 1890. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1890 Luther Robinson, A. M. Principal Coffin school, Nantucket, Mass. 1834-36; tutor, Brown university 1836-38; first sub-master English high school, Boston, Mass. 183S-58; expert in ventilation of buildings i860-. Author Plan for ven- tilating U. S. capitol, 1870 ; Plan for ventilating Philadelphia house of correc- tion, 1873. Address, 38 Howard St., Cambridgeport, Mass. P. Daniel Pomeroy Simpson, A. M. Merchant, Boston, Mass. 1844-75; resident, New Hampton and Arlington Heights, Mass. 1875-80; officer U. S. revenue service. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1815 ; died Arlington Heights, Mass., Oct. 7, 1S80. Nee. 18S1 Pardon Dexter Tiffany, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1838. Teacher one year; lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. 1838-48; resident, Worcester, Mass. 1852-61. Born Mendon, Mass., 1812; died St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 14, 1861. Nee. 1861 Ephraim Ward, A. M. Teacher academy, Fairhaven, Mass. ten years; ad- mitted to bar 1839; lawyer, Cleveland, O. ; police justice, Cleveland; student, Lane theological seminary, Cincinnati, O. one year; ordained Baptist 1842; pastor, Raynham, Mass. 1842-45; lawyer, Chicago, 111.; land commissioner, Chicago; lawyer, Highland, Kans. Born Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 5, 1811; died Highland, Kans. Dec. 25, 1873. Nee. 1875 Charles Wilkes Wood, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1838; ordained Congregational 1S39; pastor, Ashby, Mass. 1839-5S; Campello, North Bridgewater, Mass. 1858-72 ; superintendent of schools Brockton, Mass. 1872- 73; preacher, Lakeville, Mass. 1873-77; Scotland, Bridgewater, Mass. 1878-88; retired ; member Mass. house of representatives 1847. Author Sermon, death of Ephraim Hay-ward, 1848; Sermon on old age, 1854; Historical discourse, Scotland, Mass , 18S8. Address, Middleboro, Mass. And., P. William Henry Wood, A. M. Principal Coffin academy, Nantucket, Mass. 1S34-35; lawyer, Boston, Mass. until 1840; Middleboro, Mass. 1840-83; mem- 1834 GRADUATES 115 ber Mass. senate 184S, 1850; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1853; member Mass. house of representatives 1857; Mass. council 1S5S; judge of probate and insolvency 1858-S3. Born Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 24, 1S11; died Middleboro, Mass., March 30, 1883. Nee. 1S83. 4 *19 1835 Alfred Bosworth, 1845, A. M. Admitted to R. I. bar 1838; lawyer, Che- pachet, R. I. 1S3S-39; Warren, R. I. 1S39-54; member R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1839-54; speaker 1842-44, '51-53; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1854-62; trustee Brown university 1854-62. Born Warren. R. I., Jan. 28, 1812; died Warren, May 10, 1862. Nee. 1862, Bapt. encyc, R, I. eye. Henry Chapin, 1836; LL. D. 1873; LL. B. Harvard university 1S3S. Admit- ted to bar 183S; lawyer, Uxbridge, Mass. 1838-46; Worcester, Mass. 1846-78 ; member Mass. house of representatives 1S45 ; commissioner of insolvency 184S; mayor Worcester 1849-51 ; acting mayor 1870; judge court of probate and in- solvency 1858-7S; commissioner under the Mass. personal liberty law- member Mass. state board of education ; chairman of visitors Mass. state nor- mal school, Worcester; trustee Leicester academy; vice president several years; trustee Worcester lunatic asylum ; one of the founders Old men's home, Worcester; director City national bank, Worcester. Born Upton, Mass., May 13, 1S11; died Worcester, Mass. Oct. 13, 1S7S. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S79 Joshua Bicknell Chapin, 1838; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1S3S. Physician, Providence, R. I. 183S-43 ; druggist, Providence 1S43-54; photog- rapher, Providence 1859-?; commissioner public schools R. I. 1S59-62, '63-69. Editor R. I. schoolmaster. Born Hillsboro. N. H., Aug. 19, 1814; died June 7, 1881. Nee. 1881 George Warren Cross, 1875. From Charleston, S. C. Samuel Currey, 1866, A. M. Principal University grammar school 1835-36; admitted to bar 1837; lawyer. Providence, R. I. 1837-7S; member R. I. house of representatives two years ; R. T. senate seven years, Born near Frederic- town, N. S., Oct. 12, 1806; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 28, 1878. R. I. cyc, Bapt. encyc, Nee 187S Giles Mardenborough Eaton, 1S75. From Plainfield, Conn. Josiah Goddard, 1875. Graduated Newton theological institution 1838. Or- dained Baptist 1838; missionary American Baptist missionary union, Bangkok, Siam 1840-?; Shanghai, China; Ningpo, China 1S48-54. Author English and Chinese dictionary ; translation of New Testament into Chinese, besides sev- eral tracts. Born Wendell, Mass., Oct. 27, 1813; died Ningpo, China, Sept. 4, 1854. Newt., Cyc. Am. biog. Samuel Lawrence Gould, 1S63. Lecturer on slavery 1835-37; master gram- mar school, Chelsea, Mass. 1837-40; Charlestown, Mass. 1840-41; Winthrop grammar school, Boston, Mass. 1841-?; Franklin grammar school, Boston 1865 ; superintendent several gold mining companies, Col. ; stock farmer, near Canon City, Col. Born Boston, Mass., May 20, 1814; died near Canon City, Col., Feb. 11, 1874. Nee 1874 Levi Hall Holden, 1875; M. D. University of Penn. 1838. Physician, Provi- dence, R. I. 183S-40; assistant surgeon, U. S. army 1840-67; retired with rank of lieutenant-colonel. Born Providence, R. I., May 6, 1S1 7 ; died Vineland, N. J., May 12, 1874. Nee 1874 n6 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1835 Dwight Ives, 1857 ; D.D.Madison university 1854. Ordained Baptist 1835; pastor First church, Springfield, Mass. 1835-36; Alton, 111. 1836-39; Snffield, Conn. 1839-74; Conway, Mass. Born West Springfield, now Holvoke, Mass., Sept. 20, 1805; died Conway, Mass., Dec. 22, 1875. Nee. 1876, Bapt. encyc. Charles Coffin Jewett, 183S, A. M. Principal academy, Uxbridge, Mass. 1835-37; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S40; principal Day's acad- emy, Wrentham, Mass. 1840-41; librarian Brown university 1842-48; profes- sor Modern languages 1843-48; studied abroad 1843-46; assistant secretary and librarian Smithsonian institution 1S48-58; superintendent public library, Boston, Mass. 1858-68. Author Close of the late rebellion, 1842; Catalogue of the library of Brown university, 1843; Facts and considerations relative to duties on books, 1846; Notices of public libraries in the U?iited States, 1S51 ; On the construction of catalogues of libraries and their publication by meatis of separate stereotyped titles, -with rules and examples, 1852 ; Catalogue of the Boston public library. Born Lebanon, Me., Aug. 12, 1816; died Braintree, Mass., Jan. 9, 1S68. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, And., Nee. 1868 Justin Rolph Loomis, 1836; A. M. Waterville college 1838; Ph. D. Univer- sity at Levvisburg, Penn. 1854; LL. D. Rochester university 1858. Tutor, Waterville college 1S36-38 ; professor Chemistry and natural history 1838-52; Natural sciences, University at Lewisburg, Penn. 1853-58; president 1S58-79. Author Elements of geology, 1852 ; Elements of anatomy a?id physiology, 1853. Address, Lewisburg, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Colby, Bapt. encyc, Allibone, P. Joshua Mason Macomber, 1862, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and sur- geons 1854. Principal Union academy, Bennington, Vt. 1835-37; academy, New Salem, Mass. ; Franklin academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass.; academy, Uxbridge, Mass. 1841-51 ; professor Chemistry, Penn. medical college 1854-60; resident, Uxbridge, Mass. 1860-81. Born New Salem, Mass., Oct. 12, 1811; died Uxbridge, Mass , Feb. 9, 18S1. Nee. 1882 Reuben Morey, 1875. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Madison, Ind. 1836-38; Louisville, Kv. ; Attleboro, Mass. 1839-47; Homer, N. Y. ; Wyoming, N. Y. ; Arcade, N. Y. ; Delavan, 111.; Tonica, 111.; Merton, Wis. until 1874; res- ident, Waukesha, Wis. 1S74-80. Born Fabius, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1805; died Waukesha, Wis., May 17, 1880. Bapt. encyc, Nee 18S0 Elias Nason, 1S36, A. M. Teacher, Cambridge, Mass.; Augusta, Ga. ; princi- pal academy, Waynesboro, Ga. ; high school, Nevvburyport, Mass.; Latin school, Newburyport; master high school, Milford, Mass. 1849-52; ordained Congregational; pastor First church, Natick, Mass. 1S52-58; Mystic church, Medford, Mass. 1858-60; First church, Exeter, N. H. 1860-65; resident, North Billerica, Mass. 1S65-87; pastor Central church, Dracut, Mass. fourteen years; Pawtucket church, Lowell, Mass. 1877-85; member N. E. historic genealogical society; member N. Y. historical society; member American antiquarian society. Author Carmina coeli ; Vocal class book ; Songs for the schoolroom [1842J ; Chrestomathie francaise, 1849; Memoir of Rev. N. Howe, 185 1 ; Thou shall not steal, 1S52; Strength a?id beauty of the sanctuary, 1854; Sermon at dedication of First church, Natick, Mass., 1855; Cotigregational hymn book, 1857; Congregational hymn and tune book, 1858; Our obligation to defend the government, 1861 ; Sermon on the -war, 1861 ; Songs for social and public worship, 1862; Brief record of events in Exeter, N. H., 1861-63, 3 vols., 1862- 64; Sir Charles Henry Frankland, 1865; Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, 1865; Eulogy on Edzvard Everett, 1S65; Fountains of salvation, 1S65 ; Discourse 1835 GRADUATES 117 07i J. A. Andrew, 1S68; Monogram on our national song; 1S69; Memoir of Mrs. Susannah Rawson, 1S70; Life and services of He?iry Wilson, 1872; Gazetteer of Mass., 1872 ; History of Middlesex county, 1872 ; Life and services of Charles Sumner, 1874; Lives of eminent American evangelists, 1877; Origin- ality, 18S2 ; editor Georgia courier; Watch lower ; N. E. historical and gene- alogical register ; Home and abroad. Born Wrentham, Mass.. April 21, 181 1; died North Billerica, Mass., June 17, 1SS7. Allibone, Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1888 Zenas B Newman, 1875; A. M. Shurtleff college 1841. Principal academic and preparatory departments, Shurtleff college 1835-40; professor Oratory, rhetoric and belles lettres 1841-44. From Seekonk, Mass.; died 1844? Shurtleff, P. George Maxwell Randall, 1836, A. M. ; D. D. 1856. Graduated General theo- logical seminary 1S3S; ordained Episcopal 1S39; pastor Church of the Ascen- sion, Fall River, Mass. 1838-44; member school committee four years; pastor Church of the Messiah, Boston, Mass. 1844-65; clerical deputy, Mass. diocese 1850-65; secretary house of clerical and lay deputies 1S62-65 ; missionary bishop Colo. 1S65-73. Author Why I am a churchman ; Observation on con- firmation; editor Christia?i witness ; Church advocate. Born Warren. R. I., Nov. 23, 1810; died Denver, Col., Sept. 28, 1873. B. U. Fall River, Cyc. Am. biog., R.I. eye, Nee. 1874 Edward Trask Richardson, 1875; M - D - College of physicians and surgeons 1839. From New York, N. Y. ; died 1881. William Robinson Saxton, 1S36. From Lebanon, Conn. Edward Stone. Student of theology, Harvard university; ordained Unitarian 183S; missionary, Iowa; pastor, Calais, Me.; Bucksport, Me. ; Hallowell, Me.; Sandwich, Mass. ; Natick, Mass. Born Framingham, Mass., Feb. 1S17; died Framingham, Aug. 10, 1S76. Nee. 1S78 Samuel Stillman Sumner, A. M. From Boston Mass. William D Upham, 1S75. From Weathersfield, Vt. Geronimo Urmeneta, A.M. 1851 ; LL. D. 1S59. Secretary of treasury Re- public of Chile. From Santiago, Chile; deceased. Jonah Goulding Warren, A. M. ; D. D. Rochester university 1S56. Grad- uated Newton theological institution 1838; ordained Baptist 183S; pastor, Ca- botville, now Chicopee, Mass. 183S-49; Fifth street church, Troy, N. Y. 1S49- 55; corresponding secretary Baptist missionary union 1855-72; trustee Brown university 1S58-74; Newton theological institution. Born Ward, now Auburn, Mass., Sept. 11, 1812; died Newton Centre, Mass., Feb. 27, 1SS4. Newt., Nee. 1884 John Waterman, 1875. From Providence, R. I.; died 1837. 1 *24 1836 Edward Andrew Bennett. In business, Louisville, Ky. 1836-42; merchant, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S42-67. Born Windsor, N. S., Sept. 29, 1806; died Phil- adelphia, Penn., Oct. iS, 1867. Nee. 1S6S William Lawton Brown. Student, Newton theological institution 1S36-3S ; ordained Baptist 1S39; pastor, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1S39; Bristol, R. I. 1S39-42 ; West Springfield, Mass. 1S42-46; Westboro, Mass. 1847-51; Watertown, Mass. 1S54-66; Mt. Pleasant, la. 1870-72; Ottumwa, Kans. 1S72-74; Iowa 1S75; Kear- n8 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1836 ney, Neb. 1875-76; R. I. 1876-77; North Reading, Mass. 1877-79; superintend- ent cotton mill, Voluntown, Conn. 1879-82; manufacturer of woollen yarn, Olneyville, R. I. 1882-83; farmer, Wrentham, Mass. 1883-. Address, Wren- tham, Mass. Bapt. encyc, Newt., P. Charles Chamberlain, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1837-38; student, And- over theological seminary 1838-39; Union theological seminary 1839; home missionary, O. and Ind. 1839-41; ordained Congregational 1842; pastor, Berk- ley, Mass. 1842-44; Freetown, Mass. 1845-47; Mendon, Mass. 1847-50; Au- burn, Mass. 1851-53 ; First church, Ashford, Conn. 1854-58; Eastford, Conn. 1858-67; Oxford, Conn. 1867-69; Redding, Conn. 1869-71; Burlington, Conn. 1871-74; East Granby, Conn. 1874-81. Author Layman's assistant. Born Holliston, Mass., Oct. 4, 1813; died East Granby, Conn., March 30, 1881. And., Nee. 1881 Samuel Clarke. Lawyer, Northboro, Mass. From Sherburne, Mass.; died March 10, 1890. P. John Gale Douglas, A. M. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. 1843-90. Born Newark, N.J. 1816; died Cincinnati, O., March 23, 1890. Nee. 1890 Thomas Lyman Dunnell. Calico printer, Pawtucket, R. I. many years. Ad- dress, East Greenwich, R. I. P. Charles Jarvis Everett. From Wrentham, Mass. ; died 1838. Caleb Farnum, A. M. Principal private school, Providence, R. I.; academy, Fruit Hill, R. I. ; Richmond street grammar school, Providence, ; Elm street grammar school, Providence; civil engineer 1849-59; fire insurance aagent 1859- 89. Author Farnum's grammar; Practical penman, 1848; Report of executive committee R. I. institute of instruction. Born Smithfield, R. I., Oct. 30, 1815; died Providence, R. I., July 4, 1889. Nee. 1891 George Jaques, A. M. Teacher, Va. 1836-37 ; horticulturist, Worcester, Mass. ; commissioner of shade trees and public grounds, Worcester ; director public library; trustee city hospital. Born Brooklyn, Conn., Feb, 18, 1816; died Worcester, Mass., Aug. 24, 1872. Nee. 1873 John Gilmore Jones. Principal academy, Brooklyn, Conn, one year; Plain- field, Conn, one year; scientific lecturer 1839-54; resident, Newton, Mass. 1839-41; Foxboro, Mass. 1841-54; farmer, Falmouth, Mass. 1854-79. Born Foxboro, Mass., Oct. 12, i8n;died Falmouth, Mass. Oct. 12, 1879. Nee. 1880 John Power Knowles;LL. B. Harvard university 1838. Admitted to bar 1838; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S3S-69; master in chancery after 1845; re- porter of decisions R. I. supreme court 1855-67; member R. I. house of representatives 1855-56, 1866-67; c ^y solicitor Providence 1866-67; judge U # S. district court R. I. 1869-81. One of the signers Nine lawyers' opinion, 1842 ; author The court vs. the General assembly, 1857. Born Providence, R. I. Jan. 13, 1808; died Providence, Aug. 3, 1887. Harv., R. I. eye, Nee. 1888 John Larkin Lincoln, A. M. ; LL. D. 1859. Tutor, Columbian college, Wash- ington, D. C. 1836-37; student, Newton theological seminary 1837-39; tutor, Brown university 1839-41; in Europe 1841-44, '57; assistant professor Latin, Brown university 1844-45; professor Latin language and literature, Brown university 1845-91 ; principal school for young ladies 1859-67. Editor Selec- tions from Livy, 1847; Works of Horace, 1851; Ovid, 1883; author numer- ous essays and articles in Provide?ice Journal; Watchman; Examiner; Bap- tist quarterly ; and other periodicals. See In memoriam J. L. L. i8iy-i8gi . Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 23, 1817; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 17, 1891. Nee. 1892 1836 GRADUATES 119 Jotham Lincoln, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S39; lawyer, Hingham, Mass. 1839-47; member Mass. house of representatives 1S47 ; ranchman, Spring Valley, on Upper Cherry Creek, Colo. Born Hingham, Mass., Nov. 7, 1S15; killed by Indians, Spring Valley, Colo., Sept. 4, 1S6S. Nee. 1869 Horace Thomas Love, A. M. Preacher 1S23-32 ; ordained Baptist 1836; mis- sionary, Corfu, Greece 1836-56; soliciting agent, Brown university 1859-?; pastor, North Adams, Mass. ; organized church at East Abington, Mass., and Greenwood church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; resident, Kansas ; Babylon, L. I. Au- thor God's promise to give the Holy Spirit, sermon. Born Washington, N. Y., 1S07: died Bablyon, L. I., Jan. 19, 1895. P. William Chamberlain Mellen. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O., residing at Milford. 0. From Sherburne, Mass.; died Milford, O., Oct. 1, 1894. P. William Henry Potter. Law student, Harvard university 1837-38; admitted to bar 1838; lawyer, R. I. 1838-67; retired; member R. I. house of represen- tatives 1851-52 ; acting attorney general R. I. several times. Address, Kings- ton, R. I. P. Silas Burrows Randall, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S40; ordained Baptist 1S41 ; pastor Woburn, Mass. 1841-47 ; Andover, Mass. 1S47- 48; assistant, American Baptist missionary union rooms, Boston, Mass. 1S4S- 49; preacher, Groton, Conn, a year and a half ; trader with South America; manufacturer of harness machinery, Cincinnati, O. 1S64-86; Wyoming, O. 1S86-95. Born Mystic River, Conn., July 4, 1S14; died Wyoming, O., Jan. 1895. Newt., Brun., P. Thomas Lyman Randolph, A. M. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1S41 ; pastor, Portsmouth, Manton, South Scituate, R. I.; Otis, Wilkinsonville, Mass.; Brandon, Windsor, Franklin, Vt. ; Trumansburgh, N. Y. ; Christ church, Sherburne, N. Y. 1S74-1S83; retired. Address, 2029 Encinal Ave., Alameda, Cal. P. Jacob Richardson Scott, A. M. Teacher 1836-38; Brookline, Mass. 1S39-40; graduated Newton theological institution 1842; ordained Baptist 1S42; pastor Market street church. Petersburg, Va. 1842-44; Hampton, Va. 1S44-47 ; also chaplain University of Virginia two years; pastor, Portland, Me. 1849-53; Fall River, Mass. 1853-54; Rochester, N. Y. 1854-57; Yonkers, N. Y. 1858-60; su- perintendent of schools Maiden, Mass. 1S61. Author various hymns and magazine articles. Born Boston, Mass., March 1, 1815; died Maiden, Mass., Dec. 10, 1861. Nee. 1S62, Bapt. encyc, Newt., Bapt. hymn Stephen Osgood Shepard, LL. D. 1S86. Lawyer. Address, 19S State St., Albany, N. Y. p Thomas Perkins Shepard, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S40. Tutor, Brown university 1836-37; studied abroad 1840-44; manufacturer of chemicals, Providence, R. I. 1845-77; member Providence common council 1848-51; R. 1. senate 1853-54; trustee Brown university 1851-77; R. I. hospital 1863-77; president 1877; member board of commissioners to build Providence co. court house 1875. Author Receipts for calico printing -with particular reference to the employment of madder extract and artificial alizarin, 1872. Born Salem, Mass., March 18, 1817; died Providence, R. I., May 5, 1877. R. I. eye, Nee. 1877 Henry Smith. Clergyman. From Worcester, Mass. Wilbor Tillinghast, A. M. Graduated Hamilton literary and theological institu- tion ; ordained Baptist; pastor, Franklinville, N. Y. ; Evansville, N. Y. ; Antwerp, N. Y. ; Wilmington, Vt. ; Lafayette, O. Born Norway, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1810; died Bloomer, Wis., March 13, 1884. Nee. 1884 120 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1836 Charles Henry Waterbury, A. M. Teacher, Darien, Conn, several years; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ?; inventor; oil manufacturer, Elizabeth, N. J. Author articles in chess periodicals. Born Darien, Conn., Nov. 19, 1816; died Elizabeth, N. J., March 22, 1882. Nee. 1886. 8 *i6 1837 • William Robinson Babcock, D. D. 1S69. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1840 ; priest 1841 ; pastor Christ church, Gardiner, Me. 1840-47; St. Peter's church, Salem, Mass. 1848-53; Trinity church, Natchez, Miss. 1S53-55 ; St. John's church, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1856-72; retired. Address, care of Edwin Babcock, Westerly, R. I. P. Nathan Bishop, A. M. ; LL. D. Harvard university 1855. Private teacher, Providence, R. I. 1837-3S; tutor, Brown university 1838-39; superintendent public schools Providence 1S39-52 ; Boston, Mass. 1852-58; resident, New York, N. Y. 1850-S0; trustee Brown university 1852-54; fellow 1854-61 ; one of the managers Christian commission during Civil war; member U. S. Indian commission ; member board American Baptist home mission society; secre- tary two years ; original trustee Vassar college; chairman executive commit- tee eight j'ears; one of the managers American Bible society; president finan- cial committee Anglo-American revision of the Bible; member committee, Evangelical alliance, to present to the Czar remonstrances against interference with freedom of worship 1873. Born Vernon, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1S08; died Sar- atoga Springs, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1880. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1881 Durlin Lee Brayton. Ordained Baptist 1S37; missionary to the Karens 1837-. Author Danger of moderate drinking; in Pwo-Karen : Holy Bible; Hymn books 1 Scripture catechisms, three numbers; Catechetical history of the Saviour, as given in the four Evangelists ; Aid to preachers ; Facts about the Bible; Who are the Baptists? ; Bible teaching about zvine ; The Sabbath ; Bible lazv of Christian marriage ; Spelling book ; Primer ; Eleme?itary geography ; Arith- metic; Readers, three numbers. Address, Rangoon, Burmah. Bapt. encyc, P. Nathan Brittan, A. M. Associate principal Collegiate institute, Rochester, N. Y. 1837-45; teacher, Lyons, N. Y. 1845-50; inventor continuous copper-strip 1S51 ; in business arising from his invention, Lockport, N. Y. ; Rochester, N. Y. ; Detroit, N. Y. ; Chicago, 111.; Adrian, Mich. 1868-72. Born Spencer, Mass., Sept. 2, 1S0S; died Adrian, Mich., Jan. 3, 1872. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1872 David Burbank, A. M. ; LL. D. Franklin college 1858. Student, Newton theological institution 1837-39; principal Day's academy, Wrentham, Mass.; grammar school, Providence, R. I.; in business, Rochester, N. Y. ; principal academy, Wyoming, N. Y. ; Elbridge, N. Y. ; Munroe, N. Y. ; Brockport, N. Y. ; ordained Baptist 1862 ; pastor, Delavan, Wis. 1862-65. Born Deerfield, N. H., Oct. 10, 1810; died Chicago, 111., April 26, 1865. Nee. 1865, Newt. John Calhoun Caldwell. From Newberry, S. C. Solomon Carpenter. Clergyman. From Stephentown, N. Y. William Spencer Child, A. M. ; Trinity college 1854; D. D. Columbia col- lege 1875. Ordained Episcopal; pastor, Fruit Hill, R. I.; Springfield, Mass, ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Zion church, Newport, R. I.; principal boys' preparatory school, Newport, R. I. 14 years ; pastor St. Matthew's church, Jamestown, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 14, 1818; died Jamestown, R. I., Dec. 8, 1892. Nec.^1893 1837 GRADUATES 121 Asa Franklin Clark. Graduated Hartford theological seminary 1840; or- dained Congregational 1842 ; pastor Tribes Hill, Amsterdam, N. Y. 1842-4S; Peru, Vt. 1849-59, '68-73; Ludlow, Vt. 1859-62; Weathersfield, Vt. 1863-65; resident, West Brattleboro, Vt. 1866-6S, '86-93; preacher, Marlboro. Vt. 1S65 ; pastor, Leverett, Mass. 1873-S6. Born Canterbury, Conn.. April 23, 1S11 ; died West Brattleboro, Vt., April 16, 1893. Cong. yr. bk. Benjamin Smith Corbett, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S40; pastor Baptist church, Andover, Mass.; resident licentiate, Andover theological seminary. Born Feb. 1812 ; died 1S62. Newt., And. p. 305 James Wilmer Dallam. Lawyer, Matagorda, Texas. Editor Laws of Texas, 1845. From Baltimore, Md. ; died New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 1847. Nee. 1848, A A * Erasmus Darwin Fish; LL. B. Harvard university 1839; lawyer, Thornton, N. H. Died 1S46. A A Oliver Johnson Fiske. Student Newton theological institution 1833-35 ; or- dained Baptist 1837; pastor, Limerock, R. I. 1838-39; teacher, Stewart's Creek, Tenn.; Robertson co., Tenn.; Nashville, Tenn. two years ; president Eno college, Gallatin, Tenn. until 1849; pastoi various churches, 111. until 1873. Born Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1809; died Crawfordsville, Ind., Jan. 8, 1886. Nee. 1886, Newt. Samuel Stillman Greene, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S70. Assistant, principal academy, Worcester, Mass. 1837-40; superintendent public schools, Springfield, Mass. 1840-42; assistant teacher English high school, Boston, Mass. 1842-44; master Phillips grammar school, Boston 1844-49; agent Mass. board of education 1849-51; superintendent public schools, Providence, R. I. 1851-55; professor Didactics, Brown university 1851-55; professor Mathematics and civil engi- neering 1855-64; Natural philosophy and astronomy 1864-75; Mathematics and astronomy 1875-83 ; member Providence school committee 1854-72; president R. I. institute ; American institute of inttruction ; National teacher's associa- tion. Author Analysis of the English language, 1848; First lessons in gram- mar, 1848; Elements of English grammar, 1852; English grammar, 1867; Introduction to English grammar, 186S. Born Belchertown, Mass., May 3, 1810; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 24, 1883. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1883, R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc. George Griggs, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1839. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. ; librarian Harvard law school several years. Born Brookline, Mass., Sept. 8, 1S13; died Brookline, May 8, 188S. Harv., Nee. 1888 George Harris. From Lancaster, Mass.; died 1837. Arus Haynes, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; physician. From Middleboro, Vt. ; died at sea, May 1853. Nee. 1853 Alexander Griswold Henshaw. From Baltimore, Md. ; died New York, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1854. Nee. 1854 John Shepard Ingraham. Principal academy, Macon, Ga., 1S41 ; teacher, Cave Springs, Ga. 1S50-58; Albany, Ga. 185S-71; Senoia, Ga. 1871-85; or- dained Baptist; pastor, Senoia, Ga. 18S5-91. Born Attleboro, Mass., April 25, 1S13 ; died Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 7, 18S1. Bapt. yr. bk., Nee. 1891 Lambert Jefferson Jones, A. M. From Newberry, S. C. ; died July 15, 1894. Ira Leland. Teacher, Mass. 1837-44; ordained Baptist; pastor, Barnstable, Mass. three years; Long Plain, Mass.; Lexington, Mass. ten years; Warren, Me. 11 years; Topsham, Me. 17 years. Born Weathersfield, Vt., June 4, 1810; died Brunswick, Me., Jan. 3, 1887. Nee. 1887 122 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1837 Abija Smith Lyon. Ordained Baptist 1837 ; pastor, North Oxford, Mass. 1837- 47; Chatham, Mass. 1847-53; Natick, Mass. 1853-58; home missionary, Minn. 1858-59; pastor, Newport, Minn. 1S59-6S. Born Woodstock, Conn., April 2, 1805; died Newport, Minn., Sept. 13, 1871. Nee. 1872 Charles King Newcomb, A. M. U. S. military service 1862. From Provi- dence, R. I. B. U. civ. war. Edwin Noyes, A. M. Tutor, Waterville college 1837-39; student, Harvard law school; lawyer, Waterville, Me. 1841-88; treasurer Androscoggin and Kennebec railroad company; superintendentfrom its completion to 1S53, 1854?- 72; Michigan central railroad 1853-54; member Me. senate 1849-50. Born Kingston, R. I., Feb. 21, 1812; died Boston, Mass., March 23, 1888. Nee. 188S, A A $ George Washington Peck. Teacher, Jeffersonville, Indiana; near Louisville, Ky.; music teacher, Madison, Ind. ; Cincinnati, O. ; editor Daily Sun and Republican, Cincinnati, O. ; admitted to bar, Boston, Mass. 1843; musical and dramatic critic Bosto7i Post; founder Boston musical review 1845; connected with New York courier and enquirer ; American revietv ; Methodist quarterly review ; Literary -world; Art-union bulletin; travelled round the world 1853- 54. Author Sonnets of the sidewalk ; Aurifodina, or Adventures in the gold region; Melbourne and the Chincha islands, with sketches of Lima, and a voyage round the world, 1854; Summer sketches, published in Nexv 'York courier and enquirer ; an essav on Shakspeare, and other articles published in Atlantic monthly. Born Rehoboth, Mass., Dec. 4, 1S17; died Boston, Mass., June 6, 18:59. Nee. 1S59, Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Duyckinck, A A $ Daniel William Phillips, D. D. 1S7-;.. Siudent, Newton theological institution 1S37-3S; ordained Baptist 183S; pastor, Medford, Mass., 1S38-50; South Read- ing, Wakefield, Mass. 1S50-65; president, professor, Nashville normal and theological institute, now Roger Williams university 1864-90. Born Cill- maenllyd, Carmarthenshire, Wales, June 7, 1809; died Nashville, Tenn., April 13, 1890. Nee. 1S90, Newt. David Abbott Putnam. From Salem, Mass.; died 1840. Charles William Reding, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S40; ordained Baptist 18.41; pastor, West Townsend, Mass. 1841-44; North Yarmouth, Me. 1S44-47 ; Second church, Beverly, Mass. 184S-56, '61-63; Man- chester, Mass. 1856-61; Webster, Mass. 1863-69; Mil ford, Mass. 1869-71; preacher, Beverly; retired 188 1 ; resident, Beverly Farms, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1S60-61. Author Circular letter on the believer's dependence on the Holy Spirit, 1852 ; Historical discourse, jolh anni- versary, Baptist church, Webster, Mass., 1864; Valedictory discourse on aban- doning old house of worship, Webster, Mass., 1866. Address, Beverly Farms, Mass. Sabin, Bapt. encyc, Newt., A A $, P. William Coolidge Richards, A. M. Principal Bennington union academy 1837-38; president Hancock literary and scientific institution 1840-43 ; ordained Baptist 1S41; pastor, North Grafton, Mass. 1841-49; Lynn, Mass. 1S49-64; Newton, Mass. 1S64-84; resident, Natick, Mass. 1S84-94. Author Scriptural defence of deity of Christ. Born Newton, Mass., 1809; died Natick, Mass., Dec. 13, 1894. Brum, P. John Stearns Scammell. Address, Milford, Mass. Francis Smith, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1840; or- dained Baptist 1841 ; pastor Fourth church, Providence, R. I. 1841-44 ; preacher, Fruit Hill, R. I.; Allendale, R. I.; Wanskuck, R. I.; Rutland, Vt. two years; 1837 GRADUATES 123 N. E. district secretary American Baptist publication society. Born South Reading, now Wakefield, Mass., July 12, 1S12; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 29, 1S72. Nee. 1S72, R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc. Newt. Joseph Smith, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1831-32 ; ordained Baptist 1S37 ; pastor, Woonsocket, R. I. 1837-41; First church, Newport, R. I. 1841-50; Bellingham and Uxbridge, Mass. 1S50-52 ; Grafton, Mass. 1852-57 ; connected with Female collegiate institute, Worcester, Mass. 1S57-62 ; pastor, North Oxford, Mass. 1862-66. Born Hampstead, N. H., Jan. 31 , 1S0S ; died North Oxford, Mass., April 26, 1S66. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1S66. Newt. Thomas Skelding Summers, A. M. Teacher private school, New York, N. Y. ; admitted to bar 1841 ; lawyer, New York, 1841-71. Born Troy, N. Y., Jan. ii, 1818; died Astoria, N. Y., Oct. 11?, 1871. Nee. 1872 Orrin Orlando Stearns. Ordained Baptist 1S3S; pnstor, Sturbridge, Mass. three years; principal Hancock literary and scientific institution 1840-42; Rockingham academy, and pastor, Hampton Falls, N. H. 1S42; Deerfield, N. II.; Milford, N. H ; Manchester, N. 11.; Thomaston, Me.; Racine, Wis. 1854- 58; Winona, Minn. 185S-62 ; Lodi, Wis. 1S64-S5. Author several articles in Christian review. Born Monkton, Vt., Feb. 27, 1S10 ; died Lodi, Wis., Oct. 19, 18S5. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1SS6. William Henry Taylor, A M. From Sturbridge, Mass. ; died 1869. Nicholas Power TilJinghast, A. M. Private tutor, Society Hill, S. C. 1S37- 39; graduated Theological seminary, Alexandria, Va. 1S42 ; ordained Episco- pal 1842 ; assistant pastor Monumental church, Richmond, Va. 1S42; pastor, Society Hill, S. C. 1842-44; in Europe 1844-46; acting pastor Trinity church, Washington, D. C. 1846; pastor, Marblehead, Mass. 1846; St. John's church, Georgetown, D. C. 184S-67 ; resident, Philadelphia, Penn. Bom Providence, R. I., March 3, 1817; died Philadelphia, Penn., Aug. 7, 1869. Nee 1869 Charles Russell Train, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S41; lawyer, Framingham, Mass. 1S41-59; Boston, Mass. 1S63-S5; member Mass. house of representa- tives 1S47-48, '6S, '70-71; district attorney 1S48-51, '53-55; delegate, constitu- tional convention 1853; member Mass. executive council 1857-5S; U. S. house of representatives 1859-63; U. S. military service, aide-de-camp to Gen. Mc- Clellan ; member Boston common council 1S67-6S; attorney general Mass. 1S71-79. Author Precedents of indictments, in conjunction with F. F. Heard, 1S55. Born Framingham, Mass., Oct. iS, 1S17; died North Conway, N. H., July 29, 1SS5. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Nee 1S86 Stowell Leverett Weld, A. M. Principal private school, Danielsonville, Conn.; associate principal Smithville seminary, Scituate, R. I.; teacher, Nor- wich, Conn. ; Stonington, Conn. Born Sturbridge, Mass., March 15, 1S09; died Danielsonville, Conn., Dec. 16, 1865. Nee. 1866. 4 *34 ■838 David Alden. Teacher, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1S38-40; principal academy, Shel- burne Falls, Mass. 1S40-43 ; farmer. Ashfield, Mass.; Southboro, Mass.; Kevvanee, 111. Born Ashfield, Mass. 1813; died Kewanee, 111., Nov. 24, 1864. Nee 1S65 William Shaw Ames. Law student, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I. ; died 1840. A A * 124 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1838 Albert Nicholas Arnold, A. M.; D. D. University of Rochester i860. Grad- uated Newton theological institution 1841 ; ordained Baptist 1841 ; pastor First church, Newburyport, Mass. 1841-43; missionary, Greece 1844-55; professor Ecclesiastical history, Newton theological institution 1855-57; pastor, West- boro, Mass. 1S57-64; professor Biblical criticism and pastoral theology, Ham- ilton literary and theological institution 1864-69; New Testament Greek and Biblical literature, Baptist union theological seminary, Chicago, 111. 1869-78; trustee Brown university 1875-83. A volume of his sermons was published in modern Greek at Athens in 1883. Born Cranston, R. I., Feb. 12, 1814; died Pawtuxet, R. I., Oct. 11, 1S83. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1884, Newt., Bapt. encyc. Charles Manning Bowers, D. D. 1870. Student, Newton theological institu- tion 1S3S-39; ordained Baptist 1841 ; pastor, Lexington, Mass. 1841-45; Clin- ton, Mass. 1845-S6; Spencer, Mass. 1886; member Mass. house of representa- tives 1864-66; secretary Mass. Baptist convention 1866-78. Author Reports of board to Mass. Baptist convention, 13 years; Obituary notices, Mass. conference of Baptist ministers, several years; besides sermons, etc. Address, 47 Water St., Clinton, Mass. A A <£>, Newt., Bapt. encyc, P. Charles Smith Bradley, A. M. ; LL. D. 1867. Tutor, Brown university; ad- mitted to bar 1841 ; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. senate 1854; chief justice R. I. supreme court 1866-68; lecturer, Harvard law school 1870-73; pro-. fessor Jurisprudence 1876-79 ; delegate, several national democratic conventions ; fellow Brown university 1866-88. Author numerous articles on constitutional reform in R. I. Born Newburyport, Mass., July 19, 1819; died NewYork, N. Y., April 29, 1888. R. I. cyc, Nee 1888, A A $ Alexander Burgess, A. M.; D. D. 1866; Racine college 18S0; LL. D. Gris- wold college 1891. Graduated General theological seminary 1841 ; ordained Episcopal deacon 1842 ; priest 1843; pastor St. Stephen's church, East Had- dam, Conn. 1842-43; St. Mark's church, Augusta, Me. 1843-54; St. Luke's church, Portland, Me. 1854-67; St. John's church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1867-69; Christ church, Springfield, Mass. 1869-78; bishop of Quincy, 111. 1878- ; dep- uty, general convention 1844-77; president house of deputies 1877. Author Me?noir of the first bishop of ' Afaine, 1869; Sunday school and catechetical book ; Six charges to the clergy of the diocese; besides various sermons. Address, National hotel, Peoria, 111. Cyc. Am. biog., Gen. sem., P. James Mason Clarke. Admitted to bar 1841 ; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; dis- trict attorney 1849-52 ; presiding justice Providence court of magistrates ; city solicitor 1854-63; register in bankruptcy 1867-76. Born Providence, R. I., Dec, 27, 1818; died Providence, Dec. 21, 1885. Nee. 1886 Alfred Colburn, A.M. Student, Newton theological institution 1839-40; or- dained Baptist 1842 ; pastor, Westfield, Mass. 1842 ; Saco, Me. ; Sharon, Mass. ; Adams, Mass. ; Hampton Falls, N. H. ; Bradford, N. H. ; Raynham, Mass. ; Hopkinton, Mass.; Conway, Mass.; secretary N. E. Sunday school union. Editor The young reaper. Born Boston, Mass., June 26, 1S15; died Worcester, Mass., Feb. 27, 1892. Nee. 1892, Newt., A A * Azel Dow Cole, A. M. ; D. D. 1883 ; Norwich university 1852. Graduated General theological seminary 1841 ; ordained Episcopal 1842 ; pastor St. James's church, Woonsocket, R. I. 1841-45; St. Luke's church, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1845-49; St. Luke's church, Racine, Wis. 1849-50; president Nashotah house, and pastor St. Sylvanus church, Nashotah, Wis. 1850-85. Born Sterling, Conn., Dec. 1, 1818; died Nashotah, Wis., Oct. 15, 1885. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1886 1838 GRADUATES 125 Samuel Fuller Dike, A. M. ; D. D. Bowdoin college 1S72. Teacher academy, Yarmouth, Me. 1838-40; pastor Society of the New Jerusalem, Bath, Me. 1S40- 90; travelled in Europe 1SS0; travelled round the world 1S90-91 ; professor Biblical and church history, Theological school of New Jerusalem church, Cam- bridge, Mass. ; trustee Maine state college 12 years; examiner Bowdoin college; Author Sermon delivered at the dedication of New Jerusalem temple, Bath, Me., Jan. 11, 1844', Doctrine of the Lord in the primitive Christian church: doctrines of the New Jerusalem church, 1870; besides various pamphlets and sermons. Address, 13S Lincoln St., Bath, Me. Sabin, Allibone, P. Ezra Williams Howard, A. M. Admitted to bar 1841; travelled; resident, Providence, R. I.; treasurer R. I. diocesan convention 28 years. Born Providence, R. I., March 13, 1S18; died Providence, Dec. 9, 1S69. R. I. eye, Nee. 1S70, A A 4> Thomas Allen Jenckes, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S73. Tutor, Brown university 1S39- 40; admitted to bar 1840; lawyer. Providence, R. I.; clerk R. I. house of rep- resentatives 1840-41 ; secretary Landholders' convention, R. I. 1S41 ; secretary Constitutional convention 1842; adjutant-general R. I. 1845-55; member R.I. general assembly 1S54-59; commission that prepared revised statutes of 1857; U. S. house of representatives 1863-71. Author reports on Bankrupt law; Civil service ; Ventilation of the capilol ; also various contributions to Provi- dence Journal. Born Cumberland, R. I., Nov. 2, 1818; died Cumberland, Nov. 4, 1S75. Cong, direct., Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1876, A A <1> John Whipple Potter Jenks, A. M. Teacher and preacher, Americus, Ga. 1838-39; Washington, Ga. 1840-42; principal Peirce academy, Middleboro, Mass. 1842-71; curator Museum, Brown university 1871-72; director Museum ot natural history 1872-94; lecturer on Special branches of agriculture 1872-74; professor Zoologv and agriculture 1874-75; Agricultural zoology 1875-94 ; emeri- tus 1S94. Author Fourteen weeks in zoology; revised as Popular zoology, 1886. Born West Bovlston, Mass., May 1, 1S19; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 26, 1S94. P. William Henry King, A. M. Merchant, China 1S40-50; member firm Rus- sell and company, Canton several years; retired 1S50. Address, care of George Gordon King, Newport, R. I. P. Francis Leland ; M. D. Harvard university 1842. Private teacher; physician. Milford, Mass, 1842-67; U. S. military service 1862-63, sergeant. Born Sher- burne, Mass., Dec. 24, 1817; died Somerville, Mass., Oct. 5, 1867. Nee. 1S6S George Van Ness Lothrop, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S73. Lawyer, Detroit, Mich.; recorder Detroit ; member Mich, constitutional convention; attorney general Mich. 1848-50; U. S. minister, Russia; general counsel Mich, central rail- road company over 25 years. Address, Detroit, Mich. A A , P. Marcus Morton, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S70; LL. B. Harvard university 1S40; LL. D. 1882. Admitted to bar 1841; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1841-50; And- over, Mass. 1S50-91 ; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1S53; mem- ber Mass. house of representatives 1S58; justice Suffolk county superior court 1858; Mass. superior court 1S59-69; associate justice Mass. supreme court 1869-82; chief justice 1S82-90. Born Taunton, Mass., April 8, 1S19; died Andover, Mass., Feb. 10, 1891. Harv., Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1891, A A ^ Edward Douglas Pearce, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. -1S4S; manufac- turer sulphuric acid, Providence; member R. I. senate several years; director R. I. hospital trust company; chairman board of state charities and correc- tions 1871-74. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, 1818; died Providence, Jan. 20, 1883. Nee. 1883 126 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1838 Nathan Adams Reed, A. M. ; D. D. State university of Iowa 1SS1 . Ordained Baptist 1S3S; pastor Wakefield, Conn, twice; Suffield, Conn. ; Bedford, N. Y. ; Franklindale, N. Y. ; Winchester, Mass.; Bristol, R. [. ; Middletown, N. Y. ; Zanesville, O. ; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Hamilton, O. ; Muscatine, la.; Cen- tralia, 111. ; Amboy, 111. ; Sandwich, 111. ; Cherokee, la. ; Harlan, la. ; Dow City, la. ; Fort Collins, Colo.; Sioux City, la. Address, Sioux City, Iowa. Bapt. encyc, Bapt. yr. bk. Samuel Richards, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1839-40; pastor First church, Sutton, Mass. 1842-43; ordained Baptist 1844; Edgartown, Mass. 1844-48; Jefferson street church, Providence, R. I. 184S-52 ; teacher, Salem, N.J. 1S52-54; principal private school, Providence, R. I. 1S54-61. Born Philadelphia, Penn., April 24, 1813; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 25, 1883. Nee. 18S5, Newt. Ezekiel Oilman Robinson, A. M.; D. D. 1853; LL - ^- J %7 2 i Harvard uni- versity 18S6. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S42 ; ordained Bap- tist 1842; pastor, Norfolk, Va. 1S42-45; chaplain University of Virginia one year; pastor, Cambridge, Mass. 1845-46; professor Hebrew, Covington theo- logical institution 1S46-49; pastor Ninth street church, Cincinnati, O. 1849-52; professor Christian theology, Rochester theological seminary 1852-60; presi- ident 1860-72 ; president and professor Moral and intellectual philosophy, Brown university 1S72-S9; president American Baptist missionary union 1877- 80; lecturer, Andover theological seminary ; Preaching, Yale divinily school; Apologetics and evidences of Christianity, Crozer theological seminary 18S9- 94; professor Ethics and apologetics, University of Chicago 1892-94; trustee Vassar college 1861-94. Editor Christian review, 1859-64; translator Nean- der's Planting and training of the Christian church-, 1865; author Lectures on preaching, 18S3 ; Principles and practice of morality, 1888; Christian theology, 1894; Evidences of Christianity, unpublished; besides numerous articles in reviews. Born Attleboro, Mass., March 23, 1815; died Boston, Mass., June 13, 1894. Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., Nee. 1894, Bapt. encyc, R. I. eye, Allibone Ira Sampson; M. D. Harvard university 1841. Physician, Dighton, Mass. 1841- 53; Taunton, Mass. 1853-71. Born Middleboro, Mass., March 23, 1815; died Taunton, Mass., March 2, 1871. Nee. 1871 John Calvin Stockbridge, A. M. ; D. D. Harvard university 1859. Principal Ladies' seminary, Warren, R.I. 1839-41 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1844; ordained Baptist 1845; pastor, Waterville, Me. 1844-47; Woburn, Mass. 1847-52 ; First church, Providence, R. I. 1S52-53 ; Charles street church, Boston, Mass. 1853-61; Carey avenue church, Boston 1861-63; Free street church, Boston 1865-67; principal Ladies' school, Providence 1S67-77 ; travelled abroad 1865, '74, '78; trustee Brown university 1856-SS; fellow 188S-89; registrar 18S9- 91. Authors! model pastor: a memoir of Baron Slow, 1871 ; Anthony me- morial: a catalogue of the Harris collection of American poetry, 18S6; Me- morials of the Mauran family, 1893 ; many articles in M'Clintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia of biblical literature ; Baptist encyclopaedia; Biographical cyclo- paedia of R. I.; besides numerous contribution to periodicals and other publications. Address, 257 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Newt., R. I. cyc, Bapt. encyc, Mauran, Allibone, P. Martin Tyler Sumner; D. D. Bethany college 1866. Teacher. Richmond, Va. 1838-54; ordained Baptist 1843; agent American tract society, Va. and D. C. ; corresponding secretary, domestic missionary board, Southern Baptist conven- tion ; president Judson female institute 1875; agent Southern Baptist theologi- 1838 GRADUATES 127 cal seminary ; in service of American Baptist publication society two years; pastor, Athens, Ga. 18S0. Born Sept. 6, 1816; died Verbena, Ala., Aug. 22, 1883. Nee. 1SS4 Elijah Withington Tucker. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1841; Newton theological institution 1S41 ; ordained Congregational 1S41 ; pastor, South Newmarket, N. H. 1841-45; Chatham, Mass. 1S46-52; Essex, Conn. 1852-53; Goshen parish, Lebanon, Conn. 1853-58; Preston, Conn. 1858-65; Northfield, Conn. 1865. Born Dorchester, Mass., March 31, 1810; died North- field, Conn., Aug. 6, 1866. Newt., And., Nee. 1S66 Josiah Phillips Tustin, A. M. ; D. D. Furman university i860. Principal Bristol academy; Ladies' seminary, Warren, R. I.; St. Bride's academy, Va. ; ordained Baptist 1S41 ; pastor First church, Pelersburgh, Va. 1S41-43; War- ren, R. I. 1843-48; Second church, Savannah, Ga. ; secretary Publication so- ciety, Charleston, S. C. ; Episcopal pastor, Newton. Mass.; Grace church. New Bedford, Mass. 1S61-63; St. Mark's church, Grand Rapids, Mich, seven years; commissioner Continental improvement company to Sweden and Nor- way; pastor Evanston, 111.; Detroit, Mich.; American Episcopal church, Dresden, Germany 1S77-79; missionary. Author Discourse at dedication of new church, Warren, It . I., 1845. Born Philadelphia, Penn., April 3, 1817; died Philadelphia, Dec. 27, 1SS7. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 18S8 Samuel Warner, A. M. Lawyer, Wrentham, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives 1843-44, '4S-49, 'S2-83 ; Mass. senate 1851-52; Mass. constitu- tional convention 1853; Mass. land agent 1851-52, '54; besides various town offices. Address, Common St., Wrentham, Mass. P. Henry Clay Whitaker, A. M. Merchant, New York, N. Y. 183S-42, '55-57; Providence, R. I. 1842-47; Clayville, R. I. 1S47-50; commercial editor and book critic, Providence 1S59-7S; fire and marine insurance agent, Providence, 1878-S7. Author Memories and fancies; numerous articles in Providence jour- nal. Born Providence, R. I., May 25, 1S18; died Providence, July 5, 1SS7. Nee. 188S, A A Isaac Grant Wilson, A.M.; LL. D. 18S7; University of Chicago 1SS4. Ad- mitted to bar 1841 ; lawyer, Elgin, 111. ; circuit judge 185 1-67; U. S. military service, colonel; judge 12th district court 1879; appellate court 1885 ; chief justice 1S87. Author several law books. Born Middlebury, N. Y., April 26, 1816; died Geneva, 111., June 8, 1891. Nee. 1892 George Young, A. M. Student, Princeton theological seminary 183S-39; or- dained Baptist 1S40; pastor Lambertville. N. J.; Paterson, N. J.; Sandy Ridge, N. J. ; Hightstown, N. J.; Greenwich, N. J.; Second church, Salem, N. J. ; Wertsville, N. J. ; Princeton, N. J. ; Mansfield, N. J. ; Bethlehem, N. J. ; Point Pleasant, Penn. ; Stockton, N. J. ; Baptisttovvn, N. J.; Halboro, Penn. Born Haddington, now West Philadelphia, Penn., March 1, 1813; died Norris- town, Penn., April 10, 1893. Nee. 1893, Princ. 8 *22 1839 Frederick Lyman Batchelder, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1842; ordained Baptist 1S43; pastor East Longmeadow, Mass. 1S43-45, '52-53; Grand River association, Michigan 1845-51; Stafford, Conn. 1S53-?; held various public offices in Stafford. Address, Stafford, Conn. Newt. Charles Chandler Burnett, A. M. Teacher. Address, Springfield, Mass. A 128 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1839 George Cutler, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1845. Teacher, Hopkinton, Mass. ; Chatham, Mass.; Kentucky; physician, Charlestown, Mass. Born Holliston, Mass., March 31, 1814; died Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 18, 1863. Nee. 1863 John William Dodge. Bank cashier, Hampton Falls, N. H.; in business, Concord, N. H. two years; resident, Hampton Falls, N. H. ; conducted scien- tific excursions to Labrador ; superintendent railroad to Mount Washington; proprietor Summit house, Mount Washington, N. H.; Hamilton hotel, Ber- muda; member N. H. house of representatives. Born Hampton Falls, N. H., March 25, 1819; died Franklin, N. H., June 3, 1875. Nee. 1875, A Henry Crawford Dorr, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1841. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. Author Providence, its plantation and growth, 1882 ; Re- lations -witk'tke Narragansetts. Address, 217 West 14th St., New York, N. Y. P. William Douglas, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1839-40; ordained Baptist 1850; city missionary, Providence, R. I. 1840-56; agent Providence aid society 1856-64 ; registrar Brown university 1864-79; chaplain Dexter asylum 1837-62; R. I. state prison 183S-77. Born Pollockshaws, near Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 24, 1812 ; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 29, 1887. Newt., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1888 William Farmer Dow, A. M. From Plaistow, N. H.; died 1S66. James Henry Eames, A. M. ; D. D. Norwich university 1862. Ordained Episcopal 1842 ; pastor Church of the ascension, Wakefield, R. I. 1841-46; St. Stephen's church, Providence, R. I. 1846-50; missionary, R. I. 1850-58; trav- elled abroad 1858; pastor St Paul's church, Concord, N. H. 1858-78; chaplain Asylum for the insane, Concord 18 years; member standing committee N. H. diocese; delegate, general convention ; trustee General theological seminary. Born Dedham, Mass., Nov. 29, 1814; died Hamilton Harbor, Bermuda, Dec. 10, 1877. R. L eye, Nee. 1878 Albert Timothy Elliott, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; cotton manu- facturer, East Killingly, Conn. Born Pomfret, Conn., Feb. 23, 1818; died Providence, R. I., March 19, 18S3. Nee. 1883 George Dealand Felton. Teacher, Franklin academy 1839-40; ordained Bap- tist 1840; pastor, Westminster, Mass. 1840-42; Chatham, Mass. 1842-44; Granville, Mass. 1S44-66; Robertsville, Conn. 1866-72; Bloomfield, Conn. 1872-74. Born New Salem, Mass., Dec. 12, 1805; died Granville, Mass., Jan. 31, 1S85. Nee. 1886 Charles Worthen Flanders, A. M.; D. D. 1859. Ordained Baptist 1840; pas- tor, Danvers, Mass. 1840-50; First church, Concord, N. H. 1850-66; Kenne- bunkport, Me. 1866-68 ; v Westboro, Mass. two years; Beverly, Mass.; trustee Brown university 1854-75. Born Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 1807; died Beverly, Mass., Aug. 2, 1875. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1876 Ezra Wood Fletcher, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S43. Physician, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I.; died Providence, June 25, 1847. Nee. 1847 Samuel Glover. Student, Newton theological institution 1S40-42. From Leominster, Mass.; born 1820; died Brooklyn, N. Y., 1842. Newt., A A 4> David Goddard. Clergyman. From Wendell, Mass.; died 184S. Francis Edwin Hoppin, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S42. Admitted to bar 1842; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; judge municipal court, Providence 1853-58; in Europe 1859. Author Dedication of Lyceum kail; oration, 1S58. 1839 GRADUATES 129 See Iti memory of Francis Edxvin Hoppin, 1S68. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 26, 1819; died Providence, R. I., June 20, 186S. Sabin, A A , R. I. eye, Nee. 186S. Sereno Howe, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1842; or- dained Baptist 1842; pastor, Hingham, Mass. 1842-49; Lowell, Mass. 1849-56; South Abington, Mass. ; resident, New London, N. H. ; member Mass. legis- lature 1S52, '56. Address, Hingham Centre, Mass. Newt., P. William Batchelder Kimball, A. M. From Charlestown, Mass.; died 1846. Francis Miller McLellan, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1843. From Boston, Mass.; died 1S63. Thomas Shields Malcom, A. M. Student, Princeton theological seminary 1839-41; ordained Baptist 1842; pastor Second church, Louisville, Ky. 1842- 46; corresponding secietary American Baptist publication society, Philadel- phia, Penn. 1846-53; supplied various Penn. churches 1853-61; pastor Nice- town church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S61-66; secretary Penn. colonization so- ciety 1866-77. Author One honest effort; also various articles in periodicals and magazines. Born Hudson, N. Y., March 23, 1821 ; died Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 6, 18S6. Princ, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S86 Seth Mann, A. M. Resident, Randolph, Mass.; justice of the peace 40 years ; member Mass. house of representatives three years; county commissioner; U. S. internal revenue officer 12 years; member school committee; selectman 12 years; engaged in probate court business; insurance agent; conveyancer ; ad- ministrator; trustee; farmer. Address, Randolph, Mass. P. George Washington Packard, A. M. Theological student, Harvard univer- sity. From Providence, R. I.; died 1842. A A 4> Edward Dorr Griffin Palmer, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1842. Physi- cian, Boston, Mass. ; member Boston school committee; chairman sub-com- mittee on the Latin school. Born Boston, Mass., April 17, 1818; died Boston, June 29, 1869. Nee. 1869 George Whitney Patch, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1839- 40; ordained Baptist 1841; pastor, Wenham, Mass. 1S41-43; Sharon, Mass. 1S43-48; Marblehead, Mass. 1S48-74; member Mass. legislature 1864-65. Born Boston, Mass., April 30, 1817; died Cambridgeport, Mass., Dec. 24, 1875. Newt., Nee. 1876 Joseph Story Pitman. Admitted to bar 1S44; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; U. S. military service Mexican war, brigadier general; U. S. military service 1861, lieutenant-colonel; secretary R. I. society for the encouragement of do- mestic industry. Editor Transcript, Providence. Born Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 25, 1819; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 15, 1883. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1884 James Brown Mason Potter. U. S. military service 1861-65, major and pay- master, brevet lieutenant-colonel; visitor U. S. military academy from R. I. Address, 330 North Charles St., Baltimore, Md. B. U. civ. war, A A , P. John Gano Richardson. Student, Newton theological institution J839-40; or- dained Baptist 1S41 ; pastor, Milford, N. H. 1S41-45; South Danvers, now Peabody, Mass. 1845-47; Lawrence, Mass. 1847-53; Green street church, New- buryport, Mass. 1853-56; Valley Falls, R. I. 1S56-63; Cumberland Hill, R. I. 1S63-64; Jefferson street church, Providence, R. I. 1S64-71 ; Medford, Mass. 1871-77; member Mass. board of education; R. I. board of education. Au- thor several lectures on slavery, the constitution of the United States, tem- perance; two sermons. Born Methuen, now Lawrence, Mass., March 18, 1815; died Goshen, N. Y., June 14, 1890. Newt., Nee. 1S91 i3° BROWN UNIVERSITY 1839 George Whitefield Samson ; D. D. Columbian college 1858. Graduated New- ton theological institution 1843; ordained Baptist 1843; pastor E street church, Washington, D. C 1843-50, '53-59; Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1S50-52 president Columbian college 1859-71 ; Rutgers female college 1871-75, '86- pastor First church, Harlem, N. Y. 1875-81; New York, N. Y. 18S1-84 president Bible workers' college 18S4-; member American philological society American scientific society. Author Sermon on death of Sarah C. Green 1S49 To Daimonion, or The spiritual medium, 1S52 ; 2d edition, entitled Spiritual- ism tested, i860; The providence of God in raising up great men, discourse Nov. 25, 1852, 1S53; Appendix to Dagg's Theology 1857; Memoir of Mary J. Graham, prefixed to her Test of truth, 1859; Outlines of the history of ethics, 1S60; Elements of art criticism, 1867; abridged edition, 1868; Physical media in spiritual manifesiatiojis, 1869; Memorial discourse on Joel Smith Bacon, 1870 ; The atonement, 1878 ; Divine law as to wines, 1880 ; English revisers' Greek text unauthorized, 1882 ; Creation and immortality, 1882 ; Guide to self-edu- cation, 1886 ; Guide to Bible interpretation, 1887 ; Idols of fashion and culture, 1 888; Classic test of authorship applied to the Scriptures, 1893; Contribu- tions to memoirs of several statesmen ; contributor to Christian review ,' Evan- gelical alliance; Baptist quarterly. Address, 415 West 156th St., New York, N. Y. Newt., A A $, Sabin, Allibone, Cyc. Am. biog., P. Ebenezer Letson Ludlum Sheppard. From Fredonia, N. Y. John Spence, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S53. From Boston, Mass.; died Boston, Feb. 7, 1851. Nee. 1851 George Sumner Goddard Spence, A. M. Teacher 1839-43; graduated New- ton theological institution 1846; ordained Baptist 1847; pastor West Wren- tham 1847-48; Augusta, Me. 1849-51; in business, and preacher, Boston, Mass. 1851-61. Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 21, 1819; died Salem, Mass., Sept. 7, 1863. Nee. 1864, Bapt. encyc. Henry Green Stewart. Student, Newton theological institution 1839-40; or- dained Baptist 1841 ; pastor, Cumberland Hill, R. I. 1841-50; Seekonk, Mass. 1850-52 ; member Mass. general court two years; agent American and foreign Bible society 1S52-60; pastor, Shawomet church, Warwick, R. I. 1860-63; agent Freedman's bureau 1863-65; missionary R. I. state convention 1S67-70; Indian agent, southeastern Nevada 1870-71. Born East Clarendon, Vt, April 25, 18.11; died Panaca, Nev., July 6, 1871. Newt., Nee. 1872 Luther Stone, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1842; or- dained Baptist, 1S43 ; pastor, East Boston, Mass.; Ellsworth, Me. 1843-44; Burlington, la. 1845; Firstchurch, Rockford, 111. 1846-47; editor Watchman of the prairies, Chicago, 111. 1847-53; pastor First church, Chicago, 111. 1S47- 4S ; one of the founders Baptist theological union ; trustee; secretary board of trustees -1S66. Born Oxford, Mass., Sept. 26, 1815; died Chicago, 111., July 9, 1890. Newt., Nee. 1891, Bapt. encyc. Charles Henry Webb. Lawyer. Address, 25 State St., Boston, Mass. P. Peleg Spencer Whitman, A. M. by special vote 1890. Baptist clergyman. Address, Toccoa, Ga. Preston Greenleaf Willard. From Keene, N. II. William Thomas Wilson, M. D. Professor Materia medica, University of Maryland 1S45-49. From Baltimore, Md. ; died Baltimore, July 1852. A A 4>, Nee. 1S53. 9 *26 1840 GRADUATES 131 I84O Nathan Wheeler Ayer; A. M. University of Rochester 1859. From Preston, Conn. ; died 1872. James Robinson Boise, A. M. ; D. D. 1879; Ph. D. University of Tubingen 1868; LL. D. University of Mich. 1868. Tutor Latin and Greek, Brown uni- versity 1S40-43; assistant professor Greek 1843-45; professor Greek language and literature 1845-50, '51-52 ; student, Germany, Greece and Italy 1850-51; professor Greek language and literature, University of Mich. 1852-68; Univer- sity of Chicago 1868-77; New Testament interpretation, Baptist union theolo- gical seminary, Morgan Park, 111. 1877-91; emeritus 1891-92; emeritus New Testament Greek, University of Chicago 1892-95. Author Exercises in Greek prose composition / First lessons in Greek, 1870; Exercises in Greek syntax, 1874; Selections from Greek authors, in conjunction with J. E. Free- man, 1872 ; Notes on Greek text of Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philip- pians, 1884; Notes on Greek text of Galatians and Romans, 1SS6. Born Blandford, Mass., Jan. 27, 1815; died Chicago, 111., Feb. 9, 1895. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Mich., Chic. William Hathorne Bott. Clergyman. From Salem, Mass.; died 1841. William Theophilus Brantly, A. M. ; D.D. University of Ga. 1854. Ordained Baptist 1S40; pastor First church, Augusta, Ga. 1840-4S; professor Belles lettres, history and oratory, University of Ga. 1S48-57 ; pastor Tabernacle church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1857-61 ; Second church, Atlanta, Ga. 1861-64, 1866-71; Beade Island, Ga. 1S64-66; Seventh church, Baltimore, Md. 1S71-82; trustee Mercer University, Ga. ; Columbian university. Editor Christian index; Religious herald. Born Beaufort, S. C, May 1, 1816; died Baltimore, Md., March 6, 1882. A 4>, Nee. 1882 Obil Winsor BriggS. Graduated Newton theological institution 1844; ordained Baptist 1844; pastor, Baltimore, Md. ; Alexandria, Va. ; Philadelphia, Penn. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; U. S. military service Civil war chaplain. Address, 1600 Taylor St., San Francisco, Cal. A 4>, Newt., P. George Huntingdon Browne. Admitted to bar 1843; lawyer, Providence and Glocester, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1842, '49-52; U. S. district attorney, R. I. 1852-61 ; delegate, Charleston and Baltimore demo- cratic convention i860; member U. S. house of representatives 1S61-63; U. S. military service 1S62-63, colonel; member R. I. senate 1872-73. Born Glocester, R. I., Jan. 6, 1818; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 26, 18S5. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1886, Cong, direct. James Haydon Coggeshall. Teacber Friends' academy, New Bedford, Mass.; in business, Providence, R. I.; member Providence common council 1S60-66; commissioner board of enrollment for 1st congressional district R. I. 1S63; alderman Providence 1S66-72 ; U. S. marshal 1S71-87. Born New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 29, 1820; died Providence, R. I., May 28, 1S90. Nee. 1890 Nathaniel Bowen Cooke, A. M.; M. D. Yale college 1S47. Teacher private school, Bristol, R. I. 1840-43; physician, Clappville, Mass. 1S47-48; principal Family school, Webster, Mass. 184S-51 ; high school, Bristol, R. I. 1851-60; grammar school, Newton, Mass. 1860-62 ; ordained Baptist 1862 ; pastor, Green- ville, Mass. 1862-69; Lonsdale, R. I. 1869-71. Born Cambridgeport, Mass., Feb. 26, 1816; died Lonsdale, R. I., April 14, 1871. Nee. 1871 Samuel Cowell. Ordained Episcopal 1844; pastor Christ church, Brownsville, Penn. 1845-52; Saco, Me. 1854-58; St. John's church, Lockport, 111. 1858; 132 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1840 chaplain 111. penitentiary, Joliet. Born Providence, R. I., July 3, 1820; died Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 15, 1892. Nee. 1S92 Ebenezer Dodge, D. D. 1S61 ; LL. D. University of Chicago 1S69. Principal academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass. 1842 ; graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1845; ordained Baptist 1845; professor, Covington theological institute 1845-46; pastor, New Hampton, N. H. 1846-48; New London, N. H. 1849-53; professor Biblical criticism and interpretation, Madison, now Colgate, univer- sity 1853-60; studied abroad 1858-59; professor Christian theology 1860-6S ; president 1868-90. Born Salem, Mass., April 21, 1819; died Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1890. Newt., A A $, Nee. 1890 Nathan Henry Dow. From Sterling, Conn. William Dutton. From Jaffrey, N. H.; died 1846. John Eddy. Admitted to bar 1843; lawyer Mattapoisett, Mass. 1843-48; Provi- dence, R. I. 1848- ; secretary and treasurer Fireman's mutual insurance com- pany 1854-68; manager Providence machine company 1867-68; president Black- stone mutual fire insurance company 1868- ; also treasurer 1879- ; president Merchants' mutual fire insurance company 1874- ; also treasurer 1879- ; secre- tary and treasurer Union insurance company 1863-68; chairman R. I. board of railroad commissioners; member Providence common council 1857, '59; clerk R. I. house of representatives 1852-53; director Liberty bank 1854- ; Third national bank 1880- ; trustee Merchants' savings bank 1871 ; R. I. Bible society. Author One of my clients, in Atlantic mont/ily, vol. 10, 1862; A din- nerparty, -was it a success ? in same, vol. 30, 1872. Address, 3S0 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. R. I. eye, P. Oliver Fiske. Graduated Newton theological institution 1843; not ordained; resident, Tewksbury, Mass. Newt. Benjamin Franklin, A. M. ; D. D. University of Indiana. Episcopal clergy- man. Address Shrewsbury, N. Y. A $ Elon Chittenden Galusha. Cashier Simmons, Hutchinson and company, San Francisco, Cal. 1849-50; Genesee river bank, Mt. Morris, N. Y. 1853-58; Traders national bank, Rochester, N. Y. 1860-65; U. S. deputy collector in charge of port of Charlotte, N. Y. 1877-87; executor and guardian. Address, 36 Elizabeth St., Rochester, N. Y. P. William Gaston, A. M. ; LL. D. 1875; Harvard university 1875. Admitted to bar 1S44; lawyer, Roxbury, Mass. 1846-65; member Mass. legislature 1S53- 54, '56; mayor Roxbury, 1861-62; lawyer, Boston 1865-92; member Mass. sen- ate 1868; mayor Boston 1871-72; governor Mass. 1874. Born Killingly, Conn., Oct. 3, 1820; died Boston, Mass., Jan. 19, 1894. Nee. 1S94, ^ $ Frank Griffin. Teacher, Hartford, Ky. 1S40-74; superintendent public schools Owensboro, Ky. 1S73-74. Born Hampton, Conn. 1815; died Hartford, Ky., June 6, 1874. A 4>, Nee. 1875 Edmund Valentine Hathaway, A. M. Address, San Francisco, Cal. Thorndike Cleaves Jameson, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1840; pastor Third church, Providence, R. I. 1840-53; Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. 1853-55; First church, Melrose, Mass. 1855-58; Third church, Providence, R. I. 1S58-61 ; U. S. military service 1861-65, chaplain, major. Born Saco, Me., Oct. 1, 1812; died Pembroke, Mass., May 10, 1891. A 4>, Nee. 1891, B. U. civ. war. James Ryland Kendrick, A. M. ; D. D. University of Rochester 1866. Teacher, Ga. two years; ordained Baptist 1842; pastor, Macon, Ga. 1842-47; First church, Charleston, S. C. 1847-53; Citadel square church, Charleston 1S53- 62; pastor and principal academy, Madison, Ga. 1S62-65; pastor Tabernacle 1840 GRADUATES 133 church, New York, N. Y. 1S65-72 ; Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1S73-S0; trustee Vassar college; acting president 1SS5-S6. Editor Southern Baptist; one of the editors Women's college hymnal. Born Poultnev, Vt., April 21, 1821 ; died Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1S89. Bapt. encyc, A , Nee. 1890 Edwin Channing Larned. Professor mathematics, Kemper college, near St. Louis, Mo. 1S40-41; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1847; Chicago, 111. ; member Union defence committee; U. S. district attorney 1861-65; secretary Chicago board of education ; one of founders and trustee Dearborn seminary; inspector public schools; founder Chicago aid and relief society 1S57 ; trustee St. Luke's hospital. Author Critical analysis of DrnmmoncVs natural laxv in the spiritual world ; also numerous contributions to periodicals. Born Providence, R. I., July 14, 1820; died Lake Forest, 111., Sept. iS, 1884. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1SS5, A , Am. cat. Heman Lincoln, A. M. ; D. D. Rochester university 1865. Principal academy, Derby, Vt. 1S40-42 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1845 ; ordained Baptist 1S45; pastor, New Britain, Penn. 1845-50; Franklin square church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1850-53; Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1853-59; Central church, Providence, R. I., 1860-6S; professor Ecclesiastical history, Newton theologi- cal institution 1868-S7 ; chancellor Bucknell university ; trustee Brown univer- sity 1862-79; fellow 1S79-S7; member Penn. historical society. Author Out- line lectures in church history, 1S84; Outline lectures in history of doctrine, 1S85 ; The quiet hour ; associate editor Christian chronicle, 1844-53; editor Watchman and reflector, 1S54-67 ; correspondent Examiner, New York, N. Y. ; Journal, Boston, Mass.; Morning star, Boston; contributor to Bibliotheca sacra, Christian review, Baptist quarterly, and other periodicals. Born Boston, Mass., April 14, 1821; died Newton Centre, Mass., Oct. 18, 18S7. Bapt. encyc., Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., Nee. 18SS Rollin Mathewson. Lawyer. Address, 169 Hope St., Providence, R. I. P. Horatio Gilead Morse, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1843. Physician, Roxbury, Mass. ; member Roxbury school committee 20 years; Boston school board 1S68; Mass. house of representatives 1SS5. Born Roxbury, Mass., April 14, 1817; died Roxbury, May 12, 1SS6. Nee. 1SS6 Nathaniel Morton, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S43. Tutor, Brown university 1S40-41 ; lawyer, Taunton, Mass. Born Taunton, Mass.; died Taunton, Feb. 12, 1856. A A 4>, Nee. 1856 Abraham Payne. Admitted to bar 1842; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; R. I. at- torney general 1S63; commissioner to revise state laws 1S72 ; member R. I. house of representatives 187S-79; R. I. historical society. Author Protest against slavery in Nebraska ; Opening statement for defendants, C. T.James vs. Atlantic delaine company et al., iS62 ; Remarks, Central Falls, R. K I., Nov. 1, 1S64 ; Oration at dedication of Providence city hall, Nov. 14, iSjS, 1881 ; The election franchise, 18S2 ; Reminiscences of the R. I. bar, 1SS5 ; also nu- merous papers on constitutional reform in R. I. ; and papers on history of Windham co., Conn. Born Canterbury, Conn., Nov. 15, 1S1S; died Provi- dence, R. I , May 22, 1SS6. R. I. cyc, A A $, Nee. 18S6, Sabin William Nathan Sage. Publisher, Rochester, N. Y. 1S40-54; clerk, Monroe co., N. Y. 1854-58; wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer 185S-84; president Monroe county savings bank 1S5S-59, 1SS4-90; Sage deposit company; trustee Hubbell Park orphan asylum ; member board of managers N. Y. state indus- trial school; secretary and treasurer board of trustees University of Rochester 1850-90; president Rochester Baptist missionary union. Born Ballston 134 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1840 Springs, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1819; died Cottage City, Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Aug. 17, 1890. Nee. 1891, Bapt. encyc. Jonas Darius Sleeper. Lawyer, Hill, N. H. 1843; clerk Grafton co. courts. Haverhill, N. H. 1848-58; cashier State capital bank, Concord, N. H. 1858-59; clerk Merrimac co. courts 1859-68 ; member N. H. senate 1855-57. Born Gil- ford Village, N. H., April, 1815; died Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 9, 1868. A $, Nee. 1869 James Louis Stone, A. M. Unitarian clergyman, Mansfield, Mass.; Brews- ter, Mass. 1846-48; Sharon, Mass. 1848-50; principal grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I.; North Bridgewater, Mass.; Taunton, Mass. Born Coventry, R. I., June 5, 1818; died Taunton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1873. Nee. 1874 Elisha Freeman Watson, A. M. Episcopal clergyman ; retired. Address, South Kingstown, R. I. Edward Weeks West. Clergyman. From Colchester, Conn. ; deceased. Henry Griggs Weston, LL. D. 1891 ; A. M. Shurtleff college 1846; D. D. University of Rochester 1S59; LL. D. Bucknell university; South Western university. Student, Newton theological institution 1840-42; ordained Baptist 1843; home missionary, Illinois 1843-46; pastor, Peoria, 111. 1846-59; Oliver street church, New York, N. Y. 1859-68; president Crozer theological semi- nary 1868- ; American Baptist missionary union. Author The communion, Madison avenue lectures, 1867; editor Benedicte, by G. C. Child, -with an in- troduction, 1867; Baptist quarterly, v. 3-11, 1S69-77. Address, Chester, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., Bapt. encyc., P. Francis Ide Wheaton. Lawyer, Jacksonville, Fla. ; judge circuit court. Born Seekonk, Mass. ; died Green Cove Springs, Fla., March 8, 1879. Nee. 1879 Joseph Winsor. Lawyer. From Glocester, R. I. ; died East Greenwich, R. I., Dec. 21, 1853. Nee. 1854 Thomas Weston Wood, M. D. Physician, apothecary and joint editor Medi- cal enquirer, Fall River, Mass. 1847-48. Born Middleboro, Mass. ; died New- port, R. I. B. U. Fall River. 9 *27 I84I Samuel Greene Arnold, A, M.; LL. D. 1878; LL. B. Harvard university 1845. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; travelled abroad 1842, '45-48; admitted to bar 1845 ; lawyer, Providence ; lieutenant-governor R. I. 1852-53, '61-63 ; dele- gate, Peace convention 1S61 ; colonel artillery and aide 1861 ; member U. S. senate 1862-63; presidential elector 1876; president R.I. historical society 1868-80; member Providence school committee; trustee Brown university 1848-80; Providence reform school; Butler hospital for the insane 11 years. Author Spirit of R . I. history, 1853; History of R. I., 1639-1790, 1S59-60; Green — Staples — Parsons, address, 1869; Proinises of Providence, cente?inial address, July 4, 187b, 1876; History of Middletoivn, R. I., 1876; Oration, centennial of battle of Rhode Island, Aug. 29, 1878, 1878; besides various ad- dresses and memorials. Born Providence, R. I., April 12, 1821 ; died Provi- dence, Feb. n, 1880. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Bibliog. R. I., Bapt. encyc, Sabin, Allibone, NeciSSo, * T. Charles Bailey; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1843. Physician, Pitts- field, Mass. From East Medwav, Mass. 1841 GRADUATES 135 Kendall Brooks, D. D. 1866; A. M. Waterville college 1854. Tutor, Colum- bian university 1841-43; graduated Newton theological institution 1845 ; or- dained Baptist 1845 ; pastor, Eastport, Me. 1845-52 ; associate secretary Ameri- can Baptist publication society 1S52-53; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Waterville college 1853-55 ; pastor, Fitchburg, Mass. 1855-65; editor National Baptist 1S65-68; president Kalamazoo college 1868-S7 ; pro- fessor Mathematics, Alma college 1888- ; member Me. board of education 1850-52. Author articles in Baptist quarterly ,' Barnard's American journal of education ; Baptist review. Address, Alma, Mich. Bapt. encyc., Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., Colby, A A <1>, P. George Washington Brown, A. M. Law student, Elba, N. Y. 1841-44: lawyer, Elba 1844- ; Kans. Died Kans., 1861. ~f T Thomas Clement Campbell. Lawyer, Dutchess co., N. Y. 1S43-67; New York, N. Y. 1S67-; district attorney, Dutchess co. 1850-56. Address, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. * T George Washington Cate. Graduated Newton theological institution 1844; ordained Baptist 1844; pastor, Barre, Mass. 1S44-48. Born Sanbornton, N. H., Feb. 1815; died Barre, Mass., May 13, 1849. Nee. 1848, Bapt. encyc. Newt Frederick William Coffin. Resident, Edgartown, Mass. From Edgartown, Mass. ; died 1844. A A * Wilson Conner Cooper. Planter, Screven co., Ga. 1S41-66. Born Mont- gomery co., Ga. ; died Screven co., Ga., Jan., 1866. Nee. 1866, Ir T Joseph Dunbar, A. M. From New Bedford, Mass. ; died New Bedford, Nov. 19, 1849. Nee. 1850 Benjamin Alexander Edwards. Graduated Newton theological institution 1844; ordained Baptist 1S45; pastor, Grafton 1845-49; Watertown, Mass. 1850-54; Newtonville, Mass. 1S54-56; Plymouth, Mass. 1S56-60; Holliston, Mass. 1860-65; Sharon, Mass. 1865-72; Bolton, Mass. 1872-79. Born Fram- ingham, Mass., March 24, 1812; died Bolton, Mass., Feb. 28, 1879. Newt., Nee. 1879, * T Henry Simmons Frieze, A. M.; LL. D. 1S82; Chicago university 1870; Kalamazoo college 1S70; University of Michigan 18S5. Tutor, Brown univer- sity 1841-44; associate principal University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1844-54; professor Latin, University of Mich. 1851-89; acting president 1869- 71, '80-82, '87-88 ; member American philosophical society. Author Ancient and modern education ' Life and zvor/es of Henry Phillip Tappan, first presi- dent of the University of Michigan] Notes on the 10th and 12th books of Jjhiin- tilian, 1867; Giovanni Dupre, the story of a Florentine sculptor, 1S86 ' also articles in reviews; editor VirgiTs ^-Eneid, 1S60. Born Boston, Mass., Sept. 15, 1817; died Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 7, 1SS9. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1890, Allibone, A A 4> Asa Messer Gammell, A. M. Teacher, Young ladies' seminary; retired. Address, Mansion House, Providence, R. I. P. Adoniram Judson Greeley; M. D. Harvard university 1S45. Physician, Searsmount, Me. ; Clinton, Mass.; Olneyville, R. I. ; member R. I. medical society; R. I- historical society. Born Hudson, N. H., Sept. 10, 1S1S; died Olneyville, R. L, Sept. 1, 1893. Nee. 1894 William Mason Hale. Accountant, Providence, R. I.; in service of Paraguay company 1854-56; in business, Providence; U.S. military service 1862, lieu- 136 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1841 tenant-colonel; resident, Colo. ; Colo, correspondent Providence Journal. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 6, 1S21 ; died Denver, Col., Oct. 8, 1S68. R. I. adj. -gen., Nee. 1869 Richard Clarence Hall, A. M. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1845; priest 1847; pastor St. John's church, Huntington, Baltimore, Md. 1845-54; St. Timothy's church, New York, N. Y. ; warden Church home and infirmary, Baltimore; other temporary charges. Address, Baltimore, Md. A A $, P. Charles Hart. Lawyer. Address, 17 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. A* Joseph Charles Hartshorn. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S44; or- dained Baptist 1844; pastor, Georgetown, Mass. 1844-48; treasurer Providence steam and gas pipe company, Providence, R. I. 1850-S4; member Providence school committee ; Young men's Christian association ; president two years; member Providence common council 1856; trustee Brown university 1S72-89; founder Hartshorn scholarships, Brown university; Hartshorn memorial col- lege, Richmond, Va. 18S4. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1812; died Newton Centre, Mass., July 11, 1889. Nee. 1890, Newt. Alfred Hawes. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1844; ordained Con- gregational 1844; home missionary 1844; pastor Presbyterian church, Marion, Ind. 1S44-54. Born Holliston, Mass., April 2, 1818; died Marion, Ind., Aug. 31, 1854. Nee. 1855, And. David Haynes, A. M. Chief clerk, U. S. money order office 22 years; chief of division three years; superintendent, Dead letter office. Address, Tacoma Park, D. C. P. Merrick Lyon, A. M. ; LL. D. University of Chicago 1873. Principal Water- man street English and classical school, Providence, R.I. 1841-45; associ- ate principal University grammar school 1845-88; instructor, Brown univer- sity 1S55 ; member Providence school committee 25 years; common council 1855; president R. I. institute of instruction 1S73-74; honorary commissioner, World's fair, Vienna 1873-74; president American institute of education two years; trustee Brown university 1874-77; fellow 1877-88; president R. I. Baptist social union. Born Sturbridge, Mass., April 7, 1815; died Provi- dence, R. I., Aug. 11, 18SS. R. I. eye, Nee. 1SS9, A A $ Samuel Stillman Mann, A. M. Merchant and manufacturer, Randolph, Mass. 1841-49; miner Umpqua city, Or. ; manager trading post, Scottsburg, Or.; U. S. quartermaster, Empire city, Or. 1S54-56; shipper and miner, Empire City 1856-83; U. S. custom house officer; U. S. marshal; postmaster; judge Coos co. court, Or. 1S59-62, '66-70. Born Randolph, Mass., June 26, 1819; died San Francisco, Cal., April 13, 1SS8. A $, Nee. 1888 Augustus Mason, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1844. Physician, South Dedham, Mass; medical student, Paris; physician, Billerica, Mass. ten years; Brighton, Mass. 1855-73, '77-S2 ; resident, Santa Barbara, Cal. 1S77-82 ; mem- ber American medical association ; delegate, International medical congress 1881. Author The quackery of the age, 1845; The cholera, 1849; revised, 1S66; Social ethics as connected with the business of the physician, 1849; also various articles in medical magazines. See sketch in Boston medical and surgical journal, vol. 106, 1882. Born Waltham, Mass., Oct. 2, 1823; died Brighton, Mass., May 24, 18S2. Surg. -gen. cat., Nee. 1882 Jonas Reynolds Perkins, A. M. Principal academy, Rochester, Mass. two years; lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. until 1849; North Bridgewater, Mass. after 1852; justice of peace 1852; captain North Bridgewater dragoons 1857; selectman 1S64; member school committee 1S67-6S; trial justice; justice 1st 1841 GRADUATES 137 district court, Plymouth co. 1S74-S5. Born East Braintree, Mass., Feb. 18, 1822; died Brockton, Mass., Feb. 19, 1893. Nee. 1893 James Noble Sykes. Ordained Baptist 1S42; pastor North Reading, Mass.; Bristol, Mass.; East Boston, Mass.; Newburyport, Mass.; Painesville, O. ; Lima, O.; Greenville, Conn. Born Suffield, Conn., Sept. 30, 1812; died Agawam, Mass., Sept. 27, 1880. Nee. 1SS1, A Elbridge Smith, A. M.; D. Sc. 1893. Tutor, Brown university 1S41-43; prin- cipal University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1843-45; high school, Worcester, Mass. 1S45-4S; Cambridge, Mass. 184S-57; Free academy, Nor- wich, Conn. 1857-66; high school, Dorchester, Mass. 24 years. Author The claims of teaching to the rank of a distinct -profession, 1S46. The claims of classical culture, 1855 ; Address at dedication of Norwich free academy, 1856/ Address on life and character of Russell Hubbard, 1857; The founders of the American institute of instruction and its first president ; Life and charccter of William Parkinson Greene, 1S65; Address at dedication of town-hall in Way- land, 1S79; Memorial discourse on Rev. Charles Hammond, 1879; Address at dedication of English high school home, Worcester, 1S92 ; Address at dedica- tion of Cambridge English high school building, 1S92. Address, 1595 Dor- chester Ave., Dorchester, Mass. ^ T, P. Asa Potter Taylor, A. M. Lawyer. New York, N. Y. Born Kingston, R. I., 1823; died Jersey City, N. J., Jan 12, 1S5S. Nee. 1858 John Milton Thayer; A. M. Columbian college 1847. Lawyer, Nebraska; member Neb. legislature 1S60-61 ; U. S. military service 1S61-65, brigadier- general, brevet major-general; member Neb. constitutional convention 1866; U. S. senate 1867-71; governor Wy. ter. 1S75-79; Neb. 1SS6-90. Author various reports and messages. Address, Lincoln, Neb. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., B. U. civ. war, Columbian Alanson Harris Tinkham. Lawyer; merchant. From Middleboro, Mass.; died near New Orleans, La., Jan. 1849. Nee. 1849, * T James Bradford Richmond Walker, A. M. Teacher, New Bedford and Taunton, Mass. 1S42-44; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S46; ordained Congregational 1S47 ; pastor, Bucksport, Me. 1847-53 ; Second church, Holyoke, Mass. 1855-67; Winsted, Conn. 1S67-69; author, Hartford, Conn. 1S69-80; Roxbury, Mass. 1SS0-85. Author Memorials of the Walkers of the old Plymouth colony and their descendants, 1S61 ; Concordance of the Bible. Born Taunton, Mass., April 15, 1821; died Roxbury, Mass., Jan. 24, 1S85. And., Nee. 1S85 Henry Steward Wheaton, A. M. From Wrentham, Mass.; died 1862. Franklin Wilson ; D. D. Columbian college 1865. Student Newton theologi- cal institution 1842-44; ordained 1S46: pastor, Waverly, Md. 1S45-46; Hunt- ington, Md. 1S46-47; High street chuch, Baltimore, Md. 1847-52; editor True union 1853-55, 's6-57> '60-61; Christian review 1S55-56; Maryland Bap- tist 1S65; secretary executive board Md. Baptist union association 1847-87; trustee and overseer Columbian university 1S46-. Author What must I do to be saved?; Keep the church pure, 1856; The Christian nurture of children, as affected by Baptist and Pcdobaptist views, 1S5S ; How far may a Christian in- dulge in popular amusements, 1S57: The final triumph of Baptist principles ; An address against exemption of churches from taxation; Duties of churches to pastors, 1852 ; Wealth, its acquisition, investment and use. Address, 807 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., A A , P. 9 *22 138 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1842 l842 George Murillo Bartol, D. D. 1892. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S45 ; ordained Unitarian 1847; preacher, Chicago, 111. 1845-47; pastor First Congregational society, Lancaster, Mass. 1847- ; chairman trustees Free public library, Lancaster 1862-. Author An inheritance to children's children, discourse, death of Mrs. Sarah Thayer, 1857. Address, Lancas- ter, Mass. * T, Sabin, P. Stephen Elton Brownell, A. M. Principal academy, Rhinebeck, N. Y. 1843- 54; Bonham, Tex. 1854-62; resident, Providence, R. I. 1862-63; ranch owner and farmer, Santa Rosa, Cal. 1863- ? From Seekonk. Mass. i r T Thomas Russell Budlong;M. D. Harvard university 1851. Physician, San Francisco, Cal.; Providence, R. I. From Pawtuxet, R. I.; died Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 1856. Nee. 1856 Isaac Julian Burgess, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1845; ordained Baptist 1845; pastor, Pom fret, Conn. 1845-47; Lime Rock, R. I. 1847- 51; agent American Sunday school union 1851-53; First church, Calais, Me. 1853-65 ; Allandale, R. I. 1865-67 ; West Dedham, Mass. 1S67-71 ; Third church, Middleboro, Mass. 1871-75; Hampden Falls, N. H. 1876-S5. Address, Milton St., Walnut Hill, Norfolk co., Mass. Newt. Henry Harrison Button; M. D. University of the city of New York 1845. Physician, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1845-48; druggist, Milwaukee, Wis. 1848-90; treasurer Greene and Button company, Milwaukee; president Milwaukee gas company; Merchants' association. Born Wallingford, Vt., Aug. 28, 1818; died Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 14, 1S90. Nee. 1890, 't T Perley Smith Chase. Lawyer, Medfield, Mass. From Chester, N. H.; re- ported to have died in Concord, N. H. William Staughton Chase, A. M. Private tutor, Ala. ; student, Newton theo- logical institution 1842-43; newspaper correspondent, Paris 1843-48, '51-56, '79-81; librarian American academy of arts and sciences, Boston, Mass. 1S48- 51; secretary American consulate, Paris; merchant, Chicago, 111. 1856-59; professor Modern languages, Richmond college, Va. 1859-61; teacher, Rich- mond 1861-65; member editorial staff Herald, New York, N. Y. 1865-72; Express, New York ; joint translator Lamartine's History of the French revolu- tion, 1849; editor Vericour's History of French literature. Born Washington, D. C, Dec. 12, 1822; died Paris, France, June 21, 1881. Newt., Nee. 1882 George Washington Chesbrough. Clergyman. From Providence, R. I. Charles Kendrick Colver, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1845; ordained Baptist 1S46; pastor, Watertown, Mass. 1846-50; Pleasant street church, Worcester, Mass. 1850-54; Detroit, Mich. 1S57-58; Charlestown, Mass. 1S58-61; Andover, Mass. 1861-?; Elgin, 111. 1864-68; Mount Carroll, Ind. 1868-?; New Lisbon, Wis. 1871-?; Menomonie, Wis. 1873-?; River Falls, Wis. 1S75-?; Chicago, 111. 1879-. Address, 100 Thirty-fifth St., Chicago, 111. Newt, P. Albert Edgar Denison, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1843 ; pastor, Saybrook, Mass. 1843-44; Wallingford, Conn. 1844-51; Clinton, Conn. 1851-66; agent American Baptist home mission society 1866-69; pastor, Lyme, Conn. 1869-71 ; Plainville, Conn. 1871-78; member school boards 1S44-77. Born Saybrook, Conn., Sept. 12, 1812 ; died Plainville, Conn., Oct. 5, 1891. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1892 184 2 GRADUATES 139 James Winchell Coleman Ely, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1846. Physi- sician, Providence, R. I. ; physician Providence dispensary ; attending physician 1 S 4 7; 'consulting physician '; city physician Providence 1S50-66; medical at- tendant Dexter asylum 1850-66; consulting physician 1S66-; attending physi- cian R.I. hospital 186S-74; consulting physician 1S74-; consulting physician Butler hospital for the insane 186S-; member R. I. medical society 1847- ; sec- retary; treasurer; president; censor; original member Providence medical association; president one year; member R. I. historical society ; Providence Franklin society; secretary; president; director Providence Athenaenum ; member schoof committee two years. Author On fatty degeneration, 1854. Address, 36 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. R- I- eye, Surg.-gen cat. Cornelius George Fenner. Pastor First Unitarian church, Cincinnati, O. Author Poems of many moods, 1S46. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 30, 1S22 ; died Cincinnati, O., Jan. 4, 1S47. Cyc. Am. biog., A 4> Charles Grafton Wiiberton French, A. M. Lawyer: chief justice Ariz, supreme court. From Berkley, Mass.; died Aug. 13, 1891. p - Asa Howard Gould. Graduated Newton theological institution 1846; assistant editor Watchman 1846-47; ordained Baptist 1S47 ; pastor, Baring. Me. 1847-56; East Auburn, Me. 1856-60; Lebanon, Me. 1860-61 ; Alna, Me. 1S61-65 ; West' Gardiner, Me. 1865-70; resident, Livermore, Me. 1870-S4. Born Charles- town, Mass., Tuly 19, 1814; died Livermore, Me., July 6. 1884. Nee. 18S5, Newt., * T Zuinglius Grover, A. M. Teacher, Attleboro, Mass.; Nashua, N. H. ; princi- pal old Prospect street grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1845-57: Dearborn seminary, Chicago, 111. 1857-91. Born Mansfield, Mass., Jan. 17, 1812; died Chicago, 111., Dec. 8, 1891. Nee. 1892 * 1 Albert Harkness, A. M.; LL. D. 1S69; Ph. D. University ot Bonn 1854. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1S43-53; student, Germany 1853-55; professor Greek language and literature, Brown university 1855-92; emeritus 1892-; in Europe 1870-71, '83-84; member American philological association; vice president 1869; secretary; treasurer; president 1S75-76; member Archaeo- logical institute of America; one of the founders American school of classical studies at Athens. Author Arnold's First Latin book, edited, 185 1 ; Second Latin book, edited, 1S53; First Greek book,' i860; Latin grammar, 1864; Latin reader, 1865; Introductory Latin book, 1866; Elementary Latin gram- mar, 1869; Practical introduction to Latin prose composition, 1869; Cccsars Commentaries on the Gallic war, edited, 1870; Cicero's select orations, edited, 1S73; Sallusfs Catiline, edited, 1878; Preparatory course in Latin prose authors, edited, 187S ; Progressive exercises in reading and writing Latin, 1883- First year in Latin, 1883; Easy method for beginners in Latin, 1890; Formation of the perfect tense in Latin, in Transactions of the American philological association ; Development of the subjunctive in principal clauses, in same; also articles in Bibliotheca Sacra. Address, 101 Prospect St., Provi- dence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's cyc , R. I. cyc, * T, Am. cat., Liber Brun. 18S9, Bapt. encyc. John Hunt, A.M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1845; ordained Baptist 1849; pastor, Sutton, N. H. 1S46-47 ; Drewsville, N. H. 1847-48; Rich- mond, N. H. 1S48-53; Hollis, N. H. 1854-55; Hinesbnrg, Vt. 1855-56; Wen- dell, Mass. 1856-61; Pottersville,N.H. 1861-67 ; Plain City.O. 1867-?; teacher. Address, Chilicothe St., Plain City, Madison Co., O. Newt., P. 140 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1842 John Sexton James, A. M. ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1S46. Student Newton theological institution 1842-44; medical missionary Southern Baptist convention, China. From Philadelphia, Penn.; drowned, Hong Kong, April 15. 1848. Newt., Nee. 1848 Silas Livermore, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1843; or- dained Baptist 1857; teacher, preacher, agent, Va. ; N. C. ; Penn.; Mo.; Ark.; resident, Shelbyville, 111.; Germantown, Penn. From Worcester, Mass.; born 1813; died Germantown, Penn., March 31, 1894. Newt., P. Peter Fearing Mackie. Medical student. From Wareham, Mass. ; died Wareham, Sept. 2, 1846. Nee. 1847 Joseph Randall Manton, A. M. Teacher academy, Worcester, Mass. 1842-43; travelled in the South; student Hamilton theological seminary 1846-4S; or- dained Baptist 1S48; pastor, Gloucester, Mass. 1848-50; Clarksville, Tenn. 1850-57; Vermont street church, Quincy, 111. 1857-60; Minneapolis, Minn. 1860-65; St. Joseph, Mo. 1865-69; Richfield, Minn. 1869-. Address, Richfield, Minn. Bapt. encyc, R. I. eye. Edward Metcalf. Sergeant 1st ward company Dorr war; admitted to bar 1844; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; judge court of magistrates; clerk R. I. supreme court 1851-53; connected with the Provideiice post and herald 1854-56; member R. I. house of representatives 1851-62, '73-74; speaker 1873-74; mem- ber R. I. senate 1874-76; U. S. military service 1861-64, colonel; attorney gen- eral R. I. 1886. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1823; died Providence, Jan. 18, 1S94. R- I- c y c -> Nee. 1894, B. U. civ. war, A $ Lemuel Bliss Nichols, A. M.; M. D. Philadelphia medical school 1850. Teacher, Arnold street grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1842-49; physician, Worcester, Mass. 1850-83; president Worcester co. homoeopathic medical society. Born Bradford, N. H., Oct. 16, 1816; died Worcester, Mass., Sept. 28, 1883. Nee. 1884, A 4> Noah Ford Packard, A. M. Graduated Union theological seminary 1845 ; Presbyterian clergyman; pastor, Cranston, R. I. 1845-46; Stanwich, Conn. 1846; New Orleans, La. 1846-47. From North Bridgewater, Mass.; died New Orleans, La., Sept. 3, 1847. Nee. 1848, ¥ T John Parsons. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1848; home mission- ary, Me. 1848-56; ordained Congregational 1857; pastor, Limington, Me. 1857- 63; Kennebunkport, Me. 1863-66; First church, York, Me. 1866-69; Lebanon, Me. 1869-73; resident, Lebanon, Me. 1S74-76; Kennebunk, Me. 1S77-80; Exeter, N. H. 1881-82; Newton Centre, Mass. 1882-93; Dorchester, Mass. 1S93-. Address, Percival St., Dorchester, Mass. And., P. James Monroe Phipps ; M. D. Harvard university 1845. Physician, Boston, Mass. 1845-65; member Mass. medical society. Born Hopkinton, Mass., May 1, 1818; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 15, 1865. fT, Nee. 1S66 Henry Niles Pierce; D. D. University of Ala. 1862; University of the South; LL. D. William and Mary college 1868. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1843; priest 1849; founder Episcopal church, Washington co., Tex.; pastor Christ church, Matagorda, Tex.; Trinity church, New Orleans, La.; St. Paul's church, Rahway, N. J. 1S54-57; St. John's church, Mobile, Ala. 1S57-68; St. Paul's church, Springfield, 111. 1S6S-70; missionary bishop Ark. and Ind. ter. 1870-1 ; bishop Ark. diocese 1871-. Author Sermons, Mobile, June 13, 1861, the national fast appointed by Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate states, 186 1 ; The Agnostic, and other poems, 1884. Address, 1700 Center St., Little Rock, Ark. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Sabin, P. 1842 GRADUATES 141 David Lyman Root. From Granville, Mass. ; died 1S43. George Sears Stevenson, A. M. Student, Wake Forest college, N. C. 1837- 40; lawyer, New Berne, N. C; state solicitor Craven co., N. C. ; member N. C. legislature; director Atlantic and N. C. railroad. Born New Berne, N. C, 1822; died New Berne, Jul y 16, 1861. N ec _ I ^ 1 George Burrill Stone, A. M. Principal high school, Fall River, Mass. ; super- intendent public schools, Indianapolis. Ind. ; Minneapolis, Minn. ; professor History and rhetoric, and principal academy, Washington universitv, St. Louis, Mo.; retired. Address, 17 Cherry St., Fall River, Mass. p. Christopher Spencer Tillinghast. Resident, Wickford, R. I. From Wick- ford, R. I.; died 1S44. A $ George Everett Tucker. Agent American and foreign Bible society 1842-46; principal school, Pittsfield, Mass. 1846-51; ordained Baptist 1851 ; pastor Stewart street church, Providence, R. I.; Lonsdale, R. I.; Groton Centre, Mass.; Wells Depot, Me.; Buxton, Centre, Me.; Durham, Me.; Li.>bon Falls', Me.; in service of Christian commission, department of the South 1864-? Born Canton, Mass., Feb. 29, 1S20; died Dedham, Mass., Oct. 24, iSSS. William Weld. From Le Rov, Genesee co., N. Y. Amasa Smith Westcott. Admitted to bar 1S44; lawyer, Warren, R. I. 1S44- 45; Providence, R. I. 1845-52; clerk court of common pleas 1852. '54-67; judge Providence municipal court 1S67-S4; member Providence common council lS 54-55; retired. Address, 23 Davis St., Providence, R. I. R. I. C yc, P. John Barstow Willard. Unitarian clergyman ; pastor, Westford, Mass. three times; Windsor, Vt. three times; Lowell, Mass; Barnstable, Mass. twice; Lunenburg, Mass.; Warwick, Mass.; Norton, Mass. Author Sermon on life in heaven; besides several newspaper articles; editor Expositions of the Gospels of Matthexv and John. Address, Still River, Worcester Co., Mass. * T, P. 12 *23 1843 Percival Whitmore Bartlett. Assistant teacher, Brimmer grammar school, Boston, Mass.; assistant master Hancock grammar school, Boston; master Chapman school, East Boston; Adams school, East Boston ; resident, New- ton Centre, Mass. 1S63-68. Editor Warren s physical geography, 187!. Born Dudley, Mass., Jan. 27, 1822; died Newton, Mass., May 4, 1S68. * T, Nee. 1868 Tracy Patch Cheever. Lawyer, Chelsea, Mass. 1846-S1; U. S. military ser- vice 1862-63, captain; city solicitor, Chelsea 1864-74; member Mass. house of representatives 1S62-63, '65-66; Mass. senate 186S-69; school committee Chelsea 13 years. Born Marblehead, Mass., March 28, 1824; died North Eas- ton, Mass., Nov. 23, 1SS1. B. U. civ. war, * T, Nee. 18S2 Andrew Croswell, A. M. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. one year; student, Theological seminary, Alexandria, Va. two years; ordained Episcopal 184S; home missionary, Johnston, R. I. 1S46; pastor^ Chicopee, Mass. 184S-49; St. Paul's church, Brunswick, Me. 1S49-53 ; St. Mary's church, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. 1S53-56; resident, Cambridge, Mass.; founder and pastor St. James's parish, North Cambridge 1S64-71. Born Falmouth, Mass., July 9, 1822 ; died Cushing's Island, Portland, Me., June 30, 1S79. A , Nee. 1SS0 142 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1843 Henry Day, A. M. ; D. D. Franklin college 1S62. Professor, Georgetown college, Ky. 1846-50; Baptist clergyman, Ashland, Mass. 1850-52; professor Natural philosophy and civil engineering, Brown university 1852-54; pastor, Philadel- pelphia, Penn. 1855-60; Indianapolis, Ind. 1861-76. Address, 122 North Penn- sylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. A , P. Robinson Potter Dunn, A. M. ; D. D. 1864. Assistant librarian, Brown uni- versity 1843-46; instructor French 1844-46; graduated Princeton theological seminary 1848; ordained Presbyterian 1848; pastor First church, Camden, N. J. 184S-51; professor Rhetoric and English literature, Brown university 1851- 67. Author articles in Bibliotheca sacra, and other reviews. See In Memo- riam Robinson Potter Dunn, 1867. Born Newport, R. I., May 31, 1825; died Newport, Aug. 28, 1867. ir T, R. I. eye, Princ, Nee. 1867 Amory Gale, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1846; ordained Baptist 1846; pastor, Ware, Mass. 1846-57; First church, Minneapolis, Minn. 1857-58; general superintendent missions, Minn. 1858-74; in Europe and the Holy Land 1874. Author various letters in Watchman and reflector. Born Royalston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1815; died Jaffa, Syria, Nov. 25, 1S74. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1875 Benjamin Gardiner, A. M. Teacher, N. C. and Va. 1843-47?; book-keeper, Providence, R. I.; agent P. M. Mathewson estate. Address, 22 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Charles Wesley Hewes, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1843-44; ordained Baptist 1844; pastor, Lonsdale, R. I. 1844-49; Lansingburg, N. Y. 1849-57; teacher Natural science, Troy, N. Y. 1857-58; principal Indian- apolis, Ind., institute, seven years ; pastor, Healdsburg, Cal. ; St. Helena, Cal. ; principal Mills seminary, San Francisco, Cal. ; pastor Fifth church, San Fran- cisco, 1878-S1. Born Lynnfield, Mass., April 7, 1818; died Oakland, Cal., Dec. 29, 1S81. Newt., Nee. 1882 Cbarles Sexton James, A. M. ; Ph. D. Columbian college 1S56. Teacher academy, Philadelphia, Penn. 1843-51 ; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, University at Lewisburg 1851-77; president Monongahela college 1880-84; retired. Address, 126 West Miner St., West Chester, Penn. Bapt. encyc, P. Lyman Jewett, A. M.; D. D. 1872. Graduated Newton theological institution 1846; pastor, Webster, Mass. 1S46-48; ordained Baptist 1848; missionary, Nel- lore, India; Madras, India. Author Comme?itary on Matthew's Gospel in Telugu; Telugu New Testament, revised. Address, 24 Hartwell St., Fitch- burg, Mass. Bapt. encyc, Newt., P. Isaac Francis Jones, A. M. Teacher 1843-46; clerk probate office Middlesex co, Mass. 1846-59; assistant register probate and insolvency Middlesex co. 18159-73; resident, East Cambridge, Mass. 1846-73. Born, Weston, Mass., Feb. 17, 1820; died East Cambridge, Mass., July 10, 1873. Nee 1874 William Knowles. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; justice court of magistrates; manufacturer of rivets 1855-68; chief of police 1869; member R. I. house of representatives 187 1 ; deputy U. S. marshal 1875-85. Born Westerly, R. I., Aug. 8, 1816; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 6, 1S85. A $, Nee 1885 Benjamin Newell Lapham. Admitted to bar 1845; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; city solicitor Providence 1863-65; member R. I. house of representatives 1863-64, '80-81 ; member Providence common council 1S69-71 ; board of alder- men 1876; R. I. senate 1876-77, 'S2-83. Address, 167 Power St., Providence, R. I. R- I- eye, P. 1843 GRADUATES *43 Harrison Van Rensselaer Lord, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1845. Lawyer. From South Orange, Mass. George Davis Miles, A. M. Graduated theological seminary, Alexandria, Va. 1S46; ordained Episcopal 1S47; assistant pastor St. Ann's church, Brooklyn. N. Y. 1846-48; pastor St. Stephen's church, Wilkesbarre, Penn. 184S-67; St. John's church, Taunton, Mass. 1867-74. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 26, 1815: died Boston, Mass., Oct. 24, 1S74. Nee. 1875 Ezekiel Lamb Miller. Lawyer, South Hadley Falls, Mass. -1S5S. From South Hadley, Mass. * T Daniel Follensbee Morrill. Farmer and planter 1843-. Address, Vineland, Cumberland Co., N. J. * T Austin Norcross, A. M. Principal academy, Derby, Vt. 1843-51 : ordained Baptist 1851; pastor, Derby 1851-55; agent Vt. Baptist state convention 1S55- 58; pastor, East Bethel, Vt. 1858-65; Troy, Vt. ; Albany, Vt. ; principal Der- by academy -1S76; resident, Derby 1876-S2. Born Templeton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1816; died Derby, Vt., March 11, 1S82. Nee. 1882 Harrison Carleton Page, A. M. Tutor, Brown university 1843-46; student, Newton theological institution 1845-47. Born Dumbarton, N. H. ; died New- ton Centre, Mass., Aug. 9, 1S47. * Y, Newt.. Nee. 1847 William Rounseville Peirce. Address, Middleboro, Mass. Albert Gallatin Remington. Author Prose and verse, 1856? Outlooks; Christus; Niagara; St. John; Demeter ; The Connecticut river ; Sunset over Lake Champlain; The sea; Beethoven; The catbird's song ; The cosmic clue ; Ecce homo; Intuition; Ethos; Harmony. Address, care of J. II. Remington, Esq., 277 Broadway, New York, N. Y. P- Robert Benjamin Hilton (formerly Smith), A. M. Lawyer; elected member U. S. congress 1S61, but never took his seat; Confederate military service, cap- tain ; member Confederate congress ; lawyer. Address, Tallahassee, Fla. A 4>, P. William Makepeace Thayer. Congregational clergyman; pastor, Ashland, Mass. 1849-57; secretary Mass. temperance alliance 1860-76; member Mass. general court 1857-58, '63-64. Authoi Gem and casket; Merry Christmas ; .Happy New Year; Hints from the household, 1853 : Life at the fireside, 1854; Spots in our feasts of charity, 1S54; Pastor's wedding gift ; Morning star, 1856; Poor boy and merchant prince, 1857; Doing and not doing; From poor- house to pulpit : life of John Kitto, D.D., 1S5S, afterwards entitled Working and winning, 1S62; Good girl and true ■woman, 1S5S, afterwards entitled The true -woman : elements of character drawn from the life of Mary Lyon and others, 1893; The bobbin boy, 1S60; The printer boy : life of Franklin, i860, afterwards entitled From boyhood to manhood; The pioneer boy and how he became president, 1S63; The old horseshoe, 1S63; Tales from Genesis, 1863; The farmer boy and hotu he became commander-in-chief 1863 ; Soldiers of the Bible, 1864; Character and public services of A. Lincoln, 1S64; Youth's history of the rebellion, 1S64-66; Communion wine and Bible temperance, 1869 ; Nelson, or Hozv a country boy made his way in the city, 1878; Charles Jew ett: life and recollections, 1S79; Tact, push, and principle, 1880; White house series : From the log cabin to the White house: life of James A. Garfield, 1881 ; From pioneer home to White house: life of Lincoln, 1S82 ; From the tannery to the White house: life of Grant, 1885; From frame house to White house: life of Washington, 1890; In the meshes, or A drop of blue blood. 18S1 ; Our French visitors, 1882 ; The nameless waif; Our flag half- mast, Memorial Day poem; Marvels of the new West, 1S87 ; Success and its 144 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1843 achievers, 1891 ; A volitme of sermons and other papers j Turning-points in suc- cessful careers ; Ethics of success, school reader, three grades. Address, Frank- lin, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Am. cat., P. Abram Van Buren. Insurance agent, Cincinnati, O. -1855; Chicago, 111.; U. S. military service 1862, first lieutenant and adjutant; secretary Chicago board of underwriters after the war. Born Philadelphia, Penn., 1821; killed by accident, Chicago, 111., July 28, 1869. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1869 Harvey Day Walker. From Mendon, Mass*. William Walker. Theological student. From Dighton, Mass. ; died Peoria, 111., Oct. 26, 1846. Nee. 1848 Fitz Henry Weld, A. M. ; Hamilton college 1855. Teacher, Auburndale, Mass.; Utica, N. Y. ; Gloversville, N. Y. ; insurance agent, New Haven, Conn. Born Sturbridge, Mass., Aug. 15. 1815; died New Haven, Conn., Feb. 3, 1892. Nee. 1892 William Warren Whitman. Lawyer, Troy, N. Y. ; postmaster, Troy 1853- 58. Address, Pawling Ave., Troy N. Y. A 4>, P. Edwin Theodore Winkler; D. D. Furman university 1S58. Student, Newton theological institution 1843-45; ordained. Baptist 1846; pastor, Albany, Ga. 1847-49; Gillisonville, S. C. 1849-52; corresponding secretary Southern Bap- tist publication society 1852-54; president; pastor, Charleston, S. C. 1S54-72 ; Marion, Ala. 1S72-83 ; chaplain Charleston hospitals 1862-65; president S. C. Baptist state convention ; home mission board ; vice president Baptist histori- cal society; trustee Furman university; Howard college; Judson female insti- tute; Southern Baptist theological seminary. Author Spirit of missions, the spirit of Christ l Sphere of the ministry; editor Christian index, 1846*47; Southern Baptist, 1854; Alabama Baptist, 1S74; Augusta transcript ; Sacred lute; Catechism. Born Savannah, Ga., Nov. 13, 1823; died Marion, Ala., Nov. 10, 1883. ■f Y, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1884. 1 1 *18 I844 George Manton Angell ; M. D. Harvard university 1847. Physician and sur- geon. Address, Atlanta, Logan Co., 111. Harv., P. William Sumner Barton, A. M. Law student, Harvard university 1845-46; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. ; city treasurer Worcester. Author Epitaphs from the cemetery on Worcester common, -with notes and references; Sketch of the life of the Duchess of Orleans, and her sons, the Prince de Paris and the Due de Charlres ; Biographical sketch of Dr. Artemus Bullard, of Sutton, Mass., and of his descendants. Address, 23 High St., Worcester, Mass. P. Cyrus Bean, A. M. Principal Boys' high school. Newport, R. I. 1844-50.; mer- chant, Framingham, Mass. 1850-S0; town treasurer Framingham. Born Gil- manton, N. H., Sept. 29, 1814; died Framingham, Mass., Feb. 2, 1880. Nee. 1 88 1 Cyrus Bentley. Admitted to bar 1S47 ; lawyer, Chicago, 111. ; trustee Imman- uel church, Chicago; secretary board of Chicago university 1865-73 ; first pres- ident Young men's Christian association, Chicago; president Chicago Bap- tist social union. Born New Lebanon Springs, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1S19; died Rochester, N. Y., June 23, 18SS. Nee. 1889, * Y Caleb Blood. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Chicago, 111.; several churches, Wis.; Ind.; Kans. ; teacher, Indiana university, Bloomington. Born Rodman, N. Y., July 4, 1815; died Independence, Mo., Nov. 21, 18S1. "}" T, Nee. 1S82 1844 GRADUATES 145 Lewis Henry Boutell, LL. B. Harvard university 1847. Lawyer; U. S. mili- tary service 1S64-65, major. Address, 107 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. B. U. civ. war, Harv. Joshua Perkins Converse, A. M. Admitted to bar 1847; lawyer, Boston and Woburn, Mass. Born Woburn?, Mass., Dec. 16, 1814; died Woburn, March 16, 1876. A $, Nee. 1876 Richards Cushman. Graduated Oberlin theological seminary 1S47; ordained Congregational 1847; missionary, Hayti 1847-49. Born South Attleboro, Mass., June 2, 1819; died St. Mark's, Hayti, June 9, 1849. Nee. 1849, And. William Hale Davol ; M. D. Harvard university 1S50. Physician, Fall River, Mass. 1850-51; Brooklyn, N. Y. 1851-62; resident, St. Paul, Minn. 1862-63. Born Warren, R. I., July 3, 1823; died Warren, June 12, 1863. Nee. 1863, Bapt. encyc. Isaac Draper, M. D. Student of medicine, Paris 1853; surgeon Russian army. From South Attleboro, Mass. ; died Sebastapol, Russia, March 20, 1S55. Nee. 1855 Eugene Rufus Fiske; M. D. Harvard university 1S63. Physician, Scottsburg, Or. 1849-64; Salem, Or. 1S64-77 ; one of the founders, Medical department, Willamette university; professor Theory and practice of medicine eight years; one of the founders Or. medical society. Editor Surgical and medical re- porter, Or. Born Cambridgeport, Mass., June 4, 1817; died Salem, Or., Aug. 27, 1S77. Harv., Nee. 1878 William John Qatling. From Hartford, N. C. Alfred Ellenwood Giles; LL. B. Harvard university 1846. Assistant teacher, Worcester county manual labor high school 1S41-42 ; acting principal 1844; admitted to bar 1847; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 184S-76; retired. Author The right of withdrawal from a church, 1863; The Sabbath question, 1874; The doctors' plot exposed, 1877 ; Civil and medical liberty in the healing art, 1880 ; The iniquity of compulsory vaccination, 188 1 ; The Aformon problem, 1S82 ; Marriage and divorce, 1883; Societies for the suppression of vice, 1883; Allo- pathic, college diplomated doctors, 18S3 ; besides contributions to the Banner of light, and other radical periodicals. Address, 265 Fairmount Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. P. Wingate Hayes, A. M. Admitted to bar 1847; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S47- 77; clerk R. I. house of representatives 1847-49, '51-53; R. I. senate 1849-51; member Providence common council 1S51-56; president three years; member commission for revising R. I. statutes 1S54-57, '69-72; assistant adjutant gen- eral and division inspector, with rank of colonel several years; member R. I. house of representatives 1S59-61 ; speaker 1S60-61 ; U. S. district attorney, R. I. 1861-7.1. Born Farming ton, N. H., Aug. 4, 1823; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 16, 1877. R- L eye, Nee. 187S Benjamin Kendall, A. M. From Sherburne, Mass. Richard Lentell. Student, Newton theological institution 1844-47; ordained Baptist 1S47; pastor South Dartmouth, Mass. two years. From Weston, Mass.; born 1815; died New Orleans, La., Sept. 24, 1S51. Nee. 1S52, Newt. Lucius Lyon, A. M. Teacher, Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; Essex, Conn., seminary; manufacturer sewing machines, New York. N. Y. Born Sturbridge, Mass., April 1, 1817; died Providence, R. I., June 21, 1S92. Nee. 1S93 Frederic Miller. Manufacturer of reeds and harnesses for machinery, Provi- dence, R. I. ; member Providence common council 1855-57, '7°~79; comman- der Providence horse guards; brigadier-general R. I. stale militia. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1S23; died Providence, Oct. iS, 18S0. Nee. 18S1 146 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1844 James Hodges Morton, A.M.; LL. B. Harvard university 1846. Admitted to bar 1S46; lawyer, Springfield, Mass.; police justice Springfield 1S52-76. Born Taunton, Mass., June 21, 1824; died Springfield, Mass., May 9, 1876. Nee. 1876, A * Thomas Sproat Peirce. Address, Middleboro, Mass. William Gano Pierce. Merchant, Boston, Mass. four years; Canton and Shanghai, China six years ; Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 19, 1825; died Providence, Dec. 25, 1S75. Nee. 1876 Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, A.M.; Yale college 1849; D. D. Madison uni- versity 1854. Graduated Yale theological seminary 1847 ; Baptist clergyman ; pastor First church, New Haven, Conn. 1846-73; Jefferson street church, Prov- idence, R. I. 1874-76; editor Christian secretary, Hartford, Conn. 1876-8S; trustee Brown university 1S79-. Author Eloquence of nature, and other poems, 1842 ; Sunlight and hearthlight, 1856 ; Holy Land, with glimpses of Europe and Egypt, 1863; The poet's song for the heart and home, 1S67; Rest days in a journey to Bible lands and other journeys abroad ; Sermons in the four quar- ters of the globe, 1886; Special sermons. Address, 44 High St., New Haven, Conn. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone, A $, P. Cyrus King Russell. Teacher; member school board Lowell, Mass. several years; member committee in Mass. legislature on state house library; member committee on education ; retired. Address, 763 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass. P. Willard Sayles. Admitted to bar 1846; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; city so- licitor Providence near 1856; U. S. military service 1861-65; colonel; lawyer, New Orleans, La. 1S65-66; Providence 1866- ; retired; attorney general R. I. 1S67-S2. Address, 86 Pitman St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, R. I. cyc, P. Elisha Dyer Vinton, A. M. Merchant, China; lawyer, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., 1823; died Providence, Nov. 26, i860. Nee. 1S60 Jonathan Edwin Whitaker. Graduated Newton theological institution 1847. Address, Whaleysville, Md. Newt. 9 *l7 i845 James Andem, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1845; pastor, Dighton, Mass. 1845-46; First church, Middleboro, Mass. 1846-49; North Bridgewater, Mass. 1849-52; home missionary, Wis. 1852-54; pastor, Raynham, Mass. 1854-57; Newport, N. H. 1857-58; Jericho, Vt. 185S-62 ; Taberg, N. Y. 1862-66; Tiverton, R. I.; bookkeeper, collector, agent for Marshall Woods 1867-93. Born Boston, Mass., Dec. 3, 1S12; died Providence, R. I., April 7, 1893. Nee. 1893 Eleazar James Avery, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S49; ordained Baptist 1S49; pastor, Addison, Me. 1849-51; Pembroke, Me. 1851-52; principal academy, Worcester, Mass. 1852-54; Southington, Conn. ; Shelburne Falls, Mass.; Peddie insthute, Hightstown, N. J. 1876-81. Born Bozrah, Conn.. Jan. 6, 1815; died Hightstown, N. J., Sept. 23, iSSi. Newt., Nee. 1882 Solon Wanton Bush. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S48; licensed Unita- rian 1S48; ordained 1849; pastor, Burlington, Vt. 1849-53 ; Brattleboro,Vt. 1S53- 57; Medfield, Mass. 1S57-63; editor Christian register 1S63-71 : pastor, Need- ham, Mass. 1S71-89; ivtired. Contributor to Christian examiner ; Unitarian rcviezv ,' and other periodicals; American correspondent, London Inquirer, and London Daily news, 1861-65. Address, 651 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. * Y, P. 1845 GRADUATES x 47 Isaac Foote Cady, A. M. Teacher, Wethersfield, Conn. 1845-46; high school, Providence, R. I. 1846-48; principal high school, Warren, R. I. 1848-54/55- 69; teacher Chatham academy, Savannah, Ga. 1S54-55; principal Prince's Hill family and day school, Barrington, R. I. 1S70-79; trustee, librarian and secre- tary Free public library, Barrington, R. I. ; superintendent public schools Bar- rington ; vice president and president American educational institute; presi- ident R. I. institute of instruction 1875. Author frequent contributions to ed- ucational journals. Born Monson, Mass., Oct. 10, 1818; died Barrington, R. L, April 28, 1884. *T, R.I. eye, Nee. 1884 Edward Young Cannon. Lawyer, Richmond, Va. Born Norfolk, Va., Nov. 24, 1S24; died Richmond, Va., Nov. 24, 1S93. Nee. 1S94 Thomas Stafford Drowne, A. M.; D.D. Norwich university 1866. Episco- pal clergyman. Address, Flatbush, N. Y. A * William Hadley Eaton, A. M. ; D. D. 1867. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S4S; licensed Baptist 1S48 ; ordained 1849; pastor Second church, Salem, Mass. 1849-54; agent Colby academy 1854-56,-66-67, '89-90; pastor First church, Nashua, N. II. 1856-70; agent Newton theological institution 1870-71- pastor First church, Keene, N. II. 1S72-S9; retired; trustee Colby academy 1856-91; Newton theological institution 1S6S-88; Brown university since 1S75 ; delegate, Christian commission 1863. Author Our fathers' God our God, 1S65. The Baptist church of Keene, N. H., its conflict and its vic- tory, 1S86; Memorial of Rev. E. E. Cummings, 18S6 ; Peuuel, or Face to face with God, in conjunction with A. McLean ; The descendants of John and Anne Eaton, 1640-1890, in preparation. Address, 25 Franklin St. Nashua, N. H. Newt., Bapt. encyc., * T, P. David Barnes Ford, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S4S; assistant instructor Hebrew, Newton 1848-49; ordained Baptist 1851: pastor, Canton, Mass. 1851-54; occasional supply. North Marshfield, Mass. Author Perthes's Life of Chrysostom, translated, in conjunction with Alvah Hovey, 1854- Studies on the baptismal question, 1879; Centennial history of First Bap- tist church, Marshfield, Mass., 18S8; Commentary oh Romans, in conjunction with A. N. Arnold, 1S89; The life-work of Isaac Backus, iS 9 y, New Eng- land's struggles for religious liberty, 1S95? contributor to Christian review ; Bibliotheca sacra ; and other periodicals. Address, Hanover, Mass. Allibone, Newt., Bapt. encyc, P. William Henry Fuller. Bookseller, Springfield, Mass. 1845-51; U. S. asses- sor internal revenue 22 years; insurance agent, Suffield, Conn.; president Suffield savings bank; director First national bank, Suffield ; Iowa mortgage company. Born Suffield, Conn., Nov. 19, 1825; died Dansville, N. Y., Dec. 1 J Nee. 1091 Wniiam°Forde Hansell, A.M.; D. D. Denison university 1S58. Graduated Princeton theological seminary 1S4S; ordained Baptist >S 49 ; pastor Central church, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. iS 49 -53 5 Ninth street church, Cincinnati, O. I8«-S8; in business, Philadelphia, Penn.; pastor, Hartford, Conn 1672-74; Rainbou, Conn. 1875. Born Philadelphia, Penn., Dec. 5,1815 ! died Hart- ford, Conn., Nov. 26. 1875- Pimc Nec.iS 7 6 Samuel Haskell; D.D. Madison university 1867. Graduated Hamilton literary and theological institution 1S47; ordained Baptist 1847; pastor First church, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1852-71; Ann Arbor 1871-88; assistant editor Christian herald, Detroit, Mich. 1888-91 5 instructor, department of Biblical instruction, Kalamazoo college 1S91-92 i professor 1892- j secretary Mich. Baptist state con- 148 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1845 tion 1854; president 1866. Author Retired., discourse in the Baptist church, Ann Arbor, 1888. Address, Kalamazoo, Mich. Bapt. encyc, P. Foster Henry, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1848; ordained Baptist 1852; pastor, Tyringham, Mass. 1852-57; Pawtuxet, R. I. 1857-61; Danversport, Mass. 1S61-66; Newport, N. H. 1866-72; North Bennington, Vt. 1872-80; Cavendish, Vt. 1SS0-S5 ; Hinsdale, N. H. 1885-86. Born Weathers- field, Vt., April 7, 1817; died Cavendish, Vt., April 3, 1886. Newt., *Y, Nee. 1886 William Henry Hubbard, A. M. From Hatfield, Mass. John Davis Edmands Jones, A. M. Teacher private school, Newton Lower Falls : Mass. 1845-46; student, Newton theological institution 1846-47; princi- pal Troy academy, Troy, N. Y. 1847-49; ordained Baptist 1849; pastor, North Bennington, Vt. 1849-55; First church, Worcester, Mass. 1855-59; superinten- dent public schools, Worcester, Mass. 1859-66; pastor, North Grafton, Mass. 1864-75 ; superintendent of agencies of the State mutual life assurance company, Worcester, Mass. 1866-93. Born Needham, Mass., Nov. 11, 1S19; died Worces- ter, Mass., Jan. 12, 1893. Newt., Nee. 1893 James Munroe Keith. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. ; president common council, Roxbury, Mass. ; member Mass. legislature 1851 ; district attorney, Mass. 1S55- 57; member city council Boston, Mass. 1S6S-69; trustee Boston public library 1868-69; delegate democratic national convention 1868; chairman Mass. demo- cratic state convention 1869; member Boston board of health 1877-83. Born Randolph, Vt., April 15, 1819; died Roxbury, Mass. April 12, 1894. Nee. 1894 Cyrus Knowlton. From Brandon, Vt. Deceased. Cornelius Kollock, A. M.; M. D. University of Penn. 1S46. Physician, Cheraw, S. C. ; Confederate military service, surgeon; vice president American gynecological society ; president Southern surgical and gyne- cological association. Author Inaugural thesis before American gyne- cological society, 1887; Laparotomy in intestinal obstruction', Closure of perforated intestines in gunshot wounds; Protective influence of vaccination on the foetus in utero ; Craniotomy on the living foztus is not justifiable ; CcBsarian section in which both mother and child xvere saved ; Three cases of laparotomy; A case of ovariotomy ; Report on advancement in surgery, 1885. Address, Corner of Market and Green Sts., Cheraw, S. C. P. Andrew Mackie, A. M. Student, General theological seminary; ordained Episcopal 1849; pastor, Glassboro, N. J. ; Newark, N. J. ; Philadelphia, Penn. ; Boston, Mass. ; Amherst, Mass. ; Norwich, Conn. ; Madison, Penn. ; La Porte, Ind.; trustee General theological seminary; examining chaplain Northern deanery of Ind. Born Plymouth, Mass., Feb. 21, 1823; died La Porte, Ind., April 22, 1S78. Nee. 1878 Levi Witter Meech, A. M. Mathematician ; actuary in charge of thirty American life offices' collection of experience 1873-81. Author On the relative intensity of the heat and light of the sun upon different latitudes of the earth, in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 9, 1S57 ; System and tables of life insurance developed from the thirty offices' collection, 188 1, 18S6; New cal- culation tables for multiplication and division, 1S94 ; Endorsed ancient chron- ology, in preparation. Address, Norwich, Conn. P. Charles Joseph Muenscher. Prepared for Episcopal ministry; resident, Taunton, Mass. From Taunton, Mass.; died Matanzas, Cuba, March 15, 1850. A *, Nee. 1850 1845 GRADUATES M9 George Parks. Law student, Barnet, Vt. 1845-S7; lawyer; bookseller; man- ager Southern Baptist publication society, Charleston, S. C. Born Vt. ; died Charleston, S. C, March 30, 1S55. * X, Nee. 1855 Joseph Elliott Putnam. From Monisville, N. Y. James Carter Seagrave. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1849; or- dained Congregational 1851; pastor Fifth church, Providence, R. I. 1851-53; Rochester, N. H. 1S53-56; Scotland, Bridgewater, Mass. 1857-65; Wentworth, N. H. 1S65-70; East Marshfield, Mass. 1870-74; Fourth church, Haverhill, Mass. 1874-7S; Otis, Mass. 1878-S4; pastor, Peru, ; Mass. 1SS4-89; resident, Hinsdale, Mass. 18S4-; member school board Rochester, N. H. 1S54-55; Bridgewater, Mass. 1861-65; Haverhill, Mass. 1877-7S; Hinsdale, Mass. 1891- 93. Author school reports, and newspaper articles. Address, Hinsdale, Mass.; temporary address, Uxbridge, Mass. And., P. Edwin Miller Snow, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1849. Teacher 1845-47; physician, Holyoke, Mass. 1S49-50; Providence, R. I. 1S50- 8S; physician, eastern district dispensary, Providence; member Providence common council 1855; city registrar of births, marriages and deaths 1S55-8S ; superintendent of health 1S56-S4; superintendent R. I. census 1865, 1875 ; su- pervisor R. I. census in national census 1SS0; hospital inspector U. S. sani- tary commission 1S63 ; member national prison convention, Cincinnati, O. 1870; R.I. delegate, International prison congress, London 1S72; member American medical association; secretary R. I. medical society 1852-55; presi- dent 1S76-77 ; secretary Providence medical society ; member American academy ot medicine; consulting physician R. I. hospital; honorary member N.Y. medi- cal society; corresponding member Detroit academy of medicine; chairman R. I. commission which built new state prison at Cranston 1874-7S; secretary R. I. board of state charities and corrections 1869-72; trustee Providence re- form school 1855-80; U. S delegate, International statistical congress, St. Petersburg, 1872 ; trustee Brown university 1876-SS. Author Statistics and causes of Asiatic cholera in Providence, 1854, 1855 ; Annual reports upon births, marriages and deaths in Providence, '835-83, 1S56-84;. First annual report, su- perintendent of health, Providence, 1S57 ; History of Asiatic cholera in Provi- dence [, 1S5S] ; Report on smallpox in Providence, 1859; Report on registration, i860; Address on the epizodty [, 1861] ; Measures proposed for the prevention of cholera in Providence, 1S65 ; Report on keeping of swine in Provi- dence, 1865; Report upon documents relating to cholera, 1865; Tracts for the people, 5 nos., 1865-66; Report upon the removal op swill, 1S66; Report upon prevention of diseases in Providence, J 863-67, 1S67; Re- port upon the sanitary effects of filling the cove basin, 1868 ; Report upon con- vention at Springfield, III., 1S68, 1S69; Sniall pox and the protective power of vaccination in Providence, 1S69; Adulteration of milk, 1869; Report upon fat and lard melting, 1871 ; Disinfectants, 1877; Does small pox become epi- demic?; History of yellow fever in Providence, 17Q7-1820. For life, see Medical news, 1S89. Born Pomfret, Vt., May S, 1820; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1888. Surg. -gen. cat., Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1889 James Munroe Symonds, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1848; ordained Baptist 1849; pastor, Amesbury, Mass. 1849. Born Salem, Mass., July, 1817 ; died Salem, Oct. 17, 1849. Nee. 1850, Newt., A 4> Eli Thayer, A. M. Instructor, academy, Worcester, Mass. 1845-48; founder Oread institute, Worcester 1S4S-52; treasurer; member Worcester common council 1853; school board several years; Mass. house of representatives 1853- 150 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1845 54; organizer Emigrant aid company to establish colonies in Kansas 1S54-57 ; founder anti-slavery town, Va. 1857; member U. S. bouse of representatives 1S57-61; Oregon delegate to national republican convention 1S60; inventor sectional safety steam boiler; automatic boiler cleaner; hydraulic elevator. Author Congressional speeches, 1S60; Lectures, 1SS6; History of the Kansas crusade, 1SS9; frequent contributor to magazines and newspapers. Address, Oread institute, Worcester, Mass. Cjc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., "t T, P. William Mortimer Willian, A. M. Episcopal clergyman. Address, Frank- lin House, Lawrence, Mass. Marshall Woods, A. M. ; M. D. University of the city of New York 184S. Resident, Providence, R. I.; commissioner to Paris exposition 1S55; member jury on fine arts; received cross of French Legion of honor at close of exposi- tion; trustee Brown university 1S56-; in order of election senior member of the corporation 1S92-; treasurer Brown university 1S66-S2 ; fellow R. I. medi- cal society. Author first printed Treasurer's reports, Brown university, 1867- 82 ; List of subscriptions and donations made to Broxvn university during the 25 years terminating June 29, iSyi, 1S71. Address, Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Howard Worcester, 1S85; A. M. 18S6; M. D. New York homoeo- pathic college 1S61. Teacher, Charleston, S. C. ; Epping, N. H.; Lexington, Mass.; Framingham, Mass.; ordained Swedenborgian 1S51; pastor, Balti- more, Md. 1851-60; physician, Gardiner, Me.; Gloucester, Mass.; Salem, Mass.; Bridgewater, Mass. ; member school committee, Gloucester, Mass.; Bridgewater, Mass. ; member Bridgewater board of health. Author Index to Swedenb org's Apocalypse explained, in Latin, Hebrezv, Greek and English; editor 14 of Swedenborg's works. Born Gloucester, Mass., Feb. 16, 1S24; died Bridgewater, Mass., Dec. 4, 1S91. Nee. 1893. 11 *18 I846 Frank William Anthony. Graduated General theological seminary 1849; graduate student, General theological seminary 1849-50; not ordained; boot and shoe merchant, Jackson, Mich. 1S50-79; resident, Jackson 1879-S6; fruit farmer, Mattawan, Mich. 18S6-; treasurer Jackson county agricultural so- ciety ; director public school Jackson ; city treasurer 1S60; postmaster 1867- 68; collector county tax to organize and equip 1st Mich, regiment; contractor for the employment of convict labor, Mich, f-tate prison. Author National economy applied to national affairs, unpublished; also various articles in Irish World; Express, Chicago, 111.; Tribune, Chicago; and the local press; mem- ber editorial board Eagle, Jackson, Mich. ; Legal tender, Jackson. Address, Mattawan, Van Buren Co., Mich. * T, P. Benjamin Bosworth Babbitt, A. M. Trinity college 1868. Ordained Episco- pal 1S50; pastor, Plymouth, Mass.; Olneyville, R. I. 1857-60; Christ church, Andover, Mass. 1860-6S; principal St. Clement's school for boys 1S6S-70; pro- fessor Physics and astronomy, University of S. C, Columbia, S. C. 1871-77?; president 1873-77; founder St. Luke's parish, Columbia 1877 ; principal school for educational and mission work among the negroes 1877-SS. Editor Church monthly; author several papers. Born Bristol, R. I., Sept. 6, 1S27; died Co- lumbia, S. C, Dec. 20, iSSS. Nee. 1890 Judson Benjamin. Student, Newton theological institution 1846-47; ordained Baptist 1S48; missionary, Tavoy, Burmah, 1S49-50; Mergui 1S50-54. Born Rodman, N, Y., Feb. 2, 1S19; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 20, 1855. Nee. 1S55, Newt., Bapt. encyc. 1846 GRADUATES 151 Aaron Wheeler Chaffin. Student, Newton theological institution 1846-47; teacher academy, New Hampton, Vt. ; ordained Baptist 1S50; pastor, Danvers- port, Mass. 1850-62; Merrimack street church, Manchester, N. II. 1S62-6S; Hudson, N. II. 1S6S-73. Born Landgrave, Vt., July 9, 1821 ; died Lynn, Mass., Feb. 3, 1874. Newt., Nee. 1874 John Farnum Chapin. Merchant. Born Providence, R. I., March 1, 1S2S; died New York, N. Y., Feb. 9, iSSS. Nee. 1SS8 Henry Isaac Coe, A. M. Student Princeton theological seminary 1847-49; resident licentiate, Andover theological seminary 1850; ordained Presbyterian 1850; missionary, Indianapolis, Ind. 1S50-52 ; pastor South church, Galena, 111. 1852-55; secretary board of church extension 1S55-69; pastor Stanton, Mo. 1S71; resident St. Louis, Mo. Address, St. Louis, Mo. And., Princ. Samuel Sullivan Cox, A. M. ; LL. D. 1885. Lawyer, Zanesville, O. 1850-53; editor Statesman, Columbus, O. ; secretary of legation, Peru 1S55; memberU. S. house of representatives 1S57-65, '69-S3 ; speaker pro tempore 1S76; delegate, democratic national convention 1S64, '6S, '76; regent Smithsonian insti- tution ; U. S. minister, Turkey 1SS5-S6. Author A Buckeye abroad, 1S52 ; Eight years in Congress, 1S65 ; A search for winter sunbeams, 1S67 ; Why ivc laugh, 1S76; Arctic sunbeams, 1S82 ; Orient sunbeams, 1SS2; Three decades of federal legislation, 1SS5 ; Isle of the princes, 18S7 ; Diversions of a diplomat, 1S87; The four ne-v stars, 1SS9; besides various contributions to papers and maga- zines. Born Zanesville, O., Sept. 30, 1S24; died New York, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1SS9. A $, Cong, direct., Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1S90 Charles Rocke Cullen, M. D. Richmond medical college 1S4S. Physician, Richmond, Va. ; assistant surgeon Howard's Grove hospital, C. S. A., Rich- mond, Va. 1S62; medical examiner, Va. examining board 1884, 'S9. Address, Barton Heights, Richmond, Va. p. Ebenezer Dawes. Lawyer several years; editor Bristol countv republican, 1861-S5; ordained Congregational 1S64; pastor, Dighton, Mass. 1S62-79; Lakeville, Mass. 1SS0-92; member Mass, legislature 1S69; school board Digh- ton; Lakeville. Author Funeral sermon, Joseph E. Briggs, 1S67; Funeral sermon, John P. Wade, 1867; Funeral sermon, Benjamin Traflon, 1S75; Me- morial address, James P. Lane, 18S9. Born Taunton, Mass., Aug. 30, 1825; died Lakeville, Mass., Jan. 29. 1892. Cong. jr. bk., Nee. 1S92 Franklin Jackson Dickman, LL. D. 1S92. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S49- 5S; Cleveland, O. since 1S5S; member O. legislature; U. S. district attorney northern district of O. ; justice O. supreme court 18S6-?; chief justice; mem- ber board of visitors U. S. military academy, West Point 185S. Author judi- cial opinions in the O. state reports, vol. 40-50. Address, 449 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Albert Henry Campbell, A. M. Civil engineer, Charleston, W. Va. ; Confed- erate military service, major; in charge topographical department, army of northern Va. Address, Charleston, Kanawha Co., W. Va. P. George Capron, A. M. Teacher academy, Worcester, Mass. 1847-48; high school, Providence, R. I. 184S-52 ; principal high school, Worcester 1852-55; in state and government employ, Madison, Wis. 1856-75; insurance agent, Boston, Mass. Born Millville, Mass., Sept. 17, 1823; died Newton Centre, Mass., March 28, 1893. t T, Nee. 1893 Frederic Denison, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1S47; pastor First church, Westerly, R. I. 1847-54, '65-71 ; Central church, Norwich, Conn. 1854-59; Cen- tral Falls, R. I, 1859-61; U. S, military service 1861-64; chaplain, assistant 1847 GRADUATES 155 allotment commissioner, R. I.; pastor, New Haven, Conn. 1872-73; Woon- socket, R. I. 1S74-76; Roger WiHiams church, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. historical society; Wis. historical society; R. I. soldiers' and sailors' histori- cal society; official poet R. I. society of the sons of the American revolution ; historical registrar R. I. Baptist state convention. Author The Sabbath insti- tution, 1855; Notes of the Baptists and their principles, in Norwich, Conn., 1857 ; The supper institution, i860 ; Sabres and spurs, or, History of the First R. I. cavalry, 1876 ; Westerly and its -witnesses for txvo hundred and fifty years, 1878; Shot and shell, or, History of the Third R. I. heavy artillery, 1879; Picturesque Narragansett ; Illustrated New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket; Picturesque R. I. ; besides numerous articles and poems in both secular and religious periodicals; editor The evangelist, or, Life and labors of Rev. Jabez S. Swan, 1873; correspondent Watchman ; Examiner ; Religious herald; Christian secretary. Address, 28 South Court St., Providence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, B. U. civ. war, B. U. Fall River, Bap^. encyc, Bapt. hymns, Allibone, Sabin, P. Edwin Oibell. Student, Newton theological institution 1S47. Ordained Bap- tist 1851; pastor, Gardiner, Me.; Cherryfield, Me.; New Ipswich, N. H. ; North Sheffield, O. ; Kingsville, O. Address, Kingsville, O. Newt., P. Joshua James Ellis; M. D. Harvard university 1S52. Teacher private school, Newport, R. I. 1847-48; physician, Bristol, R. I. 1854-62; assistant surgeon Mass. volunteers 1S62-63. Born Boston, Mass. Sept. 13, 1S26; died Newport, R. I., March 17, 1863. Nee. 1S63, B. U. civ. war, R. I. cyc, A George Hedding Fillmore, A. M. Principal high school, Cohasset, Mass.; professor Mathematics, Newton college, Baltimore, Md. several years; Md. agricultural college; studied abroad one year; assistant, U. S. branch mint, San Francisco, Cal. 1S64-69. Author articles in Christian inquirer, and Californian. Born Nantucket, Mass., April 4, 1S27; died San Fran- cisco, Cal., Feb. 4, 1869. Nee. 1869 George Park Fisher, A. M.; D. D. 1S66; A. M. Yale college 1S67; D. D. Harvard university 1S86; University of Edinburgh 1886; LL. D. College of N. J. 1S79. Student of theology, Yale college 184S-49; graduated Andover theological seminary 185 1; student, Germany; ordained Congregational 1S54; professor Divinity, Yale college 1854-61; pastor college church 1S54-; P ro " fessor Ecclesiastical history 1861-. Author History of the church of Christ in Yale college, 1S5S; National faults, 1S60; Thoughts proper to the present crisis, 1861 ; Life and services of Dr. N. W. Taylor; Discourse commemorative of Josiah Willard Gibbs, 1861 ; Essays on the supernatural origin of Chris- tianity, 1865; Life of Benjamin Silliman, 1S66; History of the Reformation, 1873; The beginnings of Christianity, 1S77 ; Faith and rationalism, 1S79; Discus- sions in history and theology, 1880; Fathers of the third century, iSSt ; Grounds of theistic and Christian belief, 1883; Outlines of universal history, 1SS6; History of the Christian church, 18SS; Manual of Christian evidences, 1888; Colonial history of the U. S., 1892; besides numerous articles in Bibliotheca sacra; North American review; British quarterly ; Princeton review; New Englander ; member editorial board New Englander, 1866-92; Yale review, 1S92-. Address, 27 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, Conn. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's cyc. ; Allibone, Sabin, Harv., Col. N. J. Albert Augustus Gamwell. Principal Fountain street grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1847-71. Born Peru, Mass., Oct. 29, 1S16; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 18, 187 1. A, Nee. 1872 156 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1847 Cyrus Qarnsey. Lawyer; farmer. Address, Conoga, Seneca Co., N. Y. A 4> Reuben Aldridge Guild, A. M. ; LL. D. Shurtleff college 1874. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1S47-48; librarian 1S48-93 ; emeritus 1S93-; mem- ber common council, Providence, R. I. seven years; member and secretary school committee 15 years; member R. I. historical society; R. I. veteran citi- zens' historical association; American antiquarian society 1876-; honorary member Essex institute, Salem, Mass.; Old Colony historical society; Library association of the United Kingdom; Soldiers' and sailors' historical society; secretary Brown university alumni association 12 years; president, secretary, and treasurer of various religious, educational and philanthropic organizations. Author History of the Waterman St., nozv Union., Baptist church, 1857; Librarian's manual, 1S58; Report of committee of ten of the city council of Providence on pauperism and modes of relief, 1859; Report of committee of three on house of industry, 1859; Essay before R. I. Baptist Sunday school con- vention, i85o; Historical sketch of library of Brown university, in University quarterly, 1861 ; Account of -writings of Roger Williams, 1S62 ; Life^ times and correspondence of James Planning, and the early history of Brozvn university, 1864; Biographical introduction to the writings of Roger Williams, 1S66; Final report of committee for relief of families of volunteers, 1S66 ; History of Brown university with illustrative documents, 1S67; /;/ memoriam Charles Coffin Jezvett, 1S68 ; Brown university, 1870-71, in School commissioners's re- port; Report of standing committee on evening schools, 1S71 ; Eightieth birth- day anniversary of Deacon Reuben Guild, 1S73 ; History of What Cheer lodge, 1874; History of St. John's commandery, 1875; History of Brozvn university and History of the University grammar school, in Centennial volume on educa- tion, 1876; In memoriam Deacon Reuben Guild, 1S82 ; Student's access to the college library, in Bancroft's Method of English composition, 1SS4; Chaplain Smith and the Baptists, or, Life, journals, letters, and addresses of Rev. Hezekiah Smith, D. D., 1885; Footprints of Roger Williams, 1SS6; Brown university illustrated, in New England magazine, Jan. 18S6; Roger Williams, the freeman of Mass., in Proceedings of American antiquarian society, 1887; Historical address at joth anniversary of R. I. Baptist Sunday school conveji- tion, 1S90; Roger Williams the pioneer missionary to the Indians, 1S92 ; Ad- dress in memory of J. W. P. Jenks, 1S95 ; History of Brozvn university, 1756- /8gj, in course of publication, 1895; besides numerous articles in periodicals and magazines; editor Letter of John Cotton and Roger Williams' 1 reply, 1S66; Roger Williams' Queries of highest consideration, 1S67; Literary and theolo- gical addresses of Alva Woods, 1868; Staples'/?. /. in continental congress, 1870. Address, 34 Pratt St., Providence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Sabin, P. Nicholas Hatheway. Lawyer, Fall River, Mass. ; postmaster. Address, Fall River, Mass. Phineas Howe, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1848-50; Halle, Germany 1851; ordained Baptist 1852; pastor, Somerville, Mass. 1852. Born Norway, Me., April 7, 1823; died Somerville, Mass., Aug. 26, 1852. Nee. 1853, Newt., * T Walter Herbert Judson ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S49. Admitted to Suffolk bar 1850; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1850-61; member Boston light infantry; U. S. military service 1861, second lieutenant; prisoner, Richmond. Va. 1S62. Author numerous poems. