Class _. Book P COPYRIGHT DEPQSm MYSTIC TEST BOOK SUPPLEMENT. Paged to corresp07id ivith the First Edition of the Mystic Text Book Published in i8q^ Containing Additional Instruction in Reading of Grand Spreads, Quadration and Transformation OF Tarots, Formation of Perihelion and Quadratic Crosses, Test Book Crosses, Rulings of the Zodiac in Trades, Oc- cupations AND Character Read- ing. The Mystic "Story OF Atlantis," How TO Find Minute Cards and Hour Cards of Time, Etc. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. BY OLNEY H. RICHMOND, Author of the "Mystic Text Book," "Religion of the Stars," and Other Lectures. PUBLISHED BY THE TEMPLE PUBLISHING COMPANY. iQio Washington Boulevard, Chicago. Copyrighted iSgb by OLNEY H. RICHMOND. fZ9Ul 6 y* / [[-IH^^' ( WAR 6 189^j -^^^^■ Test ISooft Supjirettient^ DIEECTIONS FOR DELINEATING A GEAN'D SPREAD, ILLUSTRATED AND READ IN DETAIL. — TAROTS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF SAME. — TAROT LAWS. — MORE ABOUT THE WORD TRIANGLE.— ^itOUR RULERS, MINUTE CARDS AND OTHER MYSTIC AND INTERESTING FACTS. HE first edition of the Mystic Test Book Avas but fairly out when we realized that many persons could no^ understand what we thought such plain directions for laying a grand spread as are given on pages 56 and 57. Some could not understand "which 'side to sit on," or whether lines ran across or lengthways. To aid the understanding of this impor- tant subject, I have had an engraving made of a spread laid on a table, with the planets at the end of each planetary line, place of sitter and reader, sun cards and all complete. The cards are laid from the side of the delineator to the other side for each planet, beginning with Mercury and end ing with Neptune, and then the last three in same way to THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 2D7 the sun row at top. The "Life Lines" run up and down the table, crossing the planetary lines. Some persons write to me to know "which one of the various definitions given under a card in the tables is the right one." To this question I can only say that "cast-iron rules" cannot be given in such a work. I give the various meanings as nearly as possible. The delineator must con- 258 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. sider the enviroiiments of the person and the positions of other cards in the layout, in determining which is the cor- rect definition. Sometimes more than one of the clauses are indicated simultaneously. The following delineation is made on the above spread and the cards reproduced by lines to make it plainer: i i V V ♦ ♦ V DELIJ!^EATION" UNDER MERCUKY. The past shows an obstacle to your gaining certain knowl- edge which you have craved, which obstacle you have greatly overcome through your power and perseverance. You have shown much courage, and have worked steadily until, by the help of a middle-aged gentleman, who is a good friend to you, you have achieved success in gaining knowledge which largely effects your future success. A sudden disap- pointment will arise, in a pecuniary way, before many months ; a change of employment and a journey will be necessitated therebv. V 6 V o ol 9 DELINEATION UNDER VENUS. Indecision and perplexity regarding a love affair is indica- ted in the past ; and a co-partnership or undertaking with a lady, which terminated unfavorably and caused the loss of some money to yourself. You have many friends at present, THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK 259 and make friends easily. One person loves you very truly; bat the ace of hearts following the ten shows that the love is kept secret and will not be revealed for some time to come. You have a friend, who is a very intelligent lad}'. You will see her many times during the coming year, and you will enjoy her society very much. You will gain much knowl- edge of her, which will be a great satisfaction to you, as you have an ardent love of wisdom and knowledge. A union of hearts is indicated, and a possible marriage in the near future. ^ 4 ♦ ♦ DELINEATION UNDER MAES. A military man is shown in your past, and lie has had con- siderable influence over you. Quite a disappointment has been caused by the ill success of a certain man whom you intrustecj with a business matter. A change was thereby produced in your affairs, and a quarrel which is yet pending. A youngish gentleman, a lawyer, is a friend of yours, and he is a money-making man, and will prosper greatly in the future. This man has met with a disappointment, caused by the death of a prominent man, which produced a great change in his past life. A law suit, or some kind of a pecuniary jnatter, with con- siderable uncertainty attached, eventually results satisfac- torily for your interests and labor. A co-partnership with a gentleman in some pecuniary undertaking is shown in the future under the planet. .^-^ 260 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 0/vO 0^0 6 6 DELINEATION UNDER JUPITER. A business journey is shown in the past, which changed the conditions of yourself and a friend, and resulted in a pecuniary transaction in which the friend made more money than you did. There is a secret now between two gentlemen regarding that business transaction. In the future, the king of diamonds indicates a wealthy man whom you will obtain a co-partnership with, in which you will contribute certain knowledge which you possess. This is shown by the two of clubs. The ten of diamonds indicates great success in this enterprise, and you Avill make considerable money through the co-partnership. r 6 6 DELINEATION UNDER SATURN. The seven of spades shows in the past an illness of some lady. This illness interfered with a wish which you had to gain certain knowledge, and in consequence the opportuni- ties for gaining that particular information have been unsat- isfactory and monotonous. You will soon meet a lady of means and business capacity and great abilities, who will exert considerable influence over your affairs. You will grow to love her, but will meet with a rejection, or at least with a rebuff. The nine of hearts indicates a disappoint- THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 2«il meiit in love, and following the seven, shows a quarrel. The entire layout under Saturn indicates more or less trouble in your love affairs. V V 6 ^ DELINEATION UNDER URANUS. The three of spades shows an indecision regarding a jour- ney, which is connected with some kind of Avork and a bus- iness transaction in which a real estate dealer, shown by the knave, bears an important part. The five of diamonds shows that an actual transaction in real estate was made, which resulted in better opportunities and more power for yourself. Another real estate dealer, older than the former a man of large experience, comes into your life soon, and your labors take on a high form of success, and you gain in wealth through the sale of property. The four of diamonds shows much satisfaction from a pecuniary standpoint, and many deals of a successful char- acter. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ DELINEATION UNDER NEPTUNE. The nine of clubs shows a disappointment regarding a long journey which transpired a year or two ago. This journey was to be to visit a kind hearted lady, who has trav- eled a great deal. The six of hearts indicates a monotonous 262 THE MYCTIC TEST BOOK. life for a time, which ends, as shown by the four of cUihs, in a short, pleasant journey just completed. The knave of spades is a traveling man, whom you will soon meet and travel with for a time. The journey will be monotonous, although pecuniary successful. The eight of spades shows a business interest at a dis- tance, and a control of many laborers. Concentration of efforts. A GENERAL DELINEATION. The ruling sun card — ace of diamonds — indicates that an ardent desire you once had for riches has now departed. The three of clubs shows that a certain indecision regarding a religious opinion or doctrine has departed. The four of hearts in the eun shows that a satisfaction you once enjoyed in the love of a certain person has disappeared. The future shows more brightness for you than in the past, but the disappointments are pretty near evenly bal- anced. A peculiar line of court cards, beginning under the past, in Neptune, extending upward to Jupiter, and then dropping down in the immediate future to Neptune, indicate that the majority of persons with whom you associate and do business with are connected and acquainted with each other. This condition will remain about one year longer,, when there seems to be a complete change of associations, and a breaking up of old ties. One lady only will be your companion the latter part of your life. Your birth card, the knave of diamonds, is immediately surrounded as follows, the card itself being indicated in the lay out by a button placed thereon : The ten of hearts, under Venus, just above the Birth THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 263 Card, shows that you have a very affectionate and loving disposition. The ace of spades — the secret and mystic card — just below, indicates a mystic disposition and a love of secret, unusual knowledge. Your money affairs are usually in a state of indecision, and you do not feel wholly settled, IH 10 H 7D 3D JD 5C KD IS JH POSITION OF persons' BIRTH CARD. and desire a change of business. This is indicated by the five of clubs and three of diamonds on opposite sides of your birth card. The cornering cards are not so significant, but the ace of hearts indicates a desire for love and affection, and the jack of hearts indicates a true friend. DELINEATION OF SIGNIFICATORS. Significators. They are well distributed, falling, as they do, under all the seven planets. This indicates that your life, at present, is well balanced, and the three success cards ruling with you now are indicative of future success in your undertakings. The four of spades indicates a satisfaction in your future labors. The eight of diamonds, a power in pecuniary affairs, and the six of clubs, a slow gaining of knowledge. The queen, ruling under Neptune, indicates a loving woman who affects your life strongly. The good and bad in your life is well balanced, and the red and black emblems are not in long diagonal lines, as with many persons. This fact indicates that you do not hold to one line of thought, action or labor for a long period at a time. 264 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. Your life has presented a variety of effects and events, but not a great variety of human friendships and compan- ionships. TAKOTOLOGY. It is a matter of regret that we have been unable to get out a complete work on tarots ere this, as we find a large demand therefor. The work is under way, and we hope to have it out before the end of 1896. In the meantime we will make a few additions to the matter already given. QUADRATION OF TAROTS. A number of Mystics have been considerably interested in this phase of tarotology, so we have resolved to extend the knowledge of it to all our readers. The quadration of a tarot makes changes therein which the ordinary duplex changes under the various planets, according to the diagrams on pages 222 and 223, do not make. The quadratic change seems to run through several different branches of a given series, and to unfold many new charafcteristics.- To perform tlie quadrate, take any card tarot — say, for example. No. 96, on page 218 — and begin at the lower right- hand corner, place "the first card on the one next above it. Then place the two cards on the third, and so on. When four are piled up, place the pile, still face up, on to the bot- tom card of next row, and so on until all are piled. In the case we have before us the eight of hearts is put on the ace of clubs, those on the five of diamonds, those on to the four of spades, and those on to the two of spades, and so on, end- ing Avith the ace of spades. Now turn the cards over and deal the two top ones face THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 265 down on the table, together, not changing the order of them. Let us say there is a Zodiac on the table, for the purpose of this description, although not necessary for the experiment. Say you put the first two cards in the heart quarter. Now put the next two in the second, or club quarter; the next two in the third, and next two in the fourth, and so on again until all are dealt. Now gather them on to the first quar- ter precisely as you do in performing any quadrate. Then lay out a new tarot by placing the top card at the left-hand top corner, and the next to right of it, and so on, as you would read a book. As an example, we show the result of the first quadrate: 6 6 4 ♦ 6 6 ♦ ♦ ♦ 6 6 ♦ V 9 9 6 6 9 ♦ pg V 0% V 9 ♦ ^9 6 d , ♦ BB A careful examination of this tarot and the original shows several wonderful changes, on comparison. First, the original tarot runs two hearts with two spades 266 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. and two diamonds with two clubs on all the lines across, or what is called the duplex formation; while up and down and the X is quadruplex, or each line containing four suits. But the new tarot is quadruplex on all the lines except the X, which is duplex. WW * * ♦ ♦ o o 6.6 ^^=5' 0% ♦'t * * 'Oj:? ^l o o <7 V] o « * ♦ It- c 9 V o o o o O V v] a a] 6 a * * ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦^* 9 d o o o o Second, the tarot is completely changed from positive to negative. If the first tarot is regarded as a Mercury tarot on the ace of spades, it has been changed into a Jupiter femi- nine tarot. Furthermore, eveVy male square emblem' has changed over to a female square. No other manipulation known can so completely change a tarot in its characteristics. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 2fi7 An examination of the last engraving will show an}- cue the transformation which takes place under quadration. Starting with No, 1, we have a duplex formation; that is, all four suits on all the lines except the diagonals, with one court card on each line everywhere. No. 2 is a female duplicate, quadruplex on all the lines. No. 3. is a male duplex tarot; that is, all the lines are in two suits, except the X. No. 4 is the fifth quadrate, again it is a full quadru- plex. I have not called attention to half the changes, but the Mystic reader will notice the way the court cards change, and other things about it. This series of tarots also has the peculiarity of the "spot values" adding thirty-four, exactly the same as the number tarots. In No. 4 we find the conditions of suit formation restored, as in No. 2. But the tarot is changed in sex, and the posi- tion of the colors are, therefore, exactly reversed. In many tarots the quadrate may be gathered on to other piles than the heart quarter, and there are some which can be cut and then quadrated, still forming perfect tarots, Some of our members have quadrated their individual tarots in all ways possible, and have recorded each result in a book for purposes of study. The change taking place in the next tarot shows the usual quadruplex changes, and also changes the duplex positions of the emblems, so that such appear only in the X. In all of this we have not taken note of the spirits of the emblems. But the same wonderful changes have manifes- ted themselves there, as well as in the physical. Wherever the physical is displaced anywhere there is always a eorre- 2G8 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. spending astral movement, which is usually even greater in influence than the physical movement. QUADRATE OF TAROT NO. 122, PAGE 216. 