LARRY DICK & FITZGERALP, Publishers, NEW YORK. PLAYS FOR FEMALE CHARACTERS ONLY J5 CENTS EACH r CRANFOED DAMES. 2 Scenes; V/ % hours 8 GERTRUDE MASON, M.D. 1 Act; 30 minutes ? CHEERFUL. COMPANION. 1 Act; 25 minutes 2 LESSON IN ELEGANCE. 1 Act; SO minutes 4 MAIDENS ALL FORLORN. 3 Acts; 1J| hours 6 MURDER WILL OUT. 1 Act; 30 minutes 6 ROMANCE OF PHYLLIS. 3 Acts; 1J4 hours 4 SOCIAL ASPIRATIONS. 1 Act; 45 minutes 5 OUTWITTED. 1 Act; 20 minutes 3 WHITE DOVE OF ONEIDA. 2 Acts; 45 minutes 4 SWEET FAMILY. 1 Act; 1 hour 8 BELLES OF BLACKVILLE. 1 Act; 2 hours 30 PRINCESS KIKU. (25 cents) & RAINBOW KIMONA. (25 cents.) 2 Acts; V/ % hours 9 MERRY OLD MAIDS. (25 cents.) Motion Song. 11 PLAYS FOR MALE CHARACTERS ONLY J5 CENTS EACH M APRIL FOOLS. 1 Act; 30 minutes 3 BYRD AND HURD. 1 Act; 40 minutes 6 DARKEY WOOD DEALER. 1 Act; 20 minutes 3 WANTED, \ MAHATM A. 1 Act; 30 minutes 4 HOLY TERROR. 1 Act; 30 minutes , 4 MANAGER'S TRIALS. JAct;lhour 9 MEDICA. 1 Act; 35; 7 NIGGER NIGHT SCH£?6*L. 1 Act; 30 minutes 6 SLIM JIM AND THE HOODOO. 1 Act; 30 minutes 5 WANTED. A CONFIDENTIAL CLERK. 1 Act; 30 minutes 6 SNOBSON'S STAG PARTY. 1 Act; 1 hour 12 PICKLES AND TICKLES. 1 Act; 20 minutes 6 HARVEST STORM. 1 Act; 40 minutes 10 CASE OF HERR BAR ROOMSKI. Mock Trial; 2 hours.... 28 DARKEY BREACH OF PROMISE CASE. Mock Trial. 22 GREAT LIBEL CASE. Mock Trial; 1 Scene; 2 hours 21 RIDING THE GOAT. Burlesque Initiation; 1 Scene; 1^ hours 24 DICK & FITZGERALD, Publishers, 18 Ann Street, N Y LARRY AtmttQeh tat ily* Am*roan Binge By HAROLD SANDER Copyright 1915 by Dick & Fitzgerald V NEW YORK DICK & FITZGERALD 18 Ann Street ^3 reducing the stage 'settings to four sce^nes^ interiors and 2 exteriors, that it can easily be represented with the ordinfrt J ina U i r dramaT 0Wn "* ViUagC ha " S ' but retainin ^he plot aTd action°of thKri?- DRAMATI5 PERSONS Robert Emmet, the Irish Patriot Sergeant Topfall) of th*» pwi; c k 8M£S«Kf *■ EmeraId Isle ESE^iSr } lrmy £».?»&* Eramet iss; gsr } the Jud * es Maria, Emmet's 1 Wife j UDY O'Doughertv, beloved by Peasants Solders, Colleagues of Emmet's, Constables Jury. [Darby Time of Representation. -Two Hours. SYNOPSIS OF INCIDENTS ««.-£f T i'T^ s Py»- u .where have I seen that mug before? " The dise-uise th* nv/^hl'Ti^u e V\ s h u OI ? e - th e letter, •« I shall be home to-day." The wife's tiS^JSSZ^iJSS^ The secret conclave, h. ggS** BUTTERNUT'S BRIDE; OR, SHE WOULD BE A WIDOW An Original Farce-Comedy in Three Acts, for Laughing Purposes Only By LEVIN C. TEES Price, 25 Cents eent^men^ndfouriS 6 ^ i te '2- Cby do " blin S« the P ie <* can be played by seven SYNOPSIS OP INCIDENTS Act I.-Dr. Syrup's office. An M.D. in the dumps. " When are vou coin? to nav Encl7Abd^cnem e y? r, ¥ak - Ing ' em feel a $ hom «- Poor Willie. sS^XrgliZ Uncle Abel s scheme. Daisy in a scrape. An unprincipled plumber with a classira Fiftv dX^ fo A r d T ty K Sh T ff £ kin g^k on the quiet. ^hrowinV^tThe wwng^a? Arx TT f ° rahusban d- Doctor, the bath-tub is busted and the house is afloat wan after 51 "fe ? Butternut's bride in Madison Avenue. Not such a soft T^aHa.1' 1 a> u l wm , m y Wlfes affections, I'll raise your wages," Willie The