liliii: 1 'i^n^nilHliliis-lii ,;,y!.^ :kM^ ■ ■; - 1- Class T74 Book-^iiijJS^- />19 n ct /flci/i cjiwar'd^ 7 j INSCRIPTIONS j ON THE I GRAYE STONES j IN THE i : GRAVE YARDS OF NORTHAMPTON, I AND OF OTHER TOWNS IN THE VALLEY OF THE CONNECTICUT, AS Springfield, Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield, Deerfield, &c. WITH BRIEF ANNALS OE NORTHAMPTON. EMBELLISHED WITH PORTRAITS OF PRESIDENT EDWARDS AND GOVERNOR STRONG. TRANSCRIBED BY THOMAS BRIDGlMEAir. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. PUBLISHED BY HOPKINS, BRIDGMAN & CO. 1850. Entered acZ^dS^TtT^^^Mt of ^Congress, in the year 1850, By Thomas Bridgman, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District ofMass. H. 8. TAYLOR, PBINTEE SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ^/^ PREFACE Northampton, Dec. 1, 1850. The object of the Compiler in the work he has under- taken is to preserve in a durable form some most interest- ing but rapidly perishing memorials of our Puritan ances- tors. He has taken much pains to trace and to transcribe the inscriptions correctly. T. B. From the first settlement of Northampton in 1654, to 1661, a period of 7 years, there were 10 deaths. The place of burial was Meeting House Hill. The Town voted that after Oct. of that year no more biu'ials should be on that spot, and the present yard was selected for that pvirpose. The first person buried therein was Henry Curtis, the only person who died that year ; but no monu- ment designates the place of his interment, nor that of others, for many years. Among this number was Rowland Stebbins, ances- tor of all of the name now in America, who died Dec. 14, 1671, aged 77, to commemorate whose death a Granite Cenotaph has been erected, which will be noticed in the Sequel of Monumental des- criptions. RECOMMENDATIONS. Greenfield, July 31, 1850. The subscriber cheerfully recommends to his friends and ac- quaintance, the proposed compilation of the inscriptions, epitaphs, &c. in the Northampton and Springfield Burying Grounds, by Mr. Thomas Bridgman. Such a work, ho believes, will be highly interesting, not only to the inhabitants of those towns and vicinity, but throughout the Commonwealth. In the list mil be found the names of some of the most distinguished men of our country, and the record of the same, as taken from the stone that marked their final resting place will be esteemed of no ordinary value by the patriot as well as the relative and friend. T. STRONG, Rector of St James Church, Greenfield. "We also concur in the above, as it will aid many having a de- sire to trace their ancestrv. DANIEL STEBBINS. GEOIIGE E. DAY, Fastor Edicards' Church, Northamx>ton, RUFUS ELLIS, Pastor 2d Congregational Church, " HENRY BURROUGHS, Bector St. Johns' Church, " D. M. CRANE, Pastor Baptist Church, " THOMAS MARCY, Pastor 31. E. Church, " E. Y. SWIFT, Pastor 1st Congregational Church, " Iladleg, Aug. 7, 1850. I approve of the design of !Mr. Bridgman' s Book, and trust it mil secure the favor and patronage of many in this section of the country. JOHN ^YOODBRIDGE, D. D. Pastor First Church in Iladleg. Xorfhampio)) , Aug. 16, 1850. The subscriber recommends the publication of this book. W. ALLEN, D. D. Late President of Bowdoin College. I like the form of ISIr. Bridgman's work. I should think such a work would h a rather large sale. iiDWARD lliTCHCOCK, D. D., LL. D. President of Amherst College. BRIEF ANNALS OP N O R T H A M P T O N li Northampton, at the foot of Mount Iloiyokc, is geiieraily re gardecl as tlic most beautiful village in the valley of the Connect- : icut, perhaps in New England. 16o3. Certain Inhabitants of Springfield, 2-1 in number, peti- i tioned the General Court for liberty to make a settlement at Non- Ny j atuck, about lo miles up the river, representing that the place was i I suitable to erect a town for the furtherance of the public weal and ' propagation of the Gospel, and obtained permission. In the rec- ords of the company the name is written variously, Nonatuck, Nal- wottogc, and Xonoottack. The accent being on the last syllable, the words, in the indistinct enunciation of the Indians, will appear to be the same. Thus on the records, Pewongenug is also writ- \ ten Pewongenuck. Kev. John Eliot uses the < Indian word Noau- I tuck, as meaning, in the midst of the Hiver.' By its vv'indings the meadows of Northampton, Hadley, and Hatfield are in the , midst of the River. '[ 1653, Sep. 21. John Pynchon bought Nonatuck of the Indians ; i ' a large tract on the west side of the Connecticut Hiver, including Northampton and other towns. The Sachems, or Chiefs, who signed the deed, were Chickwalhppt or Waiohilloica, Nenessehalanf, Nassicohee, and Paquahalant, The Avitnesses were Elizur Holyoke, Henry Burt, Thomas Coop- er, and Thomas Stcbbins. The payment was 100 fathom of wam- ' XJTim, 10 coats, the plowing of 16 acres, and a few smaU presents. I As he made the purchase in behalf of the - ' Htioners, he as- i 1 signed the land to them in 1662. In Novemb certain regula- ! tions were made concerning those, who should go up in the next : ! spring to settle at « Nallwottoge.' IJ 1* If ANNALS OP NORTHAMPTON. 1654, May 9. Two settlements being proposed, Pynchon Hol- vokc, and Samuel Chapin, by appointment of the General Court, | laid out tbe bounds of the first settlement at >,onatuck, extend- ,inff from the little meadow (Hatfield) to the Great Falls, and 9 i mUe bIJJ-k, and west fi'om the river. Mount Ilolyoke is probably named after Mr. Eli/ur Holyoke. The town is now commenced I and this may be regarded as the date of the first settlement. I Of the 94 petitioners, only 7 were among the settlers,— namely, 4 Robert Bartlett, WilUam Clark, Edward Ehner, John Gilbert, [ William Janes, William Miller, and Thomas Root. Others^ came from Windsor, Hartford, and Dorchester. Thename^of _^olth- | ampton Ayas adopted. Nov. 18. The first marriage, David Burt l!''''lG55!'^MtI^^'2.'' The first birth; Ebenczer, son of Joseph and I ! Mary Parsons. May 30, James Bridgman born. -, r. t, I ! 1(^6, Jan. 1-1. Tire first death, James, son of James and Sarah 1 i Bridoman. In tliis year there were nine bii'ths. Among the set- tiers were Joseph Parsons, Isaac Sheldon, and Samuel Al en. , IGoT June 2^5. A town meeting was held, a grant of land was made to Joseph Parsons, and Samuel Allen. It was agreed to ^icurc a minister. Measures taken to protect the Indians from the cvUs of intoxicating drinks. July 30 Lampancho, sachem, sold to the town Pewongenug for 30* shillings ; tliis was included in the former purchase. 1658. The first meeting to raise money to defray town expen- ses, Counting to 130 dollars, 110 of which we for --is^enal services. It was agreed to aUow Rev. Mr. Mathei, as a .aiarj, about 350 dollars a year. He began to preach here m J^^i>- Oct 17 The title to Capawonk, the little meadow m Hatfield, relhiqlrished on condition of a settlement by the next May on both sides of the river,-in Hatfield and Hadley. 1G61, June 18. The church was gathered ; and the fii.t minis- tei Eleazer Mather, son of Rev. Richard Mather of Dorchester, ; was ordSed. The seven ' piUars' of the church, the seven men, fii^t org^'zed as a church,-were David Wilton, Wilham Clark, Ijihn Strono-,HenryCunliffe, Henry Woodward, Thomas Root, 'SThomal'lIanchet; John Strong, was the ancestor of tlie ae GovcmoTstrong ; Henry ^Voodward was the ancestor oi the late Dr Samuel B. Woodward. John Stcbbins and others appointed | To buUd a meeting house, 42 feet square, at an -l^ense no^ excee. - , imr 150 pounds. The first militia company organized. Ihe bun- | ab, atte October, no longer on meeting house nil, but ^^ the pre^ , ent cemetery. Woratuck, or Hadley .^;as sett ed, long called ISe^ Town The word may be the same as Norwattuclc. 1GG2. The foUowing are the names of the inhabitants, eight years after the settlemcmt :-Gco. Alexander, Samuel Allen, Alex Alvord Edward Baker, Robert Bartlett. Thomas Bascom, James ANNALS OP NORTHAMPTON. ^ ' Bridgman, John Brougliton, David Burt, Joshua Carter, William [ • and Nathaniel Clark, Aaron Cook, Henry Cunliff, widow Curtiss, j , \ Nathaniel Dickinson, Alex. Edwards, Zachcry Picld, Thomas 1 1 I Ford, lUch. Goodman, David and Thonfas Hanchet, Wilham andji \ John Ilannum, Kobert Hay ward, William Ilolton, William and j : : John Ilulbcrt, Jona. Hunt, Ralph Hutchinson, John IngersoU, i ' Yvlliiam Janes, John King, Geo. Langton, Walter Leo, William} : i and Thomas Devv'is, Rich. John, and Robert Lyman, Thomas Ma- j '|son, Eleazer Mather, John Miller, Joseph Parsons, Natlianiel p I Phelps, Medad Pomerov, Thomas and John Root, Thomas Salinon, ": iSaac Sheldon, William' Smead, Christopher Smith, John Stebbins, I :| John and Thomas Strong, and J. Strong, jun. Geo. Sumner, Mrs. j Williams, Ensigrf Wilton, Thomas W oodford, Samuel Wright, M and S. W. jun., and Henry Woodvrard. Such is the connexion I I of famUies, that Rev. W. Allen of N. is a descendant not only of ;' Samuel Allen; but, also bv his father, of Thomas Ford, John j Strong. Isaac Sheldon, Joseph Parsons, and Thomas AVoodford ; i ' and, by his mother, of John Strong, and Henry Woodward. ' May 7. This town, Springfield, and Hadley constituted the , county of Hampshire. \ 1663. The first school was organized. : 1664. Measures to restrain the youth from disorderly behavior on the Sabbath. 1665. Deacon Samuel Wright died, from whom descended the late Governor Silas Wright of Ncvv" York. 1667. A court House erected. [ 1669, July 2i. Rev. E. Mather died ; during his ministry there j were 71 churc-ti members. Measures to prevent the Indians from doing damage on the Sabbath, and to counteract the evil example of their drinking and profanity. 1672, Sept. 11. Rev. Solomon Stoddard was ordained. He was minister 56 years. His descendants remain in N. 1675. King Pliilip's war began. Robert Bartlett, Thomas Hol- ton, :Marv Earle, Samuel iMason, Praisever Turner, and 9 others were killed by the Indians. Hadley was attacked, but the people under Gen. GofFc repulsed the enemy. 1676. May 19. In the < Fall fight,' so called, near Deerfield, of the 38, who were killed, were Capt. Wm. Turner, and 14 others from Northampton; among whom Avere John Miller, Thomas Roberts, Joseph Fovler, William Howard, and John Foster. Perhaps some Avere soldiers, not settlers. In a few days after- wards^ Hatfield was attacked and 12 houses and barns burnt ; [ but 25 bold young men from Hadley charged the large body of the enemy and put them to flight. It was voted to accept a gar- rison of 50 men. The meeting house and several houses were pal- isaded. Joseph Hawley invited to teach a school. 1677. The number of church members was 76. VUl ANNALS OF NORTHAMPTON. 1679. Up to this year more than 500 church members had been admitted. 1683. A groat revival of religion ; also in 1690, and 1712. 1681. Died Xehomiali Allen, the ancestor of Gen. Ethan Allen. 1689. The town palisaded from half a mile to a mile square. 1692. A fine of 12 pence imposed for every non-attendance up- i on a town meeting. 1 1694. A salary of £40 to the schoolmaster for the next twenty ■ years. 169;). 'My. Stoddard relinquished all debt of the town to him. 1097. An order for a foot bridge over Mill Iliver to South-st. 1699. The town ordered, that no more candle wood should be collected for use within 7 miles of the Meeting House, on forfeit- I ure of the same. Elder John Strong died, aged 92 : his descend- : ants numerous. ! * 1700. Pine trees not to be boxed for turpentine within 3 miles. I 1703. Jan. 17. Col. John Pynchon died. A sermon by 'Mr. I Stoddard on his death was published. ' 1704. Capt. John Taylor, and 10 of the name of Janes, and 10 i others killed by the Indians at Paskhommuck, at the foot of Mount i Tom. Killed at Deertield Mrs. WUliams, daughter of the Rev. i E. Mather. ' 1700. The number of church members was 96. 1708. 'Joseph and Sanvael Parsons killed by the Indians. 1711. Samuel Strong jr. also killed by them. i 1712. A Grammar school ordered to be supported for 20 years : it has never been discontinued. To tliis time there was only a bridle path to ' the Bay,' or to Boston. 1713. A water privilege at the foot of Mt. Tom to Benj. Steb- bins, on condition that for 4 years he sell boards at 20 shillings a thousand feet. 1715. An alms house erected on meeting house hill. 1720. Elder Preserved Clap died. 1724. Nathaniel Edwards 2d, was killed by the Indians at the corn mill. 1726. The town granted Round Hill to Col. J. Stoddard for 40 pounds. 1727, Feb. 15. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, was ordained as col- league in the ministry with his grandfather, Mr. Stoddard. 1729, Feb. 16. Rev. Mr. Stoddard died : during his ministry, the admissions to the chtirch 680. Of the sermons of Rev. Mr. Williams of Hatfield, and of Mr. Edwards on his death the to-\vn requested copies for the press. 1735. A revival of religion ; 200 converts in 6 months, 10 of them about 90 years of age. 1736. The number of church incml:)ers Avas 620. 1737. The ncAV meeting house, 70 by 46 feet, built on meeting ANNALS OF NORTHAMPTON. IX j , 1| (i house hill, near the old one, with a steeple : it lasted till 1812. j; The men were seated at the south end, the women on the north ! side, the young men alone in the gallery, the children in front of '■ the pews. 1740. Mr. Whitefield preached at Northampton ; great atten- tion to rehgion ; revivals m 150 congregations. IT-IG. From 1729 to this year, Mr. Edwards being the minister, the admissions into the church were 495. M 1747, Oct. 9. Rev. David Brainerd, missionary, died at the || house of Mr. Edwards, aged 29. Jerusha Edwards, betrothed to |- him, died a few months afterwards, aged 17, and was buried at'; his side. \\ August. Elisha Clark killed by the Indians. lie was the last ; 1 of between 50 and 60 deaths by Indians, as states on the records of the town. 1748. Col. John Stoddard, a man of gre-^t influence in public affairs, died in Boston. The number of polls, and estates about 350. 1750, June 22. Mr. EdAvards v.-as dismissed : in August he re- moved his family to Stockbridge. He died at Princeton, March 22, 1758, aged 55. For more than 23 years was he in the ministry in Northampton. The cause of his removal was his maintenance of the principle, that the liOrd's sixpper is designed for those, who in the judgment of charity are true christians ; in opposition to Mr. Stoddard's views, who regarded it as a converting ordinance. The church now adoj)ts the principle, for which they rejected him. 1753, Dec. 5. Rev. John Hooker was ordained ; he died of the small pox Feb. 6, 1777. Southampton was incorporated as a sep- arate district ; Ilev. Jonathan Judd, had been the minister of this 2d precinct since 1743 : he died 1803. 1755, Augxist 17. Capt. Hawley, Lt. Pomeroy and Thomas Wait killed at lake George. 1756, August 26. Died Abigail Alvord, aged 102 ; her name before marriage was Phelps. 1760. A letter of Joseph HaAvley was published, in which he humbly acknowledged his sin m the efforts, wliich he made for the removal of Mr. Edwards ; and he also expressed his belief, that ' the town and church' were lying under * great guilt in the sight of God,' for vrhich they should pray for forgiveness, and their repentance for which, now that Mr. Edwards was dead, should be manifested by their vindicating his character and honor- ing his memory. 1767, Oct. G. Elisha Alvord gave a deed of a lot in the center of Northampton, ' To the Inhabitants of the Coanfi/ of Hamp- shire,' in consideration of 130 pounds paid by Ebenezer Hunt, Timothy Dwight, Jr., Seth Pomeroy, Caleb Strong, Solomon Stod- dard, Samuel Clark, Ephraim Wright, William I-yman, Seth Ly- ANNALS OF NORTHAMPTON. man, John King, Samuel Parsons, Jonathan Allen, Selah Wright, Joseph Allen, Joseph Cook, Joseph liVman, Benj. Sheldon, Jr., Quartus Pomcroy, Elisha I,yman, Gideon Clark, John Hodge, Hezekiah Russell, Thomas Bridgman, EHjah Southwell, Asahel Clapp, Abncr Barnard, Daniel Hitchcock, Wm. Mather, Levi | Shepherd, Eliphaz Strong, Seth Clapp, Elnathan Wright, Joseph '. Parsons, Haines KingsleY,Tiniothy Parsons, Anson and Enos Kings- jj ley, Asa Wright, Josiah Parsons, Jr., Titus King, Oliver Eyman, [i Elihu Lyman, Elkanah Burt, Ebenezer Clapp, Eiihu Clark, Pliny Pomeroy, Abijah Wait, John Parsons, Jr. Sun eon and Jos. Clapp, Joseph Hut cliins, Lemuel Lyman, David Lyman, Elias liyman, Jr. ; and Asahel Danks of Northampton, and Sam'l Fairfield of Hatheld. - The land, thus purchased by the principal inliabitants of North- ampton, was by them given to the County, ex^Dressly for but two objects, ' for the purpose of a Green, or Common, and for erecting a Court House, or Court Houses thereon.' Very improperly, by some mistake, the County Court was in- | duced'to license in 181G the Selectmen to erect a Town Hall on ; this I;ot, close to the Court House, to the great injury of the beau- ! ty of its situation, — to the inconvenience of the inhabitants of the j, i County, who fieciuent the Courts, and to the destruction in part ' ' of the Small Public Green in the very center of the Town. I It is understood, that the County Commissioners have full power j to revoke the License, which Avas given in disregard of the provis- ions of the Alvord Deed, and to order the removal of the old Town Building from the County I^ot, and to restore the site of it to the use of the County as ' a green or common.' Pespectable memo- ' rialists of various Towns in the County have already presented the | subject to their consideration. We may expect, that as intelligent \ and worthy men, the express 'guardians of the rights of the Coun- ty, they will do theii- duty. — In the mean Avhile, the Town has an j opportunity voluntarily to pursue the path of justice and honor, j and to restore the land to the sole uses, for which the former Fa- '[ thers of the Town, the ancestors of most of the present inhabitants, | ; purchased it and gave it ' to the inhabitants of the County.' The ; i Town having erected a new and elegant Town Hall on a different I j lot, has no longer an occasion for the old building, as a Town j j Hall, and can use it only to rent or to save a little expense ; and i if> l)y possibility, they could now legally hold it, yet they could ' not in justice to the County and Avith a senthnent of honor to the ' ■ memory of their Fathers. — As we have to do at present Avith the i; grave yard, Ave Avill say, it Avould be strange, if any Avorthy man i ' in Northampton, out of economy, should rob the grave yard of his j Father's Monument to make it a stepping stone to the door of his house. 1771, April 30. Died Col. Tim. DAvight; grandfather of Presi- dent DAvight. ANNALS OF XORTHAMPTOX. Xl 1775. Dr. Wm. Mather, and Rev. J. Hunt of Boston died. 1778, June 6. Rev. Solomon Williams was ordained : he was in the ministry 56 years. Westhampton was incorporated as a town, including a tract 4 miles wide from the west part of North- ampton : Rev. Enoch Hale, was ordained the minister the next year. 178o. Easthampton was incorporated as a district ; and as a town in 1809. Rev. Payson AVilliston, yet living, was ordained in July, 1787. 1788, March 10. Joseph Hawlcy, Esq. died, a grandson of Rev. Mr. Stoddard. He was a distinguished lawyer, and statesman. 1790. The population was 1628 ; in ISOO', it was 2100 ; in 1810, it was 2631 ; in 18o0, it was 5309. 1801. March, a great flood. 1805, Jan. 5. Phebe, wife of Noah Parsons, died ; she was the j daughter of Wm. Bartlett, and at the age of four or five years was a convert, as was stated by Mr. Edwards in one of his books. } 1806. Sarah, relict of S. Baker, died, aged ninety-eight. 1809. Widow Margaret Rust, died, aged ninety-five. 1812. Oct. 28. New Meeting House dedicated: the old house stood a few feet south-easterly. Widow Hannah Wright died, aged 98. 1819. Nov. 7. Caleb Strong died, aged7i. He was Governor from 1800 to 1807, and from 1812 to 1815. His ancestors were Elder John, Ebenezer, Jonathan and Caleb. 1820. Dr. Ebenezer Hunt died. 1822. The Court House burnt. It was built in 1813. 1823. Present Court House built. 1825. The Unitarian church formed. The pastors have been Rev. Edward B. Hall, ordained Aug. 16, 1826, tiU Dec. 6, 1829 ; Rev. Oliver Stearns, Nov. 9, 1831 to March 31, 1839 ; Rev. John S. Dwight, May 20, 1840 to 1841 ; and Rev. Rufus Ellis, the pres- ent minister, June 5, 1843. 1826. The admission into the Church, 117. Episcopal Church organized. The ministers have been Rev. G. Griswold, 1826, Rev. Jos. Muenscher, 1828 to 1831, Rev. W. Chaderton,, 1835, Rev. D. Devens, 1838, Rev. Orange Clark, D. D. 1841, Rev. Hen- ry Burroughs, 1843 to the present time. 1829. Solomon Stoddard died, aged 94 : High Sheriff before the revolution. 1831. The admission into the Church, 164. 1832. The number of Church members was 728. The " Edwards Church," so called, being a Colony from the Old Church, was formed; the Ministers of which have been Rev. Dr. Jolin Todd, now of Pittsfield, and Rev. John Mitchell. Rev. Geo. E. Day, the present Minister, ordained Jan. 12, 1848. 1834. Rev. Solomon WilHams died, aged 82. His Colleagues, ANNALS or NORTHAMPTON. who are now living, though not in Northampton, were Rev. Dr. Mark Tucker, from March 10, 1821, to Aug. 16, 1827 ; Rev. Dr. I. S. Spencer, from Sept. 11, 1828, to March 12, 1832 ; and Rev. Dr. Joseph Penney, from June 5, 1833, to Nov. 23, 1835. 1837. Nov. 7. Rev. Charles Wiley was ordained, and dis- missed Feb. 26, 1845. Dr. W. is now one of the Ministers of Utica. 1 1843. April 15-18. A great flood of the Connecticut. The \ number of members in the first church was 515. j 1845. Connecticut River Rail Road from Springfield to North- j ampton was opened. i Nov. 19. Rev. E. Y. Swift ordained over the first church. | 1846. Nov. 24. Rail Road to Greenfield opened. Rev. D. j M. Crane took the charge of the Baptist Church. | 1847. Round Hill Water Cure opened by Dr. Denniston ; now j under Dr. Hall. Rev. Dr. C. J. Tenney, formerly Minister of! Newport, and of Wethersfield, died, aged 67. Joseph Lyman, | formerly High Sherifi", died, aged 80. He gave the town the lot j for the Boy's High School. Dr. Charles L. Segur died, aged 85. j 1848. Dr. Denniston's new Water Cure Establishment opened, j June. Nine children of Benjamin Tappan, who died in 1831, | aged 83, met from different States at Northampton — Benjamin, I John, Arthur, Charles, Lewis, &c., at the average age of 68 years : all living in 1850, at the average of more than 70 — an unequalled family longevity. John Tappan gave his father's estate for a fe- male school. 1819. Dr. Munde's Water Cure. New Town Hall erected. 1850. Dr. Samuel B. Woodward died. June 22. A cenotaj^h erected by Dr. Daniel Stebbins to Jona- than Edwards, 100 years after his dismission. Methodist Meeting House built. Rev. Tho. Marcy pastor. Nov. 20. Philip Princeley, an Irishman, 101 years old, retain- ing liis sight, and hearing, and mental powers, and able to do a little work in spinning. 1850. From 1651 to 1850, the whole number of Births, 3911 ; Marriages, 1538 ; Deaths, 4830. The record is imperfect. EPITAPHS " Go where the ancient pathway guides, See whrre our sires hud down Their smiling habes, tluir cherished brideSj The pairiarclis t>\ the town ; Hast liit'U a tear for buried h)vc ? A sigli for transient power? All that a century left above. Go, read it in an hour."--HoLME8. NORTHAMPTON. The oldest Monument in the Old Burying Ground, is about one rod ' west of a pine tree on the hill, at the east end of the yard. It fa- ^ ces the east, is much defaced by time, and all that is legible are the following letters and figures. i CAP i E G 8y I DM8 ! 1683 or 1685. [ It is supposed to have been, Cap. E. Gray, (or Elisha Graves), I Died May 8, 1683 or 1685. I I TFiOMAS I HOSMER AGED 83yERS HE DyED APRILL 12 1687 LIEVTEN WILLIAM CLARKE AGED 8! yEARS DE'^ IVLy 19 It 90 AGED 17 yEA RS WHO DvEDIN IVLy ANO 1G90 Trii LIViENAN iOHN LTMAN AGED 66yER DyED AvGst the '2ath 1690 HERE LvE re THE BODy OF MAIOH Aaron Cook Aged Abovt 80 yEARs WHO DvKD SEP the V. ANiNODOM 1690 This stone is on the east side of the old burying yard, and is about two feet square. lOSEPH LIMAN SoN oF JOHN LIMAN AGED -21 vEARS DyE' FEBRY 18 l()91 M HENRY bVRT DyED SEP' 26 1735 AGED 75 yEAR H ETITAPHS. 15! 1 DEACON lONAthAN HUiN r AGED 54 yEARS HEDGED SEPt29 1691 1 1 i 1 1 HER LyES— TNTERD i THE— BoDy oF MOS 1 ES— LyMON WHo DyE°TME2-^oF FEB RUARY IN THE 38 1 1 yEAR oF HIS AGE IN THEyEAR 1701 1 EXPERANC Parsons Da VGHTER oF EB & HA WRIGHT VVH DyEDIVNE5 P^y'^SOy'^ oF HER AGE 1715 Here lies intered The Body of BexNjamen King, of Northampton, 1 who dyed lANVRy 1 20 1718 in the i 44'" year of his AGE j WAIT y^ WIFE oF MoSES PERSONS DyE'^ oN SEP' y^ 9 1731 AGE^ 20 yEAR i 16 EPITAPHS. HERE LyETH ths Body of MR John Hunt Who DyED April y« 15'" A D 1713 in the 45"' year of His Age HERE LyETH THE BODy oF SAMVE' BARtLETT who DyED oN FEBVARy 26 IN THE 73 yEAR oF HIS AGE. ANNODOMINI 17 i I HERE LyETH THE Body oF SARAH BARTLETT ho dyed lANVRY 17 IN 07 yEAR oF HER AGE ANODOMINI 1716 HERE LyETH THE Bony o'F DECON MEDAD pVMRY WHO DyED DECEMBER 30 1716 JN THE 79 yEAR oF HIS AGE KATRON SHELDoN DyE"^ oN NOVR y^ 9 1727 AGE^ 1() yEAR SIMEON JUDD jv^oTE. — On the cast side, near the new Tov.'n tomb. EPITAPHS. 17 Here lieth Intered The Body of Deacon Samuel Allin, Who Died March y^29^ 1739, In the G4'" year of his age. Father of Josei^h A. and Grandfather of Rev. Thomas A. of Pittsfield, Mass., Hey. Solomon A. of Northampton, ISIass., and Rev. Moses A. of Georgia, who died at Savannah in the Revohi- tionarv war. IN MEMORy oF MRs MARY y« WIFE oF MR Ebenez^^ Wright who died the 15 of April 1748 aged 65 yEARS Note. — A dark colored stone about 20 inches high, on the east front of the Old Burving Ground. HERE LIES y^ Body of MR NATH." Curtis who died August 18 1749 ***** yEAR oF * * * * * IN MEMORY of MR AMOS LOO MIS who DIED SEP' 10"^ 1756 in the 25 yEAR of his AGE 2* 18 EPITAPHS. HERE LyEs THE Booy of MERCY CLARK The wife of Joseph Clark, the Daughter of Ehenezer &, Mary Wright Jun. who Dyed February y'^ 14 1735 in the 22 year of her Age. Note. — The first person that died in Northampton, west precinct. Here lieth the Body of M" Rachel y'' wife of M"- Gi D * * ARK who Died Sep. TAD 1*49 in y^ 26 year of her Age. Here lie y*" Body of Mr. Thomas Judd Who Died Decern'^'' y" 31 Anno Dom 1749 In f 59 yEAR of his age. In Memory of I Lievt John j Miller who ! Died April 30 i 1758 Aged | 58 years. ) Ensign NOAH g'p # * * Note. — This stone is broken, and lies on the ground near the east front of the yard. EPITAPHS. 19 This in Memory of INIrs. HaxVnah Relick of Lieut. John Miller who Died Nov 16*" 1762 In the 62 year of her Age. , Here is Liiried y" ' Body of Joseph Bascom son of Mr. Josejih Bascom, who died Feb"" ;, 15 Anno Dom |i 1749-50 aged '^ 12 years. In Memory of M' Ebenezer Wait Died. October 4 1755 ij in y*" 44^'' year il of his age. In Memory of Cap^ Preserved Clap who died October 11 1757' in y° 83'^ year of his age. NATHANIE ALEXANDER Dy^'^ oN No VI em' y^ 10 1725 AGED 49 yEAR lOH-^ HIS SON« S 20 EPITAPHS. In Memory of M" Mehetabel y' widow of Cap' Preserved Clap, who died Oct'" 1, 1767 in y°85 year of her age. Here lies the Rev. John Hooker Who died of the small pox, 6 February, 1777, in the 49 year of 1 his ministry. In him an excellent and cultivated genius, graceful i elocution, engaging manners, and the temper of the gospel united [j to form an able and faithful minister, and to render him exemplary and beloved in all the relations of life. The affectionate people of his charge, in remembrance of his many amiable and christian Here lyes Intered the body of Eunice Lyman daughter to Benjamin and Thank ful Lyman of North hampton who dyed lune 1, 1720 in the fourteen year of her age. M. I. The above is on a stone about 18 inches square, the letters 3^ inches. AblGAll WIFE oF NATIl^ PHELPS DyED oN laNa yE 1723.