0/>0 O 9^9 6^6 4 4 9 9 9r.9 6 6 MOVEMENTS UNDER QUADRATION. The movement which takes place with any particular number under successive quadrations is peculiar. On the succeeding page an engraving will be found, which graphically illustrates the four phases under quadration. The same diagrams also illustrate the movements of all the emblems by one quadration. Diagram A gives the movements which take place on one line, and B on another. In addition to this there are two movements called " vibrators," which correspond exactly to the vibrators of the triple quadrate which form the cross in the heavens. DiasrramO shows the vibrators. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 'M It is a curious fact that A, turned bottom up, is exactly the same as B, yet it takes both movements to cover all the tarot except the vibration squares. DIAGRAM A. DIAGRAM B. DIAGRAM C. DIAGRAM D. Now, if we take a tarot and quadrate it, and then "trans- form" it under Jupiter, according to diagram three, on page 222, we have a female Mercury tarot. The entire movement from the original Mercury tarot is very regular in a quadri- latural motion, as illustrated in diagram D, The arrows show the direction of the movements. By an examination of diagram D we notice that each line it composed of the emblems which, in the original, occupied the corners of quadrilaterals, and therefore we are able to formulate the general law that — 270 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. Any tarot can he quadrated to a perfect tarot when the four perpendicular and four horizontal parallelograms are perfect thirty-fours. With card tarots this is a common characteristic, but with '■'•number'''' birth tarots I know of but three hundred and eighty-four which have the perfection of quadratic forma- tion. There are other series, however, which exhibit the quadratic thirty-fours in other situations. This series has been called " the wonder series," but another series, which is first cousin to it, called the " cross series," is even more wonderful ; so I have named the other " the quadratic series." We will take specimens and exhibit the peculiarity men- tioned, as one would scarce notice it unless attention was THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 271 particularly called to it. These quadratic tarots are called Sun tarots in the Quadratus used in the Temple at Chicago. BIRTH TAROTS OF THE QUADRATIC SERIES. 12 8 13 12 1 ly 8 5 16 4 6 10 3 6 15 3 10 11 2 14 7 11 2 7 14 2 11 10 3 15 9 5 16 9 4 16 5 8 13 1 The marvelous number of quadratic forms, which add up thirty-four in the above tarots, is best understood by refer- ring to the diagrams. A, B, C and D contain ten quadratic thirty-fours. In the next illustration, E, F, G and H con- 1 15 14 4 9 7 6 12 tain eight more H, however, is a pair which all tarots have. It is, like the quadrate of the four corners and four inner squares, common to all tarots. 272 ■ THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. Now, to sura up all the thirty-fours in one of these numerical tarots: Quadratics on diagrams A, B, C, D 10 Quadratics on diagrams E, F, G, H 8 Corner and center quadrates, common 2 Diagonals of tarots, X? ^ • Perpendicular lines 4 Horizontal lines 4 Total 30 t Common to all tarots 14 Extra above the least quadratic 16 Just equal to the number of squares in the birth tarot. The following specimens are tarots of the wonderful " cross " series, so called because a number of them are used in the unfoldment of the magic cube into the magic cross. They are not only remarkable from their quadratic qualities,, but they all have the strange peculiarity that any line can be taken off of any side and moved to the other side, or top to bottom anywhere, without injury to the tarot. 1 8 11 14 1 15 10 8 1 14 4 15 15 10 5 4 12 6 3 13 12 7 9 6 6 3 16 9 7 9 16 2 13 2 16 8 12 13 2 7 14 4 5 11 8 11 5 10 SPECIMENS OF CROSS TAEOTS — MALE. There are 384 of these tarots on record in the archives of the Magi. On page 274 we give the celebrated " Tarot Cross," from one of the Grand Temple charts. It is worthy of careful study, as it shows wonderful characteristics, which go to prove that the "Cross," as a magic emblem, belongs to the Magi. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 273 Originating in the southern heavens, in shining stars, it belongs to the ^''Religion of the Stars.'''' It is also formed from the unfolding of the geometrical " magic cube," held in such high estimation by the ancients. The peculiar quality of " side tranposition " belonging to the cross tarots is such that we can place many tarots to- gether in a section, from which we can take as many squares of sixteen as we please in any direction, side ways or bottom up, and half of these will be perfect tarots. In some card tarots every square is perfect. The diagram on this page illustrates some of the quadrat- ics not given in preceding diagrams. Now examine the cross tarots carefully, and note the wonderful quadruplex n / \M y n /¥ 7 / Ik 6- 3 /O /(o * Z ^ /S // /s- f ¥ (^ 1 7 J¥ /J2 3 ^ /i> /O 7 J /z J¥ /^ /o 3 5- /^ /2 / 7 /O /& s S // n ? Z ; /^ 6 ^ /3 // Z 9 ^ ^ f /S- f ^ // /3 ¥■ ^ /^ f JZ /^ 7 / U-^-yL^ ^ 3 /^ /C c^. It is ii significant fact that the representative of Christ on the Cross comes in the House of the Virgin. He is "born" there and remains there. Another thing is worth noticing, too; that is, that,, although there are two success cards on the cross, they are outweighed by the two nines and two sevens, indicating disappointment and trouble. I was showing this Cross to a Mystic friend a while ago, when he exclaimed: "Oh! see the nail holes!" He pointed to the ace of clubs on the left and the two of hearts on the right hand. Everything goes to show that the Christ, or Divine principle, is one of those fixed things, like the mystic word triangle, which is bound to THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 289 come out in the mystic emblems. Any unprejudiced person can see with half an eye that the little book, which is a " Cross " to carry before the world, has within itself the per- fection of divine symbolism. As the author of the "Pappus Planetarium " enthusiastically exclaimed once to me : " That little book has got the whole history of the world in it, if we knew how to read it." I think he was pretty near right. Every time I attempt to write about it I am overwhelmed with new and more wonderful developments. Oh^ bnt it is a heavy cross to carry, there is no mistake about that. GENERAL LAWS GOVERNING MYSTIC EMBLEMS. Every division of time, used by men, has its particular ruling card. Thus, in addition to year cards and day cards, there are liour cards, minute cards, and even second cards, ruling in various orders, co-ordinating with the time elements. All these cards play an important part in all mystic work with the test book, but the finer divisions are naturally used the most. One quality of the hour cards is to fix the culmina- ting effect of several persons in a certain class. The quality of the minute card is to fix the time element to small arc, and as this card bears a perfectly ascertainable ratio to solar, and through that to secular time; the time can always be corrected thereby. The second card of time is also a defi- nite quality, but is momentary in effect, with a lap of two and one-half seconds on each side. By this, I mean that, suppose a certain card rules at 44 seconds culmination. The same card rules co-ordinatily, but with less power, during 42, 43, 45 and 46 seconds. This is called the five second variation. 