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 14, 1S24; died New Haven, Conn., March 10, 1863. Nee. 1863, B. U. civ. war. 1847 GRADUATES 157 James Walcott Lathrop. Graduated Newton theological institution 1850; ordained Baptist 185 1 ; pastor, Dorchester, Mass. 1S50-56; Medfield, Mass. 1856-63; Rowley, Mass. 1S63-67; Beverly, Mass. 1S67-70; Oxford, Mass. 1S70- 73; Raynham, Mass. 1S73-75 ; retired. Address, Oxford, Mass. Newt., P. Benjamin Lawrence Locke. County clerk 24 years; farmer. Address, Mexico, Mo. P. John Hill Luther, A. M.; D. D. William Jewell college 1S74. Graduated Newton theological institution 1850; teacher, Ga. 1850-53; ordained Baptist 1853; pastor St. Peter's parish, Beaufort district, S. C. 1853-57; president Young ladies' seminary, Kansas City, Mo. 1858-61; pastor, Miami, Mo. 1S61- 65; Palmyra, Mo. 1S65-6S; editor Baptist journal 1S66-6S?; Central Baptist, St. Louis, Mo., and pastor 1S66-76; president Baylor female college, Belton, Tex. 1S76-90; pastor Second Baptist church, Galveston, Tex. 1877-7S; profes- sor Homiletics, Baylor university, Waco, Tex. Author Souvenir poems. Ad- dress, 1601 South 8th St., Waco, Tex. Bapt. encyc., Newt., P. Edwin Smith Oliver; LL. B. Harvard university 1849. Lawyer, New Orleans, La. ; Hanover Co., Va. From Hanover co., Va. P. Emery Harkness Page, A. M. Graduated Union theological seminary 1S50; or- dained Baptist 1853; pastor Bunker hill church, Charlesiown, Mass. 1853-57; Second church, St. Louis, Mo.; Greenwood church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1859-64; Hudson, Mass. 1864-66; Milford, Mass. 1S66-6S; Groton Junction, now Ayer, Mass. 1S6S-70; Madison, Wis. 1S70-72 ; Berlin, Wis. 1S72-S1 ; Osage, Iowa 1S81- 83. Born Baltimore, Vt., Aug. 25, 1818; died Minneapolis, Minn., May 5, tSSS. Nee. iSSS, * T Isaac Pond (formerly Proud). Merchant, Providence, R. I. many years; teacher, Dresden, Germany. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S79. i" Y Thomas Henry Ripley. Student, Newton theological institution 1850-52. Born N. S., Aug. 5, 1828; died Portland, Me., June 6, 1S52. Newt. Milton George Robert. Teacher and planter. Address, Washington, Wilkes Co., Ga. Amos Fletcher Spalding, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1850; ordained Baptist 185 1 ; pastor, Montreal, Canada 1S51-52; Cambridge, Mass. 1852-56; Calais, Me. 1S56-60; Warren, R. I. 1S60-70; U. S. military service 1862-63, chaplain; pastor First church, Norwich, Conn. 1S70-76; Needham, Mass. 1876-77; secretary Mass. Baptist convention 1S55-56 ; member R. I. state board of education 1S70. Author Centennial discourse on the history of the Warren Baptist church. Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1821; died Chelmsford, Mass., Nov. 30, 1S77. ^ T, R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1S79 Elijah Brigham Stoddard, A. M. Lawyer, Worcester, Mass. ; member Mass. council; Mass. senate; Mass. house of representatives; mayor Worcester; trustee Brown university 1S77-. Address, Worcester, Mass. A <1> Ambrose Pascal Sevilon Stuart, A. M. Professor Rhetoric and moral phil- osophy, Acadia college 1S47-49; Mathematics and chemistry 1S53-58; princi- pal Elm street grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1S49-51 ; Holton high school, Danvers, Mass. 1851-53; student of chemistry, Gottingen and Heidelberg 1858- 61; principal academy, Worcester, Mass. 1862-64; assistant instructor Chem- istry, Lawrence scientific school, Harvard university 1864-6S ; professor Chem- istry, 111. industrial university 1868-74 ; member German chemical society of Berlin; fellow American association for the advancement of science; corre- sponding member N. Y. academy of sciences ; retired. Author various scien- 158 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1847 tific lectures and articles in technical journals. Address, 330 North nth St., Lincoln, Neb. Cyc. Am. biog., •¥ Y, P. Benjamin Thomas. Graduated Newton theological institution 1850; ordained Baptist 1850; missionary, Tavoy, Burmah 1851-54; Henthada, Burmah 1854- 67; Bassein, Burmah 1867-68. Born Sanbornton, N. H., April 24, 1820; died New York, N. Y., June 11, 1868. Newt., Nee. 1868 Francis Wayland Weston. From Lynn, Mass. ; died Lynn, Sept. 18, 1848. Nee. 1848, * T Frederic Wiley. Graduated Newton theological institution 1850; ordained Baptist 1S50; pastor, Cumberland, R. I.; several places in N. E. and the West; Stonington, 111. Born Lynnfield, Mass. 1821 ; died Stonington, 111., July 21, 1868 Newt., Nee. 1869. 14 *20 I848 Mark Bailey, A. M. ; Ph. D. University of Oregon 1881. Principal prepara- tory department, Acadia college 1S48; tutor Granville college 1849-52; profes- sor Mathematics, Franklin college 1853-59; principal Ladoga seminary 1859-62 ; president California college 1866; McMinnville college, Or. 1873; ordained Baptist 1873; professor Mathematics and astronomy, University of Or. 1876-. Address, Eugene, Or. Den., P. Thomas Baldwin Barnaby. Teacher, Nantucket, Mass. 1848-50; admitted to bar 1S53; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1853-69. Born Deerfield, N. H., Sept. 13, 1S21; died New York, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1S69. Nec - I ^7 2 Joseph Howard Bourn, A.M. Teller old National bank, Providence, R. L; cashier Bank of commerce, Providence 1851-65 ; banker and broker 1865-94; member town council North Providence; president court of probate North Providence 1864; collector internal revenue, North Providence; member Prov- idence marine corps of artillery; American pomological society; vice presi- dent Society for encouragement of domestic industry ten years; member R. I. horticultural society 1858-94. Contributor to various journals. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Jan. 24, 1828; died Providence, March 25, 1894. Nee. 1894 Samuel Breck. From Northampton, Mass.; died Northampton, June 24, 1853. Nee. 1853 La Fayette Burr, A. M. Teacher, Friends' school, Providence, R. I. 1848-49; principal high school, Bristol, R.I. 1849-51; private school, Newport, R. I. 1851-52; public school, near Raymond, Miss. 1852-53; teacher, Natchez, Miss. 1853-54; private school, Vicksbu rg, Miss. 1854-60; principal academy, Dan- ielsonville, Conn. 1860-62; clerk War department, Washington, D. C. 1862- 63; Commissary department, Boston, Mass. 1863; treasurer copper mining company 1863-72; National dock and warehouse company 1872-. Address, 31 Duane St., P. O. Box 2235, Boston, Mass. * T, P. Jeremiah Olney Carr. Student of medicine Harvard university, but did not practice. Born Providence, R. I., 1823; died Providence, Sept. 15, 1856. * T, Nee. 1857 John Ramsay Clagett. Lawyer. Address, Hastings, Minn. P. Fayette Clapp ; M. D. Castleton, Vt., medical college 1851. Physician, San Francisco, Cal. ; Sandwich islands; Columbia, Boone Co., Mo. 1851-61 ; U.S. military service 1861-64, surgeon. Born Chesterfield, Mass., June 5, 1824; died Lee Centre, 111., Aug. 29, 1864. * T, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1867 1848 GRADUATES 159 Warren Benjamin Clapp. Farmer, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. four years; gradu- ated Rochester theological seminary 1855; ordained Baptist 1856; pastor, Dover, N. H. 1856-62; Milford, N. H. 1S63-65. Born New York, N. Y., Sept. 1827; died Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1S65. Nee. 1866 Joseph Bond Clark. Teacher, Mass. and N. H. six years; principal Wolfboro academy two years; lawyer, Manchester, N. H. ; city solicitor 1S59; member N/H. house of representatives 1859-60; county solicitor 1S61, '66; U. S. military service 1S62-65, captain ; mayor Manchester 1S67 ; director First national bank ; trustee Merrimac river savings bank; director Nashua, Acton, and Boston rail- road; People's fire insurance company. Born Gilford, N. H., June 21, 1823; died Manchester, N. H., Oct. 22, 1887. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 18S7 George Graham Curtiss, A. M. From Sheffield, Mass. Austin Sprague Cushman. Private secretary to President Fillmore; commis- sioner U. S. circuit court, 1st district; notary public; justice of peace; register of probate and insolvency Bristol co. Mass.; U. S. register in bankruptcy, 1st congressional district, Mass. ; U. S. military service 1S61-63, major; lieutenant, U. S. revenue marine; clerk, Pension bureau; Land office; War department ; grand commander, department of Mass., Grand army of the republic; secre- tary American patent protective association; bearer of dispatches to London and Paris; organizer colonies for western N. C. ; resident, Switzerland 1S72-80; patent lawyer, New York, N. Y. Author La crise industrielle, Geneve, 1873 ! editor The republic magazine; contributor to newspapers. Address, 115 Nassau St,, room 18, New York, N. Y. B. U. civ. war P. Miner Frink. Editor Albany freeholder, Albany, N. Y. 1S48-51 ; miner, Sacra- mento, Cal. ; lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. Born Renssalaerville, N. Y.,Julv 2^, 1818; died San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 28, 1873. Nee. iS"? William Hall, A. M, From Lancaster co., Va. Augustus Ely Harmon. Onslow Hemmenway. Assistant master high school, New Bedford, Mass.; teacher, West Newton, Mass. Born Framingham, Mass.; died Framingham, April 24, 1S55. Nec> lS55 ' Augustus Hoppin, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; art student, Europe 1S54- 55 ! artist and author. Illustrator Curtis's Potiphar papers, 1853 ; Butler's Noth- ing to wear, 1857; Shillaber's Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington, 18^4; Knitting-tvork, by Ruth Partington, 1859; Holmes's Autocrat of the break- fast table, 1 858; Jubilee days, 1872; author and illustrator Carrot pomade, 1864; On the Nile, 1871 ; Ups and downs on land and water, 187 1 ; Crossing the Atlantic, 1872; Hay fever, 1873; Recollections of Anton house, 1SS1 ; A fashionable sufferer, 1883; Tzvo Comfton boys, 1SS5 ; author Married for fun, 18S5. Address, 138 George St., Providence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, P. Edward Taylor Hunt, A. M. Principal school, Newark, N. J. ; ordained Bap- tist 185 1 ; pastor, East Orange, N. J. ; South Adams, Mass. seven years ; Ches- hire, Mass.; Bristol, R. I.; Lansingburgh, N. Y. ; Lebanon Springs, N. Y. : Moosic Falls, N. Y. ; Mansfield, O. Born Providence, R. I., March 5, 1823; died Mansfield, O., March 16, 1874. Nee. 1874 James Edward Leach. Teacher high school, Providence, R. I. 1S4S-49. From Bridgewater, Mass. ; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1849. * T, Nee. 1850 Nehemiah Allen Leonard. Admitted to bar 1S51 ; lawyer, Springfield, Mass. ; member Springfield common council 1860-65; president 1860-64; district at- attorney, western district of Mass. 1S74, '78-80; president Conn, river railroad company 1S80-90; trustee state hospital for the insane, Northampton, Mass.; 160 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1848 director Third national bank; Springfield fire and marine insurance company. Born New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 8, 1825; died Springfield, Mass., Nov. 7, 1890. A , Nee. 1891 Jonathan Mabbitt. Clerk, Custom house, New York, N. Y. 1877 ?-87? From Dover, N. Y. A $ Thomas Jones Montague. From Middlesex Co., Va. Pendleton Murrah. Lawyer, Monterey, Texas 1S52-65; governor, Texas 1862- 64. From Marion, Perry co., Ala.; died Monterey, Tex., Aug. 4, 1865. * T, Nee. 1866 James Wheaton Smith, A. M. ; D. D. University at Lewisburg, Penn. 1S62. Graduated Newton theological institution 1851 ; ordained Baptist 1851; pastor Lowell, Mass. 1851-53; Spruce street church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S53-70; Beth Eden church, Philadelphia 1870-80; pastor emeritus 1S80-. Author Life of John P. Croze?-, 1868; Reply to Albert Barnes } Dramatic element of pul- pit oratory ; with miscellanies in prose and verse. Address, 218 North 32d St., Philadelphia, Penn. Bapt. en eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., A 4>, P. George Spring Taft. Lawyer, Uxbridge, Mass. Born Uxbridge, Mass., 1S27; died Uxbridge, Jan. 26, 1S60. Nee. i860 Samuel Brown Vernon. From Newport, R. I.; died Chicago, 111., Feb. 7, 1893. P. Alanson Wedge, A. M. Teacher 184S-. Address, Westfield, Chautauqua co., N. Y. P. Alfred Fisher Wilder. From Framingham, Mass.; died 1859. George Theodore Walcott. Born 1824; died Braintree, Mass., Oct. 22, 1S51. Nee. 1852 George Wolford, A. M. ; LL. B. Albany law school 1S53. Lawyer, Albany, N. Y. 1851-81; clerk board of supervisors Albany co., N. Y. three years; member N. Y. legislature 1858-59; judge Albany co. 1859-64; deputy superin- tendent'of insurance N. Y. Born Knox, N. Y., March 6, 182S; died Albany, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1SS1. Alb., Nee. 1SS1. 8*22 1849 William Harrison Alden, A. M.; D. D. Colby university 1S73. Graduated Newton theological institution 1852; ordained Baptist 1S52; pastor, North At- tleboro, Mass. 1S52-57; First church, Lowell, Mass. 1857-64; Tabernacle church, Albany, N.Y. 1864-6S ; Middle street church, Portsmouth, N. H. 1868-SS ; acting pastor First church, Westboro, Mass. 1S91-; trustee Colby university 18S1-; Colby academy. Author occasional sermons; anniversary addresses. Address, Westboro, Mass. Bapt. encyc, Newt. P., Colby James Burrill Angell, A. M. ; LL. D. 1868; Columbia college 1887. Assist- ant librarian, Brown university 1849-50; student in Euiope 1S50-53; professor Modern languages, Brown university 1852-60; editor Providence journal 1S60- 66; president University of Vt. 1866-71; University of Michigan 1S71-; minis- ter to China, and chairman special commision to negotiate treaties with China 1SS0-S1 ; member joint commission of U. S. and Great Britain to settle fisheries questions 18S7-SS. Author The higher education, a plea for making it accessible to all, 1879; The diplomacy of the United Stales, in Winsor's Nar- rative and critical history of America, 18S8; also numerous articles in reviews. Address, Ann Arbor, Mich. Cyc. Am. biog., * T, P. 1849 GRADUATES 161 William Richmond Brownell ; M. D. University of the city of New York 1852. Physician, Hartford, Conn. 1S53-73; U. S. military service 1S61-65, division surgeon, medical director, staff surgeon. Born Providence, R. I., March 30, 1S2S; died Hartford, Conn., Dec. 1, 1873. A . B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1S74 Jared Fuller Crocker, A. M. Lawyer, Norwich, Conn. Born Norwich, Conn.; died at sea. Feb. 19, 1S60. Nee. 1S60 Perez Lincoln Cushing, A.. M. Student, Newton theological institution one year; ordained Baptist 1S52; chaplain reform school, Weslboro, Mass. six years; principal private school, Middleboro, Mass. 1S57-74; chaplain state alms- house, Bridgeuater, Mass. 12 years. Born Boston, Mass., March 6, 1S25; died Santa Barbara, Cal., March 14, 1S75. Newt., Nee. 1875 James Henry Duncan. Studied law, but engaged in business. Born Haver- hill, Mass., June 1S27; died at sea, Dec. 31, 1S5S. Nee. iS^q Reuben Thomas Durrett, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S94; LL. B. University of Louis- ville 1S50. Lawyer, Louisville, Ky. 1S50-S0; member Louisville common council 1853-54; member board of park commissioners ; editor Louisville Daily courier 1S57-59; founder Public library of Kentucky 1S71 ; president 1S71-S0; founder Filson club 1SS4; president, 1SS4-; founder Louisville Abstract and loan association; member American, Virginia, and Wisconsin historical societies; Polytechnic society of Louisville. Author Life and times of John Filson, 1SS4; Historical sketch of St. Paul's church, 1SS9; Centenary of Ken- tucky, 1S92 ; Centenary of Louisville, 1S93; The romance of the origin of Louisville, in Southern magazine, June 1S94; besides numerous historical articles, lists of which are given in the annual report of the American historical association for 1SS9, 1S92; see also A remarkable private library, Cincinnati Commercial gazette, March 17, 1SS9; The library of Colonel Durrett, in Netv York tribune, March 6, 1S91 ; Sketch of Reuben T. Durrett, in Southern magazine, June 1S94; Louisville fast and present. Address, 202 East Chest- nut St., Louisville, Ky. * Y, Cyc. Am. biog., P. John Manning Francis, A. M. Graduated East Winsor, now Hartford, theo- logical seminary 1S52 ; ordained Congregational; pastor, Staffordville, Conn.; instructor Ohio state institute for deaf mutes 1S54-65; superintendent Cal. state institute for the deaf, dumb and blind 1S65-66. Born Canterbury, Conn., April 16, 1S2S; died Plainfield, Conn., March iS, 1SS7. Nee. 1SS7 Horatio Gray, A. M. Graduated Theological seminary. Va. 1S52 ; Episcopal clergyman ; assistant pastor St. Andrew's church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S53-54; pastor Grace church, Waverly, N. Y. 1856-58; assistant pastor St. John's church, Providence, R. I. 1S5S; pastor Grace church, Mamaroneck, N. Y. 1S67-72; preacher, Boston, Mass. Author Memoir of Rev. B. C. Cutler, 1S65. Address, 1 Joy St., Boston, Mass. * T, P. Julian Hartrjdge; LL. B. Harvard university 1S52. Lawyer, Savannah, Ga. ; solicitor-general eastern judicial circuit Ga. ; member Ga. legislature two terms; Charleston demociatic convention 1S60; Confederate military service 1S61-62; member Confederate congress 1S62-65 ; delegate, national democratic convention, Baltimore, Md. 1S72 ; presidential elector 1S72; member U. S. house of representatives 1875-79. Born Savannah, Ga., Sept. 9, 1829; died Washington, D. C, Jan. S, 1S79. Cong, direct., Nee. 1S79 Rowland Hazard, A. M. Woolen manufacturer, Peace Dale, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1S63-64, '67-69; trustee Brown university 1S75- 89; fellow 1SS9-; corporate member American board of commissioners for foreign missions; trustee Butler hospital for the insane; president Washing- 1 62 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1849 ton county agricultural society 1875- 5 president What cheer insurance company 18S2-; treasurer Peace Dale manufacturing company 1S64- ; president sundry industrial companies. Author Addresses before the Washington county agri- cultural 'society , Credit mobilier of America, 1881; besides review articles on economic subjects. Address, Peace Dale, R. I. ¥ T, P. Luther Rice Long. From Hertford, N. C. John Gould Loring. Law student, Harvard university; resident, Boston, Mass. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1825; died Boston, Oct. 20, 1873. Nee. 1874 Charles Henry Mason. Admitted to bar, Providence, R. I. 1S52; lawyer, Providence 1852-53; secretary Washington territory 1S53-59; acting governor. Born Providence, R. I. 1829; died Oljmpia, Wash., July 22, 1S59. * T, Nee. 1859 James Kirk Mendenhall. Sludent, Princeton theological seminary 1850-52; Theological school, New Brunswick, N. J.; ordained Baptist 1852; pastor, Camden, S. C. 1S52-60; Fernandina, Fla. 1S60-62 ; Bush River, S. C. ; Mt. Zion, S. C; Enoree, S. C. ; agent Furman university 1870-71; pastor, Colum- bia, S. C. 1872-73; district secretary Baptist home mission society 1875-76; evangelist, Greenville, S. C. 1S77-?; retired. Address, 95 Pendleton St., Greenville. S. C. Princ, P. William Hammond Mills ; D. D. University of Nebraska. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1850-52 ; Episcopal clergyman; pastor, Manton, R. I. ; St. Andrew's church, Providence, R. I.; Olneyville, R. I. 1S59-60; St. Mary's church, Dorchester, Mass. 1860-74; St. Paul's church, Erie, Penn. 1874-S0; Yonkers, N. Y. 1SS0-93; frequent delegate, general conference; dean Erie con- vocation ; president Yonkers nursery and home; member executive committee Sheltering arms, Tompkins Cove, N. Y. ; member committee N. Y. diocesan fund. Author pamphlet on confirmation ; several sermons. Born Newton Lower Falls, Mass., May 11, 1824; died Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1S93. •*• T, Nee. 1894 Lloyd Morton, A. M. ; M. D. Vermont medical school 1852. Demonstrator of anatomy, Vermont medical school 1S52-53; physician, Pawnticket, R. I. 1S53 SS; president R. I. medical society 1872-73; censor 1878-S4; U. S. military ser- vice 1S62, surgeon. Born Halifax, Mass., Dec. 3, 1827; died Pawtucket, R. I., Oct. 16. iSSS. B. U. civ. war, A *, Nee. 1889 Alexander John Robert, A. M. ; LL. B. Yale college 1851. Lawyer. Address, 71S West Owing St., Denison, Tex. P. Thomas Drew Robinson, A. M. Address, 71 Broadway, P. O. Box 2300, New York, N. Y. Benjamin Francis Thurston, LL. D. 18S8. Admitted to bar 185 1; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1851-90; counsel for Edison in electric cases; Thompson Houston company in electric cases; Pullman company ; speakef R. I. house of representatives 1854, '56-57, '64-65; member R. I. senate 1S6S-69; president Republican and independent club of Providence co. ; trustee Providence public library. Born New London, Conn., Nov. 7, 1829; died New York, N. Y. March 13, 1S90. Nee. 1890, A James Tillinghast. Admitted to bar 1S51; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S51-. Address, 10S Angell St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. William Edward Tolman. Teacher and principal high school, Pawtucket, R. I. 25 years; with D. Goff and sons, manufacturers. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. P. Isaac Newton Tourtellott. From Thompson, Conn. 1849 GRADUATES 163 Adin Ballou Underwood, A. M. Admitted to bar 1853; lawyer, Milford, Mass. 1853-55; Boston, Mass. ; U. S. military service 1861-65 ; brigadier-gen- eral, brevet major-general; U. S. surveyor port of Boston 1S65-S6; chairman school committee Newton, Mass.; trustee Newton public library ; department commander Grand army, Mass. 1S73; chief of staff 1S69-71 ; member Historic genealogical society; Military historical society; trustee Brown university 18S4-8S. Author The three years' service of the 33d Mass. infantry regiment ', 1862-bj. Born Milford, Mass., May 19, 182S; died Boston, Mass. Jan. 14, 18SS. B. U. civ. war, A *, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. iSSS Caesar Augustus Updike. Admitted to bar 1851 ; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S51-77; member common council 1S59-63 ; R. I. house of repiesentalives 1S60- 64; speaker 1S60-62. Born Kingston, R. I., March 7, 1S24; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 9, 1S77. R- I- cyc, Nee. 187S Heman Lincoln Wayland, A. M. ; D. D. 1S69. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1849; student, Newton theological institution 1849-50; principal Ladies' seminary, Townshend, Vt. 1850-51; tutor, University of Rochester 1S52-54; ordained Baptist 1S54; pastor Third, now Main street, church, Worces- ter, Mass, 1S54-61 ; U. S. military service 1S61-64, chaplain; missionary, Nashville, Ten 11. 1S64-65; professor Logic and rhetoric, Kalamazoo college, Mich. 1S65-70; president Franklin college 1S70-72; editor National Baptist 1872-94; Examiner 1S95-; president Perm, state mission society; Philadelphia ministers' conference; N. E. society of Penn.; Contemporary club, Philadel- phia; American social science association. Author Life of C. H. Spurgeon; Life of Francis Wayland, in conjunction with Francis Wayland, 2 vols., 1S67; numerous addresses, papers and speeches upon sociological and kindred subjects; besides various articles in Neiv Englander; Baptist quarterly ; and other periodicals. Address, 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., Bapt. encyc, B. U. civ. war, P. Andrew Fuller Willard, A. M. ; M. D. University of Penn. iS5o. Teacher, Nova Scotia; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; physician, Kans. 1S65-73; Providence, R. L; colporteur of American Baptist publication society two years. Born Lancaster, Mass., Aug. 10, 1S14; died Providence, R. I., July 1, 18S5. Nee. tSS6. 11*16 1850 Charles Eugene Aaron, A. M. From Norristown, Penn. George Esdras Allen. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1853; or- dained Congregational 1S58; pastor Second church, Cambridgeport, Mass. 1858-61; resident, Chelsea, Mass.; Norton, Mass.; East Somerville, Mass.; Episcopal clergyman, North Reading, Mass. 1SS0-? pastor St. James's church, Fall River, Mass. Address, 330 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. And., * Y, P. George Nelson Anthony. Teacher, West Greenwich, R. I. 1S50-51; Elling- ton, Conn. 1S51-52; graduated Andover theological seminary 1855; ordained Congregational 1855; pastor, Great Falls, N. H. 1855-60; Marlboro, Mass. 1S60-69; South church, Peabody, Mass. 1869-76; treasurer Mass. home mis- sionary society 1879-S5. Born South Kingstown, R. I., Nov. 17, 1S23 ; died Newton Highlands, Mass., May 24, 18S5. Nee. 1S85, And. James Brown, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S52 ; lawyer, Attleboro, Mass. 1S52 ; Taunton, Mass. 1853-93; U.S. military service, 1862-63, major; member Mass. 1 64 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1850 house of representatives 1S62-66; Mass. senate 1S73. Born Swansea, Mass., Sept. 19, 1S2S; died Taunton, Mass., Feb. 19, 1S93. Nee. 1893, 13. U. civ. war. Jesse Holcombe Buck. Ordained Baptist 1S56; pastor 1856-6S; principal Macon seminary 1S6S-90; pastor and preacher, Macon, Miss. Contributor to religious press. Address, Macon, Miss. P. Samuel Benjamin Flagg; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1S54. Physi- cian; ordained Unitarian 1S5S; pastor, Sandwich, Mass. Author Manual of ■worship for the first parish, Walt ham, Mass. ,' also various sermons. Ad- dress, Sandwich, Mass. P. Elijah Timothy Fletcher. Ordained Methodist; assistant pastor, Fall River, Mass.; pastor nine churches in six s4ates during 12 j-ears ; student natural history 1862-64; literary editor Joicmal, Indianapolis, Ind. 1S64-72? Author various contributions to Providence journal. Born Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 21, 1S24; died Indianapolis, Aug. 24, 1S77. B. U. Fall River, ^ T, Nee. 1S7S Benjamin West Gardner. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S53; ordained Baptist 1S53; pastor, Sheldonville, Mass. 1S53-55; Mansfield, Mass. 1855-58; West Dedham, Mass. 185S-67; chaplain Soldiers' home, Boston, Mass. 1S59-61; preacher, New Ipswich, R. Lone year; North Marshfield, Mass. 1S69-74. Born Providence, R. I., July 4, 1S22 ; died North Cohasset, Mass., July 6, 1S74. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1875 Alvah Winslow Godding, A. M. Public school teacher, Providence, R. I. 1S50-64; insurance agent. Address, 32 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Edward Powars Gray, A. M.; Trinity college 1S55; B. D. Seabury divinity school 1867. Episcopal clergyman; professor Ecclesiastical polity, Seabury divinity school 1S65-6S; Biblical literature and exegesis, St. Augustine's col- lege, Benicia, Cal. 186S-70; lecturer on Ecclesiastical polity, Bishop Pa ret divinity class, Baltimore, Md. 1890; retired. Author Harmony of gospel his- tory from Passion -week to Pentecost, 1S66; Apostolic treasury, 1S71 : Genuine- ness of St. Mark xvi., Q-20, in Church review, July 1S74; Needed revision of the Rubrics, 1S76; Te Deum laudamus, newly arranged according to its structure, 1876; Simple calendar reform, in Science, Feb. 26, 1SS5 ; La/in prosody, in Academy, June 5, 1SS5 ; Did Christ rise from the dead on the first day of the ■week? in Church reviezv, Oct. 1SS5 ; Impediments to a lawful marriage, in Church eclectic, Nov. 18S6; The first resurrection, in same, April 1SS7 ; Infant confirmation and communion, in same, May iSSS ; Is unction of the sick of per- manent obligation, in same. July 1S39; Belhsaida of St. Luke ix., 10, in Biblio- iheca sacra, April 18S9; The last Passover and its harmonies, in same, April 1S91; editor Pacific churchman, 1876; Maryland churchman, 1SS9-91. Address, 1326 North Mount St., Baltimore, Md. P. Charles Hibbard, A. M. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1852; or- dained Baptist missionary 1S52 ; missionary, Burma 1S52-66; pastor, Chester, Vt. 1S67-75; Vergennes, Vt. 1S75-79; Middlebury, Vt. 1879-S3. Author His- tory of the Vermont Baptist state convention. Born St. Armand, Quebec, Dec. 21, 1S23; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 30, 18S7. Nee. 1SS8 John Walker Kennady. Law student, Providence, R. I. 1S50-52; member editorial staff Times, New York, N. Y. 1852-65;^ Y. correspondent Courier, Charleston, S. C. Born Owensboro, Ky. May 8, 1S29; died New Yoik, N. Y., July 8, 1S65. * T, Nee. 1SS1 Henry Fayette Lane, A. M. Tutor, Columbian college 1S50-52 ; student, Newton theological institution 1S53-54; ordained Baptist 1S54; paslor, New London, N. II. 1S54-57; Dorchester, Mass. 1857-60; Lawrence, Mass. 1860-63; 1850 GRADUATES 165 U. S. military service 1S62-63, chaplain; pastor, Portsmouth, N. II. 1S64-67 ; Malone, N. Y. 1S69-7S; secretary N. Y. state convention 1S7S-S0; pastor, Kingston, Mass. 1SS1-S3; Worcester, Mass. 1SS3-?; Millis, Mass. Author various articles in Watchman ' Examiner, besides sermons and addresses. Address, Millis, Mass. B. U. civ. war, Newt., * Y, P. John Morris. Instructor, North Providence, R. I. 1S50-51; Cumberland, R. I. 1851-52; Rochester, N. Y. 1S52-53; farmer and real estate dealer, Providence 1S53-; member town council North Providence 1865; R. I. house of represen- tatives 1S66; president school committee Noith Providence 1S67; member common council Providence 1S75-7S, '79-S1, 'S2-S4. Address, 957 Noith Main St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. James Ormsbee Murray, LL. D. 1SS6; D. D. College of New Jersey 1S67. Instructor, Brown university 1851-52 ; graduated Amlover theological seminary 1854; ordained Congregational 1S54; pastor, South Danvers, now Peabody, Mass. 1S54-61 ; Prospect street church, Cambridgeport, Mass. 1S61-65; Brick Presbyterian church, New York, N. Y. 1865-75; Holmes professor Belles lettres and English language and literature, College of New Jersey 1S75-; clean of the faculty ; director Princeton theological seminary; director Union theo- logical seminary. Author Discourse in South Danvers, Thanksgiving day, 1856; Loyally to country and its duties, 1S61; Christian hvmnology, 1S70; besides various articles in New Princeton review] editor Orations and essays, with selected parish sermons, by J. L. Diman, 1SS2 ; George Ide Chacc : A Memorial, 1SS6; William Gammcll : A biographical sketch -with selections from his writings, 1890. Address, Princeton, N. J. And., "FY, Pi inc., Snbin, P. Edward LilHe Pierce, LL. D. 1SS2; LL. B. Harvard university 1S52; LL. D. Claflin university 1S94. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. ; Mass. ; delegate, national republican convention 1S60, '76, 'S4; U. S. military service 1861; in charge of negroes, Hampton and sea islands 1S61-62 ; U.S. collector internal revenue iS)3-65; district attorney, Norfolk and Plymouth cos., Mass. 1S66-70; lecturer, Boston university law school ten years; secretary Mass. board state charities 1S69-74; member Mass. house of representatives 1S75-77 ; appointed assistant treasurer U. S. 1878, but declined* Author Effect of proscriptivc or extreme legislation against foreigners in Mass. and N. E., on Jrce labor, free stales, and the cause of freedom and republicanism in the West, 1S57 ; American rail- road law, 1857; Personal liberty laws, 1S61 ; Negroes at Port Royal, 1S62; Freedmen of Port Royal, S. C, in Atlantic monthly, Aug. 1S63; Two systems of government proposed for the rebel states, 1S67 ; Index of the special railroad laws of Alass., 1S74; Lazv of railroads, 1SS1 ; Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner, 4 vols., 1S77-93; editor Walter's American lazv. See Dinner commemo- rative of Charles Sumner, and complimentary to E. L. Pierce, 1S94. Address, Milton, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., Sabin, B. U. civ. war. P. Stephen William Price, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1S50 52; ordained Baptist 1852 ; pastor, Cumberland, Md.; Athens, N. Y. Born Ava, Burmah, Feb. 6, 1S25 ; died Washington, D. C, Dec. 13, 1S55. Nee. 1856, Newt. Henry Clay Rice. Admitted to bar 1S52 ; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. ; member Worcester common council 1S58, '6t ; member Mass. house of representatives 1S59-60; Mass. senate 1S79-S0; notary public, Worcester; master in chancery, Worcester; director People's savings bank. Born Millbury, Mass., Aug. 22, 1S27; died 1S92? Nee. 1S92 1 66 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1850 George Benjamin Ruggles. In business, Buffalo, N. Y. ; travelled abroad three years; farmer, Gloucester, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, 1828; died Chepachet, R. I., Dec. 8, 1S78. A 4>, Nee. 187S Samuel Ahimaaz Simpson. Civil engineer. Address, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. A * George Edgar Williams. Lawyer, Taunion, Mass.; city solicitor Taunton 1872-75. Address, Taunton, Mass. ^ T, P. Brastus Worthington ; LL. B. Harvard university 1853. Admitted to bar 1854; lawyer, Dedham, Mass. ; trial justice 1S5S-67; clerk of courts Norfolk co., Mass. 1S67-; master in chancery 1878-93; public administrator since 1S81. Author A ddress at dedication of memorial, Dedham, Mass., Sept. 2g, 1868 / Short history of Dedham, in History of Norfolk co., 1S84 ; Historical address, 250th anniversary of incorporation of Dedham, Mass., 18S6. Address, Ded- ham, Mass. P. 12 *10 1851 Ebenezer Treat Ailing, A. M. Address, Denver, Colo. Horatio Nelson Ballard; M. D. Harvard university 1854. From Thompson, Conn. Brainard Wayland Barrows. Graduated Newton theological institution 1854; ordained Baptist 1S55 ; pastor, Neponset, Mass. 1855-72 ; Middletown, Conn. 1S73-S0; Norwood, Mass. 1SS1-90; Newton Centre, Mass. 1891-93; New York, N. Y. 1894-. Address, 310 West 48th St., New York, N. Y. Newt., P. Samuel Penniman Bates, A. M. ; LL. D. Westminster college 1862 ; Alle- ghany college 1877. Private tutor 1851-52; principal academy, Meadville, Penn. 1852-57; superintendent of schools Crawford co., Perm. 1857-60; deputy superintendent of public instruction Penn. 1860-66; stale histoiian Penn. 1866-73; superintendent of public schools Meadville 1874-81; travelled in Europe 1S77; author 1881-; president Public library association 1872-80; mem- ber Penn. historical society 1866- ; member Crawford co. historical society. Author Institute lectures on mental and moral culture, 1859 ; Method of teach- ers' institutes, 1S62 ; articles on Physical culture, 1S62-63; Liberal education, 1864 ; History of the colleges of Penn. ,' History of the Penn. volunteers, 5 vols., 1866-73 5 Lives of the governors of Penn., 1S73 ; Martial deeds of Penn., 1875 ; Battle of Gettysburg, 1S78; Life of Gen. O. B. Knotvles, 1S78 ; History of Crawford co., Penn., 1878; Battle of Chanccllorsville, 1SS2 ; History of Penn. ; History of Greene co., Penn. ,* Digest of school laws; contributions to vol. 12, Encyclopaedia Britauuica. Address, Meadville, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone Sup., A A *, P. Emmons Paley Bond. Student, Hamilton literary and theological institution 1851-52; ordained Baptist 1S52 ; pastor New Britain, Conn. 1852-65; U. S. military service 1S64-65, chaplain ; principal Conn, literary institution, Suf- field, Conn. 1S65-70; pastor Agawam, Mass. 1S70-73; professor Latin, Greek, and philosophy, Peddie institute, Hightstown, N.J. 1873-78; editor Christian secretary, 1S79-93 ; retired. Author Sunday school expositions in Christian era, 1873-75. Address, Mount Pleasant, Penn. B. U. civ. war, Bapt. encyc, P. John Summerfield Brayton, A. M.; LL. D. 1S93. City solicitor, Fall River, Mass. 1S54-57; clerk of courts Bristol co., Mass. 1857-64; member Mass. ex- ecutive council 1S66-68, '79-S0; president First national bank, Fall River; B. 1851 GRADUATES 167 M. C. Durfee safe deposit and trust company. Author [Remarks, Rehoboth, Mass., May 10, i886,~\ in Historic Rehoboth, 1SS6; Brown university alumni of Fall River, Mass., 18SS; Historical address at dedication of town hall, Swansea, Mass., Sept. cj, 1891, 1892; Tribute to E. G. Robinson, in Fall River evening' news, Nov. 24, 1S94; besides other historical addresses. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. Charles Frederic Brownell. Admitted to bar 1S53; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S53-63; clerk R. I. senate two jears; member R. I. house of representatives one year. Born Providence, R. I., March 19, 1S31; died Providence, May 8, 1S63. A 4>, Nee. 1863 James Osgood Andrew Clark, D. D. 1S92; Emory college 1S71; LL. D. University of Georgia 1S75. Teacher, Perry, Ga., and law student 1851-52; lawyer, Savannah, Ga. 1S52-54; -theological student 1S54-56; ordained Metho- dist deacon 1S56; elder 185S; itinerant preacher 1S54-?; presiding elder 20 years; professor Latin, Emory college 1S6S-72 ; chairman state committee on unification of University of Ga. with the! denominational colleges; commis- sioner to the various Methodisms of Europe and America 1S7S; delegate, Methodist ecumenical conference 1SS1. Author Wesley memorial volume, 1SS0; Elijah vindicated, 1SS5; Esther, a sequel to Ben Hur, 1S92 ; With what body, not yet published ; besides review articles and addresses. From Savannah. Ga. ; died Sept. 4, 1S94. ^ T, P. Lysander Dickerman, D. D. 1S93. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1856; ordained Congregational 1S5S; pastor, Gloucester, Mass. 1858-60; Wey- mouth Landing, Mass. 1S61-67; Rindge, N. H. 1867-68; Walpole, N. H. 1S6S- 69; student, Berlin university 1S70-72 ; pastor, Quincy, 111. 1S73-74; Gilrov, Cal. 1S74-75; Chico, Cal. 1S76-7S; lecturer on Egyptology. Author The Egyptian deities, in Andover review, 1SS5 ; The Hittiies of the Bible, in Jour- nal of the American geographical society, 1SS9; The Fayum, in same, 1892; Mariette-Beys Monuments of upper Egypt, 1890; besides numerous review articles. Address, Astor Libray, New York, N. Y. And., P. Thomas George Dickson, A. M. 1S93. Teacher, Athens, Greece. Author Handbook to Modem Greek, in conjunction with Edgar Vincent, 1S79. Ad- dress, Athens, Greece. Allibone, A Jeremiah Lewis Diman, D. D. 1S70. Student, Andover theological seminary 1S52-54; Halle, Heidelberg, Berlin 1S54-56 ; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S56; ordained Congregational 1856; pastor First church, Fall River, Mass. 1856-60; Harvard church, Brookline, Mass. 186064; professor History and political economy, Brown university 1864-S1 ; lecturer on History, Johns Hopkins university 1S79; lecturer on Theism, Lowell institute, Boston, Mass. 1880; corresponding member Mass. historical society 1873-S1 . Author Cap- lure of Gen. Richard Prescott by Lieut. -Col. William Barton, 1S7S; Theistic argument as affected by recent theories, 1S81 ; Orations and essays, 1SS2 ; also frequent articles in New Englander • North American review ; Nation ; Provi- dence Journal ; editor John Cotton's answer to Roger Williams, 1S67 ; George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes, 1S72. See Hazard's Memoir, 1SS7 ; Murray's Commemorative discourse. Born Bristol, R. I., May 1, 1S31; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 3, 1SS1. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, * T, B. U. Fall River, And., Allibone, Nee. 1S81 Simeon Borden Durfee. Student, Andover theological seminary 1852-153; graduated Harvard divinitj' school 1855 ; ordained Methodist 1855 ; acting pastor Congregational church, Peace Dale, R. I. 1S57. Born Tiverton, R. I., Sept. 2, 1S29; died Tiverton, Feb. 19, 1858. * T, Nee. 1S58, And. 1 68 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1851 William Newell Fay. Ordained 1S53; pastor, West Halifax 1S53-56; Belcher- town, Mass. 1S56-6S; me liner Mass. house of representatives one year. Born Grafton, Mass., April 25, 1S25 ; died Bloominglon, 111., June 6, 1S6S. Nee. 1S6S, P. Daniel Johnson Glazier. Graduated Newton theological institution 1855; called to pastorate of First Baptist church, Fall River, Mass. 1855. See The student preacher, containing his life, with sermons, edited by R. Turnbull. Born Wellington, Conn., April n, 182S; died Providence, R. I., March 19, 1S55. Nee. 1S55, Newt., B. U. Fall River, A $ Robert Pliny Hayes, A. M. 1SS6. General auditor U. S. express company, Jersey City, N. J ; member Buffalo historical society ; Orange club, Orange, N. J ; Beaver Island club, Buffalo, \ T . Y. ; Buffalo society of New York ; Sons of the Revolution; and other societies. Address, 177 West 95th St., New York, N. Y. A *, P. Edwin Hartwell Heard. Lawyer, Cal. Born Wayland, Mass., 1827; died Way land, Oct. 20, 1S57. A 4>, Nee. 1858 George Washington Jenckes ; M. D. Harvard university 1S54. Physician, Woonsocket, R. I.; member R. I. medical society; president; member Ameri- can medical association; R. I. board of health; medical examiner 6lh district; hedth officer Woonsocket ; president town council; member school committee 20 years; director in several business associations. Address, 47 Spring St., Woo 'socket, R. I. P. James Brewer Jordan. Teacher 1851-?; principal seminary; teacher, Sher- man, Grayson co., Tex.; Confederate military service, colonel or major; killed in battle, Va., 1S64 ? From Forestville, N. C. * Y, P. Alfred Lawton. Instructor, University grammar school, Providence, R. I.; graduated Andover theological seminary 1855; acting pastor, Brookline,N. H. 1S55. Born Newport, R. I., July 1, 1S27 ; died Brookline, N. H., Aug. 30, 1S55. Nee. 1855, And. Antoine Joseph Mauran; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. 1S54. Physician and surgeon. Address, Creston, Union co., Iowa. P. Richard Metcalf. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S54; ordained Unitarian 18^4; pastor, Bath, Me. 1854-57; preacher, Detroit, Mich. 1S58; pastor, Meadville, Perm. 1S60-65 ; Winchester, Mass. 1866-S1. Author Letter and spirit, 1S70; Abiding memory, 18S3. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 19, 1829; died Winchester, Mass., June 30, 1SS1. * Y, Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1SS2 William James Morcock, A. M. Instructor, Beaufort college, S. C. 1851-54; graduated Princeton theological seminary 1856; ordained Baptist 1857; pastor, Ephesus, S. C. 1S57-60; Smyrna, S. C. 1S60-66; professor, Monroe female college, Ga. 1807-69; pastor, Thomaston, Ga. 1S71-72; Cabaniss, Ga. 1S72-79; resident, Forsyth, Ga. 1S72-79. Born Beaufort, S. C, Jan. 13, 1S31; died Forsyth, Ga., June 5, 1S79. Princ, Nee. 1SS0 Frederick Mott, A. M. Judge 5th judicial district Iowa; professor Pleading and practice, Law deparment, Iowa slate university; president Des Moines college; U. S. military service Civil war, assistant adjutant-general, with rank of captain ; lawyer. Address, Winterset, Madison co., Iowa. P. John Norris. Address, Care of Brown, Shepley, & Co., London, Eng. Warren Randolph; A. M. Madison university 1859; D. D. Columbian college 1S65. Ordained Baptist 1851; pastor High street church, Pautucket, R. I. 1 S5 1 - ? ; Eighth street church, Providence -1857; First church, Germantown, 1851 GRADUATES 169 Penn. 1S57-63; Harvard street church, Boston 1863-67; Fifth church, Phila- delphia, Perm. 1S67-70; in Europe and the Levant 1S70-71 ; Sunday school secretary American Baptist publication society 1871-77; pastor First church, Indianapolis, Ind. 1877-79; Central church, Newport, R.I. 1879-; secretary International Sunday school lesson committee 1872-. Address, 454 Broadway, Newport, R. I. R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, P. James Barlow Simmons ; D. D. University at Lewisburg 1870. Student, Rochester theological seminary 1851-52; Andover theological seminary 1S52- 53; graduated Newton theological institution 1854; ordained Baptist 1S54; pastor Third church, Providence, R. I. 1854-57; First church, Indianapolis, Ind. 1857-61; Fifth church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1861-67; corresponding secre- tary American Baptist home mission society 1867-74; collector educational and foreign mission funds 1S74-77; pastor Trinity Baptist church, New York, N. Y. 1877-86; field secretary for N. Y., American Baptist publication society 1S86-; secretary centennial education work, New York, N. Y. 1876; trustee Leland university, New Orleans, La. 1870- ; Brown university 1S75- ; Carson and Newman college, Mossy Creek, Tenn. 1894-; assisted in establishing ten colleges. Author Courage in the ministry, tract, 1861 ; Cause and cure of the Rebellion, discourse, 1861 ; Church finances, tract, 1864; Letter to an absent church member, tract, 1865; Memorial sketches, 1S65; Young child of grace, 1S65 ; Tribute to the departed, 1866; Memorial to Nathan Bishop, 1SS5 ; Bible bands in the churches, 188S. Address, 129 East 59th St., New York, N. Y. Bapt. encyc, Roch., And., Newt., P. John Frank Slater. Merchant and manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., March 10, 183 1 ; died Providence, Feb. 2, 1S62. Nee. 1862 Hamilton Barclay Staples, LL. D. 1883. Admitted to bar 1854; lawyer, Mil- ford, Mass. 1854-69; Worcester, Mass. 1869-91; district attorney 1873; judge superior court 1S81-91 ; member Worcester city council; American antiquarian society ; trustee Worcester city hospital. Author A day at Mount Vernon in J797; The province laws; The Winthrop sword; The monument to La Salle at Rouen; and other historical papers. Born Mendon, Mass., Feb. 14, 1S29; died Worcester, Mass., Aug. 2, 1S91. One of 1000, A A $, Nee. 1892 Uriah Thomas, A. M. Private tutor three years; real estate agent and broker, Minneapolis, Minn. 1856-59; proprietor and editor State netvs, Minneapolis 1859-63; assistant treasury agent, N. C. Born Norristown, Penn., Feb. 9, 1S29; died Doylestown, Penn., Oct. 14, 1S65. Nee. 1866 Warren Thaddeus Webster, A. M. ; Bowdoin college 1S66. Professor Greek and Latin, Adelphi academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 394a Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bowd., P. Asa Messer Williams. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1S55; student, Heidelberg, Berlin; tutor, Antioch college, O. 1S56-59. Born Taunton, Mass., 1831; died Northampton, Mass., Sept. 2, 1S59. A A $, Nee. 1859 Bachelor of Philosophy. Thomas Alexander Tefft. Architect, Providence, R. I. 1851-56; student of architecture, Europe 1856-59. Author Our deficiencies in art education, 1853 ; Universal currency on the decimal system, 1S5S; papers on architecture in Nezv York crayon; letters from Europe in Nezv York times, 1S57-58. See The architect and monetarian, a brief memoir, by Edwin M. Stone, 1S69. Born Richmond, R. I. Aug. 3, 1826; died Florence, Italy, Dec. 12, 1859. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1S60, Allibone. 16 *16 170 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1852 1852 George Augustus Allen, A. M. Admitted to bar 1855; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1855-58; superintendent public instruction Attleboro, Mass. 1855-56; editor newspaper, Attleboro, Mass.; superintendent public instruction Phelps co., Mo. 1866; stock raiser, Ontario, Kans. Address, Ontario, Jackson Co., Kans. P. Edward Sumner Atwood, A. M. ; D. D. 1883. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1856; ordained Congregational 1856; pastor, Grantville, now Welles- ley Hills, Mass. 1856-64; assistant pastor South church, Salem, Mass. 1864-72; pastor 1872-88; member school committee Salem 11 years; Essex institute; New England historic genealogical society ; founder, secretary, president Essex Congregational club ; trustee Mass. Bible society ; member prudential committee American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Author various articles in Congregatio?ialist ; Golden rule; Andover review; and other periodicals. Born Taunton, Mass., June 4, 1833; died Salem, Mass., May 13, 1888. A K E, And., Nee. 1888 Lucius Whiting Bancroft, A. M. ; D. D. Union college 1866. Graduated Theological seminary of Va. 1856; Episcopal clergyman ; assistant pastor St. John's church, Providence, R. I.; pastor Christ church, Bridgeport, Conn.; professor Ecclesiastical history, Kenyon college, Gambier, O. 1862-68; pastor Christ church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868-?; professor Liturgies and Christian polity, Divinity school, Philadelphia, Penn. Address, 13 Cedar St., Worcester, Mass. ¥ T, P. Frederick Olney Barstow, A. M. Principal Hanover academy 1855; physi- cian, Swampscott, Mass. 1858-61; San Andreas, Calaveras co., Cal. 1861-?; superintendent schools Calaveras co. 1865-66; ordained Episcopal deacon 1866: priest 1871 ; missionary La Mesa, N. Mex. 1871-?; assistant pastor Grace church 1877-79; pastor St. Peter's church, San Francisco, Cal. 1879-81; teacher and practicioner Divine science, Oakland, Cal. Address, 1261 Kirkham St., Oakland, Cal. P. Ebenezer Wilson Bloom. From Pleasant Valley, N. Y. ; died Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885. George Dana Boardman, D. D. 1866; LL. D. University of Penn. 1889. Graduated Newton theological institution 1885; ordained Baptist 1855 ; pastor, Barnwell Court house, S. C. 1855-56; Second church, Rochester, N. Y. 1856- 64; Firstchurch, Philadelphia, Penn. 1864-94; honorary pastor 1894- ; president American Baptist missionary union ; Christian arbitration and peace society ; secretary Society for providing Christian literature for the blind; chaplain University of Penn. 1892-93 ; professor, Temple college, Philadelphia; profes- sorial lecturer on Ethics, University of Chicago. Author Address, First Bap- tist church, Philadelphia, Oct. 2, 1864; Loyalty to law; Address in commemo- ration of re-establishment of the national flag at Fort Sumter, April 14, 1865 ; Death, the law of life, April 16, 1863; Abraham Lincoln, 1865; Baptism, a symbol, 1S66; Spiritual anthropology ; Parable of the shrewd stexvard, 1879; Infant regeneratioti ; Life a vocation; The Parousia ; Conservative progress ; The triumphant Messiah; Studies in the creative week, 1S78; Studies in the model prayer, 1S78 ; Epipha?iies of the risen Lord, 1879; Studies i?i the moun- tain instruction, 18S0; Nature a pledge of grace, 1880; Scriptural doctrine of blood, 1881 ; James A. Garfield, 1881 ; Church and state, 18S1 ; Problems of 1852 GRADUATES 171 education., 1882; Mission of the Friends, 18S2 ; Transit of Venus ; Hardening of Pharaoh's heart; Martin Luther, 1883 ;• Function of zvorship ; Balaam; Early printing in the middle colonies, 1S85 ; The just scales; Call of Samuel, 1887 ; The Divine man, from the nativity to the temptation, 1SS7 ; The Lord's supper; Unity of the church, 1S8S; Story of Samson, in Old Testament student, Nov. 1S8S; Story of Moses, 18SS; Immorality of Old Testament heroes in Andover review, March 1S88; Genesis of missions ; The threefold conviction; University lectures on the teji commandments, 1S89; An American university at Washington, 18S9; Topical index to the Bible; Disarmament of nations, 1890; Immortality ; Church of 'mankind ; Problem of Jesus, 189 1 ; Gift of imagination, 1892; Forms and figures ; Discovery of America ; The two Bibles ; Christ the unifier of mankind, 1S93; Parliament of religions / Nationalism and interna- tionalism, 1893; Unification of civilization. Address, 3827 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pen 11. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Sabin, Johnson's eye, Newt., A , P. Francis Caswell Bowman, 1868. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; member U. S. sanitary commission ; founder and president Mendelssohn glee club; musical critic Evening post, New York several years; Sun, New York 17 years; dra- matic critic Sun ten years. Author numerous articles in magazines and peri- odicals; also many of the musical articles in A7tierican cyclopaedia. Born New York, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1831 ; died New York, Oct. 29, 1884. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1885 William Neverson Brooke. Teacher, Norfolk, Va. 1852-55; law student, New York, N. Y. 1855-57; clerk, U. S. custom house, New York 1857-61; clerk, Con- federate war office and Naval bureau of ordnance 1861-65 ; Teacher, Caroline Co., Va. 1865-68. Born Norfolk, Va., April 10, 1831 ; died Richmond, Va., Sept. i, 1868. * Y, Nee. 1870 Samuel Brooks, A. M. ; D. D. Franklin college 1875. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1852-53 ; instructor Greek 1854-55; graduated Newton theo- logical institution 1S57 ; ordained Baptist 1857; pastor Beverly, Mass. 1857-60; instructor Hebrew, Newton theological institution 1860-61 ; pastor, South Framingham, Mass. 1862-64; West Medway, Mass. 1S66-69; professor Latin language and literature, Kalamazoo college 1869-. Address, Kalamazoo, Mich. Newt., Bapt. encyc, A A , P. James Erastus Brown, A. M. Teacher, Quincy, 111. 1852-55; lumber mer- chant, La Crosse, Wis. 1855-59; U. S. military service 1S61-63, corporal. From Thompson, Conn.; died Helena, Ark., Nov. 4, 1S63. A K E, P. William Hawley Dickinson. Student, Andover theological seminary one year; lawyer, New York, N. Y. Born Hardwick, Mass., March 22, 1832; died Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 15, 18S3. And., A 4>, Nee. 1883 Alexander Farnum, A. M. Cotton merchant, Providence, R. I. 1S52-65; vice president R. I. hospital trust company 1877-81; president 1S81-S4 ; member R. I. house of representatives 1864-65 ; speaker 1S65; member school commit- tee; director, president Providence Athemeum ; trustee Providence public li- brary 1875-84; treasurer 1S76-84. Born Waterford, Mass., July 18, 1830; died Providence, R. I., May 11, 1884. * Y, Nee. 1SS4 Miles Johnson Fletcher, A. M. Professor English literature, Asbury univer- sity, Greencastle, Ind. 1852-55, '57-60; superintendent public instruction Ind. 1860-2; aide-de-camp to governor of Ind. 1S61-62. Born Indianapolis, Ind., June 19, 1828; died Sullivan, Ind., May 10, 1862. Z ^, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1862 172 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1852 John A Gardner. Admitted to bar 1855; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; clerk R. I. supreme court 1S55-65 ; member R. I. house of representatives 1866-6S; U. S. district attorney 1871-77. Born Pawtucket, R. I., April 10, 1S30; died Providence, R. I., March 26, 1879. R. I. eye, Nee. 1879, Z ^ Nathan Edward Qoldthwait, A. M. Teacher Worcester academy 1852-53; prin- cipal Uxbridge academy 1853-55; lumber merchant, Lacrosse, Wis. 1855-59; president Wis. female college 1S59-63 ; superintendent of schools Dodge and Dane cos., Wis. 1S63-68 ; Boone, la. 1868-71; professor Mathematics, Des Moines college 1S73-76; editor and proprietor Boone county republican, 18SS- ; trustee Des Moines college 1S75-; member Iowa academy of sciences; Baptist home and foreign mission societies. Author various lectures on school and other topics; numerous official reports. Address, Sn West 3d St., Boone, la. P. Benjamin Willis Kinsman; M. D. Harvard university 1855. Physician, Toledo, O. Born Newburyport, Mass. 1832; died Paris, France, Nov. 12, 1855. Nee. 1856 Nathan Wheaton Moore. Student, Andover theological seminary 1853-54. Principal Urban school, San Francisco, Cal. 1864-. Address, 2124 California St., San Francisco, Cal. And., A A $, P. John Nelson Murdock, LL. B. Albany law school 1854. Lawyer, Wabasha, Minn., presidential elector 1S65. Address, Wabasha, Minn. P. Allen Ives Ormsbee, A. M. Stockbroker, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; member N. Y. stock exchange. Address, 183 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. Charles Henry Parkhurst. U. S. military service 1862-65, lieutenant-colonel; admitted to bar 1863; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1855-56; city solicitor Providence 186S-74. Born Chelmsford, Mass., March 13, 1831 ; died Providence, R. I., March 25, 1889. A *, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 18S9 Elijah Perry. Principal academy, Plainfield, Conn. 1852-53; lawyer, Rolla, Mo.; member Mo. legislature 1862; circuit attorney 1866-67; judge circuit court Mo. 1S69-75; trustee Mo. university 1863-74. Born Norwich, Conn., Oct. 19, 1S25 ; died Rolla, Mo., March 13, 1889. AA*, Nee. 1SS9 Charles Bertrand Randall ; LL. B. Albany law school. Lawyer, Syracuse, N. Y. ; U. S. military service 1861-64, lieutenant-colonel. Born Arlington, Vt., Oct. 27, 1831 ; killed before Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1S64. Nee. 1S65, B. U. civ. war. Thomas Francis Richardson, A. M.; LL. B. Harvard university 1854. From Boston, Mass. Alfred Brown Satterlee. Graduated Hamilton literary and theological insti- tution ; Baptist missionary, Burmah. Born N. Y., 1824; died Akyab, Arracan, Burmah, July 1, 1856. Nee. 1857 Roswell Smith, by special vote 1887. Lawyer, Lafayette, Ind. -1870; joint founder Scribners monthly 1870 ; founder Century magazi?ie ; president Cen- tury company. Born Lebanon, Conn., March 30, 1S29; died New York, N. Y., April 19, 1892. Cyc. Am. biog., Am. eye. Charles Erastus Stephens. Resident, Taunton, Mass. From Taunton, Mass. ; reported deceased. Z "¥, P. Grenville Smith Stevens, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1S54. Physician, Providence, R. I. Address, 1 Major St., Providence, R. I. P. Clarendon Waite. Bookkeeper, Worcester, Mass. 1852-53; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S56; theological student, University of Halle, Germany 1852 GRADUATES 173 1857; ordained Congregational 1S58; pastor, Rutland, Mass. 1858-66; U.S. military service 1S64; assistant superintendent freedmen several months; pas- tor Crombie street Congregational church, Salem, Mass. 1S66-67 ; temporary professor Rhetoric and English literature, Beloit college, Wis. 1867. Born Hubbardston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1830; died Beloit, Wis. Dec. 16, 1867. A , B. U. civ. war, And., Nee. 1868 William Henry Watson, A.M.; M. D. Homoeopathic medical college of Penn. 1854; University of the state of N. Y. 1S78. Physician and surgeon, Utica, N. Y. 1854- ; president Hahnemannian medical institute of Philadelphia 1854; Homoeopathic medical society of Oneida co., N. Y. 1S60; permanent member N. Y. homoeopathic medical society; president 1S6S; examiner in Diagnosis and pathology, N. Y. board of medical examiners 1S72-S1 ; trustee N. Y. homoeopathic asylum for the insane 1873-76; U. S. pension examiner 1875-S1; surgeon-general N. Y., with rank of brigadier-general 1SS0; regent University of the state of N. Y. 1S81-; member Medico-chirurgical society, New York, N. Y. ; medical staff, Faxton hospital, Utica, N. Y. ; senior mem- ber American institute of homoeopathy; trustee N. Y. state library, and State museum of natural history, Albany, N. Y. ; member Fort Schuyler club, Utica; American society for psychical research, Boston ; University club, New York, N. Y. ; councillor Oneida historical society; corresponding member R. I. his- torical society; member American historical society; la}' delegate, Episcopal general convention, New York, N. Y. 18S9; trustee Utica female academy. Author Address on -past and present position of homwopalhy, and the duties of its practitioners, 1861 ; Cerebrospinal meningitis, in Transactions N. Y. homoeopathic society 1864; Nosological classification of disease, in same 1S64; The medical professsion ; its duties and responsibilities, and the relation of the honuvopathic to its old school branch, 186S; Allopathic bigotry, 1869; Inaugural and annual addresses before the N. Y. homoeopathic medical society, in its Trans- actions 1869 ; Homoeopathy, in Zell's encyclopedia 1870 ; Old school of intolerance, 1872; The advanced medical act, 1872; No sectarian tests as a qualification for office, and 710 sectarian monopoly of national institutions, 1872 ; Honuvopathic school, the modem school of rational and liberal medicine, 1S72 ; Medical educa- tion and medical licensure, 1855 ; Little city by the sea, 18S7 ; Memorial address up07i Francis Kirnan, 1892. Address, 270 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Horn, bibliog., i r Y, P. William Franklin Webster, A. M. Instructor Analytical chemistry, Brown university 1854-55 ; student of chemistry, Europe 1855-56; professor Chemis- try, Washington and Jefferson college i860. Born Kingston, N. H. 1833; died Washington, Penn., Nov. 12, i860. Nee. i860, A Lucius Augustus Wheelock. Master Elm street grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S52-59; usher, Dvvight school, Boston, Mass. 1859-65; U. S. military service 1S62-63, second lieutenant; sub-master Boylston school, Boston 1865-67; master Rice school, Boston 1S67-S6. Born Mansfield, Vt. 1829; died Boston, Mass., April 30, 18S6. B. U. civ. war, ^ T, Nee. 1886 Joseph Colver Wightman, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1857; ordained Baptist 1857; pastor, South Abington, Mass. 1857-58; Middle- town, Conn. 185S-62 ; U. S. military service 1862-63, chaplain; pastor, New- London, Conn. 1S63-66; North Cambridge, Mass. 1866-68; district secretary American Baptist Bible union 1870-71; pastor, Taunton, Mass. 1873-82. Author Christian union; Comparative religion; Law of worship ; Church finance; The Messiah ; besides numerous articles in reviews and other period i- 174 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1852 cals. Born Groton, Conn., Jan. 3, 1828; died Tiverton, R. I., Aug. 6, 1882. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 18S3 Three Years' 1 Course. Justin Allen; M. D. Harvard university 1856. Physician. Address, Tops- field, Mass. P. Darius Ford. From Alfred, N. Y. James Milton Foster. From Springfield, Mass. Edward Hicks Magill, A. M. ; LL. D. Haverford college 1884. Principal classical department, high school, Providence, R. I. 1852-59; sub-master Latin school, Boston, Mass. 1859-67; principal preparatory department, Svvarthmore college 1S69-71 ; president Swarthmore college 1871-89; professor French lan- ' guage and literature 1S89-. Author First lessons in French ; French grammar ; Key to French grammar ; Introductory French reader • French prose and poetry' Readi7ig French grammar ' Modern French series, 3 vols.; Coeduca- tion of the sexes ' Methods of teaching modern languages ; History of education in the religious society of Friends. Address, Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Delaware Co., Perm. A K E, P. Darwin Eld ridge Maxson. From Alfred, N. Y. Alfred Porter Putnam, D. D. 1S71. Ordained Unitarian 1855; pastor Mount Pleasant Congregational church, Roxbury, Mass. 1855-64; Church of the Saviour, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1S64-86; president Danvers, Mass. historical society 1889-. Author Singers and songs of the liberal faith, 1875; Channing centen- nial celebration, Brooklyn, N. Y., edited, 1880; A U?iitaria?i Oberlin, Jasper L. Douthit, 18SS ; Old anti-slavery days, edited, 1893 ; besides numerous memorial discourses, sermons, sketches, and articles in periodicals. Address, Main St., Concord, Mass. A 4>, P. William Maxwell Scott; M. D. University of Penn. 1S56. Physician, Norris- town, Penn. From Norristown, Penn.; died Nov. 24, 1S72. Homer Alexander Thompson. 15 *25 1853 Frank Standish Bradford, A. M. ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 185S. Pro- fessor Mathematics, Mississippi college 1853-54; physician, Providence, R. I. 1858; Charleston, S. C. 1859-61; co-editor A''. A. journal of homoeopathy 1S60- 61; U. S. military service 1861-62, assistant surgeon; professor Theory and practice of medicine, New York medical college for women 1S66-69 ; New York homoeopathic medical college 1869-85; visiting physician Hospital of New York medical college for women ; New York homoeopathic charity hospital, Ward's Island; retired 1888; member American institute of homoeopathy 1S58-. Address, 36 Maple Ave., Morristown, N. J. A A $, P. Osborn Edward Bright. Clerk, New York, N. Y. ; lawyer, N. Y. ; U. S. military service 1862; sergeant major; counsel 23d street railway company; Broadway railroad; Christopher and Tenth street railroad ; Bleecker street and Fulton ferry railroad; member N. Y. counsel Penn. railroad company; presi- dent Brown alumni association, N. Y. Born Homer, N. Y., 1832?; died New York, N. Y., March 15. 1S92. B. U. civ. war, A A , Nee. 1892 Henry Hudson Burrington ; A. M. University of Vermont 1856. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1855; ordained Baptist; pastor First church, 1853 GRADUATES 175 Burlington, Vt. 1855-57; Waverly, la. 1858-63; superintendent public schools, Bremer co., la. 1S72-7S. Born Washington co., N. Y., May S, 1S26; died Waverly, la., May 11, 1S93. Nee. 1893 Edward Thompson Caswell, A. M. ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1859; student, Vienna, Prague, Paris 1860-63; hospital physician, Portsmouth, Va. 1863; physician, Providence, R. I. 1S63-S7; member surgical staff, R. I. hospi- tal 1S6S-S7; president R. I. medical society; president American academy of medicine. Author Medical education, 1S75 ; Fractures at R. I. hospital, 1868- 7^,1880; Semeleder's Rhinoscopy and laryngoscopy, translated, 1S66; besides numerous articles in medical journals. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 11, 1S33; died Providence, April 17, 1887. Surg.-gen. cat., A A , Nee. 1SS7 Samuel Dexter Cozzens. Lawyer. Address, 70 Temple Court, New York, N. Y. A* Jared Mann Heard. Principal grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1853-54; theo- logical student, Cambridge, Mass. ; ordained Unitarian 1S58; pastor, Clinton, Mass. 1858-63; member Mass. house of representatives 1862; pastor, Fitch- burg, Mass. 1863-64. Born Wayland, Mass., March 16, 1830; died Fitchburg, Mass., March 21, 1S64. Nee. 1864 George Donald Henderson. Graduated Newton theological institution 1856; ordained 1S59; evangelist, Atchison, Kans. ; Leavenworth, Kans. 1857-58; Junction City, Kans. 185S-59; chaplain U. S. army 1S59-63; U. S. navy 1S64- 75. Born Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 2, 1832; died Portsmouth, May 20, 1875. B. U. civ. war, Newt., Nee. 1875 Howard Malcom Jones. Assistant librarian Providence Athenaeum 1854; graduated Newton theological institution 1S57 ; ordained Baptist 1858; pastor Schoolcraft, Mich. 1858-59; Racine, Wis. 1859-63; Fredonia, N. Y. 1S63-69; Bristol, R.I. 1869-79; Shelburne Falls, Mass. 1879-83 ; Albert Lea, Minn. 18S3- S6; Fairfield, Iowa 1886-88; Cedar Falls, Iowa 18SS-90; Le Mars, Iowa 1891- 92; preacher, Cedar Falls. Author Ought Christians to drink tvine, 1S66; Importance of Baptist principles, sermon in Watchman, June 17, 1S75. Ad- dress, 821 Fremont St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. A K E, Newt., P. George Frederic Kilton, A. M. Tutor, Antioch college. From Bristol, R. I. ; born 1833; died Providence, R. I., June 13, 1859. Nee. 1859 William Henry Kingsbury. Clergyman; teacher; editor; postmaster; book- seller. Address, 92 Crown St., New Haven, Conn. p. Eaton Whiting Maxcy, A. M. ; D. D. Hobart college 1876. Graduated Prot- estant Episcopal theological seminary in Virginia 1856; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S56; pastor St. Philip's church, Crompton, R. I. 1856; St. Mark's church, Warren, R. I. 1857-61 ; ordained priest 1857 ; pastor Christ church, Troy, N. Y. 1861-64, ' s 6- ; St. John's church, Norristown. Penn. 1864-67; St. John's church, Bridgeport, Conn. 1867 ?-85. Address, 89 Grand St., Troy, N. Y. A K E, P. Francis Marion McAllister, A. M. ; D. D. Lafayette college. Episcopal clergyman. Address, Elizabeth, N. J. A A 4> John Sanderson; LL. B. Albany law school 1S55. Admitted to bar 1855; lawyer, Hudson, N. Y. 1855-57; New York, N. Y. 1857-61; Athens, N. Y. 1S61-; county judge Greene co., N. Y. Address, Athens, Greene Co., N.Y. A K E, P. Lewis Everett Smith. Principal high school, Portsmouth, N. H. 1859-73; Smith's academy and commercial college, Portsmouth 1S73-. Address, 51 Middle St., Portsmouth, N. H. A K E, P. 176 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1853 John Winslow, A. M. by special vote 1SS7; LL. B. Harvard university 1852. Lawyer 1852- ; district attorney King's co., N. Y. two terms; director various institutions; director and counsel Franklin trust company, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1894; president N. E. society in Brooklyn 1886-89. Author Trial of the R. I. judges, 18S7; and numerous other addresses. Address, 164 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. George Henry Woods ; LL. B. Harvard university 1855. Lawyer, Minneap- olis, Minn. 1855-61 ; U. S. military service 1861-64, chief commissary, with rank of colonel; president board of examination for officers of subsistence de- partment 1864-65 ; lawyer, Salem, Mass. 1865-83; grain dealer, Decatur, 111. 1883-84. From Salem, Mass.; died Decatur, 111., Oct. 1, 18S4. B. U. civ. war, ■f T Three Years' Course. Asa Arnold. From Providence, R. I. Charles Bell; M. D. Philadelphia medical college 1854. Physician, Concord, N. H. Author Facts relating to the early history of Chester, N. H., 1720-84, 1S63. From Chester, N. H. ; died Concord, N. H., Feb. 25, 1856. A K E, Sabin De Witt Clinton Brown. Lawyer. Address, 82 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Charles Thomas Miller. Admitted to bar 1855 ; lawyer, Norristown, Penn.; member Penn. house of representatives. Born Norristown, Penn., Jan. 22, 1832; died Norristown, Sept. 3, 1S85. Nee. 1886 Isaac Morse Murdock. Merchant, Winchendon, Mass. Born Winchendon, Mass., Jan. 14, 1831 ; died Winchendon, Nov. 8, 1875. 9 A X, Nee. 1876 Leonard Barnes Pratt. U. S. military service 1861-64, first lieutenant and com- missary; member N. H. house of representatives 1889-90; board of education Lisbon, N. H. 12 years; chairman 10 years; town auditor six years. Address, Lisbon, N. H. B. U. civ. war, P. George Blake Vose ; A. M. Washington and Jefferson college 1870. Professor Mathematics, Washington and Jefferson college 1865-69 ; Mechanics and as- tronomy 1869-73; c 'ty engineer North Providence, R. I. 1873-74; private teacher. "Address, 171 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Alexander Lyman Holley, LL. D. 1878. Connected with Corliss steam engine works, Providence, R. I.; locomotive engineer, Stonington railroad nearly a year; editor Railroad advocate 1856-57; American engineer 1857; student railway practice, Europe 1858; connected with Times, New York, N. Y. 1858-63; Times correspondent, Europe 1859-60; student ordnance and armor, Europe 1862; student Bessemer process for the manufacture of steel, England 1863-?; promoter Bessemer manufacture, U.S. 1S65-82 ; consulting engineer, Cambria, Bethlehem, Scranton, and other steel works; member U. S. board for testing iron 1875; lecturer on the manufacture of iron and steel, School of mines, Columbia college 1879-82; trustee Rensselaer polytechnic in- stitute 1865-67, '70-82 ; president American institute of engineers 1875 ; Ameri- society of civil engineers 1876; founder American society of mechanical engineers; vice-president 1880. Author Permanent -way and coal-burning locomotives of European railways, -with a comparison of the working economy of European and American lines, and the principles upon which improveme?it must proceed, in conjunction with Zerah Colburn, 1S58; Series of letters on the Great Eastern, in Times, 1859; A?nerican and European railway prac- 1853 GRADUATES 17 7 tice in the economical generation of steam, 1S60; Treatise on ordnance and armor, 1S65; J. Barba's Use of steel for constructive purposes ; Methods of ■workings applying, and testing plates and bars, translated, 1875 ; 41 articles on American iron and steel, in conjunction with L. Smith, in Engineering, London, 1887-80; also articles in American railway review; besides numer- ous technical papers. See Memorial of Alexander Lyman Hollcy, 1SS4. Born Lakeville, Conn., July 20, 1S32 ; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1882. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Nee. 1882 Henry Westcott. Civil engineer 1S53-55; graduated Harvard divinity school 1S59; ordained Unitarian 1S60; pastor, Barre, Mass. five years ; Dedham, Mass. one year; Lexington, Mass. 1S66-81 ; Melrose and Maiden, Mass. 1881- 83. Born Apponaug, R. I., Oct. 30, 1831 ; died Marblehead, Mass., July 14, 1SS3. Z*, Nee. 1S84. 11 *14 1854 Masters of Arts. Benjamin Braman. Teacher, University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1854-55; instructor Latin, University of Michigan 1855-56; graduated And- over thoelogical seminary 1859; ordained Congregational; pastor, Shutes- bury, Mass. i860; principal academy, Westport, Mass. 1862-63; teacher, As- toria, N. Y. 1863-64; teacher of Drawing, Cooper institute, New York 1S75-?; president New York microscopical society; corresponding secretary; corre- sponding secretary Torrey botanical club; member New York academy of science. Editor Journal of the New York microscopical society. Born Norton, Mass.. Nov. 23, 1S31; died Norton, Jan. 20, 1SS9. A A $, And., Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1889 Everett Augustus Carpenter. Law student 1854-56; lawyer 1S56-; secretary board of education Sag Harbor, N. Y. 1865-75; president 1884-86; member N. Y. house of representatives 18S0-S2 ; trustee and attorney Sag Harbor sav- ings bank 18S2-. Address, Sag Harbor, N. Y. * Y William Blanding Carpenter. Principal academy, Erie, Penn. 1854-55; law student 1855-56; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1S56-. Address, 99 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. * Y, P. George Blackinton Cargill. From Wrentham, Mass. Clergyman. Died 1S69. Edward Livingston Davis. Mayor Worcester, Mass. 1874; member Mass. senate 1S76. Address, Worcester, Mass. A 4>, P. James De Mille. Bookseller, St. John, N. B. ; professor Classics, Acadia college 1S60-65; History and rhetoric, Dalhousie college, Halifax, N. S. 1865- So. Author Helena's household, 185S; The martyr of the catacombs, 1858; Andy CFHara, i860; John Wheeler's two uncles, i860; The soldier and thesfy, 1865; The Arkansas ranger, 1865; The Dodge club, 1866; Cord and creese, 1867; The American baron, 1S69; The B. O. W. C. stories : The B. O. W. C, The boys of the Grand Pre" school, 1S70, Lost in the fog, 1870, Fire in the tvoods, 1872, Picked up adrift, 1872, Treasure of the seas, 1S73; The lady of the ice, 1870; The cryptogram, 1871 ; A comedy of terrors, 1872; An open question, 1872 ; The lily and the cross ; The young Dodge club : The seven hills, 1S72, Among the brigands, The winged lion, 1S76; Babes in the wood, 1874; The living link, 1874; Elements of rhetoric, 1878; Old Garth; A castle in 178 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1854 Spain, 1S83 ; A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder, iSSS; Behind the veil, a poem, 1893; a ' so contributions to leading periodicals. Born St. John, N. B., Aug. 23, 1837; died Halifax, N. S., Jan. 28, 1880. Cyc. Am. biog., Am. cat., Allibone, * Y, Nee. 1880 Arthur Silbert Denny. Resident, Raymond, Hinds co., Miss.; soldier. From Leicester, Mass. ; died 1864. "Jr T Henry Wight Diman, 1868. Manufacturer, Bristol, R. I. ; member, R. I. house of representatives 1858-62; president R. I. republican state convention 1862; U. S. naval service 1861-62, assistant paymaster; U. S. consul, Oporto Portugal 1862-70; Lisbon 1870-82. Born Bristol, R. I., April 2, 1835; died Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 23, 1884. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 18S5 William Smith Granger, by special vote 1890. President Granger foundry and machine company, Providence, r R. I.; director in various corporations. Address, 42 Olive St., Providence, R. I. P. Harris Ray Greene, A. M. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. two years; Woonsocket, R. I. ; principal high school, Worcester, Mass. 1857-65 ; Oread collegiate institute, Worcester, Mass. 1865-79; ordained Baptist 1879; pastor Second church, East Cambridge, Mass. 1879-83; principal school for young women, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883-92. Author One Method; Drill book ; English language. Born North Kingstown, R. I., Aug. 16, 1829; died Wickford, North Kingstown, Aug. 18, 1892. A K E, Nee. 1893 Alexander Martin Higgins. Graduated Newton theological institution 1857; ordained Baptist 1857; pastor, Reading, Mass.; Leominster, Plaistow, N. H. 1861-64; South Framingham, Mass. 1865-66; Chicopee, Mass. 1867-69; Plais- tow, N. H. 1869-72; Greenville, N. H. 1873-74; East Gloucester, Mass. 1874- 77; Lee, Mass. 1877-81; Ashland, Mass. 1881-83; Swampscott, Mass. 1884; South Abington, Mass. 1885; Somerville, Mass. 1886- ; retired. Author The apostolic method of building up feeble churches, 1894. Address, 75 Mt. Vernon St., East Somerville, Mass. Newt., P. Walter Hillman; LL. D. Mississippi college 1873. Professor Mathematics and natural sciences, Mississippi college 1854-56; president Central female insti- tute, Clinton, Miss. 1856-94; ordained Baptist ; pastor, Clinton during civil war; president Mississippi college 1867-1873; Miss, state teachers' association ; director bank, Jackson, Miss. ; member World's educational jury, New Orleans, La. Born North Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Jan. 9, 1829; died Clin- ton, Miss., April 9, 1894. A A $, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1894 Julius Earle Johnson. Student, Newton theological institution 1854-55; or- dained Baptist 1856; pastor, Jackson, Mich. 1856-63; Madison, Wis. 1863-66; Delavan, Wis. 1866-68; Milwaukee, Wis. 1868; Beaver Dam, Wis. 1869-72. Born Willington, Conn., Oct. 27, 1827; died Beaver Dam, Wis., Oct. 20, 1872. Newt., Nee. 1873 Henry Wentworth Johnston. Instructor, Horton academy 1854-55 ! princi- pal Annapolis academy 1855-56; law student 1856-60; lawyer, Halifax, N. S. i860-?; clerk provincial secretary's office 1863-67; deputy provincial secretary 1867; agent N. S. department of marine and fisheries 1S67-? ; member N. S. historical society. From Wolfville, N. S. •*• T Bartlett Mayhew. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S5S; ordained Baptist 1858: pastor West Tisbury, Mass. 1858; East Tisbury 1858-59; Exeter, N. H. 1859. Born Chilmark, Mass., Aug. 11, 1S29; died Tisbury, Mass., Sept. 24, i860. Nee. 1861, Newt. 1854 GRADUATES 179 Enos Munger. Graduated Newton theological institution 1857; ordained Bap- tist 1S57; pastor, Red Wing, Minn. 1857-58; Lakeland, Minn. 1858-62, '64-66, '68-72; U. S. military service 1862-64, private, chaplain; pastor, Belle Plaine, Jordan, Lexington, Minn. 1866-68. Born Monson, Mass., Nov. 4, 1825; died Lakeland, Minn., Oct. 14, 1S73. Newt., Nee. 1S74 James Hepburn Parsons. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member city court of magistrates; U. S. military service 1861-63, sergeant; member R. I. general assembly 1S62-63; U. S. district attorney 1866. Born Williamsport, Penn., May 30, 1832; died Providence, R. I., June 16, 1876. B. U. civ. war, A , R. I. eye, Nee. 1876 Nathaniel Pool. Market gardener. Address, Rockport, Mass. P. Samuel Austin Read. Dry goods clerk, Romeo, Mich. 1857-65; oil refiner, Cleveland, O. 1S65-66; druggist, Romeo, 1866-74; cashier Citizens' national bank, Romeo, 1874- ; inspector of schools Bruce township, Mich. 1S5S-61 ; clerk of Bruce township 1S61-65 ; member board of education Romeo, Mich. 1S67-; town treasurer 1877-. Address, Romeo, Mich. A K E, P. John Henry Rogers. Graduated Berkeley divinity school 1S63; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S62 ; priest 1863; assistant pastor Trinity church, Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1863-65; pastor St. James' church, Great Barrington, Mass. 1S65- 66; Staten Island, N. Y. ; in Europe and flie East 1S6S-72 ; pastor Church of the Redeemer, New York, N. Y. iS72?-75; Christ church, Schenectady, N. Y. 1S75-80; St. Mark's church, New Biitain, Conn. 1880-86. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 4, 1834; died New Britain, Conn., Jan. 23, 1SS6. * T, Nee. 18S6 Horatio Nelson Slater. Treasurer Slater woolen company; trustee Brown university 1S76-. Address, Webster, Mass. A A Edward Padelford Taft. Cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1854-. Ad- dress, 36 South Water St., Providence, R.I. * T, P. Thomas Horatio Tucker. Teacher, high school, Hartford, Conn. 1855-56; principal academy, Manchester, Conn. 1856-59; Court street grammar school, Springfield, Mass. 1859-64; high school, East Douglass, Mass. 1865-67; West- boro, Mass. 1867-68; proprietor hotel Westboro 186S-74; agent Cassell and company, publishers 1874-. Address, Melrose, Mass. A K E, P. George Putnam Upton. On staff of Native citizen, Chicago, 111. 1855-56; city editor Evening jotirnal 1856-61 ; musical critic Chicago tribune 1S62-81 ; war correspondent 1S62-63 ; associate editor 1872-; organizer and first presi- dent Apollo musical club 1872. Author Letters of Peregrine Pickle, 1869; The great fire, 1872; Miiller's Memories, translated, 1879; Woman in music, 1SS0; Nohl's Life of Hadyn, 1883; Life of Liszt, 1SS4; Life of Wagner, 1S84, the three vols, translated ; The standard operas, 1S86 ; The standard oratorios, 1SS7 ; The standard cantatas, 188S; The standard symphonies, 1S89. Address, 2427 South Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Cyc. Am. biog., A X, P. Albert Greene Utley ; LL. B. Harvard university 1859. Principal Living- ston co., 111., academy 1855-56; judge court of magistrates Providence, R. I. 1865-77 > president Lambertville rubber company 1S70-85 ; vice president Val- ley worsted mills 1875-S5 ; assistant librarian Providence Athenaeum 18S5; trustee People's savings bank, Providence 1S82- ; member school committee Providence; developing resources of Salt River Valley, Phoenix, Arizona 1894. Address, 235 Washington St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Thomas Vernon; LL. B. Harvard university 1856. Admitted to bar 1S57 ; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1 85 7-83 ; Providence, R. I. 1883-87; U. S. military service 1861-62, corporal ; member R. I. historical society. Edited 180 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1854 Diary of a loyalist banished from Newport by the R. I. general assembly in 1776. Born Newport, R. I., Dec. 4, 1832; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 10, 1887. A A #, Nee. 1888 Bachelors of Arts. Alexander Wylly Couper. Address, Sterling, Glynn Co., Georgia. P. Henry Cooley Parsons. Lawyer; member Perm, constitutional convention 1873-74; major Williamsport, Penn. 1882-83; president West Branch na- tional bank. Address, 26 West St., Williamsport, Penn. A Amos Denison Smith. U. S. military service 1862, second lieutenant; mer- chant and cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; president and treasurer Whitestone mills. Address, 75 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Montfort Temple Taylor. From St. Charles parish, La. Charles Henry Thompson. Principal Mason academy, Shiloh, N. J. three years; instructor De Ruyter institute, New York, N. Y. ; book agent, West Halleck, 111.; instructor Greek and mathematics, academy, Albion, Wis. 1865- 68; book agent, Rutland, 111. Born Westerly, R. I., Nov. 11, 1827; died Rut- land III, Sept. 8, 1882. Nee. 1SS4 John Winthrop Vernon. Assistant treasurer Providence, R. I., institution for savings; cashier Merchants national bank, Providence. Author periodical articles on financial subjects. Address, 119 Williams St., Providence, R. I. A A *, P. Jared Irving Williams. Editor Coos county democrat, 1855-60; admitted to bar 1856; lawyer, Lancaster, N. H. 1856- ; U. S. military service 1863, captain; president board of education 1876-89; member N. H. house of representatives 1879-80. Address, Lancaster, Coos Co., N. H. A X, P. John York. From Ionian Islands; died 1876. Bachelors of Philosophy. Charles Harrod Boyd. From Portland, Me. Charles Thomas Crocker. From Fitchburg, Mass. ; deceased. Z * John Qoforth. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Penn.; assistant attorney general U. S. 1873-75. Born Montgomery, Penn., Sept. 26, 1833; died Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 14, 1880. . A X, Nee. 1SS0 William Minturn Grinnell ; LL. B. Harvard university 1856. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. -1866; planter, near Little Rock, Ark. 1866-70. Born New York, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1831 ; died near Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 2, 1870. A *, Nee. 1871 Dormer Lewelly Hicok. From Hampden, Ohio. Thomas Poynton Ives, A. M. Merchant, partner house of Brown nnd Ives, Providence, R. I.; U. S. naval service 1861-65; acting volunteer commander 1S64; trustee Brown university 1857-65; treasurer Butler hospital for the in- sane; trustee R. I. hospital. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 17, 1834; died Havre, France, Nov. 17, 1S65. B. U. civ. war, A $, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Nee. 1S66 William Tillman. U. S. military service 1861-66, brevet lieutenant colonel; vice-president commissioners of Louisville sinking fund; cashier Falls City bank; treasurer various companies; retired. Address, 826 Second St., Louis- ville, Ky. B. U. civ. war, A , P. Charles Henry Zug. Iron manufacturer. Address, 13th and Etna Sts., Pitts- burgh, Penn. P. 19*23 1855 GRADUATES 1855 Mowry Aldrich Arnold. Teacher, Troy conference academy, Vt. ; Fort Ed- ward institute, N. Y. ; student, Western homoeopathic medical college, Cleve- land, O. 1S59-60; physician, Aurora, [11. 1860-62; principal academy, Ottawa, 111. 1S62- ; resident, Colo. ; real estate agent and banker, Cheyenne, \Vyo.1S67-73 ; cashier First national bank, Cheyenne 1871-72; stock raiser, Wyo. 1873-? '55 William James Batt. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S5S; or- dained Congregational 1S59; preacher, Niagara City, N. Y. 1S5S-59; pastor, Stoneham, Mass. 1859-61, '75-; chaplain Mass. reformatory, Concord, Mass.; vice president and secretary Naval chaplains' association. Author various magazine articles; member editorial board Our paper, Concord. Address, Concord Junction, Mass. B. U. Fall River, And., '55, P. Augustus Osborne Bourn. Rubber manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1S55-64; Bristol, R. I. 1S64-S7; lieutenant-colonel R. I. cavalry 1S7S; member R. I. senate 1876-83, 'S6-8S ; chairman finance committee R. I. senate 1877-S3 ; member judiciary committee 1878-83; governor R. I. 1SS3-S5 ; U. S. consul general, Rome 1SS9-93. Author Broivu 'university .' The reunion of the class of /Sjj, 1SS1. Address, Bristol, R. I. R. I. eye, '55, P. James Willson Brooks; LL. B. Harvard university 1858. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1858-75; trustee and agent various business associations, Boston, Mass.; vice consul, Paris 1862-64. Address, Petersham, Mass. '55, 1r Y, P. George Sanders Collins. Lawyer, Tallahassee, Fla. -1861 ; Bristol, R. I.; with National rubber company ; resident, Bristol. Address, Bristol, R. I. A K E Joseph Whipple Congdon. Teacher, Friends' school, Providence, R. I. ; Baton Rouge, La.; admitted to bar 1S60; lawyer, East Greenwich, R. I. 1S60- 1879; corresponding clerk R. I. house of representatives 1S63-65; member 1S7S-79; lawyer, Soledad, Cal. ; Mariposa, Cal. Address, Mariposa, Cal. A K E, '55, R.I. man., P. William Kent Davey. Ordained Baptist 1856: pastor, Bolton, Mass. 1856-58; South Reading, Mass. 1S59-60; Reading 1S60-64; North Reading 1S64-68; West Acton, Mass. 1S6S-73; Northboro, Mass. 1873-77; Southboro, Mass. 1877-S3; Hanson, Mass. 1883-84; Nashville, Tenn. 1SS4-85 ; South Hampton, N. H. 18S5-91 ; Amesbury, Mass. 1891-93. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 17, 1S2S; died Amesbury, Mass., March 11, 1893. '55, Nee. 1S94 William Griswold Dearth. Law student, Harvard university 1855-56; ad- mitted to bar 185S ; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1858-60; clerk, Providence in- stitution for savings 1860-64; assistant treasurer 1864-S0; stock raiser, Kans. 1S80-81. Born Taunton, Mass., May 27, 1834; died Jetmore, Hodgeman county, Kans., June 8, 1881. '55, -t T, Nee. 1881 Amos Atwell De Witt. Teacher, Norwich Town, Conn. 1867-88; principal Town street school, Norwich Town. Address, Norwich Town, Conn. AK E, P. John Henry French, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S57. Admitted to bar 1S57; lawyer, Clinton, Iowa 1857-61; Eastport, Me. 1861-S7; member Washington county bar. Born Eastport, Me., Dec. 31, 1833; died Eastport, Dec. 12, 1SS7. '55, *T, Nee. iSSS Charles Francis Holbrook. Principal high school, Uxbridge, Mass. 1S55 ; assistant teacher, Worcester academy 1S56; graduated Newton theological in- stitution 1859; ordained Baptist i860; pastor, Tariffville, Conn. 1859-62; West Boylston, Mass. 1862-65; Danversport, Mass. 1865-70, '89- ; Saco, Me. 1S70-79; 1 82 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1855 Newport, N. H. 1879-83; Hallowell, Me. 1883-89; trustee Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1880-83. Address, Danversport, Mass. A K E, '55, Newt., P. Joseph Darwin Long. Teacher, Miss. 1855-56; Holyoke, Mass. 1856-57 ; law student, Harvard university; admitted to bar 185S; lawyer, Chicago, 111. 185S- 61; Onarga, 111. 1861-?; real estate agent, Onarga; attorney 111. central railroad 1861-86; honorary member Chicago philosophical society. Author Digest of law reports of III., in conjunction with C. H. Wood, 1863; Good company; four lectures before Chicago philosophical society 1871-75; various magazine articles. Address, 3300 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. '55, A A $ William Henry Pabodie ; D. D. S. Ohio dental college of Cincinnati 1866. Teacher, Wrentham, Mass.; Cincinnati, O. 1856-64; dentist 1866-67; superin- tendent of schools Peru, Ind. 1867-68; Lebanon, O. 1868-70; instructor Greek and Latin, Woodward high school, Cincinnati, O. 1870- ; in Europe 188S. Address, Wyoming, Hamilton Co., O. A K E, '55, P. George Burgess Paine. Graduated General theological seminary 1S58. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 9, 1835; died Leghorn, Italy, Dec. 9, 1858. '55, A A $, Nee. 1859 Jeremiah Gardner Peckham. County inspector of schools; founder Wake- field high school; principal 1855-56; has held various town offices 1855- ; mem- ber school committee South Kingstown, R. I.; superintendent of public schools; first master R. I. state grange 18S7-91 ; directorand president National landholders bank; Kingston savings bank; farmer. Address, Kingston, R. I. P. Hiram Kallock Pervear. Student, Newton theological institution 1855-57 '■> or ~ dained Baptist 1857; pastor Second church, Cambridge, Mass. 1857-65; First church, Worcester, Mass. 1865-73; First church, Cambridge, Mass. 1873-79; First church, New Bedford, Mass. 1880-86; First church, Clinton, Mass. 1SS6- 1891 ; retired. Address, 10 Myrtle St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Newt., '55, P. Charles Phelps ; M. D. Physician. Address, 34 West 37th St., New York, N. Y. Z -f Richard Fletcher Putnam. Teacher Quincy school, Boston, Mass. five years ; student, General theological seminary ; Episcopal clergyman ; pastor St. John's church, Framingham Centre, Mass.; Emmanuel church, Grass Valley, Cal. ; Church of the Advent, San Francisco, Cal.; travelled in Europe; pastor St. Mary's church, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. seven years ; Trinity church, Lime Rock, Conn.; secretary board of education Salisbury, Conn.; journalist. Author Funeral oration, President Lincoln, Grass Valley, Cal., 1865; occa- sional sermons, newspaper articles, and 1730 book reviews for New York press; one of the founders and editors Pacific churchman. Address, 30 West 26th St., New York, N. Y. '55, P. Thomas Simons. Teacher, Miss, two years; student, Albany law school; lawyer, Albany, N. Y.; assistant district attorney New York 1863-75; assist- ant attorney general 1875-S5. Born Maulmain, Burmah, Dec. 17, 1834; died Washington, D. C, June 19, 1886. '55, A X, Nee. 1887 John Fry Tobey ; LL. B. Harvard university 1861. Admitted to bar 1857; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; clerk R. I. senate 1859-61 ; justice Providence court of magistrates 1861-62; U. S. military service 1862, first lieutenant and adjutant; member common council 1866-69; reporter of decisions R. I. supreme court 1868-74; member R. I. house of representatives 1S77-78, '80-82; R. I. senate 1879-80, '82-83 5 alderman Providence 1879; j uc *ge advocate general R. I. 1881-82. Author Rhode Island reports, vols. 8-10; joint-editor Public. 1855 GRADUATES 183 statutes of 1SS2. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 29, 1835; died Providence, Oct. 5, 1882. B. U. civ. war, '55, * Y, Nee. 1S83 Theodore David Warren. Connected with Fourth national bank, New York, N. Y. Address, 443 William St., East Orange, N. J. Z ^, P. Marcus Waterman. Artist, New York, N. Y. 1857-70; Boston, Mass.; travelled abroad 1878-S3, 1884; elected associate National academy 1S61. Painter Gulliver in Lilliput ; The roc's egg, 1886; Journey to the City of Brass, 1S8S; besides numerous American forest scenes and Arabian subjects. Ad- dress, 616 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ■% Y, Cyc Am. biog., Cyc. painters Henry Dudley Williams. Art dealer, Boston, Mass. ; trustee Dean academy; Tufts college 1S80-. Address, 190 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. A A Bachelors of Arts. John Wilkes Bigelow. Teacher, Marietta, O. ; in business, Grafton, Mass. until 1S7S; U. S. military service nine months; mechanic, Canon City, Col.; Chicago, 111. Address, 5407 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 'rr, p. Freeman Cornish ; LL. B. Albany law school 1856. Lawyer, New Orleans, La.; New York, N. Y. 1876; manufacturer, Philadelphia, Penn. Address, 742 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Penn. p Cortland Hoppin, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1S60! Physician, Providence, R. I. 1860-76; medical attendant Children's home, Providence. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 5, 1S34; died Providence, Oct. 19! lS 7 6 - 1S55, A A , R. I. cyc, Nee. 1S77 Moses Brown Jenkins. U. S. military service 1861. Address, Providence, R - *• B. U. civ. war, * Y Henry Augustus Littell. Teacher normal school, Lancaster, Mass.; high school, Reading, Mass.; Marblehead, Mass.; Highland military academy, Worcester, Mass.; teacher of elocution, New York, N. Y. Born Boston, Mass., July 20, 1828; died Derry, N. II., Jan. 19, 1893. Nee. 1893 Morris Barker Morgan. Commission merchant, Providence, R. I. 1S56-67; resident, New Orleans, La. 1867-74; custom house officer, New Orleans 1S73- 74. Born Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 25, 1835; died New Orleans, La., Oct. 5, lS 74- A A 0, '55, Nee. 1S75 Albert Hale Plumb, D. D. 1872. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1858; ordained Congregational 185S; pastor First church, Chelsea, Mass. 185S-72; Walnut avenue church, Boston, Mass. 1S72-. Address, 3 Harold St., Roxbury, Mass. > 55 , a A <1>, And., P.' Horatio Rogers. Law student, Harvard university. Admitted to bar 1S58; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S5S-73; justice Police court 1861 ; U. S. military service 1861-64, colonel, brevet brigadier-general; attorney general R. I. 1864- 67; member Providence common council 1S66-68, 73-74; president 1874; member R.I. house of representatives 186S-69, '74-76; cotton manufacturer, Providence 1873-91 ; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1891-; president R. I. historical society. Author Oration at laying corner stone of new city hall, 1875, Private libraries of Providence, 1878; Journal of Lieut. James M. Ha dden, edited, 1884; also numerous contributions to periodicals. Address, 150 Bowen St., Providence, R. I. * Y, Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, B. U. civ. war, '55, Sabin Amos Joseph Saunders. Teacher, Danvers, Mass. 1S55-56; principal Merri- mac academy, Groveland, Mass. 1856-60; academy, Pepperell, Mass. 1860-66; storekeeper, Pepperell ; overseer of the poor; member school committee; di- 1 84 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1855 rector public library ; selectman several years ; member Mass. house of repre- sentatives 1873-74, '75-76; justice of peace 1874; member Mass. senate 1S76- 78 ; chairman committee on education 1878. Address, East Pepperell, Mass. '55 Henry Nettleton Snyder. Principal Reddicksville seminary, Sunbury, N. C. 1855-56; student, Albany law school 1S56-57; lawyer, Chicago, 111. 1857-60; U. S. military service 1861-64, captain; merchant, Chattanooga, Tenn. 1865-75; member Tenn. house of representatives 1873-74; in railroad business 1876-S2 ; examiner, U. S. bureau of pensions 1883-. Address, Bureau of pensions, Washington, D. C. P. Charles Turner. Student, Albany law school ; admitted to bar 1857; lawyer, Morris, 111. 1857-69; Selma, Ala. 1869-?; Birmingham, Ala.; chancellor mid- dle district Ala. 1870-81. Address, Birmingham, Ala. Z ¥, '55, P. Bachelor of Philosophy. William Mason Turner; M. D. University of Penn. 1858. Medical student, Paris. Physician, Petersburg, Va. ; Confederate military service, surgeon ; physician, Philadelphia, Penn. 1865-77. Author numerous articles in periodi- cals. Born Petersburg, Va., Dec. 15, 1835; died Philadelphia, Penn., Oct. 1877. Z*. '55. 24*11 1856 Masters of Arts. Charles Henry Alden; M. D. Penn. college 185S. Assistant surgeon U. S. army i860; U. S. military service 1861-65, brevet lieutenant colonel; deputy surgeon-general 1S88; assistant surgeon-general 1892; medical director de- partment of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn. 18S8-93; delegate, International medical congress, Berlin 1S90; president Army medical school, Washington, D. C. 1893-; assistant to surgeon-general 1893-. Author Report on prison depot at Fort Delaware, Del., 1863, in Med. and surg. hist, of rebellion; Reports o?i surgical cases, in same; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, description -with ac- counts of climate, flora fauna, etc., 1870; Reports on Gunshot wound of pharynx, Gunshot wound of duodenum, Case of lightning stroke, 1871 ; Fort Walla Walla, Washington territory, description, etc., 1875; Gunshot wounds treated with antiseptic field packet, Gunshot wound of foot treated antiseptically, 1885; Five cases of gunshot xvounds treated antiseptically, Repeated rupture of mem- brana tympani from discharge of artillery, 1886; Address, Army medical school, 1894; Special training of the medical officer, 1894; Report on Army medical school, 1894. Address, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C. B. U. civ. war, A A $, P. Charles Blake. Clerk R. I. supreme court; retired. Address, Providence, R.I. Z * Julius Bond. Clergyman ; book-keeper. Address, Box 218, Plantsville, Conn. Nathaniel Greene Bonney. Graduated Andover theological institution 1S62; ordained Congregational 1864; pastor, Peru, Mass. 1864-68; Poquonnock, Conn. 1868-73; Falls Village, Conn. 1873-76; East Hartford, Conn. 1876-78; Hanover, Conn. 1S7S-83. Born Marshfield, Mass., May 30, 1834; died Hart- ford, Conn., April 12, 1883. B. U. Fall River, And., Nee. 1884 Frank Woodbridge Cheney, by special vote 1S90. In silk business, Hart- ford, Conn. 1856-62; U. S. military service 1862, lieutenant colonel; trav- 1856 GRADUATES 185 elled, Europe, China, Japan; treasurer firm of Cheney brothers, silk manu- facturers. Address, South Manchester, Conn. B. U. civ. war, Cyc. Am. bio"-. Samuel Leonard Crocker; LL. B. Harvard university 1S59. Address, Naples, Italy. William Baylies Crocker. Law student two years; in iron business, New York, N. Y. 1S5S-86. Born Taunton, Mass., Jan. 22, 1836; died New York, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1SS6. A *, Nee. 1886 James Madison Cutts ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S60. U. S. military ser- vice 1861-6S, captain; brevet lieutenant colonel ; judge advocate and aide-de- camp, army of the Potomac; editor South Western 1S6S; professor History, rhetoric and oratory, Seton hall college, South Orange, N. J. 1870-76; lawyer. Author numerous speeches, addresses and editorials on public questions; edi- tor An American continental commercial union, by Stephen A. Douglas; A brief treatise upon constitutional and party questions, received orally from Stephen A. Douglas, 1866. Address, 2815 N St., Washington, D. C. B. U. civ. War, A A , Sabin, P. Thomas Ewing, i860, by special vote 1894; LL - D - Georgetown college 1870. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. ; Leavenworth, Kans. 1856-61; member Leavenworth constitutional convention 1858; peace conference 1S60; chief justice Kansas supreme court 1S61-62 ; U. S. military service 1S62-65, brigadier general, brevet major general; lawyer, Washington, D. C. 1865-71; Lancaster, O. 1871-81 ; member Ohio constitutional convention 1873-74; U. S. house of rep- resentatives 1S77-S1 ; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1881-; trustee Ohio soldiers' and sailors' orphans' home 1874-78; Ohio university 1878-S3 ; vice president Cincinnati law college 1S81. Author Address, Marietta centennial convention, 1S87; Address, Kansas stale oar association, 1890; The struggle for freedom in Kansas, in Cosmopolitan, May 1894. Address, 41 Wall St., New York, N- Y. Cyc. Am. biog., A A , P. Isaac Hawley Gilbert. Ordained Baptist 1S56; pastor, Bristol, Conn. 1S56- 63; Middletown, Conn. 1863-70; Hyde Park, Mass. 1S70-76; Norwood, Mass. 1876-79; Medfield, Mass. 1S79-S6; Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1886-90. Born Eas- ton, Conn., Feb. 4, 1830; died Chicopee Falls, Mass., Feb. 13, 1890. Nee. 1890 Charles Bradford Qoff, Ph. D. 1S92. Principal preparatory department, Union college, Schenectady, N. Y. 1S56-57; student of history, Brown university 1857-58; principal high school, Fall River, Mass. 1858-64; English and classi- cal school, Providence, R. I. 1864- ; trustee Brown university 1889-. Address, 63 Snow St., Providence, R. I. A A , B. U. Fall River, P. Ezra Hervey Hey wood. Agent Mass. anti-slavery society ; founder and editor The zvord; author various essays on questions connected with labor and the emancipation of woman. Born Princeton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1829; died Boston, Mass., May 22, 1893. Nee. 1893 Nathaniel Peter Hill, 1859, by special vote 1894. Instructor Chemistry applied to the arts, Brown university 1858-59; professor 1859-64; student of mining and metallurgy, Colorado and Europe 1864-67; organizer Boston and Colorado smelting company 1867; general manager 1867- ; mayor Black Hawk, Colo. 1871; member Colo, territorial council 1872-73; U. S. senate 1879-85; regent Smithsonian institution; member international monetary commission 1891 ; president United oil company; Colorado smelting and mining company; De- nargo land company; proprietor Republican, Denver, Colo. Author Speeches and papers on the silver and other economic questions, 1890. See sketch by B. W. Steele, with portrait, in National magazine, Feb. 1892. Address, Denver, Col °- Nat. mag., P. 1 86 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1856 Uriah William Lawton. Teacher. Address, Jackson, Mich. James Mac Alister, by special vote 1890; LL. D. 1890; LL. B. Albany law school 1864. Superintendent public schools Milwaukee, Wis. 1873-83; regent Wisconsin normal schools 1878-83 ; superintendent public schools, Philadel- phia, Penn. 1S83-90; president Drexel institute, Philadelphia 1891-; lecturer Pedagogy, Johns Hopkins university 1893 ; University of the city of New York 1894; trustee University of Penn. 1885- ; member American philosophical so- ciety 1886; ofncier d'Academie, Paris 1SS9. Author Manual of primary in- struction-, 1884 ; Manual of instruction in U. S. history and civil government, 1 887 ; Catalogue of pedagogical library ', with bibliographical notes, 1887 ; Man- ual training i?i the public schools of Philadelphia, 1890; Art education in the public schools, 1S93 ; besides contributions to periodicals. Address, Drexel in- stitute, Philadelphia, Penn. Cyc. Am. biog., Am. cat., P. Richard Olney, LL. D. 1893; LL. B. Harvard university 1858. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; counsel for Eastern, Boston and Maine, and other railroads; member Mass. house of representatives 1874; U. S. attorney-general 1893-. Address, Washington, D. C. App. ann. cyc. John Peirce, D. Sc. 1894! Assistant professor Chemistry applied to the arts, Brown university 1862-63; professor 1863-64; trustee 1894-. Address, 15 Bene- volent St., Providence, R. I. *k T Joseph Warren Reed. From Boston, Mass.; born 1821; died Fall River, Mass., July 27, 1856. Nee. 1856 George Lavater Stedman; LL. B. Albany law school 1857. Admitted to bar 1S57; Address, Albany, N. Y. A K E, P. John Eaton Tourtellotte, A. M. ; LL. B. Albany law school; lawyer, Mankato, Minn. 1857-61, 1866; U. S. military service 1861-65, colonel, brevet brigadier- general; U. S.army 1866-S5 ; superintendent Indian affairs; aide-de-camp, with rank of colonel, to Gen. Sherman 1870-83; major 18S3-85 ; member commission of three to revise the military tactics. Author Cavalry manual. Born Thompson, Conn., July 3, 1833; died La Crosse, Wis., July 22, 1891. Nee. 1892, B. U. civ. war. Oliver Spink Westcott, D. Sc. 1892. Principal high school Joliet, Warsaw, Lockport, Chicago, 111. ; superintendent of schools, Racine, Wis. ; principal Racine high school; county clerk, Kendall co., 111.; principal North division high school, Chicago, 111. Address, Maywood, 111. P. Francis Wayland White. Cotton manufacturer, Winchester, Mass. 1856-67; dry goods and commission merchant, New York, N. Y. 1867-. Address, 249 St. James Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. * T, P. Gardner Matteson Wickes. Accountant. Address, 150 West 126th St., New York, N. Y. P. Bachelors of Arts. Nicholas Brown Bolles. Teller Providence bank, Providence, R. I. 1S57-63 ; U. S. military service 1862, first lieutenant. Born Lynn, Mass., Feb. 20, 1835; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 22, 1863. Nee. 1S64, i" T, B. U. civ. war. Henry Clay Ford. President Penn. commission of fisheries 1887-. Address, 1823 Vine St., Philadelphia Penn. P. Charles Shaler Forsyth. Merchant, Pittsburgh, Penn. From Louisville, Ky. ir T Thomas William Fox; LL. B. Harvard university 1859. From Worcester, Mass. ; died 1883. Harv. 1856 GRADUATES 187 Charles Hiram Wood. Judge circuit court nth 111. district 1867-74; resident, Onarga, 111.; lawyer, Chicago, 111. Author Digest of law reports of III., in conjunction with J. I). Long, 1863. From North Lyme, Conn.; died March 13 or 14, 1S90. p Bachelors of Philosophy. Benjamin Lincoln Ray; M. D. Harvard university 1S59. Interne Mass. general hospital; assistant physician Butler hospital for the insane, Providence, R. I. 1S59-67; physician, Philadelphia, Penn. 1867-79; secretary R. I. medical society- Author numerous articles in American journal of medical sciences. Born Eastport, Me., Dec. 31, 1S36; died Philadeldhia, Penn., Dec. 9, 1S79. A X, Nee. 1SS0 Samuel Snow; LL. B. Harvard university 1858. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Ad- dress, 8 Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass. p. 21 *9 1857 Masters of Arts. William Henry Bowen ; D. D. Hillsdale college, Mich. 1874. In Europe, and teaching 1S57-5S; student, Andover theological seminary 1S5S-59; ordained Free Baptist 1859; pastor, Blackstone, Mass. 1S59-62 ; Olneyville, R. I. 1863-64; North Scituate, R. I. 1S64-6S; Lewiston, Me. 1S69-S2 : Baptist church, Middleboro, Mass. 1884-S8; lecturer and author, Providence, R. I. 1885- ; president Free Baptist education society; board of overseers of Bates college ; chairman Lewiston school board; delegate, Evangelical alliance, Basel 1S79. Author Memoir of Rev. George T. Day; one of the editors Free- Will Baptist quarterly. Address, 27 Sycamore St., Providence, R. I. And., R. I. eye, P. John Billings Brackett, A. M. ; D. D. Rochester university 1872. Student, Newton theological institution 1857-59; ordained Baptist 1S59; pastor, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. 1859-65; Brooklyn, N. Y. 1865-73; Lynn, Mass. 1873-78; Charles- town, Mass. 1S78-80; Brookline, Mass. 1880-SS; member executive board of American Baptist missionary union. Born Woburn, Mass., Dec. 31, 1S35 ; died Brookline, Mass., Dec. 5. 18S9. A K E, Nee. i8yo, Newt. George Wheaton Carr; M. D. University of Penn. 1S60. Physician and sur- geon, Providence, R. I. 1S60-; assistant surgeon-general R. I.; U. S. military service 1861-64, surgeon; brigade surgeon; medical director; member R. I. medical society i860-; secretary; president board of examiners ; member Provi- dence medical association; president 1870-72; surgeon, R.I. hospital 186S- ; consulting surgeon; U. S. pension examiner; consulting surgeon Butler hos- pital for the insane 1880- ; member American medical association; American academy of medicine. Address, 29 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, H A X, R. I. eye, P. Edward Winter Clark. Student, Newton theological institution 1S57-58; Rochester theological seminary 1S5S-59; ordained Baptist 1S59; pastor Logans- port, Ind. 1859-61; editor and publisher Witness, Indianapolis, Ind. 1861-67; secretary Indiana Baptist state convention 1861-66; missionary Sibsagor, Assam 186S-75 ; Naga Hills 1875-. Author following works in Ao Naga : two of the Gospels; Life of Joseph of the Scriptures; a small hymn book; some school books; most of the grammar and vocabulary in Ao Naga grammar, •with illustrative phrases and vocabulary, 1S93, by his wife, Mary J. (Mead) Clark. Address, Amguri, Assam, India. A K E, Bapt. encyc, Newt., Roch., P. 1 88 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1857 Edward Hutchins Cutler. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1S5S-60; instructor Mathematics 1S60-61 ; principal academy, Bridgewater, Mass.; high school, Providence, R. I. ; head master high school, Newton, Mass. ; proprietor and principal preparatory school, Newton. Author various articles in periodi- cals. Address, 334 Washington St., Newton, Mass. Z 'f, P. Thomas Dean. Lawyer. Address, 28 StateSt., Boston, Mass. Z * Samuel Coffin Eastman ; LL. B. Harvard university 1859. Assistant librarian, Brown university 1857-58; lawyer, Concord, N. H.; member N. H. house of representatives; speaker; president N. H. historical society. Author White mountain guide-book, 2ded., 1859; Brancles' Impressions of Russia, translated; J. Lie's The family at Gilje, translated. Address, Concord, N. H. P. Daniel Goodwin. Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. John's church, Bangor, Me.; St. Paul's church, Wickford, R. I.; St. Paul's church, Dedham, Mass.; St. Luke's church, East Greenwich, R. I. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. A A $, P. John Newbold Hazard, 1S90. Cotton manufacturer, Peacedale, R. I.; in Ber- lin 1894-95. Address, Peace Dale,R. I. •*• Y Robert Hale Ives. Merchant, Providence, R. I. 1858-62 ; U. S. military service 1862, lieutenant. Born Providence, R. I., April 3, 1837; mortally wounded, Antietam, Md. Sept. 17, 1862; died Hagerstown, Md., Sept. 27, 1862. Nee. 1863, R. I. eye, B. U. civ. war, 't Y Aaron Clement Lyon. Principal public school, Racine, Wis. 1857-58; student, Hamilton theological institution 1859-60; pastor Baptist church, Fayetteville, N. Y. 1860-66, '86-91 ; Amenia, N. Y. 1866-67; Millerton, N. Y. 1875-81 ; New Market, N. Y. 1883-84; Lake Placid, N. Y. 1884-85. Address, Clifton Springs, N. Y. A K E, P. John Milton Manning. Teacher Mathematics, Pierce academy two years; principal academy, Woodstock, Conn, two years; Liberal literary institute, Antwerp, N. Y. five years; farmer, Judson, Mass.; superintendent scbools Raynham, Mass. one year. Address, Judson, Mass. A K E, P. Frederick Paine. Fire insurance agent, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, 1028 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. P. William Augustus Rogers, LL. D. 1891 ; A.M.Yale college 1880; Ph. D. Alfred university 1886. Teacher Alfred academy; professor Mathematics and astronomy 1858-70; meanwhile student Theoretical and applied mechanics, Yale college one year; student Astronomy, Harvard university one year; U. S. naval service 14 months during Civil war; assistant, Harvard college obser- vatory 1870-77; assistant professor Astronomy 1S77-86; professor Phvsics and astronomy, Colby university 1886- ; fellow Royal society of London 1880; honorary fellow; member National academy of sciences; vice president Amer- ican association for the advancement of science 1882-S3 ; president American society of microscopists 1886. Author Annals of Harvard college observatory, 5 vols. ; Obscure heat as an age7it in producing expansion hi metals under air contact, 1894; a ^ so a bout thirty articles on various subjects. Address, 14 Union St., Waterville, Me. Harv., Cyc. Am. biog., P. James Granville Sproat. Lawyer, Wareham, Mass. 1859-88; member Mass. senate 1870-71. Born Wareham, Mass., July 22, 1835; died Wareham, Feb. 22, 1888. A X, Nee. 1 S8S Samuel Landes Swisher. From Groveport, O. George Clinton Tanner; B. D. Seabury divinity school 1S60. Instructor Greek, Shattuck school, Faribault, Minn. ; Episcopal clergyman ; pastor St. Paul's 1857 GRADUATES 189 church, Owatonna, Minn. ; dean Southern convocation; diocesan examining chaplain, registrar, historian; chaplain and headmaster Shattuck school. Author History of the Episcopal church in Minn. Address, Faribault, Minn. O A X, P. William Albert White. Student, Harvard law school; principal boys' school, Newport, R. I.; lawyer, Newport until 1869; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. 1S69-72 ; Santa Barbara, Cal. 1872-S7; judge justice court, Newport; member R.I. house of representatives. Born Middleboro, Mass.; died Santa Bar- bara, Cal., Aug. 27, 18S7. Nee. iSSS Bachelors of Arts. Franklin Ripley Barrett. President Savings bank, Portland, Me.; director Canal national bank; secretary and treasurer Me. general hospital; Female orphan asylum ; director Atlantic and St. Lawrence railroad; Portland, Saco and Portsmouth railroad. Address, 169 State St., Portland, Me, Z *, P. Alexander Thompson Britton. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. ; U. S. military service 1S61 ; president metropolitan police board D. C. about 1878; member commission to codify U. S. public land laws 1879-81 ; chairman presidential inaugural committee 18S9; vice president and executive Columbia national bank, Washington; president American security and trust company -1S93 ; chairman executive committee; commissioner from D. C. toColumbian exposi- tion 1S93; chairman executive committee on awards 1893; director Emergency hospital; treasurer and trustee District title insurance company, Washington; director Washington hospital for foundlings; Columbia fire insurance com- pany, D. C. ; trustee and chairman finance committee Protestant Episcopal cathedral foundation, D. C. ; president Atlantic building company, Washing- ton ; treasurer and director Pacific building company, Washington ; Washing- ton counsel for numerous! railroads and other corporations. Author U. S. land latvs, 3 vols. 1S80; editor Financial reviezv, bi-monthly. Address, Pacific building, Washington, D. C. A A , P. Luther Rawson Burlingame. From Knoxville, Penn.; deceased. Charles Hutchins HapgOOd. Manufacturer, Alton, 111.; president Hapgood plow company. Address, Alton, 111. A A *, P. George Harrison Marston. Clergyman. From North Providence, R. I.; died 1S65. Francis Baring Peckham. Lawyer. Address, Newport, R. I. z * Daniel Bullard Pond ; LL. B. Albany law school 1S58; lawyer, Woonsocket, R. I.; member R. I. senate; mayor Woonsocket. Address, Woonsocket, R- I- G A X Reuben Brooks Poole, A. M. 1SS7. Librarian Young men's Christian associ- ation, New York, N. Y. 1865- ; president N. Y. library club 1SS7-SS, 'S9-90; vice-president N. Y. state library association 1892-93. Author various articles in Library journal ; and other periodicals. Address, 152 East 23d St., New York, N. Y. P. Nathaniel Robbins. From West To wnshend, Vt. Charles Sewall. Lawyer, Salem, Mass.; member school committee. Born Rockport, Mass., Nov. 2. 1835; died Salem, Mass., April 4, 1894. Nee. 1S94 Benjamin Hale Smith. Admitted to bar 1859; lawyer, Gloucester, Mass. 1S59- 81; member school committee 1867 ; city solicitor 1876; trustee public library fund; member Mass. house of representatives 1863-65; publisher Telegraph, Gloucester; Cape Ann advertiser ; Cape Attn bulletin. Born Rockport, Mass.. March 29, 1833; died Gloucester, Mass., Nov. 23, 1880. A A , Nee. 1SS1 190 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1857 Bachelors of Philosophy. Elisha Smith Aldrich. Merchant, Providence, R. I. -1894; retired. Address, 8 Cushing St., Providence, R. I. Z *, P. Dexter Sheldon Stone. With publishing house, Philadelphia, Penn.; civil engineer, Providence, R. 1.; ship-builder, in partnership with Herreshoff, Bristol, R. I. three years; manager Philadelphia publishing house, Boston, Mass.; partner Cowperthwait and company, publishers, Philadelphia 1873-87. Born Coventry, R. I., Dec. 1, 1837; died Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 8, 1887. Nee. 188S. 21 *10 1858 Masters of Arts. Samuel Warren Abbott; M. D. Harvard university 1862. Principal academy, Ticonderoga, N. Y. 1858-59; U. S. service 1861-65, assistant surgeon U. S. navy 1861-64; surgeon 1st Mass. cavalry 1864-65; physician, Wakefield, Mass.; member school committee Wakefield 1S67-75; medical examiner Mass. 1877-84; health officer and secretary Mass. board of health 1882- ; delegate, Congress of hygiene, London 1891 ; member American medical association ; Mass. medical society; American statistical association; Society of hygiene, France. Author various articles in medical and sanitary journals; Medical and surgical journal ; Forum; North American revie-w. Address, 26 Avon St., Wakefield, Mass. A K B, B. U. civ. war, P. Comfort Edwin Barrows; D. D. Colby university 1881. Graduated Newton theological institution 1861 ; ordained Baptist 1861 ; pastor, South Danvers, now Peabody. Mass. 1861-65; First church, Newport, R. I. 1865-83; president R. I. Baptist missionary society two years ; R. I. Baptist state convention 1874; trustee Brown university 1878-83; corresponding secretary Newport historical society. Author Development of Baptist principles in Rhode Island ; also articles in Baptist quarterly ; and other periodicals. Born Attleboro, Mass., Dec. n, 1831 ; died Newport, R. I., Dec. 26, 1883. A K E, R. I. eye, Newt., Nee. 1884, Bapt. encyc. Oliver Francis Bryant, by special vote 1892. Teacher, Chauncj' hall school, Boston, Mass. Address, 164 Salem St., Woburn, Mass. P. Robert Boyle Chapman. Insurance agent, Providence, R. I. From Provi- dence, R. I. ; died Nov. 5, 1894. A A $, P. Edward Payson Chase. Organist, New York, N. Y. ; professor Music, Pel- ham priory; Brooke hall; organist, Yonkers, N. Y. ; professor Music; private tutor. Author Te Deum ; also a few songs. Address, 57 Ashburton Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. P. Edward Lord Clark; D. D. Williams college 1880. Graduated Andover theo- logical seminary 1863; ordained Congregational 1861 ; U. S. military service 1861-62, chaplain; pastor First church, North Bridgewater, now Brockton, Mass. 1863-66; North church, New Haven, Conn. 1S67-72 ; Presbyterian church of the Puritans, New York, N. Y. 1872-93; Central church, Boston, Mass. 1893-. Author Daleth : Egypt illustrated, 1863 ; Record of inscriptions in the burial grounds of Christ church, Philadelphia, 1864; Israel in Egypt, 1873. Address, 75 Marlborough. St., Boston, Mass. Allibone, B. U. civ. war, And., P. 1858 GRADUATES 191 Eliab Washburn Coy; Ph. D. College of N.J. 1887. Principal high school, Peoria, 111. 1858-64, '69-71 ; law student, Peoria 1860-62; admitted to bar 1862; lawyerj Peoria 1864-66; superintendent of schools Peoria 1866-71 ; principal model high school, 111. state normal university 1871-73; Hughes high school, Cincinnati, O. 1873- ; secretary and treasurer National council of education; president 1S94. Editor Illinois teacher, Peoria 1871-72. Address, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, O. A K E, P. James Freeman De Camp. Cashier for quartermaster in department of the Gulf; secretary and treasurer Iron works, Chattanooga, Tenn. 1865 ; Sel- ma, Rome and Dalton railroad 1866; merchant, Cincinnati, O. 1S77-88. Born Cincinnati, O., Jan. 2, 1836; died Cincinnati, Aug. 11, 188S. Nee. 1889 Howard Malcom Emerson. Student, Newton theological institution 1858-60; ordained 1S61 ; pastor, Methuen, Mass. 1861-62. Born North Reading, Mass., 1834; died South Berwick, Me., May 16, 1862. A K E, Nee. 1S62, Newt. Joseph Henry Gilmore, Ph. D. 1S92. Graduated Newton theological insti- tution 1861; instructor Hebrew 1861-62; ordained Baptist 1862; pastor First church, Fisherville, now Penacook, N. H. 1862-64; private secretary to Gov. Gilmore, and editor Concord daily monitor 1S64-65; pastor Second church, Rochester, N. Y. 1865-67; acting professor Hebrew, Rochester theological seminary 1867-6S; professor Rhetoric, logic, and English, University of Rochester 1868-. Author Little Alary; Art of expression, 1875; He leadeth me, and other religious poems, 1S77 ; Outlines of logic, 1879; English language and its early literature, 1880; Chautauquan text-book of English literature 1880; Declamations and dialogues for the Sunday school, 1SS0; Wedlock, iSS 1 - Primary speaker, 18S1 ; Intermediate speaker, 1SS2 ; Academic speaker, 1S83; Outlines of rhetoric, 1891 ; Outlines studies in English and American literature, 1891 ; editorial writer Examiner, New York, N. Y. Address, Rochester, N. Y. A K E, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Newt., Allibone, Am. cat., P. Robert Hale Ives Goddard. Cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; U. S. military service 1S61-65, captain; brevet lieutenant-colonel; assistant inspec- tor general 9th army corps. Address, 160 Hope St., Providence, R. I. * Y, B. U. civ. war, P. Merrick Goldthwait. Resident, Uxbridge, Mass. G'A X Arnold Green, LL. D. 1894. Student, University of Gottingen i860; U. S. military service 1861 ; law student, Harvard university 1865 ; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. 1865-. Author Greek and what next? an address, Solomos" 1 Hymn to liberty, a poem ; read before the alumni of Brown university, June /?, 1884. Address, 43 North Main St., Providence, R. I. i r Y, B. U. civ. war, P. Edward Manning Gushee; D. D. University of N. C. 1891. Episcopal clergy- man; U. S. military service 1S62-63, chaplain; pastor St. Thomas' church, Dover; St. Paul's church, Wallingford, Conn.; St. Peter's church, Salem, Mass.; St. Philip's church, Cambridge, Mass. Author Lent a precious sea- son; Plaimvords for non-Episcopalians ; besides various sermons. Address, 30 Lee St., Cambridge, Mass. Z ¥, B. U. civ. war, P. Samuel Turner Harris. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. ; stock-raiser. Address, Cincinnati, O. A A * John Hay; LL. D. Western Reserve university 1S94. Admitted to bar 1861 ; secretary to President Lincoln 1861 ; volunteer aide-de-camp to Major General Hunter 1S63; major and assistant adjutant general 1864; aide-de-camp to President Lincoln 1S64; brevet colonel; secretary of legation, Paris 1865-67; charge' d'affaires, Vienna 1S67-68; secretary of legation, Madrid 1869-70; mem- 1 92 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1858 ber editorial staff Tribune, New York, N. Y. 1870-75; first assistant secretary of state, U. S. 1S79-81 ; president International sanitary conference 1881. Au- thor Pike county ballads, 187 1 ; Castilian days, 1871; Abraham Lincoln, a history, in conjunction with J. G. Nicolay, 10 vols., 1890; Poems, 1890; Caste- lar's Democracy in Europe, translated. Address, Lafayette Square, Washing- ton, D. C. A X, Cyc. Am.biog., Allibone, Johnson's eye, B. U. civ. war, P. Leander Cornelius Manchester. Episcopal clergyman ; pastor Trinity church, Sharon Springs, N. Y. 1861-63; church of the Saviour, Providence, R.I. 1863-67; St. Mark's church, Warren, R. I. 1867-73; St. John's church, Lowell, Mass. 1S73-. Address, 78 Queen St., Lowell, Mass. 9 A X, P. Francis Mansfield ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1885; Long Isl- and college hospital 1893. Graduated Newton theological institution i860; ordained Episcopal 1861; assistant pastor Church of the Holy Communion, and pastor Calvary chapel, New York, N. Y. 1861-62; U. S. military service 1868-63, chaplain; pastor Ascension church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1863-73; Church of the Atonement, arid St. Andrew's church, Chicago, 111. 1873-78; Trinity church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1879-S1 ; St. John's church, Taunton, Mass. 1882-90; physician and surgeon, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890-95; chaplain Bellevue hospital 1892 ; assistant pastor Christ church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1S94; professor English literature and elocution, Marmaduke military acad- emy, Sweet Springs, Mo. 1895-. Author Hymns with tunes, 1880; Memorial address, Mayflower hill cemetery, Taunton, Mass., Decoration day, 1889 ' be- sides various sermons, 1874-75, in Times, Chicago, 111., Tribune, Chicago; poems in Living church, Chicago 1S90-91. Address, Sweet Springs, Mo. Newt., P. Aaron Hayden Nelson. Admitted to Minn, bar 1859; teacher Kirkwood, Mo., female seminary 1860-61; assistant principal City university, St. Louis, Mo. 1861 ; U. S. military service 1863-72, past assistant paymaster; commer- cial stationer, New Orleans, La. 1872-80; clerk, General land office, Interior department, Washington, D. C. 1881-88? lawyer, Helena, Mont. iSSS?-; sec- retary Mont, bar association ; member bar of U. S. supreme court. Address, Box 457, Helena, Mont. A K E, B. U. civ. war, P. William Brown Phillips. Teacher, Providence, R. I. 1858-93 ; principal French, English and German school. From Providence, R. I. ; died Nov. 30, 1S93. * T Henry Gilbert Safford. Graduated Newton theological institution 1861 ; or- dained Baptist 1861 ; pastor Amesbury, Mass. 1861-68 ; Concord, N. H. 186S- 75; in Europe 1872; pastor, South Framingham, Mass. 1S61-84; life insurance agent, Newton, Mass. 1884- ; president American fabric company, Portland, Me. 1887-. Author several addresses and sermons; foreign and war correspondent and contributor to Watchman; contributor to Baptist review. Address, 108 Boyd St., Newton, Mass. ARE, Newt., P. Samuel Gregory Silliman. Graduated Newton theological institution 1861 ; ordained Baptist 1864; preacher, Lebanon, Me. 1862-63; missionary to Freed- men 1864-65; pastor, Memphis, Tenn. 1S65-75; Montana, N. J. 1877-79; preacher, Danbury, N. J. 1880-81; pastor, White Hills, Conn. 18S2-87 ; Old Lyme, Conn. 1887-91; Winthrop, Conn. 1891-92 ; retired. Address, 69 West Liberty St., Bridgeport, Conn. Newt., P. John Lippitt Snow, A. M. Wholesale druggist, Providence, R. I. ; member common council 1S66-69, 1870-71; alderman 1875; colonel Providence horse 1858 GRADUATES 193 guards ; vice president, chairman executive committee Advance club. Born Prov- idence, R. I., Sept. 29, 1S37; died Providence, Aug. 8, 1891. Nee. 1S92, Z * Solon Whittled Stevens. Student Newton theological institution 1858; mu- sician, Lowell, Mass. 1S5S-66; in Europe 1873; member school board Lowell 1S79-85; Mass. house of representatives 1S85-S6; admitted to bariSSS; law- ver, Lowell 18SS-; deputy collector of internal revenue. Author occasional speeches and addresses. Address, Lowell, Mass. A K E, Newt., P. Lyman Beecher Tefft, D. D. 1893. Baptist clergyman ; pastor Prescott,Wis. ; Winona, Minn. ; Norwich, Conn. ; Mankato, Minn. ; Colchesterboro, Conn. ; professor, Roger Williams university, Nashville, Tenn. ; president Hartshorn memorial college, Penn. Author Wherefore then serveth the laxv? in Baptist quarterly; Pastoral authority, in Baptist quarterly; Curiosities of heat. Ad- dress, 1600 West Leigh St., Richmond, Va. P. Samuel Thurber, Ph. D. 1891. U. S. military service 1862-63, first lieutenant; master Girls' high school, Boston, Mass. Author numerous articles mostly on educational subjects. Address, 13 Westminster Ave., Roxbury, Mass. B. U. civ. war, P. Bachelors of Arts. George Beverly. Law student. Born Providence, R. I. 1835; died Provi- dence, March 12, 1S61. Nee. 1861 Stephen Alonzo Cobb. Lawyer, Wyandotte, Kans. 1859- ; U. S. military ser- vice 1S62-65, chief commissary 13th army corps; brevet lieutenant colonel; member Kans. senate 1862, '69-70; Kans. house of representatives 1871-73 ; speaker 1872 ; mayor Wyandotte 1S62, '68; member U. S. house of representa- tives 1873-75. Born Madison, Me., June 17, 1833; died Aug. 1878. B. U. civ. war, Cong, direct., Cyc. Am. biog. Ezekiel Luther De Camp. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. ; city treasurer 1870. Ad- dress, Third National Bank Building, Cincinnati, O. P. Walter Bernard Noyes; A. M. Columbia college 1S65. Student, General theological seminary; ordained Episcopal ; U. S. military service 1861, chap- lain; assistant pastor Trinity church, New York, N. Y. ; St. Alban's church, New York; consul, Venice several years. Born Matanzas, Cuba, May, 1837; died Rome, Italy, Dec. 6, 1885. B. U. civ. war, 9 A X, Nee. 1886 William Leete Stone, A. M. 1869; LL. B. Albany law school 1859. Lawyer, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1860-63 ; city editor Journal of commerce, New York, N. Y. 1864-67; editor and proprietor College review 1870-74; secretary Sara- toga monument association 1871-; one of the original trustees and incorpor- ators; centennial historian, N. Y. 1876; honorary member various learned and historical societies, America and Europe. Author Life and -writings of Sir William Johnson, dart., 1S65 ; Life and writings of Col. William L. Stone, 1866; Guide book to Saratoga and vicinity, 1866; Letters and journals of Mrs. General Riedesel, tr. and ed., 1S66 ; Life and military journals of Major General Riedesel, 186S ; History of New York city, 1S72 ; Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston, 1S75 ; Biographical sketch of Got'. George Clinton; Campaign of General Burgoyne and St. Leger's expedition, 1877; Third supplement to Doxvling's history of Romanism, 1S81 ; Orderly book of Sir John Johnson, edited, 1882 ; Journal of Captain Pausch, chief of the Ha nan artillery during the Burgoyne campaign, translated, 1886; Genealogy of the Stone family, 1887 ; Genealogy of the Starin family ; Revolutionary letters, 1891 ; Ballads of the Burgoyne campaign, 1893; Visits to the Saratoga battle ground, 1894; besides 194 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1858 numerous articles in Appletons'' cyclopedia / Afifiletons cyclopaedia of American biography / Alagazine of American history', and other periodicals. Address 151 Park Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Stone fam., P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Charles Lewis Colby, A. M. 1891 . President Wis. central railroad company, Mil- waukee, Wis. many years ; Milwaukee and Lake Winnebago railroad company ; Chicago and great Western railroad company; Penokee and Gojebic consoli- dated mines; Spanish American iron mining company; retired; member Wis. legislature 1876; New York city Baptist mission society; trustee Brown univer- sity 1879-90; fellow 1890-. Address, 36 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog., P. Moses Lyman. Iron manufacturer and sales agent, Waverly, N. Y. Address, 539 Waverly St., Waverly, N. Y. A X, P. Robert Millar; M. D. University of Penn. i86t. Physician. Address, 238 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Alfred North; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1861. Member home staff N. Y. hospital 1861-62; surgeon Braddock barracks hospital ; physician, Waterbury, Conn. 1S63-93; medical examiner Waterbury 12 years; chief of staff consulting physicians Waterbury hospital ; surgeon N. Y. and N. E. rail- road ; medical examiner various life insurance companies; medical director Conn, indemnity association ; member Waterbury medical society; New Haven county association; Conn, medical society. Author occasional contributions to Medical record. See Medical register for N. Y. , N. J. and Conn. Born Torrington, Conn., Oct. 5, 1836; died Waterbury, Conn., Nov. 17, 1893. Nee. 1894 Joseph Hurlbut Patten. With Manufacturers national bank, Providence, R I. -1S63; in business, New York, N. Y. 1863-64; teller Manufacturers national bank, Providence 1865-74. Born Providence, R. I., March 5, 1836; died Providence, Dec. 17, 1874. A A <£, Nee. 1875 Charles Pelgus Willians. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. Died Avondale, O. 1890? Z*. 25 *12 ■859 Masters of Arts. Timothy Whiting Bancroft. Principal high school, Waltham, Mass. 1861-63; engaged in business, Boston, Mass. for a short time; principal high school, Newton, Mass. ; professor Rhetoric and English literature, Brown university 1868-90. Author Method of English composition, 1884; Historical outlities of the English la?iguage ,' Historical outlines of American literature ' besides numerous articles and poems in newspapers and magazines. Born Worcester, Mass., March 9, 1S37; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 8. 1890. Nee. 1891 Edward Lawton Barker. Resident, Newport, R. I. ; in U. S. civil ser- vice, Washington, D. C. ; resident, New York, N. Y. Born Portsmouth, R. I., July 2, 1835; died New York, N.'Y., Feb. iS, 1889. A K E, Nee. 1889 Lucius Stillman BoIIes ; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1862. Physician, Providence 1862-63 ; U.S. military service 1S63 ; surgeon; physician, Phila- delphia, Penn. 1S63-73; physician U. S. military hospital; St. Mary's hospi- tal, Philadelphia. Born Boston, Mass., April 21, 1837; died Philadelphia, Penn.. Aug. 15, 1873. -B- U. civ. war, Nee. 1873 1859 GRADUATES 195 William Erastus Bowen. Teacher, Racine, Wis. 1859-60; gold and silver re- finer, Providence, R. I.; U. S. military service 1S61-62, first sergeant; prin- cipal private school, Warren, R. I.; merchant, Chicago, 111. two years; as- sistant professor Ethics and English literature, U. S. naval academy, An- napolis, Md. 1S68. Born Rehohoth, Mass., March 2, 1S34; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 20, 1S86. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1S87 Charles Henry Brown. Principal academy, Westfield, N.Y. 1859-60; teacher, Va. collegiate institute, Portsmouth, Va. 1S60-61 ; principal academy, Wood- hury, N. J. 1861-65; insurance agent, Philadelphia, Penn. ; merchant. From Philadelphia, Penn. A K E Isaac Davis Colburn. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S63; or- dained Baptist 1863 i missionary Tavoy, Toungoo, Rangoon, Burmah 1863- 84?; superintendent Mission press, Rangoon; treasurer American Baptist missionary union in Burmah; retired. Address, 12 Front St., Nashua, N. H. Newt., P. Frederick David Ely. Admitted to Mass. bar 1862 ; lawyer; trial justice 1S67- 84; member Mass. house of representatives 1873; senate 1878-79; U. S. house of representatives 1SS5-S7 ; justice municipal court Boston, Mass. 188S-; chair- man school committee Dedham, Mass.; trustee Dedham institution for savings; director Dedham mutual fire insurance company ; warden St. Paul's Episcopal church, Dedham. Address, Dedham, Mass. P. Silas Pinckney Holbrook; M. D. University of Penn. 1862. Physician ; coun- cillor Mass. medical society. Address, East Douglas, Mass. P. William Henry Harrison Jenney. From Mt. Clemens, Mich. A K E Adoniram Brown Judson ; M. D. Jefferson medical college, Philadelphia, Penn. 1865; College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. 1868. U. S. military service 1S61-6S, surgeon ; physician 186S-75 > orthopedic surgeon 1875- ; orthopedic surgeon to out-patient department, New York hospital 187S-; mem- ber N. Y. academy of sciences; fellow N. Y. academy of medicine; American academy of medicine; president American orthopedic association 1891. Au- thor Course of the epizootic in 1S72-73 ; History of Asiatic cholera in Missis- sippi valley in /Syj ' Cause of rotatio?i in lateral curvature of the spine, 1S76; Considerations respecting mechanical treatment of hip disease, 188 1 ; A prac- tical point in mechanical therapeutics of hip disease, 18S1 ; The question of ax- illary support in joint diseases, 188 1 ; Coup defouet, 1881 ; Some practical in- ferences from hip disease, 18S2 ; Mr. Shatv's view of the cause of rotation in la- teral curvature of the spine, 1SS2 ; History of three cases of hip disease, 1882 ; Fixative potver of traction in hip disease, 18S3 ; What is the rationale of trac- tion in hip disease? 1SS3 ; Mr. Brodhurst's vietv of the cause of rotation in la- teral curvature of the spine, 1S84; Management op abscesses of hip disease, 18S5 ; Mechanical treatment of talipes calcaneus, 18S5; Treatment of white swelling of the knee, 1886 ; The American hip-splint, 18S7 ; Practical points in treatment of Pott's disease of the spine, 18SS; More conservatism desirable in treatment of joint disease of children, 1889; Rotary element in lateral curvature of the spine, 1890; Orthopcedic surgery as a specialty, 1891 ; Weight of the body in relation to club-foot, 1S92. Address, 25 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. A A <1>, Surg. gen. cat., P. Elnathan Judson. Graduated Union theological seminary 1862. Address, Worcester, Mass. A A , P. William Williams Keen, LL. D. 1891 ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1S62. Assistant surgeon U. S. army 1S61-64; assistant Eckington hospital, Washing- 196 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1859 ton, D. C. ; student in Europe 1864-66; surgeon, Philadelphia, Penn. 1866-; lecturer Pathological anatomy, Jefferson medical college 1S66-75 ; professor Anatomy and operative surgery, Philadelphia school of anatomy 1866-75 ; Artis- tic anatomy, Penn. academy of fine arts 1S76-90 ; Surgery, Woman's medical col lege 1 SS4-S9; Jefferson medical college 1889- ; trustee Brown university 1873- ; Shaw university ; Crozer theological seminary ; Penn. dental college ; president Philadelphia co. medical society; fellow College of physicians, Philadelphia; member Philadelphia academy of natural science; American medical associa- tion for the advancement of science ; consulting surgeon various hospitals ; for- eign corresponding member Societe de chirurgie, Paris. Author Reflex paralysis, the result of gunshot wounds, joint author, 1864; Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves, 1864; Heath's Manual of minor surgery, edited, 1870; Flower's Diagrams of the nerves, edited, 1872 ; Sketch of the early history of anatomy, 1874; Anatomical, pathological a?id surgical uses of chloral, 1874, '75; History of the Philadelphia school of anatomy, 1875; Directions to accom- pa?iy the clinical charts, 1875 ; On surgical complication of fevers, Toner lec- ture, 1875; Medical missionary work in Japan, 187S; American health primers, no. 1-12, edited, 1879-80; Bulkley's Skin in health and disease, edited, 1880; On the clinical a?iatomy of the k?iee and ankle joints, 1881 ; Gray's Anatomy, edited, 1S83, Cholecystotomy , in conjunction with J. H. Musser, 1884; Our recent debts to vivisection, 1S85 ; Five cases of suprapubic cystotomy, 189 1 ; Linear craniotomy, 1891 ; Indications for early laparotomy in appendicitis, 1891 ; American text book of surgery, joint author, 1S92 ; America?i system of surgery, joint author; Dercum's Diseases of the nervons system, joint author; Surgery of the brain, Surgery of the spine, in Buck's Reference handbook of medical science ; Four cases of brain tumor, 1894; Removal of the Gasserian ganglion, in conjunction with J. K. Mitchell, 1894; Operation -wounds of the thoracic duct in the neck, 1894; besides numerous surgical articles in periodi- cals. Address, 1729 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. Johnson's eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Surg. -gen. cat., A A 4>, P. William Dehon King. Merchant, China, with Smith, Archer and company for several j'ears from i860; retired; member Newport historical society; R. I. historical society; R. I. society of the Cincinnati. Address, Newport, R. I. Z -i, P. Charles Homer Perry ; M. D. Bellevue medical college 1866. U. S. naval service 1861-65, assistant surgeon ; physician ; member American academy of medicine; Worcester co. medical society; Mass. medical society. Address, S13 Main St., Worcester, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war, P. Joseph Trusk Plumer. In business, Manchester, N. H. ; retired. Address, Manchester, N. H. P. Samuel Thane Poinier. U. S. military service 1S63-65, chaplain ; U. S. com- missioner 1867-; editor 1869-71 ; chief supervisor of elections 1872-; postmaster 1880-. Address, Spartanburg, S. C. B. U. civ. war, A A 4>, P. George Loring Porter; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1S62. U. S. military service 1862-67? surgeon, brevet major; official visitor Insane retreat, Hartford, Conn.; member Conn, medical society ; National medical society; physician. Author A xanthic oxide calculus from the kidney, 1881 ; Sickness a factor of political economy, 18S9. Address, 266 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. B. U. civ. war, A A 4>, Surg. -gen. cat. Albert Knight Potter ; D. D. Madison university 1881. Student, Newton theological institution 1859-60; ordained Baptist i860; pastor, South Berwick, 1859 GRADUATES 197 Me. 1860-65; State street church, Springfield, Mass. 1865-83; Dudley street church, Boston, Mass. 1883-87 ; member Valley ministers' club. Author frequent contributions to Examiner. Born Quidneck, R. I., June 28, 1833 ; died Spring- field, Mass., Nov. 3, 18S7. A K E, Nee. iSSS, Newt., Bapt. encyc. Walter McDuffie Potter. Student, Andover theological seminary one year; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S63; ordained Baptist 1863; home missionary, Denver, Col. 1863-65; founder First Baptist church, Denver. Born Providence, R. I., May 8, 1836; died Cranston, R. I., April 9, 1866. A A , And., Roch., Nee. 1S66 Joseph Porter Pratt. Teacher, Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 1859. Born Freeport, Me., Jan. 12, 1834; died Lawrence, Mass., May 6, 1S63. A A , Nee. 1S63 Chester Fitch Short. From Knoxville, Penn. ; died 1864. Charles Morris Smith. U. S. military service 1861-65, second lieutenant; cotton manufacturer. Address, Box 1413, Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Virgil Clarendon Smith. Teacher, Foxboro, Mass. 1S59-62 ; Hempstead, L. I.; Uxbridge, Mass.; preparatory school Washington university, St. Louis, Mo. 1864. Born Cumberland, R. I., June 24, 1832; flied St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 12, 1864. Nee. 1S65 Thomas Fry Tobey ; LL. B. Harvard university 1861. