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Washington recovers his Health — Again in Command at Fort Loudoun — Administration of Pitt — Loudoun succeeded by General Abercrombie — Mili- tary Arrangements — Washington Commander-in-cliief of the Virgmia Forces — Amherst against Louisburg — General Wolfe — Montgomery — Capture of Louisburg — Abercrombie on Lake George — Death of Lord Howe — Repulse of Abercrombie— Success of Bradstreet at Os- wego, 88 Chap. XXIV. Slow Operations — W.ashington orders out the Militia — Mission to Williamsburg— Halt at Mr. Cliaraberlayne's— Mrs. Martha Custis— A brief Court- sliip— An Engagement — Return to Winchester — The Rifle Dress— Indian Scouts— Washington elected to the House of Burgesses— Tidings of Amherst's Success— The new Road to Fort Duquesne- March for the Fort- Indiscreet Conduct of Major Grant — Disastrous Conse- quences — Washington advances against Fort Duquesne — End of the Expedition — Washington returns Homo — His Marriage, 92 Chap. XXV. Plan of Operations for 1759— Investment of Fort Niagara — Death of Prideaux — Success of Sir William Johnson — Amherst at Ticonderoga— Wolfe at Quebec — His Triumph and Death — Fate of Montcalm — Capitulation of Quebec — Attemjjt of Do Levi to retake it— Arrival of a British Fleet— Last Stand of the French at Montreal — Surrender of Canada, ... 96 Chap. XXVI. Washington's Installation in the House of Burgesses — His Rural Life — Mount Vernon and its Vicinity — Aristocratical daj's of Viririuia — Washington's Management of his Estate — Domestic Habits — Fox- hunting—Lord Fairfax — Fishing and Duck-shooting — The Poacher — Lj'uch I^aw — Aqn.-itic State — Life at An- napolis— Washin'glon in the Dismal Swamp, . 102 Chap. XXVII. Treaty of Peaco-Pontiac's War— Course of Public Events— Board of Trade against Paper Cur- rency—Restrictive I'olicy of England— Navigation Laws —Discontents in New England— Of the other Colonies- Proj'-'Cts to raise Revenue^ by Taxation— Blow .at the In- dependence of the Judiciary— Naval Commanders em- jiloycd as Custom-house Officers- Retaliation of the C!oluaists— Taxation resisted in Boston— Passing of the Stamp Act- Burst of Opposition in Virginia — Speech of Patrick Henry, 108 CnAP. XXVIII. Washington's Ideas concerning the Stamp Act — Opposition to it in the Colonies — Porten- tous Ceremonies at Boston and New York— Non-impor- tation Agreement among the MerchantB--'Waehing:tOQ and George Mason— Dismissal of Grenville from tho British Cabinet — Franklin before the House of Com- mons—Repeal of the Stamp Act— Joy of Washington — Fresh Causes of Colonial Dissensions— Circular of tho General Court of Massachusetts — Embarkation of Troops for Boston— Measures of the Bostonians, 111 i Chap. XXIX. Cheerful Life at Mount Vernon— Wash- | ington and George Mason — Correspondence concerning tho NoB-importation Agreement — Feeling toward Eng- land—Opening of the Legislative Session— Semi-regal St.ate of Lord Botetourt — High-toned Proceedings of the House — Sympathy with New England — Dissolved by , Lord Botetourt— Washington and the Articles of Asso- ciation, 114 '■ Chap. XXX. Hood at Boston—The General Court refuses ', to do Business under Military Sway — Resists the Billet- ing Act — Effect of the Non-importation Association — Lord North Premier— Duties revoked except on Tea — The Boston Massacre — Disuse of Tea— Conciliatory Con- ; duct of Lord Botetourt— His Death, . . . 117 ' Chap. XXXI. Expedition of Washington to the Ohio, in behalf of Soldiers' Claims— Uneasy State of the Frontier — Visit to Fort Pitt — George Croghan — His Mishaps dur- ing Pontiac's War— Washington descends the Ohio— ^ Scenes and Adventures along the River — Indian Hunting " Camp — Interview with an old Sachem at the mouth of ' the Kenawha — Return — Claims of Stobo and Van Braam — Letter to Colonel George Muse, .... 119 Chap. XXXII. Lord Dnnmore Governor of Virginia — Piques the Pride of the Virginians — Opposition of the I Assembly — Corresponding Committees — Death of Miss i Custis — Washington's Guardianship of John Parke Cus- tis— His Opinions as to Premature Travel and Premature i Marriage, 122 Chap. XXXIII. Lord North's Bill favoring the Exporta- ' tiou of Teas — Ships freighted with Tea to the Colonies — Sent Ijack from some of the Ports — Tea destroj'ed at i Boston — Passage of the Boston Port Bill — Session of tho House of Burgesses— Splendid Ojjening — Burst of In- dignation at the Port Bill— House Dissolved— Resolu- tions at the Raleigh Tavern— Project of a General Con- gress — Washington and Lord Dunmore — The Port Bill goes into Effect — General Gage at Boston— League and Covenant, 124 Chap. XXXIV. Washington Chairman of a Political Meeting— Correspondence with Bryan Fairfax— Patri- otic Resolutions — Washington's Opinions on Public Af- fairs — Non-importation Scheme — Convention at Wil- liamsburg — Washington appointed a Delegate to the General Congress— Letter from Bryan Fairfax— Perplex- ities of General Gage at Boston 127 Chap. XXXV. Meeting of the First Congress— Opening Ceremonies — Eloquence of Patrick Henry and Henry Lee— Declaratory Resolution — Bill of Rights— State Pa- jiers — Chatham's Opinions of Congress— Washington's Correspondence with Cant. Mackenzie — Views with re- spect to ludependence— Departure of Fairfax for Eng- land, ISO Chap. XXXVl. Gage's Military Measures— Removal of Gunpowder from the Arsenal — Public Agitation — Alarms in the Country — Civil Government obstructed— Belligerent Symptoms — Israel Putnam and General Charles Lee, their Characters and Stories — General Elec- tion— Self-constituted Congress — Hancock President — Adjourns to Concord — Remonstrance to Gage — His Per- plexities-Generals Artemas Ward and Sett Pomeroy — Committee of Safety — Committee of Supplies— Restless- ness throughout the Land — Independent Companies in Virginia — Military Tone at Mount Vernon — Washing- ton's Military Guests— Major Hor.atio Gates— Anecdotes concerning him — General Charles Lee — His Peculiarities and Dogs — Washington at the Richmond Convention — War Speech of Patrick Henry — Washington's Military Intentions, 134 Chap. XXXVII. Infatuation in British Councils— Col. Grant, the Braggart — Coercive Measures — Expedition against the Military Magazine at Concord— Battle of Lex- ington — The Cry of Blood through the Land— Old Sol- diers of the French War— John Stark— Israel Putnam — Rising of tho Yeomanry — Measures of Lord Dunmore in Virginia — Indignation of tho Virginians — IIuL'h Mer- cer and tho Friends of Ijberty — Arrival of the News of Lexington at Mount Vernon — Effect on Bryan Fairfax, Gates, and Washington, 139 Chap. XXXVIII. Meeting of Troops in the East— Camp at Boston — General Artemas Ward — Scheme to suri^rise Ticonderoga — New Hampshire Grants — Ethan Allen and tho Green Mountain Boys— Benedict Arnold— Affair of Ticonderoga and Crown Point — A Dash at St. Johns, 143 Chap. XXXIX. Second Session of Congress— John Han- cock—Petition to the King— Federal" Union— Military CONTENTS. HI Measures^Detiatea about the Army— Question as to Commander-in-cliief — Appointment of Washington — Other Appointments— Letters of Washington to his Wife and Brother— Preparations for Departure, . 146 Jhap. XL. More Troops arrive at Boston — Generals Howe, Burgoyne, and Clintnai — Proclamation of Gage — Nature of the American Army— Scornful Conduct of the British Officers— Project of the Americana to seize upon Breed's UiU— Putnam's Opinion of it— Sanctioned by Prescott- Noctui-nal March of the Detachment— For- tifying of Bunker's Hill— Break of Day, and Astonish- ment of the Enemy, 149 Chap. 5LI. Battle of Bunker's Hill 153 Chap. XLII. Departure from Philadelphia — Anecdotes of General Schuyler— of Lee— Tidings of Bunker's Hill — Military CouncilB — Population of New York— The Johnson Family— Governor Tryon —Arrival at New York— Military InstructionB to Schuyler— Arrival at the Camp 157 VOL. II. Chapter I. Washineton takes Command of the Armies ^Sketch of General Lee— Characters of the British Commanders, Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne — Survey of the Camps from Prospect Hill — The Camps con- trasted — Description of the Revolutionary Army— Rhode Island Troops — Character of General Greene — Wash- ington represents tJie Deficiencies of the Army — His Apology for the Massachusetts Troojis- Governor"Trum- bull — Cragie House, Washington's Head-Quarters, 163 Chap. II. Questions of Milit.ary Rank — Popularity of Putnam — Arrangements at Head-Quarters— Colonel Mif- flin and John Trumbull, Aides-de-Camji — Joseph Reed, Washington's Secretarj' and Confidoutial Friend — Gates as Adjutimt-General— Hazardous Situation of the Army- Strengthening of the Defences — Efficiency of Putnam — Rapid Changes — New Distriijution of the Forces — Rigid Discipline — Lee and his Cane — His Idea as to Strong Battalions — Arrival of Rifle Companies — Daniel Morgan and his Sharp Shooters — Wasliington declines to detach Troops to distant points for their Protection — His Rea- sons for so doing, 167 Chap. III. Washington's Object in distressing Boston — Scarcity and Sickness in the Town — A Startling Discov- ery — Scarcity of Powder in the Camp — Its Perilous Situation — Economy of Ammunition — Correspondence between L5e and Burgoyne — Correspondence between Washington and Gage — The Dignity of the Patriot Army asserted, 170 Chap. IV. Dangers in the Interior — Machinations of the Johnson Family — Rivalry of Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold — Government Perplexities about the Ticonde- roga Capture — Measures to seciu-e the Prize — Allen and Arnold ambitious of further Laurels— Projects for the Invasion of Canada — Ethan Allen and Seth Warner honored by Congress — Arnold displaced by a Committrc of Inquiry — His Indignation — News from Canada — The Revolution to be extended into that Province — Enlist- ment of Green Mountain Boys — Schuyler at Ticonderoga — State of Aft'airs there — Election for Officers of the Green Mountain Boys — Ethan Allen dismounted — Joins the Army as a Volunteer — Preparations for the Invasion of Canada — General Montgomery — Indian Chiefs at Cambridge — Council Fire — Flan for an Expedition against Quebec — Departure of Troops from Ticonde- roga— Arrival at Isle aus Noix, .... 174 Chap. V. A Challenge declined — A Blow meditated— A cautious Council of AVar— Preparations for the Quebec Expedition— Benedict Arnold the Leader — Advice and Instructions— Departure— General Schuyler on the Sor^'l — Reconnoitres St. Johns — Camp at Isle aux Noix — Ill- ness uf Schuyler — Returns to Ticonderoga — Exjicdition of Montgomery against St. Johns-:-Letter of Ethan Al- len—His Dash against Montreal — Its Catastrophe — A Hero in Irons — Correspondence of Washington witli Schuyler and Arnold — IIis Anxiety about them, . ISO Chap. VI. British in Boston send out Cruisers — Depre- dations of Captain Wallace along the Coast — Treason in the Camp — Arrest of Dr. Church — His Trial and Fate — Conflagration of Falmouth— Irritation throughout the Country— Fitting out of Vessels of War — Embarkation of General Gage for England — Committee from Con- gress — Conferences with Washington — Resolutions of Congress to carry on the War— Return of Secretary Reed to Philadelphia, 186 3nAP. VII. Measures of General Howe — Desecration of Churches — Three Proclamations — Seizure of Tories — Want of Artillerj-- Henry Knox, the Artillerist— His Mission to Ticonderoga— R'e-enlistment of Troops — Lack of Public Spirit— Comments of General Greene, 189 Chap. VIII, Affairs in Canada— Capture of Fort Cham- blee — Siege of St. Johns— Maclean and his Highlanders — Montgomery on the Treatment of Ethan Allen — Re- pulse of Carleton— Capitulation of the Garrison of St. Johns — Generous Conduct of Montgomery — Maclean re- embarks for Quebec— We.wy Struggle of Arnold throut-h the WUderness — Defection of Colonel Enos — Arnold "i;i the Valley of the Chaudierc— His Arrival opposite Que- bec — Surrender of Montreal — Escape of Carleton Home-sickness of the American Troops, . . 191 Chap. IX. Washington's Anticipations of Success at Que- bec—His Eulogiuin of Arnold— Schuyler and Montgom- ery talk of resigning— Expostulations of Washington— Tjieir Effect— Schuyler's Conduct to a Captive Foe, 195 Chap. X. Difficulties in ffiling up the Army— The Con- necticut Troops persist in going Home— Their reception there— Timely Arrival of Spoils in the Camp— Putnam and the Prize Mortar— A Maraud by Americans— Re- buked by Washington— Corres]iondence of Washington with General Howe about the treatment of Ethan Allen —Fraternal Zeal of Levi Allen— Treatment of General Prescott— Preparations to bombard Boston— Battery at Lechmere's Point— Prayer of Putnam for Powder, 196 Chap. XL Mount Vernon in Danger— Mrs. Washington invited to the Camp— Lund Washington, the General's Agent— Terms on which ho serves— Instructed to keep up the Hospitality of the House- Journey of Mrs. Wash- ington to Camp— Her Equipage and Liveries— Arrival at Camp— Domestic Affairs at HeadQuarters— Gajetics in Camp— A Brawl between Round-Jackets and Rifle- Shirts, 200 Chap. XII. Affairs in Canada— Arnold at Point Levi— Quebec reinforced— Crossintr of the St. Lawrence— Land- ing in Wolfe's Cove— Arnold on the Heights of Abra- ham—Cautious Counsel— Quebec aroused— The Invaders baffled— Withdraw to Point aux Trembles— Booming of Cannon- Carleton at Quebec— Letter of Washington to Arnold, 202 Chap. XIII. LordDunmore— His Plans of harassing Vir- ginia— Lee's Policy respecting Tory Governors and Place- men — Rhode Island harassed by Wallace and his Cruis- ers, and infested by Tories— Lee sent to its Relief— His Vigorous Measures— The Army disbanding — Washing- ton's Perplexities— Sympathy of General Greene— IIis Loyalty in time of Trouble— The Crisis— Cheering News from Caiiada— Gloomy Opening of the New Year— News from Colonel Knox, 204 Chap. XIV. Military Preparations in Boston — A Secret Expedition— Its Object— Lee's Plan for the Security of Is ew York— Ojiinion of Adams on the Subject— Instruc- tions to Lee— Transactions of Lee in Connecticut — Lee's Policy in regard to the Tories — Uneasiness in New York — Letter of the Committee of Safety to Lee — His Reply —His Opinion of the People of Connecticut— Of the Hysterical Letter from the New York Congress, . 207 Chap. XV. Montgomery before Quebec— His Plan of Op- erations—A Summons to Surrender- A Flag Insulted — The Town Besieged— Plan of an Escalade— Attack of the Lower Town— Montgomery in the Advance — His Death— Retreat of Colonel Campbell— Attack by Ar- nold — Defence of the Lower Town — Arnold wounded — Retreat of the Americans — Gallant Resoh-e of Ar- nold, 210 Chap. XVI. Correspondence of Washington and Schuy- ler on the Disasters in Canada — Reinforcements required from New England — Dangers in the Interior of New York— Johnson Hall beleaguered — Sir John capitulates — Generous Conduct of Schuyler— Governor Tryon and the Tories — Tory Machinations — Lee at New York— Sir Henry Clinton in the Harbor— Menaces of Lee — The City and River fortified — Lee's Treatment of the Tories —His Plans of Fortification — Ordered to the Command in Canada— His Speculations on Titles of Dignity, £14 CuAP. XVII. Monotonous State of Aft'airs before Boston -^V/ashington anxious for Action — Exploit of Putnam — Its Dramatic Conseqiiencos — The Farce of the Blockade of Boston — An Alarming Interruption — Distresses of the Besiesred — Washington's Irksome Predicament — His Bold Proposition — Demur of tlie Council of War — Ar- rival of Knox with Artillery — Dorchester Heights to bo seized, and fortified-Preparations for the Attempt, 21S Chap. XVIII. The Affair of Dorchester Heights- Amer- ican and English Letters respecting it — A Laborious Night — Revelations at Daybreak — Howe in a Perplexity —A Night Attack meditated— Stormy Weather— Tl;e Town to be evacuated— Negotiations and Arrangements —Preparations to Embark — Excesses of the Troops— Bos- ton evacuated— Speech of the Duke of Manchesteron the subject- A Medal voted by Congress, . . . 220 Chap. XIX. Destination of the Fleet— Commission of the two Howes — Character of Lord Howe — The Colonies divided into Departments— Lee assigned to the Soutliern CONTENTS. Department— General Thomas to Canada— Ch. rarter of Lpc, by Washington— Letters of Lee from the South—A Dog in a Dancing School— Committee of Safetj- in Vir- ginia — Lee's Grenadiers— Putnam in Command at New York— State of Alfairs there— Arrival of AVa^hington— New Arrangements— rerplexities -nilh respect to Cana- da—England suljsidizes Ilessian troop.^, . . 225 CiTAP. XX. Arnold blockades Quebec— His Difficulties- Arrival of General AVooster-Of General Thomas— Abor- tive Attempt on (Quebec — rreparations for Retreat— Sortie of Carleton — Itetreat of the Americans— Halt at Point Deschambeault— Alarm in the Colonies at the lie- treat of the Army— Popular Clamor against Schuyler— Slanders refuted, 229 Chap. XXI. Gates sent to Philadelphia with the Canada Despatches- Promoted to the rank of Major-General — Washington summoned to Philadelphia— Putnam left in command— Conference with Congress— Army Arrange- ments— A Board of War instituted- The Clintons of New York— Mrs. Washington Inoculated— Reed made Adjutant-General, 202 Chap. XXII. Affairs in Canada— Disaster at the Cedars — Hostile Designs of the Johnsons — A Bloody Summer expected — Forts in the Highlands- Colonel James Clin- ton in Command — Fortifications at King's Bridge and on Long Island, 234 Chap. XXIII. Retreat of General Thomas— His Death- General Sullivan in Command — Scene ontheSorel — San- guine Kxpectations of Sullivan— Washington's Opinion of Sullivan's Character — Gates appointed to the Com- mand in Canada — Reinforcements of the Enemy — Re- verses — Thompson Captured — Retreat of Sullivan — Close of the Invasion of Canada, 236 Chap. XXIV. Designs of the Enemy against New York and the Hudson- Plot of Tryon and the Tories— Arrival of a Fleet— Alarm Posts— Treachery up the Hudson — Fresh Arrivals — General Howe at Staten Island — Wash- ington's Preparations, 239 Chap. XXV. First Appearance of Alexander Hamilton — His Early Days — General Hugh Mercer in command of the Flying Camp— Declaration of Independence —Announced to the Army — Downfall of the King's Statue, 242 Chap. XXVI. Arrival of more Ships — Movements of the Phcenix and the Rose— Panic in the City — Hostile Ships up tlie Hudson— Stir of AVar along the River — General George Clinton, and the Militia of Ulster Coutity— Fresh Agitation of New York— Arrival of Lord Howe, 244 Chap. XXVII. Precautions against Tories — Secret Com- mittees — Declaration of Lord Howe — His Letter to the Colonial Governors — His Letter to Washington rejected — Interview between the British Adjutant-Genenil and Colonel Reed — Receijtion of the Adjutant-General by Washington — The Phienix and Rose in the Tappan Sea, anil Ilavcrstraw Bay — Arming of the River Yeomanry — George Clinton at the Gates of the Highlands, 247 Chap. XXVIII. Question of Command between Gates and Schuyler— Condition of the -Irmyat Crown Point — Discontent and Departure of Sullivan — Fortifications at Ticonderoga — Tlie Question of Ccnnmand adjusted- Se- cret Discontents — Sectional Jealousies in the Army — Southern Troops— Smallwood's Macaroni Battalion — Connecticut Light-Uorse, 250 Chap. XXIX. Southern Cruise of Sir Henry Clinton- Fortifications at Charleston — Arrival there of Gener.al Lee — Battle at Sullivan's Island — Washington announces the result to the Army, 254 Chap. XXX. Putnam's Military Projects— Chovaux-de- frise at Fort Washington— Meditated Attack on Staten Island — Arrival of Ships— Hessian Reinforcements — Scotch Highlanders — Sir Henry Clinton and Lord Corn- wallis — ^Putnam's Obstructions of the Hudson — The Phoenix and Rose attacked by Row Galleys at Tarry- town — General Order of Washington on the subject of Sectional Jealousies — Profane Swearing prohibited in the Camp — Preparations against Attack — Levies of Yeo- manry — George Clinton in Command of the Levies along the Hudson — Alarms of the Peoijlo of New York— Be- nevolent Sympathy of Washington — The I'hcenis Grap- pled by a Fire-Ship- The Ships Evacuate the Hud- son, 256 Chap. XXXI. The Battle of Long Island, . . 260 Chap. XXXII. The Retreat from Long Island, . 267 Chap. XXXIII. Long Island in Possession of the Ene- my-Distressed Situation of the American Army at New York— Question of Abandoning the City— Letters from either Camp— Enemy's Sliipsln the Sound— Re- moval of Women and Children from the City — Yearn- ing for Home among the Militia— Tolerant Ideas of Washington and Greene— Fort Constitution— Confer- ence of Lord Howe with a Committee from Congress, 269 Chap. XXXIV. Movements of the Enemy— Councils of War — Question of the Abandonment of the City — Dis- tribution of the Ai-my — Sliips in the East River — The Enemy at Hell Gate— Skirmish at Turtle Bay — Panic of the Connecticut Militia — Rage and Personal Peril of Washington — Putnam's Perilous Retreat from the City —British Regale at Murray Hill, .... 273 Chap. XXXV. Fortified Camp at King's Bridge— Amer- ican and British Lines — The Morris House—Alexander Hamilton— The Enemy advance— Successful Skirmish — Death of Knowlton — Great Fire in New York — Re- organization of the Army — Exchange of Prisoners- Daniel Morgan regained — Delancey's Tory Brigade — Robert Rogers, the Partisan — His Rangers — The Roe- buck, Phtenix, and Tartar in the Hudson — Military Movements by Land and Water — Letter of John Jay, 276 Chap. XXXVI. Lee expected in Camp — His Letter of Advice to the President of Congress— The Enemy at Throg's Neck — Washington's Arrangements — Rides to Throg's Neck— The Enemy brought to a Stand— Military Movements — Arrival of Lee — A Command assigned to him — Criticizes the conduct of Congress and the Army — Council of War — The Army to move to the Mainland — Fort Washington to be kept up, .... 282 Chap. XXXVII. Army Arrangements — Washington at White Plains — The Enemy at Throg's Point — Skinnish of Colonel Glover— Attempt to Surprise Rogers, the Renegade — Troopers in a rough country — Alarms at White Plains — Cannonading of Ships at Fort Washing- ton — March of Lee — Fortified Camp at White Plains — Reconiioitring — The Afl'air at Chatterton Hill — Relative Situation of the Armies- Change of Position— Contrast of the Appearance of the Troops— George Clinton's Idea of Strategy — Movement of the British Army — Incen- diaries at'White Plains, 284 Chap. XXXVIII. Conjectures as to the Intentions of the Enemy — Consequent Precautions — Correspondence with Greene respecting Fort Washington — Distribution of the Army — Lee left in Command at Northcastle — In- structions to him— W.a8hington at Peekskiil — Visits to the Po.sts in the Highlands, 2S9 Chap. XXXIX. Affairs on Lake Champlain— Gates at Ticonderoga— Arnold's Flotilla— Military Preparations of Sir Guy Carleton at St. Joh'.j— Nautical Encounters — Gallant Conduct of Arnold :in'-l "W'aterbr.ry — Carleton in Possession of Crown Point — His return to Canada and Winter Quarters, 292 Chap. XL. Washington crosses the Hudson — Arrives at Fort Lee — Afl'airs at Fort Washington— Question about its Abandonment — Movements of Howe — Tlie Fort sum- moned to Surrender — Refusal of Colonel McGaw — The Fort attacked- Cai)ture of the Fort and Garrison- Comments of Washington on the State of Affairs, . 295 Chap. XLI. The Enemy cross the Hudson— Retreat of the Garrison from Fort Lee — The Crossing of the Hack- ensack — Lee ordered to move to the West Side of the River— Reed's Letter to him— Second move of the Army — Beyond the Passaic — Assistance sought from various quarters — Correspondence and Schemes of Lee — Heath stanch to his Instructions — Anxiety of George Clinton for the Safety of the Hudson— Critical Situation of the Army — Disparaging Correspondence between Lee and Reed — Washington retreats across theRaritan — Arrives at Trenton — Removes his Baggage across the Delaware — Dismay and Despondency of' the Country — Procla- mation of Lord Howe — Exultation of the Enemy — Washington's Resolve in case of Extremity, . 299 Chap. XLII. Loo at Peekskiil — Stanch adherence of Heath to Orders — Lee crosses the Hudson — Washing- ton at Trenton— Lee at the Heels of the Enemy — His Speculations on Military Greatness — Forced March of Cornwallis— Washington crosses the Delaware — Put- nam in Command at Philadelphia— Baffling Letters of Lee — Hopes to reconquer the Jerseys — Gates on the March— Lee quartered at Baskingridge— Surprised and Captured — Speculations on his Conduct, . . 305 Chap. XLIII. Washington clothed with Additional Powers — Recruitment of the Army— Increased Pay — Colonel John Cadwalader— Arrival of Sullivan— Gates —Wilkinson— A Coup do Main meditated— Posture of Afl'airs at Trenton — Gates declines to take a part— His Comments on Washington's Plans- Preparations for the Coup de Main— Crossing of the Delaware— Attack on the Enemy's Forces at Trenton- Death of Rahl — His Char- acter, 3H Chap. XLIV. Treatment of the Hessian Prisoners — Their Interviews with Washington— Their Reception by the People, 318 Chap. XLV. Episode— Colonel Griffin in the .Jerseys — Donop decoyed — Inroad of Cadwalader and Reed— Re- treat and Confusion of the Enemy's Outposts — Wash- CONTENTS. ington veerossea the Delaware Nvith his Troops — The Game reversed — The Hessians hunted back through the Country— Washington made Military Dictator, 320 Chap. XLVI. Howe hears of the Affiiir at Trenton— Cornwallis sent back to the Jerseys— Reconnoitring Ex- pedition of Reed— His Exploits— Washington in Peril at Trenton— Reinforced by Troops under Cadwalader and Miflain-PositionofhisMen—Cornwallis at Trenton— Re- pulsed at the Assunpink- The American Camp menaced —Night March of Washington— Affair at Princeton- Death of Mercer— Rout of British Troops— Pursued by AVashington- Cornwallis at Princeton— Baffled and Per- plexed—Washington at Morristown— His System of Annoyance— The Tables turned upon the Enemy, 322 VOL. III. Chapter I. Burke on the State of Affairs in America — New Jersey roused to Arms — Washington grants Safe Conduct to Hessian Convoys— Encampment at Morris- town — Putnam at Princeton— His Stratagem to Conceal the Weakness of his Camp— Exploit of General Dick- inson near Somerset Court House— Washington's Coun- ter Proclamation — Prevalence of the Smallpox— Inocu- lation of the Army— Contrast of the British and Ameri- can Commanders and their Camps, . . . 329 Chap. II. Negotiations for Exchange of Prisoners — Case of Colonel Ethan Allen— Of General Lee- Correspond- ence of Washington with Sir William Howe about Exchanges of Prisoners — Referees appointed — Letters of Lee from New York — Case of Colonel Campbell — Washington's Advice to Congress on the Subject of Re- taliation — His Correspondence with Lord Howe about the Treatment of Prisoners — The Horrors of the Jersey Prison-Ship and the Sugar-House, .... 332 Chap. III. Exertions to form a New Army — Calls on the Difi'erent States — Insufficiency of the Militia — Wash- ington's Care for the Yeomanry — Dangers in the North- ern Department — Winter Attack on Ticonderoga ap- grehended — Exertions to reinforce Schuyler — Precarious tate of Washington's Army — ^Conjectures as to the Designs of the Enemy — Expedition of the British against Peekskill, 336 Chap. IV. Schuyler's Affairs in the Northern Depart- ment-Misunderstandings with Congress — Gives offence by a Reproachful Letter— Office of Adjutant-General offered to Gates — Declined by him— Schuyler Repri- manded by Congress for hia Reproachful Letter— Gates appointed to the Command at Ticonderoga— Schuyler considers himself virtually suspended— Takes his Seat as a Delegate to Congress, and Claims a Court of In- quiry — Has Command at Philadelphia, . . . 339 Chap. V. Foreign Officers Candidates for Situations in the Army — Difficulties in adjusting Questions of Rank — Ducoudr.ay — Conway — Kosciuszko — Washington's ■ Guards — Arnold Omitted in the Army Promotions — Washington takes his part — British Expedition against Danbury — Destruction of American Stores — Connecticut Yeomanry in Arms — Skirmish at Ridgefield— Death of General Wooster — Gallant Sei-vices of Arnold — Re- warded by Congress — Exploit of Colonel Meigs at Sag Harbor, 342 Chap. VI. Schuyler on the Point of Resigning — Com- mittee of Inquiry Report in his Favor— His^Memorial to Congress proves Satisfactory — Discussions regarding the Northern Department— Gates mistaken as to his Position — He prompts his Friends in Congress— His Petulant Letter to Washington— Dignified Reply of the Latter — Position of Gates defined— Schuyler reinstated in Command of the Department — Gates appears on the Floor of Congress— His Proceedings there, . . 347 Chap. VIL The Highland Passes of the Hudson— George Clinton in Command of the Forts— His Measures for Defence— Generals Greene and Knox examine the State of the Forts— Their Report— The General Command of the Hudson offered to Arnold — Declined by him — Given to Putnam — Appointment of Dr. Craik in the Medical Department-Expedition planned against Fort Independ- ence — But relinquished — Washington shifts his Camp to Middlebrook — State of his Army— General Howe crosses into the Jerseys — Position of the two Armies at Middlebrook and behind the Raritan — Correspondence between Washington and Colonel Reed, . . 350 Chap. VIII. Feigned Movements of Sir William Howe — Baffling Caution of Washington — Rumored Inroads from the North — Schuyler applies for Reinforcements — Re- newed Schemes of Howe to draw Washington from his Stronghold — Skirmish between Cornwallis and Lord Stirling— The Enemy evacuate the Jerseys— Perplexity as to their next Movement — A Hostile Fleet on Lake Champlain — Burgoyne approaching Ticonderoga— Spec- ulations of Washington— His Purpose of keeping Sir William Howe from ascending the Hudson — Orders George Clinton to call out Militia from Ulster and Orange Counties — Sends Sullivan towards the Highlands — Moves his own Camp back to Morristown^Stir among the Shipping — Their Destination surmised to be Philadel- phia — A Dinner at Head-Quarters — Alexander Hamilton — Graydon's Rueful Description of the Army — His Character of Wayne, 354 Chap. IX. British Invasion from Canada — The Plan — Composition of the Invading Army — Schuyler on the Alert — His Speculations as to the "Enemy's Designs— Burgoyne on Lake Champlain — His War-Speech to his Indian Allies— Signs of his Approach descried from Ticonderoga— Correspondence on the Subject between St. Clair, Major Livingston, and Schuyler — Burgoyne Intrenches near Ticonderoga— His Proclamation— Schuy- ler's Exertions at Albany to forward Reinforcements — Hears that Ticonderoga is evacuated— Mysterious Dis- appearance of St. Clair and his Troops — Amazement and Concern of Washington— OrderstReinforcements to Schuyler at Fort Edward, and to Putnam at Peekskill — Advances with his Main Army to the Clove — His Hope- ful Spirit manifested, 357 Chap. X. Particulars of the Evacuation — Indian Scouts in the Vicinity of the Forts — Outposts abandoned by St. Clair — Burgoyne secures Mount Hope — Invests the For- tress — Seizes and occupies Sugar Hill — The Forts over- looked and in Imminent Peril — Determination to evacu- ate — Plan of Retreat — Part of the Garrison depart for Skencsborough in the Flotilla— St. Clair crosses with the rest to Fort Independence — A Conflagration reveals his Retreat — The British Camp aroused — Eraser pursues St. Clair — Burgoyne with his Squadron makes after the Flo- tilla — Part of the Fugitives overtaken — Flight of the Re- mainder to Fort Anne — Skirmish of Colonel Long — Re- treat to Fort Edward— St. Clair at Castleton- Attack of his Rear-Guard— Fall of Colonel Francis— Desertion of Colonel Hale — St. Clair reaches Fort Edward— Conster- nation of the Country — Exultation of the British, 362 Chap. XL Capture of General Prescott— Proffered in Exchange for Lee — Reinforcements to Schuyler— Arnold sent to the North— Eastern Militia to repair to Saratoga — Further Reinforcements— Generals Lincoln and Arnold recommended for Particular Services — Washington's Measures and Suggestions for the Northern Compaign— British Fleet puts to Sea — Conjectures as to its Destina- tion—A Feigned Letter — Appearance and Disappearance of the Fleet— Orders and Counter Orders of Washington — Encamps at Germantown— Anxiety for the Security of the Highlands— George Clinton on Guard— Call on Connecticut, . . . . ' . . . . 366 Chap. XII. Gates on the Alert for a Command— Schuy- ler undermined in Congress— Put on his Guard— Courts a Scrutiny, but not before an expected Engagement — Summoned with St. Clair to Head-Quarters— Gates ap- pointed to the Northern Department— Washington's Speculations on the Successes of Burgoyne— Ill-judged Meddlings of Congress with the Commissariat — Colonel Trumbull resigns in consequence, . . . 370 Chap. XIII. Washington's Perplexities about the British Fleet— Putnam and Governor Clinton put on the Alert in tlie Highl.ands— Morgan and his Riflemen sent to the North— Washington at Philadelphia— His lirst Interview with Lafayette— Intelligence about the Fleet— Explana- tions of its Movements— Review of the Army — Lafay- ette mistakes the nature of his Commission — His Alli- ance with Washington— March of the Army through Philadelphia — Encampment at Wilmington, ■ 372 Chap. XIV. Burgoyne at Skencsborough- Prepares to move towards the iludson- Major Skene the Royalist- Slow March to Fort Anne— Schuyler at Fort Miller- Painted Warriors— Lanirdale— St. Luc— Honor of the Tomahawk— Tragical Story of Miss McCrea— Its Rc- sults- Burgoyne advances to Fort Edward— Schuyler at Stillwater— Joined by Lincoln— Burgoyne deseivted by his Indian Allies, ....'.. 376 Chap. XV. Difficulties of Burgoyne— Plans an Expedi- tion to Bennington— St. Leger before Fort Stanwix- General Herkimer at Oriskany— High Words with his Officers— A Dogged March— An Ambuscade— Battle of Oriskany— Johnson's Greens— Death of Herkimer— Spirited Sortie of Colonel Willett- Sir John Johnson driven to the River— Flight of the Indians— Sacking of Sir John's Camp — Colonel Gansevoort maintains his Post— Colonel Willett sent in quest of Aid— Arrives at Schuyler's Camp, 379 Chap. XVI. Schuyler hcar« of the Affair of Orisk.any— Applies for Reinforcements — His Appeal to the Patriot- ism of Stark— Schuyler superseded- His Conduct there- upon—Relief sent to Fort Stanwix — Arnold volunteers to conduct it— Change of Encampment — Patriotic De- termination of Schuyler— Detachment of the Enemy vx CONTENTS. against Bennington — Germans and their Indian Allies — Baum, the Hessian Leader— Stark in the Field— Muster- ing of the Militia— A Belligerent Parson— Battle of Ben- nington — Breyman to the Rescue— Routed— Reception of the News in the Rival Camps— Washington urges New- England to follow up the Blow, .... 382 Chap. XVII. Stratagem of Arnold to relieve Fort Stan- wix— Yan Tost Cuyler— The Siege pressed— Indians intractable— Success of Arnold's Stratagem— Harassed Retreat of St. Leger— Moral Effect of the two Blows given to the Enemy— Brightening Prospects in the American Camp— Arrival of Gates— Magnanimous Con- duct of Schuyler— Poorly requited by Gates— Corre- spondence between Gates and Burgoyne concerning the Murder of Miss McCrca, . . ... 387 Chap. XVIII. Landing of Howe's Army on Elk River- Measures to check it— Exposed Situation of Washing- ton in Reconnoitring— Alarm of the Country— Procla- mation of Howe— Arrival of Sullivan— Foreign Officers in Camp— Deborie — Conway— Fleury— Count Pulaski— First Appearance in the Army of " Light- Horse Harry " of Virginia— Washington's Appeal to the Army— Move- ments of the Rival Forces— Battle of the Brandywine— Retreat of the Americans— Halt in Chester— Scenes in Philadelphia during the Battle— Congress orders out Militia— Clothes Washington with Extraordinary Pow- ers — Removes to Lancaster— Rewards to Foreign Of- ficers, 389 Chap. XIX. General Howe neglects to pursue his Ad- vantage — Washington retreats to Germantown — Re- crosses the Schuylkill and prepares for another Action- Prevented by Storms of Rain— Retreats to French Creek — Wayne detached to fall on the Enemy's Rear— His Pickets surprised— Massacre of Smallwood's Men — Manoeuvres of Howe on the Schuylkill— Washington sends for Reinforcements— Howe marches into Phila- delphia, .■ 396 Chap. XX. Dubious Position of Burgoyne — Collects his Forces — Ladies of Distinction in his Camp— Lady Har- riet Ackland— The Baroness de Riedesel — American Army reinforced — Silent Movements of Burgoyne^ Watched from the Summit of the Hills— His March along the Hudson— Position of the two Camps— Battle on the 19th Sept.— Burgoyne encamps nearer — Fortifies his Camp— Promised Co-operation by Sir Henry Clinton —Determines to await it— Quarrel between Gates and Arnold— Arnold deprived of Command— Burgoyne waits for Co-operation, 398 Chap. XXI. Preparations of Sir Henry Clinton — State of the Highland Defences — Putnam alarmed — Advance of the Armament up the Hudson— Plan of Sir Henry Clin- ton — Peekskill threatened — Putnam deceived — Secret March of the Enemy through the Mountains — Forts Montgomery and Clinton overpowered — Narrow Escape of the Commanders — Conflagration and Explosion of the American Frigates — Rallying Eft'orts of Putnam and Governor Clinton— The Spy and the Silver Bullet — Eso- pus burnt — Ravaging Progress of the Enemy up the Hudson, 404 Chap. XXII. Scarcity in the British Camp— Gates bides his Time — Foraging Movement of Burgoyne — Battle of the 7th October— Rout of the British and Hessians — Sit- uation of the Baroness de Riedesel and I>ady Harriet Ackland during the Battle— Death of Gen. Eraser — His Funeral— Night Retreat of the British — Expedition of Lady Harriet Ackland— Dcsper.ate Situation of Bur- goyne at Saratoga — Capitulation — Surrender — Conduct of the American troops — Scenes in the Camp — Gallant Courtesy of Schuyler to the Baroness de Riedesel — His Magnanimous Conduct towards Burgoyne — Return of the British Ships down the Hudson, . . . 408 Chap. XXIII. Washington advances to Skippack Creek — The British Fleet in the Delaware — Forts and Ob- structions in the River — Wasliington meditates an At- tack on the British Camp — Battle of Germantown, 417 Chap. XXIV. AVashinirton at White Marsh— Measures to cut oft' the Enemy's Supplies— The Forts on the Del- aware reinforced — Colonel Greene of Rhode Island at Fort Mercer— Attack and Defence of that Fort— Death of Count Donop, 421 Chap. XXV. De Kalli commissioned Maior General — Pretensions of Conway— Thwarted by Washington- Conway Cabal— Gates remiss in Corresijondcnce — Dil- atory in forwarding Troops — Mission of Hamilton to Gates — Wilkinson Bearer of Despatches to Con- gress—A Tardy Traveller— His Reward — Conway Cor- respondence detected — Washington's Apology for his Army, 423 Chap. XXVI. Further Hostilities on the Delaware— Fort Mifflin attacked— Bravely defended— Reduced — Mis- sion of Hamilton to Gates— Visits the Camps of Gov- ernor Clinton and Putnam on the Hudson — Putnam on his Hobby-Horse — Difliculties in procuring Reinforce- ments—Intrigues of the Cabal— Letters of Lovell and Mifflin to Gates— The Works at Red Bank destroyed — The Enemy in Possession of the Delaware, . . 426 Chap. XXVII. Question of an Attack on Philadelphia- General Reed at Head-Quarters — Enemy's Works re- connoitred—Opinions in a Council of War— Exploit of Lafayette— Receives Command of a Division— Modifica- tion of the Board of War— Gates to preside— Letter of Lovell— Sally Forth of General Howe— -Evolutions and Skirmishes — Conway Inspector-general — Consultation about Winter Quarters— Dreary March to Valley Forge —Hutting— Washington's Vindicatory Letters— Retro- spect of the Year, 430 Chap. XXVIII. Gates on the Ascendant— The Conway Letter— Suspicions — Consequent Correspondence be- tween Gatesand Washington— Warning Lt-fterfrom Dr. Craik — Anonymous Letters— Projected Expedition to Canada— Lafayette, Gates, and the Board of War, 437 Chap. XXIX. Gates undertakes to explain the Conway Correspondence — Washington's Searching Analysis of the Explanation — Close of the Correspondence — Spuri- ous Letters published — Lafayette and the Canada Expe- dition—His Perplexities — Counsels of Washington, 440 Chap. XXX. More Trouble about the Conway Letter — Correspondence between Lord Stirling and Wilkinson — Wilkinson's Honor wounded — His Passage at Arms with General Gates — His Seat at the Bo.ard of War un- comfortaljle — Determines that Lord Stirling shall bleed — His Wounded Honor healed — His Interviews with Washington — Sees the Correspondence of Gates — De- nounces Gates and gives up the Secretaryship — Is thrown out of Employ — Closing Remarks on the Conway Cabal, 444 CuAP. XXXI. Committee of Arrangement — Reforms in the Army— Scarcity in the Camp — The Enemy revel in Philadelphia — Attempt to surprise Light-Horse Harry — His Gallant Defence— Praised by Washington— Pro- moted— Letter from General Lee— Burgoyne returns to England— Mrs. Washington at Valley Forge — Bryan Fairfax visits the Camp— Arrival of the Baron Steuben — Ilis Character — Disciplines the Army — Greene made Quartermaster-general, 447 Chap. XXXII. Fortifications of the Hudson— Project to surprise Sir Henry Clinton — General Howe forages the Jerseys — Ships and Stores burnt at Bordentown— Plans for the next Campaign— Gates and Mifflin under Wash- ington's Command— Downfall of Conway— Lord North's Conciliatory Bills — Sent to Washington by Governor Tryon— Resolves of Congress— Letter of Washington to Tryon — Rejoicing at Valley Forge — The Miechianza, 453 Chap. XXXIII. Lafayette detached to keep Watch on Philadelphia— His Position at Barren HUl — Plan of Sir Henry to entrap him — Washington alarmed for his Safety — Stratagem of the Marquis — Exchange of General Lee and Colonel Ethan Allen— Allen at Valley Forge — Washington's Opinion of liim — Preparations in Phila- delphia to evacuate — Washington's Measures in Conse- quence — Arrival of Commissioners from England— Their Disappointment — Their Proceedings — Their Failure — Their Manifesto, 457 Chap. XXXIV. Preparations to evacuate Philadelphia — Washington calls a Council of War — Lee opposed to any Attack— Philadelphia evacuated — Movements in Pursuit of Sir Henry Clinton — Another Council of War — Confiict of Opinions— Contradictory Conduct of Lee respecting the Command — The Battle of Monmouth Court-House— Subsequent March of the Armies, 461 Chap. XXXV. Correspondence between Lee and Wash- ington relative to the Aflair of Monmouth — Lee asks a Trial by'Court-martial — The Verdict— Lee's Subsequent History, 467 Chap. XXXVI. Arrival of a French Fleet — Correspond- ence of Washington and the Count D'Estaing — Plans of the Count — Perturbation at New York — Excitement in the French Fleet — Expedition against Rhode Island — Operations by Sea and Land— Failure of the Expedition —Irritation between the Allied Forces — Considerate Letter of Washington to the Count D'Estaing, . 471 Chap. XXXVII. Indian Warfare— Desolation of the Valley of Wyomincr- Movements in New York— Coun- ter Movenion"ts of Washington— Foraging Parties of tho Enemy— Baylor's Dragoons massacred at Old Tappan — British Expedition against Little Egg Ha.rbor — Massacre of Pulaski's Infantry — Retaliation on Donop's Rangers — Arrival of Admiral Byron — Endeavors to entrap D'Estaing, but is disappointed — Expedition against St. Lucia— Expedition against Georgia — Capture of Savan- nah—Georgia subdued — General Lincoln sent to com- mand in the South, 477 Chap. XXXVIII. Winter Cantonments of the American Army — Washington at Middlebrook — Plan of Alarm Signals for the Jerseys— Lafayette's Project for an Inva- CONTENTS. Vli Bion of Ccmada — Favored by Congress — Condemned by WaBhinittoii — lielinquished— Washington in Plojladel- phia — ''J'lie "War Spirit declining— Dissensions in Con- gress — Sectional Feelings — Patriotic Appeals of Wash- ington — Plans for the next Campaign — Indian Atrocities to be repressed — Avenging Expedition set on foot — Dis- contents of the Jersey Troops — Appeased by the Inter- ference of Washington — Successful Campaign against the Indians, 481 Ceap. XXXIX. Predatory Warfare of the Enemy- Ravages in the Chesapeake— Hustilities on the Hudson — Verijlaiiok's Point and Stony Point taken — Capture of New Haven- Fairfield and Norwalk destroyed- Wash- ington jilans a Counter Stroke — Storming of Stony Point— Generoui Letter of Lee, .... 486 CiiAP. XL. E.xpedition against Penobscot — Night Sur- prisal of Paulus Hook — Washington fortifies West Point— His Style of Living there— Table at Head-Quar- ters—Sir Henry Clinton reinforced— Arrival of D'Es- taing on the Coast of Georgia — Plans in consequence^ The French Minister at Washington's Highland Camp — Letter to Lafayette — D'Estaing co-operates with Lin- coln — Repulsed at Savannah — Washington reinforces Lincoln — Goes into Winter Quarters — Sir Henry Clinton sends an Expedition to the South, .... 490 VOL. IV. Chapter I. Sufferings of the Army at Morristown — Rig- orous Winter — Derangement of the Currency — Confu- sion in the' Commissariat — Impressment of Supplies — Patriotic Conduct of the People of New Jersey— The Bay of New York frozen over — Lord Stirling's Expedi- tion against Staten Island — Knyphausen's Incursion into the Jerseys — Caldwell's Church at Elizabethtown burnt — Character of its Pastor — Foray into Westchester County — Burning of Young's House in the Valley of the Neperan, 497 Chap. II. Arnold in Command of Philadelphia — Unpop- iilar Measures — Arnold's Style of Living — His Schemes and Speculations — His Collisions with the Executive Council — His Land Project — Charges sent against him to Congress— His Address to the Public — Charges re- ferred to a Court-martial— His Marriage— Verdict of the Court-martial— Arnold reprimanded — Obtains leave of absence from the Army, 500 Chap. III. South Carolina threatened — Its Condition and Population— Stormy Voyage of Sir Henry Clinton- Loss of Horses — Character of Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton — Fleet arrives at Tybec — Sir Henry Clinton advances upon Charleston — Lincoln prepares for Defence — Com- modore Whipple — Governor Riitlege — Forebodings of Washington — Embarkation of British Troops at'New York — Washington sends De Kalbwith Reinforcements — His Hopeful Letter to Steuben, . . . 504 Chap. IV. Evils of the Continental Currency- Military Reforms proposed by Washington— Congress Jealous of Military Power — Committee of Three sent to confer with Washington — Losses by Depreciation of the Cur- rency to bo made good to the Troops— Arrival of Lafay- ette—Scheme for a Combined Attack upon New York — Arnold has Debts and Difficulties — His Proposals to the French Minister — Anxious to return to the Army — Mutiny of the Connecticut Troops — Washington writes to Reed for Aid from Pennsylvania— Good EU'ects of his Letter, 507 CnAP. V. Siege of Charleston continued— British Ships enter the Harbor— British Troops march from Sav.annah —Tarleton and his Dragoons— His Brush with Colonel Washington— Charleston reinforced by Woodford— Tarleton's Exploits at Monk's Corner— At Laneau's Ferry- Sir Henry Clinton reinforced— Charleston ca- pitulates—Affair of Tarleton and Buford on the Wax- haw— Sir Henry Clinton embarks for New York, 511 Chap. VI. Knyphausen marauds the Jerseys— Sacking of Connecticut Farms — Murder of Mrs. Caldwell— Ar- rival and Movements of Sir Henx-y Clinton — Springfield Burnt— The Jerseys evacuated, .... 516 Chap. VII. Washington -applies to the State Legislatures for Aid— Subscriptions of the Ladies of Philadelphia — Gates appointed to command the Southern Department ^French Fleet arrives at Newport — Preparations for a Cimibincd Movement again.st New York — Arnold ob- ta'n-! Command at West Point — Greene resigns the Ollice of Quartermaster-general, . . . 519 Chap. VIII. North Carolina — Difficulties of its Invasion — Character of the People and Country — Sumter, his Character and Story — Rocky Mount — Hanging Rock — Blow Advance of De Kalb— Gates takes Command- Desolate March— Battle of Camden— Flight of Gates- Sumter surprised by Tarleton at the Waxhaws— Wash- ington's Opinion of Militia— His Letter to Gates, 524 Chap. IX. Treasonof Arnold— His Correspondence with the Enemy- His Negotiations with Andre— Parting Scene with Washington— Midnight Conference on the Banks of the Hudson— Return of Andre by Land— Cir- cumstances of his Capture, 530 Chap. X. Interview of Washington with the French Of- ficers .at Hartford — Plan of Attack disconcerted — Wash- ington's Return— Scenes at Arnold's Head-quarters in the Highlands- Tidings of Andre's Capture— Flight of Arnold — Letters from the Traitor— Washington's Prc- cautions— Situ.ation of Mrs. Arnold, . . . 537 Chap. XI. Andre's Conduct as a Prisoner — His Conver- sations with Colonel Tallmadge- Story of Nathan Hale — Andre's Prison at Tappau — Correspondence on his behalf— His Trial— Execution— Reward of the Captors —Reward of Arnold— His Proclamation— After Fortunes of Mrs. Arnold, 541 Chap. XII. Greene takes Command at West Point— In- sidious Attempts to shake the Confidence of Washing- ton in his Otheers- Plan to entrap Arnold— Character of Serge.ant Champe — Court of Inquiry into the Conduct of Gates— Greene appointed to the Southern Depart- ment — Washington's Instructions to him — Incursioi-s from Canada — Moh.awk Valley r.avaged— State of the Army— Reforms adopted — Enlistment for the War— Halfp.ay, 549 Chap. XIII. The Marquis Lafayette and his Light-In- fantry — Proposes a Brilliant Stroke — Preparations for iii; Attack on the British Posts on New York Island — Visit of the Marquis of Chastellux to the American Camp — Washington at Head-quarters- Attack on the British Posts given up— Stark forages Westchester County- Exploit of Tallmadge on Long Island, . . . £52 Chap. XIV. Rigorous Measures of CornwalliB in South Carolina — Ferguson sent to scour the Mountain Country between the Catawba and the Yadkin — Cornwallis in a Hornet's Nest — Movements of Ferguson — Mountain Men and Fierce Men from Kentucky — Battleof King's Moui- tain— Retrograde March of Cornwallis, . . . 555 Chap. XV. Marion— His Character— Bye-names— Haunts — Tarleton in Quest of him — Sumter on the West Side of the Saiitee— His Affair with Tarleton at Black Stock Hill— Gates at Hillsborough — His Domestic Misfortunes — Arrival of Greene — His Considerate Conduct— Gates Retires to his Estate— Condition of the Army— Strata- gem of Colonel Washington at CUrmont ^Morgan de- tached to the District of Ninety-Six— Greene posts him- self on the Pedee, 559 Chap. XVI. Hostile Embarkations to the South— Arnold in Command — Necessitous Stale of the Country — Wasli- ington urges a Foreign Loan — Mission of Colonel Lau- rens in France to seek Aid in Men and Money— Griev- ances of the Pennsylvania Line — Mutiny — Negotiations with the Mutineers — Articles of Accommodation — Policy doubted by Washington — Rigorous Course adojited by him with other Malcontents — Successful — Ratification of the Articles of Confederation of the States, . 563 Chap. XVII. Expedition of Arnold into Virginia— Buc- caneering Ravages — Checked by Steuben — Arnold at Portsmouth— Congress resolves to form Heads of De- partments — Hamilton suggested by Sullivan forDepait- ment of Finance — High Opinion of him expresfed liy Washington — Misunderstanding between Hamilton and the Commander-in-chief, 668 Chap. XVIII. Cornwallis prepares to invade North Carolina — Tarleton sent against Morgan — Battle at Cow- pens- Morgan pushes for the Catawba with Spoils and Prisoners— Cornw.allis endeavors to intercept him — The Rising of the River — Cornwallis at Ranisour's Mills, 571 Chap. XIX. Greene joins Morgan on the Catawba— Adopts the Fabian Policy— Movement of Cornwalli-^ to cross the Catawba— Affair at McGowan's Ford— Militia surprised by Tarleton at Tarrant's T.avern- Cornwallis checked by the Rising of the Yadkin— Contest of Skill and Speed of the two Armies in a March to the Banks of the Dan, 575 Chap. XX. Cornwallis takes Post at Hillsboroueh— His Proclamation — Greene recrosscs the Dan — Country Scoured by Lee and Pickens— Aft'air with Co'.o-ol Pyle — Manoeuvres of Cornwallis to bring Greene to Action — Battle of Guilford Court-House — Greene Retreats to Troublesome Creek — Cornwallis marches towards Cape Fear — Greene pursues him — Is brought to a Stand at Deep River — Determines to face about and cany tlie War into South Carolina — Cornwallis Marches for Vir- ginia, 579 Chap. XXI. Arnold at Portsmouth, in Virginia— Expe- ditions sent against him — Instructions to Lafayettf — Washington at Newport— Consultations witli De Ro- CONTENTS. chambe.iu— Sailing of the French Fleet— Pursued by the English— Expedition of Lafayette to Virginia— Engage- ment between the English and French Fleets— Failure of the Expedition against Arnold— Letter of Washing- ton to Colonel Laurens— Measures to reinforce Greene —General Phillips in Command at Portsmouth— Marauds the Country— Checked by Lafayette — Mount Vernon menaced- Death of Phillips, 586 Chap. XXII. Inefficient State of the Army— Maraud of Delancey— Death of Colonel Greene- Arrival of the Count De Barras— French Naval Force expected— In- terview of Washington and De liochambeau at Woatb- ersfield— Plan of Combined Operations— Financial Ar- rangement of Robert Morris— Scheme to attack tlie Works on New York Island and capture Delanccy'a Corps— Encampments of American and French Armies in Westcbester County— Reconnoitring Expeditions, 591 Chap. XXIII. Movements and Counter-movements of Cornwallis and Lafayette in Virginia— Tarleton and his Troopers scour the Country— A Dash at the State Legis- lature-Attempt to surprise the Governor at Monticello —Retreat of Jefterson to Carter's Mountain— Steuben outwitted by Simcoe— Lafayette joined by Wayne and Steuben — Acts on the Aggressive — Desperate M61ee of Macpherson and Simcoe— Corn w.allis pursued to James- town Island — Mad Anthony in a Morass— His Impetuous Valor— Alertness of Lafayette— Washington's Opinion of the Virginia Campaign, 596 Chap. XXIV. Greene's Retrograde Operation in South Carolina— Appears before Camden— Aftair at Hobkirk's Hill— Rawdon abandons Camden— Rapid Successes of the Americans— Greene's Attack on the Fortress of Ninety-Six— Operaiions against Lord Rawdon — Greene on the Hish Hills of Santee— Sumter scours the Lower Country— Dash of Colonel Wade Hampton at the Gates of Charleston — Exploits of Lee and Hampton — Of Cap- tain Armstrong at Quimby Bridge- Action in the Neigh- borhood-End of the Campaign, .... 699 Chap. XXV. Washington disappointed as to Reinforce- ments — French Armament destined for the Che.-apeake — Attempts on New York postponed- March of the Armies to the Chesapeake — Stratagems to deceive the Enemy — Arnold ravages New London — Washington at Philadelphia— March of the two Armies through the City — Cornwallis at Yorktown — Preparations to proceed against him— Visit to Mount Vernon, . . . 603 Chap. XXVI. Cornwallis aroused to his Danger — His Retreat to the Carolinas cut off— Strengthens his Works —Action between the French and British Fleets — Wash- ington and DeRochambeau visit the French Fleet — Ope- rations before Yorktown, COS Chap. XXVIL Greene on the High Hills of Santee— The Enemy harassed — Greene marches against Btuart — Bat- tle near Eutaw Springs, 612 Chap. XXVIII. Siege and Surrender of Yorktown, 615 C'tAP. XXIX. DisflolutiTjn of the Combined Armies — W;'sliiugton at Ellhani — Death of John Parke Custis — AVashington at Blount Vernon — Correspondence about the next Campaign — Lafayette sails for France — Wash- inton stimulates Congress to Military Preparations — Project to surprise and carry olV Prince William Henry from New York — The case of Captain Asgill, . 621 Chap. XXX. Washington continues his Precautions — Sir Guy Carleton bring Pacific News — Discontents of the Army — Extraordinary Letter from Colonel Nicol.a — In- dignant Reply of Washington — Joint Letter of Sir Guy Carleton and Admiral Digby — Junction of the xMlied Armies on the Hudson — Contemplated Reduction of the Army, 625 Chap. XXXI. Discontents of the Array at Ncwburg — Memorial of the Officers to Congress — Anonymous Pa- pers circulated in the Camp — Meeting of Officers called — Address of Washington — Resolutions in Consequence — Letters of Washington to the President—His Opinion of the Anonymous Addresses and their. Author, 627 Chap. XXXII. Newsof Peace— Letter of Washington in Behalf of the Army — Cessation of Hostilities proclaimed — Order of the Ciiiciniiati formed— I^ctter of Washing- ton to the State Gover;.ors— Mutiny in the Pennsylvania Line— Letter of Washington on the Subject— Tour to the Northern Posts, 631 CuAP. XXXIII. The Army to be discharged— Parting Address of Washington— Evacuation of New York- Parting Scene of Washington with his Officers at New York— Washington resigns las Commission to Congress — Retires to Mount Vernon, 630 Chap. XXXIV. Washington at Mount Vernon— A S)!- dier's Repose— Plans of Domestic I^ife — Kind Offi'r of the Council of Pennsylvania— Historical Applications- News of Jacob Van Braam— Opening of Spring — Agri- cultural L'fo resumed — Recolleotiors of the Fairfaxes — Meeting of the Order of Cincinnati— Tour of Washington and Dr. Craik to the West— Ideas of Internal Improve- ment—Parting with Lafayette, .... 639 Chap. XXXV. Scheme of Inland Navigation — Shares of Stock ofl'ered to Washington — Declined — Rural Improve- ments — The Tax of Letter-writing — The Tax of Sitting for Likenesses — Ornamental Gardening — Management of the Estate — Domestic Life — Visit of Mr. Watson — Reverential Awe inspired by Washington — Irksome to him — Instances of his Festive Gayely — Of his Laughing — Passion for Hunting revived — Death of Gen. Greene^ His Character- Washington's Regrets and Encomiums — Letters to the French is'oblemen, . . • 641 Chap. XXXVI. Washington doubts the Solidity of the Confederation — Correspondence with John Jay on the Subject — Plan of a Convention of all the St.ates to revise the Federal System — Washington heads the Virginia Delegation — Insurrection in Massachusetts — The Con- vention — A Federal Constitution organized — Rati- fied, 652 CuAP. XXXVII. Washington talked of for the Presi- dency — His Letters on the Subject expressing his Reluc- tance — His Election — Ills Progress to the Seat of Gov- ernment — His Reception at New York — The Inaugura- tion, 657 VOL. V. Chapter I. The new Government— Domestic a;;d For- eign Relations — Washington's anxious Position — Its Dif- ficulties—Without Cabinet or Constitutional Advisers — John Jay — Hamilton — His efficient Support of the Con- stitution and Theoretic Doubts — James Madison — Kno.x — His Characteristics, 665 Chap. II. Washington's Privacy beset with Visits of Compliment— Queries as to the proper Line of Conduct in his Presidential Intercourse — Opinions of Adams and Hamilton— Jetl'ersou as to the Authors of the Minor Forms and Ceremonies — His whimsical Anecdote of the first Levee — Inaugural Ball, 667 Chap. III. Journey of Mrs. Washington to New York — Honors paid her in her Progress — Receptions at the Seat of Government— The President's Equipage, . 6G9 Chap. IV. Alarming Illness of the President— The Sen- ate rejects one of his Nominations — His sensitive Vindi- cation of it — Death of his Mother — Her Character— The Executive Departments instituted — Selection of Officers for the Treasury and War Departments — Hamilton in- structed to report a Financial Plan at the next Session of Congress — Arrangement of the Judiciary Department — Edmund Randolph — Adjournment of Congress — Its Ch.aracler, by Fisher Ames, 071 Chap. V. The Department of State still without a Head — Sketch of Jefferson's Character and Opinions — Deeply immersed in French Politics at Paris— Gouverneur Mor- ris abroad — Contrast of his and Jeflerson's Views on the French Crisis — News of the French Revolution in Amer- ica — Popular Excitement — Washington's cautious Opin- ion on the Subject— Hamilton's apprehensive View — Jeflerson oflered a Place in the Cabinet aa Secretary of State, 673 CnAp. VI. Washington's Journey through the Eastern States— John Hancock— Clashing between the Civil and Municip.al Authorities on the President's Entry into Bos- ton — A Contest of Etiquette — Washington's account of his Entry — His Reception — A new Punctilio — Address of the Cincinnati Society- Return to New York, 677 CnAp. VII. Col. John Trumbull— Message to Washing- ton from Lafayette — Jefferson's Embarkation for Amer- ica — Washington forwards his Commission as Secretary of State— His Acceptance, 679i Chap. VIII. Reassembling of Congress — Financial Con- dition of t!ie Country — Its Debt at Home and Abroad — Delits of the States — Hamilton's Report — Opposition to It— Dr. Stuart's Avarning Letter to Washington — His Reply — Jefferson's arrival at the Seat of Goverjiment — New York at that Period — Jeflerson apprehends Monar- chical Designs, 6S0 Chap. IX. The Assumption of the State Debts discussed — Washington in Favor— A Majority of Two against it — Hamilton's Ap])eal to Jeflerson on the Subject — Tiio lat- ter arranges for a Compromise — His Account of it — Ad- juslmentabout the Seat of Government — Assiuription carried — Treaty of Peace with the Creek-- Cavillings about Presidential Etiquette— WashiuGfton's Defence- Adjournment of Congress — Fancied Harmony of tho Cabinet— Jefferson suspects Hamilton of Finesse iu pro- curing his Agency in the Assumption, . . 684 CnAP. X. Lafayette at the Head of the Revolution in France— Hia Letter to Wa.shington— Gouvcrneur Mor- CONTENTS. IX ris's Opinion of his Position — Washington's dubious and anxious Views — Presented by Lafayette with the Key of the Bastille — Visits Rhode Island and Mount Ver- non, 686 Chap. XI. Frontier Difficulties with the Indians— Gen- eral Ilarmcr's Expedition against tliem — Ambuscade of Ool. Hardin's Detachment — Escape of Capt. Armstrong — A second Detachment of Col. Hardin compelled to re- treat — "Washington's long Anxiety as to the Result of the Enterprise— Final Tidings, .... 688 Chap. XII. Congress reassembles at Philadelphia — Resi- dence of Washington at the new Scat of Government — Tlio State Carriage— Hamilton's Financial Arrangements — Impost and Excise Bill— Passage of a Bill for a Na- tional Bank — JetFcrsou's Objections — Fomiation of two Political Parties under Hamilton and Jeft'erson — Their diflerent Views — Dissatisfaction of Congress at the Re- port of Harmer's Expedition — Washington's Address to the Seneca Chiefs — His Desire to civilize the Savages — Kentucky and Vermont admitted into the Union — First Congress expires — A new Expedition projected against the Hostile Tribes under General St. Clair — Washing- ton's Solemn Warning on taking Leave of him, . 690 Chap. XIII. Washington's Tour through the Southern States — Letter lo Lafayette — Gloomy Picture of French Afl'airs by Gouverneur Morris— His Allusion to Lafayette — Lafayette depicts the Troubles of a Patriot Leader — Washington's Reply— Jcfl'erson's ardent Views of the French Revolution— Distrust of .lohn Adams— His Con- tributions to Fenno's Gazette— Reprint of Paine's Rights of Man — Flieht and Recapture of Louis XVL — Jefferson communicates the News to Washington — His Satisfac- tion when the King accepts the Constitution, . 092 Chap. XIV. Rural Hours at Mount Vernon — Assem- bling of Second Congress — Washington's opening Speech — Two Expeditions organized against the Indians, under Scott and Wilkinson — Their feeble Result — Third Expedition under St. Clair— His disastrous Contest and dismal Retreat— How Washington received the Intelli- gence, 694 Chap. XV. The Apportionment Bill— Washington's Veto — His Concern at the growing Asperities of Congress — Intended Retirement — Jefferson's determination to re- tire at the same Time — Remonstrance of Washington^ His Request to Madison to prep:iro Valedictory — Wayne appointed to succeed St. Clair — Congress adjourns — Washington at Mount Vernon— Sugeests Topics for his Farewell Address — Madison's Draft — Jefi'erson urges his continuance, iG9S Chap. XVI. Jefferson's Suspicions— Contemned by Ham- ilton — Washington's Expostulation — Complains of the Conduct of Freneau's Paper — Hamilton and Raiidol))h urge him to a Re-election — A warring Caliinet — Hamil- ton's attack on Jefferson — Washington's healing Admo- nition— Replies of the two Secretaries — Continued Hos- tility to the Excise Law — Washington's Proclamation — Renewed Effort to allay the Discord inhis Cabinet, 703 Chap. XVII. Washington imanimously re-elected — Opening of Session of'Congress- Topics of the Presi- dent's Speech — Abortive attack upon the Secretary of the Treasury — Washington installed for his Second Term, 708 Chap. XVIII. GouverneurMorrisMinisterat the French Court— His Representations of the State of Aftairs— Washington's Concern for Lafayette— Jefferson annoyed at his Forebodings — Overthrow of the French Mon- archy — Imprisonment of Lafayette — Jefferson con- cerned, but not discouraged at IheKcjJublican ^Massacres — Washington shocked— His Letter to the Marchioness Lafayette, 709 Chap. XIX. Washington's Entrance upon his Seconil Term— Gloomy Auspices— Execution of Louis XVL— ■ Franco declares War against England— Belligerent Ex- citement in America— Proclamation of Neutrality- French Mission to the United States— Genet arrives in Charleston — His Reception in Philadelphia — Views of Jefferson and Hamilton— Washington's dispassionate Opinion, 712 Chap. XX. Genet presents his Letter of Credence — His Diplomatic Speech — AVashington's Conversation with Jefferson — Capture of the Ship Grange and other Brit- ish Vessels — Question of Restitution — Dissatisfaction of Genet — Demands Release of two American Citizens — Washington's Sensitiveness to the Attacks of the Press —His unshaken Determination, .... 714 Chap. XXI. Washington called to Mount Vernon— The case of the Little Sarah comes up in his Absence — Gov- ernor Mifflin determined to prevent her Departure — Rage of Genet — Jefferson urges Detention of the Priva- teer until the President's Return — Evasive Assurance of Genet — Distrust of Hamilton and Knox — Washington returns to Philadelphia— A Cabinet Council— Its Deter- mination communicated to Genet— The Vessel sails in Defiance of it — Formation of the Democratic Society — The Recall of Genet determined on — The Ribald Lai.i- poon— Washington's Outburst, .... 716 Chap. XXII. Threatened Dissolution of the Cabinet- Action between the Ambuscade and Boston — Trium- phant return of the former to New York— A French Fleet arrives same Day — Excitement of the People — Genet arrives in the midst of it — His enthusiastic Re- ception — Is informed by Jefferson of the Measures for his Recall— His Rage and Reply— Decline of his Popu- larity, 719 Chap. XXIII. Neutrality endangered by Great Brit- ain—Her lU-advieed Measures— Detention of Vesscla bound for France— Impressment of American Seamen —Persistence in holding tho Western Posts— Congress assembles in December— The President's opening Speech —His Censure of Genet— 1 he Vice-President's Allusion to it — The Administration in a Minority in the House — Proclamation of Neutrality sustained— Jefferson's Re- port—Retires from the Cabinet— His parting Rebuke to Genet — His Character of Washington, . . . 722 Chap. XXIV. Debate on Jefferson's Report on Com- mercial Intercourse — A Naval Force proposed for tVie Protection of Commerce against Piratical Cruisers- Further Instances of the Audacit j' of Genet — His Recall —Arrival of his Successor — Irritation excited by British Captures of American Vessels — Preparations for De- fence — Embargo — Intense Excitement at " British Spoli- ations" — Partisans of Franco in the ascendant— A Chance for Accommodating Difficulties — Jefferson's Hopes of Reconciliation — The War Cry uppermost — Washington determines to send a Special Envoy to the British Government — Jefferson's Letter to Tench Coxe, 725 Chap. XXV. James Monroe appointed Minister to France in place of Gouverneur Morris rccalled^His Re- ception — Pennsylvania Insurrection — Proclamation of Washington — Perfseverancc of the Insurgents — Second Proclarnation— The President proceeds against them— General Morg.an— Lawrence Lewis— Washington ar- ranges a Plan of Military Operations — Returns to Phila- delphia, leaving Lee in Command — Submission of the Insurgents — The Pi-csident's Letter on the Subject lo Jay, Minister at London, 729 Chap. XXVI. Washington's Denunciation of Self-created Societies — Not relished by Congress — Campaign of General Wayne— Hamilton reports a Plan for the Re- demption of "the Pulilic Debt — And retires from his Post ns Secretary of the Treasury— Is succeeded by Oliver Wolcott— Resignation of Knox— Succeeded by Timothy Pickering— Close of the Session, .... 732 Cdap. XXVII. Washington's Anxiety about the Pro- gress of the Negotiation with England — Jay's Treaty arrives for Ratification— Predisposition to condemn — Return of Jay— Adet succeeds Fauchet as Minister froni France— The" Treaty laid before the Senate— Ratified with a Qualification— A Novel Question— Popular Dis- content-Abstract of the Treaty published— Violent Op- position to it— Washington resolved to ratify — His Resolution suspended— Goes to Mount Vernon — Reply to an Address from Boston— Increasing Clamor, . 7o-l Chap. XXVIII. Washington recalled to the Seat of Government— Conduct of Randolph brought in question —Treaty signed— Resignation of Randolph— His Corre- spondence with Washington— Unlimited Disclosure per- mitted—Appearance of his Vindication — Pickering transferred to the Department of State— M'Henry ap- pointed Secretary of War— Arrival of George Washing^ ton Lafayette, ''37 Chap. XXIX. Meeting of Congress — Washington's Official Summary of the Events of the Year— Cordial Response of the Senate— Partial Demur of the House- Washington's Position and Feelings with regard to Eng- land, as shown by himself- Mr. Adet presents the Colors of France— The Treaty returned— Proceedings thereupon— Tliomas Pinckney resigns as Minister at London— Rufus King appointed in his place— Washing- ton's View of the Political Campaign— Jefferson's Fears of an Attempt to sow Dissension iK'tween him and Wash- ington—Mr-. Monroe recalled, and C. C. Pinckney ap- pointed in his Stead— Resentful Policy of France, . 740 Chap. XXX. Washington's Farewell Address— Meets the two Houses of Congress for tho last Time — His Speech— Replies of the Senate and House— Mr. Giles- Andrew Jackson— Offensive Publication of the French Minister — John Adams declared President— Washing- ton's Letter to Knox on the Eve of his Retirement- Tho Spurious Letters — IDs Farewell Dinner — John Adams takes the Oath of Office— Greetings of Washington at the close of the Ceremony, 745 Chap. XXXI. Washington at Mount Vernon— Influx of strange Faces— Lawrence Lewis— Mies Nelly Custis— CONTENTS. "Washington's Connpel in Love Matters— A Romantic Episode — Return of George Washington Lafayette,. 749 Chap. XXXIL Parting Address of the French Directory to Mr. Monroe — The new American Minister ordered to leave the Republic — Congress convened — Measures of Defence recommended — Washington's Concern — Ap- pointment of three Envoys Extraordinary— Doubts their Success— Hears of an old Companion in Arms — The three Ministers and Talleyrand— Their degrading Treat- ment — Threatened War with France — Washington ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief— Arranges for three Major Generals — Knox aggrieved, 752 Chap. XXXIII. Washington taxed anew with the Cares of Office — Correspondence with Lafayette — A Marriage at Mount Vernon — Appointment of a Minister to the French Republic— Washington's SurpriBe— His Activity on his Estate— Political Anxieties— Concern about the Army, 753 Chap. XXXIV. Washington digests a Plan for the Man- agement of his Estate— His Views in reeard to a Military Academy— Letter to Hamilton— His Last Hours— The Funeral— The Will— Its Provisions in regard to his Slaves— Proceedings of Congress on his Death— Con- clusion, 761 Afpexdix I. Portraits of Washington, ... 766 II. Washington's Farewell Address, . '775 III. Proceedings of Congress in consequence of the Death of Washington, . 7S3 IV. Washington's WiU, .... 785 Index, 791 .ijifea^i&^Jijiiiwiii LIFE OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME FIEST CHAPTER I. The "Washington family is of an ancient Eng- lisli stock, the genealogy of which has been traced up to the century immediately succeed- ing the Conquest. At that time it was in pos- sessioA of landed estates and manorial privi- leges in the county of Durham, such as were enjoyed only by those, or their descendants, who had come over from Normandy with the Conqueror, or fought under his standard. When William the Conqueror laid waste the whole country north of the Humber, in pun- ishment of the insurrection of the Northum- brians, he apportioned the estates among his followers, and advanced Normans and other foreigners to the principal ecclesiastical dig- nities. One of the most wealthy and impor- tant sees was that of Durham. Hither had been transported the bones of St. Cuthbert from their original shrine at Lindisfarne, when it was ravaged by the Danes. That saint, says Camden, was esteemed by princes and gentry a titular saint against the Scots.* His shrine, tlierefore, had been held in peculiar reverence by the Saxons, and the see of Durham en- dowed with extraordinary privileges. WilHam continued and increased those privi- leges. He needed a powerful adherent on this frontier to keep the restless Northumbrians in order, and check Scottish invasion ; and no doubt considered an enlightened ecclesiastic, appointed by the crown, a safer depositary of such power than a hereditary noble. Having placed a noble and learned native of Loraine in the diocese, therefore, he erected it into a palatinate, over which the bishop, as * Camden, Brit, iv.,349. Count Palatine, had temporal, as well as spirit- ual jurisdiction. He built a strong castle for his protection, and to serve as a barrier against the Northern foe. He made him lord high- admiral of the sea and waters adjoining his palatinate, — lord warden of the marches, and conservator of the league between England and Scotland. Thenceforth, we are told, the pre- lates of Durham owned no earthly superior wit] n their diocese, but contimied for cen- turies to exercise every right attached to an independent sovereign.* The bishop, as Count Palatine, lived in al- most royal state and splendor. He had his lay chancellor, chamberlains, secretaries, stew- ards, treasurer, master of the horse, and a host of minor officers. Still he was under feudal obligations. All landed property in those war- like times, implied military service. Bishops and abbots, equally with great barons who held estates immediately of the crown, were obhged, when required, to furnish the king with armed men in proportion to their domains ; but they had their feudatories under them to aid them in this service. The princely prelate of Durham had his barons and knights, who held estates of him on feudal tenure, and were bound to serve him in peace and war. They sat occasionally in his councils, gave martial splendor to his court, and were obliged to have horse and weapon ready for service, for they lived in a belligerent neighborhood, disturbed occasionally by civil war, and often by Scottish foray. When the banner of St. Cuthbert, the royal standard of the province, was displayed, no armed feuda- * Annals of Roger de Hoveden. Hutchinson's Durham, vol. ii. Collectanea Curiosa, vol. ii., p. 83. 6 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. tory of the bishop could refuse to .take the field.* Some of these prelates, in token of the war- like duties of their diocese, engraved on their seals a knight on horseback armed at all points, brandishing in one hand a sword, and holding forth in the other the arms of the see.f Among the knights wlio held estates in the palatinate on these warlike conditions, was "William de HEnTBURX, the progenitor of the Wasliingtons. His Norman name of "William would seem to point out his national descent ; and the family long continued to have Norman names of baptism. The surname of De Hert- burn was taken from a village on the palatinate which he held of the bishop in knight's fee ; •probably the same now called Ilartburn on the banks of the Tees. It had become a custom among the Norman families of rank about the time of the Conquest, to take surnames from their castles or estates ; it was not until some time afterwards that surnames became gener- ally assumed by the people. J How or when the De Hertburns first ac- quired possession of theii- village is not known. They may have been companions in arms with Eobert de Brus (or Bruce) a noble knight of Normandy, rewai'ded by "William the Con- (jueror with great possessions in the North, and among others, with the lordships of Hert and Hertness in the coimty of Durham. The first actual mention we find of the family is in the Bolden Book, a record of all the lands appertaining to the diocese of 1183. Ill this it is stated that "William de Hertburn had exchanged his village of Hertburn for the manor and village of "Wessyngton, likewise in the diocese ; paying the bishop a quitrent of four pounds, and engaging to attend him with two greyhounds in grand hunts, and to furnish a man at arms whenever military aid should bs required of the palatinate.§ * Robert de Grnystanos, Ang. Sac, p. 746. + Camden, Brit, iv., S49. I Lower on Surnames, vol. i., p. 43. Fuller gays that the custom of surnames was brought from Franco in Ed- ward the Confessor's time, about fifty years before the Conquest; but did not become universally settled imtil some hundred years afterwards. At first they did not descend hereditarily on the family.— i^iiWer, Church His- tory. Roll Dattlp. Ahhe'j. § The Bolden Book. As this ancient document gives the first trace of the "\Vashint;ton family, it merits espe- cial mention. In 11S3, a survey was made by order of Bishop de Pusaz of all the lands of the see held in de- mesne, or by tenants in villanacre. The record was entered in a book called the Bolden Buko ; the parish of Bolden occurring first in alphabetical arrangement. The docu- The family changed its surname with its estate, and thenceforward assumed that of De "Wessyngton.* The condition of military service attached to its manor will be found to have been often exacted, nor was the service in the grand hunt an idle form. Hunting came next to war in those days, as the occupation of the nobility and gentry. The clergy en- gaged in it equally with the laity. The hunt- ing establishment of the Bishop of Durham was on a princely scale. Ho had his forests, chases, and parks, with their train of foresters, rangers, and park keepers. A grand hunt was a splendid pageant in which all his barons and knights attended him with horse and hound. The .stipulations with the Seignior of Wess- yngton show how strictly the rights of the chase were defined. All the game taken by him in going to the forest belonged to the bishop ; all taken on returning belonged to himself.t Hugli de Pusaz (or De Pudsay) during whose episcopate we meet with this first trace of the De "Wes.syngtons, was a nephew of king Stephen, and a prelate of great pretensions ; fond of appearing with a train of ecclesiastics and an armed retinue. "When Richard Coeur de Lion put every thing at pawn and sale to raise funds for a crusade to the Holy Land, the bishop resolved to accompany him. More wealthy than his sovereign, he made magnifi- cent preparations. Besides ships to convey his troops and retinue, he had a sumptuotis galley for himself, fitted up with a throne or episcopal chair of silver, and all the household, and even culinary utensils, were of the same costly material. In a word, had not the pre- late been induced to stay at home, and aid the king with his treasures, by being made one of the regents of the kingdom, and Earl of North- ment commences in the following manner : Incipit liber qui vocatur Bolden Book. Anno Dominice Incarnationis, 11S3, &o. The following is the memorandum in question : — WilluB de Ilertcburn habet Wessyngton (escepta ecclc- sia et terra ecclesie partinen) ad excamb, pro villa de Her- teburn quam pro hac quietam clamavit : Et reddit 4 L. Et vadit in magna caza cum 2 Leporar. Et quando com- mune auxillum venerit debet dare 1 Militcm ad plus de auxilio, &c. — Collectanea Curiosa, vol. ii. p. 89. The Bolden Buke is a small folio, deposited in the ofiice of the bishop's auditor, at Burham. * The name is probably of Saxon origin. It existed in England prior to the Conquest. The village of Wasseng- tone is mentioned in a Saxon charter as granted by l?ing Edgar in 073 to Thorney Ahhey.— Collectanea Topograph- tea, iv. 55. t Hutchinson's Durham, vol. ii., p. 4S9. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. nmboi'land for life, the De "Wessyngtons might have followed the banner of St. Outhbert to I the Holy -wars. iSTearly seventy years afterv.'ards we find the family still retaining its manorial estate in the palatinate. The names of Boiido de "Wessyng- ton and William his son appear on charters of land, granted in 1257. to religious houses. Soon after occurred the wars of the barons, in whicli the throne of Henry III. was shaken by the De Mountforts. The chivalry of the palatinate raUied under the royal standard. On the list of royal knights who fought for their sovereign in the disastrous battle of Lewes (1264), in which the king was taken prisoner, we find the name of William Weshington, of Weshing- ton.* During the splendid pontificate of Anthony Beke (or Beak), the knights of the palatinate had continually to be in the saddle, or buckled in armor. The prelate was so impatient of rest that he never took more than one sleep, saying it was unbecoming a man to turn from one side to another in bed. He was per- petually, when within his diocese, either rid- ing from one manor to another, or hunting and hawking. Twice he assisted Edward I. with all his force in invading Scotland. In the pro- gress northward with the king, the bishop led the van, marching a day in advance of the main body, with a mercenary force, paid by himself, of one thousand foot and five hundred horse. Besides these he had his feudatories of the palatinate ; sis bannerets and one hun- dred and sixty knights, not one of whom, says an old poem, but surpassed Arthur himself, though endowed with the charmed gifts of Merlin.t We presume the De Wessyngtons were among those preux chevaliers, as the banner of St. Cuthbert had been taken from its shrine on the occasion, and of course all the armed force of the diocese was bound to fol- low. It was borne in front of the army by a monk of Durham. There were many rich ca- parisons, says the old poem, many beautiful pennons, fluttering from lances, and much neighing of steeds. The hills and valleys Avere covered with sumpter horses and waggons laden with tents and provisions. The Bishop of Durham in his warlike state appeared, we * This list of knights was inserted in the Bolden Book as an additional entry. It is cited at full length by Hutch- inson. — Hist. Durham, vol. i., p. 220. t Onques Artous poiir touz ces charmes, Si beau prisent ne ot de Merlyn. Siege of Karlatkrook; an old Poem in Norman French. are told, more like a powerful prince, than a priest or prelate.* At the surrender of the crown of Scotland by John Baliol, v/hich ended this invasion, the bishop negotiated on the part of England, As a trophy of the event, the chair of Schone used on the inauguration of the Scottish monarchs, and containing the stone on which Jacob dreamed, the palladium of Scotland, was trans- ferred to England and deposited in Westminster Abbey.! In the reign of Edward III. we find the De Wcs.syngtons still mingling in chivalrous scenes. The name of Sir Stephen de Wessyngton ap- pears on a li.st of knights (nobles chevaliers) v/ho were to tilt at a tournament at Dunstable in 1334. He bore for his device a golden rose on an azure field. J He was soon called to exercise his arms on a sterner field. In 1346, Edward and his son, the Black Prince, being absent with the armies in France, king David of Scotland invaded North- umberland with a powerful army. Queen Philippa, who had remained in England as regent, immediately took the field, calling the northern prelates and nobles to join her stand- ard. They all hastened to obey. Among the prelates was Hatfield, the Bishop of Durham. The sacred banner of St. Cuthbert was again displayed, and the chivalry of the palatinate assisted at the famous battle of Nevil's cross, near Durham, in which the Scottish army was defeated and king David taken prisoner. Queen Philippa hastened with a victorious train to cross the sea at Dover, and join king Edward in his camp before Calais. The prelate of Durham accompanied her. His military train consisted of three bannerets, forty-eight knights, one hundred and sixty-four esquires, and eighty archers, on horseback.§ They all * Robert do Graystanes, Ang. Sac, n, 74C, cited by Hutchinson, vol. i., p. 2S9. t An extract from an inedited poem, cited by Nicolas in his translation of the Siege of Carlavarock, gives a striking picture of the palatinate in these days of its pride and splendor : — There valor bowed before the rood and book, And kneeling knighthood served a prelate lord, Yet little deigned he on such train to look. Or glance of ruth or pity to aftbrd. There time has heard the peal rung out at night, Has seen from every tower the cressets stream, When the red bale tire on yon western height Had roused the warder from his fitful dream. Has seen old Durham's lion banner float O'er tb.e proud bulwark, that, with giant pride And feet deep plunged amidst the circling moat, The efforts of the roving Soot defied. t Collect. Topog. et Genealog. T. iv., p. 395. § Collier's Eccles. Hist., Book VI., Cent. XIV. 8 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. arrived to witness the surrender of Calais (1346), on which occasion queen Philippa dis- tinguished herself by her noble interference in saving the lives of its patriot citizens. Such were the warlike and stately scenes in which the De "Wessyngtons were called to mingle by their feudal duties as knights of the palatinate. A few years after the last event (1350), "William, at that time lord of the manor of "Wessyngton, had license to settle it and the village upon himself, his wife, and " his own right heirs." He died in 136Y, and his son and heir, "William, succeeded to the estate. The latter is mentioned under the name of Sir "Wil- liam de "Weschington, as one of the knights who sat in the privy council of the county during the episcopate of John Fordham.* During this time the whole force of the pala- tinate was roused to pursue a foray of Scots, under Sir 'William Douglas, who, having rav- aged the country, were returning laden with spoil. It was a fruit of the feud between the Douglases and the Percys. The marauders were overtaken by Hotspur Percy, and then took place the battle of Otterbourne, in which Percy was taken prisoner and Douglas slain.t For upwards of two hundred years the De "Wessyngtons had now sat in the councils of the palatinate ; had mingled with horse and hound, in the stately hunts of its prelates, and followed the banner of St. Cuthbert to the field; but Sir 'Williani, just mentioned, was the last of the family that rendered this feudal service. He was the last male of the line to which the inheritance of the manor, by the license granted to his father, was confined. It passed away from the De "Wessyngtons, after his death, by the marriage of his only daughter and heir, Dionisia, with Sir "William Temple of Studley. By the year 1400 it had become the property of the Blaykestons.| But though the name of De "Wessyngton no longer figured on the chivalrous roll of the palatinate, it continued for a time to flourish in the cloisters. In the year 1416, John De "Wess- yngton was elected prior of the Benedictine convent, attached to the cathedral. The monks of this convent had been licensed by Pope Gre- gory VII. to perform the solemn duties of the cathedral in place of secular clergy, and "Wil- * Ilutcliinson, vol. ii. t Theare the Dowglas lost his life, And the Percye was led away. FoRDUN. Quoted by Surtee's Hist. Durha7n,yo\. i. t Hutchinson's Durham, vol. ii., p. 4S9. liam the Conqueror had ordained that the priors of Durham should enjoy all the liberties, dignities, and honors of abbots ; should hold their lands and churches in their own hands and free dispo.sition, and have the abbot's seat on the left side of the choir — thus taking rank of every one but the bishop.* In the course of three centuries and up- wards, which had since elapsed, these honors and privileges had been subject to repeated dispute and encroachment, and the prior had nearly been elbowed out of the abbot's chair by the archdeacon. John de "Wessyngton was not a man to submit tamely to such infringe- ments of his rights. He forthwith set himself up as the champion of his priory, and in a learned tract, de Juribiis et Possessionibtis Ec- clesicB Dunelm, established the validity of the long-controverted claims, and fixed himself firmly in the abbot's chair. His success in this controversy gained him much renown among his brethren of the cowl, and in 1426 he pre- sided at the general chapter of the order of St. Benedict, held at Northampton. The stout prior of Durham had other dis- putes with the bishop and the secular clergy touching his ecclesiastical functions, in which he was equally victorious, and several tracts remain in manuscript in the dean and chapter's library ; weapons hung up in the church armory as memorials of his polemical battles. Finally, after fighting divers good fights for the honor of his priory, and filling the abbot's chair for thirty years, he died, to use an an- cient j)hrase, " in all the odor of sanctity," in 1446, and was buried like a soldier on his battle-field, at the door of the north aisle of the church, near to the altar of St. Benedict. On his tombstone was an inscription in brass, now unfortunately obliterated, which may have set forth the valiant deeds of this Washington of the cloisters.t By this time the primitive stock of tlie De "Wessyngtons had separated into divers branches, holding estates in various parts of England ; some distinguishing themselves in the learned professions, others receiving knight- hood for public services. Their names are to be found honorably recorded in county his- tories, or engraved on monuments in time- worn churches and cathedrals, those garnering places of English worthies. By degrees the * Dusrdale Monasticon Anglicanum. T. 1., p. 231. Lon- don cd. 1S46. t nutchinBon's Durham, vol. ii., passim. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. seignorial sign of cle disappeared from before the family surname, which also varied from Wessyngton to Wassington, "Wasshington, and finally, to "Washington.* A parish in the county of Durham hears the name as last written, and in this probably the ancient manor of "Wessyngton was situated. There is another parish of the name in the county of Sussex. The branch of the family to which our "Washington immediately belongs sprang from Laurence "Washington, Esquire, of Gray's Inn, son of John "Washington, of "Warton in Lan- cashire. This Laurence "Washington was for some time mayor of Northampton, and on the dissolution of the priories by Henry VIII. he re- ceived, in 1538, a grant of the manor of Sul- grave, in Northamptonshire, with other lands in the vicinity, all confiscated property formerly belonging to the monastery of St. Andrew's. Sulgrave remained in the family until 1 620, and was commonly called "Washington's manor." t One of the direct descendants of the grantee of Sulgrave was Sir William Washington, of Packington, in the county of Kent. He mar- ried a sister of George Villiers, Duke of Buck- ingham, the unfortunate favorite of Charles I. * " The de came to be omitted," says an old treatise, " when Enghshmen and English manners began to prevail upon the recovery of lost credity— Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities. London, 1634. About the time of Henry VI., says another treatise, the de or d' was generally dropped from Burnames, when the title of armiger, esquier, amongst the heads of families, and generosus, or gentylman, among younger sons, was sub- stituted. — Lower on Surnames., vol. i. + The manor of Garsdon in Wiltshire has been men- tioned as the homestead of the ancestors of our Washing- ton. This is a mistake. It was the residence of Sir Laurence Washington, second son of the above-mentioned grantee of Sulgrave. Elizabeth, granddaughter of this Bir Laurence, married Robert Shirley, Earl Ferrers and Viscount of Tamworth. Washington became a baptismal name among the Shirleys— several of the Earls Ferrers have borne it. The writer of these pages visited Sulgrave a few years since. It was in a quiet rural neighborhood, where the farm houses were quaint and antiquated. A part only of the manor house remained, and was inhabited by a farmer. The Washington crest, in colored glass, was to be seen in a window of what was now the buttery. A window on which the whole family arms was emblazoned had been removed to the residence of the actual proprietor of the manor. Another relic of the ancient manor of the Wash- ingtons was a rookery in a venerable grove hard by. The rooks, those stanch adherents to old family abodes, still hovered and cawed about their hereditary nests. In the pavement of the parish church we were shown a stone slab bearing effigies on plates of brass of Laurence Wassh- ington, gent., and Anne his wife, and their four sons and eleven daughters. The inscription in black letter was dated 1564. This may have attached the Sulgrave Wash- ingtons to the Stuart dynasty, to which they adhered loyally and generously throughout all its vicissitudes. One of the family, Lieutenant- Colonel James Washington, took up arms in the cause of king Charles, and lost his life at the siege of Pontefract castle. Another of the Sulgrave line. Sir Henry Washington, son and heir of Sir William, before mentioned, ex- hibited in the civil wars the old chivalrous spirit of the knights of the palatinate. He served under prince Rupert at the storming of Bristol, in 1G43, and when the assailants were beaten off" at every point, he broke in with a handful of infantry at a weak part of the wall, made room for the horse to follow, and opened a path to victory.* He distinguished himself still more in 1646, when elevated to the command of Worcester, the governor having been captured by the enemy. It was a time of confusion and dismay. The king had fled from Oxford in disguise and gone to the parliamentary camp at Newark. The royal cause was desperate. In this crisis Sir Henry received a letter from Fairfax, who, with his victorious army, was at Haddington, demanding the surrender of Worcester. Tlie following was Colonel Washington's reply : Sir, It is acknowledged by your books and by report of your own quarter, that the king is in some of your armies. That granted, it may be easy for you to procure his Majesty's commands for the disposal of this garrison. Till then I shall make good the trust reposed in me. As for conditions, if I shaU be necessitated I shall make the best I can. The worst I know and fear not ; if I had, the profession of a soldier had not been begun, or so long continued by your. Excellency's humble servant, HeNEY WASHINGT0jS".t In a few days Colonel Whalley invested the city with five thousand troops. Sir Henry dis- patched messenger after messenger in quest of the king to know his pleasure. None of them returned. A female emissary was equally unavailing. Week after week elapsed, until nearly three months had expired. Provisions began to fail. The city was in confusion. The troops grew insubordinate. Yet Sir Henry per- sisted in the defence. General Fairfax, with * Clarendon, Book vii. t Greene's Antiquities of Worcester, p. 273. 10 GEORGE WASHINGTON'S BIRTH. [1732. 1,500 horse and foot, was daily expected. There was not powder enough for an hour's contest should the city be stormed. Still Sir Henry " awaited his Majesty's commands." At length news arrived that the king had issued an order for the surrender of all towns, castles, and forts. A printed copy of the order was shown to Sir Henry, and on the faith of that document he capitulated (19th July, 1C46) on honorable terms, won by his fortitude and perseverance. Those who believe in hereditary virtues may see foreshadowed in the conduct of this "Washington of Worcester, the magnani- mous constancy of purpose, the disposition to "hope against hope," which bore our Wash- ington triumphantly through the darkest days of our revolution. We have little note of the Sulgrave branch of the family after the death of Charles I. and the exile of his successor. England, during the protectorate, became an uncomfortable resi- dence to such as had signalized themselves as adherents to the house of Stuart. In 1655, an attempt at a general insurrection drew on them the vengeance of Cromwell. Many of their party who had no share in the conspiracy, yet sought refuge in other lands, where they might live free from molestation. This may have been the case with two brothers, John f::id Andrew Washington, great-grandsons of the grantee of Sulgrave, and uncles of Sir Henry, the gallant defender of Worcester. John had for some time resided at South Cave, ia the East Riding of Yorkshire;* but now emigrated with his brother to Virginia ; which colony, from its allegiance to the exiled mon- arch and the Anglican Church had become a favorite resort of the Cavaliers. The brothers arrived in Virginia in 1G57, and purchased lands in Westmoreland County, on the northern neck, between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers. John married a Miss Anne Pope of the same county, and took up his residence on Bridges Creek, near where it falls into the Potomac. He became an extensive planter, and, in process of time, a magistrate and member of the House of Burgesses. Having a spark of the old military fire of the family, we find him, as Colonel Washington, leading the Virginia forces, in co-operation with those of * South Cave is ne;ir tlio Ilnmbcr. " In the vicinity is Cave Ciistle, iin embattled eclilico. It has a iioblo collcc- t;on of paintings, including a portrait of General "Washing- ton, whose ancestors possessed a portion of the estate."— Leices, Tojiog. Diet., vol. i., p. 630. I Maryland, against a band of Seneca Indians, who were ravaging the settlements along the Potomac. In honor of liis public services and private virtues the parish in wliich ho resided was called after him, and still bears the name of Wa.shington. He lies buried in a vault on Bridges Creek, which, for generations, was the family place of sepulchre. The estate continued in the family. His grandson Augustine, the father of our Wash- ington, was bom there in 1094. He was twice married; first (April 20th, 1715), to Jane, daughter of Caleb Butler, Esq,, of Westmore- land County, by whom he had four children, of whom only two, Lawrence and Augustine, survived the years of childhood ; their mother died November 24th, 1782, and was buried in the family vault. ' , On the 6th of March, 1730, he married in second nuptials, Mary, the daughter of Colonel Ball, a young and beautiful girl, said to be the belle of the Northern Neck. By her he had four sons, George, Samuel, John Augustine, and Charles ; and two daughters, Elizabeth, or Betty, as she was commonly called, and Mildred, who died in infancy. George, the eldest, the subject of this biog- raphy, was born on the 22d of February (11th O. S.), 1732, in the homestead on Bridges Creek. This house commanded a view over many miles of the Potomac, and the opposite shore of Maryland. It had probably been purchased with the property, and was one of the primitive farm-houses of Virginia. The roof was steep, and sloped down into low pro- jecting eaves. It had four rooms on the ground floor, and others in the attic, and an immense chimney at each end. Not a vestige of it remains. Two or three decayed fig trees, with shrubs and vines, linger about the place, and here and Uiere a flower grown wild serves " to mark where a garden has been." Such, at least, was the case a few years since ; but these may have likewise passed away. A stone* marks the site of the house, and an inscription denotes its being the birthplace of Washington. We have entered with some minuteness into this genealogical detail; tracing the family step by step through the pages of historical documents for upwards of six centuries ; and we have been tempted to do so by the documentary jjroofs it gives of the lineal ♦ Placed there by George "W. P. Custis, Esq. 1740.] THE HOME OF WASHINGTON'S BOYHOOD— HIS EARLY EDUCATION. 11 and enduring worth of the race. "We have shown that, for many generations, and through a variety of eventful scenes, it has main- tained an equality of fortune and respec- tability, and whenever brought to the test has .acquitted itself with honor and loyalty. Hereditary rank may be an illusion ; but hered- itary virtue gives a patent of innate nobleness beyond all the blazonry of the Herald's Col- ICffC. CHAPTER II. Not long after the birth of George, his fiither removed to an estate in Stafford Countj^, oppo- site Fredericksburg. The house was similar in style to the one at Bridges Creek, and stood on a rising ground overlooking a meadow which bordered the Rappahannock. This was the home of George's boyhood ; the meadow was his play -ground, and the scene of his early ath- letic sports ; but this home, like that in which he Avas born, has disappeared ; the site is only to be traced by fragments of bricks, china, and earthenware. In those days the means of instruction in Virginia were limited, and it was the custom among the wealthy planters to send their sons to England to complete their education. This was done by Augustine Washington with his eldest son Lawrence, then about fifteen years of age, and whom he no doubt considered the future head of the family. George was yet in early childhood : as his intellect dawned he received the rudiments of education in the best establishment for the purpose that the neigh- borhood afforded. It was Avhat was called, in popular parlance, an " old lield school-house ; " humble enough in its pretensions, and kept by one of his father's tenants named Hobby, who moreover was sexton of the parisli. The in- struction doled out by him must have been of the simplest kind, reading, writing, and cipher- ing, perhaps ; but George had tiie benefit of mental and moral culture at home, from an ex- cellent father. Several traditional anecdotes have been given to the world, somewhat prolix and trite, but illustrative of the familiar and practical manner in which Augustine Washington, in the daily intercourse of domestic life, impressed the duc- tile mind of his child with high maxims of re- ligion and virtue, and imbued him with a spirit of justice and generosity, and above all a scru- pulous lore of truth. When George was about seven or eight years old his brother Lawrence returned from Eng- land, a well-educated and accomplished youth. There was a difference of fourteen years in their ages, which may have been one cause of the strong attachment which took place be- tween them. Lawrence looked down with a protecting eye \;pon the boy whose dawning intelligence and perfect rectitude won his re- gard ; while George looked up to his manly and cultivated brother as a model in mind and manners. We call particular attention to this brotherly interchange of affection, from the in- fluence it had on all the future career of the subject of this memoir. Lawrence Washington had something of the old military spirit of the family, and circum- stances soon called it into action. Spanish dep- redations on British commerce had recently pro- voked reprisals. Admiral Vernon, command- er-in-chief in the West Indies, had accordingly captured Porto Bello, on the Isthmus of Darien. The Spaniards were preparing to revenge the blow ; the French were fitting out ships to aid them. Troops were embarked in England for another campaign in the West Indies ; a regi- ment of four battalions was to be raised in the colonies and sent to join them at Jamaica. There was a sudden outbreak of military ardor in the province ; the sound of drum and fife was heard in the villages with the parade of recruiting parties. Lawrence Washington, now twenty-tvio years of age, caught the infection. He obtained a captain's commission in the new- ly raised regiment, and embarked with it for the West Indies in 1740. He served in the joint expeditions of Admiral Vernon and Gen- eral Wentworth, in the land forces commanded by the latter, and acquired the friendship and confidence of both of those officers. He was present at the siege of Carthagena, when it was bombarded by the fleet, and when the troops attempted to escalade the citadel. It was an ineffectual attack ; the ships could not get near enough to throw their shells into the town, and the scaling ladders proved too short. That part of the attack, however, with which Lawrence was concerned, distinguished itself by its bravery. The troops sustained unflinch- ing a destructive fire for several hours, and at length retired with honor, their small force having sustained a loss of about six hundred in killed and wounded. We have here the secret of that martial spirit so often cited of George in his boyish days. 12 DEATH OF WASHINGTON'S FATHER— SCHOOL EXERCISES. [1T4^ He had seen his brother fitted out for the -wars. He had heard by letter and otherwise of the warhke scenes in which lie was minghng. All his amusements took a military turn. lie made soldiers of his schoolmates ; they had their mimic parades, reviews, and sham fights ; a boy named William Bustle was sometimes his competitor, but George was commander-in- chief of Hobby's school. Lawrence Washington returned home in the autumn of 1742, the campaigns in the West Indies being ended, and Admiral Vernon and General Wentworth being recalled to England. It was the intention of Lawrence to rejoin his regiment in that country, and seek promotion in the army, but circumstances completely altered his plans. He formed an attachment to Anne, the eldest daughter of the Honorable William Fairfax, of Fairfax County ] his ad- dresses were well received, and they became engaged. Their nuptials were delayed by the sudden and untimely death of his fatlier, which took place on the 12th of April, 1743, after a short but severe attack of gout in the stom- ach, and when but forty-nine years of age. George had been absent from home on a visit during his father's illness, and just returned in time to receive a parting look of afi"ection. Augustine Washington left large possessions, distributed by will among his children. To Lawrence, the estate on the banks of the Poto- mac, with other real property, and several shares in iron works. To Augustine, the second son by the first marriage, the old home stead and estate in Westmoreland. The chil- dren by the second marriage were severally well provided for, and George, when he became of age, was to have the house and lands on the Rappahannock. In the month of July the marriage of Law- rence "with Miss Fairfax took i:)lace. He now gave up all thoughts of foreign service, and settled himself on his estate on the banks of the Potomac, to which he gave the name of MotrxT Vernon, in honor of the admiral. Augiistine took np his abode at the home- stead on Bridges Creek, and married Anne, daughter and co-heiress of WiUiam Aylett, Esquire, of Westmoreland County. George, now eleven years of age, and the other children of the second marriage, had been left under the guardianship of their mother, to whom was intrusted the proceeds of all their property until they should severally come of age. She proved herself w^orthy of the trust. Endowed with plain, direct good sense, thorough conscientiousness, and prompt decision, she governed her family strictly, but kindly, exacting deference while she inspired alfection. George, being her eldest son, w^as thought to be her favorite, yet she never gave him undue preference, and the implicit defer- ence exacted from him in childhood continued to be habitually observed by him to the day of her death. He inherited from her a high temper and a spirit of command, but her early precepts and example taught him to restrain and govern that temper, and to square his con- duct on the exact principles of equity and jus- tice. Tradition gives an interesting picture of the widow, with her little flock gathered around her, as was her daily wont, reading to them lessons of religion and morality out of some standard work. Her favorite volume was Sir Matthew Hale's Contemplations, moral and divine. The admirable maxims therein con- tained, for outward action as well as self-gov- ernment, sank deep into the mind of George, and, doubtless, had a great influence in forming his character. They certainly were exemi^lified in his conduct throughout life. This mother's manual, bearing his mother's name, Mary Wash- ington, written with her owm hand, was ever pre- served by him with filial care, and may be seen in the archives of Moimt Vernon. A precious document ! Let those who wish to know the moral foundation of his character consult its pages. Having no longer the benefit of a father's instructions at home, and the scope of tuition of Hobby, the sexton, being too limited for the growing wants of his pupil, George was now sent to reside with Augustine Washington, at Bridges Creek, and enjoy the benefit of a superior school in that neighborhood, kept by a Mr. Williams. His education, however, was plain and practiftil. He never attempted the learned languages, nor manifested any inclina- tion for rhetoric or beUes-lettres. His object, or the object of his friends, seems to have been confined to fitting him for ordinary business. His manuscript school books still exist, and are models of neatness and accuracy. One of them, it is true, a ciphering book preserved in the li- brary at Mount Vernon, has some school-boy at- tempts at calligraphy ; nondescript birds, execut- ed with a flourish of the pen, or profiles of faces, probably intended for those of his schoolmates ; the rest are all grave and business-like. Before iET. 11.] WASHINGTON'S CODE OF MORALS AND MANNERS. 13 he was thirteen years of age he had copied into a volume forms for all kinds of mercan- tile and legal papers ; bills of exchange, notes of hand, deeds, bonds, and the lilie. This early self-tuition gave him throughout life a lawyer's skiU in drafting documents, and a merchant's exactness in keeping accounts ; so that all the concerns of his various estates; his dealings with his domestic stewards and foreign agents ; his accounts with government, and all his finan- cial transactions, are to this day to he seen posted up in books, in his own hand-writing, monuments of his method and unwearied accu- racy. He was a self-disciplinarian in physical as well as mental matters, and practised himself in all kinds of athletic exercises, such as running, leaping, wrestling, pitching quoits, and tossing bars. His frame even in infancy had been large and powerful, and he now excelled most of his playmates in contests of agility and strength. As a proof of his muscular power, a place is stUl pointed out at Fredericksburg, near the lower ferry, where, when a boy, he flung a stone across the Eappahannock. In horsemanship too he already excelled, and was ready to back, and able to manage the most fiery steed. Traditional anecdotes remain of his achievements in this respect. Above all, his inherent probity and the prin- ciples of justice on which he regulated aU his conduct, even at this early period of life, were soon appreciated by his schoolmates ; he was referred to as an umpire in their disputes, and his decisions were never reversed. As he had formerly been military chieftain, he was now legislator of the school; thus displaying in boyhood a type of the future man. CHAPTER III. The attachment of Lawrence "Washington to his brother George seems to have acquired additional strength and tenderness on their father's death ; he now took & truly paternal interest in his concerns, and had him as fre- quently as possible a guest at Mount Vernon. Lawrence had deservedly become a popular and leading personage in the country. He was a member of the House of Burgesses, and Ad- jutant-General of the district, with the rank of major, and a regular salary. A frequent sojourn with him brought George into familiar intercourse with the family of his father-in- law, the Hon. WUliam Fairfax, who resided at a beautiful seat called Belvoir, a few miles be- low Mount Vernon, and on the same woody ridge bordering the Potomac. "William Fairfax was a man of liberal edu- cation and intrinsic worth*; he had seen much of the world, and his mind had been enriched and ripened by varied and adventurous expe- rience. Of an ancient English family in York- shire, he had entered the army at the age of twenty-one ; had served with honor both in the East and "West Indies, and ofiiciated as governor of New Providence, after having aided in rescuing it from pirates. For some years past he had resided in Virginia, to man- age the immense landed estates of his cousin. Lord Fairfax, and lived at Belvoir in the style of an English country gentleman, surrounded by an intelligent and cultivated family of sons and daughters. An intimacy with a family like this, in which the frankness and simplicity of rural and colo- nial life were united with European refine- ment, could not but have a beneficial eff"ect in moulding the character and manners of a some- what homebred school-boy. It was probably his intercourse with them, and his ambition to acquit himself weU in their society, that set him upon compiling a code of morals and man- ners which still exists in a manuscript in his own handwriting, entitled " rules for behavior in company and conversation," It is extremely minute and circumstantial. Some of the rules for personal deportment extend to such trivial matters, and are so quaint and formal, as almost to provoke a smile ; but in the main, a better manual of conduct could not be put into the hands of a youth. The whole code evinces that rigid propriety and self control to which he subjected himself, and by which he brought all the impulses of .a somewhat ardent temper under conscientious government. Other influences were brought to bear on George during his visit at Mount Vernon. His brother Lawrence still retained some of his military inclinations, fostered no doubt by his post of Adjutant-General. "William Fairfax, as we have shown, had been a soldier, and in many trying scenes. Some of Lawrence's comrades of the provincial regiment, who had served with him in the "West Indies, were oc- casional visitors at Mount Vernon ; or a ship of war, possibly one of Vernon's old fleet, would anchor in the Potomac, and its officers be welcome guests at the tables of Lawrence 14 STUDIES AND EXERCISES— A SCHOOL-BOY PASSION. [1747. and his fatlier-in-law. Thus military scenes on sea and shore would become the topics of con- versation. The capture of Porto Bello ; the bombardment of Carthagena; old stoi'ies of cruisings in the East and West Indies, and campaigns against me pirates. "We can picture to ourselves George, a grave and earnest boy, Avith an expanding intellect and a deep-seated passion for enterprise, listening to such con- versations with a kindling spirit and a growing desire for military life. In this way most probably was produced that desire to enter the navy which he evinced when about fourteen years of age. The opportunity for gratifying it appeared at hand. Ships of war frequented the colonies, and at times, as we have hinted, were anchored in the Potomac. The inclina- tion was encouraged by Lawrence "Wasliington and Mr. Fairfax. Lawrence retained pleasant recollections of his cruisings in the fleet of Admiral Vernon, and considered the naval service a popular path to fame and fortune. George was at a suitable age to enter the navy. The great difficulty was to procure the assent of his mother. She was brought, however, to acquiesce ; a midshipman's warrant wa,g ob- tained, and it is even said that the luggage of the youth was actually on board of a man of war, anchored in the river just below llount Vernon. At the eleventh hour the mother's heart faltered. This was her eldest born. A son, whose strong and steadfast character promised to be a support to herself and a protection to her other children. The thought of his being completely severed from her, and exposed to the hardships and perils of a boisterous pro- fession, overcame even her resolute mind, and at her urgent remonstrances the nautical scheme was given up. To school, therefore, George returned, and continued his studies for nearly two years longer, devoting himself especially to mt^ihe- matics, and accomplishing himself in those branches calculated to fit him either for civil or military service. Among these, one of the most important in the actual state of the coun- try was land surveying. In this he schooled himself thoroughly, using the highest processes of the art ; making surveys about the neigh- borhood, and keeping regular field books, some of which we have examined, in which the boundaries and measurements of the fields sur- veyed were carefully entered, and diagrams made, with a neatness and exactness as if the whole related to important land transactions instead of being mere school exercises. Thus, in his earliest days, there was perseverance and completeness in all his undertakings. Nothing Avas left half done, or done in a hurried and slovenly manner. The habit of mind thus cul- tivated continued througliout life ; so that however complicated his tasks and overwhelm- ing his cares, in the arduous and hazardous situations in which he was often placed, he found time to do every thing, and to do it well. He had acquired the magic of method, wliich of itself works wonders. In one of these manuscript memorials of his practical studies and exercises, we have come upon some documents singularly in contrast with all that we have just cited, and with his apparently unromantic character. In a word, there are evidences in his own handwriting, that, before he was fifteen years of age, he had conceived a passion for some unknown beauty, so serious as to disturb his otherwise well-regulated mind, and to make him really unhappy. "Why this juvenile attachment was a source of unhappiness we have no positive means of ascertaining. Perhaps the object of it may have considered him a mere school-boy, and treated him as such ; or his own shyness may have been in his way, and his " rules for behavior and conversation" may as yet have sat awkwardly on him, and rendered him formal and ungainly when he most sought to please. Even in later years he was apt to be silent and embarrassed in female society. " He was a very bashful young man," said an old lady, whom he used to visit when they were both in their nonage. " I used often to wish that he would talk more." Whatever may have been the reason, this early attachment seems to have been a source of i)oignant discomfort to him. It clung to him after he took a final leave of school in the autumn of 1747, and went to reside with his brother Lawrence at Mount Vernon. Here he continued his mathematical studies and his practice in surveying, disturbed at times by recurrences of his unlucky passion, j Though by no means of a poetical temperament, the waste pages of his journal betray several at- tempts to pour forth his amorous sorrows in verse. They arc mere common-place rhymes, such as lovers at his age are apt to write, in which he bewails his "poor restless heart, wounded by Cupid's dart," and " bleeding for one who remams pitiless of his griefs and woes.'* ^T. 15.] LORD FAIRFAX— GEORGE WILLIAM FAIRFAX. 15 The tenor of some of his verses induce us to believe that he never told his love ; but, as we I have already surmised, was prevented by his bashfulness. I " Ah, "^oe is mc, that I should love conceal ; I Long have I wished and never dare reveal." I It is difScult to reconcile one's self to the I idea of the cool and sedate Washington, the great champion of American liberty, a woe- j worn lover in his youthful days, " sighing like furnace," and inditing plaintive verses about j the groves of Mount Vernon. We are glad of I an opportunity, however, of penetrating to his native feelings, and finding that under his studied decorum and reserve he had a heart of flesh throbbing with the warm impulses of human nature. | Being a favorite of Sir William Fairfax, he was now an occasional inmate of Belvoir. Among the persons at present residing there was Thomas, Lord Fairfax, cousin of William Fairfax, and of whose immense landed property the latter Avas the agent. As this nobleman was one of Washington's earliest friends, and in some degree the founder of his fortunes, his character and history ai"e worthy of espe- cial note. Lord Fairfax was now nearly sixty years of age, upwards of six feet high, gaunt and raw- boned, near-sighted, with light gray eyes, sharp features, and an aquilme nose. However un- gainly his present appearance, lie had figured to advantage in London life in his younger days. He had received his education at the university of Oxford, where he acquitted him- self with credit. He afterwards held a com- mission, and remained for some time in a regi- ment of horse called the Blues. His title and connections, of course, gave him access to the best society, in which he acquired additional currency by contributing a paper or two to Addison's Spectator, then in great vogue. In the height of his fashionable career, he became strongly attached to a young lady of rank; paid his addresses, and was accepted. The wedding day was fixed; the Avedding dresses were provided ; together with servants and equipages for the matrimonial establish- ment. Suddenly the lady broke her engage- ment. She had been dazzled by the superior brilliancy of a ducal coronet. It was a cruel blow, alike to the afi'ection and pride of Lord Fairfax, and wrought a cliange in both character and conduct. From that time he almost avoided the sex, and be- came shy and embarrassed in their society, ex- cepting among those Vt'ith whom he Avas con- nected or particularly intimate This may have been among the reasons which ultimately in- duced him to abandon the gay world and bury himself in the wilds of America. He made a voyage to Virginia about the year 1739, to visit his vast estates there. These he inherit- ed from his mother, Catharine, daughter of Thomas, Lord Culpepper, to Avhom they had been granted by Charles II. The original grant was for aU the lands lying between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers ; meaning thereby, it is said, merely the territory on the northern neck, east of the Blue Ridge. His lordsliip, howcA^er, discoA^ering that the Poto- mac headed in the Allegany Mountains, re- turned to England and claimed a correspondent definition of his grant. It was arranged by compromise ; extending his domain into the Allegany Mountains, and comprising, among other lands, a great portion of the Shenandoah Valley. Lord Fairfax had been delighted with his visit to Virginia. • The amenity of the climate, the magnificence of the forest scenery, the abundance of game, — aU pointed it out as a favored land. He was pleased, too, with the frank, cordial character of the Virginians, and. their independent mode of life ; and returned to it with the resolution of taking up his abode there for the remainder of his days. His early disappointment in love was the cause of some eccentricities in his conduct ; yet he Avas ami- able and coui'teous m his manners, and of a lib- eral and generous spirit. Another inmate of Belvoir at this time was George William Fairfax, about twenty- tAvo years of age, the eldest son of the proprie- tor. He had been educated in England, and since his return had married a daughter of Colonel Carey, of Hampton, on James River. He had recently brought home his bride and her sister to his father's house. The merits of Washington were known and appreciated by the Fairfax family. Though not quite sixteen years of age, he no longer seemed a boy, nor was he treated as such. Tall, athletic, and manly for his years, his early self -training, and the code of conduct he had devised, gave a gravity and decision to his con- duct ; his frankness and modesty inspired cor- dial regard, and the melancholy, of which he speaks, may have produced a softness in his manner calculated to win favor in ladies' eyes. 16 THE LOWLAND BEAUTY— VISIT TO BELVOIR. [1Y48. According to his own account, the female so- ciety by which he was surrounded had a sooth- ing eifect on that melancholy. The charms of Miss Carey, the sister of the bride, seem even to have caused a slight fluttering in his bosom ; which, however, was constantly rebuked by the remembrance of his former passion — so at least we judge from letters to his youthful confidants, rough drafts of which are still to be seen in his tell-tale journal. To one whom he addresses as his dear friend Eobin, he writes : " My residence is at present at his lordship's, where I might, was my heart disengaged, pass my time very pleasantly, as there's a very agreeable young lady lives in the same house (Col. George Fairfax's wife's sister) ; but as that's only adding fuel to fire, it makes me the more uneasy, for by often and unavoid- ably being in company with her, revives my former passion for your Lowland Beauty ; whereas was I to live more retired from young women, I might in some measure alleviate my sorrows, by burying that chaste and trouble- some passion in the grave of oblivion," &c. Similar avowals he makes to another of his young correspondents, whom he styles, " Dear friend John ; " as also to a female confidant, styled " Dear Sally," to whom he acknowledges that the company of the " very agreeable young lady, sister-in-law of Col. George Fair- fax," in a great measure cheers his sorrow and dejectedness. The object of this early passion is not posi- tively known. Tradition states that the "low- land beauty " was a Miss Grimes, of Westmore- land, afterwards Mrs. Lee, and mother of Gen- eral Henry Lee, wlio figured in revolutionary history as Light Horse Harry, and was always a favorite with Washington, probably from the recollections of his early tenderness for the mother. Whatever may have been the soothing effect of tlie female society by which he Avas sur- rounded at Belvoir, the youth found a more effectual remedy for his love melancholy in the company of Lord Fairfax. His lordship was a staunch fox-hunter, and kept horses and hounds in the English style. The hunting season had arrived. The neighborhood abounded with sport ; but fox-hunting, in Virginia, required bold and skilful horsemanship. He found Washington as bold as himself in the saddle, and as eager to follow the hounds. He forth- with took him into pecidiar favor ; made him Ms hunting companion ; and it was probably under the tuition of this hard-riding old noble- man that the youth imbibed that fondness for the chase for which he was afterwards re- marked. Their fox-hunting intercourse was attended with more important results. His lordship's possessions beyond the Blue Ridge had never been regularly settled nor surveyed. Lawless intruders — squatters, as they were called — were planting themselves along the finest streams and in the richest valleys, and vir- tually taking possession of the country. It was the anxious desire of Lord Fairfax to have these lands examined, surveyed, and portioned out into lots, preparatory to ejecting these in- terlopers or bringing them to reasonable terms. Li Washington, notwithstanding his youth, he beheld one fit for the task — having noticed the exercises in surveying which he kept up while at Mount Vernon, and the aptness and exact- ness with which every process was executed. He was well calculated, too, by his vigor and activity, his courage and hardihood, to cope witli the wild country to be surveyed, and with its still wilder inhabitants. The pro- position had only to be offered to Washington to be eagerly accepted. It was the very kind of occupation for which he had been diligently training himself. All the preparations required by one of his simple habits were soon made, and in a very few days he was ready for his first expedition into the Avilderness. CHAPTER IV. It was in the month of March (1748), and just after he had completed his sixteenth year, that Washington set out on horseback on this sur- veying expedition, in company with George William Fairfax. Their route lay by Ashley's Gap, a pass through the Blue Ridge, that beautiful line of mountains Avhich, as yet, almost formed the western frontier of in- habited Virginia. Winter still lingered on the tops of the mountains, whence melting snows sent down torrents, which swelled the rivers and occasionally rendered them almost im- passable. Spring, however, was softening the lower parts of the landscape and smiling in the valleys. They entered the great valley of Virginia, where it is about twenty-five miles wide ; a lovely and temperate region, diversified by Mt. 16.] EXPEDITION BEYOND THE BLUE KIDGE— LIFE IN THE WILDERNESS. 17 gentle swells and slopes, admirably adapted to cultivation. The Blue Eidge boimds it on one side, the North Mountain, a ndge of the Alle- ganies, on the other ; while through it flows that bright and abounding river, which, on account of its surpassing beauty, was named by the Indians the Shenandoah — that is to say, " the daughter of the stars." The first station of the travellers was at a kind of lodge in the wilderness, where tlie steward or land-bailiff of Lord Halifax resided, with such negroes as were required for farm- ing purposes, and which Washington terms " his lordship's quarter." It was situated not far from the Shenandoah, and about twelve miles from the site of the present town of Winchester, In a diary kept with his usual minuteness, Washington speaks with delight of the beauty of the trees and the richness of the land in the neighborhood, and of his riding through a noble grove of sugar maples on the banks of the Shenandoah ; and at the present day, the magnificence of the forests which stiU exist in this favored region justifies his eulogium. He looked around, however, with an eye to the profitable rather than the poetical. The gleam of poetry and romance, inspired by his " lowland beauty," occurs no more. The real business of life has commenced with him. His diary affords no food for fancy. Every thing is practical. The qualities of the soil, the relative value of sites and localities, are faith- fully recorded. In these his early habits of observation and his exercises in surveying had already made him a proficient. His surveys commenced in the lower part of the valley, some distance above the junction of the Shenandoah with the Potomac, and ex- tended for many miles along the former river. Here and there partial " clearings " had been made by squatters and hardy pioneers, and their rude husbandry had produced abundant crops of grain, hemp, and tobacco ; civilization, however, had hardly yet entered the valley, if we may judge from the note of a night's lodging at the house of one of the settlers — Captain Hite, near the site of the present town of Winchester. Here, after supper, most of the company stretched themselves in back- wood style, before the fire; but Washington was phown into a bed-room. Fatigued with a hard day's work at surveying, he soon un- dressed ; but instead of being nestled between sheets in a comfortable bed, as at the maternal 2 home, or at Mount Vernon, he found himself on a couch of matted straw, under a thread- bare blanket, swarming with unwelcome bed- fellows. After tossing about for. a few mo- ments, he was glad to put on his clothes again, and rejoin his companions before the fire. Such was his first experience of life in the wilderness ; he soon, however, accustomed himself to " rough it," and adapt himself to fare of all kinds, though he generally preferred a bivouac before a fire, in the open air, to the accommodations of a woodman's cabin. Pro- ceeding down the valley to the banks of the Potomac, they found that river so much swol- len by the rain which had fallen among the Alleganies, as to be unfordable. To while away the time until it should subside, they made an excursion to examine certain warm springs in a valley among the mountains, since called the Berkeley Springs. There they camped out at night under the stars ; the diary makes no com- plaint of their accommodations ; and their camp- ing-ground is now known as Bath, one of the favorite watering-places of Virginia. One of the waiTU springs was subsequently appropri- ated by Lord Fairfax to his own use, and still bears his name. After watching in vain for the river to sub- side, they procured a canoe, on which they crossed to the Maryland side ; swimming their horses. A weary day's ride of forty miles up the left side of the river, in a continual rain, and over what Washington pronounces the worst road ever trod by man or beast, brought them to the house of a Colonel Cresap, opposite the south branch of the Potomac, where they put up for the night. Here they were detained three or four days by inclement weather. On the second day they were surprised by the appearance of a war party of thirty Indians bearing a scalp as a trophy. A little liquor procured the spec- tacle of a war-dance, A large space was cleared, and a fire made in the centre, round which the warriors took their seats. The prin- cipal orator made a speech, reciting their re- cent exploits, and rousing them to triumph. One of the warriors started up as if from sleep, and began a series of movements, half-grotesque, half-tragical ; the rest followed. For music, one savage drummed on a deerskin, stretched over a pot half filled with water ; another rat- tled a gourd, containing a few shot, and deco- rated with a horse's tail. Their strange out- cries, and uncouth forms and garbs, seen by 18 CAMPING OUT— WASHINGTON AS PUBLIC SURVEYOR. [1'748. the glare of the fire, and their whoops and yells, made them appear more like demons than human heings. All this savage gamhol was no novelty to "W^ashington's companions, experi- enced in frontier life ; but to the youth, fresh from school, it was a strange spectacle, which he sat contemplating with deep interest, and carefully noted down in his journal It wiU be found that he soon made himself acquainted with the savage character, and became expert at dealing with these inhabitants of the wilder- ness. From this encampment the party proceeded to the mouth of Patterson's Creek, where they recrossed the river in a canoe, swimming their horses as before. More than two weeks were now passed by them in the wild mountainous regions of Frederick County, and about the south branch of the Potomac, surveying lands and laying out lots, camped out the greater part of the time, and subsisting on wild turkeys and other game. Each one was his own cook ; forked sticks served for spits, and chips of wood for dishes. The weather was unset- tled. At one time their tent was blown down ; at another they were driven out of it by smoke ; now they were drenched with rain, and now the straw on which "Washington was sleeping caught fire, anfl. he was awakened by a companion just in time to escape a scorching. The only variety to this camp life was a sup- per at the hoiise of one Solomon Hedge, Es- quire, his majesty's justice of the peace, where there were no forks at table, nor any knives, but such as the guests brought in their pockets. During their surveys they were followed by numbers of people, some of them squatters, anxious, doubtless, to procure a cheap title to the land they had appropriated ; others, Ger- man emigrants, with their wives and children, seeking a new home in the wilderness. Most of the latter could not speak English; but when spoken to, answered in their native tongue. They appeared to Washington igno- rant as Indians, and uncouth, but " merry, and full uf antic tricks.'' Such were the progen- itors of the sturdy yeomanry now inhabit- ing those parts, many of whom still preserve their strong German characteristics. " I have not slept above three or four nights in a bed," writes Washington to one of his young friends at home, " but after walking a good deal all the day I have lain down before the fire upon a little straw or fodder, or a bear skin, whichever was to be had, with man, wife, and children, like dogs and cats ; and happy is he who gets the berth nearest the fire." Having completed his surveys, he set forth from the south branch of the Potomac on his return homeward ; .crossed the mountains to the great Cacapehon ; traversed the Shenan- doah valley, passed through the Blue Eidge, and on the 12th of April found himself once more at Mount Vernon. For his services he received, according to his note-book, a doub- loon per day when actively employed, and sometimes six pistoles.* The manner in which he had acquitted him- self in this arduous expedition, and his accounts of the country surveyed, gave great satisfac- tion to Lord Fairfax, who shortly afterwards moved across the Blue Ridge, and took up his residence at the place heretofore noted as his " quarters." Here he laid out a manor, con- taining ten thousand acres of arable grazing lands, vast meadows, and noble forests, and projected a spacious manor house, giving to the place the name of Greenway Court. It was probably through the influence of Lord Fairfax that Washington received the ap- pointment of public surveyor. This conferred authority on his surveys, and entitled them to be recorded in the county ofilces, and so in- variably correct have these surveys been found that, to this day, wherever any of them stand on record, they receive implicit credit. For three years he continued in this occupa- tion, which proved extremely profitable, from the vast extent of country to be surveyed and the very limited number of public surveyors. It made him acquainted, also, with the coun- try, the nature of the soil in various parts, and the value of localities ; all which proved advan- tageous to him in his purchases in after years. Many of the finest parts of the Shenandoah valley are yet owned by members of the Wash- ington family. While thus employed for months at a time surveying the lands beyond the Blue Ridge, he was often an inmate of Greenway Court. The projected manor house was never even com- menced. On a green knoll overshadowed by trees was a long stone building one story in height, with dormer windows, two wooden belfries, chimneys studded with swallow and martin coops, and a roof sloping down in the old Virginia fashion, into low projecting eaves that formed a verandah the Avhole length of * A pistole is $3 60. yEx. 17.] ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLAIMS TO THE OHIO VALLEY. 19 the house. It was probably the house origi- nally occupied by his steward or land agent, but was now devoted to hospitable purposes and the reception of guests. As to his lord- ship, it was one of his many eccentricities, that he never slept in the main edifice, but lodged apart in a wooden house not much above twelve feet square. In a small building was his office, where quitrents were given, deeds drawn, and business transacted with his ten- ants. About the knoll were out-houses for his numerous servants, black and white, with stables for saddle-horses and hunters, and ken- nels for his hounds, for his lordship retained his keen hunting propensities, and the neigh- borhood abounded in game. Indians, half- breeds, and leathern-clad woodsmen, loitered about the place, and partook of the abundance of the kitchen. His lordship's table was plen- tiful but plain, and served in the English fashion. Here Washington had full opportunity, in the proper seasons, of indulging his fondness for field sports, and once more accompanying his lordship in the chase. The conversation of Lord Fairfax, too, was full of interest and in- struction to an inexperienced youth, from his cultivated talents, his literary taste, and his past intercourse with the best society of Eu- rope, and its most distinguished authors. He had brought books, too, with him into the wilderness, and from Washington's diary we find that during his sojourn here he was dili- gently reading the history of England, and the essays of the Spectator. Such was Greenway Court in these its palmy days. We visited it recently and found it tot- tering to its fall, mouldering in the midst of a magnificent country, where nature still flour- ishes in full luxuriance and beauty. Three or four years were thus passed by Washington, the greater part of the time be- yond the Blue Ridge, but occasionally with his brother Lawrence at Mount Vernon, His rug- ged and toilsome expeditions in the mountains, among rude scenes and rough people, inured him to hardships, and made him apt at expedi- ents ; while his intercourse with his cultivated brother, and with the various members of the Fairfax family, had a happy effect in toning up his mind and manners, and counteracting the careless and self-indulgent habitudes of the wilderness. CHAPTER V. DuRiXG the time of Washington's surveying campaigns among the mountains, a grand colo- nizing scheme had been set on foot, destined to enlist him in hardy enterprises, and in some degree to shape the course of his future for- tunes. The treaty of peace concluded at Aix-la- ^ Chapelle, which had put an end to the general war of Europe, had left undefined the boim- daries between the British and French posses- sions in America ; a singular remissness, con- sidering that they had long been a subject in dispute, and a cause of frequent conflicts in the colonies. Immense regions were still claimed by both nations, and each was now eager to forestall the other by getting possession of them, and strengthening its claim by occupancy. The most desirable of these regions lay west of the Allegany Moimtains, extending from the lakes to the Ohio, and embracing the valley of that river and its tributary streams. An im- mense territory, possessing a salubrious climate, fertile soil, fine hunting and fishing groxmds, and facilities by lakes and rivers for a vast in- ternal commerce. The French claimed all this country quite to the Allegany Mountains by the right of dis- covery. In 1673, Padre Marquette, witli his companion, Joliet, of Quebec, both subjects of the crown of France, had passed down the Mississippi in a canoe quite to the Arkansas, thereby, according to an alleged maxim in the law of nations, establishing the right of their sovereign, not merely to the river so discovered and its adjacent lands, but to all the country drained by its tributary streams, of which the Ohio was one ; a claim, the ramifications of which might be spread, like the meshes of a web, over half the continent. To this illimitable claim the English opposed a right derived, at second hand, from a tradi- tionary Indian conquest. A treaty, they said, had been made at Lancaster, in 1744, between commissioners from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, and the Iroquois, or Six Nations, whereby the latter, for four hundred pounds, gave up all right and title to the land west of the Allegany Mountains, even to the Mississip- pi, which land, according to their traditions^ had been conquered by their forefathers. It is undoubtedly true that such a treaty was made, and such a pretended transfer of title 20 INDIAN TRADERS— LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE. (lid take place, under the influence of spirituous liquors ; but it is equally true that the Indians in question did not, at the time, possess an acre of the land conveyed ; and that the tribes actu- ally in possession scoffed at their pretensions, and claimed the country as their own from time immemorial. Such were the shadowy foundations of claims which the two nations were determined to maintain to the uttermost, and which ripened into a series of wars, ending in a loss to England of a great part of her American possessions, and to France of the whole. As yet in the region in question there was not a single white settlement. Mixed Iroquois tribes of Delawares, Shawnees, and Mingoes, had migrated into it early in the century from the French settlements in Canada, and taken up their abodes about the Ohio and its branches. The French pretended to hold them under their protection ; but their allegiance, if ever acknowledged, had been sapped of late years by the influx of fur traders from Penn- sylvania. These were often rough, lawless men ; half Indians in di-ess and habits, prone to brawls, and sometimes deadly in their feuds. They were generally in the employ of some trader, who, at the head of his retainers and a string of pack-horses, would make his way over mountains and through forests to the banks of the Ohio, establish his head-quarters in some Indian town, and disperse his followers to traflic among the hamlets, hunting-camps, and wig- wams, exchanging blankets, gaudy colored cloth, trinketry, powder, shot, and rum, for valuable furs and peltry. In this way a lucra- tive trade with these western tribes was spring- ing up and becoming monopolized by the Penn- sylvanians. To secure a participation in this trade, and to gain a foothold in this desirable region, be- came now the wish of some of the most intelli- gent and enterprising men of Virginia and Maryland, among whom were Lawrence and Augustine "Washington. With these views they projected a scheme, in connection with John Hanbury, a wealthy London merchant, to ob- tain a grant of land from the British govern- ment, for the purpose of forming settlements or colonies beyond the Alleganies. Govern- ment readily countenanced a scheme by which French encroachments might be forestalled, and prompt and quiet possession secured of the great Ohio valley. An association was accord- ingly chartered in 1749, by the name of " the Ohio Company," and five hundred thousand acres of land was granted to it west of the Al- leganies ; between the Monongahela and Kana- wha Elvers ; though part of the land might be taken up north of the Ohio, should it be deem- ed expedient. The company were to pay no quitrent for ten years ; but they were to select two-fifths of their lands immediately ; to settle one hundred families upon them within seven years ; to build a fort at their own expense, and maintain a sufficient garrison in it for defence against the Indians. Mr. Thomas Lee, president of the council of Virginia, took the lead in the concerns of the company at the outset, and by many has been considered its founder. On his death, which soon took place, Lawrence "Washington had the chief management. His enlightened mind and liberal spirit shone forth in his earliest arrange- ments. He wished to form the settlements with Germans from Pennsylvania. Being dis- senters, however, they would be obliged, on becoming residents within the jurisdiction of Virginia, to pay parish rates, and main- tain a clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, though they might not understand his language nor relish his doctrines. Lawrence sought to have them exempted from this double tax on purse and conscience. " It has ever been my opinion," said he, " and I hope it ever wiU be, that restraints on conscience are cruel in regard to those on whom they are imposed, and injurious to the country imposing them. England, Holland, and Prussia I may quote as examples, and much more Pennsylvania, which has flourished under that delightful liberty, so as to become the ad- miration of every man who considers the short time it has been settled. * * * * This colo- ny (Virginia) was greatly settled in the latter part of Charles the First's time, and during the usurpation by the zealous churchmen ; and that spirit, which was then brought in, has ever since continued ; so that, except a few Quakers, we have no dissenters. But what has been the consequence ? We have increased by slow de- grees, whilst our neighboring colonies, whose natural advantages are greatly inferior to ours, have become populous." Such were the enlightened views of this brother of our Washington, to whom the lat- ter owed much of his moral and mental train- ing. The company proceeded to make prepara- tions for their colonizing scheme. Goods were imported from England suited to the Indian GEORGE CROGHAX-CHRISTOPHER GIST. trade, or for presents to the chiefs. Rewards were promised to veteran warriors and hunters among the natives acquainted with the woods and mountains, for the best route to the Ohio. Before the company had received its charter, however, the French were in the field. Early in 1749, the Marquis de la Galisonniere, Gov- ernor of Canada, despatched Celeron de Bien- ville, an intelligent ofBcer, at the head of three hundred men, to the banks of the Ohio, to make peace, as he said, between the tribes that had become embroiled with each other during the late war, and to renew the French posses- sion of the country. Celeron de Bienville dis- tributed presents among the Indians, made speeches reminding them of former friendship and warned them not to trade with the English.' He furthermore nailed leaden plates to Trees and buried others in the earth, at the conflu- ence of the Ohio and its tributaries, bearino- mscriptions purporting that all the lands on both sides of the rivers to their sources apper- tamed, as in foregone times, to the crown of France.* The Indians gazed at these mysteri- ous plates with wondering eyes, but surmised then- purport. " They mean to steal our coun try from us," murmured they ; and they de termmed to seek protection from the English. Celeron finding some traders from Pennsyl vania trafficking among the Indians, he sum- moned them to depart, and wrote bv them to James Hamilton, Governor of Pennsylvania telhng him the object of his errand to those parts, and his surprise at meeting with Eno-lish traders in a country to which England had no pretensions; intimating that, in future, any intruders of the kind would be rigorously dealt With. His letter, and a report of his proceedings on the Ohio, roused the solicitude of the gov ernor and council of Pennsylvania, for the pro- tection of their Indian trade. Shortly after- wards, one Hugh Crawford, who had been tradmg with the Miami tribes on the Wabash brought a message from them, speaking of the promises and threats with which the French were endeavoring to shake their faith, but as- suring the governor that their friendship for the English "would last while the sun and moon ran round the world." This message was accompanied by three strings of wampum Governor Hamilton knew the value of Indian 21 ^.,'?'"^ f^*^'^^" ^''''''' ^"e^ing date August 16, 174^ ^ s found ,n recent years at the confluence of the Mus- l^ingum with the Ohio. friendship, and suggested to the assembly that It would be better to clinch it with presents and that as soon as possible. An envoy accord- mgly was sent off early in October, who was supposed to have great influence among the western tribes. This was one George Croghan, a veteran trader, shrewd and sagacious, who had been frequently to the Ohio country with pack-horses and foUowers, and made himself popular among the Indians by dispensing pres- ents with a lavish hand. He was accompanied by Andrew Montour, a Canadian of half Indian descent, who was to act as interpreter. They were provided with a small present for the emergency; but were to convoke a meeting of aU the tribes at Logstown, on the Ohio, early in the ensuing spring, to receive an ample present which would be provided by the assembly. It was some time later in the same autumn that the Ohio company brought their plans into operation, and despatched an agent to explore the lands upon the Ohio and its branches as low as the Great Falls, take note of their fitness for cultivation, of the passes of the mountains, the courses and bearings of the rivers, and the strength and disposition of the native tribes. The man chosen for the purpose was Christo- pher Gist, a hardy pioneer, experienced in wood- craft and Indian life, who had his home on the banks of the Yadkin near the boundary line of Virginia and North Carolina. He was allowed a woodsman or two for the serAdce of the ex- pedition. He set out on the 31st of October from the banks of the Potomac, by an Indian path which the hunters had pointed out leading from Wills' Creek, since called Fort Cumber- land, to the Ohio. Indian paths and bufi-alo tracks are the primitive highways of the wilderness. Passing the Juniata, he crossed the ridges of the AUegany, arrived at Shannopin, a Dela- ware viUage on the south-east side of the Ohio, or rather of that upper branch of it, now cahed the Allegany, swam his horses across that river, and descending along its valley arrived at Logstown, an important Indian village a little below the site of the present city of Pitts- burg. Here usually resided Tanacharisson, a Seneca chief of great note, being head sachem of the mixed tribes which had migrated to the Ohio and its branches. He was generally surnamed the half-king, being subordinate to the Iroquois confederacy. The chief was ab- sent at this time, as were most of his people, it being the hunting season. George Croghan, NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE INDIANS— SCENES IN THE OHIO COUNTRY the envoy from Pennsylvania, with Montour his interpreter, had passed through Logstown a week previously, on his way to the Twightwees and other tribes, on the Miami branch of the Ohio. Scarce any one was to be seen about the village but some of Croghan's rough peo- ple, whom he had left beliind — "reprobate Indian traders," as Gist terms them. They regarded the latter with a jealous eye, suspect- ing him of some rivalship in trade, or designs on the Indian lands ; and intimated significantly " that he would never go home safe." Gist knew the meaning of such hints from men of this stamp in the lawless depths of the wilderness ; but quieted their suspicions by letting them know that he was on public biisi- ness, and on good terms with their great man, George Croghan, to whom he despatched a let- ter. He took his departure from Logstown, however, as soon as possible, preferring, as he said, the solitude of the wilderness to such company. At Beaver Creek, a few miles below the village, he left the river and struck into the interior of the present State of Oliio. Here he overtook George Croghan at Muskingum, a town of "Wyandots and Mingoes. He had or- dered all the traders in his employ who were scattered among the Indian villages, to rally at this town, where he had hoisted the English flag over his residence and over that of the sachem. This was in consequence of the hostility of the French, who had recently captured, in the neighborhood, three white men in the employ of Frazier, an Indian trader, and had carried them away prisoners to Canada. Gist was well received by the people of Muskingum. They were indignant at the French violation of their territories, and the capture of their "English brothers." They had not forgotten the conduct of Celeron de Bienville in the previous year, and the mysterious plates which he had nailed against trees and sunk in the ground. " If the French claim the rivers which run into the lakes," said they, " those which run into the Ohio belong to us and to our brothers the English." And they were anxious that Gist should settle among them, and build a fort for their mutual defence. A council of the nation was now held, in which Gist invited them, in the name of the Governor of Virginia, to visit that province, where a large present of goods awaited them, sent by their father the great king, over the water to his Ohio children. The invitation was graciously received, but no answer could be given mitil a grand council of the western tribes had been held, which was to take place at Logstown in the ensuing spring. Similar results attended visits made by Gist and Croghan to the Delawares and the Shaw- nees at their villages about the Scioto Eiver ; all promised to be at the gathering in Logstown. From the Shawnee village, near the mouth of the Scioto, the two emissaries shaped their course north two hundred miles, crossed the Great Moneami, or Miami Paver, on a raft, swimming their horses ; and on the 17th of February arrived at the Indian town of Piqua. These journeyings had carried Gist about a wide extent of country beyond the Ohio. It was rich and level, watered with streams and rivulets, and clad with noble forests of hick- ory, walnut, ash, poplar, sugar-maple, and wild cherry trees. Occasionally there were spacious plains covered with wild rye ; natural meadows with blue grass and clover ; and buffaloes thirty and forty at a time grazing on them as in a cultivated pasture. Deer, elk, and wild turkeys abounded. " Nothing is wanted but cultivation," said Gist, " to make this a most delightful country." Cultivation has since proved the truth of his words. The country thus described is the present State of Ohio. Piqua, where Gist and Croghan had arrived, was the principal town of the Twightwees or Miamis ; the most powerful confederacy of the West, combining four tribes, and extending its influence even beyond the Mississippi. A king or sachem of one or other of the different tribes presided over the whole. The head chief at present was the king of the Piankeshas. At this town Croghan formed a treaty of alliance in the name of the Governor of Penn- sylvania with two of the Miami tribes. And Gist was prorriised by the king of the Pian- keshas that the chiefs of the various tribes would attend the meeting at Logstown to make a treaty with Virginia. In the height of these demonstrations of friendship, two Ottawas entered the council- house, announcing themselves as envoys from the French Govei-nor of Canada to seek a renewal of ancient alliance. They were received with all due ceremonial ; for none are more ceremonious than the Iiidians. The French colors were set up beside the English, and the ambassadors opened their mission. " Your father, the ^rench king," said they, " remem- bering his chUdren on the Ohio, has sent them DIPLOMACY AT PIQUA— FRENCH SCHEME. 23 these two kegs of milk," here, with great solemnity, they deposited two kegs of hrandy, — " and this tobacco ; " — here they deposited a roll ten pounds in weight. " He has made a clean road for you to come and see him and his oflScers ; and urges you to come, assuring you that all past differences will he forgotten," The Piankesha chief replied in the same figurative style. " It is true our father has sent for us several times, and has said the road was clear ; but I understand it is not clear — it is foul and bloody, and the French have made it so. We have cleared a road for our broth- ers, the English ; the French have made it bad, and have taken some of our brothers prisoners. This we consider as done to ourselves," So saying he turned his back upon the ambassa- dors, and stalked out of the council -house. In the end the ambassadors were assured that the tribes of the Ohio and the Six Nations were hand in hand with their brothers, the English; and should war ensue with the French, they were ready to meet it. So the French colors were taken down ; the " kegs of milk " and roll of tobacco were rejected ; the grand council broke up in a war- dance, and the ambassadors departed, weeping and howling, and predicting ruin to the Miamis. "When Gist returned] to the Shawnee town, near the mouth of the Scioto, and reported to his Indian friends there the alliance he had formed with the Miami confederacy, there was great feasting and speech-making, and firing of guns. He had now happily accomplished the chief object of his mission — nothing remained but to descend the Ohio to the Great Falls. This, however, he was cautioned not to do. A large party of Indians, allies of the French, were hunting in that neighborhood, who might kill or capture him. He crossed the river attended only by a lad as a travelling compan- ion and aid, and proceeded cautiously down the east side until within fifteen miles of the Falls. Here he came upon traps newly set, and Indian footprints not a day old ; and heard the distant report of guns. The story of Indian hunters then was true. He was in a dangerous neighborhood. The savages might come upon the tracks of the horses, or heal* the bells put about their necks, when turned loose in the wilderness to graze. Abandoning aU idea, therefore, of visiting the Falls, and contenting himself with the information concerning them which he had received from others, he shaped his course on the 18th of March for the Cuttawa, or Ken- tucky River. From the top of a mountain in the vicinity he had a view to the south-west as far as the eye could reach, over a vast wood- land country in the fresh garniture of spring, and watered by abundant streams ; but as yet only the hunting ground of savage tribes, and the scene of their sanguinary combats. In a word, Kentucky lay spread out before him in all its wild magnificence ; long before it was beheld by Daniel Boone. For six weeks was this hardy pioneer making his toilful way up the valley of the Cuttawa, or Kentucky River, to the banks of the Blue Stone ; often checked by precipices, and obliged to seek fords at the heads of tributary streams ; and happy when he could find a buffalo path broken through the tangled forests, or worn into the everlasting rocks. On the 1st of May he climbed a rock sixty feet high, and crowning a lofty mountain, and had a distant view of the great Kanawha, breaking its way through a vast sierra ; cross- ing that river on a raft of his own construction, he had many more weary days before him, before he reached his frontier abode on the banks of the Yadkin. He arrived therein in the latter part of May, but there was no one to welcome the wanderer home. There had been an Indian massacre in the neighborhood,, and he found his house silent and deserted. His heart sank within him, until an old man whom he met near the place assured him his fam- ily were safe, having fled for refuge to a settle- ment thirty-five miles oft", on the banks of the Roanoke. There he rejoined them on the fol- lowing day. While Gist had been making his painful way homeward, the two Ottawa ambassadors had returned to Fort Saudusky, bringing word to the French that their flag had been struck in the council-house at Piqua, and their friend- ship rejected and their hospitality defied by the Miamis, They informed them also of the gathering of the western tribes that was to take place at Logstown, to conclude a treaty with the Virginians. It was a great object with the French to prevent this treaty, and to spirit up the Ohio Indians against the English. This they hoped to effect through the agency of one Captain Joncaire, a veteran diplomatist of the wilder- ness, whose character and story deserve a passing notice. He had been taken prisoner when quite 24 CAPTAIN JONCAIRE— PREPARATION FOR HOSTILITIES. [1751. young by the Iroquois, and adopted into one of their tribes. This was the making of his fortune. He had grown up among them, acquired their language,, adapted himself to their habits, and was considered by them as one of themselves. On returning to civilized life he became a prime instrument in the hands of the Canadian government, for managing and cajoling the Indians. Sometimes he was an ambassador to the Iroquois ; sometimes a medi- ator between the jarring tribes ; sometimes a leader of their warriors when employed by the French. When in 1728 the Delawares and Shawnees migrated to the banks of the Ohio, Joncaire was the agent who followed them, and prevailed on them to consider themselves under French protection. When the French wanted to get a commanding site for a post on the Iroquois lands, near Niagara, Joncaire was the man to manage it. He craved a situ- ation where he might put up a ^^igwam, and dwell among his Iroquois brethren. It was granted of course, " for was he not a son of the tribe — was he not one of themselves ? " By degrees his wigwam grew into an impor- tant trading post ; ultimately it became Fort Niagara. Years and years had elapsed ; he had grown gray in Indian diplomacy, and was now sent once more to maintain French sover- eignty over the valley of the Ohio. He appeared at Logstown accompanied by another Frenchman, and forty Iroquois war- riors. He found an assemblage of the western tribes, feasting and rejoicing, and firing of guns, for George Croghan and Montour the inter- preter were there, and had been distributing presents on behalf of the Governor of Penn- sylvania. Joncaire was said to have the wit of a Frenchman, and the eloquence of an Iroquois. He made an animated speech to the chiefs in their own tongue, the gist of which was that their father Onontio (that is to say, the Gov- ernor of Canada) desired his children of the Ohio to turn away the Indian traders, and never to deal with them again on pain of his displeasure ; so saying, he laid down a wam- pum belt of uncommon size, by Avay of empha- sis to his message. For once his eloquence was of no avail ; a chief rose indignantly, shook his tinger in his face, and stamping on the ground, " This is our land," said he. " What right has Onontio here? The English are our brothers. They shall live among us as long as one of us is alive. We wiU trade with them, and not with you ; " and so saying he rejected the belt of Avampum. Joncaire returned to an advanced post recently established on the upper part of the river, whence he wrote to the Governor of Pennsylvania : " The Marquis de la Jonquiere, Governor of New France, having ordered me to watch that the English make no treaty in the Ohio country, I have signified to the traders of your government to retire. You are not ignorant that all these lands belong to the King of France, and that the English have no right to trade in them." He concluded by reiterating the threat made two years pre- viously by Celeron de BienviUe against all intruding fur traders. In the mean time, in tlie face of all these protests and menaces, Mr. Gist, under sanc- tion of the Virginia Legislature, proceeded in the same year to survey the lands with- in the grant of the Ohio company, lying on the south side of the Ohio Eiver, as far down as the great Kanawha. An old Dela- ware sachem, meeting him while thus em- ployed, propounded a somewhat puzzling ques- tion. "The French," said he, "claim aU the land on one side of the Ohio, the English claim all the land on the other side — now where does the Indians' land lie? " Poor savages ! Between their " fathers," the French, and their " brothers," the English, they were in a fair way of being most lovingly shared out of the whole country. CHAPTER VI. The French now prepared for hostile contin- gencies. They launched an armed vessel of unusual size on Lake Ontario ; fortified their trading houses at Niagara ; strengthened their outposts, and advanced others on the upper waters of the Ohio. A stir of warlike pre- paration was likewise to be observed among the British colonies. It was evident that the adverse claims to the disputed territory, if pushed home, could only be settled by the stern arbitrament of the sword. In Virginia, especially, the war spirit Avas manifest. The province was divided into military districts, each having an adjutant- general, with the rank of major, and" the pay of one hundred and fifty pounds a year, whose Ml. 19.] SCENES AT BARBADOES— TROPICAL FRUITS. 25 duty was to attend to the organization and equipment of the militia. Such an appointment was sought by Law- rence Washington for his brother George. It shows what must have been the maturity of mind of the latter, and the confidence in- spired by his judicious conduct and aptness for business, that the post should not only be sought for him, but readily obtained ; though he was yet but nineteen years of age. He proved him- self worthy of the appointment. He now set about preparing himself, with his usual method and assiduity, for his new duties. Virginia had among its floating popu- lation some military relics of the late Spanish war. Among these there was a certain Adjutant Muse, a "Westmoreland volunteer, who had served with Lawrence Washington in the campaigns in the West Indies, and had been with him in the attack on Oarthagena. He now undertook to instruct his brother George in the art of war; lent him treatises on military tactics; put him through the manual exercise, and gave him some idea of evolutions in the field. Another of Law- rence's campaigning comrades was Jacob Van Braam, a Dutchman by birth ; a soldier of for- tune of the Dalgetty order ; who had been in the British army, but was now out of service, and, professing to be a complete master of fence, recruited his slender purse in this time of military excitement, by giving the Virgin- ian youth lessons in the sword exercise. Under the instructions of these veterans Mount Vernon, from being a quiet rural retreat, where Washington, three years pre- viously, had indited love ditties to his " low- land beauty," was suddenly transformed into a school of arms, as he practised the manual exercise with Adjutant Muse, or took lessons on the broadsword from Van Braam. His martial studies, however, were inter- rupted for a time by the critical state of his brother's health. The constitution of Law- rence had always been delicate, and he had been obliged repeatedly to travel for a change of air. There were now pulmonary symptoms of a threatening nature, and by advice of his physicians he determined to pass a winter in the West Indies, taking with him his favorite brother George as a com- panion. They accordingly sailed for Barbadoes on the 28th of September, 1751. George kept a journal of the voyage with logbook brevity ; recording the wind and weather, but no events worth citation. They landed at Barbadoes on the 3d of November. The resident phy- sician of the place gave a favorable report of Lawrence's case, and held out hopes of a cure. The brothers were delighted with the aspect of the country, as they drove out in the cool of the evening, and beheld on all sides fields of sugar cane and Indian corn, and groves of tropical trees, in full fruit and foliage. They took up their abode at a house pleas- antly situated about a mile from town, com- manding an extensive prospect of sea and land, including Carlyle bay and its shipping, and belonging to Captain Crofton, commander of James Fort. Barbadoes had its theatre, at which Wash- ington witnessed for the first time a dramatic representation, a • species of amusement of which he afterwards became fond. It was in the present -instance the doleful tragedy of George Barnwell. "The character of Barn- well, and several others," notes he in his journal, "were said to be well performed^ There was music adapted and regularly con- ducted." A safe but abstemious criticism. Among the liospitalities of the place the brothers were invited to the house of a Judge Maynards, to dine with an association of the first people of the place, who met at each other's house alternately every Saturday, under the incontestably English title of " The Beef- steak and Tripe Club." Washington notes with admiration the profusion of tropical fruits with which the table was loaded, " the grana- dilla, sapadella, pomegranate, sweet orange, water-lemon, forbidden fruit, and guava." The homely prosaic beefsteak and tripe must have contrasted strangely, though sturdily, with these magnificent poetical fruits of the tropics. But John Bull is faithful to his native habits, and native dishes, whatever may be the coun- try or clime, and would set up a chop-house at the very gates of paradise. The brothers had scarcely been a fortnight at the island when George was taken down by a severe attack of small-pox. Skilful medical treatment, with the kind attention of friends, and especially of his brother, restored him to health in about three weeks ; but his face al- ways remained slightly marked. After his recovery he made excursions about the island, noticing its soil, productions, forti- fications, public works, and the manners of its inhabitants. While admiring the productive- 26 RETURN HOME OF WASHINGTON— DEATH OF LAWRENCE. [1752. ness of the sugar plantations, he was shocked at the spendthrift hahits of the planters, and their utter want of management. " How wonderful," writes he, " that such people should be in debt, and not be able to indulge themselves in aU the luxuries, as well as the necessaries of life. Yet so it happens. Estates are often alienated for debts. How persons coming to estates of two, three, and four hundred acres can want, is to me most wonderful." How much does this wonder speak for his own scrupulous principle of al- ways living within compass. The residence at Barbadoes failed to have the anticipated effect on the health of Law- rence, and he determined to seek the sweet climate of Bermiada in the spring. He felt the absence from his wife, and it was arranged that George should return to Virginia, and bring her out to meet him at that island. Accordingly, on the 22d of December, George set sail in the Industry, bound to Virginia, where he arrived on the 1st February, 1752, after five weeks of stormy winter seafaring. Lawrence remained through the winter at Barbadoes; but the very mildness of the climate relaxed and enervated him. He felt the want of the bracing winter weather to which he had been accustomed. Even the in- variable beauty of the climate, the perpetual summer, wearied the restless invalid. " This is the finest island of the West Indies," said he ; " but I own no place can please me with- out a change of seasons. We soon tire of the same prospect." A consolatory truth for the inhabitants of more capricious climes. Still some of the worst symptoms of his dis- order had disappeared, and he seemed to be slowly recovering; but the nervous restless- ness and desire of change, often incidental to his malady, had taken hold of him, and early in March he hastened to Bermuda. He had come too soon. The keen air of early spring brought on an aggravated return of his worst symptoms. " I have now got to my last refuge," writes he to a friend, " where I must receive my final sentence, which at present Dr. Forbes will not pronounce. He leaves me, however, I think, like a criminal condemn- ed, though not without hopes of reprieve. But tliis I am to obtain by meritoriously abstaining from flesh of every sort, all strong liquors, and by riding as much as I can bear. These are the only terms on which I am to hope for life." He was now afflicted with painful inde- cision, and his letters perplexed his family, leaving them uncertain as to his movements, and at a loss how to act. At one time he talked of remaining a year at Bermuda, and wrote to his wife to come out with George and rejoin him there ; but the very same letter shows his irresolution and uncertainty, for he leaves her coming to the decision of herself and friends. As to his own movements, he says, " Six weeks will determine me what to resolve on. Forbes advises the south of France, or else Bai'badoes." The very next letter, writ- ten shortly afterwards in a moment of de- spondency, talks of the possibility of " hurry- ing home to his grave ! " ^ The last was no empty foreboding. He did indeed hasten back, and just reached Mount ' | Vernon in time to die under his own roof, surrounded by his family and friends, and attended in his last moments by that brother on whose manly affection his heart seemed to repose. His death took place on the 26th July, 1752, when but thirty-four years of age. He was a noble-spirited, pure-minded, accom- plished gentleman ; honored by the public, and beloved by his friends. The paternal care ever manifested by him for his youthful brother George, and the influence his own character and conduct must have had upon him in his ductile years, should link their memories together in history, and endear the name of Lawrence Washington to every American. Lawrence left a wife and an infant daughter to inherit his ample estates. In case his daughter should die without issiie, the estate of Mount Vernon, and other lands specified in his will, were to be enjoyed by her mother during her lifetime, and at her death to be inherited by his brother George. The latter was appointed one of the executors of the will ; but such was the implicit confidence reposed in his judgment and integrity, that, although he was but twenty years of age, the management of the affairs of the deceased was soon devolved upon him almost en- tirely. It is needless to say that they were managed with consummate skill and scrupu- lous fidelity. ^T. 20.] TREATY WITH THE ENGLISH— FRENCH AGGRESSIONS. 27 CHAPTER VII. The meeting of the Ohio tribes, Dekawares, Shawnees, and Mingoes, to form a treaty of alliance with Virginia, took place at Logs- town, at the appointed time. The chiefs of the Six Nations dechned to attend. " It is not our custom," said they proudly, " to meet to treat of affairs in the woods and weeds. If the Governor of Virginia wants to speak with lis, and deliver us a present from our fa- ther (the King), we will meet him at Albany, where we expect the Governor of New York will be present." * At Logstown, Colonel Fry and two other commissioners from Virginia, concluded a treaty with the tribes above named ; by wliich the latter engaged not to molest any English settlers south of the Ohio. Tana- charisson, the half-king, now advised that his brothers of Virginia should build a strong house at the fork of the Monongahela, to re- sist the designs of the French. Mr. Gist was accordingly instructed to lay out a town' and build a fort at Chartier's Creek, on the east side of the Ohio, a little below the site of the present city of Pittsburg. He commenced a settlement, also, in a valley just beyond Laurel Hill, not far from the Youghiogeny, and pre- vailed on eleven families to join him. The Ohio Company, about the same time, estab- lished a trading post, well stocked with Eng- lish goods, at Wills' Creek (now the town of Cumberland). The Ohio tribes were greatly incensed at the aggressions of the French, who were erecting posts within their territories, and sent deputations to remonstrate, but without effect. The half-king, as chief of the west- ern tribes, repaired to the French post on Lake Erie, where he made his complaint in person. " Fathers," said he, " you are the disturb- ers of this land by building towns, and taking the country from us by fraud and force. We kindled a fire a long time ago at Montreal, where we desired you to stay and not to come and intrude upon our land. I now advise you to return to that place, for this land is ours. " If you had come in a peaceable manner, like our brothers the English, we should have traded with you as we do with them; but * Letter of Col. Johnson to Gov. Clinton,— Doc. Hist. N. Y., ii. 624. that you should come and build houses on our land, and take it by force, is what we cannot submit to. Both you and the English are white. We live in a country between you both ; the land belongs to neither of you. The Great Being allotted it to us as a residence. So, fathers, I desire you, as I have desired our brothers the English, to withdraw, for I will keep you both at arm's length. Which- ever most regards this request, that side will we stand by and consider friends. Our brothers the English have heard this, and I now come to tell it to you, for I am not afraid to order you off this land." " Child," replied the French commandant, " yon talk foolishly. You say this land belongs to you ; there is not the black of my nail yours. It is my land, and I will have it, let who will stand up against me. I am not afraid of flies and mosquitoes, for as such I consider the Indians. I tell you that down the river I will go, and build upon it. If it were blocked up I have forces sufficient to burst it open and trample down all who oppose me. My force is as the sand upon the sea-shore. Therefore here is your wampum; I fling it at you." Tanacharisson returned, wounded at heart, both by the language and the haughty manner of the French commandant. He saw the ruin impending over his race, but looked with hope and trust to the English as the power least disposed to wrong the red man. French influence was successful in other quarters. Some of the Indians who had been friendly to the English showed signs of alien- ation. Others menaced hostilities. There were reports that the French were ascending the Mississippi from Louisiana. France, it was said, intended to connect Louisiana and Canada by a chain of military posts, and hem the English within the Allegany Mountains, The Ohio Company complained loudly to the Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie, of the hostile conduct of the French and their Indian allies. They found in Dinwiddie a ready listener; he was a stockholder in the company. A commissioner. Captain William Trent, was sent to expostulate with the French com- mander on the Ohio for his aggressions on the territory of his Britannic majesty; he bore presents also of guns, powder, shot, and cloth- ing for the friendly Indians. Trent was not a man of the true spirit for 28 MISSION TO THE FRENCH COMMANDER— THE FORK OF THE OHIO. [1753. a mission to the frontier. lie stopped a short time at Logstown, though the French were one hundred and fifty miles further up the river, and directed liis course to Piqua, the great town of the TwiglitAvees, where Gist and Croghan had been so well received by the Miamis, and the French flag struck in the council house. All now was reversed. The place had been attacked by the French and Indians ; the Miamis defeated with great loss ; the English traders taken prisoners; the Piankesha chief, who had so proudly turned his back upon tlie Ottawa ambassadors, had been sacrificed by the hostile savages, and the French flag hoisted in triumph on the ruins of the town. The whole aspect of affairs was so threatening on the frontier, that Trent lost heart, and returned home without accomplish- ing his errand. Governor Dinwiddle now looked round for a person more fitted to fulfil a mission which required physical strength and moral energy ; a courage to cope with savages, and a sagacity to negotiate with white men. Washington was pointed out as possessed of those re- quisites. It is true he Avas not yet twenty- two years of age, but public confidence in his judgment and abilities had been manifested a second time, by renewing his appointment of adjutant-general, and assigning him the north- ern division. He was acquainted too with the matters in litigation, having been in the bosom councils of his deceased brother. His wood- land experience fitted him for an expedition through the wilderness ; and his great discre- tion and self-command for a negotiation with wily commanders and fickle savages. He was accordingly chosen for the expedition. By his letter of instructions he was directed to repair to Logstown and hold a communica- tion with Tanachai-isson, Monacatoocha, alias Scarooyadi, the next in command, and the other sachems of the mixed tribes friendly to the English ; inform them of the purport of his errand, and request an escort to the head- quarters of the French commander. To that commander he was to deliver his credentials, and the letter of Governor Dinwiddle, and demand an answer in the name of his Britannic majesty ; but not to wait for it beyond a week. On receiving it, he was to request a sufiicient escort to protect liim on his return. He was, moreover, to acquaint himself with the numl)ers and force of the French stationed on the Ohio and in its vicinity; their capability of being reinforced from Can- ada; the forts they had erected; where situated, how garrisoned ; the object of their advancing into those parts, and how they were likely to be supported. Washington set off from Williamsburg on the 30th of October (1V53), the very day on which he received his credentials. At Fred- ericksburg he engaged his old "master of fence," Jacob Van Braam, to accompany him as interpreter; though it would appear from subsequent circumstances, that the veteran swordsman was but indifferently versed in French or English. Having provided himself at Alexandria with necessaries for the journey, he proceeded to Winchester, then on the frontier, where he procured horses, tents, and other travelling equipments, and then pushed on by a road newly opened to Wills' Creek (town of Cum- berland), where he arrived on the 14th of November. Here he met with Mr. Gist, the intrepid pioneer, who had explored the Ohio in the employ of the company, and whom he engaged to accompany and pilot him in the present expedition. He secured the services also of one John Davidson as Indian interpreter, and of four frontiersmen, two of Avhom were Indian traders. With this little band, and his swords- man and interpreter, Jacob Van Braam, he set forth on the 15th of November through a wild country, rendered almost impassable by recent storms of rain and snow. At the mouth of Turtle Creek, on the Monongahela, he found John Frazier the Indian trader, some of whose people, as here- tofore stated, had been sent off prisoners to Canada. Frazier himself had recently been ejected by the French from the Indian village of Venango, where he had a gunsmith's es- tablishment. According to his account the French general who had commanded on this frontier was dead, and the greater part of the forces were retired into winter quarters. As the rivers were all swollen so that the horses had to swim them, Washington sent all the baggage down the Monongahela in a canoe under care of two of the men, Avho had orders to meet him at the confluence of that river with the Allegany, where their united waters form the Ohio. " As I got down before the canoe," writes he in his journal, "I spent some time in view- ing the rivers, and the land at the Fork, which ^T. 21] THE HALF-KIXG— INDIAN DIPLOMACY. 23 I think extremely well situated for a fort, as it has the absolute command of both rivers. The land at the point is twenty or twenty- five feet above the common surface of the water, and a considerable bottom of flat, well- timbered land all around it, very convenient for building. The rivers are each a quarter of a mile or more across, and run here veiy nearly at right angles; Allegany bearing north-east, and Monongahela south-east. The former of these two is a very rapid and swift- running water, the other deep and still, with- out any perceptible fall." The Ohio company had intended to build a fort about two miles from this place on the south-east side of the river; but Washington gave the fork the decided preference. French engineers of ex- perience proved the accuracy of his military eye, by subsequently choosing it for the site of Fort Duquesne, noted in frontier history. In this neighborhood lived Shingiss, the king or chief sachem of the Delawares. "Washing- ton visited him at his village, to invite him to the council at Logstown. He was one of the greatest warriors of his tribe, and subse- quently took up- the hatchet at various times against the English, though now he seemed favorably dispQsed, and readily accepted the invitation. They arrived at Logstown after sunset on the 2-ith of November. The half-king was absent at his hunting lodge on Beaver Creek, about fifteen miles distant; but "Washington had runners sent out to invite him and all the other chiefs to a grand talk on the following day. In the morning four French deserters came into the village. They had deserted from a company of one hundred men, sent up from New Orleans with eight canoes laden with provisions. "Washington drew from them an account of the French force at New Orleans, and of the forts along the Mississippi, and at the mouth of the Wabash, by which they kept up a communication with the lakes ; all which he carefully noted down. The deserters were on their way to Philadelphia, conducted by a Pennsylvania trader. About three o'clock the half-king arrived. Washington had a private conversation with him in his tent, through Davidson, the inter- preter. He found him intelligent, patriotic, and proudly tenacious of his territorial rights. We have already cited from Washington's papers, the account given by this chief in this conversation, of his interview with the late French commander. He stated, moreover, that the French had built two forts, differing in size, but on the same model, a plan of which he gave, of his own drawing. The largest was on Lake Erie, the other on Frencii Creek, fifteen miles apart, with a waggon road between them. The nearest and levellest way to them was now impassable, lying through large and miry savannas ; they would have, therefore, to go by Venango, and it would take five or six sleeps (or days) of good travel- ling to reach the nearest fort. On the following morning at nine o'clock, the chiefs assembled at the council house; where Washington, according to his instruc- tions, informed them that he was sent by their brother, the Governor of Virginia, to deliver to the French commandant a letter of great importance, both to their brothers the English and to themselves; and that he was to ask their advice and assistance, and some of their young men to accompany and provide for him on the way, and be his safeguard against the "French Indians" who had taken up the hatchet. He concluded by presenting the in- dispensable document in Indian diplomacy a string of wampum. The chiefs, according to etiquette, sat for some moments silent after he had concluded, as if ruminating on what had been said, or to give him time for further remark. The half-king then rose and spoke in behalf of the tribes, assuring him that they con- sidered the English and themselves brothers, and one people; and that they intended to return the French the "speech-belts," or wampums, which the latter had sent them. This, in Indian diplomacy, is a renunciation of all fi-iendly relations. An escort would be furnished to Washington composed of Mingoes, Shannoahs, and Delawares, in token of the love and loyalty of those several tribes; but three days would be required to prepare for the journey. Washington remonstrated against such de- lay ; but was informed, that an affair of such moment, where three speech-belts were to be given up, Avas not to be entered into without due consideration. Besides, the young men who were to form the escort were absent hunting, and the half-king could not suffer the party to go without sufficient protection. His own French speech-belt, also, was at his hunting lodge, whither he must go in quest of it. 30 INDIAN ESCORTS— FRONTIER REVELRY. [1753. Moreover, the Shannoah chiefs were yet absent and naust be waited for. In short, Washing- ton had his first lesson in Indian diplomacy, which for punctilio, ceremonial, and secret manoeuvring, is equal at least to that of civil- ized life. He soon found that to urge a more speedy departure would be offensive to Indian dignity and decorum, so he was fain to await the gathering together of the different chiefs with their speech-belts. In fact there was some reason for all this caution. Tidings had reached the sachems that Captain Joncaire had called a meeting at Venango, of the Mingoes, Delawares, and other tribes, and made them a speech, inform- ing them that the French, for the present, had gone into winter quarters, but intended to descend the river in great force, and fight the English in the spring. He had advised them, therefore, to stand aloof, for should they inter- fere, the French and English would join, cut them all off, and divide their land between them. With these rumors preying on their minds, the half-king and three other chiefs waited on Washington in his tent in the evening, and after representing that they had complied with all the requisitions of the Governor of Vir- ginia, endeavored to draw from the youthful ambassador the true purport of his mission to the French commandant. Wasliington had anticipated an inquiry of the kind, knowing how natural it was that these poor people should regard, with anxiety and distrust, every movement of two formidable powers thus pressing upon them from opposite sides ; he managed, however, to answer them in such a manner as to allay their solicitude with- out transcending the bounds of diplomatic secrecy. After a day or two more of delay and fur- ther consultations in the council house, the chiefs determined that but three of their num- ber should accompany the mission, as a greater number might awaken the suspicions of the French. Accordingly, on the 30th of Novem- ber, Washington set out for the French post, having his usual party augmented by an Indian hunter, and being accompanied by the half- king, an old Shannoah sachem named Jeskaka- ke, and another chief, sometimes called Belt of Wampum, from being the keeper of the speech-belts, but generally bearing the sound- ing appellation of White Thunder, CHAPTER VIII. Although the distance to Venango, by the route taken, was not above seventy mdes, yet such was the inclemency of the weather and the difl[iculty of travelling, that Washington and his party did not arrive there until the 4th of December. The French colors were flying at a house whence John Frazier, the English trader, had been driven. Washington repaired thither, and inqnired of three French officers whom he saw there where the commandant resided. One of them promptly replied that he " had the command of the Ohio." It was, in fact, the redoubtable Captain Joncaire, the veteran intriguer of the frontier. On being apprised, however, of the nature of Washing- ton's errand, he informed him that there was a general oflScer at the next fort, where he ad- vised him to apply for an answer to the letter of which he was the bearer. In the mean time, he invited Washington and his party to a supper at head-quarters. It proved a jovial one, for Joncaire appears to have been somewhat of a boon companion, and there is always ready though rough hospitality in the wilderness. It is true, Washington, for so young a man, may not have had the most convivial air, but there may have been a moist look of promise in the old soldier Van Braam. Joncaire and his brother officers pushed the bottle briskly. " The wine," says Washington, " as they dosed themselves pretty plentifully with it, soon banished the restraint which at first appeared in their conversation, and gave a license to their tongues to reveal their senti- ments more freely. They told me that it was their absolute design to take possession of the Ohio, and by G — they would do it ; for that although they were sensible the English could raise two men for their one, yet they knew their motions were too slow and dilatory to prevent any undertaking. They pretend to have an undoubted right to the river from a discovery made by one La SaUe sixty years ago, and the rise of this expedition is to pre- vent our settling on the river or the waters of it, as they heard of some families moving out in order thereto." Washington retained his sobriety and his composure throughout all the rodomontade and bacchanalian outbreak of the mercurial Frenchmen ; leaving the task of pledging them to his master of fence. Van Braam, who was ^T. 21,] LA FORCE, THE WILT COMMISSARY— fORT AT FRENCH CREEK. 31 not a man to flinch from potations. He took careful note, however, of all their revelations, and collected a variety of information concern- ing the French forces ; how and where they were distributed ; the situations and distances of their forts, and their moans and mode of obtaining supplies. If the veteran diplomatist of the wilderness had intended this revel for a snare, he was completely foiled by his youthful competitor. On the following day there was no travelling on account of excessive rain. Joncaire, in the mean time, having discovered that the half -king was with the mission, expressed his surprise that he had not accompanied it to his quarters on the preceding day. 'Washington, in truth, had feared to trust the sachem within the reach of the politic Frenchman. Nothing would do now but Joncaire must have the sachems at head-quarters. Here his diplomacy was tri- umphant. He received them with open arms. He was enraptured to see them. His Indian brothers ! How could they be so near with- out coming to visit him? He made them presents ; but, above all, plied them so po- tently with liquor, that the poor half-king, Jeskakake, and White Thunder forgot all about their wrongs, their speeches, their speech-belts, and all the business they had come upon ; paid no heed to the repeated cautions of their Eng- lish friends, and were soon in a complete state of frantic extravagance or drunken oblivion. The next day the half-king made his appear- ance at Washington's tent, perfectly sober and very much crestfallen. He declared, however, that he still intended to make his speech to the French, and offered to rehearse it on the spot ; but Washington advised him not to waste his ammunition on inferior game like Joncaire and his comrades, but to reserve it for the commandant. The sachem was not to be persuaded. Here, he said, was the place of the council fire, where they were accustomed to transact their business with the French ; and as to Joncaire, he had all the management of French affairs with the Indians. Washington was fain to attend the council fire and listen to the speech. It was much the same in purport as that which he had made to the French general, and he ended by offering to return the French speech-belt ; but this Joncaire refused to receive, telling him to carry It to the commander at the fort. All that day and the next was the party kept at Venango by the stratagems of Joncaire and his emissaries to detain and seduce the sachems. It was not until 12 o'clock on the 7th of De- cember, that Washington was able to extricate them out of their clutches and commence his journey. A French commissary by the name of La Force, and three soldiers, set off in company with him. La Force went as if on ordinary business, but he proved one of the most active, daring, and mischief-making of those anoma- lous agents employed by the French among the Indian tribes. It is probable that he was at the bottom of many of the perplexities expe- rienced by Washington at Venango, and now travelled with him for the prosecution of his wiles. He AviU be found, hereafter, acting a more prominent part, and ultimately reaping the fruit of his evil doings. After four days of weary travel through snow and rain, and mire and swamp, the party reached the fort. It was situated on a kind of island on the west fork of French Creek, about fifteen miles south of Lake Erie, and consisted of four houses, forming a hollow square, defend- ed by bastions made of pallisades twelve feet high, picketed, and pierced for cannon and small arms. Within the bastions were a guard- house, chapel, and other buildings, and outside were stables, a smith's forge, and log-houses covered with bark, for the soldiers. On the death of the late general, the fort had remained in charge of one Captain Reparti until within a week past, when the Chevalier Legardeur de St. Pierre had ai'rived, and taken command. The reception of Washington at the fort was very different from the unceremonious one ex- perienced at the outpost of Joncaire and his convivial messmates. When he presented him- self at the gate, accompanied by his interpre- ter, Van Braam, he was met by the officer second in command and conducted in due mili- tary form to his superior ; an ancient and silver-haired chevalier of the military order of St. Louis, courteous but ceremonious; ming- ling the polish of the French gentleman of the old school with the precision of the soldier. Having announced his errand through his interpreter, Van Braam, Washington offered his credentials and the letter of Governor Din- widdle, and was disposed to proceed at once to business with the prompt frankness of a young man unhackneyed in diplomacy. The cheva- lier, however, politely requested him to retain the documents in his possession until his pre- 32 THE CHEVALIER DE ST. PIERRE— TRANSACTIONS AT THE FORT. [1753. decessor, Captain Reparti, should arrive, who was hourly expected from the next post. At two o'clock the captain arrived. The letter and its accompanying documents were then oflered again, and received in due form, and the chevalier and his officers retired witli them into a private apartment, where the cap- tain, who understood a little English, officiated as translator. The translation being finished, "Washington was requested to walk in and bring his translator, Van Braam, with him, to peruse and correct it, which he did. In this letter, Dinwiddie complained of the intrusion of French forces into the Ohio coun- try, erecting forts and making settlements in the western parts of the colony of Virginia, so notoriously known to be the property of the crown of Great Britain. He inquired by whose authority and instructions the French Commander-general had marched this force from Canada, and made this invasion ; intimat- ing that his own action would be regulated by the answer he should receive, and the tenor of the commission with which he was honored. At the same time he required of the command- ant his peaceable departure, and that he would forbear to prosecute a purpose " so interruptive of the harmony and good understanding which his majesty was desirous to continue and culti- vate with the most catholic king." The latter part of the letter related to the youthful envoy. " I persuade myself you wiU receive and entertain Major "Washington with the candor and politeness natural to your na- tion, and it will give me the greatest satisfac- tion if you can return him with an answer suit- able to my wishes for a long and lasting peace between us." The two following days were consumed in councils of the chevalier and his officers over the letter and the necessary reply. "Washing- ton occupied himself in the mean time in ob- serving and taking notes of the plan, dimen- sions, and strength of the fort, and of every thing about it. He gave orders to his people, also, to take an exact account of the canoes in readiness, and others in the process of con- struction, for the conveyance of troops down the river in the ensuing spring. As the weather continued stormy, with much snow, and the horses were daily losing strength, he sent them down, unladen, to Ve- nango, to await his return by water. In the mean time, he discovered that busy intrigues were going on to induce the half- king and the other sachems to abandon him, and re- nounce all friendship with the English. Upon learning this, he urged the chiefs to deliver up their " speoch-belts " immediately, as they had promised, thereby shaking off all dependence upon the French. They accordingly pressed for an audience that very evening. A private one was at length granted them by the com- mander, in presence of one or two of his officers. The half-king reported the result of it to "Washington. The venerable but astute chevalier cautiously evaded the acceptance of the proffered wampum ; made many professions of love and friendship, and said he wished to live in peace and trade amicably with the tribes of the Ohio, in proof of which he would send down some goods immediately for them to Logstown. As "Washington understood, privately, that an officer was to accompany the man employed to convey these goods, he suspected that the real design was to arrest and bring off all straggling English traders they might meet with. "What strengthened this opinion was a frank avowal which had been made to him by the chevalier, that he had orders to capture every British subject who should attempt to trade upon the Ohio or its waters. Captain Reparti, also, in reply to his inquiry as to what had been done with two Pennsyl- vania traders, who had been taken with aU their goods, infomied him that they had been sent to Canada, but had since returned home. He had stated, furtheiTnore, that during the time he held command, a white boy had been carried captive past the fort by a party of In- dians, who had with them, also, two or three white men's scalps. All these circumstances showed him the mis- chief that was brewing in these parts, and the treachery and violence that pervaded the frontier, and made him the more solicitous to accomplish his mission successfully, and con- duct his little band in safety out of a wily neighborhood. On the evening of the 14th, the Chevalier de St. Pierre delivered to "Washington his sealed reply to the letter of Governor Din- widdie. The purport of previous conversations with the chevalier, and the whole complexion of affairs on the frontier, left no doubt of the nature of that reply. The business of his mission being accom- plished, "Washington prepared on the 15th to return by water to Venango ; but a secret in- Mr. 21.] ATTEMPTS TO SEDUCE THE SACHEMS— RETURN FROM VENANGO. 33 I fluence was at work which retarded every I movement. ' " The commandant," writes he, " ordered a plentiful store of liquor and provisions to be put on boai'd our canoes, and appeared to be extremely complaisant, though he was exert- I ing every artifice which he could invent to set our Indians at variance with us, to prevent their going until after our departure ; presents, ! rewards, and every thing which could be sug- gested by him or his officers. I cannot say 1 that ever in my life I suffered so much anxiety • as I did in this affair. I saw that every strata- I gem which the most fruitful brain could invent ■ was practised to win the half-king to their in- terests, and that leaving him there was giving I them the opportunity they aimed at. I went I to the half-king, and pressed him in the strong- est terms to go ; he told me that the com- mandant would not discharge him until the morning. I then went to the commandant and desired him to do their business, and complained to him of iU treatment ; for, keep- ! ing them, as they were a part of my company, was detaining me. This he promised not to do, but to forward my journey as miich as he ' could. He protested he did not keep them, but was ignorant of the cause of their stay ; 1 though I soon found it out. lie had promised them a present of guns if they would wait until the morning. As I was very much I pressed by the Indians to wait this day for them, I consented, on the promise that noth- j ing should hinder them in the morning." The next morning (16th) the French, in ful- ' filment of their promise, had to give the pres- I ent of guns. They then endeavored to detain the sachems with liquor, which at any other time might have prevailed, but "Washington re- 1 minded the half-king that his royal woi-d was pledged to depart, and urged it upon him so closely, that exerting unwonted resolution and j self-denial, he turned his back upon the liquor land embarked. I It was rough and laborious navigation, French Creek was swollen and turbulent, and j'full of floating ice. The frail canoes were several times in danger of being staved to pieces against rocks. Often the voyagers had to leap out and remain in the water half an hour at a time, drawing the canoes over shoals, and at one place to carry them a quarter of a mile across a neck of land, the river being com- pletely dammed by ice. It was not until the 22d that they reached Venango. 3 Here "Washington was obliged, most unwill- ingly, to part company with the sachems. "White Thunder had hurt himself and was ill and unable to walk, and the others determined to remain at "V'enango for a day or two and convey him down the river in a canoe. There was danger that the smooth-tongued and con- vivial Joncaire would avail himself of the in- terval to ply the poor monarchs of the woods with flattery and liquor. "Washington en- deavored to put the worthy half-king on his guard, knowing that he had once before shown himself but little proof against the seductions of the bottle. The sachem, however, desired him not to be concerned ; he knew the French too well for any thing to engage him in their favor ; nothing should shake his faith to his English brothers ; and it will be found that in these assurances he was sincere. -K CHAPTER IX. On the 25th of December, "Washington and his little party set out by land from Venango on their route homeward. They had a long win- ter's journey before them, through a wilderness beset with dangers and difficulties. The pack- horse?', ladon with tents, baggage, and provi- sions, were completely jaded ; it was feared they would give out. "Washington dismounted, gave up his eaddle-horse to aid in transporting the baggage-^ and requested his companions to do the sa'XiO, Ij^'one but the drivers remained in the suddle 7,Ie 'Wff equipped himself in an Indian )fiunti.^,g d.'tess- and with Van Braam, Gistr sa}il j'ohn X)avids>'.., the Indian interpret- er, proceeded on foot.. The c^ld 'ncreaaed, I'here was deep snow that froze as it fell. The horses grew less anc^- less capable of ti'j.velling. For three days they toiled on slowly a;id wearily-, "Washing- ton was impatient to accomplish his journey, and make his report to the governor ; he de- termined, therefore, to liasten some distance in advance of the party, and then strike for the Fork of the Ohio by the nearest course directly through the woods. He accordingly put the cavalcade under the command of Van Braam, and furnished him with money for expenses ; then disencumbering himself of all superfluous clothing, buckling himself up in a watch-coat, strapping his pack on his shoulders, containing his papers and provisions, and taking gun in 34 THE INDIAN GUIDE— TREACHERY. [1753. hand, he left the horses to flomider on, and struck manfully ahead, accompanied only by Mr. Gist, who had equipped himself in like manner. At night they lit a fire, and " camped " by it in the woods. At two o'clock in the morning they were again on foot, and pressed forward until they struck the south-east fork of Beaver Creek, at a place bearing the sinister name of Murdering Town ; probably the scene of some Indian massacre. Here "Washington, in planning his route, had intended to leave the regular path, and strike through the woods for Shannopins Town, two or three miles above the fork of the Ohio, where he hoped to be able to cross the Alle- gany Eiver on the ice. At Murdering Town he found a party of In- dians, who appeared to have known of his coming, and to have been waiting for him. One of them accosted Mr. Gist, and expressed great joy at seeing him. The wary woodsman regarded him narrowly, and thought he had seen him at Joncaire's. If so, he and his com- rades were in the French interest, and their lying in wait boded no good. The Indian was very curious in his inquiries as to when they had left Venango ; how they came to be travelling on foot ; where they had left their horses, and when it was probable the latter would reach this place. All these questions in- creased the distrust of Gist, and rendered him extremely cautious in reply. The route hence to Shannopins Town lay through a trackless wild, of which the travel- lers knew nothing; after some consultation, therefore, it was deemed expedient to engage one of the Indians as a guide. He entered upon his duties with alacrity, took Washing- ton's pack upon his back, and led the way by what he said was the most direct course. After travelling briskly for eight or ten miles Wasliington became fatigued, and his feet were chafed ; he thought, too, they were taking a direction too much to the north-east ; he came to a halt, therefore, and determined to light a fire, make a shelter of the bark and branches of trees, and encamp there for the night. The Indian demurred ; he offered, as Washington was fatigued, to carry his gun, but the latter was too wary to part with his weapon. The Indian now grew churlish. There were Ottawa Indians in the woods, he said, who might be attracted by their fire, and surprise and scalp them ; he urged, tharefore, that they should continue on : he would take them to his cabin, where they would be safe. Mr. Gist's suspicions increased, but he said nothing. Washington's also were awakened. They proceeded some distance further : the guide paused and listened. He had heard, he said, the report of a gun toward the north ; it must be from his cabin ; he accordingly turned his steps in that direction. Washington began to apprehend an ambus- cade of savages. He knew the hostility of many of them to the English, and what a desirable trophy was the scalp of a white man. The Indian still kept on toward the north ; he pretended to hear two whoops — they were from his cabin — it could not be far off. They went on two miles further, when Wash- ington signified his determination to encamp at the first water they should find. The guide said nothing, but kept doggedly on. After a little while they arrived at an opening in the woods, and emerging from the deep shadows in which they had been travelling, found them- selves in a clear meadow, rendered still more light by the glare of the snow upon the ground. Scarcely had they emerged when the Indian, who Avas about fifteen paces ahead, suddenly turned, levelled his gun, and fired. Washing- ton was startled for an instant, but, feeling that he was not wounded, demanded quickly of Mr. Gist if he was shot. The latter answered in the negative. The Indian in the mean time had run forward, and screened himself behind a large white oak, were he was reloading his gun. They overtook, and seized him. Gist would have put him to death on the spot, but Washington humanely prevented him. They permitted him to finish the loading of his gun ; but, after he had put in the ball, took the weapon from him, and let him see that he was under guard. Arriving at a small stream they ordered the Indian to make a fire, and took turns to watch over the guns. While he was thus occupied, Gist, a veteran woodsman, and accustomed to hold the life of an Indian rather cheap, was somewhat incommoded by the scruples of his youthful commander, which might enable the savage to carry out some scheme of treachery. He observed to Washington that, since he would not suffer the Indian to be killed, they mi;st manage to get him out of the way, and then decamp with all speed, and travel all night to leave this perfidious neighborhood behind them; but first it was necessary to blind the JEt. 21.] PERILS ON THE ALLEGANY RIVER— RETURN ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE. 35 guide as to their intentions. He accordingly addressed him in a friendly tone, and adverting to the late circumstance, pretended to suppose that he had lost his way, and fired his gun merely as a signal. The Indian, whether de- ceived or not, readily chimed in with the ex- planation, lie said he now knew the way to his cabin, which was at no great distance. " "Well then,'' repUed Gist, " you can go home, and as we are tired we wiU remain here for the night, and follow your track at daylight. In the mean time here is a cake of bread for yon, and you must give us some meat in the morning." Whatever might have been the original de- signs of the savage, he was evidently glad to get off. Gist followed him cautiously for a distance, and listened until the sound of his footsteps died away ; returning then to Wash- ington, they proceeded about half a mile, made another fire, set their compass and fixed their course by the light of it, then leaving it burn- ing, pushed forward, and travelled as fast as possible all night, so as to gain a fair start should any one pursue them at daylight. Con- tinuing on the next day they never relaxed their speed until nightfall, when they arrived on the banks of the Allegany River, about two miles above Shannopins Town. Washington had expected to find the river frozen completely over ; it was so only for about fifty yards from each shore, while great quantities of broken ice were driving down the main channel. Trusting that he had out-trav- elled pursuit, he encamped on the border of the river ; still it was an anxious night, and he was up at daybreak to devise some means of reaching the opposite bank. No other mode presented itself than by a raft, and to construct this they had but one poor hatcliet. With this they set resolutely to work and labored all day, but the sun went down before their raft was finished. They launched it, however, and get- ting on board, endeavored to propel it across with setting poles. Before they were half way over the raft became jammed between cakes of ice, and they were in imminent peril. Wash- ington planted his pole on the bottom of the stream, and leaned against it with all his might, to stay the raft until the ice sliould pass by. The rapid current forced the ice against the pole with such violence that he was jerked into the water, where it was at least ten feet deep, and only saved himself from being swept away and drowned by catching hold of one of the raft loss. It was now impossible with all their exer- tions to get to either shore ; abandoning the raft therefore, they got upon an island, near which they were drifting. Here they passed the night exposed to intense cold, by which the hands and feet of Mr. Gist were frozen. In the morning tliey found the drift ice wedged so closely together, that they succeeded in getting from the island to the opposite side of the riv- er ; and before night were in comfortable quarters at the house of Frazier, the Indian trader, at the mouth of Turtle Creek on the Monongahela. Here they learned from a war party of Indians that a band of Ottawas, a tribe in the interest of the French, had massacred a whole family of whites on the banks of the great Kanawha River. At Frazier's they were detained two or three days endeavoring to procure horses. In this interval Washington had again occasion to ex- ercise Indian diplomacy. About three miles distant, at the mouth of the Youghiogeny Riv- er, dwelt a female sachem. Queen Aliquippa, as the English called her, whose sovereign dig- nity had been aggrieved, that the party on their way to the Ohio, had passed near her royal wigwam without paying their respects to her. Aware of the importance, at this critical juncture, of securing the friendship of the In- dians, Washington availed himself of the inter- ruption of his journey, to pay a visit of ceremony to this native princess. Whatever anger she may have felt at past neglect, it was readily ap- peased by a present of his old watch-coat ; and her good graces were completely secured by a bottle of rum, which, he intimates, appeared to be peculiarly acceptable to her majesty. Leaving Frazier's on the 1st of January, tliey arrived on the 2d at Gist's residence 16 miles from the Monongahela. Here they separated, and Washington having purchased a horse, con- tinued his homeward course, passing horses laden with materials and stores for the fort at the Fork of the Ohio, and families going out to settle there. Having crossed the Bine Ridge and stopped one day at Belvoir to rest, he reached Williams- burg on the 16th of January, where he deliver- ed to Governor Dinwiddle the letter of the French commandant, and made him a full re- port of the events of his mission. We have been minute in our account of this expedition, as it was an early test and develop- 36 REPLY OF THE CHEVALIER DE ST. PIERRE— WASHINGTON RECRUITS TROOPS. [1754. ment of the various talents and characteristics of Washington. The prudence, sagacity, resolution, firmness, and self-devotion manifested by him through- out ; his admirable tact and self-possession in treating with fickle savages and crafty white men ; the soldier's eye with which he had no- ticed the commanding and defensible points of the country, and every thing that would bear upon military operations ; and the hardihood with which he had acquitted himself during a wintry tramp through ttie wilderness, through constant storms of rain and snow ; often sleep- ing on the ground without a tent in the open air, and in danger from treacherous foes, — all pointed him out, not merely to the governor, but to the public at large, as one eminently fitted, notwithstanding his youth, for important trusts involving civil as well as military duties. It is an expedition that may be considered the foundation of his fortunes. From that moment he was the rising hope of Virginia. CHAPTER X. The reply of the Chevalier de St. Pierre was such as might have been expected from that courteous but wary commander. He should transmit, he said, the letter of Governor Din- widdle to his general, the Marquis du Quesne, " to whom," observed he, " it better belongs than to me to set forth the evidence and reality of the rights of the king, my master, upon the lands situated along the river Ohio, and to con- test the pretensions of the King of Great Brit- ain thereto. His answer shall be a law to me. ***** As to the summons yon send me to retire, I do not think myself obliged to obey it. Whatever may be your instruc- tions, I am here by virtue of the orders of my general ; and I entreat you, sir, not to doubt one moment but that I am determined to con- form myself to them with all the exactness and resolution which can be expected from the best officer." * * * * " I made it my particular care," adds he, " to receive Mr. Washington with a distinction suit- able to your dignity, as well as his own quality and great merit. I flatter myself that he will do me this justice before you, sir, and that he will signify to you, in the manner I do myself, the profound respect with which I am, sir," &c.* * London M;iir., June, 1754. This soldier-like and punctilious letter of the chevalier was considered evasive, and only in- tended to gain time. The information given by Washington of what he had observed on the frontier convinced Governor Dinwiddle and his council that the French were preparing to de- scend the Ohio in the spring, and take mili- tary possession of the country. Washington's journal was printed, and widely promulgated throughout the colonies and England, and awakened the nation to a sense of the impend- ing danger, and the necessity of prompt meas- ures to anticipate the French movements. Captain Trent was despatched to the frontier, commissioned to raise a company of one hun- dred men, march with all speed to the Fork of the Ohio, and finish as soon as possible the fort commenced there by the Ohio Company. He was enjoined to act only on the defensive, but to capture or destroy whoever should oppose the construction of the works, or disturb the settlements. The choice of Captain Trent for this service, notwithstanding his late inefficient expedition, was probably owing to his being brother-in-law to George Croghan, who had grown to be quite a personage of consequence on the frontier, where he had an establishment or trading-house, and was supposed to have great influence among the western tribes, so as to be able at any time to persuade many of them to take up the hatchet. Washington was empowered to raise a com- pany of like force at Alexandria ; to procure and forward munitions and supplies for the projected fort at the Fork, and ultimately to have command of both companies. When on the frontier he was to take council of George Croghan and Andrew Montour the interpreter, in all matters relating to the Indians, they being esteemed perfect oracles in that department. Governor Dinwiddle in the mean time called upon the governors of the other provinces to make common cause against the foe ; he en- deavored, also, to effect alliances with the In- dian tribes of the south, the Catawbas and Cherokees, by way of counterbalancing the Chippewas and Ottawas, who were devoted to the French. The colonies, however, felt as yet too much like isolated territories ; the spirit of union was Avanting. Some pleaded a want of militarjr funds ; some questioned the justice of the cause ; some declined taking any hostile step ' that might involve them in a war, unless they should have direct orders from the crown. .Et. 22.] DINWIDDIE AND THE BURGESSES— EXPEDIENTS TO GAIN RECRUITS. 37 Dinwiddle convened the House of Burgesses to devise measures for the public security. Here his high idea of prerogative and of guber- natorial dignity met with a grievous counter- check from the dawning spirit of independence. High as were the powers vested in the colonial government of Virginia, of which, though but lieutenant-governor, he had the actual control ; they were counterbalanced by the power in- herent in the people, growing out of their situ- ation and circumstances, and acting through their representatives. There was no turbulent 'factious opposition to government in Virginia ; no " fierce democ- racy," the rank growth of crowded cities, and a fermenting populace ; but there was the inde- pendence of men, living apart in patriarchal style on their own rural domains ; surrounded by their families, dependants, and slaves, among whom their will was law, — and there was the individuality in character and action of men prone to nurture peculiar notions and habits of thinking, in the thoughtful solitariness of coun- try life. "When Dinwiddle propounded liis scheme of operations on the Ohio, some of the burgesses had the hardihood to doubt the claims of the king to the disputed territory ; a doubt which the governor reprobated as savoring strongly of a most disloyal French spirit ; he fired, as he says, at the thought " that an English legislature should presume to doubt the right of his majesty to the interior parts of this continent, the back part of his dominions ! " Others demurred to any grant of means for military purposes which might be construed into an act of hostility. To meet this scruple it was suggested that the grant might be made for the purpose of encouraging and protecting all settlers on the waters of the Mississippi. And under this specious plea ten thousand pounds were grudgingly voted ; but even this moderate sum was not put at the absolute dis- ])Osition of the governor. A committee was appointed with whom he was to confer as to its appropriation. This precaution Dinwiddle considered an in- sulting invasion of the right he possessed as governor to control the purse as well as the sword; and he complained bitterly of the As- sembly, as deeply tinctured with a republican %vay of thinking, and disposed to encroach on the prerogative of the crown, "which he feared would render them more and more difficult to be liroiiglit to order.'''' "Ways and means being pi-ovided. Governor Dinwiddle augmented the number of troops to be enlisted to three hundred, divided into sis companies. The command of the whole, as before, was oftered to Washington, but ho shrank from it, as a charge too great for his youth and inexperience. It was given, there- fore, to Colonel Joshua Fry, an English gentle- man of worth and education, and "Washington was made second in command, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. The recruiting, at first, went on slowly. Those who offered to enlist, says "Washington, were for the most part loose, idle persons with- out house or home, some without shoes or stockings, some shirtless, and many without coat or waistcoat. He was young in the recruiting service, or he would have known that such is generally the stuff of which armies are made. In this- country especially it has always been ditficult to enlist the active yeomanry by holding out merely the pay of a soldier. The means of subsistence are too easily obtained by the in- dustrious, for them to give up home and per- sonal independence for a mere daily support. Some may be tempted by a love of adventure ; but in general, they require some prospect of ultimate advantage that may " better their con- dition." Governor Dinwiddle became sensible of this, and resorted to an expedient rising out of the natural resources of the country, which has since been frequently adopted, and always with efficacy. He proclaimed a bounty of two hun- dred thousand acres of land on the Ohio River, to be divided among the ofljcers and soldiers who should engage in this expedition ; one thousand to be laid off contiguous to the fort at the Fork, for the use of the garrison. This was a tempting bait to the sons of farmers, who readily enlisted in the hope of having, at the end of a short campaign, a snug farm of their own in this land of i)romise. It was a more difficult matter to get officers than soldiers. Very few of those appointed made their appearance; one of the captains had been promoted ; two declined ; "Washington found himself left, almost alone, to manage a number of self-willed, undisciplined recruits. Happily he had with him, in the rank of lieu- tenant, that soldier of fortune, Jacob Van Braam, his old " master of fence," and travel- ling interpreter. In his emergency he forthwith nominated 38 TOILSOME MARCH TO WILLS' GREEK— CATASTROPHE AT THE FORT. [1754 him captain, and wrote to the governor to con- firm the appointment, representing him as the oldest lieutenant, and an experienced officer. On the 2d of April "Washington set off from Alexandria for the new fort, at the Fork of the Ohio. He had hut two companies with him, amounting to about one hundred and fifty men ; the remainder of the regiment was to follow under Colonel Fry with the artillery, which was to he conveyed up the Potomac. "While on the march he was joined by a detachment under Captain Adam Stephen, an officer des- tined to serve with him at distant periods of his military career. At "Winchester he found it impossible to ob- tain conveyances by gentle means, and was obliged reluctantly to avail himself of thd mili- tia law of Virginia, and impress horses and waggons for service ; giving the owners orders on government for their appraised value. Even then, out of a great number impressed, he ob- tained but ten, after waiting a week ; these, too, were grudgingly furnished by farmers with their worst horses, so that in steep and difficult passes they were incompetent to the draught, and the soldiei's had continually to put their shoulders to the wheels. Thus slenderly fitted out, "Washington and his little force made their way toilfully across the mountains, having to prepare the roads as they went for the transportation of the cannon, which were to follow on with the other division under Colonel Fry. They cheered themselves Avith the thoughts that this hard work would cease when they should arrive at the company's trading-post and store-house at Wills' Creek, where Captain Treut was to have packhorses in readiness, with which they might make the rest of the way by light stages. Before arriv- ing there they were startled by a rumor that Trent and all his men had been captured by the French. "With regard to Trent, the news soon proved to be false, for they found him at "Wills' Creek on the 20th of April. With regard to his men there was still an uncertainty. He had recently left them at the Fork of the Ohio, busily at work on the fort, under the command of his lieutenant, Frazier, late Indian trader, and gunsmith, but now a provincial officer. If the men had been captured, it must have been since the captain's departure. Washington was eager to press forward and ascertain the truth, but it was impossible. Trent, inefficient as usual, had failed to provide packhorses. It was necessary to send to Winchester, sixty miles distant, for baggage-waggons, and await their arrival. All uncertainty as to the fate of the men, however, was brought to a close by their arrival, on the 25th, conducted by an ensign, and bringing with them their woi'king imple- ments. The French might well boast that they had again been too quick for the English. Captain Contrecoeur, an alert officer, had em- barked about a thousand men with field-pieces, in a fleet of sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes, dropped down the river from Venango, and suddenly made his appearance before the fort, on which the rfien were working, and which was not half completed. Landing, drawing up his men, and planting his artillery, he sum- moned the fort to surrender, allowing one hour for a written reply. What was to be done ! the whole garrison did not exceed fifty men. Captain Trent was absent at Wills' Creek ; Frazier, his lieutenant, was at his own residence at Turtle Creek, ten miles distant. There was no officer to reply * but a young ensign of the name of Ward. In • his perj)lexity he turned for counsel to Tana- - charisson, the half-king, who was present in : the fort. The chief advised the ensign to plead i insufficiency of rank and powers, and crave de- ■ lay until the arrival of his superior officer. The j ensign repaired to the French camp to ofier this excuse in person, and was accompanied by the half-king. They were courteously received, but Contrecoeur was inflexible. There must be instant surrender, or he would take forcible possession. All that the ensign could obtain was permission to depart with his men, taking with them their working tools. The capitula- tion ended. Contrecoeur, with true French gayety, invited the ensign to sup with him ; treated him with the utmost politeness, and wished him a pleasant journey, as he set off the next morning with his men laden with their working tools. Such was the ensign's story. He was accom- panied by two Indian warriors, sent by the half-king to ascertain where the detachment « was, what was its strength, and when it might I be expected at the Ohio. They bore a speech from that sachem to Washington, and another, s with a belt of Avampum, for the Governor of i Virginia. In these he plighted his steadfast faith to the English, and claimed assistance from his brothers of Virginia and Pennsylvania. One of these warriors Wasliington forwarded on with the speech and wampum to Governor Dinwiddle. The other he prevailed on to re- ^T. 22.] TRENT'S REFRACTORY TROOPS— LEGISLATIVE CROSS-PURPOSES. 39 turn to the half -king, bearing a speech from him, addressed to the " Sachems, warriors of the Sis United Nations, Sliannoahs and Dela- wares, our friends and bretliren." In this he informed them that he was on the advance with a part of the army, to clear the road for a greater force coming with guns, ammunition, and provisions ; and he invited the half-king and another sachem to meet him on the road ■as soon as possible to hold a council. In fact, his situation was arduous in the ex- treme. Regarding the conduct of the French in the recent occurrence an -overt act of war, he found himself thrown with a handful of raw recruits far on a hostile frontier, in the midst of a wilderness, with an enemy at hand greatly superior in number and discipline ; provided with artillery, and all the munitions of war, and within reach of constant supplies and rein- forcements. Beside the French that had come from Venango, he had received credible ac- counts of another party ascending the Ohio ; and of six hundred Chippewas and Ottawas marching down Scioto Creek to join the hostile camp. Still, notwithstanding the accumulat- ing danger, it would not do to fall back, nor show signs of apprehension. His Indian allies in such case might desert him. The soldiery, too, might grow restless and dissatisfied. He was already annoyed by Captain Trent's men, who, having enlisted as volunteers, considered themselves exempt from the rigor of martial law ; and by their example of loose and refrac- tory conduct, threatened to destroy the subor- dination of his own troops. In this dilemma he called a council of war, in which it was determined to proceed to the Ohio Company store-house, at the mouth of Redstone Creek ; fortify themselves there, and wait for reinforcements. Here they might keep up a vigilant watch upon the enemy, and get notice of any hostile movement in time for defence, or retreat ; and should they be rein- forced suflSciently to enable them to attack the fort, they could easily drop down the river with their artillery. "With these alternatives in view, "Washington detached sixty men in advance to make a road ; and at the same time wrote to Governor Din- widdie for mortars and grenadoes, and cannon of heavy metal. Aware that the Assembly of Pennsylvania was in session, and that the Maryland Assem- bly would also meet in the course of a few days, he wrote directly to the governors of those provinces, acquainting them with the hostile acts of the French, and with his peril- ous situation ; and endeavoring to rouse them to co-opei"ation in the common cause. "We will here note in advance that his letter was laid before the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and a bill was about to be passed asking appropria- tions for the service of the king ; but it fell through, in consequence of a disagreement be- tween the Assembly and the governor as to the mode in which the money should be raised ; and so no assistance was furnished to "Washing- ton from that quarter. The youthful com- mander had here a foretaste, in these his incip- ient campaigns, of the perils and perplexities which awaited him from enemies in the field, and lax friends in legislative councils in the grander operations of his future years. Before setting off for Redstone Creek, he discharged Trent's refractory men from his detachment, ordering them to await Colonel Fry's com- mands ; they, however, in the true spirit of volunteers from the backwoods, dispersed to their several homes. It may be as well to observe, in this place, that both Captain Trent and Lieutenant Fra- zier were severely censured for being absent from their post at the time of the French sum- mons. " Trent's behavior," said "Washington, in a letter to Governor Dinwiddle, " has been very tardy, and has convinced the world of what they before suspected — his great timid- ity. Lieutenant Frazier, though not altogether blameless, is much more excusable, for he would not accept of the commission until he had a promise from his captain that he should not reside at the fort, nor visit it above once a week, or as he saw necessity." In fact, "Wash- ington subsequently recommended Frazier for the oflBce of adjutant. CHAPTER XI. On the 29th of April "Washington set out from ,^ "Wills' Creek at the head of one hundred and sixty men. He soon overtook those sent in advance to work the road ; they had made but little progress. It was a difficult task to break a road through the wilderness sufficient for the artillery coming on with Colonel Fry's division. All hands were now set to work, but with aU their labor they could not accomplish more than four miles a day. They were toiling 40 RUMORS FROM THE OHIO— WASHINGTON'S MOTIVES OF ACTION. [1754. through Savage Mountain and that dreary forest region beyond it, since bearing the sinis- ter name of " The Shades of Death." On the 9th of May they were not further than twenty miles from Wills' Creek, at a place called the Little Meadows. Every day came gloomy accounts from the Ohio ; brought chiefly by traders who, with packhorses bearing their effects, were retreat- ing to the more settled parts of the country. Some exaggerated the number of the French, as if strongly reinforced. All represented them as diligently at work constructing a fort. By their account Washington perceived the French had chosen the very place which he had noted in his journal as best fitted for the purpose. One of the traders gave information concern- ing La Force the French emissary who had beset Washington when on his mission to the frontier, and acted, as he thought, the part of a spy. He had been at Gist's new settlement beyond Laurel Hill, and was prowling about the country with four soldiers at his heels on a pretended hunt after deserters. Washington suspected him to be on a reconnoitering expe- dition. It was reported, moreover, that the French were lavishing presents on the Indians about the lower part of the river, to draw them to their standard. Among all these flying reports and alarms Washington was gratified to learn that the half-king was on his way to meet him at the head of fifty warriors. After infinite toil through swamps and for- ests, and over rugged mountains, the detachment arrived at the Youghiogeny Eiver, where they were detained some days constructing a bridge to cross it. This gave Washington leisure to correspond with Governor Dinwiddie concerning matters which had deeply annoyed him. By an ill- judged economy of the Virginia government at this critical juncture, its provincial officers received less pay than that allowed in the regular army. It is true the regular officers were oblig- ed to furnish their own table, but their superior pay enabled them to do it luxuriously ; whereas the provincials were obliged to do hard duty on salt provisions and water. The provincial officers resented this inferiority of pay as an indignity, and declared that nothing prevented them from throwing up their commissions but un- willingness to recede before approaching dan- ger. AVashington shared deeply this fechng. " Let him serve voluntarily, and he would with the greatest pleasure in life devote his services to the expedition — but to be slaving through woods, rocks, and mountains, for the shadow of pay — " writes he, " I would rather toil like a day laborer for a maintenance, if reduced to the necessity, than serve on such ignoble terms." Parity of pay was Indispensable to the dignity of tlie service. Other instances of false economy were point-* ed out by him, forming so many drags upon the expedition, that he quite despaired of success. " Be the consequence what it will, however," adds he, " I am determined not to leave the regiment, but to be among the last men that leave the Ohio ; even if I serve as a private volunteer, which I greatly prefer to the estab- lishment we are upon. * t- * * j have a constitution hardy enough to encounter and un- dergo the most severe trials, and I flatter my- self resolution to face what any man dares, as shall be proved when it comes to the test." And in a letter to his friend Colonel Fairfax — " For my own part," writes he, " it is a mat- ter almost indifferent whether I serve for full pay or as a generous volunteer ; indeed, did my circumstances correspond with my inclina- tions, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter ; for the motives that have led me here are pure and noble. I had no view of acquisi- tion hut that of honor., hj serving faithfully my Icing and country.'''' Such Avere the noble impulses of Washington at the age of twenty-two, and such continued to actuate him throughout life. We have put the latter part of the quotation in italics, as applicable to the motives which in after life carried him into the Revolution. While the bridge over the Youghiogeny was in the course of construction, the Indians assured Washington he would never be able to open a waggon-road across the mountains to Redstone Creek ; he embarked therefore in a canoe Avith a lieutenant, three soldiers, and an Indian guide, to try whether it was possible to descend the river. They had not descended above ten miles before the Indian refused to go further. Wash- ington soon ascertained the reason. " Indians," said he, "expect presents — nothing can be done without them. Tlie French take this method. If you want one or more to conduct a party to discover the country to hunt, or for any partic- ular purpose, they must be bought ; their friendship is not so warm as to prompt them to these services gi'atis." The Indian guide in ^T. 22.] LURKING FOES— SKIRMISH WITH JUMONVILLE. 