^ AGED *27 yERS. EPITAPHS. 21 HERE LyE''^ y^ BODY oF AblGAll y^ WIFE SAMV^ FAIREFIELD Wh° DyE'^oN I FN' XIII 1726 AGE'^ 27 yEAR AND PP.VDFNCE FAIR FIFLD DnED on lEN-^XX 1726 AT 13 DAYS OLD. Abraham Miller dyed on Fel/ the 7 1727 aged 58 years. Sarah y*' wife of Cap. loHN Persons dye'^ on April y' 15 1728 age 69 years. CAP' iOlIN PERSONS, DyE"^ oN APR'y*^ 19 ANNO'^ 1728 AG-^ 79 yEAR. Here lyeth the body of Pelatiah Holbkoo K who died on the 12 Nouember 17-3. 8. in the 22 year of his age. 22 EPITAPHS. EbEN-^ STRONG DyED oN y'' 9 oF IVNE 1725 AGED ITyEARS. Here lies Intered the body of Beni AMiN King of Northampton who died Fanuary 20"' 1718 in the 44"' year of his age. Hannah wife of Ei.ia"' King dye' on Ocr 10 (1723) age"^ 27 yEAR. EbENR bVRT DyE IN IVNE 1728 AT 5 yEAR oL^. EbEN^ STRONG DyE° oN NoR y'= 12 1729 AGE' 59 yEA-^. AARON STR ONG DyE' AVG' 2 1732 AGK' 12 yEAR EbEN-^ SON. EPITAPHS. 23 1 Here is intered The Body of the Rev. Mr. Solomon Stoddard A M Sometime fellow of Harvard College, Pastor of ye Church in Northampton, N. E. for near 60 years, who departed this Life 11 February 1729 and in the 86 year of his age ; A Man of God, an 1 able Minister of the New Testament, singularly qualified for that i j sacred Office and faithful therein ; A light to the Churches in : general, a peculiar blessing to this ; Eminent for the holiness of his life, as remarkablt ) for his peace at death. SAiMVELL WRIGHT DyF/ oN Oi:'' y' 7 1732 1 AGE^ 49 yEAR SAM' SuN. SARAH 1 WIFE of M-^ SAM' WIUGHT DyE'* APK' y^ 4 173,^2 1 AGE'^ 76 yEAR. M^ SAM' CLAUK DyE*^ oN A VGS' y« 5 1729 AGE'' NEIi 76 vEAR WHO bVllY'^ 4 SON^ AND || 5 DAVGHT,". HERE LIETH THE BoDy oE LIEU,T 10 HN PARSONS who died Sept 14 1746 in the 73 yEAR oF HIS AGE. 24 EPITAPHS. " JosKi'H Parsons Esq Died Nov 29 1722 or (1729) in the 83'' year of age. TJDIA Wifeof lOSEP HAWLEY Esq who Df' Oct 28th 1732 in y*" 76 y"" uF Her Age. Here lyeth the Body of Lie It Joseph Hawley who dyed June y^ 1 A D 1735 in the 53d year of his age. This Monument Erected By Joseph Clarke To the Memory of Hon J 'Si:ph Hawley Esq. who died March 10 1788. Here lies Mrs Mebeka Hawley who died Jan^2'' 1766 in y^ 8P' year of Her age She was y^ widow Mr Joseph Hawley dec"' at the right hand of whom she is intered And dau'^oF Rev'' So" Stoddard. Earth's highest station ends in here he lies, And dust to dust concludes her noblest song. EBi:'^ EDWARD^ Dy'^ oN OC 11 1723 AGE'* 2 yEAE. EPITAPHS. 25 MR. WILLIAM Jadd Died May G 1755 in the 57 year of his Age. DEcon Thos Shelden Dyo oN IVAE y^ 7th 1775 AGE 63 yEARS. LYETII HERE THE BODy oF lOHN PARSONS ESa who Decesed NOVEMBER y'' 29 A D J72<) AGED 83 yEARS. HERE LyETIl THE BODy . oF MRS EELSEBETH PAR ^ SONS RELiCK oF lOSEPH PARSONS Esa wHo DvEl) MAv y^ II A D 1736 AGEI) b9 yEARS. HERE is BuRIED THE BODy oF CAPTAIN EBENEZER PARSONS who Dit (I July the 1st 1744 IN y^ 60th yEAR of his AGE. HERE LiES f BO Dy oF MR MOSES PARS *** WHO DIED lANnARy 3 1745^ AGED 37 yEARS. 26 EPITAPHS. MRS MERCy WiFE oF CAP^ EBENEZER PARSONS DI- ED NOVRM'^ 1st 1753 AGED 68 yEARS. EuMCE, DAuT' of MOSES PAR SONS DIED A PRiL 17 1755 in the 18 yEAR oF HER AGE. In Memory of Mr. Benj\min Alvord who died Oct" '22" 1772 aged 77 years. Here L eth the Body of GIDEON SrERBENS the Son of LEuf' BEniAmin &, MRS MARy STERBENS who DyED APRIL y" 6th 1734 AG. D 20 yEARS. Mr D%NIEL Alfxandkii Died Xpril 29ih 1752 in his 42 year. MARY PERSONS Dy^ oN MAy 9 1723 AGED * * * EPITAPHS. 27 MARy y" WIFE oF SAM PHELPS DyED oN NOV y« 29 1729 AG' 44 yEAR. HERE LIETh THE BODy oF MR SAMUEL PHELPS who Died Decemb"^ y' 9th 1745 AGED 65 yERS. HERE LIES THE Body of Mr. J< hn Alexander who died Decemb' the 31st 1733 hi y' 89lh year of his age. Here lielh the Body of Mrs Sarai Alexander who Died November the 3d 1732 in y^ 83"^ year of her age. Here lielh the Body of Mr John Alkxandek who Died June 24 A D 174S-9 aged 77 years. Mrs. Rebeckah Clark the daughter of Deacon Josiah and Mrs. Mary Clark who joyfully departed this life April iP'^ 1776 in the 22'' year of her age. ♦ A pious youth sleeps here in dust, * Till raised afresh among the just, And as she loved her Saviour best In him she shall forever rest. 1' 28 EPITAPHS. Mr Samuel King Died December 31 A D 1733 in y*" 44th year of his acre. Mrs IIvNNAH King Died February 13 A D 1732-3 in y^ 40th year of her ase. IN MEMORy oF MAKTHA y" WIFE ITHAMEIi CLARK Who DIED lunE TME 1744 IN THE 29'' yEAR oF HER AGE* * * MARY PERSONS DyED oN SEP 2 1718 AGED* * * AND * * * DAYS. Miss. Martha Daug' of Lieut. Gideon Lyman died Februay 28 1753 aged ]9 years. In Memory of Mas. C.^THcuiNK Lyman Consort of Gideon Lyman Esq. who died March 15 1791 in the 9U^'' year of her aire. EPITAPHS. 29 In Memory of Mr. Zadok Lyman who died Oct. y^ 14* 1754 aged 35 years. In Memory of Gideon Lyman Esq. who died April 3^* AD 1775 aged 75 years. In Memory of Mks. Sarah Clark Consort of Mr. William Clark who died Nov 25 1798 in the 75*^ year of her age. * My living friends when this you vieWj Remember here is room for you.' * Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are While on his breast I lean my head, And breath my life out sweetly there.' In Memory of Mr. Ebenezer Prescott who died in Dorchester Oct. IS"^ 1776 in the ()0* year of hir age. and of Mrs. Jerusha Prescott wife of Mr. Ebenezer Prescott who died in this Town Oct. 15"^ 1779 in the 56* year of her age. ' Life makes the soul dependant on the dust Death gives her wings to mount above the spheres.' =^3 30 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Rachel Barnard wife of Mr. Abner Barnard who died Dec. 11 1790 in the 61'' year of her age. In Memory of Capt" Roger Clap who died Jan 9 Anno Dom 1762 Tke Memory of the Just is blessed. Sacred to the Memory of Dr Samuel Mather who died April29'M779 | in the 74*'' year of his age. Corruption, earth and worms, Shall but refine this flesh Till my triumphant spirit comes, * To put in on afresh. Hark from the tombs * A doleful sound, Mine ears attend the cry, ' Ye living men come view the ground Where you must shortly lie.' In Memory of Mr. Hezekiah Wright who died Sept. 21 1761 in the 67 year of his age. EPITAPHS. 31 la Memory of Mrs. Esther Stoddard The virtuous w'^" and Relict of the Rev^ Mr. Solomon Stoddard formerly Pastor of the Church in this Town who died Feb^^ 10^'' AD 1736 in the 92^' year of her age. In Memory of Mrs. Martha Mather widow and Relict of Samuel Mather Esq. who died Dec. 2 1785 in the 7S"' year of her age. * Time was like you she life possessed, •And time shall be when you shall rest/ L In Memory of Mr. Abner Barnard who died of the small pox Jan. 13 1797 it being his birth day aged 73 years. HERE IS BURIED THE BODy oF MR JOHN WRIGHT WHO DIED FEB 8^ 1749MN THE 62 yEAR oF HIS AGE. 32 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Anne wife of Mr. Eliphaz Wright who died Jan. IT" 1785 in the 34''' year of her age. BOHAN DIED Sept. 13 1784 aged 8 months Anne di- ed Jan. 3' 1785 A GED2yEARS AND 11 MONTHS. Mrs. HANNAH WIFE oF Mr. ABRAHAM MILLER THENy^ WIFE oF LIEVT lOHN PARSONS DECEASED DIED NOV 9 1758 AGED 77 yERS Here lies buried the Body of Mr. Jonti KiNGSLEY who died July 7"" 1742 in the 76^'^ year of his age. Buried here y^ Bodies of Jonathan ^ Thankful Hunt children of Deacon Jonathan Hunt who were killd by Lightning July 5 1769 In y« 15yEAR of his age & y" 7 yEAR of her age. Death loves a Shining Mark a signal Blow, A blow which while it creates alarm, And startles Thousands with a single shaft EPITAPHS. 33 Captain John Pomeroy who died March 3 1760 In the 32^ jkar OF HIS AGE. DEATH and t>^e GRAVE without any ORDER. Here is buried the Body of Mijs Sar.aH KiNGSLF.y who died June y*^ 20 1744 in the T"^*" year of her aire. In Memory of Sui'LY y^ son of Lieut Suply & Mrs. El isab^' Kings ley who died Octo y*^ 3' 1736 aged 20 days. Here lieth the Body of Lieut John Parsons who died Sept. 4 1746 ill the 73 year of his AGi:. IN MEMORY oF MRS phi:be wife oF MR lOHN WRIGHT \' Uo DIED NOV 13 1753 IN HER 39 yEAR 34 EPITAPHS. In Memory of the Hon. John Stoddard Esq. who was born in Northampton Feb 11^ 1681 and died at Boston June 19'" 1748 in the 67^'' year of his age. and entomb' there And In ^lemory of his virtuous w'" and Relict jy^dm PiiUDENCE Stoddard who was born at Weathersfield March 4^'' 1099 and died at Northampton September IT" 1780 and lies here inter' and of their infa- nt daughter Hannah Stoddard born on the 13^ Ocf^ 1742 and died the first of Aug" following and lieth at her Mothers feet. HERE LIES y« BO DyoF MOSKS PARSONS wh ) died January 3 1745-6 aged 37 years. SACRED to the MEMORY OF CoL° SETII POMEROY who died in the ARMY of the UNITED STATES at PEEKSKILL FEB 19" 1777 IN THE 71" yEAR OF HIS AGE. Note. — The design on the Monument is two Angels with, trum- pets, holding a cross, in a crown ; below, swords crossed, cannon on each side, and driim and flags with B. G. on them. EPITAPHS. 35 Mks Mary the widow of Ensign Ehenezer Shel don Died Nov 10 !767 In the 88''^yEARoF her AGE. In Memory of M"^ El>WARD Baker who di- ed March 4^ 175^ in y^ 73*^ year of his age. IN MEMORY OF ENSIGN RBENEZER SIIEI.DEN WHO DIED MAKCII ThK IS A D 1755 AGED77yEAR MRS ABIGAL THE Consort oK ENSIGN EBENEZEP. WELLS oF DEERFIELI) DIEr> March 18 1772 AGED 8!) yEARS. IN MEMORY oF Supply — clap wllo DIED Oct 11 1784 IN THE 03 yEAR oF HIS AGE. HIS DAuG^ HANNAH DIED SEP 14 1777 IN THi: 9^ yEAR oF HER AGE. 36 EPITAPHS. Sacked to thw MEnioRy of the REV David Brxinkrd A FAil'HFuL AND LAborious iMissioiiary to the Stockbridge, Delaware, and Susquehannah Tribes of Indians who died in this Town Oct 10 1747 JE 32. REV. JONATHAN EDWARDS. The American Divine, Born Oct 5, 1703. Ordained Colleague Pastor with Rev. Solomon Sioddard, in this town, Feb. 15, 17-^7, Dismissed June 22, 1750. Died of Small Pox in New Jersey March '^2, 175^. Rev. TnoMAs Chalmers, D. D. The Scotch Divine and Projector of the free Church, Died of Apoplexy, iViay 30, 1847, in his 67"" year. " God is Love." Note. — This monument was erected June, 1850, Just 100 years after Ms dismissal. JerushA Daughter of Jonathan and Saijah Edwards Born April 26 1730 Died Feb 14 1747 (by mistake for 1748) I shall be satisfied when I awake in thy likeness. EPITAPHS. 37 IN Memory oF MRS MARy CONSORT OF CoL° SETH POMEROy who died Sept IT*^ AD 1777 in the 12' yEAR oF HER AGE. IN MEMORy oF MR MOSES KINGSLEy wHO DIED APRIL 28 1773 IN y^ «)8 yEAR oF HIS AGE. MRS MARi^ y^ WIFE oF MR MOSKS KINg- SLEy OCTOBER THE V SHE DIED A-D 1772 IN y*^ CG yEAR oF HER AGE. In Memory of Mrs ELIZABETH IIuNT ThE WIFE oF DEACON EbENEZER HunT who died June 5th 1777 AGED 70 yEARS. HERE LIES ThE Body oF Deacon EbENEZER Hunt who died FEbR^ 21 1788 in the 85^'^ yEAR oF his AGE The Moments seize ; a moment you may wish when worlds want wealth to buy. 4 !38 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth the wife of Capt"" Roger Clap who died Aug'' 20 1767 in y*^ 81 yEAR oF HER AGE. In Memory of Mrs Dorcas Daugh" of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs Jerusha Clark who died April IV" 1786 aged 25 year. Erected by Mi. Chauncy Curtis. In Memory of Mr Ebenezer Edwards who was instantly killed by the fall of a tree on the 2P' of Aug''' 1771 in y'' 44''' year of his age. In Memory of Mrs Lucy Edwards widow & Relict of the late Mr Ebenezer Edwards who died August 19 1807 aged 83 years. ♦• How few whose days amount «♦ To tliree score years & ten, <« And all bevond that short amount ***** toil and pain. EPITAPHS. 39 EXPERIENCE WRIGHT T)y^ oN AVGVT y^ 14 1777 A * NERE 6 y^ oLD obADIA DAVGTER. In Memory of Cap Noah Wright who (lied July 27 AD 1775 in the 7C year of his age. ♦ Life like the Solar ShadoAv Spccds away from Pomt ' To Pomt. Tho sccminor to stand still Thus soon Mans hours arc up, and we are gone. In Memory of Sarah Con sort (f Cap Noah Wright who died April 3d AD 1777 in the 77 year of her acre. This is Erected To the Memory of Mrs MiRrA:\i Wright Consort of Ephraim Wright Esq who died Jan '2d 1774 in the 53d year of her age. 40 EPITAPHS. Mr Phinehas The Son of JVr Joseph Allen died July 30 1765 in the 20th year of his age. Here lies buried The Body of Jonathan the only Child of Maj"^ Jonathan and Mrs Sarah Allen who died Sep 25 1777 ^ in the 3' year of his aore. Sacred to the Memory of Maj^ Jonathan Allen, who was slain as he was hunting on the 7^' day of Jan., 1780, Having just entered the 43^^ year of his age. The duties of a Son, of a Brother, and Husband, u Parent, and a faithful and brave Officer in the Continental service, were duly discharged by him. He for many years made a public profession of Christianity, and entertained an hope of a Resurection to a glorious Immortality, which did not leave him in the nearest ap- proach to the other woild. On the foot Stone : Major Jonathan Allen. Earth's highest station Ends in, " Here he lies :" And *' Dust to dust" Concludes her noblest song. EPITAPHS. 41 In Memory of Joseph Allen who died Dec 30 1779 ^t 66. And of Elisabeth (Parsons) His wife who died Jan 10 1800 iEt84. Both Exemplary and Eminent Christians. "The Memory of the Just is blessed." In respect for their virtues, this Monument is Erected by their Grandsons, Solomon and Moses Allen. In Memory of Mr Elisha Allen who died Nov 22 1796 in the 45 year of his age. <* Not he who acts the greatest part, " But they who act the best, " Will be 'the happiest. * * ♦ Elijah Allen died Sept. 23, 1830, aged 76. Kezl\h, wife of E. Allen, died Jan. 2, 1825, .E 69. Harriet Maria, daughter of Charles J. and Maria Allen, of New Haven, Con., died at Northampton, Sept. 24^^ 1825, aged 16 months. In Memory of William Allen, Esq. formerly of Boston, died March 11, 1825, Aged 84 years. *4 42 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs Thankful King who died Jan^^ 17''^ 1777 in the 35th year of her age. In Memory of Mr Daniel King who died June 24th 1775 in the 86th year of his age. In Memory of Mrs Mary King the wife of Mr Daniel King who died Nov 22'^ 1773 in the 83^ year of her age. In Memory of Mrs MiNDWELL wife of Mr Samuel Smeed of Montague who * May 10th 1775 in tiie 57th year of her age. In Memory of Mrs Martha Stoddard the worthy Consort of Solomon Stoddard Esq who Died Oct 20 J 772 aged 33. " My flesh shall slumber in the ground, <* Till the last trumpet's Joyful sound, <* Then burst the Chains with sweet surprize, *' And in my Saviour's image rise. EPITAPHS. 43 In Memory of Mrs Eunice Stoddard The worthy Consort of Solomon Stoddard Esq who died Jan 22 179T in the 46 year of her age. " Her Saviour shall her life restore, And raise her from her dark abode, Her Flesh and Soul shall part no more, But dwell forever near her God. Let it be Remembered that David their Infant Son died April 6 1778 aged 3 Months. In Memory of Solomon Stoddard, Esq. Son of John and Prudence Stoddard, who died Dec. 19, 1827, aged 94 years. Sacred to the Memory of Miss Esther Stoddard, daughter of the Hon. John Stoddard, and Mrs. Prudence Stoddard, who died May 27^ 1816, in the 79th year of her age. Passing Reader, Emulate her virtues, that your Death may be tranquil as hers. In Memory of Madam Sarah Hooker, Relict of the Rev. John Hooker, who after a long life of distinguished piety and usefulness, departed in peace April 5, A. D. 1817, in the 86 year of her age. Heaven owns her friends on this side death, and points them out to men a lecture silent, but of sovereign power. 44 EPITAPHS. Lydia The wife of Ensign Josiah Pomeroy Died Decemb-^ 19 1772 in y*" 63 year of her age. In Memory of Mrs Abigal Lyman wife of Mr Joseph Lyman who died May 1st 1776 in the 75th year of her age. The grave is that home of Man Where dwells the Multitude. In Memory of Mr Joseph Lyman who died March 30^'^ 1763 in y^ 64"' year of his age. " This shall our mouldering members teach, ** ^^^lat now our senses learn, " For dust and ashes loudest preach " Man's infinite concern. Sacred to the memory of Mr Elisha Lyman who departed this life August 13'^ 1798 Being in the 65'^ year of his age. " Man departs this earthly scene, " Ah ! never to return, " No second Spring shall ere revive " The ashes of the urn. EPITAPHS. 45 Mrs Hannah King Died February y" 13 AD 1732^ in y" 40* year of her age. Mr Samuel King Died December 31 AD 1737 in y' 44"* year of his age. I In Memory of Ensign Noah Stroni; who Died June 4" AD 1783 I in the 74"' year of his age. In Memory of Mrs Maky the wife of Ensign Noah Strong who Died March 16 1771 in y" 66 year I of her age. In Memory of Mrs Martha Clark Relict of Mr Elihu Clark who died March 2S"' 1795 in the 63"^ year of her age. Jesus saith unto her, I am the Resurrection and the life. 46 EPITAPHS. Sacred to the Memory of Mr Selaii Wright who died Dec 17 1786 JEt 64 years. Also In Memory of Mrs Esther Wright Relict of Mr Selah Wright who died August 11 1815 ^t 90 years. In Memory of Capt John Baker who di ed Jan'^ 8^" 1762 in the 81 year of his age. In Memory of Capt John Baker who died February 3'^ 1802 in the 87^'' year of his age. ' Why should we mourn departed friends, Or shake at death's alarm, 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms.' Mrs Rebeckah the Consort of Captain John Baker died June 28"' 1774 in the 87''^ year of her age. EPITAPHS. 47 In Memory of Mr Jonathan Strong who died April 19^'* 1797 in the 89"> year of his age. The saints are freed from toil and strife, ♦ And present with the Lord, The labours of their mortal life, ' End in a large reward.' In Memory of Mrs Elisabeth the wife of Ensign Jonathan Strong who died June 25 1753 aged 48 years & 17 days. Sacred to the Memory of DocT William Mather who died April 10'" AD 1775 in the 33*^ year of his age. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Eunice Mather wife of Mr Elisha Mather who died Sept 26'" 177G in the 38"' year of her age. Her Body here entombed in dust, Her pious soul is gone we trust, Among the assembly of the just.' 48 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr Elisiia Mather who died March 22 1807 aged 67 years. The Body of Jkmimi Lyman widow of the late Capt William Lyman is here deposited. She was born in Northampton November 1726 & died Feb^ 1785 in the 59^'' year of her age. In Memory of Deacon Ebenezf.r Pomeroy who died April the 22^^ 1774 in y' 77"' yEAR oF his age. In Memory of Mr Caleb Strong who died Feb 13 AD 1776 in the 66'^ year of his age. « Man's home is in the grave,' ♦ Here dwells the multitude,' ♦ We gaze around, we read their monuments,' ' "We sigh, and while we sigh, we smk.' In Memory of Mrs Phebe Strong the relict of Mr ' Caleb Strong' who died Jan 5 An Dom 1802. We loved but not enough the gentle hand that reared us, Gladly would we now read that softest Friend, a Mother, Whose mild converse and faithful council we in vain regret. EPITAPHS. 49 In Memory of Mks Thankful Le\\ is Consort of Mr Nathan Lewis of Farmington who died Sept. \S'^ 177'5, in y-'Oo^'^ year of her age. Here lies intered the remains of Col. Seth Hunt who died Dec 28'", 1779, JitAt 31. Why all this toil for triumphs of an hour, What, tho' we Avade in wealth, or soar in fame, Earth's highest station ends, in * here he hes,' And dust to dust concludes her noblest song.' Here lies intered The Body of Mk John Hunt who died Jan^ 9'' 17^8, in the 73'' year of his age. Also, Mrs Esther his wife died March 19, 1787, in the G5"' year of her age. They exhibited bright patterns of all the conjugal Parental and social virtues. They adorned the doctrines of God our Saviour by pious and holy Hves, and died in hopes of a glorious immortality. ' Teach me O parent fi-om on high. Like them to live, like them to die.' ARSONS In Memory ol Mrs Mary Pars wife of Lieut. William Parsons who died Nov. 2*2, 1759, in y^ 66 year of her age. 50 EPITAPHS. Sacred to the Memory of Lieut William Parsons who died August the 7'^ AD. 1768, in the 78'*' year of his age. While living men my tomb do view, Kemember -vvcll here is room for you. In Memory of Mil Jonathan Hall, who died Nov. 17, 1776, in the 44'*' year of his AGE In Memory of Capt. William Lyman who died March 13th, 1774, in the 59lh year of his age. The wise and the just, the pious and brave, Live in their death, and flourish in the grave. In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth wife of Deac Ebenezer Pomeroy who died June 10, 178*2, n the 82 yEAR OF HER AGE In Memory of Mr Isaac Garnsey who died FeV y^ 16, 1767, in y® 2() year of his age. " Christ's d\ing saints ****** EPITAPHS. 51 I This Monument 1 is erected in ! Memory of Mr. QUARTUS POMEROY, who died November 5"', 1803, Aged 68 years. here blest saint till from his tlironc The morning break and pierce the shade. \v Here lies the Body of Mrs AcnsA Turner Consort of Mr David Turner ^ho departed this life Dec 15, 1790, in the '2oth year of her age Also Sofia Turner Their daughter who died Aug. 7, 1790, aged 3 months and 19 days, Mrs. Anna wife of Mr. Joseph Clarke, died on the 2-2'^ of May, Anno Dom 1776, aged 23 years and 7 Months. In Memory of Mr. Timothy Wright, who died Nov. 30, 1764, in the 45 year of his age. Also of Mrs. Elizabeth Relict of Mr. Timothy Wright, who died Jan 17, 1815, in the 90''' year of her age. 52 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Noah Wright, who died March 19, 1816, aged 41 years. * O glorious hour, O blest abode, * I shall be near and like my God, * And flesh, and sense, no more control « The sacred sorrows of mv soul.' In Memory of Mr. James Hulbeht, who died April 10, 1767, in the 80"' year of his age. In Memory of Mrs. Mary, the wife of Mr. James Hulbert, who died June 17, 1760, in the 63 year of her age. In Memory of Mrs. Phebe Pomeroy, wife of Mr. Quartus Pomeroy who died May 30'^ Anno Dom 1776 in the 41^' year of her age. i The Parent kind, v/hose bounty caused the poor to smile, the \ obliging neighbour, faithful friend, leaves here her dust to sleep i awhile in peace, she hv'd in peace, she dy'd and rests in hope to ' live again, Avhen Clu'ist her Lord, comes glorify'd to raise his ' saints, with him to reis;n. In Memory of Supply Clap, who died June 20'^ 1800 in the 34''' year of his age. Friends and Physicians could not save This mortal body from the grave. Nor can the grave confine it here When Jesus calls it must appear. EPITAPHS. 53 In Memory of Mrs. LucRETiA Clap, wife of Mr. Supply Clap, - who died Sep. 20% 1795, in the 26'*' year of her age. In Memory of Mrs. Rachel PoMEROY, Relict of Mr. Quartus Pomeroy, who died with an unshaken faith in Jesus, Nov. 18, 1826, JEi 80 years. In Memory of Mr. Ezra Clark who died July 19, 1788, in the 73*^ year of his age. In Memory of Mrs. Martha Clark, Consort of Mr. Ezra Clark who died Sept. 9, 1803, aged 86 years. Clarissa, wife of Daniel Stebbins, Born June4% 1767, Deceased Feburary 26% 1820, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. This Stone is near the Town tomb on the east side of the Bury- ing ground about 2 1-2 feet high. 5* 54 EPITAPHS. C E N O T A P H F DANIEL STEBBINS. 1 _^_^_ Rowland Stebbins. ■ Month. day. year. AGE. { Died in Northampton i " " Dec. 14, 1671. 77. The following descendants died in Sprinafield. TnoMAs, Eldest Son of Rowland. Sept. 23, 1683, 73. My G. G. G. G. F. The first Joseph Son of Th( ">mas Died Oct. 15, 162«, 78. G. G. G. F. The second Joseph i j Drowned 1721, 47. G. G. F. The third Joseph Died March 8, 1793, 88. G. F. His wife Mary, Died Jan. 9, 1803, 88. G. M. The fourth Joseph Died April F. His wife Eunice 1819, 82. Died Nov. 22, 1818, 78. j M. Rowland Stebbins the supposed ancestor of all the name in America, came from the west of England to Springfield with his Sons John and Thomas about 1636,— removed to Northampton, and there died. 1671 DANIEL STEBBINS of the 6 generation from Thomas was Born 1 April 2, 1766 EPITAPHS. 55 In Memory of Capt. Joseph Cook, who died June 23, 1788, in the 6'2 year of his age. "• Behold and see as you pass by, ' As you are now so once was I, • As I am now, so you must be, * Prepare to die, and follow me. In Memory of Mrs. Lydia Cook, widow and Relict of Capt. Joseph Cook, who died March 6"', 1814, in the 79 year of her age. In Memory of Mr. Asa Wright, who died Nov. 28'\ 1786, in the 46^" year of his age. ' Man's home is in the grave, • There dwell the multitude, ' We gaze around, we read their Monuments, ' "We sigh, and while we sigh we sink.* Timothy Edwards Dwight, son of Josiah and Rhoda Dwight, Died January 22\ 1807, aged 7 years. Francis Henry, son of Josiah and Caroline Dwightj * who died at sea' July 23, 1812 aged 22 years. 56 EPITAPHS. Clakissa daughter of Josiah Rhoda and Dwight, died Nov. 12, 1820, aged 3 years. Caroline Williams, daughter of Josiah and Rhoda Dwight, died Dec. 19, 1813, aged 15 years. In Memory of Miss Maugarette Dwight, Died Sept. 5, 1845, aged 41. ' Father I Avill that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me, where I am.' Erected by pupils of the Gothic Seminary to the memory of a much loved teacher. Sacred to the Memory of Eli p. Ashmun, At various times a Member of the Councils of the State and Nation, by his native force of Mind, Industry, and probity, he had obtained publick regard, professional eminence and domestick affection, and at the close of life he exhibited the humility and pious submission of a disciple of Christ. He was bom June 24, 1770, and died May 10, 1819, in the 49th year of his age. "SVhy lingers hope around the silent dead, There is another and a better world. In Memory of Mrs. Lucy Ashmun, wife of Eli P. Ashmun, who died Oct. 9*, 1812, aged 37 years. EPITAPHS. 57 Sophia W. Ashmun, eldest daughter of Eli P. Ashmun, and Lucy his wife; was born Dec. 11, 1802, died Aug. 27, 1820, in the IS"" year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of OiiPHA Ashmun, youngest daughter of Justice Ashmun, Esq. of Blandford. And Keziah his wife who died Aug. 17, 1814, aged 28. j The oiily Monument in Memory of an Indian, is one mile west 1 of the Court House, near a grove of Pines, with the following in- j scription. Joseph Mamanach, Died May y^ * * 1767, ! aged 40 years. I ^ Nan:. — Sally Mai!\, a pious womaji, her daughter is liv- jj , ing, aged 8G, the only Indian in Northampton. Her mother was the ' i sister of Samson Occom, the celebrated Indian prcaclier. ! David Turner, I Died Feb. II, 1803. I aged 39. Electa, His 2d wife Died April 2, 1850, aged 83. In memory of Mr. Elias Mann, who died May 12^", 1825. in the 75"', year of his age. Also 5 Children. ' The Memory of the just is blessed.' 58 EPITAPHS. ASENATH, Relict of Elias Mann, Died April 22, 1842, aged 78. Justin C( ok, Died Nov. I, I80I. aged 40. Mary, his widow. Died Jan. 15, 1838, aged 74. Here lies Miranda Wim.iams, the dauL'^hter of llev. Solomon and Mrs MiW)' Williams, who died December 25"', 1815, in the 24''' year of her age. My Spirit looks to God alone, My Hock and refuge is his throne In all my fears, in all my straits, ' My Sonl for his salyation -waits.' In Memory of Mrs. Mary Williams, Relict of Rev. Solomon Williams, Born Sept. 10, 1756. Died Feb. 7, 1842, jE 85 y". 5 mos. < And he saith unto me, write, blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.' EPITAPHS. 