290 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. The normal minute and second cards always bear a defi- nite ratio to the movement of the earth, or what is the same thing, " time." But the minute and second cards of persons bear a perfect ratio to the card ruling on the day of birth, with the effect of the normal card. Day cards and birth cards are the same thing, as the day card of to-day is the birth card of any child born, to-day. THE MINUTE CAED OF TIME. The next engraving illustrates those important rulers, the minute cards, displayed in a miscellaneous manner, and yet exactly under the law. You can shuffle the emblems and spread them as many times as you please, and each one will occupy a place on the table according to exact law. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. pi But these in the illustration are normal minute cards, and do not appertain to any persons' maj^^netism. KULE FOR FINDING THE MINUTE EULER. Take the month and multiply b}' 2. Add the day of t\w. niontli and multiply by 2. Add the hour and multiply by 2. - Add the minute and multiply by 2. Divide by the weeks in a year, 52. The remainder is called the "x value." Add the months in year to x. Add the days in a week. Divide by the seasons, 4. Add the x value to the quotient. Divide the sum by 5. B@°'The quotient indicates the house, Ji^^'The remainder indicates the place in the house. No. 1 is the card nearest the cloth in any given house, and so on to the topmost one. EXAMPLE FOR PRACTICE. What was the minute card of time at 12:42 p. m., on October 6th, 1895? Answer, the ace of spades. We much prefer that rule, for a variety of reasons, over i he Old one formally used. One good reason is that it is more simple, and therefore one is not so liable to error in working. The old rule is quite complicated, being as follows: Take the hour- of time, multiply by 2. Plus the minutes. — ■ •< «/ '/ tr Multiply by the number of planets, 7. The result is the " time product."' 292 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. Take the day card of the day, annex 12 to its solar value, and add the number so produced to the " time product." Divide the sum by 13, and divide the quotient so arising by 4. Add 1 to the last remainder. The remainder from the first division is the " spot value." That from the second, the "suit number." Remember that suit numbers run H=l, C=2, D=3, S=4. In case there is no remainder at the first division, it indi- cates a king, and you do not add 1 to the second remainder, THE RULING EMBLEM OF THE HOUR. Each Solar Hour has its ruling emblem, from the time the Earth starts on its annual tour at midnight, December 31st, to the end of the astronomical year. These emblems are "normal" rulers, by virtue of the polarity of the Earth, so that each year has the same set clear through, except upon Leap Years there is a slight variation on the given days. The next engraving exhibits the months, with the "month day" immediately under each month. The table is for normal years, On Leap year add one day after Feb. 29. The hours start at midnight; so, after noon we must add twelve hours to the clock time to get the hour of the day. Also, if you desire to do fine work you must make the nec- cessary correction in time, if your timepiece is set on stand- ard time instead of solar. In no place is the variation intended to be over 80 minutes, so a rough estimate can be made without going into fine details in most places. If your longitude is west of your standard meridian, your standard time is too fast, and vice versa. The correction is about one minute for each sixteen miles variation.. In THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 293 degrees the correction is four minutes to each degree, as a given point on the earth moves fifteen degrees per hour. 243 273 304 334 NOKMAL MONTH DAYS. The next engraving exhibits the normal rulers as if thrown carelessly upon t-he Zodiac, but each emblem occupies a place fixed by absolute magnetic law. No. 1, in each house, is the card under all the others. No. 2 is next, and so on to top one. The sun counts as in the scheme of the Zodiac. RULE FOR FINDING THE HOUR RULER. Take the "month day," the day of the month, the hour in the day — add them together. Divide the sum by the weeks in a year, and mark the remainder X. Drop the quotient. Add the months in a year to X. Add the days in a week. Divide the sum by four. Add the value X to the quotient. Divide the sum by five. 294 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. The quotient shows the number of the house, and the remainder the place in the house of the ruling hour card. Note. — As a usual thing, the card next above rules the next hour, and so on — a fact which may be helpful to students. THE HOUR CARDS IIT THE LAYOUTS. In the fifty-two layouts, or spreads, given in this book, several of our Mystics have made the discovery that after NORMAL RULERS OF THE HOURS. any given card, taking it all through the fifty-two normal spreads, comes an hour ruler just twenty-four times. For instance, the ace of spades rules twenty-four times to the right of the eight of hearts, the jack of diamonds twenty- four times at the right — counting downward when at the end THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. M of the line — of the ace of spades. So, strange to say, these hour rulers, or ''Earth Cards," never vary from twenty-four in each case, and all rule in fours into each other. This is a thing no other set of emblems do in those layouts; audit clearly exhibits the even passage of the Earth through the four quarters, or quadratures-^a thing no other planet does on co-ordinating time, corresponding to the Test Book. For instance, the next, or second card to the right from any given emblem, rules ten times; the next, eight, and the next, three. There are just as many cards ruling after any card as there are planets — no more and no less — aside from the Earth Card before mentioned. But all the planet cards form under each planet a contin- uous chain of the whole test book, instead of forming chains of four, as the hour cards do. EIGHT CAEDS WHICH KULE AFTER ACE OF SPADES. EARTH MERCURY VENUS MARS V o ol JUPITER SATURN URANUS NEPTUNE 9^ t ^0 V 9 6 6 9 6 10 Under each emblem is the number of times it rules under that planet. RULERS AFTER THE EIGHT OF HEARTS. o V 9 V 6 6 ♦ ♦ Names of planets and numbers are just the same all the way through, remember. 296 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. RULERS AFTER QUEEN OF HEARTS. 