41 the present instance, was propitiated by the promise of one of Washington's ruffled shirts, and a watch-coat. The river was bordered by mountains and obstructed by rocks and rapids. Indians might thread such a labyrinth i» their light canoes, but it would never admit the transportation of troops and military stores. Washington kept on for thirty miles, until he came to a place where the river fell nearly forty feet in the space of fifty yards. There he ceased to ex- plore, and returned to camp, resolving to con- tinue forward by land. On the 23d Indian scouts brought word that the French were not above eight hundred strong, and that about half their number had been detached at night on a secret expedition. Close upon this report came a message from the half-king, addressed " to the first of his majesty's officers whom it may concern." " It is reported," said he, " that the French army is coming to meet Major Washington. Be on your guard against them, my brethren, for they intend to strike the first English they shall see. They have been on their march two days. I know not their number. The half- king and the rest of the chiefs will be with you in five days to hold a council." In the evening Washington was told that the French were crossing the ford of the Youghiogeny about eighteen miles distant. He now hastened to take a position in -a place called the Great Meadows, where he caused the bushes to be cleared away, made an in- trenchment, and prepared what he termed " a charming field for an encounter." A party of scouts were mounted on waggon horses, and sent out to reconnoitre. They returned without having seen an enemy. A sensitiveness prevailed in the camp. They were surrounded by foi-ests, threatened by unseen foes, and hourly in danger of surprise. There was an alarm about two o'clock in the night. The sentries fired upon what they took to be .prowling foes. The troops sprang to arms, and remained on the alert until daybreak. Not an enemy was to be seen. The roll was called. Six men were missing, who had deserted. On the 25th Mr. Gist arrived from his place, about fifteen miles distant. La Force had been there at noon on the previous day, with a detachment of fifty men, and Gist had since come upon their track within five miles of the camp. Washington considered La Force a bold, enterprising man, subtle and dangerous; one to be particularly guarded against. He detached seventy-five men in pursuit of him and his prowling band. About nine o'clock at night came an Indian messenger from the half-king, who was en- camped with several of his people about six miles off. The chief had seen tracks of two Frenchmen, and was convinced their whole body must be in ambush near by. Washington considered this the force which had been hovering about him for several days, and determined to forestall their hostile de- signs. Leaving a guard with the baggage and ammunition, he set out before ten o'clock, with forty men, to join his Indian aUy. They grouped their way in single file, by footpaths through the woods, in a heavy rain and murky darkness, tripping occasionally and stumbling over each other, sometimes losing the track for fifteen or twenty minutes, so that it was near sunrise when they reached the camp of the half-king. That chieftain received the youthful com- mander with great demonstrations of friend- ship, and engaged to go hand in hand Avith him against the lurking enemy. He set out accord- ingly, accompanied by a few of his warriors and his associate sachem Scarooyadi or Mona- catoocha, and conducted Washington to the tracks which he had discovered. Upon these he put two of his Indians. They followed them up like hounds, and brought back word that they had traced them to a low bottom surrounded by rocks and trees, where the French were encamped, having built a few cabins for shelter from the rain. A plan was now concerted to come upon them by surprise; Washington with his men on the right ; the half-king with his warriors on the left ; all as silently as possible. Wash- ington was the first upon the ground. As he advanced from among the rocks and trees at the head of his men, the French caught sight of him and ran to their arms. A sharp firing instantly took place, and was kept up on both sides for about fifteen minutes. Washington and his party were most exposed, and received all the enemy's fire. The balls whistled around him ; one man was killed close by him, and three others wounded. The French at length, having lost several of their number, gave way and ran. They were soon over- taken; twenty-one were captured, and but one escaped, a Canadian, who carried the 42 DEATH OF JUMONVILLE— TREATMENT OF PRISONERS. [1754. tidings of the affair to the fort on the Ohio. The Indians would have massacred the prison- ers had not Washington prevented them. Ten of the French had fallen in the skirmish, and one been wounded. "Washington's loss was the one killed and three wounded which we have mentioned. He had been in the hottest fire, and having for the first time heard balls whistle about him, considered his escape miraculous. Jumonville, the French leader, had been shot through the head at the first fire. He was a young ofiicer of merit, and his fate was made the subject of lamentation in prose and verse — chiefly through political motives. Of the twenty-one prisoners the two most important were an ofiicer of some consequence named Dronillon, and the subtle and redoubt- able La Force. As Washington considered the latter an arch mischief-maker, he was rejoiced to have him in his power. La Force and his companion would fain have assumed the sacred character of ambassadors, pretend- ing they were coming with a summons to him to depart from the territories belonging to the crown of France. Unluckily for their pretensions, a letter of instructions, found on Jumonville, betrayed their real errand, which was to inform them- selves of the roads, rivers, and other features of the country as far as the Potomac ; to send back from time to time, by fleet messengers, all the information they could collect, and to give word of the day on which they intended to serve the summons. Their conduct had been conformable. In- stead of coming in a direct and open manner to his encampment, when they had ascer- tained where it was, and delivering their summons, as they would have done had their designs been frank and loyal, they had moved back two miles, to one of the most secret retirements, .better for a deserter than an ambassador to encamp in, and stayed there, within five miles of his camp, sending spies to reconnoitre it, and despatching messengers to Contrecoeur to inform him of its position and numerical strength, to the end, no doubt, that he might send a sulficient detachment to en- force the summons as soon as it should be given. In fact, the footprints which had first led to the discovery of the French lui'king- place, were those of two "runners" or swift messengers, sent by Jumonville to the fort on the Ohio. It would seem that La Force, after aU, was but an instrument in the hands of his com- manding officers, and not in their full confi- dence ; for when the commission and instruc- tions found on JumonviUe were read before him, he professed not to have seen them be- fore, and acknowledged, with somewhat of an air of ingenuousness, that he believed they had a hostile tendency.* Upon the whole, it was the opinion of Washington and his officers that the summons, on which so much stress was laid, was a mere specious pretext to mask their real designs and be used as occasion might require. " That they were spies rather than any thing else," and were to be treated as prisoners of war. The half-king joined heartily in this opin- ion ; indeed, had the fate of the prisoners been in his hands, neither diplomacy nor any thing else would have been of avail. " They came with hostile intentions," he said ; " they had bad hearts, and if his English brothers were so foolish as to let them go, he would never aid in taking another Frenchman." The prisoners were accordingly conducted to the camp at the Great Meadows, and sent on the following day (29th), under a strong escort to Governor Dinwiddle, then at Win- chester. Washington had treated them with great courtesy ; had furnished DrouiUon and La Force with clothing from his own scanty stock, and, at their request, given them let- ters to the governor, bespeaking for them "the respect and favor due to their character and personal merit." A sense of duty, however, obliged him, in his general despatch, to put the governor on his guard against La Force. " I really think, if released, he would do more to our disservice than fifty other men, as he is a person whose active spirit leads him into all parties, and has brought him acquainted with all parts of the country. Add to this a perfect knowledge of the Indian tongue, and great influence with the Indians." After the departure of the prisonei-s, he wrote again respecting them: "I have stiU stronger presumption, indeed almost confirma- tion, that they were sent as spies, and were ordered to wait near us till they were fuUy informed of our intentions, situation, and strength, and were to have acquainted their commander therewith, and to have been lurk- * Washington's letter to Dinwiddie, 29th May, 175i. Ml. 22.] POSITION AT THE GREAT MEADOWS— MILITARY EXCITEMENT. 43 ing here for reinforcements before they served the summons, if served at all. " I doubt not but they will endeavor to amuse you with many smooth stories, as they did me ; but they were confuted in them all, and, by circumstances too plain to be denied, almost made ashamed of their assertions. " I have heard since they went away, they should say they called on us not to fire ; but that I know to be false, for I was the first man that approached them, and the first whom they saw, and immediately they ran to their arms, and fired briskly till they were defeated." * * * * * "I fancy they will have the assurance of asking the privileges due to an embassy, when in strict justice they ought to be hanged as spies of the Avorst sort." The situation of "Washington was now ex- tremely perilous. Contrecoeur, it was said, had nearly a thousand men with him at the fort, beside Indian allies ; and reinforcements were on the way to join him. The messen- gers sent by JumonviUe, previous to the late affair, must have apprised him of the weak- ness of the encampment on the Great Mead- ows. Washington hastened to strengthen it. He wrote by express also to Colonel Fry, who lay still at Wills' Creek, urging instant rein- forcements ; but declaring his resolution to "fight with very unequal numbers rather than give up one inch of what he had gained." The half-king was full of fight. He sent the scalps of the Frenchmen slain in the late skirmish, accompanied by black wampum and hatchets, to all his allies, summoning them to. take up arms and join him at Eedstone Creek, " for their brothers, the EngHsh, had now begun in earnest." It is said he would even have sent the scalps of the prisoners had not Washington interfered.* He went off for his home, promising to send down the river for all the Mingoes and Shawuees, and to be back at the camp on the 30th, with thirty or forty warriors, accompanied by their wives and children. To assist him in the transportation of his people and their effects thirty men were detached, and twenty horses. " I shall expect every hour to be attacked," writes Washington to Governor Dinwiddie, on the 29th, " and by unequal numbers, which I must withstand, if there are five to one, for I fear the consequence will be that we shall lose the Indians if Ave suffer ourselves to be driven * Letter from Virginia,— London Mag., 1754. back. Your honor may depend I will not be surprised, let them come at what hour they will, and this is as much as I can promise; but my best endeavors shall not be Avanting to effect more. I doubt not, if you hear I am beaten, but you wiU hear at the same time that we have done our duty in fighting as long as there is a shadow of hope." The fact is, that Washington was in a high state of military excitement. He was a young soldier ; had been for the first time in action, and been successful. The letters Ave have already quoted show, in some degree, the fervor of his mind, and his readiness to brave the worst ; but a short letter, written to one of his brothers, on the 31st, lays open the recesses of his heart. " We expect every hour to be attacked by superior force; but if they forbear but one day longer we shall be prepared for them. * * * * * ^ffQ have already got intrench- ments, and are about a palisade, which, I hope, wiU be finished to-day. The Mingoes have struck the French, and, I hope, Avill give a good blow before they have done. I expect forty odd of them here to-night, which, with our fort, and some reinforcements from Colonel Fry, will enable us to exert our noble courage Avith spirit." Alluding in a postscript to the late affair, he adds : " I fortunately escaped without any Avound; for the right wing, Avhere I stood, Avas exposed to, and received, aU the enemy's fire ; and it Avas the part Avhere the man was killed and the rest Avounded. / heard the liidlets whistle, mid, Relieve me, there is some- thing charming in the sounds This rodomontade, as Horace Walpole terms it, reached the ears of George II. "He would not say so," observed the king, dryly, " if he had been used to hear many."* Washington himself thought so Avhen more experienced in warfare. Being asked, many * This anecdote has hitherto rested on the authority of Horace "Walpole, who gives it in his memoirs of George II.,andin Ids corre.spondonce. He cites the rodomontade as contained in the express despatched by Washington, whom he pronounces a " brave braggart." As no despatch of Washington contains any rodomontade of the kind ; as it is quite at variance with the general tenor of his character ; and as Horace Walpole is well known to have been a "great gossip dealer," apt to catch up any idle rumor that would give piquancy to a paragraph, the story has been held in great distrust. We met with the letter recently, hoAvever, in a column of the London Magazine for 1754, page 370, into which it must have found its way not long after it was written. 44 SCARCITY IX THE CAMP— INDEPENDENT COMPANIES. [175-t. years afterwards, whether he really had made such a speech about the -whistling of bullets, " If I said so," replied he quietly, " it -was ■when I was young."* He was, indeed, but twenty-two yeai'S old when he said it ; it was just after his first battle ; he was flushed with success, aij^ was writing to a brother. CHAPTER XII. Scarcity began to prevail in the camp. Con- tracts had been made with George Croghan for flour, of which he had large quantities at his frontier establishment ; for he was now trading Avith the army as well as the Indians. None, however, made its appearance. There was mismanagement in the commissariat. At one time the troops were six days without flour ; and even then had only a casual supply from an Ohio trader. In this time of scarcity the half-king, his fellow sachem, Scarooyadi, and thirty or forty warriors, arrived, bringing with them their wives and cliildren — so many more hungry mouths to be supplied. Washington wrote urgently to Croghan to send forward all the flour he could furnish. News came of the death of Colonel Fry at Wills' Creek, and that he was to be succeeded in the command of the expedition by Colonel Innes of North Carolina, who was actually at Winchester with three hundred and fifty North Carolina troops. Washington, who felt the increasing responsibilities and diflSculties of his situation, rejoiced at the prospect of being un- der the command of an experienced ofiicer, who had served in company with his brother Law- rence at the siege of Carthagena. The colonel, "however, never came to the camp, nor did the North Carolina troops render any service in the campaign — the fortunes of which might otherwise have been very different. By the death of Fry, the command of the regiment devolved on Washington. Finding a blank major's commission among Fry's papers, he gave it to Captain Adam Stephen, who had conducted himself with spirit. As there would necessarily be other changes, he wrote to Gov- ernor Dinwiddle in behalf of Jacob Van Braam. " He has acted as captain ever since we left Alexandria. He is an experienced officer, and worthy of the command he has enjoyed." The ])alisaded fort was now completed, and * Gordon, Hist. Aiu. War, vol. ii., p. 203. was named Fort Necessity, from the pinching famine that had prevailed during its construc- ■tion. The scanty force in camp was augmented to three hundred, by the arrival from Wills' Creek of the men who had been under Colonel Fry. With them came the surgeon of the regi- ment. Dr. James Craik, a Scotchman by birth, and one destined to become a faithful and con- fidential friend of Washington for the remainder of his life. A letter from Governor Dinwiddle an- nounced, however, that Captain Mackay would soon arrive Avith an independent com- pany of one hundred men, from South Caro- lina. Tlie title of independent company liad a sound ominous of trouble. Troops of the kind, raised in the colonies, under direction of the governors, were paid by the Crown, and the officers had king's commissions ; such, doubt- less, had Captain Mackay. " I should have been particularly obliged," writes Washington to Governor Dinwiddle, " if you had declared whether he was under my command, or inde- pendent of it. I hope he wiU have more sense than to insist upon any unreasonable distinction, because he and his officers have commissions from his majesty. Let him consider, though we are greatly inferior in I'espect to advantages of profit, yet we have the same spirit to serve our gracious king as they have, and are as ready and willing to sacrifice our lives for our coun- try's good. And here once more, and for the last time, I must say, that it will be a circum- stance which will act upon some officers of this regiment, above all measure, to be obliged to serve upon such different terms, when their lives, their fortunes, and their operations are equally, and, I dare say, as effectually exposed as those of others, who are happy enough to have the king's commission." On the 9th arrived Washington's early in- structor in military tactics, Adjutant Muse, recently appointed a major in the regiment. He was accompanied by Montour, the Indian interpreter, now a provincial captain, and brought with him nine swivels, and a small supply of powder and ball. Fifty or sixty horses were forthwith sent to WilL' Creek, to bring on further supplies, and Mr, Gist was urged to hasten forward the artillery. Major Muse was likewise the bearer of a belt of Avampum and a speech, from Governor Din- widdle to the half-king ; with medals for the clilefs, and goods for i)resents among the Mt. 22.] INDEPENDENCE OF AN INDEPENDENT COMPANY— ALARMS. 45 friendly Indians, a measure whicli had been suggested by "Washington. They \yere distrib- uted with that grand ceremonial so dear to the red man. The chiefs assembled, painted and decorated in all their savage finery ; "Washing- ton wore a medal sent to him by the governor for such occasions. The wampum and speech having been delivered, he advanced, and witli aU due solemnity, decorated the chiefs and warriors with the medals, which they were to wear in remembrance of their father the King of England. Among the warriors thus decorated was a son of Queen Aliquippa, the savage princess, whose good graces "Washington had secured in the preceding year, by the present of an old watch-coat, and whose friendship was impor- tant, her town being at no great distance from the French fort. She had requested that her son might be admitted into the war councils of the camp, and receive an English name. The name of Fairfax was accordingly given to him, in the customary Indian form ; the half-king being desirous of like distinction, received the name of Dinwiddle. The sachems returned the compliment in kind, by giving "Washington the name of Connotaucarius ; the moaning of which is not explained. William Fairfax, "Washington's paternal ad- viser, had recently counselled him by letter, to have public prayers in his camp, especially when there were Indian families there ; this was accordingly done at the encampment in the Great Meadows, and it certainly was not one of the least striking pictures j^resented in this wild campaign — the youthful commander pre- siding with calm seriousness over a motley as- semblage of half-equipped soldiery, leathern- clad hunters and woodsmen, and painted sav- ages with their wives and children, and uniting them all in solemn devotion by his own exam- ple and demeanor. On the 10th there was agitation in the camp. Scouts hurried in with word, as Washington understood them, that a party of ninety Frenchmen were approaching. He instantly ordered out a hundred and fifty of his best men ; put himself at their head, and leaving Major Muse with the rest to man the fort and mount the swivels, sallied forth " in the full hope," as he afterwards wrote to Governor Dinwiddie, " of procuring him another present of French prisoners." It was another eflfervescence of his youthful military ardor, and doomed to disappointment. The report of the scouts had been either exag- gerated or misunderstood. The ninety French- men in military array dwindled down into nine French deserters. According to their account, the fort at the fork was completed, and named Duquesne, in honor of the Governor of Canada. It was proof against all attack, excepting Avith bombs, on the land side. The garrison did not exceed five hundred, but two hundred more were hourly expected, and nine hundred in the course of a fortnight. Washington's suspicions with respect to La Force's party were justified by the report of these deserters ; they had been sent out as spies, and were to show the summons if dis- covered or overpowered. The French com- mander, they added, had been blamed for sending out so small a party. On the same day Captain Mackay arrived, with his independent company of South Caro- linians. The cross-purposes which Washington had apprehended, soon manifested themselves. The captain was civil and well disposed, but full of formalities and points of etiquette. Holding a commission direct from the king, he could not bring himself to acknowledge a pro- vincial ofiicer as his superior. He encamped separately, kept separate guards, would not agree that Washington should assign any rally- ing place for his men in case of alarm, and ob- jected to receive from him the parole and countersign, though necessary for their common safety. Washington conducted himself with circum- spection, avoiding every thing that might call up a question of command, and reasoning calm- ly whenever such question occurred ; but he urged the governor by letter, to prescribe their relative rank and authority. " He thinks you have not a power to give commissions that wiU command him. If so, I can very confidently say that his absence would tend to the public advantage." On the 11th of June, Washington resumed the laborious march for Redstone Creek. As Captain Mackay could not oblige his men to work on the road unless they were allowed a shilling sterling a day ; and as Washington did not choose to pay this, nor to suffer them to march at their ease while his own faithful sol- diers were laboriously employed ; he left the captain and his Independent company as a guard at Fort Necessity, and undertook to com- plete the military road with his own men. 46 MARCH FOR REDSTONE CREEK— RETREAT TO THE GREAT MEADOWS. [1Y54 Accordingly, he and bis Virginia troops toiled forward through the narrow defiles of the mountains, working on the road as they went. Scouts were sent out in all directions, to prevent surprise. While on the march he was continually beset by sachems, with their tedious ceremonials and speeches, all to very little purpose. Some of these chiefs were secretly in the French interest ; few rendered any real assistance, and all expected presents. At Gist's establishment, about thirteen miles from Fort Necessity, Washington received cer- tain intelligence that ample reinforcements had arrived at Fort Duquesne, and a large force would instantly be detached against him. Coming to a halt, he began to throw up in- trenchments, calling in two foraging parties, and sending word to Captain Mackay to join him with all speed. The captain and his company arrived in the evening ; the foraging parties the next morning. A council of war was held, in which the idea of awaiting the enemy at this place was unanimously abandoned. A rapid and toilsome retreat ensued. There was a deficiency of horses. Washington gave up his own to aid in transporting the military munitions, leaving his baggage to be brought on by soldiers, whom he paid liberally. The other ofiicers followed his example. The weather was sultry ; the roads were rough ; provisions were scanty, and the men dispirited by hunger. The Virginia soldiers took turns to drag the swivels, but felt almost insulted by the conduct of the South Carolinians, who, piquing themselves upon their assumed privi- leges as " king's soldiers," sauntered along at their ease ; refusing to act as pioneers, or participate in the extra labors incident to a hurried retreat. On the 1st of July they reached the Great Meadows. Here the Virginians, exhausted by fatigue, himger, and vexation, declared they would carry the baggage and drag the swivels no further. Contrary to his original intentions, therefore, Washington determined to halt here for the present, and fortify, sending off expresses to hasten supplies and reinforcements from Wills' Creek, where he had reason to believe that two independent companies fi*om New York, were by this time arrived. The retreat to the Great Meadows had not been in the least too precipitate. Captain de Villiers, a brother-in-law of Jnmonville, had actually sallied forth from Fort Duquesne at the head of upwards of five hundred French, and several hundred Indians, eager to avenge the death of his relative. Arriving about dawn of day at Gist's plantation, he surrounded the works which Washington had hastily thrown up there, and fired into them. Finding them deserted, he concluded that those of whom he came in search had made good their retreat to the settlements, and it was too late to pursue them. He was on the point of returning to Fort Duquesne, when a deserter arrived, who gave word that Washington had come to a halt in the Great Meadows, where his troops were in a starving condition ; for his own part, he added, hearing that the French were coming, he had deserted to them to escape starvation. De Villiers ordered the fellow into confine- ment ; to be rewarded if his words proved true, otherwise to be hanged. He then pushed forward for the Great Meadows.* In the mean time Washington had exerted himself to enlarge and strengthen Fort Neces- sity, nothing of which had been done by Cap- tain Mackay and his men, while encamped there. The fort was about a hundred feet square, protected by trenches and palisades. It stood on the margin of a small stream, nearly in the centre of the Great Meadows, which is a grassy plain, perfectly level, surrounded by wooded hills of a moderate height, and at that place about two luindred and fifty yards wide. Wash- ington asked no assistance from the South Car- olina troops, but set to work with his Vir- ginians, animating them by word and example ; sharing in the labor of felling trees, hewing off the branches, and rolling up the ti'unks to form a breastwork. At this critical juncture he was deserted by his Indian allies. They were disheartened at the scanty preparations for defence against a superior force, and offended at being subjected to military command. The half-king thought he had not been sufficiently consulted, and that his advice had not been sufficiently followed ; such, at least, were some of tlie reasons which he subsequently gave for abandoning the youth- ful commander on the approach of danger. The true reason was a desire to put his wife and children in a place of safety. Most of his warriors followed his example ; very few, and those probably who had no families at risk, remained in the camp. Early in the morning of the 3d, while Wash- ington and his men were working on the fort, * Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, vol. iv., p. 22. ^T. 22.] ATTACK ON FORT NECESSITY— INDIAN PLUNDERERS. 47 a sentinel came in wonnded and bleeding, hav- ing been fired upon. Scouts brought word shortly afterwards that the French were in force, about four miles off. "Washington drew up his men on level ground outside of the works, to await their attack. About 11 o'clock there was a firing of musketry from among trees on rising ground, but so distant as to do no liarm ; suspecting this to be a stratagem designed to draw his men into the woods, he ordered them to keep quiet, and refrain from firing until the foe should show themselves, and draw near. The firing was kept up, but stiU under cover. He now fell back with his men into the trenches, ordering them to fire whenever they could get sight of an enemy. In this way there was skirmishing throughout the day ; the French and Indians advancing as near as the covert of the woods would permit, which in the nearest place was sixty yards, but never into open sight. In tlie mean time the rain fell in tor- rents ; the harassed and jaded troops were half drowned in their trenches, and many of their muskets were rendered unfit for use. About eight at night the French requested a pai'ley, "Washington hesitated. It might be a stratagem to gain admittance for a spy into the fort. The request was repeated, with the addition that an officer might be sent to treat with them, under their parole for his safety. Unfortunately the Chevalier de Peyrouney, engineer of the regiment, and the only one wlio could speak French correctly, was wounded and disabled. "Washington had to send, there- fore, his ancient swordsman and interpreter, Jacob Van Braam. The captain returned twice with separate terms, in which the garrison was required to surrender ; both were rejected. He returned the third time, with written articles of capitulation. They were in French. As no implements for writing were at hand, "Van Braam undertook to translate them by word of mouth. A candle was brought, and held close to the paper while he read. The rain fell in torrents ; it was difficult to keep the light from being extinguished. The captain rendered the capitulation, article by article, in mongrel Eng- lish, while "Washington and his officers stood listening, endeavoring to disentangle the mean- ing. One article stipulated that on surrender- ing the fort they should leave all tlieir military stores, munitions, and artillery in possession of tlie French. This was objected to, and was roadilv modified. The main articles, as Washington and his officers understood them, were, that they should be allowed to return to the settlements with- out molestation from French or Indians. That they should march out of the fort with the honors of war, drums beating and colore flying, and with all their effects and military stores excepting the artillery, whicli sliould be de- stroyed. That they sliould be allowed to de- posit their effects in some secret place, and leave a guard to protect them until they could send horses to bring them away ; their horses hav- ing been nearly aU killed or lost during the ac- tion. That they should give their word of honor not to attempt any buildings or improve- ments on the lands of his most Christian Majesty, for the space of a year. That the prisoners taken in the skirmish of Jumonville should be restored, and until their delivery Cap- tain Van Braam and Captain Stobo should remain with the French as hostages.* The next morning accordingly, Washington and his men marched out of their forlorn fortress with the honors of war, bearing with them their regimental colors, but leaving behind a large flag, too cumbrous to be transported. Scarcely had they begun their march, however, when, in defiance of the terms of capitulation, they were beset by a large body of Indians, allies of the French, who began plundering the baggage, and committing other irregularities. Seeing that the French did not, or could not, prevent them, and that all the baggage which could not be transported on the shoulders of his troops would fall into the hands of these savages, Washington ordered it to be destroyed, as well as the artillery, gunpowder, and other military stores. AU this detained him until ten o'clock, when he set out on his melancholy march. He liad not proceeded above a mile when two or three of the wounded men were reported to be missing. He immediately de- tached a few men back in quest of them, and continued on until three miles from Fort N"eces- sity, where he encamped for the night, and was rejoined by the stragglex's. In this affair, out of the Virginia regiment, consisting of three hundred and five men, officers included, twelve had been killed, and forty-three wounded. The number killed and * Horace Walpole, in a flippant notice of this capitu- lation, says : " The French have tied up the hands of an exccIIent_/a/j/a?-on, a Major Washington, whom they took and engaged not to sei-ve for one year." (Correspondence, vol. iii., p. 73.) Walpole, at this early date, seems to have considered "Washington a perfect fire-eater. 48 FATE OF THE HALF-KING— COMMENTS ON THE CONDUCT OF VAN BRAAM. [1754. • ' wounded in Captain Mackay's company is not known. The loss of the French and Indians is supposed to have been mucli greater. In the following days' march the troops seemed jaded and disheartenied ; they were en- cumbered and delayed by the wounded ; pro- visions were scanty, and they had seventy weary miles to accomplish before they could meet with supplies. "Washington, however, encouraged them by his own steadfast and cheerful demeanor, and by sharing all their toils and privations ; and at length conducted them in safety to Wills' Creek, where they found ample provisions in the military maga- zines. Leaving them here to recover their strength, he proceeded with Captain Mackay to "Williamsburg, to make his military report to the governor. A copy of the capitulation was subsequently laid before the "Vu'ginia House of Burgesses, with explanations. Notwithstanding the un- fortunate result of the campaign, the conduct of "Washington and his officers were properly appreciated, and they received a vote of thanks for their bravery, and gallant defence of their country. Three hundred pistoles (nearly eleven hundred dollars) also were voted to be distrib- uted among the privates who had been in ac- tion. From the vote of thanks, two officers were excepted ; Major Muse, who was charged with cowardice, and "Washington's unfortunate mas- ter of fence and blundering interpreter, Jacob Van Braam, who was accused of treachery, in piirposely misinterpreting the articles of capitu- lation. In concluding this chapter, we will anticipate dates to record the fortunes of the half-king after his withdrawal from the camp. He and several of his warriors, with their wives and children, retreated to Aughquick, in the back part of Pennsylvania, where George Croghan had an agency, and was allowed money from time to time for the maintenance of Indian al- lies. By the by, "Washington, in his letter to "William Fairfax, expressed himelf much disap- pointed in Croghan and Montour, who proved, he said, " to be great pretenders, and by vainly boasting of their interest with the Indians, in- volved the country in great calamity, causing de- pendence to be placed where there was none." * For, with all their boast, they never could induce above thirty fighting men to join the ♦ Letter to W. Fairfax, Aug. 11th, 1754. camp, and not more than half of those rendered any service. As to the half-king, he expressed himself perfectly disgusted with the white man's mode of warfare. The French, he said, were cow- ards ; the English, fools. "Washington was a good man, but wanted experience : he would not take, advice .of the Indians, and was al- ways driving them to fight according to his own notions. For this reason he (the half- king) had carried off his wife and children to a place of safety. After a time the chieftain fell dangerously ill, and a conjurer or "medicineman" was summoned to inquire into the cause or nature of his malady. He gave it as his opinion that the French had bewitched him, in revenge for the great blow he had struck them in the affair of Jumonville ; for the Indians gave him the whole credit of that success, he having sent round the French scalps as trophies. In the opinion of the conjurer aU the friends of the chieftain concuiTed, and on his death, which took place shortly afterwards, there was great lamentation mingled with threats of immediate vengeance. The foregoing particulars are gathered from a letter written by John Harris, an Indian trader, to the Governor of Pennsyl- vania, at the request of the half-king's friend and fellow sachem, Mauacatoocha, otherwise called Scarooyadi. " I humbly presume," con- cludes John Hai'ris, " that his death is a very great loss, especially at this critical time."* NOTE. We have been thus particular in tracing the affair of the Great Meadows, step by step, guided by the statements of Washington himself and of one of his oiScers, present in the engagement, because it is an- other of the events in the early stage of his military career, before the justice and magnanimity of his character were sufficiently established, which has been subject to misrepresentation. When the articles of capitulation came to be correctly translated and published, there were passages in them derogatory to the honor of Washington and his troops, and which, it would seem, had purposely been inserted for their humiliation by the French commander; but which, they protested, had never been rightly translated by Van Braam. For instance, in the written articles, they were made to stipulate that for the space of a year, they would not work on any establishment be- yond the mountains ; whereas it had Been translated by Van Braam " on any establishment on the lands of the king of France," which was quite another thing, as most of the land beyond the mountains was con- Pennsylvania Archives, vol. il., p. 178. ^T. 22.] STATEMENT OF DE VILLIERS— SECRET LETTER OF STOBO. 49 sidered by them as belonging to the British crown. There were other points, of minor importance, rela- tive to the disposition of the artillery ; but the most startling and objectionable one was that concerning the previous skirmish in the Great Meadows. This was mentioned in the written articles as rassassinat du Sieur de Jumonville, that is to say, the murder of De Jumonville ; an expression from which Wash- ington and his officers would have revolted with scorn and indignation ; and which, if truly translated, would in all probability have caused the capitulation to be sent back instantly to the French commander. On the contrary, they declared it had been translated to them by Van Braam the death of De Jumonville. M. de Villiers, in his account of this transaction to the French Government, avails himself of these pas- sages in the capitulation to cast a slur on the conduct of Washington. He says, " We made the English consent to sign that they had assassinated my brother in his camp." — " We caused them to abandon the lands belonging to the king. — We obliged them to leave their cannon, which consisted of nine pieces," (ic. He further adds : " The English, struck with panic, took to flight, and left their flag and one of their colors." We have shown that the flag left was the unwieldy one belonging to the fort ; too cumbrous to be transported by troops who could not carry their own necessary baggage. The regimental colors, as honorable symbols, were scrupulously carried off by Washington, and retained by him in after j-cars. M. de Villiers adds another incident intended to de- grade his enemy. He says, " One of my Indians took ten Englishmen, whom he brought to me, and whom I sent back by another." These, doubtless, were the men detached by Washington in quest of the wounded loiterers ; and who, understanding neither French nor Indian, found a difficulty in explaining their peaceful errand. That they were captured by the Indian seems too much of a gasconade. The public opinion at the time was that Van Braam had been suborned by De Villiers to soften the offen- sive articles of the capitulation in translating them, so that they should not wound the pride nor awaken the scruples of Washington and his officers, yet should stand on record against them. It is not probable that a French officer of De Villiers' rank would practise such a base perfidy, nor does the subsequent treatment experienced by Van Braam from the French corrob- orate the charge. It is more than probable the in- accuracy of translation originated in his ignorance of the precise weight and value of words in the two lan- guages, neither of which was native to him, and be- tween which he was the blundering agent of exchange. CHAPTER XIII. Early in August Washington rejoined his regiment, which had arrived at Alexandria by the way of "Winchester. Letters from Governor Dinwiddie urged him to recruit it to the former number of three hundred men, and join Colonel 4 luues at Wills' Creek, where that officer was stationed with Mackay's independent company of South Carolinians, and two independent companies from New York ; and had been em- ployed in erecting a work to serve as a frontier post and rallying point ; which work received the name of Fort Cumberland, in honor of the Duke of Cumberland, captain-general of the British army. In the meantime the French, elated by their recent triumph, and thinking no danger at hand, relaxed their vigilance at Fort Duquesne. Stobo, who was a kind of prisoner at large there, found means to send a letter secretly by an Indian, dated July 28, and directed to the commander of the English troops. It was ac- companied by a plan of the fort. " There are two hundred men liere," writes he, " and two hundred expected ; the rest have gone off in detachments to the amount of one thousand, besides Indians. None lodge in the fort but Contrecceur and the guard, consisting of forty men and five officers ; the rest lodge in bark cabins around the fort. The Indians have ac- cess day and night, and come and go when they please. If one hundred trusty Shawnees, Min- goes, and Delawares were picked out, they might surprise the fort, lodging themselves under the palisades by day, and at night secure the guard with their tomahawks, shut the sally-gate, and the fort is ours." One part of Stobo's letter breathes a loyal and generous spirit of self-devotion. Alluding to the danger in which he and Van. Braam, his fellow -host age, might be involved, he says, " Consider the good of tlie expedition without regard to us. When we engaged to serve the country it Avas expected we were to do it with our lives. For my part, I would die a hundred deaths to have the pleasure of possessing this fort but one day. They are so vain of their success at the Meadows it is worse than death to hear them. Haste to strike." * The Indian messenger carried the letter to Aughquick and delivered it into the hands of George Croghan. The Indian chiefs who were with him insisted upon his opening it. He did so, but on finding the tenor of it, transmitted it to the Governor of Pennsylvania. The secret information communicated by Stobo may have been the cause of a project suddenly conceived by Governor Dinwiddie, of a detachment which, by a forced march across the mountains, might * Hazard's Register of Penn., iv. 329. 50 DINWIDDIE'S MILITARY MEASURES— WASHINGTON QUITS THE SERVICE. [1754. descend npon the Frencli and take Fort Du- quesne at a single blow ; or, failing that, might build a rival fort in its vicinity. He accord- ingly wrote to "Washington to march forthwith for "Wills' Creek, with sv;ch companies as were complete, leaving orders with the oflScers to follow as soon as they should have enlisted men sufficient to make np their companies. " The season of the year," added he, " calls for despatch. I depend upon your usual diligence and spirit to encourage your people to be active on this occasion." The ignorance of Dinwiddle in military affairs, and his want of forecast, led hitn perpetually into blunders. Washington saw the rashness of an attempt to dispossess the French with a force so inferior that it could be harassed and driven from place to place at their pleasure. Before the troops could be collected, and muni- tions of war provided, the season would be too far advanced. There would be no forage for the horses ; the streams Avould be swollen and unfordable ; the mountains rendered impassable by snow, and frost, and slippery roads. The men, too, unused to campaigning on the frontier, vrould not be able to endure a winter in the wilderness, with no better shelter than a tent ; especially in their present condition, destitute of almost every thing. Such are a few of the cogent reasons urged by Washington in a letter to his friend William Fairfax, then in the House of Burgesses, which no doubt was shown to Governor Dinwiddie, and probably had an ef- fect in causing the rash project to be aban- doned. The governor, in truth, was sorely perplexed about this time by contradictions and cross- purposes, both in military and civil affairs. A body of three hundred and fifty North Caro- linian troops had been enlisted at high pay, and were to form the chief reinforcement of Colonel Innes at WiUs' Creek. By the time they reached Winchester, however, the provincial military chest was exhausted, and future pay seemed uncei-tain ; whereupon they refused to serve any longer, disbanded themselves tumul- tuonsly, and set oft' for their homes without tak- ing leave. The governor found the House of Burgesses equally unmanageable. His demands for sup- ])lies were resisted on what he considered pre- sumptuous pretexts; or granted sparingly, under mortifying restrictions. His high Tory notions were outraged by sucli republican con- duct. " There appears to me," said he, " an infatuation in all the assemblies in this part of the world." In a letter to the Board of Trade he declared that the only way effectually to check the progress of the French, would be an act of parliament requiring the colonies to con- tribute to the common cause, independently of asscmhlies ; and in an another, to the Secretary of State, he urged the policy of compelling the colonies to their duty to the king by a general poll-tax of two and sixpence a head. The worthy governor Avould have made a fitting counsellor for the Stuart dynasty. Subsequent events have shown how little his policy was suited to compete with the dawning republican- ism of America. In the month of October the House of Bur- gesses made a grant of twenty thousand pounds for the public service ; and ten thousand more were sent out from England, beside a supply of firearms. The governor now applied himself to military matters with renewed spirit ; in- creased the actual force to ten companies ; and, as there had been difficulties among the differ- ent kinds of troops with regard to precedence, he reduced them all to independent companies ; so that there would be no officer in a Virginia regiment above the rank of captain. This shrewd measure, upon which Dinwid- die secretly prided himself as calculated to put an end to the difficulties in question, immedi- ately drove Washington out of the service ; considering it derogatory to his character to accept a lower commission than that under which his conduct hud gained him a vote of thanks from the Legislature. Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, appointed by the king commander-in-chief of all the forces engaged against the French, sought to secure his valuable services, and authorized Colonel Fitzhugh, whom he had placed in temporary command of the army, to write to him to that effect. The reply of Washington (15th Nov.) is full of dignity and spirit, and shows how deeply he felt his military degradation. " You make mention," says he, " of my con- tinuing in the service and retaining my colonel's commission. This idea has filled mo with sur- prise ; for if you think me capable of holding a com.mission that has neither rank nor emolu- ment annexed to it, you must maintain a very contemptible opinion of my weakness, and be- lieve me more empty than the commission it- self." After intimating a suspicion that the project of reducing the regiment into independ- ent companies, and thereby throwing out the ^T. 22.] QUESTIONS OF RANK— LA FORCE— STOBO AND VAN BRAAM. 51 higher officers, was " generated and hatched at Wills' Creek," — in other words, was an expedi- ent of Governor Dinwiddle, instead of being a peremptory order from England, he adds, " In- genuous treatment and plain dealing I at least expected. It is to be hoped the pi-oject will answer ; it shall meet my acquiescence in every thing except personal services. I herewith in- close Governor Sharpe's letter, which I beg you will return to him with my acknowledgments for the favor he intended me. Assure him, sir, as you truly may, of my reluctance to quit the service, and the pleasure I should have received in attending his fortunes. Inform him, also, that it was to obey the call of honor and the advice of my friends that I declined it, and not to gratify any desire I had to leave the mili- tary line. My feelings are strongly bent to arms." Even had "Washington hesitated to take this step, it would have been forced upon him by a further regulation of government, in the course of the ensuing winter, settling the rank of offi- cers of his majesty's forces when joined or serving with the provincial forces in North America, " which directed that all such as were commissioned by the king, or by his general commander-in-chief in North America, should take rank of all officers commissioned by the governors of the respective provinces. And further, that the general and field officers of the provincial troops should have no rank when serving with the general and field officers com- missioned by the crown ; but that all captains and other inferior officers of the royal troops should take rank over provincial officers of the same grade, having older commissions." These regulations, originating in that super- cilious assumption of superiority Avhich some- times overruns and degrades true British pride, would have been spurned by Washington, as insulting to the character and conduct of his high-minded brethren of the colonies. How much did this open disparagement of colonial honor and understanding, contribute to wean from England the aftection of her American subjects, and prepare the way for their ultimate assertion of independence. Another cause of vexation to Washington was the refusal of Governor Dinwiddle to give up the French prisoners, taken in the affair of De Jumonville, in fulfilment of the articles of capitulation. His plea was, that since the ca- pitulation, the French had taken several British subjects, and sent them prisoners to Canada, he , considered himself justifiable in detaining those Frenchmen which he had in his custody. He sent a flag of truce, however, offering to return the officer Drouillon, and the two cadets, in exchange for Captains Stobo and Van Braam, whom the French held as hostages ; but his offer was treated with merited disregard. Washington felt deeply mortified by this ob- tuseuess of the governor on a point of military punctilio and honorable faith, but his remon- strances were unavailing. The French prisoners w^ere clothed and main- tained at the public expense, and Drouillon and the cadets were allowed to go at large ; the private soldiers were kept in confinement. La Force, also, not having acted in a military capa- city, and having offended against the peace and security of the frontier, by his intrigues among the Indians, was kept in close durance. AVash- ington, who knew nothing of this, was shocked on visiting Williamsburg, to learn that La Force was in prison. He expostulated with the gov- ernor on the subject, but without eff"ect ; Din- widdle was at all times pertinacious, but par- ticularly so when he felt himself to be a little in the wrong. As we shall have no further occasion to mention La Force, in connection with the sub- ject of this work, we will anticipate a page of his fortunes. After renmining two years in confinement he succeeded in breaking out of prison, and escaping into the country. An alarm was given, and circulated far and wide, for such was the opinion of his personal strength, desperate courage, wily cunning, and great influence over the Indians, that the most mischievous results were apprehended should he regai n the frontier. In the mean time he was wandering about the country, ignorant of the roads, and fearing to make inquiries, lest his foreign tongue should betray Idm. He reached King and Queen Court House, about thirty miles from Williamsburg, when a countryman was struck with his foreign air and aspect. La Force ventured to put a question as to the dis- tance and direction of Fort Duquesne, and his broken English convinced the countryman of his being the French prisoner, whose escape had been noised about the country. Watching an opportunity he seized him, and regardless of offers of great bribes, conducted him back to the prison of Williamsburg, where he was secured with double irons, and chained to the floor of his dungeon. The refusal of Governor Dinwiddle to fulfil 52 "WASHINGTON'S RETURN TO QUIET LIFE— MILITARY PREPARATIONS. [1755. the article of the capitulation respecting the prisoners, and the rigorous treatment of La Force, operated hardly upon the hostages, Stobo and Van Braam, who, in retaliation, were con- fined in prison in Quebec, though otherwise treated with kindness. They, also, by extra- ordinary efforts, succeeded in breaking prison, but found it more difficult to evade the sentries of a fortified place. Stobo managed to escape into the country ; but the luckless Van Braam sought concealment under an arch of a cause- way leading from the forti'ess. Here he re- mained imtil nearly exhausted by huuger. Seeing the Governor of Canada passing by, and desparing of being able to effect his escape, he came forth from his hiding place, and surrender- ed himself, invoking his clemency. He was remanded to prison, but experienced no addi- tiojial severity. He was subsequently shipped by the governor from Quebec to England, and never returned to Virginia. It is this treatment of Van Braam, more than any thing else, which convinces us that the suspicion of his being in collusion with the French in regard to the mis- interpretation of the articles of capitulation, was groundless. He was simply a blunderer. CHAPTER XIV. Having resigned his commission, and disen- gaged himself from public affairs, Washington's first care was to visit his mother, inquire into the state of domestic concerns, and attend to the welfare of his brothers and sisters. In these matters he was ever his mother's adjunct and counsellor, discharging faithfully the duties of an eldest son, who should consider himself a second father to the family. He now took up his abode at Mount Vernon, and prepared to engage in those agricultural pursuits, for which, even in his youthful days, he had as keen a relish as for the profession of arms. Scarcely had he entered upon his rural occupations, however, when the service of his country once more called him to the field. The disastrous affair at Great Meadows, and the other acts of French hostility on the Ohio, had aroused the attention of the British ministry. Tiieir ambassador at Paris was in- structed to complain of those violations of the peace. The court of Versailles amused him with general assurances of amity, and a strict adherence to treaties. Their ambassador at the court of St. James, the Marquis de Mire- poix, on the faith of his instructions, gave the same assurances. In the mean time, however, French ships were fitted out, and troops em- barked, to carry out the schemes of the government in America. So profound was the dissimulation of the court of Versailles, that even their own ambassador is said to have been kept in ignorance of their real designs, and of the hostile game they were playing, while he was exerting himself in good faith, to lull the suspicions of England, and maintain the international peace. When his eyes, how- ever, were opened, he returned indignantly to France, and upbraided the cabinet with the duplicity of which he had been made the un- conscious instrument. The British government now prepared for military operations in America ; none of them professedly aggressive, but rather to resist and counteract aggressions. A plan of campaign was devised for 1755, having four objects. To eject the French from lands which they held unjustly, in the province of Nova Scotia. To dislodge them from a fortress which they had erected at Crown Point, on Lake Cham- plain, Avithin what was claimed as British territory. To dispossess them of the fort which they had constructed at Niagara, between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. To drive them from the frontiers of Penn- sylvania and Virginia, and recover the valley of the Ohio. The Duke of Cumberland, captain-general of the British army, had the organization of this campaign ; and through his patronage. Major-general Edward Braddock was intrust- ed with the execution of it, being appoint- ed generalissimo of all the forces in the colonies. Braddock was a veteran in service, and had been upwards of forty years in the guards, that school of exact discipline and technical punc- tilio. Cumberland, who held a commission in the guards, and was bigoted to its routine, may have considered Braddock fitted, by his skill and preciseness as a tactician, for a command in a new country, inexperienced in military science, to bring its raw levies into order, and to settle those questions of rank and etiquette apt to arise where regular and provincial troops are to act together. The result proved the error of such an opinion. Braddock was a brave and experi- ^T. 23.] ST. CLAIR'S TOUR OF INSPECTION— INDIAN ALLIES. 53 enced officer ; but liis experience was that of routine, and rendered him pragmatical and obstinate, impatient of novel expedients " not laid down in the books," but dictated by emer- gencies in a " new country," and his military precision, which would have been brilliant on parade, was a constant obstacle to alert action in the wilderness.* Braddock was to lead in person the grand enterprise of the campaign, that destined for the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania ; it Avas the enterprise in which "Washington be- came enlisted, and, therefore, claims our spe- cial attention. Prior to the arrival of Braddock, came out from England Lieutenant-colonel Sir John St. Clair, deputy quartermaster-general, eager to make himself acquainted with the field of opera- tions. He made a tour of inspection, in com- pany with Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, and appears to have been dismayed at sight of the impracticable wilderness, the region of Wash- ington's campaign. From Fort Cumberland, he wrote in February to Governor Morris, of Pennsylvania, to have the road cut, or repaired towards the head of the river Youghiogeny, and another opened from Philadelphia for the transportation of supplies. " No general," writes he, " will advance with an army with- out having a communication open to the provinces in his rear, both for the security of retreat, and to facilitate the transport of pro- visions, the supplying of which must greatly depend on your province."! Unfortunately the governor of Pennsylvania * Horace "Walpole, in his letters, relates some anecdotes of Braddock, •which give a familiar picture of him in the fashionable life in which he had mingled in London, and are of value, as letting us into the private character of a man whose name has become proverbial in American history. " Braddock," says Walpole, " is a very Iroquois in disposition. He had a sister, who, having gamed away f\\\ her little fortune at Bath, hanged herself with a truly English deliberation, leaving a note on the table with these lines : ' To die is landing on some silent shore,' &c. When Braddock was told of it, he only said: 'Poor Fanny! I always thought she would play till she would be forced to tuck herself up.' " Braddock himself had been somewhat of a spendthrift. He was touchy also, and punctilious. " He once had a duel," says Waliiole, "with Colonel Glumley, Lady Bath's brother, who had been his great friend. As they were going to engage, Glumley, who had good humor and wit (Braddock had the latter) said : ' Braddock, you are a poor dog I here, take my purse, if you kill me j-ou will be forced to run away, and then you will not have a shil- ling to support you." Braddock refused the purse, insisted on the duel, was disarmed, and would not even ask for his life." * Colonial Records, vi. 300. had no money at his command, and was obliged, for expenses, to apply to his Assem- bly, " a set of men," writes he, " quite unac- quainted with every kind of military service, and exceedingly unwilling to part with money on any terms." However, by dint of exer- tions, he procured the appointment of com- missioners to explore the country, and survey and lay out the roads required. At the head of the commission was George Oroghan, the Indian trader, whose mission to the Twight- wees we have already spoken of. Times had gone hard with Croghan. The French had seized great quantities of his goods. The Indians, with whom he traded, had failed to pay their debts, and he had become a bank- rupt. Being an efficient agent on the frontier, and among the Indians, he still enjoyed the patronage of the Pennsylvania government. When Sir John St. Clair had finished his tour of inspection, he descended Wills' Creek and the Potomac for two hundred miles in a canoe to Alexandria, and repaired to Virginia to meet General Braddock, The latter had landed on the 20th of February at Hampton, in Virginia, and proceeded to Williamsburg to consult with Governor Dinwiddle. Shortly afterwards he was joined there by Commodore Keppel, whose squadron of two ships-of-war, and several transports, had anchored in the Chesapeake. On btoard of these ships were two prime regiments of about five hun- dred men each ; one commanded by Sir Peter Halket, the other by Colonel Dunbar ; together with a train of artillery, and the necessary munitions of war. The regiments were to be augmented to seven hundred men each, by men selected by Sir John St. Clair from Virginia companies recently raised. Alexandria was fixed upon as the place where the troops should disembark, and en- camp. The ships were accordingly ordered up to that place, and the levies directed to repair thither. The plan of the campaign included the use of Indian allies. Governor Dinwiddle had already sent Christopher Gist, the pioneer, Washington's guide in 1753, to engage the Cherokees and Catawbas, the bravest of the southern tribes, who he had no doubt would take up the hatchet for the English, peace being first concluded, through the mediation of his government, between them and the Six Nations ; and he gave Braddock reason to expect at least four hundred Indians to join 54 MILITARY PLANS— A SITUATION IN TUE STAFF. [1755. him at Fort Cumberland. He laid before him also contracts that lie had made for cattle, and liromises that the Assembly of Pennsyl- vania had made of flour ; these, with other supplies, and a thousand barrels^ of beef on board of the transports, would furnish sis months' provisions for four thousand men. General Braddock apprehended difficulty in procuring waggons and horses sufficient to attend him in his march. Sir John St. Clair, in the course of his tour of inspection, had met with two Dutch settlers, at the foot of the Blue Ridge, who engaged to furnish two hundred waggons, and fifteen hundred carry- ing horses, to be at Fort Cumberland early in May. Governor Sharpe was to furnish above a hundred waggons for the transportation of stores, on the Maryland side of the Potomac. Keppel furnished four cannons from his ships, for the attack on Fort Duquesne, and thirty picked seamen to assist in dragging them over the mountains ; for " soldiers," said he, " cannot be as well acquainted with the nature of i>urchases, and making use of tackle, as seamen." They were to aid also in passing the troops and artillery on floats or in boats, across the rivers, and were under the com- mand of a midshipman and lieutenant.* "Every thing," writes Captain Robert Orme, one of the general's aides-de-camp, " seemed to promise so far the greatest suc- cess. The transports all arrived safe, and the men in health. Provisions, Indians, carriages, and horses, were already provided; at least were to be esteemed so, considering the authorities on which they were promised to the general." Trusting to these arrangements, Braddock proceeded to Alexandria. The troops had all been disembarked before his ai*rival, and the Virginia levies selected by Sir Jolm St. Clair, to join the regiments of regulars, were arrived. There were besides two companies of hatchet men, or carpenters; sis of rangers; and one troop of light horse. The levies, having been clothed, were ordered to march immediately for Winchester, to be armed, and the general gave them in charge of an ensign of the 44th, " to make them as like soldiers as possible."! Tlie light horse were retained by the general as his escort and body guard. * Keppel's Life of Kciipcl, p. 205. t Orme's Journal. The din and stir of warlike preparation dis- turbed the quiet of Mount Vernon. "Washing- ton looked down from his rural retreat upon the ships of war and transports, as they passed up the Potomac, with the array of arms gleam- ing along their decks. The booming of can- non echoed among liis groves. Alexandria was but a few miles distant. Occasionally he mounted his horse, and rode to that place ; it was like a garrisoned town, teeming with troops, and resounding with the drum and fife. A brilliant campaign was about to open under the auspices of an experienced general, and with all the means and appurtenances of Euro- pean warfare. How different from the starve- ling expeditions he had hitherto been doomed to conduct ! Wliat an opportunity to efface the memory of his recent disaster ! All his thoughts of rural life were put to flight. The military part of his character was again in the ascendant; his great desire was to join the expedition as a volunteer. It was reported to General Braddock. The latter was apprised by Governor Dinwiddle and others, of Washington's personal merits, his knowledge of the country, and his expe- rience in frontier service. The consequence was, a letter from Captain Robert Orme, one of Braddock's aides-de-camp, written by the general's order, inviting Washington to join his staff"; the letter concluded with frank and cordial expressions of esteem on the part of Orme, which were warmly reciprocated, and laid the foundation of a soldierlike friendship between them. A volunteer situation on the staffs of General Braddock offered no emolument nor command, and would be attended with considerable ex- pense, besides a sacrifice in his private inter- ests, having no person in whom he had confi- dence, to take charge of his affairs in his absence, still he did not hesitate a moment to accept the invitation. In the position offered to him, all the questions of military rank which had hitherto annoyed him, would be obviated. He could indulge his passion for amis without any sacrifice of dignity, and he looked forward with high anticipation to an opportunity of acquiring military experience in a corps well organized, and tlioroughly disciplined, and in the family of a commander of acknowledged skill as a tactician. His mother heard with concern of another projected expedition into the wilderness. Hurrying to Mount Vernon, she entreated him Mr. 23.] GRAND COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS— MILITARY PREPARATIONS. 55 not again to expose himself to the hardships and perils of these fi-ontier campaigns. She doubtless felt the value of his presence at home, to manage and protect the complicated interests of the domestic connection, and had watched with solicitude over his adventurous campaigning, where so much family welfare was at hazard. However much a mother's pride may have been gratified by his early advancement and renown, she had rejoiced on his return to the safer walks of peaceful life. She was thoroughly practical and prosaic in her notions ; and not to be dazzled by military glory. The passion for arms which mingled with the more sober elements of Washington's character, would seem to have been inherited from his father's side of the house ; it was, in fact, the old chivalrous spirit of the De "Wes- syngtons. His mother had once prevented him from entering the navy, when a gallant frigate was at hand, anchored in the waters of the Potomac ; with all his deference for her, which he retained through life, he could not resist the appeal to his martial sympathies, which called him to the head-quarters of General Braddock at Alexandria. His arrival was hailed by his young associ- ates, Captains Orme and Morris, the general's aides-de-camp, who at once received him into frank companionship, and a cordial intimacy commenced between them, that continued throughout the campaign. He experienced a courteous reception from the general, who expressed in flattering terms the impression he had received of his merits. Washington soon appreciated the character of the general. He found him stately and some- what haughty, exact in matters of military etiquette and discipline, positive in giving an opinion, and obstinate in maintaining it ; but of an honorable and generous, though some- what irritable nature. There were at that time four Governors, besides Dinwiddle, assembled at Alexandria, at Braddcck's request, to concert a plan of military operations ; Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts ; Lieutenant-governor Delancey, of New York ; Lieutenant-governor Sharpe, of Maryland ; Lieutenant-governor Morris, of Pennsylvania. Washington was presented to them in a manner that showed how well his merits were already appreciated. Shirley seems particularly to have struck him as the model of a cjentleman and statesman. He was originally a lawyer, and had risen not more by his talents, than by his implicit devotion to the crown. His son William was military secretary to Braddock. A grand council was held on the 14th of April, composed of General Braddock, Com- modore Keppel, and the governors, at which the general's commission was read, as were his instructions from the king, relating to a com- mon fund, to be established by the several col- onies, toward defraying the expenses of the campaign. The governors were prepared to answer on this head, letters to the same purport having been addressed to them by Sir Thomas Robin- son, one of the king's secretaries of state, in the preceding month of October. They in- formed Braddock that they had applied to their respective Assembhes for the establish- ment of such a fund, but in vain, and gave it as their unanimous opinion, that such a fund could never be established in the colonies with- out the aid of Parliament. They had found it impracticable, also, to obtain from their re- spective governments the proportions expected from them by the crown, toward military ex- penses in America ; and suggested that minis- ters should find out some mode of compelling them to do it ; and that, in the mean time, the general should make use of his credit upon government, for current ex^ienses, lest the ex- pedition should come to a stand.* In discussing the campaign, the governors were of opinion that New York should be made the centre of operations, as it afforded easy access by water to the heart of the French possessions in Canada. Braddock, however, did not feel at liberty to depart from his in- structions, which specified the recent establish- ments of the French on the Ohio as the objects of his expedition. Niagara and Crown Point were to be attack- ed about the same time with Fort Duquesne, the former by Governor Shirley with his own and Sir William Pepperell's regiments, and some New York companies ; the latter by Colonel William Johnson, sole manager and director of ludiai;! aflairs ; a personage worthy of especial note. He was a native of Ireland, and had come out to this country in 1734, to manage the landed estates owned by his uncle. Commodore Sir Peter Warren, in the Mohawk country. ♦ Colonial Record?, vol. vi., p. 366. 56 THREATS OF SIR JOHN SINCLAIR— THEIR EFFECTS. [1755. He had resided ever since in the vicinity of the Mohawk River, in the province of New York. By his agency and his dealings with the native tribes he had acquired great wealth, and be- come a kind of potentate in the Indian coun- try. His influence over the Six Nations was said to be unbounded ; and it was principally with the aid of a large force of their warriors that it was expected he would accomplish his part of the campaign. The end of June, "nearly in July," was fixed upon as the time when the several attacks upon Forts Duquesne, Niagara, and Crown Point, should be carried into execution, and Braddock anticipated an easy accomplishment of his plans. The expulsion of the French from the lands wrongfully held by them in Nova Scotia, was to be assigned to Colonel Lawrence, Lieuten- ant-governor of that province ; we will briefly add, in anticipation, that it was effected by him, with the aid of troops from Massachu- setts and elsewhere, led by Lieutenant-colonel Monckton. The business of the Congress being finished. General Braddock would have set out for Fred- ericktown, in Maryland, but few waggons or teams had yet come to remove the artillery. Washington had looked with wonder and dis- may at the huge paraphernalia of war, and the world of superfluities to be transported across the mountains, recollecting the difii- culties he had experienced in getting over them with his nine swivels and scanty supplies. " If our march is to be regulated by the slow move- ments of the train," said he, " it wiU be tedi- ous, very tedious, indeed." His predictions excited a sarcastic smile in Braddock as betray- ing the limited notions of a young provincial oflacer, little acquainted with the march of armies. In the meanwhile, Sir John St. Clair, who had returned to the frontier, was storming at the camp at Fort Cumberland. The road re- quired of the Pennsylvania government had not been commenced. George Croghan and the other commissioners were but just arrived in camp. Sir John, according to Croghan, re- ceived them in a very disagreeable manner ; would not look at their draughts, nor suifer any Representations to be made to him in re- gard to the province, " but stormed like a lion rampant ; " declaring that the want of the road and of the provisions promised by Pennsyl- vania had retarded the expedition, and might cost them their lives from the fresh numbers of French that might be poured into the coun- try. — " That instead of marching to the Ohio, he would in nine days march his army into Cumberland County to cut the roads, press horses, waggons, &c. That he would not suffer a soldier to handle an axe, but by fire and sword oblige the inhabitants to do it. * * * That he would kill aU kinds of cattle, and carry away the horses, burn the houses, &c. ; and that if the French defeated them, by the de- lays of Pennsylvania, he would, with his sword drawn, pass through the jjrovince and treat the inhabitants as a parcel of traitors to his master. That he would write to England by a man-of-war ; shake Mr. Penn's proprietaryship, and represent Pennsylvania as a disaffected province. * * * * jjg iq]^ ^^jg ^q ^q iq the genera], if we pleased, who would give us ten iad words for one that he had given.'''' The explosive wrath of Sir John, which was not to be appeased, shook the souls of the commissioners, and they wrote to Governor Morris, urging that people might be set at work upon the road, if the Assembly had made provision for opening it ; and that flour might be sent without delay to the mouth of Canoco- cheague River, " as being the only remedy left to prevent these threatened mischiefs." * In reply, Mr. Richard Peters, Governor Mor- ris's secretary, wrote in his name : " Get a number of hands immediately, and further the work by all possible methods. Your expenses will be paid at the next sitting of Assembly. Do your duty, and oblige the general and quar- termaster if possible. Finish the road that wiU be wanted first, and then proceed to any other that may be thought necessary." An additional commission, of a different kind, was intrusted to George Croghan. Gov- ernor MoTris by letter requested him to con- vene at Aughquick, in Pennsylania, as many warrior as possible of the mixed tribes of the Ohio, distribute among them wampum belts sent for the purpose, and engage them to meet General Braddock when on the march, and render him all the assistance in their power. In reply, Croghan engaged to enlist ft strong body of Indians, being sure of the influence of Scarooyadi, successor to the half-king, and of his adjunct. White Thunder, keeper of the speech-belts.t At the instance of Governor Morris, Croghan secured the services of an- other kind of force. This was'a band of hunt- * Colonial Records, vol. vi., p. SOS. t Ibid., p. 375. ^T. 23.] CAPTAIN JACK AND HIS BAND— WASHINGTON PROCLAIMED AIDE-DE-CAMP. 57 ers, resolute men, well acquainted with tlie eountry, and inured to hardships. They were under the command of Captain Jack, one of the most remarkable characters of Pennsylvania ; a complete hero of the wilderness. He had been for many years a captive among the In- dians ; and, having learnt their ways, had formed this association for the protection of the settlements, receiving a commission of cap- tain from the Governor of Pennsylvania. The band had become famous for its exploits, and was a teiTor to the Indians. Captain Jack was at present protecting the settlements on the Canococheague ; but promised to march by a circuitous route and join Braddock with his hunters. " They require no shelter for the night," writes Croghan ; " they ask no pay. If the whole army was composed of such men there would be no cause of apprehension. I shall be with them in time for duty."* NOTE. The following extract of a letter, dated August, 1750, gives one of the stories relative to this indi- vidual : " The ' Black Hunter,' the ' Black Rifle,' the ' Wild Hunter of Juniata,' is a white man ; his history is this : He entered the woods with a few enterprising companions ; built his cabin ; cleared a little land, and amused himself with the pleasures of fishing and hunting. He felt happy, for then he had not a care. But on an evening, when he returned from a day of sport, ho found his cabin burnt, his wife and children murdered. From that moment he forsakes civilized man ; hunts out caves, in which he lives ; protects the frontier inhabitants from the Indians ; and seizes every opportunity of revenge that ofifers. He lives the terror of the Indians and the consolation of the whites. On one occasion, near Juniata, in the middle of a dark night, a family were suddenly awaked from sleep by the report of a gun ; they jump from their huts, and by the glimmering light from the chimney saw an Indian fall to rise no more. The open door exposed to view the wild hunter. ' I have saved your lives,' he cried, then turned and was buried in the gloom of night." — Hazard's Register of Penn., vol. iv. 389. CHAPTER XV. GEiSTERAL Braddook sct out from Alexandria on the 20th of April. Washington remained behind a- few days to arrange his affairs, and then rejoined him at Fredericktown, in Mary- land, where, on the 10th of May, he was pro- claimed one of the general's aides-de-camp. The troubles of Braddock had already com- * Hazard's Register of reiin., vol. iv., p. 416. menced. The Virginian contractors failed to fulfil their engagements ; of all the immense means of transportation so confidently prom- ised, but fifteen waggons and a hundred draft- horses had arrived, and there was no prospect of more. There was equal disappointment in provisions, both as to quantity and quality, and he had to send round the country to buy cattle for the subsistence of the troops. Fortunately, while the general was venting his spleen in anathemas against army contrac- tors, Benjamin Franklin arrived at Frederick- town. That eminent man, then about forty- nine years of age, had been for many years member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, and was now postmaster-general for America. The Assembly understood that Braddock was in- censed against them, supposing them adverse to the service of the war. They had procured Franklin to wait upon him, not as if sent by them, but as if he came in his capacity of post- master-general, to arrange for the sure and speedy transmission of de.spatches between the commander-in-chief and the governors of the provinces. He was well received, and became a daily guest at the general's table. In his autobiog- raphy, he gives us an instance of the blind confidence and fatal prejudices by which Brad- dock was deluded throughout this expedition. " In conversation with him one day," writes Franklin, " he was giving me some account of his intended progress. ' After taking Fort Duquesne,' said he, ' I am to proceed to Niag- ara ; and having taken that, to Frontenac, if the season will allow time ; and I suppose it will, for Duquesne can hardly detain me above three or four days : and then I can see nothing that can obstruct my march to Niagara.' " Having before revolved in my mind," con- tinues Franklin, '' the long line his army must make in their march by a very narrow road, to be cut for them through the woods and bushes, and also what I had heard of a former defeat of fifteen hundred French, who invaded the Illinois country, I had conceived some doubts and some fears for the event of the campaign ; but I ventured only to say, ' To be sure, sir, if you arrive well before Duquesne with these fine troops, so well provided with artillery, the fort, though completely fortified and assisted with a very strong garrison, can probably make but a short resistance. The only danger I appre- hend of obstruction to your march, is from the ambuscades of the Indians, who, by constant 58 BRADDOCK AND FRANKLIN— HUGH MERCER— DR. CRAIK. [1155. practice, are dexterous in laying and executing them ; and the slender line, nearly four miles long, which your army must make, may expose it to be attacked by surprise on its flanks, and to be cut like thread into several pieces, which, from their distance, cannot come up in time to support one another.' " He smiled at my ignorance, and replied : 'These savages may indeed be a formidable enemy to raw American militia, but upon the king's regular and disciplined troops, sir, it is impossible they should make an impression.' I was conscious of an impropriety in my disput- ing with a military man in matters of his pro- fession, and said no more."* As the whole delay of the army was caused by the want of conveyances, Franklin observed one day to the general that it was a pity the troops had not been landed in Pennsylvania, where almost every farmer had his waggon. " Then, sir," replied Braddock, " you, who are a man of interest there, can probably procure them for me, and I beg you will." Franklin consented. An instrument in writing was drawn up, empowering him to contract for one hundred and fifty waggons with four horses to each waggon, and fifteen hundred saddle or packhorses for the service of his majesty's forces, to be at Wills' Creek on or before the 20th of May, and he promptly departed for Lancaster to execute the commission. After his departure, Braddock, attended by his staff, and his guard of light horse, set ofi:' for Wills' Creek by the way of Winchester, the road along the north side of the Potomac not being yet made. " This gave him," writes Washington, " a good opportunity to see the absui'dity of the route, and of damning it very heartily." t Three of Washington's horses were knocked up before they reached Winchester, and he had to purchase others. This was a severe drain of his campaigning purse ; fortunately he was in the neighborhood of Greenway Court, and was enabled to replenish it by a loan from his old friend Lord Fairfax. The discomforts of the rough road were in- creased with the general, by his travelling with some degree of state in a chariot which he had purchased of Governor Sharpe. In this he dashed by Dunbar's division of the troops, which he overtook near Wills' Creek ; his body * Autobiography of Franklin. Sparks' Edition, p. 190. t Draft of a letter, among "Washington's papers, ad- dressed to Major John Carlj'le. guard of light horse galloping on each side of his chariot, and his staff accompanying him; the drums beating the Grenadier's march as he passed. In this style, too, he arrived at Fort Cumberland, amid a thundering salute of sev- enteen guns.* By this time the general discovered that he was not in a region fitted for such display, and his travelling chariot was abandoned at Fort Cumberland ; otherwise it would soon have ' become a wreck among the mountains beyond. By the 19th of May, the forces were assem- bled at Fort Cumberland. The two royal regi- ments, originally one thousand strong, now in- creased to fourteen hundred, by men chosen from the Maryland and Virginia levies. Two provincial companies of carpenters, or pio- neers, thirty men each, with subalterns and cap- tains. A company of guides, composed of a captain, two aids, and ten men. The troop of Virginia light horse, commanded by Captain Stewart ; the detachment of thirty sailors with their officers, and the remnants of two inde- pendent companies from New York, one of which was commanded by Captain Horatio Gates, of whom we shall have to speak much hereafter, in the course of this biography. Another person in camp, of subsequent no- toriety, and who became a warm friend of Washington, was Dr. Hugh Mercer, a Scotch- man, about thirty-three years of age. About ten years previously he had served as assistant surgeon in the forces of Charles Edward, and followed his standard to the disastrous field of CuUoden. After the defeat of the " chevalier," Mercer had escaped by the way of Inverness to America, and taken up his residence in Vir- ginia. He was now with the Virginia troops, rallying under the standard of the House of Hanover, in an expedition led by a general who had aided to drive the chevalier from Scotland.t Another young Scotchman in the camp was Dr. James Oraik, who had become strongly at- tached to Washington, being about the same age, and having been with him in the affair of the Great Meadows, serving as surgeon in the Virginia regiment, to which he still belonged. At Fort Cumberland, Washington had an opportunity of seeing a force encamped accord- ing to the plan approved of by the council of war ; and military tactics, enforced with all the precision of a martinet. * Journal of the Seamen's detachment, t Braddock had been an officer under the Duke of Cum- berland, in his campaign against Charles Edward. ^T. 23.] MILITARY TACTICS— CAMP RULES— INDIANS IN CAMP. 59 The roll of each company vfas called over morning, noon, and night. There was strict examination of arms and accoutrements ; the commanding officer of each company being answerable for their being kept in good order. The general was very particular in regard to the appearance and drill of the Virginia re- cruits and companies, whom he had put under the rigorous discipline of Ensign Allen. " They performed their evolutions and firings, as well as' could be expected," writes Captain Orme, " but their languid, spiritless, and unsoklier-like appearance, considered with the lowness and ignorance of most of their officers, gave little hopes of their future good behavior."* He doubtless echoed the opinion of the general ; how completely were both to be undeceived as to their estimate of these troops ! The general held a levee in his tent every morning, from ten to eleven. He Avas strict as to the morals of the camp. Drunkenness "was severely punished. A soldier convicted of theft was sentenced to receive one thousand lashes, and to be drummed out of his regiment. Part of the first part of the sentence was re- mitted. Divine service was performed every Sunday, at the head of the colors of each regi- ment, by the chaplain. There was the funeral of a captain who died at this encampment. A captain's guard marched before the corpse, the captain of it in the rear, the firelocks reversed, the drums beating the dead march. "When near the grave, th'^ guard formed two lines, facing each other ; rested on their arms, muz- zles downwards, and leaned their faces on the butts. The corpse was carried between them, the sword and sash on the coffin, and the offi- cers following two and two. After the chaplain of the regiment had read the service, the guard fired three volleys over the grave, and returned.! Braddock's camp, in a word, was a complete study for "Washington, during the halt at Fort Cumberland, where he had an opportunity of seeing military routine in its strictest forms. He had a specimen, too, of convivial life in the camp, which the general endeavored to main- tain, even in the wilderness, keeping a hospit- able table ; for he is said to have been some- what of a Ion mvant^ and to have had with him " two good cooks, who could make an ex- cellent ragout out of a pair of boots, had they but materials to toss them up with." J * Orme's Journal. t Orme's Journal. Journal of the Seamen's detachrnent. I Preface toWinthrop Sargent's introductory Memoir. There was great detention at the fort, caused by the want of forage and supplies, the road not having been finished from Philadelphia. Mr. Eichard Peters, the secretary of Governor Morris, was in camp, to attend to the matter. He had to bear the brunt of Braddock's com- plaints. The general declared he would not stir from "Wills' Creek until he had the govern- or's assurance that the road would be opened in time. Mr. Peters requested guards to pro- tect the men while at work, from attacks by the Indians. Braddock swore he would not furnish guards for the woodcutters, — "let Penn- sylvania do it ! " He scofied at the talk about danger from Indians. Peters endeavored to make him sensible of the peril which threat- ened him in this respect. Should an army of them, led by French officers, beset him in his march, he would not be able, with all his strength and military skill, to reach Fort Du- quesne without a body of rangers, as well on foot as horseback. The general, however, " despised his observations." * Still, guards had ultimately to be provided, or the work on the road would have been abandoned. Braddock, in fact, was completely chagrined and disappointed about the Indians. The Cherc kees and Catawbas, whom Dinwiddle had given him reason to expect in such numbers, nevei* arrived. George Croghan reached the camp with but about fifty warriors, whom he had brought from Aughquick. At the general's request he sent a messenger to invite the Delawares and Shaw- nees from the Ohio, who returned with two chiefs of the former tribe. Among the sa- chems thus assembled were some of "Washing- ton's former allies ; Scarooyadi, ahas Monaca- toocha, successor to the half-king; "White Thunder, the keeper of the speech-belts, and Silver Heels, so called, probably, from being swift of foot. Notwithstanding his secret contempt for the Indians, Braddock, agreeably to his instruc- tions, treated them with great ceremony. A grand council was held in his tent, where all his oflicers attended. The chiefs, and all the warriors, came painted and decorated for v,'ar. They were received with military honors, the guards resting on their fire-arms. The general made them a speech through his interpreter, expressing the grief of their father, the great king of England, at the death of the half-king. * Colonial Records, vi. 396. I 60 BRADDOCK'S OPINION OF CONTRACTORS AND INDIANS. [1765. and made them pi*esents to console them. They in return promised their aid as guides and scouts, and declared eternal enmity to the French, following the declaration with the war song, " making a terrible noise." The general, to regale and astonish them, ordered all the artillery to be fired, " the drums and fifes playing and beating the point of war ; " the fete ended by their feasting in their own camp, on a bullock which the general had given them, following up their repast by dancing the war dance round a fire, to the sound of their uncouth drums and rattles, " making night hideous," by howls and yellings. " I have engaged between forty and fifty In- dians from the frontiers of your province to go over the mountains with me," writes Brad- dock to Governor Morris, " and shall take Croghan and Montour into service." Croghan was, in eflfect, put in command of the Indians, and a warrant given to him of captain. For a time all went well. The Indians had their separate camp, where they passed half the night singing, dancing, and howling. The British were amused by their strange cere- monies, their savage antics, and savage decora- tions. The Indians, on the other hand, loitered by day about the English camp, fiercely painted and arrayed, gazing with silent admiration at the parade of the troops, their marchings and evolutions ; and delighted with the horse-races, with which the young ofiicers recreated them- selves. Unluckily the warriors had brought their fam- ilies with them to "Wills' Creek, and the women were even fonder than the men of loitering about the British camp. They were not desti- tute of attractions ; for the young squaws re- semble the gypsies, having seductive forms, small hands and feet, and soft voices. Among those who visited the camp was one who no doubt passed for an Indian princess. She was the daughter of the sachem. White Thunder, and bore the dazzling name of Bright Light- ning.* The charms of these wild-wood beau- ties were soon acknowledged. " The squaws," writes Secretary Peters, " bring in money plen- ty ; the officers are scandalously fond of them." t The jealousy of the warriors was aroused ; some of them became furious. To prevent dis- cord, the squaws were forbidden to come into the British camp. This did not prevent their being sought elsewhere. It Avas ultimately * Seamen's Journal. t Letter of Peters to Governor Morris. found necessary, for the sake of quiet, to send Bright Lightning, with all the other women and children, back to Aughquick. White Thunder, and several of the warriors, accompa- nied them for their protection. As to the three Delaware chiefs, they re- turned to the Ohio, promising the general they would collect their warriors together, and meet him on his march. They never kept their word. " These people are villains, and always side with the strongest," says a shrewd jour- nalist of the expedition. During the halt of the troops at Wills' Creek, Washington had been sent to Williamsburg to bring on four thousand pounds for the military chest. He returned, after a fortnight's absence, escorted from Winchester by eight men, " which eight men," writes he, " were two days assem- bling, but I believe would not have been more than as many seconds dispersing if I had been attacked." He found the general out of all patience and temper at the delays and disappointments in regard to horses, waggons, and forage, making no allowances for the difficulties incident to a new country, and to the novel and great de- mands upon its scanty arid scattered re- sources. He accused the army contractors of want of faith, honor, and honesty ; and in his moments of passion, which were many, extended the stigma to the whole country. This stung the patriotic sensibility of Washington, and over- came his usual self-command, and the proud, and passionate commander was occasionally surjirised by a well-merited rebuke from his aide-de-camp. " We have frequent disputes on this head," writes Washington, " which are maintained with warmth on both sides, espe- cially on his, as he is incapable of arguing without it, or of giving up any point he asserts, be it ever so incompatible with reason or com- mon sense." The same pertinacity was maintained with respect to the Indians. George Croghan in- formed Washington that the sachems consider- ed themselves treated with shght, in never being consulted in war matters. That he him- self had repeatedly offered the services of the warriors under his command as scouts and out- guards, but his offers had been rejected. Wash- ington ventured to interfere, and to urge their importance for such purposes, especially now when they were approaching the stronghold of the enemy. As usual, the general remained ^T. 23.] ARRIVAL OF CONVEYANCES— MARCH FROM FORT CUMBERLAND. 61 bigoted in his belief of the all-suflBciency of well-disciplined troops. Either from disgust thus caused, or from being actually dismissed, the warriors began to disappear from the camp. It is said that Col- onel Innes, who was to remain in command at Fort Cumberland, advised the dismissal of all but a few to serve as guides ; certain it is, be- fore Braddock recommenced his march, none remained to accompany him but Scarooyadi, and eight of his warriors.* Seeing the general's impatience at the non- arrival of conveyances, Washington again rep- resented to him the difficulties he would en- counter in attempting to traverse the moun- tains with such a train of wheel-carriages, as- suring him it would be the most arduous part of the campaign ; and recommended, from his own experience, the substitution, as much as possible, of packhorses. Braddock, however, had not been sufficiently harassed by frontier campaigning to depart from his European modes, or to be swayed in his military opera- tions by so green a counsellor. At length the general was relieved from present perplexities by the arrival of the horses and waggons which Franklin had undertaken to procure. That eminent man, with his char- acteristic promptness and unwearied exertions, and by his great personal popularity, had ob- tained them from the reluctant Pennsylvania farmers, being obliged to pledge his own re- sponsibility for their being fully remunerated. He performed this laborious task out of pure zeal for the public service, neither expecting nor receiving emolument ; and, in fact, expe- riencing subsequently great delay and embar- rassment before he was relieved from the pe- cuniary responsibilities thus patriotically in- curred. The arrival of the conveyances put Braddock in good humor with Pennsylvania. In a letter to Governor Morris, he alludes to the threat of Sir John St. Clair to go through that prov- ince with a drawn sword in his hand. " He is ashamed of his having talked to you in the manner he did." StiU the general made Frank- * Braddock's own secretar}', "William Shirley, was dis- aflfected to him. Writing about him to Governor Morris, he satirically observes : " We have a general most judi- ciously chosen for being disqualified for the service he is employed in, in almost every respect." And of the second- ary officers, " As to them, I don't think we have much to boast. Some are insolent and Ignorant ; others capable, but rather aiming at showing their own abilities than making a proper use of them."— Colonial Records, vi. 405. Mn's contract for waggons the sole instance in which he had not experienced deceit and vil- lany. " I hope, however, in spite of aU this," adds he, " that we shall pass a merry Christ- mas together." CHAPTER XVI. ^' On the 10th of June, Braddock set off from Fort Cumberland with his aides-de-camp, and others of his staff, and his body guard of light horse. Sir Peter Halket, with his brigade, had marched six days previously ; and a detach- ment of three hundred men, under the com- mand of Colonel Chapman, and the supervision of Sir John St. Clair, had been employed up- wards of ten days in cutting down trees, re- moving rocks, and opening a road. The march over the mountains proved, as "Washington had foretold, a "tremendous under- taking." It was with difficulty the heavily laden waggons could be dragged up the steep and rugged roads, newly made, or imperfectly re- paired. Often they extended for three or four miles in a straggling and broken line, with the soldiers so dispersed, in guarding them, that an attack on any side would have thrown the whole in confusion. It was the dreary region of the great Savage Mountain, and the " Shades of Death " that was again made to echo with the din of arms. "What outraged Washington's notions of the abstemious frugality suitable to campaigning in the " backwoods," was the great number of horses and waggons required by the officers for the transportation of their baggage, camp equi- page, and a thousand articles of artificial neces- sity. Simple himself in his tastes and habits, and manfully indifferent to personal indulgences, he almost doubted whether such sybarites in the camp could be efficient in the field. By the time the advanced corps had strug- gled over two mountains, and through the in- tervening forest, and reached (16th June) the Little Meadows, where Sir John St. Clair had made a temporary camp. General Braddock had become aware of the difference between campaigning in a new country, or on the old well beaten battle-grounds of Europe. He now, of his own accord, turned to Washington for advice, though it must have been a sore trial to his pride to seek it of so young a man ; but he had by this time sufficient proof of his sagacity, and his knowledge of the frontier. 62 CAMP AT LITTLE MEADOWS— CAPTAIN JACK AND HIS BAND, [1755. Thus unexpectedly called on, "Washington gave his couneel with becoming modesty, but with his accustomed clearness. There was just now an opportunity to strike an effective blow at Fort Duquesne, but it might be lost by de- lay. The garrison, according to credible re- ports, was weak ; large reinforcements and sup- plies, which were on their way, would be de- tained by the drought, which rendered the river by which they must come low and un- navigable. The blow must be struck before they could arrive. He advised the general, therefore, to divide his forces : leave one part to come on with the stores and baggage, and all the cumbrous appurtenances of an army, and to throw himself in the advance with the other part, composed of his choicest troops, lightened of every thing superfluous that might impede a rapid march. His advice was adopted. Twelve hundred men, selected out of all the companies, and furnished with ten field-pieces, were to form the first division, their provisions, and other necessaries, to be carried on packhorses. The second division, with all the stores, munitions, and heavy baggage, was to be brought on by Colonel Dunbar. The least practicable part of the arrange- ment was with regard to the oflScers of the ad- vance. Washington liad urged a retrenclnnent of their baggage and camp equipage, that as many of tlieir horses as possible might be used as packhorses. Here was the difficulty. Brought up, many of them, in fashionable and luxurious life, or the loitering indulgence of country quarters, they were so encumbered with what they considered indispensable ne- cessaries, that out of two hundred and twelve horses generally appropriated to their use, not more than a dozen could be spared by them for the public service. Washington, in his own case, acted up to the advice he had given. He retained no more clothing and effects with him than would about half fill a portmanteau, and gave up his best steed as a packhorse, — which he never heard of afterwards.* During the halt at the Little Meadows, Cap- tain Jack and his band of forest rangers, whom Croghan had engaged at Governor Morris's suggestion, made their appearance in the camp ; armed and equipped with rifle, knife, hunting- shirts, leggings and moccasins, and looking almost like a band of Indians as they issued from the woods. * Letter to J. Augustine Washington. Sparks, ii. 81. The captain asked an interview with the general, by whom, it would seem, he was not expected. Braddock received him in his tent, in his usual stiff' and stately manner. The " Black Eifle " spoke of himself and his fol- lowers as men inured to hardships, and accus- tomed to deal with Indians, who preferred stealth and stratagem to open warfare. He requested his company should be employed as a reconnoitring part to beat up the Indians in their lurking-places and ambuscades. Braddock, who had a sovereign contempt for the chivalry of the woods, and despised their boasted strategy, replied to the hero of the Pennsylvania settlements in a manner to which he had not been accustomed. " There Avas time enough," he said, " for making arrange- ments ; and he had experienced troops, on whom he could completely rely for all purposes." Captain Jack withdrew, indignant at so haughty a reception, and informed his leathern- clad followers of his rebuff. They forthwith shouldered their rifles, turned their backs upon the camp, and, headed by the captain, departed in Indian file through the woods, for the usual scenes of their exploits, where men knew their value, the banks of the Juniata or the Conoco- cheague.* On tlie 19th of June Braddock's first divi- sion set out with less than thirty carriages, in- cluding those that transported ammunition for the artillery, all strongly horsed. The Indians marched with the advanced party. In the coarse of the day Scarooyadi and his son being at a small distance from the line of march, was surrounded and taken by some French and In- dians. His son escaped, and brought intelli- gence to his warriors ; they hastened to rescue or revenge him, but found him tied to a tree. The French had been disposed to shoot him, but their savage allies declared they Avould abandon them should they do so ; having some tie of friendship or kindred with the chieftain, who thus rejoined the troops unharmed. AVashington was disappointed in his antici- pations of a rapid march. The general, though he had adopted his advice in the main, could not carry it out in detail. His mihtary educa- tion was in the way ; bigoted to the regular and elaborate tactics of Europe, he could not * On the Conococheaguc and Juniata is left the history of their exploits. At one time you may hear of the hand near Fort Augusta, next at Fort Franklin, then at Loudon, then at Juniata, — rapid were the movements of this hardy hand.— Hazard's Reg. Petin., iv. 390 ; also v. 194. i I Ml. 23.] ILLNESS OF WASHmGTON— MARCH OF BRADDOCK. 63 -toop to the make-shift expedients of a new *Ty where every difficulty is encountered lastered in a rough-and-ready style. " I XV., 1," said Washington, "that instead of pushing on with vigor, without regarding a little rough road, they were halting to level every mole hill, and to erect bridges over every brook, by which means we were four days in getting twelve miles." For several days "Washington had suffered from fever, accompanied by intense headache, and his illness increased in violence to such a degree that he was unable to ride, and had to be conveyed for a part of the time in a covered waggon. His illness continued without inter- mission until the 23d, " when I was relieved," says he, " by the general's absolutely ordering the physician to give me Dr. James's powders ; one of the most excellent medicines in the world. It gave me immediate relief, and re- moved my fever and other complaints in four days time." He was still unable to bear the jolting of the waggon, but it needed another interposition of the kindly-intended authority of General Brad- dock, to bring him to a halt at the great cross- ings of the Youghiogeny. There the general assigned him a guard, provided him with ne- cessaries, and requested him to remain, under care of his i)liysician Dr. Craik, until the arrival of Colonel Dunbar's detachment, which was two days' march in the rear ; giving him his word of honor that he should, at all events, be enabled to rejoin the main division before it reached the French fort.* This kind solicitude on the part of Braddock, shows the real estimation in which he was held by that officer. Doctor Craik backed the gen- eral's orders, by declaring that should Wash- ington persevere in his attempts to go on in the condition he then was, his life would be in danger. Orme also joined his entreaties, and promised if he would remain, he would keep him informed by letter of every occurrence of moment. Notwithstanding all the kind assurances of Braddock and his aide-de-camp Orme, it was with gloomy feelings that Washington saw the troops depart ; fearful he might not be able to rejoin them in time for the attack upon the fort, which he assured his brother aide-de- camp, he would not miss for five hundred pounds. * Letter to John Augustine "Washington. Sparks, ii. 80. Leaving Washington at the Youghiogeny, we will follow the march of Braddock. In the course of the first day, (June 24th) he came to a deserted Indian camp ; judging from the number of wigwams, there must have been about one hundred and seventy warrious. Some of the trees about it had been stripped, and painted with threats, and bravadoes, and scur- rilous taunts written on them in the French language, showing that there were white men with the savages. The next morning, at daybreak, three men venturing beyond the sentinels were shot and scalped ; parties were immediately sent out to scour the woods, and drive in the stray horses. The day's march passed by the Great Mead- ows and Fo»t Necessity, the scene of Wash- ington's capitulation. Several Indians were seen hovering in the woods, and the light horse and Indian allies were sent out to surround them, but did not succeed. In crossing a mountain beyond the Great Meadows, the car-» riages had to be lowered with the assistance of the sailors, by means of tackle. The camp for the night was about two miles beyond Fort Necessity. Several French and Indians endea- vored to reconnoitre it, but were fired upon by the advanced sentinels. The following day (26th) there was a labori- ous march of but four miles, owing to the diffi- culties of the road. The evening lialt was at another deserted Indian camp strongly posted on a high rock, with a steep and narrow ascent ; it had a spring in the middle, and stood at the termination of the Indian path to the Monon- gahela. By this pass the party had come which attacked Washington the year before, in the Great Meadows. The Indians and French too, who were hovering about the army, had just left this camp. The fires they had left were yet burning. The French had inscribed their names on some of the trees with insulting bra- vadoes, and the Indians had designated in tri- umph the scalps they had taken two days pre- viously. A party was sent out with guides, to foUow their tracks and fall on them in the night, but again without success. In fact, it was the Indian boast, that throughout this march of Braddock, they saw him every day from the mountains, and expected to be able to shoot down his soldiers " like pigeons." The march continued to be toilful and diffi- cult ; on one day it did not exceed two miles, having to cut a passage* over a mountain. In cleaning their guns the men were ordered to 64 INDIAN MURDERS— FUNERAL OF AN INDIAN WARRIOR. [1Y55. draw the charge, instead of firing it ofl". No fire was to be lighted in front of the pickets. At night the men were to talie their arms into the tents with them. Further on the precautions became still greater, • On the advanced pickets the men were in two divisions, relieving each other every two hours. Half remained on guard with fixed bayonets, the other half lay down by their arms. The picket sentinels were doubled. On the 4th of July they encamped at Thick- etty Eun. The country was less mountain- ous and rocky, and the woods, consisting chiefly of white pine, were more open. The general now supposed himself to be within thirty miles of Fort Duquesne, Ever since the halt at the deserted camp on the rock beyond the Great Meadows, he had endeavored to prevail upon the Croghan Indians to scout in the direction of the fort, and bring him intelligence, but •never could succeed. They had probably been deterred by the number of French and Indian tracks, and by the recent capture of Scarooyadi, This day, however, two consented to recon- noitre ; and shortly after their departure, Chris- topher Gist, the resolute pioneer, who acted as guide to the general, likewise set off as a scout. The Indians returned on the 6th. They had been close to Fort Duquesne. There were no additional works there ; they saw a few boats under the fort, and one with a white flag com- ing down the Ohio ; but there were few men to be seen and few tracks of any. They came upon an unfortunate oflficer shooting within half a mile of the fort, and brought a scalp as a trophy of his fate. None of the passes be- tween the camp and fort were occupied ; they beheved there were few men abroad reconnoi- tring. Gist returned soon after. His account cor- roborated theirs ; but he had seen a smoke in a valley between the camp and the fort, made probably by some scouting party. He had in- tended to prowl about the fort at night, but had been discovered and pursued by two Indians, and narrowly escaped with his life. On the same day, during the march, three or four men loitering in the rear of the grenadiers were killed and scalped. Several of the gren- adiers set off to take revenge. They came upon a party of Indians, who held up boughs and grounded their arms, the concerted sign of amity. Not perceiving or understanding it, the grenadiers fired upon them and one fell. It proved to be the son of Scarooyadi, Aware too late of their error, the grenadiers brought the body to the camp. The conduct of Brad- dock was admirable on the occasion. He sent for the father and the other Indians, and con- doled with them on the lamentable occurrence ; making them the customary presents of expia- tion. But what was more to the point, he caused the youth to be buried with the honors of war ; at his request the officers attended the funeral, and a voUey was fired over the grave. These soldierlike tributes of respect to the deceased, and sympathy with the survivors, soothed the feelings and gratified the pride of the father, and attached him more firmly to the service. We are glad to record an anec- dote so contrary to the general contempt for the Indians with which Braddock stands charged. It speaks weU for the real kindness of his heart. We wiU return now to Washington in his sick encampment on the banks of the Youghio- geny, where he was left repining at the depar- ture of the troops without him. To add to his annoyances, his servant, John Alton, a faithful Welshman, was taken ill with the same malady, and unable to render him any services. Letters from his fellow aides-de-camp showed him the kind solicitude that was felt concerning him. At the general's desire. Captain Morris wrote to him, informing him of their intended halts. " It is the desire of every individual in the family," adds he, " and the general's positive commands to you, not to stir, but by the ad- vice of the person [Dr. Craik] under whose care you are, till you are better, which we aU ' hope will be very soon," ' Orme, too, according to promise, kept him informed of the incidents of the march ; the frequent night alarms, and occasional scalping ' parties. The night alarms Washington con- sidered mere feints, designed to harass the men ' and retard the march ; the enemy, he was sure, ' had not sufficient force for a serious attack ; and ^ he was glad to learn from Orme that the men were in high spirits and confident of success. He now considered himself sufficiently re- covered to rejoin the troops, and his only anx- iety was that he should not be able to do it in ' time for the great blow. He was rejoiced, therefore, on the 3d of July, by the arrival of j an advanced party of one hundred men con- voying provisions. Being still too weak to ^T. 23.] "WASHINGTON'S ARKIVAL AT THE CAMP— CROSSING THE FORDS. 65 mount his borse, he set off with the escort in a covered waggon ; and after a most fatiguing journey, over mountain and through forest, reached Braddock's camp on the 8th of July. It was on the east side of the Monongahela, about two miles from the river, in the neighbor- hood of the town of Queen Aliquippa, and about fifteen miles from Fort Duquesne. In consequence of adhering to technical rules and military forms, General Braddock had con- sumed a month in marching little more than a hundred miles. The tardiness of his progress was regarded with surprise and impatience even in Europe ; where his patron, the Duke of Brunswick, was watching the events of the campaign he had planned. " The Duke," writes Horace "Walpole, " is much dissatisfied at the slowness of General Braddock, who does not march as if he was at all impatient to he scalped.'''' The insinuation of the satirical wit was unmerited. Braddock was a stranger to fear ; but in his movements he was fettered by system, "Washington was warmly received on his ar- rival, especially by his fellow aides-de-camp, Morris and Orme. He was just in time, for the attack upon Fort Duquesne was to be made on the following day. The neighboring coun- try had been reconnoitred, to determine upon a plan of attack. The fort stood on the same side of the Monongahela with the camp ; but there was a narrow pass between them of about two miles, with the river on the left and a very high mountain on the right, and in its present state quite impassable for carriages. The route determined on was to cross the Mo- nongahela by a ford immediately opposite to the camp; proceed along the west bank of the river, for about five miles, then recross by another ford to the eastern side, and push on to the fort. The river at these fords was shallow, and the banks were not steep. According to the plan of arrangement, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Gage, with the advance, was to cross the river before daybreak, march to the second ford, and recrossing there, take post to secure the passage of the main force. The ad- vance was to be composed of two companies of grenadiers, one hundred and sixty infantry, the independent company of Captain Horatio Gates, and two six-pounders. "Washington, who had already seen enough of regular troops to doubt their infallibility in wild bush-fighting, and who knew the danger- ous nature of the ground they were to traverse, 5 ventured to suggest, that on the following day the Virginia rangers, being accustomed to the country and to Indian warfare, might be thrown in the adA^ance. The proposition drew an angry reply from the general, indignant, very probably, that a young ^^rovincial ofBcer should presume to school a veteran like himself. Early next morning (July 9th), before day- light. Colonel Gage crossed with the advance. He was followed, at some distance, by Sir John St. Clair, quartermaster-general, with a work- ing party of two hundred and fifty men, to make roads for the artillery and baggage. They had with them their waggons of tools and two six-pounders. A party of about thirty savages rushed out of the woods as Colonel Gage advanced, but were put to flight before they had done any harm. By sunrise the main body turned out in full uniform. At the beating of the general, their arms, which had been cleaned the night before, were charged with fresh cartridges. The offi- cers were perfectly equipped. All looked as if arrayed for a fete, rather than a battle. "Wash- ington, who was still weak and unwell, mount- ed his horse, and joined the staff of the general, who was scutinizing every thing with the eye of a martinet. As it was supposed the enemy would be on the watch for the crossing of the troops, it had been agreed that they should do ' it in the greatest order, with bayonets fixed, colors flying, and drums and fifes beating and playing.* They accordingly made a gallant ap- pearance as they forded the Monongahela, and wound along its banks, and through the open forests, gleaming and glittering in morning sun- shine, and stepping buoyantly to the Grena- dier's March. "Washington, with his keen and youthful relish for military affairs, was delighted with their perfect order and equipment, so different from the rough bush-fighters, to which he had been accustomed. Eoused to new life, he for- got his recent ailments, and broke forth in ex- pressions of enjoyment and admiration, as he rode in company with his fellow aides-de-camp, Oi'me and Morris. Often, in after life, he used to speak of the effect upon him of the first sight of a well-disciplined European army, marching in high confidence and bright array, on the eve of a battle. About noon they reached the second ford. Gage, with the advance, was*on the opposite ■ Orme's Journal. 66 THE BATTLE— BUSH-FIGHTING. [1755, side of the Monongahela, posted according to orders ; but the river bank had not been suffi- ciently sloped. The artillery and baggage drew up along the beach and halted until one, when the second crossing took place, drums beating, fifes playing, and colors flying, as before. When all had passed, there Avas again a halt close by a small stream called Frazier's Eun, until the general arranged the order of march. First went the advance, under Gage, preceded by the engineers and guides, and six light horse- men. Then, Sir John St. Clair and the working party, with their waggons and the two six- pounders. On each side were thrown out four flanking parties. Then, at some distance, the general was to follow with the main body, the artillery and baggage preceded and flanked by light horse and squads of infantry ; while the Virginian, and other provincial troops, were to form the rear guard. The ground before them was level until about half a mile from the river, where a ris- ing ground covered with long grass, low bushes, and scattered trees, sloped gently up to a range of hills. The whole country, generally speak- ing, was a forest, with no clear opening but the road, which was about twelve feet wide, and flanked by two ravines, concealed by trees and thickets. Had Braddock been schooled in the warfare of the woods, or had he adopted the sugges- tions of "Washington, which he rejected so im- patieiitlj^, he would have thrown out Indian scouts or Virginia rangers in the advance, and on the flanks, to beat up the woods and ra- vines ; but, as has been sarcastically observed, he suffered his troops to march forward through the centre of the plain, with merely their usual guides and flanking parties, " as if in a review in St. James's Park." It was now near two o'clock. The advanced l)arty and the working party had crossed the plain, and were ascending the rising ground. Braddock was about to follow with the main body, and had given the word to march, when he heard an excessively quick and heavy firing in front! "Washington, who was with the gen- eral, surmised that the evil he had apprehended had come to pass. For want of scouting parties ahead the advance parties were suddenly and warmly attacked. Braddock ordered Lieuten- ant-Oolonei Burton to hasten to their assistance with the vanguard of the main body, eight hundred strong. The residue, four hundred, were halted, and posted to protect the artillery and baggage. The firing continued, with fearful yelling. There was a terrible uproar. By the general's orders, an aide-de-camp spurred forward to bring him an account of the nature of the at- tack, "Without waiting for his return the gen- eral himself, finding the tuiTQoil increase, moved forward, leaving Sir Peter Halket with the command of the baggage.* The van of the advance had indeed been taken by surprise. It was composed of two companies of carpenters or pioneers to cut the road, and two flank companies of grenadiers to protect them. Suddenly the engineer who preceded them to mark out the road gave the alarm, " French and Indians ! " A body of them was approaching rapidly, cheered on by a Frenchman in gaily fringed hunting-shirt, whose gorget showed him to be an oflicer. There was sharp firing on both sides at first. Several of the enemy fell ; among them their leader ; but a murderous fire broke out from among trees and a ravine on the right, and the woods resounded with unearthly whoops and yeUings. The Indian rifle was at work, lev- elled by unseen hands. Most of the grenadiers and many of the pioneers were shot down. The survivors were driven in on the ad- vance. Gage ordered his men to fix bayonets and foriii in order of battle. They did so in hurry and trepidation. He would have scaled a hill on the right vrhence there was the severest firing. Not a platoon would quit the line of march. They were more dismayed by the yells than by the rifles of the unseen savages. The latter extended themselves along the hill and in the ravines ; but their whereabouts was only known by their demoniac cries and the puflPs of smoke from their rifles. The soldiers fired wherever they saw the smoke. Their oflicers tried in vain to restrain them imtil they should see their foe. All orders were unheeded; in their fright they shot at random, killing some of their own flanking parties, and of the van- guard, as they came running in. The covert fire grew more intense. In a short time most of the officers and many of the men of the ad- vance were killed or wounded. Colonel Gage himself received a wound. The advance fell back in dismay upon Sir John St. Clair's corps, * Orme's JournaL ^T. 23.] WASHINGTON IN ACTION. 67 which was equally dismayed. The cannon be- longing to it were deserted. Colonel Burton had come up with the rein- forcement, and was forming his men to face the rising ground on the right, when both of the advanced detachments fell back upon him, and all now was confusion. By this time the general was upon the ground. He tried to rally the men. "They would fight," they said, "if they could see their enemy ; but it was useless to fire at trees and bushes, and they could not stand to be shot down by an imnsible foe." The colors were advanced in diflferent places to separate the men of the two regiments. The general ordered the officers to form the men, tell them off into small divisions, and advance with them ; but the soldiers could not be pre- vailed upon either by threats or entreaties. The A^irginia troops, accustomed to the Indian mode of fighting, scattered themselves, and took post behind trees, whence they could pick oft" the lurking foe. In this way they, in some degree, protected the regiilars. "Washington advised General Braddock to adopt the same plan with the regulars ; but he persisted in forming them into platoons ; consequently they were cut down from behind logs and trees as fast as they could advance. Several attempted to take to the trees, without orders, but the general stormed at them, called them cowards, and even struck them with the flat of his sword. Several of the Virginians who had taken post and were doing good service in this manner, were slain by the fire of the regulars, directed wherever a smoke appeared among the trees. The officers behaved with consummate brav- ery; and "Washington beheld with admiration those who, in camp or on the march, had ap- peared to him to have an almost effeminate re- gard for personal ease and convenience, now exposing themselves to imminent death, with a courage that kindled with the thickening hor- rors. In the vain hope of inspiriting the men to drive off the enemy from the flanks and regain the cannon, they would dash forward singly or in groups. They were invariably shot down ; for the Indians aimed from their coverts at every one on horseback, or who appeared to have command. Some were killed by random shot of their own men, who, crowded in masses, fired with affrighted rapidity, but without aim. Soldiers in the front ranks were kiUed by those in the rear. Between friend and foe, the slaughter of the officers was terrible. All this while the woods resounded with the unearthly yellings of the savages, and now and then one of them, hideously painted, and ruffling with feathered crest, would rush forth to scalp an officer who had fallen, or seize a horse galloping wildly without a rider. Throughout this disastrous day, "Washington distingrdshed himself by his courage and pres- ence of mind. His brother aids, Orme and Morris, were wounded and disabled early in the action, and the whole duty of carrying the or- ders of the general devolved on him. I^s dan- ger was imminent and incessant. He was in every part of the field, a conspicuous mark for the murderous rifle. Two horses were shot un- der him. Four bullets passed through his coat. His escape without a wound was almost miracu- lous. Dr. Craik, who was on the field attending to the wounded, watched him with anxiety as he rode about in the most exposed manner, and used to say that he expected every moment to see him fall. At one time he was sent to the main body to bring the artillery into action. All there was likewise in confusion; for the Indians had extended themselves along the ra- vine so as to flank the reserve and carry slaugh- ter into the ranks. Sir Peter Halket had been shot down at the head of his regiment. The men who should have served the guns were paralyzed. Had they raked the ravines with grapeshot the day might have been saved. In his ardor "Washington sprang from his horse ; wheeled and i)ointed a brass field-piece with his own hand, and directed an effective discharge into the woods ; but neither his efforts nor ex- ample were of avail. The men could not be kept to the guns. Braddock still remained in the centre of the field, in the desperate hope of retrieving the fortunes of the day. The "Virginia rangers, who had been most efficient in covering his po- sition, were nearly all -killed or wounded. His secretary, Shirley, had fallen by his side. Many of his officers had been slain within his sight, and many of his guard of Virginia light horse. Five horses had been killed under him ; stiU he ' kept his ground, vainly endeavoring to check the flight of his men, or at least to effect their retreat in good order. At length a bullet passed through his right arm, and lodged itself in his lungs. He fell from his horse, but was caught by Captain Stewart of the Virginia guards, who, with the assistance of another American, 68 THE RETREAT— DEATH OF BRADDOCK. [1755. and a servant, placed liim in a tnnibril. It was with much diiBculty they got him out of the field — in his despair he desired to be left there.* The rout now became complete. Baggage, stores, artillery, every thing was abandoned. The waggoners took each a horse out of his team, and fled. The oflacers were swept off with the men in this headlong flight. It was rendered more precipitate by the shouts and yells of the savages, numbers of whom rushed forth from their coverts, and pursued the fugi- tives to the river side, killing several as they dashed across in tumultuous confusion. For- tunately for the latter, the victors gave up the pursuit in their eagerness to collect the spoil. The shattered army continued its flight after it had crossed the Monongahela, a wretched wreck of the brilliant little force that had re- cently gleamed along its banks, confident of victory. Out of eighty-six ofiicers, twenty-six had been killed, and thirty-six wounded. The number of rank and file killed and wounded was upwards of seven hundred. The Virginia corps had suffered the most ; one company had been almost annihilated, another, besides those killed and wounded in the ranks, had lost all its ofliicers, even to the corporal. About a hundred men were brought to a halt about a quarter of a mile from the ford of the river. Here was Braddock, with his wounded aides-de-camp and some of his oflBcers ; Dr. Craik dressing his wounds, and Washington at- tending him with faithful assiduity. Braddock was stiU able to give orders, and had a faint hope of being able to keep possession of the ground until reinforced. Most of the men were stationed in a very advantageous spot about two hundred yards from the road ; and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Burton posted out small parties and sentinels. Before an hour had elapsed, most of the men had stolen off. Being thus deserted, Braddock and his officers continued their retreat ; he would have mounted his horse but was unable, and had to be carried by soldiers. Orme and Morris were placed on lit- ters borne by horses. They were subsequently joined by Colonel Gage with eighty men whom he had rallied. Washington, in the mean time, notwithstand- ing his weak state, being found most efficient in frontier service, was sent to Colonel Dunbar's camp, forty miles distant, with orders for him to hurry forward provisions, hospital stores, and * Journal of the Seamen's detachment. waggons for the wounded, under the escort of two grenadier companies. It was a hard and a melancholy ride throughout the night and the foUowing day. The tidings of the defeat pre- ceded him, borne by the waggoners, who had mounted their horses, on Braddock's fall, and fled from the field of battle. They had arrived, haggard, at Dunbar's camp at mid-day ; the In- dian yell stiU ringing in their ears. " AH was lost ! " they cried. " Braddock was killed ! They had seen wounded officers borne off from the field in bloody sheets ! The troops were all cut to pieces ! " A panic fell upon the camp. The drums beat to arms. Many of the soldiers, waggoners, and attendants, took to flight ; but most of them were forced back by the sentinels. Washington arrived at the camp in the even- ing, and found the agitation still prevailing. The orders which he brought were executed during the night, and he was in the saddle early in the morning accompanying the convoy of supplies. At Gist's plantation, about thirteen miles off, he met Gage and his scanty force es- corting Braddock and his wounded officers. Captain Stewart and a sad remnant of the Vir- ginia light horse stiU accompanied the general as his guard. The captain had been unremitting in his attentions to him during the retreat. There was a halt of one day at Dunbar's camp for the repose and relief of the wounded. On the ISth they resumed their melancholy march, and that night reached the Great Meadows. The proud spirit of Braddock was broken by his defeat. He remained silent the first even- ing after the battle, only ejaculating at night, " Who would have thought it ! " He was equally silent the following day ; yet hope still seemed to linger in his breast, from another ejaculation : " We shall better know how to deal with them another time ! " * He was grateful for the attentions paid to him by Captain Stewart and Washington, and more than once, it is said, expressed his admiration of the gallantry displayed by the Virginians in the action. It is said, moreover, that in his last moments, he apologized to Washington for the petulance with which he had rejected his advice, and bequeathed to him his favorite * Captain Orme, who gave these particulars to Dr. Franklin, says that Braddock " died a few m.inutes after." This, according to his account, was on the second day; whereas tlio general survived upwards of four days. Orme, being conveyed on a litter at some distance from the general, could only speak of his moods from hearsay. ^T. 23.] LETTERS OF WASHINGTON TO HIS FAMILY. 69 cliarger and his faithful servant, Bishop, who had helped to convey him from the field. Some of these facts, it is true, rest on tradi- tion, yet we are willing to believe them, as they impart a gleam of just and generous feeling to his closing scene. He died on the night of the 13th, at the Great Meadows, the place of "Wash- ington's discomfiture in tlie previous year. His obsequies were performed before break of day. The chaplain having been wounded, Washington read the funeral service. All was done in sad- ness, and without parade, so as not to attract the attention of lurking savages, who might discover and outrage his grave. It is doubtful even whether a volley was fired over it, that last military honor which he had recently paid to the remains of an Indian warrior. The place of his sepulture, however, is still known, and pointed out. Reproach spared him not, even when in his grave. The failure of the expedition was at- tributed both in England and America to his obstinacy, his technical pedantry, and his mili- tary conceit. He had been continually warned to be on his guard against ambush and surprise, but without avail. Had he taken the advice urged on him by Washington and others to em- ploy scouting parties of Indians and rangers, he would never have been so signally surprised and defeated. StiU his dauntless conduct on the field of bat- tle shows him to have been a man of fearless spirit ; and he was universally allowed to be an accomplished disciplinarian. His melancholy end, too, disarms censure of its asperity. Whatever may have been his faults and errors, he, in a manner, expiated them by the hardest lot that can befall a brave soldier, ambitious of renown — an nnhonored grave in a strange land ; a memory clouded by misfortune, and a name forever coupled with defeat. »• FOTE. In narrating the expedition of Braddock, we have frequently cited the journals of Captain Oi-me and of the "Seamen's Detachment;" they were procured in England by the Hon. Joseph E. Ingersoll, while Minis- ter at the Court of St. James, and recently published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania: ably edited, and illustrated with an admirable Introductory Me- moir by Winthrop Sargent, Esq., member of that Society. CHAPTER XVII. The obsequies of the unfortunate Braddock being finished, the escort continued its retreat with the sick and wounded. Washington, as- sisted by Dr. Craik, watched with assiduity over his comrades Orme and Morris. As the horses which bore their litters were nearly knocked up, he despatched messengers to the commander of Fort Cumberland, requesting that others might be sent on, and that comfort- able quarters might be prepared for the recep- tion of those officers. On the 17th, the sad cavalcade reached the fort, and were relieved from the incessant ap- prehension of pursuit. Here, too, flying re- ports had preceded them, brought by fugitives from the battle ; who, with the disposition usual in such cases to exaggerate, had repre- sented the whole army as massacred. Fearing these reports might reach home, and affect his family, Washington wrote to his mother, and his brother, John Augustine, apprising them of his safety. " The Virginia troops," says he, in a letter to his mother, " showed a good deal of bravery, and were nearly all killed. * * * The dastardly behavior of those they called regulars, exposed all others that were ordered to do their duty, to almost certain death ; and, at last, in despite of all the eflforts of the officers to the contrary, they ran, as sheep pursued by dogs, and it was impossible to rally them." To his brother, he writes : " As I have heard, since my arrival at this place, a circumstantial account of my death and dying speech, I take this early opportunity of contradicting the first, and of assuring you that I have not composed the latter. But, by the aU-powerful dispensa- tions of Providence, I have been protected be- yond all human probability, or expectation ; for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, though death was levelling my companions on every side of me I " We have been most scandalously beaten by a trifling body of men, but fatigue and want of time prevent me from giving you any of the details, until I have the happiness of seeing you ■ at Mount Vernon, which I now most earnestly wish for, since we are driven in thus far. A feeble state of health obliges me to halt here for two or three days to recover a little strength, that I may thereby be enabled to proceed homeward with more ease," 70 TRIUMPH OF THE FRENCH— COSTS OF CAMPAIGXIXG. [lY5o. Dunbar arrived shortly afterward with the remainder of the army. No one seems to have shared more largely in the panic of the vulgar than that oflBcer. From the moment he receiv- ed tidings of the defeat, his camp became a scene of confusion. All the ammunition, stores, and artillery were destroyed, to prevent, it was said, their faUiug into the hands of the enemy ; but, as it was afterwards alleged, to relieve the terror-stricken commander from all incum- brances, and furnish him with more horses in his flight towards the settlements. At Cumberland his forces amoimted to fifteen hundred etFective men ; enough for a brave stand to protect the frontier, and recover some of the lost honor; but he merely paused to leave the sick and wounded under care of two Virginia and Maryland companies, and some of the train, and then continued his hasty march, or rather flight, through the country, not think- ing himself safe, as was sneeringly intimated, until he arrived in Philadelphia, where the in- habitants could protect him. The true reason why the enemy did not pur- sue the retreating army was not known until some time afterwards, and added to the disgrace of the defeat. They were not the main force of the French, but a mere detachment of 72 regulars, 146 Canadians, and C37 Indians, 855 in all, led by Captain de Beaujeu. De Contre- cceur, the commander of Fort Duquesne, had received information, through his scouts, that the English, three thousand strong, were within six leagues of his fort. Despairing of making an effectual defence against such a superior force, he was balancing in his mind whether to abandon his fort without waiting their arrival, or to capitulate on honorable terms. In this dilemma Beaujeu prevailed on him to let him sally forth with a detachment to form an am- bush, and give check to the enemy, De Beau- jeu was to have taken post at the river, and disputed the passage at the ford. For that pur- pose he was hurrying forward when discovered by the pioneers of Gage's advance party. lie was a gallant officer, and fell at the beginning of the fight. . The whole number of killed and wounded of French and Indians, did not exceed seventy. Such was the scanty force Avhich the imagina- tion of the panic-stricken army had magnified into a great host, and from wliich they had fled in breathless terror, abandoning the whole fron- tier. No one could be more surprised than the French commander himself, when the ambus- cading party returned in triumph with a long train of packhorses laden with booty, the sav- ages uncouthly clad in the garments of the slain, grenadier caps, officers' gold-laced coats, and glittering epaulettes ; flourishing swords and sabres, or firing oft' muskets, and uttering fiendlike yells of victory. But when De Con- trecosur was informed of the utter rout and de- struction of the much-dreaded British army, his joy was complete. He ordered the guns of the fort to be fired in triumph, and sent out troops in pursuit of the fugitives. The afiair of Braddock remains a memorable event in American history, and has been char- acterized as " the most extraordinary victory ever obtained, and the farthest flight ever made." It struck a fatal bloAv to the deference for British prowess, which once amounted al- most to bigotry, throughout the provinces. " This whole transaction," observes Franklin, in his autobiography, " gave us the first suspi- cion that our exalted ideas of the prowess of British regular troops had not been well found- ed." CHAPTER XVIII. Washington arrived at Mount Vernon on the 26lh of July, still in feeble condition from his long illness. His campaigning, thus far, had trenched upon his private fortune, and impaired one of the best of constitutions. In a letter to his brother Augustine, then a ' member of Assembly at "Williamsburg, he casts up the result of his frontier experience. " I was employed," writes he, " to go a journey in the winter, when I believe few or none would ( have undertaken it, and what did I get by it ? * — my expenses borne ! I was then appointed, * with trifling pay, to conduct a handful of men to the Ohio. What did I get by that ? Why, after putting myself to a considerable expense in equipping and providing necessaries for the campaign, I went out, Avas soundly beaten, and lost all! Came in, and had my commission taken from me ; or, in other words, my com- mand reduced, under pretence of an order from liome (England). I then went out a volunteer with General Braddock, and lost all my horses, and many other things. But this being a vol- untary act, I ought not to have mentioned it ; nor should I have done it, were it not to show that I have been on the losing order ever since JEt. 23.] MEASURES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY— WASUINGTON TO HIS MOTHER. 1 I entered the service, which is now nearly two years." "What a striking lesson is furnished by this brief summary ! How little was he aware of the vast advantages he was acquiring in this school of bitter experience ! " In the hand of heaven he stood," to be shaped and trained for its great purpose ; and every trial and vicissitude of his early life, but fitted him to cope with one or other of the varied and multifarious duties of his future destiny. But though, under the saddening influence of debility and defeat, he might count the cost of his campaigning, the martial spirit still burned within him. His connection with the army, it is true, had ceased at the death of Braddock, but his military duties continued as adjutant- general of the northern division of the province, and he immediately issued orders for the county lieutenants to hold the militia in readiness for parade and exercise, foreseeing that, in the present defenceless state of the fi'ontier, there would be need of their services. Tidings of the rout and retreat of the army had circulated far and near, and spread conster- nation throughout the country. Immediate in- cursions both of French and Indians were ap- prehended ; and volunteer companies began to form, for the purpose of marching across the mountains to the scene of danger. It was inti- mated to "Washington that his services would again be wanted on the frontier. He declared instantly that he was ready to serve his country to the extent of his powers ; but never on the same terms as heretofore. On the 4th of August, Governor Dinwiddie convened the Assembly, to devise measures for the public safety. The sense of danger had quickened the slow patriotism of the burgesses ; they no longer held back supplies ; forty thou- sand pounds were promptly voted, and orders issued for the raising of a regiment of one thousand men. Washington's friends urged him to present himself at "Williamsburg as a candidate for the command ; they were confident of his success, notwithstanding that strong interest was mak- ing for the governor's favorite. Colonel Innes. "With mingled modesty and pride, "Washington declined to be a solicitor. The only terms, he said, on which he would accept a command, were a certainty as to rank and emoluments, a right to appoint his field officers, and the supply of a suflicient military chest ; but to sohcit the command, and, at the same time, to make stip- ulations, would be a little incongruous, and carry with it the face of self-sufiiciency. " If," added he, " the command should be offered to me, the case will then be altered, as I should be at liberty to make such objections as reason, and my small experience, have pointed out." "While this was in agitation, he received let- ters from his mother, again imploring him not to risk himself in these frontier wars. His an- swer was characteristic, blending the filial def- erence with which he was accustomed from childhood to treat her, with a cahu patriotism of the Eoman stamp. " Honored Madam : If it is in my power to avoid going to the Ohio again, I shall ; biit if the command is pressed upon me by the general voice of the country, and offered upon such terms as cannot be objected against, it would reflect dishonor on me to refuse it ; and that, I am sure, must, and ought to, give you greater uneasiness, than my going in an honorable com- mand. Upon no other terms will I accept it. At present I have no proposals made to me, nor have I any advice of such an intention, except from private hands." On the very day that this letter was de- spatched (Aug. 14), he received intelligence of his appointment to the command on the terms specified in his letters to his friends. His com- mission nominated him commander-in-chief of all the forces raised, or to be raised in the colo- ny. The Assembly also voted three hundred pounds to him, and proportionate sums to the other officers, and to the privates of the Vir- ginia companies, in consideration of their gal- lant conduct, and their losses in the late battle. The oflicers next in command under him were Lieutenant-Colonel ^am Stephens, and Major Andrew Lewis. The former, it wiU be recol- lected, had been with him in the unfortunate affair at the Great Meadows ; his advance in rank shows that his conduct had been meritori- ous. The appointment of "Washington to his pres- ent station was the more gratifying and honor- able from being a popular one, made in deference to public sentiment ; to which Governor Din- widdie was obliged to sacrifice his strong incli- nation in favor of Colonel limes. It is thought that the governor never afterwards regarded "Washington with a friendly eye. His conduct towards him subsequently was on vaiious occa- sions cold and ungracious.* * Sparks' Writings of Washington, vol. ii., p. 161, note. 72 WASHINGTON IN COMMAND— HEAD-QUARTEKS AT WINCHESTER. [1755. It is worthy of note that the early popularity of Washington was not the result of brilliant achievements nor signal success ; on the contra- ry, it rose among trials and reverses, and may almost be said to have been the fruit of defeats. It remains an honorable testimony of Virginian intelligence, that the sterling, enduring, but undazzling qualities of Washington, were thus early discerned and appreciated, though only heralded by misfortunes. The admirable man- ner in which he had conducted himself under these misfortunes, and the sagacity and practi- cal wisdom he had displayed on all occasions, were universally acknowledged ; and it was ob- served that, had his modest counsels been adopted by the unfortunate Braddock, a totally diflerent result might have attended the late campaign. An instance of this high appreciation of his merits occurs in a sermon preached on the 17th of August by the Rev. Samuel Davis, wherein he cites him as " that heroic youth. Colonel Washington, whom I cannot 'biit'hofe Providence "has Idtherto presevTcd in so signal a manner for some important service to his country.'''' The expressions of the worthy clergyman may have been deemed enthusiastic at the time ; viewed in connection with subsequent events they ap- pear almost prophetic. Having held a conference with Governor Dinwiddle at Williamsburg, and received his instructions, Wasliington repaired, on the 14th of September, to Winchester, where he fixed his head-quarters. It was a place as yet of tri- fling magnitude, but important from its posi- tion ; being a central point where the main roads met, leading from north to south, and east to west, and commanding*the channels of traffic and communication between some of the most important colonies and a great extent of fron- tier. Here he was brought into frequent and cor- dial communication with his old friend Lord Fairfax. The stir of war had revived the spark of that military fire which animated the veteran nobleman in the days of his youth, when an officer in the cavaliy regiment of the Blues. He was lord-lieutenant of the county. Green- way Court was his head-quarters. He had or- ganized a troop of horse, which occasionally was exercised about the lawn of his domain, and he was now as prompt to mount his steed for a cavalry parade as he ever was for a fox chase. The arrival of Washington frequently brought the old nobleman to Winchester to aid the young commander with his counsels or his sword. His services were soon put in requisition. Washington, having visited the frontier posts, established recruiting places, and taken other measures of security, had set off for Williams- burg on mihtary business, when an express arrived at Winchester from Colonel Stephens, who commanded at Fort Cumberland, giving the alarm that a body of Indians were ravag- ing the country, burning the houses, and slaughtering the inhabitants. The express was instantly forwarded after Washington ; in the mean time, Lord Fairfax sent out orders for the militia of Fairfax and Prince William coun- ties to arm and hasten to the defence of Win- chester, where all was confusion and affright. One fearful account followed another. The whole country beyond it was said to be at the mercy of the savages. They had blockaded the rangers in the little fortresses or outposts provided for the protection of neighborhoods. They were advancing upon Winchester with fire, tomahawk, and scalping-knife. The coun- try people were flocking into the town for safety — the townspeople were moving off to the settlements beyond the Blue Eidge. The beautiful valley of the Shenandoah Vv-as likely to become a scene of savage desolation. In the height of the confusion Wasliington rode into the town. He had been overtaken by Colonel Stephens' express. His presence inspired some degree of confidence, and he suc- ceeded in stopping most of the fugitives. He would have taken the field at once against the savages, believing their numbers to be few ; but not more than twenty-five of the militia could be mustered for the service. The rest refused to stir — they would rather die with their wives and children. Expresses were sent off to hurry up the militia ordered out by Lord Fairfax. Scouts were ordered out to discover the number of the foe, and convey assurances of succor to the rangers said to be blocked up in the fortresses, though Washington suspected the latter to be "more encompassed by fear than by the enemy." Smiths were set to work to furbish up and repair such firearms as were in the place, and waggons were sent off" for musket balls, flints, and provisions. Instead, however, of animated co-operation, Washington was encountered by difficulties at every step. The waggons in question had to be impressed, and the waggoners compelled by i JEt. 23.] PANIC AT WINCHESTER— INDIAN RAVAGES. 73 force to assist. " No orders," writes he, " are obeyed, but such as a party of soldiers or my own drawn sword enforces. Without this, not a single horse, for the most earnest occasion, can be had, — to such a pitch has the insolence of these people arrived, by having every point hitherto submitted to them. However, I have given up none, where his majesty's service re- quires the contrary, and where my proceedings are justified by my instructions ; nor will I, unless they execute what they threaten — that is, blow out our brains." One is tempted to smile at this tirade about the " insolence of the people," and this zeal for " his majesty's service," on the part of Wash- ington ; but he was as yet a young man and a young oflScer ; loyal to his sovereign, and with high notions of military authority, which he had acquired in the camp of Braddock. What he thus terms insolence was the dawn- ing spirit of independence, which he was after- wards the foremost to cherish and promote ; and which, in the present instance, had been provoked by the rough treatment from the military, which the waggoners and others of the yeomanry had experienced when employed in Braddock's campaign, and by the neglect to pay them for their services. Much of Wash- ington's difficulties also arose, doubtlessly, from the inefficiency of the military laws, for an amendment of which ho had in vain made repeated applications to Governor Dinwiddle. In the mean time the panic and confusion increased. On Sunday an express hurried into town, breathless with haste and terror. The Indians, he said, were but twelve miles off; they had attacked the house of Isaac Julian ; the inhabitants were flying for their lives. Washington immediately ordered the town guards to be strengthened ; armed some re- cruits who had just arrived, and sent out two scouts to reconnoitre the enemy. It was a sleepless night in Winchester. Horror in- creased with the dawn ; before the men could be paraded a second express arrived, ten times more terrified than the former. The Indians were Avithin four miles of the town, killing and destroying all before them. He had heard the constant firing of the savages and the shrieks of their victims. The terror of Winchester now passed all bounds. Washington put himself at the head of about forty men, militia and recruits, and pushed for the scene of carnage. The result is almost too ludicrous for record. The whole cause of the alarm proved to be three drunken troopers, carousing, hallooing, uttering the most unheard of imprecations, and ever and anon firing off their pistols. Washington interrupted them in the midst of their revel and blasphemy, and conducted them prisoners to town. The reported attack on the house of Isaac Julian proved equally an absurd exaggeration. The ferocious party of Indians turned out to be a mulatto and a negro in quest of cattle. They had been seen by a child of Julian, who alarmed his father, who alarmed the neighbor- hood. "These circumstances," says Washington, " show what a panic prevails among the peo- ple ; how much they are all alarmed at the most usual and customary cries ; and yet how impossible it is to get them to act in any re- spect for their common safety." They certainly present a lively picture of the feverish state of a frontier community, hourly in danger of Indian ravage and butchery ; than which no kind of v^arfare is more fraught with real and imaginary horrors. The alarm thus originating had spread throughout the country. A captain, who ar- rived with recruits from Alexandria, reported that he had found the road across the Blue Ridge obstructed by crowds of people flying for their lives, whom he endeavored in vain to stop. They declared that Winchester was in flames ! At length the band of Indians, whose rav- ages had produced this consternation through- out the land, and whose numbers did not ex- ceed one hundred and fifty, being satiated with carnage, conflagration, and plunder, retreated, bearing off spoils and captives. Intelligent scouts sent out by Washington followed their traces, and brought back certain intelligence that they had recrossed the Allegany Moun- tains and returned to their homes on the Ohio. This report allayed the public panic, and re- stored temporary quiet to the harassed fron- tier. Most of the Indians engaged in these ravages were Delawares and Shawnees, who, since Braddock's defeat, had been gained over by the French. A principal instigator was said to be Washington's old acquaintance, Shengis, and a reward was offei'ed for his head. Scarooyadi, successor to the half-king, re- mained true to the English, and vindicated his people to the Governor and Council of Penn- 74 OPERATIONS ELSEWHERE— JOHNSON ON LAKE GEORGE. [1*755. sylvania from the charge of having had any share in the late massacres. As to the defeat at the Monongahela, " it was owing," he said, " to the pride and ignorance of that great gen- eral (Braddock) that came fi'om England. He is now dead ; but he was a bad man when he was alive. He looked upon us as dogs, and would never hear any thing that was said to Mm, We often endeavored to advise him, and teU him of the danger he was in with his sol- diers ; but he never appeared pleased with us, and that was the reason that a great many of our warriors left him." * Scarooyadi was ready with his warriors to take up the hatchet again with their English brothers against the French, " Let us unite our strength," said he ; "you are numerous, and all the English governors along your sea-shore can raise men enough ; but don't let those that come from over the great seas be concerned any more. Tliey are unfit to fight in. the woods. Let its go ourselves — we that came out of this ffrouncV No one felt more strongly than "Washington the importance, at this trying juncture, of se- curing the assistance of these forest warriors. " It is in their power," said he,' " to be of in- finite use to us ; and without Indians, we shall never be able to cope with these cruel foes to our country," f Washington had now time to inform himself of the fate of the other enterprises included in this year's plan of military operations. We shall briefly dispose of them for the sake of carrying on the general course of events. The history of Washington is linked with the his- tory of the colonies. The defeat of Braddock paralyzed the expedition against Niagara. Many of General Shirley's troop, which were assem- bled at Albany, struck Avith the consternation which it caused throughout the country, de- serted. Most of the bateau men, who were to transport stores by various streams, returned home. It was near the end of August before Shirley was in force at Oswego. Time was lost in building boats for the lake. Storms and head winds ensued ; then sickness : military incapacity in the general completed the list of impediments. Deferring the completion of the enterprise until the following year, Shirley re- turned to Albany with the main part of his forces in (October, leaving about seven hundred * Hazard's Register of Penn., v., pp. 252, 266. t Letter to Dinwiddle. men to garrison the fortifications he had com- menced at Oswego. To General William Johnson, it will be re- collected, had been confided the expedition against Crown Point, on Lake Champlain. Preparations were made for it in Albany, whence the troops were to march, and the artiUery, ammunition, and stores to be con- veyed up the Hudson to the carrying-place be- tween that river and Lake St. Sacrament, as it was termed by the French, but Lake George, as Johnson named it, in honor of his sovereign. At the carryiug-place a fort was commenced, subsequently called Fort Edward. Part of the troops remained under General Lyman, to com- plete and garrison it ; the main force proceeded under General Johnson to Lake George, the plan being to descend that lake to its outlet at Ticonderoga, in Lake Champlain. Having to attend the arrival of bateaux forwarded for the purpose from Albany by the carrying-place, Johnson encamped at the south end of the lake. He had with him between five and six thou- sand troops of New York and New England, and a host of Mohawk warriors, loyally devoted to him. It so happened that a French force of up- wards of three thousand men, under the Baron de Dieskau, an old general of high reputation, had recently arrived at Quebec, destined against Oswego. The baron had proceeded to Mont- real, and sent forward thence seven hundred of his troops, when news arrived of the army gathering on Lake George for the attack on Crown Point, perhaps for an inroad into Can- ada. The public w^ere in consternation ; yield- ing to their importunities, the baron took post at Crown Point for its defence. Beside his regular troops, he had with him eight hundred Canadians, and seven hundred Indians of differ- ent tribes. The latter were under the general command of the Chevaher Legardeur de St. Pierre, the veteran officer to whom Washing- ton had delivered the despatches of Governor Dinwiddle on his diplomatic mission to the frontier. The chevalier was a man of great in- fluence among the Indians. In the mean time Johnson remained encamp- ed at the south end of Lake George, awaiting the arrival of the bateaux. The camp was pro- tected in the rear by the lake, in front by a bulwark of felled trees; and was flanked by thickly wooded swamps. On the 7th of September, the Indian scouts brought word that they had discovered three •.,«^*«mF"iif^'''^^" ■■' '^ Mt. 23.] AFFAIR AT LAKE GEORGE— DEATH OF DIESKAU. 75 large roads made through the forest toward Fort Edward. An attack on that post was ap- prehended. Adams, a hardy waggoner, rode express with orders to the commander to draw all the troops within the works. About mid- night came other scouts. They had seen the French within four miles of the carrying-place. They had heard the report of a musket, and the voice of a man crying for mercy, supposed to he the unfortunate Adams. In the morning Colonel "Williams was detached with one thou- sand men, and two hundred Indians, to inter- cept the enemy in their retreat. Within two hours after their departure a heavy fire of musketry, in the midst of the forest, about three or four miles ofi', told of a warm encounter. The drums beat to arms ; all Avere at their posts. The firing grew sharper and sharper, and nearer and nearer. The detachment under Williams was evidently retreating. Colonel Cole was sent with three hundred men to cover their retreat. The breastwork of trees was manned. Some heavy cannon were dragged up to strengthen the front. A number of men were stationed with a field-piece on an eminence on the left flank. In a short time fugitives made their appear- ance ; first singly, then in masses, flying in con- fusion, with a rattling fire behind them, and the horrible Indian war-whoop. Consternation seized upon the camp, especially when the French emerged from the forest in battle array, led by the Baron de Dieskau, the gallant com- mander of Crown Point. Had all his troops been as daring as himself, the camp might have been carried by assault ; but the Canadians and Indians held back, posted themselves behind trees, and took to bush-fighting. The baron was left with his regulars (two hundred grenadiers) in front of the camp. He kept up a fire by platoons, but at too great a distance to do much mischief ; the Canadians and Indians fired from their coverts. The ar- tillery played on them in return. The camp, having recovered from its panic, opened a fire of musketry. The engagement became general. The French grenadiers stood their ground bravely for a long time, but were dreadfully cut up by the artillery and small arms. The action slackened on the part of the French, until, after a long contest, they gave way. Johnson's men and the Indians then leaped over the breastwork, and a chance medley fight ensued, that ended in the slaughter, rout, or capture of the enemy. The Baron de Dieskau had been disabled by a wound in the leg. One of his men, who en- deavored to assist him, was shot down by his side. The baron, left alone in the retreat, was found by the pursuers leaning against the stump of a tree. As they approached, he felt for his watch . to insure kind treatment by delivering it up. A soldier, thinking he was drawing forth a pistol to defend himself, shot him through the hips. He was conveyed a prisoner to the camp, but ultimately died of his wounds. The baron had really set ofi" from Crown Poipt to surprise Fort Edward, and, if success- ful, to push on to Albany and Schenectady ; lay them in ashes, and cut off aU communication with Oswego. The Canadians and Indians, however, refused to attack the fort, fearful of its cannon ; he had changed his plan, therefore, and determined to surprise the camp. In the encounter with the detachment under Williams, the brave Chevalier. Legardeur de St. Pierre lost his life. On the part of the Americans, Hendrick, a famous old Mohawk sachem, grand ally of General Johnson, was slain. ' Johnson himself received a slight wound early in the action, and retired to his tent. He did not follow up the victory as he should have done, alleging that it was first necessary to build a strong fort at his encampment, by way of keeping up a communication with Albany, and by the time this was completed, it would be too late to advance against Crown Point. He accordingly erected a stockaded fort, which received the name of William Henry ; and having garrisoned it, returned to Albany. His services, although they gained him no laurel- wreath, were rewarded by government with five thousand pounds, and a baronetcy ; and he was made Superintendent of Indian Affairs.* CHAPTER XIX. Mortifying experience had convinced Wash- ington of the inefficiency of the militia laws, and he now set about effecting a reformation. Through his great and persevering efforts, an act was passed in the Virginia Legislature giv- ing prompt operation to courts-martial ; pun- ishing insubordination, mutiny, and desertion * Johnson's Letter to the Colonial Governors, Sept. 9th, 175-3. London Mag., 1755, p. 544. ITolmes' Am. Ann.als, vol. ii. p. 63. 4th edit., 1829. 76 QUESTION OF PRECEDEXCE— WASHIXGTOX'S JOURNEY TO BOSTON. U with adequate severity ; strengtlicning the au- thority of a commander, so as to enable him to enforce order and discipline among otRcers as well as privates ; and to avail himself, in time of emergency, and for the common safety, of the means and services of individuals. This being effected, he proceeded to fill up his companies and to enforce this newly defined authority within his camp. All gaming, drink- ing, quarrelling, swearing, and similar excesses, were prohibited under severe penalties. In disciplining his men, they were instructed not merely in ordinary and regular tactics, but in all the strategy of Indian warfare, and what is called " bush-fighting," — a knowledge indis- pensable in the wild wars of the wilderness. Stockaded forts, too, were constructed at va- rious points, as places of refuge and defence, in exposed neighborhoods. Under shelter of these, the inhabitants began to return to their deserted homes. A shorter and better road, also, was opened by him between Winchester and Cumberland, for the transmission of rein- forcements and supplies. His exertions, however, were impeded by. one of those questions of precedence, whicfli had so often annoyed him, arising from the difference between crown and provincial com- missions. Maryland having by a scanty ap- propriation raised a small militia force, station- ed Captain Dagworthy, with a company of thirty men, at Fort Cumberland, which stood within the boundaries of that province. Dag- worth^ had served in Canada in the preceding war, and had received a king's commission. This he had since commuted for half-pay, and, of course, had vu-tually parted with its privi- leges. He was nothing more, therefore, than a Maryland provincial captain, at the head of thirty men. He now, however, assumed to act under his royal commission, and refused to obey the orders of any officer, however high his rank, who merely held his commission from a governor. Nay, when Governor, or rather Colonel Innes, who commanded at the fort, was called away to North Carolina, by his pri- vate affairs, the captain took upon himself the command, and insisted upon it as his right. Parties instantly arose, and quarrels ensued among the inferior officers ; grave questions were agitated between the Governors of Mary- land and Virginia, as to the fort itself; the former claiming it as within his province, the latter insisting that, as it had been built ac- cording to orders sent by the king, it was the king's fort, and could not be subject to the au- thority of Maryland. "Washington refrained from mingling in this dispute ; but intimated that if the commander- in-chief of the forces of Virginia must yield precedence to a Maryland captain of thirty men, he should have to resign his commission, as he had been compelled to do before, by a question of military rank. So difficult was it, however, to settle these disputes of precedence, especially where the claims of two governors came in collision, that it was determined to refer the matter to Major- General Shirley, who had succeeded Braddock in the general command of the colonies. For this purpose Washington was to go to Boston, obtain a decision from Shirley of the point in dispute, and a general regulation, by which these difficulties could be prevented in future. It was thought, also, that in a conference with the commander-in-chief he might inform him- self of the military measures in contemplation. Accordingly, on the 4th of February (1756), leaving Colonel Adam Stephen in command of the troops, Washington set out on his mission, accompanied by his aide-de-camp. Captain George Mercer of Virginia, and Captain Stew- art of the Virginia light horse ; the officer who had taken care of General Braddock in his last moments. In those days the conveniences of travelling, even between our main cities, were few, and the roads execrable. The party,"- therefore, travelled in Virginia style, on horseback, at- tended by their black servants in livery.* In this way they accomplished a journey of five * We have hitherto treated of Washington in his cam- paigns in the wilderness, frugal and scanty in his equip- ments, often, very proliably, in little better than hunter's garb, nis present excursion through some of the Atlantic cities presents him in a different aspect. His recent inter- course with young British officers, had probably elevated his notions as to style in dress and appearance ; at least wo are inclined to suspect so from the ijpllowing aristo- cratical order for clothes, sent shortly before the time in question, to his correspondent in London : " 2 complete livery suits for servants ; with a spare cloak, and all other necessary trimmings for two suits more. I would have you choose the livery by our arms, only as the field of the arms is white, I think the clothea had better not be quite bo, but nearly like the inclosed. The trimmings and facings of scarlet, and a scarlet waist- coat. If livery lace is not quite disused, I should be glad to have the cloaks laced. I like that fashion best, and two silvcr-laced hats for the above servants. " 1 set of horse furniture, with livery lace, with the Washington crest on the housings, &c. Tho cloak to be of the same piece and color of the clothes. " 3 gold and scarlet sword-kuots. 3 silver and blue da 1 fashionable gold-laced hat." % ^T. 23.] THE EAJIL OF LOUDOUN— MILITARY RULE FOR THE COLONIES. 77 hundred miles in the depth of winter ; stopping for some days at PhiladeljAia and New York. Those cities were then comparatively small, and the arrival of a party of young Southern officers attracted attention. The late disastrous battle was still the theme of every tongue, and the honorable way in which these young offi- cers had acquitted themselves in it, made them objects of universal interest. Washington's fame, especially, had gone before him ; having been spread by the officers who had served with him, and by the public honors decreed him by the Virginia Legislature. " Your name," wrote his former fellow-campaigner, Gist, in a letter dated in the preceding autiikm, " is more talked of in Philadelphia than that of any other person in the army, and everybody seems will- ing to venture under your command." "With these prepossessions in his favor, when we consider Washington's noble person and demeanor, his consummate horsemanship, the admirable horses he was accustomed to ride, and the aristocratical style of his equipments, we may iipagine the effect produced by himself and his little cavalcade, as they clattered through the streets of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. It is needless to say, their sojourn in each city was a continual fete. The mission to General Shirley was entirely successful as to the question of rank. A written order from the commander-in-chief determined that Dagworthy was entitled to the rank of a provincial captain only, and, of course, must on all occasions give precedence to Colonel Washington, as a pro\'incial field officer. The latter was disappointed, however, in the hope of getting himself and his officers put upon the regular establishment, with commissions from the king, and had to remain subjected to mor- tifying questions of rank and etiquette, when serving in company with regular troops. From General Shirley he learnt that the main objects of the ensuing campaign would be the reduction of Fort Niagara, so as to cut off the communication between Canada and Louis- iana, the capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point as a measure of safety for New York, the besieging of Fort Duquesne, and the men- acing of Quebec by a body of troops which were to advance by the Kennebec River. The official career of General Shirley was drawing to a close. Though a man of good parts, he had always, until recently, acted in a civil capacity, and proved incompetent to con- duct military operations. He was recalled to England, and was to be superseded by General Abercrombie, who was coming out with two regiments. The general command in America, however, was to be held by the Earl of Loudoun, who was invested with powers almost equal to those of a viceroy, being placed above all the colo- nial governors. These might claim to be civil and military representatives of their sovereign within their respective colonies ; but, even there, were bound to defer and yield precedence to this their official superior. This was part of a plan devised long ago, but now first brought into operation, by which the ministry hoped to unite the colonies under military rule, and oblige the Assemblies, magistrates, and people, to furnish quarters and provide a gen- eral fund subject to the control of this military dictator. Beside his general command, the Earl of Loudoxm was to be governor of Virginia and colonel of a royal American regiment of four battalions, to be raised in the colonies, but furnished with officers who, like himself, had seen foreign service. The campaign would open on his arrival, which, it was expected, would be early in the spring; and brilliant results were anticipated. Washington remained ten days in Boston, attending, with great interest, the meetings of the Massachusetts Legislature, in which the plan of military operations was ably discussed ; and receiving the most hospitable attentions from the polite and intelligent society of the place, after which he returned to New York. Tradition gives very different motives from those of business for his two sojourns in the latter city. He found there an early friend and school-mate, Beverly Robinson, son of John Robinson, speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses. He was living happily and pros- perously with a young and wealthy bride, hav- ing married one of the nieces and heiresses of Mr. Adolphus Philipse, a rich landholder, whose manor-house is still to be seen on the banks of the Hudson. At the house of Mr. Beverly Robinson, where Washington was an honored guest, he met Miss Mary Philipse, sister of and co-heiress with Mrs. Robinson, a yoimg lady whose personal attractions are said to have rivalled her reputed wealth. We have already given an instance of Wash- ington's early sensibility to female charms. A life, however, of constant activity and care, passed for the most part in the wilderness and 78 MISS MARY PHILIPSE— TROUBLES IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY. [1756. on the frontier, far from female society, had left little mood or leisure for the indulgence of the tender sentiment ; hut made him more sen- sible, in the present brief interval of gay and social life, to the attractions of an elegant woman, brought up in the polite circle of New- York. That he was an open admirer of Miss Philipse is an historical fact ; that he sought her hand, but was refused, is traditional, and not very probable. His military rank, his early laurels and distinguished presence, were all calculated to win favor in female eyes ; but his sojourn in New York was brief ; he may have been diffi- dent in urging his suit with a lady accustomed to the homage of society and surrounded by admirers. The most probable version of the story is, that he was called away by his public duties before he had made sufficient approaches in his siege of the lady's heart to warrant a summons to surrender. In the latter part of March we find him at Williamsburg attending the opening of the Legislature of Virginia, eager to promote measures for the protection of the frontier and the capture of Fort Du- quesne, the leading object of his ambition. Maryland and Pennsylvania were erecting forts for the defence of their own borders, but showed no disposition to co-operate with Vir- ginia in the field ; and artillery, artillerymen, and engineers were wanting for an attack on fortified places. "Washington urged, therefore, an augmentation of the provincial forces, and various improvements in the militia laws. While thus engaged, he received a letter from a friend and confidant in New York, warnmg him to hasten back to that city before it was too late, as Captain Morris, who had been his fellow aide-de-camp under Braddock, was laying close siege to Miss Philipse. Sterner alarms, however, summoned him in another di- rection. Expresses from Winchester brought word that the French had made another sortie from Fort Duquesne, accompanied by a band of savages, and were spreading terror and deso- lation through the country. In this moment of exigency all softer claims were forgotten ; Washington repaired in all haste to his post at Winchester, and Captain Morris was left to urge his suit unrivalled, and carry off the prize. CHAPTER XX. Report had not exaggerated the troubles of the frontier. It was marauded by merciless bands of savages, led, in some instances, by Frenchmen. Travellers were murdered, farm- houses bi:rnt down, families butchered, and even stockaded forts, or houses of refuge, at- tacked in open day. The marauders had crossed the mountains and penetrated the valley of the Shenandoah ; and several persons had fallen beneath the tomahawk in the neighborhood of Winchester. Washingtcm's old friend. Lord Fairfax, found himself no longer safe in his rural abode. Greenway Court was in the midst of a wood- land region, aflfording a covert approach for the stealthy savage. His lordship was con- sidered a great chief, whose scalp would be an inestimable trophy for an Indian warrior. Fears were entertained, therefore, by his friends, that an attempt would be made to surprise him in his green-wood castle. His nephew. Colonel Martin, of the militia, who resided with him, suggested the expediency of a removal to the lower settlements, beyond the Blue Ridge. The high-spirited old nobleman demurred ; his heart cleaved to the home which he had fomied for himself in the wilderness. " I am an old man," said ho, " and it is of little importance whether I fall by the tomahawk or die of disease and old age ; but you are young, and, it is to be hoped, have many years before you, therefore decide for us both ; my only fear is, that if we retire the whole district wiU break up and take to fiight ; and this fine country, which I have been at such cost and trouble to improve, will again become a wilderness." Colonel Martin took but a short time to de- liberate. He knew the fearless character of his uncle, and perceived what was his inclina- tion. Ho considered that his lordship had numerous retainers, white and black, with hardy himtsmen and foresters to rally round him, and that Greenway Court was at no great distance from Winchester ; he decided, there- fore, that they should remain, and abide the course of events. Washington, on his arrival at Winchester, found the inhabitants in great dismay. He re- solved immediately to organize a force, com- posed partly of troops from Fort Cumberland, partly of militia from Winchester and its vi- cinity, to put himself at its head, and " scour JEt. 24.] WINCHESTER IN TERROR— APPEAL TO THE GOVERNOR. 79 the woods and suspected places in all the moun- tams and valleys of this part of the frontier, in quest of the Indians and their more cruel asso- ciates." He accordingly despatched an express to Fort Cumberland with orders for a detachment from the garrison; "but how," said he, "are men to be raised at "Winchester, since orders are no longer regarded in the county ? " Lord Fairfax, and other militia officers with whom he consulted, advised that each captain should call a private muster of his men, and read before them an address, or " exhortation " as it was called, being an appeal to their patri- otism and fears, and a summons to assemble on the 15th of April to enroll themselves for the projected mountain foray. This measure was adopted ; the private mus- terings occurred; the exhortation was read; the time and place of assemblage appointed ; but, when the day of enrolment arrived, not more than fifteen men appeared upon the ground. In the mean time the express returned with sad accounts from Fort Cumberland. No troops could be furnished from that quarter. Tlie garrison was scarcely strong enough for self- defence, having sent out detachments in differ- ent directions. The express had narrowly escaped with his life, having been fired upon repeatedly, his horse shot under him, and his clothes riddled with bullets. The roads, he said, were infested by savages ; none but hunters, who knew how to thread the forests at night, could travel with safety. Horrors accumulated at Winchester. Every hour brought its tale of terror, true or false, of houses burnt, families massacred, or belea- guered and famishing in stockaded forts. The danger approached. A scouting party had been attacked in the Warm Spring Mountain, about twenty miles distant, by a large body of French and Indians, mostly on horseback. The captain of the scouting party and several of his men had been slain, and the rest put to flight. An attack on Winchester was apprehended, and the terrors of the people rose to agony. They now tu'- ^.d to Washington as their main hope. "" en siirrounded him, holding up xl imploring him with tears em from the savages. The looked round on the sup- . ich a countenance beaming with , a heart wrung with anguish. A letter vrovernor Dinwiddle shows the conflict of his feelings. " I am too little acquainted with pathetic language to attempt a description of these people's distresses. But what can I do ? I see their situation ; I know their danger, and participate their sufferings, without having it in my power to give them further relief than uncertain promises." — " The supplicating teare of the women, and moving petitions of the men, melt me into such deadly sorrow, that I solemnly declare, if I know my own mind, I could offer myself a willing sacrifice to the butchering enemy, provided that would con- tribute to the people's ease." The unstudied eloquence of this letter drew from the governor an instant order for a militia force from the uper counties to his assistance ; but the Virginia newspapers, in descanting on the frontier troubles, threw discredit on the army and its oflicers, and attached blame to its commander. Stung to the quick by this injustice, Washington publicly declared that nothing but the imminent danger of the times prevented him from instantly resigning a com- mand from Avhich he could never reap cither honor or benefit. His sensitiveness called forth strong letters from his friends, assuring him of the high sense entertained at the seat of gov- ernment, and elsewhere, of his merits and ser- vices. " Your good health and fortune are the toast of every table," wrote his early friend, Colonel Fairfax, at that time a member of the governor's council. " Your endeavors in the service and defence of your country ranat re- dound to your honor." " Our hopes, dear George," wrote Mr. Eob- inson, the speaker of the House of Burgesses, " are all fixed on you for bringing our affairs to a happy issue. Consider what fatal consequences to your country your resigning the command at this time may be, especially as there is no doubt most of the officers Avill follow your ex- ample." In fact, the situation and services of the youthful commander, shut up in a frontier town, destitute of forces, surrounded by savage foes, gallantly, though despairingly, devoting himself to the safety of a suffering people, were properly understood throughout the country, and excited a glow of enthusiasm in his favor. The Legislature, too, began at length to act, but timidly and inefficiently. " The country knows her danger," writes one of the members, " but such is her parsimony, that she is willing to wait for the rains to wet the powder, and the rats to eat the bowstrings of the enemy, 80 PLAN FOR DEFENCE— SUGGESTIONS OF WASHINGTON. [1756. rather than attempt to drive them from her frontiers." The measure of relief voted by the Assembly was an additional appropriation of twenty tliousand pounds, and an increase of the pro- vincial force to fifteen hundred men. With this, it was proposed to erect and garrison a chain of frontier forts, extending through the ranges of the Allegany Mountains, from the Potomac to the borders of North Carolina ; a distance of between three and four hundred miles. This was one of the inconsiderate pro- jects devised by Governor Dinwiddle. Washington, in letters to the governor and to the speaker of the House of Burgesses, urged the impolicy of such a plan, with their actual force and means. The forts, he observed, ought to be within fifteen or eighteen miles of each other, that their spies might be able to keep watch over the intervening country, otherwise the Indians would pass between them unper- ceived, efiect their ravages, and escape to the mountains, swamps, and ravines, before the troops from the forts could be assembled to pursue them. They ought each to be garri- soned with eighty or a Imndred men, so as to afford detachments of sufficient strength, with- out leaving the garrison too weak ; for the In- dians are the most stealthy and patient of spies and lurkers ; wiU he in wait for days together about small forts of the kmd, and, if they find, by some chance prisoner, that the garrison is actually weak, wiU first surprise and cut off its scouting parties, and then attack the fort itself. It was evident, therefore, observed he, that to garrison properly such a line of forts, would require, at least, two thousand men. And even then, a line of such extent might be broken through at one end before the other end could yield assistance. Feint attacks, also, might be made at one point, while the real attack was made at another, quite distarrt ; and the country be overrun before its widely-posted defenders could be alarmed and concentrated. Then must be taken into consideration the im- mense cost of building so many forts, and the constant and consuming expense of supplies and transportation. His idea of a defensive plan was to build a strong fort at Winchester, the central point, where all the main roads met of a wide range of scattered settlements, where tidings could soonest be collected from every quarter, and whence reinforcements and supplies could most readily be forwarded. It was to be a grand deposit of military stores, a residence for com- manding officers, a place of refuge for the women and children m time of alarm, when the men had suddenly to take the field ; in a word, it was to be the citadel of the frontier. Beside this, he would have three or four large fortresses erected at convenient distances upon the frontiers, with powerful garrisons, so as to be able to throw out, in constant succes- sion, strong scouting parties, to range the coun- try. Fort Cumberland he condemned as being out of the province, and out of the track of Indian incursions ; insomuch that it seldom re- ceived an alarm until all the mischief had been effected. His representations with respect to military laws and regulations were equally cogent. In the late act of the Assembly for raising a regi- ment, it was provided that, in cases of emer- gency, if recruits should not offer in sufficient number, the militia might be drafted to supply the deficiencies, but only to serve until Decem- ber, and not to be marched out of the province. In this case, said he, before they have entered upon service, or got the least smattering of duty, they wOl claim a discharge ; if they are pursuing an enemy who has committed the most unheard-of cruelties, he has only to step across the Potomac, and he is safe. Then as to the limits of service, they might just as easily have been enlisted for seventeen months, as seven. They would then have been seasoned as weU as disciplined ; " for we find by expe- rience," says he, " that our poor ragged soldiers would kill the most active militia in five days' marching." Then, as to punishments : death, it was true, had been decreed for mutiny and desertion ; but there was no punishment for cowardice ; for holding correspondence with the enemy ; for quitting, or sleeping on one's post ; all capital offences according to the military codes of Europe. Neither were there provisions for quartering or billeting soldiers, or impressing waggons and other conveyances, in times of exigency. To crown all, no court-martial could sit out of Virginia ; a most embarrassing regu- lation, when troops were fifty or a hundred miles beyond the frontier. He earnestly sug- gested amendments on aH these points, as well as with regard to the soldiers' pay ; which was less than that of the regular troops, or the troops of most of the other provinces. All these suggestions, showing at this youth- ful age that forethought and circumspection ^T. 24.] EXPEDITIOX AGAINST KITTANNLNG— CAPTAIN HUGH MERCER. 81 which distinguished him throughout life, were repeatedly and eloquently urged upon Governor Dinwiddle, Avith very little effect. The plan of a frontier line of twenty-three forts was per- sisted in. Fort Oumberlund was pertinaciously kept up at a great and useless expense of men and money, and the militia laws remained lax and inefficient. It was decreed, however, that the great central fort at Winchester, recom- mended by "Washington, should be erected. In the height of the alarm, a company of one hundred gentlemen, mounted and equipped, volunteered their services to repair to the fron- tier. They were headed by Peyton Randolph, attorney-general, a man deservedly popular throughout the , province. Their offer was gladly accepted. They were denominated the " Gentlemen Associators," and great expecta- tions, of course, were entertained from their gallantry and devotion. They were empow- ered, also, to aid with their judgment in the selection of places for frontier forts. The " Gentlemen Associators," like all gen- tlemen associators in similar emergencies, turn- ed oiit with great zeal and spirit, and immense popular effect, but wasted their fire in prepa- ration, and on the march, Washington, who well understood the value of such aid, obs^l'v- ed dryly in a letter to Governor Dinwiddle, " I am heartily glad that you have fixed upon these gentlemen to point out the places for erecting forts, but regret to find their motions so slow." There is no doubt that they would have conducted themselves gallantly, had they been put to the test ; but before they arrived near the scene of danger the alarm was over. About the beginning of May, scouts brought in word that the tracks of the marauding sav- ages tended toward Foi't Duquesne, as if on the return. In a little while it was ascertained that they had recrossed the Allegany Moun- tain to the .Ohio in such numbers as to leave a beaten track, equal to that made in the preced- ing year by the army of Braddock, The repeated inroads of the savages called for an effectual and permanent check. The idea of being constantly subject to the irrup- tions of a deadly foe, that moved with stealth and mystery, and was only to be traced by its ravages, and counted by its footprints, discour- aged all settlement of the country. The beau- tiful valley of the Shenandoah was fast becom- ing a deserted and a silent place. Her people, for the most part, had fled to the older settle- ments south of the mountains, and the Blue 6 Ridge was likely soon to become virtually the frontier line of the province. We have to record one signal act of retalia- tion on the perfidious tribes of the Ohio, in which a person whose name subsequently be- came dear to Americans, was concerned. Pris- oners who had escaped from the savages re- ported that Shingis, AYashington's faithless ally, and another sachem, called Captain Jacobs, were the two heads of the hostile bands that had desolated the frontier. That they lived at Kittanning, an Indian town, about forty miles above Fort Duquesne ; at which their warriors were fitted out for incursions, and whither they returned with their prisoners and plunder. Captain Jacobs was a daring fellow, and scoffed at palisadoed forts, " He could take any fort," he said, " that would catch fire." A party of two hundred and eighty provin- cials, resolute men, undertook to surprise, and destroy this savage nest. It was commanded by Colonel John Armstrong ; and with him went Dr, Hugh Mercer, of subsequent renown, who had received a captain's commission from Pennsylvania, on the 6th of March, 1756. Armstrong led his men rapidly, but secretly, over mountain, and through forest, until, after a long and perilous march, they reached the Allegany, It was a moonlight night when they arrived in the neighborhood of Kittan- ning, They were guided to the village by whoops and yells, and the sound of the Indian drum. The warriors were celebrating their exploits by the triumphant scalp-dance. After awhile the revel ceased, and a number of fires appeared here and there in a corn-field. They were made by such of the Indians as slept in the open air, and were intended to drive off the gnats, Armstrong and his men lay down " quiet and hush," observing every thing nar- rowly, and waiting until the moon should set, and the warriors be asleep. At length the moon Avent down, the fires burned low ; all was quiet, Armstrong now roused his men, some of whom, wearied by their long march, had fallen asleep. He divided his forces ; part W' ere to attack the warriors in the corn-field, part were despatched to the houses, which were dimly seen by the first streak of day. There was sharp firing in both quarters, for the Indians, though taken by surprise, fought bravely, inspired by the war-whoop of their chief Captain Jacobs, The women and chil- dren fled to the woods. Several of the provin- cials were killed and wounded. Captain Hugh 82 ESCAPE OF CAPTAIN MERCER— FOUNDING OF FORT LOUDOUN. [1756. Mercer received a wound in the arm, and was taken to the top of a hill. The fierce chieftain, Captain Jacobs, was besieged in his house, which had port-holes ; whence he and his war- riors made havoc among the assailants. The adjoining houses were set on fire. The chief was summoned to surrender himself. He re- plied he was a man, and would not be a prisoner. He was told he would be burnt. His reply was, "he would kill four or five before he died." The flames and smoke approached. " One of the besieged warriors, to show his manhood, began to sing. A squaw at the same time was heard to cry, but was severely rebuked by the men." * In the end, the warriors were driven out by the flames ; some escaped, and some were shot. Amopg the latter was Captain Jacobs, and his gigantic son, said to be seven feet high. Fire was now set to all the houses, thirty in num- ber. . " During the burning of the liouses," says Colonel Armstrong, " we were agreeably enter- tained with a quick succession of charged guns, gradually firing off as reached by the fire, but much more so with the vast explosion of sundry bags, and large kegs of powder, wherewith almost every house abounded." The colonel was in a strange condition to enjoy such an entertainment, having received a wound from a large musket-ball in the shoulder. The object of the expedition was accom- plished. Thirty or forty of the warriors were slain; their stronghold was a smoking ruin. There was danger of the victors being cut off by a detachment from Fort Duquesne. They made the best of their way, therefore, to their horses, which had been left at a distance, and set off rapidly on their march to Fort Lyttle- ton, about sixty miles north of Fort Cumber- land. Colonel Armstrong had reached Fort Lyttle- ton on the 14th of September, six days after the battle, and fears were entertained that he had been intercepted by the Indians and was lost. He, with his ensign and eleven men, had separated from the main body when they began their march, and had taken another and what was supposed a safer road. He had with liim a woman, a boy, and two little girls, recaptured from the Indians. The whole party ultimately arrived safe at Fort Lyttleton ; but it would seem that Mercer, weak and faint from his fractured arm, must have fallen behind, or in some way become separated from them, and had along, solitary, and painful struggle through the wilderness, reaching the fort sick, weary, and half famished.* We shall have to speak hereafter of his services when under the stand- ard of Washington, whose friend and neighbor he subsequently became.t CHAPTEK XXI. Throughout the summer of 1756, Washing- ton exerted himself diligently in carrying out measures determined ujion for frontier security. The great fortress at Winchester was com- menced, and the work urged forward as ex- peditiously as the delays and perplexities in- cident to a badly organized service would per- mit. It received the name of Fort Loudoun, in honor of the commander-in-chief, whose ar- rival in Virginia was hopefully anticipated. As to the sites of the frontier posts, they were decided upon by Washington and his ofiicers, after fi-equent and long consultations ; parties were sent out to work on them, and men recruited, and militia drafted, to garrison them. Washington visited occasionally such as were in progress, and near at hand. It was a service of some peril, for the mountains and forests were stiU infested by prowling savages, especially in the neighborhood of these new forts. At one time when he was reconnoitring a wild part of the country, attended merely by a servant and a guide, two men were murdered by the Indians in a solitary defile shortly after he had passed through it. In the autumn, he made a tour of inspection along the whole line, accompanied by his friend. Captain Hugh Mercer, who had recovered from his recent wounds. This tour furnished repeat- ed proofs of the inefiSciency of the militia sys- tem. In one place he attempted to raise a force with which to scour a region infested by roving bands of savages. After waiting several days, * Letter fsom Col. Armstrong. * " Wo hear that Captain Mercer was fourteen days In getting to Fort Lyttleton. He had a miraculous escape, living ten days on two dried clams and a rattlesnake, with the assistance of a few berries." — Neio York Mercury for October 4, 1756. t Mercer was a Scotchman, about thirty-four years of age. Aboxit ten years previously he liad served as assist- ant surgeon in the forces of Charles Edward, and followed his standard to the disastrous tield of Culloden. After the defeat of the " Chevalier," he had escaped by the way of Inverness to America, and taken up his residence on the frontier of Pennsylvania. ^Et. 24.] INEFFICIENCY OF THE MILITIA— CROSS-PURPOSES. 83 but five men answered to his summons. In an- other place, where three companies had been ordered to the reUef of a fort, attacked by the Indians, all that could be mustered were a cap- tjiin, a lieutenant, and seven or eight men. When the militia were drafted, and appeai'ed under arms, the case was not much better. It was now late in the autumn ; their term of ser- vice, by the act of the Legislature, expired in December, — half of the time, therefore, was lost in marching out and home. Their waste of provisions was enormous. To be put on al- lowance, like other soldiers, they considered an indignity. They would sooner starve than carry a few days' provisions on their backs. On the march, when breakfast was wanted, they would knock down the first beeves they met with, and, after regaling themselves, march on till dinner, when they would take the same meth- od ; and so for supper, to the great oppression of the people. For the want of proper military laws, they were obstinate, self-willed, and per- verse. Every individual had his own crude no- tion of things, and would undertake to direct. If his advice were neglected, he would think himself slighted, abused, and injured, and, to redress himself, would depart for his home. The garrisons were weak for want of men, but more so from indolence and irregularity. Ifot one was in a posture of defence, few but might be surprised with the greatest ease. At one fort, the Indians rushed from their lurking- place, pounced upon several children playing under the walls, and bore them off before they were discovered. Another fort was surprised, and many of the people massacred in the sanie manner. In the course of his tour, as he and his party approached the fort, he heard a quick firing for several minutes ; concluding that it was attacked, they hastened to its relief, but found the garrison were merely amusing them- selves firing at a mark, or for wagers. In this way they would waste their ammunition as freely as they did their provisions. In the mean time, the inhabitants of the country were in a wretched situation, feeling the little dependence to be put on militia, who were slow in coming to their assistance, indifferent about their pres- ervation, unwilling to continue, and regardless of every thing but of their own ease. In short, they wei*e so apprehensive of approaching ruin, that the whole back country was in a general motion towards the southern colonies. From the Catawba he was escorted along a range of forts by a colonel, and about thirty men, chiefly officers. " "With this small compa- ny of irregulars," says he, " with whom order, regularity, circumspection, and vigilance were matters of derision and contempt, we set out, and by the protection of Providence, reached Augusta court-house in seven days, without meeting the enemy ; otherwise we must have fallen a sacrifice, through the indiscretion of these whooping, hallooing, gentlemen soldiers ! " How lively a picture does this give of the militia system at all times, when not subjected to strict military law. What rendered this year's service peculiarly irksome and embarrassing to Washington, was the nature of his correspondence with Governor Dinwiddie. That gentleman, either from the natural hurry and confusion of his mind, or from a real disposition to perplex, was ex- tremely ambiguous and unsatisfactory in most of his orders and replies, " So much am I kept in the dark," says Washington, in one of his letters, " that I do not know whether to prepare for the offensive or defensive. What would be absolutely necessary for the one, would be quite useless for the other." And again : " The or- ders I receive are full of ambiguity. I am left like a wanderer in the wilderness, to proceed at hazard. I am answerable for consequences, and blamed, without the privilege of defence." In nothing was this disposition to perplex more apparent than in the governor's replies respect- ing Fort Cumberland. Washington had repeat- edly urged the abandonment of this fort as a place of frontier deposit, being within the bounds of another province, and out of the track of Indian incursion ; so that often the alarm would not reach there until after the mischief had been effected. He applied, at length, for particular and positive directions from the governor on this head. " The follow- ing," says he, " is an exact copy of his answer: ' Fort Cumberland is a hing''s fort, and built chiefly at the charge of the colony, therefore properly under our direction until a new gov- ernor is appointed.' Now, whether I am to un- derstand this aye or no to the plain simple ques- tion asked, Is the fort to be continued or re- moved? I know not. But in all important matters I am directed in this ambiguous and uncertain way." Governor Dinwiddie subsequently made him- self explicit on this point. Taking offence at some of Washington's comments on the military affairs of the frontier, he made the stand of a self-willed and obstinate man, in the case of 84 MILITARY AFFAIRS AT THE NORTH-DELAYS OF LORD LOUDOUX. [iVoO. Fort Cumberland ; and represented it in sucli light to Lord Londoun, as to draw from his lordship an order that it should be kept up ; and an implied censure of the conduct of Washing- ton in slighting a post of such paramount im- portance. " I cannot agree with Colonel Wash- ington," writes his lordship, " in not drawing in the posts from the stockade forts, in order .to defend that advanced one ; and I should imagine much more of the frontier will be exposed by retiring your advanced posts near Winchester, where I understand he is retired ; for, from your letter, I take it for granted he has before this executed his plan, without waiting for any advice. If he leaves any of the great. quantity of stores behind, it will be very unfortunate, find he ought to consider that it must lie at his own door." Thus powerfully supported, Dinwiddie went so far as to order that the garrisons should be withdrawn from the stockades and small fron- tier forts, and most of the troops from Win- chester, to strengthen Fort Cumberland, v/hich was now to become head-quarters ; thus weak- ening the most important points and places, to concentrate a force where it was not wanted, and would be out of the way in most cases of alarm. By these meddlesome moves, made by Governor Dinwiddie from a distance, without knowing any thing of the game, all previous arrangements were reversed, every thing was thrown into confusion, and enormous losses and expenses were incurred. " Whence it arises, or why, I am truly igno- rant," Avrites Washington to Mr. Speaker Robin- son, " but my strongest representations of mat- ters relative to the frontiers are disregarded as idle and frivolous ; my propositions and meas- ures as partial and selfish ; and all my sincerest endeavors for the service of my country are perverted to the worst purposes. My orders are dark and uncertain : to-day approved, to- morrow disapproved." Whence all this contradiction and embarrass- ment arose has since been explained, and with apparent reason. Governor Dinwiddie had never recovered from the pique caused by the popular elevation of Washington to the com- mand in preference to his favorite, Colonel Innes, His irritation was kept alive by a little Scottish faction, who vrere desirous of disgust- ing Washington with the service, so as to induce him to resign, and make way for his rival. They might have carried their point during the panic at Winchester, had not his patriotism and his sympathy with the public distress been more powerful than his self-love. He determined, he said, to bear up under these embarrassments in the hope of better regulations when Lord Lou- doun should arrive ; to whom he looked for tlje future fate of Virginia. While these events were occurring on the Virginia frontier, military affairs went on tar- dily and heavily at the north. The campaign against Canada, which was to have opened ear- ly in the year, hung fire. Tb.e armament com- ing out for the purpose, under Lord Loudoun, was delayed through the want of energy and union in the British cabinet. General Aber- crombie, who was to be next in command to his lordship, and to succeed to General Shirley, set sail in advance for New York with two regiments, but did not reach Albany, the head- quarters of military operation, untU the 25th of June. He billeted his soldiers upon the town, much to the disgust of the inhabitants, and talked of ditching and stockading it, but postponed all exterior enterprises until the ar- rival of Lord Loudoun ; then the campaign was to open in earnest. On the 12th of July, came word that the forts Ontario and Oswego, on each side of the mouth of the Oswego River, were menaced by the French. They had been imperfectly con- structed by Shirley, and were insufficiently gar- risoned, yet contained a great amount of mili- tary and naval stores, and protected the vessels which cruised on Lake Ontario. Major-General Webb was ordered by Aber- crombie to hold himself in readiness to march Avith one regiment to the relief of these forts, but received no further orders. Every thing awaited the arrival at Albany of Lord Loudoun, which at length took place on the 29th of July. There were now at least ten thousand troops, regulars and provincials, loitering in an idle camp at Albany, yet relief to Oswego was still delayed. Lord Loudoun was in favor of it, but the governments of New York and NeAV Eng- land urged the immediate reduction of Crown Point, as necessary for the security of their frontier. After much debate, it was agreed that General Webb should march to the relief of Oswego. He left Albany on the 12th of August, but had scarce reached the carrying- place, between the l^fohawk River and Wood Creek, when he received nev^'s that Oswego was reduced, and its garrison captured. While the British commanders had debated, Field- Marshal the Marquis de Montcalm, newly ar- zEr. 25.] MONTCALM'S ACTIVITY— WASHINGTON'S LETTER TO LORD LOUDOUN. 85 rived from France, had acted. He was a diifer- ent kind of soldier from Abercrombie or Lou- doun. A capacious mind and enterprising spirit animated a small, but .active and untiring frame. Quick in tliouglit, quick in speech, quicker ,stiU in action, he comprehended every thing at a glance, and moved from point to point of the province with a celerity and secrecy that com- pletely baffled his slow and pondering antago- nists. Crown Point and Ticonderoga were vis- ited, and steps taken to strengthen their works, and provide for their security ; then hastening to Montreal, he put himself at the head of a force of regulars, Canadians, and Indians ; as- cended the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario ; blocked up the mouth of the Oswego by his A-essels, landed his guns, and besieged the two forts ; drove the garrison out of one into the other ; killed the commander, Colonel Mercer, and compelled the garrisons to surrender pris- oners of war. With the forts was taken an immense amount of military stores, ammuni- tion, and provisions ; one hundred and twenty- one cannon, fourteen ^uortars, six vessels of war, a vast number of bateaux, and three chests of money. His blow achieved, Montcalm re- turned in triumph to Montreal, and sent the colors of the captured forts to be hung up as trophies in the Canadian churches. Tiie season was now too far advanced for Lord Loudoun to enter upon any g)-eat military enterprise ; he postponed, therefore, the great northern campaign, so much talked of and de- bated, until the following year ; and having ta- ken measiares for the protection of his frontiers, and for more active operations in the spring, returned to New York, hung up his sword, and went into comfortable winter-quarters. CHAPTER XXII. CincTJMSTANCES had led Washington to think that Lord Loudoun " had received impressions to his prejudice by fcAse representations of facts," and that a wrong idea prevailed at head-quar- ters respecting the state of military affairs in Virginia. He was anxious, therefore, for an opportunity of placing all these matters in a proper light ; and, miderstanding that there was to be a meeting in Philadelphia in the month of March, between Lord Loudoun and the southern governors, to consult about measures of defence for their respective provinces, he wrote to Gov- ernor Dinwiddle for permission to attend it. " I cannot conceive," writes Dinwiddle in re- ply, " what service you can be of in going there, as the plan concerted will, in course, be com- municated to you and the other officers. How- ever, as you seem so earnest to go, I now give you leave." This ungracious reply seemed to warrant the suspicions entertained by some of Washington's friends, that it was the busy pen of Governor Dinwiddle which had given the " false represen- tation of facts " to Lord Loudoun. About a month, therefore, before the time of meeting, Washington addressed a long letter to his lord- ship, explanatory of military affairs in the quar- ter where he had commanded. In this he set forth the various defects in the militia laws of Virginia ; the errors in its system of defence, and the inevitable confusion which had thence resulted. Adverting to his own conduct : " The orders I receive," said he, " are full of ambiguity. I am left like a wanderer in the wilderness, to proceed at hazard. I am answerable for conse- quences, and blamed, without the ijrivilege of defence. * * * * * It is not to be wondered at, if, under such peculiar circumstances, I should be sick of a service which promises so little of a soldier's reward. " I have long been satisfied of the impossi- bility of continuing in this service, without loss of honor. Indeed, I was fully convinced of rt before I accepted the command the second time, seeing the cloudy prospect before me ; and I did, for this reason, reject the offer, until I was ashamed any longer to refuse, not caring to expose my character to public censure. The solicitations of the country overcame my ob- jections, and induced me to accept it. Another reason has of late operated to continue me in the service until now, and that is, the dawn of hope that arose, when I heard your lordship was destined, by his majesty, for the important command of his armies in America, and ap- pointed to the government of his dominion of Virginia. Hence it was, that I drew my hopes, and fondly pronounced your lordship our pa- tron. Although I have not the honor to be known to your lordship, yet your name was fa- miliar to my ear on account of the important services rendered to his majesty in other parts of the world." The manner in v.'hich Washington was re- ceived by Lord Loiidoun on arriving at Phila- delphia, showed him at once that his long, ex- planatory letter had produced the desired effect, 86 MONTCALM ON LAKE GEORGE— HIS TRIUMPHS. Zllol. and that his character and conduct were justly appreciated. During his sojourn in Philadelphia he was frequently consulted on points of fron- tier service, and his advice was generally adopt- ed. On one point it failed. He advised that an attack should be made on Fort Duquesne, simultaneous with the attempts on Canada. At such time a great part of the garrison would be drawn away to aid in the defence of that province, and a blow might be struck more like- ly to insure the peace and safety of the southern frontier than all its forts and defences. Lord Loudoun, however, was not to be con- vinced, or at least persuaded. According to his plan, the middle and southern provinces were to maintain a merely defensive warfare ; and as Virginia would be required to send four hundred of her troops to the aid of South Caro- lina, she would, in fact, be left weaker than be- fore. "Washington was also disappointed a second time, in the hope of having his regiment placed on the same footing as the regular army, and of obtaining a king's commission ; the latter he was destined never to hold. Ilis representations with respect to Fort Cumberland, had the desired effect in counter- acting the mischievous intermeddling of Din- widdle. The Virginia troops and stores were ordered to be again removed to Fort Loudoun, at "Winchester, which once more became head- quarters, while Fort Cumberland was left to be occupied by a Maryland garrison. "Washington was instructed, likewise, to correspond and co- operate, in military affairs, with Colonel Stan- wix, who was stationed on the Pennsylvania frontier, with five hundred men from the Koyal American regiment, and to whom he would be, in some measure, subordinate. This proved a correspondence of friendship, as well as duty ; Colonel Stanwix being a gentleman of high moral worth, as well as great ability in military affairs. The great plan of operations at the north was again doomed to failure. The reduction of Crown Point, on Lake Champlain, which had long been meditated, was laid aside, and the capture of Louisbnrg substituted, as an ac- quisition of far greater importance. This was a place of great consequence, situated on the isle of Cape Breton, and strongly fortified. It commanded the fisheries of Newfoundland, overawed New England, and was a mam bul- wark to Acadia. In the course of July, Lord Loudoun set sail for Halifax with all the troops he could collect, amounting to about six thousand men, to join with Admiral Holbourne, who had just arrived at that port with eleven ships of the line, a fire-ship, bomb-ketch, and fleet of transports; having on board six thousand men. "With this united force Loi'd Loudoun anticipated the cer- tain capture of Louisburg. Scarce had the tidings of .his lordship's de- parture reached Canada, when the active Mont- calm again took the field, to follow up the suc- cesses of the preceding year. Fort "William Henry, which Sir "Wm. Johnson had erected on the southern shore of Lake George, was now his object ; it commanded the lake, and was an important protection to the British frontier. A brave old officer, Colonel Monro, with about five hundred men, formed the garrison ; more than three times that number of militia were intrenched near by. Montcalm had, early in the season, made three ineffectual attempts upon the fort ; he now trusted to be more suc- cessful. Collecting his forces from Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and the adjacent posts, with a considerable number of Canadians and Indians, altogether nearly eight thousand men, he advanced up the lake, on the 1st of August, in a fleet of boats, with swr.rms of Indian ca- noes in the advance. The fort came near being surprised ; but the troops encamped without it, abandoned their tents, and hurried within the works. A summons to surrender was answer- ed by a brave defiance. Montcalm invested the fort, made his approaches, and battered it with his artillery. For five days its veteran commander kept up a vigorous defence, trusting to receive assistance from General "Webb, who had failed to relieve Fort Oswego in the preced- ing year, and who was now at Fort Edward, about fifteen miles distant, with upwards of five thousand men. Instead of this, "Webb, who overrated the French forces, sent him a letter, advising him to capitulate. The letter was intercepted by Montcahn, but still forward- ed to Monro. The obstinate old soldier, how- ever, persisted in his defence, until most of his cannon were burst, and his ammunition expend- ed. At length, in the month of August, he hung out a flag of truce, and obtained honora- ble terms from an enemy who knew how to appreciate his valor. Montcalm demolished the fort, carried off all the artillery and munitions of war, with vessels employed in the navigation of the lake ; and having thus completed his de- struction of the British defences on this frontier. Mi\ 25.] DISASTERS AT LOUISBURG— OFFICIAL CENSORIOUSNESS. 87 returned once more in triumph with the spoils of victory, to hang up fresh trophies in the churches of Canada. Lord Loudoun, in the mean time, formed his junction with Admiral Holbourne at Hahfax, and the troops were embarked with all dili- gence on board of the transports. Unfortu- nately, the French were again too quick for them. Admiral de Bois de la Mothe had ar- rived at Louisburg, with a large naval and land force ; it was ascertained that he had seventeen ships of the line, and three frigates, quietly moored in the harbor; that the place was well fortified and supplied with provisions and am- munition, and garrisoned with sis thousand regular troops, three thousand natives, and thir- teen hundred Indians. Some hot-heads would have urged an attempt against all such array of force, but Lord Lou- doun was aware of the probability of defeat, and the disgrace and ruin it would bring upon British arms in America. He wisely, though ingloriously, returned to New York. Admiral Holbourne made a silly demonstration of his fleet ofl:' the harbor of Louisburg, approaching within two miles of the batteries, but retired on seeing the French Admiral prepai'ing to un- . moor. He afterwards returned with a rein- forcement of four ships of the line ; cruised before Louisburg, endeavoring to draw the en- emy to an engagement, which De la Mothe had the wisdom to decline ; was overtaken by a hurricane, in which one of his ships was lost, eleven were dismasted, others had to throw their guns overboard, and aU returned in a shat- tered condition to England. Thus ended the northern campaign by land and sea, a subject of great mortification to the nation, and ridicule and triumph to the enemy. During these unfortunate operations to the north, Washington was stationed at Winchester, shorn of part of his force by the detachment to South Carolina, and left with seven hundred men to defend a frontier of more than three hundred and fifty miles in extent. The capture and demolition of Oswego by Montcalm had produced a disastrous efifect. The whole coun- try of the five nations was abandoned to the French. The frontiers of Pennsylvania, Mary- land, and Virginia were harassed by repeated inroad§ of French and Indians, and Washington had the mortification to see the noble valley of the Shenandoah almost deserted by its inhabit- ants, and fast relapsing into a wilderness. The year wore away on his part in the har- assing service of defending a wide frontier with an insufficient and badly organized force, and the vexations he experienced were heightened by continual misunderstandings with Governor Dinwiddle. From the ungracious tenor of seve- ral of that gentleman's letters, and from private information, he was led to believe that some secret enemy had been making false represen- tations of his motives and conduct, and preju- dicing the governor against him. He vindicat- ed himself warmly from the alleged aspersions, proudly appealing to the whole course of his public career in proof of their falsity. " It is uncertain," said he, " in what light my services may have appeared to your honor ; but this I know, and it is the liighest consolation I am ca- pable of feeling, that no man that ever was employed in a public capacity has endeavored to discharge the trust reposed in him with greater honesty and more zeal for the country's interest than I have done ; and if there is any person living who can say,, with justice, that I have offered any intentional wrong to the pub- lic, I will cheerfully submit to the most igno- minious pimishment that an injured people ought to inflict. On the other hand, it is hard to have my character arraigned, and my actions condemned, without a hearing." His magnanimous appeal had but little effect. Dinwiddle was evidently actuated by the petty pique of a narrow and illiberal mind, impatient of contradiction, even when in error. He took advantage of his official station to vent his spleen and gratify his petulance in a variety of ways incompatible with the courtesy of a gen- tleman. It may excite a grave smile at the present day, to find Washington charged by this very small-minded man with looseness in his way of writing to him ; with remissness in his duty towards him ; and even with impertinence in the able and eloquent representations which he felt compelled to make of disastrous mis- management in military affairs ; and stiU more, to find his reasonable request, after a long course of severe duty, for a temporary leave of absence, to attend to his private concerns, peremptorily refused, and that with as little courtesy as though he were a mere subaltern seeking to absent himself on a party of pleasure. The multiplied vexations which Washmgton had latterly experienced from this man, had preyed upon his spirits, and contributed, with his incessant toils and anxieties, to undermine his health. For some time he struggled with repeated attacks of dysentery and fever, and 88 WASIIINGTOX RESUMES COMMAND— ADMIXISTRATION OF PITT. [1758. cdhtimied in the exercise of his duties ; but the increased violence of his malady, and the urgent advice of his friend, Dr. Craik, the army sur- geon, induced him to relinquish his post tow- ards the end of the year and retire to Mount Vernon. The administration of Dinwiddie, howe-ver, was now at an end. He set sail for England in January, 1758, very little regretted, excepting by his immediate hangers-on, and leaving a character overshadowed by the imputation of avarice and extortion in the exaction of illegal fees, and of downriglit delinquency in regard to large sums transmitted to him by government, to be paid over to the province in indemnifica- tion of its extra expenses ; for the disposition of whicfi sums he failed to render an account. He was evidently a sordid, narrow-minded, and somewhat arrogant man ; bustling rather than active ; prone to meddle Avith matters of which he was profoundly ignorant, and absurd- ly unwiHiug to have his ignorance enlightened. CHAPTER XXIII. For several months "Washington v/as afflicted by returns of his malady, accompanied by symptoms indicative, as he thought, of a de- cline. " My constitution," writes he to his friend, Colonel Stanwix, " is much impaired, and nothing can retrieve it but the greatest care and the most circumspect course of life. This being the case, as I have now no prospect left of preferment in the military way, and de- spair of rendering that immediate service which my country may require from the person com- manding its troops, I have thoughts of quitting my command and retiring from all public busi- ness, leaving my post to be filled by some other person more capable of the task, and who may, perhaps, have his endeavors crowned with bet- ter success than mine have been." A gradual improvement in his health, and a change in his prospects, encouraged him to con- tinue in wliat really Avas his favorite career, and at tlie beginning of April he was again in com- mand at Fort Loudoun. Mr. Francis Fauquier had been appointed successor to Dinwiddle, and until he should arrive, Mr. John Blair, president of the council, "had, from his olBce, charge of the government. In the latter Washington had a friend who appreciated his character and ser- vices, and was disposed to carry out his plans. The general aspect of alFairs, also, was more animating. Under the able and intrepid ad- ministration of William Pitt, who had control of the British cabinet, an effort was made to retrieve the disgraces of the late American campaign, and to carry on the war with greater vigor. The instructions for a common fund were discontinued ; there was no more talk of taxation by Parliament. Lord Loudoun, from whom so much had been anticipated, had dis- appointed by his inactivity, and been relieved from a command in which he had attempted much and done so little. His friends alleged that his inactivity was owing to a want of una- nimity and co-operation in the colonial govern- ments, which paralyzed all his weU-meant ef- forts. Franklin, it is probable, probed the mat- ter with his usual sagacity when he character- ized him as a man " entirely made up of inde- cision." — " Like St. George on the signs, he was always on horseback, but never rode on." On the return of his lordship to England, the general command in America devolved on Ma- jor-General Abercrombie, and the forces were divided into three detached bodies ; one, imder Major-General Amherst, was to operate in the north with the fleet under Boscawen, for the reduction of Louisburg and the island of Cape Breton ; another, under Abercrombie himself, was to proceed against Ticonderoga and Crown Point on Lake Champlain ; and the third, under Brigadier-General Forbes, who had the charge of the middle and southern colonies, was to un- dertake the reduction of Fort Duquesne. The colonial troops were to be supplied, like the regulars, with arms, ammunition, tents, and provisions, at the expense of government, but clothed and paid by the colonies ; for which the king would recommend to Parliament a proper compensation. The provincial officers appointed by the governors, and of no higher rank than colonel, were to be equal in command, when united in service with those who held di- rect from the king, according to the date of their commissions. By these wise provisions of ilr. Pitt, a fertile cause of heart-burnings and dissensions was removed. It was with the greatest satisfaction Wash- ington saw his favorite measure at last adopted, the reduction of Fort Duquesne ; and he re- solved to continue in the seiwice until that ob- ject was accomplished. In a letter to Stanwix, who was now a brigadier-general, he modestly requested to be mentioned in favorable terms to General Forbes, " not," said he, " as a person ^T. 26.] AMHERST AGAINST LOUISBURG— GENERAL WOLFE— MONTGOMERY. 