P s % LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^ Shelf ..d.b..- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ...i.^' .-#""■ S3 L.Pr^ng&Cp '^ 121889 ' 1] J -.t^ ' These idle vessels lingering here. And floating on the listless tide," iaMMG 5ivff(iiwiV« MM>aMW " ii ^itf nJi^B<( i *&fc»ji>iwWi ii K'a i £iw i rt >ii ! ■ r^Z^''^ BY (©"---^ p f ;SCHVYLEft MATHEWS >i» ««iw i»ii ft i t>m ui u iu»wawjuj»«jj^^ MAIDEN. Sirig inqe a sorig, sea, Wl:)at rr\ay tlriy iTiUsic be Sir\g "Wirid, sirig wave,- Blo^ soft, cojnqe lave My Waitirig feet, nrid surqrr)er's i^eat Dispel ye both] by cool caress, Far fronq tl:\e beac]:\, Beyond tl\e react) Of ]:iarbor liqlr[ts And larid-locKed sigtits Ye hotlcy do corqe lA^itt) fresti.'ning life. BloiA^ softly, lA^irjd, My ears inclined To catci\ ttly song. Corr\e, sing; 1 long To l:\ear -wl^at rnilsic s^eet is tlr^ine ' But every sail I drive before My path in scurry ing^ bounding haste. ^ WIND. Mir\e9 Wouldst tiear iT\y tuqe? Dost Kno^w tl:\e boon Is ^ortl^less, tl^oii Wtio Kriowest Yyo^bi To sing? Wlriat voice rT\ore sM/eet ri^aq tl^irie? MAIDEN. Tt^y voice. Sirig tl^oii ; I cannot now. WIND. liY\QT\ listen. I Will sing <3nd try To tell tlnee what great tilings 1 do! SONG. T]:\ese idle vessels lirigering t^ere, flr^d floating or) t]:\e listless tide, Ttley Kno^ n\y savage strer\gt]:\, arid fear To nqeet T[\e or) tl^e ocean la^ide. I flap arid s^ay tl:\eir car^Vas r)0"W, Rr\d gently toy "Witi) jib ar\d stay. So sloiA^ly ir\oves eacl:i vessel's pto^, Its rippled \^aXe scarce iT\arKs tl:\e boy, But let ttiese petty craft bei^^are My anger on tt^e open sea; My po"Wer and "Will are regal tl^ere, Rr[d sail liKe ttiese are cl:\aff to ine! ' The fisherinuft his hoat hcja heachcd : I brooK 1)0 car\VQs ir\ rr\y pat]:\, Bare poles I sr^ap liKe pipe-stenqs sligtit. 1 lasl^ tl:\e sea to foanqir^g ^ratly, flrid beat it fairly blacK and "Wl\ite. Tl)e fisl\er boats fronq Gloucester sl\ore Iri blilsteririg days n\y power l)ave faced, But every sail 1 drive before My patli iri scurryirig, boxlridirig l\aste. T]qe fislierrrian l)is boat l|as beactied ; He spreads Ijis riets, ai\d tl^a^Ks l)is stars For storrri outlived, arid liaveri readied. All, lioi/^ tl]ey fear nqe — bravest tarsT Ky sor\g, dear rqaideri, t]:\oil dost see, Breatl:\es otl-^er -words ttiari t]:\ose of love Sl:|OiA^s sonqe of passion's fire ir\ rqe, But passion riot of turtle-dove. But -Wtieri I stroKe tl[\y golderi l[\aiT, RT\d -SA^]:\isper softly ir\ tl\Y ear, Ti\oU K^o-West n\e iri -^A^eatl^^er fair, I Kiss tl:\y brow, Ttjoxl'st r\aUgl:\t to fear. MA/BEJV. treaclieroils •Wir\d, Not always Kirid, 1 Know t]\e Wave My feet dotti laVe Car\ sir\g a Kinder, ger\tler son.g. WA VE. Ky song 9 T]:\ou'rt v^roT\q. Dear Maiden, lister^. SONG. Ori tY\e yellow pebbled rr\argiri of tl^e beacl^ I do reacl:| Ever forward, ever fartl|er; I aspire To be l:\igtier. BacK agaii) rqy restless footsteps always slide Hs I glide, Slippirig, ripplirig bacK ar^d forward. It is plain 1 rerqain Jilst precisely ^l^ere I started iri ir\y \s^ay, Kaclci T\e^A} day. But tJ:\is glidirig, dancing n|Otiori I repeat fit t]:iy feet, Dainty rr\aiden, is for rqe but idle play Tt)roUgt\ tt^e day. Life tjas very differer\t pleases out at sea ; flrid for n\e, I prefer to roll in n\oUr\tairis, tl)oUg]:\ ti^e "Wir\d, So uriKirid, Sorqetirqes lasties riqe to fury, arid I fly At tiis eye Witl:\ tt^e "Wt\itest ro^s of teetl) Upoii ii\y crest, Sl^o^irig best 'And '■jiiiien giav.t shif>x are t":itl>ig tyi the quay- How I arigrily reseat Y\is cliiirlisl:| sport, flr|d retort In a blir)ding cloud of spray flung in ^lis face. Thier] I race In a close and I|Ot pursuit to trip l)is J:\eels Hs I]e deals Harder strokes across rny face in vicious spite — Heartless sprite. TI)en, if vessel teinpest-driven I espy, I \vill fly Quickly thiitrier, triat n\y vengeance I inay -wreck On Iier deck. Heavy seas and crush|ing breakers soon '^ili clear fill loose gear. Every spar, arid rope, arid IxicKless sailor tl^ere, 111 \vill fare. But I arr\ riot raging al"Ways, tlioil rriayst see I car] be Quite as gentle as a n\aider| coilld desire Or require. Freqileritly I st]irriiner gayly ii] tl)e silr\, W]\ei\ I've dorie Witlri n\y \^ild arid boisterous revels out at sea Wtiere I'rq free. Hrid Wl|eri giar|t strips are tO"SA^ir\g to tl[\e quay, I ^ill be Tliere to clear tl\e ^ay before a gallar\t barK. Looiriirig darK " ]i^here the dory lies neglicted on the sand." Tl^ro' tl^e early rr[orr\irig's iT\ist, ar\d Water's gray Of tl^e bay. Wtiere tl^e dory lies neglected or\ tl\e sarjd, rrr\ at Y\ar[d Lapping idly, playing licjl^tly at its side Witt) tlie tide. Wl\en tlie sunset-ligl^t is goldei) o'er ti^e bay, Rr[d tl\e day Is declining in a glorious afterglow, I sing low To tl^e pebbles on tl|e beacl} a lullaby, Lullaby, Dearest nqaiden. would you trust rne now. at sea, Wl^ere I'rn free? MAIDEN. fl]:\T ^tiaVQ arid w^irid, Ye \qxq are Kirid, But out at sea I '11 ne'er trilst ye. Tt[ese sorigs betray your treacJ^eryl i.(£^- " li'hin the sunset-ligkt is golden o'er the hay.'' ililiSii 016 165347U ^m^^ -;#V-^