59 Julia, daughter of Rev. Solomon Williams, died March 10, 1849, aged 65 years. * And to her was granted, that she should be arrayed in fine lin- en clean and white.' Miss Rebecca Parsons, died Jan. IS, 182S, aged 51 years. Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb, ' Take this new treasure to thy trust, And give their sacred relicks, room * To slumber in the silent dust.' Lemuel Clark, Died May 27, 1837, ased 73. In Memory of Mrs. LucRETiA Clark, wife of Mr. Lemuel Clark, who died Nov. 20, 1S23, aged 55 years. ' Stranger, if by chance or feeling led, • Upon this hallowed turf thy foot-steps tread, ' Turn from the contemplation of this sod, • And think on her whose spiiit rests with God.' In Memory of Capt. Joseph Cook, who died Feb. 14, 1814. Friends nor Physcians could not save, This Mortal body from the grave.' 60 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. Joseph Cook, who died July 12, 1825, aged 34 years. In Memory of Deacon Noah Cook, who died Jan. 0, 1773, in y'' 85 year of his age. Seth Dickinson Clark, died Nov. 1, 181G, aged 7 years. LEiMUEL Coleman Clark, Died Aug. 9, 1807, aged 1 month, children of Mr Lemuel and Mrs. Lucretia Clark. Elijah Cook, died July 1, 1827, aged 57 years. Here lies Intered, The Body of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Deac". Noah Cook, who died Dec. 27, 1766. in y" 75 year of her age. Rev. Wm. .M Doolittle, aged 27, Pastor of the Baptist Church Northampton, Died Feb. 12, 1842. ' Weep not my friends, weep not for me, all is well, * All now is peace and joy divine, * And heaven and glory now are mine, * O, hallelujah to the Lamb, all is well.' * I have fought the good fight, * I have kept the faith.' EPITAPHS. 61 Em E LINE Cook, daughter of Mr. Elijah and Mrs. Esther Cook, died Dec. 25, 1818, aged 8 years. My parents dear -sveep not for me, When in this yard my grave you sec ily time was short and blest was He That call'd me to eternitie.' En OS, The son of Mr. Aaron Cook, Died Oct. 31, 1771, Aged 13 years and 8 months. HAxNNaII, Wife of Enos Cook, Died Oct. 4, 1840, aged 61. JOHN LA NKTON DyE'' oN Il^N-^y- 26 1728 AG' 46 yE^R. Zkruah wife of William Clark, Jun, Died June 5, 1842, aged 46 }ears. ClIAIlI OTTE, Daughter of William and Zeriiah Clark, Died Aug. 14, 1845, JE, 20 years. 62 EPITAPHS. Charles Starkvvcatiier, died July 9"> 1843, aged 84, R ox ANA liis wife Died Jan. 5, l'^47, aged 77. Esq. This Stone is erected to the Memory of Mrs. Patty Starrvvkather, wife of Mr. Cliarles Starkweather, who died May 9"' 1804, aged 42 years. ' The dust returns to dust The Soul remains secure in her existence. TODD William Todd, Died June 33, 1846, ^67. Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Phineas Parsons, Died Aug. 8, 1823, in the 70"' year of her age. As a wife and mother few have excelled her in the tender solic- itude for the happmess of her family. « Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.' EPITAPHS. 63 111 Memory of Mil. PiiiNEAs Parsons, who Died Feb. 7, 18'25, aged 57 years. Mr. Phineas Parsons Jun". Died Feb. 23, 1818, aged 31 years. By liis amiable disposition he was endeared to tlie domestic cii-- clc, au affectionate Husband, a tender Father, a dutiful Son, and a pleasant Brother. Miss Nancy Pardons, Died April 21, 1811, ^ 28 years. She early professed her faith in Christ, and excmpliiied the chris- tian character in the various relations and circumstances of life. * Mourning friends adieu. Here I retire from mortal sight to see niA- Saviour face to face.' Nancv, wife of Beu'f. North, Born Jan. 2, 1807, Died Sep 2, 1844, Jacob set a pillar on llachels grave.' Hannah Annetta, daughter of Ben and Nancy North, died Jan. 10, 1841, iE 3 years and 8 mo. Also an Infant, Born Feb. 28, Died March 6, 1842. In Memory of Miss AiJiGAL Graves, Who died Jan. 16, 1819, !j Aged 31 years. ! j ' The ^vintcry blasts of death kill not the buds of virtue. No, \ 1 j they spread beneath the heavenly beams of brighter Suns, through ' j endless ages, into higher powers.' il 64 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Elisfia Graves, Who died April 11, 182r), Aged GH years. Cathkrine, Relict of Mr. Elisba Graves, Died June 20, 1833, Aged 79. In Memory of Mr. Edwaijd Graves, Son of Mr. Elisha and Mrs Catherine Graves, Who died Sept. 28, 1823, In the 25th year of his age. ' Death cannot make our souls afraid, 'If God be witli us there, ' We may walk through the darkest shade, ' And never yield to fear.' In Memory of Mr. Daniel VVarner, who died Feb. 29, 1812, aged 57 years. Also Mrs Phcebe Warner, Consort of Mr. Daniel Warner^ died March 20, 1817, aged 57 years. Sophia IT, Lyman, W idow of Hon. J. H. Lyman, and daughter of Judge Hinckley, Died April 6, 1839, Aged 51 years. EPITAPHS. 65 ! In Memory of Jonathan H Lyman, An enterprising and useful Citizen, of high intellectual Powers, and accomplished education, Who Died distinguished alike by private affection and Public Regard, Nov. 3, 1825. William Bolter, Born Feb. 11, 1766, Died April 27, 1841. John Breck Esq., Died Feb. 26, 1827, aged 56 years. Great day of dread decision and despair, At thought of thee each subhmary wish Lets go its eager grasp, and drops the world. And catches at each reed of hope on heaven. This Humble Stone Is erected Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Electa Breck, wife of Mr. John Breck, who departed this life April 16, 1800, in the 31st year of her age. Few are our days, those few we dream away, Sure is our fate, to moulder in the clay, Rise Immortal Soul above thine earthly fate, Time vet is thine, but soon it is too late.' ''Clarissa," wife of John Breck, Esq. Died at " Hartford, Con.," Dec. 6th, 1831, 6* 66 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. TiiEonoRE Breck, Son of the late Robert Breck, Esq , and Mrs. Rachel Breck, who died February 17th, 1805, aged 23 years. ' Nipp'd by tlie chilling hand of death, * A lovely flower here withering lies, ' The Mortal part is lodg'd beneath, ' The Spirit mounted to the skies.' This Humble Stone Is erected to the Memory of Mrs. Sarah Pomeroy, the wife of Capt Seth Pomeroy, who died Aug'' 10th, 1801, aged 26 years. Also their Infant, aged 14 days In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Hunt, wife of Doct. Ebenezer Hunt, who died August I2th, 1803, aged 59 years. ' How populous, how vital is the grave^ * This is Creation's Melancholy vault, * Where change shall be no more.' Hon. Ebenezer Hunt, M. D., died Dec"^ 26, A. D. 1820, aged 76 years. A life devoted to the faithful discharge of PubHc Offices, Pro- fessional duties, and Domestic Charities, adorned with Christian graces, and cheered by Christian hopes, speaks Ms Eulogy, and constitutes his Memorial, ' Hie Requiescit.' Abner Hunt, Born Aug. 27, 176S, Died Aug. 20, 1841. EPITAPHS. 57 Sarah, Wife of Abner Hunt, Born Sept. 16, 1772, Died March 4, 1827. In Memory of Wm. King Hunt, Son of Doct. Ebenezer and Mrs. Sarali Hunt, who died Jan^ 27th, 1795, in the 17th year of his age. ' This gloomy prison waits for yovi, ' When ere the summons come.' In Memory of Miss Elisabeth Hunt, Daughter of Doct. Ebenezer and Mrs. Sarali Hunt, who died Feb>' «th, 1797, aged 14 years. ' Be ye also ready.' In Memory of Mr. William Clark, who died Dec. 29, 1807, aged 87 years. ' The memory of the Just shall be blessed.' Died April 7, 1789, Mr. JosiAH Clark, He was the youngest of 6 sons and 5 daughters, and survived them ; from the 5 sons have descended 1158 Imeal heirs, 925 were Hving at his death. « With long life wiU I satisfy him and show him my salvation.' In Memory of Mrs. Mary Clark, wife of Deacon Josiah Clark, who died March 3, 1797, in the 72 year of her age. ' My flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my portion forever.' 68 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Deacon Josiah Clark, who died Nov. 16, 180S, in the SS'*" year of his age. * Our Fathers where are they ? and the prophets do they live forever r' Benjamin Tappan, Died January 29, 1831, aged 83 years. George an infant son Died Oct. 30, 1793. ' Jesus said unto her I am the resiirrection and the life, He that believeth in me though he vrere dead yet shall he live, and whoso- ever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, believeth tliou this r' Mrs. Sarah Tappan, wife of Benjamin Tappan, Esq. Died March 26, 1826, aged 78. ' Blessed are the dead, that die in the liOrd, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.' Solomon Williams, Born July 25, 1752, Lived as Pastor of the church of Christ, In Northampton, 56 years and 5 months. His Spirit Ascended in sweet peace to the Upper Sanctuary on the morning of the Sabbath, Nov. 9, 1834. EPITAPHS. 69 In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Piicenix, wife of Alexander Phoenix, and daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Tappan, who died May 30, 1819, aged 28 years. In her death the church of Christ to Avhich she united herself at the early age of sixteen, has lost an exemplary member ; the poor a kind and sympath/.ing Friend ; the social circle a bright ornament, and her surviving relatives an example of loveliness and excellence, in all the duties and relations of private life Avhich will be long and most afFectionatelv remembered. Josi PII, son of Caleb, and Ilepzibah Ilannum, Died April 15^ 1847, aged 22. * Let not your heart be troubled ; ye believe in God beheve also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions ; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to ju-epare a place for you.' ' HOPE' Eliza Anne, wife of John Hannum, Died Aug. 24, 1849, aged 35. " As a vision, as a dream of the night, " The last ray of sunlight upon the Avave, " So fades all earthly hopes. " Beautiful but Oh ! how transitory " Let us not cling to things of earth, '< For all that is earthly fades away, << But seek some more sub-stantialtreasures, " Even those that shall endure forever." Sophia, daughter of Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Sophia Clark, Died Sep. 20, 1832, aged I year and 8 months. 70 EPITAPHS. SakAH J. BllEED, wife of Rev, Wra. Allen, Died Feb 25, 1848, aged 58 years. Be tliou faitliful unto death, and I Vv'ill give tliec a croAvn of life.' Ellen Whf.elock, only child of Rev. John VVheelock Allen, Died June 27, 1841, aged 8 months, William, son of Rev, J. W. Allen, of Wayland, Died Sep. 7, 1842, aged 4J months. Charles Rice, son of Rev. J W. Allen, Died Dec. 20, 1849, aged 2J months. Maria, daughter of Rev. E. Hopkins, Died Sept. 1, 1843, aged 9 days. [The following is on the grave stone of Wm. Allen, another child of Eev. E. Hopkins.] Willie, Born Jan. 2, 1845, God took him April 9, 1848. " He shall have thee, my own, my beautiful, my undcfiled, and \[ thou shalt be His child." HUNT. Q: Not Lost but gone before. EPITAPHS. 71 Martha H. Hunt, Born April 7, 1825, Died April 5, 1847. Ebenezer Hunt, Born March 1 1, 1775, Died June 9, 1835. Maria L. Hunt, Born May 13, 1813, Died Nov. 10, 1844. John Hunt, Born Feb. 20, 1821, Died April 16, 1823. Sa.muel H. Hunt, Born June 12, 1819, Died April 23, 1845. David Hunt, M. D. Counselor M. M. S. Died July 8, 1837, MM. Wealthy Hunt, wife of David Hunt, Died Sept. 25, 1838, ^t6l. Frances A. Hunt, Died Aug. 24, 1838, ^20. In Memory of Wealthy Hunt, Daughter of Mr. David and Mrs. Wealthy Hunt, who died Aug. 24, 1802, aged 3 years. 72 EPITAPHS. HENSHAW I FAMILY TOMB. I Hon Samuel Henshaw, Died at Northampton, March 11th, 1809. JE LXV. YRS. Francis Aurelia, Wife of Hon. C. A. Dewey, Died at Williamstown, July 20t}i, 1821, M XXIV. YRS. Eliza, Daughter of Hon. Samuel and .Martha Henshiw Died Feb. 2()th, 1823, M XXIX YRS. Louisa Augusta, Wife of Dr. Charles Beck, Died Feb 23, 1830, JE XXX YRS. Martha, Relict of Hon. Samuel Henshaw, Died May 27th, 1842, M LXXXVI. YRS and 11 months. ANSEL WRIGHT'S FAMILY TOMB -^ jj Children of Anssel Wright. Elizabeth M. C. Wright, Died April 1, 1838, aged 1(1 years. AsAHEL Wright, Died Sept. 10, 1840, aged 4 years. AsAHEL Wright, Died Feb. 3, 1844, aged 3 years. Henry Wright, Died Dec. 8, 1845, aged 1 year and 8 months. Harriet Wright, Died Dec. 5, 1849, aged 5 years and 8 months. EPITAPHS. 73 1 Elizabeth, wife of \ Ansel Wright, died 1 Sept. 10% 1848, aged 44 years, In Memory of i Mary, the wife of Nathaniel Edwards, j who died Sep'. 16'% 1819, 1 ■' in the 69'^ year of her age. ! * Life how short, ♦Eternity how long. I Mr. Nathaniel 1 j Edwards, 1 Died March 13, 1832, 1 aged 82. i 1 1 In Memory of ■i Capt'n James DickknsoNj j who died July 12^^824, 1 in the 45'*' year of his age. I * All, All, is right by God ordained or done, who hut God re- ]\ sumed the Friends He gave.' 1 1 I 1 This Monument ) j is erected to the ?: Memory of .' 1 Mr. Job White, \ who departed this life ii \ Feb. 12, 180^, \ aged 54 years. 1 also of i Lewis White, their son ! i who Died January 24, 1804, aged 17 years ! 7 i i 74 EPITAPHS. Elizabeth, daughter of William and Rebecca Edwards, died J ,n. 29, 1807, aged 1 iVJonth. Sacred to the Memory of Mr. JosFAH Dickenson, who died Jan. 17, 1812, aged 62 years. One eye on death, and one full fixed on heaven, becomes a mortal and immortal man." Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Wealthy Dickenson, wife of Mr. Josiah Dickenson who died June 23, 1812, aged 59 years. Heaven gives us Friends to bless the present scene, resumes them to prepare us for the next." In Memory of Seth Hopkins Dickenson, who died March 2 P, 1805, aged 23 years. In Memory of Caroline Dickenson, who died November 7, 1810, aged 24 years. This is the end of man, prepare for it, prepare to die and meet your God.' Mr. Cotton Dickenson, died Jan. 21, 1826, aged 72 years. EPITAPHS. 75 Olive, wife of Cotton Dickenson, died eept. 10, 1844. aged 89. ASAIIEL POMEKOY, Esq. died March 22, 1833, in the 84"' year of his age. Mrs. Hannah Pomeroy, wife of Asahel Pomeroy, died Sep. 28'", 1812, aged 58 years. In Memory of Mrs. Susannah, wife of Asahel Pomeroy, who died January 26, 1826, aged 69 years. Here is intered The Body of Mrs. Miriam Pomeroy, Consort of Mr. Asahel Pomeroy, who died July W\ 1793, in the 4P' year of her age. •* A consort tender and a parent dear, ** To none an eneniie, to all sincere, '« She joyed with good, the needy to supply, " And wipe the fading drops from miseries eye, «' The balm of consolation to impart, «' And heal the bruises of the broken heart, *» Cheerfully she lived, and on the bed of death ♦' Kissing submisively the rod, " She yielded up her breath." jj LUCRETFA PoMEKOY, Daughter of Asahel Pomeroy, Died Sep. 22, 1847. 16 EPITAPHS. Sacred To the Memory of Miss Judith Poaieroy, Daughter of Mr. Asahel and Airs. Miriam Pomeroy, who died Jan. 20^'\ 1804, ^t 20 years. In Memory of DwiD L Dewey, who died in Northborough, Feb. 15, lb2I, aged 32 years. ' Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower, If one sharp blast sweeps o'er the field They wither in an hour." In Memory of Mr. Luther Munt, who died Aug 28'' 1817, aged 46 years. Heaven gives us friends to bless the present scene. Resumes them to prepare us for the next." Four children of Mr. Luther, and Mrs. Eunice Hunt. Luther, died Dec. 4"\ 1825, aged 1 1 years. Medad, died Sept. 16, 1802, aged J3 years. Two Infants died Oct. 23, 180 L Susan, daughter of Luther and Eunice Hunt, Born May 7'", 1813, Died Dec. 28, 1832. EPITAPHS. 77 1 1 Frederick Hunt, !| Died Oct. 9, 1831, ^ 33 years. To the dear Memory of Mrs. Abigal Lyman, Consort of Erastus Lyman, Esq. ■ who died i Feb. 18% 1803, j ^t 24. ! " She was a Avomaii with lively good sense and ease, *' And always sure lier friends to please, ' " For every social virtue form'd." Possessed of an aimable disposition, with a cultivated mind and understanding, charity and all the delicate viitues, of her sex In a time of youth and health, she dedicated herself by a T^ublic and solemn covenant to the service of the Blessed God, and in his prese^ice as her friends have reason to beheve, her uuembodied .Spirit now adores and is happy. In Memory of Mr. John King, who died May 14, 1806, in the 77^, year of his age. 7* In Memory of Mrs. Rachel King, wife of Mr. John King, who died June 14^, 1798, in the 56% year of her age. Mrs. Hannah W. Flint. wife of J. H. Flint, Died June 16, 1821, aged 34 years. 78 EPITAPHS. This erected to The Memory of Ephraiin Wright, Esq. who died Jan. 25^", 1794, in tlie 82' year, of his age. Both old and youn<^ Avho view this tijjuh, Remember here for you is room." Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Hii.N'Rv Lyman, Merchant of Montreal, son of the Uite Elisha Lyman of tliis town, who died nt Burlington, Vt. Sep'. 20, 1809, iEtat 21 years. Died March 24, 1820, Moses Wright, Esq aged 6S years. In the various relations of domestic life he was constant, faithful, and affectionate. xVs a citizen, he was beloved and respected by an extensive acquaintance, as a professor of the religion of Jesus Clirist, his example was Avorthy of imitation. ' Tis but a fev/ Avhose days amount to three score vears and ten.' In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy Hinckley, wife of Samuel Hinckley, who died Aug. 2G, 1802, in the 44'^ year of her age. The occupation dearest to her heart was to encourage goodness, and her eye was meek and gentle, a smile played on her lips, and in her speech was heard maternal sweetness, dignity and love. EPITAPHS. 79 Hon. Samuel Hinckley, D ied June 15, 1840, aged 83. Ill Memory of Dolly Ann Hinckley, the daughter of Samuel Hinckley, Esq. and Mrs. Dorothy his wife, who died Sep. ()"', 1801, aged 2 years and G Months. In Memory of Doi Lv Hinckley^ Daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Dolly Hinckley, who died Jan. 28*", 1798, aged 2 years. Here lies the body of PiiEiJE ELi/.AnETii Hinckley, daughter of Samuel Hinckley, Esq. and Dorothy his wife, who died Sep. r', 1801, aged 11 Months, George Hinckley, son of Samuel and Dorothy Hinckley, f! died Sep. 22^ 1818, I in the 28"', year of his age. \ He was educated at Yale CoUege, and had commenced the prac- I: tice of Law, in tte midst of the most flattering prospects o± hap- , ! piness to himself and usefulness to others Disease arrested his j I pro-ress and Death removed him from his fiicnds, who loved him i; living and will continue to lament him until memory shall be lost tail oblivion. li Yive, memor, quam ;l Sis aevi brevis. 80 EPITAPHS. Thomas Lyman, died April 15, 1845, M88. Miss Pauces Lyman died April 19, 1820, yEt 55 years. In Memory of Hon. Elijah H. xMiU^^, Distinguished for a long succession of years, by liis ability and eloquence at tlie bar, his enlightened patriotism, and his extensive beneficial influence as a member of the state and national govern- ments. who died in the faith of the Gospel, Mays"', 18-29. iEt 5?. •L Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Sarah Mills, wife of Elijah Hunt Mills, Esq. and daughter of the Hon, Ebenezer Hunt, and Mrs. Sarah Hunt. who died Oct. 2^ 1802, in the 23^^ year of her age. The soul looks through the gloomy portals of the grave, To happier scenes of Immortality.' In Memory of George Francis, son of Elijah Hunt Mills, and Harriet his wife, who died May 25^ 1827, in the 6*^ year of his age. ' Weep not for those Avhom the veil of the tomb, In life's happy morning hath hid from our eyes, Ere sin threw a blight o'er the Spirits young bloom, Or earth had profaned, what was born for the skies.' EPITAPHS. 81 Here are i me red The remains of Lkwis Butler, 2*^ son of Simeon and Mary Butler, who died Feb 10, 1818, aged 18. Weop not for me my dangers all are past, I've run the race and gained the goal at last, I've left the cumbrous load of flesh behind. * In Memory of Mary Ann Butler, eldest child of Simeon and Mary Biiiler, who died Sep. 23'', 1«U2, in the 8'", year of her age. Emblem of innocence thy placid mind knew no rough passion, nor a thought unkind. Bright were our hopes, we mourn to find them vain but God is just and *■***- * EowARD Butler, Died July 13, 1849, aged 52. WiLiiAM Butler, Died March 9, 1831, aged 68 years. Marv, Third daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Hnldah Butler, died July 3', 1800, aged 8. William, son Mr. William and Mrs. Hu!dah Butler, Died Sep. l''\ 1802, aged 15 Months. 82 EPITAPHS. John Bkown, son of Mr. William and Mrs. lluldah Butler, died July 5\ 181 1, aired 21 Months. Daniel Butler, Died Sep 14, 1833, aged 65 years. Under this Stone rest the renrtains of Mrs. Anna Butler, wife of Mr. Diniei Butler, and daughter of John and Mrs. Mary VVelsh, of Boston, who departed this life May 9% 1801, aged 32 years. Those Avho knew her not, may learn from this Monumental Stone, that her virtues have rendered her memory precious to her bereaved partner. The sight of it will excite a tender recollec- tion of her worth in the bosoms of those who knew her. In Memory of Mrs. Maky Butler, wife of Mr. Simeon Butler, who died March 1, 1829, aged 55 years. Sweet peace and heavenly hope and humble joy, divinely shone f n her enraptured soul and crowned her for the skic;^. Simeon Butler, Died Nov. 7, 1847, aged 77 years. The Lord our righteousness.' EPITAPHS. 83 In MssBory of Mr. Hervky Tillotson, who died Sep 12, 1813, in the 31 year of his age. In Memory of Rev. Heniiy Lyman, son of Theodore and Snsan W. Lyman, a Missionary of the American Board who with his associate Rev Samuel Munson, suffered a violent death from * The Batt^hs' in Sumatra, June '.8, JS34, aged 24. '* We are more than conquerors." ^ In Memory of Mr. Abner Barnard, wh(» died Jan 11. 1806, in the 23'' year of his age. ' Lord I commit my soul to thee.' E\'OS KiNGSLEY, died Nov 6. 1845, aged 75. Rebecca, wile of Enos Kin^sley, died Jan. 27, 1823, aged 47. 84 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Ruth D xw, wife of Mr. John Dixon, of Kiliingrly, Con. who departed this life Aug. 22, 18 M, ill the 34 year of her age. Arthur Fkan('is, son of William M ^nd Sarah B. Stood rd, died Nov. 27, im, aged 18 mcHiths. Willi M\i B(f.A! eldest son of Willi and S;)rah B Si ^ ' died Nov ls4v, 7 years and 7 m Is it well with the child r and h'oo m H. iard, iged fjths. answered it is well. «* Thy son livoi i\." ' D\vii> Tappv^j, son of Wilh: TT FT. and S;tr:5h B. St ddard, died O^t. 21. --iS, aged 5 y^ iir^. His soul was gentle as a lamb. INGOLS. Li In Memory <»f Miss A-; Daughter of Mr J Mrs. Mary Ingols, who die^' iEt23 yf'H: There was a time, that tu; When youth, I bloom' .1 A time will come, is co^ni : When thou shalt fade 1; \L Ingols, nes and ' * * II, 1«26, ' has past, ke thee, :; fast, e me. EPITAPHS. 85 Timothy Edwards, son of Josiah and Rhoda Dwight, Died May 29"\ 1833, aged 25 years. Hannah Worth ington, daughter of Josiah and Rhoda D wight, died Sep. 17, 1829, aged 17 years. William Harris, son of Josiah and Caroline D wight, who perished in the wreck of the Albion on the Irish Coast, April 22^ 1822, aged 29 years. This tribute of affection is inscribed by her who occupied the place of Mother, to whom and her children his conduct was ever a cha; to and toucliing example of filial and Fraternal love, but yet rciiiembermg that the partmg sigh appoints the just to slumber not to ciie. The startmg tear I check'd, I kiss'd the Rod And not to earth resigned them, ' But to God. In Memory of Josiah Dwi(;ht, Esq. who was born Sep. 17, 1767, and died March 8, 182-1. In til,: iaith and hope of the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God. Thomas, son of Josiah and Rhoda Dwight, Died Oct. 1815, aged 5 years. Hannah Buckminster, Daughter of Josiah and Rhoda Dwight, Died Feb. 16, 1814, aged 2 years. 8 86 EPITAPHS. CHARLEy Hooker, died May 13^ 1833, aged 36 years. In Memory of Miss Abigal Welsh Butler, daughter of Daniel and Anna Butler, who died Sep. 4, 1822, aged 24 years. Faith with a bright unwavering eye Points with a smile above the sky, And wafts the mourner to that shore, "Where mourning friends shall part no more. Also in Memory of Mr. Charles Paiikeii Butler, Son of Daniel and Anna Butler, who died at the Bay of St. Louis Sept. 15 1820, aged 26 years. Though strangers only lingered by And mutely watched the strugling sigh, Yet nature's if not friendship's tear. Shall nightly wet the distant bier. In Memory of Mr. Joseph Bartlet, who died August 3, 1755, aged 73 years. Benjamin Bartlet, Died Aug. 23, 1762, in the 62 year of his age. Note. — This stone is broken, and in three pieces, and lays 22 yards east of the Henshaw tomb. Note. — This is a rough stone, 18 inches square, 60 feet east of Lieut. Wm. Clark's grave. EPITAPHS. 87 UPH AM David Gorham, Child of Tim° & Julia U. Wood, of New York, Died llth Sept., 1822, aged 2 years. Mrs. Rachel Langford, Died Dec. 39, 1780, in the 24th year of her age. Mrs. MiNDWELL, Relict of Capt'n Moses Lyman, Died May 25, 1780, in the 88th year of her age. In Memory of Mr. Jonathan Strong, who died Dec. 18th, 1803, in the 67th year of his age. In Memory of Mrs. Rachel Strong, Wife of Mr. Jonathan Strong, who died Dec. 21, 1817, in the 80th year of her age. B. li. :±\ Note. — Tliis stone is 20 feet north of Hon. Joseph Hawley' Monument. 88 EPITAPHS. D. L. £J Note. — This is an unwrought stone, 18 inclies liigli, 24 wide, 60 feet south, of the pine tree, on the hill. In Memory of Mrs. Martha Clark, Wife of Mr. Aaron Clark, who died March 13, 1803, aged 50 years. HEAR LIES intered the body of Note. ELDER PRESERVED CLAPP, oF NoRthampton, who died September the 22, 1720, in the 77 year of his age. -This stone is on the hill, near the pine tree. HEAR LIES intered the body of Mrs, SARAH CLAPP, of Northampton, who died Oct. 4, 1716, in the 66 year of her age. In Memory of Mr. EliphazClap, who died July 20, 1783, aged 71 years. In Memory of Mrs. Rachel, y'' wife of Mr. Eliphaz Clap, who died Jan. 11, 1762, in y*" 41 year of her age. In Memory of Capt. Elisha Pomeroy, who died Jan'y 26, 1762, in y'' 41 year of his age. " A law eternal does decree, That all things born shall mortal be." EPITAPHS. 89 David Judd, Born April 12, 1771, Died May 21, 1827. Sarah Judd, Wife of David Judd, Born Nov. 26, 1774, Died Oct. 10, 1826. In Memory of David Judd, Son of Mr. David and Mrs. Sally Judd, died Oct. 26, 1807, aged 17 months and 11 days. Also an infant daughter, died Oct. 2d, 1801, aged 1 day. Spencer Judd, Died Oct. 30, 1832, aged 32 years. Eliza S. Judd, Wife of Spencer Judd, died June 13, 1830, aged 29. Charles Spencer Judd, their son, died Oct. 29, aged 5 years. Note. — Mr. Judd, wife and child, died in Springfield, and were interred in the " Old Burying Ground." Their remains were re- moved and re-interred in this place, May, 1848, by Thomas Bridgman. Sarah H. Wells, Wife of Samuel Wells, and daughter of Hon. Jonathan Leavitt, of Greenfield, Died Jan'y 29th, 1837, aged 40 years. In Memory of Mrs. Rachel Russell, Consort of Mr. John Russell, who died February 10, 1810, aged 27 years. 8* 90 EPITAPHS. Laura, Wife of John Russell, died Feb. 9, 1826, JE 38. Jacob set a pillar on Racbel's grave. In Memory of Miss Cordelia Snow, Daughter of Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Theodocia Snow, Born Nov. 12th, 1798, Died Aug. 16th, 1824. And if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Here Ljes the Body of Samuel Curtis, who died the 24 of luLy, in the year 1721, in the 73 year of his age. Note. — This Monument is on the hill, and in a good state of preservation. Hon. Joseph Lyman, Born Oct. 22, 1767, died Dec. 11, 1847. In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Lyman, Consort of Joseph Lyman, and daughter of Hon. Samuel Fowler, of Westfield, who died July 16th, 1808. Also of their Daughter, Frances, who died at Medford, Jan'y 11th, 1809, Atat 12. Death kills not the buds of virtue, No, they spread ***** EPITAPHS. 