89 who would depend upon him for further recom- mendation to military preferment (for I have long conquered all such inclinations, and shall serve this campaign merely for the purpose of affording my best endeavors to bring matters to a conclusion), but as a person who would gladly be distinguished in some measure from the common run of provincial officers, as I un- derstand there will be a motley herd of us." He had the satisfaction subsequently of enjoy- ing the fullest confidence of General Forbes, who knew too well the sound judgment and practical ability evinced by him in the unfortu- nate campaign of Braddock not to be desirous of availing himself of his counsels. "Washington still was commander-in-chief of the Virginia ti'oops, now augmented, by an act of the Assembly, to two regiments of one thousand men each ; one led by himself, the other by Colonel Byrd ; the whole destined to make a part of the army of General Forbes in the ex- pedition against Fort Duquesne. Of the animation which he felt at the pros- pect of serving in this long-desired campaign, and revisiting with an effective force the scene of past disasters, we have a proof in short letter, written during the excitement of the moment, to Major Francis Halket, his former companion in arms. " My dear Halket : — Are we to have you once more among us? And shall we revisit together a hapless spot, that proved so fatal to many of our former brave companions ? Yes ; and I rejoice at it, hoping it will now be in our power to testify a just abhorrence of the cruel butcheries exercised on our friends in the un- fortunate day of General Braddock's defeat ; and, moreover, to show our enemies, that we can practise all that lenity of which they only boast, without affording any adequate proof." Before we proceed to narrate the expedition against Fort Duquesne, however, we will briefly notice the conduct of the two other expeditions, which formed important parts in the plan of military operations for the year. And first, of that against Louisburg and the Island of Cape Breton. Major-General Amherst, v,^ho conducted this expedition, embarked with between ten and twelve thousand men, in the fleet of Admiral Boscawen, and set sail about the end of May, from Halifax, in Nova Scotia. Along with him went Brigadier-General James Wolfe, an officer young in years, but a veteran in military experience, and destined to gain an almost ro- mantic celebrity. He may almost be said to have been born in the camp, for he was the son of Major-General Wolfe, a veteran officer of merit, and when a lad had witnessed the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy. While a mere youth he had distinguished himself at the battle of Laffeldt, in the Netherlands ; and now, after having been eighteen years in the service, he was but thirty-one years of age. In America, however, he was to win his lasting laurels. On the 2d of June, the fleet arrived at the Bay of Gabarus, about seven miles to the west of Louisburg. The latter place was garrisoned by two thousand five hundred regulars, and three hundred militia, and subsequently rein- forced by upwards of four hundred Canadians and Indians. In the harbor were six ships of the hne and five frigates, three of which were sunk across the mouth. For several days the troops were prevented from landing by boister- ous weather, and a heavy surf. The French improved that time to strengthen a chain of forts along the shore, deepening trenches, and con- structing batteries. On the 8th of June, preparations for landing were made before daybreak. The troops vi^ere embarked in boats in three divisions, under Brigadiers Wolfe, Whetmore, and Laurens. The landing was to be attempted west of the har- bor, at a place feebly secured. Several frigates and sloops previously scoured the beach with their shot, after which Wolfe pulled for shore with his division ; the other two divisions dis- tracting the attention of the enemy, by making a show of landing in other parts. The surf stiU ran high, the enemy opened a fire of can- non and musketry from their batteries, many boats were upset, many men slain, but Wolfe pushed forward, sj^rang into the water when the boats grounded, dashed though the surf with his men, stormed the enemy's breastworks and batteries, and drove them from the shore. Among the subalterns who stood by Wolfe on this occasion, was an Irish youth, twenty-one years of age, named Eichard Montgomery, whom, for his gallantry, Wolfe promoted to a lieutenancy, and who was destined, in after years, to gain an imperishable renown. The other divisions effected a landing after a severe conflict ; artillery and stores were brought on shore, and Louisburg was formally invested. The weather continued boisterous ; the heavy cannon, and the various munitions necessary for a siege, were landed with difficulty. Am- 90 CAPTURE OF LOUISBURG— DEATH OF LORD HOWE. [1758. herst, moreover, was a cautious man, and made Lis approaches slowly, securing his camp by redoubts and epaulements. The Chevalier Dru- c«ur, who commanded at Louisburg, called in his outposts, and prepared for a desperate de- fence; keeping up a heavy fire from his batter- ies, and from the ships in the harbor. Wolfe, with a strong detachment, surprised at night, and took possession of Light-House Point, on the north-east side of the entrance to the harbor. Here he drew up batteries in addition to those already there, from which he was enabled greatly to annoy both town and shipping, as well as to aid Amherst in his slow, but regular and sure approaches. On the 21st of July, the three largest of the enemy's ships were set on fire by a bombshell. On the night of the 25th two other of the ships were boarded, sword in hand, from boats of the squadron ; one being aground, was burnt, the other was towed out of the harbor in triumph. The brave Drucour kept up the defence until all the ships were either taken or destroyed ; forty, out of fifty-two pieces of cannon dis- mounted, and his works mere heaps of ruins. When driven to capitulate, he refused the terms proposed, as being too severe, and, when threatened with a general assault, by sea and land, determined to abide it, rather than sub- mit to what he considered a humiliation. The prayers and petitions of the inhabitants, how- ever, overcame his obstinacy. The place was surrendered, and he and his garrison became prisoners of war. Captain Amherst, brother to the general, carried home the news to Eng- land, with eleven pair of colors, taken at Louis- burg. There were rejoicings throughout the kingdom. The colors were borne in triumph through the streets of London, with a parade of horse and foot, kettle-drums and trumpets, and the thunder of artillery, and were put up as trophies in St. Paul's Cathedral. Boscawen, who was a member of Parliament, received a unanimous vote of praise from the House of Commons, and the youthful "Wolfe, who returned shortly after the victory to Eng- land, was hailed as the hero of the enterprise. We have disposed of one of the three great expeditions contemplated in the plan of the year's campaign. The second was that against the French forts on Lakes George and Cham- plain. At the beginning of July, Abercrombie was encamped on the borders of Lake George, with between six and seven thousand regulars, and upwards of nine thousand provincials, from I New England, New York, and New Jersey. Major Israel Putnam, of Connecticut, who had served on this lake, under Sir William Johnson, in the campaign in which Dieskau was defeated and slain, had been detached with a scouting party to reconnoitre the neighborhood. After his return and report, Abercrombie prepared to proceed against Ticonderoga, situated on a tongue of land in Lake Ohamplain, at the mouth of the strait communicating with Lake George. On the 5th of July, the forces were em- barked in one hundred and twenty-five whale- boats, and nine hundred bateaux, with the ar- tillery on rafts. The vast flotilla proceeded slowly down the lak^, with banners and pen- nons fluttering in the summer breeze ; arms glittering in the sunshine, and martial music echoing along the wood-clad moimtains. With Abercrombie went Lord Howe, a young noble- man, brave and enterprising, full of martial en- thusiasm, and endeared to the soldiery by the generosity of his disposition, and the sweetness of his manners. On the fii'st night they bivouacked for some hours at Sabbath-day Point, but re-embarked before midnight. The next day they landed on a point on the western shore, just at the entrance of the strait leading to Lake Cham- plain. Here they were formed into three col- umns, and pushed forward. They soon came upon the enemy's advanced guard, a battalion encamped behind a log breast- work. The French set fire to their camp, and retreated. The columns kept their form and pressed forward, but through ignorance of their guides became bewildered in a dense forest, fell into confusion, and blundered upon each other. Lord Howe urged on with the van of the right centre column. Putnam, who was with him, and more experienced in forest warfare, endeavored in vain to inspire him with caution. After a time they came upon a detachment of the retreating foe, who, like themselves, had lost their way. A severe conflict ensued. Lord Howe, who gallantly led the van, was killed at the onset. His fall gave new ardor to his troops. The enemy were routed, some slain, some drowned, about one hundred and fiftj'' taken prisoners, including five officers. Nothing further was done that day. The death of Lord Howe more than counterbalanced the defeat of the enemy. His loss was bewailed not merely by the army, but by the American ^T. 26.] REPULSE OF ABERCROMBIE— BRADSTREET AGAINST OSWEGO. 91 people ; for it is singular how mucli this young nobleman, in a short time, had made himself beloved. The point near which the troops had landed still bears his name ; the place where he fell is still pointed out ; and Massachusetts voted him a monument in Westminster Abbey. With Lord Howe expired the master spirit of the enterprise. Abercrombie fell back to the landing-place. The next day he sent out a strong detachment of regulars, royal provincials, and bateaux men, under Lieutenant-Colonel Bradstreet, of New York, to secure a saw-mill, which the enemy had abandoned. This done, he followed on the same evening with the main forces, and took post at the mill, within two miles of the fort. Here he was joined by Sir William Johnson, with between four and five hundred savage warriors from the Mohawk River. Montcalm had called in all his forces, be- tween three and four thousand men, and was strongly posted behind deep intrenchments and breastworks eight feet high ; with an abatis, or felled trees, in front of his lines, presenting a horrid barrier, with their jagged boughs pointing outward. Abercrombie was deceived as to the strength of the French works ; his engineers persuaded him they were formidable only in appearance, but really weak and flimsy. Without waiting for the arrival of his cannon, and against the opinion of his most judicious officers, he gave orders to storm the works. Never were rash orders more gallantly obeyed. The men rushed forward with fixed bayonets, and attempted to force their way through, or scramble over the abatis, under a sheeted fire of swivels and musketry. In the desperation of the moment, the officers even tried to cut their way through with their swords. Some even reached the parapet, where they were shot down. The breastwork was too high to be surmounted, and gave a secure covert to the enemy. Repeated assaults were made, and as often repelled, with dreadful havoc. The Iroquois warriors, who had arrived with Sir William Johnson, took no part, it is said, in this fierce conflict, but stood aloof as uncon- cerned spectators of the bloody strife of white men. After four hours of desperate and fruitless fighting, Abercrombie, who had all the time remained aloof at the saw-mills, gave up the ill-judged attempt, and withdrew once more to the landing-place, with the loss of nearly two thousand in killed and wounded. Had not the vastly inferior force of Montcalm prevented him from sallying beyond his trenches, the re- treat of the British might have been pushed to a headlong and disastrous flight. Abercrombie had still nearly four times the number of the enemy, with cannon, and aU the means of carrying on a siege, with every pros- pect of success ; but the failure of this rash assault seems completely to have dismayed him. The next day he re-embarked aU his troops, and returned across that lake where his dis- graced banners had recently waved so proudly. While the general was planning fortifications on Lake George, Colonel Bradstreet obtained per-, mission to carry into eflect an expedition which he had for some time meditated, and which had been a favored pi-oject with the lamented Howe. This was to reduce Fort Frontenac, the stronghold of the French on the north side of the entrance of Lake Ontario, commanding the mouth of the St. Lawrence. This post was a central point of Indian trade, whither the tribes resorted from all parts of a vast interior ; sometimes a distance of a thousand miles, to traffic away their peltries with the fur-traders. It was, moreover, a magazine for the more southern posts, among which was Fort Du- quesne on the Ohio. Bradstreet was an officei* of spirit. Pushing his way along the valley of the Mohawk and by the Oneida, where he was joined by several warrisrs of the Six Nations, he arrived at Os- wego in August, with nearly three thousand men, the greater part of them provincial trooi)s of New York and Massachusetts. Embarking at Oswego in open boats, he crossed Lake Ontario, and landed within a mile of Frontenac. The fort mounted sixty guns and several mortars, yet though a place of such importance, the garrison consisted of merely one hundred and ten men, and a few Indians. These either fled, or surrendered at discretion. In the fort was an immense amount of merchandise and mili- tary stores ; part of the latter intended for the supply of Fort Duquesne. In the harbor were nine armed vessels, some of them carrying eighteen guns ; the whole of the enemy's ship- ping on the lake. Two of these Colonel Brad- street freighted with part of the spoils of the fort, the others he destroyed ; then having dis- mantled the fortifications, and laid waste every thing which he could not carry away, he re- crossed the lake to Oswego, and returned with his troops to the army on Lake George. 92 SLOW OPERATIONS— MRS. MARTHA CTSTIS— A SHORT COURTSHIP. [1758, CHAPTEE XXIV. Operations went on slowly in that part of the year's campaign in which Washington was immediately engaged— the expedition against Fort Duquesne. Brigadier-General Forbes, who was commander-in-chief, was detained at Phil- adelphia by those delays and cross-purposes incident to military afiairs in a new country. Colonel Bouquet, who was to command the ad- vanced division, took his station, with a corps of regulars, at Raystown, in the centre of Pennsylvania. There slowly assembled troops from various parts. Three thousand Pennsyl- vanians, twelve hundred and fifty South Caro- linians, and a few hundred men from elsewhere. Washington, in the mean time, gathered to- gether his scattered regiment at Winchester, some from a distance of tAVO hundred miles, and diligently disciplined his recruits. He had two Virginia regiments under him, amounting, when complete, to about nineteen hundred men. Seven hundred Indian warriors, also, came lagging into his camp, lured by the pros- pect of a successful campaign. The president of the council had given Wash- ington a discretionary power in the present j imcture, to order (fut militia for the purpose of garrisoning the fort in the absence of the regular troops. Washington exercised the power with extreme reluctance. lie consider- ed it, lie said, an affair of too important and delicate a nature for him to manage, and ap- prehended the discontent it might occasion. In fact, his sympathies were always with the hus- bandmen and the laborers of the soil, and he deplored the evils imposed upon them by arbi- trary drafts for military service ; a scruple not often indulged by youthful commanders. The force thus assembling was ifi want of arms, tents, field-e(iuipage, and almost every requisite. Washington had made repeated rep- resentations, by letter, of the destitute state of the Virginia troops, but without avail ; he was now ordered by Sir John St. Clair, the quartermaster-general of the forces, under Gen- eral Forbes, to repair to Williamsburg, and lay the state of the case before the council. lie set off promptly on horsebaclc, attended by Bishop, the well-trained military servant who had served the lato General Braddock. It proved an eventful journey, though not in a military point of view. In crossing a ferry of the Pammikey, a branch of Yurk Pviver he fell in company with a Mr. Chamberlayne, who lived in the neighborhood, and who, in the spirit of Virginian hospitality, claimed him as a guest. It was with difliculty Washington could be prevailed on to halt for dinner, so impatient was he to arrive at Williamsburg, and accomplish his mission. Among the guests at Mr. Chamberlayne's was a young and blooming widow, Mrs. Martha Oustis, daughter of Mr. John Dandridge, both patrician names in the province. Her hus- band, John Parke Custis, had been dead about three years, leaving her with two young chil- dren, and a large fortune. She is represented as being rather below the middle size, but ex- tremely weU shaped, with an agreeable counte- nance, dark hazel eyes and hair, and those frank, engaging manners, so captivating in Southern women. "We are not informed whether Wash- ington had met with her before ; probably not during her widowhood, as during that time he had been almost continually on the frontier. We have shown that, with aU his gravity and reserve, he was quickly susceptible to female charms; and they may have had a greater effect upon him when thus casually encountei'ed in fleeting moments snatched from the cares and perplexities and rude scenes of frontier warfare. At any rate, his heart appears to have been taken by surprise. The dinner, which in those days was an ear- lier meal than at present, seemed aU too short. The afternoon passed away like a dream. Bishop was punctual to the orders he had received on halting ; the horses pawed at the door ; but for once Washington loitered in the path of duty. The hor.-es were countermanded, and it was not until the next morning that he was again in the saddle, spurring for Williamsburg. Happily the White House, the residence of Mrs. Custis, was in Fev/ Kent County, at no great distance from that city, so that he had opportunities of visiting her in the intervals of business. His time for courtship, however, was brief. Military duties called him back almost immediately to Winchester ; but he feared, should he leave the matter in suspense, some more enterprising rival might su])p]ant liim during his absence, as in the case of Miss Philipse, at New York. He improved, there- fore, his brief opportunity to the utmost. The blooming widow had many suitors, but Wash- ington was graced with that renown so enno- bling in the eyes of woman. In a word, before they separated, they had maitually pli'j-lited M-r. 26.] THE RIFLE DRESS— WASHINGtOX ELECTED TO THE HOUSE OF BURGESSES. 93 their faith, and the marriage was to take place as soon as the campaign against Fort Duquesne was at an end. Before returning to Winchester, "Washington was obliged to hold conferences with Sir John St. Clair and Colonel Bouquet, at an interme- diate rendezvous, to give them information re- specting the frontiers, and arrange about the marching of his troops. His constant word to them was forward ! forward ! For the pre- cious time for action was slipping away, and he feared their Indian allies, so important to their security while on the march, might, v^^ith their usual lickleness, lose patience, and return home. On arriving at Winchester, he found his troops restless and discontented from pro- longed inaction. The inhabitants impatient of the burdens imposed on them, and of the disturbances of an idle camp ; while the In- dians, as he apprehended, had deserted out- right. It was a great relief, therefore, when he received orders from the commander-in-chief to repair to Fort Cumberland. He arrived' there on the 2d of July, and proceeded to open a road between that post and head-quarters, at Raystown, thirty miles distant, where Colonel yJouquet was stationed. His troops were scantily supplied with regi- mental clothing. The weather was oppres- sively warm. He now conceived the idea of equipping them in the light Indian hunting garb, and even of adopting it himself. Two companies were accordingly equipped in this style, and sent under the command of Major Lewis to head-quarters. " It is an unbecoming dress, I own, for an officer," writes Washing- ton ; " but convenience, rather than show, I think, should be consulted. The reduction of bat-horses alone would be sufficient to recom- mend it ; for nothing is more certain than that less baggage would be required." The experiment was successful. " The dress takes very well here," writes Colonel Bouquet ; " and, thank God, we see nothing but shirts and blankets. * * * Their dress should be one pattern for this expedition." Such was probably the origin of the American rifle dress, afterwards so much worn in warfare, and mod- elled on the Indian costume. The army was now annoyed by scouting parties of Indians hovering about the neighbor- hood. Expresses passing betv/een the posts were fired upon ; a waggoner was shot down. Washington sent out counter-parties of Chero- kees. Colonel Bouquet required that each party should be accompanied by an officer and a number of white men. Washington complied with the order, though he considered them an encumbrance rather than an advantage, " Small parties of Indians," said he, " will more effectually harass the enemy, by keeping them under continual alarms, than any parties of white men can do. For small parties of the latter are not equal to the task, not being so dexterous at skulking as Indians ; and large parties wiU be discovered by their spies early enough to have a superior force opposed to them." With all these efforts, however, he was never able fully to make the ofiBcers of the regular army appreciate the importance of In- dian allies in these campaigns in the wilderness. On the other hand, he earnestly discounte- nanced a proposition of Colonel Bouquet, to make an irruption into the enemy's country with a strong party of regulars. Such a de- tachment, he observed, could not be sent with- out a cumbersome train of supplies, which would discover it to the enemy, who must at that time be collecting his whole force at Fort Duquesne ; the enterprise, therefore, would be likely to terminate in a miscarriage, if not in the destruction of the party. We shall see that his opinion was oracular. As Washington Intended to retire from mil- itary life at the close of this campaign, he had proposed himself to the electors of Frederick County as their representative in the House of Burgesses. The election was coming on at Winchester ; his friends pressed him to attend it, and Colonel Bouquet gave him leave of ab- sence ; but he declined to absent himself from his post for the promotion of his political in- terests. There were three competitors in the field, yet so high was the public opinion of his merit, that, though Winchester had been his head-quarters for two or three years past, and he had occasionally enforced martial law with a rigorous hand, he was elected by a large ma- jority. The election was carried on somewhat in the English style. There was much eating and drinking at the expense of the candidate. Washington appeared on the hustings by proxy, and his representative was chaired about the town with enthusiastic applause and huzzaing for Colonel Washington. On the 21st of July arrived tidings of the brilliant success of that part of the scheme of the year's campaign conducted by General Am- herst and Admiral Boscawen, who had reduced the strong town of Louisburg, and gained pos- 94 A NEW ROAD TO FORT DUQTJESNE— MARCH FOR THE FORT. [1758. session of the Island of Cape Breton. This intelligence increased Washington's impatience at the delays of the expedition with which he was connected. He wished to rival these suc- cesses by a brilliant blow in the south. Per- haps a desire for personal distinction in the eyes of the lady of his choice, may have been at the bottom of this impatience ; for we are told that he kept up a constant correspondence with her throughout the campaign. Understanding that the commander-in-chief had some thoughts of throwing a body of light troops in the advance, he wrote to Colonel Bouquet, earnestly soliciting his influence to have himself and his Virginia regiment in- cluded in the detachment. " If any argument is needed to obtain this favor," said he, " I hope, without vanity, I may be allowed to say, that from long intimacy with these woods, and fre- quent scouting in them, my men are at least as well acquainted with all the passes and difii- culties as any troops that will be employed." He soon learnt to his surprise, however, that' the road to which his men were accustomed, and which had been worked by Braddook's troops in his campaign, was not to be taken in the present expedition, but a new one opened through tlie heart of Pennsylvania, from Rays- town to Fort Duquesne, on the track generally taken by the northern traders. He instantly commenced long and repeated remonstrances on the subject ; representing that Braddock's road, from recent examination, only needed par- tial repairs, and showing by clear calculation that an army could each Fort Duquesne by that route in thirty-four days, so that the whole campaign might be effected by the middle of October ; whereas the extreme labor of open- ing a new road across mountains, swamps, and through a densely wooded country, would de- tain them so late, that the season would be over before they could reach the scene of action. His representations were of no avail. The officers of the regular service had received a fearful idea of Braddock's road from his own despatches, wherein he had described it as lying " across mountains and rocks of an exces- sive height, vastly steep, and divided by tor- rents and rivers," whereas the Pennsylvania traders, who were anxious for the opening of the new road through their province, described the country through which it would pass as less difficult, and its streams less subject to in- undation; above all, it was a direct line, and fifty miles nearer. This route, therefore, to the great regret of "Washington and the indig- nation of the Virginia Assembly, was defini- tively adopted, and sixteen himdred men were immediately thrown in the advance from Eays- town to work upon it. The first of September found Washington still encamped at Fort Cumberland, his troops sickly and dispirited, and the brilliant expedi- tion which he had anticipated, dwindling down into a tedious operation of road-making. In the mean time, his scouts brought him word that the whole force at Fort Duquesne on the 13th of August, Indians included, did not ex- ceed eight hundred men : had an early cam- paign been pressed forward, as he reconmiended, the place by this time would have been cap- tured. At length, in the month of September, he received orders from General Forbes to join him with his troops at Eaystown, where he had just arrived, having been detained by, severe illness. He was received by the general with the highest marks of respect. On all oc- casions, both in private and at councils of war, that commander treated his opinions with the greatest deference. He, moreover, adopted a plan drawn out by Washington for the marcli of the army ; and an order of battle which still exists, furnishing a proof of his skiU in frontier warfare. It was now the middle of September ; yet the great body of men engaged in opening the new military road, after incredible toil, had not advanced about forty-five miles, to a place called Loyal Hannan, a little beyond Laurel Hill. Colonel Bouquet, who commanded the division of nearly two thousand men sent for- ward to open this road, had halted at Loyal Hannan to establish a military post and de- posit. He was upwards of fifty miles from Fort Du- quesne, and was tempted to adopt the measure, so strongly discountenanced by Washington, of sending a party on a foray into the enemy's country. He accordingly detached Major Grant with eight hundred picked men, some of them Highlanders, others in Indian garb, the part of Washington's Virginian regiment sent for- ward by him from Cumberland under command of Major Lewis. The instructions given to Major Grant were merely to reconnoitre the country in the neigh- borhood of Fort Duquesne, and ascertain the strength and position of the enemy. He con- ducted the enterprise with the foolhardiness of a man eager for personal notoriety. His ^T. 26.] FOOLHARDINESS OF GRANT— DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES. 95 whole object seems to have been by open bra- vado to provoke an action. The enemy were apprised, through their scouts, of his approach, but suffered him to advance unmolested. Ar- riving at night in the neighborhood of the fort, he posted his men on a hill, and sent out a party of observation, who set fire to a log house near the walls, and returned to the encamp- ment. As if this were not sufficient to put the enemy on the alert, he ordered the reveille to be beaten in the morning in several places ; then, posting Major Lewis with his provincial troops at a distance in the rear to protect the baggage, he marshalled his regulars in battle array, and sent an engineer, with a covering party, to take a plan of the works in full view of the garrison. Not a gun was fired by the fort ; the silence which was maintained was mistaken for fear, and increased the arrogance and blind security of the British commander. At length, when he was thrown off his guard, there was a sudden sally of the garrison, and an attack on the flanks by Indians hid in ambush. A scene now oc- curred similar to that of the defeat of Brad- dock. The British officers marshalled their men according to European tactics, and the Highlanders for some time stood their ground bravely ; but the destructive fire and horrid yells of the Indians soon produced panic and con- fusion. Major Lewis, at the first noise of the attack, left Captain Bullitt, with fifty Virgin- ians, to guard the baggage, and hastened with the main part of his men to the scene of action. The contest was kept up for some time, but the confusion was irretrievable. The Indians sal- lied from their concealment, and attacked with the tomahawk and scalping-knife. Lewis fought hand to hand with an Indian brave, whom he laid dead at his feet, but was surrounded by others, and only saved his life by surrendering himself to a French officer. Major Grant sur- rendered himself in like manner. The whole detachment was put to the rout with dreadful carnage. Captain Bullitt rallied several of the fugi- tives, and prepared to make a forlorn stand, as the only chance where the enemy was over- whelming and merciless. Despatching the most valuable baggage with the strongest horses, he made a barricade with the baggage waggons, behind which he posted his men; giving them orders how they were to act. AU this was the thought and the work almost of a moment, for the savages, having finished the havoc and plunder of the field of battle, were hastening in pursuit of the fugitives. Bullitt suftered them to come near, when, on a concerted sig- nal, a destructive fire was opened from behind the baggage waggons. They were checked for a time; but were again pressing forward in greater numbers, when BuUitt and his men held out the signal of capitulation, and ad- vanced as if to surrender. When within eight yards of the enemy, they suddenly levelled * their arms, poured a most efiective volley, and then charged with the bayonet. The Indians fled in dismay, and Bullitt took advantage of this check to retreat with aU speed, collecting the wounded and the scattered fugitives as he advanced. The routed detachment came back in fragments to Colonel Bouquet's camp at Loyal Hannan, with the loss of twenty-one officers and two hundred and seventy-three privates killed and taken. The Highlanders and the Virginians were those that fought the best and suffered the most in this bloody battle. Washington's regiment lost six officers and sixty-two privates. If Washington could have taken any pride in seeing his presages of misfortune verified, he might have been gratified by the result of this rash " irruption into the enemy's country," which was exactly what he had predicted. In his letters to Governor Fauquier, however, he bears lightly on the error of Col. Bouquet. " From all accounts I can collect," says he, " it appears very clear that this was a very ill- concerted, or a very ill-executed plan, perhaps both ; but it seems to be generally acknowl- edged that Major Grant exceeded his orders, and that no disposition was made for engag- ing." Washington, who was at Raystown when the disastrous news ai-rived, was publicly compli- mented by General Forbes, on the gallant con- duct of his Virginian troops, and Bullitt's be- havior was " a matter of great admiration." The latter was soon after rewarded with a major's commission. As a further mark of the high opinion now entertained of provincial troops for frontier service, Washington was given the command of a division, partly composed of his own men, to keep in the advance of the main body, clear the roads, throw out scouting parties, and repel Indian attacks. It was the 5th of November before the whole army assembled at Loyal Hannan. Winter was now at hand, and upwards of fifty miles of 96 PUliT DUQUESNE ABANDOXED— WASHINGTON'S MARRIAGE. [1759. wilderness vrere yet to be traversecl, bv a road not yet formed, before tliey could reach Fort Duqnesne. Again, Washington's predictions seemed likely to be verified, and the expedition to be defeated by delay ; for in a council of war, it Avas determined to be impracticable to advance further with the army that season. Three prisoners, however, who were brouglit in, gave such an account of the weak state of the garrison at Fort Duquesne, its want of provisions, and the defection of the Indians, that it was determined to push forward. The march was accordingly resumed, but without tents or baggage, and with only a light train of artillery. Washington still kept the advance. After leaving Loyal Hannan, the road presented traces of the late defeat of Grant ; being strewed with human bones, the sad relics of fugitives cut down by the Indians, or of woimded soldiers who had died on the retreat ; they lay moulder- ing in various stages of decay, mingled with the bones of horses and of oxen. As they ap- proached Fort Duquesne, these mementoes of former disasters became more frequent ; and the bones of those massacred in the defeat of Braddock, stiU lay scattered about the battle field, whitening in the sun. At length the army arrived in sight of Fort Duquesne, advancing with great precaution, and expecting a vigorous defence ; but that formidable fortress, the terror and scourge of the frontier, and the object of such warlike enterprise, fell without a blow. The recent successes of the English forces in Canada, par- ticularly the capture and destruction of Fort Frontenac, had left the garrison without hope of reinforcements and supplies. The whole force, at the time, did not exceed five hundred men, and the provisions were nearly exhausted. The commander, therefore, waited only until the English array was v\-ithin one day's march, when he embarked his troops at night in ba- teaux, blew up his magazines, set fire to the fort, and retreated down the Ohio, by the light of the flames. On the 25th of November, Washington, with the advanced guard, marched in, and planted the British flag on the yet smoking ruins. One of the first offices of the army was to collect and bury, in one common tomb, the bones of their fellow-soldiers who had fallen in the battles of Braddock and Grant. In this pious duty it is said every one joined, from the general down to the private soldier ; and some veterans assisted, with heavy hearts and fre- quent ejaculations of poignant feeling, v/ho had been present in the scenes of defeat and car- nage. The ruins of the fortress were now put in a defensible state, and garrisoned by two hundred men from Washington's regiment ; the name was changed to that of Fort Pitt, in honor of the illustrious British minister, whose measures had given vigor and eflTect to this year's cam- paign ; it has since been modified into Pitts- burg, and designates one of the most busy and populous cities of the interior. The reduction of Fort Duquesne terminated, as Washington had foreseen, the troubles and dangers of the southern frontier. The French domination of the Oiiio was at an end ; tlie In- dians, as usual, paid homage to the conquering power, and a treaty of peace was concluded with all the tribes between the Ohio and the lakes. With this campaign ended, for the present, the military career of Washington. His great object was attained, the restoration of quiet and security to his native province ; and, hav- ing abandoned all hope of attaining rank in the regular army, and his health being much im- paired, he gave up his commission at the close of the year, and retired from the service, fol- lowed by the applause of his fellow-soldiers, and the gratitude and admiration of all his countrymen. His marriage with Mrs, Custis took place shortly after his return. It was celebrated on the 6th of January, 1759, at the White House, the residence of the bride, in the good old hos- pitable style of Virginia, amid a joyous assem- blage of relatives and friends. CHAPTER XXV. Before following Washington into the retire- ment of domestic life, we think it proper to no- tice the events whicli closed the great struggle between England and France for empire in America. In that struggle he had first become practised in arms, and schooled m the ways of the world ; and its results will be found con- nected with the history of his later years. General Ai)ercrombie had been superseded as commander-in-chief of the forces in America by Major-General Amherst, who had gained great favor by the reduction of Louisburg. Mt. 27.] FORT NIAGARA TAKEN— AMHERST AT TICONDEROGA. 97 According to the plan of operations for 1759, General "Wolfe, who had risen to fame by his gallant conduct in the same aftair, was to ascend the St. Lawrence in a fleet of ships of war, with eight thousand men, as soon as the river should be free of ice, and lay siege to Quebec, the capital of Canada. General Amherst, in the mean time, was to advance, as Abercrombie had done, by Lake George, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; reduce those forts, cross Lake Charaplain, push on to the St. Lawrence, and co-operate with Wolfe. A third expedition, under Brigadier-General Prideaux, aided by Sir William Johnson and his Indian warriors, was to attack Fort Niagara, which controlled the whole country of the Six Nations, and commanded the navigation of the great lakes, and the intercourse between Canada and Louisiana. Having reduced this fort, he was to traverse Lake Ontario, descend the St. Lawrence, capture Montreal, and joiu his forces with those of Amherst. The last-mentioned expedition was the first executed. General Prideaux embarked at Os- wego on the first of July, with a large body of troops, regulars and provincials, — the latter partly from New York. He was accompanied by Sir William Johnson, and his Indian braves of the Mohawk. Landing at an inlet of Lake Ontario, within a few miles of Fort Niagara, he advanced, without being opposed, and pro- ceeded to invest it. The garrison, six hundred strong, made a resolute defence. The siege was carried on by regular approaches, but pressed with vigor. On the 20th of July, Pri- deaux, in visiting his trenches, was killed by the bursting of a cohorn. Informed by express of this misfortune, General Amherst detached from the main army Brigadier-General Gage, the officer who had led Braddock's advance, to take the command. In the mean time, the siege had been con- ducted by Sir William Johnson with courage and sagacity. He was destitute of military science, but had a natural aptness for warfare, especially for the rough kind carried on in the wilderness. Being informed by his scouts that twelve hundred regular troops, drawn from De- troit, Venango, and Presque Isle, and led by D'Aubry, with a number of Indian auxiliaries, were hastening to the rescue, he detached a force of grenadiers and light infantry, with some of his Mohawk warriors, to intercept them. They came in sight of each other on the road between Niagara Falls and the fort, 7 within the thundering sound of the one, and the distant view of the other. Johnson's " braves " advanced to have a parley with the hostile redskins. The latter received them with a war-whoop, and Frenchman and savage made an impetuous onset. Johnson's regulars and provincials stood their ground firmly, while his red warriors fell on the flanks of the enemy. After a sharp conflict, the French were broken, routed, and pursued through the woods, with great carnage. Among the prisoners taken were seventeen oflicers. The next day Sir William Johnson sent a trumpet, summoning the garrison to surrender, to spare the effusion of blood, and prevent outrages by the Indians. They had no alternative ; were permitted to march out with the honors of war, and were protected by Sir WiUiam from his Indian allies. Thus was secured the key to the communication between Lakes Ontario and Erie, and to the vast interior region connected with them. The blow alarmed the French for the safety of Montreal, and De Levi, the second in command of their Canadian forces, hastened up from be- fore Quebec, and took post at the fort of Os- wegatchie (now Ogdensburg), to defend the passes of the St. Lawrence. We now proceed to notice the expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In the month of July, General Amherst embarked with nearly twelve thousand men, at the upper part of Lake George, and proceeded down it, as Abercrombie had done in the preceding year, in a vast fleet of whale-boats, bateaux, and rafts, and all the glitter and parade of war. On the 22d, the army debarked at the lower part of the lake, and advanced toward Ticon- deroga. After a slight skirmish with the ad- vanced guard, they secured the old post at the saw-mill. Montcalm was no longer in the fort ; he was absent for the protection of Quebec. The gar- rison did not exceed four hundred men. Bour- lamarque, a brave officer, who commanded, at flrst seemed disposed to make defence ; but, against such overwhelming force, it would have been madness. Dismantling the fortifications, therefore, he abandoned them, as he did like- wise those at Crown Point, and retreated down the lake, to assemble forces, and make a stand at the Isle Aux Noix, for the protection of Montreal and the province. Instead of following him up, and hastening to co-operate with Wolfe, General Amherst proceeded to repair the works at Ticonderoga, 98 GENERAL WOLFE AT QUEBEC. [1759. and erect a new fort at Crown Point, thongh neither was in present danger of being attacked, nor would be of use if Canada were conquered. Amherst, however, was one of those cautious men, who, in seeking to be sure, are apt to be fatally slow. His delay enabled the enemy to rally their forces at Isle Aux Noix, and call in Canadian reinforcements, while it deprived Wolfe of that co-operation which, it will be shown, was most essential to the general suc- cess of the campaign. "Wolfe, with his eight thousand men, ascended the St. Lawrence in the fleet, in the month of June. With him came Brigadiers Monckton, Townshend, and Murray, youthful and brave like himself, and like himself, already schooled in arms. Monckton, it will be recollected, had signalized himself, when a colonel, in the expe- dition in 1755, in which the French were driv- en from Nova Scotia. The grenadiers of the army were commanded by Colonel Guy Carle- ton, and part of the light infantry by Lieuten- ant-Colonel William Howe, both destined to ce- lebrity in after years in the annals of the American Revolution. Colonel Howe was brother of the gallant Lord Howe, whose fall in the preceding year was so generally lamented. Among the officers of the fleet was Jervis, the future admiral, and ultimately Earl St. Vin- cent ; and the master of one of the ships was James Cook, afterwards renowned as a discov- erer. About the end of June, the troops debarked on the large, populous, and well-cultivated Isle of Orleans, a little below Quebec, and encamp- ed in its fertile fields. Quebec, the citadel of Canada, was strong by nature. It was built round the point of a rocky promontory, and flanked by precipices. The crystal current of the St. Lawrence swept by it on the right, and the river St. Charles flowed along on the left, before mingling with that mighty stream. The place was tolerably fortifled, but art had not yet rendered it, as at the present day, impreg- nable. Montcalm commanded the post. His troops were more numerous than the assailants ; but the greater part were Canadians, many of them inhabitants of Quebec ; and he had a host of savages. His forces were drawn out along the northern shore below the city, from the river St. Charles to the Falls of Montmorency, and their position was secured by deep intrench- ments. The night after the debarkation of Wolfe's troops, a furious storm caused great damage to the transports, and sank some of the small craft. While it was stiU raging, a number of fire-ships, sent to destroy the fleet, came driving down. They were boarded intrepidly by the British seamen, and towed out of the way of doing harm. After much resistance, Wolfe es- tablished batteries at the west point of the Isle of Orleans, and at Point Levi, on the right (or south) bank of the St. Lawrence, within cannon range of the city. Colonel Guy Carleton com- manded at the former battery ; Brigadier Monck- ton at the latter. From Point Levi bombshells and red-hot shot were discharged ; many houses were set on fire in the upper town, the lower town was reduced to rubbish ; the main fort, however, remained unharmed. Anxious for a decisive action, Wolfe, on the 9th of July, crossed over in boats from the Isle of Orleans, to the north bank of the St. Law- rence, and encamped below the Montmorency, It was an ill-judged position, for there was still that tumultuous stream, with its rocky banks, between him and the camp of Montcalm ; but the ground he had chosen was higher than that occupied by tlie latter, and the Montmorency had a ford below the falls, passable at low tide. Another ford was discovered, three miles with- in land, but the banks were steep, and shagged with forest. At both fords the vigilant Mont- calm had thrown up breastworks, and posted troops. On the 18th of July, Wolfe made a recon- noitring expedition up the river, with two armed sloops, and two transports with troops. He passed Quebec unharmed, and carefully no- ted the shores above it. Rugged cliflfs rose al- most from the water's edge. Above them, he was told, was an extent of level ground, called the Plains of Abraham, by which the upper town might be approached on its weakest side ; but how was that plain to be attained, when the cliffs, for the most part, were inaccessible, and every practicable place fortified ? He returned to Montmorency disappointed, and resolved to attack Montcalm in his camp, however difficult to be approached, and how- ever strongly posted. Townshend and Murray with their brigades, were to cross the Montmo- rency at low^ tide, below the falls, and storm the redoubt thrown up in front of the ford. Monckton, at the same time, was to cross, with part of his brigade, in boats from Point Levi. The ship Centurion, stationed in the channel, was to check the fire of a battery which com- Mt. 21.} WOLFE BEFORE THE BATTLE. 99 manded the ford ; a train of artillery, planted on an eminence, was to enfilade the enemy's in- trenchments ; and two armed, flat-bottomed boats, were to be run on shore near the re- doubt, and favor the crossing of the troops. As usual, in complicated orders, part were misunderstood, or neglected, and confusion was the consequence. Many of the boats from Point Levi ran aground on a shallow in the riv- er, where they were exposed to a severe fire of shot and shells. "Wolfe, who was on the shore, directing every thing, endeavoi-ed to stop his impatient troops until the boats could be got afloat, and the men landed. Thirteen compa- nies of grenadiers, and two hundred provin- cials, wei-e the first to land. Without waiting for Brigadier Monckton and his regiments ; without waiting for the co-operation of the troops under Townshend ; without waiting even to be drawn up in form, the grenadiers rushed impetuously towards the enemy's intrench- ments. A sheeted fire mowed them down, and drove them to take shelter behind the redoubt, near the ford, which the enemy had abandoned. Here they remained, unable to form under the galling fire to which they were exposed, when- ever they ventured from their covert. Mouck- ton's brigade at length was landed, drawn up in order, and advanced to their relief, driving back the enemy. Thus protected, the grena- diers retreated as precipitately as they had ad- vanced, leaving many of their comrades wound- ed on the field, who were massacred and scalp- ed in their sight, by the savages. The delay thus caused was fatal to the enterprise. The day was advanced ; the weather became stormy ; the tide began to make ; at a later hour, re- treat, in case of a second repulse, would be im- possible. "Wolfe, therefore, gave up the at- tack, and withdrew across the river, having lost upwards of four hundred men, through this headlong impetuosity of the grenadiers. The two vessels which had been run aground, were set on fire, lest they should fall into the hands of the enemy.* Brigadier Murray was now detached, with twelve hundred men, in transports, to ascend above the town, and co-operate with Rear-Ad- miral Holmes, in destroying the enemy's ship- ping, and making descents upon the north shore. The shipping were safe from attack ; some stores and ammunition were destroyed ; some prisoners taken, and Murray returned with the * Wolfe's letter to Pitt, September 2d, 1759. news of the capture of Fort Niagara, Ticonde- roga, and Crown Point, and that Amherst was preparing to attack the Isle Aux Noix. Wolfe, of a delicate constitution and sensitive nature, had been deeply mortified by the severe check sustained at the Falls of Montmorency, fancying himself disgraced ; and these successes of his fellow-commanders in other parts in- creased his self-upbraiding. The difficulties multiplying around him, and the delay of Gen- eral Amherst in hastening to his aid, preyed in- cessantly on his spirits ; he was dejected even to despondency, and declared he would never return without success, to be exposed, like other unfortunate commanders, to the sneers and re- proaches of the populace. The agitation of his mind, and his acute sensibility, brought on a fe- ver, which for some time incapacitated him from taking the field. In the midst of his illness he called a council of war, in which the whole jjlan of operations was altered. It was determined to convey troops above the town, and endeavor to make a diversion in that direction, or draw Montcalm mto the open field. Before carrying this plan into effect, Wolfe again reconnoitred the town in company with Admiral Saunders, but nothing better suggested itself. The brief Canadian summer was over ; they were in the month of September, The camp at Montmorency was broken up. The troops were transported to Point Levi, leaving a suf- ficient number to man the batteries on the Isle of Orleans. On the fifth and sixth of Septem- ber the embarkation took place above Point Levi, in transports which had been sent up for the purpose. Montcalm detached De Bougain- ville, with fifteen hundred men, to keep along the north shore above the town, watch the movements of the squadron, and prevent a landing. To deceive him. Admiral Holmes moved with the ships of war three leagues be- yond the place where the landing was to be at- tempted. He was to drop down, however, in the night, and protect the landing. Cook, the future discoverer, also, was employed with oth- ers to sound the river, and place buoys opposite the camp of Montcalm, as if an attack were meditated in that quarter. Wolfe was stiU suffering under the effects of his late fever. " My constitution," writes he to a friend, " is entirely ruined, without the consolation of having done any considerable service to the state, and without any prospect of it." Still he was unremitting in his exer- LofC. 100 THE BATTLE 02T THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. [1759. tions, seeking to wipe out the fancied disgrace incurred at the Falls of Montmorency. It was in this mood he is said to have composed and simg at his evening mess that little campaigning song still linked with his name : Why, Boldiers, -vrhy, Should we be melancholy, hoys VThy, soldiers, why ? Whose business 'tis to die 1 Even when embarked in his midnight enter- prise, the presentiment of death seems to have cast its shadow over him. A midshipman who was present,* used to relate, that as "Wolfe sat among his officers, and the boats floated down silently with the current, he recited, in low and touching tones, Gray's Elegy in a country ckurchyard, then just published. One stanza may especially have accorded with his melan- choly mood. " The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike the inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave." "Now, gentlemen," said he, when he had finished, " I would rather be the author of that poem than take Quebec." The descent was made in flat-bottomed boats, past midnight, on the 13th of September. They dropped down sUently with the swift current. " Qui va la ? " (who goes there ?) cried a senti- nel from the shore. " La France,'''' replied a captain in the first boat, who understood the French language. " A quel regiment ? " was the demand. " De la Heine " (the queen's), re- plied the captain, knowing that regiment was in De Bougainville's detachment. Fortunately, a convoy of provisions was expected down from De Bougainville's, which the sentinel supposed this to be, " Posse," cried he, and the boats glided on without further challenge. The land- ing took place in a cove near Cape Diamond, which still bears Wolfe's name. He had mark- ed it in reconnoitring, and saw that a cragged path straggled up from it to the Heights of Abraham, which might be climbed, though with difficulty, and that it appeared to be slightly guarded at top. "Wolfe was among the first that landed and ascended up the steep and nar- row path, where not more than two could go abreast, and Avhich had been broken up by cross ditches. Colonel Howe, at the same time, with the light infantry and Highlanders, scrambled up the woody precipices, helping themselves by ♦ Afterwards Professor John Robison, of Edinburgh. the roots and branches, and putting to flight a sergeant's guard posted at the summit. "Wolfe drew up the men in order as they mounted ; and by the break of day found himself in pos- session of the fateful Plains of Abraham. Montcalm was thunderstruck when word was brought to him in his camp that the English were on the heights, threatening the weakest part of the town. Abandoning his intrench- ments, he hastened across the river St. Charles and ascended the heights, which slope up gradually from its banks. His force was equal in number to that of the English, but a great part was made up of colony troops and savages. "When he saw the formidable host of regulars he had to contend with, he sent off swift mes- sengers to summon De Bougainville with his detachment to his aid ; and De Yaudreuil to reinforce him with fifteen hundred men from the camp. In the mean time he prepared to flank the left of the English line and force them to the opposite precipices. Wolfe saw his aim, and sent Brigadier Townshend to counteract him with a regiment, which was formed en potence, and supported by two battalions, pre- senting on the left a double front. The French, in their haste, thinking they were to repel a mere scouting party, had brought but three light field-pieces with them ; the English had but a single gun, which the sailors had dragged up the heights. "With these they can- nonaded each other for a time, Montcalm still waiting for the aid he had summoned. At length, about nine o'clock, losing all patience, he led on his disciplined troops to a close con- flict with small arms, the Indians to support them by a galling fire from thickets and corn- fields. The French advanced gallantly, but irregularly, firing rapidly, b\it with little eftect. The English reserved their fire until their as- sailants were within forty yards, and then de- livered it in deadly volleys. They sufiered, however, from the lurking savages, who singled out the officers. "Wolfe, who was in front of the line, a conspicuous mark, was wounded by a ball m the wrist. He bound his handker- chief round the wound, and led on the grena- diers, with fixed bayonets, to charge the foe, who began to waver. Another ball struck him in the breast. He felt the wound to be mortal, and feared his fall might dishearten the troops. Leaning on a lieiitenant for support : " Let not my brave fellows see me drop," said he faintly. He was borne oflf to the rear ; water was brought to quench his thirst, and he was asked Mr. 27.] DEATH OF WOLFE AND MONTCALM— CAPITULATION OF QUEBEC. 101 if lie would have a surgeon, " It is needless," he replied ; " it is all over with me." He de- sired those about him to lay him down. The lieutenant seated himself on the ground, and supported him in his arms. " They run ! they run ! see how they run ! " cried one of the attendants. "Who run?" demanded Wolfe, earnestly, like one aroused from sleep. " The enemy, sir ; they give way everywhere." The spirit of the expiring hero flashed up. " Go, one of you, my lads, to Colonel Burton ; tell him to march Webb's regiment with all speed down to Charles' River, to cut off the retreat by the bridge." Then turning on his side ; " Now, God be praised, I will die in peace ! " said he, and expired,'^ — soothed in his last moments by the idea that victory would obliterate the imagined disgrace at Montmo- rency. Brigadier Murray had indeed broken the cen- tre of the enemy, and the Highlanders were making deadly havoc with their claymores, driving the French into the town or down to their works on the river St. Charles. Monck- ton, the first brigadier, was disabled by a wound in the lungs, and the command devolved on Townshend, who hastened to re-form the troops of the centre, disordered in pursuing the enemy. By this time De Bougainville appeared at a distance in the rear, advancing with two thousand fresh troops, but he arrived too late to retrieve the day. The gallant Montcalm had received his death-wound near St. John's Gate, while endeavoring to rally his flying troops, and had been borne into the town. Townshend advanced with a force to receive De Bougainville ; but the latter avoided a com- bat, and retired into woods and swamps, where it was not thought prudent to follow him. The English had obtained a complete victory ; slain about five hundred of the enemy ; taken above a thousand prisoners, and among them several ofiicers ; and had a strong position on the Plains of Abraham, which they hastened to fortify with redoubts, and artillery drawn uj) the heights. The brave Montcalm wrote a letter to Gen- eral Townshend, recommending the prisoners to British humanity. When told by his sur- geon that he could not survive above a few hours ; " So much the better," replied he ; " I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." To De Ramsey, the French king's lieutenant Hist. Jour, of C.ipt. John Knox, vol. i., p. 79. who commanded the garrison, he consigned the defence of the city. " To your keeping," said he, "I commend the honor of France. I'll neither give orders, nor interfere any further. I have business to attend to of greater moment than your ruined garrison, and this wretched country. My time is short, — I shall pass this night with God, and prepare myself for death. I wish you all comfort ; and to be happily ex- tricated from your present perplexities." He then called for his chaplain, who, with the bishop of the colony, remained with him through the night. He expired early in the morning, dying like a brave soldier and a devout Catho- lic, Never did two worthier foes mingle their life-blood on the battle-field than Wolfe and Montcalm,* Preparations were now made by the army and the fleet to make an attack on both upper and lower town ; but the spirit of the garrison was broken, and the inhabitants were clamor- ous for the safety of their wives and children. On the 17th of September, Quebec capitulated, and was taken possession of by the British, who hastened to put it in a complete posture of defence. A garrison of six thousand effec- tive men was placed in it, under the command of Brigadier-General Murray, and victualled from the fleet. General Townshend embarked with Admiral Saunders, and returned to Eng- land ; and the wounded General Monckton was conveyed to New York, of which he afterwards became governor. Had Amherst followed up his success at Ticonderoga the preceding summer, the year's campaign would have ended, as had been pro- jected, in the subjugation of Canada, His cautious delay gave De Levi, the successor of Montcalm, time to rally, concentrate the scat- tered French forces, and struggle for the salva- tion of the province. In the following spring, as soon as the river St, Lawrence opened, he approached Quebec, and landed at Point au Tremble, about twelve miles off. The garrison had suffered dreadfully during the winter from excessive cold, want of vegetables and of fresh provisions. Many had died of scurvy, and many more were iU. Mur- ray, sanguine and injudicious, on hearing that De Levi was advancing with ten thousand men, and five hundred Indians, sallied out with his diminished forces of not more than three thou- sand. English soldiers, he boasted, were ha- * Knox ; Hist. Jour., vol. i., p. 77. 102 EXPEDITION AGAINST MONTREAL— SURRENDER OF CANADA. [1759. bitnated to victory ; he had a fine train of ar- tillery, and stood a better chance in the field than cooped up in a wretched fortification. If defeated, he would defend the place to the last extremity, and then retreat to the Isle of Or- leans, and wait for reinforcements. More brave than discreet, he attacked the vanguard of the enemy ; the battle which took place was fierce and sanguinary. Murray's troops had caught his own headlong valor, and fought until near a third of their number were slain. They were at length driven back into the town, leaving their boasted train of artillery on the field. De Levi opened trenches before the town the very evening of the battle. Three French ships, which had descended the river, furnished him with cannon, mortars, and ammunition. By the 11th of May, he had one bomb battery, and three batteries of cannon. Murray, equally alert within the walls, strengthened his de- fences, and kept up a vigorous fire. His garri- son was now reduced to two hundred and twenty effective men, and he himself, with all his vaunting spirit, was driven almost to de- spair, when a British fleet arrived in the river. The whole scene was now reversed. One of the French frigates was driven on the rocks above Cape Diamond ; another ran on shore, and was burnt ; the rest of their vessels were either taken or destroyed. The besieging army retreated in the night, leaving provisions, implements, and artillery behind them ; and so rapid was their flight, that Murray, who salHed forth on the following day, could not overtake them. A last stand foi: the preservation of the colony was now made by the French at Montreal, where De Vaudreuil fixed his head-quarters, fortified himself, and called in all possible aid, Canadian and Indian. The cautious, but tardy Amherst, was now in tlie field to carry out the plan in which he had fallen short in the previous year. He sent orders to General Murray to advance by water against Montreal, with all the force that could be spared from Quebec ; he detached a body of troops under Colonel Ilaviland from Crown Point, to cross Lake Cham])lain, take posses- sion of the Isle Aux ISToix, and push on to the St. Lawrence, while he took the roundabout way with his main army by the Mohawk and Oneida rivers to Lake Ontario ; thence to de- scend the St, Lawrence to Montreal. Murray, according to orders, embarkea his troops in a great number of small vessels, and ascended the river in characteristic style, pub- lishing manifestoes in the Canadian villages, disarming the inhabitants, and exacting the oath of neutrahty. He looked forward to new laurels at Montreal, but the slow and sure Amherst had anticipated him. That worthy general, after delaying on Lake Ontario to send out cruisers, and stopping to repair petty forts on the upper part of the St. Lawrence, which had been deserted by their garrisons, or sur- rendered without firing a gun, arrived on the 6th of September at the island of Montreal, routed some light skirmishing parties, and pre- sented himself before the town. Vaudreuil found himself threatened by an army of nearly ten thousand men, and a host of Indians ; for i Amherst had called in the aid of Sir "William Johnson and his Mohawk braves. To witli- stand a siege in an almost open town against such superior force, was out of the question ; especially as Murray from Quebec, and Havi- land from Crown Point, were at hand with ad- ditional troops. A capitulation accordingly took place on the 8th ®f September, including the surrender not merely of Montreal, but of aU Canada. , , Thus ended the contest be1^-."ccn France and England for dominion in America, in which, as has been said, the first gun was fired in "Wash- ington's encounter with De Jumonville. A French statesman and diplomatist consoled him- self by the persuasion that it would be a fatal triumph to England. It would remove the only check by which her colonics were kept in awe. " They will no longer need her protec- tion," said he ; " she will call on them to con- tribute toward supporting the , burdens they have helped to bring on her, and they will an- siccr hy siriHng off all dej^cndenccy'-' CHAPTER XXVI. Foe three months after his marriage, "Wash- ington resided with his bride at the " "White House." During his sojourn there he repaired to Williamsburg, to take his seat in the House of Burgesses. By a vote of the House, it had been determined to greet his installation by a signal testimonial of respect. Accordingly, as soon as he took his seat, Mr. Eobinson, the * Count dc Vcrgennes, French ambassador at Constan- tinople. ^T. 27-31.] RURAL LIFE— ARISTOCRATIC DAYS OF VIRGINIA. 103 speaker, in eloquent language, dictated by the warmth of private friendship, returned thanks, on behalf of the colony, for the distinguished military services he had rendered to his coun- try. "Washington rose to reply ; blushed — stam- mered — trembled, and could not utter a word. " Sit down, Mr. Washington," said the speaker, with a smile, " your modesty equals your valor, and that surpasses the power of any language I possess." Such was Washington's first launch into civil life, in which he was to be distinguished by the same judgment, devotion, courage, and magnanimity exhibited in his military career. He attended the Ilouse frequently during the remainder of the session, after which he con- ducted his bride to his favorite abode of Mount Vernon. Mr. Custis, the first husband of Mrs. Washing- ton, had left large landed property, and forty- five tiiousand pounds sterling in money. One- third fell to his widow in he: own right ; two- thirds were inherited equally by her two chil- dren, — a boy of sis, and a girl of four years of age. By a decree of the General Court, Wash- ington was intrusted with the care of the prop- erty inherited by the children ; a sacred and delicate trust, which he discharged in the most faitliful and judicious manner ; becoming more like a parent, than a mere guardian to them. From a letter to his correspondent in Eng- land, it would appear that he liad long enter- tained a desire to visit that country. Had he done so, his acknowledged merit and military services would have insured him a distinguished reception ; and it has been intimated, that the signal favor of government might have changed the current of his career. We believe him, however, to have been too pure a patriot, and too clearly possessed of the true interests of his country, to be diverted from the course which he ultimately adopted. His marriage, at any rate, had put an end to all travelling in- clinations. In his letter from Mount Vernon, he writes : " I am now, I believe, fixed in this seat, with an agreeable partner for life, and I hope to find more happiness in retirement than I ever experienced in the wide and bustling world." This was no Utopian dream transiently in- dulged amid the charms of novelty. It was a deliberate purpose with him, the result of innate and enduring inclinations. Throughout the whole course of his career, agricultural life appears to have been liis "beau- ideal of exist- ence, whicli haunted his thoughts even amid the stern duties of the field, and to which he recurred with unflagging interest whenever enabled to indulge his natural bias. Mount Vernon was his harbor of repose, where he repeatedly furled his sail, and fancied himself ancliored for life. No impulse of am- bition tempted him thence ; nothing but the call of his country, and his devotion to the public good. The place was endeared to him by the remembrance of his brother Lawrence, and of the liappy days he had passed here with that brother in the days of boyhood ; but it was a delightful place in itself, and well calcu- lated to inspire the rural feeling. The mansion was beautifully situated on a swelling height, crowned with wood, and com- manding a magnificent view up and down the Potomac. The grounds immediately about it were laid out somewhat in the English taste. The estate was apportioned into separate farms, devoted to difierent kinds of culture, each hav- ing its allotted laborers. Much, however, was still covered with wild woods, seamed with deep dells and runs of water, and indented with inlets ; haunts of deer, and lurking-places of foxes. The whole woody region along the Po- tomac from Mount Vernon to Belvoir, and far beyond, with its range of forests and hihs, and picturesque promontories, afforded sport of various kinds, and was a noble hunting-ground. Washington had hunted through it with old Lord Fairfax, in his stripling days ; we do not wonder that his feelings throughout life in- cessantly reverted to it. " No estate in United America," observes he, in one of his letters, " is more pleasantly situated. In a high and healthy country ; in a latitude between the extremes of heat and cold ; on one of the finest I'ivers in the world ; a river well stocked with various kinds of fish at all seasons of the year, and in the spring with shad, herrings, bass, carp, sturgeon, &c,, in great abundance. The borders of the estate are washed by more than ten miles of tide water ; several valuable fisheries appertain to it : the whole shore, in fact, is one entire fishery.' These were, as yet, the aristocratical days of Virginia. The estates were large, and con- tinued in the same families by entails. Many of the wealthy planters were connected with old families in England. The young men, es- pecially the elder sons, were often sent to finish their education there, and on their return 104 MOUNT VERNON AND ITS VICINITY. [1759-63. brought out the tastes and habits of the mother country. The governors of Virginia were from the higher ranks of society, and maintained a corresponding state. The " estabUshed," or Episcopal church, predominated throughout the " ancient dominion," as it was termed ; each county was divided into parishes, as in Eng- land, — each witli its parochial church, its par- sonage, and glebe. "Washington was vestry- man of two parishes, Fairfax and Truro ; the parochial church of the former was at Alex- andria, ten miles from Mount Vernon ; of the latter, at Pohick, about seven milesl The church at Pohick was rebuilt on a plan of his own, and in a great measure at his expense. At one or other of these churches he attended every Sunday, when the weather and the roads permitted. His demeanor was reverential and devout. Mrs. Washington knelt during the prayers ; he always stood, as was the custom at that time. Both were communicants. Among his occasional visitors and associates were Captain Hugh Mercer and Dr. Craik ; the former, after his narrow escapes from the toma- hawk and scalping-knife, was quietly settled at Fredericksburg, the latter, after the campaigns on the frontier were over, had taken up his residence at Alexandria, and was now Wash- ington's family physician. Both were drawn to him by campaigning ties and recollections, and were ever welcome at Mount Vernon. A style of living prevailed among the opu- lent Virgmian families in those days that has long since faded away. The houses were spa- cious, commodious, liberal in all their appoint- ments, and fitted to cope with the free-handed, open-hearted hospitality of the owners. Noth- ing was more common than to see handsome services of plate, elegant equipages, and superb carriage horses— all imported from England. The Virginians have always been noted for their love of horses ; a maiJy passion whieli, in those days of opulence, they indulged with- out regard to expense. The rich planters vied with each other in their studs, importing the best English stocks. Mention is made of one of the Randolphs of Tuckahoe, who built a stable for his favorite dapple gray horse, Shakespeare, with a recess for the bed of the negro groom, who always slept beside liim at night. Washington, by his marriage, had added above one hundred thousand dollars to his already considerable fortune, and was enabled to live in ample and dignified style. His inti- macy with the Fairfaxes, and his intercourse with British officers of rank, had perhaps had their influence on his mode of living. He had his chariot and four, with black postilions in livery, for the use of Mrs. Washington and her lady visitors. As for himself, he always ap- peared on horseback. His stable was well filled and admirably regulated. His stud was thoroughbred, and in excellent order. His household books contain registers of the names, ages, and marks of his various horses ; such as Ajax, Blueskin, Valiant, Magnolia (an Arab), &c. Also his dogs, chiefly fox-hounds, Vul- can, Singer, Ringwood, Sweetlips, Forrester, Music, Rockwood, Truelove, &c.* A large Virginia estate, in those days, was a little empire. The mansion-house was the seat of government, with its numerous dependen- cies, such as kitchens, smoke-house, workshops, and stables. In this mansion the planter ruled supreme ; his steward or overseer was liis prime minister and executive officer ; he had his legion of house negroes for domestic service, and his host of field negroes for the culture of tobacco, Indian corn, and other crops, and for other out- of-door labor. Their quarter formed a kind of hamlet apart, composed of various huts, with little gardens and poultry yards, all well stocked, and swarms of little negroes gambolling in the sunshine. Then there were large wooden edi- fices for curing tobacco, the stajjle and most profitable production, and mills for grinding wheat and Indian corn, of which large fields were cultivated for the supply of the family and thp maintenance of the negroes. Among the slaves were artificers of all kinds, tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, smiths, wheel- wrights, and so forth ; so that a plantation pro- duced every thing within itself for ordinary use: as to articles of fashion and elegance, luxuries, and expensive clothing, they were imported from London ; for the planters on the main * In one of his Ictter-booka wd find orders on his Lon- don agent for riding equipments. For example : 1 Man's riding-saddle, hogskin seat, large plated stirrups and every thing complete. Double reined bridle and Pel- ham bit, plated. A very neat and fashionable Newmarket saddle-cloth. A large and best portmanteau, saddle, bridle, and pil- lion. Cloak-bag surcingle ; checked saddle-cloth, holsters, &c. A riding-frock of a handsome drab-colored broadcloth, ■with plain double gilt buttons. A riding wai.stcoat of superfine scarlet cloth and gold lace, with buttons like those of the coat. A blue surtout coat. A neat switch whip, silver cap. Black velvet cap for eervant. ^r. 27-31.] WASHINGTON'S DOMESTIC HABITS. 105 rivers, especially the Potomac, carried on an immediate trade with England. Their tobacco was put up by their own negroes, bore their own marks, was shipped on board of vessels which came up the rivers for the purpose, and consigned to some agent in Liverpool or Bristol, with whom the planter kept an account. The Virginia planters were prone to leave the care of their estates too much to their overseers, and to think personal labor a degra- dation. "Washington carried into his rural affairs the same method, activity, and circum- spection that had distinguished him in miUtary life. He kept his own accounts, posted up his books, and balanced them with mercantile ex- actness. "We have examined them, as well as his diaries recording his daily occupations, and his letter-books, containing entries of shipments of tobacco, and correspondence with his Lon- don agents. They are monuments of his busi- ness habits.* The products of his estate also became so noted for the faithfulness, as to quality and quantity, with which they were put up, that it is said any barrel of flour that bore the brand of George "Washington, Mount Vernon, was exempted from the customary inspection in the "West India ports.t He was an early riser, often before daybreak in the winter when the nights were long. On such occasions he lit his own fire, and wrote or read by candle-light. He breakfasted at seven in summer, at eight in winter, Two small cups of tea and three or four cakes of Indian meal (called hoe cakes), formed his frugal repast. Immediately after breakfast he mounted his horse, and visited those parts of the estate where any work was going on, seeing to every * The following letter of Washington to his London correspondents -will give an idea of the early intercourse of the Virginia planters with the mother countrj'. " Our goods by the Liberty, Capt. "Walker, came to hand in good order and soon after his arrival, as they gen- erally do when shipped in a vessel to this river [the Po- tomac], and scarce ever when they go to any others ; for it don't often happen that a vessel bound to one river has goods of any consequence to another ; and the masters, in these cases, keep the packages till an accidental convey- ance offers, and for want of better opjiortunities frequently commit them to boatmen who care very little for the goods so they get their freight, and often land them wherever it suits their convenience, not where they have engaged to do so. * * * * A ship from London to Virginia may be in Rappahannock or any of the other rivers three months before I know any thing of their arrival, and may make twenty voyages without my seeing or even hearing of the captain." t Speech of the Hon. Robert C. "Winthrop on laying the corner-stone of "Washinston's Monmnent. thing with his own eyes, and often aiding with his own hand. Dinner was served at two o'clock. He ate heartily, but was no epicure, nor critical about his food. His beverage was small beer or cider, and two glasses of old Madeira. He took tea, of which he was very fond, early in the even- ing, and retired for the night about nine o'clock. If confined to the house by bad weather, he took that occasion to arrange his papers, post up his accounts, or write letters ; passing part of the time in reading, and occasionally reading aloud to the family. He treated his negroes with kindness ; at- tended to their comforts ; was particularly careful of them in sickness ; but never tole- rated idleness, and exacted a faithful perform- ance of all their allotted tasks. He had a quick eye at calculating each man's capabilities. An entry in his diary gives a curious instance of this. Four of his negroes, employed as car- penters, were hewing and shaping timber. It appeared to him, in noticing the amount of work accomplished between two succeeding mornings^ that they loj^ered at their labor. Sitting down quietly he timed their operations ; how long it took them to get their cross-cut saw and other implements ready ; how long to clear away the branches from the trunk of a fallen tree ; how long to hew and saw it ; what time was expended in considering and consult- ing, and after all, how much work was effected during the time he looked on. From this he made h^s computation how much they could execute in the course of a day, working entirely at their ease. At another time we find him working for a part of two days with Peter, his smith, to make a plough on a new invention of his own. This, after two or three failures, he accomplished. Then, with less than his usual judgment, he put his two chariot horses to the plough, and ran a great risk of spoiling them, in giving his new invention a trial over ground thickly swarded. Anon, during a thunderstorm, a frightened negro alarms the house with word that the mill is giving way, upon which there is a general turn out of all the forces, with Washington at their head, wheeling and shovelling gravel, dur- mg a pelting rain, to check the rushing water. Washington delighted in the chase. In the hunting season, when he rode out early in the morning to visit distant parts of the estate, 106 FOX-HUNTING— FISHING AND DUCK-SHOOTING. [1769-6a. where work was going on, he often took some of the dogs with him for the chance of starting a fox, which he occasionally did, though he was not always snccessfid in killing him. He was a bold rider and an admirable horseman, though he never claimed the merit of being an accom- phshed fox-hunter. In the height of the sea- son, however, he would be out with the fox- hounds two or three times a week, accompanied by his guests at Mount Vernon and the gentle- men of the neighborhood, especiaEy the Fair- faxes of Belvoir, of which estate his friend George William Fairfax was now the proprie- tor. On such occasions there would be a hunt- ing dinner at one or other of those establish- ments, at which convivial repasts Washington is said to have enjoyed himself with unwonted hilarity. Now and then his old friend and instructor in the noble art of venery, Lord Fairfax, would be on a visit to his relatives at Belvoir, and then the hunting was kept up with unusual spirit.* His lordship, however, since the alarms of Indian war had ceased, lived almost entirely at Greenway Court, wh^e Washington was occa- sionally a guest, when called by public business to Winchester. Lord Fairfax had made him- self a favorite throughout the neighborhood. As lord-lieutenant and custos rotulorum of Frederick County, he presided at county courts held at Winchester, where, during the sessions, he kept open table. He acted also as surveyor and overseer of the public roads and highways, and was unremitted in his exertions and plans for the improvement of the country. Hunting, however, was his passion. When the sport was poor near home, he would take his hounds to a distant part of the coimtry, establish him- self at an inn, and keep open house and open table to every person of good character and re- spectable appearance who chose to join him in following the hounds. It was probably in quest of sport of the kind ♦ ITuntin^ memoranda from "Waehington's journal, Mount Vornon. Nov. 22.— Hunting with Lord Fairfax and his brother, and Colonel Fairfax. Nov. 25.— Mr. Bryan Fairfax, Mr. Grayson, and Phil. Alexander came here by sunrise. Hunted and catohed a fox with these, Lord Fairfax, his brother, and Col. Fair- fax,— all of whom, with Mr. Fairfax and Mr. Wilson of England, dined here. 26th and 29th.— Ilunled again with the samo company. Dec. 5.— Fox-hunting with Lord Fairfax and his brother, and Colonel Fairfax. Started a fox and lost it. Dined at Belvoir, and returned in the evening. that he now and then, in the hunting season, revisited his old haunts and former companions on the banks of the Potomac, and then the beautiful woodland region about Belvoir and Mount Vernon was sure to ring, at early morn with the inspiring music of the hound. The waters of the Potomac also alForded oc- casional amusement in fishing and shooting. The fishing was sometimes on a grand scale, when the herrings came up the river in shoals, and the negroes of Mount Vernon were mar- shalled forth to draw the seine, which was gen- erally done with great success. Canvas-back ducks abounded at the proper season, and the shooting of them was one of Washington's favorite recreations. The river border of his domain, however, was somewhat subject to in- vasion. An oysterman once anchored his craft at the landing-place, and disturbed the quiet of the neighborhood by the insolent and dis- orderly conduct of himself and crew. It t-ook a campaign of three days to expel these in- vaders from the premises. A more summary course was pursued with another interloper. This was a vagabond who infested the creeks and inlets which bordered the estate, lurking in a canoe among the reeds and bushes, and making great havoc among the canvas-back ducks. He had been warned off" repeatedly, but without effect. As Washing- ton was one day riding about the estate, he heard the report of a gun from the margin of the river. Spurring in that direction he dashed through the bushes, and came upon the culprit just as he was pushing his canoe from shore. The latter raised his gun with a menacing look ; but Washington rode into the stream, seized the painter of the canoe, drew it to shore, sprang from his horse, wrested the gun from the hands of the astonished delinquent, and in- flicted on him a lesson in " Lynch law " that effectually cured him of all inclination to tres- pass again on these forbidden shores. The Potomac, in the palmy days of Virginia, was occasionally the scene of a little aquatic state and ostentation among the rich planters who resided on its banks. They had beautiful barges, which, like their land equipages, were imported from England ; and mention is made of a Mr. Digges who always received Washing- ton in his barge, rowed by six negroes, arrayed in a kind of uniform of check shirts and black velvet caps. At one time, according to notes in Washington's diary, the whole neighborhood is thrown into a j)aroxysm of festivit}-, by the jEt. 30-31.] LIFE AT ANNAPOLIS— THE DISMAL SWAMP. 107 anchoring of a British frigate (the Boston) in the river, just in front of the hospitable man- sion of the Fairfaxes. A succession of dinners and breakfasts takes place at Mount Vernon and Belvoir, with occasional tea parties on board of the frigate. The commander, Sir Thomas Adams, his officers and his midship- men, are cherished guests, and have the free- dqm of both establishments. Occasionally he and Mrs. "Washington would pay a visit to Annapolis, at that time the seat of government of Maryland, and partake of the gayeties which prevailed during the session of the legislature. The society of these seats of provincial governments was ahvays polite and fashionable, and more exclusive than in these republican days, being, in a manner, the out- posts of the English aristocracy, where all places of dignity or profit were secured for younger sons, and poor, but proud relatives. During the session of the Legislature, dinners and balls abounded, and there were occasional attempts at theatricals. The latter was an amusement for which Washington always had a relish, though he never had an opportunity of gratifying it effectually. Neither was he disin- clined to mingle in the dance, and we remem- ber to have heard venerable ladies, who had been belles in his day, pride themselves on having had him for a partner, though, they added, he was apt to be a ceremonious and grave one.* In this round of rural occupation, rural amusements, and social intercourse, Washing- ton passed several tranquil years, the halcyon season of his life. His already established reputation drew many visitors to Mount Ver- non ; some of his early companions in arms were his occasional guests, and his friendships and connections linked him with some of the most prominent and worthy people of the country, who were sure to be received with ciDrdial, but simple and unpretending hospitality. His marriage was -unblessed with children ; but * We have had an amusing picture of Annapolis, as it ■was at this period, furnished to ua some years ago by an octogenarian who had resided there in his boyhood. " la those parts of the country," said he, " where the roads were too rough for carriages, the ladies used to ride on ponies, followed by black servants ou horseback ; in this way his mother, then advanced in life, used to travel, in a Bcarlet cloth riding habit, which she had procured from England. Nay, in this way, on emergencies," he added, "the young ladies from the country used to come to the tails at Annapolis, riding with their hoops arranged ' fore and aft' like lateen sails; and after dancing all night, would ride home again in the morning." those of Mrs. Washington experienced from him parental care and aflection, and the forma- tion of their minds and manners was one of the dearest objects of his attention. His do- mestic concerns and social enjoyments, how- ever, were not permitted to interfere with his public duties. He was active by nature, and eminently a man of business by habit. As judge of the county court, and member of the House of Burgesses, he had numerous calls upon his time and thoughts, and was often drawn from home ; for whatever trust he undertook, he was sure to fulfil with scrupulous exactness. About this time we find him engaged, with other men of enterprise, in a project to drain the great Dismal Swamp, and render it capable of cultivation. This vast morass was about thirty miles long, and ten miles wide, and its interior but little known. With his usual zeal and hardihood he explored it on horseback and on foot. In many parts it was covered with dark and gloomy woods of cedar, cypress, and hemlock, or deciduous trees, the branches of Avhich were hung with long drooping moss. Other parts were .almost inaccessible, from the density of brakes and thickets, entangled with vines, briers, and creeping plants, and inter- sected by creeks and standing pools. Occa- sionally the soil, composed of dead vegetable fibre, was over his horse's fetlocks, and some- times he had to dismount and n;ake his way on foot over a quaking bog that shook beneath his tread. In the centre of the morass he came to a great piece of water, six miles long, and three broad, called Drummond's Pond, but more po- etically celebrated as the Lake of the Dismal Swamp. It was more elevated than any other ])art of the swamp, and capable of feeding canals, by which the whole might be traversed. Having made the circuit of it, and noted all its characteristics, he encamped for the night upon the firm land which bordered it, and finished his explorations on the following day. In the ensuing session of the Virginia Legis- lature, the association in behalf of which he had acted, was chartered imder the name of the Dismal Swamp Company ; and to his ob- servations and forecast may be traced the sub- sequent improvement and prosperity of that once desolate region. 108 TREATY OF PEACE— RESTRICTIVE POLICY OF ENGLAND. [1763. CHAPTER XXVII. Tidings of peace gladdened the colonies in the spring of 1763. The definitive treaty be- tween England and France had been signed at Fontainebleau. Now, it was trusted, there would be an end to those horrid ravages that had desolated the interior of the country. "The desert and the silent place would re- joice, and the wilderness would blossom like the rose.'" The month of May proved the fallacy of such hopes. In that month the famous insur- rection of the Indian tribes broke out, which, from the name of the chief who was its prime mover and master spirit, is commonly called Pontiac's war. The Delawares and Shawnees, and other of those emigrant tribes of the Ohio, among whom Washington had mingled, were foremost in this conspiracy. Some of the chiefs who had been his allies, had now taken up the hatchet against the English. The plot was deep laid, and conducted with Indian craft and secrecy. At a concerted time an attack was made upon all the posts froyi Detroit to Fort Pitt (late Fort Duquesne). Several of the small stockaded forts, the places of refuge of wood- land neighborhoods, were surprised and sacked with remorseless butchery. The frontiers of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, were laid waste; traders in the wilderness were plundered and slain ; hamlets and farm-houses were wrapped in flames, and their inhabitants massacred. Shingis, with his Delaware war- riors, tflockaded Fort Pitt, which, for some time, was in imminent danger, Detroit, also, came near falhng into the hands of the savages. It needed all the influence of Sir William John- son, that potentate in savage life, to keep the Six Nations from joining this formidable con- spiracy ; had they done so, the triumph of the tomahawk and scalping-knife would have been complete ; as it was, a considerable time elapsed before the frontier was restored to tolerable tranquillity. Fortunately, Washington's retirement from the army prevented his being entangled in this savage war, which raged throughout the regions lie had repeatedly visited, or rather his active spirit had been diverted into a more peaceful channel, for he was at this time occupied in the enterprise just noticed, for draining the great Dismal Swamp. Public events were now taking a tendency which, without any political aspiration or fore- thought of his own, Avas destined gradually to bear him away from his quiet home and in- dividual pursuits, and launch him upon a grander and wider sphere of action than any in which he had hitherto been engaged. The prediction of the Count de Vergennes was in the process of fulfilment. The recent war of Great Britain for dominion in America, though crowned with success, had engendered a progeny of discontents in her colonies. Wash- ington was among the first to perceive its bitter fruits. British merchants had compkiined loudly of losses sustained by the depreciation of the colonial paper, issued during the late war, in times of emergency, and had addressed a me- morial on the subject to the Board of Trade. Scarce was peace concluded, when an order from the board declared that no paper, issued by colonial Assemblies, should thenceforward be a legal tender in the payment of debts. Washington deprecated this " stir of the mer- chants " as peculiarly iU-timed ; and expressed an apprehension that the order in question " would set the whole country in flames." W^e do not profess, in this personal memoir, to enter into a wide scope of general history, but shall content ourselves with a glance at the circumstances and events which gradually kindled the conflagration thus apprehended by the anxious mind of Washington. Whatever might be the natural affection of the colonies for the mother country, — and there are abundant evidences to prove that it was deep-rooted and strong, — it had never been properly reciprocated. They yearned to be considered as children ; they were treated by her as changelings. Burke testifies that her policy toward them from the beginning had been purely commercial, and her commercial policy wholly restrictive. " It was the system of a monopoly." Her navigation laws had shut their ports against foreign vessels ; obliged them to export their productions only to countries belonging to the British crown ; to import European goods solely from England, and in English ships ; and had subjected the trade between the colonies to duties. All manufactures, too, in the colonies, that might interfere with those of the mother country, had been either totally prohibited, or subjected to intolerable re- straints. The acts of Parliament, imposing these pro- hibitions and restrictions, had at various times JSt. 31.] DISCONTENTS IN NEW ENGLAND— REVENUE BY TAXATION, 109 produced sore discontent and opposition on the part of the colonies, especially among those of New England. The interests of these last were chiefly commercial, and among them the repub- lican spirit predominated. They had sprung into existence during that part of the reign of James I. when disputes ran high about kingly prerogative and popular privilege. The Pilgrims, as they styled themselves, who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620, had been incensed while in England by what they stig- matized as the oppressions of the monarchy, and the established church. They had sought the wilds of America for the indulgence of freedom of opinion, and had brought with them the spirit of independence and self-gov- ernment. Those who followed them in the reign of Charles I. were imbued with the same spirit, and gave a lasting character to the peo- ple of New England. Other colonies, having been formed under other circumstances, might be inclined toward a monarchical government, and disposed to acquiesce in its exactions ; but the republican spirit was ever alive in New England, watch- ing over " natural and chartered rights," and prompt to defend them against any infringe- ment. Its example and instigation had gradu- ally an effect on the other colonies ; a general impatience was evinced from time to time of parliamentary interference in colonial affairs, and a disposition in the various provincial Leg- islatures to think and act for themselves in matters of civil and religious, as well as com- mercial polity. There was nothing, however, to which the jealous sensibilities of the colonies were more alive, than to any attempt of the mother coun- try to draw a revenue from them by taxation. From the earliest period of their existence, they had maintained the principle that they could only be taxed by a Legislature in which they were represented. Sir Robert "Walpole, when at the head of the British government, was aware of their jealous sensibility on this I>oint, and cautious of provoking it. "When American taxation was suggested, " it must be a bolder man than himself," he replied, " and one less friendly to commerce, who should venture on such an expedient. For his part, he would encourage the trade of the colonies to the utmost ; one-half of the profits would be sure to come into the royal exchequer through the increased demand for British manufactures. 7%is," said he, sagaciously, "is tcmng them more agreeably to their own constitution and laws." Subsequent ministers adopted a widely dif- ferent policy. During th e progress of th e French war, various projects were discussed in Eng- land with regard to the colonies, which were to be carried into effect on the return of peace. The open avowal of some of these plans, and vague rumors of others, more than ever irri- tated the jealous feehngs of the colonists, and put the dragon spirit of New England on the alert. In 1760, there was an attempt in Boston to collect duties on foreign sugar and molasses imported into the colonies. Writs of assist- ance were applied for by the custom-house officers, authorizing them to break open ships, stores, and private dwellings, in quest of articles that had paid no duty ; and to caU the assist- ance of others in the discharge of their odious task. The merchants opposed the execution of the writ on constitutional grounds. The question was argued in court, where James Otis spoke so eloquently in vindication of American rights, that all his hearers went away ready to take arms against writs of as- sistance. " Then and there," says John Adams, who was present, " was the first scene of op- position to the arbitrary claims of Great Britain. Then and there American Independence was born." Another ministerial measure, was to instruct the provincial governors to commission judges. Not as heretofore "during good behavior," but " during the king's pleasure." New York was the first to resent this blow at the inde- pendence of the judiciary. The lawyers ap- pealed to the public through the press against an act which subjected the halls of justice to the prerogative. Their appeals were felt be- yond the bounds of the province, and awakened a general spirit of resistance. Thus matters stood at the conclusion of the war. One of the first measures of ministers, on the return of peace, was to enjoin on all naval ofiicers stationed on the coasts of the American colonies the performance, under oath, of the duties of custom-house officers, for the suppression of smuggling. This fell ruinously upon a clandestine trade which had long been connived at between the EngHsh and Spanish colonies, profitable to both, but especially to the former, and beneficial to the mother coun- try, opening a market to her manufactures. " Men-of-war," says Burke, " were for th© 110 TAXATION RESISTED— PASSAGE OF THE STAMP ACT. [1764-65. first time armed with the regular commissions of custom-house officers, invested the coasts, and gave the collection of revenue the air of hostile contribution. * * * * They fell so indiscriminately on all sorts of contraband, or supposed contraband, that some of the most valuable branches of trade were driven vio- lently from our ports, which caused an univei*- sal consternation throughout the colonies." * As a measure of retaliation, the colonists resolved not to purchase British fabrics, but to clothe themselves as much as possible in home manufactures. The demand for British goods in Boston alone was diminished upwards of £10,000 sterhng in the course of a year. In 1764, George Grenville, now at the head of government, ventured upon the policy from which Walpole had so wisely abstained. Early in March the eventful question was debated, " whether they had a right to tax America." It was decided in the affirmative. Next fol- lowed a resolution, declaring it proper to charge certain stamp duties in the colonies and plan- tations, but no immediate step was taken to carry it into effect. Mr. Grenville, however, gave notice to the American agents in London, that he should introduce such a measure on the ensuing session of Parliament. In the mean time Parliament perpetuated certain duties on sugar and molasses — heretofore sub- jects of complaint and opposition — now reduced and modified so as to discourage smuggling, and thereby to render them more productive. Duties, also, were imposed on other articles of foreign produce or manufacture imported into the colonies. To reconcile the latter to these impositions, it was stated that the revenue thus raised was to be appropriated to their protection and security; in other words, to the support of a standing army, intended to be quartered upon them. "We have here briefly stated but a part of what Burke terms an "infinite variety of paper chains," extending through no less than twenty-nine acts of Parliament from 1660 to 1764, by which the colonies had been held in thraldom. The New Englanders were the first to take the field against the project of taxation. They denounced it as a violation of their rights as freemen ; of their chartered rights, by which they were to tax themselves for their support and defence ; of their rights as British subjects. * Burko on tlio state of the nation. who ought not to be taxed but by themselves or their representatives. They sent petitions and remonstrances on the subject to the king, the lords, and the commons, in which they were seconded by New York and Virginia. Frank- lin appeared in London at the head of agents from Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and South Car- olina, to deprecate, in person, measures so fraught with mischief. The most eloquent ar- guments were used by British orators and statesmen to dissuade Grenville from enforcing them. He was warned of the sturdy independ- ence of the colonists, and the spirit of resist- ance he might provoke. All was in vain. Grenville, " great in daring and little in views," says Horace "Walpole, " was charmed to have an untrodden field before him of calculation and experiment." In March, 1765, the act was passed, according to which all instruments in writing were to be executed on stamped pa- per, to be purchased from the agents of the British government. "What was more : all of- fences against the act could be tried in any royal, marine, or admiralty court throughout the colonies, however distant from the place where the offence had been committed ; thus interfering with that most inestimable right, a trial by jury. It was an ominous sign that the first burst of opposition to this act should take place in "Virginia. That colony had hitherto been slow to accord with the republican spirit of New England. Founded at an earlier period of the reign of James I., before kingly prerogative and ecclesiastical supremacy had been made matters of doubt and fierce dispute, it had grown up in loyal attachment to king, church, and constitution ; was aristocratical in its tastes and habits, and had been remarked above all the other colonies for its sympathies with the mother country. Moreover, it had not so many pecuniary interests involved in these questions as had the people of New England, being an agricultural rather than a commercial province; but the Virginians are of a quick and generous spirit, readily aroused on all points of honor- able pride, and they resented the stamp act as an outrage on their rights. "Washington occupied his seat in the House of Burgesses, when, on the 29th of May, the stamp act became a subject of discussion. "We have seen no previous opinions of his on the subject. His correspondence hitherto had not turned on political or speculative themes ; be- ing engrossed by either military or agricultural Mr. 33.] WASHINGTON'S IDEAS CONCERNING THE STAMP ACT. Ill matters, and evincing little anticipation of the vortex of public duties into which he was about to be drawn. All his previous conduct and writings show a loyal devotion to the crown, with a patriotic attachment to his country. It ii probable that on the present occasion that latent patriotism received its first electric shock. Among the Burgesses sat Patrick Henry, a young lawyer, who had recently distinguished himself by pleading against the exercise of the royal prerogative in church matters, and who was now for the first time a member of the House. Rising in his place, he introduced his celebrated resolutions, declaring that the Gen- eral Assembly of Virginia had the exclusive right and power to lay taxes and impositions upon the inhabitants, and that whoever main- tained the contrary should be deemed an enemy to the colony. The speaker, Mr. Robinson, objected to the resolutions, as inflammatory. Henry vindicated them, as justified by the nature of the case ; wont into an able and constitutional discussion of colonial rights, and an eloquent exposition of the manner in which they had been assailed ; wound up by one of those daring fiights of declamation for which he was remarkable, and startled the House by a warning flash from history : " Cffisar had his Brutus ; Charles his Cromwell, and George the Third — (' Treason ! treason ! ' resounded from the neighborhood of the Chair) — may profit by their examples," added Henry. " Sir, if this be treason (bowing to the speaker), make the most of it ! " The resolutions were modified, to accommo- date them to the scruples of the speaker and some of the members, but their spirit was re- tained. The lieutenant-governor (Fauquier), startled by this patriotic outbreak, dissolved the Assembly, and issued writs for a new elec- tion ; but the clarion had sounded. " The re- solves of the Assembly of Virginia," says a correspondent of the ministry, "gave the signal for a general outcry over the continent. The movers and supporters of them were applauded as the protectors and assertors of American liberty." * CHAPTER XXVIII. Washes GTOJsr returned to Mount Vernon full of anxious thoughts inspired by the political * Letter to Secretary Conway, New York, Sept. 23. — Parliamentary Register. events of the day, and the legislative scene which he witnessed. His recent letters had spoken of the state of peaceful tranquillity in which he was living ; those now written from his rural home show that he fully participated in the popular feeling, and that while he had a presentiment of an arduous struggle, his patri- otic mind was revolving means of coping with it. Such is the tenor of a letter written to his wife's uncle, Francis Dandridge, then in Lon- don. " The stamp act," said he, " engrosses the conversation of the speculative part of the colonists, who look upon this unconstitutional method of taxation as a direful attack upon their liberties, and loudly exclahn against the violation. What may be the result of this, and of some other (I think I may add ill-judged) measures, I will not undertake to determine ; but this I may venture to affirm, that the ad- vantage accruing to the mother country will fall greatly short of the expectation of the ministry ; for certain it is, that our whole sub- stance already in a manner flows to Great Britain, and that whatsoever contributes to lessen our importations must be hurtful to her manufactures. The eyes of our people already begin to be opened ; and they will perceive that many luxuries, for which we lavish our substance in Great Britain, can well be dis- pensed with. This, consequently, will intro- duce frugality, and be a necessary incitement to industry. ****** Xs ip the stamp act, regarded in a single view, one of the first bad consequences attending it is, that our courts of judicature must inevitably be shut up ; for it is impossible, or next to im- possible, under our present circumstances, that the act of Parliament can be complied with, were we ever so willing to enforce its execu- tion. And not to say (which alone would be sufficient) that we have not money enough to pay for the stamps, there are many other cogent reasons which prove that it would be ineffectual." A letter of the same date to his agents in London, of ample length and minute in all its details, shows that, while deeply interested in the course of public affairs, his practical mind was enabled thoroughly and ably to manage the financial concerns of his estate and of 'the estate of Mrs. Washington's son, John Parke Custis, towards whom he acted the part of a faithful and affectionate guardian. In those days, Virginia planters were still in direct and frequent correspondence with their London 112 POPULAR AGITATION— NULLIFICATION OF THE STAMP ACT. [1765. factors; aud "Washington's letters respecting liis shipments of tobacco, and the returns re- quired in various articles for household and personal use, are perfect models for a man of business. And this may be remarked through- out his whole career, that no pressure of events nor multiplicity of cares prevented a clear, steadfast, under-current of attention to domes- tic affairs, and the interest and well-being of all dependent upon him. In the mean time, from liis quiet abode at Mount Vernon, he seemed to hear the patriotic voice of Patrick Henry, which had startled the House of Burgesses, echoing throughout the land, and rousing one legislative body after an- other to follow the example of that of Vir- ginia. At the instigation of the General Court or Assembly of Massachusetts, a Congress was held in New York in October, composed of delegates from Massachusetts, Khode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, and South Caro- lina. In this they denounced the acts of Par- liament imposing taxes on them without their consent, and extending the jurisdiction of the courts of admiralty, as violations of their rights and liberties as natural born subjects of Great Britain, and prepared an address to the king, and a petition to both Houses of Parliament, praying for redress. Similar petitions were forwarded to England by the colonies not rep- resented in the Congress. Tlie very preparations for enforcing the stamp act called forth popular tumults in various places. In Boston the stamp distributor was hanged in effigy ; his windows were broken ; a house intended for a stamp office was pulled down, and the effigy burnt in a bonfire made of the fragments. The lieutenant-governor, chief justice, and sheriff, attempting to allay the tumult, were pelted. The stamp officer thought himself happy to be hanged merely in effigy, and next day publicly renounced the perilous office. Various were the proceedings in other places, all manifesting public scorn and defiance of the act. In Virginia, Mr. George Mercer had been appointed distributor of stamps, but on his arrival at Williamsburg publicly declined offi- ciaftng. It was a fresh triumph to the popular cause. The bells were rung for joy ; the town was illuminated, and Mercer was hailed with acclamations of the people.* Holmes's Annals, vol. ii., p. 135 The 1st of November, the day when the act was to go into operation, was ushered in with portentous solemnities. There was great toll- ing of bells and burning of effigies in the New England colonies. At Boston the ships dis- played their colors but half-mast high. Many shops were shut ; funeral knells resounded from the steeples, and there was a grand auto-da-fe, in which the promoters of the act were pa- raded, and suffered martyrdom in effigy. At New York the printed act was carried about the streets on a pole, surmounted by a death's head, with a scroll bearing the inscrip- tion, " The foUy of England and ruin of Amer- ica." Golden, the lieutenant-governor, who acquired considerable odium by recommending to government the taxation of the colonies, the institution of hereditary Assemblies, and other Tory measures, seeing that a popular storm was rising, retired into the fort, taking with him the stamp papers, and garrisoned it with marines from a ship of war. The mob broke into his stable ; drew out his chariot ; put his effigy into it ; paraded it through the streets to the common (now the Park), where they hung it on a gallows. In the evening it was taken down, put again in the chariot, with the devil for a companion, and escorted back by torchlight to the Bowling Green ; where the whole pageant, chariot and aU, was burnt under the very guns of the fort. These are specimens of the marks of popular reprobation with which the stamp act was uni- versally nullified. No one would venture to carry it Into execution. In fact, no stamped paper was to be seen ; all had been either de- stroyed or concealed. All transactions which required stamps to give them validity were suspended, or were executed by private com- pact. The courts of justice were closed, until at length some conducted their business with- out stamps. Union was becoming the watch- word. The merchants of New York, Phila- delphia, Boston, and such other colonies as had ventured publicly to oppose the stamp act, agreed to import no more British manufactures after the 1st of January, unless it should be re- pealed. So passed away the year 1765, As yet Washington took no prominent part in the public agitation. Indeed he was never disposed to put himself forward on popular occasions, his innate modesty forbade it ; it was others who knew his worth that called him forth ; but when once he engaged in any public measure, he devoted himself to it with ^T. 34.] REPEAL OF THE STAMP ACT— JOY OF WASHINGTON. IK conscientiousness and persevering zeal.' At present he remained a quiet but vigilant ob- server of events from bis eagle nest at Mount Vernon. lie had some few intimates in his neighborhood who accorded with him in senti- ment. One of the ablest and most efficient of these was Mr, George Mason, with whom he had occasional conversations on the state of affairs. His friends the Fairfaxes, though lib- eral in feelings and opinions, were too strong in their devotion to the crown not to regard with an uneasy eye the tendency of the pop- ular bias. From one motive or otlier, the ear- nest attention of all the inmates and visitors at Mount Vernon, -was turned to England, watch- ing the movements of the ministry. The dismissal of Mr. Grenville from the cabi- net gave a temporary change to public affairs. Perhaps nothing had a greater effect in favor of the colonies than an examination of Dr. Franklin before the House of Commons, on the subject of the stamp act. " "What," he was asked, " was the temper of America towards Great Britain, before the year 1763 ? " " The best in the world. They submitted willingly to the government of the crown, and paid, in all their courts, obedience to the acts of Parliament. Numerous as the people are in the several old provinces, they cost you nothing in forts, citadels, garrisons, or armies, to keep them in subjection. They were gov- erned by this country at the expense only of a little pen, ink, and paper. They were led by a thread. They had not only a respect, but an affection for Great Britain, for its laws, its customs, and manners, and even a fondness for its fashions, that greatly increased the com- merce. Natives of Great Britain were always treated with particular regard ; to bo an Old- England man was, of itself, a character of some respect, and gave a kind of rank among us," " And what is their temper now ? " " Oh ! very much altered." "If the act is not repealed, what do you think will be the consequences ? " " A total loss of the respect and affection the people of America bear to this country, and of all the commerce that depends on that respect and affection," " Do you think the people of America would submit to pay the stamp duty if it was mod- erated ? " 8 "No, never; unless compelled by force of arms." * The act was repealed on the 18th of March, 1766, to the great joy of the sincere friends of both countries, and to no one more than to Washington. In one of his letters he observes : " Had the Parliament of Great Britain resolved upon enforcing it, the consequences, I conceive, would have been more direful than is generally apprehended, both to the mother country and her colonies. All, therefore, who were instru- mental in procuring the repeal, are entitled to the thanks of every British subject, and have mine cordially." t Still, there was a fatal clause in the repeal, which declared that the king, with the consent of Parliament, had power and authority to make laws and statutes of siifficient force and validity to " bind the colonies, and people of America, in all cases whatsoever," As the people of America were contending for principles, not merely pecuniary interests, this reserved power of the crown and Parlia- ment left the dispute still open, and chiUed the feeling of gratitude which the repeal might otherwise have inspired. Further aliment for public discontent was furnished by other acts of Parliament. One imposed duties on glass, pasteboard, white and red lead, painters' colors, and tea ; the duties to be collected on the ar- rival of the articles in the colonies ; another empowered naval officers to enforce the acts of trade and navigation. Another wounded to the quick the pride and sensibilities of New York. The mutiny act had recently been ex- tended to America, with an additional clause, requiring the provincial Assemblies to provide the troops sent out with quarters, and to fur- nish them with fire, beds, candles, and other ne«.essaries, at the expense of the colonies. The Governor and Assembly of New York re- fused to comply with this requisition as to sta- tionary forces, insisting that it applied only to troops on a march. An act of Parliament now suspended the powers of the Governor and Assembly until they should comply. Chatham attributed this opposition of the colonists to the mutiny act to "their jealousy of being somehow or other taxed internally by the Par- liament ; the act," said he, " asserting the right of Parliament, has certainly spread a most un- fortunate jealousy and diffidence of govern- ment here throughout America, and makes ♦ Parliamentary Register, 1766. t Sparks. Writings of Washington, ii. 345, note. 114 MILITARY DEMONSTRATIONS AT BOSTON— LIFE AT MOUNT VERNON. [1V66. them jealous of the least distinction between this country and that, lest the same principle may be extended to taxing them."* Boston continued to he the focus of what the ministerialists termed sedition. The Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, not content with petitioning the king for relief against the re- cent measures of Parliament, especially those imposing taxes as a means of revenue, drew up a circular, calling on the other colonial Leg- islatures to join with them in suitable efforts to obtain redress. In the ensuing session. Governor Sir Francis Bernard called upon them to rescind the resolution on which the circular was founded, — they refused to comply, and the General Court was consequently dissolved. The governors of other colonies required of their Legislatures an assurance that they would not reply to the Massachusetts circular, — these Legislatures likewise refused compliance, and Avere dissolved. All this added to the growing excitement. Memorials were addressed to the Lords, spir- itual and temporal, and remonstrances to the House of Commons, against taxation for rev- enue, as destructive to the liberties of the col- onists ; and against the act suspending the legislative power of the province of New York, as menacing the welfare of the colonies in general. Nothing, however, produced a more power- ful eflfect upon the public sensibilities through- out the country, than certain military demon- strations at Boston. In consequence of re- peated collisions between the people of that place and the commissioners of customs, two regiments were held in readiness at Halifax to embark for Boston in the ships of Commodore Hood, whenever Governor Bernard, or the gen- eral, should give the word. " Had this force been landed in Boston six months ago," writes the commodore, " I am perfectly persuaded no address or remonstrances would have been sent from the other colonies, and that all would have been tolerably quiet and orderly at this time throughout America." t Tidings reached Boston that these troops were embarked, and that they were coming to overawe the people. What was to be done ? The General Court had been dissolved, and the governor refused to convene it without the royal command. A convention, therefore, from various towns, met at Boston, on the 22d of * Chatham's Correspondence, vol. lii., pp. 189-192. ♦ Grenville Papers, vol. iv., p. 362. September, to devise measf.res for the public safety ; but disclaiming all pretensions to legis- lative powers. "While the convention was yet in session (September 2Sth), the two regiments arrived, with seven armed vessels. "I am very confident," writes Commodore Hood from Halifax, " the spirited measures now pursuing will soon effect order in America." On the contrary, these " spirited measures " added fuel to the fire they were intended to quench. It was resolved in a town meeting, that the king had no right to send troops thither without the consent of the Assembly ; that Great Britain had broken the original compact, and that, therefore, the king's olBcers had no longer any business there.* The " selectmen " accordingly refused to find quarters for the soldiers in the town; the council refused to find barracks for them, lest it should be construed into a compliance with the disputed clause of the mutiny act. Some of the troops, therefore, which had tents, were encamped on the common ; others, by the gov- ernor's orders, were quartered in the state- house, and others in Faneuil Hall, to the great indignation of the public, who were grievously scandalized at seeing field-pieces planted in front of the state-house ; sentinels stationed at the doors, challenging every one who passed ; and, above aD, at having the sacred quiet ot the Sabbath disturbed by drum and fife, and other military music. CHAPTER XXIX. THEOTGnouT these public agitations, "Wash- ington endeavored to preserve his equanimity. Removed from the heated throngs of cities, his diary denotes a cheerful and healthful life at Mount Vernon, devoted to those rural occupa- tions in which he delighted, and varied occa- sionally by his favorite field sports. Sometimes he is duck-shooting on the Potomac. Repeat- edly we find note of his being out at sunrise with the hounds, in company with old Lord Fairfax, Biyan Fairfax, and others ; and end- ing the day's sport by a dinner at Mount Ver- non, or Belvoir. Still he was too true a patriot not to sympa- thize in the struggle for colonial rights which now agitated the whole country, and we find ■ Whately to Grenville. Grcn. Papers, vol. iv., p. 38 JEt. 3*7.] WASHINGTON AND GEORGE MASON— CORRESPONDENCE. 115 him gradually carried more and more into the current of political affairs. A letter written on the 5th of April, 1769, to his friend, George Mason, shows the impor- tant stand he was disposed to take. In the previous year, the merchants and traders of Boston, Salem, Connecticut, and New York, had agreed to suspend for a time the impor- tation of all articles subject to taxation. Sim- ilar resolutions had recently been adopted by the merchants of Philadelphia. Washington's letter is emphatic in support of the measure. "At a time," writes he, "when our lordly mas- ters in Great Britain will be satisfied with noth- ing less than the deprivation of American free- dom, it seems highly necessary that something should be done to avert the stroke, and main- tain the liberty which we have derived from our ancestors. But the manner of doing it, to answer the purpose cfl'ectually, is the point in question. That no man should scruple, or hes- itate a moment in defence of so valuable a bless- ing, is clearly my opinion ; yet arms should be the last resource — the dernier ressort. We have already, it is said, proved the inefficacy of addresses to the throne, and remonstrances to Parliament. How far their attention to our rights and interests is to be awakened, or alarmed, by starving their trade and manufac- tures, remains to be tried. " The northern colonies, it appears, are en- deavoring to adopt this scheme. In my opin- ion, it is a good one, and must be attended with salutary effects, provided it can be car- ried pretty generally into execution. * * * That there will be a difficulty attending it every- where from clashing interests, and selfish, de- signing men, ever attentive to their own gain, and watchful of every turn that can assist their lucrative views, cannot be denied ; and in the tobacco colonies, where the trade is so diftused, and in a manner wholly conducted by factors for their principals at home, these difficulties are certainly enhanced, but I think not insur- mountably increased, if the gentlemen in their several counties will be at some pains to ex- plain matters to the people, and stimulate them to cordial agreements to purchase none but certain enumerated articles out of any of the stores, after a definite period, and neither import, nor purchase any themselves, * * * I can see but one class of people, the mer- chants excepted, who will not or ought not to Avish well to the scheme, — namely, they who live genteelly and hospitably on clear estates. Such as these, were they not to consider the valuable object in view, and the good of others might thi»iv it hard to be curtailed in their liv- ing and enjoyments." This was precisely the class to which Wash- ington belonged ; but he was ready and wiUing to make the sacrifices required. "I think the scheme a good one," added he, " and that it ought to be tried here, with such alterations as our circumstances render absolutely necessary." Mason, in his reply, concurred with him in opinion. " Our all is at stake," said he, " and the little conveniences and comforts of life, when set in competition with our liberty, ought to be rejected, not with reluctance, but with pleasure. Yet it is plain that, in the to- bacco colonies, we cannot at present confine our importations within such narrow bounds as the northern colonies. A plan of this kind, to be practicable, must be adapted to our circum- stances ; for if not steadily executed it had better have remained unattempted. We may retrench all manner of superfluities, finery of all descriptions, and confine ourselves to linens, woollens, &c., not exceeding a certain price. It is amazing how mucli this practice, if adopt- ed in all the colonies, would lessen the Ameri- can imports, and distress the various trades and manufactures of Great Britain. This would awaken their attention. They would see, they would feel, the oppressions we groan under, and exert themselves to procure us redress. This, once obtained, we should no longer dis- continue our importations, confining ourselves still not to import any article that should here- after be taxed by act of Parliament for raising a revenue in America ; for, however singular 1 may be in the opinion, I arn tlioroughly con- tinced., that, justice and harmony hapxnly re- stored, it is not the interest of these colonies to refuse British, manvfactures. Our supplying our mother country with gross materials, and talcing her manvfactures in return, is the true chain of connection between its. These are the hands which, if not hrolm ly opp7-ession, must long hold us together, ly maintaining a con- stant reciprocation of interests^ The latter part of the above quotation shows the spirit which actuated Washington and the friends of his confidence ; as yet there was no thought nor desire of alienation from the mother country, but only a fixed determination to be placed on an equality of rights and privileges with her other children. A single word in the passage cited from 116 LORD BOTETOURT— ADDRESS TO THE KING. [1769. Washington's letter, evinces the chord which still vibrated in the American bosom ; he inci- dentally speaks of England as liome. It was the familiar term with which she was usually indicated by those of English descent ; and the writer of these pages remembers when the en- dearing phrase still lingered on Anglo-Ameri- can lips even after the Revohition. How easy would it have been, before that era, for the mother country to have rallied back the affec- tions of her colonial children, by a proper at- tention to their complaints ! They asked for nothing but what they were entitled to, and what she liad taught them to prize as their dearest inheritance. The spirit of liberty which they manifested had been derived from her own precept and example. The result of the correspondence between "Washington and Mason, was the draft by the latter of a plan of association, the members of which were to pledge themselves not to im- port or use any articles of British merchandise or manufacture subject to duty. This paper Washington was to submit to the consideration of the House of Burgesses at the approaching session in the month of May. The Legislature of Virginia opened on this occasion with a brilliant pageant. While mili- tary force was arrayed to overawe the republi- can Puritans of the east, it was thought to daz- zle the aristocratical descendants of the cava- liers by the reilex of regal splendor. Lord Botetourt, one of the king's lords of the bed- chamber, had recently come out as governor of the province. Junius described him as " a cringing, bowing, fawning, sword-bearing cour- tier." Horace Walpole predicted that he would turn the heads of the Virginians in one way or other. " If his graces do not captivate them, he will enrage them to fury ; for I take all his douceur to be enamelled on iron." * The words of political satirists and court wits, however, are always to be taken with great distrust. However his lordship may have bowed in presence of royalty, he elsewhere conducted himself with dignity, and won general favor by his endearing manners. He certainly showed promptness of spirit in his reply to the king on being informed of his appointment. "When Avill you be ready to go ? " asked George III. " To-night, sir." Ho had come out, however, with a wrong idea of the Americans. They had been repre- * Grenvillo papers, iv., note to p. 330. sented to him as factious, immoral, and prone to sedition ; but vain and luxurious, and easily captivated by parade and splendor. The latter foibles were aimed at in his appointment and fitting out. It was supposed that his titled rank would have its effect. Then to prepare him for occasions of ceremony, a coach of state was presented to him by the king. He was allowed, moreover, the quantity of plate usual- ly given to ambassadors, whereupon the joke was circulated that he was going "plenipo to the Oherokees." * His opening of the session was in the style of the royal opening of Parliament. He pro- ceeded in due parade from his dwelling to the capitol, in his state coach, drawn by six milk- white horses. Having delivered his speech ac- cording to royal form, he returned home with the same pomp and circumstance. The time had' gone by, however, for such display to have the anticipated effect. The Virginian legislators penetrated the intention of this pompous ceremonial, and regarded it with a depreciating smile. Sterner matters occupied their thoughts ; they had come pre- pared to battle for their rights, and their pro- ceedings soon showed Lord Botetourt how much he had mistaken them. Si)irited resolu- tions were passed, denouncing the recent act of Parliament imposing taxes ; the power to do which, on the inhabitants of this colony, " was legally and constitutionally vested in the House of Burgesses, with consent of the coun- cil and of the king, or of his governor, for the time being." Copies of these resolutions were ordered to be forwarded by the speaker to the Legislatures of the other colonies, with a re- quest for their concurrence. Other proceedings of the Burgesses showed their sympathy with their fehow-patriots of New England. A joint address of both Houses of Parliament had recently been made to the king, assuring him of their support in any fur- ther measures for the due execution of tlio laws in Massachusetts, and beseeching him that aU persons charged with treason, or misprision of treason, committed within that colony since the 30th of December, 1T67, might be sent to Great Britain for trial. As Massachusetts had no General Assembly at this time, having been dissolved by govern- ment, the Legislature of Virginia generously took up the cause. An address to the king * "Whately to Geo. Grcnville. Gronvillc papers. JEi. S7.] WASHIXGTOX AND THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION— HOOD AT BOSTON. 117 TTas resolved on, stating, that all trials for treason, or misprision of treason, or for any crime whatever committed by any person re- siding in a colony, ought to be in and before his majesty's courts within said colony ; and beseeching the king to avert from his loyal subjects, those dangers and miseries which would ensue from seizing and carrying beyond sea any person residing in America suspected of any crime whatever, thereby depriving them of the inestimable privilege of being tried by a jury from the vicinage, as well as the liberty of producing witnesses on such trial. Disdaining any further application to Parlia- ment, the House ordered the speaker to trans- mit this address to the colonies' agent in Eng- land, with directions to cause it to be presented to the king, and afterwards to be printed and published in the English papers. Lord Botetourt was astonished and dismayed when he heard of these high-toned proceed- ings. Repairing to the capitol on the follow- ing day at noon, he summoned the speaker and members to the council chamber, and address- ed them in the following words : " Mr. Speak- er, and gentlemen of the House of Burgesses, I have heard of your resolves, and augur ill of their effects. You have made it my duty to dissolve you, and you are dissolved accord- ingly." The spirit conjured iip by the late decrees of Parliament was not so easily allayed. The Burgesses adjourned to a pi'ivate house. Pey- ton Randolph, their late speaker, was elected moderator. Washington now brought forward a draft of the articles of association, concerted between him and George Mason. They form- ed the groundwork of an instrument signed by all present, pledging themselves neither to im- port, nor use any goods, merchandise, or man- ufactures taxed by Parliament to raise a reve- nue in America. This instrument was sent throjighout the country for signature, and the scheme of non-importation, hitherto confined to a few northern colonies, was soon universal- ly adopted. For his OAvn part, Wasiiington adhered to it rigorously throughout the year. The articles proscribed by it were never to be seen in his house, and his agent in London was enjoined to ship nothing for him Avhile subject to taxation. The popular ferment in Virginia was gradu- ally allayed by the amiable and conciliatory conduct of Lord Botetourt. His lordship soon became aware of the erroneous notions with which he had entered upon office. His semi- royal equipage and state were laid aside. He examined into public grievances ; became a strenuous advocate for the repeal of taxes ; and, authorized by his despatches from the minis- try, assured the public that such repeal would speedily take place. His assurance was receiv- ed with implicit faith, and for a while Virginia was quieted. CHAPTER XXX. " The worst is past, and the spirit of sedition broken," writes Hood to GrenviUe, early in the spring of 1769.* "When the commodore wrote this, his ships were in the harbor, and troops occupied the town, and he flattered himself that at length turbulent Boston was quelled. But it only waited its time to be se- ditious accoi'ding to rule ; there was always an irresistible " method in its madness." In the month of May, the General Court, hitherto prorogued, met according to charter. A committee immediately waited on the gov- ernor, stating it was impossible to do business with dignity and freedom while the town was invested by sea and land, and a military guard was stationed at the state-house, with cannon pointed at the door ; and they requested the governor, as his majesty's representative, to have such forces removed out of the port and gates of the city during the session of the As- sembly. The governor replied, that he had no author- ity over either the ships or troops. The court persisted in refusing to transact business while so circumstanced, and the governor was obliged to transfer the session to Cambridge. There he addressed a message to that body m July, requiring funds for the payment of the troops, and quarters for their accommodation. The Assembly, after ample discussion of past griev- ances, resolved, that the establishment of a standing army in the colony in a time of peace was an invasion of natural rights; that a standing army was not known as a part of the British constitution, and that the sending an armed force to aid the civil authority was xin- precedented, and highly dangerous to the peo- ple. After waiting some days without receiving an answer to his message, the governor sent * GrenvUlu Papers, vol. iii. 118 THE DUTY ON TEA— DEATH OF LORD BOTETOURT. [1*770. to know whether the Assembly would, or would not, make provision for the troops. In their reply, they followed the example of the Legislature of Few York, in commenting on the mutiny, or billeting act, and ended by de- clining to furnish funds for the purposes spe- cified, "being incompatible with their own honor and interest, and their duty to their constituents." They were in consequence again prorogued, to meet in Boston on the 10th of January. So stood alFairs in Massachusetts. In the mean time, the non-importation associations, being generally observed throughout the colo- nies, produced the effect on British commerce which Washington had anticipated, and Parlia- ment was incessantly importuned by petitions from British merchants, imploring its interven- tion to save them from ruin. Early in 1770, an important change took r>lace in the British cabinet. The Duke of Grafton suddenly resigned, and the reins of government passed into the hands of Lord North. He was a man of limited capacity, but a favorite of the king, and subservient to his narrow colonial policy. His administration, so eventful to America, commenced with an error. In the month of March, an act was passed, re- voking all the duties laid in 1767, excepting that on tea. This single tax was continued, as he observed, " to maintain the parliamentary right of taxation," — the very right which was the grand object of contest. In this, however, he was in fact yielding, against his better judg- ment, to the stubborn tenacity of the king. He endeavored to reconcile the opposition and perhaps himself, to the measure, by plaus- ible reasoning. An impost of three pence on the pound could never, he alleged, be opposed by the colonists, unless they were determined to rebel against Great Britain. Besides, a duty on that article, payable in England, and amount- ing to nearly one shilling on the pound, was taken off on its exportation to America, so that the inhabitants of the colonies saved nine pence on the pound. Here was the stumbling-block at the thresh- old of Lord North's admmist ration. In vain the members of the opposition urged that thi^ single exception, Avhile it would produce no revenue, would keep alive the whole cause of contention; that so long as a single^external duty was enforced, the colonies would'consider their rights invaded, and would remain unap- peased. Lord North was not to be convinced • or rather he knew the royal wiU was inflexible, and he complied with its behests. " The prop- erest time to exert our right of taxation," said he, " is when the right is refused. To tempor- ize is to yield ; and the authority of the mother country, if it is now unsupported, will be relin- quished forever : a total repeal cannot he thought of, till America is j^rostrate at our feet:' * On the very day in which this ominons bill was passed in Parliament, a sinister occurrence took place in Boston. Some of the young men of the place insulted the military while under arms ; the latter resented it ; the young men, after a scuffle, were put to flight, and pursued. The alarm bells rang, — a mob assembled ; the custom-house was threatened ; the troops, in protecting it, were assailed with clubs and stones, and obliged to nse their fire-arms be- fore the tumult could be quelled. Four of the populace were killed and several wounded. The troops were now removed from the town, which remained in the highest state of exaspe- ration ; and this untoward occurrence received the opprobrious and somewhat extravagant name of " the Boston massacre." The colonists, as a matter of convenience, resumed the consumption of those ar'.icles on which the duties had been repealed ; but con- tinued, on principle, the rigorous disuse of tea, excepting such as had been smuggled in. New England was particularly earnest in the mat- ter ; many of the inhabitants, in the spirit of their Puritan progenitors, made a covenant to drink no more of the forbidden beverage until the duty on tea should be repealed. In Virginia the public discontents, which had been allayed by the conciliatory conduct of Lord Botetourt, and by his assurances made on the strength of letters received from the ministry, that the grievances complained of would be speedily redressed, now broke out with more violence than ever. The Virginians spurned the mock-remedy which left the real cause of complaint untouched. His lordship also felt deeply wounded by the disingenuousness of ministers which had led him into such a pre- dicament, and wrote home demanding his dis- charge. Before it arrived, an attack of bilious fever, acting upon a delicate and sensitive frame, enfeebled by anxiety and chagrin, laid him in his grave. He left behind him a name endeared to the Virginians by his amiable man- * Holmes's Amer. Annals, vol. ii., p. 173. ^Et. 38.] EXPEDITION OF WASHINGTOX TO THE OHIO. 119 nerp, his liberal patronage of the arts, and, above all, by his zealous intercession for their rights. "Washington himself testifies that he was inclined " to render every just and reason- able service to the people whom he governed." A statue to his memory was decreed by the House of Burgesses, to be erected in the area of the Capitol. It is still to be seen, though in a mutilated condition, in "Williamsburg, the old seat of government, and a county in Virginia continues to bear his honored name. CHAPTER XXXI. In the midst of these popular turmoils, "Wash- ington was induced, by public as well as private considerations, to make another expedition to the Ohio. He was one of the "Virginia Board of Commissioners, appointed, at the close of the late war, to settle the military accounts of the colony. Among the claims which came be- fore the board, were those of the officers and soldiers who had engaged to serve until peace, under the proclamation of Governor Dinwiddle, holding forth a bounty of two hundred thousand acres of land, to be apportioned among them according to rank. Those claims were yet un- satisfied, for governments, like individuals, are slow to pay off in peaceful times the debts in- curred while in the fighting mood. Washington became the champion of those claims, and an opportunity now presented itself for their liq- uidation. The Six Nations, by a treaty in 1V68, had ceded to the British crown, in con- sideration of a sum of money, all the lands pos- sessed by them south of the Ohio. Land ofiices would soon be opened for the sale of them. Squatters and speculators were already prepar- ing to swarm in, set up their marks on the choicest spots, and establish what were called pre-emption rights. "Washington determined at once to visit the lands thus ceded ; affix his mark on such tracts as he should select, and ap- ply for a grant from government in behalf of the " soldier's claim." The expedition would be attended with some degree of danger. The frontier was yet in an uneasy state. It is true some time had elapsed since the war of Pontiac, but some of the In- dian tribes were almost ready to resume the hatchet. The DelaAvares, Shawnees, and Min- goes, complained that the Six Nations had not given them their full share of the consideration money of the late sale, and they talked of ex- acting the deficiency from the white men who came to settle in what had been their hunting- grounds. Traders, squatters, and other adven- turers into the wilderness, were occasionally murdered, and further troubles were appre- hended. Washington had for a companion in this ex- pedition his friend and neighbor. Dr. Craik, and it was with strong community of feeling they looked forward peaceably to revisit the scenes of their military experience. They set out on the 5th of October, with three negro attend- ants, two belonging to "Washington, and one to the doctor. The whole party was mounted, and there was a led horse for the baggage. After twelve days' travelling they arrived at Fort Pitt (late Fort Duquesne). It was garri- soned by two companies of royal Irish, com- manded by a Captain Edmonson. A hamlet of about twenty log-houses, inhabited by Indian traders, had sprung up within three hundred yards of the fort, and was called " the town." It was the embryo city of Pittsburg, now so populous. At one of the houses, a tolerable frontier inn, they took up their quarters ; but during their brief sojourn, they were entertain- ed with great hospitality at the fort. Here at dinner "Washington met his old ac- quaintance, George Croghan, who had figured in so many capacities, and experienced so many vicissitudes on the frontier. He was now Colo- nel Croghan, deputy-agent to Sir William John- son, and had his residence — or seat, as Washing- ton terms it — on the banks of the Allegany Eiver, about four miles from the fort. Croghan had experienced troubles and dan- gers during the Pontiac vrar, bo'th from white man and savage. At one time, while he was convoying presents from Sir William to the Delawares and Shawnees, his caravan was set upon and plundered by a hand of backwoods- men of Pennsylvania — men resembling Indians in garb and habits, and fully as lawless. At another time, when encamped at the mouth of the Wabash with some of his Indian allies, a band of Kickapoos, siipposing the latter to be Cherokees, their deadly enemies, rushed forth from the woods with horrid yells, shot down several of his companions, and wounded him- self. It must be added, that no white men could have made more ample apologies than did the Kickapoos, when they discovered that they had fired upon friends. Another of Croghan's perils was from the re- 120 VOYAGE DOWX THE OHIO— ADVENTURES ^VLOXG THE RIVER. [1770. doubtable Pontine himself. That chieftain had heard of his being on a mission to win off, by- dint of presents, the other sachems of the con- spiracy, and declared, significantly, that he had a large kettle boiling, in which he intended to seethe the ambassador. It was fortunate for Croghan that he did not meet with the formida- ble chieftain while in this exasperated mood. He subsequently encountered him when Pon- tiac's spirits were broken by reverses. They smoked the pipe of peace together, and the colonel claimed the credit of having, by his dip- lomacy, persuaded the sachem to bury the hatchet. On the day following the repast at the fort, "Washington visited Croghan at his abode on the Allegany Eiver, where he found several of the chiefs of the Six Nations assembled. One of them, the "White Mingo by name, made him a speech, accompanied, as usual, by a belt of wampum. Some of his companions, he said, remembered to have seen him in 1753, when he came on his embassy to the French com- mander ; most of them had heard of him. They had now come to welcome him to their country. They wished the people of Virginia to consider them as friends and brothers, linked together in one chain, and requested him to in- form the governor of their desire to live in peace and harmony with the white men. As to certain unhappy differences which had taken place between them on the frontiers, they were all made up, and, they hoped, forgotten. "Washington accepted the " speech belt," and made a suitable reply, assuring the chiefs that nothing was more desired by the people of Vir- ginia than to live with them on terms of the strictest friendship. At Pittsburg the travellers left their horses, and embarked in a large canoe, to make a voy- age down the Ohio as far as the Great Kana- wha. Colonel Croghan engaged two Indians for their servnce, and an interpreter named John Nicholson. The colonel and some of the officers of the garrison accompanied them as far as Logstown, the scene of Washington's early dip- lomacy, and his first interview with the half- king. Here they breakfasted together ; after which they separated, the colonel and his com- panions cheering the voyagers from the shore, as the canoe was borne off by the current of the beautiful Ohio. It was now the hunting season, vchcn the In- dians leave their towns, set off with their fami- lies, and lead a roving life in cabins and hunt- ing-camjis along the river ; ^shifting from place to place, as game abounds or decreases, and often extending their migrations two or three hundred miles down the stream. The women were as dexterous as the men in the manage- ment of the canoe, but were generally engaged in the domestic labors of the lodge while their husbands were abroad hunting. "Washington's propensities as a sportsman had here full play. Deer were continually to be seen coming down to the water's edge to drink, or browsing along the shore ; there were innu- merable flocks of wild turkeys, and streaming flights of ducks and geese ; so that as the voy- agers floated along, they were enabled to load their canoe with game. At night they encamp- ed on the river bank, lit their fire, and made a sumptuous himter's repast. "Washington always relished this wild-wood life ; and the present had that spice of danger in it, which has a pe- culiar charm for adventurous minds. The great object of his expedition, however, is evinced in his constant notes on the features and char- acter of the country ; the quality of the soil as indicated by the nature of the trees, and the level tracts fitted for settlements. About seventy-five miles below Pittsburg, the voyagers landed at a Mingo town, which they found in a stir of warlike preparation — sixty of the warriors being about to set off on a foray into the Cherokee country against the Catawbas. Here the voyagers were brought to a pause by a report that two white men, traders, had been murdered about thirty-eight miles further down the river. Reports of the kind were not to be treated lightly. Indian faith was uncer- tain along the frontier, and white men were often shot down in the wilderness for plunder or revenge. On the following day the repoi't moderated. Only one man was said to have been killed, and that not by Indians ; so "Wash- ington determined to continue forward until he could obtain correct information in the matter. On the 24th, about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the voyagers arrived at Captema Creek, at the mouth of which the trader was said to have been killed. As all was quiet and no one to be seen, they agreed to encamp, while Nicholson, the interpretei', and one of the Indians, repaired to a village a few miles up the creek to inquire about the murder. They found but two old women at the village. The men were all ab- sent, hunting. Tlie interpreter returned to camp in the evening, bringing the truth of the mur- iET. 88.] KIASHUTA'S HUNTING CAMP— A CHARMED LIFE. 121 derou3 tale. A trader had fallen a victim to his temerity, having been drowned in attempt- ing, in company with another, to swim his horse across the Ohig. Two days more of voyaging bronght them to an Indian hunting camp, near the mouth of the Muskingum. Here it was necessary to land, and make a ceremonious visit, for the chief of the hunting party was Kiashuta, a Seneca sa- chem, the head of the river tribes. He was noted to have been among the first to raise the hatchet in Pontiac's conspiracy, and almost equally vindictive with that potent warrior. As "Washington approached the chieftain, he recognized him for one of the Indians who had accompanied him on his mission to the French in 1753. Kiashuta retained a perfect recollection of the youthful ambassador, though seventeen years had matured him into thoughtful man- hood. With hunter's hospitality he gave him a quarter of a fine buffalo just slain, but insisted that they should encamp together for the night ; and in order not to retard him, moved with his own party to a good camping place some dis- tance down the river. Here they had long talks and council-fires over night and in the morning, with aU the " tedious ceremony," says "Wash- ington, " which the Indians observe in their counscllings and speeches." Kiashuta had heard of what had passed between "Washington and the ""White Mingo," and other sachems, at Colonel Croghan's, and was eager to express his own desii-e for peace and friendship with Virginia, and fair dealings with her traders; all which Washington promised to report faithfully to the governor. It was not until a late hour in the morning that he was enabled to bring these conferences to a close, and pursue his voyage. At the mouth of the Great Kanawha the voyagers encamped for a day or two to examine tlie lands in the neighborhood, and "Washington set up his mark upon such as he intended to claim on behalf of the soldiers' grant. It was a, fine sporting country, having small lakes or grassy ponds abounding with water-fowl, such as ducks, geese, and swans. Flocks of turkeys, as usual ; and for larger game, deer and buffalo ; so that tlieir camp abounded with provisions. Here Washington was visited by an old sa- chem, who approached him with great rever- ence, at the head of several of his tribe, and addressed him through Nicholson, the inter- pr.eter. He had heard, he said, of his being in that part of the country, and had come from a great distance to see him. On further dis- course, the sachem made known that he was one of the warriors in the service of the French, who lay in ambush on the banks of the Monon- gahela, and wrought such havoc in Braddock's army. He declared that he and his young men had singled out Washington, as he made him- self conspicuous riding about the field of battle with the general's orders, and had fired at him repeatedly, but without success ; whence they had concluded that he was under the protection of the Great Spirit, had a charmed life, and could not be slain in battle. At the Great I^nawha, Washington's expe- dition down the Ohio terminated ; having visit- ed all the points he wished to examine. His return to Fort Pitt, and thence homeward, af- fords no incident worthy of note. The whole expedition, however, was one of that hardy and adventurous kind, minj^od with practical purposes, in which he delighted. This winter voyage down the Ohio in a canoe, with the doctor for a companion, and two Indians for crew, through regions yet insecure from the ca- pricious hostility of prowling savages, is not one of the least striking of his frontier " ex- periences." The hazardous nature of it was made apparent shortly afterwards, by another outbreak of the Ohio tribes ; one of its bloodiest actions took place on the very banks of the Great Kanawha, in which Colonel Lewis and a number of brave Virginians lost their lives. NOTE. In the final adjustment of claims under Governor Dinwiddle's proclamation, Washington, acting on be- half of the officers and soldiers, obtained grants for the lands he had marked out in the course of his visit to the Ohio. Fifteen thousand acres were awarded to a field-officer, nine thousand to a captain, six thousand to a subaltern, and so on. Among the claims which he entered were those of Stobo and Van Braam, the hostages in the capitulation at the Great Meadows. After many vicissitudes they were now in London, and nine thousand acres were awarded to each of them. Their domains were ultimately purchased by Wash- ington through his London agent. Another claimant was Colonel George Muse, Wash- ington's early instructor in military science. His claim was admitted with diSiculty, for he stood ac- cused of having acted the part of a poltroon in the campaign, and Washington seems to have considered the charge well founded. Still he appears to have • been dissatisfied with the share of land assigned him, and to have written to Washington somewhat rudely on the subject. His letter is not extant, but we sub- join Washington's reply almost entire, as a specimen 122 LORD DOHORE GOVERNOR OF YIRGIXIA. [nva of the caustic pen he could wield under a mingled emotion of scorn and indignation. " Sir, — Tour impertinent letter was delivered to me vesterdav. As I am not accustomed to receive such fix»m any man, nor would have taken the same language from you personally, without letting you feel some marks of my resentment, I advise you to be cautious in writing me a second of the same tenor ; for though I understand you were dnmk when you did it, yet give me leave to tell you that drunkenness is no excuse for rudeness. But for your stupidity and sottlshness you might have known, by attending to the public gazette, that you had your fuU quantity of ten thou- sand acres of land allowed you : that is, nine thousand and seventy-three acres in the great tract, and the re- mainder in the small tract. "But suppose you had really fallen short, do you think your superlative merit entitles you to greater indulgence than others? Or, if it did, that I was to make it good to you, when it was at the option of the governor and council to allow but five hundred acres in the whole, if they had been so inclined ? If either of these should happen to be your opinion, I am very well convinced that you will be singular in it ; and all my concern is that Lever engaged myself in behalf of so ungrateful and dirty a fellow as you are." >". B. — The above is from the letter as it exists in the archives of the Department of State at Washing- ton. It differs in two or three particulars from that published among Washington's writings. CHAPTER XXXII. The discontents of Virginia, -wliich had been partially soothed by the amiable administra- tion of Lord Botetomt, were irritated anew Tinder his successor, the Earl of Dunmore. This nobleman had for a short time held the government of Xew Tork. When appointed to that of Virginia, he lingered for several months at his former post. In the mean time, he sent his mihtarv secretary. Captain Fov, to attend to the despatch of business until his arrival ; awarding to him a salary and fees to be paid by the colony. The pride of the Virginians was piqned at his lingering at New York, as if he preferred its gayety and luxury to the comparative quiet and simplicity of Williamsburg. Their pride was still more piqued on his arrival, bv what they considered haughtiness on his part. The spirit of the " Ancient Dominion " was roused, and his lordship experienced opposition at his very outset. The first measure of the Assembly, at its opening, was to demand by what right he had awarded a salary and fees to his secretary with- out consulting it ; and to question whether it was authorized by the crown. His lordship had the good policy to rescind the unauthorized act, and in so doing mitigated the ire of the Assembly ; but he lost no time in proroguing a body, which, from various symptoms, appeared to be too independent, and disposed to be untractable. He continued to prorogue it from time to time, seeking in the interim to conciliate the Virginians, and soothe their irritated pride. At length, after repeated prorogations, he was compelled by circumstances to convene it on the 1st of March, 1T73. Washington was prompt in. his attendance on the occasion ; and foremost among the pa- triotic members, who eagerly availed them- selves of this long-wished for opportunity to legislate upon the general affairs of the colonies. One of their most important measures was the appointment of a committee of eleven persons, " whose business it should be to obtain the most clear and authentic intelligence of all such acts and resolutions of the British Parliament, or proceedings of administration, as may relate to or affect the British colonies, and to main- tain with their sister colonies a correspondence and communication." The plan thus prop)osed by their "noble, patriotic sister colony of Virginia,"* was promptly adopted by the people of Massachu- setts, and soon met with general concurrence. These corresponding committees, in effect, be- came the executive jjower of the patriot party, producing the happiest concert of design and action throughout the colonies. Notwithstanding the decided part taken by Washington in the popular movement, very- friendly relations existed between him and Lord Dunmore. The latter appreciated his character, and sought to avaU himself of his experience in the affairs of the province. It was even concerted that Washington should accompany his lordship on an extensive tour, which the latter intended to make in the course of the summer along the western fron- tier. A melancholy circumstance occurred to defeat this arrangement. We have spoken of Washington's paternal conduct towards the two children of Mrs. Washington. The daughter. Miss Custis, had long been an object of extreme solicitude. She was of a fragile constitution, and for some time ' Boston Town Records. JEt. 41.] GUARDIANSHIP OF JOHN PAKKE CUSTIS— EARLY TRAVEL. 123 past had been in very declining health. Early in the present summer, symptoms indicated a rapid change for the worse. "Washington was absent from home at the time. On his retm-n to Mount Vernon, he found her in the last stage of consumption. Though not a man given to bursts of sensi- bility, he is said on the present occasion to have evinced the deepest affliction ; kneeling by her bedside, and pouring out earnest prayers for her recovery. She expired on the 19th of June, in the seventeenth year of her age. This, of coarse, put an end to "Washington's intention of accompanying Lord Dunmore to the fron- tier; he remained at home to console Mrs. "Washington in her affliction, — furnishing his lordship, however, with travelling hints and directions, and recommending proper guides. And here we will take occasion to give a few brief particulars of domestic affairs at Mount Vernon. For a long time previous to the death of Miss Oustis, her mother, despairing of her re- covery, had centred her hopes in her son, John Parke Custis. This rendered "Washington's guardianship of him a delicate and difficult task. He was lively, susceptible, and impul- sive ; had an independent fortune in his own right, and an indulgent mother, ever ready to plead in his behalf against wholesome discipline. He had been placed under the care and instruc- tion of an Episcopal clergyman at Annapolis, but was occasionally at home, mounting his horse, and taking a part, while yet a boy, in / the fox-hunts at Mount Vernon. His educa- tion had consequently been irregular and im- perfect, and not such as "Washington would have enforced had he possessed over him the absolute authority of a father. Shortly after the return of the latter from his tour to the Ohio, he was concerned to find that there was an idea entertained of sending the lad abroad, though but little more than sixteen years of age, to travel under the care of his clerical tutor. Through his judicious interference, the travelling scheme was postponed, and it was resolved to give the young gentleman's mind the benefit of a little preparatory home culture. Little more than a year elapsed before the sallying impulses of the youth had taken a new direction. He was in love ; what was more, he was engaged to the object of his passion, and on the high road to matrimony. "Washington now opposed himself to prema- ture marriage as he had done to premature travel. A correspondence ensued between him and the young lady's father, Benedict Calvert, Esq. The match was a satisfactory one to all parties, but it was agreed that it was expe- dient for the youth to pass a year or two pre- viously at college. "Washington accordingly accompanied him to New York, and placed him under the care of the Eev. Dr. Cooper, presi- dent of King's (now Columbia) College, to pursue his studies in that institution. All this occurred before the death of his sister. "With- in a year after that melancholy event, he be- came impatient for a union with the object of his choice. His mother, now more indulgent than ever to this, her only child, yielded her consent, and "Washington no longer made op- position. " It has been against my wishes," writes the latter to President Cooper, " that he should quit college in order that he may soon enter into a new scene of life, which I think he would be much fitter for some years hence than now. But having his own inclination, the desires of his mother, and the acquiescence of almost all his relatives to encounter, I did not care, as he is the last of the family, to push my opposition too far ; I have, therefore, submitted to a kind of necessity." The marriage was celebrated on the 3d of February, 1774, before the bridegroom was twenty-one years of age. We are induced to subjoin extracts of two letters from Washington relative to young Custis. The first gives his objections to premature travel ; the second to premature matrimony. Both are worthy of con- sideration in this country, where our young people have such a general disposition to " go ahead." To the Rev. Jonathan Boucher (the tutor of young Custis). * « * * rns assemblage of four distinct bodie^-cf^roops, belonging to diflTerent proviuisC^and each hav-, ina; a leader of its own election. About ten 150 PROJECT OF THE AMERICANS TO SEIZE UPON BREED'S HILL. [17V5. thousand belonged to Massachusetts, and were under the command of General Artemas Ward, whose head-quarters were at Cambridge. An- other body of troops, under Colonel John Stark, already mentioned, came from New Hampshire. Rhode Island furnished a third, under the com- mand of General ISTathaniel Greene. A fourth was from Connecticut, under the veteran Put- nam. These bodies of troops, being from different colonies, were independent of each other, and had their several commanders. Those from New Hampshire were instructed to obey Gen- eral Ward as commander-in-chief; with the rest, it was a voluntary act, rendered in con- sideration of his being military chief of Massa- chusetts, the province which, as allies, they came to defend. There was, in fact, but little organization in the array. Nothing kept it together, and gave it unity of action, but a common feeling of exasperated patriotism. The troops knew but little of military dis- cipline. Almost all Avere familiar with the use of fire-arms in Imnting and fowling ; many had served in frontier campaigns against the French, and in " bush-fighting " with the In- dians ; but none were acquainted with regular service or the discipline of European armies. There was a regiment of artillery, partly or- ganized by Colonel Gridley, a skilful engineer, and furnished with nine field-pieces ; but the greater part of tlie troops were without mili- tary dress or accoutrements ; most of them were hasty levies of yeomanry, some of whom bad seized their rifles and fowling-pieces, and turned out in their working clothes and home- spun country garbs. It was an army of volun- teers, subordinate through inclination and respect to officers of their own choice, and de- pending for sustenance on supplies sent from their several towns. Such was the army spread over an extent of ten or twelve miles, and keeping watch upon the town of Boston, containing at tbat time a population of seventeen thousand souls, and garrisoned with more than ten thousand British troops, disciplined and experienced in the wars of Europe. In the disposition of these forces. General Ward had stationed himself at Cambridge, with the main body, of about nine thousand men and four companies of artillery. Lieutenant-General Thomas, second in command, with five thousand Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Ehode Island troops, and tbree or four companies of artillery. at Eoxbury and Dorchester, forming the right wing of the army ; while the left, composed in a great measure of New Hampshire troops, stretched through Medford to the hills of Chel- sea. It was a great annoyance to the British ofiicers and soldiers, to be thus hemmed in by what they termed a rustic rout with calico frocks and fowling-pieces. The same scornful and taunting spirit prevailed among them, that the cavaliers of yore indulged toward the Cov- enanters. Considering Episcopacy as the only loyal and royal faith, they insulted and dese- crated the " sectarian " places of worship. One was turned into a riding school for the cavalry, and the fire in the stove was kindled with books from the library of its pastor. The Provincials retaliated by turning the Episcopal church at Cambridge into a barrack, and melting down its organ-pipes into bullets. Both parties panted for action ; the British through impatience of their humiliating posi- tion, and an eagerness to chastise what they considered the presiunption of their besiegers ; the Provincials through enthusiasm in their cause, a thirst for enterprise and exploit, and, it must be added, an unconsciousness of their own military deficiencies. We have already mentioned the peninsula of Charlestown (called from a village of the same name), which lies opposite to the north side of Boston. The heights, which sweU up in rear of the village, overlook the town and shipping. The project was conceived in the besieging camp to seize and occupy those heights. A council of war was held upon the subject. The arguments in favor of the attempt were, that the army was anxious to be employ- ed ; that the country was dissatisfied with its inactivity, and that the enemy might thus be drawn out to ground where they might be fought to advantage. General Putnam was one of the most strenuous in favor of the measure. Some of the more wary and judicious, among whom were General Ward and Dr. Warren, doubted the expediency of intrenching them- selves on those heights, and the possibility of maintaining so exposed a post, scantily furnished, as they were, with ordnance and ammunition. Besides, it might bring on a general engage- ment, which it was not safe to risk. Putnam made light of the danger. He was confident of the bravery of the militia if in- trenched, having seen it tried in the old French ^T. 43.] PROJECT TO SEIZE THE HEIGHTS— OPERATIONS AT NIGHT. 151 war. " The Americans," said he, " are never afraid of their heads ; they only think of their legs ; shelter them, and they'll fight forever," He was seconded hy General Pomeroy, a leader of like stamp, and another veteran of the French war. He had been a hunter in his time ; a dead shot with a rifle, and was ready to lead troops against the enemy, "with five cartridges to a man." The daring counsels of such men are always captivating to the inexperienced ; but in the present instance, they were sanctioned by one whose opinion in such matters, and in this vicinity, possessed peculiar weight. This was Colonel "William Prescott, of Pepperell, who commanded a regiment of minute men. He, too, had seen service in the French war, and acquired reputation as a lieutenant of infantry at the capture of Cape Breton. This was sufii- cient to constitute him an oracle in the present instance. He was now about fifty years of age, tall and commanding in his appearance, and retaining the port of a soldier. "What was more, he had a military garb ; being equipped with a three-cornered hat, a top wig, and a single-breasted blue coat, with facings and lap- ped up at the skirts. All this served to give him consequence among the rustic militia ofiicers with whom he was in council. His opinion, probably, settled the question ; and it was determined to seize on and fortify Bunker's Hill and Dorchester Heights. In deference, however, to the suggestions of the more cautious, it was agreed to 'postpone the measure until they were sufficiently supplied with the munitions of war to be able to main- tain the heights when seized. Secret intelligence hurried forward the pro- ject. General Gage, it was said, intended to take possession of Dorchester Heights on the night of the 18th of June. These heights lay on the opposite side of Boston, and the com- mittee were ignorant of their localities. Those on Charlestown Neck, being near at hand, had some time before been reconnoitred by Colonel Eichard Gridley, and other of the engineers. It was determined to seize and fortify these heights on the night of Friday, the 16th of June, in anticipation of the movement of Gen- eral Gage. Troops were drafted for the pur- pose from the Massachusetts regiments of Colonels Prescott, Frye, and Bridges. There was also a fatigue party of about two hundred men from Putnam's Connecticut troops, led by his favorite officer. Captain Knowlton ; together with a company of forty-nine artillery men, with two field-pieces, commanded by Captain Samuel Gridley. A little before sunset the troops, about twelve hundred in all, assembled on the common, in front of General Ward's quarters. They came provided with packs, blankets, and provisions for four-and-twenty hours, but ignorant of the object of the expedition. Being all paraded, prayers were offered up by the reverend Presi- dent Langdon, of Harvard College ; after which they all set forward on their silent march. Colonel Prescott, from his experience in military matters, and his being an officer in the Massachusetts Hne, had been chosen by General "Ward to conduct the enterprise. His written orders were to fortify Bunker's Hill, and defend the works until he should be relieved. Colonel Eichard Gridley, the chief engineer, who had likewise served in the French war, was to ac- company him, and plan the fortifications. It was understood that reinforcements and re- freshments would be sent to the fatigue party in the morning. The detachment left Cambridge about nine o'clock. Colonel Prescott taking the lead, pre- ceded by two sergeants with dark lanterns. At Charlestown Neck they were joined by Major Brooks, of Bridges' regiment, and Gen- eral Putnam ; and here were the waggons laden with intrenching tools, which first gave the men an indication of the nature of the enter- prise. Charlestown Neck is a narrow isthmus, con- necting the peninsula with the main land ; hav- ing the Mystic Eiver, about half a mile wide, on the north, and a large embayment of Charles Eiver on the south or I'ight side. It was now necessary to proceed with the utmost caution, for they were coming on ground over which the British kept jealous watch. They had erected a battery at Boston on Copp's Hill, immediately opposite to Charles- town. Five of their vessels of war were stationed so as to bear upon the peninsula from diflferent directions, and the guns of one of them swept the isthmus, or narrow neck just mentioned. Across this isthmus. Colonel Prescott con- ducted the detachment undiscovered, and up the ascent of Bunker's Hill. This commences at the Neck, and slopes up for about three hun- dred yards to its summit, which is about one hundred and twelve feet high. It then declines towards the south, and is connected by a ridge 152 FORTIFyiNG OF BUNKER'S HILL— ASTONISHMENT OF THE ENEMY. [1115. with Breed's Hill, about sixty or seventy feet high. The crests of the two hills are about seven hundred yards apart. On attaining the heights, a question arose which of the two they should proceed to forti- fy. Bunker's HiU was specified in the written orders given to Colonel Prescott by General Ward, but Breed's HUl was much nearer to Boston, and had a better command of the town and shipping. Bunker's Hill, also, being on the upper and narrower part of the peninsula, was itself commanded by the same ship which raked the Neck. Putnam was clear for commencing at Breed's Hill, and making the principal work there, while a minor work might be thrown up at Bunker's Hill, as a protection in the rear, and a rallying point, in case of being driven out of the main work. Others concurred with this opinion, yet there was a hesitation in deviating from the letter of their orders. At length Colonel Gridley became impatient; the night was waning ; delay might prostrate the whole enterprise. Breed's HiU was then determined on. Gridley marked out the lines for the forti- fications ; the men stacked their guns ; threw off their packs; seized their trenching tools, and set to work with great spirit ; but so much time had been wasted in discussion, that i^ was midnight before they struck the first spade into the ground. Prescott, who felt the responsibility of his charge, almost despaired of carrying on these operations undiscovered. A party was sent out by him silently to patrol the shore at the foot of the heights, and watch for any movement of the enemy. Not willing to trust entirely to the vigilance of others, he twice went down during the night to the water's edge; recon- noitring every thing scrupulously, and noting every sight and sound. It was a warm, still, summer's night ; the stars shone brightly, but every thing was quiet. Boston was buried in sleep, the sentry's cry of " All's well "-could be heard distinctly from its shores, together with the drowsy calling of the watch on board of the ships of war, and then all would relapse into silence. Satisfied that the enemy were perfectly unconscious of what was going on upon the hill, he returned to the works, and a little before daybreak called in the patrolling party. So spiritedly, though silently, had the labor been carried on, that by riorning a strong re- doubt was thrown up as a main work, flanked on the left by a breastwork, partly cannon- proof, extending down the crest of Breed's Hill to a piece of marshy ground called the Slough. To support the right of the redoubt, some troops were thrown into the village of Charlestown, at the southern foot of the hill. The great ob- ject of Prescott's solicitude was now attained, a suflicient bulwark to screen his men before they should be discovered ; for he doubted the possibility of keeping raw recruits to their post, if openly exposed to the fire of artillery, and the attack of disciplined troops. At dawn of day, the Americans at work were espied by the sailors on board of the ships of war, and the alann was given. The captain of the Lively, the nearest ship, without waiting for orders, put a spring upon her cable, and bringing her guns to bear, opened a fire upon the hill. The other ships and a floating battery followed his example. Their shot did no mis- chief to the works, but one man, among a number who had incautiously ventured outside, was killed. A subaltern reported his death to Colonel Prescott, and asked what was to be done. " Bury him," was the reply. The chap- lain gathered some of his military flock around him, and was proceeding to perform suitable obsequies over the "first martyr," but Prescott ordered that the men should disperse to their work, and the deceased be buried immediately. It seemed shocking to men accustomed to the funeral solemnities of peaceful life, to bury a man without prayers, but Prescott saw that the sight of this man suddenly shot down had agi- tated the nerf es of his comrades, unaccustomed to scenes of war. Some of them, in fact, qui- etly left the hiU, and did not return to it. To inspire confidence by example, Prescott now mounted the parapet, and walked leisurely about, inspecting the Avorks, giving directions, and talking cheerfully with the men. In a little while they got over their dread of cannon-balls, and some even made them a subject of joke, or rather bravado ; a species of sham courage oc- casionally manifested by young soldiers, but never by veterans. The cannonading roused the town of Boston. General Gage could scarcely believe his eyes when he beheld on the opposite hill a fortifica- tion fuU of men, which had sprung up in the course of tho night. As he reconnoitred it through a ghvs from Copp's Hill, the tall figure of Prescott, ; i military garb, walking the para- pet, caught I .s eye. " Who is that officer who appears in c-: mmand ? " asked he. The question was answeicd by Counsellor WUlard, Prescott's ^T. 43.] APPROACH OF THE ENEMY TO BUNKER'S HILL. 153 brother-in-]a-v7, who was at hand, and recog- nized his relative. " Will he fight ? " demanded Gage, quicldy. " Yes, sir ! he is an old soldier, and will fight to the last drop of blood ; but I cannot answer for his men." " The works must be carried ! " exclaimed Gage. He called a council of war. The Americans might intend to cannonade Boston from this new fortification ; it was unanimously resolved to dislodge them. How was this to be done ? A majority of the council, including Clinton and Grant, advised that a force should be land- ed on Charlestown Neck, under the protection of their batteries, so as to attack the Americans in rear, and cut off their retreat. General Gage objected that it would place his troops between two armies ; one at Cambridge, superior in numbers, the other on the heights, strongly fortified. He was for landing in front of the works, and pushing directly up the hill ; a plan adopted through a confidence that raw militia would never stand their ground against the as- sault of regular troops; another instance of undervaluing the American spirit, which was to cost the enemy a lamentable loss of life. CHAPTEK XLI. The sound of drum and trumpet, the clatter of hoofs, the rattling of gun-carriages, and all the other military din and bustle in the streets of Boston, soon apprised the Americans on their rudely fortified height of an impending attack. They were ill fitted to withstand it, being jaded by the night's labor, and want of sleep ; hun- gry and thirsty, having brought but scanty sup- plies, and oppressed by the heat of the weather. Prescott sent repeated messages to General Ward, asking reinforcements and provisions. Putnam seconded the request in person, urging the exigencies of the case. Ward hesitated. He feared to weaken his main body at Cam- bridge, as his military stores were deposited there, and it might have to sustain the principal attack. At length, having taken advice of the council of safety, he issued orders for Colonels Stark and Read, then at Medford, to march to the relief of Prescott with their New Hamp- shire regiments. The orders reached Medford about 11 o'clock. Ammunition was distributed in all haste ; two flints, a gill of powder, and fifteen baUs to each man. The balls had to be suited to the different calibres of the guns ; the powder to be carried in powder-horns, or loose in the pocket, for there were no cartridges pre- pared. It was the rude turn out of yeoman soldiery, destitute of regular accoutrements. In the mean time, the Americans on Breed's Hill were sustaining the fire from the ships, and from the battery on Copp's HiU, which opened upon them about ten o'clock. They returned an occasional shot from one corner of the re- doubt, without much harm to the enemy, and continued strengthening then- position until about 11 o'clock, when they ceased to work, piled their intrenching tools in the rear, and looked out anxiously and impatiently for the anticipated reinforcements and supplies. About this time General Putnam, who had been to head-quarters, arrived at the redoubt on horseback. Some words passed between him and Prescott with regard to the intrenching tools, which have been variously reported. The most probable version is, that he urged to have them taken from their present place, where they might fall into the hands of the enemy, and carried to Bunker's HiU, to be employed in throwing up a redoubt, which was part of the original plan, and which would be very impor- tant should the troops be obhged to retreat from Breed's Hill. To this Prescott demurred that those employed to convey them, and who were already jaded with toil, might not return to his redoubt, A large part of the tools were ulti- mately carried to Bunker's Hill, and a breast- work commenced by order of General Putnam. The importance of such a work was afterwards made apparent. About noon, the Americans descried twenty- eight barges crossing from Boston in parallel lines. They contained a large detachment of grenadiers, rangers, and light infantry, admira- bly equipped, and commanded by Major-General Howe. They made a splendid and formidable appearance with their scarlet uniforms, and the sun flashing upon muskets and bayonets, and brass field-pieces. A heavy fire from the ships and batteries covered their advance, but no at- tempt was made to oppose them, and they landed about one o'clock at Moulton's Point, a little to the north of Breed's HiU. Here General Howe made a pause. On re- connoitring the works from this point, the Americans appeared to be much more strongly posted than he had imagined. He descried troops also hastening to their assistance. These were the New Hampshire troops, led on by 154 BATTLE OF BUNKER'S HILL. [1775. Stark. Howe immediately sent over to General Gage for more forces, and a supply of cannon- balls ; those brought by him being found, through some egregrious oversight, too large for the ordnance. WhUe awaiting their arrival, refreshments were served out to the troops, with "grog," by the bucketful ; and tantalizing it was, to the hungry and thirsty Provincials, to look down from their ramparts of earth, and see their invaders seated in groups on the grass eating and drinking, and preparing themselves by a hearty meal for the coming encounter. Their only consolation was to take advantage of the delay, while the enemy were carousing, to strengthen their position. The breastwork on the left of the redoubt extended to what was called the Slough, but beyond this, the ridge of the hill, and the slope toward Mystic Eiver, were undefended, leaving a pass by which the enemy might turn the left flank of the posi- tion, and seize upon Bunker's Hill. Putnam ordered his chosen officer, Captain Knowlton, to cover this pass with the Connecticut troops under his command. A novel kind of rampart, savoring of rural device, was suggested by the rustic general. About six hundred feet in the rear of the redoubt, and about one hundred feet to the left of the breastwork, was a post and rail-fence, set in a low foot-wall of stone, and extending down to Mystic Eiver. The posts and rails of another fence were hastily pulled up, and set a few feet in behiud this, and the intermediate space was filled up with new- mown hay from the adjacent meadows. This double fence, it will be found, proved an im- portant protection to the redoubt, although there still remained an improtected interval of about seven hundred feet. While Knowlton and his men were putting up this fence, Putnam proceeded with other of his troops to throw up the work on Bunker's Hill, despatching his son. Captain Putnam, on horseback, to hurry up the remainder of his men from Cambridge. By this time, his com- peer in French and Indian warfare, the veteran Stark, made his appearance with the New Hampshire troops, five hundred strong. He had grown cool and wary with age, and his march from Medford, a distance of five or six miles, had been in character. He led his men at a moderate pace, to bring them into action fresh and vigorous. In crossing the Neck, which was enfiladed by the enemy's ships and batteries, Captain Dearborn, who was by his Bide, suggested a quick step. The veteran shook his head : " One fresh man in action is worth ten tired ones," replied he, and marched steadily on. Putnam detained some of Stark's men to aid in throwing up the works on Bunker's Hill, and directed him to reinforce Knowlton with the rest. Stark made a short speech to his men, now that they were likely to have warm work. He then pushed on, and did good ser- vice that day at the rustic bulwark. About two o'clock, Warren arrived on the heights, ready to engage in their perilous de- fence, although he had opposed the scheme of their occupation. He had recently been elected a major-general, but had not received his com- mission ; like Pomeroy, he came to serve in the ranks with a musket on his shoulder. Putnam offered him the command of the fence ; he de- clined it, and merely asked where he could be of most service as a volunteer. Putnam point- ed to the redoubt, observing that there he wordd be under cover. " Don't think I seek a place of safety," replied "Warren, quickly ; " where will the attack be hottest ? " Putnam still pointed to the redoubt. " That is the ene- my's object ; if that can be maintained, the day is ours." Warren was cheered by the troops as he entered the redoubt. Colonel Prescott tender- ed him the command. He again declined. " I have come to serve only as a volunteer, and shall be happy to learn from a soldier of your experience." Such were the noble spirits as- sembled on these perilous heights. The British now prepared for a general as- sault. An easy victory was anticipated ; the main thought was, how to make it most efliect- ual. The left wing, commanded by General Pigot, was to mount the hill and force the re- doubt, while General Howe, with the right wing, was to push on between the fort and Mystic River, turn the left flank of the Ameri- cans, and cut off their retreat. General Pigot, accordingly, advanced up the hill, under cover of a fire from field-pieces and howitzers planted on a small height near the landing-place on Moulton's Point. His troops commenced a discharge of musketry wliile yet at a long distance from the redoubts. The Amer- icans within the works, obedient to strict com- mand, retained their fire until the enemy were within thirty or forty paces, when they opened upon them with a tremendous volley. Being all marksmen, accustomed to take deliberate aim, the slaughter was immense, and especially Mt. 43.] BATTLE OF BUNKER'S HILL. 155 fatal to oflBcers. The assailants fell back in some confusion ; but, rallied on by their officers, advanced within pistol shot. Another volley, more effective than the first, made them again recoil. To add to their confusion, they were galled by a flanking fire from the handful of Provincials posted in Oharlestown. Shocked at the carnage, and seeing the confusion of his troops. General Pigot was urged to give the word for a retreat. In the mean time, General Howe, with the right wing, advanced along Mystic Eiver tow- ard the fence where Stark, Eead, and Knowl- ton were stationed, thinking to carry this slight breastwork with ease, and so get in the rear of the fortress. His artillery proved of little avail, being stopped by a swampy piece of ground, while his columns suffered from two or three field-pieces with which Putnam had forti- fied the fence. Howe's men kept up a fire of musketry as they advanced ; but, not taking aim, their shot passed over the heads of the Americans. The latter had received the same orders with those in the redoubt, not to fire until the enemy should be within thirty paces. Some few transgressed the command. Putnam rode up and swore he would cut down the next man that fired contrary to orders. When the British arrived within the stated distance, a sheeted fire opened upon them from rifles, muskets, and fowling-pieces, all levelled with deadly aim. The carnage, as in the other in- stance, was horrible. The British were thrown into confusion, and fell back ; some even re- treated to their boats. There was a general pause on the part of the British. The American officers availed them- selves of it to prepare for another attack, which must soon be made. Prescott mingled among his men in the redoubt, who were all in high spirits at the severe check they had given "the regulars." He praised them for their steadfastness in maintaining their post, and their good conduct in reserving their fire until the word of command, and exhorted them to do the same in the next attack. Putnam rode about Bunker's Hill and its skirts, to rally and bring on reinforcements which had been checked or scattered in cross- ing Oharlestown Neck by the raking fire from the ships and batteries. Before many could be brought to the scene of action the British had commenced their second attack. They again ascended the hill to storm the redoubt ; their advance was covered as before by discharges of artillery. Oharlestown, which had annoyed them on their first attack by a flanking fire, was in fiames, by shells thrown from Oopp's HiU, and by marines from the ships. Being built of wood, the place was soon wrapped in a general confiagration. The thunder of ar- tillery from batteries and ships ; the bursting of bomb-shells ; the sharp discharges of mus- ketry ; the shouts and yells of the combatants ; the crash of burning buildings, and the dense volumes of smoke, which obscured the summer sun, all formed a tremendous spectacle. " Sure I am," said Burgoyne in one of his letters, — " Sure I am nothing ever has or ever can be more dreadfully terrible than what was to be seen or heard at this time. The most incessant discharge of guns thit ever was heard by mor- tal ears." The American troops, although unused to war, stood undismayed Rmidst a scene where it was bursting upon thera with all its horrors. Keserving their fire, as before, imtil the enemy was close at hand, they again poured forth re- peated volleys with the fatal aim of sharp- shooters. The British stood the first shock, and continued to advance ; but the incessant stream of fire staggered them. Their otficers remonstrated, threatened, and even attempted to goad them on with their swords, but the havoc was too deadly ; whole ranks were mowed down ; many of the officers were either slain or wounded, and among them several of the staff of General Howe. The troops again gave way and retreated down the hill. All this passed under the eye of thousands of spectators of both sexes and all ages, watch- ing from afar every turn of a battle in which the lives of those most dear to them were at hazard. The British soldiery in Boston gazed with astonishment, and almost inci'^edulity, at the resolute and protracted stand of raw militia whom they had been taught to despise, and at the havoc made among their own veteran troops. Every convoy of wounded brought over to the town increased their consternation, and General OHnton, who had watched the ac- tion from Oopp's Hill, embarking in a boat, hurried over as a volunteer, taking with him reinforcements. A third attack was now determined on, though some of Howe's officers remonstrated, declaring it would be downright butchery. A different plan was adopted. Instead of ad- vancing in front of the redoubt, it was to be taken in flank on the left, where the open space 156 BATTLE OF BUNKER'S HILL. llllo. between the breastwork and the fortified fence presented a weak point. It having been acci- dentally discovered that the ammunition of the Americans was nearly expended, preparations were made to carry the works at the point of the bayonet ; and the soldiery threw off their knapsacks, and some even their coats, to be more light for action. General Howe, with the main body, now made a feint of attacking the fortified fence ; but, while a part of his force was thus engaged, the rest brought some of the field-pieces to enfilade the breastwork on the left of the re- doubt. A raking fire soon drove the Ameri- cans out of this exposed place into the enclo- sure. Much damage, too, was done in the latter by balls which entered the sallyport. The troops were now led on to assail the works ; those who flinched were, as before, goaded on by the swords of the ofiicers. The Americans again reserved their fire until their assailants were close at hand, and then made a murderous volley, by which several oflncers were laid low, and General Howe himself was wounded in the foot. The British soldiery this time likewise reserved their fire and rushed on with fixed bayonet. Clinton and Pigot had reached the southern and eastern sides of the redoubt, and it was now assailed on three sides at once. Prescott ordered those who had no bayonets to retire to the back part of the re- doubt, and fire on the enemy as they showed themselves on the parapet. The first who mounted exclaimed in triumph, " The day is ours ! " lie was instantly shot down, and so were several others who mounted about the same time. The Americans, however, had fired their last round, their ammunition was exhausted ; and now succeeded a desperate and deadly struggle, hand to hand, with bay- onets, stones, and the stocks of their muskets. At length as the British continued to pour in, Prescott gave the order to retreat. His men had to cut their way through two divisions rf the enemy who were getting in the rear of the redoubt, and they received a destructive volley from those who had formed on the captured works. By that volley fell the patriot Warren, who had distinguished himself throughout the action. He was among the last to leave the redoubt, and had scarce done so when he was shot tlirough the head with a musket-ball, and fell dead on the spot. "While the Americans were thus slowly dis- lodged from the redoubt. Stark, Read, and Knowlton maintained their ground at the for- tified fence ; which indeed had been nobly de- fended throughout the action. Pomeroy dis- tinguished himself here by his sharp shooting until his musket was shattered by a ball. The resistance at this last hastily constructed work was kept up after the troops in the redoubt had given way, and until Colonel Prescott had left the hill ; thus defeating General Howe's design of cutting off the retreat of the main body ; which would have produced a scene of 'direful confusion and slaughter. Having effect- ed their purpose, the brave associates at the fence abandoned their weak outpost, retiring slowly, and disputing the ground inch by inch, with a regularity remarkable in troops many of Avhom had never before been in action. The main retreat was across Bunker's Hill, where Putnam had endeavored to throw up a breastwork. The veteran, sword in hand, rode to the rear of the retreating troops, regardless of the balls whistling about him. His only thought was to rally them at the unfinished works. " Halt ! make a stand here ! " cried he, " we can check them yet. In God's name, form, and give them one shot more." Pomeroy, wielding his shattered musket as a truncheon, seconded him in his efforts to stay the torrent. It was impossible, however, to bring the troops to a stand. They continued on down the hill to the Neck and across it to Cambridge, exposed to a raking fire from the ships and batteries, and only protected by a single piece of ordnance. The British were too exhausted to pursue them ; they contented themselves with taking possession of Bunker's Hill, were reinforced from Boston, and threw up additional works during the night. We have collected the preceding facts from various sources, examining them carefully, and endeavoring to arrange them with scrupulous fidelity. We may appear to have been more minute in the account of the battle than the number of troops engaged would warrant ; but it was one of the most momentous conflicts in our revolutionary history. It was the first regular battle between the British and Ameri- cans, and most eventful in its consequences. The former had gained the groimd for which they contended ; but, if a victory, it was more disastrous and humiliating to them than an ordinary defeat. They had ridiculed and de- spised their enemy, representing them as das- tardly and inefficient ; yet here their best troops, led on by experienced officers, had re- ^T. 43.] RESULTS OF THE BATTLE— DEPASTURE FROM PHILADELPHIA. 157 peatedly been repulsed by an inferior force of that enemy, — mere yeomanry, — from works thrown up in a single night, and had suffered a loss rarely paralleled in battle with the most veteran soldiery ; for, according to their own returns, their killed and wounded, out of a de- tachment of two thousand men, amounted to one thousand and fifty-four, and a large pro- portion of them ofilcers. The loss of the Amer- icans did not exceed four hundred and fifty. To the latter this defeat, if defeat it might be called, had the effect of a triumph. It gave them confidence in themselves and consequence in the eyes of their enemies. They had proved to themselves and to others that they could measure weapons with the disciplined soldiers of Europe, and inflict the most harm in the conflict. Among the British officers slain was Major Pitcairn, who, at Lexington, had shed the first blood in the Eevolutionary war. In the death of "Warren the Americans had to lament the loss of a distinguished patriot and a most estimable man. It was deplored as a pubhc calamity. His friend Elbridge Gerry had endeavored to dissuade him from risking his life in this perilous conflict ; " Dulce et de- corum est pro patria mori," replied "Warren, as if he had foreseen his fate — a fate to be envied by those ambitious of an honorable fame. He was one of the first who fell in the glorious cause of his country, and his name has become consecrated in its history. There has been much discussion of the rela- tive merits of the American ofiiccrs engaged in this affair — a difliicult question where no one appears to have had the general command. Prescott conducted the troops in the night en- terprise ; he superintended the building of the redoubt, and defended it throughout the battle ; his name, therefore, will ever shine most con- spicuous, and deservedly so, on this bright page of our Eevolutionary liistory. Putnam also was a leading spirit throughout the affair ; one of the first to prompt, and of the last to maintain it. He appears to have .been active and efficient at every point ; some- times fortifying ; sometimes hurrying up rein- forcements ; inspiriting the men by his pres- ence while they were able to maintain their ground, and fighting gallantly at the fcutpost to cover their retreat. The brave old man, riding about in the heat of the action, on this sultry day, " with a hanger belted across his brawny shoulders, over a waistcoat without sleeves," has been sneered at by a contempo- rary, as " much fitter to head a band of sickle men or ditchers than musketeers." But this very description illustrates his character, and identifies him with the times and the service. A yeoman warrior fresh from the plough, in the garb of rural labor ; a patriot brave and generous, but rough and ready, who thought not of himself in time of danger, but was ready to serve in any way, and to sacrifice oflicial rank and self-glorification to the good of the cause. He was eminently a soldier for the occasion. His name has long been a favorite one with young and old ; one of the talismanic names of the Revolution, the very mention of which is like the sound of a trumpet. Such names are the precious jewels of our history, to be garnered up among the treasures of the nation, and kept immaculate from the tarnish- ing breath of the cynic and the doubter. NOTE. In treating of the battle of Bunker's Hill, and of other occnrrcnccs about Boston at this period of the Revolution, we have had repeated occasio-n to consult the History of the Siege of Boston, by Richard Froth- ingham, Jr. ; a work abounding with facts as to per- sons and events, and full of interest for the American reader. CHAPTER XLII. Ix a preceding chapter we left "Washington preparing to depart from Philadelphia for the army, before Boston. He set Out on horse- back on the 21st of June, having for military companions of his journey Major- Generals Lee and Schuyler, and being accompanied for a dis- tance by several private friends. As an escort he had a " gentleman troop " of Philadelphia, commanded by Captain Markoe ; the ,, whole formed a brilliant cavalcade. General Schuyler was a man eminently cal- culated to sympathize with "Washington in all his patriotic views and feelings, and became one of his most faithful coadjutors. Sprung from one of the earliest and most respectable Dutch families which colonized New York, aU his interests and affections were identified with the country. He had received a good educa- tion ; applied himself at an early age to the exact sciences, and became versed in finance, military engineering, and political economy. He was one of those native-born soldiers who had acquired experience in that American 158 GENERALS SCHUYLER AND LEE— TIDINGS OF BUNKER'S HILL. [1775. school of arms, the old Frencli war. When but twenty-two years of age he commanded a company of New York levies imder Sir William Johnson, of Mohawk renown, which gave him an early opportunity of becoming acquainted with the Indian tribes, their country and their poHcy. In 1758 he was in Abercrombie's ex- pedition against Ticonderoga, accompanying Lord Viscount Howe as chief of the commis- sariat department ; a post well qualified to give him experience in the business part of Avar. When that gallant young nobleman fell on the banks of Lake George, Schuyler conveyed his corpse back to Albany, and attended to his honorable obsequies. Since the close of the French war he had served his country in va- rious civil stations, and been one of the most zealous and eloquent vindicators of colonial rights. He was one of thB " glorious minority " of the New York General Assembly ; George Clinton, Colonel Woodhull, Colonel Philip Liv- ingston, and others ; who, when that body was timid and wavering, battled nobly against British influence and oppression. His last stand had been recently as a delegate to Congress, where he had served with Washington on the committee to prepare rules and regulations for the army, and where the latter had witnessed his judgment, activity, practical science, and sincere devotion to the cause. Many things concurred to produce perfect harmony of operation between these distin- guished men. They were nearly of the same age, Schuyler being one year the youngest. Both were men of agricultural, as well as mili- tary tastes. Both were men of property, living at their ease in little rural paradises ; Wash- ington on the grove-clad heights of Mount Ver- non, Schuyler on the pastoral banks of the upper Hudson, where he had a noble estate at Saratoga, inherited from an uncle ; and the old family mansion, near the city of Albany, half hid among ancestral trees. Yet both were exiling themselves from these happy abodes, and putting life and fortune at hazard in the service of their country. Schuyler and Lee had early military recol- lections to draw them together. Both had served under Abercrombie in the expedition against Ticonderoga. There was some part of Lcc's conduct in that expedition which both he and Schuyler might deem it expedient at this moment to forget. Lee was at that time a young captain, naturally presumptuous, and flushed with the arrogance of military power. On his march along the banks of the Hudson, he acted as if in a conquered country, impress- ing horses and oxen, and seizing upon supplies, without exhibiting any proper warrant. It was enough for him, " they were necessary for the service of his troops." Should any one question his right, the reply was a voUey of execrations. Among those who experienced this unsol- dierly treatment was Mrs. Schuyler, the aunt of the general ; a lady of aristocratical station, revered throughout her neighborhood. Her cattle were impressed, herself insulted. She had her revenge. After the unfortunate affair at Ticonderoga, a number of the wounded were brought down along the Hudson to the Schuy- ler mansion. Lee was among the number. The high-minded mistress of the house never alluded to his past conduct. He was received like his brother officers with the kindest sym- pathy. Sheets and table-cloths were torn up to serve as bandages. Every thing was done to alleviate their sufferings. Lee's cynic heart was conquered. " He swore in his vehement manner that he was sure there would be a place reserved for Mrs. Schuyler in heaven, though no other woman should be there, and that he should wish for nothing better than to share her final destiny ! " * Seventeen years had since elapsed, and Lee and the nephew of Mrs. Schuyler were again allied in militaiy service, but under a different banner ; and recollections of past times must have given peculiar interest to their present intercourse. In fact, the journey of Washing- ton with his associate generals, experienced like him in the wild expeditions of the old French wav, was a revival of early campaigning feel- ings. They had scarcely proceeded twenty miles from Philadelphia when they were met by a courier, spurring with all speed, bearing despatches from the army to Congress, com- municating tidings of the battle of Bunker's Hill. Washington eagerly inquired particulars ; above all, how acted the militia ? When told that they stood their ground bravely ; sustained the enemy's fire — reserved their own until at close quarters, and then delivered it with deadly effect ; it seemed as if a weight of doubt and solicitude were lifted from his heart. " The liberties of the country are safe I " exclaimed he. * Memoirs of an American Lady (Mrs. Grant, of Dag- gan), vol. ii., chap. is. ^T. 43.] THE PEOPLE OF NEW YORK— THE JOHNSON FAMILY. 159 The news of the battle of Bunker's Hill had startled the whole country ; and this clattering cavalcade escorting the commander-in-chief to the army, was the gaze and wonder of every town and village. The journey may be said to have been a con- tinual council of war between "Washington and the two generals. Even the contrast in charac- ter of the two latter made them regard ques- tions from different points of view. Schuyler, a warm-hearted patriot, with every thing staked on the cause ; Lee, a soldier of fortune, indifferent to the ties of home and country, drawing his sword without enthusiasm ; more through resentment against a government which had disappointed him, than zeal for liberty or for colonial rights. One of the most frequent subjects of conver- sation was the province of New York. Its power and position rendered it the great link of the confederacy ; what measures were ne- cessary for its defence, and most calculated to secure its adherence to the cause ? A lingering attachment to the crown, kept up by the influ- ence of British merchants, and military and civil functionaries in royal pay, had rendered it slow in coming into the colonial compact ; and it was only on the contemptuous dismissal of their statement of grievances, unheard, that its people had thrown oft" their allegiance as much in sorrow as in anger. No person was better fitted to give an account of the interior of New York than General Schuyler ; and the hawk-eyed Lee during a recent sojourn had made its capital somewhat of a study ; but there was much yet for both of them to learn. The population of New York was more varied in its elements than that of almost any other of the provinces, and had to be cautiously studied. The New Yorkers were of a mixed origin, and stamped with the peculiarities of their respective ancestors. The descendants of the old Dutch and Huguenot families, the earliest settlers, were still among the soundest and best of the population. They inherited the love of liberty, civil and religious, of their forefathers, and were those who stood foremost in the present struggle for popular rights. Such were the Jays, the Bensons, the Beekmans, the Hoffmans, the Van Homes, the Eoosevelts, the Duyckinks, the Pintards, the Yateses, and 'others whose names figure in the patriotic documents of the day. Some of them, doubt- less, cherished a remembrance of the time when their forefathers were lords of the land, and felt an innate propensity to join in resistance to the government by which their supremacy had been overturned. A great proportion of the more modern families, dating from the downfall of the Dutch government in 1664, were English and Scotch, and among these were many loyal adherents to the crown. Then there was a mixture of the whole, produced by the intermarriages of upwards of a century, which partook of every shade of character and sentiment. The operations of foreign com- merce, and the regular communications with the mother country through packets and ships of war, kept these elements in constant action, and contributed to produce that mercurial tem- perament, that fondness for excitement, and proneness to pleasure, which distinguished them from their neighbors on either side — the aus- tere Puritans of New England, and the quiet " Friends " of Pennsylvania. There was a power, too, of a formidable kind within the interior of the province, which was an object of much solicitude. This was the " Johnson Family." We have repeatedly had occasion to speak of Sir William Johnson, his majesty's general agent for Indian affairs, of his great wealth, and his almost sovereign sway over the Six Nations. He had originally re- ceived that appointment through the influence of the Schuyler family. Both Generals Schuy- ler and Lee, when young men, had campaigned with him ; and it was among the Mohawk warriors, who rallied under his standard, that Lee had beheld his vaunted models of good- breeding. In the recent difliculties between the crown and colonies. Sir William had naturally been in favor of the government which had enriched and honored him, but he had viewed with deep concern the acts of Parliament which were goading the colonies to armed resistance. In the height of his solicitude, he received de- spatches ordering him, in case of hostilities, to enlist the Indians in the cause of government. To the agitation of feelings produced by these orders many have attributed a stroke of apo- plexy, of which he died, on the 11th of July, 1774, about a year before the time of which we are treating. His son and heir, Sir John Johnson, and his sons-in-law. Colonel Guy Johnson and Colonel Clause, felt none of the reluctance of Sir Wil- liam to use harsh measures in support of royal- ty. They lived in a degree of rude feudal style 160 GOVERNOR TRYON— ARRIVAL AT NEW YORK. [ir, in stone mansions capable of defence, situated on the Moliawk Pdver and in its vicinity ; they had many Scottish Highlanders for tenants; and among their adherents were violent men, such as the Butlers of Tryon County, and Brant, the* Mohawk sachem, since famous in Indian warfare. They had recently gone about with armed retainers, overawing and breaking up patriotic assemblages, and it was known they could at any time bring a force of warriors in the field. Eecent accounts stated that Sir John was fortifying the old family hall at Johnstown with swivels, and had a hundred and fifty Eoman Catholic Highlanders quartered in and about it, all armed and ready to obey his orders. Colonel Guy Johnson, however, was the most active and zealous of the family. Pre- tending to apprehend a design on the part of the New England people to surprise and carry him oft", he fortified his stone mansion on the Mohawk, called Guy's Park, and assembled there a part of his militia regiment, and other of his adherents, to the number of five hun- dred. He held a great Indian council there, likewise, in which the chiefs of the Six Nations recalled the friendship and good deeds of the late Sir William Johnson, and avowed their determination to stand by and defend every branch of his family. As yet it was uncertain whether Colonel Guy really intended to take an open part in the appeal to arms. Should he do so, he would carry with him a great force of the native tribes, and might almost domineer over the frontier. Tryon, the governor of New York, Avas at present absent in England, having been called home by the ministry to give an account of the afiairs of the province, and to receive instruc- tions for its management. He was a tory in heart, and had been a zealous opponent of all colonial movements, and his talents and ad- dress gave him great influence over an impor- tant part of the community. Should he return with hostile instructions, and should he and the Johnsons co-operate, the one controlling the bay and harbor of New York and the waters of the Hudson by means of ships and land forces ; the others overrmming the valley of the Mohawk and the regions beyond Albany with savage hordes, this great central province might be wrested from the confederacy, and all intercourse broken off between the eastern and southern colonies. All these circumstances and considerations, many of which came under discussion in the course of this military journey, rendered the command of New York a post of especial trust and importance, and deterftiined Washington' to confide it to General Schuyler. He , was peculiarly fitted for it by his military talents, his intimate knowledge of the province and its concerns, especially what related to the upper parts of it, and Ms experience in Indian affairs. At Newark, in the Jerseys, Washington was met on the 25th by a committee of the provin- cial Congress, sent to conduct him to the city. The Congress was in a perplexity. It had in a manner usurped and exercised the powers of Governor Tryon during his absence, while at the same time it professed allegiance to the crown which had appointed him. He was now in the harbor, just arrived from England, and hourly expected to land. Washington, too, was approaching. How were these double claims to ceremonious respect, happening at the same time, to be managed ? In this dilemma a regiment of militia was turned out, and the colonel instructed to pay military honors to whichever of the distin- guished functionaries should first arrive. Wash- ington was earlier than the governor by several hours, and received those honors. Peter Van Burgh Livingston, president of the New York Congress, next delivered a congratulatory ad- dress, the latter part of which evinces the cau- tious reserve with which, in these revolution- ary times, military power was intrusted to an individual : " Confiding in you, sir, and in the worthy generals immediately under your command, we have the most flattering hopes of success in the glorious struggle for American liberty, and the fullest assurance that whenever tJiis important contest shall ie decided hy that fondest zcish of each American soul, an accommodation with our mother country., you will cheerfully resign the important deposit committed into your hands, and reassume the character of our wortJiiest citizen.'''' The following Was Washington's reply, in behalf of himself and his generals, to this part of the address : " As to the fatal, but necessary operations of war, when we assumed the soldier,, we did not lay aside the citizen ; and we shall most sincerely rejoice with you in that happy hour, when the establishment of American liberty on the most firm and solid foundations, shall ^T. 43.] INSTRUCTIONS TO SCHUYLER— ARRIVAL AT THE CAMP. 161 enable us to return to our private stations, in the bosom of a free, peaceful, and happy coun- try." The landing of Governor Tryon took place about eight o'clock in the evening. The mili- tary honors were repeated ; he was received with great respect by the mayor and common council, and transports of loyalty by those de- voted to the crown. It was unknown what instructions he had received from the ministry, but it was rumored that a large force would soon M'rive from England, subject to his direc- tions. At this very moment a ship of war, the Asia, lay anchored opposite the city ; its grim batteries bearing upon it, greatly to the disquiet of the faint-hearted among its inhabi- tants. In this situation of affairs "Washington was happy to leave such an efficient person as Gen- eral Schuyler in command of the place. Ac- cording to his Instructions, the latter was to make returns once a month, and oftener, should circumstances require it, to "Washington, as commander-in-chief, and to the Continental Congress, of the forces under him, and the state of his supplies ; and to send the earliest advices of all events of importance. He was to keep a wary eye on Colonel Guy Johnson, and to counteract any prejudicial influence he might exercise over the Indians. "With re- spect to Governor Tryon, "Washington hinted at a bold and decided line of conduct. "If forcible measures are judged necessary respect- ing the person of the governor, I should have no difficulty in ordering them, if the Conti- nental Congress were not sitting ; but as that is the case, andj the seizing of a governor quite a new tiling^ I must refer you to that body for direction." Had Congress thought proper to direct such a measure, Schuyler certainly would have been the man to execute it. At New York, "Washington had learned all the details of the battle of Bunker's Hill ; they quickened his impatience to arrive at the camp. He departed, therefore, on the 26th, accom- panied by General Lee, and escorted as far as Kingsbridge, the termination of New York Island, by Markoe's Philadelphia light horse, and several companies of militia. In the mean time the provincial Congress of Massachusetts, then in session at Watertown, had made aiTangements for the expected ar- rival of "Washington. According to a resolve of that body, " the president's house in 0am- 11 bridge, excepting one room reserved by the president for his own use, was to be taken, cleared, prepared, and furnished for the recep- tion of the Commander-in-Chief and General Lee. The Congress had likewise sent on a deputation which met "Washington at Spring- field, on the frontiers of the province, and pro- vided escorts and accommodations for him along the road. Thus honorably attended from town to town, and escorted by volunteer com- panies and cavalcades of gentlemen, he arrived at "Watertown on the 2d of July, where he was greeted by Congress with a congratulatory addx'ess, in which, however, was frankly stated the undisciplined state of the army he was summoned to command. An address of cordial welcome was likewise made to General Lee. The ceremony over, "Washington was again in the saddle, and, escorted by a troop of light horse and a cavalcade of citizens, proceeded to the head-quarters provided for him at Cam- bridge, three miles distant. As he entered the confines of the camp, the shouts of the multi- tude and the thundering of artillery gave note to the enemy beleaguered in Boston of his ar- rival. His military reputation had preceded him, and excited great expectations. They were not disappointed. His personal appearance, not- withstanding the dust of travel, was calcu- lated to captivate the public eye. As he rode through the camp, amidst a throng of officers, he was the admiration of the soldiery, and of a curious throng collected from the surrounding country. Happy was the countryman who could get a full view of him, to carry home an account of it to his neighbors. " I have been much gratified this day with a view of General "Washington," writes a contemporary chron- icler. " His Excellency was on horseback, in company with several military gentlemen. It was not difficult to distinguish him from all others. He is tall and well-proportioned, and his personal appearance truly noble and majes- tic."* The fair sex were still more enthusiastic in their admiration, if we may judge from the following passage of a letter written by the in telligent and accomplished wife of John Adams to her husband : " Dignity, ease, and compla- cency, the gentleman and the soldier, look agreeably blended in him. Modesty marks every line and feature of his face. Those lines of Dryden instantly occurred to me : * Thacher.— Military Journal. 162 WASHINGTON'S REFLECTIONS ON ARRIVING AT THE CAMP. [1115. ' Mark his majestic fabric ! He's a temple Sacred by birth, and built by hands divine ; His soul's the deity that lodges there ; Nor is the pile unworthy of the tjod.' " "With Washington, modest at all times, there ■was no false excitement on the present occa- sion; nothing to call forth emotions of self- glorification. The honors and congratulations with whicli he was received, the acclamations of the public, the cheerings of the army, only told him how much Avas expected from him ; and when he looked round upon the raw and rustic levies he was to command, " a mixed multitude of people, under very little disci- pline, order, or government," scattered in rough encampments about hiU and dale, beleaguering a city garrisoned by veteran troops, with ships of war anchored about its harbor, and strong outposts guarding it, he felt the awful respon- sibility of his situation, and the complicated and stupendous task before him. He spoke of it, however, not despondingly, nor boastfully and with defiance ; but with that solemn and sedate resolution, and that hopeful reliance on Supreme Goodness, which belonged to his mag- nanimous nature. The cause of his country, he observed, had called him to an active and dangerous duty, but he trusted that Divine Providence^ which wisely orders the affairs of meji, would enable him to discharge it with fidel- ity and success.* * Letter to Governor Trumbull. — Sparks, iii. 31. END OF VOL. I. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME SECOND, CHAPTER I. Ox the 3(1 of July, the morning after his arrival at Cambridge, "Washington took formal command of the army. It was drawn up on the Common about half a mile from head- quarters. A multitude had assembled there, for as yet military spectacles were novelties, and the camp was full of visitors, men, women, and children, from all parts of the country, who had relatives among the yeoman soldiery. An ancient elm is stiU pointed out, under which Washington, as he arrived from head- quarters accompanied by General Lee and a numerous suite, wheeled his horse, and drew his sword as commander-in-chief of the armies. "We have cited the poetical description of him furnished by the pen of Mrs. Adams ; we give her sketch of his military compeer — less po- etical, but no less graphic. " General Lee looks like a careless, hardy veteran ; and by his appeai'ance brought to my mind his namesake, Charles XII. of Sweden. The elegance of his pen far exceeds that of his person." * Accompanied by this veteran campaigner, on whose military judgment he had great re- liance, "Washington visited the different Ameri- can posts, and rode to the heights, command- ing views over Boston and its environs, being anxious to make himself acquainted with the strength and relative position of both armies : and here we will give a few particulars con- cerning the distinguished commanders with whom he was brought immediately in com- petition. Congress, speaking of them reproachfully. Mrs. Adams to John Adams, 1775. observed, "Three of England's most expe- rienced generals are sent to wage war with their fellow-subjects." The first here alluded to was the Honorable "WiUiam Howe, next in command to Gage. He was a man of a fine presence, six feet high, well proportioned, and of graceful deportment. He is said to have been not unlike "Washington i-n appearance, though wanting his energy and activity. He lacked also his air of authority ; but aftability of manners, and a generous disposition, made him popular with both ofiicers and soldiers. There was a sentiment in his favor even among Americans at the time when he arrived at Boston. It was remembered that he was brother to the gallant and generous youth, Lord Howe, who fell in the flower of his days, on the'banks of Lake George, and whose un- timely death had been lamented throughout the colonies. It was remembered that the general himself had won reputation in the same campaign, commanding the light infantry under "Wolfe, on the famous plains of Abra- ham. A mournful feeling had therefore gone through the country, when General Howe was cited as one of the British commanders who had most distinguished themselves in the bloody battle of Bunker's Hill. Congress spoke of it with generous sensibility, in their address to the people of Ireland already quoted. " Amer- ica is amazed," said they, "to find the name of Howe on the catalogue of her enemies — she loved Ms brother ! " General Henry Clinton, the next in com- mand, was grandson of the Earl of Lincoln, and son of George Clinton, who had been Governor of the province of New York for ten years, from 1743. The general had seen^ 164 GENERAL BUEGOYNE— SURVEY FROM PROSPECT HILL. [1775. service on the continent in the Seven Years' War. He was of short stature, and inclined to corpulency ; with a full face^nd prominent nose. His manners were reserved, and alto- gether he was in strong contrast with Howe, and l)y no means so popular. Burgoyne, the other British general of note, was natural son of Lord Bingley, and had entered the army at an early age. While yet a suhaltern, he had made a runaway match with a daughter of the Earl of Derby, who threatened never to admit the offenders to his presence. In 1758, Burgoyne was a lieutenant- colonel of light dragoons. In 1761, he was sent with a force to aid the Portuguese against the Spaniards, joined the army commanded by the Count de la Lippe, and signalized himself by surprising and capturing the town of xilcantara. He had since been elected to Parliament for the borough of Middlesex, and displayed con- siderable parliamentary talents. In 1727, he was made a major-general. His taste, wit, and intelligence, antl his aptness at devising and promoting elegant amusements, made him for a time a leader in the gay world ; though Junius accuses him of unfair practices at the gaming table. His reputation for talents and services had gradually mollified the heart of his father-in-law, the Earl of Derby. In 1774, he gave celebrity to the marriage of a son of the Earl with Lady Betty Hamilton, by pro- ducing an elegant dramatic trifle, entitled, " The Maid of the Oaks," -afterwards perform- ed at Drury Lane, and honored with a biting sarcasm by Horace Walpole. " There is a new puppet-show at Drury Lane," writes the wit, " as fine as the scenes can make it, and as dull as the author could not help making it." * It is but justice to Burgoyne's memory to add, that in after years he produced a dramatic work, "The Heiress," which extorted even Walpole's approbation, who pronounced it the genteelest comedy in the English language. Such were the three British commanders at Boston, who were considered especially formi- dable ; and they had with them eleven thou- sand veteran troops, Avell appointed and dis- ciplined. In visiting the different posts, Washington halted for a time at Prospect Hill, which as its name denotes, commanded a wide view over Boston and the surrounding country. Here Putnam had taken his position after the battle ■ Walpole to the Hon. W. S. Cornvay. of Bunker's Hill, fortifying himself with works which he deemed impregnable ; and here the veteran was enabled to point out to the com- mander-in-chief, and to Lee, the main features of the belligerent region, which lay spread out like a map before them. Bunker's Hill was but a mile distant to the west ; the British standard floating as if in tri- umph on its summit. The main force under General Howe was intrenching itself strongly about half a mile beyond the place of the re- cent battle. Scarlet uniforms gleamed about the hill ; tents and marquees whitened its sides. All up there was bright, brilliant, and triumph- ant. At the base of the hiU lay Charlestown in ashes, " nothing to be seen of that fine town but chimneys and rubbish." Howe's sentries extended a hundred and fifty yards beyond the neck or isthmus, over which the Americans retreated after the battle. Three floating batteries in Mystic Eiver commanded this isthmus, and a twenty-gun ship was an- chored between the peninsula and Boston. General Gage, the commander-in-chief, still had his head-quarters in the town, but there were few troops there besides Burgoyne's light- horse. A large force, however, was intrenched south of the town on the neck leading to Rox- bury, — the only entrance to Boston by land. The American troops were irregularly dis- tributed in a kind of semicircle eight or nine miles in extent; the left resting on Winter Hill, the most northern post; the right ex- tending on the south to Eoxbury and Dor- chester Neck. Washington reconnoitred the British posts from various points of view. Every thing about them was in admirable order. The works appeared to be constructed with military science, the troops to be in a high state of dis- cipline. The American camp, on the contrary, disappointed him. He had expected to find eighteen or twenty thousand men under arms ; there were not much more than fourteen thou- sand. He had expected to find some degree of system and discipline ; whereas all were raw militia. He had expected to find works scien- tifically constructed, and proofs of knowledge and skill in engineering ; whereas, what he saw of the latter was very imperfect, and con- fined to the mere manual exercise of cannon. There was abundant evidence of aptness at trenching and throwing up rough defences; and in that way General Thomas had fortified Eoxbury Neck, and Putnam had strengthened ^T. 43.] DESCRIPTION OF THE AMERICAN ARMY— GENERAL GREENE. 165 Prospect Hill, But the semicircular line which linked the extreme posts, was formed of rudely constructed works, far too extensive for the troops which were at hand to man them. Within this attenuated semicircle, the British forces lay concentrated and compact ; and hav- ing command of the water, might suddenly bring their main strength to bear upon some weak point, force it, and sever the American camp. In fact, when we consider the scanty, ill- conditioned, and irregular force which had thus stretched itself out to beleaguer town and har- bor defended by ships and floating batteries, and garrisoned by eleven thousand strongly posted veterans, we are at a loss whether to attribute its hazardous position to ignorance, or to that daring self-confidence, which at times, in our military history, has snatched success in defiance of scientific rules. It was revenge for the slaughter at Lexington which, we are told, first prompted the investment of Boston, " The universal voice," says a con- temporary, "is, starve them out. Drive them from the town, and let His Majesty's ships be their only place of refuge." • In riding throughout the camp, "Washington observed that nine thousand of the troops be- longed to Massachusetts ; the rest were from other provinces. They were encamped in separate bodies, each with its own regulations, 'and officers of its own appointment. Some had tents, others were in barracks, and others sheltered themselves as best they might. Many were sadly in want of clothing, and all, said Washington, were strongly imbued with the spirit of insubordination, which they mistook for independence. A chaplain of one of the regiments * has left on record a graphic sketch of this primitive army of the Eevolution. "It is very divert- ing," writes he, " to walk among the camps. They are as ditferent in their forms, as the owners are in their dress ; and every tent is a portraiture of the temper and taste of the per- sons who encamp in it. Some are made of boards, and some are made of sail-cloth ; some are partly of one, and partly of the other. Again others are made of stone and turf, brick and brush. Some are thrown up in a hurry, others curiously wrought with wreaths and withes," One of the encampments, however, was in * The Rev. William Emerson. striking contrast with the rest, and might vie with those of the British for order and exact- ness. Here were tents and marquees pitched in the English style ; soldiers well drilled and well equipped ; every thing had an air of dis- cipline and subordination. It was a body of Rhode Island troops, which had been raised, drilled, and brought to the camp hy Brigadier- General Greene, of that province, whose sub- sequent renown entitles him to an introduction to the reader. Nathaniel Greene was born in Rhode Island, on the 26th of May, 1742. His father was a miller, an anchor-smith, and a Quaker preacher. The waters of the Potowhammet turned the wheels of the mOl, and raised the ponderous sledge-hammer of the forge, Greene, in his boyhood, followed the plough, and occasionally worked at the forge of his father. His educa- tion was of an ordinary kind ; but having an early thirst for knowledge, he applied himself sedulously to various studies, while subsisting by the labor of his hands. Nature had en- dowed him with quick parts, and a sound judg- ment, and his assiduity was crowned with -suc- cess. He became fluent and instructive in conversation, and his letters, still extant, show that he held an able pen. In the late turn of public affairs, he had caught the belligerent spirit prevalent through- out the country. Plutarch and Caesar's Com- mentaries became his delight. He applied him- self to military studies, for which he was pre- pared by some knowledge of mathematics. His ambition was to organize and discipline a corps of militia to* which he belonged. For this purpose, during a visit to Boston, he had taken note of every thing about the discipline of the British troops. In the month of May, he had been elected commander of the Rhode Island contingent of the army of observation, and in June had conducted to the lines before Boston, three regiments, whose encampment we have just described, and who were pro- nounced the best disciplined and appointed troops in the army. Greene made a soldierlike address to Wash- ington, welcoming him to the camp. His ap- pearance and manner were calculated to make a favorable impression. He was about thirty- nine years of age, nearly six feet high, well built and vigorous, with an open, animated, intelligent countenance, and a frank, manly de- meanor. He may be said to have stepped at once into the confidence of the commander-iu- 166 DEFICIENCIES OF THE ARMY— GOVERNOR TRUMBULL— OR AGIE HOUSE. [1775. chief, which he never forfeited, but became one of his most attached, faithful, and efficient coadjutors throughout the war. Having taken his survey of the army, "Wash- ington wrote to the President of Congress, representing its various deficiencies, and, among other things, urging the appointment of a com- missary-general, a quartermaster-general, a com- missary of musters, and a commissary of ar- tillery. Above all things, lie requested a sup- ply of money as soon as possible. " I find my- self already much embarrassed for want of a military chest." In one of his recommendations we have an instance of frontier expediency, learnt in his early campaigns. Speaking of the ragged con- dition of the army, and the difficulty of pro- curing the requisite kind of clothing, he advises that a number of hunting-shirts, not less than ten thousand, should be provided; as being the cheapest and quickest mode of supplying this necessity. " I know nothing in a specula- tive view more trivial," observes he, " yet Avhich, if put in practice, would have a happier tendency to unite the men, and abolish those provincial distinctions that lead to jealousy and dissatisfaction." Among the troops most destitute, were those belonging to Massachusetts, m-hich formed the larger part of the army. "Washington made a noble apology for them. " This unhappy and devoted province," said he, " has been so long in a state of anarchy, and the yoke has been laid so heavily on it, that great allowances are to be made for troops raised under such cir- cumstances. The deficiency of numbers, dis- cipline, and stores, can only lead to this con- clusion, that their sj^irit has exceeded their strength.