^v \,^ -'^'^^^^- \/ '^^^'- \,^^; ^m^^^lSm&^'^'^X^^ "^t^?:^'^ -' ^:- 'fy'f'iKr^^'M^^mSM COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. VIEWS OF AKRON, OHIO, AND ENVIRONS. Published by the FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, AKRON, OHIO. Copyright 1904 by Firit UniversaliSl Church. LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 10 1904 CoDyriKiil Entry '7{^ ^s- If i»i- OLASS «- XXc, Noi /OX. •-ho% COPY a. V 4. ^ cf ^ ^^ ^ jHE fir^ settler on the site of the City of Akron was Major Miner Spicer, ,1 who came from Groton, Connedicut, in the year I 81 0. After the location |#^| of the Ohio Canal, General Simon Perkins and Paul Williams laid out — ^^ and named the town. In 1827 it became a canal port, the fir^ boat for port, Cleveland clearing for its maiden trip on July 4th of that year. On March 1 2, 1 836, Akron was incorporated as a city. % Surrounded as it is by varied scenery, much of it beautiful and piduresque, few cities are more favorably located. Many pleasure resorts, notably Silver Lake Park, are near at hand. ^ Akron has numerous well-equipped public in^itutions which care for its religious, philanthropic and educational interests. Being the capital of Summit County, all the county buildings are, of course, located within its boundaries. ^ In a commercial way the city has been unusually favored. There has been a ^eady growth in the variety and extent of its manufaduring intere^s and millions of dollars are inve^ed in its va^ industries. It is the home of The Akron Rubber Works, operated by The B. F. Goodrich Company, the largeil rubber fadory in the world ; of The Robinson Clay Produd Company, the larger manufadurers of ^andard sewer pipe and certain clay wares in America ; of The American Cereal Company, the leading manufadurers of cereal foods in the United States, and of The Werner Company, the greater book publishing and job printing e^ablishment in the country. Besides these, it has scores of other great manufaduring plants, hardly less notable, of which space forbids even an enumeration. ^, In all ways — wealth, public im- provements, educational advancement— Akron is keeping pace with our mo^ enterprising American cities. Its future is full of promise, as its paSt has been full of achievement. Akron in 1833 View from West of Canal. 1 M.'^^in'i'iiH^si^ ''^^ ^^^^■MHii^^" ' "^ ^^O^fc< U ■ :%..:. ^shI ^^-^A^fHPBHH^^Ifl ^H^^^^^^nr^' - '. . ! ' iHrr^iifiK RM: Sm i ■^ 9Lj^~. liHfelliaflii^^^^^H^^HHI >: ' "ilj^M m^^^^ i lg___ IP^^n^ I ^^^^^^g Akron in 1904 -View from West of Canal. South Main Slreel, Looking South from Market. COUNTY AND CITY BUILDINGS. nfirmary. Markel House. Children's Home Jail. Municipal Offices. Court House. German-American Music Ha Hamilton Building. United States Post Office. Amelia Flats and Union Passenger Depot. Entrance to Colonial Theatre. Dobson Block. Banking Room. Noilh View of Rolunda. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stairway. Open Shelt Room AKRON FIRE DEPARTMENT. No. 4 - South Main Street. ^'"'^ ^"^ ^"""^ '" '^''■■°"- No. 2-East Akron. '^•^""■^'' ^°- ' -South High Street. No. 7 — North Hill. No. 6— Wooster Avenue No. 5 — East Buchtel Avenue. No. 3 — Corner Maple and Crosby Streets. The Academy. Ladies* Dormitory. BUCHTEL COLLEGE. Buchlel Hall. A Glimpse of the Campus. Crouse Gymnasium. President's House. Crosby. Spicer. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. First High School. First School House. High. Grace. Henry. Howe. Fraunfelter. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. North Hill. Bryan. Perkins. PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTIONS. Mary Day-Nursery. Grace House — Union Chanty Association. Nurses' Home and City Hospital. Young Men's Christian Association Building. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHES AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Saint Vincent de Paul's School. Saint Bernard's SchooL Saint Mary's Rectory, Church and Scho Saint Vincent de Paul's Church. Saint Bernard's Church. First Baptist. Saint Paul's Episcopal. Grace Reformed. CHURCHES. First Universalist. First Methodist Episcopal. First Congregational. First Church of Christ (Disciples). Trinity Lutheran. German Lutheran. South Main Street Methodist Episcopal. First United Brethren. CHURCHtlS. Church of Our Saviour (Episcopal). Woodland Methodist Episcopal. First Presbyterian. German Reformed. Calvary Evang Methodist Episcopal. '"^f CHURCHES, West Hill Congregational. Broad Street Church of Christ. Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran. North Hill Methodist Episcopal. Trinity Reformed. Swedish Lutheran. Wooster Avenue Reformed. Third Church of Christ (Disciples). High Street Temple (Reformed Hebrew). First United Evangelical. CHURCHES. German Methodist Episcopal. SainI John's Evangehcal Lutheran. Arlington Street Methodist Episcopal Free Methodist. Sons of Peace Temple (Hebrew). Fourth Church of Christ (Disciples). Maple Street Baptist. Wesleyan Methodist Second Baptist (Colored). Howe Street United Brethren. Central Presbyterian. A. M. E. Zion Church, I. O. O. F. Lodge Room. SECRET SOCIETY BUILDINGS AND HALLS Grand Army Hall. ^'^'^ F'^"°"^ Temple. Masonic Lodge Room -The East. Masonic Temple. I. O. O. F. Lodge Room. Elks Club Office. Masonic Lodge Room —The West. THE M. O'NEIL & COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE. China. Notions. DEPARTMENT STORES. Dague Brothers & Company. The Upham-Brouse Company. Notions. Millinery. \^<,^^*i* I ^ "^ *c*m, ■..