6 6 6 6 V ♦ ♦ O 9 c? 6 6 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It would require fifty-two rows like the above to give" all the rulers, and would require too much space, yet these rulers are very interesting, because they are the normal rulers, which are different entirely from the solar rulers found from the solar quadrate. Thus, a person born under the ace of spades would have as solar rulers under Mercury, 7 of hearts; Venus, 7 of diamonds; Mars, 5 of spades; Jupi- ter, jack of hearts; Saturn, 9 of clubs; Uranus, 9 of spades; Neptune, 2-of hearts, while his normal rulers would be as above given under ace of spades, There seems, in most cases heretofore examined by us, a kind of co-ordination between the solars and normals. Thus there are two sevens in each case, and a nine to balance one of the nines in the solar. The co-ordination seems to be more on the " general indications " than on same cards. When it is more fully known what the significations are of these rulers we shall publish the full table. It has also been discovered that rulers at all distances from a given card are as uniform as the primary rulers. Thus, there are an exact number of cards ruling seven places to the right or left of any given card. This is also interesting, and the facts discovered by means of these tables have thrown a flood of light upon the movements of the emblems, and has led to the discovery of the new differ- ential calculus in use in our temples. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 297 The next illustration is designed to show the natural Zodiac emblems thrown on the circle, each in its own house, and is another way of showing the wonderful manner in NATURAL CIRCLE OF ZODIAC CARDS. which the Test Book fits the Zodiac. This arrangement is regardless of the planets, as the presence of a planet in any house would change the suits in their relations to each other. THE MYSTIC STORY OF ATLANTIS. There is a very pretty and interesting story in connection with the Test Book, which, when properly told and illustra- ted, attracts interest to our work and, a\, the same time, affords recreation. The writer has related it many times, to m tllE .MYSTIC TEST BOOK. the amusement of his friends. Although there is nothing "occult" about it, except the knowledge of how to do it, it is none the less mysterious to the uninitiated. You begin to sort out all the twelve picture cards, and, as you do so, start to tell tlie story as follows: "Once on a time — many, many ages ago — there was an island in the Atlantic Ocean called 'Atlantis.' It was a very large island, with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, upon it, and it was cultivated»by a busy population. " The island was divided into four quarters by large rivers, which arose in the highest portion, among the mountains and from their common sources, and flowed to the ocean in four different directions. The four parts of the island were kingdoms, and four kings thus governed the entire island. "At the great city, which was bailded at the junction, or starting point of these rivers, the capitol of all the kingdoms was located, whert^ the four Kings and their Courtiers and their Queens and wise men used to meet to pass laws and liold council together. One chamber was set apart expressly for the sittings of the High Council, which was held once each month. In this chamber the four kings used to sit on the highest row of seats, thus: [Place the four kings in a row on the table, in any order they may happen to come in. ] f -> cl ^ 1 B ^ W^ THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. "Upon the next seat below the kings, the queens were seated, ready to take part in the deliberations, if called upon. [While saying this, arrange the queens in your hand carelessly in such a way that the two center ones shall be of the same suit and in the same order as the two kings at the left end of the row. Then lay them down, as if carelessly, in such a manner that the right-hand queen is the same suit as the king above her, and the two "arranged ones" in the middle, thus:] '' On the lowest seat the Prime Ministers of the four courts were seated. [At these words, you lay the four knaves in the same order as to suit as the kings are laid.] "After the Council was over, the various members com- posing it would change their positions and converse upon the subjects considered. [As you say these words, exchange the right-hand queen with the left. Move the two left-hand knaves, in same order, and exchange them with the right-hand ones. Then exchange any king, queen or knave with any other card of same suit^ as much as you please, while keeping up a suitable story. We will suppose now that the cards are as follows, as shown on next page. [The changes made having produced this (although there are thou- sands of ways which give an almost endless variety to it). Now gather 300 THE MYSTIC TESTBOOK. the emblems exactly as directed for tarot quadration on page 264. Then have any number of persons cut them, at the same time saying:] _.^AaA#j> ^s ^p ^K .. " When the Council finally adjourned they all used to go out to the great banqueting hall, and would become mixed together like this: [Pick up the cards and begin to deal them one at a time around the four quarters of the table, saying:] "After the banquet they all retired to the respective quar- ters of the palace, each king with his own queen and prime minister." [If all this has been done correctly, sure enough, on turning them over, they are found to have divided in just that manner.] THE CEOSS OF OM. I have said, heretofore, that the "Cross" belongs to THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 301 mysticism, and the universal Religion of the Stars, as proven by the numerous examples we have in tarots, stars, etc. In the Grand Temple at Chicago, we have a cross on a large chart, called the " Cross of OM," which I have re- produced for the benefit of our readers at a distance. This Cross possesses certain mathematical qualities which make it a co-ordination nearly as remarkable as the mystic triangle or the sextuple star. First. It contains exactly the Test Book, 52 emblems complete. It is perfect in geometrical form. It has 12 rows of emblems in the upright stem, equal to the months in a year. Each row has 3 emblems typical of the 3 houses in the quarter, or months in each season of the year. The first 3 rows at the bottom form an emblem tarot; spot values 15. solar values 54, suit values '69, or 3 tarots in one. The next 9 emblems above constitute a perfect tarot; spots 18, suits 78, solar values 96. The next 9 cards are all court cards, and they form a perfect tarot, with spots 36, suits 39, solar values 75. Strange to say, the spirit values of this tarot make a perfect tarot on all the lines except one diagonal. 7 lines=127, the eighth being imperfect by exactly the amount of the ''spirit double," 89. The 9 emblems at the top make a perfect tarot with spots 15, suits 78, solar values 93. We thus have in the stem of the cross 4 tarots, each containing 3, making 12, equal to the houses of the Zodiac. The arms of the Cross are strangely occult in composition. They are remarkable examples of the exhibition of sevens, these mystic numbers representing the planets. The spot 302 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. values of each arm are 8 sevens in value. The spot value of each section is just 4 sevens. Each section has a suit TEST BOOK CEOSS OF OM. value of just 78, the well known tarot value seen in the THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 303 upright. Each half section of each arm has a solar value of 106. There are just 7 spades and 7 hearts in both arms of the cross. These emblems can also be placed in such a position that the spots not only add 4 sevens across, but also perpen- dicularly the same, thus 10 1 4 13 6 8 12 2 2 9 7 10 10 10 5 3 How remarkable it is, that after four complete 3x3 tarots have been taken from the Test Book, the cards remainiug should