-'' This apology was the more generous, coming from a Southerner, for there was a disposition among the Southern officers to regard the Eastern troops disparagingly. But "Washing- ton already felt as commander-in-chief, who looked with an equal eye on all ; or rather as a true patriot, who was above all sectional pre- judices. One of the most efficient co-operators of Washington at this time, and throughout the war, was Jonathan Trumbull, the Governor of Connecticut. He was a well-educated man, experienced in public business, who had sat for many years in the legislative councils of his native province. Misfortune had cast him down from affluence, at an advanced period of life, but had not subdued his native energy. He had been one of the leading spirits of the Revolution, and the only colonial governor who, at its commencement, proved true to the popular cause. He was now sixty-five years of age, active, zealous, devout, a patriot of the primitive New England stamp, whose religion sanctified his patriotism. A letter addressed by him to "Washington, just after the latter had entered upon the command, is worthy of the purest days of the Covenanters. " Congress," writes he, " have, with one united voice, ap- pointed you to the high station you possess. The Supreme Director of all events hath caused a wonderful union of hearts and counsels to subsist among us. " Now, therefore, be strong and very cour- ageous. May the God of the armies of Israel shower down the blessings of his Divine provi- dence on you ; give you wisdom and fortitude, cover your head in the day of battle and dan- ger, add success, convince our enemies of their mistaken measures, and that all their attempts to deprive these colonies of their inestimable constitutional rights and liberties, are injurious and vain." NOTE. We are obliged to Professor Felton, of Cambridge, for correcting an error in our first volume in regard to Washington's head-quarters, and for some partic- ulars concerning a house, associated with the history and literature of our country. The house assigned to Washington for head-quar- ters, was that of the president of the Provincial Con- gress, not of the University. It had been one of those tory mansions noticed by the Baroness Rcidesel, in her mention of Cambridge. " Seven families, who were connected by relationship, or lived in great in- timacy, had here farms, gardens, and splendid man- sions, and not far off, orchards ; and the buildings were at a quarter of a mile distant frofh each other. The owners had been in the habit of assembling every afternoon in one or other of these houses, and of diverting themselves with music or dancing ; and lived in affluence, in good humor, and without care, until this unfortunate war dispersed them, and transformed all these houses into solitary abodes. The house in question was confiscated by Govern- ment. It stood on the Watertown road, about half a mile west of the college, and has long been known as the Cragie House, from the name of Andrew Cragie, a wealthy gentleman, who purchased it after the war, and revived its former hospitality. He is said to have acquired great influence among the leading members of the "great and general court," by dint of jovial dinners. He died long ago, but his widow survived until within fifteen years. She was a woman of much talent and singularity. She refused to liave the canker worms destroyed, when they were making sad ravages iET. 43.] POPULARITY OF PUTNAM— "WASHINGTON'S FAMILY. 167 among tlie beautiful trees on the lawn before the house. "We are all worms," said she, "and they have as good a right here as I have." The conse- quence was that more than half of the trees perished. The Cragie House is associated with American liter- ature through some of its subsequent occupants. Mr. Edward Everett resided in it the first year or two after his marriage. Later, Mr. Jared Sparks, during part of the time that he was preparing his collection of "Washington's writings ; editing a volume or two of his letters in the very room from which they were written. Next came Mr. Worcester, author of the pugnacious dictionary, and of many excellent books, and lastly Longfellow, the poet, who, having married the heroine of Hyperion, purchased the house of the heirs of Mr. Cragie, and refitted it. CHAPTER II. The justice and impartiality of Washington were called into exercise as soon as he entered upon his command, in allaying discontents among his general officers, caused by the re- cent appointments and promotions made by the Continental Congress. General Spencer was so offended that Putnam should be pro- moted over his head, that he left the army, without visiting the commander-in-chief; but was subsequently induced to return. General Thomas felt aggrieved by being outranked by the veteran Pomeroy ; the latter, however, de- clining to serve, he found himself senior brig- adier, and was appeased. The sterling merits of Putnam soon made every one acquiesce in his promotion. There was a generosity and buoyancy about the brave old man that made him a favorite throughout the army ; especially with the younger officers, who spoke of him familiarly and fondly as " Old Put ; " a^obriquet by which he is called even in one of the private letters of the commander- in-chief. The Congress of Massachusetts manifested considerate liberality with respect to head- quarters. According to their minutes, a com- mittee was charged to procure a steward, a housekeeper, and two or three women cooks ; "Washington, no doubt, having brought with him none but the black servants who had ac- companied him to Philadelphia, and who were but little fitted for New England housekeeping. His wishes were to be consulted in regard to the supply of his table. This his station, as commander-in-chief, required should be kept up in ample and hospitable style. Every day a number of his officers dined with him. As he was in the neighborhood of the seat of the Provincial Government, he would occasionally have members of Congress and other function- aries at his board. Though social, however, he was not convivial in his habits. He re- ceived his guests with courtesy ; but his mind and time were too much occupied by grave and anxious concerns, to permit him the genial indulgence of the table. His own diet was ex- tremely simple. Sometimes nothing but baked apples or berries, with cream and milk. He would retire early from the board, leaving an aide-de-camp or one of his officers to take his place. Colonel Mifflin was the first person who officiated as aide-de-camp. He was a Philadel- phia gentleman of high respectability, who had accompanied him from that city, and received his appointment shortly after their arrival at Cambridge. The second aide-de-camp was John Trumbull,* son of the Governor of Con- necticut. He had accompanied General Spen- cer to the camp, and had caught the favorable notice of Washington by some drawings which he had made of the enemy's works. " I now suddenly found myself," writes Trumbull, " in the family of one of the most distinguished and dignified men of the age ; surrounded at his table by the principal officers of the army, and in constant intercourse with them — it was fur- ther my duty to receive company, and do the honors of the house to many of the first people of th.e country of both sexes." Trumbull was young, and unaccustomed to society, and soon found himself, he says, unequal to the elegant duties of his situation ; he gladly exchanged it, therefore, for that of major of brigade. TliG member of Washington's family most deserving of mention at present, was liis secre- tary, Mr. Joseph Eeed. With this* gentleman he had formed an intimacy in the course of his visits to Philadelphia, to attend the sessions of the Continental Congress. Mr. Reed was an accomplished man, had studied law in America, and at the Temple in London, and liad gained a liigh reputation at ibo Pliiladelphia bar. In the dawning of the Revolution he had em- braced the popular cause, and carried on a cor- respondence with the Earl of Dartmouth, en- deavoring to enlighten that minister on the sub- ject of colonial afi'airs. He had since been highly instrumental in rousing the Philadel- phians to co-operate with the patriots of Bos- * In after years distinguished as a Listoricnl pninter 168 JOSEPH KEED, WASHINGTON'S SECRETARY— GENERAL GATES. [i*??; ton. A sympathy of views and feelings had attached him to Washington, and induced him to accompany him to the camp. He had no definite purpose when he left home, and his friends in Philadelphia were surprised, on re- ceiving a letter from him written from Cam- bridge, to find that he had accepted the post of secretary to the commander-in-chief. They expostulated with him by letter. That a man in the thirty-fifth year of his age, with a lucrative profession, a young wife and growing family, and a happy home, should suddenly abandon all to join the hazardous fortunes of a i-evolutionary camp, appeared to them the height of infatuation. They remonstrated on the peril of the step. " I have no inclination," replied Reed, " to be hanged for half treason. "When a subject draws his sword against his prince, he must cut his way through, if he means to sit down in safety. I have taken too active a part in what may be called the civil part of opposition, to renounce, without dis- grace, the public cause when it seems to lead to danger; and have a most sovereign con- tempt for the man who can plan measures he has not the spirit to execute." Washington has occasionally been represent- ed as cold and reserved ; yet his intercourse with Mr. Eeed is a proof to the contrary. His friendship towards him was frank and cordial, and the confidence he reposed in him full and implicit. Eeed, in fact, became, in a little time, the intimate companion of his thoughts^ his bosom counsellor. lie felt the need of such a friend in the present exigency, placed as he was in a new and untried situation, and hav- ing to act with persons hitherto unknown to him. In military matters, it is true he had a shrewd counsellor in General Lee ; but Lee was a wayward character ; a cosmopolite, without attachment to country, somewhat splenetic, and prone to follow the bent of his whims and humors, which often clashed with propriety and sound policy. Eeed, on the con- trary, though less informed on military matters, had a strong common sense, unclouded by pas- sion or prejudice, and a pure patriotism, which regarded every thing as it bore upon the wel- fare of his country, Washington's confidence in Lee had always to be measured and guarded in matters of civil policy. The arrival of Gates in camp, was heartily n-elcomed by the commander-in-chief, Avho had received a letter from that ofiicer, gratefully acknowledging his friendly influence in procur- ing him the appointment of adjutant-general. Washington may have promised himself much cordial co-operation from him, recollecting the warm friendship professed by him when he visited at Mount Vernon, and they talked to- gether over their early companionship in arms ; but of that kind of friendship there was no further manifestation. Gates was certainly of great service, from his practical knowledge and military experience at this juncture, when the whole army had in a manner to be organized ; but from the familiar intimacy of Washington he gradually estranged himself. A contempo- rary has accounted for this, by alleging that he was secretly chagrined at not having received the appointment of major-general, to which he considered himself well fitted by his military knowledge and experience, and Avhich he thought Washington might have obtained for him had he used his influence with Congress. We shall have to advert to this estrangement of Gates on subsequent occasions. The hazardous position of the army, from the great extent and weakness of its lines, was what most pressed on the immediate attention of Washington ; and he summoned a council of war, to take the matter into consideration. In this it was urged that, to abandon the line of works, after the great labor and expense of their construction, would be dispiriting to the troops and encouraging to the enemy, while it would expose a wide extent of the surrounding country to maraud and ravage. Beside, no safer position presented itself, on which to fall back. This being generally admitted, it was determined to hold on to the works, and de- fend them as long as possible ; and, in the mean time, to augment the anny t# at least twenty thousand men. Washington now hastened to improve the defences of the camp, strengthen the weak parts of the line, and throw up additional works round the main forts. No one seconded him more eflfectually in this matter than Gen- eral Putnam. No works were thrown up with equal rapidity to those under his superintend- ence. " You seem, general," said Washington, " to have the faculty of infusing your own spirit into all the workmen you employ ; "— and it was the fact. The observing chaplain already cited, gazed with wonder at the rapid effects soon produced by tlie labors of an army. " It is surprising," Ml. 43.] NEW DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARMY— MORGAN'S RIFLEMEN. , 169 writes he, " how much work has heen done. The lines are extended ahnost from Cambridge to Mystic River ; very soon it will be morally impossible for the enemy to get between the works, except in one place, which is supposed to be left purposely unfortified, to entice the enemy out of their fortresses. Who would have thought, twelve months past, that all Cambridge and Oharlestown would be covered over with American camps, and cut up into forts and intrenchments, and aU the lands, fields, orchards, laid common, — horses and cattle feed- ing on the choicest mowing land, whole fields of corn eaten down to the ground, and large parks of well-regulated forest trees cut down for fire-wood and other public uses." Beside the main dispositions above mention- ed, about seven himdred men were distributed in the small towns and villages along the coast, to prevent depredations by water ; and horses were kept ready saddled at various points of the widely extended lines, to convey to head- quarters intelligence of any special movement of the enemy. The army was distributed by Washington into three grand divisions. One, forming the right wing, was stationed on the heights of Roxbury. It was commanded by Major-Gen- eral Ward, who had under him Brigadier-Gen- erals Spencer and Thomas. Another, forming the left wing, under Major-General Lee, hav- ing with him Brigadier-Generals Sullivan and Greene, was stationed on Winter and Prospect Hills ; while the centre, under Major-General Putnam and Brigadier-General Heath, was stationed at Cambridge. With Putnam was encamped his favorite officer Knowlton, Avho had been promoted by Congress to the rank of major for his gallantry at Bunker's Hill, At Wa^ington's recommendation, Joseph Trumbull, the eldest son of the governor, re- ceived on the 24:th of July the appointment of commissary-general of the continental army. He had already officiated with talent in that capacity in the Connecticut militia. " There is a great overturning in the camp as to order and regularity," writes the military chaplain ; " new lords, new laws. The generals Wash- ington and Lee are upon the lines every day. New orders from his Excellency are read to the respective regiments every morning after prayers. The strictest government is taking place, and great distinction is made between officers and soldiers. Every one is made to know his place and keep it, or be tied up and receive thirty or forty lashes according to his crime. Thousands are at work every day from four till eleven o'clock in the morning." Lee was supposed to have been at the bot- tom of this rigid discipline ; the result of his experience in European campaigning. His no- tions of military authority were acquired in the armies of the North. Quite a sensation was, on one occasion, produced in camp by his threatening to cane an oflicer for unsoldierly conduct. His laxity in other matters occa- sioned ahnost equal scandal. He scofied, we are told, " with his usual profaneness," at a resolution of Congress appointing a day of fast- ing and prayer, to obtain the favor of Heaven upon their cause, "Heaven," he observed, "was ever found favorable to strong battal- ions."* Washington diflfered from him in this re- spect. By his orders the resolution of Con- gress was scrupulously enforced. All labor, excepting that absolutely necessary, was sus- pended on the appointed day, and oflicers and soldiers were required to attend divine service, armed and equipped, and ready for immediate action. Nothing excited more gaze and wonder among the rustic visitors to the camp, than the arrival of several rifle companies, fourteen hundred men in all, from Pennsylvania, Mary- land, and Virginia; such stalwart fellows as Washington had known in his early campaigns. Stark hunters and bush fighters ; many of them upwards of six feet high, and of vigorous frame ; dressed in fringed frocks, or rifle shirts, and round hats. Their displays of sharp shoot- ing were soon among the marvels of the camp. We are told that while advancing at quick step, they could hit a mark of seven inches diameter, at the distance of two hundred and fifty yards.f One of these companies was commanded by Captain Daniel Morgan, a native of New Jer- sey, whose first experience in war had been to accompany Braddock's army as a waggoner. He had since carried arms on the frontier, and obtained a command. He and his riflemen in coming to the camp had marched six hundred miles in three weeks. They will be found of signal efficiency in the sharpest conflicts of the revolutionary war. While all his forces were required for the in- vestment of Boston, Washington was impor- * Graydon's Momoirs, p. 138. t Thacher's Military Journal, p. 37. 170 A VITAL QUESTION SETTLED— OBJECT IN DISTRESSING BOSTON. [1115. timed by the Legislature of Massachusetts and the Governor of Connecticut, to detach troops for the protection of different points of the sea-coast, where depredations by armed vessels were apprehended. The case of New London was specified by Governor Trumbull, where Captain Wallace of the Eose frigate, with two other ships of war, had entered the harbor, landed men, spiked the cannon, and gone off threatening future visits. "Washington referred to his instructions, and consulted with his general officers and such members of the Continental Congress as hap- pened to be in camp, before he replied to these requests; he then respectfully declined com- pliance. In his reply to the General Assembly of Massachusetts, he stated frankly and explicitly the policy and system on which the war was to be conducted, and according to which he was to act as commander-in-chief. "It has been debated in Congress and settled," writes he, " that the militia, or other internal strength of each province, is to be applied for defence against those small and particular depredations, which were to be expected, and to which they were supposed to be competent. This will appear the more proper, when it is considered that every town, and indeed every part of our sea-coast, which is exposed to these depreda- tions, would have an equal claim upon this army. " It is the misfortune of our situation which exposes us to these ravages, and against which, in my judgment, no such temporary relief could possibly secure us. The great advantage the enemy have of transporting troops, by being masters of the sea, will enable them to harass us by diversions of this kind ; and should we be tempted to pursue them, upon every alarm, the army must either be so weakened as to expose it to destruction, or a great part of the coast be still left unprotected. Nor, indeed, does it appear to me that such a pursuit would be attended with the least effect. The first notice of such an excursion would be its actual execution, and long before any troops could reach the scene of action, the enemy would have an opportunity to accompHsh their pur- pose and retire. It would give me great pleas- ure to have it in my power to extend protec- tion and safety to every individual; but the wisdom of the General Court will anticipate me on the necessity of conductmg our opera- tions on a general and impartial scale, so as to exclude any just cause of complaint' and jeal- ousy." His reply to the Governor of Connecticut was to the same effect. " I am by no means insensible to the situation of the people on the coast. I wish I could extend protection to aH but the numerous detachments necessary to remedy the evil would amount to a dissolution of the army, or make the most important oper- ations of the campaign depend upon the pirati- cal expeditions of two or three men-of-war and transports." His refusal to grant the required detach- ments gave much dissatisfaction in some quar- ters, until sanctioned and enforced by the Con- tinental Congress. AU at length saw and ac- quiesced in the justice and wisdom of his decision. It was in fact a vital question, in- volving the whole character and fortune of the war ; and it was acknowledged that he met it with a forecast and determination befitting a commander-in-chief. CHAPTER III. The great object of "Washington at present, was to force the enemy to come out of Boston and try a decisive action. His lines had for some time cut off all communication of the town with the country, and he had caused the live stock within a considerable distance of the place to be driven back from the coast, out of reach of the men-of-war's boats. Fresh provi- sions and vegetables were consequently grow- ing more and more scarce and extravagantly dear, and sickness began to prevail. " I have done and shall do every thing in my power to distress them," writes he to his brother John Augustine. " The transports have all arrived, and their whole reiaforcement is landed, so that I see no reason why they should not, if they ever attempt it, come boldly out, and put the matter to issue at once." " "We are in the strangest state in the world," writes a lady from Boston; " surrounded on aU sides. The whole country is in arms and in- trenched. "We are deprived of fresh provisions, subject to continual alarms and cannonadings, the Provincials being very audacious, and ad- vancing to our lines, since the arrival of Gen- erals "Washington and Lee to command them." At this critical juncture, when "Washington was pressing the siego, and endeavoring to pro- JEt. 43.] SCARCITY OF POWDER— LEE AND BURGOYNE. 171 voke a general action, a startling fact came to liglit ; the whole amount of powder in the camp would not furnish more than nine car- tridges to a man ! * A gross error had been made by the com- mittee of supplies when Washington, on taking command, had required a return of the ammu- nition. They had returned the whole amount of powder collected by the province, upwards of three hundred barrels; without stating what had been expended. The blunder was detected on an order being issued for a new supply of cartridges. It was found that there were but thirty-two barrels of powder in store. This was an astounding discovery. Wash- ington instantly despatched letters and ex- presses to Rhode Island, the Jerseys, Ticon- deroga and elsewhere, urging immediate sup- plies of powder and lead ; no quantity, how- ever small, to be considered beneatli notice. In a letter to Governor Cooke of Rhode Island, he suggested that an armed vessel of that prov- ince might be sent to seize upon a magazine of gunpowder, said to be in a remote part of the Island of Bermuda. " I am very sensible," writes he, " that at first view the project may appear hazardous, and its success must depend on the concurrence of many circumstances ; but we are in a situation which requires us to run all risks. * * * Enterprises which ap- pear chimerical, often prove successful from that very circumstance. Common sense and prudence will suggest vigilance and care, where the danger is plain and obvious; but where little danger is apprehended, the more the enemy will be unprepared, and, consequently, there is the fairest prospect of success." Day after day elapsed without the arrival of any supplies ; for in these irregular times, the munitions of war were not readily procured. It seemed hardly possible that the matter could be kept concealed from the enemy. Their works on Bunker's Hill commanded a full view of those of the Americans on Winter and Pros- pect Hills. Each camp could see what was passing in the other. The sentries were almost near enough to converse. There was furtive intercourse occasionally between the men. In this critical state, the American camp remained for a fortnight ; the anxious commander in- cessantly apprehending an attack. At length a partial supply from the Jerseys put an end to this eminent risk. • Washington's secretary, Reed, who had been the confidant of his troubles and anxieties, gives a vivid expression of his feelings on the arrival of this relief. " I can hardly look back, without shuddering, at our situation before this increase of our stock. Stoch did I say ? it was next to nothing. Al- most the whole powder of the army was in the cartridge-boxes." * It is thought that, considering the clandes- tine intercourse carried on between the two camps, intelligence of this deficiency of am- munition on the part of the besiegers must have been conveyed to the British commander ; but that the bold face with which the Ameri- cans continued to maintain their position, made him discredit it. Notwithstanding the supply from the Jerseys, there was not more powder in camp than would serve the artillery for one day of general action. None, therefore, was allowed to be wasted ; the troops were even obliged to bear in silence an occasional cannonading. " Our poverty in ammunition," writes Washington, " prevents our making a suitable return." One of the painful circumstances attending the outbreak of a revolutionary war is, that gallant men, who have held allegiance to the same government, and fought side by side under the same flag, suddenly find themselves in deadly conflict with each other. Such was the case at present in the hostile camps. Gen- eral Lee, it will be recollected, had once served under General Burgoyne, in Portugal, and had won his brightest laurels when detached by that commander to surprise the Spanish camp, near the Moorish castle of Villa Velha. A soldier's friendship had ever since existed be- tween them, and when Lee had heard at Phil- adelphia, before he had engaged in the Ameri- can service, that his old comrade and com- mander was arrived at Boston, he wrote a letter to him, giving his own views on the points in dispute between the colonies and the mother country, and inveighing with his usual vehemence and sarcastic point, against the con- duct of the court and ministry. Before send- ing the letter, he submitted it to the Boston delegates and other members of Congress, and received their sanction. Since his arrival in camp he had received a reply from Burgoyne, couched in moderate and courteous language, and proposing an interview at a designated house on Boston Neck, within * Letter to the President of Congress, Aug. 4. * Reed to Thomas Bradford. Life and Correspondeuce, vol. 1., p. 118. 172 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND GAGE. [1775. the British sentries; mutual pledges to be given for each other's safety. Lee submitted this letter to the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, and requested their commands with respect to the proposed inter- view. They expressed, in reply, the highest confidence m his wisdom, discretion, and in- tegrity, but questioned whether the interview might not be regarded by the public with dis- trust ; " a people contending for their liberties being naturally disposed to jealousy." They suggested, therefore, as a means of preventing popular misconception, that Lee, on seeking the interview, should be accompanied by Mr. Elbridge Gerry ; or that the advice of a coun- cil of war should be taken in a matter of such apparent delicacy. Lee became aware of the surmises that might be awakened by the proposed interview, and wrote a friendly note to Burgoyne declining it. A correspondence of a more important char- acter took place between Washington and General Gage. It was one intended to put the hostUe services on a proper footing. A strong disposition had been manifested among the British officers to regard those engaged in the patriot cause as malefactors, outlawed from the courtesies of chivalric warfare. Washington was determined to have a fuU understanding on this point. He was pecu- liarly sensitive with regard to Gage. They had been companions in arras in their early days ; but Gage might now atFect to look down upon him as the chief of a rebel army. Wasliington took an early opportunity to let him know, that he claimed to be the com- mander of a legitimate force, engaged in a legitimate cause, and that both himself and his army were to be treated on a footing of perfect equality. The correspondence arose from the treatment of several American officers. " I understand," writes Washington to Gage, "that the officers engaged in the cause of liberty and their country, who by the fortune of war have fallen into your hands, have been thrown indiscriminately into a common jail, appropriated to felons; that no consideration has been had for those of the most respectable rank, when languishing with wounds and sick- ness, and that some have been amputated in this unworthy situation. Let your opinion, sir, of the principles which actuate them, be what it may, they suppose that they act from the noblest of all principles, love of freedom and their country. But political principles, I conceive, are foreign to this point. The obli- gations arising from the rights of humanity and claims of rank are universally binding and extensive, except in cases of retaliati on. These, I should have hoped, would have dictated a more tender treatment of those individuals whom chance or war had put in your power. Nor can I forbear suggesting its fatal ten- dency to widen that unhappy breach which you, and those ministers under whom you act, have repeatedly declared your wish to see forever closed. My duty now makes it neces- sary to apprise you that, for the future, I shall regulate aU my conduct towards those gentle- men who are, or may be, in our possession, exactly by the rule you shall observe towards those of ours, now in your custody. " If severity and hardsliips mark the line of your conduct, painful as it may be to me, your prisoners will feel its effiects. But if kindness and humanity are shown to us, I shall with pleasure consider those in our hands only as unfortunate, and they shall receive from me that treatment to which the unfortunate are ever entitled." The following are the essential parts of a letter from General Gage in reply. " Sir, — To the glory of civilized nations, humanity and war have been compatible, and humanity to the subdued has become almost a general system. Britons, ever pre-eminent in mercy, have outgrown common examples, artd overlooked the criminal in the captive. Upon these principles your prisoners, whose lives by the law of the land are destined to the cord, have hitherto been treated with care and kindness, and more comfortably lodged than the King's troops in the hospitals, indiscrimi- nately it is true, for I acknowledge no rank that is not derived from the King. "My intelligence from your army would justify severe recriminations. I understand there are of the King's faithful subjects, taken some time since by the rebels, laboring, like negro slaves to gain their daily subsistence, or reduced to the wretched alternative to perish by famine or take arms against their King and country. Those who have made the treatment of the prisoners in my hands, or of your other friends in Boston, a pretence for such measures, found barbarity upon falsehood. " I would wiUingly hope, sir, that the senti- ments of liberality which I have always believed you to possess, will be exerted to ^T. 43.] THE DIGNITY OF THE PATRIOT ARMY ASSERTED. 173 correct these misdoings. Be temperate in political disquisition; give free operation to truth, and punish those who deceive and mis- represent ; and not only the effects, hut the cause, of this unhappy conflict will be removed. Should those, under whose usurped authority you act, control such a disposition, and dare to call severity retaliation; to God, who knows all hearts, be the appeal of the dread- ful consequences," &c. There were expressions in the foregoing letter well calculated to rouse indignant feel- ings in the most temperate bosom. Had Washington been as readily moved to trans- ports of passion as some are pleased to repre- sent him, the rebel and the cord might readily have stung him to fury ; but with him, anger was checked in its impluses by higher energies, and reined in to give grander effect to the dictates of his judgment. The following was his noble and dignified reply to General Gage : " I addressed you, sir, on the 11th instant, in terms which gave the fairest scope for that humanity and politeness which were supposed to form a part of your character, I remon- strated with you on the unworthy treatment shown to the officers and citizens of America, Avhom the fortune of war, chance, or a mis- taken confidence, had thrown into your hands. Whether British or American mercy, fortitude, and patience, are most pre-eminent ; whether our virtuous citizens, whom the hand of tyranny has forced into arms to defend their wives, their children, and their property, or the merciless instruments of lawless domination, avarice, and revenge, best deserve the appella- tion of rebels, and the punishment of that cord, which your affected clemency has forborne to inflict ; whether the authority imder which I act is usurped, or founded upon the genu- ine principles of liberty, were altogether for- eign to the subject. I purposely avoided all political disquisition ; nor shall I now avail myself of those advantages which the sacred cause of my country, of liberty, and of human nature give me over you ; much less shall I stoop to retort and invective ; but the intelli- gence you say you have received from our army requires a reply. I have taken time, sir, to make a strict inquiry, and find that it has not the least foundation in truth. Not only your ofl[icers and soldiers have been treated with "the tenderness due to fellow-citizens and brethren, but even those execrable parricides, whose counsels and aid have deluged their country with blood, have been protected from the fury of a justly enraged people. Far from compelling or permitting their assistance, I am embarrassed with the numbers who crowd to our camp, animated with the purest principles of virtue and love to their country. * * * " You affect, sir, to despise all rank not de- rived from the same source with your own. I cannot conceive one more honorable, than that which flows from the uncornipted choice of a brave and free people, the purest source and original fountain of all power. Far from making it a plea for cruelty, a mind of true magnanimity and enlarged ideas would com- prehend and respect it. " What may have been the ministerial views which have precipitated the present crisis, Lexington, Concord, and Oharlestown can best declare. May that God, to whom you, too, appeal, judge between America and you. Under his providence, those who influence the councils of America, and all the other inhabi- tants of the united colonies, at the hazard of their lives, are determined to hand down to posterity those just and invaluable privileges which they received from their ancestors. " I shall now, sir, close my correspondence with you, perhaps forever. If your officers, our prisoners, receive a treatment from me different from that which I wish to show them, they and you wiU remember the occa- sion of it." We have given these letters of Washington almost entire, for they contain his manifesto as commander-in-chief of the armies of the Revolution ; setting forth the opinions and motives by which he was governed, and the principles on which hostilities on his part would be conducted. It was planting with the pen that standard which was to be maintained by the sword. In conformity with the threat conveyed in the latter part of his letter, Washington issued orders that British officers at Watertown and Cape Ann, who were at large on parole, should be confined in Northampton jail ; explaining to them that this conduct, which might appear to them harsh and cruel, was contrary to his dis- position, but according to the rule of treatment observed by General Gage toward the Ameri- can prisoners in his hands ; making no distinc- tion of rank. Circumstances, of which we have no explanation, induced subsequently a revoca- tion of this order ; the officers were permitted to remain as before, at large upon parole, ex- 174 DANGERS IN THE INTERIOR— RIVALRY OF ALLEN AND ARNOLD. [1115. periencing every indulgence and civility con- sistent with their security. CHAPTER IV. "We must interrupt our narrative of the siege of Boston to give an account of events in other quarters, requiring the superintending care of Washington, as commander-in-chief. Letters from General Schuyler, received in the course of July, had awakened apprehensions of danger from the interior. The Johnsons were said to he stirring up the Indians in the west- ern parts of New York to hostility, and pre- paring to join the* British forces in Canada; so that, while the patriots were battling for their rights along the seaboard, they were menaced by a powerful combination in rear. To place this matter in a proper light, we will give a brief statement of occurrences in the upper part of New York, and on the frontiers of Canada, since the exploits of Ethan AUen and Benedict Arnold, at Ticonderoga and on Lake Champlain. Great rivahy, as has already been noted, had arisen between these doughty leaders. Both had sent off expresses to the provincial authorities, giving an account of their recent triumphs. Allen claimed command at Ticon- deroga, on the authority of the committee from the Connecticut Assembly, which had originat- ed the enterprise. Arnold claimed it on the strength of his instructions from the Massa- chusetts committee of safety. He bore a com- mission, too, given him by that committee ; whereas AUen had no other commission than that given him before the war by the com- mittees in the Hampshire Grants, to command their Green Mountain Boys against the en- croachments of New York. " Colonel Allen," said Arnold, " is a proper man to head his own wild people, but entirely unacquainted with military service, and as I am the only person who has been legally au- thorized to take possession of this place, I am determined to insist on my right ; * * * ^nd shall keep it [the fort] at every hazard, until I have further orders."* The public bodies themselves seemed per- plexed what to do with the prize, so bravely seized upon by these bold men. Allen had written to the Albany committee, for men and ,* Arnold to Mass. Comm. of Safety. Am. Arch., ii. 557. provisions, to enable him to maintain his con- quest. The committee feared this daring en- terprise might involve the northern i)art of the province in the horrors of war and desola- tion, and asked advice of the New York com- mittee. The New York committee did not think themselves authorized to give an opinion upon a matter of sucli importance, and refer- red it to the Continental Congress. The Massachusetts committee of safety, to whom Arnold had written, referred the af- fair to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress. That body, as the enterprise had begun in Connecticut, -wrote to its General Assembly to take the whole matter under their care and direction, until the advice of the Continental Congress could be had. The Continental Congress at length legiti- mated the exploit, and, as it were, accepted the captured fortress. As it was situated within New York, the custody of it was com- mitted to that province, aided if necessary by the New England colonies, on whom it was authorized to call for military assistance. The Provincial Congress of New York forth- with invited the " Governor and Company of the English colony of Connecticut "to place part of their forces in these captured posts, until relieved by New York troops ; and Trumbull, the Governor of Connecticut, soon gave notice that one thousand men under Colonel Hin- man, were on the point of marching, for the reinforcement of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. It had been the idea of the Continental Congress to have those posts dismantled, and the cannon and stores removed to the south end of Lake George, where a strong post was to be established. But both AUen and Arnold exclaimed against such a measure ; vaunt- ing, and with reason, the importance of those forts. Both Allen and Arnold were ambitious of further laurels. Both were anxious to lead an expedition into Canada ; and Ticonderoga and Crown Point would open the way to it. " The Key is ours," writes AUen to the New York Congress. " If the colonies would suddenly push an army of two or three thousand men into Canada, they might make an easy con- quest of all that would oppose them, in the extensive province of Quebec, except a rein- forcement from England should prevent it. Such a diversion would weaken Gage, and in- sure us Canada. I wish to God America ^T. 43.] RIVALRY OF ETHAN ALLEN AND BENEDICT ARNOLD. 175 would, at this critical juncture, exert herself ageeably to the indignity offered her by a tyrannical ministry. She might rise on eagles' wings, and mount up to glory, freedom, and immortal honor, if she did but know and exert her strength. Fame is now hovering over her head. A vast continent must now sink to slavery, poverty, horror, and bondage, or rise to unconquerable freedom, immense wealth, inexpressible felicity, and immortal fame, " I will lay my life on it, that with fifteen hundred men, and a proper train of artillery, I will take Montreal. Provided I could be thus furnished, and if an army could command the field, it would be no insuperable difficulty to take Quebec." A letter to the same purport, and with the same rhetorical flourish, on which he appeared to value himself, was written by Allen to Tnmibull, the Governor of Connecticut. Arnold urged the same project, but in less magniloquent language, upon the attention of the Continental Congress. His letter was dated from Crown Point ; where he had a little squadron, composed of the sloop captured at St. Johns, a schooner, and a flotUla of bateaux. All these he had equipped, armed, manned, and officered ; and his crews were de- voted to him. In his letter to the Continental Congress he gave information concerning Canada, collected through spies and agents. Carleton, he said, had not six hundred effec- tive men under him. The Canadians 'and Indians were disaffected to the British Govern- ment, and Montreal was ready to throw open its gates to a patriot force. Two thousand men, he was certain, would be sufficient to get possession of the province. " I beg leave to add," says he, " that if no person appears who will undertake to carry the plan into execution, I will undertake, and, with the smiles of Heaven, answer for the success, provided I am supplied with men, &c., to carry it into execution without loss of time." In a postscript of his letter he specifies the forces requisite for his suggested invasion. " In order to give satisfaction to the difierent colonies, I propose that Colonel Hinman's regi- ment, now on their march from Connecticut to Ticonderoga, should form part of the army ; say one thousand men; five hundred men to be sent from New York, five hundred of General Arnold's regiment, including the sea- men and marines on board the vessels (no Green Mountain Boys)." Within a few days after the date of this letter. Colonel Hinman with the Connecticut troops arrived. The greater part of the Green Mountain Boys now returned home, their term of enlistment having expired. Ethan Allen and his brother in arms, Seth Warner, repaired to Congress to get pay for their men, and authority to raise a new regiment. They were received with distinguished honor by that body. The same pay was awarded to the men who had served under them as that allowed to the continental troops ; and it was recommended to the New York Convention, that, should it meet the approbation of General Schuyler, a fresh corps of Green Mountain Boys about to be raised, should be employed in the army under such officers as they (the Green Mountain Boys) should choose. To the New York Convention, Allen and Warner now repaired. There was a difficulty about admitting them to the hall of Assembly, for their attainder of outlawry had not been repealed. Patriotism, however, pleftded in their behalf. They obtained an audience. A regiment of Green Mountain Boys, five hundred strong, was decreed, and General Schuyler notified the people of the New Hamp- shire Grants of the resolve, and requested them to raise the regiment. Thus prosperously went the affairs of Ethan Allen and Seth Warner. As to Arnold, diffi- culties instantly took place between him and Colonel Hinman. Arnold refused to give up to him the command of either post, claiming on the strength of his instructions from the committee of safety of Massachusetts, a right to the command of all the posts and fortresses at the south end of Lake Champlain and Lake George. This threw every thing into confu- sion. Colonel Hinman was himself perplexed in this conflict of various authorities ; being, as it were, but a locum tenens for the province of New York. Arnold was at Crown Point, acting as com- mander of the fort and admiral of the fleet ; and having about a hundred and fifty resolute men under him, was expecting with confidence to be authorized to lead an expedition into Canada. At this juncture arrived a committee of three members of the Congress of Massa- chusetts, sent by that body to inquire into the manner in which he had executed his instruc- tions ; complaints having been made of his 176 ARNOLD AND THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY— CANADA TO BE INVADED. [1775. arrogant and undue assumption of com- mand. Arnold was thunderstruck at being subjected to inquiry, when he had expected an ovation. He requested a sight of the committee's in- structions. The sight of them only increased his indignation. They were to acquaint them- selves with the manner in which he had exe- cuted his commission ; with his spirit, capacity, and conduct. Should they think proper, they might order him to return to Massachusetts, to render account of the moneys, ammunition, and stores he had received, and the debts he had contracted on behalf of the colony. "While at Ticonderoga, he and his men were to be under command of the principal officer from Connecticut. Arnold was furious. He swore he would be second in command to no one, disbanded his men, and threw up his commission. Quite a scene ensued. His men became turbulent ; some refused to serve under any other leader ; others clamored for their pay, which was in arrears. Part joined Arnold on board of the vessels which were drawn out into the lake ; and among other ebullitions of passion, there was a threat of sailing for St. Johns. At length the storm was allayed by the interference of several of the officers, and the assurances of the committee that every man should be paid. A part of them enlisted under Colonel Easton, and Arnold set off for Cam- bridge to settle his accounts with the com- mittee of safety. The project of an invasion of Canada, urged by Allen and Arnold, had at first met with no favor, the Continental Congress having formally resolved to make no hostile attempts upon that province. Intelligence subsequently re- ceived, induced it to change its plans. Carleton was said to be strengthening the fortifications and garrison at St. Johns, and prepared to launch vessels on the lake wherewith to regain command of it, and retake the captured posts. Powerful reinforcements were coming from England and elsewhere. Guy Johnson was holding councils with the fierce Cayugas and Senecas, and stirring up the Six Nations to hostility. On the other hand, Canada was full of religious and political dissensions. The late exploits of the Americans on Lake Cham- plain, had produced a favorable effect on the Canadians, who would flock to the patriot standard if unfurled among them by an impos- ing force. Now was the time to strike a blow to paralyze all hostility from this quarter ; now, while Carleton's regular force was Aveak, and before the arrival of additional troops. In- fluenced by these considerations, Congress now determined to extend the revolution into Canada, but it was an enterprise too important to be intrusted to any but discreet hands. General Schuyler, then in New York, was accord- ingly ordered, on the 27th June, to proceed to Ticonderoga, and " should he find it practi- cable, and not disagreeable to the Canadians, immediately to take possession of St. Johns and Montreal, and pursue such other measures in Canada as might have a tendency to pro- mote the peace and security of these prov- inces." It behooved General Schuyler to be on the alert, lest the enterprise should be snatched from his hands. Ethan Allen and Seth Warner were at Bennington, among the Green Mountains. Enlistments were going on but too slow for Allen's impatience, who had his old hank- ering for a partisan foray. In a letter to Governor TrumbuU (July 12th), he writes " "Were it not that the grand Continental Con- gress had totally incorporated the Green Mountain Boys into a battalion under certain regulations and command, I would forth- with advance them into Canada and invest Montreal, exclusive of any help from, the colonies; though under present circumstances I would not, for my right arm, act without or contrary to order. If my fond zeal for reduc- ing the King''s fortresses and destroying or im- 2)risoning his troo}^ in Canada le the result of enthusiasm^ 1 hope and expect the wisdom of the Continent will treat it as such ; and on the other hand, if it proceed from sound policy, that the plan will be adopted." * Schuyler arrived at Ticonderoga on the 18th of July. A letter to "Washington, to whom, as commander-in chief, he made constant reports, gives a striking picture of a frontier post in those crude days of the Eevolution. "You will expect that I should say some- thing about this place and the troops here. Not one earthly thing for offence or defence has been done ; the commanding qificer has no orders; he only came to reinforce the garrison^ and he expected the general. About ten last night I arrived at the landing-place, at the north end of Lake George ; a post occupied by a captain and one hundred men. A sentinel, * Force's Am. Archives, ii. 1649. ^T. 43.] SCHUYLER AT TICONDEROGA— ETHAN ALLEN. 177 on being informed that I was in the boat, quitted his post to go and awaken the guard, consisting of three men, in which he had no success. I walked up and came to another, a sergeant's guard. Here the sentinel challeng- ed, but suffered me to come up to him ; the whole guard, like the first, in the soundest sleep. With a penknife only I could have cut off both guards, and then have set fire to tlie block-house, destroyed the stores and starved the people here. At this post I had pointedly recommended vigilance and care, as all the stores from Lake George must necessarily be landed here. But I hope to get the better of this inattention. The officers and men are all good-looking people, and decent in their de- portment, and I really believe will make good soldiers as soon as I can get the better of this nonchalance of theirs. Bravery, I believe, they are far from wanting." Colonel Hinman, it will be recollected, was in^temporary command at Ticonderoga, if that could be called a command where none seemed to obey. The garrison was about twelve hundred strong : the greater part Connecticut men, brought by himself; some were New York troops, and some few Green Mountain Boys. Schuyler, on taking command, de- spatched a confidential agent into Canada, Major John Brown, an American, who resided on the Sorel Pdver, and was popular among the Canadians. He was to collect information as to the British forces and fortifications, and to ascertain how an invasion and an attack on St. Johns would be considered by the people of the province : in the mean time Schuyler set diligently to work to build boats, and pre- pare for the enterprise should it ultimately be ordered by Congress. Schuyler was an authoritative man, and in- herited from his Dutch ancestry a great love of order ; he was excessively annoyed, there- fore, by the confusion and negligence prevalent around him, and the difficulties and delays thereby occasioned. He chafed in spirit at the disregard of discipline among his yeoman sol- diery, and their opposition to all system and regularity. This was especially the case with the troops from Connecticut, officered generally by their own neighbors and familiar companions, and unwilling to acknowledge the authority of a commander from a different province. He poured out his complaints in a friendly letter to "Washington; the latter consoled him by stating his own troubles and grievances in the 12 camp at Cambridge, and the spirit with which he coped with him. " From my own experi- ence," writes ho (July 28), "I can easily judge of your difficulties in introducing order and dis- cipline into troops, who have, from their infan- cy, imbibed ideas of the most contrary kind. It would be far beyond the compass of a letter, for me to describe the situation of things here [at Cambridge], on my arrival. Perhaps you will only be able to judge of it, from my assur- ing you, that mine must be a portrait at full length of what you have had in miniature. Confusion and discord reigned in every depart- ment, which, in a little time, must have ended either in the separation of the army, or fatal con- tests with one another. The better genius of America has prevailed, and most happily, the ministerial troops have not availed themselves of these advantages, till, I trust, the opportunity is, in a great measure, passed over. * * * "We mend every day, and, I flatter myself, that in a little time we shall work up these raw ma- terials into a good manufacture. I must re- commend to you, what I endeavor to practise wyself, patience and perseverance." Sclmyler took the friendly admonition in the spirit in which it was given. " I can easily conceive," writes he (Aug. 6th), " that my diffi- culties are only a faint semblance of yours. Yes, my general, I will strive to copy your bright example, and patiently and steadily per- severe in that line which, only can promise the wished-for reformation." He had calculated on being joined, by this time, by the regiment of Green Mountain Boys which Ethan AUen and Seth Tarner had un- dertaken to raise in the !N"ew Hampshire Grants. Unfortunately, a quarrel had arisen between those brothers in arms, which filled the Green Mountains with discord and party feuds. The election of officers took place on the 27th of July. It was made by committees from the different townships. Ethan Allen was entirely passed by, and Seth Warner nominated as Lieu<- tenant-Colonel of the regiment. Allen was thunderstruck at finding himself thus suddenly dismounted. His patriotism and love of adven- ture, however, were not quelled : and he forth- with repaired to the army at Ticonderoga to ofifer himself as a volunteer. Schuyler, at first, hesitated to accept his ser- vices. He was aware of his aspiring notions, and feared there would be a difficulty in keeping him within due bounds, but was at length persuaded by his officers to retain 1T8 PREPARATIONS FOR THE INVASION OF CANADA— GENERAL MONTGOMERY. [1775. liim, to act as a pioneer on the Canadian frontier. In a letter from camp, Allen gave Governor Trumbull an account of the downfall of his towering hopes. " Notwithstanding my zeal and success in my country's cause, the old farm- ers on the New Hampshire Grants, who do not incline to go to war, have met in a committee meeting, and in their nomination of officers for the regiment of Green Mountain Boys, have wholly omitted me." His letter has a consolatory postscript. " I find myself in the favor of the officers of the army and the young Green Mountain Boys. How the old men came to reject me, I cannot conceive, inasmuch as I saved them from the encroachments of New York." * The old men probably doubted his discretion. Schuyler was on the alert with respect to the expedition against Canada. From his agent. Major Brown, and from other sources, he had learnt that there were but about seven hundred king's troops in that province ; three hundred of them at St. Johns, about fifty at Quebec, the remainder at Montreal, Chamblee, and the upper posts. Colonel Guy Johnson was at Montreal with three hundred men, mostly his tenants, and with a number of Indians. Two batteries had been finished at St. Johns, mounting nine guns each : other works were intrenched and picketed. Two large row galleys were on the stocks, and would soon be finished. Now was the time, according to his informants, to carry Canada. It might be done with great ease and little cost. The Canadians were disaffected to British rule, and would join the Americans, and so would many of the Indians. " I am prepared," writes he to Washington, " to move against the enemy, unless your Ex- cellency and Congress should direct otherwise. In the course of a few days, I expect to receive the ultimate determination. Whatever it may be, I shall try to execute it in such a manner as wiU promote the just cause in which we are engaged." While awaiting orders on this head, he re- paired to Albany, to hold a conference and ne- gotiate a treaty with the Caughnawagas, and the warriors of the Six Nations, whom, as one of the commissioners of Indian aflTairs, he had invited to meet him at that place. General Richard Montgomery was to remain in com- mand at Ticonderoga, during his absence, and * Am. Archives, 4th Scries, lii. 17. to urge forward the military preparations. As the subsequent fortunes of this gallant officer are inseparably connected with the Canadian campaign, and have endeared his name to Americans, we pause to give a few particulars concerning him. General Richard Montgomery was of a good fainily in the north of Ireland, where he was born in 1736. He entered the army when about eighteen years of age ; served in America in the French war ; won a lieutenancy by gallant con- duct at Louisburg ; followed General Amherst to Lake Champlain, and, after the conquest of Canada, was promoted to a captaincy for his services in the West Indies. After the peace of Versailles he resided in England ; but, about three years before the breaking out of the Revolution, he sold out his commission in the army, and emigrated to New York. Here he married the eldest daughter of Judge Robert R. Livingston, of the Claremont branch of that family ; and took up his resi- dence on an estate which he had purchased in Dutchess County, on the banks of the Hudson. Being known to be in favor of the popular cause, he was drawn reluctantly from his rural abode, to represent his county in the first con- vention of the province ; and on the recent or- ganization of the army, his military reputation gained him the unsought commission of Briga- dier-General. " It is an event," writes he to a friend, " which must put an end for a while, perhaps forever, to the quiet scheme of life I had prescribed for myself; for, though entirely unexpected and undesired by me, the will of an oppressed people, compelled to choose between liberty and slaveiy, must be obeyed." At the time of receiving his commission, Montgomery was about thirty-nine years of age, and the Icau ideal of a soldier. His form was well proportioned and vigorous ; his coun- tenance expressive and prepossessing ; he was cool and discriminating in council, energetic and fearless in action. His principles command- ed the respect of friends and foes, and he was noted for winning the affections of the soldiery. While these things were occurring at Ticon- deroga, several Indian chiefs made their appear- ance in the camp at Cambridge. They came in savage state and costume, as ambassadors from their respective tribes, to have a talk about the impending invasion of Canada. One was chief of the Caughnawaga tribe, whose residence was on the banks of the St. Law- • rence, six miles above Montreal. Others were .Er. i3.] INDIANS AT CAMBRIDGE— PLAN FOR AN EXPEDITION AGAINST QUEBEC. ' 179 from St. Francis, about forty-five leagues above Quebec, and were of a warlike tribe, from which hostilities had been especially apprehended. Washington, accustomed to deal with the red warriors of the wilderness, received them with great ceremonial. They dined at head-quarters among his officers, and it is observed that to some of the latter they might have served as models ; such was their grave dignity and de- corum. A council-fire was held. The sachems all offered, on behalf of their tribes, to take up the liatchet for the Americans, should the latter invade Canada. The offer was embarrassing. Congress had publicly resolved to seek nothing but neutrality from the Indian nations, unless tlie ministerial agents should make an offensive alliance with them. The chief of the St. Fran- cis tribe declared that Governor Carleton had endeavored to persuade him to take up the hatchet against the Americans, but in vain. " As our ancestors gave this country to you," added he, grandly, " we would not have you destroyed by England ; but are ready to afford you our assistance." "Washington wished to be certain of the con- duct of the enemy, before he gave a reply to these Indian overtures. He wrote by express, therefore, to General Schuyler, requesting him to ascertain the intentions of the British gov- ernor with respect to the native tribes. By the same express, he communicated a plan which had occupied his thoughts for several days. As the contemplated movement of Schuy- ler would probably cause all the British force in Canada to be concentrated in the neighbor- hood of Montreal and St. Johns, he proposed to send off an expedition of ten or twelve hun- dred men, to penetrate to Quebec by the way of the Kennebec River. " If you are resolved to proceed," writes he to Schuyler, " which I gather from your last letter is your intention, it would make a diversion that would distract Carleton. He must either break uj), and follow this party to Quebec, by which he would leave you a free passage, or he must suffer that im- portant place to fall into other hands ; an event that would have a decisive effect and influence on the public interest. * * * * The few whom I have consulted on the project approve it much, but the final determination is deferred until I hear from you. Not a moment's time is to be lost in the preparations for this enter- prise, if the advices from you favor it. With the utmost expedition the season will be con- siderably advanced, so that you will dismiss the express as soon as possible. The express found Schuyler in Albany, where he had been attending the conference with the Six Nations. He had just received intelligence which convinced him of the propriety of an expedition into Canada ; had sent word to Gen- eral Montgomery to get every thing ready for it, and was on the point of departing for Ticon- deroga to carry it into effect. In reply to Wash- ington, he declared his conviction, from various accounts which he had received, that Carleton and his agents were exciting the Indian tribes to hostility. " I should, therefore, not hesitate one moment," adds he, "to employ any savages that might be willing to join us." He expressed himself delighted with Wash- ington's project of sending off" an expedition to Quebec, regretting only that it had not been thought of earlier. '' Should the detachment from your body penetrate into Canada," added he, " and we meet with success, Canada must inevitably faU into our hands." Having sent off these despatches, SchnylflT hastened back to Ticonderoga. Before he reached there, Montgomery had received intel- ligence that Carleton had completed his armed vessels at St. Johns, and was abaiait to send them into Lake Champlain by the Sorel River. No time, therefore, was to be lost in getting pos- session of the Isle aux Noix, which commanded the entrance to that river. Montgomery hast- ened, therefore, to embark with about a thou- sand men, which were as many as th#boats now ready could hold, taking with him two pieces of artillery ; with this force he set off down the lake. A letter to General Schuyler explain- ed the cause of his sudden departure, and en- treated him to follow on in a whale-boat, leav- ing the residue of the artillery to come on as soon as conveyances could be procured, Schuyler arrived at Ticonderoga on the night of the 30th of August, but too ill of a bilious fever to push on in a whale-boat. He caused, however, a bed to be prepared for him in a cov- ered bateau, and, ill as he was, continued for- ward on the following day. On the 4th'0f Sep- tember he overtook Montgomery at the Isle la Motte, where he had been detained by contrary weather, and, assuming command of the little army, kept on the same day to the Isle aux Noix, about twelve miles south of St. Johns — where for the present we shall leave him, and return to the head-quarters of the commander- in-chief. ISO A CHALLENGE DECLINED— WASHIXGTOX MEDITATES A BLOW. [1111 CHAPTER V. The siege of Boston had been kept up for several weeks T\ithotit any remarkable occur- rence. The British remained -u-ithin their lines, diligently strengthening them; the besiegers having received farther supplies of ammunition, were growing impatient of a state of inactivity. Towards the latter part of August, there were rumors from Boston, that the enemy were pre- paring for a sortie. TTashington was resolved to provoke it by a kind of challenge. He ac cordingly detached fourteen hundred men to seize at night upon a height within musket shot of the enemy's line on Charlestown Neck, pre- suming that the latter would sally forth on the following day to dispute possession of it, and thus be drawn into a general battle. The task was executed with silence and celerity, and by daybreak the hill presented to the astonished foe, the aspect of a fortified post. The challenge was not accepted. The British t»ened a heavy cannonade from Bunker's Hill, but kept within their works. The Americans, scant of ammunition, could only reply with a single nine-pounder ; this, however, sank one of the floating batteries which guarded the Neck. They went on to complete and strength- en this advanced post, exposed to daily cannon- ade and bombardment, which, however, did but little injury. They continued to answer from time to time with a single gun ; reserving their amnitinition for a general action. " We are just in the situation of a man with little money in his pocket," writes Secretary Eeed ; " he will do twenty mean things to prevent his breaking in upon his little stock. We are obliged to bear with the rascals on Bunker's Hill, when a few shot now and then in return, would keep our men attentive to their busi- ness, and give the enemy alarms." * The evident unwillingness of the latter to come forth was perplexing. " Unless the min- isterial troops in Boston are waiting for rein- forcements," writes Washington, " I cannot de- vise what they are staying there for, nor why, as they affect to despise the Americans, they do not come forth and put an end to the con- test at once." Perhaps they persuaded themselves that his army, composed of crude, half-disciplined levies from different and distant quarters, would grad- * Life of Rccd, vol. i. 119. ually fall asunder and disperse, or that its means of subsistence would be exhausted. He had his own fears on the subject, and looked forward with doubt and anxiety to a winter's campaign ; the heavy expense that would be incurred in providing barracks, fuel, and wai'm clothing; the difficulty there would be of keeping to- gether, through the rigorous season, troops un- accustomed to military hardships, and none of whose terms of enlistment extended beyond the 1st of January : the supplies of ammuni- tion, too, that would be required for protracted operations ; the stock of powder on hand, not- withstanding the most careful husbandry, being fearfully small. Eevolving these circumstances in his mind, he rode thoughtfully about the commanding points in the vicinity of Boston, considering how he might strike a decisive blow that would put an end to the murmuring inac- tivity of the army, and relieve the country from the consuming expense of maintaining it. The result was, a letter to the major and briga- dier-generals, summoning them to a council of war to be held at the distance of three days, and giving them previous intimation of its pur- pose. It was to know whether, in their judg- ment, a successful attack might not be made upon the troops at Boston by means of boats, in co- operation with an attempt upon their lines at Roxbury. " The success of such an enterprise," adds he, " depends, I well know, upon the All- wise Disposer of events, and it is not within the reach of human wisdom to foretell the is- sue ; but if the prospect is fair, the undertaking is justifiable." He proceeded^ to state the considerations al- ready cited, which appeared to justify it. The council having thus had time for previous de- liberation, met on the 11th of September. It was composed of Major-Generals Ward, Lee, and Putnam, and Brigadier-Generals Thomas, Heath, Sullivan, Spencer, and Greene. They unanimously pronounced the suggested attempt inexpedient, at least for the present. It certainly was bold and hazardous, yet it seems to have taken strong hold on the mind of the commander-in-chief, usually so cautious. ' " I cannot say," writes he to the President of Congress, " that I have wholly laid it aside ; but new events may occasion new measures. Of this I hope the honorable Congress can need no assurance, that tliere is not a man in America who more earnestly wishes such a termination of the campaign, as to make the army no long- er necessarv." iET. 43.] ARNOLD IN COMM'AND— ADVICE AND INSTRUCTIONS. ISl In the mean time, as it was evident the ene- my did not intend to come out, but were only- strengthening their defences, and preparing for winter, "Washington was enabled to turn his at- tention to the expedition to be sent into Canada by the way of the Kennebec River. •A detachment of about eleven hundred men, chosen fof the purpose, was soon encamped on Cambridge Common. There were ten compa- nies of New England infantry, some of them from General Greene's Rhode Island regiments ; three rifle companies from Pennsylvania and Virginia, one of them Captain Daniel Morgan's* famous company ; and a number of volunteers ; among whom was Aaron Burr, then but twenty years of age, and just commencing his varied, brilliant, but ultimately unfortunate career. The proposed expedition was wild and peril- ous, and required a hardy, skilful, and intrepid leader. Such a one was at hand. Benedict Arnold was at Cambridge, occupied in settling his accounts with the Massachusetts committee of safety. These were nearly adjusted. "What- ever-faults may have been found with his con- duct in some particulars, his exploits on Lake Champlain had atoned for them ; for valor in time of war, covers a multitude of sins. It was thought too, by some, that he had been treated harshly, and there was a disposition to soothe his irritated pride. "Washington had given him an honorable reception at head- quar- ters, and now considered him the very man for the present enterprise. He had shown aptness for military service, whether on land or water. He was acquainted, too, with Canada, and es- pecially with Quebec, having, in the course of his checkered life, traded in horses between that place and the "West Indies. "With these consid- erations he intrusted him with the command of the expedition, giving him the commission of lieutenant-colonel in the continental army. As he would be intrusted with dangerous powers, "Washington, besides a general letter of instructions, addressed a special one to him individually, full of cautious and considerate advice. " Upon your conduct and courage, and that of the officers and soldiers detailed on this expedition, not only the success of the present enterprise, and your own honor, but tlie safety and welfare of the whole continent, may depend. I charge you, therefore, and the ofiScers and soldiers under your command, as you value your own safety and honor, and the favor and esteem of your country, that you consider yourselves as marching, not through the country of an enemy, but of our friends and brethren ; for such the inhabitants of Canada and the Indian nations have approved themselves in this unhappy contest between Great Britain and America ; and that you check by every motive of duty and fear of punishment every attempt to plunder or insult the inhabitants of Canada. Should an Ameri- can soldier be so base and infamous as to in- jure any Canadian or Indian in his person or property, I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary pun- ishment as the enormity of the crime may re- quire. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportioned to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause. * * * * j ^Iso give in charge to you, to avoid all disrespect to the religion of the country and its ceremo- nies * * "While we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious not to violate the rights of conscience in others, ever considering that God alone is the judge of the hearts of men, and to him only, in this case, are they answerable." In the general letter of instructions, "Wash- ington inserted the following clause. " If Lord Chatham's son should be in Canada, and in any way fall into your power, you are en- joined to treat him with all possible deference and respect. You cannot err in paying too much honor to the son of so illustrious a character and so true a friend to America." Arnold was, moreover, furnished with hand- bills for distribution in Canada, setting forth the friendly objects of the present expedition, as well as of that under General Schuyler ; and calling on the Canadians to furnish necessaries and accommodations of every kind ; for which they were assured ample compensation. On the 13th of September, Arnold struck his tents, and set out in high spirits. More fortunate than his rival, Ethan Allen, he had attained the object of his ambition, the com- mand of an expedition into Canada; and trusted in the capture of Quebec, to eclipse even the surprise of Ticonderoga. "Washington enjoined upon him to push forward as rapidly as possible, success depend- ing upon celerity ; and counted the days as ' they elapsed after his departure, impatient to receive tidings of his progress up the Kennebec, and expecting that the expedition would reach Quebec about the middle of October. In the interim came letters from General Schuyler, giving particulars of the main expedition. 182 SCHUYLER OX THE SOREL— SOLICITUDE ABOUT ARNOLD. [irii In a preceding chapter we left the general and liis little army at the Isle aux Noix, near the Sorel River, the outlet of the lake. Thence, on the 5th of September, he sent Colonel Ethan Allen and Major Brown to reconnoitre the country between that river and the St. Lawrence, to distribute friendly addresses among the people and ascertain their feelings. This done, and having landed his baggage and provisions, the general proceeded along the Sorel River the next day with his boats, until within two miles of St. Johns, when a cannon- ade was opened from the fort. Keeping on for half a mile further, he landed his troops in a deep, close swamp, where they had a sharp skirmish with an ambuscade of tories and Indians, whom they beat off with some loss on both sides. Night coming on, they cast up a small intrenchment, and encamped, disturbed occasionally by shells from the fort, which, however, did no other mischief than slightly wounding a lieutenant. In the night the camp was visited secretly by a person, who informed General Schuyler of the state of the fort. Tlje works were completed, and furnished with cannon. A vessel pierced for sixteen guns was launched, and would be ready to sail in three or four days. It was not probable that any Canadians would join the army, being disposed to'remain neutral. This intelligence being discussed in a council of war in the morning, it was deter- mined that they had neither men nor artillery sufficient to undeitake the siege. They re- turned, therefore, to the Isle aux Noix, cast up fortifications, and threw a boom across the channel of the river to prevent the passage of the enemy's vessels into the lake, and awaited the arrival of artillery and reinforcements from Ticonderoga. In the course of a few days the expected reinforcements arrived, and with them a small train of artillery. Ethan Allen also returned from his reconnoitring expedition, of which he made a most encouraging report. Tlie Cana- dian captains of militia were ready, he said, to join the Americans, whenever they should appear with sufficient force. lie had held talks too, with the Indians, and found them well disposed. In a word, he was convinced that an attack on St. Johns, and an inroad into the province, would meet with liearty eo-operation. Preparations were now made for the invest- ment of St. Johns by land and water. Major Brown, who had already acted as a scout, was sent with one hundred Americans, and about thirty Canadians, towards Chamblee, to make friends in that quarter, and to join the army as soon as it should arrive at St. Johns. To quiet the restless activity of Ethan Allen, who had no command in the army, Jie was sent with an escort of thirty men to re- trace his steps, penetrate to La Prairie, and beat up for recruits among the people whom he had recently visited. For some time past General Schuyler had "been struggling with a complication of maladies, but exerting himself to the utmost in the harassing business of the camp, still hoping to be able to move with the army. "When every thing was nearly ready, he was attacked in the night by a severe access of his disorder, which confined him to his bed, and compelled him to surrender the conduct of the expedition to General Montgomery, Since he could be of no further use, therefore, in this quarter, he caused his bed, as before, to be placed on board a covered bateau, and set off for Ticon- deroga, to hasten forward reinforcements and supplies. An hour after his departure, he met Colonel Seth Warner, with one hundred and seventy Green Mountain Boy.-, steering for the camp, " being the first," adds he, " that have appeared of that boasted corps." Some had mutinied and deserted the colonel, and the remainder were at Crown Point ; whence they were about to embark. Such was the purport of different letters re- ceived from Schuyler ; the last bearing date September 20th. Washington was deeply con- cerned when informed that he had quitted the army, supposing that General Wooster, as the eldest brigadier, would take rank and command of Montgomery, and considering him deficient in the activity and energy required by the difficult service in which he was engaged. " I am, therefore," writes he to Schuyler, " much alarmed for Arnold, whose expedition was built upon yours, and who will infallibly perish, if the invasion and entry into Canada are abandoned by your successor. I hope by this time the penetration into Canada by your army is effected ; but if it is not, and there are any intentions to lay it aside, I beg it may be done in such a manner that Arnold may be saved, by giving him notice ; and in the mean time, your army may keep such appearances as to fix Carleton, and to prevent the force of Canada being turned wholly upon Arnold. Mt. 43.] BOLD STROKE OF ETHAN ALLEN— HIS DASH AGAINST MONTREAL. 183 "Should this find you at Albany, and General "Wooster about taking the conunand, I entreat you to impress him strongly with the importance and necessity of proceeding, or so to conduct, that Arnold may have time to re- treat." What caused this fmmediate solicitude about Arnold, Avas a letter received from him, dated ten days previously from Fort Western, on the Kennebec River. He had sent reconnoitring parties ahead in light canoes, to gain intelli- gence from the Indians, and take the courses and distances to Dead River, a branch of the Kennebec, and he was now forwarding his troops in bateaux in five divisions, one day's march apart ; Morgan with his riflemen in the first division, Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Enos com- manding the last. As soon as the last divis- ion should be under way, Arnold was to set off in a light skiff to overtake the advance. Chaudiere Pond on the Chaudiere River, was the appointed rendezvous, Avhence they were to march in a body towards Quebec. Judging from the date of the letter, Arnold must at this time be making his way, by land and water, through an uninhabited and unex- plored wilderness ; and beyond the reach of recall ; his situation, therefore, would be des- perate should General Wooster fail to follow up the campaign against St. Johns. The soli- citude of Washington on his account was heightened by the consciousness, that the hazardous enterprise in which he was engaged had chiefly been set on foot by himself, and he felt in some degree responsible for the safety of the resolute partisan and hi? companions. Fortunately, Wooster was not the successor to Schuyler in the command of the expedition. Washington was mistaken as to the rank of his commission, which was one degree lower than that of Montgomery. The veteran him- self, who was a gallant soldier, and had seen service in two wars, expressed himself nobly in the matter, in reply to some inquiry made by Schuyler. "I have the cause of my country too much at heart," said he, " to attempt to make any difficulty or imeasiness in the army, upon whom the success of an enterprise of almost infinite importance to the country is now depending. I shall consider my rank in the army what my commission from the Continental Congress makes it, and shall not attempt to dispute the command with General Montgomery at St. Johns." We shall give some further particulars concerning this ex- pedition against St. Johns, towards which Washington was turning so anxious an eye. On the 16th of September, the day after Schuyler's departui*e for Ticonderoga, Mont- gomery proceeded to carry out the plans which had been coQcerted between them. Landing on the 17th at the place where they had for- merly encamped, within a mile and a half of the fort, he detached a force of five hundred men, among whom were three hundred Green Mountain Boys under Colonel Seth Warner, to take a position at the juncture of two roads leading to Montreal and Chamblee, so as to intercept relief from those points. He now proceeded to invest St. Johns. A battery was erected on a point of land commanding the fort, the ship yards, and the armed schooner. Another was thrown up in the woods on the east side of the fort, at six hun- dred yards distance, and furnished with two small mortars. All this was done under an incessant fire from the enemy, which as yet was but feebly returned. St. Johns had a garrison of five or six hun- red regulars and two hundred Canadian militia. Its commander. Major Preston, made a brave resistance. Montgomery had not proper battering cannon ; his mortars were defective ; Iris artillerists unpractised, and the engineer ignorant of the first principles of the art. The siege went on slowly, until the arrival of an artillery company under Captain Lamb, expe- dited from Saratoga by General Schuyler. Lamb, who was an able ofiicer, immediately bedded a thirteen-inch mortar, and commen- ced a fire of shot and shells upon the fort. The distance, however, was too great, and the positions of the batteries were Ul chosen. A flourishing letter was received by the general from Colonel Ethan Allen, giving hope of further reinforcement. " I am now," writes he, "at the Parish of St. Ours, four leagues from Sorel to the south. I have two hundred and fifty Canadians under arms. As I march, they gather fast. You may rely on it, that I shall join you in about three days, with five hundred or more Canadian volunteers. I could raise one or two thousand in a week's time ; but I will first visit the army with a less number, and, if necessary, go again recruiting. Those that used to be enemies to our cause, come cap in hand to me ; and I swear by the Lord, I can raise three times the number of our army in Canada provided you continue the siege. * * * The eyes of all America, 184 DEFEAT OF ETHAN ALLEN— A EEKO IN IKONS. [17Y5. nay, of Europe, are or will be on the economy of this army and the consequences attending it."* Allen was actually on his way towards St. Johns, when, between Longueil and La Prairie, he met Major Brown with his party of Americans and Canadians. A conversation took place between them. Brown assured him that the garrison at Montreal did not ex- ceed thirty men, and might easily be surprised. Allen's partisan spirit was instantly excited. Here was a chance for another bold stroke equal to that at Ticonderoga. A plan was forthwith agreed upon. Allen was to return to Longueil, which is nearly opposite Montreal, and cross the St. Lawrence in canoes in the night, so as to land a little below the town. Brown, with two hundred men, was to cross above, and Montreal was to be attacked simultaneously at opposite points. All this was arranged and put in action without the consent or knowledge of General Montgomery ; Allen was again the partisan leader, acting from individual impulse. His late letter to General Montgomery, would seem to have partaken of fanfaronade ; for the whole force with which he undertook his part of this inconsiderate enterprise, was thirty Americans, and eighty Canadians. With these he crossed the river on the night of the 24th of September, the few canoes found at Longueil having to pass to and fro repeatedly, before his petty force could v be landed. Guards were stationed on the roads to prevent any one passing, and giving the alarm in Montreal. Day dawned, but there was no signal of Major Brown having performed his part of the scheme. The enterprise seems to have been as ill con- certed, as it was ill advised. The day ad- vanced, but still no signal ; it was evident Major Brown had not crossed. Allen would gladly have recrossed the river, but it was too late. Ah alarm had been given to tlie town, and he soon found himself encountered by about forty regular soldiers, and a hasty levy of Canadians and Indians. A smart ac- tion ensued ; most of Allen's Canadian re- cruits gave way and fled, a number of Ameri- cans were slain, and he at length surrendered to the British officer, Major Campbell, being promised honorable terms for himself and thirty-eight of his men, who remained with him, seven of whom were wounded. The ■ Am. Archives, 4th Series, iii. VSl. prisoners were marched into the town and delivered over to General Prescott, the com- mandant. Their rough appearance, and rude equipments, were not likely to gain them favor in the eyes of the military tactician, who doubtless considered them as little better than a band of freebooters on a maraud. Their leader, albeit a colonel, must have seemed worthy of the band ; for Allen was arrayed in rough frontier style ; a deer-skin jacket, a vest and breeches of coarse serge, worsted stockings, stout shoes, and a red woollen cap. "We give Allen's own account of his recep- tion by the British ofiicer. "He asked me my name, which I told him. He then asked me whether I was that Colonel Allen who took Ticonderoga. I told him I was the very man. Then he shook his cane over my head, calling me many hard names, among which he frequently used the word reb^, and put him- self in a great rage." * Ethan Allen, according to his own account, answered with becoming spirit. Indeed he gives somewhat of a melodramatic scene, which ended by his being sent on board of the Gaspee schooner of war, heavily ironed, to be trans- ported to England for trial ; Prescott giving him the parting assurance, sealed with an empliatic oath, that he would grace a halter at Tyburn. Neither Allen's courage nor his rhetorical vein deserted him on this trying occasion. From his place of confinement, he indited the following epistle to the general : — "Honorable Sir, — In the wheel of transi- tory events I find myself prisoner, and in irons. Probably your honor has certain rea- sons to me inconceivable, though I challenge an instance of this sort of economy of the Americans during the late war to any ofllcers of the crown. On my part, I have to assure your honor, that when I had the command, and took Captain Delaplace and Lieutenant Fulton, with the garrison of Ticonderoga, I treated them with every mark of friendship and generosity, the evidence of which is noto- rious, even in Canada. I have only to add, that I expect an honorable and humane treatment, as an ofiicer of my rank and merit should have, and subscribe myself your honor's most obedient servant, "Ethan Allen." * Am. Archives, iii. ^T. 43.] ANNOYAXCES OF SCHUYLER— PROGRESS OF ARNOLD. 185 In the British publication from which we cite the above, the following note is appended to the letter, probably on the authority of General Prescott : " N. B. — The author of the above letter is au outlaw, and a reward is oflfered by the New York Assembly for appre- hending him." * The reckless dash at Montreal was viewed with concern by the American commander. " I am apprehensive of disagreeable conse- quences arising from Mr. Allen's imprudence," writes General Schuyler. " I always dreaded his impatience of subordination, and it was not until after a solemn promise made me in the presence of several officers, that he would de- mean himself with propriety, that I would per- mit him to attend the army ; nor would I have consented then, had not his solicitations been backed by several officers." The conduct of Allen was also severely cen- sured by "Washington. " His misfortune," said he, " will, I hope, teach a lesson of prudence and subordination to others who may be am- bitious to outshine their general officers, and, regardless of order and duty, rush into enter- prises which have unfavorable effects on the public, and are destructive to themselves." Partisan exploit had, in fact, inflated the van- ity and bewildered the imagination of Allen, and unfitted him for regular warfare. Still his name will ever be a favorite one with his coun- trymen. Even his occasional rhodomontade will be tolerated with a good-humored smile, backed as it was by deeds of daring courage ; and among the hardy pioneers of our Revolution whose untutored valor gave the first earnests of its triumphs, will be remembered, with hon- or, the rough Green Mountain partisan, who seized upon the " Keys of Ohamplain." In the letters of Schuyler, which gave "Wash- ington accounts, from time to time, of the pre- ceding events, were sad repinings at his own illness, and the multiphed annoyances which beset him. " The vexation of spirit under which I labor," writes he, " that a barbarous complication of disorders should prevent me from reaping those laurels for which I have un- weariedly wrought since I was honored with this command ; the anxiety I have suflEered since my arrival here (at Ticonderoga), lest the army should starve, occasioned by a scandalous want of subordination, and inattention to my orders, in some of the officers that I left to command * Remembrancer, ii. 51. at the different posts ; the vast variety of dis- agreeable and vexatious incidents that almost every hour arise in some department or other, — not only retard my cure, but have put me considerably back for some days past. If Job had been a general in my situation, his memory had not been so famous for patience. But the glorious end we have in view, and which I have confident hope will be attained, will atone for all." "Washington replied in that spirit of friendship which existed between them. " You do me justice in believing that I feel the utmost anxiety for your situation, that I sympathize with you in all your distresses, and shall most heartily share in the joy of your success. My anxiety extends itself to poor Arnold, whose fate depends upon the issue of your campaign. * * * * * The more I reflect upon the importance of your expedition, the greater is my concern, lest it should sink under insupera- ble difficulties. I look upon the interests and salvation of our bleeding country in a great de- gree as depending upon your success." Shortly after writing the above, and while he was still full of solicitude about the fate of Ar- nold, he received a despatch from the latter, dated October 13th, from the great portage or carrying-place between the Kennebec and Dead Eiver, " Your Excellency," writes Arnold, " may possibly think we have been tardy in our march, as we have gained so little ; but when you consider the badness and weight of the bateaux, and large quantities of provisions, &c., we have been obliged to force up against a very rapid stream, where you would have taken the men for amphibious animals, as they were a great part of the time under water : add to this the great fatigue in the portage, you will think I have pushed the men as fast as they could possibly bear." The toils of the expedition up the Kennebec Eiver had indeed been excessive. Part of the men of each division managed the boats — part marched along the banks. Those on board had to labor against swift currents ; to unload at rapids ; transport the cargoes, and sometimes the boats themselves, for some distance on their shoulders, and then to reload. They were days in making their way round stupendous cata- racts ; several times their boats were upset and filled with water, to the loss or damage of arms, ammunition, and provisions. Those on land had to scramble over rocks and precipices ; to struggle through swamps and 18G TREASON IN THE CAMP— ARREST OF DR. CHURCH, [1115. fenny streams ; or cut their way through tan- gled thickets, which reduced their clothes to rags. With all their efforts, their progress was but from four to ten miles a day. At night the men of each division encamped together. By the time they arrived at the place whence the letter was written, fatigue, swamp fevers, and desertion, had reduced their numbers to about nine hundred and fifty effective men. Arnold, however, wrote in good heart. " The last division," said he, "is just arrived; three divisions are over the first carrying-place, and as the men are in high spirits, I make no doubt of reaching the river Chaudiere in eight or ten days, the greatest difiiculty being, I hope, al- ready past." He had some days previously despatched an Indian, whom he considered trusty, with a letter for General Schuyler, apprising him of his whereabouts, but as yet had received no intelli- gence either of, or from the general, nor did he expect to receive any until he should reach Chaudiere Pond. There he calculated to meet the return of his express, and then to determine his plan of operations. CHAPTER VI. "While the two expeditions were threatening Canada from different quarters, the war was going on along the seaboard. The British in Boston, cut oft' from supplies by land, fitted out small armed vessels to seek them along the coast of New England. The inhabitants drove their cattle into the interior, or boldly resisted the aggressors. Parties landing to forage were often repulsed by hasty levies of tlie yeomanry. Scenes of ravage and violence occurred. Ston- ington was cannonaded, and further measures of vengeance were threatened by Captain "Wal- lace, of the Rose man-of-war, a naval officer, who had acquired an almost piratical reputation along the coast, and had his rendezvous in the harbor of Newport : domineering over the wa- ters of Rhode Island.* About this time there was an occurrence, which caused great excitement in the armies. A woman, coming from the camp at Cambridge, applied to a Mr. Wainwood of Newport, Rhode Island, to aid her in gaining access to Captain "Wallace, or Mr. Dudley, the collector. "Wain- * Gov. Trumbull- to Washington. Sparks' Corresp. of tho Revolution, i. 27. wood, who was a patriot, drew from her the object of her errand. She was the bearer of a letter from some one in camp, directed to Major Kane, in Boston ; but which she was to deliver either to the captain or the collector. Suspect- ing something wrong, he prevailed upon her to leave it with him for delivery. After her de- parture he opened the letter. It was written in cipher, which he could not read. He took it to Mr. Henry "Ward, secretary of the colony. The latter, apprehending it might contain treas- onable information to the enemy, transmitted it to General Greene, who laid it before "Wash- ington. A letter in cipher, to a person in Boston hos- tile to the cause, and to be delivered into the hands of Captain Wallace, the nautical maraud- er ! — there evidently was treason in the camp ; but how was the traitor to be detected ? The first step was to secure the woman, the bearer of the letter, who had returned to Cambridge. Tradition gives us a graphic scene connected with her arrest. Washington was in his cham- ber at head-quarters, when he beheld from his window. General Putnam approaching on horse- back, with a stout woman en croupe behind him. He had pounced upon the culprit. The group presented by the old general and his prize, overpowered even Washington's gravity. It was the only occasion throughout the whole campaign, on which he was known to laugh heartily. He had recovered his gravity by the time the delinquent was brought to the foot of the broad staircase in head-quarters, and assured her in a severe tone from the head of it, that, unless she confessed every thing before the next morning, a halter would be in readiness for her. So far the tradition ; — his own letter to the President of Congress states that, for a long time, the woman was proof against every threat and persuasion to discover the author, but at length named Dr. Benjamin Church. It seemed incredible. He had borne the character of a distinguished patriot ; he was the author of various patriotic writings ; a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives; one of the committee deputed to conduct Washing- ton to the army, and at present he discharged the functions of surgeon-general and director of the hospitals. That such a man should be in traitorous correspondence with the enemy, was a thunderstroke. Orders were given to secure him and his papers. On his arrest he was extremely agitated, but acknowledged the letter, and said it would be found, when deci- ^T. 43.] DR. CHURCH'S TRIAL AND FATE— CONFLAGRATION OF FALMOUTH. 187 phered, to contain nothing criminal. His pa- pers were searched, but nothing of a treasonable nature was discovered. " It appeared, how- ever, on inquiry," says "Washington, " that a confidant had been among the papers before my messenger arrived." The letter was deciphered. It gave a de- scription of the array. The doctor made an awkward defence, protesting that he had given an exaggerated account of the American force, for the purpose of deterring the enemy from attacking the American lines in their present defenceless condition from the want of powder. His explanations were not satisfactory. The army and country were exceedingly irritated. In a council of war he was convicted of crimi- nal correspondence ; he was expelled from the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and the Continental Congress ultimately resolved that he should be confined in some secure jail in Connecticut, without the use of pen, ink, or paper ; " and that no person be allowed to con- verse with him, except in the^resence and hear- ing of a magistrate, or the sheriff of the county." His sentence was afterwards mitigated on account of his health, and he was permitted to leave the country. He embarked for the "West Indies, and is supposed to have perished at sea. "What had caused especial irritation in the case of Dr. Church, was the kind of Avarfare already mentioned, carried on along the coast by British cruisers, and notoriously by Captain "Wallace. To check these maraudings, and to capture the enemy's transports laden with sup- plies, the provinces of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, fitted out two armed vessels each, at their own expense, without seeking the sanction or aid of Congress. "Wash- ington, also, on his own responsibility, ordered several to be equipped for like purpose, which were to be manned by hardy mariners, and commanded by able sea captains, actually serv- ing in the army. One of these vessels was de- spatched as soon as ready, and sent to cruise be- tween Cape Ann and Cape Cod. Two others were fitted out in all haste, and sent to cruise in the waters of the St. Lawrence, to intercept two unarmed brigantines which Congress had been informed had sailed from England for Quebec, with ammunition and military stores. Among the sturdy little New England seaports, which had become obnoxious to punishment by resistance to nautical exactions, was Falmouth (now Portland), in Maine. On the evening of the 11th of October, Lieu- tenant Mowat, of the roy^l navy, appeared be- fore it with several armed vessels, and sent a letter on shore, apprising the inhabitants that he was come to execute a just punishment on them for their " premeditated attacks on the legal prerogatives of the best of sovereigns." Two hours were given them, " to remove the human species out of the town," at the period of which, a red pendant hoisted at the main- topgallaut masthead, and a gun, would be the signal for destruction. The letter brought a deputation of three persons on board. The lieutenant informed them verbally, that he had orders from Admiral Graves to set fire to all the seaport towns be- tween Boston and Halifax ; and he expected New York, at the present moment, was in ashes. "With much difliculty, and on the surrendering of some arms, the committee obtained a respite until nine o'clock the next morning, and the in- habitants improved the interval in removing their families and eff'ects. The next morning the committee returned on board before nine o'clock. The lieutenant now offered to spare the town on certain conditions, which were re- fused. About half-past nine o'clock the red pendant was run up to the masthead, and the signal gun fired. "Within five minutes several houses were in flames, from a discharge of car- casses and bombshells, which continued through- out the day. The inhabitants, " standing on the heights, were spectators of the conflagra- tion, which reduced many of them to penury and despair." One hundred and thirty-nine dwelling houses, and two hundred and twenty- eight stores, are said to have been burnt.* AU the vessels in the harbor, likewise, were de- stroyed or carried away as prizes. Having satisfied his sense of justice with re- spect to Falmouth, the gallant lieutenant left it a smoking ruin, and made sail, as was said, for Boston, to supply himself with more am- munition, having the intention to destroy Ports- mouth also.t The conflagration of Falmouth was as a bale fire throughout the country. Lieutenant Mowat was said to have informed the committee at that place, that orders had come from England to burn all the seaport towns that would not lay down and deliver up their arms, and give hostages for their good behavior. J "Washington himself supposed such to be the case. " The desolation and misery," writes he, * Holmes's Annals, ii. 220. t Letter of P. Jones. + Letter from Gen. Greene to Gov. Cooke. 188 GAGE RETURNS TO ENGLAND— CONFERENCES WITH WASHINGTON. [IVYS. " which ministerial j^engeance had planned, in contempt of every principle of humanity, and so lately brought on the town of Falmouth, I know not how sufficiently to commiserate, nor can my compassion for the general suffering be conceived beyond the true measure of my feel- ings." General Greene, too, in a letter to a friend, expresses liimself with equal warmth. " O, could the Congress behold the distresses and wretched condition of the poor inhabitants driven from the seaport towns, it must, it would, kindle a blaze of indignation against the commissioned pirates and licensed robbers. * * People begin heartily to wish a declaration of independence." * General Sullivan was sent to Portsmouth. where there was a fortification of some strength, to give the inhabitants his advice and assistance in warding off the menaced blow. Newport, also, was put on the alert, and recommended to fortify itself. " I expect every hour," writes "Washington, " to hear that Newport has shared the same fate of unhappy Falmouth." t Under the feeling roused by these reports, the General Court of Massachusetts, exercising a sovereign power, passed an act for encouraging the fitting out of armed vessels to defend the seacoast of America, and for erecting a court to try and condemn all vessels that should be found infect- ing the same. This act, granting letters of marque and reprisal, anticipated any measure of the kind on the part of the General Govern- ment, and was pronounced by John Adams, " one of the most important documents in history." J The British ministry have, in later days, been exculpated from the charge of issuing such a desolating order as that said to have been re- ported by Lieutenant Mowat. The orders un- der which that officer acted, we are told, ema- nated from General Gage and Admiral Graves. The former intended merely the annoyance and destruction of rebel shipping, whether on the coast or in the harbors to the eastward of Bos- ton ; the burning of the town is surmised to have been an additional thought of Admiral Graves. Naval officers have a passion for bom- bardments. Whatever part General Gage may have had in this most ill-advised and discreditable meas- ure, it was the last of his military government, and he did not remain long enough in the coun- * Letter to the President of Congress, t Am. Archives, iii. 1145. X See Life of Gerry, 109. try to see it carried into effect. He sailed for England on the 10th of October. The tidings of the battle of Bunker's Hill had withered his laurels as a commander. Still he was not ab- solutely superseded, but called home, " in or- der," as it was considerately said, " to give his Majesty exact information of every thing, and suggest such matters as his knowledge and ex- perience of the service migM enable him to furnish." During his absence, Major-General Howe would act as commander-in-chief of the colonies on the Atlantic Ocean, and Major-Gen- eral Oarleton of the British forces in Canada, and on the frontiers. Gage fully expected to return, and resume the command. In a letter written to the minister, Lord Dartmouth, the day before sailing, he urged the arrival, early in the spring, of reinforcements which had been ordered, anticipating great hazard at the open- ing of the campaign. In the mean time he trusted that two thousand troops, shortly ex- pected from Ireland, would enable him " to dis- tress the rebels by incursions along the coast," — and — " he hoped Portsmouth in New Hamp- shire would feel the weight of his Majesty's arms." " Poor Gage," writes Horace Walpole, " is to be the scape-goat for what was a reason against employing him — incapacity." He never returned to America. On the 15th of October a committee from Congress arrived in camp, sent to hold a con- ference with Washington, and with delegates from the governments of Connecticut, Khode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, on the subject of a new organization of the army. The committee consisted of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Lynch of Carolina, and Colonel Har- rison of Virginia. It was just twenty years since Washington had met Franklin in Brad- dock's camp, aiding that unwary general by his sagacious counsels and prompt expedients. Franklin was regarded with especial deference in the camp at Cambridge. Greene, who had never met with him before, listened to him as to an oracle. Washington was president of the board of conference, and Mr. Joseph Reed secretary. The committee brought an intimation from Congress that an attack upon Boston was much desired, if practicable. Washington called a council of war of his generals on the subject ; they were unanimously of the opinion that an attack would not be pru- dent at present. Another question now arose. An attack upon ^T. 43.] CONGRESS RESOLVES TO CARRY OX THE WAR— MEASURES OF HOWE. 189 the British force.s in Boston, whenever it should take place, might require a bombardment ; Washington inquired of the delegates liow far it might be pushed to the destruction of houses and property. They considered it a question of too much importance to be decided by them, and said it must be referred to Congress. But though they declined taking upon themselves the responsibility, the majority of them were strongly in favor of it ; and expressed them- selves so when the matter was discussed infor- mally in camp. Two of the committee, Lynch and Harrison, as well as Judge Wales, delegate from Connecticut, when the possible effects of a bombardment were suggested at a dinner ta- ble, declared that they would be willing to see Boston in flames. Lee, who was present, ob- served that it was impossible to burn it unless they sent in men with bundles of straw to do it. " It could not be done with carcasses and red-hot shot. Isle Eoyal," he added, " in the river St. Lawrence, had been fired at for a long time in 1760, with a fine train of artillery, hot- shot, and carcasses, without effect." * The board of conference was repeatedly in session for three or four days. The report of its deliberations rendered by the committee, produced a resolution of Congress that a new army of twenty-two thousand two hundred and seventy-two men and officers should be formed, to be recruited as much as possible from the troops actually in service. Unfortunately, the term for which they were to be enlisted was to be hut for one year. It formed a precedent which became a recurring cause of embarrass- ment throughout the war. Washington's secretary, Mr. Eeed, had, after the close of the conference, signified to him his intention to return to Philadelphia, where his private concerns required his presence. His departure was deeply regretted. His fluent pen had been of great assistance to Washington in the despatch of his multifarious correspondence, and his judicious counsels and cordial sympa- thies had been still more appreciated by the commander-in-chief, amid the multiplied diffi- culties of his situation. On the departure of Mr. Eeed, his place as secretary was temporarily supplied by Mr. Eobert Harrison of Maryland, and subsequently by Colonel Mifflin ; neither, however, attained to the affectionate confidence reposed in their predecessor. We shall have occasion to quote the corre- * Life of Dr. Belknap, p. 96. The Dr. was present at the above-cited conversation. spondence kept up between Washington and Eeed, during the absence of the latter. The letters of the former are peculiarly interesting, as giving views of what was passing, not merely around him, but in the recesses of his own heart. No greater proof need be given of the rectitude of that heart, than the clearness and fulness with which, in these truthful documents, every thought and feeling is laid open. CHAPTEE VII. The measures which General Howe had adopted after taking command in Boston, re- joiced the royalists, seeming to justify their an- ticipations. He proceeded to strengthen the works on Bunker's Hill and Boston Neck, and to clear away houses and throw up redoubts on eminences within the town. The patriot in- habitants were shocked by the desecration of the Old South Church, which for more than a hundred years had been a favorite place of wor- ship, where some of the most eminent divines had officiated. The pulpit and pews were now removed, the floor was covered with earth, and the sacred edifice was converted into a riding- school for Burgoyue's light dragoons. To ex- cuse its desecration, it was spoken of scofflngly as a " meeting-house, where sedition had often been preached." The North Church, another "meeting-house," was entirely demolished, and used for fuel. " Thus," says a chronicler of the day, " thus are our houses devoted to religious worship, pro- faned and destroyed by the subjects of his royal Majesty." * About the last of October, Howe issued three proclamations. The first forbade all persons to leave Boston without his permission, under pain of military execution ; the second forbade any one, so permitted, to take with him move than five pounds sterling, under pain of forfeiting all the money found upon his person, and being subject to fine and imprisonment; the third called upon the inhabitants to arm themselves for the preservation of order within the town ; they to be commanded by officers of his ap- pointment. Washington had recently been incensed by the conflagration of Falmouth ; the conduct of Governor Dunmore, who had proclaimed mar- * Thacher's Military Journal, p. 50. 190 HENRY KNOX, THE ARTILLERIST—LACK OF PUBLIC SPIRIT. [1775. tial law in Virginia, and threatened ruin to the patriots, had added to liis provocation; the measures of General Uowe seemed of the same harsh character, and he determined to retaliate. "Would it not be prudent," writes he to Governor Trumbull of Connecticut, "to seize those tories who have been, are, and we know will be active against us ? Why should persons who are preying upon the vitals of their coun- try, he suffered to stalk at large, whilst we know they will do us every mischief in their power ? " In this spirit he ordered General Sullivan, who was fortifying Portsmouth, " to seize upon such persons as held commissions under the crown, and were acting as open and avowed enemies to their country, and hold them as hostages for the security of the town." Still he was moderate in his retaliation, and stopped short of private individuals. "For the pres- ent," said he, " I shall avoid giving the like order with regard to the tories of Portsmouth ; but the day is not far off when they will meet with this, or a worse fate, if there is not a con- siderable reformation in their conduct." * The season was fast approaching iivhen the bay between the camp and Boston would be frozen over, and military operations might be conducted upon tlie ice. General Howe, if re- inforced, would then very probably " endeavor to relieve himself from the disgraceful confine- ment in which the ministerial troops had been all summer." Washington felt the necessity, therefore, of guarding the camps wherever they were most assailable ; and of throwing up bat- teries for the i)urpose. He had been embar- rassed throughout the siege by the want of ar- tillery and ordnance stores ; but never more so than at the present moment. In this juncture, Mr. Henry Knox stepped forward, and offered to proceed to the frontier forts on Champlain in quest of a supply. Knox was one of those providential charac- ters which spring up in emergencies, as if they were formed by and for the occasion. A thriv- ing bookseller in Boston, he had thrown up business to take up arms for the liberties of his country. He was one of the patriots who had fought on Bunker's Hill, since when he had aided in planning the defences of the camp be- fore Boston. The aptness and talent here dis- played by him as an artillerist, had recently in- duced Washington to recommend him to Con- Luttcr to William I>:ilfrcy. Sparks, iii. 158. gress for the command of the regiment of artil- lery in place of the veteran Gridley, who was considered by all the officers of the camp too old for active employment. Congress had not yet acted on that recommendation ; in the mean time Washington availed himself of the offered services of Knox in the present instance. He was, accordingly, instructed to examine into the state of the artillery in camp, and take an account of the cannon, mortars, shells, lead, and ammunition that were wanting. He was then to hasten to New York, procure and forward all that could be had there ; and thence proceed to the head-quarters of General Schuyler, who was requested by letter to aid him in obtaining what further supplies of the kind were wanting from the forts at Ticonderoga, Crown Point, St. Johns, and even Quebec, should it be in the hands of the Americans. Knox set off on his errand with promptness and alacrity, and short- ly afterwards the commission of colonel of the regiment of artillery, which Washington had advised, Avas forwarded to him by Congress. The re-enlistment of troops actually in ser- vice was now attempted, and proved a fruit- ful source of perplexity. In a letter to the President of Congress, Washington observes that half of the officers of the rank of captain were inclined to retire ; and it was probable their example would influence their men. Of those who were disposed to remain, the officers of one colony were unwilling to mix in the same regiment with those of another. Many sent in their names, to serve in expectation of promotion ; others stood aloof, to see what ad- vantages they could make for themselves ; while those who had declined sent in their names again to serve.* The difficulties were greater, if possible, with the soldiers than with the of- ficers. They would not enlist unless they knew their colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and captain ; Connecticut men being unwilling to serve under officers from Massachusetts, and Massachusetts men under officers from Ehode Island ; so that it was necessary to appoint the officers first. Twenty days later he again writes to the President of Congress : "I am sorry to be ne- cessitated to mention to you the egregious want of public spirit which prevails here. In- stead of pressing to be engaged in the cause of the counti-y, which I vainly flattered myself would be the case, I find we are likely to be ' deserted in a most critical time. * * * Our ' WashiDgton to the President of Congrees, Nov. 8. ^T. 43.] COMMENTS OF GEN^ERAL GREENE— SIEGE OF ST. JOHNS. 191 situation is truly alarming, and of this General Howe is well apprised. No doubt wlien lie is reinforced he will avail himself of the infor- mation." In a letter to Reed he disburdened his heart more completely. " Such dearth of public spirit, and such want of virtue ; ^uch stock-jobbing, and fertility in all the low arts to obtain advantage of one kind or another in this great change of military arrangement, I never saw before, and I pray God's mercy that I may never be witness to again. "What will be the end of these ma- nojuvres is beyond my scan. I tremble at the prospect. We have been till this time (Nov. 28) enlisting about three thousand five hundred men. To engage these, I have been obliged to allow furloughs as far as fifty men to a regi- ment, and the officers I am persuaded indulge many more. The Connecticut troops will not be prevailed upon to stay longer than their term, saving those who have enlisted for the next campaign, and are mostly on furlough ; and such a mercenary spirit pervades the whole, that I should not be surprised at any disaster that may happen. * =i= =*= Could I have fore- seen what I have experienced and am likely to experience, no consideration upon earth should have induced me to accept this command." No one drew closer to "Washington in this time of his troubles and perplexities than Gen- eral Greene. He had a real veneration for his character, and thought himself " happy in an opportunity to serve under so good a general." He grieved at "Washington's annoyances, but attributed them in part to his being somewhat of a stranger in New England. " He has not had time," writes he, " to make himself acquainted with the genius of this people ; they are natu- rally as brave and spirited as the peasantry of any other country, but you cannot expect vete- rans of a raw militia from only a few months' service. The common people are exceedingly avaricious ; the genius of the people is com- mercial, from their long intercourse with trade. The sentiment of honor, the true characteristic of a soldier, has not yet got the better of in- terest. His Excellency has been taught to be- lieve the people here a superior race of mortals ; and finding them of the same temper and dis- positions, passions and prejudices, virtues and vices of the common people of other govern- ments, they sank in his esteem." * * Greene to Dep. Gov. Ward. Am. Arch., 4th Series, iii. 1145. CHAPTER yill. Despatodes from Schuyler, dated October 26th, gave "Washington another chapter of the Canada expedition. Chamblee, an inferior fort within five miles of St. Johns, had been taken by Majors Brown and Livingston, at the head of fifty Americans and three hundred Cana- dians. A large quantity of gunpowder and other military Mores found there, was a season- able supply to tiie army before St. Johns, and consoled General Montgomery for his disappoint- ment in regard to the aid promised by Colonel Ethan Allen. He now pressed the siege of St. Johns with vigor. The garrison, cut off from supplies, were suffering from want of pro- visions ; but the brave commander, Major Pres- ton, still held out manfully, hoi)ing speedy re- lief from General Carleton, who was assembling troops for that purpose at Montreal. Carleton, it is true, had but about one hun- dred regulars, several hundred Canadians, and a number of Indians with him ; but he calcu- lated greatly on the co-operation of Colonel Maclean, a veteran Scot, brave and bitterly loyal, who had enhsted three hundred of his countrymen at Quebec, and formed them into a regiment called " The Royal Highland Emi- grants." This doughty Highlander was to land at the mouth of the Sorel, where it empties into the St. Lawrence, and proceed along the former river to St. Johns, to join Carleton, who would repair thither by the way of Longueil. In the mean time Montgomery received ac- counts from various quarters that Colonel Ethan Allen and his men, captured in the iU- advised attack upon Montreal, were treated with cruel and unnecessary severity, bemg loaded with irons ; and that even the colonel himself was subjected to this " shocking indig- nity." Montgomery addressed a letter to Carle- ton on the subject, strong and decided in its purport, but written in the spirit of a courteous and high-minded gentleman, and ending with an expression of that sad feeling which gallant officers must often have experienced in this revolutionary conflict, on being brought into collision with former brothers in arms. " Your character, sir," writes he, " induces me to hope I am ill informed. Nevertheless, the duty I owe the troops committed to my charge lays me under the necessity of acquaint- ing your Excellency, that, if you allow this conduct, and persist in it, I shall, though with 192 SIEGE AND CAPITULATIOX OF ST JOHNS. [1115. the most painful regret, execute with rigor the just and necessary law of retaliation upon the garrison of Ohamblee, now in my possession, and upon all others who may hereafter fall into my hands. * * * * j gijall expect your Excellency's answer in six days. Should the bearer not return in that time, I must inter- pret your silence into a declaration of a barbar- ous war. I cannot pass this opportunity with- out lamenting the melancholy and fatal neces- sity, which obliges the firmest^friends of the constitution to oppose one of the most respect- able ofBcers of the crown." While waiting for a reply, Montgomery pressed the siege of St. Johns, though thwarted continually by the want of subordination and discipline among his troops ; hasty levies from various colonies, who, said he, " carry the spirit of freedom into the field, and think for them- selves." Accustomed as he had been, in his former military experience, to the implicit obe- dience of European troops, the insubordination of these yeoman soldiery was intolerable to him. " Were I not afraid," writes he, " the example would be too generally followed, and that the public service might suffer, I woiUd not stay an hour at the head of troops whose operations I cannot direct. I must say I have no hopes of success, unless from the garrison's wanting provisions." He had advanced his lines and played from liis batteries on two sides of the fort for some hours, when tidings brought by four prisoners, caused him to cease his fire. General Carleton, on the 31st of September, had embarked his motley force at Montreal, in thirty-four boats, to cross the St. Lawrence, land at Longueil, and push on for St. Johns, where, as concerted, he was to be joined by Maclean and his Highlanders. As the boats approached the right bank of the river at Lon- gueil, a terrible lire of artillery and musketry was unexpectedly opened upon them, and threw them into confusion. It was from Col- onel Seth Warner's detachment of Green Moun- tain Boys and New Yorkers. Some of the boats were disabled, some were driven on shore on an island ; Carleton retreated with the rest to Montreal, with some loss in killed and wounded. The Americans captured two Cana- dians and two Indians ; and it was these pris- oners who brought tidings to the camp of Carle- ton's signal repulse. Aware that the garrison held out merely in expectation of the relief thus intercepted, Mont- gomery ceased his fire, and sent a flag by one of the Canadian prisoners with a letter inform- ing Major Preston of the event, and inviting a surrender to spare the etiusion of blood. Preston in reply expressed a doubt of the truth of the report brought by the prisoners, but ofiered to surrender if not relieved in four days. The condition was refused and the gal- lant major was obliged to capitulate. His gar- rison consisted of five hundred regulars and one hunded Canadians ; among the latter were several of the provincial noblesse. Montgomery treated Preston and his garri- son with the courtesy inspired by their gallant resistance. He had been a British ofiicer him- self, and his old associations with the service, made him sympathize with the brave men whom the fortune of war had thrown into his hands. Perhaps their high-bred and aristo- cratic tone contrasted favorably in his eyes, with the rough demeanor of the crude swords- men with whom he had recently associated, and brought back the feelings of early days, when war with him Avas a gay profession, not a melancholy duty. According to capitulation, the baggage of both oflicers and men was se- cured to them, and each of the latter received a new suit of clothing from the captured stores. This caused a murmur among the American soldiery, many of whom were nearly naked, and the best but scantily provided. Even some of the ofiicers were indignant that all the articles of clothing had not been treated as lawful spoil. " I would not have sullied my own reputation, nor disgraced the Continental arms by such a breach of capitulation for the universe," said Montgomery.* Having sent his prisoners up Lake Champlain to Ticonderoga, he prepared to proceed immediately to Mon- treal ; requesting General Schuyler to forward all the men he could possibly spare. The royal Highland Emigrants who were to have co-operated with General Carleton, met with no better fortune than that commander, Maclean landed at the mouth of the Sorel, and added to his force by recruiting a number of Canadians in the neighborhood, at the point of the bayonet. He was in fuU march for St. Johns, when he was encountered by Majors Brown and Livingston with their party, fresh from the capture of Chamblee, and reinforced by a number of Green Mountain Boys. These pressed him back to the mouth of the Sorel, where, hearing of the repulse of Carleton, and being deserted by his Canadian recruits, he em- ^T. 43.] WEARY STRUGGLE OF ARNOLD THROUGH THE WILDERNESS. 193 barked the residue of his troops, and set off down the St. Lawrence to Quebec. The Amer- icans now took post at the mouth of the Sorel, where they erected batteries so as to command the St. Lawrence, and prevent the descent of any armed vessels from Montreal. Thus closed another chapter of the invasion of Canada. " Not a word of Arnold yet," said Montgomery, in his last despatch. " I have sent two expresses to him lately, one by an Indian who promised to return with expedition. The instant I have any news of him, I wiU ac- quaint you by express." We will anticipate his express, by giving the reader the purport of letters received by Wash- ington direct from Arnold himself, bringing forward the collateral branch of this eventful enterprise. The transportation of troops and effects across the carrying-place between the Kenne- bec and Dead Rivers, had been a work of severe toil and difficulty to Arnold and his men, but performed with admirable spirit? There were ponds and streams full of trout and salmon, which furnished them with fresh pro- visions. Launching their boats on the sluggish waters of the Dead River, they navigated it in divisions, as before, to the foot of snow- crowned mountains ; a part of the great granite chain which extends from south-west to north- east throughout our continent. Here, while Arnold and the first division were encamped to repose themselves, heavy rains set in, and they came near being swept away by sudden torrents from the mountains. Several of their boats were overturned, much of their provisions was lost, the sick list increased, and the good spirits which had hitherto sustained them began to give way. They were on scanty allowance, with a prospect of harder times, for there were still twelve or fifteen days of wilderness before them, where no supplies were to be had. A council of war was now held, in which it was determined to sent back the sick and disabled, who were mere incumbrances. Arnold, ac- cordingly, wrote to the commanders of the other divisions, to press on with as many of their men as they could furnish with provisions for fifteen days, and to send the rest back to a place on the route called Norridgewock. This order was misunderstood, or misinterpreted by Colonel Enos, who commanded the rear divi- sion ; he gave all the provisions he could spare to Colonel Greene of the third division, retain- ing merely enough to supply his own corps of 13 three hundred men on their way back to Nor- ridgewock, whither ho immediately returned. Letters from Arnold and Enos apprised Wash- ington of this grievous flaw in the enterprise. He regarded it, however, as usual, with a hope- ful eye. " Notwithstanding this great defec- tion," said he, "I do not despair of Colonel Arnold's success. He will have, in all proba- bility, many more difficulties to encounter than if he had been a fortnight sooner ; as it is likely that Governor Carleton will, with what forces he can collect after the surrender of the rest of Canada, throw himself into Quebec, and there make his last effort." * Washington was not mistaken in the con- fidence he had placed in the energy of Arnold. Though the latter found his petty force greatly reduced by the retrograde move of Enos and his party, and although snow and ice rendered his march still more bleak among the moun- tains, he kept on with unflinching spirit until he arrived at the ridge which divides the streams of New England and Canada. Here, at Lake Megantic, the source of the Chaudiere, he met an emissary whom he had sent in ad- vance to ascertain the feelings of the TiaMtans, or French yeomanry, in the fertile valley of that stream. His report being favorable, Ar- nold shared out among the different companies the scanty provisions which remained, direct- ing them to make the best of their way for the Chaudiere settlements ; while he, with a light foraging party, would push rapidly ahead, to procure and send back supplies. He accordingly embarked with his little party in five bateaux and a birch canoe, and launched forth without a guide on the swift current of the Chaudiere. It was little better than a mountain torrent, full of rocks and rapids. Three of their boats were dashed to pieces, the cargoes lost, and the crews saved with diffi- culty. At one time, the whole party came near being precipitated over a cataract, where all might have perished ; at length they reached Sertigan, the first French settlement, where they were cordially received. Here Arnold bought provisions, Avhich he sent back by the Canadians and Indians to his troops. The latter were in a state of starvation. Some had not tasted food for eight and forty hours ; others had cooked two dogs, followers of the camp ; and others had boiled their moccasins, cartouch boxes, and other articles of leather in the hope of rendering them eatable. ♦ Washington to the President of Congress, Nov. 19th. 194 CAPTURE OF MONTREAL— ESCAPE OF CARLETON. [1775. Arnold halted for a short time in the hospit- able valley of the Chaudiere, to give his troops repose, and distributed among the inhabitants the printed manifesto -with which he had been furnished by Washington. Here he was joined by about forty Norridgewock Indians. On the 9th of November, the little army emerged from the woods at Point Levi, on the St. Lawrence, opposite to Quebec. A letter written by an inhabitant of that place, speaks of their sudden aiiparition. " There are about 500 Provincials arrived at Point Levi, opposite to the town, by the way of Chaudiere across the woods. Surely a miracle must have been wrought in their favor. It is an undertaking above the common race of men in this debauched age. They have travelled through woods and bogs, and over precipices, for the space of one hundred and twenty miles, attended with every inconven- ience and difficulty, to be surmounted only by men of indefatigable zeal and industry." Leaving Arnold in full sight of Quebec, which, after his long struggle through the wilderness, must have appeared like a land of promise ; we turn to narrate the events of the upper expe- dition into Canada of which the letters of Schuyler kept Washington faithfully informed. Montgomery appeared before Montreal on the 12th of November. General Carleton had embarked with his little garrison, and several of the civil officers of the place, on board of a flotilla of ten or eleven small vessels, and made sail in the night, with a favorable breeze, carry- ing away with him the powder and other im- portant stores. The town capitulated, of course ; and Montgomery took quiet posses- sion. His urbanity and kindness soon won the good will of the inhabitants, both English and French, and made the Canadians sensible that he really came to secure their rights, not to molest them. Intercepted letters acquainted him with Arnold's arrival in the neighborhood of Quebec, and the great alarm of " the king's friends," who expected to be besieged : " which, with the blessing of God, they shall be," said Montgomery, " if the severe season holds oflF, and I can prevail on the troops to accompany me." His great immediate object was the capture of Carleton; which would form a triumphal close to the enterprise, and might decide the fate of Canada. The flotilla in which the gen- eral was embarked, had made repeated attempts to escape down the St. Lawrence ; but had as often been driven back by the batteries thrown up by the Americans at the mouth of the Sorel. It now lay anchored about fifteen miles above that river ; and Montgomery prepared to at- tack it with bateaux and light artillery, so as to force it down upon the batteries. Carleton saw his imminent peril. Disguising himself as a Canadian voyager, he set ofl:' on a dark night accompanied by six peasants, in a boat with muffled oars, which he assisted to pull ; slipped quietly and silently past all the batteries and guard-boats, and effected his escape to Three Kivers, where he embarked in a vessel for Quebec. After his departure the flotilla surrendered, and all those who had taken refuge on board were made prisoners pf war. Among them was General Prescott, late commander of Montreal. Montgomery now placed garrisons in Mon- treal, St. Johns, and Chamblee, and made final preparations for descending the St. Lawrence, and co-operating with Arnold against Quebec. ^0 his disappointment and deep chagrin, he found but a handful of his troops disposed to accompany him. Some pleaded ill health ; the term of enlistment of many had expired, and they were bent on returning home ; and others, who had no such excuses to make, became exceedingly turbulent, and indeed mutinous. Nothing but a sense of public duty, and grati- tude to Congress for an unsought commission, had induced Montgomery to engage in the ser- vice ; wearied by the continual vexations which beset it, he avowed, in a letter to Schuyler, his determination to retire as soon as the in- tended expedition against Quebec was finished. " Will not your health permit you to reside at Montreal this winter ? " writes he to Schuyler ; " I must go home, if I walk by the side of the lake. I am weary of power, and totally want that patience and temper so requisite for such a command." Much of the insubordination of the troops he attributed to the want of tact and cultivation in their officers ; who had been suddenly advanced from inferior stations and coarse employments. " An affair happened yesterday," writes he to Schuyler on the 24th of November, " which had very near sent me home. A number of officers presumed to re- monstrate against the indulgence I had given some of the king's troops. Such an insult I could not bear, and immediately resigned. To- day they qualified it by such an apology, as put it in my power to resume the command." In the same spirit he writes : " I wish some .Ex. 43.] HOME SICKNESS— SCHUYLER AND MONTGOMERY TALK OF RESIGNING. 195 method could be fallen upon for engaging gen- tlemen to serve. A point of honor and more knowledge of the world, to be found in thg^ class of men, would greatly reform discipline, and render the troops much more tractable." The troops which had given Montgomery so much annoyance, and refused to continue with him in Canada, soon began to arrive at Ticon- deroga. Schuyler, in a letter to Congress, gives a half querulous, half humorous account of their conduct. " About three hundred of the troops raised in Connecticut, passed here with- in a few days. An unhappy home-sickness prevails. These all came down as iuA^alids, not one willing to re-engage for the winter's ser- vice ; and, unable to get any work done by them, I discharged them en groupe. Of aU the specifics ever invented for any^ there is none so efficacious as a discharge for this prevaihng disorder. No sooner was it administered, but it perfected the cure of nine out of ten ; who, refusing to wait for boats to go by the way of Lake George, slung their heavy packs, crossed the lake at this place, and undertook a march of two hundred miles with the greatest good- will and alacrity." This home-sickness in rustic soldiers after a rough campaign was natural enough, and seems only to have provoked the testy and subacid humor of Schuyler ; but Qther instances of conduct roused his indignation. A schooner and tow galley arrived at Crown Point, with upwards of a hundred persons. They were destitute of provisions ; none were to be had at the Point, and the ice prevented them from penetrating to Ticonderoga. In starving condition they sent an express to Gen- eral Schuyler, imploring relief. He imme- diately ordered three captains of General "Wooster's regiment, with a considerable body of men in bateaux, to " attempt a relief for the unhappy suiferers," To his surprise and dis- gust, they manifested the utmost unwillingness to comply, and made a variety of excuses, which he spurned at as frivolous, and as evincing the greatest want of humanity. He expressed himself to that effect the next day, in a general order, adding the following stinging words : " The general, therefore, not daring to trust a matter of so much importance to men of so little feeling, has ordered Lieutenant Riker, of Col. Holmes's regiment, to make the attempt. He received the order with the alacrity becoming a gentleman, an officer, and a Christian." This high-minded rebuke, given in so public a manner, rankled in the breasts of those whose conduct had merited it, and insured to Schuyler that persevering hostility with which mean minds revenge the exposure of their meanness. CHAPTER IX. We have endeavored to compress into a suc- cinct account various events of the invasion of Canada, funished to Washington by letters from Schuyler and Arnold. The tidings of the cap- ture of Montreal had given him the liveliest satisfaction. He now looked forward to equal success in the expedition against Quebec. In a letter to Schuyler he passed a high eulogium on Arnold. " The merit of this gentleman is certainly great," writes he, " and I heartily wish that fortune may distinguish him as one of her favorites. I am convinced that he will do every thing that prudence and valor shall suggest to add to the success of our arms, and for reducing Quebec to our possession. Should he not be able to accomplish so desirable a work with the forces he has, I flatter myself that it will be effected when General Mont- gomery joins him, and our conquest of Canada will be complete." Certain passages of Schuyler's letters, how- ever, gave him deep concern, wherein that general complained of the embarrassments and annoyances he had experienced from the insub- ordination of the army. " Habituated to order,'' said he, " I cannot without pain see that dis- regard of discipline, confusion, and inattention, which reign so generally in this quarter, and I am determined to retire. Of this resolution I have advised Congress." He had indeed done so. In communicating to the President of Congress the complaints of General Montgomery, and his intention to re- tire, " my sentiments," said he, " exactly coin- cide with his. I shall, with him, do every thing in my power to put a finishing stroke to the campaign, and make the best arrangement in my power, in order to insure success to the next. This done, I must beg leave to retire." Congress, however, was too well aware of his value, readily to dispense with his services. His letter produced a prompt resolution ex- pressive of their high sense of his attention and perseverance, " which merited the thanks of the United Colonies." He had alleged his impaired health — they regretted the injuries it 196 EXPOSTULATIONS OF WASHINGTON— PATRIOTIC SACRIFICES. [1115. had sustained in the service, but begged he would not insist on a measure " which would deprive America of tlie benefits of his zeal and a])ilities, and rob him of the honor of com- pleting the work he had so happily begun." What, however, produced a greater effect upon Schuyler than any encomium or entreaty on the part of Crongress, were the expostula- tions of Washington, inspired by strong friend- ship and kindred sympatliies. " I am exceed- ingly sorry," writes the latter, " to find you so much embarrassed by the disregard of disci- pline, confusion, and want of order among the troops, as to have occasioned you to mention to Congress an inclination to retire. I know that your complaints are too well founded, but would willingly hope that nothing will induce you to quit the service. * * * * j ]iave met with diflicultics of the same sort, and such as I never expected ; but they must be borne with. The cause we are engaged in is so just and righteous, that we must try to rise superior to every obstacle in its support ; and, therefore, I beg that you will not think of resigning, un- less you have carried your application to Con- gress too far to recede." And in another letter he makes a still stronger appeal to his patriotism. " I am sorry that you, and General Montgomery, incline to quit the service. Let me ask you, sir, when is the time for brave men to exert themselves in the cause of liberty and their country, if this is not ? Shoiild any difiiculties that they may have to encounter at this important crisis deter them? God knows there is not a difficulty that you both very justly complain of, that I have not in an eminent degree experienced, that I am not every day experiencing ; but we must bear up against them, and make the best of mankind, as they are, since we cannot have them as we wish. Let me, therefore, conjure you, and Mr. Montgomery, to lay aside such thoughts — as thoughts injurious to yourselves, and extremely so to your country, which calls aloud for gentlemen of your ability." This noble appeal went straight to the heart of Schuyler, and brought out a magnanimous reply. "I do not hesitate," writes he, "to answer my dear general's question in the affirm- ative, by declaring that now or never is the time for every virtuous American to exert himself in the cause of liberty and his country ; and that it is become a diity cheerfully to sacri- fice the sweets of domestic felicity to attain the honest and glorious end America has in view." In the same letter he reveals in confidence the true cause of his wish to retire from an oflScial station ; it was the annoyance he had suffered throughout the campaign from sec- tional prejudice and jealousy. " I could point out particular persons of rank in the army," writes he, " who have frequently declared that the general commanding in this quarter, ought to be of the colony from whence the majority of the troops came. But it is not from opin- ions or principles of individuals that I liave drawn the following coficlusion : that troops from the colony of Connecticut will not bear with a general from another colony ; it is from the daily and common conversation of all ranks of people from that colony, both in and out of the army, and I assure you that I sincerely lament that people of so much public virtue should be actuated by such an unbecoming jealousy, founded on such a narrow principle." Having made this declaration, he adds, " al- though I frankly own that I feel a resentment, yet I shall continue to sacrifice it to a nobler object, the weal of that country in which I have drawn the breath of life, resolved ever to seek, with unwearied assiduity, for opportunities to fulfil my duty to it." It is with pride we have quoted so frequently the correspondence of these two champions of our Revolution, as it lays open their hearts, and shows the lofty patriotism by which they were animated. A letter from John Adams to General Thomas, alleges as one cause of Schuyler's unpopularity with the eastern troops, the " politeness " shown by him to Canadian and British prisoners; which "enabled them and their ministerial friends to impose upon him." * The "politeness" in fact, was that noble courtesy which a high-minded soldier extends towards a captive foe. If his courtesy was imposed upon, it only proved that, incapable of double-dealing himself, he suspected it not in others. All generous natures are liable to imposition ; their warm impxdses being too quick for selfisL caution. It is the cold, the calculating, and the mean, whose distrustful warines^is never taken in. CHAPTER X. The forming even of the skeleton of an army under the new regulations, had been a work • LcttcT-r.o()k of Gen. Tlioiiias. MS. JEr. -13.] INSUBORDINATION— TIMELY ARRIVAL OF SPOILS IN THE CAMP. 197 of infinite difficulty ; to fill it up was still more difficult. The first burst of revolutionary zeal had passed away ; enthusiasm had been chilled by the inaction and monotony of a long encamp- ment ; an encampment, moreover, destitute of those comforts which, in experienced warfare, are provided by a well-regulated commissariat. The troops had suflfered privations of every kind, want of fuel, clothing,* provisions. Thojr looked forward with dismay to the rigors of winter, and longed for their rustic homes and their family firesides. Apprehending that some of them would in- cline to go home when the time of their enlist- ment expired, "Washington summoned the gen- eral officers at head-quarters, and invited a delegation of the General Court to be present, to adopt measures for the defence and support of the lines. The result of their deliberations was an order that three thousand of the minute men and militia of Massachusetts, and two thousand from New Hampshire, should be at Cambridge by the 10th of December, to relieve f the Connecticut regiments, and supply the de- ficiency that would be caused by their depar- ture, and by the absence of others on furlough. With this arrangement the Connecticut troops were made acquainted, and as the time of most of them would not be out before the 10th, they were ordered to remain in camp until relieved. Their officers assured "Washington that he need apprehend no defection on the part of their men ; they would not leave the lines. The of- ficers themselves were probably mistaken in their opinion of their men, for on the 1st of December, many of the latter, some of whom belonged to Putnam's regiment, resolved to go home immediately. Efforts were made to pre- vent them, but in vain ; several carried off with them their arms and ammunition. "Washington sent a -list of their names to Governor Trum- bull. " I submit it to your judgment," writes he, " whether an example should not be made of these men who have deserted the cause of their country at this critical juncture, when the enemy are receiving reinforcements ? " We anticipate the reply of Governor Trum- bull, received several days subsequently. " The late extraordinary and reprehensible conduct of some of the troops of this colony," writes he, " impresses me, and the minds of many of our people, with great surprise and indignation, since the treatment they met with, and the or- der and request made to them, were so reason- able, and apparently necessary for the defence of our common cause, and safety of our rights and privileges, for which they freely engaged." We will here add, that the homeward-bound warriors seem to have run the gauntlet along the road; for their conduct on quitting the army drew upon them such indignation, that they could hardly get any thing to eat on their journey, and when they arrived at home, they met with such a reception (to the credit of the Connecticut women be it recorded), that many were soon disposed to return again to camp.* On the very day after the departure home- ward of these troops, and while it was feared their example would be contagious, a long, lum- bering train of waggons, laden with ordnance and military stores, and decorated with flags, came wheeling into the camp, escorted by con- tinental troops and country militia. They were part of the cargo of a large brigantine laden with munitions of war, captured and sent in to Cape Ann by the schooner Lee, Captain Manly, one of the cruisers sent out by Washington. "Such universal joy ran through the whole camp," writes an officer, " as if each one grasped a victory in his own hands." Beside the ordnance captured, there were two thousand stand of arms, one hundred thousand flints, thirty thousand round shot, and thirty-two tons of musket balls. " Surely nothing," writes Washington, " ever came more apropos.'''' It was indeed a cheering incident, and was eagerly turned to account. Among the ordnance was a huge brass mortar of a new construction, weighing near three thousand pounds. It was considered a glorious trophy, and there was a resolve to christen it. Mifflin, Washington's secretary, suggested the name. The mortar was fixed in a bed; old Putnam mounted it, dashed on it a bottle of rum, and gave it the name of Congress, The shouts which rent the air were heard in Boston, When the meaning of them Avas explained to the British, they ob- served, that " should their expected reinforce- ments arrive in time, the rebels would pay dear in the spring for all their petty triumphs." With Washington, this transient gleam of nautical success was soon overshadowed by the conduct of the cruisers he had sent to the St. Lawrence, Failing to intercept the brigantines, the objects of their cruise, they landed on the island of St. Johns, plundered the house of the governor and several private dwellings, and ♦ See Letter of Gen. Greene to Samuel "Ward. Am. Arch. 4th Series, vol. iv. 198 INDIGNITIES TO ALLEN— CORRESPONDENCE OF WASHINGTON AND HOWE. [1775. brought oflf three of the principal inhabitants prisoners ; one of whom, Mr. Callbeck, was president of the council, and acted as governor. These gentlemen made a memorial to "Wash- ington of this scandalous maraud. He instantly ordered the restoration of the effects which had been pillaged ; — of his conduct towards the gentlemen personally, we may judge by the fol- lowing note addressed to him by Mr. Callbeck : " I should ill deserve the generous treatment which your Excellency has been pleased to show me, had I not the gratitude to acknowledge so great a favor. I cannot ascribe any part, of it to my own merit, but must impute the whole to the philanthropy and humane disposition that so truly characterize General Washington. Be so obliging, therefore, as to accept the only return in my power, that of my most grateful thanks." * Shortly after the foregoing occurrence, in- formation was received of the indignities which had been heaped upon Colonel Ethan Allen, when captured at Montreal by General Pres- cott, who, himself, was now a prisoner in the hands of the Americans. It touched Washing- ton on a point on which he was most sensitive and tenacious, the treatment of American of- ficers when captured ; and produced the follow- ing letter from him to General Howe : " Sir, — We have just been informed of a cir- cumstance which, were it not so well authen- ticated, I should scarcely think credible. It is that Colonel Allen, who, with his smaE party, was defeated and made prisoner near Montreal, has been treated without regard to decency, humanity, or the rules of war ; that he has been thrown into irons, and suffers all the hardships inflicted upon common felons. " I think it my duty, sir, to demand, and do expect from you, an eclaircisscment on this sub- ject. At the same time, I flatter myself, from the character which Mr. Howe bears as a man of honor, gentleman, and soldier, that my de- mand will meet with his approbation. I must take the liberty, also, of informing you that I shall consider your silence as a confirmation of the report, and further assuring you, that whatever treatment Colonel Allen receives, Avhatever fate he undergoes, such exactly shall be the treatment and fate of Brigadier Prescott, now in our hands. The law of retaliation is not only justifiable in the eyes of God and man, but absolutely a duty, which, in our present ■ Sparks. Washington's Writings, vol. iii., p. 194. | circumstances, we owe to our relations, friends, and fellow-citizens. " Permit me to add, sir, that we have all here the highest regard and reverence for your great personal qualities and attainments, and the Americans in general esteem it as not the least of their misfortunes, that the name of Howe, a name so dear to them, should appear at the head of the catalogue of the instruments em- ployed by a wicked ministry for their destruc- tion." General Howe felt acutely the sorrowful re- proach in the latter part of the letter. It was a reiteration of what had already been express- ed by Congress ; in the present instance it pro- duced irritation, if we may judge from the reply. " SiE, — In answer to your letter, I am to ac- quaint you that my command does not extend to Canada. Not having any accounts wherein the name of AUen is mentioned, I cannot give you the smallest satisfaction upon the subject of your letter. But trusting Major-General Carleton's conduct will never incur censure upon any occasion, I am to conclude in the in- « stance of your inquiry, that he has not for- feited his past pretensions to decency and hu- manity. " It is with regret, considering the character you have always maintained among your friends, as a gentleman of the strictest honor and deli- cacy, that I find cause to resent a sentence in the conclusion of your letter, big with invective agayist my superiors, and insulting to myself, whrch should obstruct any further intercourse between us. I am, sir, &c." In transmitting a copy of his letter to the President of Congress, Washington observed: " My reason for pointing out Brigadier-General Prescott as the object, who is to suflfer for Mr. Allen's fate, is, that by letters from General Schuyler, and copies of letters from General Montgomery to Schuyler, I am given to under- stand that Prescott is the cause of Allen's suf- ferings. I thought it best to be decisive on the occasion, as did the generals whom I consulted thereon." For the sake of continuity we will anticipate a few facts connected with the story of Ethan Allen. Within a few weeks after the preceding correspondence, Washington received a letter from Levi Allen, a brother to the colonel, and of like enterprising and enthusiastic character. It was dated from Salisbury in Connecticut ; and enclosed affidavits of the harsh treatment his brother had experienced, and of his being con- ^T. 43.] LEVI ALLEN— PUTNAM CONSTEUCTING BATTERIES. 199 fined on board of the Gaspee, " with a bar of iAn fixed to one of his legs, and iron to his hands." Levi was bent upon efifecting his deUv- erance, >and the mode proposed was in unison with the bold burwild schemes of the colonel. We quote his crude, but characteristic letter. "Have some thoughts of going to England incognito, after my brother ; but am not posi- tively certain he is sent there, though believe he is. Beg your Excellency will favor me with a line, and acquaint me of any intelligence con- cerning him, and if your Excellency please, your opinion of the expediency of going after him, and whether your Excellency would think proper to advance any money for that purpose, as my brother was a man blessed with more fortitude than fortune. Your Excellency may think, at first thought, I can do nothing by going to England ; I feel as if I could do a great deal, by raising a mob in London, bribing the jailer, or by getting into some servile employ- ment with the jailer, and over-faithfulness make myself master of the key, or at least be able to lay my hand on it some night. I beg your Ex- cellency will countenance my going ; can muster more than one hundred pounds, my own prop- erty ; shall regard spending that no more than one copper. Your Excellency must know Allen was not only a brother, but a real friend that sticketh closer than a brother." In a postscript he adds, " cannot live without going to England, if my brother is sent there." In reply, "Washington intimated a belief that the colonel had been sent to England, but dis- countenanced Levi's wild project of following him thither ; as there was no probability of its success, and he would be running himself into danger without a prospect of rendering service to his brother. The measure of retaliation mentioned in "Washington's letter to Howe, was actually meted out by Congress on the arrival of Gene- ral Prescott in Philadelphia. He was ordered into close confinement in the jail; though not put in irons. He was subsequently released from confinement, on account of ill health, and was treated by some Philadelphia families with unmerited hospitality.* * Thomas Walker, a merchant of Montreal, who, ac- cused of traitorous dealings with the Americans, had been thrown into prison during Prescott's eway, and his coun- try -house burnt down, undertook a journey to Philadelphia in the depth of winter, when he understood the general was a captive there, trusting to obtain satisfaction for his ill-treatment. To his great surprise, he found Mr. Pres- cott lodged in the best tavern of the place, walking or At the time of the foregoing correspondence with Howe, "Washington was earnestly occupied preparing works for the bombardment of Bos- ton, should that measure be resolved upon by Congress. General Putnam, in the preceding month, had taken possession in the night of Cobble Hill without molestation from the ene- my, though a commanding eminence ; and in two days had constructed a work, which, from its strength, was named Putnam's impregnable fortress. He was now engaged on another work on Lechmere Point, to be connected with the w^orks at Cobble Hill, by a bridge thrown across "Willis's Creek, and a covered way. Lechmere Point is immediately opposite the north part of Boston ; and the Scarborough ship-of-war was anchored near it. Putnam availed himself of a dark and foggy day (Dec. 17), to commence operations, and broke ground with tour hundred men, at ten o'clock in the morning, on a hill at the Point. " The mist," says a contemporary account, " was so great as to prevent the enemy from discovering what he was about until near twelve o'clock, when it cleared up, and opened to their view our whole party at the Point, and another at the causeway throwing a bridge over the creek. The Scarborough, anchored oft' the Point, poured in a broadside. The enemy from Boston threw shells. The garrison at Cobble Hill returned fire. Our men were obliged to decamp from the Point, but the work was re- sumed by the brave old general at night." On the next morning, a cannonade from Cob- ble Hill obliged the Scarborough to weigh an- chor, and drop down below the ferry; and General Heath was detached with a party of men to carry on the work which Putnam had commenced. The enemy resumed their fire. Sentinels were placed to give notice of a shot or shell ; the men would crouch down or dodge it, and continue on with their work. The fire ceased in the afternoon, and "Washington visited the hill, accompanied by several oflicers, and inspected the progress of the work. It was to consist of two redoubts, on one of which was to be a mortar battery. There was, as yet, a deficiency of ordnance ; but the prize mortar riding at large through Philadelphia and Bucks counties, feasting with gentlemen of the first rank in the province, and keeping a levee for the reception of the grandees. la consequence of which unaccountable phenomena, and the little prospect of liis obtaining any adequate redress in the present unsettled state of public affairs, Mr. Walker has returned to Montreal. — Am. Archives, ith Series, vol. iv. 1178. 200 PRAYER OF PUTNAM POR POWDER— MOUNT VERNON IN DANGER. [1115, was to be mounted which Putnam had recently christened, " The Congress." From tlie spirit with which the work was carried on, Washing- ton trusted that it would soon be completed, " and then," said he, " if we have powder to sport with, and Congress gives the word, Boston can be bombarded from this point." For several days the labor at the works was continued ; the redoubts were thrown up, and a covered way was constructed, leading down to the bridge. All this was done notwithstand- ing the continual fire of the enemy. The letter of a British officer gives his idea of the efficien- cy of the work. " The rebels for some days past have been erecting a battery on Phipps' Farm. The new constructed mortar taken on board the ordnance brig, we are told, will be mounted upon it, and we expect a warm salute from the shells, an- other part o'f that vessel's cargo ; so that, in spite of her capture, we are likely to be com- plimented with the contents of her lading. " If the rebels can complete their battery, this town will be on fire about our ears a few hours after; all our buildings being of wood, or a mixture of brick and wood-work. Had the rebels erected their battery on the other side of the town, at Dorchester, the admiral and all his booms would have made the first blaze, and the burning of the town would have followed. If we cannot destroy the rebel bat- tery by our guns, we must march out and take it sword in hand." Putnam anticipated great effects from this work, and especially from his grand mortar, " The Congress." Shells there were in abun- dance for a bombardment ; the only thing want- ing was a supply of powder. One of the of- ficers, writing of the unusual mildness of the winter, observes : " Every thing thaws here ex- cept old Put. He is still as hard as ever, crying out for powder — powder — powder. Ye gods, give us powder ! " CHAPTER XI. Amid the various concerns of the war, and the multiplied perplexities of the camp, the thoughts of Washington continually reverted to his home on the banks of the Potomac. A constant correspondence was kept up between him and his agent, Mr. Lund Washington, who had charge of his various estates. The general gave clear and minute directions as to their management, and the agent rendered as clear and minute returns of every thing that had been done in consequence. According to recent accouifts. Mount Vernon had been considered in danger. Lord Dunmore was exercising martial law in the Ancient Do- minion, and it was feared that the favorite abode of the "rebel commander-in-chief" would be marked out for hostility, and that the enemy might land from their ships in the Potomac, and lay it waste. Washington's brother, John Augustine, had entreated Mrs. Washington to leave it. The people of Loudoun had advised her to seek refuge beyond the Blue Ridge, and had offered to send a guard to escort her. She had declined the offer, not considering herself in danger. Lund Washington was equally free from apprehensions on the subject. " Lord Dunmore," writes he, " will hardly himself ven- ture up this river, nor do I believe he will send on that errand. You may depend I will be watchful, and upon the least alarm persuade her to move." Though alive to every thing concerning Mount Vernon, Washington agreed with them in deem- ing it in no present danger of molestation by the enemy. Still he felt for the loneliness of Mrs. Washington's situation, heightened as it must be by anxiety on his own account. On taking command of the army, he had held out a prospect to her that he would rejoin her at home in the autumn ; there was now a proba- bility of his being detained before Boston all winter. He wrote to her, therefore, by express, in November, inviting her to join him at the camp. He at the same time wrote to Lund Washington, engaging his continued services as an agent. This person, though bearing the same name, and probably of the same stock, does not appear to have been in any near degree of relationship, Washington's letter to him gives a jjicture of his domestic policy. " I will engage for the year coming and the year following, if these troubles and my absence continue, that your wages shall be standing and certain at the highest amount that any one year's crop has produced you yet. I do not offer this as any temptation to induce you to go on more cheerfully in prosecuting those schemes of mine. I should do injustice to you were I not to acknowledge that your conduct has ever appeared to me above every thing sor- did ; but I offer it in consideration of the great charge you have upon your hands, and my JEt. 43.] JOURNEY OF MRS. WASHINGTON TO CAMP— AFFAIRS AT HEAD-QUARTERS. 201 entire dependence upon your fidelity and in- dustry. " It is the greatest, indeed it is the only com- fortable reflection I enjoy on this score, tliat my business is in the hands of a person con- cerning whose integrity I have not a doubt, and on whose care I can rely. "Were it not for this, I should feel very unhappy on account of the situation of my affairs. But I am persuaded you will do for me as you would for yourself." The following were his noble directions con- cerning Mount Vernon : " Let the hospitality of the house with respect to the poor be kept up. Let no one go hungry away. If any of this kind of people should be in want of corn, supply their necessaries, pro- vided it does not encourage them to idleness ; and I have no objection to your giving my mo- ney in charity to the amount of forty or fifty pounds a year, when you think it well bestowed. "What I mean by having no objection is, that it is my desir^it should be done. You are to consider that neither myself nor wife, is now in the way to do these good offices." Mrs. "Washington came on with her own car- riage and horses, accompanied by her son, Mr. Custis, and his wife. She travelled by very easy stages, partly on account of the badness of the roads, partly out of regard to the horses, of which Washington was always very careful, and which were generally remarkable for beauty and excellence. Escorts and guards of honor attended her from place to place, and she was detained some time at Philadelphia, by the de- voted attention of the inhabitants. Her arrival at Cambridge was a glad event in the army. Incidental mention is made of the equipage in which she appeared there. A chariot and four, with black postilions in scarlet and white liveries. It has been suggested that this was an English style of equipage, derived from the Fairfaxes ; but in truth it was a style still prevalent at that day in Virginia. It would appear that dinner invitations to head-quarters, were becoming matters of pride and solicitude. " I am much obliged to you," writes Washington to Eeed, " for the hints re- specting the jealousies which you say are gone abroad. I cannot charge myself with incivility, or what in my opinion is tantamount, ceremo- nious civility to gentlemen of this colony ; but if such misconduct appears, I will endeavor at a reformation ; as I can assure you, my dear Reed, that I wish to walk in such a line as will give most general satisfaction. You know that it was my wish at first to invite a certain number to dinner, but unintentionally we somehow or other missed of it. If this has given rise to the jealousy, I can only say that I am very sorry for it ; at the same time I add, that it was rather owing to inattention, or more properly, too much attention to other matters, which caused me to neglect it." And in another letter : " My constant attention to the great and perplexing objects which continually arise to my view, absorbs all lesser considerations ; and, indeed, scarcely allows me to reflect that there is such a body as the General Court of this colony, but when I am reminded of it by a committee ; nor can I upon recollection, discov- er in what instance I have been inattentive to, or slighted them. They could not surely con- ceive that there was a propriety in unbosoming the secrets of the army to them ; that it was necessary to ask their opinion in throwing up an intrenchment or forming a battalion. It must be, therefore, what I before hinted to you ; and how to remedy it I hardly know ; as I am acquainted with few of the members, never go out of my own lines, nor see any of them in them." The presence of Mrs, Washington soon reliev- ed the general from this kind of perplexity. She presided at head-quarters with mingled dignity and affability. We have an anecdote or two of the internal affairs of head-quarters, furnished by the descendant of one who was an occasional inmate there. Washington had prayers morning and even- ing, and was regular in his attendance at the church in which he was a communicant. On one occasion, for want of a clergyman, the Episcopal service was read by Colonel William Palfrey, one of Washington's aides-de-camp ; who substituted a prayer of his own composi- tion in place of the one formerly offered up for the king. Not long after her arrival in camp, Mrs. Washington claimed to keep twelfth-night in due style, as the anniversary of her wedding. " The general," says the same informant, " was somewhat thoughtful, and said he was afraid he must refuse it." His objections were overcome, and twelfth-night and the wedding anniversary were duly celebrated. There seems to have been more conviviality at the quarters of some of the other generals ; their time and minds were less intensely en- grossed by anxious cares, having only their in- 202 GAYETIES IN CAMP— A CAMP BRAWL— THE FERMENT ALLAYED. [1775. dividual departments to attend to. Adjutant- General Mifflin's house appears to have been a gay one. " He was a man of education, ready apprehension, and brilliancy," says Graydon ; " had spent some time in Europe, particularly in France, and was very easy of access, with the manners of genteel life, though occasionally evolving those of the Quaker."* Mrs. Adams gives an account of an evening party at his house. "I was very politely entertained and noticed by the generals," writes she, " more especially General Lee, who was very urgent for me to tarry in town, and dine with him and the ladies present at Hob- goblin Hall ; but I excused myself. The gen- eral was determined that I should not only be acquainted with him, but with his companions too ; and therefore placed a chair before me, into which he ordered Mr, Spada (his dog) to mount, and present his paw to me for a better acquaintance. I could not do otherwise than accept it." t John Adams, likewise, gives us a picture of festivities at head-quarters, where he was a visitant on the recess of Congress. "I dined at Col. Mifflin's with the general (■"Washington) and lady, and a vast collection of other company, among whom were six or seven sachems and warriors of the French Caughnawaga Indians, with their wives and children. A savage feast they made of it ; yet were very polite in the Indian style. I was introduced to them by the general as one of the grand council at Philadelphia, which made them prick up their ears. They came and shook hands with me." J "While giving these familiar scenes and occur- rences at the camp, we are tempted to subjoin one furnished from the manuscript memoir of an eye witness. A large party of Virginia riflemen, who had recently arrived in camp, were strolling about Cambridge, and viewing the collegiate buildings, now turned into bar- racks. Their half-Indian equipments, and fring- ed and ruffled hunting garbs, provoked the merriment of some troops from Marblehead, chiefly fishermen and sailors, who thought noth- ing equal to the round jacket and trowsers. A bantering ensued between them. There was snow upon the ground, and snowballs began to * Graydon'a Memoirs, p. 154. + Letters of Mr. Adams, vol. 1., p. 85. I Adams's Letters, vol. ii., p. 80. Adams adds, that they made him " low bows and scrapes"— a kind of hom- age never paid by an Indian warrior. fly when jokes were wanting. The parties waxed warm with the contest. They closed, and came to blows ; both sides were reinforced, and in a little while at least a thousand were at fisticuffs, and there was a tumult in the camp worthy of the days of Homer. " At this juncture," writes our informant, " "Washington made his appear- ance, whether by accident or design I never knew. I saw none of his aides with him ; his black servant just behind him mounted. He threw the bridle of his own horse into his ser- vant's hands, sprang from his seat, rushed into the thickest of the melee, seized two tall brawny riflemen by the throat, keeping them at arm's- length, talking to and shaking them." As they were from his own province, he may have felt peculiarly responsible for their good conduct ; they were engaged, too, in one of those sectional brawls which were his espe- cial abhorrence ; his reprimand must, there- fore, have been a vehement one. He was com- manding in his serenest moments, but irresist- ible in his bursts of indignation. On the present occasion, we are told, his appearance and strong-handed rebuke put an instant end to the tumult. The combatants dispersed in all directions, and in less than three minutes none remained on the ground but the two he had collared. The veteran who records this exercise of military authority, seems at a loss which most to admire, the simplicity of the process or the vigor with which it was administered. " Here," writes he, " bloodshed, imprisonments, trials by court-martial, revengeful feeling between the different corps of the army, were happily pre- vented by the physical and mefltal energies of a single person, and the only damage resulting from the fierce encounter was, a few torn hunt- ing frocks and round jackets."* CHAPTEK XII. "We again turn from the siege of Boston, to the invasion of Canada, which at that time shared the anxious thoughts of "Washington. His last accounts of the movements of Arnold, left him at Point Levi, opposite to Quebec. ' Something brUliant from that daring officer was antici- * From memoranda written at an advanced age, by tho late Hon. Israel Trask ; who, when but ten years old, was in the camp at Cambridge with his father, who was a lieutenant. ^T. 43.] ARNOLD ON THE HEIGHTS OF ABRAHAM— ALARM IN QUEBEC. 203 pated. It was his intention to cross the river immediately. Had he done so, he might have carried the town by a coup de main; for terror as well as disaffection prevailed among the in- habitants. At Point Levi, however, he was brought to a stand ; not a boat was to be found there. Letters which he had despatched some days previously, by two Indians, to Generals Schuyler and Montgomery, had been carried by his faithless messengers, to Caramhe, the lieu- tenant-governor, who, thus apprised of the im- pending danger, had caused all the boats of Point I^vi to be either removed or destroyed. Arnold was not a man to be disheartened by difBculties. "With great exertions he procured about forty birch canoes from the Canadians and Indians, with forty of the latter to navi- gate them ; but stormy winds arose, and for some days the river was too boisterous for such frail craft. In the mean time the garrison at Quebec was gaining strength. Recruits arrived from Nova Scotia. The veteran Maclean, too, who had been driven from the mouth of the Sorel by the detachment under Brown and Livingston, arrived down the river with his corps of Royal Highland Emigrants, and threw himself into the place. The Lizard frigate, the Hornet sloop-of-war, and two armed schooners were stationed in the river, and guard boats patrolled at night. The prospect of a successful attack upon the place was growing desperate. On the 13th of November, Arnold received intelligence that Montgomery had captured St. Johns. He was instantly roused to emulation. His men, too, were inspirited by the news. The wind had abated : he determined to crbss the river that very night. At a late hour in the evening he embarked with the first divi- sion, principally riflemen. The river was wide ; the current rapid ; the birch canoes, easy to be upset, required skilful management. By four o'clock in the morning, a large part of his force had crossed without being perceived, and landed about a mile and a half above Cape Dia- mond, at Wolfe's Cove, so called from being the landing-place of that gallant commander. Just then a guard boat belonging to the Lizard, came slowly along shore and discovered them. They hailed it, and ordered it to land. Not complying, it was fired into, and three men were killed. The boat instantly pulled for the frigate, giving vociferous alarm. Without waiting the arrival of the residue of his men, for whom the canoes had been de- spatched, Arnold led those who had landed to the foot of the cragged defile, once scaled by the intrepid Wolfe, and scrambled up it in all haste. By daylight he had planted his daring flag on the far-famed Heights of Abraham. Here the main difficulty stared him in the face. A strong line of walls and bastions trav- ersed the promontory from one of its precipi- tous sides to the otlier ; enclosing the upper and lower towns. On the right the great bas- tion of Cape Diamond crowned the rocky height of that name. On the left was the bas- tion of La Potasse, close by the gate of St. Johns opening upon the barracks ; the gate where Wolfe's antagonist, the gallant Montcalm, received his death wound. A council of war was now held. Arnold, who had some knowledge of the place, was for dashing forward at once and storming the gate of St. Johns. Had they done so, they might have been successful. The gate was open and unguarded. Through some blunder and delay, a message from the commander of the Lizard to the lieutenant-governor had not yet been delivered, and no alarm had reached the for- tress. The formidable aspect of the place, however, awed Arnold's assodates in council. They con- sidered that their whole force was but between seven and eight hundred men ; that nearly one- third of their fire-arms had been rendered use- less, and much of their ammunition damaged in their march through the wilderness ; they had no artillery, and the fortress looked too strong to be carried by a couj) de main. Cau- tious counsel is often fatal to a daring enter- prise. While the council of war deliberated, the favorable moment passed away. The lieu- tenant-governor received the tardy message. He hastily assembled the merchants, officers of militia, and captains of merchant vessels. All promised to stand by him ; he had a strong dis- trust, however, of the French part of the pop- ulation and the Canadian militia; his main re- liance was on Colonel Maclean and his Royal Highland Emigrants. The din of arms now resounded through the streets. The cry was up — " The enemy are on the Heights of Abraham ! The gate of St. Johns is open ! " There was an attempt to shut it. The keys were not to be found. It was hastily secured by ropes and handspikes, and the Avails looking upon the heights were soon manned by the military, and thronged by the populace. Arnold paraded his men within a hundred 204 CARLETON IN QUEBEC— WASHINGTON TO ARNOLD— LORD DUNMORE. [1775. yards of the walls, and caused them to give three hearty cheers ; hoping to excite a revolt in the place, or to provoke the scanty garrison to a sally. There were a few scattered cheer- ings in return ; but the taunting bravado failed to produce a sortie; the governor dared not venture beyond the walls with part of his gar- rison, having too little confidence in the loyalty of those who would remain behind. There was some firing on the part of the Americans, but merely as an additional taunt ; they Avere too far off for their musketry to have effect. A large cannon on the ramparts was brought to bear on them, and matches were procured from the Lizard, with which to fire it off. A few shots obliged the Americans to retire and encamp. In the evening Arnold sent a flag, demanding in the name of the United Colonies the sur- render of the place. Some of the disaffected and the faint-hearted were inclined to open the gates, but were held in check by the mastiff loyalty of Maclean. The veteran guarded the gate with his Highlanders ; forbade all com- munication with the besiegers, and fired upon their flag as an ensign of rebellion. Several days elapsed. Arnold's flags of truce were repeatedly insulted, but he saw the futility of resenting it, and attacking the place with his present means. The inhabitants gradually recovered from their alarm, and armed them- selves to defend their property. The sailors and marines proved a valuable addition to the garrison, which now really meditated a sortie. Arnold received information of all this from friends within the walls ; he heard about the same time of the capture of Montreal, and that General Carleton, having escaped from that place, was on his way down to Quebec. He thought at present, therefore, to draw off on the 19th to Point aux Trembles (Aspen-tree Point), twenty miles above Quebec, there to await the arrival of General Montgomery with troops and artillery. As his little army wended its way along the high bank of the river tow- ards its destined encampment, a vessel passed below, which had just touched at Point aux Trembles. On board of it was General Carle- ton, hurrying on to Quebec. It was not long before the distant booming of artillery told of his arrival at his post, where he resvimed a stern command. He was un- popular among the inhabitants; even the British merchants and other men of business, were offended by the coldness of his manners, and his confining his intimacy to the military and the Canadian noblesse. He was aware of his unpopularity, and looked round him with distrust ; his first measure was to turn out of the place all suspected persons, and all who refused to aid in its defence. This caused a great " trooping out of town," but what was lost in numbers was gained in strength. With the loyally disposed who remained, he busied himself in improving the defences. Of the constant anxiety, yet enduring hope, with which Washington watched this hazard- ous enterprise, we have evidence in his various letters. To Arnold, when at Point Levi, baffled in the expectation of finding the means of making a dash upon Quebec, he writes : " It is not in the power of any man to command success, but you have done more, you have deserved it ; and before this time (Dec. 5th), I hope you have met with the laurels which are due to your toils, in the possession of Quebec. " I have no doubt but a junction of your de- tachment with the army under General Mont- gomery, is effected before this. If so, you will put yourself under his command, and wiU, I am persuaded, give him all the assistance in your power, to finish the glorious work you have begun." CHAPTER XIII. In the month of December a vessel had been captured, bearing supplies from Lord Dun- more to the army at Boston. A letter on board, from his lordship to General Howe, in- vited him to transfer the war to the southern colonies; or, at all events, to send reinforce- ments thither; intimating at the same time his plan of proclaiming liberty to indentured servants, negroes, and others appertaining to rebels, and inviting them to join his majesty's troops. In a word, — to inflict upon Virginia the horrors of a servile war. " If this man is not crushed before spring," writes Washington, " he will become the most formidable enemy America has. His strength wiU increase as a snowball. * * * Motives of resentment actuate his conduct to a degree equal to the destruction of the colony." General Lee took the occasion to set forth his own system of policy, which was particu- larly rigid wherever men in authority and tories were concerned. It was the old grudge against ministers and their adherents set on edge. ^T. 43.] LEE'S POLICY— THE ARMY DISBANDING. 205 " Had my opinion been thought worthy of attention," would he say, " Lord Dunmore ■would have been disarmed of his teeth and claws." He would have seized Tryon too, " and all his tories at Few York," and, having struck the stroke, would have applied to Con- gress for approbation. " I propose the following measures," would he add : " To seize every governor, govern- ment man, placeman, tory, and enemy to liberty on the continent, to confiscate their estates ; or at least lay them under heavy contributions for the public. Their persons should be se- cured, in some of the interior towns, as hos- tages for the treatment of those of our party whom the fortune of war shall throw into their hands ; they should be allowed a reasonable pension out of their fortunes for their mainten- ance." * Such was the policy advocated by Lee in his letters and conversation, and he soon had an opportunity of carrying it partly into opera- tion, Rhode Island had for some time past been domineered over by Captain Wallace of the royal navy ; who had stationed himself at Newport with an armed vessel, and obliged the place to furnish him with supplies. Lat- terly he had landed in Conanicut Island, op- posite to Newport, with a number of sailors and marines, plundered and burnt houses, and driven off cattle for the supply of the army. In his exactions and maraudings, he was said to have received countenance from the tory part of the inhabitants. It was now reported that a naval armament was coming from Bos- ton against the island. In this emergency, the governor (Cooke) wrote to "Washington, re- questing military aid, and an efficient officer to put the island in a state of defence, suggesting the name of General Lee for the purpose. Lee undertook the task with alacrity. " I sincerely wish," said Washington, " he may be able to do it with effect ; as that place, in its present state, is an asylum for such as are disaffected to American liberty." Lee set out for Rhode Island with his guard and a party of riflemen, and at Providence was joined by the cadet company of that place, and a number of minute men. Preceded by these, he entered the town of Newport on Christmas day, in military style. While there, he sum- moned before him a number of persons who had supplied the enemy ; some according to a * Lee to Richard Henry Lee. Am. Archives, 4th Series, iv. 248. convention originally made between Wallace and the authorities, others, as it was suspected, through tory feelings. All were obliged by Lee to take a test oath of his own devising, by which they " religiously swore that they would neither directly, nor indirectly, assist the wicked instruments of ministerial tyranny and villainy commonly called the king's troops and navy, by furnishing them with provisions and re- freshments." They swore, moreover, to " de- nounce all traitors before the public authority, and to take arms in defence of American lib- erty, whenever required by Congress or the provincial authority." Two custom-house offi- cers, and another person, who refused to take the oath, were put under guard and sent to Providence. Having laid out works, and given directions for fortifications, Lee returned to camp after an absence of ten days. Some of his proceedings were considered too high- handed, and were disapproved by Congress. Lee made light of legislative censures. " One must not be trammelled by laws in war time," said he ; " in a revolution, all means are legal." Washington approved of his measures. " I have seen General Lee since his expedition," writes he, " ai>d hope Rhode Island will derive some advantage from it. I am told that Cap- tain Wallace's shJps have been supplied for some time by the tev^n of Newport, on certain conditions stipulated between him and the committee. * * * j know not what per- nicious consequences may result from a prece- dent of this sort. Other places, circumstanced as Newport is, may follow the example, and by that means the whole fleet and army will be fur- nished with what it highly concerns us to keep from them. * * * Vigoro'is regulations, and such as at another time would appear ex- traordinary, are now become absoJutely neces- sary for preserving our country against the strides of tyranny, making against it." * December had been throughout a month of severe trial to Washington ; during which he saw his army dropping away piecemeal before his eyes. Homeward every face was turned as soon as the term of enlistment was at an end. Scarce could the disbanding troops be kept a few days in camp until militia could be procured to supply their place. Washington made repeated and animated appeals to their patriotism ; they were almost unheeded. He caused popular and patriotic songs to be sung * "Washington to Gov. Coolje. Sparks, iii. 327. 206 WASHINGTON'S PERPLEXITIES— GLOOMY OPENING OF THE NEW YEAR. [1775. about the camp. They passed by like the idle wind. Home! home! home! throbbed in every heart. "The desire of retiring into a chimney-corner," says Washington reproach- fully, " seized the troops as soon as their terms expired. Can we wonder at it ? They were for the most part yeomanry, unused to military re- straint, and suffering all the hardships of a starvelling camp almost within sight of the smoke of their own firesides. Greene, throughout this trying month, was continually by Washington's side. His letters expressing the same cares and apprehensions, and occasionally in the same language with those of the commander-in-chief, show how completely he was in his councils. He could well sympathize with him in his solicitudes. Some of his own Rhode Island troops were with Arnold in his Canada expedition. Others encamped on Prospect Hill, and whose order and discipline had been his pride, were evinc- ing the prevalent disposition to disband. " They seem to be so sick of this way of life, and so homesick," writes he, " that I fear the greater part of the best troops from our colony will soon go home." To provide against such a contingency, he strengthened his encamp- ment, so that, " if the soldiery should not en- gage as cheerfully as he expected, he might defend it with a less number." * Still he was buoyant and cheerful ; frequently on his white horse about Prospect Hill, ha- ranguing liis men and endeavoring to keep them' in good humor, " This is no time for disgust- ing the soldiery," would he say, " when their aid is so essential to the preservation of the rights of human nature and the liberties of America." He wore the same cheery aspect to the com- mander-in-chief ; or rather he partook of his own hopeful spirit. " I expect," would he say, " the army, notwithstanding all the difficulties we meet with, will be full in about six weeks." It was this loyalty in time of trouble ; this buoyancy under depression, this thorough pa- triotism, which won for him the entire con- fidence of Washington. The thirty-first of December arrived, the crisis of the army ; for with that month ex- pired the last of the old terms of enlistment. " We never have been so weak," writes Greene, " as we shall be to-morrow, when we dismiss Greene to Henry "Ward. the old troops." On this day Washington re- ceived cheering intelligence from Canada. A junction had taken place, a month previously, between Arnold and Montgomery at Point aus Trembles. They were about two thousand strong, and were making every preparation for attacking Quebec. Carleton was said to have with him but about twelve hundred men, the majority of whom were sailors. It was thought that the French would give up Quebec, if they could get the same conditions that were granted to the inhabitants of Montreal.* Thus the year closed upon Washington with a ray of light from Canada, while all v'as doubt around him. On the following morning (January 1st, 1776), his army did not amount to ten thousand men, and was composed of but half -filled regiments. Even in raising this inadequate force, it had been necessary to indulge many of the men with furloughs, that they might visit their families and friends. The expedients resorted to in equipping the army, show the prevailing lack of arms. Those soldiers who retired from service, were obliged to leave their weapons for their successors ; receiving their appraised value. Those who enlisted, were required to bring a gun, or were charged a dollar for the use of one during the campaign. He who brought a blanket was allowed two dollars. It was impossible to furnish uniforms ; the troops, therefore, presented a motley appearance, in garments of divers cuts and colors ; the price of each man's garb being deducted from his pay. The detachments of militia from the neigh- boring provinces which replaced the disband- ing t^^ops, remained but for brief periods ; so that, in despite of every efibrt, the lines were often but feebly manned, and might easily have been forced. The anxiety of Washington, in this critical state of the army, may be judged from his cor- respondence with Eeed. " It is easier to con- ceive than to describe the situation of my mind for some time past, and my feelings under our present circumstances," writes he on the 4th of January. " Search the volumes of history through, and I much question whether a case similar to ours is to be found ; namely, to maintain a post against the power of the British troops for six months together, without pow- der, and then to have one army disbanded and * Letter of Washington to the President of Congress, Dec. 31. wEt. 43.] ANXIOUS VIGILS— MILITARY PREPARATIONS IN BOSTON. 20T another raised within the same distance (mus- ket shot) of a reinforced enemy. "What may be the issue of the last manoeuvre, time only can unfold. I wish this month were well over our head. * * * "VVe are now left with a good deal less than half-raised regiments, and about five thousand militia, who only stand engaged to the middle of this month ; when, according to custom, they will depart, let the necessity of their stay be ever so urgent. Thus, for more than two months past, I have scarcely emerged from one difficulty before I have been plunged in another. How it will end, God, in his great goodness, will direct. I am thankful for his protection to this time. We are told that we shall soon get the army completed, but I have been told so many things which have never come to pass, that I distrust every thing." In a subsequent letter to Mr. Reed, he re- verts to the subject, and pours forth his feel- ings with confiding frankness. "What can be more touching than the picture he draws of himself and his lonely vigils about his sleeping camp ? " The reflection on my situation and that of this army, produces many an unhappy hour, when all around me are Avrapped in sleep. Few people know the predicament we are in on a thousand accounts ; fewer still will be- lieve if any disaster happens to these lines from what cause it flows. I have often thought how much happier I should have been, if, in- stead of accepting the command under such circumstances, I had taken my musket on my shoulder and entered the ranks ; or, if I could have justified the measure to posterity and my own conscience, had retired to the back countiy, and lived in a wigwam. If I shall be able to rise superior to these and many otlier difficulties, which might be enumerated, I shall most religiously believe that the finger of Prov- idence is in it, to blind the eyes of our enemies ; for surely if We get well through this month, it must be for want of their knowing the dis- advantages which we labor under." Recurring to the project of an attack upon Boston, which he had reluctantly abandoned, in deference to the adverse opinions of a coun- cil of war — " Oould .1 have foreseen the diffi- culties which have come upon us ; could I have known that such a backwardness would have been discovered among the old soldiers to the service, all the generals upon earth should not have convinced me of the propriety of delay- ing an attack upon Boston till this time. "When it can now be attempted, I wiH not undertake to say ; but this much I will answer for, that no opportunity can present itself earlier than my wishes." In the midst of his discouragements, "Wash- ington received letters from Knox, showing the spirit and energy with which he was exe- cuting his mission in quest of cannon and ord- nance stores. He had struggled manfully and successfully with all kinds of difficulties from the advanced season, and head winds, in get- ting them from Ticonderoga to the head of Lake George. " Three days ago," writes he, on the 17th of December, " it was very uncertain whether we could get them over until next spring; but now, please God, they shall go. I have made forty-two exceedingly strong sleds, and have provided eighty yoke of oxen to drag them as fiir as Springfield, where I shall get fresh cattle to take them to camp." It was thus that hardships and emergencies were bringing out the merits of the self-made soldiers of the Revolution ; and showing their commander-in-chief on whom he might rely. CHAPTER XIV. Early in the month of January, there was a great stir of preparation in Boston harbor. A fleet of transports were taking in suppKes, and making arrangements for the embarkation of troops. Bomb-ketches and flat-bottomed boats were getting ready for sea, as were two sloops-of-war, which were to convey the arma- ment. Its destination was kept secret ; but was confidently surmised by "Washington. In the preceding month of October, a letter had been laid before Congress, written by some person in London of high credibility, and re- vealing a secret plan of operations said to have been sent out by ministers to the coinmanders in Boston. The following is the purport : Pos- session was to be gained of New York and Al- bany, through the assistance of Governor Try- on, on whose influence with the tory part of the population, much reliance was placed. These cities were to be very strongly garrison- ed. All who did not join the king's forces were to be declared rebels. The Hudson River, and the East River or Sound, were to be com- manded by a number of small men-of-war and cutters, stationed in different parts, so as wholly to cut ofl^ all communication by water between New York and the provinces to the northward 208 LEE'S MILITARY PLANS— OPINION OF ADAMS. [1776. of it; and between New York and Albany, except for the king's service ; and to prevent, also, all communication between the city of New York and the provinces of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and those to the southward of them. " By these means," said the letter, "the administration and their friends fancy they shall soon either starve out or retake the garrisons of Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and open and maintain a safe intercourse and correspondence between Quebec, Albany, and New York ; and thereby offer the fairest op- portunity to their soldiery and the Canadians, in conjunction with the Indians to be procured by Guy Johnson, to make continual irruptions into New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Con- necticut, and so distract and divide the Provincial forces, as to render it easy for the British army at Boston to defeat them, break the spirits of the Massachusetts people, depopulate their country, and compel an absolute subjection to Great Britain." * It was added that a lord, high in the Ameri- can department, had been very particular in his inquiries about the Hudson River ; what sized vessels could get to Albany ; and whether, if batteries were erected in the Highlands, they would not control the navigation of the river, and prevent vessels from going up and down. This information had already excited solici- tude respecting the Hudson, and led to meas- ures for its protection. It was now surmised that the expedition preparing to sail from Bos- ton, and which was to be conducted by Sir Henry Clinton, might be destined to seize upon New York. How was the apprehended blow to be parried ? General Lee, who was just re- turned from his energetic visit to Rhode Island, offered his advice and services in the matter. In a letter to Washington, he urged him to act at once, and on his own responsibility, without awaiting the tardy and doubtful sanction of Congress, for which, in military matters, Lee had but small regard. " New York must be secured," writes he, " but it will never, I am afraid, be secured by due order of the Congress, for obvious reasons. They find themselves awkwardly situated on this head. You must step in to their relief. I am sensible no man can be spared from the lines under present circumstances ; but I would propose that you should detach me into Con- * Am. Archives, 4th Series, iil. 1281. necticut, and lend your name for collecting a body of volunteers. I am assured that I shall find no difficulty in assembling a sufficient number for the purposes wanted. This body in conjunction (if there should appear occasion to summon them) with the Jersey regiment under the command of Lord Stirling, now at Elizabethtown, will effect the security of New York, and the expulsion or suppression of that dangerous banditti of tories, who have appeared on Long Island, with the professed intention of acting against the authority of Congress. Not to crush these serpents before their rattles are grown would be ruinous. " This manoeuvre, I not only think prudent and right, but absolutely necessary to our sal- vation ; and if it meets, as I ardently hope it will, with your approbation, the sooner it is entered upon the better ; the delay of a single day may be fatal." "Washington, while he approved of Lee's military suggestions, was cautious in exercising the extraordinary powers so recently vested in him, and fearful of transcending them. John Adams was at that time in the vicinity of the camp, and he asked his opinion as to the prac- ticability and expediency of the plan, and whether it " might not be regarded as beyond his line." Adams, resolute of spirit, thought the enter- prise might easily be accomplished by the friends of liberty in New York, in connection with the Connecticut people, " who are very ready," said he, " upon such occasions." As to the expediency, he urged the vast im- portance, in the progress of this war, of the city and province of New York, and the Hud- son River, being the nexus of the northern and southern colonies, a kind of key to the whole continent, as it is a passage to Canada, to the Great Lakes, and to all the Indian nations. No effort to secure it ought to be omitted. That it was within the limits of "Washing- ton's command, he considered perfectly clear, he being " vested with full power and author- ity to act as he should think for the good and welfare of the service." If there was a body of people on Long Island, armed to oppose the American system of de- fence, and furnishing supplies to the British army and navy, they were invading Amer- ican liberty as much as those besieged in Boston. If, in the city of New York, a body of tories were waiting only for a force to protect them, ^T. 44.] LEE'S POLICY IN KEGARD TO THE TORIES. 209 to declare themselves on the side of the enemy, it was high time that city was secured.* Thus fortified, as it were, by congressional sanction, through one of its most important members, who pronounced New York as much within his command as Massachusetts ; he gave Lee authority to carry out his plans. He was to raise volunteers in Connecticut ; march at their head to New York ; call in military aid from New Jersey ; put the city and the posts on the Hudson, in a posture of security against surprise ; disarm all persons on Long Island and •elsewhere, inimical to the views of Congress, ")r secure them in some other manner if neces- ary ; and seize upon all medicines, shirts, and blankets, and send them on for the use of the American army. Lee departed on his mission on the 8th of January. On the 16th he was at New Haven, raihng at the indecision of Congress. They had ordered the enlistment of troops for the security of New York. A Connecticut regiment under Colonel "Waterbury had been raised, equipped, and on the point of embarking for Oyster Bay, on Long Island, to attack the tories, who Avere to be attacked on the other side by Lord Stirling, "when suddenly," says Lee, " Colonel Waterbury received an order to dis- band his regiment ; and the tories are to re- main unmolested till they are joined by the king's assassins." Trumbull, the governor of Connecticut, how- ever, " like a man of sense and spirit," had or- dered the regiment to be reassembled, and Lee trusted it would soon be ready to march with him. " I shall send immediately," said he, " an express to the Congress, informing them of my situation, and at the same time, conjuring them not to suffer the accursed Pi-ovincial Congress of New York to defeat measures so absolutely necessary to salvation." Lee's letter to the President of Congress, showed that the instructions dictated by the moderate and considerate spirit of Washington, were not strong enough on some points, to suit his stern military notions. The scheme, simply of disarming the tories, seemed to him totally ineffectual ; it would only embitter their minds, and add virus to their venom. They could and would always be supplied with fresh arms by the enemy. That of seizing the most danger- ous, would, from its vagueness, be attended with some bad consequences, and could answer Adams to Washington, Corr. of Rev., i. 113. 14 no good one. " The plan of explaining to these deluded people the justice of the American cause, is certainly generous and humane," ob- served he ; " but I am afraid will be fruitless. They are so riveted in their opinions, that I am persuaded, should an angel descend from heav- en with his golden trumpet, and ring in their ears that their conduct was criminal, he would be disregarded." Lee's notion of the policy proper in the pres- ent case was, to disarm the disaffected of all classes, supplying our own troops with the arms thus seized ; to appraise their estates, and oblige them to deposit at least one-half the value with the Continental Congress, as a se- curity for good behavior; to administer the strongest oath that could be devised, that they would act oftensively and defensively in support of the common rights ; and finally, to transfer all such as should prove refractory, to some place in the interior, where they would not be dangerous. The people of New York, at all times very ex- citable, were thrown into a panic on hearing that Lee was in Connecticut, on his way to take mili- tary possession of the city. They apprehended his appearance there would provoke an attack from the ships in the harbor. Some, who thought the war about to be brought to their own doors, packed up their effects, and made off into the country with their wives and chil- dren. Others beleaguered the committee of safety with entreaties against the deprecated protection of General Lee. The committee, through Pierre Van Cortlandt, their chairman, addressed a letter to Lee, inquiring into the mo- tives of his coming with an army to New York, and stating the incapacity of the city to act hostilely against the ships of war in port, from deficiency of powder, and a want of military works. For these, and other reasons, they urged the impropriety of provoking hostilities for the present, and the necessity of " saving appearances," with the ships of war, till at least the month of March, when they hoped to be able to face their enemies, with some coun- tenance, " We, therefore," continued the letter, " ar- dently wish to remain in peace for a little time, and doubt not we have assigned suflicient rea- sons for avoiding at present a dilemma, in which the entrance of a large body of troops into the city, will certainly involve us. Should you have such an enti'ance in design, we beg at least the troops may halt on the western confines of 210 HYSTERICAL LETTER— MONTGOMERY BEFORE QUEBEC. [1776. Connecticut, till we have been honored by you with such an explanation on this important sub- ject, as you may conceive your duty may permit you to enter upon with us, the grounds of which, you may easily see, ought to be kept an entire secret." Lee, in reply, dated Stamford, Jan. 23d, dis- claimed all intention of commencing actual hos- tilities against the men-of-war in the harbor ; his instructions from the commander-in-chief being solely to prevent the enemy from taking post in the city, or lodging themselves on Long Island. Some subordinate purposes were like- wise to be executed, which were much more proper to be communicated by word of mouth than by writing. In compliance with the wish- es of the committee, he promised to carry with him into the town just troops enough to secure it against any present designs of the enemy, leaving his main force on the western border of Connecticut. " I give you my word," added he, " that no active service is proposed, as you seem to apprehend. If the ships of war are quiet, I shall be quiet ; but I declare solemnly, that if they make a pretext of my presence to fire on the town, the first house set on flames by their guns shall be the funeral pile of some of their best friends." In a letter to Washington, written on the fol- lowing day, he says of his recruiting success in Connecticut : "I find the people throughout this province, more alive and zealous thanmy most sanguine expectations. I believe I might have collected two thousand volunteers. I take only four companies with me, and Waterbury's regiment. * * * These Connecticutians are, if possible, more eager to go out of their coun- try, than they are to return home, when they have been absent for any considerable time." Speaking of the people of New York, and the letter from their Provincial Congress, which he encloses : "T?he whigs," says he, " I mean the stout ones, are, it is said, very desirous that a body of troops should march and be stationed in the city — the timid ones are averse, merely from the spirit of procrastination, which is the characteristic of timidity. The letter from the Provincial Congress, you will observe, breathes the very essence of this spirit ; it is wofully hysterical." By the by, the threat contained in Lee's reply about a " funeral pile," coming from a soldier of his mettle, was not calculated to soothe the hysterical feelings of the committee of safetv. How he conducted himself on his arrival in the city, we shall relate in a future chapter. CHAPTEE XV. Fkom amid surrounding perplexities, "Wash- ington still turned a hopeful eye to Canada. He expected daily to receive tidings that Mont- gomery and Arnold were within the walls of Quebec, and he had even written to the former to forward as much as could be spared of the large quantities of arms, blankets, clothing, and other military stores, said to be deposited there ; the army before Boston being in great need of such supplies. On the 18th of January came despatches to him from General Schuyler, containing wither- ing tidings. The following is the purport. Montgomery, on the 2d of December, the day after his arrival at Point aux Trembles, set off in face of a driving snow-storm for Quebec, and arrived before it on the 5th. The works, from their great extent, appeared to him inca- pable of being defended by the actual garrison ; made up, as he said, of " Maclean's banditti," the sailors from the frigates and other vessels, together with the citizens obliged to take up arms; most of whom were impatient of the fatigues of a siege, and wished to see matters accommodated amicably. " I propose," added he, " amusing Mr. Carleton vvith a formal at- tack, erecting batteries, &c., but mean to as- sault the works, I believe towards the lower town, which is the weakest part." According to his own account, his whole force did not exceed nine hundred efiective men, three hundred of whom he had brought with him ; the rest he found with Colonel Arnold. The latter he pronounced an exceeding fine corps, inured to fatigue, and weU accustomed to a cannon shot, having served at Cambridge. " There is a style of discipline among them," adds he, " much superior to what I have been used to see in this campaign. He, himself (Ar- nold), is active, intelligent, and enterprising. Fortune often baffles the sanguine expectations of poor mortals. I am not intoxicated with her favors, but I do think there is a fair pros- pect of success. * On the day of his arrival, he sent a flag with a summons to surrender. It was fired upon. * Mo.it^:omcry to Bchiiyler, Dec. 5. ^T. 44.] A SUMMONS TO SURRENDER— PLAN OF AN ESCALADE. 211 and obliged to retire. Exasperated at tLis out- rage, which, it is thought, was committed by the veteran Maclean, Montgomery wrote an in- dignant, reproachful, and even menacing letter to Oarleton, reiterating the demand, magnifying tlie number of his troops, and warning him against the consequences of an assault. Finding it was rejected from the walls, it was conveyed in by a woman, together with letters addressed to the principal naerchants, promising great in- dulgence in case of immediate submission. By Carleton's orders, the messenger was sent to prison for a few days, and then drummed out of town. Montgomery now prepared for an attack. The ground was frozen to a great depth, and covered with snow ; he was scantily provided with intrenching tools, and had only a field train of artillery, and a few mortars. By dint of excessive labor a breastwork was thrown up, four hundred yards distant from the walls, and opposite to the gate of St. Louis, which is nearly in the centre. It was formed of gabions, ranged side by side, and filled with snow, over which water was thrown until thoroughly fro- zen. Here Captain Lamb mounted five light pieces and a howitzer. Several mortars were placed in the suburbs of St. Koque, which ex- tends on the left of the promontory, below the heights, and nearly on a level with the river. From the " Ice Battery " Captain Lamb opened a well-sustained and well-directed fire upon the walls, but his field-pieces were too light to be effective. With his howitzer he threw shells into the town, and set it on fire in several places. For five days and nights the garrison was kept on the alert by the teasing fire of this battery. The object of Montgomery was to harass the town, and increase the dis- satisfaction of the inhabitants. His flag of truce being still fired upon, he caused the In- dians in his camp to shoot arrows into the town, having letters attached to them, addressed to the inhabitants, representing Carleton's refusal to treat, and advising them to i-ise in a body, and compel him. It was all in vain ; whatever might have been the disposition of the inhab- itants, they were completely under the control of the military. On the evening of the fifth day, Montgomery paid a visit to the ice battery. The heavy ar- tillery from the wall had repaid its ineffectual fire with ample usury. The brittle ramparts had been shivered like glass ; several of the guns had been rendered useless. Just as they arrived at the battery, a shot from the fortress dismounted one of the guns, and disabled many of the men. A second shot immediately fol- lowing, was almost as destructive. " This is warm work, sir," said Montgomery to Captain Lamb. " It is indeed, and certainly no place for you, sir." " "Why so, captain ? " " Because there are enough of us here to be killed, with- out the loss of you, which would be irrepara- ble." The general saw the insufficiency of the bat- tery, and, on retiring, gave Captain Lamb per- mission to leave it whenever he thought prop- er. The veteran waited until after dark, when, securing all the guns, he abandoned the ruined redoubt. The general in this visit was attended by Aaron Burr, whom he had appointed his aide-de-camp. Lamb wondered that he should encumber himself with such a boy. The per- fect coolness and self-possession with which the youth mingled in this dangerous scene, and the fire which sparkled in his eye, soon convinced Lamb, according to his own account, that " the young volunteer was no ordinaiy man." * Nearly three weeks had been consumed in these futile operations. The army, ill-clothed and ill-provided, was becoming impatient of the rigors of a Canadian winter ; the term for which part of the troops had enlisted would expire with the year, and they already talked of returning home. Montgomery was sadly conscious of the insufficiency of his means ; still he could not endure the thoughts of retir- ing from before the place without striking a blow. He knew that much was expected from him, in consequence of his late achievements, and that the eyes of the public were fixed upon this Canadian enterprise. He determined, therefore, to attempt to carry the place by es- calade. One-third of his men were to set fire to the houses and stockades of the suburb of St. Eoque, and force the barriers of the lower town ; while the main body should scale the bastion of Cape Diamond. It was a hazardous, almost a desperate pro- ject, yet it has met with the approbation of military men. He calculated upon the devotion and daring spirit of his men, upon the discon- tent which prevailed among the Canadians, and upon the incompetency of the garrison for the defence of such extensive works. In regard to the devotion of his men, he was threatened with disappointmeu!. "When the * Life of John Lamli, p. 125. 212 ATTACK OX THE LOWER TOWN— DEATH OF MONTGOMERY. [1776. plan of assault was submitted to a council of war, three of the captains in Arnold's division, the terms of whose companies were near expir- ing, declined to serve, unless they and their men could be transferred to another command. This almost mutinous movement, it is supposed, was fomented by Arnold's old adversary. Major Brown, and it Avas with infinite difficulty Mont- gomery succeeded in overcoming it. The ladders were now provided for the esca- lade, and Montgomery waited with impatience for a favorable night to put it into execution. Smallpox and desertion had reduced his little army to seven hundred and fifty men. From certain movements of the enemy, it was sur- mised that the deserters had revealed his plan. He changed, therefore, the arrangement. Colo- nel Livingston was to make a false attack on the gate of St. Johns, and set fire to it ; Major Brown, with another detachment, was to men- ace the bastion of Cape Diamond, Arnold, with three hundred a;id fifty of the hardy fel- lows who had followed him through the wilder- ness, strengthened by Captain Lamb and forty of his company, was to assault the suburbs and batteries of St. Eoque ; while Montgomery, with the residue of his forces, was to pass be- low the bastion at Cape Diamond, defile along the river, carry the defences at Drummond's "Wharf, and thus enter the lower town on one side, while Arnold forced his way into it on the other. These movements were all to be made at the same time, on the discharge of signal rockets ; thus distracting the enemy, and calling their attention to four several points. On the 31st of December, at two o'clock in the morning, the troops repaired to their several destinations, under cover of a violent snow- storm. By some accident or mistake, such as is apt to occur in complicated plans of attack, the signal rockets were let oflf" before the lower divisions had time to get to their fighting ground. They were descried by one of Mac- lean's Highland officers, who gave the alai'm. Livingston, also, failed to make the false attack on the gate of St. Johns, which was to have caused a diversion favorable to Arnold's attack on the suburb below. The feint by Major Brown, on the bastion of Cape Diamond, was successful, and con- cealed the march of General Montgomery. That gallant commander descended from the heights to Wolfe's Cove, and led his division along the shore of the St. Lawrence, round the beetlifig promontory of Cape Diamond. The narrow approach to the lower town in that di- rection was traversed by a picket or stockade, defended by Canadian militia; beyond which was a second defence, a kind of block-house, forming a battery of small pieces, manned by Canadian militia, and a few seamen, and com- manded by the captain of a transport. The aim of Montgomery was to come upon these barriers by surprise. The pass which they de- fended is formidable at aU times, having a swift river on one side, and overhanging precipices on the other ; but at this time was rendered pe- culiarly difficult by drifting snow, and by great masses of ice piled on each other at the foot of the cliff's. The troops made their way painfully, in ex- tended and straggling files, along the narrow footway, and over the slippery piles of ice. Among the foremost, were some of the first New York regiment, led on by Captain Cheese- man. Montgomery, who was familiar with them, urged them on. " Forward, men of New York! " cried he. "You are not the men to flinch when your general leads you on ! " In his eagerness, he threw himself far in the ad- vance, with his pioneers and a few officers, and made a dash at the first barrier. The Cana- dians stationed there, taken by surprise, made a few random shots, then threw down their mus- kets and fled. Montgomery sprang forward, aided with his own hand to pluck down the pickets, which the pioneers were sawing, and having made a breach sufficiently wide to admit three or four men abreast, entered sword in hand, followed by his staflP, Captain Cheeseman, and some of his men. The Canadians had fled from the picket to the battery or block-house, but seemed to have carried the panic Avith them, for the battery remained silent. Mont- gomery felt for a moment as if the sui'prise had been complete. He paused in the breach to rally on the troops, who were stumbling along the difficult pass. " Push on, my brave boys," cried he, " Quebec is ours ! " He again dashed forward, but, when within forty paces of the battery, a discharge of grape- shot from a single cannon, made deadly havoc. Montgomery, and McPherson, one of his aides, were killed on the spot. Captain Cheeseman, who was leading on his New Yorkers, received a canister shot through the body ; made an ef- fort to rise and push forward, but fell back a corpse ; with him fell his orderly sergeant and several of his men. This fearful slaughter, and the death of their general, threw every thing ^T. 44.] RETREAT OF COL. CAMPBELL— ARNOLD AND LAMB WOUNDED. 213 in confusion. The officer next in lineal rank to the general, was far in the rear ; in this emergency, Colonel Ganipbell, quartermaster- general, took the command, but, instead of ral- lying the men, and endeavoring to effect the I'unction with Arnold, ordered a retreat, and abandoned the half-won field, leaving behind him the bodies of the slain. While all this was occurring on the side of Cape Diamond, Arnold led his division against the opposite side of the lower town, along the suburb and street of St. Roque. Like Mont- gomery, he took the advance at the head of a forlorn hope of twenty-five men, accompanied by his secretary Oswald, formerly one of his captains at Ticonderoga. Captain Lamb and his artillery company came next, with a field- piece mounted on a sledge. Then came a com- pany with ladders and scaling implements, fol- lowed by Morgan and his riflemen. In the rear of all these came the main body. A battery on a wharf commanded the narrow pass by which they had to advance. This was to be attacked with the field-piece, and then scaled with ladders by the forlorn hope ; while Cap- tain Morgan, with his riflemen, was to pass round the wharf on the ice. The false attack which was to have been made by Livingston on the gate of St. Johns, by way of diversion, had not taken place ; there was nothing, therefore, to call off the attention of the enemy in this quarter from the detachment. The troops, as they straggled along in length- ened file through the drifting snow, were sadly galled by a flanking fire on the right, from walls and pickets. The field-piece at length became so deeply embedded in a snow-drift, that it could not be moved. Lamb sent word to Ar- nold of the impediment ; in the mean time, he and his artillery company were brought to a halt. The company with the scaling ladders would have halted also, having been told to keep in the rear of the artillery ; but they were urged on by Morgan with a thundering oath, who pushed on after them with his riflemen, the artillery company opening to the right and left to let them pass. They arrived in the advance just as Arnold was leading on his forlorn hope to attack the barrier. Before he reached it, a severe wound in the right leg with a musket ball completely disabled him, and he had to be borne from the field. Morgan instantly took the command. Just then Lamb came up with his coApany, armed with muskets and bayonets, having re- ceived orders to abandon the field-piece, and support the advance. Oswald joined him with the forlorn hope. The battery which com- manded the defile mounted two pieces of can- non. There was a discharge of grape-shot when the assailants were close under the muz- zles of the guns, yet but one man was killed. Before there could be a second discharge, the battery was carried by assault, some firing into the embrasures ; others scaling the walls. The captain and thirty of his men were taken pris- oners. The day was just dawning as Morgan led on to attack the second barrier, and his men had to advance under a fire from the town walls on their right, which incessantly thinned their ranks. The second barrier was reached ; they applied their scaling ladders to storm it. The defence was brave and obstinate, but the de- fenders were at length driven from their guns, and the battery was gained. At the last mo- ment one of the gunners ran back, linstock in hand, to give one more' shot. Captain Lamb snapped a fusee at him. It missed fire. The cannon was dischaTged, and a grape-shot wound- ed Lamb in the head, carrying away part of the cheek-bone. He was borne off" senseless, to a neighboring shed. The two barriers being now taken, the way on this side into the lower town seemed open. Morgan prepared to enter it with the victorious ^'anguard; first stationing Captain Dearborn and some provincials at Palace Gate, which opened down into the defile from the upper town. By this time, however, the death of Montgomery and retreat of Campbell, had en- abled the enemy to turn all their attention in this direction. A large detachment sent by General Carleton, sallied out of Palace Gate after Morgan had passed it, surprised and cap- tured Dearborn -and the guard, and completely cut off the advanced party. The main body, informed of the death of Montgomery, and giving up the game as lost, retreated to the camp, leaving behind the field-piece which Lamb's company had abandoned, and the mor- tars in the battery of St. Roque. Morgan and his men were now hemmed in on all sides, and obliged to take refuge in a stone house, from the inveterate fire which assailed them. From the windows of this house they kept up a desperate defence, until cannon were brought to bear upon it. Then, hearing of the death of Montgomery, and seeing that there was no prospect of relief, Morgan and his gal-' 214 GALI^ANT RESOLVE OF ARNOLD— COERESPONDENCE. [1776. lant handful of followers were compelled to surrender themselves prisoners of war. Thus foiled at every point, the wrecks of the little army abandoned their camp, and retreated about three miles from the town ; where they hastily fortified themselves, apprehending a pursuit by the garrison. General Carleton, however, contented himself with having secured the safety of the place, and remained cautiously passive until he should be propei-ly reinforced ; distrusting the good faith of the motley inhab- itants. He is said to have treated the prisoners Avith a humanity the more honorable, considering the " habitual military severity of his temper ; " their heroic daring, displayed in the assault upon the lower town, having excited his admiration. The remains of the gallant Montgomery re- ceived a soldier's grave, within the fortifications of Quebec, by the care of Cramahe, the lieuten- ant-governor, wl)o had formerly known him. Arnold, -U'ounded and disabled, had been as- sisted back to the camp, dragging one foot after the other for nearly a mile, in great agony, and exposed continually to the musketry from the walls at fifty yards' distance, wliich shot down several at his side. He took temporary command of the shattered army, until General "Wooster should arrive from Montreal, to whom he sent an express, urging him to bring on succor. " On this occasion," says a contemporary writer, " he discovered the utmost vigor of a determined mind, and. a ge- nius full of resources. Defeated and wounded, as he was, he put his troops into such a situa- tion as to keep them still formidable." * With a mere handful of men, at one time not exceeding five hundred, he maintained a blockade of the strong fortress from which he had just been repulsed. " I have no thoughts," writes he, " of leaving this proud town until I enter it in triumph. / am in the way of my duty, and I Tcnow no fear ! " t Happy for him had he fallen at this moment. Happy for him had he found a soldier's and a patriot's grave, beneath the rock-built walls of Quebec. Those walls would have remained en- during monuments of his renown. His name, like that of Montgomery, would have been treasured up among the dearest though most mournful recollections of Ms country, and that country would have been spared the single traitorous blot that dims the briglit page of its revolutionary history. * Civil "War in America, vol. i., \.. 112. t Sco Arnold's Letter. Remembrancer, ii. SCS. CHAPTER XVI. Schutlee's letter to Washington, announcing the recent events, was written with manly feeling. " I wish," said he, " I had no occasion to send my dear general this melancholy ac- count. My amiable friend, the gallant Mont- gomery, is no more ; the brave Arnold is wounded ; and we have met with a severe check in an unsuccessful attempt on Quebec. May Heaven be graciously pleased that the misfortune may terminate here ! I tremble for our people in Canada." Alluding to his recent request to retire from the army, he writes : " Our aflfairs are much worse than when I made the request. This is motive suflicient for me to continue to serve my country in any way I can be thought most serviceable ; but my utmost can be but little, weak and indisposed as I am." Washington was deeply moved by the dis- astrous intelligence. " I most sincerely con- dole with you," writes he, in reply to Schuyler, " upon the fall of the brave and worthy Mont- gomery. In the death of this gentleman, Amer- ica has sustained a heavy loss. I am much con- cerned for the intrepid and enterprising Ar- nold, and greatly fear that consequences of the most alarming nature will result from this well- intended, but unfortunate attempt." General Schuyler, who Avas now in Albany, urged the necessity of an immediate reinforce- ment of three thousand men for the army in Canada. Washington had not a man to spare from the army before Boston. He applied, therefore, on his own responsibility, to Massa- chusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, for three regiments, which were granted. His prompt measure received the approbfvtion of Congress, and further reinforcements Avere ordered from the same quarters. Solicitude was awakened about the interior of the province of Ncav York. Arms and am- munition were said to be concealed in Tryon County, and numbers of the tories in that neighborhood preparing for hostilities. Sir John Johnson had fortified Johnson Hall, gathered about him his Scotch Highland ten- ants and Indian allies, and it was rumored he intended to carry fire and sword along the valley of the MohaAvk. Schuyler, in consequence, received orders from Congress to take measures for securing Mr. 44.] CAPITULATION OF SIR JOHN JOHNSON— LEE AT NEW YORK. 215 the military stores, disarming the disafTected, and apprehending their chiefs. He forthwith hastened from Albany, at the head of a body of soldiers ; was joined by Colonel Herkimer, with the militia of Tryon County marshalled forth on the frozen bosom of the Mohawk Eiver, and appeared before Sir John's strong- hold, near Johnstown, on the 19th of Janu- ary. Thus beleaguered. Sir John, after much ne- gotiation, capitulated. He was to surrender aU weapons of war and military stores in his possession, and to give his parole not to take arms against America. On these conditions he was to be at liberty to go as far westward in Tryon County as the German Flats and Kings- land districts, and to every part of the colony to the southward and eastward of these dis- tricts ; pi'ovided he did not go into any seaport town. Sir John intimated a trust that he, and the gentlemen with him, would be pei*mitted to retain such arms as were their own property. The reply was characteristic : " General Schuy- ler's feelings as a gentleman, induce him to consent that Sir John Johnson may retain the few favorite family arms, he making a list of them. General Schuyler never refused a gen- tleman his side-arms." The capitulation being adjusted, Schuyler ordered his troops to be drawn up in line at noon (Jan. 20th), between his quarters and the Court House, to receive the surrender of the Highlanders, enjoining profound silence on his ofBcers and men, when the sui*render should be made. Every thing was conducted with great regard to the feelings of Sir John's Scottish adherents ; they marched to the front, ground- ed their arms, and were dismissed with exhor- tations to good behavior. The conduct of Schuyler, throughout this affair, drew forth a resolution of Congress, ap- plauding him for his fidelity, prudence, and ex- pedition, and the proper temper he had main- tained toward the " deluded people " in ques- tion. Washington, too, congratulated him on his success, " I hope," writes he, " General Lee Avill execute a work of the same kind on Long Island. It is high time to begin with our internal foes, when we are threatened with such severity of chastisement from our kind parent without." The recent reverses in Canada had, in fact, heightened the solicitude of Washington about the province of New York. That province was the central and all-important link in the confederacy ; but he feared it might prove a brittle one. We have already mentioned the adverse influences in operation there. A large number of friends to the crown, among the official and commercial classes ; rank tories (as they were called), in the city and about the neighboring country ; particularly on Long and Staten Islands ; king's ships at anchor in the bay and harbor, keeping up a suspicious inter- course with the citizens ; while Governor Try- on, castled, as it were, on board one of these ships, carried on intrigues with those disaffected to the popular cause, in all parts of the neigh- borhood. County committees had been em- powered by the New York Congress and con- vention, to apprehend all persons notoriously disaffected, to examine into their conduct, and ascertain whether they were guilty of any hos- tile act or machination. Imprisonment or ban- ishment was the penalty. The committees could call upon, the militia to aid in the dis- charge of their functions. Still, disaffection to the cause was said to be rife in the province, and Washington looked to General Lee for effective measures to suppress it. Lee arrived at New York on the 4th of Feb- ruary, his caustic humors sharpened by a severe attack of the gout, which had rendered it ne- cessary, while on the march, to carry him for a considerable part of the way in a litter. His correspondence is a complete mental barometer. " I consider it as a piece of the greatest good fortune," writes he to Washington (Feb. 5th), " that the Congress have detached a committee to this place, otherwise I should have made a most ridiculous figure, besides bringing upon myself the enmity of the whole province. My hands were effectually tied up from taking any step necessary for the public service by the late resolve of 'Congress, putting every detach- ment of the continental forces under the com- mand of the Provincial Congress where such detachment is." By a singular coincidence, on the very day of his arrival Sir Henry Clinton, with the squadron which had sailed so mysteriously from Boston, looked into the harbor, " Though it was Sabbath," says a letter-writer of the day, " it threw the whole city into such a convulsion as it never knew before. Many of the inhabi- tants hastened to move their effects into the country, expecting an immediate conflict. All that day and all night, were there carts going and boats loading, and women and children 216 CLINTON IN THE HARBOR OF NEW YORK— TORIES UNDER DISCIPLINE. [IIIG, crying, and distressed voices heard in the roads in the dead of the night." * Chnton sent for the mayor, and expressed much surprise and concern at the distress caused by his arrival ; which was merely, he said, on a short visit to his friend Tryon, and to see how matters stood. He professed a juve- nile love for the place, and desired that the in- habitants miglit be informed of the purport of his visit, and that he would go away as soon as possible. "He brought no troops with him," writes Lee, " and .pledges his honor that none are coming. He says it is merely a visit to his friend Tryon. If it is really so, it is the most whimsical piece of civility I ever heard of." A gentleman in New York, writing to a friend in Philadelphia, reports one of the gen- eral's characteristic menaces which kept the town in a fever. " Lee says, he will send word on board of the men-of-war, that, if they set a house on fire, he will chain a hundred of their friends by the neck, and make the house their funeral pile." t For this time, the inhabitants of New York were let oif for their fears. Clinton, after a brief visit, continued his mysterious cruise, openly avowing his destination to be North Carolina — which nobody believed, simply be- cause he avowed it. The Duke of Manchester^'' speaking in the House of Lords of the conduct of Clinton, con- trasts it with that of Lord Dunmore, who wrapped Norfolk in flames. "I Avill pass no censure on that noble lord," said he, " but I could wish that he had acted with that gener- ous spirit that forbade Clinton uselessly to de- stroy the town of New York. My lords, Clin- ton visited New York; the inhabitants ex- pected its destruction. Lee appeared before it with an army too powerful to be attacked, and Clinton passed by without doing any wanton damage." The necessity of conferring with committees at every step, was a hard restraint upon a man of Lee's ardent and impatient temper, who had a soldierlike contempt for the men of peace around him ; yet at the outset he bore it better than might have been expected. " The Congress committees, a certain num- ber of the committees of safety, and your humble servan t," writes he to Washington, * Remembrancer, vol. iii. t Am. Archives, 5th Series, iv. 941. " have had two conferences. The result is such as will agreeably surprise you. It is in the first place agreed, and justly, that to fortify the town against shipping is impracticable ; but we are to fortify lodgments on some com- manding part of the city for two thousand men. "We are to erect enclosed batteries on both sides of the water, near Hell Gate, which will an- swer the double purpose of securing the town against piracies through the Sound, and secure our communication with Long Island, now be- come a more important point than ever ; as it is determined to form a strong fortified camp of three thousand men, on the Island, imme- diately opposite to New York. The pass in the Highlands is to be made as respectable as possible, and guarded by a battalion. In short, I think the plan judicious and complete." The pass in the Highlands above alluded to, is that grand defile of the Hudson, where, for upwards of fifteen miles, it wends its deep channel between stern, forest-clad mountains and rocky promontories. Two forts, about six miles distant from each other, and commanding narrow parts of the river at its bends through these Highlands, had been commenced in the preceding autumn, by order of the Continental Congress ; but they were said to be insufficient for the security of that important pass, and were to be extended and strengthened. Washington had charged Lee, in his Instruc- tions, to keep a stern eye upon the tories, who were active in New York " You can seize upon the persons of the principals," said he ; " they must be so notoriously known, that there wiU be little danger of committing mis- takes." Lee acted up to the letter of these in- structions, and weeded out with a vigorous hand, some of the rankest of the growth. This gave great offence to the peace-loving citizens, who insisted that he was arrogating a power vested solely in the civil authority. One of them, well-affected to the cause, writes : " To see the vast number of houses shut up, one would think the city almost evacuated. Wo- men and children are scarcely to be seen in the streets. Troops are daily coming in ; they break open and quarter themselves in any house they find shut." * The enemy, too, regarded his measures with apprehension. " That arch rebel Lee," writes a British oflncer, " has driven all the well-aflFected people from the town of New York. If some- ■ Fred. Rhinelander to Peter Van Schaaok, Feb. 23. JEt, 44.] THE CITY AND RIVER FORTIFIED— LEE'S PLANS OF FORTIFICATION. 