91 Lydia, Dau'" of Lieut. Enock and Mrs. Nancy Clarke, died June 15, 1773, aged 2 years and 4 months. Mrs. LuciNDA Clarke, Died Jan'y 25, 1840, aged 74. Christophep. Clarke, Died Sept. 28th, 1838, aged 45. Elizabeth W., Dau^ of F. W. and L. B. Clarke, died Sept. 28, 1848, aged 8 years. Death, came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there. John Phillips, Son of John and Prudence Clarke, Born Dec. 17, 1828, died Oct. 22, 1831. Sarah W. Whitney, Wife of Josiah D. Whitney, and daughter of Rev. Payson Williston, died July 1, J 833, M 33. Earth has her dust, friends her memory, and the Redeemer her Spirit. William Dwight, Son of J. D. and S. W. Whitney, died April 3, 1826, aged 7 weeks. Margaretta, Daughter of J. D. and S. W. Whitney, died June 23, 1836, aged 7 years. 92 EPITAPHS. Alice Clarissa, Daughter of J. D. and C. J. Whitney, died March 25, 1840, aged 6 months. Ellen Douglass, Daughter of J. D. and C. J. Whitney, died July 27, 1846, aged 18 months. Jesus call'd a little cliild unto hini. This Monument, erected by a friend, To the Memory of Richard SiMIth, Son of Mr. Noadiah and Mrs. Abigal Pease, died March 31, 1812, aged 9 months and 12 days. *< Frail, smiling solace of an hour, So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasures only bloom to die." In Memory of Fanny, Daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Hunt Breck, and Mrs. Abigal Breck, who died July 8th, 1802, aged 8 years, 1 month and 9 days. "An opening bud, a morning flower, Cut down and withered in an hour." AcHSA Maria, Daughter of Cephas and Achsa Clark, died Feb. 15, 1845, JE 42 years. A. M., Dau. of C. and A. Clark, died Oct. 8, 1821, M 8 mos. Here lies deposited the body of Martin Breck, Son of John and Electa Breck, who died Dec. 12th, 1797. EPITAPHS. 93 This humble Stone is erected Sacred to the memory of Mr. William Breck, Son of Robert Breck, Esq., and Mrs. Rachel Breck, who departed this life September 11th, 1797, in the 24th year of his age. "Hark from the graves' oblivious doleful tones, Here shall oxir names be mouldering like our bones, Rise Immortal Soul, that hence my fame may shine, Time flies and ends, eternity is thine." Jn Memory of Mr. Joseph Hunt Breck, who departed this life November lOth, A. D. 1801, in the 36th year of his age. *< That life is long which answer's life's great end, One eye on death and one full fixed on heaven, Becomes a mortal and immortal man." William Clark, Died Dec. 31, 1842, JE 78. In Memory of Mrs. Jerusha Clark, wife of Mr. William Clark, who died Feb. 7th, 1816, in the 52d year of her age. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Mrs. Mary, Wife of Mr. William Clark, Died April 4, 1833, in the 70 year of her age. In Memory of Mr. Lucius Clark, who died Oct. 4, 1819, in the 31st year of his age. All flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away. 94 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrss Miranda, Daughter of William and Jerusha Clark, who died Nov. 6, 1825, M 26 years. *' Rest thy hopes my friends on Christ the Lord, Live w^hile you live but to obey his v^ord." Also Sarah Clark, of the same family, died in Sparta, N. J. Sept. 16, 1823, ^t 33 years. John Moies, Died Sept. 24, 1827, aged 50. Mrs. Anna Moies, Wife of Mr. John Moies, died Aug. 1, 1823, aged 47 years. In Memory of Miss Elizabeth R. Moies, vi^ho died May 30, 1818, in the 22 year of her age, daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Anna Moies. Thus the bright damsel just reared her shining head, From obscure shades of Life, and sunk among the dead. Thomas Shepherd, Born May 27, 1778, died Dec. 23, 1846. Catherine, his wife, born Dec. 23, 1782, died Nov. 24, 1846. Elizabeth, Wife of Henry Shepherd, born Sept. 30, 1817, died Jan. 23, 1848. Ogden E. Edwards, Born 1 1 Nov. 1802, died 25 April, 1848. EPITAPHS. 95 Catherine, Daughter of T. Shepherd, Esq. of Northampton, and wife of Ogden E. Edwards of New York, born 1806, Aug. 22, died 1843, April 21, aged 36 years and 8 months. "An Angel's arm can't snatch us from th.e grave, Legions of Angels can't confine us there." age Mary S. died 1834, May 3, 1 year 10 months and 28 days. Thomas S. died 1827, Dec. 10, aged I year 3 months 9 days. Eugene, died 1837, Dec. 10, aged 1 year 2 months 12 days. Po.MEROY, an Infant, died 1843, March 11. Children of Ogden E. Edwards and Catherine S. Edwards of New York. FENNER. Charles P. Kingsley, died June 2, 1844, aged 45. Charles B. son of Cha's. P. and Caroline Kingsley, died Aug. 7, 1832, aged 11 mon. Edward B, son of L. H. and Nancv B. Graves, died Sept. 6, 1844. 96 EPITAPHS. Marie Louise, daught. of George and H. A. Abbott, died Nov. 10, 1846, aged 7 months. Sweet babe, thy parents' loss is thy gain. Mr. Timothy Graves, Died Oct. 15, 18^9, in the 40th year of his age. Mrs. Experience, wife of Justin Smith, died Jan. 16, 1832, aged 55 years. *' This mould' ring dust shall here repose in peace, Till that great day when time itself shall cease ; Her Spirit is with God, and this its plea, My Saviour died, my Saviour died for me." James Clinton, Son of Charles A. and Caroline H. Dewey, Died Dec. 3, 1832, aged 7 years. Edward J., Son of Charles A. and Caroline H. Dewey, died May 4, 1836, aged 3 years and 6 months. Henry C, Son of Charles A. and Caroline H. Dewey, died April 18, 1836, aged 17 months. In Memory of Almira Granger, Wife of Ebenezer Granger, who died Oct. 5, 1825, aged 17. In Memory of Mr. Moses Parsons, who died June 1, 1814, in the 83 year of his age. " Though I pass through this gloomy vale, Where death and all its horrors are. My heart and hope shall never fail. For God my Shepherd 's with me there." '.0£s.mmm ©T^m®]^©. .,.M,^0 EPITAPHS. 97 In Memory of CALEB STRONG, late Governor of Massachusetts, who, after a life universal for piety and devotion to the public service, died Nov. 7, 1819, in the 75th year of his age. ♦'The memory of the just is blessed." In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Strong, the wife of Caleb Strong, and daughter of the Rev. John Hooker, who, having early devoted herself to the service of her Redeemer, and through life exemplified the virtues and graces of his religion, gently breathed out her spirit, in humble reliance upon his power and love, on the 12th day of Feb., 1817, in the 60th year of her age. Though hope and trust And patient resignation shone serene, The Christian's pattern, and the friends' support. Their work fulfilled, those graces have resigned Their seat to perfect love and endless praise. In Memory of Sarah Strong, the daughter of Caleb and Sarah Strong. who died Oct. 26, 1783. aged 2 yrs and 3 mos. In Memory of Edward Strong, Son of Caleb Strong, and Sarah, his wife. He was born July 2, 1790, and educated at Harvard College : but his fair prospects of usefulness and distinc- tion were closed by his death, May 6, 1813, in the 23 year of his age. Ah ! quam dispar monumentum. ! 9 EPITAPHS. Here lies the body of Phebe Strong, the daughter of Caleb Strong, Esq., and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who died Sept. 10, 1799, aged 4 years and 5 months. Here lies the body of Philip Strong, the son of Caleb Strong, Esq., and Sarah, his wife, died Aug. 17, 1800, aged 1 year and 5 months. In Memory of Julia A. Strong, Daughter of Caleb Strong, and Sarah, his wife, whose life was employed in active benevolence, and who died in full hope of a happy immortality, October 1st, 1818, aged 25 years. Sweet peace, and heavenly hope, and hnmble joy, Divinely beamed on her eiu-aptured soul, And crowned her for the skies. Elizabeth C, Daughter of Lewis and Maria Strong, died June 1, 1815, aged 3 years. Julia M., Daughter of Lewis and Maria Strong, died Nov. 20, 1822, aged 2 years and 5 months. In remembrance of Rev. Caleb Strong, Son of Lewis and Maria Strong, for seven years Pastor of the American Presbyterian Church at Montreal, who died in that city, universally beloved and lamented, January 4, 1847, aged 31 years. EPITAPHS. 99 Maria C, Daughter of Lewis and Maria Strong, died Aug. 28, 1836, aged 8 years. In remembrance of Theodore Strong, Son of Lewis and Maria Strong, who, having secured the affection, and awakened the fondest hopes of a large circle of friends, died August 31, 1848, aged 22 years. And tliej^ shall be muie, saith the Lord, in that clay when I make up my jewels. Maria Elizabeth Matson, died May 1!, 1847, aged 1 month. Sleep on, thoii sweet one, sleep — so early gone ! To earth a child is lost, to heaven a chernb born. In Memory of Julia Augusta Strong, youngest daughter of Theodore and Martha Strong, Born March 30, 1822, died Nov. 10, 1827, aged 5 years and 7 months. Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven conveyed. And bade it blossom there. In memory of Martha Ann Strong, Daughter of Theodore and Martha Strong, was born June 3, 1811, and died Aug. 17, 1831, in the 21st year of her age. Sarah H. Stong, Born Sept. 13, 1817, died Aug. 26, 1840. Sylvester Clark, died Nov. 9, 1841, aged 55 years. 100 EPITAPHS. y- Sacred to the memory of Sylvia Church, A Colored woman, who for many years lived in the family of N. Storrs, died 12 April, 1822, ^ (56. Yery few possessed more good qualities than she did. She was for many years a member of Mr. Williams' Church, and we trust lived agreeable to her profession, and is now inherit mg the promises. In memory of Sarah Gray, A " Colored Woman." Erected by those who experienced her faithful services. She died Oct. 7, 1831, aged 23. SoLOxMON Stoddard,* born Nov. 29, 1800, died Nov. 11, 1847. In him were united eminent Literary attainments, sound and dis- criminating judgment, unaffected modesty and devoted Chris- tian Character. After being connected with various Lit- erary institutions, he was for the last nine years of his life Professor of Languages, in Middlebury College. * Graduated at Yale College in 1820. Benja, Our Dear little Baby." ''A. Polish Exile." A. A. Tarnava Malchewski, vel, Jakubowski, Obt. 24 Ap. 1837, aged 21. Erected by his pupils. Charlotte S. wife of J. C. Tabor, of New Bedford, Mass. died April 21, 1837, aged 28. " Fare thee well." EPITAPHS. 101 JAMES BRIDGMAN, one of the Pilgrim Fathers, Came from England, 1640, came to this town, 1654, Died 1676. Sarah, his wife, died Aug. 31, 1668. James, his son, died Jan. 14, 1756, 7 mos. Sally Maria, Daughter of Thomas and Sally Maria Bridgman, Born in Greenville, South Carolina, Nov. 14, 1822, Died in Columbus, Ohio, March 3, 1834. ** Hark, they whisper Angels say, Sister Spirit come away." '« Now I See." Henry Bridgman, Born in Columbus, May 17, 1836, Died Aug 14, 1837, and is there interred by the side of his sister, S. M. B. " And Jesus took a little Child." Joseph Cook Bridgman, Born May 19, 1827, Died Sept. 14, 1846. <« Now I See." In Memory of Thomas Bridgman,* Esq., who died Oct. 14th, 1771, in y*" 31st year of his age. Time was like the I life possess' d, And time shall be when you shall rest. * A descendant of James, grad. at Harvard 1762 ; M. A. at Yale 1765, studied Law with Major Joseph Hawley. 9* 102 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. Thomas, who died Oct. y'^ 30, 1742. * [Masonic Emblems.] Sacred to the memory of Mr. Thomas Bridgman, who died Aug. 5th, 1799, in the 32d year of his age. *' Farewell vain world, I must be gone, I have no home or stay in thee, I'll take my staff and travel on, Till I a better v>^orld can see." In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Bridgman, Relict of iVlr. Thomas Bridgman, who died May 25th, 1806, aged 36. <' Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, "While on his breast I lean my head And breathe my life out sweetly there. William Bridgman, Son of Thomas Bridgman, died Sept. 28, 1802, aged 3 years. Betsey, Dau' of Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Bridgman, died Feb. 20, 1798, aged 11 months. Also an Infant, who died July 8th, 1798. SETH WRIGHT'S FAMILY TOMB. Hezekiah, Son of Setli and Sarah Wright, Died Feb. 14, 1815, M XXXI. y'rs. EPITAPHS. 103 Theodore, Son of S. and S. W., died June 21, 1839, M LV. y'rs. Seth Wright, Died Dec. 20, 1828. M LXXIV. y'rs. Eliza P , Dau" of David and Sarah Adams, Died July 26, 1815, M 17 mo's. David Adams, Died June 2, 1821, JE XXXVI. y'rs. Mary Eliza, Dau'' of D. and S. Adams, died July 12, 1825, M IX. y'rs. An Infant Child of Hon. Benjamin and Mary Barrett, died July 19, 1827. Georgiana, Dau*^" of Theodore and Mary Wright, died . David, Son of D. and S. Adams, died at Pittsfield, Jan'y 10, 1835, M XIV. y'rs. Sarah P., Dau"^ of D. and S. Adams, died Nov. 20, 1837, M 19 y'rs. Mary C, Dau*' of Dr. James and Caroline Thompson, Died May 24, 1846, M 17 mo's. Sarah, Wife of Seth Wright, died Aug. 26, 1846. M LXXXVII. y'rs and XI. months. Rebecca, Sister of Hon. B. Barrett, died Oct. 3, 1846, JE LX. 104 EPITAPHS. IN MEMORY OF ISAAC CHAPMAN BATES, WHO WAS BORN AT GRANVILLE, MASS., JAN. 28, 1776, AND DIED AT WASHINGTON, D. C, A SENATOR OF THE UNITED STATES, MARCH 16, 1845. Honored, Loved, Lamented. The Eighteous hath hope in his Death. General William Lyman, American Consul at London, Died September 2, 1811, in the 56th year of his age, at Cheltham, England, and was interred in Gloucester Cathedral. In memory of Mrs. Clarissa Waldo, Died Aug. 22, 1S20, aged 58. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. HUNTINGTON. 1 Helen Betihah H. daughter of C. P. H. & H. S. H. died July 25, 1889. Helen Sophia, wife of C. P. H. eldest daughter of Hon. E H. Mills died March 30, 1844. Henriette Mills H. Infant Child, Feb^, 8, 1844. EPITAPHS. 105 Hannah Drayton, of Charleston, South Carolina, Ob. 12 April, 1833, JE 60. Harriet, daughter of Thomas and Harriet Edwards, "y died March 4, 1833, aged 7 months and four days. ^^ "None are too pretty, none too young, To go to God, from whom they sprung." In Memory of Mr. HoLisTER Baker, who died Nov. 12, 1811, in the 62 year of his age. <' Well, the kind minvite must appear. When we shall leave these bodies here, These clogs of clay, and mount on high. To join the songs above the sky." In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Ludden, who died Nov. 22, 1814, aged 28 years. Friends and physicians could not save. This mortal body from the grave. When Christ commands, it must appear. Sarah, Wife of John Wright, died May 20, 1842, aged 58. In memory of Mr. Samuel Wright, who died June 23, 1818, aged 66 years. Mrs. Jerusha Lyman, Wife of General William Lyman, departed this life June 11, 1803, in the 43d year of her age. 106 EPITAPHS. FROM ANCIENT RECORDS OE NONOTUCK. The Grants of each, mans to full sura of Acres of Land wch were Given to each Perticular Person, to be to them And to their heirs Execut's Assignes, to have And to hold forever feburary 19 : 1660. Acres bf>sid'3 homelots. Roberd Bartlet, 57 Edvi'ard Elmore, 72 WilKam Elmore, 86 Richard Limon, 81 John Limon, 53 Thomas Mason, — Thomas Root, 51 William Janes, 34 Alexander Edwards, 72 John Web, 37 Sam'l Wright, Sen'r, 54 Samuel Wright, Jr., 38 William hubberd, 43 Nathaniel Phelps, 29 William Miller, 45 David Bvrt, 39 Walter Lee, 19 Thomas Woodford, 33 Isack Shelden, 31 John King, 20 Samvel Allyn, 26 Thomas Salmon, 22 Christoj^her Smith, 17 Hinry Curtis, 34 William Hannum, 25 John Hannum, 15 Gorge Alexander, 32^ John Blisse, 21 Joseph Persons 81 Acres beside homelots. Joseph Fitch, GO John Broughton, 27 Thomas Bascom, 32 Roberd Limon, 32 James Bridgman, 38 Gorge Langton, 38 John Ingersole, 23 Joseph Root, 10 Joseph Janes, 8, 3 Rood, . . 08 Authur Williams, 20 John Stebings, — ! Roberd hauevd, 20 j John Pinchon, 120 Mr. Eleazer Mather, 41 Edward Baker, 22 William Clark, 86 Ilim-y Woodward, 46 Hhiry Cundlief, 20 Enos Kingsley, 06 Gorge Sumner, 08 Ralph Hvitchinton, 06 WilHam Smeed, 06 Aaron Cook, Scnr, — David Wilton, — John Strong, — Medad Pumry, 16 Jonathan Hunt, 16 Joshua Carter, 10 Mr. James Cornish, — Here foloweth a coppei of the writing that is in Mr. Mather's hands About peticular mens Lands wch were given to Mr. Ma- ther to dispose of for the common good of the towne of North- ampton. Theese pesants witneseth that we whose Names are under sub- scribed doe promise and ingage to part with such summs of Land to which our Names Are Anexed upon the Consideration that Mr. EPITAPHS. 107 Mather, non Resident Amongst us shall hare the disposing of sd Lands to such inhabitants as the sd Mather shaU Judge behove- full and necdfvill for the well being of the to^\'ne of Xorthanipton, to be devided Acording to ye same rule by which we devided the Lands ourselves, have or shall have in possession that is to say 20 Acres to lOOlb and 15 Acres to A person, and All the Lands we Abate or part with all shall be laid together as the end of the meadow we commonlv call Manhan. Samuel "SVright, Junr., .... 04 William Holton, 10 Joseph Fitch, 19 Joseph Persons, 08 Richard Lhnon, 09 John Lunon, 05 Thomas Root, 05 Thomas Mason and Samuel Allvn, 10 WiUiam' Ilubberd, 05 William Janes, 04 Allexander Edwards, 05 Roberd Bartlet, 05 Nathaniel Phelps, 03 Authur AVilliams, 05 John King, 03 John Broughton, 03 Samuell wright, Juirr, 03 David Burt, 03 John Stebings, 02 Isack Shellden, 06 Thomas Salmon, 02 Roberd hanerd, 03 Thomas Woodford, 06 John Ligersole, 03 WiUiam Miller, 06 Walter Lee, 03 William Hannum, 03 John Hannum, 01 Thomas Bascom, 04 Hinry Curtice, 05 James Bridgman, 04 Roberd Limon, 03 John Blisse, 02 Gorge Allexander, 03 Christouer Smith, 03 Gorge Langton, 04 A COPI OF THE ORIGINAL DEED FROM THE INDIANS OF NORTHAMPTON. Be It known by these presents. That Crikwollop (alias) Wa- HiLLOWA, Neneshalaxt, Nassicohee, Kivnks, Paquahalant, As- SEiiLAQ,roMPAS, and Axowusk, the wife of Walluthek, All of Nonotuck, who are the chief and proper OA^aiers of all the lands on the west side of Connecticut River, at Nonotuck, on the one. Do give, grant, bargain, and sell unto Johx Pyxchox, of Springfield, on the other part. To him, his heirs and assigns. All the grounds and meadows, woods and ponds and w*** lying on the west side of Quonecticutt River, Beginning the small River below Manhan, called Sankrohonk, and so up by Quoneticutt River, to the little i 108 EPITAPHS. ! — meadow called Capawonk, namely, to the little brook or gutter on this side Capawonk, which little brook is called Masquanope, and the grounds lying westward from Connecticut River, within the compass aforesaid, for nine miles out in the woods (viz.) as far as Manshoonisk, is from Springfield, (for so it was expressed to the Indians.) All that tract of ground from Sankronk River, and QuoxACKUcK called Maxhax, Poiknack, Petowag, Aspow- OUNK, LUCKCOMMUCK, AsSATAYYAGG, NaYYAGG, NaNYGROMIvEGG, Masgump, and by what other names the said grounds are called and all out into the wood from the great River for nine luiles with- in the compass. The aforesaid Indians, an particular, Wawhillowa, Fexassaha- LANT, Nassachokee, being the Sachems of Nonotiick, do for them- selves and with the consent of the other Indians, and owners of the said grounds, sell, give, and grant unto John Pynx'Hox, of Springfield, and to his assigns for and in the consideration of One Hundred fathoms of wampum by tale, and for ten coats, (besides some small gifts on hand paid to the said Sachems and owners all the land aforesaid, as these presents have bargained granted and sold to the said Pyxchox, all and singular the said lands, free from all incumbrances of Indians provided the said Pyx- CHOx, shall plow up or caused to be plowed up, for the said In- dians, Sixteen acres of land on the easterly side of Quonecticutt River which is to be done sometime next Slimmer, and in the mean (viz.) the next Spring 1654, the Indians have liberty to plant theu* present cornfields, but after that time, they are whol- I ly to leave the west side of the River and not to plant or molest the English there. All the same premises, the said Pynchon, and his assigns shall have and enjoy absolutely and clearly for- ever, all incumbrances from any Indians or their cornfields. In AVitness of these presents the said Indians have subscribed their marks this Twenty -fourth day of Septembei', 1653, The mark of r>i Crikwallop, « i( (( ^ Nenessahalnnt, *« " " M Nassicohee, « a u [j o o > THE FLOCK OF ^ ^CHRIST IN IIADLEY S . TIL THE CHIEF S 2 SHEPHERDSVDEN b Hf LLy BVT M E R C I F V ^ g; LLyCALL'^HIMoFF "t ffi TO RECEIEV HIS RE W g H ARDINTHE66 g < yEARoFHISAGE « ^ DECEMBERIO S g 16 9 2 S > GoFFE and Wha.lley, two of the judges of Charles I. were con- cealed from the rage of their pursuers for several years, m the Rev. Mr. Russell's cellar. One of them was there for along time, and was so carefully screened from the public eye, that none of Mr. Russell's neighbors had any knowledge of the circumstance. The tradition is that on a certain occasion, when the town was beset by Indians, an aged man of a remarkably venerable aspect with a long beard, white as the driven snow, suddenly rushed into the engagement, fought with wonderful adroitness, animated the soldiers by his cheering language and valiant conduct, and after repelling the enemy, immediately withdrew to his place of con- cealment. It was reported that an angel had appeared with a sword, and achieved the victory. Sacred to the Memory of Cap". Moses Porter, who was born at Hadley, Jan. 13"', A. D. 1721, and was slain by the Indians near Crown Point, in the morning scout of the 8"\ of Sep. 1755. '* Earths highest station ends in here he lies, " But life immortal waits beyond the grave." EPITAPHS. 133 This Stone is erected to the Memory of Miss Mauy Kellocg, only daugher of Duct. Giles C. Kellogg, who died Nov. 11, 1802, in the ISlh year of her age. [Lmes written by President Dwiglit, in whose family Miss K. had been an inmate.] Stay, thoughtful mourner, hither led To weep, and mingle with the dead ; Pity the maid, who slumbers here, And pay the tributary tear. — Thy feet must wander far to find A fairer form, a lovelier mind ; An eye that Ijeams a sweeter smile : A bosom more enstrang'd from guile, A heart with kinder passions warm'd, A life with fewer stains deform' d ; A death with deeper sighs confess" d A memory more belov'd and bless'd. ILIZEBEIH SMI 11 DyE' oN FFA^ y"' 15 1727' AGE' 25 yEAR SAR"MOSE" SMIII DAVGIP M-- ELEAZ/ R WORNER DyED ON MAY y^ 8 1722 AGED 66 yEAR. j . In xMemory of jl Mrs. Sahah Maksh, j' wife of Ebenezer Marsh, who departed this life I January y« 31, 1794, in the 6)'th year of her age. j Prudence is an evencss of soul, I -A steady temper, which no cares controul, I No passions ruffle, no desires inflame, I Still constant to itself, & still the same. i 12 134 EPITAPHS. Rev. Jonathan Smith, was settled in the ministry in Cliihnark, Martha's Vineyard, Jan. 23, 1788, was dismissed by his desire on account of ill health, Sept. 4th, 1827, and died in Hadley, his native place, April 14, 1829, JE 31. Keader, pause at this stone, Know that thou art mortal, And raise now one penitential Cry for Mercy in thy dying hour. Rev. John Brown, Died IM arch 22, 1839, iE 53 years, 8 years pastor of the 1st church in Hadley. " They that be wise, shall shine as the brightness of the firma- ment ; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for- ever and ever." Note. — His wife Sarah M. and six children, are interred by his side ; they all died between 1837, and 1842. At the bottom of the last monument is the following Ime, " We are all here, and it is well." In Memory of Ch F.ST Ell Smith, son of Mr. Joseph and Mrs Eunice Smith, who was instantly killed by the upsetting of a load of wood, Jan. 25'^ 1810, aged 18 years. «• Suddenly Death threw forth his dart, " The fatal arrow pierced my heart, " "When health and vigor crown' d my day, "Alas my soul was snatch'd away." Mrs, Elizabeth, Relict of Capt A'oses Porter, who was born at East Hartford, Oct 4th. AD 1719, and died at Hadley, Oct. 2, 1798. EPITAPHS. 135 To the Memory of John Wehstek, Esq , One of the first settlers of Hartford, in Connecticut, wlio was many years a magistrate or assistant, & afterwards Deputy Gov- ernor of that Colony, & in 1659, with three sons, Ilobert, "SVilliam & Thomas, assocdated with others in the purchase and settlement of Hadley, where he died in 16'U. This monument is erected, in 1818, by liis descendant, Noah Webster, of Amherst. Here lies tlie body of the Rkv. Isaac Chauncy, Pastor of the first church in Hadley, who was of a truly peace- able and Catholic spirit, a good scholar, an eloquent orator, an able divine, a lively, pathetic preacher, a burning and sliining light in this candlestick, an exemplary christian, an Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile He departed this life 2 May, A. D. 1745, aetat. 74:, Here rests the body of the Hon El-EAZRR PoRTKR, Esq. A lover oT lus country and universally benevolent. He com- passionate! the distressed, relieved the poor, was the orphan's friend, a kind husband, tender parent, a lover of good men, and an exemplary christian. He died, 6 Nov. 1757, anno a^tatis 59. Sacred to the memory of tlie Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D. Who, in christian duty exemplary, in friendship frank and sin- cere, in prudence and meekness eminent ; able in counsel, a pat- tern of i)icty and purity, ever upright and honourable in condvict, the epitome of the heart ; as a peacemaker blessed, as a minister of Christ, skilful and valiant in the truth ; having, with ability and charity, long magnified his holy office, and served God and his generation faithfully ; fell asleep, 8 March, A. D. 1811, in the 82 year of his age, and the 57 of his ministrv. In Memory of Ri:v. Isaac Lyman, The social, venerable, and pious pastor of the first church in York, for more than sixty years ; was born at Northampton, Mas- sachusetts, 25 February, 1724 ; graduated at Yale College, 1747 ; ' ordained 10 Dec. 1749 ; and died 12 March, 1810, a)tat 85. i 136 EPITAPHS. WEST SPRINGFIELD. I saw an aged man upon bis bior, Hie hair was thin and wbite, and on ills brow A record of the cares oF many a year ; — (Jares that were endfd and forjiotten now. And there was sadness loiind, and faces bowed, And wom;'n's tears fell fast, and cliiidren wailed aloud. Then rose another hoary man and said, Jn fjiiiering accents, to that weepins; train, Why nicurn ye that our aged (riend is dead? ****** I am glad, that he has lived thus long, And glad that he bos gone to Iiis reward ; Nor deem, that liindly nature did him wrong, Softly to disengage the, vital cord. When liis weak hand grew palsied, and his eye Dark with ihc niit^t of age, it was his time todie. — W. C. IvKyANT. KoTE. — The Old Burying ground is about half a rnile west of the Hail P^oad Bridge on Connecticut E-ircr. [Inscription on the oldest !Monunient.] IIER.E LyES THE BODy oF MR NATHANIEL DUiT, who DIED at Sprinorfield November the 7th ITll in the 47th year of his age. Note. — It probably -was intended for Xathaniel Dwight, see note, page 130. Here lyeth the Body of Dkaccn John BMirjEJi who Dyed INA^^ y"^ 17 1712 aged 70 years. Here lyeth the Body of THO MAS BARBEil who dyed Janu^' y*" 16 1714 aged 40 years. EPITAPHS. 