have so many mystic properties based upon the deific number seven. The card representing the Christ comes in the center in bis old place on all the Crosses. Above His head is the "Magi Card" and with Him the 3 Marjs. The 12 Court Cards emblematic of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, have another face card ivith them in this cross, making 13, which emblematizes the whole 13 points on our Altar. The whole 13 forming a beautiful "Court Diamond" in the center of the cross. Taken as a whole, what could be made beautiful, both mathematically and geometrically, both mystically :ii;d emblematically than the Cross of our Order? Jesus of Nazareth did not hear this cross. He bore the "cross of healing," a cross which thousands upon thousands are bearing to-day. Just as no person who has not attempted to bear the Cross of OM can tell how heavy it is, no person can realize the weight of the cross of mystic healing, except 304 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. he has bourn it., Jesus bore that bross until it ended in a cross of wood. In our day, the ''cross of healing" ends in the cross of law and public reprobation, upon which many are crucified. The writer bears the Cross of OM, and has most fully real- ized during the past seven years, how heavy it is. He could also take up the other, but two crosses are rather cumber- some for one person to bear. ASTRO-PHRENOLOGICAL STUDY. The publication of the Chart in the first edition of this book has awakened an interest in the subject, so that several readers have requested more light thereon. A full exposi- JiSTR0-PimEN:0L0GlCAZ CHART, tion of the science of head measuring and character reading THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 305 'by this process, is out of place in this work on mystic emblems; but I will give here an engraving and the princi- cipal characteristics of the divisions, as they will appear in the work to be issued later. It may throw a little more light on the subject and lead to a further understanding of it. LEADING CHARACTERISTICS. UNDER MERCURY. Amativeness. Vitativeness. Quick Temper. Bejjroductiveness. UNDER VENUS. Language. Harmon]). Perception. Calculation. UNDER EARTH. Bihativeness. Ailimentiveness. Executiveness. Materiality. UNDER MARS. Comhafireness. Conjugality. De.structireness. P((ie)dal Instinct. UNDER JUPITER. Acquisitiveness. Individuality. Causality. Locality. UNDER SATURN. Secretiveness. Selfishness. InJiabitiveness. Continuity. UNDER URANUS. Sublimity. Ideality. Veneration. Benevolence. UNDER NEPTUNE. Cansciencionsness. Approhaticoiess. Firmness. Self Esteem. FURTHER EXPLANATION" OF THE CHART. It must be remembered that the divisions of the head are not distinct, by any means. The various dividing lines are 306 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. only intended to show where the general characteristics approximately meet each other. For instance, take *' acquisitiveness," which we put under Jupiter in the table of characteristics. The quality or organ of acquisitiveness is located really at the junction of all the planetary sections, just above the ear, and extending across on an axis, coinciding with all the planets. But the characteristic named, does take its power from the com- bined effect of all the planets. Jupiter gives it direct. Venus gives us desire for wealth for our loved ones, and to attract friendship and love. Saturn, through caution, fear and selfishness, causes acquisitiveness in man. The reader will readily see how all the others center likewise. EULINGS OF THE ZODIAC. Although this book does not jprofess to be a work upon astrology, and is not, I have been requested by a number of our members to put the "Rulings of the Zodiac" in it. I have been saving these rulings for some time, expecting to put them in my work on Heliocentric Astrology, with full explanations and directions for casting horoscopes; but the publication in this work need not interfere with the project, so I may as well give the subscribers of the Mystic Test Book the advantage of possessing them in advance of the publication of the other work. The reader will notice that there are two departments — Character and Occupation. The small space immediately under the sign at the left of each ruling is for the purpose of entering the owners' "per centage" of standing in each house, should he ever become possessed of it. If he does not, the space does no harm. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 307 u U c c o •o o N ARIES NO. 2. TAURUS No. 3. GEMINI NO. 4. CANCER Meeoury and Vends Peedominatinq. Honee of the male forces or positive mag- netic vibrations. Scientific thought. Head- strong. Wilfulness. Quick temper. Quick to forgive. Excitability. Feverish haste. Strong electric organization. Worry regard- ing immediate future. Love of lively music. Love of motion. Admiration of fine ma- chinery. General instead of special love for opposite sex. Venos and Neptune Predominating. House of the female or negative magnetic vibrations. Love of quiet and repose. Dis- like of loud, boisterous persons. Tendency to worship or religion. Expectation. Antic- ipation. Faith and trust. Intuition. Ven- eration. Expression by signs instead of words. Love of harmony. Control of features to disguise true sentiments. Strong friendship. Parity. Personal adornment. Cleanliness. Venus and Uranus Predominating. House of parental love and harmony . Love of and care of offspring. Love of the young in general. Kindness to young animals. In- continuity. Distrustf ulness of adult persons. Restlessness under restraint. Anxiety, or a state of dissatisfaction. Restlessness. Ac- tive brain and hands. Love of knowledge. Venus and Saturn Predominating. House of human nature. Love of home and family. Strong love of possession. Incli- nation to selfishness. Admiration of own belongings. Dislike of dictation. Kindness to own family. Love of animal pets. Sus- ceptibility to magnetic influences. Love of table talk and a natural love of mild scandal. 308 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. u 2 O c s £ a o O NO. 5. LEO Meecdey and Neptune Predominating. Honse of the heart and emotions, Yital forces strong. Clinging to life. Tenacity. Vitativeness. Caution and care of self. Sly- ness, caused by lack of confidence in other people. Disposition for peace, unless driven too far. Can be led, but not driven. Act from the heart instead of the head. Consci- entiousness. Disposition to experiment in business matters. NO. 6. VIRGO Meeodey and Ueands Peedominating. House of the material life forces. Friend- ship and sociability. ■ Love of home com- forts, especially of the table. Hospitality. Alimentiveness. Dislike of low and vile persons. Sympathy with those who are per- secuted. Great rallying powers. Love of bright colors. Judge of colors. Selfishness of materialistic part of organization. Per- sonal purity and honorable conduct. No. 7. LIBRA Maes and Jupitee Peedominating. Honse of justice and trade. Disposition to fairness. Exact justice. System, method, arrangement. Bargaining and adjusting prices . Good sense of value. Suavity and politeness for pake of custom. Motives con- trolled by policy. Trade instinct. Practical mathematical knowledge only. Firmness combined with sagacity. No. 8. SCORPIO Mebcuby and Satubn Peedominating. House of generation. Amativeness or strong sexual instinct. Love of physical beauty in opposite sex. Connubial love. Love of own offspring, but not of other peoples' children. Attraction towards new acquiantances of op- posite sex. Exactingandim pulsi ve . Inclin- ed to jealousy. Strong vitality. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 309 NO. 9. -¥ ^ .2 o N C 3 Of o 2 o c SAGITTARIUS Meeccry and Mahs Predominating. House of energy and foresight. Prophecy based upon calculation. Activity of mind. Zealous sanguinjty. Sadden impulses. Quick conclusions, sometimes incorrect. Desire to make money rapidly. To strike while the iron is hot. Demonstrative nature. Activity of body. Quick to resent fancied or real in- jary. Love of stories of adventure and war. Purity of love. Constancy to one person. No. 10. CAPRICORNUS Jupiter and Ubanos Peedominatinq. House of executive ability and undertak- ings. Command of men and things. Natu- ral leadership. Conduct of great enterprises. Money making ability. Positive nature. Quick to act in a business crisis. Determi- nation. Impulse. Wish to always be at the head. Pride of station and wealth. Despise small things. Spiritual nature advanced and high, but kept down by material environ- ments. Organizers. NO. 11. AQUARIUS No. 12. PISCES Jupiter and Neptune Predominating. House of water shipping and transportation. Mercantile instinct. Public good. Love of roving. Deal with many people. Wish to travel. To see the world. Active tempera- ment. Love of water and rain storms. Bi- bativeness. Love of public demonstrations, brass band music, parade show and uniforms. Noise and excitement. City life. Strong intuitiveness but poor reasoners from cause to effect. Admiration of the vast and grand. Venus and Jupiter Predominating. House of Science and philosophy. Research. Acquisition of knowledge. Love of astrono- my, geology and kindred sciences. Love of proven abstract and exact science instead of theories. Mathematical exactness. Care in the expenditure of . money, to obtain full value therefor. Honor and uprightness. Lack of self-confidence. Fidelity to trusts. Thrift and forethought. Logical and argu- mentative nature. 310 THE MYSTIC TEST BO OK. s *^ ed a 3 (J O s a> 2 a Q ARIES Mehotjbt and Venus Peedominating. Trades and professions requiring quickutbs of the hand and mind combined with judg- ment and intuition. Telegraphy. Reporting, Stenographic Work. Rapid Drawing, Sketch- ing or Painting. String Band Playing. Teaching of Dancing. Acting. Type-setting. Writing of light literature, if any. A Male House, so the trades are mostly those followed by males as a rule. NO. 2. TAURUS Vesus and Jupiteh Peedominating, Trades and Professions requiring light touch, quick eyes, combined with skill and power to execute. Portrait and Landscape Painting. Drawing and Sketching where time is nnlimi- ted. Engraving in light work. Artirtio Millinery, Dressmaking cind Draping, Light Gardening. Artificial Flower Makine. Photo- graphing and Photo EDgraving. Elocution under some circumstacces. A Female House, with trades followed as a rule by females. NO. 3. GEMINI Venus and Ubanus Predominating. Employments requiring Love of Nature and the Young, combined with Calmness and Judgment, School Teaching. Government of Children, Care of Young Children and Young Animals generally. Light Gardening. Writing of light Juvenile Literature, Poeti- cal and Blank Verse Writing, Embroidering in Colors, Fancy Work of various kinds, Male and Female House, Avorations followed by both sexes. NO. 4. CANCER Venus and Mabs Predominating. Em- ployments requiring Patient Labor and Domestic Love, combined with Strength to bear. Housekee ing and General Manage- ment of the family and home. Domestic Labor both outside the house and in . Sewing, Cooking, Baking. Laundry, Hotel or Res- taurant Management. Boarding or Rooming, Female House, Employment mostly followed by females. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 311 C '■^ o. 3 O c CA 2 3 M M 1 NO. 5. LEO Vends and Mebcuky Predominating. Employments requiring Inspiration and Emo- tion, with high Magnetic Force and Power of Expression. Emotional Novel Writing. Preaching or Lecturing. Inspirational Lec- turing. Some females ruling high in thie, although a male house. Magnetic Healing. Mind Healing. Some kinds of Law Practice before Juries. Male House with employments mostly ot a male character. NO. 6. VIRGO Jupiter and Neptune Predominating. Employments requiring Calm, Cold Judg- ment without emotion and little care for others. Love of Money. Dealing in Pro- duce, Meats and Provisions. Rastaurant Kepping. Painting and Printing on a large scale. Dyeing, or any avocation requiring Judgment in Colors. Methodical Business of many kinds. Male and Female House combined. No. 7. LIBRA Jupiter and Mah^ Peedominatinq. Business requiring Financial Ability com- bined with Judgment and Will Power. Prac- tice of Medirine as a Specialist. Manufac- turing many lines of goods, or Wholesale Dealing. Retail Merchandizing. Buying and Selling generally. Trading in Lands, Horses or Stocks. Brokerage and Commission Business generally. Male and Female House combined. NO. 8. SCORPIO Mars and Uranus Predominating. Occupations requiring Strength and Power to bear hardship, with slight aspirations for knowledge or spiritual growth. Heavy Farm- ing. Stock Raising. Common Labor of many kinds. Jobbing and Building Trades. Mechanical Labor. Severe Domestic Labor. Iron Working. Coal Mining. Wood Work- ing etc. Male House. Nearly neutral, however. 312 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. NO. 9. G a 3 U o C d -a u H .2 '5 o tsi o or ^ ^ SAGITTARIUS No. 10. CAPRICORNUS No. 11. AeUARIUS No. 12. PISCES JUPITEB AND UBANUS PREDOMINATING. BaBiness requiring etrong, unflinching Judg- ment, great Executive Ability and Manage- ment with stem Selfishness and Resolution to Succeed. Banking. Loaning. Renting. Insurance. Real Estate Dealing. Publish- ing. Editing. Heavy, Practical Literature. Legal Practice. Surgery. Dentistry and general Medical Practice. Male House, with male avocations pre- dominating. JupiTEB AND Neptune Peedominating. Undertakings requiring Ability to Organize and Control large Institutions, Governing Ability and Lavish Expenditure of Money to make money. Large Manufacturing and Jobbing of Merchandise. Superintending of Railroads, large Lines of Transportation or Express Companies. Great Organizers of Stock Companies, etc. FemHles otten rank high in this house but cannot exercise their abilities therein. Male and Female House combined. Maes and Neptune Peedominating. Occupations requiring hardihood and strength with a Love of Out-Door Life and Water, or Dampness. Shipping or Sailing. Express- ing. Milling. Mining. Engineering. Survey- ing. Fishing and many kindred employ- ments. When females are high in this boase they dislike indoor employmente and love to travel. Male House with male employments. Meecuhy and Ubanus Peedominating* Occupations or Professions requiring quick- ness of Intelligence and Power to Grasp Situations, combined with Dignity and Power to Make Most of one's Personality. OflBce Holding or Political Power. Some Branches of Law. Managers of Offices. Many Tradee and Avocations come under this. Some females are strong in this without opportonity to exercise their ability. Male and Female House combined. THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 313 The f'-udent is cautioned against the prevailing notion, which people are prone to indulge, tliat tliese definitions are cast-iron in their rigidity. Nothing whatever, based upon the magnetism of any one body in the solar system, can be fixed absolutely. All the Life and Character Rulings and the Rulings of TEST BOOK "cross OF