217 tiling is not speedily done, his Britannic Maj- esty's American dominions wUl be confined within a very narrow compass." * In the exercise of his mihtary functions, Lee set Governor Tryon and the captain of the Asia at defiance. " They had theatened perdition to the town," writes he to Washington, " if the cannon were removed from the batteries and wharves, but I ever considered their threats as a hrutum Julmen, and even persuaded the town to be of the same way of thinking. We accordingly conveyed them to a place of safety in the middle of the day, and no cannonade ensued. Captain Parker publishes a pleasant reason for his passive conduct. He says that it was manifestly my intention, and that of the New England men under my command, to bring destruction on this town, so hated for their loyal principles, but that he was deter- mined not to indulge us ; so remained quiet out of spite. The people here laugh at his nonsense, and begin to despise the menaces which formerly used to throw them into con- vulsions." Washington appears to have shared the mer- riment. In his reply to Lee, he writes, " I could not avoid laughing at Captain Parker's reasons for not putting his repeated threats into execution," — a proof, by the way, under his own hand, that he could laugh occasionally ; and even when surrounded by perplexities. According to Lee's account, the New Yorkers showed a wonderful alacrity in removing the cannon. " Men and boys of all ages," writes he, " worked with the greatest zeal and pleas- ure. I really believe the generality are as well aifected as any on the continent." Some of the well-afl\3cted, however, thought he was rather too self-willed and high-handed. " Though General Lee has many things to re- commend him as a general," writes one of them, " yet I think he was out of luck when he ordered the removal of the guns from the battery ; as it was withoiit the approbation or knowledge of our Congress." t — Lee seldom waited for the approbation of Congress in mo- ments of exigency. He now proceeded with his plan of defences. A strong redoubt, capable of holding three hundred men, was commenced at Horen's Hook, commanding the pass at Hell Gate, so as to block up from the enemy's ships the pas- sage between the mainland and Long Island. * Am. Archives, v. 425. t Fred. Rhinelander to Peter Van Schaack. A regiment was stationed on the island, mak- ing fascines, and preparing other materials for constructing the works for an intrenched camp, which Lee hoped would render it impossible for the enemy to get a footing there. " What to do with this city," writes he, " I own, puzzles me. It is so encircled with deep navigable water, that whoever commands the sea must command the town. To-morrow I shall begin to dismantle that part of the fort next to the town, to prevent its being converted into a citadel. I shall barrier the principal streets, and, at least, if I cannot make it a continental garrison, it shall be a disputable field of battle." Batteries were to be erected on an eminence behind Trinity Church, to keep the enemy's ships at so great a distance as not to injure the town. King's Bridge, at the upper end of Manhat- tan or New York Island, linking it with the mainland, was pronounced by Lee " a most im- portant pass, without which the city could have no communication with Connecticut." It was, therefore, to be made as strong as possible. Heavy cannon were to be sent up to the forts in the Highlands ; which were to be en- larged and strengthened. In the midst of his schemes, Lee received orders from Congress to the command in Canada, vacant by the death of Montgomery. He bewailed the defenceless condition of the city ; the Continental Congress, as he said, not having, as yet, taken the least step for its se- curity. " The instant I leave it," said he, " I conclude the Provincial Congress, and inhabi- tants in general, will relapse into their former hysterics. The men-of-war and Mr. Tryon will return to their old station at the wharves, and the first regiments who arrive from Eng- land will take quiet possession of the town and Long Island." It must be observed that, in consequence of his military demonstrations in the city, the enemy's ships had drawn ofi" and dropped down the bay ; and he had taken vigorous measures, without consulting the committees, to put an end to the practice of supplying them with provisions. " Governor Tryon and the Asia," writes he to Washington, " continue between Nutten and Bedlow's Islands. It has pleased his Ex- cellency, in violation of the compact he has made, to seize several vessels from Jersey ladei^ with flour. It has, in return, pleased my Ex- cellency to stop all provisions from the city, 218 AFFAIRS BEFORE BOSTON— EXPLOIT OF PUTNAM— ITS CONSEQUENCES. [1116. and cut off all intercourse with liim,— a meas- ure which has thrown the mayor, council, and tories into agonies. The propensity, or rather rage, for paying court to this great man, is in- conceivable. They cannot be weaned from him. We must put Avormwood on his paps, or they will cry to suck, as they are in their second childhood." We would observe, in explanation of a sar- casm in the above quoted letter, that Lee pro- fessed a great contempt for the titles of respect which it was the custom to prefix to the names of men in oflBce or command. He scoffed at them, as unworthy of " a great, free, manly, equal commonwealth." " For my own part," said he, " I would as lief they would put rats- bane in my mouth, as the Excellency with which I am daily crammed. How much more true dignity was there in the simplicity of ad- dress among the Eomans : Marcus Tullius Cicero, Decius Bruto Imperatori, or Oaio Mar- cello Oonsuli, than to ' His Excellency Major- General Noodle,' or to the ' Honorable John Doodle.' " CHAPTER XVII. The siege of Boston continued through the winter, without any striking incident to en- liven its monotony. The British remained within their works, leaving the beleaguering army slowly to augment its forces. The coun- try was dissatisfied with the inaction of the latter. Even Congress was anxious for some successful blow that might revive popular en- thusiasm. Washington shared this anxiety, and had repeatedly, in councils of war, sug- gested an attack upon the town, but had found a majority of his general officers opposed to it. He had hoped some favorable opportunity would present, when, the harbor being frozen, the troops might approach the town upon the ice. The winter, however, though severe at first, proved a mild one, and the bay continued open. General Putnam, in the mean time, having completed the new works at Lechmere Point, and being desirous of keeping up the spirit of his men, resolved to treat them to an exploit. Accordingly, from his " impregnable fortress " of Cobble Hill, he detached a party of about two hundred, under his favorite offi- cer, Major Knowlton, to surprise and capture a British guard stationed at Charlestown. It was a daring enterprise, and executed with spirit. As Charlestown Neck was completely protected, Knowlton led his men across the miU-dam, round the base of the hill, and im- mediately below the fort ; set fire to the guard-house and some buildings in its vicinity ; made several prisoners, and retired without loss ; although thundered upon by the cannon of the fort. The exploit was attended by a dramatic effect on which Putnam had not cal- culated. The British officers, early in the winter, had fitted up a theatre, which was well attended by the troops and tories. On the evening in question, an afterpiece was to be performed, entitled " The Blockade of Bos- ton," intended as a burlesque on the patriot army which was beleaguering it. Washington is said to have been represented in it as an awkward lout, equipped with a huge wig, and a long rusty sword, attended by a country booby as orderly sergeant, in rustic garb, with an old firelock seven or eight feet long. The theatre was crowded, especially by the military. The first piece was over, and the curtain was rising for the farce, when a ser- geant made his appearance, and announced that " the alarm guns were firing at Charles- town, and the Yankees attacking Bunker's Hill." At first this Avas supposed to be a part of the entertainment, until General Howe gave the word, " Officers, to your alarm posts." Great confusion ensued ; every one scrambled out of the theatre as fast as possible. There was, as usual, some shrieking and fainting of ladies ; and the farce of " The Blockade of Boston " had a more serious than comic ter- mination. The London Chronicle, in a sneering com- ment on Boston affairs, gave Burgoyne as the author of this burlesque afterpiece, though per- haps unjustly. " General Burgoyne has opened a theatrical campaign, of which himself is sole manager, being determined to act with the Provincials on the defensive only. Tom Thumb has been already represented ; while, on the other hand, the Provincials are preparing to exhibit early in the spring, ' Measure for Meas- ure.' " The British officers, like all soldiers by pro- fession, endeavored to while away the time by every amusement within their reach ; but, in truth, the condition of the besieged town was daily becoming more and more distressing. The inhabitants were without flour, pulse, or vegetables ; the troops were nearly as destitute. There was a lack of fuel, too, as well as food. ^T. 44.] WASHINGTON'S PERPLEXITIES— HIS BOLD PROPOSITION. 219 The smallpox broke out, and it was necessary to inoculate the army. Men, women, and chil- dren either left the city voluntarily, or were sent out of it ; yet the distress increased. Sev- eral houses were broken open and plundered ; others were demolished by the soldiery for fuel. General Howe resorted to the sternest measures to put a stop to these excesses. The provost was ordered to go the rouixls with the hangman, and hang up the first man he should detect in the fact, without waiting for further proof for trial. Offenders were punished with four hundred, six hundred, and even one thou- sand lashes. The wife of a private soldier, convicted of receiving stolen goods, was sen- tenced to one hundred lashes on her bare back, at the cart's tail, in different parts of the town, and an imprisonment of three months. ileanwhile, Washington was incessantly goad- ed by the impatient murmurs of the public, as we may judge by his letters to Mr. Eeed. " I know the integrity of my own heart," writes he, on the 10th of February; "but to declare it, unless to a friend, may be an argument of vanity. I know the unhappy predicament I stand in ; I know that much is expected of me ; I know that, without men, without arms, with- out ammunition, without any thing fit for the accommodation of a soldier, little is to be done ; and, what is mortifying, I know that I cannot stand justified to the world without exposing my own weakness, and injuring the cause, by declaring my wants ; which I am determined not to do, further than unavoidable necessity brings every man acquainted with them. " My own situation is so irksome to me at times, that, if I did not consult the public good more than my own tranquillity, I should long ere this have put every thing on the cast of a die. So far from my having an army of twenty thousand men, well armed, I have been here with less than one-half of that number, includ- ing sick, furloughed, and on command ; and those neither armed nor clothed as they should be. In short, my situation has been such, that I have been obliged to use art, to conceal it from my own officers." How precious are those letters ! And how fortunate that the absence of Mr. Reed from camp, should have procured for us such confi- dential outpourings of Washington's heart at this time of its great trial. He still adhered to his opinion in favor of an attempt upon the town. He was aware that it would be attended with considerable loss, but believed it would be successful if the men should behave well. Within a few days after the date of this letter, the bay became sufficiently frozen for the transportation of troops. " This," wi-ites he to Reed, " I thought, knowing the ice would not last, a favorable opportunity to make an assault upon the troops in town. I proposed it in council ; but behold, though we had been waiting all the year for this favorable event, the enterprise was thought too dangerous. Perhaps it was ; perhaps the irksomeness of my situation led me to under- take more than could be warranted by pru- dence. I did not think so, and I am sure yet that the enterprise, if it had been undertaken with resolution, must have succeeded ; without it, any would fail." His proposition was too bold for the field- officers assembled in council (Feb. 16th), who objected that there was not force, nor arms and ammunition sufficient in camp for such an attempt. Washington acquiesced in the de- cision, it being almost unanimous ; yet he felt the irksomeness of his situation. " To have the eyes of the whole continent," said he, " fixed with anxious expectation of hearing of some great event, and to be restrained in every military operation for want of the necessary means of carrying it on, is not very pleasing, especially as the means used to conceal my weakness from the enemy, conceal it also from our friends, and add to their wonder." In the council of war above mentioned, a cannonade and bombardment were considered advisable, as soon as there should be a suSi- ciency of powder ; in the mean time, prepara- tions might be made for taking possession of Dorchester Heights, and Noddle's Island. At length the camp was rejoiced by the arrival of Colonel Knox, with his long train of sledges drawn by oxen, bringing more than fifty cannon, mortars, and howitzers, beside supplies of lead and flints. The zeal and per- severance which he had displayed in his wintry expedition across frozen lakes and snowy wastes, and the intelligence with which he had fulfilled his instructions, won him the entire confidence of Washington. His conduct in this enterprise was but an earnest of that energy and ability which he displayed throughout the war. Further ammunition being received from the royal arsenal at New York, and other quarters, and a reinforcement of ten regiments of militia, Washington no longer met with opposition to his warlike measures. Lechmere Point, which 220 PREPARATIONS TO SEIZE DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. [1776. Putnam had fortified, v&s immediately to be supplied with mortars and heavy cannon, so as to command Boston on the north ; and Dor- chester Heights, on the south of the town, were forthwith to be taken possession of. " If any thing," said Washington, " will induce the enemy to hazard an engagement, it will be our attempting to fortify those heights, as, in that event taking place, we shall be able to command a great part of the town, and almost the whole harbor." Their possession, moreover, would enable him to push his works to Nook's Bill, and other points opposite Boston, whence a cannonade and bombardment must drive the enemy from the city. The council of Massachusetts, at his request, ordered the militia of the towns contiguous to Dorchester and Eoxbury, to hold themselves in readiness to repair to the lines at those places with arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, on receiving a preconcerted signal. Washington felt painfully aware how much depended upon the success of this attempt. There was a cloud of gloom and distrust lower- ing upon the public mind. Danger threatened on the north and on the south. Montgomery had fallen before the walls of Quebec. The army in Canada was shattered. Tryon and the tories were plotting mischief in New York. Dunmore was harassing the lower part of Vir- ginia, and Clinton and his fleet were prowling along the coast, on a secret errand of mischief. Washington's general orders evince the solemn and anxious state of his feelings. In those of the 26th of February, he forbade all playing at cards and other games of chance. " At this time of public distress," writes he, " men may find enough to do in the service of God and their country, without abandoning themselves to vice and immorality. * * * * It is a noble cause we are engaged in ; it is the cause of virtue and mankind ; every advantage and comfort to us and our posterity depend upon the vigor of our exertions ; in short, free- dom or slavery must be the result of our con- duct ; there can, therefore, be no greater in- ducement to men to behave well. But it may not be amiss to the troops to know, that if any man in action shall presume to skulk, hide himself, or retreat from the enemy without the orders of his commanding oflicer, he will be instantly shot down as an example of coward- ice ; cowards having too frequently discon- certed the best formed troops by their dastardly behavior." In the general plan it was concerted, that, should the enemy detach a large force to dis- lodge our men from Dorchester Heights, as had been done in the affair of Bunker's Hill, an attack upon the opposite side of the town should forthwith be made by General Putnam. For this purpose he was to have four thousand picked men in readiness, in two divisions, under Generals Sullivan and Greene. At a concerted signal from Eoxbury, they were to embark in boats near the mouth of Charles Kiver, cross xmder cover of the fire of three floating batter- ies, land in two places in Boston, secure its strong posts, force the gates and works at the Neck, and let in the Eoxbury troops. CHAPTEE XVIII. The evening of Monday, the 4th of March, was fixed upon for the occupation of Dor- chester Heights. The ground was frozen too hard to be easily intrenched ; fascines, there- fore, and gabions, and bundles of screwed hay, were collected during the two preceding nights, with which to form breastworks and redoubts. During these two busy nights the enemy's bat- teries were cannonaded and bombarded from opposite points, to occupy their attention, and prevent their noticing these preparations. They replied with spirit, and the incessant roar of artillery thus kept up, covered completely the rumbling of waggons and ordnance. How little the enemy were aware of what was impending, we may gather from the fol- lowing extract of a letter from an officer of dis- tinction in the British army in Boston to his friend in London, dated on the 3d of March : " For these last six weeks or near two months, we have been better amused than could possibly be expected in our situation. We had a theatre, we had balls, and there is actually a subscription on foot for a masquerade. England seems to have forgot us, and we have endeavored to forget ourselves. But we were roused to a sense of our situation last night, in a manner unpleasant enough. The rebels have been for some time past erecting a bomb bat- tery, and last night began to play upon us. Two shells fell not far from me. One fell upon Col- onel Monckton's house, but luckily did not burst until it had crossed the street. Many houses were damaged, but no lives lost. The rebel anny," adds he, " is not brave, I believe, JEt. 44.] THE AFFAIR OF DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. 221 but it is agreed on all hands that their artillery officers are at least equal to ours." * The wife of John Adams, who resided in the vicinity of the American camp, and knew that a general action was meditated, expresses in a letter to her husband the feelings of a patriot woman during the suspense of these nights. " I have been in a constant state of anxiety, since you left me," writes she on Saturday. " It has been said to-morrow, and to-morrow for this month, and when the dreadful to-mor- row will be, I know not. But hark ! The house this instant shakes with the roar of cannon. I have been to the door, and find it is a cannonade from our army. Orders, I find, are come, for all the remaining militia to repair to the lines Monday night, by twelve o'clock. No sleep for me to-night." On Sunday the letter is resumed. " I went to bed after twelve, but got no rest ; the can- non continued firing, and my heart kept pace with them all night. We have had a pretty quiet day, but what to-morrow will bring forth, God only knows." On Monday, the appointed evening, she con- tinues : "I have just returned from Penn's Hill, where I have been sitting to hear the amazing roar of cannon, and from whence I could see every shell which was thrown. The sound, I think, is one of the grandest in nature, and is of the true species of the sublime. 'Tis now an incessant roar ; but oh, the fatal ideas which are connected with the sound! How many of our dear countrymen must fall ! " I went to bed about twelve, and rose again a little after one. I could no more sleep than if I had been in the engagement ; the rattling of the windows, the jar of the house, the con- tinual roar of twenty-four pounders, and the bursting of shells, give us such ideas, and realize a scene to us of which we could scarcely form any conception. I hope to give you joy of Boston, even if it is in ruins, before I send this away." On the Monday evening thus graphically de- scribed, as soon as the firing commenced, the detachment under General Thomas set out on its cautious and secret march from the lines of Eoxbury and Dorchester. Every thing was conducted as regularly and quietly as possible. A covering party of eight hundred men pre- ceded the carts with the intrenching tools ; then came General Thomas with the working Am. Archives, 4th Series, v. 425. party, twelve hundred strong, followed by a train of three hundred waggons, laden with fascines, gabions, and hay screwed into bundles of seven or eight hundred weight. A great number of such bundles were ranged in a line along Dorchester Neck on the side next the enemy, to protect the troops, while passing, from being raked by the fire of the enemy. Fortunately, although the moon, as "Washing- ton writes, was shining in its full lustre, the flash and roar of cannonry from opposite points, and the bursting of bombshells high in the air, so engaged and diverted the attention of the enemy, that the detachment reached the heights about eight o'clock, without being heard or perceived. The covering party then divided ; one-half proceeded to the point nearest Boston, the other to the one nearest to Castle Williams. The working party commenced to fortify, under the directions of Gridley, the veteran engineer, who had planned the works on Bunker's Hill. It was severe labor, for the earth was frozen eighteen inches deep ; but the men worked with more than their usual spirit ; for the eye of the commander-in-chief was upon them. Though not called there by his duties, Wash- ington could not be absent from this eventful operation. An eloquent orator has imagined his situation — "All around him intense move- ment ; while nothing was to be heard excepting the tread of busy feet, and the dull sound of the mattock upon the frozen soil. Beneath him the slumbering batteries of the castle ; the roadsteads and harbor filled with the vessels of the royal fleet, motionless, except as they swung round at their moorings at the turn of the midnight tide ; the beleaguered city occu- pied with a powerful army, and a considerable non-combatant population, startled into un- natural vigilance by the incessant and destruc- tive cannonade, yet unobservant of the great operations in progress so near them ; the sur- rounding country, dotted with a hundred rural settlements, roused from the deep sleep of a New England village, by the unwonted glare and tumult." * The same plastic fancy suggests the crowd of visions, phantoms of the past, which may have passed through Washington's mind, on this night of feverish excitement. " His early training in the wilderness ; his escape from drowning, and the deadly rifle of the savage in the perilous mission to Venango ; the shower * Oration of the Hod. Edward Everett at Dorchester, July 4th, 1855. 222 THE AFFAIR OF DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. [1116. of iron hail througli which he rode unharmed on Braddock's field ; the early stages of the great conflict now brought to its crisis, and still more solemnly, the possibilities of the future for him- self and for America — the ruin of the patriot cause if he failed at the outset ; the triumphant consolidation of the Eevolution if he prevailed." The labors of the nigl^t were carried on by the Americans with their usual activity and address. "When a relief party arrived at four o'clock in the morning, two forts were in suffi- cient forwardness to furnish protection against small-arms and grape-shot ; and such use was made of the fascines and bundles of screwed hay, that, at dawn, a formidable-looking for- tress frowned along the height. "We have the testimony of a British officer already quoted, for the fact. " This morning at daybreak we discovered two redoubts on Dorchester Point, and two smaller ones on their flanks. They were all raised during the last night, with an expedition equal to that of the genii belonging to Aladdin's wonderful lamp. From these hills they command the whole town, so that we must drive them from their post, or desert the place." Howe gazed at the mushroom fortress with astonishment, as it loomed indistinctly, but grandly, through a morning fog. " The rebels," exclaimed he, " have done more work in one night, than my whole army would have done in one month." Washington had watched, with intense anx- iety, the effect of the revelation at daybreak. " When the enemy first discovered our works in the morning," writes he, " they seemed to be in great confusion, and from their move- ments, to intend an attack." An American, who was on Dorchester Heights, gives a picture of the scene. A tre- mendous cannonade was commenced from the forts in Boston, and the shipping in the harbor. " Cannon shot," writes he, " are continually rolling and rebounding over the hill, and it is astonishing to observe how little our soldiers are terrified by them. The royal troops are perceived to be in motion, as if embarking to pass the harbor and land on Dorchester shore, to attack our works. The hills and elevations in this vicinity are covered with spectators, to witness deeds of horror in the expected conflict. His Excellency, General Washington, is pres- ent, animating and encouraging the soldiers, and they in return manifest their joy ; and ex- press a warm desire for the approach of the enemy ; each man knows his own place. Our breastworks are strengthened, and among the means of defence are a great number of barrels, filled with stones and sand, and arranged in front of our works, which are to be put in motion, and made to roll down the hill, to break the legs of the assailants as they advance." General Thomas was reinforced with two thou- sand men. Old Putnam stood ready to make a descent upon the north side of the town, with his four thousand picked men, as soon as the heights on the south should be assailed : " All the forenoon," says the American above cited, " we were in momentary expectation of wit- nessing an awful scene ,• nothing less than the carnage of Breed's Hill battle was expected." As Washington rode about 'the heights, he reminded the troops that it was the 5th of March, the anniversary of the Boston massacre, and called on them to revenge the slaughter of their brethren. They answered him with shouts. " Our officers and men," writes he, " appeared impatient for the appeal. The event I think must have been fortunate ; nothing less than success and victory on our side." Howe, in the mean time, was perplexed be- tween his pride and the hazards of his position. In his letters to the ministry, he had scouted the idea of " being in danger from the rebels." He had " hoped they would attack him." Ap- parently, they were about to fulfil his hopes, and with formidable advantages of position. He must dislodge them from Dorchester Heights, or evacuate Boston. The latter was an alterna- tive too mortifying to be readily adopted. He resolved on an attack, but it was to be a night one. " A body of light infantry, under the com- mand of Major Mulgrave, and a body of gren- adiers, are to embark to-night at seven," writes the gay British officer already quoted. " I think it likely to be a general affair. Adieu balls, masquerades, &c., for this may be looked upon as the opening of the campaign." In the evening the British began to move. Lord Percy was to lead the attack. Twenty- five hundred men were embarked in transports, which were to convey thera to the rendezvous at Castle Williams. A violent storm set in from the east. The transports could not reach their place of destination. The men-of-war could not cover and support them. A furious surf beat on the shore where the boats would have to land. The attack was consequently postponed until the following day. Mt. 44.] THE AFFAIR OF DORCHESTER HEIGHTS— BOSTON PILLAGED. That day was equally unpropitious. The storm continued, with torrents of rain. The attack was again postponed. In the mean time, the Americans went on strengthening their works ; hy the time the storm subsided. Gen- eral Howe deemed them too strong to be easily carried ; the attempt, therefore, was relinquish- ed altogether. What was to be done ? The shells thrown from the heights into the town, proved that it was no longer tenable. The fleet was equally exposed. Admiral Shuldham, the successor to Graves, assured Howe that if the Americans maintained possession of the heights, his ships could not remain va. the harbor. It was deter- mined, therefore, in a council of war, to evac- uate the place as soon as possible. But now came on a humiliating perplexity. The troops, in embarking, would be exposed to a destruc- tive fire. How was this to be prevented ? Genei'al Howe's pride would not suifer him to maflce capitulations ; he endeavored to work on the fears of the Bostonians, by hinting that if his troops were molested while embarking, he might be obliged to cover their retreat, by setting fire to the town. The hint had its eifect. Several of the principal inhabitants communicated with him through the medium of General Robertson. The result of the negotiation was, that a paper was concocted and signed by several of the " select men " of Boston, stating the fears they had entertained of the destruction of the place, but that those fears had been quieted by Gen- eral Howe's declaration that it should remain uninjured, provided his troops were unmolested while embarking ; the select men, therefore, begged " some assurances that so dreadful a calamity might not be brought on, by any measures from without." This paper was sent out from Boston, on the evening of the 8th, with a flag of truce, which bore it to the American lines at Roxbury. There it was received by Colonel Learned, and carried by him to head-quarters. Washington consulted with- such of the general officers as he could immediately assemble. The paper was not addressed to him, nor to any one else. It was not authenticated by the signature of General Howe ; nor was there any other act obliging that commander to fulfil the promise asserted to have been made by him. It was deemed proper, therefore, that Washington should give no answer to the paper ; but that Colonel Learned should signify in a letter, his having laid it before the commander-in-chief, and the reasons assigned for not answering it. With this uncompromising letter, the flag re- turned to Boston. The Americans suspended their fire, but continued to fortify their positions. On the night of the 9th, a detachment was sent to plant a battery on Nook's Hill, an eminence at Dorchester, which lies nearest to Boston Neck. A fire kindled behind the hill, revealed the project. It provoked a cannonade from the British, which was returned with .interest from Cobble Hill, Lechmere Point, Cambridge, and Roxbury. The roar of cannonry and burst- ing of bombshells prevailed from half after eight at night, until six in the morning. It was another night of terror to the people of Boston ; but the Americans had to desist, for the present, from the attempt to fortify Nook's Hill. Among the accidents of the bombard- ment, was the bursting of Putnam's vaunted mortar, " the Congress." Daily preparations were now made by the enemy for departure. By proclamation, the inhabitants were ordered to deliver up all linen and woollen goods, and all other goods, that, in possession of the rebels, would aid them in carrying on the war, Crean Bush, a New York tory, was authorized to take possession of such goods, and put them on board of two of the transports. Under cover of his commission, he and his myrmidons broke open stores, and stripped them of their • contents. Marauding gangs from the fleet and army followed their example, and extended their depredations to private houses. On the 14th, Howe, in a gen- eral order, declared that the first soldier caught plundering should be hanged on the spot. Still on the 16th houses were broken open, goods destroyed, and furniture defaced by the troops. Some of the furniture, it is true, belonged to the officers, and was destroyed because they could neither sell it nor carry it away. The letter of a British officer gives a lively picture of the hurried preparations for retreat. " Our not being burdened with provisions, per- mitted us to save some stores and ammunition, the light field-pieces, and such things as were most convenient of carriage. The rest, I am sorry to say, we were obliged to leave behind ; such of the guns as by dismounting we could throw into the sea, was so done. The carriages were disabled, and every precaution taken that our circumstances would permit ; for our re- treat was by agreement. The people of the town who were friends to government, took 224 EMBAKKATION OF THE BRITISH TROOPS. [1776. care of nothing but their merchandise, and found means to employ the men belonging to the transports in embarking their goods, so that several of the vessels were entirely filled with private property, instead of the king's stores. By some unavoidable accident, the medicines, surgeons' chests, instruments, and necessaries, ^ye^e left in the hospital. The confusion unavoidable to such a disaster, will make you conceive how much must be forgot, where every man had a private concern. The necessary care and distress of the women, chil- dren, sick, and wounded, required every assist- ance that could be given. It was not like breaking up a camp, where every man knows his duty ; it was like departing your country with your wives, your servants, your house- hold furniture, and all your incumbrances. The officers, who felt the disgrace of their retreat, did their utmost to keep up appearances. The men, who thought they were changing for the better, strove to take advantage of the present times, and were kept from plunder and drink with difficulty." * For some days the embarkation of the troops was delayed by adverse winds. Washington, who was imperfectly informed of affairs in Bos- ton, feared that the movements there might be a feint. Determined to bring things to a crisis, he detached a force to Nook's Hill on Saturday, the IGth, which threw up a breastwork in the night, regardless of the cannonading of the enemy. This commanded Boston Neck and the south part of the town, and a deserter brought a false report to the British that a gen- eral assault was intended. The embarkation, so long delayed, began with hurry and confusion at four o'clock in the morn- ing. The harbor of Boston soon presented a striking and tumultuous scene. There were seventy-eight ships and transports casting loose for sea, and eleven or twelve thousand men, soldiers, sailors, and refugees, hurrying to em- bark ; many, especially of the latter, with their families and personal effects, Tlio refugees, in fact, labored under greater disadvantages than the king's troops, being obliged to man their own vessels, as sufficient seamen could not be spared from the king's transports. Speaking of those " who had taken upon themselves the style and title of government men " in Boston, and acted an unfriendly part in this great con- test, Washington observes : " By all accounts * Remembrancer, vol. iii., p. 108. there never existed a more miserable set of be- ings than these wretched creatures now are. Taught to believe that the power of Great Brit- ain was superior to all opposition, and that for- eign aid, if not, was at hand, they were even higher and more insulting in their opposition than the Regulars. When the order issued, therefore, for embarking the troops in Boston, no electric shock — no sudden clap of thunder, — in a word, the last trump could not have struck them with greater consternation. They were at their wits' end, and conscious of their black ingratitude, chose to commit themselves, in the manner I have above described, to the mercy of the waves at a tempestuous season, rather than meet their offended coimtrymen." * While this tumultuous embarkation was going on, the Americans looked on in silence from their batteries on Dorchester Heights, without firing a shot, " It was lucky for the inhabit- ants now left in Boston, that they did not," writes a British officer ; " for I am informed every thing was prepared to set the town in a blaze, had they fired one cannon." f At an early hour of the morning, the troops stationed at Cambridge and Roxbury had pa- raded, and several regiments under Putnam had embarked in boats, and dropped down Charles River, to Sewall's Point, to watch the move- ments of the enemy by land and water. About nine o'clock a large body of troops were seen marching down Bunker's Hill, while boats full of soldiers were putting off for the shipping. Two scouts were sent from the camp to recon- noitre. The works appeared stiU to be occu- pied, for sentries were posted about them with shouldered muskets. Observing them to be motionless, the scouts made nearer scrutiny, and discovered them to be mere effigies, set up to delay the advance of the Americans, Pushing on, they found the works deserted, and gave signal of the fact ; whereupon, a detachment was sent from the camp to take possession. Part of Putnam's troops were now sent back to Cambridge ; a part were ordered forward to occupy Boston. General Ward, too, with five hundred men, made his way from Roxbury, across the Neck, about which the enemy had scattered caltrops, or crow's feet, J to ifnpede invasion. The gates were unbarred and thrown * Letter to John A. Washington, Am. Arch., 4th Series, V. 560. t Frothingham, siege of Boston, 310. i Iron balls, with four sharp points, to wound the feet of men or horses. ^T. 44.] WASHINGTON ENTERS BOSTON— HUMILIATION OF THE BRITISH. 225 open, and the Americans entered in triumph, with drums beating and colors flying. By ten o'clock the enemy were all embarked and under way : Putnam had taken command of the city, and occupied the important points, and the flag of thirteen stripes, the standard of the Union, floated above all the forts. On the following day, Washington himself entered the town, where he was joyfully wel- comed. He beheld around him sad traces of the devastation caused by the bombardment, though not to the extent that he had appre- hended. There were evidences, also, of the haste with which the British had retreated — five pieces of ordnance with their trunnions knocked off ; others hastily spiked ; others thrown off" the wharf. " General Howe's re- treat," writes Washington, " was precipitate beyond any thing I could have conceived. The destruction of the stores at Dunbar's camp, after Braddock's defeat, was but a faint image of what may be seen in Boston ; artillery carts cut to pieces iij one place, gun carriages in an- other ; shells broke here, shots buried there, and every thing carrying with it the face of disorder and confusion, as also of distress." * To add to the mortification of General Howe, he received, we are told, while sailing out of the harbor, despatches from the ministry, ap- proving the resolution he had so strenuously expressed, of maintaining his post until he should receive reinforcements. As the smallpox prevailed in some parts of the town, precautions were taken by Washing- ton for its purification ; and the main body of the army did not march in until the 20th. " The joy manifested in the countenances of the in- habitants," says an observer, " was overcast by the melancholy gloom caused by ten tedious months of siege ; " but when, on the 22d, the people from the country crowded into the town, " it was truly interesting," writes the same observer, " to witness the tender inter- views and fond embraces of those who had been long separated under circumstances so peculiarly distressing." t Notwithstanding the haste with which the British army was embarked, the fleet lingered for some days in Nantucket Road. Apprehen- sive that the enemy, now that their forces were collected in one body, might attempt by some blow to retrieve their late disgrace, Washington hastily threw up works on Fort Hill, which * Lee's Memoirs, p. 162. t Thacher's Mil. Journal, p. 50. 15 commanded the harbor, and demolished those which protected the town from the neighboring country. The fleet at length disappeared en- tirely from the coast, and the deliverance of Bo.ston was assured. The eminent services of Washington through- out this arduous siege, his admirable manage- ment, by which, "in the course of a few months, an undisciplined hand of Imsbandmen became soldiers, and were enabled to invest, for nearly a year, and finally to expel a brave army of veterans, commanded by the most ex- perienced generals," drew forth the enthusiastic applause of the nation. No higher illustration of this great achievement need be given, than the summary of it contained in the speech of a British statesman, the Duke of Manchester, in the House of Lords. " The army of Britain," said he, " equipped with every possible essential of war; a chosen army, with chosen oflicers, backed by the power of a mighty fleet, sent to correct revolted subjects ; sent to chastise a re- sisting city ; sent to assert Britain's authority ; — has, for many tedious months, been impris- oned within that town by the Provincial army ; who, with their watchful guards, permitted them no inlet to the country ; who braved all their efforts, and defied all their skill and ability in war could ever attempt. One way, indeed, of escape, was left ; the fleet is yet respected ; to the fleet the army has recourse ; and British generals, whose name never met with a blot of dishonor, are forced to quit that tow a which was the first object of the war, the immediate cause of hostilities, the place of arms, which has cost this nation more than a million to de- fend." We close this eventful chapter of Washing- ton's history, with the honor decreed to him by the highest authority of his country. On mo- tion of John Adams, who had first moved his nomination as commander-in-chief, a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed in Congress ; and it was ordered that a gold medal be struck, commemorating the evacuation of Boston, bear- ing the efiigy of Washington as its deliverer. CHAPTER XIX. The British fleet bearing the army from Bos- ton, had disappeared from the coast. " Whither they are bound, and where they next will pitch their tents," writes Washington, " I know not." 22G THE tWo HOWES— the COLONIES DIVIDED INTO DEPARTMENTS. [1776. He conjectured their destination to be New York, and made his arrangements accordingly ; but he was mistaken. General Howe had steer- ed for Ilalifax, there to await the arrival of strong reinforcements from England, and the fleet of his brother. Admiral Lord Howe ; who was to be commander-in-chief of the naval forces on the North American station. It was thought these brothers would co-ope- rate admirably in the exercise of their relative functions on land and water. Yet they were widely different in their habits and dispositions. Sir William, easy, indolent, and self-indulgent, " hated business," we are told, " and never did any. Lord Howe loved it, dwelt upon it, never could leave it." Beside his nautical commands, he had been treasurer of the navy, member of the board of admiralty, and had held a seat in Parliament ; where, according to Walpole, he was "silent as a rock," excepting when naval affairs were under discussion ; when he spoke briefly and to the point. " My Lord Howe," said George IL, " your life has been a continued series of services to your country." He was now about fifty-one years of age, tall, and well proportioned like his brother ; but wanting his ease of deportment. His complexion was dark, his countenance grave and strongly marked, and he had a shy reserve, occasionally mistaken for haughtiness. As a naval officer, he was es- teemed resolute and enterprising, yet cool and firm. In his younger days he had contracted a friendship for Wolfe ; " it was like the union of cannon and gunpowder," said Walpole. Howe, strong in mind, solid in judgment, firm of purpose, was said to be the cannon ; Wolfe, quick in conception, prompt in execution, im- petuous in action — the gunpowder.* The brav- est man, we are told, could not wish for a more able, or more gallant commander than Howe, and the sailors used to say of him, " Give us Black Dick, and we fear nothing." Such is his lordship's portrait as sketched by English pencils ; we shall see hereafter how far his conduct conforms to it. At present we must consider the state of the American army, in the appointment and commands of which various changes had recently taken place. It was presumed the enemy, in the ensuing campaign, would direct their operations against the Middle and Southern colonies. Congress divided those colonies into two departments; one, comprehending New York, New Jersey, Barrow's Life of Earl Howe, p. 400. Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, was to be under the command of a major-general, and two brigadier-generals; the other, comprising Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, tobeimder the command of a major-general, and four brig- adiers. In this new arrangement, the orders destining General Lee to Canada, were superseded, and he was appointed to the command of the South- ern department, where he was to keep watch upon the movements of Sir Henry Clinton. He was somewhat dissatisfied with the change in his destination. "As I am the only general officer on the continent," writes he to Washing- ton, " who can speak or think in French, I con- fess I think it would have been more prudent to have sent me to Canada ; but I shall obey with alacrity, and I hope with success." In reply, Washington observes, " I was just about to congratulate you on your appointment to the command in Canada, when I received the account that your destination was altered. As a Virginian, I must rejoice at the change, but as an American, I think you would have done more essential service to the common cause in Canada. For, besides the advantage of speaking and thinking in French, an officer who is acquainted with their manners and customs, and has travelled in their country, must cer- tainly take the strongest hold of their affec- tion and confidence." The command in Canada was given to General Thomas, who had distinguished himself at Rox- bury, and was promoted to the rank of major- general. It would have been given to Schuyler, but for the infirm state of his health ; still Con- gress expressed a reliance on his efforts to com- plete the work " so conspicuously begun and well conducted " under his orders, in the last campaign ; and, as not merely the success, but the very existence of the army in Canada would depend on supplies sent from these colonies across the lakes, he was required, until further orders, to fix his head-quarters at Albany, where, without being exposed to the fatigue of the camp until his health was perfectly re- stored, he would be in a situation to forward supplies ; to superintend the operations necessary for the defence of New York and the Hudson River, and the affairs of the whole middle de- partment. Lee set out for the South on the 7th of March, carrying with him his bold spirit, his shrewd sagacity, and his whimsical and splenetic hu- mors. The following admirably impartial sketch ^T. 44.] LEE AT WILLIAMSBURG— PUTNAM IN COMMAND AT NEW YORK. 227 is given of him by Washington, in a letter to his brother Augustine : " He is the first in mili- tary knowledge and experience we have in the whole army. He is zealously attached to the cause ; honest and well meaning, but rather fickle and violent, I fear, in his temper. How- ever, as he possesses an uncommon share of good sense and spirit, I congratulate my coun- trymen on his appointment to that depart- ment." * We give by anticipation a few passages from Lee's letters, illustrative of his character and career. The news of the evacuation of Boston reached him in Virginia. In a letter to Wash- ington, dated Williamsburg, April 5, he express- es himself on the subject with generous warmth. " My dear general," Avrites he, " I most sincerely congratulate you ; I congratulate the public, on the great and glorious event, your possession of Boston. It will be a most bright page in the annals of America, and a most abominable black one in those of the beldam Britain. Go on, my dear general; crown yourself with glory, and establish the liberties and lustre of your country on a foundation more permanent than the Capitol rock." Then reverting to himself, his subacid humors work up, and he shows that he had been as much annoyed in Williamsburg, by the inter- ference of committees, as he had been in New York. " My situation," writes he, " is just as I expected. I am afraid I shall make a shabby figure, without any real demerits of my own. I am like a dog in a dancing-school ; I know not where to turn myself, where to fix myself. The circumstances of the country, intersected with navigable rivers ; the uncertainty of the enemy's designs and motions, who can fly in an instant to any spot they choose, with their can- vas wings, throw me, or would throw Julius Offisar into this inevitable dilemma ; I may pos- sibly be in the North, when, as Richard says, I should serve my sovereign in the West. I can only act from surmise, and have a very good chance of surmising wrong, I am sorry to grate your ears with a truth, but must, at all events, assure you, that the Provincial Congress of New York are angels of decision, when compared with your countrymen, the committee of safety assembled at Williamsburg. Page, Lee, Mercer, and Payne, are, indeed, exceptions ; but from Pendleton, Bland, the Treasurer, and Co. — Libera nos domine ! " Force's Am. Archives, 4lh Series, v. 562. Lee's letters from Virginia, written at a later date, were in a better humor. " There is a no- ble spirit in this province pervading all orders of men ; if the same becomes universal, we shall be saved. I am, fortunately for ray own happiness, and, I think, for the well-being of the community, on the best terms with the senato- rial part, as well as the people at large. I shall endeavor to preserve their confidence and good opinion." * And in a letter to Washington : " I have formed two companies of grenadiers to each regiment, and with spears thirteen feet long. Their rifles (for they are all riflemen) sling over their shoulders, their appearance is formidable, and the men are conciliated to the weapon. * * * j ^^^ likewise furnishing myself with four-ounced rifled amusettes, which wiU carry an infernal distance ; the two-ounced hit a half sheet of paper, at five hundred yards' distance." On Lee's departure for the South, Brigadier- General Lord Stirhng had remained in tempo- rary command at New York. Washington, however, presuming that the British fleet had steered for that port, with the force which had evacuated Boston, hastened detachments thither under Generals Heath and Sullivan, and wrote for three thousand additional men to be furnish- ed by Connecticut. The command of the whole 4ie gave to General Putnam, who was ordered to fortify the city and the passes of the Hudson, according to the plans of General Lee. In the mean time, Washington delayed to come on himself, until he should have pushed forward the main body of his army by divisions. Lee's anticipations that laxity and confusion would prevail after his departure, were not realized. The veteran Putnam, on taking com- mand, put the city under rigorous military rule. The soldiers were to retire to their barracks and quarters at the beating of the tattoo, and remain there until the reveille in the morning. The inhabitants were subjected to the same rule. None were permitted to pass a sentry, without the countersign, which would be furnished to them on applying to any of the brigade majors. All communication between the " ministerial fleet " and the shore was stopped ; the ships were no longer to be furnished with provisions. Any person taken in the act of holding com- munication with them would be considered an enemy, and treated accordingly. * Force's Am. Archives, 4ih Series, vol. v. 792. 228 ARRIVAL OF WASHINGTON IN NEW YORK. [1776. We have a lively picture of the state of the city, in letters written at the time, and already cited. " When you are informed that New York is deserted by its old inhabitants, and filled with soldiers from New England, Phila- delphia, Jersey, &c., you will naturally conclude the environs of it are not very safe from so un- disciplined a multitude as our Provincials are represented to be ; but I do believe there are very few instances of so great a number of men together, with so little mischief done by them. They have all the simplicity of ploughmen in their manners, and seem quite strangers to the vices of older soldiers : they have been employ- ed in creating fortifications in every part of the town. * * * Governor Tryon loses his credit with, the people here prodigiously ; he has lately issued a proclamation, desiring the deluded peo- ple of this colony to return to their obedience, promising a speedy support to the friends of government, declaring a door of mercy open to the penitent, and a rod for the disobedient, &c. The friends of government were provoked at being so distinguished, and the friends to liberty hung him in effigy, and printed a dying speech for him. A letter, too, was intercepted from him, hastening Lord Howe to New York, as the rebels were fortifying. These have entirely lost him the good will of the people. * * * You cannot think how sorry I am the governor has so lost himself, a man once so much beloved.* O Lucifer, once the son of morn, how fallen ! General Washington is expected hourly ; Gene- ral Putnam is here, with several other generals, and some of their ladies. * * * Xhe variety of reports keeps one's mind always in agitation. Clinton and Howe have set the continent a ra- cing from Boston to Carolina. Clinton came into our harbor : away flew the women, chil- dren, goods, and chattels, and in came the sol- diers flocking from every part. No sooner was it known that he was not going to land here, than expresses were sent to Virginia and Caro- lina, to put them on their guard ; his next ex- pedition was to Virginia; there they were ready to receive him ; from thence, without at- tempting to land, he sailed to Carolina, Now General Howe is leading us another dance." * Washington came on by the way of Provi- dence, Norwich, and New London, expediting tlie embarkation of troops from these posts, and arrived at New York on the 13th of April. Many of the works which Lee had commenced * Remembrancer, vol. iii., p. 85. were by this time finished ; others were in progress. It was apprehended the principal operations of the enemy would be on Long Island, the high grounds of which in the neigh- borhood of Brooklyn, commanded the city, Washington saw that an able and eflBcient officer was needed at that place. Greene was accord- ingly stationed there, with a division of the army. He imm.ediately proceeded to complete the fortifications of that important post, and to make himself acquainted with the topography, and the defensive points of the surrounding country. The aggregate force distributed at several extensive posts in New York and its environs, and on Long Island, Staten Island, and else- where, amounted to little more than ten thou- sand men ; some of those were on the sick list, others absent on command, or on' furlough ; there were but about eight thousand available and fit for duty. These, too, were without pay ; those recently enlisted, without arms, and no one could say where arms were to be pro- cui-ed. Washington saw the inadequacy of the force to the purpose required, and was full of solici- tude about the security of a place, the central point of the Confederacy, and the grand deposit of ordnance and military stores. He was aware, too, of the disafiection to the cause among many of the inhabitants ; and apprehensive of treach- ery. The process of fortifying the place had induced the ships of war to fall down into the outer bay, within the Hook, upwards of twenty miles from the city ; but Governor Tryon was still on board of one of them, keeping up an active correspondence with the tories on Staten and Long Islands, and in other parts of the neighborhood. AVashington took an early occasion to address an urgent letter to the committee of safety, pointing out the dangerous, and even treason- able nature of this correspondence. He had more weight and influence with that body than had been possessed by General Lee, and pro- cured the passage of a resolution prohibiting, under severe penalties, all intercourse with the king's ships. Head-quarters, at this time, was a scene of incessant toil on the part of the commander-in- chief, his secretaries and aides-de-camp. " I give in to no kind of amusements myself," writes he, " and consequently those about me can have none, but are confined from morning until evening, hearing and answering applica- Mt. 44.] PERPLEXITIES— ENGLAND SUBSIDIZES HESSIAN TROOPS. 229 tions and letters." The presence of Mrs. Wash- ington was a solace in the midst of these stern military cares, and diffused a feminine grace and decorum, and a cheerful spirit over the domestic arrangements of head-quarters, where every thing was conducted with simplicity and dignity. The wives of some of the other gen- erals and officers rallied around Mrs. Washing- ton, but social intercourse was generally at an end. " We all live here," writes a lady of New York, " like nuns shut up in a nunnery. No society with the town, for there are none there to visit ; neither can we go in or out after a certain hour without the countersign." In addition to his cares about the security of New York, Washington had to provide for the perilous exigencies of the army in Canada. Since his arrival in the city, four regiments of troops, a company of riflemen, and another of artificers had been detached under the com- mand of Brigadier-General Thompson, and a further corps of sis regiments under Brigadier- General Sullivan, with orders to join General Thomas as soon as possible. Still Congress inquired of him, whether fur- ther reinforcements to the army in Canada would not be necessary, and whether they could be spared from the army in New York. His reply shows the peculiar perplexities of his situ- ation, and the tormenting uncertainty in which he was kept, as to where the next storm of war would break. " With respect to sending more troops to that country, I am really at a loss what to advise, as it is impossible at present to know the designs of the enemy. Should they send the whole force under General Howe up the river St. Lawrence, to relieve Quebec and recover Canada, the troops gone and now going, will be insufficient to stop their progress ; and, should they think proper to send that, or an equal force, this way from Great Britain, for the purpose of possessing this city and securing the navigation of Iludson's River, the troops left here will not be sufficient to oppose them ; and yet, for any thing we know, I think it is not improbable they may attempt both ; both being of the greatest importance to them, if they have men. I could wish, indeed, that the army in Canada should be more powerfully reinforced ; at the same time, I am conscious that the trusting of this important post, which is now become the grand magazine of America, to the handful of men remaining here, is run- ning too great a risk. The securing of tliis post and Hudson's River is to us also of so great importance, that I cannot, at present, advise the sending any more troops from hence ; on the contrary, the general officers now here, whom I thought it my duty to consult, think it abso- lutely necessary to increase the army at this place with at least ten thousand men ; especially when it is considered, that from this place only the army in Canada must draw its supplies of ammunition, provisions, and most probably of men." Washington at that time was not aware of the extraordinary expedients England had recently resorted to, against the next campaign. The Duke of Brunswick, the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, and the Hereditary Prince of Cassel, Count of Hanau, had been sxibsidized to furnish troops to assist in the subjugation of her colonies. Four thousand three hundred Brunswick troops, and nearly thirteen thousand Hessians, had entered the British service. Be- side the subsidy exacted by the German princes, they were to be paid seven pounds four shillings and four pence sterling for every soldier fur- nished by them, and as much more for every one slain. Of this notable arrangement, Washington, as we observed, was not yet aware. " The de- signs of the enemy," writes he, " are too much behind the curtain for me to form any accurate opinion of their plan of operations for the sum- mer's campaign. We are left to wandei', there- fore, in the field of conjecture." * Within a few days afterwards, he had vague accounts of " Hessians and Hanoverian troops coming over; " but it was not until the 17th of May, when he received letters from General Schuyler, inclosing others from the commanders in Canada, that he knew in what direction some of these bolts of war were launched ; and this calls for some further particulars of the campaign on the banks of the St. Lawrence ; which we shall give to the reader in the ensu- ing chapter. CHAPTER XX. In a former chapter, we left Arnold before the walls of Quebec, wounded, crippled, almost dis- abled, yet not disheartened ; blockading that " proud town " with a force inferior, by half, in number to that of the garrison. For his * Letter to the President of Congress, 5th May. i30 THE CAMP BEFORE QiJEBEC— SORTIE OF CARLETOX. [1776. gallant services, Congress promoted bim in January to the rank of brigadier-general. Throughout the winter he kept up the block- ade with his shattered army ; though had Carle- ton ventured upon a sortie he might have been forced to decamp. That cautious general, however, remained within his walls. He was sure of reinforcements from England in the spring, and, in the mean time, trusted to the elements of dissolution at work in the besieging army. Arnold, in truth, had difficulties of all kinds to contend with. Ilis military cliest was ex- hausted ; his troops were in want of necessaries ; to procure supplies, he was compelled to resort to the paper money issued by Congress, w4iich was uncurrent among the Canadians ; he issued a proclamation making the refusal to take it in payment a penal offence. This only produced irritation and disgust. As the terms of their enlistment expired, his men claimed their dis- charge and returned home. Sickness also thin- ned his ranks ; so that, at one time, his force was reduced to five hundred men, and for two months, with all his recruitments of raw militia, did not exceed seven hundred. The fixilure of the attack on Quebec had weakened the cause among the Canadians ; the peasantry had been displeased by the conduct of the American troops ; they had once wel- comed them as deliverers ; they now began to regard them as intruders. Tlie seigneurs, or noblesse, also, feared to give further counte- nance to an invasion, which, if defeated, might involve them in ruin, Notwithstanding all these discouragements, Arnold still kept up a bold face ; cut oflf sup- plies occasionally, and harassed the place with alarms. Having repaired his batteries, he opened a fire upon the town, but with little effect ; the best part of the artillerists, with Lamb, their capable commander, were prisoners within the waifs. On the 1st day of April, General "booster arrived from Montreal, with reinforcements, and took the command. The day after his arrival, Arnold, by the falling of his horse, again received an injury on the leg recently wounded, and was disabled for upwards of a week. Considering himself slighted by Gen- eral "Wooster, who did not consult him in mili- tary aff"airs, he obtained leave of absence until he should be recovered from his lameness, and repaired to Montreal, where he took com- mand. General Thomas arrived at the camp in the course of April, and found the army in a forlorn condition, scattered at diff^erent posts, and on the island of Orleans. It was numerically in- creased to upwards of two thousand men, but several hundred were unfit for service. The smallpox had made great ravages. They had inoculated each other. In their sick and debili- tated state, they were without barracks, and almost without medicine. A portion, whose term of enlistment had expired, refused to do duty, and clamored for their discharge. The winter was over, the river was breaking up, reinforcements to the garrison might im- mediately be expected, and then the case would be desperate. Observing that the river about Quebec was clear of ice, General Thomas deter- mined on a bold effort. It was, to send up a fire-ship with the flood, and, while the ships in the harbor were in flames, and the town in confusion, to scale the walls. Accordingly, on the third of May, the troops turned out with scaling ladders ; the fire-ship came up the river under easy sail, and arrived near the shipping before it was discovered. It was fired into. The crew applied a slow-match to the train and pulled off". The ship was soon in a blaze, but the flames cau^^Jit and cijnsumed the sails ; her way was checked, and she drifted harmlessly with the ebbing tide. The rest of the plan was of course abandoned. iSTothing now remained but to retreat before the enemy should be reinforced. Preparations were made in all haste, to embark the sick and the military stores. "While this was taking place^five ships made their way into the harbor on the 6th of May, and began to land troops. Thus reinforced. General Carleton sallied forth, with eight hundred or a thousand men. We quote his own letter for an account of his sortie. " As soon as part of the 29th regiment, with the marines, in all about two hundred, were landed, they, with the greatest part of the garrison, by this time much improved, and in high spirits, marched out of the ports of St. Louis and St. Johns, to see what these mighty boasters were about. They were found very busy in their preparations for a retreat. A few shots being exchanged, the line marched forward, and the place was soon cleared of these plunderers." By his own account, however, these "mighty boasters " had held him and his garrison closely invested for five months ; had burnt the sub- urbs ; battered the walls ; thrown red-hot shot among liie shipping ; made repeated and daring ^T. 44.] RETREAT OF THE AMERICANS— POPULAR CLAMOR AGAINST SCHUYlER. 231 attempts to carry the place by assault and stratagem, and rendered it necessary for soldiers, sailors, marines, and even judges and other civU oflScers to mount guard.* One officer declares, in a letter, that for eighty successive nights he slept in his clothes, to be ready in case of alarm. All this, too, -was effected by a handful of men, exposed in open encampments to the rigors of a Canadian winter. If in truth they were boasters, it must be allowed their deeds were equal to their words. The Americans were in no condition to with- stand Carleton's unlooked-for attack. They had no intrenchments, and could not muster three hundred men at any point. A precipitate retreat was the consequence, in which baggage, artillery, every thing was abandoned. Even the sick were Ifeft behind ; many of whom crawled away from the camp hospitals, and took refuge in the woods, or among the Canadian peasantry. General Carleton did not think it prudent to engage in a pursuit with his newly landed troops. He treated the prisoners with great humanity, and caused the sick to be sought out in their hiding-places, and brought to the gen- eral hospitals ; with assurances that, when healed, they should have liberty to return to their homes. General Thomas came to a halt at Point Des- chambault, about sixty miles above Quebec, and called a council of war to consider what was to be done. The enemy's ships were hastening up the St. Lawrence ; some were already but two or three leagues distant. The camp was with- out cannon ; powder, forwarded by General Schuyler, had fallen into the enemy's hands ; there were not provisions enough to subsist the army for more than two or three days ; the men-of-war, too, might run up the river, inter- cept all their resources, and reduce them to the same extremity they had experienced before Quebec. It was resolved, therefore, to ascend the river still further. General Thomas, however, determined to send forward the invalids, but to remain at Point Deschambault, with aboiit five hundred men, until he should receive orders from Mon- treal, and learn wliether such supplies could be forwarded immediately as would enable him to defend his position, t The despatches of General Thomas, setting * Carleton to Lord George G-ermaine, May 14. t General Thomas to Washington, May 8th. forth the disastrous state of affairs, had a dis- heartening eftect on Schuyler, who feared the army would be obliged to abandon Canada. Washington, on the contrary, spoke cheeringly on the subject. " We must not despair. A manly and spirited opposition only can insure success, and prevent the enemy from improving the advantage they have obtained. " * lie regretted that the troops had not been able to make a stand at Point Deschambault, but hoped they would maintain a post as far down the river as possible. The lower it was, the more important would be the advantages resulting from it, as all the country above would be favorable, and furnish assistance and support, while all below would necessarily be in the power of the enemy. The tidings of the reverses in Canada and the retreat of the American army, had spread con- sternation throughout the New Hampshire Grants and the New England frontiers, which would now be laid open to invasion. Commit- tees of towns and districts assembled in various places, to consult on the alarming state of af- fairs. In a time of adversity, it relieves the public mind to have some individual on whom to charge its disasters. General Schuyler, at present, was to be the victim. We have al- ready noticed the prejudice and ill will, on the part of tlie New England people, which had harassed him throughout the campaign, and nearly driven him from the service. His ene- mies now stigmatized him as the cause of the late reverses. He had neglected, they said, to forward reinforcements and supplies to the army in Canada. His magnanimity in suffering Sir John Johnson to go at large, while in his power, was again misconstrued into a crime : he had thus enabled that dangerous man to renew his hostilities. Einally, it was insinuated that he was untrue to his country, if not posi- tively leagued with her enemies. These imputations were not generally ad- vanced ; and when advanced, were not gener- ally countenanced ; but a committee of King's County appears to have given them credence, addressing a letter to the commander-in-chief on the subject, accompanied by documents. Washington, to whom Schuyler's heart had been laid open throughout all its trials, and who knew its rectitude, received the letter and docu- ments with indignation and disgust, and sent copies of them to the general. " From these," * Washington to Schuyler, May 17. 232 SCANDALS REFUTED— WASHINGTON SUMMONED TO PHILADELPHIA. [1VY6. said he, " you will readily discover tlio diaboli- cal and insidious arts and schemes carrying on by the tories and friends of government to raise dis- trust, dissensions, and divisions among us. Hav- ing the utmost confidence in your integrity, and the most incontestable proof of your great attach- ment to our common country and its interests, I could not but look upon the charge against you with an eye of disbelief, and sentiments of detestation and abhorrence ; nor should I have troubled you with the matter, had I not been informed that copies were sent to different committees, and to Governor Trumbull, which I conceived would get abroad, and that you, should you find I had been furnished with them, would consider my suppressing them as an evi- dence of my belief, or at best of my doubts, of the charges." * We will go forward, and give the sequel of this matter. While the imputations in question had merely floated in public rumor, Schuyler had taken no notice of them ; " but it is now," writes he in re-plj to Washington, " a duty which I owe myself and my country, to detect the scoundrels, and the only means of doing this is by requesting that an immediate inquiry be made into the matter ; when I trust it will appear that it was more a scheme calculated to ruin me, than to disunite and create jealousies in the friends of America. Your Excellency will, therefore, please to order a court of in- quiry the soonest possible ; for I cannot sit easy imder such an infamous imputation ; since, on this extensive continent, numbers of the most respectable characters may not know what your Excellency and Congress do of my principles and exertions in the common cause." He further adds : " I am informed by persons of good credit, that about one hundred persons, living on what are commonly called the New Hampshire Grants, have had a design to seize me as a tory, and perhaps still have. There never was a man so infamously scandalized and ill-treated as I am." We need only add, that the Berkshire com- mittees, which in a time of agitation and alarm had hastily given countenance to these imputa- tions, investigated them deliberately in their cooler moments, and acknowledged, in a letter to Washington, that they were satisfied their suspicions respecting General Schuyler were wholly groundless. "We sincerely hope," added they, " his name may be handed down. with immortal honor, to the latest posterity, as one of the great pillars of the American cause." * Washington to Schuyler, May 21. CHAPTER XXI. As the reverses in Canada would affect the fortunes of the Revolution elsewhere, Washing- ton sent General Gates to lay the despatches concerning them, before Congress. " His mili- tary experience," said he, " and intimate ac- quaintance with the situation of our affairs, will enable him to give Congress the fullest satisfac- tion about the measures necessary to be adopted at this alarming crisis ; and, with his zeal and attachment to the cause of America, he will have a claim to their notice and favors." Scarce had Gates departed on his mission (May 19th), when Washington himself received a summons to Philadelphia, to advise with Con- gress concerning the opening campaign. He was informed also that Gates, on the 16th of May, had been promoted to the rank of major- general, and Mifflin to that of brigadier-general, and a wish was intimated that they might take the command of Boston. Washington prepared to proceed to Philadel- phia. His general orders issued on the 19th of May, show the anxious situation of affairs at New York. In case of an alarm the respective regiments were to draw opposite to their en- campments or quarters, until ordered to repair to the alarm posts. The alarm signals for regu- lars, militia, and the inhabitants of the city, were, in the day-time — two cannon fired from the rampart at Fort George, and a flag hoisted on the top of Washington's head-quarters. In the night — two cannon fired as above, and two lighted lanterns hoisted on the top of head- quarters.* * The following statement of the batteries at New York, we find dated May 22d : The Grand iSattery, on the south part of the iovra. Fort George, immediately above it. White Hall Battery, on the left of the Grand Battery. Oyster Battery, behind General Washington's head- quarters. Grenadier Battery, near the Brew IIouso on the North River. Jersey Battery, on the left of the Grenadier Battery. Bayard's Hill Redoubt, on Bayard's Ilill. Spencer's Redoubt, on the hill where his brigade is en- camped. Watcrbury's Battery (fascines), on a wharf below this hill. Badlands Redoubt, on a hill near the Jews' burying ground. Mr. 44.] PUTNAM IN COMMAND IN NEW YORK— THE CLINTONS. 23? In liis parting instructions to Putnam, who, as the oldest major-general in the city, would have the command during his absence, "Wash- ington informed him of the intention of the Provincial Congress of New York to seize the principal tories, and disaffected persons in the city, and the surrounding country, especially on Long Island, and authorized him to afford mili- tary aid, if required, to carry the same into exe- cution. He was also to send Lord Stirling, Co- lonel Putnam the engineer, and Colonel Knox, if he could be spared, up to the Highlands, to examine the state of the forts and garrisons, and report what was necessary to put them in a posture of defence. Their garrisons were chiefly composed of parts of a regiment of New York troops, commanded by Colonel James Clinton, of Ulster County, and were said to be suffi- cient. The general, accompanied by Mrs. "Washing- ton, departed from New York on the 21st of May, and they were invited by 'Mr. Hancock, the President of Congress, to be his guests dur- ing their sojourn at Philadelphia. Lee, when he heard of "Washington's visit there, augured good effects from it. " I am extremely glad, dear general," writes he, " that you are in Philadelphia, for their councils some- times lack a little of military electricity." Washington, in his conferences with Congress, appears to have furnished this electricity. He roundly expressed his conviction, that no ac- commodation could be effected with Great Britain, on acceptable terms. Ministerialists had declared in Parliament, that, the sword being drawn, the most coercive measures would be persevered in, until there was complete sub- mission. The recent subsidizing of foreign troops was a part of this policy, and indicated unsparing hostility. A protracted war, there- fore, was inevitable ; but it would be impossible to carry it on successfully, with the scanty force actually embodied, and with transient enlist- ments of militia. In consequence of his representations, resolu- tions were passed in Congress that soldiers should be enlisted for three years, with a bounty of ten dollars for each recruit ; that the army at New York should be reinforced until the 1st of December, with thirteen thousand eight hundred militia ; that gondolas and fire- rafts should be built, to prevent the men-of-war and enemy's ships from coming into New York Bay, or the Narrows ; and that a flying camp of ten thousand militia furnished by Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, and Maryland, and likewise engaged until the 1st December, should be stationed in the Jerseys for the defence of the Middle colonies. Washington was moreover empowered, in case of emergency, to call on the neighboring colonies for temporary aid with their militia. Another result of his conferences with Con- gress was the establishment of a war office. Military affairs had hitherto been referred in Congress to committees casually appointed, and had consequently been subject to great irregu- larity and neglect. Henceforth a permanent committee, entitled the Board of War and Ord- nance, was to take cognizance of them. The first board was composed of five members ; John Adams, Colonel Benjamin Harrison, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and Edward Rutledge ; with Richard Peters as secretary. It went into operation on the 12th of June. While at Philadelphia, Washington had fre- quent consultations with George Clinton, one of the delegates from New York, concerning the interior defences of that province, especially those connected with the security of the High- lands of the Hudson, where part of the regiment of Colonel James Clinton, the brother of the delegate, was stationed. The important part which these brothers were soon to act in the military affairs of that province, and ultimately in its political history, entitles them to a special notice. They were of the old Clinton stock of Eng- land ; being descended from General James Clinton, an adherent of royalty in the time of the civil wars, but who passed over to Ireland, after the death of Charles I. Their father, Charles Clinton, grandson of the general, emi- grated to America in 1729, and settled in Ulster, now Orange County, just above the Highlands of the Hudson. Though not more than fifty miles from the city of New York, it was at that time on the borders of a wilderness, where every house had* at times to be a fortress. Charles Clinton, like most men on our savage frontier in those days, was a warrior by necessity, if not by choice. He took an active part in Indian and French wars, commanded a provincial regi- ment stationed at Fort Herkimer, joined in the expedition under General Bradstreet, when it passed up the valley of the Mohawk, and was present at the capture of Fort Frontenac. His sons, James and George, one twenty, the other seventeen years of age, served in the same campaign, the one as captain, the other as lieu- 234 REED MADE ADJUTANT-GENEKAL— DISASTER AT THE CEDARS. [1776. tenant; thus taking an early lesson in that school of American soldiers, the French war. ^ James, whose propensities were always mili- tary, continued in the provincial army until the close of that war ; and afterwards when settled on an estate in Ulster County, was able and active in organizing its militia. George applied himself to the law, and became successful at the bar in the same county. Their father, having laid aside the sword, occupied for many years, with discernment and integrity, the honorable station of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in Ulster County, in 1773, in the eighty- third year of his age, " in full view of that revolution in which his sons were to act dis- tinguished parts." "With his latest breath he charged them " to stand by the liberties of theur country." They needed no such admonition. From the very first, they had been heart and hand in the cause. George had championed it for years in the New York legislature, signalizing himself by his zeal as one of an intrepid minority in opposing ministerial oppression. He had but recently taken his seat as delegate to the Con- tinental Congress. James Clinton, appointed colonel on the 30th of June, 1775, had served with his regiment of New York troops under Montgomery at the siege of St. Johns, and the capture of Montreal, after which he had returned home. He had subsequently been appointed to the command of a regiment in one of the four battalions raised for the defence of New York. "We shall soon have occasion to speak further of these patriot brothers. The prevalence of the smallpox had frequently rendered Washington uneasy on Mrs. "Washing- ton's account during her visits to the army ; he was relieved, therefore, by her submitting to inoculation during their sojourn in Philadelpliia, and lia\'ing a very favorable time. He was gratified, also, by procuring the ap- pointment of his late secretary, Joseph Reed, to the post of adjutant-general, vacated by the promotion of General Gates, thus placing him once more by his side. CHAPTER XXII. Despatches from Canada continued to be disastrous. General Arnold, who was in com- mand at Montreal, had established a post on the St. Lawrence, about forty miles above that place, on a point of land called the Cedars; where he had stationed Colonel Bedel with about four hundred men to prevent goods being sent to the enemy in the upper country, and to guard against surprise from them, or their In- dians. In the latter part of May, Colonel Bedel re- ceived intelligence that a large body of British, Canadians, and Indians, under the command of Captain Forster, were coming down from Os- wegatchie to attack him. Leaving Major But- terfield in command of the post, he hastened down to Montreal to obtain reinforcements. Arnold immediately detached one hundred men, under Major Shelburne, and prepared to follow in person, with a much greater force. In the mean time, the post at the Cedars had been be- sieged, and Major Butterfield intimidated into a surrender, by a threat from Captain Forster, that resistance would provoke a massacre of his whole garrison by the Indians. The reinforce-, ments under Major Shelburne were assailed within four miles of the Cedars, by a large party of savages, and captured, after a sharp skirmish, in which several were killed on both sides. Arnold received word of these disasters while on the march. He instantly sent forward some Caughnawaga Indians, to overtake the savages,, and demand a surrender of the prisoners ; with a threat that, in case of a refusal, and that any of them were murdered, he would sacrifice every Indian who fell into his hands, and would follow the ofii"enders to their towns, and destroy them by fire and sword. He now embarked four hundred of his men in bateaux, and pushed on with the remainder by land. Arriving at St. Ann's above the rapids of the St. Lawrence, he discovered several of the enemy's bateaux,, taking the prisoners ofi" from the island, a league distant. It was a tormenting sight, as it was not in his power to relieve them. His bateaux were a league behind, coming up the rapids very slowly. He sent several expresses to hurry them. It was sunset before they arrived, and he could embark all his people ; in the mean time, his Caughnawaga messengers returned with an answer from the savages. They had five hundred prisoners collected together, they said, at Quinze Chiens, where they were posted ; should he offer to land and attack them, they would kill every prisoner, and, give no quarter to any who should fall into their hands there- after. " "Words cannot express my feelings," writes ^T. 44.] HOSTILE DESIGNS OF THE JOHNSONS. 235 Arnold, " at the delivery of this message. Torn by the conflicting passions of revenge and hu- manity ; a sufficient force to take ample revenge, raging for action, urged me on one hand ; and humanity for five hundred unhappy wretches, who were on the point of being sacrificed, if our vengeance was not delayed, pleaded equally strong on the other." In this situation, he or- dered the boats to row immediately for the isl- and, whither he had seen the enemy taking their pi-isoners. Before he reached it, the sav- ages had conveyed them aU away, excepting five, whom he found naked, and almost starved, and one or two, whom, being unwell, they had butchered. Arnold now pushed for Quinze Chiens, about four miles distant, on the main- land. Here was the whole force of the enemy, civilized and savage, intrenched and fortified. As Arnold approached, they opened a fire upon his boats, with small arms, and two brass sis-pounders. He rowed near the land, without returning a shot. By this time it was too dark to distinguish any thing on shore, and being unacquainted with the ground, he judged it prudent to return to St. Johns. Here he called a council of war, and it was determined to attack the enemy early in the morning. In the course of the night, a flag was sent by Captain Forster, with articles for an exchange of prisoners, which had been en- tered into by him and Major Sherburne. As the terms were not equal, they were objected to by Arnold, and a day passed before they were adjusted. A cartel was then signed, by which the prisoners, consisting of two majors, nine captains, twenty subalterns, and four hun- dred and ft)rty-three privates, were to be ex- changed for an equal number of British prison- ers of the same rank, and, were to be sent to the south shore of the St. Lawrence, near Caughnawaga, whence to return to their homes. Nine days were allowed for the delivery of the prisoners, during which time hostilities should be suspended. Arnold, in a letter to the commissionei's of Congress then at Montreal, giving an account of this ari'angement, expressed his indignation at the conduct of the king's oflacers, in employ- ing savages to screen their butcheries, and suf- fering their prisoners to be killed in cold blood. " I intend being with you this evening," added he, " to consult on some effectual measures to take with these savages, and still more savage British troops, who are still at Quinze Chiens. As soon as our prisoners are released, I hope it will be in our power to take ample vengeance, or nobly fall in the attempt," * The accounts which reached "Washington of these affairs were vague and imperfect, and kept him for some days m painful suspense. The disasters at the Cedars v»-ere attributed en- tirely to the base and cowardly conduct of Be- del and Butterworth, and he wrote to Schuyler to have good courts appointed, and bring them, and every other oflicer guilty of misconduct, to trial. " The situation of our affairs in Canada," ob- serves he, " is truly alarming. I sincerely wish the next letters from the northward may not contain the melancholy advices of General Ar- nold's defeat, and the loss of Montreal. The most vigorous exertions will be necessary to re- trieve our circumstances there, and I hope you will strain every nerve for that purpose. Unless it can be done now, Canada will be lost to us forever." While his mind was agitated by these con- cerns, letters from Schuyler showed that mis- chief was brewing in another quarter. Colonel Guy Johnson, accompanied by the Sachem Brant and the Butlers, had been holding councils with the Indians, and designed, it was said, to come back to the Mohawk country, at the head of a British and savage force. A cor- respondence was carried on between him and his cousin. Sir John Johnson, who was said to be preparing to co-operate with his Scotch de- pendants and Indian allies. Considering this a breach of Sir John's pa- role, Schuyler had sent Colonel Elias Dayton with a force to apprehend him. Sir John, with a number of his armed tenants, retreated for refuge among the Indians, on the borders of the lakes. Dayton took temporary possession of Johnson Hall, placed guards about it, seized upon Sir John's papers, and read them in the presence of Lady Johnson, and subsequently conveyed her ladyship as a kind of hostage to Albany. Shortly afterwards came further intelligence of the designs of the Johnsons. Sir John, with his Scotch warriors and Indian allies, was said to be actually coming down the valley of the Mohawk, bent on revenge, and prepared to lay every thing waste ; and Schuyler collecting a force at Albany to oppose him. "Washington instantly wrote to Schuyler, to detach Colonel Dayton with his regiment on that service, with * Arnold to the Commis. of Cong. 27th M.iy. 236 TORTS IN THE HIGHLANDS— COLONEL JAMES CLINTON IN COMMAND. [17V6. instructions to secure a post where Fort Stan- wix formerly stood, in the time of the French war. As to Schuyler himself, "Washington, on his own responsibility, directed him to hold a conference with the Six Nations, and with any others whom he and his brother commissioners on Indian affairs might think necessary, and se- cure their active services, without waiting fur- ther directions from Congress ; that body hav- ing recently resolved to employ Indian allies in the war, the enemy having set the example. " We expect a bloody summer in New York and Canada," writes "Washington to his brother Augustine, " and I am sorry to say that we are not, either in men or arms, prepared for it. However, it is to be hoped, that, if our cause is just, as I most religiously believe, the same Providence which has, in many instances, ap- peared for us, will still go on to afford its aid." Lord Stirling, who, by "Washington's orders, had visited and inspected the defences in the Highlands, rendered a report of their condition, of which we give the purport. Fort Mont- gomery, at the lower part of the Highlands, was on the west bank of the river, north of Dunderberg (or Thunder Hill). It was situated on a bank one hundred feet high. The river at that place was about half a mile wide. Oppo- site the fort was the promontory of Anthony's Nose, many hundred feet high, accessible only to goats, or men expert in climbing. A body of riflemen stationed here, might command the decks of vessels. Fort Montgomery appeared to Lord Stirling a proper place for a guard post. Fort Constitution wds about six miles higher up the river, on a rocky island of the same name, at a narrow strait where the Hudson, shouldered by precipices, makes a sudden bend round "West Point. A redoubt, in the opinion of Lord Stirling, would be needed on the point, not only for the preservation of Fort Constitu- tion, but for its own importance. The garrison of that fort consisted of two companies of Colonel James Clinton's regiment, and Captain "Wisner's company of minute men, in all one hundred and sixty rank and file. Fort Montgomery was garrisoned by three companies of the same regiment, about two hundred rank and file. Both garrisons were miserably armed. The direction of the works of both forts was in the hands of commissioners appointed by the Provincial Congress of New York. The general command of the posts required to be adjusted. Several persons accused of being "notorious tories," had recently been sent into Fort Mont- gomery by the district committees of the coun- ties of Albany, Dutchess, and "Westchester, with directions to the commanding oflicers, to keep them at hard labor until their further order. They were employed upon the fortifications. In view of all these circumstances, "Washing- ton, on the 14th of June, ordered Colonel James Clinton to take command of both posts, and of all the troops stationed at them. He seemed a fit custodian for them, having been a soldier from his youth ; brought up on a frontier sub- ject to Indian alarms and incursions, and ac- quainted with the strong pointr- and fastnesses of the Highlands. King's Bridge, and the heights adjacent, con- sidered by General Lee of the utmost impor- tance to the communication between New York and the mainland, and to the security of the Hudson, were reconnoitred by "Washington on horseback, about the middle of the month ; or- dering where works should be laid out. Breast- works were to be thrown up for the defence of the bridge, and an advanced work (subsequently called Fort Independence) was to be built be- yond it, on a hill commanding Spyt den Duivel Creek, as that inlet of the Hudson is called, which links it with the Harlaem River. A strong work, intended as a kind of citadel, was to crown a rocky height between two and three miles south of the bridge, commanding the channel of the Hudson ; and below it were to be redoubts on the banks of the river at Jeffrey's Point. In honor of the general, the citadel received the name of Fort "Washington. Colonel Rufus Putnam was the principal en- gineer, who had the direction of the works. General Mifflin encamped in their vicinity, with part of the two battalions from Pennsylvania, to be employed in their construction, aided by the militia. "While these preparations were made for the protection of the Hudson, the works about Brooklyn on Long Island were carried on with great activity, under the superintendence of General Greene. In a word, the utmost exer- tions were made at every point, to put the city, its environs, and the Hudson River, in a state of defence, before the arrival of another hostile armament. CHAPTER XXIII. Operations in Canada were drawing to a disastrous close. General Thomas, finding it Mr. 44.] SULLIVAN ON THE SORfiL— WASHINGTON'S OPINION OF HIM. 237 impossible to make a stand at Point Descham- bault, had continued his retreat to the mouth of the Sore], where he found General Thompson, ■with part of the troops detached by "Washing- ton, from New York, who were making some preparations for defence. Shortly after his ar- rival, he was taken ill with the smallpox, and removed to Chamblee. He had prohibited in- oculation among his troops, because it put too many of their scanty number on the sick list ; he probably fell a victim to his own prohibition, as he died of that malady on the 2d of June. On his death. General Sullivan, who had re- cently arrived with the main detachment of troops from New York, succeeded to the com- mand ; General Wooster having been recalled. He advanced immediately with his brigade to the mouth of the Sorel, where he found General Thompson, with but very few troops to defend that post, having detached Colonel St. Clair, with six or seven hundred men, to Three Rivers, about fifty miles down the St. Lawrence, to give check to an advanced corps of the enemy, of about eight hundred regulars and Canadians, under the veteran Scot, Colonel Maclean. In the mean time. General Thompson, who was left with but two hundred men to defend his post, was sending oflF his sick, and his heavy baggage, to be prepared for a retreat, if neces- sary. " It really was affecting," writes Sullivan to Washington, " to see the banks of the Sorel lined with men, women, and children, leaping, and clapping their hands for joy, to sec me ar- rive ; it gave no less joy to General Thompson, who seemed to be wholly forsaken, and left to fight against an unequal force, or retreat before them." Sullivan proceeded forthwith to complete the works on the Sorel ; in the mean time he de- tached General Thompson with additional troops to overtake St, Clair, and assume command of the whole party, which would then amount to two thousand men. He was by no means to attack the encampment at Three Rivers, unless there was great prospect of success, as his de- feat might prove the total loss of Canada. " I have the highest opinion of the bravery and resolution of the troops you command," says Sullivan in his instructions, " and doubt not but, under the direction of a kind Providence, you will open the way for our recovering that gi'ound which former troops have so shamefully lost." Sullivan's letter to Washington, written at the same time, is full of sanguine anticipation. It was his fixed determination to gain post at Deschambault, and fortify it, so as to make it inaccessible, " The enemy's ships are now above that place," writes he ; " but if General Thompson succeeds at Three Rivers, I will soon remove the ships below Richelieu Falls, and after that, approach Quebec as fast as pos- sible." "Our affairs here," adds he, "have taken a strange turn since our arrival. The Canadians are flocking by hundreds to take a part with us. The only reason of their disaffection was, because our exertions were so feeble that they doubted much of our success, and even of our ability to protect them. " I venture to assure you, and the Congress, that I can in a few days reduce the army to order, and with the assistance of a kind Provi- dence, put a new face to our affairs here, which a few days since seemed almost impossible." The letter of SuUivan gave Washington an unexpected gleam of sunshine. "Before it came to hand," writes he in reply, " I almost dreaded to hear from Canada, as my advices seemed to promise nothing favorable, but rather further misfortunes. But I now hope that our affairs, from the confused, distracted, and almost forlorn state in which you found them, will change, and assume an aspect of order and suc- cess." Still his sagacious mind perceived a mo- tive for this favorable coloring of affairs. Sul- livan was aiming at the command in Canada ; and Washington soberly weighed his merits for the appointment, in a letter to the President of Congress. " He is active, spirited, and zealously attached to the cause. He has his wants, and he has his foibles. The latter are manifested in his little tincture of vanity, and in an over- desire of being popular, which now and then lead him into embarrassments. His wants are common to us all. He wants experience to move upon a grand scale ; for the limited and contracted knowledge, which any of us have in military matters, stands in very little stead." This want was overbalanced, on the part of General Sullivan, by sound judgment, some ac- quaintance with men and books, and an enter- prising genius, "As the security of Canada is of the last importance to the well-being of these colonies," adds Washington, " I should like to know the sentiments of Congress, respecting the nomina- tion of any officer to that command. The character I have drawn of General Sullivan is just, according to my ideas of him. Congress will therefore determine upon the propriety of 238 GATES APPOINTED TO CANADA— CAPTURE OF THOMPSON. [17Y6. continuing him in Canada, or sending another, as they shall see fit." * Scarce had Washington despatched this letter, when he received one from the President of Congress, dated the 18th of June, informing him that Major-General Gates had heen ap- pointed to command the forces in Canada, and requesting him to expedite his departure as soon as possible. The appointment of Gates has been attributed to the influence of the Eastern delegates, with whom he was a favorite ; in- deed, during his station at Boston, he had been highly successful in cultivating the good graces of the New England people. lie de- parted for his command on the 26th of June, vested with extraordinary powers for the regu- lation of affairs in that "distant, dangerous, and shifting scene." " I would fain hope," writes Washington, " his arrival there will give our affairs a complexion different from what they have worn for a long time past, and tliat many essential benefits will result from it." Despatches just received from General Sulli- van, had given a different picture of affairs in Canada from that contained in his previous letter. In fact, when he wrote that letter, he was ignorant of the actual force of the enemy in Canada, which had recently been augmented to about 13,000 men ; several regiments hav- ing ai'rived from Ireland, one from England, another from General Howe, and a body of Brunswick troops under the Baron Reidesel. Of these, the greater part were on the way up from Quebec in divisions, by land and water, with Generals Carleton, Burgoyue, Philips, and Reidesel ; while a considerable number under General Frazer had arrived at Three Rivers, and others, under General Nesbit, lay near them on board of transports. Sullivan's despatch, dated on the 8th of June, at the mouth of the Sorel, began in his former sanguine vein, anticipating the success of General Thompson's expedition to Three Rivers. " He has proceeded in the manner proposed, and made his attack at daylight, for at that time a very heavy cannonading began, which lasted with some intervals to twelve o'clock. It is now near one p. m. ; the firing has- ceased, except some irregular firing with cannon, at a considerable distance of time one from the other. At eight o'clock a very heavy firing of small-arms was heard even here, at ♦ "Washington to the President of Congress, July 12, 1776. the distance of forty-five miles. I am almost certain that victory has declared in our favor, as the irregular firing of the cannon for such a length of time after the small-arms ceased, shows that our men are in possession of the ground." The letter was kept open to give the par- ticulars of this supposed victory ; it closed with a dismal reverse. General Thompson had coasted in bateaux along the right bank of the river at that expanse called Lake St. Pierre, and arrived at Nicolete, whei-e he found St. Clair and his detachment. He crossed the river in the night, and landed a few miles above Three Rivers, intending to surprise the enemy before daylight ; he was not aware at the time that additional troops had arrived under Gen- eral Burgoyne. After landing, he marched with rapidity toward Three Rivers, but was led by treacher- ous guides into a morass, and obliged to return back nearly two miles. Day broke, and he was discovered from the ships. A cannonade was opened upon his men as they made their way slowly for an hour and a half through a swamp. At length they arrived in sight of Three Rivers, but it was to find a large force drawn up in battle array, under General Frazer, by whom they were warmly attacked, and after a brief stand thrown in confusion. Thompson attempted to rally his troops, and partly suc- ceeded, until a fire was opened upon them in rear by Nesbit, who had landed from his ships. Their rout now was complete. General Thomp- son, Colonel Irvine, and about two hundred men were captured, twenty-five were slain, and the rest pursued for several miles through a deep swamp. After great fatigues and suffer- ings, they were able to get on board of their boats, which had been kept from falling into the hands of the enemy. In these they made their way back to the Sorel, bringing General Sulli- van a sad explanation of all the firing he had heard, and the alarming intelligence of the overpowering force that was coming up the river. " This, my dear general," writes Sullivan, in the conclusion of his letter, " is the state of this unfortunate enterprise. What you will next hear I cannot say. I am every moment informed of the vast number of the enemy which have arrived. I have only two thousand five hundred and thirty-three rank and file. Most of the officers seem discouraged, and, of course, their men, I am employed day and night in ^T. 44.] END OF THE INVASION OF CANADA— TORY CONSPIRACY. 239 fortifying and securing my camp, and am de- termined to hold it as long as a person will stick by me." He had, indeed, made the desperate resolve to defend the mouth of the Sorel, but was in- duced to abandon it by the unanimous opinion of his officers, and the evident unwillingness of his troops. Dismantling his batteries, there- fore, he retreated with his artillery and stores, just before the arrival of the enemy, and was followed, step by step along the Sorel, by a strong column under General Burgoyne. On the 18th of June, he was joined by Gen- eral Arnold with three hundred men, the gar- rison of Montreal, who had crossed at Longueil just in time to escape a large detachment of the enemy. Thus reinforced, and the evacua- tion of Canada being determined on in a coun- cil of war, Sullivan succeeded in destroying every thing at Ohamblee and St. Johns that he could not carry away, breaking down bridges, and leaving forts and vessels in flames, and continued his retreat to the Isle aux Noix, where he made a halt for some days, imtil he should receive positive orders from Washing- ton or General Schuyler. In a letter to "Wash- ington, he observes, " I am extremely sorry it was not in my power to fulfil your Excellency's wishes, by leading on our troops to victory." After stating the reason of his failure, he adds, " I think we shall secure aU the public stores and baggage of the army, and secure our re- treat with very little loss. "Whether we shall have well men enough to carry them on, I much doubt, if we don't remove quickly ; un- less Heaven is pleased to restore health to this wretched army, now, perhaps, the most pitiful one that ever was formed." The low, unhealthy situation of the Isle aux Noix, obliged him soon to remove his camp to the Isle la Motte, whence on receiving orders to that eifect from General Schuyler, he ulti- mately embarked with his forces, sick and well, for Crown Point. Thus ended this famous invasion ; an enter- prise bold in its conceptions, daring and hardy in its execution ; full of ingenious expedients, and hazardous exploits ; and which, had not unforeseen circumstances counteracted its weU- devised plans, might have added all Canada to the American confederacy. CHAPTER XXIV. The great aim of the British, at present, was to get possession of New York and the Hudson, and make them the basis of military operations. This they hoped to effect on the arrival of a powerful armament, hourly expected, and de- signed for operations on the seaboard. At this critical juncture there was an alarm of a conspiracy among the tories in the city and on Long Island, suddenly to take up arms and co-operate with the British troops on their arrival. The wildest reports were in circula- tion concerning it. Some of the tories were to break down King's Bridge, others were to blow up the magazines, spike the guns, and massacre all the field-officers. "Washington was to be kiUed or delivered up to the enemy. Some of his own body-guard were said to be in the plot. Several publicans of the city were pointed out, as having aided or abetted the plot. One was landlord of the Highlander, at the corner of Beaver Street and Broadway. Another dis- pensed liquor under the sign of Robin Hood. Another named Lowry, described as a " fat man in a blue coat," kept tavern in a low house opposite the Oswego market. Another, James Houlding, kept a beer house in Tryon Row, opposite the gates of the upper barracks. It would seem as if a network of corruption and treachery had been woven throughout the city by means of these liquor dealers. One of the most noted, however, was Corbie, whose tavern was said to be " to the south-east of General "Washington's house, to the westward of Bay- ard's "Woods, and north of Lispenard's Mead- ows," from which it would appear that at that time the general was quartered at what was formerly called Richmond Hill ; a mansion sur- rounded by trees, at a short distance from the city, in rather an isolated situation. A committee of the New York Congress, of which J-ohn Jay was chairman, traced the plot up to Governor Tryon, who, from his safe re- treat on shipboard, acted through agents on shore. The most important of these was David Matthews, the tory mayor of the city. He was accused of disbursing money to enlist m6n, purchase arms, and corrupt the soldiery. "Washington was authorized and requested by the committee to cause the mayor to be ap- prehended, and all his papers secured. Mat- thews was at that time residing at Flatbush on 240 FLOT OF TRYOJT AND THE TORIES— ARRIVAL OF A FLEET. [111^ Long Island, at no great distance from General Greene's en campment. "Washington transmitted the warrant of the committee to the general on the 21st, with directions that it should " be executed with precision, and exactly by one o'clock of the ensuing morning, by a careful officer." Precisely at the hour of one, a detachment from Greene's brigade surrounded the house of the mayor, and secured his person ; but no papers were found, though diligent search was made. Numerous other arrests took place, and among the number, some of Washington's body-guard. A great dismay fell upon the tories. Some of those on Long Island who had proceeded to arm themselves, finding the plot discovered, sought refuge in woods and morasses. Washington directed that those arrested, who belonged to the army, should be tried by a court-martial, and the rest handed over to the secular power. According to statements made before the committee, five guineas bounty was ofiered by Governor Tryon to each man who should enter the king's service ; with a promise of two hun- dred acres of land for himself, one hundred for his wife, and fifty for each child. The men thus recruited were to act on shore, in co- operation with the king's troops when they came. Corbie's tavern, near Washington's quarters, was a kind of rendezvous of the conspirators. There one Gilbert Forbes, a gunsmith, " a short, thick man, with a white coat," enlisted men, gave them money, and " swore them on the book to secrecy." From this house* a cor- respondence was kept up with Governor Tryon on shipboard, through a " mulatto-colored negro, dressed in blue clothes." At this tavern it was supposed Washington's body- guards were tampered with. Thomas Hickey, one of the guards, a dark-complexioned man, five feet six inches high, and well set, was said not only to be enlisted, but to have aided in corrupting his comrades ; among others, Greene the drummer, and Johnson the fifer. It was further testified before the committee, that one Sergeant Graham, an old soldier, for- met-ly of the royal artillery, had been employed by Governor Tryon to prowl round and survey the grounds and works about tlie city, and on Long Island, and that, on information thus pro- cured, a plan of operations had been concerted. On the arrival of the fleet, a man-of-war should cannonade the battery at Eed Hook ; while that was doing, a detachment of the army should land below with cannon, and by a cir- cuitous march surprise and storm the works on Long Island. The shipping then, with the re- mainder of the army, Avere to divide, one part to run up the Hudson, and the other up the East Eiver ; troops were to land above New York, secure the pass at King's Bridge, and cut off all communication between the city and country.* Much of the evidence given was of a dubious kind. It was certain that persons had secretly been enlisted, and sworn to hostile operations, but Washington did not think that any regular plan had been digested by the conspirators. " The matter," writes he, " I am in hopes, by a timely discovery, wiU be suppressed." t According to the mayor's own admission be- fore the committee, he had been cognizant of attempts to enlist tories and corrupt Washing- ton's guards, though he declared that he had discountenanced them. He had on one occa- sion, also, at the request of Governor Tryon, paid money for him to Gilbert Forbes, the gun- smith, for rifles and round-bored guns, which he had already furnished, and for others which he was to make. He had done so, however (according to his account), with great reluc- tance, and after much hesitation and delay, warning the gunsmith that he would be hanged if found out. The mayor, with a number of others, were detained in prison to await a trial. Thomas Hickey, the individual of Washing- ton's guard, was tried before a court-martial. He was an Irishman, and had been a deserter from the British army. The court-martial found him guilty of mutiny and sedition, and treacherous correspondence Avith the enemy, and sentenced him to be hanged. The sentence was approved by Washington, and was carried promptly into effect, in the most solemn and impressive manner, to serve as a warning and example in this time of treachery and danger. On the morning of the 28th, all the officers and men oflT duty, belong- ing to the brigades of Heath, Spencer, Stirling, and Scott, assembled under arms at their re- spective parades at 10 o'clock, and marched thence to the groimd. Twenty men from each brigade, with bayonets fixed, guarded the pris- oner to the place of execution, which was a * Am. Archives, 5th Series, vi. 1177. t Washington to the President of Congress, June 28. jEt. 44.] FRESH ARRIVAL OF SHIPS-OF-WAR— GENERAL HOWE. 241 field near the Bowery Lane. There he was hanged in the presence, we are told, of near twenty thousand persons. While the city was still brooding over this doleful spectacle, four ships-of-war, portentous visitants, appeared off the Hook, stood quietly in at the Narrows, and dropped anchor in the bay. In his orderly book, Washington expressed a hope that the unhappy fate of Thomas Hickey, executed that day for mutiny, sedition, and treachery, would be a warning to every soldier in the line, to avoid the crimes for which he suffered.* On the 29th of June, an express from the look-out on Staten Island, announced that forty sail were in sight. They were, in fact, ships from Halifax, bringing between nine and ten thousand of the troops recently expelled from Boston ; together with six transports filled with Highland troops, which had joined the fleet at sea. At sight of this formidable armament standing into the harbor, Washington instantly sent notice of its arrival to Colonel James Clin- ton, who had command of the post in the High- lands, and urged all possible preparations to give the enemy a warm reception should they push their frigates up the river. * As a specimen of the reports ■which circulated throughout the country, concerning this conspiracy, ■we give an extract from a letter, ■written from Wcthersfield, in Connecticut, 9th of July, 1776, by the Reverend John Marsh. " You have hoard of the infernal plot that has been dis- covered. About ten days before any of the conspirators ■were taken up, a ■woman ■went to the general and desired a private audience. lie granted it to her, and she let him know that his life ■was in danger, and gave him euch an account of the conspiracy as gained his confidence. He opened the matter to a fe^w friends, on whom ho could depend. A strict •watch was kept night and day, until a favorable opportunity occurred ; when the general went to bed as usual, arose about two o'clock, told his lady he ■was a going, with some of the Pro\incial Congress, to order some tories seized— desired she would make herself easy, and go to sleep. He went off without any of his aides-de-camp, except the captain of his life-guard, was joined by a number of chosen men, with lanterns, and proper instruments to break open houses, and before six o'clock next morning, had forty men under guard at the City Hall, among whom was the mayor of the city, sev- er.ll merchants, and five or six of his own life-guard. Upon examination, one Forbes confessed that the plan was to assassinate the general, and as many of the superior officers as they could, and to blow up the magazine upon the appearance of the enemy's fleet, and to go oflfin boats prepared for that purpose to join the enemy. Thomas Hickey, who has been executed, went from this place. He came from Ireland a few years ago. What will be done with the mayor is uncertain. He can't be tried by court- martial, and, it is said, there is no law of that colony by which ho can bo condemned. May he have his deserts." 16 According to general orders issued from head-quarters on the following day (June 30), the oflicers and men, not on duty, were to march from their respective regimental parades to their alarm posts, at least once every day, that they might become well acquainted with them. They were to go by routes least exposed to a fire from the shipping, and all the oflicers, from the highest to the lowest, were to make themselves well acquainted with the grounds. Upon a signal of the enemy's approach, or upon any alarm, all fatigue parties were immediately to repair to their respective corps with their arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, ready for instant action. It was ascertained that the ramiflcations of the conspiracy lately detected, extended up the Hudson. Many of the disaftected in the upper counties were enlisted in it. The committee of safety at Cornwall, in Orange County, sent word to Colonel James Clinton, Fort Constitu- tion, of the mischief that was brewing. James Haft', a tory, had confessed before them, that he was one of a number who were to join the Bi'itish troops as soon as they should arrive. It was expected the latter would push up the river and land at Verplanck's Point; where- upon the guns at the forts in the Highlands were to be spiked by soldiers of their own garrisons ; and the tories throughout the country were to be up in arms.* Clinton received letters, also, from a meeting of committees in the precincts of ISTewburgh, apprising him that persons dangerous to the cause were lurking in that neighborhood, and requesting him to detach twenty-five men under a certain lieutenant acquainted with the woods, " to aid in getting some of these rascals appre- hended and secured." While city and country were thus agitated by apprehensions of danger, internal and ex- ternal, other arrivals swelled the number of ships in the bay of New York to one hundred and thirty, men-of-war and transports. They made no movement to ascend the Hudson, but anchored off Staten Island, were they landed their troops, and the hill sides were soon whi- tened with their tents. In the frigate Greyhound, one of the four ships which first arrived, came General Howe. He had precoied the fleet, in order to confer with Governor Tryon, and inform himself of the state of affairs. In a letter to his govern- ■*• Extracts from minutes of the committee, American Archives, 4th Series, vi. 1112. 242 WASHINGTON'S PREPARATIONS— ALEXANDER HAMILTON. [17'76. ment he writes : " I met with Governor Tryon on board of a ship at the Hook, and many gen- tlemen, fast friends of government, attending bim, from whom I have the fullest information of the state of the rebels. ***** We passed the Narrows with three ships-of-war, and the first division of transports, landed the gren- adiers and light infantry, as the ships came up, on this island, to the great joy of a most loyal people, long suffering on that account under the oppression of the rebels stationed among them ; who precipitately fled on the approach of the shipping. ***** There is great reason to expect a numerous body of the inhabitants to join the army from the province of York, the Jerseys, and Connecticut, who, in this time of universal oppression, only wait for oppor- tunities to give proofs of their loyalty and zeal." * Washington beheld the gathering storm with an anxious eye, aware that Genei-al Howe only awaited the arrival of his brother, the admiral, to commence hostile operations. He wrote to the President of Congress, urging a call on the Massachiisetts government for its quota of con- tinental troops ; and the formation of a flying camp of ten thousand men, to be stationed in the Jerseys, as a central force, ready to act in any direction as circumstances might re- quire. On the 2d of July, he issued a general order, calling upon the troops to prepare for a mo- mentous conflict which was to decide their liberties and fortunes. Those who should sig- nalize themselves by acts of bravery, would be noticed and rewarded ; those who proved craven would be exposed and punished. No favor would be shown to such as refused or neglected to do their duty at so important a crisis. CHAPTER XXV. t/ About this time, we have the first appearance in the military ranks of the Revolution, of one * Governor Tryon, in a letter dated about this time from on board of the Duchess of Gordon, off Staten Island, writes : " The testimony given by the inhabitants of the island, of loyalty to his majesty, and attachment to his government, I flatter myself will be general throughout the province, as soon as the army gets the main body of the rebels between them and the sea ; which will leave all the back country open to the command of the king's friends, and yield a plentiful resource of provisions for the army, and place them in a better situation to cut off the rebels' retreat when forced from their stronghold."— Am. Archives, bth Series, i. 122. destined to take an active and distinguished part in public affairs ; and to leave the impress of his genius on the institutions of the coun- try. As General Greene one day, on his way to Washington's head-quarters, was passing through a field, — then on the outskirts of the city, now in the heart of its busiest quarter, and known as " the Park," — he paused to notice a provincial company of artillery, and was struck with its able performances, and with the tact and talent of its commander. He was a mere youth, apparently about twenty years of age ; small in person and stature, but remark- able for his alert and manly bearing. It was Alexander Hamilton. Greene was an able tactician, and quick to appreciate any display of military science ; a little conversation sufficed to convince him that the youth before him had a mind of no ordinary grasp and quickness. He invited him to his quarters, and from that time, cultivated his friendship. Hamilton was a native of the island of Nevis, in the West Indies, and at a very early age had been put in a counting-house at Santa Cruz. His nature, however, was aspiring. " I contemn the grovelling condition of a clerk to which my fortune condemns me," writes he to a youthful friend, " and would willingly risk my life, though not my character, to exalt my station. *****! mean to prepare the way for futurity. I am no philosopher, and may be justly said to build castles in the air ; yet we have seen such schemes succeed, when the pro- jector is constant. I shall conclude by saying, I wish there was a war." StiU he applied himself with zeal and fidelity to the duties of his station, and such were the precocity of his judgment and his aptness at accounts, that before he was fourteen years of age, he was left for a brief interval during the absence of the prinicipal, at the head of the es- tablishment. While his situation in the house gave him a practical knowledge of business, and experience in finance, his leisure hours were devoted to self-cultivation. He made himself acquainted with mathematics and chemistry, and indulged a strong propensity to literature. Some early achievements of his pen attracted attention, and showed such proof of talent, that it was determined to give him the advantage of a regular education. He was accordingly sent to Elizabethtown, in the Jerseys, in the autumn of 1772, to prepare, by a course of jEt. 44.] HAMILTON'S EARLY DAYS— GENERAL HUGH MERCER. 24i studies, for admission into King's (now Colum- bia) College, at New York. He entered the college as a private student in the latter part of 1773, and endeavored, by diligent application, to fit himself for the medical profession. The contentions of the colonies witli the mother country gave a different direction and impulse to his ardent and aspiring mind. He soon signalized himself by the exercise of his pen, sometimes in a grave, sometimes in a satir- ical manner. On the 6th of July, 1774, there was a general meeting of the citizens in the " Fields," to express their abhorrence of the Boston Port Bill. Hamilton was present, and, prompted by his excited feelings and the insti- gation of youthful companions, ventured to ad- dress the multitude. The vigor and maturity of his intellect contrasted Avith his youthful appearance, won the admiration of his auditors ; even his diminutive size gave additional effect to his eloquence. The war, for which in his boyish days he had sighed, was approaching. He now devoted himself to military studies, especially pyrotech- nics and gunnery, and formed an amateur corps out of a number of his fellow students, and the young gentlemen of the city. In the month of March, 1776, he became captain of artillery, in a provincial corps, newly raised, and soon, by able drilling, rendered it conspicuous for dis- cipline. It was while exercising his artilleiy company that he attracted, as we have mentioned, the attention of General Greene. Further acquaint- ance heightened the general's opinion of his ex- traordinary merits, and he took an early occa- sion to introduce him to the commander-in- chief, by whom we shall soon find him properly appreciated. A valuable accession to the army, at this anxious time, was "Washington's neighbor, and former companion in arms, Hugh Mercer, the veteran of Oulloden and Fort Duquesne. His military spirit was alert as ever ; the talent he had shown in organizing the Virginia militia, and his zeal and efficiency as a member of the committee of safety, had been properly appreci- ated by Congress, and on the 5th of June he had received the commission of brigadier-gen- eral. He was greeted by "Washington with the right-hand of fellowship. The flying camp was about forming. The committee of safety of Pennsylvania were forwarding some of the militia of that province to the Jerseys, to per- form the service of the camp until the militia levies, specified by Congress, should arrive. "Washington had the nomination of some conti- nental officer to the command. He gave it to Mercer, of whose merits he felt sure, and sent him over to Paulus Hook, in the Jerseys, to make arrangements for the Pennsylvania militia as they should come in ; recommending him to Brigadier-General "William Livingston, as an officer on whose experience and judgment great confidence might be reposed. Livingston was a man inexperienced in arms, but of education, talent, sagacity, and ready wit. He was of the New York family of the same name, but had resided for some time in the Jerseys, having a spacious mansion in Elizabeth- town, which he had named Liberty Hall. Mer- cer and he were to consult together, and con- cert plans to repel invasions ; the New Jersey militia, however, were distinct from the flying camp, and only called out for local defence. New Jersey's greatest danger of invasion was from Staten Island, where the British were throwing up works, and whence they might attempt to cross to Amboy. The flying camp was therefore to be stationed in the neighbor- hood of that place. " The known disaffection of the people of Amboy," writes "Washington, " and the treach- ery of those on Staten Island, who, after the fairest professions, have shown themselves our most inveterate enemies, have induced me to give directions that all persons of known enmity and doubtful character, should be removed from those places." According to General Livingston's humorous account, his own village of Elizabethtown was not much more reliable, being peopled in those agitated times by " unknown, unrecommended strangers, guilty-lookiug tories, and very knav- ish whigs." "While danger was gathering round New York, and its inhabitants were in mute sus- pense and fearful anticipations, the General Congress at Philadelphia was discussing, with closed doors, what John Adams pronounced — " The greatest question ever debated in Amei-- ica, and as great as ever was or wiU be debated among men." The result was, a resolution passed unanimously, on the 2d of July, " that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States," " The 2d of July," adds the same patriotic statesman, " will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it wiU be celebrated by succeeding genera- 244 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. [1116. tions, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliv- erance, by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, boniires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forth for evermore." The glorious event has, indeed, given rise to an annual jubilee, but not on the day designated by Adams. The fourth of July is the day of national rejoicing, for on that day, the " Decla- ration of Independence," that solemn and sub- lime document, was adopted. Tradition gives a dramatic effect to its announcement. It was known to be under discussion, but the closed doors of Congress excluded the populace. They awaited, in throngs, an appointed signal. In the steeple of the state-house was a bell, im- ported twenty-three years previously from Lon- don, by the Provincial Assembly of Pennsyl- vania. It boi-e the portentous text from Scrip- ture : " Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof." A joyous peal from that bell gave notice that the bill had been passed. It was the knell of British dom- ination. No one felt the importance of the event more deeply than John Adams, for no one had been more active in producing it. We quote his words written at the moment. " When I look back to the year 1761, and recollect the argu- ment concerning writs of assistance in the su- perior court, which I have hitherto considered as the commencement of the controversy be- tween Great Britain and America, and run through the whole period from that time to this, and recollect the series of political events, the chain of causes and effects ; I am surprised at the suddenness, as weU as the greatness of this Revolution ; Great Britain has been filled with folly, America with wisdom." His only regret was, that the declaration of independence had not been made sooner. '' Had it been made seven months ago," said he, " we should have mastered Quebec, and been in pos- session of Canada, and might before this hour have formed alliances with foreign states. Many gentlemen in high stations, and of great influ- ence, have been duped by the ministerial bubble of commissioners to treat, and have been sIoav and languid in promoting measures for the re- duction of that province." Washington hailed the declaration with joy. It is true, it was but a formal recognition of a state of things which had long existed, but it put an end to all those temporizing hopes of reconciliation which had clogged the military action of the country. On the 9th of July, he caused it to be read at six o'clock in the evening, at the head of each brigade of the army. " The general hopes," said he in his orders, " that this important event will serve as a fresh incentive to every officer and soldier, to act with fidelity and courage, as knowing that wow the peace and safety of his country depend, under God, solely on the suc- cess of our arms ; and that he is now in the service of a state, possessed of suflScient power to reward his merit, and advance him to the highest honors of a free coimtry." The excitable populace of New York were not content with the ringing of bells to pro- claim their joy. There was a leaden statue of George III. in the Bowling Green, in front of the fort. Since kingly rule is at an end, why retain its effigy ? On the same evening, there- fore, the statue was pulled down amid the shouts of the multitude, and broken up to be run into bullets " to be used in the cause of in- dependence." Some of the soldiery having been implicated in this popular effervescence, Wasliington cen- sured it in general orders, as having much the appearance of a riot, and a Avant of discipline, and the army was forbidden to indulge in any irregularities of the kind. It was his constant effort to inspire his countrymen in arms with his own elevated idea of the cause in which they were engaged, and to make them feel that it was no ordinary warfare, admitting of vulgar passions and perturbations. " The general hopes and trusts," said he, " that every officer and man will endeavor so to live and act as be- comes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." * CHAPTER XXVI. The exultation of the patriots of New York, caused by the Declaration of Independence, was soon overclouded. On the 12th of July, several ships stood in from sea, and joined the naval force below. Every nautical movement was now a matter of speculation and alarm, and all the spy-glasses in the city were incessantly re- connoitring the bay. * Orderly book, July 9, Sparks, iii. 456. J3t. 44.] MOVEMENTS OF THE PHCENIX AND THE ROSE— PANIC IN THE CITY. 245 " The enemy are now in the harbor," writes an American officer, " although they have not yet ventured themselves within gunshot of the city, but we hourly expect to be called into ac- tion. The whole army is out between two and three every morning, at their respective alarm posts, and remain there until sunrise. I am morally certain that it Avill not be long before we have an engagement." Scarce had this letter been penned, when two ships-of-war were observed getting imder way, and standing toward the city. One was the Phoenix, of forty guns ; the other the Eose, of twenty guns, commanded by Captain Wallace, of unenviable renown, who had marauded the New England coast, and domineered over Rhode Island. The troops were immediately at their alarm posts. It was about half-pasb three o'clock in the afternoon, as the ships and three tenders came sweeping up the bay with the ad- vantage of wind and tide, and shaped their course up the Hudson. The batteries of the city and of Paulus Hook, on the opposite Jersey shore, opened a fire upon them. They answered it with broadsides. There was a panic through- out the city. Women and children ran hither and thither about the streets, mingling their shrieks and cries with the thundering of the cannon. " The attack has begun ! The city is to be destroyed ! What will become of us ? " The Phojnis and the Rose continued their course up the Hudson. They had merely fired upon the batteries as they passed ; and on their own part had sustained but little damage, their decks having ramparts of sand-bags. The ships below remained in sullen quiet at their anchors, and showed no intention of following them. The firing ceased. The fear of a general attack upon the city died away, and the agitated citi- zens breathed more freely. Washington, however, apprehended this move- ment of the ships might be with a different ob- ject. They might be sent to land troops, and seize upon the passes of the Highlands. Forts Montgomery and Constitution were far from complete, and were scantily manned. A small force might be sufficient to surprise them. The ships might intend, also, to distribute arms among the tories in the river counties, and pre- pare them to co-operate in the apprehended attack upon New York. Thus thinking, the moment Washington saw these ships standing up the river, he sent off" an express to put General Mifflin on the alert, who was stationed witli liis Philadelphia troops at Fort Washington and King's Bridge. The same express carried a letter from him to the New York Convention, at that time holding its ses- sions at White Plains in Westchester County, apprising it of the impending danger. His im- mediate solicitude was for the safety of Forts Constitution and Montgomery. Fortunately, George Clinton, the patriotic legislator, had recently been appointed briga- dier-general of the militia of Ulster and Orange Counties. Called to his native State by his military duties in this time of danger, he had only remamed in Congress to vote for the de- claration of independence, and then hastened home. He was now at New Windsor, in Ulster County, just above the Highlands. Washington wrote to him on the afternoon of the 12th, urging him to collect as great a foi-ce as jjos- sible of the New York militia, for the protec- tion of the Highlands against this hostile irrup- tion, and to solicit aid, if requisite, from the western parts of Connecticut. " I have the strongest reason to believe," added he, " it will be absolutely necessary, if it were only to pre- vent an insurrection of your own tories." Long before the receipt of Washington's let- ter, Clinton had been put on the alert. About nine o'clock in the morning of the 13th, an alarm gun from his brother at Fort Constitution, thundered through the echoing defiles of the mountains. Shortly afterwards, two river sloops came to anchor above the Highlands, before the general's residence. Their captains informed him that New York had been attacked on the preceding afternoon. They had seen the cannonade from a distance, and judged from the subsequent firing, that the enemy's ships were up the river as far as King's Bridge. Clinton was as i)rompt a soldier as he had been an intrepid legislator. The neighboring militia were forthwith put in motion. Three regiments were ordered out ; one was to repair to Fort Montgomery ; another to Fort Consti- tution ; the third to rendezvous at Newburgh, just above the Highlands, ready to hasten to the assistance of Fort Constitution, should an- other signal be given. All the other regiments under his command were to be prepared for service at a moment's notice. In ordering these - hasty levies, however, he was as considerate as he was energetic. The colonels were directed to leave the frontier companies at home, to protect the country against the Indians, and some men out of each company to guard against internal enemies. 246 ARRIVAL OF LORD HOWE— PRECAUTIONS AGAINST TORIES. [_1116. Another of his sagacious measures was to send expresses to all the owners of sloops and boats twenty miles up the west side of the river, to haul them off, so as to prevent their grounding. Part of them were to be ready to carry over the militia to the forts ; the rest were ordered down to Fort Constitution, where a chain of them might be drawn across the narrowest part of the river, to be set on fire, should the enemy's ships attempt to pass. Having made these prompt arrangements, he proceeded early in the afternoon of the same day, with about forty of his neighbors, to Fort Constitution ; whence, leaving some with his brother, he pushed down on the same evening to Fort Montgomery, where he fixed his head- quarters, as being nearer the enemy, and better situated to discover their motions. Here, on the following day (July 14th), he received Washington's letter, written two days previously ; but by this time he had anticipated its orders, and stirred up the whole country. On that same evening, two or three hundred of the hardy Ulster yeomanry, roughly equip- ped, part of one of the regiments he had ordered out, marched into Fort Montgomery, headed by their colonel (Woodhull). Early the next morn- ing five hundred of another regiment arrived, and he was told that parts of two other regi- ments were on the way. " The men," writes he to Washington, " turn out of their harvest fields to defend their coun- try with surprising alacrity. The absence of so many of them, however, at this time, when their harvests are perishing for want of the sickle, Avill greatly distress the country. I could wish, therefore, that a less number might an- swer the purpose." On no one could this prompt and brave gath- ering of the yeomanry produce a more gratify- ing effect, than upon the commander-in-chief ; and no one could be more feelingly alive, in the midst of stern military duties, to the appeal in behalf of the peaceful interests of the hus- bandman. While the vigilant Clinton was preparing to defend the passes of the Highlands, danger was growing more imminent at the mouth of the Hudson. j^ew York has always been a city prone to agitations. That into which it was thrown on the afternoon of the 12th of July, by the broad- sides of the Phoenix and the Ptose, was almost immediately followed by another. On the same evening there was a great booming of cannon. with clouds of smoke, from the shipping at an- chor at Staten Island. Every spy-glass was again in requisition. The British fleet were sa- luting a ship of the line, just arrived from sea. She advanced grandly, every man-of-war thun- dering a salute as she passed. At her foretop masthead she bore St. George's flag. "It is the admiral's ship ! " cried the nautical men on the look-out at the Battery. " It is the admi- ral's ship ! " was echoed from mouth to mouth, and the word soon flew throughout the city, " Lord Howe is come ! " CHAPTER XXVII. Lord Howe was indeed come, and affairs now appeared to be approaching a crisis. In conse- quence of the recent conspiracy, the Convention of New York, seated at White Plains in West- chester County, had a secret committee sta- tioned in New York, for the purpose of taking cognizance of traitorous machinations. To this committee Washington addressed a letter, the day after his lordship's arrival, suggesting the policy of removing from the city and its envi- rons, " all persons of known di.s;;ffec'aon and enmity to the cause of America ; " especially those confined in jail for treasonable offences ; who might become extremely dangerous in case of an attack and alarm. He took this step with great reluctance ; but felt compelled to it by circumstances. The late conspiracy had shown him that treason might be lurking in his camp. And he was weU aware that the city and the neighboring country, especially Westchester County, and Queen's and Suffolk Counties, on Long Island, abounded with " tories," ready to rally under the royal standard whenever backed by a commanding force. In consequence of his suggestion, thirteen persons, in confinement for traitorous offences, were removed to the jail of Litchfield in Con- necticut. Among the number was the late mayor ; but as his offence was not of so deep a dye as those Avhereof the rest stood charged, it was recommended by the president of the Convention that he should be treated with in- dulgence. The proceedings of Lord Howe soon showed the policy of these precautions. His lordship had prepared a declaration, addressed to the people at large, informing them of the powers vested in his brother and himself as commis- Mt. 44.] DECLARATION OF LORD HOWE— HIS LETTER. 247 sioners for restoring peace ; and inviting com- munities as well as individuals, who, in the tumult and disasters of the times, had deviated from their allegiance to the crown, to merit and receive pardon, bj a pi'ompt return to their duty. It was added, that proper consideration would be had of the services of all who should contribute to the restoration of public tran- quillity. His lordship really desired peace. Accord- ing to a contemporary, he came to America " as a mediator, not as a destroyer," * and had founded great hopes in the efficacy of this doc- ument in rallying back the people to their alle- giance ; it was a sore matter of regret to him, therefore, to find that, in consequence of his tardy arrival, his invitation to loyalty had been forestalled by the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Still it might have an effect in bringing ad- herents to the royal standard ; he sent a flag on shore, therefore, bearing a circular letter, written in his civil and military capacity, to the colonial governor, requesting him to pub- lish his address to the people as widely as pos- sible. We have heretofore shown the tenacity witli which Washington, in his correspondence with Generals Gage and Howe, exacted the consider- ation and deference due to him as commander- in-chief of the American armies ; he did this not from official pride and punctilio, but as the guai'dian of American rights and dignities. A further step of the kind was yet to be taken. The British officers, considering the Americans in arms rebels without valid commissions, were in the habit of denying them all military title. Washington's general officers had urged him not to submit to this tacit indignity, but to reject all letters directed to him without a specification of his official rank. An occasion now presented itself for the ad- justment of this matter. Within a day or two an officer of the British navy. Lieutenant Brown, came with a flag from Lord Howe, seeking a conference with Washington. Col- onel Reed, the adjutant-general, embarked in a barge, and met him half way between Govern- or's and Staten Islands. The lieutenant in- formed him that he was the bearer of a letter from Lord Howe to Mr. Washington. Colonel Reed replied, that he knew no such person in the American army. The lieutenant produced ♦ Letter of Mr. Dennis de Berdt, to Mr. Joseph Reed. Am. Archives, 5th Series, i. 372. and ofiered the letter. It was addressed to George Washington, Esquire. He was in- formed that it could not be received with such a direction. The lieutenant expressed much concern. The letter, he said, was of a civil, rather than a military nature — Lord Howe re- gretted he had not arrived sooner — he had great powers — it was much to be wished the letter could be received. While the lieutenant was embarrassed and agitated. Reed maintained his coolness, politely declining to receive the letter, as inconsistent with his duty. They parted; but after the lieutenant had been rowed some little distance, his barge was put about, and Reed waited to hear what further he had to say. It was to ask by what title General — but, catching him- self, Mr. Washington chose to be addressed. Reed replied that the general's station in the army was well known ; and they could not be at a loss as to the proper mode of addressing him, especially as this matter had been dis- cussed in the precedhig summer, of which, he presumed, the admiral could not be ignorant. The lieutenant again expressed his disappoint- ment and regret, and their interview closed. On the 19th, an aide-de-camp of General Howe came with a flag, and requested to know, as there appeared to be an obstacle to a corre- spondence between the two generals, whether Colonel Patterson, the British adjutant-gen.eral, could be admitted to an interview with Gen- eral Washington. Colonel Reed, who met the flag, consented in the name of the general, and pledged his honor for the safety of the adju- tant-general during the interview, which was fixed for the following morning. At the appointed time, Col. Reed and Col- onel Webb, one of Washington's aides, met the flag in the harbor, took Colonel Patterson into their barge, and escorted him to town, passing in front of the grand battery. The customary precaution of blindfolding was dispensed with ; and there was a lively and sociable conversa- tion the whole way. Washington received the adjutant-general at head-quarters with much form and ceremony, in full military array, with his officers and guards about him. Colonel Patterson, addressing him by the title of your excellency, endeavored to explain the address of the letter as consistent with propriety, and founded on a similar address in the previous summer, to General Howe. That General Howe did not mean to derogate from the respect or rank of General Washington, 248 HOWE'S LETTER REJECTED— HUDSON RIVER AND THE HIGHLANDS. n776. but conceived such an address consistent with what had been used by ambassadors or pleni- potentiaries where difficulties of rank had arisen. He then produced, but did not offer, a letter addressed to George "Washington, Esquire, &c., &c., hoping that the et ceteras, which implied every thing, would remove all impediments. Washington replied, that it was true, the et ceteras implied every thing, but they also im- plied any thing. His letter alluded to, of the previous summer, was in reply to one addressed in like manner. A letter, he added, addressed to a person acting in a public character, should have some inscriptions to designate it from a mere private letter ; and he should absolutely decline any letter addressed to himself as a private person, when it related to his public station. Colonel Patterson, finding the letter would not be received, endeavored, as far as he could recollect, to communicate the scope of it in the course of a somewhat desultory conversation. What he chiefly dwelt upon was, that Lord Howe and his brother had been specially nomi- nated commissioners for the promotion of peace, which was esteemed a mark of favor and regard to America ; that they had great powers, and would derive the highest pleasure from effecting an accommodation ; and he con- cluded by adding, that he wished his visit to be considered as making the first advance tow- ard tliat desirable object. Washington replied that, by what had ap- peared (alluding, no doubt, to Lord Howe's circular), their powers, it would seem, were only to grant pardons. Now those who had committed no fault needed no pardon ; and such was the case with the Americans, who were only defending what they considered their indisputable rights. Colonel Patterson avoided a discussion of this matter, which, he observed, would open a very wide field ; so here the conference, which had been conducted on both sides with great courtesy, terminated. Tlie colonel took his leave, excusing himself from ])artaking of a collation, having made a late breakfast, and was again conducted to his boat. He expressed himself highly sensible of the courtesy of his treatment, in having the usual ceremony of blindfolding dispensed with. Washington received the applause of Con- gress and of the public for sustaining the dig- nity of his station. His conduct in this par- ticular was recommended as a model to all American officers in corresponding with the enemy ; and Lord Howe informed his govern- ment that, thenceforward, it would be politic to change the superscription of his letters. In the mean time the irruption of the Phoe- nix and the Rose into the waters of the Hud- son had roused a belligerent spirit along its borders. The lower part of that noble river is commanded on the eastern side by the bold woody heights of Manhattan Island and West- chester County, and on the western side by the rocky cliffs of the Palisades, Beyond those cliffs, the river expands into a succession of what may almost be termed lakes ; first the Tappan Sea, then Haverstraw Bay, then the Bay of Peekskill ; separated from each other by long stretching points, or high beetling promontories, but affording ample sea room and safe anchorage. Then come the redoubt- able Highlands, that strait, fifteen miles in length, where the river bends its course, nar- row and deep, between rocky, forest-clad mountains. "He who has command of that grand defile," said an old navigator, " may at any time throttle the Hudson." The New York Convention, aware of the impending danger, despatched military envoys to stir up the yeomanry along the river, and order out militia. Powder and ball were sent to Tarrytown, before which the hostile ships were anchored, and yeoman troops were sta- tioned there and along the neighboring sliores of the Tappan Sea. In a little while the militia of Dutchess County and Cortlandt's Manor were hastening, rudely armed, to protect the public stores at Peekskill, and mount guard at the entrance of the Highlands. No one showed more zeal in this time of alarm, than Colonel Pierre Van Cortlandt, of an old colonial family, which held its manorial residence at the mouth of the Croton. With his regiment he kept a dragon watch along the eastern shore of the Tappan Sea and Haver- straw Bay ; while equal vigilance was main- tained night and day along the western shore, from Nyack^ quite up to the Donderberg, by Colonel Hay and his regiment of Haverstraw. Sheep and cattle were driven inland, out of the reach of maraud. Sentinels were posted to keep a look-out fi-om heights and headlands, and give the alarm should any boats approach the shore, and rustic marksmen were ready to assemble in a moment, and give them a warm reception. ^T. 44.] CLINTON ON THE ALERT— THE VAN CORTLANDT FAMILY. 249 The ships-of-war which caused this alarm and turmoil, lay quietly anchored in the broad expanses of the Tappan Sea and Haverstraw Bay ; shifting their ground occasionally, and keeping out of musket shot of the shore, ap- Varently sleeping in the summer sunshine, with awnings stretched above their decks ; while their boats were out taking soundings quite up to the Highlands, evidently preparing for fur- ther operations. At night, too, their barges were heard rowing up and down the river on mysterious errands ; perriaugers, also, paid them furtive visits occasionally ; it was sur- mised, with communications and supplies from tories on shore. Wliile the ships were anchored in Haver- straw Bay, one of the tenders stood into the Bay of Peekskill, and beat up within long shot of Fort Montgomery, where General George Clinton was ensconced with six hundred of the militia of Orange and Ulster counties. As the tender approached, a thirty-two pounder was brought to range upon her. The ball passed through her quarter ; whereupon she put about, and ran round the point of the Donderberg, where the boat landed, plundered a solitary house at the foot of the mountain, and left it in flames. The marauders, on their way back to the ships, were severely galled by rustic marksmen, from a neighboring promon- tory. The ships, now acquainted with the channel, moved up within sis miles of Fort Montgom- ery, General Clinton apprehended they might mean to take advantage of a dark night, and slip by him in the deep shadows of the moun- tains. The shores were high and bold, the river was deep, the navigation of course safe and easy. Once above the Highlands, they might ravage the country beyond, and destroy certain vessels of war which were being con- structed at Poughkeepsie. To prevent this, he stationed a guard at night on the furthest point in view, about two miles and a half below the fort, prepared to kindle a blazing fire should the ships appear in sight. Large piles of dry brushwood mixed with com- bustibles, were prepared at various places up and down the shore opposite to the fort, and men stationed to set fire to them as soon as a signal should be given from the lower point. The fort, therefore, while it remained in dark- ness, would have a fair chance with its batter- ies as the ships passed between it and these conflagrations. A private committee sent up by the New York Convention, had a conference with the general, to devise further means of obstructing the passage of ships up the river. Fire rafts were to be brought from Poughkeepsie, and kept at hand ready for action. These were to be lashed two together, with chains, between old sloops filled with combustibles, and sent down with a strong wind and tide, to drive upon the ships. An iron chain, also, was to be stretched obliquely across the river from Fort Montgomery to the foot of Anthony's ISTose, thus, as it were, chaining up the gate of the Highlands. For a protection below the Highlands, it was proposed to station whale-boats about the coves and promontories of Tappan Sea and Haverstraw Bi^y ; to reconnoitre the enemy, cruise about at night, carry intelligence from post to post, seize any river craft that might bring the ships supplies, and cut off" their boats when attempting to land. Galleys, also, were prepared, with nine- pounders mounted at the bows. Colonel Hay of Haverstraw, in a letter to "Washington, rejoices that the national Con- gress are preparing to protect this great high- way of the country, and auticii)ates that the banks of the Hudson were about to become the chief theatre of the war. NOTE. The Van Cortlandt Faiiilt. — Two members of this old and honorable family were conspicuous patriots throughout the Revolution. Pierre Van Cortlandt, the father, at this time aboiit 56 years of age, a stanch friend and ally of George Clinton, was member of the first Provincial Congress, and president of the Com- mittee of Public Safety. Governor Tryon had visited him in his old manor house at the mouth of the Cro- ton, in 1774, and made him offers of rojal favors, honors, grants of land, Ac, if he would abandon the popular cause. • His offers were nobly rejected. The Cortlandt family suffered in consequence, being at one time obliged to abandon their manorial residence ; but the head remained true to the cause, and subsequently filled the office of Lieutenant-Governor with great dignity. His son Pierre, mentioned in the above chapter, and then about 27 years of age, had likewise resisted the overtures of Trj-on, destroying a major's commis- sion in the Cortlandt militia, which he sent him. Congress, in 1775, made him lieutenant-colonel in the Continental service, in which capacity we now find him, acquitting himself with zeal and ability. 250 GATES AND SCHUYLER— FORTIFICATIONS AT TICONDEROGA. [1776, CHAPTER XXVIII. While the security of the Hudson from in- vading ships was claiming the attention of Wasliington, he was equally anxious to prevent an irruption of the enemy from Canada. He was grieved, therefore, to find there was a clashing of authorities between the generals who had charge of the Northern frontier. Gates, on his way to take command of the army in Canada, had heard with surprise in Albany, of its retreat across the New York frontier. He still considered it under his orders, and was proceeding to act accordingly ; when General Schuyler observed that the res- olution of Congress, and the instructions of "Washington, applied to the army only while in Canada ; the moment it retreated within the limits of New York, it came within his (Schuy- ler's) command. A letter from Schuyler to Washington, written at the time, says : " If Congress intended that General Gates should command the Northern army, wherever it may be, as he assures me they did, it ought to have been signified to me, and I should then have immediately resigned the command to him ; but until such intention is properly conveyed to me, I never can. I must, therefore, entreat your Excellency to lay this letter before Con- gress, that they may clearly and explicitly sig- nify their intentions, to avert the dangers and evils that may arise from a disputed com- mand." That there might be no delay- in the service at this critical juncture, the two generals agreed to refer the question of command to Congress, and in the mean time to act in concert. They accordingly departed together for Lake Cham- plain, to prepare against an anticipated invasion by Sir Guy Cai-lcton. They arrived at Crown Point on the Cth of July, and foimd there the wrecks of the army recently driven ont of Canada. They had been harassed in their re- treat by land ; their transportation on the lake had been in leaky boats, without awnings, where the sick, suflering from smallpox, lay on straw, exposed to a burning July sun ; no food but salt pork, often rancid, hard biscuit or un- baked flour, and scarcely any medicine. Not more than six thousand men had reached Crown Point, and half of those were on the sick list ; the shattered remains of twelve or fifteen very fine battalions. Some few were sheltered in tents, some under sheds, and others in huts hastily formed of bushes ; scarce one of which but contained a dead or dying man. Two thousand eight hundred were to be sent to a hospital recently established at the south end of Lake George, a distance of fifty miles ; when they were gone, with those who were to row them in boats, there would remain but the shadow of an army.* In a council of war, it was determined that, under present circumstances, the post of Crown Point was not tenable ; neither was it capable of being made so this summer, without a force greatly superior to any they might reasonably expect ; and that, therefore, it was expedient to fall back, and take a strong position at Ticonderoga. General Sullivan had been deeply hurt that Gates, his former inferior in rank, should have been appointed over him to the command of the army in Canada ; considering it a tacit in- timation that Congress did not esteem him competent to the trust Avhich had devolved upon him. He now, therefore, requested leave of absence, in order to wait on the commandei'- in-chief. It was granted with reluctance. Be- fore departing he communicated to the army, through General Schuyler, his high and grate- ful sense of their exertions in securing a retreat from Canada, and the cheerfulness with which his commands had been received and obeyed. On the 9th of July, Schuyler and Gates re- turned to Ticonderoga, accompanied by Arnold. Instant arrangements were made to encamp the troops, and land the artillery and stores as fast as they should arrive. Great exertions, also, were made to strengthen the defences of the place. Colonel John Trumbull, who was to have accompanied Gates to Canada, as adjutant-general, had been reconnoitring the neighborhood of Ticonderoga, and had pitched upon a place for a fortification on the eastern side of the lake, directly opposite the east point of Ticonderoga, where Fort Inde- pendence was subsequently built. He also ad- vised the erection of a work on a lofty eminence, the termination of a mountain ridge, which separates Lake George froin Lake Champlain. His advice was unfortunately disregarded. The eminence, subsequently called Mount Defiance, looked down upon and commanded the narrow parts of both lakes. We shall hear more of it hereafter. Preparations were made, also, to augment the * Col. John Trumbull's Autobiography, p. 285, Ap- pendix. ^ -Et. 44.] A QUESTION OF COMMAND SETTLED— SECTIONAL JEALOUSIES. 251 naval force on the lakes. Ship carpenters from the Eastern States were employed at Skenes- borongh, to build the hulls of galleys and boats, which, when launched, were to be sent down to Ticonderoga for equipment and armament, un- der the superintendence of General Arnold. Schuyler soon returned to Albany, to super- intend the general concerns of the Northern department. He was indefatigable in procuring and forwarding the necessary materials and ar- tillery for the fortification of Ticonderoga. The question of command between him and Gates, was apparently at rest. A letter from the President of Congress, dated July 8th, in- formed General Gates, that according to the resolution of that body under which he had been appointed, his command was totally inde- pendent of General Schuyler, while the army was ill Canada^ but no longer. Congress had no design to divest General Schuyler of the cf^mniand while the troops were on this side of Canada.'''' To Schuyler, under the same date, the presi- dent writes : " The Congress highly approve of your patriotism and magnanimity in not suffer- ing any difference of opinion to hurt the public service. " A mutual confidence and good understand- ing are at this time essentially necessary, so that I am persuaded they will take place on all occa- sions between yourself and General Gates." Gates professed himself entirely satisfied with the explanation he had received, and perfectly disposed to obey the commands of Schuyler. " I am confident," added he, " we shall, as the Congress wish, go hand in hand to promote the public welfare." Schuyler, too, assured both Congress and "Washington, " that the difference in opinion between Gates and himself had not caused the least ill will, nor interrupted that harmony ne- cessary to subsist between their officers." Samuel Adams, however, who was at that time in Congress, had strong doubts in the mat- ter. " Schuyler and Gates are to command the troops," writes he, " the former while they are without, the latter while they are within, the bounds of Canada. Admitting these generals to have the accomplishments of a Marlborough, or a Eugene, I cannot conceive that such a dis- position of them will be attended with any good effects, unless harmony subsists between them. Alas ! I fear this is not the case. Already dis- putes have arisen, which they have referred to Congress ; and, although they affect to treat each other with a politeness becoming their rank, in my mind altercations between com- manders who have pretensions nearly equal (I mean in point of command), forbode a repeti- tion of misfortune. I sincerely wish my appre- hensions jnay prove groundless." * "We have a letter before us, also, written to Gates, by his friend Joseph Trumbull, commis- sary-general, on whose appointment of a deputy the question of command had arisen. Trum- bull's letter was well calculated to inflame the jealousy of Gates. " I find you ai'e in a cursed situation," writes he ; " your authority at an end ; and commanded by a person who will be willing to have you knocked in the head, as General Montgomery was, if he can have the money chest in his power." Governor Trumbull, too, the father of the commissary-general, observes subsequently : " It is justly to be expected that General Gates is discontented with his situation, finding him- self limited and removed from command, to be a wretched spectator of the ruin of the army, without power of attempting to save them." t "We shali have frequent occasion hereafter to notice the discord in the service caused by this rankling discontent. As to General Sullivan, who repaired to Phi- ladelphia, and tendered his resignation, the question of rank which had aggrieved him was explained in a manner that induced him to con- tinue in service. It was universally allowed that his retreat had been ably conducted through all kinds of difficulties and disasters. A greater source of solicitude to "NYashington than this jealousy between commanders, was the sectional jealousy springing up among the troops. In a letter to Schuyler (July 17th), he says, " I must entreat your attention to do away the unhappy and pernicious distinctions and jealousies between the troops of different gov- ernments. Enjoin this upon the officers, and let them inculcate and press home to the sol- diery, the necessity of order and harmony among those who are embarked in one com- mon cause, and mutually contending for all that freemen hold dear." Nowhere were these sectional jealousies more prevalent than in the motley army assembled from distant quarters under "Washington's own command. Eeed, the adjutant-general, speak- * S. Adams to B. H. Lee. Am. Archives, 5th Series, i. 347. t Gov. Trumbull to Mr. William Williams. 252 SOUTHERN TROOPS— CONNECTICUT LIGHT-HORSE. [1776. ing on this subject, observes : " The Southern troops, comprising the regiments south of the Delaware, looked with very unkind feelings on those of New England ; especially those from Connecticut, whose peculiarities of deportment made them the objects of ill-disguised derision among their fellow-soldiers." * Among the troops thus designated as South- ern, were some from Virginia under a Major Leitch ; others from Maryland, under Colonel Smallwood ; others from Delaware led by Col- onel Haslet. There -were four continental bat- talions from Pennsylvania, commanded by Colonels Shee, St. Clair, Wayne, and Magaw ; and provincial battalions, two of which were severally commanded by Colonels Miles and Atlee. The continental battalion under Colonel Shee, was chiefly from the city of Philadelphia, especially the officers ; among whom were Lam- bert Cadwalader and William Allen, members of two of the principal and most aristocratic families, and Alexander Graydon, to whose memoirs we are indebted for some graphic pic- tures of the times. These Pennsylvania troops were under the command of Brigadier-General Mifflin^ -who, in the preceding year, had acted as Washington's aide-de-camp, and afterwards as quartermaster- general. His townsman and intimate, Graydon, characterizes him as a man of education and cultivated manners, with a great talent at ha- ranguing ; highly animated in his appearance, full of activity and apparently of fire ; but rather too much of a bustler, harassing his men unne- cessarily, " He assumed," adds Graydon, " a little of the veteran, from having been before Boston." His troops were chiefly encamped near King's Bridge, and employed in construct- ing works at Fort Washington. Small wood's Maryland battalion was one of the brightest in point of equipment. The scar- let and buff uniforms of those Southerners con- trasted vividly with the rustic attire of the yeoman battalions from the East. Their oflicers-, too, looked down upon their Connecticut com- peers, who could only bo distinguished from their men by wearing a cockade. " There were none," says Graydon, " by whom an unofficer- like appearance and deportment could be toler- ated less than by a city-bred Marylander ; who, at this time, was distinguished by the most fashionable cut coat, the most macaroni cocked hat, and hottest blood in the Union." Alas, Life of Reed, vol. i., p. 239. for the homespun-clad officers from Connecticut River ! The Pennsylvania regiment under Shee, ac- cording to Graydon, promoted balls and other entertainments in contradistinction to the fast- days and sermons borrowed from New England. There was nothing of the puritanical spirit among the Pennsylvanian soldiery. In the same sectional spirit, he speaks of the Connecticut light-horse : " Old-fashioned men, truly irregulars ; whether their clothing, equip- ments, or caparisons were regarded, it would have been difficult to have discovered any cir- cumstance of uniformity. Instead of carbines and sabres, they generally carried fowling- pieces, some of them very long, such as in Pennsylvania are used for shooting ducks. Here and there one appeared in a dingy regimental of scarlet, with a triangular, tarnished laced hat. These singular dragoons were volunteers, who came to make a tender of their services to the commander-in-chief. But they stayed not long in New York. As such a body of cavalry had not been counted upon, there was in all probability a want of forage for their jades^ which, in the spirit of ancient knighthood, they absolutely refused to descend from ; and as the general had no use for cavaliers in his insular operations, they were forthwith dismissed, with suitable acknowledgments for their truly chival- rous ardor." * The troops thus satirized, were a body of between four and five hundred Connecticut light-horse, under Colonel Thomas Seymour. On an appeal for aid to the governor of their State, they had voluntarily hastened on in ad- vance of the militia, to render the most speedy succor. Supposing, from the suddenness and urgency of the caU upon their services, that they were immediately to be called into action and promptly to return home, they had come on in such haste, that many were unprovided even with a blanket or a change of clothing. Washington speaks of them as being for the most part, if not all, men of reputation and property. They were, in fact, mostly farmers. As to their bovyj jades, they were rough coun- try horses, such as farmers keep, not for show, but service. As to their dingy regimentals, we quote a word in their favor from a writer of that day. " Some of these worthy soldiers assisted in their present uniforms at the reduc- tion of Louisburg, and their ' lank cheeks and ' Graydon's Memoirs, p. 155. ^T. 44.] ARMY JEALOUSIES— EMBARRASSMENTS OF WASHINGTON. 253 war-worn coats,' are viewed witli more venera- tion by their honest countrymen, than if they were glittering nabobs from India, or bashaws with nine tails." * On arriving, their horses, from scarcity of forage, had to be pastured about King's Bridge. In fact, "Washington informed them that, under present circumstances, they could not be of use as horsemen ; on which they concluded to stay, and do duty on foot till the arrival of the new levies.t In a letter to Governor Trumbull (July 11), Washington observes : " The officers and men of that corps have manifested so firm an attachment to the cause we are engaged in, that they have consented to remain here, till such a body of troops are marched from your colony as will be a sufficient reinforcement, so as to admit of their leaving this city with safety. * * * * They have the additional merit of determining to stay, even if they are obliged to maintain their horses at their own ex- pense." I In a very few days, however, the troopers, on being requested to mount guard like other soldiers, grew restless and uneasy. Colonel Seymour and his brother field-officers, therefore, addressed a note to Washington, stating that, by the positive laws of Connecticut, the light- horse were expressly exempted from staying in garrison, or doing duty on foot, apart from their horses ; and that they found it impossible to detain their men any longer under that idea, they having come " without the least expecta- tion or preparation for such services." They respectfully, therefore, asked a dismission in form, Washington's brief reply shows that he was nettled by their conduct. " Gentlemen : In answer to yours of this date, I can only repeat to you what I said last night, and that is, that if your men think themselves exempt from the common duty of a soldier — will not mount guard, do garrison duty, or service separate from their horses — they can no longer be of any use here, where horses cannot be brought to action, and I do not care how soon they ai-e dismissed." In fact, the assistance of these troops was much needed ; yet he apprehended the exemp- tion from fatigue and garrison duty which they demanded as a right, would, if granted, set a dangerous example to others, and be productive of many evil consequences. * Am. Archives, 5th Scries, i. 175. + "Webb to Gov. Trumbull. i Am. Archives, 5tli Series, i. 192. In the hurry of various concerns he du'ected his aide-de-camp, Colonel Webb, to write in his name to Governor Trumbull on the subject. Colonel Seymour, on his return home, ad- dressed a long letter to the governor explana- tory of his conduct. " I can't help remarking to your honor," adds he, " that it may witlf truth be said. General Washington is a gentle* man of extreme care and caution : that his re^ quisitions for men are fully equal to the neces- sities of the case. * * * j should havo stopped here, but am this moment informed that Mr, Webb, General Washington's aide-de- camp, has written to your honor something dis- honorable to the light-horse. Whatever it may be I know not, but this I do know, that it is a general observation, both in camp and country, if the butterflies and coxcombs were away from the army, we should not be put to so much difficulty in obtaining men of common sense to engage in the defence of their country." * As to the Connecticut infantry which had been furnished by Governor Trumbull in the present emergency, they likewise were substan- tial farmers, whose business, he observed, would require their return, when the necessity of their further stay in the army should be over. They were all men of simple rural manners, from an agricultural State, where great equality of con- dition prevailed ; the officei's were elected by the men out of their own ranks, they were their own neighbors, and every way their equals. All this, as yet, was but little understood or appreciated by the troops from the South, among whom military rank was more defined and tenaciously observed, and where the officers were men of the cities, and of more aristocratic habits. We have drawn out, from contemporary sources, these few particulars concerning tlie sectional jealousies thus early springing up among the troops from the different States, to show the difficulties with which Washington had to contend at the outset, and which formed a growing object of solicitude throughout the rest of his career, John Adams, speaking of the violent passions, and discordant interests at work throughout the country, from Florida to Canada, observes : " It requires more serenity of temper, a deeper understanding, and more courage than fell to the lot of Marlborough, to ride in this whirl- wind. " t * Am. Archives, 5th Series, i, 513. t Ibid., 4th Series, v. 1112. 254 FORTIFICATIONS AT CHARLESTON— LEE'S ARRIVAL. [lYTG. CHAPTER XXIX. Letters from General Lee gave Washington intelligence of the fate of Sir Henry Clinton's expedition to the South ; that expedition, which had been the subject of so much surmise and perplexity. Sir Henry in his cruise along the coast had been repeatedly foiled by Lee. First, as we have shown, when he looked in at New York ; next, when he paused at Norfolk in Virigina ; and lastly, when he made a bold attempt at Charleston in South Carolina ; for scarce did his ships appear off the harbor, than the omnipresent Lee was marching his troops into the city. "Within a year past, Charleston had been fortified at various points. Fort Johnson, on James Island, three miles from the city, and commanding the breadth of the channel, was garrisoned by a regiment of South Carolina regulars under Colonel Gadsden. A strong fort had recently been constructed nearly oppo- site, on the south-west point of Sullivan's Island, about sixjuiles below the city. It was mounted with twenty-six guns, and garrisoned by three hundred and seventy -five regulars and a few militia, and commanded by Colonel William Moultrie, of South Carolina, who had construct- ed it. This fort, in connection with that on James Island, was considered the key of the harbor. Cannon had also been mounted on HaddreU's Point, on the mainland, to the north-west of Sullivan's Island, and along the bay in front of the town. The arrival of General Lee gave great joy to the jjeople of Charleston, fi'om his high reputa- tion for military skill and experience. Accord- ing to his own account in a letter to Washing- ton, the town on his arrival was " utterly de- fenceless." He was rejoiced, therefore, when the enemy, instead of immediately, attacking it, directed his whole force against the fort on Sul- livan's Island. " He has lost an opportunity," said Lee, " such as I hope will never occur again, of taking the town." The British ships, in fact, having passed the bar with some difficulty, landed their troops on Long Island, situated to the east of Sullivan's Island, and separated from it by a small creek called the Breach. Sir Henry Clinton meditat- ed a combined attack with his land and naval forces on the fort commanded by Moultrie ; the capture of which, he thought, would insure the reduction of Charleston. The Americans immediately threw up works on the north-eastern extremity of Sullivan's Island, to prevent the passage of the enemy over the Breach, stationing a force of regulars and militia there, under Colonel Thompson. General Lee encamped on HaddreU's Point, on the mainland, to the north of the island, whence he intended to keep up a communication by a bridge of boats, so as to be ready at any mo- ment to aid either Moultrie or Thompson. Sir Henry Clinton, on the other hand, had to construct batteries on Long Island, to oppose those of Thompson, and cover the passage of his troops by boats or by the ford. Thus time was consumed, and the enemy were, from the 1st to the 28th of June, preparing for the at- tack ; their troops suffering from the intense heat of the sun on the burning sands of Long Island, and both fleet and army complaining of brackish water, and scanty and bad provisions. At length, on the 28th of June, the Thunder Bomb commenced the attack, throwing shells at the fort, as the fleet, under Sir Peter Parker, advanced. xibout eleven o'clock the ships dropped their anchors directly before the front battery. " I was at this time in a boat," writes Lee, " endeavoring to make the island ; but the wind and tide being violently against us, drove us on the main. They immediately commenced the most furious fire I ever heard or saw. I confess I was in pain, from the little confidence I reposed in our troops ; the officers being all boys, and the men raw recruits. What aug- mented my anxiety was, that we had no bridge finished for retreat or communication ; and the creek or cove which separates it from the con- tinent is near a mile wide. I had received, likewise, intelligence that their land troops in- tended at the same time to land and assault. I never in my life felt myself so uneasy ; and what added to my uneasiness was, that I knew our stock of ammuTiition was miserably low. I had once thought of ordering the commanding officer to spike his guns, and, when his ammu- nition was spent, to retreat with as little loss as possible. However, I thought proper previous- ly to send to town for a fresh supply, if it could possibly be procured, and ordered my aide-de- camp, Mr. Byrd (who is a lad of magnanimous courage), to pass over in a small canoe, and re- port the state of the spirit of the garrison. If it had been low, I should have abandoned all thoughts of defence. His report was flatter- Mt. 44.] BATTLE AT SULLIVAN'S ISLAND— THE ENEMY REPULSED. 255 ing. I then determined to maintain the post at all risks, and passed the creek or cove in a small boat, in order to animate the garrison in propria persona ; but I found they had no oc- casion for such an encouragement. " They were pleased with my visit, and as- sured me they never would abandon the post but with their lives. The cool courage they displayed, astonished and enraptured me, for I do assure you, my dear general, I never expe- rienced a better fire. Twelve full hours it was continued without intermission. The noble fellows who were mortally wounded, conjured their brethren never to abandon the standard of liberty. Those who lost their limbs deserted not their posts. Upon the whole, they .acted like Romans in the third century." Much of the foregoing is corroborated by the statement of a British historian. " "While the continued fire of our ships," writes he, " seemed sufficient to shake the fierceness of the bravest enemy, and daunt the courage of the most vet- eran soldier, the return made by the fort could not fail calling for the respect, as well as of highly incommoding the brave seamen of Brit- ain. In the midst of that dreadful roaif of ar- tillery, they stuck with the greatest constancy and firmness to their guns ; fired deliberately and slowly, and took a cool and effective aim. The ships suffered accordingly, they were torn almost to pieces, and the slaughter was dread- ful. Never did British valor shine more con- spicuous, and never did our marine in an en- gagement of the same nature with any foreign enemy, experience so rude an encounter." * The fire from the ships did not produce the expected effect. The fortifications were low, composed of earth and palmetto wood, which is soft, and makes no splinters, and the merlons were extremely thick. At one time there was a considerable pause in the American fire, and the enemy thought the fort was abandoned. It was only because the powder was exhausted. As soon as a supply could be forwarded from the mainland by General Lee, the fort resumed its fire with still more deadly effect. Through unskilful pilotage, several of the ships ran aground, where one, the frigate Acta3on, remain- ed ; the rest were extricated with difficulty. Those which bore the brunt of the action were much cut up. One hundred and seventy-five men were killed, and nearly as many wounded. Captain Scott, commanding the Experiment, of * Hist. Civil War in America. Dublin, 1779. Annual Register. fifty guns, lost an arm, and was otherwise wounded. Captain Morris, commanding the Actaaon, was slain. So also was Lord Campbell, late governor of the province, who served as a volunteer on board of the squadron. Sir Henry Clinton, with two thousand troops and five or six hundred seamen, attempted re- peatedly to cross from Long Island, and co-op- erate in the attack upon the fort, but was as often foiled by Colonel Thompson, with his battery of two cannons, and a body of South Carolina rangers, and North Carolina regulars. " Upon the whole," says Lee, " the South and North Carolina troops, and Virginia rifle bat- talion we have here, are admirable soldiers." The combat slackened before sunset, and ceased before ten o'clock. Sir Peter Parker, who had received a severe contusion in the en- gagement, then slipped his cables, and drew off his shattered ships to Five Fathom Hole. The Actffion remained aground. On the following morning Sir Henry Clinton made another attempt to cross from Long Island to Sullivan's Island ; but was again repulsed, and obliged to take shelter behind his breast- works. Sir Peter Parker, too, giving up all hope of reducing the fort in the shattered con- dition of. liis ships, ordered that the Actceon should be set on fire and abandoned. The crew left her in flames, with the guns loaded, and the colors flying. The Americans boarded her in time to haul down her colors, and secure them as a trophy, discharge her guns at one of the enemy's ships, and load three boats with stores. They then abandoned her to her fate, and in half an hour she blew up. Within a few days the troops were re-em- barked from Long Island; the attempt upon Charleston was for the present abandoned, and the fleet once more put to sea. In this action, one of the severest in the whole course of the war, the loss of the Amer- icans in killed and wounded, was but thirty-five men. Colonel Moultrie derived the greatest glory from the defence of Sullivan's Island; though the thanks of Congress were voted as weU to General Lee, Colonel Thompson, and those under their command. " For God's sake, my dear general," writes Lee to Washington, " urge the Congress to fur- nish me with a thousand cavalry. With a thou- sand cavalry I could insure the safety of these Southern provinces ; and without cavalry I can answer for nothing. From want of this species of troops we had infallibly lost this capital, but 256 PUTNAirS MILITARY PROJECTS— FIRE-SHIPS. [177(1 the diktoriness and stupidity of the enemy saved us." The tidings of this signal repulse of the ene- my came most opportunely to Washington, when he was apprehending an attack upon New York. He writes in a familiar vein to Schuyler on the subject. "Sir Peter Parker and his fleet got a severe drubbing in an attack upon our works on Sullivan's Island, just by Charles- ton in South CaroHna ; a part of their troops at the same time, in attempting to land, were repulsed." He assumed a different tone in an- nouncing it to the army in a general order of the 21st July. " This generous example of our troops under the hke circumstances with us, the general hopes, will animate every officer and soldier to imitate, and even outdo them, when the enemy shall make the same attempt on us. With such a bright example before us of what can be done by brave men fighting in defence of their country, we shall be loaded with a double share of shame and infamy if we do not acquit ourselves with courage, and man- ifest a determined resolution to conquer or die." CHAPTER XXX. General Putnam, beside his bravery in the field, was somewhat of a mechanical projector. The batteries at Fort "Washington had proved inefifectual in opposing the passage of hostile ships up the Hudson. He was now engaged on a plan for obstructing the channel opposite the fort, so as to prevent the passing of any more ships. A letter from him to General Gates (.July 26th) explains his project. " "We are pre- paring chevaux-de-frise, at which we make great despatch by the help of ships, which are to be sunk — a scheme of mine which you may be assured is very simple ; a plan of which I send you. The two ships' sterns lie towards each other, about seventy feet apart. Tliree large logs, which reach from ship to ship, are fastened to them. The two ships and logs stop the river two hundred and eighty feet. The ships are to bo sunk, and when hauled down on one side, the pricks will be raised to a proper height, and they must inevitably stop the river, if the enemy will let us sink them." It so happened that one Ephraim Anderson, adjutant to the second Jersey battahon, had re- cently submitted a project to Congress for de- stroying the enemy's fleet in the harbor of New York. He had attempted an enterprise of the kind against the British ships in the harbor of Quebec during the siege, and, according to his own account, would have succeeded, had not the enemy discovered his intentions, and stretch- ed a cable across the mouth of the harbor, and had he not accidentally been much burnt. His scheme was favorably entertained by Congress, and "Washington, by a letter dated July 10th, was instructed to aid him in carrying it into eflfect. Anderson, accordingly, was soon at work at New York constructing fire-ships, with which the fleet was to be attacked. Simul- taneous with the attack, a descent was to be made on the British camp on Staten Island, from the nearest point of the Jersey shore, by troops from Mercer's flying camp, and by others stationed at Bergen under Major Knowlton, Putnam's favorite oflScer for daring enterprises. Putnam entered into the scheme as zealously as if it had been his own. Indeed, by the tenor of his letter to Gates, already quoted, he seem- ed almost to consider it so. " The enemy's fleet," writes he, " now lies in the bay, close under Staten Island. Their troops possess no land hare but the island. Is it not strange that those invincible troops, who were to lay waste aU this coimtry with their fleets and army, are so fond of islands and peninsulas, and dare not put their feet on the main ? But I hope, by the blessing of God, and good friends, we shall pay them a visit on their island. For that end we are preparing fourteen fire-ships, to go into their fleet, some of which are ready charged and fitted to sail, and I hope soon to have them all fixed." Anderson, also, on the 31st July, writes from New York to the President of Congress : " I have been for some time past very assiduous in the preparation of fire-ships. Two are already complete, and hauled off into the stream ; two more will be off to-morrow, and the residue in a very short time. In my next, I hope to give you a particular account of a general conflagra- tion, as every thing in my power shall be exert- ed for the demoHtion of the enemy's fleet. I expect to take an active part, and be an instru- ment for that purpose. I am determined (God willing) to make a conspicuous figure among them, by being a ' burning and shining light,' and thereby serve my country, and have the honor of meeting the approbation of Con- 11 * gress. * Am. Archivee, 4th Seriee, i. 155. ^T. 44.] OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE HUDSON— THE PHCENIX AND ROSE ATTACKED. 257 Projectors are subject to disappointments. It was impossible to construct a sufficient num- ber of fire-ships and galleys in time. The fly- ing camp too recruited but slowly, and scarcely exceeded three thousand men ; the combined attack by fire and sword had therefore to be given up, and the " burning and shining light " again failed of conflagration. Still, a partial night attack on the Staten Isl- and encampment was concerted by Mercer and Knowlton, and^pwice attempted. On one occa- sion, they were prevented from crossing the strait by tempestuous weather, on another by deficiency of boats. In the course of a few days arrived a hundred sail, with large reinforcements, among which were one thousand Hessians, and as many more were reported to be on the way. The troops were disembarked on Staten Island, and fortifi- cations thrown up on some of the most com- manding hills. All projects of attack upon the enemy were now out of the question. Indeed, some of "Washington's ablest advisers questioned the policy of remaining in New York, where they might be entrapped as the British had been in Boston. Heed, the adjutant- general, observed that, as the communication by the Hudson was interrupted, there was nothing now to keep them at New York but a mere point of honor ; in the mean time, they endangered the loss of the army and its military stores. "Why should they risk so much in defending a city, while the greater part of its inhabitants were plotting their destruction ? His advice was, that, when they could defend the city no longer, they should evacuate, and burn it, and retire from Manhattan Island ; should avoid any general action, or indeed any action, iinless in view of great advantages ; and should make it a war of posts. During the latter part of July, and the early part of August, ships-of-war with their tenders continued to arrive, and Scotch Highlanders, Hessians, and other troops, to be landed on Staten Island. At the beginning of August, the squadron with Sir Henry Clinton, recently repulsed at Charleston, anchored in the bay. " His coming," writes Colonel Reed, " was as unexpected as if he had dropped from the clouds." He was accompanied by Lord Corn- wallis, and brought three thousand troops. In the mean time, Putnam's contrivances for obstructing the channel had reached their des- tined plnce. A letter dated Fort "Washington, 17 August 3d, says : " Four ships chained and boomed, with a number of amazing large che- vaux-de-frise, were sunk close by the fort under command of General Mifflin, which fort mounts thirty-two pieces of heavy cannon. "We are thoroughly sanguine that they [the ships up the river] never will be able to join the British fleet, nor assistance from the fleet be afforded to them ; so that we may set them down as our own." Another letter, written at the same date from Tarrytown, on the borders of the Tappan Sea, gives an account of an attack made by six row galleys upon the Phcenix and the Rose. They fought bravely for two hours, hulling the ships repeatedly, but sustaining great damage in re- turn ; until their commodore, Colonel Tupper, gave the signal to draw off. " Never," says the writer, " did men behave with more firm, determined spirit, than our little crew. One of our tars being mortally wounded, cried to his companions : ' I am a dying man ; revenge my blood, my boys, and carry me alongside my gun, that I may die there.' "We were so pre- served by a gracious Providence, that in all our galleys we have but two men killed and fourteen wounded, two of which are thought dangerous. "We hope to have another touch at those pirates before they leave our river ; which God pros- per ! " Such was the belligerent spirit prevailing up the Hudson. The force of the enemy collected in the neigh- borhood of New York was about thirty thou- sand men ; that of the Americans a little more than seventeen thousand, but was subsequently increased to twenty thousand, for the most part raw and undisciplined. One-fourth were on the sick list with bilious and putrid fevers and dysentery ; others were absent on furlough or command ; the rest had to be distributed over posts and stations fifteen miles apart. The sectional jealousies prevalent among them, were more and more a subject of uneasi- ness to "Washington. In one of his general orders he observes : " It is with great concern that the general understands that jealousies have arisen among the troops from the diiierent provinces, and reflections are frequently thrown out which can only tend to irritate each other, and injure the noble cause in which we are en- gaged, and which we ought to support with one hand and one heart. The general most earnest- ly entreats the oflScers and soldiers to consider the consequences ; that they can no way assist 258 WASHINGTON TO THE ARMY— PREPARATIONS AGAINST ATTACK. 11116. our enemies more eifectually than by making divisions among ourselves ; that the honor and success of the army, and the safety of our bleed- ing country, depend upon harmony and good agreement with each other ; that the provinces are all united to oppose the common enemy, and all distinctions sunk in the name of an American. To make this name honorable, and to preserve the liberty of our country, ought to be our only emulation ; and he will be the best soldier and the best patriot, who contrib- utes most to this glorious work, whatever be his station, or from whatever part of the conti- nent he may come. Let all distinctions of na- tions, countries, and provinces, therefore, be lost in the generous contest, who shall behave with the most courage against the enemy, and the most kindness and good-humor to each otlier. If there be any officers or soldiers so lost to virtue and a love of their country, as to continue in such practices after this order, the general assures them, and is authorized by Congress to declare to the whole army, that such persons shall be severely punished, and dismissed from the service with disgrace." The urgency of such a general order is ap- parent in that early period of our confederation, Avhen its various parts had not as yet been suf- ficiently welded together to acquire a thorough feeling of nationality ; yet what an enduring lesson does it furnish for every stage of our Union ! "We subjoin another of the general orders issued in this time of gloom and anxiety : " That the troops may have an opportunity of attending public worship, as well as to take some rest after the great fatigue they have gone through, the general, in future, excuses them from fatigue duty on Sundays, except at the ship-yards, or on special occasions, until further orders. The general is sorry to be informed, that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice heretofore little known in an American army, is growing into fashion. He hopes the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it, and that both they and the men will reflect, that we can have little hope of tlie blessing of Heaven on our arms, if we insult it by our im- piety and folly. Added to this, it is a vice so mean and low, without any temptation, that every man of sense and character detests and despises it." * * Orderly Book, Aug. 3, as cited by Sparks. Writuiga «f Washiugton, vol. iv., p. 28. While Washington thus endeavored to elevate the minds of his soldiery to the sanctity of the cause in which they were engaged, he kept the most watchful eye upon the movements of the enemy. Beside their great superiority in point of numbers, as well as discipline, to his own crude and scanty legions, they possessed a vast advantage in their fleet. " They would not be half the enemy they are," observed Colonel Reed, " if they were once separated from their ships." Every arrival and dej^-ture of these, therefore, was a subject of speculation and con- jecture. Aaron Burr, at that time in New York, aide-de-camp to General Putnam,*speaks in a letter to an imcle, of thirty transports, which, under convoy of three frigates, had put to sea on the 7th of August, with the intention of sailing round Long Island and coming through the Sound, and thus investing the city by the North and East Rivers. " They are then to land on both sides of the island," writes he, "join their forces, and draw aline across, which will hem us in, and totally cut oif all communi- cation ; after which, they will have their own fun." He adds: " They hold us in the utmost contempt. Talk of forcing all our lines without firing a gun. The bayonet is their pride. They have forgot Bunker's Hill." * In this emergency, Washington wrote to General Mercer for 2,000 men from the flying camp. Colonel Smallwood's battalion was im- mediately furnished, as a part of them. The Convention of the State ordered out hasty levies of country militia, to form temporary camps on the shore of the Sound, and on that of tlie Hud- son above King's Bridge, to annoy the enemy, should they attempt to land from their ships on either of these waters. Others were sent to reinforce the posts on Long Island. As Kings County on Long Island was noted for being a stronghold of the disaff'ected, the Con- vention ordered that, should any of the militia of that county refuse to serve, they should be disarmed and secured, and their possessions laid waste. • Many of the yeomen of the country, thus hastily summoned from the plough, were desti- tute of arms, in lieu of which they were ordered to bring with them a shovel, spade, or pickaxe, or a scythe straightened and fastened to a pole. This rustic array may have provoked the thoughtless sneers of city scoffers, such as those cited by Graydon ; but it was in truth one of * Am. Archives, 5th Series, i. 8S7. iET. 44.] BENEVOLENT SYMPATHY OF WASHINGTON. 259 tlie glorious features of tlie Eevolution, to be thus aided in its emergencies by " hasty levies of husbandmen," * * By the authority of the New Yoric Conven- tion, Washington had appointed General George Clinton to the command of the levies on both sides of the Hudson. He now ordered him to hasten down with them to the fort just erected on the north side of King's Bridge ; leaving two hundred men under the command of a brave and alert officer to throw up works at the pass of Antliony's Nose, where the main road to Albany crosses that mountain. Troops of horse also were to be posted by him along the river to watch the motions of the enemy. Washington now made the last solemn prep- arations for the impending conflict. All sus- pected persons, whose presence might promote the plans of the enemy, were removed to a distance. All papers respecting afiairs of State were put up in a large case, to be delivered to Congress. . As to his domestic arrangements, Mrs. Washington had some time pi-evious gone to Philadelphia, with the intention of returning to Virginia, as there was no prospect of her being with him any part of the summer, which threatened to be one of turmoil and danger. The other ladies, wives of general officers, who used to grace and enliven head-quarters, had all been sent out of the way of the storm which was lowering over this devoted city. Accounts of deserters, and other intelligence, informed Washington, on the 17th, that a great many of the enemy's troops had gone on board of the transports ; that three days' provisions had been cooked, and other steps taken indicat- * General orders, Aug. 8th, show the feverish state of affairs in the city. " As the movements of the enemy, and intelligence by deserters, give the utmost reason to believe that the great strxiggle in which we are contending for every thing dear to ua and our posterity is near at hand, the general most earnestly recommends the closest attention to the state of the men's arms, ammunition, and flints; that if we should he suddenly called to action, nothing of this kind may be to provide. And ho does most anxiously exhort both officers and soldiers not to be out of their quarters or encamijments, especially in the morning, or upon the tide of flood. " A flag in the daytime, or a light at night, in the fort on Bayard's Hill, with three guns from the same place fired quick but distinct, is to be considered as a signal for the troops to repair to their alarm posts, and prepare for action. And that the alarm may be more effectually given, the drums are immediately to beat to arms upon the signal being given from Bayard's Hill. This order is not to be considered as countermanding the firing two guns at Fort George, as formerly ordered. That is also to be done on an alarm, but the flag will not be hoisted at the old head-quarters in Broadway." — Avi. Archives, 6th Series, i. 912. ing an intention of leaving Staten Island. Put- nam, also, came up from below with word that at least one-fourth of the fleet had sailed. There were many conjectures at head-quarters as to whither they were bound, or whether they had not merely shifted their station. Every thing indicated, however, that afiairs were tending to a crisis. The " hysterical alarms " of the peaceful in- habitants of New York, which had provoked the soldier-like impatience and satirical sneers of Lee, inspired difii'erent sentiments in the benevolent heart of Washington, and produced the foUov/ing letter to the New York Conven- tion : " When I consider that the city of New York will, in all human probability, very soon be the scene of a bloody conflict, I cannot but view the great numbers of women, children, and in- firm persons remaining in it, with the most melancholy concern. When the men-of-war (the Phcenis and Rose) passed up the river, the shrieks and cries of these poor creatures, run- ning every way with their children, were truly distressing, and I fear they will have an unhap- py effect upon the ears and minds of our young and inexperienced soldiery. Can no method be devisd for their removal ? " How vividly does this call to mind the com- passionate sensibility of his younger days, when commanding at Winchester, in Virginia, in time of public peril ; and melted to " deadly sorrow " by the " supplicating tears of the women, and moving petitions of the men.'" As then, lie listened to the prompt suggestions of his own heart ; and, without awaiting the action of the Convention, issued a proclama- tion, advising the inhabitants to remove, and requiring the officers and soldiery to aid tlie helpless and the indigent. The Convention soon responded to his appeal, and appointed a committee to effect these purposes in the mosf humane and expeditious manner. A gallant little exploit at this juncture, gave a fillip to the spirits of the community. Two of the fire-ships recently constructed, went up the Hudson to attempt the destruction of the ships which had so long been domineering over its waters. One succeeded in grappling the Phoenix, and would soon have set her in flames, but in the darkness got to leeward, and wa-s cast loose without effecting any damage. The other, in making for the Rose, fell foul of one of the tenders, grappled and burnt her. The enterprise was conducted with spirit, and though 260 A GALLANT LITTLE EXPLOIT— PREPARATION FOR COMBAT. [17*76. it failed of its main object, had an important effect. The commanders of the ships deter- mined to abandon those waters, where their boats were fired upon by the very yeomanry whenever they attempted to land ; and where their ships were in danger from midnight in- cendiaries, while riding at anchor. Taking advantage of a brisk wind, and favoring tide, tliey made all sail early on the morning of the 18th of August, and stood down the river, keep- ing close under the eastern shore, where they supposed the guns from Mount Washington could tiot be brought to bear upon them. Not- withstanding this precaution, the Phoenix was thrice hulled by shots from the fort, and one of the tenders once. The Rose, also, Avas hulled once by a shot from Burdett's Ferry. The men on board were kept close, to avoid being picked off by a party of riflemen posted on the river bank. The ships fired grape-shot as they passed, but without effecting any injury. Unfortunate- ly, a passage had been left open in the obstruc- tions on which General Putnam had calculated so sanguinely ; it was to have been closed in the course of a day or two. Through this they made their way, guided by a deserter ; which alone, in Putnam's opinion, saved them from being checked in their career, and utterly de- stroyed by the batteries. CHAPTER XXXI. The movements of the British fleet, and of the camp on Staten Island, gave signs of a meditated attack ; but as the nature of that attack was uncertain, Washington was obliged to retain the greater part of his troops in the city for its defence, holding them ready, how- ever, to be transferred to any point in the vi- cinity. General Mifflin, with about five hundred of the Pennsylvania troops, of Colonels Shee and Magaw's regiments, were at King's Bridge, ready to aid at a moment's notice. " They are the best disciplined of any troops that I have yet seen in the army," said General Heath, who had just reviewed them. General George Clinton was at that post, with about fourteen hundred of his yeomanry of the Hudson. As the Phoenix and Rose had explored the shores, and taken the soundings as far as they had gone up the river, General Heath thought Howe might attempt an attack somewhere above King's Bridge, rather than in the face of the many and strong works erected in and around the city. " Should his inclination lead him this way," adds lie, "nature has done much for us, and we shall, as fast as possible, add the strength of art. We are pushing our works with great diligence." '*' Reports from different quarters, gave Wash- ington reason to apprehend that the design of the enemy might be to land part of their force on Long Island, and endeavor to get possession of the heights of Brooklyn, which overlooked New York ; while another part should land above the city, as General Heath suggested. Thus, various disconnected points, distant from each other, and a great extent of intervening country, had to be defended by raw troops, against a superior force, well disciplined, and possessed of every facility for operating by land and water. General Greene, with a considerable force, was stationed at Brooklyn. He had acquainted himself with all the localities of the island, from Hell Gate to the Narrows, and made his plan of defence accordingly. His troops were dili- gently occupied in works which he laid out, about a mile beyond the village of Brooklyn, and facing the interior of the island, whence a land attack might be attempted. Brooklyn was immediately opposite to New York. The Sound, commonly called the East River, in that place about three-quarters of a mile in width, swept its rapid tides between them. The village stood on a kind of peninsula, formed by the deep inlets of W^allabout Bay on the north, and Gowanus Cove on the south. A line of intrenchments and strong redoubts ex- tended across the neck of the peninsula from the bay to a swamp and creek emptying into the cove. To protect the rear of the works from the enemy's ships, a battery was erected at Red Hook, the south-west corner of the peninsula, and a fort on Governor's Island, nearly oppo- site. About two miles and a half in front of the line of intrenchments and redoubts, a range of hills, densely wooded, extended from south- west to north-east, forming a natural barrier across the island. It was traversed by three roads. One, on the left of the works, stretched eastwardly to Bedford, and then by a pass through the Bedford Hills to the village of Ja- maica ; another, central, and direct, led through the Avoody heights to Flatbush ; a third, on the Heath to Washington, Aug. 17-lS. JEt. 44.] THE ENEMY LAXD ON LONG ISLAND— RUMORS AND ALARMS. 2G1 right of the lines, passed by Gowanus Cove to the Narrows and Gravesend Bav. The occupation of this range of hills, and the protection of its passes, had been designed by General Greene ; but unfortunately, in the midst of his arduous toils, he was taken down by a raging fever, which confined him to his bed ; and General Sullivan, just returned from Lake Ohamplain, had the temporary command. "Washington saw that to prevent -the enemy from landing on Long Island would be impos- sible, its great extent affording so many places favorable for that purpose, and the American works being at the part opposite New York. " However," writes he to the President of Congress, " we shall attempt to harass them as much as possible, which is all that we can do." On the 21st came a letter, written in all haste by Brigadier- General William Livingston, of New Jersey. Movements of the enemy on Staten Island had been seen from his camp. He had sent over a spy at midnight, who brought back the following intelligence. Twenty thou- sand men had embarked to make an attack on Long Island, and up the Hudson. Fifteen thousand remained on Staten Island, to attack Bergen Point, Elizabethtown Point, and Am- boy. The spy declared that he had heard or- ders read, and the conversation of the generals. " They appear very determined," added he, " and will put all to the sword ! " Washington sent a copy of the letter to the New York Convention. On the following morning (August 22d) the enemy appeared to be carrying their plans into execution. The re- ports of cannon and musketry were heard from Long Island, and columns of smoke were de- scried rising above the groves and orchards at a distance. The city, as usual, was alarmed, and had reason to be so ; for Avord soon came that several thousand men, with artillery and light- horse, were landed at Gravesend ; and that Colonel Hand, stationed there with the Penn- sylvania rifle regiment, had retreated to the lines, setting fire to stacks of wheat, and other articles, to keep them from falling into the ene- my's hands. Washington apprehended an attempt of the foe by a forced march to surprise tlie lines at Brooklyn. He hnmediately sent over a rein- forcement of six battalions. It was all that he could spare, as with the next tide the ships might bring up the residue of the army, and attack the city. Five battalions more, how- ever, were ordered to be ready as a reinforce- ment, if required. " Be cool, but determined," was the exhortation given to the departing troops. " Do not fire at a distance, but wait the commands of your oflicers. It is the gen- eral's express orders, that if any man attempt to skulk, lie down, or retreat without orders, he be instantly shot down for an examj:)le." Injustice to the poor fellows, most of whom were going for the first time on a service of life and death, Washington observes, that " they went off in high spirits," and that the whole, capable of duty, evinced the same cheerful- ness.* Nine thousand of the enemy had landed, with forty pieces of cannon. Sir Henry Clinton had the chief command, and led the first division. His associate officers were the Earls of Corn- wallis and Percy, General Grant, and General Sir William Erskine. As their boats approached the shore. Colonel Hand, stationed, as has been said, in the neighborhood with his rifle regi- ment, retreated to the chain of wooded hills, and took post on a height commanding the cen- tral road leading from Flatbush. The enemy having landed without opposition. Lord Corn- wallis was detached with the reserve to Flat- bush, while the rest of the army extended itself from the ferry at the Narrows through Utrecht and Gravesend, to the village of Flatland. Lord Cornwallis, with two battalions of light infantry, Colonel Donop's corps of Hes- sians, and six field-pieces, advanced rapidly to seize upon the central pass through the hills. He found Hand and his riflemen ready to make a vigorous defence. This brought him to a halt, having been ordered not to risk an attack should the pass be occupied. He took post for the night, therefore, i»i the village of Flatbush. It was evidently the aim of the enemy to force the lines at Brooklyn, and get possession of the heights. Should they succeed. New York would be at their mercy. The panic and distress of the inhabitants went on increasing. Most of those who could afford it, had already removed to the country. There was now a new cause of terror. It was rumored that, should the American army retreat from the city, leave would be given for any one to set it ' on fire. The New York Convention apprised Washington of this rumor. " I can assure you, gentlemen," writes he in reply, " that this re- port is not founded on the least authority from "Washington to the President of Congress 262 SKIRMISHING WITH THE ENEilY— PUTNAM ON LONG ISLAND. [177C. me. On the contrary, I am so sensible of the vahie of such a city, and the consequences of its destruction to many worthy citizens and their families, that nothing hut the last neces- sity, and that such as would justify me to the whole world, would induce me to give orders to that purpose." In this time of general alarm, head-quarters were besieged by applicants for safeguard from the impending danger ; and "Washington was even beset in his Avalks by supplicatiug wo- men with their children. The patriot's heart throbbed feelingly under the soldier's belt. Nothing could surpass the patience and benig- nant sympathy with which he listened to them, and endeavored to allay their fears. Again he urged the Convention to carry out their meas- ures for the removal of these defenceless beings. " There are many," writes he, " who anxiously wish to remove, but have not the means." On the 24th he crossed over to Brooklyn, to inspect the lines and reconnoitre the neighbor- hood. In this visit he felt sensibly the want of General Greene's presence, to explain his plans and point out the localities. The American advanced posts were in the wooded hills. Colonel Hand, with his riflemen, kept watch over the central road, and a strong redoubt had been thrown up in front of the pass, to check any advance of the enemy from Flatbush. Another road leading from Flatbush to Bedford, by AA"hich the enemy might get round to the left of the works at Brooklyn, was guarded by two regiments, one under Col- onel Williams, posted on the north side of the ridge, the other by a Pennsylvania rifle regi- ment, under Colonel Miles, posted on the south side. The enemy was stretched along the country beyond the chain of hills. As yet, nothing had taken place but skirmish- ing and irregular firing between the outposts. It was with deep concern Washington noticed a prevalent disorder and confusion in the camp. There was a want of system among the oflicers, and,co-operation among the troops, each corps seeming to act independently of the rest. Few of the men had any military experience, ex- cept, perchance, in bush-fighting with the In- dians. Unaccustomed to discipline and the restraint of camps, they sallied forth whenever they jjleased, singly or in squads, prowling about and firing upon the enemy, like hunters after game. Much of this was no doubt owing to the pro- tracted ilbaess of General Greene. On returning to the city, therefore, Wash- ington gave the command on Long Island to General Putnam, warning him, however, in his letter of instructions, to summon the oflicers together, and enjoin them to put a stop to the irregularities which he had observed among the troops. Lines of defence were to be formed round the encampment, and works on the most advantageous ground. Guards were to be stationed on the lines, with a brigadier of the day constantly at hand to see that orders were executed. Field-officers were to go the rounds and report the situation of the guards, and no one was to pass beyond the lines without a special permit in writing. At the same time, partisan and scouting parties, under proper officers, and with regular license, might sally forth to harass the enemy, and prevent their carrying off the horses and cattle of the coun- try people. Especial attention was called to the wooded hills between the works and the enemy's camp- The passes through them were to be secured by abatis^ and defended by the best troops, who should, at all hazards, prevent the ap- proach of the enemy. The militia being the least tutored and experienced, might man the interior works. Putnam crossed with alacrity to his post. " He was made happy," writes Colonel Reed, " by obtaining leave to go over. The brave old man was quite miserable at being kept here." In the mean time, the enemy were augment- ing their forces on the island. Two brigades of I-Iessians, under Lieutenant-General De Heis- ter, were transferred from the camp on Staten Island on the 25th. This movement did not escape the vigilant eye of Washington. By the aid of his telescope, he had noticed that from time to time tents were struck on Staten Island, and portions of the encampment broken up ; while ship after ship weighed anchor, and dropped down to the Narrows. He now concluded that the enemy were about to make a push with their main force for the possession of Brooklyn Heights. He accordingly sent over additional reinforcements, and among them Colonel John Haslet's well- equipped and well-disciplined Delaware regi- ment ; which was joined to Lord Stirling's brigade, chiefly composed of Southern troops, and stationed outside of the lines. These were troops which Washington regarded with pecu- liar satisfaction, on account of their soldier-like appearance and discipline. ^T. 44.J NOCTURNAL MARCH— CAPTURE OF THE BEDFORD PASS. 263 On the 26th, he crossed over to Brooklyn, accompanied hy Reed, the adjutant-general. There was much movement among the enemy's troops, and their number was evidently aug- mented. In fact, General De Heister had reached Flatbush with his Hessians, and taken command of the centre ; whereupon Sir Henry Clinton, with the right wing, drew off to Flat- lands, in a diagonal line to the right of De Heister, while the left wing, commanded by General Grant, extended to the place of land- ing on Gravesend Bay. Washington remained all day, aiding General Putnam with his counsels, who, new to the command, had not been able to make himself well acquainted with the fortified posts be- yond the lines. In the evening, "Washington returned to the city, full of anxious thought. A general attack was evidently at hand. Where would it be made? How would his inexpe- rienced troops stand the encounter? What would be the defence of the city, if assailed by the ships ? It was a night of intense solicitude, and well might it be ; for during that night a plan was carried into effect, fraught with dis- aster to the Americans. The plan to which we allude was concerted by General Howe, the commandei--in-chief. Sir Henry Clinton, with the vanguard, composed of the choicest troops, was, by a circuitous march in the night, to throw himself into the road leading from Jamaica to Bedford, seize upon a pass through the Bedford Hills, witlun three miles of that village, and thus turn the left of the American advanced posts. It was preparatory to this nocturnal march that Sir Henry during the day had fallen back with his troops from Flatbush to Flatlands, and caused that stir and movement which had attracted the notice of Washington. To divert the attention of the Americans from this stealthy march on their left, General Grant was to menace their riglit flank toward Gravesend before daybreak, and General De Heister to cannonade their centre, where Col- onel Hand was stationed. Neither, however, was to press an attack until the guns of Sir Henry Clinton should give notice that he had effected his purpose, and turned the left flank of the Americans ; then the latter were to be assailed at all points with the iitmost vigor. About nine o'clock in the evening of the 26th, Sir Henry Clinton began his march from Flatlands with his vanguard, composed of light infantry. Lord Percy followed with the gren- adiers, artillery, and light dragoons, forming the centre. Lord Cornwallis brought up the rear-guard with the heavy ordnance. General Howe accompanied this division. It was a silent march, without beat of drum or sound of trumpet, under guidance of a Long Island tory, along by-roads traversing a swamp by a narrow causeway, and so across the coun- try to the Jamaica road. About two hours before daybreak, they arrived within half a mile of the pass through the Bedford Hills, and halted to prepare for an attack. At this junc- ture they captured an American patrol, and learnt, to their surprise, that the Bedford pass was imoccupied. In fact, the whole road be- yond Bedford, leading to Jamaica, had been left imguarded, excepting by some light volun- teer troops. Colonels Williams and Miles, who were stationed to the left of Colonel Hand, among the wooded hiUs, had been instructed to send out parties occasionally to patrol the road, but no troops had been stationed at the Bedford pass. The road and pass may not have been included in General Greene's plan of defence, or may have been thought too far out of the way to need special precaution. The neglect of them, however, proved fatal. Sir Henry Clinton immediately detached a battalion of light infantry to secure the pass ; and, advancing with his corps at the first break of day, possessed himself of the heights. He was now within three miles of Bedford, and his march had been undiscovered. Having passed the heights, therefore, he halted his division for the soldiers to take some refresh- ment, preparatory to the morning's hostilities. There we wiU leave them, Avhile we note how the other divisions performed their part of the plan. About midnight General Grant moved from Gravesend Bay, with the left wing, composed of two brigades and a regiment of regulars, a battalion of New York loyalists, and ten field- pieces. He proceeded along the road leading past the Narrows and Gowanus Cove, toward the right of the American Avorks. A picket guard of Pennsylvanian and New York militia, under Colonel Atlee, retired before him fight- ing to a position on the skirts of the wooded hiUs. In the mean time, scouts had brought in word to the American lines that the enemy were approaching in force upon the right. General Putnam instantly ordered Lord Stirling to hasten with the two reghnents nearest at 264 BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. [1776. hand, and hold them in check. These were Haslet's Delaware, and Smallwood's Maryland regiments ; the latter the macaronis, in scarlet and buff, who had outshone, in camp, their yeoman fellow-soldiers in homespun. They turned out with great alacrity, and Stirling pushed forward with them on the road toward the Narrows. By the time he had passed Gowanus Cove, daylight began to appear. Here, on a rising ground, he met Colonel Atlee with his Pennsylvania Provincials, and learned that the enemy were near. Indeed, their front began to appear in the uncertain twilight. Stirling ordered Atlee to place himself in am- bush in an orchard on the left of the road, and await their coming up, while he formed the Delaware and Maryland regiments along a ridge from the road, up to a piece of woods on the top of the hill. Atlee gave the enemy two or three volleys as they approached, and then retreated and formed in the wood on Lord Stirling's left. By this time his lordship was reinforced by Kich- line's riflemen, part of whom he placed along a hedge at the foot of the hill, and part in front of the wood. General Grant threw his light troops in the advance, and posted them in an orchard and behind hedges, extending in front of the Americans, and about one hundred and fifty yards distant. It was now broad daylight. A rattling fire commenced between the British light troops and the American riflemen, which continued for about two hours, when the former retired to their main body. In the mean time, Stir- ling's position had been strengthened by the arrival of Captain Carpenter with two field- pieces. These were placed on the side of the hill, so as to command the road and the ap- proach for some hundred yards. General Grant, likewise, brought up his artillery within three hundred yards, and formed his brigades on opposite hills, about six hundred yards dis- tant. There was occasional cannonading on both sides, but neither party sought a general action. Lord Stirling's object was merely to hold the enemy in check ; and the instructions of Gen- eral Grant, as we have shown, were not to press an attack until aware that Sir Henry CHnton was on the left flank of the Ameri- cans. During this time, De Ileister had commenced his part of the plan by opening a cannonade from his camp at Flatbush, upon the redoubt. at the pass of the wooded hiUs, where Hand and his riflemen were stationed. On hearing this. General Sullivan, who was within the lines, rode forth to Colonel Hand's post to recon- noitre. De Heister, however, according to the plan of operations, did not advance from Flat- bush, but kept up a brisk fire from his artillery on the redoubt in front of the pass, which re- plied as briskly. At the same time, a cannon- ade from a British ship upon the battery at Red Hook, contributed to distract the attention of the Americans. In the mean time terror reigned in Xew York. Tlie volleying of musketry and the booming of cannon at early dawn, had told of the fighting that had commenced. As the morning advanced, and platoon firing and the occasional discharge of a field-piece were heard in different direc- tions, the terror increased. Washington was still in doubt whether this Avas but a part of a general attack, in which the city was to be in- cluded. Five ships of the line were endeavor- ing to beat up the bay. "Were they to cannon- ade the city, or to land troops above it ? For- tunately, a strong head-wind baflied their efforts ; but one vessel of inferior force got up far enough to open the fire already mentioned upon the fort at Red Hook. Seeing no likelihood of an immediate attack upon the city, "Washington hastened over to Brooklyn in his barge, and galloped up to the works. lie arrived there in time to witness the catastrophe for which all the movemtnts of the enemy had been concerted. The thundering of artillery in the direction of Bedford, had given notice that Sir Henry had turned the left of the Americans. De Heister immediately ordered Colonel Count Donop to advance with his Hessian regiment, and storm the redoubt, while he followed with his whole division. Sullivan did not remain to defend the redoubt. Sir Henry's cannon had apprised him of the fatal truth, that his flank was turned, and he in danger of being sur- rounded. He ordered a retreat to the lines, but it was already too late. Scarce had he descended from the height, and emerged into the plain, when he was met by the British light infantry and dragoons, and driven back into the woods. By this time De Ileister and his Hessians had come up, and now com- menced a scene of confusion, consternation, and slaughter, in which the troops under "Wil- liams and Miles were involved. Hemmed in and entrapped between the British and lies- JEt. 44.] THE BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 265 sians, and driven from one to the other, the Americans fought for a time bravely, or rather desperately. Some were cut down and tram- pled by the cavalry, others bayoneted without mercy by the Hessians. Some rallied in groups, and made a brief stand with their rifles from rocks or behind trees. The whole pass was a scene of carnage, resounding with the clash of arms, the tramp of horses, the volleying of fire-arms, and the cries of the combatants, with now and then the dreary braying of the trum- pet. We give the words of one who mingled in the fight, and whom we have heard speak with horror of the sanguinary fury with which the Hessians plied the bayonet. At length some of the Americans, by a desperate effort, cut their way through the host of foes, and effected a retreat to the lines, fighting as they went. Others took refuge among the woods and fastnesses of the hills, but a great part were either killed or taken prisoners. Among the latter was General Sullivan. Washington, as we have observed, arrived in time to witness this catastrophe, but was unable to prevent it. He had heard the din of the battle in the woods, and seen the smoke rising from among the trees ; but a deep column of the enemy was descending from the hills on the left ; his choicest troops were all in action, and he had none but militia to man the works. His solicitude was now awakened for the safety of Lord Stirling and his corps, who had been all the morning exchanging cannonades with General Grant. The forbearance of the latter in not advancing, though so superior in force, had been misinterpreted by the Americans. According to Colonel Haslet's statement, the Delawares and Marylanders, drawn up on the side of the hill, " stood upwards of four hours, with a firm and determined countenance, in close array, their colors flying, the enemy's artil- lery playing on them all the while, not daring to advance and attach them^ though six times their number, and nearly surrounding them." * Washington saw the danger to which these brave fellows were exposed, though they could not. Stationed on a hill within the lines, he commanded, with his telescope, a view of the whole field, and saw the enemy's reserve, under Cornwallis, marching down by a cross- road to get in their rear, and thus place them between two fires. With breathless anxiety he watched the result. * Atlee to Col. Rodney. Sparks, iv. 516. The sound of Sir Henry Clinton's cannon ap- prised Stirling that the enemy was between him and the lines. General Grant, too, aware that the time had come for earnest action, was closing up, aud had already taken Colonel Atlee prisoner. His lordship now thought to eftect a circuitous retreat to the lines, by crossing the creek which empties into Gowanus Cove, near what was called the Yellow Mills. There was a bridge and mill-dam, and the creek might be forded at low water, but no time was to be lost, for the tide was rising. Leaving part of his men to keep face toward General Grant, Stii'ling advanced with the rest to pass the creek, but was suddenly checked by the appearance of Cornwallis and his grena- diers. Washington, and some of his ofiacers on the hill, who watched every movement, had sup- posed that Stirling and his troops, finding the case desperate, would surrender in a body, without firing. On the contrary, his lordship boldly attacked Cornwallis with half of Small- wood's battalion, while the rest of his troops retreated across the creek. Washington wrung his hands in agony at the sight. " Good God ! " cried he, " ^^at brave fellows I must this day lose ! " * It was, indeed, a desperate fight ; and now Smallwood's macaronis showed their game spirit. They were repeatedly broken, but as often rallied, and renewed the fight. " We were on the point of driving Lord Cornwallis from his station," writes Lord Stirling, " but large reinforcements arriving, rendered it im- possible to do more than provide for safety." " Being thus surrounded, and no probability of a reinforcement," writes a Maiyland officer, " his lordship ordered me to retreat with the remaining part of our men, and force our way to our camp. We soon fell in with a party of the enemy, who clubbecl their firelocks, and waved their hats as if they meant to surrender as prisoners ; but on our advancing within sixty yards, they presented their pieces and fired, which we returned with so much warmth that they soon quitted their post, and retired to a large body that was lying in ambuscade." t The enemy rallied, and returned to the com- bat with additional force. Only five companies of Smallwood's battalion were now in action. * Letter from an American ofl&cer. Am. Archives, 5th Series, ii. 108. t Letter from a Marylander. Idem, 5th Series, i. 1232. 