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S61-62 ; U. S. military service 1862-64; major 1S63; U. S. army, sergeant 1865; captain 1874; retired. Address, Oakland, Cal. B. U. civ. war, •* T David Weston; D. D. University of Rochester 1S73. Graduated Newton theo- logical institution 1862; ordained Baptist 1S62 ; pastor Pleasant street church, Worcester, Mass. 1S62-70; principal Worcester academy, 1870-72; pastor Central church, Salem, Mass. 1872; professor Ecclesiastical history, Hamilton theological seminary 1872-75; professor Civil history, Madison university 1872-75. Author History of the Baptists in New England. Born North Middleboro, Mass., Jan. 26, 1836; died Hamilton, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1S75. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Nee. 1875 Solon Franklin Whitney. First assistant teacher, high school, Brookline, Mass. 1859-63; state normal school, Bridgewater, Mass. 1S63-66; principal high school, Watertown, Mass. 1866-71; special student Chemistry and zoology, Harvard university 1871-72; in Agassiz museum ; at Penikese 1873-74; assist- ant teacher, high school, Cambridge, Mass. 1872-S5 ; librarian Free public library, Watertown, Mass. 186S-; also private teacher and author; president Natural history club, Penikese 1S73. Author Catalogues of Watertown library, 1S70, 1S81 ; Reports; Yearly bulletins; Historical sketch of Watertown, in Hurd's History of Middlesex, 1890; educational and historical articles in Mass. teacher; Boston Advertiser ; Christian register; Watertown Enterprise ; Boston Transcript, and other papers. Address, 9 Garfield St., Watertown, Mass. p. Bachelors of Arts. Oliver Payson Fuller, A. M. 18S6. Ordained Baptist i860; pastor Centreville church, Warwick, R. I. 1S59-77 ; Plaistow, N. H. 1877-1SS0; Chatham, Mass. 1881-85; South Londonderry, Vt. 1SS5-93; superintendent public schools, Warwick, R. I. eight years. Author History of Warwick. Born East Bridge- water, Mass., March 26, 1832; died South Londonderry, Vt., March iS, 1893. Nee. 1S93 Stephen Sydney Nash. From Addison, Me. 198 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1859 Richard Waterman, 1S71. Merchant, New York, N. Y. 1858-61; U. S. mili- tary service 1861-64, captain ; bookkeeper, Blackstone, Mass. 1864-68; Provi- dence, R. I. 1868-8S. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 29, 1839; died Providence, March 22, 1888. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1S88, * T Jeremiah Whipple, M. D. Harvard university 1866. House surgeon Mass. general hospital one year; physician, Boston, Mass. Born Cumberland. R. I., Dec. 2, 183S; died Arcachon, department of Gironde, France, May 26, 1871. Z % R. I. eye, Nee. 1871 Bachelors of Philosophy. Theodore Andrews. U. S. military service 1861 ; secretary Armington and Sims engine company. Address, Providence, R. I. Z "i", B. U. civ. war. Robert Henry Thurston, C. E. 1859; A. M. 1874; LL. D. 1889; Dr. Eng. Stevens institute of technology 1S85. Employed in the engine shops of Thurston, Gardner and company 1859-61 ; assistant engineer U. S. navy 1861- 65; assistant professor Natural and experimental philosophy, lecturer Chem- istry and physics, U. S. naval academy, Annapolis, Md. 1865-72; student of British iron manufacture 1870; professor Mechanical engineering, Stevens institute of technology 1871-85; director Sibley college and professor Mechani- cal engineering, Cornell university 1885- ; conducted experiments for American institute on loss of heat in steam boilers 1871 ; commissioner to Vienna exhib- tion 1873; member international jury ; U. S. commission on boiler explosions 1875 ; U. S. board to test metals 1875 ; vice president American association for the advancement of science 1877-78, 'S4 ; American institute of mining engi- neers 1878-79; president American society of Mechanical engineers 1880-83; member leading scientific societies at home and abroad ; inventor magnesium burning lamp ; autographic recording testing machine ; steam engine governor; lubricant testing apparatus, and many other devices. Author Reports of U. S. commissioners, edited, Vienna, 1873, 4 vols. ; History of the gro-wth of the steam engine, 187S; Friction and lubrication, 1879; Conversion tables, 1S83 ; Materials of engineering, 3 vols., 1884-86; Treatise on friction and lost ivork in machinery and mill -work, 1884; Text book of the materials of construction, 1885; Stationary steam engines adapted to electric lighting purposes, 1884; Steam boiler explosions, 1887; Manual of steam boilers, 1888; Development of the philosophy of the steam engine, 1889; Heat as a form of energy, 1891 ; Car- not's Refections on the motive poxver of heat, translated, 1S90; Handbook of engine and boiler trials, 1890; Manual of the steam engine, 2 vols., 1891-92; Handy tables, 1S92?; The animal as a machine, 1894; Life of Robert Fulton; besides over 250 articles in technical and other journals. Address, 15 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's eye, B. U. civ. war, Am. cat., Allibone, P. 16*16 i860 Masters of Arts. Granville Sharp Abbott, D. D. 1883; California college 1SS0. Graduated Newton theological institution 1863; ordained Baptist 1863; pastor South Baptist church, Boston, Mass. 1863-69; Watertown, Mass. 1869-77; First church, San Francisco, Cal. 1877-78; First church, Oakland, Cal. 1878-S2 ; agent American Baptist publication society 18S2-94; retired; member Ameri- I860 GRADUATES 199 can Baptist missionary union; N. E. educational society; president N. E. ministerial institute; secretary Mass. ministerial institute. Author Sunday school question books, 1872-78; Calvin and Calvinism, in Bibliotheca sacra; member editorial board Watchman, four years; editor Herald of truth, 1SS0- 89; contributor to Examiner. Address, 11S Eleventh St., Oakland, Cal. A K E, Bapt. encyc, Newt., P. Martin Bennett. Fire insurance agent, Hartford, Conn.; president Conn. fire insurance company of Hartford ; National board of fire underwriters, New York, N. Y. ; Hartford board of underwriters; American manager Scottish union and national insurance company of Edinburgh; Lion fire insurance company of London. Address, Hartford, Conn. P. Thomas Williams Bicknell ; A. M. Amherst college 1S80; LL. D. Drury col- lege 18S2; Straight university 1S82. Principal high school, Bristol, R. I. 1860-63, '67-69; Arnold street grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1863-67; commissioner public schools R. I. 1869-75; member R. I. house of representa- tives 1859-60; Mass. house of representatives 1888-90; chairman committee on woman's suffrage; committee on education ; president R. I. institute of instruc- tion 1867-68; American institute of instruction 1877-79; National education association; founder National council of education ; president 1SS0-S4 ; Inter- national Sunday school association; Interstate commission for federal aid; Chautauqua teachers' reading union ; and various other societies; R. I. commis- sioner, Vienna exposition 1S73; member Postal congress 1S78; delegate, Raikes Sunday school centennial, London 1890; member Mass. historic genealogical society; corresponding member R. I. historical society; member American association for the advancement of science; American social science associa- tion; honorary member Penn. historical society. Author Memorial of Wil- liam Lord Noyes ; Historical sketches of Barrington, R. I., 1S70; Reports of the commissioner of public schools, 1S69-75 ; Address 071 school supervision, 1876: History of the Bicknell family, 1S82 ; besides numerous addresses and lectures, historical, biographical and educational; editor R. I. schoolmaster; founder and editor N. E. Journal of education; editor Primary teacher; American teacher; Education ; Good times. Address, 233 Williams St., Providence, R. I. A A , Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Allibone, P. Horatio Standish Bradford; LL. B. University of the city of New York 1861. U. S. naval service 1862-63, acting assistant paymaster; lawver, New York, N. Y. Address, 709 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. B. U. civ. war Knight Dexter Cheney, by special vote 1890. Silk manufacturer, South Man- chester, Conn. 1S58-; assistant treasurer Cheney brothers 1S74-. Address, South Manchester, Conn. ^ ^ p. David Potter Corbin. Teacher, Conn, literary institution, Sufneld, Conn. 1860-62; U. S. military service 1863, captain; teacher, Willimantic, Conn.; principal West-middle public school, Hartford, Conn. 1869-79. Born Union, Conn., July 11, 1835; died Larned, Kans., March 15, 1SS0. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1SS1 Samuel White Duncan ; D. D. University of Chicago 1S75. Student, New- ton theological institution 1S61-62; U. S. military service 1862-63, captain; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1866; ordained Baptist 1867; pas- tor Euclid avenue church, Cleveland, O. 1867-75; Ninth street church, Cincin- nati, O. 1875-S3; Second church, Rochester, N. Y. 1883-85; trustee Denison university; Rochester theological seminary, foreign secretary American Baptist missionary union. Author Historical discourse commemorative ofjoth anni- 2oo BROWN UNIVERSITY 1860 versary of Ninth street Baptist church, Cincinnati, O. ; Historical oration upon 250th a?i?iiversary of settlement of Haverhill, Mass. ; also various mis- cellaneous sermons. Address, Cor. Freeman and St. Paul Sts., Brookline, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Newt., B. U. civ. war, AA$, Roch. theol., P. Franklin Bert Gamwell. Principal high school, Marlboro, Mass. i860; usher, Latin school, Boston, Mass. 1860-61 ; principal Connecticut literary insti- tution, Suffield, Conn. 1861-65; South high school, Weymouth, Mass. 1S66-73; Golden Gate academy, Oakland, Cal. 1873-74; superintendent of schools Weymouth 1875-77; principal high school, Rock Island, 111. 1881-82; teacher German-American academy, Chicago, 111. 1882-87; superintendent of schools, Holliston, Mass. 1889-91. Author numerous school reports. Ad- dress, Holliston, Mass. P. Adoniram Judson Gordon, D. D. 1S78. Graduated Newton theological insti- tution 1863; ordained Baptist 1S63; pastor, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1863-69; Clarendon street church, Boston, Mass. 1S69-95; trustee Brown university 1874-88; fellow 18S8-95 ; trustee Newton theological seminary ; chairman execu- tive committee American Baptist missionary union; founder Boston mission- ary training school 1889. Author Discourse, Jamaica Plain, state fast, April /j, 1865 ; Discourse commemorative of Richard Fletcher, July 11, i86g ; In Christ, 1872; Congregational worship, 1872; Grace and glory, 1881 ; Ministry of healing, 1882; Txvofold life, 1884; The life that ?iow is, and that to come, 1 888; Ecce benit ; Holy Spirit in missions ; Ministry of the spirit. Born New Hampton, N. H., April 19, 1S36; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 2, 1895. Cyc. Am. biog., A A $, Allibone, Bapt. encyc, Sabin, P. William Grosvenor. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 17 North Main St., Providence, R. I. Z ■*, P. George Watson Hall. Merchant, New York, N. Y. ; member Merchants' club, New York. Born New York, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1840; died New York, March 27, 1S87. Nee. 1887, * Y Wayland Hoyt; D. D. University of Rochester 1877. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1863 ; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Pittsfield, Mass. 1863- 64; Ninth street church, Cincinnati, O. 1864-67; Strong place church, Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1S67-73, 1876-82; Tabernacle church, New York, N. Y. 1873-74; Shawmut avenue church, Boston, Mass. 1874-76; Memorial church, Philadel- phia, Penn. 1882-89; First church, Minneapolis, Minn. 1889-. Author Hints and helps for the Christian life, 1880 ; Present lessons from distant days, 1881 ; Gleams from Paul's prison, 1882; Along the pilgrimage, 1884; The brook in the way, 1886; Light on life's highway, 1890; Saturday afternoon, 1890; Walks and talks with Mr. Spurgeon, 1892; At His feet, 1S93; a ^ so numerous tracts and articles in religious periodicals. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. Roch. theol., Allibone, Bapt. encyc. Harris Smith Inman. Graduated Newton theological institution 1863; or- dained Baptist 1863; pastor Spring street church, Auburn, Me. 1863-66; Broadway church, Providence, R. I. 1866-67 ; publisher anc ' bookseller, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, 357 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Newt., P. Pardon Sheldon Jastram. U. S. military service 1861-64, assistant adjutant- general; secretary Union oil company, Providence, R. I. Address, Provi- dence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, Z *, P. Henry Alexander Laughlin, by special vote 1S90. Iron and steel manufacturer. Address, Pittsburgh, Penn. * T, P. 1860 GRADUATES 201 William Michael Ledwith. Lawyer. Address, Jacksonville, Fla. llAX Horace George Miller; M. D. Harvard university 1865. Physician, Provi- dence, R. I.; president Providence medical society; R. I. medical society; vice president American otological society; Harvard medical alumni association 1894; president Brown university medical association 1893-94. Address, 262 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Z i% P. Frederick Augustus Mitchel. U. S. military service 1S62-63, second lieuten- ant; journalist, New York, N. Y. Author Chattanooga; Chickamauga ; Ormsby McKnight Mitchel, astronomer and general : a biographical fiarrative, 1887. Address, University club, New York, N. Y. B. U. civ. war, Z ■f, P. James De Wolf Perry ; D. D. Jefferson medical college. Episcopal clergy- man ; pastor Calvary church, Germantown, Philadelphia, Penn. ; president Penn. convocation ; member faculty, Church training and deacons' house. Address, Cor. Manheim and Pulaski Sts., Germantown, Penn. P. Francis Metcalf Pond. Music dealer. Address, 255 Hope St., Providence, R. I. A A 4>, P. Henry Kirke Porter. Student, Newton theological institution 1861-62; U. S. military service 1862-63, corporal; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S66; locomotive manufacturer, Pittsburgh, Penn.; trustee Crozer theologi- cal seminary. Address, Pittsburgh, Penn. B. U. civ. war, A A , P. Howard Malcom Rice. Teacher; principal English department, English and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1S84-. Address, 63 Snow St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A *, P. Bachelors of Arts. Ethan Allen ; LL. B. University of the city of N. Y. 1S60. Lawyer, New York, N. Y, ; deputy U. S. district attorney southern district N. Y. 1861-69; commissioned as colonel to recruit aN. Y. brigade during Civil war. Address, 45 West 52d St., New York, N. Y. Z *, P. Joseph Gilbert Chapman. Resident, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Vandeventer Place, St. Louis, Mo. Z ■f, P. Robert Gray Johnson. Student, Newton theological institution 1S60-61 ; or- dained Baptist 1862; pastor, Reading, Vt. 1861-65; Wallingford, Vt. 1865-67; Leominster, Mass. 1S67-71 ; Holliston, Mass. 1871-75; North Springfield, Vt. 1S75-83; Littleton, Mass. 18S3-S8; Dighton, Mass. 1S88-91 ; West Medway, Mass. 1S91-. Address, West Medway, Mass. Newt., P. George Washington Ketcham. Banker, Dover Plains, N. Y. ; president Dover Plains national bank. Address, Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N. Y. P. John Straughan Larwill. Address, Fort Wayne, Ind. A X Benjamin Francis Pabodie. U. S. military service 1862, corporal; secretary and treasurer Union mutual fire insurance company of N. J., Jersey City, N.J. Address, Box 104, Jersey City, N. J. B. U. civ. war, P. Henry Joshua Spooner; LL. B. Albany law school 1S61. Lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; U. S. military service 1862-65; first lieutenant and adjutant; justice and clerk Providence court of magistrates 1866-69; president Franklin lyceum 1866-68; member R. I. house of representatives 1875-81; speaker 1879- Si ; aid on staff of governor with rank of colonel 1875-77; commander R. I. department, Grand army of the republic 1877; president Fourth R. I. veteran association 1878; member U. S. house of representatives 1881-91 ; president Burdon wire and supply company, Providence. Address, Providence, R. I. 9 A X, B. U. civ. war, R. I. eye, P. 202 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1860 John Whipple. U. S. military service 1861-63, major. Address, Cliffs, New- port, R.I. Z ■f Bachelor of Philosophy. Henry Sylvanus Adams. U. S. military service 1S62-63, adjutant; merchant, Augusta, Ga. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. until 1883. From Chicopee, Mass. ; died Brooklyn, N. Y., June iS, 1S83. B. U. civ. war, * T. 27 *4 l86l Masters of Arts. Isaac Bowen Barker. Assistant professor Ethics and English literature, U. S. naval academy 1S61-64; travelled and studied in Europe 1S65-67 ; acting pro- fessor Rhetoric and English literature 1S67-68 ; professor, University of East Tennessee, Knoxville 186S-73 ; instructor German language, Harvard univer- sity 1874-75. Born Hanson, Mass., Nov. 25, 1S39; died Cambridge, Mass. March 22, 1875. A A $, Nee. 1875 Orville Anson Barker. U. S. military service 1862-65, captain; druggist, Worcester, Mass. 1865; Taunton, Mass.; merchant. Address, Taunton, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war, P. John Knight Bucklyn ; LL. D. West Va. college 1872. U. S. military ser- vice 1861-65, captain ; founder, principal, and president of corporation, Mys- tic Valley English and classical institute, Mystic, Conn.; justice of peace; member state and county Sunday school committee; preacher and lecturer. Author Battle of Cedar Creek ' Poem on Gettysburg ; besides various pam- phlets in verse and prose, sermons, lectures, and 30 years' newspaper corre- spondence. Address, Mystic Valley Institute, Mystic, Conn. B. U. civ. war, P. Henry Sweetser Burrage, D. D. 1883. U. S. military service 1862-65, cap- tain; brevet major; acting assistant adjutant general; student Newton theo- logical institution 1861-62, '65-67; graduated 1867; student University of Halle 1868-69; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor, Waterville, Me. 1870-73 ; editor Zion's advocate, Portland, Me. 1S73-; trustee Colby university 1881-; Brown univer- sity 1889- ; Newton theological institution ; recording secretary Maine Baptist missionary convention 1S74-; American Baptist missionary union 1S75-; pres- ident Maine Baptist education society 1893- ; recorder Maine commandery Loyal legion of U. S. 1889- ; secretary Maine society Sons of the American revo- lution 1890-. Author Bi -oxvn university in the Civil -war, 1868; The act of bap- tism in the history of the church, 1879; History of the Anabaptists i?i Switzer- land, 1882 ; Henry JVadsworlh Longfellow : seventy-fifth birthday, proceed- ings, Maine historical society, 1882 ; History of the Thirty-sixth regiment, Mass. Volunteers, 1884; Rosier's Relation of Way mouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605, edited, 1887; Baptist hymn writers and their hymns, 18S8; History of the Baptists in New England, 1894; The first mention of Pemaquid in history, 1894; The St. Croix commission, 1895. Contributor to Bibliotheca sacra; Baptist quarterly ; and other periodicals. Address, Portland, Me. Bapt. encyc, B. U. civ. war, Johnson's eye, A K E, Newt., P. Charles David Cady. Clerk and book-keeper, New York, N. Y. 1861-70; ad- mitted tobai-1871; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S71-73. Born Providence, R. I., March 8, 1840; died Providence, April 10, 1873. © A X, Nee. 1S73 1861 GRADUATES 203 Frank Herbert Carpenter. U. S. military service 1S62-63, hospital steward; importer of diamonds, 182 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Address, Union League Club, New York, N. Y. f Y, B. U. civ. war, P. Thomas Thompson Caswell, 1S79. Member pay corps U. S. navy 1S61-; as- sistant paymaster; paymaster; pay inspector; pay director with rank of cap- tain. Address, Navy Pay Office, 1429 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. B. U. civ. war, A A , P. Charles Henry Chapman. U. S. military service 1S61-65, first lieutenant; insurance agent, Providence, R. I. Address, 87 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Augustus Peck Clarke, 1S87; M. D. Harvard universiiy 1862. U. S. mili- tary service 1861-65, assistant surgeon ; surgeon-in-chief cavalry division ; physician and surgeon, Cambridge, Mass.; secretary Cambridge society for medical improvement 1S70-74; member Cambridge common council 1S71-73 ; alderman 1874; president Gynecological society of Boston 1S91 ; vice presi- dent Pan American medical congress 1893; professor Gynecology and abdom- inal surgery, College of physicians and surgeons, Boston, Mass, ; dean of the faculty. Author Vascular grozvths, 18S7 ; Pyosalpinx as a cause of suppura- tive pelvic inflammation, 1890; Post-partum hemorrhage., 1891 ; Parametritis, its etiology and treatment, 1891 ; Origin and development of modern gynecol- ogy, 1892 ; Diet in its relation to the treatment and prevention of disease, 1S92 ; Advantages of version, 1892 ; Some points in the surgical treatment of append iri- tis, 1893; Puerperal eclampsia : its causation and treatment, 1893; Treatment of fibromyoma, 1S94. Address, 693 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. P. Stephen Aldrich Cooke. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; justice Providence court of magistrates; member R. I. house of representatives three years ; R. I. senate two years ; justice district court 6th R. I. judicial district 1888-. Ad- dress, 88 Bowen St., Providence, R. I. P. George Metcalf Daniels. Clerk in office of quartermaster general, Providence, R. I. 1862-63, '67-72 ; secretary and treasurer Union railroad company, Provi- dence 1865-70; confidential clerk Samuel Slater and sons, Providence 1872-85. Born Providence, R. I., April 6, 1841 ; died Providence, May 1, 1885. Nee. 18S5 James Andrew DeWolf ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1865, U. S. military service 1861, private; 1863, acting assistant surgeon; physician and surgeon, Providence, R. I. 1867-70; Trinidad, W. I. since 1S70. Address, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W. I. * T, B. U. civ. war William Wilberforce Douglas; LL. B. Albany law school 1866. U. S. mili- tary service 1861-64, captain; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives; R. I. senate; U. S. commissioner; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1891-. Address, 121 George St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Albert Newell Drown. Lawyer. Address, 104 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. A A <1\ P. Amasa Mason Eaton, 18S7; LL. B. Harvard university 187S. Lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1S65-66, '72-74; Provi- dence common council 1874-75; alderman 1875-76. Author Contracts in re- straint of trade, in Harvard law review; Recent state constitutions, in same ; Rhode Island, in Lazv of incorporated companies operating under municipal franchises. P. John Joshua Ely ; LL. B. Albany law school 1S64. Lawyer. Address, 95 Main St., West Freehold, N. J. P. 204 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1861 Lonzo Lyon FittZ. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S65; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor South Wilbraham, Mass. 1866; Saginaw City, Mich. 1867-68; Somerset, Mass. 1869-74; Rockland, Mass. 1875-79; preacher and lecturer 1879-. Address, Middleboro, Mass. Newt., P. Charles Henry Hidden. U. S. mititary service 1S62. Address, 49 West- minster St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war George Abel Holbrook. Manufacturer of raw hide goods. Address, 748 North Main St., Providence, R. I. P. William Warner Hoppin ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1S64; LL. B. Columbia college 1S69. U. S. military service 1861, private; 1865, as- sistant surgeon ; physician, New York, N. Y. ; house surgeon New York city hospital; lawyer, New York 1869- ; one of secretaries Peace conference, Wash- ington, D. C. 1S61; member N. Y. historical society ; governor New York hospital; Woman's hospital; president New York young men's Christian As- sociation ; trustee Union theological seminary; College of physicians and sur- geons 1S77-. Author various addresses and papers. Address, 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y. B. U. civ war, fT, P. Leland Deloss Jenckes; LL. B. Albany Law school 1S63. U. S. military ser- vice 1861-62; lawyer. Neenah, Wis. 1S63-67 ; Woonsocket, R. I. 1867-72; su- perintendent public schools Woonsocket. Born Woonsocket, R. I., Nov. 1839; died Woonsocket, July 25, 1872. Z ^, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1873 Charles Henry Lincoln. Clerk custom house, Boston, Mass. ; New York, N. Y. ; merchant, Boston; Liverpool; London. From Roxbury, Mass.; de- ceased, ■f T Henry Morton Lovering. Manufacturer. Address, Taunton, Mass. ■* Y, P. Charles Matteson, LL. D. 1891. Law student, Harvard university; admitted to bar 1864: lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. senate 1871-73; associ- ate justice R. I. supreme court 1875-91; chief justice 1891-. Address, 112 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. A K E, R. I. eye, P. Elisha Capron Mowry. Teacher, Lincoln, R. I. 1861-64; U. S. military ser- vice 1862; principal high school, East Douglas, Mass. 1864-65; justice of peace 1S65-; admitted to bar 1865; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S65- ; mem- ber school committee 1872-74; common council 1871-77; alderman 187S-S0; member R. I. senate 18S0-81. Address, 29 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. AK E, B. U. civ. war, P. William Henry Randall. Teacher public school 1865-66; Conn, literary in- stitution, Suffield 1866-67; English and classical school, Providence, R.I. 1868-70, '71-73 ; travelled abroad 1870-71 ; student, Newton theological institu- tion 1873-74; ordained Baptist 1874; pastor Windsor avenue church, Hart- ford, Conn. 1S74-75; Central church, Thompson, Conn. 1876-81; Saxton's River, Vt. 1882-89; Penryn, Cal. 1890-93; South Riverside, Cal. 1894-. Ad- dress, South Riverside, Cal. Bapt. encyc, Newt., P. John Williams Rogers. U. S. military service 1861-62, captain; manufactu- rer, Mansfield, Mass. 1866-72, '83-. Address, Mansfield, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war Frederic Mosely Sackett. U. S. military service 1861-63, first lieutenant; dry goods commission merchant, New York, N. Y. 1863-64; woolen manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1864-82; treasurer Richmond paper com- pany, Providence 18S2-. Address, 37 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, * T 1861 GRADUATES 205 Sumner Upham Shearman. U. S. military service 1S62-64, captain ; record- ing clerk R. I. house of representatives; reading clerk R. I. senate; Episcopal clergyman. Address, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. 9 A X, B. U. civ war, P Charles Mason Stead. Quartermaster-general R. I. 1861-62; vice president N. Y. stock exchange 1877-81 ; retired. Address, Union League Club, 1 East 39th St., New York, N. Y. 9 A X P Edward Oliver Stevens. Graduated Newton theological institution t 86 4 ; or- dained Baptist 1S64; missionary, Burmah since 1S64. Author Guide to musi- cal notation, and other works in Burmese; also various contributions to Bap- tist missionary magazine ; editor Judson's Burmese and English dictionary, 1S83. Address, Maulmain, Burmah. Newt A A $ Alfred Delavan Thomas. Lawyer, N. D. ■ justice U. S. district court'.N. D Address, Fargo, N. D. p Washington Benson Trull; M. D. University of Penn. 1862. U. S. military service 1S63-65, assistant surgeon, brevet captain ; volunteer assistant surgeon, Prussia 1870-71; physician, Brookline, Mass. From Boston, Mass. . B. U. civ. war, A A John Jefferson Ward. From Clinton, Miss.; died 1S62. James Andrew Williamson. Student, Allegheny theological seminary; or- dained Presbyterian 1864- ; pastor, Johnstown. N. Y. I864-. Address, Johns- town, N. Y. ' ' Bachelors of Arts. Thomas Henry Edsall. U. S. military service 1862; first lieutenant and ad- jutant; law student, Columbia college 1863-6,-; admitted to bar 1865; lawyer New York, N. Y. 1865-85; lawyer and general council for a number of rail- road, gold, silver and coal mining, irrigation, gas, electric and water companies and banks in Col., N. Mex., Tex., Utah, Colorado Springs, Col. since 1SS6. Author some historical and genealogical monographs. Address. Colorado Springs, Col. „ n . „ _. ' , B '^ B. U. civ. war, A X, P. Charles Edward Hosmer; M. D. Harvard university 1S67. U. S. military service 1S62, private ; U. S. naval service 1S62-65, assistant surgeon ; physician, South Bdlerica, Mass. Address, South Billerica, Mass. B U civ war P Henry Keith Southwick, 1869; LL. B. Albany law school 1862. U. S. mili- tary service 1862-65, captain, acting inspector general; lawyer. Address 20 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. n r . ±5. Ij. civ. war Bachelors of Philosophy. George Olney Hopkins. High school principal 27 years; superintendent schools Glocester, R. I. Address, Chepachet, R. I. P Charles Felix Mason. U. S. military service 1861-64; first lieutenant, staff officer; treasurer Kent woolen mill ; president R. I. locomotive works. Ad- dress, 17 Brown St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, G A X P Charles Elliott Mitchell ; LL. B. Albany law school 1864. City attorney, New Britain, Conn.; member Conn, house of representatives 18S0-S2 ; U. S com- missioner of patents; lawyer, New York, N. Y. Address, 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. James Clark Williams. U. S. military service 1861-62, captain and aide-de- camp. Born Cincinnati, O., April 17, 1842; died Beaufort, S. C, Oct. 29, l862 * B. U.civ. war, Nee. 1866, Z *. 35 *7 206 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1862 1862 Joshua Melancthon Addetnan, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-65, cap- tain; acting assistant adjutant general; admitted to bar 1866; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. ; clerk Providence common council 1867-81 ; R. I. secretary of state 1872-87; commissioner to revise R. I. laws 1880; treasurer Industrial trust company, Providence. Author various addresses on civil and military subjects, and official publications, including Public statutes of Rhode Island, 1882. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, R. I. eye, P. Thomas Lemuel Angell, A. M. Professor Modern languages, Bates college, Lewiston, Me. Address, 226 College St., Lewiston, Me. P. William Mason Bailey. Merchant, Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I. 1862-73; secretary Providence Athenaeum 15 years; active member Union for Christian work 25 years. Born Providence, R. I., June 7, 1841 ; died Provi- dence, March 10, 1893. Z *, Nee. 1893 Sydney Elmon Benton. Mayor Mechanicsville, Iowa 1884-85 ; lawyer, Ains- worth, Neb. From Windsor, Vt. ; died Ainsworth, Neb., March 19, 1886. AKE Isaac Watts Brooks, A. M. by special vote 1890. Banker; speaker Conn, house of representativs 1893. Address, Torrington, Conn. P. William Ide Brown. U. S. military service 1862-65 ; mayor. Born Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 27, 1839; killed at Fort Steadman, Petersburg, Va., March 29, 1865. Nee. 1865, B. U. civ. war Thomas Frederic Brown, 1885. U. S. military service 1861-65, captain; in- spector general ; cotton merchant. Address, Cincinnati, O. B. U. civ. war, AA$ Henry Clay Carr. Admitted to bar 1864; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1864-67; Tipton, Iowa 1867-87; president school board Tipton seven years; mayor Tipton four years ; member Iowa senate four years ; Republican con- vention, Chicago, 111. 1880; lawyer, Los Angeles, Cal. 1887-90; trustee St. Hilda's school, Los Angeles. Born Jamestown, R. I., April 13, 1839; died Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 25, 1890. Nee. 1891 Henry Francis Colby, A. M. 1865; D. D. 1882. Graduated Newton theo- logical institution 1867; ordained Baptist 1868; pastor First church, Dayton, O. 1868- ; trustee Denison university 1S72 ; president board of trustees 1890; Ohio Baptist convention 1883-86. Author Tribute to the memory of Gardner Colby, 1879; Tribute to the memory of Eliam E. Barney, 1881 ; Tribute to the memory of Ebenezer Thresher, 1886; also various sermons and addresses in periodicals. Address, Dayton, O. Newt., Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, A A 9, P. Josiah Nelson Cushing, A. M. ; D. D. 1881. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S65 ; ordained Baptist 1865 ; instructor Hebrew, Newton theologi- cal institution 1865-67; missionary, Toungoo, Burmah 1867- ; president Bap- tist college, Rangoon, Burmah; member executive committee Educational syn- dicate of Burmah. Author Grammatical sketch of the Kakhyen la?iguage, 1880; Elementary handbook of the Shan language, 1880, 2d edition, 1S88; Shan and English dictionary, 1881 ; JVetv Testament translated into Shan, 1882, 2d edition, 1S87 ; also the Old Testament translated, a Shan hymn book, and editions of several Shan texts. Addresss, Baptist college, A16n, Rangoon, Burmah. Newt., P. 1862 GRADUATES 207 Francis Adolphus Daniels. Law student, Harvard university one year; ad- mitted to bar 1865 ; lawyer, Providence, R.I. 1S65-77 ; clerk R. I. house of representatives 1S66-69; justice Providence court of magistrates 1868-72 ; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives 1875-6. Born Woonsocket, R. I., July 9, 1842; died Providence, R, I., Aug. 12, 1877. Nee. 187S Frank Winthrop Draper, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1869. U. S. military service 1862-65 ; captain, acting assistant adjutant general ; physician ; professor Legal medicine, Harvard university; medico-legal pathologist city hospital, Boston, Mass.; member Mass. state board of health ; medical exami- iner for Suffolk co., Mass. Author Evil effects of arsenic in green colors, 1872 : Annual registration report of Mass., 1S72-77 ; Medical expert testimony, 18S0; Sudden death by entrance of air into the veins, 18S3 ; Death by drozvuing, 1S85 ; Pancreatic hemorrhage, 1S86; The medical profession and the common- zuealth, 1892. Address, 304 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. B. U. civ. war, P. Josiah Ripley Qoddard, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-63, sergeant; graduated Newton theological institution 1867; ordained Baptist 1S67; mis- sionary, Ningpo, China 1867-. Address, Ningpo, China. B. U. civ. war, Newt., P. Darius Lee Qoff, A. M. by special vote 1890. Manufacturer, Pavvtucket, R. I. ; president D. Goff and sons; Royal weaving company; Blair camera company; associated charities, Pawtucket; director First national bank, Pawtucket; Pawtucket gas company; Pawtucket street car company; trustee Pawtucket public library. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. P. Lyman Bullock Goff, A. M. by special vote 1S90. Manufacturer, Pawtucket, R. I.; national commissioner to World's Columbian exposition. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. P. James Brown Mason Grosvenor, 18S5. U. S. military service 1861 ; mer- chant; retired. Address, Union club, New York, N. Y. B. U. civ war, Zi', P. John Erastus Lester, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member Providence city council; vice president American pomological society. Author The At- lantic to the Pacific, 1873; TheYosemite. Address, Hillhurst, Johnston, R. I. P. William Daniel Martin, A. M. Accountant. Address, 27 Princeton Ave., Providence, R. I. 6 A X, P. Joshua Mellen. U. S. military service 1862; employee Bailey and Eaton, New York, N. Y. ; cashier Third national bank, Boston, Mass. ; bookkeeper, Boston, Mass. Born Wayland, Mass., Nov. 12, 1839; died Wayland, Nov. 30, 1S90. B. U. civ. war, A A $, Nee. 1892 George Moore Newton. Manufacturer, Warren, Mass. one year; grocer, Warren, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1880-81. Born Worcester, Mass., April 15, 1840; died Boston, Mass., Jan. 23, 1881. A K E, Nee. 1S81 Lucien Hanks Niles. Address, 36 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Addison Parker. U. S. military service 1862-63, sergeant; graduated Newton theological institution 1866; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor, Natick, Mass. 1866-69; Bunker Hill church, Charlestown, Mass. 1869-73; Elmira, N. Y. 1S73- 76, Palmyra, N. Y. 1876-81; Morristown, N.J. 1S81-92 ; La Porte, Ind. 1892- ; trustee Cook academy, Havana, N. Y. Author various sermons and essays in periodicals. Address, 806 Indiana Ave., La Porte, Indiana. B. U. civ. war, Newt., P. James Henry Remington, A. M. U. S. military service 1S62-63, captain; brevet major; judge advocate; military commissioner, Va. ; member R. I. 208 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1862 house of representatives 1863; admitted to bar 1868; lawyer, Norfolk, Va. 1868-72; New York, N, Y. 1872-; commonwealth's attorney, Va. 1868-70; commander Grand army of the republic 1S70-71 ; judge advocate 1870; secre- tary U. S. law association 1872-S0; president 18S0-. Author Digest of com- mercial law of the several states j besides or ationsand contributions to periodi- cals. See sketch by L. B. Proctor, with portrait, in Albany law journal, April 2, 1892. Address 277 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A A 4>, B. U. civ. war, Proctor, P. 'Isaac Harrison Saunders. U. S. military service 1861 ; resident, Baltimore, Md. From North Scituate, R. I. A K E, B. U. civ. war Frederic Sherman, A. M. Principal grammar school, Pawtucket, R. I. 1863- 64; assistant editor Gazette and chronicle., Pawtucket 1865-69; manufacturer, Pawtucket 1870-84; director Pacific national bank, Pawtucket 1879-83 ; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives 1S82-83; school committee Pawtucket, 10 years; chairman five years; superintendent of schools Pawtucket one year; originator first R. I. truant law; newspaper writer and reporter. Au- thor occasional papers. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. A K E, P. David Stewart Hepburn Smith ; M. D. Queen's university 1865 ; licentiate Royal college of surgeons, Edinburgh 1865; local treasurer Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway company; Mo. Pacific railway. Address, 3646 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. A K E, P. Thomas Blanchard Stockwell, A. M. Sub-master Eaton grammar school, New Haven, Conn.; principal high school, Holyoke, Mass.; teacher high school, Providence, R. I. 1864-75; R. I. commissioner of public schools 1S75-. Author Reports, 1875-94; History of public education in R. I., i6j6-/8?6, edited, 1S76. Address, 20 Cooke St., Providence, R. I. R. I. eye, P. John Deshon Thurston, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 12 Cooke St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A 4>, P. Edward Newton Whittier, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1869. U. S. military "service 1861-65; first lieutenant; brevet captain; acting assistant adjutant general; assistant Clinical medicine, Harvard medical school 1S77-81 ; instructor Theory and practice of physic 1881-S4; assistant professor Clinical medicine 1884-88; physician; U. S. pension examiner 1S83-84; visiting physi- cian Mass. general hospital ; member Mass. medical society. Author con- tributions to Medical a?id surgical journal. Address, 647 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war, Harv. George Thompson Woodward. U. S. military service 1862-65; sergeant Sig- nal corps, U. S. army. Born Taunton, Mass., Dec. 20, 1841 ; died Taunton, Sept. 17, 1865. A K E, B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1866 Bachelor of Philosophy. Jason Billings Kelly, C. E. U. S. military service 1862; corporal; secretary, treasurer, general manager Knoxville foundry and machine company -1888; real estate and insurance agent. Address, 1701 Jefferson Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. B. U. civ. war, P. 22*9 1863 William Ames, by special vote 1891. U. S. military service 1S61-65, colonel; chief of artillery, department of the Soutb ; brevet brigadier-general; con- nected with Allen's printworks 1865-69; collector U. S. internal revenue, 1st 1863 GRADUATES 209 R.I. district 1869-73 ; collector, R. I. 1873-75; agent and manager Fletcher manufacturing company, Providence. R. I. 1S75-; president Blackstone canal national bank; director Providence Washington insurance company. Address, 47 Charles St., Providence, R. I. Z *, R. I. eye, B. U. civ. war Denhatn Arnold, A. M. 1SS6. Assistant professor Physics, Washington uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. 1S70-74; professor Physics 1874-90; principal Rugbv academy, St. Louis 1890-. Address, 1 127 North Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. P. William Warwick Bliss; LL. B. Columbia college 1S68. U. S. military ser- vice 1S62-65, lieutenant colonel; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; corresponding secretary's assistant, American Baptist home mission society 1879-83; assistant corresponding secretary 1883-87. Born Columbia, Herkimer co., N. Y., Feb. 4, 1S39; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 18S7. B. U. civ. war, Columb., Nee. 1888 Amos Miller Bowen, A. M. by special vote 1891. U. S. military service 1S61- 64, first lieutenant, aide-de-camp; president Franklin mutual fire insurance company, Providence, R. I.; member Providence school committee 17 years; R. I. house of representatives 1879-S1, '82-86. Address, 32 Tobey St., Provi- dence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, 9 A X, P. Ansel Oscar Burt. Principal high school, Provincetown, Mass. five years; teacher public schools, Taunton, Mass. 20 years; assessor Taunton. Ad- dress, 147 Highland St., Taunton, Mass. p. George Warren Calkins, A. M. Teacher Natural sciences. Lockport union school, Lockport, N. Y. ; principal Catskill free academy, Catskill, N. Y. ; Pas- saic high school, Passaic, N. J. ; retired. Address, 564 Madison Ave., Eliza- beth, N. J. p Benjamin Franklin Clarke, A. M. Instructor Mathematics, Brown univer- sity 1S63-6S; professor Mathematics and civil engineering 1868-93; Mechanical engineering 1893-. Address, 147 Chestnut St., Providence, R. I. Bapt. encyc, P. Charles Chester Cragin, A. M. ; B. D. Baptist union theological seminary at Chicago 1S69. U. S. military service 1862, 1S63-65, captain; student. An- dover theological seminary 1S66-67; ordained Baptist 1870; pastor, Owatonna, Minn. 1869-71 ; Watertown,Wis. 1871-75 ; McGregor, Iowa 1S75-? ; fruit grower, San Jose, Cal. Address, Box 494, San Jose, Cal. B. U. civ. war, And., P. Samuel Richmond Dorrance, A. M. U. S. military service 1S62 ; sergeant; cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; secretary Richmond manufacturing company; vice president R. I. hospital trust company. Address, 2 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, •*• T, P. Forest Fayette Emerson, A. M. U. S. military service 1S62; student, New- ton theological institution 1863-64; ordained Baptist 1S65 ; pastor Wellsville, N. Y. 1865-66; Brockport, N. Y. 1S66-68; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1867 ; pastor First church, Gloucester, Mass. 1S68-73 > Asylum avenue church, Hartford, Conn. 1S73-79; First Congregational church, Amherst, Mass. 1S79-S3; United Congregational church, Newport, R. I. 18S3-93 ; preacher Union Congregational church. Worcester, Mass.; member Newport historical society; Newport natural history society. Author Christianity and socialism; Positive Christianity ; Light in darkness; Teachings of Christ con- cerning money. Address, 57 Chatham St., Worcester, Mass. B. U. civ. war, A K E, Newt., Roch., P. James Henry Foss. Preacher two years; teacher. Newton, Mass. : Winches- ter, Mass.; superintendent schools three years ; general N. E. agent for N. Y. 210 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1863 educational publications; deputy commissioner U. S. department of agricul- ture ; colonist, Fla. Author Florida facts; and other pamphlets descrip- tive of Fla. ; besides various literary and political essays and addresses. Address, Winthrop, Mass. P. Henry Gordon Gay, by special vote 1894. Graduated Newton theological in- stitution 1866; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor, Hudson, Mass. 1866-70; East Longmeadow, Mass. 1873-76; Southwick, Mass. 1876-78; Woodville, Hopkin- ton, Mass. 1S78-83; Fayville, Southboro, Mass. 1884-90; North Reading, Mass. 1890-93; retired. Address, 101 Williams St., Providence, R. I. Newt., P. Charles Warren Greene, A. M. 1872; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1S67; Dartmouth college 1868; U. S. military service 1862-65, captain; physi- cian, Mass. 1867-72; in literary pursuits 1872-. Author Animals: their homes a?id habits, 1886; Birds: their homes and habits, 1886; numerous articles in various encyclopedias on topics connected with natural science; editor Lip- fiincotfs gazetteer, 1879; Worcester's new school diclio7iary, 1883; Lippiftcoti 's biographical dictionary 1886. Address, Northampton, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, B. U. civ. war, Johnson's eye. George Herbert Greene; M. D. Bowdoin college 1866. Surgeon, Marine hospital, near Portland, Me. 1866-67; physician, Windham, N. H. 1867-70; Philadelphia, Penn. 1870-72; resident, North Andover, Mass. 1872-75. Born Chicopee, Mass., July 1, 1837; died North Andover, Mass, Jan. 3, 1875. Nee. 1875 Daniel Jefferson Holbrook, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1867. Law- yer. From North Wrentham, Mass.; died 1878. John Jenckes Holmes. U. S. military service 1862; clerk, Providence, R. I. Address, Barrington, R. I. B. U. civ; war Charles Frederic Ladd. Secretary, president, Franklin mutual fire insurance company, Providence, R. I. 1863-68. Born Pawtucket, R. I., May 2, 1841 ; died Providence, R. I., May 14, 1868. Nee. 1868 Henry Simmons Latham. Graduated Newton theological institution 1870; teacher academy, Worcester, Mass. 1873-74; ordained Baptist 1878; pastor, Oaklawn, R. I. 1877-80; teacher; resident, Greenville, R. I. Address, Green- ville, R. I. Newt. George Hermon Miner. Ordained Baptist 1864; pastor, Central Falls, R.I. 1864-68; Second church, Cambridge, Mass. 1868-72; Newburyport, Mass. 1872-76; New Britain, Conn. 1S76-1884; Mystic, Conn. 1884-93. Address, 84 Melrose St., Providence, R. I. Bapt.encyc, P. Oscar Brownell Mowry, A. M.; LL. B. Harvard university 1865. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; member Boston common council 1877-79. Address, 82 Devon- shire St., Boston, Mass. A K E, Harv., P. Lyman Partridge. Graduated Newton theological institution 1866; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor, Wales, Mass. 1866-69; Wakefield, R. I. 1870-72; Sharon, Mass. 1872-S2; Roslindale, Mass. 1882; Westminster, Mass. 1883-92; West Dedham, Mass. 1892-. Author various sermons, addresses, and historical papers. Address, West Dedham, Mass. Newt.. P. James Reynolds. Merchant, Wickford, R. I. 1S63-68 ; head salesman, Chicago, 111. 186S-91. Born Wickford, R. I., Jan. 24, 1842; died Chicago, 111., Feb. 28, 1891. A X, Nee. 1891 Charles Pitts Robinson, A.M.; LL. B. Harvard university 1865. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Address, 207 Governor St., Providence. R. I. A K E, P. 1863 GRADUATES 211 Orville Barton Seagrave, A. M. U. S. military service 1862; naval service 1863-65; acting assistant paymaster; teacher, Omaha, Neb. 1S66-70; banker and real estate broker, Boston, Mass. 1874-86. Born Uxbridge, Mass., Oct. 26, 1S37; died Uxbridge, Feb. 26, 1886. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1SS6 Frederic Baker Sears; LL. B. Harvard university 1865. Admitted to bar 1865; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; resident, Fall River, Mass. Born Fall River, Mass., Nov. 22, 1S41 ; died Fall River, Jan. 9, 1S71. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1S71 Orsmus Augustus Taft, A. M. by special vote 1891. U. S. military service 1862, corporal; accountant, Providence, R. I. Address, 35 Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Charles Frederic Taylor, A. M. Manufacturer paper cop tubes, Providence, R. I. Address, 48 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. P. Albert Cicero White. Teacher, Norwalk, Conn, two years; Barnstable, Mass. Born Wrentham, Mass., Dec. 22, 1S40; died Foxboro, Mass., Jan. 13, 1871. Nee. 1S71 Bachelors of Philosophy. John Howard Appleton, A. M. 1869. Assistant instructor Analytical chemistry, Brown university 1S63-65; instructor Analytical chemistry 1S65-6S ; professor Chemistry applied to the arts 1868-72; Chemistry 1872- ; R. I. state sealer of weights and measures; president Providence art club; vice president American chemical society ; chairman R. I. section American chemical society ; mem- ber U. S. mint commission 1891. Author The young chemist, 1878; Short course in qualitative analysis, 1S7S; Quantitative analysis, 1SS1 ; Labora- tory year book, 1883-92; Beginners hand booh of chemistry, 1884; Advanced quantitative analysis, 18S9; Medical chemistry, 1889; Lessons in chemical philosophy, 1890; Metals of the chemist, 1S91 ; Report books for chemi- cal xvork, 1st, 2d, jd, 1891 ; Carbon compounds, 1892; besides various articles in newspapers and periodicals. Address, 85 Angell St., Providence, R. I- Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, P. Frank Dane Douglas. From Jewett City, Conn. ; died March 26, 18S4. Thomas Thaddeus Morrell. Instructor Lapham institute 1S63-64; Mathe. matics and physics, Bates college 1864-65; chief chemist Cambria iron com- pany, Johnstown, Penn. 1867-91. Author various articles on methods of chemical analysis in chemical journals. Address, North Berwick, Me. P. Samuel Hartwell Pratt. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S66; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor, Huntington, Mass.; Central church, Salem, Mass.; Calvary church, Salem; Clinton avenue church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; First church, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Tabernacle church, Lowell, Mass. 1S75-S1 ; evangelist. Author A sure foundation ; The first N. Y. church; The far country and the father s house. Address, 76 Belmont Ave., Springfield, Mass. A T, Roch. theol., P. Andrew Fuller Warren. Fish merchant, Pensacola, Fla. Address, 504 North Baylen St., Pensacola, Fla. p. 24 *9 I864 Seth Jones Axtell. U. S. military service 1862-63, corporal; graduated New- ton theological seminary 1867; ordained Baptist 1868; pastor, Monroe, Mich. 1868-70; West Medway, Mass. 1870-78; president Leland university, New 212 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1864 Orleans, La. 1878-81; pastor, Weymouth, Mass. 1SS3-88; president Central university, Pella, Iowa, 1888-90; professor Greek, Kalamazoo college 1890-. Author numerous contributions to periodicals. Address, 516 Locust St., Kala- mazoo, Mich. B. U. civ. war, A A , Newt., P. George Bartlett Barrows. U. S. military service 1862; lawyer; reporter R. I. supreme court. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war Henry Clark Bowen, A. M. Teacher 1864-65; superintendent cotton mill, Slatersville, R. I. 1865-70; Georgiaville, R. I. 1870-78; iron manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1879-. Address, 220 Aborn St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Seabury Warren Bowen, A. M. ; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college, New York, N. Y. 1S67. Physician and surgeon, Fall River, Mass. 1867- ; city physician 1870-73 ; trustee Mass. state workhouse, Bridgewater 1873-80. Ad- dress, Fall River, Mass. B. U. Fall River, A T, P. George Moulton Carpenter. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1867-S2 ; commis- sioner to revise R. I. public laws 1881-82 ; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1882-85 i U. S. district judge for district of R.I. 1S85- ; commissioner to print early records of Providence 1S91-. Author The service of the Knights of the Temple; three addresses before R. I. historical society; Washington the founder of the nation, 1889; The reform of the civil service considered from the party standpoint, 1890; Modem historical aims and methods, 1891 ; judicial opinions in R. I. reports and Federal reporter ; also various contributions to periodicals. Address, 5 Cooke St., Providence, R. I. P. Edson Cummings Chick, A. M. U. S. military service 1S62. Address, Care of J. H. Pray, Sons & Co., Boston, Mass. B. U. civ. war John Spaulding Chick; M. D. University of Vt. 186S. U. S. military service 1862, '64-65; physician, Pleasantville and Enterprise, Penn. 1S68-79; in busi- ness, Kansas City, Mo. 1879-81. Born Warner, N. H., Nov. 17, 1841 ; died Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27, 188 1. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1882 James Windsor Colwell, A. M. Teacher, English and classical school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S64-70; rector St. Gabriel's church, Providence 1S71-76; St. Stephen's church, Providence 1876-S4; head master Shattuck school, Faribault, Minn. 18S5-87; Washington college, Tacoma, Wash. 1887-88; head master and chaplain Bethany college, Topeka, Kansas 1888-90; dean Grace cathedral', Topeka 1890-94; rector Grace church, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1894-. Ad- dress, 329 North Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. A K E, P. Harry Cooke Cushing, A. M. by special vote 1891. U. S. military service 1861-94; captain; brevet major; retired. Address, 15 Blagden St., Boston, Mass. B. U. civ. war, U. S. A. direct Benjamin Chase Dean, A. M. Assistant clerk, Mass. senate 1866-69; private secretary to governor of Mass., with rank of colonel 1874; assistant inspector general Mass. 1S74; deputy insurance commissioner of Mass. 1S75; president common council Lowell, Mass. 1876; superintendent Manchester print works, Manchester, N. H. 1876- ; treasurer Keweenaw association, Boston, Mass.; member school board, Manchester 1880- ; ^president Opera house company, Manchester; director Amoskeag national bank. Address, Aspinwall Ave., Brookline, Mass. , A K E, P. John Kinnicutt Dorrance, 1867. U. S. military service 1862, '64-65; first lieutenant; brevet captain ; merchant, Providence,. R. I.; retired. Address, Somerville, Mass. ^ T, B. U. civ. war Clarence Tripp Gardner, A. M. by special vote 1891 ; M. D. Harvard univer- sity 1866; U. S. military service 1861-65; first lieutenant; physician. Address 154 North Main St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. 1864 GRADUATES 213 Nathaniel Oscar Grey. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. 1867-. Address, 9th and Olive Sts., St. Louis, Mo. A T, P. Albert Eugene Ham, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. 186S. U. S. military service 1S62 ; sergeant Providence marine corps artillery 1864; physician, Providence, R. I. 186S-; house physi- cian R. I. hospital 1869; house surgeon 1S69-70; pathologist and librarian 1S72-74; surgeon to out patients 1872-75 ; visiting physician 1875-S3; pension examiner 1S76-; president Providence medical association 1883-84; consulting physician Providence dispensary. Address, 199 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, * Y, P. Samuel Farwell Hancock, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1867; ordained Baptist 1867; pastor Central church, Newport, R. I. 1867-69; Cumberland Hill, R. I. 1872-73; Newport, 1874; First Church, South Kings- town, R. I. 1S76-79; Superior street church, Cleveland, O. 1SS0-S1; without charge 1SS1-91 ; pastor of an undenominational assembly, Cleveland 1891-. Author The millennial chapter, 1S90; The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, 1891 ; and various pamphlets on kindred subjects. Address, ^2 Yeakel St., Cleveland, O. Newt., P. Francis Tomlinson Hazlewood, D. D. 1SS5. U. S. military service 1862; graduated Newton theological institution 1S67; ordained Baptist 1S67 ; pastor, Ellsworth, Me. 1867-69; First church, Bangor, Me. 1S69-S4; First church, Lynn, Mass. 1S84-91 ; N. E. district secretary American Baptist home mission society 1892- ; member Bangor historical society. Author various contribu- tions to periodicals. Address, 38 Allen Ave., Lynn, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war, Newt., P. Ratcliffe Hicks. Teacher, Tolland, Conn. 1864; law student, Hartford, Conn. 1S64-66; admitted to bar 1866; lawyer, Meriden, Conn. 1S66-79; Hartford, Conn. 1S79-S2; New York, N. Y. 1882-; president and manager Canfield rub- ber company, Bridgeport, Conn. 1883- ; member Conn, house of representatives 1866, '93; city attorney Meriden 1S69-74; attorney New Haven co. 1873-76. Author various speeches on public questions. See Austin, J. O. One line of the Hicks family, with portrait, 1S94. Address, 73 Warren St., New York, N. Y. Austin, A Y, P. George Henry Hulbert, A. M. Law student, Chicago, 111.; grain dealer, Chi- cago board of trade 1866- ; also, at various times, farmer, ranchman, miner; member firm Lyon, Hulbert and company. Address, 12 Sherman St., Chi- cago, 111. Z "f, P. George Frederick Jelly, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1868. Super- tendent insane asylum, Somerville, Mass.; physician. Address, 69 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. p. George Henry Kenyon, A. M. ; M. D. University of Vermont 1866. U. S. military service 1862 ; physician, Providence, R. I. ; brigadier general R. I. militia; surgeon-general R.I. Address, 123 North Main St., Providence, R- L B. U. civ. war Oscar Lapham, A. M. U. S. military service 1S62-63, captain; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; member R. I. senate 1SS7-8S; U. S. house of representatives 1S91-95. Address, 4 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A K E, B. U. civ. war, R. I. man., P. Martin Luther Laws, A. M. Editor newspaper, Topeka?, Kansas; ordained Baptist; pastor several churches, Mo. ; Decatur, 111. 1S81-82. Born Accomac co., Va. 1842; died Decatur, 111., May, 1S82. Z *•, Nee. 1882 214 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1864 Charles Thurber Lazell, A. M. Teacher, Foxboro, Mass. 1864-65; student, Rochester theological seminary 1865-66; teacher, New Brunswick, N. J.; Hart- ford, Conn.; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; sub-master high school, New Bedford, Mass. 1870-73; principal high school, Lawrence, Mass. 1873-75; teacher Greek, history and astronomy, Vermont academy, Saxton's River, Vt. 1875-S0. Born Worcester, Mass., Sept. 3, 1844; died Saxton's River, Vt., Nov. 20, 1880. A A *, Nee. 1881 Frank Wayland Love. U. S. military service 1862 ; admitted to bar 1867 ; lawyer, Frankfort, Kans. ; district attorney Marshall co. 1874-79. Born Corfu, Ionian Islands, Jan. 14, 1841; died Frankfort, Kans., Sept. 29, 1S79. B. U. civ. war, A T, Nee. 18S0 Henry Bradley Miner, A. M. Principal high school, Canton, Mass. 1866-69; Tilesron school, Boston, Mass. 1869-75; Everett school, Dorchester, Mass. 1875-. Address, 62 Oak St., Hyde Park, Mass. A A 4>, P. William Herbert Morrison. From Indianapolis, Ind. ; deceased. Z ■& Joshua Foster Ober, A. M. Architect. Address, 113 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. A Y George Bacheler Peck, C. E.; A. M.; M. D. Yale college 1871. U. S. mili- tary service 1864-65, second lieutenant; Providence marine artillery 1866-70, major; assistant chemist, U. S. naval torpedo station, Newport, R. I. 1S72-74; homoeopathic physician, Providence, R. I. 1875- ; adjutant and necrologist Ma- rine artillery veteran association 1875- ; surgeon R. I. militia 1876-79; secre- retarv R. I. homoeopathic society 1875-83; vice president 1883-S4; president 1885-86; censor 1887-89; treasurer 1890-92 ; chairman, section of obstetrics, American institute of homoeopathy 18S0-81, '86, '88, '92; vice president West- ern Mass. homoeopathic medical society 1886-87; surgeon Prescott post no. 1, Grand army of the republic 1881-S3, '90-; medical director, department of R. I., Grand army of the republic 1894; vice president R. I. soldiers' and sailors' historical society 1886-88 ; president 1892-94; member school committee Prov- idence 1881-; clerk Narragansett Baptist association 1877-87, '92-; treasurer 1877- ; moderator 1S89; member executive board R. I. Baptist state convention 1876-. Authors! recruit before Petersburg, with portrait, 1880; Camp and hospital-, with portrait, 1884; Historical sketch of the Narragansett Baptist association, 1860-84, 1884; Pabula neonatorum, 1886; besides reports to Ameri- can institute of homoeopathy, and numerous contributions to medical, religious and daily press. Address, 865 North Main St., Providence, R. I. Nat. eye. Am. biog., B. U. civ. war, Horn, bibl., P. Lewis Ford Raymond. Student, Newton theological institution 1864-65 ; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1867 ; ordained Baptist 1S67 ; pastor, Beloit, Wis.; Monmouth, 111. ; Sun Prairie, Wis. 1867-68; Dubuque, la. 1S72- 74; travelled in Europe. Born Cooperstown, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1840; died Chi- cago, 111., April 1, 1881. Newt., Roch., Nee. 1881 Amos Robinson, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S67; or- dained Baptist 1867; pastor, Appleton, Wis. 1867-69; Fairfield, Iowa 1869-70; Jefferson, Iowa 1870-71; Newton, Iowa 1871-79; Ames, Iowa 1879-80; Den- ison, Iowa 1880-83; Raynham, Mass. 1883-89; Bristol, R. I. 1890-91; Elkins, West Va. 1892-. Address, Elkins, West Va. Newt., Bapt. yr. bk., P. William Jay Russell, A. M. Assistant auditor, post office, New York, N. Y. 1877-S0; general superintendent 6th registry division 1880-90; auditor Stand- ard oil company 1S90-. Address, 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A K E, P. 1864 GRADUATES 2I 5 William Randall Sayles, A. M. Bookkeeper, Providence co. savings bank, Pawtucket, R. I. 1864- ; secretary board of trustees Free public library, Paw- tucket 1S76- ; member school board seven years. Address, 79 Park Place, Paw- tucket, R. I. A y p. Darius Hicks Stoddard, A. M. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1867; ordained Baptist 1S67; pastor, Athol, Mass. 1867-74; Great Falls, N. H. 1S74-83; Dewey street church, Worcester, Mass. 18S4-93; Chicopee Falls. Mass. 1893-. Address, 64 Belcher St., Chicopee Falls, Mass. A Y, Roch., P. John Tetlow, A. M. 1S79; D. Sc. 1S93. U. S. military service 1863, corporal; principal Maple street grammar school, Fall River, Mass. 1864-?; Friends' academy, New Bedford, Mass.; head master Girls high and Latin schools, Boston, Mass.; president Mass. classical and high school teachers' association 18S6-S7; membe Committee of ten 1892; N. E. association of colleges and preparatory schools 1893-94. Author A progressives eries of inductive lessons in Latin, 1884; The eighth book of Virgil's JEneid, edited, 1893; joint editor School classics; besides articles and addresses on educational subjects. Ad- dress, 51 Cedar St., Roxbury, Mass. B. U. Fall River, B. U. civ. war, Am. cat., P. Francis Maurice Tyler, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-64, sergeant; school principal or superintendent 1S64-76; advertiser; editor Home journal. Address, 403 Washington St., Boston, Mass. B. U. civ. war, P. William Henry Underbill U. S. military service 1862. From Springfield, Mass. B. U. civ. war Henry Brigham Whitman; LL. B. Albany law school 1S66. Lawyer, Albany, N. Y. 1860-69; Providence, R. I. 1S69-94. Born Westboro, Mass., June 30, 1841 ; died Providence, R. I., March 9, 1S94. Nee. 1894 Charles Erastus Willard, A. M. Second vice president Provident savings life assurance society, New York, N. Y. Author, The A B C of life insur- ance, 1889; also articles for insurance periodicals. Address, 1 West 81st St., New York, N. Y. p. Horace Mann Willard, A. M. ; D. Sc. 1893. Principal academy, Bridgewater, Mass. 1S64-70; Literary and scientific institute, New London, Conn. 1S70-72 ; superintendent public schools Gloucester, Mass. 1872-73; Newton, Mass. J S73"7 6 ; principal Vermont academy, Saxton's river, Vt. 1876-?; Howard semi- nary, West Bridgewater, Mass. Address, West Bridgewater, Mass. A A * Bachelors of Philosophy. William Whitman Bailey, 1S73; A. M. 1893. u - S. military service 1S62 ; assistant, chemical laboratory, Brown university, 1865; Mass. institute of tech- nology 1866; Manchester printworks 1866; botanist U. S. geological explora- tion of 40th parallel 1867; deputy secretary of state R. I. 1868; assistant libra- rian Athena-urn, Providence, R. I. 1869-71; student of botany, Columbia col- ege; Harvard summer school 1875, '76, '79; instructor Botany, Brown univer- sity 1877-S1 ; professor 1SS1-; member Torrey botanical club; New York micro- scopical society; Boston society of natural history; Appalachian mountain club; fellow American association for the advancement of science. Author Botanical collector's hand book, 188 1 ; Botanist's note book, 1894; and numer- ous contributions in verse and prose to periodicals. Address, 6 Cushing St., Providence, R. I. Observer, Oct. 1894, C J C - Am. biog., ^ Y, B. U. civ. war, P. Edwin Dorrance Dewey. Farmer. Address, Columbia, Conn. P. 21 6 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1864 John Davis Edgell, 1S84. U. S. military service 1862-63, second lieutenant; member Mass. house of representatives 1S82 ; president First national bank, Gardner, Mass.; treasurer Gardner savings bank; town treasurer Gardner. Address, 98 Elm St., Gardner, Mass. B. U. civ. war, P. David Fales. U. S. military service 1862-63, corporal; lawyer. Address, 65 Portland block, Chicago, 111. B. U. civ. war, P. Abner Greenleaf. Address, 624 West Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Henry Louis Hammond; M. D. Harvard university 1866. Acting assistant surgeon, U. S. army 1865; physician, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; Killingly, Conn.; president Washington, Warren, and Saratoga county medical society 1878; secretary board U. S. pension examiners, Norwich, Conn. 1888. Aulhor Address on medical ethics j Essay on tetanus. Address, Killingly, Conn. A A $. P. John Sophus Holmes; D. D. Kalamazoo college 1885? U. S. military service 1862; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1867 ; ordained Baptist 1867 ; pastor, Lynn, Mass. 1S67-78; Adrian, Mich. 187S-89; Bay City, Mich. 1889-93; First church, Terre Haute, Ind. 1893-. Address, 200 North 6th St., Terre Haute, Ind. A T, Roch., B. U. civ. war, P. William Conrad Rhodes. Resident, Providence, R. I. 1864-. Address, 200 Hope St., Providence, R. I. ^ Y Luther White. Lawyer. Address, Chicopee, Mass. P. 39 *9 1865 Oliver Henry Arnold, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1867. Physician, Providence, R. I. Address, 29 Greene St., Providence, R. I. P. Richard Mead .Atwater, A. M. School director, superintendent of schools Millville, N. J. ; alkali manufacturer and glass engineer, Syracuse, N. Y. ; trustee Brown university 1878- ; judge on glass, Columbian exposition. Author various technical articles in manufacturing journals. Address, Solway Process Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Z -f, P. Edward Richmond Blanchard, 1879. U. S. military service 1864-65; mer- chant, New York, N. Y. 1865-84; president Lexington print works, Boston, Mass. Address, 85 Essex St., Boston, Mass. •* T, P. Zephaniah Brown, A. M. by special vote 1891. U. S. military service 1862, '63- 65, first lieutenant, acting adjutant; merchant, Providence, R. I. B. U. civ. war, P. Edward Hume Bucknam, A. M. 1891. City clerk, Sioux City, Iowa; invest- ment banker, Sioux City; vice president Mechanics' building association; secretary and treasurer Finance company of Iowa; 'president Unity (literary) club, Sioux City; trustee Yankton college. Address, 1214 Douglas St., Sioux City, Iowa. P. Israel Martin Bullock. U. S. military service 1862; admitted to bar 186S; lawyer, Norwalk, Conn. 1868-70; Bridgeport, Conn. 1870-79; prosecuting attorney Fairfield co., Conn. ; city judge Bridgeport 1S70-73, '79; city attorney 1875-76. Born Thompson, Conn., May 20, 1844; died Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 20, 1879. B. U. civ. war, 9 A X, A Y, Nee. 1879 Miner Rudd Deming, A. M. Founder and first pastor Baptist church, Marl- boro, Mass. 1868-71; pastor First church, Greenpoint, L. I., N. Y. 1871-73; general secretary Young men's Christian association, Boston, Mass. 14 years; founder and first pastor Tabernacle church, Boston; corresponding secretary 1865 GRADUATES 217 New York city Baptist mission society. Address, 149 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. AA4>, P. James Gregory Dougherty, A. M. ; D. D. Washburn college 1892. U. S. military service 1862; graduated Andover theological seminary 186S; teacher, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1868; pastor, South Lawrence, Mass. 1S6S- 69; resident licentiate, Andover theological seminary 1869-70; ordained Con- gregational 1S70; pastor First church, Chillicothe, Mo. 1870-72; Wyandotte, Kans. 1S73-75; president Colo, college 1875-76; pastor Ottawa, Kans. ; First church, Kansas City, Kans.; trustee Washburn college 1873-76. Author occasional sermons and addresses; contributions to Andover reviezv ; also various reform papers. Address, 616 Everett Ave., Kansas City, Kans. A K E, B. U. civ. war, And., P. Charles Fabyan Easton, A. M. Justice court of probate Lincoln, R. I. ; man- ufacturer 15 years; retired. Address, 409 Broad St., Central Falls, R. I. P. James Peirson Field. Student Newton theological institution 1865-66; teacher, Millville, N. J. 1S66-67; Mo. 1S69-75; professor Mathematics, Thayer college- Kidder, Mo. 1875-76; ordained Congregational 1878; pastor, Amity, Mo. 1876- ; secretary General association of Congregational churches of Mo. 1891-. Ad- dress, Amity, Mo. A Y, Newt., P. Jared Warner Finney ; LL. B. Albany law school 1S66. Lawyer, Detroit, Mich.; U. S. district attorney Eastern district, Mich. Address, 41 Edmund Place, Detroit, Mich. p Wilkins Updike Hidden. Merchant. Address, no Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. 9 A X P. William Carey Ives. U. S. military service 1S62 ; lawyer, Chicago, 111.; Omaha, Neb. Address, City Hall, Omaha, Neb. B. U. civ. war, A Y, P. Edward Judson, A. M. ; D. D. Principal seminary, Townshend, Vt. 1865-67; professor Latin and modern languages, Madison university 1867-75; ordained Baptist; pastor, North Orange, N. J. 1875-81; Berean (Memorial) Baptist church, New York, N. Y. 1S81-. Author Life of Adoniram Judson, 18S3. A A , Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog, Johnson's eye, Allibone, P. James King Laurence; LL. B. Columbia college 1868. Lawyer. From Newport, R. I. George Holmes Messer. U. S. military service 1862 ; student, Newton theo- logical institution 1865-66; resident, North Cambridge, Mass. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 17, 1S36; died North Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 9, 1868. B. U. civ. war, Newt., Nee. 1868 Henry Harrison Oldfield. Address, 99 George St., Providence, R. I. Robert Hitchcock Paine; A. M. Trinity college 1876. U. S. military service 1S62; Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. Mary's church, East Providence, R. I. 1870-76; St. John's church, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1876-7S; Mount Calvary church, Baltimore, Md. 187S-. Address, 816 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. B. U. civ. war. P. Warren Richmond Perce, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 311 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. A A P. Herbert Livingston Perry, A. M. Real estate agent, Boston, Mass. Born Gaston, Mass., April 4, 1842; died Lakewood, N. J., March 27, 1892. Nee. 1S92 John Thomas Pope; LL. B. Albany law school 1866. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1867-74. Born Halifax, Mass., June 18, 1S42 ; died Jersey City, N. J., March 13, 1S74. >Y, Nee. 1S74 2i 8 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1865 John Amon Price, A. M. by special vote 1890. U. S. military service 1862. From Pittston, Perm. B. U. civ. war Edward William Pride, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S68; ordained Baptist 1869; missionary, Roxbury, Mass. 1868-70; pastor Dearborn street church, Roxbury 1870-79; North Tewksbury, Mass. 1S79-. Au- thor Tewksbury, a brief history; Tewksbury in History of Middlesex county. Address, Andover, Mass. Newt., P. Hosea Mason Quinby ; M. D. Harvard university 1869. U. S. military ser- vice 1862-63, sergeant; superintendent Worcester insane asylum 1879; Worces- ter lunatic hospital ; member Mass. medical society. Address, Worcester Lu- natic Hospital, Worcester, Mass. A K E, B. U. civ. war, P. Joseph William Rees. Graduated Newton theological institution 186S; or- dained Baptist 1869; pastor Eaton Rapids, Mich. 1S69-70; White Pigeon, Mich. 1870-71; Clinton, 111. 1871-73; Mankato, Minn. 1873-? Immanuel Baptist church, Sioux City, Iowa 1887?- Address, 517 Center St., Sioux City, Iowa. Newt., P. William Watson Rickard, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 27 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. George Wallace Shaw. U. S. military service 1862; teacher, N. H. literary institution 1866-68; principal high school, Weymouth, Mass. 1868-82; resi- dent student, Andover theological seminary 1882-?; Congregational clergyman ; home missionary, S. D. 10 years. Address, 11 Langford Park Place, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. B. U. civ. war, A T, P. William Dennis Upham Shearman. Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. James's church, Providence, R. I. 1868-79; Christ church, Pittsford, N. Y. 1880-84; St. John's church, Champlain, and Christ church, Rouse's Point, N. Y. 1884-91 ; in charge of church of the Ascension, Sierra Madre, and mis- sion, Duarte, Cal. Address, Monrovia, Cal. A X, P. Charles Hubbard Spalding, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1S65-66; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor High street church, Pawtucket, R.I. 1S66-71; First church, Pittsfield, Mass. 1871-75; Arlington, Mass. 1875-80; Fourth street church, Boston, Mass. 18S0-S6; district secretary American Bap- tist publication society, Boston, Mass. Author Centen7iial discourse, Baptist church, Pittsfield, Mass., 1873; Memorial of Andrew Pollard, D. D. 1886; Prince of Bible translators, John Weiiger, 1888; Boston correspondent Chi- cago standard. Address, 8 Scott St., Cambridge, Mass. A T, Newt., P. Joseph Edwin Spink. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1868-69; j L 'dge Providence municipal court. Address, 150 South Angell St., Providence, R. I. A A Reuben Mowry Streeter, A. M. ; Ph. D. Marshall and Franklin college 1887. Principal high school, Whitesville, Mass. 1865-68; East Douglass, Mass. 1S6S- 70; grammar school, Toledo, O. 1870-72; high school, Toledo 1872-77; pri- vate school 1S77-79 ; superintendent schools Toledo 1S79-?; printer and engi- neer. Author My trtmdle bed / The %veddi?ig tree ; contributions to various newspapers. Address, Cor. St. Clair and Oak Sts., Toledo, O. A K E, P. Caleb Edmund Thayer. U. S. military service 1862, corporal; real estate broker, Worcester, Mass.; law student, Worcester. Born Blackstone, Mass., Sept. 3, 1841 ; died Blackstone, Aug. 27, 1868. B. U. civ. war, Nee. 1869 Austin Valencourt Tilton. Graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor, Keene, N. H. 1869-72; Augusta, Me. 1872-74; Campton Village, N. H, 1874-80; Burlington, Iowa; teacher home mission 1865 GRADUATES 219 school, Miss. Born Deerfield, N. H., July 28, 1S41 ; died Concord. N. II., Nov. 15, 1SS5. A T, Nee. 1SS6, Newt. Joseph Ward, A. M. ; D. D. Knox college, 111. 1882. U. S. military service 1862; graduated Andover theological seminary 186S; ordained Congrega- tional 1869; home missionary, Dakota; founder Congregational church, Yankton, S. D. 1S6S, and pastor 1868-83; superintendent of schools Yankton 1S70-74; member board of education 1S75-S7; founder Yankton college 1SS1 ; president and professor Mental and moral philosophy, Yankton college 1S81- 89; member Dakota constitutional convention 1883; trustee Dakota hospital for the insane 1879-89. Associate editor Nortlnvestem review. Born Perry Centre, N. Y., May 5, 1S38; died Yankton, S. D., Dec. 11, 1889. And., B. U. civ. war, A K E, Nee. 1S90 William Henry Williams, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1S67. Lawyer, New York, N. Y. Address, 181 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A A , P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Herbert Dorrance Bullock. Manager. Addiess, 18 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Bost. direct., 9 A X John Mitchell Clark. Merchant, New York, N. Y. 1S65-. Address, 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. * T > P- Louis Tucker Foster. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 6 Olive St., Provi- dence, R. I. P- James McDaniel French. Physician; retired. Address, Orton House, Wil- mington, N. C. z *> ^- George Warren Qile. Student, Newton theological institution 1865-66; or- dained Baptist 1S66; pastor, Valley Falls, R. I. 1S66-67 ; South Berwick, Me. 1867-73; Second church, Lawrence, Mass. 1873-79; Pittsfield, Mass. 1879-84 ; Fall River, Mass. 1884-92; president Colby academy, New London, N. II. 1893-. Address, New London, N. II . Newt., P. Charies Chauncy Hoskins. Resident, Providence, R. I. Address, 36 George St., Providence, R. I. ° A X, P. Charles Warren Lippitt. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; treasurer Silver Spring bleaching and dyeing company ; member R. I. historical society; presi- dent Franklin lyceum 1S75-77; member executive council, Providence board of trade 1875-78; vice president 187S-S1 ; president 1881-83; vice president National board of trade 1S81 ; member commission on railroad terminal facilities of Providence 1S81 ; colonel and chief of governor's staff 1875-77; governor R. I. 1895-. Address, Providence, R. I. * Y, P. George Byron Hanna ; E. M. Columbia college 1868. U. S. military service 1S62 ; assistant and chemist, N. C. geological survey; melter U. S. assay office, Charlotte, N. C. ; clerk; assistant assayer. Author several monographs on the geology of N. C. and of the South Appalachian region ; assistant compiler parts of N. C. geological reports. Address, U. S. assay office, Charlotte, N. C. B. U. civ. war, Columb., A T, P. Mark Dee Shea. Address, 199 Madison St., Chicago, 111. 35 *9 1866 Samuel Houston Albro ; B. P. Colgate university 1S90. Principal Lewis academy, Southington, Conn. 1866-68; high school, Jamestown, N. Y. 1S69- 2 20 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1866 75; superintendent schools, Forestville, N. Y. 1876; Norwich, N. Y. 1877-82; instructor Sciences, state normal school, Fredonia, N. Y. 1883-85; institute conductor N. Y. state 1886-87; superintendent of Indian schools 1887-S8 ; prin- cipal state normal school, Mansfield, Penn. Address, Mansfield, Penn. P. William Cook Angell, A. M. Physician, San Francisco, Cal.; Oakland, Cal. Address, 323 Eleventh St., Oakland, Cal. A T John Jason Archer, A. M. Teacher, Wrentham, Mass. ; instructor, Naval acad- emy, Annapolis, Md. ; admitted to bar; lawyer, Fall River, Mass.; special jus- tice 2d district court Bristol co., Mass. Born Fall River, Mass., July 26, 1845; died Fall River, Oct. 31, 1882. B. U. Fall River, Nee. 1883 Henry Tucker Arnold, A. M. by special vote 1S90. Graduated Andover theo- logical seminary 1871; ordained Congregational 1871 ; pastor Lyman, Me. 1871-72; Charles street church, Providence, R. I. 1872-76; Limerick, Me. 1876- 77; Providence and vicinity 1877-79; Welles, Me. 1879-83; Tiverton, R. I. 1883-87; First church, Plainfield, Conn, 18S7-; superintending school com- mittee; member various school boards; chairman trustees Plainfield academy. Address, Plainfield, Conn. And., P. James William Blackwood. U. S. military service 1862; law student, Har- vard university 1867-68; admitted to bar 1868; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1868-S7; trial justice Providence 1S76-86; judge 6th R. I. district court 18S6- 87; member R. I. house of representatives 1876-77, '85-87. Born Providence, R. I., Jan. 28, 1845; died Providence, Oct. 28, 1887. B. U. civ. war, A K E, Nee. 1888 George Brainard Blodgette, A. M. ; Bowdoin college 1S69; LL. B. Harvard university 1870. U. S. military service 1862-63 ; lawyer, Newburyport, Mass. Author articles on genealogy of Essex co., Mass., in Historical collections of the Essex institute, and JV. E. historical and genealogical register ; also on eccles- iastical law and practice in various law journals. Home address, Rowley, Mass. Bowd., P. Charles Henry Brown; LL. B. Albany law school 1868. Merchant, Norwich, Conn. 1868-82; farmer. Address, 16 Warren St., Norwich, Ct. A Y, P. Edward Payson Brown, LL. B. Harvard university 1867. U. S. military service 1862-65, captain, brevet major; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1881-82. From Providence, R. I. A K E Herbert Cutler. Bullard, A. M.; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. 1871. Assistant professor Ethics, U. S. naval academy, Annapolis, Md. 1866-68; physician, North Attleboro, Mass. ; secretary board of health. Address, North Attleboro, Mass. A A , P- Samuel Oliver Chace, A. M. Manufacturer, Valley Falls, R. I. Born Valley Falls, R. I., Oct. 19, 1843; died Valley Falls, March 20, 1S67. Nee. 1867 Arnold Buffum Chace, A. M.; D. Sc. 1892. Instructor Chemistry, Brown university 1868-69; trustee 1876- ; treasurer 1882- ; cotton manufacturer. Au- thor A certain class of cubic surfaces treated by quaternions, in American jour- nal of mathematics, vol. 2, 1879. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. P. Alexander Duncan Chapin, A. M. Cotton merchant. Address, 147 Parade St., Providence, R. I. P. Lorin Morris Cook. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; justice city police court 1S73- 86; member R. I. house of representatives 1887-88, '89-91. Address, 17 Cus- tom House St., Providence, R. I. P. Lucian Drury, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1870; pastor Winchendon, Mass. 1870-72; Swampscott, Mass. 1872-76; 1866 GRADUATES 221 Danversport, Mass. 1876-83; Apopka, Fla. 1SS4-91 ; professor Greek and Theology, Bishop college, Marshall, Tex. 1S91-92; pastor, Bellingham, Mass. 1S92-. Address, Bellingham, Mass. Newt., P. Henry Milliard Earl, A. M. Notary public, Fall River, Mass. 1S70-; justice of peace 1S72-; commissioner to qualify civil officers 1S75-; president city council 1882-84; alderman 18S6; trustee Citizens savings bank 1885; secretary 1SS9; member board of investment 1894; executor, administrator and trustee of estates. Author Fall River and its manufactories, 1S03-94, -with statistical tables, 14th edition, 1894, issued biennially since 1873; Centennial history of Fall River, 1S77. Address, Fall River, Mass. B. U. Fall River, P. Francis Almoii Qaskill. Law student, Harvard university 1867-68; admitted to bar 1S69; lawyer, Worcester, Mass.; member Worcester common council 1S75-76; district attorney Mass. middle district 1887-95; associate justice Mass. supreme court 1895- ; trustee Worcester academy 1880- ; Brown university 1888-. Author Civil and political history of Worcester. Address, Worcester, Mass. A K E, P. Nelson Newton Glazier, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-64, first lieutenant; member Vt. house of representatives 1865-67; graduated Newton Iheological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor, Central Falls, R. I. 1869-70; Montpelier, Vt. 1872-78; South Abington, Mass. 1880-S4; Westboro, Mass. 1S84-S6; Greenfield, Mass. 1887-; superintendent common schools Montpelier, Vt. 1872-75; chaplain Vt. senate 1872-78. Address, Greenfield, Mass. B. U. civ. war, A K E, Newt., P. Edward Knight (ilezen, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1873. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Author Hymns of the faith; The student's hymnal. Ad- dress, 4 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. P. La Roy Freese Griffin, A. M. Principal high school, Beverly, Mass. 1867-71; Peabody instructor in science, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1871-75; president Peddie institute, Hightstown, N.J. 1875-76; teacher, Boston, Mass. 1S76-78; professor Physical science, Lake Forest university, 111. 1878-90; or- dained Baptist 1884; principal seminary, North Granville, N. Y. 1S90-93 ; head master department of science, Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1893- ; superintendent of schools Lake Forest 1SS2-90; professor Physics and chemis- try, Chautauqua university; member American association for the advance- ment of science. Author Natural philosophy, 1SS0; Lecture notes in Chemis- try, 1S81 ; Peeps at tiature, 1883; contributions to Chautauquan, and Popular science monthly. Address, New London, N. H. A Y, P. Preston Gurney. Ordained Baptist 1869; pastor, Chelsea, Mass. 1869-73; Cen- tral Falls, R. I. 1S74-SS; First church, Wollaston Heights, Mass. 18S8. Ad- dress, 23 Grand View Ave., Wollaston Heights, Mass. R. I. eye, A Y, p. Benezet Alanson Hough. U. S. military service 1862-63, sergeant; lawyer, Danburv, Conn.; clerk Conn, general assembly; judge of probate ; judge Dan- bury city court. Address, Danbury, Conn. B. U. civ. war, A Y, P. Reginald Heber Howe, A. M. ; D. D. 1S94; B - D - Divinity school, Philadel- phia, Perm. 1869. Assistant pastor Grace church, Providence, R. I. 1869-71 ; pastor Trinity church, Milford, Mass. 1S71-72 ; Christ church, Quincy, Mass. 1872-77; Church of Our Saviour, Longwood, Mass. 1S77-; secretary Mass. diocesan board of missions ; examining chaplain to bishop of Mass. Author The creed and the year ; The call to confirmation ; besides various sermons and pamphlets. Address, Longwood, Boston, Mass. ¥ Y, P. 222 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1866 George Olcott King. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1869; or " dained Baptist 1869; pastor, Jamestown, N, Y. 1869-72; salesman 1872-74; pastor Ninth street church, Cincinnati, O. 1874-75 ; Cleveland, O. 1875-78; Fifth church, Troy, N. Y. 1878; Wilson avenue church, Cleveland, 1879-84; Logan avenue church, Cleveland 1884-92 ; Springfield, O. 1892-93; resident, Fredonia, N. Y. 1893- ; president Ohio Baptist convention 1888-91. Address, Fredonia, N. Y. Roch. theol., A T, P. Evan Lewis, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1S69; pastor, South Boston, Mass. 1869-70; Jericho, Vt. 1874-75. From Waterbury, Conn. Newt., A T John Burton Mustin ; M. D. University of Pennsylvania 1868. Resident physician and surgeon Hospital of the Episcopal church, Philadelphia, Penn. one year; physician, Philadelphia, Penn. Born Philadelphia, Penn., Aug. 13, 1844: died Philadelphia, May 31, 1871. A A 4>, Nee. 1S71 John Vanleuven Osterhout, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor, Webster, Mass. 1869-73; Harlem, N. Y. 1873-75; First church, Peekskill, N. Y. 1875-77; Binghamton, N. Y. 1S77-78; Castile, N. Y. 1878-81 ; Broadway church, Providence, R. I. 1881-. Author sermons and newspaper articles. Address, 18 Oak St., Providence, R. I. Newt., P. John Brownell Peck, A. M. Assistant engineer U. S. navy 1866-69; book- keeper 1869-80; dealer in dye-wood and grain, Providence, R. I. 1881-94; prin- cipal Polytechnic evening school 1873-80; farmer, near Saunderstown, R. I. Permanent address, 865 North Main St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Cyrus Benedict Peckham, A. M. ; M. D. Bowdoin college 18S4. Theological student, New Hampton, N. H. 1866-68; Baptist clergyman, North Derby, Vt. . 1869-71; pastor 1875; evangelist 1875-80; South Parsonsfleld, Me. ; Hallowell, Me.; Gardiner, Me. ; medical student, Bowdoin college 1S81-84; missionary, Boston and New York 1S84-87 ; physician and missionary, Hallowell, Me. 1S87-. Address, Hallowell, Me. Bowd., A Y, P. John Bartholomew Qough Pidge, A. M. ; D. D. Bucknell university 1889. Graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor First church, Lawrence, Mass. 1869-79; Fourth church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S79-; trustee Philadelphia Baptist hospital 1895-. Author Braune on Philip- pians,\r\ Lange's Commentary, translated, 1870; Commentary on Philip fans, in American commentary ; Handbook of prophetical literature, in preparation ; also various sermons. Address, 505 Green St., Philadelphia, Penn. Newt., A A *, P. Isaac Pitman. Law student, Harvard university 1866-67. Born Boston, Mass., June 1, 1846; died Providence, R. I., March 11, 1867. A K B, Nee. 1S67 Emory Huntington Porter, A. M. Graduated Divinity school, Philadelphia, Penn. 1869; ordained Episcopal deacon 1869; priest 1870; pastor All Saints church, Pontiac, R. I. 1869-70; St. Paul's church, Pa wtucket, R. I. 1870-91; Emmanuel church, Newport, R. I. 1891-. Author occasional sermons. Ad- dress, 5 Bellevue Court, Newport, R.I. A A *, B. U. Fall River, R. I. eye, P. William Henry Spencer, D. D. 1890. U. S. military service 1861-62, major; graduated Newton theological institution 1869; ordained Baptist 1869; pastor First church, Foxboro, Mass. 1869-79; First church, Waterville, Me. 1879- ; treasurer Maine Baptist education society 1882 ; president Maine Baptist mis- sionary convention 1890-92. Author History of the First Baptist church, Fox- boro, Mass. Address, 38 Pleasant St., Waterville, Me. A K E, Newt., P. 1866 GRADUATES 223 Charles Martin Stillwell, A. M. Assistant instructor Analytical chemistry, Brown university 1866-6S; analytical and consulting chemist. Author various papers on chemical subjects. Address, 55 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. P. Cornelius Sowle Sweetland, A. M. President Jackson bank; treasurer and manager Alfred Anthony estate company. Address, 108 Waterman St., Provi- dence, R. I. e A X, P. Orray Taft. Chemist for Phoenix railway supply company. Address, 93 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Q A X Charles Abraham Gardner Thurston, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S69; home missionary, Bradford, N. H. 1S69-70; Danbury, Conn. 1870-72; Greenwood, Wakefield, Mass. 1872-75 ; North Raynham, Mass. 1S75- 77; ordained Congregational 1877; pastor, North Raynham 1878-S1 ; Laconia, N. II. 1S81-. Address, Laconia, N. H. B. U. Fall River, And., P. Laban Edwards Warren, A. M. ; LL. D. Colby university 1893. Teacher, New London literary and scientific institution 1S67-72 ; principal 1S72-75; pro- fessor Mathematics, Colby university 1S75-. Address, 27 College Ave., Water- ville,.Me. A A , P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Phanuel Euclid Bishop, 1S72; M. D. Dartmouth college 1S73. Physician, Pawlucket, R. I. From Pawtucket. Dart. Jefferson Borden. Dealer in paper and mill supplies. Address, 34 Locust St., Fall River, Mass. B. U. Fall River, P. Lucius Brown; LL. B. Albany law school 1868. Lawyer; member Conn, sen- ate threeyears; judge city court Norwich, Conn. Address, Norwich, Conn. P. Edmund Janes Carpenter. Editorial writer; literary editor Daily advertiser, Boston, Mass. Author A woman of Skazumut, 1S92 ; Technique of sculpture, in conjunction with W. O. Partridge, in press; Life of Roger Williams, in preparation. Address, Daily Advertiser Office, Boston, Mass. P. William Ferdinand Preufert. Address, 29 Parade St., Providence, R. I. P. James Wells Stillman. Collector and agent. Address, 1474 Washington St., Boston, Mass. P. William Eben Stone. Treasurer Champion iron company of Michigan, Boston, Mass. Home address, 15 Hawthorn St., Cambridge, Mass. 36 *8 I867 Edward Carrington Ames; LL. 15. Harvard university 1S69. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1869-86; member R. I. general assembly 1S70-74; Provi- dence city council 1875-76; colonel and aide on governor's staff 1875-76; editor Evening telegram, Providence; member editorial staff Evening press, Provi- dence. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 25, 1845; died Providence, Jan. 31, 18S6. * T, Nee. 18S6 George Andrew Bacon; Ph. D. Hamilton college 1879. Principal academy, Derby, Vt. 1S67-68; high school, Gardner, Mass. 1868-69; student Newton theological institution 1869-70; Germany 1870-71; instructor, Polytechnic in- stitute of Brooklyn 1S71-74; high school, Syracuse, N. Y. 1874-77; principal 1S78-SS; publisher, Boston, Mass. Editor Academy, 1886-92. Address, 172 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Newt. P. 224 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1867 John Edward Bowen. Civil engineer, Johnston, R. I.; president Johnston town council 18S4-92, '93-95; member R. I. house of representatives 1S93-95. Address, Box 254, Olneyville, R. I. P. Edward Osgood Brown. Lawyer. Address, 400 North State St., Chicago, 111. P. Edwin Ballard, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1870; or- dained Baptist 1870; missionary, Nellore and Bapatla, India 1870-80, 'S2-; pastor, Addison, Vt., 1S80-82. Address, 2A Beacon St., Boston, Mass., Care American Baptist Missionary Union. Newt., P. Lucien Gates Chaffin. Professor Latin, Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. 1870- 71; musical editor Commercial advertiser., New York, N. Y. 1884-87; jour- nalist and correspondent, New York. Address, 63 West 85th St., New York, N. Y. A X, P. Charles Walter Chamberlain; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1871. Teacher Maplewood seminary, Pittsfield, Mass. ; physician, Hartford, Conn.; secretary Hartford co. medical society; Conn, medical society; state board of health; member American medical association; National health asso- ciation. Born Providence, R. I., July 18, 1844; died Hartford, Conn., Aug. 21, 1884. Nee. 1885 Freeborn Coggeshall. Graduated General theological seminary 1870; or- dained Episcopal 1871 ; pastor mission, Elmwood, Providence, R. I. 1870-71; assistant pastor House of prayer, Newark, N. J. 1871-72 ; Church of the Advent, Boston, Mass. 1872-74; student of theology, Oxford university 1874-76; mis- sion-priest Society of St. John the Evangelist 1874-76. Born Newport, R. I., Dec. 31, 1845; died Oxford, England, Oct. 6, 1876. A A <1>, R. I. eye, Nee. 1877 Daniel Cole. Principal Leland and Gray seminary, Townshend, Vt. 1867-6S; high school, Walpole, Mass., 1868-69. Born Warren, R. I., Feb. 10, 1S15; died Walpole, Mass., Nov. 18, 1869. A A $, Nee. 1870 Elmer Lawrence Corthell, A. M.; D. Sc. 1894. U. S. military service 1861- 65, captain; civil engineer, Providence, R. I. 1867; assistant engineer Hanni- bal and Naples railroad, 111. 1868; division engineer Hannibal and central Mo. railroad 1869; chief assistant engineer Mississippi river bridge, Hannibal, Mo. 1870-71 ; chief engineer Sny island levee, 111. 1871-74; Mississippi river bridge, Louisiana, Mo. 1873-74; chief assistant engineer Mississippi river jetties 1S75- So; surveyor Tehuantepec ship railway 1880; chief engineer New York, West shore, and Buffalo railroad, and New York, Ontario and western railroad 1881- 84; Atlantic and Pacific ship railway 1885-87; consulting and constructing en- gineer, New York and Chicago 1887- ; constructor Cairo bridge, Nebraska City bridge, Sioux City bridge, two bridges in Oregon, water works, Bismark, Dak., St. Louis merchants' bridge; consulting engineer Elgin, Joliet and east- ern railroad; New Orleans railroads 1889; chief engineer jetties, Brazos river. Texas; Tampico, Mex. 1889; consulting engineer Illinois central railroad, and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad 1S90-93 ; Columbian exposition 1893; chairman International engineering congress 1893; vice president Interna- tional navigation congress 1893; chief engineer Southern bridge and railway company; National railroad of Tehuantepec, Mex. 1892; president and chief engineer Southwest Pass improvement company 1S92-; constructor park bridges and railroad bridge, Chicago 1892-93; president Western society of engineers 1SS9; member leading engineering societies in Europe and America; trustee Chicago university. Author History of the jetties at the mouth of the 1867 GRADUATES 225 Mississippi river, 1880; Tehuantcpec ship-railway, 1884; The interoccanic problem and its scientific solution, 1885; Atlantic and Pacific ship-railway, 1SS6; Isthmian ship-raihvay, 18S6; A Venetian ship-railway, 1887; New Orleans belt railroad, union depot atid bridge, 1890; An enlarged zvater-way beliveen the Great Lakes and the Atlantic sea-board, 1891 ; New water-way to Rotterdam, compiled by W. G. Triest, 1S94; The jetties: remarks at alumni dinner, Brown university, 1894; The Tehuantcpec isthmus railway, in conjunc- tion with M. Romero, 1894; Resume of his engineering experience, 1S95; arti- cles on Jetties, Levees, Ship canals, Ship railways, in Johnson's cvclopa'dia. Address, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Johnson's eye, Cyc. Am. biog., Resumd, P. Henry Crocker. U. S. military service 1862; graduated Newton theological institution 1S70; pastor, Damariscotta, Me. 1870-79; Bristol, R. I. 1879-86; Fairfax, Vt. 1887-. Contributor to Zion's advocate; Watchman. Address, Fairfax, Vt. ' Newt., P. Charles Pemberton Deane, A. M. by special vote 1S93. Engineer Deane steam pump company, Ilolyoke, Mass. Address, Springfield, Mass. P. Charles Talbot Dorrance. Merchant and manufacturer. Address, 98 Water- man St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. Joseph Flanders Fielden. U. S. military service; student, Rochester theologi- cal seminary 1870-72; ordained Baptist 1872; pastor, Franklin, N. H. 1872-81 ; Winchester, Mass. 18S1-92; Newport, N. H. 1S92-. Address, Newport, N. II. Roch., A T, P. Frederick Byron Hall, A. M. by special vote 1S90; Yale university 1890. U. S. military service 1862-63; J U( ^S e court of common pleas Fairfield co., Conn. 1S77-S9; Conn, superior court 1889-. Address, Mill Hill Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. B. U. civ. war, P. William Himes Hawkes ; A.M. Georgetown university 1S90; M. D. Univer- sity of Penn. 1874. U. S. military service 1862; instructor Latin and Greek, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1867-71; Rugby academy, Philadelphia, Penn. 1872-75; resident physician, Protestant Episcopal hospital, Philadelphia 1S74-75; physician, Philadelphia 1S76-79; Helena, Mont. 1879-80; Washing- ton, D. C. 1S83-; acting assistant surgeon, U. S. army 18S1-83; attending phy- sician, Garfield hospital, Washington, D. C. 1SS7-8S; consulting physician, Providence hospital, Washington, D. C. 18S8-; attending physician and secre- tary of attending staff, Emergency hospital, Washington, D. C. 1889-90; clinical professor Medicine, Georgetown university 1889-90; Materia medica and therapeutics and clinical professor Diseases of children 1890-; member Medical society of D. C. ; Biological society of Washington; Anthropological society of Washington. Address, 734 Seventeenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. A K E, P. Isban Hess. Address, Albany, N. Y. George Lambert Hotchkiss. From Cheshire, Conn. Henry Van Amburgh Joslin, A. M. City clerk Providence, R. I. 1879-90; major R. I. militia 1S75-79; member school committee 1870-79, 1891-; secretary Union railroad company ; Providence cable tramway company ; Pawtuxet val- ley electric street railway company. Author City hall dedication, 1878; Dex- ter donation, 1890; Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Providence, 1886; Memorial, Thomas Arthur Doyle, 18S6. Address, 69 An- gell St., Providence, R. I. P- 226 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1867 James McWhinnie, D. D. 1886. U. S. military service 1862-64, sergeant; graduated Newton theological institution 1S70; ordained Baptist 1870; pastor, Lansingburg, N. Y. 1871-74; Free street church, Portland, Me. 1874-84; First church, Cambridge, Mass. 1884-92; trustee Newton theological institution. Born Thompsonville, Conn., March 6, 1840; died Cambridgeport, Mass., March 2, 1S92. B. U. civ. war, A T, Nee. 1892, Newt. Walter Howard Moore, A. M. by special vote 1S92. Graduated General theo- logical seminary 1871 ; Episcopal clergyman; dean St. John's church, Quincy, 111. Gen., P. Joseph Edward Mowry, A. M. Principal Federal street grammar school, Providence, R. I. Address, 162 Academy Ave., Providence, R. I. P. John Albert Nickerson ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S69. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Born South Dennis, Mass., April 19, 1S44; died South Dennis, Dec. 28, 1S74. A K E, Harv., Nee. 1875 Caibraith Bourne Perry; D. D. Bethany college. Graduated General theologi- cal seminary 1S70. Episcopal clergyman; assistant pastor Mt. Calvary church, Baltimore, Md.; archdeacon, Tenn. ; dean Hoffman hall divinity school, Nash- ville, Tenn.; pastor St. Andrew's church, Schroon Lake, N. Y. Author Twelve years among the colored people. Address, Schroon Lake, Essex Co., N. Y. 9 A X, Gen., P. Charles Ansel Remington. Graduated Newton theological institution 1870; resident, Fitchburg, Mass. 1870-71. Born New Ipswich, N. H., March 29, 1842; died Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 21, 1870. AT, Newt., 1886, Nee. 1S71 Andrew Jackson Rogers. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1870; ordained Congregational 1873; pastor Pavilion church, Biddeford, Me. 1S73- 75; Underhill, Vt. 1875-76. Born Medford, Mass., Nov. 10, 1S33; died Winooski, Vt., May 6, 1876. ARE, And. Martin Sidney Smith, A. M. Trial justice, Scituate, R. I. 187S-S3 ; superin- tendent of schools Scituate 1889-93 i member R. I. house of representatives 1S74-76, '78-83; R. I. senate 1891-93; farmer and gardener. Address, North Scituate, R. I. P. Harrison Williams Stearns. Graduated Newton theological institution 1870; ordained Baptist 1870; pastor, St. Anthony, Minn. 1870-72; Clinton, Wis. 1872-78; Sunday school missionary, northern Wis. 1878-80; missionary, north- ern Wis. 1880-82 ; Chippewa, Wis., and vicinity 1882-85; pastor. Junction Citv, Kans. 1885-S7; Cheyenne, Wy. 1887-88; district missionary, northern Neb. 18S8-. Address, 119 East nth St., Grand Island, Neb. Bapt. encyc, Newt., A Y, P. John Clark Sullivan, A.M. U. S. military service 1862-63, sergeant; lawyer, Middleboro, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives 1881-83; register court of probate and insolvency Plymouth co., Mass. Address, Middleboro, Mass. B. U. civ. war, A Y, P. Thomas Jefferson Volentine ; B. D. Chicago theological seminary 1870; M. D. St. Louis college of physicians and surgeons 1883. Student, Andover theo- logical seminary 1867-68 ; ordained Congregational 1870; pastor Champaign, 111. 1S70-74; Ottawa, 111. 1S74-78; Chicago, 111. 1879-S1 ; St. Louis, Mo. 1881- 82; Boston, Mass. 1886-? Author various sermons. From Bethel, 111. And.,*A K E Henry Alanson Winn. Graduated Newton theological institution 1870; studied and travelled abroad 1870-71. Born Woburn, Mass., March 29, 1844; died Berlin, Germany, April 17, 187 1. Newt., Nee. 1871 1867 GRADUATES 227 Bachelors of Philosophy. Joseph Bridgham. Architect four years; scientific artist, Providence, R. I. Illustrator of many governmental and other scientific publications. Address, P. O. Box 167, Providence, R. I. ^ Y, p. Charles Edwin Harvey. U. S. naval service 1862-63, seaman; teacher, Minnie, Mont. 1S67-6S; book agent 1869-S9; clerk R. I. supreme court, appel- late and common pleas divisionsfor Newport co. 18S9-91. Address, 227 Broad- way, Newport, R. I. a Y P. John Mantle Judah. Lawyer, Memphis, Tenn. : financial agent. Address, Memphis, Tenn. Z ^ P Joseph Davis Kirby. On editorial staff Daily nezvs, Fall River, Mass. 1S67; resident, Montana 1868-87; clerk territorial council. Born Dartmouth, Mass., March 1, 1S44; died Montana, March 17, 18S7. 9 A X, B. U. Fall River John Francis Lonsdale. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1889-91. Address, 17 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Farnum Mansfield. Cotton manufacturer, Woonsocket, R. I. 1869-72; manufacturer agricultural implements, Millville, Mass. 1872-77; cotton manu- facturer, Lawrence, Mass. 18S1-83; assistant superintendent Mohawk Valley cotton mills, Utica, N. Y. 1SS3-; general superintendent Utica steam cotton mills and Mohawk Valley cotton mills, Utica, N. Y. Address, Utica, N. Y. * T, P. Louis Henry Marvel, A. M. 1879. Assistant teacher high school, Taunton, Mass. 186S-69; principal high school, Medfield, Mass. 1S70-71 ; Sandwich, Mass/1871-73; superintendent of schools Sandwich 1873-74; Holyoke, Mass. 1874-78; Gloucester, Mass. 1878-82; Lewiston, Me. 18S4-86; compiler and editor of school text-books. Associate author Parker and Marvel's supple- mentary readers. Address, West Medfield, Mass. B. U. Fall River, Z i r , P. Orville Peckham. Lawyer. Address, 518 First National Bank Building Chicago, 111. Z t, P. 28 *11 1868 Clarendon Dwight Belden. Teacher, R. I. 1S68-71 ; graduated Crozer theo- logical seminary 1S74; ordained Baptist 1874; pastor, Austin, Minn. 1S74-S2 ; superintendent of schools Mower co., Minn. 1SS1-90. Editor and joint pro- prietor Mower county transcript, 1881-. Address, Austin, Minn. Bapt. encyc , A Y, P. Francis Edward Bliss. In petroleum business, New York, N. Y. ; managing director, Surrey, England. Address, Hawthornden, Queen's Ride, Barnes Common, Surrey, England. A A $ P. George Roscoe Chase, A. M. Superintendent of schools, Holyoke, Mass. prin- cipal preparatory department, Purdue university 1876; farmer. Address, Med- field, Mass. a Benjamin Cook, A. M. Principal academy and high school, Sandwich, Mass. nine years; lawyer. Address, 14 French St., Fall River, Mass. G A X, P. John Mayhew Daggett. Insurance agent, Attleboro, Mass. 1869-73; deputy co. clerk 1873-84; member school committee 1869-71; admitted to Ark. bar 1874; editor Index, Marian na, Ark. 1874-75; alderman Attleboro 1874 ; post- master 1S74-84; lawyer, real estate agent, abstracter of titles, Marianna 1SS5-. Correspondent American gazette, Little Rock, Ark., 1SS7-. Address, Marianna, Lee Co., Ark. A K E P. 228 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1868 Francis Wayland Douglas, A. M. Timber merchant, Mo. 1869-74; registrar Brawn university 1879-84; stock-fanner, Neb. 1884-S7 ; local secretary Young men's Christian association, Indianapolis, Ind. ; state secretary tor Ind. Ad- 680 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. A T, P. George Walter Edwards, A. M. Principal high school; editor Daily standard, Syracuse. N. Y. ; principal public school no. 70, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, Cor. Patchen Ave. and Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Z "f\ P. Sabin Tillotson Goodell. U. S. military service 1863-66, first lieutenant; graduated Newton theological institution 1871 ; ordained Baptist 1871; mis- sionary, Bassein, Burmah 1871-77. Born Norway, N. Y., May 22, 1S36; died Rangoon, Burmah, Nov. 16, 1877. Nee. 1878, Newt., B. U. civ. war Richard Smith Howland, A. M. Editor and publisher Providence journal. Address, Journal Office, Providence, R. I. P. Joseph Jackson, A. M. Principal Derby academy, Derby, Vt. 186S-69; high school, Gardner, Mass. 1869-73; Millbury, Mass. 1873-83; Woodland street school, Worcester, Mass. 18S3-. Author Flora of Worcester county 18S3 ; Through glade and mead, 1894. Address, 15 Woodland St., Worcester, Mass. P. William Ensign Lincoln, A. M. Manufacturer of light locomotives, Pittsburgh, Penn. Editor hi memoriam John Larkin Lincoln i8ij-i8qi, 1894. Address, Pittsburgh, Penn. P. William Henry Lyon; B. D. Harvard university 1873. Unitarian clergy- man; pastor, Ellsworth, Me. 1873-78; All soul's church, Boston, Mass. 18S0-. Author^ study of the sects-, 1890. Address, 519 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. A A 4>, P. Eugene Waterman Mason. Cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Ad- dress, 149 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. A A 4>, P William Carey Poland, A. M. Principal Worcester academy 1868-70; instruc- tor Greek, Brown university 1870-71; instructor Latin and Greek 1871-75; assistant professor Latin and Greek 1876-S8; associate professor Greek 18SS- 92; professor History of art 1892- ; annual director American school of classical studies at Athens 1S91-92 ; secretary Commission of colleges in N. E. on admis- sion examinations 1S86- ; member managing committee American school of classical studies at Athens 1891-. Author Reports of the Commission of col- leges / Necrology of Broivn university, yearly ; also various articles in America7i journal of archaeology. Address, 9 Lloyd St., Providence, R. I. A A , P. Lyman Fisk Rand, 1888. Student, Princeton theological seminary 1S71-73; graduated Andover theological seminary 1874; ordained Congregational 1S74; pastor, Staffordville, Conn. 1874-75; Lyndeboro, N. H. 1S75-76; chemist, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 929 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Princ, And. P. George Roswell Read. U. S. military service 1S62-63; graduated Newton theological institution 1871; ordained Baptist 1871 ; pastor, Lisbon Falls, Me. 1871-76; Alameda, Cal. 1877-S2; resident, Alameda. Address, 2002 Pacific Ave., Alameda, Cal. B. U. civ. war, Bapt. encyc, Newt., A Y, P. Lucius Osborn RockwOOd. Instructor Mathematics, Conn, literary institu- tion, Suffield, Conn. 1S68-69 ; teacher, English and classical school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1869-70; admitted to bar 187 1 ; lawyer, Providence 1871-82. Born Franklin, Mass., Jan. 15, 1847; died Attleboro, Mass., Feb. 16, 18S2. A K E, Nee. 18S2 James Scammon; LL. B. Albany law school 1S70. Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 2460 Brooklyn Ave., Kansas City, Mo. P. 1868 GRADUATES 229 Charles Henry Smart, A. M. Superintendent public schools, Charlestown, W. Va. 1SS2-85; principal English and classical department, Spencerian busi- ness college, Providence, R. I. 1885- ? real estate broker, Providence; member R. I. house of representatives 1S94. Address, 773 Charles St., Providence, R. I. A K E Irani Nelson Smith, A. M. Teacher Durfee high school, Fall River, Mass. 1879- ; member school committee Fall River 1S76-79. Address, 1 Winter St., Fall River, Mass. A A , P. Henry Newell Cady. Artist. Address, 4745 Morris St., Germantown, Penn. Franklin Chase Clark, A. M.; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1872. Physician and surgeon. Address, 186 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. Joseph Harris Cowell ; M. D. University of Mich. 1S71. U. S. military ser- vice 1S64; professor Pathology, Lansing homoeopathic medical college 1871-73 ; physician and surgeon. Address, 318 North Warren Ave., Saginaw, Mich. B. U. civ. war, Z ■f, P. Alvin Millen Crane, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-65, captain ; graduated Newton theological institution 1872; ordained Baptist 1872 ; pastor, Medfield, Mass. 1872-7S; and since 1891 ; West Boylston, Mass. 1878-83; Shelburne Falls, Mass. 1883-89; Millbury, Mass. 1889-91. Address, Medfield, Mass. B. U. civ. war, Newt., A T, P. Qeorge Edward Cranston, A. M. Episcopal clergyman. From Elmwood, R. I.; died Boston, Mass., March 8, 1895. Z * Nathan Fellows Dixon; LL. B. Albany law school 1871. Lawyer, Westerly R. I. 187 1- ; U. S. district attorney, R. I. 1877- ; member U. S. senate 18S5-89. Address, Westerly, R. I. R. I. eye, A X David Downie, A.M.;D. D. Bucknell university 1886. Student, Newton theo- logical institution 1869-70; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S72 ; ordained Baptist 1872; pastor, Monroeville, O. 1S72-73 ; missionary and prin- cipal boys' and girls' seminary, Nellore, India 1873; mission treasurer Ameri- can Baptist Telugu mission; municipal commander, Nellore 1875-82. Author History of the Telugu missio?i, 1893; editor Telugu Baptist, 18S0-82 ; Baptist missionary review. Address Nellore, Madras Presidency, India. A K E, Newt., Roch., P. Walter Richmond Fales. Manufacturer, Wrentham, Mass. In lumber busi- ness. Address, Wrentham, Mass. A $, P. Qeorge Hurlburt Felton, A. M. ; M. D. University of the city of New York 187S. Teacher, Suffield, Conn. 1869-70; Hampden, Conn. 1870-71; student, Rochester theological seminary 1871-72; teacher, Hightstown, N. J., 1876-77; physician, Haverhill, Mass. 1878-80; Lynn, Mass. 1881-82; city physician Lynn, 1882; physician, St. Paul, Minn. 18S2-85 ; Granby, Mass. 1885-86; normal principal Leland university, New Orleans, La. 18S7; professor Materia medica, New Orleans university, 1889-. Address, Leland University, New Or- leans, La. Roch., A T, P. 1869 GRADUATES 231 Frank Wilton Freeborn, A. M. Master graded school, Jewett City, Conn.; adjunct professor Mathematics. Columbian college, Washington, D. C. 1871- 72; principal high school, Hyde Park, Mass. 1872-75; teacher Public Latin school, Boston, Mass. 1875- ; master. Editor Morceaux choisis d'Alphonse Daudet, 1S94. Address, Latin school, Boston, Mass. A A , P. Henry Tyler Grant. Travelled in the Western states 1869-70; cotton manu- facturer, Southbridge, Mass. 1870-72, '73-77; administrator of a private estate 1S72-73; accountant Riverside mills, Providence, R. I. 1877-80; woolen manu- facturer, Providence 18S0-S4; president Mercantile mutual fire insurance com- pany, Providence 18S4; Pacific mutual fire insurance company. Address, 96 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. -f Y, P. George Dallas Hersey, A. M. ; M. D. University of the city of New York 1S74. Physician, Providence, R. I.; surgeon to out-patients, R.I. hospital 1S78-8S; visiting surgeon 1888-; librarian R. I. medical society 1S79-. Ad- dress, 500 Broad St., Providence, R. I. p. John Carver Hopkins. U. S. military service 1862; teacher, Lyndon, Vt. 1S71-72; Buffalo, N. Y. 1S72. Born Foster, R. I., June 3, 1S41 ; died Che- pachet, R. I., Sept. S, 1S72. R. I. adj.-gen., A T, Nee. 1873 Pascal Allen Horton. Shipping clerk. Address, Saugus, Mass. P. Arthur Judson Hovey, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1872; ordained Baptist 1S72 ; pastor, Stoneham, Mass. 1872-87; Evansville, Wis. 18SS-89; Sparta, Wis. 18S9-93 ; Raynham, Mass. 1893-95; Groton, Mass. 1S95-. Address, Groton, Mass. A Y, Newt., P. Ray Greene Huling, A. M. ; D. Sc. 1S94. Assistant principal high school, Fall River, Mass. 1S69-75 ; principal high school. Fitchburg, Mass. 1S75-86; New Bedford, Mass. 1886-93; headmaster English high school, Cambridge, Mass. 1S93-; corresponding member R. I. historical society; president Worces- ter county teachers' convention ; Mass. state teachers' association ; American institute of instruction; Mass. high school masters' club; Fitchburg benevo- lent union ; Bovs' amusement society. Author many historical articles in Narragansett historical register; R. I. historical magazine; also numerous educational articles in Educational reviexv ; School reviezv ; N. E. journal of education ; Education ; editor School and college, 1S92. Address, 101 Trow- bridge St., Cambridge, Mass. B. U. Fall River, A A , P. John Skinner Hutchinson, A. M. Teacher, academy, Worcester, Mass. 1869-70; graduated Newton theological institution 1S73; ordained Baptist 1874; tutor Greek and Hebrew, Crozer theological seminary 1873-75; retired ; clerk Health department Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 1180 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Newt., A A <1>, P. Preston Day Jones; A. M. Mississippi college 1S71. Teacher Latin, Greek and English, Mississippi college 1869-71 ; principal high school, Hopkinton, • Mass. 1871-72; grammar school, Worcester, Mass. 1873-78; admitted to bar 1S79; journalist, Providence, R. I. 1879-84. Born Troy, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1847; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 31, 18S4. A K E, Nee. 1885 Francis Lawton; LL. B. Columbia college 1873. Lawyer. Address, 1 West 83d St., New York, N. Y. Z *, P. Dura Pratt Morgan, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-66; hospital steward 1S64; graduated Newton theological institution 1872; ordained Baptist 1S72 ; pastor, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1S72-75 ; First church, Beverly 1875-88; trustee Colby academy 1879- ; secretary board of trustees ; executive committee. Born New London, N. H., June 30, 1840; died New London, July 7, 1892. A A *, Newt., Nee. 1893, B. U. civ. war 232 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1869 George Cune Newton. Farmer, East Charlemont, Mass. ; member school committee, Charlemont, three years. Author Sunday school lesson notes in Our country church, 1890; also a few articles in N. R. homestead; local corre- spondent Gazette and courier. Address, East Charlemont, Mass. P. Andrew Bowman Patton, A. M. Lawyer. Address, Hughesdale, R. I. P. Nelson Perrin; M. D. Harvard university 1873. Physician and surgeon, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. medical society. Address, 1935 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. William Tallman Richmond. U. S. military service 1864; resident, Chicago, 111. Address, 159 La Salle St., Cbicago, 111. B. U. civ. war, P. James Horton Shankland. Lawyer. Address, 21 Baker Block, Los Angeles, Cal. G A X, P. Osgood Harris Shepard ; LL. B. Albany law school 1871. Lawyer. Address, Albany, N. Y. P. George Mathewson Smith, 1871. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 165 Hope St., Providence, R. I. P. Isaac Robinson Wheelock, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S72 ; ordained Baptist 1872 ; pastor Pleasant street church, Worcester, Mass. 1872-75; First church, Fitchburg, Mass. 1875-85; Main street church, Meriden, Conn. 1 8S5-? secretary Colonial mutual fire insurance company, Boston, Mass.; trustee Worcester academy 12 years; member school board Fitchburg 1S80-84. Author History of the Fitchburg Baptist church / biographical articles in His- tory of New Haven county, Co?m. 188 1 ; The fire i?isura?ice inspector and his tuork ; several articles in National cyclopaedia of American biography ; various articles in Watchman; Religious herald ; Messenger ," Messenger and visitor; and fire insurance papers. Address, Corner South and Walter Sts., Roslin- dale, Mass. Newt., A T, P. John Conant White. Admitted to bar 1872; lawyer, Effington, 111. Born Forestville, Wake co., N. C, May 21, 1846; died Effington, 111., Dec. 16, 1888. Nee. 1S89 Allen Francis Wood, A. M. Principal Riverpoint classical seminary, River- point, R. I. 1S69-70; high school, Attleboro, Mass. 1S70-72 ; Fifth street gram- mar school, New Bedford, Mass. since 1872. Author Outline astronomy, 1S76; Outline meteorology, 1S77; Outline physiology, 1S77 ; Outline physics, 1877. Address, 11 1 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford, Mass. A T, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Daniel Moses Fisk, A. M. 1S76; Ph. D. Finlay college, O. 1S90. Professor Biology, Hillsdale college 14 years; pastor First Congregational church, Jack- son, Mich, five years; First church, Toledo, O. Address, 2024 Robin wood Ave., Toledo, O. P. Frank Barker Grant. Cotton manufacturer, Southbridge, Mass. 1869-74; manufacturer worsted coatings, Providence, R. I. 1874-82 ; agent patented machines in manufacture of textile fabrics 1882-. Address, 34 Tobey St., Providence, R. I. * T Joseph Metcalf Harris. Woolen manufacturer, Woonsocket, R. I. 1869-72. Born Woonsocket, R. I., Jan. 27, 1849; died Berlin, Germany, Oct. 21, 1872. Z *, Nee. 1873 Charles Hitchcock; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1872. Physi- cian. Address, 57 West 36th St., New York, N. Y. Z ■f, P. James Mauran Rhodes. Merchant. Address, 121 South 5th St., Philadel- phia, Penn. * T, P. 32 *7 1870 GRADUATES 2 33 I87O Elisha Benjamin Andrews, A. M. ; D. D. Colby university 1884; LL D University of Nebraska 18S4. U. S. military service 1861-64, second lieu- tenant; principal Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 1S70-72; graduated Newton theological institution 1874; ordained Baptist 1874; pastor First church, Beverly, Mass. 1S74-75 ; president Denison university 1875-79; profes- sor Homiletics and pastoral theology, Newton theological institution 1879-S2 ; student of history and economics, Berlin and Munich 1882-83; professor His- tory and political economy, Brown university 1S82-88; Political economy and finance, Cornell university 1888-89; president and professor Moral and intel- lectual philosophy, Brown university 1S89-; U. S. commissionei to Interna- tional monetary conference, Brussels 1892; member American historical association; American economic association; N. E. historic, genealogical society; R. I. historical society. Author Brief institutes of constitutional his- tory, English and American, 1SS6; Brief institutes of general history, 1887; Institutes of economics, 1889; History, prophecy and gospel, edited, 1891 ; The duty of a public spirit, 1892 ; Gospel from two testaments, edited, 1S93 5 Droy- sen's Outline of the principles of history, translated, 1893; Eternal words and other sermons, 1894 I Wealth and moral law, 1894 i An honest dollar, with seven other essays on bimetallism, 1894; History of the U. S., 2 vols., 1894; History of the last quarter-century in the U. S., in Scribner's magazine, 1895'; besides numerous addresses and articles in reviews and journals. Address, 72 College St., Providence, R. I. A Y, Newt., Johnson's eye, Nat. eye. Am. biog P James Hope Arthur, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-64; graduated Newton theological institution 1S73; ordained Baptist 1873; missionary, Yokohama, Japan 1S73-74; Tokio, Japan 1874-77. Born Hartford, Conn., May 27, 1S42' died Oakland, Cal., Dec. 9, 1S77. A Y, Nee. 1S78, Newt., Am. Bapt. mag. 1878 William Ashmore, A. M. Teacher Peddie institute, Hightstown, N. J. 1S70- 72; student, Leipsic 1872-73; Berlin 1S73-74; professor Greek, Shurtleff col- lege 1874-75; instructor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1875-76; gradua- ted Rochester theological seminary 1879; ordained Baptist 1879; missionary, Swatow, China 1879-. Address, Swatow, China. A Y, Roch. theol., P Daniel Beckwith. Travelling in Europe, and student of engineering, Ger- many 1870-73; in surveyor's office, Providence, R. I. 1S73-76; with manufac- turing company, Providence 1S76-77; assistant librarian Brown university 1877-79; librarian Providence Athemeum 1S79-94; retired. Address, Provi- dence, R. I. *Y P Joseph Bucklin Bishop. Member editorial staff Tribune, New York, N.' Y. 1S70-S3; American correspondent Daily nezvs, London 1881-; member edito- rial staff Evening post, New York 18S3-. Author Money in city elections, 18S7 5 Cheap mottey, 1S92. Address, Evening Post, New York, N. Y. A K E P. William Ammi Bradbury. Student, Newton theological institution 1S70-71.' Born Chepachet, R. I., Nov. 3, 1S47; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 13, 1S72. Newt., Nee. 1S72 James Ozias Bullock, A. M. ; M. D. University of the city of New York 1872. Physician and surgeon, Harrisville, R. I. [S72-73; Mclntyre, Penn. l8 73"75. '79-34; Canton, Penn. 1875-79; Peale, Penn. 1S84-85; Lonaconing, Md. 18S5-; director Lonaconing savings bank 1SS9-; U. S. pension examiner 1890-93. Address, Lonaconing, Md. A Y P 234 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1870 Thomas Burgess, A. M.; D. D. 1894. Master De Veaux college 1S70-72 ; graduated General theological seminary 1874; Episcopal clergyman; pastor American church, Dresden, Germany 1S75; St. John's church, North Adams, Mass. 1876-78; St. Luke's church, St. Albans, Vt. 1S78-87; general missioner, Dutchess county, N. Y. 18S7-90; rector St. Luke's church, Matteawan, N. Y. ; archdeacon, Dutchess county. Address, Matteawan, Dutchess Co., N. Y. A A 4>, P. Thomas Burgess, A. M. Address, Episcopal hospital, Philadelphia, Penn. P. Charles Shubael Child, A. M. Dry goods commission merchant. Address, 217 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. * T, P. Frank Linus Child, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1873. Lawyer and real estate agent, Boston, Mass.; captain, Mass. militia 18S0-81. Address, 28 State St., Boston, Mass. A *, P- Levi Wheaton Clapp, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1873. Physician, Pawtucket, R. I. From Pawtucket, R. I.; died Sept. 19, 1894. 9 A X Richard Steere Colwell, D. D. 1891. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1870-72; graduated Newton theological institution 1S75 ; ordained Baptist 1875; in Europe 1875-76; pastor Wanskuck, R. I. 1876-77; professor Greek, Denison university, Granville, O. 1877-. Author contributions to Standard, Chicago, 111. Address, Granville, Licking Co., O. A K E, Newt., P. Irving Wesley Coombs, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-63; student, Rochester theological seminary 1871-74; principal New Hampton literary and theological institution, Fairfax, Vt. 1874-76; ordained Baptist 1S76; pastor, Chatham, Mass. 1876-78; Rumney, N. H. 1878-80; Essex and Essex Junction, Vt. 1880-82; Bristol, Vt. 1882-85; Essex and Jericho, Vt. 18S5-86; North Springfield, Vt. 1886-? South Hampton, N. H.; Canterbury, N. H. 1892-. Address, Canterbury, N. H. B. U. civ. war, Roch. theol., P. Adoniram Judson Cushing, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 88 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R. I. Nathaniel French Davis, A. M.; LL. D. Colby university 1874. Vice presi- dent and professor Mathematics, Keystone state normal school, Kutztown. Penn. 1873-74; instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1874-79; assistant professor 1879-89; associate professor 1889-90; professor Pure mathematics 1890-. Address, 21 George St., Providence, R. I. A , P. Newell Tracy Dutton. U. S. military service 1862-65, sergeant-major; gradu- ated Newton theological institution 1873; ordained Baptist 1S73 ; pastor, War- ren, Me. 1873-S3; Houlton, Me. 1883- ; Fairfield, Me,; trustee Ricker classical institute, Houlton 18S3-; Colby university. Address, Fairfield, Me. B. U. civ. war, Newt., A T, P. Joseph Cady Ely; LL. B. Harvard university 1872. Lawyer. Address, 94 Waterman St., Providence, R.I. A A , P. John Mahan English, D. D. 1891. Teacher Latin, Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 1870-72; Greek, Denison university, Granville, O. 1874; graduated Newton theological institution 1875; ordained Baptist 1875; pastor First church, Gloucester, Mass. 1875-82; Dudley street church, Boston, Mass. 1882* professor Homiletics and pastoral theology, Newton theo- logical institution 1882- ; dean of faculty 1894-. Author Jesus as a preacher, in Watchman ; Suggestiotis for the preparation of an exposition sermon on the eighth chapter of Romans, in Old and New Testament student; The Christian academy a?id the education of today, 1892; Notes on homiletics ; besides other articles in various religious papers. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. Newt., A A 4>, P. 1870 GRADUATES 2 35 Elisha Farrington Fales. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S74; ordained Congregational 1874; pastor, Carthage, Mo. 1S74-82; Palestine, Tex. 18S2-93; Philadelphia, Penn. 1S93-; trustee Lake Charles college, La. Ad- dress, 3200 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Penn. And., P. Thomas Gardner Field, A. M. U. S. military service 1862, corporal; gradu- ated Newton theological institution 1S73; ordained Baptist 1S73 ; pastor, Alton, 111. 1S73-79; Winona, Minn. 1879-81; Minneapolis, . Minn. 1881-87; district secretary, district of Northwest 1887-91; O. and W. Va. 1S91 ; trustee Shurt- leff college 1874-79; Minn. Baptist state convention. Address, 14 East Ave., E1 jria, O. B. U. civ. war, A Y, Newt., P. William Henry Fish. U. S. military service 1S62-66, first lieutenant; grad- ated Newton theological institution 1874; ordained Baptist 1S75 ; pastor, Bur- lington, la. 1874-75; Billerica, Mass. 1S75-78; Brewster, Mass. 1878-81 ; Cromp- ton, R. I. 1881-S3; reporter Providence journal 1883-S6; pastor, Centreville, R. I.; Pawtucket, R. I. 1SS6-; Hyde Park, Mass. Author Sumfner resorts of R. I., 1SS7; articles in Watchman. Address, 44 Milton Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. Newt., A K E Albert Gardener Fisher, A. M. Principal high school, Palmer, Mass. 1873- 75; Provincetown, Mass. 1S75-78; Marlboro, Mass. 1S7S-83; Arlington, Mass. lS8 3"93 ; connected with Teachers' bureau, Boston, Mass. Address, Arlington, Mass. A ^ p Isaac Nelson Ford. Member editorial staff Tribune, New York, N. Y. Author Tropical America; Poem delivered before the alumni of Brown university-, 18S6; besides numerous articles in magazines and periodicals. Address, 91 Lenox Road, Flatbush Station, Brooklyn, N. Y. t T P. Walter Charles Hamm. Member Editorial staff Tribune, New York, N. Y. 1S75-S1 ; Press, Philadelphia, Penn. Author Art of gerrymandering ; Race question in America. Address, 3417 Race St., Philadelphia, Penn. A , P. Charles Nelson Harrington, A. M ; LL. B. Harvard university 1S73. Lawyer. Address, 17 Halsey St., Providence, R. I. j>, Mortimer Hall Hartwell. Merchant, Providence, R. I. 1S70-91 ; director Bank of America; Mechanics national bank; secretary Peckham manufactur- ing company, Coventry, R. I. 1S72-?; in Europe 1SS2 ; tieasurer Oneco manu- facturing company, Conn. 1SS6-?; trustee Brown university 1884-91; member advisory and executive committee, Brown university; member standing com- mittee on investments Brown university; Lyman gymnasium building com- mittee; Providence common council 1888-91. Born Providence, R. I. March 3, 1S49; died Providence, July 21, 1S91. A K E, Nee. 1S92 Arthur Lincoln, A. M. Stockbroker. Address, 5 East 17th St., New York, N. Y P. Jonathan Fish Lyon, A.M.; M. D. Heidelberg university 1SS0. Physician. Address, 231 East 116th St., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. John Coggeshall Macy; LL. B.Iowa state university 1S71. Lawyer. Address, 13 iS West Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa. p. Charles Alpheus Maryott, A. M. Student, Crozer theological seminary; or- dained Baptist 18715 pastor, Lonsdale, R. I. 1871-83; Quidnesset church, North Kingstown, R. I. 1SS3-88; Mt. Pleasant church, Providence, R.I. 188S-. Address, 59 Dover St., Providence, R. I. p Erastus Edgar Maryott, A. M. ; M. D. Union university 18S2. Physician and surgeon, Springfield, Mass. Author Latest and best in medicine, in press. Address, 92 Main St., Springfield, Mass. p. 236 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1870 Wilfred Harold Munro, A. M. Teacher, De Veaux college 1870-71; Salt Lake City 1871; in South and Central America 1872; principal Le Roy, N. Y., academic institute 1875-79; president De Veaux college 18S1-89 ; student, Freiburg and Heidelberg 1890-91 ; associate professor History, and director university extension, Brown university 1891-. Author History of Bristol, R. I., 1880; Picturesque R. I. , 1881 ; Notes on William Harris, 1893; and other historical articles. Address, Butler Ave., Providence, R. I. A 4>, P. William Thane Peck, A. M. ; D. Sc. 1894. Principal high school, Warren, R. I. 1870-72; student, Leipsic and Berlin 1872-74; teacher, high school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S75-81 ; principal classical department 1881-; president R. I. Bap- tist Sunday school convention 1879-81-; R. I. institute of instruction 1S83-85 ; R. I. Baptist social union 18S8-89. Author The high school, and high school programs, 1893. Address, 209 Point St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. George Whipple Porter, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1874. Physician, Providence, R. I.; surgeon 1st light infantry regiment, Providence; depart- ment of gynaecology, R. I. hospital; consulting physician, Providence lying- in hospital. Address, 8 Greene St., Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Powel; A. M. University of Penn. 1SS7. Resident, Newport, R. I. Address, Gibbs Ave., Newport, R. I. P. William Melville Proctor. Resident, Wrentham, Mass. Address, Wren- tham,Mass. P. Frederick Park Read; LL. B. Harvard university 1872. Lawyer. Address, 613 First National Bank Building, Chicago 111. P. Orlo Bertram Rhodes, A. M. Vice principal Hungerford collegiate institute, Adams, N. Y. 1878-80; principal 1882-. Editor Journal, Jefferson Co., N. Y. 188 1-. Address, Collegiate Institute, Adams, N. Y. A K E, P. Peter Benton Shiere. Graduated Theological institute of Conn. 1S73; preacher, Alden, la. 1S73-74; ordained Congregational 1S74; pastor, Majnard, Mass. 1874-76; Chatham, Mass. 1877-79. Born Lorceine, France ; last known address, East Somerville, Mass. Conn, theol. William Armington Smith; LL. B. Albany law school 1871. Admitted to bai-1871; lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. 1S71-77; ordained Baptist 1S78; pastor, Hamilton, O. 1878-79; Third church, Cleveland, O. 1879-81; Perkins street church, Somerville, Mass. 1881-S9. Author Student's handbook of commercial law l Who is responsible ? The spinning ivheel of Taimvorth j also numerous hymns and poems. Born Cincinnati, O., Dec. 29, 1847; died Seattle, Wash., May 29, 1890. A $, Nee. 1890 Charles Ewing Sheppard, A. M. Lawyer. Address, Bridgeton, N.J. Frederic Clarke Taft. Student of manufacturing, Wauregan mills, Conn. 1870-71; connected with Ponemah mill, Taftville, Conn. 1871-74; superinten- dent Whitestone mill, Killingly, Conn. 1S74-75. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 5, 1850; died Providence, March 6, 1876. Nee. 1881 Eugene Ellis Thomas. Graduated Newton theological institution 1873; or- dained Baptist 1S73; pastor, North Tevvksbury, Mass. 1873-76; Woonsocket, R. I. 1876-84; Newburyport, Mass. 1SS4-88; Nyack-on- Hudson, N. Y. 188S- 89; Dutch reformed church, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N. Y. 1889-94; Dutch re- formed church, Castleton-on-Hudson, N. Y. 1894- ; chairman board of educa- tion Tewksbury two years; member R. I. house of representatives 1880-82; superintendent public schools Woonsocket 1880-84. Author Futtcre punish- ment, 1878; besides various sermons and articles in newspapers and reviews; editor Daily and -weekly patriot, Woonsocket 1S79-81. Address, Castleton- on-Hudson, N. Y. R. I. eye, Newt., P. 1870 GRADUATES 2 37 George Everson Weeden, A. M. Manufacturer. Address, 631 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. p. Alonzo Williams, A. M. U. S. military service 1S61-65, second lieutenant; tutor Greek and Latin, Brown university 1870-71; teacher Latin, Greek and German, Friends' school, Providence, R.I. 1871-75; professor Modern lan- guages and literature, Brown university 1S76-92 ; professor Germanic lan- guages and literatures 1892- ; member Oriental congress, Stockholm, Sweden 1889; commander R. I. department Grand army of the republic 18S9-90; su- pervisor U. S. census of R. I. 1S90; member board of Soldiers home 1SS9-93 ; trustee East Greenwich academy; member American oriental society; Ameri- can •philological association ; registrar R. I. sons of American revolution. Au- thor French versification ; Subjunctive mood in French; German conversation and composition, 1S85 ; Investment of Fort Pulaski; Brief history of Third R. I. heavy artillery, in revised report of adjutant general, 1S93 ; R. I. day at World's Columbian exposition, Chicago 1893, edited; Oration, in the same; Analyses of lectures in German literature, 1894. Address, 10 Cushing St., Providence, R.I. A A , P. Prentiss Mellen Woodman; A. M. Miss, college. Tuior Greek and Latin, Miss, college 1870-72; student, Newton theological institution 1872-73; public school teacher, Minneapolis, Minn. 1S73-80; admitted to bar 1S80; lawyer, Minneapolis 18S0-. Editor Woodman's Minn, lawyer's diary. Address, Lum- ber Exchange Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Newt., A K E, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Jeffrey Davis. Cotton manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; president Quidnick manufacturing company; director American national bank ; Armington and Sims Engine company; Mercantile mutual fire insurance company; Provi- dence mutual fire insurance company; trustee City savings bank. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. 9 A X, P. Henry Smith Fenner. Treasurer Slade mills, Fall River, Mass.; director; Fall River national bank; member Fall River common council 1S86-S7; trustee Home for aged, Fall River. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. Marcus Morton Johnson; M. D. University of the city of New York 1877. Teacher, Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 1S70-75 ; house physician Hartford, Conn., hospital 1877-7S; medical student, Vienna and Berlin 1S7S- 79; physician and surgeon, Hartford 1S79- ; surgeon Governor's foot guard since 1879; trustee and chairman executive committee Conn, literary institu- tion ; member Hartford medical society; Hartford county medical society; American medical association ; fellow Academy of medicine, New York, N. Y. Author History, etiology, chemical pathology and treatment of diphtheria. Address, 72 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. A T, P. Walter Brayton Knight. From Providence, R. I.; died 1S77. John Post Reynolds. Ice dealer, Bristol, R. I.; member town council 1S82- 86; superintendent of schools 1884-94. Address, Bristol, R. I. P. Arthur Hamilton Watson. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; alderman Provi- dence; member common council; president. Address, 283 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R. I. G A X, P. 46 *7 I87I William Blodget. Banker, Chicago, 111. 