■i'Aj. -' Class ^4-?0__ Book -^ l'{^\ ^- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/localrulesforfirOOunit FOR THE FIRST AGENCY, UNDEE Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, OF SEPTEMBER II, 1863. m ' — - ' 1. m i^- TERRITORY COMPRISED IN THB FIRST A.GENOY The First Special Agency comprises tlie district of the United States West of the Allegheny Mountains, known as the Valley of the Mississippi, and extending southward so as to include so much of the States of Ala- bama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana, as is, or may be occupied by National forces operating from the North. For this Agency the following Local Rules are made by the undersigned, and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, under Regulation III. Wm. p. MELLEN, Supervisifi^ Special Agent, First Agency. Cincinnati, December 23, 1863. RULE I. The First Agency is divided into Districts designated and described as follows : The Wheeling District comprises that part of the Agency, embraced in the State of West Virginia, excepting the counties upon and South of the Kanawha River. The Lexington District comprises that part of the State of Kentucky South of the restricted line, as hereinafter indicated in Rule VII, and East of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, excepting the counties of Pike, Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Carter, and Boyd. The Louisville District comprises that part of the First Agency North of the State of Tennessee, East of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, which is not embraced in the Wheeling and Lexington Dis- tricts, as above described. The Cairo District comprises that part of the Agency West of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, North of the State of Tennessee, and East of the Mississippi River. The St. Louis District comprises that part of the Agency West of the Mississippi River, and North of the South line of the State of Missouri, except the counties embraced in the Springfield District, as hereinafter described. The Springfield District comprises the counties of Vernon, Cedar, Pt)lk, Dallas, Laclede, Wright, Webster, Green, Dade, Barton, Jasper, Lawrence, Christian, Douglas, Ozark, Taney, Stone, Barry, Newton, McDonald, in the State of Missouri, and that part of the State of Arkan- sas North of the White River and West of the Big Black River. The Helena District comprises the counties of Arkansas, Desha, Drew, Chicot, and Ashley, in the State of Arkansas, and also those counties in the said State upon and East of the Big Black Kiver, and upon and East of the White River, from its junction with the Big Black to its mouth, except the counties of Crittenden and Mississippi. Also the counties of Tunica, Bolivar, "Washington, and Coahoma, in the State of Mississippi. The Little Rock District comprises that part of the State of Arkansas not included in the Helena and Springfield Districts,, as above described. The Knoxville District comprises that part of the State of Tennessee, known as East Tennessee. The Nashville District comprises that part of the State of Tennessee, West of the Knoxville District, and East of the Tennessee River^ and so much of Alabama as lies North of the Tennessee River. The Memphis District comprises that part ©f the State of Tennessee, West of the Tennessee River, the North tier of Counties in the State of Mississippi, and Mississippi and Crittenden counties in the State of Arkansas. The Vicksburg District comprises so much of the State of Mississippi as lies North of the mouth of Big Black River and is not embraced in the Memphis and Helena Districts, as above described ; and so much of the State of Louisiana as lies North of the mouth of Big Black River, and East of the Washita.. The Natchez District comprises the territory within the lines of the army operating from the North, which lies South of the Districts above designated. II. An Assistant Special- Agent for each District above named will be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, whose duties, under the Regulations, will be prescribed by the letter of appointment, or as may be therein directed. III. Local Special Agents and Agency Aids will be appointed by the Assistant Special Agents for tbeir respective Districts, but in all cases these appointments must be forthwith reported to the office of the Supervising Special Agent for approval, stating the date when service commenced, rate of compensation, and location of each. Compensation will in no case be allowed for service performed more than twenty days before notice of the appointment is received at the office of the Super- vising Special Agent. IV. All reports required to be made by Local Special Agents, under the Regulations, must be made as therein required, on or before the third day of every month, and Assistant Special Agents will remove any Local Agent failing in this. V. Any Surveyor failing to make the reports required by the Regula- tions at the time specified therein, will be promptly reported to the Office of the Supervising Special Agent, by the Assistant Special Agent of the District, that his default may be at once brought to the attention of the Secretary. VI. All reports required under the Regulations from Assistant Special Agents must be made and forwarded to the office of the Supervising Special Agent, before the tenth day of each month. Any failure to do this will be reported to the Secretary. VII. In order to prevent, under pretense of legitimate trade, the conveyance of supplies which are intended for persons in rebellion against the Government, or for places under the control of insurgents, and also to prevent undue accumulation of goods at points in danger- ous proximity to districts under the control of insurgents, it is found necessary to restrict, temporarily, the trade with certain parts of States not declared in insurrection