26G CLOSE OF THE FIGHT— FATAL NEGLECTS. [1776. nearly ten minutes. The struggle became des- perate on the part of the Americans. Broken and disordered, they rallied in a piece of woods, and made a second attack. They were again overpowered with numbers. Some were sur- rounded and bayoneted in a field of Indian corn ; otliers joined their comrades who were retreating across the marsh. Lord Stirling had encouraged and animated his young soldiers by his voice and example, but when all was lost, he sought out General De Heister, and sur- rendered himself as his prisoner. More than two hundred and fifty brave fel- lows, most of tliera of Smallwood's regiment, perished in this deadly struggle, within sight of the lines of Brooklyn. That part of the Delaware troops who had first crossed the creek and swamp, made good their retreat to the lines with a trifling loss, and entered the camp covered with mud and drenched with water, but bringing with them twenty-three prisoners, and their standard tattered by grape- shot. The enemy now concentrated their forces within a few hundred yards of the redoubts. The grenadiers were within musket shot. "Washington expected they wouljl storm the works, and prepared for a desperate defence. The discharge of a cannon and volleys of mus- ketry from the part of the lines nearest to them, seemed to bring them to a pause. It was, in truth, the forbearance of the British commander that prevented a bloody conflict. His troops, heated with action and flushed with success, were eager to storm the works ; but he was unwilUng to risk the loss of life that must attend an assault, when the object might be attained at a cheaper rate, by regular approaches. Checking the ardor of his men, therefore, though with some difliculty, he drew them oif to a hollow way, in front of the lines, but out of reacli of the musketry, and encamped there for the night.* The loss of the Americans in tliis disastrous battle has been ■Variously stated, but is thought in killed, wounded, and prisoners to have been nearly two thousand ; a large number, con- sidering that not above five thousand were engaged. The enemy acknowledged a loss of 380 killed and wounded.t The success of the enemy was attributed, in * General Ilowe to Lord G. Gcrmaine. Remembrancer, iii. S47. t Howe states the prisoners at 1094, and computes the whole American loss at 3,300. some measure, to the doubt in which Washing- ton was kept as to the nature of the intended attack, and at what point it would chiefly be made. This obliged him to keep a great part of his forces in New York, and to distribute those at Brooklyn over a wide extent of coun- try, and at widely distant places. In fact, he knew not the superior number of the enemy encamped on Long Island, a majority of them having been furtively landed in the night, some days after the debarkation of the first division. Much of the day's disaster has been attribut- ed, also, to a confusion in the command, caused by the illness of General Greene. Putnam, who had supplied his place in the emergency after the enemy had landed, had not time to make himself acquainted with the post, and the surrounding country. Sullivan, though in his letters he professes to have considered him- self subordinate to General Putnam within the lines, seems still to have exercised somewhat of an independent command, and to have acted at his own discretion : while Lord Stirling was said to have command of all the troops outside of the works. The fatal error, however, and one probably arising from aU these causes, consisted in leav- ing the passes through the wooded hiUs too weakly fortified and guarded ; and especially in neglecting the eastern road, by which Sir Henry Clinton got in the rear of the advanced troops, cut them off from the lines, and sub- jected them to a cross fire of his own men and De Heister's Hessians. This able and fatal scheme of the enemy might have been thwarted, had the army been provided with a few troops of light-horse, to serve as videttes. With these to scour the roads and bring intelligence, the night march of Sir Henry Clinton, so decisive of the for- tunes of the day, could hardly have failed to be discovered and reported. The Connecticut horsemen, therefore, ridiculed by the South- erners for their homely equipments, sneered at as useless, and dismissed for standing on their dignity and privileges as troopers, might, if re- tained, have saved the army from being sur- prised and severed, its advanced guards routed, and those very Southern troops cut up, cap- tured, and almost annihilated. M-r. 44.] PREPARATIONS FOR RETREAT. 267 CHAPTER XXXII. The night after tlie battle was a weary, yet almost sleej^less one to the Americans. Fa- tigued, dispirited, many of them sick and wound- ed, yet they were, for the most part, without tent or other shelter. To Washington it was a night of anxious vigil. Every thing boded a close and deadly conflict. The enemy had pitched a number of tents about a mile distant. Their sentries were but a quarter of a mile off, and close to the American sentries. At four o'clock in the morning, Washington went the round of the works, to see that all was right, and to speak words of encouragement. The morning broke lowering and dreary. Large encampments were gradually descried ; to ap- pearance, the enemy were twenty thousand strong. As the day advanced, their ordnance began to play upon the works. They were proceeding to intrench themselves, but were driven into their tents by a drenching rain. Early in the morning General Mifflin arrived in camp with part of the troops which had been stationed at Fort Washington and King's Bridge. He brought with him Shee's prime Philadelphia regiment, and Magaw's Pennsylvania regiment, both well disciplined and officered, and accus- tomed to act together. They were so much reduced in number, however, by sickness, that they did not amount in the whole, to more than eight hundred men. With Mifflin came also Colonel Glover's Massachusetts regiment, composed chiefly of Marblehead fishermen and sailors, hardy, adroit, and weather-proof; trimly clad in blue jackets and trowsers. The detachment numbered, in the whole, about thir- teen hundred men, all fresh and full of spirits. Every eye brightened as they marched briskly along the line with alert step and cheery as- pect. They were posted at the left extremity of the intrenchments towards the Wallabout. There were skirmishes throughout the day, between the riflemen on the advanced posts and the British " irregulars," which at times were quite severe ; but no decided attack was at- tempted. The main body of the enemy kept within their tents until the latter part of the day ; when they began to break ground at about five hundred yards distance from the works, as if preparing to carry them by regular approaches. On the 29th, there was a dense fog over the island, that wrapped every thing in mystery. In the course of the morning, General Mifflin, with Adjutant-General Reed, and Colonel Gray- son of Virginia, one of Washington's aides-de- camp, rode to the western outposts in the neigh- borhood of Red Hook. While they were there, a light breeze lifted the fog from a part of the New York Bay, and revealed the British ships at their anchorage opposite Staten Island. There appeared to be an unusual bustle among them. Boats were passing to and from the admiral's ship, as if seeking or carrying orders. Some movement was apparently in agitation. The idea occurred to the reconnoitring party that the fleet was preparing, should the wind hold, and the fog clear away, to come up the bay at the turn of the tide, silence the feeble batteries at Red Hook and the city, and anchor in the East River. In that case the army on Long Island would be completely surrounded and entrapped. Alarmed at this perilous probability, they spurred back to head-quarters, to ui-ge the im- mediate withdrawal of the army. As this might not be acceptable advice. Reed, embold- ened by his intimacy with the commander-in- chief, undertook to give it. Washington in- stantly summoned a council of war. The diffi- culty was already apparent, of guarding such extensive works with troops fatigued and dis- pirited, and exposed to the inclemencies of the weather. Other dangers now presented them- selves. Their communication with New York might be cut off by the fleet from below. Other ships had passed round Long Island, and were at Flushing Bay, on the Sound. These might land troops on the east side of Harlem River, and make themselves masters of King's Bridge ; that key of Manhattan Island. Taking aU these things into consideration, it was resolved to cross with the troops to the city that very night. Never did retreat require greater secrecy and circumspection. Nine thousand men, with all the munitions of war, were to be withdrawn from before a victorious army, encamped so near, that every stroke of spade and pickaxe from their trenches could be heard. The re- treating troops, moreover, were to be embarked and conveyed across a strait three-quarters of a mile wide, swept by rapid tides. The least alarm of their movement Avould bring the enemy upon them, and produce a terrible scene of con- fusion and carnage at the place of embarkation. Washington made the preparatory arrange- ments with great alertness, yet profound secre- 268 RETREAT FROM LONG ISLAND— WITHDRAWAL FROM THE CAMP. [1776. cy. Verbal orders were sent to Colonel Hughes, who acted as quartermaster-general, to impress all water craft, large and smaE, from Spyt den Duivel on the Hudson round to Hell Gate on the Sound, and have them on the east side of the city by evening. The order was issued at noon, and so promptly executed, that, although some of the vessels had to be brought a distance of fifteen miles, they were all at Brooklyn at eight o'clock in the evening, and put under the management of Colonel Glover's amphibious Marblehead regiment. To prepare the army for a general movement without betraying the object, orders were issued for the troops to hold themselves in readiness for a night attack upon the enemy. The orders caused surprise, for the poor fellows were ex- hausted, and their arms rendered nearly useless by the rain ; all, however, prepared to obey ; but several made nuncupative wills ; as is cus- tomary among soldiers on the eve of sudden and deadly pei-il. According to Washington's plan of retreat, to keep the enemy from discovering the with- drawal of the Americans until the main body should have embarked in the boats and pushed off from the shore, General Mifflin was to re- main at the lines with his Pennsylvania troops, and the gallant remains of Haslet, Smallwood, and Hand's regiments, with guards posted and sentinels alert, as if nothing extraordinary was taking place ; when the main embarkation was effected, they were themselves to move off quietly, march briskly to the ferry, and em- bark. In case of any alarm that might discon- cert the arrangements, Brooklyn church was to be the rallying place, whither all should repair, so as unitedly to resist any attack. It was late in the evening when the troops began to retire from the breastworks. As one regiment quietly withdrew from their station on guard, the troops on the right and left moved up and filled the vacancy. There was a stifled murmur in the camp, unavoidable in a move- ment of the kind ; but it gradually died away in the direction of the river, as the main body moved on in silence and order. The youthful Hamilton, whose military merits had won the favor of General Greene, and who had lost his baggage and a field-piece in the battle, brought up the rear of the retreating party. In the dead of the night, and in the midst of this hushed and anxious movement, a cannon went off with a tremendous roar, " The effect," says an American who was present, " was at once alarming and sublime. If the explosion was within our lines, the gun was probably dis- charged in the act of spiking it, and could have been no less a matter of speculation to the en- emy than to ourselves." * " What with the greatness of the stake, the darkness of the night, the uncertainty of the design, and the extreme hazard of the issue," adds the same writer, " it would be difllcult to conceive a more deeply solemn and interesting scene." The meaning of this midnight gun was never ascertained ; fortunately, though it startled Ihe Americans, it failed to rouse the British camp. In the mean time the embarkation went on with all possible despatch, under the vigilant eye of Washington, who stationed himself at the ferry, superintending every movement. In his anxiety for despatch, he sent back Colonel Scammel, one of his aides-de-camp, to hasten forward all the troops that were on the march, Scammel blundered in executing his errand, and gave the order to Mifflin likewise. The general instantly called in his pickets and sentinels, and set off for the ferry. By this time the tide had turned ; there was a strong wind from the north-east ; the boats with oars were insufficient to convey the troops ; those with sails could not make headway against the wind and tide. There was some confusion at the ferry, and in the midst of it. General Mifflin came down with the whole covering party ; adding to the embarrassment and uproar. " Good God ! General Mifflin ! " cried Wash- ington, " I am afraid you have ruined us by so unseasonably withdrawing the troops from the lines." "I did so by your order," replied Mifflin, with some warmth. " It cannot be ! " exclaimed Washington. " By G — , I did ! " was the blunt rejoinder. " Did Scammel act as aide-de-camp for the day, or did he not?" "He did." "Then," said Mifflin, " I had orders through him." " It is a dreadful mistake." rejoined Washington, " and unless the troops can regain the lines be- fore their absence is discovered by the enemy, the most disastrous consequences are to be ap- prehended." Mifflin led back his men to the lines, which had been completely deserted for three-quarters of an hour. Fortunately, the dense fog had prevented the enemy from discovering that they were unoccupied. The men resumed their for- ' Graydon's Memoirs, edited by I. S. Littell, p. 167. ^T. 44:.] RETREAT TO NEW YORK— THE ENEMY ON LONG ISLAND. 269 mer posts, and remained at them until called off to cross the ferry. " Whoever has seen troops in a similar situation," writes General Heath, " or duly contemplates the human heart in such trials, will know how to appreciate the conduct of these brave men on this occasion." The fog which prevailed all this time, seemed almost providential. While it hung over Long Island, and concealed the movements of the Americans, the atmosphere was clear on the New York side of the river. The adverse wind, too, died away, the river became so smooth that the row-boats could be laden almost to the gunwale ; and a favoring breeze sprang up for the sail-boats. The whole embarkation of troops, artillery, ammunition, provisions, cat- tle, horses, and carts, was happily effected, and by daybreak the greater part had safely reached the city, thanks to the aid of Glover's Marble- head men. Scarce any thing was abandoned to the enemy, excepting a few heavy pieces of ar- tillery. At a proper time, Mifflin, with his covering party, left the lines, and effected a si- lent retreat to the ferry. Washington, though repeatedly entreated, refused to enter a boat until all the troops were embarked ; and crossed the river with the last. A Long Island tradition tells how the British camp became aware of the march which had been stolen upon it.* Near the ferry resided a Mrs. Kapelye, whose husband, suspected of favoring the enemy, had been removed to the interior of New Jersey. On seeing the embark- ation of the first detachment, she, out of loyalty or revenge, sent off a black servant to inform the first British officer he could find, of what was going on. The negro succeeded in passing the American sentinels, but arrived at a Hessian outpost, where he could not make himself un- derstood, and was put under guard as a suspi- cious person. There he was kept until day- break, when an ofiicer visiting the post, exam- ined him, and was astounded by his story. An alarm was given, the troops were called to arms ; Captain Montressor, aide-de-camp of General Howe, followed by a handful of men, climbed cautiously over the crest of the works, and found them deserted. Advanced parties were hurried down to the ferry. The fog had cleared away, sufiiciently for them to see the rear boats of the retreating army half way across the river. One boat, still within mus- ket-shot, was compelled to return ; it was man- * Hist. Long Island, p. 258. ned by three vagabonds, who had lingered be- hind to plunder. This extraordinary retreat, which, in its silence and celerity, equalled the midnight fortifying of Bunker's Hill, was one of the most signal achievements of the war, and redounded greatly to the reputation of Washington, who, we are told, for forty-eight hours preceding the safe extricating of his army from their perilous situa- tion, scarce closed his eyes, and was the greater part of the time on horseback. Many, how- ever, who considered the variety of risks and dangers which surrounded the camp, and the apparently fortuitous circumstances which averted them all, were disposed to attribute the safe retreat of the patriot army to a peculiar Providence. CHAPTER XXXIII. The enemy had no w possession of Long Island. British and Hessian troops garrisoned the works at Brooklyn, or were distributed at Bushwick, Newtown, Hell Gate, and Flushing. Admiral Howe came up with the main body of the fleet, ' and anchored close to Governor's Island, within cannon-shot of the city.. " Our situation is truly distressing," writes Washington to the President of Congress, on the 2d of September. " The check our detach- ment sustained on the 27th ultimo, has dispirited too great a proportion of our troops, and filled • their minds with apprehension and despair. The militia, instead of calling forth their utmost efforts to a brave and manly opposition in order to repair our losses, are dismayed, intractable, and impatient to return. Great numbers of them have gone off; in some instances almost by whole regiments, by half ones, and by com- panies, at a time. * * * * With the deep- est concern, I am obliged to confess my want of cofifidence in the generality of the troops. * * * Our number of men at present fit for duty is under twenty thousand. I have ordered General Mercer to send the men intended for the flying camp to this place, about a thousand in number, and to try with the militia, if prac- ticable, to make a diversion upon Staten Island. Till of late, I had no doubt in my own mind of defending this place ; nor should I have yet, if the men would do their duty, but this I de- spair of. "If we should be obliged to abandon the 270 PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF NEW YORK. [1776, tovrn, ought it to stand as winter quarters for the enemy? They would derive great conven- iences from it, on the one hand, and much prop- erty would be destroyed, on the other. It is an important question, but will admit of but little time for deliberation. At present, I dare say the enemy mean to preserve it if they can. If Congress, therefore, should resolve upon the destruction of it, the resolution should be a profound secret, as the knowledge will make a capital change in their plans." Colonel Eeed, writing on the same day to his wife, says, " I have only time to say that I am alive and well ; as to spirits, but middling. * * My country will, I trust, yet be free, whatever may be our fate who r.re cooped up, or are in danger of so being, on this tongue of land, where we ought never to have been." * We turn to cite letters of the very same date from British officers on Long Island, full of ru- mors and surmises. " I have just heard," writes an Englisli field-officer, " there has been a most dreadful fray in the town of I^ew York. The New Englanders insisted on setting the town on fire, and retreating. This was opposed by the New Yorkers, who Avere joined by the Pennsyl- vanians, and a battle has been the consequence, in which many have lost their lives. By the steps our general is taking, I imagine he will effectually cut off their retreat at King's Bridge, by which the island of New York is joined to the continent." An English officer of the guards, writing from camp on the same day, varies the rumor. The Pennsylvanians, according to his version, joined with the New Englanders in the project to set fire to the town ; both liad a battle with the New Yorkers on the subject, and then withdrew themselves from the city — which, " with other favorable circumstances," gave the latter writer a lively "hope that this distressful business would soon be brought to a happy issue." Another letter gives a different version. " In the night of the 2d instant, three persons es- caped from the city in a canoe, and informed our general that Mr. Washington had ordered three battalions of New York Provincials to leave New York, and that they should be re- placed by an equal number of Connecticut troops ; but the former, assured that the Con- necticutians would burn and destroy all the houses, peremptorily refused to give up their city, declaring that no cause of exigency v,-hat- * Force's Am. Archives, 5th Series, ii. 123, ever should induce them to intrust the defence of it to any other than her own inhabitants. This stubborn and spirited resolution prevailed over the order of their commander, and the New Yorkers continue snugly in possession of that place." * " Matters go on sAvimmingly," writes another officer. " I don't doubt the next news we send you, is, that New York is ours, though in ashes, for the rebel troops have vowed to put it in flames if the tory troops get over." An American officer writes to an absent New Yorker in a different tone. " I fear we shall evacuate your poor city. The very thought gives me the horrors ! " Still he indulges a vague hope of succor from General Lee, who was returning, all glorious, from his successes at the South. " General Lee," writes he, " is hourly expected, as if from heaven, — with a legion of flaming swordsmen." It was, how- ever, what Lee himself would have termed a mere hrutum fulmen. These letters show the state of feeling in the opposite camps, at this watchful moment, when matters seemed hurrying to a crisis. On the night of Monday (Sept. 2d), a forty gun ship, taking advantage of a favorable wind and tide, passed between Governor's Island and Long Island, swept unharmed by the batteries which opened upon her, and anchored in Turtle Bay, above the city. In the morning, Washing- ton despatched Lfajor Crane of the artillerj", with two twelve pctinders and a howitzer to annoy her from the New York shore. They hulled her several times, and obliged her to take shelter behind Blackwcll's Island. Several other ships-of-war, with transports and store- ships, had made their appearance in the upper part of the Sound, having gone round Long Isl- and. As the city might speedily be attacked, Wash- ington caused all the sick and wounded to be conveyed to Orangetown, in the Jerseys, and such military stores and baggage as were not immediately needed, to be removed, as fast as conveyances could be procured, to a port par- tially fortified at Dobbs' Ferry, on the eastern bank of the Hudson, about twenty-two miles above the city. Reed, in his letters to his wife, talks of the dark and mysterious motions of the enemy, and the equally dark and intricate councils of Con- gress, by which the army were disheartened Force's Am. Archives, 6th Series, ii. 168. Mi:. 44.] YEARNINGS FOR HOME— HOWE'S OVERTURE TO CONGRESS. 271 and perplexed. " We are still here," writes he on the 6th, "in a posture somewhat awkward ; we think (at least I do) that we cannot stay, and yet we do not know how to go, so that we may be properly said to be between hawk and buzzard." The " shameful and scandalous desertions," as Washington termed them, continued. In a few days the Connecticut militia dwindled down from six to less than two thousand. " The im- pulse for going home was so irresistible," writes lie, " that it answered no purpose to oppose it. Though I would not discharge them, I have been obliged to acquiesce." Still his considerate mind was tolerant of their defection. " Men," said he, " accustomed to unbounded freedom, cannot brook the re- straint which is indispensably necessary to the good order and govei'nment of an army." And again, " Men Just dragged from the tender scenes of domestic life, unaccustomed to the din of arms, totally unacquainted with every kind of military skill (which is followed by a want of confidence in themselves, when opposed to troops regularly trained, superior in knowledge, and superior in arms), are timid and ready to fly from their own shadows. Besides, the sud- den change in their manner of living, brings on an unconquerable desire to return to their homes." Greene, also, who coincided so much with Washington in opinions and sentiments, ob- serves : " People coming from home with all the tender feelings of domestic life, are not suffi- ciently fortified with natural courage to stand the shocking scenes of war. To march over dead men, to hear without concern the groans of tjie wounded — I say few men can stand such scenes unless steeled by habit or fortified by military pride." !N"or was this ill-timed yearning for home confined to the yeomanry of Connecticut, Avho might well look back to their humble farms, where they had left the plough standing in the furrow, and where every thing might go to ruin, and their family to want in their absence. Some of the gentlemen volunteers from, beyond the Delaware, who had made themselves merry at the expense of the rustic soldiery of New England, were likewise among the first to feel the homeward impulse. " When I look around," said Reed, the adjutant-general, "and see how few of the numbers who talked so loud- ly of death and honor are around me, I am lost in wonder and surprise. Some of our Philadel- phia gentlemen who came over on visits, upon the first cannon, went off in a most violent hur- ry. Your noisy sons of liberty, are, I find, the quietest on the field." * Present experience induced Washington to re- iterate the opinion he had repeatedly expressed to Congress, that little reliance was to be placed on militia enlisted for short periods. The only means of protecting the national Hberties from great hazard, if not utter loss, was, he said, an army enlisted for the war. The thousand men ordered from the flying camp were furnished by General Mercer. They were Maryland troops under Colonels Griffith and Richardson, and were a seasonable addition to his efifective forces ; but the ammunition car- ried off by the disbanding mihtia was a serious loss at this critical juncture. A work had been commenced on the Jersey shore opposite Fort Washington, to aid in pro- tecting Putnam's chevaux-de-frise which had been sunk between them. This work had re- ceived the name of Fort Constitution (a name already borne by one of the forts in the High- lands). Troops were drawn from the flying camp to make a strong encampment in the vi- cinity of the fort, with an able officer to com- mand it, and a skilful engineer to strengthen the works. It was hoped, by the co-operation of these opposite forts and the chevaus-de-frise, to command the Hudson, and prevent the pass- ing and rei)assing of hostile ships. The British, in the mean time, forbore to press further hostilities. Lord Howe was really desirous of a peaceful adjustment of the strife between the colonies and the mother country, and supposed this a propitious moment for a new attempt at pacification. He accordingly sent off General Sullivan on parole, charged with an overture to Congress. In this he declared himself empowered and disposed to compromise the dispute between Great Britain and Ameri- ca, on the most favorable terms, and though he could not treat with Congress as a legally organized body, he was desirous of a conference with some of its members. These, for the time, he should consider only as private gentlemen, but if in the conference any probable scheme of accommodation should be agreed upon, the authority of Congress would afterwards be acknowledged, to render the compact complete.! The message caused some embarrassment in Congress. To accede to the interview might * Life of Rccd, i. 231. t Civil War, vol. i., p. 190. 272 COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE— FRANKLIN'S LETTER TO LORD HOWE. [1776. seem to waive the question of independence ; to decline it, was to shut the door on all hope of conciliation, and might alienate the co-oper- ation of some worthy whigs who still clung to that hope. After much debate, Congress, on the 5th September, replied, that, being the representatives of the free and independent States of America, they could not send any members to confer with his lordship in their private characters, but that, ever desirous of establishing peace on reasonable terms, they would send a committee of their body to ascer- tain what authority he had to treat with per- sons authorized by Congress, and what propo- sitions he had to offer. A committee was chosen on the 6th of Sep- tember, composed of John Adams, Edward Eutledge, and Doctor Franklin. The latter, in the preceding year, during his residence in England, had become acquainted with Lord Howe, at the house of his lordship's sister, the Honorable Mrs. Howe, and they had held fre- quent conversations on the subject of American affairs, in the course of which, his lordship had intimated the possibility of his being sent com- missioner to settle the differences in America. Franklin had recently adverted to this in a letter to Lord Howe. " Your lordship may possibly remember the tears of joy that wet my cheek, when, at your good sister's in London, you gave me expectations that a reconciliation might soon take place. I had the misfor- tune to find these expectations disappointed. " The well-founded esteem, and, permit me to say, affection, which I shall always have for your lordship, makes it painful for me to see you engaged in conducting a war, the great ground of which, as expressed in your letter, is ' the necessity of preventing the American trade from passing into foreign channels.' * * * I know your great motive in coming hither was the hope of being instrumental in a recon- ciliation ; and I believe that when yoii find that impossible on any terms given to you to propose, you will relinquish so odious a com- mand, and return to a more honorable private station." " I can have no difficulty to acknowledge," replied Lord Howe, " that the powers I am in- vested with were never calculated to negotiate a reunion with America, under any other de- scription than as subject to the crown of Great Britain. But I do esteem these powers com- petent, not only to confer and negotiate with any gentlemen of influence in the colonies upon the terms, but also to effect a lasting peace and reunion between the two countries, were the tempers of the colonies such as professed in the last petition of Congress to the king." * A hope of the kind lingered in the breast of his lordship when he sought the proposed con- ference. It was to take place on the 11th, at a house on Staten Island, opposite to Amboy ; at which latter place the veteran Mercer was sta- tioned with his flying camp. At Amboy, the committee found Lord Howe's barge waiting to receive them ; with a British officer of rank, who was to remain within the American lines during their absence, as a hostage. This guar- antee of safety was promptly declined, and the parties crossed together to Staten Island. The admiral met them on their landing, and con- ducted them through his guards to his house. On opening the conference, his lordship again intimated that he could not treat Avith them as a committee of Congress, but only confer with them as private gentlemen of influence in the colonies on the means of restoring peace be- tween the two countries. The commissioners replied that as their busi- ness was to hear, he might consider them in what light he pleased ; but that they should consider themselves in no other character than that in which they were placed by order of Congress. Lord Howe then entered into a discourse of considerable length, but made no explicit proposition of peace, nor promise of redress of grievances, excepting on condition that the colonies should return to their allegiance. This, the commissioners replied, was not now to be expected. Their repeated humble peti- tions to the king and parliament having been treated with contempt, and answered by addi- tional injuries, and war having been declared against them, the colonies had declared their independence, and it was not in the power of Congress to agree for them that they should return to their foi-mer dependent state.f His lordship expressed his sorrow that no accommodation was likely to take place ; and, on breaking up the conference, assured his old friend. Dr. Franklin, that he should suffer great pain in being obliged to distress those for whom he had so much regard. " I feel thankful to your lordship for your regard," replied Franklin, good-humoredly ; » Fr.inklin's Writintju, v. 103. t Report of the Comm. to Congress., Sept 13, 1776. ^T, 44.] MOVEMENTS OF THE ENEMY— COUNCIL OF WAR. 273 " the Americans, on their part, "will endeavor to lessen the pain you may feel, by taking good care of themselves." The result of this conference had a beneficial effect. It showed that his lordship had no power but what was given by the act of Parlia- ment ; and put an end to the popular notion that he was vested with secret powers to nego tiate an adjustment of grievances. CHAPTER XXXIY. Since the retreat from Brooklyn, "Washington had narrowly watched the movements of the enemy to discover their further plans. Their whole force, excepting about four thousand men, had been transferred from Staten to Long Island. A great part was encamped on the peninsula between Newtown Inlet and Plushing Bay. A battery had been thrown up near the extremity of the peninsula, to check an Ameri- can battery at Horen's Hook opposite, and to command the mouth of Harlem River. Troops were subsequently stationed on the islands about Hell Gate. "It is evident," writes Washing- ton, " the enemy mean to enclose us on the island of New York, by taking post in our rear, while the shipping secures the front, and thus by cutting off our communication with the country, oblige us to fight them on their own terms, or surrender at discretion ; or by a bril- liant stroke endeavor to cut this army in pieces, and secure the collection of arms and stores, which, they well know, we shall not be able soon to replace." * The question was, hoAV could their plans be most successfully opposed ? On every side, he saw a choice of difiiculties ; every measure was to be formed with some apprehension that all the troops would not do their duty. History, experience, the opinion of able friends in Eu- rope, the fears of the enemy, even the declara- tions of Congress, all concurred in demonstrat- ing that the war on the American side should be defensive ; a war of posts ; that, on all occa- sions, a general action should be avoided, and nothing put at risk unnecessarily. " With these views," said Washington, " and being fully persuaded that it would be presumption to draw out our young troops into open ground against their superiors, both in number and * Letter to the President of Congress. 18 discipline, I have never spared the spade and pickaxe." In a council of war, held on the 7th of Sep- tember, the question was discussed, whether the city should be defended or evacuated. All admitted that it would not be tenable, should it be cannonaded and bombarded. Several of the council, among whom was General Putnam, were for a total and immediate removal from the city ; urging that one part of the army might be cut off before the other could support it ; the extremities being at least sixteen miles apart ; and the whole, when collected, being inferior to the enemy. By removing, they would deprive the enemy of the advantage of their ships ; they would keep them at bay ; put nothing at hazard ; keep the army together to be recruited another year, and preserve the unspent stores and the heavy artillery. Wash- ington himself inclined to this opinion. Others, however, were unwilling to abandon a place which had been fortified with great cost and labor, and seemed defensible ; and which, by some, had been considered the key to the northern country ; it might dispirit the troops, and enfeeble the cause. General Mercer, who was prevented by illness from attending the council, communicated his opinion by letter. " We should keep New York if possible," said he, " as the acquiring of it will give eclat to the arms of Great Britain, afford the soldiers good quarters, and furnish a safe harbor for the fleet." General Greene, also, being still unwell, con- voyed his opinion in a letter to Washington, dat- ed Sept. 5th. He advised that the army should abandon the city and island, and post itself at King's Bridge and along the Westchester shore. That there was no object to be obtained by holding any position below King's Bridge. The enemy might throw troops on Manhattan Island, from their camps on Long Island, and their ships on the Hudson, and form an in- trenched line across it, between the city and the middle division of the army, and support the two flanks of the line by their shipping. In such case, it would be necessary to fight them on disadvantageous terms, or submit. The city and island, he observed, were objects not to be put in competition with the general interests of America, Two-thirds of the city and suburbs belonged to tories, there was no great reason, therefore, to run any considerable risk in its defence. The honor and interests of America required a general and speedy retreat. But as the enemy, once in possession, could 274 DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARMY— THE ENEMY AT HELL GATE. [1776. never be dislodged without a superior naval force ; as the place would furnish them with excellent winter quarters and barrack room, and an abundant market, he advised to burn both city and suburbs before retreating.* Well might the poor, harassed citizens feel hysterical, threatened as they were by sea and land, and their very defenders debating the policy of burning their houses over their heads. Fortunately for them. Congress had expressly forbidden that any harm should be done to New York, trusting, that though the enemy might occupy it for a time, it would ultimately be regained. After much discussion a middle course was adopted. Putnam, with five thousand men, was to be stationed in the city. Heath, with nine thousand, was to keep guard on the upper part of tlie island, and oppose any attempt of the enemy to land. His troops, among whom were Magaw's, Shee's, Hand's, and Miles's Pennsyl- vanian battalions, and Haslet's Delaware regi- ment, were posted about King's Bridge and its vicinity. The third division, composed principally of militia, was under the command of Generals Greene and Spencer, the former of whom, how- ever, was still unwell. It was stationed about the centre of the island, chiefly along Turtle Bay and Kip's Bay, where strong works had been thrown up, to guard against any landing of troops from the ships or from the encanip- ments on Long Island. It was also to hold itself ready to support either of the other divi- sions. "Washington himself had his head-quar- tei's at a short distance from the city. A res- olution of Congress, passed the 10th of Sep- tember, left the occupation or abandonment of the city entirely at "Washington's discretion. Nearly the whole of his officers, too, in a second council of war, retracted their former opinion, and determined that the removal of his army was not only prudent, but absolutely necessary. Three members of the council, however, Generals Spencer, Heath, and George Clinton, tenaciously held to the former de- cision. Convinced of the propriety of evacuation, "Washington prepared for it by ordering the re- moval of all stores, excepting such as were in- dispensable for the subsistence of the troops while they remained. A letter from a Rhode Island officer, on a visit to New York, gives an * Force's Am. Archives, 5tli Series, ii. 182. idea of its agitations. " On the 13th of Sep- tember, just after dinner, three frigates and a forty-gun ship sailed up the East River with a gentle breeze, toward HeU Gate, and kept up an incessant fire, assisted by the cannon at Governor's Island. The batteries of the city returned the ships the like salutation. Three men agape, idle spectators, had the misfortune of being killed by one cannon ball. One shot struck within six feet of General "Washington, as he was on horseback, riding into the fort." * On the 14th, "Washington's baggage was re- moved to King's Bridge, whither head-quarters were to be transferred the same evening ; it being clear that the enemy were preparing to encompass him on the island. " It is now a trial of skiU whether they will or not," writes Colonel Reed, " and every night we lie down with the most anxious fears for the fate of to- morrow." t About simset of the same day, six more ships, two of them men-of-war, passed up the Sound and joined those above. "Within half an hour came expresses spurring to head-quarters, one from Mifflin at King's Bridge, the other from Colonel Sargent at Iloren's Hook. Three or four thousand of the enemy were crossing at Hell Gate to the islands at the mouth' of Harlem River, where numbers were already encamped. An immediate lauding at Harlem, or Morrisania, was apprehended. "Washington was instantly in the saddle, spurring to Harlem Heights. The night, however, passed away qui- etly. In the morning the enemy commenced operations. Three ships-of-war stood up the Hudson, " causing a most tremendous firing, as- sisted by the cannons of Governor's Island, which firing was returned from the city as well as the scarcity of heavy cannon would allow." | The ships anchored opposite Bloomingdale, a few miles above the city, and put a stop to the re- moval by water of stores and provisions to Dobbs' Ferry, About eleven o'clock, the ships in the East Ri\"er commenced a heavy cannon- ade upon the breastworks between Turtle Bay and the city. At the same time two divisions of the troops encamped on Long Island, one British, under Sir Henry Clinton, and the other Hessian, under Colonel Donop, emerged in boats from the deep, woody recesses of New- town Inlet, and under cover of the fire from the * Col. Babcock to Gov. Cooke. Am. Archives, 5th Series, ii. 443. t Kccd to Mrs. Reed. t Letter of Col. Babcock to Go.v. Cooke. Ml. 44.] RAGE AND PERIL OF WASHINGTON AT TURTLE BAY— PUTNAM'S RETREAT. 275 ships, began to land at two points between Turtle and Kip's Bays. The breastworks were manned by militia who had recently served at Brooklyn. Disheartened by their late defeat, they fled at the first advance of the enemy. Two brigades of Putnam's Connecticut troops (Parsons' and Fellows') which had been sent that morning to support them, caught the panic, and regardless of the commands and entreaties of their officers, joined in the general scamper. At this moment "Washington, who had mounted his horse at the first sound of the cannonade, came galloping to the scene of con- fusion ; riding in among the fugitives, he en- deavored to rally and restore them to order. All in vain. At the first appearance of sixty or seventy red coats, they bi;flk©-?lgain without firing a shot, and fled in headlong terror. Los- ing all self-command at the sight of such das- tardly conduct, he dashed his hat upon the ground in a transport of rage. " Are these the men," exclaimed he, " with whom I am to defend America ! " In a paroxysm of passion and despair he snapped his pistols at some of them, threatened others with his sword and was so heedless of his own danger, that he might have fallen into the hands of the enemy, who w^ere not eighty yards distant, had not an aide-de-camp seized the bridle of his horse, and absolutely hurried him away.* It was one of the rare moments of his life, when the vehement element of his nature was stirred up from its deep recesses. He soon re- covered his self-possession, and took meas- ures against the general peril. The eneniy might land another force about Hell Gate, seize upon Harlem Heights, the strong central portion of the island, cut off all retreat of the lower divisions, and effectually sever his army. In all haste, therefore, he sent off an express to the forces encamped above, directing them to secure that position immediately ; while another express to Putnam, ordered an imme- diate retreat from the city to those heights. It was indeed a perilous moment. Had the enemy followed up their advantage, and seized * Gra3'don'8 Memoirs, Littell's edition, p. 174. General Greene, in a letter to a fricud, -writes : " We made a mis- erable, disorderly retreat from New York, owing to the conduct of the militia, who ran at the appearance of the enemj-'a advanced guard. Fellows' and Parsons' brigades ran away from about fifty men, and left his excellency on the ground, within eighty yards of the enemj', so vexed at the infamous conduct of his troops, that he sought death rather than life." upon the heights, before thus occupied ; or had they extended themselves across the island, from the jjlace where they had effected a land- ing, the result might have been most disastrous to the Americans. Fortunately, they contented themselves for the present with sending a strong detachment down the road along the East Eiver, leading to the city, while the main body, British and Hessians, rested on their arms. In the mean time, Putnam, on receiving Washington's express, called in his pickets and guards, and abandoned the city in all haste, leaving behind him a lai'gc quantity of provi- sions and military stores, and most of the heavy cannon. To avoid the enemy he took the Bloomingdale road, though this exposed him to be raked by the enemy's ships anchored in the Hudson. It was a forced march, on a sultry day, under a burning sun, and amid clouds of dust. His army was encumbered with women and children and all kinds of baggage. Many were overcome by fatigue and thirst, some per- ished by hastily drinking cold water ; but Put- nam rode backward and forward, hurrying every one on. Colonel Humphreys, at that time a volunteer in his division, writes : " I had frequent op- portunities that day of beholding him, for the purpose of issuing orders and encouraging the troops, flying on his horse covered with foam, wherever his presence was most necessary. Without his extraordinary exertions, the guards must have been inevitably lost, and it is proba- ble the entire corps would have been cut in pieces. " When -we were not far from Bloomingdale, an aide-de-camp came to him at full speed, to inform liim that a column of British infantry was descending upon our right. Our rear was soon fii-ed upon, and the colonel of our regi- ment, whose order was just communicated for the front to file off to the left, was killed upon the spot. With no other loss, we joined the army after dark upon the heights of Harlem."* Tradition gives a circumstance which favored Putnam's retreat. The British generals, in passing by Murray Hill, the country- residence of a patriot of that name who was of the So- ciety of Friends, made a halt to seek some re- freshment. The proprietor of the house was absent ; but his wife set cake and wine before * Peabody, Life of Putnam. Sparks' American Biog., vii. 189. 276 FORTIFIED CAMP AT KING'S BRIDGE— ALEXANDER HAMILTON. [inc. them in abundance. So grateful were these refreshments in the heat of the day, that they Hngered over their -wine, quaffing and laugh- ing, and bantering their patriotic hostess about the ludicrous panic and discomfiture of her countrymen. In the mean time, before they were roused from their regale, Putnam and his forces had nearly passed by, within a mile of them. All the loss sustained by him in his perilous retreat, was fifteen killed, and about three hundred taken prisoners. It became, adds the tradition, a common saying among the American officers, that Mrs. Murray saved Putnam's division of the army.* CEAPTER XXXY. The fortified camp, where the main body of the army was now assembled, was upon that neck of land several miles long, and for the most part not above a mile wide, wliich forms the upper part of Manhattan or New York Island. It forms a chain of rocky heights, and is separated from tlie mainland by Harlem Eiver, a narrow strait, extending from Hell Gate on the Sound, to Spyt den Duivel, a creek or inlet of the Hudson. Fort "Washington oc- cupied the crest of one of the rocky heights above mentioned, overlooking the Hudson, and about two miles north of it was King's Bridge, crossing Spyt den Duivel Creek, and forming at that time the only pass from Manhattan Island to the mainland. About a mile and a half south of the fort, a double row of lines extended across the neck from Harlem River to the Hudson. They faced south towards New York, were about a quarter of a mile apart, and were defended by batteries. There were strong advanced posts, about two miles south of the outer line ; one on the left of Harlem, commanded by General Spen- cer, the other on the right, at what was called McGowan's Pass, commanded by General Put- nam. About a mile and a half beyond these posts the British lines extended across the island from Horen's Ilook to the Hudson, being a continuous encampment, two miles in length, with both flanks covered by shipping. An open plain intervened between the hostile camps. "Washington had established his head-quarters ■ Thacher's Military Journal, p. 70. about a quarter of a mile within the inner line ; at a country-seat, the owners of which were absent. It belonged in fact to Colonel Roger Morris, his early companion in arms in Brad- dock's campaign, and his successful competitor for the hand of Miss Mary Philipse. Morris had remained in America, enjoying the wealth he had acquired by his marriage ; but had ad- hered to the royal party, and was a member of the council of the colony. It is said that at this time he was residing in the Highlands at Beverley, the seat of his brother-in-law, "Wash- ington's old friend, Beverley Robinson.* While thus posted, Washington was inces- santly occupied in fortifying the approaches to his camp by redoubts, abatis, and deep in- trenchments. " Here," said he, " I should hope the enemy, in case of attack, would meet a de- feat, if tlie generality of our troops would be- have with tolerable bravery ; but experience, to my extreme affliction, has convinced me that it is ratlier to be wished than expected. However, I trust there are many who will act like men worthy of the blessings of freedom." The late disgraceful scene at Kip's Bay was evidently rankling in his mind. In the course of his rounds of inspection, he was struck with the skill and science displayed in the construction of some of the works, which were thrown up under the direction of a youth- ful captain of artillery. It proved to be the same young officer, Alexander Hamilton, whom Greene had recommended to his notice. After some conversation with him, Washington in- vited him to his marquee, and thus commenced that intercourse which has indissolubly linked their memories together. On the morning of the IGth, word was brought to head-quarters that the enemy were advancing in three large columns. There had been so many false reports, that Reed, the ad- jutant-general, obtained leave to sally out and ascertain the truth. Washington himself soon mounted his horse and rode towards the ad- vanced posts. On arriving there he heard a brisk firing. It was kept up for a time with great spirit. There was evidently a sharp con- flict. At length Reed came galloping back with information. A strong detachment of the enemy had attacked the most advanced post, which was situated on a hill skirted by a wood. It had been bravely defended by Lieu- * The portrait of Miss Mary Philipse is still to be seen in the possession of Frederick Phillips, Esquire, at the Grange, on the Highlands opposite "West Point. ^T. 44.] THE ENEMY ADVANCE— A SUCCESSFUL SKIRMISH. 277 tenaut-Colonel Kuowlton, Putnam's favorite officer, who had distinguished himself at Bun- ker's Hill ; he had under him a party of Con- necticut rangers, volunteers from different regi- ments. After skirmishing for a time, the party had heen overpowered by numbers and driven in, and the outpost was taken possession of by the enemy. Reed supposed the latter to be about three hundred strong, but they were much stronger, the main part having been con- cealed behind a rising ground in the wood. They were composed of a battalion of light infantry, another of Royal Highlanders, and three companies of Ilessian riflemen ; all under command of General Leslie. Reed urged that ti'oops should be sent to support the brave fellows who had behaved so well. "While he was talking with Washington, " the enemy," he says, " appeared in open view, and sounded their bugles in the most in- sulting manner, as usual after a fox-chase. I never," adds he, " felt such a sensation before ; it seemed to crown our disgrace." Washington, too, Avas stung by the taunting note of derision ; it recalled the easy triumph of the enemy at Kip's Bay. Resolved that something should be done to wipe out that dis- grace, and rouse the spirits of the army, he ordered out three companies from Colonel Weedon's regiment, just arrived from Virginia, and sent them under Major Leitch, to join Knowlton's rangers. The troops thus united were to get in the rear of the enemy, while a feigned attack was made upon them in front. The plan was partially successful. As the force advanced to make the false attack, the enemy ran down the hill, and took what they considered an advantageous position behind some fences and bushes which skirted it. A firing commenced between them and the ad- vancing party, but at too great distance to do much harm on either side. In the mean time, Knowlton and Leitch, ignorant of this change in the- enemy's position, having made a circuit, came upon them in flank instead of in rear. They were sharply received. A vivid contest took place, in which Connecticut vied with Virginia in bravery. In a little while Major Leitch received three bullets in his side, and was borne off the field. Shortly afterward, a wound in the head from a musket ball, brought Knowlton to the ground. Colonel Reed placed him on his horse, and conveyed him to a dis- tant redoubt. The men, undismayed by the fall of their leaders, fought with unflinching resolution under the command of their cap- tains. The enemy were reinforced by a battal- ion of Hessians and a company of chasseurs. Washftigton likewise sent reinforcements of New England and Maryland troops. The ac- tion ^waxed hotter and hotter ; the enemy were driven from the wood into the plain, and pushed for some distance ; the Americans were pursu- ing them with ardor, when Washington, hav- ing effected the object of this casual encounter, and being unwilling to risk a general action, ordered a retreat to be sounded. It was with difficulty, however, his men could be called off, so excited were they by the novelty of pursuing an enemy. They retired in good order; and, as it subsequently ap- peared, in good season, for the main body of the enemy were advancing at a rapid rate, and might have effectually reversed the scene. Colonel Knowlton did not long survive the action. " When gasping in the agonies of death," says Colonel Reed, " all his inquiry was whether he had driven in the enemy." He was anxious for the tarnished honor of Con- necticut. He had the dying satisfaction of knowing that his men had behaved hi'avely, and driven the enemy in an open field-fight. So closed his gallant career. The encounter thus detailed was a small affair in itself, but important in its effects. It was the first gleam of success in the campaign, and revived the spirits of the army. Washing- ton sought to turn it to the greatest advantage. In his general orders, he skilfully distributed praise and censure. The troops under Leitch were thanked for being the first to advance upon the enemy ; and the New England troops for gallantly supporting them, and their con- duct was honorably contrasted with that of the recreant troops at Kip's Bay. Of Knowl- ton, who had fallen wliik gloriously fighting, he spoke as " one who would have done honor to any country." The name of Leitch was given by him for the next day's parole. That brave oflicer died of his wounds on the 1st of October, soothed in his last moments by that recompense so dear to a soldier's heart, the encomium of a be- loved commander. » In the dead of the night, on the 20th Sep- tember, a great light was beheld by the picket guards, looming up from behind the hills in the direction of the citj'. It continued throughout the night, and was at times so strong that the heavens in that direction appeared to them, 278 GREAT FIRE IN NEW YORK— REORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. [17Y6. they said, as if in flames. At daybreak huge columns of smoke were still rising. It was evident there had been a great conflagration in New York. In the course of the morning Captain Mon- tresor, aide-de-camp to General Howe, came out with a flag, bearing a letter to Washington on the subject of an exchange of prisoners. According to Montresor's account a great part of the city had been burnt down, and as the night was extremely windy, the whole might have been so, but for the exertions of the ofii- cers and men of the British army. He implied it to be the act of American incendiaries, sev- eral of whom, he informed Colonel Eeed, had been caught in the fact and instantly shot. General Howe, in his private correspondence, makes the same assertion, and says they were detected, and killed on the spot by the enraged troops in garrison. Enraged troops, with weapons in their hands, were not apt, in a time of confusion and alarm, to be correct judges of fact, or dispensers of jus- tice. The act was always disclaimed by ^he Americans, and it is certain their commanders knew nothing about it. We have shown that the destruction of the city was at one time dis- cussed in a coimcil of war as a measure of policy, but never adopted, and was expressly forbidden by Congress. The enemy were now bringing up their heavy cannon, preparatory to an attack upon the American camp by the troops and by the ships. What was the state of Washington's army ? The terms of engagement of many of his men would soon be at an end ; most of them would terminate with the year, nor did Congress hold out oflTers to encourage re-enlistments. " We are now, as it were, upon the eve of another dissolution of the army," writes he, " and unless some speedy and eflectual measures are adopted by Congress, our cause will be lost." Under these gloomy apprehensions, he borrowed, as he said, " a few moments from the hours allotted to sleep," and on the night of the 24th of Sep- tember, penned an admirable letter to the Presi- dent of Congress, setting forth the total ineffi- ciency of the existing military system, the total insubordination, waste, confusion, and discontent produced by it among the men, and the harassing cares and vexations to which it subjected the commanders, Nor did he content himself with complaining, but, in liis full, clear, and sagacious manner, pointed out the remedies. To the achievements of his indefatigable pen, we may trace the most fortunate turns in the current of our revolutionary aftairs. In the present in- stance his representations, illustrated by sad experience, produced at length a reorganization of the army, and the establishment of it on a more permanent footing. It was decreed that eighty-eight battalions should be furnished in quotas, by the different States, according to their abilities. The j)ay of the officers was raised. The troops which engaged to serve throughout the war were to receive a bounty of twenty dollars, and one hundred acres of land, besides a yearly suit of clothes while in service. Those who enlisted for but three years, received no bounty in land. The bounty to officers was on a higher ratio. The States were to send com- missioners to the army, to arrange with the com- mander-in-chief as to the appointment of officers in their quotas ; but, as they might occasionally be slow in complying with this regulation, Wash- ington was empowered to fill up all vacancies. All this was a great relief to his mind. He was gratified also by effecting, after a long cor- respondence with the British commander, an exchange of prisoners, in which those captured in Canada were Included. Among those re- stored to the service were Lord Stirling and Captain Daniel Morgan. The latu-r, in reward of his good conduct in the expedition with Arnold, and of " his intrepid behavior in the as- sault upon Quebec, where the brave Montgom- ery fell," was recommended to Congress by Washington for the command of a rifle regi- ment about to be raised. We shall see how eminently he proved himself worthy of this recoihmendation. About this time information was received that the enemy were enlisting great numbers of the loyalists of Long Island, and collecting large quantities of stock for their support. Oliver De Lancey, a leading loyalist of New York, member of a wealthy family of honora- ble Huguenot descent, was a prime agent in the matter. He had recently been appointed briga- dier-general in the royal service, and authorized by General Howe to raise a brigade of Provin- cials ; and was actually at Jamaica, on Long Island, offering commissions of captain, lieuten- ant, and ensign, to any respectable person who would raise a company of seventy men ; the latter to receive British pay, A descent upon Long Island, to counteract these projects, was concerted by General George Clinton of New York, and General Lincoln of Massachusetts, but men and water craft were ^T. 44.] ROGERS THE RENEGADE— OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE HUDSON. 279 wanting to carry it into effect, and the " tory enlistments continued." They were not con- fined to Long Island, but prevailed more or less on Staten Island, in the Jerseys, up the Hudson as far as Dutchess County, and in "Westchester County more especially. Many of the loyalists, it must be acknowledged, were honorable men, conscientiously engaged in the service of their sovereign, and anxious to put down what they sincerely regarded as an unjustifiable rebellion ; and among these may be clearly classed the De Lanceys. There were others, however, of a different stamp, the most notorious of whom, at this juncture, was one Eobert Rogers of New Hampshire. He had been a worthy comrade of Putnam and Stark, in some of their early enterprises during the French war, and had made himself famous as major of a partisan corps called Rogers' Rangers. Governor Trum- bull described him as a " famous scouter and wood-hunter, skilled in waylaying, ambuscade, and sudden attack." His feats of arms had evi- dently somewhat of the Indian character. He had since been Governor of Michilimackinac (1766), and accused of a plot to plunder his own fort and join the French, At the out- break of the Revolution he played a skulking, equivocal part, and appeared ready to join either party. In 1775, "Washington had received no- tice that he was in Canada, in the service of Carleton, and had been as a spy, disguised as an Indian, through the American camp at St, Johns. Recently, on learning that he was prowling about the country under suspicious circum- stances, "Washington had caused him to be ar- rested. On examination, he declared that he was on his way to offer his seci'et services to Congress. He was accordingly sent on to that body,in custody of an officer. Congress liber- ated him on his pledging himself in writing, "on the honor of a gentleman," not to bear arms against the American United Colonies in any manner whatever, during the contest with Great Britain. Scarcely was he liberated when he forfeited his parole, offered his services to the enemy, received a colonel's commission, and was now actually raising a tory corps, to be called the Queen's Rangers. All such as should bring re- cruits to his standard were promised commis- sions, portions of rebel lands, and privileges equal to any of his Majesty's troops. Of all Americans of note enlisted under the royal standard, this man had rendered himself the most odious. He was stigmatized as an ar- rant renegade, a perfect Judas Iscariot ; and his daring, adventurous spirit, and habits of In- dian warfare, rendered him a formidable enemy- Nothing perplexed "Washington at this junc- ture more than the conduct of the enemy. He beheld before him a hostile army, armed and equipped at all points, superior in numbers, thoroughly disciplined, flushed with success, and abounding in the means of pushing a vigorous campaign, yet suffering day after day to elapse unimproved. "What could be the reason of this supineness on the part of Sir "William Howe ? He must know the depressed and disorganized state of the American camp ; the absolute chaos that reigned there. Did he meditate an irrup- tion into the Jerseys ? A movement towards Philadelphia ? Did he intend to detach a part of his forces for a winter's campaign against the South ? In this uncertainty, "Washington wrote to General Mercer, of the flying camp, to keep a vigilant watch from the Jersey shore on the movements of the enemy, by sea and land, and to station videttes on the Neversink Heights, to give immediate intelligence should any of the British fleet put to sea. At the same time he himself practised unceasing vigilance, visiting the different parts of his camp on horseback. Occasionally he crossed over to Fort Constitu- tion, on the Jersey shore, of which General Greene had charge, and, accompanied by him, extended his reconnoitrings down to Paulus Hook, to observe what was going on in the city, and among the enemy's ships. Greene had recently been promoted to the rank of major- general, and now had command of all the troops in the Jerseys, He had liberty to slpft his quarters to Baskingridge or Bergen, as circum- stances might require ; but was enjoined to keep up a communication with the main army, east of the Hudson, so as to secure a retreat in case of necessity. The security of the Hudson was at this time an object of great solicitude with Congress, and much reliance was placed on Putnam's obstruc- tions at Fort "Washington, Four galleys, mount- ed with heavy guns and swivels, were stationed at the chevaux-de-frise, and two new ships were at hand, which, filled with stones, were to be sunk where they would block up the channel. A sloop was also at anchor, having on board a machine, invented by a Mr, Bushnell, for sub- marine explosion, with which to blow up the men-of-war ; a favorite scheme with General Putnam. The obstructions were so commanded 280 THE ROEBUCK, PHCENIX, AND TARTAR IN TUE HUDSON. [1776. by batteries on each shore, that it was thought no hostile ship would be able to pass. On the 9th of October, however, the Eoe- buck and Phoenix, each of forty-four guns, and the Tartar of twenty guns, which had been lying for some time opposite Bloomingdale, got under way with their three tenders, at eight o'clock in the morning, and came standing up the river with an easy southern breeze. At their approach, the galleys and the two ships intended to be sunk, got under way with* all haste, as did a schooner laden with rum, sugar, and other supplies for the American army, and the sloop with Bushnell's submarine machine. The Eoebuck, Phosnix, and Tartar, broke through the vaunted barriers as through a cob- web. Seven batteries kept up a constant fire upon them, yet a gentleman was observed walk- ing tlie deck of the second ship as coolly as if nothing were the matter.* Washington, in- deed, in a letter to Schuyler, says " they passed without any kind of damage or interruption ; " but Lord Howe reports to the admiralty that they suffered much in their masts and rigging, and that a lieutenant, two midshipmen, and six men were killed, and eighteen wounded. The hostile ships kept on their course, the American vessels scudding before them. The schooner was overhauled and captured ; a well- aimed shot sent the sloop and Bushnell's sub- marine engine to the bottom of the river. The two new ships would have taken refuge in Spyt den Duivel Creek, but fearing there might not be water enough, they kept on, and drove ashore at Philips' Mills at Yonkers. Two of the galleys got into a place of safety, where they \^ve protected from the shore ; the other two trusted to outsail their pursuers. The breeze freshened, and the frigates gained on them fast ; at 11 o'clock began to fire on them with their bow-chasers, and at 12 o'clock over- reached them, which caused them to bear in shore ; at half-past one the galleys ran aground just above Dobbs' Ferry, and lay exposed to a shower of grape-shot. The crews, without stopping to burn or bilge them, swam on shore, and the enemy took possession of the two gal- leys, which were likely to be formidable means of annoyance in their hands. One express after another brought "Washing- ton word of these occurrences. First, he sent off a party of rifle and >rtiUery men, with two twelve-pounders, to secure the new ships which Col. Ewing to the Maryland Comm. of Safolv. had run aground at Yonkers. 1^ est, he ordered Colonel Sargent to march up along the eastern shore with five hundred infantry, a troop of light-horse, and a detachment of artillery, to prevent the landing of the enemy. Before the troops arrived at Dobbs' Ferry the ships' boats had plundered a store there, and set it on fire. To prevent, if possible, the men-of-war already up the river from coming down, or others from below joining them, Washington gave orders to complete the obstructions. Two hulks which lay in Spyt den Duivel Creek were hastily bal- lasted by men from General Heath's division, and men were sent up to get off" the ships which had run aground at Philips' Mills, that they might be brought down and sunk immediately. It is difficult to give an idea of the excitement caused by this new irruption of hostile ships into the waters of the Hudson, or of the various conjectures as to their object. They might in- tend merely to interrupt navigation, and prevent supplies from coming down to the American army. They might be carrying arras and am- munition for domestic enemies skulking about the river, and only waiting an opportunity to strike a blow. They might have troops con- cealed on board with intent to surprise the posts in the Highlands, and cut off the intercourse between the American armies. To such a de- gree had the spirit of disafTection been increased in the counties adjacent to the river, since the descent of the Kose and Phoenix, by the re- treats and evacuation which had taken place ; and so great had been the drain on the militia of those counties for the army of Washington, that, in case of insurrection, those who remain- ed at home, and were well affected, would be outnumbered, and might easily be overpowered, especially with the aid of troops landed from ships. While this agitation prevailed below, fugitive river crafts carried the news up to the High- lands that the frigates were already before Tar- rytown in the Tappan Sea. Word was instantly despatched to Peter R. Livingston, president of the Provincial Congress, and startled that de- liberative body, which was then seated at Fish- kill, just above the Highlands. The committee of safety wrote, on the spur of the moment, to Washington. " Nothing," say they, " can be more alarming than the present situation of our State. We are daily getting tlie most authentic intelligence of bodies of men enlisted and armed in order to assist the enemy. We much fear that they, co-operating with the enemy, may Ml. 44.] AGITATION ALONG THE HUDSON— LETTER OF JOHN JAY. 281 seize sucli passes as will cut off the communica- tion between the army and us, and prevent your supplies. * * * * -yye beg leave to suggest to your Excellency the propriety of sending a body of men to the Highlands or Peekskill, to secure the passes, prevent insur- rection, and overawe the disaffected." Washington transmitted the letter to the President of Congress on the 12th. " I have ordered up," writes he, " part of the militia from Massachusetts, under General Lincoln, to prevent, if possible, the consequences which they suggest may happen, and which there is reason to believe the conspirators have in con- templation. I am persuaded that they are on the eve of breaking out, and that they will leave nothing unessayed that will distress us, and favor the designs of the enemy, as soon as their schemes are ripe for it." In fact, it was said that the tories were arming and collecting in the Highlands, under the direction of disguised ofBcers, to aid the conspiracies formed by Gov- ernor Tryon and his adherents. As a further precaution, an express was sent off by Washington to Colonel Tash, who, with a regiment of New Hampshire militia, was on his way from Hartford to the camp, ordering him to repair with all possible despatch to Fish- kill, and there hold himself at the disposition of the committee of safety. James Clinton, also, who had charge of the posts in the Highlands, was put on the alert. That trusty officer was now a brigadier-general, having been promoted by Congress on the 8th of August. He was charged to have all boats passing up and down the river rigidly searched, and the passengers examined. Beside the usual sentries, a barge, well manned, was to patrol the river opposite to each fort every night ; all barges, row-boats, and other small craft, be- tween the forts in the Highlands and the army, were to be secured in a place of safety, to pre- vent their falling into the enemy's hands, and giving intelligence. Moreover, a French engi- neer was sent up to aid in strengthening and securing the passes. The commanding officers of the counties of Litchfield and Fairfield, in Connecticut, had, likewise, orders to hold their militia in readiness, to render assistance in case of insurrections in the State of New York, So pei'ilous appeared the condition of affairs to residents up the river, that John Jay, a member of the New York Convention, and one of the secret committee for the defence of the Hudson, applied for leave of absence, that he might remove his aged parents to a place of safety. A letter from him to Edward Rutledge, of the Board of War, contains this remarkable sentence : " I wish our army well stationed in the Highlands, and all the lower country deso- lated ; we might then bid defiance to all the further efforts of the enemy in that quarter." Nor was this a random or despairing wish. It shows a brave spirit of a leading civilian of the day, and the sacrifices that true patriots were disposed to make in the cause of inde- pendence. But a few days previously he had held the following language to Gouverneur Morris, chair- man of a special committee : " Had I been vested with absolute power in this State, I have often said, and still think, that I would last spring have desolated all Long Island^ Staten Island, the city and county of New Yoi% and all that part of the county of Westchester which lies below the mountains. I would then have stationed the main body of the army in the mountains on the east, and eight or ten thousand men in the Highlands on the west side- of the river. I would have directed the river at Fort Montgomery, which is nearly at the southern extremity of the mountains, to be so shallowed as to afford only depth sufficient for an Albany sloop, and all the southern passes and defiles in the mountains to be strongly for- tified. Nor do I think the shallowing of the river a romantic scheme. Eocky mountains rise immediately from the shores. The breadth is not very great, though the depth is. But what cannot eight or ten thousand men, well worked, effect ? According to this plan of de- fence the State would be absolutely impregnable against all the world, on the seaside, and would have nothing to fear except from the way of the lake. Should the enemy gain the river, even below the mountains, I think I foresee that a retreat would become necessary, and I can't forbear wishing that a desire of saving a few acres may not lead us into difficulties." * Three days after this remarkable letter was written, the enemy's ships did gain the river ; and two days afterwards, October 11th, Reed, the adjutant-general, the confidant of Washing- ton's councils, writes to his wife from Harlem Heights : " My most sanguine views do not ex- tend further than keeping our ground here till this campaign closes. If the enemy incline to press us, it is resolved to risk an engagement, Am. Archives, 5Ui Series, ii. 921. 282 LEE'S LETTER TO CONGRESS— THE ENEMY AT THROG'S NECK. [1YY6. for, if we cannot fight them on this ground, we can on none in America. The ships are the only circumstances unfavorable to us here." On the same day that this letter was written, a small vessel, sloop-rigged, with a topsail, was descried from Mount Washington, coming down the river with a fresh breeze. It was suspected by those on the look-out to be one of the Brit- ish tenders, aud they gave it a shot from a twelve-pounder. Their aim was unfortunately too true. Three of the crew were killed, and the captain wounded. It proved to be "Wash- ington's yacht, which had run up the river pre- viously to the enemy's ships, and was now on its return.* CHAPTER XXXVI. " If General Lee should be in Philadelphia," writes John Jay to Rutledge, " pray hasten his departure — he is much wanted at New York." The successes of Lee at the South were con- trasted by many with the defeat on Long Island, and evacuation of New York, and they began to consider him the main hope of the army. Hazard, the postmaster, writing from Harlem Heights to General Gates on the 11th, laments it as a misfortune that Lee should have been to the southward for several months past, but adds cheerinjjly, " he is expected here to-day." Joseph Trumbull, the commissary-general, also writes to Gates under the same date : " General Lee is to be here this evening. He left Philadelphia on the 8th." Lee, the object of so many hopes, was actu- ally in the Jerseys, on his way to the camp. He writes from Amboy on the 12th, to the President of Congress, informing him that the Hessians, encamped opposite on Staten Island, had disappeared on the preceding night, quit- ting the island entirely, and some great measure was believed to be in agitation. " I am confi- dent," writes he, "they will not attack General Washington's lines ; such a measure is too ab- surd for a man of Mr. Howe's genius ; and un- less they have received flattering accounts from Burgoyne, that he will be able to effectuate a junction (which I conceive they have not), they will no longer remain kicking their heels at New York. They will put the place in a respectable state of defence, which, with their command of the waters, may be easily done, * Ileatli's Memoirs. leave four or five thousand men, and direct their operations to a more decisive object. They will infallibly proceed either immediately up the river Delaware with their whole troops, or, what is more probable, land somewhere about South Amboy or Shrewsbury, and march straight to Trenton or Burlington. On the supposition that this will be the case, what are we to do ? What force have we ? What means have we to prevent their possessing themselves of Philadelphia? General Wash- ington's army cannot possibly keep pace with them. The length of his route is not only in- finitely greater, but his obstructions almost in- superable. In short, before he could cross Hudson River, they might be lodged and strongly fortified on both banks of the Dela- ware. * * For Heaven's sake, arouse your- selves ! For Heaven's sake, let ten thousand men be immediately assembled, and stationed somewhere about Trenton. In my opinion, your whole depends upon it. I set out imme- diately for head-quarters, where I shall com- municate my apprehension that such will be the next operation of the enemy, and urge the expediency of sparing a part of his army (if he has any to spare) for this object." * On the very morning that Lee was writing this letter at Amboy, Washington received in- telligence by express from General Heath, stationed above King's Bridge, that the enemy were landing with artillery on Throg's Neck t in the Sound, about nine miles from the camp. Washington surmised that Howe was pursuing his original plan of getting to the rear of the American army, cutting off its supplies, which were chiefly derived from the East, and inter- rupting its communication with the main coun- try. Oflicers were ordered to their alarm posts, aud the troops to be ready, under arms, to act as occasion might require. Word, at the same time, was sent to General Heath to dispose of the troops on his side of King's Bridge, and of two militia regiments posted on the banks of Harlem River opposite the camp, in such man- ner as he should think necessary. Having made all his arrangements as prompt- ly as possible, Washington mounted his horse, and rode over towards Throg's Neck to recon- noitre. Throg's Neck is a peninsula in Westchester County, stretching upwards of two miles into * Am. Archives, 5tli Series, ii. 1008. t Properly Throck's Neck, from Throckmorton, the name of the original proprietor. ^T. 44.] WASHINGTON'S ARRANGEMENTS— ARRIVAL OF LEE. 283 the Sound. It was separated from the main- land by a narrow creek and a marsh, and was surrounded by water every high tide. A bridge across a creelc connecting with a ruined cause- way across the marsh, led to the mainland, and the upper end of the creek was fordable at low water. Early in the morning, eighty or ninety boats full of men had stood up the Sound from Montresor's Island, and Long Island, and had landed troops to the number of four thousand on Throg's Point, the extremity of the neck. Thence their advance puslied forward toward the causeway and bridge to secure that pass to the mainland. General Heath had been too rapid for them. Colonel Hand and his Phila- delphia riflemen, the same who had checked the British advance on Long Island, had taken up the planks of the bridge, and posted them- selves opposite the end of the causeway, whence they commenced firing with their rifles. They were soon reinforced by Colonel Proscott, of Bunker's Hill renown, with his regiment, and Lieutenant Bryant of the artillery, With a three- ponnder. Checked at this pass, the British moved toward the head of the creek ; hei'e they found the Americans in possession of the ford, where they were reinforced by Colonel Graham, of the New York line, with his regiment, and Lieutenant Jackson of the artillery, with a six- pounder. These skilful dispositions of his troops by General Heath had brought the ene- my to a stand. By the time Washington ar- rived in the vicinity, the British had encamped on the neck ; the riflemen and yagers keeping up a scattering fire at each other across the marsh ; and Captain Bryant now and then saluting the enemy with his field-piece. Having surveyed the ground, Washington ordered works to be thrown up at the passes from the neck to the mainland. The British also threw up a work at the end of the cause- way. In the afternoon nine sJiips, with a great number of schooners, sloops, and flat-bottomed boats fall of men, passed throngli Hell Gate toward Throg's Point ; and information re- ceived from two deserters, gave Washington reason to believe that the greater part of the enemy's forces were gathering in that quarter. General McDougall's brigade, in which were Colonel Smallwood and the independent com- panies, was sent in the evening to strengthen Heath's division at King's Bridge, and to throw up works opposite the ford of Harlem River. Am. Archives, 5th SerieB, ii. 1038. Greene, who had heard of the landing of the enemy at Throg's Neck, wrote over to Wash- ington, from Fort Constitution, informing him that he had three brigades ready to join him if required. " If the troops are wanted over your side," said he, " or likely to be so, they should be got over in the latter part of the night, as the shipping may move up from below, and impede, if not totally stop the troops from pass- ing." " The tents upon Staten Island," he add- ed, " had all been struck, as far as could be ascertained." It was plain the whole scene of action was changing. On the 14th, General Lee arrived in camp, where he was welcomed as the harbinger of good luck, Washington was absent, visiting the posts beyond King's Bridge, and the passes leading from Throg's Neck ; Lee immediately rode forth to join him. No one gave him a sincerer greeting than the commander-in-chief; who, diffident of his own military knowledge, had a high opinion of that of Lee. He imme- diately gave him command of the troops above King's Bridge, now the greatest part of the army, but desired that he would not exercise it for a day or two, until he had time to acquaint himself with the localities and arrangements of the post ; Heath, in the interim, held the com- mand. Lee was evidently elevated by his successes at the South, and disposed to criticize disparag- ingly the military operations of other com- manders. In a letter, written on the day of his arrival to his old associate in arms. General Gates, he condemns the position of the army, and censures Washington for submitting to the dictation of Congress, whose meddlesome in- structions had produced it. " Inter nos,^'' writes he, " the Congress seem to stumble every step. I do not mean one or two of the cattle, but the whole stable. I have been very free in de- livering my opinion to them. In my opinion General Washington is much to blame in not menacing 'em with resignation unless they re- frain from unhinging the army by their absurd interference. " Keep us Ticonderoga ; much depends upon it. We ought to have an army in the Dela- ware. I have roared it in the ears of Congress, but carent aurihus. Adieu, my dear friend ; if we do meet again — why, we shall smile." * In the mean time. Congress, on the 11th of October, having heard of the ingress of the * Am. Archives, 5th Series, ii. 1038. 284 COUN^L OF WAR— POPULARITY OF LEE. [1776. Phoenix, Eoebuck, and Tartar, passed a resolu- tion that General Washington be desired, if it be practicable, by every art, and at whatever expense, to obstruct effectually the navigation of the North River between Fort Washington and Mount Constitution, as well to prevent the regress of the enemy's vessels lately gone up as to hinder them from receiving succors. Under so many conflicting circumstances, Washington held a council of war on the 16th, at Lee's head-quarters, at w^hich all the major- generals were present excepting Greene, and all the brigadiers, as well as Colonel Knox, w' ho commanded the artillery. Letters from the Convention and from individual members of it were read, concerning the turbulence of the disaffected in the upper parts of the State ; in- telligence gained from desei'ters was likewise stated, showing the intention of the enemy to surround the camp. The policy was then dis- cussed of remaining in their present position on Manhattan Island, and awaiting there the menaced attack : the strength of the position was urged ; its being well fortified, and ex- tremely difficult of access. Lee, in reply, scoffed at the idea of a position being good merely be- cause its approaches were difBcult. IIow could they think of holding a position where the enemy wei'e so strong in front and rear ; where ships had the command of the water on each side, and where King's Bridge was their only pass by which to escape from being wholly en- closed? Had not their recent experience on Long Island and at New York taught them the danger of such positions ? " For my part," said he, " I would have nothing to do with the islands to which yoii have been clinging so per- tinaciously — I would give Mr, Howe a fee-simple of them." " After much consideration and debate," says the record of the council, " the following ques- tion was stated : Whether (it having appeared that the obstructions in the North River have proved insufficient, and that the enemy's whole force is now in our rear on Frog Point) it is now deemed impossible, in our situation, to prevent the enemy from cutting off the com- munication with the country, and compelling us to fight them at all disadvantages, or surren- der prisoners at discretion ? " All agreed, w- ith but one dissenting voice, that it was not possible to prevent the communica- tion from being cut off, and that one of the consequences mentioned in the question must follow. The dissenting voice was that of General George Clinton, a brave, downright man, but little versed in the science of warfare. He could not comprehend the policy of abandoning so strong a position ; they were equal in num- ber to the enemy, and, as they must fight them somewhere, could do it to more advantage there than anywhere else. Clinton felt as a guardian of the Hudson and the upper country, and wished to meet the enemy, as it were, at the very threshold. As the resolve of Congress seemed impera- tive with regard to Fort Washington, that post, it was agreed, should be " retained as long as possible." A strong garrison was accordingly placed in it, composed chiefly of troops from Magaw's and Shee's Pennsylvania regiments, the latter under Lieutenant-Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, of Philadelphia. Shee having obtained leave of absence. Colonel Magaw was put in command of the post, and solemnly charged by Washing- ton to defend it to the last extremity. The name of the opposite post on the Jersey shore, where Greene was stationed, was changed from Fort Constitution to Fort Lee, in honor of the general. Lee, in fact, was the military idol of the day. Even the family of the commander- in-chief joined in paying him homage. Colonel Tench Tilghmau, Washington's aide-de-camp, in a letter to a friend, writes : " You ask if Gen- eral Lee is in health, and our people bold. I answer both in the affirmative. His appearance amongst ns has contributed not a little to the latter." CHAPTER XXXVII. Previots to decamping from Manhattan Isl- and, Washington formed four divisions of the army, which were respectively assigned to Generals Lee, Heath, Sullivan (recently obtain- ed in exchange for General Prescott), and Lin- coln. Lee was stationed on Valentine's Hill, on the mainland, immediately opposite King's Bridge, to cover the transportation across it of the military stores and heavy baggage. The other divisions were to form a chain of fortified posts, extending about thirteen miles along a ridge of hills on the west side of the Bi'onx, from Lee's camp up to the village of White Plains. Washington's head-quarters continued to be .Et. 44.] SKIRMISH OF COLONEL GLOVER— TEOOPEPwS IN A ROUGH COUNTRY. 285 on Harlem Heights for several clays, during which time he was continually in the saddle, riding about a broken, woody, and half-wild country, forming posts, and choosing sites for breastworks and redoubts. By his skilful dis- position of the army, it was protected in its whole length by the Bronx, a narrow but deep stream, fringed with trees, which ran along the foot of the ridge ; at the same time his troops faced and outflanked the enemy, and covered the roads along which stol'es and baggage had to be transported. On the 21st, he shifted his head-quarters to Valentine's Hill, and on the 23d to White Plains, where he stationed him- self in a fortified camp. While he was thus- incessantly in action. General, now Sir William Howe (liaving recent- ly, in reward for his services, been made a knight companion of the Bath), remained for six days passive in his camp on Throg's Point, awaiting the arrival of supplies and reinforce- ments, instead of pushing across to the Hudson, and throwing himself between Washington's army and the upper country. His inaction lost him a golden opportunity. By the time his supplies arrived, the Americans had broken up the causeway leading to the mainland, and taken positions too strong to be easily forced. Finding himself headed in this direction. Sir William re-embarked part of his troops in flat- boats on the 18th, crossed Eastchester Bay, and landed on Pell's Point, at the mouth of Hutch- inson's River. Here he was joined in a few hours by the main body, with the baggage and artillery, and proceeded through the manor of Pelliam towards New Rochelle ; still with a view to get above Washington's army. In their march, the British were waylaid and harassed by Colonel Glover of Massachu- setts, with his own, Reed's, and Shepard's regi- ments of infantry. Twice the British advance guards were thrown into confusion, and driven back with severe loss, by a sharp fire from be- hind stone fences. A third time they advanced in solid columns. The Americans gave them repeated volleys, and then retreated with the loss of eight killed and thirteen wounded, among whom was Colonel Shepard. Colonel Glover, and the officers and soldiers who were with him in this skirmish, received the public thanks of Washington for their merit and good behavior. On the 21st, General Howe was encamped about two miles north of New Rochelle, with his outposts extending to Mamaroneck on the Sound. At the latter place was posted Colonel Rogers, the renegade, as he was called, with the Queen's Rangers, his newly-raised corps of loyalists. Hearing of this, Lord Stirling resolved, if possible, to cut off this outpost and entrap the old hunter. Colonel Haslet, of his brigade, al- ways prompt on such occasions, undertook the exploit at the head of seven hundred and fifty Delaware troops, who had fought so bravely on Long Island. With these he crossed the line of the British march ; came undiscovered upon the post ; drove in the guard ; killed a lieutenant and several men, and brought away thirty-six prisoners, with a pair of colors, sixty stands of arms, and other spoils. He missed the main prize, however : Rogers skulked off in the dark at the first fire. He was too old a partisauito be easily entrapped. For this exploit. Colonel Haslet and his men were publicly thanked by Lord Stirling, on parade. These, and other spirited and successful skirmishes, while they retarded the advance of the enemy, had the far more important eftect of exercising and animating the American troops, and accustoming them to danger. While in this neighborhood, Howe was rein- forced by a second division of Hessians under General Knyphausen, and a regiment of Wah deckers, both of which had recently arrived in New York. He was joined, also, by the whole of the seventeenth light-dragoons, and a part of the sixteenth, which had arrived on the 3d in- stant from Ireland, with Lieutenant-Colonel (afterward Earl) Harcourt. Some of their horses had been brought with them across the sea, others had been procured since their ar- rival. The Americans at first regarded these troop- ers with great dread. Washington, therefore, took pains to convince them, that in a rough, broken country, like the present, full of stone fences, no troops were so inefBcient as cavalry. Tliey could be waylaid and picked ofi:' by sharp- shooters from behind walls and thickets, Avhile they could not leave the road to pursue their covert foe. Further to inspirit them against this new enemy, he proclaimed, in general orders, a re- ward of one hundred dollars for every trooper brought in with his horse and accoutrements, and so on, in proportion to the completeness of the capture. On the 25th, about two o'clock in the after- 28G ALARMS AT WHITE PLAINS— FORTIFIED CAMP. [iTVe. noon, intelligence was brought to head-quar- ters that three or four detachments of the enemy were on the march, within four miles of the camp, and the main army following in columns. The drums beat to arms ; the men were ordered to tlieir posts ; an attack was expected. The day passed away, however, without any demonstration of the enemy. Howe detached none of his force on lateral expeditions, evidently meditating a general en- gagement. To ])repare for it, Washington drew all his troops from the posts along the Bronx into the fortified camp at White Plains. Here every thing remained quiet but expectant, throughout the 26th, In the morning of the 27th, which was Sunday, the heavy booming of cannon was heai'd from a distance, seemingly in the direction of Fort Washington. Scouts galloped off to gain intelligence. We will an- ticipate their report. Two of the British frigates, at seven o'clock in the morning, had moved up the Hudson, and come to anchor near Bourdett's Ferry, below the Morris House, Washington's old head-quar- ters, apparently with the intention of stopping the ferry, and cutting off the communication between Fort Lee and Fort Washington. At the same time, troops made their appearance on Harlem Plains, where Lord Percy held com- mand. Colonel Morgan immediately manned the lines with troops from the garrison of Fort Washington. The ships opened a fire to en- filade and dislodge them. A barbette battery on the clitYs of the Jersey shore, to the left of the ferry, fired down upon the frigates, but with little eifect. Colonel Magaw got down an eighteen-pounder to the lines near the Morris House, and fired fifty or sixty rounds, two balls at a time. Two eighteen-pounders Avere like- wise brought down from Fort Lee, and planted opposite the ships. By the fire from both shores they were hulled repeatedly. It was the thundering of these cannonades which had reached Washington's camp at White Plains, and even startled the Highlands of the Hudson. The ships soon hoisted all sail. The foremost slipped her cable, and appeared to be in the greatest confusion. She could make no way, though towed by two boats. The other ship seeing her distress, sent two barges to her assistance, and by the four boats she was dragged out of reach of the American fire, her pumps going all the time. " Had the tide been flood one lialf liour longer," writes General Greene, " we should have sunk her." At the time that the fire from the ships be- gan. Lord Percy brought up his field-pieces and mortars, and made an attack upon the lines. He was resolutely answered by the troops sent down from Fort Washington, and several Hes- sians were killed. ■ An occasional firing was kept up until evening, when the ships fell down the river, and the troops which had ad- vanced on Harlem Plains drew within their lines again. " We take this day's movement to be only a feint," writes one of the garrison at Fort Lee ; " at any rate, it is little honorable to the red coats." Its chief efl:ect was to startle the dis- tant camp, and astound a quiet country with the thundering din of war. The celebrated Thomas Paine, author of " The Eights of Man," and other political works, was a spectator of the affair from the rocky summit of the Palisades, on the Jersey shore. While these things were passing at Fort Washington, Lee had struck his tents, and with the rear division, eight thousand strong, the baggage and artillery, and a train of waggons four miles long, laden with stores and ammu- nition, was lumbering along the rough coimtry roads to join the main army. It was not until Monday ninniing, after being on the road all night, that he arrived at White Plains. Washington's camp was situated on high ground, facing the east. The right wing stretched towards the south along a rocky hiU, at the foot of which the Bronx, making an elbow, protected it in fiank and rear. The left wing rested on a small deep lake among the hills. The camp was strongly intrenched in front. About a quarter of a mile to the right of the camp, and separated from the height on which it stood by the Bronx and a marshy interval, was a corresponding height called Chatterton's Hill. As this partly commanded the right fiank, and as the intervening bend of the Bronx was easily passable, Washington had stationed on its summit a militia regiment. The whole encampment was a temporary one, to be changed as soon as the military stores collected there coiild be removed ; and now that General Lee was arrived, Washington rode out with him and other general oflicers who were off duty, to reconnoitre a height which appeared more eligible. When arrived at it, Lee pointed to another on the north, still more commanding. " Yonder," said he, " is J3t. 44.] RECONNOITRING— THE AFFAIR AT CHATTERTON'S HILL. 287 the ground we ought to occupy." " Let us go, then, and view it," replied Washington. They were gently riding an that direction, when a trooper came spurring up his panting horse. '' The British are in the camp, sir ! " cried he. " Then, gentlemen," said Washington, " we have other business to attend to than recon- noitring." Putting spurs to his horse, he set ofF for the camp at full gallop, the others spur- ring after him. Arrived at head-quarters, he was informed by Adjutant-General Keed, that the picket guards had all been driven in, and the enemy were advancing : but that the whole American army was posted in order of battle. " Gentle- men," said Washington, turning calmly to his companions, " you will return to your respec- tive posts, and do the best you can." Apprehensive that tlie enemy might attempt to get possession of Ohatterton's Hill, he de- tached Colonel Haslet with his Delaware regi- ment, to reinforce the militia posted there. To these he soon added General McDougall's bri- gade, composed of Smallwood's Marylanders, Ritzema's New Yorkers, and two other regi- ments. These were much reduced by sickness and absence. General McDougall had com- mand of the whole force upon the hill, which did not exceed 1,600 men. These disi3ositions were scarcely made, when the enemy appeared glistening on the high grounds beyond the village of White Plains. They advanced in two columns, the right com- manded by Sir Henry Clinton, the left by the Hessian general, De Heister. There was also a troop of horse ; so formidable in the inex- perienced eyes of the Americans. " It was a brilliant but formidable sight," writes Heath in his Memoirs. " The sun shone bright, their arms glittered ; and perhaps troops never were shown to more advantage." For a time they halted in a wheat field, be- hind a rising ground, and the general officers rode up in the centre to hold a consultation. Washington supposed they were preparing to attack him in front, and such indeed was their intention ; but the commanding height of Chatterton's Hill had caught Sir William's eye, and he determined first to get possession of it. Colonel Rahl was accordingly detached with a brigade of Hessians, to make a circuit south- wardly round a piece of wood, cross the Bronx about a quarter of a mile below, and ascend the south side of the hill ; while General Leslie, with a large force, British and Hessian, should advance directly in front, throw a bridge across the stream, and charge up the hill. A furious cannonade was now opened by the British from fifteen or twenty pieces of artillery, placed on high ground opposite the hill ; under cover of which the troops of Gen- eral Leslie hastened to construct the bridge. In so doing, they were severely galled by two field -pieces, planted on a ledge of rock on Chat- terton's Hill, and in charge of Alexander Ham- ilton, the youthful captain of artillery. Small- wood's Maryland battalion, also, kept up a sharp fire of small arms. As soon as the bridge was finished, the British and Hessians under Leslie rushed over it, formed, and charged up the hill to take Hamilton's two field-pieces. Three times the two field-pieces were discharged, ploughing the ascending columns from hill-top to river ; while Smallwood's "blue and buff" Maryland- ers kept up their volleys of musketry. In the mean time, Eahl and his Hessian bri- gade forded the Bronx lower down, pushed up the south side of the hill, and endeavored to turn McDougall's right flank. The militia gave the general but little support. They had been dismayed at the opening of the engagement by a shot from a British cannon, which wounded one of them in the thigh, and nearly put the whole to flight. It was with the utmost difli- culty McDougall had rallied them, and posted them behind a stone wall. Here they did some service, until a troop of British cavalry, having gained the crest of the hill, came on, brandishing their sabres. At their first charge the militia gave a random, scattering fire, then broke, and fled in complete confusion. A brave stand was made on the summit of the hill by Haslet, Eitzema, and Smallwood, with their troops. Twice they repulsed horse and foot, British and Hessians, until, cramped for room and greatly outnumbered, they slowly and sullenly retreated down the north side of the hill, where there was a bridge across the Bronx. Smallwood remained upon the ground for some time after the retreat had begun, and received two flesh wounds, one in the hip, the other through the arm. At the bridge over the Bronx, the retreating troops were met by General Putnam, who was coming to their assistance with Beall's brigade. In the rear of this they marched back into the camp. The loss on both sides, in this short but severe action, was nearly equal. That of the 2S8 CHANGE OF POSITION— COJilTRAST IN THE APPEAKANCE OF THE TROOPS. [1776. Americans was between three and four hun- dred men, killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. At first it was thought to be much more, many of the militia and a few of the regulars being counted as lost, who had scattered themselves among the hills, but afterwards returned to head-quarters. The British army now rested with their left wing on the hill they had just taken, and which they were busy intrenching. They were ex- tending their right wing to the left of the American lines, so that their two wings and centre formed nearly a semicircle. It was evidently their design to outflank the Ameri- can camp, and get in the rear of it. The day, however, being far advanced, was suffered to pass without any further attack ; but the mor- row was looked forward to for a deadly conflict. Washington availed himself of this interval to have the sick and wounded, and as umch of the stores as possible, removed from the camp. " The two armies," says General Heath in his Memoirs, " lay looking at each other, within long cannon shot. In the night time the British lighted up a vast number of fires, the weather growing pretty cold. These fires, some on the level ground, some at the foot of the hills, and at all distances to their brows, some of which were lofty, seemed to the eye to mix with the stars. The American side doubt- less exhibited to them a similar appearance." During this anxious night, "Washington was assiduously occupied throwing back his right wing to a stronger ground ; doubling his in- trenchments and constructing three redoubts, with a line in front, on the summit of his post. These works were principally intended for de- fence against small arms, and were thrown up with a rapidity that to the enemy must have savored of magic. They were, in fact, made of the stalks of Indian corn or maize taken from a neighboring corn-field, and pulled up with the earth clinging in masses to the large roots. " The roots of the stalks," says Heath, " and earth on them placed in the face of tlie works, answered the purpose of sods and fas- cines. The tops being placed inwards, as the loose earth was thrown upon them, became as so many trees to the work, which was carried up with a despatch scarcely conceivable." In the morning of the 29th, when Howe be- held how greatly "Washington had improved his position and strengthened it, by what ap- peared to be solidly constructed works, he ])03tponed his meditated assault, ordered up Lord Percy from Harlem with the fourth bri- gade and two battalions of the sixth, and pro- ceeded to throw up lines and redoubts in front of the American camp, as if preparing to can- nonade it. As the enemy was endeavoring to outflank him, especially on his right wing, Washington apprehended one of tlieir objects might be to advance a part of their force, and seize on Pine's Bridge over Croton River, which would cut off his communication with the upper country. General Beall, with three Maryland regiments, was sent off with all ex- pedition to secure that pass. It was "Washing- ton's idea that, having possession of Croton River and the passes in the Highlands, his army would be safe from further pursuit, and have time to repose after its late excessive fatigue, and would be fresh, and ready to harass the enemy should they think fit to winter up the country. At present nothing could exceed the war- worn condition of the troops, unseasoned as they were to this kind of service. A scornful letter, written at this time by a British officer, to his friend in London, gives a picture of the ragged i)light to which tliey were reduced, in this rainy and inclement season. " The rebel army are in so wretched a condition, as to clothing and accoutrements, that I believe no nation ever saw such a set of tatterdemalions. There are few coats among them but what are out at elbows, and in a whole regiment there is scarce a pair of breeches. Judge, then, how they must be pinched by a winter's campaign. We, who are warmly clothed and well equipped, already feel it severely ; for it is even now much colder than I ever felt it in England." Alas for the poor half-naked, weather-beaten patriots, who had to cope with these well-fed, weU-clad, well-appointed mercenaries ! A let- ter written at the very same date (October 31), by General George Clinton, shows what, in their forlorn plight, they had to grapple with. " We had reason," writes he, " to apprehend an attack last night, or by daylight this morn- ing. Our lines were manned all niglit in con- sequence ; and a most horrid night it was to lay in cold trenches. Uncovered as we are, daily on fatigue, making redoubts, fleches, abattis, and retreating from them and the httle temporary huts made for our comfort before they are well finished, I fear will ultimately destroy our army without fighing." * " How- * George Clinton to John McKesson, Oct. 31. Am. Archives, 6th Series, ii. 1312. JEt. 44.] INCENDIARIES AT WHITE PLAINS— CONJECTURES AS TO THE ENEMY. 289 ever," adds he, honestly, " I would not be understood to condemn measures. They may be right for aught I know. I do not under- stand much of the refined art of war ; it is said to consist in stratagem and deception." In a previous letter to the same friend, in a moment of hurry and alarm, he writes, " Pray let Mrs. Clinton know that I am well, and that she need not be iineasy about me. It would be too much honor to die in so good a cause." Clinton, as we have before intimated, was an honest and ardent patriot, of resolute spirit, and plain, direct good senss; but an inexpe- rienced soldier. His main idea of warfare was straightforward fighting ; and he was greatly perplexed by the continual strategy which "Washington's situation required. One of the aides-de-camp of the latter had a truer notion on the subject. " The campaign hitherto," said he, " has been a fair trial of generalship, in which I flatter myself we have had the ad- vantage. If we, with our motley army, can keep Mr. Howe and his grand appointment at bay, I think we shall make no contemptible military figure." * On the night of the 31st, "Washington made another of those moves which perplexed the worthy Clinton. In the course of the night he shifted his whole position, set fire to the barns and out-houses containing forage and stores, which there was no time to remove, and, leav- ing a strong rear-guard on the heights, and in the neighboring woods, retired with his main army a distance of five miles, among the high, rocky hiUs about ISTorthcastle. Here he im- mediately set to work to intrench and fortify himself; hie policy at this time being, as he used to say, " to fight with the spade and mat- tock." General Howe did not attempt to dislodge him from this fastness. He at one time ordered an attack on the rear-guard, but a violent rain prevented it, and for two or three days he re- mained seemingly inactive. " All matters are as quiet as if the enemy were one hundred miles distant from us," writes one of "Washing- ton's aides on the 2d of November. During the night of the 4th, this quiet was interrupted. A mysterious sound was heard in the direction of the British camp ; like the rumbling of wag- gons and artillery. At daybreak the meaning of it was discovered. The enemy were de- camping. Long trains were observed, defiling * Tench Tilgbman to "William Duer, Oct. 31. 19 across the hilly country, along the roads lead- ing to Dobbs' Ferry on the Hudson. The move- ment continued for three successive days, imtil their whole force, British and Hessians, disap- peared from "White Plains. The night after their departure a party of Americans, heated with liquor, set fire to the court-house and other edifices in the village, as if they had belonged to the enemy ; an outrage which called forth a general order from "Wash- ington, expressive of his indignation, and threatening the perpetrators with signal pun- ishment when detected. "We notice this matter because, in British accounts, the burning of those buildings had been charged upon "Wash- ington himself; being, no doubt, confounded with the burning of the barns and out-houses ordered by him on shifting his encampment. CHAPTER XXXVIII. "Various were the speculations at head-quar- ters on the sudden movement of the enemy. "Washington writes to General "William Living- ston (now governor of the Jerseys) : " They have gone towards the North Eiver and King's Bridge. Some suppose they are going into winter quarters, and will sit down in 'New York without doing more than investing Fort "Washington. I cannot subscribe wholly to this opinion myself. That they will invest Fort "Washington, is a matter of which there can be no doubt ; and I think there is a strong proba- bility that General Howe will detach a part of his force to make an incursion into the Jerseys, provided he is going to New York. He must attempt something on account of his reputa- tion, for what has he done as yet, with his great army ? " In the same letter he expressed his deter- mination, as soon as it should appear that the present manoeuvre was a real reti'eat, and not a feint, to throw over a body of troops into the Jerseys to assist in checking Howe's pro- gress. He, moreover, recommended to the governor to have the militia of that State put on the best possible footing, and a part of them held in readiness to take the place of the State levies, whose term of service would soon ex- pire. He advised, also, that the inhabitants contiguous to the water, should be prepared to remove their stock, grain, effects, and carriages, on the earliest notice. 290 CORRESPONDENCE WITH GREENE RESPECTING FORT WASHINGTON. [1776. In a letter of the same date, he charged Gen- eral Greene, should Howe invest Fort Washing- ton with part of his force, to give the garrison all possible assistance. On the following day (Nov. 8), his aide-de- camp. Colonel Tilghman, writes to General Greene from head-quarters : " The enemy are at Dobbs' Ferry with a great number of boats, ready to go into Jersey, or proceed up the river y Greene doubted any intention of the enemy to cross the river ; it might only be a feint to mislead ; still, as a precaution, he had ordered troops up from the flying camp, and was posting them opposite Dobbs' Ferry, and at other passes where a landing might be attempted ; the whole being under the command of General Mercer. Affairs at Fort Washington soon settled the question of the enemy's intentions with regard to it. Lord Percy took his station with a body of troops before the lines to the south. Knyp- hausen advanced on the north. The Americans had previously abandoned Fort Independence, burnt its barracks, and removed the stores and cannon. Crossing King's Bridge, Knyphausen took a position between it and Fort Washington. The approach to the fort, on this side, was ex- ceedingly steep and rocky ; as, indeed, were aU its approaches, excepting that on the south, where the coimtry was more open, and the as- cent gradual. The fort could not hold within its walls above one thousand men ; the rest of the troops were distributed about the lines and outworks. While the fort was thus menaced, the chevaux-de-frise had again proved inefiicient. On the night of the 5th, a frigate and two transports, bound up to Dobbs' Ferry, with supplies for Howe's army, had broken through ; though, according to Greene's account, not without being considerably shattered by the batteries. Informed of these facts, Washington wrote to Greene on the 8th : " If we cannot prevent vessels from passing up the river, and the enemy are possessed of all the surrounding country, what valuable purpose can it answer to hold a post from which the expected benefit cannot be had ? I am, therefore, inclined to think, that it will not be prudent to hazard the men and stores at Mount Washington ; but, as you are ,on the spot, I leave it to you to give such orders 'as to evacuating Mount Washington as you may judge best, and so far revoking the orders given to Colonel Magaw, to defend it to the last." Accounts had been received at head-quarters of a considerable movement on the preceding evening (Nov. 7th), among the enemy's boats at Dobbs' Ferry, with the intention, it was said, of penetrating the Jerseys, and faUing down upon Fort Lee. Washington, therefore, in the same letter, directed Greene to have all the stores not necessary to the defence removed immediately, and to destroy all the stock, the hay and grain, in the neighborhood, which the owners refused to remove. " Experience has shown," adds he, " that a contrary conduct is not of the least advantage to the poor inhabit- ants, from whom all their effects of every kind are taken without distinction, and without the least satisfaction." Greene, in reply (Nov. 9th), adhered with te- nacity to the policy of maintaining Fort Wash- ington. "The enemy," said he, "must invest it with double the number of men required for its defence. They must keep troops at King's Bridge, to cut off all communication with the country, and in considerable force, for fear of an attack." He did not consider the fort in immediate danger. Colonel Magaw thought it would take the enemy until the end of Decem- ber to carry it. In the mean time, the garrison could at any time be brought off", and even the stores removed, should matters grow desperate. If the enemy should not find it an object of importance, they would not trouble themselves about it ; if they should, it would be a proof that they felt an injury from its being main- tained. The giving it up would open for them a free communication with the country by the way of King's Bridge.* It is doubtful when or where Washington re- ceived this letter, as he left the camp at North- castle at eleven o'clock of the following morn- ing. There being still considerable uncertainty as to the intentions of the enemy, all his ar- rangements were made accordingly. All the troops belonging to the States west of the Hud- son, were to be stationed in the Jerseys, under command of General Putnam. Lord Stilling had already been sent forward with the Mary- land and Virginia troops to Peekskill, to cross the river at King's Ferry. Another division, composed of Connecticut and Massachusetts troops, under General Heath, was to co-operate with the brigade of New York militia under General George Clinton, in securing the High- land posts on both sides of the river. The troops which would remain at Northcas- tle after the departure of Heath and his di- * Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. 618. ""■'"liiiiliiu /Et. 44.] LEE IN COMMAND AT NORTHCASTLE— WASHINGTON AT PEEKSKILL. 291 vision, were to be commanded by Lee. Wash- ington's letter of instructions to that general is characterized by his own modesty, and his de- ference for Lee's superior military experience. He suggests, rather than orders, yet his letter is sufficiently explicit. "A little time now," writes he, " must manifest the enemy's designs, and point out to you the measures proper to be pursued by tliat part of the army under your command. I shall give no directions, therefore, on this head, having the most entire confidence in your judgment and military exertions. One thing, however, I will suggest, namely, that the appearance of embarking troops for the Jerseys may be intended as a feint to weaken us, and render the post we now hold more vulnerable, or the enemy may find that troops are assembled with more expedition, and in greater numbers, than they expected, on the Jersey shore, to op- pose them ; and, as it is possible, from one or other of these motives, that they may yet pay the party under your command a visit, it will be unnecessary, I am persuaded, to recommend to you the propriety of putting this post, if you stay at it, into a proper posture of defence, and guarding against surprises. But I would re- commend it to your consideration whether, under the suggestion above, your retiring to Croton Bridge, and some strong post still more easterly (covering the passes through the High- lands), may not be more advisable than to run the hazard of an attack with unequal numbers. At any rate, I think all your baggage and stores, except such as are necessary for immediate use, ought to be to the northward of Croton River. * * * * You will consider the post at Cro- ton's (or Pine's) Bridge as under your immediate care. * * ■ * * If the enemy should remove the whole, or the greater part of their force to the west side of Hudson's River, I have no doubt of your following with all possible de- spatch, leaving the militia and invalids to cover the frontiers of Connecticut in case of need." We have been minute in stating these mat- ters, from their bearing on subsequent opera- tions. On the 10th of November, Washington left the camp at ISTorthcastle, at 11 o'clock, and arrived at Peekskill at sunset ; whither General Heath, with his division, had preceded him by a few hours. Lord Stirling was there, like- wise, having effected the transportation of the Maryland and Virginia troops across the river, and landed them at the ferry south of Stony Point ; though a better landing was subsequently found north of the point. His lordship had thrown out a scouting party in the advance, and a hundred men to take possession of a gap in the mountain, through which a road passed towards the Jerseys. Washington was now at the entrance of the Highlands, that grand defile of the Hudson, the object of so much precaution and solicitude. On the following morning, accompanied by Generals Heath, Stirling, James and George Clinton, Miflfiin, and others, he made a military visit in boats to the Highland posts. Fort Montgomery was in a considerable state of forwardness, and a work in the vicinity was projected to co-ope- rate with it. Fort Constitution commanded a sudden bend of the river, but Lord Stirling, in his report of inspection, had intimated that the fort itself was commanded by West Point op- posite. A glance of the eye, without going on shore, was sufficient to convince Washington of the fact. A fortress subsequently erected on that point, has been considered the Key of the Highlands. On the morning of the 12th, at an early hour, Washington rode out with General Heath to reconnoitre the east side of the Hudson, at the gorge of the Highlands. Henry Wisner, in a report to the New York Convention, had men- tioned a hill to the north of Peekskill, so situa- ted, with the road winding along the side of it, that ten men on the top, by rolling down stones, might prevent ten thousand from passing. " I believe," said he, " nothing more need be done than to keep great quantities of stones at the different places where the troops must pass, if they attempt penetrating the mountains." Near Robinson's Bridge, in this vicinity, about two miles from Peekskill, Washington chose a place where troops should be stationed, to cover the south entrance into the mountains ; and here, afterwards, was established an im- portant military depot called Continental Village. On the same day (12th), he wrote to General Lee, inclosing a copy of resolutions just received from Congress, respecting levies for the new army, showing the importance of immediately beginning the recruiting service. If no com- missioners arrived from Rhode Island, he was to appoint the officers recommended to that State by General Greene. " I cannot conclude," adds he, " without reminding you of the mili- tary and other stores about your encampment, and at Northcastle, and to press the removal of them above Croton Bridge, or such other 292 GENERAL HEATH— AFFAIRS OX LAKE CHAMPLAIN. [17Y6. places of security as you may think proper. General Howe, having sent no part of his force to Jersey yet, makes the measure more neces- sary, as he may turn his views another way, and attempt their destruction." It was evidently Washington's desire that Lee should post himself, as soon as possible, beyond the Croton, where he would be safe from surprise, and at hand to throw his troops l)romptly across the Hudson, should the Jerseys be invaded. Having made aU these surveys and arrange- ments, "Washington placed Heath in the general command of the Highlands, with written in- structions to fortify the passes with all possible despatch, and directions how the troops were to be distributed on both sides of the river ; and here we take occasion to give some per- sonal notice of this trusty officer. Heath was now in the fortieth year of his age. Like many of the noted officers of the Revolution, he had been brought up in rural life, on an hereditary farm near Boston ; yet, ac- cording to his own account, though passionately fond of agricultural pursuits, he had, also, al- most from childhood, a great relish for military affairs, and had studied every treatise on the subject in the English language, so that he con- sidered himself " fully acquainted with the theory of war, in all its branches and duties, from the private soldier to the commander-in- chief." He describes himself to be of middling stat- ure, light complexion, very corpulent, and bald- headed, so that the French officers who served in America, compared him, in person, to the Marquis of Granby.* Such was the officer intrusted with the com- mand of the Highland passes, and encamped at Peekskill, their portal. We shall find him faithful to his trust ; scrupulous in obeying the letter of his instructions ; but sturdy and punc- tilious in resisting any undue assumption of au- thority. OHAPTEE XXXIX. DtTEiNG his brief and busy sojourn at Peeks- kill, Washington received important intelligence from the Northern army ; especially that part of it on Lake Champlain, under the command of General Gates. A slight retrospect of af- fairs in that quarter is proper, before we pro- * Heath's Memoira. ceed to narrate the eventful campaign in the Jerseys. The preparations for the defence of Ticonde- roga, and the nautical service on the lake, had met with difficulties at every step. At length, by the middle of August, a small flotilla w^as completed, composed of a sloop and schooner, each of twelve guns (six and four-pounders), two schooners mounting eight guns each, and five gondolas, each of three guns. The flotilla was subsequently augmented, and the command given by Gates to Arnold, in compliance with the advice of Washington ; who had a high opinion of that officer's energy, intrepidity, and fertility in expedients. Sir Guy Carleton, in the mean time, was straining every nerve for the approaching con- flict. The successes of the British forces on the seaboard, had excited the zealous rivalry of the forces in Canada. The commanders, newly arrived, were fearful the war might be brought to a close, before they could have an opportu- nity to share in the glory. Hence the ardor with which they encountered and vanquished obstacles which might otherwise have appeared insuperable. Vessels were brought from Eng- land in pieces, and put together at St. Johns ; boats of various kinds and sizes were transport- ed over land, or dragged up the rapids of the Sorel. The soldiers shared with the seamen in the toil. The Canadian farmers, also, were taken from their agricultural pursuits, and com- pelled to aid in these, to them, unprofitable la- bors. Sir Guy was full of hope and ardor. Should he get the command of Lakes Cham- plain and George, the northern part of -New York would be at his mercy ; before winter set in he might gain possession of Albany. He would then be able to co-operate with General Howe in severing and subduing the northern and southern provinces, and bringing the war to a speedy and triumphant close. In despite of every exertion, three months elapsed before his armament was completed. Winter was fast approaching. Before it ar- rived, the success of his briUiant plan required that he should fight his way across Lake Cham- plain ; carry the strong posts of Crown Point and Ticonderoga; traverse Lake George, and pursue a long and dangerous march through a wild and rugged country, beset with forests and morasses, to Albany. That was the first post to the southward where he expected to find rest and winter quarters for his troops.* Civil "War in America, vol. i., p. 212. JSt. 44.] ARNOLD'S FLOTILLA— BRAVE RESISTANCE OF ARNOLD. 293 By the montli of October, between twenty and thirty sail were afloat and ready for action. The flag-ship (the Inflexible) mounted eighteen twelve-pounders ; the rest were gunboats, a gondola, and a flat-bottomed vessel called a ra- deau, and named the Thunderer ; carrying a battery of six twenty-four and twelve six- pounders, besides howitzers. The gunboats mounted brass field-pieces and howitzers. Seven hundred seamen navigated the fleet ; two hun- dred of them were volunteers from the trans- ports. The guns were worked by detachments from the corps of artillery. In a word, accord- ing to British accounts, " no equipment of the kind was ever better appointed, or more amply furnished with every kind of provision neces- sary for the intended service." * Captain Pringle conducted the armament, but Sir Guy Carleton was too full of zeal, and too anxious for the event, not to head the enter- prise ; he accordingly took his station on the deck of the flag-ship. They made sail early in October, in quest of the American squadron, which was said to be abroad upon the lake. Ar- nold, however, being ignorant of the strength of the enemy, and unwilling to encounter a su- perior force in the open lake, had taken his post under cover of Yalcour Island, in the upper part of a deep channel, or strait, between that island and the mainland. His force consisted of three schooners, two sloops, three galleys, and eight gondolas ; carrying in all seventy guns, many of them eighteen-pounders. The British ships, sweeping past Cumberland Head with a fair wind and flowing sail on the morning of the 11th, had left the southern end of Valcour Island astern, when they discovered Arnold's flotilla anchored behind it, in a line extending across tlie strait, so as not to be out- flanked. They immediately hauled close to the wind, and tried to beat up into the channel. The wind, however, did not permit the largest of them to enter. Arnold took advantage of the circumstance. lie was on board of the gal- ley Congress, and leaving the line, advanced with two other galleys and the schooner Eoyal Savage, to attack the smaller vessels as they en- tered, before the large ones could come up. About twelve o'clock the enemy's schooner Carleton opened a brisk fire upon the Eoyal Savage and the galleys. It was as briskly re- turned. Seeing the enemy's gunboats approach- ing, the Americans endeavored to return to the * Civil WarJn America, 1. 211. line. In so doing, the Royal Savage ran aground. Her crew set her on fire, and abandoned her. In about an hour the British brought all their gunboats in a range across the lower channel, within musket-shot of the Americans, the schooner Carleton in the advance. They land- ed, also, a large number of Indians on the island, to keep up a galling fire from the shore upon the Americans with their rifles. The action now became general, and was severe and san- guinary. The Americans, finding themselves thus hemmed in by a superior force, fought with desperation. Arnold pressed with his galley into the hottest of the fight. The Congress was hulled several times, received seven shots between wind and water, was shattered in mast and rigging, and many of the crew were killed and wounded. The ardor of Arnold in- creased with his danger. He cheered on his men by voice and example, often pointing the guns with his own hands. He was ably second- ed by Brigadier-General "Waterbury, in the "Washington galley, which, like his own vessel, was terribly cut up. The contest lasted through- out the day. Carried on as it was within a narrow compass, and on a tranquil lake, almost every shot took eflfect. The fire of the Indians from the shore was less deadly than had been expected ; but their whoops and yells, mingling witli the rattling of the musketry, and the thundering of the cannon, increased the horrors of the scene. Volumes of smoke rose above the woody shores, which echoed with the unu- sual din of war, and for a time this lovely recess of a beautiful and peaceful lake was rendered a perfect pandemonium. The evening drew nigh, yet the contest was undecided. Captain Pringle, after a consulta- tion with Sir Guy Carleton, called off the smaller vessels which had been engaged, and anchored his whole squadron in a line as near as possible to the Americans, so as to prevent their escape ; trusting to capture the whole of them when the wind should prove favorable, so that he could bring his large vessels into action. Arnold, however, eensible that with his in- ferior and crippled force all resistance would be unavailing, took advantage of a dark, cloudy night, and a strong north wind ; his vessels slipped silently through the enemy's line with- out being discovered, one following a light on the stern of the other ; and by daylight they were out of sight. They had to anchor, how- ever, at Schuyler's Island, about ten miles up the lake, to stop leaks and make repairs. Two 294 GALLANT CONDUCT OF ARNOLD AND WATERBURY. [1V76. of the gondolas were here sunk, heing past remedy. About noon the retreat was resumed, but the wind had become adverse ; and they made httle progress, Arnold's galley, the Con- gress, the "Washington galley, and four gondolas, all which had suffered severely in the late fight, fell astern of the rest of the squadron in the course of the night. In the morning, when the sun lifted a fog which had covered the lake, they beheld the enemy within a few miles of them in full chase, while their own comrades were nearly out of sight, making the best of their way for Crown Point. It was now an anxious trial of speed and seamanship. Arnold, with the crippled relics of his squadron, managed by noon to get within a few leagues of Crown Point, when they were overtaken by the Inflexible, the Carleton, and the schooner Maria of 14 guns. As soon as they came up, they poured in a tremendous fire. The "Washington galley, already shattered, and having lost most of her oflScers, was com- pelled to strike, and General Waterbury and the crew were taken prisoners. Arnold had now to bear the brunt of the action. For a long time he was engaged within musket-shot with the Inflexible, and the two schooners, un- til his galley was reduced to a wreck, and one- third of the crew were kiUed. The gondolas were nearly in the same desperate condition ; yet the men stood stoutly to their guns. See- ing resistance vain, Arnold determined that neither vessels nor crew should fall into the hands of the enemy. He ordered the gondolas to run on shore, in a small creek in the neigh- borhood, the men to set fire to them as soon as they grounded, to wade on shore with their muskets, and keep off the enemy until they were consumed. He did the same with his own galley ; remaining on board of her until she was in flames, lest the enemy should get possession and strike his flag, which was kept flying to the last. He now set off with his gallant crew, many of whom were wounded, by a road through the woods to Crown Point, where he arrived at night, narrowly escaping an Indian ambush. Two schooners, two galleys, one sloop and one gondola, the remnant which had escaped of this squadron, were at anchor at the Point, and General Waterbury and most of his men arrived there the next day on parole. Seeing that the place must soon fall into the hands of the ene- my, they set fire to the houses, destroyed every thing they could not carry away, and em- barking in the vessels, made sail for Ticon- deroga. The loss of the Americans in these two ac- tions is said to have been between eighty and ninety men ; that of the British about forty. It is worthy of mention, that among the young ofiicers in Sir Guy Carleton's squadron, was Edward Pellew, who afterwards rose to renown as Admiral Viscount Exmouth ; celebrated, among other things, for his victory at Algiers. The conduct of Arnold in these naval affairs gained him new laurels. He was extolled for the judgment with which he chose his position, and brought his vessels into action ; for his masterly retreat, and for the self-sacrificing de- votion with which he exposed himself to the overwhelming force of the enemy in covering the retreat of part of his fiotilla. Sir Guy Carleton took possession of the ruined works at Crown Point, where he was soon joined by the army. He made several move- ments by laud and water, as if meditating an attack upon Ticonderoga ; pushing strong de- tachments on both sides of the lake, which ap- proached within a small distance of the fort, while one vessel appeared within cannon-shot of a lower battery, sounding the depth of the channel, until a few shot obliged her to retire. General Gates, in the mean time, strengthened his works with incessant assiduity, and made every preparation for an obstinate defence. A strong easterly wind prevented the enemy's ships from advancing to attack the lines, and gave time for the arrival of reinforcements of militia to the garrison. It also afforded time for Sir Guy Carleton to cool in ardor, and cal- culate the chances and the value of success. The post, from its strength, and the apparent number and resolution of the garrison, could not be taken without great loss of life. If taken, the season was now too far advanced to think of passing Lake George, and exposing the army to the perils of a winter campaign in the inhospitable and impracticable wilds to the southward. Ticonderoga, too, could not be kept during the winter, so that the only result of the capture would be the reduction of the works and the taking of some cannon; all which damage the Americans could remedy before the opening of the summer campaign. If, however, the defence should be obstinate, the British army, even if successful, might sus- tain a loss sufficient to cripple its operations in the coming year.* * Civil War in America, vol. i., p. 214. JEt.44.] CARLETON EETURNS TO CANADA— AFFAIRS AT FORT WASHINGTON. 295 These, and other prudential reasons, induced Carleton to give up all attempt upon the for- tress at present ; wherefore, re-embarking his troops, he returned to St. Johns, and cantoned them in Canada for the winter. It was not until about the 1st of November, that a reconnoi- tring party, sent out from Ticonderoga by Gen- eral Gates, brought him back intelligence that Crown Point was abandoned by the enemy, and not a hostile sail in sight. All apprehensions of an attack upon Ticonderoga during the pres- ent year were at an end, and many of the troops stationed there were already on their march toward Albany. Such was the purport of the news from the north, received by "Washington at Peekskill. It relieved him for the present from all anxiety respecting affairs on Lake Champlain, and gave him the prospect of reinforcements from that quarter. CHAPTER XL. O^ the morning of the 12th of November, "Washington crossed the Hudson, to the ferry below Stony Point, with the residue of the troops destined for the Jerseys. Far below were to be descried the Phosnix, the Roebuck, and the Tartar, at anchor in the broad waters of Haverstraw Bay and the Tappan Sea, guard- ing the lower ferries. The army, , thus shut out from the nearer passes, was slowly winding its way by a circuitous route through the gap in the mountains, which Lord Stirling had se- cured. Leaving the troops which had just landed, to pursue the same route to the Hack- ensack, "Washington, accompanied by Colonel Reed, struck a direct course for Fort Lee, being anxious about affairs at Fort "Washing*- on. He arrived there on the following day, and found, to his disappointment, that General Greene had taken no measures for the evacuation of that fortress ; but, on the contrary, had reinforced it with apart of Colonel Durkee's regiment, and the regiment of Colonel Rawlings, so that its garrison now numbered upwards of two thou- sand men ; a great part, however, were militia. "Washington's orders for its evacuation had, in fact, been discretionary, leaving the execution of them to Greene's judgment, " as being on the spot." The latter had differed in opinion as to the policy of such a measure ; and Colonel Magaw, who had charge of the fortress, was likewise confident it might be maintained. Colonel Reed was of opposite counsels ; but then he was personally interested in the safety of the garrison. It was composed almost en- tirely of Pennsylvania troops under Magaw and Lambert Cadwalader ; excepting a small de- tachment of Maryland riflemen commanded by Otho 11. "Williams. They were his friends and neighbors, the remnant of the brave men who had suffered so severely under Atlee and Small- wood.* The fort was now invested on all sides but one ; and the troops under Howe which had been encamped at Dobbs' Ferry, were said to be moving down toward it. Reed's solicitude was not shared by the garrison itself. Colonel Magaw, its brave commander, still thought it was in no immediate danger. Washington was much perplexed. The main object of Howe was stiU a matter of doubt with him. He could not think that Sir William was moving his whole force upon that fortress, to invest which, a part would be sufficient. He suspected an ulterior object, probably a South- ern expedition, as he was told a large number of ships were taking in wood and water at New York. He resolved, therefore, to continue a few days in this neighborhood, during which he trusted the designs of the enemy would be more apparent ; in the mean time he would distribute troops at Brunswick, Amboy, Eliza- bethtown, and Fort Lee, so as to be ready at these various points, to check any incursions into the Jerseys. In a letter to the President of Congress, he urged for an increase of ordnance and field- artillery. The rough, hiUy country east of the Hudson, and the strongholds and fastnesses of which the Americans had possessed themselves, had prevented the enemy from profiting by the superiority of their artillery ; but this would not be the case, should the scene of action change to an open champaign country, like the Jerseys. Washington was mistaken in his conjecture as to Sir William Howe's design. The capture of Fort Washington was, at present, his main object ; and he was encamped on Fordham Heights, not far from King's Bridge, until pre- liminary steps should be taken. In the night of the 14th, thirty flat-bottomed boats stole quietly up the Hudson, passed the American forts undiscovered, and made their way through Spy t den Duivel Creek into H arlem River. The means were thus provided for crossing that * W. B. Reed'8 Life of Reed, i. 252. 296 FORT WASHINGTON SUMMONED TO SURRENDER— ATTACK ON THE FORT, [1776. river and landing before unprotected parts of the American works. On the 15th, General Howe sent in a sum- mons to surrender, with a threat of extremities should he have to carry the place by assault. Magaw, in his reply, intimated a doubt that General Howe would execute a threat " so un- worthy of himself and the British nation ; but give me leave," added he, " to assure his Ex- cellency, that, actuated by the most gloi-ious cause that mankind ever fought in, I am deter- mined to defend this post to the very last ex- tremity." Apprised by the Colonel of his peril, General Greene sent over reinforcements, with an ex- hortation to him to persist in his defence ; and despatched an express to "Washington, who was at Hackensack, where the troops which had crossed from Peekskill were encamped. It was nightfall when Washington arrived at Fort Lee. Greene and Putnam were over at the be- sieged fortress. He threw himself into a boat, and had partly crossed the river, when he met those generals returning. They informed him of the garrison's having been reinforced, and assured him that it was in high spirits, and ca- pable of making a good defence. It was with difficulty, however, they could prevail on him to return with them to the Jersey shore, for he was excessively excited. Early the next morning (16th), Magaw made Ms dispositions for the expected attack. His forces, with the recent additions, amounted to nearly three thousand men. As the fort could not contain above a third of that number, most of them were stationed about the outworks. Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, with eight hundred Pennsylvanians, was posted in the outer lines, about two miles and a half south of the fort, the side menaced by Lord Percy with sixteen hundred men. Colonel Eawlings, of Maryland, with a body of troops, many of them riflemen, was stationed by a three-gun battery, on a rocky, precipitous hill, north of the fort, and between it and Spyt den Duivel Creek. Colonel Baxter, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his regiment of militia, was posted east of the fort, on rough, vroody heights, bordering the Harlem PJver, to watch the motions of the enemy, who had thrown up redoubts on high and commanding ground, on the opposite side of the river, apparently to cover the crossing and landing of troops. Sir William Howe had planned four simulta- neous attacks; one on the north by Knyp- hausen, who was encamped on the York side of King's Bridge, within cannon-shot of Fort Washington, but separated from it by high and rough hills, covered with almost impenetrable woods. He was to advance in two columns, formed by detachments made from the Hessians of his corps, the brigade of Rahl, and the regi- ment of Waldeckers. The second attack was to be by two battalions of light infantry, and two battalions of guards, under Brigadier-Gen- eral Mathew, who was to cross Harlem Eiver in flat-boats, under cover of the redoubts above mentioned, and to land on the right of the fort. This attack was to be supported by the flrst and second grenadiers, and a regiment of light in- fantry under command of Lord Coruwallis. The third attack, intended as a feint to distract the attention of the Americans, was to be by Colonel Sterling, with the forty-second regi- ment, who was to drop down the Harlem Eiver in bateaux, to the left of the Americon lines, facing New York. The fourth attack was to be on the south, by Lord Percy, with the Eng- lish and Hessian troops under his command, on the right flank of the American intrench- ments.* About noon, a heavy cannonade thundering along the rocky hills, and sharp volleys of mus- ketry, proclaimed that the action was com- menced. Knyphausen's division was pushing on from the north in two columns, as had been arranged. . The right was led by Colonel Eahl, the left by himself. Eahl essayed to mount a steep, broken height, called Cock Hill, which rises from Spyt den Duivel Creek, and was covered with woods. Ivnyphausen undertook a hill rising from the King's Bridge road, but soon found himself entangled in a woody defile, difficult to penetrate, and where his Hessians were exposed to the fire of the three-gun bat- tery, and Eawlings' riflemen. While this Avas gojng on at the north of the fort. General Mathew, with his light infantry and guards, crossed the Harlem Elver in the flat-boats, under cover of a heavy fire from the redoubts. He made good his landing, after being severe- ly handled by Baxter and Ins men, from behind rocks and trees, and the breastworks thrown up on the steep river bank. A short contest ensued. Baxter, while bravely encouraging his men, was killed by a British officer. 'His troops, overpowered by numbers, retreated to * Sir William Howe to Lord George Germaine. JEt. 44.] THE SURRENDER OF FORT WASHINGTON. 297 the fort. General Mathew now pushed on with his guards and light infantry to cut off Cad- walader. That officer had gallantly defended the lines against the attack of Lord Percy, until informed that Colonel Sterling was dropping down Harlem River in bateaux to flank the lines, and take him in the rear. He sent off a detachment to oppose his landing. They did it manfully. About ninety of Sterling's men were killed or wounded in their boats, but he persevered, landed, and forced his way up a steep height, which was weU defended, gained the summit, forced a redoubt, and took nearly two hundred prisoners. Thus doubly assailed, Cadwalader was obliged* to retreat to the fort. He was closely pursued by Percy with his Eng- lish troops and Hessians, but turned repeatedly on his pursuers. Thus he fought his way to the fort, with the loss of several killed, and more taken prisoners ; but marking his track by the number of Hessians slain. The defence on the north side of the fort was equally obstinate and unsuccessful. Raw- lings with his Maryland riflemen and the aid of tlie three-gun battery, had for some time kept the left column of Hessians and "Waldeck- ers under Knyphausen at bay. At length Col- onel Rahl, with the right column of the divis- ion, having forced his way directly up the north side of the steep hill at Spyt den Duivel Creek, came upon Rawlings' men, whose rifles, from frequent discharges, had become foul and al- most useless; drove them from their strong post, and followed them until within a hundred yards of the fort, where he was joined by Knyphausen, who had slowly made his way through dense forests and over felled trees. Here they took post behind a large stone house, and sent in a flag, with a second sum- mons to surrender. Washington, surrounded by several of his officers, had been an anxious spectator of the battle from the opposite side of the Hudson. Much of it was hidden from him by interven- ing hills and forest ; but the roar of cannonry from the valley of Harlem River, the sharp and incessant reports of rifles, and the smoke rising above the tree tops, told him of the spirit with which the assault was received at various points, and gave him for a time a hope that the defence might be successful. The action about the lines to the south lay open to him, and could be distinctly seen througli a telescope ; and nothing encouraged him more than the gallant style in which Cadwalader with an inferior force maintained his position. When he saw him, however, assailed in flank, the line broken, and his troops, overpowered by numbers, retreating to the fort, he gave up the game as lost. The worst sight of aU, was to behold his men cut down and bayoneted by the Hessians while begging quarter. It is said so completely to have overcome him, that he wept " with the tenderness of a child." Seeing the flag go into the fort from Knyp- hausen's division, and surmising it to be a summons to surrender, he wrote a note to Magaw, telling him that if he could hold out until evening, and the place could not be main- tained, he would endeavor , to bring off the garrison in the night. Captain Gooch, of Bos- ton, a brave and daring man, ofiered to be the bearer of the note. "He ran down to the river, jumped into a small boat, pushed over the river, landed under the bank, ran up to the fort, and delivered the message : — came out, ran and jumped over the broken ground, dodg- ing the Hessians, some of whom struck at him with their pieces, and others attempted to thrust him with their bayonets; escaping through them, he got to his boat, and returned to Fort Lee." * Washington's message arrived too late. " The fort was so crowded by the garrison, and the troops which had retreated into it, that it was difficult to move about. The enemy, too, were in possession of the little redoubts around, and could have poured in showers of shells and ricochet balls that would have made dreadful slaughter," It was no longer possible for Magaw to get his troops to man the lines ; he was compelled, therefore, to yield himself and his garrison prisoners of war. The only terras granted them were, that the men should re- tain their baggage and the officers their swords. The sight of the American flag hauled down, and the British flag waving in its place, told Washington of the surrender. His instant care was for the safety of the upper country, now that the lower defences of the Hudson were at an end. Before he knew any thing about the terms of capitulation, he wrote to General Lee, informing him of the surrender, and calling his attention to the passes of the Highlands and those which lay east of the river ; begging him to have such measures adopted for their defence as his judgment should suggest to be necessary. " I do not mean," added he, " to advise aban- * Heath's Memoirs, p. 298 COMMENTS OF WASHINGTON ON THE STATE OF AFFAIRS. [_111&. doning your present post, contrary to your own opinion ; but only to mention my own ideas of the importance of those passes, and that you cannot give too much attention to their security, by having works erected on the most advantageous places for that purpose." Lee, in reply, objected to removing from his actual encampment at Northcastle. " It would give us," said he, " the air of being frightened ; it would expose a fine, fertile country to their ravages ; and I must add, that we are as se- cure as we could be in any position whatever." After stating that he should deposit his stores, &c., in a place fully as safe, and more central than Peekskill, he adds : " As to ourselves, light as we are, several retreats present them- selves. In short, if we keep a good look-out, we are in no danger ; but I must entreat your Excellency to enjoin the officers posted at Fort Lee, to give us the quickest intelligence, if they observe any embarkation on the North Eiver." As to the aflfair of Fort Washington, all that Lee observed on the subject was : " Oh, gen- eral, why would you be over-persuaded by men of inferior judgment to your own? It was a cursed affair." Lee's allusion to men of inferior judgment, was principally aimed at Greene, whose in- fluence with the commander-in-chief seems to have excited the jealousy of other officers of rank. So Colonel Tilghman, Washington's aide-de-camp, writes on the 17th, to Robert E. Livingston of New York, " We were in a fair way of finishing the campaign with credit to ourselves, and, I think, to the disgrace of Mr. Howe ; and, had the general followed his own opinion, the garrison would have been withdrawn immediately upon the enemy's fall- ing down from Dobbs' Ferry. But General Greene was positive that our forces might at any time be drawn off under the guns of Fort Lee. Fatal experience has evinced the con- trary." * Washington's own comments on the reduc- tion of the fort, made in a letter to his brother Augustine, are worthy of special note. " This is a most unforti;nate affair, and has given me great mortification ; as we have lost not only two thousand men,t that were there, but a good deal of artillery, and some of the best arms we had. And what adds to my morti- * Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. '780. t The numher of prisoners, as returned by Sir William Howe, was 2,818, of whom 2,607 were privates. They were marched off to New York at midnight. fication is, that this post, after the last ships went past it, was held contrary to my wishes and opinion, as I conceived it to be a hazardous one : but it having been determined on by a full council of general officers, and a resolution of Congress having been received, strongly ex- pressive of their desire that the channel of the river which we had been laboring to stop for a long time at that place, might be obstructed, if possible ; and knowing that this could not be done, unless there were batteries to protect the obstructions, I did not care to give an ab- solute order for withdrawing the garrison, till I could get round and see the situation of things ; and then it became two late, as the place was invested. Upon the passing of the last ships, I had given it as my opinion to General Greene, under whose care it was, that it would be best to evacuate the place ; but, as the order was discretionary, and his opinion different from mine, it was unhappily delayed too long ; to my great grief." The correspondence of Washington with his brother, is full of gloomy anticipations. " In ten days from this date, there will not be above two thousand men, if that number, of the fixed established regiments on this side of Hudson Eiver, to oppose Howe's whole army ; and very little more on the other, to secure the eastern colonies, and the important passes leading through the Highlands to Albany, and the country about the lakes. In short, it is im- possible for me, in the compass of a letter, to give you any idea of our situation, of my diflS- culties, and of the constant perplexities I meet with, derived from the unhappy policy of short enlistments, and delaying them too long. Last fall, or wmter, before the army, which was then to be raised, was set about, I repre- sented in clear and explicit terms the evils which would arise from short enlistments, the expense which must attend the raising an army every year, and the futility of such an army when raised ; and if I had spoken with a prophetic spirit, I could not have foretold the evils with more accuracy than I did. All the year since, I have been pressing Congress to delay no time in engaging men upon such terms as would insure success, telling them that the longer it was delayed, the more difficult it would prove. But the measure was not com- menced imtil it was too late to be effected. * * * I am wearied almost to death with the retrograde motion of things ; and I solemn- ly protest, that a pecuniary reward of twenty ^T. 44.] THE ENEMY CROSS THE HUDSON— CROSSING OF THE HACKENSACK. 299 thousand pounds a year would not induce me to undergo what I do, and, after all, perhaps to lose my character ; as it is impossible, under such a variety of distressing circumstances, to conduct matters agreeably to public expecta- tion." CHAPTER XLI. "With the capture of Fort Washington, the project of obstructing the navigation of the Hudson, at that point, was at an end. Fort Lee, consequently, became useless, and Wash- ington ordered all the ammunition and stores to be removed, preparatory to its abandon- ment. This was effected with the whole of the ammunition, and a part of the stores, and every exertion was making to hurry off the remainder, when, early in the morning of the 20th, intelligence was brought that the enemy, with two hundred boats, had crossed the river and landed a few miles above. General Greene immediately ordered the garrison under arms, sent out troops to hold the enemy in check, and sent off an express to Washington, at Hackensack, The enemy had crossed the Hudson, on a very rainy night, in two divisions, one diago- nally upward from King's Bridge, landing on the west side, about eight o'clock ; the other marched up the east bank, three or four miles, and then crossed to the opposite shore. The whole corps, six thousand strong, and under the command of Lord Oornwallis, were landed, with their cannon, by ten o'clock, at a place called Closter Dock, five or six miles above Fort Lee, and under that line of lofty and per- pendicular cliffs known as the PaHsades. " The seamen," says Sir AVilliam Howe, " distinguish- ed themselves remarkably on this occasion, by their readiness to drag their cannon up a very narrow road, for nearly half a mile, to the top of a precipice, which bounds the shore for some miles on the west side." * Washington arrived at the fort in three- quarters of an hour. Being told that the enemy were extending themselves across the country, he at once saw that they intended to form a line from the Hudson to the Hacken- * Some writers have stated that Oornwallis crossed on the 18th. They have been misled by a letter of Sir "Wil- liam Howe, which gives that date. Lord Howe, in a letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, gives the date we have stated (the 20th), which is the true one. sack, and hem the whole garrison in between the two rivers. Nothing would save it but a prompt retreat to secure the bridge over the Hackensack. No time was to be lost. The troops sent out to check the enemy were re- called. The retreat commenced in all haste. There was a want of horses and waggons ; a great quantity of baggage, stores, and provi- sions, therefore, was abandoned. So was all the artillery excepting two twelve-pounders. Even the tents were left standing, and camp- kettles on the fire. With all their speed they did not reach the Hackensack River before the vanguard of the enemy was close upon them. Expecting a brush, the greater part hurried over the bridge, others crossed at the ferry, and some higher up. The enemy, however, did not dispute the passage of the river ; but Oornwallis stated in his despatches, that, had not the Americans been apprised of his ap- proach, he would have surrounded them at the fort. Some of his troops that night occu- pied the tents they had abandoned. From Hackensack, Colonel Grayson, one of Washington's aides-de-camp, wrote instantly, by his orders, to General Lee ; informing him that the enemy had crossed into the Jerseys, and, as was reported, in great numhers. " His Excellency," adds Grayson, " thinks it would be advisable in you to remove the troops under your command on this side of the North River, and there wait for further commands." Washington himself wrote to Lee on the fol- lowing day (Nov. 21st). " I am of opinion," said he, " and the gentlemen about me concur in it, that the public interest requires your coming over to this side of the Hudson with the Continental troops. * * * * Xhe enemy is evidently changing the seat of war to this side of the North River, and the inhabitants of this coimtry will expect the Continental army to give them what support they can ; and fail- ing in that, they will cease to depend upon, or support a force from which no protection is derived. It is, therefore, of the utmost impor- tance, that at least an appearance of force should be made, to keep this province in con- nection with the others." In this moment of hurry and agitation. Col- onel Reed, also, Washington's fidus Ac7iates, wrote to Lee, but in a tone and spirit that may surprise the reader, knowing the devotion he had hitherto manifested for the commander-in- chief. After expressing the common wish that Lee should be at the principal scene of action, JOO REED'S LETTER TO LEE^A SECOND MOVE OF THE ARMY. [1V76. lie adds : " I do not mean to flatter or praise you, at the expense of any other ; but I do think it is entirely owing to you, that this army, and the liberties of America, so far as they are dependent on it, are not entirely cut off. You have decision, a quality often wanting in minds otherwise valuable, and I ascribe to this our escape from York Island, King's Bridge, and the Plains ; and I have no doubt, had you been here, the garrison of Mount Washington would now have composed a part of this army ; and from all these circumstances, I confess, I do ardently wish to see you removed from a place where there will be so little call for your judg- ment and experience, to the place where they are likely to be so necessary. Nor am I singular in my opinion ; every gentleman of the family, the officers and soldiers generally, have a con- fidence in you. The enemy constantly inquire where you are, and seem to be less confident when you are present." Then alluding to the late aff"air at Fort "Wash- ington, he continues : " General Washington's own judgment, seconded by representations from us, would, I believe, have saved the men, and their arms ; but, unluckily. General Greene's judgment was contrary. This kept the general's mind in a state of suspense, till the stroke was struck. Oh, general ! An indecisive mind is one of the greatest misfortunes that can befall an army ; how often have I lamented it this campaign. All circumstances considered, we are in a very awful and alarming situation ; one that requires the utmost wisdom, and firm- ness of mind. As soon as the season will ad- mit, I think yourself and some others should go to Congress, and form the plan of the new army. * * * * J must conclude, with my clear and explicit opinion, that your presence is of the last importance." * Well might Washington apprehend that his character and conduct, in the perplexities in which he was placed, would be liable to be misunderstood by the public, when the friend of his bosom could so misjudge him. Reed had evidently been dazzled by the dar- ing spirit and unscrupulous policy of Lee, who, in carrying out his measures, heeded but little the counsels of others, or even the orders of government; Washington's respect for both, and the caution with which he hesitated in adopt- ing measures in opposition to them, was stamped by the bold soldier and his admirers as indecision. * Memoirs of Reed, i. 255. At Hackensack the army did not exceed three thousand men, and they were dispirited by ill success, and the loss of tents and bag- gage. They were without intrenching tools, in a flat country, where there were no natural fastnesses. Washington resolved, therefore, to avoid any attack from the enemy, though, by so doing, he must leave a fine and fertile region open to their ravages ; or a plentiful store- house, from which they would draw voluntary supplies. A second move was necessary, agaia to avoid the danger of being enclosed between two rivers. Leaving three regiments, there- fore, to g&ard the passes of the Hackensack, and serve as covering parties, he again de- camped, and threw himself on the west bank of the Passaic, in the neighborhood of Newark. His army, small as it was, would soon be less. The term of enlistment of those under General Mercer, from the flying camp, was nearly expired ; and it was not probable that, disheartened as they were by defeats and losses, exposed to inclement weather, and unaccus- tomed to military hardships, they would longer forego the comforts of their homes, to drag out the residue of a ruinous campaign. In addition, too, to the superiority of the force that was following him, the rivers gave the enemy facilities, by means of their ship- ping, to throw troops in his rear. In this ex- tremity he cast about in every direction for assistance. Colonel Eeed, on whom he relied as on a second self, was despatched to Burling- ton, with a letter to Governor William Living- ston, describing his hazardous situation, and entreating him to call out a portion of the New Jersey militia ; and General Mifiiin was sent to Philadelphia to implore immediate aid from Congress, and the local authorities. His main reliance for prompt assistance, however, was upon Lee. On the 24th came a letter from that general, addressed to Colonel Reed. Washington opened it, as he was accus- tomed to do, in the absence of that oflacer, with letters addressed to him on the business of the army. Lee was at his old encampment at Northcastle. He had no means, he said, of crossing at Dobbs' Ferry, and the round by King's Ferry would be so great, that he could not get there in time to answer any purpose. " I have, therefore," added he, " ordered Gen- eral Heath, who is close to the only ferry which can be passed, to detach two thousand men to apprise his Excellency, and await his further orders; a mode which I flatter myself will Mr. 44.] CORRESPONDENCE AND SCHEMES OF LEE. 301 answer bettei- what I conceive to be the spirit of the orders, than should I move the corps from hence. Withdrawing our troops from hence would be attended with some very seri- ous consequences, which at present would be tedious to enumerate ; as to myself," adds he, " I hope to set out to-morrow." A letter of the same date (Nov. 23d), from Lee to James Bowdoin, president of the Massa- chusetts council, may throw some light on his motives for delaying to obey the orders of the comraander-in-cliief. " Before the unfor- tunate aifair of Fort Washington," writes he, " it was my opinion that the two armies — that on the east, and that on the west side of the North Eiver — must rest each on its own bot- tom ; that the idea of detaching and reinforcing from one side to the other, on every motion of the enemy, was chimerical ; but to harbor such a thought in our present circumstances, is absolute insanity. In this invasion, should the enemy alter the present direction of their op- erations, and attempt to open the passage of the Highlands, or enter New England, I should never entertain the thought of being succored by the western army. I know it is impossible. We must, therefore, depend upon ourselves. To Connecticut and Massachusetts I shall look for assistance. * * * ^^ * j j^opg the cursed job of Fort Washington will occasion no dejection : the place itself was of no value. For my own part, I am persuaded that if we only act with common sense, spirit, and de- cision, the day must be our own." In another letter to Bowdoin, dated on the following day, and enclosing an extract from Washington's letter of Nov. 21st, he writes : " Indecision bids fair for tumbling down the goodly fabric of American freedom, and, with it, the rights of mankind. 'Twas indecision of Congress prevented our having a noble army, and on an excellent footing. 'Twas indecision in our military councils which cost us the gar- rison of Fort Washington, the consequence of which must be fatal, unless remedied in time by a contrary spirit. Enclosed I send you an extract of a letter from the general, on which you will make your comments ; and I have no doubt you will concur with me in the necessity of raising immediately an army to save us from perdition. Aifairs appear in so important a crisis, that I think the resolves of the Congress must no longer too nicely weigh with us. We must save the community, in spite of the or- dinances of the legislature. There are times when we must commit treason against the laws of the State, for the salvation of the State. The present crisis demands this brave, virtuous kind of treason." He urges President Bow- doin, therefore, to waive all formalities, and not only complete the regiments prescribed to the province, but to add four companies to each regiment. " We must not only have a force sufficient to cover your province, and all these fertile districts, from the insults and irruptions of the tyrant's troops, but sufficient to drive 'em out of all .their quarters in the Jerseys, or all is lost. ^- * * in the mean time, send up a formidable body of militia to supply the place of the Continental troops, which I am ordered to convey over the river. Let your people be well supplied with bhxnkets, and warm clothes, as I am determined, by the help of God, to unnest 'em, even in the dead of winter." * It is evident Lee considered Washington's star to be on the decline, and his own in the ascendant. The " affair of Fort Washington," and the " indecision of the commander-in-chief," were apparently his watchwords. On the following day (24th), he writes to Washington from Northcastle, on the subject of removing troops across the Hudson. " I have received your orders, and shall endeavor to put them in execution, but question whether I shaU be able to carry with me any consider- able number ; not so much from a want of zeal in the men, as from their wretched condition with respect to shoes, stockings, and blankets, which the present bad weather renders more intolerable. I sent Heath orders to transport two thousand men across the river, apprise the general, and wait for further orders ; but that great man (as I might have expected) intrench- ed himself within the letter of his instructions, and refused to part with a single file, though I undertook to replace them with a part of my own." He concludes by showing that, so far from hurrying to the support of his commander- in-chief, he was meditating a side blow of his own devising. " I should march this day with Glover's brigade; but have just received in- telligence that Kogers' corps, a part of the light-horse, and another brigade lie in so ex- posed a situation, as to present us the fairest opportunity of carrying them off. If we suc- ceed, it will have a great effect, and amply compensate for two days' delay." * Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. 811. 302 PERPLEXITY OF GEORGE CLINTON— CRITICAL SITUATION OF THE ARMY. [1776. Scarce had Lee sent this letter, -when he re- ceived one from "Washington, informing him that he had mistaken his views in regard to the troops required to cross the Hudson; it was his (Lee's) division that he wanted to have over. The force under Heath must re- main to guard tlie posts and passes through the Highlands, the importance of which was so in- finitely great, that there should not be the least possible risk of losing them. In the same letter Washington, who presumed Lee was by this time at Peekskill, advised him to take every precaution to come by a safe route, and by all means to keep between the enemy and the mountains, as he understood they were taking measures to intercept his march. Lee's reply was still from Northcastle, He explained that his idea of detaching troops from Heath's division was merely for expedi- tion's sake, intending to replace them from his own. The want of carriages and other causes had delayed him. From the force of the enemy remaining in "Westchester County, he did not conceive the number of them in the Jerseys to be near so great as "Washington was taught to believe. He had been making a sweep of the country to clear it of the tories. Part of his army had now moved on, and he would set out on the following day. He concluded with the assurance, " I shall take care to obey your Ex- cellency's orders in regard to my march, as exactly as possible." On the same day, he vents his spleen in a tart letter to Heath. " I perceive," writes he, " that you have formed an idea, that should General "Washington remove to the Straits of Magellan, the instructions he left with you, i;pon a particular occasion, have, to all intents and purposes, invested you with a command separate from, and independent of any other superiors. * * * » xhat General Heath is by no means to consider himself obliged to obey the second in command." He concluded by informing him that, as the commander-in- chief was now separated from them, he (Lee) commanded, of course, on this side of the water, and for the future would, and must be obeyed. Before receiving this letter, Heath, doubtful whether "Washington might not be pressed, and desirous of having his troops across the Hud- son, had sent off an express to him for explicit instructions on that point, and, in the mean time, had kept them ready for a move. General George Clinton, who was with him. and had the safety of the Hudson at heart, was in an agony of solicitude. ""We have been under marching orders these three days past," writes he, " and only await the directions of General "Washington. Should they be to move, all's over with the river this season, and, I fear, forever. General Lee, four or five days ago, had orders to move with his division across the river. Instead of so doing, he ordered General Heath to march his men through, and he would replace them with so many of his. General Heath could not do this consistent with his instructions, but put his men under marching orders to wait his Excellency's or- ders." Honest George Clinton was still per- plexed and annoyed by these marchings and countermarchings : and especially with these incessant retreats. " A strange way of cook- ing business ! " writes he. " "We have no par- ticular accounts yet from head-quarters, hut 1 am apt to believe retreating is yet fasMon- ableP The return of the express sent to "Washing- ton, relieved Clinton's anxiety about the High- lands; reiterating the original order, that the division under Heath should remain for the protection of the passes. "Washington was still at Newark when, on the 27th, he received Lee's letter of the 24th, speaking of his scheme of capturing Eogers the partisan. Under other circumstances it might have been a sufficient excuse for his delay, but higher interests were at stake ; he immediately wrote to Lee as follows : " My former letters were so full and explicit, as to the necessity of your marching as early as possible, that it is unnecessary to add more on that head. I con- fess I expected you would have been sooner in motion. The force here, when joined by yours, will not be adequate to any great opposition ; at present it is weak, and it has been more owing to the badness of the weather that the enemy's progress has been checked, than any resistance we could make. They are now pushing this way, — part of 'em have passed the Passaic. Their plan is not entii-ely un- folded, but I shall not be surprised if Philadel- phia should turn out the object of their move- ment." The situation of the little army was daily becoming more perilous. In a coimcil of war, several of the members urged a move to Mor- ristown, to form a junction with the troops expected from the Northern army. "Washing- ton, however, still cherished the idea of making Ml. 44.] DISPARAGING CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN LEE AND REED. 303 a stand at Brunswick on the Earitan, or, at all events, of disputing the passage of the Dela- ware ; and in this intrepid resolution he was warmly seconded by Greene. Breaking up his camp once more, therefore, he continned his retreat towards New Bruns- wick ; but so close was Cornwallis upon him, that his advance entered one end of Newark, just as the American rear-guard had left the other. From New Brunswick, "Washington wrote on the 29th to William Livingston, governor of the Jerseys, requesting him to have all boats and river craft for seventy miles along the Delaware, removed to the western bank out of the reach of the enemy, and put under guard. He was disappointed in his hope of making a stand on the banks of the Earitan. All the force he could muster at Brunswick, including the New Jersey militia, did not ex- ceed four thousand men. Colonel Eeed had failed in procuring aid from the New Jersey legislature. That body, shifted from place to place, was on the eve of dissolution. ■ The term of the Maryland and New Jersey troops in the flying camp had expired. General Mercer endeavored to retain them, represent- ing the disgrace of turning their back upon the cause when the enemy was at hand : his remonstrances were fruitless. As to the Penn- sylvania levies, they deserted in such numbers, that guards were stationed on the roads and ferries to intercept them. At this moment of care and perplexity, a letter, forwarded by express, arrived at head- quarters. It was from General Lee, dated from his camp at Northcastle, to Colonel Eeed, and was in reply to the letter written by that officer from Ilackensack on the 21st, which we have already laid before the reader. Supposing that it related to official business, Washington open- ed it, and read as follows : " My dear Eeed : — I received your most obliging, flattering letter ; lament with you that fatal indecision of mind, which in war is a much greater disqualification than stupidity, or even want of personal courage. Accident may put a decisive blunderer in the right ; but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts, if cursed with indecision. The General recommends in so pressing a manner as almost to amount to an order, to bring over the continental troops imder my command ; which recommendation, or order, throws me into the greatest dilemma from several considerations." After stating these considerations, he adds : " My reason for not having marched already is, that we have just received intelligence that Eogers' corps, the light-horse, part of the Highlanders, and an- other brigade, lie in so exposed a situation as to give the fairest opportunity of being carried. I should have attempted it last night, but the rain was too violent, and when our pieces are wet, you know our troops are Tiors du combat. This night I hope will be better. * * * * * * I only wait myself for this business of Eogers and company being over. I shall then fly to you ; for, to confess a truth, I really think our chief will do better with me than without me." A glance over this letter sufficed to show Washington that, at this dark moment, when he most needed support and sympathy, his character and military conduct were the sub- ject of disparaging comments, between the friend in whom he had so implicitly confided, and a sarcastic and apparently self-constituted rival. Whatever may have been his feelings of wounded pride and outraged friendship, he restrained them, and enclosed the letter to Eeed, with the following chilling note : " Deae Sie, — The enclosed was put into my hands by an express from White Plains. Hav- ing no idea of its being a private letter, much less suspecting the tendency of the correspond- ence, I opened it ; as I have done all other let- ters to you from the same place, and Peekskill, upon the business of your office, as I conceived, and found them to be. This, as it is the truth, must be my excuse for seeing the contents of a letter, which neither inclination nor inten- tion would have prompted me to," &c. The very calmness and coldness of this note must have had a greater effect upon Eeed, than could have been produced by the most vehement reproaches. In subsequent commu- nications, he endeavored to explain away the offensive paragraphs in Lee's letter, declaring there was nothing in his own inconsistent with the respect and affection he had ever borne for Washington's person and character. Fortunately for Eeed, Washington never saw that letter. There were passages in it beyond the reach of softening or explanation. As it was, the purport of it, as reflected in Lee's reply, had given him a sufficient shock. His magnanimous nature, however, was inca- pable of harboring long resentments ; especially in matters relating solely to himself. His per- 304 WASHINGTON ARRIVES AT TRENTON— DESPONDENCY OF THE COUNTRY. [1776. sonal respect for Colonel Eeed continued ; he invariably manifested a high sense of his merits, and consulted him, as before, on military af- fairs ; but his hitherto affectionate confidence in him, as a sympathizing friend, had received an incurable wound. His letters, before so frequent, and such perfect outpourings of heart and mind, became few and far between, and confined to matters of business. It must have been consoling to "Washington, at this moment of bitterness, to receive the following letter (dated Nov. 27th) from "Wil- liam Livingston, the intelligent and patriotic governor of New Jersey. It showed that while many misjudged him, and friends seemed fall- ing from his side, others appreciated him truly, and the ordeal he was undergoing. " I can easily form some idea of the difficul- ties under which you labor," writes Livingston, " particularly of one for which the public can make no allowance, because your prudence, and fidelity to the cause, will not suffer you to reveal it to the public ; an instance of magna- nimity, superior, perhaps, to any that can be shown in battle. But depend upon it, my dear sir, the impartial world will do you ample jus- tice before long. May God support you under the fatigue, both of body and mind, to which you must be constantly exposed." * "Washington lingered at Brunswick until the 1st of December, in the vain hope of being reinforced. The enemy, in the mean time, ad- vanced through the country, impressing wag- gons and horses, and collecting cattle and sheep, as if for a distant march. At length their van- guard appeared on the opposite side of the Earitan. Washington immediately broke down the end of the bridge next the village, and after nightfall resumed his retreat. In the mean time, as the river was fordable. Captain Alex- ander Hamilton planted his field-pieces on high, commanding ground, and opened a spirited fire to check any attempt of the enemy to cross. At Princeton, Washington left twelve hun- dred men in two brigades, under Lord Stirling * We cannot dismiss this painful incident in Washing- ton's life, -without a prospective note on the subject. Reed was really of too generous and intelligent a nature not to he aware of the immense value of the friendship he had put at hazard. Ho grieved over his mistake, especially as after events showed more and more the majestic greatness of "Washington's character. A letter in the following year, in which he sought to convince Washington of his Bincero and devoted attachment, is really touching in its appeals. "We are happy to add, that it appears to have been successful, and to have restored, in a great measure, their relations of friendly confidence. • and General Adam Stephen, to cover the coun- try, and watch the motions of the enemy. Stephen was the same ofiicer that had served as a colonel under Washington in the French war, as second in command of the Virginia troops, and had charge of Fort Cumberland. In consideration of his courage and military capacity, he had, in 1764, been intrusted with the protection of the frontier. He had recently brought a detachment of Virginia troops to the army, and received from Congress, in Septem- ber, the commission of brigadier-general. The harassed army reached Trenton on the 2d of December. Washington immediately proceeded to remove his baggage and stores across the Delaware, In his letters from this place to the President of Congress, he gives his reasons for his continued retreat, " Noth- ing but necessity obliged me to retire before the enemy, and leave so much of the Jerseys unprotected. Sorry am I to observe that the frequent calls upon the militia of this State, the want of exertion in the principal gentlemen of the country, and a fatal supineness and insensi- bility of danger, till it is too late to prevent an evil that was not only foreseen, but foretold, have been the causes of our late disgraces. " If the militia of this State had stepped forth in season (and timely notice they had), we might have prevented the enemy's crossing the Hackensack. We might, with equal possi- bility of success, have made a stand at Bruns- wick on the Earitan. But as both these rivers were fordable in a variety of places, being knee deep only, it required many men to guard the passes, and these we had not." In excuse for the people of New Jersey, it may be observed, that they inhabited an open, agricultural country, where the sound of war had never been heard. Many of them looked upon the Revolution as rebellion ; others thought it a ruined enterprise ; the armies engaged in it had been defeated and broken up. They beheld the commander-in-chief re- treating through their country with a handful of men, weary, wayworn, dispirited ; without tents, without clothing, many of them bare- footed, exposed to wintry weather, and driven from post to post, by a well-clad, well-fed, tri- umphant force, tricked out in all the glittering bravery of war. Could it be wondered at, that peaceful husbandmen, seeing their quiet fields thus suddenly overrun by adverse hosts, and their very hearthstones threatened with out- rage, should, instead of flying to arms, seek for ^T. 44.] PROCLAMATION OF LORD HOWE— EXULTATION OF THE ENEMY. 305 the safety of their wives and little ones, and the protection of their humble means, from the desolation which too often marks the course even of friendly armies ? Lord Howe and his brother sought to profit by this dismay and despondency. A proclama- tion, dated 30th of November, commanded all persons in arms against his majesty's govern- ment, to disband and return home, and all Con- gresses to desist from treasonable acts : offering a free pardon to all who should comply within fifty days. ITany who had been prominent in the cause, hastened to take advantage of this proclama- tion. Those who had most property to lose, were the first to submit. The middle ranks remained generally steadfast in this time of trial.* The following extract of a letter from a field-officer in New York, dated Dec. 2d, to his friend in London, gives the British view of aftairs : " The rebels continue flying before our army. Lord Oornwallis took the fort op- posite Brunswick, plunged into Raritan River, autl seized the town. Mr. "Washington had orders from the Congress to rally and defend that post, but he sent them word he could not. He was seen retreating with two brigades to Trenton, where they talk of resisting ; but such a panic has seized the rebels, that no part of the Jerseys will hold them, and I doubt whether Philadelphia itself will stop their career. The Congress have lost their authori- ty^ * * * * They are in such consterna- tion that they know not what to do. The two Adamses are in New England ; Franklin gone to France ; Lynch has lost his senses ; Rutledge has gone home disgusted ; Dana is persecuting at Albany, and Jay's in the country playing as bad a part ; so that the fools have lost the assistance of the knaves. However, should they embrace the enclosed proclamation, they may yet escape the halter. * * * Honest David Mathew, the mayor, has made his escape from them, and arrived here this day." f In this dark day of peril to the cause, and to himself, Washington remained firm and un- daunted. In casting about for some strong- hold, where he might make a desperate stand for the liberties of his country, his thoughts reverted to the moimtain regions of his early campaigns. General Mercer was at hand, who had shared his perils among these mountains. * Gordon's Ilist. Am. War, ii. 129. t Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. 1037. 20 and his presence may have contributed to bring them to his mind. " What think you," said Washington ; " if we should retreat to the back parts of Pennsylvania, would the Pennsylva- nians support us ? " " If the lower counties give up, the back counties will do the same," was the discourag- ing reply. " We must then retire to Augusta County in Virginia," said AVashington. " Numbers will repair to us for safety, and Ave will try a pre- datory war. If overpowered, we must cross the AUeganies." Such Avas the indomitable spirit, rising under difficulties, and buoyant in the darkest moment, that kept our tempest-tost cause from founder- CHAPTER XLIL Notwithstanding the repeated and pressing orders and entreaties of the commander-in- chief, Lee did not reach Peekskill until the 30th of November. In a letter of that date to Wash- ington, who had complained of his delay, he simply alleges difficulties, which he would ex- plain lohen loth had leisure. His scheme to entrap Rogers, the renegade, had failed ; the old Indian hunter had been too much on the alert ; he boasted, however, to have rendered more service by his delay, than he would have done had he moved soonei*. His forces were thereby augmented, so that he expected to enter the Jerseys with four thousand firm and willing men, who would make a, very important diversion. " The day after to-morrow," added he, " we shall pass the river, when I should be glad to receive your instructions ; but I could wish you would bind me as little as possible ; not from any opinion, I do assure you, of my own pai'ts, but from a persuasion that detached generals cannot have too great latitude, unless they are very incompetent indeed." Lee had calculated upon meeting no further difficulty in obtaining men from Heath. He rode to that general's quarters in the evening, and was invited by him to alight and take tea. On entering the house, Lee took Heath aside, and alluding to his former refusal to supply troops as being inconsistent with the orders of the commander-in-chief, " in point of Zaw," said he, " you are right, but in point of policy I think 306 HEATH'S MILITARY PUNCTILIO— LEE CROSSES THE HUDSON. [1776. you are wrong. I am going into the Jerseys for tlie salvation of America ; I wish to take with me a larger force than I now have, and request you to order two thousand of your men to march with me." Heath answered that he could not spare that number. He was then asked to order one thousand ; to which he replied, that the busi- ness might as well be brought to a point at once — that not a single man should march from the post by Ms order. " Then," exclaimed Lee, " I will order them myself." " That makes a wide difference," rejoined Heath. " You are my senior, but I have received positive written instructions from hnn who is superior to us both, and I will not myself break those orders.'' In proof of his words. Heath produced the re- cent letter received from "Washington, repeating his former orders that no troops should be re- moved from that post. Lee glanced over the letter, " The commander-in-chief is now at a distance, and does not know what is necessary here so well as I do." He asked a sight of the return book of the division. It was brought by Major Huntington, the deputy adjutant-gen- eral. Lee ran his eye over it, and chose two regiments. " You will order them to march early to-morrow morning to join me," said he to the major. Heath, ruffling with the pride of military law, turned to the major with an air of authority. " Issue such orders at your peril ! " exclaimed he : then addressing Lee, " Sir," said he, " if you come to this post, and mean to issue orders here which will break the positive ones I have received, I pray you do it completely yourself, and through your own dep- uty adjutant-general, who is present, and not draw me or any of my family in as partners in the guilt." " It is right," said Lee ; " Colonel Scammel, do you issue the order." It was done accord- ingly ; but Heath's punctilious scruples were not yet satisfied. " I have one more request to make, sir," said he to Lee, " and that is, that you will be pleased to give me a certificate that you exercise command at this post, and order from it these regiments." Lee hesitated to comply, but George Clinton, who was present, told him he could not refuse a request so reasonable. He accordingly wrote, " For the satisfaction of General Heath, and at his request, I do certify that I am commanding officer, at this present writing, in this post, and that I have, in that capacity, ordered Prescott's and Wyllis's regiments to march." Heath's mOitary punctilio was satisfied, and he smoothed his ruffled plumes. Early the next morning the regiments moved from their can- tonments ready to embark, when Lee again rode up to his door. " Upon further considera- tion," said he, " I have concluded not to take the two regiments with me — you may order them to return to their former post." " This conduct of General Lee," adds Heath in his Memoirs, " appeared not a little extraor- dinary, and one is almost at a loss to account for it. He had been, a soldier from his youth, and had a perfect knowledge of service in all its branches, but was rather obstinate in his temper, and could scarcely brook being crossed in any thing in the line of his profession." '■' It was not until the 4th of December that Lee crossed the Hudson, and began a laggard march, though aware of the imminent peril of Washington and his army — how different from the celerity of his movements in his expedition to the South ! In the mean time, Washington, who was at Trenton, had profited by a delay of the enemy at Brunswick, and removed most of the stores and baggage of the army across the Delaware ; and, being reinforced by fifteen hundred of the Pennsylvania militia, procured by Mifflin, pre- pared to face about, and marCh back to Prince- ton with such of his troops as were fit for ser- vice, there to be governed by circumstances, and the movements of General Lee. Accord- ingly, on the 5th of December, he sent about twelve hundred men in the advance, to reinforce Lord Stirling, and the next day set oft" himself with the residue. " The general has gone forward to Prince- ton," writes Colonel Eeed, " where there are about three thousand men, with which, I fear, he will not be able to make any stand." t While on the march, Washington received a letter from Greene, who was at Princeton, in- forming him of a report that Lee was " at the heels of the enemy." I should think," adds Greene, " he had better keep on the flanks than the rear, unless it were possible to concert an attack at the same instant of time in front and rear. * * * j tjijuk General Lee must be confined within the lines of some general plan, or else his operations will be independent of yours. His own troops. General St. Clair's, and the militia, must form a respectable army." * The above scene is cj'vcn almost literally from Genera! Heath's Memoir,-. t Reed to the rrc:-ic!ent of Congress. ^T. 44.] WASHINGTON CROSSES THE DELAWARE— PERIL OF PHILADELPHIA. 307 Lee had no idea of conforming to a general plan ; he had an independent plan of his own, and was at that moment at Pompton, indulging speculations on military greatness, and the lamentable Vv-ant of it in his American contem- poraries. In a letter from that place to Gov- ernor Cooke of Rhode Island, he imparts his notions on the subject. " Theory joined to practice, or a heaven-born genius, can alone constitute a general. As to the latter, God Al- mighty indulges the modern world very rarely Avith the spectacle ; and I do not know, from what I have seen, that he has been more profuse of this ethereal spirit to the Americans, than to other nations." While Lee was thus loitering and speculating, Cornwallis, knowing how far he was in the rear, and how weak was the situation of "Wash- ington's army, and being himself strongly rein- forced, made a forced march from Brunswick, and was within two miles of Princeton. Stir- ling, to avoid being surrounded, immediately set out with two brigades for Trenton. "Wash- ington, too, receiving intelligence by express of these movements, hastened back to that place, and caused boats to be collected from all quar- ters, and the stores and troops transported across the Delaware. He himself crossed with the rear-guard on Sunday morning, and took up his quarters about a mile from the river ; caus- ing the boats to be destroyed, and troops to be posted opposite the fords. He was conscious, however, as he said, that with his smflll force he could make no great opposition, should the enemy bring boats with them. Fortunately, they did not come thus provided. The rear-guard, says an American account, had barely crossed the river, when Lord Corn- wallis " came marching down with all the pomp of war, in great expectation of getting boats, and immediately pursuing." Not one was to be had there or elsewhere ; for "Washington had caused the boats, for an extent of seventy miles up and down the -river, to be secured on tlie right bank. His lordship was eifectually brought to a stand. He made some moves with two columns, as if he would cross the Delaware above and below, either to push on to Philadel- phia, or to entrap "Washington in the acute angle made by the bend of the river opposite Bor- dentown. An able disposition of American troops along the upper part of the river, and of a number of galleys belcfsv, discouraged any at- tempt of the kind. Cornwallis, therefore, gave np the pursuit, distributed the German troops j in cantonments along the left bank of the river, and stationed his main force at Brunswick, trusting to be able before long to cross the Dela- ware on the ice. On the 8th, Washington wrote to the President of Congress : " There is not a moment's time to be lost in assembling such a force as can be col- lected, as the object of the enemy cannot now be doubted in the smallest degree. Indeed, I shall be out in my conjecture, for it is only conjecture, if the late embarkation at New York is not for Delaware River, to co-operate with the army un- der General Howe, who, I am informed from good authority, is with the British troops, and his whole force upon this route. I have no certain intelligence of General Lee, although I have sent expresses to him, and lately a Colonel Humpton, to bring me some accurate accounts of his situ- ation. I last night despatched another gentle- man to him (Major Hoops), desiring he would hasten his march to the Delaware, on which I would provide boats near a place called Alexan- dria, for the transportation of his troops. I cannot account for the slowness of his march." In further letters to Lee, Washington urged the peril of Philadelphia. "Do come on," writes he ; " your arrival may be fortunate, and, if it can be effected without delay, it may be the means of preserving a city, whose loss must prove of the most fatal consequence to the cause of America." Putnam was now detached to take command of Philadelphia, and put it in a slate of defence, and General Mifflin to have charge of the mu- nitions of war deposited there. By their advice Congress hastily adjourned on the 12th of De- cember, to meet again on the 20th, at Baltimore. Washington's whole force at this time was about five thousand five hundred men ; one thousand of them Jersey militia, fifteen hundred militia from Philadelphia, and a battalion of five hundred of the German yeomanry of Penn- sylvania. Gates, however, he was informed, was coming on with seven regiments detached by Schuyler from the Northern department; reinforced by these, and the troops under Lee, he hoped to be able to attempt a stroke upon the enemy's forces, which lay a good deal scat- tered, and to all appearances, in a state of se- curity. " A lucky blow in this quarter," writes he, " would be fatal to them, and would most certainly raise the spirits of the peoi:)le, which are quite sunk by our late misfortunes." * * Washington to Gov. TnimbuU, 14th December. 308 MARCH OF LEE— GATES ON THE MARCH. [1776. ■While cheering himself with these hopes, and trusting to speedy aid from Lee, that wayward commander, though nearly three weeks had elapsed since he had received Washington's or- ders and entreaties to join him with all possible despatch, was no farther on his march than Morristown, in the Jerseys ; where, with militia recruits, his force was about four thousand men. In a letter written by him on the 8th of Decem- ber to a committee of Congress, he says : " If I was not taught to think the army with Gen- eral Washington had been considerably rein- forced, I should immediately join him ; but as I am assured he is very strong, I should imagine we can make a better impression by beating up and harassing their detached parties in their rear, for which purpose, a good post at Chatham seems the best calculated. It is a happy dis- tance from Newark, Elizabethtown, Wood- bridge, and Boundbrook. We shall, I expect, annoy, distract, and consequently weaken them in a desultory war," * On the same day he writes from Chatham, in reply to Washington's letter by Major Hoops, just received : " I am extremely shocked to hear that your force is so inadequate to the ne- cessity of your situation, as I had been taught to think you had been considerably reinforced. Your last letters, proposing a plan of surprises and forced marches, convinced me that there was no danger of your being obliged to pass the Delaware ; in consequence of which proposals, I have put myself in a position the most con- venient to co-operate with you, by attacking their rear. I cannot persuade myself that Phila- delphia is their object at present. * * * jt will be difficult, I am afraid, to join you ; but cannot I do you more service by attacking their rear ? " This letter, sent by a light-horseman, received an instant reply from Washington. " Philadel- phia, beyond all question, is the object of the enemy's movements, and nothing less than our utmost exertions will prevent General Howe from possessing it. The force I have is weak, and utterly incompetent to that end. I must, therefore, entreat you to push on with every possible succor you can bring." f On the 9th, Lee, who was at Chatham, re- ceived infonnation from Heath, that three of the regiments detached under Gates from the Northern army, had arrived from Albany at Peekskill. He instantly writes to him to for * Am. Archives, 5th Scries, iii. 11'21. t Ibid., 5tli Beries, i[\. 11S8. ward them, without loss of time, to Morris- town : " I am in hopes," adds he, " to reconquer (if I may so express myself) the Jerseys. It was really in the hands of the enemy before my arrival." On the 11th, Lee writes to Washington from Morristown, where he says his troops had been obliged to halt two days for want of shoes. He now talked of crossing the great Brunswick post-road, and, by a forced night's march, mak- ing his way to the ferry above Burlington, where boats should be sent up from Philadelphia to receive him. " I am much surprised, " writes Washington in reply, " that you should be in any doubt re- specting the road you should take, after the in- formation you have received upon that head. A large number of boats was procured, and is still retained at Tinicum, under a strong guard, to facilitate your passage across the Delaware. I have so frequently mentioned our situation, and the necessity of your aid, that it is painful for me to add a word on the subject. * * * Congress have directed Philadelphia to be de- fended to the last extremity. The fatal conse- quences that must attend its loss, are but too obvious to every one ; your arrival may be the means of saving k.." In detailing the close of General Lee's march, so extraordinary for its tardiness, we shall avail ourselves of the memoir already cited of Gen- eral Wilkinson, who was at that time a brigade major, about twenty-two years of age, and was accompanying General Gates, who had been detached by Schuyler with seven regiments to reinforce Washington. Three of these regi- ments, as we have shown, had descended the Hudson to Peekskill, and were ordered by Lee to Morristown. Gates had embarked with the remaining four, and landed with them at Eso- pus, whence he took a back route by the Dela- ware and the Minisink. On the 11th of December he was detained by a heavy snow-storm, in a sequestered valley near the Wallpeck in New Jersey. Being cut off from all information respecting the adverse armies, he detached Major Wilkinson to seek Washington's camp, with a letter, stating the force under his command, and inquiring what route he should take. Wilkinson crossed the hills on horseback to Sussex court-house, took a guide, and proceeded down the country. Washington, he soon learnt, had passed the Delaware several days before ; the boats, he was told, had been i-emoved from the ferries, so ^T. 44.] JOURNEY OF WILKINSON— CAPTURE OF LEE. 309 that he would find some difiiculty in getting over, hut Major-General Lee was at Morristown. Finding such obstacles in his way to the com- mander-in-chief, he determined to seek the sec- ond in command, and ask orders from him for General Gates. Lee had decamped from Mor- ristown on the 12th of December, but had marched no further than Vealtown, barely eight miles distant. There he left General Sullivan with the troops, while he took up his quarters three miles off, at a tavern, at Baskingridge. As there was not a British cantonment within twenty miles, he took but a small guard for his protection, thinking himself perfectly secure. About four o'clock in the morning, Wilkinson arrived at his qxiarters. He was presented to the general as he lay in bed, and delivered into his hands the letter of General Gates. Lee, observing it was addressed to Washington, de- clined opening it, nntil apprised by Wilkinson of its contents, and the motives of his visit. He then broke the seal, and recommended Wil- kinson to take repose. The latter lay down on his blanket, before a comf6rtabIe fire, among the officers of his suite ; " for we were not en- cumbered in those days," says he, " with beds or baggage." Lee, naturally indolent, lingered in bed until eight o'clock. He then came down in his usual slovenly style, half-dressed, in slippei's and blan- ket coat, his collar open, and his linen appa- rently of some days' wear. After some inmii- ries about the campaign in the North, he gave Wilkinson a brief account of the operations of the main army, which he condemned in strong terms, and in his usual sarcastic way. He wasted the morning in altercation with some of the militia, particularly the Connecticut light- horse ; " several of whom," says Wilkinson, *■' appeared in large, full-buttoned perukes, and were treated very irreverently. One wanted forage, another his horse shod, another his pay, a fourth provisions, &c. ; to which the general replied, ' Your wants are numerous ; but you have not mentioned the last, — you want to go home, and shall be indulged ; for, d — you, you do no good here.' " Colonel Scammel, the adjutant-general, called from General Sullivan for orders concerning the morning's march. After musing a moment or two, Lee asked if he had a manuscript map of the country. It was produced, and spread upon a table. Wilkinson observed Lee trace with his finger the route from Vealtown to Pluckamin, thence to Somerset court-house, and on, by Rocky Hill, to Princeton ; he then returned to Pluckamin, and traced the route in the same manner by Boundbrook to Brunswick, and after a close inspection carelessly said to Scammel, " Tell General Sullivan to move down towards Pluckamin ; that I will soon be with him." This, observes Wilkinson, was off his route to Alexandria on the Delaware, where he had been ordered to cross, and directly on that towards Brunswick and Princeton. He was convinced, therefore, that Lee meditated an attack on tlie British post at the latter place. From these various delays they did not sit down to breakfast before ten o'clock. After breakfast, Lee sat writing a reply to General Gates, in which, as usual, he indulged in sar- castic comments on the commander-in-chief. " The ingenious manoeuvre of Fort Wasliing- ton," writes he, "has completely unhinged the goodly fabric we had been building. There never was so d — d a stroke ; entre nous, a cer- tain great man is most damnably deficient. He has thi'own me into a situation where I have my choice of difficulties : if I stay in this province I risk myself and army ; and if I do not stay, the province is lost forever. * * * * * As to what relates to yourself, if you think yon can be in time to aid the general, I would have you by all means go ; you will at least save your army," &c.* While Lee was writing, Wilkinson was look- ing out of a window down a lane, about a hundred yards in length, leading from the house to the main road. Suddenly a party of British dragoons turned a corner of the avenue at a full charge. " Here, sir, are the British cavalry ! " exclaimed Wilkinson. " Where ? " replied Lee, who had just signed his letter. " Around the house ! " — for they had opened file and surrounded it. " Where is the guard ? d — the guard, why don't they fire ? " Then after a momentary pause — " Do, sir, see what has become of the guard." The guards, alas ! unwary as their general, and chilled by the air of a frosty morning, had stacked their arms, and repaired to the south side of a house on the opposite side of the road to sun themselves, and were now chased by the dragoons in different directions. In fact, a tory, who had visited the general the evening before to complain of the loss of a horse taken by the army, having found where Lee was to lodge and breakfast, had ridden * Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. 1201. 310 SULLIVAN IN COMMAND— SPECULATIONS ON LEE'S CONDUCT. [1776. eighteen miles in the night to Brunswick and given the information, and hud piloted back Colonel Harcourt with his dragoons.* The women of the house would fain have concealed Lee in a bed, but he rejected the proposition with disdain. Wilkinson, accord- ing to his own account, posted himself in a place where only one person could approach at a time, and there took his stand, a pistol in each hand, resolved to shoot the first and sec- ond assailant, and then appeal to his sword. While in this " unpleasant situation," as he terms it, he heard a voice declare, " If the gen- eral does not surrender in five minutes, J will set fire to the house ! " After a short pause the threat was repeated, with a solemn oath. Within two minutes he heard it proclaimed, " Here is the general, he has surrendered." There was a shout of triumph, but a great hurry to make sure of the prize before the army should arrive to the rescue. A trumpet sounded the recall to the dragoons, who were chasing the scattej-ed guards. The general, bareheaded, and in his slippers and blanket coat, was mounted on Wilkinson's horse, which stood at the door, and the troop clattered off with their prisoner to Brunswick. In three hours the booming of cannon in that direction told the exultation of the enemy.t They boasted of having taken the American Palladi- um ; for they considered Lee the most scientific and experienced of the rebel generals. On the departure of the troops, Wilkinson, finding the coast clear, ventured from his stronghold, repaired to the stable, mounted the first horse he could find, and rode fuU speed in quest of General Sullivan, whom he found un- der march toward Pluckamin. He handed him the letter to Gates, written by Lee the moment before his capture, and still open. Sullivan having read it, retm'ned it to Wilkinson, and advised him to rejoin General Gates without delay : for his own part, being now in com- mand, he changed his route, and ])ressed for- ward to join the commander-in-chief. The loss of Lee was a severe shock to the Americans ; many of whom, as we have shown, looked to him as the man who was to rescue them from their critical, and well-nigh desper- ate situation. With their regrets, however, were mingled painful doubts, caused by his delay in obeying the repeated summons of his * Jos. Trumbell to Gov. Trumbull.— 4ot. Archives, hth Series, iii. 1265. t Idem. commander-in-chief, when the latter was in peril ; and by his exposing himself so unguard- edly in the very neighborhood of the enemy. Some at first suspected that he had done so designedly, and with collusion ; but this was soon disproved by the indignities attending his capture, and his rigorous treatment subsequent- ly by the British ; who affected to consider him a deserter, from his having formerly served in their army. Wilkinson, who was at that time conversant with the cabals of the camp, and apparently in the confidence of some of the leaders, points out what he considers*1,he true secret of Lee's conduct. His military reputation, originally very high, had been enhanced of late, by its being generally known that he had been op- posed to the occupation of Fort Washington ; while the fall of that fortress and other misfor- tunes of the campaign, though beyond the con- trol of the commander-in-chief, had quickened the discontent which, according to Wilkinson, had been generated against him at Cambridge, and raised a party against him in Congress. " It was confidently asserted at the time," adds he, " but it is not worthy of credit, that a mo- tion had been made in that body tending to su- persede him in the command of the army. In this temper of the times, if General Lee had an- ticipated General Washington in cutting the cor- don of the enemy between New York and the Delaware, the commander-in-chief would prob- ably have been superseded. In this case Lee would have succeeded him." What an unfortunate change would it have been for the country ! Lee was undoubtedly a man of brilliant talents, shrewd sagacity, and much knowledge and experience in the art of war ; but he was wilful and uncertain in his temper, self-indulgent in his habits, and an egotist in warfare ; boldly dashing for a sol- dier's glory, rather than warily acting for a country's good. He wanted those great moral qualities which, in addition to military capaci- ty, inspired such universal confidence in the wis- dom, rectitude, and patriotism of Washington, enabling him to direct and control legislative bodies as well as armies ; to harmonize the jar- ring passions and jealousies of a wide and im- perfect confederacy, and to cope with the varied exigencies of the Eevolution. The very retreat Avhich Washington had just efiected through the Jerseys bore evidence to his generalship. Thomas Paine, who had ac- companied the army " from Fort Lee to the ^T.44.] WASHINGTON ON THE CAPTURE OF LEE— RECRUITING OF THE ARMY. 311 edge of Pennsylvania," thus speaks in one of his writings published at the time : " "With a handful of men we sustained an orderly retreat * for near an hundred miles, brought off our am- munition, all our field-pieces, the greatest part of our stores, and had four rivers to pass. None can say that our retreat was precipitate, for we were three weeks in performing it, that the country might have time to come in. Twice we marched back to meet the enemy, and re- mained out until dark. The sign of fear was not seen in our camp ; and had not some of the cowardly and disaffected inhabitants spread false alarms through the country, the Jerseys had never been ravaged." And this is his testimony to the moral quali- ties of the commander-ia-chief, as evinced in this time of perils and hardships. " Voltaire has remarked, that King William never ap- peared to full advantage but in difficulties and in action. The same remark may be made of General Washington, for the character fits him. There is a natural firmness in some minds, which cannot be unlocked by trifles ; but which, when unlocked, discovers a cabinet of fortitude ; and I reckon it among those kinds of public blessings which we do not immediate- ly see, that God hath blessed him with unin- terrupted health, and given him a mind that can even flourish upon care." * CHAPTER XLIIL " Before you receive this letter," writes Washington to his brother Augustine, " you will undoubtedly have heard of the captivity of General Lee. This is an additional misfor- tune ; and the more vexatious, as it was by his own folly and imprudence, and without a view to effect any good that he was taken. As he went to lodge three miles out of his. own camp, and within twenty miles of the enemy, a ras- cally tory rode in the night to give notice of it to the enemy, who sent a party of light-horse that seized him, and carried him oft' with every mark of triumph and indignity." This is the severest comment that the mag- nanimous spirit of Washington permitted him to make on the conduct and fortunes of the man who would have supplanted him ; and this is made in his private correspondence with * American Crisis, ISTo. 1. his brother. No harsh strictures on them ap- pear in his ofiicial letters to Congress or the Board of War ; nothing but regret for his cap- ture, as a loss to the service. In the same letter he speaks of the critical state of affairs : " If every nerve is not strained to recruit the army with all possible expedition, I think the game is pretty nearly up. * * * You can form no idea of the perplexity of my situation. No man I believe ever had a greater choice of evils and less means to extricate him- self from them. However, under a full persua- sion of the justice of our cause, I cannot entertain an idea that it will finally sink ; though it may remain for some time under a cloud." Fortunately, Congress, prior to their adjourn- ment, had resolved that " until they should otherwise order, General Washington should be possessed of all power to order and direct all things relative to the department and to the operations of war." Thus empowered, he pro- ceeded immediately to recruit three battalions of artillery. To those whose terms were ex- piring, he promised an augmentation of twenty- five per cent, upon their pay, and a bounty of ten dollars to the men for six weeks' service. " It was no time," he said, " to stand upon expense ; nor in matters of self-evident exigen- cy, to refer to Congress at the distance of a hundred and thirty or forty miles." " If any good officers will offer to raise men upon con- tinental pay and establishment in this quarter, I shall encourage them to do so, and regiment them when they have done it. It may be thought that I am going a good deal out of the line of my duty, to adopt these measures, or to advise thus freely. A character to lose, an estate to forfeit, the inestimable blessings of liberty at stake, and a life devoted, must be my excuse." * The promise of increased pay and bounties, had kept together for a time the dissolving army. The local militia began to turn out freely. Colonel John Cadwalader, a gentleman of gallant spirit, and cultivated mind and man- ners, brought a large volunteer detachment, well equipped, and composed principally of Philadelphia troops. Washington, who held Cadwalader in high esteem, assigned him an important station at Bristol, with Colonel Reed, who was his intimate friend, as an associate. They had it in charge to keep a watchful eye Letter to the rrcsiJeiit of Congress. J12 A COUP DE MAIN MEDITATED— COLONEL RAHL. [illC: Upon Count Donop's Hessians, who -were can- toned along the opposite shore from Borden- town to the Black Horse. On the 20th of December arrived General Sullivan in camp, with the troops recently commanded by the unlucky Lee. They were in a miserable plight ; destitute of almost every thing ; many of them fit only for the hospital, and those whose terms were nearly out, think- ing of notliing but their discharge. About four hundred of them, who were Rhode Islanders, were sent down under Colonel Hitchcock to reinforce Cadwalader ; who was now styled brigader-general by courtesy, lest the conti- nental troops might object to act under his command. On the same day arrived General Gates, with the remnants of four regiments from the Northern army. With him came Wilkinson, who now resumed his station as brigade-major in St. Clair's brigade, to which he belonged. To his memoirs we are indebted for notices of the commander-in-chief. " When the divisions of Sullivan and Gates joined General Washing- ton," writes Wilkinson, " he found his numbers increased, yet his difficulties were not sensibly diminished ; ten days would disband his corps, and leave him 1,400 men, miserably provided in all things. I saw him in that gloomy period ; dined with him, and attentively marked his aspect ; always grave and thoughtful, he ap- peared at that time pensive and solemn in the extreme." There were vivid schemes forming under that solemn aspect. The time seemed now propitious for the covj) de main which Washing- ton had of late been meditating. Every thing showed careless confidence on the part of the enemy. Howe was in winter quarters at New York. His troops were loosely cantoned about the Jerseys, from the Delaware to Brunswick, so that they could not readily be brought to act in concert on a sudden alarm. The Hes- sians were in the advance, stationed along the Delaware, facing the American lines, which were along the west bank. Cornwallis, think- ing his work accomplished, had obtained leave of absence, and was likewise at New York, preparing to embark for England. Washington had now between five and six thousand men fit for service ; with these he meditated to cross the river at night, at different points, and make simultaneous attacks upon the Hessian advance posts. He calculated upon the eager support of his troops, who were burning to revenge the out- rages on their homes and families, committed by these foreign mercenaries. They considered the Hessians mere hirelings ; slaves to a petty- despot, fighting for sordid pay, and actuated by no sentiment of patriotism or honor. They had rendered themselves the horror of the Jerseys, by rapine, brutality, and heartlessness. At first, their military discipline had inspired awe, but of late they had become careless and unguarded, knowing the broken an^ dispirited state of the Americans, and considering them incapable of any ofiensive enterprise. A brigade of three Hessian regiments, those of Eahl,* Lossberg, and Knyphausen, was sta- tioned at Trenton. Colonel Eahl had the com- mand of the post at his own solicitation, and in consequence of the laurels he had gained at White Plains and Fort Washington. We have before us journals of two Hessian lieutenants and a corporal, which give graphic particulars of the colonel and his post. According to their representations, he, with all his bravery, was little fitted for such an important command. He lacked the necessary vigilance and forecast. One of the lieutenants speaks of him in a sarcastic vein, and evidently with some degree of prejudice. According to his account, there was more bustle than business at the post. The men were harassed with watches, detachments, and pickets, without purpose and without end. The cannon must be drawn forth every day from their proper places, and paraded about the town, seemingly only to make a stir and uproar. The lieutenant was especially annoyed by the colonel's passion for music. Whether his men when off duty were well or ill clad, whether they kept their muskets clean and bright, and their ammunition in good order, was of little moment to the colonel, he never inquired about it ; — but the music ! that was the thing ! the hautboy — he never could have enough of them. The main guard was at no great distance from his quarters, and the music could not linger there long enough. There was a church close by, surrounded by palings ; the officer on guard must march round and round it, with his men and musicians, looking, says the lieutenant, like a Catholic procession, want- * Seldom lias a name of so few letters been spelled so many ways a ; that of this commander. "We find it written Rail in the military journals heforo us; yet we adhere to the one hitherto adopted hy us, apparently on good authority. JSt. 44.] GATES DECLINES TO CO-OPERATE WITH WASHINGTON. 313 ing only the cross and the banner, and chanting choristers. According to the same authority, Rahl was a •boon companion ; made merry until a late hour in the night, and then lay in bed until nine o'clock in the morning. When the officers came to parade between ten and eleven o'clock, and presented themselves at head-quarters, he was often in his bath, and the guard must be kept waiting half an hour longer. On parade, too, when any other commander would take occasion to talk with his staff officers and others upon duty about the concerns of the garrison, the colonel attended to nothing but the music — he was wrapped up in it, to the great disgust of the testy lieutenant. And then, according to the latter, he took no precautions against the possibility of be- ing attacked. A veteran officer, Major Von Dechow, proposed that some works should be thrown up, where the cannon might be placed, ready against any assault. " Works ! — pooh — pooh : " — the colonel made merry with the very idea — using an unseemly jest, which we for- bear to quote. " An assault by the rebels ! Let them come ! We'll at them with the bay- onet." The veteran Dechow gravely persisted in his counsels. " Herr Colonel," said he, respect- fqlly, " it costs almost nothing ; if it does not help, it does not harm." The pragmatical lieu- tenant, too, joined in the advice, and offered to undertake the work. The jovial colonel only repeated his joke, went away laughing at them both, and no works were thrown up. The lieutenant, sorely nettled, observes sneer- ingly : " He believed the name of Rahl more fearful and redoubtable than all the works of Vauban and Cohorn, and that no rebel would dare to encounter it. A fit man truly to com- mand a corps : and still more to defend a place lying so near an enemy having a hundred times his advantages. Every thing with him was done heedlessly and without forecast." * Such is the account given of this brave, but inconsiderate and light-hearted commander ; given, however, by an officer not of his regi- ment. The honest corporal already mentioned, who was one of Eahl's own men, does him more justice. According to his journal, rumors that the Americans meditated an attack had aroused the vigilance of the colonel, and on the 2l3t of December he had reconnoitred the * Tagebuch eines Ileseischen offlciers.— MS. banks of the Delaware, with a strong detach- ment, quite to Frankfort, to see if there were any movements of the Americans indicative of an intention to cross the river. He had re- turned without seeing any ; but had since caused pickets and alarm posts to be stationed every night outside the town.* Such was the posture of affairs at Trenton at the time the coup de main was meditated. Whatever was to be done, however, must be done quickly, before the river was frozen. An intercepted letter had convinced Washington of what he had before suspected, that Howe was only waiting for that event to resume ac- tive operations, cross the river on the ice, and push on triumphantly to Philadelphia. He communicated his project to Gates, and wished him to go to Bristol, take command there, and co-operate from that quarter. Gates, however, pleaded ill health, and requested leave to proceed to Philadelphia. The request may have surprised Washington, considering the spirited enterprise that was on foot ; but Gates, as has before been observed, had a disinclination to serve immediately under the commander-in-chief; like Lee, he had a disparaging opinion of him, or rather an im- patience of his supremacy. He had, more- over, an ulterior object in view. Having been disappointed and chagrined, in finding him- self subordinate to General Schuyler in the Northern campaign, he was now intent on making interest among the members of Con- gress for an independent command. Washing- ton urged that, on his way to Pliiladelphia, he would at least stop for a day or two at Bristol, to concert a plan of operations with Reed and Cadwalader, and adjust any little questions of etiquette and command that might arise be- tween the continental colonels who had gone thither with Lee's troops, and the volunteer officers stationed there.! He does not appear to have complied even with this request. According to Wilkinson's account, he took quarters at Newtown, and set out thence for Baltimore on the 24th of Decem- ber, the very day before that of the intended cou2y de main. He prevailed on Wilkinson to accompany him as far as Philadelphia. On the road he appeared to be much depressed in spirits ; but he relieved himself, like Lee, by criticizing the plans of the commander-in-chief. " He frequently," writes Wilkinson, "expressed * Tagebuch des corporals Johannes Reuber. — MS. t "Washington to Gates. Gates's papers. 314 PREPARATIONS FOR THE COUP DE MAIN. [1776. the opinion that, while Washiogton was watch- ing the enemy above Trenton, they would con- struct bateaux, pass the Delaware in his rear, and take possession of Philadelphia before he was aware ; and that, instead of vainly attempt- ing to stop Sir William Howe at the Delaware, General Washington ought to retire to the south of the Susquehanna, and there form an army. He said it was his intention to fro]^)Ose tliis measure to Congress at Baltimore, and urged me to accompany him to that place ; but my duty forbade the thought." Here Ave have somewhat of a counterpart to Lee's project of eclipsing the commander-in- chief. Evidently the two military veterans who had once been in conclave with him at Mount Vernon, considered the truncheon of command falling from his grasp. The projected attack upon the Hessian posts was to be threefold. 1st. Washington was to cross the Delaware with a considerable force, at McKonkey's Ferry (now Taylorsville), about nine miles above Trenton, and march down upon that place, where Eahl's cantonment comprised a brigade of fifteen hundred Hessians, a troop of British light-horse, and a number of chasseurs. 2d. General Ewing, with a body of Pennsyl- vania militia, was to cross at a ferry about a mile below Trenton ; secure the bridge over the Assunpink Creek, a stream flowing along the south side of the town, and cut off any re- treat of the enemy in that direction. 3d. General Putnam, with the troops occu- pied in fortifying Pliiladelphia, and those under General Calwaladei-, was to cross below Bur- lington, and attack the lower posts under Count Donop. The several divisions were to cross the Delaware at night, so as to be ready for simultaneous action, by five o'clock in the morning. Seldom is a combined i")lan carried into full operation. Symptoms of an insurrection in Philadelphia, obliged Putnam to remain with some force in that city ; but he detached five or six hundred of the Pennsylvania militia under Colonel Griffin, his adjutant-general, who threw himself into the Jerseys, to be at hand to co-opex'ate with Cadwalader, A letter from Washington to Colonel Ptced, who was stationed with Cadwalader, shows the anxiety of his mind, and his consciousness of the peril of the enterprise. " Christmas day at night, one hour before day, is the time fixed upon for our attempt upon Trenton. For Heaven's sake keep this to yourself, as the discovery of it may prove fatal to us ; our numbers, I am sorry to say, being less than I had any conception of; yet nothing but necessity, dire necessity, will, nay must, justify an attack. Prepare, and in con- cert with Griffin, attack as many of their posts as you possibly can, with a prospect of success ; the more we can attack at the same instant, the more confusion we shall spread, and the greater good will result from it. * * I have ordered our men to be provided with three days' provision ready cooked, with which, and their blankets, they are to march ; for if we are successful, which Heaven grant, and the circumstances favor, we may push on. I shall direct every ferry and ford to be well guarded, and not a soul suftered to pass without an ofla- cer's going down with the piermit. Do the same with you." It has been said that Christmas night was fixed upon for the enterprise, because the Ger- mans are prone to revel and carouse on that festival, and it was supposed a great part of the troops would be intoxicated, and in a state of disorder and confusion ; but in ti-uth Wash- ington would have chosen an earlier day, had it been in his power. " We could not ripen matters for the attack before the time men- tioned," said he in his letter to Eeed, " so much out of sorts, and so much in want of every thing are the troops under Sullivan." Early on the eventful evening (Dec. 25th), the troops destined for Washington's part of the attack, about two thousand four hundred strong, with a train of twenty small pieces, were paraded near McKonkey's Ferry, ready to pass as soon as it grew dark, in the hope of being all on the other side by twelve o'clock. Washington repaired to the ground accom- panied by Generals Greene, Sullivan, Mercer, Stephen, and Lord Stirling. Greene was full of ardor for the enterprise ; eager, no doubt, to wipe out the recollection of Fort Washing- ton. It was, indeed, an anxious moment for all. We have here some circumstances furnished us by the Memoirs of Wilkinson. That officer bad returned from Philadelphia, and brought a letter from Gates to Washington. There was some snow on the ground, and he had traced the march of the troops for the last few miles by the blood from the feet of those whose shoes were broken. Being directed to Washington's quarters, he found him, he says, alone, with ^T. 44.] CROSSING OF THE DELAWARE— THE HESSIAN PICKET. 