1871-75; Providence, R.I. 1S75-S6; Boston, Mass. 18S6-?; New York, N. Y. Address, 10 Wall St., New York, N. Y. xp y 238 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1871 Arthur Foster Bowers. City editor Tribune, New York, N. Y. Address, Tribune Office, 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. A A $, P. Rice Arnold Brown. Merchant, Blackstone, Mass.; merchant and broker. Address, 53 Norwood Ave., Long Branch City, N. J. A A 4>, P. Robert Perkins Brown, A. M. Bookkeeper Kendall manufacturing company, Providence, R. I.; merchant, Providence. Address, 17 Planet St., Providence, R. I. A*, P. George Warren Bucklin. In business, New York, N. Y. ; Providence, R. I. ; travelled in South America 1877-7S. Born Louisville, Ky., March 23, 1S51 ; died Oroja, Peru, Dec. 24, 1878. Z ■¥, Nee. 1879 John Ezra Burr. Graduated Newton theological institution 1874; ordained 1874; pastor, Fisherville, N. H. 1874-78; West Medway, Mass. 1S78-83. Born French Creek, W. Va., Feb. 27, 1S45; died Deer Park, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1883. A T, Newt., Nee. 1884 George Washington Carr ; LL. B. Columbia college 1874. Lawyer. Address, 127 West 77th St., New York, N. Y. P. Edward Freeborn Child. Cotton broker. Address, 4 Westminster St., Prov- idence, R. I. * T, P. Latham Fitch, A. M. Assistant teacher, high school, Worcester, Mass. 1871- 73; principal high school, Putnam, Conn. 1873-76; ordained Baptist 1877 ; pastor Second church, New London, Conn. 1877-. Address, 33 Broad St., New London, Conn. A K E, P. Walter Russell Gardner, A. M. ; D. D. Nashotah theological seminary 1890. Graduated General theological seminary 1874; pastor St. Thomas' church, Amenia, N. Y. 1874-75 ; assistant pastor Church of the Advent, Boston, Mass. 1875-83; general superintendent missions, diocese of Fond du Lac, Wis. 1883-S7 pastor St. Paul's church, Plymouth, Wis. 1887-90; president Nashotah theo- logical seminary 1890-. Address, Nashotah, Wis. Gen. sem., P. John Melville Gould, A. M. ; Ph. D. 1891 ; LL. B. Boston university 1875. Lawyer, Newton, Mass. Author History of the First, Tenth and Twenty- ninth Me. regiments, 187 1 ; How to camp out, 1877; Treatise on the law of waters, 1883; Notes o?i the revised statutes of the U. S. and the subsequent legislation of Congress, in conjunction with G. F. Tucker, 1889; editor Story's Equity pleadings, 9th and 10th editions; Daniell's Chancery practice, 6th American edition. Address, 46 Bennington St., Newton, Mass. Z ^, P. Elijah William Hendrick. Admitted to bar 1874; lawyer, San Diego, Cal. 1S74- ; city attorney four years; district attorney San Diego co. two years; member Cal. legislature two years; U. S. circuit commissioner 1875-89. Ad- dress, San Diego, Cal. A T, P. Thomas Charles Hennessy ; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college 1874. Physician, Montreal, Canada. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 9, 1849; died Dec. 25, 1889. A Matthew Morris Howland, A. M. Address, 84 Spring St., New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Webster Hoyt. U. S. military service 1864-65; graduated Newton theological institution 1874; ordained Baptist 1874; pastor, Amherst, Mass. 1S74-80; Millbury, Mass. 1880-89; Adams square church, Worcester, Mass. 1889-. Author A sermon in rhyme. Address, 118 Paine St., Worcester, Mass. A Y, Newt., P. John Crawford James. Wholesale crockery merchant, Kansas City, Mo. 1S72- ; president Commercial club; member board of education. Address, Corner Linwood Avenue and Flora St., Kansas City, Mo. A K E, P. 1871 GRADUATES 239 Joseph Hayden Jewell. Medical student, Harvard university 1871-72. Born Brentwood, N. H., Aug. iS, 1847; died Manchester, N. H., March 29, 1S72. A K E, Nec. 1S72 Alfred Evan Johnson, A. M.; B. D. General theological seminary 1S76. Graduated General theological seminary 1S74; Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. Peter's church, Stone Bridge, N. Y., 1875-76; assistant pastor Christ church, Springfield, Mass. 1876-77; St. Anne's church, Lowell, Mass. 1S77-S3; pastor, Christ church, Salmon Falls, N. H.; St. Martin's church, New Bedford, Mass. iSSS-. Author Simple exposition of the Apostle's creed. Address, New Bed- ford, Mass. P. Henry Lucien Kendall. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1874; or " dained Congregational 1S75 ; pastor Walpole, Mass. 1874-75; First parish church, Charlestown, Mass. 1875-79; Jacksonville, Fla. 1S79-S0; Northfield, Minn. 1881-82; Walpole, Mass. 1SS2-83. Born Providence, R. I.. March 5, 1849; died Walpole, Mass. Jan. 23, 1SS3. And., Nec. 1S83 Charles Carroll Luther. Journalist 1871-76; ordained Baptist 1886; evangelist 1S76-91, 1893- ; pastor First church, Bridgeport, Conn. 1891-93. Author Temple chimes, 188S; Road to Sodom, or a Christian's relation to the xvorld, 1895; Talks to young Christians and some Bible outlines, 1895; editor .// J\ ]? song book, 1871. Address, 32 Laurel Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. A K E, P. William Elwood Marshall, A. M. From West Cornwallis, N. S. Augustus Samuel Miller, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member Provi- dence common council 1S85-87; president 1S87 ; member R. I. house of repre- sentatives 18S4-85, '89-91 ; speaker 1889-91; member R. I. senate 1S93-94. Ad- dress, 87 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A X, P. William Finn Mustin, A. M. Merchant, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S71-78. Born Philadelphia, Penn., June 15, 1849; died Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1878. Nec. 1S79 Cornelius Channing Plummer. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; secretary, R. I. radical peace society 1891-. Address, 3S6 Washington St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Frank King Potter. Merchant. Address, 171 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Z *, P. David Henry Taylor. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1874; or- dained Baptist 1874; pastor Calvary church, Salem, Mass. 1874-76; Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1S77-86; Central church, Norwich, Conn. 1886-89; Central Con- gregational church, Newtonville, Mass. 1889-90. Author Jubilee hymn, 1882 ; Life of Paul, 1884; Rlemoir of William Treat Burns, 1889; also various arti- cles in Outing; Youth's companion ; Woman's journal ; Watchman ; Independ- ent; Examiner ,' Religious herald ; Christian secretary ; Standard ; Congrega- tionalism Born French Lake, Queen's county, N. B., Dec. 19, 1S47 ; died Newtonville, Mass., Dec. 10, 1S90. A Y, Roch. theol., Nec. 1891 Sylvanus Martin Thomas. Lawyer. Address, Taunton, Mass. Edward Tobey Tucker; M. D. Harvard university 1874. Physician. Ad- dress, 25S Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. P. Leverett Supply Woodworth. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S74. Ordained Congregational 1S74 ; pastor South church, Campello, Brock- ton, Mass. 1S74-79; Newman church, East Providence, R. I. 1879-SS; superin- tendent public school, East Providence, one year; state missionary R. I. home missionary society; chaplain R. I. militia seven years; delegate, International council, London 1S91. Address, 5 Rhode Island Ave., Providence, R. I. A T, And., P. 240 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1871 Henry Harrison Wyman. Member Paulist order 1875 ; ordained Roman Catholic priest 1876; Paulist missionary, U. S. and Canada. Author a few arti- cles in Catholic zvorld. Address, 628 California St., San Francisco, Cal. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Arthur Herbert Armington. Assessor taxes Providence, R. I. 18S6-. Ad- dress, City Hall, Providence, R. I. P. Harry Powell Bush. Student, Harvard law school; admitted to bar 1874; lawyer, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., June 10, 185 1; died Provi- dence, Dec. 24, 1875. Z ir, Nee. 1S76 Howe Call; LL. B. Albany law school 1874. Lawyer. Address, Portsmouth, R. I. Gilbert Noxon Campbell. Lawyer. Address, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A X Adams Pope Carroll. Merchant, Norwich, Conn. 1S71 ; treasurer Wequonnuk mills 1875-77; trustee Conn, literary institute, Suffield, Conn. 1884-. Address, 257 Broadway, Norwich, Conn. "fr Y, P. Walter John Cushing. Civil engineer. Address, 61 Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. Z ■*•, P. Joseph Pitman Earle. Resident, New York, N. Y. Address, 136 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. Z *. 29 *8 1872 Amos Turner Ashton, A. M. Graduated General theological seminary 1875; ordained Episcopal deacon 1874; priest 1875; pastor St. Thomas's church, 'Amenia, N. Y. 1875-78; Trinity church, Haverstraw, N. Y. 1878-91; St. James's church, Hyde Park-on-Hudson, N. Y. since 1891 ; member executive committee, archdeaconry of Dutchess co. Author God's glory our aim ; the three following articles in Beer's History of Rockland county, N. Y. : History of Trinity church-, Haverstraw; History of St. Luke's church, Haverstraw; Sketch of the life of Rev. Solomon G. Hitchcock of Sharon, Co?m. ; Histori- cal sketch, in Centennial history of the diocese of New York; various miscel- laneous articles in newspapers. Address, Hyde Park-on-Hudson, N. Y. A K E, P. Leander Milton Barber. Superintendent Wood river branch railroad. Ad- dress, Hope Valley, R. I. P. Francis Walter Barnett. Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. Matthew's church, Wilton, Conn. 1879-?; Canaan, Conn. Address, Canaan, Conn. A A * John Rogers Beam, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1874. Lawyer. Ad- dress, 148 Ellison St., Paterson, N. J. Z •*, P. Albert Arnold Bennett; B. D. Baptist union theological seminary 1875 ; pastor First Baptist church, Holliston, Mass. 1S75-80; missionary, Yokohama, Japan 1880- ; president Baptist theological seminary of Japan 1884-94. Author His- torical sketch of Holliston Baptist church; Baptist hymnbook ; Sermon in verse; also, in Japanese, various portions of the Bible, tracts and hymns. Ad- dress, Yokohama, Japan. A A 4>, P. Orson Porter Bestor; B. D. Baptist union theological seminary 1877. U. S. military service 1863; student, Newton theological institution 1872-73; ordained Baptist 1S73; pastor, Neponset, 111. 1S73-75 ; Bristol, 111. 1875-77; Dixon, 111. 1872 GRADUATES 241 1S77-S2; Pulman, 111. 1SS2-S4; Madison, Wis. 1SS4-S8; Beloit, Wis. 1SS9-92 ; Evansville, Wis. 1893- ; recording secretary Wis. Baptist state convention 1S89-. Author various articles in Standard ; Hebrew student. Address, Evansville. Rock Co., Wis. A Y, Newt., P. John Luther Bevan ; LL. B. University of Mich. 1874. Lawyer, Atlanta, 111. ; alderman ; city attorney. Address, Atlanta, Logan Co., 111. P. William Gardner Brown, A. M. Student, Boston university medical school; medical department, University of Michigan 1S74-75; physician, Chicago, 111. 1875-77; teacher, Swansea, Mass. 1877-79; academy, New Paltz, N. Y. 1S79- Si. Born Swansea, Mass., Dec. 16, 1846; drowned Fall River, Mass., Sept. 15, 1SS2. Nee. 1883 William Henry Buffum. Connected with First national bank, Providence, R. 1. 1872-73; cotton broker, Providence 1S73-75. Born Smithfield, R. I., Nov. 2, 1849; died Middletown, Mass., Jan. 7, 1S75. A K E, Nee. 1S75 William Cornelius Carr. Baptist clergyman. Address, Weedsport, N. Y. Frank Avery Coates, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1875. Physician. Address, Mystic Bridge, Conn. A T John Wilmarth Colwell. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S75 ; or- dained Congregational 1875; pastor West Concord, N. H. 1875-79; Pittsfield, N. H. 1879-S1 ; Second church, Peabody, Mass. 1SS1-87; Barrington, R. I. 1887-; member school board, Concord, N. H. ; Peabody, Mass. Author Four- teen hundred miles in a sleeping car, 1S91. Address, Barrington, R. I. And., P. Joshua Eddy Crane, A. M. Principal academy, Bridgewater, Mass. 1S73-75; preparatory department, and instructor English language, Syrian Protestant college, Beirut, Syria 1876-79; instructor Latin, academy, Albany, N. Y. 18S2-S4; librarian Young men's association, Albany, 18S4-S7, '91-92; associate principal Latin school, Portland, Me. 1887-89; corresponding secretary ; Old Bridgewater historical society, Address, Bridgewater, Mass. A A $, P. Arthur Denorvan Dean, A. M. Lawyer. Address, Scranton, Penn. A A , P. James May Duane, A. M. Banker, with Brown brothers and company, Phila- delphia, Penn. Address, 1935 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Penn. Z "f, P. Eugene Kincaid Dunbar, A. M. From East Machias, Me. Z * Richard Moses Eliott. Vocal teacher, Boston, Mass. Address, 71 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. A T Robert Ives Gammell, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; trustee Brown university 1890-. Address, 327 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. Edwin Walter Gould, A. M. Student, Episcopal theological school, Cam- bridge, Mass.; ordained Episcopal 1S7S; assistant pastor St. John's church, Roxbury, Mass. one year; travelled 1S7S-S4; curate, Markham church, Cornwall, England 1SS4-S6. Author various articles in Churchman. Born Providence. R. I., April 7, 1S50; died Stratton, Cornwall, England, Dec. 31, 1S86. A A , Nee. 1S87 Benjamin Allen Greene, D. D. 1893. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1S75; ordained Baptist 1875; pastor Westboro, Mass. 1S75-S2 ; Lynn, Mass.iSS2-; special lecturer, Crozer theological seminary 1895; director North- ern Baptist educational society; secretary board of trustees Newton theological institution; president Baptist ministerial conference, Mass. Author various articles in periodicals. Address, Lynn, Mass. A T, Newt., P. Frank Bartlett Greene, A. M. Editor and publisher educational and other works, Germantovvn, Penn, Author Greene's first lessons in English; War- re?^ nexv physical geography, in conjunction with \V. H. Brewer; also va- 242 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1872 rious geographical articles in Chambers' nezv encyclopaedia ; Lippincotfs gazetteer. Address, 5904 Wayne Ave., German town, Pen n. P. Edward Bowen Hamlin, A. M. Bookkeeper. Address, 65 Clifford St., Provi- dence, R. I. A X, P. James Wesley Hendrick. Lawyer, Los Angeles, Cal. ; district attorney Las- sen co., Cal. 1877-79; justice superior court Lassen co. 18S0-85. Address, 219 North Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. A 4>, P. Edwin Ayer Herring. Shoe manufacturer, Haverhill, Mass. 1872-73; gradu- ated Newton theological.institution 1S76; ordained Baptist 1S76; pastor, Bel- lows Falls, Vt. 1876-78; Peterboro, N. H. 1S79-S1 ; shoe manufacturer, Haver- hill, Mass. 1881-84; pastor, Ellsworth, Me. 18S4-S6; Brandon, Vt. 1886-. Ad- dress, Brandon, Vt. A T, Newt., P. George Hitchcock, 1SS9; LL. B. Harvard university 1S74. Lawyer, R. I.; New York, N. Y. ; painter, Egmond a. d. Hoef, Holland ; Hors concours, Paris 1889. Author series of papers on art in Scribner's magazine ; Uart, Paris. Address, Egmond a. d. Hoef, Holland. P. John Josiah Holbrook, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1875 ; teacher Natural sciences and mathematics, New London, N. H. 1875-77; prin- cipal private school, Keene, N. H.; civil engineer, Keene 1S79-S4; correspond- ent various newspapers. Born Swanzey, N. H., Dec. 10, 1844; died Keene, N. H., March 24, 1884. A T, Newt., Nee. 1884 Francis Andrew Howarth. Woolen manufacturer. Address, Oxford, Mass. X 4>, P. Frank Perley Howe; E. M. Lehigh university 187S. General superintendent Montana iron and steel company, Danville, Penn. 1880-86; North branch steel company, Danville 1S86-91 ; vice president and general manager 1891 ; second vice president W. Wharton, Jr., and company, Philadelphia, Penn. Address, 251 South 17th St., Philadelphia, Penn. Z ir, P. Andrew Jackson Jennings; LL. B. Boston university 1S76. Principal high school, Warren, O. 1872-74; lawyer, Fall River, Mass.; member school com- mission Fall River 1876-79; Mass. house of representatives 1S78-79; Mass. senate 1S82 ; district attorney, south district of Mass. 1S94-; trustee Brown university 1S87-. Address, Fall River, Mass. A K E, P. William Vail Kellen, A. M.; Ph. D. 1891 ; LL. B. Boston university 1875. Teacher, University grammar school, Providence, R.I. 1872-74; admitted to bar 1876; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1876- ; reporter decisions Mass. supreme court 18S8-92 ; trustee Brown university 1892-. Author Parsons on contracts, 7th ed., edited, 18S2 ; Index digest of Mass. reports, 1886; Index to public statutes of Mass., 188S. Address, 209 Washington St., Room 54, Boston, Mass. A Y, P. William Warren Landrum ; D. D. Washington and Lee college 1S84. Grad- uated Southern Baptist theological seminary 1874; ordained Baptist 1874; pas- tor, Shreveport, La. 1874-76; First church, Atlanta, Ga. 1876-?; Richmond, Va. Address, 306 South 3d St., Richmond, Va. Bapt. encyc, A T William Shields Liscomb, A. M. Teacher, English and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1874-84; high school, Providence 18S5 ; instructor Modern languages and rhetoric, Brown university 1885-88; professor Rhetoric and English literature, Keiogijiku university, Tokio, Japan 1888-93; lecturer Chris- tian history, Jiyn Shin Gakko ; member Asiatic society of Japan. Author letters from Japan in Providence journal ; numerous articles and poems in Atlantic Mont/ily and other magazines. Born Providence, R. I., March 19, 1848; died Chichester, N. H., Sept. 5, 1S93. A Y, Nee. 1894 1872 GRADUATES 243 Irvine Greene M'Larren ; LL. B. Harvard university 1874. Lawyer. Ad- dress, 91 Water St., Eastport, Me. A . |\ John Henry Mason, A. M. In city department, Tribune, New York, N. Y. 1872-74; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877; ordained Baptist 1877; pastor, Sennett, N. Y. 1877-81; Brockport, N. Y. 1881-89; First church, New Haven, Conn. 1889-. Address, 117 Greene St., New Haven, Conn. A A , P. Henry Ward Parker, A. M. Physician. Address, 13 South 6th St., New- Bedford, Mass. P. Arthur Dexter Payne, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; New York, N. Y. Address, 146 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Z f, P. Adrian Scott, A. M. ; A. M. graduate school 1891 ; Ph. D. 1S93. Assistant professor Latin and Greek, Norwich university 1874-75; superintendent of schools Blackstone, Mass. 1S7S-91 ; instructor German, Brown university 1891-94; associate professor Germanic philology and Scandinavian 1S94-. Author School reports, Blackstone, Mass. 1S7S-91; A detective s vacation, in Providence Sunday journal, 1894. Address, Brown university, Providence, R. I. P. John Day Smith, A. M.; LL. B. Columbian university 1S7S; LL. M. 18S1. Professor Evidence, torts and constitutional law, Harvard university 1882-85 > Law of torts and American constitutional law, University of Minn. 1S92-94; lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. ; member Minn, house of representatives 1S89-90; Minn, senate 1S91-95 ; commander department of Minn., Grand army of the republic 1S93. Address, 2720 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Z ^, P. George Appleton Stockwell, A. M. Member editorial staff Advertiser, Boston, Mass. 1S74-76; Journal, Providence, R. I. 1879-S3; Press, Providence 1S83- ; agent U. S. coast survey office; U. S. hydrographic office; British vice consul, Providence; secretary R. I. state board of agriculture. Author Mass. town histories; R. I. almanac j various articles in newspapers and magazines; foreign newspaper correspondent. Address, 12 Board of Trade Building, Providence, R. I. A K E, P. George Washburn, A. M. Teacher. Address, Medfield, Mass. A , P. Henry Alexander Wheeler, A. M. Student. Author various articles in periodicals. Born Worcester, Mass., Feb. 24, 1846; died Worcester, March 23, 18S7. Nee. 1887 244 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1872 John Carter Brown Woods, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1874. Ad- mitted to bar 1S74; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S74-; member Providence common council 1877-85; president 1881-85; member R. I. house of represen- tatives 1881-87; trustee Brown university 18S4-. Address, 62 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. R. I. man., Z ■f Bachelors of Philosophy. Samuel Tobey Douglas ; LL. B. Albany law school 1875. Lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; member common council 1887-90; alderman 1890-92; commis- sioner U. S. circuit court 1891-; lieutenant-colonel R.I. militia. Address, 413 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. X , P. George Russell Fisher; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college. Physician, Providence, R. I. Address, 16 Sycamore St., Providence, R. I. Noble Brandon Judah. Member law firm, Dupee, Judah and Wheeler, Adams Express Building, Chicago, 111. Address, 2701 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. P. Daniel Dyer Waterman. Town clerk, Cranston, R. I. 1SS8-. Address, Cranston, R. I. 44 *6 P. i873 Herbert Almy. Assistant clerk R. I. supreme court, Providence co. 1S76-84; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1884-. Address, 205 Butler Ave., Providence, R. I. P. Edward Drown Bassett. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member school com- mittee six years; common council; director Westminster bank; Providence Athenaeum; Sanitary gymnasium. Address, 49 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. X 4> Henry Augustus Blake. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1876; or- dained Congregational 1S76; pastor, Athol, Mass. 1S76-83; Providence, R. I. 18S4-88; Webster, Mass. 1888- ; member school committee Providence 1SS5- 88; trustee Webster public library; secretary of trustees. Author Semi-cen- tennial history of Congregational church of Athol. Address, Webster, Mass. AT, And., P. Edward Young Bogman, M. D. Harvard university 1876. Physician: nose, throat and ear specialist, Providence, R. I. ; author various articles in Medical and surgical journal. Address, 281 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Frank Baylies Bourne. Instructor Analytical chemistry, Brown university 1873-74; civil engineer. Address, City Engineer's Office, Providence, R. I. A K E, P. George Mattice Brown. Lawyer. Address, City Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. George Tilden Brown; LL. B. Albany law school 1875. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1877-7S, '87-88, '93-94; R. I. senate 1889-91. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A <1>, P. George Newhall Bullock. Merchant. Address, 37S Carpenter St., Provi- dence, R. I. X , P. Frederick Burgess. Student General theological seminary; Episcopal clergy- man; pastor St. Mark's church. Mendham, N. J. 1877; Grace church, Am- herst, Mass. 1877-?; Christ church, Pomfret, Conn.; Church of St. Asaph, Bala, Penn. Address, Bala, Montgomery Co., Penn. Gen. sem., A A , P. William Emery Caldwell, 1SS9. Insurance agent. Address, 44 Pine St., New York, N. Y. Z *, P. 1873 GRADUATES 245 George Edward Carpenter, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and sur- geons 1875. Physician, Albion, N. Y. 1S75-7S; East Providence, R. I. 1S7S- 82, '82-93; New York,N. Y. 1882; member school committee East Providence; superintendent of schools; health officer; medical examiner; member R. I. medical society 1875-93. Born Seekonk, Mass., now East Providence, R. I., Aug. 23, 1849; died East Providence, Sept. 22, 1S93. A K E, Nee. 1S94 Edward Carrington. In cattle business, Wy. ter. 1878-85 ; resident, Providence, R. I. 1885-. Address, 28 North Main St., Providence, R. I. ^ Y William Wanton Dunnell. Cotton broker, Providence, R. I. 1S73-81 ; manu- facturer, treasurer Dunnell manufacturing company, Providence 188 1-. Ad- dress, 8 Angell St., Providence, R.I. ^ Y Edwin Pickett Farnham. Teacher, Harwinton academv 1873-74; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877; ordained Baptist 1877; pastor Friend- ship street church, Providence, R. I. 1877-S3 ; Warburton avenue church, Yonkers, N. Y. 18S3-S6; preacher, Minneapolis and Richfield, Minn. 1SS7-S8; pastor First Baptist church, Salem, Mass. 1888-. Author five articles on Groivth of Protestantism hi America, in Standard; besides vaiious sermons. Address, Salem, Mass. A Y, Roch. theol., P. Ormond Edward Fitz Gerald; LL. B. Boston university 1875. Lawyer. Address, 31 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. Z ^ William Eaton Foster, A. M. Librarian public library, Hyde Park, Mass. 1873-76; cataloguer Turner free library, Randolph, Mass. 1876-77; librarian public library, Providence, R. I. 1877-. Author Literature of civil-service reform in the U. S., 1881 ; The civil-service reform movement, 1SS1 ; Lib- raries and readers, 1883; Stephen Hopkins, a R. I. statesman, 1884; Early attempts at R. I. history, comprising those of Stephen Hopkins and Theodore Foster, edited, in Collections of the R. I. historical society, vol. 7, 1SS5; Referefices to political and economic topics, 18^5 ; References to the history of presidential administrations, 1789-/885, 1885; Town government in R. L, 1886; References to the constitution of the U. S., with an appendix, 1S90; Public support of public libraries, 1S91 ; Address before R. I. society of the Sons of the American Revolution, i8gi, 1892 ; Some R. I. contributions to the intellectual life of the last century, 1892; besides various reriodical articles, partially enumerated in Annual report of the American historical association, 1889. Address, Public Library, Providence, R. I. Am. hist, assoc, P. Augustus Hemenway Fuller, A. M. Teacher, Bennington, Vt. 1S73-75; Uxbridge, Mass. 1S75-76; Congregational clergyman; pastor, Matlapoisett, Mass. 1878-S6; West Medway, Mass. 18S6-89; Billerica, Mass. 1889-92; Easton Mass. 1892-. Address, South Easton, Mass. P. John Brown Grinned, LL. B. Albany law school 1875. Pension lawyer, Mys- tic, Conn.; with Standard machinery company, Mystic; with Eaton, Cole and Burn ham company, Bridgeport, Conn. Address, 281 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. p. Victor Foote Horton, A. M. Private tutor, Johnston, R. I. 1S73-; member school board 1877-S3; secretary 1S7S-83; superintendent of schools 1SS4-S7. Au- thor various reports and newspaper articles. Address, 50 Brown St., Provi- dence, R. I. p. Carver Howland, 1SS1. Graduated U. S. military academy 1876; second lieu- tenant 4th infantry, U. S. army; instructor modern languages, U. S. military academy 1883-87; first lieutenant 1886 ; adjutant 1887; captain 1894-. Address, Columbus Barracks, Columbus, O. X 246 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1873 Luther Tillman James. Merchant. Address, 919 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. A K E, P. Joseph Ferdinand Lindsey, A.M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1876. Physician, Newport, R. I. 1877-78; in Europe 1879-80; physician, Boston, Mass. 1880-89; Fall River, Mass. 1SS7-; member Mass. medical society; Boston homoeopathic medical society. Address, 27 High St., Fall River, Mass. A K E, P. Robert Mitchell Martin. Professor Latin, Peddie institute, Hightstown, N. J. 1S73-74; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877 ; ordained Baptist 1S77; pastor, Mumford, N. Y. 1877-79; Deep River, Conn. 1S79-81 ; Orange, N. J. 1881-84; New York, N. Y. 1884-85; Amenia, N. Y. 1885-S7; Fourth church, Providence, R. I. 1S87-92 ; Buffalo, N. Y. 1892-94; Rochester, N. Y. 1894- ; secretary R- I. Baptist education society 1889-92. Address, 84 South Union St., Rochester, N. Y. A T, Roch. theol., P. Everett Perciville Mathewson, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; pastor South Cen- tre Ash ford church, Warrenville, Conn. 1874-79; First church, Hopkinton, R. I. 1S80-89; farmer, Hopkinton, R. I. 18S9-; deputy town clerk 1890-; chair- man school committee 1892-. Address, Hopkinton, R. I. P. Arthur Daggett McClellan, A. M.; LL. B. Boston university 1875. Reporter Evening gazette, Worcester, Mass. 1873-74; proprietor and publisher Bosto?i daily law bulletin and Banker and tradesman, Boston, Mass. 1875-76; lawyer. Address, 82 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. A K E, P. Daniel Rhodes, A. M. U. S. military service 1864-65, second lieutenant; stu- dent, Rochester theological seminary 1S74-75 ; professor Latin, Central univer- sity, and teacher, high school, Pella, la. 1876-77; Sunday school missionary, Col. 1879-80; civil engineer, Denver, Col.; special examiner Bureau of pen- sions, Washington, D. C. Address, Pension Office, Washington, D. C. Roch. theol., A T, P. Alvin Grover Sadler. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1875-79; North Attleboro, Mass. ; resident, Taunton, Mass. Address, Taunton, Mass. A T Arvin Augustus Smith, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1876; ordained Baptist 1877; pastor, Turner, Me. 1877-80; West Sumner, Me. 1880-S3: Yarmouth, Me. 1883-S6; Boston, Mass. 1886-S8; Petersham, Mass. 1S88-90; professor Biblical interpretation, systematic theology and homiletics, Shaw university, Raleigh, N. C. ; instructor Metaphysics; pastor, West Brat- tleboro, Vt. 1893-. Address, West Brattleboro, Vt. Newt., P. Charles Steere, A. M.; LL. B. Boston university 1887-92. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; trustee Boston university 1887-92. Address, 27 School St., Boston, Mass. P. Asa Evans Stratton; LL. B. Boston university 1875. Lawyer. Address, Fitchburg, Mass. A $ William Elliott Thompson; A. M. Syracuse university 1886. Professor Ancient languages, Genesee Wesleyan seminary, Lima, N. Y. 1S73-89; Latin language and literature, Hamline university, St. Paul, Minn. 18S9-. Address, 879 Pascal Ave., St. Paul, Minn. * P. George Fox Tucker, Ph. D. 1891 ; LL. B. Boston university 1891. Lawyer; reporter of decisions Mass. supreme court; member school committee New Bedford, Mass. 188 [; member Mass. house of representatives 1S90-93. Au- thor Manual relating to the preparation of xvills, 1884; The Mo7iroe doctrine, a concise history relating to its origin and grozvth, 1S85 ; Ma?iual relating to the formation and management of mercantile and manufacturing corporations, 18S8; Manual relating to the constitution ; Notes on the revised statutes of the 1873 GRADUATES 247 U. S. and the subsequent legislation of Congress, in conjunction with J. M. Gould, 1SS9; A Quaker home, 1891. Address, Court House, Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass. A K E, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Walter Francis Brown. Painter, Providence, R. I. ; Venice, Italy. Address, Palazzo da Mula, San Vio 725, Venice, Italy. 6 A X, P. William Maxwell Brown. Assistant engineer Mass. state board of health, Chelsea, Mass. Address, 6S Hawthorn St., Chelsea, Mass. P. George Lewis Collins; M. D. Harvard university 1S79. Medical student, Leip- sic 1S76-77; physician, Providence, R. I.; surgeon R. I. hospital; St. Jo- seph's hospital; physician Dexter asylum; R. I. Roman Catholic orphan asylum; consulting physician Providence lying-in hospital; member Ameri- can association; R. I. medical society; Providence medical association; R. I. historical society; trustee Brown university 1S93-. Address, 223 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. William Wilberforce Collins. Manufacturer of water wheels. Address, Nor- wich, Conn. Stephen Greene. Civil engineer, Providence, R. I. 1S73-75; m '" engineer 1S75-86; treasurer Whitefield mills, Newburyport, Mass. 1886-90; mill archi- tect and engineer, Boston, Mass. 1890- ; member school committee, Warwick, R. I. 1S7S-79; trustee Worcester academy; member American society of me- chanical engineers. Address, 131 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. A T, P. Charles Christian Kneisly. Lawyer. From Dayton, O. John Larkin Lincoln. Merchant, Boston, Mass. 1873-76; tea and coffee im- porter, Chicago. 111. 1S76-. Address, 6i Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. "V Y, P. Frank Mason Mathewson. Manufacturer. Address, 158 South Water St., Providence, R. I. © A X, P. Charles Gibson McCord. Lawyer,Vincennes, Ind. ; U. S. commissioner 1876?- 90. Address, 504 Hart St., Vincennes, Ind. P. Daniel Amos Taylor. Woolen manufacturer. Address, Potter Hill, Westerly, R.I. A T, P. Matthew Watson, 1885. Manufacturer, Providence, R. 1. 1S73-; secretary Wind- ham cotton manufacturing company. Address, 4 Market Sq., Providence, r. I. *r, p. Joseph Kennard Wilson. Graduated Crozer theological seminary 1876; pas- tor First Baptist church, Nyack, N. Y. 1S76-7S; Huntington church. New London, Conn. 1S78-82 ; Winthrop street church, Taunton, Mass. 18S2-94; First church, Melrose, Mass. 1S94-; president Baptist young people's union, Mass. 1S92. Address, Melrose, Mass. Bapt. encyc, P. 43 *1 1874 James Percival Abbott. Graduated Newton theological institution 1877; or- dained Baptist 1877; pastor, Medford, Mass. 1877-. Address, Medford, Mass. A Y, Newt., P. Thomas Davis Anderson, D. D. 1894. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1S77; ordained Baptist 1877; pastor Firstchurch, Portland, Me. 1S77-S2; Seventh church, Baltimore, Md. 18S2-S7 ; Central church, Providence, R. I. 18S7-; overseer Columbian university 18S3-S9; fellow Brown university 1890- ; 248 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1874 secretary corporation 1S90-. Author Manorial address o?i E. G. Robinson, Nov. 22, 1894, 1S95 ; also various sermons in religious and secular papers. Ad- dress, 12 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. Newt , A A 4>, P. Edward Wilcox Babcock. Episcopal clergyman; pastor, Meriden. Conn. 1879-S0; Church of the Ascension, New Haven, Conn. 1880-86; New York, N. Y. 18S6-92; Stonington, Conn. 1S92-. Address, Stonington, Conn. A A 4>, P. Harmon Seeley Babcock, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; superintendent public schools East Providence, R. I. three years; town solicitor East Provi- dence 18S4-87; coroner East Providence ; treasurer Watchemoket fire district 1892. Author Trifles, 1879; A poultry compendium, 18S5 ; Philosophy of judg- ing, 1889; The Indian game, 1891 ; The argonaut, 1891; Friendship of learn- ing, 1893. Address, 324 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. P. Thomas Seymour Barbour, A. M. Graduated Rochester theological semi- nary 1S77 ; ordained Baptist 1877 ; pastor First church, Brockport, N. Y. 1S77- Si ; North Orange church, Orange, N.J. 1881-83; First church, Fall River, Mass. 1S83-. Address, Fall River, Mass. Roch. theol., P. Daniel Richardson Blood. Merchant. Address, Boston, Ga. AT, P. John Milton Burnham, A. M. Printer, Manchester, N. H. 1874-77; principal academy, Hinsdale, N. H.; private teacher; assistant librarian Brown univer- sity 1881-. Address, Box 109, Providence, R. I. P. Philip Henry Case. Professor Mathematics, Santa Barbara college, Santa Barbara, Cal. 1875 ; associate editor Santa Barbara daily press. Born New- port, R. I., March 12, 1852; died Santa Barbara, Cal., Feb. 16, 1892. A A , Nee. 1892 George Henry Coffin, 1883, A. M. Principal Peirce academy, Middleboro, Mass. 1876-79; professor English and natural science, Colgate academy, Hamilton, N. Y. 1S79-82 ; instructor Natural science and Mathematics, Eng- lish and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1882-86; mechanical engineer, Boston, Mass. 18S6-S8 ; life insurance agent, Newton Centre, Mass. 1889-?; farmer. Address, Ballard Vale, Mass. A K E, P. William Charles Craigie. Graduated Newton theological institution; resi- dent, Woburn, Mass. From North Cambridge, Mass.; died Nov. 1889. Newt. Seth Taylor Farnham. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877 ; or- dained Baptist 1877 ; pastor, Malone, N. Y. 1877-83; Medina, N. Y. 1883-84. Born Morris, Conn., Aug. 20, 1847; died New Shoreham, Block Island, R. I., Sept. 7, 1884. A T, Roch. theol., Nee. 1885 Albert Gallup, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1876. Admitted to bar 1S76; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; member board of commissioners of public parks New York 1888-92 ; president two years; captain signal corps, N. Y. national guard; member Bar association. Author Handbook of military signalling, Born Providence, R. I., June 9, 1853; died New York, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1S92. Columb., Nee. 1893 Orrin Philip Gifford. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877 ; or- dained Baptist 1877; pastor, Pittsfield, Mass. 1S77-79; Warren avenue church, Boston, Mass. 1879-90; Brookline, Mass. 1890-91; Chicago, 111. 1891-94; Del- aware avenue church, Buffalo, N. Y. 1894-. Author Sermons, 1880; besides various articles in Watchman ; Watchword; Golden rule; Christian union; Boston beacon ; Ne-w York inquirer ; Colloquium; Arena. Address, Buffalo, N. Y. Bapt. encyc, Roch. theol., A T, P. Daniel Larned Davis Granger, EL. B. Boston university 1877. Admitted to bar 1877; U. S. bar 1882; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; city treasurer 1890-. Ad- dress, City Treasurer's Office, Providence, R. I. ^ Y, P. 1874 GRADUATES 249 Ephraim Hapgood, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1S74; or- dained Baptist 1874; pastor South Windham, Vt. 1875-78; Seward, Neb. 1S7S- 80; David City, Neb. 1S81-S3; South Hanson, Mass. 18S4-86; agent Mass. total abstinence society, Brvantville, Mass. 18S6-; member board of health; school committee. Address, Bryantville, Mass. Newt., P. Uriah Hopkins Holbrook; M. D. Harvard university 1877. Physician, Provi- dence, R. I.; member R. I. medical society; Providence medical association. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 10, 1S50; died Providence, May 8, 18S4. A K E, Nee. 1884 James Humphrey Hoyt;LL. B. Harvard university 1877. Lawyer, Cleve- land, O. ; general counsel, receivers of Valley railway. Address, 886 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. A A $, P. James Edward Leach ; LL. B. Boston university 1S75. Lawyer. Address, 40 Water St., Boston, Mass. A A Nathan Leavenworth, A. M. Teacher Natural science and mathematics, Worcester academy 1S74-75; Ancient languages 1S75 ; acting principal 1S75- 76; principal 1S76-S2. Born Stepney, Conn., June 20, 1S49; died Worcester, Mass., Nov. 1, 1SS2. A Y, Nee. 1SS3 George Edwin Leeson. U. S. military service during Civil war; graduated Newton theological institution 1877 ; ordained Baptist 1877 ; pastor First church, Framingham, Mass. 1877-81. Born Pittsfield, Mass., July 25, 1845; died Framingham, Mass., Aug. 20, 1881. A Y, Newt., Nee. 1882 John McKinney. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1877; ordained Baptist 1S77 ; pastor, Elizabeth, N.J. 1S77-S7 ; De Land, Fla. 1S87-92; manu- facturer and publisher. Address, Deland, Fla. A Y, Roch. theol., P. Charles Brenton Mathewson, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S78. Resi- dent physician lying-in hospital, Boston, Mass.; physician, Providence, R. I.; surgeon R.I. militia, with rank of lieutenant; assistant surgeon-general R. 1., with rank of lieutenant-colonel ; surgeon out-patient department, Mass. gen- eral hospital ; N. Y. and N. E. railroad; retired. Address, Box 613, Somer- ville, N.J. A A *, P. George Metcalf, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S76; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1S76- 83; St. Paul, Minn. 1SS3-S4. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 9, 1851; died Providence, Dec. 29, 1S84. A K E, Nee. 1885 Edward Miller. Lamp manufacturer, Meriden, Conn. ; member school com- mittee 187S-. Address, Meriden, Conn. A Y, P. Otis Osgood Ordway, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1S74-76; ordained Baptist 1S76; preacher, Farmington, Me. 1S76-77; pastor, Nobleboro, Me. 1877-S1, '84; Cooper's Mills, Me. 1881-84; Hammonton, N. J., 1885-86; East Haverhill, Mass. 1886-93; Beverly, Mass. 1894- ; chaplain superior court Franklin co., Me. 1876; clerk Damariscotta, Me., association 1878-S3; modera- tor Merrimac river association 1893. Address, Beverly, Mass. Newt., P. Samuel Park. Lawyer, New London, Conn.; judge New London city court; assistant connsel U. S. court of commissioners on Alabama claims. Address, New London, Conn. A Enoch Perrine, A. M. 1S82; Litt. D. Penn. college 1S92. Teacher Latin, Peddie institute, Hightstown, N. J.; professor Rhetoric and English literature, Bucknell university 18S6-; Chautauqua lecturer in university extension courses. Address, Lewisburg, Union Co., Penn. A , P. Louis Atherton Pope. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S77 ; or- dained Baptist 1877; pastor, Mansfield, Mass. 1S77-79; Phenix, R. I. 1SS0-84; 250 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1874 Warren, R. I. 1S84-89; Newburyport, Mass. 1889- ; chairman Warren school committee. Author Historical sketch of Phenix Baptist church] The church and the babies of the parish; Convict labor on public highways ; The parish society in Mass. Baptist churches; besides numerous articles in local and relig- ious press. Address, Newburjport, Mass. A T, Newt., P John Myron Potter, A. M. Teacher, high school, Warren, R. I. 1874-75 Friends' school, Providence, R. I. 1875-85; Boston, Mass. ; Lynn, Mass. Ad dress, 62 Baltimore St., Lynn, Mass. A T, P William Francis Ray, A. M. Woolen manufacturer, Franklin, Mass. ; mem ber school board ; selectman ; member Mass. house of representatives 1885-87 Mass. senate 1S92-93; director Franklin cotton company. Address, Frank- lin, Mass. A K E, P. Frank Ernest RockwOOd, A. M. Instructor Latin and mathematics, South Jersey institute, Bridgeton, N. J. 1874-85 ; professor Latin language and litera- ture, Bucknell university 1SS5-; member American philological association. Editor Velleius Paterculus, book II., 1S93 ; Cicero's Cato Major de senectute, 1895. A K E, P. Abel Palmer Tanner. Lawyer, New London, Conn.; president Society for liberal culture, New London. Address, 5 Hempstead St., New London, Conn. P. Charles William Tarleton, A. M. Resident, Concord, N. H. Address, 44 Lyndon St., Concord, N. H. P. Barnard Cook Taylor, A. M. ; D. D. Richmond college 1SS9. Graduated Crozer theological seminary 1877; instructor Hebrew 1S77-S0; assistant pro- fessor Biblical interpretation 1880-83 > professor Old Testament exegesis 18S3-. Author Outline analysis of the books of the Bible, 1892 ; besides articles in He- braica ; Old Testament student. Address, Chester, Penn. A T, P. Albert Qeorge Upham; D. D. Denison university 1894. Graduated Newton theological institution 1877; ordained Baptist 1877 ; pastor Central church, Southbridge, Mass. 1S77-83; Olivet church, Montreal, Canada 1883-92 ; First church, Cleveland, O. since 1892 ; president Grande Ligue mission, province of Quebec 18S4-90; member Protestant board of school commissioners, Montreal 18S6-90; senate Toronto Baptist college ; MacMaster university; president Cleveland Baptist city mission society 1892-. Author various articles in Watch- man. Address, 163 KennardSt., Cleveland, O. A , Newt., P. Charles Sidney Waldo. Merchant. Address, 88 Water St., Boston, Mass. ¥ T, P. Harold Pearce Waterman. Architect, New York, N. Y. Address, Paris, France. * T, P. Cephas Burpee Welton. Graduated Crozer theological seminary 1S77 ; Bap- tist clergyman; pastor, Kentville, N. S. 1877-79; Hillsboro, N. B. 1879-S6; resident, Sussex, N. B. 1S86-88 ; St. John, N. B. 1S88-93 ; pastor, Williamson, N. Y. 1894-. A T, P. John Brooks Wheeler, A. M. Teacher, De Veaux college 1874-75; principal private school, Providence, R. I. 1875-88; high school, Middlebury, Vt. 1888- 90; teacher Greek, St. Paul's school, Concord, N. H. 1890-91; head master Trinity hall, Washington, Penn. 1891-. Address, Trinity Hall, Washington, Penn. P. William Nelson White, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1S75. Teacher 1874-75; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1S76-82. Born Norton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1849; died Marshfield, Mass., July 24, 1882. Nee. 1883. 1874 GRADUATES 251 Frank Perkins Whitman, A. M. Instructor English and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1874-79; professor physics, Rensselaer polytechnic instilule, Troy, N. Y. 1880-S6; Physics, Adelbert college, Cleveland, O. 1SS6-. Author Some photometric experiments on the color of the shy, before the American association for the advancementof science, iSSS; On the constancy of volume of iron in strong magnetic fields, same, 1S92 ; On the disturbance of magnetic apparatus caused by art electric railway, same, 1892; The new physical labora- tory at Adelbert college, in Physical review, July, 1S94. Address, Adelbert Col- lege, Cleveland, O. A A , P. Edson Gaius Wooster, A. M. Theological student 1S74-75 ; teacher, Benedict institute, Columbia, S. C. 1S75-S0; Natchez seminary, Miss. 18S0-81. Born Naugatuck, Conn., March 6, 1850; died Addison, N. Y., May 10, 1SS1. Nee. 1SS1 Frank Linnaeus Young. Oil manufacturer and merchant. Address, m Pur- chase St., Boston, Mass. AT, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Jerauld Bullock. Graduate student, Brown university 1S74-75. Born Provi- dence, R. I., June 16, 1S54; died Paris, France, April 3, 1SS2. * T, Nee. 18S2 William Dillwyn Howland. Manufacturer, New Bedford, Mass. ; treasurer various manufacturing corporations. Address, New Bedford, Mass. ^Sr Y, P. Virgil Clarence Pond;D. M. D. Harvard university 18S0. Dentist, Boston, Mass.; dental surgeon, Mass. general hospital 1SS2-S4; demonstrator Opera- tive dentistry, Harvard university 1881-84; instructor 1S90-93. Author a few articles in dental journals. Address, 92 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. P. Alpheus Hewitt Schoonover. Lawyer, Mystic, Conn.; farmer. Address, Old Mystic, Conn. A 4>, P. 36*11 '875 Frank Edgar Aldrich. Treasurer H. A. Williams manufacturing company, Boston, Mass.; resident, New York, N. Y. Address, 25 North Moore St., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. Benjamin Baker, A. M. Teacher, high school, Westerly, R. I. 1875-76; prin- cipal high school, Woonsocket, R.I. 1877-79; teacher, classical department, high school, Providence, R. I. 1S79-S1 ; superintendent of schools Newport, R. I. 1S90-. Address, Clarke St., Newport, R.I. A A , P. David Sherman Baker, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives; R.I. senate; U. S. attorney. Address, Wickford, R. I. A A , P. Christopher Franklin Barker, A. M.; M. D. University of the city of New York. Physician, Newport, R. I. Address, Newport, R. I. Edward Langdon Bogert, A. M. Clerk, New York, N. Y. Address, New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Z t\ P. Albert Davis Bosson, A. M. Admitted to bar 1878; lawyer, Chelsea, Mass.; mayor 1891 ; justice police court 1892- ; president County savings bank; treas- urer Gloucester street railway company, Gloucester, Mass. Address, Chelsea, Mass. A A , P. Daniel Burdick Braman. Address, 66 Farewell St., Newport, R. I. P. Franklin Henry Brown. Lawyer, Norwich, Conn.; chairman board of education. Address, 45 Main St., Norwich, Conn. A T, P. 252 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1875 Charles Edwin Burlingame, A. M. Draughtsman, city architect's office, Boston, Mass. five years; engineer-in-chief and architect's department, N. Y. central and Hudson river railroad, New York,N. Y. two years; architectural draughts- man, New York, N. Y. Address, 133 Friendship St., Providence, R. I. P. Gilbert Orne Burnham. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Address, Essex, Mass. P. Samuel Le Nord Caldwell, A. M.; M. D. University of Penn. 1882. Physi- cian, Philadelphia, Penn.; Colorado Springs, Col. Address, Colorado Springs, Col. Z ■f, P. William Pendleton Chipman, A. M. ; D. D. Presbyterian college of S. C. 1890. Student, Rochester theological seminary 1S75-76; ordained Baptist 1877; pastor Quidnessett church, Davisville, R. I. 1877-83; First church, Pea- body, Mass. 1883-S5; First church, Walton, N. Y. 18S6-88; Central church, Pawling, N. Y. 1888-92; First church, Essex, Conn. 1892-. Author Black Forge mills, 1889; Roy Gilbert's search, 1889; Budd Boyd's triumph, 1890; also numerous serials, short stories and historical articles in magazines and papers. Address, Box 262, Essex, Conn. Roch. theol., P. John Francis Clark. Manufacturer, Valley Falls, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1879-80; town clerk, Cumberland, R. I. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. A K E, P. William Stebbins Congdon. Admitted to bar 1877; lawyer, Norwich, Conn. ; clerk city court 1879-87; member Conn, legislature 1882. Born Norwich, Conn., Jan. 1, 1851 ; died Norwich, Jan. 15, 18S7. Nee. 1887 William Albert Farren. Teacher, Southington, Conn. 1875-76; graduated Newton theological institution 1879; ordained Baptist 1879; pastor, North Billerica, Mass. 1879-88; New London, N. H. 1889-. Address, New London, N. H. A T, Newt., P. Charles Elmer Field; M. D. Harvard university 1878. Physician. Address, East Bridge water, Mass. A A 4>, P. Thomas Stantial Gladding, A. M. Chemist. Address, 55 Fullon St., New York, N. Y. AY Henry Edward Goddard. Pastor society of the New Jerusalem church, Brock- ton, Mass. 1876-. Author various sermons and magazine articles. Address, Brockton, Mass. P. William Chace Greene, A. M. Cotton manufacturer, Moodus, Conn.; woolen manufacturer. Address, Peacedale, R. I. A A $, P. Nelson Bishop Jones, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S7S; ordained Baptist 1879; pastor, Canton, Mass. 1S79-S1 ; Boston, Mass. 1S81-. Address, 114 White St., Boston, Mass. Newt, P. Howard Payson Joslin. Clerk, auditor's office, Star union line, Pittsburg, Penn. Address, Ben Avon, Penn. A <1>, P. George Frederick Keene, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1879. Interne, Boston city hospital 187S-80; physician, Providence, R. I.; dispensary physi- cian, Providence 1880-83; surgeon out-patient department, R. I. hopital 1SS2- 86; physician State institutions, Cranston, R. I. 1883- ; physician in charge R. I. state insane asylum 18S6-. Author Netv method of treatment for Colles' frac- ture, 1880; Present evils of insane coimnitme7its, 1889; Mens sana in corpore sano, 1894. Address, R. I. state insane asylum, Howard, R. I. P. Henry Clifford Knight, A. M. Admitted to bar 1877; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1877-79. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 8, 1853; died Providence. Jan. 3, 1879. A K E, Nee. 1879 1875 GRADUATES 253 Elisha Frederic Lanphear, A. M. ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1879. Teacher, Hope Valley, R. I.; assistantengineer, Narragansett Pier rail- road 1876; physician, Providence and River Point, R. I. 1SS0. Born Warwick, R. I., Nov. 14, 1851 ; died Phenix, R. I., Dec. S, 1SS0. Nee. 1881 Julius Adelbert Leavitt. Student, Newton theological institution 1875-76; ordained Baptist 1S76; pastor, Grafton, Vt. 1S76-77; Essex, Vt. 1S77-S0; Beloit, Kans. 1SS1-83; Leavenworth, Kans. 1S83-S4; Sunday school missionary, and financial agent American Baptist publication society, Kans. 1S85-; state superintendent Sunday schools, 111.; president Ewing college. Address, Ewing, 111. Newt., P. Frank Emerson McFee. Principal grammar school, Woonsocket, R. I.; sub- master high school; superintendent of schools ; member R. I. state board of education. Address, 65 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. P. Josiah Medbery, A. M. ; M. D. Columbus medical college, 1S7S. Physician, Columbus, O. ; professor Anatomy, Columbus medical college iSSi-. Address, Columbus, O. A George Wilson Millard. Stenographer R. I. supreme court 1S76-. Address, 19 College St., Providence, R. I. P. Alvin Fowler Pease, A. M. Principal high school, Warren, R, I. 1S75-79; high school, Pawtucket, R. I. 1S79-84; superintendent of schools, Pawtucket 1884-88; Northampton, Mass. 188S-; president R. I. institute of instruction 1S85-S7; vice president American institute of instruction 1SS5-; president N. E. association of superintendents 1892; vice president Mass. association of town and district superintendents since 1894. Author three Annual school reports, Pawtucket, R.I.', six Annual school reports, Northampton, Mass.; besides various contributions to daily papers. Address, 77 Round Hill, North- ampton, Mass. P. Edward Harry Potter. Teacher high school, Ipswich, Mass. 1875-77; prin- cipal Grove avenue grammar school, East Providence, R.I. 1877-83; teacher high school, Providence, R. I. 18S3-4; principal Federal street grammar school, Providence 1884-85; superintendent R. I. state home and school, Provi- dence 1885-S6; editor Sunday express, North Adams, Mass. 1SS6-93. Born Ipswich, Mass., March 19, 1849; died Providence, R. I., May 14, 1S93. A Y, Nee. 1S93 Frank Mason Purinton, A. M. Journalist, Providence, R. I.; marine editor Providence journal; inventor code of fog signals ; patentee of invention for use in manufacture of wood paper pulp. Born Somerset, Mass., Sept. 12, 1852; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 7, 1S93. x *> Nee. 1893 Charles Abraham Reese, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 187S; ordained Baptist 1878; pastor Dearborn street church, Boston, Mass. 1S7S-S3; Rutland, Vt. 1883-91 ; Central church, Minneapolis, Minn. 1S91-; trustee and member executive committee Vermont academy 1886-. Author various sermons and addresses; also articles in Baptist quarterly ; Watchman. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. A Y, Newt., P. William Henry Scott, A. M. Assistant principal and teacher Rhetoric, Bryant and Stratton business college, Providence, R. I. Address, 357 West- minster St., Providence, R. I. P. Charles Remington Talbot. Graduated Berkeley divinity school, Middletown, Conn.; ordained Episcopal; pastorTrinity church, Wrentham, Mass. Author Miltiades Peterkin Paul : his adventures, 1S77; Royal Lozvrie, 1S78; Royal Pozvrie's last year at St. Olave ; Little Miss Muslin of Qiiintillion square, 254 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1875 i 1S7S; Don Quixote, jr., 1879; Honor bright, 1SS3 ; Midshipman at large, 1SS7; Parlor comedies; also many short stories in St. Nicholas; Wide awake; Youth's companion. Born Rehobolh, Mass., April 17, 1849; died Wrentham, Mass.. Aug. 15, 1S92. A A #, Allibone, Nee. 1S93 Robert Francis Tolman. Graduated Newton theological institution 1878; ordained Baptist 1S7S; pastor, Melrose, Mass. 1S78-86; South Gardner, Mass. 1886-92. Born Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 3, 1847; died Somerville, Mass., Nov. 21, 1892. Nee. 1893, Newt. Winslow Upton; A. M. University of Cincinnati 1877. Assistant, Astronomi- cal observatory of Harvard college 1877-79; assistant engineer U. S. lake sur- vey, Detroit, Mich. 1S79-80; computer, U. S. naval observatory, Washington, D. C 18S0-81 ; computer and assistant professor, U. S. signal office 1881-84; professor Astronomy, Brown university 1884-90; secretary of facultv 1S84-91 ; professor Astronomy and director Ladd observatory 1890-; fellow American association for advancement of science; member American philosophical, society; Deutsche meteorologische Gesellschaft. Author Astronomical and meteorological papers in publications of Cincinnati, Cambridge, Washington observatories, and U. S. signal service; Photometric observations, 1S79; Solar eclipse of iSjS, 1879; Report on observations made on the expedition to Caroline Island to observe the total solar eclipse of May b, 1883, 1884; An investigation of cyclonic phenomena in N. E., 18S7; Meteorological observations during the solar eclipse, Aug. 19, 1887, 18S8; Storm of March 11-14, 1888, 1888; monthly- astronomical letter in Providence journal, 1893- ; besides scientific articles in Astrouomische Nachricten ; Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie ; Sidereal messenger ; American Meteorological journal ; and other scientific journals; editor Provi- dence journal almanac, 1894-. Address, 391 Olney St., Providence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., A T, P. Reuben Eugene Walker. Lawyer, Concord, N. II.; prosecuting attorney, Merrimack county, N. H. two years. Author Ray and Walkers N. H. cita- tions. Address, Concord, N. H. P. Eugene Francis Warner. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1879-80; clerk R. I. senate 1880- ; secretary R. I. republican state committee 1882-86, '92-; justice 4th district court R. I. 1886-. • Address, 4S Custom House St., Providence, R. I. A $, P. Allen Hunt Weeden, A. M. Student of theology 1875-77; missionary, Provi- dence, R. I. 1877-79. Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 26, 1853; died Providence, R. I., July 2, 1879. Nee. 1SS0 Benjamin Ide Wheeler, A. M. ; Ph. D. Heidelberg university 1885. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1875-79; instructor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1S79-S1 ; German, Harvard university 18S5-S6; acting professor Classical philology, Cornell university 1886-87; professor Comparative philology 18S7-88; Greek and comparative philology 1888-. Author The Greek noun accent, 1885 ; Analogy, and the scope of its application in language, 1S87; Introduction to the history of language, 1S91 ; besides various papers in scientific journals; associate editor Linguistics, Johnson's cyclopaedia, 1S93- 94. Address, 3 South Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. P. 32 *8 I876 Henry Leprelate Aldrich. Cotton broker. Address, 37 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A A 4> 1876 GRADUATES 255 James Reuben Allen. Student, Jefferson medical college. Born Providence, R. I., May 13, 1S54; d' ec * Providence, Nov. 1, 1877. Nee. 1S78 John James Arnold, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 4 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Walter Hammond Barney, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member school committee 1SS9-; president 1S90-; member city council 1S91-93. Ad- dress, 46 Taylor St., Providence, R. I. p. Alexander Bevan. A. M. Teacher Mathematics, physics and chemistry, Eng. lish and classical school, Providence, R. I.; Mathematics and Latin, high school, Providence; professor Physics and chemistry, State normal school, Milwaukee, Wis.; teacher Physics and chemistry, Manual training school, Providence; State normal school, Providence, R. I. Author periodical arti- cles on educational subjects. Address, 14 Pitman St., Providence, R. I. P. Arthur Lewis Brown, A. M. 1894; LL - B - Boston university 1S7S. Lawyer, Address, Si Providence St., Providence, R. I. A X, P. Horace Franklin Brown. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S79; ordained Baptist 1S79; pastor, Antrim, N. H. 1S79-84; Rumney, N. H. 1S84- 87; Athol, Mass. 18S7-93; East Greenwich, R. I. 1S93- ; superintendent schools, Antrim 1SS3-S4; trustee Colby academy 1SS4-S7 ; president N. II. conference of Baptist ministers 1S86; moderator Miller's river association, Mass. 1888-92 ; member board Mass. Baptist convention 1SSS-92 ; R. I. Baptist convention 1S93-. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. A T, Newt., P. Charles Value Chapin ; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college. House physician, Bellevue hospital 1879-80; physician, Providence, R. I.; superin- tendent of health 1S84-; professor Physiology, Brown university 1S86-; registrar births, marriages and deaths Providence 1889-. Author Sympathetic nerve: its relation to disease, 1SS0; Origin and progress of the malarial fever noxv preva- lent in N. E., 1SS4; Present state of the germ theory of disease, 1SS5; Methods and practical results of the treatment of the malarial diseases nozv prevalent in N. E. , 1SS6 ; . What changes has the germ theory made in the means for the pre- vention and treatment of consumption ? 1888; Role of ptomaines in infectious diseases, 1SS9; Methods for the prevention of scarlet fever, 1S8S; Some points in the etiology of typhoid fever, 1889; Disposal of garbage in the city of Provi- dence, R. I., 1S93; Purif cation of public water supplies, 1S93 ; Census of the city of Providence, 1893; Reports of the superintendent of health, 18S4-; Re- ports on births, margiages and deaths recorded in Providence, 18SS-; Index of births, marriages and deaths recorded in Providence, vol. 5, 1S94. Address, S4 Keene St., Providence, R. I. A A $ P. Clarkson Abel Collins. Instructor German and mental philosophy, Friends' school, Providence, R. I. 1S79-S0; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1880-; patent lawyer. Address, 99 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. A A <&, P. Richard Borden Comstock. Admitted to bar 1878; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. senate 1S92-93. Address, 76 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. A A , P. John Young Cressy. Address, Manchester, N. H. Judson Worthington Hastings ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1S81. Teacher, Sufheld, Conn. 1S76-77; Broad Brook, Conn. 1877-78; physi- cian, Agawam, Mass.; town clerk and treasurer 18S8- ; trustee Free public library 1891-. Address, Agawam, Mass. A T, P. Henry Wingate Hayes. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 18S5-90; R. I. state board of valuation, special 18S9-93 ; com- 256 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1876 mission to revise the laws of R. I. and prepare plan of new judicial system 1890- ; R. I. counsel Old Colony railroad company 1S90-. Address 42 West- minster St., Providence, R. I. Z 'f, P. Rowland Gibson Hazard, A, M. Manufacturer, Peace Dale, R. I.; treasurer Peace Dale manufacturing company; vice president Narragansett Pier railroad company; Solvay process company; trustee Brown universitv 1894-. Address, Peace Dale, R. I. A A 4>, P. Charles Reuben Heath, A. M. Teacher seven years; farmer, mechanic and real estate agent, Mystic, Conn.; secretary school board Groton, Conn. Ad- dress, Mystic, Conn. P. David Emory Holman, A. M. ; M. D. L.I. college hospital 1880. Physician and surgeon, New York, N. Y. ; member health board; deputy health officer, Lower Bay. Authoi Function of the lungs. Address, 330 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. P. George Edwin Horr. Student, Union theological seminary 1876-77; gradu- ated Newton theological institution 1879; ordained Baptist 1879; pastor First church, Tarrytown.N. Y. 1S79-84; First church, Charlestown, Mass. 1884-91; editor-in-chief Watchman, Boston, Mass. 1891-. Author sermons and ad- dresses. Address, Brookline, Mass. A T, Newt., P. Millard Fillmore Johnson. Graduated Newton theological institution 1879; teacher, Saxton's River, Vt. 1S77 ; ordained Baptist 1879; pastor, Foxboro, Mass. 1879-89; Middleboro, Mass. 1889- ; member school committee, Foxboro 1881-83. Address, 25 Forest St., Middleboro, Mass. A T, Newt., P. William Cary Joslin. Editor Times, Webster, Mass. 1876-77; principal academy, Watertown, Conn. 1878-79; Union academy, Belleville, N. Y. ; pri- vate tutor, New York, N. Y. ; vice principal Staten Island academy, Stapleton, N. Y. 1S84-. Address, 19 Madison Ave., New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. A K E, P. Eugene Pride King, A. M. ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1880. Physician, Providence, R. I. ; medical inspector health department 1894-. Author Dr. Dan King and hissons, 1S92. Address, 51 Vernon St., Providence, R. I. X <£, P. Webster Knight. Cotton manufacturer, Natick, R. I.; director Phenix na- tional bank, Providence, R. I.; People's savings bank, Providence; State mu- tual fire insurance company; Providence mutual fire insurance company. Ad- dress, Natick, R. I. "¥ Y, P. James Curtis Lamb, A. M. Baptist clergyman; last pastorate, Wilmington, Del. -1S94. From Groton Centre, Conn. Alfred Gideon Langley, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1882; post-graduate 1882-83; private tutor and music teacher, Newport, R. I. ; instructor Philosophy, Yankton college, Yankton, S. D. 1885; Latin, Rogers high school, Newport, R. I. 1889. Author Hilgenfeld's Philo and the thera- peutae, translated, in Baptist review, Jan. 1882; Revelation, inspiration and authority, in Andover review, April 1891 ; Liebnitz's Critique of Locke : New essays on human understanding, 1895 ; besides various book reviews in Journal of speculative philosophy ; Mind; and concert criticisms in Dwighfs journal of mzcsic. Address, 1 School St., Newport, R. I. Newt., P. James Thomas Lockwood. Lawyer, Apponaug, R.I. ; town clerk Warwick, R. I. Address, Apponaug, R. I. P. John Milne MacKenzie, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1890. Physician. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. 1876 GRADUATES 257 Origen Hall Merrick. Spool cotton manufacturer. Address, 143 Chestnut St., Holvoke, Mass. Z *, P. Henry Alvin Miller, A. M. Teacher, Suffield, Conn. 1876-S4; in business, Southwick, Mass. 1SS4-. Address, Southwick, Mass. P. Willard Combes Parker. Lawyer, Flemington, N. J. 1879-S7; Kansas City, Mo. 1SS7-. Address, 914-16 N. Y. Life Building, Kansas City, Mo. A Y, P. Christopher Francis Parkhurst. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member com- mon council 1S92-. Address, 54 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. A A , P. Myron Clark Pease, A. M. Teacher high school, Providence, R. I. 1S76-79; N. II.; Vt. ; instructor Highland military academy, Worcester, Mass. 1S84-. Address, Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass. P. Charles Howard Poor, A. M. Lawyer, Haverhill, Mass. ; secretary school board 1879- ; water commissioner 1892-97. Address, Haverhill, Mass. A K E, P. Sidney Porter, A. M. From Providence, R. I. Deceased. Solon Stuart Roper. With U. S. mutual accident association, New York, N. Y. 1S79-. Address, 320 Broadway, N. Y. AT John Taylor Shaw, A. M. Teacher, New Milford, Conn. 1876-79; graduated Andover theological seminary 1S82 ; graduate student 1882-83 ; professor Latin, Yankton college, Yankton, S. D. 18S3-91 ; ordained Congregational 1885; associate professor Latin, Obeiiin college 1891-. Address, 100 Elm St., Ober- lin, O. And. '82, P. Albion True Smith, A. M. Assistant superintendent Reform school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S76-80. Born Litchfield, Me., July 26, 1850; died Litchfield, June 4, 1S80. Nee. 1880 Benjamin West Smith, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 145 Angell St., Provi- dence, R. I. P. George Carroll Smith, A. M. 1890. Address, Natick, Mass. Edward Otis Stanley, A. M. Treasurer Pond's extract company. Author Boston and its suburbs. Address, 76 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. P. Benjamin Wheeler Steele. Teacher, University grammar school, Providence, R. I.; editor Mountaineer, Colorado Springs, Col.; Weekly gazette, Colorado Springs; Daily gazette, Colorado Springs. Born Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 25, 1851; died Colorado Springs, Col., Nov. 3, 1891. A A <1>, Nee. 1892 Henry Clay Suydam. Lawyer. Address, Bound Brook, N. J. P. Judson Benjamin Thomas, A. M. ; B. D. Baptist union theological seminary, Chicago 1S80. Student, Newton theological institution 1S76-77 ; ordained Baptist 1880; pastor First church, Dubuque, Iowa 1SS0-S9; First church, Topeka, Kans. since 1S89. Editor Baptist visitor, 18S7-94. Address, Topeka, Kans. Newt., P. Cyrus Manchester Van Slyck, A. M. ; LL. B. Harvard university 1878. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; assistant city solicitor; colonel R. I. militia. Ad- dress, 48 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A <1>, P. Augustus Stout Van Wickle. Coal operator and banker, New York, N. Y. ; president Hazleton national bank, Hazelton, Penn. ; president and treasurer various coal corporations and other companies ; trustee Peddie institute. Ad- dress, 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A Y, P. George Joseph West; LL. B. Boston university 1S78. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1S77-89 ; Providence school com- mittee 18SS-; common council 1895-. Address, 57 Roanoke St., Providence, R. I. P. 258 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1876 Henry Allen Whitmarsh, A. M. ; M. D. N. Y. homoeopathic medical college 1879. Physician and surgeon, Providence, R. I.; surgeon R. I. homoeopathic hospital; president R. I. homoeopathic medical society; member American in- stitute of homoeopathy ; Boston gynaecological club. Author various articles in Homoeopathic journal of obstetrics. Address, 9 Jackson St., Providence, R. I. AT, P. Edmund Wood. Lumber merchant, New Bedford, Mass. ; member city coun- cil 1883. Address, New Bedford, Mass. A K E. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. John Gallagher Bucklin. Telephone inspector, Providence, R. I. Address, 332 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. Z "k Howard Lee Clark. Merchant, Providence, R. I. ; banker. Address, 12 Ex- change St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Roaldo Franklin Colwell. Teacher, Barrington, R. I. ; principal high school; superintendent of schools. Address, Barrington, R. I. P. Edward Williams Dawley. Resident, Providence, R. I. From Providence, R. I. ; died 18S0. Z * Erwin James France; LL. B. Boston university 1881. Lawyer, Woonsocket, R. I. ; member town council, Burrillville, R. I. ; member and secretary board of education Woonsocket, R. I. 15 years; member R. I. senate. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. Z *, P. Edward Aborn Greene. Manufacturer. Address, 20 Market Sq., Provi- dence, R. I. * T, P. William Simmons Mason. Last known residence, Providence, R. I. Zf Arthur Morey Round ; M. D. Harvard university 1884. Physician, R. I. hospital; Mass. general hospital; Norton, Mass. Address, Norton, Bristol Co., Mass. P. Cromwell Turner Schubarth. Civil engineer and architect 1876-7S; mer- chant, Montevideo, Minn. 187S-79; treasurer and general manager E. T. Cowdrey company, Boston, Mass. Address, 80 Broad St., Boston, Mass. A T, P. Richard Hoadley Tingley. Civil engineer. Address, 75 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. 51 *5 1877 Charles Talbot Aldrich. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 230 Hope St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A <1>, P. Edgar Fowler Ballou. Miner, Central City, Colo.; railroad manager, Salt Lake City, Utah ; wholesale dealer in dried fruits and canned goods. Address Care of William B. Ballou, 34 River St., Chicago, 111. A K E, P. Harry Maturin Ballou, A. M. Head master St. James's military academy, Macon, Mo. 1S80-83; teacher, St. Paul's school, Concord, N. H. 1885-?; pri- vate tutor. Address, 147 Bernon St., Woonsocket, R. I. A K E, P. Walter Irving Ballou; LL. B. Boston university 1879. Lawyer, Chicago, 111.; Woonsocket, R. I.; city solicitor. Address, 25 Spring St., Woonsocket, R. I. A A 4>, P. Thomas Elliott Bartlett. Graduated Newton theological institution i'S8o; ordained Baptist 1880; pastor South church, Providence, R. I. 1880-. Address, 169 Ocean St., Providence, R. I. Newt., P. 1877 GRADUATES 259 Wayland Everett Benjamin; A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1879. In- structor, Boston university law school 1879-81 ; lawyer, New York, N. Y. Au- thor Chalmers' Digest of the law of bills, notes and checks, edited, 1S81 ; Analytical index-digest of the Minn, reports, vol. f-JJ, 18SS; New York cita- tions; Supplement to McAdam's Landlord and tenant. Address, 2293 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. Cary Carpenter Bradford ; M. D. Harvard university 1882. Physician, South- bridge, Mass. ; medical examiner 8th Worcester district 1889. Address, South- bridge, Mass. P. Franklin Pierce Capron; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1879. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist; ophthalmic and aural surgeon R. I. hospi- tal; surgeon nose and throat department. Address, 241 Washington St., Providence, R. I. A A , P. George Henry Culver, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Joseph Taft Day, A. M. Insurance agent. Address, 34 Lloyd St., Provi- dence, R. I. Z *, P. George William Dow; M. D. Harvard university 1SS1. Physician. Address, Lawrence, Mass. A , P. Henry Scudder Drake, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 18S1. Agent manu- facturing chemists. Address, 45 Pierce St., Middleboro, Mass. P. Charles Brown Elder; B. D. Harvard university 1880. Unitarian clergy- man; pastor Neponset, Mass.; South Boston, Mass. ; Keene, N. H. Author occasional sermons in local press. Address, 56 Marlboro St., Keene, N. H. P. Rathbone Gardner, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member common council 1884-87; president 1885-S7; U, S. district attorney R. I. 1889-93. Ad- dress, 140 Angell St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Asa Eldridge Goddard, A. M. Assistant teacher high school, Fall River, Mass. 1877-81 ; Smith academy, St. Louis, Mo. 1881-84; instructor Greek and history 1S84-90; assistant principal New church school, Waltham, Mass. 1890-. Author The aim of a New church school, in New church revietv, July, 1S94. Address, Clark Lane, Waltham, Mass. P. John Russell Gow. Teacher, Charlestown, N. H. 1877-78; graduated Newton theological seminary 1882; ordained Baptist 1882 ; pastor, Fair Haven, Vt. 1882-85; Bridgeport, Conn. 1S85-91 ; Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. 1891-95; school trustee, Fair Haven. Address, 275 Fifty-Second St., Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. AT, Newt., P. Edward Green. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S80; ordained Baptist 1881; pastor, Peterboro, N. H. 18S1-84; Bellows Falls, Vt. 1884-85; Unitarian church, Newport, N. H. 1SS6-89 ; Petersham, Mass. 18S9-. Address, Petersham, Mass. AT, Roch. theol., P. Charles Franklin Hall. Life insurance agent. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A A , P. Howard Forde Hansel!, A. M. ; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1S79. Physi- cian, Philadelphia, Penn. ; adjunct professor Diseases of the eye, Philadelphia polyclinic; lecturer Opthalmology, Jefferson medical college; chief clinical assistant out-patient department, Jefferson medical college. Author Manual of clinical ophthalmology, in conjunction with J. H. Bell 1892 ; also numerous articles on subjects pertaining to ophthalmology in various medical journals. Address, 254 South 16th St., Philadelphia, Penn. * T, P. Thomas Allen Jenckes, A. M. Law student, Boston university 187S-79; law-' yer. Address, 312 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. *ir T, P. 260 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1877 Clarke Howard Johnson. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1879-S0; clerk 1881-86; justice 8th judicial district R. I. 1886-. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. James Prentice Kelley, A. M. Teacher, Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1S77-79; Conn, literary institute, Sufheld, Conn. 1879-86; Lenox City, New York, N. Y. 1887-88; academy, Greenwich, Conn. 1888-. Author The law of service, a study in Christian altruism, 1894. Address, Greenwich, Conn. A T, P. William Moore Knight. Lawyer, Meridian, Tex.; prosecuting attorney Bosque county four years. Address, Meridian, Tex. A , P. Frank Terry Latham. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1880; or- dained Baptist i'88o; pastor, Suffield, Conn. 1S80-S3; Newport, N. H. 1S83-SS; First church, Medina, N. Y. 188S-, Address, Medina, N. Y. A T, Roch. theol., P. Christopher Marble Lee. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. ; Providence, R. I. Ad- dress, 147 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Edwin Daniel McGuinness ; LL. B. Boston university 1879. Lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. ; secretary of state R. I. 1887-88, '90-91 ; alderman Providence three years. Address, 29 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. P. George Washington Milford. Principal normal school, Christiansburg, Va. ; high school, Easton, Md. ; Law's seminary, Washington, D. C. ; Lincoln building night school, Washington ; clerk, city post office, Washington. Au- thor Education in Maryla?id. in Freeman, 18S4; The Blair educational bill, in same, 1885. Address, 450 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. P. Joseph Davis Milne. Assistant editor Evening news, Fall River, Mass. Ad- dress, News Office, Fall River, Mass. A K E Raymond Greene Mowry. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; recording clerk R. I. house of representatives 1891-93, '94; aide-de-camp to governor, with rank of colonel 1892; second assistant city solicitor Providence 1893-. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Inman Edward Page, A. M. Teacher seminary, Natchez, Miss. 1877-78; Lin- coln institute, Jefferson City, Mo. 1878-80; president 1S80-. Address, Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Mo. P. Julius Palmer. Jewelry manufacturer, Providence, R. I. ; director Old national bank; Equitable insurance company. Address, 7 Franklin St., Providence, R. I. 6 AX, P. Walter Asa Peck. Wool merchant. Address, 113 Waterman St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A *, P. Dryden William Phelps, A.M.; B. D. Yale university 1892; Lit. D. Na- tional university, Chicago 1893. Assistant editor Christian secretary 1877-80; colporteur Conn. Bible society 1885-86; ordained Baptist 1S87; pastor, Wil- mington, Vt. 1SS7-89; preacher, Iladdam, Conn. 18S9-90; Baptist mission, now Second church, Waterbury, Conn. 1890-91; religious editor Saturday momitig news, New Haven, Conn. 1892; pastor, Egremont, Mass. 1893. Au- thor numerous articles and poems in periodicals. Address. 44 High St., New Haven, Conn. P. Edward Elisha Pierce, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S90. Physician. Address, 328 Broadway, Providence, R. I. P. Jefferson Rowland Potter, A. M. 1887. Teacher, Vt. academy 1877-78; Eastern state normal school, Castine, Me. 1878-S5 ; professor Pedagogy, State college of Ky. 18S5-88; teacher Sciences, Western state normal school, Farmington, 1877 GRADUATES 261 Me. 1SSS-90; student, Clarke university, Worcester, Mass. 1890-91 ; school su- perintendent Ashland district, Mass. 1S91-92; Walpole, Foxboro and Norfolk, Mass. 1892-. Address, Walpole, Mass. P. Frank Kingman Pratt. Teacher, Faribault, Minn. 1S77-7S; in business, Min- neapolis, Minn. 1S7S-79; lawyer, Minneapolis 1S81-. Address, 510 N. Y. Life Building, Minneapolis, Minn. A T, P. Frederick Rueckert. Lawyer, Providence, R. 1. ; member R. I. house of rep- resentatives 1891-92. Address, 87 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. P. Charles Seaver Scott. Principal high school, Wrentham, Mass. 1S77-78; graduated Newton theological institution 1SS1 ; ordained Baptist 18S1 ; pastor, Franklin, Ind. 1881-85; Hackensack, N. J. 18S6-S7 ; Somerville, Mass. 1SS7- 93; Marlboro, Mass. 1893-; clerk Boston, North, Baptist association. Author articles in Baptist reviexv and other periodicals. Address, 319 Main St., Marl- boro, Mass. Newt., P. William Paine Sheffield, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 6 Cottage St., Newport, R.I. A A 4>, P. Charles Theodore Snow. Tack-maker. Address, 5 Dartmouth St., Taunton, Mass. P. Isaac Hinckley Southwick, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member school committee 1S86-S9; common council 1887-89. Address, Box 1332, Providence, R. I. P. Frank Arthur Spence. Teacher, Salem, Mass. 1877-7S; accountant, Boston, Mass. 1879-83; Oldtown, Me. 1883-S6; clerk, Thompson- Houston electric com- pany, Lynn, Mass. 18S6-SS, '89-?; exporter and importer, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic 1S88-89; proprietor Spence and Peaslee shorthand and business college, Salem, Mass, Address, Salem, Mass. A T, P. Frank Louis Sullivan. Graduated Newton theological institution 18S0; or- dained Baptist 1SS0; pastor, Holliston, Mass. 1S80-82 ; Moorhead, Minn. 1882-83; Fergus Falls, Minn. 1S84-8S; Santa Cruz, Cal. 1888-S9; Los Gatos, Cal. 1889-90; associate editor Pacific Baptist. Address, Pacific Baptist, Port- land, Or. A T, Newt., P. Willis Frye Thomas. Graduated Newton theological institution 1SS0; or- dained Baptist 1S80; pastor, Winthrop, Mass. 1SS0; missionary, Burmah 1SS0-. Address, Insein, Burmah. A Y, Newt. Wilmarth Heath Thurston. Lawyer. Address, 42 Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. P. Joseph Henry Tyler. Student, Johns Hopkins university 1877-7S; cooper, Baltimore, Md. 1878-85; commission merchant 1885 -88; baker 18S8-. Address. 416 West German St., Baltimore, Md. A T, P. William Grant Van Home, A. M. Lawyer. Address, Salt Lake City, Utah. A K E George Otis Ward, A. M. ; Harvard university 1SS7 ; M. D. Harvard univer- sity 1SS7. Teacher Mathematics and sciences, Hitchcock free high school, Brimfield, Mass. 1877-78; Worcester academy 1S7S-S2 ; medical house officer Boston city hospital 18S6-87; house officer Boston lying-in hospital 18S7; physician, Worcester, Mass.; visiting physician Worcester city hospital 1SSS-; Memorial hospital 1SSS-. Address, S33 Main St., Worcester, Mass. A T, P. Patrick Whitney, A. M. Roman Catholic clergyman. Address, Caldwell, Out. p. Fred Homer Williams, A. M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; member Mass. legis- lature 18S3-85. Address, 22 Coolidge St., Brookline, Mass. P. 262 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1877 Charles Sumner Young, A. M. Principal grammar school, Adams, Mass. 1880; Globe school, Woonsocket, R. I. 1S80-S3. Born Providence, R. I., July 20, 1857; died Woonsocket, R. I., Jan. 4, 18S3. A K E, Nee. 1SS4 Bachelors of Philosophy. Charles Harvey Finch; M. D. University of the city of New York 1880; or- dained Baptist 1890; medical missionary, Sinfu, China. Address, Sinfu, Sz- Chuen Province, care Local Post, Hankow, China. P. Frederick Albert Hyde. Last known address, Brookfield, Worcester Co., Mass. X $ Charles Edmund Kimball. Railroad treasurer; president; receiver. Ad- dress, 45 Wall St., New York, N. Y. P. George Henry Slade. Assistant engineer water works and sewage system Providence, R. I. 1877-79; mill engineer 1879-83; secretary Jewelers' board of trade 1884; architectural draughtsman 1885-86; assistant engineer New York, Providence and Boston railroad company 1887-. Address, 44 Washington St., Providence, R. I. X*. 54*1 I878 Robert Alexander. Teacher; officer in four reform schools; vacation officer R. I. state prison 1890; public school teacher. Address, Centralia, Lewis Co., Wash. P. William Porter Bartlett. Student, Newton theological institution 1878-81 ; ordained Baptist; pastor Hudson, N. H. 1881-82; Lexington, Mass. 1883-84; Campton, N. H. 1885-87; Meriden, N. H. 1887-S9; North Springfield, Vt. 1889-92; North Oxford, Mass. 1892-94; Manchaug and South Sutton, Mass. 1894-. Address, Manchaug, Mass. Newt., P. Charles Edwin Bennett. Teacher, Milton, Fla. 1878-79; Sing Sing, N. Y. 1879-81 ; student, Harvard university 1881-82 ; Leipsic university 18S2-83 ; Ber- lin 1S83-84; Heidelberg 1884; principal Latin school and instructor, Univer- sity of Neb. 1885-89; associate professor Classical philology 1889; professor Latin, University of Wis. 1889-91 ; Classical philology, Brown university 1891- 92 ; Latin, Cornell university 1892- ; member American philological association ; American dialect society; American institute of archaeology. Author Sounds and inflections of the Cyprian dialect ,' Xenophon's Hellenica, books v.-vii., edited, 1892; Tacitus's Dialogus de oratoribus, 1894. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. AT, P. Charles Edwin Bigelow; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1S82. Physician. Address, Leominster, Mass. A K E Moses Brown Lockwood Bradford. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; assistant treasurer Assabet manufacturing company, Maynard, Mass. Address, 26 Di- man Place, Providence, R. I. ■* T, P. Elon Rouse Brown, 1879. Lawyer, Watertown, N. Y. ; member N. Y. con- stitutional convention 1S94. Address, Watertown, N. Y. A 4>, P. Caleb Ambrose Burbank, A. M. Mayor's secretary, Providence, R. I. 1879- 84; clerk R. I. supreme court 18S5-91 ; lawyer. Address, in Broadway, New York, N. Y. P. Robert Willard Burbank, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; assistant attor- ney general R. I. 1S88-89; attorney general 1S91-94. Address, 17 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. P. 1878 GRADUATES 263 Gideon Albert Burgess, A. M. ; B. D. Bates college 1SS1. Ordained Free Baptist 1882; pastor, Greenville, R. I. 1SS2-S9; Minneapolis, Minn. 1889-90; president Parker college, Winnebago City, Minn. 1890. Joint editor Free Baptist cyclopaedia, 1889. Address, Winnebago City, Minn. P. Charles Frederick Butterworth, A. M. Law student Boston university 187S-79; admitted to bar 1S80; lawyer. Address, 17 Custom House St., Provi- dence, R. I. A K E, P. Richard Case, A. M. Teacher, Suffield, Conn. 1878-79; principal high school, Red Bank, N. J. 1S79-; superintendent of schools 1S90-. Address, Red Bank, N.J. P. Walter Gardner Chandler. Principal academy, Blackwater, Fla. ; superin- tendent schools, Vandalia, 111. ; secretary and treasurer Union brass architect- ural works, Chicago, 111. ; Beloit, Wis. ; teacher Literature and history, Balti- more, Md. Editor Grant county herald, Lancaster, Wis. four years. Ad- dress, 2415 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. A K E, P Harold Chessman Childs, A. M. Sub-master high school, Brockton, Mass. Address, 59 Chestnut St., Brockton, Mass. P. Willis Gaylord Clarke. Lawyer, Sioux City, la. ; county attorney Woodbury county, la. ; member la. house of representatives 1S90-91. Author The Anglo- Saxon race and colonization, in Midland monthly, 1S94. Address, 424 Fourth St., Sioux City, la. P Abel Chalkley Collins, A. M. Principal academy, Belvidere, N. C. 1S79-80; high school, Peace Dale, R.I. 1SS0-81 ; lawyer, Great Barrington, Mass.; chairman board of selectmen two years; member school committee five years. Author Bench and bar of Berkshire county^ in History of Berkshire county, Mass. Address, Great Barrington, Mass. A A , P. Albert Nelson Dary. Graduated Newton theological institution 1SS1 ; or- dained Baptist 1SS1 ; pastor, Everett, Mass. 1SS1-S3; Dighton, Mass. 1SS5-88; Saccarappa, Me. 1S88-91 ; Westbrook, Me. 1891-. Address, 151 Main St., Westbrook, Me. A T, Newt., P. Alfred Nelson Fairbank, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 18S3. Teacher. Address, Webster, Mass. X 4>, P. Harry Ormsbee Farnham. Music teacher, Providence, R. I.; professor Mu- sic, Wittenberg college, Springfield, Ohio 1S88-92 ; music teacher and concert organist, Paducah, Ky. ; associate American college of musicians 18S7 ; presi- dent Ohio music teachers' association 1SS9-91. Author Report of music teach- ers' national association, 18S8; also various historical and critical articles on professional subjects. Address, Paducah, Ky. ~ir Y, P. William Gammell, A. M. Manufacturer and real estate agent. Address, 170 Hope St., Providence, R. I. ^ y, P. Clarence Miles Godding, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 18S3. Interne Mass. general hospital 1882-S3 ; physician, Providence, R. L; surgeon out-pa- tient department R. I. hospital 1883-88: visiting surgeon 1888- ; visiting physi- cian Providence lying-in hospital 1888-91; consulting physician 1891-; attend- ing physician Dexter asylum. Address, 312 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. George Goodwin. Address, 2iSWest Springfield St., Boston, Mass. Frank Harris, A. M. 1889. Cotton broker, Providence, R. I.; cotton manu- facturer, Woonsocket, R. I. ; alderman Woonsocket ; president common council ; colonel and aide-de-camp on governor's staff 1S91-92. Address, 14S Hamlet Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. A A , P. 264 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1878 Walter Sumner Hayward, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 18S1. Eye and ear specialist. Address, 84 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. P. Nathaniel Hibbard ; M. D. Harvard university 18S2. Physician, Danielson- ville, Conn.; member school board; director public library; savings bank. Address, Danielsonville, Conn. P. Jules Adolphe Hobigand, A. M. Head French department, Hopkinson school, Boston, Mass. 1889-93 ; principal Boston school of languages. Ad- dress, 88 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. P. George William Hopkins, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1S84. Lawyer. Address, Temple Court, New York, N. Y. P. Albert Pierce Hoyt. Clerk ; teller First national bank, Providence, R. I. 1S78-1S90; chairman school committee East Providence, R. I. Born Brighton, Mass., Nov. 29, 1857; died East Providence, R. I., Oct. 7, 1890. Nee. 1891 Elton Hoyt, A. M. Broker. Address, Cleveland, O. A A $ Charles Archelaus Huse; M. D. Harvard university 1881. Assistant port physician Boston, Mass. 1881-82; physician, Worcester, Mass. 1882-S4; mem- ber Mass. medical society. Born Worcester, Mass., Aug. 7, 1855; died Worces- ter, July 3, 1S84. A K E, Nee. 1885 Edwin Channing Larned. In business. Address, 61 Washington Sq., South, New York, N. Y. P. Henry Frederic Lippitt. Manufacturer. Address, Board of Trade Building, Providence, R. I. * T, P. John Hale Mason. Manufacturer. Address, 20 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. P. Stephen Olney Metcalf. Manufacturer. Address, 20 Exchange Place, Provi- dence, R. I. A K E William Brown Martin Miller, A. M. Banker and broker. Address, 23 Ex- change St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Oliver Buchanan Munroe, A. M. Financial news editor and reporter Provi- dence daily journal, Providence, R. I. five years; managing editor American ■wool and cotton reporter, Boston, Mass.; U. S. investor, Boston; founder Provide?ice financial news, 1890; editorial writer Worcester spy; Hartford times; assistant editor Textile -world, Boston. Address, 59 Glen Road, Dor- chester, Mass. P. Stephen Westcott Nickerson, A. M. Assistant quartermaster-general R. I. ; lawyer, R. I. ; Boston, Mass. Author History of the Bank of England, 1894. Address, 95 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Z -f, P. Wallace Prescott Palmer. Leather dealer, Boston, Mass. Address, 135 Highland Ave., Winchester, Mass. P. Charles Henry Pendleton. Graduated Rochester theological institution 18S1 ; ordained Baptist 1882; pastor First church, Salem, O. 1881-83; Cleveland, O. 1883-87; Main street church, Worcester, Mass. 1887- ; trustee Worcester poly- technic institute 1887-. Address, 741 Main St., Worcester, Mass. A A $, P. Charles Leroy Pulcifer, A. M. Teacher, Lakeport, N. H.; superintendent schools; principal high school; member city council Laconia, N. H. ; mem- ber N. H. legislature. Address, Lakeport, Laconia, N. H. A T, P. James Rea, Ph. D. elsewhere. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1881 ; ordained Baptist 1881 ; pastor, Warren, Penn. 1881-84; Denver, Col. 1884-S7; Xenia, O. 1S87-89; Painesville, O. 1S89-93; Buffalo, N. Y. 1893-. Bapt. yr. bk., Roch. theol., A K E Cornelius Samuel Savage, A. M. 1890. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1881 ; ordained Baptist 1882; pastor, Hannibal, Mo. 1882-86; Ogdens- 1878 GRADUATES 265 burg, N. Y. 1S87-91 ; Hamilton, N. Y. since 1S91 ; recording secretary Baptist education society, N. Y. ; member executive committee; clerk St. Lawrence county Baptist association ; vice chairman N. Y. state Baptist pastors' con- ference 1S92; member educational committee Baptist state convention, N. Y. ; moderator 1893; Madison county Baptist association 1S93. Author various articles in Christian at -work ; Central Baptist. Address, Hamilton, N. Y. Roch. theol., A Y, P. Joseph Herbert Shattuck. Address, Winchester, Mass. William Lloyd Slade. Bookkeeper, Providence, R. I. ; gold and silver refiner. Address, 76 Comstock Ave., Providence, R. I. X , P. Charles Jason Staples; B. D. Harvard university 18S1. Ordained Unitarian 1SS2; pastor Christian union church, Reading, Mass. 1SS2-SS; Unity church, St. Cloud, Minn. 18SS; president public library board, St. Cloud, 1S94. Author Selections for use at funeral services, 1886; also many sermons. Ad- dress, St. Cloud, Minn, p. William Mail ran Stockbridge, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1S82. Ad- mitted to bar 1S82 ; lawyer, Boston, Mass. 1S82-; commissioner of insolvency Mass. 1SS9-. Address, 82 Devonshire St., Room 12, Boston, Mass. A K E, P. William Howard Sweetland, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member school committee; clerk R. I. house of representatives ; clerk district court, 6th judicial district R. I. ; associate justice. Address, County Court House, Provi- dence, R. I. X , P. John Cyrus Thorns, A. M. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1SS1 ; ordained Baptist 1S81 ; pastor, Palmyra, N. Y. 1881-85; Elyria, O. 1885-8S; Erie, Penn. 1S88-92 ; New York, N. Y. 1S93-. Editor Sorter, Elyria. Address, 7 Henry St., New York, N. Y. * T, Roch. theol. Lewis Hamilton Torrey. Cutlery manufacturer. Address, Worcester, Mass. A K E, P. Daniel Arnold Wade. Graduated Newton theological institution 1SS1 ; or- dained Baptist 18S1 ; pastor, Bellingham, Mass. 1SS1-90; North Bellingham, Mass. 1SS5-90; Norwood, Mass. 1890-91; resident, Whitman, Mass. Born South Abington, Mass., Sept. 10, 1856; died Brant Rock, Aug. 26, 1894. Newt., P. John Qrover Ward. Baptist clergyman. Address, North Lyme, Conn. P. Walter Gardner Webster, A. M. Law student 1S78-79; teacher Clas- sics, high school, Providence, R. I. 1879-90. Address, 59 Parade St., Provi- dence, R. I. A Y, P. George Franklin Weston, A. M. Principal Elmwood grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1879-. Address, 104 Adelaide Ave., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Bennett Rollin Wheeler; LL. B. Boston university 1SS0. Lawyer, Topeka, Kans. ; secretary Kans. investment company. Address, Topeka, Kans. AY Freeman Tupper Whitman, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1881 ; ordained Baptist 18S1 ; pastor, Newton Upper Falls, Mass. 1881-82 ; Brighton avenue Baptist church, Boston, Mass. 1882-89; pastor English church, Rangoon, Burmah 1889-. Address, Rangoon, Burmah. Newt. William Bowers Winn. Student, Newton theological institution 1878-81 ; ordained Baptist 1882; Congregational pastor; editor and proprietor Hollister free lance, Hollister, Cal. 1886- ; on editorial staff Daily report, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Address, Daily Report Office, San Francisco, Cal. Newt., A K E, P. 266 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1878 Isaac Oscar Winslow, A. M. Principal Federal street grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. ; farmer and manufacturer, St. Albans, Me. ; selectman ; super- visor schools : lecturer, Me. state grange; member Me. senate 1S92. Author Principles of agriculture. Address, St. Albans, Me. A A $, P. Augustus Wood; Ph. D. Heidelberg university 1892. Ranchman, West Fla. 1883-86; student, Johns Hopkins university 1887-?; professor English, Impe- rial university, Tokyo, Japan. A K E, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Winthrop Carver Durfee. Importer, manufacturer and dealer in dyestuffs and chemicals, Boston, Mass.; consulting chemist in matters connected with textile industries. Address, 81 Sedgwick St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. X , P. William Ely. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 231 George St., Providence, R. I. f Y, P. Charles Taylor Howard. Manufacturer, Phenix, R. I. 1S7S-S1; secretary and treasurer Lamphear machine company; secretary Providence telephone company; treasurer 1881-; R. I. telephone and electric company. Address, Providence Telephone Company, Providence, R. I. ■f T, P. Ralph Thrall King, 1879. Lumber merchant, Cleveland, O. ; in business, New York, N. Y. Address, University Club, New York, N. Y. A A $, P. Crawford Allen Nightingale. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 54 North Main St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Frederic Albert Nightingale. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1S7S-89. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 12, 1858; died Providence, April 3, 1S83. ■f T, Nee. 1883 Walter Benjamin Swarts. Stationer. Address, 129 Moore St., Providence, R. I. * 60 *4 1879 Henry Burr Anthony. Fire insurance agent. Address, 59 Wall St., New York, N. Y. X , P. Edward Ernest Atkinson; A. M. Harvard university 18S6; B. D. 1887; Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. 18SS. Graduated Newton theological institution 1882 ; ordained Baptist 1882 ; pastor Fort Dodge, la. 1882-83; Duluth, Minn. 1SS3-84; Grace Episcopal church, Chicopee, Mass. 1888-90; St. Peter's church, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1S90-91 ; teacher Hebrew, Sauveur summer school, Burlington, Vt. 18S5 ; teacher and chaplain Belmont school, Belmont, Mass. Author articles in Old testament student; Puck; Life. Address, Belmont School, Belmont, Mass. A T, NeAvt., P. George Folger Barnard. Resident, Lynn, Mass. David Leonard Barnes, A. M. by special vote 1890. Mechanical and civil engineer 1879-82; chief draughtsman and mechanical engineer, R. I. locomo- tive works 1882-87; consulting engineer, New York, N. Y. and Chicago, 111. 1887-; consulting engineer for several western and southern railroads, foreign manufacturers, and Railroad gazette, New York, N. Y. ; member American society of mechanical engineers; American society of civil engineers; Ameri- can association for the advancement of science; treasurer Western society of engineers; vice president Western railway club. Author Cotnpoti?id locomo- tives; also various scientific and technical papers before engineering societies and in railroad papers. Address, 768 The Rookery, Chicago, 111. P. 1879 GRADUATES 267 Charles Pattison Bennett. Baptist clergyman; pastor, First church, Shap- leigh, Me. 18S2-SS; Limerock, Me. 18S8-89; investment broker, Colorado Springs, Col. Address, Box 962, Colorado Springs, Col. P. Charles Sumner Boyer, A. M. 18S5. Principal grammar school, Philadel- phia, Penn.; school supervisor Philadelphia. Address, 3223 Clifford St., Philadelphia, Penn. P. William Potter Buffum. Civil engineer, Newport, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1S94-95. Address, Newport, R. I. A A , P. Newton Sherwood Calhoun. Lawyer, Cleveland, O. Address, 156 Kenil- worth St., Cleveland, O. P. Alva Edwin Carpenter; B. D. General theological seminary 18S3. Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. Barnabas' church, Apponaug, R. I. 1S83-S4; St. Stephen's church, Middlebury, Vt. 1884-89; St. Mark's church, Warren, R. I. 1889- ; superintendent public schools. Author School reports, Warren, R. I. 1893; editor Parish monthly, Warren; associate editor Convocation messenger, Providence, R. I. Address, Warren, R. I. A Y, P. David Austen Chase. Dealer in lumber and coal lands; special correspon- dent for Philadelphia press during strike in bituminous coal field 1SS0-81. Born Woodward township, Clearfield co., Penn., Oct. 24, 1S55; died June 10, 1888. P. George Francis Comstock, A. M.; B. D. Yale university 1882. Private teacher and farmer. Address, Wilbraham, Mass. P. Wallace Peter Dick, A. M. Principal school, Wickford, R. I. 1S79-80; high school, Wakefield, R.I. 1880-S4; professor Rhetoric, State normal school, California, Penn. 1SS4-85 ; vice principal and professor Natural sciences and modern languages, afterwards Psychology and pedagogy, State normal school, Lock Haven, Penn. 18S5-91 ; professor Latin, State normal school, West Chester, Penn. 1S91-. Author Outlines of natural philosophy. Address, State normal school, West Chester, Penn. P. Charles Henry James Douglas, A. M. ; Ph. D. Columbia college 1892. Teacher high school, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1SS1-84; instructor, University of Wis. 1S84-S5; teacher high school, Milwaukee, Wis. 1SS5-SS: professor English, Boys' high school, Brooklyn, N. Y. 18S8-; professor Political science, Brook- lyn institute of arts and sciences 1892- ; Seligman fellow, University of Wis. 1890-92. Author Syllabus of rhetorical training, 18S3 ; Financial history of Mass., 1892; Suggestions for courses in English, 1S93. Address, S15 Marcy Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Columb., P. James Hervey Earle. Teacher grammar and high school, Cranston, R. I. ten years; milk dealer. Address, Cranston, R. I. P. Qorham Easterbrook. Ordained Baptist 1S79; pastor, Amherst, N. H. 1879- 81 ; Hyde Park, Mass. 1S81-S4; Southbridge, Mass. 1SS4-92 ; Somerville, Mass. 1892-93; Rochdale, Mass. 1894- ; chairman school committee, Amherst; South- bridge. Address, Rochdale, Mass. A T Stephen Ostrom Edwards, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; instructor Mathematics and logic, Brown university 1SS6-S7 ; clerk R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1889-91. Address, 52 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. P. Frederick William Elliott, 1886; M. D. Boston university 1S8S. Teacher high school, Westminster, Mass. 1880-S2 ; Littleton, Mass. 1S82-S3; Stock- bridge, Mass. 1884; physician, Boston, Mass. 1888- ; first assistant Phillips private hospital ; secretary Mass. surgical and gynecological society. Author Some uses of electrolysis in the treatment of cutaneous blemishes, in N. E. 268 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1879 medical gazette; Perineal lesions, in same. Address, 107 Warren St., Boston, Mass. A T, P. Edward Francis Ely; B. S. Mass. institute of technology 18S2. Instructor Architecture, Mass. institute of technology 1SS2-? Address, 874 Broadway New York, N. Y. A K E Frank Alexander Farnham, LL. B. Boston university 1883. Assistant libra- rian Brown university 1879-S1 ; admitted to bar 1884; lawyer, Boston, Mass. ; assistant counsel New York and N. E. railroad company. Editor, Courts in Myer's Federal decisions, 1885. Address, 1 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. fT, P. Edward Pike Greene. Wholesale boot and shoe dealer. Address, 21 Pine St., Providence, R. I. A A 4>, P. John Jesse Greene. Cost accountant, Nichols and Langworthy machine com- pany, Hope Valley, R. I. Address, Hope Valley, R. I. P. Albert Granger Harkness, A. M. Teacher Classics, Peddie institute Hights- town, N. J. 1880-81 ; student, Germany 1881-83; professor Latin and German, Madison university, Hamilton, N. Y. 1883-89; associate professor Latin, Brown university 1889-93; professor Roman literature and histoi-y 1893- ; in Europe 1894-95. Address, 7 Cooke St., Providence, R. I. Cj'C Am. biog., A A $, P. Arthur Hudson Harrington; M. D. Jefferson medical college 1882. Physi- cian, Shrewsbury, Mass. 1882-83; Providence, R. I. 1883-S4; assistant superin- tendent Danvers lunatic hospital, Danvers, Mass. Author Acute ascending paralysis, in Transactions R. I. medical society, 1889; Hereditary cases of pro- gressive muscular atrophy, in American journal of insanity, 1S90; Rpidemic infliienza and insanity, in Boston medical and surgical journal, 1S90. Address, Danvers Lunatic Hospital, Danvers, Mass. A K E, P. Stephen Goodwin Hastings. Ordained Baptist 1SS0; pastor, Belchertown, Mass. 18S0-85; Jewett City, Mass. 1885-90; Antrim, N. H. 1890- ; member school committee Belchertown three years; Lisbon, Conn, two years ; secre- tary Stonington union association. Address, Antrim, N. H. AT Truman Johnson, A. M. 1886; M. D. University of the city of New York 1SS1. Physician, Vt. two years; principal school, Muskogee, Indian territory 1884- 85; student, Newton theological institution a short time; ordained Baptist 1886; missionary, Toungoo, Burmah 1886-. Address, Toungoo, Burmah ; during 1895, 43 Susan St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Webster Keigwin. Teacher, Conn, literai-y institution, Suffield, Conn. 1879-83; instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1883-84; student, Harvard university 1884-86; teacher academy, Norwich, Conn. Address, Norwich, Conn. A Y, P. Lyman Winslow King, A.M. 1S89. Graduated Newton theological institution 1882; ordained Baptist 1883; pastor, Mount Holly, Vt. 1883-S9; preacher First Baptist church, West Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. Newt., P. Charles Henry Kinne; Ph.D. University of Strassburg 1890. Teacher academy, Norwich, Conn. 1SS0-84; student, Bonn, Berlin, Paris, and Geneva 1884-86; teacher Modern languages, Hill school, Pottstown, Penn. 18S7; student, Strass- burg, Florence and Spain 18S7-90; professor Modern languages, Penn. state college 1890-92; fellow in Romance, University of Chicago 1892-93; instruc- tor Romance languages 1893-94; in Cuba 1894-95; Address, 67 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. A Y, Chic, P. 1879 GRADUATES 269 George Ide Malcolm. Bond and stock broker. Address, 4 Wall St., New- York, N. Y. A A , P. Frederick Eugene Partington, A. M. 1SS5. Teacher Classics, Goshen insti- tute, Goshen, N.Y. 1879-S0; inspector German school and educational methods, and newspaper correspondent, Germany 1S80-S1 ; principal New Paltz academy, New Paltz, N. Y. 18S1-S4; Staten Island academy, Staten Island, N.Y, 1SS4-. Author Letters on German schools, in Boston journal; Lectures on Norxvay ; stories in St. Nicholas. Address, Staten Island Academy, New Brighton, N. Y. P. William Cooper Readio, A. M. ; LL. B. University of the city of New York. Principal Yale school, New York, N. Y. Address, 51 West 51st St., New York, N. Y. P. Samuel Augustus Severance, A. M. 1SS9. Student, Newton theological institution 1S79-S1 ; ordained Baptist 1881 ; pastor, Turner, Me. 1SS1-83 ; Maple- wood, Mass. 1SS3-S9; Keene, N. H. 1SS9-91. Born Elizabethtown, N. Y., May 28, 1844; died Keene, N. H., Sept. 23, 1S91. A Y, Newt. Samuel Randall Simmons. Manager of office, Central gas light company, New York, N. Y. Address, 350 Alexander Ave., New York, N. Y. P. Louis Rhodes Southworth. Reporter. Address, World Office, New York, N. Y. P. Joel Mann Spencer. Insurance agent, Providence, R.I. A * Howard York Stillman ; LL. B. Columbia college 1SS1. Lawyer. Address, 3S Park Row, New York, N. Y. p. Orin Jones Sturgis, A. M. Principal public school, Uniontown, Penn.; managing editor Uniontorvn standard; chief editorial writer Pittsburgh com- mercial gazette, Pittsburgh, Penn. ; editor Baptist exponent, Pittsburgh ; man- aging editor Uniontoivn neivs-standard, Uniontown, Penn. Author In memo- riam, 1892; besides several addresses. Address, Uniontown, Penn. P. Willard Brooks Tanner, A. M. Lawyer ; assistant attorney general R. I. 1891- 94. Address, S4 Hanover St., Providence, R. I. p. William Richmond Tillinghast. Lawyer. Address, 6 South Main St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A , P. Charles James Tucker, A. M. Teacher high school, Woonsocket, R. I. two years ; principal high school, Sandwich, Mass. two-years ; first assistant, Leland university one year. Born New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 10, 1856; died Provi- dence, R. I., Nov. 29, 1886. Nee. 1887 Francis Hubbard Viets ; B. D. Yale university 1882. Congregational clergy- man; pastor, Riverton, Conn. 18S2-S7; East and North Woodstock, Conn. 1SS7-. Author Viets family, 1S79. Address, North Woodstock, Conn. P. 270 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1879 Stephen Albro Welch; M. D. Harvard university 18S4; Boston city hospital 18S4. Physician and surgeon, Providence, R. I. ; visitor out-patient depart- ment, R. I. hospital; member Providence medical association; secretary 1SS7- 90; member R. I. medical society. Address, 253 Washington St., Providence, R. I. X *, P. James Lee Wells ; M. D. Harvard university 1883. Physician. Address, 86 Warren St., Boston, Mass. P. Judson Irving Wood. Teacher, Block Island, R. I. 1879-80; Patchogue, L. I. 1SS0-81; academy, Greenwich, Conn. 1S81-83; principal high school, Methuen, Mass. 1883-90; principal and superintendent Ilion union school and academy, Ilion, N. Y. Address, 3 James St., Ilion, N. Y. A T, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Edward Stowe Adams. Bookseller and stationer, Fall River, Mass. ; mem- ber city council ; school committee. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. Alfred Updike Eddy. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; secretary and treasurer Mercantile mutual fire insurance company; secretary Pacific mutual insurance companj'. Address, 96 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. X , P. 45 *3 I88O Augustus Levi Abbott, A. M. ; LL. B. Washington university 1SS5. In- structoi Mathematics, Shurtleff college, Upper Alton, 111. 1881-84; lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. 1884- : treasurer Shurtleff college 1882-S8. Author Catalogue of Shurtleff college library, 1885; On law of eminent domain, 2d edition by H. E. Mills and A. L. Abbott, 1888. Address, 314 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. * T, P. Charles Robert Adams. Assistant principal academy, Monson, Mass. 1880- 81; clothing dealer, Holyoke, Mass.; trustee and insurance agent, Boston, Mass.; secretary American boot and shoe reporting company, Boston. Au- thor Annual book of commercial reports. Address, 61 Cushing Ave., Dorches- ter, Mass. A T, P. Walter Foster Angell. Lawyer. Address, 3 Creighton St., Providence, R. I. Wilberforce Ewing Archibald. From Middletown Vt. James Austin, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 727 Oakwood Ave., Toledo, O. P. Edmund Neville Bennett. With publishing house, Boston, Mass. 1880-81. Born Taunton, Mass., May 23, 1856; died Taunton, May 28, 1881. AA$, Nee. 1881 John Taggard Blodgett, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; U. S. commis- sioner, R. I. iS9i-;U. S. chief supervisior of elections, R. I. 1892. Address, 17 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Jackson Boyce. Undertaker. Address, 256 Weybosset St., Provi- dence, R. I. Qibbs Braislin. Student, Crozer theological seminary 1SS0-82; travelled in Europe 1883; student, Providence, R. I. 1S84-86; ordained Baptist 1886; pas- tor, Keesville, N. Y. 1886-91; Rutland, Vt. 1891-. Address, 33 Washington St., Rutland, Vt. A T, P. Charles Edwin Burdette. Baptist missionary. Address, Gauhati, Assam, India. P. 1880 GRADUATES 271 John Nathan Butman, A. M. 1890. Bookseller and stationer, Central Falls, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1SS9-92 ; trustee Union school district, Lincoln, R.I. 1SS9-93. Address, 14 Ashley St., Central Falls, R. I. P. Zechariah Chafee. Treasurer Builders iron foundry, Providence, R. I. ; pres- ident; secretary Brown and Sharpe manufacturing company. Author numer- ous technical pamphlets. Address, 129 Hope St., Providence, R. I. A A <1>, P. John Loring Crane. Graduated Newton theological institution 1883; ordained Baptist 18S3; pastor, Narragansett, R. I. 1SS3-S6; Sheldonville, Mass. 1887-. Address, Sheldonville, Mass. Newt., P. James Wallace Darrow, A. M. Associate editor Rural Nexv Yorker 1SS0- 83 ; editor and publisher Chatham courier, Chatham, N. Y. ; Rensselaer courier^ Practical dairyman ; Fanciers' 1 review ; member board of education Chatham; delegate, National editorial association convention 1890. Author various articles in New York tribune; Springfield republican; Independent; Examiner; American agriculturist ; Santa Clans. Address, Chatham, N. Y. A T, P. Walter Edward Delabarre; M. D. New York homoeopathic medical college and hospital. Woolen manufacturer, Conway, Mass. ; house surgeon Flower hospital, New York, N. Y. ; physician, New York. Address, The Scarboro, 223 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. Henry Dunster. Clerk, R. G. Dun company, Providence, R. I. Address, 25 Battey St., Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Slater Durfee, A. M. Law student, Providence, R. I. 18S0-82; Boston university 1882-S3 ; lawyer. Address, 32 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. -f T, P. Richmond Bartlett Esten. Student Oberlin theological seminary 1SS0-S1; lecturer Literature, The new education, Baltimore, Md. 1SS1-S2; Baptist clergy- man ; pastor, Newport, Minn. 18S2-S3 ; graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1886; pastor Market street church, Amesbury, Mass. 1SS6-91 ; Central church, Westfleld, Mass. 1891-. Address, Westfield, Mass. AK E, Newt., P. William Herbert Perry Faunce, A. M. 1S89. Instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1881-82; graduated Newton theological institution 18S4 ; or- dained Baptist 1SS4; pastor State street church, Springfield, Mass. 18S4-S9; Fifth avenue church, New York, N. Y. 1889-. Address, 2 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. A T, Newt., P. Frank Eustace FitZ, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1SS3. Law student Harvard university 18S0-82 ; admitted to bar 1S83 ; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; city solicitor, Chelsea, Mass. 1889-92; associate justice Chelsea police court 1S92-. Address, 23 Court St., Boston, Mass. A K E, P. George Stephen Goodspeed, A. M. ; B. D. Baptist union theological semi- nary 1SS3; Ph. D. Yale university 1891. Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Sonora, Cal. 1884-S6; Springfield, Mass. 18S6-87; assistant, Semitic department, Yale university 18SS-91 ; student, University of Freiburg 1891-92 ; associate professor Comparative religion and ancient history, University of Chicago 1892-. Ad- dress, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A A , Chic, P. Fred Mason Hammett. Managing editor Newport daily news, Newport, R. I.; member common council 18S7-93 ; president 1S90-93; member board of aldermen 1S94-; president 1894-. Author Historical sketch of Newport artil- lery, in Volunteer, 1SS9; besides other historical sketches in Nexvport daily news. Address, 32 School St., Newport, R. I. P. 272 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1880 Henry Gano Hardy. Dealer in doors and blinds, Boston, Mass.; merchant, Kansas City, Mo.; publisher. Address, 101 Linden Ave., Maiden, Mass. AT, P. Arthur Whitney Howe. Manufacturer of car wheels, Philadelphia, Penn. ; iron broker. Address, 332 South 21st St., Philadelphia, Penn. 'f Y, P. Charles Williams Jencks. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. iS, 1S5S; died Providence, March 29, 1S83. A K E, Nee. 18S3 Herbert Ide Keen. Manufacturer. Address, 4210 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. A A 4>, P. John Power Knowles ; LL. B. Boston university 1883. Lawyer. Address, St. Paul, Minn. X $, P. Isaac Albert Lamson. From Hamilton, Mass. William Hoyle Lane, A. M. 1888. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S83; ordained Baptist 18S4; pastor, Dexter, Me. 1884-86; Yarmouthville, Me. 1886-90; assistant pastor Central church, Providence, R. I. 1890-94; su- pervisor public schools Yarmouth 1S90-94. Author occasional contributions to religious and secular .papers. Address, 19 Woonasquatucket Ave., Provi- dence, R. I. Newt., P. James Granger Lincoln, A. M. Clerk. Address, 88 Water St., Boston, Mass. tT, P. Walter Sidney Meader, A. M. Governor of boys, Friends' school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S80-87; teacher Mathematics 18S7-. Address, 306 Lloyd St., Providence, R. I. P. Donald Littlefield Morrill, A. M. Principal high school, Attica, Ind. 18S2- 83; Moline, 111. 1S83-85 ; Anderson school, Chicago, 111. 18S5-S7; admitted to bariS86; lawyer, Chicago, 111.; member board of education ; attorney board of education 1S91-. Address, 1809 Frederick St., Chicago, 111. A K E, P. Samuel Hanson Ordway ; A. M. Harvard university 1883; LL. B. 1S83. Ad- mitted to bar 18S4; lawyer. Address, 31 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. P. John Holden Ormsbee. Clerk, Providence institution for savings. Address, Box 575, Providence, R. I. 9 Y, P. Edgar Perry, A. M. Editor Chronicle, Attleboro, Mass. 1SS1-S7; correspon- dent 1SS7-90; Herald, Boston, Mass. 1S90-; Star, Washington, D. C. 1S92-; N. E. correspondent Herald, New York, N. Y. Author Historic Rehoboth, 1S86. Address, Herald Office, Boston, Mass. P. James Tobey Pyke, A. M. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1883; ordained Congregational 1884; pastor, East Concord, N. H. 1SS3-S5; River- side church, Lawrence, Mass. 1887-89; instructor, preparatory department, Penn. state college 1SS9-90; in business, Providence, R. I. Address, 235 Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, R. I. A Y, And., P. William Francis Richardson, A. M. Teacher Vt. state reform school 1881-84; member private signal corps, U. S. army 18S3-88; real estate agent, Seattle, Wash. ; secretary Seattle branch theosophical society 1889-91; president 1892. Address, 2115 Edes St., Seattle, Wash. P. J Lee Richmond, A. M.; M. D. University of the city of New York 1SS3. Physician, Conneaut, O. ; Geneva, O. ; instructor Chemistry, high school, Toledo. O. Address, 129 Thirteenth St., Toledo, O. A Y, P. George William Rigler, A. M. Student, Crozer theological seminary 1S80-S2 ; ordained Baptist 1882 ; instructor Natural sciences and mathematics, Conn, literary institution, Sufneld, Conn. ; instructor Greek, Vt. academy, Saxton's River, Vt. 1S82-83 ; pastor, Salem, O. 1883-85; Antrim, N. H. 1885-89; First 1880 GRADUATES 273 church, Maple-wood, Maiden, Mass. 18S9-90; Woonsocket, R. I. 1891-93; East Providence, R. I. 1S93-. Address, East Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Sidney White Rivenburg, A. M.; M. D. Baltimore medical college 1894. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1SS3 ; ordained Baptist 1SS3; mis- sionary, Assam, India 1SS3-. Translator Matthew ; John; Acts; Hymn book; Arithmetic, into Angami Naga. Address, Kohima, Assam, India. Roch. theol., P. David Foster Slade ; LL. B. Boston university 18S3. Lawyer, Fall River, Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1S94-. Address, iooRotkSt., Fall River, Mass. A A <1>, P. Samuel Watson Smith ; LL. B. Cincinnati law school 18S2. Lawyer, Cin- cinnati,©.; member board of legislation, Cincinnati 1891-92. Address, Cor. 3d and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, O. A A , P. Wesley Lorenzo Smith. Graduated Newton theological institution 1883; or- dained Baptist 1883; pastor Mount Pleasant church, Providence, R. I. 1SS3-SS; First church, Weymouth, Mass. 1S88-94; Fells, Mass. 1894-. Address, 60 Main St., Fells, Mass. A T, Newt., P. James Clay Starkweather. Law student, Boston university 1880-S1 ; admitted to bar 18S3: lawyer. Address, Denver, Col. A K E, P. John Sutherland, A. M. 1S90. Professor Latin, Wayland academy, Beaver Dam, I Wis. 1SS0-84; trustee 18S1-S4; treasurer 1SS3-84; president Dakota loan and trust company, Pierre, S. D. ; admitted to bari8S6; lawyer, Pierre ; di- rector and president board of education ; president city board of trade. Address, Pierre, S. D. A K E, P. Fred Clay Tenney. Principal high school, Sterling, 111. 1SS1 ; high school, Yarmouth, Mass. 1SS1-S6; admitted to bariSSS; lawyer, Holliston, Mass.; superintendent of schools. Address, Holliston, Mass. P. Benjamin Franklin Thurston, A. M. Librarian Redwood library and Athe- nseum, Newport, R. I. 1SS1-84; principal high school, Barrington, R. I. 1S84- S6; desk editor Daily nexus, Newport. Address, 27 Rhode Island Ave., New- port, R. I. P. William Ramsay Trotter, A. M. Graduated General theological seminary 18S3; Episcopal clergyman ; pastor Trinity church, Bristol, R. I. Address, Bristol, R. I. X , Gen. theol. sem., P. George Miller Tustin ; LL. B. Columbia college 1SS3. Cashier Catawissa deposit bank, Catawissa, Penn. 1SS4-91 ; First national bank 1891-93; lawyer, Bloomsburg, Penn. Address, Bloomsburg, Penn. P. Frederick Johnson Clegg Walton, A. M. Clergyman. Address, Engle- wood, 111. Paul Waterman. Travelling abroad. Address, Brown, Shepley and Co., London, Eng. ^ Y, P. William Henry Winslow. From Larone, Me. Bachelors of Philosophy. Prescott Orloff Clarke. Iron worker, Providence, R. I.; architect. Address, 29 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A A <1>, P. Augustus Arabert Greene. Jewelry manufacturer. Address, 1S5 Eddy St., Providence, R.I. X $ William Hale; M. D. University of the city of New Yoik 1S83. Physician, Dover, N. H. -1S94; Gloucester, Mass. 1894-. Author Shore life in song. Address, Gloucester, Mass. P. 274 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1880 Philip Augustus Mathewson. Cotton manufacturer, Fall River, Mass; superintendent Chase mill. Address, Fall River, Mass. ^ T Frank Luscombe Tinkham ; LL. B. Boston university 1883. Lawyer. Ad- dress, Taunton, Mass. P. 55 *2 1881 Charles Francis Adams, A. M. ; M. D. N. Y. homoeopathic medical college and hospital 1884. Physician and surgeon, Hackensack, N. J.; visiting physician Hackensack hospital ; member board of health; N. J. state homoeo- pathic medical society; National association of military surgeons of U. S. Author articles in Transactions of N. J. state homoeopathic medical society ; North American journal of homoeopathy. Address, 229 Union St., Hacken- sack, N. J. A K E, P. William Cotter Baker, A. M. Instructor French and German, De Veaux college, Suspension Bridge, N. Y. ; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; superintendent public schools, North Kingstown, R. I. 1884-88; member R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1892-94. Address, 17 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. A A $, P. Benjamin Barker; LL. B. Columbia college 1883. Lawyer. Address, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A A $, P. George Fremont Bean, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1885. Teacher, Woburn, Mass. 1881-82; admitted to bar 1S85; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; mayor, Woburn, 1891. Address, 130 Montvale, Ave., Woburn, Mass. A T, P. George Bickford Brigham. Shoe manufacturer. Address, Westboro, Mass. A Y, P. Percy Shelley Burbank. Electric engineer, Charlotte, N. C. 1886-87; At- lanta, Ga. ; Callao, Peru. Address, Callao, Peru. X $ Walter Orestes Cartwright. From Wakefield, Mass. William Sheafe Chase, A. M. ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cam- bridge, Mass. 18S5. Principal high school, Bristol, R. I. 1881-83 ; ordained Epis- copal 1885; assistant pastor Emmanuel church, Boston, Mass. 1SS5 ; pastor St. James' church, Woonsocket, R.I. 1S85-. Editor-in-chief Delta Upsilon frater- nity quinque7inial catalogue., 1S84. Address, 34 Hamlet Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. A Y, P. Charles Walter Connell, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1887. Teacher, high school, Fall River, Mass. 1881-86; physician and surgeon, Fall River 18S7-. Address, 142 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. A Y, P. Howard Potter Cornell. Merchant. Address, 24 Custom House St., Provi- dence, R.I. X $ Samuel Winslow Culver, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 23 Court St., Boston, Mass. William Frederick Denfeld. Law student, University of Mich. 1881-83; admitted to bar 1S83 ; lawyer, Lexington, Ky. 1SS3 ; Saginaw, E. S., Mich. 1883- ; secretary and treasurer board of education 188S-. Address, Saginaw, E. S., Mich. A Y, P. Paul Coffin Gifford. Address, Olneyville, R. I. John Russell Gladding. Director in various banking, manufacturing and other corporations; treasurer Boston and Nova Scotia coal company until 1895. Address, 30 Stimson Ave., Providence, R. I. A A <£, P. Frederic Hayes, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member Franklin lyceum. Address, 42 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. i r Y, P. 1881 GRADUATES 275 Frederick Rowland Hazard, A. M. Woolen manufacturer, Peace Dale, R. I. treasurer Solvay process company, Syracuse, N. Y. 18S7-. Address, Svra cuse, N. Y. A A , P Alfred Howland Hood, A. M. Law student, Boston university iSSi-83;ad mitted to bar 18S3; lawyer, Fall River, Mass. 1883-. Address, 40 French St. Fall River, Mass. AT, P Charles Evans Hughes, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1S84. Admitted to bar 1S84; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1S84-; prize fellow in law, Columbia col- lege 1SS4-87; professor Law, Cornell university 1891-93; special lecturer 1S94-; special lecturer, New York law school 1893-. Address, 229 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. Columb., A Y, P. Samuel Lafayette Irons. Teacher; principal public school, Elmira, Cal. 1888; public school, St. Helena. Cal. 1S94-. Address, St. Helena, Napa Co., Cal. P. Howard Clifton Jewett, A. M. 1SS9; M. D. N. Y. homoeopathic medical col- lege and hospital 18SS. Physician, Haverhill, Mass.; medical examiner Young men's Christian association ; Young women's gymnasium ; United order of Pilgrim fathers. Address, Daggett Building, Haverhill, Mass. P. William Coffin Ladd, A. M. Master, head-master, teacher Greek and Latin, De Yeaux college, Suspension Bridge, N.Y. 1881-82; teacher Classics, Friends' school, Providence, R. I. 1SS2-S3, '86-87; professor French, Haverford col- lege, 1888-. Address, Haverford College, Haverford, Penn. A A , P. John Murray Marshall, A. M. Lawyer, Boston, Mass.; assistant U. S. attorney 1S90-93. Address, 53 State St., Boston, Mass. P. Franklin Garrett McKeever, A. M. 1SS9. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S84; ordained Baptist [884; pastor, Medina, N. Y. 18S4-8S ; Jeffer- son street church, Providence, R. I. 1SS8-93; First church, New London, Conn. 1S93-. Author articles in various periodicals. Address, 14 Granite St., New London, Conn. Roch. theol., P. Charles Carney Mumford, A. M. Admitted to bar 18S3; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; assistant clerk court of common pleas 1SS3-84; clerk municipal court 1884-S5 ; assistant attorney general R. I. 18S5-S6; member R. I. house of representatives 1S93-94; U. S. commissioner 1894-. Address, 48 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Henry Clay Peepels, A. M. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1884; ordained Baptist J8S4; pastor Park avenue church, Rochester, N. Y. 1SS4- ; trustee Rochester theological seminary. Address, 42 Harvard St., Rochester, N. Y. Roch. theol., P. Cornelius Welles Pendleton. Teacher and law student, Salinas, Cal. 18S1- 84; admitted to bar 1884; lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. 1884-S5 ; Los Angeles, Cal. 18S5-; court commissioner Los Angeles county, Cal.; member Cal. legis- lature 1S93. Address, 5 and 7 Law Building, Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal. A Y, P. William Llewellyn Phillips. Clerk Providence steam and gas pipe company, Providence, R.I. ; purchasing agent General fire extinguisher company, Provi- dence. Address, 135 Eddy St., Providence, R. I. AY, P. Horace Wadleigh Rice, A. M. 1887. Assistant teacher, high school, Westboro, Mass. 1881-S2; principal Sawin academy, Sherborn, Mass. 1SS2-SS; high school, Southington, Conn. 188S-. Address, Southington, Conn. P. 276 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1881 Wilber Taylor Rice. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Ainsworth, la. 1SS2 ; Sara- nac, Mich. 1883-85 ; Clearwater, Kans. 1886; Spring Hill, Mansfield, Conn. 1S8S-S9; Winthrop, Conn. 1892-. Address, Winthrop, Conn. P. Henry Brayton Rose. Real estate agent, Providence, R. I. ; secretary board of education Providence; lieutenant-colonel R. I. militia. Address, 76 Comstock Ave., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Horace Ward Sheldon, A. M. ; M. D. Rush medical college, Chicago, 111. 1885. Physician and surgeon. Address, Wegaunee, Marquette Co., Mich. P. James Davis Simmons. Address, Warren, R. I. Edward Williams Taft. Cotton manufacturer, Pawtuxet, R. I.; travelled in Europe and in the South 1881. Born Providence, R. I., April 17, 1858; died Providence, Jan. 13, 1882. AA$, Nee. 18S2 John Alvah Taylor. Bookkeeper, Laconia, N.'H. 1881-83; clerk, Franklin savings bank 1883; National bank of the republic, Boston, Mass. 1883-S4, 1885- ; bookkeeper, Franklin, N. H. 1884-85. Address, Maiden, Mass. A Y Walter James Town, A. M. Teacher, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1881-83; English and classical school, Providence, R. I. Address, 436 Pine St., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Daniel Sumner Wilson. From Rochdale, Mass. Bachelors of Philosophy. Morgan Brooks; M. E. Stevens institute of technology 1SS3. Mechanical engineer, Boston, Mass. 1S83-88; St. Paul, Minn.; Minneapolis, Minn.; presi- dent and manager Electrical engineering company, Minneapolis; life member American society of mechanical engineers; member American institute of elec- trical engineers. Author Gas engines, in Van Nostrand's magazine, Feb. 1S84. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. A K E, P. Frank Herbert Qifford. With F. P. Sheldon, mill engineer, Providence, R. I. 18S1-82; operative, Grinnell and Potomska mills 1SS2-S7; cotton broker, New Bedford, Mass. 1887-. Address, New Bedford, Mass. A K E, P. Jacob Kettner. Clerk or bookkeeper, Providence, K. I. 18S1-S8. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Nov. 23, 1858; died Providence, July 22, 18S9. Nee. 1890 William Ellery Peckham. From Narragansett Pier, R. I.; died 1S86? William Baird Silvey. U. S. assistant engineer, Philadelphia, Penn. 18S1-82 ; assistant engineer, Northern Pacific railway 18S2-83; James river valley rail- road, Dak. 18S3-S4; U. S. assistant engineer, St. Paul, Minn. 1S85-86; chief engineer Lake Superior and Pacific railway; real estate and loan broker, Duluth, Minn. ; secretary and manager northwestern land and loan company; Bay View land company; Providence loan and investment company. Ad- dress, 405 Masaba Ave., Duluth, Minn. A K E, P. Edwin Lajette Thurston. Patent solicitor and lawyer. Address, Blackstone Building, Cleveland, O. X *, P. 3g *3 1882 Ira Richard Allen. With Woodward, Stetson and company, produce mer- chants, New York, N. Y. 18S2-S5; banker and slate manufacturer, Fair Haven, Vt. ; director Fair Haven marble company; Allen national bank ; selectman two terms; member Vt. house of representatives 1892-93 ; Vt. senate 1S94-. Address, Fair Haven, Vt. A K E, P. 1882 GRADUATES 277 Charles Lincoln Bartlett, A.M. 1S90. Master DeVeaux college, Suspension Bridge, N. Y. ; lawyer, Chicago, 111. Address, 96 Washington St., Chicago, 111. p. Edward Clarence Bixby, A. M. Assistant librarian, Providence public library. Address, 14 Hawthorne St., Providence, R. I. P. Simeon Borden. Lawyer. Address, Fall River, Mass. AA* Benjamin Ellwood Bowerman. Connected with Providence press 1882-83; with M. P. Aikin and company, Chicago, III. 18S3-90; real estate agent, Chi- cago, 111. 1S90-92. Born Wheatland, N. Y., June29, 1855; died Chicago, Hi., Jan. 12, 1892. Nee. 1S92. Frank Fontelle Brigham ; M. D. Harvard university 1SS5. House surgeon Lynn hospital, Lynn, Mass. 1885-S6; physician, Lynn 1886- ; member board of health 18S7-91 ; school board 1S94-98. Address, Lynn, Mass. A T, P. William Albert Buxton, A. M. ; Harvard university 1SS6. Principal academy, Saranac, N. Y. 1882-S3; student Theology, Harvard university 1883-86; prin- cipal New Hampton, N. H., literary and theological institution; professor Church history, Drake university; pastor Church of Christ, Hutchinson, Kans. Address, Hutchinson, Kans. A Y, P. Stewart Chaplin ; LL. B. Columbia college 1S86. Associate editor Youth's companion, Boston, Mass. 1882-S3; admitted to bar 1886; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1886- ; lecturer Wills and administration, Metropolis law school, New York, 1S92-. Author Suspension of the power of alienation, 1S91 ; also articles in Wide awake ; Century. Address, 40 Wall St., New Yoik, N. Y. A Y, P. Francis Howard Davis, A.M. 1S87. Graduated Newton theological institution ; ordained Baptist 1887; pastor First church, Franklin Falls, N. H. 18S7-92 ; First church, Foxboro, Mass. 1S92-95 ; Livermore Falls, Me. 1895-. Address, Livermore Falls, Me. A Y, Newt., P. Asa Reed Dilts. Student, Rochester theological seminary 1882-S3; graduated Union theological seminary 1S85 ; ordained Baptist 1S85; pastor Park avenue church, Plainfield, N. J. 1SS5-92 ; First church, Northampton, Mass. 1892-. Address, 296 Main St., Northampton, Mass. A Y, Roch. tlieol., P. Frank Adelbert Everett, A. M. ; B. D. Boston university. Methodist Epis- copal clergyman ten years; pastor, Ashland, Mass. Address, Ashland, Mass. P. Sam Walter Foss. Editor Yankee blade six years; editorial writer Boston globe seven years. Author Back country poems, 1893 ; also contributions to humorous department, syndicate papers. Address, 249 Highland Ave., Somerville, Mass. p. Austin Powers Foster, A. M. Principal high school, Candia, N. H.; classi- cal department, Grove school, Dallas, Tex.; examiner public school teachers Dallas; publisher and wholesale book dealer. Address, 312 Main St., Dallas, Tex. P. William Allen Francis, A. M. Teacher high school, Concord, Mass. 18S3- 87; professor Mathematics, Phillips academy, Exeter, N. H. 1S87-. Address, Exeter, N. H. A Y, P. Newton Stone Fuller, A. M. Teacher, Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1882-S3; Leslie's private school, Poughkeep8ie,'N.Y. 1SS3-S4; professor Latin, Ripon college, Ripon Wis. 1884-94; member Wis. academy of science, arts and letters. Address, 28 East Dale St., Colorado Springs, Col. AY, P. Arthur Edward Gage, A. M. Lawyer. Address, 8 Sherman Place, Woburn, Mass. A , P. 278 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1882 Frederick Luther Gamage, A. M. Instructor Greek, Delhi, N. Y. 1S82-85 ; principal Oxford academy, Oxford, N. Y. 1885-?; inspector of academies, University of the state of N. Y. ; head master St. Paul's school, Garden City, L. I. Address, Garden City, L. I. A T, P. Albert Greene. Student, Newton theological institution 1882-85; ordained Baptist 1885; pastor, West Sutton, Mass. 1885-88; Warren, Me. 1888-90; First Baptist church, East Providence, R. I. 1890-. Address, East Providence, R. I. Newt., P. Elmer Samuel Hosmer, A. M. Teacher English, Comer's commercial college, Boston, Mass. 1882-85; Music, Institution for the blind, South Boston 1885- 93; principal high school, Bristol, Conn. 1893-. Author musical composi- tions. Address, Bristol, Conn. P. George Rice Hovey, A. M. 1888. Graduated Newton theological institution 18S5; post-graduate 1885-86; instructor New England school of Hebrew 1885- 86; professor Hebrew and Greek interpretation, Richmond theological semin- ary, Richmond, Va. Author sermons in History, prophecy and gospel, edited by E. B. Andrews, 1S91 ; in Gospel from two testaments, edited by E. B. Andrews, 1893; besides occasional articles in Watchman; Religious herald; Home mission monthly ; Seminary monthly. Address, Richmond, Va. A A «i>, Newt., P. George Huntington. Principal high school, Saginaw, Mich. 1882-84; with D. M. Ferry and company, seedsmen, Detroit, Mich. 1884-. Address, 749 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. A T Walter Ballou Jacobs, A. M. Student, Union theological seminary 1882-83; teacher, classical department, high school, Providence, R. I. 1883- ; instructor Pedagogy, Brown university 1893; president Barnard club. Address, 362 Point St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. William Everett Jillson, A. M. Assistant librarian, Public library, Provi- dence, R. 1. 1882; instructor Classics, English and classical school, Providence 1882-88; student, College of France 1888-89; Berlin university 1889-90; pro- fessor Modern languages and librarian, Doane college, Crete, Neb. 1890-. Author articles in Education; JV. J2. journal of education ; Congregationalist ; Golden days; Neb. Congregational news ; Religious herald. Address, Doane college, Crete, Neb. A T, P. Julius Arthur Johnson, A. M. 1890. Lawyer, Pierre, S. D. ; secretary Dakota loan and trust company; lawyer, Chicago, 111. Address, 603 First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. A K E, P. William Robert Keegan. From Providence, R. I. Deceased. Arthur Thomas Lawton, A. M. Teacher, Macedonia, O. 1882-83; Montville, Conn. 1883-84; law student, Providence, R. I. 1884-85; farmer, Jewett City, Conn. Address, Jewett City, Conn. A T, P. William Turell Learned, A. M. ; M. D. University of Penn. 1885. Physi- cian, Fall River, Mass. ; fellow Mass. medical society. Address, Fall River, Mass. A K E, P. William Clawson Lott ; M. D. University of Penn. 1885. Physician, Phila- delphia, Penn.; assistant surgeon Presbyterian hospital. Address, 4013 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. A K E, P. Herbert Mcintosh, A. M. Instructor Natural sciences, Worcester academy 1882-85; instructor Latin and assistant 1885-87; lawyer, Boston, Mass. Ad- dress, 537 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. P. 1882 GRADUATES 279 Winfield George Merrill, A. M. Editor Lazvrence American, Lawrence, Mass.; editor and publisher Telegram, Lawrence; deputy fire marshal Mass. Address, Lawrence, Mass. A A <1>, P. Osmon Cleaiuler Baker Nason, A. M. ; M. D. Boston university 1891. Physician. Address, Reading, Mass. P. William Richard Park. Address, Plymouth, N. H. Charles Hart Payne. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; New York, N. Y. Author Great Dorr -war, in N. E. magazine, June 1890. Address, 132 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. * T, P. John Milton Payne. Coal dealer. Address, 16 Warren Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. P. William Henry Pomeroy, A. M. Physician. Address, Springfield, Mass. A A John Augustine Sanford. From Attleboro, Mass. Nathaniel Seabury. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; life insurance agent. Born Providence, R. I., April 2, 1861 ; died Providence, Dec. 21, 1S90. ""P T, Nee. 1S91 Jefferson Shiel, A. M. Teacher. Address, 1324 Locust St., Philadelphia, Penn. P. James Hovey Spencer. Assistant principal Greenwich free academy, Green- wich, N. Y. ; insurance agent, New York, N. Y. ; student, Rochester theologi- cal seminary; Baptist clergyman ; pastor First church, Butte, Mont. Author Missionary idea the central thought of the Christian life, 1894; founder Montana Baptist record, 1S92 ; editor-in-chief 1892-94; associate editor 1S94-. Address, Butte, Mont. A K E, P. Edward Allen Swain, A. M. Teacher, 18S2-89; associate principal University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 18S9-. Address, 15 Charles St., Provi- dence, R. I. A A *, P. George Spring Taft. ClerkU. S. senate committee on privileges and elections 18S3-S7; private secretary to U. S. senator George F. Hoar 1883-87 ; lawyer, Worcester, Mass. Author Senate election cases, 1789-1885, 1885. Address, 314 Main St., Worcester, Mass. P. Herbert Edgar Thayer. Principal high school, Conway, Mass. 1S82-S4; graduated Newton theological institution 1SS7; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Hopkinton, N. H. 1887-93; Warren, Me. 1S93-; secretary N. H. conference of Baptist ministers 188S-93; clerk Salisbury association 1888-93. Address, Warren, Knox Co., Me. Roch. theol., P. Charles Rawson Thurston, A. M. News editor Providence daily journal ; Newport correspondent Providence daily journal and other papers. Author various newspaper and magazine articles. Address, 5 Lester St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Anthony Tillinghast. Secretary Granger foundry and machine com- pany, Providence, R. I. Address, 101 Gaspee St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. William Howe Tolman, A. M. 18S7 ; Ph. D. Johns Hopkins university 1891. Instructor History, Dr. Julius Sachs's collegiate institute, New York, N. Y. ; secretary city vigilance league; American institute of Christian sociology. Author Hand book of sociological references for JVezv York city; member editorial board City vigilant. Address, 427 West 57th St., New York, N. Y. P. William Bullock Waterman. Worsted manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; treasurer Providence steam engine company. Address. 156 Meeting St., Providence, R. I. ¥ Y, P. Charles Haddon Spurgeon Weaver, A. M. 1S90. Lawyer. Address, 100 Washington St., Chicago, 111. p. 280 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1882 Charles Horace Wheeler, by special vote 1894. Graduated Newton theologi- cal institution 1885; ordained Baptist 1S85 ; pastor, Pittsfield, N. H. 1885-86; North Attleboro, Mass. 18S6-92 ; Winchester, Mass. 1892-94; Cincinnati, O. 1894-. Address, 20 Brookside Ave., Station A, Cincinnati, O. Bapt. yr. bk., P. John Loy Williams. Student, Newton theological institution 1882; Union theological seminary. From Darby, Penn. ; died 1S85. Roch. theol. Bachelors of Philosophy. William Benezet Bogert. Grain commission merchant, Chicago, 111.; mem- ber Chicago board of trade; committee on arbitration 1891-92; committee of appeals 1893-94. Address, 1S18 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. A A 4>, P. Edward Benjamin Cole. Shoe manufacturer. Address, 118 Summer St., Boston, Mass. A K E, P. Benjamin Laisdell Herr. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 18S6; ordained Baptist 1S86; pastor First church, Tarrytown, N. Y. 1886-90; First church, Binghamton, N. Y. 1890-. Address, 13 Jay St., Binghamton, N. Y. Roch. theol., P. James Richardson, by special vote 1S94. Teller city savings bank, Provi- dence, R. I. 1882-S6; Providence national bank 1S86-90; broker 1890-93; banker 1893-. Address, 12 Exchange St., Providence, R. I. ■f T, P. Frederick Eugene Shaw. General contractor. Address, Cor. Melrose St. and Adelaide Ave., Providence, R. I. P. 50 *4 1883 John Aldrich; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1SS9. Teacher, Kingston, R. I. 1882-84, '85-86 ; principal high school, Flushing, L. I.; house physician Charity hospital, New York, N. Y. ; New York maternity hospital; physician, New York; assistant attending physician out-door department, New York hospital. Address, 76 West 82nd St., New York, N. Y. '83, P. Edwin Pierce Allen, A. M. Admitted to bar 1886; lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; town solicitor East Providence 1S94-. Address, 42 Westminster St., Provi- dence, R. I. '83, P. Alfred Williams Anthony, A. M. Graduated Cobb divinity school, Bates college 1885; ordained Free Baptist 1SS5; pastor Essex street church, Bangor, Me. 18S5-88; student Theology, Berlin university 1888-90; professor New Testament exegesis and criticism, Bates college 1890- ; delegate, Inter-seminary mission alliance 1884; Free Baptist triennial general conference 1S86; World's missionary conference, London 1888; trustee Me. central institute 18S6-; mem- ber executive board Free Baptist foreign mission society. Author articles in Youth's companion; Independent; Homiletic review; Treasury of religious thought ; Biblical world ; Morning star ; editorial writer Free Baptist, Minne- apolis, Minn. Address, 336 College St., Lewiston, Me. '83, A T, P. Arthur Eaton Baker, A. M. 1889. Teacher, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1883-84; San Pedro, Cal. 18S4-85; Los Angeles, Cal. 1885-87; acting school superin- tendent 1887-88; deputy school superintendent 1888-93; principal classical de- partment, high school 1S93-. Address, 1024 Blaine St., Los Angeles, Cal. '83, A Y, P. 1883 GRADUATES 281 Sharonton Hale Baker. Principal Middle district school, Bristol, R. I. 1SS3- 84; high school, Farmington, N. H. 1S84-S6; Provincetown, Mass. 1SS6-91 ; Manning school, Ipswich, Mass. 1891-. Address, Ipswich, Mass. 