LOVE." SPRING. Trades and Occupations are dependent upon the polarity of the Earth in its relation to the Sun. That is a definite relation enough, as far as the two bodies — the Earth and Sun — are concerned. But the other great magnets in the system, seven in number, are all the time forming different combinations relative to each other and their aspect to the 314 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. earth, which fact must always be taken into consideration. For instance, supposing a lady was born in Scorpio. Primarily, that polarity would indicate that she would be fitted for severe domestic labor. But the effect of Saturn, in strong aspect at her birth, may give her a physical consti- tution unfitted for the strain of such labor. She would have the "disposition to make things move" in her domestic affairs, without the necessary health to back it. TEST BOOK "CROSS OF KNOWLEDGE." SUMMER. The writer was born in Virgo, but the earth had just gone out of Leo, and the planets were in such a peculiar aspect to those two houses that the effect was split, and his rulings partake of the nature of Leo fully more than of THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. 315 Virgo. Many persons do not seem to understand the dif- ference between being born m a sign or under a sign. The sign, or " house," you are born in is the one where the earth is at birth. The sign you are born under is the one where the sun is. One's rulings often partake largely of those of the sign where the sun is, which is, of course, the opposition sign from the Earth at 1>irth. TEST BOOK "CROSS OF WEALTH. AUTUMN. The reason why the Mystic Emblems are used by us so much is because they are ths exponents of the effects of all kinds, including the earth, sun and planets and their mag- netic forces. Just as a logarithm is the exponent of a given power, so the emblem is the exponent of a given effect. No 316 THE MYSTIC TEST BOOK. matter what number is produced, let it be ever so large or ever so small, it represents the solar value of one emblem and the spirit of some emblem. Take the number 319,372 for instance : This number completely represents the Spirit of the Mystic Test Book, its spirit root being 44. TEST BOOK " CROSS OF LABOR AND DEATH." WINTEB. But it represents the exponent emblem of the book, the Magi Card, Ace of spades, in three ways. It is the solar value, the spirit value and the astral value of that emblem. The astral root of the Magi Card is 55. which is found by dividing by 7 instead of 9. The same number seldom repre- sents all the three phases of one emblem, yet each card has many such numbers. All persons who may desire light upon this interesting subject, can procure the "Astral Guide," which gives the rulings of all kinds of diseases in the twelve houses of the Zodiac and a lecture upon "Astro Magnetic Treatment," by the author of this book, by addressing Mr. L. J. SHAFER, 31 Calkins Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. BOOKS BV THE KUTHOR. From time to time I shall issue new books — a Tarot Book Cabala of the Magi, a New Astrology and a New Book of Lec- tures. The "Religion of the Stars," is now for sale, price ^1.25. Send stamp and address for circulars of books, if you want them. O. H. RICHMOND, 1910 Washington Blvd., Chicago, III. To the- Iftfe Mystics 169 JACKSON STREET, CHICAGO. World. THE GREAT YEAR=BOOK OF THE HEAVENS, Containing the ADVANCE WEEKLY STAR REPORTS or Prognos- tications concerning the future, for each entire year, giving practical demonstrations of the law of planetary bodies, and their influence upon. human, as well as all other forms of life. Every student of occult astronomy should have this work. Besides these great lessons about the stars, it is brim full of interest- ing information on the Science of Health, the Magnetics of Agriculture, Medicine, Surgery, Atmospherical Agitations or Storm Periods, Ormsby'a new Calendar Eyhemeris, together with short scientific, philosophical and poetical contributions and selections from leading writers. Groups in portraiture of leading reformers of our times is a feature of the work. Personal Certificates of the Law, illustrated, and 100 word delineations of character make interesting studies for those who wish to learn to read and write HOROSCOPES. A group of ten Mystics is shown upon the ten of hearts. OVER 120 ILLUSTRATIONS OF The Mysteries of Life, The Secrets of Nature, The Law of God. PRICE. I PAPER. - - - - $1.00 POST < Cloth, - ... - 1.50 paid: J VOL. 1, 1895, (CLOTH ONLY) 1.50. PLANETS AND PEOPLE. 169 Jackson Street, Chicago. i^ * Magitetisttt^ts^li-ife* * i^ The above illustration is emblematic of the wonderful magnetic forces in nature, radiating from the positive and negative poles of a gigantic magnet. This cut is used by one of our well known mystic friends and co- workers in the field of Occultism, Dr. Chester I. 1'hacher, chief of the Chicago IMagnetic Shield Co., whose main office is at 1401, Masonic Temple. Having known the Doctor for a number of years, and also having worn the garments manufactured by the company, lean conscientiously recommend them to all sufferers. That there is a vitalizing influence in magnetic pulsations, cannot be successfully contradicted, and I advise any person who wishes to investigate the subject, to send ad- dress to tiie above company for a comprehensive exposition of the same. Olney H. Richmond. @imEi^ ®r mHJii Mi^^ff This Order is a true Secret Order in. the fullest sense of the word. Its very cause of existence, its importance and its foundation principles are strictly secret and are obliged to be so from the very nature of things. But the Religion of the Stars, which is the religion of the Order, is not secret. Its preachings and its practice is open to all who can appreciate it. The secret machinery of the Order is simply the vehicle by which the religion is taught and exploited in its various degrees according to the univer- sal law of evolution. Those who would know more regarding this ancient Order, can obtain information in the form of bulletins, circulars, papers, etc., at any time in the future, by sending address and stamps to O. H. RICHMOND, The Grand Temple is located at this date, 1893, at 1910 Washington Boulevard, Chicago. 1^1^ &t for T^erra* For thousands of years the world has waited and longed for what they knew not. Predictions have been made and prophets have foretold that when '* certain signs should appear in the heavens," the day should be at hand when this planet should receive the light again. In other words, the " Sanctuary should be cleansed." The work should begin, which would in time '' fill the whole earth." Friends, the time has come as predicted, and we find the accompanying prediction verified, which says that on that day it should be "Lo! here and Lo! there," and many false prophets and pretenders. Those who have followed the current news of the day know full well how literally this has been fulfilled. No less than seven personages having put forth claims to being o/ " The Christ" within the past seven years. These pre- tenders forget that He was to come like a thief in the nighty unheralded and unknown. The. " Light" is the " Christ Principle." God is Love and Christ is the Light. Light and Love unite to make " Heaven " which is a state of happiness. Read- ers, are you children of the Light? If you are, you are of us and with us, even though you cannot appear beneath the blue canopy of shining stars that "spans the place above the altar" of mys- ticism. " Seek and ye shall findP