315 his whip in his hand, prepared to mount his horse. " When I presented the letter of Gen- eral Gates to him, before receiving it, he ex- claimed with solemnity, — ' What a time is this to hand me letters ! ' I answered that I had been charged with it by General Gates. ' By General Gates ! Where is he ? ' 'I left him this morning in Philadelphia.' ' What was he doing there V 'I understood him that he was on his way to Congress.' He earnestly repeated, ' On his way to Congress ! ' then broke the seal, and I made my bow, and joined General St. Clair on the bank of the river." Did Washington surmise the incipient in- trigues and cabals, that were already aiming to undermine him? Had Gates's eagerness to push on to Congress, instead of remaining with the army in a moment of daring enterprise, suggested any doubts as to his object ? Per- haps not. Washington's nature was too noble to be suspicious ; and yet he had received suffi- cient cause to be distrustful. Boats being in readiness, the troops began to cross about sunset. The weather was in- tensely cold ; the wind was high, the current strong, and the river full of floating ice. Col- onel Glover, with his amphibious regiment of Marblehead fishermen, was in advance ; the same who had navigated the army across the Sound, in its retreat from Brooklyn on Long Island, to New York. They were men accus- tomed to battle with the elements, yet with all their skill and experience, the crossing was difficult and pei'ilous. Washington, who had crossed with the troops, stood anxiously, yet patiently, on the eastern bank, while one pre- cious hour after another elapsed, until the trans- portation of the artillery should be effected. The night was dark and tempestuous, the drift- ing ice drove the boats out of their course, and threatened them with destruction. Colonel Knox, who attended to the crossing of the artil- lery, assisted with his labors, but still more with his " stentorian lungs," giving orders and direc- tions. It was three o'clock before the artDlery was landed, and ne§,rly four before the troops took up their line of march. Trenton was nine miles distant ; and not to be reached before daylight. To surprise it, therefore, was out of the question. There Avas no making a re- treat without being discovered, and harassed in repassing the river. Beside, the troops from the other points might have crossed, and co- operation was essential to their safety. Wash- ington resolved to push forward, and trust to Providence. He formed the troops into two columns. The first he led himself, accompanied by Greene, Stirling, Mercer, and Stephen ; it was to make a circuit by the upper or Pennington road, to the north of Trenton. The other led by Sullivan, and including the brigade of St. Clair, was to take the lower river road, lead- ing to the west end of the town. Sullivan's column was to halt a few momenls at a cross- road leading to Howland's Perry, to give Washington's column time to effect its circuit, so that the attack might be simultaneous. On arriving at Trenton, they were to force the outer guards, and push directly into the town before the enemy had time to form. The Hessian journals before us enable us to give the reader a glance into the opposite camp on this eventful night. The situation of Wash- ington was more critical than he was aware. Notwithstanding the secrecy with which his plans had been conducted. Colonel Eahl had received a warning from General Grant, at Princeton, of the intended attack, and of the very time it was to be made, but stating that it was to be by a detachment under Lord Stir- ling. Eahl was accordingly on the alert. It so happened that about dusk of this very evening, when Washington must have been preparing to cross the Delaware, there were alarm guns and firing at the Trenton outpost. The whole garrison was instantly drawn out under arms, and Colonel Eahl hastened to the outpost. It was found in confusion, and six men wounded. A body of men had emerged from the woods, fired upon the picket, and im- mediately retired.* Colonel Eahl, with two companies and a field-piece, marched through the woods, and made the rounds of the out- posts, but seeing and hearing nothing, and find- ing all quiet, returned. Supposing this to be the attack against which he had been warned, and that it was " a mere flash in the pan," he relapsed into his feeling of security ; and, as the night was cold and stormy, permitted the troops to return to their quarters and lay aside * "Who it was that made this atlacli upon the outpost ia not clearly ascertained. The Hessian lieutenant who com- manded at the picket, sa3-8 it was a patrol sent out by Washington, under command of a captain, to reconnoitre, with strict orders not to engage, but if discovered, to retire instantly as silently as possible. Col. Reed, in a memoran- dum, says, it was an advance party returning from the Jerseys to Pennsylvania. — Sec Life and Correspondence, vol. i., p. 277. 316 THE ATTACK ON THE HESSIAN" FORCES AT TRENTTON. [1116. their arms. Thus the garrison and its unwary commander slept in fancied security, at the very time that "Washington and his troops were making their toilsome way across the Dela- Avare. How perilous would have been their situation had their enemy been more vigilant ! It began to hail and snow as the troops com- menced theirtnarch, and increased in violence as they advanced, the storm driving the sleet in their faces. So bitter was the cold that two of the men were frozen to death that night. The day dawned by the time Sullivan halted at the cross-road. It was discovered that the storm had rendered many of the muskets wet and useless. " "What is to be done ? " inquired Sullivan of St. Clair. " You have nothing for it than to push on, and use the bayonet," was the reply. "While some of the soldiers were endeavoring to clear their muslcets, and squib- bing off priming, Sullivan despatched an officer to apprise the commander-in-chief of the con- dition of their arms. He came back half-dis- mayed by an indignant burst of "Washington, who ordered him to return instantly and tell General Sullivan to " advance and charge." It was about eight o'clock when "Washing- ton's column arrived in the vicinity of the village. The storm, which had rendered the march intolerable, had kept every one within doors, and the snow had deadened the tread of the troops and the rumbling of the artillery. As they approached the village, "Washington, who was in front, came to a man that was chopping wood by the roadside, and inquired, " "Which way is the Hessian picket ? " "I don't know," was the surly reply. " You may tell," said Captain Forest of the artillery, " for that is General "Washington." The aspect of the man changed in an instant, Eaisiug his hands to heaven, " God bless and prosper you ! " cried he. " The picket is in that house, and the sentry stands near that tree." * The advance guard was led by a brave young officer. Captain "William A. "^"ashington, second- ed by Lieutenant James Monroe (in after years President of the United States). They received orders to dislodge the picket. Here happened to be stationed the very lieutenant whose cen- sures of the negligence of Colonel Eahl we have just quoted. By his own account, he was very near being entrapped in the guard-house. His sentries, he says, were not alert enough ; and had he not stepped out of the picket house * Wilkinson's Memoirs, vol. i., p. 129. himself, and discovered the enemy, they would have been upon him before his men could scramble to their arms. " Der feind ! der feind ! herans ! heraus ! " (the enemy ! the enemy ! turn out ! turn out !) was now the cry. He at first, he says, made a stand, think- ing he had a mere marauding party to deal with ; but seeing heavy battalions at hand, gave way, and fell back upon a company sta- tioned to support the picket, but which ap- pears to have been no better prepared against surprise. By this time the American artillery was un- limbered ; "Washington kept beside it, and the column proceeded. The report of fire-arms told that Sullivan was at the lower end of the town. Colonel Stark led his advanced guard, and did it in gallant style. The attacks, as concerted, were simultaneous. The outposts were driven in ; they retreated, firing from be- hind houses. The Hessian drums beat -to arms ; the trumpets of the light-horse sounded the alarm ; the whole place was in an uproar. Some of the enemy made a wild and undirected fire from the windows of their quarters ; others rushed forward in disorder, and attempted to form in the main street, while dragoons hastily mounted, and galloping about, added to the confusion. "W^ashington advanced with his column to the liead of King Street ; riding be- side Captain Forest of the artillery. "When Forest's battery of six guns was opened, the general kept on the left and advanced with it, giving directions to the fire. His position was an exposed one, and he was repeatedly en- treated to fall back ; but all such entreaties were useless, when once he became heated in action. The enemy were training a couple of cannon in the main street to form a battery, which might have given the Americans a serious check ; but Captain "Washington and Lieuten- ant Monroe, with a part of the advanced guard rushed forward, drove the artillerists from their guns, and took the two pieces when on the point of being fired. Both of these officers were Avounded ; the captain in the wrist, the lieutenant in the shoulder. While "Washington advanced on the north of the town, Sullivan approached on the west, and detached Stark to press on the lower or south end of the town. The British light- horse, and about five hundred Hessians and Chasseurs, had been quartered in the lower part of the town. Seeing "Washington's column ^T. 44.] THE SURPRISAL— SURRENDER OF THE HESSIANS. 317 pressing in front, and hearing Stark thunder- ing in their rear, they took headlong flight by the bridge across the Assunpink, and so along the banks of the Delaware toward Count Do- nop's encampment at Bordentown. Had Wash- ington's plan been carried into full effect, their retreat would have been cut off by General Ewing; but that officer had been prevented from crossing the river by the ice. Colonel Eahl, according to the account of the lieutenant who had commanded the picket, completely lost his head in the confusion of the surprise. The latter, when driven in by the American advance, found the colonel on horse- back, endeavoring to rally his panic-stricken and disordered men, but himself sorely be- wildered. He asked the lieutenant what was the force of the assailants. The latter an- swered that he had seen four or five battalions in the woods ; three of them had fired upon him before he had retreated — "but," added he, " there are other troops to the right and left, and the town will soon be surrounded." The colonel rode in front of his troops : — " Forward ! march ! advance ! advance ! " cried he. With some difficulty he succeeded in ex- tricating his troops from the town, and leading them into an adjacent orchard. Now was the time, writes the lieutenant, for him to have pushed for another place, there to make a stand. At this critical moment he might have done so with credit, and without loss. The colonel seems to have had such an intention. A rapid retreat by the Princeton road was apparently in his thoughts ; but he lacked de- cision. The idea of flying before the rebels was intolerable. Some one, too, exclaimed at the ruinous loss of leaving all their baggage to be plundered by the enemy. Changing his mind, he made a rash resolve. " All w\w are my grenadiers, forward ! " cried he, and went back, writes his corporal, like a storm upon the town. " What madness was this ! " writes the critical lieutenant. " A town that was of no use to us ; that but ten or fifteen minutes before he had gladly left ; that was now filled with three or four thousand enemies, stationed in houses or behind walls and hedges, and a battery of six cannon planted on the main street. And he to think of retaking it with his six or seven hundred men and their bay- onets ! " Still he led his grenadiers bravely but rashly on, when, in the midst of his career, he re- ceived a fatal wound from a musket ball, and fell from his horse. His men, left without their chief, were struck with dismay ; heedless of the orders of the second in command, they retreated by the right up the banks of the Assunpink, intending to escape to Princeton. Washington saw their design, and threw Col- onel Hand's corps of Pennsylvania riflemen in their way ; while a body of Virginia troops gained their left. Brought to a stand, and perfectly bewildered, Washington thought they were forming in order of battle, and ordered a discharge of canister shot. "Sir, they have struck," exclaimed Forest. " Struck ! " echoed the general. "Yes, sir, their colors are down." " So they are ! " replied Washington, and spurred in that direction, followed by Forest and his whole command. The men grounded their arms and surrendered at discretion ; " but had not Colonel' Eahl been severely wounded," remarks his loyal corporal, " we would never have been taken alive ! " The skirmishing had now ceased in every direction. Major Wilkinson, who was with the lower column, was sent to the com- mander-in-chief for orders. He rode up, he says, at the moment that Colonel Eahl, sup- ported by a file of sergeants, was presenting his sword. " On my approach," continues he, "the commander-in-chief took me by the hand, and observed, ' Major Wilkinson, this is a glorious day for our country ! ' his counte- nance beaming with complacency ; whilst the unfortunate Eahl, who the day before would not have changed fortunes with him, now pale, bleeding, and covered with blood, in broken accents seemed to implore those attentions which the victor was well disposed to bestow on him." He was, in fact, conveyed with great care to his quarters, which were in the house of a kind and respectable Quaker family. The number of prisoners taken in this af- fair was nearly one thousand, of which thirty- two were officers. The veteran Major Von Deohow,who had urged in vain the throwing up of breastworks, received a mortal wound, of which he died in Trenton. Washington's tri- umph, however, was impaired by the failure of the two simultaneous attacks. General Ewing, who was to have crossed before day at Trenton Ferry, and taken possession of the bridge leading out of the town, over which the light-horse and Hessians retreated, was pre- vented by the quantity of ice in the river. Cadwalader was hindered by the same obstacle. 318 DEATH OF COLONEL RAHL— HIS CHARACTER. [1776. He got part of his troops over, but found it impossible to embark his cannon, and was obliged, therefore, to return to the Pennsylvania side of the river. Had he and Ewing crossed, Donop's quarters would have been beaten up, and the fugitives from Trenton intercepted. By the failure of this part of his plan, "Wash- ington had been exposed to the most imminent hazard. The force with which he had crossed, twenty -four hundred men, raw troops, was not enough to cope with the veteran garrison, had it been properly on its guard ; and then there were the troops under Donop at hand to co- operate with it. Nothing saved him but the utter panic of the enemy ; their want of proper alarm places, and their exaggerated idea of his forces : for one of the journals before us (the corporal's) states that he had with him 15,000 men, and another 6,000.'"' Even now that the place was in his possession he dared not linger in it. There was a superior force under Donop below him, and a strong battalion of infantry at Princeton. His own troops were exhausted by the operations of the night and morning in cold, rain, snow, and storm. They had to guard about a thousand prisoners, taken in action or found concealed in houses ; there was little prospect of succor, owing to the season and the state of the river. Washington gave up, there- fore, all idea of immediately pursuing the enemy orkeepingpossessionof Trenton, and determined to recross the Delaware with his prisoners and captured artillery. Understanding that the brave but unfortunate Eahl was in a dying state, he paid him a visit before leaving Tren- ton, accompanied by General Greene. They found him at his quarters in the house of a Quaker family. Their visit and the respect- ful consideration and unaffected sympathy manifested by them, evidently soothed the feelings of the unfortunate soldier ; now strip- ped of his late won laurels, and resigned to die rather than outlive his honor.f We have given a somewhat sarcastic portrait of the colonel drawn by one of his lieutenants ; another, Lieutenant Piel, paints with a soberer and more reliable pencil. " For our whole ill luck," writes he, " we have to thank Colonel Eahl. It never occurred to him that the rebels might attack us ; and. therefore, he had taken scarce any precautions against such an event. In truth I must confess we have universally thought too little of the rebels, who, until now, have never on any oc- casion been able to withstand us. Our brig- adier (Eahl) was too proud to retire a step before such an enemy ; although nothing re- mained for us but to retreat. " General Howe had judged this man from a wrong point of view, or he would hardly have intrusted such an important post as Trenton to him. He was formed for a soldier, but not for a general. At the capture of Fort "Washington he had gained much honor while under the command of a great general, but he lost all his renown at Trenton where he himself was gen- eral. He had courage to dare the hardiest en- terprise ; but he alone wanted the cool presence of mind necessary in a surprise like that at Trenton. His vivacity was too great ; one thought crowded on another, so that he could come to no decision. Considered as a private man, he was deserving of high regard. He was generous, open-handed, hospitable ; never cringing to his superiors, nor arrogant to his inferiors ; but courteous to all. Even his do- mestics were treated more like friends than servants." The loyal corporal, too, contributes his mite of praise to his dying commander. " In h^g last agony," writes the grateful soldier, "he yet thought of his grenadiers, and entreated General Washington that nothing might be taken from them but their arms. A promise was given," adds the corporal, "and was kept." Even the satirical lieutenant half mourns over his memory. " He died," says he, " on the following evening, and lies buried in this place which he has rendered so famous, in the graveyard of the Presbyterian church. Sleep well ! dear Commander ! (theurer Feldherr). Tlie Americans will hereafter set up a stone above thy grave with this inscription : " Hier licgt der Oberst Rahl, Mit ihm ist alles all 1 (Here lies the Colonel Rahl, With him all is over.") * The lieutenant gives the latter number on the author- ity of Lord Stirling : but his lordship meant the whole number of men intended for the three several attacks. The force that actually crossed with Washington -was ■what we have stated. t Journal oner, and so, gentlemen, will you be treated by me." " We had scarce seated ourselves," continues Lieutenant Piel, '' when a long, meagre, dark- looking man, whom we took for the parson of the place, stepped forth and held a discourse in German, in which he endeavored to set forth the justice of the American side in this war. He told us he was a Hanoverian born ; called the king of E jlaud nothing but the Elector of Hanover, and spoke of him so contemptuously that his garrulity became in- tolerable. We answered that we had not come to America to inquire which party was in the right ; but to fight for the king. " Lord Stirling, seeing how little we were edified by the preacher, relieved us from him by proposing to take us with him to visit General Washington. The latter received us very courteously, though we understood very little of what he said, as he spoke nothing but English, a language in which none cf us at that time were strong. In his aspect shines forth nothing of the great man that he is universally considered. His eyes have scarce any fire. There is, however, a smiling expression on Ins countenance when he speaks, that wins affec- tion and respect. He invited four of our officers to dine with him ; the rest dined with Lord Stirling." One of these ofilcers who dined with the commander-in-chief, was the satirical lieutenant whom we have so often quoted, and who was stationed at the picket on the morn- ing of the attack. However disparagingly he may have thought of his unfortunate com- mander, he evidently had a very good opinion of himself. " General Washington," writes he in his journal, " did me the honor to converse a good deal with me concerning the unfortunate aftair. I told him freely my opinion that our disposi- tions had been bad, otherwise we should not have fallen into his hands. He asked me if I could have made better dispositions, and in what manner? I told him yes; stated all the faults of our arrangements, and showed him how I would have done ; and would have managed to come out of the affair with honor." We have no doubt, from the specimens furnished in the lieutenant's journal, that he went largely into his own merits and achieve- ments, and the demerits and shortcomings of his luckless commander. Washington, he added, not only applauded his exposition of what he would have done, but made him a eulogy thereupon, and upon his watchfulness, and the defence he had made with his handful of men when his picket was attacked. Yet according to his own account, in his journal, with all his watchfulness, he came near being caught napping. " General Washington," continues he, " is a courteous and polite man, but very cautious and reserved; talks little; and has a crafty (listige) physiognomy." We surmise the lieu- tenant had the most of the talk on that occasion, and that the crafty or sly expression in Wash- ington's physiognomy, may have been a lurking but suppressed smile, provoked by the lieu- tenant's self-laudation and wordiness. Tlie Hessian prisoners were subsequently transferred from place to place, until they reached Winchester in the interior of Virginia. Wherever they arrived, people thronged from far and near to see these terrible beings, of whom they had received such formidable accounts ; and were surprised and disappointed to find them looking like other men. At first they had to endure the hootings and revilings of the multitude, for having hired themselves out to the trade of blood ; and they especially speak of the scoldings they received from old women in the villages, who upbraided them for coming to rob them of their liberty. '• At length," writes the corporal in his journal, " General Washington had written, notices put up in town and country, that we were innocent of this war, and had joined in it not of our free will, but through compulsion. We should, therefore, be treated not as enemies, but friends. From this time," adds he, " things went better with us. Every day came many 320 EPISODE— FLIGHT OF HESSIANS AND REFUGEES. [me. out of the towns, old and young, rich and poor, and brought us provisions, and treated us with kindness and humanity." * CHAPTEE XLV. There was a kind of episode in the affair at Trenton. Colonel Griffin, who had thrown him- self previously into the Jerseys with his de- tachment of Pennsylvania militia, found him- self, through indisposition and the scanty num- ber of his troops, unable to render efficient ser- vice in the proposed attack. He sent word to Cadwalader, therefore, that he should probably render him more real aid by making a demon- stration in front of Donop, and drawing him off so far into the interior as to be out of the way of rendering support to Colonel Rhal. He accordingly presented himself in sight of Donop's cantonment on the 25th of December, and succeeded in drawing him out with nearly Iiis whole force of two thousand men. lie then retired slowly before him, skirmishing, but avoiding any thing like an action, until he had lured him as far as Mount Holly ; when he left him to find his way back to his post at his leisure. The cannonade of Washington's attack in Trenton on the morning of the 26th, was dis- tinctly heard .at Cadwalader's camp at Bristol. Imperfect tidings of the result reached there about eleven o'clock, and produced the highest exultation and excitement. Cadwalader made another attempt to cross the river and join Washington, whom he supposed to be still in the Jerseys, following up the blow he had struck. He could not effect the passage of the river with the most of his troops, until mid- day of the 27th, when he received from Wash- ington a detailed account of his success, and of his having recrossed into Pennsylvania. Cadwalader was now in a dilemma. Donop, he presumed, was still at Mount Holly, whither Griffin had decoyed him ; but he might soon march back. His forces were equal, if not superior in number to his own, and veterans instead of raw militia. But then there was the glory of rivalling the exploit at Trenton, and the importance of following out the effort for the relief of the Jerseys, and the salvation of Philadelphia. Besides, Washington, in all prob- ability, after disposing of his prisoners, had * Tagebuch dea corporals Johannes Reuber.— MS. again crossed into the Jerseys, and might be acting offensively. Eeed relieved Cadwalader from his dilem- ma, by proposing that they should push on to Burlington, and there determine, according to intelligence, whether to proceed to Borden- town or Mount Holly. The plan was adopted. There was an alarm that the Hessian yagers lurked in a neighboring wood. Eeed, accom- panied by two officers, rode in advance to re- connoitre. He sent word to Cadwalader that it was a false alarm, and the latter took up his line of march. Eeed and his companions spurred on to reconnoitre the enemy's outposts, about four miles from Burlington, but pulled up at the place where the picket was usually stationed. There was no smoke, nor any sign of a human being. They rode up and found the place deserted. From the country people in the; neighborhood they received an explanation. Count Donop had returned to his post from the pursuit of Griffin, only in time to hear of the disaster at Trenton. He immediately began a retreat in the utmost panic and con- fusion, calling in his guards and parties as he hurried forward. The troops in the neighbor- hood of Burlington had decamped precipitately the preceding evening. Colonel Eeed sent back intelligence of this to Cadwalader, and still pushed on with his com- panions. As they rode along, they observed the inhabitants pulling down red rags which had been nailed to the doors ; tory signs to Insure good-will frona the British. Arrived at Bor- dentown, not an enemy was to be seen ; the fugitives from Trenton had spread a panic on the 26th, and the Hessians and their refugee adherents had fled in confusion, leaving their sick behind them. The broken and haggard looks of the inhabitants showed what they had suffered during the Hessian occupation. One of Eeed's companions returned to Cadwalader, v/ho had halted at Burlington, and advised him to proceed. Cadwalader wrote in the night to Washing- ton, informing him of his whereabouts, and that he should march for Bordentown in the morning. " If you should think proper to cross over," added he, " it inay easily be effected at the place where we passed ; a pursuit would keep up the panic. They went off with great precipitation, and pressed all the waggons in their reach ; I am told many of them are gone to South Amboy. If we can drive them ^T. 44.] WASHINGTON REC£OSSES THE DELAWARE AND FOLLOWS UP HIS BLOW. 321 from West Jersey, the success will raise an army next spring, and establish the credit of the Continental money to support it." There was another letter from Cadwalader, dated on the following day, from Bordentown. He had eighteen hundred men with him. Five hundred more were on their way to join him. General MifBin, too, had sent over five hun- dred from Philadelphia, and three hundred from Bui-lington, and was to follow with seven or eight hundred more. Colonel Eeed, too, wrote from Trenton on the 28th. He had found that place without a single soldier of either army, and in a still more wretched condition than Bordentown. He urged Washington to recross the river, and pursue the advantages already gained. Donop might be overtaken before he could reach Princeton or Brunswick, where the enemy were yet in force. * Washington needed no prompting of the kind. Bent upon following up his blow, he had barely^aUowed his troops a day or two to recover from recent exposure and fatigue, that they might have strength and spirit to pursue the retreating enemy, beat up other of their quarters, and entirely reverse affairs in the Jerseys. In this spirit he had written to Generals McDougall and Maxwell at Morris- town, to collect as large a body of militia as pos- sible, and harass the enemy in flank and rear. Heath, also, had been ordered to abandon the Highlands, which there was no need of guard- ing at this season of the year, and hasten down with the eastern militia, as rapidly as possible, by the way of Hackensack, continuing on until he should send him further orders. " A fair opportunity is offered," said he, " of driving the enemy entirely from the Jerseys, or at least to the extremity of the province." Men of influence also were despatched by him into different parfs of the Jerseys, to spirit up the militia to revenge the oppression, the ravage, and Insults they had experienced from the enemy, especially from the Hessians. "If what they have sufifered," said he, "does not arouse their resentment, they must not pos- sess the feelings of humanity." On the 29th, his troops began to cross the river. It would be a slow and difficult opera- tion, owing to the ice ; two parties of light troops, therefore, were detached in advance, whom Colonel Reed was to send in pursuit of * Life and Correspondence of Pres. Keed, vol. i., p. 281. 21 the enemy. They marched into Trenton about two o'clock, and were immediately put on the traces of Donop, to hang on his rear and harass him until other troops should come up. Cad- walader also detached a party of riflemen from Bordentown with like orders. Donop, in re- treating, had divided his force, sending one part by a cross road to Princeton, and hurrying on with the remainder to Brimswick. Not- withstanding the severity of the weather, and the wretchedness of the road, it was a service of animation and delight to the American troops to hunt back these Hessians through the coun- try they had recently outraged, and over ground which they themselves had trodden so painfully and despondingly, in their retreat. In one instance, the riflemen surprised and captured a party of refugees who lingered in the rear-guard, among whom were several newly-made officers. Never was there a more sudden reversal in the game of war than this retreat of the heavy German veterans, harassed by light parties of a raw militia, which they so lately had driven like chaff before them. While this was going on, Washington was effecting the passage of his main force to Tren- ton. He himself had crossed on the 29th of December, but it took two days more to get the troops and artiDery over the icy river, and that with great labor and difficulty. And now came a perplexity. With the year expired the term of several regiments, which had seen most service, and become inured to danger. Know- ing how indispensable were such troops to lead on those which were raw and undiscipHned, Washington had them paraded and invited to re-enlist. It was a difficult task to persuade them. They were haggard with fatigue, and hardship and privation of every kind ; and their hearts yearned for home. By the persuasions of their officers, howevei-, and a bounty of ten dollars, the greater proportion of those from the eastward were induced to remain six weeks longer. Hard money was necessary in this emergency. How was it to be furnished? The military chest was incompetent. On the 30th, Wash- ington wrote by express to Robert Morris, the patriotic financier at Philadelphia, whom he knew to be eager that the blow should be fol- lowed up. " If you could possibly collect a sum, if it were but one hundred, or one hun- dred and fifty pounds, it would be of service." Morris received the letter in the evening. He was at his wits' end to raise the sum, for 322 WASHINGTON MADE MILITARY DICTATOR— HIS CRITICAL SITUATION. [1776. hard money was scarce. Fortunately a wealthy Quaker, in this moment of exigency, supplied the "sinews of war," and early the next morning the money was forwarded by the ex- press. At this critical moment, too, "Washington received a letter from a committee of Congress, transmitting him resolves of that body dated the 27th of December, investing him with mili- tary powers quite dictatorial. " Happy is it for this country," write the committee, " that the general of their forces can safely be intrust- ed with the most unlimited power, and neither personal security, liberty, or property, be in the least degree endangered thereby." * "Washington's acknowledgment of this great mark of confidence was noble and characteris- tic. " I find Congress have done me the honor to intrust me with powers, in my military ca- j)acity, of the highest nature and almost un- limited extent. Instead of thinking myself freed from all civil obligations by this mark of their confidence, I shall constantly bear in mind that, as the sword was the last resort for the preservation of our liberties, so it ought to be the first thing laid aside when those liberties are firmly established." CHAPTER XLVI. Geneeal Howe was taking his ease in winter quarters at New York, waiting for the freezing of the Delaware to pursue his triumphant march to Philadelphia, when tidings were brought him of the surprise and capture of the Hessians at Trenton. " That three old estab- lished regiments of a people who made war their profession, should lay down their arms to a ragged and undisciplined militia, and that with scarcely any loss on either side," was a matter of amazement. He instantly stopped Lord Cornwallis, who was on the point of em- barking for England, and sent him back in all haste to resume the command in the Jerseys. The ice in the Delaware impeded the cross- ing of the American troops, and gave the Brit- ish time to draw in their scattered canton- ments, and assemble their whole force at Princeton. "While his troops were yet cross- ing, "Washington sent out Colonel Eeed to reconnoitre the position and movements of the Am. Archives, 5th Series, iii. 1510. enemy, and obtain information. Six of the Philadelphia light-horse, spirited young fellows, but who had never seen service, volunteered to accompany Eeed. They patrolled the coun- try to the very vicinity of Princeton, but could collect no information from the inhabitants ; who were harassed, terrified, and bewildered by the ravaging marches to and fro of friend and enemy. Emerging from a wood almost within view of Princeton, they caught sight, from a rising ground, of two or three red coats passing from time to time from a barn to a dwelling-house. Here must be an outpost. Keeping the barn in a line with the house so as to cover their approach, they dashed up to the latter without being discovered, and surrounded it. Twelve British dragoons were within, who, though well armed, were so pa'nic-stricken that they surrendered without making defence. A com- missary, also, was taken ; the sergeant of the dragoons alone escaped. Colonel Reed and his six cavaliers returned in triumph to head-quar- ters. Important information was obtained from their prisoners. Lord CornwaUis had joined General Grant the day before at Prince- ton, with a reinforcement of chosen troops. They had now seven or eight thousand men, and were pressing waggons for a march upon Trenton.* Cadwalader, stationed at Crosswicks, about seven miles distant, between Bordentown and Trenton, sent intelligence to the same purport, received by him from a young gentleman who had escaped from Princeton. "Word, too, was brought from other quarters, that General Howe was on the march with a thousand light troops, with which he had land- ed at Amboy. The situation of "Washington was growing critical. The enemy were beginning to advance their large pickets towards Trenton. Every thing indicated an approaching attack. The force with him was small ; to retreat across the river, would destroy the dawn of hope awakened in the bosoms of the Jersey militia by the late exploit ; but to make a stand with- out reinforcements was impossible. In this emergency, he called to his aid General Cad- walader from Crosswicks, and General Mifflin from Bordentown, with their collective forces, amounting to about three thousand six hundred men. He did it with reluctance, for it seemed * Life of Reed, i. 282. Mt. 45.] CRITICAL SITUATION OF WASHINGTON. 323 like iBvolving them in the common danger, but the exigency of the case admitted of no alterna- tive. They promptly answered to his call, and marching in the night, joined him on the 1st of January. Washington chose a position for his main body on the east side of the Assunpink. Thei-e was a narrow stone bridge across it, where the water was very deep ; the same bridge over which part of Rahl's brigade had escaped in the recent affair. He planted his artillery so as to command the bridge and the fords. His advance guard was stationed about three miles off in a wood, having in front a stream called Shabbakong Creek. Early on the morning of the 2d, came certain , word that Cornwallis was approaching with all his force. Strong parties were sent out under General Greene, who skirmished with the ene- my, and harassed them in their advance. By twelve o'clock they reached the Shabbakong, and halted for a time on its northern bank. Then crossing it, and moving forward with rapidity, they drove the advance guard out of the woods, and pushed on until they reached a high ground near the town. Here Hand's corps of several battalions was drawn up, and held them for a time in check. All the parties in advance ultimately retreated to the main body, on the east side of the Assunpink, and found some difficulty in crowding across the narrow bridge. From all these checks and delays, it was nearly sunset before Cornwallis with the head of his army entered Trenton. His reai'-guard under General Leslie rested at Maiden Head, about six miles distant, and nearly half way between Trenton and Princeton. Forming his troops into columns, he now made repeated attempts to cross the Assunpink at the bridge and the fords, but was as often repulsed by the artillery. For a part of the time Washington, mounted on a white horse, stationed himself at the south end of the bridge, issuing his orders. Each time the enemy was repulsed there was a shout along the American lines. At length they drew off, came to a halt, and hghted their camp fires. The Americans did the same, using the neighboring fences for the purpose. Sir William Erskine, who was with Cornwallis, urged him, it is said, to attack Washington that evening in his camp ; but his lordship declined ; he felt sure of the game which had so often escaped him ; he had at length, he thought, got Washington into a situa- tion from which he could not escape, but where he might make a desperate stand ; and he was wiUing to give his wearied troops a night's re- pose to prepare them for the closing struggle. He would be sure, he said, to " bag the fox in the morning." A cannonade was kept up on both sides until dark ; but with little damage to the Americans. When night closed in, the two camps lay in sight of each other's fires, ruminating the bloody action of the following day. It was the most gloomy and anxious night that had yet closed in on the American army, through- out its series of perils and disasters ; for there was no concealing the impending danger. But what must have been the feelings of the com- mander-in-chief, as he anxiously patrolled his camp, and considered his desperate position ? A small stream, fordable in several places, was aU that separated his raw, inexperienced army, from an enemy vastly superior in numbers and disciphne, and stung to action by the mortifica- tion of a late defeat. A general action with them must be ruinous ; but how was he to re- treat ? Behind him was the Delaware, impas- sable from floating ice. Granting even (a thing not to be hoped) that a retreat across it could be effected, the consequences would be equally fatal. The Jerseys would be left in possession of the enemy, endangering the immediate cap- ture of Philadelphia, and sinking the public mind into despondency. In this darkest of moments a gleam of hope flashed upon his mind : a bold expedient sug- gested itself. Almost the whole of the enemy's forces must by this time be drawn out of Princeton, and advancing by detachments toward Trenton, while their baggage and prin- cipal stores must remain weakly guarded at Brunswick. Was it not possible, by a rapid night-march along the Quaker road, a different road from that on which General Leslie with the rear-guard was resting, to get past that force undiscovered, come by surprise upon those left at Princeton, capture or destroy what stores were left there, and then push on to Brunswick? This would save the army from being cut off; would avoid the appear- ance of a defeat ; and might draw the enemy away from Trenton, while some fortunate stroke might give additional reputation to the American arms. Even should the enemy march on to Philadelphia, it could not in any case be prevented ; while a counter-blow in the Jerseys would be of great consolation. 324 NIGHT MARCH OF WASHINGTON— AFFAIR AT PRlNq^TON. 11111. Such was the plan which Washington re- volved in his mind on the gloomy banks of the Assunpink, and which he laid before his officers in a council of war, held after nightfall, at the quarters of General Mercer. It met with instant concurrence, being of that hardy, adventurous kind, which seems congenial with the American character. One formidable difficulty presented itself. The weather was unusually mild; there was a thaw, by which the roads might be ren- dered deep and miry, and almost impassable. Fortunately, or rather providentially, as "Wash- ington was prone to consider it, the wind veered to the north in the course of the evening ; the weatl^er became intensely cold, and in two hours the roads were once more hard and frost- bound. In the mean time, the baggage of the army was silently removed to Burlington, and every other preparation was made for a rapid march. To deceive the enemy, men were em- ployed to dig trenches near the bridge within hearing of the British sentries, with orders to continue noisily at work until daybreak ; others were to go the rounds ; relieve guards at the bridge and fords ; keep up the camp fires, and maintain all the appearance of a regular en- campment. At daybreak they were to hasten after the army. In the dead of the night, the army drew quietly out of the encampment and began its march. General Mercer, mounted on a favorite gray horse, was in the advance with the rem- nant of his flying camp, now but about three hundred and fifty men, principally relics of the brave Delaware and Maryland regiments, ^ith some of the Pennsylvania militia. Among the latter were youths belonging to the best fami- lies in Philadelphia. The main body followed, under AVashington's immediate command. The Quaker road was a complete roundabout, joining the main road about two miles from Princeton, where "Washington expected to arrive before daybreak. The road, however, was new and rugged ; cut through woods, where the stumps of trees broke the wheels of some of the baggage trains, and retarded the march of the troops ; so that it was near sunrise of a bright, frosty morning, when "Washington reached the bridge over Stony Brook, about three miles from Princeton. After crossing the bridge, he led his troops along the bank of the brook to the edge of a wood, where a by- road led off on the right through low grounds, and was said by the guides to be a short cut to Princeton, and less exposed to view. By this road Washington defiled with the main body, ordering Mercer to continue along the brook with his brigade, until he should arrive at the main road, where he was to secure, and if possible, destroy a bridge over which it passes ; so as to intercept any fugitives from Princeton, and check any retrograde movements of the British troops which might have advanced towards Trenton. Hitherto the movements of the Americans had been undiscovered by the enemy. Three regiments of the latter, the 17th, 40th, and 55th, with three troops of dragoons, had been quartered all night in Princeton, under march- ing orders to join Lord Coi-nwallis in the morn- ing. The 17th regiment, under Colonel Maw- hood, was already on the march ; the 55th regiment was preparing to follow. Mawhood' had crossed the bridge by which the old or main road 'to Trenton passes over Stony Brook, and was proceeding through a wood beyond, when, as he attained the summit of a hill about sunrise, the glittering of arms betrayed to him the movement of Mercer's troops to the left, who were filing along the Quaker road to secure the bridge, as they had been ordered. The woods prevented him from seeing their number. He supposed them to be some broken portion of the American army flying before Lord CornwaUis. With this idea, he faced about, and made a retrograde movement, to intercept them or hold them in check ; while messengers spurred off in all speed, to hasten forward the regiments still lingering at Prince- ton, so as completely to surround them. The woods concealed him until he had re- crossed the bridge of Stony Brook, when he came in full sight of the van of Mercer's bri- gade. Both parties pushed to get possession of a rising ground on the right near the house of a Mr. Clark, of the peaceful Society of Friends, The Americans being nearest, reached it fh'st, and formed behind a hedge fence which extended along a slope in front of the house ; whence, being chiefly armed with rifles, they opened a destructive fire. It was returned with great spirit by the enemy. At the first discharge Mercer was dismounted, " his gallant gray " being crippled by a musket ball in the leg. One of his colonels, also, was mortally wounded, and carried to the rear. Availing themselves of the confusion thus occasioned, the British charged with the bayonet; the American riflemen having no weapon of the kind, were thrown into disorder and retreated. ^T. 45.] AFFAIR AT PRINCETON— MERCER MORTALLY WOUNDED. Mercer, who was on foot, endeavored to rally them, Avlien a blow from the butt end of a musket felled him to the ground. He rose and defended himself with his sword, but was sur- rounded; bayoneted repeatedly, and left for dead. Mawhood pursued the broken and retreating troops to the brow of the rising ground, on which Clark's house was situated, when he be- held a large force emerging from a wood and advancing to the rescue. It was a body of Pennsylvania militia, which Washington", on hearing the firing, had detached to the support of Mercer. Mawhood instantly ceased pursuit, drew up his artillery, and by a heavy discharge brought the militia to a stand. At this moment Washington himself arrived at the scene of action, having galloped from the by-road in advance of his troops. From a rising ground he beheld Mercer's troops re- treating in confusion, and the detachment of militia checked by Mawhood's artillery. Every thing was at peril. Putting spurs to his horse he dashed past the hesitating militia, waving his hat and cheering them on. His command- ing figure, and white horse, made him a con- spicuous object for the enemy's marksmen ; but he heeded it not. Galloping forward under the fire of Mawhood's battery, he called upon Mer- cer's broken brigade. • The Pennsylvanians rallied at the sound of his voice, and caught fire from his example. At the same time the 7th Virginia regiment emerged from the wood, and moved forward with loud cheers, while a fire of grapeshot was opened by Captain Moul- der of the American artillery, from the brow of a ridge to the south. Colonel Mawhood, -who a moment before had thought his triumph secure, found himself assailed on every side, and separated from the other British regiments. He fought, however, with great bravery, and for a short time the action was desperate. Washington was in the midst of it ; equally endangered by the random fire of his own men, and the artillery and mus- ketry of the enemy. His aide-de-camp. Col- onel Fitzgerald, a young and ardent Irishman, losing sight of him in the heat of the fight when enveloped in dusk and smoke, dropped the bridle on the neck of his horse and drew his hat over his eyes ; giving him up for lost. When he saw him, however, emerge from the cloud, waving his hat, and beheld the enemy giving way, he spurred up to his side. " Thank God," cried he, " your excellency is safe ! " " Away, my dear colonel, and bring up the troops," was the reply ; " the day is our own ! " It was one of those occasions in which the latent fire of Washington's character blazed forth. Mawhood, by this time, had forced his way, at the point of the bayonet, through gathering foes, though with heavy loss, back to the main road, and was in full retreat towards Trenton to join Cornwallis. Washington detached Major KeUy with a party of Pennsylvania troops, to destroy the bridge at Stony Brook, over which Mawhood had retreated, so as to impede the advance of General Leshe from Maiden Head. In the mean time the 55th regiment, which had been on the left and nearer Princeton, had been encountered by the American advance guard under General St. Clair, and after some sharp fighting in a ravine had given way, and was retreating across fields and along a by- road to Brunswick. The remaining regiment, the 40th, had not been able to come up in time for the action ; a part of it fled toward Bruns- wick ; the residue took refuge in the college at Princeton, recently occupied by them as bar- racks. Artillery was now brought to bear on the college, and a few shot compelled those within to surrender. In this brief but brilliant action, about one hundred of the British were left dead on tlie field, and nearly three hundred taken prisoners, fourteen of Avhom were oificers. Among the slain was Captain Leslie, son of the Earl of Leven. His death was greatly lamented by his captured companions. The loss of the Americans was about twenty- five or thirty men, and several ofllcers. Among the latter was Colonel Haslet, who had distin- guished himself throughout the campaign, by being among the foremost in services of danger. He was indeed a gallant ofllcer, and gallantly seconded by his Delaware troops. A greater loss was that of General Mercer. He was said to be either dead or dying, in the house of Mr. Clark, whither he had been con- Veyed by his aide-de-camp. Major Armstrong, who found him, after the retreat of Mawhood's troops, lying on the field gashed with sevevtl wounds, and insensible from cold and loss of blood. Washington would have ridden back from Princeton to visit him, and have him con- veyed to a place of greater security ; but Avas assured, that, if alive, he was too desperately wounded to bear removal ; in the mean time he was in good hands, being faithfully attended 326 CORNWALLIS OUTGENERALLED, BAFFLED, AND PERPLEXED. [1111. to by his aide-de-camp. Major Armstrong, and treated with the utmost cai-e and kindness by Mr. Clark's family.* Under these circumstances "Washington felt compelled to leave his old companion in arms to his fate. Indeed, he was called away by the exigencies of his command, having to pur- sue the routed regiments, which were making a headlong retreat to Brunswick. In this pur- suit he took the lead at the head of a detach- ment of cavalry. At Kingston, however, three miles to the north-east of Princeton, he pulled up, restrained his ardor, and held a council of war on horseback. Should he keep on to Brunswick or not ? The capture of the British stores and baggage would make his triumph complete ; but, on the other hand, his troops were excessively fatigued by their rapid march all night, and hard fight in the morning. All of them had been one night without sleep, and some of them two, and many were half-starved. They were without blankets, thinly clad, some of them barefooted, and this in freezing weather. Oornwallis would be upon them before they could reach Brunswick. His rear-guard, under General Leslie, had been quartered but six miles from Princeton, and the retreating troops must have roused them. Under these con- siderations, it was determined to discontinue the pursuit, and push for Morristown. There they would be in a mountainous country, heav- ily wooded, in an abundant neighborhood, and on the flank of the enemy, with various defiles by which they might change their position ac- cording to his movements. Filing oflf to the left, therefore, from Kings- ton, and breaking down the bridges behind him, "Washington took the narrow road by Rocky HiU to Pluckamin. His troops were so exhausted, that many in the course of the march would lie down in the woods on the frozen ground and fall asleep, and were with diSiculty roused and cheered forward. At Pluckamin he halted for a time, to allow them a little repose and refreshment. "While they are taking breath, we will cast our eyes back to the camp of Oornwallis, to see what was the etiect upon him of this masterly movement of Washington. His lordship had retired to rest at Trenton with his sportsman's vaunt that he would " bag the fox in the morning." Nothing could sur- pass his surprise and chagrin, when at day- ' Sec Washington to Col. Reed, Jan. 15. break the expiring watchfires and deserted camp of the Americans told him that the prize had once more evaded his grasp ; that the gen- eral whose military skill he had decried had outgeneralled him. For a time he could not learn whither the army, which had stolen away so silently, had directed its stealthy march. By sunrise, how- ever, there was the booming of cannon, like the rumbling of distant thunder, in the direc- tion of Princeton. The idea flashed upon him that "Washington had not merely escaped, but was about to make a dash at the British maga- zines at Brunswick. Alarmed for the safety of his military store--^, his lordship forthwith broke up his camp, and made a rapid march towards Princeton. As he arrived in sight of the bridge over Stony Brook, he beheld Major Kelly and his party busy in its destruction. A distant discharge of round shot from his field- pieces drove them away, but the bridge was already broken. It would take time to repair it for the passage of the artillery ; so Oornwallis in his impatience urged his troops breast-high through the turbulent and icy stream, and again pushed forward. He was brought to a stand by the discharge of a thirty -two pounder from a distant breastwork. Supposing the Americans to be there in force, and prepared to make re- sistance, he sent out some horsemen to recon- noitre, and advanced to storm the battery. There was no one there. The thirty-two pounder had been left behind by the Ameri- cans, as too unwieldy, and a match had been applied to it by some lingerer of "Washington's rear-guard. Without further delay Oornwallis hurried forward, eager to save his magazines. Cross- ing the bridge at Kingston, he kept on along the Brunswick road, supposing "Washington still before him. The latter had got far in the advance, during the delays caused by the broken bridge at Stony Brook, and the dis- charge of the thirty-two pounder ; and the alter- ation of his course at Kingston had carried him completely out of the way of Oornwallis. His lordship reached Brunswick towards evening, and endeavored to console himself, by the safety of the military stores, for being so com- pletely foiled and out-manoeuvred. "Washington, in the mean time, was all on the alert ; the lion part of his nature was aroused ; and while his weary troops were in a manner panting upon the ground around him, he was despatching missives, and calling out ^T. 45.] DEATH OF MERCER— WASHINGTON" AT MORRISTOWN. 327 aid to enable him to follow up his successes. In a letter to Putnam, written from Pluckamin during the halt, he says : " The enemy appear to be panic-struck. I am in hopes of driving them out of the Jerseys. March the troops under your command to Crosswicks, and keep a strict watch upon the enemy in this quarter. Keep as many spies out as you think proper. A number of horsemen in the dress of the country must be kept constantly going back- wards and forwards for this purpose. If you discover any motion of the enemy of conse- quence, let me be informed thereof as soon as possible, by express." To General Heath, also, who was stationed in the Highlands of the Hudson, he wrote at the same hurried moment. " The enemy are in great consternation ; and as the panic aifords us a favorable opportunity to drive them out of the Jerseys, it has been determined in coun- cil that you should move down towards New York with a considerable force, as if you had a design upon the city. That being an object of great importance, the enemy will be reduced to the necessity of withdrawing a considerable part of their force from the Jerseys, if not the whole, to secure the city." These letters despatched, he continued for- ward to Morristown, where at length he came to a halt from his incessant and harassing marchings. There he learnt that General Mer- cer was still alive. He immediately sent his own nephew, Major George Lewis, under the protection of a flag, to attend upon him. Mercer had indeed been kindly nursed by a daughter of Mr. Clark and a negro woman, who had not been frightened from their home by the storm of battle which raged round it. At the time that the troops of Cornwallis ap- proached, Major Armstrong was binding up Mercer's wounds. The latter insisted on his leaving him in the kind hands of Mr. Clark's household, and rejoining the army. Lewis found him languishing in great pain ; he had been treated with respect by the enemy, and great tenderness by the benevolent family who had sheltered him. He expired in the arms of Major Lewis on the 12th of January, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. Dr. Benjamin Rush, afterwards celebrated as a physician, was with him when he died. He was upright, intelligent, and brave ; es- teemed as a soldier and beloved as a man, and by none more so than by "Washington. His career as a general had been brief ; but long enough to secure him a lasting renown. His name remains one of the consecrated names of the Revolution. From Morristown, "Washington again wrote to General Heath, repeating his former orders. To Major-General Lincoln, also, who was just arrived at Peekskill, and had command of the Massachusetts militia, he writes on the 7th, " General Heath jsvill communicate mine of this date to you, by which you will find that the greater part of your troops are to move down towards New York, to draw the attention of the enemy to that quarter ; and if they do not throw a considerable body back again, you may, in all probability, carry the city, or at least blockade them in it, * * * * Be as expeditious as possible in moving forward, for the sooner a panic-struck enemy is followed the better. If we can oblige them to evacuate the Jerseys, we must drive them to the utmost distress ; for they have depended upon the sup- plies from that State for their winter's sup- port," Colonel Eeed was ordered to send out rangers and bodies of militia to scour the country, way- lay foraging parties, cut off supplies, and keep the cantonments of the enemy in a state of siege, " I would not suffer a man to stir be- yond their lines," writes "Washington, " nor suffer them to have the least communication with the country," The expedition under General Heath toward New York, from which much had been antici- pated by "Washington, proved a failure. It moved in three divisions, by different routes, but all arriving nearly at the same time at the enemy's outposts at King's Bridge, There was some skirmishing, but the great feature of the expedition was a pompous and peremptory summons of Fort Independence to surrender, ' " Twenty minutes only can be allowed," said Heath, " for the garrison to give their answer, and, should it be in the negative, they must abide the consequences." The garrison made no answer but an occasional cannonade. Heath failed to follow up his summons by correspond- ing deeds. He hovered and skirmished for some days about the outposts and Spyt den Duivel Creek, and then retired before a threat- ened snow-storm, and the report of an enemy's fleet from Rhode Island, with troops under Lord Percy, who might land in "Westchester, and take the besieging force in rear. "Washington, while he spoke of Heath's fail- ure witli indulgence in his despatches to gov- 328 THE TABLES TURNED UPON THE ENEMY. [1111. ernment, could not but give him a rebuke in a private letter. "Your summons," writes be, " as you did not attempt to fulfil your threats, was not only idle, but farcical ; and will not fail of turning the laugh exceedingly upon us. These things I mention to you as a friend, for you will perceive they have composed no part of my public lettel'." But though disappointed in this part of his plan, Washington, having received reinforce- ments of militia, continued, with his scanty army, to carry on his system of annoyance. The situation of Cornwallis, who, but a short time before, traversed the Jerseys so triumph- antly, became daily more and more irksome. Spies were in his camp, to give notice of every movement, and foes without to take advantage of it ; so that not a foraging party could sally forth without being waylaid. By degrees he drew in his troops which were posted about the country, and collected them at New Bruns- wick and Amboy, so as to have a communica- tion by water with New York, whence he was now compelled to draw nearly all his supplies ; " presenting," to use the words of Hamilton, *'the extraordinary spectacle of a powerful army, straitened within narrow limits by the phantom of a military force, and never permit- ted to transgress those limits with impunity." In fact, the recent operations in the Jerseys had suddenly changed the whole aspect of the war, and given a triumphant close to what had been a disastrous campaign. The troops, which for months had been driven from post to post, apparently an undis- ciplined rabble, had all at once turned upon their pursuers, and astounded them by brilliant stratagems and daring exploits. The com- mander, whose cautious policy had been sneered at by enemies, and regarded with impatience by misjudging friends, had all at once shown that he possessed enterprise, as well as circumspec- tion, energy as well as endurance, and that beneath his wary coldness lurked a fire to break forth at the proper moment. This year's campaign, the most critical one of the war, and especially the part of it which occurred in the Jerseys, was the ordeal that made his great qualities fully appreciated by his countrymen, and gained for him from the statesmen and generals of Europe the appellation of the Ameb- icAN Fabitjs. END or VOL. n. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. YOLUME THIRD. CHAPTER I. The news of "WasMngton's recrossing the Delaware, and of his subsequent achievements in the Jerseys, had not reached London on the 9th of January. " The affairs of America seem to be drawing to a crisis," writes Edmund Burke. " The Howes are at this time in pos- session cf, or able to awe the whole middle coast of America, from Delaware to the west- ern boundary of Massachusetts Bay ; the naval barrier on the side of Canada is broken. A great tract is open for the supply of the troops ; the river Hudson opens a way into the heart of the provinces, and nothing can, in all proba- bility, prevent an early and offensive campaign. What the Americans have done is, in their cir- cumstances, >;ruly astonishing ; it is indeed in- finitely more than I expected from them. But, having done so much for some short time, I began to entertain an opinion that they might do more. It is now, however, evident that they cannot look standing armies in the face. They are inferior in every thing — even in num- bers. There seem by the best accounts not to be above ten or twelve thousand men at most in their grand army. The rest are militia, and not wonderfully well composed or disciplined. They decline a general engagement ; prudently enough, if their object had been to make the war attend upon a treaty of good terms of sub- jection ; but when they look further, this will not do. An army that is obliged at all times, and in all situations, to decline an engagement, may delay their ruin, but can never defend their country." * At the time when this was written, the * Burke's Worke, vol. v., p. 125. Howes had learnt to their mortification, that " the mere running through a province, is not subduing it." The British commanders had been outgeneralled, attacked, and defeated. They had nearly been driven out of the Jer- seys, and were now hemmed in and held in check by "Washington and his handful of men castled among the heights of Morristown. So far from holding possession of the territory they had so recently overrun, they were fain to ask safe conduct across it for a convoy to their soldiers captured in battle. It must have been a severe trial to the pride of Cornwallis, when he had to inquire by letter of "Washing- ton, whether money and stores could be sent to the Hessians captured at Trenton, and a sur- geon and medicines to the wounded at Prince^ ton ; and "Washington's reply must have con- veyed a reproof still more mortifying : No molestation, he assured his lordship, would be offered to the convoy by any part of the regu- lar army under his command ; but " Tie could, not answer for the militia, who were resorting to arms in most parts of the State, and were ex- cessively exasperated, at the treatment they had met with from toth Hessian and British trooi^sy In fact, the conduct of the enemy had roused the whole country against them. The pro- clamations and printed protections of the British commanders, on the faith of which the inhabitants in general had stayed at home, and forbore to take up arms, had proved of no avail. The Hessians could not or would not understand them, but plundered friend and foe alike.* The British soldiery often followed * " These rascals plunder all indiscriminately. If they see any thing they like, they say, ' Rehel good for Hesse- man'e,' and seize upon it for their own use. They have no 330 THE AMERICAN ENCAMPMENT AT MOREISTOWN. [1111. their example, and the plunderings of both were at times attended by those brutal out- rages on the weaker sex, which inflame the dullest spirits to revenge. The whole State was thus roused against its invaders. In "Wash- ington's retreat of more than a hundred miles through the Jerseys, he had never been joined by more than one hundred of its inhabitants ; now suft'erers of both parties rose as one man to avenge their personal injuries. The late quiet yeomanry armed themselves, and scoured the country in small parties to seize on strag- glers, and the militia began to signalize them- selves in voluntary skirmishes with regular troops. In efiect, "Washington ordered a safe conduct to be given to the Hessian baggage as far as Philadelphia, and to the surgeon and medicines to Princeton, and permitted a Hessian sergeant and twelve men, unarmed, to attend the bag- gage until it was delivered to their countrymen. Morristown, where the main army was en- camped, had not been chosen by Washington as a permanent post, but merely as a halting- place, where his troops might repose after their excessive fatigues and their sufferings from the inclement season. Further considerations per- suaded liira that it was well situated for the system of petty warfare which he meditated, and induced him to remain there. It was pro- tected by forests and rugged heights. All ap- proach from the seaboard was rendered diffi- cult and dangerous to a hostile force by a chain off sharp hiUs, extending from Pluckamin, by Boundbrook and Springfield, to the vicinity of the Passaic Eiver, while various defiles in the rear afforded safer retreats into a fertile and weU-peopled region.* It was nearly equidistant from Amboy, Newark, and Brunswick, the principal posts of the enemy ; so that any move- ment made from them could be met by a coun- ter movement on his part ; while the forays and skirmishes by which he might harass them, would school and season his own troops. He had three faithful generals with him : Greene, his reliance on all occasions ; swarthy Sullivan, whose excitable temper and quick sensibilities he had sometimes to keep in check by friendly counsels and rebukes, but who was a good oflS- cer, and loyally attached to him ; and brave, genial, generous Knox, never so happy as when by his side. He had lately been advanced to idea of the distinctions between Whig and Tory."— Letter of Hazard the Postmaster. ■ * "Wilkinson's Memoirs, vol. i., p. 149. the rank of brigadier at his recommendation, and commanded the artillery, "Washingon's military family at this time was composed of his aides-de-camp. Colonels Meade and Trench Tilghman of Philadelphia ; gentlemen of gallant spirit, amiable tempers, and cultivated manners ; and his secretary, Colonel Eobert H. Harrison of Maryland ; the " old secretary," as he was familiarly called among his associates, and by whom he was described as " one in whom every man had con- fidence, and by whom no man was deceived." "Washington's head-quarters at first were in what was called the Freemason's Tavern, on the north side of the village green. His troops were encamped about the vicinity of the village, at first in tents, until they could build log huts for shelter against the winter's cold. The main encampment was near Bottle Hill, in a sheltered valley, which was thickly wooded, and had abundant springs. It ex- tended south-easterly from Morristown ; and was called the Lowantica Yalley, from the Indian name of a beautiful limpid brook which ran through it, and lost itself in a great swamp.* The enemy being now concentrated at New Brunswick and Amboy, General Putnam was ordered by "Washington to move from Cross- wicks to Princeton, with the troops under his command. He was instructed to draw his forage as much as possible from the neighbor- hood of Brunswick, about eighteen miles off, thereby contributing to distress the enemy ; to have good scouting parties continually on the look-out, to keep nothing with him but what could be moved off at a moment's warning, and, if compelled to leave Princeton, to retreat towards the mountains, so as to form a junc- tion with the forces at Morristown. Putnam had with him but a few hundred men. " You will give out your strength to be twice as great as it is," writes "Washington ; a common expedient with him in those times of scanty means. Putnam acted up to the advice. A British officer. Captain Macpherson, was lying desperately wounded at Princeton, and Putnam, in the kindness of his heart, was in- duced to send in a flag to Brunswick in quest of a friend and military comrade of the dying man, to attend him in his last moments and make his will. To prevent the weakness of the garrison from being discovered, the visitor was brought in after dark. Lights gleamed in all Notes of the Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle.— MS. Mt. 45.] WASHINGTON ISSUES A PROCLAMATION— SMALL-POX IN THE CAMP. 331 the college windows, and in the vacant houses about the town ; the handful of troops capable of duty were marched hither and thither, and backward and forward, and paraded about to such effect, that tlie visitor, on his return to the British camp, reported the force under the old general to be at least five thousand strong.* Cantonments were gradually formed between Princeton and the Highlands of the Hudson, which made the left flank of Washington's po- sition, and where General Heath had command. General Philemon Dickinson, who commanded the New Jersey militia, was stationed on the west side of Millstone Kiver, near Somerset court-house, one of the nearest posts to the enemy's camp at Brunswick, A British foraging party, of five or six hundred strong, sent out by Oornwallis with forty waggons, and upwards of one hundred draught horses, mostly of the English breed, having collected sheep and cattle about the country, were sack- ing a mill on the opposite side of the river, where a large quantity of flour was deposited. While thus employed, Dickinson set upon them with a force equal in number, but com- posed of raw militia and fifty Philadelphia riflemen. He dashed through the river, waist deep, with his men, and charged the enemy so suddenly and vigorously, that, though sup- ported by three field-pieces, they gave way, left their convoy, and retreated so precipitately, that he made only nine prisoners. A number of killed and wounded were carried oft' by the fugitives on light waggons.f These exploits of the militia were noticed with high encomiums by Washington, while, at the same time, he was rigid in prohibiting and punishing the excesses into which men are apt to run when suddenly clothed with mili- tary power. Such is the spirit of a general order issued at this time. " The general pro- hibits, in both the militia and continental troops, the infamous practice of plundering the inhabi- tants under the specious pretence of their being tories. * * * It is our business to give protection and support to the poor distressed inhabitants, not to multiply and increase their calamities," After the publication of this order, all excesses of this kind were to be punished in the severest manner. To counteract the proclamation of the British commissioners, promising amnesty to * Sparks' Am. Biography, vol. vii., p. 196. t Washington to the President of Congress. Also note to Sparks, voi. iv., p. 290. all in rebellion, who should, in a given time, re- turn to their allegiance, Washington now issued a counter proclamation (Jan. 25), commanding every person who had subscribed a declaration of fidelity to Great Britain, or taken an oath of allegiance, to repair within thirty days to head-quarters, or the quarters of the nearest general oflicer of the continental army or of the militia, and there take the oath of alle- giance to the United States of America, and give up any protection, certificate, or passport he might have received from the enemy ; at the same time granting full liberty to all such as preferred the interest and protection of Great Britain to the freedom and happiness of their country, forthwith to withdraw them- selves and families within the enemy's lines. All who should neglect or refuse to comply with this order were to be considered adher- ents to the crown, and treated as common enemies. This measure met with objections at the time, some of the timid or over cautious think- ing it inexpedient; others, jealous of the extraordinary powers vested in Washington, questioning whether he had not transcended these powers, and exercised a despotism. The small-pox, which had been fatally prev- alent in the preceding year, had again broken out, and Washington feared it might spread through the whole army. He took advantage of the interval of comparative quiet to have his troops inoculated. Houses were set apart in various places as hospitals for inoculation, and a church was appropriated for the use of those who had taken the malady in the natural way. Among these the ravages were frightful. The traditions of the place and neighborhood, give lamentable pictures of dis- tress caused by this loathsome disease in the camp and in the villages, wherever it had not been parried by inoculation. " Washington," we are told, " was not an unmoved spectator of the griefs around him, and might be seen in Hanover and in Lowan- tica VaUey, cheering the faith and inspiring the courage of his suffei'ing men."* It was this paternal care and sympathy which attached his troops personally to him. They saw that he regarded them, not with the eye of a general, but of a patriot, whose heart yearned towards them as countrymen suftering in one common cause. * Notes of the Rev.' Joseph F. Tuttle.— MS. r.i2 CONTRAST OF THE GENERALS AND ARMIES— ETHAN ALLEN. [1111. A striking contrast was offered throughout the winter and spring, between the rival com- manders, Howe at New York, and "Washington at Morristown. Howe was a soldier by pro- fession. War, with him, was a career. The camp was, for the time, country and home. Easy and indolent by nature, of convivial and luxurious habits, and somewhat addicted to gaming, he found himself in good quarters at New York, and was in no hurry to leave them. The tories rallied around him. The British merchants residing there regarded him with profound devotion. His officers, too, many of them young men of rank and fortune, gave a gayety and brilliancy to the place ; and the wealthy royalists forgot in a round of dinners, balls, and assemblies, the hysterical alarms they had once experienced under the military sway of Lee. "Washington, on the contrary, was a patriot soldier, grave, earnest, thoughtful, self-sacri- ficing. "War, to him, was a painful remedy, hateful in itself, but adopted for a great national good. To the prosecution of it all his pleasures, his comforts, his natural inclinations and private interests were sacrificed ; and his chosen officers were earnest and anxious like himself, with their whole thoughts directed to the success of the magnanimous struggle in which they were engaged. So, too, the armies were contrasted. The British troops, many of them, perchance, slightly metamorphosed from vagabonds into soldiers, all mere men of the sword, were well clad, well housed, and surrounded by all the conveniences of a thoroughly appointed army with a " rebel country " to forage. The Amer- ican troops for the most part were mere yeomanry, taken from their rural homes ; ill sheltered, ill clad, ill fed, and ill paid ; with nothing to reconcile them to their hardships but love for the soil they were defending, and the inspiring thought that it was thei7' country. "Washington, with paternal care, endeavored to jprotect them from the depraving influences of the camp. " Let vice and immorality of every kind be discouraged as much as possible in your brigade," writes he in a circular to his brigadier-generals ; " and, as a chaplain is allowed to each regiment, see that the men regularly attend divine worship. Gaming of every kind is expressly forbidden, as being the foundation of evil, and the cause of many a brave and gallant officer's ruin." CHAPTER II. A OAETEL for the exchange of prisoners had been a subject of negotiation previous to the affair of Trenton, without being adjusted. The British commanders were slow to recognize the claims to equality of those they considered rebels ; "Washington was tenacious in holding them up as patriots ennobled by their cause. Among the cases which came up for atten- tion was .that of Ethan Allen, the brave, but eccentric captor of Ticonderoga. His daring attempts in the " path of renown " had cost him a world of hardships. Thrown into irons as a felon ; threatened with a halter ; carried to England to be tried for treason ; confined in Pendeunis Castle ; retransported to Halifax, and now a prisoner in New York. " I have suffered every thing short of death," writes he to the Assembly of his native State, Connecticut. He had, however, recovered health and suppleness of limb, and with them all his swelling spirit and swelling rhetoric. " I am fired," writes he, " with adequate indignation to revenge both my own and my country's wrongs. I am experimentally certain I have fortitude suffi- cient to face the invaders of America in the place of danger, spread with all the horrors of war." And he concludes with one of his mag- niloquent, but really sincere expressions of patriotism : " Provided you can hit upon some measure to procure my liberty, I will appro- priate my remaining days, and freely hazard my life in the service of the colony, and main- taining the American Empire. I thought to have enrolled my name in the list of illustrious- American heroes, but was nipped in the bud." Honest Ethan Allen ! his name will ever stand enrolled on that list ; not illustrious, per- haps, but eminently popular. His appeal to his native State had produced an appeal to Congress, and "Washington had been instructed, considering his long imprison- ment, to urge his exchange. This had scarce been urged, when tidings of the capture of General Lee presented a case of still greater importance to be provided for. " I feel much for his misfortune," writes "Washington, "and am sensible that in his captivity our country has lost a warm friend and an able officer." By direction of Congress, he had sent in a flag to inquire about Lee's treatment, and to convey him a sum of money. This was just previous to the second crossing of the Delaware. JEt. 45.] CORRESPONDENCE OF WASHINGTON AND SIR WILLIAM UOWE. 333 Lee was now reported to be in rigorous con- finement in New York, and treated witli harsh- ness and indignity. The British professed to consider him a deserter, he having been a heutenant-colonel in their service, although he alleged that he had resigned his commission before joining the American army. Two let- ters which he addressed to General Howe, were returned to him unopened, enclosed in a cover directed to Lieutenant- Colonel Lee. On the 13th of January, Washington ad- dressed the following letter to Sir William Howe : " I am directed by Congress to pro- pose an exchange of five of the Hessian field- officers taken at Trenton for Major-General Lee ; or if this proposal should not be ac- cepted, to demand his liberty upon parole, within certain bounds, as has ever been granted to your officers in our custody. I am inform- ed, upon good authority, that your reason for keeping him hitherto in stricter confinement than usual is, that you do not look upon him in the light of a common prisoner of war, but as a deserter from the British service, as his resignation has never been accepted, and that you intend to try him as such by a court-mar- tial. I will not undertake to determine how far this doctrine may be justifiable among your- selves ; but I must give you warning, that Major-General Lee is looked upon as an officer belonging to, and under the protection of, the United Independent States of America, and tliat any violence you may commit upon his life and liberty, will be severely retaliated upon the lives or liberties of the British officers, or those of their foreign allies in our hands." ■ In this letter ho likewise adverted to the treatment of American prisoners in New York ; several who had recently been released, having given the most shocking account of the bar- barities they had experienced, " which their miserable, emaciated countenances confirmed." — " I would beg," added he, " that some certain rule of conduct towards prisoners may be set- tled ; and, if you are determined to make cap- tivity as distressing as possible, let me know it, that we may be upon equal terms, for your conduct shall regulate mine." Sir WUliam, in reply, proposed to send an officer of rank to Washington, to confer upon a mode of exchange and subsistence of prison- ers. " This expedient," observes he, " appear- ing to me eSectual for settling all difierences, wUl, I hope, be the means of preventing a repe- tition of the improper terms in which your letter is expressed and founded on the grossest misrepresentations. I shall not make any fur- ther comment upon it, than to assure yon, that your threats of retaliating upon the innocent such punishment as may be decreed in the cii"- cumstances of Mr. Lee by the laws of his coun- try, will not divert me from my duty in any respect ; at the same time, you may rest satis- fied that the proceedings against him will not be precipitated ; and I trust that, in this, or in any other event in the course of my command, you will not have just cause to accuse me of inhumanity, prejudice, or passion." Sir William, in truth, was greatly perplexed with respect to Lee, and had written to Eng- land to Lord George Germaine for instructions in the case. " General Lee," writes he, " being considered in the light of a deserter, is kept a close prisoner ; but I do not bring him to trial, as a doubt has arisen, whether, by a public resignation of his half pay prior to his entry into the rebel army, he was amenable to the military law as a deserter." The proposal of Sir William, that all disputed points relative to the exchange and subsistence of prisoners should be adjusted by referees, led to the appointment of two officers for the pur- pose ; Colonel Walcott by General Howe, and Colonel Harrison, "the old secretary," by Washington. In the contemplated exchanges was that of one of the Hessian field-officers for Colonel Ethan Allen. The haughty spirit of Lee had experienced a severe humiliation in the late catastrophe ; his pungent and caustic humor is at an end. In a letter addressed shortly afterwards to Washing- ton, and enclosing one to Congress which Lord and General Howe had permitted him to send, he writes, " as the contents are of the last im- portance to me, and perhaps not less so to the community, I most earnestly entreat, my dear general, that you despatch it immediately, and order the Congress to be as expeditious as possible." The letter contained a request that two or three gentlemen might be sent immediately to New York, to whom he would communicate what ho conceived to be of the greatest impor- tance. " If my own interest were alone at stake," writes he, " I flatter myself that the Congress would not hesitate a single instant in acquiescing in my request ; but this is far from the case ; the interests of the public are equally concerned. * * Lord and General Howe will grant a safe conduct to the gentlemen deputed." 334 CASE OF GENERAL LEE— RETALIATORY MEASURES. 11111. The letter having been read in Congress, Washington was directed to inform General Lee that they were pursuing and would con- tinue to pursue every means in their power to provide for his personal safety, and to obtain his liberty ; but that they considered it im- proper to send any of their body to communi- cate with him, and could not perceive how it would tend to his advantage or the interest of the public. Lee repeated his request, but with no better success. He felt this refusal deeply ; as a brief, sad note to Washington indicates. " It is a most unfortunate circumstance for myself, and I think not less so for the public, that Congress have not thought proper to com- ply with my request. It could not possibly have been attended with any ill consequences, and might with good ones. At least it was an indulgence which I thought my situation en- titled me to. But I am unfortunate in every thing, and this stroke is the severest I have yet experienced. God send you a different fate. Adieu, my dear general. " Yours most truly and affectionately, " Chaeles Lee." How different from the humorous, satirical, self-confident tone of his former letters. Yet Lee's actual treatment was not so harsh as had been represented. He was in close confine- ment, it is true ; but three rooms had been fit- ted up for his reception in the Old City Hall of New York, having nothing of the look of a prison, excepting that they were secured by bolts and bars. Congress, in the mean time, had resorted to their threatened measure of retaliation. On the 29th of February, they had resolved that the Board of War be directed immediately to order the five Hessian field-officers and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Campbell into safe and close custody, " it being the xmalterable resolution of Congress to retaliate on them the same pun- ishment as may be inflicted on the person of General Lee." The Colonel Campbell here mentioned had commanded one of General Eraser's battalions of Highlanders, and had been captured on board of a transport in Nantasket road, in the preced- ing summer. He was a member of Parliament, and a gentleman of fortune, Eetaliation was carried to excess in regard to him, for he was thrown into the common jail at Concord in Massachusetts. From his prison he made an appeal to Wash- ington, which at once touched his quick sense of justice. He immediately wrote to the council of Massachusetts Bay, quoting the words of the resolution of Congress. "By this you will observe," adds he, "that exactly the same treat- ment is to be shown to Colonel Campbell and the Hessian officers, that General Howe shows ^ to General Lee, and as he is only confined to a commodious house with genteel accommoda- tions, we have no right or reason to be more severe on Colonel Campbell, who I would wish should upon the receipt of this be removed ' from his present situation, and be put into a house where he may live comfortably." In a letter to the President of Congress on the following day, he gives his moderating counsels on the whole subject of retaliation. " Though I sincerely commiserate," writes he, i " the misfortunes of General Lee, and feel much for his present unhappy situation, yet with all possible deference to the opinion of Congress, I fear that these resolutions will not have the desired effect, are founded in impolicy, and will, if adhered to, produce consequences of an extensive and melancholy nature." * * " The balance of prisoners is greatly against us, and a general regard to the happiness of the whole should mark our conduct. Can we imagine that our enemies will not mete the same punishments, the same indignities, the same cruelties, to those belonging to us, in their possession, that we impose on theirs in our power? Why should we suppose them to possess more humanity than we have our- selves ? Or why should an ineffectual attempt to relieve the distresses of one brave, uufor-" tunate man, involve many more in the same ca- lamities ? * * Suppose," continues he, " the treatment prescribed for the Hessians "should be pursued, wiU it not establish what the ene- my have been aiming to effect by every arti- fice, and the grossest misrepresentations, I mean an opinion of our enmity towards them, and of the cruel treatment they experience when they fall into our hands, a prejudice which we on our part have heretofore thought it politic to suppress, and to root out by every act of lenity and of kindness ? " " Many more objections," added he, " might be subjoined, were they material. I shall only observe, that the present state of the army, if it deserves that name, will not authorize the language of retaliation, or the style of menace. This will be conceded by all who know that ^T. 45.] HARSH TREATMENT OF AMERICAN PRISONERS. 335 the whole of our force is weak and trifling, and composed of militia (a very few regular troops excepted) whose service is on the eve of ex- piring." In a letter to Mr. Robert Morris also, he writes : " I wish, with all my heart, that Con- gress had gratified General Lee in his request. If not too late, I wish they would do it still. I can see no possible evil that can result from it ; some good, I think, might. The request to see a gentleman or two came from the general, not from the commissioners ; there could have been no harm, therefore, in hearing what he had to say on any subject, especially as he had declar- ed that his own personal interest was deeply concerned. The resolve to put in close con- finement Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell and the Hessian field-officers, in order to retaliate upon them General Lee's punishment, is, in my opin- ion, injurious in every point of view, and must have been entered into without due attention to the consequences. ***** jf ^j^g resolve of Congress respecting General Lee strikes you in the same point of view it has done me, I could wish you would signify as much to that body, as I really think it fraught with every evil." Washington was not always successful in in- stilling his wise moderation into public coun- cils. Congress adhered to their vindictive policy, merely directing that no other hardships should be inflicted on the captive oflicers, than such confinement as was necessary to carry their resolve into efifect As to their refusal to grant the request of Lee, Robert Morris sur- mised they were fearful of the injurious efi'ect that might be produced in the court of France, should it be reported that members of Congress visited General Lee by permission of the Brit- ish commissioners. There were other circum- stances beside the treatment of General Lee, to produce this indignant sensibility on the part of Congress. Accounts were rife at this juncture, of the cruelties and indignities almost invaria- bly experienced by American prisoners at New York ; and an active correspondence on the subject was going on between "Washington and the British commanders, at the same time with that regarding General Lee. The captive Americans who had been in the naval service were said to be confined, officers and men, in prison-ships, which, for their loath- some condition, and the horrors and sufferings of all kinds experienced on board of them, had acquired the appellation oi floating hells. Those who had been in the land service, were crowd- ed into jails and dungeons like the vilest male- factors ; and were represented as pining in cold, in filth, in hunger, and nakedness. " Our poor devoted soldiers," writes an eye- witness, " were scantily supplied with provi- sions of bad quality, wretchedly clothed, and destitute of sufficient fuel, if indeed they had any. Disease was the inevitable consequence, and their prisons soon became hospitals. A fatal malady was generated, and the mortality, to every heart not steeled by the spirit of party, was truly deplorable." * According to popular account, the prisoners confined on shipboard, and on shore, were perishing by hundreds. » A statement made by Captain Gamble, re- cently confined on board of a prison-ship, had especially roused the ire of Congress, and by their directions had produced a letter from Washington to Lord Howe. " I am sorry," writes he, " that I am under the disagreeable necessity of troubling your lordship with a let- ter, almost wholly on the subject of the cruel treatment which our officers and men in the naval department, who are unhappy enough to fall into your hands, receive on board the pris- on-ships in the harbor of New York." After specifying the case of Captain Gamble, and adding a few particulars, he proceeds : " From the opinion I have ever been taught to enter- tain of your lordship's humanity, I will not suppose that you are privy to proceedings of so cruel and unjustifiable a nature ; and I hope, that upon making the proper inquiry, you will have the matter so regulated, that the unhappy persons whose lot is captivity, may not in future have the miseries of cold, disease, and famine, added to their other misfortunes. You may call us rebels, and say that we deserve no better treatment ; but remember, my lord, that, supposing us rebels, we still have feelings as keen and sensible as loyalists, and will, if forced to it, most assuredly retaliate upon those upon whom we look as the unjust invaders of our rights, liberties, and properties. I should not have said thus much, but my injured coun- trymen have long called upon me to endeavor to obtain a redress of their grievances, and I should think myself as culpable as those who inflict such severities upon them, were I to continue silent," &c. Lord Howe, in reply (Jan. 17), expresses himself surprised at the matter and language * Graydon's Memoirs, p. 232. 336 HARSH TREATMENT OF AMERICAN PRISONERS. [1111. of Washington's letter, " so different from the liberal vein of sentiment he had been habituated to expect on every occasion of personal inter- course or correspondence with him." He was surprised, too, that " the idle and unnatural report " of Captain Gamble, respecting the dead and dying, and the neglect of precautions against infection, should meet with any credit. " Attention to preserve the lives of these men," writes he, " whom we esteem the misled sub- jects of the king, is a duty as binding on us where we are able from circumstances to exe- cute it with effect, as any you can plead for the interest you profess in their welfare." «He denied that prisoners were ill treated in his particular department (the naval). They had been allowed the general liberty of the prison-ship, until a successful attempt of some to escape, had rendered it necessary to restrain the rest within such limits as left the com- manding parts of the ship in possession of the guard. They had the same provisions in quali- ty and quantity that were furnished to the seamen of his own ship. The want of cleanli- ness was the result of their own indolence and neglect. In regard to health, they had the constant attendance of an American surgeon, a fellow-prisoner ; who was furnished with medicines from the king's stores ; and the visits of the physician of the fleet. " As I abhor every imputation of wanton cruelty in multiplying the miseries of the wretched," observes his lordship, " or of treat- ing them with needless severity, I have taken the trouble to state these several facts." In regard to the hint of retaliation, he leaves it to Washington to act therein as he should think fit ; but adds he grandly, " the innocent at my disposal will not have any severities to apprehend from me on that account." We have quoted this correspondence the more freely, because it is on a subject deeply worn into the American mind; and about which we have heard too many particulars, from childhood upwards, from persons of un- questionable veracity, who suff'ered in the cause, to permit us to doubt about the fact. The Jersey Prison-ship is proverbial in our revolu- tionary history ; and the bones of the unfor- tunate patriots who perished on board, form a monument on the Long Island shore. The horrors of the Sugar Jlouse, converted into a prison, are traditional in New York ; and the brutal tyranny of Cunningham, the provost marshal, over men of worth confined in the common jail, for the sin of patriotism, has been handed down from generation to generation. That Lord Howe and Sir William were igno- rant of the extent of these atrocities we really believe, but it was their duty to be well in- formed. War is, at best, a cruel trade, that habituates those who follow it to regard the suff'eriugs of others with indifference. There is no doubt, too, that a feeling of contumely deprived the patriot prisoners of all sympathy in the early stages of the Eevolution. They were regarded as criminals rather than cap- tives. 'The stigma of reiels seemed to take from them all the indulgences, scanty and mis- erable as they are, usually granted to prisoners of war. The British officers looked down with haughty contempt upon the American officers, who had fallen into their hands. The British soldiery treated them with insolent scurrility. It seemed as if the very ties of consanguinity rendered their hostility more intolerant, for it was observed that American prisoners were better treated by the Hessians than by the British. It was not until our countrymen had made themselves formidable by their successes that they were treated, when prisoners, with common decency and humanity. The difficulties arising out of the case of General Lee interrupted the operations with regard to the exchange of prisoners ; and gal- lant men, on both sides, suffered prolonged detention in consequence ; and among the number the brave, but ill-starred Ethan AUen. Lee, in the mean time, remained in con- finement, until directions with regard to him should be received from government. Events, however, had diminished his impor- tance in- the eyes of the enemy ; he was no longer considered the American palladium. " As the capture of the Hessians and the manoeuvres against the British took place after the surprise of General Lee," observes a London writer of the day, " we find that he is not the only efficient officer in the American service " * CHAPTER III. The early part of the year brought the annual embarrassments caused by short enlist- ments. The brief term of service for which the continental soldiery had enlisted, a few * Am. Archives, 5th Series, lii. 1244. JEt. 45.] FLUCTUATING ASPECT OF THE ARMY— DIFFICULTIES AND PERPLEXITIES. 337 months perhaps, at most a year, were expir- ing; and the men, glad to be released from camp duty, were hastening to their rustic homes. Militia had to be the dependence, until the new army could be raised and or- ganized ; and "Washington called on the coun- cil of safety of Pennsylvania, speedily to fur- nish temporary reinforcements of the kind. All his officers that could be spared were ordered away, some to recruit, some to collect, the scattered men of the different regiments, who were dispersed, he said, almost over the conti- nent. General Knox was sent off to Massachu- setts, to expedite the raising of a battalion of artillery. Different States were urged to levy and equip their quotas for the continental army. " Nothing but the united efforts of every State in America," writes he, " can save us from disgrace, and probably from ruin." Rhode Island is reproached with raising troops for home service before furnishing its supply to the general army. " If each State," writes he, " were to prepare for its own de- fence independent of each other, they would all be conquered, one by one. Our success must clejJend on a firm union, and a strict ad- herence to the general plan.'''' * He deplores the fluctuating state of the army while depending on militia ; — full one day, almost disbanded the next. " I am much afraid that the enemy, one day or other, taking advantage of one of these temporary weaknesses, will make themselves masters of our magazines of stores, arms, and artillery." The militia, too, on being dismissed, were generally suffered by their officers to carry home with them the arms with which they had been furnished, so that the armory was in a manner scattered over all the world, and for- ever lost to the public. Then an earnest word is spoken by him in behalf of the yeomanry, whose welfare always lay near his heart. " You must be fully sensi- ble," writes he, " of the hardships imposed upon individuals, and how detrimental it must be to the public to have farmers and tradesmen frequently called out of the field, as militia men, whereby a total stop is put to arts and agriculture, without which we cannot long subsist," "While thus anxiously exerting himself to strengthen his own precarious army, the secu- rity of the Northern department was urged * Letter to Governor Cooke, Sparks, iv. 285. 22 upon his attention. Schuyler represented it as in need of reinforcements and supplies of all kinds. He apprehended that Carleton might make an attack upon Ticonderoga, as soon as he could cross Lake Champlain on the ice ; that important fortress was under the com- mand of a brave officer, Colonel Anthony Wayne, but its garrison had dwindled down to six or seven hundred men, chiefly New Eng- land militia. In the present destitute situa- tion of his department as to troops, Schuyler feared that Carleton might not only succeed in an attempt on Ticonderoga, but might push his way to Albany. He had written in vain, to the Convention of New York, and to the Eastern States, for re- inforcements, and he entreated "Washington to aid him with his influence. He wished to have his army composed of troops from as many different States as possible ; the South- ern people, having a greater spirit of discipline and subordination, might, he thought, intro- duce it among the Eastern people. He wished also for the assistance of a general officer or two in his department. " I am alone," writes he, " distracted with a variety of cares, and no one to take part of the burden." * Although "Washington considered a winter attack of the kind specified by Schuyler, too difficult and dangerous to be very probable, he urged reinforcements from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, whence they could be furnished most speedily. Massachusetts, in fact, had already determined to send four regiments to Schuyler's aid as soon as pos- sible. "Washington disapproved of a mixture of troops in the present critical juncture, know- ing, he said, "the difficulty of maintaining harmony among men from different States, and bringing them to lay aside all attachments and distinctions of a local and provincial nature, and consider themselves the same people, en- gaged in the same nolile struggle, and having one general interest to defend.'''' t The quota of Massachusetts, under the pres- ent arrangement of the army, was fifteen regiments : and Washington ordered General Heath, who was in Massachusetts, to forward them to Ticonderoga as fast as they could be raised. % Notwithstanding all "Washington's exertions * Schuyler's Letter Book, MS. t Ibid. t Sparks. Washington's Writings, iv. 361, note. 338 EXPEDITION OF THE BRITISH AGAINST PEEKSKILL. [1777. ia behalf of the army under his immediate command, it continued to be deplorably in want of reinforcements, and it was necessary to maintain the utmost vigilance at all his posts to prevent his camp from being surprised. The operations of the enemy might be delayed b}' the bad condition of the roads, and the want of horses to move their artillery, but he anticipated an attack as soon as the roads were passable, and apprehended a disastrous result unless speedily reinforced. " The enemy," writes he, "must be ignorant of our numbers and situation, or they would never suffer us to remain unmolested, and 1 must tax myself with imprudeijce in commit- ting the fact to paper, lest this letter should fall into other hands than those for which it is intended." And again : " It is not in my power to make Congress fully sensible of the real situation of our affairs, and that it is with difficulty I can keep the life and soul of the army together. In a word, they are at a dis- tance ; they think it is but to say presto^ begone, and every thing is done ; they seem not to have any conception of the difficulty and per- plexity of those who have to execute." The designs of the enemy being mere matter of conjecture, measures varied accordingly. As the season advanced, "Washington was led to believe that Philadelphia would be their first object at the opening of the campaign, and that they would bring round all their troops from Canada by water to aid in the enterprise. Under this persuasion he wrote to General Heath, ordering him to send eight of the Massachusetts battalions to Peekskill, in- stead of Ticonderoga ; and explained his rea- sons for so doing in a letter to Schuyler. At Peekskill, he observed, " they would be well placed to give support to any of the Eastern or Middle States ; or to oppose the enemy, should they design to penetrate the country up the Hudson ; or to cover New England, should they invade it. Should they move westward, the Eastern and Southern troops could easily form a junction, and this, besides, would oblige the enemy to leave a much stronger garrison at New York. Even should the enemy pursue their first plan of invasion from Canada, the troops at Peeks- kill would not be badly placed to reinforce Ticonderoga, and cover the country around Albany." "I am very sure," concludes he, " the operations of this army will, in a great degree, govern the motions of that in Canada. If this is held at bay, curbed and confined, the northern army will not dare attempt to pene- trate.'''' The last sentence will be found to contain the policy which governed "Washing- ton's personal movements throughout the campaign. On the 18th of March he despatched General Greene to Philadelphia, to lay before Congress such matters as he could not venture to com- municate by letter. " He is an able and good officer," writes he, " who has my entire confi- dence, and is intimately acquainted with my ideas." Greene had scarce departed, when the enemy began to show signs of life. Tl:»e delay in the arrival of artillery, more than hi- natural indolence, had kept General Howe from formally taking the field ; he now made preparations for the next campaign, by de- tachiiig troops to destroy the American depos- its of military stores. One of the chief of these was at Peekskill, the very place whither "Washington had directed Heath to send troops from Massachusetts ; and whicli he thought of making a central point of assemblage. Howe terms it "the port of that rough and moun- tainous tract called the Manor of Courtlandt." Brigadier-General McDougall had the command of it in the absence of General Heath, but his force did not exceed two hundred and fifty men. As soon as the Hudson was clear of ice, a squadron of vessels of war and transports, with five hundred troops under Colonel Bird, ascended the river, McDougall had intelli- gence of the intended attack, and while the ships were making their way across the Tap- pan Sea and Haverstraw Bay, exerted himself to remove as much as possible of the provis- ions and stores to Forts Montgomery and Con- stitution iu the Highlands, On the morning of the 23d, the whole squadron came to anchor in Peekskill Bay ; and five hundred men landed in Lent's Cove, on the south side of the bay, whence they pushed forward with four light field-pieces drawn by sailors. On their approach, McDougall set fire to the barracks and principal storehouses, and ]-e- treated about two miles to a strong post, com- manding the entrance to the Highlands and the road to Continental Village, the place of the deposits. It was the post which had been noted by "Washington in the preceding year, where a small force could make a stand, and hurl down masses of rock on their assail- ^T. 45.] SCHUYLER'S AFFAIRS IN THE NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. 339 ants. Hence McDongall sent an express to Lieutenant-Colonel Marinus Willett, who had charge of. Fort Constitution, to hasten to his assistance. The British, finding the wharf in flames where they had intended to embark their spoils, completed the conflagration, beside destroying several small craft laden with pro- visions. They kept possession of the place till the following day, when a scouting party, which had advanced towards the entrance of the Highlands, was encountered by Colonel Marinus Willett with a detachment from Fort Constitution, and driven back to the main body after a sharp skirmish, in which nine of the marauders were killed. Four more were slain on the banks of Canopas Creek as they were setting fire to some boats. The enemy were disappointed in the hope of carrying oif a great deal of booty, and finding the country around was getting under arms, they con- tented themselves with the mischief they had done, and re-embarked in the evening by moonlight, when the whole squadron swept down the Hudson. CHAPTER IV. "We have now to enter upon a tissue of cir- cumstances connected with the ISTorthern de- partment, which will be found materially to influence the course of atTairs in that quarter throughout the current year, and ultimately to be fruitful of annoyance to Washington him- self. To make these more clear to the reader, it is necessary to revert to events in the pre- ceding year. The question of command between Schuyler and Gates, when settled as we have shown by Congress, had caused no interruption to the hai'mony of intercourse between these generals. Schuyler directed the affairs of the depart- ment with energy and activity from his head- quarters at Albany, where they had been fixed by Congress, while Gates, subordinate to him,' commanded the post of Ticonderoga. The disappointment of an independent com- mand, however, still rankled in the mind of the latter, and Avas kept alive by the oflBcious suggestions of meddling friends. In the course of the autumn, his hopes in this respect re- vived. Schuyler was again disgusted with the service. In the discharge of his various and harassing duties, he had been annoyed by sec- tional jealousies and ill will. His motives and measures had been maligned. The failures in Canada had been attributed to him, and he had repeatedly entreated Congress to order an in- quiry into the many charges made against him, " that he might not any longer be insulted." " I assure you," writes he to Gates, on the 25th of August, " that I am so sincerely tired of abuse, that I will let my enemies arrive at the completion of their wishes by retiring, as soon as I shall have been tried ; and attempt to serve my injured country in some other way, where envy and detraction will have no temptation to follow me." On the 14th of September, he actually offered his resignation of his commission as major- general, and of every other office and appoint- ment ; still claiming a court of inquiry on his conduct, and expressing his determination to fulfil the duties of a good citizen, and promote the weal of his native country, but in some other capacity. " I trust," writes he, " that my successor, whoever lie may be, will find that, matters are as prosperously arranged in this department as the nature of the service will admit. I shall most readily give him any information and assistance in my power." He immediately wrote to General Gates, ap- prising him of his having sent in his resigna- tion. " It is much to be lamented," writes he, " that calumny is so much cherished in this un- happy country, and that so few of the ser- vants of the public escape the malevolence of a set of insidious miscreants. It has driven me to the necessity of resigning." As the command of the department, should his resignation be accepted, would of course devolve on Gates, he assures him he will render every assistance in his power to any officer whom Gates might appoint to command in Albany. All his letters to Gates, while they were thus in relation in tlie department, had been kind and courteous ; beginning with, " My dear General," and ending with, " adieu " and " every friendly wish." Schuyler was a warm- hearted man, and his expressions were proba- bly sincere. The hopes of Gates, inspired by this profl['ered resignation, were doomed to be again over- clouded. Schuyler was informed by President Hancock, " that Congress, during the present state of affairs, could not consent to accept of his resignation ; but requested that he would }40 MISUNDERSTANDINGS WITH CONGRESS. [im. continue in the command lie held, and be as- sured that the aspersions thrown out by his enemies against his character, had no influence upon the minds of the members of that House ; and that more effectually to put calumny to silence, they would at an early day appoint a committee to inquire fully into his conduct, which they trusted would establish his reputa- tion in the opinion of aU good men." Schuyler received the resolve of Congress with grim acquiescence, but showed in his reply that he was but half soothed. " At this very critical juncture," writes he, October 16, " I shall waive those remarks which, injustice to myself, I must make at a future day. The calumny of my enemies has arisen to its height. Their malice is incapable of heightening the injury. * * * * Jq the alarming; situation of our affairs, I shall continue to act some time longer, but Congress must prepare to put the care of this department into other hands. I shall be able to render my country better ser- vices in another line : less exposed to a repeti- tion of the injuries I have sustained." He had remained at his post, therefore, dis- charging the various duties of his department with his usual zeal and activity ; and Gates, at the end of the campaign, had repaired, as we have shown, to the vicinity of Congress, to attend the fluctuation of events. Circumstances in the course of the winter had put the worthy Schuyler again on points of punctilio with Congress. Among some letters intercepted by the enemy and retaken by the Americans, was one from Colonel Joseph Trumbull, the commissary-general, insinuating that General Schuyler had secreted or sup- pressed a commission sent for his brother, Colonel John Trumbull, as deputy adjutant- general.* The purport of the letter was re- ported to Schuyler. He spurned at the in- sinuation. " If it be true that he has asserted such a thing," writes he to the president, " I shall expect from Congress that justice which is due to me." Three weeks later he enclosed to the presi- dent a copy of Trumbull's letter. " I hope," writes he, " Congress will not entertain the least idea that I can tamely submit to such in- jurious treatment. I expect they will imme- diately do what is incumbent on them on the * The reader may recollect that it was Commissary- General Trumbull who wrote the letter to Gates calculated \o inflame his jealousy against Schuyler, when the question of command had risen between them. (See vol. i. eh. 28.) occasion. Until Mr. Trumbull 'and I are upon a footing, I cannot do what the laws of honor and a regard to my own reputation render in- dispensably necessary. Congress can put us on a par by dismissing one or the other from the service." Congress failed to comply with the general's request. They added also to his chagriu, by dismissing from the service an army physician, in whose appointment he had particularly in- terested himself. Schuyler was a proud-spirited man, and, at times, somewhat irascible. In a letter to Con- gress on the 8th of February, he observed : " As Dr. Stringer had my recommendation to the office he has sustained, perhaps it was a compliment due to me that I should have been advised of the reason of his dismission." And again : " I was in hopes some notice would have been taken of the odious suspicion contained in Mr. Commissary Trumbull's inter- cepted letter. I really feel myself deeply cha- grined on the occasion. I am incapable of the meanness he suspects me of, and I confidently expected that Congress would have done me that justice which it was in their power to give, and which I humbly conceive they ought to have done." This letter gave great umbrage to Congress, but no immediate answer was made to it. About this time the office of adjutant-general, which had remained vacant ever since the res- ignation of Colonel Reed, to the great detri- ment of the service, especially now when a new army was to be formed, was offered to General Gates, who had formerly filled it with ability ; and President Hancock informed him, by letter, of the earnest desire of Congi-ess that he should resume it, retaining his present rank and pay. Gates almost resented the proposal. " Un- less the commander-in-chief earnestly makes the same request with your Excellency," re- plies he, " all my endeavors as adjutant-general would be vain and fruitless. I had, last year, the honor to command in the second post in America ; and had the good fortune to prevent the enemy from making their so much wished- for junction with General Howe. After this, to be expected to dwindle again to the ad- jutant-general, requires more philosophy on my part, and something more than words on yours." * * Gates's papers, N. Y. Hist. Lib. .Et. ^5. GATES DECLINES TO BE ADJUTANT-GENERAL— SCHUYLER REPRIMANDED. 341 He wrote to "Washington to the same effect, hut declared that, should it he his Excellency's wish, he would resume the office with alacrity. Washington promptly replied that he had often wished it in secret, though he had never even hinted at it ; supposing Gates might have scruples on the suhject. " Yoii cannot con- ceive the pleasure I feel," adds he, " when you tell me that, if it is my desire that you should resume your former office, you will with cheer- fulness and alacrity proceed to Morristown." He thanks him for this mark of attention to his wishes ; assures him that he looks upon his resumption of the office as the only means of giving form and regularity to the new army ; and will he glad to receive a line from him mentioning the time he would leave Philadel- phia. He received no such line. Gates had a higher object in viev>\ A letter from Schuyler to Congress, had informed that body that he should set out for Pliiladelphia about the 21st of March, and should inmiediately on his ar- rival require the promised inquiry into his con- duct. Gates, of course, was acquainted with this circumstance. He knew Schuyler had given offence to Congress ; he knew he had been offended on his own part, and hud re- peatedly talked of resigning. He had active friends in Congress ready to push his interests. On the 12th of March his letter to President Hancock about the proffered adjutancy was read, and ordered to he taken into considera- tion on the following day. On the 13th, a committee of five was ap- pointed to confer with him upon the general state of affairs. On the 15th, the letter of General Schuyler of the 3d of February, which had given such offence, was brought before the House, and it was resolved that his suggestion concerning the dismission of Dr. Stringer was highly deroga- tory to the honor of Congress, and that it was e^cpected his letters in future would be written in a style suitable to the dignitf of the rep- resentative body of these free and independent States, and to his own character as their offi- cer. His expressions, too, respecting the inter- cepted letter, that he had expected Congress would have done him all the justice in their power, wei'e pronounced, "to say the least, ill-advised and highly indecent." * "While Schuyler was thus in partial echpse, * Journals of Congress. the House proceeded to appoint a general offi- cer for the 'Northern department, of which he had stated it to be in need. On the 25th of March, Gates received the following note from President Hancock : " I have it in charge to direct that you repair to Ticonderoga immediately, and take command of the army stationed in that department." Gates obeyed with alacrity. Again the vision of an independent command floated before his mind, and he was on his way to Albany, at the time that Schuyler, ignorant of this new arrangement, was journeying to Philadelphia. Gates was accompanied by Brigadier-General Fermois, a French officer, recently commis- sioned in the continental army. A rumor of his approach preceded him. ""What are the terms on v.hich Gates is coming on ? " was asked in Albany. " Has Schuyler been super- seded, or is he to be so, or has he resigned ? " For a time all was rumor and conjecture. A report reached his family that he was to be divested of all titles and rank other than that of Philip Schuyler, Esquire. They heard it with joy, knowing the carking cares and an- noyances that had beset him in his command. His military friends deprecated it as a great loss to the service.* "When Gates arrived in Albany, Colonel "Varick, Schuyler's' secretary, waited on him with a message from Mrs. Schuyler, inviting him to take up his quarters at the general's house, which was in the vicinity. He declined, as the despatch of affairs required him to be continually in town ; bat took his breakfast with Mrs. Schuyler the next morning. He re- mained in Albany, unwilling to depart for Ticonderoga until there should be sufficient troops there to support him. Schuyler arrived in Philadelphia in the sec- ond week in April, and found himself super- seded in effect by General Gates in the North- ei*n department. He enclosed to the committee of Albany the recent resolutions of Congress, passed before his arrival. ^ " By these," writes he, " you will readily perceive that I shall not return a general. Under what influence it has been brought about, I am not at liberty now to mention. On my return to Albany, I shall give the committee the fullest information." f Taking his seat in Congress as a delegate from New York, he demanded the promised * Letter of Col. Kichard Varick. Schuyler's Letter- Book. t Sctuyler's Letter Book. 342 EMBARRASSMENT ABOUT FOREIGX OFFICER.-^. [1111. investigation of his conduct during the time he had held a command in the army. It was his intention, when the scrutiny had taken place, to resign his commission, and retire from the service. On the 18th, a committee of inquiry was ai^pointed, as at his request, composed of a member from each State. In the mean time, as second major-general of the United States (Lee being the first), he held active command at Phdadelphia, forming a camp on the western side of the Delaware, completing the works on Fort Island, throwing up works on Eed Bank, and accelerating the despatch of troops and provisions to the com- mander-in-chief. During his sojourn at Phila- delphia, also, he contributed essentially to re- organize the commissary department ; digest- ing rules for its regulations, which were mainly adopted by Congress. CHAPTER V. The fame of the American struggle for in- dependence was bringing foreign officers as can- didates for admission into the patriot army, and causing great embarrassment to the com- mander-in-chief. "They seldom," writes Wash- ington, " bring more than a commission and a passport; which we know may belong to a bad as well as a good officer. Their ignorance of our language, and their inabihty to recruit men, are insurmountable obstacles to their being ingrafted in our continental battalions ; for our officers, who have raisod their men, and have served through the war upon pay that has not hitherto borne their expenses, would be disgusted if foreigners were put over their head ; and I assure you, few or none of these gentlemen look lower than field-ofScers' commissions. * ''= * Some general mode of disposing of them must be adopted, for it is ungenerous to keep them in suspense, and a great charge to themelves ; but I am at a loss to know how to point out this mode." Congress determined that no foreign officers should receive commissions who were not well acquainted with the English language, and did not bring strong testimonials of their abilities. Still there was embarrassment. Some came with brevet commissions from the French gov- ernment, and had been assured by Mr. Deane, American commissioner at Paris, that they would have the same rank in the American army. This would put them above American officers of merit and hard service, whose com- missions were of more recent date. One Mon- sieur Ducoudray, on the strength of an agree- ment with Mr. Deane, expected to have the rank of major-general, and to be put at the head of the artillery. Washington deprecated the idea of intrusting a department on which the very salvation of the army might depend, to a foreigner, who had no other tie to bind him to the interests of the country than lionor ; besides, he observed, it would endanger the loss to the service of General Knox, " a man of great military reading, sound judgment, and clear perceptions. He has conducted the affairs of that department with honor to himself and advantage to the public, and will resign if any one is put over him." In fact, the report that Ducoudray was to be a major-general, with a commission dated in the preceding year, caused a commotion among the American officers of that rank, but whose commissions were of later date. Congress eventually determined not to ratify the contract entered into between Mr. Deane and Monsieur Ducoudray, and resolved that the commissions of foreign officers received into the service, should bear date on the day of their being filled up by Washington. Among the foreign candidates for appoint- ments was one Colonel Conway, a native of Ireland, but who, according to his own account, had been thirty years in the service of France, and claimed to be a chevalier of the order of St. Louis, of which he wore the decoration. Mr. Deane had recommended him to Washing- ton as an officer of merit, and had written to Congress that he considered him well qualified for the office of adjutant or brigadier-general, and that he had given him reason to hope for one or the other of these appointments. Col- onel Conway pushed for that of brigadier- general. It had been conferred some time be- fore by Congress on two French officers, De Fermois and Deborre, who, he liad observed, had been inferior to him in the French service, and it would be mortifying now to hold rank below them. " I cannot pretend," writes Washington to the president, " to speak of Colonel Conway's merits or abilities of my own knowledge. He appears to be a man of candor, and, if he has been in service as long as he says, I should suppose him infinitely better qualified to serve ^T. 45.] WASHINGTON'S GUARDS— ARNOLD OMITTED IN THE ARMY PROMOTIONS. 34^ us than many who have been promoted ; as he speaks our language." Conway accordingly received the rank of brigadier-general, of which he subsequently proved himself unworthy. He was boastful and presumptuous, and became noted for his intrigues, and for a despicable cabal against the conimander-in-chief, winch went by his name, and of which we shall have to speak hereafter. A candidate of a difterent stamp had pre- sented himself in the preceding year, the gal- lant, generous-spirited, Thaddeus Kosciuszko. He was a Pole, of an ancient and noble family of Lithuania, and had been educated for the profession of arms at tlie military school at "Warsaw, and subsequently in France. Disap- pointed in a love affair with a beautiful lady of rank, with whom he had attempted to elope, he had emigrate^l to this country, and came pro- vided with a letter of introduction from 'Dr. Franklin to Washington. " What do you seek here ? " inquired the commander-in-chief. " To fight for American independence." " What can you do ? " " Try me." Washington was pleased with the curt, yet comprehensive reply, and with his chivalrous air and spirit ; and at once received him into his family as an aide-de-camp.* Congress shortly afterwards appointed him an engineer, with the rank of colonel. He proved a valu- able officer throughout the Revolution, and won an honorable and lasting name in our country. Among the regiments which had been formed in the spring, one had been named by its offi- cers, " The Congress's Own," and another " General Washington's Life Guards." A re- solve of Congress ])romptly appeared, pronounc- ing those appellations improper, and ordering that they should be discontinued. Washing- ton's own modesty had already administered a corrective. In a letter to the President of Congress, he declared, that the regiments had been so named without his consent or privity. " As soon as I heard of it," writes he, " I wrote to several of the officers in terms of severe reprehension, and expressly charged them to suppress the distinction, adding that all the battalions were on the same footing, and all under the general name of Continental." No man was less desirous for all individual dis- tinctions of the kind. * Poreign Quarterly Review, vol. sv., p. 114. Somewhat later he really formed a company for his guard. Colonel Alexander Spotswood had the selection of the men, four from each regiment ; and was charged to be extremely cautious, " because," writes Washington, " it is more than probable that, in the course of the campaign my baggage, papers, and other mat- ters of great public import, may be committed to the sole care of these men." That the com- pany might look well and be nearly of a size, none were to be over five feet ten, nor under five feet nine inches in stature, and to be sober, young, active, and well-made, of good charac- ter, and proud of appearing clean and soldier- like. As there would be a greater chance for fidelity among such as had family connections in the country, Spotswood was charged to send none but natives, and, if possible, men of some property, " I must insist," concludes Washington, " that, in making this choice, you give no intimation of my preference of natives, as I do not want to create any invidious dis- tinction between them and the officers." * Questions of rank among his generals, were, as we have repeatedly shown, perpetual sources of perplexity to Washington, and too often caused by what the sarcastic Lee termed, " the stumblings of Congress ; " such was the case at present. In recent army promotions. Con- gress had advanced Stirling, Mifflin, St. Clair, Stephen, and Lincoln, to the rank of major- general, while Arnold, their senior in service, and distinguished by so many brilliant ex- ploits, was passed over and left to remain a brigadier. Washington was surprised at not seeing his name on the list, but supposing it might have been omitted through mistake, he wrote to Arnold, who was at Providence in Rhode Isl- and, advising him not to take any hasty step in consequence, but to alloAV time for recollec- tion, promising his own endeavors to remedy any error that might have been made. He wrote also to Henry Lee in Congress, inquiring whether the omission was owing to accident or design. " Surely,'' said he " a more active, a more spirited, and sensible officer, fills no department of your army. Not seeing him, then, in the list of major-generals, and no men- tion made of him, has given me uneasiness ; as it is not presumed, being the oldest brigadier, that he will continue in service under such a slight." Sjirvrks. Writings of Washington, iv. 407. 344 BRITISH EXPEDITION AGAINST DANBUKY. [1- Arnold was, in truth, deeply wounded by the omission, " I am greatly obliged to your Excellency," writes he to Washington, "for interesting yourself so much in respect to my appointment, which I have had no advice of, and know not by what means it was announced in the papers. Congress undoubtedly have a right of promoting those whom, from their abilities, and their long and arduous services, they esteem most deserving. Their promoting junior officers to the rank of major-generals, I view as a very civil way of requesting my resig- nation, as unqualified for the office I hold. My commission was conferred unsolicited, and re- ceived with pleasure only as a means of serving my country. With equal pleasure I resign it, when I can no longer serve my country with honor. The person who, void of the nice feel- ings of honor, will tamely condescend to give up his right, and retain a commission at the expense of his reputation, I hold as a disgrace to the army, and unworthy of the glorious cause in which Ave are engaged. * * * * Injustice, therefore, to my own character, and for the satisfiiCtion of my friends, I must re- quest a court of inquiry into my conduct ; and though I sensibly feel the ingratitude of my countrymen, yet every personal injury shall be buried in my zeal for the safety and happiness of my country, in whose cause I have repeat- edly fought and bled, and am ready at all times to risk my life." He subsequently intimated that he should avoid any hasty step, and should remain at his post until he could leave it without any damage to the public interest. The i)rinciple upon which Congress had pro- ceeded in their recent promotions was explain- ed to Washington. The number of general officers promoted from each State was propor- tioned to the number of men furnished by it. Connecticut (Arnold's State) had already two major-generals, which was its full share. " I confess," writes Washington to Arnold, " this is a strange mode of reasoning ; but it may serve to show you that the promotion, which was due to your seniority, was not overlooked for want of merit in you." " The point," observes he, " is of so delicate a nature that I Avill not even undertake to ad- vise. Your own feelings must be your guide. As no particular charge is alleged against you, I do not see upon what grounds you can de- mand a court of inquiry. Your determination not to quit your present command while any danger to the public might ensue from your leaving it, deserves my thanks, and justly en- titles you to the thanks of the country." An opportunity occurred before long, for Arnold again to signalize himself. The amount of stores destroyed at Peekskill had fallen far short of General Howe's expec- tations. Something more must be done to cripple the Americans before the opening of the campaign. Accordingly, another expedi- tion was set on foot against a still larger deposit at Danbury, within the borders of Connecticut, and between twenty and thirty miles from Peekskill. Ex-governor Tryon, recently commissioned major-general of provincials, conducted it, ac- companied by Brigadier-General Aguew, and Sir William Erskine. He had a mongrel force, two thousand strong ; Americaji, Irish, and British refugees from various parts of the con- tinent, and made his appearance on the Sound the latter part of April, with a fleet of twenty- six sail, greatly to the disquiet of every assaila- ble place along the coast. On the 25th, tow- ards evening, he landed his troops on the beach at the foot of Oanepo Hill, near the mouth of the Saugatuck Kiver. The yeomanry of the neighborhood had assembled to resist them, but a few cannon-shot made them give way, and the troops set off for Danbury, about twenty-three miles distant ; galled at first by a scattering fire from behind a stone fence. They were in a patriotic neighborhood. Gen- eral Silliman, of the Connecticut militia, who resided at Fairfield, a few miles distant, sent out expresses to rouse the country. It so happened that General Arnold was at New Haven, between twenty and thirty miles off, on his way to Philadelphia for the purpose of set- tling his accounts. At the alarm of a British inroad, he forgot his injuries and irritation, mounted his horse, and, accompanied by Gen- eral Wooster, hastened to join General Silli- man, As they spurred forward, every farm- house sent out its warrior, until upwards of a hundred were pressing on with them, full of the fighting spirit. Lieutenant Oswald, Arnold's secretary in the Canada campaign, who had led the forlorn hope in the attempt upon Quebec, was at this time at New Haven, enlisting men for Lamb's regiment of artillery. He, too, heard the note of alarm, and mustering his re- cruits, marched off with three field-pieces for the scene of action.* Life of Lamb, p. 157. ^T. 45.] DEATH OF GENERAL WOOSTER— GALLANTRY OF ARNOLD. 345 In the mean while the British, marching all night with short halting?, reached Danhury about two o'clock in the afternoon of the 26th. There were but fifty Continental soldiers and one hundred militia in that place. These re- treated, as did most of the inhabitants, except- ing such as remained to take care of the sick and aged. Four men, intoxicated, as it Avas said, fired upon the troops from the windows of a large house. The soldiers rushed in, drove them into the cellar, set fire to the house, and left them to perish in the flames. There was a great quantity of stores of all kinds in the village, and no vehicles to convey them to the ships. The work of destruction commenced. The soldiers made free with the liquors found in abundance ; and throughout the greater part of the night there was rev- el, drunkenness, blasphemy, and devastation. Tryon, full of anxiety, and aware that the country was rising, ordered a retreat before daylight, setting fire to the magazines to com- plete the destruction of the stores. The flames spread to the other edifices, and almost the whole village was soon in a blaze. The ex- treme darkness of a rainy night made the con- flagration more balefully apparent throughout the country. "While these scenes had been transacted at Danbury, the Connecticut yeomanry had been gathering. Fairfield and the adjacent counties had poured out their minute men. General Silliman had advanced at the head of five hun- dred. Generals "Wooster and Arnold joined him with their chatiee followers, as did a few more militia. A heavy rain retarded their march ; it was near midnight when they reach- ed Bethel, within four miles of Danbury. Here they halted to take a little repose and put their arms in order, rendered almost unserviceable by the rain. They were now about six hundred strong. Wooster took the command, as first major-general of the militia of the State. Though in the sixty-eighth year of his age, he was full of ardor, with almost youthful fire and daring. A plan was concerted to punish the enemy on their retreat ; and the lurid light of Danbury in flames redoubled the provocation. At dawn of day, "Wooster detached Arnold with four hundred men, to push across the country and take post at Eidgefield, by Avhich the Brit- ish must pass ; while he with two hundred remained to hang on and harass them in fiank and rear. The British began their retreat early in the morning, conducting it in regular style, with flanking parties, and a rear-guard well furnished with artiUery. As soon as they had passed his position, "Wooster attacked the rear guard with great spirit and efiect ; there was sharp skir- mishing until within two miles of Eidgefield, when, as the veteran was cheering on his men, who began to waver, a musket ball brought him down from his horse, and finished his gal- lant career. On his fall his men retreated in disorder. The delay which his attack had occasioned to the enemy, had given Arnold time to throw up a kind of breastwork or barricade across the road at the north end of Eidgefield, protected by a house on the right, and a high rocky bank on the left, where he took his stand with his little force now increased to about five hun- dred men. At about eleven o'clock the enemy advanced in column, with artillery and flanking parties. They were kept at bay for a time, and received several volleys from the barricade, until it was outflanked and carried. Arnold or- dered a retreat, and was bringing off" the rear- guard, when his horse was shot under him, and came down upon his knees. Arnold remained seated in the saddle, with one foot entangled in the stirrups. A tory soldier, seeing his plight, rushed towards him with fixed bayonet. He had just time to draw a pistol from the hol- ster. " You're my prisoner," cried the tory, " Not yet ! " exclaimed Arnold, and shot him dead. Then extricating his foot from the stir- rup, he threw himself into the thickets of a neighboring swamp, and escaped, unharmed by the bullets that whistled after him, and join- ed his retreating troops. General Tryon intrenched for the night in Eidgefield, his troops having sufi'ered greatly in their harassed retreat. The next morning, after having set fire to four houses, he con- tinued his march for the ships. Colonel Hunt- ington, of the Continental army, with the troops which had been stationed at Danbury, the scattered force of "Wooster which had joined him, and a number of militia, hung on the rear of the enemy as soon as they were in motion. Arnold was again in the field, with his rallied forces, strengthened by Lieutenant-Colonel Oswald with two companies of Lamb's artillery regiment and three field-pieces. "With these he again posted himself on the enemy's route. DiSiculties and annoyances had multiplied upon the latter at every step. "When they came in sight of the position where Arnold 346 ARNOLD REWARDED BY CONGRESS— ENTERPRISE AGAINST SAG HARBOR. [1111. was waiting for them, they changed their route, wheeled to the left, and made for a ford of Saugatuck Eiver. Arnold hastened to cross the hridge and take them in flank, but they were too quick for him. Colonel Lamb had now reached the scene of action, as had about two hundred volunteers. Leaving to Oswald the charge of the artillery, he put himself at the head of the volunteers, and led them up to Arnold's assistance. The enemy, finding themselves hard pressed, pushed for Canepo Hill. They reached it in the evening, without a round of ammunition in their cartridge-boxes. As they were now with- in cannon shot of their ships, the Americans ceased the pursuit. The British formed upon the high ground, brought their artillery to the front, and sent off to the ships for reinforce- ments. Sir William Erskine landed a large body of marines and sailors, who drove the Americans back for some distance, and covered the embarkation of the troops. Colonel Lamb, while leading on his men gallantly to capture the British field-pieces, was wounded by a grape-shot, and Arnold, while cheering on the militia, had another horse sfiot under him. In the mean time, the harassed marauders effected theii» embarkation, and the fleet got under way. In this inroad the enemy destroyed a consid- erable amount of military stores, and seventeen hundred tents prepared for the use of Washing- ton's army in the ensuing campaign. The loss of General Wooster was deeply deplored. He survived the action long enough to be consoled in his dying moments at Danbury, by the pres- ence of his wife and son, who hastened thither from New Haven. As to Arnold, his gallantry in this affair gained him fresh laurels, and Con- gress, to remedy their late error, promoted him to the rank of major-general. Still his promotion did not restore him to his former position. He was at the bottom of the list of major-generals, with four officers above him, his juniors in service. Washington felt this in- justice on the part of Congress, and wrote about it to the president. " He has certainly discovered,'' said he, " in every instance where he has had an opportunity, much bravery, ac- tivity, and enterprise. But what will be done about his rank ? He will not act, most prob- ably, under those he commanded but a few weeks ago." As an additional balm to Arnold's wounded pride, Congress, a few days afterwards, voted that a horse properly caparisoned should be presented to him in their name, as a token of their approbation of his gallant conduct in the late action, " in which he had one horse shot under him and another wounded." But after all he remained at tlie bottom of the list, and the wound still rankled in his bosom. The destructive expeditions against the American depots of military stores, were re- taliated in kind by Colonel Meigs, a spirited oflBcer, who had accompanied Arnold in his expedition through the wilderness against Quebec, and had caught something of his love for hardy exploit. Having received intelli'gence that the British commissaries had collected a great amount of grain, forage, and other sup- plies at Sag Harbor, a small port in the deep bay which forks the east end of Long Island, he crossed the Sound on the 23d of May from Guilford in Connecticut, with about one hun- dred and seventy men in whale boats convoyed by two armed sloops : landed on the island near Southold ; carried the boats a distance of fifteen miles across the north fork of the bay, launched them into the latter, crossed it, landed within four miles of Sag Harbor, and before daybreak carried the place, which was guarded by a company of foot. A furious fire of round and grape-shot was opened upon the Americans from an ai'med schooner, anchored about one hundred and fifty yards fi-om shore ; and stout defence was made by the crews of a dozen brigs and sloops lying at the wharf to take in freight ; but Meigs succeeded in burning these vessels, destroying every thing on shore, and — carrying off ninety prisoners ; among whom were the officers of the company of foot, the commissaries, and the captains of most of these small vessels. With these he and his party recrossed the bay, transported their boats again across the fork of land, launched them on the Sound, and got safe back to Guilford, having achieved all this, and traversed about ninety miles of land and water, in twenty-five hours. Washington was so highly pleased with the spirit and success of this enterprise, that he publicly returned thanks to Colonel Meigs and the officers and men engaged in it. It could not fail, he said, greatly to distress the enemy in the important and essential article of forage. But it was the moral effect of the enterprise which gave it the most vakie. It is difiicult, at the present day, sufficiently to appreciate the importance of partisan ex|)loits of the kind in the critical stage of the war of which we are JEt. 45.] HONORABLE ACQUITTAL OF SCHUYLER— THE NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. 347 treating. They cheered the spirit of the people, depressed by overshadowing dangers and severe privations, and kept alive the military spark that Avas to kindle into the future flame. CHAPTER VI. The time was at hand for the committee of inquiry on General Schuyler's conduct to make their report to Oongi-ess, and he awaited it with impatience. " I propose in a day or two to resign my commission," writes he to Washing- ton on the 3d of May. " As soon as I have done it, I shall transmit to your Excellency my reasons for such a step." "Washington Avas grieved at receiving this intimation. He had ever found Schuyler a faithful coadjutor. He knew his peculiar fit- ness for the Northern department, from his knowledge of the country and its people ; his influence among its most important citizens ; his experience in treating with the Indians ; his fiery energy ; his fertility in expedients, and his " sound military sense." But he knew also his sensitive nature, and the peculiar annoy- ances with which he had to contend. On a former occasion he had prevented him from resigning, by an appeal to his patriotism ; he no longer felt justified in interfering. " I am sorry," writes he, " that circumstances are such as to dispose you to a resignation ; but you are the best judge of the line of conduct most reconcilable to your duty, both in a public and personal view ; and your own feelings must determine you in a matter of so delicate and interesting a nature." * Affairs, however, were taking a more favor- able turn. The committee of inquiry made a report which placed the character of Schuy- ler higher than ever as an able and active commander, and a zealous and disinterested patriot. He made a memorial to Congress explaining away or apologizing for, the expressions in his letter of the -ith of February, which had given offence to the House. His memorial was satis- factory ; and he was officially informed that Congress now " entertained the same favorable sentiments concerning him that they had en- tertained before that letter was received." There were warm discussions in the House * Schuyler's Letter-Book. on the subject of the Northern department. Several of the most important of the New York delegates observed that General Gates misapprehended his position. He considered himself as liolding the same command as that formerly held by General Schuyler. Such was not the intention of Congress in sending him to take command of the army at Ticonderoga. There had been a question between send- ing him to that post, or giving him the ad- jutancy-general, and it had been decided for the former. It would be nonsense, they observed, to give him command of the Northern department, and confine him to Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, where he could not have an ex- tensive idea of the defence of the frontier of the Eastern States ; but only of one spot, to which the enemy were not obliged to confine their operations, and, as it were, to knock their heads against a single rock. The affairs of the north-east, it was added, and of the State of New York in particular, were in a critical con- dition. Much disaflfection prevailed, and great clashing of interests. There was but one man capable of keeping all imited against the com- mon enemy, and he stood on the books as commander-in-chief of the Middle, or, as it was sometimes called, the Northern department. His presence was absolutely necessary in his home quarters for their immediate succor, but if he returned, he would be a general without an army or military chest ; and why Avas he thus disgraced ? The friends of Gates, on the other hand, who were chiefly delegates from New England, pro- nounced it an absurdity, that an officer holding such an important post as Ticonderoga, should be under the absolute orders of another one hundred miles distant, engaged in treaties with Indians, and busied in the duties of a prove- dore. The establishment of commands in de- partments was entirely wrong; there should be a commander-in-chief, and commanders of the different armies. We gather these scanty particulars from a letter addressed to Gates by Mr. Lovell. The latter expresses himself with a proper spirit. " I wish," writes he, " some course could be taken which would suit you both. It is plain all the Northern army cannot be intended for the single garrison of Ticonderoga. Who then has the distribution of the me'mbers? This mus,t depend on one opinion, or there can be no decision in the defence of the Northern s^is GATES' LETTER TO WASHINGTON— DIGNIFIED REPLY OF THE LATTER. [1111. frontiers. It is an unhappy circumstance that such is the altercation at the opening of the campaign." This letter produced an anxious reply : " Why," writes Gates, " when the argument in support of General Schuyler's command was imposed upon Congress, did not you or some- body say, ' the second post upon this continent next campaign Avill he at or near Peekskill. There General Schuyler ought to go and com- mand ; that will be the curb in the mouth of the New York tories, and the enemy's army. He will then be near the convention, and in the centre of the colony, have a military chest, and all the insignia of office.' This command in honor could not be refused, without owning there is something more alluring than com- mand to General Schuyler, by fixing him at Albany. By urging this matter home you would have proved the man. He would have resigned all command, have accepted the gov- ernment of New York, and been fixed to a sta- tion where he must do good, and which could not interfere with, or prevent any arrangement Congress have made, or may hereafter make. Unhappy State ! That has but one man in it who can fix the wavering minds of its inhabi- tants to the side of freedom ! How could you sit patiently, and, uncontradicted, suffer such impertinence to be crammed down your throats ? " "Why is it nonsense," pursues Gates, "to station the commanding general in the North- ern department at Ticonderoga ? Was it not the uniform practice of the royal army all last war ? Nothing is more certain than that the enemy must first possess that single rock before they can penetrate the country. * * * j^ is foolish in the extreme, to believe the enemy this year can form any attack from the north- ward but by Ticonderoga. WTiere, then, ought the commanding general to be posted ? Cer- tainly at Ticonderoga. If General Schuyler is solely to possess all the power, aU the intelli- gence, and that particular favorite, the military chest, and constantly reside at Albany, I can- not, with any peace of mind, serve at Ticon- deroga." * This letter was despatched by private hand to Philadelphia. While Gates was in this mood, his aide-de- camp, Major Troup, reported an unsuccessful application to the commander-in-chief for tents. * Letter to James Lovell, of Massachusetts. Gates's papers, N. Y. Hist. Library. In the petulance of the moment, Gates ad- dressed the following letter to Washington : " Major Troup, upon being disappointed in pro- curing tents at Fishkill, acquaints me that he went to head-quarters to implore your Excel- lency's aid in that particular for the Northern army. He says your Excellency told him you should want every tent upon the continent for the armies to the southward, and that you did not see any occasion the Northern army could have for tents, for, being a fixed post, they might hut. Refusing this army what you have not in your power to bestow, is one thing," adds Gates, " but saying that this army has not the same necessities as the Southern armies, is another. I can assure your Excellency the service of the northward reqiiires tents as much as any service I ever saw." * However indignant Washington may have felt at the disrespectful tone of this letter, and the unwarrantable imputation of sectional par- tiality contained in it, he contented himself with a grave and measured rebuke. " Can you suppose," writes he, "if there had been an ample supply of tents for the whole army, that I should have hesitated one moment in comply- ing with your demand ? I told Major Troup, that on account of our loss at Danbury there would be a scarcity of tents ; that our army would be a moving one, and that consequently nothing but tents would serve Our turn ; and that, therefore, as there would be the greatest probability of your being stationary, you should endeavor to cover your troops with barracks and huts. Certainly this was not a refusal of tents, but a request that you should, in our contracted situation, make every shift to do ■ without them, or at least with as few as pos- sible. " The Northern army is, and ever has been, as much the object of ray care and attention as the one immediately under my command. * * * * I will make particular inquiry of the quartermaster-general, concerning his prospect and expectations as to the article of tents ; and if, as I said before, there appears a sufficiency for the whole army, you shall most willingly have your share. But, if there is not, surely that army whose movement is uncertain, must give up its claims for the present to that which must inevitably take the field the moment the weather will admit, and must continue in it the whole campaign." f * Gates's Papers. t Washington's Writings. Sparks, iv. 427. JiT. 45.] GATES' VISIT TO PHILADELPHIA— APPEARS OX THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS. 349 Notwithstanding this reply, Gates insisted in imputing sectional partiality to the com- mander-in-chief, and sought to impart the same idea to Congress. " Either I am exceedingly dull or unreasonably jealous," writes he to his correspondent Mr. Lovell, " if I do not discover by the style and tenor of the letters from Mor- ristown, how little I have to expect from thence. Generals are so far like parsons, they are all for christening their own child first ; hut let an impartial moderating power decide between us, and do not sufi"er Southern preju- dices to weigh heavier in the balance than the Northern." * A letter from Mr. Lovell, dated the 23d of May, put an end to the suspense of the general with respect to his position. " Misconceptions of past resolves and consequent jealousies," writes he, " have produced a definition of the Northern department, and General Schuyler is ordered to take command of it. The resolve, also, which was thought to fix, head-quarters at Albany, is repealed." Such a resolve had actually been passed on the 22d, and Albany, Ticonderoga, Fort Stan- wix, and their dependencies, were thencefor- ward to be considered as forming the Northern department. The envoy of Gates, bearing the letter in which he had carved out a command for Schuyler at Peekskill, arrived at Philadel- phia too late. The general was already pro- vided for. Schuyler was received with open arms at Albany, on the 3d of June. " I had the satis- faction," writes he, " to experience the finest feelings which my country expressed on my arrival and reappointment. The day after my arrival, the whole county committee did me' the honor in form to congratulate me." Gates was still in Albany, delaying to pro- ceed with General Fermois to Ticonderoga un- til the garrison should be sufliciently strength- ened. Although the resolve of Congress did but define his position, which had been misun- derstood, he persisted in considering himself degraded ; declined serving under General Schuyler, who would have given him the post at Ticonderoga in his absence ; and obtaining permission to leave the department, set out on the 9th for Philadelphia to demand redress of Congress. General St. Clair was sent to take command of the troops at Ticonderoga, accompanied by Gatee'B Papers, N. Y. Hist. Lib. Gen. de Fermois. As the whole force in the Northern department would not be sufficient to command the extensive works there on both sides of the lake, St. Clair was instructed to bestow his first attention in fortifying Mount Independence, on the east side, Schuyler con- sidering it much the most defensible, and that it might be made capable of sustaining a long and vigorous siege. "I am fully convinced," writes he, "that between two and three thousand men can elfect- ually maintain Mount Independence and secure the pass." It would be imprudent, he thought, to station the greater part of the forces at 'Fort Ticonde- roga ; as, should the enemy be able to invest it, and cut oif the communication with the country on the east side, it might experience a disaster similar to that at Fort "Washington. The orders of Schuyler to officers command- ing posts in the department, are characterized by his Dutch attention to cleanliness a^ to the quarters of the soldiers, their bedding, cloth- ing, and equipments. All officers mounting guard were to have their hair dressed and powdered. The adju- tants of the several corps were to be particular- ly careful, that none of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers mount guard without hav- ing their hair dressed and powdered, their per- sons perfectly clean, and their arms and accou- trements in the most complete order. While Schuyler was thus providing for the security of Ticonderoga, and enforcing cleanli- ness in his department, Gates was wending his Avay to Philadelphia, his bosom swelling Avith imaginary wrongs. He arrived there on the 18th. The next day at noon, Mr. Eoger Sher- man, an Eastern delegate, informed Congress that General Gates was waiting at the door, and wished admittance. " For what purpose ? " it was asked. " To communicate intelligence of importance," replied Mr. Sherman. Gates was accordingly ushered in, took his seat in an elbow chair, and proceeded to give some news concerning the Indians ; their friendly dispositions, their delight at seeing French officers in the American service, and other matters of the kind ; then drawing forth some papers from his pocket, he opened upon the real object of his visit ; stating from his notes, in a flurried and disjointed manner, the easy and happy life he had left to take up arms for the liberties of America ; and how strenu- 350 GATES MEETS WITH A REBUFF— THE HIGHLAND PASSES OF THE HUDSON. [1777. ously he had exerted himself in its defence ; how that some time in March he had been ap- pointed to a command in the Northern depart- mient ; but that a few days ago, without havmg given any cause of offence, without accusation, without trial, without hearing, without notice, he had received a resolution by which he was, in a most disgraceful manner, superseded in his command. Here his irritated feelings got the better of his judgment, and he indulged in angry reproaches of Congress, and recitals of a conversation which had taken place between him and Mr. Duane, a member of the House, whom he considered his enemy. Here Mr. Duane rose, and addressing himself to the pres- ident, hoped the general would observe order, and cease any personal observations, as he could not, in Congress, enter into any controversy with him u-^on the subject of former conversa- tions. Other of the members took fire ; the conduct of the general was pronounced disrespectful to the House, and unworthy of himself, and it was moved and seconded that he be requested to with- draw. Some of the Eastern delegates opposed the motion, and endeavored to palliate his con- duct. A wordy clamor ensued, during which the general stood, his papers in his hand, endeavor- ing several times to be heard ; but the clamor increasing, he withdrew with the utmost in- dignation. It was then determined that he should not again be admitted on the floor ; but should be informed that Congress were ready and willing to hear, by way of memorial, any grievances of which he might have to com- plain.* CHAPTER VII. The Highland passes of the Hudson, always objects of anxious thought to Washington, were especially so at this juncture. General Mc- Dougall still commanded at Peekskill, and General George Clinton, who resided at New "Windsor, had command of the Highland forts. The latter, at the earnest request of the New York Convention, had received from Congress the command of brigadier-general in the Conti- nental army. " My precarious state of health • and want of military knowledge," writes he, " would have rather induced me to have led a more retired life than that of the army, had I Letter of the lion. Wm. Ducv. Schuyler's Papers. been consulted on the occasion ; but as, early in the present contest, I laid it down as a max- im not to refuse my best, though poor services, to my country in any way they should think proper to employ me, I cannot refuse the honor done me in the present appointment." * He was perfectly sincere in what he said, George Clinton was one of the soldiers of the Revolution who served from a sense of duty, not from military inclination or a thirst for glory. A long career of public service in various capacities illustrated his modest worth and devoted patriotism. When the " unhappy affair of Peekskill " had alarmed the Convention of New York for the safety of the forts on the Highlands, Clinton, authorized by that body, had ordered out part of the militia of Orange, Dutchess, and West- chester counties, without waiting for Washing- ton's approbation of the measure. He had strengthened, also, with anchors and cables, the chain drawn across the river at Fort Mont- gomery. " Had the Convention suffered me to have paid my whole attention to this busi- ness," writes he to Washington (18th April), " it would have been nearly completed by this time." A few days later came word that several transports were anchored at Dobbs' Ferry in the Tappan Sea. It might be intended to divert attention from a movement towards the Delaware ; or to make incursions into the country back of Morristown, seize on the passes through the mountains, and cut off the com- munication between the army and the Hudson. To frustrate such a design, Washington ordered. Clinton to post as good a number of troops from his garrison as he could spare, on the mountains west of the river. In the month of May, he writes to General McDougall : " The imperfect state of the forti- fications of Fort Montgomery gives me great uneasiness, because I think, from a concurrence of circumstances, that it begins to look as if the enemy intended to turn their view towards the North River instead of the Delaware. I therefore desire that General George Clinton, and yourself, will fall upon every measure to put the fortifications in such a state that they may at least resist a sudden attack, and keep the enemy employed till reinforcements may arrive. If the North River is their object, they cannot accomplish it unless they with- * Clinton to Washington. JEj. 45.] REPORT ON THE DEFENCES OF THE HIGHLANDS— ARNOLD AND PUTNAM. 35I draw their forces from the Jerseys, and that they cannot do unknown to us." On the 12th of May, General Greene received instructions from Washington to proceed to the Highlands, and examine the state and con- dition of the forts, especially Fort Montgom- ery ; the probability of an attack by water, the practicabihty of an approach by land ; where and how this could be effected, and the eminences whence the forts could be annoyed. This done, and the opinions of the general otS- cers present having been consulted, he was to give stich orders and make such disposition of the troops as might appear necessary for the greater security of the passes by land and water. When reconnoitring the Highlands in the pre- ceding year, Washington had remarked a wild and rugged pass on the western side of the Hudson round Bull Hill, a rocky, forest-clad mountain, forming an advance rampart at the entrance to Peekskill Bay. " This pass," he observed, " should also be attended to, lest the enemy iy a coup de main sJiould 2)ossess them- selves of it lefore a sufficient force could l)e as- semiled to oppose themy Subsequent events will illustrate, though unfortunately, the saga- city and foresight of this particular instruc- tion. General Knox was associated with General Greene in this visit of inspection. They ex- amined the river and the passes of the High- lands in company with Generals McDougall, George ' Clinton, and Anthony Wayne. The latter, recently promoted to the rank of brig- adier, had just returned from Ticonderoga. The five generals made a joint report to Wash- ington, in which they recommended the com- pletion of the obstructions in the river already commenced. These consisted of a boom, or heavy iron chain, across the river from Fort Montgomery to Anthony's Nose, with cables stretched in front to break the force of any ship under way, before she should strike it. The boom was to be protected by the guns of two ships and two row galleys stationed just above it, and by batteries on shore. This, it was deemed, would be suflScient to prevent the enemy's ships from ascending the river. If these obstructions could be rendered effective, they did not think the enemy would attempt to operate by laud ; "the passes through the Highlands being so exceedingly difficult." The general command of the Hudson, from the number of troops to be assembled there, and the variety of points to be guarded, was one of the most important in the service, and required an officer of consummate energy, ac- tivity, and judgment. It was a major-general's command, and as such was offered by Wash- ington to Arnold ; intending thus publicly to manifest his opinion of his deserts, and hoping, by giving him so important a post, to appease his irritated feelings. Arnold, however, declined to accept it. In an interview with Washington at Morristown, he alleged his anxiety to proceed to Philadel- phia and settle his public accounts, which were of considerable amount ; especially as re- ports had been circulated injurious to his char- acter as a man of integrity. He intended, therefore, to wait on Congress, and request a committee of inquiry into his conduct. Beside, he did not consider the promotion conferred on him by Congress sufficient to obviate their previous neglect, as it did not give him the rank, he had a claim to, from seniority in the line of brigadiers. In their last resolve re- specting him, they had acknowledged him com- petent to the station of major-general, and, therefore, had done away every objection im- plied by their former omission. With these considerations he proceeded to Philadelphia, bearing a letter from Washington to the Presi- dent of Congress, countenancing his complaints, and testifying to the excellence of his military character. We may here add, that the accusa- tions against him were pronounced false and slanderous by the Board of War ; and the re- port of the board was confirmed by Congress, but that Arnold was still left aggrieved and unredressed in point of rank. The important command of the Hudson be- ing declined by Arnold, was now given to Put- nam, who repaired forthwith to Peekskill. General McDougall was requested by Washing- ton to aid the veteran in gaining a knowledge of the post. " You are well acquainted," writes he, "with the old gentleman's -temper ; he is active, disinterested, and open to conviction." Putnam set about promptly to carry into effect the measures of security which Greene and Knox had recommended ; especially the boom and chain at Fort Montgomery, about which General George Clinton had busied him- self. Putnam had a peculiar fancy for river obstructions of the kind. A large part of the New York and New England troops were sta- tioned at this post, not merely to guard the Hudson, but to render aid either to the Eastern or Middle States in case of exigency. 85i WASHINGTON AT MIDDLEBROOK— STATE OF THE ARMY. [1111. About this time, "Washington had the satis- faction of drawing near to him his old friend and travelling companion, Dr. James Craik, the same who had served with him in Brad- dock's campaign, and had voyaged with him down the Oliio ; for whom he now procured the appointment of assistant director-general of the Hospital department of the middle dis- trict, which included the States between the Hudson and the Potomac. In ottering the situation to the doctor, he writes, " you know how far you may be benefited or injured by such an appointment, and whether it is advis- able or practicable for you to quit your family and practice at this time. I request, as a friend, that my proposing this matter to you may have no influence upon your acceptance of it. I have no other end in view than to serve you." Dr. Craik, it will be found, remained his attached and devoted friend through life. It had been Washington's earnest wish in the early part of the spring, to take advantage of the inactivity of the enemy, and attempt some " capital stroke " for the benefit of the next campaign ; but the Avaut of troops pre- vented him. He now planned a night expe- dition for Putnam, exactly suited to the humor of the old general. He was to descend the Hudson in boats, surprise Fort Independence at Spyt den Duivel Creek, capture the garri- son, and sweep the road between that post and the Highlands. Putnam was all on fire for the enterprise, when movements on the part of the enemy, seemingly indicative of a design upon Philadel])hia, obliged Washington to abandon the project, and exert aU his vigilance in watch- ing the hostile operations in the Jerseys. Accordingly, towards the end of May, he broke up his cantonments at Morristowu, and shifted his camp to Middlebrook, within ten miles of Brunswick. His whole force fit for duty was now about seven thousand three hundred men, all from the States south of the Hudson. There were forty-three regiments, forming ten brigades, commanded by Briga- diers Muhlenberg, Weedon, Woodford, Sxjott, Smallwood, Deborre, Wayne, Dehaas, Conway, and Maxwell. These were apportioned into five divisions of two brigades each, under Major-Generals Greene, Stephen, SuUivan, Lin- coln, and Stirling. The artillery was com- manded by Knox. Sullivan, with his division, was stationed on the right at Princeton. With the rest of his force, Washington fortified him- self in a position naturally strong, among hills, in the rear of the village of Middlebrook. His camp was, on all sides, difficult of approach, and he rendered it still more so by intrench- ments. The high grounds about it commanded a wide view of the country around Brunswiclc, the road to Philadelphia, and the course of the Earitan, so that the enemy could make no im- portant movement on land, without his per- ceiving it. It was now the beautiful season of the year, and the troops from their height beheld a fer- tile and well-cultivated country spread before them, " painted with meadows, green fields, and orchards, studded with villages, and afford- ing abimdant supplies and forage." A part of their duty was to guard it from the ravage of tlie enemy, while they held themselves ready to counteract his movements in every direction. On the 31st of May, reports were brought to camp that a fleet of a hundred sail had left jSTew Yoi'k, and stood out to sea. Whither bound, and how freighted, was unknown. If they carried troops, their destination might be Delaware Bay. Eighteen transports, also, had arrived at New York, with troops in foreign uniforms. Were they those which had been in Canada, or others immediately from Ger- many ? Those who had reconnoitred them with glasses could not tell. All was matter of anxious conjecture. Lest the fleet which had put to sea should be bound farther south than Delaware Bay, Washington instantly wrote to Patrick Henry, at that time governor of Virginia, putting him on his guard. " Should this fleet arrive on your coast, and the enemy penetrate the coun- try, or make incursions, I would recommend that the earliest opposition be made by parties and detachments of militia, without Avaiting to collect a large body. I am convinced that this would be attended with the most salutary con- sequences, and that greater advantages would be derived from it, than by deferring the op- position till you assemble a number equal to that of the enemy." The troops in foreign uniforms which had landed from the transports, proved to be An- spachers, and other German mercenaries ; there were British reinforcements also ; and, Avhat was particularly needed, a supply of tents and camp equipage. Sir William Howe had been waiting for the latter, and likewise until the ground should be covered with grass.* * Evidence of Major-Genoral Grey before the House of Commons. Ml. 45.] HOWE CROSSES INTO THE JERSEYS— REED'S APPEAL TO WASHINGTON. 35? The country was now in full verdure, aflford- ing " green forage " in abundance, and all things seemed to Sir William propitious for the opening of the campaign. Early in June, therefore, he gave up ease and gayety, and lux- urious life at New York, and crossing into the Jerseys, set up his head-quarters at Bruns- wick. As soon as Washington ascertained that Sir William's attention was completely turned to this quarter, he determined to strengthen his position with all the force that could be spared from other parts, so as to be able, in case a favorable opportunity presented, to make an attack upon the enemy ; in the mean time, he would harass them with his light militia troops, aided by a few Continentals, so as to weaken their numbers by continual skirmishes. With this view, he ordered Qeneral Putnam to send down most of the Continental troops from Peekskill, leaving only a number suflBcient, in conjunction with the militia, to guard that post against surprise. They were to proceed in three divisions under Generals Parsons, Mc- Dougall, and Glover, at one day's march dis- tance from each other. Arnold, in this critical juncture, had been put in command of Philadelphia, a post which he had been induced to accept, although the question of rank had not been adjusted to his satisfaction. His command embraced the west- ern bank of the Delaware, with all its fords and passes, and he took up his station there with a strong body of militia, supported by a few Continentals, to oppose any attempt of the enemy to cross the river. He was instructed by Washington to give him notice by expresses, posted on the road, if any fleet should appear in Delaware Bay ; and to endeavor to concert signals with the camp of Sullivan at Princeton, by alarm fires upon the hills. On the night of the 13th of June, General Howe sallied forth in great force from Bruns- wick, as if pushing directly for the Delaware ; but his advanced guard halted at Somerset court-house, about eight or nine miles distant. Apprised of this movement, Washington at day- break reconnoitred the enemy from the heights before the camp. He observed their front halting at the court-house, but a few miles dis- tant, while troops and artillery were grouped here and there along the road, and the rear- guard was still at Brunswick. It was a ques- tion with Washington and his generals, as they reconnoitred the enemy with their glasses, 23 whether this was a real move toward Phila- delphia, or merely a lure to tempt them down from their strong position. In this uncertainty, Washington drew out his anny in battle array along the heights, but kept quiet. In the pres- ent State of his forces it was his plan not to risk a general action ; but, should the enemy really march toward the Delaware, to hang heavily upon their rear. Their principal diffi- culty would be in crossing that river, and there, he trusted, they would meet with spirited op- position from the Continental troops and militia, stationed on the western side under Arnold and Mifflin. The British took up a strong position, having Millstone Crfek on their left, the Earitan all along their front, and their right resting on Brunswick, and proceeded to fortify them- selves with bastions. While thus anxiously situated, Washington, on the 14:th, received a letter from Colonel Eeed, his former secretary and confidential friend. A coolness had existed on the gen- eral's part, ever since he had unwarily opened the satirical letter of General Lee ; yet he had acted towards Keed with his habitual high- mindedness, and had recently nominated him as general of cavalry. The latter had deeply de- plored the interruption of their once unreserv- ed intercourse ; he had long, he said, desired to have one hour of private conversation with Washington on the subject of Lee's letter, but had deferred it in the hope of obtaining his own letter to which that was an answer. In that he had been disappointed by Lee's captivity, On the present occasion, Reed's heart was full, and he refers to former times in language that is really touching : " I am sensible, my dear sir," writes he, " how difficult it is to regain lost friendship ; but the consciousness of never having justly forfeited yours, and the hope that it may be in my power fully to convince you of it, are some consolation for an event which I never think of but with the greatest concern. In the mean time, my dear general, let me entreat you to judge of me by realities, not by appearances ; and belipve that I never entertained or ex- pressed a sentiment incompatible with that re- gard I professed for your person and charac- ter, and which, whether I shall be so happy as to possess your future good opinion or not, I shall carry to my grave with me. " A late perusal of the letters you hon- ored me with at Cambridge and Few York,. 354 WASHINGTON'S KEPLY TO REED— RUMOEED INROADS FROM THE NORTH. [IVIT. last year, afforded me a melanclioly j^leasure. I cannot help acknowledging myself deeply affected in a comparison with those which I have since received. I should not, my dear sir, have trespassed on your time and patience at this juncture so long, but that a former letter upon this subject I fear has miscarried ; an-d whatever may be my future destination and course of life, I could not support the reflection of being thought ungrateful and insincere to a friendship which was equally my pride and my pleasure. May God Almighty crown your virtue, my dear and much respected general, with deserved success, and make your life as happy and honorable to yourself as it has been useful to your country." The heart of "Washington was moved by this appeal, and though in the midst of military preparations, with a hostile army at hand, he detained Colonel Reed's messenger long enough to write a short letter in reply : " to thank you," said he, " as I do most sincerely, for the friendly and affectionate sentiments contained in yours towards me, and to assure you that I am perfectly convinced of the sincerity of them. " True it is, I felt myself hurt by a certain letter, which appeared at that time to be the echo of one from you ; I was hurt — not be- cause I thought my judgment wronged by the expressions contained in it, but because the same sentiments were not communicated im- mediately to myself. The favorable manner in which your opinions, upon all occasions, had been received, the impressions they made, and the unreserved m^ner in which I wished and required them to be given, entitled me, I thought, to your advice upon any point in which I appeared to be wanting. To meet with any thing, then, that carried with it a complexion of withholding that advice from me, and censuring my conduct to another, was such an argument of disingenuity, that I was not a little mortified at it. However, I am perfectly satisfied that matters were not as they appeared from the letter alluded to." Washington was not of a distrustful spirit. From this moment, Ave are told that all es- trangement disappeared, and the ancient rela- tions of friendly confidence between him and Colonel Reed were restored.* His whole con- duct throughout the affair bears evidence of his candor and magnanimity. • * Life of Reed, Ijy his grandson. CHAPTER VIII. The American and British armies, strongly posted, as we liave shown, the former along the heights of Middlebrook, the other beyond the Raritan, remained four days grimly regard- ing each other ; both waiting to be attacked. The Jersey militia, which now turned out with alacrity, repaired some to Washington's camp, others to that of Sullivan. The latter had fallen back from Princeton, and taken a po- sition behind the Sourland HUls. Howe pushed out detachments, and made several feints, as if to pass by the American camp, and march to the Delaware ; but Wash- ington was not to be deceived. " The enemy will not move that way," said he, " until they have given this army a severe blow. The risk would be too great to attempt to cross a river where they must expect to meet a formidable opposition in front, and would have such a force as ours in their rear." He kept on the heights, therefore, and strengthened his in- trenchments. Baffled in these attempts to draw his cautious adversary into a general action, Howe, on the 19th, suddenly broke up his camp, and pre- tended to return with some precipitation to Brunswick, burning as he went several valuable dwelling-houses. Washington's light troops hovered round the enemy as far as the Raritan and Millstone, which secured their flanks, would permit ; but the main army kept to its strong- hold on the heighfs. On the next day came warlike news from the North. Amesbury, a British spy, had been seized and examined by Schuyler. Burgoyne was stated as being arrived at Quebec to com- mand the forces in an invasion from Canada. While he advanced with his main force by Lake Cham plain, a detachment of British ' troops, Canadians, and Indians, led by Sir John Johnson, was to penetrate by Oswego to the \ Mohawk River, and place itself between Fort i Stanwix and Fort Edward. If this information was correct, Ticonderoga s would soon be attacked. The force there i might be sufilcient for its defence, but Schuyler would have no troops to oppose the inroad of Sir John Johnson, and he urged a reinforce- ment. Washington forthwith sent orders to Putnam to procure sloops, and hold four Mas- fi sachusetts regiments in readiness to go up the » river at a moment's warning. Still, if the in- ^ /Et. 45.] CORNWALLIS ATTACKS STIRLING— THE ENEMY EVACUATE THE JERSEYS. 355 formation of the spy was correct, he doubted the ability of the enemy to carry the reported plan into effect. It did not appear that Bur- goyne had brought any reinforcements from Europe. If so, he could not move with a greater force than five thousand men. The garrison at Ticonderoga was sufficiently strong, according to former accounts, to hold it against an attack. Burgoyne certainly would never leave it in his rear, and if he invested it, he would not have a sufficient number left to send one body to Oswego and another to cut off the communications between Fort Edward and Fort George. Such was Washington's reason- ing in reply to Schuyler. In the mean time, he retained his mind unflurried by these new rumors ; keeping from his heights a vigilant eye upon General ITowe. On the 22d, Sir William again marched out of Brunswick, but this time proceeded towards Amboy, again burning several houses on the way ; hoping, perhaps, that the sight of col- umns of smoke rising from a ravaged country, would irritate the Americans and provoke an attack. Washington sent out three brigades under General Greene to fall upon the rear of the enemy, while Morgan hung upon their skirts with his riflemen. At the same time the army remained paraded on the heights, ready to yield support, if necessary . Finding that Howe had actually sent his heavy baggage and part of his troops over to Staten Island by a bridge of boats, which he had thrown across, Washington, on the 24th, left the heights and descended to Quibbletown (now New Market), six or seven miles on the road to Amboy, to be nearer at hand for the protection of his advanced parties ; while Lord Stirling with his division and some light troops was at Matouchin church, closer to the enemy's lines, to watch their motions, and be ready to harass them while crossing to the island. General Howe now thought he had gained his point. Eecalling those who had crossed, he formed his troops into two columns, the right led by Cornwallis, the left by himself, and marched back rapidly by different routes* from Amboy. He had three objects in view : to cut off the principal advanced parties of the Americans ; to come up with and bring the main body into an engagement near Quibbletown ; or that Lord Cornwallis, making a consider- able circuit to the right, should turn the left of Washington's position, get to the heights, take possession of the passes, and oblige him to abandon that stronghold where he had hitherto been so seciare.* Washington, however, had timely notice of his movements, and penetrating his design, regained his fortified camp at Middlebrook, and secured the passes of the mountains. He then detached a body of light troops under Brigadier- General Scott, together with Morgan's riflemen, to hang on the flank of the enemy and watch their motions. Cornwallis, in his circuitous march, dispersed the light parties of the advance, but fell in with Lord Stirling's division, strongly posted in a woody country, and well covered by artillery judiciously disposed. A sharp skirmish ensued, when the Americans gave way and retreated to the hills, with the loss of a few men and three field-pieces ; while the British halted at Westfield, disappointed in the main objects of their enterprise. They remained at Westfield until the afternoon of the 27th, when they moved toward Spanktown (now Eahway), plundering aU before them, and, it is said, burning several houses ; but pursued and ha- rassed the whole way by the American light troops.t Perceiving that every scheme of bringing the Americans to a general action, or at least of withdrawing them from their strong- holds, was rendered abortive by the caution and prudence of Washington, and aware of the madness of attempting to march to the Dela- ware, through a hostile country, with such a force in his rear. Sir William Howe broke up his head-quarters at Amboy on the last of Jnne, and crossed over to Staten Island on the floating bridge ; his troops that were en- camped opposite to Amboy struck their tents on the following day, and marched. off to the old camping ground on the Bay of New York ; the ships got under way, and moved down round the island ; and it was soon apparent, that at length the enemy had really evacuated the Jerseys. The question now was, what would be their next move ? A great stir among the shipping seemed to indicate an expedition by water. But whither ? Circumstances occurred to per- plex the question. Scarce had the last tent been struck, and the last transport disappeared from before Amboy, when intelligence arrived from General St. Clair, announcing the appearance of a hostile * Civil "War in America, v. i., p. 247. t Letter to the President of ConrxreF?, 2Stli June, 1777. 356 MOVEMENTS OF THE ENEMY— SPECULATIONS OF WASHINGTON. [1111. fleet on Lake Champlain, and that General Burgoyne with the whole Canada army was approaching Ticonderoga. The judgment and circumspection of Washington were never more severely put to the proof. Was this merely a diversion with a small force of light troops and Indians, intending to occupy the attention of the American forces in that quarter, while the main body of the army in Canada should come round by sea, and form a junction with the army under Howe? But General Burgoyne, in Washington's opinion, was a man of too mucb spirit and enterprise to return from England merely to execute a plan from which no honor was to be derived. Did be really intend to break through by the way of Ticon- deroga ? In that case it must be Howe's plan to co-operate with him. Had all the recent manceuvres of the enemy in the Jerseys, which bad appeared so enigmatical to Washington, been merely a stratagem to amuse bim until they should receive intelligence of the move- ments of Burgoyne ? If so, Sir William must soon throw off the mask. His next move, in such case, would be to ascend the -Hudson, seize on the Highland passes before Washing- ton could form a union with the troops station- ed there, and thus open the way for the junc- tion with Burgoyne. Should Washmgton, however, on such a presumption, hasten with his troops to Peekskill, leaving General Howe on Staten Island, what would prevent the lat- ter from pushing to Philadelphia by South Amboy, or any other route 1 Such were the perplexities and difficulties presenting themselves under every aspect of the case, and discussed by Washington in his correspondence with his accustomed clearness. In this dilemma he sent Generals Parsons and Varnum with a couple of brigades in all haste to Peekskill; and wrote to Generals George Clinton and Putnam ; the former to call out the New York militia from Orange and Ulster Counties; the latter to summon the militia from Connecticut ; and as soon as such rein- forcements should be at hand, to despatch four of the strongest Massachusetts regiments to the aid of Ticonderoga ; at the same time the expediency was suggested to General Schuyler, of having all the cattle and vehicles removed from such parts of the country which he might think the enemy intended to pene- trate. General Sullivan, moreover, was ordered to advance with his division towards the High- lands, as far as Pompton, while Washington moved his own camp back to Morristown, to be ready either to push on to the Highlands, or fall back upon his recgnt position at Middle- brook, according to the movements of the enemy. " If I can keep General Howe below the Highlands," said he, " I think tlieir schemes will be entirely baffled." Deserters from Staten Island and New York soon brought word to the camp that transports were being fitted up with berths for horses, and taking in three weeks' supply of water and provender. All this indicated some other destination than that of the Hudson. Lest an attempt on the Eastern States should be in- tended, Washington sent a circular to their governors to put them on their guard. In the midst of his various cares, his yeoman soldiery, the Jersey militia, were not forgotten. It was their harvest time ; and the State being evacuated, there was no immediate call for their services ; he dismissed, therefore, almost the whole of them to their homes. Captain Graydon, whose memoirs we have heretofore had occasion to quote, paid a visit to the camp at this juncture, in company with Colonel Miles and Major West, all American prisoners on Long Island, but who had been liberated on parole. Graydon remarks that, to their great surprise, they saw no military parade upon their journey, nor any indication of martial vigor on the part of the country. Here and there a militia man with his con- trasted colored cape and facings; doubtless some one who had received his furlough, and was bound home to his farm. Captains, majors, and colonels abounded in the land, but were not to be found at the head of their men. When he arrived at the camp, he could see nothing which deserved the name of army. " I was told, indeed," remarks he, " that it was much weakened by detachments, and I was glad to find there was some cause for the present paucity of soldiers. I could not doubt, however, that things were going on well. The commander-in-chief and all about him were in excellent spirits." The three officers waited on Washington at his marquee in the evening. In the course of conversation, he asked them what they conceived to be the objects of Gen- eral Howe. Colonel Miles replied, a co-opera- tion with the Northern army, by means of the Hudson. Washmgton acknowledged that in- dications and probabilities tended to that con- ^T. 45.] HAMILTON AT HEAD-QUARTERS— BRITISH INVASION FROM CANADA. J57 elusion ; nevertheless, he had little doubt the object of Howe was Philadelphia. Graydon and his companions dined the next day at head-quarters ; there was a large party, in which were several ladies. Colonel Alex- ander Hamilton, who, in the preceding month of April, had been received into "Washington's family as aide-de-camp, presided at the head of the table, and " acquitted himself," writes Graydon, " with an ease, propriety, and viva- city which gave me the most favorable impres- sion of his talents and accomplishments." "We may here observe that the energy, skill, and intelligence displayed by Hamilton through- out the last year's campaign, whenever his limited command gave him opportunity of evincing them, had won his entrance ' to head- quarters ; where his quick discernment and precocious judgment were soon fuUy appreci- ated. Strangers were surprised to see a youth, scarce twenty years of age, received into the implicit confidence, and admitted into the gravest counsels of a man like "Washington. "While his uncommon talents thus commanded respect, rarely inspired by one of his years, his juvenile appearance and buoyant spirit made him a universal favorite. Harrison, the " old secretary," much his senior, looked upon him with an almost paternal eye, and regarding his diminutive size and towering spirit, used to call him " the little lion ; " while "Washington would now and then speak of him by the cherishing appellation of '' my boy." * The following is Graydon's amusing account of "Wayne, whom he visited at his quarters, " He entertained the most sovereign contempt for the enemy. In his confident way, he af- firmed that? the two armies had interchanged their original modes of warfare. That for our parts, we had thrown away the shovel, and the British had taken it up, as they dared not face us without the cover of an intrenchment. I made some allowance for the fervid manner * Communicated to the autlior by the late Mrs. Ham- ilton. NOTE. A veteran officer of the Revolution used to speak in his old days of the occasion on which he first saw Hamilton. It was during the memorable retreat through the Jerseys. " I noticed," said he, " a youth, a mere stripling, small, slender, almost delicate in frame, marching beside a piece of artillery, with a cocked hat pulled down over his eyes, apparently lost in thought, with his hand resting on the cannon, and every now and then patting it as he mused, as if it were a favorite horse, or a pet plaything." of the general, who, though unquestionably as brave a man as any in the army, was neverthe- less somewhat addicted to the vaunting style of Marshal Villars, a man who, like himself, could fight as well as brag." Graydon speaks of the raotly, shabby cloth- ing of the troops. " Even in General "Wayne himself, there was in this particular a consid- erable falling oflP. His quondam regimentals as colonel of the 4th battalion were, I think, blue and white, in which he had been accustomed to appear with exemplary neatness ; whereas he was now dressed in character for Macheath or Captain Gibbet, in a dingy red coat, with a black rusty cravat and tarnished hat." "Wayne was doubtless still rusty from his campaigning in the north. Graydon, during his recent captivity, had been accustomed to the sight of British troops in the completeness of martial array, and looked with a rueful eye on patriotism in rags. From all that he saw at the camp, he suspected affairs were not in a prosperous train, notwith- standing the cheerful countenances at head- quarters. There appeared to be a want of animated co-operation both on the part of the government and the people " General "Wash- ington, with the little remnant of his army at Morristown, seemed left to scuffle for liberty, like another Cato at Utica." "' "We will now turn to the Forth, and lift the curtain for a moment, to give the reader a glance at affairs in that quarter about which there were such dubious rumors. CHAPTER IX. The armament advancing against Ticonde- roga, of which General St. Clair had given intelligence, was not a mere diversion, but a regular invasion ; the plan of which had been devised by the king. Lord George Germain, and General Burgoyne, the latter having re- turned to England from Canada in the preced- ing year. The junction of the two armies, — that in Canada and that under General Howe in E"ew York, — was considered the speediest mode of quelling the rebellion; and as the security and good government of Canada re- quired the presence of Governor Sir Guy Carle- ton, three thousand men were to remain there * Graydou'8 Memoirs, ji. 282. 858 PLANS OF BURGOYNE— SCHUYLER ON THE ALERT. [im. with him ; tlie residue of the array was to be employed upon two expeditions ; the one under General Burgoyne, who was to force his way to Albany, the other under Lieutenant-Colonel St. Leger, who was to make a diversion on the Mohawk Eiver. The invading army was composed of three thousand seven hundred and twenty-four Brit- ish rank and file, three thousand sixteen Ger- mans, mostly Brunswickers, two hundred and fifty Canadians, and four hundred Indians ; be- side these there were four hundred and seventy- three artillery men, in all nearly eight thousand men. The army was admirably appointed. Its brass train of artillery was extolled as per- haps the finest ever allotted to an army of the size. General Phillips, who commanded the artillery, had gained great reputation in the wars in Germany. Brigadiers-General Eraser, Powel, and Hamilton, were also officers of dis- tinguished merit. So was Major-General the Baron Eiedesel, a Brunswicker, who command- ed the German troops. While Burgoyne with the main force pro- ceeded from St. Johns, Colonel St, Leger, with a detachment of regulars and Canadians, about seven hundred strong, was -to land at Oswego, and, guided by Sir John Johnson at the head of his loyalist volunteers, tory refugees from his former neighborhood, and a body of Indians, was to enter the Mohawk country, draw the attention of General Schuyler in that direction, attack Fort Stanwix, and having ravaged the valley of the Mohawk, rejoin Burgoyne at Al- bany ; where it was expected they would make a triumphant junction with the army of Sir "\Yilliara Howe. General Burgoyne left St. Johns on the 16th of June. Some idea may be formed of his buoyant anticipation of a triumphant progress through the country, by the manifold and lum- bering appurtenances of a European camp with which his army was encumbered. In this re- spect he had committed the same error in his campaign through a wilderness of lakes and forests, that had once embarrassed the unfortu- nate Braddock in his march across the moun- tains of Virginia. Schuyler was uncertain as to the plans and force of the enemy. If information gathered i'rom scouts and a captured spy might be relied on, Ticonderoga would soon be attacked ; but he trusted the garrison was sufficient to main- tain it. This information he transmitted to ■Washington from Eort Edward on the 16th, the very day that Burgoyne embarked at St. Johns. On the following day Schuyler was at Ticon- deroga. The works were not in such a state of forwardness as he had anticipated, owing to the tardy arrival of troops, and the want of a sufticient mmiber of artificers. The works in question related chiefly to Mount Independence, a high circular hiU on the east side of the lake, immediately opposite to the old fort, and con- sidered the most defensible. A star fort with pickets crowned the summit of the hill, which was table land ; half way down the side of a hill was a battery, and at its foot were strongly intrenched works well mounted v>-ith cannon. Here the French General de Fermois, who had charge of this fort, was posted. As this part of Lake Champlain is narrow, a connection was kept up between the two forts by a floating bridge, supported on twenty-two sunken piers in caissons, formed of very strong timber. Between the piers were separate floats,' fifty feet long and twelve feet wide, strongly connected by iron chains and rivets. On the north side of the bridge was a boom, composed of large pieces of timber, secured by riveted bolts, and beside this was a double iron chain with links an inch and a half square. The bridge, boom, and chain were four hundred yards in length. This immense work, the labor of months, on which no expense had been spared, was intended, while it afforded a com- munication between the two forts, to protect the upper part of the lake, presenting, under cover of their guns, a barrier, which it was presumed no hostile ship would be able to break through. Having noted the state of affairs and the wants i)f the garrison, Schuyler hastened to Fort George, whence he sent on provisions for upwards of sixty days ; and from the banks of the Hudson additional carpenters and working cattle. ''Business will now go on in better train, and I hope with much more spirit," Avrites ho to Congress ; " and I trust we shall stiU be able to put every thing in such order as to give the enemy a good reception, and, I hope a repulse, should they attempt a real attack, which I conjecture will not be soon, if at all; although I expect they will approach Avith their fleet to keep us in alarm, and to draw our attention from other quarters where they may mean a real attack." His idea was that, while their fleet and a small body of troops might appear before Ti- J3t. *5.] BURGOYNE OX LAKE CHAMPLAIN— HIS WAR-SPEECH TO THE INDIANS. 359 conderoga, and keep up continual alarms, the main army might march from St. Francois or St. Johns towards the Connecticut River, and make an attempt on the Eastern States. " A manoeuvre of this kind," observes he, " would be in General Burgoyne's way, and, if success- ful, would be attended with much honor to him. * * * * I am the more confirmed in this conjecture, as the enemy cannot be ig- norant how very difficult, if not impossible, it will be for them to penetrate to Albany, unless in losing Ticonderoga we should lose not only all our cannon, but most of the army designed for this department." In the mean time, Burgoyne, with his am- phibious and semi-barbarous armament, was advancing up the lake. On the 21st of June he encamped at the river Boquet, several miles north of Crown Point ; here he gave a war feast to his savage allies, and made them a speech ir^ tliat pompous and half poetical vein in which it is the absurd practice to address our savages, and which is commonly reduced to flat prose by their interpreters. At the same time he was strenuous in enjoining hu- manity toward prisoners, dwelling on the dif- ference between ordinary wars carried on against a common enemy, and this against a country in rebellion, where the hostile parties were of the same blood, and loyal subjects of the crown might be confounded with the rebel- lious. It was a speech intended to excite their ardor, but restrain their cruelty ; a difficult medium to attain with Indian warriors. The garrison at Ticonderoga, meanwhile, were anxiously on the look-out. Their fortress, built on a hiU, commanded an extensive pros- pect over the bright and beautiful lake and its surroimding forests, but there were long points and promontories at a distance to intercept the view. By the 24th, scouts began to bring in word of the approaching foe. Bark canoes had been seen filled with white men and savages. Then three vessels under sail, and one at anchor, above Split Rock, and behind it the radeau Thunderer, noted in the last year's naval fight. Anon came word of encampments sufficient for a large body of troops, on both sides of Gilli- l;ind's Creek, with bateaux plying about its waters, and painted warriors gliding about in canoes ; while a number of smokes rising out of the forest at a distance beyond, gave signs of an Indian camp. St. Clair wrote word of all this to Schuyler, and that it was supposed the enemy were wait- ing the arrival of more force ; he did not, how- ever, think they intended to attack, but to harass, for the purpose of giving confidence to the Indians. Schuyler transmitted a copy of St. Clair's letter to Washington. " If the enemy's object is not to attack Ticonderoga," writes he, " I suspect tlieir movement is intended to cover an attempt on New Hampshire, or the Mohawk River, or to cut off the communication between Fort Edward and Fort George, or perhaps all three, the more to distract us and divide our force." He urged Washington for reinforce- ments as soon as possible. At the same time he wrote to St. Clair, to keep scouts on the east side of the lake near the road leading from St. Johns to New Hampshire, and on the west, on the road leading to the north branch of the Hudson. This done, he hastened to Albany to forward reinforcements and bring up the militia. While there, he received word from St. Clair, that the enemy's fleet and army were arrived at Crown Point, and had sent off de- tachments, one up Otter Creek to cut off the communication by Skenesborough ; and an- other on the west side of the lake to cut off Fort George. It was evident a real attack on Ticonderoga was intended. Claims for assist- ance came hurrying on from other quarters. A large force (St. Leger's) Avas said to be arrived at Oswego, and Sir John Jolmson with his myrmidons on his way to attack Fort Schuyler, the garrison of which was weak and poorly supplied with cannon. Schuyler bestirs himself with his usual zeal amid the thickening alarms. He writes lU'gent letters to the committee of safety of New York, to General Putnam at Peekskill, to the Governor of Connecticut, to the President of Massachu- setts, to the committee of Berkshire, and lastly to Washington, stating the impending dangers and imploring reinforcements. He exhorts General Herkimer to keep the militia of Tryon County in readiness to protect the western frontier and to check the inroad of Sir John Johnson, and he assures St. Clair that he will move to his aid with the militia of New York, as soon as he can collect them. Dangers accumulate at Ticonderoga accord- ing to advices from St. Clair (28th). Seven of the enemy's vessels are lying at Crown Point ; the rest of their fleet is probably but a little 360 ADVAXCE OF THE ENEMY— BURGOYNE INTRENCHES NEAR TICONDEROGA. [1171. ]j at various places. Some troops have de- barked and encamped at Chimney Point. There is no prospect, he says, of being able to defend Ticouderoga unless militia come in, and he has thought of calling in those from Berkshire. " Should the enemy invest and blockade us," writes he, " we are infallibly ruined ; we shall be obliged to abandon this side (of the lake), and then they will soon force the other from us, nor do I see that a retreat will in any shape be practicable. Every thing, however, shall be done that is practicable to frustrate the ene- my's designs ; but what can be expected from troops ill armed, naked, and unaccoutred ? " Schuyler's aide-de-camp, Major Livingston,* who had been detained at Ticonderoga by in- disposition, writes to him (June SO) in a differ- ent vein, and presents a yoimg man's view of affairs. " The enemy, after giving us several alarms, made their appearance early this morning off Three Mile Point, in eighteen gunboats, and about nine landed a party of two or three hun- dred Indians and Canadians. These soon fell in with a scout from us, but being superior in number, obliged them to retreat, though without any loss on our side. The Indians then marched to the front of the French lines, drove in a picket guard, and came so near as to wound two men who were standing behind the works. They have stopped the communi- cation between this and Lake George. " We have a fair view of their boats, but cannot see that they have brought many regu- lars with them. At least the number of red- coats in them is very small. The wind having been contrary for several days, has prevented 'their fleet from coming up. The first fair breeze I shall expect to see them. Many bets are depending that we shaU be attacked in the course of this week. Our troops are deter- mined, and in great spirits. They wish to be permitted to drive the savages from Three Mile Point, but General St. Clair chooses to act on the sure side, and risk nothing. The few alarms we have had have been of great service in making the men alert and vigilant ; but I am afraid the enemy will repeat them so fre- quently as to throw them into their former in- dolence and inattention. General St. Clair has taken the precaution to move most of the stores to the mount [Independence]. This mo- ment two ships and as many sloops have hove * Henry Brockholst Livingston : in after years Judge of the Supremo Court of the United States. in sight. The spirits of the men seem to in- crease in proportion to the number of the enemy. " I cannot but esteem myself fortimate that indisposition prevented my returning with you, as it has given me an opportunity of being present at a battle, in which I promise myself the pleasure of seeing our army flushed with victory." * The enemy came advancing up the lake on the 30th, their main body under Burgoyne on the west side, the German reserve mider Baron Eiedesel on the east ; communication being maintained by frigates and gunboats, which, in a manner, kept pace between them. It was a magnificent array of warlike means, and the sound of drum and trumpet along the shores, and now and then the thundering of a cannon from the ships, were singularly in contrast with the usual silence of a region little better than a wilderness. On the 1st of July, Burgoyne encamped four miles north of Ticonderoga, and began to in- trench, and to throw a boom across the lake. His advanced guard, under General Eraser, took post at Three Mile Point, and the ships an- chored just out of gunshot of the fort. Here he issued a proclamation still more magniloquent than his speech to the Indians, denouncing woe to all who sliould persist in rebellion, and laying particidar stress upon his means, with the aid of the Indians, to overtake the hardiest enemies of Great Britain and America wherever they might lurk. General St. Clair was a gallant Scotchman, who had seen service in the old French war as well as in this, and beheld the force arrayed against him without dismay. It is true his garrison was not so numerous as it had been represented to "Washington, not exceeding three thousand five hundred men, of whom nine hundred were militia. Tliey were badly equip- ped also, and few had bayonets ; yet, as Major Livingston reported, they were in good heart. St. Clair confided, however, in the strength of his position and the works which had been constructed in connection with it, and trusted he should be able to resist any attempt to take it by storm. Schuyler at this time was at Albany, sending up reinforcements of Continental troops and militia, and awaiting the arrival of further re- inforcements, for which sloops had been sent down to Peekskill. Letter of Major Livingston to General Schuyler, MS. JEt. 45.] HOPEFUL LETTERS OF SCHUYLER— A MILITARY ENIGMA. 361 He was endeavoring also to provide foi* tlie security of the d%)artmeut in other quarters. The savages had been scalping in the neighbor- hood of Fort Schuyler ; a set of renegade In- dians were harassing the settlements on the Susquehanna ; and the threatenings of Brant, the famous Indian chief, and the prospect of a British inroad by the way of Oswego, had spread terror through Tryon County, the in- habitants of which called upon, him for sup- port. " The enemy are harassing us in every quar- ter of this department," writes he. " I am however, happily, thank God, in full health and spirits to enable me to extend my atten- tion to those various quarters, and hope we shall all do well." * The enemy's manoeuvre of intrenching them- selves and throwing a boom across the lake, of which St. Clair informed him, made him doubt of their being in great force, or intending a serious attack. "I shall have great hopes," writes he to St. Clair, " if General Burgoyne continues in the vicinity of your post until we get up, and dares risk an engagement, we shall give a good account of him." f To General Herkimer, who commanded the militia in Tryon County, he writes in the same encouraging strain. " From intelligence which I have just now received from Ticonderoga I am not very apprehensive that any great effort wiU be made against the Mohawk Kiver. I shall, however, keep a watchful eye to the preservation of the western quarter, and have therefore directed Colonel Van Schaick to re- main in Tryon County with the [Continental] troops under his command. " If we act with vigor and spirit, we have nothing to fear ; but if once despondency takes place, the worst consequences are to be appre- hended. It is, therefore, incumbent on you to labor to keep up the spirits of the people." In the mean time he awaited the arrival of the troops from Peekskill with impatience. On the 5th they had not appeared. "'The mo- ment they do," writes he, " I shall move with them. If they do not arrive by to-morrow, I go without them, and will do the best I can with the militia." He actually did set out at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 7th. Such was the state of affairs in the north, of which "Washington from time to time had been informed. An attack on Ticonderoga appeared * Letter to the Hon. George Clymer. t Schuyler's Letter-Book. to be impending ; but as the garrison was in good heart, the commander resolute, and troops were on the way to reinforce him, a spirited and perhaps successful resistance was antici- pated by "Washington. His surprise may there- fore be imagined, on receiving a letter from Schuyler dated July Vth, conveying the as- tounding intelligence that Ticonderoga was evacuated ! Schuyler had just received the news at Still- water on the Hudson when on his way with reinforcements for the fortress. The first ac- count was so vague that "Washington hoped it might prove incorrect. It was confirmed by another letter from Schuyler, dated on the 9th at Fort Edward. A part of the garrison had been pursued by a detachment of the enemy as far as Fort Anne in that neighborhood, where the latter had been repulsed ; as to St. Clair himself and the main part of his forces, they had thrown themselves into the forest, and nothing was known what had become of them ! " I am here," writes Schuyler, " at the head of a handful of men, not above fifteen hundred, with little ammunition, not above five rounds to a man, having neither balls, nor lead to make any. The country is in the deepest con- sternation ; no carriages to remove the stores from Fort George, which I expect every mo- ment to hear is attacked ; and what adds to my distress is, that a report prevails that I had given orders for the evacuation of Ticonde- roga." "Washington was totally at a loss to account for St. Clair's movement. To abandon a for- tress which he had recently pronounced so de- fensible ; and to abandon it apparently without firing a gun ! and then the strange uncertainty as to his subsequent fortunes, and the where- abouts of himself and the main body of his troops ! " The affair," writes "Washington, " is so mysterious that it bafi3es even conjecture." His first attention was to supply the wants of General Schuyler, An express was sent to Springfield for musket cartridges, gunpowder, lead, and cartridge papers. Ten pieces of artil- lery with harness and proper officers were to be forwarded from Peekskill, as well as in- trenching tools. Of tents he had none to fur- nish, neither could heavy cannon be spared from the defence of the Highlands. Six hundred recruits, on their march from Massachusetts to Peekskill, were ordered to repair to the reinforcement of Schuyler ; this was all the force that "Washington could ven- 362 ST. CLAIR EVACUATES TICONDEROGA— PARTICULARS OF THE EVACUATION. [1111. ture at this moment to send to his aid ; but this addition to his troops, supposing those under St. Clair should have come in, and any number of militia have turned out, would probably form an army equal, if not superior, to that said to be under Burgoyne. Beside, it was Washington's idea that the latter would suspend his operations until General Howe should make a movement in concert. Suppos- ing that movement would be an immediate attempt against the Highlands, he ordered Sul- livan with his division to PeekskUl to reinforce General Putnam. At the same time he ad- vanced with his main army to Pompton, and thence to the Clove, a rugged defile through the Highlands on the west side of the Hudson, Here he encamped within eighteen miles of the river, to watch, and be at hand to oppose the designs of Sir William Howe, whatever might be their direction. On the morning of the 14th came another letter from Schuyler, dated Fort Edward, July 10th. He had that morning received the first tidings of St. Clair and his missing troops, and of their being fifty mUes east of him, Washington liailed the intelligence with that hopeful spirit which improved every ray of light in the darkest moments, " I am happy to hear," writes he, " that General St. Clair and his army are not in the hands of the en- emy. I really feared they had become prison- ers. The evacuation of Ticonderoga and Mount Independence is an event of chagrin and sur- prise not apprehended, nor within the compass of my reasoning. * * * 'pjjjg stroke is se- vere indeed, and has distressed us much. But notwithstanding things at present have a dark and gloomy aspect, I hope a spirited opposition will check the progress of General Burgoyne's army, and that the confidence derived from his success, will hurry him into measures that will in their consequences be favorable to us. We should never despair. Our situation "before has been wipromising and has changed for fhe bet- ter, so I trust it will again. If new difficulties arise, loe must only put forth new exertions, and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times.'''' His spirit of candor and moderation is evinced in another letter, "I will not condemn or even pass censure upon any ofiicer unheard, but I think it a duty which General St. Clair owes to his own character, to insist upon an opportunity of giving his reasons for his sudden evacuation of a post, which, but a few days before, he, by his own letters, thought tenable, at least for a while. People at a dis- tance are apt to form wrong conjectures, and if General St. Clair has good reasons for the step he has taken, I think the sooner he justi- fies himself the better. I have mentioned these matters, because he may not know that his conduct is looked upon as very unaccounta- ble by all ranks of people in this part of the country. If he is reprehensible, the public have an undoubted right to call for that justice which is due from an officer, who betrays or gives up his post in an unwarrantable man- ner." * Having stated the various measures adopted by Washington for the aid of the Northern ar- my at this critical juncture, we will leave him at his encampment in the Clove, anxiously watching the movements of the fleet and the lower army, while we turn to the north, to ex- plain the mysterious retreat of General St. Clair. CHAPTEK X. liSr the accounts given in the preceding chap- ter of the approach of Burgoyne to Ticonde- roga, it was stated that he had encamped four miles north of the fortress, and intrenched himself. On the 2d of July, Indian scouts made their appearance in the vicinity of a blockhouse and some outworks about the strait or channel leading to Lake George. As Gene- ral St. Clair did not think the garrison sufli- cient to defend all the outposts, these works, with some adjacent saw-mills, were set on fire and abandoned. The extreme left of Ticonde- roga was weak, and might easily be turned ; a ^ posWaad therefore been established in the pre- ceding year, nearly half a mile in advance of the old French lines, on an emiaence to the north of them. General St. Clair, through sin- gular reipissness, had neglected to secure it, Burgoyne soon discovered this neglect, and hastened to detach Generals Phillips and Eraser with a body of infantry and light artillery, to take possession of this post. They did so with- out opposition. Heavy guns were mounted upon it; Eraser's whole corps was stationed there ; the post commandec^ the communication by land and water with Lake George, so as to cut off all supplies from that quarter. In fact, Letter to Schuyler, ISth Jaly, 1777. ^T. 45.] TICONDEROGA INVESTED— PREPARATIONS FOR EVACUATION. coo such Tvere the advantages expected from this post, thus neglected by St. Clair, that the Brit- ish gave it the significant name of Mount Hope. The enemy now proceeded gradually to in- vest Ticonderoga. A line of troops was drawn from the western part of Mount Hope round to Three Mile Point, where General Fraser was posted with the advance guard, while General Eiedesel encamped with the German reserve in a parallel line, on the opposite side of Lake Champlain, at the foot of Mount Independence. For two days the enemy occupied themselves in making their advances and securing these positions, regardless of a cannonade kept up by the American batteries. St. Clair began to apprehend that a regular siege was intended, which would be more diffi- cult to withstand than a direct assault ; he kept up a resolute aspect, however, and went about among his troops, encouraging them with the hope of a successful resistance, but enjoin- ing incessant vigilance, and punctual attendance at the alarm posts at morning and evening roll- call. With all the pains and expense lavished by the Americans to render these works impreg- nable, they had strangely neglected the master key by which they were all commanded. This was Sugar Hill, a rugged height, the termina- tion of a mountain ridge which separates Lake Champlain from Lake George. It stood to the south of Ticonderoga, beyond the narrow channel which connected the two lakes, and rose precipitously from the waters of Cham- plain to the height of six hundred feet. It had been pronounced by the Americans too distant to be dangerous. Colonel .Trumbull, some time an aide-de-camp to Washington, and subse- quently an adjutant, had proved the contrary in the preceding year, by throwing a shot from a sis-pounder in the fort nearly to the summit. It was then pronounced inaccessible to an enemy. This Trumbull had likewise proved to be an error, by clambering with Arnold and Wayne to the top, whence they perceived that a prac- ticable road for artillery might easily and read- ily be made. Trumbull had insisted that this was the true point for the fort, commanding the neighboring heights, the narrow parts of both lakes, and the communication between. A small, but strong fort here, with twenty-five heavy guns and five hundred men, would be as efllcient as one hundred guns and ten thousand men on the extensive works of Ticonderoga.* * Trumbull's Autobiography, p. 32. His suggestions were disregarded. Their wis- dom was now to be proved. The British General Phillips, on taking his position, had regarded the hill with a practised eye. lie caused it to be reconnoitred by a skilful engineer. The report was, that it over- looked, and had the entire command of Fort Ticonderoga and Fort Independence; being about fourteen hundred yards from the former, and fifteen hundred from the latter ; that the ground could be levelled for cannon, and a road cut up the defiles of the mountain in four and twenty hours. Measures were instantly taken to plant a battery on that height. While the American garrisons were entirely engaged in a different direction, cannonading Mount Hope and the British lines without material effect, and with- out provoking a reply ; the British troops were busy throughout the day and night cutting a road through rocks and trees and up rugged defiles. Guns, ammunition, and stores, all were carried up the hiU in the night ; the can- non were hauled up from tree to tree, and be- fore morning the ground was levelled for the battery on which they were to be mounted. To this work, thus achieved by a coup de main, they gave the name of Fort Defiance. On the fifth of July, to. their astonishment and consternation, the garrison beheld a legion of red-coats on the summit of this hill, con- structing works which must soon lay the for- tress at their mercy. In this sudden and appalling emergency, Gen- eral St. Clair called a council of war. What was to be done ? The batteries from this new fort would probably be open the next day : by that time Ticonderoga might be completely in- vested, and the whole garrison exposed to cap- ture. They had not force sufficient for one- half the works, and General Schuyler, supposed to be at Albany, could afford them no relief. The danger was imminent ; delay might prove fatal. It was unanimously determined to evac- uate both Ticonderoga and Mount Independ- ence, that very night, and retreat to Skenes- borough (now Whitehall), at the upper part of the lake, about thirty miles distant, where there was a stockaded fort. The main body of the army, led by General St. Clair, were to cross to Mount Independence and push for Skenesborough by land, taking a circuitous route through the woods on the east side of the lake, by the way of Castleton. The cannon, stores, and provisions, together 364 THE EVACUATION— THE BRITISH IN PURSUIT. [1111. with the woTinded and the women, were to be embarked on board of two hundred bateaux, and conducted to the upper extremity of the lake, by Colonel Long with six hundred men ; two hundred of whom in five armed galleys were to form a rear-guard. It was now three o'clock in the afternoon ; yet all the preparations were to be made for the coming night, and that with as little bustle and movement as possible ; for they were over- looked by Fort Defiance and their intentions might be suspected. Every thing, therefore, was done quietly, but alertly ; in the mean time, to amuse the enemy, a cannonade was kept up every half hour toward tbe new bat- tery on the hill. As soon as the evening closed, and their movements could not be discovered, they began in all haste to load the boats. Such of the cannon as could not be taken were or- dered to be spiked. It would not do to knock off their trunnions, lest the noise should awaken suspicions. In the hurry several were left un- injured. The lights in the garrison being pre- viously extinguished, their tents were struck and put on board of the boats, and the women and the sick embarked. Every thing was con- ducted in such ' silence and address, that, al- though it was a moonlight night, the flotilla departed undiscovered ; and was soon under the shadows of mountains and overhanging forests. The retreat by land was not conducted with equal discretion and mystery. General St. Clair had crossed over the bridge to the Ver- mont side of the lake by three o'clock in the morning, and set forward with his advance through the woods toward Hubbardton ; but, before the rear-guard under Colonel Francis got in motion, the house at Fort Independence, which had been occupied by the French Gen- eral de Fennois, was set on fire — by his orders, it is said, though we are loth to charge him with such indiscretion ; such gross and wanton violation of the plan of retreat. The conse- quences were disastrous. The British sentries at Mount Hope were astonished by a conflagra- tion suddenly lighting up Mount Independence, and revealing the American troops in fuU re- treat ; for the rear-guard, disconcerted by this sudden exposure, pressed forward for the woods in the utmost haste and confusion. The drums beat to arms in the British camp. Alarm guns were fired from Mount Hope: General Fraser dashed into Ticonderoga with his pickets, giving orders for his brigade to arm in all haste and follow. By daybreak he had hoisted the British flag over the deserted fortress ; before sunrise he had passed the bridge, and was in full pursuit of the American rear-guard. Burgoyne was roused from his morning slumbers on board of the frigate Royal George, by the alarm guns from Fort Hope, and a message from General Fraser, announc- ing the double retreat of the Americans by land and water. From the quarter-deck of the frigate he soon had confirmation of the news. The British colors were flying on Fort Ticon- deroga, and Eraser's troops Avere glittering on the opposite shore. Burgoyne's measures were prompt. General Riedesel was ordered to follow and support Fraser with a part of the German troops ; gar- risons were thrown into Ticonderoga and Mount Independence ; the main part of the army was embarked on board of the frigates and gun- boats ; the floating bridge with its boom and chain, which had cost months to construct, was broken through by nine o'clock ; when Bur- goyne set out with his squadron in pursuit of the flotilla. We left the latter making its retreat on the preceding evening towards Skenesborough, The lake above Ticonderoga becomes so narrow that, in those times, it was frequently called South Eiver, Its beautiful waters wound among mountains covered with primeval for- ests. The bateaux, deeply laden, made their way slowly in a lengthened line ; sometimes imder the shadows of the mountains, sometimes in the gleam of moonlight. The rear-guard of armed galleys followed at wary distance. No immediate pursuit, however, was apprehended. The floating bridge was considei*ed an efiectual impediment to the enemy's fleet. Gayety, therefore, prevailed among the fugitives. They exulted in the secrecy and dexterity with which they had managed their retreat, and amused themselves with the idea of what would be the astonishment of the enemy at daybreak. The oflicers regaled merrily on the stores saved from Ticonderoga, and knocking off the necks of bottles of wine, drank a pleasant reveille to "General Burgoyne. About three o'clock in the afternoon of the succeeding day, the heavily laden bateaux ar- rived at Skenesborough. The disembarkation had scarcely commenced when the thundering of artillery was heard from below. Could the enemy be at hand? It was even so. The British gunboats having pushed on in advance ^T. 4j.] FIGHT AT WOOD CREEK, AND RETREAT. 365 of the frigates, had overtaken and were firing upon the galleys. The latter defended them- selves for a while, but at length two struck, and three were blown up. The fugitives from them brought word that the British ships not being able to come up, troops and Indians were landing from them and scrambling up the hills ; intending to get in the rear of the fort and cut oft' all retreat. All now was consternation and confusion. The bateaux, the storehouses, the fort, the mill were all set on fire, and a general flight took place toward Fort Anne, about twelve miles distant. Some made their way in boats up Wood Creek, a winding stream. The main body under Colonel Long, retreated by a nar- row defile cut through the woods; harassed all night by alarms that the Indians were close in pursuit. Both parties reached Fort Anne by daybreak. It was a small picketed fort, near the junction of Wood Creek and East Creek, about sixteen miles from Fort Edward. General Schuyler arrived at the latter place on the following day. The number of troops with him was inconsiderable, but, hearing of Colonel Long's situation, he immediately sent him a small reinforcement, with provisions and am- munition, and urged him to maintain his post resolutely. On the same day Colonel Long's scouts brought in word that there were British red- coats approaching. They were in fact a regi- ment under Lieutenant-Colonel Hill, detached from Skenesborough by Burgoyne in pursuit of the fugitives. Long sallied forth to meet them ; posting himself at a rocky defile, where there was a narrow pathway along the border of Wood Creek. As the enemy advanced he opened a heavy fire upon them in front, while a part of his troops crossing and recrossing the creek, and availing themselves of their knowl- edge of the ground, kept up a shifting attack from the woods in flank and rear. Apprehen- sive of being surrounded, the British took post upon a high hill to their right, where they were warmly besieged for nearly two hours, and, according to their own account, would certainly have been forced, had not some of their Indian allies arrived and set up the much- dreaded war-whoop. It was answered with three cheers by the British upon the hill. This changed the fortune of the day. The Ameri- cans had nearly expended their ammunition, and had not enough left to cope with this new enemy. They retreated, therefore, to Fort Anne, carrying with them a number of prison- ers, among whom were a captain and surgeon. Supposing the troops under Colonel Hill an ad- vance guard of Burgoyne's array, they set fire to the fort and pushed on to Fort Edward ; where they gave the alarm that the main force of the enemy was close after them, and that no one knew what had become of General St. Clair and the troops who had retreated with him. We shall now clear up the mystery of his movements. His retreat through the woods from Mount Independence continued the first day until night, when he arrived at Castleton, thirty miles from Ticonderoga. His rear-guard halted about six miles short, at Hubbardton, to await the arrival of stragglers. It was composed of three regiments, under Colonels Seth Warner, Francis, and Hale ; in all about thirteen hun- dred men. Early the next morning, a sultry morning of July, while they were taking their breakfast, they were startled by the report of fire-arms. Their sentries had discharged their muskets, and came running in with word that the enemy were at hand. It was General Eraser, with his advance of eight hundred and fifty men, who had pressed forward in the latter part of the night, and now attacked the Americans with great spirit, notwithstanding their superiority in numbers ; in fact, he expected to be promptly reinforced by Kiedesel and his Germans. The Americans met the British with great spirit ; but at the very commencement of the action Colonel Hale, with a detachment placed under his command to protect the rear, gave way, leaving Warner and Francis with but seven hundred men to bear the brunt of the battle. These posted themselves behind logs and trees in 'back- wood ' style, whence they kept up a destruc- tive fire, and were evidently gaining the ad- vantage, when General Kiedesel came pressing into the action with his German troops ; drums beating and colors flying. There was now an impetuous charge with the bayonet. Colonel Francis was among the first who fell, gallantly fighting at the head of his men. The Ameri- cans, thinking the whole German force upon them, gave way and fled, leaving the ground covered with their dead and wounded. Many others who had been wounded perished in the woods, where they had taken refuge. Their whole loss in killed, wounded, and taken, was upwards of three hundred ; that of the enemy 360 EFFECTS OF THE EVACUATION— CAPTURE OF GENERAL PRESCOTT. [1111. one hundred and eighty-three. Several officers were lost on hoth sides. Among those wound- ed of the British was Major Ackland of the grenadiers, of whose further fortunes in the war we shaU have to speak hereafter. The noise of the firing when the action com- menced had reached General St. Clair at Oas- tleton. He immediately sent orders to two militia regiments which were in his rear, and within two miles of the battle ground, to hasten to the assistance of his rear-guard. They refused to obey, and hurried forward to Castleton, At this juncture St. Clair received information of Burgoyne's arrival at Skenes- borough, and the destruction of the American works there : fearing to be intercepted at Fort Anne, he immediately changed his route, struck into the woods on his left, and directed his march to Rutland, leaving word for "Warner to follow him. The latter overtook him two days' afterwards, with his shattered force re- duced to ninety men. As to Colonel Hale, who had pressed towards Castleton at the be- ginning of the action, he and his men were overtaken the same day by the enemy, and the whole party captured, without making any fight. It has been alleged in his excuse, with apparent justice, that he and a large portion of his men were in feeble health, and unfit for action ; for his own part, he died while yet a prisoner, and never had the opportunity which he sought, to vindicate himself before a court- martial. On tlie 12th St. Clair reached Fort Edward, his troops haggard and exhausted by their long retreat through the woods. Such is the story of the catastrophe at Fort Ticonderoga, which caused so much surprise and concern to Wash- ington, and of the seven days' mysterious dis- appearance of St. Clair, which kept every one in the most painful suspense. The loss of artillery, ammunition, provisions, and stores, in consequence of the evacuation of these northern posts, was prodigious ; but the worst effect was the consternation spread throughout the country. A panic prevailed at Albany, the people running about as if dis- tracted, sending off their goods and furniture.