'S3, P. Abram Barker, A. M. Note broker and dealer in commercial paper, Provi- dence, R. I. ; vice-president Merchants national bank, Seattle, Wash. 188S-91 ; cashier Commercial national bank, Providence, R. I. Address, 47 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. '83, A A , P. Ira Barrows. Jewelry manufacturer. Address, 160 West 59th St., New York, N. Y. 'S3, f Y, P. Amasa Junius Parker Bishop. Lawyer ? From Le Roy, N. Y. Franklin EH Brooks, A. M. 1SS9. Teacher academy, Greenwich, Conn. 1S83- 84; principal high school, Medvvay, Mass. 18S4-86; teacher, Latin school, Boston, Mass. 1887; law student, Boston university 18S7-SS ; admitted to bar iSSS; lawyer, Boston, Mass.; Colorado Springs, Col. Author various ad- dresses and newspaper articles. Address, 1324 North Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Col. A <1\ '83, P. James Albert Brown. Graduated Newton theological institution ; preacher, Akron, O. 1SS6; ordained Baptist 1S87 ; pastor, Newark, O. 1887-S9; First church, New Bedford, O. 1889-91; First church, Stillwater, Minn. 1891. Ad- dress, 506 South Fourth St., Stillwater, Minn. A , 'S3, P. Isaac Bronson Burgess, A. M. Latin master Rogers high school, Newport, R. I. 1SS3-89; junior master Boston Latin school, Boston, Mass. 1S89-92; associate professor preparatory school, University of Chicago 1892-. Author Drill vocabulary for Virgil, 1S8S ; 'the three following works in conjunction with W. R. Harper: Inductive Latin method, 18S8; Inductive Latin primer, 1891 ; Studies in English grammar, 1894; Thought element in language study, in Academy, Jan. 18S8; Method of teaching college preparatory history, in same, June 1SS8. Address, Morgan Park, 111. A Y, '83, P. Jonathan Irvin Chaffee. Principal high school, East Providence, R. I. 18S2- S9; superintendent schools Rehoboth, Seekonk and Swansea, Mass. 1S91-92 ; principal high school, Stratford, Conn. 1S93-; corresponding secretary Reho- both antiquarian society 1S91-. Address, Stratford, Conn. '83, P. Wilson Gardner Crosby. Instructor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1S83-S4; instructor Modern languages 1SS4-85 ; student, Germany 1S85-86; law student, Harvard university 1887-S9; admitted to bar 1889; lawyer. Ad- dress, 602 First National Bank Building, Duluth, Minn. '83, A Y, P. Lewis Dexter. Manager St. Croix cotton mill, Milltown, N. B. ; secretary; director; president St. Croix printing and publishing company; manager Canadian colored cotton mills company's mill, Milltown, N. B. Address, Milltown, N. B. A A , 'S3, P. Elias Fassett Dunlevy. Clerk county court Arapahoe co., Col. 18S4-87, 1S93-; deputy clerk district court Arapahoe co. 1SS9-93. Address, Denver, Col. '83, A K E, P. Elisha Dyer, A. M. ; LL. B. Columbia college 1SS5. Admitted toN. Y. bari8S5; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; treasurer Brooklyn elevated railroad company. Address, Sands St., Brooklyn, N. Y. A A 4>, P. Joel Nelson Eno, A. M. Principal high school, Rutland, Mass. 18S4; Old street school, Stafford, Conn. 1S84; high school, Barrington, R. I. and gram- mar school, Apponaug, R. I. 18S4-85; high school, Petersham, Mass. 1SS5-S6; New Hampton institution, Fairfax. Vt. 1S86-87 ; academy, Underbill, Vt. and high school, Ashby, Mass. 1S87-S8; high and grammar school, South Dart- 282 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1883 mouth, Mass. 1SS8-S9; advanced grade, Little Compton, R. I. 1889-90; gram- mar school, South Dennis, Mass. 1890-91 ; high school, Somerset, Mass. 1891- 92; schools, Willington and Ashford, Conn. 1892; high school, Vanceboro, Me. XS93-. Author Inner circles, poems, 1873; Future of the Irish question, in Congregationalist, Aug. 1886; Compendium of R?iglish grammar, 1892. Ad- dress, Willington, Conn. '83, P. Alfred William Fitz, A. M.; LL. B. Boston university 18S6. Admitted to bar 1887; lawyer, Boston, Mass. ; treasurer Chelsea wire fabric rubber company. Address, 17 Carey Ave., Chelsea, Mass. '83, A T, P. Clarence Gardner. Student, Newton theological institution three years; teacher, Burlington college, Burlington, Iowa 1884-85; professor Greek and Hebrew, Central university, Pella, Iowa 1888-89. Born New London, N. H., Dec. 12, 1858; died New London, N. H., June 8, 1S93. Nee. 1893 Moses Clement Gile, A. M. Instructor Latin and Greek, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1883-92; assistant professor Greek, University of Chicago 1892- ; on leave of absence 1892- ; professor Greek, Col. college 1892-. Ad- dress, 1619 North Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Col. '83, A Y, P. Henry Stedman Graves; M. D. New York homoeopathic medical college 1885, Physician, New York, N. Y. ; surgeon New York hospital medical college dis- pensary; member county medical society; Society for medico-scientific investi- gation. Address, 66 West 84th St., New York, N. Y. '83, X Ray Woodville Greene; M. D. Harvard university 1886. House physician Winthrop seashore home for children, Winthrop, Mass.; Worcester city hos- pital ; Boston lying-in hospital; physician, Worcester, Mass. ; visiting physi- cian Worcester city hospital; gynaecologist Memorial hospital dispensary; member Worcester medical society. Address, 105 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. '83, A Y, P. Samuel Stuart Greene. Agent for Hall typewriter, Chicago, 111. 18S3 ; Boston, Mass. 1883-85; with Thorndike company, cotton manufacturers, Thorndike, Mass. 1885-S9; typewriter business, Providence, R. I. 1889-?. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Jan. 1, 1862; died June 21, 1S94. AA$, '83 James Eugene Hamilton, A. M. ; B. D. Baptist union theological seminary 1884; Ph. D. University of Chicago 1886. Baptist clergyman; pastor First church, Vineyard Haven, Mass. 1886-90. Author Studies in moral law, 1S86; besides various articles in Standard, Chicago, 111.; Journal and messenger, Cincinnati, O. ; Indiana Baptist. Born Goodwood, Ontario, Oct. 15, 1857; died June 15, 1894. '83 Clifford Angell Harrington, A. M. Clerk, city clerk's office, Providence, R. I. 1883-84; mayor's clerk 18S4-85 ; clerk municipal court, Providence 1885-89; with Mechanics savings bank, Providence, R. I. Author Record of the class of eighty-three, Brown university, 1889. '83, P. William Harris, A.M. by special vote 1893. Engineer; U. S. deputy min- eral and land surveyor, N. Mex. 1884-?; engineer 111. mining company, King- ston, N. Mex.; Enterprise mining company. '83 Nicholas Hatheway ; LL. B. Boston university. Admitted to bar 1887 ; lawyer, Fall River, Mass. '83 Joseph Melzar Hobbs. Graduated Hartford theological seminary 1SS6; post graduate student, Berkeley divinity school 1S86-87 ; ordained Episcopal 18S7; assistant pastor Church of the Messiah, Providence, R. I. 1S87-S8; pastor St. Paul's church, Peabody, Mass. 18S8-91 ; St. Andrew's church, Providence 1892-. Address, 16 Pomona Ave., Providence, R. I. A $, 'S3, P. 1883 GRADUATES 283 Isa Henry Leveen. Law student, Columbia college; admitted to bar 1S86; lawyer, New York, N. Y. 1886-8S; journalist, Kansas City, Mo. '83 Emory Stevens Lyon, A. M. Witb Thayer, Babson and company, dealers in dyestuffs, Boston, Mass.; Fairbanks, Brown and company, scale manuiac- turers; Brooks chocolate mills; Everett land company, Everett, Wash. Ad- dress, Everett, Wash. 'S3, P. Henry Parker Manning, A. M. ; Ph. D. Johns Hopkins university 1S91. Teacher, Cook academy, Havana, N. Y. 1SS3-84; Cumberland, Md. 18S4-87 ; St. George, W. Va. 1887-89; graduate student, Johns Hopkins university 1889-91 ; instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1891-. Author On the identical vanishing of the Hessians of ternary qualities, Johns Hopkins univer- sity circular, no. 81, 1S90; Developments obtained by Conchy's theorem with applications to the elliptic functions, 1891 ; Reduction, etc., in American jour- nal of mathematics, 1891 ; Note on linear transformation, in same, 1892; On the order of terms in a semi-convergent series, in same, 1S94. Address, 96 South Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. Arthur May Mowry, A. M. ; Harvard university 1894. Teacher academy, Bane, Vt. 1883; instructor high school, Woonsocket, R. I. 1S83-84; Greylock institute, South Williamstown, Mass. 1S84-S5 ; sub-master high school, Gloucester, Mass. 1SS5-87; instructor Science, high school, Salem, Mass. 1SS7- 93; university scholar, Harvard university. Address, 45 Wallace St., Cam- bridge, Mass. '83, P. Howard Willis Preston, A. M. Bookseller, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. historical society. Author Documents illustrative of American history, 1SS6. Address, 98 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. '83, A Y, P. Michael Joseph Quigley. Member editorial staff Evening telegram, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. '83 Charles Monroe Sheldon. Graduated Andover theological seminary 18S6; ordained Congregational 1S86; pastor, Waterbury, Vt, 1SS6-SS; Central church, Topeka, Kans. Author One hundred and one poems of the day, 18S6; Richard Bruce, 1892; Robert Hardy' s seven days; Tzventieth door, 1893; Cruci/i.xion of Philip Strong, in Chicago advance, 1S94; besides various articles in Chris- tian union ; Youth's companion ; Andover review; Life; St. Nicholas. Ad- dress, 15 15 Fifteenth St., Topeka, Kans. 'S3, A Y, P- Francis Wayland Shepardson ; Denison university 1SS2; A.M. 1SS6; Ph. D. Yale university 1S92. Teacher, Young ladies institute, Granville, O. 1SS3- 87; vice president 18S5-S7 ; bookseller and stationer, Granville 1SS7-90; grad- uate student, Yale university 1S90-92 ; docent History, University of Chicago 1892-94; assistant History 1S94-. Editor Granville limes, 1S87-90; Univer- sity extension world, 1893-94. Address, 5475 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. 'S3, P. Frank Lucius Shepardson, A. M. Teacher private school, Cumberland, Md. 1883-84 ; Worcester academy 1SS4- ; assistant principal 1SS7-. Address, Worces- ter academy, Worcester, Mass. 'S3, P. Richard Otis Sherwood. Giaduated Newton theological institution 1SS6; or- dained Baptist 18S6; pastor North Abington, Mass. 1SS6-90; Adams, Mass. 1890-93; South Norvvalk. Conn. 1893-. Author numerous sermons, addresses and newspaper articles. Address, 6 Crescent Terrace, South Norwalk, Conn. Newt., 'S3, P. Edgar Oscar Silver, A. M. With D. Appleton and company, publishers, Boston, Mass. 1883-S4; New York, N. Y. 1S84-85 ; publisher, Boston 1S85; 284 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1883 trustee Shaw university, Raleigh, N. C. 1S95. Address, no Boylston St., Boston, Mass. A K E, 'S3 William Edward Simonds ; Ph. D. Strassburg university 1888. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 18S3-S5; student, Berlin university 18S5-S6; Strassburg university 1886-88; instructor, Cornell university 188S-S9; professor English language and literature, Knox college, Galesbtirg, 111. 18S9-. Author Sir Thomas Wyatt and his poems, 1889; An introduction to the study of Eng- lish fiction, 1894. Address, Knox college, Galesburg, 111. A T, '83, P. Sylvester Miller Snow, A. M. Draughtsman, Corliss steam engine com- pany, Providence, R. I.; mechanical engineer, Providence; clerk Warren association 1885-87. Address, 442 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. '83, P. Edward Casper Stokes. Receiving teller Millville national bank, Millville, N.J. 1883- ; superintendent of schools 1889- ; member N.J. house of representa- tives 1891-92; member N. J. senate 1893- ; president 1S95-. Address, Mill- ville, N. J. '83, P. Martin Walter Twing. Graduated Newton theological institution 18S6; or- dained Baptist 1886; pastor First church, North Tonawanda, N. Y. 18S6-. Ad- dress, North Tonawanda, N. Y. '83, A $, P. Frederick Ellsworth Whittemore. Principal high school, Ashland, Mass. ; in employment New West education commission 18S6-87 ; principal high school, Weston, Mass. 1887-89; South Hadley Falls 1889-91; Reading, Mass. Author several articles on educational subjects in local papers. Address, Reading, Mass. '83, P. Clarence Otis Williams. Instructor Latin and metaphysics, New Hampton literary institute 1883-86 ; student, Cobb divinity school, Lewiston, Me. 1886-7 j instructor Latin and mathematics, Nichols Latin school, Lewiston 1SS6-S7 ; professor Latin language and literature, Hillsdale college 1S87-89; president college young men's Christian association ; officer Hillsdale city Sunday school association. Born North Foster, R. I., Nov. 10, 1S59; died Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 10, 1889. 'S3, Nee. 1S90 William Frederick Williams; M. D. Harvard university 1889. Physician, Bristol, R. I. ; medical examiner Bristol co. 1892- ; member school committee; director Bristol county savings bank; ensign naval reserve torpedo company three years. Address, Bristol, R. I. 'S3, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Nathaniel Brown Blaisdell. Draughtsman. Address, 222 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. X $, '83 Herbert Anthony Bowen. With electric lighting company, Providence, R. I.; miner, Cal.; machinist, Providence. Address, 107 Orms St., Providence, R. I. 'S3 James Henry Davenport; M. D. University of Vt. 1S85; Harvard university 1887. Resident physician R. I. hospital 1885-86; Boston lying-in hospital 18S7; physician, Providence, R. I. 1887- ; gynaecologist R. I. hospital 1S88-90. consulting physician St. Elizabeth's home; member Mass. medical society ; fellow R. I. medical society ; member Providence medical association 1SS8-; treasurer 1891-92 ; treasurer Brown university medical association. Address, Providence, R. I. 'S3, P. Simeon Ryarson Leach. Law student, Boston university ; with N. E. shoe and leather association, Boston, Mass. Address, 113 Chestnut Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. '83 1883 GRADUATES 285 Alexander Duncan Leete. Clerk, George A. Leete and son, steamship agency and foreign exchange, Providence, R. I. Address, 114 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. '83, X , P. Charles Melvin Leonard. Boot and shoe manufacturer, Boston, Mass.; trus- tee Middleboro savings bank; director Middleboro national bank. Address, 3 High St., Boston, Mass. '83, A A $, P. Charles Bateman Luther. With Edison electric illuminating company, Fall River, Mass. 18S3-86; resident, Fall River. Address, Fall River, Mass. '83, A K E, P. Lucius Pond Ordway. General manager Crane and Ordway company, St. Paul, Minn. Address, 250 East 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. 'S3, P. 50 *4 I884 Frank Howard Andrews, A. M. Student, Brown university 1S84-85; chemist Silver Spring bleaching and dyeing company, Providence, R. I. 1SS5- 90; gold and silver refiner 1S90-. Address, 181 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. William Birkett Arnold, A. M. ; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college 1888. House surgeon Bellevue hospital 1SS9-90; physician and surgeon, Orange, N. J.; Orange memorial hospital dispensary 1893-; city physician 1S94-. Address, 440 Main St., Orange, N. J. P. Albert Allison Baker. Reporter Attleboro chronicle, Attleboro, Mass. 18S4- 85; admitted to bar 188S; lawyer, Providence, R. I. 1SS8-; clerk judiciary committee R. I. house of representatives 1SS8-S9; secretary R. I. state board of valuation 1SS9-91 ; member R I. house of representatives 1S91-92 ; assistant city solicitor 1892- ; judge advocate R. I. militia brigade, with rank of captain 1892-. Address, 181 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Charles Lewis Baker, A. M. Lawyer. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. William Manuel Peres Bowen, A. M. Assistant clerk Providence co. court of common pleas 1884-. Author Memorial to the people of R. I. on improve- ment of highways, 1889; assistant editor Janssen's American amateur athletic and aquatic history 1829-8S, 18SS. Address, Box 1513, Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Richmond Brewer. Stenographer, New York, N. Y. Born Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 27, i860; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 23, 18S6. Nee. 1887 Frank Melville Bronson, A. M. Principal high school, Bristol, R. I. 1S84-85; Greek master, substitute, high school, Newport, R. I. 1SS5-S6; acting princi- pal high school, Woburn, Mass. 1886-S7 ; instructor Latin and Greek, Brown university 1887-SS; Classics, Cornell university 1888-92; academy instructor Greek, University of Chicago 1892-94; academy assistant professor Greek 1894- ; member American institute of philology. Address, Morgan Park, 111. Chic, A Y, P. Everett Doughty Burr, A. M. Student, Rochester theological seminary 1884; graduated Crozer theological seminary 1S87; ordained Baptist 18SS; pastor Memorial church, Chicago, III. 1887-91 ; Ruggles street church, Boston, Mass. 1892-. Address, 36 Clifford St., Roxbury, Mass. A A , Roch. theol., P. William Jacob Cloues. Graduated Newton theological institution 1887; or- dained Baptist; pastor People's church, Dover, Me. 1SS7-88; Littleton, Mass. 188S-; trustee Reuben Hoar public library, Littleton. Address, Littleton Common, Littleton, Mass. P. 286 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1884 Alfred Dodge Cole, A. M. Student, Johns Hopkins university 1S84-85 ; in- structor Chemisty and phjsics, Denison university 1885-87: acting professor 1887-S8; professor 1SSS-; fellow American association for the advancement of science; charter member O. state academy of science; member executive com- mittee; secretary O. college association 1891 ; member executive committee 1891- ; secretary board of trustees Shepardson college 1892-. Author Labora- tory exercises in electricity and magnetism, in Bulletin of Denison university, vol. 5., 1891; Notes fro7n physical laboratory, vol. 6.; Meteorological obser- vations at Granville, in Transactions of O. college association, 1890; Labor- atory methods in teaching physics, in Denison quarterly ; besides various re- view articles. Address, Granville, O. Den., P. John Daboll, A. M. Teacher, English and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1884-S5; high school, Providence 1885-90; assistant superintendent Wrought iron casting company, Boston, Mass. 1890-93; Eastern forge com- pany, Portland, Me. 1893-. Address, Eastern Forge Co., Portland, Me. P. John George Doron; M. D. University of Penn. 1887. Physician, Camden, N. J. ; visiting physician Camden home for friendless children ; instructor Medical nursing, N. J. training school for nurses; visiting physician Camden city dispensary. Address, 207 North 6th St., Camden, N. J. AK E, P. Everett Brownell Durfee, A. M. Principal grammar school, Attleboro Falls, Mass. 1884-85 ; Tucker street school, Fall River, Mass. ; teacher classical de- partment, Fall River high school. Address, 45 Stafford Road, Fall River, Mass. AKE.P, Robert Henry Ferguson, A. M. ; A. M. graduate school 1894. Graduated Newton theological institution 1887; ordained Baptist 1887; pastor Dorches- ter temple church, Boston, Mass. 1886-89; translator, American Baptist mis- sion union, Burmah 1888-89; professor Theology, Japan 1889-90; pastor First church, Poultney, Vt. 1890-92 ; president Los Angeles university 1892-93; dean Academy of Southern Cal. college 1892-93; professor Philosophy and psychol- ogy, Southern Cal. college 1892-93; graduate student Brown university 1S93- 94; university extension lecturer on astronomy 1S92-93 ; Episcopal pastor St. Mark's church, Ashland, N. H. 1894-; St. Peter's-in-the-mount, Holderness, N. TI. 1S94-. Author Service of the ancie?it synagogue, 1885; Star of Bethle- hem, 1887; Muhammed and the Qu'ran, 1889; Observance of Christmas, 1891 ; also various articles on astronomy in papers and magazines. Address, Ashland, N. H. A 4>, P. Arthur Younger Ford. Editor Inquirer, Owensboro, Ky. 1884-90; state edi- tor Courier journal, Louisville, Ky. 1890-93; financial editor 1893-94; man- aging editor 1894-. Address, 2128 Floyd St., Louisville, Ky. P. Arthur Amory Gammell. Law student, Harvard university 1884-87. Born Providence, R. I., March 13, 1862; died Providence, March 23, 1887. * T, Nee. 1S87 Henry Brayton Gardner, A. M. ; Ph. D. Johns Hopkins university 1S90. Student, Johns Hopkins, university 1884-88; instructor Political economy, Brown university 18S8-90; associate professor Political economy 1890-. Au- thor various articles in economic journals. Address, 54 Stimson Ave., Provi- dence, R. I. *Y, P. George Coleman Gow. Graduated Newton theological institution 188S; mu- sical director, assistant pastor Baptist church, Newton, Mass. 1S86-8S; profes- sor Music theory in composition, Smith college 1889-. Author Group ofsongs, 1884 GRADUATES 287 1SS4; Five songs, 1SS9; A rose cycle, 1890; Text book on the structure of music, 1894. Address, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. A Y, P. Charles William Qreene. Clerk, Providence, R. I.; manufacturer, River- point, R. I. Address, 38 Cooke St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. Robert Warren Qreene, A. M. 1SS8; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college 18S7. Physician, Lunenberg, Vt. ; hospital physician Bellevue hospital, New York, N. Y. 1SS7 ; physician, New York. Born Augusta, Ga., April 20, 1S60; died New York, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1892. A K E, Nee. 1S93 Edwin Bates Harvey, A. M.; M. D. University of the city of New York. Physician, Providence, R. I.; house officer R. I. hospital 1890-92. Address, 533 Broad St., Providence, R. I. P. Ira Charles Hersey. Lawyer. Address, 23 Court St., Boston, Mass. P. Leonidas Raymond Higgins, A. M. 1889. Instructor Greek, Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 1SS4-86; Latin, Peddie institute, Hightstown, N. J. 1SS6-93; fellow Latin and Greek, Cornell university, 1893-95. Address, 57 North Geneva St., Ithaca, N. Y. P. Henry Russell Hitchcock, A. M. iSSS; M. D. Harvard university 1890. Physi- cian, Hyde Park, Mass.; member Mass. medical society. Address, 16 Maple St., Hyde Park, Mass. P. Michael Joseph Harson, by special vote 1892. Hat dealer. Address, 126 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. P. Will Clarence Ingalls, A. M. Teacher, English and scientific department, high school, Providence, R. I.; principal Wasco academy, The Dalles, O. ; instructor Latin; assistant superintendent public schools, Flushing, N. Y. ; superintendent. Address, Rutherford, N. J. P. Joseph Harris Johnson, A. M. Banker and broker, Providence, R. I. ; mem- ber school committee 1S8S-93. Address, 27 Taber Ave., Providence, R. I. X4-, P. Charles Gregory King. In business. Address, 89 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. A A , P. Benjamin Willey Lightburn. Lawyer. Address, 1012 Locust St., Kansas City, Mo. P. George Albert Loomis, 1SS5. Town clerk. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. P. Frederic Newton Luther. Member editorial staff Providence journal, Provi- dence, R. I. 1S86-. Author articles in American magazine of history, 1SS5; N. E. magazine. Address, Journal Office, Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Stephen Elmer Mann. Address, Fall River, Mass. A K E Harold Metcalf ; M. D. Harvard university 1S87. Physician, Wickford, R. I.; physician Soldiers' home; medical examiner North Kingstown and Exeter, R. I. Address, Box 44, Wickford, R. I. P. Andrew Newall. Address, Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Clement Dietrich O'Leary, A. M. 1888; M. D. Columbia college 1887. House surgeon R. I. hospital 18SS-90; physician, Providence, R. I.; examiner various insurance companies. Address, 167 Public St., Providence, R. I. P. Otis Everett Randall, A. M. Teacher, English and scientific department, high school, Providence, R. I. 1SS4-85 ; instructor Mathematics and civil engi- neering, Brown university 1885-91 ; assistant professor Mathematics and civil engineering 1S91-92 ; associate professor Mechanical drawing, and graduate stu- dent, candidate for the degree of Ph. D. 1892-. Address, 25 Beaufort St., Providence, R. I. P. Abbott Barnes Rice, A. M. 1889. Men's outfitter. Address, 121 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. P. 288 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1884 Augustus Erving Scoville. Graduated Newton theological institution 1887 ; ordained Baptist 1887 ; pastor First church, Dover Plains, N. Y. 1887-91 ; First church, Akron, O. 1891-. Address, 544 East Buchtel Ave., Akron, O. A T, Newt., P. Volney Skinner. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Address, Watertown, Mass. P. Edward Presbrey Smith. Student, Rochester theological seminary *iS84; Baptist clergyman ; pastor Second church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1888-93; First church, Norwalk, O. 1893-. Address, Norwalk, O. A $, Roch. theol., P. Frank Edwin Sweet, A. M. Lawyer, Brockton, Mass. ; commissioner of in- solvency ; secretary Old Bridgewater historical society. Author various news- paper articles. Address, Bridgewater, Mass. P. Theodore Foster Tillinghast. Law student, Boston university 1884-86; law- yer. Address, 6 South Main St., Providence, R. I. * T, P. Edward Pratt Tuller, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S87 ; ordained Baptist 1887 ; pastor, Newport, R. I. ; Lawrence, Mass. Author various newspaper articles. Address, Lawrence, Mass. A T, Newt., P. George Alfred Tyzzer. Grammar master, East Greenwich, R. I. 1884; Wakefield, Mass. 1884-87; Natick, Mass.; Winchester, Mass. Address, 9 Bacon St., Winchester, Mass. A Y, P. Charles Russell Upton, A. M. 1889. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1887; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Grand Falls, N. Dak. 18S7-88; Water- ville, Minn. 1SS8-91 ; Fair Haven, Minn. 1891-92; bookkeeper, Waterville, Minn. Address, Waterville, Minn. Newt., P. Josiah Howe Vose, A. M. Publisher. Address, no Boylston St., Boston, Mass. A A *, P. George Melvin Wadsworth, A. M. 1889. Principal Renfrew school, Adams, Mass. 1884-86; Washington school, Quincy, Mass. 1886-S7; Willard school, Quincy 1887-90; superintendent of schools Bedford, Mass.; Billerica, Mass.; Burlington, Mass.; Carlisle, Mass.; Lincoln and Wilmington, Mass.; princi- pal Charles G. Pope grammar school, Somerville, Mass. ; vice-president Somerville teachers' association ; Middlesex county teachers' association ; finan- cial secretary Teachers' annuity guild. Address, 41 Boston St., Somerville, Mass. A Y, P. George Bulkeley Wakeman. Teacher, Westchester, Conn. 18S4-85 ; princi- pal school, Fair Haven, Vt. 1885-S6; teacher English, August Schmidt's Deutsch-Amerikanische Schule, New York, N. Y. 1S86.-88; Donai institute, New York 1889-90; Kyle institute, Flushing, N. Y. 1S90-91 ; instructor Greek and history, Cook academy, Havana, N. Y. 1891-. Address, Havana, N. Y. A Y, P. Thomas Weston Wood, A. M. ; D. M. D. Harvard university 1887. Dentist. Address, 160 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. . P. Bachelors of Philosophy. George Henry Bottum, A. M. 1890; M. D. Columbia college 1887. Physician, New York, N. Y. Address, 17 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. A *, P. Hermon Carey Bumpus ; Ph. D. Clark university 1890. Instructor zoology, Brown university 1884-S6; professor Biology, Olivet college 18S6-89; fellow in Morphology, Clark university 1889-90; assistant professor Zoology and assist- ant curator of the museum, Brown university 1890-91 ; associate professor Zoology and assistant curator of the museums 1891-92 ; professor Comparative anatomy and assistant curator of the museums 1892- ; assistant director marine 1884 GRADUATES 289 biological laboratory, Woods IIoll, Mass. 1893-. Author Reptilia, 1S85 ; Em- bryology of Homarus, 1S90; Invertebrate zoology, 1892; Crustacean eye, 1S94. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. A $, P. George Arnold Carpenter. Civil engineer, West End street railway company, Boston, Mass. Address, 138 West Canton St., Boston, Mass. P. Henry Hathaway Hammond. Admitted to bar iSSS; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; master in chancery 1S90. Address, 29 Cabot St., Providence, R. I. P. James Lawrence Jenks. Lawyer, Pawtucket, R. I.; coroner Pawtucket 1890- ; member R. I. house of representatives 1S92-94 ; secretary Pawtucket business men's association 1891-; director Pawtucket mutual fire insurance company. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. P- Edward Whitten Shedd, A. M. Civil engineer, Worcester, Mass. Author Report on server age system, Woonsocket, R. I. ; Report on water -works, North Brookfield, Mass. ; Report on water works, Orange, Mass. ; Report on water zvorks, West Boylston, Mass. Address, 10 Hermitage Lane, Worcester, Mass. P. 52 *6 1885 Harlan Page Abbott, A. M. 1SS9; M. D. Harvard university 1889. Assistant physician Nervine asylum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 188S-89; interne R. I. hospi- tal 1SS9-91 ; member staff 1S91-; physician, Providence, R. I. ; fellow R. I. medical society. Address, 685 Broad St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Harry Olin Alexander. Address, 153 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. A A <1> Emerson Henry Alger, A. M. by special vote 1S90. From Geneva, O.; died Oct. 1891. Lyndon Laroy Anderstro'm, A. M. Manufacturer stereopticons, lantern slides. Address, 46 Church St., Bristol, R. I. P. Arthur Channing Barrows, A. M. Teacher, English department, high school, Providence, R. I. 18S5-S9; principal Oxford street grammar school, Providence 1S89-93 ; graduate student, Cornell university. Address, 174 Linn St., Ithaca, N. Y. A T, P. Lloyd Morton Blodgett; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge 1889. Episcopal clergyman; assistant pastor St. Luke's church, East Greenwich, R. I. 1SS9-91 ; American and English chaplain at various places in Europe 1S91- 94; assistant pastor, P'itchburg, Mass. 1895-. Address, Box 12S0, Fitchburg, Mass. P- Frank Hail Brown, A. M. 18S9. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; treasurer Cutler manufacturing company, Warren, R. I. Address, Box 870, Providence, R. I. *T> P. William Chamberlain Burwell, A. M. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1S85-91 ; treasurer J. B. and S. M. Knowles company, silversmiths, Provi- dence; director American ship windlass company; trustee Vt. academy. Ad- dress, 105 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Theron Harlow Carter, A. M. Principal high school, Bristol, R. I.; teacher, Boston, Mass. ; physician, Boston. Address, City Hospital, Boston, Mass. A Y Elmer Case, A. M. Teacher, Pawtucket, R. I. three years; Hadley, Mass. four years; Providence, R. I. one year; classical high school, Lynn, Mass. Address, 24 Chase St., Lynn, Mass. P. Duncan Alexander Cattanach, A. M. Manufacturer copal varnishes. Ad- dress, Box 555, Pawtucket, R. I. 290 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1885 Ward Beecher Chase. Insurance agent, Providence, R. I.; clerk, Brown and Ives. Address, 50 South Main St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Elam Lewis Clarke. Lawyer. Address, 119 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. P. Frank Leslie Day, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1889. House surgeon, Boston city hospital 188S-89; physician and surgeon, Providence, R. I.; libra- rian and physician out-patient department, R. I. hospital 1891-; visiting physi- cian St. Joseph's hospital 1892- ; surgeon First regiment, brigade R. I. militia 1894; secretary and member standing committee, Providence medical associa- tion ; member examining board, R. I. medical society ; member library com- mittee. Author following articles in Boston medical and surgical journal : Hemorrhagia pancreatitis ; Akromegalia ; Intubation of larynx, 1894. Ad- dress, 240 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. A A 4>, P. Charles Owen Dexter. Cotton manufacturer. Address, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. A A , P. John Byron Diman ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge 1S88. Ordained Episcopal deacon; preacher Berkeley memorial chapel, Middletown, R. I. 188S-92 ; teacher, University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1892-. Address, 130 Angell St., Providence, R. I. -i Y, P. Charles Thomas Eaton, A. M. 1889. From Needham, Mass. Walter Goodnow Everett, A. M. Tutor, Providence, R. I. 1885-89; instruc- tor Greek, Brown university 18S9-90; instructor Latin 1890-94; associate pro- fessor Philosophy 1894-. Address, 233 Pleasant St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Amory Prescott Folwell. Civil and sanitary engineer, Pittsburg, Penn. Author various engineering articles in magazines and papers. Address, 700 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Penn. P. Joseph Wood Freeman, A. M. 1889. Librarian Free public library, Central Falls, R. I. 1882- ; superintendent E. L. Freeman and sons, printers; member school committee, Lincoln, R. I.; chairman board of sewer commissioners Lincoln; secretary. Author various catalogues and reports ; editor Central Falls ■weekly visitor, 1885-92. Address, Central Falls, R. I. P. Ferdinand Courtney French, A. M.; Ph. D. Cornell university 1892. Prin- cipal high school, Westminster, Mass. 1885-86; Johnston, R. I. 1S86-88; student, Berlin university and Strassburg university 18S8-90; instructor Mathe- mathics and psychology, Brown university 1890-91; fellow, Cornell university 1891-92; professor Philosophy, Colgate university 1892-94; Vassar college 1894-. Author Concept of la-w in ethics l various articles in Philosophical re- view. Address, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A T, P. Edgar Homer Grout. Principal Parker academy, Woodbury, Conn. ; high school, North Brookfield, Mass. Address, North Brookfield, Mass. A $, P. Walter, Hay ward. Journalist, on staff Providence journal. Address, Journal Office, Providence, R. I. A K E, P. John Calder Hebden. Chemist; resident manager W. J. Matheson and com- pany, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Providence and Montreal, manufactu- rers of aniline and alizarin color and dyestuffs. Address, 40 South Water St., Providence, R. I. p. Crawford Hill. Journalist, Denver, Col. ; secretary Republican publishing company. Address, Denver, Col. -f T, P. Charles Chambers Hitchcock. From Foxboro, Mass. Joseph Haley Lord. Law student, Boston university 1885-86; admitted to bar 18S6; lawyer, Sioux Fall, S. D. ; general manager Northwestern packing com- pany, Boston, Mass. Address, 203-04 Carter Building, Boston, Mass. A T, P. 1885 GRADUATES 291 Edward Fairfield Lovejoy, A. M. ; LL. B. Boston university 1SS7. Lawyer, Providence, R. 1. ; member R. I. house of representatives. Address, Paccori"', R. I. P. George Stitzel Mathews; M. D. University of Penn. 18SS. Physician, Providence, R. I.; physician out-patient department, R. I. hospital. Address, 419 Cranston St., Providence, R. I. P. Charles Herbert Mclntire. Lawyer, Lowell, Mass. Address, 641 West Pine St., Lowell, Mass. X , P. Francis Albert McLane. Student Nashotah seminary, Wis. 1886-S8. Born Harrisville, R. I., Oct. 5, 1S64; died Nashotah, Wis., Feb. 28, 18SS. Nee. 18SS James Charles Monaghan. Member city council, Providence, R. I.; Provi- dence school committee; U. S. consul, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany. Author Report relative to feather factories-, 1890; Industrial school at Pforzheim, 1890; and other consular reports. Address, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany. P. William Pratt. Steward Penn. training school for feeble minded children, Elwyn, Penn. Address, Elwyn, Delaware Co., Penn. P. Charles Franklin Reed, A. M. 1890. Salesman. Address, Whitman, Mass. P. Edgar Wilson Remington; M. D. Bellevue hospital medical college iSSS. Physician, Riverpoint, R. I.; Providence, R. I. Address, 109 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. X , P. Norman Leonard Richmond. Jewelry manufacturer, Chicago, 111. 1S85-8S; New York, N.Y. ; ammunition manufacturer. Address, King's Mills. O. AY, P. Clifford Phetteplace Seagrave. Woolen manufacturer 1886-93 ; retired. Ad- dress, 413 St. Nicholas Ave., New York, N. Y. P. William Henry Shedd. State agent U. S. mercantile protective association 18S8-S9; with Bradstreet's mercantile agency, Norfolk, Va. 1890-?; travelling agent R. G. Dun and company, Baltimore, Md. Address, 425 Mosher St., Baltimore, Md. X , P. Elmer Ellsworth Silver, A. M. N. E. agent J. H. Butler, educational pub- lishers 1S85-S6; treasurer Silver, Burdett and company, publishers, Boston, Mass. Address, no Boylston St., Mass. A K E, P. Henry Reuben Skinner. Teacher; lawyer. Address, 28 State St., Boston, Mass. A Y, P. Charles Morris Smith, A. M. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 79 Williams St., Providence, R. I. P. Howard Kemble Stokes, A. M. Teacher, University grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. four years; journalist 1SS8-93 ; teller Globe national bank, Provi- dence. Address, Globe National Bank, Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Slater Stone, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1890-91 ; superintendent schools, Burrillville, R. I. Address, Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. P. Arthur Preston Sumner. Lawyer. Address, 17 Custom House St., Provi- dence, R. I. P. Frank Locke Titcomb, A. M. State assayer, R. I. 1S8S-S9; principal Warren school, Everett, Mass. Address, Everett, Mass. P. Ashbel Tingley Wall. Gold plater, Providence, R. I.; jewelry manufac- turer. Address, 37 Angell St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Andrew McCorrie Warren. A. M. Instructor Berkeley school, Providence, R.I. 1SS5-S9; instructor Rhetoric and modern languages, Brown university 1888-89; instructor Modern languages 18S9-90; student Romance languages, 202 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1885 Europe. Address. Care of Brown, Shipley and company, Founders Court, London E. C, England. A A *, P. Horatio Gates Wood. U. S. consular clerk; U. S. assistantdeputy agent and consul-general, Egypt; U. S. consul Netherlands; India; editor and proprie- tor Observer, Newport, R. I. Address, 82 Mill St., Newport, R. I. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Norman Staunton Dike, LL. B. Columbia college 1887. Admitted to bar 1887 ; lawyer, Brooklyn and New York, N. Y. ; supervisor King's co., N. Y. ; presi- ' dent pro tempore board of supervisors 1895 ; assistant judge advocate general, with rank of lieutenant colonel, on governor's staff, N. Y. 1895. Address, 194 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Columb., V Y, P. Charles Henry Hare, A.M. 1889; M. D. Harvard university 1889. Physician, Boston, Mass.; surgeon out-patient department Free hospital for women. Address, 22 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. A $, P. Clarence Littlefield. Deputy collector internal revenue, Providence, R. I. 1S85-88; broker on Consolidated stock and petroleum exchange, New York, N. Y. Address, 60 Broadway, New York, N. Y. X *, P. Frank Mauran. Real estate agent. Address, 625 Drexel Building, Philadel- phia, Penn. A A *, P. Frank Edwin Peckham; M. D. elsewhere 1890. Physician. Address, 53 Gov- ernor St., Providence, R. I. P. James Monroe Pendleton, A. M. 1890. Assistant cashier, Niantic savings bank, Westerly, R. I. 1885-89; treasurer 1S89-; chairman school committee 1892 ; health superintendent 1892 ; trustee and treasurer Free public library and memorial hall; town treasurer. Address, Westerly, R. I. A K E, P. Henry Johns Rhett. Physician. From Providence, R. I. Knight Cheney Richmond; B. S. Mass. institute of technology 1S90. Mechanical engineer. Address, Crompton, R. I. A A $, P. Noah Beazelle Smith. From Washington, D. C. Orray Taft. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 36 South Water St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Knowles Wilbur. Ordained Baptist 1SS9; pastor, Leslie, Mich. Ad- dress, Leslie, Mich. P. 57 *2 1886 Howard Almy. Address, Box 61, Providence, R. I. P. William Henry Beattie. Treasurer Fall River granite company. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. William Henry Bennett, A. M. ; M. D. New York homoeopathic medical college and hospital 1889. Assistant, chemical laboratory, New York homoeo- pathic medical college and hospital 1886-88; professor Chemistry and toxicol- ogy, New York medical college and hospital for women 1886-S9; physician and surgeon, Fitchburg, Mass. Address, 2S3 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. A4>, P. Charles Wesley Boardman, A. M. Mechanical engineer, Providence, R. I. Address, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Charles Albert Briggs; M. D. Long Island college hospital 1SS9. Physician. Address, Freetown, Mass. P. 1886 GRADUATES 293 Dana Ripley Bullen, A. M. Principal grammar school, Falmouth, Mass. 1S86-S7; electrician, Pawtucket, R. I. 1SS7-S9; with General electric company, Atlanta, Ga. ; Philadelphia, Penn. 1S94-. Address, General Electric Co., Phil- adelphia, Penn. A K E P Edward Clifton Burnham ; B. S. Mass. institute of technology 1S90. Mechani- cal engineer, Pawtucket, R. I. 1S90-; instructor Mechanical drawing and engi- neering, Brown university 1S92-. Address, 21 Nickerson St., Pawtucket, R. I. A T, P. Clarence Everett Bury. Journalist, with Daily herald, Fall River, Mass. Address, 5 Ridge St., Fall River, Mass. A <1> P. David Henry Chandler, A. M. ; M. D. New York homeopathic medical col- lege 1892. Instructor modern and ancient languages, Newburgh free academy, Newburgh, N. Y. 1SS7-89; physician. Address, Churchville, Monroe Co.' N - Y - A , P.' Thomas Sessions Cole, A. M. Teacher Classics, Hitchcock free high school, Brimfield, Mass.; principal high school, Chester, Penn. Address, 915 Edg- niont Ave., Chester, Penn. p Asa Clinton Crowell, A. M. ; Ph. D. upon examination 1S94. Principal high school, Milton Mills, N. H. 1S86; assistant teacher, Drumner academy, South Byfield, Mass. 1SS7-90; instructor French, Brown university 189091; French and German 1S91-92 ; German 1S92-94; assistant professor Germanic lan- guages and literatures 1S94-. Address, Box 296, Pawtucket, R. I. P. Amos LockwOOd Danielson. Cotton manufacturer. Address, 20 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. ^ T P Frederick William Davis. Assistant pastor Trinity church, Trenton, N. ]'. ; Church of the Redeemer, New York, N. Y. ; pastor Church of the Redeemer'; assistant pastor Church of the Beloved Disciple, New York, N. Y. ; St. Mar- tin's church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 3S4 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. Frank Ormond Draper, A. M. Superintendent schools, Lincoln, R. I. Ad- dress, Central Falls, R. I. p William Allen Dyer. With Isaac Fen no and company, Boston, Mass. 18S7- 88; in charge of office, Blake and Stearns, Boston 1SSS-91 ; with Rumford Chemical works, Providence, R. I. 1S91-. Address, 169 George St., Provi- dence, R. I. A K E) p Henry Lexington Everett, A. M. ; Harvard university 18S9. Teacher; resi- dent, Worcester, Mass. Author People's program, 1S92. Address, 27 Bow- doin St., Worcester, Mass. 2 ,j, p William Burnside Frackelton. From Providence, R. I. Otis Allen Freeman. Professor Greek and Latin, Atlanta, Ga.; instructor French and English, Worcester polytechnic institute; instructor Electricity. Address, 21 Florence St., Worcester. Mass. p. Henry Frink. Address, Jewett City, Conn. William Henry Frost, A. M. Theatrical reporter, Tribune, New York, N. Y. Author Wagner story book, 1S94. Address, Tribune Office, New York, N. Y. p Daniel Hunt Fuller, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S91. Physician McLean hospital, Somerville, Mass. 1SS9-90; Boston city hospital 1S90-?; second assistant physician McLean hospital. Address, Box S, Somerville, IVltlSS. a 'v t> Edward Alvah Godding. Merchant, Providence, R. I.; treasurer Providence tire company. Address, 23 Eddy St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. 294 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1886 George Grime, A. M. 1890; LL. B. Harvard university 1890. Lawyer, Fall River, Mass. ; city solicitor. Address, Fall River, Mass. P. Norman Gunderson, A. M. 1890. Cashier and auditor Armstrong transfer ex- press company, Boston, Mass. Address, 49 Cypress St., Brookline, Mass. P. Edward Leroy Gunn. From Fort Scott, Kans. Z ■f Samuel Willis Hamblen, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1889; Baptist missionary, Japan 1S89-. Editor Gleanings, Yokohama, Japan. Ad- dress, Sendai, Japan. Newt., P. Stephen Cushing Harris, A. M. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. ; yarn mer- chant, Cowesett, R. I. Address, Box 216, Providence, R. I. -J" T, P. Herbert Wade Hibbard ; M. E. Cornell university 1S91. With R. I. locomo- tive works, Providence, R. I. 1886-89; draughtsman and mechanical engineer, Mechanical engineer's office, Penn. railroad, Altoona, Penn. 1891-94; chief draughtsman Lehigh Valley railroad, South Easton, Penn.; junior member American society of mechanical engineers 1891. Author various professional articles in technical papers and in Transactions of the American society of mechanical engineers. Address, Lehigh Valley Railroad Office, South Easton, Penn. P. Norman Morrison Isham, A. M. 1890. Draughtsman, Providence, R. I.; architect, Providence; instructor Architecture and freehand drawing, Brown university 1894-. Address, 48 Custom House St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Solon Chester Kelley. Banker. Address, 33 Wall St., New York, N. Y. P. Isaac Gifford Ladd. Treasurer Saxon worsted company, woolen manufactu- rers. Address, 401 Brook St., Providence, R. I. P. William Albert Lane, A. M. 1890. From Philadelphia, Penn. Clarence Hartwell Manchester, A. M. Teacher, English and classical school, Providence, R. I. 1888-. Address, 1 Major St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Charles John McCreery, A. M. Principal high school, Westport, Mass. 18S6- 87; Tucker street grammar school, Fall River, Mass. 1887- ; president Fall River teachers' association 1892-. Address, 6 Peckham St., Fall River, Mass. P. Frank Lincoln Morse, A. M. Recorder Section of microscopy, Chicago academy of sciences 18S9- ; university extension lecturer Chemistry and physics, Chicago university 1S92-; instructor Chemistry, West division high school, Chicago, 111. Author University extension syllabi in chemistry. Address, 143 Park Ave., Chicago, 111. P. William Prescott Mudge. Principal grammar school, Auburn, R. I. ; Garden street grammar school, Pawtucket, R. I. 1892-. Address, 162 Garden St., Pawtucket, R. I. P. John Edward Nicolai. Insurance agent. Address, 35 West 33d St., New York, N. Y. P. Charles Albert Parker, A. M. Student, Newton theological institution 1SS7- 88; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S89; Baptist clergyman ; pas- tor Lake City, Col. 1889-93; graduate student Theology, Harvard university 1S93-94; preacher, Carver, Mass. 1893-. Address, Carver, Mass. Z ■*•, P. Wilbur Brown Parshley, A. M. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Phenix, R. I. 1886-87; acting pastor, East Cambridge, Mass. 1S88-89; graduated Newton theological institution 1890; Baptist missionary. Address, Nemuro, Hok- kaido, Japan. A T, Newt., P. Albert Knight Potter, A. M. Principal high school, Middleboro, Mass. 18S7- 90; teacher Classics, high school, Springfield, Mass. 1890. Address, Spring- field, Mass. P. 1886 GRADUATES 295 Charlton Albanis Reed. Lawyer. Address, 15 Harrison St., Morristown, N. J. A K E, P. Thomas George Rees, A. M. Principal graded school, Hope Valley, R. I. 1SS6-S7; high school, Princeton, Ind. 1887-88; Cobbet grammar school, Lynn, Mass. 1S89-. Address, Rhodes Ave., Lynn, Mass. Z 1% P. Francis Wayland Reynolds. Baptist clergyman, South Livonia, N. Y. ; Canaseraga, N. Y. ; Mansfield, Penn. Address, Mansfield, Tioga Co.,Penn. Z t, P. William Job Reynolds. Ordained Baptist 18S7; student, Newton theological institution 1890-91 ; teacher, Providence, R. I. Address, 26S Waldo St., Providence, R. I. Z ¥, P. Clarence Verdine Roberts. Principal school, Bane, Vt. 1S87-S9; architec- tural iron contractor. Address, 982 West Polk St., Chicago, 111. A K E, P. Arthur Rogers ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass., 1889. Law student, Harvard university 18S6; Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. George's church, Central Falls, R. I. 1892-. Author Alexandrine spirit and its place in the church, 1S94. Address, Central Falls, R. I. ■f Y, P. Joseph Somers Russel, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S89; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Hope Valley, R. I. A X, P. Amos Lockwood Sarle, A. M. 1S90. Agent. Address, Arnold, Cheney and company, Auckland, New Zealand. p. Oliver Perry Sarle. Civil engineer. Address, 49 Westminster St., Provi- R. I. P. Edwin Stanley Thompson, A. M. Special student, R. I. normal school 1S86- 87; teacher district school 10S, Stirling, N.J. 18S7-8S; instructor, New York institution for improved instruction of deaf mutes 18S8-92; normal student, Clarke school for deaf, Northampton, Mass. 1S92-93; instructor, Penn. institu- tion for deaf and dumb, Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Penn. 1893-94; professor Articulation and lip reading 1894-. Author Speech habit in the deap ',' 1S93 ; Z?an'l ' Ickey, Sir, or, Speech without a larynx, In Educator, June 1S94; Ele- ment method of teaching speech to the deaf, 1894. Address, 56 Holden St., Providence, R. I. p. Arthur Leonard Wadsworth, A. M. Principal Renfrew grammar school, Adams, Mass. 1886-S7 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1890; in- structor Hebrew and Greek 1890-92 ; ordained Baptist 1S90; pastor Firstchurch, Rockland, Mass. 1892-. Author various articles in Watchman ; correspondent Pacific Baptist 1S91-. Address, Rockland, Mass. Newt., P. Joseph Hooker Ward. Real estate officer Title guarantee and trust company. Address, 55 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. p. Stephen Waterman, A. M. President Nicholson and Waterman manufactur- ing company 1887-93; v ' ce president Narragansett boat club 1893-94; treasurer R. I. business men's association 1893-94; captain R. I. militia. Address, 70 Stimson Ave., Providence, R. I. ■f y p_ William Shaw White; A. M. Tufts college 1891 ; B. D. 1891. Universalist clergyman ; pastor Foxboro, Mass. ; member Mass. house of representatives 1S94-. Address, Foxboro, Mass. p. William Wilberforce Whitten. Merchant. Address, 148 South Main St., Providence, R. I. AK E, P. Allan Herbert Willett. Lawyer, Brooklyn, N. Y. AY George Washington Willis. Journalist, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 157 Wil- low St., Providence, R. I. 296 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1886 George Grafton Wilson, A. M. upon examination 1888; Ph. D. 18S9. Prin- cipal high school, Grolon, Conn. 1S86-S7 ; high school, Rutland, Vt. 1889-90; associate professor Political and social science, Brown university 1S91-. Author Town a?id city government in Providence, 1S89; Study of criminology, 1894; Thought and labor-, 1894. Address, 165 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. A , P. William Thompson Nicholson. Clerk, R. I. national bank, Providence, R. I. 1886-8S; stock broker, Providence 1888-90; aide-de-camp, with title of colonel, to governor of R.I. 1889-90. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 22, 1864; died Providence, Feb. 11, 1890. "ir T, Nee. 1890 Edmund Gorham Thurber. Clerk New York building-loan banking com- pany. Address, 62 West 55th St., New York, N. Y. * T, P. 61*1 I887 George Willis Brechbill. Law student Harvard university 18S7-8S. Born Fultonham, O., Sept. 10, 1864; died Fultonham, March 10, 18S9. Nee. 1S89 Walter Cochrane Bronson ; A. M. Cornell university 1890. Student theol- ogy, Harvard university 1887; teacher, Butler, Mo. 1888-89; fellow, Cornell university 1889-90; professor English, De Pauw university 1890-92; associate professor English literature, Brown university 1892-. Address, 69 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Clarence Augustus Carr, A. M. Dental student Harvard university 1S92-. Address, 209 Spring St., Newport, R. I. P. Wayland Johnson Chase, A. M. Clerk, Providence, R. I. 1S87-88; real es- tate agent and broker 1SSS-89; in treasurer's office, Fort Payne, Ala. 1SS9; Grand Rivers, Ky. 1889-91 ; instructor, Wayland seminary, Washington, D. C. 1892; academy tutor English, University of Chicago 1892-94; academy in- structor English branches 1894-. Address, Morgan Park, 111. A T, Chic, P. William Nelson Chase, A. M. With Electric gas lighting company, Boston, MaSs. 1887-S9; electrical expert with Thomson electric welding company, Lynn, Mass. 1889-? Address, Exeter, N. H. A T, P. Edmund Denison Chesebro, A. M.; M. D. College of physicians and sur- geons 1890. Physician, Stonington, Conn.; Providence, R. I. Address, 6 Hawthorne St., Providence, R. I. A K B, Columb., P. Homer Clark; M. D. New York homoeopathic medical college and hospital 1S89. Physician. Address, Wollaston, Mass. P. Gardner Colby, A. M. Treasurer Everett land company, and various manu- facturing and other companies, New York, N. Y. ; trustee Colgate university; Dodge memorial fund ; secretary Lincoln fund committee. Address, 36 Wall St., New York, N. Y. P. Arthur Irving Connell, A. M.; M. D. Harvard university 1891. Physician. Address, 281 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. A , P. Clarence Buck Crawford. With Education, Boston, Mass. Born Portland, Me., Aug. 1, 1S67; died Auburndale, Mass., Oct. 27, 18S7. A K E, Nee. 18S8 1887 GRADUATES 297 George Hazard Crooker, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S93. Physician. Address, 101 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. John DeForest Danielson, A. M. In business. Address, 160 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. Frank Sigel Dietrich, A. M. Professor Latin, Ottawa university, Ottawa, Kans. 1SS7-S9; professor History and political economy 1SS9-91 ; lawyer, Blackfoot, Idaho 1S91-. Address, Blackfoot, Idaho. A T, P. George Wilton Field, A. M.; Ph. D.Johns Hopkins university 1S92. Assist- ant in Biology, Johns Hopkins university 1891-92 ; occupant Smithsonian table, Naples zoological station 1892-93; associate professor Cellular biology, Brown university 1893-. Author Contributions to the embryology of the starfish, in Johns Hopkins university circular, vol. 10; Notes on the echinoderms of King- ston harbor, Jatnaica, in same, vol. 11; Problem of marine biology in Ameri- can naturalist, Oct. 1892 ; Larva of aster ias, in Quarterly journal of microscop- ical science, vol. 34; On the morphology of the bilateral ciliated bands of the echinoderm larvae, in American naturalist; Echinoderm spermatogenesis, in Anatomischer Anzeiger, vol. 8; E. Haeckel's Plankton Studien, translated, in Bulletin of U. S. fish commission. Address, Brown university, Providence, R. I. A <1>, P. Isaac Hudson Gilhuly, A. M. Professor Ancient languages and mathematics, Saratoga institute, Saratoga, N. Y. ; medical student. Address, Box 230, Long Branch City, N. J. P. Theodore Francis Green, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S92; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; instructor Roman law, Brown university 1894-. Address, 14 John St., Providence, R.I. * Y, P. John Henshaw. A. M. Lawyer. Address, 73 Brown St., Providence, R. I. * Y, P. Irving Clifton Hicks, A. M. Principal grammar school, Great Barrington, Mass.; lawyer. Address, 131 Third St., Portland, Or. A K E, P. Albert Walker Hinds. Instructor, Yale school, Duluth, Minn. 1890-91 ; secre- tary school board West Boylston, Mass. 1S92-. Address, West Boylston, Mass. P. George Arthur Jepherson ; LL. B. Harvard university 18*90. Admitted to bar 1891 ; lawyer. Address, 17 Adelaide Ave., Providence, R. I. A*, P. John Knox, A. M. With Silver, Burdett and company, Boston, Mass.; trea- surer Greene and Knox manufacturing company, Providence, R. I. Address, Norwood, R. I. A K E, P. Lucky Alonzo Lindsay, A. M. Admitted to bar 1890; lawyer, Knoxville, Tenn. 1S90-91. Born Powell's Valley, near Jacksboro, Campbell Co., Tenn., Oct. 24, 1862; died San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 30, 1892. Nee. 1893 Dana Carleton Munro, A. M. Teacher History and literature, De Veaux col- lege, Suspension Bridge, N. Y. 1887-89; student of history, Strassburg and Freiburg 18S9-90; teacher French and German, Haverford college grammar school 1890-93 ; instructor Roman and medheval history, University of Penn. • 1893-. Editor Urban and the crusaders, 1894; Letters of the crusaders, 1894; Mediaeval student, 1895. Address, Universitv of Penn.. Philadelphia, Penn. A , P. James Francis Murphy, A. M. Lawyer, Paw tucket, R. I.; chairman board of trustees Union school district, Lincoln, R. I. 1SS9-; moderator 1891-; town solicitor Lincoln 1S90. Address, 23 Broad St., Pawtucket, R. I. P. 298 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1887 William Overton. Teacher, classical department, high school, Providence, R. I. 18S7-90; principal high school, Lincoln, R. I. Address, 122 High St., Pawtucket, R. I. P. Charles Currier Phillips. Professor Latin, Roger Williams university, Nash- ville, Tenn. 1887-; treasurer 18S7-. Address, Roger Williams University, Nash- ville, Tenn. P. George Ripley Pinkham, A. M. Principal high school, Wayland, Mass. 18S7- 89; Partridge academy, Duxbury, Mass. 1889-91; high school, and superin- tendent schools, Woodstock, Vt. 1891-92; professor Greek and oratory, St. John's college, Annapolis, Md. 1892-94; professor English literature, Kenyon college, Gambier, O. 1894-. Author Place and work of the college; Study and teaching of English in the college, in University magazine, 1S93 ; Masters of the dramatic art in ancient Greece and Elizabelha?i Englatid, 1894; Distinct a?id distinguishing characteristics of the American school of authorship, 1S94 ; Evolution and development of English literary criticism, 1894. Address, Gambier, O. P. Philip Joseph Reid. Night city editor Detroit free press. Address, 149 East Montcalm St., Detroit, Mich. P. Walter Reuben Scott. Electrical engineer, New York, N. Y. ; Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 992 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. A , P. Richard Mitchell Sherman. Episcopal clergyman; pastor St. Stephen's church, Newark, N. J. Address, 257 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J. ¥ T, P. William Walter Wakeman, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1890; ordained Baptist 1890; pastor, Hampton Falls, N. H. 1890-. Address, Hampton Falls, N. H. Newt., A Y, P. Harry Franklin Walker, A. M. Assistant chemist North Chicago rolling mill company, Chicago, 111. ; 111. steel company ; chemist Passaic rolling mill company. Address, Passaic Rolling Mill Co., Paterson, N. J. A K E, P. Joseph Walker, A. M.; Harvard university 1890; LL. B. 1890. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Address, Maple St., Brookline, Mass. p. Charles Lincoln White, A. M. Graduated Newton theological institution 1890; Baptist clergyman ; pastor Great Falls, N. H. 1890-94; Somersworth, N. H. 1S94-. Address, Somersworth, N. H. A T, Newt., P. Frank Denison White, A. M. ;LL.B. Union university 1S90. Lawyer, Rut- land, Vt. ; city attorney Rutland 1891-93; member Vt. senate 1894-. Address, Rutland, Vt. p. Benaiah Longley Whitman, A. M. ; D. D. Bowdoin college 1894. Graduated Newton theological institution 1890; ordained Baptist 1887; pastor Free street church, Portland, Me. 1890-92; president Colby university 1892-. Author Ideals in education, inaugural address, 1892 ; Elements of Ethics, 1S93 '•> Eie ~ ments of sociology, 1S94. Address, Waterville, Me. Newt., A Y, P. Richard Wright, A. M. Graduated Hartford theological seminary 1890; tutor Hebrew and Greek 1890-91 ; Congregational clergyman ; acting pastor Windsor Locks, Conn. 1890-91 ; pastor 1891-. Address, Windsor Locks, Conn. P. Herrick Piatt Young, A. M. Student, Leipsic, one year; professor Latin, Furman university, Greenville, S. C 1890-. Author various poems and news- paper articles. Address, Furman University, Greenville, S. C. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Walter Esmond Keach. Manufacturer. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. A K E, P. Alfred Merritt Quick. City civil engineer and architect. Address, 19 Angell St., Providence, R. I. p 1887 GRADUATES 299 Howard Prescott Quick. Architect and engineer, West End street railway company, Boston, Mass. Address, 439 Albany St., Boston, Mass. A , P. Orman Eris Ryther. General secretary Young men's Christian association, Jersey City, N.J.; Fitchburg, Mass. ; Hyde Park, Mass.; manager Coopera- tive entertainment bureau, Boston, Mass. Address, 52 Pierce St., Hyde Park, Mass. P. Louis Franklin Snow; A. B. Harvard university 1S89; A. M. 1890. Instruc- tor Elocution, Brown university 1890-92; dean of the Women's college 1892-. Address, 235 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. 40 *3 1888 Carl Hewes Abbott; LL. B. University of Cal. 1891. Lawyer. Address, Oakland, Cal. A K E, P. William Franklin Arrington. Teacher, New Preston, Conn. 18SS-89; gradu- ated Newton theological institution 1892; Baptist clergyman; .pastor First church, Newport, R. I. 1892-94; Maiden, Mass. 1S94-. Address, 41 Newbury St., Maiden, Mass. Newt., A Y, P. Clarence Augustus Barbour. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1891 ; Baptist clergyman; pastor Lake avenue church, Rochester, N. Y. 1S91-. Address, 323 Frank St., Rochester, N. Y. Roch. theol., A K E, P. Arthur Joy Bentley. Teacher. Address, Shushan, Washington, Co., N. Y. P. . Claus Alfrid BergStrom ; B. D. Yale university 1891. Student, Andover theological seminary 1888 ; Lutheran clergyman ; pastor Swedish evangelical Lutheran church, East Greenwich, R. I. 1887-94; Immanuel church, Centre- ville, R. I. 1891-94; Gloria Dei church, Providence, R. I. 1894- ; graduate student Brown university 1893-. Address, 7 Lincoln St., Providence, R. I. P. EH Whitney Blake; LL. B. Harvard university 1S91. Assistant, Indian de- partment, Hampton normal institute, Hampton, Va. 1S91-92 ; general mana- ger Providence society for organizing charity, Providence, R. I. 1892-. Ad- dress, 72 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. P. George Samson Brown. Lawyer. Address, Everett, Wash. p. Ernest Henry Brownell ; S. B. Mass. institute of technology 1S90. Sur- veyor, U. S. engineers 1S91 ; instructor Civil engineering, Brown university 1891-94; assistant engineer waterworks construction 1892, '94; civil engineer, Providence, R. I. Address, 4 dishing St., Providence, R. I. P. Francis Herbert Brownell. Lawyer. Address, Everett, Wash. P. Winthrop White Brownell. Cotton broker. Address, 294 Benefit St., Provi- dence, R. I. * Y, P. Clayton Pratt Brunsen. Medical student, College of physicians and sur- geons; clerk New York office of Kent and Stanley company of Providence, R. I. Address, 3S9 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. X , P. Charles Kemble Chambers. Admitted to bar 1891 ; lawyer, Mt. Holly, N. J. ; superintendent Mt. Holly street railway company. Address, Masonic Temple, Mt. Holly, N.J. A K E, P. Charles Doughty Cooke. Address, Paterson, N. J. Charles Hoben Day; Acadia college 1886; A. M. 1890; McMaster uni- versity 1894. Student, Newton theological institution 1888-89; Berlin 1S90- 91; Baptist clergyman; pastor First church, Quebec, Canada ; secretary and treasurer Eastern association of province of Quebec. Editor Olive Branch. Address, 7 Dauphin St., Quebec, Canada. P. 300 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1888 James Floyd Denison. Instructor Mathematics, Milton academy, Milton, Mass. 1888-91 ; law student, New York, N. Y. 1891-. Address, 126 East 28th St., New York, N. Y. P. Charles Edward Dennis, A. M. upon examination 1890. Teacher Greek and German, Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn. 18SS-90; Classics, high school, Providence, R. I. 1890- ; graduate student, Brown university, candi- date for Ph. D. Address, High School, Providence, R. I. A Y, P. Edwin King Dexter. Clergyman. Address, Whitewater, Wis. John Wesley Gilbert, A. M. upon examination 1891. Student, American school of Classical studies at Athens 1890-91; professor Greek and English, Payne institute, Augusta, Fla. Author The denies of Attica ; Map of Eretria, in conjunction with J. Pickard. Address, 1616 Thirteenth St., Augusta, Ga. P. Clarence Grant Hamilton. Teacher, Swain's school, Providence, R. I. 18S8- 89; music teacher, Providence 1888-. Address, 22 Portland St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Frederick Augustus Harris. Address, 69 Bowen St., Providence, R. I. ■*■ T Morris William House. Director Tilden-Thurber company, dealers in silver- ware and fine jewelry. Address, 71 and 73 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. "FY, P. John Powell Hunter; M. D. University of Penn. 1893. Tutor, Bellevue ter- race, Los Angeles, Cal. ; Milwaukee, Wis. ; resident physician Allegheny gen- eral hospital, Allegheny, Penn. 1893-94; physician, Allegheny. Address, 245 East St., Allegheny, Penn. A Y, P* Arthur Pliny Johnson, A. M. upon examination 1893. Instructor German and physical sciences, De Veaux college, Suspension Bridge, N. Y. 1888-89; principal high school, Groton, Conn. 1889-90; high school, Bristol, R. I. 1890-. Address, Bristol, R. I. A *, P. Charles Franklin Medbury. Electrical engineer, Foxboro, Mass.; with West- inghouse electric company. Address, Ottawa, Canada. A , P. Henry Winn Pinkham. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S91 ; or- dained Baptist 1891 ; pastor East Washington avenue church, Bridgeport, Conn. 1S91-. Address, Bridgeport, Conn. A Y, P. John Cornelius Quinn. Lawj'er. Address, 546 Wickenden St., Providence, R. I. P. Louis Childs Sanford ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. 1892. Episcopal missionary in charge of St. Luke's church, Selma, Cal., and St. Michael's church, Fowler, Cal. Address, Selma, Cal. P. Walter Burges Smith. Cotton manufacturer. Address, Box 1413, Provi- dence, R. I. P. Robert Rennie Taft. Superintendent Baltic power company, Baltic, Conn.; cotton manufacturer. Address, Baltic, Conn. P. Arthur Eugene Watson. Assistant foreman drafting department, Thomson- Houston and General electric companies, Lynn, Mass.; Schenectady, N. Y. ; university extension lecturer Electricity, Brown university. Author articles in electrical publications. Address, 126 Lafayette St., Schenectady, N. Y. A *, P. Fred Earle Whitaker, A. M. upon examination 1892. Principal grammar school and classical master high school, Woonsocket, R. I.; professor Latin, Thatcher institute, and head of language department, Nelson seminary, Shreve- port, La.; private instructor Classics. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. P. William Allen Wilbur, A. M. upon examination 1894. Teacher Vt. academy, Saxton's River, Vt. 1888-89; Latin, Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1889- 1888 GRADUATES 301 90; History and English literature, Howard seminary, West Bridgewater, Mass. 1890-. Address, Howard Seminary, West Bridgewater, Mass. A K E, P. Erving Yale Woolley. Dealer in cotton machinery. Address, 152 Congress St., Boston, Mass. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Josiah Bartlett. Teacher, Dr. Holbrook's military academy, Sing Sing, N. Y. five years ; Mathematics, physics and chemistry, Riverview academy, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Address, Riverview Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. P. Albert Burke Cook. Broker, Boston, Mass. Address, Hyde Park Ave., Forest Hills, Mass. A <]> William Henry Craig. Lawyer. Address, 94 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. P. Alexander Marshall ; M. D. University of the city of New York 1891. Assist- ant surgeon Bellevue hospital, New York, N. Y. ; physician, Ashlon, R. I.; health officer, Cumberland, R. I. Address, Ashton, R. I. P. Clarence Whitford Young. Lawyer. Address, 51 Barker Block, Omaha, Neb. P. 38 1889 Earl Newton Adams. With Empire publishing company, Philadelphia, Penn. 1889-92; president 1892. Born Groton, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1867; died Philadel- phia, Penn., Aug. 17, 1S92. X <1>, Nee. 1S93 William Henry Barnard. Overseer Indian school, Albuquerque, N. M. 18S9- 90; with Providence steam and gas pipe company, Providence, R. I. Address, Centredale, R. I. A X Arthur Ellis Barrows. Principal high school, Mettapoisett, Mass. 18S9-90; representative People's investment bureau, Boston, Mass. ; agent, Providence, R. I. for Ayer-Chapin company of Seattle, Washington 1S90. Born Provi- dence, R. I., June 15, 1S66; died Rochester, Mass., Aug. 4, 1890. # A X, Nee. 1891 Bertram Sinclair Blaisdell. Clerk appellate division R. I. supreme court. Address, Providence, R. I. X , P. Francis Burdick. Secretary and treasurer Newport street railway company. Address, 227 Spring St., Newport, R. I. . X , P. Frank Williams Carpenter. Electrician, with N. E. portelectric company, Dorchester, Mass. ; secretary and treasurer Attleboro cooperative bank, At- tleboro, Mass. 1892-93; bookkeeper, Attleboro. Address, 133 South Main St., Attleboro, Mass. A T, P. Frederick Everett Carpenter. Lawyer. Address, 32 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A X, P. Louis St. Clair Colby. Broker. Address, 35 Wall St.. New York, N. Y. P. Arthur Cushing. Law student, Harvard university 1889-90; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1S94-. Address, 42 West- minster St., Providence, R. I. A X, P. Horace Lincoln Day; Acadia college iSSS; M. D. New York post graduate medical college 1893. Physician, Yarmouth, N. S. A X William Brecke Deane. Medical student, Harvard university. Last address, Ogdensburg, N. Y. X Charles Arthur Denfeld ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. Episcopal clergjman : pastor Church of the Saviour, Providence, R. I. 1892-. Address, 16 John St., Providence, R. I. A Y, P. 3°2 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1889 Charles Farnsworth. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo. Archibald Angus Freeman; A.M. Cornell university 1890. Graduate student, Cornell university 1889-90; instructor normal school, Cortland, N. Y. ; History, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1892-. Address, Andover, Mass. A K E, P. Sylvanus Everett Frohock. Graduated Newton theological institution 1892. Baptist clergyman; pastor Carew street church, Springfield, Mass. Address, 256 Carew St., Springfield, Mass. 4> A X,'Newt., P. Reginald Spinks Fyfe. Address, 3721 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. * A X William Howatt Gardner. Graduated Newton theological institution 1892 ; head teacher Wayland seminary, Washington, D. C. 1892-93; principal Keuka institute, Keuka college, N. Y. Author Might makes right ; Christian social- ism: its history, economic grounds and scriptural basis; Study of Genesis; That prayer-meeting; Position of Peter and Paul ; Ideal church, in Union signal, Chicago, 111.; At liberty's shrine; Is neglect of the pastoral function justifiable P in National Baptist; An educated ministry: is it needed? in Examiner; Pulpit and social questions, in New nation, Boston; Cooperative journalism, in Dawn, Boston; Women in the general conference, in Zion's herald, Boston. Address, Keuka College, N. Y. 4> A X, Newt., P. George Preston Grant. Treasurer Grant yarn company, manufacturers cotton yarns and warps, Fitchburg, Mass. Address, Fitchburg, Mass. P. Charles Grant Hartsock. Ordained Baptist 18S9; missionary, Upper Congo, Africa 1890-92. Born Lawrence, Ind., Aug. 16, 1865; died Irebu, Congo, Southwest Africa, Nov. 19, 1892. 4> A X, Nee. 1893 Lauriston Hartwell Hazard. Secretary and treasurer Hazard cotton company, Providence, R. I. Address, 11 Market Sq., Providence, R. I. Ralph Wentworth Jackson ;M.D. Long Island college hospital 1892. Physi- cian. Address, 131 Franklin St., Fall River, Mass. A 4>, P. Ernest Potter Jenks. Student, Johns Hopkins university; College of physi- cians and surgeons. Address, 13 West iSth St., New York, N. Y. A $, P. Prescott Ford Jernegan. Ordained Baptist 1889; instructor Greek and Latin, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1889-90; graduated Newton theological in- stitution 1892; pastor First church, Middletown, Conn. 1892-. Author Ser- mon, in Gospel from two testaments, edited by E. B. Andrews, 1893; Christo- logical implications of the higher criticism, in Biblical world, 1894. Address, Middletown, Conn. P. William Gilbert Lathrop ; B. D. Yale university 1892. Congregational clergy- man; pastor, Monroe, Conn. 1892-93; North Haven, Conn. 1893-. Address, North Haven, Conn. A Y, P. Henry Plummer Lovewell ; M. D. Harvard university 1894. Merchant, Prov- idence, R. I. ; interne McLean hospital, Somerville, Mass. Address, Box 8, Someiville, Mass. X <3>, P. Edward Payson Manning; Ph. D.Johns Hopkins university 1S94. Instructor Mathematics, St. Lawrence university, Canton, N. Y. Author On the repre- sentation of a function by a trigo?wmetric,series. Address, St. Lawrence uni- versity, Canton, N. Y. A , P Richard Runyon Martin. Law student, Columbia college; lawyer. Address, 21 Mann Building, Utica, N. Y. A T, P. Robert Lew Preston Mason. Travelling salesman Mason, Chapin and com- pany, Providence, R. I.; superintendent Champlain mills, manufacturing chemical fibre, Willsboro, N. Y. A T, P. 1889 GRADUATES 303 George Packard; LL. B. Northwestern university 1S91. Student, Union col- lege of law, Chicago, 111.; lawyer, Chicago, 111.; assistant attorney World's Columhian exposition 1892-93. Address, 518 First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. A T, P. Henry Fenno Parker. Law student, Harvard university. Address 158 Bel- mont St., Brockton, Mass. A , P. Herbert Ware Parmenter. Lawyer, Providence. R. I. 1892-93; clerk re- publican committee, Johnston, R. I. Born Providence, R. I., April 4, 1865; died Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 6, 1893. ^ *> Nee. 1S94 William Samuel Pease. Address, Denver, Col. Carl Copping Plehn ; Ph. D. Gottingen university 1891. Professor History and political science, Middlebury college 1891-93; assistant professor Political economy, University of Cal. 1893-. Author Das Kreditwesen der Staaten und Staedte der nordamerikaniscken Union, 1S91 ; also numerous magazine articles. Address, Berkeley, Cal. P. George Porter. In lumber business. Address, 266 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. P. Edward Harris Rathbun. Superintendent Ray's woolen company, Franklin, Mass. Address, Franklin, Mass. P. Herbert Ambrose Rice, A. M. upon examination 1891. Instructor, University grammar school, Providence, R. I. 1889-92; law student, Harvard university 1892-. Address, 18 Brown St., Pawtucket, R. I. P. Edward Thompson Root. Architect. Address, 147 Melrose St., Providence, R. I. A 4>, P. Dennis Harvey Sheahan. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; clerk R. I. house of representatives; member Providence common council 1S94- ; board of exam- iners R. I. normal school. Address, 905 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. P. Newton Mercer Simmonds. Address, Crozer Theological Seminary, Ches- ter. Penn. Ernest Gilbert Smith. Dealer in dental supplies. Address, 244 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Frank Austin Smith. Student, Crozer theological seminary 1S89-90; Baptist clergyman. Address, Somerville, N.J. $ A X, P. Percy Dinsmore Smith, A. M. upon examination 1894. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1889- ; town moderator Glocester, R. I. ; member school committee Glocester; superintendent schools Glocester; member R. I. state board of education ; clerk, office of R. I. secretary of state 1890-91; member commission Woonsocket and Pascoag railroad. Address, 9 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. P. David Grant Smyth. Principal Leland and Gray seminary, Townshend, Vt. ; instructor Mathematics, high school, Hartford, Conn. Address, 46 Willard St., Hartford, Conn. P. Vernon Purinton Squires. Instructor Natural sciences, Worcester academy, Mass. 1889-90; professor Greek and Latin, N. Y. state normal school, Oneonta, N. Y. 1890-93; fellow in English, University of Chicago 1893-95. Address, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A K E, P. Augustus Taber Swift, A. M. upon examination 1890. Instructor German, Brown university 1890-92 ; French 1894- ; master Modern languages, Hotch- kiss school, Lakeville, Conn. 1892-94. Address, iS Creighton St., Providence, R. I. 4> A X, P. George Eddy Warren. Wholesale coal dealer, Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron company, Boston, Mass. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. P. 304 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1889 Arthur Lincoln Wheeler. Student, of electricity, Mass. institute of technol- ogy ; teacher, Manual training school, Providence, R. I. Address, 96 South Angell St., Providence, R. I. X <1> Joseph Caldwell Whipple. Resident, Maiden, Mass. Address, 128 Salem St., Maiden, Mass. P. Frank Harlow Wildes. Lawyer. Address, 4 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Appleton Park Williams. With R. I. hospital trust company, Providence, R.I. 1SS9-?; treasurer Upton manufacturing company. Address, West Upton, Mass. A K E, P. Nathan Manchester Wright. School district trustee Johnston, R. I. 1890- ; superintendent schools 1891-; editor's private secretary Journal office, Provi- dence, R. I. Author School reports-, Johnston, R. I.; also numerous news- paper articles. Address, Olneyville, R. I. * A X, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Frederick Huntington Briggs. Billiard table manufacturer, Boston, Mass. Address, 449 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. P. George Farquhar Jones King. Student. Address, 43 Waterman St., Provi- dence, R. I. Francis Heber Mansfield. Mercantile agent. Address, 371 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. Warren Seabury Simmons ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1892. Surgeon, Atlanta avenue dispensary, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; assistant to surgeons, St. John's hospital Brooklyn ; physician, Brooklyn. Address, 338 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Columb., P. John Parker Williams. 'Teacher Mathematics, high school, Providence, R. I. 1S89-92 ; instructor Mathematics and mechanical drawing, Adelphi academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y. A K E, P. 52 *4 I89O John Lincoln Alger. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. ; instructor Pure Mathematics, and graduate student, Brown university 1892-95. Address, 3 Angell Place, Providence, R. I. P. Frank Appleton. Episcopal clergyman ; pastor St. Thomas' church, Provi- dence, R. I.; St. Andrew's church, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Address, St. Johns- bury, Vt. P. Alfred Paley Bond. From Wethersfield, Conn. Alexander Phoenix Bourne. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S94; student of theology, Harvard university. Address, 41 Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass. A 4>, P. Thomas Edwin Brown. Lawyer. Address, 31 and 33 Pine St., New York, N. Y. P. Martin Salisbury Budlong, A. M. upon examination 1892. M. D. Hahne- mann medical college, Philadelphia, Penn. 1895. Resident physician, Hahne- mann hospital 1895-. Address, Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn. A , P. Joseph Edmond Bullen ; A. M. Columbia college|iS94. Law student. Ad- dress, 151 West 45th St., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. 1890 GRADUATES 305 Edmund Cody Burnett. Professor Greek and modern languages, Carson and Newman college, Mossy Creek, Tenn. Address, Mossy Creek, Tenn. P. Hamilton Edgar Chapman. Graduated Newton theological institution 1893; Baptist clergyman ; pastor New Hartford, Conn. Address, New Hartford, Conn. $ A X, P. James Quayle Dealey, A. M. upon examination 1S93. Professor Languages and history, Denton normal school, Denton, Tex. 1890-91 ; Latin, Vt. academy, Saxton's River, Vt. 1S91-93; instructor English, Brown university 1893-94; Latin 1S94-; graduate student, candidate for Ph. D. 1S93-. Address, 6 Camp St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Charles Henry Forbes. Professor Latin, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. Address, Andover, Mass. A K E, P. Edgar Benjamin French. Address, 365 North Main St., Pawtucket, R. I. Edwin Collins Frost. Resident, Providence, R. I. Address, 207 Smith St., Providence, R. I. P. Stephen Grant Goldthwaite. City editor Boone daily nezvs, Boone, Iowa; editor Boone county republican. Address, Boone, Iowa. A X, P. Harry Linwood Grant. Bookkeeper, Providence, R. I.; with Builders iron foundry, Providence. Address, 95 Congress Ave., Providence, R. I. P. William Thomas Green. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S93; Bap- tist clergyman. Address, Natick, R. I. Newt., A X, P. Charles Lee Anthony Heiser. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Address, 152 George St., Providence, R. I. Frederick Howard Hovey ; LL. B. Harvard university 1893. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. Daniel Sanford Jenks. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S93; Bap- tist clergyman ; pastor, Caribou, Me. 1893-. Address, Caribou, Aroostook Co., Me. Newt., P. Alfred Scott Johnson. Lawyer. Address, 324 Butler Exchange, Piovidence, R. I. A«I>, P. Joseph Mary Killelea. In business. Address, Ottawa, 111. P. Albert Eugene Kingsley. Graduated Newton theological institution 1893; Baptist clergyman ; pastor Poquonock Bridge, Conn.; First church, Bangor, Me. Address, 105 Hammond St., Bangor, Me. 4> A X, Newt., P. Charles Wayland Lisk. Professor Greek and Latin, Ala. military academy, Huntsville, Ala. 1890-91 ; student, Southern Baptist theological seminary 1S91-?; graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S93; ordained Baptist 1893; pastor, Luverne, Minn. 1S93-94; graduate student New Testament history and literature, Chicago university 1894-95; pastor First church, Ithaca, Mich. 1895-. Address, Ithaca, Mich. A Y, P. Charles Fisk McKenzie. Professor Latin and modern languages, Roger Wil- liams university, Nashville, Tenn. 1S91 ; Modern languages and mathematics, University school 1S93; dealer in wholesale and retail millinery, Nashville. Address, 40S Union St., Nashville, Tenn. A K E, P. James McLaughlin; B. D. Yale university 1893. Graduated Berkeley divinity school 1S94; Episcopal clergyman; pastor Christ church, Middle Haddam, Conn. 1894. Williamsport, Penn. 1894-. Address, 11 Trinity Place, Williams- port, Penn. P. James Geoffrey McMurry. Law student, Harvard university ; lawyer. Ad- dress, Denver, Col. AT Tracey Lansing Newton. Telegraph operator. Address, ^ Prospect St., Worcester, Mass. X 4>, P. 306 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1890 Augustus Stanton Owen. Lawyer. Address, Lakeport, N. H. P. Henry Robinson Palmer. Editorial writer, Provide?ice journal, Providence, R. I. 18S0-. Author A visit to Pitcaini's Island irt Harper's -weekly, Dec. 1S94. Address, Journal Office, Providence, R.I. A K E, P. Eugene Ashton Perry. Master grammar school, Maiden, Mass. Address, 45 Pierce St., Maiden, Mass. P. James Benton Porter. Address, Bridgeport, Conn. Edward Everett Potter. From Auburn, R. I. Frederic Moseley Sackett; LL. B. Harvard university 1893. Lawyer. Ad- dress, King Building, Columbus, O. P. Frederic Washburne Sandford. Teacher, South Kingstown, R. I. Address, Box 271, Bristol, R. I. P. Frank Arthur Sayles. Manufacturer and mill owner. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. Arthur Warren Smith. Principal high school, Bristol, N. H. 1891-92; instruc- tor Greek, German and history, O. military institute, College Hill, O. 1S92- 93; principal Pawtuxet high school, Warwick, R.I. 1893-94; Baptist clergy- man ; pastor, Shelton, Conn. 1894-. Author Course of study in Union school district number two, Bristol, N. H. Address, Box 354, Shelton, Conn. P. Edward Clinton Besom Stiness ; LL. B. Harvard university 1894. Lawyer. Address, 123 Clay St., Pawtucket, R. I. 9 A X, P. Frederick Emerson Stockwell. Teacher, Franklin school, Philadelphia, Penn. 1890-92; classical department, high school, Providence, R. I, 1892-94; student, Union theological seminary 1894-. Address, 20 Cooke St., Provi- dence, R. I. AT, P. Clifford Sayles Tower. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Author Synopsis of R. I. corporation law, in conjunction with J. A. Williams, in Corporation legal ma?iual of N. J. Address, 144 AngellSt., Providence, R. I. 9 A X, P. Carl Efferenn Tucker. Lawyer, Lockport, N. Y. ; Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ad- dress, Gluck Building, Niagara Falls, N. Y. A $, P. Irving Everett Walker. Boot and shoe manufacturer. Address, Westboro, Mass. p. Herman William Watjen. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S93; Baptist clergyman. Address, Warren, R. I. Newt., A T, P. Elliot Farnsworth White. Resident, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Summit, N.J. Ad- dress, Box 620, Summit, N. J. P. James Alexander Williams. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Author Synopsis of R. I. corporation law, in conjunction with C. S. Tower, in Corporatio?i legal manual of N. J. Address, 42 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Walter Harris Young, A. M. upon examination 1892. Assistant principal Conn, literary institution, Suffield, Conn.; principal high school, Warren, R. I. ; graduate student, Brown university, candidate for Ph. D. 1892-. Author Spencer's first cause, in Chicago standard, June, 1890. Address, Warren, R. I. * A X, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. William Grosvenor Ely ; M. E. Cornell university 1892. Electrical expert with General electric company, Schenectady, N. Y. Address, 72 Washington Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. p. Frederick Taft Guild, A. M. upon examination 1891. Instructor Chemistry, Brown university 1890-91 ; secretary of the faculty and registrar 1S91-. Ad- dress, 40 East Manning St., Providence, R. I. p. 1890 GRADUATES 307 Dennis Joseph Holland. Lawyer. Address, 953 Broad St., Providence, R. I. P. Eugene Calvin Myrick. Bleacher, dyer and printer of cotton cloth, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, 162 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. P. Lyman Churchill Newell, A. M. upon examination 1891. Instructor Chemis- try, Brown university 1890-91 ; student, Johns Hopkins university. Author frequent newspaper articles. Address, 87 Park Place, Pavvtucket, R. I. A Y, P. Walter Ackman Presbrey. Civil engineer highway department Providence, R. I. Address, City Hall, Providence, R. I. P. Frederick Miller Rhodes. Salesman with C. S. Sisson and company, job- bers of boots, shoes and rubbers. Address, 143 Public St., Providence, R. I. A X, P. Qeorge Heber Webb. In charge of part of tabulation of nth census, In- terior department, Washington, D. C. ; journalist. Address, Hjattsville, Md. G A X, P. Frank Thomas Wescott ; S. B. Mass. institute of technology 1S92. Civil engineer. Address, 42 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I. P. 54 I89I Walter Evans Andrews. Teacher English, high school, Worcester, Mass. Address, 31 Lancaster St., Worcester, Mass. A X, P. Joseph Nickerson Ashton; A. M. Harvard university 1S93. Teacher Theory and history of music, Boston. Address, 336 Essex St., Salem, Mass. A , P. John Baptiste Barbour. Student, Rochester theological seminary. Address, Trevor Hall, Rochester, N. Y. A K E, P. Edwin Armington Barrows. With R. I. hospital trust company. Address, 38 Olive St., Providence. R. I. p. Edward Otis Bartlett. Teacher. Address, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. P. Arthur Loring Beals. Medical student, College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N, Y. Address, 3S9 Main St., Brockton, Mass. A <1> Edward Bailey Birge. Supervisor of music. Address, Easthampton, Mass. A T, P. Charles Davis Burrows; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. 1894. Episcopal clergyman; pastor Church of the Transfiguration, Providence, R. I. 1894-. Address, 97 Somerset St., Providence, R. I. A ij>, P. Augustus Woodbury Calder. Medical student, Harvard university. Ad- dress, 33 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. p. Alexander Duncan Chapin. Banker. Address, 12 Exchange St., Providence, R. I. P. Arthur liutchins Colby. Broker, New York, N. Y. Editor Songs of Broiv7i university. Address, 35 Wall St., New York, N. Y. P. Chester Aquila Cook; LL.B. Harvard university 1894. Admitted to bar 1894; real estate broker. Address, Tremont House, Chicago. 111. A Frank Graves Cressey. Student of theology, University of Chicago. Address, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. P. Seeber Edwards. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. ; assistant clerk, appellate divis- ion, R. I. supreme court. Address, 52 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Andrews Everett. In business. Address, 233 Pleasant St., Provi- dence, R. I. P. 308 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1891 Martin Smith Fanning. Jewelry manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; member school committee 1S94-. Address, 150 Sutton St., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. George Hooper Ferris, A. M. upon examination 1893. Student, Union theo- logical seminary. Address, 740 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. A Y, P. James Martin Gillrain; LL. B. Harvard university 1894. Lawyer. Address, 61 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. William John Green. Teacher History and English. Address, 63 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. A K E, P. Frederic Albert Greene. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; moderator North Provi- dence 1893-94. Address, 413 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. $ A X, P. John Francis Greene. Instructor Greek, Brown university 1891-94; Latin 1894-. Address, 51 Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. Ernest Abbott Hicks. Broker, real estate and insurance securities. Address, 88 Exchange St., Portland, Me. A K E, P. Frank Leonard Hinckley ; LL. B. Harvard university 1894. Law student. Address, 89 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. P. George James Holden. Travelling salesman. Address, 244 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. William Henry Hopkins. Law student, Harvard university 1S93. Lawyer. Address, 33 Pine St., New York, N. Y. A X, P. Walter Kendall Jewett. Medical student. Address, Fitchburg, Mass. X *, P. Albert Bushnell Johnson, A. M. upon examination 1S92. Instructor Romance languages, Brown university 1S92-. Address, East Providence, R. I. P. Ernest Henry Johnson, A. M. upon examination 1892. Principal A. P. Hoyt grammar school, East Providence, R. I. Address, 67 Burgess Ave., East Providence, R. I. A 4>, P. Edward Stephen Kiley ; M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1894. Ship surgeon, N. Y. and Cuba mail steamship company 1S94; physician, Paw- tucket, R. I.; member staff St. Joseph's hospital, Providence, R. I. 1894-. Ad- dress, 251 Main St., Pawtucket, R. I. Columb., P. Charles Edward Knowles. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S94; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Flushing, N.J. Address, Flushing. N.J. Herald, P. Frank Dyer Lisle. With Pope manufacturing company, Boston, Mass.: Hart- ford, Conn. Address, 122 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. ' A X, P. Thomas Francis McDonnell. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Address, Wickford, R. I. P. Charles Albert Meader. Teacher German and English literature, boarding school, Salem, N. Y. ; high school, Pawtucket, R. I. ; student Episcopal theo- logical seminary, Cambridge, Mass. Address, 80 Lyon St., Pawtucket, R. I. A Y, P. Abram Cyrus Mendenhall. With Southern finishing mills, Greensboro, N. C. 1893; with Builders iron foundry, Providence, R. I. Address, 16 John St., Providence, R. I. P. Morris Lewis Messer; LL. B. Boston university 1894. Reporter, Providence journal, Providence, R. I. 1S91-92; lawyer, Boston, Mass. Address, 10 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. A K E, P. John Derward Miner. Merchant. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. A X Robert Stanberry Olney. Manufacturer. Address, Cherry Valley, Mass. A* Nillo Griswold Proctor. Address, Town send Harbor, Mass. Charles Humphrey Sisson. From Watertown, N. Y. ; deceased. 1891 GRADUATES 309 Gerald Birney Smith. Tutor Latin, Oberlin academy 1891-92; instructo Mathematics, Worcester academy 1S92-93 ; Modern languages 1S93-. Ad dress, Worcester academy, Worcester, Mass. A T, P Francis Henry Spear. Clergyman. Address, Killingly, Conn. X , P Ferdinand Dutton Stidham. With Russell and Erwin manufacturing com pany, hardware, New Britain, Conn. Address, 31 High St., New Britain Conn. P Walter Lincoln Stone. Graduated Newton theological institution iS94;Bap tist clergyman. Address, South Penobscot, Me. Newt., P James Freebody Thompson. Law student. Address, 4 Tierney Block, Cathe dral Square, Providence, R. I. P George Walker. Resident, Newton Centre, Mass. Address, Montvale Road Newton Centre, Mass. P John Edward Weeden. Address, Fort Worth, Tex. Elmer Almy Wilcox. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; instructor Law, Brown university 1894-. Address, 29 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Edgar Lincoln Willard. Principal high school, Oxford, Mass. 1891-92 ; North Attleboro, Mass. 1892-94; student, R. I. normal school, Providence, R. I. 1894-95; superintendent schools Mansfield, Mass. 1S95. Address, Mansfield, Mass. P. Fred Wayland Woodcock. Insurance agent. Address, 8 Exchange Place, Boston, Mass. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Stephen Sheldon Colvin, A. M. upon examination 1S94. Instructor English. Brown university 1891-92, '93-94; Rhetoric 1S94-; connected with Provide/ire journal. Address, 51 Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. Edwin Grant Dexter, A. M. upon examination 1892. Science master high school, Colorado Springs, Colo. ; director Colo, summer school of science, philosophy and languages. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo. P. Herbert Luther Dunn, C. E. 1893. First assistant to resident engineer in constructing Lonsdale dam, Lonsdale, R. I.; civil engineer with R. II. Ting- ley, Providence. R. I. Address, 43 Dover St., Providence, R. I. X , P. Francis Edgar George. Principal high school, East Hampton, Conn. 1S91- 92; New Hartford, Conn. 1893-94; advertising solicitor. Address, Franklin, Mass. P. Merrick Lyon Goff. Clerk. Address, 23 East Manning St., Providence, R. I. P. William Howard Paine. Address, 216 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Albert DeForest Palmer. Graduate student, Johns Hopkins university; in- structor Physics, Brown university 1S93-. Address, Brown university, Provi- dence, R. I. Charles Manchester Perry. Address, Saltville, Va. William Benjamin Perry. Broker, real eslate and investment securities. Ad- dress, Drawer 457, Portland, Me. P. Henry Joshua Spooner. Address, George St., Providence, R.I. 9 A X Robert Wendell Taft. Cotton manufacturer; treasurer Coventry company, Providence, R. I.; director American national bank; trustee Providence in- stitution for savings. Address, 42 Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. Alfred Simpson Taylor; A. M. upon examination 1892. Student, College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. Address, 6 Star St., Pawtucket, R. I. A T, P. 310 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1891 James Lucas Wheaton. Medical student, Harvard university. Address, Paw- tucket. R. I. P. Frank Edward Winsor, C. E. 1892. Civil engineer; member engineer corps Metropolitan sewerage commission, Boston, Mass. 1891-95 ; assistant engineer in charge ot construction of pumping station Deer Island, Boston harbor 1894- 95; engineer, Providence, R. I. 1S95-. Address, 174 Weybosset St., Provi- dence, R. I. X $, P. Walter Allen Young. From Providence, R. I. 63 *1 l8p2 George Frederick Andrews. Chemist, Cornell and Andrews, refiners, Provi- dence, R. I. Author Notes on aluminium, in journal of American chemical society. Address, 91 Almy St., Providence, R. I. A T, P. Neil Andrews. Student Newton theological institution 1892-. Author De- velopment of nominating convention in R. /., 1894. Address, Newton Cen- tre, Mass. P. Albert Leslie Barbour, A. M. upon examination 1894. Principal high school, Cumberland, R. I. Address, Ashton, R. I. $ A 0, P. Horatio Eliphalet Bellows. Law student. Address, 66 Tanner St., Provi- dence, R. I. X$, P. John Frederick Blacklock. Student, Newton theological institution 1892-93; Crozer theological seminary 1893-94; pastor Wynn memorial Baptist chapel, Camden, N. J. 1894-. Address, 608 Pine St., Camden, N. J. P. Bertram Blaisdell. Teacher. Address, Meredith, N. H. P. Everett Anthony Bowen. Student of theology, University of Chicago. Ad- dress, 27 Sycamore St., Providence, R. I. P. Horatio Nelson Slater Bradford. First assistant entry clerk; city salesman; travelling salesman for cotton firm. Address, 359 State St., Springfield, Mass. P. James Edward Brennan. Address, 237 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. I. Theodore Shotwell Brown. Advertising clerk, American Baptist publica- tion society, Philadelphia, Penn. Address, 1435 North 16th St., Philadelphia, Penn. P. Edward Ibarra Brownell. Law student, Harvard university. Address, Bris- tol, R. I. Herbert Carpenter Brownell. Address, 73 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. Warren Gardner Bullard. Instructor, Elmira free academy, Elmira, N. Y. 1892-93; student, Clark university 1893- ; instructor Mathematics and juris- prudence, St. Lawrence university, Canton, N. Y. 1894. Address, Box 555, Geneva, N. Y. P. Leonard Herbert Campbell. Teacher manual training high school, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, 213 Pavilion Ave., Providence, R. I. X , P. James Cross Collins. Lawyer. Address, 6 South Main St., Providence, R. I. A 4>, P. William Richardson Dorman. Clerk, New York office, Niagara fire insur- ance company, New York, N. Y. ; law student, New York university. Ad- dress, in Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. A , P. Frederick Alvin Durham. Journalist, Des Moines, la. ; editor Underwriters' review; proprietor and publisher Mo?ithly insurance Journal. Address, 612 Locust St., Des Moines, la. * A 0, P. 1892 GRADUATES 311 Frank Tourtellot Easton. Member city staff, Tribune, New York, N.Y. 1S92- 94; student, New York law school 1S93-. Address, 47 Division St., Provi- dence, R. I. A *, P. William liolden Eddy, A. M. upon examination 1S93. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. Address, 36 Bradford St., Providence, R. I. P. John Paine Gage. Cotton broker. Address, Fall River, Mass. A K E, P. Royal Henry Gladding. Lawyer. Address, 262 Broadway, Providence, R. I. A -!>, P. Isaac Philip Greene. Last address, Fall River, Mass. A K E Charles Frederick Harper. Druggist, Woonsocket, R. I. ; principal high school, Walpole, Mass. Address, Walpole, Mass. <1> A 9, P. George Washington Crockett Hill. Student, Andover theological seminary 1892-. Address, Box 664, Andover, Mass. And., P. Albert Edward Hylan. Student, Newton theological institution 1S92-. Ad- dress, Newton Centre, Mass. Newt., P. William Chauncy Langdon, A. M. upon examination 1S93. Instructor Eng- lish, Brown university 1S92-93 ; lecturer on English and American literature, American society for the extension of university teaching, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S93; private tutor, Washington. D. C. 1894; instructor English, Columbian university 1894- ; director Washington university extension 1894-. Address, 2719 P St., N. W., Washington, D. C. P. Arthur Newton Leonard, A. M. upon examination 1893; Ph. D. 1894. In- structor German, Brown university 1892-94; student Leipsic 1S94-. Address, 71 Providence St., Providence, R. I. A , P. Louis Manson Lincoln. Student. Address, 25 Ringgold St., Providence, R. I. Prov. dir. John Hathaway Lindsey. Assistant governor Friends' school. Address, Friends' School, Providence, R. I. P. Arthur Francis McGinn. Student, College of physicians and surgeons. Address, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. P. Charles Henry Merriman. Manufacturer, Woonsocket R. I. Address, Care of Social Manufacturing Co., Woonsocket, R. I. P. Gorham Noble Norton. In woolen goods business. Address, 306 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. Richard Olney. Journalist, member staff Worcester daily spy, Worcester, Mass. Address, Cherry Valley, Mass. A A 9, P. Herbert Howard Rice. Corresponding clerk. Address, Pope Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mass. A , P. George Nelson Richmond. Medical student, University of Penn. Address, 327 North 40th St., Philadelphia, Penn. -P. 312 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1892' Henry Kalloch Rowe. Teacher History and political science, Miss Barr's school, Boston, Mass. 1893; Greek and advanced history, Colby academy, New London, N. H. 1893-. Address, New London, N. H. A K E, P. Francis Mitchel Smith. Real estate and insurance agent. Address, 3 Cus- tom House St., Providence, R. I. P. James Edward Smith. Lawyer. Address, 206 Broadway, New York, N. Y. P. William Henry Smith. Medical student, Harvard university. Address, 38 Bank St., Fall River, Mass. P. Charles Stickney. Principal schools Hartford, S. D. ; law student, Elk Point, S. D. Author, Kno-wnothingism in R. /., 1S94. Address, Elk Point, S. D. P. Ralph Winfred Tower, A. M. Graduate student, Brown university 1893. In- structor Biology 1892-93 ; demonstrator of Anatomy 1S94-; student, Leipsic 1893-94. Author Dissection of the cat, an introduction to the study of anatomy, in conjunction with F. P. Gorham, 1895. Address, 397 Pine St., Providence, R. I. P. Alpheus Dudley Tucker. Bookkeeper. Address, 16 Maynard St., Pawtucket, R. I. e A X, P. Frank William Tucker. Teacher, Worcester academy 1892-94; law student, New York, N. Y. Address, Lee, Mass. P. Robert Northam Turner. Address, 175 Ninth Ave., New York, N. Y. X 4> Benjamin Stanley Webb; LL. B. New York law school 1894. Lawyer. Ad- dress, 154 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. A K E, P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Marshall Stewart Brown, A. M. upon examination 1S93. Instructor Eng- lish, Brown university 1892-93; History, University of Mich. 1893-94; acting professor History and political science, University of the city of New York 1894-. Address, University of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. P. Walter Lincoln Chase. From Middletown, R. I. Martin Wilmarth Kern. Cut glass manufacturer. Address, 77 Page St., Providence, R. I. 6 A 0, P. Frank Willington Matteson. With J. N. and H. Brown, Providence, R. I. Address, 50 South Main St., Providence, R. I. P. Horace McFarland. From Framingham, Mass. Edmund Bingham Munger. Student of music. Address, Xenia, O. P. Edward De Vallie O'Connor. Lawyer. Address, 185 Camp St., Providence, R. I. William Henry O'Neil. Clerk, B. B. and R. Knight, Providence, R. I. Ad- dress, 3 Washington Row, Providence, R. I. P. Henry Morgan Stone, A. M. upon examination 1893. Instructor English, Brown university 1892-93; Elocution 1893-94; student, Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. 1894-. Address, 11 Adelphi Ave., Providence, R. I. P. Harrison Southwick Taft. Student, Mass. institute of technology, Boston, Mass. Address, 118 Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass. P. 59 1893 GRADUATES 3 l 3 1893 Henry Ward Beecher Arnold. Teacher Sciences and mathematics. Address, Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. Herbert Gould Beede. Draughtsman, Fales and Jencks machine company, Pawtucket, R. I. Address, 51 Clay St., Pawtucket, R. I. * A P. Arthur Train Belknap. Student, Newton theological institution 1893-. Ad- dress, Newton Centre, Mass. Robert Marshall Brown. Instructor Sciences, high school, Portsmouth, N. H. Address, Box 75, Portsmouth, N. H. 4> A 0, P. William Judson Brown. Law student, Boston university. Address, 26 Han- cock St., Boston, Mass. A K E ' P " Lewis Judson Bullard. In business. Address, 273 Chestnut St., Manches- ter, N. H. £' William Burdick. Teller. Address, Merchants Bank, Newport, R. 1. f. Edward Norton Casey. Publisher and printer. Address, 7 College St., Providence, R. I. ' John Laertes Casey. Teacher. Address, Greenwich, Conn. P. Arnold Buffum Chace. Cotton manufacturer. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. P. Seth Howard Chace. Special instructor, University grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I. 1893- ; non-resident graduate student, Brown university 1893-. Address, 102 Pitman St., Providence, R.I. P - William Everett Chalmers. Student, University of Chicago. Address, 27 Sheridan Ave., Paterson, N.J. A *' P * Robert Cushman. Law student, Harvard university. Address, 14 Trow- bridge Place, Cambridge, Mass. P - Edwin Bailey Dolan. Student, Newton theological institution 1S93-. Ad- dress, Box 122, Newton Centre, Mass. A 0, P. Harry Saint John Filmer. Student, Newton theological institution 1893- ; assistant pastor First Baptist church, Fall River, Mass. Address, Newton * A 0, P. Centre, Mass. ' John James Fitzgerald; LL. B.Georgetown university law school ib 95 . Clerk, office of auditor of treasury for post office department, Washington, D. C. Address, 148 D St., N. W., Washington, D. C. P- Irving Lysander Foster, A. M. upon examination 1S94. Instructor French, Brown university 1893-94; student, Leipsic, Germany. Address, Care Fr. Dr. Buch, Leplay Str. 8 2 ., Leipsic, Germany. * A e Albert Knight Gerald. Law student, Harvard university. Address, 87 John t, -j d t A K E, P. St., Providence. K. 1. Frederic Poole Gorham, A. M. upon examination 1S94. Instructor Biology, Brown university 1S93-. Author Dissection of the cat, an introduction to the ,tudy of anatomy, in conjunction with R. W. Tower, 1895 ; geological editor Observer, Portland, Conn. Address, 236 Knight St., Providence, R. I. P. Daniel Howard. Principal high school, Wallingford, Conn. 1S93-94; principal • schools Windsor Locks, Conn. 1894-. Address, Windsor Locks, Conn. P. Horace Edgar Jacobs, A. M. upon examination 1894. Medical student. Ad- dress, 95s Broad St., Providence, R. I. P - Ben Wayland Johnson. Stenographer, Washington, D. C. 1893-94; Provi- dence, R. I. 1894; stenographer and law student New York, N. Y. Address, Elyria, O- P ' 3 X 4 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1893 Edgar Mann Johnson. Principal high school, Poquonock, Conn. Address, 67 Burgess Ave., East Providence, R. I. A $, P. William Dawson Johnston. Head worker University settlement, Chicago, 111. 1894; instructor History, University of Mich. 1894-. Author History of slavery in R. /., 1755-1776- Address, 715 West Lowell St., Kalamazoo, Mich. P. John David Edmands Jones. Life insurance agent. Address, 86 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. A K E, P. Frederic Pierpont Ladd. Reporter, Providence daily journal. Address, 191 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. P- Elliott Woodbury LamsOn; A. M. Cornell university 1894. Address, Ash- bury Grove, Mass. P. Leslie Elias Learned. Student, Episcopal theological school, Cambridge, Mass. Address, Lonsdale, R. I. P. Frank Grant Lewis. Student, Rochester theological seminary 1893-. Ad- dress, Hedgeville, N. Y. P. Arthur Joseph Llewellyn. Fruit grower. Address, Kenwood, Sonoma Co., Cal. P. Archibald Claflin Matteson. Law student, Harvard university. Address, 112 Prospect St., Providence, R. I, A K E, P. Charles Herbert McLane. Student, General theological seminary, New York, N. Y. Address, 286 Fountain St., Providence, R. I. X $, Gen. theol. sera., P. Alexander Meiklejohn. Graduate student, Brown university. Address, 92 Prospect St., Pawtucket, R. I. 9 A X, P. Wendell Axtell Mowry, A. M. upon examination 1894. Teacher. Address, Hyde Park, Mass. X *, P. Edwin Barnes Niver ; B. D. Episcopal theological school, Cambridge 1892. Member board of commissioners U. S. civil service commission, Washington, D. C. ; Episcopal clergyman ; pastor St. Paul's church, Providence, R. I. ; as- sistant pastor Christ church, Baltimore, Md. Address, 809 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. P. Winthrop John Vanleuven Osterhout, A. M. upon examination 1894. In- structor Botany, Brown university 1893-. Address, 18 Oak St., Providence, R.I. X$, P. Charles Howard Phelps; A. M. Cornell university 1894. Principal high school, Conway, Mass. Address, Conway, Mass. P. Charles Marshall Poor; A. M. Leland Stanford junior university 1894. In " structor English, Brown university 1894- ; graduate student 1894-. Address, Box 366, Manchester, N. H. P. Charles Appleton Powers. Life insurance agent. Address, 34 Front St., Worcester, Mass. P. Walter Scott Reynolds. Assistant clerk, district court, 6th R. I. district; law student. Address, County Court House, Providence, R. I. X <£, P. Herbert Augustus Richards. Merchant. Address, Everett, Wash. P. Thomas Harwood Rothwell. Law student, Harvard university. Address, 30 Tobey St., Providence, R. I. P. Lucian Sharpe. With Brown and Sharpe manufacturing company, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, 56 Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. Walter Edward Smith. Instructor Chemistry, Brown university 1893-. Ad- dress, 60 Jenkins St., Providence, R. I. P. 1893 GRADUATES 315 Daniel Cory Snow. Student, Newton theological institution 1893-. Address, West Harwich, Mass. P. Elliott Francis Studley. Methodist Episcopal clergyman ; pastor Edgewood church, Providence, R. I. 1891-. Address, 24 Pavilion Ave., Providence, R. I. X, P. Edward Anthony Thurston. Law student, Harvard university. Address, 231 Main St., Fall River, Mass. A K E, P. Carl Vernon Tower. Graduate student, Brown university. Address, 261 Ben- efit St., Providence, R. I. P. Frank Arthur Updike. Teacher Classics, Atlanta Baptist seminary. Address, Atlanta Baptist Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. P. Joseph Walther. Student, Newton theological institution 1893-. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. Newt., P. Alfred Reynolds Wightman. Instructor English, Brown university 1893-94; assistant, University of Chicago 1S94-. Address, Morgan Park, 111. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. Earl Chapman Arnold, A. M. upon examination 1894. Assistant teacher, English department, high school, Providence, R. I. Address, 409 Friendship St., Providence, R. I. P. Henry Ames Barker. General manager and treasurer R. I. electric protection company. Address, 93 Melrose St., Providence, R. I. P. Herbert Ernest Day. Instructor, California school for the deaf; fellow and instructor, Gallaudet college for the deaf, Washington, D. C. Address, Ken- dall Green, Washington, D. C. 4> A e, P. Orin Parker Durkee, A. M. upon examination 1S94. Teacher. Address, Warrenville, Conn. P. Stephen Allen Hopkins. Advertising manager Providence tietvs. Address, 1488 Westminster St., Providence, R.I. 4> A 9, P. William Henry Magill. In employ of Woonsocket rubber company 1S93-; foreman calender room, Millville mill 1S94-. Address, Clarendon Hotel, Mill- ville, Mass. P. William Stewart Reoch. Student, College of physicians and surgeons, New York, N. Y. Address, Phenix, R. I. P. Edward Henry Weeks. Governor Friends' school, Providence, R. I. 1S93-. Address, Friends' School, Providence, R. I. P. 59 1894 Charles Spaulding Aldrich. Director of the gymnasium, Wesleyan univer- sity 1894-. Address, Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn. P. Henry Milton Barry. Assistant Rhetoric, Brown university 1894- ; graduate student 1894-. Address, 58 University Hall, Brown university, Providence, R. I. P. Russell Hall Birge. Medical student, Harvard university 1894-. Address, Winchester, Mass. Francis Chase Bliss. Tutor, Newport, R. I. Address, 27 Mt. Vernon St., Newport, R. I. P. William Clifton Bourne. Teacher, high school, Pawtucket, R.I. 1S94-. Ad- dress, 24 Sisson St., Pawtucket, R. I. P. 316 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1894 Herbert Daniel Casey. First assistant, Jackson college 1S94-. Address, Jack- son College, Jackson, Miss. P. George Mason Chamberlin. Medical student, New York homoeopathic col- lege. Address, 122 West 123d St., New York, N. Y. P. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper. International secretary College young men's Christian association 1894-. Address, 40 East 23d St., New York, N. Y. George Marcus Crowell. Music teacher, Providence, R. I. Address, 861 North Main St., Providence, R. I. William Tulley Dorrance. Student, Mass. institute of technology. Ad- dress, 98 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. P. William Douglas. Address, Indianapolis, Ind. Charles Haigh Ellis. Student, Newton theological institution 1894-. Address, Newton Theological Institution, Newton Centre, Mass. Adolph Conrad Ely. Instructor German, Brown university 1894-. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. P. Eugene Ellsworth Everett. Medical student, Harvard university 1S84-. Ad- dress, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. P. John Russell Ferguson. Instructor Classics, Crest School, Sing Sing, N. Y. 1894-. Address, Crest School, Sing Sing, N. Y. , P. Harold Crins Field. Clerk, R. I. hospital trust company, Providence, R. I. 1894-. Address, 16 Cabot St., Providence, R. I. P. Miller Moore Fogg. Instructor Elocution, Brown university 1894. Address, 29 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. P. Jay Schuyler Fox. Principal high school, Three Mile Bay,N. Y. 1S94-. Ad- dress, Three Mile Bay, Jefferson Co., N. Y. P. Archie Norwood Frost. Law student, Boston university. Address, 50 Eutaw St., Lawrence, Mass. P. Edward Francis Gamwell. Assistant Rhetoric, Brown university 1894- ; managing editor Atlantic medical zveekly, Providence, R. I. 1S95-. Address, 159 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. George Warren Gardner. Clerk, Registrar's office, Brown university 1SS4-. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. P. Daniel Farrington George. In business, Providence, R. I. Address, 259 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. P. Clifford Henry Griffin. Medical student, Harvard university 1894-. Address, 6 Division St., Providence, R. I. P. Livingston Ham. Law student, Harvard university 1894-. Address, 13 Trow- bridge Place, Cambridge, Mass. P. George Robinson Hazard. Student of theology, Episcopal divinity school, Cambridge, Mass. 1894-. Address, Peace Dale, R. I. P. Harold Dexter Hazeltine. Law student, Warren, Penn. 1894- ; member American historical association. Author Appeals from colonial courts to the king in council, with special reference to R. I., in Papers of the A?nerica?t his- torical association, 1895. Address, 710 Water St., Warren, Penn. P. Carl. Ernest Healy. Resident, Fall River, Mass. Address, 79 Broadway, Fall River, Mass. P. Samuel McPherson Higgins. Address, Morristown, N.J. William Colver Hill. Instructor Mathematics and English, St. John's dio- cesan school, Presque Isle, Me. 1895-. Address, 31 Spruce St., Maiden, Mass. P. 1894 GRADUATES 317 William Pitt Hinckley. Born Providence, R. I., July 21, 1872; died Provi- dence, Sept. 18, 1895. P. George Woodley Hogg. Clerk, Merchants national bank, Providence, R. I. 1894-. Address, Merchants National Bank, Providence, R. I. John Hope. Teacher Natural sciences, RogerWilliams university, Nashville, Tenn. 1S94-. Address, Roger Williams University, Nashville, Tenn. P. Francis Chester Rockwell Jackson. Student of theology, University of Chi- cago 1894-. Address, 137 Divinity Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. P. Richard Williams Kirkley. Law student, Toledo, O. Address, 1 107 Jeffer- son Ave., Toledo, O. P. Frank Edwin Lakey. Instructor, Manual training school, Providence, R. I. 1894-. Address, 233 Pearl St., Providence, R. I. P. Joseph West Lewis. In woolen business, Lawrence, Mass. Address, 31 Summer St., Lawrence, Mass. Robert Stewart MacGregor. Student, College of physicians and surgeons 1894-. Address, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y. Benjamin Elbridge Martin. Teacher, University grammar school, Provi- dence, R. I.1S94-. Address, University Grammar School, Providence, R. I. Edward Bruce Merriman. Woolen manufacturer, Woonsocket, R. I. 1S94-. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. James Spencer Moore. Medical student, Harvard university 1894-. Ad- dress, East Providence, R. I. P. Allan Benton Morton. Instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1S94-. Ad- dress, Brown university, Providence, R. I. P. William Washburn Moss. Instructor Mathematics, Brown university 1894-. Address, 231 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Edgar Smiley Nash. Journalist; member editorial staff Philadelphia record, Philadelphia. Penn. Address, 1316 North nth St., Philadelphia, Penn. P. Charles Spurgeon Nightingale. Student, Newton theological institution 1894-. Address, Newton Theological Institution, Newton Centre, Mass. P. Joseph Berchman O'Neil. Address, 1S0 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. 1. David Bangs Pike. Address, 701 Mass. Ave., Boston, Mass. Albert Joseph Pope. Teacher, Vt. academy 1S94-. Address, Vt. Academy, Saxton's River, Vt. P. Seth Padelford Remington. Graduate student, Brown university 1894. Ad- dress, 20 Brown St., Providence, R. I. P. Samuel Willard Richardson. Student, Union theological seminary 1S94-. Address, 41 East 69th St., New York, N. Y. P. Louis Alexandre Roux. Instructor French, Friends' academy, New Bedford, Mass. 1S94-. Address, 3 Ash St., New Bedford, Mass. P. Henry Dexter Sharpe. With Brown and Sharpe, Providence, R. I. Ad- dress, 56 Angell St., Providence, R. I. John Smith Shippee. Assistant Rhetoric, Brown university 1894-. Address, East Greenwich, R. I. Francis Hamilton Staples. Law student, Worcester, Mass. Address, Worces- ter, Mass. P. Frank Steere. Law student. Address, Providence, R. I. Mahlon Runyon Stout. With J. W. Bishop and company, builders, Provi- dence, R. I. Address, 417 Butler Exchange, Providence, R. I. P. Israel Strauss. Student, College of physicians and surgeons 1894-. Address, 35 West 120th St., New York, N. Y. P. 318 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1894 Foster Williams Taft. With Edison electrical works, Schenectady, N. Y. Ad- dress, Schenectady, N. Y. Fred Tenney. With Boston base ball association, Boston, Mass. 1894-. Ad- dress, Georgetown, Mass. P. Albert Ellsworth Thomas. Assistant Rhetoric, Brown uniyersity 1S94-; graduate student 1894-. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. P. Lewis Anthony Waterman. Law student, Boston university 1894-. Ad- dress, 96 Chapin Ave., Providence, R. I. P. Anne Tihinghast Weeden. Teacher, School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Penn. 1894-. Address, 83 Brown St., Providence, R. I. P. Mary Emma Woolley. Graduate student, Brown university 1894-. Author Early history of the colonial post-office, 1894. Address, 288 High St., Paw- tucket, R. I. P. Bachelors of Philosophy. John William Beverly. Address, Montgomery, Ala. William Alva Brady. Student, Newton theological institution 1894-. Ad- dress, Newton Theological Institution, Newton Centre, Mass. Samuel Willard Bridgham. Law student, Harvard university 1894-. Ad- dress, Box 167, Providence, R. I. P. Walter Dexter Brownell. Address, 73 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. Frederick Wilkinson Colburn. Medical student, Boston university 1S94. Address, 10 Church St., Holliston, Mass. P. Thomas Crosby. Instructor Rhetoric, Brown university 1894- ; graduate student 1894-. Address, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Hezekiah Anthony Dyer. Artist, Providence, R. I. Address, 154 Power St., Providence, R. I. P. George Sheldon Ellis. Superintendent public schools Somerset, Ky. 1894-. Address, Somerset, Ky. P. William Caswell Huntoon. With Huntoon and Gorham, Providence, R. I. Address, 1323 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. P. Walter Hammond Kimball. Resident, Providence, R. I. Address, 462 Broad- way, Providence, R. I. P. Edwin Knowles. Resident, Providence, R. I. Address, 39 Stewart St., Provi- dence, R. I. P. Frederick William Marvel. Instructor Drawing and Physical culture, Brown university 1894-. Address, Rehoboth, Mass. P. Joseph Belfield Mclntyre. With J. and P. Coats thread company, Pawtucket, R. I. Address, Care of J. and P. Coats Thread Co., Pawtucket, R. I. Harold Thurston Merriman. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. George Lafayette Rifenburg. Address, Charlotteville, Schoharie Co., N. Y. P. Edmund Job Steere. Civil engineer, City engineer's office, Providence, R. I. Address, 81 Bellevue Ave., Providence, R. I. P. Morton Collins Stewart. Address, Quincy, 111. Howard Edwin Sumner. Coal dealer, Worcester, Mass. Address, Box 856, Worcester, Mass. P. Roddo York Young. With George L. Claflin and company, wholesale drug- gists, Providence, R. I. Address, George L. Claflin and Co., Providence, R. I. Civil Engineer. Jacob Hayman. Graduate student, Columbia college 1894-. Address, 184 East 104th St., New York, N. Y. P. 81*1 1891 GRADUATES 319 ADVANCED DEGREES CONFERRED AFTER EXAMINATION OR IN RECOGNITION OF ATTAINMENTS This list makes mention of all who have received advanced de- grees from Brown University; but sketches are given only of those who did not previously obtain here the bachelor's degree, since Brown grad- uates have already been noticed under their respective classes. 1888 Austen Kennedy de Blois, A. M.; Ph. D. 1889; A. B. Acadia college 1SS6; A. M. 18S8. Student, Newton theological institution 18SS-90; Baptist clergy- man ; pastor Dartmouth church, Halifax, N. S. 1SS9; student, Berlin and Leipsic 1890-91 ; vice principal Union Baptist seminary, St. Martin's, N. B. 1891-92; principal 1892-94; president Shurtleff college, Upper Alton, 111. 1894-; senator Acadia university 1892-94. Address, Upper Alton, 111. Newt., P. George Grafton Wilson, 1886, A. M. 1889 Austen Kennedy de Blois, A. M. upon examination 1S88; Ph. D. George Grafton Wilson, 1S86; Ph. D. 189O Charles Edward Dennis, 1888; A. M. Augustus Taber Swift, 18S9; A. M. I89I John Wesley Gilbert, iSSS; A. M. John Melville Gould, 1S71; Ph. D. in recognition of attainments. Frederick Taft Guild, B. P. 1890; A. M. 320 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1891 William Vail Kelletl, 1872; Ph. D. in recognition of attainments. Albert Davis Mead, A. M.; A. B. Middlebury college 1890. Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph. D. in recognition of attainments. Graduated Union theological seminary 18S4; ordained Presbyterian 1884; student of theology, Giessen, Goettingen, Berlin 1S84-86; pastor Westminster Presby- terian church, Yonkers, N. Y. 1886-88; Central Congregational church, Provi- dence, R. I. 1888-. Author Recent theories of the origin of the Apocalypse, in Journal of biblical literature, 1891. Address, 20 Diman Place, Providence, R. I. P. Lyman Churchill Newell, B. P. 1890; A. M. Herbert Ambrose Rice, 1889; A. M. Adrian Scott, 1872 ; A. M. Samuel Thurber, 1858; Ph. D. in recognition of attainments. George Fox Tucker, 1S73; Ph. D. in recognition of attainments. l892 Martin Salisbury Budlong, 1890 ; A. M. Edwin Grant Dexter, B. P. 1891 ; A. M. Albert Bushnell Johnson, 1891 ; A. M. Ernest Henry Johnson, 1891 ; A. M. Alfred Simpson Taylor, B. P. 1891 ; A. M. Fred Earle Whitaker, 1888; A. M. Walter Harris Young, 1890; A. M. 1893 Louise Snow Prosser Bates, A. M. ; A. B. Boston university 1881. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1881; president R. I. homoeopathic hospital ladies aid association; vice president Children's friend society; R. I. woman's Christian temperance union; Y oun g women's Christian association of R. I. Author Early German -women., in Chautauquan, 1895; and various articles in periodicals on household matters. Address, 37 Parade St., Providence, R. I. P. Marshall Stewart Brown, B. P. 1892 ; A. M. James Quayle Dealey, 1890; A. M. William Holden Eddy, 1892 ; A. M. George Hooper Ferris, 1891 ; A. M. William Torrey Harris, Ph. D. in recognition of attainments; A. M. Yale college 1S69; LL. D. University of the state of Mo. 1S70; University of Penn. 1894. Teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, St. Louis, Mo. 1857-68; superintendent 1868-S0; founder St. Louis philosophical society 1866; presi- dent National educational association 1875 ; representative U. S. Bureau of education, International congress of educators, Brussels 1880; Paris 1S89; president Boston schoolmasters' club 1884; U. S. commissioner of education 1889- ; ofhcier de l'Academie 1878; officier de l'instruction publique 1SS9. Author How to teach natural science, 1871 ; Method of study of social science, 1879; Philosophy in outline, 1886; Right of property and the o-wnership of land, 1887; Art education the true industrial education, 1889; Educational value of manual training, 1SS9; Introduction to the study of philosophy, 1889; Spiritual sense of Dante's, Divina commedia, 1S90; Hegel's Logic, 1890; 1894 ADVANCED DEGREES 321 Theory of education, 1893; founder Journal of speculative philosophy, and editor ,1867-, 22 vols, to date; editor International education series; assistant editor Johnsons universal cyclopcvdia, S vols., 1S93-9C;. Address, 914 Twenty- Third St., Washington, D. C. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's eye, Allibone, P. Arthur Pliny Johnson, 18SS; A. M. William Chauncy Langdon, 1892; A. M. Arthur Newton Leonard, 1S92 ; A. M. Lucia Maria Clapp Noyes, A. M. ; B. S. Smith college 1889. Teacher, Boston, Mass. 1SS6-88; Miss Wheeler's school, Providence, R. I. 1S90-94. Address, Montague, Mass. P. Adrian Scott, 1S72; Ph. D. Henry Morgan Stone, B. P. 1892; A. M. Ralph Winfred Tower, 1892 ; A. M. Herbert Eugene Walter, A. M. ; A. B. Bates college 1892. Student, Freiburg in Baden 1893-94; instructor Biology, North division high school, Chicago, 111. 1S94-. Address, 402 Center St., Chicago, 111. P. 1894 Earl Chapman Arnold, B. P. 1S93, A. M. Albert Leslie Barbour, 1S92, A. M. Theodore Elmer Busfield, A. M. ; A. B. Tufts college 18S0. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1S83 ; Baptist clergyman; pastor Grand ave- nue church, New Haven, Conn. 1S83-S5; First church, Bangor, Me. 18S5-92 ; Park church, Utica, N. Y. 1893-. Address, 155 Miller St., Utica, N. Y. P. Stephen Sheldon Colvin, B. P. 1891; A. M. Asa Clinton Crowell, 18S6; Ph. D. Orin Parker Durkee, B. P. 1893; A - M - Robert Henry Ferguson, A. B. 1S84; A. M. Irving Ly sander Foster, 1S93; A.M. Frederick Poole Gorham, 1S93; A. M. Horace Edgar Jacobs, 1S93; A - M - Eliza Shaw King, A. M. ; A. B. Vassar college 1S90. Fellow in Greek, in- structor Latin, Vassar college 1894-. Address, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. P. Arthur Newton Leonard, 1S92; Ph. D. Julius Kumpei Matumoto, A. M. ; A. B. University of Tokio 1S8S. Address, Tokio, Japan. Lewis Hamilton Meader, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S7S; A. M. 1884. Principal Academy avenue grammar school, Providence, R. I.; graduate student, candidate for Ph. D., Brown university 1894-. Address, 21 Andem St., Providence, R. I. Wendell Axtell Mowry, 1S93; A - M - Winthrop John Vanleuven Osterhout, 1S93; A.M. Percy Dinsmore Smith, 1889; A. M. Martha Tarbell, A. M. ; A. B. De Pauw university 1S84; A. M. 1SS7. Grad- uate student, Brown university. Address, 169 Power St., Providence, R.I. P. Harriet May White, A. M. ; A. B. Smith college 18S6. Teacher, high school, Providence, R. I. 1SS6-. Address, 141 Blaekstone St., Woonsocket, R. I. William Allen Wilbur, iSSS; A. M. 322 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1804 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE This list makes mention of all who received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Brown University, but sketches are given only of those who received the degree upon examination and were not also graduates of the academic department. Sketches of the academic graduates have already been given under their respective classes, and honorary medical graduates are noticed under the next division. For a full account of this department the reader may consult The medical school formerly existing in Brown University, its professors and graduates, by Charles W. Parsons, M. D. Providence, 1881. (P. I. historical tracts, no. 12.) No attempt has been made to distinguish ad eundem from honorary degrees. l804 Solomon Drowne, 1773, honorary. l8l2 Pardon Bowen, 1775, honorary. Levi Wheaton, 17S2, honorary. 1813 William Corlis Bowen, honorary; A. M. honorary 1803. Charles Cotton, honorary; A. B. Havard university 1S08. William Ingalls, honorary; A. B. Harvard university 1790. John Mackie, 1S00, honorary. l8l4 Benjamin Austin. Died 1839. Micajah Hawkes. Died 1863. Abner Phelps, honorary; A. M. honorary 1S13. 1815 Thomas Manning Barrows, honorary. John Mathewson Eddy, honorary. James Mann, honorary; A. M. honorary 1783. 1816 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE 323 l8l6 William Birchmore. Died 1S29. Samuel Bugbee, 1S02, honorary. Charles Dix. Artemas Johnson, 1S0S. Samuel Allen Kingsbury. Died 1821. John M'Gore. David March, 1811. Caleb Miller. Died 1S26. Frederick Augustus Parker; A. B. Harvard university 1S13. Died 1827. l8l7 William Henry Allen, 1811. Goodwin Allenton, 1S14. George Aldrich Bolton. Thomas Burr. Andrew Mackie, 1814. Nathaniel Miller, honorary; A. M. honorary 1814. Joseph Mulliken ; A. B.Dartmouth college 1S02; A. M. 1S05. Physician. Born 1774; died 1818. Dart. John Phillips. Samuel Atwood Shurtleff. Died 1S73. I8l8 Tyler Briggs. Died 1S59. Ariel Mann, honorary. John Richardson. Jerome Van Crowninshield Smith; A. M. Dartmouth college 1S55; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1S25. Professor Anatomy and physiology, Berk- shire medical institution; physician, Boston, Mass. 1825-?; port physician 1826-49; mayor 1854-55; professor Anatomy and physiology, New York medi- cal college ; professor Anatomy. Author Class-book of anatomy, 1830; Life of Andrew Jackson, 1832 ; Natural history of the fishes of Mass., 1833 ; Econ- omy of the honey bee ; Mechanism of the eye; Revelations of Mrs. Fox; Pil- grimage to Palestine, 185 1 ; Pilgrimage to Egypt, 1852 ; Turkey and the Turks, 1854; Prize essay on the physical indications of longevity, 1S69; two an- nual messages as mayor ; notes in Cooper's surgery ; Mother's medical guide ; many articles in Gleason's magazine ; Ballon' 's magazine ; besides various ora- tions and addresses; editor Boston medical intelligencer, 1S23-24; Weekly news-letter, Boston, Mass. 1826-27; Boston medical and surgical journal, 1S2S-56; Scientific tracts and family lyceum, 1833-34; American medical alma- nac, 1839-41; Medical world, 1857-59. Born Conway, N. II., Jul v 20, 1800; died New York, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1S79. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Surg.-gen. cat., Dart., Parsons John Atherton Wadsworth, 1814. Shilometh Stow Whipple. Born 1799; died 1S59. 324 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1819 l8l9 Jason Hawes Archer, 1S16. Abijah Draper, 1797, honorary. Elisha Harding. Died 1850. Lemuel Kollock, 1786, honorary. Royal Tyler. l820 Lucius Allen. John Kingsbury Briggs. Died 1843. Isaac B Hovey. Died 1872. Silas James ; Yale college 182 1. Died 1850. William Johns, honorary. John Lummus. Alden March; LL. D. Williams college 186S. Physician, Albany, N. Y. ; pro- fessor, Vt. academy of medicine 1825-31; Albany medical seminary 1S27-33; Albany medical school 1833-34; founder school for practical anatomy, Albany 1834; one of the founders Albany medical college 1839; professor Surgery 1839-69; one of the founders Albany city hospital ; president N. Y. state medi- cal society 1857; one of the founders American medical association; president 1864; originator various surgical appliances. Author Lecture on the expe- diency of establishing a medical college and hospital in the city of Albany, 1S30; Accoimt of an operation for the removal of an ovarian tumor, 1849; Penetra- ting" wounds of the abdomen and larynx, 1854; Improved forceps for kair-lip operation, 1855; Semi-centennial address delivered before N. Y. medical society, 1857; On intra-capsular fracture of cervix femoris %vith long union, 1858; Compound, comminuted and complicated fracture of the upper end of the tibia, 1S61 ; Address before American medical association, 1864; New method for removing an urinary calculus from the urethra, 1867; An unusual place of lodgment and exit of a biliary calculus, 1867 ; Scirrhus or malignant disease of the rectum, 186S; Spontaneous lithotomy, 1S69. Born Sutton, Mass., Sept. 20, 1795 ; died Albany, N. Y., June 17, 1S69. Cyc. Am. biog., Surg. -gen. cat., Allibone Lewis Leprilete Miller, 1S17. Cyrus Morton. William Peck. Died 1857. I82I William Blanding, 1S01, honorary. John Stratton Champney. Died 1847. Obadiah Elkins Durgin. See Obituary by J. W. Beede in Transactions Me. medical association, 1S79. Born 1795; died 1879. Sur.-gen. cat. Caleb Fiske, honorary. David King, 1796, honorary. Gardner Mason Peck. David Plummer. Caleb Hopkins Snow, 18 13. John Cook Tibbitts. Jonathan Ware. Jeremiah Williams. Died 1842. 1822 DOCTORS OF MEDICINE 325 l822 George Washington Bliss. Died 1832. George William Russell Corlis, 1S0S. Henry Francis. Jacob Fuller. Died 1839. Asa Green; A. B. Williams college 1813; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1827. Born 1789; died 1S39. Wms. Caleb Greenough. Dyer Hughes. See Obituary by C. Gardiner in Proceedings Conn, medical so- ciety, 1883. Born 1797; died 1882. Sur.-gen. cat. Daniel Ingalls ; A. B. Harvard university 1S1S; A. M. 1821. Died 1828. George Willard, 1S0S. Alfred Wood. 1823 Samuel Tubbs Angier, 1S1S. George Capron. Physician, Fruit Hill, R. I. 1823-36; Providence, R. I. 1S36- 82; physician U. S. marine hospital, Providence; surgeon R. I. militia three years; member R. I. medical society 1826-82; president 1850; member Ameri- can medical association 1S76-82. Author Popular medicine, 1844; also numer- ous articles in Transactions R. I. medical society ; Boston medical and surgi- cal journal. Born Cumberland, R. I., May 16, 1802; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 21, 1S82. Trans. R. I. med. soc, R. I. eye, Prov. jour. Thomas Oliver Hunt Carpenter, honorary. Ezra Bartlett Gale. Abiel Hall, honorary. John White. Died 186S. l824 William Henry Bradley. From Providence, R. I. Hiram Bucklin. From Seekonk, Mass. Died 1845. Draper Carpenter, 1821. Jonathan Dearborn. Elias Frost, 1S04, honorary. Amory Gale. From Warwick, Mass. Died 1873. Johnson Gardner. From Rehoboth, Mass. Died 1S69. John Gregory Needham, 1S21. Warren Partridge. From Templeton, Mass. Menzies Rayner Randall. Ashbel Willard, honorary. Henry Willard. 1825 Hiram Allen. Physician, Woonsocket, R. I. ; president R. I. medical society 1851-52. Born Franklin, Mass., 1803; died March 15, 1S64. Parsons Hezekiah Eldridge. 326 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1825 Joseph Jairus Fales, 1820. Levi A Hannaford, Robert Eddy Hemenway. William Hutch ins. From Killingly, Conn. John Jeffries, honorary; A. B. Harvard university 18 15. Thomas Miner. Thomas Paine Moore. Died 1859. Usher Parsons, honorary; Harvard university 1818. Levi Rawson. Died 1876. Edward Reynolds, honorary; A. B. Harvard university 1811. Morrill Robinson. Philemon Stacy. From New Salem, Mass. Samuel Gould Stanley. From Attleboro, Mass. Freeman Thompson. From New Salem, Mass. Died 1826. David Thurber, honorary. 1826 Elisha Bartlett. Physician, Lowell, Mass. ; Lecturer Pathological anatomy, Berkshire medical institution; professor Theory and practice of medicine and pathological anatomy, Dartmouth college 1838-40; professor, Transylvania col- lege, Lexington, Ky. 1841-?, 1846-?; Louisville, Ky. 1849-50; Medicine, Univer- sity of Md. 1844-?; University of N. Y. 1850-52; Materia medica and medical jurisprudence, College of physicians and surgeons 1S52-55 ; emeritus 1855 j lecturer, Vt. medical college 1843-52. Author Address delivered at the anni- versary celebration of the birth of Spurzheim, and the organization of the Boston phrenological society, Jan. 1, i8j8 ; Introductory lecture on the objects and nature of medical science, 1841 ; Vindication of the character and condi- tion of the females employed in the Loxvell mills, 1841 ; History, diagnosis, and treatment of typhoid a?id typhus fever, 1842 ; Essay on the philosophy of medi- cal science, 1844; History, diagnosis and treatment of the fevers of the U. S., 1847; Inquiry into the degree of certaitity in mediciue, 1848; Brief sketch of the life of William Charles Wells, 1849; History, diagnosis, and treatment of edematous laryngitis, 1850; Discourse on times, character and writings of Hip- pocrates, 1S52 ; Simple settings i?i verse for six portraits and pictures in Mr. Dickens' gallery, 1855 ; editor Monthly journal of medical literature, Lowell, Mass. Born Smithfield, R. I., Oct. 6, 1S04; died Smithfield, July 8, 1855. Parsons, Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's eye, Int. eye, Allibone, Surg. -gen. cat. Thomas Bucklin, honorary. John Green, 1804, honorary. Ezra Leonard, 1801, honorary? Benjamin Norris, 1823. John Rose. From South Kingstown, R. I. John Scovill. 1827 Jeremiah Fisher Ames, honorary ; Harvard university 1827. William Stillman Stanley, 1825. Elihu White, 1824. 1828 Francis Levison Wheaton. Physician; retired. Address, 55 Park St., Provi- dence, R. 1. P. 1769 HONORARY GRADUATES 327 HONORARY GRADUATES 1769 William Bolton, A. M. Jabez Bowen, A. M, : A. B. Yale college 1757; A. M. 1760; LL. D. Dartmouth college 1S00. Deputy governor R. I. 177S-86; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1776-7S; thief justice 1780-81 ; member R. I. convention on the adoption of the U. S. constitution 1790; loan commissioner R. I. under Washington; fellow Brown university 1768-85; trustee 1785-1815; chancellor 17S5-1S15. Born Providence, R. I., June 2, 1739; died Providence, May 7, 1S15. R. I. eye. James Bryson, A. M. William Clarke, A. M. Died 1795. John Davis, A. M. ; A. B. University of Penn. 1763; tutor, University of Penn. 1762-64; Baptist clergyman; pastor Second church, Boston, Mass. 1770-72 ; agent Mass. colony of Baptists to represent their grievances under Mass. laws 1770; fellow Brown university 1768-72; member American philological so- ciety. Born Welsh Tract, New Castle co., Del. 1737; died near Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 13, 1772. Cyc. Am. biog., Penn., Sprague, Annals 6 James Edwards, A. M. Morgan Edwards; A. M. ; University of Penn. 1762. Ordained Baptist 1750; pastor, Cork, Ireland 1750-59; Philadelphia, Penn. 1761-70; preacher and lec- turer 1770- ; fellow 1764-89; financial agent Brown university in England 1766- 68. Author Farezvell discourse, Baptist meeting, Rye, Feb. 8, 775 / • Sermon, College of Philadelphia, ordination of Samuel Jones, tvith a narrative of the ordination, 1763; Customs of the primitive churches; A Nevj Years gift: sermon, 1770 ; Materials toward a history of the Baptists in Penn., 1772; Treatise on the nexv heaven and the netv earth; Tzvo academical exercises: on the millenium and last novelties, 17SS; Res sacra;, translated, 1788; Materials tozvards a history of Baptists in Jersey, 1792. Born Trevethin Parish, Mon- mouthshire, Wales, May 9, 1722; died Pencador, Del., Jan. 28, 1795. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Hist. B. U. Caleb Evans, A. M. ; D. D. 1789. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Bristol, Eng- land. Author Letter to Rev. John Wesley, 1775 ; Reply to Rev. Mr. Fletcher's vindication of Wesley, 1776; other publications. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britaunica. Born Bristol, England, 1737; died Aug. 9, 1791. Allibone, Darling's Cyc. bib., Cyc. Am. biog., Manning and B. U. Oliver Hart, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1749; pastor, Charleston, S. C. 1750-80; Hopewell, N. J. 1780-95; sent by council of safety to reconcile disaffected frontier settlers 1775. Author Dancing exploded ; Discourse on death of Wil- liam Tennant, 1777 > The Christian temple; Circular letter on Christ's media- torial character ; America's remembrancer ; A gospel church portrayed. Born Warminster, Penn., July 5, 1723; died Hopewell, N. J., Dec. 31, 1795. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc, Manning and B. U. 328 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1769 David Howell, A. M. ; LL. D. 1793; A. B. College of N.J. 1766; A. M. 1769; Yale university 1772. Tutor, Brown university 1766-69; professor Natural philosophy 1769-79; Jurisprudence 1790-1824; acting president 1791-92 ; law- yer, Providence, R. I. ; member Continental congress 1782-85 ; associate jus- tice R. I. supreme court 17S6-87; attorney general 1789; commissioner for settling the boundaries of the U. S. ; district attorney R. I. ; U. S. judge R. I. district 1812-26; fellow Brown university 1773-1824; secretary of the corpora- tion 1780-1806. Born N. J., Jan. 1, 1747; died Providence, R. I., July 21, 1824. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's eye, R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc, Manning and B. U., Hist. B. U. Robert Strettle Jones, A. M.; University of Penn. 1765. Died 1792. Samuel Jones, A. M.; D. D. 17S6; A. B. University of Penn. 1762; A. M. 1765; D. D. 1788. Ordained Baptist 1763; pastor, Pennepek, now Lower Dublin, and Southampton, Penn. 1763-70; Pennepek 1770-1814; principal private theological seminary; one of the founders Brown university; chaplain Penn. regiment during the Revolution ; president Philadelphia Baptist associ- ation 1797-1814. Author Doctrine of the covenant, 1783; Treatise on church discipline, 1797; A century sermon, 1807. Born Cefen-y-Gelli, Bettws Parish, Glamorganshire, South Wales, Jan. 14, 1735; died Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 7, 1814. Sprague Annals 6, Penn., Bapt. encyc, Manning and B. U. Abel Morgan, A. M. Student, Pencador academy; ordained Baptist 1734; pas- tor, Middletown, N.J. 1738-85. Author Anti-paedo-rantism, or Mr. Samuel Einley's "-Plea for the speechless" examined and refuted, 1747 5 Reply, 1750. Born Welsh Tract, Del., April 18, 1713 ; died Middletown, N. J., Nov. 24, 1785. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. John Collett Ryland, A. M. Educated, Bristol, England; Baptist clergyman; pastor, Warwick 1746-59; College street chapel, Northampton 1759-86 ; prin- cipal academy, Northampton; Enfield 1786-92. Author English grammar, 1767; Easy introduction to mechanics, 1768; Scheme of infidelity ruined for- ever, 1770; The preceptor, 1776; Contemplations on the beauties of creation, 3 vols., 1777-82; The wise stude?tt and Christian preacher, 1780; Character of the Rev. James Hervey, M. A., 1791; Select essays, 1792. Born 1723; died 1792. Darling's Cyc. bib., Allibone, Watt's Bib. Brit., Manning and B. U. Hezekiah Smith, A. M. ; D. D. 1797; A. B. College of N. J. 1762; A. M. 1765; Yale university 1772. Baptist clergyman ; preacher, Charleston, S. C. ; pastor, Haverhill, Mass. 1765-1805; chaplain, American army during Revolu- tion ; fellow Brown university 1765-1805. Born Long Island, N. Y., April 21, 1737 ; died Haverhill, Mass , Jan. 22, 1805. Manning and B. U., Sprague Annals 6 Samuel Stillman, A. M.; D. D. 1788; A. M. Harvard university 1761 ; Uni- versity of Penn. 1761. Ordained Baptist 1759; pastor James Island, S. C. ; Bordentown, N. J. two years ; assistant pastor Second church, Boston, Mass. one year; pastor First church, Boston 1765-1807; member Federal convention 1788; fellow Brown university 1765-1807 ; member American philosophical society 1768. For life and bibliography see Sprague's Annals of the American pulpit, vol. 6. Born Philadelphia, Penn., March 10, 1737; died Boston, Mass., March 12, 1807. Penn., Harv., Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Manning and B. U. John Stites, A. M. Mayor Elizabethtown, N. J. Manning and B. U. David Thomas, A. M. Student, Hopewell academy, Hopewell, N. J. ; ordained Baptist 1750; missionary, Va. 1751-88; pastor Mill Creek church, Berkeley co., 1769 HONORARY GRADUATES 329 Va. 178S-96; Washington church, Mason co., Ky. 1796-?; resident, East Hick- man, Ky. Born London Tract, Penn., Aug. 16, 1732; died 1815? Manning and B. U., Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6 Joshua Toulmin, A. M.; D. D. Harvard university 1794. Educated St. Paul's school and at a dissenting academy ; Independent clergyman, Colyton, Devon- shire; Baptist clergyman, Taunton, Somersetshire; Unitarian clergyman, Bir- mingham 1S04-15. Author numerous sermons and other publications. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Born London 1740; died 1815. Darling's Cyc. bib., Allibone. Edward Upham, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1734; A. M. 1737. Baptist clergyman ; pastor First church, Newpoit, R. I. ; fellow Brown university 1764- 89. Died 1797. Manning and B. U. Joseph Wanton, A.M.; A. B. Harvard university 1751 ; A.M. 1754. Mer- chant, Newpoit, R. I.; lieutenant-governor R. I. 1764-67; governor 1769-75 ; trustee Brown university 1764-76. Born Newport, R. I., 1705; died Newport, July 19, 17S0. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc. Henry Ward, A. M. Secretary R. I. 1760-97; member congress, New York, N. Y. 1765; member committee of correspondence during Revolution ; fellow Brown university 1767-71. Born R. I., Dec. 27, 1732; died R. I., Nov. 25, 1797. Cyc. Am. biog. 1770 Benjamin Beddome, A. M. Student, Bristol college, England ; Independent college, Milend, London; ordained Baptist 1743; pastor, Bourton-on-the Water, England 1743-97. Author Sermons, 3 vols. ; also numerous hymns. Born Henley, England, Jan. 23, 1717 ; died Bourton-on-the- Water, England, Sept. 3, 1797. Bapt. encyc. William Bowen, A. M. ; A. B. Yale university 1766. Physician, Providence, R. I. Born Providence, R. L, March 8, 1747; died Providence, Jan. 1S32. R. I. cyc. Joseph Brown, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I. ; professor Natural philoso- phy, Brown university 17S4-S5; trustee 1769-85; member R. I. house of repre- sentatives. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 3, 1733; died Providence, Dec. 3, 1785- R. I. cyc. Isaac Eaton, A M. College of N. J. 1756; University of Penn. 1761. Or- dained Baptist 174S; pastor, Hopewell, N. J. 1748-72; principal Hopewell academy 1756-?. Born Montgomery, Penn. 1724; died Hopewell, N. J., July 4, 1772. Cyc. Am. biog. ; Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6, Manning and B. U. Abel Evans, A. M. Hugh Evans, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Bristol, England. Died 1781. Manning and B. U. Samuel James, A. M. Baptist clergyman. John Reynolds, A. M. Baptist clergyman. Died 1792. Benjamin Wallin, A. M. Ordained 1741 ; pastor Maze Pond church, London, England 1741-S2. Author Christian life, 1746; Evangelical hymns and so Jigs, 1750; Experiences oj the saints, 1763; Lectures on primitive Christianity, 1769; Superaboundifig grace, 1775 ; besides numerous other publications. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Born London, England 171 1 ; died Feb. 19, 1782- Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Darling's Cyc. bib. Benjamin West, A. M. ; LL. D. 1792; A.M. Harvard university 1770; Dart- mouth college 17S2. Merchant and bookseller, Providence, R. I. ; clothing 330 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1770 manufacturer during Revolution ; teacher Mathematics, Protestant Episcopal seminary, Philadelphia, Penn. 17S4-S6; professor Mathematics and astronomy 17S6-98; Mathematics and natural philosophy 1798; principal school for navi- gation, Providence; postmaster 1802-13; fellow American Academy of arts and sciences 1781. Author Account of the observation of Venus upon the sun, June 3, ijbq, 1769; editor almanacs 1763-93; Ninth American calendar. Born Rehoboth, Mass., March 1730; died Providence, R. I., Aug. 26, 1813. R. I. eye, Cyc. Am. biog. David Williams, A. M. Dissenting clergyman, Frome, Somersetshire, Eng- land; Exeter; Highgate; founder academy, Chelsea 1773; chapel, Margaret street, Cavendish square, London 1776; Literary fund 1788-89. Author numerous publications. See Allibone's Dictionary of authors. Born near Cardigan, Wales, 1738; died 1816. Darling's Cyc. bib., Watt's Bib. Brit. Isaac Woodman, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Thorp, or Sutton, Leicester, Eng- land. 1771 Daniel Hitchcock, A. M.; A. B.Yale college 1761; A. M. 1764. Lawyer, Providence, R. I.; lieutenant-colonel R. I. militia; colonel Continental army 1775-77. Born R. I. 1741 ; died Morristown, N. J., Jan. 1777. Cyc. Am. biog., Heitman Rev. William Nelson, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1806. Francis Pelot, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Eutaw, S. C. Died 1774. Manning and B. U. 1772 Erasmus Kelly, A. M. ; A. B. University of Penn. 1769; A. M. 1783. Baptist clergyman; pastor First church, Newport, R. I. 1771-84. Born Perkasie, Bucks co., Penn., July 24, 1748; died Newport, R. I., Nov. 7, 1784. Penn. John Ryland, A. M. ; D. D. 1792. Baptist clergyman; co-pastor, Northamp- ton, England 1781-86; pastor 1786-94; Broadmead church, Bristol, England 1794-1825; president Baptist college, Bristol 1794-1825. Author numerous publications. See Darling's Cyclopaedia bibliographica. Born Warwick, Eng- land, Jan. 29, 1753 ; died Bristol, England, May 25, 1825. Bapt. encyc, Allibone Jonathan Williams, A. B. ; Harvard university 1772. Died 17S0. 1773 John Brown, A. M. Merchant, Providence, R. I. ; leader attack on Gaspee, June 17, 1772; member Continental congress 17S4-86; member commission for erection of the Federal buildings ; member U. S. house of representatives 1799- 1801 ; trustee Brown university 1774-1803; treasurer 1775-96. Born Provi- dence, R. I., Jan. 27, 1736; died Providence, Sept. 20, 1803. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Cong, direct., Manning and B. U. Thomas Eyres, A. M.; A. B. Yale college 1754; A. M. 1757. Physician, Newport, R. I.; fellow Brown university 1764-88; secretary 1764-76. Died 17S8. Manning and B. U. Henry Foster, A. M. ; A. B. Oxford university. Clergyman Church of Eng- land; curate and lecturer St. Andrew Wardrobe, Blackfriars 1769-89; curate St. James, Clerkenwell 1804-14. Author Grace displayed and Saul converted-, 1814; The Bible preacher, 1824. Born 1745; died 1814. Darling's cyc. bib., Manning and B. U. 1773 HONORARY GRADUATES 331 Benjamin Fuller, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Devizes, Wiltshire, 'England. Manning unci B. U. William Hextall, A. M. Independent clergyman, Northampton, England. Manning and B. U. John Newton, A. M. ; D. D. College of N.J. 1791. Ordained Church of Eng- land 1764; curate Olney, Buckinghamshire 1764-79; St. Mary Woolnoth and St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, Lombard street, London 1779-1807. Author Works, 6 vols., 1S16. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica and Allibone's Dic- tionary of authors. Born London, England 1725; died 1S07. Darling's Cyc. bib., Manning and B. U., Col. N. J. John Stafford, A. M. Independent clergyman ; pastor New Broad Street, Lon- don 175S-99. Author Scripture doctrine of sin and grace considered, txventy- five discourses on Romans VII., -with notes, 1772. Born Leicester, England 1728; died 1799. Darling's cyc. bib., Manning and B. U. Joshua Symmonds, A. M. Independent clergyman, Bedford, England; Bap- tist clergyman. Died 17S8. Manning and B. U. Augustus Montague Toplady, A. M. ; A. B. Dublin university. Ordained Church of England 1762; pastor, Broad Hemburg, Devon, England -1775; near Leicester Square, London 1775-7S. Author hymns and sermons in Works, 6 vols., 1794; editor Gospel tnagazi?ie several years. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Born Farnham, Surrey, 1740; died Aug. 11, 1778. Allibone, Chalmer's biog. cyc, Darling's Cyc. bib. 1774 John Ash, A. M. ; LL. D. elsewhere 1774. Student, Bristol college, England; Baptist clergyman, Pershore, Worcestershire. Author Introduction to Lowth's English grammar, 1766; Netv and complete English dictionary, 177 s; Senti- ments on education, collected from the best -writers, 1777. Born Dorsetshire England 1724; died Pershore, Worcestershire, England 1779. Darling"s Cyc. bib., Watt's Bib. Brit., Bapt. encyc, Allibone Joshua Babcock, A. M. ; A. B. Yale university 1724; A. M. 1727. Medical student, Boston, Mass.; England; physician, Westerly, R. I.; first postmas- ter Westerly 1776; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1747-49; chief justice 1749-51, '63-64; major-general R.I. militia 1776; deputy, R. I. general assem- bly 1776; fellow Brown university 1764-83. Born Westerly, R. I. 1707; died Westerly, April 1, 1783. R. I. C yc, Bapt. encyc. Abraham Booth, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; pastor Particular Baptists, Lon- don 1769-1806. Author numerous sermons and essays in Works, 3 vols., 1813. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Born Blackwell, Derbyshire, England, 1734; died 1S06. Darling's Cyc. bib., Allibone, Manning and B. U. Benjamin Davies, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Wales; principal academv, Abergavenny, Wales. Manning and B. U. Robert Day, A. M. Baptist clergyman; pastor Wellington, Somersetshire. Author Sermon, 1779. Died 1791. Allibone, Manning and B. U. Moses Gregson, A. M. Clergyman. Author Sermon, 1760. Allibone. Jacob Jennings, A. M. Physician, near Elizabethtown, N. J.; Readington, Hunterdon co., N. J. ; clergyman Dutch reformed church, Va. ; pastor Presby- terian church, Dunlap's Creek, Fayette co., Penn. 1792-1S11. Born Somerset co., N. J. 1744 ; died Feb. 17, 1813. Sprague Annals 4 332 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1774 David Jones, A. M. Student, Hopewell academy, Hopewell, N. J. ; ordained Baptist 1766; pastor Freehold church, Monmouth co., N. J. 1766-75; Great Valley church, Chester co., Penn. 1775-76, 1792-1S20; Southampton church, Bucks co., Penh.; chaplain Continental army 1776-?; U. S. army 1794-96, 1813-15. Born White Clay Creek Hundred, Newcastle co., Del., May 12, 1736; died East Town, Chester co., Penn., Feb. 5, 1S20. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. John Oulton, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Rawdon, Yorkshire, England. Died 1804. Manning and B. U. William Porter, A. M. Independent clergyman ; pastor, Camomile street, London, England. Manning and B. U. John Poynting, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Worcester, England. Died 1751. Manning and B. U. John Pye, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1774. Isaac Skillman, A. M. ; D. D. 1798; A. B. College of N. J. 1766. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Second church, Boston, Mass. 1773-87; Salem, N.J. 1790- 99. Born N. J. 1740; died June 8, 1799. Sprague Annals 6, Col. N. J. Benjamin Stelle, A. M. ; A. B. College of N. J. 1766. Died 1819. Col. N. J. William Tillinghast, A. M. William Van Horn, A. M. Student, Dr. Jones' academy, Lower Dublin, Penn.; ordained Baptist 1772; pastor, Southampton, Penn. 1772-85; Scotch Plains church, N. J. 1785-1807; chaplain, Continental army. Born Bucks co., Penn., July 8, 1747; died Pittsburgh, Penn. Oct. 31, 1807. Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc. John White, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1771 ; A. M. 1774. Died 1816. Samuel Wilton, A. M. ; D. D. College of N. J. 1773. Independent clergyman ; pastor, Tooting, Surrey, England. Author Apology for renewal of applica- tion to parliament by Protestant disse?iti?ig ministers, 1773 ; Review of some of the articles of the church of England, 1774* Manning and B. U., Allibone, Watt's Bib. Brit. 1776 Nathanael Qreene, A. M. ; College of N. J. 17S1. Member R. I. general • assembly 1770; brigadier-general Continental army 1775-76; major-general 1776-83 ; quartermaster-general retaining right to command in field 1778-80. See G. W. Greene's Life of Nathanael Greene, 3 vols., 1867-71. Born Potowomut, Warwick, R. I., June 7, 1742; died Mulberry Grove, Ga., June 19, 1786. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's cyc, R. I. cyc, Heitman Rev. John Parke, A. M.; A. B. University of Penn. 1771 ; A. M. 1775; Harvard university 1776. Assistant to quartermaster-general, Continental army ; lieu- tenant colonel; resident, Philadelphia, Penn.; Va. Author Lyric works of Horace, translated into English verse, to which are added a number of original poems, 1786. Born Dover, Del., April 7, 1754; died near Dover, Dec. 11, 1789. Cyc. Am. biog., Penn. 1783 Benjamin Bourne, A. M.; LL. D. 1801 ; A. B. Harvard university 1775; A. M. 1778. Quartermaster and ensign R. I. militia 1776-77; member R. I. gen- eral assembly ; one of committee sent with a petition from R. I. to Continental congress 1789; delegate, R. I. convention on adoption of the Federal constitu- 1783 HONORARY GRADUATES 333 tion 1790; member U. S. house of representatives 1790-96; justice U. S. dis- trict court, R. I. 1S01-0S; trustee Brown university 1792-1S0S. Born Bristol, R. I., Sept. 9, 1755; died Sept. 17, 1S08. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Cong, direct., Heitman Rev. James Mann, A. M. ; M. D. 1S15; A. B. Harvard university 1776; A. M. 1779; Yale college 1782. Surgeon Continental army; physician, New York, N. Y. until 1S12 ; surgeon U. S. army 1S12-32; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Author Dissertation upon the cholera infantum, 1804; Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-14, 1816. Born Wren tham, Mass., July 22 f 1759; died Governor's Island, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1832. Cyc. Am. biog., Surg. -gen. cat. Thomas Fitch Oliver, A.M.; A. B. Harvard university 1775; A. M. 1778. Clergyman, Providence, R. I.; fellow Brown university 1784-88. Died 1797. 1784 Stephen Hopkins, LL. D. Town clerk Scituate, R. I. 1732-41 ; president town council 1735-42; member R. I. house of representatives 14 terms 1732-52, also 1770-75; speaker 1741-43; justice of peace 1736; justice Court of common pleas 1736-39; chief justice 1739-?; assistant justice R. I. superior court 1747- 51; chief justice 1751-55; delegate, Colonial congress, Albany, N. Y. 1754, 1755; governor R. I. 1755-57, '58-62, '63-65, '67-6S; delegate, Colonial congress, Boston, Mass. 1757; member Continental congress 1774-76; signer Declaration of independence 1776; member R. I. council of war 1776-78; trustee Brown university 1764-85; chancellor 1764-85. See W. E. Foster's Stephen Hopkins, a R. I. statesman, 18S4. Born Providence, R. I., March 7, 1707; died Provi- dence, July 13, 1785. Cyc. Am biog., R. I. cyc, Cong, direct. John Rippon, A. M. ; D. D. 1792. Student, Baptist college, Bristol, England; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, London 1773-1836. Author various sermons, dis- courses and addresses 17S4-27; Collection of Psalms and hymns for public wor- ship from various authors; editor new edition Dr. Gill's Rxpositor, ivith a memoir, 1S10; Baptist register. Born Devonshire, England, 175 1 ; died 1S36. Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Darling's Cyc. bib., Watt's Bib. Brit. 1786 Burgiss Allison, A. M. ; D. D. 1S04. Student R. I. college, now Brown uni- versity 1777; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Bordentown, N. J.; principal clas- sical boarding school, Bordentown until 1796; chaplain U. S. house of repre- sentatives 1S16; navy yard, Washington, D. C. 1816-27; member American philosophical society. Author numerous contributions to periodical literature. Born Bordentown, N. J., Aug. 17, IC53; died Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1S27. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. Enoch Edwards, A. M. Benjamin Foster, A. M. ; D. D. 1792; A. B. Yale college 1774; A. M. Yale college 1781. Ordained Baptist 1776; pastor, Leicester, Mass. 1776- 85; First church, Newport, R. I. 1785-88; First church, New York, N. Y. 178S-98; trustee Brown university 17S6-9S. Author Divine rite of immer- sion; Primitive baptism defined: Dissertation on the seventy tveeks of Daniel, 1787. Born Danvers, Mass., June 12, 1750; died New York, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1798. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. 334 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1786 James Newton, A. M. Clergyman, Bristol, England. Died 1790. Granville Sharp, LL. D.; Harvard university 1788; College of William and Mary 1791. Law student, England; in ordnance office, England until 1777; philanthropist, London ; founder Society for the abolition of slavery. Author numerous publications. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Born Durham, England 1734; died 1813. Allibone, Darling's Cyc. bib. Joseph Thomas, A. M. Peter Wilson, A. M. ; LL. D. Union college 179S. Student, University of Aberdeen ; teacher, N. Y. ; principal academy, Hackensack, N. J. ; member N. J. legislature 1777-S3; professor Greek and Latin languages, Columbia college 1789-92, 1797-1820; principal Erasmus hall, Flatbush, L.I. 1792-97. Author Rules of Latin prosody, 1810; Introduction to Greek prosody, 1817; Compen- dium of Greek prosody, 1S17 ; editor Sallust ; Longinus ; Greek Testament', Alexander Adams' Roman antiquities, revised, 1820. Born Ordiquhill, Banff, Scotland, Nov. 23, 1746; died New Barbadoes, N. J., Aug. 1, 1825. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone 1787 Daniel Foster, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1777; A. M. 1780; Har- vard university 1785. Ordained Congregational 177S ; pastor, New Braintree, Mass. 177S-95. Author Sermon at ordination of Joshua Crosby ' Mass. election sermon, 1790. Born Warren, Mass. 1751 ; died Sept. 4, 1795. Sprague's Annals 2 Thomas Jefferson, LL. D.; A. B. College of William and Mary 1762; LL. D. 1782; Yale college 1786; Harvard university 1787; College of N. J. 1791. Delegate, Continental congress 1775-76, 'S3-84; governor Va. 1779-81; U. S. minister plenipotentiary, France 1784-89; U. S. secretary of state 1790-94; vice president 1797-1801 ; president 1801-09; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; president American philosophical society. See Writings of Thomas Jefferson, t collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford, 1S92-. Born Shadwell, Albemarle Co., Va., April 2, 1743; died Monticello, Albemarle Co., Va., July 4, 1S26. Cyc. Am. biog. Louis Guillaume Otto, comte de Mosloy, LL. D. Secretary to Marquis de La Luzerne, Munich 1776; U. S. 1776-79; charge d'affaires, U. S. 1779-92; secre- tary of legation, Berlin 179S-99; charge d'affaires, Berlin 1799-1800; French minister plenipotentiary, Munich 1803; French counsellor of state ; ambassa- dor, Vienna 1809-13; minister of state 1813 ; minister of foreign affairs during the hundred days 1815. Born Kork, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, 1754; died Paris, France, 1817. Larousse William Patten, A. M.; D. D. 1807; A. B. Dartmouth college 1780; A. M. Dartmouth college 1783; Yale college 17S5. Ordained Congregational 1786; pastor Second church, Newport, R. I. 1786-1833 ; trustee Brown university 1790-1839. Author Christianity the true religion, 1795; Memoir of Mrs. Ruth Patte?i, 1834; Reminiscences of Rev . Samuel Hopkins, 1843; also various ser- mons. Born Halifax, Mass. 1763; died Hartford, Conn., March 9, 1839. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Sprague Annals 1 Isaac Senter, A. M. ; M. D. Yale college 1792; Harvard university 1793. Surgeon, Continental army ; prisoner at Quebec; phj'sician, Pawtuxet, R. I. until 1780; Newport, R. I. 1780-99; member R. I. house of representatives 1779-80; surgeon- and physician-general R. I. 1780; trustee Brown university 1787 HONORARY GRADUATES 335 1789-99; corresponding member Mass. historical society ; member American philosophical society. Born Londonderry, N. H. 1753; died Dec. 10, 1799. R. I. eye, Harv. 1788 Abel Flint, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 17S5; A. M. Yale college 17SS; D D Union college 1S1S. Tutor, Brown university 17S6-90; ordained Congrega- tional 1791 ; pastor Second church, Hartford, Conn. 1791-1824; secretary Conn missionary society 1798-1822; one of the founders Conn. Bible society 1S09 Author Discourse on death of Washington, 1799; Sermon at ordination of Josiah B.Andrews, 1802; Sermon at funeral of John AT- 'Curdy Strong, 1806- Sermon on death of Mrs. Mary Yates, 1S06; Geometry and trigonometry, with a treatise on surveying, 1806; Sermon before Hartford female beneficent society, 1810; Discourse occasioned by news of peace, 1815 ; Discourse at ordi- nation of Cornelius B. Everest, 1S15; Election sermon, 1816; Address before Hartford Sunday school society, 1819; also a selection and translation from Massillon's and Bourdaloue's sermons. Born Windham, Conn., Aug 6 1765- died Hartford, Conn., March 7, l8 2 5 . Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 John Hancock, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1754; A. M 1757- LL D 1792; A. M. College of N. J. 1769; Yale college 1769. Merchant,' Boston! Mass.; member Mass. house of representatives 1766-72; Provincial congress Concord, Mass. i 7 7 4 - 7 5; Continental congress 1775-80; '85-S6; president 1775- 77! major-general Mass. militia 1776 ; member Mass. constitutional conven- tion 17S0; governor Mass. 1780-85, '87-93. Born Quincy, Mass., Jan. 12, 17,7 • died CLuincy, Oct. 8, 1793. Cjc . Am . w c ^ Enos Hitchcock, D. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1767; A.M. 1770- Yale college 17S1. Ordained Congregational 1771; pastor Second church, Beverly, Mass. i 77l -?; chaplain, Continental army 17S0-83; pastor Benevolent church, Providence, R. I. 1783-1S03 ; fellow Brown university 17S5-1S03. Author Treatise on education, 1790; Catechetical instructions and forms of devotion for children and youth, i 79 S; Sermons, with an essay on 'the Lord's suffer 1793-1800. Born Springfield, Mass., March 7, 1744; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 27, 1803. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Sprague Annals 2, Allibone John Stanford, A. M. ; D. D. Union college 1829. Principal boarding school Hammersmith, England; ordained Baptist 1781 ; pastor, Hammersmith 17S1- 86; principal academy, New York, N. Y. , 786-87, 1789- 1813; pastor First church, Providence, R. I. I7 S 7 -88; chaplain almshouse, city hospital, and state prison, New York 1813-?; trustee Brown university 1788-90. Author Address on burning of orfhan house, Philadelphia, 1S22 ; Address on laying cornerstone of orphan house, Greenwich, 1823; Discourse in the New York city hospital, 1824; Discourse on opening new house of correction for juvenile delinquents, 1S26; Aged Christians companion, 1829. Born Wandsworth, Surrey, England, Oct. 20, 1754; died New York, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1834. Joseph Winter, A. M. ^ Cm * C " Spi " agUe Anna ' S 6 I789 Caleb Alexander, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college , 777 . Ordained Presbyterian 1781; pastor, New Marlboro, Mass. I7 8i-S2 ; Mendon, N. Y. 1785-180" Salis- bury, Norway, Fairfield, N. Y. ; principal academy, Fairfield; Onondaga N 336 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1789 Y. 1S12-16; missionary, Onondaga presbytery 1822. Author Essay on the deity of Christ, 1791 ; English grammar, 1793; Grammatical system of the Latin language, 1795; Neiv introductio7i to the Latin language, 1795; Gram- matical system of the Grecian language, 1796 ; Dissertation on the Psalms, 1796 ; Spelling book, 1799; Sermon on death of George Washington, 1800; Colum- bian dictionary, 1800; Neiv and complete system of arithmetic, 1802; Gram- matical system of the English language, 1814; Young lady's and gentleman's instructor. Born Northfield, Mass., July 22, 1775; died Onondaga, N. Y., April 12, 1828. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague annals 3 Seth Washburn, A. M. Died 1S37. 1790 Thomas Andros, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1845. David Cobb, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1766; A. M. 1769; College of N. J. 1783. Physician, Taunton, Mass. ; secretary Bristol co. convention 1774; delegate, Provincial congress, Concord 1775; colonel Continental army; brevet brigadier general 1763; major general Mass. militia; judge court of common pleas Bristol co. ; member U. S. house of representatives 1793-95; land agent and farmer, Oldsboro, Me. 1796-1817; member Mass. senate; president 1802; member Mass. council 1808 ; lieutenant-governor Mass. 1809; member board of military defence 18x2; chief justice court of common pleas, Hancock co. Me. ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Born Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 14, 174S; died Taunton, Mass., April 17, 1830. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Heitman, Harv. Josiah Dana, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1763; A. M. 1766; Yale college 1766; Dartmouth college 1794. Clergyman. Died 1801. Samuel Deane, A. M.; D. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1760; A. M. 1763. Librarian Harvard university 1760-63; tutor 1763-64; clergyman, Portland, Me. ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Author Sermons, 1794 ; N. E. farmer, 2 ed., 1797. Born 1741?; died 1814. Allibone, Harv. Samuel Fales, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1773; A. M. 1776. Died 1818. James Freeman, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1777; A. M. 1780; D. D. Harvard university 181 1. Prisoner, Quebec 1780-82; lay reader King's chapel Boston, Mass. 1782-87 ; ordained Unitarian 1787; pastor King's chapel 1787- 1826; member first school committeee Boston 1792; fellow American academy of arts and sciences ; original member Mass. historical society. Author De- scription of Boston, in Boston magazine, 1784; Sermon on death of Rev. John Eliot, D. D., 1813; Sermons and charges, 1832. Born Charlestown, Mass., April 22, 1759; died Newton, Mass., Nov. 14, 1885. Cyc. Am. biog. Jonathan Homer, A. M. ; D. D. 1826; A. B. Harvard university 1777; A. M. 1780; Dartmouth college 1788. Ordained Congregational 1782 ; pastor First church, Newton, Mass. 1782-1839; member Mass. historical society. Author Character and duties of a Christian soldier, 1790; Successive generations among mankind, 1791; Mourner's friend, 1792; Descriptio7i and history of Newton, 1798; Way of God vindicated, 1804; Sermon before the Mass. society for promoti?ig Christian fcnozvledge, 1828; editor Teal's Columbian Bible. Born Boston, Mass., Oct. 1759; died Newton, Mass., Aug. 11, 1843. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 1790 HONORARY GRADUATES 337 Samuel Hopkins, I). D. ; A. B. Yale college 1741 ; A.M. 1744. Ordained Congregational 1743; pastor Housatonnuc, now Great Barrington, Mass. 1743- 69; First church, Newport, R.I. 1770-76, 1780-1803; preacher, Newburj'port, Mass.; Canterbury, Stamford, Conn. 1776-80. Author Works, edited by E. A. Park, 3 vols., 1S54. Born Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 17, 172 1 ; died Newport, R. I., Dec. 20, 1803. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Sprague Annals 1, Allibone Henry Stuber, A. M. Physician, Philadelphia, Penn. Author Continuation of Franklin's autobiography. Born Philadelphia, Penn., 1770; died 1792. Allibone George Washington, LL. D. ; Harvard university 1776; Yale college 1781 ; University of Penn. 1783. Delegate, Continental congress 1774, '75 ; com " mander-in-chief Continental army 1775-S3; president convention that framed the federal constitution 1787; president U. S. 17S9-97; lieutenant general and commander-in-chief U. S. army 1 79S ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member American philosophical society. Author Writings, col- lected and edited by W. C. Ford, 14 vols., 1SS9-93. Born Pope's Creek, West- moreland co., Va., Feb. 22, 1732; died Mount Vernon, Va., Dec. 14, 1799. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. Samuel Whelply, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1792; pastor, Stockbridge, Mass. 1792; West Stockbridge, Mass.; Green River, N. Y. until 179S; principal academy, Morristown, N. J. 1798-1809; became Presbyterian 1S09; conducted school, Newark, N. J. 1809-14; boy's school, New York, N. Y. 1814-16. Au- thor Compend of ancient and ?noderu history; Sermon on the immortality of the soul, 1S04; Thoughts on the stale of departed souls, 1S07 ; Destruction of wicked nations; Tetters on capital punishment atid -war; Oration, Morris- totvti, July 4, 1809; Triangle, 5 nos., 1817. Born Stockbridge, Mass. 1766; died New York, N. Y., July 14, 1S17. Sprague Annals 4, Allibone 1791 Josias Lyndon Arnold, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 17SS; A. M. 1791 ; Yale college 1791. Tutor, Brown university 1790-92. Born 1768; died 1796. Dart. Joseph Holbrook, A. M. Apollos Leonard, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1765; A. M. 1770; Harvard university 1786. Died 1799. Samuel Leonard, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1773; A. M. 1776; Harvard university 1781. Died 1807. Joseph Letombe, A. M. ; LL. D. Yale college 17S3; University of Paris. French consul. New England. 1792 James Brown, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1780; A. M. 1783; Dartmouth college 1791. Fellow Brown university 1789-1834. Died 1S34. John Crane, A. M. ; D. D. 1S03; A. B. Harvard university 17S0. Ordained Congregational 1 7S3 ; pastor, Northbridge, Mass. 1783-1836; member Mass. general court. Author Thanksgiving sermon, 1S00; two Fast sermons on civil liberty; Oration at Douglas, 4th July, 1802; eight Discourses on baptism, 1S06; Discourse at Upton, 1810; Sermon at ordination of Ezekiel Rich ; Ser- mon at ordination of Calvin Park, 1815; Sermon at ordination of John Tay- 338 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1792 lor, 1S16; two Sermons on the nature and design of John's baptism; Lecture on sacred music at Sutton ; Reaso?is -why I am not a Baptist, by Bickerstaff. Born Norton, Mass., March 26, 1756; died Aug. 31, 1836. Sprague Annals 2 Joshua Crosby, A. M. Ordained Congregational 1789; pastor, Enfield, Mass. Died 1S3S. Sprague Annals 2 Thomas Dunscombe, A. M. Clergyman. John Fawcett, A. M.; D. D. 1810. Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Winsgate, Eng. ; president Bristol education society 1792. Author Hymns, 1781 ; Essay o?i anger, 1787. Born Yorkshire, Eng., 1739; died 1817. Darling's Cyc. bib., Allibone Perez Fobes, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1762 ; A. M. 1786. Ordained Congregational 1766; pastor, Raynham, Mass. 1766-?; chaplain, Continental army; vice president Brown university 17S6; professor Natural philosophy 1786-9S; fellow 1795-1812; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Au- thor Sermon at the execution of John Dixon, Taunton, 17S4; Sermon at the ordination of Elijah Leonard, 17S9; Sermon on the death of Dr. Maiming, 1791 ; Sermon to young men, 1794; History of Raynham, 1794; Election ser- mon, 1795; Sermon at the ordination of George Barstozv, 1803; Scripture catechism, 1804; Abridgment of the Scripture catechism, 1809. Born Bridge- water, Mass., Sept. 21, 1742; died Raynham, Mass., Feb. 23, 1812. Cyc. Am. biog., R, I. cyc, Sprague Annals 1 John Francis, A.M. Resident, Providence, R. I.; trustee Brown university 1791-96. Died 1796. Benjamin Francis, A. M. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Shortwood, England. Author several hymns. Died Dec. 14, 1799. Bapt. encyc. Richard Furman, A. M, ; D. D. 1800. Ordained Baptist 1774; pastor, High Hills, S. C; Statesburg, S. C. ; Charleston, S. C. 1787-1825 ; member S. C. constitutional convention; president Baptist triennial convention 1814. Au- thor Sermon on death of Rev. Oliver Hart, 1796 ; Oration, Charleston orphan house, 1796; Humble submission to divine sovereignty ," Sermon commemorative of General Washington, 1800; Sermon, death of Rev. Edmund Bolsford, 1819. Born Esopus, N. Y., 1755; died Charleston, S. C, Aug. 25, 1825. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc. Alexander Hamilton, LL. D. ; A.M. Columbia college 1788; LL. D. Dart- mouth college 1790; college of N. J. 1791 ; Harvard university 1792. Cap- tain N. Y. troops 1776-77; lieutenant colonel and aide-de-camp to Gen. Wash- ington 1777-81 ; lieutenant colonel N. Y. troops 1781-83; brevet colonel; mem- ber Continental congress, 1782-83, '87-88; member Convention for the adoption of the Federal constitution ; secretary of treasury U. S. 1789-95 ; major general and inspector general U. S. army 1798-1800; commander-in-chief 1799; mem- ber Mass. historical society; American philosophical society; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Author Works, edited by John B. Hamilton, 7 vols., 1851. Born Nevis, West Indies, Jan. n, 1757; died New York, N. Y., July 12, 1804. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's cyc, Heitman Rev., Harv. Philander Shaw ; Harvard university 1792 ; A. M. 1795. Clergyman, Eastham, Mass. Author Sermon, 1804. Born 1769; died 1841. Allibone Leonard White, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1787; A. M. Harvard uni- versity 1790. Town clerk Haverhill, Mass. ; treasurer ; member Mass. house of representatives; U. S. house of representatives 181 1-13; cashier Merrimack Bank, Haverhill 25 years. Born Haverhill, Mass. 1767; died Haverhill, Oct. 10, 1849. Cong, direct. 1793 HONORARY GRADUATES 339 1793 James Dore, A. M. Clergyman. Author Sermons, etc., 17S6-1S06. Died 1S25. Samuel Graves, A. M. Author Political treatises, 1814. Morgan Jones, LL. D. Clergyman. Died 1797. Zephaniah Leonard, A.',M.; A.B.Yale college 175S; A. M. 1761; Harvard university 1763. Died 1814. Archibald M'Lean, A. M. Clergyman. Samuel Pearce, A. M. Student, Bristol college; ordained Baptist 17S9; pas- tor Cannon street church, Birmingham, England 1789-99. Author Corf ora- tion and test acts exposed, 1790; Sermon, 1791 ; Memoirs, 1800. Born Ply- mouth, England, July 20, 1766; died Oct. 10, 1799. Bapt. encyc, Allibone Joseph Priestley, LL. D.; University of Edinburgh. Preacher, Needham Market, Suffolk, England 1755-5S; Nantwich, Cheshire 175S-61 ; principal school, Nantwich; teacher academy, Warrington, Lancashire 1761-67; or- dained; pastor Mill Hill chapel, Leeds, Yorkshire 1767-73 ; librarian Earl of Shelburne 1773-80; pastor Unitarian congregation, Birmingham 17S0-91 ; Gravel Pit meetinghouse, Hackney, London 1791-94; resident, Northumber- land, Penn. 1794-1804 ; discoverer nitric oxide 1772; oxygen, hydrochloric acid and ammonia 1774; sulphur dioxide and silicon tetrafluoride 1775 ; nitrous oxide; carbon monoxide; member Royal society 1766. Author 130 works pub- lished in 25 vols., edited by J. T. Rutt 1S32. Born Fieldhead, near Leeds, Yorkshire, England, March 24, 1733; died Northumberland, Penn., Feb. 6, 1804. Encyc. Brit., Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 8, Allibone William Richards, A. M. ; LL. D. 181S. Student, Bristol college, England; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Lynn, England 1776-?. Born South Wales 1749; died Lynn, England 181S. Bapt. encyc. John Sutcliff, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1S14. Nicholas Tillinghast, A. M. ; Harvard university 1807. Died 1S1S. 1794 Thomas Baldwin, A. M.; D. D. Union college 1804. Ordained Baptist 17S3; pastor Canaan, N. H. 1783-90; Second church, Boston, Mass. 1790-?; trustee Brown university 1794-1807 ; fellow 1807-25; trustee Waterville college 1821- 25. Editor Mass. Baptist missionary magazine, 1803-17; senior editor 1817-25; author numerous publications. See Sprague's Annals of the American pulpit, vol.6. Born Bozrah, Conn., Dec. 23, 1753; died Waterville, Me., Aug. 29, 1826. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. Thomas Barnard, D. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1766; A. M. 1769; D. D. University of Edinburgh 1794. Clergyman, Salem, Mass. Author Sermons 1786-1806. Born 1748; died 1814. Allibone John Jay, LL. D. ; A. B. Columbia college 1764; A. M. 1767; LL. D. Har- vard university 1790; University of Edinburgh 1792. Delegate, Continental congress 1774, '75, '78; president 1778; member Provincial convention, N. Y. 1776; chief justice N. Y. 1777 ; minister plenipotentiary, Spain 1779; U.S. peace commissioner 17S1-83; U. S. secretary foreign affairs 1784; regent Uni- versity of the state of N. Y. 1784-90; delegate convention for the adoption of the Federal constitution 1787; delegate, N. Y. constitutional convention 178S; chief justice U. S. 17S9-94; U. S. envoy extraordinary Great Britain 1794; 34 d BROWN UNIVERSITY 1794 governor N. Y. 1795-1801 ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member American philosophical society; corresponding member Mass. his- torical society. See Life and times of John Jay, by William Whitlock, 1887. Born New York, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1745; died Bedford, N. Y., May 17, 1829. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Columb. John Thornton Kirkland, A. M. ; LL. D. 1810; A. B. Harvard university 17S9; A. M. 1792; Dartmouth college 1792; D. D. College of N. J. 1S02. Teacher, Andover academy one year; tutor, Harvard university 1792-94; or- dained Unitarian 1794; pastor New South church, Boston, Mass. 1794-1810; president Harvard university 1810-2S; vice president American academy of arts and sciences; member Mass. historical society. Author Eulogy on Wash- ington, 1799; Biography of Fisher Ames, 1809; Discourse oti death of George Cabot, 1S23 ; several sermons and addresses; besides numerous contributions to periodicals. Born Herkimer, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1770; died Boston, Mass., April 26, 1840. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 8, Harv. John Coakley Lettsom, LL. D. ; M. D. Leyden university 1769; Harvard university 1790. Physician, London, England 1770-1815 ; fellow Society of arts; Royal society, London ; Royal society, Edinburgh; American academy of arts and sciences; member American philosophical society; corresponding member Mass. historical society. Author numerous publications. See Dic- tionary of natio?ial biography. Born Little Vandvke, West Indies, Nov, 22, 1744; died London, England, Nov. 1, 1815. Diet. nat. biog. John Usher, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1743; A. M. 1746. Lawyer; or- dained Episcopal 1793; pastor St. Michael's church, Bristol, R. I. 1793-1S00. Born 1722?; died July 1804. R. 1. cyc, Sprague Annals 5 1795 Andrew Beattie ; Harvard university 1795; A. M. 1798. Clergyman. Died 1801. Joel Briggs, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1828. Thomas Dunn, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1833. Eliphalet Nott, A. M.; LL. D. 1828; D. D. College of N.J. 1S05. Licensed Congregational 1795; principal academy and pastor, Cherry Valley, N. Y. ; pastor First Presbyterian church, Albany, N. Y. 1798- 1804 ; president Union college 1804-66; inventor about 30 patented devices. Author Counsels to young men, 1845 ; Lectures on temperance ; besides numerous sermons and addresses. See Memoir, by C. Van Santvoord, 1876; Sabin. Born Ashford, Conn., June 2 5> 1773 ; died Schenectady, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1S66. Cyc. Am. biog. John Prince, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1776; A. M. 1779. Teacher, Congregational clergyman ; pastor First church, Salem, Mass. 1779-1836 ; inven- tor improved air pump ; fellow American academy ; member American philo- sophical society ; Mass. historical society. Author Discourse, national fast, 179S; Discourse, close of the year, 1799; Discourse, Salem female charitable society, 1806; Discourse, death of Rev. Thomas Barnard, 1814; Charge to J. E. Abbott, ordination, 1815 ; Discourse, Bible society of Salem, 1816; Charge to R. M. Hodges, ordination, 1824; Descriptio7i of a netv stand for a reflecting telescope. Born Boston, Mass., July 22, 1751 ; died Salem, Mass., June 7, 1836. Sprague Annals 8 Isaac Tompkins, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1S26. 1796 HONORARY GRADUATES 341 1796 James Bicheno, A. M. Dissenting clergyman, and schoolmaster, Newbury, Berkshire, England. Author Friendly address to the Jews, 1787; Signs of the times, 1792-94; Word in season, 1795; and other politico-theological works. See Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Died April 9, 1831. Diet. nat. biog. Lawrence Butterworth, A. M. Clergyman, England. Author Superexcel- lency of the Christian religion displayed, 17S4; Thoughts on moral government and agency, and the origin of moral evil, 1792. Andrew Fuller, A. M.; D. D. College of N. J. 1796; Yale college 1S04. Ordained Baptist 1775 ; pastor, Soham, England 1775-82 ; Kettering, North- amptonshire 1782-1S15; one of the founders Baptist missionary society; first secretary. Author numerous publications. See Allibone's Dictionary of au- thors. Born Wicken, Cambridgeshire, Eng., Feb. 5, 1754; died May 7, 1S15. Diet. nat. biog., Darling's Cvc. bib. Foster Swift, A. M. 1797 John Adams, LL. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1755; A. M. 1758; LL. D. 17S1 ; Dartmouth college 1782 ; Yale college 1788. Principal grammar school, Worcester, Mass. 1757; admitted to Suffolk co. bar 1758; lawyer, Braintree, Mass. 175S-6S ; Boston, Mass. 1768-7S?; member Mass. house of representatives 1770-72; member Continental congress 1774-77; revolutionary provincial con- gress of Mass. 1774; member Mass. council 1775; commissioner to France 177S-79; minister to negotiate treaty of peace with Great Britain 17S0-82; minister to Holland 1780-81; England 1785-88; vice president U. S. 1789-97; president 1797-1S01 ; resident, Quincy, Mass. 1801-26; president American academy; member American philosophical society; Mass. historical society. Author Works, with life by C. F. Adams, 10 vols., 1850-56. Born Braintree, now Quincy, Mass., Oct. 31, 1735; died Braintree, July 4, 1S26. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv. Isaac Backus, A. M. Separatist preacher 1746-48; ordained Congregational 1748; pastor Titicut, Middleboro, Mass. 1748-1806; Baptist 1751-1806; agent Warren association to Congress 1774; delegate to convention that adopted the federal constitution 178S; trustee Brown university 1765-99. Author History of the Baptists, 3 vols. 1777-96; besides numerous sermons and discussions. Born Norwich, Conn., Jan. 9, 1724; died Middleboro, Mass., Nov. 20, 1806. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6, Sabin Horace Binney, Harvard university 1797; A.M. 1800; LL. D. 1S27. Ad- mitted to bar 1800; member Penn. house of representatives 1S06; reporter Penn. supreme court 1807-14; member U. S. house of representatives 1833-35 Author Decisions of the Supreme court of Penn. 1JQQ-1814, 1809-15 ; Fulogium upon William Tilghman, 1827 ; Eulogy 071 John Marshall, 1835; Argument in case of Vidal vs. the city of Philadelphia, 1844; Bushrod Washington, 185S; Leaders of the old bar of Philadelphia, 1S59; Inquiry into the formation of Washington 's Farewell address, 1859 ; Privilege of the zvrit of habeas corpus under the constitution, 3 pts., 1S62-65; besides occasional pamphlets. Born Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 4, 1780; died Philadelphia, Aug. 12, 1875. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Sabin, Cong, direct. 342 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1797 Clark Brown; A. M. 1803; A. B. Yale college 1794; Harvard university 1797; A. M. Yale college 1797 ; Dartmouth college 1799; Harvard university 1811. Ordained Congregational 1795; pastor, Machias, Me. 1795-97; Brim- field, Mass. 1798-1803. Died 1817. Sprague Annals 2 1798 Benjamin Waite Case, A. M. Died 1834. Thomas Green, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1814. Bradford Marcy. Clergyman. Seth Padelford, LL. D.; A. B. Yale college 1770. Died 1810. Matthias Burnet Tallmadge, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1795. Lawyer, Herkimer, N. Y. ; member N. Y. house of representatives; N. Y. senate; judge U. S. district court, N. Y. Born Stamford, N. Y., March 1, 1774; died Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1819. Bapt. encyc. James Wilson, A.M. Ordained Congregational 1793 ; pastor Beneficent church, Providence, R. I. 1793-1S39; teacher public school 10 years; principal private school four years. Author Oration before Providence association of mechan- ics and manufacturers, 1795; Apostolic church government displayed, 1798; Sertnon at the ordination of Rev. Stephen Hull, 1802; Discourse on -woman, 1819; Trinity defended, 1835. Born Limerick, Ireland, March 12, 1760; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 14, 1839. R. I. eye, Sprague Annals 8, Allibone 1799 Ebenezer Adams, A. M.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1791; A.M. 1794. As- sistant teacher, academy, Leicester, Mass.; principal; principal academy, Port- land, Me.; professor Mathematics, Phillips academy, Exeter, Mass.; professor Latin and Greek languages, Dartmouth college 1809-10; Mathematics and natural philosophy 1810-33; emeritus 1833-41 ; president and treasurer corpora- tion academy, Plainfield, N. H. Born New Ipswich, N. H., Oct. 2, 1765; died A U ff. 15, 1841. Sprague Annals 2, Dart. Nathaniel Hill Fletcher, A. M.: A. B. Harvard university 1793; A. M. 1796. Ordained Congregational 1800; pastor, Kennebunk, Me. 1800-1827. Author How far unanimity in religious opinion is necessary in order to Christian com. immion, 1827. Born Boxboro, Mass.; died Boxboro, Sept. 4, 1834. Sprague Annals 2 Timothy Pickering, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1763; A. M. 1766; LL. D. College of N. J. 179S; Harvard univeisity 1810. Admitted to bar 1768; lawyer, Salem, Mass.; colonel Mass. troops 1776; adjutant-general to Wash- ington 1777-S0; quartermaster-general 1780-85; member board of war 1777; Penn. constitutional convention 1789-90; commissioner to negotiate treaties with Indians 1790-91, '93, '94; postmaster-general 1791-95; secretary of war 1795; secretary of state 1795- 1800; chief justice Mass.^court of common pleas 1802 ; member U.S. senate i8o3-n,'i3-i7 ; Mass. executive council 1817. Author Easy plan of discipline for a militia, 1775. Born Salem, Mass., July 17, 1745; died Salem, Jan. 29, 1829. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong. direct. James Sullivan, LL. D.; A. M. Harvard university 1780. Lawyer, Biddeford, Me.; king's attorney York co., Me. 1770; member Mass. provincial congress 1799 HONORARY GRADUATES 343 1775; justice Mass. superior court 1776-82; member Mass, constitutional con- vention 1779-S0; delegate, Continental congress 1784-85 ; member Mass. house of representatives; commissioner to settle controversy between N. Y. and Mass. in regard to western lands 1784; membei Mass. executive council 17S7 • judge court of probate, Suffolk co., Mass. 17S7 ; attorney general Mass. 1790- 1S07; governor Mass. 1807-09; member commission to settle the boundary line between the U. S. and British North American provinces; fellow Ameri- can academy of arts and sciences; first president Mass. historical society. Au- thor Strictures on Rev. Mr. Thatchers observations upon the state of the clergy 0/ New England, 17S4; Observations upon the government of the U. S., 1791 ; Path to riches, 1792 ; Biographical sketch of Governor Hancock ; Altar of Baal thrown down, 1795 : History of the district of Me., 1795 ; His- tory of land titles in Mass., 1S01 ; Dissertation on the constitutional freedom 0/ the press, 1S01 ; History of the Penobscot Indians, in Mass. historical collec- tions. Born Berwick, Me., April 22, 1744; died Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1S08. Cong, direct., Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone Oliver Wolcott, LL. D. ; A. B. Yale college 177S; A. M. 17S1 ; LL. D. College of N. J. 1799; Yale college 1S19. Quartermaster, Litchfield, Conn. ; admitted to bar 178 1 ; clerk Conn, financial department, Hartford ; member committee of the pay table 1782; commissioner to adjust claims of Conn, against U. S. 17S4; comptroller public accounts 178S; U. S. auditor of the treasury 1789-91; comptroller of the treasury 1791-95; secretary of the treasury 1795- 1800; judge U. S. circuit court 1S00-02 ; merchant, New York, N. Y. ; presi- dent Merchants bank; founder and first president Bank of North America 1S12-14; governor Conn. 1817-27; president Conn, constitutional convention 1S17. Born Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 11, 1760; died New York, N. Y., June 1 lS ^3- Cyc. Am. biog. I8OO Ebenezer Bradford, A. M. ; A. B. College of New Jersey 1773; a. M. 1786; Dartmouth college 17S5. Ordained Congregational 17S2; pastor Rowlev', Mass. 1782-1801. Author Sermon at ordination of Nathaniel Howe, 1791 ; Strictures on Dr. Langdon's Remarks on Hopkins' system, 1794; Past sermon. J 795! Thanksgiving sermon, 1795; Sermon at installation of J. H. Stevens, 1795. Born Canterbury. Conn. 1746; died Rowley, Mass., Jan. 3, 1801. Sprague Annals 1 Samuel Elam, A. M. Trustee Brown university 1793-1813. Died 1S13. Stephen Gano, A. M. Surgeon Continental army 1781-82; physician, Tappan, now Orangetown, N. Y. 17S2-86; ordained Baptist 1786; pastor Hillsdale, N. Y. ; Hudson, N. Y. ; Providence, R. I. 1792- 1S2S; trustee Brown university 1794-182S. Author Sermon, death op Washington, 1800; Sermon, ordination of Joshua Bradley, 1S01 ; Sermon, funeral of Gardiner Thurston, 1802; The Christian crowned: sermon, death of Joseph Snow; Sermon, ordination of Peter Ludlow, 1S23; Sermon on divinity of Christ, 1827. Born New York, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1762; died Providence, R. I., Aug. iS, 1S2S. Sprague Annals 6, R. I. cyc. George Gibbs, A. M. ; Yale college 1S08. Died 1S33. Henry Holcombe, A. M. ; D. D. South Carolina college. Captain, Continen- tal army; licensed Baptist 17S2 ; pastor Pike Creek, S. C. 1785-91 ; Euhaw, S. C 1791-95; Beaufort, S. C. 1795-99; Savannah, Ga. 1799-1810; First church, 344 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1800 Philadelphia, Penn. 1812-24; member S. C. convention to ratify federal con- stitution; founder Savannah female seminary; one of the founders Mount Enon academy 1 S04. Author Sermon on sovereignty of the Deity, \z<)0; Ser- mon on Isaiah liii, 1, 1791 ; Sermon, death of Charles Bealer, 1793; Sermon, death of Washington, 1800; First fruits, letters, 1812 ; Whole truth relating to the controversy betwixt the American Baptists, 1820; Lectures on primitive theology, 1822; editor Georgia analytical repository. Born Prince Edward co., Va., Sept. 22, 1762; died Philadelphia, Penn., May 22, 1824. Sprague Annals 6, Cyc. Am. biog. David Parsons, D. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1771 ; A. M. 1774. Licensed Congregational 1775; preacher, Roxbury, Mass.; Conn.; in business 1779?- Si ; preacher, Amherst, Mass. 1781-82; pastor 1782-1819; one of the founders Amherst college. Author Election sermon, 178S. Born Amherst, Mass., Jan. 28, 1749; died Wethersfield, Conn., May 18, 1823. Sprague Annals 2 I80I Calvin Chaddock, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1791 ; A. M. 1794. Clergy- man. Born 1766; died 1S23. Dart. Henry Gassett, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1795; A. M. 1798. Died 1855- Paul Ray Metcalf, A. M. Physician. Died Wrentham, Mass., Dec. 1S53. Nee. 1854 Isaac Robinson, A. M. Deceased. Holder Slocum, A, M. Died 1827. David Rogerson Williams, A. M. Lawyer and planter, S. C. ; member U. S. house of representatives 1805-09, '11-13 ; U. S. army 1813-14, brigadier general; governor S. C. 1S14-16. Born Robbins Neck, S. C, March 10, 1776; died Lynch's Creek, S. C, Nov. 15, 1830. Cong, direct. l802 Edmund Botsford, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1819. David Humphreys, LL. D.; A. B. Yale college 1771 ; A. M. 1774; College of New Jersey 1783; Harvard university 1787; LL. D. Dartmouth college 1804. Continental army 1777-83, captain; lieutenant colonel and aide-de-camp to Washington 1780-83; member Washington's family 1783-84, 1788-90; secretary ot legation to European powers 1784-86; member Conn, legislature; U. S. minister to Portugal 1791-98; Spain 1798-1802; brigadier general Conn, troops 1812-15 ; woolen manufacturer, Conn. Author poems and prose writings con- tained in his Miscellaneous works, 1790. Born Derby, Conn., July 1752; died New Haven, Conn., Feb. 21, 1818. Sabin, Allibone, Cyc. Am. biog., Duyckinck Evan Pugh, A. M. Clergyman. 1803 Elisha Andrews, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1793; pastor, Fairfax, Vt. 1793-96; Hopkinton, N. H. 1796-97; Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H. 1797-1800; Templeton, Mass. 1800-13; Hinsdale, N. H. 1816-40. Author Moral tendencies 1803 HONORARY GRADUATES . 345 of Universalism ; Review of Winchester's Dialogues on universal restoration j Vindicatioti of the distinguishing- sentiments of the Baptists; Brief reply to James Bickerstaf's Short epistle to the Baptists, 1S10; Reviexv of 07ie of John Wesley's trails on falling from grace ; Strictures on Rev. Mr. Brooks' Essay on terms of communion, 1S23; besides many articles in Christian xvatchman. Born Middletown, Conn., Sept. 29, 176S; died Hinsdale, N. H., Feb. 3, 1840. Sprague Annals 6 William Corlis Bowen, A. B. ; A. M. 1S11; M. D. 1813; A. B. Union college 1803; M. D. University of Edinburgh 1S07. Physician, Providence, R. I.; professor Chemistry, Brown university 1811-13. Author Desatiguine mittendo, 1S09. Born Providence, R. I., June 2, 1785; died Providence, April 23, 1815. R. I. eye, Parsons John Cleaveland, A. M. Ordained Congregational 17S5; pastor, Stoneham, Mass. 1785-94; North parish, Wrentham, Mass. 179S-1S15. Author Sermon, 1794; East sermon at Wrentham, 1812. Born Jan. 6, 1749; died Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 1, 1S15. Sprague Annals 1 James Edwards Burr Finley, A. M. Nathan Fobes, A. M. James Hinton, A. M. ; D. D. 1812; A. B. Oxford university; A. M. College of N. J. 1802. Dissenting clergyman, Oxford, England. Author Vindicatioti of the Dissenters in Oxford, 1792. Died 1824. Watt's Bib. Brit. Edward Jenkins, D. D. ; Columbia college 1804. Episcopal clergyman; pas- tor St. Bartholomew's parish, Charleston, S. C. 1772-76; assistant pastor St. Michael's church, Charleston 1796-1S02; pastor 1802-04; St. Philip's church, Charleston 1804-09; resident, England. Sprague Annals 5 Thomas Lyell, A. M. ; D. D. Columbia college 1822. Methodist clergyman, Va. 1792; Providence, R. I.; chaplain U. S. Congress 1S01-03?; ordained Episcopal 1S04; pastor Christ church, New York, N. Y. 1S04-4S; secretary diocesan convention 1S11-16; member diocesan standing commitee 1813-4S; deputy, General convention 1818-44; trustee General theological seminary 1S22- 48. Born Richmond co., Va., May 13, 1775 ; died New York, N. Y., March 4, 1S4S. Nee. 184S, Cyc. Am. biog. Jacob Norton, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1786; A. M. 17S9. Clergy- man. Died 1S58. George Osborne, A. M. Dissenting clergyman, Worcester, England. Author Moral charity explained and enforced, 1S01. Watt's Bib. Brit. John Reed, D. D. ; A. B. Yale college 1722. Chaplain U. S. navy two years; or- dained Congregational 1780; pastor Bridgewater, Mass. 17S0-1831 ; member U. S. house of representatives 1795-1801. Author Sermon at ordination of Kil- born Whitman, 1787; Sermon at ordination of Jonas Hartzvell, 1792; Right hand of felloxvship at ordination of James Wilson, Providence, 1793; Right hand of fellowship at ordination of James Flint, 1806; Apology for rite of in- fant baptism, 1S06; Sermon before convention of Congregational ministers, Mass., 1807; Sermon at ordination of Daniel Johnson, 1808; Sermon before Plymouth association of ministers, 1810; Sermon before Society for promotiug Christian knoxvledge, piety and charity, 1814. Born Framingham, Mass., Nov. 11, 1751; died West Bridgewater, Mass., Feb. 17, 1S31. * Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 8, Cong, direct. John Smith, D. D.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1773; A - M - J 776; Ya] e college 1777; Harvard university 17S0. Congregational clergyman; preceptor Moor's school, Hanover, N. H. 1773-74; tutor, Dartmouth college 1774-78; 346 , BROWN UNIVERSITY 1803 professor Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Oriental languages 1778-1S09; librarian 1779-1809; trustee 17SS-1809. Author Hebrew Grammar., 1772; Sermon, 1795; Sermon, 1S01 ; Latin grammar, 1802; Hebrew grammar, 1803; Cicero de oratore, zvith notes and memoir of Cicero, 1804; Greek grammar, 1809. Born Newbury, Mass., Dec. 21, 1752; died Hanover, N. H., April 30, 1809. Allibone, Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 l804 Joseph Grafton, A. M. Licensed Congregational 1784; preacher, Rehoboth Neck, Mass. ; Plainfield, Conn. ; preacher, Hampton, Conn.; ordained Bap- tist 178S; pastor, Newton, Mass. 1788-1835 ; vice president Mass. Baptist mis- sionary society 1815-25 ; president; member committee Evangelical tract so- ciety 1S17; trustee 1823-29; vice president Baptist foreign missionary society 1819-? president trustees Newton theological institution 1826- ; Norfolk co. foreign missionary society ; Middlesex and Norfolk co. missionary society; moderator Boston association 1822, '26. Author Sermon, death of J. Shepard, J. Ward and M. Bright, 1792 ; Sermon, death of his daughter, 1S02 ; Sermon, death of Samuel Richardson, 1S04; Sermo?i, origin, progress and present state of the Baptist church in JVezvton, 1S30; besides letters and addresses. Born Newport, R. I., June 9, 1757; died Newton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1836. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6 Barnum Leonard, A. M. George Leonard, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1748; A. M. 1751 ; Yale college 1753. Register of probate 1748; lawyer, Norton, Mass. ; member pro- vincial house of representatives; provincial council; judge of probate; mem- ber U. S. house of representatives 1789-91, '95-97 ; judge court of common pleas; member Mass. house of representatives; Mass. senate. Born Norton, Mass., July 4, 1729; died Raynham, Mass., July 26, 1819. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. 1805 Joseph Barker, A. M.; A. B. Yale college 1771 ; A. M. 1774; Harvard univer- sity 1782. Preacher, Blanford, Mass. ; ordained Congregational 1781 ; pastor First church, Middleboro, Mass. 1781-1815 ; member U. S. house of representa- tives 1805-08. Author Stability of Christ's church : century sermon, Middle- borough, 1795; Ser?non, ordination of Isaiah Weston, 1795; Sertnon, funeral of Benjamin Thomas, 1800; Sermon, ordinatio?i of Otis Thompson, 1801 ; Address, Halifax, July 4, iSoj ; Discourse, national fast, 1812 ; also a volume of sermons. Born Branford, Conn. ; died Middleboro, Mass., July 5, 1815. Sprague Annals 8, Cong, direct., Sabin. Barnabas Bidwell, LL. D. ; A. B. Yale college 1785; A.M. 1788; Williams college 1797. Lawyer; member Mass. house of representatives 1S05-07; U. S. house of representatives 1805-07 ; attorney-general Mass* 1807-10. Born Mass. ; died 1833. Cong, direct. Jonathan Burr, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1784; A. M. 1787. Clergy- man. Died 1842. 1805 HONORARY GRADUATES 347 John Davenport, A. M. ; A. B. College of N. J. 1769; A. M. 1772; Yale col- lege 17S5. Ordained Presbyterian 1775; preacher, Southold, L. I. 1775-77; Bediord, N. Y. ; pastor, Deerfield, Mass. 1795-1S05. Born Philippi, N. J., Aug. 11, 1752; died Lysander, N. Y., July 13, 1S21. Sprague Annals 3 John Green, A. M. Died 1S08. David Qurney, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1785; A. M. 1788. Ordained Congregational 1787; pastor, Middleboro, Mass. Born Bridgewater, Mass.; died 1815. Sprague Annals 8 William Reed, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 17S2; A. M. 1785. Clergy- man. Died 1809. Luther Wright, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1796; A. M. 1799. Con- gregational clergyman; resident Woburn, Mass. 1S2S-5S. Born 1770; died Woburn, Mass., 185S. Nee. 185S I806 William Carey, D. D. Ordained Baptist 17S7; pastor, Moulton, England 1787-89; Leicester, England 1789-93; first Baptist missionary, India 1794-1S34; professor Sanskrit, Bengali, and Mahratta, Fort William college, Calcutta 1S01-34. Author Mahratta grammar, 1805; Sanskrit grammar, 1806; Mah- ratta dictionary, 1S10; Punjabi grammar, 1S12; Telinga grammar, 1S14; Bengali dictionary , 3 vols. 1S1S; Rhotanta grammar, 1S26?; Rhotanta dic- tionary, 1S26; also large portions of the Indian versions of the Scriptures; edited Ramayana. 3 vols. 1806-10; Dr. Roxburgh's Flora Indica, 3 vols., 1820-32. Born Paulerspury, Northamptonshire, England, Aug. 17, 1761 ; died Calcutta, India, June 9, 1S34. Diet. Nat. Biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone Joseph Clay, A. M. ; A. B. College of N. J. 1784; A. M. 17S7. Lawyer, Savan- nah, Ga. ; district judge U. S. district court, Ga. 1796-1801 ; ordained Baptist 1804; pastor, Savannah 1804-07; First church, Boston, Mass. 1S07-09: trustee Brown university 1S07-11. Born Savannah, Ga., Aug. 16, 1764; died Boston, Mass., Jan. 11, 181 1. Sprague Annals 6 James Davis, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 179S; A. M. 1801. Born 1773; died 182 1. Dart. Henry Edes, A.M.; A. B. Harvard university 1799; A. M. 1S02 ; D. D. 1826. Ordained Baptist 1S05 ; pastor First church, Providence, R. I. 1805-32 ; trustee Brown university 1809-13; fellow 1S13-33. Author Sermon at ordination of Shearjashub Bourne Totvnsend. Born Boston, Mass.; died 1851. Sprague Annals 8 John Pipon, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1792 ; A. M. 1795. Ordained Con- gregational 1800; pastor, Taunton, Mass. 1800-21. Born Boston, Mass.; died Jan. 1821. Sprague Annals 8 Elisha Scott Williams, A. M.; A. B. Yale college 1775; A. M. 1778; Har- vard university 1S22. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Beverly, Mass.; trustee Broun university 1S05-32. Author Sermon. Born Oct. 7, 1757; died 1845. Sprague Annals 1, Allibone I8O7 Orchard Cook, A. M. Merchant; high sheriff Lincoln co., Me. ; member U. S. hous-e of representatives 1S05-11. Born Me. ; died 1819. Cong, direct. Asa Meech, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1849. 348 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1807 Zedekiah Sanger, D. D.; A. B. Harvard university 177 1 ; A.M. 1774. Or- dained Congregational 1776; pastor, Duxbury, Mass. 1776-S6; in business, Duxbury 17S6-8S; pastor, South Bridge-water, Mass. 17SS-1820; member American academy of arts and sciences. Author Sermon at ordination of Ebenezer Lazell, 1792; — of James Wilson, 1793; — of Hezekiah Hooper, 1794; — of Samuel Watson, 1798; — of Ralph Sanger, 1812. Born Sherburne, Mass., Oct. 4, 1748; died South Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 17, 1820. Sprague Annals 8 I808 Levi Hedge, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1792; A. M. 1795; LL. D. Yale college 1823. Tutor, Harvard university 1795-1810; professor Logic and metaphysics 1S10-27 ; Alford professor Natural religion, moral philosophy and civil polity 1827-32; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member Mass. historical society. Author System of logic, 1818; abridgement of Brown's Mental philosophy, 1827. Born Hardwick, Mass., April 19, 1766; died Cam- bridge, Mass., Jan. 3, 1844. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Harv. William Parkinson, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1798; home missionary; chap- lain U. S. Congress 1801-03; pastor First church, New York, N. Y. 1805-40; Bethesda church, New York 1841-48. Author Ecclesiastical history, 1813 ; Public ministry of the word, 181S; Sermons on Deut. xxxiii., 2 vols., 1831. Born Frederick co., Md., Nov. 8, 1774; died New York, N. Y., March 10, 184S. Nee. 184S, Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Allibone, Bapt. encyc. Joseph Sheppard ; University of Penn. 1S08; A. M. 1S11. Baptist clergy- man; pastor, Salem, N. J. 1S09-29; Mt. Holly, N.J. 1829-35; principal select school, Mt. Holly several years. Born Greenwich, N. J. Jan. 9, 1786; died Mt. Holly, N. J., Dec. 13, 1S3S. Penn. Jonathan Strong, A. M. ; D. D. 1S14; A. B. Dartmouth college 1786; A. M. 1789. Ordained Congregational 1789; pastor, Randolph, Mass. 1789-1814. Author Sermon, a?inual thanksgiving, 1795; Sermon, ordination of Levi White, 179S; Ser?non, Plymouth, 1S03 ; Discourse, funeral of Dr. Ziba Bass, 1804; Sermon before Mass. missio?iary society, 1808; Oration, 4th July, 1810 j Sermon, dedication of a meeting-house in Arlington, 1813 ; also various con- tributions to periodicals. Born Bolton, Conn., Sept. 4, 1764; died Randolph, Mass., Nov. 9, 1814. Sprague Annals 2, Allibone William White, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1851. l809 William Batchelder, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1796; pastor, Berwick, Me. 1796-1805; First church, Haverhill, Mass. 1805-1S. Author Sermon, Buxton, Me., 1S02; Masonic discourse, Danvers, 1S10. Born Boston, Mass., March 25, 176S; died Haverhill, Mass., April 8, 1818. Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6 Theophilus Parsons, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1769; A.M. 1772; LL. D. 1804; Dartmouth college 1807. Admitted to bar 1774; lawyer, Fal- mouth, Mass., now Portland, Me. 1774-75; Byfield, Mass.; Newburyport, Mass. until 1800; Boston, Mass. 1800-13; member Mass. constitutional con- vention 1779; convention to ratify U. S. constitution 17S8; Mass. general court; chief justice Mass. supreme court 1806-13. Author Result of convention at 1809 HONORARY GRADUATES 349 Ipswich, 1778; judicial decisions in Mass. supreme court reports, vol. 2-10; Commentaries on tie laws of the U. S., 1S36. Born By field, Mass., Feb. 24, 1750; died Boston, Mass., Oct. 30, 1S13. Cyc. Am. biog. l8lO Elisha Clap, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1797; A.M. 1800. Tutor, Har- vard university 1S01-03; principal academy, Sandwich, Mass. ; resident, Boston, Mass, ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member Mass. histori- cal society. Born Dorchester, Mass. 1776?; died Oct. 22, 1S30. Sprague Annals 5, Harv. Alexander Viets Griswold, A. M. ; D. D. 1S11; College of N. J. 1811; Har- vard university 1S12. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1795; priest 1795; lay reader, Plymouth, Ilarwinton, Litchfield co., Conn. 1794-1S04; pastor St. Michael's church, Bristol, R. I. 1804-30; bishop Eastern diocese 1S1 1-43 ; pastor St. Peter's church, Salem, Mass. 1830-35; presiding bishop 1836-43; fellow Brown university 1S12-15; trustee 1815-28; chancellor 1815-28. Author Sermon at first meeting of convention of the Eastern diocese, 1S10; Address to diocesan convention, Windsor, Vt., 1816; Christ's warning to the churches, 1 S 17 ; Ad- dress to biennial coven t ion, Greenfield, Mass., 1S1S; Pastoral letter to Eastern diocese, 1S21; Discourses on the most important doctrines and duties of the Christian religion, 1S30; The Reformation and apostolic office, 1S43; Remarks on social prayer meetings, 1S5S. Born Simsbury, Conn., April 22, 1766; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 15, 1S43. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 5, R. I. cyc, Allibone Joshua Marshman, D. D. Principal school, Bristol, England; missionary, Serampur, India 1799-1837; founder Se ram pur college. Author Works of Confucius, 1S09; Dissertation on the characters and sounds of the Chinese lan- guage, 1S09; Clavis Sinica, or elements of Chinese grammar, 1S14; Chinese version of the Bible; founder and editor Sumachar Durpun, or Mirror of news, 1818; Friend of India, 1S18; Quarterly fiend of India, 1S20. Born Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England, April 20, 1 76S ; died Serampur, India, Dec. 5, 1837. Diet. Nat. biog., Bapt. eneve Sidney Willard, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 179S; A. M. 1S01. Libra- rian Harvard university 1S00-05 ; Hancock professor Hebrew and other Oriental languages 1807-31; also professor English; professor Latin 1S27 ; mayor Cambridge, Mass. 1848-50; member Mass. house of representatives; Mass. executive council; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member Anthology club. Author Hebrew grammar, 1817; Memoirs of youth and manhood, 1855; besides several magazine articles; founder and editor American monthly revieiv 1S32-33; one of the founders Literary miscellany; editor Christian register. Born Beverly, Mass., Sept. 19, 1780; died Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 6, 1S56. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Harv. l8ll Joseph Hughes, D. D.; A. M. University of Edinburgh; D. D. Yale college 1820. Theological student, Bristol, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh ; ordained Bap- tist 1797; secretary Religious tract society of London 1799-1S33; one of the founders and secretaries British and foreign Bible society 1S04. Author Ser- 35° BROWN UNIVERSITY 1811 mon on Galatians, iv, 16, 1802; Essay on the Christian Sabbath, 1804; Ser- mon, death of Rev. Joint O-wen, 1822. See Memoir, by J. Leifchild. Born London, Jan. 1, 1769; died 1833. Watt's Bib. Brit., Darling's Cyc. bib., Bapt. encyc. Daniel Sharp, A. M. ; D. D. r828; Harvard university 1843. Agent of a York- shire firm, New York, N. Y., 1805-08? ordained Baptist 1809; pastor, Newark, N. J. 1809-12; Charles street church, Boston, Mass. 1812-53; president Bap- tist missionary board ; first president American Baptist missionary union ; president board of trustees of Newton theological institution 18 years; trustee Brown university 1820-28; fellow 1828-53; overseer Harvard university 1846- 53. Born Huddersfield, Eng., Dec. 25, 1783; died near Baltimore, Md., April 2 3' J 853- Nec - ^53' Bapt. encyc, Cyc. Am. biog. Joseph Gardiner Swift, A. M.; Harvard university 1812 ; Yale college 1817; LL. D. Kenyon college 1843. First graduate U. S. military academy 1802; 2d lieutenantU. S. army 1802; captain 1806 ; major 1808; aide to Gen. William Pinckney 1812; lieutenant colonel 1812; colonel and principal engineer 1812; brigadier general 1814; superintendent U. S. military academy 1816-18; U. S. surveyor port of New York 1818-27; civil engineer in U. S. service; superin- tendent harbor improvements on the lakes 1S29-45 ; engineer railway from New Orleans to Lake Pontchartrain 1830-31 ; chief engineer Harlem railroad 1S34; peace ambassador to Canada 1841 ; in Europe 1851-52. Author diary, including history of West Point academy ; also contributions to scientific jour- nals. Born Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 31, 17S3; died Geneva, N. Y., July 23, 1S65. Cyc. Am. biog. Andrew Oliver Waterhouse ; Harvard university 1810. Died 1832. Henry Wight, A. M. ; DD. 1824; A. B. Harvard university 1782; A. M. 1785; Yale college 1785. Ordained Congregational 1785 ; pastor, Bristol, R. I. ; fel- low Brown university 1793-1833. Born 1753; died 1837. Sprague Annals 1 l8l2 Nathan Bourne Crocker, A. M. ; A.B. Harvard university 1802; A. M. 1805; D. D. Ilobart college 1827. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1803; priest 1808; pastor St. John's church, Providence, R. I. 1808-65; delegate, nine triennial conventions; fellow Brown university 1808-65; secretary 1846-53. Born Barn- stable, Mass., July 4, 1781 ; died Providence, R. I., Oct. 19, 1S65. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc. Horatio Gates Jones, A. M.; D. D. University at Lewisburg 1851. Licensed Baptist 1801 ; ordained 1802; pastor Salem, N. J. 1801-05; preacher Roxboro, Philadelphia, Penn. 1805-08; pastor, Lower Merion, Penn. 1S08-53 ; one of the founders Baptist board of foreign missions 1814; secretary many years; presi- dent trustees Haddington college; president Philadelphia Baptist association 1S29-53 ; chancellor University at Lewisburg. Author History of the Philadel- phia Baptist association, 1823 ; co-editor Latter day huninary . Born Tredryfhn township, Chester co., Penn., Feb. 11,1777; died Roxboro, Penn., Dec. 12, 1853. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6, Nee. 1854 John Fothergill Waterhouse ; Harvard university 1S11 ; t M. D. University of Penn. 1813. Died 1817. 1813 Joshua Bates, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1S00; A. M. 1803; D. D. Yale college 1S1S. Assistant teacher, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1800-01; 1813 HONORARY GRADUATES 351 student of theology, Andover 1S01-02 ; licensed Congregational 1802; preacher, Dedham, Mass. 1S02-03; ordained 1803; pastor, Dedham 1S03-18; president Middlebury college 1818-39; chaplain U. S. congress 1839-40; preacher Port- land, Me. two months; Northboro, Mass. two years ; pastor, Dudley, Mass. 1S43-54. For list of his writings see Sprague's Annals vol. 1. Born Cohasset, Mass., March 20, 1776; died Dudley, Mass., Jan. 14, 1854. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 THIotson Bronson, D. D.; A. B. Yale college 1786. Ordained Episcopal dea- con 1787; preacher, Stratford, Vt. and Hanover, N. H. 17S7-S8; ordained 1788; pastor 17SS; preacher, Christ church, Boston, Mass. 1792-93; pastor, Hebron, Chatham, Middle Iladdam, Conn. 1793-95; St. John's church, Waterbury, Conn. 1795-1S05; editor Churchman s magazine 1805-07? '25?-26; principal Episcopal academy, Cheshire, Conn. 1S05-26; member standing committee, Protestant Episcopal convention of Conn. 1S06-26; frecpient delegate, general convention ; trustee General theological seminary; Washington college. Born Plymouth, Conn. 1762 ; died Cheshire, Conn., Sept. 6, 1826. Sprague Annals 5 Charles Cotton, A. M.; M. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1808; A. M. 1811. Died 1870. John D'Wolf, A. M. Student, Brown university 1S02-05?; professor Chemis- try, Brown university 1S17-34; Woodstock, Vt., medical school, and Castleton, Vt., medical school, 1834-39; McDowell medical college, St. Louis, Mo. 1S40- 44; farmer, near Bristol, R. I. 1844-54; resident, Bristol 1854-62; member R. I. house of representatives several terms. Author various orations and poems. Born Bristol, R. I., Feb. 26, 1786; died Bristol, Feb. 23, 1S62. Parsons, Nee. 1862 William Ingalls, M. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1790; A. M. 1793; M. B. 1794; M. D. 1S01. Professor Anatomy and surgery, Brown university, 1S11- 23. Author Observationes ad abscessum bursalem pertinentes, 1S03; Essay on the ganglionary system of nerves in the cranium, 1S32 ; On scarlatina, 1S37; Lecture on phrenology, 1839; Treatise on malignant fever, 1847; A case of typhus or ship fever, 184S. Born Newburyport, Mass., May 3, 1769; died Wrentham, Mass., Sept. 8, 1S51. Parsons, Cyc. Am. biog., Surg. -gen. cat. Abner Phelps, A. M. ; M. D. 1S14; A. B. Williams college 1806; A. M. 1S09; M. D. Yale college 1814. Physician, Reading, Mass.; Boston, Mass. 1816-73; member Mass. house of representatives 1S26; originator Boston and Albany railroad. Author Crucifixion of Christ, anatomically considered, 1S53. Born Belchertown, Mass., Sept. 5, 1779; died Boston, Mass., Feb. 24, 1873. Cyc. Am. biog. l8l4 Barnabas Bates, A. M. Baptist preacher, R. I. ; collector of customs, Bris- tol, R. I. under President J. Q^. Adams; acting postmaster New York, N. Y. under President Jackson; postal reformer. Founder Unitarian Christian in- quirer, 1825. Born Edmonton, England, 17S5; died Boston, Mass., Oct. 11, 1853. Cyc. Am. biog., Nee. 1854 John Codman, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1S02; A. M. 1805; D. D. 1840; A. B. Yale college 1S02; D. D. College of N. J. 1822. Student, Edin- burgh 1805-06; preacher, Scotch church, London 1807-08; ordained Congre- gational 1808; pastor, Dorchester, Mass. 1808-47 ; delegate, Congregational union of England and Wales 1834-35; in Europe 1824-25, '45; member Mass. historical society. Author sermons enumerated in Sprague's Annals; also 352 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1814 Sermons and addresses, 1834; A visit to England, 1S36; Memoir by William Allen, -with six select sermons, 1853. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 3, 1782; died Dorchestei-, Mass., Dec. 23, 1847. Cyc Am. biog., Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 1S62, Sprague Annals 2, Nee. 1848 Stephen Hill, A. M. Clergyman. William Bulletin Johnson, A. M. ; D. D. 1833. Baptist clergyman, S. C. ; acting pastor, Edgefield Court House; president Saluda association ; modera- tor Edgefield association ; one of the founders S. C. Baptist state convention 1S21 ; vice president 1823; president 1824 and for many years after; president Baptist triennial convention of the U. S. three years. Born about 1780; died Greenville, S. C, 1862. Bapt. encyc. Aaron Whitney Leland, A. M.; A. B.Williams college 1S08; A.M. 1811; D. D. College of South Carolina 1S14. Clergyman. Died 1871. Nathaniel Miller, A. M. ; M. D. 1S17; Harvard university 1823. Physician. Author Dissertation on importance and manner of detecting deep-seated mat- ter, 1827. For sketch see Medical communications Mass. medical society 1854. Born 1771; died 1S50. Surg.-gen. cat. Luther Rice, A. M.; A. B. Williams college 1S10; A. M. 1813. Student, And- over theological seminary 1810-11; missionary, India 1812-13; founder Bap- tist general convention 1814; missionary agent, U. S. several years ; one of the founders Columbian college 1817-21 ; agent 1S21-26. Founder Columbian star, about 1S21. Born Northboro, Mass., March 25, 17S3; died Edgefield district, S. C, Sept. 25, 1836. And., Bapt. encyc. ? Sprague Annals 6, Columbian Robert Baylor Semple, A. M.; D. D. 1824; College of William and Mary. Law student; preacher 1790; ordained Baptist 1790; pastor, Bruington, Va. 1790-1831; member Va. Baptist general convention ; president Va. Baptistmis- sionary society; moderator General association of Va. ; president board of managers; president Baptist triennial convention 1820-31 ; trustee Columbian college 182 1-31 ; agent 1827-31. Author Catechism, 1809; History of the Bap- tists in Va., 1S10; Life and death of S. L. Straughan, 1822 ; Circular letters from the Dover association; Letters to Alexa?ider Campbell. Born Rose Mount, King and Queen co., Va., Jan. 20, 1769; died Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 25, 1S31. Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc, Sabin, Cyc. Am. biog. Thomas Williams, A.M.; A. B. Yale college 1800. Teacher, Beverly, Mass., Woodstock and Norwich, Conn., Boston, Mass. 1S00-03 ; licensed Congrega- tional 1803; home missionary, N. Y. 1803-04, '05 ; ordained 1804; preacher Pacific church, Providence, R. I. 1807; pastor, 1821-23; Foxboro, Mass. 1816- 21 ; preacher, Attleboro and Hebronville, Mass. ; Barrington, R. I. ; resident, Hartford, Conn.; East Greenwich, R. I.; Providence, R. I. 1843-76; preached 2200 sermons 1840-68. Author Sermons, 1823 ; Sermon, second century from settlement of R . I., 1837; Domestic chaplain, 1839; Centurial sermon, 1840; Discourse on life and death of Oliver Shatv, 185 1 ; besides numerous other ser- mons and treatises. Born Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 5, 1779; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 29, 1876. R- I- cyc, Bibliog. R. I. 1815 Thomas Manning Barrows, M. D. Physician. Died 1832. John Mathewson Eddy, M. D. Associate professor Anatomy and surgery, Brown university 1815-17. Died Havana, Cuba, 1817. Parsons 1815 HONORARY GRADUATES 353 Aaron Leland, A. M. ; Middlebury college 1814. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Chester, Vt. 17S9-1S33; member Vt. house of representatives 1S01-11; speaker three years ; member governor's council four years; lieutenant-governor Vt. five years; assistant justice county court 18 years. Born Holliston, Mass., May 2S, 1761 ; died Chester, Vt., Aug. 25, 1S33. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. William Steadman, D. 1). Student, Bristol college, England; Baptist clergy- man, Broughton, Hampshire eight years ; Plymouth seven years ; first presi- dent Horton college, Bradford, Yorkshire, and pastor, Bradford 1S05-37. Born near Leominster, England, Aug. 12, 1764; died 1837. Bapt encyc. Joseph Story, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1798; A. M. 1S01 ; LL. D. Harvard university 1S21 ; Dartmouth college 1824. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. 1S01-29; Cambridge, Mass. 1829-45; member Mass. house of representatives 1805-0S, '10-12 ; speaker 1811-12 ; member U. S. house of representatives 1S08- 09; associate justice U. S. supreme court 181 1-45 ; member Mass. constitu- tional convention 1S20; Dane professor Law, Harvard university 1829-45; overseer iS 18-25 ; fellow 1S25-45 ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences; member Mass. historical society; American philosophical society. Author numerous publications ; see Allibone's Dictionary of authors. Born Marble- head, Mass., Sept. 18, 1779; died Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 10, 1845. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Harv. l8l6 William Cogswell, A. M.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S11; A. M. 1814; Har- vard university 1816; D. D. Williams college 1S33. Teacher Atkinson academy; Hampton academy; licensed Congregational 1813; ordained 1S15; pastor, Dedham, Mass. 1S14-29; general agent American education society 1829-32; secretary and director American education society 1S32-41 ; professor History and national education, Dartmouth college 1841-44; president and pro- fessor Christian theology, Theological seminary, Gilmanton, N. H. 1S44-50; trustee Andover theological seminary 1837-45; member Mass. historical soci- ety; American antiquarian society; N. E. historic, genealogical society; corresponding member National institution for the promotion of science at Washington. Author various Sermons, 1816-2S ; Catechism on the doctrines and duties of religion-, 1S1S; Manual of theology and devotion; Assistant to family religion, 1S26; Valedictory discourse to the South parish, Dedham, Mass., 1829; Christian philanthropist, 1830; Theological class book, 1S31 ; Harbinger of the millenium, 1S33; Letters to young men preparing for the ministry, 1837; Reports of the American education society, 1S33-40; editor N. E. his- torical and genealogical register ; N. H. repository ; American quarterly regis- ter. Born Atkinson, N. H., June 5, 17S7 ; died Gilmanton, N. H., April iS, 1850. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 2 Joel Mann, A. M.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1810; A. M. 1813. Clergyman. Author Exposition of the Revelation of John from chapter iv., 1S51. Born 1789?; died 18S4. Allibone, Dart. William Newman, D. D. President and tutor Theology, Academical institu- tion, Stepney, England. Author Proverbs of Solomon, 1839. Died 1836. Allibone, Darling's Cyc. bib. 354 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1817 l8l7 Philip Colby, A. M. Clergyman, Middleboro, Mass. Died 185 1. William Gammell, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1809; pastor, Bellingham, Mass. 1S09-10; Medfield, Mass. 1810-23; Second church, Newport, R. I. 1823-27; trustee Brown university 1820-27. Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 9, 1786; died Newport, R. I., May 30, 1827. R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc. Thomas Noyes, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1795; A.M. 1798. Clergy- man. Died 1S37. Joseph Richardson, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college [S02; A. M. 1805. Or- dained Unitarian 1806; pastor, Hingham, Mass. 1S06-71; delegate, Mass. con- stitutional convention 1S20-21 ; member Mass. house of representatives 1821- 23; Mass. senate 1823-27; U. S. house of representatives 1S27-31. Born Bil- lerica, Mass., Feb. 1, 177S ; died Hingham, Mass., Sept. 25, 1871. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Dart. I8l8 Asa Eaton, A. M. ; A. B. 'Harvard university 1803 ; A. M. 1806; D. D. Colum- bia college 182S. Ordained Episcopal 1S05 ; lay reader Christ church, Boston, Mass. 1803-05: pastor 1805-29; also Christ church, Cambridge, Mass. several years; conductor Free church city mission, Boston 1829-?; teacher, St. Mary's school, Burlington, N. J. 1837-41; pastor Trinity church, Bridgewater, Mass. until 185S; secretary directors, American education society. Author History of Christ Church, Boston, 1828. Born Plaistow, N. H., July 25, 1778; died Boston, Mass., March 24, 1S58. Sprague Annals 5, Nee. 1S58 Elnathan Judson, A. M.; M. D. 1823; Dartmouth college 1S23; A. M. Ham- ilton college 1S23. Physician, U. S. navy. Died 1829. Ariel Mann, M. D. Physician, Hallowell, Me. Died 1828. Joshua Thomas, A. M. ; M. B. Harvard university 1810; M. D. 1S11. Physi- cian. Died 1820. Nathan Towson, A. M.; U. S. military service; captain 1812 ; brevet major 1812 ; brevet lieutenant-colonel 1814; brevet colonel 1814; paymaster-general 1S19; brevet brigadier-general 1S34; major-general 1S48. Born near Balti- more, Md., Jan. 22, 17S4; died Washington, D. C, July 20, 1854. Cyc. Am. biog. I8I9 David Bolles, A. M. Lawyer, Ashford, Conn. ; judge. Died 1830. Sprague Annals 6? John Evans, LL. D. Clergyman, London, England. Died 1S27. Cheever Felch, A.M. Clergyman. Died 1S27. Nathaniel Kendrick, A. M. ; D. D. 1823; A. M. University of Vt. 1813. Licensed Baptist 1803; preacher, Bellingham, Mass. 1S03-4; ordained 1S05 ; pastor and teacher, Lansingburg, N. Y. 1805-10; Middlebury, Monkton, Brid- port and New Haven, Vt. 1S10-17; pastor, Eaton, N. Y. 1817-22; professor Theology and moral philosophy, Literary and theological institution, Hamil- 1819 HONORARY GRADUATES 355 ton, N. Y. 1822-34? > overseer Hamilton college 1S25-37; member executive committee, board of trustees, N. Y. Baptist education society; corresponding secretary 1834-48. Author sermons on death of Rev. Clark Kendrick and T. O. Warren, besides other sermons and reports. See memoir by S. W. Adams. Born Hanover, N. II., April 22, 1777; died Hamilton, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1S48. Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6, Cyc Am. biog. Archibald Maclay, A.M.; D. D. Columbia college 1S42; University of the city of New York 1S42. Student, University of Edinburgh; pastor Kirkcaldy, Scotland 1S02-05; Rose street Congregational church, New York, N. Y. 1S05- 09; Tabernacle Baptist church, New York 1S09-37; general agent American and foreign Bible society 1837-50; American Bible union 1850-56; founder Maclay college, Canada. Author Sermon on the iinpqrtance of the Bible, Eng- lish and Welsh; Hymn book, edited. Born Killearn, Scotland, May 14, 1776; died New York, N, Y., May 2, 1S60. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. Joseph Leonard Tillinghast, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S11; lawyer, Provi- dence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives; speaker 1829-32; mem- ber U. S. house of representatives 1837-43; trustee Brown university 1S33-44. Author Oration, birthday of General Nathanael Greene, 1S13. Born Taun- ton, Mass., 1791 ; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 30, 1844. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Bibliog. R. I., Cong, direct. William Holland Wilmer, D. D. Student, Washington college, Kent co., Md.; ordained Episcopal 1808; pastor, Chestertown, Md. 1808-12; St. Paul's church, Alexandria, Va. 1812-26; Williamsburg, Va. 1S26-27 ; member stand- ing committee diocese of Va.; one of the founders and president Education society of D. C. ; delegate, Va. general convention 1812-27; president house of deputies 1820, '21, '2^, '26; professor Systematic theology, ecclesiastical his- tory and church polity, Theological seminary of Va. 1S23-26; president Wil- liam and Mary college 1826-27. Author Sermon. 4th July, iSrj ; Sermon be- fore convention of diocese of Richmond, 1S14; Episcopal manual, 1S15 ; Ser- mon on death of Bishop Claggett, 1S16; Controversy -with Baxter, a Jesuit priest, 1S1S; The almost Christian, sermon, 1818; Sermon on anniversary of John the Baptist, 1S20; one of the editors Washington theological repertory, 1S19-26. Born Kent co., Md., Oct. 29. 17S2 ; died Williamsburg, Va., Jyly 24, 1S27. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 5 l820 Charles Sidney Coxe, A. M. ; A. B. University of Penn. 1S0S; A. M. 1S11. Lawyer, Philadelphia, Penn.; judge Philadelphia district court 1S26-35; presi- dent directors Eastern penitentiary. Born Philadelphia, Penn., July 31, 1791 ; died Drifton, Penn., Nov. 19, 1S79. Penn. John Adams Dix, A. M. U. S. military service 1812-23; ensign 1S13; second lieutenant 1814; special messenger, Denmark 1S26; captain; lawyer, Coopers- town, N. Y. 1S28-30; Albany, N. Y. ; adjiiiant-general N. Y. 1S30; secretary of state N. Y. 1833-40; superintendent of schools N. Y. 1S33-40; member N. Y. house of representatives 1841-42; U. S. senate 1S45-49; postmaster New York, N. Y. 1861 ; U. S. secretary of the treasury 1861 ; U. S. military service 1861-65, major-general 1861 ; naval officer port of New York 1866; U. S. min- ister, France 1S66-69; governor N. Y. 1873-75; president Miss, and Mo. rail- way company 1S53; Union Pacific railroad company 1S63-68. Author Sketch 35 6 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1820 of the resources of the city of New York, 1827; Decisions of the superintend- ents of common schools, 1S37 ; Winter in Madeira, and a summer in Spain and Florence, 1850; Dies irae, 1S63 ; Speeches and occasional addresses, 1864; Stabat mater, 1868; editor Northern light, 1S41-43. Born Boscawen, N. H., July 24, 1798; died New York, N. Y., April 21, 1879. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Cent. diet. Elon Galusha, A. M. ; A. B. University of Vt. 1816; A. M. 1820. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Whitesboro, N. Y. 1816-32; Broad street church, Utica, . N. Y. 1832-?; Rochester, N. Y. ; Perry, N. Y. ; Lockport, N. Y. 1841-56; one of the founders Hamilton theological institution. Born Shaftsbury, Vt. June iS, 1790; died Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1856. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Sprague Annals 6 Edward Duncan Ingraham, A. M. Student, University of Penn. ; admitted to bar 1813; lawyer, Philadelphia, Penn.; U. S. commissioner on insolvency 1S31 ; secretary committee to investigate affairs of Bank of U. S. 1834; direc- tor 1834; commissioner under fugitive slave law. Author View of the insol- vent laws' of Penn., 1827; Chitty's Treatise on pleading, edited, 3 vols., 1828; Address before the Law academy of Philadelphia, 1S28; Govv's Treatise on the lazv of partnership, edited, 1S30; Wentworth's Office and duty of executors, edited, 1832 ; Sketch of the events zvhich preceded the capture of Washington, 1814, 1849; Vattel's Law of nations, edited, 1852; English ecclesiastical re- ports, 1809-35, edited serially ; Coleman's Broad grins, edited for private cir- culation. See sketch with portrait, in Democratic review, vol. 25, 1849. Born Philadelphia, Penn., 1793; died Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 1S54. Cyc. Am. biog., Dem. rev., Cat. lib. N. Y. bar assoc, Allibone, Sabin William Johns, M. D. Physician, Calcutta, Ind. George Keely, A.M. Clergyman, Haverhill, Mass. Died 1S65. Charles George Sommers, A. M. ; Union college 1S25; D. D. Madison univer- sity 1853. With mercantile house, Elsinore, Denmark; came to America 1S10; in employ of John Jacob Astor 181 1- 15?; Baptist clergyman ; pastor Troy, N.Y. six years; South church, New York, N. Y. until 1856. Author Alemoir of John Sla??ford, D. D., 1835 ; editor Psalms and hymns, 1835 ; Baptist library, 3 vols., 1843. Born London, England, March 4, 1793; died New York, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1868. Cyc. Am. biog. I82I Caleb Fiske, M. D. Surgeon Continental army; physician, Scituate, R. I.; justice Court common pleas; original member R. I. medical society; president 1S23-24. Born Scituate, R. I. 1753; died Scituate, Sept. 1S35. R. I. cyc. William Ebenezer Richmond, A. M. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. Died 1873. l822 Stephen Chapin, D. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1804. Ordained Congre- gational 1805; pastor, Hillsboro, N. H. 1805-08; Mt. Vernon, N. H. 1809-18; Baptist church, North Yarmouth, Me. 1819-23; professor Sacred theology, Waterville college 1822-28; president and professor Moral and intellectual phil- osophy and Belles-lettres, Columbian college, Washington, D. C. 1828-41. Au- 1822 HONORARY GRADUATES 357 thor Immoral tendency or error in sentiment, sermon, 1S09; On the duties of an ambassador of Christ, two sermons, 1S09 ; Duty of living for the good of pos- terity, sermon, 1S20; Series of letters on baptism, 2d ed., 1820; Sermon, or- dination of Samuel Cook, 1822 ; Sermon, dedication of Baptist meeting house, Winthrop, Me., 1823; Triumphs of intellect, lecture, 1824; Sermon, ordina- tion, of A. Mer riant, W. Metcalf, and E. Johnston, 1S25 ; Moral education, address, 1825; Sermon, dedication of neiv meeting house, IVaterville, 1826; Divine economy in raising up great men, sermon; Discourse, American Bap- tist home mission society, 1841 ; besides letters and miscellaneous writings-. Born Milford, Mass., Nov. 4, 1778; died Washington, D. C, Oct. 1, 1845. Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc, Sabin, Columbian Bela Jacobs, A. M. Ordained Baptist 1809; pastor, Somerset, Mass. 1S09-11 ; Pawtuxet, R. I. 1811-18; Cambridge, Mass. 1S1S-33; secretary Western educa- tion society 1S33-35 ; pastor, East Cambridge 1S35-36. Born Dighton, Mass., 1786; died East Cambridge, Mass., May 22, 1836. Sprague Annals 6 Isaac Mann, A. M. Clergyman, Shipley, England. Gideon Wanton Olney, A. M. ; Bowdoin college 1821. Clergyman, Gardiner, Me. Died 1S38. Richard Povall, A. M. ; M. D. University of Penn. 1809. Physician, Phila- delphia, Penn. Christopher EHery Robbins,A. M. Lawyer, Newport, R. I. Died 1S55. Francis Wayland, A. M. 1S22 ; A. B. Union college 1S13; D. D. 1S27; Har- vard university 1829; LL. D. 1852. Student of medicine, Troy, N. Y. 1S13- 16; student, Andover theological seminary 1816-17; tutor, Union college 1S17- 21; ordained Baptist 1821 ; pastor First church, Boston, Mass. 1821-26; pro- fessor natural philosophy, Union college 1826-27; president Brown university 1S27-55; fellow 1S55-58; pastor First Baptist church, Providence, R. I. 1S57-5S. For list of works see Appendix to his Memoir, by his sons, 1867. Born New York, N. Y., March 11, 1796; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 30, 1S65. And., Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1S66 1823 Thomas Oliver Hunt Carpenter, M. D. Physician. Abiel Hall, M. D. Physician. Sylvester Holmes, A. M. Clergyman. New Bedford, Mass. Died 1S66. l824 Ashbel Willard, M. D. Physician. Died 1852. Nathaniel West Williams, A. M. Clergyman, Beverly, Mass. Died 1853. 1825 Charles Henry Alden, A. M. Ordained Episcopal 1S23; pastor Greenwich, R. I.; teacher, Providence, R. I.; Philadelphia, Penn.; chaplain U. S. navy 1S41. Died Pensacola, Fla., Oct. 1S46. Nee. 1S47, P. Peter Chase, A. M. Clergyman, Hinesburgh, Vt. Levi French, A. M. Clergyman, Berkley, Mass. 358 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1825 John Jeffries, M. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1815 ; A. M. i8i8;M. D. 1S19. Physician. Author Address before Suffolk district medical society-, 1S50. For sketch see Boston medical and surgical journal, 1876. Born 1796; died 1876. Surg. -gen. cat. Usher Parsons, M. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1S20; M. D. 1818; A. M. 1829. Dartmouth college 1S21 ; M. D. 1821. U. S. naval service 1812-22; sur- geon 1S13-22; physician, Providence, R. I.; professor Anatomy and surgery, Dartmouth college 1820-22; Brown university 1823-28; president R. I. medical society 1837-39; first vice president American medical association 1853; one of the founders R. I. hospital; R. I. natural history society 1837; president; sur- geon Providence horse guards 1861 ; corresponding member Mass. historical society. Author History of the battle of Lake Erie, 1852 ; Life of Sir Wil- liam Pepperell, 1855 ; and various medical treatises enumerated in the Surgeon- general's Catalogue. See Memoir, by C. W. Parsons, 1870. Born Alfred, Me., Aug. 8, 178S; died Providence, R. I., Dec. 19, 1868. Surg.-gen. cat., Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bibliog. R. I., Sabin, Parsons Edward Reynolds, M. D.; Bowdoin college 1825; A. B. Harvard university 181 1; A.M. 1814. Physician; professor Surgery, Tremont medical school. Author On importance of knowledge of physiology to parents and teachers, 1833; Hints to students on use of the eyes, 1835; address on the medical pro- fession 1841 ; Address, dedication of Mass. eye and ear infirmary, 1850. For sketch see Boston medical and surgical journal, 18S2. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 28, 1793; died Dec. 25, 1881. Surg.-gen. cat., Bovvd. William Leete Stone, A. M. Proprietor and editor Herkitner American, Her- kimer, N. Y. 1S13-14; Northern -whig, Hudson, N. Y. 1814-16; Albany daily advertiser, Albany, N. Y. 1816-18; editor Hartford mirror, Hartford, Conn. 1819-21; New York commercial advertiser, New York, N. Y. 1S21-44; pro- jector N. Y. state historical agency; member staff of Gov. Clinton, with rank of colonel; director Institution for deaf and dumb; member Society for refor- mation of juvenile delinquents; school commissioner New York ; superin- tendent common schools 1843-44. Author Narrative of the Erie canal cele- bration, 1825; Letters 011 masonry and anti-?nasonry, 1832; Matthias and his impostures, 1833; Tales and sketches, 1834; Maria Monk, 1836; Ups and downs in the life of a distressed gentleman, 1836 ; Border wars of the American Rev- olution, 2 vols., 1S37?; Letters on animal magnetism, 1837; Life of Joseph Brant, 1838; Poetry and history of Wyoming, 1841 ; Lives of Red Jacket and Complanter, 1841 ; Life of Uncas andMiantonomoh, 1842; Life and times of Sir William Johnson, bart., completed by his son, W. L. Stone, 1865. Born New Paltz, N. Y., April 20, 1792; died Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Aug. 15, jS^a. Allibone, Cyc. Am. biog., Stone f am. Daniel Thurber, M. D. ; Harvard university 1826. Physician, Mendon, Mass. Died 1S36. 1826 Thomas Bucklin, M. D. Died 1843. Alva Woods, A. M. ; D. D. 1828; A. B. Harvard university 1817; A. M. 1820. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S21 ; ordained Baptist 1821 ; profes- sor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Columbian college 1821-24; Mathe- matics and natural philosophy, Brown university 1824-28; president ad interim 1826-27; president and professor Moral and intellectual philosophy, Transyl- 1826 HONORARY GRADUATES 359 vania university 1828-31; University of Ala. 1831-38; resident, Providence, R. I. 183S-S7 ; trustee Brown university 1843-59; fellow 1859-S7; trustee Newton theological institution. Born Shoreham, Vt., Aug. 13, 1794; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 18S7. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Bapt. encyc. 1827 Jeremiah Fisher Ames, A. M. ; M. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1822 ; A. M. 1S25; M. D. 1827. Physician. Died 1S29. Albert Collins Greene, A. M. Lawyer, East Greenwich, R. I. ; member R. I. house of representatives 1815-16, '22-25, '57~5%i speaker 1S25 ; brigadier-gen- eral R. I. militia 1S16-21 ; major-general R. I. militia 1821-23; attorney-gen- eral R. I. 1825-43; member R. I. senate; U. S. senate 1S45-51. Born East Greenwich, R. I., April 15, 1791 ; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 8, 1S63. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., R. I. cyc. Charles Winston Greene, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1802 ; A. M. 1805. Died 1857. Howard Malcom, A. M. ; D. D. Union college 1S43; University of Vt. 1S43; LL. D. University at Lewisburg 1S57. Student, Princeton theological semi- nary 181S-19; ordained Baptist 1820; pastor, Hudson, N. Y. 1820-26 ; general agent American Sunday school union 1826-27 > pastor Federal street church, Boston, Mass. 1S27-35 ; deputy to visit Baptist foreign mission stations 1S35- 3S ; president Georgetown college 1S39-49; pastor Sansom street church, Phila- delphia, Penn. 1849-51; president University at Lewisburg 1S51-58 ; president American peace society ; Baptist historical society. Author Dictionary of the Bible, 1828; Nature and extent of atonement, 1S29; Christian rule of marriage, 1830; Memoir of Mrs. Lydia M. Malcom, 1833 ; Travels in south-eastern Asia, 1839 ; Index to religious literature, 1S69 ; editor Hymns for theconference, 1S22 ; also various standard religious works. Born Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 9, 1799; died Philadelphia, March 25, 1S79. Cyc. Am. biog., Princ, Allibone Charles Morris, A. M. Died 1856. William Henry Smith, A. M. Died i860. John Rogers Vinton, A. M. Graduated U. S. military academy 1S17 ; U.S. military service, Florida 1S37 ; Mexico 1846-7; captain 3d artillery 1835; brevet, major 1S46. Born Providence, R. I., June 16, 1S01 ; killed near Vera Cruz, Mexico, March 22, 1847. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Nee. 1S47 1828 Oliver Cromwell Comstock, A. M. Physician, Cayuga Bridge, N. Y. ; mem- ber N. Y. house of representatives 1S10-12; U. S. house of representatives 1S13-19; ordained Baptist 1819; chaplain U. S. house of representatives; physician, Trumansburg, N. Y. ; pastor First church, Rochester, N. Y. 1S25- 34; Mich.; superintendent public instruction Mich, four years. Born War- wick, R. I., March 1, 17S1 ; died Marshall, Mich., Jan. 11, i860. Bapt. encyc, Cong, direct. Theophilus Colhoun Dunn, A. M. ; M. D. University of Penn. 1S21. Presi- dent R. I. medical society ; vice president American medical society. Died 1S71. Nathaniel Dunn, A. M. ; A. B. Bowdoin college 1855; A. M. 1S2S. Teacher and lecturer, New York, N. Y. Born Poland, Me., Jan. 29, 1S00; died Oct. 17, 1889. Bowd. 360 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1828 Joseph Ives Foot, A. M. ; A. B. Union college 1821; D. D. Washington col- lege 1S40. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1824; licensed Congre- gational 1S24; evangelist, Barnwell Court House, S. C. 1824-25; Boston, Mass. 1825; Epping, N. H. 1825-26; pastor, West Brookfield, Mass. 1826-32; Salina, N. Y. 1833-35; Cortland, N. Y. 1835-37; Westport, Conn. 1837-39; Knoxville, Tenn. 1839-40; president-elect Washington college, Knoxville, Tenn. 1839-40. Author Two sermons on intemperance, 1828; The prominent trait in teachers of false religion, 1828; Historical discourse, thanksgiving, 1828; Sermon, installation of L. W. Clark, 1830; Sermo7i, ordination of Wil- liam Wolcott, 1830; Sermon, dedication and ordination, North Woodstock, Conn., 1S32 ; Three sermons on perfectionism, 1834; Address, prepared for his inauguration as president of Washi?igton college, 1S40; Selections from his sermons, zvith memoir by George Frost, 1841 ; contributions to Literary and theological review, and other periodicals. Born Watertown, Conn., Nov. 17, 1796; died near Knoxville, Tenn., April 21, 1840. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 4, And., Sabin William Jones, A. M. Clergyman. Charles Otis Kimball, A. M. ; Waterville college 1S28. Clergyman, Methuen, Mass. Born 1792 ; died 1852. Colby Joseph Kinghorn, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1S32. Winslow Paige, A. M. Clergyman. Died 1838. Seth Spencer Whitman, A. M. ; A. B. Hamilton college 1825. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S28; resident licentiate Andover theological seminary 1830; professor Biblical interpretation, Hamilton literary and theo- logical institution 1829-35; pastor, Belvidere, 111. 1836-46; ordained Baptist 1839; pastor, Madison, Wis. 1S51-52. Born Fairfield, Vt., Feb. 5, 1S02 ; died Madison, Wis., Jan. 2, 1852. Bapt. encyc, And., Newt. l829 RufllS Claggett, A. M.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1826. Born 1803; died 1875. Dart. Frederick Augustus Farley, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1S1S; A. M. 182 1 ; D. D. 1850. Clergyman. Died March 24, 1892. P. Horatio Potter, A. M. ; D. D. 1S38; Trinity college 1838; A. B. Union college 1826; LL. D. Hobart college 1856. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1827; priest 1828; pastor, Saco, Me.; professor Mathematics and natural philosophy, Washington, now Trinity, college 1828-30; pastor St. Peter's church, Albany, N. Y. 1833-54; provisional bishop diocese of N. Y, 1854-61; bishop 1S61-87. Author pastoral letters, addresses to clergy and laity, and occasional ser- mons. Born Beekman, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1802; died New York, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1SS7. Cyc. Am. biog. John Stevens, A. M,; A. B. Middlebury college 1821; D. D. University of Rochester 1873. Student, Andover theological seminary 1823-25; teacher, New Ipswich, N. H. 1823-24; tutor, Middlebury college 1825-27; principal academy, South Reading now Wakefield, Mass. 1827-30; editor Baptist weekly journal, Cincinnati, O. 1831-38; vice president and professor Intellectual and moral philosophy, Granville college 1838-43; district secretary American Bap- tist missionary union, and western editor Macedo?iian 1843-49; agent 1850-58; ordained Baptist 1845 ; secretary Western Baptist education society 1849-50; teacher, Fairmount, O., theological seminary 1858-59; professor Latin and 1829 HONORARY GRADUATES 361 Greek, Denison university 1859-68; Latin 186S-75; emeritus 1875-77; one of I lie founders Western Baptist theological institute, Covington, Ky. 1S45 ; sceietary Ohio Baptist education society 1S61-73. Born Townsend, Mass., June 17, 1799; died Granville, O., April 30, 1S77. Cjc. Am. biog., And., Den., Bapt. encyc. Joseph Gilbert Totten, A. M. Graduated U. S military academy 1S05 ; second lieutenant; secretary U. S. survey of Ohio and the territories 1S06-0S; military engineer 1S08-64; first lieutenant 1810; captain and brevet major 1S13; brevet lieutenant colonel 1S14; major 1818; lieutenant colonel 1S2S; colonel and chief engineer U. S. army 1S3S; inspector U. S. military academy 1S3S-64; brevet brigadier general 1 S47 ; member light-house board 1S5 1-58, '60-64 ; state com- missioner for preservation of New York harbor; Boston harbor; brigadier general 1S63 ; brevet major general 1S64; regent Smithsonian institution 1S46- 64; corporate member National academy of sciences. Author Treussart's Essays on hydraulic and common mortars, translated, 1S42 ; Report on natio?ial defences, 185 1 ; Report on firing tuith heavy ordnance, 1857; also engineering and scientific papers; contributions to American journal of science. See sketch by J. G. Barnard in Biographical memoirs of National academy of sci- ences, 1877. Born New Haven, Conn., Aug. 23, 17S8; died Washington, D. C, April 22, 1S64. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone 1830 John Wayland, A. M.; A. B. Union college 1827; D. D. 1844. Tutor, Brown university 1S2S-31; trustee 1S39-47; professor Belles-lettres, Hamilton college 1S31-34. From Saratoga, N. Y. ; died Roxbury, Mass., 1S63. Ham., Union William Yates, A. M. ; D. D. 1S39. Died 1S45. 1831 William Theophilus Brantly, D. D. ; A. B. College of S. C. 1S0S. Teacher, Camden, S. C. 1808-09; rector Richmond academy, Augusta, Ga. 1S09-11, '19- 26; Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Beaufort, S. C. 181 1-19; First church, Phila- delphia. Penn. 1S26-3S; First church, Charleston, S. C. 1838-44; president College of Charleston. Author Lenitives of sorrotv, 1S1S ; Beauty and stabil- ity of Gospel institutions, 1S21; The good man, 1S23 ; Trinitarian rationalism, 1S24; Duty of publicly dedicating children to the Lord, 1824; Testimonies of enemies in favor of religion, 1S24 ; Sermons, 1837; editor Columbian star. Born Chatham co., N. Y., Jan. 23, 1787; died Augusta, Ga., March 25, 1S45. Sprague Annals 6 William Taylor Grinnell, A. M. Died 1835. Bartholomew Trow Welch, A.M.; D. D. Union college 1S33. Baptist clergy- man; pastor, Catskill, N. Y. 1825-27; First church, Albany, N. Y. 1827-48; Pierpont street church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1848-70?. Born Boston, Mass.. Sept. 24, 1794; died 1870. Bapt. encyc. Eleazar Mather Porter Wells, A. M. ; D. D. Georgetown college 1854. 1832 Charles Pettit Mcllvaine, D. D.; A. B. College of N. J. 1816; A. M. 1S19; D. C. L. Oxford university 1853; LL. D. 1S67 ; LL. D. Cambridge university 362 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1832 1S5S. Ordained Episcopal deacon, 1820; priest 182 1 ; pastor Christ church, Georgetown, D. C. 1820-25; professor Ethics and chaplain, U. S. military academy 1S25-27 ; pastor St. Ann's church, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1827-31; professor Evidences of revealed religion, University of the city of New York 1831-32; bishop of Ohio 1S32-73; president Kenyon college 1832-?; also president Theo- logical seminary, Gambier, O.; member sanitary commission during the civil war. Author Evidences of Christianity in their external division, 1S32 ; Oxford divinity compared with that of the Roman a?id Anglican churches, 1S41 ; Sinner's justification before God, 185 1; The Holy Catholic Church, 1S44; No priest, no altar, no sacrifice, but Christ, 1S46; Valedictory offering, 1S53; Word in season to candidates for confirmation ' Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal church as to confirmation ; Chief danger of the church; Truth and the life, tzveuty-tivo discourses, 1S55 ; editor Select family and parish sermons, 1839. Born Burlington, N. J., Jan. 18, 1799; died Florence, Italy, March 13, 1S73. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone Edward Jones Mallett, A. M. ; A. B. University of N. C. 1S1S; A. M. 1821. Commission merchant and shipping agent, Wilmington, N. C. 1819-23; Provi- dence, R. I. 1823-29; postmaster Providence 1S29-44; member common coun- cil 1S37-38; major-general R. I. militia; in business, New York, N. Y. 1845-?; president St. Nicholas bank, N. Y. 1S53-58; U. S. consul-general, Italy 1S5S- 62; paymaster U. S. army 1862; member N. Y. historical society. Born Fay- etteville, N. C.,May 1, 1797; died 188-? R. I. cyc. Robert Everett Pattison, A. M.; D. D. 183S; A. B. Amherst college 1S26. Tutor, Columbian college; professor Mathematics, Waterville college 1828-29; president 1S36-39, '54-57; Baptist clergyman; pastor, Salem, Mass.; First church, Providence, R. I.; secretary home department American Baptist mis- sionary union 1842-45; president Western theological institute, Covington, Ky. 1S45-48; professor, Newton theological institution 1848-54; professor Theology Sfmrtleff college 1864; professor, Baptist Union theological seminary at Chi- cago 1S70-74. Author Commentary on the epistle to the Ephesians, 1859. Born Benson, Vt., Aug. 9, 1800; died St. Louis, Mo., 1S74. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Amh., Colby Samuel Boyd Tobey, A. M.; M. D. University of Penn. 1S2S. Physician, Providence, R. I.; trustee R. I. hospital; Butler hospital for the insane; vice president Providence dispensary; member Providence medical association; trustee Brown university 1S35-67; chancellor 1S54-67. Born Bristol, Me., Nov. 12, 1805; died June 23, 1S67. R. I. cyc. Samuel Ward, A. M. ; A. B.Columbia college 1S31; A. M. 1S34; Ph. D. Uni- versity of Tubingen. Banker, New York, N. Y. 1835-43; miner, Cal. 184S-?; resident, Washington, D. C. ; abroad; secretary U. S. special mission, Para- guay 1S5S; Nicaragua 1S63. Born New York, N. Y.,Jan. 27, 1814; died Pegli, Italy, May 19, 18S4. Cyc. Am. biog., Columb. 1833 John James D'Wolf, A. B. ; M. D. Harvard university 1835. Physician, Providence, R. I. Died Providence, R. I., July, 1894. John Farrar, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1803 ; A. M. 1S06. Tutor Greek, Harvard university 1S05-07; Mollis professor Mathematics and natural philosophy 1807-36; vice president American academy of arts and sciences. Author Lacroix's Elements of algebra, translated, 1818; Bezout's Differential 1833 HONORARY GRADUATES 363 and integral calculus, translated, 1S24; Cambridge mathematics ; Elementary treatise on mechanics, 1S25; Elementary treatise on optics, selected chiefly from Biol. 1826; Elements of electricity, magnetism and elect) o-magnctism, selected chiefly from Biot, 1S26; Elementary treatise on astronomy, selected from Biot, 1827; Lacroix's Arithmetic, translated; Legendre's Geometry, translated; Topography ; Trigonometry ; also selections from Bezout and others; besides contributions to North American review j Memoirs of American academy', and various scientific journals. Born Lincoln, Mass., July 1, 1779; died Cam- bridge, Mass., May 8, 1853. Cyc. Am. biog., [Jarv., Roorbacb Alexander Hamilton Frink. George Washington Greene, A. M. Student, Brown university 1825-27; abroad 1S27-47 ; U. S. consul, Rome 1S37-45; instructor Modern languages, Brown university 1S4S-52 ; teacher and author, Nevr York, N. Y. 1852-65; au- thor, East Greenwich, R. I. 1S65-S3; lecturer, American history, Cornell uni- versity 1S71-73. Author Life of General Greene, in Sparks' American biography 1S46; Primary lessons in French, 1849; Companion to Ollendorff's French grammar, 1850; Primary lessons in Italian ; Historical studies, 1850; History and geography of the Middle ages, 185 1; Biographical studies, 1S60; Histori- cal view of the American revolution, 1865; Nathanael Greene: an examination of the ninth volume of Bancroft's history, 1866; Eife of Nathanael Greene, 3 vols., 1867-71; The German element in the~var of America, 1S76; Short history of R. I., 1S77. Born East Greenwich, R. I., April 8, iSii ; died East Green- wich, Feb. 2. 1SS3. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Allibone EH Burnham Smith, A. M. ; A. B. Middlebury college 1S23; D. D. Water- ville college 1849. Student, Andover theological seminary 1823-25 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1S26; ordained Baptist 1826; pastor, Buffalo, N. Y. 1826-29; Poultnev, Vt. 1829-33; president and professor Biblical theo- logy, Literary and theological institution, New Hampton, N. II. and Fairfield, Vt. 1S33-61. Born Shoreham, Vt., April 16, 1S03; died Colchester, Vt., [an. 5, 1861. And., Newt., Colby Francis Vinton; D. D. Columbia college 1S4S; LL. D. College of William and Mary 1S69. Graduated U. S. military academy 1S30; U. S. military service 1830-36, second lieutenant; admitted to bar 1834; student, General theological seminary; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S38; priest 1S39; pastor, Tower Hill, R. I.; Wakefield, R. I.; St. Stephen's church, Providence, R. I. 1S40-42 ; Trinity church, Newport, R. I. 1S42-44: Emmanuel church, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Grace church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. ; assistant pastor Trinity parish, New- York, N. Y. 1S55-59; pastor 1859-72; elected bishop of Ind., but declined 1S48; professor Ecclesiastical law and polity, General theological seminary 1S69-72. Author Arthur Tremaiue, or, Annals of cadet life, 1S30; Evidences of Chris- tianity, 1S55; Oration on the annals of R. I. arid Providence plantations, 1S63; Manual commentary on the general canon lazv of the Protestant Episcopal church, 1S70: also many pamphlets and sermons. Born Providence, R. I., Aug. 29, 1S09; died Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1872. Cvc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Columb. 1834 John Dowling, A. M. ; D. D. Transylvania university 1S46. Tutor Latin, classical institute, London, Eng. 1826; instructor Hebrew, Greek, Latin and French, Buckinghamshire classical institute 1S2S; principal classical boarding 364 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1834 school near Oxford, Eng. 1S29-32 ; ordained Baptist 1S32 ; pastor, Catskill, N. Y. 1S32-34; Newport, R. I. 1834-36; New York, N. Y. 1836-?; Providence, R. I. ; Philadelphia, Penn. ; Newark. N. J.; Berean church, New York 1844- 52, '56-68; South church, Newark, N. J.; South church, New York. Author Vindication of Baptists from bigotry ; Exposition of prophecies of Miller, 1840; Defence of protestant Scriptures, 1S43; History of Romanism, 1S45 ; J udson offering ; Power of illustration; Nights and mornings; besides nu- merous tracts and other works; editor Conference hymn book, 1S68; Noel's Bap- tism; Lorenzo Dow's Works; Conyers Middleton's On conformity of popery and paganism ; Memoir of the missionary, Jacob Thomas; translator Cote's A xvord, etc. Born Pavensev, England, May 12, 1807; died Middletown, N. Y., July 4, 187S. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone Abraham Henry Dumont, A. M. ; Rutgers college. Clergyman. Died 1864. Samuel Furman, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; professor Theology, Furman university. Died March 19, 1877. Bapt. encyc. William Nelson Pendleton, A. M.; D. D. Alexandria theological seminary 1868. Graduated U. S. military academy 1830; assistant professor Mathe- matics, Bristol college, Tenn. 1832-39; ordained Episcopal deacon 1S37 ; priest 1838; principal Episcopal high school, Alexandria, V;i. 1S39-53; pastor, Lex- ington, Va. 1853-83; Confederate military service 1861-65, brigadier general. Author Science a tvilness for the Bible, i860. Born Richmond, Va., Dec. 26, 1809; died Lexington, Va., Jan. 15, 1SS3. Cyc. Am. biog. Josiah Quincy, A. M. Lawyer, Rumney, N. H.-1S64; president Grafton co. bar; member N. H. house of representatives several terms; N. II. senate twice; president one term; trustee N. II. asylum for the insane; director Pemigewassett bank, Plymouth, N. II. ; one of the founders Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad; president 14 years; trustee Newton theological institu- tion; president trustees New Hampton academy. Born Lenox, Mass., March 7, 1793; died Rumney, N. II., Jan. 19, 1875. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. Nathaniel Bradstreet Shurtleff, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1831; A. M. 1834; M. D. 1834; Shurtleff college 1843 ; A. M. University of Illinois 1834. Demonstrator, Harvard university 1835-36; overseer 1S52-61, '63-69; secretary of overseers 1854-74; mayor Boston 1S6S-70; fellow American academy; member Mass. historical society ; American philosophical society ; honorary member London society of antiquaries. Author Epitome of phre- nology, 1835; Decimal system for arrangement of libraries, 1856; besides vari- ous historical works enumerated in Sabin's Bibliotheca Americana. Born Boston, Mass., June 29, 1810; died Boston, Oct. 17, 1S74. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv. Isaac Stevens, A. M.; Waterville college 1S35. Died 1S66. Joseph Andrews Warne, A.M.; D. D. elsewhere. Educated Stepney col- lege, England; Baptist pastor, New Berne, N. C. ; principal Imwan academy, N. C. ; pastor First church, Providence, R. I. ; South Reading, Mass. ; Brook- line, Mass.; Sansom street church, Philadelphia, Penn.; retired 1S45. Editor Baptist edition Comprehensive commentary. Born London, Eng., 1795; died Philadelphia, Penn., 1S81. Bapt. encyc. 1835 Chauncey Allen Goodrich, D. D. ; A. B. Yale college 1S10; A. M. 1S13. Tutor, Yale college 1812-14; Congregational clergyman; pastor, Middletown, 1835 HONORARY GRADUATES 365 Conn. 1816-17; professor Rhetoric and English literature, Yale college 1S17- 39; professor Pastoral theology 1839-60; elected president Williams college 1820, but declined. Author Greek grammar, 1814; Greek and Latin lessons, 1S32; Select British eloquence, 1852; Webster's Dictionary-, abridged, 1S57. Bon New Haven, Conn., Oct. 23, 1790; died New Haven, Feb. 25, 1S60. Cyc. Am. biog. John Howland, A. M. Died 1854. Samuel Larned, A. M. Charge d'affaires, Peru. Died Providence, R. I., Dec. 10, 1S46. Nee. 1847 Jesse Mercer, D. D. Ordained Baptist 17S9; pastor, Mutton's Fork, Ga. ; In- dian Creek, Ga. ; Oglethorpe co., Ga. ; Sardis, Ga. ; Phillips' Mill, Ga. ; Powelton, Ga.; Whatlej's Mill, now Bethesda, Ga. ; Eatonton, Ga. ; Wash- ington, Ga. 1S27-41. Born Halifax co., N. C, Dec. 16, 1769; died Washing- ton, Ga., Sept. 6, 1S41. Cyc Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. John Mason Peck, A. M. ; D. D. Georgetown college; Harvard university 1852. Licensed Baptist 1S11; preachei, Catskill, N. Y. 1S11-14; ordained 1S13; pastor Amenia, N. Y. 1814-16; missionary Mo. and 111. 1817-26; resi- dent Rock Spring, 111. 1822-58; founder Rock Spring seminars- 1S26; professor Theology 1827-31; founder The rvestern pioneer and Baptist, 1829; founder Illinois Sunday-school banner' trustee Shurtleff college 1S35-5S; one of the founders Covington, Ky., theological institution; corresponding secretary and financial agent American Baptist publication society 1S43-45 ; pastor, Mo., 111., Ky. Author Gazetteer of Illinois, 1S34; New guide for emigrants to the west, 1S36; Life of Daniel Boone, in Sparks' Library of American biography, 1S47 ; Father Clark, or, The -pioneer preacher, 1855; editor 2d ed. Annals of the west. See Forty years of pioneer life: Memoir of J. M. Peck, edited by Ritfus Babcock, 1864. Born Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 31, 1789; died Rock Spring, 111., March 15, 185S. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1S5S Ashur Robbins, LL. D. ; A. B. Yale college 17S2. Tutor, Brown univer- sity 17S2-90; librarian 17S2-S5 ; lawyer, Providence, R. I. until 1795; Newport, R. I. 1795-1S45; U. S. district attorney 1812; member R. I. general assembly 1818-25; U. S. senate 1825-39. Born Welhersfield, Conn., Oct. 26, 1757; died Newport, R. I., Feb. 25, 1845. Cong, direct., Cvc. Am. biog. 1836 Timothy Robinson Cressey, A. M. ; A. B. Amherst college 1S2S. Graduated Newton theological institution 1831 ; ordained Baptist 1S30; pastor, Ilingham, Mass. 1831-34; South church, Boston, Mass. 1S34-35 ; Columbus, O. 1S35-42 ; First church, Cincinnati, O. 1842-44; agent American and foreign Bible soci- ety 1S44-46; Indianapolis, Ind. 1S46-52 ; St. Paul, Minn. 1852-54; missionary, Minn.; pastor, Hastings, Minn.; U. S. military service 1861-63, chaplain; pastor, Kendallville, Ind. 1864-66; Plainfield, 111.; Olney, 111.; Indianola, Iowa 186S-70. Born Pomfret, Conn., Sept. 18, 1800; died Des Moines, Iowa, Aug- 30, 1S70. Bapt. encyc, Newt. John Gebhard, A. M. Member U. S. house of representatives 1821-23. Nicholas Medbery, A. M. ; A. B. Waterville college 1828. Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Middleboro, Mass. 1S2S-32 ; Watertown, Mass. 1832-43; Newburyport, Mass. 1S43-53; Ashland, Mass. 1853-55; Peabody, Mass. 1855-57; c,t J' m i s " sionary, Portsmouth, N. H. 1857-71. Born 1801 ; died Dover, Mass., May 30. 187S. ' Colby 366 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1836 William Parker, A. M. Died 1873. Alexander Hamilton Vinton, A. M. ; M. D. Yale college 1S28; D. D. University of the city of New York 1S43 ; Harvard university 1853. Student, Brown university three years; physician, Pomfret, Conn. 1828-31; graduated General theological seminary 1835; ordained Episcopal deacon, 1835; priest 1836; preacher, St. Paul's church, Portland, Me. 1835 ; pastor Grace church, Providence, R. I. 1S36-42 ; St. Paul's church, Boston, Mass. 1S42-58 ; Trinity church, Philadelphia, Penn. 1858-61; St. Mark's church, New York, N.Y. 1861- 69; Emmanual church, Boston, Mass. 1869-77 > resident, Pomfret, Conn. Author Sermons, 1S55; Lectures on evidences of Christianity, 1855; Sermons, 1867; also articles in reviews and magazines. Born Providence, R. I., May 2, 1S07 ; died Philadelphia, Penn., April 26, 1S81. Cyc. Am. biog. R. I. eye. 1837 Myron Munson Dean, A. M. ; A. B. Middlebury college 1834. Graduated New- ton theological institution 1838; ordained Baptist 1836; pastor, Providence, R. I. 1S38-40; Marblehead, Mass. 1840-47 ; chaplain, Deer Island, Mass.; agent American and foreign Bible society ; pastor, Warren, R. I. Born Monkton, Vt., Nov. 8, 181 1 ; died Cambridge, Mass., March 30, 1861. Bapt. encyc, Newt. Richard Simpson Fellowes, A. M. ; A. B.Yale college 1S32; A.M. 1835. Died 1SS4. Yale Dennis Hart Mahan, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S52 ; A. M. College of N.J. 1S37 ; LL. D. College of William and Mary 1852 ; Dartmouth college 1867. Graduated U. S. military academy 1824; acting assistant professor Mathematics 1821-24; second lieutenant Engineer corps 1824; assistant professor Mathematics 1S24- 25; principal assistant professor Engineering 1825-26; student engineering, under orders in Europe 1826-30; student, by permission of the French govern- ment, Military school for engineers and artillerists, Metz, France 1829-30; act- ing professor Engineering, U. S. military academy 1830-32 ; professor Engi- neering 1832-71 ; dean 1S3S-71 ; corporate member National academy of sciences 1863. Author Treatise on field fortifications, 1S36; Elementary course of civil engineering, 1837; Elementary treatise on advaticed guard, outposts, and de- tachment service of troops, 1847; Treatise on permanent fortifications ; Ele- mentary treatise on industrial drawing, 1853; Descriptive geometry, 1S64; Military engineering, 1865-67. Born New York, N. Y., April 2, 1802 ; died near Stonv Point, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1871. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone William Harris Murch, D. D. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Sheppard's Bar- ton, Frome, Eng. 21 years; president Stepney college, London 1827-44; sec- retary Baptist union 1834-46; Baptist board 1837-43. Born Honiton, England, May 17. 17S4; died Bath, England, July 12, 1859. Bapt. encyc. 1838 Samuel Aaron, A. M. Assistant instructor Classical and mathematical school, Burlington, N. J., principal school, Bridge Point, N. J. ; academy, Doylestown, N. J.; ordained Baptist 1829; pastor, New Britain, Penn. 1829-33; Burlington, N.J. 1S37; principal high school, Burlington, N. J. 1833-41 ; pastor, Norris- tovvn, Penn. 1S41-44; principal Treemount seminary, nearNorristown 1844-57; head-master Mt. Hollv institute, Mt. Holly, N.J. Author Faithful transla- 1837 HONORARY GRADUATES 367 lion, 1842; also a series of text-books. Born New Britain, Penn., Oct. 19, 1S00; died Mt. Holly, N.J., April n, 1S65. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc. William Crowell, A. M. ; D. D. University of Rochester 1S57. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S38; Baptist clergyman; editor Christian watchman, Boston, Mass. ten years; pastor Waterville, Me. two years; editor Western watchman, Des Moines, Mo. ten years; teacher, St. Louis, Mo., pas- tor, Freeport, 111.; Germantown, Penn. Author Church member's manual. Born Middlefield, Mass., Sept. 22, 1806; died July 17, 1871. Bapt. encyc, Newt. Joseph John Qurney, LL. D. Banker, Norwich, England; Friends' minister 1818-47. Author numerous publications. See Allibone's Dictionary of au- thors. Born Earlham Hall, near Norwich, England, Aug. 2, 17S8; died Earl- ham, Jan. 4, 1847. Diet. nat. biog., Darling's Cyc. bib., Nee. 1847 Charles Tillinghast James, A. M. Superintendent Slater's steam cotton-mill, Providence, R. I. ; general introducer of steam cotton mills in various places; member U. S. senate 1S51-57; inventor of a rifled cannon. Born West Green- wich, R. I., 1S04; died Sag Harbor, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1862. Cong, direct. Lyman Beecher Larkin, A. M. ; A. B. Amherst college 1835; M. D. Berkshire medical institution 1S3S. Physician. Died 1SS3. Owen Mason, A. M. Resident, Providence, R. I. ; president Franklin society. Died 1873. 1839 Richard Fletcher, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S06; LL. D. 1S46; Har- vard university 1849. Admitted to bar 1S09; lawyer, Salisbury, N. H. 1809- 19; Boston, Mass. 1819-5S; member Mass. house of representatives; U. S. house of representatives 1S37-39; associate justice Mass. supreme court 1S4S- 53; trustee Brown jniversity 1832-35 ; fellow 1835-54; overseer Harvard uni- versity 1854-56. Author Address to his constituents, 1S37. Born Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 8, 1788; died Boston, Mass., June 21, 1S69. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv., Sabin Abel Stevens, A. M.; LL. D. Indiana state university 1856. Student, Wes- leyan university iS3i?-34; Methodist Episcopal clergyman, Boston, Mass. 1S34; pastor Church street and Bennett street churches 1834-37; agent Wes- leyan university one year; in Europe 1S37, '55; pastor, Providence, R. I. 1837- 39; editor Zions herald, Boston, Mass. 1S40-52 ; National magazine, New York, N. Y. 1S53-54; Christian advocate and journal, New York 1S56-60; pas- tor 17th street church, New York 1S60-62 ; Mamaroneck, N. Y. 1S62-65 ; joint editor Methodist 1S65-73 ; pastor Union church, Geneva, Switzerland; travel- ling in Europe; round the world; author. For list of his writings see Alumni record of Wesleyan university. Address, 1037 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Cyc. Am. biog., Wesleyan, P. Joseph Williamson, A. M. ; A. B. University of Vt. 1812 ; A. M. 1815. Law- yer, Belfast, Me.; president Me. senate 1834. Died 1854. Vt., Me. reg. I84I John Humphrey Avery, A. M. ; A. B. Union college 1S34. Clergyman, Ainboy, O. ; Cleveland, O. Union 368 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1841 Cyrus Mason, D. D.; A. B. Union college 1824; A. M. 1827; Middlebury col- lege 1S33. Professor Rhetoric and apologetic theology, University of the city of New York. Died 1S65. Amos Perry, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1837; LL. D. Griswold college 188S. Principal Fruit Hill seminary, North Providence, R. I. 1S37-40; Sum- mer street school, Providence, R. I. 1S40-52 ; inspector public schools, Provi- dence 1840-52; in Europe 1852-56, '61; principal Young ladies' school, New London, Conn. 1S55-58; Young ladies' school, Providence 1858-60; U. S. consul, Tunis 1S62-67; secretary R. I. historical society 1873- ; librarian 1880- ; superintendent R. I. state census, 1S85 ; corresponding member Mass. histori- cal society. Author Carthage and Tunis, 1869; li. I. state census, 1SS5; Memorial of Zachariah Allen 17Q5-1882 ' An official tour along the eastern coast of the regency of Tunis, 1891 ; also several pamphlets and magazine arti- cles; editor Publications of the R. I. historical society, 1893-. Address, Provi- dence, R. I. P. John Russell, A. M. ; A. B. Middlebury college 1S17. Lucius Leslie Scammell, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1837; M. D. Har- vard university 1S42. Physician, St. Louis, Mo. Died Feb. 13, 1892. Dart. l842 Spencer Houghton Cone, D. D. Student, College of N. J. 17S7-89; teacher Latin, Princeton academy a few months ; master district school, Burlington, N. J. ; assistant, academy, Philadelphia, Penn.; actor -1812 ; treasurer and bookkeeper American, Baltimore, Md. -1812; publisher Whig, Baltimore; clerk, Treasury department, Washington, D. C, and preacher 1814-15; chap- lain Congress 1815-16; pastor, Alexandria, Va. 1815-23; co-pastor Oliver street Baptist church, New York, N. Y. 1823-41 ; First Baptist church, New York 1841- 55; president Baptist triennial convention 1832-41 ; corresponding and record- ing secretary New York Baptist domestic mission society many years; director American Baptist home mission society 1832-39; vice president 1S40-43 ; mem- ber executive board 1832-45; chairman 1849-55; president American and for- eign Bible society 1837-50; American Bible union. Author pamphlet on Com- mufiiou ; also numerous addresses; joint author with W. H. Wyckoff : The Bible translated, — The Bible its excellence, — A corrected version of the Eng- lish Nezv Testament; editor Jones' Chtirch history. See Some account of S. H. Cone, by his sons. Born Princeton, N. J., April 30, 1785 ; died New York, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1S55. Cyc. Am. biog., Sprague Annals 6, Bapt. encyc, Sabin William Jenny, A. M. ; A. B. University of the city of New York 1836. James Craft Welch, A. M. 1S45; A. B. Columbian college 1S41 ; A. M. 1S44. Died Missouri, Aug. 1847. Nee. 1848 1843 Arthur Fuller Drinkwater, A.M.; A. B. Waterville college 1840. Member Me. board of education 1847-52; judge Municipal court, Ellsworth, Me. 1869- 72; collector internal revenue, fifth district, Me. 1873-76; member Me. house of representaives 1S78. Editor Ells-worth Americati, 1S72-7S. Born 1S19; died May 27, 1882. Colby 1843 HONORARY GRADUATES 369 Alexander Duncan, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1S25; A. M. 1S2S. Lawyer, N. Y. ; Sodus Bay, N. Y. 1837-39; Providence, R. I. 1839-63; president Providence and Worcester railroad company; member Peace convention, resi- dent, London and Leicestershire, England 1S63-89; trustee Brown univer- sity 1843-50; fellow 1S50-89. Born Scotland, May 26, 1805; died near Lon- don, England, Oct. 14, 1SS9. R. I. eye, Pres. report '90 George Francis Needham, A. M. ; A. B. Wesleyan university 1840. Student Union theological seminary 1S40-43; Wesleyan Methodist clergyman; mem- ber Wesleyan Methodist convention, Utica, N. Y. 1843; preacher, Athol and Needham, Mass. 1S44 ; Buffalo, N. Y. 1S45 ; pastor, East Solon, N. Y. 1846; Kalamazoo, Mich. 1850-57; in business, Rochester, N. Y. 1S50-57; seedsman, Buffalo 1858-61 ; U. S. military service 1861 ; in service of sanitary commission, Washington, D. C. 1861-62; clerk, Sixth auditor's office, Treasury department, Washington 1S63-S1 ; resident Seabrook, Md. ; original member National freed men's association; founder colored free school system, D. C. 1S63 ; Lin- coln cooperative building and deposit association. Author Protestantism is the ancient and papacy the new religion, 1S43; A new industry: fig culture at the North a success. Born Boston, Mass., Feb. 7, 1816; deceased. Wesleyan. 1844 Edmund Alburn Crawley, D. D.; A. B. King's college, N. S. 1S19. Lawyer; student, Andover theological seminary 1828-29; ordained Baptist 1830; pastor Granville street church, Halifax, N. S. 1S36-39, '47-52; president Acadia col- lege, Wolfville, N. S. 1839-47, '52-55; pastor and teacher, Mt. Auburn, Cin- cinnati, O. 1S56-60; principal Young ladies' seminary, Limestone Springs 1860-64; professor Mental philosophy, Acadia college 1S65-70; principal theo- logical department 1870-88. Born Ipswich, Eng., Jan. 20, 1799; died Sept. 27, 1S88. Bapt. encyc, And., P. John Sharp Maginnis, D. D. ; A. B. Waterville college 1832; A. M. 1835. Graduated Newton theological institution 1832; ordained Baptist 1S32 ; pastor, Portland, Me. 1832-37; Providence, R.I. 1S37 ; professor Biblical theology Hamilton literary and theological institution 1S3S-50; Biblical and pastoral theology, Rochester theological seminary, and Intellectual and moral phil- osophy, University of Rochester 1850-52. Born Butler co., Penn., June 13, 1850; died Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1S52. Colby, Newt., Sprague Annals 6 Edward North, A. M. ; A. B. Hamilton college 1S41 ; L. H. D. University of the state of New York 1869; LL. D. Madison university 1S86. Professor Greek language and literature, Hamilton college 1843- ; necrologist 1847?-; trustee 1SS1-; president N. Y. state teachers' association 1S65. Address, Clin- ton, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Ham. '845 Kazlett Arvine, A. M. ; A. B. Wesleyan j university 1841 ; graduated Newton theological institution 1845; ordained Baptist 1845; pastor, Woonsocket, R. I. ; Providence church, New York, N. Y. 1847-49; West Boylston, Mass. Au- thor Death's chieftains, 1S40; Cyclopaedia of moral and religious anecdotes, 1S48; Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literatare and fine arts, 1859. Born Dec, 18 19; died Worcester, Mass., 1S51. Wesleyan, Newt. 37° BROWN UNIVERSITY 1845 Frederick Bosworth, A. M. Tutor, Montreal college, Montreal, Canada. Rowland Gibson Hazard, A. M.; LL. D. 1869. Manufacturer, Peacedale, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1851-52, 1854-55; R. I. senate 1S66- 67 ; trustee Brown university 1869-75 ; fellow 1875-88. Author Language, 1S36; Lectures on the adaptation of the universe to the cultivation of the mind, 1840; Lectures o?i the causes of decline of political and national morality, 1841 ; Essay 011 the philosophical character of Channing, 1844; Essay on the duty of individuals to support science and literature, 1855 ; Essays on the resources of the U. S., 1864; Freedom of the mind hi ■willing, 1864; Essay 071 finance and hours of labor, 1868; Causatiofi and freedom in willifig, 1S69. Born South Kingstown, R. I., Oct. 9, 1S01 ; died Peacedale, R. I., June 24, 1888. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone Thomas Ricker Lambert, A. M.; Trinity college 1852; D. D. Columbia col- lege 1863. Clergyman, Fall River, Mass. Born iSo9;died Feb. 4, 1892. Trin. William Cabell Rives, LL. D. Student, College of William and Mary; law- yer, Va.; member Va. militia 1814-15; Va. constitutional convention 1S16; Va. house of representatives 1817-19, 1822-23; U. S. house of representatives 1S23- 29; U.S. minister, France 1829-32, 1849-53; member U.S. senate 1833-34, 1S36-45 ; one of five commissioners to Peace congress 1861 ; member Confed- erate congress 1861-64. Author On agriculture, 1842; Life and character of John Hampden, 1S45 ; Discourse on the uses and importance of history, 1847 ; Ethics of Christianity. 