137 In Memory of THRE daughters of Mr Gideon &l Mrs Mary Leonard viz Cynthia died Sep' 20 1776 in the 4th year of her age Tamer who died Sept 18 1776 aged 2 years. Mary who died Aug 2' 1777 in the 11'^ month of her age. Here lyes interred the Bcdy o Exs^ John Ely who deceased May 22'^ 1754 in the 47"" year of his age. In Memory of Dea"^ John Ely who died 15 Jan'^ 175S in the SO"' year of his age. '* Rea^Iei behold as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, Prepare to die and follow m.e." In Memory of y^ widow Mercy Ely Consort of Dea" John Ely who died y*^ 5'^ of May 1763 in y*' 83'^ year of her age. Here lyes interred The Body of Mr. Caleb Ely who deceased May yM6 A D 1754 in y^ 40^'' year of his age. In Memory of Samuel Ely who died Deer y^ S'"" 1758 in the 58^ year of his age. 12* 138 EPITAPHS. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs rebeccah EudNS who dy^^ the V' dny of Feb' lury ANOD 1739 in the 4'2'' year of her age. Here Iveth the Body of MRS MARy eLy The wife of Deac" lOSEPII eLy who died the 19th of May in the 71 year of her age J 7 ;3 G . In Memory of W° MARy ELy Relict of Mr CALEB ELy who died 7"' Mar" 1783 in the (>2 year of lier age. In Memory of Mrs Dorcas wife of Mr John Ely who died tY July 1777 in the 42 year of her age. Also of Mrs Eunice WHITE RELECT OF ENS^ lOHN ELy &l ROG^ WOLCOTT ESa who died at Bolton 29 March 1778 aored 73 years Being: the wife of JOEL WHITE ESQ. Here is inlered the Body of Mr. Bf-njamin Stehuins, wlio died Oct. y' 17th, 1748, in the 72d year of his age. EPITAPHS. 139 In Memory of iMr. Bknjamin Steddins, who died l!th Sept. 1783, in the 8*2d year of his age. Death is debt to nature soul, Which I have paid and so must you." In Memory of Mr Benjamin Ashley who died May II 1772 in y*" 76"' year of his age. " Were death deny'd the Saints would live in vain, Death frees him from a world of Sin and Pain, What Eden lost death gives with vast increase, This Kmg of terrours is the Prmce of Peace. \\ 17 14 ] I MARY ELY. I L^ ===z:— =z£J In Memory of Anna, daugh' of Mr, Justin Ely, and Mrs. Ruth Ely, died Jan. 6th, in 1776, in the i.Uh year of her age. Smitten friends, are Angels sent on eiTands full of love. In Memory of three chihlren, of Mr. Martin and Mrs. Elizabeth Ely, viz. an Infant born and decesed 7th June, 1774, Also Setii, their son who died 3d Oct. 1776, aged 16 Months, and Pamlia, their daughter who died 26 April, 1787, aged 4 Months and 11 days. 140 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. Samuei, Ei.v, wlio died Dec. 8th, 175S, in tlie 5Stli year of his a^e. " Know then this truth ** Enough for man to know, «' Yu-tue alone is happiness belov.'." Here lies the body of Mr. Samuhl Day, who died Oct. y"^ 19, 1729, in the 59th year of liis arre. Here lies intered tlie Body of Maior John Day, who departed this life October Novem. the 20, AD 1752, in the SOth year of his aore. Here lies intered y^ Body of Mrs. Mary Day, wife of Major John Day, who departed this life Feb. the 28th, 1742, aged 65 years. In Memory of Lieut. N.ATHAN Morgan, who died August 12th, 1784, in the 62d year of his age. " O let my mouldering members teach «» What mortals ought to learn, " For dust and ashes loudest preach, " Man's Infinite concern." Note.— The above Epitaph was written by the late venerable Doctor Lathrop. In Memory of Mr. David Bacg, who died May y'^ 19th 1760, in y*" 50th year of his age. EPITAPHS. 141 In Memory of Mr. Thomas Miller, who died Sep. 8th 17-^1, in the 94th year of his age. Also Mrs. Abigal, his wife died 1748, in the 64th year of her age. In Memory of John Andrew Isense, Born in little Eiwene, was a Dragoon in the Fringe of Bruoswicks Regt. who was killed by lightning, Aug. 16lh, 1780, in the 28th year of his age. " Ich weis Dasmein Ertoeser Leptund, er wird Mich wieder dus der erden Auferwecken." Job Capt 19th 25th. ' I Note. — Joseph and Tilley Mirrick, were under the tree when it was struck with Lightning ; they were both knocked down. i Dea. Joseph Mirrick remained speechless several days. The \ British Dragoon Isense was some 20 feet from the tree, when he ' was killed, having taken shelter from the storm under a cock of hav. _ In .Memory of Dea. JosKPH Mirrick, who with reputation and honour discharged the varied duties of his christian and official character, calmly fell asleep, 5th March, 1792, in the S8th year of his age, and 42d of his OfRce. Note. — On this stone the name is spelt Mirrick, on the others, Miiick. Within the last 50 or 60 years, it has been gradually changed to Merrick. 142 EPITAPHS. Here lies inter'd the Body of Mrs. Mary, the Virtuous Consort of Deacon Joseph Mirrick, who deceased Jan. 3d 1779, in her 73d year. Reader behold us You pass by, i As you are no\v so once Avas I ; As I am now so You must be ; j Prepare for Death and follow me. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs. Sarah Mirick, the wife of Lieut James Mirick, who dyed Fel). y^ 5th 1734, in the 56th year of her age. In Memory of Lieut. James Mirick, who died Sep. 8th, 1765, in y'" l)5th year of his age. In Memory of Miss Susan, daughter of Mr. Nehemiah and Mrs. Alice Rumrill, who died Feb. 28th, 1786, aged 13 years. << My fellow youths *' Remember you anust die, <* And lay your heads as low as I." [Copied from jNIoniiments in the Xew Cemetery on tlie hill.] In Memory of Mrs. Elcnor, Consort of Mr. Joseph Ashley, who died 14th April, 1808, in the 86th year of her age. Note. — The first person interred in this Cemetery, JosKPii Ashley, Died April 8, 1813, in the 93d year of his age. EPITAPHS. 143 LONG MEADOW. ' Life i« real ! Life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal ; ' Dust tliou art, to dust returnest,' Was not siioken of the soul. Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Fouipiints on the sands of time : Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o'er hie's solemn main, A forlutn and .shipwrecked brother. Seeing, shall take heart again."' — H. W. Longfellow. [The oldest Monument in this Biirying ground was removed from Springfield in May, 1848, by Mr. JDavid Booth.] MARy COLTON ALIAS MARy DRAK(e) WHO DyED Octo 10th 1682. My DAyES AR^ FEW. My GLAS IS RVN My AGE 3-2 AND ONE yET AM i JN™ ARMS oF My REDEEMER tSTRONG. Jn Memory of Mrs ExPEKIi NCE y^ wife ot Mr Thomas Hale who died Sept r2ih 1719 in her 4*2'^ year. My days are past my purposes are broken oif.'' BetwFii ihe above named lies IhzKKixn iheir Son who died Jiu^ 8th 1720 aged 4 months. Our rest together is in the grave. 144 EPITAPHS. Here Lyes The Body oF Mrs Elizabeth KEEP who died the 29 day of July 1720 in the 12 year of her age. EAIi you young So Am i Ther fore AL PKeparc to die The finest ficsh is but dust — Prepare, — for follow me you must. Here lies iiitered the Body of Capt. T[lOMAS CoLTON, who departed this life »*^ep. the 30, 1T28, aged 77 years, PROV 7. The Memory of the just is blessed. ' Here Lyeth the Body of John Gunn, of Westfield. QUARTER, MASTER, who died Sep. 17, 1736, aged about 82 years. i I Here lies iiitered the Body of ! Deac. Nathaniel Buut, I who died on the I9th of July, 1749, i in y^ 86th year of his age. He was useful in life and had honour done him at his death, Nathaniel the gift of God. — John, 1 : 47. Behold an Israelite in- deed. In Memory cf Mr. Solomon, son of Lieut. David and Mrs. Mary Burt, who was suddenly Killed by the blowing up of a powder mill, May 7th, 1777, in his I9th year, «* Here is a voice directed here, To old and young and all That they be ready to apj^ear, Whenever Christ shall call." EPITAPHS. 145 In Memory of Capt. Isaac Colto.v, who died Jan. 23d 1757, in his 57''\ year. Capt. J. Colton had a military genius, commanded a company at Louisburgh in 1745, was respected and useful at home, was a man of prayer. — Isaiah, 31 : 3. "For behold the Lord doth take away the Captain." How art thou fallen in the midst of battle, O very pleasant hast thou been. In Memory of Lieut. Nathaniel Burt, who was slain in the memorable battle of Lake George, Sep. 8th, 1755 When his Colonel and other brave officers fell, yet a signal vic- tory was obtained over the enemy. Mr. Nathaniel Burt was a deacon of this church, an exemplary christian, a man of public spiiit, and a good soldier, well beloved at home and in ye army. A concern for pure religion caused his going into ye mihtary ser- vice. He died in his 45th year. — 2 Chron, 35, and 25, and Jere- miah lamented over Josiah. Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. Richard S. Storrs, pastor of the church in Longmeadow, he was born at Mansfield, Conn. Aug. 30th, 1763, graduated at Yale College in 1783, ordained Dec. 7, 1785, died Oct. 3, 1819. In the private relations of life he eminently illustrated the gra- ces of the christian. He was distinguished for his appropriate, perspicuous, and affectionate exhibition of evangelical truth, for propriety, richness and fervor in social prayer, and for his instruc- tive conversation and christian sympathy in pastoral duties. In testimony of their affectionate remembrance of his personal worth and their regard for his ability, zeal and usefulness as their chiis- tian jiastor, his mourning congregation erect this monum-ent. 13 146 EPITAPHS. 1 1 !• A G A W A i\I He was there — Swathed in that linen vesture for the grave— The same loved one in all his comeliness — And with him to the grave her he^rt must go. What though he lalk'cJ of her to angels ? nay— Hover'd in spirit near her ? — 'twas tiiat arm, Palsied in death, whose fond caress siie knew I It was that lip of marhin with wiiose kiss, Morning and eve, love hemm'd the sweet day in. — willi! The oldest Monument in AgaAvam. In Memory of Mrs. Mary, Wife of Capt. Jon^ Worthington, who died 10th May, 1794, aged 44 years. Also of Seth, their Son, who died 6th March, 1793, in the 3d year of his age. In Memory of Harriet, who was MURDERED By her Husband Samuel Leonard, Dec. 14, 1825, iE 33. Also Delta, their dau^ Died Dec. 23, 1825, M 13 ms. " O sacred source of everlasting light. Conduct the weary -wanderer in her flight, Direct her onward to that peaceful shore. Where peril, pain, and death are felt no more." EPITAPHS. 147 in JNIemory of Mr. Elnathan Baldwin, who was suddenly killed by the wheel of a waggon, near Hartford, on the 13 of July, ISI'2, aged40yEARS. Useful in Life, AND LAMENTED In DEATH. " The cup that my Father giveth me, shall I not diiiik it." " Come all you weary travelers Prav stop and drop a tear, As i traveled I made a full stop here." In Memory of Capt. Jon"" VVorthington, I who died 14th Aug^' 1809, I aged 65 years. In Memory of Mrs. Phoebe, Wife of Mr. Jonathan Worthington, who died May 17, 1809, aged 27. Also an Infant babe. " Depart dear friends, dry up your tears, I must lie here till Christ appears." j In Memory of j Mrs. Sybil Worth ingtox, Consort of Cap'' Jona^ Worthington, who with a new born son died 29lh Mar'\ 1803, aged 43 years. ALSO Another Infant Son, who died 19th April, 1796, aged 10 days. 'NMiile cold and lifeless lies the speechless form. Which once was ^ith each God-like virtue warm, ^Vhich for the poor and needy wrought reKef, And lost its sufferings in another's grief; Applauding seraphs hail thy happier shade, To brighter realms, where no rude storm invades. 148 EPITAPHS. " Lucy," Daughter of Amos and Dezire Woithington, Died June 15, 1846, JE 41. « She rests in peace, hushed is her voice, Dim is her eye of light and love, But let one thought your heart rejoice, She's happy in the courts above." JOK, Son of Mr. Amos and IMrs. Dezire VVorthington, was drowned 1 4th April, 1804, anfed 10 Months. In Memory of Mr. John Worthington, who died April I5th, 1815, in the 63 year of his age. Also his daughter, ABi, who died May 16, 1803, aged \i) months. EXTRACT FROM ANCIENT RECORDS. " February the U, 1638. " Wee the Inhabitants of Agaarn upon Quinnetticot takinge into j consideration the manifold inconveniences, that may fall upon us, i for Avant of some fit magistracy among us. Being now, by Gods I j j Providence, fallen into the line of the Massachusetts jurisdiction ; | j and it being farr off to repayre thither, in such cases of Justice, as } may often fall out among us, doe therefore think it mcett by a gen- i j eral consent and vote, to ordaine, (till -vve receive further directions j from the General Court, m the Massachusetts Bay,) Mr. "William | Pynchon, to execute the office of a magistrate, in this our planta- |' tion of Agaam. viz. To give oaths to constables and military offi- cers, to direct warrants, both processes, executions, and attach- ments, to hear and examine ynisdemenor, to inflict corporal pun- ; ishment, as whipping, stockingc, byndinge to the peace or good be- | haviour, and in some cases, to requii-e sureties, or if the ofience j j require it to commit to prison, and in defaults of a comon prison, to commit delinquents to the charge of some fit person or persons till Justice may be satisfied." EPITAPHS. 149 WESTFIELD 'Tis a harsh world, in which afFeclion knovrs No place to treasure up its loved and lost But the foul grave ! Thou, %vho so late wast sleeping Warm in the close fold of a mother's heart, Scarce from her breast a single pulse receiving But It was sent thee with some tender thought Mow can I leave thee— Afre.' Z— willis The oldest Mounment in Westfield. HERE LyETH THE BODy OF ABIGAIL THE WIFE OF JOHN NOBLE WHO DIED IVLy 3 A NO 1(583 in y' 20 YEAR OF HER AGE. lOHN ROOT AGED ABOVT 44 yEA"^ HE DyED THE 24th oF SEPT 1687. Here lyeth buried the Body of Mrs. Margaret, Wife of Mr. Samuel Taylor, who was born May the 22d, 1836. and dyed h^ept. the 7th, A. D. 1708. 13* 150 EPITAPHS. Here lyeth intered the liody of Mr. Samuel Taylor, who was born August the 27th, ANNO DOM 1675, and dyed April the 8th, A. D. 1709. Here rests y" body of Rev^ Mr. Edward Taylor, Ye aged, venerable, Learned & Pions Pastor of ye Chiirch of Christ m this town, who, after He had served God and his generation faitlifully for many years, fell asleep June2iih, 1729, mye 87th year of his age. Ensign STEVEN KELLOGG, Departed this life June y*^ VI, 172-2, in y' 55th year of HIS AGE. In Memory of Mrs RHODA. wife of Deacon E L D A D Taylor, died June y' ^'^d, 1740, in y^ 29th year of her age. " A law eternal doth decree, That all thin2:s made shall mortal be." Here lyeth the Body of MR. Noah Shelden, who died Aug^' 30, A. D. 1748, aged 43 years. In Memory of the Hon. Eldad Taylor, Esq , who died in Boston, 21st May, 1777, .^tat 69, and lies in the tomb of the Hon. John Wendell, Esq. Also Mrs. Thankful Taylor, his Relict, died 12th August, 1803, ^tat 82. Kind Reader, this Stone informs you who we ware : what we were, we tell you not, what we ought to have been, that be thou. \Miere we now are you A\ill know hereafter. Remember that Christ is the Resurection and the Life. EPITAPHS. 151 In Memory of Mrs. Ruth, Relict of y' Reverend Mr. Edward Taylor, Died January y' '^Tth, 177*, in the ** of her age. " Hope hiunblv then, Avith trembling pinions soar, Wait the GREAT Teacher Death, & God adore." Here was buried the Body of Mr. Moses Root, the Sod of Mr. John & Mrs. Elizabeth Root, who died Octo'' the 7th, A. D. 1744, in the '^Sth year of his age. EZRA, SON oF MR. EZRA &< MARGARET Clap, Died Jan. y' lOth, 1754, aaed 20 ***. Paul LXGERSOL, was born June the 19th, 1745, and died the 5th day July next, Son to Mr. Ezra & Mrs. ***. This Stone stands to perpetuate THE MEMORv oF MAJ. MATHEW IVES, who was born at Meriden, Ct., June 26, 1773, and died FEB. 21, 1S40. To the Memory of Rev. Joseph Mix, formerly Pastor of the Church in West Suffield, Con., who died Aug. 4, 1833, ^tat 68. «« In Christ Is my hope, for Christ is the end of the law for j righteousness to ever^- one that believeth." j 152 EPITAPHS. ELIZA BISHOP, Born at Fariiiington, Ct , Dec. 9, 1813. The live last years of lier life were successfully devoted to the interests of Female Education & Piety, & amidst a Avide & extended sphere of usefulness, died while Preceptress of Westiield Acade- my, April 26, 1839. PORTER FOWLER, Died October 12th, 1828, afred o9 years. In Memory of Mrs. Tjiankfui., the wife of Mr, Alexander Grant, and Daughter of Mr. Gad Lyman, of Northampton, who died Sept. 9, Anno Domini, 1770, in the 25th year of her age. Christ's dying Samts shall Hve again, And in his kingdom ever reign. Hon. William Siieperd, Died Nov. 16th, 1817, aged 80. He fought the battles of his country, aided the councils of our nation, and exemplified the character of the christian. The right- eous shall be in everlasting remembrance. In Memory of Capt. John Ingersoll, who being in the service of his country, was killed at Lake George, Sept. — 1755. in the — year of his age. In Memory of Dea" Joseph Root, who died 7th June, 1779, in the 74th year of his age. Now after death my very dust will bid you come and share the love my soul did taste in the house of prayer. EPITAPHS. 153 This Monument is erected to y^ Memory of Capt. John Mosely, who departed this life on the first day of Sept. A. D. 1781, in the 56th year of his age. When A'irtue falls a victim to the grave, In life distinguished by the wise and brave. Let friendship deck its urn -uith choicest flowers, Let melancholy mark the lonely hours ; In every breast let pity heave a sigh, And feel the solemn that all must die, Minarle with dust, and in earth's cold bosom lie. In Memory of General VVareham Park, who died March 6, 1801, aged 49 years. In Memory of Edmund Ely, who died Jan'y 7, 1834, yE 71 years. Also Franklin, Son of Edmund and Huldah Ely, who was killed on board the U. S. Frigate Fulton, at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 4th day of June, 1829, iE 25 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Margaret, Consort of Dr. David Sheperd, of Chester, who died Feb'y lOth, 1769, in the 20th year of her age. Many are the shapes of death, and manv are the ways that lead to his GRIM CAYE— aU di-eadful ! But Virtue alone assiires that peace, Wliich age nor death can destroy, Afford the mind a lasting ease, And fill it with immortal joy. 154 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Anne, Wife of Capt. John Kellogg, and Daughter of Ephraim Terry, Esq., who died Oct. 3d, 1764, and in the 33 year of her age. Also her infant Babe, lying in her breast. In Memory of the Rev. John Ballantine, late Pastor of ihe Church of Christ in this place, who died Feb'y 12th, 1776, in the 60th year of his age. Mark tlie perfect and behold the upriglit, for the end of that man is peace. Here lies interred the body of the Rev. Mr. Nehemiah Bull, who departed this life April 12ih, 1740, in the 39th year of his age. In Memory of Col. James Taylor, who died I4th Aug. 1803, aged 53 years. Neither noblenes.s of mind, nor a feeling, generous heart, nor tears of friends, nor great usefulness in life, can secure any mortal ! from the arrest of death. i In Memory of John Ashley, Esq., who died April y"^ 16th, 1759, in y"" 90th year of his age. JAMES N., Eldest Son of Ira and Lucy Yeomans, who was instantly killed when on his way to school, by the slide of a bank of earth, Nov. 20, 1840, M 7 1-2 years. EPITAPHS. 155 Jn Memory of Mr. Benjamin, Son of Deac. Benjamin and Mrs. Mary Dyer, of Windham, Ct , who was drowned at VVestfield, July 11,1805, aged 18 years. In Memory of Miss Submit Lyman, who was killed by the fall of a tree, on the 9th Jan'y, 1797, aged 29 years. Death, gives us more than we in Eden lost, The King of Terrors, the Prince of Peace. Zenas Atkins, was suddenly killed while riding in a sleigh, and coming in contact with another turning a corner, on the evening of Jan'y 14th, 1816, aged 34. Hon. Samuel Fowler, was born Sept. 5, 1747, and died Nov. 26, 1823. Jemima Fowler, his wife, was born Feb'y 5, 1761, and died Feb'y 28, 1826. In Memory of Mr. Samuel Fowler, who died Nov. 10, 1744, in his 61st year. Hope humbly then, mth trembling pinions soar. Wait the great teacher Death, and God adore. Note. — The Indian name of Westfield was Warronoco, and be longed to Springfield. 1658. Dec. The inhabitants of Springfield granted a tract of land to Thomas Cooper, on condition that he commenced improve- ments in 12 months, and continued them 5 years. 1660. A similar grant was made to Deac. S. Chapman. 1661. Another grant to Capt. Pyncheon, Robert Ashley, and George Colton. 1664. Feb'y 7. A committee was chosen by the citizens of Springfield, to take the charge of aff'airs at Warronoco, and to grant lands. Some improvements were made as early as 1660, but no perma- nent settlers. 156 EPITAPHS. 1666. Rev. Mr. Ballentine, in his private journal, April 8, 1754, says — "Died, Benjamin Saxton, aged 88, the first English child born in this town." 1667. Sept. 22. "Born, Mary, daughter of John and Mary Root," which is the first birth recorded. Meetings were first held this year on the Sabbath. Mr. Elizur Holyoke, of Springfield, preached six months. [ 1668. January. Rev. Moses Fish, of Chelmsford, came and preached 3 years. 1669. The town was incorporated. 9th month, 27th day, Mo- ses Cook married to Elizabeth Clark. This is the first marriage on the records. 1671. 10th month, 3d day, Rev. Edward Taylor came here. The following heads of families were here at this date — John Pan- der, David Ashley, John IngersoU, Moses Cook, Isaac Phelps, Ed- ward Neill, Thomas Bancroft, Walter Lee, Thomas Dewy, John Osborn, Thomas Gunn, Gideon Green, Joseph Wliiting, John Greet, and John Root. 1679. Last Wednesday of June the church was organized, and Mr. Taylor ordained. Seven men were selected to be formed into a church, called foundation men. Thomas Green was chosen, but declined ; he was afterwards admitted to the church without nar- rating his experience, because he was " so decayed by age that it was hard to gather it." 1726. Oct. Mr. Nehemiah Bull was ordained colleague pastor with Mr. Taylor. 1741. June 17. Rev. John Ballentine, of Boston, Avas ordained pastor. 1781. Nov. 22. Rev. Noah Atwater was ordained. He kept 20 sermons on hand, never preached the same to iiis own people a second time, and had liis sermon for the ensuing Sabbath ready on Tuesday evening. 1800. Jan'y 1st. Westfield Academy was dedicated, and the institution opened under the superintendence of Peter Starr, now in Middlebury, Yt Sermon by Dr. Latlirop. 1803. Nov. ie. Rev. Isaac Knapp, of Norfolk, Ct.,was ordained. 1806. Jan'y 1st The present Congregational Church was ded- icated. Sermon by Mr. Knapp. Text Gen. 28, 17. May, a Bap- tist church organized. The one organized in 1784 had become extinct. 1836. June 1. Rev. Emersoai Davis was ordained colleague with Mr. Knapp. 1844. Sept. Normal School opened at Westfield. 1846. Sept. 3d. The Normal School building dedicated. 1847. July 6. Died, Rev. Isaac Knapp, aged 72. EPITAPHS. 157 HAYDENVILLE The only Monument in this Village. Family Monument. JosiAH Hayden, Died July 26, 1847, aged 79 years. ' Strong in faith, giving glory to God ;' WILLIAMSBURGH "OUR FATHERS, WHERE ARE THEY?" *' Beneath thoge rugged elms, that yew tree's shade, Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap. Each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers ol the hamlet sleep."— Gray's Elegy. The oldest Monument in Williamsburgh. Mr. Thomas Nash, Died March 12th, 1773, in y^ 81 year of his age. This Monument is sacred to the Memory of the Rev. Amos Butler, Who was born at Hartford ; settled the first gospel mmister in this town ; sustained the ministerial character \Aith uncommon dignity and usefulness four years ; and rested from his labors Oct. 13th, 1777, in the 30th year 'of liis age. " If they hear not Moses and the prophets neither wiU they hear though one rose from the dead." 14 158 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. JosiAH Hayde.v, who died Dec. 29, 1810, in the 78th year of his age. Tho' mouldering in tlie dust I lie I speak to all, prepare to die. In Memory of Edward Gere, who died Sep. 24, 1832, M 34. " Short toil, sore pain dear friend was thine, Now joys eternal and divine." Rev. David E. Goodwin, Died May 2d, 1842, JE 31, Rev. Chester Lord, Died Nov. 8, 1834, JE, 22. Having just entered with promise upon the ministry. To the Memory of Rev. Joseph Strong, who died Jan. 1, 1803, ' in the 74th year of his age, and 52d of his ministry. Naturally possessed of great self command, a correct judgment and a penetrating mind ; he was eminently qualified for ruling a church and silencing opposers ; by a faithful examination of the scriptures he acquired a thorough knowledge of their truths ; and in his discourses taught them with perspicuity and force. His ministry, by a divme blessing, was crowned with remarkable suc- cess. In Memory of Mrs. Jane Strong, wife of Rev. Joseph Strong, who died Sept. 21st 1811, in the 83d year of her age. EPITAPHS. 159 Rev. Henry Lord, for 30 years pastor of The First church in Williamsburgh, Died Nov. 22, A. D. 1834, M5S. He was a faitliful minister of Christ and an example of modesty, [ gentleness, punctuality, simplicity and godly smcerity. j Mrs. Fidelia, wife of Rev. H. Lord, Died 25 Nov. 1828, M 35. WESTHAMPTON " Moments seize, Heaven's on tiieir wing ; a moment wr may wish, When worlds want wealth to buy." — Young. The oldest Monument. In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Thayer, Wife of Mr. Zebulon Thayer, who died Jan. 23d, 178(3, in the 84th year of her age. Pray stop my friends * * Mr. John Parsons, the first person buried in this yard, Died March 23d, 1791, yEtat 46. •' Passenger, see what numbers die. The old, the young, together lie. And bless'd is he who ascends on high." Sylvester Juod, Esq., Died Sept. 19, 1832, aged 79 years. -■\ 160 EPITAPHS. Mrs. Hannah Judd, Consort of Sylvester Judd, Esq., and Daughter of Samuel Burt, of Southampton, was born April 2, 1754, and died Jan. 27, 1821, aged (16 yEARS. She was an affectionate wife, a tender mother, a kind friend, an exemplary christian. In Memory of Mrs. Lydia Parsons, Consort of Mr. John Parsons, who died Dec. 25, 1794, aged 53. She & her husband, Mr. John Parsons, were the first married couple buried in this yard. In Memory of Mrs. Eunice Clark, Wife of Mr. Eben"^ Clark, who died Dec. 4th, 1791, aged 40 years and 28 days. Also their Children, who died as follows : ROZEL, Died April 21st, 1779, aged 21 days. Med AD, Died April 21st, 1791, aged 6 months and 17 days. In Memory of i\Ir. Thomas Clapp, who died Sept. 27, 1797, aged 35 years. Sacred to the Memory of Capt. Jared Hunt, who died Sept. 24th, 1812, in the 52d year of his age. EPITAPHS. 161 In Memory of Paul Bullard, Son of Mr. John & Mrs. Joanna Bullard, who was drowned Aug. 23, 1796, in the 18th year of his aofe. In Memory of Timothy Edwards, Son of Mr. Timothy & Mrs Thankful Edwards, who was drowned Aug. 23, 1796, in the 12th year of his age. In Memory of Rev. Enoch Hale, who was Fifty-Six years the faithful and beloved Minister of the Church in this town, and OcTAviA, his Wife. Rev. Enoch Hale, Born Oct. 28, 1753, at Coventry, Conn., Ordained Sept. 27, 1779, as the first Pastor of the Church in this town. Died Jan. 14, 1837, aged 84 years. Erected in testimony of the respect and gratitude of surviving Parishioners. ' He tauglit us how to live, and Oh ! too high a price for knowledge, taught us how to die." OcTAVIA, Wife of Enoch Hale, and Daughter of Rev. Ben^ Throop, Born July 7, 1754, at Bozrah, Conn., Married Sept. 30, 1781, Died Aug. IS, 1839, aged 85 years. In Memory of Mr. Asa Thayer, who died March 14th, 1809, in the 61st year of his age. Remember all there's none can save, The mortal body from the grave, Yet weeping friends diy up your tears, We shall awake when Christ appears. 