from which the insurgents could be other- wise conveniently supplied ; therefore, no merchandise designed for sale will be permitted to go to any place in the State of "West Virginia, on or South of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, between Oakland and Grafton, nor to either of those places, nor to any place on or South of the North-Western Virginia Kail Road, between Grafton and Parkers- burg, nor to either of those places, nor to any place on the South side of the Ohio River, between Parkersburg and the mouth of Big Sandy ; nor to any place in the State of Kentucky, upon or South of a line drawn from the mouth of the Big Sandy to Bowling Green, thence to the north-east corner of Logan county, thence along the northern bound- ary of Logan, Todd, Christian and Trigg counties to the Cumberland River, thence down that River to its mouth, including all that part of Kentucky West of said River ; nor to any place in the State of Missouri, on or South of the Missouri River, except the counties of St. Louis Jefferson, St. Genevieve, Perry and Franklin; except upon and in pursu- ance of the certificate of the proper Local Special Agent, and the letter of appointment and instructions to such Agent will in all cases indicate the amount of merchandise he will be allowed to recommend for his district. VIII. The only oflSeers authorized to permit the transportation of merchandise into such restricted districts, or to any insurrectionary State within the First Special Agency, are the Surveyors at Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Madison, Louisville, New Albany, Evansville, Paducah, Cairo, Quincy, St. Louis, Nashville, and Memphis. IX. Family supplies may be permitted to go into restricted districts in Loyal States by either of the above named officers in their discretion, or by the Local Special Agent most convenient to the residence of the family requiring them. X. The transportation of merchandise into such restricted districts ■for sale, will only be permitted upon the certificate of the Local Special Agent into whose District it is desired to transport the merchandise. XI. No trade, either in buying or -selling, will be authorized in any ■State declared in insurrection except within lines hereinafter designated, •under Regulation IX. XII. No sale of merchandise therein can be made except by traders .authorized under the Regulations to establish Trade Stores. 9 XIII. Trade Stores will not be established at any place within a State declared in insurrection, until it stall be agreed by the Military Com- mander of the Department or of the Army Corps District in which- sueh place is situated, after conference between him and the Supervising Special Agent, or such Assistant Special Agent as shall be designated by him for that purpose, that the same may be done. XIV. After a place has been so agreed upon, if it is a military post, no supplies shall be allowed to go therefrom except upon the permit of the proper Local Special Agent, countersigned by the Commander of the Post, or some person authorized by him for that purpose. XV. The monthly amount of goods that may be permitted to go to any trading post, shall be agreed upon between the proper Assistant Special Agent and the Commanding Officer of the Army Corps District in which such trading post is situated. The maximum amount that may be authorized to any individual or firm shall also be so agreed vipon, and this shall not exceed $3000 per month, unless the Commanding Officer for military reasons desires it to be larger, and if such reasons exist, all persons trading there, shall be equally affected thereby. If the monthly amount allowed to any Trade Store is not all taken up by the trader during the month, he may be allowed all deficiencies, upon any future application during the continuance of his authority. XVI. Persons living within the lines of national military occupation, may obtain Permits for the purchase of supplies at such Trade Stores, on application to the nearest Local Special Agent, with a memoran- dum in duplicate of the supplies desired, and on making and filing with him the affidavit prescribed in Kegulation XVI. The Local Special Agent will, on receiving such application and affidavit, in case no fraud appear, attach one memorandum of the supplies to the application and affidavit, and file the same ; and will attach the other memorandum, countersigned by him, to a Permit, and deliver it to the applicant, charging and receiving the following fees therefor : 10 If the sum is under $5, lie will dispense with Affidavit and Certificate, and only charge for Permit 5 cts. If the sum is over $5, and not over $20, he will charge for Permit 5 cents, Revenue Stamp on Affidavit, 5 cents 1" <^*'^- If the sum is over $20, and not over $50, Permit 5 cents, Affidavit 10 cents, Revenue Stamp on Affi- davit 5 cents 20 cts. If the sum is over $50, and not over $100, Permit 10 cents, Affidavit 10 cents. Revenue Stamp on Affi- davit 5 cents 25 cts. If the sum is over $100, Permit 15 cents. Affidavit 10 cents. Revenue Stamp on Affidavit 5 cents 30 cts. XVII. Persons desiring to obtain supplies elsewhere than at the nearest Trade Store, will make and file the same application and affidavit with the nearest Local Special Agent, and obtain from him a certificate and recommendation directed to the Permit Officer nearest the place of proposed purchase of supplies ; and the Local Special A^ent will grant such certificate and recommendation, and charge therefor as follows : If the sum is not over $20, for the Revenue Stamp on Affidavit 5 cents, do. on Certificate 5 cents, and the officer granting Permit will charge 5 cents 15 cts If the sum is over $20 and not over $50, for Affidavit 10 cts., Certificate 10 cts., Revenue Stamp on Certificate 5 cents, on Affidavit 5 cents, and the officer grant- ing Permit 5 cents 35 cts. If the sum is over $50 and not over $100, for Affidavit 10 cts., Certificate 10 cts., Revenue Stamp on Affidavit 5 cts., on Certificate 5 cts., and the officer granting Permit will charge 10 cts 40 cts. 11 If tlie sum is over $100, Le will charge for Affidavit 10 cents, Certificate 10 cts., Kevenue Stamp on Affidavit 5 cts., on Certificate 5 cts., and the officer granting Permit will charge 15 cts 45 cts. XVIII. In order to equalize assessments on all goods transported to States and parts of States declared in insurrection, persons obtaining permits to purchase family or plantation supplies in States not de- clared in insurrection, and to transport the same into States so declared, in addition to the fees prescribed, will be required to pay five per cent, on the sworn invoice value of such family and plau- tation supplies. XIX. Trade Stores will be authorized only by the Assistant Special Agent of the District in which they are to be established, or upon his recommendation by any other Assistant Special Agent in the First Agency, or by the Supervising Special Agent. XX. No purchase of products of States declared in insurrection within the First Agency can be made therein, except under the authority to the purchaser provided for in the Regulations. XXI. Every authority for the purchase of products shall distinctly designate the place at which or the limits of the District within which such purchase may be made, and no authority shall be issued to parties beyond the limits and boundaries designated in Rule XXIV. XXII. Authority to purchase the products of that portion of States declared in insurrection within the First Agency, and within the bounda- ries named in Rule XXIV, will be given by any Assistant Special Agent therein, or at the office of the Supervising Special Agent. XXIII. After the designation of boundaries under Regulation IX, boats without supplies on board may be cleared by the Surveyor nearest the destination thereof, to go anywhere therein, with persons on board autho- rized to purchase products within the District to which they are cleared, provided that the clearance of each boat for such purpose shall state 12 definitely where it is permitted to go, and shall be eountersigned, with the approval of the military oflEicer in command at the place of clear- ance nearest to its destination. Boats with supplies on board can only be cleared for named places, until after the supplies are discharged; after such discharge they may proceed as other baats, under the original clearance, but all such clearances shall also be approved by the Com- manding Officer at the place of clearance. All clearances must state by whom the boat is chartered, if chartered, or for whom it is to transport products to market. XXIV. The limits and boundaries of the Trade Districts in the First Agency after conference with the Generals commanding the De- partments therein, are hereby designated as follows, as provided in Regulation IX: The plantations on both sides of the Mississippi River throughout the Agency ; the counties upon and North of the Tennessee River in the State of Alabama; the Counties of Warren, Issequena, Yazoo, Washing- ton, Sunflower, Bolivar, Coahoma, Tunica, De Soto, Marshall, Tippah and Tishamingo, in Mississippi; the Parishes of Tensas, Madison and Carroll, in Louisiana ; so much of the State of Arkansas, as lies upon and North of the Arkansas River ; all that part of the State of Tennessee lying West of the Tennessee River ; and so much of the Counties of Stewart and Montgomery as lies North of the Cumberland River ; so much of the County of Cheatham as lies North of Harpeth River, Rob- ertson, Davidson, and so much of Williamson and Maury as lies North of Harpeth River and East of Hillsboro Pike, North of Duck River and East of the Alabama and Tennessee Railroad ; Bedford, Rutherford, Sumner, Macon, Warren, Coffee ; so much of Franklin as lies East of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad ; Marion, Grundy ; so much of Marshall as lies North of Duck River ; so much of Hamilton as lies North and West of Tennessee River ; Sequatchie, Knox, DeKalb, Ray, Meigs, McMinn, Rome, Blunt, Sevier, Jefferson, Cocke, Greer, Washington, Carter, Johnson, Sullivan, Hawkins, Hancock, Claiborne,' Union, Campbell, Anderson, Morgan, Fentress, Van Buren, Wayne and Hardin Counties. 13 XXV. After tlie first fee of fifty cents shall be paid by a boat, for a trip clearance, no more than twenty-five cents shall be charged under Section XXIX of the Regulations, for any renewal thereof upon the same trip. XXVI. Of the two months' supplies to be permitted to Sutlers under Regulation XIV, only one month of such supplies shall be on account of arrearages; and no Post, Division, or Battery Sutler shall be recognized by any Surveyor of Customs or other officer of the Treasury Department. XXVII. Officers will in all cases attach to permits issued by them either the original invoices of the merchandise, or certified copies thereof (except the item extensions), each one of which shall be officially stamped or countersigned by them. XXVIII. These rules shall take efiect immediately; but every authority to purchase products issued prior to January 5, 1864, shall be conditioned that no purchase be made under it until after that date, and no boat shall be cleared below Helena under Rule XXIII, before that time. XXIX. Blank applications, affidavits, and bonds for Trade Stores, and authorities to purchase the products of insurrectionary districts, will be furnished to any Surveyor applying for them at the office of the Agency in Cincinnati, which blanks will be prepared by such Surveyor for applicants therefor, and the certificate of the Surveyor as to the sufficiency of the sureties upon the bond shall be satisfactory to any Assistant Special Agent, to whom the same shall be presented for the desired authority. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 701 626 6 » •^:;l^