1855 ; History of the life and times of James Madison, 4 vols., 1859-69. Born Nelson co., Va., May 4, 1793; died Castle Hill, near Charlottesville, V., April 25, 1S6S. Cyc. Am. biog. I846 George Francis Cushman, A. M.; A. B. Amherst college 1S40; D. D. Uni- versity of Ala. i860. Ordained Episcopal deacon 1849; priest 1850; mis- sionary, Eufala, Oswichee, Auburn, Ala. two years; Cahawba, Ala. 13 years; Pawtucket, R. I. two years ; Syracuse, 111. four years ; Princeton, 111. five years ; pastor St. Stephen's church, Chicago, 111. 1874-81 ; assistant pastor, New York, N. Y. Associate editor The province, 1874-78; Living chtirch, 187S; member editorial board Churchman, 1879-90. Born Pawtucket, R. I., Feb. 24, 1819; died Brooklyn, N. Y., June 26, 1890. Amh. obit. Andrew Dexter, A. M. ; A. B. Hamilton college 1843. Resident, London, Eng. James Nathaniel Granger, A. M.; D. D. 1854. Graduated Hamilton literary and theological institution 1S3S; ordained Baptist 1839; pastor, Avon, N. Y. 1S39-41 ; Washington street church, Buffalo, N. Y. 1841-42; First Baptist church, Providence, R. I. 1842-57; trustee Brown university 1851-53 ; fellow 1853-57. Born Canandaigua, N. Y., Aug., 1814; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 5, 1857. R. I., Cyc, Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1857 Addison Parker, A. M.; A. B. Middlebury college 1823. Tutor, Waterville college 1824-26. Died 1864. Baron Stow, D. D. ; A. B. Columbian college 1825 ; A. M. Waterville col- lege 1830; D. D. Harvard university 1855. Ordained Baptist 1827; pastor Portsmouth, N. H. 1S27-32 ; Baldwin place church, Boston, Mass. 1832-48; Rowe street, now Clarendon street church, Boston 1S48-67; member execu- tive committee, American missionary union; trustee Brown university 1S38. 58; fellow 1858-69; overseer Harvard university 1854-64. Author Memoir of 1846 HONORARY GRADUATES 37 1 Harriet Doiv, 1832 ; History of Baptist mission to India, 1835 ; History of the Danish mission on the coast of Coromaudel, 1S37 ; The -whole family i?i heaven and earth, 1845; Christian brotherhood, 1859; First things, 1859; Helons pil- grimage, 1835; editor Daily manna, 1S42; Missionary enterprise, 184650116 of the compilers Psalmist, 1849. See A model pastor, by J. C. Stockbridge, 1871. Born Croydon, N. II., June 16, 1S01 ; died Boston, Mass., Dec. 27, 1869. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Bapt. encyc, Colby, Harvard Wilkins Updike, A. M. Admitted to bar 1S0S; lawyer, Kingston, R. I.; member R. I. general assembly several years. Author Memoirs of the R. I. bar, 1842 ; History of the Episcopal church in Narragansett Pier, R. I., 1847. Born North Kingstown, R. I., Jan. 8, 1784; died Kingston, R. I., Jan. 14, 1S67. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc. John Webster, A. M. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1841. Physician ; U. S. mili- tary service, surgeon. Born 1S10; died Cal., 18SS. Dart. 1847 David Newton Sheldon, D. D. ; A. B. Williams college 1S30; A. M. 1S33. Graduated Newton theological institution 1835; ordained Baptist 1S35; pastor, Halifax, N. S. 1S35; missionary, France 1S35-36; pastor, Waterville, Me.; president Waierville college 1S43-52 ; pastor, Bath, Me.; Unitarian church, Waterville. Author Sin and redemption, 1S56. Born Suffield, Conn., June 26, 1S07; died Wateiville, Me., Oct. 4, 1889. Cyc. Am. biog., Newt., P. Joseph Emerson Worcester, LL. D.; A. B. Yale college 1811; A. M. 1S14; Harvard university 1S20; LL. D. Dartmouth college 1S56. Teacher, Salem, Mass. several years; author, Andover, Mass. two years; Cambridge, Mass. 1819-65; member numerous learned societies. Author Geographical dic- tionary, 2 vols., 1817; Gazetteer of the U. S., 1S18; Elements of geography, 1S19; Sketches of the earth and its inhabitants, 1823; Longevity, 1^2^; Ele- ments of history, with Historical atlas, 1S26; Epitonfe of history, 1827 ; Out- lines oj Serif ture geography, 1828; Johnson's Dictionary, edited, 1828; Web- ster's Americati dictionary, abridged, 1S29; Comprehensive English dictionary, 1830; in Europe 1S31 ; American almanac, edited, 1831-43; Universal and critical dictionary, 1846; Dictionary of the English language, 1S60. See Memoir, by Ezra Abbot, 1S67. Born Bedford, N. H., Aug. 24, 1784; died Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 27, 1865. Cyc. Am. biog. I848 John Russell Bartlett, A. M. Cashier Globe bank, Providence, R. I. 183 1- 37; merchant. New York, N. Y. 1S37-49; commissioner to run boundary line between U. S. and Mexico 1850-53; R. I. secretary of state 1855-72; in Europe 1867, '72; librarian John Carter Brown library several years ; delegate, Inter- national congresses of archaeology and anthropology 1S67 ; officer R. I. histor- ical society ; founder Providence Athenaeum; corresponding secretary N. Y. historical society; secretary American ethnological society; member other learned societies in America and Europe. Author Progress of ethnology, 1847; Dictionary of Americanisms, 184S; Reminiscences of Albert Gallatin, 1849; Personal narrative of explorations, 2 vols., 1S54; Records of the colony of R. I. /6j6-/ygs, edited, 10 vols., 1S56-65; Census of R. I., 1S5S; History of 372 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1848 the destruction of the Gaspee, 1S61 ; Index to acts and resolves of the assembly of R. I., 1748-1862, 1863; Bibliography of R. L, 1864; Literature of the Re- bellion, 1866; Bibliotheca Americana, catalogue of library of John Carter Brozvn, 4 vols. 1865-71; Memoirs of R. I. officers in Rebellion, 1S67; Prime- val man, 1S68; History of the Wanton family, 1S78; Ge7iealogy of the Rus- sell family, 1879; Naval history of R. I., 1880; besides numerous minor writings. Born Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1805; died Providence, May 28, 1S86. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, Sabin, Bibliog. R. I., Allibone William Mitchell, A. M. ; Harvard university i860. Teacher; cashier Pacific bank, Nantucket, Mass.; astronomer and mathematician; fellow American academy; overseer Harvard university 1857-65. Author astronomical articles in American journal of science, and other periodicals. Born Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 20, 1791 ; died Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 19, 1868. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv. Charles William Parsons, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1840; M. D. 1S45. Physician, Providence, R. I. ; president R. I. medical society ; professor Physiology, Brown university 1S74-82. Author Essay on Vis medicatrix natural, Fiske fund prize dissertation, 1S49; History of the population of R. /., 1S50?; Neuralgia, Fiske fund prize dissertation, 1854; Report on medical topography and epidemic diseases of R. I., 1S64; Memoir of Usher Parsons, 1870; Hydrate of chloral, 1872; The medical schovl formerly in Brown univer- sity, 1SS1. Born Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1S23; died Providence, Sept. 2, 1S93. Surg. -gen. cat., Cyc. Am. biog., Sabin l849 Edward C Anderson, A. M. ; A. B. Acadia college 1846. Graduated Newton theological institution 1849; ordained Baptist 1S50; pastor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1850-53, '73; Milford, N. H. 1853-58; professor Greek, Kalamazoo college 1858-64; pastor, Portland, Or. 1866-71; president Ottawa university, Kans. one year; pastor, Lake City, Minn, four or five years ; president McMinnville college, Or. 18S1-S7 ; resident, Lansing, Mich. 1SS9-90. Born Prince Edward's Island; died Lansing, Mich., Jan. 29, 1890. Newt., P. William Hague, D. D. ; A. B. Hamilton college 1S26; D. D. Harvard univer- sity 1863. Graduated Newton theological institution 1829; ordained Baptist 1829; pastor Second church, Utica, N. Y. 1829-31 ; First church, Boston, Mass. 1831-37; First church, Providence, R. I. 1837-40; Federal street church, Boston, 1840-?; Jamaica Plain, Mass.; Charles street church, Boston; Shawmut ave- nue church, Boston ; Newark, N. J.; Albany, N. Y. ; Madison avenue, New York, N. Y. ; Chicago, 111. ; Orange, N. J. ; Wollaston, Mass. ; professor Homi- letics, Baptist union theological seminary, Chicago, 111. 1S69-? trustee Brown university 1S37-87. Author The Baptist church transplanted from the Old World to the Nexv, 1846; Guide to cofiversation on the gospel of John; Review of Fuller andWayland on slavery ; Christianity and statesmanship ; Home life ; Authority and perpetuity of the Christian Sabbath, 1863; Self-witnessing character of New Testament Christianity, 187 1; Christian greatness : life of R.H. Neale, 18S0; Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1884; Life notes, 1887; editorial writer and contributor, Watchman, Boston, Mass.; contributor to various periodicals. Born Pelham, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1808; died Boston, Mass., Aug. 1, 18S7. Bapt. encyc, Newt., Pres. report, Allibone 1849 HONORARY GRADUATES 373 Dura Durand Pratt, A. M. Baptist clergyman, Nashua, N. II. 1S32-55. Born Marlboro, Vt., July 13, 1S06; died Nashua, N. II., Nov. 13, 1855. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1856 Nelson Wheeler, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1836; A. M. 1S39. Teacher, Townshend, Vt. ; principal Worcester co. manual labor high school, Worces- ter, Mass. 1840-? city classical and English school, Worcester -1S52 ; profes- sor Greek, Brown university 1853-54. Born Royalston, Mass., 1814; died Royalston, Aug. 25, 1855. Bapt. encyc, Nee. 1855 1850 William Butler Duncan, A. M. Address, 11 Pine St., New York, N. Y. Richard Sexton James, A. M. ; A. B. Columbian college 1S47 ; M. D. Phila- delphia homoeopathic medical college; LL. D. Judson university 18S0; D. D. 1883. Ordained Baptist 1859; pastor Camden and Marlton, N. J. nine years; West Newton, Mass. ; Market street church, Zanesville, O. ; professor, Hills- dale college, Mich. 1874-77; pastor, and president Oak Grove academy, Me- dina, Mich. -1SS0; president Judson university, Ark. 1SS0-84; Buckner col- lege, Ark. 1S84-87; Episcopal clergyman. Authoi The walk with Christ through the valley of death, 1862. Address, Eureka Springs, Ark. Bapt. encyc, P. Rollin Heber Neale, D. D. ; A. B. Columbian college 1829; D. D. Harvard university 1857. Graduated Newton theological institution 1S33; ordained Baptist 1827; pastor, South Boston, Mass. 1S32-34; First church New Haven, Conn. 1S34-37; First church, Boston, Mass. 1S37-79; overseer Harvard univer- sity 1856-68. Author The incarnation ; Hie burning bush ; Religious liberty ; Holding forth the tvord of life, 1S55; Address, 200th anniversary, First Bap- tist church, Boston, 1S65 ; Pastor and preacher, memorial of Baron Stowe, 1S70. See Hague, W. Christian grelauess in the minister: discourse on R. H. Neale, 1880. Born Southington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1808; died Boston, Mass., Sept. 19, 1S79. Bapt. encyc, Cyc Am. biog., Newt., Allibone Stephen Thayer Olney, A. M. Manufacturer and botanist, Providence, R. I.; founder botanical professorship, Brown university; Olney herbarium and botanical library; fund for increase of plants and botanical books, Brown university library. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 15, 1S12 ; died Providence, July 27, 1S7S. Geneal. Olney Lemuel Shaw, LL. D.; A. B. Harvard university 1S00; A. M. 1S03 ; LL. D. 1831. Usher, Franklin school, Boston, Mass. ; assistant editor Gazette, Boston ; admitted to bar 1804; lawyer, Boston; member Mass. legislature several times 1S11-19; delegate, Mass. constitutional convention 1S20; chief justice Mass. supreme court 1830-60; overseer Harvard university 1831-53; fellow 1834-61; member Mass. historical society; fellow American academy. Author Discourse before Humane society of Mass., 1S11; Oration, Boston, July 4, 1815 j Ad- dress on taking his seat as chief Justice, Sept. 1830, 1S31; Charge to grand Jury, 1832 ; Remarks when passing sentence of death upon Nathan Smith, 1839; Address, opening of new court house, Worcester, 1845; also judicial de- cisions composing a large part of 50 volumes. See Loring C. G. Obituary notices of Chief-Justice Shazv, and Judge White, 1861? Born Barnstable, Mass., Jan. 9, 17S1 ; died Boston, Mass., March 30, 1861. Cyc Am. biog., Harv., Sabin 374 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1850 George Ticknor, LL. D.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1807; A. M. 1810; LL. D. 1858; A. M. Harvard college 1814; LL. D. 1850. Admitted to bariSi3; student of language and literature, Europe 1815-19, '35-38; professor French and Spanish languages and literatures, and belles lettres, Harvard university 1816-35; fellow American academy; member American philosophical society; Mass. historical society; honorary member London society of antiquaries; Historical and geographical institute of Brazil; corresponding member Royal historical academy of Madrid; one of the founders Boston public library; founder Ticknor library. Author Syllabus of lectures on Spanish literature, 1S23 ; Outline of life of Lafayette, 1825 ; Remarks on changes in Harvard uni- versity, 1825; Report of visitors 071 U. S. military academy, 1826; Remains of N. A. Haven, with memoir, 1827; History of Spanish literature, 3 vols., 1S49; Life of IV. H. Prescott, 1864; See his Life, letters and journals, edited by G. S. Hilliard, 2 vols. 1S76. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 1, 1791 ; died Boston, Jan. 26, 1871. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv., Allibone 1851 Samuel Worcester Taylor, A. M. ; A. B. Columbian college 184S. Clergy- man, Mass. Columbian 1852 Joseph Angus, D. D. ; A. B. University of Edinburgh 1836. Baptist clergy- man, England; president Stepney college, London 1S49-57; Regent's Park college 1857-?; member New Testament company for the revision of the Scrip- tures; member London school board ten years. Author Prize essay on the voluntary system; Bible hand-booh, 1S54; Christ our life; Hand-book of the English tongue, 1861 ; Christian churches and Christian history, 1862 ; Hand- book of English literature, 1S65 ; Hand-book of specimens of English literature, 1S66; editor Bishop Butler's Analogy, 1855; Dr. Wayland's Moral science. Address, Regent's Park College, London, England. Allibone, Men of the time George Howland, A. M. Whaling merchant, New Bedford, Mass. ; director New Bedford and Taunton railroad; trustee New Bedford institution for sav- ings; president Five cents savings bank; trustee New Bedford public library; Mass. state lunatic asylum, Taunton, Mass. 1855-92 : selectman, New Bedford; chairman board of selectmen 1847; member common council; president; mayor four years; member Mass. house of representatives 1S38-40; Mass. sen- ate 1853-54; Governor's council 1855; trustee Brown university 1852-92; member governing board, Friends' school, Providence, R. I. ; trustee Haver- ford college ; honorary member American society of civil engineers. Born New Bedford, Mass. 1S06; died New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 18, 1S92. Pres. report 1892 Ephraim Knight, A. M. Professor, New Hampton literary and theological institution, Fairfax, Vt. Deceased. Joseph Whiting Parker, D. D. ; A. B. Union college 1S30. Baptist clergy- man ; pastor First church, Cambridge, Mass. 1836-56; secretary Northern Bap- tist education society 1856-65; pastor Shawmut avenue church, Boston, Mass. 1S60-65; founder schools for training negro preachers five years; pastor Cal- vary church, Washington, D. C. six years; pastor E street church, Washing- ton. Born 1804; died Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 9, 1887. Bapt. encyc, Bapt. yr. bk. 1852 HONORARY GRADUATES 375 Jonathan Edwards Ryland, A. M. Student, University of Edinburgh; mathe- matical master, Protestant dissenters' grammar school, now Mill Hill school, near London ; resident, Salisbury; Bristol; Northampton. Editor Pastoral memorials of John Ryland, 2 vols., 1826-28; Pascal's Thoughts, 1828; Tho- luck's Guido and Julius, 1S36; Jacobi On St. James, 1S38; Neander On the planting of the Christian church, 2 vols., 1S41 ; Tholuck's Ttvo dissertations on Hebrews, 2 vols., 1842; Semisch's Life of Justin Martyr, 1843; Life and correspondence of John Foster, 2 vols., 1846; Hengstenberg On the Pentateuch, 2 vols., 1847; Hengstenberg On Balaam, 1847; Life of Kitto, 1S56; Fos- ter's Improvement of time, 1863 ; Wholesome words, 1864; author memoirs of Foster, Fuller, Robinson, and Schleiermacher, in Encyclopedia Britannica, Sth edition ; contributor to Kitto's Cyclopedia of Biblical literature. Born Bristol?, England, 1797?; died Northampton, England, April, 1865. Allibone, P. 1853 Daniel Dewey Barnard, LL. D. ; A. B. Williams college 1S1S; LL. D. Ho- bart college 1S53; Columbia college 1S45. Admitted to bar 1S21; lawyer, Rochester, N. Y. 1821-26; district attorney Monroe co., N. Y. 1S26; member U. S. house of representatives 1827-29, '39-45; in Europe 1831 ; lawyer, Albany, N. Y. 1832-61; member N. Y. house of representatives; minister to Prussia 1850-53. Author numerous reports and speeches, a list of which is given in Sabin's Bibliotheca Americana. Born Sheffield, Mass., July 16, 1797; died Albany, N. Y., April 24, 1861. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct., Columb. Zachary Eddy, A. M. ; D. D. Williams college 1S60. Preacher, Ohio two years; ordained Presbyterian 1S35; pastor, Sheridan, N. Y. 1835-3S; Rutledge and Randolph, N. Y. 1838-40; Springville, N. Y. 1S40-44; Mineral Point, Wis. 1S45-47; Warsaw, N. Y. 1850-55; Birmingham, Conn. 1855-57; North- ampton, Mass. 1S58-67; Dutch reformed church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. 1S67-71; Chelsea, Mass. 1871-73; Detroit, M.ich. 1S73-S4; Atlanta, Ga. 1S84- 87; Lake Helen, Fla. 1887-89; resident, Detroit, Mich. 1889-91; corporate member American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Author Ser- mon before Sons of temperance ; Old age, discourse commemorative of Solomon Stoddard, 1S60; Secession, fast day sermon, 1S61 ; Funeral discourse of C. A. Dewey, 1866; Funeral sermon of DeW. C.Enos, 1S68; Immanuel, life of Jesus, 1868; Hymns of the church, 1S69; Sermon before General association of Mass., 187 2 ; Hymns and songs of praise, joint compiler, 1S74; Sermon in behalf of American seaman's friend society, 1874; Signs of a general revival, 1874; Sermon before Americanhome missionary society, 1S77; Sermon before national council, 1S7S; Funeral sermon of Mrs. S. Henry, 1SS0; Easter meditation, hymn, 1SS5 ; Carmina sanctorum, joint compiler, 1S85; Martin Luther and the Reformation, 1890. Born Stockbridge, Vt., Dec. 19, 1815; died Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15, 1891. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, yr. bk. Augustus Frederick Day, B. P. Address, 35 William St., New York, N. Y. Elisha Budd De Mille, A. M. ; A. B. Acadia college 1S49. Student, Newton theological institution 1S51-53; ordained Baptist 1853 ; pastor, Amherst, N. S. 1853-57; city missionary, St. John, N. B. 1857-59; pastor Leinster street church, St. John 1859-63. Editor Christian watchman, St. John 1859-60. Born St. John, N. B., April 7, 1S29; died St. John, 1S63. Bapt. encyc, Newt. Josiah Hunt, A. M. Lawyer, Terre Haute, Ind. Died 1873. 376 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1853 Francis Mason, D. D. ; A. M. Waterville college 1832. Graduated Newton theological instititution 1830; ordained Baptist 1S30; missionary, Burmahand Siam 1830-74. Author Notes on fauna and flora of Burmah, 1852; translator Bible into Sgau Karen and Pwo Karen languages. Born York, Eng., April 2, 1799; died Rangoon, Burmah, March 3, 1874. Colby, Newt., Bapt. encyc. Joshua Leland Maynard, A. M. Clergyman, East Douglass, Mass. Andrew Pollard, A. M. ; D. D. 1863. Clergyman, Taunton, Mass. Henry Stephens Randall, LL. D.; A. B. Union college 1830; admitted to bar, but never practised ; secretary of state and superintendent of public in- struction N. Y. 1851-? member N. Y. house of representatives 1871 ; chair- man committee on public education. Author Sheep husbandry, 1S49; Life of Thomas Jefferson, 1S58; Fine -wool sheep husbandry, 1S63; Practical shep- herd, 1864; First principles of popular education and public instruction, 1868. Born Madison co., N. Y., 1811 ; died Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1876. Cyc. Am. biog. Daniel Shepardson, A. M.; Granville college 1846; D. D. University at Lew- isburg. Student, Amherst college two years; Brown university two years ; ordained Baptist 1842 ; pastor Market street church, Zanesville, O. 1842-46?; First church, Cincinnati, O. four years; principal Woodward high school, Cincinnati seven years ; member board of school examiners 16 years ; presi- dent seven years; preacher, Cheviot, O. eight and a half years ; pastor, Piqua, O. 1865-68; principal Young ladies' institute, Granville, O. 1S68-87; founder Shepardson college, Granville; trustee Denison university and Shepardson college. Address, Granville, O. P. 1854 George William Curtis, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S82; A. M. University of Rochester 1852; LL. D. Madison university 1864; Harvard university 1881 ; L. H. D. Columbia college 1887. Clerk, New York, N. Y. 1839-40; resident, Brook Farm, West Roxbury, Mass. 1842-44; Concord, Mass. 1S44-46; aboad 1S46-50; journalist, New York, N. Y. 1851-92; member editorial staff Tribune, New York 185 1 ; editor Putnam's monthly 1852-57 ; Harper's magazine, 1S53-92 ; Harper's weekly, 1S57-92 ; delegate, National republican convention 1S60, '64, '84; N. Y. constitutional convention 1867; presidential elector 186S; chairman commission to draw up rules to regulate the civil service 1871-74; president Civil service league, New York 1880; chancellor University of the state ot New York; lecturer Recent literature, Cornell university 1869-71; corresponding member Mass. historical society. Author Nile notes of a Howadfi, 1851 ; Howadfi in Syria, 1851; Lotus eaters, 1852; Potiphar papers, 1853; Easy chair essays in Harper's magazine, 1853-92 ; Prue and I, 1856; Trumps, 1862; From the easy chair, 1891 ; Washington Irving, 1891 ; Orations and addresses, 3 vols., 1894. See life by Edward Cary, in American men of letters series, 1894. Born Providence, R. I., Feb. 24, 1824; died Staten Island, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1S92. Cyc. Am. biog., App. ann. cyc. Calvin Fletcher, A. M. From Indianapolis, Ind. Died 1866. Hugh Miller, LL. D. Author and geologist, Scotland; journeyman mason 1822-34; accountant Commercial bank, Cromarty, Scotland 1834-40; editor Witness 1840-57. Author Poems written in the leisure hours of a journeyman mason, 1829; Letters on the herring fishery, 1829; Words of -warning to the people of Scotland ; Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland, 1835 ; Letter 1854 HONORARY GRADUATES 377 to Lord Brougham, 1S39; The ivhiggism of the old school, 1839; Two parties in the church of Scotland exhibited as missionary and anti-missionary, 1S41 ; The old red sandstone, 1S41 ; First impressions of England and its people, 1846; Footprints of the Creator, 1847 ; My schools and schoolmasters, 1852; Fossilifer- ous deposits of Scotland, 1854; Geology versus astronomy, 1855; Voices from the rocks, 1S57 ; Testimony of the rocks, 1S57; Cruise of the Betsy, 1S58; Essays, 1S62 ; Tales and sketches, 1863; Edinburgh and its neighborhood, 1S64. See Life and letters, by Peter Bayne, 1871. Born Cromarty, Scotland, Oct. 10, 1802; died Dec. 23-24, 1S56. Diet. nat. biog., Men of the reign, Allibone, Nee. 1S57, etc. Samuel Harvey Taylor, LL. D. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S32 ; A. M. 1835. Teacher, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. 1S33-35 ; graduated Andover theo- logical seminary 1837; tutor, Dartmouth college 1836-37; principal Phillips academy 1S38-71. Author Krebs' Guide for -writing Latin, translated, 1843; KUhner's Grammar of the Greek language, translated in conjunction with Bela B. Edwards, 1S44; Kiihner's Elementary grammar of the Greek lan- guage, translated, 1846; Method of classical study, 1S61 ; Classical study, 1S70; co-editor Bibliothcca sacra, 1S52-71. Born Londonderry, N. H., Oct. 3, 1S07 ; died Andover, Mass., Jan. 29, 1S71. Cyc. Am. biog., And., Dart., Allibone Gideon French Thayer, A. M. ; Harvard university 1855. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Died 1S64. ■855 John Lauris Blake, A. M. Lawyer, Orange, N. J.; member N. J. house of representatives 1S57 ; U. S. house of representatives 1S79-S1. Address, Orange, N.J. P. John Ledyard Denison, A. M. Teacher; founder Mystic river academy ; resi- dent, Norwich, Conn. 1S55-S2; Hartford, Conn. 1S62-; book publisher 1S55- 59, '6S-S0; in fire insurance business 1860-68; special agent Travellers insur- ance company 1S80-; president Conn. Baptist education society; lay preacher. Author Pictorial history of the -wars of the U. S. ,' Pictorial history of the navy of the U. S.; Illustrated history of the Neiv World, English and German, 1873. Address, 26 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone, P. George Washington Dow, A. M. ; A. B. Waterville college 1852. Graduate student, Brown university 1S53 ; principal high school, Lexington, Mass. 1S54; Brighton, Mass. 1855; professor Mathematics, Burlington university, la. 1857- 5S; principal Ogden school, Chicago, 111. 1858-60511. S. recruiting officer 1863- 64; ink manufacturer. Address, 1822 Fifth avenue., Moline, Rock Island Co., 111. Colby, P. Harrison Gray Otis Dwight, D. D. ; A. B. Hamilton college 1825; D. D. 1S52. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S2S; ordained Presbyterian 1829; missionary, Turkey 1829-62; one of the founders Armenian mission, Constantinople. Author Researches of Smith and Dzvight in Armenia, 1S33 » Memoir of Mrs. E. B. Dxvight, 1840; Christianity revived in the East, 1850; Complete catalogue of literature in Armenian, in Journal of American oriental society; besides tracts and translations in oriental languages. Born Conway, Mass., Nov. 22, 1S03; died Vermont, Jan. 25, 1S62. Cyc. Am. biog., And. William Williams Mather, LL. D.; A. M. Wesleyan university 1834. Grad- uated U. S. military academy 1S2S; acting assistant instructor Artillery 1S28; 378 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1855 assistant professor Chemistry 1829-35; acting professor Chemistry, mineralogy and geology, Wesleyan university 1S33-34; assistant geologist, survey of St. Peter's river valley; first lieutenant U. S. army 1834-36; professor Chemistry, University of La., New Orleans 1836; geological surveyor, 1st district, N. Y. 1S36-44; Ohio state geologist 1S3S-39; professor Natural science, Ohio univer- sity 1S42-45; acting professor Chemistry, mineralogy and geology, Marietta college 1846; vice president and acting president Ohio university 1847-50; agricultural chemist Ohio 1850-54 ; editor Western agriculturist 1851-52 ; trustee Granville college 1850-59; member many scientific and historical societies. Author On reduction of iron arid silver ores, 1831 ; Elements of geology, 1833; Sketch of geology aiid mineralogy of New Lo?idon and Windham cos., Conn. 1834; On diluvial deposit, 1835; Second annual report 071 geological survey of Ohio, 1838; Report on geological reconnoissance of Kentucky, 1838; Fotirth annual report, 1st geological district of N. Y., 1840; Fifth annual report, 1841 ; Geology of N. Y., 1st geological district, 1843 ; Report on Coal Grove com- pany, Lawrence co., O., 1844; Report on state house artesian xvell, Columbus, O., 1859; On the physical geography of the U. S. east of the Rocky Moun- tains. Born Brooklyn, Conn., May 24, 1S04; died Columbus, O., Feb. 26, 1859. Den., Cyc. Am. biog., Wesleyan, Sabin, Allibone Sylvester Gardner Shearman, A. M. Lawyer, Wickford, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1843; speaker 1848; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1855-67. See Providence jonrnal, Jan. 4, 6, 7, 1868. Born North Kings- town, R. I., 1802; died Providence, R. I., Jan. 3, 1868. R. I. cyc. George Wood, A.M. ; University of Rochester 1852. Resident, Washington, D. C. Died 1870. 1856 William Binney, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1845; A. M. 1866. Address, 72 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. Edward Carlisle Boynton, A. M. Graduated U. S. military academy 1846; U. S. military service 1846-56, 1861-72; second lieutenant 1847; first lieutenant 1847; brevet captain 1847; instructor, U. S. military academy, 1848-55; cap- tain 1861 ; adjutant and afterward quartermaster, U. S. military academy 1861- 65; brevet major 1866; resigned 1872; professor Chemistry, University of Miss. 1S56-61 ; superintendent water works Newburg, N. Y. Author History of West Point and its military importance during the Revolution, and the origin and progress of the military academy, 1863; Guide to West Poi?it a?id the U. S. military academy, 1863; Register of cadets admitted to the military academy, from its origin to June 30, 1870, 1870; Several orders of George Washington issued at Newburg, 1883; military and naval vocabulary in Web- ster's Army and navy dictionary, 1886. Born 1824; died Newburg, N. Y., May 13, 1893. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, App. ann. cyc. Joseph Blaner Breed, A. M. Clergyman, Woonsocket, R. I. Deceased. Samuel William Southmayd Dutton, D. D. ; A. B. Yale college 1S33; A. M. 1S36. Teacher, Mount Hope college, Baltimore, Md. 1S33-34; rector Hopkins grammar school, New Haven, Conn. 1834; tutor, Yale college 1836-38; Congregational clergyman; pastor North church, New Haven 1838-66. Author History of the North church during the last century, 1843; besides various addresses; associate editor New Englander. Born Guilford, Conn., March 14, 1814; died Millbury, Mass., Jan. 26, 1866. Cyc. Am. biog. 1856 HONORARY GRADUATES 379 Alvah Hovey, D. D. ; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S44; LL. D. Richmond col- lege 1S76; Denison university 1S76. Graduated Newton theological institu- tion 1S4S; preacher, New Gloucester, Me. 1848-49; ordained Baptist 1S49; tutor Hebrew, Newton theological institution 1849-55; professor Church his- tory 1853-55; professor Christian theology and Christian ethics 1855- ; P res i" denti868-; trustee Brown university 1S70-74; fellow 1874-. Author Life of Chrysostom, translated, in conjunction with D. B. Ford, 1854; Life and times, of the. Rev. Isaac Backus, 1S59; State of the impenitent dead, 1859; Miracles of Christ as attested by the Evangelists, 1S64; Scriptural lazv of divorce, 1866 ; God zvith us, 1872 ; Normal class manual, part 1 : What to teach, 1873 ; State of man after death, 1874; Religion and the state, 1S74; Doctrine of the higher Christian life, compared zvith the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, 1876; Progress of a century, 1876; Manual of systematic theology and Chris- tian ethics, 1877; Commentary on the Gospel of John and on the Epistle to the Galatians, in An American commentary on the New Testament, 1885; Bibli- cal eschalology, 1SS8; Studies in ethics and religion, 1891 ; general editor An American commentary on the Nezv Testament, 1SS1-. Address, Newton Cen- tre, Mass. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc, Allibone, Den., Newt., Dart., P. i857 Benjamin Robbins Curtis, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1S29; LL. B. 1832; LL. D. 1S52. Admitted to bar 1832; lawyer, Northfield, Mass., Boston, Mass.; associate justice U. S. supreme court 1851-57; member Mass. house of representatives two years; counsel for President Johnson in impeachment trial 1S68; fellow Harvard university 1S46-51; member Mass. historical society; fellow American academy. Author Address, birthday of Washington, 1S32 ; Article on debts of the states, 1844; Argument, Smith vs. Downing, infringe- ment patent of telegraph, 1850; Address to people of Mass. [on coalition of / Robert Curtis Mills, D. D.; A. B. University of the city of New York 1837. Baptist clergyman ; pastor, Colchester Borough, Conn. 1841-45 ; Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1S45-4S; Salem, Mass. 1S48-76; Newton Centre, Mass. Author occa- sional sermons and reviews. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. p. William Sprague, A. M. Calico printer, Providence, R. I. ; also engaged in many other business enterprises ; governor R. I. 1S60-63 ; member U. S. sen- ate 1863-75; colonel R. I. militia; U. S. military service during Civil war; commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, but declined; trustee Brown university 1S66-. Address, Narragansett Pier, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Cong, direct. 1862 Atwood Bond Meservey, A. M. ; Ph. D. Bates college 1S73; D. D. 1S94. Pastor, Meredith, N. H. 1S61-62 ; teacher, New ;Hampton, N. H., literary in- stitution 1862-67; principal academy, Northwood, N. H. 1S67-6S; principal New Hampton literary institution 1S68-. Author Book-keeping, 1S75 \ Manual of higher book-keeping, 18S0; Through struggle to victory, 1SS0; Savings banks, 1S89; National banks, 1S90. Address, New Hampton, N. H. p. William Paine Sheffield, A. M. ; LL. D. 1S92. Member R. I. house of repre- sentatives 1842-45, 49-53, '57-61, '63-73, '75-84. Student, Harvard law school; admitted to R. I. bar 1844; member U. S. house of representatives 1861-63; u - S. senate 1S84-85; member R. I. constitutional conventions 1841, '42; commis- sioner to revise R. I. laws 1871-72; president People's library, Newport; trus- tee Redwood library. Author Speech in opposition to personal liberty bill, 1S5S; Substance of a paper upon early history of Block Island, 1859; Speech upon resolution to annul the decree op the supreme court in the case Ives vs. Hazard, 1859; Speech upon repeal of Personal liberty bill, 1S61 ; Conduct of the zvar, speech, 1S62 ; Speech upon bill to confiscate property and to free slaves of rebels, 1S62 ; Historical address, Nexvport, July 4, 187b; Historical sketch of Block Island, 1876; R. I. privateers, 1SS3. Address, Newport, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Bibliog. R. I., Sabin 1863 Henry Martyn Dexter, A. M. ; A. B. Yale college 1840; A. M. 1S43; D. D. College of la. 1S65. Graduated Andover theological seminary 1S44; ordained Congregational 1844; pastor Franklin street church, Manchester, N. H. 1S44- 49; Berkeley street church, Boston, Mass. 1849-67; editor Congregationalist 1851-66, '67-90; Congregational quarterly 1859-66; membei Mass. historical society; American historical association. Author numerous publications; see Allibone's Dictionary of authors. Born Plympton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1S21 ; died New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 13, 1S90. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, Cent, cyc 384 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1863 Horatio Gates Jones, A. M.; A. B. University of Perm. 1S41 ; A. M. 1S44; D. C. L. Judson university 18S3. Admitted to bar 1847 ; lawyer, Philadel- phia, Penn.; member Penn. senate 1874-82; Penn. historical society 1848-93; secretary 1849-67; vice president 1867-93; president Welsh society 1862-93; secretary board of trustees Crozer theological seminary 1867-93; director Girard college 1S65 ; honorary fellow Royal historical society of Great Britain 1865 ; first lieutenant Penn. militia; acting assistant adjutant general, Chambersburg, Penn. 1S63. Author Levering family, 1S58; Ebenezer Kinnersley and his dis- coveries in electricity. 1858; History of Roxboro and Mauayuuk, iS 59; Memoir of He?iry Bond, M. D., 1S60 ; Report of the committee of the historical society of Penn. on the Bradford bicentenary, 1S63 ; Biographical sketch of Rev. David Jo?ies, A. M., 1865; History of Pennepak or Loxver Dublin Baptist church, Morrisania, N. Y., 1869; Andrew Bradford, 1S69; Bradford prayer-book of 17/0, 1870. Diary of S. J., 18S1 ; Memoir of Rev. Abel Morgan of Pennepek church, 1882; History of the Great Valley, Penn., Baptist chicrch, 1883; [His- tory of the Braudyzviue, Penn., Baptist church, 18S4; Welsh books in Brown university, 1SS5. Bom Roxboro, Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 22, 1822; died Roxboro, March 14, 1S93. Cyc. Am - biog., Allibone, Penn. 1864 William Scott McKenzie, A. M. ; A. B. Harvard university 1S55; A. M. 1858; D. D. La Grange college, Mo. Ordained Baptist 1857; pastor, Abington, Mass. one year; Andover, Mass. two years ; Friendship street church, Provi- dence, R. I. six years; St. John, N. B. six years; N. E. district secretary American Baptist missionary union 1872-. Address, 2A Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Bapt. encyc, Harv. Qoldwin Smith, LL. D. ; A. B. Oxford university 1S45 ; A. M. ; L. H. D. Fellow and tutor, University college, Oxford 1847; admitted to bar 1847, but never practiced; assistant secretary royal commission on Oxford university 1850; secretary second Oxford commission; member popular education com- mission 1858; Regius professor Modern history, Oxford 1858-66; in U. S. 1864; professor English history, Cornell university 1868-72; lecturer 1872-; member senate University of Toronto 1871-; editor Canadian monthly 1872-74; founder Nation 1874; Bystander 18S0; Week 1884; first president council of public instruction Toronto; president Provincial teachers' association two years. Author Rational religion, 1861 ; Lectures on modern history, 1S61 ; Suppression of doubt is not faith, 1S61 ; Irish history and Irish character, 1 861 ; An Oxford professor on church endowments, 1862; The empire, letters, 1863 ; Does the Bible sanction American slavery? 1863 ; On the morality of the Emancipation proclamation, 1863; Plea for the abolition of tests in the Univer- sity of Oxford, 1864; Letter to a Whig member of the Southern-independence association, 1S64; Speeches and letters on the Rebellion, 1S65 ; Civil zvar in America, 1866; Three English statesmen, 1867 ; Experie?ice of the American commonwealth, 1867; Reorganization of the University of Oxford, 186S; The Irish question, 1S68; Relations beHveen America and England, 1S69; Short history of England to the Reformation, 1869; Political destiny of Canada, 1S79; William Cowper, 18S0; Lectures and essays, 1881 ; Conduct of England to Irela?id 1S82 ; False hopes, 1883; Dismemberment no remedy, 1886; A trip to England, 18SS; Canada and the Canadian question, 1891 ; The moral cru- 1864 HONORARY GRADUATES 385 sader : W. L. Garrison, 1S92 ; Bay leaves: translations from the Latin poets, 1893; Essays on questions of the day, 1S93; Specimens of Greek tragedy, 2 vols., 1893; The U. S., an outline of political history, 1S93; Oxford and her colleges, 1S94. Address, Toronto, Canada. Cjc. Am. biog., Allibone, Men of the time, Am. cat. Leonard Walker, A.M. Principal Day academy, Wrentham, Mass. Died»i874. ' 1865 George Augustus Crocker, A. M. Resident, New York, N. Y. Samuel Gummere, A. M. President Haverford college. Died 1S74. George Thurber, A. M. Botanist, Providence, R. I.; New York, N. Y. Re- ported deceased. Frank Wheaton, A. M. Student of engineering, Brown university ; assistant U. S.engineercorps, Mexican boundary survey 1850; first lieutenant, U. S. army 1S55; captain 1S61 ; brigadier-general of volunteers 1S62 ; major-general of volunteers 1864; brevet major-general U. S. army 1S64 ; brigadier-general 1892; in command of the department of Texas. Address, San Antonio, Tex. R. I. eye, U. S. army reg. 1866 William Augustus Mowry, A. M. ; Ph. D. Bates college 1S81. Principal English high school, Providence, R. I. iS59-64;U. S. military service 1S62-63, captain; senior principal English and classical school, Providence 1S64-S4 ; editor Journal of education., Boston, Mass. 1S84-S6; Education, Boston 1886- 91; superintendent of schools, Cranston, R. I. 1864-66; Salem, Mass. 1891- 94; member school board Providence 1869-75 ; Boston, Mass. 18S9-91 ; presi- dent R. I. institute of instruction 1864-66 ; American institute of instruction 1SS1, '82; Mass. council American instituteof civics ; Martha's Vineyard sum- mer institute 187S-; department of higher education, National educational as- sociation 1S89-: member American academy of arts and sciences 1880- ; N. E. historic, genealogical society 1SS0-; National council of education 1S80-; cor- responding member R. I. historical society; Oregon pioneer and historical so- ciety; honorary member N. H. anticpiarian society. Author Who invented the American steamboat? 1S74; The descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, 1878; A family history, 187S; Political education [in] the schools, 1S78; The school curriculum and business life, 1S81 ; Talks zvith my boys, 1885; Territorial groxvth of the U. S., 1886; Studies in civil government, iSSS; A national uni- versity, a study, 1889; Dorchester celebrution : historical address, 1889; Ele- ments of civil government, 1890, eight state editions; Talks ivitk my pupils, 1890; Annual report, superintendent of schools, Salem, Mass., 4 vols., 1S91- 94; War stories, 1S92 ; Address, Columbus day, Salem, Mass., 1S92 ; Sunshine upon the Psalms, 1892 ; " Lovest thou memore than these? " 1892 ; Art decora- tions for school rooms, 1892 ; Difficulties attending the organization of our na- tional government in 17S7, 1792; Pozvers and duties of school superintendents, 1S915. For lists of his writings see Annual report of the American historical association 1S89-. Address, 17 Riverside Square, Hyde Park, Mass. P. John Meredith Read, A. M. Student, Brown university ; graduated Albany law school, 1859; studentof internatioiaal law, Europe; admitted to bar, Phila- delphia, Penn. 1859; lawyer, Albany, N. Y. ; adjutant-general N. Y. 1860-66; 386 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1866 chairman committee of three to draft bill to provide arms and for N. Y. troops i860; first U. S. consul-general for France and Algeria 1869-73; acting consul general for Germany 1870-72 ; president commission to consider teaching Eng- lish to French troops; U. S. minister resident in Greece 1S73-79; created by the king of Greece a knight of the grand cross of the order of the Redeemer i83i ; president social science congress, Albany, N. Y. 1S68 ; vice president same, Plymouth, England 1S72; trustee Albany female academy; Cornell uni- versity 1S65-73; member many learned societies in America and Europe. Au- thor Relatio7i of soil to plants and animals, i860; First annual discourse before Delaware historical society, 1S64 ; Historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, 1S66 ; also poems and legal and miscellaneous articles in periodicals. Address, 12S rue La Boetie, Champs-Elysees, Paris, France. Cyc. Am. biog., Men and women of the time, Allibone, Sabin John Westall, A. M. Came to U. S. 1830; resident, Lowell, Mass. seven years; Providence, R. I. a short time; designer, American printworks, Fall River, Mass. 1S3S-74; pastor Church of the New Jerusalem, Fall River 1875- ? member school committee many years; trustee Fall River Athenaeum ; public library; member American oriental society ; in Europe 1862, '74, '75. Born Accrington, Lancashire, Eng., Sept. 25, 1816; died Fall River, Mass., March 25, 1890. Fall River news I867 Charles Collins Van Zandt, A. M.; A. B. Trinity college 1S51; A. M. 1854; Amherst college 1SS0. Admitted to bar 1S53 ; lawyer, Newport, R. I. 1S53- 94 ; city solicitor, Newport ; clerk R. I. house of representatives 1S55-57 ; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives many years; speaker 1858-59, '66-69, '7 I- 73 ? member R. I. senate 1873-74; lieutenant-governor R. I. 1S73-75 ; governor R. I. 1S77-S0. Born Newport, R. I., Aug. 10, 1830; died Brookline, Mass., June 4> J894- R. I- cyc. 1868 Nathan Clifford, LL. D. ; Bowdoin college i860; Dartmouth college 1S62; Harvard university 1S78. Admitted to bar 1S27; lawyer, York co., Me.; mem- ber Me. house of representatives 1830-34; speaker 1S32-34; attorney-general Me. 1834-3S: member U. S. house of representatives 1S39-43; attorney-gen- eral U. S. 1846-48; U. S. commissioner, Mexico 1848-49; lawyer, Portland, Me.; associate justice U. S. supreme court 1858-81. Author U. S. circuit court reports, 2 vols., 1S69. Born Rumney, N. H., Aug. 18, 1S03; died Cor- nish, Me., July 25, 1SS1. Cyc. Am. biog., Cong, direct. Adoniram Judson Huntington, D. D. ; A. B. Columbian university 1843 ; A. M. 1846. Principal preparatory school, Columbian university 1S42-43; tutor, Columbian university 1S43-46; professor Greek and Latin languages 1S46-49, '5 2 "59! Greek language and literature 1865- ; acting professor Latin 1865-66, '71-82; professor Mental and moral philosophy, Corcoran scientific school 1884-S9; ordained Baptist 1849; pastor, Lexington, Va. 1849-51; First church, Chelsea, Mass. 1851-52; Farmville, Va. 1859-60; First church, Augusta, Ga. 1860-65; trustee Columbian university 1S65. Author Moral and religious education of the young; Notice of Rev, Dr. Joseph G. Binney, in his Memoir; 1868 HONORARY GRADUATES 387 Ancient Attica and Athens, in Baptist quarterly, April 1877; Life and char- acter of Prof. E. F. Tristoe, in Memorial addresses by Columbian univer- sity, 1S93; Life and character of Prof . J. C. Welling, in the same, 1895; Life and character of Rev. Dr. IV. H. Parmly, of Jersey City, N.J., 1S95; also various contributions to religious journals. Address, Columbian university, Washington, D. C. Bapt. eye. V T, P. James McCosh, 1). D. ; A.M. University of Edinburgh 1S35; University of Aberdeen 1S50; LL. D. Harvard university 186S; Washington and Jefferson college 1S6S; Queen's university, Ireland; Litt. D. Queen's university, Ire- land 1S82. Student, University of Glasgow 1S24-29; University of Edin- burgh 1S29-34; ordained Church of Scotland clergyman 1835; pastor Abbey church, Arbroath, Scotland 1S35-3S ; Brechin, Scotland 183S-43; professor Logic and metaphysics, Queen's college, Belfast, Ireland 1852-68; president College of N. J. 1S6S-SS; resident, Princeton, N. J. 1SS8-94; member American philosophical society ; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Author numerous publications. See Princeton college bulletin : McCosh memorial num- ber, Feb. 1S95. Born Carskeoch Farm, Ayrshire, Scotland, April 1, 1S11; died Princeton, N. J., Nov. 16, 1894. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv., Allibone Alpheus Carey Morse, A. M. Howard Osgood, D. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1850; A. M. 1861 ; LL. D. College of N. J. 1894. Ordained Baptist; pastor, Flushing, L. I. New York, N. Y. ; professor Hebrew, Crozer theological seminary 186S-75 ; Rochester theological seminary 1875- ; member American committee for re- vision of the Old Tesiament. Author numerous articles in periodicals and journals. Address, 11 Livingston Place, Rochester, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., P. 1869 Silas Alward, A. M. ; Acadia college 1863. Lawyer, St. John, N. B. ; member provincial parliament 1S87-; queen's counsel 1S92-; professor, Law school of University of King's college. Author Record of the tory party, 1878; Politi- cal issues of the day, 1S78; Jubilee year, oration. Address, Sunnyside, Mount Pleasant, St. John, N. B. ' P. Bohan Prentiss Byram, A. M. Baptist clergyman ; retired. Author History of First Baptist' church, Salisbury and Amesbury. Mass., 1S60. Address, 244 Broadway, Providence, R. I. ' P. William Beach Lawrence, LL. D. ; A. B. Columbia college 1S18; A. M. 1823; Yale college 1826; D. C. L. University of the state of N. Y. 1S73. In Europe 1S21-23; admitted to bar 1823; lawyer, New York, N. Y. ; secretary of lega- tion, London 1S26; charge d'affaires 1827; lecturer Political economy, Colum- bia college; member executive committee Erie railway; resident, Newport, R. I. 1S50-S1 ; lieutenant-governor R. I. 1851-52; acting governor; member R. I. constitutional convention 1853; lecturer International law, Columbian col- lege, Washington, D. C. 1872-73; counsel for Circassian before international tribunal, Washington 1S73 ; original member Institute of the law of nations; member N. Y. historical society; vice president 1S36-45; trustee College of physicians and surgeons 1837-55. Author contributions to American annual register, 1829-34; a ^ so works in English and French, chiefly on international law, for fist of which see references below. Born New York, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1S00; died New York, March 26, 1SS1. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. cyc, Columb., Allibone, Sabin, Men of progress 388 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1869 Horatio Nelson Slater, A. M. Manufacturer, Webster, Mass. ; trustee Brown university 1847-70; fellow 1870-S7 ; benefactor Brown university. Born Paw- tucket, R. I., 1S0S; died Webster, Mass., 1S8S. P. I87O James Butler Campbell, LL. D. Sylvanus Clapp, A. M. ; M. D. Dartmouth college 1837. Physician, Chester- field, Mass. 1836-41; Pawtucket, R. I. 1841-79; consulting physician R. I. hos- pital; visiting surgeon 1874; consulting physician Butler hospital for the in- sane 187S-79; president board of managers Pawtucket dispensary ; member R. I. medical society 1842-79; president 1S64-66. Author Diabetes melliius. Born Westhampton, Mass., Nov. 22, 1815; died Pawtucket, R. I. June 15, 1879. Trans. R. I. med. soc. George Henry Corliss, A. M. Student, academy, Castleton, Vt. ; storekeeper, Greenwich, N. Y. 1838-40; engaged in inventing and constructing a machine for stitching leather, Greenwich 1840-44; mechanical engineer, inventor and manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1844-S8; inventor Corliss engine 1848; presi- dent Corliss steam engine company, founded 1S56; received awards, Paris, 1867; Vienna, 1873; awarded Rumford medal, by American academy of arts and sciences 1870; centennial commissioner R. I. 1S72; constructed 1400 horse-power engine to move all the machinery in the Centennial exhibition 1876; awarded Montyon prize by Institute of France 1S78; officer Older of Leopold 1SS6; member R.I. house of representatives 1S68-70; presidential elector 1876. See Uhland's Corliss engine, and Supplement, 4 vols. 1879-82. Born Easton, N. Y., June 2, 1817; died Providence, R. I., Feb. 21, 188S. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. eye, App. ann. eye. Stephen Farnum Peckham, A. M. Student of chemistry, Brown university; manufacturer illuminating oils, Providence, R. 1.; U. S. military service Civil war; hospital steward 1862-65; in charge chemical department U. S. army laboratory, Philadelphia, Penn. ; chemist Cal. petroleum company 1S65-66; Cal. geological survey 1S66-67; instructor Chemistrv, Brown university 1S67- 68; professor Chemistry, Washington and Jefferson college 1S6S-69; Me. agri- cultural college 1S69-71 ; Buchtel college 1871-72; University of Minn. 1872-80; chemist Minn, geological survey; special agent U. S. census office 1880-S5 ; state assayer Me.; Minn. ; R. I. ; chemist Union oil company, Cal. 1893-94; expert in petroleum and asphaltum, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1S94-. Author On the supposed falsification of Cal. petroleum, in American journal of science, 1S67 ; On a nciv apparatus for technical anlysis of petroletim, in same, 1867; Notes on the origin of bitumens, in Proceedings of American philosophical society, 1868; Otithe distillation of dense hydrocarbons at high temperatures, in Ameri- can journal of science, 1869; On the probable origin of albertite and other allied tninerals, in same, 1869; American asphaltum, in American chemist, 1873; Elementary chemistry, 1S73; Articles on petroleum, salt, etc., in Ameri- can cyclopaedia, 1S73-74; On the explosion of the flouring mills at Minneapolis, Minn., in American journal of science, 1878; On the determination of specific gravities, in Chemical news, 1879 ; On li7itonite and other forms of thomsonite, in conjunction with C. W. Hall, in American journal of science, 1S80; On the origin of bitumens, in same, 18S4; Petroleum and its products, in Tenth U. S. census, reports vol. 10, 1S85; Petroleum, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1SS5 ; 1870 HONORARY GRADUATES 389 Persistence of family traits, in Science, 1S92; Petroleum in southern Cal., in same, 1891; Petroleum in its relations to asphaltic pavement, in American journal of science, 1S94; articles on bitumen, asphalt, natural gas, petroleum, etc., in Johnson's cyclopaedia, 1S93-95; On the nitrogen content of Cal. bitu- men, in American journal of science, 1S94; On the origin of bitumen, in same, 1S94; The asphalt question, in same, 1S95. Address, Ann Arbor, Mich. Cyc. Am. biog., P. Chester Isham Reed, A. M. Justice Mass. supreme court. Died 1S73. Augustus Hopkins Strong, D. D. ; A. B. Yale college 1857; D. D. 1S90; LL. D. Bucknell university 1S92. Graduated Rochester theological seminary 1859; ordained Baptist 1S61 ; pastor First church, Haverhill, Mass. 1S61-65; First church, Cleveland, O. 1S65-72; president and professor Biblical theol- ogy, Rochester theological seminary 1S72-; trustee Vassal- college. Author Lectures on theology, 1876; new edition : Systematic theology, 1SS6: Philoso- phy and religion, 1SS8; also numerous articles in reviews and newspapers. Address, 66 South Clinton St., Rochester, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Bapt. encyc., Allibone, P. William Watson Waterman, A. M. ; M. D. elsewhere. Address, 1 White St., Taunton. Mass. I87I John Wenger, D. D. Teacher, Greece; Baptist missionary, Calcutta, India : translator Bible into Bengali; first edition, in conjunction with Dr. Yates 1S45; second 1852; third 1S61 ; fourth 1S67; also Bible into Sanscrit, 4 vols.; editor numerous Bengali publications. Bapt. encvc. 1872 David Webster Hoyt, A. M. ; Middlebury college 1S61. Member class of 1855 Brown university; teacher, Putnam free school, Newburyport, Mass. 1851-54; Union school, Beloit, Wis. 1854-55; n 'g n school, Lexington, Mass. •857-58; adjunct professor Mathematics and mechanics, Polytechnic college of Penn. 1S58-59; professor Mathematics and natural sciences, New Hampton in- stitution, Fairfax, Vt. 1859-63; principal high school, Providence, R. I. 1S64-; commissioner for topographical survey and map of R. I. 188S-93; president R. I. institute of instruction 1S75-76. Author Genealogical history of John and David Hoyt, and their descendants, 1857; Genealogical history of the Hovt, Haight, and flight families, 1S71 ; Relation of the high school to the community \ 1SS6; also various articles in periodicals, mostlv on genealogical, mathematical and educational topics. Address, 36 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. Bapt. encyc, P. George Francis Wilson, A. M. Teacher, academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; principal academy, Chicago, 111. 1S44-48; manufacturer, Providence, R. I. 1S48-S3; manufacturer of chemicals 1S55-S3; controlling director Rumford chemical works; inventor; member Providence school committee; R. I. house of representatives two terms; resident, East Providence 1861-S3; benefactor Brown university'. Born Uxbridge, Mass., Dec. 7, 1S1S; died East Provi- dence, R. I., Jan. 19, 1SS3. Cyc. Am. biog. 390 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1873 1873 Charles Durlin Bray, A. M. ; C. E. elsewhere. Professor Civil and mechani- cal engineering, Tufts college 1869-. Address, 98 Professors Row, College Hill, Mass. Caleb Fiske Harris, A. M. Student, Brown university 1S34-37; commission merchant, N. Y. 1S37-56; Providence, R. I. 1S55-61 ; retired; collector library of American poetry. Author Index to American poetry a?id flays in the collection of C. Fiske Harris, 1S74. See Stockbridge, J. C Catalogue of the Harris collection of American poetry, 1886. Born Warwick, R. I., March 9, 1S18; died Moosehead Lake, Me., Oct. 2, 1881. Cyc Am. biog., Stockbridge Henry Howard, A. M. Lawyer; manufacturer 1858- ; president Harris manu- facturing company ; delegate, national republican convention 1S56, '76; mem- ber R. I. house of representatives 1857-58; presidential elector 1872; governor R. I. 1S73-74; assistant commissioner, Paris exposition 1878. Author numer- ous contributions in prose and verse to periodicals. Address, 341 Butler Ex- change, Providence, R. I. R. I. cyc, P. 1874 Rush Christopher Hawkins, A. M. Admitted to bar; U. S. military service 1861-66; colonel 1861 ; brevet brigadier-general U. S. volunteers 1S66; N. Y. national guard 1866; member N. Y. house of representatives 1872; U. S. assistant commissioner, International exposition, Paris 1S89; officer Legion of honor of France 1889. Author Horrors of architecture and so-called works of art in bronze in the city of Nerv York, 1876; Report relating to the increase of the city debt : a complete exposition of the Tweed ring frauds., 1876; Titles of the first books from the earliest presses established in Europe before the end of the fifteenth century, 1884; Biographical sketch of the Rev. Aaro?i Hutchin- son, A. M. of Pomfrct, Vt., 1888; Early coast operations in N. C, iSSS; First group, zvorks of art, exhibited at the International exhibition at Paris, i8Sg, in Report of fine arts commissioner, 1S90; also manj' papers in maga- zines, cyclopaedias and other publications. Address, 21 West 20th St., New York, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., P. James Gardiner Vose, D. D.; A. B. Yale college 1851 ; A.M. 1857. Gradu- ated Andover theological seminary 1854; ordained Congregational 1857; pro- fessor Rhetoric, Amherst college 1856-65; acting pastor Second church, Dor- chester, Mass. 1865; pastor Beneficent church, Providence, R. I. 1866-; trustee Phillips academy 1SS6-; Andover theological seminary 1886- ; corporate mem- ber American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Author Address at Roger Williams Park, at the public school exercises on the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Providence, 1SS6; Sketches of Congregationalism in R. I., 1894; a ' so numerous sermons and addresses. Address, 282 Washington St., Providence, R. I. R. I. cyc, And., P. 1875 Robert John Adams, D. D. ; A. B. Williams college 1853. Baptist clergy- man ; pastor, Wallingford, Conn. 1855-69; Holyoke, Mass. 1869-S6; Stough- 1875 HONORARY GRADUATES 391 ton street church, Boston, Mass. 1SS6-93; financial secretary Newton theo- logical institution 1893-94; general secretary Worcester academy 1S94-. Au- thor Baptism for the dead, in Baptist quarterly review, March 1SS4; Close communion, 1S72 ; Baptist churches compared zvith those of other denomina- tions, in German, 1S73; numerous sermons in religious papers. Address, 61 Cushing Ave., Boston, Mass. P. Carl Wilhelm Ernst, A. M. Lutheran clergyman 1S6S-72 ; journalist 1S72-SS; public officer 1SS9-93 ; writer. Author Constitutional history of Boston, Mass., 1S93; The postal service in Boston, ibjg-iSgj. Address, 29S Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. P. David Hunt, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S67. Physician; oculist. Au- thor Comparative sketch of the early development of the ear and eye in the pig, 1S77 ; On the development of the external ear passages, 1S77; Some general ideas concerning medical reform, 1877; Obstetric forceps, iSyj ; Some recent opinions concerning the development of the external ear passages, 1879. Ad- dress, 413 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Surg. -gen. cat. Joseph Augustus Shores, A. M.; A. B. Dartmouth college 1S51; A. M. 1S54. Teacher. Address, West Bridgevvaler, Mass. Albert Keith Smiley, A. M. Address, Mohonk Lake, N. Y. William Babcock Weeden, A. M. Manufacturer, Providence, R. I. Author The morality of prohibitory liquor laws, 1S75 ; The social law of labor, 1882; Indian money as a factor in N. E. civilization, 1SS4,' Economic and social his- tory of N. E., 1620-iySg, 2 vols., 1890; also numerous economic contributions to reviews and journals. Address, 15S Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Allibone, Am. cat. I876 George Bullen, A. M.; A. B. Waterville college 1S53; A. M. 1856; D. D. 1SS0. Graduated Newton theological institution 185S; ordained Baptist i860; pastor, Skowhegan, Me. 1S60-62 ; U. S. military service 1S62-63. chaplain; pastor, Wakefield, Mass. 1864-66; First church, Pawtucket, R. I. 1S6S-91 ; professor Christian missions, Newton theological institution 1891- ; corresponding sec- retary Northern Baptist education society 1S91-; trustee Newton theological institution. Author Historical discourse commemorative of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the First Baptist church, Pawtucket, It. I. April 10, 1SS1 ,' His- torical sketch of the Providence Baptist association iS^j-gj, 1893; Biographi- cal sketch of the Rev. Sylvauus Boardman, 1S93. Address, Newton Centre, Mass. Bapt. encyc, R. I. eye, Colby, Newt. James Carruthers Greenough, A. M. ; A. B. Williams college 1S60; A. M. 1S63. Principal high and grammar school, Rockport, Mass. 1855-56; Hacker school, Salem, Mass. 1S56; first assistant principal Mass. state normal school, Westfield, Mass. 1S56-71 ; principal 1887- ; R. I. normal school, Providence, R.I. 1871-83; president Mass. agricultural college, Amherst, Mass. 1883-86. Author various addresses before American institute of instruction and other educational bodies; also articles in educational publications; Centennial anni- versary i7gj-/Sgj. Address, Westfield, Mass. R. I. eye, P. James Sullivan Russell, A. M. Student, Brown university two years; teacher district schools and Mass. state normal school seven years ; professor Mathe- matics, high school, Lowell, Mass., 43 years. Author Rational arithmetic, 1S46; retired. Address, 59 Nesmith St., Lowell, Mass. P. 392 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1876 Stephen Smith, M. D. College of physicians and surgeons 1850;- LL. D. University of Rochester. Physician and surgeon, New York, N. Y; professor Surgery, Bellevue hospital medical college 1861 ; University medical college 1876; commissioner of health New York, N. Y. 186S; commissioner N. Y. board of charities 1880; member national board of health 1879; commis- sioner in lunacy 1882 ; U. S. delegate, International sanitary conference, Paris 1S94. Author Operatic surgery., 1889; Doctor in medici?ie, 1871 ; besides numerous miscellaneous papers. See Catalogue of the library of the surgeon- generaVs office. Address, 574 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Phys. and surg., P. John Henry Stiness, A. M. ; LL. D. 1893. U. S. military service 1862, second lieutenant; lawyer, Providence, R. I.; member R. I. house of representatives 1864-75; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1S75-. Address, 201 Governor St., Providence, R. I. A K E 1877 Elias Henry Johnson, A. M. ; A. B. University of Rochester 1862; A. M. 187 1 ; D. D. 1S78. Acting assistant paymaster, U. S. navy 1864-66; ordained Baptist 1866; pastor Le Sueur, Minn. 1S66-6S; graduated Rochester theologi- cal seminary 187 1 ; pastor Ballston Spa. N. Y. 1S73-75 ; Brown street church, Providence, R. I. 1S75-7S; Union church, Providence 1878-82; professor Systematic theology, Crozer theological seminary 1S82-. Author Outline of systematic theology, 1891 ; editor Songs of praise for Sutiday schools, 1SS2 ; associate editor Baftist hymnal, 1S83 ; Our Sunday school songs, 1885. Ad- dress, Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Penn. Bapt. encyc, P. James Ferdinand Morton, A.M. ; A. B. Acadia college 1866. Baptist clergy- man ; pastor 1869-75; teacher New London literary and scientific institution, 1S75-78; instructor, Newton theological institution oneyear; librarian 1884-91; principal Proctor academy, Andover, N. H. 1891-; assistant editor Watchman. Address, Andover, N. H. P. ' I878 George Edwin Horr, A.M. Baptist clergyman ; treasurer N. J. Baptist edu- cation society 17 years; pastor Bergen Point church, Bayonne, N.J. Author various sermons and addresses. Address, 79 West 5th St., Bayonne, N. J. P. Charles Stanford, D. D. Clergyman, Camberwell, London, England. Au- thor Central truths, 1859; Power in xveakness: memorials of Rev. William Rhodes, 1S59; Companions and times of Joseph Allei?ie, 1S61 ; Introduction to Troublous times, 1862; Instrumental strength, 1S62 ; Symbols of Christ, 1865; Plant of grace, 1S67 ; Affliction, 1869; Home and church, 1871; Homilies on Christian work, 1879; Philip Doddridge, 1880; Voices from Calvary, 1881 ; The Lord's prayer, 18S3; Alternatives of faith and unbelief, 1885; From Cal- vary to Olivet, 18S5 ; The evening of our Lord's ministry, 1SS6; Wit and humour of life, 1886. Died 1SS6. Allibone 1879 Charles Taber Congdon, A. M. Student, Brown university; journalist, New York, N. Y. ; member editorial staff Tribune, New York 1S57-62. Author 1879 HONORARY GRADUATES 393 Tribune essays. 1869; Reminiscences of a journalist, 1S80. Born New Bed- ford, Mass., April 7, 1S21 ; died 1891. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone Isaac Ray, LL. D.; M. D. Bowdoin college 1827; A. M. 1S46. Physician, Portland, Me.; Eastport, Me.; superintendent Me. state insane asylum, Augusta 1S41-45; Butler hospital for the insane, Providence, R. I. 1845-66; physician, Philadelphia, Penn. 1S66-S1 ; president R. I. medical society. Au- thor numerous publications. See Catalogue of the library of the surgeon-gen- eral's office. Born Beverly, Mass., Jan. 16, 1S07; died Philadelphia, Penn., March 31, 18S1. Cyc. Am. biog., Bowdoin, Allibone Josiah Torrey Smith, A. M. ; A. B. Williams college 1S42 ; A. M. Williams college 1845; D. D. University of Iowa. Ordained Baptist 1S45; pastor Lanes- boro, Mass. ; Sandisfield, Mass. ; Hinsdale, Mass. ; Bristol, Conn. ; Amherst, Mass.; Woodstock, Conn. ; Warwick, R. I. Author Examination of sprink- ling as the only mode of baptism, 1849; Scriptural and historical arguments for infant baptism examined, 1S50; God's testimony in relation to the use of intoxicating beverages. Born Williamsport, Mass., Aug. 4, 1S15; died 18SS. Cyc. Am. biog., Williams, Allibone I88O Joseph Warren Merrill, A. M. Manufacturing chemist; member Mass. house of representatives 1S64; mayor Cambridge, Mass. 1S65, '66; president several religious and benevolent societies; trustee Brown university 1S65-S9; Colbj' university 1S69-S9. Born Southampton, N. H., Dec. 13, 1S19; died Cam- bridge, Mass., Nov. 12, 1SS9. P. Sidney Smith Rider, A. M. Bookseller, Providence, R. I. Author Is it R. I. history, or is it fiction? review of Greene's Short history of R. I., 1877; Some account of the bills of credit or paper money in R. I., 1710-S6, in con- junction with E. R. Potter, 1SS0, in R. I. hist, tracts 8; A true representation of the plan formed at Albany in 17 j4 for uniting the colonies, edited, 1SS0, in same 9; An historical inquiry concerning the attempt to raise a regiment of slaves in R. I. during the Revolution, 18S0, in same 10; Bibliographical me- moirs of three R. I. authors: J. K. Angell, F. H. McDougal, and C. R. Wil- liams, 18S0, in same 11 ; The diary of Thomas Vernon, a loyalist, 1776, edited, 1SS1, in same 13; An inquiry concerning the origin of the clause in the lazvs of R. I. 1719-83, disfranchising Roman Catholics, 1S89, in same, 2 series, 1 ; An inquiry concerning the authenticity of an alleged portrait of Roger Williams, 1 89 1, in same, 2 series 2; Index to the first series of R. I. historical tracts, 1S95, in same, 1 series 20; Bibliographical and historical introduction to the Digest of R. I. colonial lazvs of 1719, 1895 ; editor The bibliomaniac, in con- junction with his brother, 1867; Book notes, historical, literary and critcal, 1SS3-, vol. 12 in progress. Address, 61 Snow St., Providence, R. I. l88l John Woodbury Sawyer, A. M. ; M. D. Harvard university 1S59. Physi- cian, Providence, R. I. Died 1SS5. 1882 Jonathan Chace, A. M. Cotton manufacturer, Valley Falls, R. I.; president Phenix national bank, Providence; member R. I. house of representatives; R. 394 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1882 I. senate; U. S. senate 1S85-89; trustee Brown university 1892-. Address, Valley Falls, R. I. P. Le Baron Bradford Colt, A. M. ; A. B.Yale college 1868; LL. B. Colum- bia college 1S701 Lawyer, Bristol, R. I.; member R. I. house of representa- tives 1S79-S1 ;U. S. district judge, R. I. 1881 ; U. S. circuit judge, first judicial circuit R. I. 1884-. Address, U. S. Circuit Court, Providence, R. I. Columb., Cyc. Am. biog. Horace Gray, LL. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1845; A. M. 1S48; LL. B. 1849; LL. D. 1S71. Admitted to bar 1 851; lawyer; reporter Mass. supreme court 1854-61; associate justice 1S64-73; chief justice 1S73-82; associate justice U. S. supreme court 1882- ; member Mass. historical society; fellow American academy of arts and sciences. Address, 1061 I St., Washington, D. C. Cyc. Am. biog., Harv. James Madison Morton, A. M.; LL. D. 1893; LL. B. Harvard university 1S61. Special student, Brown university 1856-59; admitted to bar 1861 ; lawyer, Fall River, Mass. 1861-90; city solicitor Fall River; associate justice Mass. supreme court 1890-. Address, 87 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. P. 1883 Daniel Webster Abercrombie, A. M.; A. B. Harvard university 1876. Clas- sical master St. Mark's school, Southboro, Mass. 1877-78; Vt. academy, Sax- ton's River, Vt. 1878-S2 ; acting principal Worcester academy 1882-83; princi- pal and head Greek department 18S3-. Author occasional articles on educa- tional topics. Address, Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass. P. Alfred Mason Williams, A. M. Journalist, Providence, R. I.; editor Provi- dence journal 18S4-92. Author Poets and poetry of Ireland, 1880; Sam Hous- ton and the war of independence in Texas, 1893 ; Studies in folk song and popular poetry, 1894. Address, 41 Whitmarsh St., Providence, R. I. P. I884 William Henry Bennett, A. M.; M. D. University of Penn. 1869. Physi- cian, Philadelphia, Penn. Address, 332 South 15th St., Philadelphia, Penn. P. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, LL. D.; A. B. Waterville college 1839; D. D. 1858. Graduated Newton theological institution 1845; ordained Baptist 1846; pastor First church, Bangor, Me. 1846-58; First church, Providence, R. I. 1858-73; professor Ecclesiastical history, Newton theological institution 1873-78; presi- ident Vassar college 1878-85 ; resident, Providence, R. I.; trustee Waterville college 1850-63; Brown university 1859-62; fellow 1862-89; secretary of the corporation 1875-89; member R. I. historical society. Author Memorial of Prof. R. P. Dtinn, 1867 ; Independe?ice-day oration, 1861 ; Literature in account with life, 1S85 ; two lectures in Newton lectures, 1886; Cities of our faith, and other discourses, 1890; besides various contributions to periodicals; editor Publications of the Narragansett club, vols. 3-4, 1867-70. Born Newburyport, Mass., Nov. 13, 1820; died Providence, R. I., Sept. 26, 18S9. Cyc. Am. biog., Colby, Newt., Am. cat. 188 5 HONORARY GRADUATES 395 1885 William Francis Sayles, A. M. Cotton manufacturer, Saylesville, R. I. ; pres- ident Slater bank, Pavvtucket, R. I. ; Slater cotton company, Pawtucket ; trus- tee Brown university 1S79-94. Born Pawtucket, R. I., Sept. 21, 1824; died Pawtucket, May 7, 1894. R. I. C yc, Pres. report I887 George Frederick Wright, D. D. ; LL. D. Drurv college 18S7. Graduated Oberlin theological seminary 1S62 ; ordained Congregational 1S63; pastor, Bakersfield, Vt. 1862-72; Andover, Mass. 1S72-S1 ; professor New Testament language and literature, Oberlin college 1881-92 ; professor Harmony of science ; assistant geologist Penn. survey 18S1 ; U. S. survey 1SS4-92. Author Logic oj Christian evidences, 1SS0; Studies in science and religion, 1S82; An in- quiry concerning the relation of death to probation, 18S2; Glacial boundary in O., Ind., and Ay., 18S4; Divine authority of the Bible, 1S84; Ice age in North America and its bearings upon the antiquity of man, 1S89; Charles Grandison Finney, 1891 ; Man and the glacial period, 1892 ; editor Bibliotheca sacra, 18S4-. Address, 145 Elm St., Oberlin, O. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, P. 1888 Augustus Woodbury, D. D. ; A. M. Harvard university 1S66. Graduated Harvard divinity school 1849; Unitarian clergyman ; pastor, Concord, N. H. l8 49-53; Lowell, Mass. 1853-57; Westminster church, Providence, R. I. 1S57- 92; chairman inspectors R. I. prison 1S66-77 ; member commission for build- ing R. I. state prison 1875-79; president Providence Athenaeum 18S3-8S. Au- thor Plain -words to young men, 1S5S ; Oration before the M. W. grand lodge of R. I., i860; Preservation of the Republic, 1862; Narrative of the cam- paign of the First R. I. regiment in the spring and summer of iSbi, 1862 ; Major-general Ambrose E. Bumside and the Ninth army corps, 1S67; Second R. I. regiment, 187 5; Historical sketch of the prisons and jails of R. I., 1S77 ; besides various sermons and addresses. Address, Concord, N. II. Cyc. Am. biog., Allibone, A A 1889 David Harvey Qoodell, A. M. Governor N. H. Address, Antrim, N. H. Henry Qrattan Guinness, D. D. Clergyman, London, England; founder and honorary director East London institute for home and foreign missions 1872- ; fellow Royal Asiatic society 1S90; Royal geographical society. Au- thor Preaching for the million, 1859; The revival in Ireland, i860; Letter to the Plymouth brethren on the recognition of pastors, 1863 ; Approach in a- end of the age, 187S; Grammar of the Congo language, as spoken in the cataract re- gion belozv Stanley Pool, 1882 ; Mosaic history and gospel story, 1S82 ; Light for the last days, in conjunction with Mrs. Fanny E. Guinness, 1886; City of the seven hills j Roma?iism and the reformation from the stand-point of prophecy, 1S87; Divine programme of the world's history, in conjunction with Mrs. F. E. Guinness, 1S8S; editor Hymns of the cross, with same, 1864; Grammar of the Congo language as spoken tzvo hundred years ago. 1882. Address, Harley House, Row Road, London, England. p. Leontine Lincoln, A. M. Chairman school committee Fall River, Mass. Address, Fall River, Mass. 396 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1890 l8pO David Hummell Greer, D. D. ; Kenyon college 1S80. Episcopal clergy- man ; pastor Trinity church, ^Covington, Ky. 1868-71; Grace church, Provi- dence, R. I. 1871-88; St. Bartholomew's church, New York, N. Y. 1888-. Au- thor The historic Christ, 1S90; From things to God, 1893. Address, 342 Mad- ison Ave., New York, N. Y. P- John Brown Francis Herreshoff, A. M. Address, 112 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. William Jones Hoppin, A. M. Address, 138 George St., Providence, R. I. Clarence King, LL. D. ; B. P. Yale university 1S62. Member Cal. geological survey 1862-66; in charge of U. S. exploration of the fortieth parallel 1867-72 ; director U. S. geological survey 187S-81 ; engaged in special geological inves- tigations 1881-; member National academy of sciences 1S76-. Author Moun- taineering in the Sierra Nevada, 1S72 ; Systematic geology ; Geological explo- rations of the fortieth parallel, vol. 1, 1S7S; editor Geological explorations of the fortieth parallel, 7 vols, and atlas 2 vols., 1870-78. Addiess, Century Club, New York, N. Y. Cyc. Am. biog., Johnson's eye, Allibone Pardon Elisha Tillinghast, A. M. Principal grammar school, Providence, R. I.; Grove street grammar school, Pawtucket, R. I. until 1S62 ; U. S. mili- tary service 1862-63, quartermaster-sergeant; admitted to bar 1867 ; lawyer, Pawtucket, R. I.; member R. I. general assembly 1872-73, '76-81; town solicitor Pawtucket 1S74-S1 ; advocate general R. I. 1876-S1 ; associate justice R. I. supreme court 1S81-. Address, Pawtucket, R. I. R. I. cyc. I89I James Lawrence Bennett. Curator of the Herbaria, Brown university 1890-91 ; curator of the Herbaria and the museum of economic botany 18S1-94. Address, 378 Pine St., Providence, R. I. Courtney Langdon. Instructor German and French, Episcopal academy of Conn. 1S81-82; Lehigh university 1S82-84; private tutor, Baltimore, Md. 1884-86; instructor Romance languages, Cornell university 18S6-90; assistant professor Modern languages, Brown university 1S90-92 ; associate professor Romance languages and literatures 1S92-. Address, 1 Grotto Ave., Provi- dence, R. I. R Royal Chapin Taft, A. M. Student, Worcester academy two years; woollen manufacturer, Providence, R. I.; treasurer Bernon mills ; president Quinne- baug company, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; president Merchants national bank 1868- ; vice president Providence institution for savings; member Providence com- mon council; R. I. house of representatives ; governor R. I. 1SS8-89; president R. I. hospital seven vears. Author Some notes o?i the introduction of wool manufacture into the U. S. Address, 79 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Prov. to-day, P. l892 Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich, LL. D. Merchant, Providence, R. I. ; president Union railroad company; Providence common council 1S75-76; speaker R. I. house of representatives 1876-77; member U. S. house of representatives 1S79-S1; U. S. senate 1S81-. Address, no Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. Cyc. Am. biog., R. I. man. 1892 HONORARY GRADUATES 397. Oliver Ames, LL. D. Governor Mass. Address, 94 Ames Building, Boston, Mass. Edwin Eddy Calder, A. M. Assistant Analytical chemistrv, Brown univer- sity 1874-82; instructor Chemistry 1S90-; lecturer Chemistry, Medical school, Boston university 1SS3-S4; piofessor Chemistrv 1SS4-. Address, Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I. Liber '91 Edward Field. Department clerk or official, water department, Provi- dence, R. I.; treasury department; clerk municipal court 1S76-; one of record commissioners; city auditor pro tempore 1SS7; member school committee 1SS8-91. Author Manual of the R. I. society of the Sons of the America?/ revolu- tion, 1S92 ; editor Early records of the town of Providence, vol. 1, 1S92. Ad- dress, City Hall, Providence, R. I. P. Herbert Warren Ladd, A. M. With Mercury, New Bedford, Mass. : dry goods merchant, Providence, R. I. 1S71 ; vice president Providence board of trade two years ; president Society for the prevention of cruelty to children two years; governor R. I. 1SS9-90, '91-92. Address, 251-7 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Prov. to-day Nathaniel James McCarthy, B. P. Self-educaied mathematician; born West Newton, Mass., Dec. 25, 1S49; resident, Mansfield, Mass. 1869-72; student of mathematics with special privileges, public library, Boston, Mass. 1872-76; resident, Boston 1S76-S0; in employ of Nicholson file company. Providence, R. I. 1880-. Author Mathematical principles of mechanical philosophy ap- plied to industrial mechanics, naval archectiture, nautical and physical aslron- omy, with especial reference to the works on analytical mechanics of Newton, Poisson, La Place, and Lagrange, containing 4800 topics, to be published in 4 quarto volumes in 189S. See sketches in Boston Sunday herald, Aug. 22, 1875; Mansfield news, Aug. 1875; Boston post, Dec. 17, 1S79. Address, 362 West Exchange St., Providence, R. I. Post., P. Philip Stafford Moxom, D. D. ; A. B. University of Rochester 1S79; A. M. 18S2. Baptist clergyman; pastor, Bellevue, Mich. ; Albion, Mich. 1S72-75; First church, Cleveland, O. 1S79-S5; Boston, Mass. 18S5-94; South Congrega- tional church, Springfield, Mass. 1S94-; preacher, Harvard university 1S94-95; lecturer, Lowell institute 1895; president Appalachian mountain club, 1894; Boston Browning society. Author Aim of life, 1894 ; From Jerusalem to Nicea : the Christian church in the first three centuries, 1895; also numerous pam- phlets and review articles on social and religious subjects. Address, S3 Dart- mouth Terrace, Springfield, Mass. P. Thomas Harwood Pattison, D. D. ; A. B. Regent's Park college, London, England 1S62 ; D. D. Madison university 18S0; Williams college 1893. Bap- tist clergyman ; pastor Middleton in Teesdale, Durham, England; Newcastle on Tyne, England; Rochdale, England; First church, New Haven, Conn. 1875-78; Emmanual church, Albany, N. Y. 1S7S-S1 ; professor Homiletics and pastoral theology, Rochester theological seminary 1SS1-. Author Service of song, 1S64; Religious republics, with others, 1S69; Present day lectures, 1S72 ; The making of William Carey, 1892; History of the English Bible, 1S94. Address, Rochester, N. Y. Bapt. encyc, P. George Frederick Pope, A. M. Vice principal B. M. C. Durfee high school, Fall River, Mass. Address, 43 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. P. William Marshall Fitts Round, A. M. Student, Harvard medical school; journalist -1S79; corresponding secretary Prison association of N. Y. 1S79-; 39 8 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1892 National prison association 1S83-88; U. S. delegate, International prison con- gress, Rome 1886; Congress of criminal anthropology, Brussels 1892; U. S. commissioner, Vienna exposition 1873; organizer Burnham industrial farm. Author Ac/isa/i, 1S76; Torn and mended, 1876; Child Marian abroad, 1S77 ; Hal, 18S0; Rosecroft, 1S81. Address, 135 East 15th St., New York, N. Y. Am. cat., Allibone, P. Lucian Sharpe, A. M. Manufacturer machinery and tools, Providence, R. I. ; treasurer Brown and Sharpe manufacturing company. Address, 56 Angell St., Providence, R. I. P. 1893 Charles Henry Banes, A. M. U. S. military service 1862-64, assistant adju- tant general U. S. volunteers; president Market street national bank 1SS7- ; general secretary American Baptist publication society 1894- ; director General international electrical exposition 1884; president Franklin institute 1885. Au- thor History of Philadelphia brigade, 1876; Manual training and trade schools, 1S90; John Peddie, 1891 ; Benjamin Gifford, 1S94; Annals of Miles ancestry, 1S95; besides various historical and other pamphlets. Address, 2021 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Penn. Allibone, P. Qeorge Lyman Locke, D. D. ; A. B. Harvard university 1859; A.M. 1862. Private tutor 1859-62 ; Episcopal clergyman; assistant pastor Grace church, Boston, Mass. 1863-64; Trinity church, Boston 1864-65; pastor St. Michael's church, Bristol, R. I. 1867-. Address, Bristol, R. I. P. William Le Baron Putnam, LL. D. ; A. B. Bowdoin college 1855 ; A. M. 185S ; LL. D. 1884. Admitted to bar 1858; lawyer, Portland, Me.; mayor 1869-70; U. S. commissioner to negotiate with Great Britain in the settlement of the rights of American fishermen in the territorial waters of Canada and New- foundland 18S7; judge U. S. circuit court of appeals. Author George Evaiis, address before the Me. state bar association, 1894. Address, 166 State St., Portland, Me. Cyc. Am. biog., Bowdoin, P. 1894 Sarah Elizabeth Doyle, A.M. Teacher, public schools, Providence, R. I. 1846-92; high school 1S59-78; principal girls' department, high school 1S7S- 92; first president R. I. women's club 1876-84; chairman committee to raise funds for the Women's college, Brown university 1895. Address, 119 Prospect St., Providence, R. I. P. James Leland Howard, A. M. Manufacturer and merchant, Hartford, Conn.; director Phoenix bank 1S54- ; Travelers insurance company 1864-; vice-presi- dent Hartford county fire insurance company ; president Hartford city gas light company 1880- ; member common council ; alderman; police commissioner; member high school committee; lieutenant-governor Conn. 1S87-89; president American Baptist publication society 1873-77 ; American Baptist home mission society 1881-84; American Baptist historical society 1890-93; Conn. Baptist education society; member board of managers American Baptist missionary union; trustee Brown university 18S8-; Shaw university; Spelman seminary; Newton theological institution; American Baptist education society; presi- dent board of trustees Conn, literary institution. Address, Hartford, Conn. P. 1894 HONORARY GRADUATES 399 Charles Henry Merriman, A. M. Manufacturer; treasurer Social manufac- turing company; Lippitt woolen company; president Silver Spring bleaching and dyeing company. Address, Providence, R. I. Erastus Richardson, A. M. Bookkeeper Albion company 1856-63 ; Edward Harris 1S63-65 ; Lippitt woolen company 1865- ; member school committee, Woonsocket, R. I. Author History of Woonsocket, 1S76; Paraphrase of first six books of ^-Eneid, 1879. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. P. Joel Herbert Shedd, A. M. Engaged in railroad construction, Ind. ; civil en- gineer, Boston, Mass. 1856-66; consulting engineer, Providence, R. I. 1S66- 69; chief engineer water works, Providence 1S69-90; city engineer, Providence 1S90-; chairman harbor commissioners 1876-; joint commission of R. I. and Conn, for establishing encroachment lines on Pawcatuck River and Little Nar- ragansett Bay. Address, So South Angell St., Providence, R. I. Prov. to-day 4oo BROWN UNIVERSITY SUMMARY Officers 509 Living 7,6.2, P er cent I ^5 Graduates from All Departments 4,408 Living 44.7 per cent 1,97 1 First Degree Graduates 3,759 Bachelors of Arts, Masters of Arts 1854-61, Bachelors of Philosophy, Civil Engineers. Living 49.4 per cent 1,865 Advanced Degree Graduates 13 Exclusive of graduates previously reckoned. Living 13 Medical Graduates 69 Exclusive of academic and honorary graduates. Living 1 Honorary Graduates 567 Exclusive of graduates previously reckoned. Living 16.2 per cent 92 Living Graduates in Index of Residences !,93 2 Representing all departments. In New England 64.5 per cent 1,246 In Rhode Island 33.3 per cent 644 In Providence 25.4 per cent 490 In Boston 04.4 per cent 85 In Fall River 02.2 per cent 42 In Pawtucket 01.7 per cent 2>2> In Worcester 01.6 per cent 31 In Newport 01.2 per cent 23 In Middle Atlantic States ...18.8 per cent 362 In New York City 06.2 per cent 119 In Philadelphia 01.6 per cent 31 In Washington 00.9 per cent 17 In Southern States 01.8 per cent 34 In Central States 09.8 per cent 189 In Chicago 01.9 per cent s 6 In Western States 03. 1 per cent 60 In Foreign Countries 02.1 per cent 41 PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 401 INDEX OF RESIDENCES Graduates of the academic department are arranged first, and are not otherwise designated. Advanced degree graduates are distinguished by the letter a] medical graduates by m ; honorary graduates by h. NEW ENGLAND MAINE Bangor 1590 A. E. Kingsley, 105 Hammond st. Bath 1S38 S. F. Dike, 13S Lincoln st. Caribou 1890 D. S. Jenks Eastport 1S72 I. G. M'Lanen, 91 Water st. Fairfield 1S70 N. T. Dutton Hallowed 1866 C. B. Peckham Lewiston 1S6-! T. L. An gel 1, 226 College st. 1553 A. W. Anthony, 336 College st. Livermore Falls 1S82 F. H. Davis North Berwick 1863 T. T. Morrell Portland 1857 F. R. Barrett, 169 State st. 1S61 H. S. Biirrnge 1554 John Daboll, Eastern Forge Co. 1591 E. A. Hicks, 88 Exchange st. W. B. Perry, Drawer 457. 1592 Horace McFarland, Falmouth Hotel 1893// W. LeB. Putnam, 166 State st. St. Albans 1878 I. O. Winslow South Penobscot 1891 W. L. Stone Warren 1S82 H. E. Thayer Waterville 1857 W- A. Rogers, 14 Union st. 1866 W. II. Spencer, 38 Pleasant st. L. E. Warren, 27 College av. 1S87 B. L. Whitman Westbrook 1878 A. N. Dary, 151 Main st. NEW HAMPSHIRE Andover 1877// J. F. Morton Antrim 1S79 S. G. Hastings 1889/B D. II. Goodell Ashland 1884 R. II. Ferguson Canterbury 1S70 I. W. Coombs Concord 1S57 S. C Eastman 1874 C. W. Tarleton, 44 Lyndon st. 1875 R. E. Walker lSSS/z Augustus Woodbury Exeter 18S2 W. A. Francis 1S87 W. N. Chase Hampton Falls 18S7 W. W. Wakeman Keene 1577 C. B. Elder, 56 Marlboro st. Laconia 1866 C. A. G. Thurston Lakeport 1578 C. L. Pulcifer 1S90 A. S. Owen 4-02 BROWN UNIVERSITY Lancaster 1S54 J. I. Williams Lisbon 1S53 L. B. Pratt Manchester 1859 J. T. Plumer 1S76 J. Y. Cressy 1895 L. J: Bullard, 273 Chestnut st. C. M. Poor, Box 366. Meredith 1592 Bertram Blaisdell Meriden 1593 H. W. B. Arnold Nashua 1845 W. H. Eaton, 25 Franklin st. 1859 I. D. Colburn, 12 Front st. New Hampton 1862/2 A. B. Meservey New London 1865 G. W. Gile 1S66 L. F. Griffin 1S75 W. A. Farren 1592 H. K. Rowe Newport 1867 J. F. Fielden Plymouth 1882 W. R. Park Portsmouth 1853 L - E - Smith, 51 Middle st. 1593 R - M - Brown, Box 75. Somersworth 1887 C. L. White VERMONT Bennington 1890 J. L. Alger Bradford 1872 E. K. Dunbar Brandon 1872 E. A. Herring 1879 E. S. Marsh Brattleboro 1S6S E. W. Stoddard Fairfax 1867 I lenrj Crocker Fair Haven 1882 I. R. Allen Rutland 1SS0 Gibbs Braislin, 33 Washington st. 1SS7 F. D. White St. Johnsbury 1890 Frank Appleton Saxton's River 1894 A. J. Pope, Vt. Academy West Brattleboro 1873 A. A. Smith MASSACHUSETTS Agawam 1876 J. W. Hastings Andover 1826 E. A. Park, Theological Seminary 1865 E. W. Pride 18S9 A. A. Freeman 1890 C. H. Forbes 1892 G. W. C. Hill Arlington 1870 A. G. Fisher Ashbury Qrove 1893 E. W. Lamson Ashland 1882 F. A. Everett Auburndale 1886 John Matteson Ballard Vale 1874 G. H. Coffin Bellingham 1866 Lucian Drury Belmont 1879 E. E. Atkinson, Belmont School Beverly 1874 O. O. Ordway Beverly Farms 1837 C. W. Reding Boston 1827 W. M. Cornell, 135 West Concord st. 1S39 C. H. Webb, 25 State st. 1845 S. W. Bush, 651 Boylston st. 1848 La Fayette Burr, 31 Duane st. 1S49 Horatio Gray, 1 Joy st. [st. 1S55 Marcus Waterman, 616 Washington H. D. Williams, 190 Boylston st. 1S57 Thomas Dean, 28 State st. iS.s8 E. L. Clark, 75 Marlborough st. 1861 S. U. Shearman, Jamaica Plain 1862 F. W. Draper, 304 Marlborough st. E. N. Whitlier, 647 Boylston st. 1863 O. B. Mowry, S2 Devonshire st. 1S64 E. C. Chick, Care of J. H. Pray, Sons & Co. H. C. Cushing, 15 Blagden st. G. F. Jelly, 69 Newbury st. J. F. Ober, 113 Devonshire st. F. M. Tyler, 403 Washington st. AW. S. McKenzie, 2A Beacon st. 1861; E. R. Blanchard, 85 Essex st. H. D. Bullock, iS Broad st. 1S66 E. J. Carpenter, Daily Advertiser R. H. Howe, Longwood J. W. Stillman, 1474 Washington st. 1867 G. A. Bacon, 172 Tremont st. Edwin Bullard, 2A Beacon st. Care American Baptist Miss'ry Union 1868 A. S. Denison, 36-40 Chauncy st. W. H. Lyon. 519 Beacon st. 1869 F. W. Freeborn. Latin School 1870 F. L. Child. 28 State st. 1872 R. M. Eliott, 149A Tremont st. W. V. Kellen, 209 Washington st., Room 54 1S73 Stephen Greene, 131 Devonshire st. PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 403 1S73 A. D. McClellan, 82 Devonshire st. Charles Steere, 27 School st. (j. F. Tucker, Court House, Pem- bioke sq. 1874 J. E. Leach, 40 Water st. F. L. Young, 111 Purchase st. V. C. Pond, 92 Marlboro st. N. B. Jones, 114 White st. 187^ R. J. Adams, 61 Cushingav. h C.W. Ernst, 298 Commonwealth av //David Hunt, 413 Boylston st. 1S76 C T. Schubarth, 80 Broad st. 1875 George Goodwin, 21S West Spring- field st. J. A. Ilobigand, SS Bovlston st. S. W. Nickerson, 95 Milk st. W. M. Stockbridge, 82 Devonshire st., Room 12 1879 F. W. Elliott, 107 Warren st. F. A. Farnham, 1 Marlboro st. J. L. Wells, 86 Warren st. 1880 F. E. Fitz, 23 Court st. J. G. Lincoln, S8 Water st. Edgar Perry, Herald Olhce. 1S81 S. W. Culver, 23 Court st. J. M. Marshall, 53 State st. 1SS2 E. B. Cole, 11S Summer st. Herbert Mcintosh, 537 Massachu- setts av. 1883 C. M. Leonard, 3 High st. E. O. Silver, 110 Boylston st 1SS4 G. A. Carpenter, 13S West Canton st I. C. Hersey, 23 Court st. A. B. Rice, 121 Tremont st. J. II. Vose, no Bovlston st. T. W. Wood, 160 Newbury st. 1S815 H. O. Alexander, 153 Tremont st. T. H. Carter, City Hospital C. II. Hare, 22 Mt. Vernon st. J. H. Lord, 203-04 Carter Building E. E. Silver, no Boylston st. H. R. Skinner, 2S Slate st. 1SS7 H. P. Quick. 439 Albany st. E. Y. Woollev, 152 Congress st. 18S9 F. H. Briggs, 449 Beacon st. 1891 A. W. Calder, 33 St. James av. M. L. Messer, 10 Tremont st. F. W. Woodcock, 8 Exchange pi. 1892 I. P. Greene, Room 318, 178 Devon- shire st. H. H.Rice, Pope manufacturing co. H. S. Taft, 11S Dartmouth st. // Oliver Ames, 94 Ames Building 1893 W. T- Brown, 26 Hancock s4. 1894 E. E. Everett, Harvard Medical School D. B. Pike, 701 Massachusetts av. Bridgewater 1872 J. E. Crane 18S4 F. E. Sweet Brockton 187s H. E. Goddard 1878 H. C. Childs, 59 Chestnut st. 18S9 H. F. Parker, 158 Belmont st. 1891 A. L. Beals, 389 Main st. Brookline 1846 Augustine Shurtleff, High st. i860 S. VV. Duncan, Cor. Freeman and St. Paul sts. 1864 B. C. Dean, Aspinwall av. 1S76 G. E. Hon- 1877 F. II. Williams, 22 Coolidge st. 1884 Norman Gunderson, 496 Cypress st. 1887 Joseph Walker, Maple st. Bryantville 1874 Ephraim Hapgood Cambridge 1825 G. W. Briggs, 140 Brattle st. 1856 Samuel Snow, 8 Wendell st. 185S E. M. Gushee, 30 Lee st. 1861 A. P. Clarke, 693 Maine st. 1S65 C. II. Spalding, 8 Scott st. 1866 W. E. Stone, 15 Hawthorn st. 1S69 R. G. Huling, 101 Trowbridge st. 1S83 A. M. Movvry, 45 Wallace st. 1890 A. P. Bourne, 41 Divinity Hall 1S92 J. A. Pirce, 14 Trowbridge pi. 1893 Robert Cushman, ^Trowbridge pi 1S94 Livingstone Ham, 13 Trowbridge pi Cambridgeport 1S34 Luther Robinson, 38 Howard st. 1846 C. II. Topliff, 143 Washington st. Carver 1S86 C. A. Parker, Chelsea 1873 W. M. Brown, 6S Hawthorn st. 1S75 A- D- Bosson 1883 A. W. Fitz, 17 Carey av. Cherry Valley 1S91 R. S. Olney 1892 Richard Olney Chicopee 1S64 Luther White Chicopee Falls 1864 D. II. Stoddard, 64 Belcher st. Clinton 1838 C. M. Bowers, 47 Water st. College Hill 1873// C. D. Bray, 98 Professors Row Concord 1S52 A. P. Putnam, Main st. Concord Junction 1855 W. J. Batt Conway 1893 C. H. Phelps Danvers 1879 A. II. Harrington, Danvers Lunatic Hospital Danversport 1855 C. F. Holbrook Dedham 18^0 Erastus Worthington 1859 F. D. Ely 4°4 BROWN UNIVERSITY Dorchester 1841 Elbridge Smith, 1595 Dorchester av. 1842 John Parsons, Percival street 1878 O. B. Munroe, 59 Glen Road 1880 C. R. Adams, 61 dishing av. East Bridgewater 1875 C. E. Field East Charlemont 1869 G. C Newton East Douglas 1S59 S. P. Holbrook East Pepperell 1855 A. J. Saunders Easthampton 1891 E. B. Birge. East Somerville 1854 A.M. Higgins, 75 Mt. Vernon st. Essex 1875 G. O. Burnham Everett 1885 F. L. Titcomb Fairhaven 1895 A. P. Record Fall River 1842 G. B. Stone, 17 Cherry st. 1847 Nicholas Hatheway 1850 G. E. Allen, 330 North Main st. 1851 J. S. Brayton 1864 S. W. Bowen 1866 Jefferson Borden, 34 Locust st. H. II. Earl 1S6S Benjamin Cook, 14 French st. I. N. Smith, 1 Winter st. 1870 H. S. Fenner 1872 A. J. Jennings 1S73 J. F. Lindsey, 27 High st. 1874 T.S. Barbour 1876 J. M. MacKenzie 1877 T. D. Milne, News Office 1879 E. S. Adams 1880 D. F. Slade, 100 Rook st. P. A. Mathewson 1S81 C. W. Connell, 142 North Main st. A. H. Hood, 40 French st. 1 882 Simeon Borden W. T. Learned //J. M. Morton 1883 Nicholas Hatheway C. B. Luther 1884 C. L. Baker E. B. Durfee, 45 Stafford Road S. E. Mann 1886 W. H. Beattie C. E. Bury, 5 Ridge st. George Grime C. J. McCreerv, 6 Peckham st. 18S7 A. I. Connell, '281 North Main st. 1889 R. W. Jackson, 131 Franklin st. // Leontine Lincoln 1892 j. P. Gage h G. F. Pope, 43 Rock st. W. II. Smith, 38 Bank st. 1593 E.A. Thurston, 231 Main st. 1594 C. E. Ilealey, 79 Broadway Fells 1550 W. L. Smith, 60 Main st. Fitchburg 1843 Lyman Jewett, 24 Hartwell st. 1S73 Asa Evans Stratton 1SS5 L. M. Blodgett, Box 12S0. 18S6 W. H. Bennett, 283 Main st. 1S89 G. P. Grant 1891 W. K. Jewett Forest Hills 1SS8 A. B. Cooke, Hyde Park ave. Foxboro 1S86 W. S. White Franklin 1843 W. M. Thayer 1874 W. F. Ray " 1S89 E. H. Rathbun 1891 s F. E. George Freetown 1886 C. A. Briggs Gardner 1864 J. D. Edgell, 98 Elm st. Georgetown 1894 Fred Tenney Gloucester 1868 X. D. Tingley, 5 Hampden st. 18S0 William Hale Great Barrington 1878 A. C. Collins Greenfield 1866 N. N. Glazier Groton 1869 A. J. Hovey Hanover 1845 D. B. Ford Haverhill 1876 C. H. Poor 1551 H. C. Jewett, Daggett Building Hingham Centre 1839 Sereno Howe Hinsdale 1S45 J. C. Seagrave Holliston i860 F. B. Gam well 1SS0 F. C. Tenney 1894 F.W. Colburn, 10 Church st. Holyoke 1876 O. H. Merrick, 143 Chestnut st. Hyde Park 1844 A. E. Giles, 265 Fairmountav. 1864 H. B. Miner, 62 Oak st. 1S66//W. A. Mowry, 17 Riverside sq. 1870 W. H. Fish, 44 Milton av. 1884 H. R. Hitchcock, 16 Maple st. PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 405 1557 W. E. Ryther, 52 Pierce st. 1593 W. A. Mowry Ipswich 1SS3 S. H. Baker Jamaica Plain 1855 II. K. Pervear, 10 Myrtle st. 1878 W. C. Durlee, 81 Sedgwick st. 1583 S. R. Lench, 113 Chestnut av. Judson J ^57 J- M. Manning Lancaster 1842 G. M. Bartol Lawrence 1877 G. W. Dow 1882 W. G. Merrill 1584 E. P. Tn Her 1594 A. N. Frost, 50 Eutaw st. J. W. Lewis, 31 Summer st. Lee 1892 F. W. Tucker Leicester 1879 Gorham Easterbrook, Rochdale Leominster 1S7S C. E. Bigelow Littleton 1884 W. J. Cloues, Littleton Common Lowell 1S44 C. K. Russell, 763 Merrimack st. 1558 L. C. Manchester, 7S Qj.ieen st. S. W. Stevens 1876// J. S. Russell, 59 Nesmith st. 1885 C. H. Mclntyre, 641 West Pine st. Lynn 1864 F. T. Ilazlewood, 38 Allen av. 1S72 B. A. Greene 1574 J. M. Potler, 62 Baltimore st. 1882 F. F. Brigham iSSq Elmer Case, 24 Chase st. 1856 T. G. Rees, Rhodes av. Maiden 1580 II. G. Ilardv, 101 Linden av. 1581 J. A. Taylor iSSS W. F. Arlington, 41 Newbury st. 18S9 J. C. Whipple, 128 Salem st." 1890 E. A. Perry. 45 Pierce St. 1894 W. C. Hill, 31 Spruce st. Manchaug 1575 W. P. Bartlett Mansfield 1861 J. W. Rogers 1891 E. L. Willard Marlboro 1S77 C. S. Scott, 319 Main st. Medfield 1S68 G. R. Chase 1869 A. M. Crane 1S72 George Washburn Medford 1874 J. P. Abbott Melrose 1854 T - H - Tucker 1573 J- K. Wilson Middleboro 1843 W. R. Peirce 1844 T. S. Peirce 1S61 L. L. Fittz 1867 J. C. Sullivan 1876 M. F.Johnson, 25 Forest st. 1S77 H. S. Drake, 45 Pierce st. Milford 1837 J. S. Scammell Millis 1850 H. F. Lane Miiton 1850 E. L. Pierce Millville 1593 W. II. Magill, Clarendon Hotel Montague 1893^ Lucia M. C. Noyes Natick 1876 G. C. Smith New Bedford 1869 A. F. Wood, in Acushnet av. 1871 M. M. Howland, 84 Spring st. A. E. Johnson E. T. Barker, 2 S S Pleasant st. 1872 H. W. Parker, 13 South 6lh st. 1574 W. D. Howland' 1S76 Edmund Wood 1 88 1 F. II. Gifford 1594 L. A. Roux, 3 Ash st. Newbury port 1574 L. A. Pope Newton i8s7 K. II. Cutler, 334 Washington st. 1858 II. G. Saffoid, 10S Boyd St. 1871 John Melville Gould, 46 Benninj ton st. Newton Centre lS^o h Alvah Hovev 1S61 li R. C Mills 1870 J. M. English 1876 It George Bullen 1S79 L. W.King 1SS9 G. E. Wan en 1590 F. H. I love v 1591 George Walker, Montvale Road 1892 Neil Andrews A. E. Hylan 1593 A. T.Belknap E. B. Dolan H. S.J. Filmer Joseph Walther 1594 W. A. Brady C. H. Ellis* C. S. Nightingale Northampton 1S63 C. W. Greene 1575 A. F. Pease, 77 Round Hill 406 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1882 A. R. Dilts, 296 Main st. 1SS4 G. C Gow, Smith College North Attleboro 1 866 H. C. Bullard 1S69 F. B. By ram 9 North Brookfield 1S85 E. H. Grout Norton 1876 A. M. Round Oxford 1872 F. A. Howarth Petersham 1855 J. W. Brooks 1877 Edward Green Randolph 1S39 Seth Mann 1S57//J. C. Foster Reading 1SS2 O. C. B. Nason 1883 F. E. Whittemore Rehoboth 1S94 F - w - Marvel Rockland 1856 A. L. Wadsworth Rockport 1854 Nathaniel Pool Roslindale 1869 I. R. Wheelock, corner South and Walter sts. Rowley 1S66 G. B. Blodgette Roxbury 1855 A. H. Plumb, 3 Harold st. 1S58 Samuel Thurber, 13 Westminster av 1864 John Tetlow, ^1 Cedar st. 1SS4 E. D. Burr, 36 Clifford st. Salem 1873 E. P. Farnham 1S77 F. A. Spence 1891 J. N. Ashton Sandwich 1S50 S. B. Flagg Saugus 1869 P. A. Hoi ton Sheldonville 1S80 J. L. Crane Somerville 1S64 J. K. Dorrance 1S82 S- W. Foss, 249 Highland av. 1S84 G. M. Wadsworth, 41 Boston st. 1886 D. H. Fuller, Box 8. 1S89 H. P. Lovewell, Box 8. South Billerica 1861 C. E. Hosmer Southbridge 1S77 C C. Bradford South Easton 1S73 A - H - Fuller Southwick 1876 H. A. Miller Springfield 1839 C. C. Burnett 1863 S. H. Pratt, 76 Belmont av. 1867 C. P. Deane 1868 J. L. Dale 1870 E. E. Maryott, 92 Main st. 1882 W. H. Pomerov 1886 A. K. Potter 18S9 S. E. Frohock, 256 Carew st. 1S92 H. N. S. Bradford, 359 State st. h P. S. Moxom Still River, Worcester Co. 1842 J. B. Willard Taunton 1850 G. E. Williams 1861 O. A. Barker H. M. Lovering 1870// W. W. Waterman, 1 White st. 1871 S. M. Thomas 1873 A. G. Sadler 1S77 C. T. Snow, 5 Dartmouth st, 1S80 F. L. Tinkham Topsfield 1S52 Justin Allen Townsend Harbor 1891 N. G. Proctor Wakefield 1S5S S. W. Abbott, 26 Avon st. Walnut Hill, Norfolk Co. 1842 I. J. Burgess, Milton st. Walpole 1877 J. R. Potter 1892 C. F. Harper Waltham 1S77 A. E. Goddard, Clark Lane Watertown 1859 S. F. Whitney, 9 Garfield st. 1884 Volney Skinner Webster 1854 H - N - Slater 1S72 H. A.Blake 187S A. N. Fairbank Westboro 1S49 W. H. Alden 1 88 1 G. B. Brigham 1890 I. E. Walker West Boylston 1887 A. W. Hinds West Bridgewater 1S64 H. M. Willard 1S75//J. A. Shores 1855 W. A. Wilbur, Howard Seminary West Dedham 1S63 Lyman Partridge PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 407 Westfield 1876// J. C. Greenough 1S80 R. B. Esten West Harwich 1893 D. C. Snow West Medfield 1S67 L. II. Marvel West Medway i860 R. G. Johnson West Somervile 1870 P. I). Shiere, 210 Elm st. West Upton 1889 A. P. Williams Whitman 1885 C. F. Reed Wilbraham 1S79 G. F. Comstock Winchester 1875 W. P. Palmer, 135 Highland av. J. H. Shattuck 1884 G. A. Tyzzer, 9 Bacon st. 1894 R- H. B'irge Winthrop 1863 J. H. Foss Woburn 1858 O. F. Bryant, 164 Salem st. 1881 G. F. Bean, 130 Montvale av. 1SS2 A. E. Gage, 8 Sherman pi. Wollaston 1887 Homer Clark Wollaston Heights 1S66 Preston Gurney, 23 Grand View av. Worcester 1S26 J. A. Fayerweather, 39 South st. 1844 W. S. Barfon, 23 High st. 1845 Eli Thayer, Oread institute 184.7 E. B. Stoddard 1S52 S. W. Bancroft, 13 Cedar st. 1854 E. L. Davis 1859 Elnathan Judson C. H. Perry, 813 Main st. 1863 F. F. Emerson, 57 Chatham st. 1565 H. M. Quinby, Worcester Lunatic Hospital. 1566 F. A. Gaskill 1S6S Joseph Jackson, 15 Woodland st. 1571 Daniel Webster Hovt, 118 Paine st. 1572 C. L. Nichols, 3S Cedar st. 1876 M. C. Pease, Highland Military Academy 1577 G. O. Ward, S33 Main st. 1578 C. H. Pendleton, 741 Main st. L. II. Torrey 1SS2 G. S. Taft. 314 Main st. 18S3 R. W. Greene, 105 Pleasant st. F. L. Shepardson, Worcester Acad- emy h D. W- Abercrombie, Worcester Academy 1S84 E. W. Shedd, 10 Hermitage Lane. 1886 H. L. Everett, 27 Bowdoin st. 1S86 O. A. Freeman, 21 Florence st. 1890 T. L. Newton, 33 Prospect si. 1891 W. E. Evans, 31 Lancaster st. G. B. Smith, Worcester Academy. 1893 C. A. Powers, 34 Front st. 1S94 F. II. Staples H. E. Sumner, Box 856 Wrentham 1836 W. L. Brown 1S38 Samuel Warner, Common st. 1569 W. R. Fales 1570 W. M. Proctor RHODE ISLAND Apponaug 1876 J. T. Lockwood Ashton 1SS8 Alexander Marshall 1S92 A. L. Barbour Barrington 1863 J. J. Holmes 1872 f. W. Colwell 1876 R. F. Colwell Bristol 1834 J. R. Bullock 1S55 A. O. Bourn G. S. Collins 1870 J. P. Reynolds 1880 W. R. Trotter 1583 W. F. Williams iSS^ L. L. Anderstrom 18SS A. P.Johnson 1S90 F. W. Sanford, Box 271 1S92 E. I. Brownell R. N. Turner 1893,4 G. L. Locke Central Falls 1865 C. F. Easton, 409 Broad st. 1S80 J. N. Butman, 14 Ashlev st. iSSs J- W. Freeman 1S86 F. O. Draper Aithur Rogers 1890 F. T. Wescott. 42 Rand st. Centredale 18S9 W. N. Barnard Chepachet 1S61 G. O. Hopkins Cranston 1872 D. D. Waterman 1879 J. H. Earle Crompton 1885 K. C. Richmond East Greenwich 1S36 T. L. Dunnell 1846 T. C. Greene 1S57 Daniel Goodwin 1S75 II. F. Brown 1584 G. A. Loomis 4o8 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1S91 J. D. Miner 1S94 J. S. Shippee East Providence 1S91 A. B. Johnson E. H. Johnson, 67 Burgess av. 1593 E. M. Johnson, 67 Burgess av. 1594 J. S. Moore Greenville 1S63 II. S. Latham Hope Valley 1872 L. M. Barber 1S79 J. J. Greene 1S86 J. S. Russel Hopkinton 1873 E. P- Mathewson Howard ^ 1S75 G. F. Keene, R. I. Insane Asylum Hughesdale 1S69 A. B. Patton Johnstown 1S62 J. E. Lester, Hillhurst. Kingston 1S36 W. H. Potter 1855 J. G. Peckham Lonsdale 1S93 L. E. Learned Narragansett Pier 1861 h William Sprague Natick 1876 Webster Knight 1890 W. T. Green Newport 1S38 W. H. King, care of G. G. King. 1851 Warren Randolph. 454 Broadway. 1857 F. B. Peckham 1S59 W. D. King i860 John Whipple, Cliffs. 1862k W. P. Sheffield 1866 E. H. Porter, 5 Bellevue ct. 1867 C. E. Harvey, 227 Broadway. 1870 Samuel Powell, Gibbs av. 1875 Benjamin Baker, Clarke st. C. F. Barker D. B. Braman, 66 Farewell st. 1876 A. G. Langley, 1 School st. 1S77 W. P. Sheffield, 6 Cottage st. 1579 W. P. Buffum 1580 F. M. Hammett, 32 School st. B. F. Thurston, 27 Rhode Island a v iSSq H. G. Wood, 82 Mill st. 1886 C. E. Lawton 1887 C. A. Carr, 209 Spring st. 1SS9 Francis Burdick, 227 Spring st. 1S93 William Burdick. Merchants Bank 1894 F. C. Bliss, 27 Mt. Vernon st. North Scituate 1867 M. S. Smith Norwood 1SS7 John Knox Olneyville 1S67 J. E. Bowen, Box 254 1551 P. C. Gifford 1S89 N. M. Wright Pascoag 18S5 E. F. Lovejoy Pawtucket 1S49 W. E. Tolman iSs3 G. B. Vose, 171 West av. 1862 D. L, Goff L. B. Goff Frederic Sherman 1S64 W. R. Sayles, 79 Park pi. 1552 J. M. Payne, 16 Warren av. 1884 J. L. Jenks JSS5 D. A. Cattanach, box 555 1SS6 E. C. Burnham, 21 Nickerson st. A. C. Crowell, Box 296 W. P. Mudge, 162 Garden st. 18S7 J. F. Murphy, 23 Broad st. William Overton, 122 High st. 1SS9 H. A. Rice, iS Brown st. 1890 E. B. French, 365 North Main st. L. C. Newell, 87 Park pi. F. A. Sayles E. C B. Stiness, 123 Clay st. h P. E. Tillinghast 1891 E. S. Kiley, 251 Main st. C. A. Meader, 80 Lyon st. A. S. Taylor, 6 Star st. J. L. Wheaton 1892 J. E. Brennan, 237 Pine st. A. D. Tucker, 16 Maynard st. 1593 H. G. Beede,5i Clay st. [st. Alexander Meiklejohn, 92 Prospect 1594 W. C. Bourne, 24 Sisson st. J. B. Mclntyre, care J. and P. Coats Thread Co. J. B. O'Neil, 180 Pine st. Mary E. Woolley, 288 High st. Peace Dale 1849 Rowland Hazard 18157 J. N. Hazard 187s W. C. Greene 1S76 R. G. Hazard 1894 G. R. Hazard Phenix 1893 w - s - Reoch Portsmouth 1871 Howe Call Providence 1S2SW F. L. Wheaton, 55 Park st. 1832 S. W. Peckham, 43 Westminster st. 1834 Oliver Ayer, 6 Burgess st. 1838 J. C. Stockbridge, 257 Benefit, st. 1840 John Eddy, 380 Benefit st. Rollin Mathewson, 169 Hope st. 1841 A. M. Gammell, Mansion House Charles Hart, 17 Custom House st. h Amos Perry, R.I. Historical Society 1S42 J. W. C. Ely, 36 Prospect st. PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 409 1842 Albert Darkness, 101 Prospect st. A. S. Westeott, 23 Davis st. 1843 Benjamin Gardner, 22 Barnes st. B. N. Lap ha in, 167 Power st. 1844 Willard Sayles, 86 Pitman st. 1845 Marshall Woods 1846 Thomas Durfee, 49 Benefit st. William Goddard, 38 Brown st. 1847 Frederic Denison, 28 South Court st R. A. Guild, 34 Pratt st. 184S Augustus Uoppin, 13s George st. 1849 James Tillinghast, 108 Angell st. 1850 A. W. Godding, 32 Westminster st. John Morris, 957 North Main st. h W. B. Duncan, 11 Pine st. 1S52 G. S. Stevens, 1 Major st. 1854 W. S. Granger, 42 Olive st. A. D. Smith, 75 Prospect st. E. P. Tart, 36 South Water st. A. G. Utley, 235 Washington st. J. W. Vernon, 119 Williams st- 1855 Horatio Rogers, 150 Bowen st. 1856 Charles Blake C. B. Goff, 63 Snow st. John Peirce, 15 Benevolent st. h William Binney, 72 Prospect st- 1S57 E. S. Aldrich, S Cushing st. W. H. Bowen, 27 Sycamore st. G. W. Carr, 29 Waterman st. 1858 R. H. I. Goddard, 160 Hope st. Arnold Green, 43 North Main st. Robert Millar, 238 Benefit st. // Emory Lyon, 97 Congdon st. 1559 Theodore Andrews C. M. Smith, Box 1413 1560 T. W. Bicknell, 233 Williams st. William Grosvenor, 17 North Main st. H. S. Inman, 357 Westminster st. P. S. Jastram H. G. Miller, 262 Benefit st. F. M. Pond, 255 Hope st. H. M. Rice, 63 Snow st. H. J. Spooner AT. M. Clark, 165 ISrown st. 1561 C. H. Chapman, 87 Weybosset st. S. A. Cooke, 8S Bowen st. W. W. Douglas, 121 George st. A. M. Eaton, 701 Smith st. C H. Hidden, 49 Westminister st. G. A. Holbrook, 748 North Main st. C. F. Mason, 17 Brown st. Charles Matteson, 112 Prospect st. E. C. Mowry, 29 Weybosset st. F. M. Sackett, 37 Custom House st. 1S62' J. M. Addeman, 49 Westminster st. W. D. Martin, 27 Princeton av. T. B. Srockwell, 20 Cooke st. J. D. Thurston, 12 Cooke st. 1S63 William Ames, 47 Charles st. J. H. Appleton, S5 Angell st. A. M. Bowen, 32 Tobey st. B. F. Clarke, 147 Chestnut st. 1863 S. R. Dorrance, 2 Prospect st. H. G. Gay, 101 Williams st. G. H. Miner, 84 Melrose st. C. P. Robinson, 207 Governor st. O. A. Taft, 35 Dartmouth av. C. F. Taylor, 48 Custom House st. 1864 W. W. Bailey, 6 Cushing st. G. B. Barrows, 49 Westminster st. H. C. Bowen, 220 Aborn st. G. M. Carpenter, 5 Cooke st. C. T. Gardiner, 154 North Main st. A. E. Ham, 199 Benefit st. G. H. Kenyon, 123 North Main st. Oscar Lapham, 6 Weybosset st. G. B. Peck, 865 North Main st. W. C. Rhodes, 200 Hope st. 1565 O. H. Arnold, 29 Greene st. L. T. Foster, 6 Olive st. W. U. Hidden, 110 Westminster st. C. C. Hoskins, 36 George st. C. W. Lippitt H. H. Oldfield, 99 George st. W. R. Perce, 311 Butler Exchange W. W. Rickard, 27 Westminster st. J. E. Spink, 150 South Angell st. 1566 A. D. Chapin, 147 Parade st. L. M. Cook, 17 Custom House st. E. K. Glezen, 4 Market sq. J. V. Osterhout, iS Oak st. J. B. Peck, S65 North Main st. W. F. Preufert, 29 Parade st. C. S. Sweetland, icS Waterman st. 1867 Joseph Bridgham, P. O. Box 167 C. T. Dorrance, 98' Waterman st. H. V. Joslin, 69 Angell st. J. F. Lonsdale, 17 Custom House st. J. E. Mowry, 162 Academy av. 1865 R. S. Howland, Journal office A. T. Mansfield, 102 Messer st. E. W. Mason, 149 Waterman st. W. C Poland, 9 Lloyd st. C. H. Smart, 773 Charles st. 1S69 G. A. Bufr'um, 137 Waterman st. F. C. Clark, 186 Benefit st. F. B. Grant, 34 Tobey st. H. T. Grant, 96 Westminster st. G. D. Hersey, 500 Broad st. Nelson Perrin, 1935 Westminster st. G. M. Smith, 165 Hope st. //B. P. Byram, 244 Broadway 1870 E. B. Andrews, 72 College st. Daniel Beckwith A. J. Cushing, 88 Benefit st. Jeffrey Davis, 49 Westminster st. N. F. Davis, 21 George st. J. C. Ely, 94 Waterman st. C. N. Harrington, 17 Halsey st. C. A. Maryott, 59 Dover st. W. H. Mu'nro, 115 Butler av. W. T. Peck, 209 Point st. G. W. Porter, S Greene st. A. H. Watson, 283 Benefit st. G. E. Weeden, 631 Branch av. 4io BROWN UNIVERSITY 1S70 Alonzo Williams, 10 Cushing st. 1871 A. H. Armington, City Hall. R. P. Brown, 17 Planet st. E. F. Child, 4 Westminster st. W. J. Cushing, 61 Westminster st. A. S. Miller, 87 Weybosset st. C. C. Plummer, 3S6 Washington st- F. K. Potter, 171 Westminster st. L. S. Woodworth, 5 Rhode Island av. 1S72 S.T. Douglas, 413 Butler Exchange G. R. Fisher, 16 Sycamore st. R. I. Gammell, 327 Benefit st. E. B. Hamlin, 65 Clifford st. L. J. Osier, 241 Rhodes st. Adrian ScotL, Brown University G. A. Stockwell, 12 Board of Trade Building J. C. B. Woods, 62 Prospect st. h D. W. Hoyt, 36 Humboldt av. 1873 Herbert Almy, 205 Butler av. E. D. Bassett, 49 Weybosset st. E. Y. Bogman, 28 1 Benefit st. F. B. Bourne, City Engineer's office G. T. Brown, 49 Westminster st. G.N. Bullock, 37S Carpenter st. [si Edward Carrington, 28 North Main G. L. Collins, 223 Benefit st. W. W. Dunnell, SAngell st. O. E. F. Gerald, 31 Market sq. W. E. Foster, Public Library V. F. Horton, 50 Brown st. [st. F. M. Mathewson, 15S South Water Matthew Watson, 4 Market sq. h Henry Howard, 341 Butler Ex- change 1874 T. D. Anderson, 12 Barnes st. H. S. Babcock, 324 Butler Exchange J. M. Burnham, Box 109 [Office D. L. D. Granger, City Treasurer's h f. G. Vose, 282 Washington st. 1S75 G. W. Millard, 19 College st. W. H. Scott. 357 Westminster st. Winslow Upton, 391 Olney st. E. F. Warner, 48 Custom House st. h W. B. Weeden, 158 Waterman st. 1876 H. L. Aldrich, 37 Weybosset st. J. J. Arnold, 4 Weybosset st. W. H. Barney, 46 Taylor st. Alexander Bevan. 14 Pitman st. A. L. Brown, 81 Providence st. J. G. Bucklin, 332 Butler Exchange. H. L. Clark, 12 Exchange st. R. B. Comstock, 76 Humboldt av. E. A. Greene, 20 Market sq. H. W. Haves, 42 Westminster st. E. P. King, 51 Vernon st. C. F. Parkhurst, 54 Barnes st. B. W. Smith, 145 Angell st. R. H. Tingley, 75 Westminster st. C. M. Van Slyck, 48 Weybosset st. G.J. West, 57 Roanoke st. H. A. Whitmarsh, 9 Jackson st. 1S76// J. H. Stiness, 201 Governor st. 1877 C T. Aldrich, 230 Hope st. T. E. Bartlett, 169 Ocean st. F. P. Capron, 241 Washington st. J. T. Day, 34 Lloyd st. Rathbone Gardner, 140 Angell st. C. F. Hall, 49 Westminster st. T.A. Jenckes,3i2 Butler Exchange. C H.Johnson, 49 Westminster st. C. M. Lee, 147 Elmwood av. E. D. McGuinness, 29 Weybosset st. R. G. Mo wry, 49 Westminster st. Julius Palmer, 7 Franklin st. W. A. Peck, 113 Waterman st. E. E. Pierce, 328 Broadway Frederick Rueckert, 87 Weybosset st G. H. Slade, 44 Washington st. J. H. Southwick, Box 1332 W. H. Thurston, 42 Westminster st. 1878 M. B. L. Bradford, 26 Diman pi. R. W. Burbank, 17 Custom House st C. F. Butterworth, 17 Custom House st. William Ely, 231 George st. William Gammell, 170 Hope st. C. M. Godding, 312 Benefit st. C. T. Howard, Providence Tele- phone Co. H. F. Lippitt, Board of Trade Building J. H. Mason, 20 Market <-q. S. O. Metcalf, 20 Exchange pi. W. B. M. Miller, 23 Exchange st. C. A. Nightingale, 54 North Main st W. L. Slade, 76 Conustock av. W. B. Swarts, 129 Moore st. W. H. Sweetland, County Couit House W. G. Webster, 59 Parade st. G. F. Weston, 104 Adelaide av. 1879 A. U. Eddy, 96 Westminster st- S. O. Edwards, 52 Barnes st. E. P. Greene, 21 Ptfne st. A. G. Harkness, 7 Cooke st. Truman Johnson, 43 Susan st. C. II. Kinne, 67 Wesleyan av. W. L. Munro, 61 Benefit st. W. B. Tanner, 84 Hanover st. W. R. Tillinghast, 6 South Main st. S. A. Welch, 253 Washington st. 1SS0 W. F. Angell, 3 C'eighton st. J. F. Blodgett, 17 Custom House st. H.J. Boyce, 256 Weybosset st. Zechariah Chafee, 129 Hope st. P. O. Clarke, 29 Weybosset st. Henry Dunster, 25 Battey st. S. S. Durfee, 32 Westminster st. A. A. Greene, 185 Eddy st. W. H. Lane, 19 Woonasquatucket av W. S. Meader, 306 Lloyd st. J. II. Ormsbee, Box 575 J.T.Pyke, 235 Blackstone Boulevard G. W. Rigler, East Providence PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 411 1880// S. S. Ryder, 61 Snow st. 1SS1 W. C. Baker, 17 Custom House st. H. P. Cornell, 24 Custom House st. J. R. Gladding, 30 Stimson av. Frederic Hayes, 42 Westminster st. C. C. Mumford, 4S Weybosset st. W. L. Phillips. 135 Eddy st. H. B. Rose, 76 Comstock av. W. J. Town, 436 Pine st. 1882 E. C Bixby, 14 Hawthorne st. Albert Greene, East Providence W. B. Jacobs, 362 Point st. James Richardson, 12 Exchange st. F. E. Shaw, Cor. Melrose st. and Adelaide av. E. A. Swain, 15 Charles st. C. R. Thurston, 5 Lester st. H. A. Tillinghast, 101 Gaspee st. W. B. Waterman, 156 Meeting st. // Le B. B. Colt, U. S. Circuit Court 1883 F. H. Andrews, 181 Carpenter st. A. A. Baker, 1S1 Carpenter st. W. M. P. Bowen, Box 15 13 H. C. Bumpus, Brown University H. B. Gardiner, 54 Stimson av. C. W. Greene, 3S Cooke st. E. B. Harvey, 533 Broad st. M. J. Harson, 126 Waterman st. H. H. Hammond, 29 Cabot st. J. H. Johnson, 27 Taber av. F. N. Luther, Journal Office 1S84 C. D. O'Leary," 167 Public st. 0. E. Randall, 25 Beaufort st. T. F. Tillinghast, 6 South Main st. 1885 II. P. Abbott, 6S5 Broad st. F. H. Brown, Box 870. W. C. Burwell, 64 Alumni av. W. B. Chase, 50 South Main st. F. L. Day, 250 Benefit st. J. B. Diman, 130 Angell st. W. G. Everett, Brown University Walter Hayward, Journal Office J. C. Hebden, 40 South Water st. G. S. Matthews, 419 Cranston st. F. E. Peckham, 53 Governor st. E.W. Remington, 109 Bridgham st. C. M. Smitn, 79 Williams st. H. K. Stokes, Globe National Bank S. S. Stone, Butler Exchange A. P. Sumner, 17 Custom House st. Orray Taft, 36 South Water st. A. T. Wall, 37 Angell st. 1SS6 Howard Almy, Box 61. C.W. Boardman, 49 Westminster st. A. L.Danielson, 20 Market sq. W. A. Dyer, 169 George st. E. A. Godding, 23 Eddy st. S. C. Harris, Box 216 N. M. Isham, 48 Custom House st. 1. G. Ladd, 401 Brook st. C. H. Manchester. 1 Major st. W. J. Reynolds, 26S Waldo st. O. P. Sarle, 49 Wesiminster st. 1856 E. S. Thompson, 56 Holdenst. Stephen Waterman, 20 Stimson av. W. W. Whitten, 148 South Main st. G. W. Willis, 157 Willow st. G. G. Wilson, 165 Prospect st. 1857 W. C. Bronson, 69 Barnes st. E. D. Chesebro, 6 Hawthorne st. G. H. Crooker, 101 Benefit st. J.DeF. Danielson, 160 Waterman st. G. W. Field, Brown University T. F. Green, 14 John st. John Henshaw, 73 Brown st. G. A. Jepherson, 17 Adelaide av. A. M. Quick, 19 Angell st. L. F. Snow, 235 Benefit st. 1S8S C. A. Bergstrom, 7 Lincoln st. E. W. Blake, 72 Waterman st. E. II. Brownell, 4 dishing st. W. W. Brownell, 294 Benefit st. C. E. Dennis, High School C. G. Hamilton, 22 Portland st. F. A. Harris, 69 Bowen st. M. W. House, 7 1-7A Westminster st. J. C. Quinn, 546 Wrckenden st. W. B. Smith, Box 1413 a E. C. Moore, 20 Diman pi. 18S9 B. S. Blaisdell F. E. Carpenter, 32 Westminster st. Arthur Gushing, 42 Westminster st. C. A. Denfeld, 16 John st. L. H. Hazard, 11 Market sq. G. F. J. King, 43 Waterman st. E. T. Root, 147 Melrose st. D. H. Sheahan, 905 Branch av. E. G. Smith, 244 Westminster st. P. D. Smith, 9 Benevolent st. A.T. Swift, iS Creighton st. A L. Wheeler, 96 South Angell st. F. N. Wildes, 4 Westminster st. 1890 E. C. Burnett, 10S Bowen st. J. Q. Dealey, 6 Camp st. E. C. Frost, 207 Smith st. H. L. Grant, 95 Congress av. F. T. Guild, 40 East Manning st. C. L. A. Heiser, 152 George st. D. J. Holland, 953 George st. A. S. Johnson, 324 Butler Exchange E. C. Myrick, 162 Prospect st. H. R. Palmer, Journal Office W. A. Presbrey, City Hall F. M. Rhodes,' 143 Public st. F. E. Stockwell, 20 Cooke st. C S. Tower, 144 Angell st. J. A. Williams, 42 Westminster st. h W. J. Hoppin, 13S George st. 1S91 E. A. Barrows, 38 Olive st. C. D. Burrows, 97^>omerset st. A. D. Chapin, 12 Exchange st. S. S. Colvin, 51 Angell st. H. L. Dunn. 43 Dover st. Seeber Edwards, 52 Barnes st. S. A. Everett, 223 Pleasant st. M. S. Fanning, 150 Sutton st. 412 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1861 J. M. Gilrain, 61 Westminster st. M. L. Goff, 23 East Manning st. F. A. Greene, 413 Butler Exchange J. F. Greene, 51 Angell st. F. L. Hinckley, 89 Waterman st. G. J. Holden, 244 Westminster st. A. C. Mendenhall, 16 John st. W. H. Paine, 98 Point st. A. De F. Palmer, Brown University H. J. Spooner, George st. R. W. Taft, 42 Angell st. J. F. Thompson, 4 Tierney Block, Cathedral sq. E. A. Wilcox, 29 Weybosset st. F. E. Winsor, 174 Weybosset st. W. A. Young, 140 Doyle av. h]. L. Bennett, 378 Pine st. // Courtney Langdon, 1 Grotto av. // R. C. Taft, 79 Waterman st. 1892 G. F. Andrews, 91 Almy st. H. E. Bellows, 66 Tanner st. E. A. Bowen, 27 Sycamore st. H. C. Brownell, 73 Prospect st. L. H. Campbell, 213 Pavilion av. J. C. Collins, 6 South Main st. F. T. Easton, 47 Division st. W. H. Eddy, 36 Bradford st. R. H. Gladding, 262 Broadway M. W. Kern, 77 Page st. A. N. Leonard, 71 Providence st. L. M. Lincoln, 25 Ringgold st. J. H. Lindsey, Friends' school, F. W. Matteson, 50 South Main st. G. N. Norton, 306 Benefit st. E. DeV. O'Connor, 1S5 Camp st. W. H. O'Neil, 3 Washington row J. C. Peg ram, 23 Angell st. F. M. Smith, 3 Custom House st. H. M. Stone, 11 Adelphi av. R. W. Tower, 397 Pine st. h N. W. Aldrich, no Benevolent st. 7iE. E. Calder // Edward Field, City Hall //H. W. Ladd, 2151-7 Westminster st. 7iN. J. McCarthy, 362 West Ex- change st. // Lucian Sharpe, 56 Angell st, 1S93 E. C. Arnold, 409 Friendship st. H. A. Barker, 93 Melrose st. E. N. Casey, 7 College st. S. H. Chace, 102 Putnam st. A. K. Gerald, 87 John st. F. P. Gorham, 236 Knight st. S. A. Hopkins, 148S Westminster st H. E. Jacobs, 955 Broad st. J. D. E. Jones, 86 Wesleyan av. F. P. Ladd, 191 Bridgham st. A. C. Matteson, 1 12 Prospect st. C. H. McLane, 286 Fountain st. W. J. V. Osterhout, 18 Oak st. W. S. Reynolds, County Court House * T. H. Rothwell, 30 Tobey st. 1S93 Lucian Sharpe, 56 Angell st. W. E. Smith, 60 Jenkins st. E. F. Studley, 24 Pavilion av. C. V. Tower, 261 Benefit st. E. II . Weeks, Friends' School a Louise S. P. Bates, 37 Parade st. 1894 H. M. Barry, 58 University Hall S. W. Bridgham, Box 167. W. D. Brownell, 73 Prospect st. Thomas Crosby, Brown University W. T. Dorrance, 98 Waterman st. A. C. Ely, Brown University H. C. Field, 16 Cabot st. M. M. Fogg, 29 Benevolent st. E. F. Gamwell, 159 Benefit st. G. W. Gardner, Brown University D. F. George, 259 Benefit st. C. H. Griffin, 6 Division st. G. W. Hogg, Merchants National Bank [st. W. C. Huntoon, 1323 Westminster W. H. Kimball, 462 Broadway Edwin Knowles, 39 Stewart st. F. E. Lakey, 233 Pearl st. B. E. Martin, University Grammar School A. B. Morton, Brown University W. W. Moss, 231 Broadway S. P. Remington, 20 Brown st. H. D. Sharpe, 56 Angell st. E. J. Steere, 81 Bellevue av. Frank Steere M. R. Stout, 417 Butler Exchange A. E. Thomas, Brown University L. A. Waterman, 96 Chapin av. Anne T. Weeden, 83 Brown st. a L. H. Meader, 21 Andem st. a Martha Tarbell, 169 Power st. // Sarah E. Doyle, 119 Prospect st. h C. H. Merriman h]. H. Shedd, So South Angell st. South Kingstown 1840 E. F. Watson 1894 R. Y. Young Valley Falls 1S66 A. B. Chace 1875 J. F. Clark 1882// Jonathan Chase 1SS3 M.J. Quigley 1SS7 W. E. Keach. 1893 A. B. Chace Warren 1879 A. E. Carpenter 1881 J. D. Simmons 1890 H. W. Watjen W. H. Young Westerly 1837 W. R. Babcock, care of Edwin Bab- cock 1869 N. F. Dixon 1873 D. A. Taylor, Potter Hill 1885 J. M. Pendleton PLACE INDEX— NEW ENGLAND STATES 413 Wickford 187^ D. S. Baker 1SS4 Harold Metcalf, Box 44 Woonsocket 185 1 G. W. Jenckes, 47 Spring st. 1S57 D. B. Pond 1871; F. E. McFee, 65 Park av. 1876 E.J. France 1S77 H. M. Ballon, 147 Bernon st. W. I. Ballou, 25 Spring st. 187S Frank Harris, 14S Hamlet av. 1581 W. S. Chase, 34 Hamlet av. 18S8 F. E. Whitaker 1892 C. H. Merriman, care Social Manu- facturing Co. 1894 E. B. Merriman H. T. Merriman [st. a Harriet M.White, 141 Blackstone //Erastus Richardson CONNECTICUT Baltic 18S8 R. R. Taft Bridgeport 1858 S. G. Silliman, 69 West Liberty st. 18159 G. L. Porter, 266 State st. 1867 F. B. Hall, Mill Hill av. 1571 C. C. Luther, 32 Laurel av. 1873 T- B. Grinnell, 281 Fairfield av. 1888 H. W. Pinkham 1SS9 George Porter 1890 J. B. Porter Bristol 1582 E. S. Hosmer Canaan 1572 F. W. Barnett Columbia 1S64 E. D. Dewey Danbury 1866 B. A. Hough Danielsonville 1878 Nathaniel Hibbard Essex 1875 W. P. Chipman, Box 262. Greenwich 1877 J. P. Kelley 1893 J. L. Casey Hartford 1855// J. L. Denison, 26 Huntington st. i860 Martin Bennett //Joseph Hall, 827 Asylum av. 1S70 M. M.Johnson, 72 Pearl st. 1889 D. G. Smyth, 46 Willard st. 1S91 F. D. Lisle, 122 Garden st. 1892 H. H. Rice, Pope Mfg. Co. 1S94//J. L. Howard Jewett City 1882 A. T. Lawton 1 886 Henry Frink Kiilingly 1S64 II. L. Hammond 1S91 F. H. Spear Meriden 1874 Edward Miller Middletown 1889 P. F. Jernegan 1894 C. S. Aldrich, Wesleyan University Mystic 1861 J. K. Bucklyn, Mystic Valley Insti- tute 1865 C. D. Wiggin 1872 F. A. Coates 1574 A. H. Schoonover 1876 C. R. Heath New Britain 1891 F. D. Stidham, 31 High st. New Hartford 1890 H. E. Chapman New Haven 1844 S. D. Phelps, 44 High st. 1846 Francis Wa viand, 175 Whitney av. 1847 G. P. Fisher, 27 Hillhouse av." ^53 W. H. Kingsbury, 92 Crown st. 1872 J. H. Mason, 117 Greene st. 1877 D. W. Phelps, 44 High st. New London 187 1 Latham Fitch, 33 Broad st, 1874 Samuel Park A. P. Tanner, 5 Hempstead st. iS8i F. G. McKeeve'r, 14 Granite st. North Haven 18S9 W. G. Lathrop North Lyme 1575 J. G. Ward North Woodstock 1879 F. H. Viets Norwich 1845 L. W. Meech 1866 C. H. Brown, 16 Warren st. Lucius Brown 1871 A. P. Carroll, 2^7 Broadway 1873 W. W. Collins 1S75 F. N. Brown, 45 Main st. 1879 II. W. Keigwin Norwich Town 1855 A. A. DeWitt Plainfield 1866 H. T. Arnold Plantsville 1856 Julius Bond. Box 218 Shelton 1890 A. W. Smith, Box 354 Southington 1881 H. W. Rice South Manchester 1856 F. W. Cheney i860 K. D. Cheney 414 BROWN UNIVERSITY South Norwalk 1SS3 R. O. Sherwood, 6 Crescent Terrace Stafford 1839 F. L. Batchelder Stonington 1S74 E. W. Babcock Stratford 1883 J. I. Chaffee Torrington 1862 I. W. Brooks Warrenville 1893 O. P. Durkee Willington 1S83 J. N. Eno Windsor Locks 1S87 Richard Wright 1S93 Daniel Howard Winthrop 1S81 W. T. Rice MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES NEW YORK Adams 1870 O. B. Rhodes, Collegiate Institute Albany 1S36 S. O. Shepard, 19S State st. 1S56 G. L. Stedman 1867 Isban Hess 1869 O. H. Shepard Athens, Greene Co. 1853 John Sanderson Binghamton 1882 B. L. Herr, 13 Jay st. Brooklyn 1833 W. B. Jacobs, 236 Carroll st. 1S51 W. T. Webster, 394A Lafayette av. 18^2 A. I. Ormsbee, 183 Joralemon st. 18^3 John Winslow, 164 Montague st. 1S68 G. W. Edwards, Cor. Patchen av. and Macon st. L. E. Rand, 929 Lafayette av. 1869 J. S. Hutchinson, 1180 Dean st. 1870 I. N. Ford, 91 Lenox Road, Flat- bush Station 1S79 C. H. J. Douglas, 815 Marcy av. 1883 Elisha Dyer, Sands st. 18S5 N. S. Dike, 194 Columbia Heights 1886 F. W. Davis, 384 Court st. iSSS C. P. Brunsen, 3S9 Greene av. 1889 F. H. Mansfield, 371 Fulton st. W. S. Simmons, 33S Lafayette st. J. P. Williams, Adelphi Academy 1892 W. R. Dorman. 11 1 Park pi. //J. B. F. Herreshoff, 112 Hicks st. Buffalo 1873 G. M. Brown, City Hall 1S74 O. P. Gifford 1878 James Rea 1S87 W. R. Scott, 992 Niagara st. Canton 1889 E. P. Manning, St. Lawrence Uni- versity Castleton=on= Hudson 1S70 E. E. Thomas Charlotteville, Schoharie Co. 1S94 G. L. Rifenburg Chatham 1880 J. W. Darrow Churchville, Monroe Co. 1886 D. II. Chandler Clifton Springs 1857 A. C. Lyon Clinton 1844// Edward North Conoga, Seneca Co. 1S47 Cyrus Garnsey Cornwall=on=Hudson 1891 E. O. Bartlett Dover Plains, Dutchess Co. 1S60 G. W. Ketchain Platbush, Long Island 1S45 T. S. Drowne Fredonia 1866 G. O. King Garden City, Long Island 1882 F. L. Gam age Geneva 1892 W. G. Bullard, Box 555 Hamilton 187S C. S. Savage Havana 1 884 G. B. Wakeman Hedgeville 1S94 F. G. Lewis Hyde Park=on=Hudson 1872 A. F. Ashton Ilion 1879 J. I. Wood Ithaca 1859 R - H - Thurston, 15 East av. 1S75 B. I. Wheeler, 3 South av. 1878 C. E. Bennett 1854 L. R. Higgins, 57 North Geneva st. 1855 A. C. Barrows, 174 Linn st. Johnstown 1861 J. A. Williamson PLACE INDEX— MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES 415 Keuka College 1889 W. II. Gardner Manhasset 1872 C. L. Newbold Matteawan, Dutchess Co. 1870 Thomas Burgess Medina 1S77 F. T. Latham Mohonk Lake 1S75// A. K. Smiley Mt. Vernon 1858 W. L. Stone, 151 Park av. New Brighton, Staten Island 1S75 E. L. Bogert 1876 W. C. Joslin, 19 Madison av. 1S79 F. E. Partington, Staten Island Academy New York City 1839 II. C. Dorr, 217 West 14th st. G. W. Samson, 415 West 156th st. 1841 T. C. Campbell, 206 Broadway 1S43 A. G. Remington, care of J. H. Remington, 277 Broadway 184S A. S. Cushman, 115 Nassau st., room iS 1849 T. D. Robinson, 71 Broadway 1851 B. W. Barrows, 310 West 48th st. Lysander Dickerman, Astor Library R. P. Hayes, 177 West 95th st. J. B. Simmons, 129 East 59th st. 1S53 DeW. C. Brown, 82 Nassau st- S. D. Cozzens, 70 Temple ct. //A. F. Day, 35 William st. 1854 W. B. Carpenter, 99 Nassau st. 1S55 Charles Phelps, 34 West 37th st. R. F. Putnam, 30 West 26th st. 1856 Thomas Ewing, 41 Wall st. G. M. Wickes, 150 West 126th st. [858 C. L. Colby, 36 Wall st. 1859 A. B. Judson, 25 Madison av. 1S60 Ethan Allen, 45 West 52d st. F. A. Mitchel, University Club 1861 F. H. Carpenter, Union League Club W. W. Hoppin, in Broadway C. E. Mitchell, 41 Park Row H. K. Southwick, 20 Nassau st. C. M. Stead, Union League Club 1862 J. B. M. Grosvenor, Union Club L. H. Niles, 36 Broad st. J. H. Remington, 277 Broadway 1864 Ratcliffe Hicks, 73 Warren st. W. J. Russell, 26 Broadway C. E. Willard, 1 West 81st st. 1865 J. M. Clark, 45 Wall st. M. R. Deming, 149 Fifth av. Edward Judson, ^3 Washington sq. W. H. Williams,' 181 Broadway 1S66 C. M. Stillwell, 55 Fulton st. " Orray Taft, 93 Maiden Lane 1867 L. G. Chaffin, 63 West 85th st. 1S67 E. L. Corthell, 71 Broadway 1569 Charles Hitchcock, 57 West 36th st. Francis Lavvton, 1 West 83d st. 1570 J. B. Bishop, Evening Post Arthur Lincoln, 5 East 17th st. J. F. Lyon, 231 East n6th st. 1571 William Blodget, 10 Wall st. A. F. Bowers, 154 Nassau st. G. N. Campbell, 206 Broadway G. W. Carr, 127 West 77th st. J. P. Earle, 136 Pearl st. 1572 A. D. Payne, 146 Broadway 1873 W. E. Caldwell, 44 Pine st. 1874// R. C. Hawkins, 21 West 20th st. 1575 F. E. Aldrich, 25 North Moore st. T. S. Gladding, 55 Fulton st. 1576 C. A. Collins, 99 Nassau st. D. E. Holman, 330 West 57th st. S. S. Roper, 320 Broadway E. O. Stanley, 76 Fifth ave., A. S. Van Wickle, 1 Broadway h Stephen Smith, 574 Madison av. 1877 W. E. Benjamin, 2293 Third av. G. H. Culver, 170 Broadway C. E. Kimball, 45 Wall st. 1878 C. A. Burbank, m Broadway G. W. Hopkins, Temple ct. R. T. King, University Club E. C. Larned, 61 Washington sq.. South J. C. Thorns, 7 Henry st. 1879 H. B. Anthony, 59 Wall st. E. F. Ely, 874 Broadway G. I. Malcolm, 4 Wall st. W. C. Readio, 51 West 51st st. S. R. Simmons, 350 Alexander av. L. R. Southworth,' World Office II. Y. Stillman, 38 Park Row 1850 W. E. Delabarre, The Scarboro, 223 West 57th st. W. H. P. Faunce, 2 West 46th st. S. H. Ordway, 31 Nassau st. 1851 Benjamin Barker, 120 Broadway C E. Hughes, 229 West End av. 1SS2 Stewart Chaplin, 40 Wall st. C. H. Payne, 132 Nassau st. W. II . Tolman, 427 West 57th st. 18S3 John Aldrich, 76 West 82nd st. Ira Barrows, 160 West 59th st. II. S. Graves, 66 West'S 4 th st. 1884 G. H. Bottum, 17 East 46th st. 1SS5 Clarence Littlefield, 60 Broadway C. P. Seagrave, 413 St. Nicholas av. 1S86 W. H. Frost, Tribune Office S. C. Kelley, t>7> Wall st. T. E. Nicolai, 35 West 33d st. E. G. Thurber,'62 West 55th st. ]. H. Ward, 55 Liberty st. 1857 Gardner Colbv, 36 Wall st. 1858 ]. F. Denison", 126 East 28th st. 1859 L. St. C. Colby, 35 Wall st. E. P. Jenks, 939 Eighth a v. 1S90 T. E. Brown, 31 and 33 Pine st. 416 BROWN UNIVERSITY 1S90 J. E. Bullen, 151 West 45th st. // D. H. Greer, 342 Madison av. h Clarence King, Century Club 1891 A. H. Colby, 35 Wall st. G. H. Ferris, 740 Lexington av. W. J. Green, 63 Irving pi. W. H. Hopkins, 33 Pine st. 1892 M. S. Brown, University of the City of New York A. F. McGinn, College of Physi- cians and Surgeons J. E. Smith, 206 Broadway B. S. Webb, 154 Nassau st. h W. M. F. Round, 135 East 15th st. 1S94 G. M. Chamberlain, 122 West 123d st. C. S. Cooper, 40 East 23d st. Jacob Hayman, 184 East 104th st. R. S. MacGregor, College of Physi- cians and surgeons S. W. Richardson, 41 East 69th st. Israel Strauss, 35 West 120th st. Niagara Falls 1890 C. E. Tucker, Gluck Building North Tonawanda 1883 M. W. Twing Poughkeepsie 1S85 F. C. French, Vassar College 1888 Josiah Bartlett, Riverview Academy 1894a E. S. King, Vassar College Rochester 1840 E. C. Galusha, 36 Elizabeth st. 18.58 J. H. Gilmore 1868/; Howard Osgood 1870// A. H. Strong, 66 South Clinton st. 1873 R. M. Martin, 84 South Union st. 1878 W. S. Hayward, 84 East av. 1881 H. C. Peepels, 42 Harvard st. 1888 C. A. Barbour, 323 Frank st. 1891 J. B. Barbour, Trevor Hall 1892/&T. H. Pattison Sag Harbor 1854 E. A. Carpenter Schenectady 1888 A. E. Watson, 126 Lafayette st. 1890 W. G. Ely, 72 Washington av. 1894 F. W. Taft Schroon Lake, Essex Co. 1867 C. B. Perry Shrewsbury 1840 Benjamin Franklin Shushan, Washington Co. 1888 A. J. Bentley Sing Sing 1894 J. R. Ferguson, Crest School Syracuse 1865 R. M. Atvvater, Solvay Process Co. 1881 F. R. Hazard Three Mile Bay, Jefferson Co. 1894 J. S. Fox Troy 1S43 W. W. Whitman, Pawling av. 1853 E - w - Maxcy, 89 Grand st. Utica 18152 W. H. Watson, 270 Genesee st. 1S67 H. F. Mansfield 1SS9 R. R. Martin, 21 Mann Building 1894a T. E. Busfield, 155 Miller st. Watertown 1878 E. R. Brown Waverly 1S58 Moses Lyman, 539 Waverly st. Weedsport 1872 W. C. Carr Westfield, Chautauqua Co. 1848 Alanson Wedge Williamson 1874 C B. Welton Willsboro 1889 R. L. P. Mason, Champlain Mills Yonkers 1858 E. P. Chase, 57 Ashburton av. PENNSYLVANIA Allegheny 1885 J. P. Hunter, 245 East st. Bala 1S73 Frederick Burgess Ben Avon 1875 H. P. Joslin Bloomsburg 1880 G. M. Tustin Chester 1840 H. G. Weston 1874 B. C. Taylor 1877// E. H. Johnson, Crozer Theological Seminary 1886 T. S. Cole, 915 Edgmont av. 1859 N. M. Simmonds, Crozer Theologi- cal Seminary Elwyn, Delaware Co. 1885 William Pratt Germantown i860 J. DeW. Perry, cor. Manheim and Pulaski sts. 1869 H. N. Cady, 4745 Morris st. 1872 F. B. Greene, 5904 Wayne av. Haverford 1S81 W. C. Ladd, Haverford College Lewisburg 1835 J. R. Loomis 1874 Enoch Perrine F. E. Rockwood Mansfield 1866 S. H. Albro 1886 F. W. Reynolds Meadville 185 1 S. P. Bates PLACE INDEX— MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES 417 Mount Pleasant 1851 E. P. Bond Philadelphia 184S J. W. Smith, 218 North 32c! st. 1849 II. L. Wayland, 1420 Chestnut st. 18s- G. B. Board man, 3827 Walnut st. 1855 Freeman Cornish, 742 Drexel Build- ing 1856 H. C Ford, 1S23 Vine st. James Mac Alister, Drexel Institute 1859 W. W. Keen, 1729 Chestnut st. 1866 J. B. G. Pidge, 505 Green st. 1869 J. M. Rhodes, 121 South 5th st. 1870 Thomas Burgess, Episcopal hospital C. S. Child, "217 Chestnut st. E. F. Fales, 3200 Columbia av. W. C. Hamm, 3417 Race st. 1571 J. M. Duane, 1935 Spiuce st. 1572 F. P. Howe, 251 South 17th st. 1877 II. F. Hansell, 254 South 16th st. 1879 C. S. Boyer, 3223 Clifford st. 1880 A. W. Howe, 332 South 21st st. II . I. Keen, 4210 Walnut st. 1SS2 W. C. Lott, 4013 Chestnut st. Jefferson Shiel, 1324 Locust st. 1884// W. H. Bennett, 332 South i5thst. 1855 Frank Mauran, 625 Drexel Building 1.S86 D. R. Bullen, General Electric Co. 1857 D. C. Munro, University of Penn. 1890 M. S. Budlong, Hahnemann Hospi- tal 1892 T. S. Brown, 1435 North 16th st. II. G. Partridge, '327 North 40th st. G. N. Richmond, 327 North 40th st. iS93^C. II. Banes, 2021 Spring Garden st 1894 E. S. Nash, 1316 North nth st. Pittsburgh 1854 C. H. Zug, 13th and Etna sts. i860 II. A. Laughlin H. K. Porter 1S6S W. E. Lincoln 1SS5 A. P. Folvvell, 700 Lewis Block Reading 1828 M. A. DeW. Howe Scranton 1872 A. D. Dean South Easton 1856 II. W. Hibbard, Lehigh Valley Railroad Office Swarthmore, Delatvare Co. 1852 E. H. Magill, Swarthmore College Uniontown 1879 O. J. Sturgis Warren 1S94 H - D - Hazeltine, 710 Water st. Washington 1S74 J. B. Wheeler, Trinity Hall West Chester 1843 C S. James, 126 West Miner st. 1879 W. P. Dick, State Normal School Williamsport 1S54 H. C. Parsons, 26 West st. 1590 James McLaughlin, 11 Trinity pi. NEW JERSEY Bayonne 1878/i G. E. Horr, 79 West 5th st. Bound Rock 1S76 H. C. Suydam Bridgeton 1570 C. E. Sheppard Camden 1SS4 J. G. Doron, 207 North 6th st. 1892 J. F. Blacklock, 60S Pine st. East Orange 1855 T. D. Warren, 443 William st. Elizabeth 1853 F. M. McAllister 1863 G. W. Calkins, 564 Madison av. Flushing 1591 C. E. Knowles Hackensack 1SS1 C. F. Adams, 229 Union st. Jersey City 1S60 B. F. Pabodie, Box 104 Long Branch City 1571 R. A. Brown, 53 Norwood av. 1887 I. H. Gilhuly, Box 230 Millville 18S3 E. C. Stokes Morristown 1853 F. S. Bradford, 36 Maple av. iSSV> C. A. Reed, 15 Harrison st. 1S94 S. McP. Higg'ins Mt. Holly 1S88 C. K. Chambers, Masonic Temple Newark 18S7 R. M. Sherman, 267 Clinton av. Orange 1S55// J. L. Blake 1S84 W. B. Arnold Paterson 1572 J. R. Beam, 148 Ellison st. [Co. 1557 H. F. Walker, Passaic Rolling Mill 1558 C. D. Cooke 1893 W. E. Chalmers, 27 Sheridan av. Princeton 1S50 J. O. Murray Red Bank 1S78 Richard Case Rutherford 1854 W. C. Ingalls Somerville 1S74 C. B. Mathewson, Box 613 1S.S9 F. A. Smith Summit 1S56 F. W. White 1S90 E. F. White, Box 620 4i8 BROWN UNIVERSITY Vineland, Cumberland Co. 1843 D. F. Morrill West Freehold 1861 J. J. Ely, 95 Main st. MARYLAND Annapolis 1830 F. J. Lippitt, 7 Blake Row Baltimore [st. 1839 J. B. M. Potter, 330 North Charles 1841 R. C. Hall Franklin Wilson, S07 St. Paul st. 1S50 E. P. Gray, 1326 North Mount st. 1864 Abner Greenleaf, 624 West Franklin st. 1865 R. H. Paine, 816 North Eutaw st. 1877 J. H. Tyler, 416 West German st. 1878 W. G. Chandler, 2415 North Cal- vert st. 1S85 W. H. Shedd, 425 Mosher st. 1893 E - B - Niver, S09 Cathedral st. Hyattsville 1890 G. H. Webb Lonaconing 1S70 J. O. Bullock Whaleysville 1S44 J. E. Whitaker VIRGINIA Saltville 1 89 1 CM. Perry Richmond 1846 C. R. Cullen, Barton Heights 1S5S L. B. Tefft, 1600 West Leigh st. 1872 W. W. Landrum, 911 Park av. 1882 G. R. Hovey WEST VIRGINIA Charleston, Kanatvha Co. 1S47 A. H. Campbell Elkins 1864 Amos Robinson DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Tacoma Park 1841 David Haynes Washington 1855 H. N. Snyder, Bureau of Pensions 1850 C. H. Alden, Surgeon-General's Office J. M. Cutts, 2815 N st. Richard Olney, Secretary of State 1857 A. T. Britton, Pacific Building 1858 John Hay, Lafayette sq. 1S61 T. T. Caswell, Navy Pay Office, 1429 New York av. 1867 W. H. Hawkes, 734 Seventeenth st. N. W. i86S/;A.J. Huntington, Columbian Uni- versity 1872 J. H. Olcott, Woodward and Lo- th rop 1873 Daniel Rhodes, Pension Office 1S77 G. W. Milford, 450 N st., N. W. 18S2// Horace Gray, 1061 I st. 1892 W. C. Langdon, 2719 P st., N. W. 1893 H - E - Da y> Kendall Green J. J. Fitzgerald, 14S D st., N. W. a W. T. Harris, 914 Twenty-Third st. SOUTHERN STATES NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte 1865 G. B. Hanna, U. S. assay office Wilmington 1S65 J. McD. French, Orton House SOUTH CAROLINA Cheraw 1S45 Cornelius Kollock, Corner of Mar- ket and Green sts. Greenville 1S49 J. K. Mendenhall, 95 Pendleton st. 1S87 H. P. Young, Furman University Spartanburg 1S59 S. T. Poinier GEORGIA Atlanta 1893 F. A. Updike, Atlanta Baptist Sem- inary Augusta 18SS J. W. Gilbert, 1616 Thirteenth st. Boston 1874 D. R. Blood Sterling, Glytin Co. 1854 A. W. Couper Toccoa 1839 P. S. Whitman Washington, Wilkes Co. 1847 M. G. Robert FLORIDA Tallahassee 1843 R. B. Hilton Pensacola 1S63 A. F. Warren, 504 North Baylen st. Deland 1874 John McKinney Jacksonville 1S60 W. M. Ledwith ALABAMA Birmingham 1S55 Charles Turner PLACE INDEX— SOUTHERN STATES 419 Montgomery 1894 J. W. Beverly MISSISSIPPI Biloxi 1568 Ebenezer Thompson Jackson 1894 II. I). Casey. Jackson College Macon 1850 J. II. Buck LOUISIANA New Orleans 1569 G. H. Felton, Leland university TENNESSEE Knoxville 1862 J. B. Kelly, 1701 Jefferson av. Memphis 1S67 J. M. Judah ARKANSAS Eureka Springs 1S50// R. S.James Little Rock 1842 II. N. Pierce, 1700 Centre st. Marianna, Lee Co. 1868 J. M. Daggett TEXAS Dallas 1882 A. P. Foster, 312 Main st. Denison 1849 A.J. Robert, 7iSWest Owing st. Fort Worth 1S91 J. E. Weeden Meridian 1S77 W. M. Knight San Antonio 1865// Frank Wheaton Waco 1S47 J. H. Luther, 1601 South 8th st. CENTRAL STATES OHIO Akron 1884 A. E. Scoville, 544 East Buchtelav. Cincinnati 1858 E. W. Coy, Hughes High School E. L. De Camp, Third National Bank Building S. T. Harris [nut sts. 18S0 S. W. Smith, Cor. Third and Wal- 18S2 C. H. Wheeler, 20 Brookside av., Station A. Cleveland 1846 F.J. Dickman, 449 Prospect st. 1864 S. F. Hancock, 32 Yeakel st. 1S74 J. H. Hoyt, 886 Prospect st. A. G. Upham, 163 Kennard st. F. P. Whitman, Adelbert College 1878 Elton Hoyt 1879 N. S. Calhoun, 156 Kenilvvorth st. 1881 E.L.Thurston, Blackstone Building 1884 C. G. King, 89 Euclid av. Columbus 1873 Carver Howland, Columbus Bar- racks 1875 Josiah Medbery 1890 F. M. Sackett, King Building Dayton 1S62 H. F. Colby Elyria 1870 T. G. Field, 14 East av. 1S93 B. W.Johnson Gambier 1887 G. R. Pinkham Granville, Licking Co. 18153^ Daniel Shepardson 1870 R. S. Colwell 1584 A. D. Cole King's Mills 1585 N. L. Richmond Kingsville 1847 Edwin Dibell Norwalk 1854 E. P. Smith Oberlin 1876 J. T. Shaw, 100 Elm st. 1887/; G. F.Wright Plain City, Ma dhoti Co. 1842 John Hunt, Chilicothe st. Toledo 1885 R. M. Streeter, Cor. St. Clair and Oak sts. 1S69 D. M. Fisk, 2024 Robinwood av. 1S80 James Austin, 727 Oakwood av. J. L. Richmond, 129 Thirteenth st. 1894 William Douglas, 13 Hartford Build- ing R. W. Kirkley, 1 107 Jefferson av. Wyoming, Hamilton Co. 1855 W. H. Pabodie Xenia 1892 E. B. Munger INDIANA Fort Wayne 1S60 J. S. Larwill 420 BROWN UNIVERSITY Indianapolis 1843 Henry Day, 122 North Pennsyl- vania St. 186S F.W. Douglas, 680 North Illinois st La Porte 1862 Addison Parker, 806 Indiana av. Terre Haute 1564 J. S. Holmes, 200 North 6th st. St. Vincennes 1873 c - G - McCord, 504 Hart st. ILLINOIS Atlanta 1844 G. M. Angell 1872 J. L. Bevan Alton 1847 H. S. Baker 1857 C. H. Hapgood Chicago 1831 W. F. De Wolf, 226 Dearborn av. 1842 C. K. Colver, 100 Thirty-fifth st. 1844 S. H. Boutell, 107 Dearborn st. 1854 G- P- Upton, 2427 South Paik a v. 1855 J. W. Bigelow, 5407 Dearborn st. 1864 David Fales, 65 Portland Block G- H. Hulbert, 12 Sherman st. 1565 M. D. Shea, 199 Madison st. 1567 E. O. Brown, 400 North State st. Orville Peckham, 51S First National Bank Building 1568 H. W. Parkhurst, 1 Park Row 1869 W. T. Richmond, 159 La Salle st. 1870 F. P. Read, 613 First National Bank Building 1872 N. B. Judah, 2701 Prairie av. 1873 J. L. Lincoln, 61 Wabash av. 1877 E. F. Ballou, Care W. B. Ballon, 34 River st. [Hyde Park J. R. Gow, 275 Fifty-second st., 1579 D. L. Barnes, 76S The Rookery 1580 G. S. Goodspeed, University of Chicago D. L. Morrill, 1809 Frederick st. 1882 C. L. Bartlett, 96 Washington st. J. A. Johnson, 603 First National Bank Building C. H.S. Weaver, 100 Washington st. 18S3 F.W. Shepardson, 5475 Kimbarkav. 