do«or andrt? under* *** P^ OI ? a ^^intances hatch a nice iittle plo ! ^ontM g reTe g s schLTo^i ™£ fefi^ f«,*kf 1 r d parlor at Dover - Uncle Abel, bent on vengeance sets a tran S^^TbSW" Se e, f "'Tt" biCy , C ; e -,/' Sbe bou S ht y°» for g lTb lot and go? fiakine a wilTS? a h,,^, ^'q"- T . ellln S *>« all.' Willie's infernal machine. anothef chanced hS« -rl S - V ^ P g , 1VCS ?P b ,° xin S Iessons ' and the doctor gets »«?o h n%ne h m^^^^ THE EAST SIDERS A Comedy Drama in Three Acts, by ANTHONY E. WILLJg PRICE, 25 CENTS CHARACTERS £mil Schultz, an old tailor Old German Paul Albers, in his employ Character Heavy James Keegan, a typical New Yorker Comedy Robert Perry, an actor Lead Daniel Jarvis, a prosperous merchant Character old man Clarence Frothingham, a dry-goods clerk Dude Officer McNally, a policeman Comedy Otto Werner, a street musician German comedy Mrs. Schultz, the tailor's wife Old lady comedy Edna Schultz, her daughter Lead Lieutenant Brockway, a Salvation lassie Straight Dolly Hammond, who lives upstairs Soubrette One Interior Stage-setting. — Time, 2 Hours. SYNOPSIS OF INCIDENTS Act I. — New Year's Eve. Paul Albers arrives, expecting to marry Edna. Mr. Jarvis hears some plain truths. The mistake of Clarence. The mortgage. The marriage of Edna and Perry announced. Edna driven from home. Act II. — July, eighteen months later. Jarvis opens the big store. McNally receives a scare. Paul's gambling. Good advice thrown away. The overdue mortgage. Paul's theft. Edna accused. Act III. — October, three months later. The distress of Schultz. Sheriff in charge. Edna's operatic success. An obdurate father. Arrest of Paul. Some lively bidding. Dolly's purchase. Schultz relents. Every- body happy. ROCKY FORD A Western Drama in Four Acts By BURTON L. SPILLER PRICE, 25 CENTS Eight male (2 may double), three female characters. One exterior, two interior scenes. Time, 2 hours. The action revolves around the theft of a will by a gentlemanly villain, whereby Jack, a young ranchman (lead), nearly loses not only a fortune, but also his affianced bride. Jack's two cowboy friends come to his rescue, however, and through their timely interference the plan to defraud him is foiled. A Kentucky major and « middle-aged spinster have excellent comedy parts. MILITARY PLAYS 25 CENTS EACH M. BY THE ENEMY'S HAND. 4 Acts; 2 hours 10 EDWARDS, THE SPY. 5 Acts; 2% hours 10 PRISONER OE ANDERSON VILLE. 4 Acts; 2*4 hours.. 10 CAPTAIN DICK. 3 Acts; V& hours 9 ISABEL, THE PEAEL OE CUBA. 4 Acts; 2 hours 9 LITTLE SAVAGE. 3 Acts; 2 hours; 1 Stage Setting 4 BY FORCE OE IMPULSE. (15 cents.) 5 Acts; 2^ hours 9 BETWEEN TWO EIRES. (15 cents.) 3 Acts; 2 hours 8 RURAL PLAYS 25 CENTS EACH MAN FROM MAINE. 5 Acts; 2^ hours 9 AMONG THE BERKSHIRES. 3 Acts; 2*4 hours 8 OAK FARM. 3 Acts; 2% hours; 1 Stage Setting 7 GREAT WINTERSON MINE . 3 Acts ; 2 hours. 6 SQUIRE THOMPKINS' DAUGHTER. 5 Acts; 2J^ hours 5 WHEN A MAN'S SINGLE. 3 Acts;" 2 hours . . . 4 FROM PUNKIN RIDGE. (15 cents.) 1 Act; Ihour... 6 LETTER FROM HOME. (15 cents.) 1 Act; 25 minutes 1 ENTERTAINMENTS 25 CENTS EACH AUNT DINAH'S QUILTING PARTY. 1 Scene. 5 BACHELOR MAIDS' REUNION. 1 Scene