14* 162 EPITAPHS. Mr. Timothy Edwards, Died April 11th, 1834, aged 83 years. Capt. NoAii Cook, Died May 23d, 1832, aged 75 years. Mr. Solomon Judd, Died Nov. 8th, 1830, in the 73d year of his age. HoPHNi Judd, Esq., Son of Sylvester Judd, Esq., and Mrs. Hannah Judd, was born July 8th, 1793, graduated at Williams College, 1812, admitted as Attorney at Law, 1816, Died March 15th, 1818, aged 24 years. Beloved and respected m life, lamented in death. In Memory of Capt. Azariah Lyman, who departed this life Oct. 23d, 1833, aged 85 years. Lord he was tliine, and not our own, Thou hast not done us wrong, We thank thee for that precious loan, Afforded us so long:. In Memory of Mr. Peter Montague, who died Sept. 24th, 1822, aged 71 years. Note. — The Church in Westharapton was organized Sept. 1st, 1779— llev. Enoch Hale was ordained as Pastor, Sept. 29th, 1779 : died Jan. 14, 1847. E,ev. Horace B. Chapin was installed as Colleague Pastor, July 8th, 1829 : dismissed May 1st, 1837. llev. Amos Drury was installed as Pastor, June 29th, 1837 — died at Pittsford, Vt., July 2 2d, 1841. Rev. David Coggin was ordained as Pastor, May 11th, 1842. EPITAPHS. 163 EAST HAMPTON. Our dying friends come o'er us like a cloud, To damp our brainless ardors ; and abate That glare of lile, which often blinds the wise. Our dying friends are pioneers, to smooth Our rugged path to death ; to break those bars Of terror, and abhorrence, nature throws Cross our obstructed way: and, thus to make Welcome, as safe, our port from every storm." — Young, [The oldest Monument in Easthampton.] Catherine, Dauf of Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Catherine Wright, Died FEB'RY 14th, 1761, in her 6th year. ■ Behold He taketh away, who can liinder him ? Who will say unto him what doest thou ? In Memory of MAJ'' Jonathan CLAP, who died May 10th, 1782, in the 69 year of his age. The wise, the just, the pious and the brave, Live in their death, and flourish in the grave. Here sown in death the body lies. TiU God shall call& bid it rise. Mrs. Sarah, y^ wife of Mr. Ebenezer Corse, Died Jan' 3, 1768, in the 73 year of her age. By Adam's sin we all must die, By Christ alone we rise on high. In Memory of Capt. Stephen WRIGHT, who died FEB^^ 15th, 1763, in y^ 71 year of his age. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord ; yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. 164 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Esther, y" relict of Capt. Stephen Wright, who died Nov. 26, A. D. 1770, in y*" 76 year of her age. Mr. Eben^ Corse, Died May 4th, A. D. 1776, in y® 85 year of his age. In Memory of Mrs. Elisabeth, y" wife of Mr. Josiah Parsons, who died August 6th, 1775, in the 78 year of her age. In Memory of Capt. Luther Clap, who died August 17th, aged 39 years. And his wife, Mrs. Tirzah Clap, who died 31st same month, aged 38 years, A. D. 1811. Both fell victims to the Typhus FEVER. They were active, pleasmg, benevolent, devout. For us no longer mourn, Your souls demand your care, Soon you will be Mthcr borne, For death, oh friends prej^are. Insatiate Archer, could not one suffice ? Thy shaft flew tmce, and twice it smote full sore. Scarce did the widoAv'd mourner from the cold grave of a lov'd partner trace her backward steps, than death his awful mandate sent to call her hence. Two weeks she struggled Avith disease, when death releas- ed her from suffering here, to soar on angel's wings to realms of bliss. This once happy pair who here re- pose, no cliildi-en left their early exit to lament, but many friends who theii- sad fate will long bemoan. Rich in the comforts of domestic BLISS, blest with the ample gifts of FORTUNE, and more bless'd with ample hearts disposed to sweetest acts of CHARITY. EPITAPHS. 165 SOUTHAMPTON " Death's admonitions, like shafts upward shot, More dreadful by delay, the longer ere They strike our hearts, the deeper is their wound "—Young. [The oldest Moniiment.] Mr. Simeon WAIT Died * * * * y«= 14th, 1738, yRS * * * In Memory of Mr. John Kingsley, who died April 30, 1756, in y' 23 year of his AGE. In Memory of Mr. Phineh^ King, who died Jan'^ 10th, 1768, in the 62d year of his AGE. In Memory of Mr. Roger Clap, who died Jan"" 3d, 1773, in y' 65th year of HIS AGE. In Memory of Mrs. Anny, Wife of Mr. Roger Clap, who died July 7, 1766, in y^ 54 year of HER AGE. Sacred to the Memery of Lemuel Pomeroy, Esq.. whodiedDec. 14th, 1819, in the 82 year of HIS AGE. Virtue outshines the stars, outlives the tomb, Climbs up to heaven, and finds a peaceful home. 166 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Lyman, who died May 1st, 1762, in the 60th year of HIS AGE. In Memory of Mrs. Mary, Relict of Mr. Benj" Lyman, who died August 17th, 17S2, in the 75th year of HER AGE. Rev. Vinson Gould, Died April 4th, 1841, M LXVH. To the Memory of Rev. Jonathan Judd, The first Minister of Christ in Southampton, and of Mrs. Silence Judd, his amiable and worthy consort, who died Oct. 25, 1783, in the 63d year of her age. He saw his people of 30 familys increase to nearly 1000 souls ; was able, evangelical, and faithful in preaching ; was em- inent in piety, wisdom, meekness, benevolence ; lived greatly respected and beloved, and after a Minis- try of more than 60 years, rested from his labours July 28, 1803, in the 84th year of Ms age. May those who knew liim imitate his faith and virtue, and when they depart have his hope of life. The lost will be found. ALSO Of four of their grand-children, named Sylvester, Sons of Sylvester Judd, Esq., & Mrs. Hannah Judd, who died, the first June 1, 1775, aged 12 hours. The second Sept. 28, 1776, aged 5 weeks. The third Feb. 23, 1779, aged 24 hours. The fourth April 15, 1780, aged 11 weeks. EPITAPHS. 167 Jonathan Judd, Esquire, Died Jan. 30, 1819, in the 75 year of his age. He was born Oct. 7, 1744, old style, & was graduated at Yale College, in 1765. He was an honest man, a good citizen, an upright merchant, a judicious Magistrate, and faitlxful and benevolent in the duties of life. His virtues are still fondly recollected by his friends, and his brothers and sisters have the melancholly pleasure of bestowing this last tribute of affection to his worth, out of a small part of the property left them by him. Jonathan Judd, Esqr. was the oldest son of the Kev. Jonathan Judd, the first Minister of the Gospel in South- ampton, who was the son of William Judd, and Grand- son of Thomas Judd, both of whom lived in Waterbury, Conn. AMHERST . Room, gentle flowers ! my child would pass to heaven ! Ye look'd not for her yet with your soft eyes, O watchful u«her» at Death's narrow door ! But lo ! while you delay to let her forth, Angels, beyond, stay for her." — Willis. [The oldest Tomb Stone in Amherst.] M^. H lOIlN SCOTT O DYE° oN OC^ y« 27^ 1737, AGED < y— EAR oF KINGS MR. TOWN LLIAM SCOT SON o 168 EPITAPHS. In Memory of the Rev*^ Mr. David Parsons, First Pastor of the Church at Amherst, who died January 1, 1781, in the 69 year of his age, and 41st of his Ministry. A man of God and faithful sen^ant of Jesus Christ. Rev. 14, 13' Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ; yea, saith the Spirit, their works do follow them. In Memory of Mrs. Eunice Parsons, Consort of the Rev. David Parsons, who died Sept. 20th, 1796, in y' 94 y' of her age. Let me interpret for him, me his advocate and propitiation, all his works in me, good or not good, ingraft ; my merit those shall perfect ; and for these my death shall pay. Rev. Royal Washburn, Born at Royalton, Vt., Dec. 6, 1797, graduated at Vermont University, 1820, and at the Andover Theologigal Seminary, 1824, settled as Pastor of the first church and parish, Amherst, Jan. 4, 1826, died Jan. 1, 1833. Honored and beloved in the church, having a good report of them without ; seeming blameless as the steward of God ; in doctrine showing sincerity and sound speech, in practice a pattern of good works ; yet lowly of heart, and ascribing all to the grace of God through Christ ; his ministry short, but blessed with joyous fruit ; his life as becometh saints ; his death full of peace. Multum diuque desiderabimus. In Memory of Rev. Ichabod Draper. He graduated at Harvard College, 1783, was ordained over the 2d East Parish, in this town, 1785, dismissed in 1809, and died Dec. 17, 1827, aged 72. The tall, the wise and reverend head must lie as low as ours. EPITAPHS. 169 Rev. Nathan Perkins, Born at West Hartford, Con., Aug. 1777, Graduated at Yale College, Sept. 1795, Ordained over the 2d Congregational Church, in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 10, 1810, and died March 28th, 1842, in the 66th year of his age, and the 3'M of his ministry. A sound and evangelical Preaclier, an active Pastor, a Peace- maker — known and beloved in the Churches, and having a good report of them who are without. « And I heard a great voice from heaven, saying unto me write, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from hence- forth ; for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Rev. Pomeroy Belden, Born March 15, 1811, Grad. Amherst Coll. 1833, Ordained Aug. 8, 1837, was Minister of the Orthodox Society in S. Deerfield, 5 years. Installed Pastor of the Church in Amherst, E. Parish, Sept. J4, 1842, Died March 2, 1849. For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. In Memory of Mr. Solomon Boltwood, who died April 20th, 1762, in y^ 70th year of his age. This Monument is erected to y^ memory of Lieut. Solomon Boltwood, y* 3d, who deceased Dec. 12th, A. D. 1805, in y^ 46th year of his age. His death was occasioned by being suddenly thrown from a bridge, while raising ye same. Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 15 il70 EPITAPHS. In memory of DocT. Seth Cole? who died Sept. 9, 1816, !oLEMAN, aged 76. [Masonic Emblems.] In memory of Capt. Calvin Merrill, who died 15th March, 1820, aged 55. Why lingers hope around the silent dead, There is another and a better world. Gen. Ebenezer Mattoon, Died Sept. 11, 1843, ^88. Sarah, daughter of Park & Joanna A. Warner, Died March 3, 1828, M 1 day. The Rev, Austin Dickinson, was born in Amherst, Ms., Feb. 15, 1791, Graduated at Dartmouth College, in 1813, and after a life of eminent christian enterprise and usefulness, Died in the city of New York, Aug. 15, 1849, aged 58. A few friends have erected this Monument at his grave as a tribute to his worth. Samuel F. Dickinson, Died at Hudson, O. April 22, 1838, aged 62. His wife Lucretia G Dickinson, Died at Enfield, Mass. May 11, 1840, aged 64. Their remains were removed to this spot by their children. 'If a man die shall he live ? for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.' EPITAPHS. 171 DocT. Robert Cutler, Died March 10, 1835, aged 86. Dr. Isaac G. Cutler, Died Nov. 29, 1834, aged 52. Dii William F. Sellon, Died Dec. 31, 1842, 7E 56. Simeon Strong, Esq. (Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Mass ) Died December 14, 1805, in the 70 year of his age. Man but dives in Death ; dives from the Sun in fairer days to rise, the graves. * ^ * Jonathan Kellogg, Died Feb. 28, 1823, aged 63 years. Mary, wife of Jonathan Kellogg, Died March 5, 1823, aged 6ryears. What though our bodies now entombed, Are mouldering into dust, A dying Jesus has perfumed The graves of all the just. Mrs. Lois, wife of Mr. Chester Kellogg, Died Dec. 13, 1809, aged 20 years. Dwelt faith, love, and friendship here, O, view the change and drop a tear. Chester Kellogg, Died January 7, 1849, Aged 61 years. Ira Kellogg, Died Nov. 16, 1843, aged 57 years. 172 EPITAPHS. Hie jacet corpus sepultum Reverendi Zephani^, Swift Moore, S. T. D., Collegit Amherstice Praesidus. Ille homo ingenioque scientia, atque pietate siiicera, i^rseclarus ; ac mentis gravitate qtioqtie iiisigni quum se dem.ittens. Ani- m.0 et consilio certus, sed tamen semperqtie fa- cilitate permagna, modestus, placabilis, misericordia et fructibus bonis plenns. Non dijudicans, non sim.ulator ; cHscipiilis suis veneratus quasi illis pater dilectusqno. Maximo omni- um desiderio mortem obiit, die XXX Jun., Anno Domini MDCCCXXIII. ^tatis suai LIII. Hanoveriee gradum Artium Bacalaurei admissus, anno Domini MDCCXCIIl. Ecclasite Logecestriensis Pastor annos XIV, CoUegii Dartmuthensis linguarum Professor IV, Colegii GuHelmi Prseses II. Curatores Collegii Amlierstire hoc saxum ponendum curavere. [Transhition.] Here lies buried the body of the Reverend Zephaniah Swift Moore, D.D , President of the College at Amherst. He was a man pre-eminent for genius, and science, and sincere piety, as well as greatness of mind and humility. He was firm in his purposes, and yet very mild, easy to be entreat- ed, modest, jjlacable, full of mercy and good works. He was not censorious, and no dissembler. By his pupils he was loved and venerated as a father. To the great grief of all, he died on the 30th of June, in the year of our Lord 1823, and in the 53d year of his age. He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Hanover in 1793 ; he was pastor of the church at Leicester 11 years. Professor of languages at Dartmouth College 4 years, President of Williams College 2 years. The trustees of the College at Amherst have ordered this stone to be erected. Mr. Titus Warner, Died 12 April, 1818, in his 5') year. " Vain man thy fond pursuits forbear, " Repent, thy cndis nigh, " Death at the fartherest can't be far, " O, think before thou die. EPITAPHS. 173 Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Titus Warner, Died Nov. 15, 1843, JE 70 HATFIELD. Keep silence ! be solemn ! my life wears away — E'en now I look down where rry form they will lay, Where oft I have Wiuidered al close of the day And silently mused o'er the dead : Come, hie thee forth, sexton, with mattock and spade, They've pointed the spot where my bones must be laid. They've ordered my coffin and shroud to bo made — I go to my last narrow bed."— J. E. D. Comstock. Sacred to the memory of that venerable man, Deacon Obadiah Dickinson, ho early witnessed a good confession, who through various dispensations, in prosperity and adversity, exemplified the religion of Jesus; who, for many years, used the office of a deacon well, and purchased to himself a good degree and great boldness in the faith, who, in the hope of a better life, fell asleep, June, A. D. 1788, in the 84th year of his age. Is. 26: 19. WJ In memory of the Hon. Israel Williams, Esquire, who departed this life, 10 January, 1788, in the 79 year of his age. Higii and low, rich and poor, are death's equal prey, and no yaluable distinction survives Ms resistless attack, but that, which ennobles an angel, the love of God, All on earth is shadow, all beyond Is substance ; the reverse is folly's creed. How solid all, where change shall be no more ! 15* 174 EPITAPHS. Interred the remains of iMrs. Sarah Williams, the daughter of the flon. John Chester Esq. and worthy consort of the Hon. Israel Williams, Esq. she departed this life, the IS of September, A. D. 1770, aged 63 years. In memory of the Rkv. Timothy Woodbridge, for 30 years Pastor of the Church of Christ, in the town of Hatfield. Note. — This man of God, who called on the Lord, out of a pure heart, followed after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness, apt to teach, charitable, and gentle to all men, departed this life, on the 3 of June, A. D. 1770, ia the 58 year of his age. To the memory of Mr. Jacob Walker, i who, respected by the brave, beloved by his country's friends, dear to his relations, while manfully defending the laws and and liberties of the Commonwealth, nobly fell , by the impious hand of treason and I rebellion, on the 17th of February, 1787, in the 32 year of his age. I Note. — This valiant friend of his country was killed in a das- ; tardly manner, by one of the deluded followers of Shays in time of an alarming msurrection in New England. In memory of the Hon. John Hastings, Esq., who, an early professor of the faith of Christ, observed strictly gospel ordinances ; in perilous times faithfully performed the duties of the citizen patriot ; for 36 years an upright magistrate, and for 28 years a Senator or Counsellor of this Commonwealth ; was gathered to his fathers, 6 December, A. D. 1811, in the 74 year of his age. Her strong rods were broken and withered. — Ezekiel, EPITAPHS. 175 Here lies interred the remains of Oliver Partridge, Fsq., who died the 21 of July, A. D. 179-2, in the 81 year of his age. His usefulness in church and state, Was early known to men ; Blest with an active Hfe, till late, And happy in his end. Note. — The family of Partridge here interred are descendants from William Partridge, who came from Berwick on Tweed, in Great Britain, and died in Hadley. Oliver was the son of Ed- ward, Edward was the son of Samuel, Samuel was the son of William, who was one of the first adventurers in forming settle- ments on Connecticut river in the 17th century. Here are interred the remains of Mrs. Anna Partridge, Consort of Oliver Partridge, Esq., who died 21 Dec. A. D. 1802, in the 86 year of her age. In youth devoted to the Lord, Through a long life, esteem' d his word ; Trusted in God, his laws obeyed, And thus an happy exit made. SOUTH HADLEY. *• The dead are there And millions in these solitudes, since firit The flight ot yeais bpgan, have laid ibem down In iheu last sleep — the dead reign there alone."— Bhtakt JOHN PRESTON, DyE° ON MARCH y^ 4, 1727^ AGED 41 yEAR, AND THE FIRST HERE BURIED. 176 EPITAPHS. [On tlie only Tomb in the Grave Yard.] HERE LIES ENTOMBED, Col. Ruggles Woodbridge, who died Mar. 8, 1819, Mi 80. In Memory of the Rev'^. John VVoodbridge, late Minister of the Gospel of Christ in this town, who was born at Springfield, Dec. 25, 1702, and died Sept. 10, 1783, in the 81st year of his age. He was son of ye venerable and Reverend John "VVoodbridge, of Spring-field, 2d Parish. Mrs. Tryphena, his first wife, died Jan'y 10, 1749, in her 42d year. Mrs. Martha, his second wife, died Aug. 20, 1783, in her 58th year. This stone stands but to tell "Where their dust lies, and who they was. When saints will rise, that day will show The part they acted here below. Sacred to the memory of Rev. Joel Hayes, who died July 29, 1827, aged 74, having been 45 years Pastor of the Church in this place. Blessed are the dead, &c. In memory of Lieut. Luke Montague, A worthy Christian, and an ornament to the community in general, who died Aug. 23, 1775, in the 76th year of his age. EPITAPHS. 177 Note. — This town was originally a parish, in Hadley ; it was '• incorporated as a town in 1753. Was settled as early as 1721 I by a few families from Hadley. It was then called the South Pre- ! cmct in Hadley. The first settlers for some time continued to at- tend public worship on the Sabbath in Hadley, a distance of about 7 or 8 miles. In 1733 the first town meeting as a separate district was held, and it was resolved that a meeting-house, the frame of which was put up the year before, shoiild be in part finished. The building, however, was not completed until the close of the year 1737. The families Avere few in number and indigent in their cir- cumstances, and the house was principally built by their labor ; it was not large, containing only nine pews in the body of it. A gaUery was subsequently added. There was no steeple or bell. The people were called together at the appointed hour of public worship by the " blowing of a conch shell." The house still re- mains, and is occupied as a dwelling house, on the north side of the common. In consequence of the house being too small to ac- commodate the people, at the meeting of the town in Ma'-'^h, 1750, a vote was passed to build a new house, 55 feet in lcn';'li and 45 in breadth, to be placed as near the old one as might conveniently be done, and as near the center of the town as possible. The dilfi- cvilty of locating the house was without a parallel. It was not till thirteen years afterwards that the question was settled, during wliich more than fifty meetings for the purpose of agreeing on the place were held. It was finally settled by lot. The lot fixed the place where the meeting-house of the first parish now stands. A part being dissatisfied, a council of ministers was called, consis- ting of the Rev. Dr. Williams of Longmcadow, Rev. Mr. Breck of Springfield, Rev. Mr. Ballantine of Westneld, and Rev. Mr. Lathrop of West Springfield, who decided that both parties were under moral obligation to abide by the lot. The first pastor of the church in South Hadley was Rev. Grindall Rav/son, who was settled in 1733. A grant of land, called the " Projn'ietors' Land" was set off to tills town on its first settlement, by the town of Hadley, for the use of the ministry, on condition that the people would settle among them " a good orthodox minister." By a vote of the pre- cinct, at their first meeting, this land was appropriated to Mr. Raw- son. Rev. John Woodbridge, the successor of Mr. Rawson, was installed pastor in 1742. He died in 1783, aged 80. He was suc- ceeded in the ministry by Rev. Joel Hayes, who was settled in 1782. Rev. Artemas Boies, the next minister, was settled in 1824. Rev. Joseph D. Condit was settled July 8, 1835, ob. Sept. 19, 1847. Rev. Thomas Laurie was settled June 7, 1848. Rev. Flavel GrisAvold was the first pastor of the second or Canal church. He was installed pastor in 1828 ; Rev. William Tyler succeeded him in 1832. 178 EPITAPHS. CHESTERFIELD. " Leaves have their lime to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, And stars to get — but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O death !" — Mrs. Hemans. This town was incorporated 17G2 — the Congregational Church was formed in 1764, Rev. Benjamin Mills ordained Pastor same year, resigned 1774, Died 1785. Rev. Joseph Kilbourx, settled 1780, died within one year. Rev. Timothy Allen, settled 1785, was Pastor of the Chnrch 10 years. Rev. Josiah Waters, settled 1796 and continued as Pastor until 1831. Rev. Israel G. Rose, ordained 1836, died 1842. Rev. Oliver Warner Jun. ordained June 5, 1842, dissmissed Oct. 1846. The first person buried in this town was the first wife of Col. Benj. Bonny. It was then a wilderness ; Mr. Abil Stetson, cut out the brush in the woods and dug the grave. In Memory Benjamin Mills Esq., first Minister of the Gospel in this town, he died March 14, A. D. 1785, in the 46 year of his age. The sweet remembrance of the just. Shall flourish when they sleep in dust, UntLl here, they join above. And never cease to praise and love. EPITAPHS. In Memory of Mrs. Mary Mills, the amiable consort of Benjamin Mills Esq. she died Jane 30, A. D. 1779, aged 40 years. If worth and virtue could retrieve from death, She never had resigned her mortal breath. 179 In memory of Mrs. Persis White, wife of Mr. Josiah White. Also in memory of Mrs. Francis Merick, wife of Joseph Merick. Mrs. White died Oct. 6, 1797, aged 31. Mrs. Merick, Oct. 5, 1797, aged 27. They were sisters, virtuous and lovely, as mves they were amia- ble, and as parents, they were kind and affectionate. In the midst of usefulness they were arrested by the harbinger of death. Nature sickened around them both at once, their eyes lost their lustre, the world its variega- ted charms, and they expued, one just 32 hours after the other. Shew us thy face and we'll away From all inferior things, Speak Lord, and here we'U. quit our clay, And stretch our airy wings. Mrs. Hannah, wife of Capt. Joseph Burnell, died June 29, 1797 in the 72 year of her age. Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for Death, and follow me. To the memory of Deacon Benjamin Price, who died May 11, 1809, in the 64 year of his age. 180 EPITAPHS. In memory of Benjamin Buyant, who died Aug. 3, 1788, aged 54 years. In memory of Miss Mary White, Daughter of Esq. Asa and Zilpah White, who died 28 Feb'y, 1814, aged 23. In memory of Ruth Stetson, who died April 12th, 1809, in the 63d year of her age. Also Ariel Stetson, who died Aug. 28th, 1819, in the 81st year of his age. Death leaves a melancholy gloom, It makes an empty seat, Ye living mortals all must come And try this long retreat. In memory of Capt. Joshua Healy, who died May 23, A. D. 1791, aged 64 years. Here rests our friend, no more shall death Disturb his mind, or stop his breath, When the Judge comes, then he shall rise To meet his God, with sweet surprise. In memory of Mr. Benjamin, Son of Mr. Seth and Mrs. Martha Taylor, who died 28 July, 1797, in the 19 year of his age. In memory of Mr. Stephen Baker, who died April 29, 1813, in the 82 year of his age. My flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. EPITAPHS. 181 DEERFIELD. '♦ Ai the long train Of age« glide away, the sons of men, The youth in life'* green spring, and he who goes In the full strength of years, matron, and maid, The bowed with age, the infant in the smiles And beauty of its innocent age cut off,— Shall, one by one, be gathered to thy side, By those, who in their turn shall follow them."— Brtant. [The first person buried in tliis Burying Ground.] Here Lyes y^ Body of JOSEPH BARNARD, Aged 45 years, Dec. September y^ 6th, 1695. LiMON Beamon, Died ITOJ, aged 54. Here Lyes y® Body of HanXAh Beamon, who departed this Lif y^ 13th of May, 1739, in ye 94th year of her age. M. A. DyED NOVEM. 7, ANNO 1696. 16 182 EPITAPHS. Here lies buried the Body of LiEVT, Mehuman Hinsdale, who died May y^ 9th, 1736, in the 63d year of his age. Who was the first male child bom in this place, and was twice captivated by the Indian Salvages. In memory of CoL°, Ephraim Williams, Esq., of Stockbridge, who died August y^ Uth, 1754, in the 63d year of his age. Blest be that hand divine which gently laid My heart at rest beneath this humble shed. Note. — The above was father of Col, Ephraim Williams, found- er of Williams College. In Memory of Thomas Williams, Esq., who died Sept. 28, 1775, JEt 57. To each unthinking being, heaven, a friend, Gives not the useless knowledge of its end, To man imparts it, but with such a view. As while he dreads it makes him hope it too. EPITAPHS. 183 Here lies y" Body of the Rev'd Mr. John Williams, the beloved and faithful Pastor of this place, who dyed on June y° 12th, 1729, in the 65th year of his age. Rev. 14, 13. " "Write, Blessed are ye dead wlio die in th.e Lord." In memory of Col. John Hawks, who died June 24, 1784, in the 77th year of his age. To be pure without superstition, faithful to our trust, pleasant in our circle, and friendly to the poor, is to imitate his example. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, Wife of John Hawks, who died Feb. 28, 1799, aged 66. Her children arise up and call her blessed. Pray kind reader lend an ear, As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs. Eunice Williams, the virtuous and desirable consort of the Rev. John Williams, and daughter of Rev. Eleazer and Mrs. Esther Mather, of Northampton. She was born Aug. 2, 1664, and fell by the rage of the barbarous enemy, March 1, 1703^ Prov. xxxi : 28. " Her children rise up and call her blessed." Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Abigail Williams, the relict of the Rev. Mr. John Williams, of this place. She died June y"^ 27th, 1754, in the 82d year of her age. 184 EPITAPHS. Here lies the remains of Mr. Justin Bull, who died June 5th, 1795, aged 61 years. Tender were Ms feelings, The christian was his friend, Honest were his dealings, And happy was his end. In memory of Mrs. Hannah, Wife of Mr. Samuel Dickinson, who was drowned Sept. 3d, 1740, in the 36th year of her age. And Hebzibah, Daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Dickinson, who was drowned Sept. 3d, 1740, in the &th year of her age. Life glows and smiles with prospects bright, Our life is doomed to care and toil. Old age, the lonely eve of night. Quick death writes vanity on all. Here lies Buried the Body of DocT. Thomas Wells, who departed this life March the 7th, Anno Dom. 1713, in the 59th year of his age. Note. This is the oldest town in Franklin County ; the Indian i name was POCIIMTUCK. A deed was made to John Pynchon, Esq., of Springfield, " for the use and behoof of major Eleazur Lusher, ensign Daniel Pisher, and other English at Dedham, their ' associates and successors," by Chauk alias Chaque, the sachem of j Pocumtuck, and his brother Wapahoale, and is dated Feb. 24, I 1665, prior to the grant by government. The deed is witnessed j by Wequonock, who, " helped the Sachem in making the bargain ;" j and reserves to the Indians " the right of fishing in the rivers and waters ; huntmg deer, or other wild animals ; the gathering of wabruts, chestnuts, and other niits, and things on the commons." The first settlement at Deerfield commenced in 1760, and within four years a considerable number of buildings were erected. In 1686, the Hev. John Williams was settled as minister of the place, on a salary of £60, to be paid in wheat at three shillings and three- [ pence the bushel, peas at tM'O shillings and six-pence, Indian corn at two shillings, and salted pork at two-pence halfpenny the pound. EPITAPHS. 185 BATTLE MONUMENT AT BLOODY BROOK. Erected August, 183L On this ground Captain Thomas Lathrop, and Eighty- Four Men under his command, including Eigh- teen teamsters from Deer- field, Conveying Stores from that town to HadJey, were ambuscaded by about 700 Indians, and the Captain and Seventy-six Men Slain, September 18th 1765, (old Style). The Soldiers who fell, were described by a Cotemporary Histori- an as a Choice Company of Young Men, the very flower of the County of Essex. None of wliom were ashamed to Speak with the enemy in the gate. —"And SANGUINETTO teUs you" where the dead "Made the earth wet and turned" the unwilling Waters Ked.— The grave of the Slain is Marked by a Stone Slab 21 Rods Southerly of this Monument. 16* 186 EPITAPHS. This monument stands 30 or 40 rods southerly from the Congre- tional church. South-easterly from the moniiment is seen Sugar- loaf Mountain, a conical peak of red sand stone, about 650 feet in height. In 1835, the 160th anniversary of the destruction of Capt. Lathrop and his men was commemorated in this place. The Hon. Edward Everett, governor of Massachvtsetts, was appointed orator for the occasion, and General Epaphras Hoyt, of Deerfield, was appointed to make the address at the laying of the corner stone for the monument. About six thousand persons were present on this occasion. Governor Everett delivered his address under a walnut tree. About forty years after Capt. Lathrop and his men were killed, a rude monument was erected to their memory, but the different occupants of the soil removed it so many times, that it was a matter of uncertainty where he or his men were buried. In 1835, the committee of investigation, guided by the tradition of some aged people, found the spot where he and about thirty of his men w^ ere interred ; the grave was just in front of the door- yard of Stephen Whitney, Esq., and about twenty feet north- west of his front door. Their bones were in a state of tolerable preservation, but fell to pieces on exposure to the air. " A grave probably containing the bones of the ninety-six Indians who were slain on that day, was likewise found by accident about the same time, nearly one hundred rods west of the road leading from Bloody Brook to Conway , by Mr. Artemas Williams, and a little more than half a mile south-west of the grave of Lathrop." The monument is six feet square and about twenty feet in height ; it is constructed of marble, by Mr. Woods of Sunderland. On its completion an address was delivered at its foot by Mr. Lu- ther B. Lincoln, of JJeerlield. *' For the distance of about three miles, after leaving Deerfield meadow, Lathrop' s march lay through a very level country, close- ly wooded, where he was every moment exposed to an attack on either flank ; at the termination of this distance, near the south point of Hwjar -loaf Rill, the road approximated Connecticut river, and the left was in some measure protected. At the village now called Muddy Brook, in the southerly part of Deerfield, the road crossed a small stream, bordered by a narrow morass, from which the village has its name ; though more appropriately it should be denominated Bloody Brook, by which it was sometimes known. Before arriving at the point of intersection Avith the brook, the road for a])Out half a mile ran parallel with the morass, then, cross- ing, it continued directly to the south point of Sugar-loaf Hill, traversing what is now the home lots, on the east side of the vil- lage. As the morass was thickly covered with brush, the place of crossing afforded a favorable point of surprise. On discovering Lathrop' s march, a body of upwards of seven hundred Indians EPITAPHS. 187 planted tliemselves in ambuscade at this point, and lay eagerly- waiting to pounce upon Mm while passing the morass. Without scouring the woods in his front and flanks, or suspecting the snare laid for him, Lathrop arrived at the fatal spot ; crossed the morass with the principal part of his force, and probably halted, to allow ' time for his teams to drag through their loads. The critical mo- 1 ment had arrived — the Indians instantly poured a heavy and des- j tructive fire upon the column, and rushed furiously to close attack. j Confusion and dismay succeeded. The troops broke and scattered, j fiercely pursued by the Indians, whose great superiority enabled 1 them to attack at all points. Hopeless was the situation of the I scattered troops, and they resolved to sell theu' lives in a vigorous 1 struggle. Covering themselves with trees, the bloody conflict now I became a severe trial of skill in sharp shooting, in which life was the stake. Difficult would it be to describe the havoc, barbarity, and misery that ensued ; ' fury raged, and shuddering pity quit the sanguine field,' while desperation stood pitted, at 'fearful odds,' to unrelenting ferocity. The dead, the dying, the wounded, strewed the ground in all directions ; and Lathrop' s devoted force was soon reduced to a small number, and resistance became faint. At length the unequal struggle terminated in the annihilation of nearly the whole of the English ; only seven or eight escaped from the bloody scene, to relate the dismal tale ; and the wounded were indiscriminately butchered. Capt. Lathrop fell in the early part i of the action. The whole loss, including teamsters, lamounted to ninety. Capt. Mosely, who was at Deerfield with his company, between four and five miles distance, hearing the musketry, hurried on to the relief of Lathrop, but it was too late ; he found the Indians hai done their bloody work, and were stirpping the dead. Rush- ing on in close order, he broke through the enemy, and, charging back and forth, cu.t down all within the range of his shot. After several hours of gallant fighting, the savages were compelled to seek for safety in the surrounding swamps and forests. Lieuten- ants Savage and Pickering greatly distinguished themselves by their skill and bravery. Just at the close of the action. Major Treat, of Connecticut, who on the morning of this day had marched towards Northfield, arrived on the ground with one hun- dred men, consisting of English, Pequot and Mohegan Indians, and shared in the final pursuit of the enemy. Capt. Mosely lost but two men in the various attacks, and seven or eight only were wounded. The loss of the Indians in the various attacks of the day was estimated at ninety-six, the greatest proportion of which fell in the engagement with Mosely. On the approach of night, Treat and Mosely proceeded to Deerfield, where they encamped for the night, and the next morning returned to the field of slaugh- ter to bury the dead. The day after this disaster, the Indians ap- 188 EPITAPHS. peared at Deerfield, on tlie west side of the river in that town, and, displaying the garments they had stripped from Lathrop's slain, made demonstrations of an attack on the fortified house, which then contained a garrison of only twenty-seven men. The commander held out delusive appearances of a strong force, — caused his trumpet signals to be given, as if to call in additional troops, which so intimidated the Indians that they withdrew with- out making an attack. Tliis post, however, was afterwards aban- doned by the garrison, and the place was soon after destroyed by the enemy. GREENFIELD. " Oh, all unshaken Is the colli, deep spell around them, Pulseless every breast ; In the slumber that hath bound them. They must ever rest. Bright, pure onci taken From the earth so glad and blooming, From IKe'ii ireaclierous wave. While rich flowers the air perfuming, Nod above their grave." — D. Ellen Goodman. [The Oldest Monument.] In Memory of Edward Allin, who died Dec. 10, 1756, in y" ('9 year of his age. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Rev. xxx. Obed, Son of Mr. Ebenezer and Mrs. Elisabeth Wells, Died Sept. 10th, 1758, aged 11 years and 7 months. EPITAPHS. 189 In memory of Mr. Joel Graves, who died April y" 16, A. D. 1760, aged 23 years. In memory of Mr. Asa Wells, who died Nov. y« 7th, 1761, A. D., in the 32 year of his age. [The Oldest Monument in the North Burying Ground.] In memory of Mrs. Sebra, Wife of Capt. Isaac Newton, who died Dec'r y^ 25th, 1775, in y^ 25th year of her age. In Memory of Mrs. Rebeckah Hinsdale, the virtuous and amiable Consort of Mr. Samuel Hinsdale, who died Aug^* 16th, 1760, in y^ 48th year of her age. " A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband." " Death is a debt to nature due ; "Which I have paid, and so must you.'' Rev. Roger Newton, D. D., was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in this town, 18 Nov. 176J, and died 10 December, 1816, in the 80 year of his age, and 56 of his Ministry. His life was adorned with private and domestic virtues, and dis- tinguished by publick and professional usefulness. Mrs. Mary Newcomb, Wife of R. E. Newcomb, Esq., and last surviving child of Gen. Joseph Warren, who fell on Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, Died Feb. 9, 1826, M 54. 190 EPITAPHS. MONTAGUE. In memory of Mr. Elijah Bardwell, who died Jan'y 26, 1786, in y^ 27th year of his age. Having but a few days survived ye fatal night, wh.en lie was flung from his horse, and drawn by ye stirrups 26 rods along ye path, as appeared by the place where his hat was found, and here he had spent ye whole of the followhig severe cold night, treading down the snow in a smaU circle. The family he left was an aged father, a wife, and three small children. BERNARDSTON In memory of the Hon. Major John Burke, who died Oct. 27, 1784, in y^ Sixty-Seventh year of his age. '* Were I so tall to reach the pole, Or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measured by my soul, — The mind 's the standard of the man. EPITAPHS. 191 BELCHERT0WN. Sacred to the memory of Rev. Justus Forward, Pastor of the Church in Belchertown, Who, skilled in Evangelical Doctrine, exemplary in Christian duty, prudent in council, valiant for the truth, faithful and successful in labors, after a long and useful ministry, in which with reputation to himself, and to the spiritual benefit of his flock, he served God, and his generation, fell asleep March 8, A. D. 1814, in the 84th year of his age, and the 59th of his ministry. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." VERNON, VERMONT [The Oldest Monument in this Burying Ground.] Here lies cut down like unripe fruit, A Son of Mr. AMOS TuTE, And of MRS. JEMiME TuTE his Wife, CaUed JONATHAN ; of whose frail life, The days all summed how short the account, Scarcely to fourteen years amount, Born the 12th of May was he In Seventeen Hundred Sixty-Three ; To death he fell a helpless Prey, On April V & Twentieth day, In Seventeen Hundred Seventy- Seven, Quiting this world we hope for Heaven. V 192 EPITAPHS. Behold the amazing alteration, Effected by innoculation, The means employed Ms Life to save, Hurried him headlong to the grave. Full in the bloom of youth he fell, Alas what human tongue can tell, The Mother s grief, her anguish show, Or paint the Father s heavier woe. Who now no Natral offspring has His ample fortune to possess. To fill his place Stand in liis stead, Or bear his name when he is dead. So God ordand. His ways are just, Tho' Empires Crumble into dust ; Life and the world mere bubles are, Let loos to these, for Heaven prepare. Note. — The above was written by Rev. Bunker Gay, an ec- centric Minister of this town. Sarah Newell, Wife of George Semour, Daughter of Arad and Sarah Hunt, Born May 7, 1821, Died at Litchfield, Ct., April 21, 1843. "Not lost, but gone before." In memory of Mrs. Martha Bridgman, Wife of Capt. Orlando Bridgman, who died April y^ 3d, 1766, in the 68th year of her age, and the first person that was buried in this yard. Sacred to the memory of CAPT. ORLANDO BRIDGMAN, who departed this life June 4th, 1771, in the 70th year of his age. " Whilst living men my tomb do view, Remember well here's room for you." EPITAPHS. 193 THE HON. JOHN BRIDGMAN, ESQ., A MAN of splendid abilities and eminent usefulness in his day, An implacable enemy of Vice, Superstition and Bigotry, and ardent lover and friend of Virtue and Religion, Cheerful in Prosperity, in Adversity Placki & Submissive. Christian Piety and Morality, Probity and Fidelity, Justice, Temperance Humility, Industry &l good economy adorn'd his LJF. Ob. FEB 26, 1805, ^t 68. " The upright man whose end is peace, Dying, obtain'd a sweet release ; And when the just to life shall rise, Among the first he'll mount the skies." Memento Mori. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Ruth Bridgman, Consort of John Bridgman, Tsq , who died June 1, 1797, in the 58th year of her age. Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now you soon must be, Prepare for death, and follow me. The unfortunate Miranda, Daughter of John &, Ruth Bridgman, whose remains are here interred, fell a prey to the flames that consomd her Father's Hoose, on y" 11th of June, 1791, aged 28. The room below flamed like a stove, Anxious for those who slept above, She ventured on ye trembling floor, It fell, she sank and rose no more. 17 194 EPITAPHS. x In memory of Mr. Amos Tute, who died April ITth, 1790, in the 60th year of his age. " Were I so tall to reach the pole, Or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measured by my soul, The mind's the standard of the man." Mrs. Jemima Tute, Successively Relict of Messrs. William Phips, Caleb Howe &i, Amos Tute. The two first were killed by th3 Indians, Phips, July 5th, 1743, Howe, June 27th, 1755. When Howe was killed she and her Children, then seven in num- ber, were carried into captivity. The oldest daughter went to France, and was married to a French Gentleman. The youngest was torn from her breast, and i)erished with hunger. By the aid of some benevolent Gent'n, and her own personal heroism, she recovered the rest. She had two by her last husband, outlived both him and them, and died March 7th, 1805, having passed through more vicissitudes, and endured more hardships, than any of her cotem- poraries. \ " No more can Savage foe annoy. Nor aught her wide spread fame destroy." >r Here lies the Body of Mr. James Tute, who departed — this life April — the — 14th, 1775, aged — about 90 years. *' When living men my tomb do view. Remember well here's room for you." HON. JONATHAN HUNT, Born in Northfield, Mass., September 23, 1738, Died in Vernon, June 1, 1823, affed 85. Susannah, Widow of Hon. Jonathan Hunt, Died June 29, 1834, M 85. EPITAPHS. 195 GEN. ARAD HUNT, Died Feb 18, 1825, in his 82 year. Arad Hunt, Died Aug. 30, 1833, aged 43. Sally Hunt, wife of Arad Hunt, Died Sept. 15, 1846, aged 52. GUILFORD, VT Sacred to the memory of the Hon. BENjARiiN Carpenter, Esq , Pjrn in Rehohath, Mass., A. D. 1726, A Magistrate in Rhode Island in 1794, A Public Teacher of Righteousness, An able advocate to his last for Democracy, and the equal rights of man. Removed to this town A D. 1870, ^'^'^ Was a Field Officer in the Revolutionary War, A founder of the first Constitution and Government of Vermont, A Counsellor of Errors in A. D. 1783, A member of the Council, and Lieut. Governor of the Stale in A. D. 1779, A firm professor of Christianity in the Baptist Church fifty years, left this world. And 146 persons ot lineal posterity, March 29th, 1804, Aged 78 years 10 months and 12 days. With a strong mind, and full faith of a more glorious state hereafter. Statue about six feet — weight 2001bs. Death had no terror. o"' k 196 EPITAPHS. WESTMINSTER, VT In memory of William French, Son of Mr. Nathaniel French, who was shot at Westminster, March y*' 13, 1775, by the hands of cruel Ministerial Tools of George y^ 3d, in the Cort house, at a 11 a'ciock at night, in the 22d year of his age. Here William French his Body lies, For Murder, his Blood for Vengeance cries. King George the Third his Tory Crew, Tha wich a bawl his head Shot threw. For Liberty and his Country's Good Lost his Life, his Dearest blood. Sacred to the memory of Captain Thomas Forrist, late of London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, who died on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1795, aged 67. After a long and laborious life, spent chiefly in the service of the English East India Company, in exploring the dangerous, un- known navigation of the Mollucca and Philippine Islands, the Coast of New Guinea, and other parts of the Indian Seas, no less amiable in private, than active in public life. His death Avas sincerely regreted by all who knew him, as a loss to his friends in particular, and to society at large. EPITAPHS. 197 In memory of Mrs. Hannah McNeil, Relict of Mr. Nehemiah McNeil, who died June the 6th, 1795, aged 75 years. Attend ye people to God's Laws, And strictly lend an ear, The words that from my dust procede Attentively do hear. O, world of people praise the Lord, For bountiful is he, His tender mercies doth endure To all eternity. Vitse Summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam. To perpetuate the memory of Mrs. Gratia Bradley, the amiable consort of the Hon. Stephen R. Bradley, Member of the Senate of the United States, who died the 10th day of January, in the Year of Redemption 1802, and of her age the 34th. Mrs. Merab Bradley, the early wife and affectionate friend of Stephen R. Bradley, Esq., who departed this life on the 7th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1785, in the 28th year of her age. Accept, departed friends, the last tribute of affection which your deserted and disconsolate partner can bestow. His last hope ^^dll be to rest from his sorrows beside you, or to dwell with you in the habitation "made without hands, eternal in the heayens," then perhaps when « there shall be none to mourn," some stranger who has known and felt the loss of those virtues which adorn the Wife, the Mother, the Sister and the Friend, will pause and drop a tear over the ashes in which they once resided. Lisatiate archer ! could not one sufxi'je ? Thy shaft flew twice, and twice my peace was slam. 17* 198 EPITAPHS. AZUBAH, Wife of Aaron Hitchcock, Corn Jan. 18, 1795, married Jan. 21, 1827, Died Jan. 7, 1842. Elizabeth, Wife of Rev. Wm. H. Gilbert, Died Dec. 13, 1846, M 25. I opened not my mouth because thou did'st it. BRATTLEBORO', VT Erected in memory of Mrs. Mercy Whitney, Consort of Doct' Ephraim Whitney, who died Feb'y 26th, A. D. 1792, aged 50 years. While the dear dust she leaves behind, Sleeps in thy bosom, sacred tomb, Soft be her bed, her slumber kind, And all her dreams, of joys to come." This is in memory of Mr. Timothy Whipple, who departed this life November 4th, 1796, in the 72d year of his age. '* Deliriums State, was worse than fate ; And vacancy of mind ; But real grace, fill'd up the space, And left a hope behind." EPITAPHS. 199 This stone consecrated to the memory of Madam Jane Robbins, Consort of the late Rev. Doc. Robbins, who languished from his death, 80 June, 1799, till 12 Sept. Anno Domini, 1800, when, in the GO year of her age, she commenced her inseparable union with her much beloved consort, and her tombstone is erected by the piety of her afflicted children. NEWBURYPORT. ''This Cenotaph Is erected with affectionate veneration, to The memory of the Rev. George Whitfield, Born at Gloucester, England, December 16, 1714. Educated at Oxford University ; Ordained 1736. In a ministry of thirty-four years, He crossed the Atlantic thirteen times, And preached more Than eighteen thousand sermons. As a soldier of the Cross, humble, devout, ardent. He put on the Whole armour of God ; preferring The honor of Christ To his own interest, repose, Reputation, and life. X 200 EPITAPHS. CONCORD. God wills us free ; mau wills us slaves. I will as God wills, God's will be done. Here lies the body of John Jack, a native of Africa, who died March, 1773, aged about 60 years. ! Though born in a land of slavery, he was born free ; though he j lived in a land of liberty, he lived a slave, till, by his honest, though stolen labours, he acquired the source of slavery, I Avhich gave him his freedom, though not long before I death, the grand tyrant, gave him his final emancipation, and set him on a footing with kings. Though a slave to vice, he practiced those virtues, without which, kings are but slaves. Note. — This was written by Daniel Bliss, Esq. DORCHESTER. Hear lyes our Captaine, & MAJOR of Sufiblk was withall, A godley Magistrate was he, and MAJOR GENERALL Two Troops of hors with liim here Came, Such worth liis love did Crave ; Ten Companyes of Foot also Mourning Marcht to his gravi Let all that read be sure to keep the faith as he has don, "With Christ he lives now crown' d, His name was HUMPHREY ATHERTON He dyed the 16 of September 1661. EPITAPHS. 201 PLYMOUTH. The Pilgrim Fatlieis where are they ? 'J'he waves that brought tham o'er Still roll in the bay and throw their spray, As they break along the shore Still roll in the bay as they rolled that day, When the JVlay-FIower mooied below ; When the sea around was black with storms, And white the shore with snow. The Pilgrim Fathers are at rest, When Summer's throned on high. And the world's warm breast is m verdure dress'd. Go stand on the lull where they lie. The earliest ray of the golden day On that hallowed spot is cast; And ihe evening sun as he leaves the world, Looks kindly on that spot last." — Pierpont. The most ancient Inscriptions are on Burying Hill, formerly Fort Hill, it is in the rear of the Tom^i rising one hundred and sixty-five feet above the Sea-level, embracing about eight acres, on the summit of the south-west side, the Pilgkims erected first some temporary defence, but on the approach of PhiUip's war they erected a strong fort one hundred feet square, strongly palisadoed, ten and a half feet high ; no other place could have been so well chosen either for discovering the approach of Savages, or for defen- ding the town against their attacks ; it is covered with the symbols of mortality ; the sepulchres of our PILGRIM FATHERS. Here we tread on the ashes of those to whom Ave are indebted under providence for our most precious earthly enjoyments. Religious and Civil liberty. Here lies the body of Edward Gray, Gent. aged about 52 years, and departed this life about the last of June 1681. 202 EPITAPHS. Departed this life, 23 June, 1T96, in the 90 year of her age, Madam Priscilla Hobart, relict of the Rev. Noah Hobart, late of Fairfield, in Connecticut, her third h jsband. Her first and second were John Watson, Esq , and Hon. Isaac Lothrop. In memory of Doctor Lazarus Le Baron, who departed this life, 2 September, 1773, ret. suae 75. My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains, with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's likeness rise. Here lyeth buried the body of that precious servant of God Mr. Thomas Cushman, who, after he had served his generation according to the will of God, and particularly the Church of Plymouth, for many years, in the office of i a ruling elder, fell asleep in Jesus, 10 Dec, 1691, and in the 84 year of his age. Andrew Farrell, of respectable connections, in Ireland, aged 38 years, owner and commander of the ship, Hibernia, sailed from Boston, 26 Jan. and was wrecked on Ply- mouth beach, 28 Jan. 1805. His remains with five of seven seamen, who perished with him, are here interred. O piteous lot of man's uncertain state ; "What woes on life's eventful journey wait ! By sea, what treacherous calms, what sudden storms. And death, attendant in a thousand forms ! EPITAPHS. 203 Here Lyes y^ Body of y^ / Honorable Major William Bradford, y who expired February y'' 20 1703-4 aged 79 years. ■ He lived long, but still was doing good, And in bis country's service lost much blood. After a life well spent, he's now at rest, — His very name and memory is blest." Here lies buried the body of Mr. Thomas Clark, aged 98 years, who departed this life, the 24 of March, 1697. This stone is erected to the memory of that unbiassed judge, faithful officer, sincere friend, and honest man, Col. Isaac Lothrcp, who resigned this life, on the 26 day of April, 1750, in the 43 year of his age. Had virtue's charms the power to save Its faithful votaries from the grave. This stone had ne'er possess' d the fame Of being mark'd with Lothrop's name. In memory of George Watson, Esq., who died the 3d of Dec. 1800, in the 33 year of his age. No folly wasted his paternal store. No guilt, no sordid av'rice made it more. With honest fame and sober plenty crown' d, He liv'd and spread his cheering influence round. Pure was his walk and peaceful was his end We bless' d his rev'rend length of days. And hail'd him, in the pubUckways, With veneration and with praise, Our father and our firiend. 204 EPITAPHS. To the memory of John Cottox, Esq. formerly a minister of the gospel at Halifax, which employ was ever his crreatest delight, who died, 4 Nov. A. D. 1789, in the 78 year of his age. 'Tis heaven's irrevocable decree, That the great, the good, the pious shall fall, In that dark grave nndistinguish'd to lie, Till the last trumpet rends the azure sky ; When the virtuous immortal -will rise, To glory and joys, above the starry skies ; The vitious to pain, dishonor, contempt, In realms, below the splendid firmament. D A N V E R S. This humble stone in memory of Elizabeth Whitm.\n, is inscribed by her weeping Friends. To -whom she endeared herseK by uncommon tenderness and affec- tion. Endowed with superior genius and acquirements, she was still more endeared by humility and benevolence. Let candor throw a veil over, lor great was her Charity for others. She sustamed the last pauiful scene far from every friend, and exhibited an example of cahw resignation. Her departure was on the 2oth of Jvily. A. D. 1788, in the 37th year of her age. And the tears of Strangers watered her grave. Note. She was better known to readers of romance by the name of '• ElLza Wharton." EPITAPHS. 