18S5 E. L. Clarke, 119 Dearborn st. 1886 F. L. Morse, 143 Park av. C V. Roberts, 9S2 West Polk st. 1858 W. H. Craig, 94 La Salle st. 1889 R. S. Fyfe, 3721 Rhodes av. George Packard, 518 First National Bank Building V.P. Squires. University of Chicago 1891 C. A. Cook, Tremont House F.G. Cressey, University of Chicago a A. D. Mead, 17 Ray st. 1893^7 H. E. Walter, 402 Center st. 1S94 F. C. R. Jackson, 137 Divinity Hall, University of Chicago Englewood 1880 F.J. C. Walton Evanston 1882 W. B. Bogert, 1S1S Sheridan Road Qalesburg 18S3 W. E. Simonds, Knox College Maywood 1856 O. S. Westcott Moline, Rock Island Co. 1S55 G. W. Dow, 1S22 Fifth av. Quincy 1894 M. C. Stewart Morgan Park 1SS3 I. B. Burgess 1884 F. M. Bronson 1887 W. J. Chase 1893 A. R. Wightman Ottawa 1890 J. M. Killelea Peoria 183S Alexander Burgess, National Hotel Upper Alton 1888^ A. K. de Blois KENTUCKY Louisville 1S49 R- T- Durrett, 202 East Chestnut st. 18^4 William Tillman, S26 Second st. 1884 A. Y. Ford, 212S Floyd st. Paducah 1S78 H. O. Farnham Somerset 1S94 G. S.Ellis MISSOURI Amity 1865 J. P. Field Jefferson City 1877 I. E. Page, Lincoln Institute Kansas City 1S68 James Scammon, 2460 Brooklyn av. 1871 J. C Jones, cor. Linwood av. and Flora st. 1873 L. T. James, 919 Holmes st. 1S76 W. C Parker, 914-16 N. Y. Life Building 188.; B. W. Lightburn, 1012 Locust st. Mexico 1847 B. L. Locke St. Louis 1846 H. I. Coe 1S60 J. G. Chapman, Vandeventer pi. 1862 D .S. H. Smith, 3646 Washington av 1863 Denham Arnold, 1127 North Grand av. 1S64 N. O. Grey, 9th and Olive sts. 1880 A. L. Abbott, 314 Pine st. Sweet Springs 185S Francis Mansfield PLACE INDEX— CENTRAL STATES 421 MICHIGAN Alma 1S41 Kendall Brooks Ann Arbor 1849 J. B. Angell 1S70// S. F. Peckham Detroit 1S3S G. V. N. Lothrop 1865 J. W. Finney, 41 Edmund pi. 1SS2 George Huntington, 749 Second av. 1SS7 P. J. Reid, 149 East Montcalm st. Ithaca 1890 C. W. Lisk Jackson 1856 U. W. Lawton Kalamazoo 1845 Samuel Haskell 1852 Samuel Brooks 1564 S.J. Axtell, 516 Locust st. 1S93 W.D. Johnston, 715 West Lowell st. Leslie 1SS5 H. K. Wilbur Mattawan, Van Buren Co. 1S46 F. W. Anthony Negaunee, Marquette Co. 1S81 H. W. Sheldon Saginaw 1869 J. H. Covvell, 318 North Warren av. 1S81 *W. F. Denfeld Romeo 1854 S. A. Read WISCONSIN Evansville 1S72 O. P. Bestor Nashotah 1S71 Walter Russell Gardner Sheboygan Falls 1550 S. A. Simpson Whitewater 1855 E. K. Dexter IOWA Boone 1852 N. E. Goldthwait,Sn West 3d st. 1S90 S. G. Goldthwait, Sn West y\ st. Cedar Falls 1853 H. M. Jones, 82 1 Fremont st. Creston, Union Co. 1851 A. J. Mauran Des Moines 1870 J. C. Macy, 1318 West Locust st. 1S92 F. A. Durham, 612 Locust st. Sioux City 1S38 N. A. Reed 1565 E. H. Bucknam, 1214 Douglas st. T. W. Rees, 517 Center st. 1S7S W. G- Clarke, 424 Fourth st. Winterset, Madison Co. 1551 Frederick Mott MINNESOTA Austin 1S6S C. D. Belden Duluth 1881 W. B. Silvey, 405 Masaha aw 1883 W. G. Crosby, 002 First National Bank Building Faribault 1S57 G. C. Tanner Hastings 1S48 J. R. Clagett Minneapolis ^55 J- D. Long, 3300 Stevens av. 1S57 Frederick Paine, 1028 Hawthorne av 1S60 Wavland Ilovt 1S70 P. M. Woodman. Lumber Exchange Building 1572 T. D. Smith, 2720 Pillsburv av. 1S75 C. A. Reese 1577 F. K. Pratt, 510 N. Y. Life Building 1551 Morgan Brooks Richfield 1842 J. R. Man I on St. Cloud 1578 C. T. Staples St. Paul 1865 G. W. Shaw, 11 Langford Park pi., St. Anthony Park 1573 W. E. Thompson, S79 Pascal av. 18S0 J. P. Knowles 1SS3 L. P. Ordwav, 2^0 East 4th st. Stillwater 18S3 J. A. Brown, q;o6 South Fourth st. Wabasha 1852 J. N. Murdock Waterville 1S84 C. R. Upton Winnebago City 1S7S G. A. Burgess KANSAS Hutchinson 18S2 W. A. Buxton Kansas City 1S65 J. G. Dougherty, 616 Everett av. Ontario, Jackson Co'. 1552 G. A. Allen Topeka 1876 T. B. Thomas 1S7S B. R. Wheeler 1S83 C. M. Sheldon, 15 15 Fifteenth st. NEBRASKA Crete 18S2 W. E. Jillson, Doane College Grand Island 1867 H. W. Stearns, 119 East nth st. Lincoln 1 84 1 J. M. Thayer 1S47 A. P. S. Stuart, 330 North nth st. Omaha 1S61; W T . C Ives, City Hall 18S8 C. W. Young, 51 Barker Block 422 BROWN UNIVERSITY WESTERN STATES CALIFORNIA Alameda 1836 T. L. Randolph, 2029 Encin.il av. 1S6S G. R. Read, 2002 Pacific av. Berkeley 1S89 C. C. Plehn Kenwood, Sonoma Co. 1893 A. J. Lewellyn Los Angeles 1S46 J. C. Fletcher, 223 Welcome st. 1S69 J. H. Shankland, 21 Baker Block 1S72 J. W. Hendrick, 219 North Soto st. 1881 C W. Pendleton, 5 and 7 Law Building, Temple st. 18S3 A. E. Baker, 1024 Blaine st Mariposa i855 J- W. Congdon Milton, Calaveras Co. 1S6S J. H. Southwick Monrovia 1865 W. D. U. Shearman Oakland 1852 F. O. Barstow, 1261 Kirkham st. 1859 T. F. Toby i860 G. S. Abbott, 11S Eleventh st. 1866 W. C. Angell, 323 Eleventh st. 18SS C. H. Abbott St. Helena, Napa Co. 1881 S. L. Irons San Diego 1871 Elijah William Hendricks San Francisco 1839/& Abel Stevens, Care Rev. J.D.Ham- mond, 1037 Market st. 1840 O. W. Briggs, 1600 Taylor st. E. V. Hathawaj' 1852 N. W. Moore, 2124 Calfornia st. 1861 A. N. Drown, 104 Sutter st. 1871 H. H. Wvman, 628 California st. 187S W. B. Winn, Daily Report Office 1853 N. B. Blaisdell, 222 Sansome st. San Jose 1863 C. C. Cragin, Box 494 Selma 1888 L. C. Sanford South Riverside 1 86 1 W. H. Randall OREGON Eugene 184S Mark Bailey Portland 1877 F. L. Sullivan, Pacific Baptist 1S87 I. C. Hicks, 131 Third st. WASHINGTON Centralia, Lewis Co. 1S78 Robert Alexander Everett 1883 E. S. Lyon 1 888 G. S. Brown F. H. Brownell 1893 H. A. Richards Seattle 1880 W. F. Richardson, 2 115 Edes st. COLORADO Colorado Springs 1861 T. H. Edsall 1864 J. W. Colwell, 329 North Nevada av. 187s S. Le N. Caldwell 1879 C P. Bennett 1883 F. E. Brooks, 1324 Nevada av. M. C. Gile, 1619 North Cascade av. 1S89 Charles Farnsworth 1891 E. G. Dexter Denver 1S51 E. T. Ailing 1S56 N. P. Hill 1880 J. C Starkweather 1883 E. F. Dunlevv 1S85 Crawford Hill 18S9 W. S. Pease NORTH DAKOTA Fargo 1S61 A. D. Thomas SOUTH DAKOTA Elk Point 1892 Charles Stickney Pierre 1880 John Sutherland IDAHO Blackfoot 18S7 F. S. Dietrich MONTANA Butte 1882 J. H. Spencer Helena 185S A. H. Nelson, Box 457 UTAH Salt Lake City 1877 W. G. Van Home FOREIGN COUNTRIES NEW BRUNSWICK Milltown 1SS3 Lewis Dexter St. John 1S69// Silas Alward, Sunnyside, Mount Pleasant PLACE INDEX— FOREIGN COUNTRIES 423 ONTARIO Caldwell 1877 Patrick Whitney Hamilton 18S5 C. O. Dexter Toronto 1864^ Go Id win Smith QUEBEC Ottawa 1888 C. F. Medbury Quebec 1888 C. H. Day, 7 Dauphin st. WEST INDIES Trinidad, Port of Spain. 1861 J. A. De Wolf PERU Callao 1SS1 P. S. Burbank ENGLAND Hawthornden, Queen's Ride, Barnes Common, Surrey. 1S6S F. E. Bliss London 1S51 John Norris, Care Brown, Shepley lV Co. [lege 1852/^ Joseph Angus, Regents Park Col- 1880 Paul Waterman, Care Brown, Shep- ley & Co. [Shepley & Co. 1S85 A. McC. Warren, Care Brown, 1SS9//H. G. Guinness, Harley House, Founders Court, Row Road SCOTLAND Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire. 1584 Andrew Newall HOLLAND Egmond a. d. lioef 1872 George Hitchcock FRANCE Paris iS66//J. M. Read, 12 rue La Boetie Champs-Ely sees 1874 II. P. Waterman GERMANY Chemnitz, Saxony 1585 J. C. Monaghan Leipsic 1893 I. L. Foster, Care Fr. Dr. Buch. Leplay Str. S2 ITALY Venice 1S73 W. F. Brown, Palazzo da Mula, San Vio 725 GREECE Athens 1S51 T. G. Dickson INDIA, ASSAM Amguri 1S57 E. W. Clark Gauhati 1SS0 C. E. Burdette Kohima 1880 S. W. Rivenburg INDIA, BURMAH Insein 1877 W. F. Thomas Maulmain 1861 E. O. Stevens Rangoon 1S37 D. L. Brayton 1S62 J. N. Cushing, Baptist college, Alon 1S78 F. T. Whitman INDIA, MADRAS PRESIDENCY Nellore 1569 David Downie CHINA Ningpo 1S62 J. R. Goddard Sinfu, Sz-Chuen Province 1S77 C. H. Finch, Care Local Post, Hankow Swatow 1570 William Ashmore JAPAN Nemuro, Hokkaido 1S86 W. B. Parshley Sendai 1S86 S. W. Hamblen Tokio [sity 1S7S Augustus Wood. Imperial Univer- 1S94 J- K. Matumoto Yokohama 1872 A. A. Bennett NEW ZEALAND Auckland 1S86 A. L. Sarle, Arnold, Cheney .Si Co. 424 BROWN UNIVERSITY INDEX OF OFFICERS Name. Page. Adams, Jasper 11, 15 Alger, John Lincoln 18, 24 Allen, Benjamin 14 Allen, Zachariah 7 Anderson, Thomas Davis 3, 10, 21 Andrews, Elisha Benjamin 1, 3, 13, 21, 23 Angell, James Burrill. . 12, 20 Appleton, John Howard 12, 16, 23 Arnold, Albert Nicholas 9 Arnold, Josiah 20 Arnold, Josias Lyndon 14 Arnold, Richard James 7 Arnold, Samuel Greene 6, 8 Arnold, Thomas 2, 6,10 Arnold, Welcome 5 Ashmore, William 17 Atwater, Richard Mead 9, 21 Babcock, Joshua 1 Babcock, Rufus 7 Backus, Isaac 4 Badger, Moses 2 Bailey, John 15, 19 Bailey, William Whitman. . .13, 17, 23 Baldwin, Thomas 2, 6 Bancroft, Timothy Whiting 12 Barker, Isaac Bow en 16 Barker, Peleg 4 Barnes, David Leonard 2 Barrows, Comfort Edwin 9 Barry, Henry Milton 19, 25 Batterson, James Goodwin 9, 22 Beckwith, Daniel 20 Benedict, David 6 Benjamin, Judson 20 Bennett, Charles Edwin 13, 17 Bennett, James Lawrence 17 Bennett, Job 4, 10 Benson, George 5 Bishop, Nathan 3, 7, 15 Bissett, George 2 Bixby, Moses Homan 9, 22 Blake, Eli Whitney 13, 23 Blanding, William 20 Bliss, William 5 Boise, James Robinson 12, 16 Bolles, Jesse 20 Bolles, Lucius 2, 6 Bond, Alvan 3 Borden, Jefferson 8 Bosworth. Alfred 8 Bourne, Benjamin 5 Bourne, Prank Baylies 16 Bowen, Ephraim 4 Bowen, Horatio Gates 11, 19 Bowen, Jabez 2, 5, 10 Bowen, Pardon 6 Bowen, William Gorliss 11 Bradford, Shadrach Staudish 3, 8 Bradford, William : 5 Bradley, Charles Smith 3, 15 Bridgham, Samuel Willard 7, 10 Brink, Clark Mills 18, 24 Name. Page. Bronson, Frank Melville 17 Bronson, Walter Cochrane 14, 24 Brooks, Aaron 15, 19 Brooks, Samuel 16, 20 Brown, James 2 Brown, John . ..5, 10 Brown, John Carter 2, 7 Brown, Joseph 4, 11 Brown, Marmaduke 2 Brown, Marshall Stewart 18 Brown, Nicholas 2, 4, 5, 6, 10 Brown, William 4 Brownell, Ernest Henry IS Buffum, Thomas 7 Bumpus, Hermon Carey 13, 17, 23 Burdick, James Solomon. . ■ 18 Burges, Tristam 6, 11 Burgess, Eibenezer 15 Burgess, George 15 Burgess, Thomas 7 Burnett, Edmund Cody 18, 25 Burnham, Edward Clifton IS, 24 Burnham, John Milton 20, 2."> Burrage, Henry S^veetser 9, 22 Burrill, James 6 Cady, Joseph 20 Cahoon, Daniel 5 Oalder, Edwin Eddy 17, 24 Caldwell, Samuel Lunt 3, 8, 10 Campbell, Archibald 4 Carrington, Edward 7 Caswell, Alexis 1, 3, 8, 11, 19 Caswell, Edward Thompson 20 Chace, Arnold Buffum 9, 10, 16, 21 Ohace, George Ide 1, 12, 15 Chace, Jonathan 9, 22 Chamberlain, Charles 15 Champlin, James Tift 15 Chapin, Charles Value 13, 17, 23 Chaplin, Jeremiah 14 Chase, Stephen Abbott 8 Child, John Throop 6 Child, Sylvester 4 Clark, Joshua 4 Clarke, Abraham Lynsen 2 Clarke, Benjamin Franklin. .12, 16, 23 Clarke, John Innes 5 Clarke, Joseph 5 Clarke, Peleg 5 Qlay, Joseph 6 Colby, Charles Lewis 3, 9, 21 Colby, Gardner 8 Cole, John 5 Collier, William 6 Collins, George Lewis 8, 9, 22 Collins, James Franklin 19, 25 Cblvin, Stephen Sheldon 18, 24 Condy, Jeremiah 1 Gooke, Nicholas 4 Corliss, George Frost 16 Crane, Silas Axtell 15 Crocker, Nathan Bourne 2, 10 Crocker, William Allen 8 INDEX OF OFFICERS 425 Name. Page. ( Vosby, Thomas 19, 25 Crosby, Wilson Gardner 17 Crowell, Asa Clinton 14, 17, 24 Cutler, Edward Hutchins 10, 20 Cutler, Enos 15 Chitting, Sewall Sylvester 8 D'Arcais, Guglielmo 17 Davis, Felix Bertrand 18 Davis, Gustavus Fellowes 7 Davis, Isaac 3, 7 Davis, John 2 Davis, Nathaniel French 13, 17, 23 Day, Albert 8 Day, Henry '. 12 Dealey, James Quayle IS, 24 Delabarre, Edmund Burke 14. 24 Delaney, Archibald Grant 20, 25 Dench, Gilbert 14 Dexter, Edwin Grant 18 Diman, Jeremiah Lewis 12 Doering, August 1G Doggett, Simeon 14 Dorr, Sullivan G Dorrance, John 6, 14, 19 Douglas, Francis Wayland 20 Douglas, William 20 Drowne, Solomon 2, 11 Duncan, Alexander 3, 7 Duncan, James Henry 2 Duncan, Samuel White 3, 21 Dunn, Robinson Potter 12, 16, 20 Durfee, Job 7 Durfee, Thomas 3, 9, 10, 21 Durkee, Orin Parker 18 D'Wolf, John 11 Marie, Joseph Pitman 9, 22 Eastman, Samuel Collin 20 Easton, Jonathan 2 Easton, Nicholas 4 Eaton, William Hadley 9, 21 Eddy, John Mathewson 11 Eddy, Samuel 2, G, 10 Eddy, William Holden 18 Eddy, Zachariah 3 Edes, Henry 2, 6 Edwards, Morgan 1 Edwards, Stephen Ostrom 17 Elam, Samuel 5 Elliott, Lemuel Holmes 20 Ellis, Ferdinand 15 Elton, Romeo 6, 11 Ely, Adolph Conrad 19, 25 Emmons, William 15, 19 Everett, Walter Goodnow 14, 17, 24 Eyres, Thomas 1, 10 Farnham, Frank Alexander 20 Faunce, William Herbert Perry 17 Fearing, Henrv Seymour 15 Field, George AVilton 14, 24 Fisher, Willard Clark 17 Fisk, Elisha 14 Fitz, Eustace Gary 9, 22 Flanders, Charles Worthen 8 Fletcher, Austin Barclay 17 Fletcher, Richard 2, 7 Flint, Abel 14 Fobes, Perez 1, 2, 11 Fogg, Miller Moore 19, 25 Forbush, William Byron 18 Foster, Benjamin 5 Name. Page. Foster, Irving Lysander 18 Foster, Theodore 5 Fowler, Christopher 5 Francis, John 5 Francis, John Brown 7, 10 French, Ferdinand Courtney 17 Frieze, Henry Simmons 1G Gammed. Robert Ives 9, 22 Gammed, William 3, 7, 12, 15, 19 Gamwell, Edward Francis 19, 25 Gano, John 4 Gano, Stephen G Gardner, Henry Brayton. .. .13, 17, 2.*'> Gaskill, Francis Almon 9, 22 Gates, Charles Horatio 16 Goddard, Robert Hale Ives 3, 21 Goddard, Thomas Poynton Ives 3 Goddard, William 8. 10, 21 Goddard, William Giles 2, 7, 10, 11 Goff, Charles Bradford 9, 22 Going, Jonathan 7 Gordon, Adoniram Judson 3, 8, 21 Gorham, Frederick Poole 18, 24 Granger, Abraham Holly 8 Granger, James Nathaniel 3. S Gray, George Milton IS, 25 Green, Arnold 9, 22 Green, Theodore Francis IS, 24 Green, Timothy Ruggles 7 Greene, George Washington Id Greene, John Francis 18, 24 Greene, Ray 5 Greene, Richard Ward 7 Greene, Samuel Stillman 12 Greene, Thomas 4 Greene, William 5 Griswold, Alexander Viets 2, G, 10 Guild, Frederick Taft 17, 20, 24 Guild, Reuben Aldridge 19, 20, 25 Hackett, Horatio Balch 12 Hague, William 7 Haile, Levi 7 Hall, Edward Brooks 7 Halsey, Thomas Lloyd G Haikness, Albert 12, 2:'. Harkness, Albert Granger 13, 23 Hartshorn, Joseph Charles S Hartwell, John Bryant 8 Hartwell, Mortimer Hall 9 Hazard, George 4 Hazard, Rowland '. 3, 9, 21 Hazard, Rowland Gibson 3, 8 Hazard, Rowland Gibson 9, 22 Helme, James 4 Herreshoff, John Brown Francis. ... 16 Hildreth, Henry Theodore 14 Hill, Frederic Alexander 17 Hill, John Edward IS, 24 Hill, Nathaniel Peter 12, 16 Hinds, Albert Walker 19, 25 Hitchcock, Enos 2, 5 Hobigand, Theodore Maximilien 16 Holroyd, William 5 Honyman, James 4 Hopkins, E'sek 5 Hopkins, Rufus 5 Hopkins, Stephen 4, 10 Hovey, Alvah 3, S, 21 Howard, James Leland 9, 22 Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe.3, 8, 15 426 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Pago. Howell, David 1, 2, 10, 11, 14 Howland, George 8 Hoyt, Colgate 9, 22 Hunter, William 6 Ingalls, William 11 Isham, Norman Morrison 18, 25 Ives, Moses Brown 7, 10 Ives, Robert Hale 7, 10 Ives, Thomas Poynton 5, 8 Jackson, Henry 7 Jackson, Richard G Jacobs, Walter Ballou 18, 24 Jameson, John Franklin 13, 23 Jenckes, Daniel • . 4 Jenckes, John 4 Jenckes, Joseph 6 Jenckes, Thomas Allen 15 Jenkins, Thomas 5 Jenks, John Whipple Potter .... 13, 16 Jennings, Andrew Jackson 9, 22 Jewett, Charles Coffin 12, 19 Jewett, James Richard 14, 17, 23 Jewett, Paul 15 Jillson, William Everett 16 Johnson, Albert Bushnell ....... 18, 24 Jones, William 6 Joslen, Joseph 15 Judson, Edward 9, 22 Kane, Oliver 6 Keely , George Washington 15 Keen, William Williams 8, 21 Keigwin, Henry Webster 17 Kellen, William Vail 9, 22 Kingsbury, John 3, 7, 10 Knights, Frederick Mellen 19, 25 Kriowles, James Davis 7 Koopman, Harry Lyman 19, 25 Langdon, Courtney 13, 23 Langdon, William Cjhauncy 18 Lapham, Oscar 9, 22 Leach, Daniel 9 Leonard, Arthur Newton 18 Lester, Frank Eugene 18, 25 Leverett, Washington 15 Lincoln, Heman 3, 7, S Lincoln, John Larkin 12, 15, 16 Lippitt, Moses 6 Liscomb, William Shields 17 Lyndon, Josias 4 Lyon, Merrick » 3, 9, 16 Mackie, John Milton 15 Malbone, Francis 5 Manatt, James Irving. . • 14, 24 Manly, John Mathews 14, 23 Mann, Horace 15, 19 Manning, Henry Parker 18, 24 Manning, James 1, 11 Martin, Simeon 5 Marvel, Frederick William. 19, 25 Mason, Amasa 6 Mason, Earl Potter 8 Mason, James Brown 6 Mason, John 5 Mason, Russell 4 Matteson, John 17 Maxcy, Jonathan 1, 2, 5, 11, 14, 19 Maxson, John 4 Mellen, Edward 7 Merrill, George Plumer 18, 25 Merrill, Joseph Warren 8 Name. Page. Messer, Asa 1, 2, 11, 14, 19 Metcalf, Theron 2, 3, 10 Miller, Moses 15 Mills, William Hammond 20 Morton, Allen Benton 19, 25 Morton, Nathaniel 15 Moss, William Washburn 19, 25 Mount, William Dye 14, 17 Munro, Wilfred Harold 13, 16, 23 Murray, James Ormsbee 16 Nelson, Stephen Smith 6 Newell, Lyman Churchill 17 Newhall, Barker 18, 24 Nichols, Charles Lemuel 16 Nickels, Christopher Mardenborough.15 Nightingale, Joseph 5 Norton, William Augustus 12 Oliver, Thomas Fitch 2 Olney, Qhristopher 6 Olney, Richard 3, 21 Osterhout, Winthrop John Vanleu- ven 18, 24 Packard, Alpheus Spring 13, 23 Page, Harrison Carleton 16 Palmer, Albert De Forest 18, 24 Pardee, William Jencks 14, 24 Park, Calvin 11, 14, 19 Park, Edwards Amasa 3, 21 Parker, Fred Eugene 18, 24 Parsons, Charles William 13, 16 Parsons, Usher 11 Patten, William 5 Patten, William Samuel 8, 10 Pattison, Robert Everett 2, 7 Pease, Simon 4 Peck, Solomon 15 Peekham, Stephen Farnum 16 Peirce, John 9, 12, 22 Perry, Hiram H 16 Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden 9, 22 Phillips, William 7 Pitman, John 2, 6, 7, 12, 20 Poland, William Carey 13, 16, 23 Poor, Charles Marshall 19, 25 Porter, John Addison 12 Potter, Charles Alfred 17 Potter, Elisha Reynolds 6 Pratt, Peter 15, 19 Randall, Otis Everett 14, 17, 23 Rea, Uriel 20 Reed, John 15 Renaud, Alphonse 16 Rhodes, James 6 Robbins, Ashur 14, 19 Robins, Ezekiel (5 Robinson, Ezekiel Oilman 1, 3, 13 Robinson, Gilman Parker. 20 Robinson, Luther 15 Rogers, Daniel 5 Rogers, John 6 Rogers, Robert 2, 5 Russel, William Channing 13 Russell, Joseph 4 Russell, William 5 • Sanford, Enoch 15 Saunders, Walter Mills 18, 24 Sayles, William Francis 9 Scott, Adrian 14, 18, 24 Scott, Robert 14 Searle, Nathaniel 2, 6 INDEX OF OFFICERS 427 Name. Page. Scars, Barnas 1, 2, 3, 12, 1(5 Scars, Lorenzo 13, 23 Secomb, Ebenezer G Senter, Isaac 5 Sessions, Darius 4 Steth, James 14, 24 Sharp, Daniel 2, G Shepard, Thomas Perkins 8, 1~> Shippee, John Smith 19, 2o Simmons, James Barlow 9, 21 Slater, Horatio Nelson 3, S, !), 21 Smiley, Albert Keith 9, 21 Smith, Elbridge 1(5 Smith. Hezekiah 2 Smith, Increase Sumner 15, 19 Smith, John 5 Smith, Melancthon F> Smith, Stephen Hopkins 7 Smith, Walter Edward 18, 24 Snow, Caleb Hopkins 15, 19 Snow, Edwin Miller 9 Snow, Louis Franklin 17, 24 Spear, Nathan 4 Sprague, William 8, 21 Stanford, John 5 Stark, Frank Edwin 18, 25 Starkweather, Samuel 15 Sterry, Cyprian 5 Stillman, Samuel 2, 4 Stillwell, Charles Martin 10 Stockbridge, John Calvin 3, 8, 20 Stoddard, Elijah Brigham 9, 21 Stone, Henry Morgan 18, 24 Stow, Baron , . 3, 7 Sumner, Bradford 15 Swaim, Samuel Budd 8 Sweetland, Cornelius Sowle 9, 22 Swift, Augustus Taber 17, 25 Tanner, John 4 Temple, Mabel 20, 25 Thayer, Thatcher 8 Thomas, Albert Ellsworth 19, 2.", Thomas, Benjamin Franklin 8, 10 Thompson, Charles Thompson, Ebenezer 5 Thompson, Otis 11, 11) Thresher, Ebenezer 7 Thurber, Charles 8 Thurston, Benjamin Babcoek 7 Thurston, Benjamin Francis Thurston, Edward 4 Thurston, Gardner 4 Tieknor, Howard Malcolm 17 Name. Page. Tillinghast, Daniel 5 Tillinghast, John 4, IO Tillinghast, Joseph Leonard 7 Tillinghast, Nicholas 4 Tillinghast, Thomas G Tobey, Samuel Boyd 7, lO Tower, Ralph Winfrcd 18, 25 Townscnd, Shcarjashub Bourne 15 Train, Arthur Savage 8, 15 Turner, Thomas Goodwin S Underwood, Adin Ballou 9 Upham, Edward 1 TTpton, Winslow 13, 23 Vernon, Thomas 7 Walker, Joseph Henry 9, 22 Wanton, John G 4 Wanton, Joseph 4 Ward, Henry 2, 4 Ward. Samuel 4, 5 Warren, Andrew McCorrie 17 Warren, John 4 Warren, Jonas Goulding 8 Waterhouse, Benjamin 2, 11 Wayland, Francis 1, 2, 12 Wayland Francis 3, 8, 21 Wa viand, Heman Lincoln. . . .9, 20, 22 Wayland, John 7, 15 Webster, William Franklin 1G Weeden, John Hull 15 West, Benjamin 11 Wheaton, Joseph 15 Wheaton, Levi G, 11 Wheeler, Benjamin Ide 17 Wheeler, Nelson 12 Whittier, John Greeuleaf 8 Wight, Henry 2 Wightman, Alfred Reynolds 18 Wilcox, Elmer Ahny 18, 24 Wilkinson, William 19 Williams, Alonzo 13, 10, 23 Williams, Elisha Scott G Williams, John 20 Williams, William 2 Williams, William R 3 Wilson, Clarence Edward 18 Wilson, George Grafton 14, 24 Winsor, Olney G AVinsor, Samuel 4 Wood, Wilkes 2 Woods, Alva 1,3. 7, 11 Woods, John Carter Brown 9, 22 Woods, Marshall • 8, 10, 21 428 BROWN UNIVERSITY INDEX OF GRADUATES The letter a indicates recipients of advanced degrees; ;// medical graduates; h honorary graduates. Name. Class. Page. Aaron, Charles Eugene 1850 1G3 Aaron, Samuel h 1838 366 Abbot, Jonathan 1791 34 Abbott, Augustus Levi 1880 270 Abbott, Carl Hewes 1888 299 Abbott, Granville Sharp 1800 198 Abbott, Harlan Pag-. 1885 289 Abbott, James Percival 1874 247 Abbott, Samuel Warren 1858 190 Abercrombie, Daniel Webster hl883 394 Adams, Benjamin :. . . . 1788 32 Adams, Charles Francis 18S1 274 Adams, Charles Robert 1880 270 Adams, Earl Newton 1S89 301 Adams, Ebenezer h 1799 342 Adams, Edward Stowe 1879 270 Adams, Henry Sylvanus. .. . 1860 202 Adams, Horace 1813 62 Adams, Jasper 1815 67 Adams, John h 1797 341 Adams, Robert John h 1875 390 Addeman, Joshua Melancthon 1862 206 Ains worth, Albert Child 1828 100 Albee, Obadiah Wheelock... 1832 108 Albro, Samuel Houston 1866 219 Alden, Abner 1787 32 Alden, Charles Henry h 1825 357 Alden, Charles Henry 1856 184 Alden, Cyrus 1807 52 Alden, David 1838 123 Alden, Lucius 1821 79 Alden, Nathan 1806 51 Alden, Peter Oliver 1792 35 Alden, Seth 1814 65 Alden, William Harrison 1849 160 Aldis, Asa 1796 39 Aldrich, Charles Spaulding. . . 1894 315 Aldrich, Charles Talbot 1877 258 Aldrich, David 1806 51 Aldrich, Elisha Smith 1857 190 Aldrich, Esek 1818 74 Aldrich, Frank Edgar 1875 251 Aldrich, Henry Leprelate. . .. 1876 254 Aldrich, John 18S3 280 Aldrich, Jonathan 1826 94 Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth . . h 1892 396 Aldrich, Whipple 1799 42 Alexander, Caleb h 1789 335 Alexander, Harry Olin 1885 289 Alexander, Robert 1878 262 Alger, Emerson Henry 1S85 2S9 Alger, Israel .* 1S11 58 Name. Class. Page. Alger, John Lincoln 1890 304 Allen, Amos 1S04 48 Allen, Benjamin 1797 40 Allen, Benjamin Frankliu. . . . 1817 72 Allen, Benoni 1823 86 Allen, Crawford 1815 67 Allen, Cyrus William 1S26 94 Allen, Edwin Pierce 1883 280 Allen, Ethan 1S23 86 Allen, Ethan 1860 201 Allen, George Augustus 1852 170 Allen, George Esdras 1850 163 Allen, Henry Wheaton 1868 229 Allen, Hiram m 1S25 325 Allen, Ira Richard 1SS2 276 Allen, James Reuben 1876 255 Allen, Justin 1852 174 Allen, Lucius m 1S20 324 Allen, Morrill 1798 41 Allen, Paul 1793 36 Allen, Philip 1S03 47 Allen, Thaddeus 1812 60 Allen, William 1790 34 Allen, William Henry 1811 58 Allen, Zachariah 1813 62 Allenton, Goodwin 1814 65 Allenton, Russell 1813 62 Allin, Charles Mnason 1847 153 Ailing, Ebenezer Treat 1S51 166 Allison, Burgess h 17S6 333 Almy, Herbert 1S73 244 Almy, Howard 1886 292 Alward, Silas h 1869 387 Ames, Edward Carrington . . . l867 223 Ames, Ellis 1830 105 Ames, Jeremiah Fisher h 1827 359 Ames, Oliver h 1892 397 Ames, Samuel 1823 86 Ames, William 1863 208 Ames, William Shaw 1838 123 Andem, James 1845 146 Anderson, Edward O h 1849 372 Anderson, Robert 1802 45 Anderson, Thomas Davis. . .h 1859 381 Anderson, Thomas Davis .... l874 247 Anderstrom, Lyndon Laroy. . 1885 289 Andrews, Elisha h 1803 344 Andrews, Elisha 1821 7'.) Andrews, Elisha Benjamin.. 1870 233 Andrews, Erastus h 1859 3S1 Andrews, Frank Howard 1884 285 Andrews, George Frederick. . 1892 310 Andrews, Neil 1892 310 INDEX OF GRADUATES 429 Name. Class. Page. Andrews, Theodore 1850 198 Andrews, Walter Evans 1S91 307 Andros, Thomas h 1700 336 Angell, George Manton 1844 144 Angell, James Burrill 1S40 160 Angell, Joseph Kinnieutt. . . . 1813 02 Angell, Oliver 1S07 52 Angell, Samuel 1S14 65 Angell, Thomas Lemuel 1862 206 Angell, Walter Foster 1880 270 Angell, William Cook 1866 220 Angier, Samuel Tubbs 1818 74 Angus, Joseph h 1852 374 Annan, Robert Landals 1786 31 Annan, William 1786 31 Anthony, Alfred Williams. .. 18S3 280 Anthony, Frank William 1846 150 Anthony, George Nelson.... 1850 103 Anthony, Henry Bo wen 1833 110 Anthony, Henry Burr 1879 266 Anthony, Thomas Smith 1847 154 Appleton, Frank 1890 304 Appletou, John Howard 1863 211 Appleton. Joseph 1772 28 Archer, Jason Hawes 1816 69 Archer, John Jason 1866 220 Archibald, Wilberforce Ewing 1880 270 Armington, Arthur Herbert. . 1871 240 Arnold, Albert Nicholas 1S38 124 Arnold, Asa 1S53 170 Arnold, Denham 1863 209 Arnold, Earl Chapman 1803 315 Arnold, Henry Tucker 1866 220 Arnold, Henry Ward Beecher 1893 313 Arnold, John James 1876 255 Arnold, Jonathan Earle 1832 100 Arnold, Josias Lyndon h 1701 337 Arnold, Mowry Aldrich 1855 181 Arnold, Oliver Henry 1865 216 Arnold, Richard James 1814 65 Arnold, Salmon Augustus. . . . 1816 69 Arnold, Samuel Greene 1795 38 Arnold, Samuel Greene 1841 134 Arnold, Thomas 1771 28 Arnold, William Birket 1S84 285 Arrington, WiUiam Franklin. 1888 200 Arthur, James Hope 1870 233 Arvine, Kazlett h 1845 360 Ash, John h 1774 331 Ashley, Samuel 1817 72 Ashmore, William 1870 233 Ashton, Amos Turner 1872 240 Ashton, Joseph Nickerson .... 1891 307 Atkins, Elisha 1816 69 Atkinson, Edward Ernest 1870 266 Atkinson, Jacob 1813 62 Atkinson, Samuel 1879 62 Atwater, Richard Mead 1865 216 At well, Amos Maine 1788 32 Atwell. Samuel Young 1814 65 At wood, Edward Sumner. . . . 1S52 170 Auboyneau, Paul Louis Ar- mandi 1700 42 Austin, Benjamin m 1814 322 Austin. James 1880 270 Averell, Isaac 1795 38 Avery, David 1810 57 Avery, Eleazar James 1S45 146 Avery, John Humphrey. . ...h 1841 367 Axtell, Seth Jones 1864 211 Name. Class. Page. Ayer, Darius 1833 111 Ayer, Joseph 1S23 S6 Ayer, Nathan Wheeler 1840 131 Ayer, Oliver 1834 112 Babbitt, Benjamin Bosworth. 1846 150 Babcock, Cyrus Giles 1816 CO Babcock, Edward Wilcox 1874 248 Babcock, Harmon Seeley 1874 248 Babcock, Joshua h 1774 331 Babcock, Rufus 1821 70 Babcock, William Robinson. . 1S37 120 Bacheler, Francis Ebon Mer- riam 1847 154 Backus, Andrew 1822 82 Backus, Isaac h 1707 341 Backus, Thomas 1810 75 Bacon, George Andrew 1S67 223 Bacon, Peter Child 1S27 97 Badger, William 1S23 86 Bailey, Charles 1841 134 Bailey, Isaac 1S10 57 Bailey, Jeremiah 1704 37 Bailey, John 1807 52 Bailey, Luther 1808 54 Bailey, Mark 1848 158 Bailey, Silas 1834 112 Bailey, William Mason 1862 206 Bailey, William Whitman 1864 215 Baker, Albert Allison 1884 285 Baker, Arthur Eaton 1883 280 Baker, Benjamin 1S75 251 Baker, Charles Louis 1S84 285 Baker, David Sherman 1875 251 Baker, Henry Southard 1847 154 Baker, Sharonton Hale 1883 281 Baker, William Cotter 1881 274 Balcom, Everett 1817 72 Baldwin, John 1707 40 Baldwin, Thomas h 1794 339 Ball, Elisha 1799 42 Ball, Hyder Ali 1805 40 Ball, Nathan 1826 94 Ballaid, Horatio Nelson 1851 l(i6 Ballou, Barton 1813 62 Ballou, Charles Fales I860 230 Ballou, Edgar Fowler 1877 258 Ballou, Harry Maturin 1877 258 Ballou, Oreu Aldrich 1832 100 Ballou, Walter Irving 1S77 258 Bancroft, Lucius Whiting 1852 170 Bancroft, Thomas Boynton. . 1816 69 Bancroft, Timothy Whiting. . 1859 104 Banes, Charles Henry h 1893 398 Barber, Leander Milton 1872 240 Barbour, Albert Leslie 1802 310 Barbour, Clarence Augustus. 1888 299 Barbour, John Baptiste 1891 307 Barbour, Thomas Seymour. .. 1874 248 Barker, Abram 1883 2S1 Barker, Benjamin 1881 274 Barker, Christopher Franklin 1875 251 Barker, Edward Lawton 1859 104 Barker, Henry Ames 1803 315 Barker, Isaac Bowen 1861 202 Barker, James 1814 65 Barker, Joseph h 1805 346 Barker, Orville Anson 18(51 202 Barker, William 1S08 54 Barnaby, James 1800 56 Barnaby, Thomas Baldwin. .. 1848 158 43° BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Barnard, Daniel Dewey. . . .h 1853 375 Barnard, George Folger 1S79 266 Barnard, Thomas h 1794 339 Barnard, William Henry 1889 301 Barnes, David Leonard 1S79 266 Barnes, George Leonard 1816 69 Barnett, Francis Walter 1872 240 Barney, Albert Clifford 1S69 230 Barney, Bildad 1792 35 Barney, James Ormsbee 1821 79 Barney, Walter Hammond. .. 1876 255 Barrett, Franklin Ripley 1857 189 Barrows, Arthur Channing. .. 1885 2S9 Barrows, Arthur Ellis 1889 301 Barrows, Brainard Wayland. 1851 106 Barrows, Comfort Edwin 1858 190 Barrows, Edwin Armington . . 1891 307 Barrows, George Bartlett. ... 1864 212 Barrows, Ira 1824 88 Barrows, Ira 1883 281 Barrows, Thomas Manning . h 1815 352 Barry, Henry Milton 1S94 315 Barry, William 1822 82 Barstow, Fi-ederick Olney . . . 1852 170 Barstow, George 1801 44 Barstow, Luther 1S07 52 Barstow, Simon 180S 54 Barstow, Sumner, 1S02 45 Bartlett, Charles Lincoln 1882 277 Bartlett, Edward Otis 1891 307 Bartlett, Elisha in 1S20 326 Bartlett, John Russell h 1848 371 Bartlett, Josiah 1S88 301 Bartlett, Percival Whitmore. 1843 141 Bartlett, Thomas Elliott 1877 25S Bartlett, William Porter 187S 262 Bartol, George Murillo 1812 138 Barton, Ira Moore 1819 75 Barton, William 178S 32 Barton, William Sumner 1814 144 Bassett, Ansehn 1803 47 Bassett, Edward Drown 1873 24± Batchelder, Frederick Lyman. 1839 127 Katchelder, William h ISO!) 348 Bates, Barnabas h 1814 351 Bates, Joshua h 1813 350 Bates, Liberty 1797 40 Bates, Louise Snow Prosser.a 1893 320 Bates, Samuel Penniman .... 1S51 160 Bates, William 1810 57 Batt, William James 1855 181 Battelle, Hezekiah 1816 69 Baylies, Samuel White 1791 34 Baylies, William 1795 38 Beals, Arthur Loring 1891 307 Beam, John Rogers 1872 240 Bean, Cyrus 1844 144 Bean, George Fremont 1881 274 Beattie, Andrew h 1795 340 Beattie, William Henry 18S6 292 Beckwith, Daniel 1870 233 Beddome, Benjamin h 1770 329 Bedon, Richard Bedon 1806 51 Beede, Herbert Gould 1893 313 Belcher, Caleb 1823 86 Belcher, Manning 1814 65 Belden, Clarendon Dwight. . . 1S68 227 Belknap, Arthur Train 1893 313 Bell, Charles 1853 176 Bellows, Horatio Eliphalet. . . 1892 310 Name. Class. Page. Belton, Joseph 1769 27 Benedict, David 1S06 51 Benjamin, Judson 1S16 150 Benjamin, Wayland Everett. 1S77 259 Bennett, Albert Arnold 1872 240 Bennett, Charles Edwin 1S78 262 Bennett, Charles Pattison... 1879 267 Bennett, Edward Andrew 1836 117 Bennett, Edmund Neville 1880 270 Bennett, James Lawrence. .hl891 396 Bennett, Martin 1860 199 Bemiett, William Henry... .hl884 394 Bennett, William Henry 1S86 202 Benson, Martin 1806 51 Bentley, Arthur Joy 18S8 299 Bentley, Cyrus 1844 144 Bentley, Jasper 1790 34 Benton, Sidney Elmon 1S62 206 Bergstrom, Claus Alfrid 1888 299 Bestor, Orson Porter 1872 240 Bevan, Alexander 1876 255 Bevan, John Luther 1872 241 Beverly, George 1S5S 193 Beverlv, John William 1S94 318 Bicheno, James h. 1796 341 Bicknell, Thomas Williams . . 1860 199 Bidwell, Barnabas h 1805 340 Bigelow, Charles Edwin 1878 262 Bigelow, George Norman . . . h 1858 380 Bigelow, John Wilkes 1855 183 Bigelow, Jonathan 1817 72 Billings, Barnabas 1791 35 Binney, Amos 1S21 79 Binney, Barnabas 1774 29 Binney, Horace h 1797 341 Binney, William h 1856 378 Birchmore, William m 1816 323 Bird, Francis William 1831 107 Bird, John Hawes 1S29 102 Birge, Edward Bailey 1891 307 Birge, Russell Hall 1894 315 Bisbe, John 1814 65 Bishop, Amasa Junius Parker 1883 281 Bishop, James 1827 97 Bishop, Joseph Buckliu 1870 233 Bishop, Lemuel , 1801 44 Bishop, Lorenzo 1807 52 Bishop, Nathan 1837 120 Bishop, Phauuel Euclid 1S06 223 Bixby, Edward Clarence 1S82 277 Blackinton, Jason Babcock.. 1826 95 Blackinton, James Fletcher. . 1847 154 Blackinton, Jesse 17S8 32 Blacklock, John Frederick. . . 1892 310 Blackwood, James William. . 1866 220 Blaisdell, Bertram 1892 310 Blaisdell, Bertram Sinclair. .. 1889 301 Blaisdell, Nathaniel Brown. . 1883 284 Blake, Aaron 1803 47 Blake, Charles 1856 184 Blake, Eli Whitney 1888 299 Blake, Henry Augustus 1873 244 Blake, John Lauris 1S12 60 Blake, John Lauris h 1S55 377 Blanchard, Edward Richmond 1865 216 Blanding, Abraham 1796 39 Blanding, William 1801 44 Bliss, Francis Chase 1894 315 Bliss, Francis Edward 186S 227 Bliss, George Washington, .m 1822 325 INDEX OF GRADUATES 43 x Name. Class. Page. Bliss, William Warwick 1863 200 Bliss, Zenas 1826 95 Blodget, William 1871 2::7 Blodgett, John Taggard 1880 270 Blodgett, Lloyd Morton 1885 289 Blodgette, George Brainard. . 1866 220 Blood, Caleb 1844 144 Blood, Daniel Richardson. . . . 1ST4 24S Bloom, Ebenezer Wilson 1852 170 Bloss, Samuel 1807 52 Boardman, Charles Wesley. . 1886 2!»2 Boardman, George Dana 1S.">2 170 Bodurtha, Daniel 1814 65 Bogert, Edward Langdon. . .. 1875 251 Bogert, William Benezet 1882 280 Bogman, Edward Young 1873 244 Boise, James Robinson 1S40 131 Bolles, Abel 1808 r>4 Bolles, Asa Moore 1823 86 Bolles, David h 1819 354 Bolles, John Augustus 1829 102 Bolles, Lucius 1801 44 Bolles, Lucius Stillman 1828 KM) Bolles, Lucius .Stillman 1859 104 Bolles, Nicholas Brown 1856 186 Bolton, George Aldrich m 1S17 323 Bolton, William h 1709 327 Bond, Alfred Paley 1890 304 Bond, Alvan 1815 07 Bond, Emmons Paley 1851 100 Bond, Julius 1856 184 Bonney, Nathaniel Greene... 1856 184 Boorom, George William.... 1816 70 Booth, Abraham h 1774 331 Borden, Jefferson 1866 223 Borden, Simeon 1882 277 Bosson, Albert Davis 1875 2.~>1 Bosworth, Alfred 1835 115 Bosworth, Frederick h 1845 370 Botsford. Edmund h 1802 344 Bott, William Hathorne 1840 131 Bottom, Frederick Whiting. . 1802 4f> Bottum, George Henry 1884 2S8 Bourn, Augustus Osborne. ... 1855 181 Bourn, Joseph Howard 1848 158 Bourne, Alexander Phoenix . . 1800 304 Bourne, Allen 1799 42 Bourne, Benjamin h 1783 332 Bourne, Benjamin Franklin.. 1800 43 Bourne, Frank Baylies 1873. 244 Bourne, Herinon 182.") 91 Bourne, William Clifton 1894 31f> Boutell, Louis Henry 1844 14."5 Bowen, Amos Miller 1803 209 Bo wen, Charles James 1847 154 Bowen, Everett Anthony. .. . 1892 310 Bowen, George Corlis 1793 30 Bowen, Henry 1802 45 Bowen, Henry Clark 1804 212 Bowen, Herbert Anthony. . .. 1883 284 Bowen, Horatio Gates 1797 40 Bowen, Isaac 1810 70 Bowen, Jabez h 1700 327 Bowen, Jabez 1788 32 Bowen, John Edward 1807 224 Bowen, Oliver 1780 31 Bowen, Pardon 1775 30 Bowen, Seabury Warren 1864 212 Bowen, William h 1770 329 Bowen, William Corlis h 1803 345 Name. Class. Page. Bowen, William Erastus.... 1859 195 Bowen, William Henry 1857 187 Bowen, William Manuel Peres 1884 285 Bowen, William Ward 1802 15 Bowerman, Benjamin Ellwood 1882 277 Bowels, Arthur Foster 1871 23S Bowers, Charles Manning.... 1838 124 Bowman, Francis Caswell. .. 1852 171 Boyce, Henry Jackson 1880 270 Boyce, James Petigru 1847 154 Boyd, Charles Harrod 1854 180 Boyer, Charles Sumner 1879 20< Boynton, Edward Carlisle . .h 1856 378 Bracket. John Billings 1857 187 Bradbury, William Ammi. ... 1870 233 Bradford, Carey Carpenter. . 1877 259 Bradford, Ebenezer h 1800 343 Bradford, Frank Standish... 1S.">3 171 Bradford, Horatio Nelson Sla- ter 1892 310 Bradford, Horatio Standish.. 1800 100 Bradford, James 1775 30 Bradford, John Molancthon. .18(N) 43 Bradford, Milton 182S KM) Bradford, Moses Brown Lock- wood 1878 202 Bradley, Charles Smith 1838 124 Bradley, Joshua 17i»!) 42 Bradley, William Henry. . .m 1824 325 Brady. William Alva 1804 318 Braislin, Gibbs 1880 270 Braman, Benjamin 1854 177 Braman, Dana Augustus 1815 68 Braman, Daniel Burdick 1875 251 Brantly, William Theophilus.h 1831 301 Brantly, William Theophilus. 1840 131 Bray, Charles Durlin h 1873 3!M) Brayton, Durlin Lee 1837 120 Brayton, George Arnold 1824 88 Brayton, John Summorfield. . 1851 166 Brayton, William Daniel. . .h 1859 381 Brechbill, George Willis 1887 296 Breck, Samuel 1848 158 Breed, Joseph Blaner h 1856 378 Brennan, James Edward .... 1802 310 Brewer, Richmond 1884 285 Bridgham, Joseph 1834 113 Bridgham, Joseph 1807 227 Bridgham, Samuel Willard. .. 1794 37 Bridgham, Samuel Willard. .. 1832 109 Bridgham, Samuel Willard. .. 1894 318 Briggs, Avery 181(5 70 Briggs, Charles Albert 188(5 292 Briggs, Frederick Huntington 1889 304 Briggs, George Wan- 1825 91 Briggs, Isaac 1795 38 Briggs, Joel h 17!>."> .".-«> Briggs, John 1788 32 Briggs, John Kingsbury. . ..in 1820 324 Briggs, Lemuel Williams. . . . 1804 48 Briggs, Moses 1820 77 Briggs, Obil Windsor 1840 131 Briggs, Otis 1808 54 Briggs, Richard 1804 48 Briggs, Timothy 1794 37 Briggs, Tyler m 1818 323 Briggs, William 1794 37 Brigham, Frank Fontelle. . . . 18S2 277 Brigham, George Bickford . . . 1881 274 43 2 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Bright, Osborn Edward 1853 174 Brittan, Nathan 1S37 120 Britton, Alexander Thompson 1857 189 Bronson, Frank Melville 1S84 285 Bronson, Tillotson h 1813 351 Bronson, Walter Cochrane. . . 1887 29G Brooke, William Neverson . . . 1852 171 Brooks, Aaron 1S17 72 Brooks, Franklin Eli 1883 281 Brooks, Isaac Watts 18G2 206 Brooks, James Wilson 1855 J 81 Brooks, Kendall 1841 135 Brooks, Morgan 1881 27G Brooks, Samuel 1852 171 Brown, Arthur Lewis 1870 255 Brown, Charles Henry 1850 195 Brown, Charles Henry 1S6G 220 Brown, Clark h 1797 342 Brown, DeWitt Clinton 1853 17G Brown, Edward Osgood 1867 224 Brown, Edward Payson 1866 220 Brown, Elias 1808 54 Brown, Elon Rouse 1878 262 Brown, Enoch 1801 45 Brown, Frank Hail 1885 2S9 Brown, Franklin Henry 1875 251 Brown, George Mattice 1873 244 Brown, George Samson 1S88 299 Brown, George Tilden 1873 244 Brown, George Washington . . 1841 135 Brown, Horace Franklin 1876 255 Brown, James h 1792 337 Brown, James 1S50 163 Brown, James Albert 1883 281 Brown, James Erastus 1852 171 Brown, John h 1773 330 Brown, John Ball 1S06 51 Brown, John Carter 1816 70 Brown, John Cooke 1816 70 Brown, Joseph h 1770 329 Brown, Lucius 1866 223 Brown, Marshall Stewart 1892 312 Brown, Micah 1771 28 Brown, Moses; 1790 34 Brown, Nicholas 17S6 31 Brown, Nicholas 1811 59 Brown, Obadiah 1782 31 Brown, Rice Arnold 1871 238 Brown, Robert Marshall 1893 313 Brown, Robert Perkins 1871 238 Brown, Theodore Shotwell . . . 1892 310 Brown, Thomas Edwin 1890 304 Brown, Thomas Frederick . . .. 1862 206 Brown, Walter Francis 1873 247 Brown, William Gardner. .. . 1872 241 Brown, William Ide 1862 206 Brown, William Judson 1893 313 Brown, William Lawton 1836 117 Brown, William Maxwell 1873 247 Brown, Zephaniah 1863 216 Browne, George Huntingdon. 1840 131 Brownell, Charles Frederick. 1851 167 Brownell, Edward Ibarra 1S92 310 Brownell, Ernest Henry 1888 299 Brownell, Francis Herbert. . 1888 299 Brownell, Herbert Carpenter. 1892 310 Brownell, Stephen Elton 1842 138 Brownell, Walter Dexter 1894 318 Brownell, William Richmond. 1849 1G1 Brownell, Winthrop White. .. 1888 299 Name. Class. Page. Brunsen, Clayton Piatt 188S 299 Bryant, Bezer 1796 39 Bryant, Oliver Francis 1858 190. Bryant, Reuben. . . 1814 65 Bryson, James h 1769 327 Buck, Jesse Holcombe 1850 164 Bucklin, George Augustus. ... 1824 88 Bucklin, George Warren 1871 238 Bucklin, Hiram m 1824 325 Bucklin, John Gallagher 1876 25S Bucklin, Sylvester Fuller. ... 1805 49 Bucklin, Thomas h 1826 358 Bucklyn, John Knight 1SG1 202 Bucknam, Edward Hume .... 1865 216 Budlong, Martin Salisbury ... 1890 304 Budlong, Thomas Russell 1842 138 Buft'um, George Allen 1869 230 Buff am, William Henry 1872 241 Buffuni, William Potter 1879 207 Bugbee, Samuel 1802 46 Bullard, Daniel Sanders 1817 72 Bullard, Edwin 1867 224 Bullard, Elias 1823 86 Bullard, Herbert Cutler 1S66 220 Bullard, Louis Judson 1893 313 Bullard, Warren Gardner. ... 1S92 310 Bullen, Dana Ripley 1886 293 Bullen, George h 1876 391 Bullen, Joseph Edmund 1890 304 Bullock, George Newhall 1873 244 Bullock, Herbert Dorrance. .. 1865 219 Bullock, Israel Martin 1865 216 Bullock, James Ozias 1870 233 Bullock, Jerauld 1874 251 Bullock, Jonathan Russell . . . 1834 113 Bullock, Nathaniel 1798 41 Bullock, William Peckham. .. 1824 88 Bump, Thomas 1S14 05 Bumpus, Hermon Carey 1884 288 Burbank, Caleb Ambrose 1878 262 Burbank, David 1837 120 Burbank, Gardner 1809 56 Burbank, Leonard 1807 52 Burbank, Percy Shelley 1881 274 Burbank, Robert Willard 187S 262 Burdette, Charles Edward. .. 1880 270 Burdick, Francis 1889 301 Burdick, James Ross 1822 82 Burdick, William 1893 313 Burges, Tristam 1796 39 Burges, Walter Snow 1831 107 Burges, Welcome Arnold 1820 77 Burgess, Alexander 1838 124 Burgess, Ebenezer 1809 56 Burgess, Frederick 1873 244 Burgess, George 1826 95 Burgess, Gideon Albert 1878 263 Burgess, Isaac Bronson 1S83 281 Burgess, Isaac Julian 1842 138 Burgess, Thomas 1800 44 Burgess, Thomas 1870 234 Burgess, Thomas 1870 234 Burgess, Thomas Mackie. . . . 1822 83 Burlingame, Charles Edwin.. 1875 252 Burlingame, Luther Rawson. 1857 189 Burnett, Charles Chandler. ... 1839 127 Burnett, Edmund Cody 1890 305 Burnham, Edward Clifton. ... 1886 293 Buruham, Gilbert Orne 1875 252 Burnham, John Milton 1S74 248 INDEX OF GRADUATES 433 Name. Class. Page. Burnside, Ambrose Everott.h 1SG1 3S2 Burr, Everett Doughty 1884 285 Burr, John Ezra 1871 238 Burr, Jonathan h 1805 346 Burr, La Fayette 1848 158 Burr, Thomas m 1817 323 Burrage, Henry Sweetser. . .. 1801 202 Burrage, John 1825 91 Burrill, George Rawson 1791 35 Burrill, James 1788 33 Burrington, Henry Hudson. . 1853 174 Burrough, William 1825 91 Burrows, Charles Davis 1891 307 Burrows, Latham Avery 1811 59 Burt, Ansel Oscar 18(53 209 Burt, Daniel Crane 1828 100 Burwell William Chamberlain 1885 289 Bury, Clarence Everett 1880 293 Busfield, Theodore Elmer. ..a 1804 321 Bush, Harry Fowell 1871 240 Bush, Solon AVanton 1845 140 Butman, John Nathan 1880 271 Butterworth, Charles Freder- ick 1S7S 263 Butterworth, Lawrence h 1796 341 Button, Henry Harrison 1842 138 Buxton, William Albert 1882 277 By ram, Bohan Prentiss h 1869 387 By ram, Fred Bohan 1S69 230 Cady, Charles David 18(51 202 Cady, Henry Newell 1869 230 Cady, Isaac Foote 1845 147 Cady, James Hervey 1807 52 Calder, Augustus Woodbury. 1S91 307 Calder, Edwin Eddy h 1892 397 Caldwell, John Calhoun 1837 120 Caldwell, Samuel Le Nord. . . 1875 252 Caldwell, Samuel Lunt h 1884 394 Caldwell, William Emery 1873 244 Caleff, Jedediah 1777 30 Calhoun, Newton Sherwood.. 1S79 2(57 Calkins, George Warren 1S03 209 Call, Howe 1871 240 Campbell, Albert Henry 1847 154 Campbell, Gilbert Noxon 1871 240 Campbell, Jacob 1783 31 Campbell, James Butler h 1870 388 Campbell, Leonard Herbert. . 1892 310 Campbell, Thomas Clement. . 1841 135 Cannon, Edward Young 1845 147 Capron, Franklin Pierce 1877 259 Capron, George m 1823 325 ( Vipron, George 1847 154 Carey, Nathan 1797 40 Carey, William h 1800 347 Cargill, George Blackinton. . . 1S54 177 Carlile, Thomas 1809 56 ( ^irpenter, Alva 1818 74 Carpenter, Alva Edwin 1S79 267 ( Jarpfenter, Benoni 1829 102 ( 'arpenter, Draper 1821 79 Carpenter, Edmund James. . . 1866 223 Carpenter, Everett Augustus. 1854 177 Carpenter. Frank Herbert.. . 1861 203 Carpenter, Frank Williams.. 1889 301 Carpenter, Frederick Everett. 1S89 301 Carpenter, George Arnold 1884 289 Carpenter, George Edward. .. 1873 245 Carpenter, George Moulton. .. 1864 212 Carpenter, Royal 1S05 50 Name. Class. Page. Carpenter, Solomon 1837 120 Carpenter, Simeon Burt 1827 97 Carpenter, Thomas Francis. . 1818 74 Carpenter, Thomas Oliver Hunt h 1S23 357 Carpenter, William Blanding. 1829 103 Carpenter, William Blanding. 1854 177 Carr, Clarence Augustus 1887 296 Carr, George Washington. . . . 1871 238 Carr, George Wheaton 1857 187 Carr, Henry Clay 1862 206 Carr, Jeremiah Olney 1S48 158 Carr, William Cornelius 1872 241 Oarrington, Edward 1873 244 Carrol, Abel Leonard 1808 54 Carroll, Adams Pope 1871 240 Cartee, Cornelius Sowle 182o 91 Carter, Benjamin Bowen. .. . 17S6 31 Carter, Theron Harlow 1885 289 Cartwright, Walter Orestes . . 1881 274 Cary, Lucius 1798 41 Case, Benjamin Waite h 1798 342 Case, Elmer 1885 289 Case, Philip Henry 1874 248 Case, Richard 1878 263 Casey, Edward Norton 1893 313 Casey, Herbert Daniel 1894 315 Casey, John Laertes 1893 313 Caswell, Alexis 1822 S3 Caswell, Edward Thompson.. 1853 175 Caswell, Thomas Thompson.. 1861 203 Gate, George Washington .... 1841 135 Cattanach, Duncan Alexanderl885 289* Chace, Arnold Buff urn 1866 220 Chace, Arnold Buffum 1893 313 Chace, George Ide 1830 105 Chace, Jonathan h 1882 393 Chace, Samuel Oliver 1S66 220 Chace, Seth Howard 1893 313 Chaddock, Calvin h 1801 344 Chafee, Zechariah 1880 271 Chaffee, Jonathan Irvin 1883 281 Chamn, Aaron Wheeler 1846 151 Chaffin, Lucien Gates 1867 224 Chalmers, William Everett. .. 1893 313 < Chamberlain, Charles 1836 118 Chamberlain, Charles Walter. 1867 224 Chamberlain, Henry Mellen..l827 97 Chamberlain, Jason 1804 48 Chamberlin, George Mason. .. 1S94 315 Chambers, Charles Kemble . . . 1888 290 Champlin, James Tift 1834 113 Champney, John Stratton. .in 1821 321 Chandler, Anson Gansello. . .. 1814 65 Chandler, David Henry 1886 203 Chandler, Peleg 1795 38 Chandler, Walter Gardner. .. 1878 263 Chapin, Alexander Duncan. .. 1866 220 Chapin, Alexander Duncan. .. 1891 307 Chapin, Charles Value 1876 255 Chapin, Chester lSlo 62 Chapin, Cyrus 1805 50 Chapin, Henry 1835 115 Chapin, John Farnuin 1846 151 Chapin, Joshua Bicknell 1835 115 ( fhapin, Seth 1808 54 Chapin, Stephen h 1822 356 Chaplin, Jeremiah 1799 42 Chaplin, Stewart 1882 277 Chapman, Charles Henry. . . . 1861 203 434 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. | Chapman, Hamilton Edgar. .. 1890 305 Chapman, Joseph Gilbert 1860 201 Chapman, Robert Boyle 1858 190 Chase, David Austen 1S79 267 Chase, Edward Payson 1858 190 Chase, George Roscoe 1868 227 Chase, Perley Smith 1842 138 Chase, Peter h 1825 357 Chase, Walter Lincoln 1892 312 Chase, Ward Beecher 1885 290 Chase, Wayland Johnson 1887 296 Chase, William Nelson 1887 296 Chase, William Sheaf e 1881 274 Chase, William Staushton. . . 1842 138 Cheever, Tracy Patch 1843 141 Cheney, Prank Woodbridge.. 1856 184 Cheney, Joseph 1801 45 Cheney, Knight Dexter 1860 199 Chesbrough, George Washing- ton 1842 138 Chesebro, Edmund Dennison. 1887 296 Chessman, Daniel 1811 59 Chick, Edson Cummings 1864 212 Chick, John Spaulding 1864 212 Child, Charles Shubael 1870 234 Child, Edward Freeborn 1871 238 Child, Frank Linus 1870 234 Child, William Spencer 1837 120 Childs, Abiel 1S20 77 Childs, Harold Chessman 1878 263 Chipman, William Pendleton. 1875 252 Chisholm, John Maxwell 1816 70 Church, Benjamin Gorton... 1820 77 Church, Joseph Mauran 1831 107 OJagett, John Ramsay 1848 158 Claggett, Rufus h 1829 360 Clap, Elisha h 1810 349 Clapp, Fayette 1848 158 Clapp, Levi Wheaton 1870 234 Clapp, Sylvanus h 1870 388 Clapp, Warren Benjamin. . . . 1848 159 Clark, Asa Franklin 1837 121 Clark, Edward Lord 1858 190 Clark, Edward Winter 1857 187 Clark, Franklin Chase 1869 230 Clark, Frederick 1823 86 Clark, Henry Finney 1809 56 Clark, Homer 1887 296 Clark, Howard Lee 1876 258 Clark, James Osgood Andrew. 1851 167 Clark, John Francis 1875 252 Clark, John Mitchell 1865 219 Clark, Joseph 1815 68 Clark, Joseph Bond 1848 159 Clark, Thomas March h 1860 382 Clark, Thomas Murray 1792 35 Clarke, Augustus Peck 1861 203 Clarke, Benjamin Franklin. . 1863 209 Clarke, Elam Lewis 1885 290 Clarke, James Mason 1838 124 Clarke, John Hopkins 1809 56 Clarke, Lucius Watson 1825 91 Clarke, Prescott Orloff 1880 273 Clarke, Samuel 1836 48 Clarke, William h 1769 327 Clarke, Willis Gaylord 1878 263 Clay, Joseph h 1806 347 Oleaveland, Ira 1825 91 Cleaveland, John h 1803 345 Cleaveland, Palmer 1806 52 Name. Class. Page. Clifford, John Henry 1827 97 Clifford, Lewis Wade 1825 91 Cliff ord, Nathan h 1868 3S6 Cloues, William Jacob 1884 2S5 Coates, Frank Avery 1872 241 Cobb, Alvan 1813 62 Cobb, David . : h 1790 330 Cobb, Leander 1824 88 Cobb, Nathaniel 1821 80 Cobb, Oliver 1796 39 Cobb, Stephen Alonzo 1858 193 Cobb, Thomas 1790 34 Cochran, Robert 1809 56 Cochran, Thomas 1799 43 Codman, John h 1814 351 Coe, Curtis 1776 30 Coe, Henry Isaac 1846 151 Coffin, Frederick William. ... 1841 135 Coffin, George Henry 1874 24S Coffin, Timothy Gardner 1813 62 Cbggeshall, Freeborn 1867 224 Coggeshall, James Haydon. . . 1840 131 Coggeshall, Josiah Haydon. .. 1808 54 Coggeshall, Thomas Jefferson 1827 98 Cogswell, William h 1816 353 Colburn, Alfred 1838 124 Colburn, Frederick Wilkinson 1894 318 Colburn, Isaac Davis 1859 195 Colburn, Moses 1824 88 Colburn, Zaccheus 1827 98 Colby, Arthur Hutchins 1891 307 Colby, Charles Lewis 1858 194 Colby, Gardner 1887 296 Colby, Harrison Gray Otis. .. 1827 98 Colby, Henry Francis 1862 206 Colby, Louis St. Clair 1889 301 Colby, Philip h 1817 354 Cole, Alfred Dodge 1884 286 Cole, Azel Dow 1838 124 Cole, Daniel 1867 224 Cole, Edward Benjamin 1882 2S0 Cole, George 1834 113 Cole, Sands Grant 1825 91 Cole, Thomas Sessions 1886 293 Collier, William 1797 -40 Collins, Abel Chalkley 1878 263 Collins, Clarkson Abel 1876 255 Collins, George Lewis 1873 247 Collins, George Sanders 1855 1S1 Collins, James Cross 1892 310 Collins, William Wilberforce. 1873 247 Colman, Bbenezer 1815 68 Colt, LeBaron Bradford.. . .h 1882 394 Colver, Charles Kendrick 1842 138 Colvin, Stephen Sheldon 1891 309 Colwell, James Winsor 1864 212 Colwell, John Wilmarth 1S72 241 Colwell, Richard Steere 1870 234 Colwell, Roaldo Franklin 1876 258 Comstock, George Francis . . . 1879 267 Comstock, Oliver Cromwell . .h 1828 359 Comstock, Richard Borden. .. 1876 255 Conant, Gaius 1800 44 Conant, Liba 1819 75 Cone, Spencer Houghton. . .h 1842 368 Coney, Samuel 1829 103 Congdon, Charles Taber. . . . h 1879 392 Congdon, Joseph Whipple .... 1855 1S1 Congdon, William, Stebbins. . 1875 252 Connell, Arthur Irving 1887 296 INDEX OF GRADUATES 435 Name. Class. Pago. Council, Charles Walter 1881 274 Convers, Jacob 1790 34 Converse, Joshua Perkins... 1844 14.") Cook, Albert Burke 1SS8 301 Cook, Benjamin 1868 227 Cook, Chester Aquila 1S91 307 Cook, Daniel 1S07 53 Cook, Dennis 1805 5< I Cook, Joseph Bullein 1797 40 Cook, Tvorin Morris 1800 220 Cook, Nathaniel Bowen 1840 131 Cook, Orchard h 1S07 347 Cooke, Amasa 1770 30 Cooke, Charles Doughty 1888 299 Cooke, Henry Tudor 1808 54 Cooke, James Welch 1829 103 Cooke, Stephen Aldrich 1801. 203 Coombs, Irving Wesley 1870 234 Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick... 1894 310 Cooper, Wilson Conner 1841 135 Copeland, Benjamin 1815 08 Copeland, George 1815 08 Corbett, Benjamin Smith 1837 121 Corbin, David Potter 1860 199 Corey, Jacob 1S08 54 Corlis, George William Rus- sell 180S 54 Corliss, George Henry h 1870 3S8 Cornell, Howard Potter 1881 274 Cornell, William Mason 1827 98 Cornish, Freeman 1855 183 Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. .. 1867 224 Cossett, Raima 1771 28 Cotton, Charles h 1813 351 Couper, Alexander Wylly 1854 ISO Covell, Joseph Smith 1822 83 Cowell, Benjamin 1803 47 Opwell, Joseph Harris 1809 230 Cowell, Samuel 1840 131 Cox, Samuel Sullivan 1846 151 Ooxe, Charles Sidney h 1820 355 Coy, Eliab Washburn • 1858 191 Oozzens, Benjamin 1811 59 Cozzens. Samuel Dexter 1853 175 < "rafts, Eliphalet 1821 80 Crafts, Frederick 1816 70 Crafts, Jonathan Porter 1817 72 Cragin, Charles Chester 1863 209 Craig, William Henry 1888 30 1 Craigie, William Charles 1874 248 Crane, Alvin Millen 1869 230 Crane, Benjamin 1828 100 Crane, Daniel 1796 39 Crane, John h 1792 337 Crane, John Loring 1880 271 Crane, Joshua Eddy 1872 241 Crane, Silas Axtell 1823 86 Cranston, George Edward... 1869 230 Crapo, Samuel Aborn 1821 80 Crawford, Clarence Buck 1887 290 Crawford, Luther 1831 107 Crawley, Edmund Alburn, .h 1844 309 Oressey. Frances Graves 1S91 307 Cressey, Timothy Robinson. h 1836 305 Cressy, John Young 1876 255 Crocker, Charles Thomas. . . . 1S54 180 Crocker, George Augustus, .h 1865 3S5 Crocker, Henry 1807 225 Crocker, .Tared Fuller 1849 101 Crocker, Nathan Bourne. ...h 1812 350 Name. Class. Page. Crocker, Samuel Leonard 1822 S3 Crocker, Samuel Leonard .... 1856 185 ( 'rocker, William Allen 1822 83 Crocker, William Baylies 1856 185 Crooke, Saunders Malbone. . . 1824 88 Crookor. George Hazard 1887 297 Crosby, Joshua h 1792 338 Crosby, Thomas 1894 31S Crosby, Wilson Gardner 1883 281 Cross, George Warren 1835 115 Grossman, Joseph Warren. ... 1795 38 Gi-oswell, Andrew 1843 141 Crouch, Abraham 17S7 32 Crouch, Charles Withers 1829 103 Crouch, Hazell Wilkinson 1830 105 Crowell, Asa Clinton 1886 293 Crowell, George Marcus 1894 310 Crowell, William h 1838 367 Cullen, Charles Rocke 1846 151 Culver, George Henry 1877 259 Culver, Samuel Winslow 1881 274 Cummings, Abraham 1776 30 Cummings, Preston 1822 83 Currey, Samuel 1835 115 Curtis, Benjamin Bobbins, .h 1857 379 Curtis, David 1808 54 Curtis, George William h 1854 376 Curtiss, George Graham 1848 159 Gushing, Abel 1810 57 dishing, Adoniram Judson. .. 1870 234 dishing, Arthur 1889 301 Cushing, Henry Cooke 1863 212 dishing, Josiah Nelson 1862 200 Cushing, Perez Lincoln 1849 161 Gushing, Walter John 1871 240 Cushman, Apollos 1802 46 Cushman, Austin Sprague... 1848 159 Cushman, Bartholomew 1805 50 Cushman, George Francis, .h 1X40 370 Cushman, Job 1819 75 Cushman, Richards • 1844 145 ( Jushman, Robert 1893 313 Qutler, Benjamin Clarke 1822 83 Cutler, Edward Hutchius .... 1857 188 Cutler, Enos 1800 44 ( hitler, George 1839 12S Cutler, Stephen 1795 38 Cutts, James Madison 1856 185 Daboll, John 18S4 280 Daggett, Gardner 1802 46 Daggett, Herman • 1788 33 Daggett, John 1826 95 Daggett, John Mayhew 1868 227 Dale, Hervey Smith 1S34 113 Dale, John Lombard 1868 229 Dallam, James Wilmer 1S37 121 Dalton, AValter William 1826 95 Dana, Gideon • 1830 105 Dana, Josiah h 1790 3:!C, Danforth, Horatio Leonard.. 1825 01 Danforth, Walter Raleigh... 1805 50 Daniels, David 1S24 SS Daniels, Francis Adolphus... 18(52 207 Daniels, George Metcalf 1861 203 Danielson, Amos Lockwood. . 1886 203 Danielson, John De Forrest. 1887 297 Darling, Collins 1810 57 Darrow. James Wallace 1880 271 Dary, Albert Nelson 187S 203 Davenport, James Henry 1883 2S4 43 6 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Davenport, John h 1805 347 Davey, William Kent 1855 181 David, Ebenezer 1772 28 Davies, Benjamin k 1774 331 Davis, Edward Livingstone. . 1854 177 Davis, Francis Howard 1822 277 Davis, Frederick William .... 1886 293 Davis, Isaac 1S22 84 Davis, James h 1S06 347 Davis, Jeffrey. . • 1870 237 Davis, John h 1709 327 Davis. Nathaniel French 1S70 234 Davol, William Hale 1844 145 Dawes, Ebenezer 1846 151 Dawley, Edward Williams. . 1876 258 Day, Augustus Frederick. . .h 1853 375 Day, Charles Hob?n 1888 299 Day, Frank Leslie 1885 290 Day, Henry 1S43 142 Day, Herbert Ernest 1893 315 Day, Horace Lincoln 1889 301 Day, Israel. 1807 53 Day, Joseph Taft 1877 259 Day, Robert h 1774 331 Dealey, James Quayle 1890 305 Dean, Arthur Denorvan 1872 241 Dean, Benjamin Chase 1864 212 Dean, Benjamin Randall 1826 95 Dean, John Gilmore 1806 52 Dean, Joshua .• 1809 56 Dean, Myron Munson . .h 1837 366 Dean, Thomas 1857 188 Deane, Charles Pemberton. .. 1867 225 Deane, Francis 1826 95 Deane, Gaius 1795 38 Deane, Samuel h 1790 336 Deane, Samuel. 1805 50 Deane, Timothy Briggs 1822 84 Deane, William Breck 1889 301 Dearborn, Jonathan m 1824 325 Dearth, William G-riswold. ... 1855 181 De Blois, Austen Kennedy.. a 1SS8 319 De Camp, Ezekiel Luther. .. 1858 193 De Camp, James Freeman . . . 1858 191 Delabarre, Walter Edward. . 1880 271 Delano, David 1809 56 Delano, Joseph 1790 34 De Mille, Elisha Budd h 1S53 375 De Mille, James 1854 177 Denting, Minor Rudd 1865 216 Dench, Gilbert 1793 36 Denfeld, Charles Arthur 1889 301 Denfeld, William Frederick. 1881 274 Denison, Adelbert Stoddard.. 1868 229 Denison, Albert Edgar 1842 138 Denison, Frederic 1847 154 Denison, James Floyd 1888 300 Denison, John Ledyard h 1855 377 Dennis, Charles Edward 1888 300 Dennis, John 1770 28 Denny, Arthur Silbert 1854 178 Dewey, Edward Dorrance . . . 1864 215 De Witt, Amos Atwell 1855 181 De Wolf, Henry 1806 52 De Wolf, James Andrews... . 1861 203 D' Wolf, John h 1813 351 D' Wolf, John James h 1833 362 De Wolf, William Fredrick. 1831 107 Dexter, Andrew 1798 41 Dexter, Andrew h 1846 370 Name. Class. Page. Dexter, Charles Owen 1885 290 Dexter, Christopher Champlin 1812 60 Dexter, Edwin Grant 1S91 309 Dexter, Edwin King 1888 300 Dexter, Elijah 1S06 52 Dexter, Henry Martyn h 1863 383 Dexter, Lewis 1S83 281 Dexter, Samuel 1801 45 Dibell, Edwin 1847 155 Dick, Wallace Peter 1879 267 Dickerman, Lysander 1851 167 Dickinson, Joshua Prentiss. . 1S11 59 Dickinson, William Hawley.. 1852 171 Dickman, Franklin Jackson- 1846 151 Dickson, Thomas George. . . . 1851 167 Dietrich, Frank Siegel 1887 297 Dike, Norman Staunton 18S5 292 Dike, Samuel Fuller 1838 125 Dilts, Asa Reed 1S82 277 Diman, Henry Wight 1854 178 Diman, Jeremiah Lewis 1851 167 Diman, John Byron 1885 290 Dix, Charles m 1816 323 Dix, John Adams h 1820 355 Dixon, Nathan Fellows. 1799 43 Dixon, Nathan Fellows 1S33 111 Dixon, Nathan Fellows 1869 230 Dodge, Ebenezer 1840 132 Dodge, John William 1839 128 Dodge, Paul 1797 40 Doggett, John Locke 1821 80 Doggett, Simeon 1788 33 Doggett, Theophilus Pipon. . . 1S29 108 Dolan, Edwin Bailey 1S93 313 Dore, James h 1793 339 Dorman, William Richardson. 1892 310 Doron, John George 18S4 286 Dorr, Henry Crawford 1839 128 Dorrance, Andrew Murdoch. 1812 60 Dorrance, Charles Talbot.... 1867 225 Dorrance, James Bradford. .. 1S09 56 Dorrance, John 1774 29 Dorrance, John Gordon 1800 44 Dorrance, John Kinnicutt... . 1864 212 Dorrance, Samuel Richmond. 1863 209 Dorrance, William Tully. 182!) 103 Dorrance, William Tully 1894 316 Dougherty, James Gregory... 1865 217 Douglas, Charles Henry James : 1879 267 Douglas, Francis Wayland. . 1868 22S Douglas, Samuel Tobey 1872 244 Douglas, William 1839 128 Douglas, William 1S94 316 Douglas, William Wilberforce 1861 203 Douglass, Frank Dane 1863 211 Douglass, John Gale .... 1836 118 Dow, George Washington, .h 1855 377 Dow, George William 1877 259 Dow, Nathan Henry 1840 132 Dow, William Farmer 1839 128 Dowling, John h 1S34 363 Downer, Appleton 1810 58 Downie, David 1869 230 Downing, Joshua Wells. .... 1834 113 Doyle, Sarah Elizabeth h 1894 398 Drake, Henry Scudder 1877 259 Draper, Aaron 1790 34 Draper, Abijah 1797 40 Draper, Frank Orrnond 1886 293 INDEX OF GRADUATES 437 Name. Class. Page. Draper, Frank Winthrop 1802 207 Draper, Isaac 1844 145 Draper, Paul 1780 33 I >resser, Charles 1823 86 Drinkwater, Arthur Fuller. h 1843 368 Drinkwator, NathanieJ 1700 34 Drown, Albert Newell 1861 203 Drowne, Solomon ITT^J 29 Drowne, Thomas Stafford. .. 1845 147 Drury, Lucian 1866 220 Drury, Luke 1813 02 Duaue, James May. ........ 1872 241 Dumont, Abraham Henry, .h 183.") 304 Dunbar, Eugene Kincaid.... 1S72 241 Dunbar, John 1807 53 Dunbar, Joseph 1841 135 Duncan, Alexander h 1843 309 Duncan, James Henry h 1849 161 Duncan, James Henry h 1861 383 Duncan, John 1777 30 Duncan, Samuel White 1S60 199 Duncan, William Butler h 1850 :'»7: > . Dunlevy, Elias Fassett 1S83 281 Dunn, Herbert Luther 1891 309 Dunn, Nathaniel h 1828 359 Dunn, Robinson Potter 1843 142 Dunn, Theophilus Colhoun. .h 1828 359 Dunn, Thomas h 1795 340 Dunnell, Thomas Lyman .... 1836 118 Duunell, William Wanton. .. 1873 244 Dunscombe, Thomas h 1792 338 Dunster, Henry 1880 271 Durfee, Everett Brownell . . . 1,884 286 Durfee, Job 1S13 63 Durfee, Nathan 1S24 88 Durfee, Samuel Slater 1880 271 Durfee, Simoon Borden 1851 1 Eddy, John 1840 132 Eddy, John Mathewson . . . h 1815 352 Eddy, Richard Evans 3822 84 Eddy, Samuel 1787 32 Eddy, Samuel 1834 113 Eddy, Stephen Walker 1805 50 Eddy, William Henry 1831 107 Eddy, William Holden 1802 311 Eddy, Zachariah 1700 4;} Eddy, Zachary h 1853 375 Edes, Henry. h 1806 347 Edes, Henry Francis 182S KM) Edes, Richard Sullivan 1830 105 Edgill, John Davis 1804 210 Edsall, Thomas Henry 1801 205 Edwards, Benjamin Alexan- der 1S41 135 Edwards, Enoch h 1786 333 Edwards, George Walter 1808 228 Edwards, James . .h 1769 .">27 Edwards, Morgan h 1709 327 Ed wards, Seeber 1891 307 Edwards, Stephen Ostrom... 1879 207 Edwards, William 1776 30 Elam, Samuel h 1800 343 Elder, Charles Brown 1877 259 Eldridge, Hezekiah .m 1S25 325 Elliott, Albert Timothy 1839 128 Elliott, Frederick William . . . 1S79 207 Elliott, Richard Moses 1872 241 Ellis, Abner Turner 1820 95 Ellis, Charles Haigh 1S94 316 Ellis, Ferdinand 1802 40 Ellis, George Sheldon 1804 318 Ellis, James 1791 35 Ellis, Joshua James 1847 155 Elton, Romeo 1813 03 Ely, Adolph Conrad 1894 310 Ely, Edward Francis 1879 208 Ely, Frederick David 1859 195 Ely, James Winched Coleman 1S42 139 Ely, John Joshua 1801 203 Ely, Joseph Cady 1S70 234 Ely, William 1878 200 Ely, William Grosvenor 1890 300 Emerson, Forrest Fayette . . . 1803 209 Emerson, George Barrell . . . h 1858 380 Emerson, Howard Malcora. . . 1 858 191 Emmons, Francis Whitefield. 1S28 100 Emmons, Williams 1805 50 English, John Mahan 1870 234 Ennis, William 1819 75 Eno, Joel Nelson 1883 281 Ernst, Carl Wilhelm h 1875 391 Ervin, James 1797 40 Ervin, Samuel . . • 1797 40 Esten, Richard Bartlett 1880 271 Evans, Abel h 1770 329 Evans, Caleb h 1709 327 Evans, Hugh h 1770 329 Evans. John h 1819 354 Everett, Charles Jarvis- 1.830 118 Everett, Eugene Ellsworth. . . 1S94 310 43§ BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Everett, Frank Adelbert 18S2 277 Everett, Henry Lexington. . 1886 293 Everett, Horace 1797 40 Everett, Melatiah 1802 46 Everett, Oliver 1821 80 Everett, Samuel Andrews... 1891 307 Everett, Walter Goodnow 1885 290 Ewing, Thomas . . • 1856 185 Eyres, Thomas h 1773 330 Fairbank, Alfred Nelson 1878 263 Fairbank, Drury 1797 40 Fairbanks, Eleazar 1775 30 Fairbanks, Elisha 1791 35 Fales, David 1864 216 Fales, Elisha Farrington. . .. 1870 235 Fales, Joseph J aims 1820 77 Fales, Samuel h 1790 336 Fales, Walter Richmond 1869 230 Fanning, Martin Smith 1891 308 Farley, Frederick Augustus. h 1829 360 Farnham, Benjamin 1771 28 Farnham, Edwin Pickett. . . 1873 245 Farnham, Frank Alexander.. 1879 268 Farnham, Harry Ormsbee. . . 1878 263 Farnham, S'oth Taylor 1874 24S Farnsworth, Charles 1889 302 Farnum, Alexander 1852 171 Farnum, Caleb 1836 118 Farnum, Joseph 1832 109 Farnum, Joseph Whitney... . 1822 84 Farnum, Royal • 1800 44 Farrar, John h 1833 362 Farren, William Albert: 1S75 252 Farrington, Daniel 1775 30 Farrington, Pardon Bowen. . 1817 72 Faunce, William Herbert Perry 1880 271 Fawcett, John h 1792 338 Faxon, John 1787 32 Fay, Eliphas 1821 80 Fay, Gilbert 1826 95 Fay, William Newell 1851 168 Fayorweather, John Appleton 1826 95 Fearing, Charles Nye 1832 109 Fearing, Elisha Pope 1807 53 Fearing, Henry Seymour. . . . 1S23 87 Fearing, Joseph Warren-.... 1823 87 Felch, Oheever h 1819 354 Fellowes, Richard Simpson.h 1837 366 Felton, George Dealand 1839 12S Felton, George Hurlburt 18G9 230 Fenner, Cornelius George.... 1842 139 Fennei 1 , Henry Smith 1870 287 Fenner, James 1789 33 Ferguson, John Russell 1894 316 Ferguson, Robert Henry .... 1884 2S6 Ferris, George Hooper 1891 308 Fessenden, John. 1798 41 Field, Barnuni 1821 SO Field, Charles Elmer 1875 252 Field, Edward h 1892 397 Field, George Wilton 1*S87 297 Field, Harold Grins 1894 316 Field. James Peirson 1865 217 Field, Thomas Gardner 1870 235 Field, William Goodell 1808 54 Fielden, Joseph Flanders 1807 225 Fillmore, George Hedding. . . 1847 155 Filmer, Harry St. John 1893 313 Finch, Charles Harvey 1877 262 Name. Class. Page. Finley, James Edwards Burr hl803 345 Finney, Jared Warner 1865 217 Fish, Erasmus Darwin 1837 121 Fish, William Henry. . • 1870 235 Fisher, Albert Gardner 1S70 235 Fisher, Daniel 1821 80 Fisher, George 1813 63 Fisher, George 1819 75 Fisher, George Park 1847 155 Fisher, George Russell 1S72 244 Fisher, Jabez Pond ■ 17S8 33 Fisher, John Dix 1S20 77 Fisher, Lewis Whiting 1816 70 Fisher, Maturin Lewis :. . 182S 100 Fisk, Albert William 1829 104 Fisk, Amasa 1805 50 Fisk, Charles Robinson 1824 S9 Fisk, Daniel Moses 1869 232 Fisk, Elias 1818 74 Fisk, Elisha 1795 38 Fisk, Wilbur 1815 08 Fiske, Caleb h 1821 356 Fiske, Calvin Park 1S26 95 Fiske, David Woodward 1S25 91 Fiske, Eugene Ruf us 1844 145 Fiske, George 1825 92 Fiske, Isaac. 1812 60 Fiske, Josiah Jones 1808 54 Fiske, Oliver 1840 132 Fiske, Oliver Johnson 1837 121 Fiske, Philip Manchester. . . . 1803 47 Fitch, John 1790 34 Fitch, Latham 1S71 238 Fittz, Lonzo Lyon 1861 204 Fitz, Alfred William 1883 282 Fitz, Frank Eustace 1880 271 Fitzgerald, John James 1893 313 Fitz Gerald, Ormond Edward 1873 245 Flagg, Chandler 1803 47 Flagg, Samuel Benjamin. . . . 1850 164 Flanders, Charles Wortken. . 1S39 128 Fletcher, Calvin h 1S54 370 Fletcher, Elijah Timothy 1850 104 Fletcher, Ezra Wood 1839 128 Fletcher, James Cooley 1846 152 Fletcher, Miles Johnson 1852 171 Fletcher, Nathaniel Hill h 1799 342 Fletcher, Richard h 1839 367 Flint, Abel h 1788 335 Fobes, Nathan h 1803 345 Fobes, Perez h 1792 338 Fobes, Seth 1804 48 Fogg, Miller Moore 1894 316 Folwell, Amory Prescott 18S5 290 Folwell, William Watts \ 1792 35 Foot, Joseph Ives h 1828 360 Forbes, Charles Edward 1815 68 Forbes, Charles Henry 1890 305 Forbes, Thomas Jefferson 1S25 92 Force, Ebenezer 1813 63 Ford, Arthur Younger 1S84 286 Ford, Darius 1852 174 Ford, David Barnes 1845 147 Ford, Henry Clay 1856 186 Ford, Isaac Nelson 1870 235 Ford, James 1814 65 Forsyth, Charles Shaler 1856 186 Foss, James Henry 1863 209 Foss, Sam Walter 18S2 277 INDEX OF GRADUATES 439 Name. Class. Page. Foster, Austin Powers 18S2 277 Foster, Benjamin h 1786 333 Foster, Daniel h 1787 334 Foster, D wight 1774 29 Foster, George 1811 59 Foster, Henry h 1773 330 Foster, Irving Lysauder 1893 313 Foster, James Milton 1852 174 Foster, Joseph Coggin h 1857 379 Foster, Lafayette Sabine 1828 101 Foster, Louis Tucker 1805 219 Foster, Theodore 1770 28 Foster, Theodore Adolphus. . 1S0O 44 Foster, Theodore D wight 1798 41 Foster, William Eaton 1873 245 Fox, Jabez 1809 5G Fox, Jay Schuyler 1894 310 Fox, Thomas William 185(5 ISC. Fox, William 1800 52 Frackleton, William Burnside 1880 293 France, Erwin James 1870 258 Francis, Benjamin h 1792 338 Francis, Henry m 1S22 325 Francis, John h 1792 338 Francis, John Brown 1808 54 Francis, John Manning 1849 101 Francis, William Allen 1S82 277 Frankliu, Benjamin 1840 132 Freeborn, Francis Wiltou. . .. 1869 231 Freeman, Archibald Angus . . . 1889 302 Freeman, Edmund 1786 31 Freeman, Edward 1833 111 Freeman, James h 1790 336 Freeman, Joseph Wood 1885 290 Freeman, Otis Allen 1886 293 French, Ansel 1814 65 French, Charles Grafton Wil- berton 1842 139 French, Edgar Benjamin. . . . 1890 305 French, Ferdinand Courtney. 1885 290 French, Levi h 1825 357 French, James McDaniel .... 1S65 219 French, John Henry 1855 181 Frieze, Henry Simmons 1841 135 Friuk, Alexauder Hamilton . h 1833 363 Frink, Henry 1880 293 Frink, Miner 1848 159 Frohock, Sylvauus Everett.. 1889 302 Frost, Archie Norwood 1894 310 Frost, Daniel 1808 54 Frost, Edwin Collins 1890 305 Frost, Elias 1804 48 Frost, William Henry 18S0 293 Fuller, Andrew h 1796 341 Fuller, Augustus Homeuway. 1873 24.) Fuller, Benjamin h 1773 333 Fuller, Daniel Hunt 1886 293 Fuller, Jacob m 1822 325 Fuller, Newton Stone 1SS2 277 Fuller, Oliver Payson 1859 197 Fuller, William Henry 1845 147 Fulton, James 1775 30 Furman, Richard h 1792 3.">X Furman, Samuel h 1834 364 Furman, Wood 1799 43 Fyfe, Reginald Spink 1889 302 Gage, Arthur Edward 1882 277 Gage, John Paine 1892 311 Gair, Thomas 1777 30 Gale, Amory m 1S24 325 Name. Class. Page. Gale, Amory 1843 142 ( !ale. Ezra Bartlett m 1823 325 Gallup, Albert 1874 24S Galusha, Elon h 1820 356 Galusha, Elon Chittenden.... 1840 132 Gamage, Frederick Luther... 1S82 278 Gammell, Arthur Amory 1S84 286 Gammell, Asa Messer 1841 135 Gammell, Robert Ives 1872 241 Gammell, William h 1817 3.14 Gammell, William 1831 1<>7 ( Jammed, William 1878 263 Gam well, Albert Augustus.. 1847 15. > Gamwell, Edward Francis. .. 1894 316 Gamwell, Franklin Bert 1860 200 Gano, Daniel 1776 30 Gano, Stephen h 1800 343 Gardiner, Benjamin 1843 142 Gardner, Aaron 1799 43 Gardner, Benjamin West. . . . 1850 164 Gardner, Clarence 18S3 282 Gardner, Clarence Tripp 1864 212 Gardner, George Warren 1894 316 Gardner, Henry Brayton .... 1S84 2S0 Gardner, John A 1852 172 Gardner, Johnson m 1824 325 Gardner, Malbone 1802 4(5 Gardner, Rathbone 1877 259 Gardner, Walter Russell 1871 238 Gardner, William Howatt. . . 1SS9 302 Garnsey, Cyrus 1847 150 Gary, George 1820 77 Gaskill, Francis Almon 1866 221 Gassett, Henry h 1801 344 Gaston, William 1840 132 Gatling, William John 1844 145 Gay, Henry Gordon 1863 210 Gebhard, John h 1S36 365 George, Daniel Farrington . . . 1894 316 George, Francis Edgar 1891 309 George, Nathan 1830 105 George, Richard 1797 41 Gerald, Albert Knight 1893 313 Gibbs. George h 1800 34:', Gifford, Frank Herbert 1881 27(5 Gifford, Orrin Philip 1S74 248 Gifford, Paul Coffin 1881 274 Gilbert, Isaac Hawley 1856 185 Gilbert, John Wesley 188S 300 Gilbert, Randolph 1812 60 Gile, George Warren 1S65 219 (rile, Moses Clement 1883 282 Giles, Alfred Ellen wood 1S44 145 Gilhuley, Isaac Hudson 1887 297 Gillrain, James Martin 1891 308 Oilman, Benjamin Ives 1813 63 Oilman, Charles 1827 98 Gilmore, David 1805 50 Gilmore, Jonathan 18(H) 44 Gilmore, Joseph Henry...... 1858 191 Gilmore, Melvin 1S05 50 Gladding, John Russell 1881 274 Gladding, Royal Henry 1892 311 Gladding, Thomas Stantial.. 1875 252 Glazier, Daniel Johnson 1851 108 Glazier, Nelson Newton 1S66 221 Gleason, Benjamin 1802 40 Glezen, Edward Knight 1866 221 Glover, Samuel 1808 54 Glover, Samuel 1839 128 44o BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Goddard, Asa Eldridge 1877 259 Goddard, David 1839 12S Goddard, Henry Edward 1875 252 Goddard, Josiah 1835 115 Goddard, Josiah Ripley 1862 207 Goddard, Robert Hale Ives. . 1858 191 Goddard, Thomas Poynton Ives 184G 152 Goddard, William 1846 152 Goddard, William Giles 1812 60 Godding, Alvah Winslovv 1850 164 Godding, Clarence Miles 1878 263 Godding, Edward Alvah 1886 293 Godfrey John 1802 46 Godfrey, Jones 1793 36 Gof orth, John 1854 180 Goff, Charles Bradford 1856 185 Goff, Darius Lee 1862 207 Goff, Lyman Bullock 1862 207 Goff, Merrick Lyon 1891 309 Going, Jonathan 1809 56 Goldsbury, John 1820 77 Goldthwait, Merrick 185S 191 Goldthwait, Nathan Edward. 1852 172 Goldthwaite, Stephen Grant.. 1890 305 Goodell, Daniel Hovey h 1S89 395 Goodell, Sabin Tillotson 1868 228 Goodrich, Chauncey Allen, .h 1835 364 »Goodspeed, George Stephen. . 1S80 271 Goodwin, Daniel 1857 188 Goodwin, Daniel LeBaron . . . 1822 84 Goodwin, George 1878 263 Goodwin, Henry 1809 56 Goodwin, Henry Bradford. . . 1825 92 Gordon, Adonirain Judson . . . 1860 200 Gordon, Charles 1S29 104 Gordon, James 1795 38 Gorham, Frederick Poole 1893 313 Gould, Asa Howard 1S42 139 Gould, Edwin Walter 1872 241 Gould, John Melville 1871 238 Gould, Jonathan 1786 31 Gould, Samuel Lawrence .... 1835 115 Gow, George Coleman 1S84 286 Gow, John Russell 1877 259 Gower, Harrison Bartlett 1846 152 Grafton, Joseph h 1804 346 Graham, Andrew 1790 34 Granger, Daniel Earned Davis 1874 249 Granger, James Nathaniel . . h 1S46 370 Granger, William Smith 1854 178 Grant, Frank Barker 1869 232 Grant, George Preston 18S9 302 Grant, Harry Lin wood 1890 305 Grant, Henry Tyler 1869 231 Grant, William 1794 37 Graves, Henry Stedman 1883 282 Graves, Samuel h 1793 339 Gray, Arnold 1811 59 Gray, Edward Powars 1850 164 Gray, Horatio 1849 161 Gray, Horace h 1882 394 Gray, John 1S23 87 Greeley, Adoniram Judson . . . 1841 135 Green, Arnold 1858 191 Green, Asa m 1822 325 Green, Edward 1877 259 Green, Elijah Dix 1792 35 Green, Isaiah Lewis 1826 95 Green, John 1804 48 Name. Class. Page. Green, John h 1805 347 Green, John Morley 1782 31 Green, Theodore Francis. .. . 1887 297 Green, Thomas h 1798 342 Green, William Elijah 1798 41 Green, William John 1891 308 Green, William Thomas 1890 305 Greene, Albert 1882 278 Greene, Albert Collins h 1827 359 Greene, Albert Gorton 1820 77 Greene, Augustus Arabert. .. 1880 273 Greene, Benjamin. ., 1772 28 Greene, Benjamin Allen 1872 241 Greene, Charles Warren 1863 210 Greene, Charles William 18S4 287 Greene, Charles Winston. . .h 1827 359 Greene, Edward Aborn 1S76 258 Greene, Edward Pike 1879 268 Greene, Frank Bartlett 1S72 241 Greene, Franklin 1799 43 Greene, Frederic Albert 1891 308 Greene, George Herbert 1863 210 Greene, George Washington.h 1833 363 Greene, Harris Ray 1S54 178 Greene, Isaac Philip 1892 311 Greene, John Francis 1891 308 Greene, John Jesse 1879 268 Greene, Joseph 1825 92 Greene, Nathanael h 1776 332 Greene, Ray Woodville 1883 282 Greene, Richard Salter 1824 89 Greene, Richard Ward 1812 61 Greene, Robert Warren 1S84 287 Greene, Samuel Stillman 1S37 121 Greene, Samuel Stuart 1883 282 Greene, Samuel Ward 1789 33 Greene, Simon Ray 1810 58 Greene, Stephen 1873 247 Greene, Thomas Casey 1846 152 Greene, Timothy 1786 31 Greene, William 1817 72 Greene, William Chace 1875 252 Greenleaf, Abner 1864 216 Greenough, Caleb m 1822 325 Greenough, James Carruthers hl876 391 Greer, David Hummell h 1890 39(3 Gregson, Moses h 1774 331 Grey, Nathaniel Oscar 1864 213 Griffin, Clifford Henry 1S94 316 Griffin, Frank. 1840 132 Griffin, La Roy Freese 1866 221 Griggs, George 1S37 121 Grime, George 1886 294 Grinnell, John Brown 1873 245 Grinnell, William Minturn... 1S54 ISO Grinnell, William Taylor ... h 1S31 361 Griswold, Alexander Viets. .h 1810 349 Griswold, George 1821 80 Grosvenor, James Brown Mason 1862 207 Grosvenor, AVilliam 1860 200 Grout, Edgar Homer 1885 290 Grover, Zuinglius 1842 139 Guild, Reuben Aldridge 1847 156 Guild, Frederick Taft 1S90 306 Guinness, Henry Grattan. .h 1S89 305 Gummere, Samuel h 1865 385 Gunderson, Norman 1S86 294 Gunn, Edward Leroy 1886 294 INDEX OF GRADUATES 441 Name. Class. Page. < hirney, David h 1805 347 G-unxey, James 1795 38 G-umey, Joseph John h 1838 367 Gurney, Preston I860 221 Gushe, Abraham 1798 41 Gushee, Edward Manning... . 1858 191 Hague, William h 184!) 372 Haile, Levi 1821 80 Hale, Christopher Sargeant. . 1820 77 Hale, Daniel Mason 1828 101 Hale, William 1880 273 Hale, William Mason 1841 135 Hall, Abiel h 1823 357 Hall, Benjamin Hunt 179U :;4 Hall, Charles Franklin 1877 259 Hall, Frederick Byron 1867 225 Hall, George Watson i860 200 Hall, Jairus 1786 31 Hall, Joseph h I860 382 Hall, Lemuel 1820 77 Hall, Lloyd Bowers 1794 37 Hall, Richard Clarence 1841 136 Hall, Silas 1809 56 Hall, William 1848 159 Hall, William White 1S25 92 Hallett, Benjamin Franklin . . 1816 70 Halsey, Charles Burdett 1S20 78 Halsey, Thomas Lloyd 1793 36 Ham, Albert Eugene 1864 213 Ham, Livingston 1894 316 Hamblen, Samuel Willis 1886 294 Hamilton, Alexander h 1792 338 Hamiltoh, Clarence Grant. .. 1888 300 Hamilton, James Eugene. . . . 1883 282 Hamlin, Edward Bowen 1872 242 Hamlin, Elijah Livermore. . .. 1819 75 Hamm, Walter Charles 1870 235 Hammett, Fred Mason 1S80 271 Hammond, Henry Hathaway 1884 289 Hammond, Henry Lewis 1864 216 Hammond, Justin 1827 98 Hammond, William Gardner. 1821 80 Hancock, John h 1788 335 Hancock, Samuel Farwell.. . 1864 213 Hanna, George Byron 1865 219 Hannaford, Levi A m 1825 326 Hansell, Howard Forde 1877 259 Hansell, William Forde 1845 147 Hapgood, Charles Hutchins. . 1857 189 Hapgood, Ephraim 1874 249 Harding, Daniel Fiske 1809 57 Harding, Elisha m 1819 324 Harding, Jonathan Russell.. . 1832 109 Hardy, Henry Gano 1880 272 Hare, Charles Henry 1885 292 Harkness, Albert 1842 139 Harkness, Albert Granger. . 1879 268 Harmon, Augustus Ely 1848 159 Harper, Charles Frederick . . . 1892 311 Harrington, Arthur Hudson. 1879 268 Harrington, Charles Nelson . . 1870 235 Harrington, Clifford Angell. ..18S3 282 Harrington, Jubal 1825 92 Harrington, Nahum 1807 53 Harris, Caleb Fiske :h 1873 31)0 Harris, Frank 1878 263 Harris, Frederick Augustus. 1888 300 Harris George 1837 121 Harris, Harding 1788 33 Harris, Isaac 1830 105 Name. Class. Page. Harris, Joseph 1772 28 Harris, Joseph Metcalf 1869 232 Harris, Luther 1783 31 Harris, Luther Metcalf 1811 ",!> Harris, Samuel Turner 1858 191 Harris, Stephen Cushing 1886 294 Harris, William 1883 282 Harris, William Torrey. . . .a 1893 320 Harson, Michael Joseph 1884 287 Hart, Charles 1841 136 Hart, John 1776 30 Hart, Levi 1802 46 Hart, Oliver h 1769 327 Hart, William 1791 35 Hartridge, Julian 1849 161 Hartshorn, Joseph Charles. .. 1841 136 Hartsock, Charles Grant 1889 302 Hartwell, Jesse 1819 76 Hartwell, Mortimer Hall 1870 235 Harvey, Charles Edwin 1867 227 Harvey, Edwin Bates 1884 286 Haskell, Samuel 1845 147 Hastings, Charles Cotesworth • Pinckney 1825 92 Hastings, JudsonWorthington 1876 255 Hastings, Stephen Goodwin. . 1879 268 Hathaway, Abner Alden. .... 1814 65 Hathaway, Edmund Valentine 1840 132 Hathaway, Elnathan Pierce. 1818 74 Hathaway, George 1824 89 Hathaway, George Washing- ton 1822 84 Hathaway, John 1793 3ti Hathaway, Joseph 1820 78 Hathaway, Washington 1798 41 Hatheway, Nicholas 1847 156 Hatheway, Nicholas 1883 282 Hathorne, Benjamin Herbert 1830 105 Haven, William 1809 57 Hawes, Alfred 1S41 136 Hawes, Elias 1790 34 Hawes, Joel 1813 63 Hawes, Oliver 1787 32 Hawes, Peter 1790 34 Hawes, William Taber 1825 92 Hawkes, Micajah m 1814 322 Hawkes, William Himes 1867 225 Hawkins, Rush Christopher.h 1874 390 Hay, John 1858 191 Hayes, Frederic 1881 274 Hayes, Henry Wingate 1876 255 Hayes, Robert Pliny 1851 168 Hayes, Wingate 1844 145 Hayman, Jacob 1894 318 Haynes, Arus 1837 121 Haynes, David 1841 136 Hay ward, Barzillai 1807 53 Hay ward, Elisha 1817 72 Hay ward, Oliver 1804 48 Hay ward, Philip 1796 39 Hay ward, Walter 1885 290 Hay ward, Walter Sumner. .. 1878 264 Hazard, Benjamin 1792 3"» Hazard, Edward Hull 1834 113 Hazard, Enoch , 1794 37 Hazard, Frederick Roland. . . 1881 275 Hazard, George Robinson. ... 1894 316 Hazard, John Alfred 1795 38 Hazard, John Newbold 1857 188 Hazard, Lauristou Hartwell. 18S9 302 442 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Hazard, Nathaniel 1792 36 Hazard, Rowland 1849 161 Hazard, Rowland Gibson. . .h 1845 370 Hazard, Rowland Gibson .... 1876 256 Hazard, Thomas Cranston. . . 1792 36 Hazard, William Tweedy 1794 37 Hazeltine, Harold Dexter. . . 1894 316 Hazlewood, Francis Tomlin- son 1S64 213 Healy, Charles Ernest 1894 316 Heard, Edwin Hartwell 1851 168 Heard, Jared Mann 1853 175 Heath, Charles Reuben 1876 256 Heaton, Benjamin 1790 34 Heaton, Isaac Erving 1832 109 Hebden, John Calder 1885 290 Hedge, Levi h 1808 348 Heiser, Charles Lee Anthony 1890 305 Helme, Nathaniel 1819 76 Hemenway, Robert Eddy . . m 1825 326 Hemmenway, Onslow 1848 159 Henderson, George Donald. . 1853 175 Hendrick, Elijah William.. . . 1871 238 Hendrick, James Wesley 1872 242 Hennessy, Thomas Charles . . 1871 238 Henry, Foster 1845 148 Henshaw, Alexander Griswold 1837 121 Henshaw, John 1887 297 Herr, Benjamin Laisdell 1882 280 Herreshoff, Charles Frederick 1828 101 Herreshoff, John Brown 1825 92 Herreshoff, John Brown Fran- cis h.1890 396 Herring, Edwin Ayer 1872 242 Hersey, George Dallas 1869 231 Hersey, Henry 1820 78 Hersey, Ira Charles 1884 287 Hervey, Eliphalet Williams. . 1824 89 Hess, Isban 1867 225 Hewes, Charles Wesley 1843 142 Hewett, Daniel 1812 61 Hey wood, Ezra Hervey 1856 185 Hextall, William h 1773 331 Hibbard, Charles 1850 164 Hibbard, Herbert Wade 1886 294 Hibbard, Nathaniel 1878 264 Hicks, Ernest Abbott 1891 30S Hicks, Galen 1799 43 Hicks, Irving Clifton 1887 297 Hicks, Ratcliffe 1864 213 Hicok, Dormer Lewelly 1854 180 Hidden, Charles Henry 1S61 204 Hidden, Wilkins Updike 1865 217 Higgins, Alexander Martin. .. 1854 178 Higgins, Leonidas Raymond.. 1884 287 Higgins, Samuel McPherson. 1894 316 Hill, Crawford 1885 290 Hill, George Washington Crockett 1892 311 Hill, Jacob 1807 53 Hill, Nathaniel Peter 1S56 185 Hill, Solon 1825 92 Hill, Stephen h 1814 352 Hill, Stephen Prescott 1829 104 Hill, William Colver 1894 316 Hillman, Walter 1854 178 Hinckley, Frank Leonard 1891 308 Hinckley, William Pitt 1894 317 Hinds, Albert Walker 1887 297 Hiuton, James h 1803 345 Name. Class. Page. Hitchcock, Charles 1869 232 Hitchcock, Charles Chambers 1885 290 Hitchcock, Daniel hl771 330 Hitchcock, Enos h 1788 335 Hitchcock, George 1872 242 Hitchcock, Henry Russell 1884 287 Hitchcock, Jonathan Parsons. 1799 43 Hixon, Asa 1825 92 Hobart, Aaron 1805 50 Hobart, Benjamin 1804 48 Hobbs, Joseph Melzar 18S3 282 Hobigand, Jules Adolphe 1878 264 Hodges, Rufus 1823 87 Hodg-es, Tisdale 1804 49 Hogg, George Woodley 1894 317 Holbrook, Charles Francis. ... 1855 181 Holbrook, Daniel Jefferson. .. 1863 210 Holbrook, George Abel 1861 204 Holbrook, John Edwards 1815 (58 Holbrook, John Josiah 1872 242 Holbrook, Joseph h 1791 337 Holbrook, Josiah 1788 33 Holbrook, Silasi Pinckney. . .. 1815 68 Holbrook, Silas Pinckney .... 1859 195 Holbrook, Uriah Hopkins. ... 1874 249 Holbrook, Willard 1814 65 Holcombe, Henry h 1800 343 Holden, Charles 1832 103 Holden, George James 1891 308 Holden, Levi Hall 1835 115 Holland, Dennis Joseph 1890 307 Holley, Alexander Lyman. . .. 1853 176 Holman, David 1803 47 Holman, David Emory 1876 256 Holman, Nathan 1797 41 Holmes, Charles Henry 1829 104 Holmes, Ezekiel 1821 80 Holmes, Henry 1806 52 Holmes, James Stuart 1819 76 Holmes, John 1796 39 Holmes, John Jenckes 1863 210 Holmes, John Sophus 1864 216 Holmes, Joseph 1796 39 Holmes, Sylvester h 1823 357 Holroyd, John 1802 46 Homer, Jonathan h 1790 336 Hood, Alfred Howland 1881 275 Hope, John 1894 317 Hopkins, Amos 1795 38 Hopkins, Esek 1775 30 Hopkins, George Olney 1851 205 Hopkins, George William 1878 264 Hopkins, John Carver 1869 231 Hopkins, Phillip R 1810 58 Hopkius, Samuel h 1790 337 Hopkins, Stephen h 17S4 333 Hopkins, Stephen Allen 1S93 315 Hopkins, William Henry 1891 308 Hoppin, Augustus 1848 159 Hoppin, Carrington 1834 114 Hoppin, Cortland 1855 183 Hoppin, Francis Edwin 1839 128 Hoppin, Nicholas 1831 108 Hoppin, William Jones h 1890 396 Hoppin, William Warner 1861 204 Horr, George Edwin 1876 256 Horr, George Edwin h 1878 392 Horton, Francis 1828 101 Horton, Pascal Allen 1869 231 Horton, Victor Foote 1873 245 INDEX OF GRADUATES 443 Name. Class. Page. Hoskins, Charles Chauncey. . 1805 219 Hosmer, Charles Edward. ... 1861 205 Hosmer, Elmer Samuel 1882 278 Hotchkiss, George Lambert... 1807 225 Hough, Ailing 1820 78 Hough, Benezet Alanson 1SG0 221 House, Morris William 1888 300 Hovey, Alvah h 185G 379 Hovey, Arthur Judson 1S69 231 Hovey, Frederick Howard . . . 1S90 305 Hovey, George Rice 1882 278 Hovev, Isaac B m 1820 324 Howard, Charles Taylor 1878 260 Howard, Daniel 1893 313 Howard, Ezra Williams 1838 125 Howard, Francis 1797 41 Howard, Henry h 1873 390 Howard. James-Leland h 1894 398 Howard, John Edward 1815 69 Howarth, Francis Andrew . . . 1872 242 Howe, Arthur Whitney 1880 272 Howe, Elbridge Gerry 1821 80 Howe, Frank Perley 1872 242 Howe, John 1805 50 Howe, Mark Antony De- Wolfe 182S 101 Howe, Phineas 1847 156 Howe, Reginald Heber 1866 221 Howe, Samuel Gridley 1S21 81 Howe. Sereno 1839 129 Howell, David h 1769 328 Howell, Elias 1772 28 Howell, Jeremiah Brown. . . . 1789 33 Howland, Carver 1873 245 Howland, George h 1852 374 Howland, John h 1835 365 Howland, Matthew Morris ... 1S71 238 Howland, Richard Smith 1S6S 228 Howland, William Dilwyn. .. 1874 251 Hoyt, Albert Pierce 1878 264 Hoyt, Daniel Webster 1871 238 Hoyt, David Webster h 1872 389 Hoyt, Elton 1878 264 Hoyt, James Humphrey 1874 249 Hoyt, Wayland 1860 200 Hubbard, James 1816 70 Hubbard, William Henry. ... 1845 14S Huekins, James 1832 109 Hughes, Charles Evans 1881 275 Hughes, Dyer m 1822 325 Hughes, Joseph h 1811 349 Hulbert, George Henry 1864 213 Huling, Ray Greene 1869 231 Hume, Robert 1809 57 Humphrey, Thomas Jefferson 1821 81 Humphreys, David h 1802 344 Hunt, David h 1875 391 Hunt, Edward Taylor 1848 159 Hunt, John 1842 139 Hunt, Joseph Searles 1791 35 Hunt, Josiah h 1853 3 if 5 Hunt, Peter Brown 1816 70 Hunter, John Powell 1888 300 Hunter, Thomas Robinson. ... 1827 98 Hunter, William 1791 35 Huntington. Adoniram Jud- son h 1808 386 Huntington. George 1882 278 Huntoon, William Caswell. .. 1894 318 Huse, Charles Archelaus 1878 264 Name. Class. Page. Hutching, Ezra 1811 59 Hutching, John Ladd 1807 53 Hutchins, William m 1825 326 Hutchinson, Eleazar Carter.. 1826 95 Hutchinson, John Skinner. ... 1869 2.11 Hyde, Frederick Albert 1877 262 Hylan, Albert Edward 1892 311 Ide, Jacob 1S09 57 Ingalls, Daniel m 1822 325 Ingalls, William h 1813 351 Ingalls, Will Clarence 1884 287 Ingraham, Edward Duncan. h 1S20 356 Ingraham, John Shepard 1837 121 Inman, Harris Smith I860 200 Irons, Samuel Lafayette 1881 275 Isham, Norman M. rrison. . . . 1886 294 Ives, Dwight 1835 116 Ives, Moses Brown 1S12 61 Ives, Robert Hale 1816 70 Ives, Robert Hale 1857 188 Ives, Thomas Poynton 1854 180 Ives, William Carey 1865 217 Jackson, Charles 1817 72 Jackson, Francis Chester Rockwell 1894 317 Jackson. George 1788 33 Jackson, Henry 1817 73 Jackson, Joseph 1868 22S Jackson, Ralph Wentworth. . 1S89 302 Jacobs, Bela h 1822 357 Jacobs, Horace Edgar 1893 313 Jacobs, Walter Ballou 1SS2 278 Jacobs, William Bela 1S33 111 James. Benjamin 1805 50 James, Charles Sexton 1843 142 James, Charles Tillinghast..h 1838 367 James, John Crawford 1871 238 James, John Sexton 1842 140 James, Luther Tillman 1S73 246 James, Richard Sexton h 1850 373 James, Samuel li 1770 32!» James, Silas m.1820 324 Jameson, Thorndike Cleaves . . 1840 132 Jaques, George 1836 118 Jastram, Pardon Sheldon 1S60 200 Jay, John h 1794 339 Jefferson, Thomas h 1787 334 Jeffries, John h 1825 358 Jelly. George Frederick 1864 213 Jenckes, Francis Carter 1824 89 Jenckes, George Washington. 1851 168 Jenckes, Jerathmel Bowers. . 1825 92 Jenckes, Joseph 1782 31 Jenckes, Joseph Sherbourne... 1824 89 Jenckes, Leland Deloss 1861 204 Jenckes, Thomas Allen 1838 125 Jenckes, Thomas Allen 1877 259 Jencks, Charles Williams 1880 272 Jenkins, Edward h 1803 345 Jenkins, Moses Brown 1855 183 Jenks, Daniel Sanford 1890 395 Jenks, Ernest Potter 1889 302 Jenks. Hervey 1810 58 Jenks, James Lawrence 1884 289 Jenks, John Whipple Potter.. 183S 125 Jenney, William Henry Har- rison 1859 195 Jennings, Andrew Jackson. .. 1872 -4'2 Jennings, Jacob h 1774 331 Jenny, William h 1S42 368 444 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Jepherson, George Arthur. ... 1SS7 297 .Ternegan, Joseph Leonard .... 1S31 108 Jemegan, Prescott Ford 1889 302 Jewell, Joseph Hayden 1871 239 Jewett, Charles Coffin 1835 116 Jewett, Henry Gushing 1824 89 Jewett, Howard Clifton 18S1 275 Jewett, Lyman. . . . 1843 142 Jewett, Paul 1802 46 Jewett, Walter Kendall 1891 308 Jillson, William. Everett 1846 278 Jillson, William Everett 1882 152 Johns, William h 1820 356 Johnson, Aholiab 1823 87 Johnson, Albert Bushnell 1891 308 Johnson, Alfred Evan 1871 239 Johnson, Alfred Scott 1890 305 Johnson, ArtemaS' 1808 54 Johnson, Arthur Pliny 188S 300 Johnson, Ben Wayland 1893 313 Johnson, Charles Kelsall 1S34 114 Johnson, Clark • Howard .... 1877 260 Johnson, Daniel 1806 52 Johnson, Edgar Mann 1893 314 Johnson, Elias Henry h 1877 392 Johnson, Ernest Henry 1891 308 Johnson, Evan Malbone 1808 54 Johnson, Joseph Harris 1884 287 Johnson, Julius Arthur 1882 278 Johnson, Julius Earle 1854 178 Johnson, Marcus Morton 1870 237 Johnson, Millard Fillmore 1876 256 Johnson, Nathaniel Emmons.. 1825 92 Johnson, Phineas 1799 43 Johnson, Robert Gray 1860 201 Johnson, Truman 1879 268 Johnson, William Bulletin .. h 1814 352 Johnston, Henry Wentworth. 1854 178 Johnston, William Dawson . . . 1S93 314 Jones, Alexander 1782 31 Jones, Alexander 1814 65 Jones, David h 1774 332 Jones, Horatio Gates h 1812 350 Jones, Horatio Gates h 1863 384 Jones, Howard Malcom 1853 175 Jones, Isaac Francis 1843 142 Jones, John 1791 35 Jones, John Davis Edmands. 1845 148 Jones, John Davis Edmands. 1S93 314 Jones, John Gilmore 1836 118 Jones, Lambert Jefferson .... 1837 121 Jones, Morgan .h 1793 339 Jones, Nelson Bishop. ....... 1875 252 Jones, Preston Day 1869 231 Jones, Robert Strettle h 1769 328 Jones, Samuel h 1769 328 Jones, Timothy 1774 29 Jones, William h 1828 360 Jordan, James Brewer 1851 168 Joslen, Joseph 1814 65 Joslin, Henry Van Amburgh. 1867 225 Joslin, Howard Payson 1S75 252 Joslin, William Carey 1876 256 Judah, John Mantle 1867 227 Judah, Noble Brandon 1872 244 Judd, William Heron 1824 89 Judson, Adoniram 1S07 53 Judson, Adoniram Brown. . . . 1859 195 Judson, Edward 1S65 217 Judson, Elnathan h 1818 354 Name. Class. Page. Judson, Elnathan 1859 195 Judson, John Work 1802 46 Judson, Walter Herbert 1847 156 Judson, Walter Price Bartlett 1818 74 Keach, Walter Esmond 18S7 298 Keegan. William Robert 1882 278 Keely, George h 1820 356 Keely, George Washington . . . 1824 89 Keen, Herbert Ide 1880 272 Keen, William Williams 1859 195 Keene, George Frederick .... 1875 252 Keigwin, Henry Webster. . .. 1879 268 Keith, Jaii-us Shaw 1819 76 Keith, James Munroe 1845 148 Keith, Jonathan 1805 50 Kellen, William Vail 1872 242 Kelley, James Prentice 1877 260 Kelley, Solon Chester 1886 294 Kelly, Erasmus h 1772 330 Kelly, Jason Billings 1862 208 Kendall, Benjamin 1844 145 Kendall, Henry Lucien 1871 239 Kendrick, Daniel 1810 58 Kendrick, James Ryland .... 1840 132 Kendrick, Nathaniel h 1819 354 Kennady, John Walker 1850 164 Kenyon, George Henry 1864 213 Kern, Martin Wilmarth 1892 312 Ketcham, George Washing- ton 1860 201 Kettner, Jacob 1881 276 Kiley, Edward Stephen 1891 308 Killelea, Joseph Mary 1890 305 Kilton, George Frederick .... 1853 175 Kimball, Asa 1796 39 Kimball, Charles Edmund. ... 1877 262 Kimball, Charles Otis h 1828 360 Kimball, Isaac 1817 73 Kimball, Walter Hammond . . 1894 318 Kimball, William Batchelder. 1839 129 King, Charles Gregory 1884 287 King, Clarence h 1890 396 King, David 1796 108 King, David 1831 39 King, Eli 1787 32 King, Eliza Shaw a 1894 321 King, Eugene Pride 1876 256 King, George Farquhar Jones 1889 304 King, George Gordon 1825 92 King, George Olcott 1866 222 King, Lyman Winslow 1879 268 King, Ralph Thrall 1878 266 King, Samuel 1791 35 King, Thomas Knight h 1858 380 King, William Dehon 1859 196 King, William Henry 1838 125 King, William. Vernou 1792 36 Kinghorn, Joseph h 1828 360 Kingman, Eliab 1816 71 Kingman, Lucius 1830 105 Kingsbury, Cyrus: 1812 61 Kingsbury, John 1826 95 Kingsbury, Samuel 1822 84 Kingsbury, Samuel Allen, .m 1816 323 Kingsbury, William Henry . . 1853 175 Kingsley, Albert Eugene 1890 305 Kinne, Charles Henry 1879 268 Kinnicutt, Thomas 182*2 84 Kinsman, Benjamin Willis. .. 1852 172 Kirby, Joseph Davis 1867 227 INDEX OF GRADUATES 445 Name. Class. Page. Kirkland, John Thornton. . .h 1794 340 Kirkley, Richard Williams. .. 1804 317 Kneisly, Charles Christian. .. 1873 247 Knight, Daniel 1813 63 Knight, Ephraim h 1852 374 Knight, Henry Clifford 1*75 252 Knight, Henry Cogswell 1812 61 Knight, Joseph 1813 63 Knight, Nehemiah 1833 111 Knight, Walter Bray ton 1870 237 Knight, Webster 1876 250 Knight, William Moore 1877 260 Knowles, Charles Edward. .. 1801 308 Knowles, Edwin 1894 318 Knowles, John Power 1836 118 Knowles, John Power 1880 272 Knowles, William 1843 142 Knowlton, Cyrus 1S45 148 Knox, John 1887 207 Kollock, Cornelius 1845 148 Kollock, Lemuel 1786 31 Kollock, Oliver Hawes 1811 59 Ladd, Charles Frederick 1S63 210 Ladd, Frederick Pierpont 1803 314 Ladd, Herbert Warren h 1802 307 Ladd, Isaac Gifford 1886 204 Ladd, William Coffin 1881 275 Lakey, Frank Edwin 1804 317 Lamb, James Curtis 1876 256 Lambert, Nathaniel 1787 32 Lambert, Thomas Richer. . .h 1845 370 Lamson, Elliott Woodbury . . . 1803 314 Lamson, Isaac Albert 1880 272 Lamson, Samuel 1828 101 Laiidrum, William Warren. .. 1872 242 Lane, Henry Fayette 1850 164 Lane, William Albert 1886 204 Lane, William Hoyle 1S80 272 Langdon, Courtney h 1801 306 Laugdon, William Chauncy... 1802 311 Langley, Alfred Gideon 1876 250 Lanphear, Elisha Frederick. . 1875 253 Laphani, Benjamin Newell. .. 1843 142 Lapham, Oscar 1804 213 Larkin, Lyman Beecher h 1838 367 Earned, Edwin Channing. . .. 1840 133 Lamed, Edwin Channing. .. . 1878 204 Earned, Erastus 1705 3S Earned, George 1702 36 Lamed, Samuel h 1835 305 Larwill, John Straughaii 1800 201 Latham, Frank Terry 1877 200 Latham, Henry Simmons. . . . 1863 210 Latham, Williams 1827 08 Lathrop, James Walcott 1847 157 Lathrop, William Gilbert 1880 302 Laughlin, Henry Alexander... 1800 200 Laurence, James King 1805 217 Law, Andrew 1775 3 > Lawrence, William Beach, .b 1800 387 Laws, Martin Luther 1804 213 Lawton, Alfred 1851 168 La\vton, Arthur Thomas. .. . 1882 278 Lawton, Charles Engs 1886 206 Lawton, Francis 1860 231 Lawton, Uriah William 185(5 186 Lazell, Charles Thurber 1864 214 Lazell, Ebenezer 1788 33 Leach, Daniel 1830 100 Leach, James Edward 184S 150 Name. Class. Page. Leach, James Edward 1874 240 Leach, Simeon Ryarson 1883 2S4 Learned, Leslie Elias 1803 314 Learned, William Turell 1882 278 Leavenworth, Nathan 1874 124!) Leavitt, Julius Adelbert 1875 253 LeBaron, Lemuel 1700 43 Ledwith, William Michael... 1800 201 Lee, Christopher Marble 1877 200 Leeson, George Edwin 1874 240 Leete, Alexander Duncan. ... 18S3 2S5 Leland, Aaron h 1815 353 Leland, Aaron Whitney. . . .h 1814 352 Leland, Angustin 1834 114 Leland, Dexter 1822 85 Leland, Francis 1838 125 Leland, Ira 1837 121 Lentell, Richard 1844 145 Leonard, Apollos h 1701 337 Leonard, Arthur Newton 1802 311 Leonard, Barnum h 1S04 340 Leonard, Charles Melvin 18S3 285 Leonard, David 1702 36 Leonard, Esek Samuel Hop- kins 1814 65 Leonard, Ezra 1801 45 Leonard, George h 1804 340 Leonard, George 1824 80 Leonard, Henry Fiske 1826 06 Leonard, John Burroughs Hopkins 1814 66 Leonard, Joshua 1788 33 Leonard, Nehemiah Allen 1818 150 Leonard, Oliver 1787 32 Leonard, Samuel h 1701 337 Leonard, William Augustus . . 1703 36 Leonard, Zenas Lockwood. ... 1704 37 Leonard, Zephaniah 1703 36 Leonard, Zephaniah h 1703 330 Lesley, James 1801 45 Lester, John Erastus 1862 207 Letombe, Joseph h 1701 337 Lettsom, John Goakly h 1704 340 Leveen, Isa Henry 1883 283 Leverett, Warren 1S32 100 Leverett, Washington 1832 100 Leverett, William 1824 89 Lewis, Evan 1866 222 Lewis, Frank Grant 1803 314 Lewis, Joseph West 1804 317 Lightburn, Benjamin Willey. 1884 287 Lincoln, Arthur 1870 235 Lincoln, Charles Henry 1801 204 Lincoln, Heman . , 1840 133 Lincoln, James Granger 1880 272 Lincoln, John Larkin 1836 118 Lincoln, John Larkin 1873 247 Lincoln, Jotham 1830 118 Lincoln, Leontine h 18S0 305 Lincoln, Louis Manson 1802 311 Lincoln, Solomon 1822 85 Lincoln, Theodore Leonard. .. 1825 02 Lincoln, William Ensign 1808 228 Lindsay, Lucky Alonzo 18S7 207 Lindsey, John Hathaway. . . . 1802 311 Lindsey, Joseph Ferdinand . . . 1873 246 Lippitt, Charles Warren 1805 210 Lippitt, Edward Russell 1817 73 Lippitt, Francis James 1830 106 Lippitt, Henry Frederic 1878 204 446 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Lippitt, Jeremiah 1808 55 Lippitt, Joseph Francis 1805 50 Liscomb, William Shields. ... 1872 242 Lisk, Charles Wayland 1890 305 Lisle, Frank Dyer 1891 308 Litchfield, Joseph 1773 29 Littell, Henry Augustus 1855 183 Little, John Park 1794 37 Littlefiehl, Clarence 1885 292 Livermore, Silas 1842 140 Llewellyn, Arthur Joseph 1893 314 Locke, Benjamin Lawrence... 1847 157 Locke, George Lyman h 1893 398 Lockwood, James Thomas . . . 1S76 256 Lockwood, Moses Brown. . .h 1S57 379 Long, Joseph Darwin 1855 182 Long, Luther Rice 1S49 162 Lonsdale, John Francis 1867 227 Loomis, George Albert. 1884 287 Loomis, Justin Rolph 1835 116 Lopez, Raymond 1846 152 Lord, Harrison Van Rensel- laer 1843 143 Lord, Joseph Haley 1885 290 Loring, Bailey 1807 53 Loring, Daniel 1800 44 Loring, Jerome 1813 63 Loring, John Gould 1849 162 Lothrop, Cyrus 1810 58 Lothrop, Edward Augustus. .. 1834 114 Lothrop, George Van Ness . . . 1838 125 Lothrop, Samuel Hartwell . . . 1803 47 Lott, William Clawson 1882 21h. Loud, Jacob Llersey 1822 85 Loud, Samuel Prince 1805 50 Love, Frank Wayland 1864 214 Love, Horace Thomas 1836 119 Lovejoy, Edward Fairfield. .. 1885 291 Lovell, Lorenzo Oren 1833 111 Lovell, Nehemiah Gordon .... 1833 111 Lovering, Amos 1828 101 Lovering, Henry Morton 1S61 204 Lovering, Warren 1817 ^ 73 Lovewell, Henry Plummer. ... 1889 302 Luce, Leonard 1824 89 Lummus, John m 1820 324 Luscombe, John 1795 38 Luther, Charles Bateman 1883 285 Luther, Charles Carroll 1871 239 Luther, Frederic Newton. .. . 1884 287 Luther, John Hill 1847 157 Lyell, Thomas h 1803 345 Lyman, Moses 1858 194 Lyman, Samuel 1814 66 Lyon, Aaron Clement 1857 1SS Lyon, Abija Smith 1837 122 Lvon, Emory h 1858 380 Lyon, Emory Stevens 1883 283 Lyon, Jonathan Fish 1870 235 Lyon, Lucius 1844 145 Lyon, Merrick 1S41 136 Lvon, William Henry 1868 228 Mabbitt, Jonathan 1848 160 Mac Alister, James 1856 186 McAllister, Francis Marion. . 1S53 175 McCarthy, Nathaniel James.h 1892 397 McClellau, Arthur Daggett. . 1873 246 McClellan, Judah Allen 1799 43 McClellan, William 1782 31 McClintock, Henry King 1S10 58 Name. Class. Page.. McClintock, Joseph 1820 78 McCord, Charles Gibson 1873 247 McCorrie, John 1814 66 McCosh, James h 1868 387 McCreery, Charles John 18S6 294 McDonnell, Thomas Francis. 1891 308 McFarland, Horace. 1892 312 McFee, Frank Emerson 1875 253 McGinn, Arthur Francis 1892 311 McGore, John m 1816 323 MacGregor, Robert Stewart.; 1894 317 McGuinness, Edwin Daniel . . 1877 260 Mcllvane, Charles Pettit . . . h 1832 361 Mclntire, Charles Herbert. ... 18S5 291 Mcintosh, Herbert 1882 278 xMdntyre, Joseph Belfield 1894 318 McKeever, Franklin Garrett. 1881 275 McKenzie, Charles Fisk 1890 305 Mackenzie, John Milton 1876 256 Mackenzie, William Scott. ..h 1864 384 Mackie, Andrew 1814 66 Mackie, Andrew 1845 148 Mackie, John 1800 44 Mackie, John Milton 1832 100 Mackie, Peter Fearing 1842 140 MeKinney, John 1874 249 McLane, Charles Herbert 1S93 314 McLane, Francis Albert 1885 291 McLarren, Irvine Greene 1872 243 McLaughlin, James 1890 305 Maclay, Archibald h 1819 355 McLean, Archibald h 1793 339 McLellan, Francis Miller 1839 129 McMurry, James Geoffrey. . . 1890 305 Macomber, Joshua Mason .... 1835 116 McPherson, James 1814 66 McWhinnie, James 1867 226 Macy, John Coggeshall 1870 235 Magill, Edward Hicks 1852 174 Magill, William Henry 1893 315 Maginnis, John Sharp h 1S44 369 Magoun, William 1823 87 Mahan, Dennis Hart h 1837 366 Malcolm, George Ide 1879 269 Malcom, Howard h 1827 359 Malcom, Thomas Shields 1839 129 Mallett, Edward Jones h 1832 362 Manchester, Charles Fenner. 1825 92 Manchester, Clarence Hart- well 1SS6 294 Manchester, meander Cor- nelius 1858 192 Mann, Ariel h 1S18 354 Mann, George Flagg 1824 S9 Mann, Horace 1819 76 Mann, Isaac h 1822 357 Mann, Jacob 1774 29 Mann, James h 1783 333 Mann, Joel h 1816 353 Mann, John Milton 1787 32 Mann, John Preston 1776 30 Mann, Samuel Stillman 1841 136 Mann, Seth 1839 129 Mann, Stephen Elmer 1884 287 Manning, Abel 1817 73 Manning, Edward Payson . . . 1889 302 Manning, Henry Parker 1883 283 Manning, James 1786 32 Manning, John Milton 1857 188 Mansfield, Albeit Thayer 1S68 229 INDEX OF GRADUATES 447 Name. Class. Page. Mansfield, Francis 1858 192 Mansfield, Francis Heber 18S9 304 Mansfield, Henry Farnum... 1867 227 Manton, Charles 1807 53 Manton, Joseph Randall 1842 140 March, Alden m 1820 324 March, Daniel 180G 52 March, David 1811 59 Marcy, Bradford h 1798 342 Marcy, Simeon 1795 38 Marcy, William Larned 1S08 55 Marsh, Edward Sprague 1879 2G9 Marshall, Alexander 18S8 301 Marshall, Herbert 1816 71 Marshall, John Murray 1881 275 Marshall, William Elwood. .. 1871 239 Marshman, Joshua h 1810 349 Marston, George Harrison. ... 1857 189 Martin, Benjamin El bridge. . 1894 317 Martin, George Washington .. 1807 53 Martin, John Russell 1807 53 Martin, Joseph Foster 1817 73 Martin, Richard Runyon 18S9 302 Martin, Robert Mitchell 1873 246 Martin, William Daniel 1862 207 Marvel, Frederick William . . . 1894 31 8 Marvel, Louis Henry 1867 227 Maryott, Charles Alpheus 1870 235 Maryott, Erastus Edgar 1870 235 Mason, Augustus 1841 136 Mason, Charles Felix 18(51 205 Mason, Charles Henry 1849 162 Mason, Cyrus h 1841 368 Mason, Eugene Waterman. .. 1S68 228 Mason, Francis h 1853 376 Mason, James Brown 1791 35 Mason, John Hale 1878 264 Mason, John Henry 1872 243 Mason, Joseph 1786 32 Mason, Owen h 1838 367 Mason, Robert Lew Preston. 1889 302 Mason, William Simmons. ... 1876 258 Mather, Williain Williams, .h 1855 377 Mathews, George Sitzel 1885 291 Mathewson, Charles Brenton. 1874 249 Mathewson, Everett Perci- ville 1873 246 Mathewson, Frank Mason . . . 1873 247 Mathewson, Philip Augustus. 1880 274 Mathewson, Rollin 1840 133 Matteson, Archibald Claflin . . 1893 314 Matteson, Charles 1861 204 Matteson, Frank Willington.. 1S92 312 Matteson, John 18S6 296 Matumoto, Julius Kumpei . . . 1894 321 Mauran, Antoine Joseph .... 1851 168 Mauran, Frank 1885 292 Mauran, Joseph 1816 71 Maxcy, Eaton Whiting 1853 175 Maxcy, Jonathan 1787 32 Maxcy, Milton 1802 46 Maxcy, Virgil 1804 49 Maxson, Darwin Eldridge... 1852 174 Maxwell, William Peter 1798 41 May, William 1788 33 Mayhew, Bartlett 1854 178 Mayhew, Jeremiah 1808 55 Maynard, Joshua Leland. ...h 1853 376 Mc, for names beginning thus see under Mac. Name. Class. Page. Mead, Albert Davis 1891 320 Mead, Samuel 17S8 33 Meader, Charles Albert 1891 308 Meader, Louis Hamilton. . ..a 1894 321 Meader, Walter Sidney 18S0 272 Medbery, Josiah 1875 253 Medbery, Nicholas h 1836 365 Medbery, Samuel Viall 1801 45 Medbury, Charles Franklin A. 1888 300 Meech, Asa h 1807 347 Meech, Levi Witter 1845 14S Meiklejohn, Alexander 1S93 314 Mellen, Edward 1823 87 Mellen, Joshua 1862 207 Mellen, William Chamberlain 1836 119 Mendenhall, Abram Cyrus . . . 1891 308 Mendenhall, James Kirke. . .. 1849 162 Mercer, Jesse h 1835 365 Merriam, Joseph 1819 76 Merrick, Origen Hall 1876 257 Merrill, John 1793 36 Merrill, John Gale. 1821 81 Merrill, Joseph AVarretn h 1880 393 Merrill, Winfield George 1882 279 Merriman, Charles Henry... 1892 311 Merriman, Charles Henry.. h 1894 399 Merriman, Edward Bruce. . .. 1894 317 Merriman, Harold Thurston.. 1894 318 Messenger, George Washing- ton 1826 96 Messer, Asa 1790 34 Messer, George Holmes. ..... 1865 217 Messer, Morris Lewis 1891 308 Meservey, Atwood Bond h 1862 383 Metcalf, Alfred 1802 46 Metcalf, Edwin 1842 140 Metcalf, George 1S74 249 Metcalf, George Tracy 1833 111 Metcalf, Harold 1884 287 Metcalf, John George 1820 78 Metcalf, Nathaniel Whitiug.. 1846 152 Metcalf, Paul Ray h 1801 344 Metcalf, Richard 1851 168 Metcalf, Stephen Olnev 1878 264 Metcalf. Therou 1805 50 Miles, George Davis 1843 143 Miles, Henry Adolphus 1829 104 Miles, John 1794 37 Milford, George Washington. 1877 260 Millar, Robert 1S58 194 Millard, George Wilson 1875 253 Miller, Augustus Samuel 1871 239 Miller, Caleb m 1816 323 Miller, Charles Thomas 1853 176 Miller, Edward 1874 249 Miller, Erasmus Darwin 1832 110 Miller, Ezekiel Lamb 1843 143 Miller, Frederick 1844 145 Miller, Henry Alviu 1876 257 Miller, Horace George 1860 201 Miller, Hugh h 1854 376 Miller, Lewis Leprilete 1817 73 Miller, Moses 1800 44 Miller, Nathaniel h 1814 352 Miller, Seth 1S23 S7 Miller, Thompson 1803 47 Miller, William Brown Mar- tin 1878 264 Mills, Robert Curtis h 1861 383 Mills, AVilliam Hammond. ..h 1S49 162 448 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Milne, Joseph Davis 1S77 260 Minard, Peter Raymond 1827 98 Miner, George Hermon 1863 210 Miner, Henry Bradley 1864 214 Miner, John Durvvard 1891 308 Miner, Thomas m 1825 326 Mitchel. Frederick Augustus. 1860 201 Mitchell, Charles Elliott 1861 205 Mitchell, William h!848 372 Monaghan, James Charles... 1885 291 Montague, Thomas Jones .... 1848 160 Montgomery, Hugh 1S25 92 Moody, Isaiah 1827 98 Moore, Edward Caldwell. . .a 1891 320 Moore, James Spencer 1894 317 Moore, Mark 1814 66 Moore, Martin 1804 58 Moore, Nathan Wheaton.... 1852 172 Moore, Thomas Paine m 1825 326 Moore, Walter Howard 1867 226 Morcock, William James .... 1851 168 Morey, Reuben 1835 116 Morgan, Abel h 1769 328 Morgan, Dura Pratt 1869 231 Morgan, Morris Barker 1855 183 Moriarty, John Mosely 1827 98 Moriarty, Joseph 1830 106 Morrei, Thomas Thaddeus . . . 1863 211 Morrill, Daniel Follansbee . . . 1843 143 Morrill, Donald Littlefield 1880 272 Morris, Charles h 1827 359 Morris, John 1850 165 Morris, William Bowen 1846 152 Morrison, William Herbert. .. 1864 214 Morse, Abner 1816 71 Morse, Alpheus Carey h 1868 387 Morse, Elijah 1809 57 Morse, Frank Lincoln 1886 294 Morse, Horatio Gilead 1840 133 Morse, John 1791 35 Morse, Stephen 1832 110 Morse, Sylvanus 1827 99 Morton, Allan Benton 1894 317 Morton, Andrew 1795 38 Morton, Cyrus. m 1820 324 Morton, James Ferdinand. ..hl877 392 Morton, James Hodges 1844 146 Morton, James Madison. . . .h 1882 394 Morton, Job. 1797 41 Mortou, Joshua 1813 63 Morton, Lloyd 1849 162 Morton, Marcus 1804 49 Morton, Marcus 1S3S 125 Morton, Nathaniel 1840 133 Moss, William Washburn 1894 317 Mott, Frederick 1851 168 Mott, Thomas Smith Webb. . 1822 85 Mowry, Arthur May 1883 283 Mowry, Elisha Capron 1861 204 Mowry, Elisha Cook 1846 152 Mowry, Joseph Edward 1867 226 Mowry, Oscar Brownell 1863 210 Mowry, Raymond Greene .... 1877 260 Mudge, William Prescott 1S86 294 Muenscher, Charles Joseph . . . 1S45 148 Muenscher, Joseph 1S21 81 Mulliken, Joseph m 1817 323 Name. Class. Page. Mumford, Charles Carney. . .. 1881 275 Munger, Edmund Bingham . . . 1892 312 Munger, Enos 1854 179 Munro, Allen 1821 81 Munro, Dana Carleton 1S87 297 Munro, Ephraim 1828 101 Munro, Walter Lee 1S79 269 Munro, Wilfred Harold 1870 236 Munroe Oliver Buchanan .... 187S 264 Murch, William Harris h 1837 366 Murdoch, Isaac Morse 1853 176 Murdock, John Nelson 1852 172 Murphy, James Francis 1887 297 Murrah, Pendleton 1848 160 Murray, James Ormsbee 1850 165 Mustin, John Burton 1S66 222 Mustin, William Finn 1871 239 Myrick, Eugene Calvin 1890 307 Nash, Edgar Smiley 1894 317 Nash, Jacob 1773 29 Nash, Samuel 1770 28 Nash, Stephen Sydney 1859 197 Nason, Elias 1835 116 Nason, Osman Leander Baker 1882 279 Neale, Rollin Heber h 1850 373 Needham, George Francis . . h 1843 369 Noedliam, John Gregory 1821 81 Nelson, Aaron Hayden 185S 192 Nelson, Job 1790 34 Nelson, Morgan 1813 63 Nelson. Stephen Smith 1794 3 < Nelson, William h 1771 33 > Newall, Andrew 1884 287 Newbold, Charles Laurie 1872 243 Newcomb, Charles King 1837 122 Newell, Lyman Churchill 1890 3U7 Newell, William Palmer 1812 61 Newhall, Thomas Bancroft. .. 1832 110 Newman, Sylvanus Chace. ,.hl859 381 Newman, William h 1816 353 Newman, Zenas B 1835 117 Newton, George Cune 1869 232 Newton, George Moore 1S62 207 Newton, James h 1786 334 Newton, John h 1773 331 Newton, Tracy Lansing 1890 305 Nichols, Charles Lemuel 1872 243 Nichols, Lemuel Bliss 1842 140 Nicholson, William Thompson 1886 296 Nickels, Christopher Marden- borough 1830 106 Nickerson, John Albert 1867 226 Nickerson, Stephen Westcott. 1878 264 Nicolai, John Edward 1886 294 Nightingale, Charles Spurgeon 1894 317 Nightingale, Crawford 1834 114 Nightingale, Crawford Allen.. 1878 266 Nightingale, Frederic Albert. 1878 266 Nightingale, John Clark 1789 34 Niles, Lucien Hanks 1862 207 Niver, Edwin Barnes 1893 314 Noel, Baptist Wriothesley. .hl859 381 Norcross, Austin 1843 143 Norris, Benjamin 1823 87 Norris, John 1851 168 North, Alfred 1848 194 North, Edward h 1814 369 Northup, Immanuel 1821 81 Norton, George 1804 49 Norton, Gorham Noble 1892 311 INDEX OF GRADUATES 449 Name. Class. Page. Norton, Jacob h 1S03 345 Norton, William 1802 46 Nott, Eliphalet h 1795 340 Noyes, Edwin 1837 122 Noyes, Lucia Maria Clapp . . a 1893 321 Noyes, Moses 1801 45 Noyes, Thomas h 1817 354 Noyes, Walter Bernard 1858 193 Nye, Jonathan 1801 45 ( >ber, Joshua Foster 1864 214 O'Connor, Edward DeVallie.. 1892 312 Olcott, John Hezekiah 1S72 243 Oldfield, Henry Harrison 1865 217 O'Leary, Clement Dietrich. .. 1884 287 Oliver, Edwin Smith 1847 157 Oliver, Thomas Fitch h 17S3 333 Olney, George Isaac 1803 47 Olney, Gideon Wanton h 1822 357 Olney, Nathanael Greene. .. . 1798 41 Olney, Richard 1856 186 Olney, Richard 1S92 311 Olney, Robert Stanberry 1891 3u8 Olney, Stephen Thayer h 1850 373 O'Neil, Joseph Berchman. . . . 1894 317 O'Neil, William Henry 1892 312 Ordway, Lucius Pond 1883 285 Ordway, Otis Osgood 1874 249 Ordway, Samuel Hanson 1880 272 Ormsbee, Allen Ives 1852 172 Ornisbee, John Holden 1880 272 ( )sborne, George h 1S03 345 Osgood, Howard h 1868 387 Osier, Lemuel Josiah 1S72 243 Osterhout, John Vanleuven.. 1866 222 ( )sterhout, Winthrop John Vanleuven 1893 314 Otheman, Edward 1831 108 Otto, Louis William h 1787 334 ( >v -~i'.\ Reid. Thilip Joseph 1887 298 Remington, Albert Gallatin. . 1S43 143 Remington, Charles Ansel... 1867 226 Remington, Edgar Wilson. . . 1885 201 Remington, Jairus 1794 37 Remington, James Henry... . 1862 2<>7 Remington, Seth Tadelford.. . 1894 317 Reoch, William Stewart 1893 315 Reynolds, Edward h 1825 358 Reynolds, Francis Wayland. . 1886 !".>.". Reynolds, James 1863 210 Reynolds, John h 1770 329 Reynolds, John Tost 1870 237 Reynolds, Walter Scott 1893 314 Reynolds. William Job 1886 295 Rhett. Henry Johns 1885 292 Rhoades, Benjamin Hurd 1833 111 Rhodes, Daniel 1873 24(i Rhodes, Frederick Miller. .. . 1890 3<>7 Rhodes, George Augustus. . .. 1828 101 Rhodes, James Mauran 1800 232 Rhodes, Orlo Bertram 1870 236 Rhodes, Robert 1825 0.", Rhodes, William Conrad 1864 216 Rice, Abbott Barnes 1884 2S7 Rice, Benjamin 1808 55 Rice, Henry Clay 1850 165 Rice, Herbert Ambrose 1889 303 Rice, Herbert Howard 1892 311 Rice, Horace Wadleigh 1S81 275 45 2 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Rice, Howard Malcom 1860 201 Rice, Luther h 1814 352 Rice, Tilley 1777 30 Rice, Wilber Taylor 1881 278 Rich, Ezekiel 1808 55 Richards, George Hallam 1809 57 Richards, Herbert Augustus. 1893 314 Richards, Jacob 1824 90 Richards, Samuel 3838 126 Richards, William h 1793 339 Richards, William Ooolidge. . 1837 122 Richardson, Edward Trask. . 1835 117 Richardson, Erastus h 1894 399 Richardson, James 1882 280 Richardson, John m 1818 323 Richardson, John Gano 1839 129 Richardson, John Smythe 1824 90 Richardson, Joseph h 1817 354 Richardson. Samuel Willard. 1894 317 Richardson, Thomas Francis. 1852 172 Richardson, William Francis. 1880 272 Richmond, Abel 1797 41 Richmond, Edward 1789 34 Richmond, George Nelson. . . . 1892 311 Richmond, J Lee 1880 272 Richmond, Jared Dewing. .. . 1825 93 Richmond, John Wilkes 1794 37 Richmond, Knight Cheney. .. 1885 292 Richmond, Norman Leonard. 1S85 291 Richmond, William 1814 66 Richmond, William. Ebenezer h!821 356 Richmond, William Tallman. 1S69 232 Rickard, William, Watson 1865 218 Rider, Henry Lawrens 1846 153 Rider, Sidney Smith h 1880 393 Rif enberg, George Lafayette . 1894 318 Rigler, George William 1880 272 Ripley, Thomas Baldwin 1814 66 Ripley, Thomas Henry 1847 157 Rippon, John h 1784 333 Rivenburg, Sidney White 1880 273 Rivers, Thomas 1811 59 Rives, William Cabell h 1845 370 Robbing, Ashur h 1835 365 Robbins, Christopher Ellery.h 1822 357 Robbins, Nathaniel 1857 189 Robert, Alexander John 1849 162 Robert, Joseph Thomas 1828 102 Robert, Milton George 1847 157 Roberts, Augustus Wellington 1820 78 Roberts, Clarence Verdine . . . 1886 295 Roberts, John Mitchell 1796 39, Robinson, Amos 1864 214 Robinson, Charles Pitts 1863 210 Robinson, Christopher 1825 93 Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman... . 1838 126 Robinson, Isaac h 1801 344 Robinson, Luther 1834 114 Robinson, Morrill m 1825 326 Robinson, Thomas Drew 1849 162 Robinson, William 1802 46 Roby, Charles 1810 58 Roby, Joseph 1S28 102 Rockwood, Frank Ernest. . . . 1874 250 Rockwood. Lucius Osborn . . . 1868 228 Rodman, William Mitchell. .hl858 380 Rogers, Andrew Jackson .... 1867 226 Rogers, Arthur 1886 295 Rogers, Henry Augustus 1820 78 Name. Class. Page. Rogers, Horatio 1855 183 Rogers, James Swords 1S46 153 Rogers, John 1808 55 Rogers, John Henry 1854 179 Rogers, John Williams 1861 204 Rogers, Robert 1775 30 Rogers, Stephen Marsh 1818 74 Rogers, William 1769 27 Rogers, William Augustus . . . 1857 188 Root, David Lyman 1842 141 Root, Edward Thompson 1S89 303 Roper, Solon Stuart 1876 257 Rose, Henry Brayton 1S81 276 Rose, John m 1826 326 Rothwell, Thomas Harwood . . 1893 314 Round, Arthur Morey 1876 25S Round, William Marshall Fitts h!892 397 Roux, Louis Alexander 1894 317 Rowe. Henry Kallock 1892 312 Roy, James 1828 102 Rueckert, Frederick 1877 261 Ruggles, George Benjamin. . . 1850 166 Ruggles, John 1813 64 Ruggles, William 1820 78 Russel, Joseph Somers 1886 295 Russell, Abiel 1800 44 Russell, Cyrus King 1844 146 Russell, George Robert 1821 81 Russell, James Sullivan. . . .h 1876 391 Russell, John h 1841 368 Russell, Jonathan 1791 35 Russell, Joseph Dolbeare 1772 28 Russell, Thomas 1811 59 Russell, William Jay 1864 214 Ryland, John h 1772 330 Ryland, John Collett h 1769 328 Ryland, Jonathan Edwards . h 1852 375 Ryther, Orman Eris 1887 299 Sabin, John 1797 41 Sabin, William Harvey 1798 41 Sackett, Frederick Moseley. . 1861 204 Sackett, Frederic Moseley . . . 1890 306 Sadler, Alvin Grover 1873 246 Safford, Henry Gilbert 1858 192 Sage, Williami Nathan 1840 133 Sampson, Ira 1838 126 Sampson, Joseph 1821 82 Sampson, Samuel 1777 3 ) Sampson, Zabdiel 1803 48 Sams, Lewis Reeve 1806 52 Samson, George Whitefield. .. 1839 130 Sanderson, John 1853 175 Sanf ord, Baalis 1823 87 Sanford, David 1825 93 Sanf ord, Enoch 1820 78 Sanford, Frederic Washburne 1890 306 Sanf ord, James 1812 61 Sanford, John 1812 61 Sanford, John Augustine 1882 279 Sanford, Louis Childs 188S 300 Sanger, Zedekiah h 1807 348 Sanger, Zedekiah 1807 53 Sarle, Amos Lockwood 1886 295 Sarle, Oliver Perry 1886 295 Satterlee, Alfred Brown 1852 172 Saunders, Amos Joseph 1855 183 Saunders, Isaac Harrison. . . . 1862 208 Savage, Cornelius Samuel. . . . 1878 264 Savery, Phineas 1824 90 INDEX OF GRADUATES 453 Name. Class. Page. Sawyer, James 1814 66 Sawyer, John Woodbury. • -h 1881 393 Saxton, William Robinson.. . 1835 117 Sayles, Frank Arthur 1890 306 Sayles, Willard 1844 146 Sayles, William Francis h 1885 305 Sayles, William Randall 1864 215 Scammell, John Stearns 1837 122 Seammell, Lucius Leslie . . . . h 1841 368 Scammon, James 1868 228 Schoonover, Alpheus Hewitt. 1874 251 Schubarth, Cromwell Turner. 1876 258 Scott, Adrian 1872 243 Scott, Charles Seaver 1877 261 Scott, Jacob Richardson 1836 119 Scott, Walter Reuben 1887 298 Scott, William Henry 1875 253 Scott, William Maxwell 1852 174 Scovill, John m 1826 326 Scovillo, Augustus Erving... . 1884 28S Screven, Charles Odingsell. .. 1795 38 Screven, Thomas 1795 38 Seabury, Nathaniel 1882 279 Seagrave, Clifford Phetteplace 1885 291 Seagrave, Edward 1822 85 Seagrave, James Carter 1815 149 Seagrave, Orville Barton 1863 211 Sea mans, John 1815 69 Sea He, Nathaniel 1794 38 Searle, Nathaniel 1816 71 Sears, Barnas 1825 93 Sears, Frederick Baker 1863 211 Semple, Robert Baylor h 1814 352 Senter, Horace 1796 39 Senter, Isaac h 1787 334 Sessions, Eliakim Williams. . . 1820 78 Severance. Samuel Augustus. 1879 269 Sewall, Charles 1857 189 Shailer, Hezekiah 1846 153 Shankland, James Horton.. . 1869 232 Sharp, Daniel h 1811 350 Sharp, Granville h 1786 334 Sharpe, Henrv Dexter 1894 317 Sharpe, Lucian h 1892 398 Sharpe, Lucian 1893 314 Shattuck, Joseph Herbert.... 1878 265 Shaw, Frederick Eugene 1S82 2S0 Shaw, George Wallace 1865 218 Shaw, Jahaziah 1792 36 Shaw, John 1805 51 Shaw, John Taylor 1876 257 Sha w. Lemuel h 1850 373 Shaw, Mason 1794 38 Shaw, Philander h 1792 338 Shaw, Samuel Brenton 1819 76 Shea, Mark Dee 1865 219 Sheahan. Dennis Harvey 1889 303 Shearman. Caleb Hamilton. .. 1803 48 Shearman, Sumner Upham.. 1861 205 Shearman, Sylvester Gardner hl855 378 Shearman, William Dennis Upham 1865 218 Shedd, Edward Whitten 1S84 289 Shedd, Joel Herbert h 1894 399 Shedd, William Henry 1885 291 Sheffield, William Paine. . ..h 1862 383 Sheffield, William Paine 1877 261 Sheldon, Charles Munroe 1883 283 Sheldon, David Newton h 1847 371 Name. Class. Page. Sheldon, Horace Ward 1881 276 Shepard, Osgood Harris 1S69 232 Shepard, Ralph 1821 82 Shepard, Stephen Osgood 1836 119 Shepard, Thomas 1813 64 Shepard, Thomas Perkins... 1836 119 Shepard. William Arnold.... 1815 69 Shepardson, Daniel h 1853 376 Shepardson, Francis Wayland 1883 283 Shepardson. Frank Lucius. . . 1883 283 Sheppard, Charles Ewing. ... 1870 230 Sheppard, Ebenezer Letson Ludlum 1839 130 Sheppard, Joseph h 1808 348 Sherman, Frederick 1862 208 Sherman, Richard Mitchell... 1887 298 Sherwood, Richard Otis 1883 283 Shiel, Jefferson 1882 279 Shiere, Peter Benton 1870 236 Shippee, John Smith 1894 317 Shores, Joseph Augustus... .h 1875 391 Short, Chester Fitch 1859 197 Shumway, Nehemiah 1790 34 Shurtleff, Augustine 1846 153 Shurtleff, Benjamin 1796 40 Shurtleff, Flavel 1814 66 Shurtleff, Nathaniel Brad- street h 1834 364 Shurtleff, Samuel At wood. .m!817 323 Sibley, John Jay 1814 66 Sibley, John Leonard 1813 64 Sibley, Solomon 1794 38 Sill, Thomas Hale 1804 49 Silliman, Samuel Gregory. . .. 1858 192 Silver, Edgar Oscar 18S3 283 Silver, Elmer Ellsworth 18S5 291 Silvey, William Baird 1881 276 Simmonde. Newton Mercer. . 1889 303 Simmons, Benjamin Benneau 1796 40 Simmons, James Barlow 1851 169 Simmons, James Davis 1881 276 Simmons, John 1797 41 Simmons, Perez 1833 112 Simmons, Samuel Randall... 1879 269 Simmons, Warren Seabury . . . 1889 304 Simonds, William Edward. . 1S83 2S4 Simons, Thomas 1855 182 Simpson, Daniel Pomeroy .... 1834 114 Simpson, John Kelley 1832 110 Simpson, Samuel Ahimaaz... 1850 166 Sisson, Charles Humphrey... 1891 308 Skillman, Isaac h 1774 332 Skinner, Henry Reuben 18S5 291 Skinner, Volney 1884 288 Slade, David Foster 1880 27:! Slade, George Henry 1877 262 Slade, William Lloyd 187S 265 Slater, Horatio Nelson 1S54 179 Slater, Horatio Nelson h 1869 388 Slater, John Frank 1851 169 Sleeper, Jonas Darius 1840 134 Slocum, Holder h 1S01 344 Smalley, Elam 1827 99 Smart, Charles Henry 1868 229 Smiley, Albert Keith h 1875 391 Smith, Albert 1813 64 Smith, Albion True 1876 257 Smith, Amos Denison 1854 ISO Smith, Archar Benjamin. .. . 1828 102 Smith, Arthur Warren 1890 306 454 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Smith, Aruna Captain Hoover 1824 90 Smith, Arvin Augustus 1873 246 Smith, Benjamin Bosworth. . 1816 71 Smith, Benjamin Hale 1857 189 Smith, Benjamin West 1876 257 Smith, Charles Morris 1859 197 Smith, Charles Morris 1885 291 Smith, David Stuart Hepburn 1862 208 Smith, Ebenezer 1830 106 Smith, Edward Presbrey 1884 288 Smith, Elbridge 1841 137 Smith, Eli 1792 36 Smith, Eli Burnham h 1833 363 Smith, Ernest Gilbert 1889 303 Smith, Francis 1837 122 Smith, Francis Mitchell 1892 312 Smith, Frank Austin 1889 303 Smith, George Carroll.- 1876 257 Smith, George Mathewson . . . 1869 232 Smith, Gerald Birney 1891 309 Smith, Goldwin h 1864 384 Smith, Henry 1836 119 Smith, Hezekiah h 1796 328 Smith, Increase Sumner 1821 82 Smith, Iram Nelson 1868 229 Smith, James Edward 1892 312 Smith, James Wheaton 1848 160 Smith, Jerome Van Orownin- shield m 1818 323 Smith, John 1795 38 Smith, John h 1803 345 Smith, John Day 1872 243 Smith, Joseph 1837 123 Smith, Josiah Torry h 1879 393 Smith, Lewis Everett 1853 175 Smith, Luther 1824 90 Smith, Martin Sidney 1S67 226 Smith, Noah Beazelle 1885 292 Smith, Percy Dinsmore 1889 303 Smith, Preserved 1786 32 Smith, Preserved 1812 61 Smith, Robert Benjamin 1843 143 Smith, Roswell 1852 172 Smith, Samuel Watson. 1880 273 Smith, Stephen h 1876 392 Smith, Virgil Clarendon 1859 197 Smith, Walter Burges 1888 300 Smith, Walter Edward 1893 314 Smith, Wesley Lorenzo 1880 273 Smith, William Armington... 1870 236 Smith, William Henry h 1827 359 Smith, William Henry 1892 312 Smvth, David Grant 1889 3f>3 Snell, Martin 1818 74 Snow, Caleb Hopkins 1813 64 Snow, Charles Theodore 1877 261 Snow, Daniel Cory 1S93 315 Snow, Edwin Miller 1845 149 Snow, John Burges 1805 51 Snow, John Lippitt 1858 192 Snow, Louis Franklin 1887 299 Snow, Samuel 1782 31 Snow, Samuel 1856 187 Snow, Sylvester Miller 1S83 284 Snow, Thomas 1825 94 Snyder, Henry Nettleon 1855 184 Sommers, Charles George., .h 1820 356 Sommers, Thomas Skelding. . 1837 123 Some, Zachariah 1799 43 Southwick, Henry Keith 1861 205 Name. Class. Page. Southwick, Isaac Hinckley... 1877 261 Southwick, Joseph Harrison . . 1868 229 Southwick, Moses Daniels. . . 1828 102 Southwo'rth, Louis Rhodes. .. 1S79 269 Spalding, Amos Fletcher 1847 157 Spalding. Charles Hubbard.. . 1865 218 Spaulding, Erastus 1821 82 Spear, Francis Henry 1891 309 Spear, William Hervey 1827 99 Spence, Frank Arthur 1877 261 Spence, George Sumner God- dard 1839 130 Spence, John 1839 130 Spencer, George Washington. 1810 58 Spencer, James Hovey 1882 279 Spencer, Joel Mann 1879 269 Spencer, William Henry 1866 222 Spink, Joseph Edwin 1865 218 Spooner, Henry Joshua 1860 201 Spooner, Henry Joshua 1891 309 Spooner, Nathaniel Sprague.. 1808 55 Sprague, Daniel Greene 1819 77 Sprague, Jason 1803 48 Sprague, William h 1861 383 Sproat, James Granville 1857 188 Squires, Vernon Purinton 1889 303 Stacy, Philemon m 1825 326 Stafford, John h 1773 331 Stanford, Charles h 1878 392 Stanford, John h 1788 3-35 Stanley, Edward Otis 1876 257 Stanley, Samuel Gould m 1S25 326 Stanley, William Stillman. . . 1825 94 Staples, Charles Jason 1878 265 Staples, Francis Hamilton . . . 1894 317 Staples, Hamilton Barclay. . . 1851 169 Staples, William Read 1817 73 Stark, Jedediah Lathrop 1818 75 Starkweather, James Clay. . . 1880 273 Starkweather, John 1805 51 Starkweather, Samuel 1822 85 Stead, Charles Mason 1861 205 Steadman, William h 1815 353 Stearns, Daniel Munroe 1S22 86 Stearns, Harrison William . . 1S67 226 Stearns, Orrin Orlando 1837 123 Stedman, George Lavater. ... 1856 186 Steele, Benjamin Wheeler. . . 1S76 257 Steere, Charles 1873 246 Steere, Edmund Job 1894 318 Steere, Frank 1894 317 Stelle, Benjamin h 1774 332 Stephens, Charles Erastus . . . 1852 172 fiterry, Robert 1801 45 Stetson, Samuel 1820 79 Stevens, Abel h 1S39 367 Stevens, Edward Abiel 1S33 112 Stevens, Edward Oliver...... 1861 205 Stevens, Elisha 1830 106 Stevens, Granville Smith 1852 172 Stevens, Isaac h 1834 364 Stevens, John h 1829 360 Stevens, Solon Whithed 1S58 193 Stevenson, George Sears 1842 141 Steward, Henry Green 1839 130 Stewart, Morton Collins 1894 318 Stickney, Charles 1892 312 Stidham, Ferdinand Dutton . . 1891 309 Stillman, Howard York 1879 269 Stillman, James Wells 1866 223 INDEX OF GRADUATES 455 Name. Class. Page. Stillman, Samuel h 17G9 328 Stillwell, Charles Martin 1800 223 Stiness, Edward Clinton Besom 1890 306 Stiness, John Henry h 1870 392 Stites, John h 1769 328 States, Richard 1769 27 Stites, Richard Montgomery.. 1792 36 Stockbridge, John Calvin .... 1838 120 Stockbridge, "William Maurau 1878 265 Stockwell, Frederick Emerson 1890 300 Stockwell, George Appleton. . 1872 243 Stockwell, Thomas Blanchard 1802 208 Stoddard, Darius Hicks 1804 215 Stoddard, Ebenezer 1807 53 Stoddard, Edgar Wallace 1808 229 Stoddard, Elijah Brigham. . .. 1817 157 Stokes, Edward Casper 1883 284 Stokes, Howard Kemble 1885 291 Stone, Dexter Sheldon 1857 190 Stone, Ebenezer 1820 79 Stone, Edward 1835 117 Stone, George Burrill 1842 141 Stone, Henry Morgan 1892 312 Stone, James Louis 1840 134 Stone, Luther 1839 130 Stone, Samuel Slater 1883 291 Stone, Walter Lincoln 1891 309 Stone, William Eben 1800 223 Stone, William Leete h 1825 358 Stone, William Leete 1858 193 Story, Abraham Burnside 1799 43 Story, Joseph h 1815 353 Stout, Mahlon Runyon 1894 317 Stow, Baron . . . .h 1840 370 Stratton, Asa Evans 1873 240 Strauss, Israel 1894 317 Straw, David Robinson 1822 86 Streeter, Reuben Mowry 1865 21S Strong, Augustus Hopkins, .h 1870 389 Strong, George Odiorne 1814 66 Strong, Jonathan h 1808 348 Stuart, Ambrose Pascal Sevilon 1847 157 Stuber, Henry h 1790 337 Studley, Elliott Francis 1893 315 Sturgis, Orin Jones 1879 209 Sullivan, Frank Louis 1877 201 Sullivan, James h 1799 342 Sullivan, John Clarke 1807 220 Sullivan, Lot Bumpus 1814 00 Sumner, Arthur Preston 1885 291 Sumner, Bradford 1808 55 Sumner, Howard Edwin 1894 318 Sumner, Martin Tyler 1838 120 Sumner, Samuel Stillman. . . . 1835 117 Sutcliff, John h 17S3 339 Sutherland, John 1880 273 Suydam, Henry Clay 1870 257 Swaim, Samuel Budd 1830 100 Swain, Edward Allen 1882 279 Swain, Leonard h 1857 380 Swarts, Walter Benjamin... 1878 200 Sweet, Frank Edwin 1884 288 Sweet, Hartford 1811 59 Sweet, Henry Hannibal Fayette 1822 80 Sweet, John Davis 1829 104 Sweet, Richard Foster 1824 90 Sweetland, Cornelius Sowle. . 1800 223 Name. Class. Page. Sweetland, William Howard. 1878 265 Swift, Augustus Taber 18S9 303 Swift, Foster h 1790 341 Swift, Joseph Gardner h 1811 350 Swisher, Samuel Landes 1857 188 Sykes, James Noble 1841 137 Symmonds, Joshua h 1773 331 Symonds, James Munroe. . . . 1845 149 Taft, Edward Padelford 1854 179 Taft, Edward William 1881 270 Taft, Foster Williams 1894 318 Taft, Frederic Clarke 1870 230 Taft, George 1815 09 Taft, George Spring 1848 K>0 Taft, George Spring 1882 279 Taft, Gravener 1800 44 Taft, Harrison South wick... 1892 312 Taft, Orray 1800 223 Taft, Orray 1885 292 Taft, Orsinus Augustus 1803 211 Taft, Robert Rennie 1888 300 Taft, Robert Wendell 1891 309 Taft, Royal Chapin h 1891 390 Talbot, Charles Remington. . 1875 253 Tallmadge, James 1798 42 Tallmadge, Matthew Burnet h 1798 342 Tanner, Abel Palmer 1874 250 Tanner, George Clinton 1857 188 Tanner, Willard Brooks 1879 209 Tarbell, Martha a 1894 321 Tarleton, Charles William . . . 1874 2.~>< I Tarr, Jabez 1833 112 Taylor, Alfred Simpson 1891 309 Taylor, Asa Potter 1841 137 Taylor, Barnard Cook 1874 250 Taylor, Charles Frederick... 1803 211 Taylor, Daniel Amos 1873 247 Taylor, David Henry 1871 239 Taylor, John 18U9 57 Taylor, John 1810 5S Taylor, John Alvah 1881 270 Taylor, Montf ort Temple 1854 180 Taylor, Samuel Harvey. . . .h 1854 377 Taylor, Samuel Worcester, .h 1851 374 Taylor, Steuben 1819 77 Taylor, William Henry 1837 123 Tefft, Lyman Beecher 1858 193 Tefft, Thomas Alexander 1851 169 Tenney, Fred 1894 318 Tenney, Frederick Clay 18S0 273 Tenney, John Waters 1823 87 Tetlow, John 1864 215 Tew, Paraclete 1792 36 Thatcher, Moses 1821 82 Thatcher, Tyler 1824 90 Thayer, Caleb Edmund 1865 218 Thayer, Eli 1845 149 Thayer, Gideon French h 1854 377 Thayer, Henry White 1826 97 Thayer, Herbert Edgar 18S2 279 Thayer, Jabez 1770 •'!<> Thayer, James 1814 00 Thayer, John Goulding 1804 49 Thayer, John Milton 1841 137 Thayer, Jonathan 1803 48 Thayer, Joseph 1815 09 Thayer, William Makepeace.. 1843 143 Theus, William Randolph 1800 44 Thomas, Albert Ellsworth . . . 1894 318 Thomas, Alfred Delavau 1801 205 45 6 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Thomas, Benjamin 1847 158 Thomas, Benjamin Franklin. 1830 106 Thomas, Daniel 1803 48 Thomas, David h 1769 328 Thomas, Eugene Ellis 1870 236 Thomas, John. 1813 64 Thomas, Joseph h 1786 334 Thomas, Joshua h 1818 354 Thomas, Judson Benjamin.. . 1876 257 Thomas, Moses George 1825 95 Thomas, Sylvanus Martin . . . 1871 239 Thomas, Uriah 1851 169 Thomas, Willis Frye 1877 261 Thompson, Asaph 1795 38 Thompson, Charles 1769 27 Thompson, Charles Henry . . . 1854 180 Thompson, Ebenezer 1868 229 Thompson, Edwin Stanley. . . 1S86 295 Thompson, Freeman m 1825 326 Thompson, Ignatius 1796 40 Thompson, James 1799 43 Thompson, James Freebody. . 1891 309 Thompson, James William . . . 1827 99 Thompson, Otis 1798 42 Thompson, William Elliott. . . 1873 246 Thorns, John Cyrus 1878 265 Thomson, Homer Alexander. 1852 174 Thresher, Ebenezer 1827 99 Thurber, Charles 1827 99 Thurber, Daniel h 1825 358 Thurber, Edmund Gorharn. . . 1886 296 Thurber, George h 1S65 385 Thurber, Samuel 1858 193 Thurston, Benjamin Francis. 1849 162 Thurston, Benjamin Franklin 1880 273 Thurston, Charles Abraham Gardiner 1866 223 Thurston, Charles Rawson . . . 1882 279 Thurston, Edward Anthony . . 1893 315 Thurston, Edwin Lajette 1881 276 Thurston, John Deshon 1862 208 Thurston, Robert Henry 1859 19S Thurston, Samuel Isaac 1807 53 Thurston, Wilmarth Heath . . 1877 261 Tibbitts, Charles Norris 1811 59 Tibbitts, John Cook m 1821 324 Ticknor, George h 1S50 374 Tiffany, Pardon Dexter 1834 114 Tilden, Calvin 1800 44 Tillinghast, Charles Foster. . 1814 66 Tlllinghast Christopher Spen- cer 1842 141 Tillinghast, George 1783 31 Tillinghast, George Hopkins. 1814 66 Tillinghast, Henry Anthony. . 18S2 279 Tillinghast, Henry Hendren . . 1773 29 Tillinghast, James 1849 162 Tillinghast, John 1783 31 Tillinghast, Joseph Leonard . h 1819 355 Tillinghast, Nicholas h 1793 339 Tillinghast, Nicholas Power.. 1837 123 Tillinghast, Pardon h 1S90 396 Tillinghast, Paris Jenckes 1800 44 Tillinghast, Stephen 1788 33 Tillinghast, Theodore Foster. 1884 288 Tillinghast, Wilbor 1836 119 Tillinghast, William h 1774 332 Tillinghast, William Rich- mond 1879 269 Tillman, William 1854 180 Name. Class. Page. Tilton, Austin Valencourt 1865 218 Tingley, Richard Hoadley 1870 258 Tingley, Xenophon Demos- thenes 1868 229 Tinkham, Alanson Harris. . . . 1841 137 Tinkham, Frank Luscombe. . 1880 274 Tisdale, James 1821 82 Titcombe, Frank Locke 1885 291 Tobey, Alvan 1799 43 Tobey, John Fry 1855 1S2 Tobey, Samuel Boyd h 1832 362 Tobey, Silas 1804 49 Tobey, Thomas Fry 1859 197 Tobey, Zalmon 1S17 74 Todd, Nathaniel 1S00 44 Tolman, Robert Francis 1875 254 Tolman, Thomas 1811 59 Tolman, William Edward 1849 162 Tolman, William Howe 1882 279 Tompkins, Isaac h 1795 340 Tompkins, Silas 1824 90 Toothaker, Charles Everett. . 1S33 112 Toplady, Augustus Monta- gue hl773 331 Topliff, Qalvin Howe 1846 153 Torrey, David 1819 77 Torrey, Joseph William 1816 72 Torrey, Louis Hamilton 1878 268 Torrey, Reuben 1816 72 Totten, Joseph Gilbert h 1829 361 Toulmin, Joshua h 1769 329 Tourtellott, Isaac Newton . . . 1849 162 Tourtellotte, John Eaton 1856 186 Tower, Carl Vernon 1893 315 Tower, Clifford Sayles 1890 306 Tower, Gad 1801 45 Tower, Levi 1800 44 Tower, Ralph Winfred 1892 312 Town, Walter James 1881 276 Townsend, Shearjashub Bourne 1814 66 Towson, Nathan h 1818 354 Train, Arthur Savage 1833 112 Train, Charles Russell 1837 123 Trotter, William Ramsay. . . . 1880 273 Trull, Washington Benson . . . 1861 205 Tucker, Alpheus Dudley 1892 312 Tucker, Carl Efferen 1890 306 Tucker, Charles James 1879 269 Tucker, Edward Tobey 1871 239 Tucker, Elijah Withington. . . 1838 127 Tucker, Frank William 1892 312 Tucker, George Everett 1842 141 Tucker, George Fox 1873 240 Tucker John 1800 44 Tucker, Simeon 1821 82 Tucker, Thomas Horatio 1854 179 TUfts, James 1789 34 Tuller, Edward Pratt 1884 2SS Turner, Charles 1815 69 Turner, Charles 1855 184 Turner, Daniel 1799 43 Turner, John 1788 33 Turner, Robert Northam 1892 312 Turner, William Mason 1S55 184 Turney, John Penfield 1824 90 Tustin, George Miller 18S0 273 Tustin, Josiah Phillips 1838 127 Twing, Martin Walter 1S83 2S4 Tyler, Francis Maurice 1864 215 INDEX OF GRADUATES 457 Name. Class. Page. Tyler, Joseph Henry 1877 261 Tyler, Joseph Punderson. .. . 1S23 87 Tyler, Othniel 17S3 31 Tyler, Royal in 1819 324 Tyler, Samuel Lockwood 1820 79 Tyler, William 1809 57 Tyzzer, George Alfred 18S4 288 Underhill, William Henry 1864 215 Underwood, Adiu Ballou 1849 163 Underwood, Alvan 1798 42 Updike, Caesar Augustus. . . . 1849 162 Updike, Prank Arthur 1893 315 Updike, Wilkins h 1846 371 Upham, Albert George 1874 200 Upham, Edward h 1769 329 Upham, William D 1835 117 Upton, Charles Russell 1884 288 Upton, George Putnam 1854 179 Upton, Winslow 1S75 254 Urmeneta, Geronimo 1835 117 Usher, John h 1794 310 Ustick, Thomas 1771 28 Utley, Albert Greene 1854 179 Utley, Azel 1818 75 Vail, Thomas Hubbard h 1857 380 Valentine, James 1805 51 Van Buren, Abram 1843 144 Van Horn, William h 1774 332 Van Home, William Grant. . 1877 261 Van Slyck, Cyrus Manches- ter 1876 257 Van Wickle, Augustus Stout. 1876 257 Van Zandt, Charles Collins. . h 1867 386 Varnum, James Mitchell .... 1769 27 Vernon, John Winthrop 1854 180 Vernon, Samuel Brown 1848 160 Vernon, Thomas 1816 72 Vernon, Thomas 1854 179 Viets, Francis Hubbard 1879 269 Vinton, Alexander Hamilton hl836 366 Vinton, Elisha Dyer 1844 146 Vinton, Fraucis h 1833 363 Vinton, John Rogers h 1827 359 Volentine, Thomas Jefferson. 1867 226 Vose, George Blake 1S53 176 Vose, James Gardner, h 1874 390 Vose, Josiah Howe 1884 288 Wa.le, Benjamin Clifford 1825 94 Wade, Daniel Arnold 1878 265 Wadsworth, Arthur Leonard . 1886 295 Wadsworth Charles 1827 100 Wadsworth, George Melvin . . 1884 288 Wadsworth John Atherton. . . 1814 66 Wadsworth, Lemuel 1793 37 Wait, Francis Dehon 1810 58 Wait, Oliver 1809 57 Waite, Clarendon 1852 172 Wakefield, Albert Gallatin. . 1830 107 Wakeman, George Bulkeley.. 1884 288 Wakeman, William Walter. . 18S7 298 Walcott, George Theodore. .. 1848 160 Waldo, Charles Sidney 1874 250 Waldo, John 1790 34 Walker, Boiling Mumford 18 '5 51 Walker, Elnathan 1803 48 Walker, George 1891 309 Walke-, Harvey Day 1843 144 Walker, Harry Franklin 1887 298 Walker, Irving Everett 1890 306 Name. Class. Page. Walker, James Bradford Richmond 1841 137 Walker, Joseph 1887 298 Walker, Leonard h 1864 385 Walker, Phineas 1790 34 Walker, Reuben Eugene 1875 254 Walker, William 1843 144 Wall, Ashbel Tingley 1885 291 Wallin, Benjamin h 1770 321) Walter, Herbert Eugene a 1893 321 Walther, Joseph 1893 315 Walton, Frederick Johnson Clegg 1880 273 Wanton, Joseph h 1769 329 Ward, Ephraim 1834 114 Ward, George Otis 1877 261 Ward, Henry h 1769 329 Ward, John Grover 1878 265 Ward, John Jefferson 1861 205 Ward, Joseph 1865 219 Ward, Joseph Hooker 1886 295 Ward, Samuel 1771 28 Ward, Samuel h 1832 362 Ward, William 1817 74 Wardwell, Daniel 1811 59 Ware, Jairus 1797 41 Ware, Jonathan m 1821 324 Warne, Joseph Andrews. . . .h 1834 364 Warner, Eugene Francis 1S75 254 Warner, Noah 1827 100 Warner, Samuel 1838 127 Warren, Andrew Fuller 1863 211 Warren, Andrew McCorrie. . . 1885 291 Warren, Charles Jarvis 1826 97 Warren, Daniel 1794 38 Warren, David March hl858 380 Warren, George Eddy 1889 303 Warren, Jacob Goulding 1835 117 Warren, John Bliss 1815 69 Warren, Laban Edwards. . . . 1866 223 Warren, Samuel Stevens 1816 72 Warren, Theodore David 1855 183 Washburn Charles 1820 79 Washburn, George 1872 24:; Washburn, Lemuel Williams. 1833 112 Washburn, Lewis 1826 97 Washburn, Philo Hortensius. 1801 4."» Washburn, Reuel 1814 67 Washburn, Seth h 17S9 336 Washington, George h 1790 337 Waterbury, Charles Henry.. . 1836 120 Waterhouse, Andrew Oliver. h 1811 350 Waterhouse, John Fothergill h 1812 351 > Waterman, Daniel Dyer 1872 244 Waterman, Harold Pearce . . . 1874 250 Waterman, Henry 1831 108 Waterman, John 1N35 117 Waterman, Le\vis Anthony. . 1894 318 Waterman, Marcus 1855 183 Waterman, Paul 1880 273 Waterman, Richard 1802 46 Waterman, Richard 185!) 198 Waterman, Silvanus 1798 42 Waterman, Stephen 1S46 153 Waterman, Stephen 1886 295 Waterman, William Bullock.. 1882 279 Waterman, William Henry. . . 1824 90 Waterman, William Watson hl870 389 Watjen, Herman William... 1890 306 458 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Watson, Arthur Eugene 1888 300 Watson, Arthur Hamilton . . . 1870 237 Watson, Elisha Freeman 1840 134 Watson, Matthew 1873 247 Watson, Samuel 1794 38 Watson, Samuel 1825 94 Watson, William 1818 75 W T atson, William Henry 1852 173 Watson, William Robinson. . . 1823 88 Wayland, Francis h 1822 357 Wayland, Francis 1846 153 Wayland, Heman Lincoln 1849 163 W T ayland, John h 1830 361 Weaver, Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1882 279 Webb, Benjamin Stanley 1892 312 Webb, Charles Henry 1839 130 Webb, Christopher 1803 48 Webb, Conrad 1798 42 Webb, George Heber 1890 307 Webb, Quartus Morgan 1829 104 Webb, Thomas Dennie 1805 51 Webb, Thomas Hopkins 1821 82 Webster, John h 1846 371 Webster, Walter Gardner. . . . 1878 265 Webster, Warren Thaddeus . . 1851 169 Webster, William Franklin. . . 1852 173 Wedge, Alanson 1848 160 Weeden, Allen Hunt 1875 254 Weeden, Anne Tillinghast. . . . 1894 318 Weeden, Benjamin Dunham. . 1813 64 Weeden, George Everson 1870 237 Weeden, John Edward 1891 309 Weeden, John Hull 1827 100 Weeden, William Babcock .hl875 391 Weeks, Edward Henry 1893 315 Welch, Bartholomew Trow.. h 1831 361 Welch, James Craft h 1842 368 Welch, Stephen Albro 1879 270 Weld, Fitz Henry 1843 144 Weld, Stowell Leverett 1837 123 Weld, William 1842 141 Wells, Eleazar Mather Porter hl831 361 Wells, James Lee 1879 270 Welton, Cephas Burpee 1874 250 Wenger, John h 1871 389 West, Benjamin h 1770 329 West, Edward Weeks 1840 134 West, George Joseph 1876 257 West, Samuel 1828 102 Westall, John h 1866 386 Westcott, Amasa Smith 1842 141 Westcott, Frank Thomas 1890 307 Westcott, Henry 1853 177 Westcott, Oliver Spink 1856 186 Weston, David 1859 197 Weston Francis Wayland. . . . 1847 158 Weston, George Franklin 1878 265 Weston, Henry Griggs 1840 134 Weston, Isaiah 1793 37 Weston, Roderic Stocking 1846 153 Wheaton, Francis Ide 1840 134 Wheaton, Francis Levison . m 1828 326 Wheaton, Frank h 1865 385 Wheaton, Henry 1802 46 Wheaton, Henry Nelson 1820 79 Wheaton, Henry Steward .... 1841 137 Wheaton, Horatio Gates 1820 79 Name. Class. Page. Wheaton, James Lucas 1891 310 Wheaton, Joseph 1812 61 Wheaton, Laban Mitchell .... 1817 74 Wheaton, Levi 1782 31 Wheeler, Arthur Lincoln 1889 304 Wheeler, Benjamin Ide 1875 254 Wheeler Bennett Rollin 1878 265 Wheeler, Charles 1807 53 Wheeler, Charles Horace 1S82 280 Wheeler, Henry Alexander. . . 1872 213 Wheeler, John Brooks 1874 2"0 Wlieeler, Nelson h 1849 373 Wheelock, Isaac Robinson. . . 1869 232 Wheelock, Lucius Augustus. . 1852 173 Wheelock, Peter 1811 60 Whelpley, Samuel h 1790 337 Whipple, Jeremiah 1859 198 Whipple, John 1802 47 Whipple, John 1860 202. Whipple, Joseph Caldwell 1889 304 Whipple, Shilometh Stowe. .m 1818 323 Whitaker, Fred Earle 1888 300 Whitaker, Henry day 1S38 127 Whitaker, Jonathan Edwin. . 1844 146 White, Albert Cicero 1863 211 White, Charles Lincoln 1887 298 White, Earl Percy 1813 64 White, Elihu 1824 90 White, Elipha 1817 74 White, Elliot Farnsworth 1890 306 White, Francis Wayland 1S56 186 White, Frank Denison 1887 298 White, Harriet May a 1894 321 White, Jacob 1832 110 White, John h 1774 332 White, John m 1823 325 White, John Brown 1832 110 White, John Conant 1869 232 White, Leonard h 1792 338 White, Luther 1864 216 White, Seth Hobart 1846 153 White, William h 1808 348 White, William Albert 1857 189 White, William Hunt 1824 90 White, William Nelson 1874 250 White, William Shaw 1886 295 Whiting, Abij ah 1790 34 Whiting, Amos 1812 61 Whiting, Daniel 1810 58 Whiting, Nathan 1796 40 Whiting, Thaddeus 1812 61 Whitman, Benaiah Longley. . 1887 298 Whitman, Benjamin 1788 33 Whitman, Benjamin 1815 69 Whitman, Daniel 1809 57 Whitman, Eliab 1807 53 Whitman, Ezekiel 1795 39 Whitman, Frank Perkins 1874 251 Whitman, Freeman Tupper. . 1878 265 Whitman, Henry Brigham . . . 1864 215 Whitman, Jared 1805 51 Whitman, John Winslow 1818 75 Whitman, Noah 1806 52 Whitman, Peleg Spencer 1839 130 Whitman, Seth Spencer h 1828 360 Whitman, William Warren . . 1843 144 Whitmarsh, Henry Allen 1876 258 Whitmore, Benjamin 1814 67 W r hitney, Patrick. 1877 261 INDEX OF GRADUATES 459 Name. Class. Page. Whitney, Solon Franklin 1S59 197 Whittemore, Frederick Ells- worth 18S3 284 Whitten, William Wilberforce 1886 295 Whittier. Edward Newton . . . 18G2 208 Wickes, Gardner Matteson. .. 18~6 186 Wigsin, Charles Dearborn. .. 1868 229 Wight, Amherst 1813 64 Wight, Henry h 1811 350 Wight, John Burt 1S08 55 Wightman, Alfred Reynolds.. 1893 315 Wightman, Joseph Oolver 1852 173 Wilbur, Henry Knowles 18S5 292 Wilbur, William Allen 1888 300 Wilcox, Elmer Almy 1891 309 Wilcox, Horace Alexander. . . 1S33 112 Wilder, Alfred Fisher 184S 160 Wilder, John 1822 86 Wilder, Samuel Tyler 1825 94 Wildes, Frank Harlow 1889 304 Wildes, Solomon Lovell 1818 75 Wiley, Frederick 1847 158 Wiley, Henry Gustavus 1833 112 Wilkinson, Ezra 1824 90 Wilkinson, Samuel Scott 1809 57 Wilkinson, William 17S3 31 Willard, Andrew Fuller 1849 163 Willard, Ashbel h 1824 357 Willard, Charles Erastus 1864 215 Willard, Edgar Lincoln 1891 309 Willard, George 1808 55 Willard, Henry m 1824 325 Willard, Horace Mann 1864 215 Willard Jacob 1805 51 Willard, John Barstow 1842 141 Willard, Preston Greenleaf . . 1839 130 Willard, Sidney h 1810 349 Willett, Allan Herbert 1880 295 Willey, Eliiah Frink 1814 67 Willian, William Mortimer. . . 1845 150 Williams, Abiel 1795 39 Williams, Alfred 1801 45 Williams, Alfred Mason h 1883 394 Williams, Alonzo 1870 237 Williams, Appleton Park 1889 304 Williams, Asa Messer 1851 169 Williams, Charles Pelgus 1858 194 Williams, Clarence Otis 1883 284 Williams, David h 1770 330 Williams, David Rogerson. .h 1801 344 Williams, Eliab 1821 82 Williams, Elisha Scott h 1806 347 Williams, Fred Homer 1877 261 Williams, George Edgar 1850 166 Williams, Henry 1826 97 Williams, Henry Dudley 1855 183 Williams, James Alexander. . 1890 306 Williams, James Clark 1861 205 Williams, Jared Irving 1854 180 Williams, Jared Warner 1818 75 Williams, Jeremiah m 1821 324 Williams, John Fowler 1814 67 Williams, John Loy 1882 280 Williams, John Mason 1801 45 Williams, John Parker 1889 304 Williams, Jonathan h 1772 330 Williams, Lemuel 1804 49 Williams, Nathaniel West. .hl824 357 Williams, Rodolphus Howard 1798 42 Williams, Samuel King 1804 49 Name. Class. Page. Williams, Sydney 1825 94 Williams, Thomas 1809 57 Williams, Thomas h 1814 352 Williams, William 1769 28 Williams, William Frederick. 1883 12S4 Williams, William Hathaway 1823 88 Williams, William Henry 1865 219 Williams, William Hilton 1799 43 Williamson, James Andrew. . 1861 205 Williamson, Joseph h 1839 367 Williamson. William Durkee. 1804 49 Willis, Benjamin 1825 94 Willis, George Washington. . 18S6 295 Willis, John 1807 53 Willis, Nathan 1826 97 Wilmarth, Welcome 1829 104 Wilmer, William Holland. . .h 1819 355 Wilson, Daniel Sumner 1881 276 Wilson, Ezekiel Bobbins 1807 53 Wilson, Franklin 1841 137 Wilson, George Francis h 1872 389 Wilson, George Grafton * 18S6 296 Wilson, Isaac Deleisseline. . . . 1829 104 Wilson, Isaac Grant 1838 127 Wilson, James h 1798 342 Wilson, Joseph Kennard 1873 247 Wilson, Peter h 1786 334 Wilson, Thomas 1826 97 Wilson, William Thomas 1839 130 Wilton, Samuel h 1774 332 Winchell. James Manning.. . . 1812 62 Winkler, Edwin Theodore 1843 144 Winn, Henry Alanson 1867 226 Winn, William Bowers 1878 265 Winslow, Isaac Oscar 187S 266 Winslow, John 1795 39 Winslow, John 1853 176 Winslow, Seth Elliott 1814 67 Winslow, William Henry 1880 273 Winsor, Frank Edward 1891 310 Winsor, Joseph 1840 134 Winsor, Richard Brown 1868 229 Winsor, William 1811 6 > Winter, Joseph h 1788 335 Winthrop, John 1828 102 Wiswell, Oliver 1795 39 Witherspoon, John Dick 1797 41 Withington, Ebenezer 1792 30 Wolcott, George Theodore. .. 184S 160 Wolcott, Oliver.. . v h 1799 343 Wolford, George 1848 KiO Wood, Alexander 1816 72 Wood, Alfred m 1822 325 Wood, Allen Francis 1869 232 Wood, Amos 1786 32 Wood, Augustus 1878 266 Wood, Charles Hiram 1856 187 Wood, Charles Wilkes 1834 114 Wood, Edmund 1876 258 Wood, Francis 1819 77 Wood, George h 1855 378 Wood, Horatio Gates 1885 292 Wood, Judson Irving 1879 270 Wood, Thomas Weston 1840 134 Wood, Thomas Weston 1884 288 Wood, Wilkes 1793 37 Wood, William Henry 1834 114 Woodbridge, George Augustus hlSOO 382 Woodbury, Augustus h 1888 395 460 BROWN UNIVERSITY Name. Class. Page. Woodcock, Fred Wayland. . . 1891 309 Woodman, Isaac h 1770 330 Woodman, Prentiss Mellen. . . 1870 237 Woods, Alva h 1826 358 Woods, Benjamin 1786 32 Woods, George Henry 1853 176 Woods, John Carter Brown . . 1872 244 Woods, Marshall 1845 150 Woodward, George Thompson 1862 208 Woodworth, Leverett Supply. 1871 239 Woolley, Irving Yale 1888 301 Woolley, Mary Emma 1894 318 Wooster, Edson Gaius 1874 251 Worcester, Joseph Emerson, h 1847 371 Worcester, Samuel Howard. . 1845 150 Worthington, Erastus 1850 166 Wright, George Frederick .. h 18S7 395 Wright, Luther h 1S05 347 Name. Class. Page. Wright, Nathan Manchester. . 1889 304 Wright, Richard 18S7 29S Wright, Simeon 1816 72 Wyman, Henry Harrison. . . . 1871 240 Yates, William. h 1830 361 York, John 1854 180 Young, Charles Sumner 1877 262 Young, Clarence Whitf ord . . . 1888 301 Young, Daniel 1800 44 Young, Frank Linnaeus 1874 251 Young, George 1838 127 Young, Herrick Piatt 1887 298 Young, Roddo York 1894 318 Young, Walter Allen 1891 310 Young, Walter Harris 1890 306 Young, Welcome 1814 67 Zug, Charles Henry 1854 180 ^ *$* ; ^'% ■s- A \ v o- v°°x. ^ - -V- s ■< , v - v -J- >\- V /^ i X - x 0c t. \0 V x°^ *> & ' - V ^ / „ , * ,' X -^/ , ^> * » " ° %< A « ■1S1?^0NGRESS 006 670 367 8