205 EAST HARTFORD, C O X N [The oldest Monument in East Hartford Ls about two feet square a few rods north of Gov. Pitkin's Table Monument, and is in a good state of preservation. On it is the following LrLScription :] HERE LTETH THE BO Dy OF ObADi AH WOOD WHO DIED APRIL THE II, ITI2, in the 64yEAR oF Ills AGE. In Memory of Mr. Phixeas, Son of Mr. Thomas and Mrs Mary Burnham, who died tryumphingly, in hops of a goyful resurection in Dec. y^ 2-2nd, A D. 1776, in y' 23d year of his age. Here lies the Rev'd Eliphalet Williams, D. D , who died June 29, 1803, in the 7Tth year of his age, and o6th of his ministry. He was an able orthodox, faithful, Laborioiis, Exemplarv & Suc- cessful Minister of Jesus Christ, patient under long and' sharp bodily distress, Resigned to the will of his Master, He committed himself to Him that judgeth righteouslv. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." 18 206 EPITAPHS. Here lieth interred the body of > the Honorable William Piikin, Esqr , late Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, To the God of Nature indebted for all his Talents, for which Glory he aimed to Imploy them ; In Religion without affectation, Chearfull, Humble and Temperate, Zealous and bold for the Truth, Faithfull in Distributing Justice, Scattering away Evil with his Eye, an Example of Christian Virtues, A Patron of his Country, A Benefactor to the Poor, A Tender Parents Faithfull Friend. Twelve Years he presided in the Superior Court, and three Years and an half Governor in Chief, after Serving his Generation, by the Will of God, with Calmness and serenity, fell on Sleep the 1st day of October, A. D. 1769, in the 76 year of his Walk Thoughtfull on the Solemn Shore Of that Yast Ocean thou art Soon to pass. Here lyes Interr'd the Body of the Rev'd M^ Sam^^^ Woodbridge, who haveing for about forty years fulfilled his Ministry in the 3rd C''' of Christ in Hartford, Fell asleep June the 9th, \7i^\ in the 63d year of his age. Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Content Woodbridoe, the late pious & Virtuous Consort, of the Rev'd Mr. Samuel Woodbridge, Who fell asleep July y*^ 28th, A. D. 1758, In y'' 67 year of her age. She was an Ornament to Religion in the Different Stations She Sustained. EPITAPHS. 207 In Memory of Mrs Mahy. Wife of Mr. John Fowler, who departed this life April y" 3d, 1776, I in y*" 39th year of her age. j << Another hear lies, not alone, I For she's three daughters near this stone." In Memory of Jehuymy R. Williams, who was killed by liorhtning, Aug. 27, 1809, aged 27 years. Here Lyes y^ Body of Mary, y^ wife of Daniel Deckanson, her maiden name was Mary Williamson, I Deceased April y^ 6th, 1718. j in y'' 30th year of her age. ' Her child lyes by her right side. u; nder this Monu- ment lies interred y® remains of Jonathan Hills, Esq., who departed this life Feb. y*" 22d, A. D. 1775, in y* 78th year of his age. " Hope humbly then, with humble pinions soar ; Wait the great Teacher death, and God adore." Capt. Joseph Merriman, was lost at Sea, 1834, aged 44. Eunice, his wife, died Sept. 15, 1849. Sacred to the memory of William H. Drake, who was born in New York, Dec. 9, 1813, died June 12th, 1847. 208 EPITAPHS. In Memory of Deacon John Goodwin, who departed this life Sept. the 14th, 1793, aged 87 year s. '' Life is unsertain, death, is snre, Sin is the wound, and Christ the cure." Here lies y'' precious dust of that desireable woman, Mrs. Mary Williams, Consort of y^ Rev. Eliph Williams, Courteous, Benevolent and Pious, a pattern of Conjugal and Pa- rental affection, a rich blessing to her family ; how rich this Stone han't power to tell. She departed this life in hope of a better, June 28th, 1776, in ye 50th year of her age. "Go Header, Love thy Soul, and Learn to die." In Memory of Mr. Jonathan Burr, Died at Mr. Elisha Burr's Feb. y*^ 9t.h, 1770, in y*" 78th year of his age. WINDSOR, CONN Here lyeth the body of the Hon. Ro(jer Wolcott, Esq., of Windsor, who for several years was Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, died May 17th, Anno ^tatis 89, Salutis 1767. Earths highest station ends in here he lies. And dust to dust concludes her noblest song. EPITAPHS. 209 NEW HAVEN, CONN J. D. Esq. deceased March y^ 18th, in y^ 82d year of his age, 1668-9 Note. — This is a copy of the inscription on the headstone of John Dixwell, one of the regicides, who fled to this country on the restoration of king Charles, the second. — [See Stiles' Hist. Re- gie ides.] In memory of the y Hon. Roger Sherman, ^ mayor of tiie city of New Haven, and senator of the United States. He was born at Newton, in Massachusetts, 19 April 1721, and died at New Haven 23 July, A. D. 1793, aged 72. Possessed of a strong, clear, and penetrating mind, and singular perseverence, he became the self taught scholar. Eminent for jurisprudence and policy, he was nineteen years an assistant, and twenty-three years a judge of the supreme court in high reputation. He M^as a delegate in the first congress, signed the glorious act of independence, and many years displayed superior talents and ability in the national legislature. He was a member of the gen- eral convention, approved the federal constitution, and served his country with fidehty and honour in the house of representatives, and in the senate of the United States. He was a man of improved integrity, a cool discerning judge, a prudent sagacious politician, a true, faithful, and firm patriot. He ever adorned the profession of Christianity, which he made in youth, and was distinguished through life for pubKc usefulness, and died in the prospect of a blessed immortality. Wm. JoNF.s, Esq. Dep Gov. dec. 17 Oct. 1706, aetat. 82. 18* 210 EPITAPHS. Mrs. Hannah Jones, dec. 4 May, 1707, fetat. 74. The memory of the just is blessed. TiiEOPHTLUs Eaton, Esq. Gov. dec. 7 Jan. 1657, a3tat. 67. Eatox so famed, so -wise, so meek, so just ; The phoenix of our world, here liides his dust, This name forget X. England never must. To attend you, syr, undr these framed stones, Are come yor liond son and daughter Jones, On each hand to repose yr weary bones. Here lyeth interred the body of the Reverend and Learned Mr. Thomas Clap, the late president of Yale College, in New Haven. A truly great man, a gentleman of superior natural genius, most assiduous apphcation, and indefatigable industry. In the va- rious branches of learning he greatly excelled ; an accomplish- ed instructor ; a patron of the college ; a great divine ; bold for the truth ; a zealous promoter and defender of the doctrines of grace ; of imaffected piety, and a pattern of every virtue , the tenderest of fathers and best of friends, the glory of learning, and an ornament of religion ; for thir- teen years, the faithfiil and much respected pastor of the church in Windham ; and, near 27 years, the laborious and faithful pres- ident of the college, and having served his own generation, by the ■will of God, with serenity and calmness, he fell on sleep, the 7 day of January, 1767 in his 64 year. Death, great proprietor of all, 'Tis thine to tread out empires And to quench the stars. In memory of Captain Robert 'J'ownsend, who departed this life, 19 Nov. l«06, in the 59 year of his age. This spot contains the ashes of the just, Who sought no honours and betray' d no trust. This truth he prov'd, in everv path he trod. An honest man's the noblest work of God. INDEX Page. ' AUen, Ellen W 70 William 70 Charles R 70 Dea'n. Samuel 17 Phineas 40 Jonathan 40 Maj 40 Joseph 41 EUzabeth 41 Elisha 41 H. Maria 41 William Esq 41 Elijah 41 Keziah 41 Sarah J. B 70 »•- Ashmun, Eli P 56 - Lucy 56 Sophia W 57 Orpha 57 Mary C 128 Sarah H 128 Ashley, Benjamin 139 Elenor 142 Joseph 142 John 154 Alvord Ben'n 56 A. M 181 A. E 182 Alexander Nathaniel 19 John 27 Sarah 27 John 27 Daniel 26 Atkins, Zenas 155 Abbott, Maria L 96 Atherton, Gen. Humphrey. 200 Allin, Edward 188 Page. Adams, Eliza P 103 David 103 \ MarvE 103 '. David 103 i Sarah P 103 ! i Bancroft, Sarah H 128 : Burt, Eben 22 Henrv 14 Bartlett, Samvel 16 Sarah 16 Joseph 86 Benjamin 86 Bradford, Hon. William. . . 203 ', Bagg, David 140 : Bontecou, Sibyl 127 j \ Beck, Louisa A 72 Bolter, WiUiam 65 Bascom, Joseph 19 Brown, Rev. John 134 BuU, Justin 184 Barnard, Joseph 181 i Brooks, Joanna 126 j Barnard, Abner 31 | Rachel 30 Abner 83 Barrett, Rebecca 103 Byers, Sophia 114 Capt. James 114 Hannah 114 | Bryant John 114 i ■ Hannah M 114! Henry K 115 • Frederick 1 1 5 i Frederick 115| Burt, Dea. Nathaniel 144 ; Solomon 144 | Lieut. Nathaniel 145 t I- 212 INDEX. Page. Berrva 100 Bond, Royal 123 Brainerd, David 36 Baker, Edward 35 Capt. John 46 Stephen 180 Capt. John 46 Rebeckah 46 Holister 105 Barber, Dea. John 136 Thomas 136 Breck, Joseph H 93 Col. John 65 Electa Go Clarissa 65 Theodore 66 Rev. Robert 116 Eunice 126 Fanny 92 Martin 92 William 93 Butler, Lewis 81 MarvA 81 Edward 81 WiUiam 81 Marv 81 WiUiam 81 John B 82 Daniel 82 Anna 82 Mary 82 Simeon 82 Rev. Amos 157 Abigail W 86 Charles P 86 Bliss, Abigail 130 Wid. Margaret 110 Samuel IJO Ebenezer 110 Jedediah 110 Rachel HO Mariam 110 Alex 110 Margaret Ill Abigail Ill Edmund Ill Page. Bliss, Alex 11] Margaret Ill Thomas W Ill Richard Ill Thomas W Ill Edmund Ill Elijah Ill Gen. Jacob 115 Col. John 115 Jacob Jun 115 . Emily 115 Lieut. Timothy 115 Doct. Jonathan 117 Doct. Pelatiah 117 Pelatiah 117 Hon. Moses 130 Brewer, Rev. Dan' el 117 Daniel Jim 117 Katherine 118 Nathaniel 118 Eunice 118 Doct. Chauncv 118 Amy \ 118 Lucy 118 Kate 118 Charles 118 Anne 118 Belden, Rev. Pomeroy. . • . 169 Baldwin, Elnathan 147 Burnel, Hannah 179 Bishop, Eliza 152 Boltwood, Solomon 169 Lieut. Solomon 169 Ballantine, Rev. John 154 Ball, Rev. Nehemiah 154 Bryant, Benjamin 180 Bullard, Paul 161 Bridgman, James 101 Sarah 101 James 101 Sally M 101 Henry 101 Joseph Cook 101 Capt. Orlando 192 Hon. John 193 Ruth 195 INDEX. 213 Page. Bridgman, Miranda 193 Thomas 101 Thomas 102 Thomas 1 02 Elizabeth 102 William 102 Betsey 102 Bradley, Gratia 197 Merab 197 Beamon, Limon 181 Hannah 181 Bardwell, Elijah 190 Bnrk, Maj. John 190 Burnham, Phineas 205 Burr, Jonathan 208 Clarke, Lieut. William.... 13 Clark, Mercy 18 Kachel •• 18 Sam'l 23 Rebecka 27 Martha 28 Sarah 29 Dorcas 38 Martha 4o Seth D 60 Lem'l C 60 Lemuel 59 Lucretia 59 Ezra 53 Martha 53 Anna 51 Zeurah 61 Charlotte 61 William 67 Josiah 67 Mary 67 Dea. Josiah 68 Sophia 69 Eunice 160 Rozel 160 Medad 160 Martha 88 Lydia 91 Lucinda 91 Christopher 91 Elizabeth W 91 Page. Clark, John P 91 Achsa 92 A. M 92! Sylvester 99 I i Church, Sylvia 100 ! | Cook, Major Aaron 14 | j Joseph 60 M Dea. Noah 60 Elijah 60, 1 Abigail 60 i| Capt. Joseph 59 Justin 58 Capt. Joseph 55 Lydia 55 Emeline 61 Enos 61 Hannah 61 j [ • Capt'nNoah 162 i Carpenter, Hon. Benjamin. 195 j| Cotton, John 204 j j Clark, Wniiam 93 ji Jerusha 93 j| Mary 93'! Lucius 93 j j Miranda 94 Sarah 94 !| Thomas 203 !| Cooley,Earl 121 || Curtis, Nathaniel 17 i j Samuel 90 i j Corse, Eben'r 164 Sarah 163:! Chauncy, Rev. Isaac ^ ^^ 1 1 Clap, Cap. Preserved 19^. Mehetable 201! Capt. Roger 30 ' Suply 35 Hannah 35 Ehzabeth 38 Suply 52 Lucretia 53 : Ezra 151 ' Thomas 160" Maj'r Jonathan 163 Cap. Luther 164 i| Tirzah 164 1! 214 INDEX. Pdje Clapp, Thomas Rev 210 Clap, Roger 16o Anny 1 65 Preserved 88 Sarah 88 Eliphaz 88 Rachel 88 Cushman, Thomas 202 Cooley Abigal 119 Cole, Cvrus P 123 Child, "Ami 123 William 123 Chapin, Abilene 110 Japhat 110 Sarah 110 John P 124 Erastus S 124 Francis N 1 24 Arabilla 125 Callender, M. C 123 Colton, Elizabeth 113 Capt'n Thomas 144 Capt. Isaac 1 45 Coleman, Doct. Seth 170 Cutler, Doct. Robert 170 Doct. Isaac G 171 DooHttle, Rev. W. N 60 Dwit, Nathaniel 136 D wight, Clarissa 56 Caroline W 56 Margaretta 56 Francis H 55 Timothy E 55 Sarah 112 Hon. Thomas 121 Hannah 121 Hon. Jonathan 121 Margaret 122 James S 122 Mary S 122 James S 122 Jonathan 122 Hannah 122 Thomas 128 Sarah 129 Timothy E 85 Dwight, WiUiam H I Josiah I Thoma:3 Dickauson, Marv Drake, William H [Draper, Rev. Ichabod.. jDewev, Francis A I David L James C Edward J Heiuy C Dickenson, Capt. James Josiah Wealthv Seth H Caroline Cotton Olive Rev. Austin Samuel F Lucretia G Dea. Obadiah Hannah Ilepzibah Day, Samuel Major John Mary Drak, Mary Dyer, Benjamm Drayton, Hannah Dixon, Ruth Eaton, Theopilus Esq. . Edwards, Eben Jonathan Jerusha Ebenezer Lucy Mary Nathaniel Elizabeth , Elisha Frank Stanley Timothy Timothv Oo-den E Page. 85 85 85 207 207 168 72 76 96 96 96 73 I 74 74 74 74 74 74 170 170 170 173 184 184 140 140 140 143 155 105 84! 210 24 36 36 38 38 73 73 74 127 127 127 161 162 94 I INDEX. 21i Pafre. Edwards, Catherine 95 Mary S 95 Thomas S 95 Eugene 95 Pomeroy 95 Harriet 95 Eudns, Rebeccah 138 Ely, Ensign John. 137 Dea. John 137 Mercy 137 Caleb 137 Samuel 137 Mary 138 MaryWid 138 Dorcas 138 Mary 139 Anna 139 Seth 139 Pamilia 139 Samuel 140 Major John 141 Edmund 153 FrankHn 153 Flint, Hannah W 77 F. S 182 Fairfield, Abigal 21 Prvdence 21 Freedom, Susan 118 Foot, Adonijah 130 Adonijah 130 Fowler, Porter 152 Mary 207 Hon. Samuel 155 Jemima 155 Samuel 155 FarroU, Andrew 202 Fenner 95 Forward, E,ev. Justice 191 French, William 196 Forrist, Capt. Thomas 196 E. G 1 Glover, John 109 Gray, Sarah 100 'Edward 201 Garnsey, Isaac 50 Grant, Thankful 152 Gere, Edward 158 Page. Graves, Joel 189 Abigal 63 Elisha 64 Catherine 64 Edward 64 Edward B 95 Timothy 96 Goodwin, E-ev. D. E 158 Dea. John 208 Gunn, John 144 Gould, Ilev. Vinson 166 Granger, Almira 96 Gilbert, Elizabeth 198 Hills, Jonathan Esq 209 Holyoke, Mary 108 Hale, Octavia 161 Sarah 120 Almira 120 Rev. Enoch 161 Hayden, Josiah. 157 Josiah 158 Hobart, Priscilla 202 Hastings, Hon. John 174 Hunt, Capt. Jared 160 Hayes, Ilev. Joel 176 Hinsdale, Rebeckah 189 Huntington, H. B. H 104 H. S 104 H. M. H 104 Huggins, John 119 Hitchcock, Luke 119 Azubah 198 Hosmer, Thomas 13 H. C 14 H. T 14 Hunt, Deacon Jonathan.. 15 John 16 Jonathan 32 Thankful 32 Elizabeth 37 Dea. Ebenezer 37 Col'n Seth 49 John 49 Esther 49 Sarah 66 Hon. Ebenezer 66 Abner 66 216 INDEX. Pag'e. Hunt, Sarah 67 Wm. King 67 Elisabeth 67 Martha H 71 Ebenezer 71 Maria L 71 John 71 Samuel H 71 David 71 Wealthy 71 Luther ' 76 Luther 76 Medad 76 Susan 76 Frederick 77 Ann M 128 Susan A 128 Henshaw, Hon. Samuel... 72 Eliza 72 Martha 72 Hooker, Lucy A 120 Rev. John 20 Sarah 43 John 119 Sarah 119 Richard 120 Clarissa 120 Charles 86 Mary 86 Sarah D 86 Hinckley, Dorothy 78 Hon. SEimuel 79 Dolly A 79 Dolly A 79 Phebe E 79 George 79 Hovkins, Maria 70 ^Wille 70 Rev. Samuel 135 ^annum Joseph 69 Eliza A 69 HaNvley, Lidia 24 Lieut. Joseph 24 Hon. Joseph 24 Rebeka 24 Hale, Experience 143 Page. Hale, Hezekiah 143 Holbrook, Pelatiah 21 Hulbert, James 52 i Mary 52 j Hall, Jonathan 50 | Healy, Cap. Joshua 180 } Hinsdale, Mehuman 182 t Hawks, Col. John 183 | EKzabeth 183 j Hunt, Hon. Jonathan 194 i Susannah 1 94 I Gen. Ardad 195 | SaUy 195 t Arad 195 j Hinsdale,, Rebeckah 109 | Ligols, Abigal 84 j Ives, Maj. Mathew 151 | Ingersol, Paul 151 Capt. John 152 LS 53 Judd, Simeon 16 Thomas 18 William 25 Sylvester 159 Hannah 160 Solomon 162 Hophni 162 Rev. Jonathan J 66 Jakubowski, A. A. J. M. . . 100 Judd, Sylvester 166 Jonathan 167 I David 89 Sarah 89 Da\'id 89 Spencer 89 Eliza S 89 Charles S 89 Jack, John 200 Keep, EKzabeth 144 D. J. Esq 209 Jones, William Esq 209 Hannah 210 KeUogg, Mary 133 Anne 154 Jonathan 171 Mary 171 INDEX. 217 Kellogg, Lois ] 7 1 Chester 171 Ira.., wl Kingsbur^^, Doct. Sam'l. ... 1 24 Jemima 124 Charles L 124 K. 1 14 K.B 17 King, Benjamin io Hannah 22 Hannah 45 Samuel 45 Thankful 42 Daniel 42 Mary 42 John 77 Rachel 77 Phineas 165 Kingsley, John. Sarah Suply Moses Mary, 32 33 33 37j 37 1 Marv 45 : Enos 83 ' Rebecca 83 i John 1 65 I Charles P 95 Charles B 95 I Lathrop, Cap. Thomas.... 185 . Le Baron, Doc. Lazarus, . . 202 | Lothrop, Col. Isaac 203 ; Liman, Livt. John 14 Joseph 14 Moses 15 Eunice 20 L. M 20 ; Lyman, Martha 28 | Catherin 28 | Zadok 29 Gideon Esq 29 Abigal 44 Joseph 44 Jemima 48 Capt. WilHam 50 Sophia H 64 19 Page L^^nan, EHsha 44 Jonathan H 65 Abigal 77 Henry 73 Thomas 80 Parces 80 Rev. Henry 83 Jonathan 121 Submit 1 55 Capfn Azariah 1 62 Benjamin^ 166 Mary 166 Mindwell 87 Joseph 90 Elizabeth 90 Frances 90 Gen. WiUiam 1 04 Jerusha ; . . 105 Ludden, Nathaniel 105 Lord, Fidelia 1 59 Lord, Rev. Henry 159 Lord, Rev. Chester 158 Loomis, Amos 17 Lewis, Thankful 49 Lankton, John 61 Leonard, Cynthia 137 Tamer.' 137 Marv 137 Harriet 146 Delia 146 Langford, Rachel 87 L. B 87 L. D 88 Mills, Hon. E. H 80 Sarah 80 George F 80 Miller, Livt. John 18 Hannah 19 Abraham 21 Mann, Elias 57 Asenath 58 Mather, Doc. Sam! 30 Martha 31 Mather, William 47 Eunice 47 Elisha 48 r ^15 DTDEX. Joseph.. Jo6ei>h. Z. S. A X« llo 13^: 17r 1^; 141 Ui 141 142 142 142 179 1-53 152 &^ c-i 94 94 197 172 170 170 1< 5 207 207 63 63 149 1-57 1«I9 : z^-z-— 120 :.rTS 120 :^, U Wait lo Sarah 21 Cape John 21 Joseph Esq 24 J19 ; Partridge, Oliver 17-5 Anna 1*5 Park, Gen. Wareham 153 Ph.pniT. Elizabeth. 69 Phelps. Abi^ "20 M.rv -27 Samuel - • Pvnchon, Edward 113 Wm m 113 Hon. John '11 Amv Ill TVHiiam HI Malxitable H'- Hon. John 11- ilararare • 1'- Johii 11^ Bathshua ' 1 - Phebe H- John 11- William 11^ Katherine 1 1- Hon. J«>^epll 11- Edward 11- ^lUi;uu 113 Sarah 113 Gev-vrire 1 1-5 Maj. William H^ Lucv 113 Johii H3 Pre>eott. Eb^nexer 2^ Preston. John 17-5 Packarvi. J H 1-0 r Pitkin, AMiliam E>q -06 RusselL Stephen 1 1^ Archelans 1 1^^ Rebekah 131^ KS Jonathan S* Rachel §7 Caleb ^l Sarah ^* Sarah ^"^ Edward 97 ^. Phebe »^ ; Philip ^\ Julia A ^ t Elizabeth C 9S I JuliaM ^ \ Rev Caleb ^ MariaC ^ TheodvKe W : JuhaA ^\ MarthaA ^' SarahH ^\ Simeon !•* i Shepherd Thosnas ^l '^Catherine ^ Elizabeth ^ Smith. CoL William US t Jame^B 129 Easii:ne Chileab 131*^ R^T. Jonaihan 13* Chester 134 Expeiienee ^ Smih, rdxabeth 133 " Stookbrtd^. EliMbeih . - - • 1-29 Dorothy A 1^ Scott, John 1^ S^o^seant, Thomas 126 Jr.- 1;^ Ellen 1^1 Mary 1^' Saow, Corddia ^ , 220 XDEX. Smeed. Mindwell 4J Starkweatlier, Charles 62 Roxana 62 Patrr 62 Sites, Mary 116 Ensign Increase 116 Marv 116 Steams, \Villiam A 1 29 Sanborn, Susan 121 Scutt, Capt James 1 26 Elizaberh 126 Sheldon. Katron 16 Dea Thomas 25 Mary So Ebenezer 3-5 Stokes, Rev. R. S Uo Sheldon. Xoah 1-50 Stoddard, Rev. Sol 23 i Esther 31 Hon. John 34 Prudence 34 Hannah 34 Martha 42 Eunice 43 Bavid ... 43 Solomon Esq 43 jj Esther 43 Ij Arthur F 84 M William B 84 David T 84 J i Solomon 100, ! iStebbins, Gideon 26 ; j j Rowland 54 | Thc«aas 54 Joseph 54 Joseph 54 Joseph 54 Mary 54 Joseph -54 Eunice 54 Clarissa 53 Festus 1 30 Sherman, Roger 209 Tillotson. Hervev S3 :,Todd, William .'. 62 iThompson, Mary C 1 08 Turner. David Electa Achsa Soda • • ■ Thaver, Sarah Asa Tappan, Benjamin . George Sarah Taylo-, Margaret . . Samuel Rev. Edward . Rhoda Hon. Eldad . . . Thankful Ruth Capt. James — Beniamin Tabor. Charlotte S. . Tute. Jonathan . . . . Amos Jemima James Townsend, Robert . Upham, Watson, George . . . Wright, MaryT Samuel Sarah Hezekiah John Ajnne Phebe Experience . . . Capt. Xoah . . . Sarah Miriam ...... Selah Esther Asa Xoah Timothy EKzaberh Elizabeth M. C. Asahel Asahel Oi I 57 \ 51 I 51 i 159 'i 161 \l 68 1 68 1; 68 j 143 I 150 li 150 i 150 150 150 , 151 i 154;' 180 ii 100 ii 191 , 194 194 ' 194; 210i| 203 I 17 23 23 30 31 32 33 39 39 39 39 46 46; 55 i 52 { 51 r 72 h 72 ! 72 i INDEX. 221 Pa?e. Wright Henry, 72 Harriet 72 Elizabeth 73 Ephraim 78 Moses 78 I Lieut. Abel 110 ! Benjamin 116 Catherine 163 Capt. Stephen 163 Esther 161 Hezekiah 102 Theodore 103 Seth 103 Georgiana 103 Woodbridge, Rev. Timothy 1 74 John 176 Col. Enggles 1 76 Tr\-phena 1 76 Martha 176 "SVarriner, Enos James 12-5 Martha 125 Lieut. James ] 2-5 Thomas 125 Ensn Ebenezer 125 \NTiitfield, Rev. George ... 199 Womer, Eleazer 133 Ware, Wm. H 124 Mary E 124 Westgarre, John 131 Waldo, Clarissa 104 Wamen, Mary 173 Warner, Titus 172 Sarah 179 Daniel 64 Phoebe 64 WTutnev, Sarah W 91 William D 91 Margaretta 02 Alice C 92 Ellen D 92 Mercy 198 Washburn, Rev. Royal. ... 168 WTiitman, Elizabeth' 204 Wait, Ebenezer 19 Simeon 165 Wood, David G 87 19* : I Par* t Walker, Jacob 174 | AVhipple, Timothv 198 | ■\Miite,Job '. 73 1 Lewis 7.3 I Eunice 138 !| Pcrsis 179 ji Marv IcO Wells, Abigal 35 Sarah H 89 Dea. Thomas 184 Obed 186 Williams, Rev. Sol 68 Miranda 58 Julia 59 Mrs. Mar^- 58 Eleazer ." 128 Charlotte 128 Hon. Israel 173 Sarah 174 Col Ephraim 182 Thomas 182 Rev. John 183 Eunice 183 i, Abigal 183 1; Webster, John 135 I! Worthington, Marv 1*^ I Seth '. 146!! Capt. Jona 147 |] Phcebe 147'' Svbil 147 Lucv 148 Job '. 148 John 148 Abia 148 WeUs, Asa 189 Williams, Jervmv R 207 Wood, Obadiah * 205 Williams, Rev. Eliph. D. D. 205 Woodbridge, Content 206 WiUiams, Marv 208 Wolcott, Roser Esq 208 Wright, Sarah 103 Sarah 105 Samuel ^^'^ Yeomans, James 154 ERRATA, UMISSlOiNS, &C. J. Lyman, p. 135, died and was buried at York, Me. In annals, p. xi. Rev. E. P. Kogers, now of Augusta, Ga., was pastor of the Edwards Church, from 1844, to 1848. Methodist Chiux-h organized 1843 ; Rev. W. Ward, first pastor, succeeded by M. Dwight, W. R. Bagnell, C. Baker, and J. W. Mowry. P. xii. The pastors of the Baptist Church have been Rev. B. WiUard, Abel Brown, Wm. M. DooKttle, H. D. DooHttle, D. M. Crane. 1850. Leeds post-office established, Tho. Musgrave, post-master. Page 8, for 500, Church, &c. read 100. Page 57, read his for her, 17th line. Page 192, 3d line, for employed, read improved. Page 192, l8th Kne for, of this town, read of Hinsdale, N. H. Page 57, Mr Josiah Clark, ^Etat 92. Page 59. Li the 54th year of liis age, under 4th line of Joseph Cook's Epitaph. Page 62, for June 33, read June 23. The ancestor of the families of Day, found in Springfield, "West Springfield, South Iladley, and Northampton, was Robert Day, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn, who emigrated from England to this country in 1634, and died in 1648, aged 44. His eldest son, Thomas, settled at Spring -.eld, and died Dec. 27, 1711. Most of the families of the name in Springfield, and West Spring- field are descended from liim. His other son, Johx, from whom are descended the families in Soiith Hadley, and Northampton, (with one or two exceptions,) hved in Hartford, and died in that place about 1730. A genealogical register of the numerous des- cendants of Robert Day, among whom is Rev. Jeremiah Day, D. D., late President of Yale College, containing more than two thousand five hundred names, was published at Northampton in 1848, in an octavo pamphlet 130 pages. N. B. Many mscriptions are in the hands of the compiler, which could not be inserted in this book, but which are reserved for another edition or another volume. PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION AMHEKST. Edward Dickinson 5 Aaron Warner A. M. Colton J. S. &/ C. Adams J. R. Cushmaii 'Job Cushman I BOSTON. Wm. B. Calhoun Charles H. Mills 5 Samuel Henshaw 5 Isaac C. Bates 5 John Tappan 2 Charles Tappan Joseph Havvley Dorr D. P. King 4' J. P. Jewett Charles Stoddard Holman & Silsby Joseph B. Felt J. Henshaw Albert Fearing J. H. Wright Theodore M. Smith 3 J. W. Clark Levi Ingols Charles Mayo A. L. Strong William Dwight E.M.Wright 5 George Dickinson Charles A. Mann Isaac Newton Andrew H. Ward J. W. Wright James Savage 2 Charles Ewer Samuel G. Drake J. Wingate Thornton ^CAMBRIDGE. Edward Everett J. E. Worcester Jared Sparks Charles Beck 5 H. W. Longfellow 3 Theophilus Parsons Dan'l Tread well Charles Lowell MEDFORD. A. B. Warner GREENFIELD. Geo. T. Davis 3 W. T. Davis H. W. Clapp H. Chapman Titus Strong John Russell L, L. Graves E. P. Graves A. F. Stone 2 Ansel Phelps L. Merriam Edwin A. Clark Edward Dewey 224 PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION. SPRINGFIELD. Isaac Rindge Jr. George Ashman 3 L. H. Gaylord Fred Dwight 5 A. C. Markham Edward A. Morris 2 C. White David K. Lee 2 O. A. Seamans John B. Stebbins2 Geo. W. Mirick 1 R. A. Chapman 2 Luke Bardwell Cyrus Cole 2 L. F. Kellogg Richard Bliss 2 W. W. Kellogg James D. Brewer Robt. Crossett James Brewer 2d Lorenzo Norton j Henry Brewer Jr. William Bryant | Samuel L. Parson? Henry Smith j Geo. W. Rice . WORCESTER. ! Charles Stearns Francis H. Dewey ! S. D. Holman EASTHAMPTON | S. Upson J. P. Snow : 1 Samuel Bowles HADLEY. ' J. G. Holland ^ John Wood bridge j Joel Kendall Joseph Smith Rufus Sikes Elihu Dickinson R. Shurtleff Eleazor Porter j Edward W. Gere Samuel S. Hibbard W. W. Lee HATFIELD. Josiah Brown ' i Lewis Warriner G. &- C. Merriam WEST SPRINGFIELD. Sewall White A. G. Pease Daniel Merrick ' Josiah Hooker SOUTH HADLEY. 'i John Hooker David Turner E. W. Dickinson Alonzo Bardwell C. P. Nichols LONGMEADOW. Simon Sanborn Geo. W. Callender I Elam Stockbridge HAYDENVILLE, ! Josiah B. Allen Joe Hayden 10 E. A. Holcomb NORTHAMPTON. i William Bridgman Daniel Stebbins 4 M Lucius C. Allin Benjamin Barrett 2 j' Joseph H. Damon William Allen 3 ' PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION. 225 J. H. Butler 4 Edwin Kingsley j John G. Musgrave2 Lyman Kingsley | j Henry Bright 2 Quartus Kingsley : Miles G. Moies 5 N. H. Felton ! John }Iannum2 Samuel Wells Cephas Clark 2 J. D. Wells j Charles A. Dewey 5 Eliel Barnard Benjamin North 2 Asahel S. Abell Martin B Graves 2 A. G. Abell Daniel VV. Clark 2 M. 'J'. Moody J. Boies Joseph S. Brown George E. Day Charles C. Clapp James Hibben Levi Strong 1 Lewis Strong Enos Clark |J. D. Whitney John Lyman Clark S. L. Hinckley Amasa D. Wade 1 Osmyn Baker J. H. Fowle JEliph. Williams J. P. Strong ! Daniel Thompson 2 T. J. Trundy ! j Ansel Wright 2 Chauncey Clark i James Thompson Sylvester Graham Sylvester Bridgmaa David Strong John Bridgman Seth Hunt 1 Sidney E. Bridgman Josiah Hunt i Joseph C. Bridgman Joel Hunt Edward Wirner Henry S. Gere i W. A. Arnold S. xM. Smith i W. F. Arnold Charles F. Graves j William Pease Thomas Pomeroy Cordial Crane Edward Parsons 1 A. W. Thayer S. C. Parsons ' Lewis S. Hopkins Lyman Parsons i |S. W. Hopkins Josiah Parsons 1 Ebenezer Phelps Edward C. Strong William C. Prentiss Josiah W. Smith George Cook William PL Stoddard C. M. Kinney Solomon Stoddard j Elijah Abbott C. K. Hawks j 226 PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION. Charles Collins David Joy T. B. Hutchins Porter Nutting L. L. Simonds Ansel Jewett Ebenezer Hancock Thomas Walsh William B. Atkins William F. Pratt J. & L. Metcalf Samuel R. Baxter Daniel Kingsley Hiram Stebbins H. K. Starkweather jr. William A. Hawley Edward Clarke Jot^eph Allen Hervey Smith WESTHAMPTON. J. R. Dickinson Joel Cook Moses D. Clark Julius Cook J. S. Lathrop Horace Lyman Enoch H. Clark ) „, ., ,, E.H.Butler ]P''^^^da Isaac Damon, jr. T. m.Vlm^X, Auburn, N. Y. Theodore Sheldon H. Lathrop, Savannah^ Ga. Jacob Parsons L. T. Stoddard, Boston. Alpheus Lyman A.T ^iodi\AX^,Glas'ioScfd. Joseph B. Lyman William Choice, Greenville, James Clapp S. C , 10 Porter Underwood David C. Judd, Spartan- Isaac Damon burgh, S. C , 3 A. P. Peck Silas Binney, Weymouth Rufus Ellis Erastus Hodman \ Williams- Fred'ck Thayer j burgh D. M. Crane Jabez French J. C. Clark, Jenksville. Charles Walker Myron Lawrence ) Belcher- Porter Bridgman ) toum. Theodore Burt John B Graves Park Warner, Granby James Dunlap Thomas Robbins, Hartford, Christopher Clarke Conn , 2 Pliny Russell J. B. Bridgman, Sacramento ^ George Burrows California. Justin Cook William Ames, Dedham, 2.! William Lawrence BRATTLEBORO, VT. j Isaac Clark W. H. Rockwell 1 A. H. Edwards R. Wesselhoef Oliver Judd John B. Miner PATRONS OF THIS PUBLICATION. 227 George H. Salisbury J. W. Campbell Roswell Hunt 2 J. J. Crandall Albert Worthington Geo. W. Pratt Jean Bisonette E. J. Carpenter George Howe Morris Builer 4 Buf ah, N Y. John Hunt \ t^ xr. E. Howe / ^'^'^^"' ^^• EH. Barston ( Walpole, W. P. Tilden j N. H. NEW YORK. George M Snow Henry Edwards 2 Sumner Clark LBJ8?9