* The great barriers of the North, it was said, were broken through, and there was nothing to check the triumphant career of the enemy. The invading army, both ofincers and men, according to a British writer of the time, " were MS. Letter of Richard Varick to Schuyler. highly elated with their fortune, and deemed that and their prowess to be irresistible. They regarded their enemy with the greatest con- tempt, and considered their own toils to be nearly at an end, and Albany already in their hands." In England, too, according to the same author, the joy and exultation were extreme ; not only at court, but with all those who hoped or wished the unqualified subjugation and un- conditional submission of the colonies. " The loss in reputation was greater to the Ameri- cans," adds he, " and capable of more fatal con- sequences, than that of ground, of posts, of artillery, or of men. All the contemptuous and most degrading charges which had been made by their enemies, of their wanting the resolution and abilities of men, even in the de- fence of what was dear to them, were now re- peated and believed." * * * « Jt -^yag not difficult to diffuse an opinion that the war, in effect, was over, and that any further resist- ance would render the terms of their submis- sion worse. Such," he concludes, " were some of the immediate effects of the loss of those grand keys of North America, Ticonderoga and. the lakes." * CHAPTKE XI. A spiEiTED exploit to the eastward was per- formed during the prevalence of adverse news from the North. General Prescott had com- mand of the British forces in Ehode Island. His harsh treatment of Colonel Ethan Allen, and his haughty and arrogant conduct on va- rious occasions, had rendered him peculiarly odious to the Americans. Lieutenant-Colonel Barton, who was stationed with a force of Rhode Island militia on the mainland, received word that Prescott was quartered at a country house near the western shore of the island, about four miles from Newport, totally unconscious of danger, though in a very exposed situation. He determined, if possible, to surprise and cap- ture him. Forty resolute men joined him in the enterprise. Embarking at night in two boats at Warwick Neck, they pulled quietly across the bay with muffled oars, undiscovered by the ships of war and guard-boats ; landed in silence ; eluded the vigilance of the guard stationed near the house ; captured the sentry * nist. Civil "War in America, vol. 5., p. 283 JEt. 45. PRESCOTT mOFFERED IN EXCHANGE FOR LEE— ARNOLD SENT NORTH. 367 at the door, and surprised the general in his bed. Eis aide-de-camp leaped from the win- dow, but was likewise taken. Colonel Barton returned with equal silence and address, and arrived safe at Warwick with his prisoners. A sword was voted to him by Congress, and he received a colonel's commission in the regular army. Washington hailed the capture of Prescott as a peculiarly fortunate circumstance, furnish- ing him with an equivalent for General Lee. He accordingly wrote to Sir William Howe, proposing the exchange. " This proposition," writes he, " being agreeable to the letter and spirit of the agreement subsisting between us, will, I hope, have your approbation. I am the more induced to expect it, as it will not only remove one ground of controversy between us, but in its consequences effect the exchanges of Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell and the Hessian officers, for a like number of ours of equal rank in your possession." No immediate reply was received to this letter, Sir William Howe being at sea ; in the mean time Prescott remained in durance. " I would have him genteelly accommodated, but strongly guarded," writes Washington. " I would not admit him to parole, as General Howe has not thought proper to grant General Lee that indulgence." * Washington continued his anxioxas exertions to counteract the operations of the enemy ; forwarding artillery and ammunition to Schuy- ler with all the camp furniture that could be spared from his own encampment and from Peekskill. A part of Nixon's brigade was all the reinforcement he could afford in his present situation. " To weaken this army more than is prudent," Avrites he, " would perhaps bring destruction upon it, and I look upon the keep- ing it upon a respectable footing as the only means of preventing a junction of Howe's and Burgoyne's armies, which, if effected, may have the most fatal consequences," Schuyler had earnestly desired the assistance of an active officer well acquainted with the country. Washington sent him Arnold. "I need not," writes he, " enlarge upon his well- known activity, conduct, and bravery. Tlie proofs he has given of all these have gained him the confidence of the public and of the army, the Eastern troops in particular." The question of rank, about which Arnold * Letter to Governor Trumbull. Correspondence of the Revolution, vol. i., Sparks. was so tenacious, was yet unsettled, and though,, had his promotion been regular, he would have been superior in command to General St. Clair, he assured Washington that, on the present occasion, his claim should create no dispute. Schuyler, in the mean time, aided by Kosci- uszko the Pole, who was engineer in his de- partment, had selected two positions on Moses Creek, four miles below Fort Edward ; where the troops which had retreated from Ticon- deroga, and part of the militia, were throwing up works. To impede the advance of the enemy, he had caused trees to be felled into Wood Creek, so as to render it unnavigable, and the roads be- tween Fort Edward and Fort Anne to be broken up ; the cattle in that direction to be brought away, and the forage destroyed. He had drawn off the garrison from Fort George, who left the buildings in flames. " Strength- ened by that garrison, who are in good health," writes he, " and if the militia, who are here, or an equal number, can be prevailed on to stay, and the enemy give me a few days more, which I think they will be obliged to do, I shall not be apprehensive that they wiU be able to force the posts I am about to occupy." Washington cheered on his faithful coadju- tor. His reply to Schuyler (July 22d) was full of that confident hope, founded on sagacious forecast, with which he was prone to animate his generals in time of doubt and difficulty. " Though our affairs for some days past have worn a dark and gloomy aspect, I yet look for- ward to a fortunate and happy change. I trust General Burgoyne's army will meet sooner or later an effectual check, and, as I suggested be- fore, that the success he has had will precipi- tate his ruin. From your accounts, he appears to be pursuing that line of conduct, which, of all others, is most favorable to us ; I mean acting in detachment. This conduct will certainly give room for enterprise on our part, and expose his parties to great hazard. Could we be so happy as to cut one of them off, supposing it should not exceed four, five, or six hundred men, it would inspirit the peo- ple, and do away much of their present anxiety. In such an event they would lose sight of past misfortunes, and, urged at the same time by a regard to their own security, they would fly to arms and afford every aid in their power." While he thus suggested bold enterprises, he cautioned Schuyler not to repose too much confidence in the works he was projecting, so 368 WASHINGTON'S CAUTIONS— PLANS TO HARASS BURGOYNE. [1111. as to collect in them a large quantity of stores. " I begin to consider lines as a kind of trap ; " writes he, " and not to answer the valuable purposes expected from them, unless they are in passes which cannot be avoided by the enemy." In circulars addressed to the brigadier-gen- erals of militia in the western parts of Massa- chusetts and Connecticut, he warned them that the evacuation of Ticonderoga had opened a door by which the enemy, unless vigorously opposed, might penetrate the northern part of the State of New York, and the western parts of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and, forming a junction with General Howe, cut off the communication between the Eastern and Northern States. "It cannot be supposed," adds he, " that the small number of Continental troops assembled at Fort Edward, is alone suffi- cient to check the progress of the enemy. To the militia, therefore, must we look for support in this time of trial ; and I trust that you will immediately upon receipt of this, if you have not done it already, march with at least one- third of the militia under your command, and rendezvous at Saratoga, unless directed to some other place by General Schuyler or General Arnold." "Washington now ordered that all the vessels and river craft, not required at Albany, should be sent down to New "Windsor and Eishkill, and kept in readiness ; for he knew not how soon the movements of General Howe might render it suddenly necessary to transport part of his forces up the Hudson. Further letters from Schuyler urged the in- creasing exigencies of his situation. It was harvest time. The militia, impatient at being detained from their rural labors, were leaving him in great numbers. In a council of general officers it had been thought advisable to give leave of absence to half, lest the whole should depart. He feared those who remained would do so but a few days. The enemy were stead- ily employed cutting a road toward him from Skenesborough. From the number of horse they Avere reported to have, and to expect, they might intend to bring their provisions on horseback. If so, they would be able to move with expedition. In this position of affairs, he urged to be reinforced as speedily as pos- sible. "Washington, in reply, informed him that he had ordered a further reinforcement of General Glover's brigade, which was all he could pos- sibly furnish in his own exigencies. He trusted affairs with Schuyler would soon wear a more smiling aspect, that the Eastern States, who were so deeply concerned in the matter, would exert themselves, by effectual succors, to enable him to check the progress of the enemy, and repel a danger by which they were immediately threatened. From the information he had re- ceived, he supposed the force of the enemy to be little more than five thousand. "They seem," said he, " to be unprovided with wag- gons to transport the immense quantity of baggage and warlike apparatus, without which they cannot pretend to penetrate the country. Yoi; mention their having a great number of horses, but they must nevertheless require a considerable number of waggons, as there are many things which cannot be transported on horses. They can never think of advancing without securing their rear, and the force with which they can act against you, will be greatly reduced by detachments necessary for that purpose ; and as they have to cut out their passage, and to remove the impediments you have thrown in their way, before they can proceed, this circumstance, with the encum- brance they must feel in tlieir baggage, stores, &c., will inevitably retard their march, and give you leisure and opportunity to prepare a good reception for them. * * * * I have direct- ed General Lincoln to repair to you as speedily as the state of his health, which is not very perfect, will permit ; this gentleman has always supported the character of a judicious, brave, active officer, and he is exceedingly popular in the State of Massachusetts, to which he be- longs ; he will have a degree of influence over the militia which cannot fail of being highly advantageous. I have intended him more par- ticularly for the command of the militia, and I promise myself it will have a powerful ten- dency to make them turn out with more cheer- fulness, and to inspire them with perseverance to remain in the field, and with fortitude and spirit to do their duty while in it." * "Washington highly approved of a measure suggested by Schuyler, of stationing a body of troops somewhere about the Hampshire Grants (Vermont), so as to be in the rear or on the flank of Burgoyne, should he advance. It would make the latter, he said, very circum- spect in his advances, if it did not entirely pre- vent them. It would keep him in continual * Schuyler's Letter-Book. ^T. 45.] THE BRITISH FLEET PUTS TO SEA— A DELUSIVE LETTER. 369 anxiety for liis rear, and oblige him to leave the posts behind him much stronger than he would otherwise do. He advised that General Lincoln should have command of the corps thts posted, " as no person could be more proper for it." He recommended, moreover, that in case the enemy should make any formidable move- ment in the neighborhood of Fort Schuyler (Stanwix), on the Mohawk River, General Arnold, or some other sensible, spirited officer, should be sent to take charge of that post, keep up the spirits of the inhabitants, and cultivate and improve the favorable disposition of the Indians. The reader will find in the sequel what a propitious effect all these measures had upon the fortunes of the Northern campaign, and with what admirable foresight "Washington cal- culated all its chances. Due credit must also be given to the sagacious counsels and execu- tive energy of Schuyler ; who suggested some of the best moves in the campaign, and carried them vigorously into action. Never was "Wash- ington more ably and loyally seconded by any of his generals. But now the attention of the commander-in- chief is called to the seaboard. On the 23d of July, the fleet, so long the object of watchful solicitude, actually put to sea. The force em- barked, according to subsequent accounts, con- sisted of thirty-sis British and Hessian batta- lions, including the light infantry and grena- diers, with a powerful artillery ; a New York corps of provincials, or royalists, called the Queen's Eangers, and a regiment of light-horse ; between fifteen and eighteen thousand men in all. The force left with General Sir Henry Clinton for the protection of New York, con- sisted of seventeen battalions, a regiment of light-horse, and the remainder of the provincial corps.* The destination of the fleet was still a matter of conjecture. Just after it had sailed, a young man presented himself at one of General Put- nam's outposts. He had been a prisoner in New York, he said, but had received liis liber- ty and a large reward on undertaking to be the bearer of a letter from General Howe to Burgoyne. This letter his feelings of patriot- ism prompted him to deliver up to General Putnam. The letter was immediately trans- mitted by the general to "Washington. It was * Civil "War in America, vol. i., p. 250. 24 in the handwriting of Howe, and bore his sig- nature. In it he informed Burgoyne, that, instead of any designs up the Hudson, he was bound to the east against Boston. " If," said he, " according to my expectations, we may succeed in getting possession of it, I shall, with- out loss of time, proceed to co-operate with you in the defeat of the rebel army opposed to you. Clinton is sufiiciently strong to amuse "Washington and Putnam. I am now making demonstrations to the southward, which I think will have the full effect in carrying our plan into execution." "Washington at once pronounced the letter a feint. " No stronger proof could be given," said he, " that Howe is not going to the eastward. The letter was evidently intended to fall into our hands. If there were not too great a risk of the dispersion of their fleet. I should think their putting to sea a mere manoeuvre to de- ceive, and the North River still their object. I am persuaded, more than ever, that Philadel- phia is the place of destination." He now set out with his army for the Dela- ware, ordering Sullivan and Stirling with their divisions to cross the Hudson from Peekskill, and proceed towards Philadelphia. Every movement and order showed his doubt and perplexity, and the circumspection with which he had to proceed. On the 30th he writes from Coryell's Ferry, about thirty miles from Philadephia, to General Gates, who was in th# city : " As we are yet uncertain as to the real destination of the enemy, though the Delaware seems the most probable, I have thought it prudent to halt the army at this place, How- ell's Ferry, and Trenton, at least tiU the fleet actually enters the bay and puts the matter beyond a doubt. From hence we can be on the proper ground to oppose them before they can possibly make their arrangements and dis- positions for an attack. * * * That the post in the Highlands may not be left too much exposed, I have ordered General Sullivan's di- vision to halt at Morristown, whence it will march southward, if there should be occasion, or northward upon the first advice that the enemy should be throwing any force up the North River. General Howe's in a manner abandoning General Burgoyna, is so unac- countable a matter, that, till I am fully assured it is so, I cannot help casting iivy eyes continually leMnd me. As I shall pay no regard to any flying reports of the appearance of the fleet, I shall expect an account of it from you, the mo- 370 ORDERS AND COUNTER ORDERS— AMBITION OF GATES. [1717. ment you have ascertained it to your satisfac- tion." On the 31st, he was informed that the ene- my's fleet of two hundred and twenty-eight sail, had arrived the day previous at the Capes of Delaware. He instantly wrote to Putnam to hurry on two brigades, which had crossed the river, and to let Schuyler and the com- manders in the Eastern States know that they had nothing to fear from Howe, and might bend all their forces, Continental and militia, against Burgoyne. ,In the mean time he moved his camp to Germantown, about sis miles from Philadelphia, to be at hand for the defence of that city. The very next day came word, by express, that the fleet had again sailed out of the Capes, and apparently shaped its course eastward. " This surprising event gives me the greatest anxiety," writes he to Putnam (Aug. 1), " and unless every possible exertion is made, may be productive of the happiest consequences to the enemy and the most injurious to us. * * * The importance of preventing Mr. Howe's get- ting possession of the Highlands by a cou2) de main, is infinite to America ; and, in the pres- ent situation of things, every effort that can be thought of must be used. The probability of his going to the eastward is exceedingly small, and the ill effects that might attend such a step inconsiderable, in comparison with those that Tfould inevitably attend a successful stroke on the Highlands." Under this impression "Washington sent or- ders to Sullivan to hasten back with his divi- sion and the two brigades which had recently left Peekskill, and to recross the Hudson to that post as speedily as possible, intending to for- ward the rest of the army with all the expedi- tion in his power. He wrote, also, to General George Clinton to reinforce Putnam with as many of the New York militia as could be col- lected. Clinton, be it observed, had just been installed Governor of the State of New York ; the first person elevated to that ofiice under the Constitution. He still continued in actual command of the militia of the State, and it was with great satisfaction that "Washington subse- quently learnt he had determined to resume the command of Fort Montgomery in the High- lands : " There cannot be a more proper man," writes he, " on every account." "Washington, moreover, requested Putnam to send an express to Governor Trumbull, urging assistance from the militia of his State without a moment's loss of time. " Connecticut cannot be in more danger through any channel than this, and every motive of its own interest' and tlfe general good demands its utmost endeavors to give you eflPectual assistance. Governor Trumbull will, I trust, be sensible of this." And here we take occasion to observe, that there could be no surer reliance for aid in time of danger than the patriotism of Governor Trumbull ; or were there men more ready to obey a sudden appeal to arms than the yeo- manry of Connecticut ; however much their hearts might subsequently yearn toward the farms and firesides they had so promptly aban- doned. No portion of the Union was more severely tasked, throughout the Revolution, for military services ; and "Washington avowed, when the great struggle was over, that, " if all the States had done their duty as well as the little State of Connecticut, the war would have been ended long ago." * CHAPTER XII. "We have cited in a preceding page a letter from "Washington to Gates at Philadephia, re- quiring his vigilant attention to tlie movements of the enemy's fleet ; that ambitious oflScer, however, was engrossed at the time by matters more important to his individual interests. The command of the Northern department seemed again within his reach. The evacua- tion of Ticonderoga had been imputed by many either to cowardice or treachery on the part of General St. Clair, and the enemies of Schuy- ler had, for some time past, been endeavoring to involve him in the disgrace of the transac- tion. It is true he was absent from the fortress at the time, zealously engaged, as we have shown, in procuring and forwarding reinforce- ments and supplies; but it was alleged that the fort had been evacuated by his order, and that, while there, he had made such dispositions as plainly indicated an intention to deliver it to the enemy. In the eagerness to excite pop- ular feeling against him, old slanders were re- vived, and the failure of the invasion of Canada, and all the subsequent disasters in that quarter, were again laid to his charge as commanding- general of the Northern department. "In short," writes Schuyler in one of his letters, Communicated by Professor B. SilUman. /Ex. 45.] GATES APPOINTED TO THE NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. 371 " every art is made use of to destroy that con- fidence which it is so essential the army should have in its general officers, and this too by people pretending to be friends to the coun- try." * These charges, which for some time existed merely in popular clamor, had recently been taken up in Congress, and a strong demonstra- tion had been made against him by some of the New England delegates. " Your enemies in this quarter," writes his friend the lion, Wil- liam Duer (July 29th), " are leaving no means uuessayed to blast your character, and to im- pute to your appointment in that department a loss which, rightly investigated, can be im- puted to very different causes. " Be not surprised if you should be desired to attend Congress, to give an account of the loss of Ticonderoga. "With respect to the result of the inquiry I am under no apprehensions. Like gold tried in the fire, I trust that you, my dear friend, will be found more pure and bright than ever. ****** From the na- ture of your department, and other unavoidable causes, you have not had an opportunity, during the course of this war, of evincing that spirit which / and your more intimate friends know you to possess ; of this circumstance prejudice takes a cruel advantage, and malice lends an easy ear to her dictates. A hint on this sub- ject is sufiicient. You will not, I am sure, see this place till your conduct gives the lie to this insinuation, as it has done before to every other which your enemies have so industriously cir- culated." t Schuyler, in reply, expressed the most ardent wish that Congress would order him to attend and give an account of his conduct. He wished his friends to push for the closest scrutiny, con- fident that it would redound to his honor. '• I would not, however, wish the scrutiny to take place immediately," adds he, " as we shall probably soon have an engagement, if we are so reinforced with militia as to give us a proba- ble chance of success. * * * Be assured, my dear friend, if a general engagement takes place, whatever may be the event, j'ou will not have occasion to blush for your friend." I It seemed to be the object of Mr. Schuyler's enemies to forestall his having such a chance of distinguishing himself. The business was pushed in Congress more urgently than even Mr. Duer had anticipated. Beside the allega- * Schuyler to Governor Trumbull. Letter-Book. t Schuyler's Papers. J Schuyler's Letter-Book. tions against him in regard to Ticonderoga, his unpopularity in the Eastern States was urged as a sufficient reason for discontinuing him in his present command, as the troops from that quarter were unwilling to serve under him. This had a great effect in the present time of peril, with several of the delegates from the East, who discredited the other charges against him. The consequence was that after long and ardent debates, in which some of the most eminent delegates from New York, who inti- mately knew his worth, stood up in his favor, it was resolved (Aug. 1st), that both General Schuyler and General St. Clair should be sum- moned to head-qiiarters to account for the misfortunes in the North, and that Washington should be directed to order such general officer as he should think proper to succeed General Schuyler in the command of the Northern de- partment. The very next day a letter was addressed to Washington by several of the leading Eastern members, men of imquestionable good faith, such as Samuel and John Adams, urging the appointment of Gates. " No man, in our opin- ion," said they," will be more likely to restore harmony, order, and discipline, and retrieve our affairs in that quarter. He has, on experience, acquired the confidence and stands high in the esteem of the Eastern troops." Washington excused himself from making any nomination, alleging that the Northern department had, in a great measure, been con- sidered a separate one ; that, moreover, the situation of the department was delicate, and might involve interesting and delicate conse- quences. The nomination, therefore, was made by Congress ; the Eastern influence prevailed, and Gates received the appointment, so long the object of his aspirations, if not intrigues. Washington deeply regretted the removal of a noble-hearted man with whom he had acted so harmoniously, whose exertions had been so energetic and unwearied, and who was so pe- culiarly fitted for the various duties of the department. He consoled himself, however, with the thought that the excuse of want of confidence in the general officers, hitherto alleg- ed by the Eastern States for withholding rein- forcements, would be obviated by the presence of this man of their choice. With the prevalent wisdom of his pen, he endeavored to aUay the distrusts and apprehen- sions awakened by the misfortune at Ticonde- roga, which he considered the worst conse- 372 GATES ORDERED TO THE NORTH— PREJUDICES AGAINST SCHUYLER. [1777. quence of that eveut. " If the matter were coolly and dispassionately considered," writes he to the council of safety of the State of New York, " there would be nothing found so formi- dable in General Burgoyne and the force under him with all his successes to countenance the least degree of despondency, and experience would show, that even the moderate esertions of the States more immediately interested, would be sufficient to check his career, and, perhaps, convert the advantages he has gained to his ruin. * * * :k if j ([q not give so effectual aid as I could wish to the Northern army, it is not from want of inclination, nor from being too little impressed with the impor- tance of doing it ; but because the state of affairs in this quarter will not possibly admit of it. It would be the height of impolicy to weaken ourselves too much here, in order to increase our strength there ; and it must cer- tainly be considered more difficult, as well as of greater moment, to control the main army of the enemy, than an inferior, and, I may say, dependent one ; for it is pretty obvious that if General Howe can be kept at bay, and pre- vented from effecting his purposes, the successes of General Burgoyne, whatever they may be, must be partial and temporary." The sagacity and foresight of this policy will be manifested by after events. On the same day on which the above letter was written, he officially announced to Gates his appointment, and desired him to proceed immediately to the place of his destination : wishing him success, and that he " might speedily be able to restore the face of affairs in that quarter." About this time took effect a measure of Congress, making a complete change in the commissariat. This important and complicated department had hitherto been under the man- agement of one commissary-general, Colonel Joseph Trumbull of Connecticut. By the new arrangement there were to be two commis- saries-general, one of purchases, the other of issues ; each to be appointed by Congress. They were to have several deputy commissaries under them, but accountable to Congress, and to be appointed and removed by that body. These, and many subordinate arrangements, had been adopted in opposition to the opinion of Washington, and, most unfortunately, were brought into operation in the midst of this perplexed and critical campaign. The first effect was to cause the resignation of Colonel Trumbull, who had been nominated commissary of purchases ; and the entrance into office of a number of inexperienced men. The ultimate effect was to paralyze the organi- zation of this vital department ; to cause delay and confusion in furnishing and forwarding supplies ; and to retard and embarrass the opera- tions of the different armies throughout the year. "Washington had many dangers and difficulties to harass and perplex him through- out this complicated campaign, and not among the least may be classed the " stumblings of Congress." NOTE. An author, eminent for his historical researches, expresses himself at a loss to explain the prejudice existing against General Schuyler among the people of the New England States. " There was not an indi- vidual connected with the Revolution," observes he, " concerning whom there is more abundant evidence of his patriotism and unwearied services in the cause of his country." Wilkinson, at that time a devoted follower of Gates, and likely to know the influences that operated against his rival, traces this prejudice up to times prior to the Revolution, when Schuyler acted as commissioner on the part of New York in settling the partition line between that colony and Massachusetts Bay. This gave rise to the feuds and controversies concerning the Hampshire Grants, in which, according to Wilkin- son, the parties were distinguished by the designations of Yankee and Yorker. The zealous exertions of Schuyler on behalf of New York, gained him the ill will of the Hampshire grantees, and of eastern men of the first rank with whom he came in collision. This feeling survived the controversy, and existed among the militia from those parts. On the other hand, Wilkinson observes, " It was General Gates's policy to favor the views of the inhabitants of the Hampshire Grants, which made him popular with these people." Somewhat of the prejudice against Schuyler Wilkin- son ascribes to social habits and manners, " those of New England at the time being democratic and puri- tanical, whilst in New Y'oik they were courtly and aristocratical." Schuyler was a man of the world, and of society, cultivated, and well-bred ; he was an elcve too of Major-Gcneral Bradstreet in the seven years' war ; and had imbibed notions of military car- riage and decorum in an aristocratic school ; all this rendered him impatient at times of the deficiencies in these respects among the raw militia ofBcers, and made the latter consider him haughty and reserved. CHAPTER XIII. For several days Washington remained at Germantown in painful uncertainty about the British fleet ; whether gone to the south or to the east. The intense heat of the weather ^T. 45.] PUTNAM ON THE ALERT— WASHINGTON REINFORCES GATES. 37i made him unwilling again to move Ms army, already excessively harassed by marchings and counter-marchings. Concluding, at length, that the fleet had actually gone to the east, he was once more on the way to recross the Delaware, when an express overtook him on the 10th of August, with tidings that three days before it had been seen off Sinepuxent Inlet, about sixteen leagues south of the Capes of Delaware. Again he came to a halt, and waited for fur- ther intelligence. Danger suggested itself from a different quarter. Might it not be Howe's plan, by thus appeai'ing with his ships at dif- ferent places, to lure the army after him, and thereby leave the country open for Sir Henry Clinton with the troops at New York to form a junction with Burgoyne ? With this idea Washington wrote forthwith to the veteran Putnam to be on the alert ; collect all the force he could to strengthen his post at Peekskill, and send down spies to ascertain whether Sir Henry Clinton was actually at New York, and what troops he had there. " If he has the number of men with him that is reported," ob- serves Washington, " it is probably with the intention to attack you from below, Avhile Bur- goyne comes down upon you from above." The old general, whose boast it was that he never slept but with one eye, was already on the alert. A circumstance had given him proof positive that Sir Henry was in New York, and had roused his military ire. A spy, sent by that commander, had been detected furtively collecting information of the force and con- dition of the post at Peekskill, and had under- gone a military trial. A vessel of war came up the Hudson in all haste, and landed a flag of truce at Verplanck's Point, by which a mes- sage was transmitted to Putnam from Sir Henry Clinton, claiming Edmund Palmer as a lieuten- ant in the British service. The reply of the old general was brief but emphatic. "HEAD-QrARTEKS, 7th Aug., 1777. " Edmund Palmer, an ofiicer in the enemy's service, was taken as a spy lurking within our lines ; he has been tried as a spy, condemned as a spy, and shall be executed as a spy ; and the flag is ordered to depart immediately. " Israel Putnam. "P. S. — He has, accordingly, been executed." Governor Clinton, the other guardian of the Highlands, and actually at his post at Fort Montgomery, was equally on the alert. He had faithfully followed Washington's direc- tions, in ordering out militia from different counties to reinforce his own garrison and the army under Schuyler. " I never knew the militia come out with greater alacrity," writes he ; " but, as many of them have yet a great part of their harvests in the field, I fear it will be difiicult to detain them long, unless the enemy will make some movements that indicate a de- sign of coming this way suddenly, and so ob- vious as to be believed by the militia." At the same time, the worthy governor ex- pressed his surprise that the Northern army had not been reinforced from the eastward. " The want of confidence in the general oflicers to the northward," adds he, " is the specious reason. To me it appears to be a very weak one. Common gratitude to a sister State, as well as duty to the continent at large, conspire in calling on our eastern neighbors to step forth on this occasion." One measure more was taken by Wash- ington, during this interval, in aid of the Northern department. The Indians who ac- companied Burgoyne were objects of great dread to the American troops, especially the militia. As a counterpoise to them, he now sent up Colonel Morgan with five hundred riflemen, to fight them in their own way. " They are all chosen men," said he, " selected from the army at large, and well acquainted with the use of rifles and with that mode of fighting. I expect the most eminent services from them, and I shall be mistaken if their presence does not go far towards producing a general desertion among the savages." It Avas, indeed, an arm of strength, which he could but ill spare from his own army. Putnam was directed to have sloops ready to transport them up the Hudson, and Gates was informed of their being on their way, and about what time he might expect them, as well as two regiments from Peekskill, under Colonels Van Courtlandt and Livingston. " With these reinforcements, besides the militia under General Lincoln," writes Washing- ton to Gates, " I am in hopes you will find yourself at least equal to stop the progress of Mr. Burgoyne, and, by cutting off his supplies of provisions, to render his situation very in- eligible." Washington was thus, in a manner, carrying on two games at once, with Howe on the seaboard and with Burgoyne on the upper 374 THE MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE— BRITISH FLEET IN THE CHESAPEAKE. [1111. waters of tlie Hudson, and endeavoring by skil- ful movements to give check to both. It was an arduous and complicated task, especially with his scanty and fluctuating means, and the wide extent of country and great distances over which he had to move his men. His measures to throw a force in the rear of Burgoyne were now in a fair way of being carried into effect. Lincoln was at Benning- ton. Stark had joined him with a body of New Hampshire militia, and a corps of Massa- chusetts militia was arriving. " Such a force in his rear," observed Washington, "will oblige Burgoyne to leave such strong posts be- hind as must make his main body very weak, and extremely capable of being repulsed by the force we have in front." During his encampment in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, Washington was repeatedly at that city, making himself acquainted with the military capabilities of the place and its sur- rounding country, and directing the construc- tion of fortifications on the river. In one of these visits he became acquainted with the young Marquis de Lafayette, who had recently arrived from France, in company witk a num- ber of French, Polish, and German officers, among whom was the Baron de Kalb. The marquis was not quite twenty years of age, yet had already been married nearly three years to a lady of rank and fortune. Full of the ro- mance of liberty, he had torn himself from his youthful bride, turned his back upon the gay- eties and splendors of a court, and in defiance of impediments and difiaculties multiplied in his path, had made his way to America to join its hazardous fortunes. He sent in his letters of recommendation to Mr. LoveU, Chairman of tlie Committee of Foreign Affairs ; and applied the next day at the door of Congress to know his success. Mr. Lovell came forth, and gave him but little en- couragement ; Congress, in fact, was embar- rassed by the number of foreign applications, many without merit. Lafayette immediately sent in the following note : " After many sac- rifices, I have the right to ask two favors ; one is to serve at my own expense ; the other, to commence by serving as a volunteer." * This simple appeal had its effect : it called attention to his peculiar case, and Congress re- solved on the 31st of July, that in considera- tion of his zeal, his illustrious family and con- * Memoires du Gea. Lafayette, torn, i., p. 19. nections, he should have the rank of major- general in the army of the United States. It was at a public dinner, where a number of members of Congress were present, that Lafayette first saw Washington. He imme- diately knew him, he said, from the officers who surrounded him, by his commanding air and person. When the party was breaking up, Washington took him aside, complimented him in a gracious manner on his disinterested zeal and the generosity of his conduct, and invited him to make head-quarters his home. " I can- not promise you the luxuries of a court," said he, " but as you have become an American soldier, you will, doubtless, accommodate your- self to the fare of an American army." Many days had now elapsed without further tidings of the fleet. What had become of it ? Had Howe gone against Charleston? If so, the distance was too great to think of following him. Before the army, debilitated and wasted by a long march, under a summer sun, in an unhealthy climate, could reach there, he might accomplish every purpose "he had in view, and re-embark his troops to turn his arms against Philadelphia, or any other point, without the army being at hand to oppose him. What, under these uncertainties was to be done? remain inactive, in the remote proba- bility of Howe's returning this way ; or pro- ceed to the Hudson with a view either to op- pose Burgoyne, or make an attempt upon New York? A successful stroke with respect to either, might make up for any losses sustained in the South. The latter was unanimously de- termined in a council of war, in which the Mar- quis de Lafayette took part. As it was, how- ever, a movement that might involve the most important consequences, Washington sent his aide-de-camp, Colonel Alexander Hamilton, with a letter to the President of Congress, re- questing the opinion of that body. Congress approved the decision of the council, and the army was about to be put in march, when all these tormenting uncertainties were brought to an end by intelligence, that the fleet had act- ually entered the Chesapeake, and anchored at Swan Point, at least two hundred miles within the capes. " By General Howe's coming so far up the Chesapeake," writes Washington, " he must mean to reach Philadelphia by that route, though to be sure it is a strange one." The mystery of these various appearances and vanishings, which has caused so much wonder and perplexity, is easily explained. ^T. 45.] LAFAYETTE'S COMMISSION HONORARY— THE ARMY ENTER PHILADELPHIA. 375 Shortly before putting to sea with the ships of war, Howe had sent a number of transports, and a sbip cut down as a floating battery, up the Hudson, which had induced Wasliington to despatch troops to the Highlands. After put- ting to sea, the fleet was a week in reaching the Capes of Delaware, When there, the com- manders were deterred from entering the river by reports of measures taken to obstruct its navigation. It was then determined to make for Chesapeake Bay, and approach, in that way, as near as possible to Philadelphia, Con- trary winds, however, kept them for a long time from getting into the bay, Lafayette, in his memoirs, describes a review of Washington's army which he witnessed about this time. " Eleven thousand men, but tolerably armed, and still worse clad, present- ed," he said, " a singular spectacle ; in this parti-colored and often naked state, the best dresses were himting shirts of brown linen. Their tactics were equaUy irregular. They were arranged without regard to size, except- ing that the smallest men were the front rank ; with all this, there were good-looking soldiers conducted by zealous officers." " We ought to feel embarrassed," said Wash- ington to him, " in presenting ourselves before an ofiicer just from the French army," " It is to learn, and not to instruct, that I come here," was Lafayette's apt and modest reply ; and it gained him immediate popu- larity. The marquis, however, had misconceived the nature of his appointment ; his commission was merely honorary, but he had supposed it given witli a view to the command of a divi- sion of the army. This misconception on his part caused Washington some embarrassment. The marquis, with his characteristic vivacity and ardor, was eager for immediate employ. He admitted that he was young and inexpe- rienced, but always accompanied the admission with the assurance that, so soon as Washington should think him fit for the command of a divi- sion, he would be ready to enter upon the duties of it, and, in the mean time, offered his services for a smaller command. " What the designs of Congress respecting this gentleman are, and what line of conduct I am to pursue to comply with their design and his expecta- tions," writes Washington, " I know not, and beg to be instructed," " The numberless applications for employ- ment by foreigners under their respective ap- pointments," continues he, " add no small em- barrassment to a command, which, without it, is abundantly perplexed by the difierent tem- pers I have to do with, and the different modes which the respective States have pursued in nominating and arranging their oflicers ; the combination of all which -is "but too just a rep- resentation of a great chaos, from whence we are endeavoring, how successfully time only can show, to draw some regularity and order.'''' * How truly is here depicted one of the great difficulties of his command, continually tasking his equity and equanimity. In the present in- stance it was intimated to Washington, that he was not bound by the tenor of Lafayette's com- mission to give him a command ; but was at liberty to follow his own judgment in the mat- ter. This still left him in a delicate situation with respect to the marquis, whose prepossess- ing manners and self-sacrificing zeal inspired regard ; but whose extreme youth and inex- perience necessitated caution, Lafayette, how- ever, from the first attached himself to Wash- ington with an affectionate reverence, the sin- cerity of which could not be mistaken, and soon won his way into a heart, which, with all its apparent coldness, was naturally confid- ing, and required sympathy and friendship ; and it is a picture well worthy to be hung up in history, — this cordial and enduring alliance of the calm, dignified, sedate Washington, ma- ture in years and wisdom, and the young, buoyant, enthusiastic Lafayette, The several divisions of the army had been summoned to the immediate neighborhood of Philadelphia, and the militia of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the northern parts of Virginin, were called out. Many of the militia, with Colonel Proctor's corps of artillery, had been ordered to rendezvous at Chester on the Dela- ware, about twelve miles below Philadelphia ; and by Washington's orders. General Wayne left his brigade under the next in command, and repaired to Chester, to arrange the troops assembling there. As there had been much disaffection to the cause evinced in Philadelphia, Washington, in order to encourage its friends and dishearten its enemies, marched with the whole army through the city, down Front and up Chestnut Street, Great pains were taken to make the display as imposing as possible. All wei'e charged to keep to their ranks, carry their Washington to Benjamin Harrison. Sparks, t. 35. 176 ENCAMPMENT AT WILMINGTON— INDIAN WARRIORS! [1171. arms well, and step in time to the music of the drums and fifes, collected in the centre of each brigade. " Though indifferently dressed," says a spectator, " they held well-burnished arms, and carried them like soldiers, and looked, in short, as if they might have faced an equal number with a reasonable prospect of success." To give them something of a uniform appear- ance, they had sprigs of green in their hats. Washington rode at the head of the troops attended by his numerous staff, with the Mar- quis Lafayette by his side. The long column of the army, broken into divisions and bri- gades, the pioneers with their axes, the squad- rons of horse, the extended trains of artillery, the tramp of steed, the bray of trumpet, and the spirit-stirring sound of drum and fife, all had an imposing effect on a peaceful city un- used to the sight of marshalled armies. The disaffected, who had been taught to believe the American forces much less than they were in reality, were astonished as they gazed on the lengthening procession of a host, which, to their unpractised eyes, appeared innumerable ; while the whigs, gaining fresh hope and ani- mation from the sight, cheered the patriot squadrons as they passed. Having marched through Philadelphia, the army continued on to Wilmington, at the con- fluence of Christiana Creek and the Brandy- wine, where Washington set up his head-quar- ters, his troops being encamped on the neigh- boring heights. We will now revert to the other object of Washington's care and solicitude, the invading army of Burgoyne in the North ; and wiU see how far his precautionary measures were effec- tive. CHAPTEK XIV. In a preceding chapter we loft Burgoyne, early in July, at Skenesborough, of which he had just gained possession. He remained there nearly three weeks, awaiting the arrival of the residue of his troops, with tents, baggage, and provisions, and preparing for his grand move toward the Hudson Eiver. Many royalists flocked to his standard. One of the most im- portant was Major Skene, from whom the place was named, being its founder, and the owner of much land in its neighborhood. He had served m the French war, but retired on half pay ; bought " soldiers' grants " of land lying within this township at a trifling price, had their titles secured by royal patent, and thus made a fortune. Burgoyne considered him a valuable adjunct and counsellor, and frequently took advice from him in his campaign through this part of the country. The progress of the army towards the Hud- son was slow and difiicult, in consequence of the impediments which Schuyler had multi- plied in his Avay during his long halt at Skenes- borough. Bridges brol^en down had to be re- built; great trees to be removed which had been felled across the roads and into Wood Creek, which stream was completely choked. It was not until the latter part of July that Bm-gojTie reached Fort Anne. At his ap- proach, General Schuyler retired from Fort Edward and took post at Fort Miller, a few miles lower down the Hudson. The Indian allies who had hitherto accom- panied the British army, had been more trouble- some than useful. Neither Burgoyne nor his oflicers understood their language, but were obliged to communicate with them through Canadian interpreters ; too often designing knaves, who played false to both parties. The Indians, too, were of the tribes of Lower Canada, corrupted and debased by intercourse with white men. It had been found diflacult to draw them from the plunder of Ticonderoga, or to restrain their murderous propensities. A party had recently arrived of a different stamp. Braves of the Ottawa and other tribes from the upper country ; painted and decorated witli savage magnificence, and bearing trophies of former triumphs. They were, in fact, ac- cording to Burgoyne, the very Indians who had aided the French in the defeat of Brad- dock, and were under the conduct of two French leaders ; one, named Langlade, had c'ommand of them on that very occasion ; the other, named St. Luc, is described by Bur- goyne as a Canadian gentleman of honor and abilities, and one of the best partisans of the French in the war of 1756. ^ Burgoyne trusted to his newly arrived In- dians to give a check to the operations of Schuyler, knowing the terror they inspired throughout the country. He thought also to employ them in a wild foray to. the Connecti- cut Eiver, to force a supply of provisions, in- tercept reinforcements to the American army, and confirm the jealousy which he had, in ■ ; ly ways, endeavored to excite in the New ^T. 45.] MURDER OF MISS McCREA— ITS RESULTS. 377 England provinces. He was naturally a hu- mane man, and disliked Indian allies, but these had hitherto served in company with civilized troops, and he trusted to the influence possessed over them by St. Luc and Langlade, to keep them within the usages of war. A circum- stance occurred, however, which showed how little the " wild honor " of these warriors of the tomahawk is to be depended upon. In General Eraser's division was a young officer. Lieutenant David Jones, an American loyalist. His family had their home in the vi- cinity of Fort Edward before th§ Revolution. A mutual attachment had taken place between the youth and a beautiful girl, Jane McOrea. She was the daughter of a Scotch Presbyterian clergyman of the Jerseys, some time deceased, and resided with her brother on the banks of the Hudson a few miles below Fort Edward. The lovers were engaged to be married, when the breaking out of the war severed families afnd disturbed all the relations of life. The Joneses were royalists ; the brother of Miss McOrea was a stanch whig. The former re- moved to Canada, where David Jones was among the most respectable of those who joined the royal standard, and received a lieutenant's commission. The attachment between the lovers con- tinued, and it is probable that a correspondence was kept up between them. Lieutenant Jones was now in Eraser's camp ; in his old neigh- borhood. Miss McCrea was on a visit to a ft widow lady, Mrs. O'Mel, residing at Fort Ed- ward. The approach of Burgoyne's army had spread an alarm through the country ; the in- habitants were flying from their homes. The brother of Miss McCrea determined to remove to Albany, and sent for his sister to return home and make ready to accompany him. She hesitated to obey. He sent a more urgent message, representing the danger of lingering near the fort, which must inevitably fall into the hands of the enemy. Still she lingered. The lady with whom she was a guest was a royalist, a friend of General Eraser ; her roof would be respected. Even should Fort Edward be captured, what had Jane to fear? Her lover was in the British camp ; the capture of the fort would reunite them. Her brother's messages now became peremp- tory. She prepared, reluctantly, to obey, and was to embark in a large bateau which was to convey several families down the river. The very morning when the embarkation was to take place, the neighborhood was a scene of terror. A marauding party of Indians, sent out by Burgoyne to annoy General Schuyler, were harassing the country. Several of them burst into the house of Mrs. O'Niel, sacked and plundered it, and carried oS her and Miss Mc- Crea prisoners. In her fright the latter prom- ised the savages a large reward, if they would spare her life and take her in safety to the British camp. It was a fatal promise. Halt- ing at a spring, a quarrel arose among the sav- ages, inflamed most probably with drink, as to whose prize she was, and who was entitled to the reward. The dispute became furious, and one, in a paroxysm of rage, killed her on the spot. He completed the savage act by bearing oflP' her scalp as a trophy. General Burgoyne was struck with horror when he heard of this bloody deed. What at first heightened the atrocity was a report that the Indians had been sent by Lieutenant Jones to bring Miss McCrea to the camp. This he positively denied, and his denial was believed. Burgoyne summoned a council of the Indian chiefs, in which he insisted that the murderer of Miss McCrea should be given up to receive the reward of his crime. The demand pro- duced a violent agitation. The culprit was a great warrior, a chief, and the " wild honor " of his brother sachems was roused in his be- half. St. Luc took Burgoyne aside, and en- treated him not to push the matter to extrem- ities ; assuring him that, from what was pass- ing among the chiefs, he was sure they and their warriors would all abandon the army, should the delinquent be executed. The British officers also interfered, representing the danger that might accrue should the Indians return through Canada, with their savage resentments awakened, or, what was worse, should they go over to the Americans. Burgoyne was thus reluctantly brought to spare the offender, but thenceforth made it a rule that no party of Indians should be per- mitted to go forth on a foray unless under the conduct of a British officer, or some other com- petent person, who should be responsible for their behavior. The mischief to the British cause, however, had been effected. The murder of Miss McCrea resounded throughout the land, counteracting all the benefit anticipated from the terror of Indian hostilities. Those people of the fron- tiers, who had hitherto remained quiet, now fiew to arms to defend their families and fire- 378 I5UIIG0YNE AT FOKT EDWAKD— DESERTION OF THE SAVAGES. [\111. Bides. In their exasperation they looked be- yond tlio savages to tlieir oniployers. Tliey uldiorrcd an ariny, wJiicli, ])rofossing to bo civilized, could league itself with such barba- rians ; and they execrated a government, which, pretending to reclaim them as subjects, could let loose such fiends to desolate the"ir homes. The blood of this unfortunate girl, therefore, was not shed in vain. Armies sj)rang \\\) from it. llcr name passed as a note of alarm, along the banks of the Hudson ; it was a rallying word among the Green Mountains of Vermont, and brought down all their hai'dy yeomanry.* As Biirgoyne advanced to Fort Edward, H(;liuy]cr fell still further back, and took post at Saratoga, or rather Ktillwater, about thirty miles from Albany. IIo had been joined by Mnjor-Gcncral Lincoln, who, according to Wasiiington's directions, had hastened to his assistance. In jjursuance of Washington's jdans, Lincoln ])rocceded to Manchester in Vermont, to take command of the militia forces collecting at that point. His i)resenco insi>ired new con- fidence in tho country people, who wore aban- doning their homes, leaving their crops un- gutlicred, and taking refuge with their families in the lower towns, lie found about live hun- dred militia assemlded at Manchester, under Colonel Seth Warner ; others wore coming on from New Ilampshiro and Massachusetts, to protect their uncovered frontier. His letters, dated the 4th of August, expressed tho expecta- tion of being, in a few days, at the head of at least two tliousaiid men. With these, accord- ing to AViisliington's plan, he was to hang on tho Hunk luid roar of Burgoyno's army, cramp its movements, and watch for an opportunity to strike a blow. Burgoyno was now at Fort Edward. "Tho entliusiasin of tho army, as well as of the gen- oral, upon their arrival on tho Hudson Eiver, * 'I'lio pud Htory of MIhh McOroii, llko >n;iny other iiK;!- donlB of tho Ilcvoltitloii,lia8 boon related In BUoh a variety of wayB, and no AvrouRht up by tradition, that It Ib dllUcult now to Kot at tho Blniplo truth. Home of tho aliovo clr- ouniHtanooB wero derived from ii iiioee of MIhh McCroa, ■\vliom the author mot upwards of llfty ycarw a(fo, at her reRlilenee on the bankw of the Ht. Lawreiioe. A Btoiie, wllh lier name cut on It, hIUI marks the Krave of MIhh Mc- Crea niur the rnhiB of Furt Ifidward ; and a tree Iri pointed out near which she was murdered. Menteiiant donos is Buld to have been completely broken In Hplrit by the shock of hor death. Troourlu)? Jior scalp, with Us long silken troHses, he brooded over It In uuKulsh, and preserved h as a sad, but precious relic. DlHjjusted with the service, lio threw up his conunlsslon, and retired to Canada ; never marrying, but llvlnjf to bo an old man; taolluru and molonoholy, and huuntud by painful rwooUootlon*. which had been so long tho object of their hojjos and wishes, may bo better conceived than described," says a British writer of tho day. Tho enthusiasm of the general was soon checked, however, by symjitoms of ill-humor among his Indian allies. They resented his conduct in regard to tho affair of Miss McCrea, and wero imi)atient under tho restraint to which they were subjected. He suspected tho Canadian interpreters of fomenting this discon- tent ; they being accustomed to profit by tho rajjino of tho Indians. At tho earnest request of St. Luc, in whom he still had confidence, he called a council of the chiefs ; when, to his astonisliment, the tribe for whom that gentle- man acted as interpreter, declared their inten- tion of returning home, and demanded his concurrence and assistance. Burgoyno was greatly embarrassed. Should he acquiesce, it would be to relinquish the aid of a force obtained at an immense expense, esteemed in England of great importance, and which really was serviceable in furnishing scouts and outposts ; yet ho saw that a cordial reconciliation with them could only bo effected by revoking his j)rohibitions, and indulging their pro])ensitie3 to blood and rapine. To his credit be it recorded, he adhered to what was right, and rejected what might be deemed expedient. He refused their proposi- tion, and persisted in tho restraints he had ira- jjosed upon them, but appealed to the wild honor, of which he yet considered them capa- ble, by urging the ties of faith, of generosity, of every thing that has an influence with civil- ized man His speech appeared to have a good effect. Some of the remote tribes made zealous professions of loyalty and adhesion. Others, of, Lower Canada, only asked furloughs for parties to return home and gather in their harvests. These wero readily granted, and perfect harmony seemed restored. Tho next day, however, the chivalry of the wilderness deserted by scores, laden with such spoil as they had collected in their maraudings. These desertions continued from day to day, until tliere remained in the camp scarce a vestige of the savage warriors that had joined tho army at Skencsborough. JEt. 45.] DIFFICULTIES OF BURGOYNE— EXPEDITION TO BENNINGTON. 379 CHAPTER XV. New difficulties beset Burgoyne at Fort Ed- ward. The horses which had been contracted for in Canada, for draft, burthen, and saddle, arrived slowly and scantily ; having to come a long distance through the wilderness. Ai-til- lery and munitions, too, of all kinds, had to be brought from Ticonderoga by the way of Lake George. These, with a vast number of boats for freight, or to form bridges, it was necessary to transport over the carrying-places between the lakes ; and by land from Fort George to Fort Edward. Unfortunately, the army had not the requisite supply of horses and oxen. So far from being able to bring forward provi- sions for a march, it w^as with difficulty enough could be furnished to feed the army from day to day. While thus situated, Burgoyne received in- telligence that the part of his army which he had detached from Canada under Colonel St. Leger, to proceed by Lake Ontario and Oswego and make a diversion on the Mohawk, had penetrated to that river, and were actually in- vesting Fort Stanwix, the stronghold of that part of the country. To carry out the original plan of his cam- paign, it now behooved him to make a rapid move down the Hudson, so as to be at hand to co-operate with St. Leger on his approach to Albany. But how was he to do this, deficient as ho was in horses and vehicles for transporta- tion? In this dilemma Colonel (late Major) Skene, the royalist of Skeuesborough, to whom, from his knowledge of all this region, he had of late resorted for counsel, informed him that at Bennington, about twenty-four miles east of the Hudson, the Americans had a great depot of horses, carriages, and supplies of all kind, intended for their Northern array. This place, ho added* might easily be surprised, being guarded by only a snuiU militia force. An expedition was immediately set on foot ; not only to surprise this place, but to scour the country from Rockingham to Otter Creek ; go down the Connecticut as far as Brattleborough, and return by the great road to Albany, there to meet Burgoyne. They were to make pris- oners of all officers, civil and military, whom they might meet acting under Congress ; to tax the towns where they halted with every thing they stood in need of, and bring off all horses fit for the dragoons, or for battalion service, with as many saddles and bridles as could be found. They were everywhere to give out that this was the vanguard of the British army, which would soon follow on its way to Boston, and would be joined by the army from Rhode Island. Before relating the events of this ex- pedition, we will turn to notice those of the detachment under St. Leger, with which it was intended to co-operate, and which was investing Fort Schuyler. This fort, built in 1756, on the site of an old French fortification, and formerly called Fort Stanwix, from a British general of that name, was situated on the right bank of the Mohawk River, at the head of its navigation, and com- manding the carrying-place between it and AVood Creek, whence the boats passed to the Oneida Lake, the Oswego River, and Lake Ontario. It was thus a key to the intercourse between Upper Canada and the valley of the Mohawk. The fort was square, with four bas- tions, and was originally a place of strength ; having bomb-proof magazines, a deep moat and drawbridge, a sally port, and covered way. In the long interval of peace subsequent to the French Avar, it had fallen to decay. Recently it had been repaired by order of General Schuyler, and had received his name. It was garrisoned by seven hundred and fifty Conti- nental troops from New York and Massachu- setts, and was under the command of Colonel Gansevoort of the New York line, a stout- hearted officer of Dutch descent, who had served under General Montgomery in Canada. It was a motley force which appeared be- fore it ; British, Hessian, Royalist, Canadian, and Indian, about seventeen hundred in all. Among them were St. Leger's rangers and Sir John Johnson's royalist corps, called his greens. Many of the latter had followed Sir John into Canada from the valley of the Mohawk, and were now returned to bring the horrors of war among their former neighbors. The Indians, their worthy allies, w^ere led by the famous Brant. On the 3d of August, St. Leger sent in a flag with a summons to surrender; accompanied by a proclamation in style and spirit similar to that recently issued by Burgoyne, and intended to operate on the garrison. Both his summons and his proclamation were disregarded. He now set his troops to work to fortify his camp and clear obstructions from Wood Creek and the roads, for the transportation of ai'tiUery and 380 SIEGE OF FORT SCHUYLER— BATTLE OF ORISKAXY. [1777. provisions, and sent out scouting parties of Indians in all directions, to cut off all commu- nication of the garrison with the surrounding country. A few shells were thrown into the fort. The chief annoyance of the garrison was from the Indians firing with their rifles from hehind trees on those busied in repairing the parapets. At night they seemed completely to surround the fort, filling the woods with their yells and howlings. On the 6th of August, three men made their way into the fort through a swamp, which the enemy had deemed impassable. They brought the cheering intelligence that General Herkimer, the veteran commander of the militia of Try on County, was at Oriskany, about eight miles distant, with upwards of eight hundred men. The people of that country were many of them of German origin; some of them Germans by birth. Herkimer was among the former, a large and powerful man, about sixty-five years of age. He requested Colonel Gansevoort, through his two messengers, to fire three signal- guns on receiving word of his vicinage ; upon hearing which, he would endeavor to force his way to the fort, depending upon the co-opera- tion of the gaiTison. The messengers had been desptached by Herkimer on the evening of the 5th, and he had calculated that they would reach the fort at a very early hour in the morning. Through some delay, they did not reach it until between ten and eleven o'clock. Gansevoort instantly complied with the message. Three signal-guns were fired, and Colonel "Willett, of the New York Continentals, with two hundred and fifty men and an iron three-pounder, was detached to make a diversion, by attacking that part of the enemy's camp occupied by Johnson and his royalists. The delay of the messengers in the night, however, disconcerted the plan of Herkimer. He marshalled his troops by daybreak and W'aited for the signal-guns. Hour after hour elapsed, but no gun was heard. His officers became impatient of delay, and urged an im- mediate march. Herkimer represented that they were too weak to force their way to the fort without reinforcements, or without being sure of co-operation from the garrison, and was still for awaiting the preconcerted signals. High words ensued between him and two of his officers. He had a brother and other rela- tives among the enemy, and hence there were some doubts of his fidelity, though they sub- sequently proved to be unmerited. Colonels Cox and Paris were particularly urgent for an advance, and suspicious of the motives for hold- ing back. Paris was a prominent man in Try- on Coimty, and member of the committee of safety, and in compliance with the wishes of that committee, accompanied Herkimer as his volunteer aide. Losing his temper in the dis- pute, he accused the latter of Being either a tory or a coward. "No," replied the brave old man, " I feel towards you all as a father, and wiU not lead you into a scrape from which I cannot extricate you." His discretion, how- ever, was overpowered by repeated taunts, and he at length, about nine o'clock, gave the word to march ; intimating, however, that those who were the most eager to advance, would be the first to run away. The march was rather dogged and irregular. There was iU-humor between the general and his oflicers. Colonels Paris and Cox advised him to throw out a reconnoitring party in the advance, but he disregarded their advice, and perhaps in very opposition to it, neglected so necessary a precaution. About ten o'clock they came to a place where the road was carried on a causeway of logs across a deep marshy ravine between high level banks. The main division descended into the ravine, followed by the baggage-waggons. They had scarcely crossed it, when enemies suddenly sprang up in front and on each side, with deadly volleys of mus- ketry, and deafening yells and war-whoops. In fact, St. Leger, apprised by his scouts of their intended approach, had sent a force to waylay them. This was composed of a division of Johnson's greens, led by his brother-in-law, Major Watts ; a company of rangers under Colonel Butler, a refugee from this neighbor- hood, and a strong body of Indians under Brant. The troops were stationed in front just beyond the ravine ; the Indians along each side of the road. The plan of the ambuscade was to let the van of the Americans pass the ravine and advance between the concealed parties, when the attack was to be commenced by the troops in front, after which, the Indians were to fall on the Americans in rear and cut off all retreat. The savages, however, could not restrain their natural ferocity and hold back as ordered, but discharged their rifles simultaneously with the troops, and instantly rushed forward with spears and tomahawks, yelling like demons, and commencing a dreadful butchery. The ^T. 45.] BATTLE OF ORISKANY— DEATH OF GENERAL HERKIMER. 881 rear-guard, whicli bad not entered the ravine, retreated. The main body, though thrown into confusion, defended themselves bravely. One of those severe conflicts ensued, common in Indian vrarfare, where the combatants take post with their rifles, behind rock and tree, or come to deadly struggle with knife and toma- hawk. The veteran Uerkimer w-as wounded early in the action. A musket ball shattered his leg just below the knee, killing his horse at the same time. He made his men place him on his saddle at the foot of a large beech tree, against the trunk of which he leaned, continu- ing to give his orders. The regulars attempted to charge with the> bayonet ; but the Americans formed themselves in circles back to back, and repelled them. A heavy storm of thunder and rain caused a tem- porary lull to the fight, during which the pa- triots changed their ground. Some of them stationed themselves in pairs behind trees ; so that w'hen one had fired the other could cover him until he had reloaded ; for the savages were apt to rush up -with knife and tomahawk the moment a man had discharged his piece. Johnson's greens came up to sustain the In- dians, who were giving way, and now was the fiercest part of the fight. Old neighbors met in deadly feud ; former intimacy gave bitter- ness to present hate, and war was literally carried to the knife ; for the bodies of com- batants were afterwards found on the field of battle, grappled in death, with the hand still grasping the knife plunged in a neighbor's heart. The very savages seemed inspired with unusual ferocity by the confusion and dead struggle around them, and the sight of their prime warriors and favorite chiefs shot down. In their blind fury they attacked the white men indiscriminately, friend or foe, so that in this chance-medley fight many of Sir John's greens were slain by his own Indian allies. A confusion reigns over the accounts of this fight ; in which every one saw little but what occurred in his immediate vicinity. The In- dians, at length, having lost many of their bravest warriors, gave the retreating cry, Oonah ! Oonah ! and fled to the woods. The greens and rangers hearing a firing in the di- rection of the fort, feared an attack upon their camp, and hastened to its defence, carrying off with them many prisoners. The Americans did not pursue them, but placing their wounded on litters made of branches of trees, returned to Oriskany, Both parties have claimed the victory ; but it does not appear that either was entitled to it. The dead of both parties lay for days unburied on the field of action, and a wounded ofiicer of the enemy (Major "Watts) remained there t^o days unrelieved, until found by an Indian scout. It would seem as if each party gladly abandoned this scene of one of the most savage conflicts of the Revolu- tion. The Americans had two himdred killed, and a number wounded. Several of these were officers. The loss of the enemy is thought to have been equally great as to numbers ; but then the difference in value between regulars and militia ! the former often the refuse of mankind, mere hirelings, whereas among the privates of the militia, called out from their homes to defend their neighborhood, were many of tlie worthiest and most valuable of the yeomanry. The premature haste of the Indians in attacking, had saved the Americans from being completely surrounded. The rear- guard, not having entered the defile, turned and made a rapid retreat, but were piu'sued by the Indians, and suffered greatly in a running fight. We may add that those who had been most urgent with General Herkimer for this move- ment, were among the first to suffer from it. Colonel Cox was shot down at the first fire, so was a son of Colonel Paris ; the colonel himself was taken prisoner, and fell beneath the toma- hawk of the famous Red Jacket. As to General Herkimer, he was conveyed to his residence on the Mohawk Eiver, and died nine days after the battle, not so much from his wound as from bad surgery, sinking gradually through loss of blood from an unskil- ful amputation. He died like a philosopher and a Christian, smoking his pipe and reading his Bible to the last. His name has been given to a county in that part of the State.* The sortie of Colonel "WiUett had been spirited and successful. Ho attacked the en- campments of Sir John Johnson and the In- dians, which Avere contiguous, and strong detachments of which were absent on the am- buscade. Sir John and Jiis men were driven to the river ; the Indians fled to the woods. Willett sacked their camps ; loaded waggons with camp equipage, clothing, blankets, and stores of all kinds, seized the baggage and pa- pers of Sir John and of several of his officers, and retreated safely to the fort, just as St. * Some of the particulars of this action were given to the author hy a son of Colonel Paris. .•JR2 GANSKVOOIIT MAINTAJNH HIS J'OST— SCJIUYLKR KKCALLET). [1777. Logor wan cominf^ up wiUi u powerful reiii- forcoirioiit. Fivo roloiH, wliicli lie hud hroiiglit nwuy wilJi liiiii iiM IropliicM, wore (IiH|)Iayc(l under llio lIuK ol' tlio lurt, wliilc his men gave throe cliocrs from the rmnpartH. St. Lcgor now endeavored to operate on tlie fearH of Mio garriHon. Ilin jiriwuiorH, it iH wiid, were coiiiix'llc'd U) write a li'tlxsr, giving diHiiml ticoountH of tlid ud'iiir of Ori.skuiiy, and of tlie irtipoHwibility of getting any Hii(u;or to tlio gar- rison ; of tlio jirobaliilily that ]>in*goyno and his army woro then hcforo Alhany, and adviH- ing Hurrondcr to prevent inevitable 1i- way tbniuf;h bo;^', and morass, and j)atJiless forests, and all kinds of risks and hardships, untjl they reacjhed tlio German Flats on tho Mohawk. ]liirti Willett ])rocured a couple of liorHCH, and by dint of hoof arrived at tho camp of General Schuyler at Stillwater. A change had come over tho position of that com- mander four (layH previous to the arrival of (jolom^l "Willett, as we hIuiH relate in the ensu- ing chapter. CHAPTER XVI. RoiiTiYi.Ku was in Albany in the early part of August, making stirring api)eah! in every direc- tion for reinforcements. IJurgoyno was ad- vancing u])on liitn ; ho had received news of the disastrous aflair of Oriskany, and the death of (ieneral Herkimer, and Tryon County was crying to jiim for assistance. One of his ap- ])ealH was to tho veteran John Stark, the com- rade of Putnam in tho French war and tho battle of Hunker's Ilill. He had his farm in t.he Hampshiro Grants, and his name was a tower of strength among tho Green Mountain I'oys. Hut Stark Avas soured with govern- ment, and had retired from service, his name having boon omitted in tho list of promotions. Hearing that ho Avas on a visit to Lincoln's camp at Manchester, Schuyler wrote to that general, " Assm-o (Jenoral Stark that I have acipniinted Congress of his situation, and that T trust and entreat he will, in tho jtrescnt alarming crisis, waive his right ; the greater the sacrifice ho makes to his feelings the great- er will bo tho honor duo to him for not having sntVerod any consideration whatever, to corao in com])etition with the weal of his country: entreat him to march immediately to our army." Schuyler had instant call to jiractiso the very virt.uo he was inculcating. He was about to mount his horse on tho 10th, to return to tho cam]) at Stillwater, when a des])atch from Con- gress was ])ut into his hand containing tlic re- solves which rccalh'd him to attend a court of iiKpiiry about the allnir of Ticonderofj;a, and recpiestod Washington to a]>i)oiut an ollicer to succeed him. Schuyler felt d(>eply tlu^ indignity of being thus recalled at a, time when an cng.'igenicnt was apparently at, liand, hut endeavored to console himself with tho certainty that a thorough iuvestigaiion of his conduct would ])rove how much he was entitled to tlio thanks JEr. 4 5. J EXPEDITION AGAINST BENNINGTON— GERMANS AND INDIANS. .•}8;{ of liis country. lie intimatod tho same in his reply to Congress ; in tlio mean time, ho con- sidered it liis duty to renuvin at liin post until liirt Huccossor whould arrive, or some olllcer in the department ho ntuninated to tho coimuand. lieturniug, therefore, to tlio eamp at Stillwater, he continued to conduct tho allairs of tho army with unremitting zeal. " Until tho country is in safety," said ho, " I will Ktille my roHont- ment." His first caro was to send relief to (Janso- voort and his holoaguered garrison. Eight hundred men wcro all that he could spare from his army in its present threatened state. A spirited and cll'cictive oilieor was wanted to lend tliem. Arnold was in camp, recently sent on as an olliciont coadjutor, hy Washing- ton ; ho was in a state of exasperation against the government, having just learned that tho (|ucsl,i()u of raidi had heon decided against Iiim in Congress. Indeed, ho would liavo retired instantly from tho service, had not Schuylor l)ri',vailed on him to remain until tho impend- ing danger was over. Jt was hardly to he ex- pected, tliat in his irritated mood ho would accept tho conmiand of tho detachment, if oll'ered to him. Arnold, howovor, was a com- hustible character. The opportunity of an ox- ])]()it Hashed on his adventurous spirit. lie step|)od i)rom])tly forward and vohmteered to load the cuterj)riso. " No pulilic or private in- jury or insult," said ho, " shall prevail on mo to forsake tho cause of my injured and oj)- ])reKsed country, until I SCO poaco and liberty restored to her, or nobly dio in tho attempt." * After tho do])arture of this detaclimeiit, it was unanimously determined in a council of war of Hehuyler and his general ollicers, that tho post at Stillwater was altogether untonahlo with their actual force ; part of tho army, therefore, retired to tho islands at tho fords on tlie juouth of tho Mohawk River, whore it empties into the Hudson, and a brigade was ])ostt^d al)ovo the Falls of the Mohawk, caljed (ho Cohoes, to prevent the enemy from cross- ing tlicre. It was considered a strong position, Avhere they could not bo attacked without groat disadvantage to tho assailant. The feelings of Schuylor wcro more and more excited as tho game of war appeared drawing to a crisis. "I am resolved," writes ho to his friend Duano, "to make another sacrifice to my country, and risk tho censure of Congress by * Letter to OatOB. Oatos's rupers. romniniug in this (piartor aftei- 1 am reliovod, and bringing up tho militia to the sujjport of this weak army." As yet he did not know who was to bo his successor in tlie conmiand. A letter from Diiane iurorined him tliat (!encral (Jates was the man. Still tho noblo part of Schuyler's iintui-o was in tho ascendant. " Your fears may lie u])," writes ho in reply, "lest the ill-treatment I have experienced at his bauds, should so far get tlio better of my judgment as to embarrass liim. Do not, n)y dear friend, bo uneasy on that ac- count. I am incapable of sacrilicing my coun- try to a rosontmont, howovor just; and I trust I shall give an example of what a good citizen ought to do when he is in my situation." We will now take a view of o(!currencos on tho right and left of Ihirgoyne, and show tho eJlbct of Schuyler's measures, poorly seconded as they wore, in crij)pliiig and straitening tho invading army. And lirst, wo will treat of tho expedition against Bennington. This was a central ])lace, whither tho live stock was driven from various ])arts of tho Hampshire (Jrants, and whence the American army derived its supplies. It was a great deposit, also, of grain of various kinds, and of wheel carriages; tho usual guard was militia, varying from day to day. l?eiiiiington was to bo surprised. Tho country was to be scoured from liockingham to Otter Creek in (|uest of provisions for tho army, liorses and oxen for draft, and horses for tho cavalry. All public maga/ines were to bo sacked. All cattle belonging to royalists, and which could bo spared by their owners, were to l)o ])aid for. All rebel tlocks jmd bonis wore to 1)0 driven away. (Jenerals Phillips and liiedosel demurred strongly to the cxi)odition, but their counsels wero outweighed by thoso of Oolouel Skene, the royalist. IIo knew, ho said, all the country thereabout. The inhabitants were as live to Olio in favor of tlio royal cause, and would bo prompt to turn out on tho lirst appearance of a protecting army. IIo was to accompany the expedition, and nmch was expected from his personal inlluenco and authority Lieutemuit-Colonel Baum was to command the detachment. lie had under bim, according to Burgoyne, two hundred dismounted di-a- goons of the regiment of liiefk^sel, Captain Eraser's marksmen, which wero tho only Brit- ish, all the Canadian volunteers, a party of tho provincials who jierfectly knew tho country, 384 BAUM, THE HESSIAN LEADER— STARK IN THE FIELD. [\111. one hundred Indians, and two light pieces of cannon. The whole detachment amounted to about five hundred men. The dragoons, it was expected, would supply themselves with horses in the course of the foray ; and a skeleton corps of royalists would be filled up by recruits. The Germans had no great liking for the In- dians as fellow campaigners ; especially those who had come from Upper Canada under St. Luc. " These savages are heathens, huge, war- like, and enterprising, but wicked as Satan," writes a Hessian officer. " Some say they are cannibals, but I do not believe it ; though in their fury they will tear the flesh off their ene- mies with their teeth. They have a martial air, and their wild ornaments become them."* St. Luc, who commanded them, had been a terror to the English colonists in the French war, and it was intimated that he possessed great treasures of " old English scalps." He and his warriors, however, had disappeared from camp since the affair of Miss McCrea. The present Avere Indians from Lower Canada The choice of German troops for this foray, was much sneered at by the British officers. " A corps could not have been found in the whole army," said they, " so unfit for a service requiring rapidity of motion, as Eiedesel's dra- goons. The very hat and sword of one of them weighed nearly as much as the whole equip- ment of a British soldier. The worst British regiment in the service would march two miles to their one." To be nearer at hand in case assistance should be required, Burgoyno encamped on the east side of the Hudson, nearly opposite Saratoga, throw'ing over a bridge of boats by which Gen- eral Eraser, with the advanced guard, crossed to that place. Colonel Baum set out from camp at break of day, on the 13th of August. All that had been predicted of his movements was verified. The badness of the road, the ex- cessive heat of the weather, and the want of carriages and horses, were alleged in excuse ; but slow and imapt men ever meet with im- pediments. Some cattle, carts, and waggons, were captured at Cambridge ; a few horses also were brought in ; but the Indians killed or drove off all that fell into their hands, unless they were paid in cash for their prizes. " The country people of these parts," writes the Hes- sian narrator, " came in crowds to Governor Skene, as he was called, and took the oath of * SchlOzer's Briefwechsol, Th. iii., Heft xvii. allegiance; but even these faithless people," adds he, " were subsequently our bitterest as- sailants." Baum was too slow a man to take a place by surprise. The people of Bennington heard of his approach and were on the alert. The vet- eran Stark was there with eight or nine hun- dred troops. During the late alarms the mi- litia of the State had been formed into two brigades, one to be commanded by General William Whipple; Stark had with difficulty been prevailed upon to accept the command of the other, upon the express condition that he should not be obliged to join the main army, but should be left to his own discretion, to make war in his own partisan style, hovering about the enemy in their march through the country, and accountable to none but the au- thorities of New Hampshire. General Lincoln had informed Stark of the orders of General Schuyler, that all the militia should repair to Stillwater, but the veteran re- fused to comply. He had taken np arms, he said, in a moment of exigency, to defend the neighborhood which would be exposed to the ravages of the enemy, should he leave it, and he held himself accountable solely to the au- thorities of New Hampshire. This act of in- subordination might have involved the doughty but somewhat testy old general in subsequent difficulty, had not his sword carved out an ample excuse for him. Having heard that Indians had appeared at Cambridge, twelve miles to the north of Ben- nington, on the 13th, he sent out two hundred men under Colonel Gregg in quest of them. In the course of the night he learnt that they were mere scouts in advance of a force marching u.pon Bennington. Ho immediately rallied his brigade, called out the militia of the neighbor- hood, and sent off for Colonel Seth Warner (the quondam associate of Ethan Allen) and his regiment of militia, who were with General Lincoln at Manchester. Lincoln instantly detached them, and Warner and his men marched all night through drench- ing rain, arriving at Stark's camp in the morn- ing, dripping wet. Stark left them at Bennington to dry and rest themselves, and then to follow on ; in the mean time, ho pushed forward with his men to support the party sent out the preceding day, under Gregg, in quest of the Indians. lie met them about five miles off, in full retreat, Baum anti his force a mile in their rear. Mt. 45.] THE BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. 385 Stark halted and prepared for action, Baum also halted, posted himself ou a high ground at a bend of the little river Walloomscoick, and began to intrench himself. Stark feU back a mile, to wait for reinforcements and draw down Baum from his strong position. A skir- mish took place between the advance guards ; thirty of Baum's men were killed and two In- dian chiefs. An incessant rain on the 15th prevented an attack on Baum's camp, but there was con- tinual sku*mishing. The colonel strengthened his iutrenchments, and finding he had a larger force to contend with than he had anticipated, sent off in all haste to Burgoyne for reinforce- ments. Colonel Breyman marched off imme- diately, with five hundred Hessian grenadiers and infantry and two six-pounders, leaving be- hind him his tents, baggage, and standards. He, also, found the roads so deep, and the horses so bad, that he was nearly two days getting four and twenty miles. The tactics of the Hessians were against them. " So foolishly attached were they to forms of discipline," writes a British historian, " that in marching through thickets they stopped ten times an hour to dress their ranks." It was here, in fact, that they most dreaded the American rifle. "In the open field," said they, "the rebels are not much ; but they are redoubtable in the woods."* In the mean time the more alert and active Americans had been mustering from all quarters to Stark's assistance, with such weapons as they had at hand. During the night of the 15th, Colonel Symonds arrived with a body of Berkshire militia. Among them was a bellig- erent parson, full of fight, Allen by name, pos- sibly of the bellicose family of the hero of Ti- conderoga. " General," cried he, " the people of Berkshire have been often called out to no purpose ; if you don't give them a chance to fight now they will never turn out again." " You would not turn out now, while it is dark and raining, would you?" demanded Stark. " Not just now," was the reply. " Well, if the Lord should once more give us sunshine, and I don't give you fighting enough," rejoined the veteran, " I'll never ask you to turn out again." On the following morning the sun shone bright, and Stark prepared to attack Baum in his iutrenchments ; though he had no artillery, and his men, for the most part, had only their 25 * SoHozer'a Briefwechsel. ordinary brown firelocks without bayonets. Two hundred of his men, under Colonel Nich- ols, were detached to the rear of the enemy's left ; three hundred under Colonel Ilerrick, to the rear of his right ; they were to join their forces and attack him in the rear, while Colo- nels Hubbard and Stickney, with two hundred men, diverted his attention in fi-ont. Colonel Skene and the royalists, when they saw the Americans issuing out of the woods on different sides, persuaded themselves, and en- deavored to persuade Baum, that these were the royal people of the country flocking to his standard. The Indians were the first to dis- cover the truth. " The woods are full of Yan- kees," cried they, and retreated in single file between the troops of Nichols and Ilerrick, yelling like demons and jingling cow beUs. Several of them, however, wer% killed or wounded as they thus ran the gauntlet. At the first sound of fire-arms. Stark, who had remained with the main body in camp, mounted his horse and gave the word, forward ! He had promised his men the plunder of the British camp. The homely sj^eech made by him when in sight of the enemy has often been cited. "Now, my men! There are the red coats ! Before night they must be ours, or Molly Stark wiU be a widow ! " Baum soon found himself assailed on every side, but he defended his works bravely. His two pieces of artillery, advantag'eously planted, were very effective, and his troops, if slow in march, were steady in action. For two hours the discharge of fire-arms was said to have been like the constant rattling of the drum. Stark in his despatches compared it to a " con- tinued clap of thunder." It was the hottest fight he had ever seen. He inspired his men with his own impetuosity. They drove the royalist troops upon the Hessians, and pressing after them stormed the works with irresistible fury. A Hessian eye-witness declares that this time the rebels fought with desperation, press- ing within eight paces of the loaded cannon to take surer aim at the artillerists. The latter were slain ; the cannon captured. The royal- ists and Canadians took to flight, and escaped to the woods. The Germans stiU kept their ground, and fought bravely, until there was not a cartridge left. Baum and his dragoons then took to their broadswords and the in- fantry to their bayonets, and endeavored to cut their way to a road in the woods biit in vain ; many were kiUed, more wounded, Baum 386 GENERAL STARK'S VICTORY— RECEIPT OF THE NEWS. [1111. among the number, and all who survived were taken prisoners.* The victors now dispersed, some to collect booty, some to attend to the wounded, some to guard the prisoners, and some to seek re- freshment, being exhausted by hunger and fatigue. At this critical juncture, Breymau's tardy reinforcement came, making its way heavily and slowly to the scene of action, joined by many of the enemy who had fled. Attempts were made to rally the militia ; but they were ia complete confusion. Nothing would have saved them from defeat, had not Colonel Seth "Warner's corps fortunately ar- rived from Bennington, fresh from repose, and advanced to meet the enemy, while the others regained their ranks. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when this second action com- menced. It was fought from wood to wood and hill to hill, for several miles, until sunset. The last stand of the enemy was at Van Schaick's mill, where, having expended all their ammunition, of which each man had forty rounds, they gave way, and retreated, under favor of the night, leaving two field- pieces and all their baggage in the hands of the Americans. Stark ceased to pursue them, lest in the darkness his men should fire upon each other. " Another hour of daylight," said he in his report, " and I should have captured the whole body." The veteran had had a horse shot under him, but escaped without wound or bruise. Four brass field-pieces, nine hundred dragoon swords, a thousand stand of arms, and four am- munition waggons, were the spoils of this vic- tory. Thirty-two officers, five hundred and sixty-four privates, including Canadians and loyalists, were taken prisoners. The number of slain was very considerable, but could not be ascertained ; many having fallen in the woods. The brave but unfortunate Baum did not long survive. The Americans had one hundred killed and wounded. Burgoyne was awakened in his camp towards dayhght of the I7th, by tidings that Colonel Baum had surrendered. Next came word that Colonel Breyman was engaged in severe and iloubtful conflict. The whole army was roused, and were preparing to hasten to his assistance, when one report after another gave assurance that he was on his way back in safety. The main body, therefore, remained in camp at the Batten kiln ; but Burgoyne forded that stream with the 47th regiment and pushed forward until 4 o'clock, when he met Breyman and his troops, weary and haggard with hard fighting and hard marching, in hot weather. In the evening all returned to their old encamp- ments.* General Schuyler was encamped on Van Schaick's Island at the mouth of the Mohawk River, when a letter from General Lincoln, dated Bennington, Aug. 18, informed him of " the capital blow given the enemy by General Stark." "I trust," replies he, Aug. 19th, " that the severity with which they have been handled will retard General Burgoyne's pro- gress. Part of his force was yesterday after- noon about three miles and a half above Still- water. If the enemy have entirely left that part of the country you are in, I think it would be advisable for you to move towards Hudson River tending towards Stillwater." " Governor Clinton," writes he to Stark on the same day, " is coming up with a body of militia, and I trust that after what the enemy have experienced from you, their progress will be retarded, and then we shall see them driven out of this part of the country," He now hoped to hear that Arnold had raised the siege of Fort Stanwix. " If that take place," said he, " it will be possible to en- gage two or three hundred Indians to join this army, and Congress may rest assured that my best endeavors shall not be wanting to accom- plish it." Tidings of the affair of Bennington reached Washington, just before he moved his camp from the neighborhood of Philadelphia to Wil- mington, and it relieved his mind from a world of anxious perplexity. In a letter to Putnam he writes, " As there is not now the least dan- ger of General Howe's going to New England, I hope the whole force of that country will turn out, and, by following the great stroke struck by General Stark near Bennington, en- tirely crush General Burgoyne, Avho, by his letter to Colonel Baum, seems to be in want of almost every thing." We will now give the fate of Burgoyne's de- tachment, under St. Leger, sent to capture Fort Stanwix, and ravage the valley of the Mo- hawk. * Briefe aus America. SchlOzer's Briefwechsel, Th. iii., Seft xiii. • SchlOzer's Briefweclisel, Th. iii., Heft xiiL vEt. 45.] STRATAGEM OF ARNOLD TO RELIEVE FORT STANWIX— ITS SUCCESS. 3S7 CHAPTER XVII. Aenold's march to the relief of Fort Stan- ■wix, was slower than suited his ardent and im- patient spirit. He was detained in the valley of the Mohawk hy bad roads, by the necessity of waiting for baggage and ammunition wag- gons, and for militia recruits who turned out reluctantly. He sent missives to Colonel Gan- sevoort assuring him that he would relieve him in the course of a few days. " Be under no kind of apprehension," writes he. " I know the strength of the enemy, and Tioio to deal with them.'''' In fact, conscious of the smallness of his force, he had resorted to stratagem, sending em- issaries ahead to spread exaggerated reports of the number of his troops, so as to work on the fears of the enemy's Indian allies and in- duce them to desert. The most important of these emissaries was one Yan Yost Cuyler, an eccentric half-witted fellow, known throughout the country as a rank tory. lie had been con- victed as a spy, and only spared from the halter on the condition that he would go into St. Leger's camp, and spread alarming reports among the Indians, by whom he was well known. To insure a faithful discharge of his mission, Arnold detained his brother as a hos- tage. On his way up the Mohawk valley, Arnold was joined by a New York regiment, under Colonel James Livingston, sent by Gates to reinforce him. On arriving at the German Flats he received an express from Colonel Gan- sevoort, informing him that he was still be- sieged, but in high spirits and under no appre- hensions. In a letter to Gates, written from the German Flats (August 21st), Arnold says, "I leave this place this morning with twelve hundred Continental troops and a handful of militia for Fort Schuyler, still besieged by a number equal to ours. You will hear of my being victorious — or no more. As soon as the safety of this part of the country will permit, I will fly to your assistance." * All this while St. Leger was advancing his parallels and pressing the siege ; while provi- sions and ammunition were rapidly decreasing within the fort. St. Leger's Indian allies, how- ever, were growing sullen and intractable. This slow kind of Avarfare, this war with the * Gates's Papers, spade, they were unaccustomed to, and they by no means relished it. Besides, they had been led to expect easy times, little fighting, many scalps, and much plunder ; whereas they had fought hard, lost many of their best chiefs, been checked in their cruelty, and gained no booty. At this juncture, scouts brought word that a force one thousand strong was marching to the relief of the fort. Eager to put his savages in action, St. Leger in a council of war offered to their chiefs to place himself at their head, with three hundred of his best troops, and meet the enemy as they advanced. It was agreed, and they sallied forth together to choose a fighting ground. By this time rumors stole into the camp doubling the number of the approaching enemy, Burgoyne's whole army were said to have been defeated. Lastly came Yan Yost Cuyler, with his coat full of bullet holes, giving out that he had escaped from the hands of the Americans, and had been fired upon by tliem. His story was believed, for his wounded coat corroborated it, and ho was known to be a roy- alist. Mingling among his old acquaintances, the Indians, he assured them that the Ameri- cans were close at hand, " and numerous as the leaves on the trees." Arnold's stratagem succeeded. The Indians, fickle as the winds, began to desert. Sir John Johnson and Colonels Claus and Butler endeav- ored in vain to reassure and retain them. In a little while two hundred had decamped, and the rest threatened to do so likewise, unless St. Leger retreated. The unfortunate colonel found too late what little reliance was to be placed upon Indian allies. He determined on the 22d, to send off his sick, his wounded, and his artillery by Wood Creek that very night, and to protect them by the line of march. The Indians, how- ever, goaded on by Arnold's emissaries, insisted on instant retreat. St. Leger still refused to depart before nightfall. The savages now be- came ungovernable. They seized upon liquor of the officers about to be embai'ked, and get- ting intoxicated, behaved like very fiends. In a word, St. Leger was obliged to decamp about noon, in such hurry and confusion that he left his tents standing, and his artillery, with most of his baggage, ammunition, and stores, fell into the hands of the Americans. A detachment from the garrison pursued and harassed him for a time ; but his greatest an- noyance was from his Indian allies, who pluu- 388 ARRIVAL OF GATES IX THE GAMP— ASSUMES COMMAND. [17Y7. dered the boats which conveyed such baggage as had been brought off; murdered aU strag- glers -n-ho lagged iu the rear, and amused them- selves by giving false alarms to keep up the panic of the soldiery ; who would throw away muskets, knapsacks, and every thing that im- peded their flight. It was not until he reached Onondaga Falls, that St. Leger discovered by a letter from Bur- goyne, and floating reports brought by the bearer, that he had been the dupe of a ru&e de guerre, and that at the time the advancmg foe were reported to be close upon his haunches, they were not within forty miles of him. Such was the second blow to Burgoyne's invading army; but before the news of it reached that doomed commander, he had al- ready been half paralyzed by the disaster at Bennington. The moral effect of these two blows was such as Washington had predicted. Fortune, so long adverse, seemed at length to have taken a favorable turn. People were roused from their despondency. There was a sudden exul- tation throughout the country. The savages had disappeared in their native forests. The German veterans, so much vaunted and dread- ed, had been vanquished by militia, and British artillery captured by men, some of whom had never seen a cannon. Means were now augmenting in Schuyler's hands. Colonels Livingston and Pierre van Cortlandt, forwarded by Putnam, were arrived. Governor Clinton was daily expected with New York militia from the Highlands. The arrival of Arnold was anticipated with troops and artillery, and Lincoln with the New Eng- land militia. At this propitious moment, when every thing was ready for the sickle to be put into the harvest. General Gates arrived in the camp. Schuyler received him with the noble cour- tesy to which he jdedged himself. After acquainting him with all the affairs of the de- partment, the measures he had taken, and those he had projected ; he informed him of his hav- ing signified to Congress his intention to re- main in that quarter for the present, and render every service in his power ; and he entreatecj Gates to call upon him for counsel and assist- ance whenever he thought proper. Gates was in high spirits. His letters to Washington show how completely he was aware that an easy path of victory had been opened for him. " Upon my leaving Philadel- phia," writes he, " the prospect this way ap- peared most gloomy, but the severe checks the enemy have met with at Bennington and Tryon County, have given a more pleasing view of public aftairs. Particular accounts of the signal victory gained by General Stark, and of the severe blow General Herkimer gave Sir John Johnson and the scalpers under his command, have been transmitted to your Excellency by General Schuyler. I anxiously expect the ar- rival of an express from General Arnold, with an account of the total defeat of the enemy in that quarter. " I cannot sufiiciently thank your Excellency for sending Colonel Morgan's corps to this army. They will be of the greatest service to it ; for, until tlie late success this way, I am told the army were quite panic-struck by the Indians, and their tory and Canadian assassins in Indian dress." Governor Clinton was irameditely expected in camp, and he intended to consult with him and General Lincoln upon the best plan to dis- tress, and he hoped, finally to defeat the ene- my. " We shall no doubt," writes he, " unani- mously agree in sentiment with your Excel- lency, to keep Generals Lincoln and Stark upon the flank and rear of the enemy, while the main body opposes them in front." Not a Avord does he say of consulting Schuy- ler, who, more than any one else, was acquainted v/ith the department and its concerns, who was in constant correspondence with Wash- ington, and had co-operated with him in effect- ing the measures which had produced the present promising situation of affairs. So far was he from responding to Schuyler's magna- nimity, and profiting by his nobly offered counsel and assistance, that he did not even ask him to be present at his first council of war, although he invited up General Ten Broeck of the militia from Albany to attend it. His conduct in this respect provoked a caustic remark from the celebrated Gouverneur Morris, "The commander-in-chief of the Northern department," said he, " may, if he please, neg- lect to ask or disdain to receive advice, but those who know him will, I am sure, be con- vinced that he wants it." Gates opened hostilities against Burgoyne with the pen. He had received a letter from that commander, complaining of the harsh treatment experienced by the royalists captured at Bennington. " Duty and principle," writes Burgoyne, " made me a public enemy to the ^T. 45.] CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN GATES AND BURGOYNE— HOWE ON ELK RIVER. 389 Americans who have taken up arms; hut I seek to be a generous one; nor have I the shadow of resentment against any individual who does not induce it by acts derogatory to those maxims upon which all men of honor think alike." There was nothing in this that was not borne out by the conduct and character of Burgoyne ; but Gates seized upon the occasion to assail that commander in no measured terras in re- gard to his Indian allies. ' " That the savages," said he, " should in their warfare mangle the unhappy prisoners who fall into their hands, is neither new nor extraordi- nary ; but that the famous General Burgoyne, in whom the fine gentleman is united with the scholar, should hire the savages of America to scalp Europeans : nay more, that he should pay a price for each scalp so barbarously taken, is more than will be believed in Europe, until au- thenticated facts shall in every gazette confirm the horrid tale." After this prelude, he went on to state the murder of Miss McOrea, alleging that her mur- derer was employed by Burgoyne. " Two parents," added he, " with their six children, were treated with the same inhumanity while quietly resting in their once happy and peace- ful dwelling. Upwards of one hundred men, women, and children, have perished by the hands of the ruflSans to whom it is asserted you have paid the price of blood." Gates showed his letter to General Lincoln and Colonel Wilkinson, who demurred to its person- ality ; but he evidently conceived it an achieve- ment of the pen, and spurned their criticism.* Burgoyne, in a manly reply, declared that he would have disdained to justify himself from such rhapsodies of fiction and calumny, but that his silence might be construed into an admission of tlieir truth, and lead to acts of retaliation. He pronounced all the intelligence cited respecting the cruelties of the Indians to be false, with the exception of the case of Miss McOrea. This he put in its true light, adding, that it had been as sincerely lamented and abhori'ed by him, as it could be by the * After General Gates had -written his letter to Bur- goyne, ho called General Lincoln and myself into his apartment, read it to ns, and requested our opinion of it, which we declined giving ; but being pressed by him, with diffidence we concurred in judgment, that he had been too personal; to which the old gentleman replied wath«ihis characteristic bluntness, " By G— I I don't believe either of you can mend it:"— and thus the consultation ter- minated.— TFiVA-msora's Memoirs, vol. i. 231. tenderest of her friends. " I would not," de- clared he, " be conscious of the acts you pre- sume to impute to me, for the whole continent of America ; though the wealth of worlds was in its bowels, and a paradise upon its surface." We have already shown what was the real conduct of Burgoyne in this deplorable affair, and General Gates could and should have ascer- tained it, before " he presumed to impute " to a gallant antagonist and a humane and culti- vated gentleman, such base and barbarous poli- cy. It was the government under which Burgoyne served that was chargeable with the murderous acts of the savages. He is rather to be pitied for being obliged to employ such hell-hounds, whom he endeavored in vain to hold in check. Great Britain reaped the re- ward of her policy in the odium which it cast upon her cause, and the determined and suc- cessful opposition which it provoked in the American bosom. We will now shift the scene to Washington's camp »t Wilmington, where we left him watch- ing the operations of the British fleet, and pre- paring to oppose the army under Sir William Howe in its designs upon Philadelphia. CHAPTER XVIII. On the. 25th of August, the British army under General Howe began to land from the fleet in Elk River, at the bottom of Chesapeake Bay. The place where they landed was about sis miles below the Head of Elk (now Elkton) a small town, the capital of Cecil County. This was seventy miles from Philadelphia ; ten miles further from that city than they had been when encamped at Brunswick. The in- tervening country, too, was less open than the Jerseys, and cut up by deep streams. Sir WiUiara had chosen this circuitous route in the expectation of finding friends among the people of Cecil County, and of the lower counties of Pennsylvania ; many of whom were Quakers and non-combatants, and many persons disaf- fected to the patriot cause. Early in the evening, Washington received ' intelligence that the enemy were landing. There was a quantity of public and private stores at the Head of Elk, which he feared would fall into their hands if they moved quickly. Every attempt was to be made to check them. The divisions of Generals Greene 390 DISTRIBUTION OF THE AMERICAN FORCES— ARRIVAL OF SULLIVAN. [1777. and Stephen were within a few miles of Wil- mington ; orders were sent for them to march thither immediately. The two other divisions, which had halted at Chester to refresh, were to hurry forward. Major-General Armstrong, the same who had surprised the Indian village of Kittaning in the French war, and who now . commanded the Pennsylvania militia, was urged to send down, in the cool of the night, all the men he could muster, properly armed. " The first attempt of the enemy," writes "Washing- ton, " will be with light parties to seize horses, carriages, and cattle, and we must endeavor to check them at the outset." General Rodney, therefore, who commanded the Delaware militia, was ordered to throw out scouts and patrols toward the enemy to watch their motions ; and to move near them with his troops, as soon as he should be reinforced by the Maryland militia. Light troops were sent out early in the morning to hover about and harass the invad- ers. Washington himself, accompanied by General Greene and the Marquis de Lafayette and their aides, rode forth to reconnoitre the country in the neighborhood of the enemy, and determine how to dispose of his forces when they should be collected. The only eminences near Elk were Iron Hill and Gray's Hill ; the latter within two miles of the enemy. It was difficult, however, to get a good view of their encampment, and judge of the number that had landed. Hours were passed in riding from place to place reconnoitrmg, and taking a mili- tary survey of the surrounding country. At length a severe storm drove the party to take shelter in a farm house. Night came on dark and stormy. Washington showed no disposition to depart. His companions became alarmed for his safety ; there was risk of his being surprised, being so near the enemy's camp. He was not to be moved either by advice or entreaties, but remained all night under the farmer's roof. When he left the house at day- break, however, says Lafayette, he acknowl- edged his imprudence, and that the most insig- nificant traitor might have caused his ruin. Indeed, he ran a similar risk to that which in the previous year had produced General Lee's catastrophe. The country was in a great state of alarm. Tlie inhabitants were hurrying off their most v.iluable effects, so that it was difficult to pro- cure cattle and vehicles to remove the public stores. The want of horses and the annoyances given by the American light troops, however, kept Howe from advancing promptly, and gave time for the greater part of the stores to be saved. To allay the public alarm, Howe issued a proclamation on the 2'rth, promising the strict- est regularity and order on the part of his army ; with security of person and property to all who remained quietly at home, and par- don to those under arms, who should promptly retui-n to their obedience. The proclamation had a quieting eftect, especially among the loy- alists, who abounded in these parts. The divisions of Generals Greene and Stephen were now stationed several miles in advance of Wilmington, behind White Clay Creek, about ten miles from the Head of Elk. General SmaUwood and Colonel Gist had been directed by Congress to take command of the militia of Maryland, who were gathering on the western shore, and Washington sent them orders to co- operate with General Eodney and get in the rear of the enemy. Washington now felt the want of Morgan and his riflemen, whom he had sent to assist the Northern army ; to supply their place, he formed a corps of light troops, by drafting a hundred men from each brigade. The com- mand was given to Mnjor-General Maxwell, who was to hover about the enemy and give them continual annoyance. The army about this time was increased by the arrival of General Sullivan and his division of three thousand men. He had recently, while encamped at Hanover in Jersey, made a gallant attempt to surprise and capture a corps of one thousand provincials stationed on Staten Island, at a distance from the fortified camp, and op- posite the Jersey shore. The attempt was partially successful ; a number of the provin- cials were captured ; but the regulars came to the rescue. Sullivan had not brought sufficient boats to secure a retreat. His rear-gnard was captured while waiting for the return of the boats, yet not without a sharp resistance. There was loss on both sides, but the Ameri- cans suftered most. Congress had directed Washington to appoint a court of inquiry to investigate the matter ; in the mean time, Sul- livan, whose gallantry remained undoubted, continued in command. There were now in camp several of those officers and gentlemen from various parts of Europe who had recently pressed into the ser- vice, and the suitable employment of whom .Et. 45.] DEBORRE— CONWAY— HENRY— FLEURY— PULASKI— "LIGHT-HORSE HARRY." 391 Lad been a source of much perplexity to Wash- ington. General Deborre, the Trench veteran of thirty years' service, commanded a brigade in Sullivan's division. Brigadier-General Con- way, the Gallicized Hibernian, was in the divi- sion of Lord Stirling. Beside these, there was Louis Fleury, a French gentleman of noble I descent, who had been educated as an engineer, and had come out at the opening of the Revo- lution to offer his services. "Washington had obtained for him a captain's commission. An- other officer of distinguished merit, was the Count Pulaski, a Pole, recommended by Dr. Franklin as an officer famous throughout Europe for his bravery and conduct in the defence of the liberties of his country against Russia, Austria, and Prussia. In fact, he had been commander-in-chief of the forces of the in- surgents. He served at present as a volunteer in the light-horse, and as that department Avas still without a head, and the cavalry was a main object of attention among the military of Poland, Washington suggested to Congress the expediency of giving him the command of it. " This gentleman, we are told," writes Wash- ington, " has been, like us, engaged in defend- ing the liberty and independence of his country, and has sacrificed his fortune to his zeal for those objects He derives from hence a title to our respect, that ought to operate in his favor as far as the good of the service will per- mit." At this time Henry Lee of Virginia, of mili- tary renown, makes his first appearance. He was in the twenty-second year of his age, and in the preceding year had commanded a com- pany of Virginia volunteers. He had recently signalized himself in scouting parties, harassing the enemy's pickets. Washington, in a letter to the President of Congress (August SOtli), writes : " This minute twenty-four British prisoners arrived, taken yesterday by Captain Lee of the light-horse." His adventurous ex- ploits soon won him notoriety, and the popular appellation of " Light-horse Harry." He was favorably noticed by Washington throughout the war. Perhaps there was something beside his bold, dashing spirit, which won him this favor. There may have been early recollections connected with it. Lee was the son of the lady who first touched Washington's heart in his school-boy days, the one about whom he wrote rhymes at Mount Vernon and Greenway Court — his " lowland beauty." Several days were now passed by the com- mander-in-chief almost continually in the saddle, reconnoitring the roads and passes, and making himself acquainted with the sur- rounding country ; which was very much intersected by rivers and smaU streams, run- ning chiefly from northwest to southeast. He had now made up his mind to risk a battle in the open field. It is true his troops were inferior to those of the enemy in number, equipments, and discipline. Hitherto, accord- ing to Lafayette, " they had fought combats, but not battles." Still those combats had given them experience ; and though many of them were militia, or raw recruits, yet the divisions of the army had acquired a facility at moving in large masses, and were considerably improved in military tactics. At any rate, it would never do to let Philadelphia, at that time the capital of the States, fall without a blow. There was a carping spirit abroad ; a disposition to cavil and find fault, which was prevalent in Philadelphia, and creeping into Congress ; something of the nature of what had been indulged respecting General Schuyler and the army of the North. Public impatience called for a battle ; it was expected even by Europe ; his own valiant spirit required it ; though hitherto he had been held in check by superior considerations of expediency, and by the controlling interference of Congress. Con- gress itself now spurred him on, and he gave way to the native ardor of his character. The British army having effected a landing, in which, by the way, it had experienced but little molestation, was formed into two divi- sions. One, under Sir William Howe, was stationed at Elkton, with its advanced guard at Gray's Hill, about two miles off. The other division, under General Knyphausen, was on the opposite side of the ferry, at Cecil Court House. On the third of September the enemy advanced in considerable force, with three field- pieces, moving with great caution, as the coim- try was difficult, woody, and not well known to them. About tln-ee miles in front of White Clay Creek, their vanguard was encountered by General Maxwell and his light troops, and a severe skirmish took place. The fire of the American sharpshooters and riflemen, as usual, was very effective ; but being inferior in num- ber, and having no artillery, Maxwell was compelled to retreat across White Clay Creek, with the loss of about forty killed and wound- ed. The loss of the enemy was supposed to be much greater. 392 WASHINGTON'S APPEAL TO THE ARMY— POSITION OF THE ARMY [1111. The main body of the American army was now encamped on the east side of Red Clay Creek on the road leading from Elkton to Phil- adelphia. The light infantry were in the ad- vance, at White Clay Creek. The armies were from eight to ten miles apart. In this position, Wasliington determined to await the threatened attack On the 5th of September he made a stirring appeal to the army, in his general orders, stat- ing the object of the enemy, the capture of Philadelphia. They had tried it before from the Jerseys, and had failed. lie trusted they would be again disappointed. In their present attempt their all was at stake. The whole would be hazarded in a single battle. If de- feated in that, they were totally undone, and the war would be at an end. Now then was the time for the most strenuous exertions. One bold stroke v/ould free the land from rapine, devastation, and brutal outrage. " Two years," said he, "have we maintained the war, and struggled with diiSculties innumerable, but the prospect has brightened. Now is the time to reap the fruit of all our toils and dangers ; if we behave like men this third campaign will be our last." Washington's numerical force at this time was about fifteen thousand men, but from sickness and other causes the efi'ective force, militia included, did not exceed eleven thousand, and most of these indifferently armed and equipped. The strength of the British was computed at eighteen thousand men, but, it is thought, not more than fifteen thousand were brought into action. On the 8th, the enemy advanceu in two columns ; one appeared preparing to attack the Americans in front, while the other extended its left up the west side of the creek, halting at Milltown, somewhat to the right of fhe Ameri- can position. Washington now suspected an intention on the part of Sir William Howe to march by his right, suddenly pass the Brandy- wine, gain the heights north of that stream, and cut him off from Philadelj: hia. He sum- moned a council of war, therefore, that even- ing, in which it was determined immediately to change their position, and move to the river in question. By two o'clock in t!ie morning, the army was under march, and by the next evening was encamped on the high grounds in the rear of the Brandywine. The enemy on the same evening moved to Kennet Square, about seven miles from the American position. The Brandywine Creek, as it is called, com- mences with two branches, called the East and West branches, which unite in one stream, flow- ing from west to east about twenty-two miles, and emptying itself into the Delaware about twenty-five miles below Philadelphia. It has several fords ; one called Chadd's Ford, was at that time the most practicable, and in the direct route from the enemy's camp to Philadelphia. As the principal attack was expected here, Washington made it the centre of his position, where he stationed the main body of his army, composed of Wayne's, Weedon's, and Muhlen- berg's brigades, with the light infantry under Maxwell. An eminence immediately above the ford, had been intrenched in the night, and was occupied by Wayne and Proctor's artillery. Weedon's and Muhlenberg's brigades, which were Virginian troops, and formed General Greene's division, were posted in the rear on the heights, as a reserve to aid either wing of the army. With these Washington took his stand. Maxwell's light infanty were thrown in the advance, south of the Brandywine, and posted on high ground each side of the road leading to the ford. The right wing of the army commanded hy Sullivan, and composed of his division and those of Stephen and Stirling, extended up the Brandywine two miles beyond Washington's position. Its light troops and videttes were distributed .quite up to the forks. A few de- tachments of ill-organized and undisciplined cavalry, extended across the creek on the ex- treme right. The left wing, composed of the Pennsylvaniamilitia, under Major-General x\rm- strong, was stationed about a mile and a half below the main body, to protect the lower fords, where the least danger was apprehended. The Brandywine, which ran in front of the whole line, was now the only obstacle, if such it might be called, between the two armies. Early on the morning of the 11th, a great column of troops was descried advancing on the road leading to Chadd's Ford. A skirt of woods concealed its force, but it was supposed to be the main body of the enemy ; if so, a general conflict was at hand. The Americans were immediately drawn out in order of battle. Wasliington rode along the front of the ranks, and was everywhere re- ceived with acclamations. A sharp firing of small arms soon told that Maxwell's light in- fantry were engaged with the vanguard of the enemy. The skirmishing was kept up for some time with spirit, when Maxwell was driven JEt. 45.] BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 393 across the Brandy wine below the ford. The enemy, who had advanced bnt slowly, did not attempt to follow, but halted on commanding ground, and appeared to reconnoitre the Amer- ican position with a view to an attack. A heavy cannonading commenced on both sides, about ten o'clock. The enemy made repeated dispositions to force the ford, which brought on as frequent skirmishes on both sides of the river, for detachments of the light troops occa- sionally crossed over. One of these skirmishes was more than usually severe : the British flank-guard was closely pressed, a captain and ten or fifteen men were killed, and the guard was put to flight ; but a large force came to their assistance, and the Americans were again driven across the stream. All this -while, there was the noise and uproar of a battle ; but little of the reality. The enemy made a great thunder- ing of cannon, but no vigorous onset, and Col- onel Harrison, Washington's " old secretary," seeing this cautious and dilatory conduct on their part, wrote a hurried note to Congress, expressing his confident belief that the enemy would be repulsed. Towards noon came an express from Sulli- van, with a note received from a scouting party, reporting that General Howe, with a large body of troops and a park of artillery, was pushing up the Lancaster road, doubtless to cross at the upper fords and turn the right flank of the American position. Startled by the information, Washington in- stantly sent oflf Colonel Theodoric Bland, with a party of horse, to reconnoitre above the forks and ascertain the truth of the report. In the mean time, he resolved to cross the ford, attack the division in front of him with his whole force, and rout it before the other could arrive. He gave orders for both wings to co-operate, when, as Sullivan Avas preparing to cross, Major Spicer of the militia rode up, just from the forks, and assured him there was no enemy in that quarter. Sullivan instantly transmitted the intelligence to Washington, whereupon the movement was suspended until positive in- formation could be obtained. After a time came a man of the ueighboi-hood, Thomas Cheyney by name, spurring in all haste, the mare he rode in foam, and himself out of breath. Dashing up to the commander-in-chief, he in- formed him that he must instantly move, or he would be surrounded. He had come upon the enemy unawares ; had been pursued and fired upon, but the fleetness of his mare had saved him. The main body of the British was coming down on the east side of the stream, and was near at hand. Washington replied, that, from information just received, it could not be so. "You are mistaken, general," re- plied the other vehemently ; " my life for it, you are mistaken." Then reiterating the fact with an oath, and making a draft of the road in the sand, " put me under guard," added he, " imtil you find my story true." Another despatch from Sullivan corroborated it. Colonel Bland, whom Washington had sent to reconnoitre above the forks, had seen the enemy two miles in the rear of Sullivan's right, marching down at a rapid rate, while a cloud of dust showed that there were more troops behind them. In fact, the old Long- Island stratagem liad been played over again. Knyphausen with a small division had engrossed the attention of the Americans by a feigned attack at Chadd's Ford, kept up with great noise and prolonged by skirmishes ; while the main body of the array under Cornwallis, led by experienced guides, had made a circuit of seventeen miles, crossed the two forks of the Braudywine and arrived in the neighborhood of Birmingham meeting-house, two miles to the right of Sulli- van. It was a capital stratagem, secretly and successfully conducted. Finding that Cornwallis had thus gained the rear of the army, Washington sent orders to Sullivan to oppose him with the whole right wing, each brigade attacking as soon as it ar- rived upon the ground. Wayne, in the mean time, was to keep Knyphausen at bay at the ford, and Greene, with the reserve, to hold himself ready to give aid wherever required. Lafayette, as a volunteer, had hitherto ac- companied the commander-in-cliief, but now, seeing there was likely to be warm work with the right wing, he obtained permission tp join Sullivan ; and spurred off with his aide-de-camp to the scene of action. From his narrative, we gather some of the subsequent details. Sullivan, on receiving Washington's orders, advanced with his own, Stephen's, and Stir- ling's divisions, and began to form a line in front of an open piece of wood. The time which had been expended in transmitting in- telligence, receiving orders, and marching, had enabled Cornwallis to choose his ground and prepare for action. Still more time was given him from the apprehension of the three generals, upon consultation, of being out-flanked upon 394 BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. [1111. c=^British / 'Birmmpltam, Mceilngirouseb^ the right ; and that the gap between Sullivan's and Stephen's divisions ■was too vride, and should he closed up. Orders were accordingly given for the whole line to move to the right ; and while in execution, Cornwallis ad- vanced rapidly with his troops in the finest order, and opened a brisk fire of musketry and artillery. The Americans made an obstinate resistance, but being taken at a disad- vantage, the right and left wings were broken and driven into the woods. The centre stood firm for a while, but being exposed to the whole fire of the en- emy, gave way at length also. The British, in fol- lowing up their advan- tage, got entangled in the wood. It was here that Lafayette received his wound. He had thrown himself from his horse and / was endeavoring to rally the troops, when he was shot through the leg with a musket ball, and had to be assisted into the saddle by his aide-de-camp. The Americans rallied on a height to the north of Dilworth, and made a still more spirited resist- ance than at first, but were again dislodged and obliged to retreat with a heavy loss. "While this was occurring with the right wing, Knyphausen, as soon as he learnt from the heavy firing that Cornwallis was engaged, made a push to force his way across Chadd's Ford in earnest. He was vigorously opposed by Wayne with Proctor's artillery, aided by Max- well and his infantry. Greene was preparing to second him with the reserve, when he was summoned by Washington to the support of the right wing ; which the commander-in-chief had found in imminent peril. Greene advanced to the relief with such GcnT'lfmce's E'J- Qvy celerity, that it is said on good authority his division accomplished the march, or rather run, of five miles, in less than fifty minutes. He arrived too late to save the battle, but in time to protect the broken masses of the left wing, which he met in full flight. Opening his ranks from time to time for the fugitives, and closing them the moment they had passed, he covered their retreat by a sharp and well-directed fire from his field-pieces. His grand stand was made at a place about a mile beyond Dilworth, which, in reconnoitring the neighborhood, Washington had pointed out to him, as well calculated for a second position, should the ^T. 45.] RETREAT OF THE AMERIC. ANS— : REWARDS TO FOREIGN OFFICERS. 395 army be driven out of the first ; and here he was overtaken by Colonel Pinckney, an aide- de-camp of the commander-in-chief, ordering him to occupy this position and protect the re- treat of the army. The orders were implicitly obeyed. "Weedon's brigade was drawn up in a narrow defile, flanked on both sides by woods, and perfectly commanding the road ; while Greene, with Muhlenberg's brigade, passing to the right took his station on the road. The British came on impetuously, expecting but faint opposition. They met with a desperate resistance and were repeatedly driven back. It was the bloody inflict of the bayonet ; deadly on either side, and lasting for a consider- able time. Weedon's brigade on the left main- tained its stand also with great obstinacy, and the ch€ck given to the enemy by these two brigades, allowed time for the broken troops to retreat. Weedon's was at length compelled by superior numbers to seek the protection of the other brigade, Avhich he did in good order, and Greene gradually drew oft' the whole division in face of the enemy, who, checked by this vigorous resistance, and seeing the day far spent, gave up all further pursuit. The brave stand made by these brigades had, likewise, been a great protection to Wayne. He had for a long time withstood the attacks of the enemy at Chadd's Ford, until the approach on the right, of some of the enemy's troops who had been entangled in the woods, showed him that the right wing had been routed. He now gave up the defence of his post, and retreated by the Chester road. Knyphausen's troops were too fatigued to "pursue him ; and the others had been kept back, as we have shown, by Greene's division. So ended the varied conflict of the day. Lafayette gives an animated picture of the general retreat, in which he became entangled. He had endeavored to rejoin Washington, but loss of blood compelled him to stop and have his wound bandaged. While thus engaged, he came near being captured. All around him was headlong terror and confusion. Chester road, the common retreat of the broken fragments of the army, from every quarter, was crowded with fugitives, with cannon, with baggage cars, all hurrying forward pell-mell, and obstructing each other ; while the thundering of cannon, and volleying of musketry by the contending parties in the rear, added to the confusion and panic of the flight. The dust, the uproar, and the growing dark- ness, threw every thing into chaos ; there was nothing but a headlong struggle forward. At Chester, however, twelve miles from the field of battle, there was a deep stream with a brida|e, over which the fugitives would have to pass. Here Lafayette set a guard to prevent their further flight. The commander-in-chief, arriv- ing soon after with Greene and his gallant divi- sion, some degree of order was restored, and the whole army took its post behind Chester for the night. The scene of this battle, which decided the fate of Philadelphia, was within six and twenty miles of that city, and each discharge of cannon could be heard there. The two parties of the inhabitants, whig and tory, were to be seen in separate groups in the squares and public places, waiting the event in anxious silence. At length a courier arrived. His tidings spread consternation among the friends of liberty. Many left their homes, entire families aban- doned every thing in terror and despair, and took refuge in the mountains. Congress, that same evening, determined to qiiit the city and repair to Lancaster, whence they subsequently re- moved to Yorktown. Before leaving Philadel- phia, however, they summoned the militia of Pennsylvania, and the adjoining States, to join the main army without delay ; and ordered down fifteen hundred Continental troops from Putnam's command on the Hudson. They also clothed Washington with power to suspend oflBcers for misbehavior ; to fill up all vacancies under the rank of brigadiers ; to take all pro- visions, and other articles necessary for the use of the army, paying, or giving certificates for the same ; and to remove, or secure for the benefit of the owners, all goods and efifects which might otherwise fall into the hands of the enemy and be serviceable to them. These extraordinary powers were limited to the cir- cumference of seventy miles round head-quar- ters, and were to continue in force sixty days, unless sooner revoked by Congress. It may be as well here to notice in advance, the conduct of Congress toward some of the foreigners who had mingled in this battle. Count Pulaski, the Polish nobleman, heretofore mentioned, who acted with great spirit as a volunteer in the light-horse, riding up within pistol shot of the enemy to reconnoitre, was given a command of cavalry with the rank of brigadier-general. Captain Louis Fleury, also, who had acquitted himself with gallantry, and rendered essential aid in rallying the troops, 396 HOWE NEGLECTS TO PURSUE HIS ADVANTAGE. [1777. having had a horse killed under him, was pre- sented by Congress with another, as a testi- monial of their sense of his merit. Jjafayette speaks, in his memoirs, of the brilliant manner in -which General Conway, the chevalier of St. Louis, acquitted himself at the head of eight hundred men, in the encoun- ter with the troops of Cornwallis near Birming- ham meeting-house. The veteran Deborre was not equally fortunate in gaining distinction on this occasion. In the awkward change of po- sition in the line when in front of the enemy, he had been the first to move, and without waiting for orders. The consequence was, his brigade fell into confusion, and was put to flight. He endeavored to rally it, and was wounded in the attempt ; but his efforts were in vain. Congress ordered a court of inquiry on his conduct, whereupon he resigned his commission, and returned to France, complain- ing bitterly of his hard treatment. " It was not his fault," he said, " if American troops would run away." CHAPTER XIX. Notwithstanding the rout and precipitate retreat of the American array. Sir "William Howe did not press the pursuit, but passed the night on the field of battle, and remained the two following days at Dilworth, sending out detachments to take post at Concord and Chester, and seize on Wilmington, whither the sick and wounded were conveyed. " Had the enemy marched directly to Derby," observes Lafayette, "the American army would have been cut up and destroyed ; they lost a pre- cious night, and it is perhaps the greatest fault in a war in which they have committed many." * Washington, as usual, profited by the inac- tivity of Howe ; quietly retreating through Derby (on the 12th) across the Schuylkill to Germantown, within a short distance of Phila- delphia, where he gave his troops a day's re- pose. Finding them in good spirits, and in nowise disheartened by the recent affair, which they seemed to consider a check rather than a defeat, he resolved to seek the enemy again and give him battle. As preliminary measures, he left some of the Pennsylvania militia in Philadelphia to guard the city ; others, under General Armstrong, were posted at the various * Memoirs, Tom. i., i\ 26. passes of the Schuylkill, with orders to throw up works ; the floating bridge on the lower road was to be unmoored, and the boats col- lected and taken across the river. Having taken these precautions against any hostile movement by the lower road, Wash- ington recrossed the Schuylkill, on the 14th, and advanced along the Lancaster road, with the intention of turning the left flank of the enemy. Howe, apprised of his intention, made a similar disposition to outflank him. The two armies came in sight of each other near the Warren Tavern, twenty three miles from Phil- adelphia, and were on the point of engaging, but were prevented by a violent storm of rain which lasted for four and twenty hours. This inclement weather was particularly dis- tressing to the Americans ; who were scantily clothed, most of them destitute of blankets,.(tind separated from their tents and baggage. The rain penetrated their cartridge-boxes and the ill-fitted locks of their muskets, rendering the latter useless, being deficient in bayonets. In this plight, Washington gave up for the present all thought of attacking the enemy, as their discipline in the use of the bayonet, with which they were universally furnished, would give them a great superiority in action. " The hot- headed politicians," writes one of his oflicers, " will no doubt censure this part of his con- duct, while the more judicious will approve it, as not only expedient, but, in such a case, highly commendable. It was, without doubt, chagrining to a person of his fine feelings, to retreat before an enemy not more in number than himself; yet, with a true greatness of spirit, he sacrificed them to the good of his country."* There was evidently a growing disposition again to criticize Washington's move- ments, yet how Avell did this ofiicer judge of him. The only aim, at present, was to get to some dry and secure place, where the army might repose and refit. All day, and for a great part of the night, they marched under a cold and pelting rain, and through deep and miry roads, to the Yellow Springs, thence to Warwick, on French Creek ; a weary march in stormy weather for troops destitute of every comfort, and nearly a thousand of them actually bare- footed. At Warwick furnace, ammunition and a few muskets were obtained, to aid in disput- ing the passage of the Schuylkill, and the ad- vance of the enemy on Philadelphia. * Memoir of Major Samuel Shaw, by ITon. Josiah Qiiincy. ^Et. 45.] MOVES AND COUNTER MOVES OF THE ARMIES. 397 From French Creek, "Wayne was detached with his division, to get in the rear of the ene- my, form a junction with General Smallwood and the Maryland militia, and, ke'eping them- selves concealed, watch for an opportunity to cut off Howe's haggage and hospital train ; in the mean time, Washington crossed the Schuyl- kill at Parker's Ford, and took a position to defend that pass of the river. Wayne set off in the night, and, by a circui- tous march, got within three miles of the left wing of the British encamped at TrydrafBn, and concealing himself in a wood, waited the ar- rival of Smallwood and his militia. At day- break he reconnoitred the camp, where Howe, checked by the severity of the weather, had contented himself with uniting his columns, and remained under shelter. All day Wayne hov- ered about the camp ; there were no signs of marching ; all kept quiet, but lay too compact to be attacked with prudence. He sent repeat- ed messages to Washington, describing the sit- uation of the enemy, and urging him to come on and attack them in their camp. "Their su- pineness," said he in one of his notes, " answers every purpose of giving you time to get up : if they attempt to move, I shall attack them at all events. * * * * There never was, nor never will be, a finer opportunity of giving the enemy a fatal blow than at present. For God's sake push on as fast as possible." Again, at a later hour^ he writes : " The en- emy are very quiet, washing and cooking. I expect General Maxwell on the left flank every moment, and, as I lay on the right, we only want you in the rear to complete Mr. Howe's business. I believe he knows nothing of my situation, as I have taken every precaution to prevent any intelligence getting to him, at the same time keeping a watchful eye on his front, flanks, and rear." His motions, however, had not been so secret as he imagined. He was m a part of the coun- try full of the disaffected, and Sir William had received accurate information of his force and where he was encamped. General Gray, with a strong detachment, was sent to surprise him at night in his lair. Late in the evening, when Wayne had set his pickets and sentinels, and thrown out his patrols, a countryman brought him word of the meditated attack. He doubt- ed the intelligence, but strengthened his pickets and patrols, and ordered his troops to sleep upon their arms. At eleven o'clock the pickets were driven in at the point of the bayonet — the enemy were advancing in column. Wayne instantly took post on the right of his position, to cover the retreat of the left, led by Colonel Hampton, the second in command. The latter was tardy, and incautiously paraded his troops in fi'ont of their fires, so as to be in fuU relief. The ene- my rushed on without firing a gun ; aU was the silent, but deadly work of the bayonet and the cutlass, Nearly three hundred of Hampton's men were killed or wounded, and the rest put to flight. Wayne gave the enemy some well- directed volleys, and then retreating to a small distance, rallied his troops, and prepared for further defence. The British, however, con- tented themselves with the blow they had given, and retired with very little loss, taking with them between seventy and eighty prison- ers, several of them officers, and eight baggage waggons, heavily laden. General Smallwood, who was to have co- operated with Wayne, was within a mile of him at the time of his attack ; and would have hastened to his assistance with his weU-known intrepidity ; but he had not the corps under his command with which he had formerly dis- tinguished himself, and his raw mflitia fled in a panic at the first sight of a return party of the enemy. Wayne was deeply mortified by the result of this affair, and, finding it severely criticized in the ai'my, demanded a court-martial, which pronounced his conduct every thing that was to be expected from an active, brave, and vigi- lant officer ; whatever blame there was in the matter fell upon his second in command, who, by delay, or misapprehension of orders, and an iinskilful position of his troops, had exposed them to be massacred. On the 21st, Sir William Howe made a rapid march high up the Schuylkill, on the road leading to Eeading, as if he intended either to capture the military stores deposited there, or to turn the right of the American anny. Washington kept pace with him on the oppo- site side of the river, up to Pott's Grove, about thirty miles from Philadelphia. The movement on the part of Howe was a mere feint. No sooner had he drawn Wash- ington so far up the river, than, by a rapid countermarch on the night of the 22d, he got to the ford below, threw his troops across on the next morning, and pushed forward for Philadelphia. By the time Washington was apprised of this counter-movement, Howe was 398 THE BRITISH ARMY ENTERS PHILADELPHIA. [1111. too far on his way to be overtaken by har- assed, barefooted troops, worn out by constant marching. Feehng the necessity of immediate reinforcements, he wrote on the same day to Putnam at Peekskill : " The situation of our affairs in this quarter calls for every aid and for every effort. I therefore desire that, without a moment's loss of time, you will detach as many effective rank and file, under proper gen- erals and officers, as will make the whole num- ber, including those with General McDougall, amount to twenty-five hundred privates and non-commissioned fit for duty. " I must urge you, by every motive, to send this detachment without the least possible de- lay. No considerations are to prevent it. It is our first object to defeat, if possible, the army now opposed to us here." On the next day (24th) he wrote also to General Gates. " This army has not been able to oppose General Howe's with the success that was wished, and needs a reinforcement. I therefore request, if you have been so fortu- nate as to oblige General Burgoyne to retreat to Ticonderoga, or if you have not, and cir- cumstances will admit, that you will order Colonel Morgan to join me again with his corps. I sent him up when I thought you materially wanted him ; and, if his services can be dispensed with now, you will direct his im- mediate return." Having called a council of oQicers and taken their opinions, which concurred with his own, "Washington determined to remain some days at Pott's Grove, to give repose to his troops, and await the arrival of reinforcements. Sir William Howe halted at Germantown, within a short distance of Philadelphia, and encamped the main body of his army in and about that vUlage ; detaching Lord Cornwalhs with a large force and a number of officers of distinction, to take formal possession of the city. That general marched into Philadelphia on the 26th, with a brilliant staff and escort, and followed by splendid legions of British and Hessian grenadiers, long trahis of artUlery, and squadrons of light dragoons, the finest troops in the army all in their best array ; stepping to the swelling music of the band playing God save the King, and presenting Avith their scar- let uniforms, their glittering arms and fiaunting feathers, a striking contrast to the poor patriot troops, who had recently passed through the same streets, weary and way-worn, and happy if they could cover their raggedness with a I brown linen hunting-frock, and decorate their caps with a sprig of evergreen. In this way the British took possession of the city, so long the object of their awkward attempts, and regarded by them as a trium- phant acquisition ; having been the seat of the general government; the capital of the confed- eracy. "Washington maintained his character- istic equanimity. " This is an event," writes he to Governor Trumbull, " which we have reason to wish had not happened, and which will be attended with several ill consequences ; but I hope it will not be so detrimental as many apprehend, and that a little time and perseverance will give us some favorable op- portunity of recovering our loss, and of putting our affairs in a more flourishing condition." He had heard of the prosperous situation of affairs in the Northern Department, and the repeated checks given to the enemy. " I flat- ter myself," writes he, " we shall soon hear that they have been succeeded by other fortu- nate and interesting events, as the two armies, by General Gates's letter, were encamped near each other." "We will now revert to the course of the campaign in that quarter, the success of which he trusted would have a beneficial influence on the operations in which he was personally en- gaged. Indeed, the operations in the Northern Department formed, as we have shown, but a part of his general scheme, and were constant- ly present to his thoughts. His generals had each his own individual enterprise, or his own department to think about ; "Washington had to think for the whole. CHAPTER XX. The checks which Burgoyne had received on right and left, and, in a great measure, through the spontaneous rising of the country, had opened his eyes to the difficulties of his situation, and the errors as to public feeling into which he had been led by his tory counsel- lors. " The great bulk of the country is un- doubtedly with the Congress in principle and zeal," writes he, " and their measures are exe- cuted with a secrecy and despatch that are not to be equalled. "Wherever the king's forces point, militia, to the amount of three or four thousand, assemble in twenty -four hours : they iring with them tJicir subsistence^ <&c., and, the ^T. 45.] DUBIOUS POSITION OF BUEGOYNE— LADIES OF RANK WITH THE ENEMY. 399 alarm over, they return to their farms. The Hampshire Grants, in particular, a country un- peopled and almost unknown last war, now abounds in the most active and most rebellious race of the continent, and hangs like a gather- ing storm upon my left." What a picture this gives of a patriotic and warlike yeomanry. He complains, too, that no operation had yet been undertaken in his favor ; the Highlands of the Hudson had not even been threatened ; the consequence was that two brigades had been detached from them to strengthen the army of Gates, strongly posted near the mouth of the Mohawk River, with a superior force of Con- tinental troops, and as many militia as he pleased. Burgoyne declared, that had he any latitude in his orders, he would remain where he was, or perhaps fall back to Fort Edward, where his communication with Lake George would be secure, and wait for some event that might as- sist his movement forward ; his orders, how- ever, were positive to force a junction with Sir William Howe. He did not feel at liberty, therefore, to remain inactive longer than would be necessary to receive the reinforcements of the additional companies, the German drafts and recruits actually on Lake Champlain, and to collect provisions enough for twenty-five days. These reinforcements were indispensa- ble, because, from the hour he should pass the Hudson River and proceed towards Albany, all safety of communication would cease. " I yet do not despair," adds he, manfully. " Should I succeed in forcing my way to Al- bany, and find that country in a state to subsist my army, I shall think no more of a retreat, but, at the worst, fortify there, and await Sir William's operations." * A feature of peculiar interest is given to this wild and rugged expedition, by the pres- ence of two ladies of rank and refinement, in- voled in its perils and hardships One was Lady Harriet Ackland, daughter of the Earl of Ilchester, and wife of Major Ackland of the grenadiers ; the other was the Baroness De Riedesel, wife of the Hessian major-general. Both of these ladies had been left behind in Canada. Lady Harriet, however, on hearing tliat her husband Was wounded in the affair at Hubbardton, instantly set out to rejoin him, regardless of danger, and of her being in a con- dition before long to become a mother. * Letter to Lord George Germain. Crossing the whole length of Lake Cham- plain, she found him in a sick bed at Skenes- borough. After his recovery, she refused to leave him, but had continued with the army ever since. Her example had been imitated by the Baroness De Riedesel, who had joined the army at Fort Edward, bringing with her her three small children. The friendship and sym- pathy of these two ladies in all scenes of trial and suffering, and their devoted attachment t(f their husbands, afford touching episodes in the story of the campaign. When the army was on the march, they followed a little distance in the rear, Lady Harriet in a two-wheeled tum- bril, the Baroness in a calash, capable of hold- ing herself, her children, and two servants. The latter has left a journal of her campaign- ing, which we may occasionally cite. " They moved," she says, " in the midst of soldiery, who were full of animation, singing camp songs, and panting for action. They had to travel through almost impassable woods ; in a pic- turesque and beautiful region ; but which was almost abandoned by its inhabitants, who had hastened to join the American army." " They added much to its strength," observes she, " as they were all good marksmen, and the love of their country inspired them with more than ordinary courage." * The American army had received various reinforcements : the most efiicient was Mor- gan's corps of riflemen, sent by Washington. He had also furnished it with artillery. It was now about ten thousand strong. Schuyler find- ing himself and his proffered services slighted by Gates, had returned to Albany. His pa- triotism was superior to personal resentments. He still continued to promote the success of the campaign, exerting his influence over the Indian tribes, to win them from the enemy. At Albany, he held talks and war-feasts with deputations of Oneida, Tuscarora, and Onon- daga warriors ; and procured scouting parties of them, which he sent to the camp, and which proved of great service. His former aide- de-camp. Colonel Brockholst Livingston, and his secretary. Colonel Yarick, remained in camp, and kept him informed by letter of pass- ing occurrences. They were much about the person of General Arnold, who, since his re- turn from relieving Fort Stanwix, commanded the left wing of the army. Livingston, in fact, was with him as aide-de-camp. The jealousy Riedeeel's Memoirs. 400 SILENT MOVEMENTS OF BURGOYNE— WATCHED FROM THE HILLS. [mi. of Gates was awakened by these circumstan- ces. He knew their attachment to Schnyler, and suspected they were prejudicing the mind of Arnold against him ; and this suspicion may have been the origin of a coolness and neglect which he soon evinced toward Arnold himself. These yoimg officers, however, though devotedly attached to Schuyler from a knowl- edge of his generous character, were above any camp intrigue. Livingston was again looking forward with youthful ardor to a brush with the enemy ; but regretted that his former chief would not be there to lead it. " Burgoyne,"- writes he to Schuyler exultingly, "is in such a situation, that he can neither advance nor re- tire without fighting. A capital battle must soon be fought. I am chagrined to the soul when I think that another person Avill reap the fruits of your labors." * Colonel Varick, equally eager, was afraid Burgoyne might be decamping. " His evening guns," writes he, " are seldom heard, and when heard, are very low in sound." t The dense forests, in fact, which covered the country between the hostile armies, concealed their movements, and as Gates threw out no harassing parties, his information concerning the enemy was vague. Burgoyne, however, was diligently collecting all his forces from Skenesborough, Fort Anne, and Fort George, and collecting provisions ; he had completed a bridge by which he intended to pass the Hud- son, and force his way to Albany, where he ex- pected co-operation from below. Every thing was conducted with as much silence and cau- tion as possible. His troops paraded without beat of drum, and evening guns were discon- tinued. So stood matters on the 11th of Sep- tember, when a report was circulated in the American camp, that Burgoyne was in motion, and that he had made a speech to his soldiers, telling them that the fleet had returned to Can- nada, and their only safety was to fight their way to New York. As General Gates was to receive an attack, it was thought he ought to choose the ground where to receive it ; Arnold, therefore, in com- pany with Kosciuszko, the Polish engineer, re- connoitred the neighborhood in quest of a good camping-ground, and at length fixed upon a ridge of hills called Bcmis's Heights, which Kosciuszko proceeded to fortify. In the mean time, Colonel Colburn was sent MS. Letter to Schuyler. t Ibid. off with a small party to ascend the high hills on the east side of the Hudson, and watch the movements of the enemy with glasses from their summits, or from the tops of the trees. For three days he kept thus on the look-out, sending word from time to time to camp of all that he espied. On the 11th there were the first signs of movement among Burgoyne's troops. On the 13th and 14th, they slowly passed over a bridge of boats, which they had thrown across the Hudson, and encamped near Fish Creek. Col- burn counted eight hundred tents, including mar- quees. A mile in advance were fourteen more tents. The Hessians remained encamped on the eastern side of the river, but intervening woods concealed the number of their tents. There was not the usual stir of military anima- tion in the camps. There were no evening nor morning guns. On the 15th, both English and Hessian camps struck their tents, and loaded their bag- gage waggons. By twelve o'clock both began to march. Colburn neglected to notice the route taken by the Hessians ; his attention was absorbed by the British, who made their way slowly and laboriously down the western side of the river, along a wretched road intersected by brooks and rivulets, the bridges over which Schuyler had broken down. The division had with it eighty-five baggage waggons and a great train of artillery ; with two unwieldy twenty -four pounders, acting like drag-anchors. It was a silent, dogged march, without beat of drum, or spirit-stirring bray of trumpet. A body of light troops, new levies, and Indians, painted and decorated for war, struck off from the rest and disappeared in the forest, up Fish Creek. From the great silence observed by Burgoyne in his movements, and the care he took in keeping his men together, and allowing no straggling parties. Colonel Colburn appre- hended that he meditated an attack. Having seen the army advance two miles on its march, therefore, he descended from the heights, and hastened to the American camp to make his report. A British prisoner, brought in soon afterwards, stated that Burgoyne had come to a halt about four miles distant. On the following morning, the army was under arms at daylight ; the enemy, however, remained encamped, repairing bridges in front, and sending down guard boats to reconnoitre ; the Americans, therefore, went on to fortify their position. The ridge of hills called Bemis's Mt. 45.1 BEMIS'S HEIGHTS— ARNOLD ATTACKS THE ENEMY. 401 Heights, rises abruptly from the narrow flat bordering the west side of the river. Kosci- uszko had fortified the camp with intrench- ments three-quarters of a mile In extent, having redoubts and batteries, which commanded the valley, and even the hills on the opposite side of the river; for the Hudson, in this upper part, is comparatively a narrow stream. From the foot of the height, an intrenchment ex- tended to the river, ending with a battery at the water edge, commanding a floating bridge. The right wing of the army, under the im- mediate command of Gates, and composed of Glover's, Nixon's, and Patterson's brigades, oc- cupied the brow of the hill nearest to the river, with the flats below. The left wing, commanded by Arnold, was on the side of the camp furthest from the river, and distant from the latter about three-quarters of a mile. It was composed of the New Hamp- shire brigade of General Poor, Pierre Van Oourtlandt's and James Livingston's regiments of New York militia, the Connecticut militia, Morgan's riflemen, and Dearborn's infantry. The centre was composed of Massachusetts and New York troops. Burgoyne gradually di-ew nearer to the camp, throwing out large parties of pioneers and work- men. The Americans disputed every step. A Hessian officer observes : " The enemy bristled up his hair, as we attempted to repair more bridges. At last, we had to do him the honor of sending out whole regiments to protect our workmen." * It was Arnold who provoked this honor. At the head of fifteen hundred men he skirmished bravely with the superior force sent out against him, and retired with several prisoners. Burgoyne now encamped about two miles from General Gates, disposing his army in two lines ; the left on the river, the right extending at right angles to it, about six hundred yards, across the low grounds to a range of steep and rocky hills, occupied by the elite; a ravine formed by a rivulet from the hills passed in front of the camp. Tlie low ground between the armies was cultivated ; the hills were cov- ered with woods, excepting three or four small openings and deserted farms. * Beside the ra- vines which fronted each camp there was a third one, midway between them, also at right angles to the river.t On the morning of the 19th, General Gates 26 * Schlozer's Briefwechsel. t "Wilkinson's Memoirs, i. 236. received intelligence that the enemy were ad- vancing in great force on his left. It was, in fact, their right wing, composed of the British line and led by Burgoyne in person. It was covered by the grenadiers and light-infantry under General Eraser and Colonel Breyman, who kept along the high grounds on the right ; while they, in turn, were covered in front and on the flanks by Indians, provincial royalists, and Canadians, The left wing and artillery were advancing at the same time, under Major- Generals Phillips and Eiedesel, along the great road and meadows by the river side, but they were retarded by the necessity of repairing broken bridges. It was the plan of Burgoyne, that the Canadians and Indians should attack the central outposts of the Americans, and draw their attention in that direction, while he and Praser, making a circuit through the woods, should join forces and fall upon the rear of the American camp. As the dense forests hid them from each other, signal guns were to regulate their movements. Three, fired in succession, were to denote that aU was ready, and be the signal for an attack in front, flank and rear. The American pickets, stationed along the ravine of Mill Creek, sent repeated accounts to General Gates of the movements of the ener .y ; biTt he remained quiet in his camp as if deter- mined to await an attack. The American offi- cers grew impatient. Arnold especially, im- petuous by nature, urged repeatedly that a de- tachment should be sent forth to check the enemy in their advance, and drive the Indians out of the woods. At length he succeeded in getting permission, about noon, to detach Mor- gan with his riflemen and Dearborn with his infantry from his division. They soon fell in with the Canadians and Indians, which formed the advance guard of the enemy's right, and attacking them with spirit, drove them in, or rather dispersed them. Morgan's riflemen, fol- lowing up their advantage with too much eager- ness, became likewise scattered, and a strong reinforcement of royalists arriving on the scene of action, the Americans, in their turn, were obliged to give way. Other detachments now arrived from the American camp, led by Arnold, who attacked Fraser on his right, to check his attempt to get in the rear of the camp. Finding the position of Fraser too strong to be forced, he sent to head-quarters for reinforcements, but they were refused by Gates, who declared that no more 402 THE ARMIES STRENGTHEN THEIR POSITIONS. [1111. should go ; " he would not suffer his camp to be exposed." * The reason he gave was that it might he attacked by the enemy's left wing. Arnold now made a rapid counter-march, and, his movement being masked by the woods, suddenly attempted to turn Fraser's left. Here he came in full conflict with the British line, and threw himself upon it with a boldness and impetuosity that for a time threatened to break it, and cut the wings of the army asunder. The grenadiers and Breyman's riflemen hastened to its support. General Phillips broke his way through the woods with four pieces of artillery, and Eiedesel came on with his heavy dragoons. Reinforcements came likewise to Arnold's as- sistance; his force, however, never exceeded three thousand men, and with these, for nearly four hours, he kept up a conflict almost hand to hand, with the whole right wing of the British army. Part of the time the Americans had the advantage of fighting under the cover of a wood, so favorable to their militia and sharpshooters. Burgoyne ordered the woods to be cleared by the bayonet. His troops rushed forward in columns with a hurra ! The Americans kept within their intrenchments, and repeatedly repulsed them ; but, if they pursued their advantage, and advanced into open field, they were m their turn driven back. Night alone put an end to a conflict, which the British acknowledged to have been the most obstinate and hardly fought they had ever experienced in America. Both parties claimed the victory. But, though the British remained on the field of battle, where they lay all night upon their arms, they had failed in their object ; they had been assailed instead of being the assailants ; while the American troops had accomplished the purpose for which they had sallied forth ; had checked the ad- vance of the enemy, frustrated their plan of attack, and returned exulting to their camp. Their loss, in killed and wounded, was between three and four hundred, including several ofli- cers ; that of the enemy upwards of five hun- dred. Burgoyne gives an aftecting picture of the situation of the ladies of rank already men- tioned, during the action. Lady Harriet had been directed by her husband, Major Ackland, to follow the route of the artillery and baggage, which was not exposed. "At the time the action began," writes Burgoyne, " she found Colonel Varick to Schuyler. Schuyler rapers. herself near a small uninhabited hut, where she alighted. When it was found the action was becoming general and bloody, the surgeons of the hospital took possession of the same place, as the most convenient for the first care of the wounded. Thus was the lady in hearing of one continued fire of cannon and musketry for four hours together, with the presumption, from the post of her husband, at the head of the grenadiers, that he was in the most ex- posed part of the action. She had three female companions, the Baroness of Riedesel, and the vrives of two British ofiicers. Major Harnage and Lieutenant Eeynell ; but in the event their presence served but httle for comfort. Major Harnage was soon brought to the surgeons very badly wounded ; and in a little time after came intelligence that Lieutenant Eeynell was shot dead. Imagination wants no helps to figure the state of the whole group." Arnold was excessively indignant at Gates's withholding the reinforcements he had required in the heat of the action ; had they been fur- nished, he said, he might have severed the line of the enemy and gained a complete victory. He was urgent to resume the action on the suc- ceeding morning, and follow up the advantage he had gained, but Gates declined, to his addi- tional annoyance. He attributed the refusal to pique or jealousy, but Gates subsequently gave as a reason the great deficiency of powder and ball in the camp, which was known only to himself, and which he kept secret until a sup- ply was sent from Albany. Burgoyne now strengthened his position with intrenchments and batteries, part of them across the meadows which bordered the river, part on the brow of the heights which commanded them. The Americans likewise extended and strengthened their line of breastworks on the left of the camp ; the right was already unas- sailable. The camps were within gunshot, but with ravines and woods between them. Washington's predictions of the effect to be produced by Morgan's riflemen approached ful- filment. The Indians, dismayed at the severe treatment experienced from these veteran bush- fighters, were disappearing from the British camp. The Canadians and royal provincials, "mere trimmers," as Burgoyne called them, were deserting in great numbers, and he had no confidence in those who remained. His situation was growing more and more critical. On the 21st, he heard shouts in the American camp, and in a little while their can- JEt. 45.] QUARREL BETWEEN GATES AND ARNOLD. 40^ non thundered a feu de joie. News had been received from General Lincoln, that a detach- ment of New England troops under Colonel Brown had surprised the carrying-place, mills, and French lines at Ticonderoga, captured an armed sloop, gunboats, and bateaux, made three hundred prisoners, besides releasing one hun- dred American captives, and were laying siege to Fort Independence.* Fortunately for Burgoyne, while affairs were darkening in the North, a ray of hope dawned from the South. While the shouts from the American camp were yet ringing in his ears, came a letter in cypher from Sir Henry Clinton, dated the 12th of September, announcing his intention in about ten days to attacli? the forts in the Highlands of the Hudson. Burgoyne sent back the messenger the same night, and despatched, moreover, two officers in disguise, by different routes, all bearing messages informing Sir Henry of his perilous situation, and urging a diversion that might oblige General Gates to detach a part of his army; adding,' that he would endeavor to maintain his present position, and await favor- able events until the 12th of October.! The jealousy of Gates had been intensely ex- cited at finding the whole credit of the late affair given by the army to Arnold : in his de- spatches to government he made no mention of him. This increased the schism between them. Wilkinson, the adjutant-general, who was a sycophantic adherent of Gates, pandered to his pique by withdrawing from Arnold's division Morgan's rifle corps and Dearborn's light in- fantry, its arm of strength, which had done such brilliant service in the late affair: they were henceforth to be subject to no order but those from head-quarters. Arnold called on Gates on the evening of the 22d, to remonstrate. High words passed be- tween them, and matters came to an open rup- ture. Gates, in his heat, told Arnold that he did not consider him a major-general, he hav- ing sent his resignation to Congress— that he had never given him the command of any di- vision of the army — that General Lincoln would arrive in a day or two, and then he would have no fm-ther occasion for him, and would give him a pass to go to Philadelphia, whenever he chose.J Arnold returned to his quarters in a rage, and * Colonel Variok to Schuyler. Schuyler Papers. t Burgoyne to Lord George Germain. t Col. Livingston to Schuyler. Schuyler Papers wrote a note to Gates, requesting the proffered permit to depart for Philadelphia ; by the time he received it his ire had cooled and he had changed his mind. He determined to remain in camp and abide the anticipated battle. Lincoln, in the mean time, arrived in advance of his troops; which soon followed to the amount of two thousand. Part of the troops, detached by him under Colonel Brown, were besieging Ticonderoga and Fort Independence. Colonel Brown himself, with part of his de- tachment, had embarked on Lake George in an armed schooner and a squadron of captured gunboats and bateaux, and was threatening the enemy's deposit of baggage and heavy artillery at Diamond Island. Tlie toils so skilfully spread were encompassing Burgoyne more and more ; the gates of Canada were closing behind him. A morning or two after Lincoln's arrival, Arnold observed him giving some directions in the left division, and quickly inquired whether he was doing so by order of General Gates; being answered in the negative, he observed that the left division belonged to him ; and that he believed his (Lincoln's) proper station was on the right, and that of General Gates ought to be in the centre. He requested him to men- tion this to General Gates, and have the matter adjusted. " He is determined," writes Varick, " not to suffer any one to interfere in his division, and says it will be death to any officer who does so in action." Arnold, in fact, was in a bellicose vein, and rather blustered about the camp. Gates, he said, could not refuse him his com- mand, and he would not yield it now that a battle was expected. Some of the general officers and colonels of his division proposed to make him an address, thanking him for his past services, particularly in the late action, and entreating him to stay. Others suggested tliat the general officers should endeavor to procure a reconciliation between the jarring parties. Lincoln was inclined to do so ; but, in the end, neither measure was taken through fear of offending General Gates. In the mean time Arnold remained in camp, treated, he said, as a cypher, and never con- sulted ; though when Congress had sent him to that department, at the request of General Washington, they expected the commander would at least have taken his opinion on public matters. On the 30th, he gave vent to his feelings in an indignant letter to Gates. " Notwithstanding 404 STATE OF THE HIGHLAND DEFENCES— PUTNAM ALARMED, [1171. I have reason to think your treatment proceeds from a spirit of jealousy," writes he, " and that I have every thing to fear from the maUce of my enemies, conscious of my own innocency and integrity, I am determined to sacrifice my feelings, present peace, and quiet, to the public good, and continue in the army at this critical juncture, when my country needs every sup- port. " I hope," concludes he, " you will not im- pute this hint to a wish to command the army, or to outshine you, when I assure you it pro- ceeds from my zeal for the cause of my country, in which I expect to rise or fall." * All this time the Americans were harassing the British camp with frequent night alarms and attacks on its pickets and outposts. " From the 20th of September to the 7th of October," writes Burgoyne, " the armies were so near, that not a night passed without firing, and sometimes concerted attacks upon our ad- vanced pickets. I do not believe either oflScer or soldier ever slept in that interval without his clothes ; or that any general officer or com- mander of a regiment passed a single night, without being upon his legs occasionally at dif- ferent hours, and constantly an hour before daylight." t Still Burgoyne kept up a resolute mien, tell- ing his soldiers, in a harangue, that he was de- termined to leave his bones on the field, or force his way to Albany. He yet clung to the hope, that Sir Henry Clinton might operate in time to relieve him from his perilous position. "We will now cast a look toward New York, and ascertain the cause of Sir Henry's delay in his anxiously expected operations on the Hud- son. OHAPTEE XXI, The expedition of Sir Henry Clinton had awaited the arrival of reinforcements from Eu- rope, which were slowly crossing the ocean in Dutch bottoms. At length they arrived, after a three months' voyage, and now there was a stir of warlike preparation at New York ; the streets were full of soldiery, the bay full of ships ; and water craft of all kinds were plying about the harbor. Between three and four thousand men were to be embarked on board * Gates' 8 Papers, N. Y. Hist. Lib. t Burgoyne's Expedition, p. 166. of ships of war, armed galleys, and flat-bottomed boats. A southern destination was given out, but shrewd observers surmised the real one. The defences of the Highlands, on which the security of the Hudson depended, were at this time weakly garrisoned ; some of the troops having been sent off to reinforce the armies on the Delaware and in the North. Putnam, who had the general command of the Highlands, had but eleven hundred Continental and four hundred militia troops with him at Peekskill, his head-quarters. There was a feeble garrison at Fort Independence in the vicinity of Peeks- kill, to guard the public stores and workshops at Continental Village. The Highland forts, Clinton, Montgomery, and Constitution, situated among the moun- tains and forming their main defence, were no better garrisoned, and George Clinton, who had the command of them, and who was in a man- ner the champion of the Highlands, v/as absent from his post, attending the State Legislature at Kingston (Esopus), in Ulster County, in his capacity of governor. There were patriot eyes in New York to watch the course of events, and patriot boats on the river to act as swift messengers. On the 29th of September Putnam writes to his coadjutor the governor : "I have received in- telHgence on which I can fully depend, that the enemy had received a reinforcement at New York last Thursday, of about three thousand British and foreign troops ; that General Chn- ton has called in guides who belong about Croton River ; has ordered hard bread to be baked ; that the troops are called from Paulus Hook to King's Bridge, and the whole troops are now under marching orders. I think it highly probable the designs of the enemy are against the posts of the Highlands, or of some part of the counties of Westchester or Dutch- ess." Under these circumstances he begged a reinforcement of the militia to enable him to maintain his post, and intimated a wish for the personal assistance and counsel of the gov- ernor. In a postscript, he adds : " The ships are drawn up in the river, and I believe noth- ing prevents them from paying us an immediate visit, but a contrary wind." On receiving this letter the governor forth- with hastened to his post in the Highlands, with such militia force as he could collect. We have heretofore spoken of his Highland citadel, Fort Montgomery, and of the obstructions of chain, boom, and chevaux-de-frise between it ^T. 45.] SECRET MARCH OF THE ENEMY THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS. 405 and the opposite promontory of Anthony's Nose, with which it had been hoped to barri- cade the Hudson. The chain had repeatedly given way under the pressure of the tide, but the obstructions were still considered efficient, and were protected by the guns of the fort, and of two frigates and two armed galleys anchored above. Fort Clinton had subsequently been erecf ed within rifle-shot of Fort Montgomery, to occupy ground which commanded it. A deep ravine and stream called Peploep's Kill, intervened between the two forts, across which there was a bridge. The governor had his head-quarters in Fort Montgomery, which was the northern and largest fort, but its works were unfinish- ed. His brother James had charge of Fort Clinton, which was complete. The whole force to garrison the associate forts did not exceed six hundred men, chiefly militia, but they had tlie veteran Colonel Lamb of the artillery with them, who had served in Canada, and a com- pany of his artillerists was distributed in the two forts. The armament of Sir Henry Clinton, which had been waiting for a wind, set sail in the course of a day or two and stood up the Hud- son, dogged by American swift-rowing whale- boats. Late at night of the 4th of October, came a barge across the river, from Peekskill to Fort Montgomery, bearing a letter from Putnam to the governor. " This morning," writes he, " we had information from our guard boats, that there were two ships of war, three tenders, and a large number of flat-bot- tomed boats, coming up the river. They pro- ceeded up as far as Tarrytown, where they landed their men. This evening they were followed by one large man-of-war, five topsail vessels, and a large number of small craft. I have sent off parties to examine their route and harass their march, if prudent. By in- formation from several diiferent quarters, we have reason to believe they intend for this post. They are now making up, as we hear, for the Croton Bridge." * The landing of troops at Tarrytown was a mere feint on the part of Sir Henry to distract the attention of the Americans ; after march- ing a few miles into the country, they returned and re-embarked ; the armament continued across the Tappan Sea and Haverstraw Bay to Verplanck's Point, where, on the 5th, Sir * Correspondence of the Revolution. Sparke, ii. 637. Henry landed with three thousand men about eight miles below Peekskill. Putnam drew back to the hills in the rear of the village to prepare for the expected at- tack, and sent off to Governor Clinton for all the troops he could spare. So far the manoeu- vres of Sir Henry Clinton had been successful. It was his plan to threaten an attack on Peeks- kill and Fort Independence, and, when he had drawn the attention of the American com- manders to that quarter, to land troops on the western shore of the Hudson, below the Dunder- berg (Thunder Hill), make a rapid march through the defiles behind that mountain to the rear of Forts Montgomery and Clinton, come down on them by surprise, and carry them by a coup de main. Accordingly at an early hour of the follow- ing morning, taking advantage of a thick fog, he crossed with two thousand men to Stony Point, on the west shore of the river, leaving about a thousand men, chiefly royalists, at Verplanck's Point, to keep up a threatening aspect towards Peekskill. Three frigates, also, were to stand up what is called the Devil's Horse Pace into Peekskill Bay, and station themselves within cannon-shot of Fort Inde- pendence. The crossing of the troops had been dimly ^ descried from Peekskill, but they were sup- posed to be a mere detachment from the main body on a maraud. Having accomplished his landing. Sir Henry, conducted by a tory guide, set out on a forced and circuitous march of several miles by rugged defiles, round the western base of the Dunder- berg. At the entrance of the pass he left a small force to guard it, and keep up his com- munication with the ships. By eight o'clock in the morning he had effected his march round the Dunderberg, and halted on the northern side in a ravine, between it and a conical mount called Bear Hill, The possibility of an enemy's approach by this pass had been noticed by "Washington in reconnoitring the Highlands, and he had mentioned it in his instructions to Generals Greene and Knox, when they were sent to make their military survey, but they considered it impracticable, from the extreme " diffictflty of the mountain passes. It is in de- fiance of difficulties, however, that surprises are apt to be attempted, and the most signal have been achieved in the face of seeming impossi- bilities. In the ravine between the Dunderberg and 406 STORMING AND CAPTURE OF FORTS MONTGOMERY AND CLINTON. [1111 Bear Hill, Sir Henry divided his forces. One division, nine hundred strong, led by Lieuten- ant-Colonel Campbell, was to make a circuit through the forest round the western side of Bear HiU, so as to gain the rear of Fort Mont- gomery. After Sir Henry had allowed suffi- cient time for them to make the circuit, he was to proceed with the other division down the ravine, towards the river, turn to the left along a narrow strip of land between the Hud- son and a small lake called Siuipink Pond, which lay at the foot of Bear Hill, and advance upon Fort Clinton. Both forts were to be attacked at the same time. The detachment under Campbell set oflf in high spirits ; it was composed partly of royal- ists, led by Colonel Beverly Robinson of New York, partly of Emerick's chasseurs, and partly of grenadiers, under Lord Eawdon, then about twenty-four years of age, who had already seen service at Bunker's Hill. With him went Count Gabrouski, a Polish nobleman, aide-de- camp to Sir Henry Clinton, but who had sought to accompany his friend. Lord Eawdon, in this wild mountain scramble. Every thing thus far had been conducted with celerity and apparent secrecy, and complete surprise of both forts was anticipated. Sir Henry had, indeed, outwitted one of the guardians of the High- lands, but the other was aware of his designs. Governor Clinton, on receiving intelligence of ships of war coming up the Hudson, had sent scouts beyond the Dunderberg to watch their movements. Early on the present morning, word had been brought him that forty boats were landing a large force at Stony Point. He now, in his turn, apprehended an attack, and sent to Putnam for reinforcements, prepar- ing, in the mean time, to make such defence as his scanty means afforded. A lieutenant was sent out with thirty men from Fort Clinton, to proceed along the river- road and reconnoitre. He fell in with the ad- vance guard of Sir Henry Clinton's division, and retreated skirmishing to the fort. A larger detachment was sent out to clieck the approach of the enemy on tliis side ; while sixty men, afterwards increased to a liundred, took post with a brass field-piece in the Bear Hill defile. It was a narrow and ruggea pass, bordered by shagged forests. As Campbell and his di- vision came pressing forward, they were checked by the discharge of fire-arms and of the brass field-pi&oe, which swept the steep defile. The British troops then filed off" on each side into the woods, to surround the Americans. The latter, finding it impossible to extricate their field-piece in the rugged pass, spiked it, and retreated into the fort, under cover of the fire of a twelve-pounder, with which Lamb had posted himself on the crest of a hill. Ifeir Henry Clinton had met with equally ob- stinate opposition in his approach to Fort Clinton ; the narrow strip of land between Lake Sinipink and the Hudson, along which he advanced, being fortified hy an abatis. By four o'clock, the Americans were driven within their works, and both forts were assailed. The defence was desperate ; for Governor Clinton was a hard fighter, and he was still in hopes of reinforcements from Putnam ; not knowing that the messenger he sent to him had turned traitor, and deserted to the enemy. About five o'clock, he was summoned to surrender in five minutes, to prevent the effu- sion of blood : the reply was a refusal. About ten minutes afterwards there v/as a general attack upon both forts. It was resisted with obstinate spirit. The action continued until dusk. The ships under Commodore Hotham approached near enough to open an irregular fire upon the forts, and upon the vessels an- chored above the chevaux-de-frise. The latter returned the fire ; and the fiash and roar of their cannonry in the gathering darkness and among the echoes of the mountains increased the terrors of the strife. The works, however, were too extensive to be manned by the scanty garrisons ; they were entered by difler- ent places and carried at the point of the bay- onet ; the Americans fought desperately from one redoubt to another ; some were slain, some taken prisoners, and some escaped under cover of the nig];t to the river or the mountains. " The garrison," writes Clinton, significantly, " had to fight their way out as many as could, as we determined not to surrender." His brother James was saved from a deadly thrust of a bayonet, Isy a garrison orderly-book in his pocket ; bat he received a flesh-wound in the thigh. He slid down a precipice, one hundred feet high, into the ravine between the forts, and escaped to the woods. Tlie governor leaped down the rocks to the river side, where a boat was putting off with a number of the fugitives. They turned back to receive him, bat he generously refused to endanger their safety, as the boat was already loaded to the ^T. 45.] DEATH OF COUJS^T GABROUSKI— PUTNAM OUTWITTED. 407 gun whale. It was only on receiving assurance of its being capable of bearing his additional weight, that he consented to enter. The boat crossed the Hudson in safety, and before mid- night the governor was with Putnam, at Con- tinental Village, concerting further measures. Putnam had been completely outmanoeuvred by Sir Henry Clinton. He had continued untU late in the morning, in the belief that Peekskill and Fort Independence were to be the objects of attack. His pickets and scouts could not ascertain the number of the enemy remaining on the east side of the river ; a large iire near Stony Point made him think the troops which had crossed were merely burning storehouses ; while ships, galleys, and flat-vbottomed boats seemed preparing to land forces at Fort Inde- pendence and Peekskill. In the course of the morning he sallied forth with Brigadier-General Parsons, to reconnoitre the ground near the enemy. After their return they were alarmed, he says, by " a very heavy and hot liring both of small arms and cannon, at Fort Montgomery," which must have made a tremendous uproar among the echoes of the Dunderberg. Aware of the real point of danger, he immediately de- tached five hundred men to reinforce the gar- rison. They had six miles to march along the eastern shore, and then to cross the river ; be- fore they could do so the fate of the forts was decided. British historians acknowledge, that the valor and resolution displayed by the Americans ui the defence of these forts were in no instance exceeded during the war ; their loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was stated at two hun- dred and fifty, a large proportion of the number engaged. Their gallant defence awakened no generous sentiment in the victors. " Askthe soldiers," observes the British writer, " were much irritated, as weU by the fatigue they had undergone and the opposition they met, as by the loss of some brave and favorite officers, the slaughter of the enemy was considerable." * Among the officers thus deplored, and bloodily revenged, was Colonel Campbell, who com- manded the detachment. At his fall the com- mand devolved on Colonel Beverly Eobinson of the American loyalists. Another officer slain was Major Grant, of the New York vol- unteers. Count Gabrouski, the Polish aide- de-camp of Sir Henry Clinton, had gallautly signalized himself by the side of his friend, * CivO War in America, vol. i., p. 311. Lord Rawdon, who led the grenadiers in storm- ing Fort Montgomery. The count received his death wound at the foot of the ramparts. Giving his sword to a grenadier : " Take this sword to Lord Eawdon," said he, " and tell him the owner died like a soldier." * On the capture of the forts, the American frigates and galleys stationed for the protection of the chevaux-de-frise slipped their cables, made all sail, and endeavored to escape up the river. The wind, however, proved adverse ; there was danger of their falling into the hands, of the enemy ; the crews, therefore, set them on fire and abandoned them. As every sail was set, the vessels, we are told, were soon " magnificent pyramids of fire; " the surrounding mountains were lit up by the glare, and a train of ruddy light gleamed along the river. They were in a part of the Highlands famous for its echoes : as the flames gradually reached the loaded cannon, their thundering reports were multiplied and prolonged along the rocky shores. The vessels at length blew up with tremendous explosions, and all again was dark- ness.t On the following morning, the chevaux-de- frise and other obstructions between Fort Montgomery and Anthony's Nose were cleared away : the Americans evacuated Forts Inde- pendence and Constitution, and a free passage up the Hudson was open for the British ships. Sir Henry Clinton proceeded no further in per- son, but left the rest of the enterprise to be accomplished by Sir James "Wallace and Gen- eral Vaughan, with a flying squadron of light frigates, and a considerable detachment of troops. Putnam had retreated to a pass in the moun- tains, on the east side of the river near Fishkill, having removed as much of the stores and bag- gage as possible from the post he had aban- doned. The old general was somewhat morti- fied at having been outwitted by the enemy, but endeavored to shift the responsibility. In a letter to Washington (Oct. 8th), he writes : " I have repeatedly informed your Excellency of the enemy's design against this post ; but, from some motive or other, you always difiered from me in opinion. As this conjecture of mine has for once proved right, I cannot omit informing you, that my real and sincere opinion is, that they now mean to join General Burgoyne with the utmost despatch. Governor Clinton is ex- * Stedman, vol. 1., p. 364. t Idem. 408 THE SPY AND THE SILVER BULLET— BURNING OF KINGSTON. [1111. erting himself in collecting the militia of this State. Brigadier-General Parsons I have sent off to forward in the Connecticut militia, which are now arriving in great numbers. I therefore hope and trust, that, in the course of a few days, I shall be able to oppose the progress of the enemy." He had concerted with Governor Clinton that they should move to the northward with their forces, along the opposite shores of the Hudson, endeavoring to keep pace with the enemy's ships and cover the country from their attacks. The governor was in the neighborhood of New Windsor, just above the Highlands, where he had posted himself to rally what he termed his " broken but brave troops," and to call out the militia of Ulster and Orange. " I am persuaded," writes he, "if the militia will join me, we can save the country from destruction, and defeat the enemy's design of assisting their Northern army." The militia, however, were not as prompt as usual in answering to the caU of their popular and brave-hearted governor. " They are well disposed," writes he, " but anxious about the immediate safety of their respective families (who, for many miles, are yet moving further from the river) ; they come in the morning and return in the evening, and I never know when I have them, or what my strength is." * On the 9th, two persons coming from Fort Montgomery were arrested by his guards, and brought before him for examination. One was much agitated, and was observed to put some- thing hastily into his mouth and swallow it. An emetic was administered, and brought up a small silver bullet. Before he could be pre- vented he swallowed it again. On his refusing a second emetic, the governor threatened to have him hanged and his body opened. The threat produced the bullet in the preceding manner. It was oval in form and hollow, with a screw in the centre, and contained a note from Sir Henry Clinton to Burgoyne, written on a slip of thin paper, and dated (Oct. 8th) from Fort Montgomery. " JVbws y void (here we are), and nothing betw^een us and Gates. I sincerely hope this little success of ours will facilitate your operations." t The bearer of the letter was tried and * Letter to the Council of Safety. Jour, of Provincial Congrees, vol. j. 1064. t Governor Clinton to tbe N. T. Council of Safetj'. Journal of Prov. Congress. convicted as a spy, and sentenced to be hanged. The enemy's light-armed vessels were now making their way up the river ; landing ma- rauding parties occasionally to make depreda- tions. As soon as the governor could collect a little force, he pressed forward to protect Kingston (Esopus), the seat of the State legislature. The enemy in the mean time landed from their ships, routed about one hundred and fifty militia col- lected to oppose them, marched to the village, set fire to it in every part, consuming great quantities of stores collected there, and then retreated to their ships. Governor Clinton was two hours too late. He beheld the flames from a distance ; and having brought with him the spy, the bearer of the silver bullet, he hanged him on an apple- tree in sight of the burning village. Having laid Kingston, the seat of the State government in ashes, the enemy proceeded in their ravages, destroying the residences of con- spicuous patriots at Ehinebeck, Livingston Manor, and elsewhere, and among others the mansion of the widow of the brave General Montgomery : trusting to close their desolating career by a triumphant junction with Bur- goyne at Albany. CHAPTER XXII. "While Sir Henry Clinton had been thunder- ing in the Highlands, Burgoyne and his army had been wearing out hope within their in- trenchments, vigilantly watclied, but unassailed by the Americans. They became impatient even of this impunity. " The enemy, though he can bring four times more soldiers against us, shows no desire to make an attack," writes a Hessian oflBcer.* Arnold, too, w^as chafing in the camp, and longing for a chance, as usual, " to right him- self " by his sword. In a letter to Gates he tries to goad him on. " I think it my duty (which nothing shall deter me from doing) to acquaint you, the army are clamorous for ac- tion. The militia (who compose great part of the army) are already threatening to go home. One fortnight's inaction will, I make no doubt, lessen your army by sickness and desertion, at least four thousand men. In which time the * Schliizer's Briefwechsel. ^T. 45.] BATTLE OF THE SEVENTH OCTOBER. 409 enemy may be reinforced, and make good their retreat. " I have reason to think, from intelligence since received, that, had we improved the 20th of September, it might have ruined the enemy. That is past ; let me entreat you to improve the present time." Gates was not to be goaded into action ; he saw the desperate situation of Burgoyne, and bided his time. " Perhaps," writes he, " de- spair may dictate to him to risk all upon one throw ; he is an old gamester, and in his time has seen all chances. I will endeavor to be ready to prevent his good fortune, and, if pos- sible, secure my own." * On the 7th of October, but four or five days remained of the time Burgoyne had pledged himself to await the co-operation of Sir Henry Clinton. He now determined to make a grand movement on the left of the American camp, to discover whether he could make a passage, should it be necessary to advance, or dislodge it from its position, should he have no retreat. Another object was to cover a forage of the army, which was suffering from the great scar- city. For this purpose fifteen hundred of his best troops, with two twelve-pounders, two howit- zers, and six six-pounders, were to be led by himself, seconded by Major-Generals Phillips and Riedesel, and Brigadier-General Eraser. " No equal number of men," says the British accounts, " were ever better commanded ; and it would have been diOicult, indeed, to have .matched the men with an equal number," f On leaving his camp, Burgoyne committed the guard of it on the high gi-ounds to Brig- adier-Generals Hamilton and Specht, and of the redoubts on the low grounds near the river, to Brigadier-General Gall. Forming his troops within three-quarters of a mile of the left of the Americans, though covered from their sight by the forest, he sent out a corps of rangers, provincials and Indians, to skulk through the woods, get in their rear, and give them an alarm at the time the attack took place in front. The movement, though carried on behind the screen of forests, was discovered. In the afternoon the advanced guard of the American centre beat to arms : the alarm was repeated throughout the line. Gates ordered his ofiicers to their alarm posts, and sent forth Wilkinson, * Letter to Governor Clinton. Gates'a Papers. + Civil War in America, 1. 302. the adjutant-general, to inquire the cause. From a rising ground in an open place he de- scried the enemy in force, their foragers busy in a field of wheat, the ofiicers reconnoitring the left wing of the camp with telescopes from the top of a cabin. Returning to the camp, "Wilkinson reported the position and movements of the enemy ; that their front was open, their flanks rested on woods, under cover of which they might be attacked, and their right was skirted by a height : that they were reconnoitring the left, and he thought offered battle. " "Well, then," replied Gates, " order out Morgan to begin the game." A plan of attack was soon arranged. Mor- gan with his riflemen and a body of infantry was sent to make a circuit through the woods, and get possession of the heights on the right of the enemy, while General Poor with his bri- gade of New York and New Hampshire troops, and a part of Learned's brigade, were to ad- vance against the enemy's left. Morgan was to make an attack on the heights as soon as he should hear the fire opened below. Burgoyne now drew out his troops in battle array. The grenadiers, under Major Ackland, with the artillery, under Major "Williams, formed his left, and were stationed on a rising ground, with a rivulet called MiU Creek in front. Next to them were the Hessians, under Riedesel, and British, under Phillips, forming the centre. The light infantry, under Lord Balcarras, formed the extreme right ; having in the advance a detachment of five hundred picked men, under General Fraser, ready to flank the Americans as soon as they should be attacked in front. He had scarce made these arrangements, when he was astonished and confounded by a thundering of artillery on his left, and a rat- tling fire of rifles on the woody heights on his right. The troops under Poor advanced stead- ily up the ascent where Ackland's grenadiers and "Williams' artillery were stationed; re- ceived their fire, and then rushed forward. Ackland's grenadiers received the first brunt, but it extended along the line, as detachment after detachment arrived, and was carried on with inconceivable fury. The Hessian artiller- ists spoke afterwards of the heedlessness with which the Americans rushed upon the cannon, while they were discharging grape-shot. The artillery was repeatedly taken and retaken, and at length remained in possession of the Ameri- cans, who turned it upon its former owners. 410 ROUT OF THE BRITISH AND HESSIANS— VALOR OF ARNOLD. [1777. Major Ackland was wounded in both legs, and taken prisoner. Major ■Williams of the artillery was also captured. The headlong impetuosity of the attack confounded the regular tacticians. Much of this has been ascribed to the presence and example of Arnold. That daring oflBcer, who had lingered iu the camp in expectation of a fight, was exasperated at having no com- mand assigned him. On hearing the din of battle, he could restrain no longer his warlike impulse, but threw himself on his horse and sallied forth. Gates saw him issuing from the camp. " He'll do some rash thing ! " cried he, and sent his aide-de-camp, Major Armstrong, to call him back. Arnold surmised his errand and evaded it. Putting spurs to his horse, he dashed into the scene of action, and was re- ceived with acclamation. Being the superior officer in the field his orders were obeyed of course. Putting himself at the head of the troops of Learned's brigade, he attacked the Plessians in the enemy's centre, and broke them with repeated charges. Indeed, for a time his actions seemed to partake of frenzy ; riding hither and thither, brandishing his sword, and cheering on the men to acts of desperation. In one of his paroxysms of excitement, he struck and wounded an American officer in the head with his sword, without, as he afterwards de- clared, being conscious of the act. Wilkinson asserts that he was partly intoxicated ; but Arnold needed only his own irritated pride and the smell of gunpowder to rouse him to acts of madness. Morgan, in the mean time, was harassing the enemy's right wing with an incessant fire of small-arms, and preventing it from sending any assistance to the centre. General Fraser with his chosen corps, for some time rendered great protection to this wing. Mounted on an iron- gray charger, his uniform of a field-officer made him a conspicuous object for Morgan's sharpshooters. One bullet cut the crupper of his horse, another grazed his mane. " You are singled out, general," said his aide-de-camp, " and had better shift your ground." " My .duty forbids me to fly from danger," was the reply. A moment afterwards he was shot down by a marksman posted in a tree. Two grenadiers bore him to the camp. His fall was as a death-blow to his corps. The arrival on the field of a large reinforcement of New York troops under General Ten Broeck, completed the confusion. Burgoyne saw that the field was lost, and now only thought of saving his camp. The troops nearest to the lines were ordered to throw themselves within them, while Generals Phillips and Riedesel covered the retreat of the main body, which was in danger of being cut off. The artillery was abandoned, all the horses, and most of the men who had so bravely defended it, having been killed. The troops, though hard pressed, re- tired in good order. Scarcely had they entered the camp when it was stormed with great fury ; the Americans, with Arnold at their head, rushing to the lines under a severe discharge of grape-shot and small-arms. Lord Balcarras defended the intrenchments bravely ; the ac- tion was fierce, and well sustained on both sides. After an ineffectual attempt to make his way into the camp in this quarter at the point of the bayonet, Arnold spurred his horse toward the right flank of the camp occupied by the German reserve, where Lieutenant-Col- onel Brooks was making a general attack with a Massachusetts regiment. Here, with a part of a platoon, he forced his way into a sallyport, but a shot from the retreating Hessians killed his horse, and wounded him in the same leg which had received a wound before Quebec. He was borne off from the field, but not until the victory was complete ; for the Germans retreated from the works, leaving on the field their brave defender, Lieutenant-Colonel Brey- man, mortally wounded. The night was now closing in. The victory of the Americans was decisive. They had routed the enemy, killed and wounded a great number, made many prisoners, taken their field- artillery, and gained possession of a part of their works which laid open the right and the rear of their camp. They lay all night on their arms, within half a mile of the scene of action, prepared to renew the assault upon the camp in the morning. Affecting scenes had occurred in the enemy's camp during this deadly con- flict. In the morning previous to the battle, the Baroness De Riedesel had breakfasted with her husband in the camp. Generals Burgoyne, Phillips, and Fraser were to dine with her hus- band and herself, in a house in the neighbor- hood, where she and her children were quar- tered. She observed much movement in the camp, but was quieted by the assurance that it was to be a mere reconnoissance. On her way home she met a number of Indians, painted and decorated and armed with guns, and shouting war ! war ! Her fears were awakened, and ^T. 45.] DEATH OF GENERAL FRASER— HIS FUNERAL. 411 scarce had she reached home when she heard the rattling of fire-arms and the thundering of artillery. The din increased, and soon became so terrible that she " was more dead than alive." About one o'clock came one of the generals who were to have dined with her — poor General Fraser — brought upon a handbar- row, mortally wounded. " The table," writes she, '* which was already prepared for dinner, was immediately removed, and a bed placed in its stead for the general. I sat terrified and trembling in a corner. The noise grew more alarming, and I was in a continual agony and tremor, while thinking that my husband might soon, also, be brought in, wounded like Gen- eral Fraser. That poor general said to the surgeon, ' Tell me the truth, is there no hope ? ' — There was none. Prayers were read, after which he desired that General Burgoyne should be requested to have him buried on the next day at 6 o'clock in the evening, on a hiU where a breastwork had been constructed." Lady Harriet Ackland was in a tent near by. News came to her that her husband was mor- tally wounded and taken prisoner. She was in an agony of distress. The baroness en- deavored to persuade her that his wound might not be dangerous, and advised her to ask per- mission to join him. She divided the night between soothing attentions to Lady Harriet, and watchful care of her children who were asleep, but who she feared might disturb the poor dying general. Towards morning, think- ing his agony approaching, she wrapped them in blankets and retired with them into the en- trance hall. Courteous even in death, the general sent her several messages to beg her pardon for the trouble ^he thought he was giv- ing her. At 8 o'clock in the morning he ex- pired.* Bnrgoyne had shifted his position during the night, to heights about a mile to the north, close to the river, and covered in front by a ravine. Early in the morning, the Americans took possession of the camp which he had abandoned. A random fire of artillery and small-arms was kept up on both sides during the day. The British sharpshooters stationed in the ravine did some execution, and General Lincoln was wounded in the leg while recon- noitring. Gates, however, did not think it ad- visable to force a desperate enemy when in a strong position, at the expense of a prodigal * Riedesel's Memoirs. waste of blood. He took all measures to cut oft' his retreat and insure a surrender. General Fellows, with 1,400 men, had already been sent to occupy the high ground east of the Hudson opposite Saratoga Ford. Other detachments were sent higher up the river in the direction of Lake George. Burgoyne saw that nothing was left for him but a prompt and rapid retreat to Saratoga, yet in this he was delayed by a melancholy duty of friendship ; it was to attend the obse- quies of the gallant Fraser, who, according to his dying request, was to be interred at six o'clock in the evening, within a redoubt which had been constructed on a hill. Between sunset and dark, his body was borne to the appointed place by grenadiers of his division, followed by the generals and their staff. The Americans seeing indistinctly what, in the twilight, appeared to be a movement of troops up the hill and in the redoubt, pointed their artillery in that direction. " Cannon balls flew around and above the assembled mourners," writes the Baroness Pdedesel, who was a spectatoi" from a distance. " Many can- non balls flew close by me, but my whole at- tention was engaged by the funeral scene, where I saw my husband exposed to imminent danger. This, indeed, was not a moment to be apprehensive for my own safety. General Gates protested afterwards, that had he known what was going on, he would have stopped the fire immediately." * We have the scene still more feelingly de- scribed by Burgoyne. " The incessant cannonade during the cere- mony ; the steady attitude and unaltered voice with which the chaplain officiated, though fre- quently covered with dust which the shot threw up on all sides of him ; the mute, but expressive mixture of sensibility and indigna- tion upon every countenance ; these objects will remain to the last of life upon the mind of every man who was present. The growing darkness added to the scenery, and the whole marked a character of that juncture which would make one of the finest subjects for the pencil of a master that the field ever exhibited. To the canvas and to the faithful page of a more important historian, gallant friend ! I consign thy memory. There may thy talents, thy manly virtues, their progress and their period, find due distinction : and long may they * Riedesel's Memoirs, p. 171. 412 RETREAT OF THE ENEMY— LADY HARRIET ACKLAXD. [1111. survive, long after the frail record of my pen shall be forgotten ! " General Fraser was well worthy of this eulo- gium. He was the most popular officer of the army, and one of the most efficient. He was one in whom Burgoyne reposed the most im- plicit confidence, and deeply must it have added to his gloom of mind at this dark hour of his fortunes, to have this his friend and counsellor, and brother in arms, shot down at his side. " The reflections arising from these scenes," writes he, " gave place to the perplexities of the night. A defeated army was to retreat from an enemy flushed with success, much superior in fi-ont, and occupying strong posts in the country behind. "We were equally liable upon that march to be attacked in front, flank, or rear." Preparations had been made to decamp im- mediately after the funeral, and at nine o'clock at night the retreat commenced. Large fires had been lighted, and many tents Avere left standing to conceal the movement. The hos- pital, in which were about three hundred sick and wounded, was abandoned," as were like- wise several bateaux, laden with baggage and provisions. It was a dismal retreat. The rain fell in torrents ; the roads were deep and broken, and the horses weak and half-starved from want of forage. At daybreak there was a halt to re- fresh the troops, and give time for the bateaux laden with provisions to come abreast. In three hours the march was resumed, but before long there was another halt, to guard against an American reconnoitring party which ap- peared in sight. When the troops were again about to march General Burgoyne received a message from Lady Harriet Ackland, expressing a wish to pass to the American camp and ask permission from General Gates to join her husband. " Though I was ready to believe," writes Burgoyne " (for I had experience), that patience and fortitude, in a supreme degree, were to be found, as well as every other virtue, imder the most tender forms, I was astonished at this proposal. After so long an agitation of spirits, exhausted not only for want of rest, but absolutely want of food, drenched in rains for twelve hours together, that a woman should be capable of such an undertakmg as deliver- ing, herself to the enemy, probably in the night, and uncertain of what hands she might first faU into, appeared an effort above human na- ture. The assistance I was enabled to give her was small indeed ; I had not even a cup of wine to offer her ; but I was told she had found from some kind and fortunate hand, a little rum and dirty water. All I could furnish her was an open boat, and a few lines written upon dirty wet paper, to General Gates, recommend- ing her to his protection. " Mr. Brudenell, the chaplain of the artillery (the same gentleman who had officiated so signally at General Eraser's funeral), readily undertook to accompany her, and with one female servant, and the major's valet-de-cham- bre (who had a ball which he had received in the late action then in his shoulder), she rowed down the river to meet the enemy." The night was far advanced before tlie boat readied the American outposts. It was chal- lenged by a sentinel, who threatened to fire into it should it attempt to pass. Mr. Bru- denell made known that it was a flag of truce, and stated who was the personage it brought ; report was made to the adjutant-general. Treachery was apprehended, and word was returned to detain the flag until daylight. Lady Harriet and her companions were al- lowed to land. Major Dearborn, the officer on guard, surrendered his cliamber in the guard- house to her ladyship ; bedding was brought, a fire was made, tea was served, and her mind being relieved by assurances of her husband's safety, she was enabled to pass a night of com- parative comfort and tranquillity.* She pro- ceeded to the American camp in the morning, when, Burgoyne acknowledges, " she was re- ceived and accommodated by General Gates, with all the humanity and respect that her rank, her merits, and her fortune deserved." To resume the fortunes of the retreating army. It rained terribly through the residue of the 9th, and in consequence of repeated halts, they did not reach Saratoga until even- ing. A detachment of Americans had arrived there before them, and were throwing up in- trenchments on a commanding height at Fish KiU. They abandoned their work, forded the Hudson, and joined a force under General Fel- lows, posted on the hills east of the river. The bridge over the Fish Kill had been destroyed ; the artillery could not cross until the ford was examined. Exhausted by fatigue, the men for the most part had not strength nor inclination to cut wood nor make fire, but threw them- . * The statement here given is founded on the report made to General Willcinson by Major (afterward General) Dearborn. It varies from that of Burgoyne. ^T. 45.] DESPERATE SITUATION OF BURGOYNE— BARONESS DE RIEDESEL. 413 selves upon the wet ground in their wet clothes, and slept under the continuing ram. " I was quite wet," writes the Baroness Riedesel, " and was ohliged to remain in that condition for want of a place to change my apparel. I seated myself near a fire and undressed the children, and we then laid ourselves upon some straw." At daylight on the 10th, the artillery and the last of the troops passed the Fords of the Fish Kill, and took a position upon the heights, and in the redoubts formerly constructed there. To protect the troops from being attacked in passing the ford by the Americans, who were approaching, Burgoyne ordered fire to be set to the farm-houses and other buildings on the south side of the Fish Kill. Amongst the rest, the noble mansion of General Schuyler, with storehouses, granaries, mills, and the other appurtenances of a great rural establishment, was entirely consumed. Burgoyne himself estimated the value of property destroyed at ten thousand pounds sterling. The measure was condemned by friend as well as foe, but he justified it on the principles of self-preserva- tion. The force under General Fellows, posted on the opposite hills of the Hudson, now opened a fire from a battery commanding a ford of that river. Thus prevented from crossing, Burgoyne thought to retreat along the west side as far as Fort George, on the way to Canada, and sent out workmen under a strong escort to repair the bridges, and open the road toward Fort Edward. The escort was soon recalled and the work abandoned ; for the Americans under Gates appeared in great force, on the heights south of the Fish Kill, and seemed preparing to cross and bring on an en- gagement. The opposite shores of the Hudson were now lined with detachments of Americans. Ba- teaux laden with provisions, which had at- tended the movements of the army, were fired upon, many taken, some retaken with loss of life. It was necessary to land the provisions from such as remained, and bring them up the hill into the camp, which was done under a heavy fire from the American artillery. Burgoyne now called a general council of war, in which it was resolved, since the bridges could not be repaired, to abandon the artillery and baggage, let the troops carry a supply of provisions upon their "backs, push forward in the night, and force their way across the fords at or near Fort Edward. Before the plan could be put in execution, scouts brought word that the Americans were intrenched opposite those fords, and encamped in force with cannon, on the high ground be- tween Fort Edward and Fort George. In fact, by this time the American army, augmented by militia and volunteers from all quarters, had posted itself in strong positions on both sides of the Hudson, so as to extend three fourths of a circle round the enemy. Giving up all further attempt at retreat, Burgoyne now fortified his camp on the heights to the north of Fish Kill, still hoping that suc- cor might arrive from Sir Henry Clinton, or that an attack upon his trenches might give him some chance of cutting his way through. In this situation his troops lay continually on their arms. His camp was subjected to cannonading from FeUows's batteries on the opposite side of the Hudson, Gates's batteries on the south of Fish Kill, and a galling fire from Morgan's riflemen, stationed on heights in the rear. The Baroness De Eiedesel and her helpless little ones were exposed to the dangers and horrors of this long turmoil. On the morning when the attack was opened. General De Eie- desel sent them to take refuge in a house in the vicinity. On their way thither the baron- ess saw several men on the opposite bank of the Hudson levelling their muskets and about to fire. Throwing her children in the back part of the carriage the anxious mother en- deavored to cover them with her body. The men fired ; a poor wounded soldier, who had sought shelter behind the carriage, received a shot which broke his arm. The baroness suc- ceeded in getting to the house. Some women and crippled soldiers had already taken refuge there. It was mistaken for head-quarters and cannonaded. The baroness retreated into the cellar, laid herself in a corner near the door with her children's heads upon her knees, and passed a sleepless night of mental anguish. In the morning the cannonade began anew. Cannon balls passed through the house re- peatedly with a tremendous noise. A poor soldier who was about to have a leg ampu- tated, lost the other by one of these balls. The day was passed among such horrors. The wives of a major, a lieutenant, and a commis- sary, were her companions in misery. " They sat together," she says, " deploring their situa- tion, when some one entered to announce bad news." There was whispering among her 414 CAPITULATION AND SURRENDER OF THE BRITISH ARMY. [1111. companions, with deep looks of sorrow. "I immediately suspected," says she, "that my husband had been killed. I shrieked aloud." She was soothed by assurances that nothing had happenectto him ; and was given to under- stand by a sidelong glance, that the wife of the lieutenant was the unfortunate one ; her hus- band had been killed. For six days, she and her children remained in this dismal place of refuge. The cellar was spacious, with three compartments, but the number of occupants increased. The wounded were brought in to be relieved — or to die. She remained with her children near the door, to escape more easily in case of fire. She put straw under mattresses ; on these -ehe lay with her little ones, and her female servants slept near her. Her frequent dread was, that the army might be driven off or march away, and she be left behind. " I crept up the staircase," says she, " more than once, and when I saw our soldiers near their watchfires, I became more calm, and could even have slept." There was great distress for water. The river was near, but the Americans shot every one who approached it. A soldier's wife at length summoned resolution, and brought a supply. " The Americans," adds the baroness, " told us afterwards, that they spared her on account of her sea*." " I endeavored," continues she, " to dispel my melancholy, by constantly attending to the wounded. I made them tea and coffee, for which I received their warmest acknowledg- ments. I often shared my dinner with them." Iler husband visited her once or twice daily, at the risk of his life. On one occasion, Gene- ral Phillips accompanied him, but was over- come when he saw the sufferings and danger by which this noble woman and her children were surroimded, and of which we have given a very subdued picture. " I would not for ten thousand guineas see this place again," ex- claimed the general. " I am heart-broken with what I have seen." Burgoyne was now reduced to despair. His forces were diminished by losses, by the deser- tion of Canadians and royalists, and the total defection of the Indians ; and on inspection it was found that the provisions on hand, even upon short allowance, would not suffice for more than three days. A council of war, therefore, was called of all the generals, field- officers, and captains commanding troops. The deliberations were brief. All concurred in the necessity of opening a treaty with General Gates, for surrender on honorable terms. While they were yet deliberating, au eighteen pound ball passed through the tent, sweeping across the table round which they were seated. Negotiations were accordingly opened on the 13th, under sanction of a flag. Lieutenant Kingston, Burgoyne's adjutant-general, was the bearer of a note, proposing a cessation of hos- tilities until terms could be adjusted. The first terms ofltered by Gates were that the enemy should lay down their arms within their intrenchments, and surrender themselves prisoners of war. These were indignantly re- jected, with an intimation that, if persisted in, hostilities must recommence. Counter proposals were then made by Gene- ral Burgoyne, and finally accepted by General Gates. According to these, the British troops were to march out of the camp with artillery and all the honors of war, to a fixed place, where they were to pile their arms at a word of command from their own officers. They were to be allowed a free passage to Europe upon condition of not serving again in Amer- ica, during the present war. The army was not to be separated, especially the men from the officers ; roll-caUing and other regular du- ties were to be permitted ; the officers were to be on parole, and to wear their side-arms. All private property to be sacred ; no baggage to be. searched or molested. All persons apper- taining to or following the camp, whatever might be their countiy, were to be compre- hended in these terms of capitulation. Schuyler's late secretary. Colonel Varick, who was still in camp, writes to him on the 13th : " Burgoyne says he will send all his general officers at ten in the morning, to finish and settle the business. This, I trust, will be ac- comphshed before twelve, and then I shall have the honor and happiness of congratulat- ing you on the glorious success of our arms. I wish to God I could say under your command. " If you wish to see Burgoyne, you will be necessitated to see him here." * In the night of the 16th, before the articles of capitulation had been signed, a British offi- cer from the army below made his way into the camp, with despatches from Sir Henry Clin- ton, announcing that he had captured the forts in the Highlands, and had pushed detachments Schuyler Papers. n •^ o S; ai K ) H CD a 1 , f- o o a; r aK*iS^==i ^T. 45.] HESSIAN DESCRIPTION OF THE AMERICAN ARMY. 415 further np the Hudson. Burgoyne now sub- mitted to the consideration of officers, " whether it was consistent with public faith, and if so, expedient, to suspend the execution of the treaty and trust to events." His own opinion inclined in the affirmative, but the majority of the council determined that the public faith was fully plighted. The capitulation was ac- cordingly signed by Burgoyne on the 17th of October. The British army, at the time of flie surrender, was reduced by capture, death, and desertion, from nine thousand to five thousand seven hun- dred and fifty-two men. That of Gates, regu- lars and militia, amounted to ten thousand five hundred and fifty-four men on duty ; between two and three thousand L^mg on the sick list, or absent on furlough. By this capitulation, the Americans gained a fine train of artillery, seven thousand stand of arms, and a great quantity of clothing, tents, and military stores of all kinds. When the British troops marched forth to deposit their arms at the appointed place. Col- onel Wilkinson, the adjutant-general, was the only American soldier to be seen. Gates had ordered his troops to keep rigidly within their lines, that they might not add by their presence to the humiliation of a brave enemy. In fact, throughout all his conduct, during the campaign, British writers, and Burgoyne himself, give him credit for acting with great humanity and forbeai'ance.* Wilkinson, in his Memoirs, desci'ibes the first meeting of Gates and Burgoyne, which took place at the head of the American camp. They were attended by their stafls and by other gen- eral officers. Burgoyne was in a rich royal uniform. Gates in a plain blue frock. When they had approached nearly within sword's length they reined up and halted. Burgoyne, raising his hat most gracefully, said : " The fortune of war. General Gates, has made me your prisoner ; " to which the other, returning his salute, replied, " I shall always be ready to testify that it has not been through any fault of your excellency." " We passed through the American camp," writes the aJready cited Hessian officer, "in which all the regiments were drawn out beside * " At the very time," say the British historians, " that General Burgoyne was receiving the most favorable condi- tions for himself and his ruined army, the fine village or town of Esopus, at no very great distance, was reduced to ashes, and not a house left standing." the artillery, and stood under arms. Not one of them was uniformly clad ; each had on the clothes which he wore in the fields, the church, or the tavern. They stood, however, like sol- diers, well arranged, and with a military air, in which there was but little to find fault with. All the muskets had bayonets, and the sharp- shooters had rifles. The men all stood so still that we were filled with wonder. Not one of them made a single motion as if he would speak with his neighbor. Nay more, all the lads that stood there in rank and file, kind nature had formed so trim, so slender, so nervous, that it was a pleasure to look at them, and we were aU surprised at the sight of such a handsome, well-formed race." * " In all earnestness," adds he, " English America surpasses the most of Europe in the growth and looks ©f its male population. The whole nation has a natural turn and talent for war and a soldier's life." He made himself somewhat merry, however, with the equipments of the officers. A few wore regimentals ; and those fashioned to their own notions as to cut and color, being provided by themselves. Brown coats with sea-green facings, white linings, and silver trimmings, and gray coats in abundance, with bufi" facings and cuffs, and gilt buttons ; in short, every variety of pattern. ^ The brigadiers and generals wore uniforms and belts which designated their rank ; but most of the colonels and other officers were in their ordinary clothes ; a musket and bayonet in hand, and a cartridge-box or powder-horn over the shoulder. But what especially amused him was the variety of uncouth wigs worn by the officers ; the fingerings of an uncouth fashion. Most of the troops thys noticed were the hastily levied militia, the yeomanry of the country. " There were regular regiments al- so," he said, " which, for want of time and cloth, Avere not yet equipped in uniform. These had standards with various emblems and mot- toes, some of which had for us a very satirical signification. " But I must say to the credit of the enemy's regiments," continues he, "that not a man was to be found therein who, as we marched by, made even a sign of taunting, insulting exulta- tion, hatred, or any other evil feeling ; on the contrary, they seemed as though they would rather do us honor. As we marched by the * Briefe aus Neu England. Schlozer's Briefwechsel. 41G BENEVOLENT CONDUCT OF GENERAL SCHUYLER. 11111. great tent of General Gates, he invited in the brigadiers and commanders of regiments, and various refreshments were set before them. Gates is between fifty and sixty years of age ; wears his own thin gray hair ; is active and friendly, and on account of the weakness of his eyes, constantly wears spectacles. At head- quarters we met many officers, who treated us with aU possible politeness." We now give another page of the Bai-oness De Eiedesel's fortunes, at this time of the sur- render. " My husband's groom brought me a message to join him with the children. I once more seated myself in my dear calash, and, while riding through the American camp, was gratified to observe that nobody looked at us with disrespect, but, on the contrary, greeted us, and seemed touched at the sight of a cap- tive mother with her children. I must can- didly confess that I did not present myself, though so situated, with much courage to the enemy, for the thing was entirely new to me. "When I drew near the tents, a good-looking man advanced towards me, and helping the children from the calash, kissed and caressed them : he then ofiered me his arm, and tears trembled in his eyes, ' You tremble,' said he ; 'do not be alarmed, I pray you.' ' Sir,' cried I, ' a countenance so expressive of benev- olence, and the kindness you have evinced towards my children, are suflScient to dispel all apprehensions.' He then ushered me into the tent of General Gates, whom I found engaged in friendly conversation with Generals Bur- goyne and Phillips. General Burgoyne said to me, ' You can now be quiet, and free from all apprehension of danger.' I replied that I should indeed bo reprehensible, if I felt any anxiety when our general felt none, and was on such friendly terms with General Gates, " All the generals remained to dine with General Gates. The gentleman who had re- ceived me with so much kindness, came and said to me, ' You may find it embarrassing to be the only lady in such a large company of gen- tlemen ; will you come with your children to my tent, and partake of a frugal dinner, ofi:ered with the best will ? ' 'By the kindness you show to me,' returned I, 'you induce me to be- lieve that you have a wife and children.' He informed me that he was General Schuyler, He regaled me with smoked tongues, which were excellent, with beefsteaks, potatoes, fresh butter and bread. Never did a dinner give me more pleasure than this, and I read the same happy change on the countenances of aU those around me. That my husband was out of dan- ger, was a still greater joy. After dinner. Gen- eral Schuyler begged me to pay him a visit at his house at Albany, where he expected that General Burgoyne would also be his guest. I sent to ask my husband's directions, who advis- ed me to accept the invitation." The reception which she met with at Albany, from General Schuyler's wife and daughters, was not, she said, like the reception of enemies, but of the most intimate friends. " They loaded us with kindness," writes she, " and they behaved in the same manner towards General Burgoyne, though he had ordered their splendid establish- ment to be burnt, and without any necessity, it was said. But all their actions proved, that in the sight of the misfortunes of others they quickly forgot their own," It was, in fact, the lot of Bm-goyne to have coals of fire heaped on his head by those with whom he had been at enmity. One of the first persons whom he had encountered in the American camp was Gener- al Schuyler. He attempted to make some ex- planation or excuse about the recent destruc- tion of his property. Schuyler begged him not to think of it, as the occasion justified it, according to the principles and rules of war. " He did more," said Burgoyne, in a speech before the House of Commons : ." he sent an aide-de-camp to conduct me to Albany; in order, as he expressed it, to procure better quarters than a stranger might be able to find. That gentleman conducted me to a very ele- gant house, and, tct my great surprise, present- ed me to Mrs. Schuyler and her family. In that house I remained during my whole stay in Albany, with a table of more than twenty covers for me and my friends, and every other demonstration of hospitality." This was indeed realizing the vaunted cour- tesy and magnanimity of the age of chivalry. The surrender of Burgoyne was soon fol- lowed by the evacuation of Ticonderoga and Fort Independence, the garrisons retiring to the Isle aux Noix and St, Johns, As to the armament on the Hudson, the commanders whom Sir Henry Clinton had left in charge of it, received, in the midst of their desolating career, the astounding intelligence of the cap- ture of the army with which they had come to co-operate. Nothing remained for them, there- fore, but to drop down the river and return to New York. The whole expedition, though it had effected ^T. 45.] WASHINGTON AT SKIPPACK CKEEK-DESCRIPTION OF GERMANTOWN 417 much damage to the Americans, failed to be of essential service to the royal cause. The fortresses in the Highlands could not be main- tained, and had been evacuated and destroyed, and tiie plundering and burning of defenceless towns and visages, and especially the confla- gration of Esopus, had given to the whole en- terprise the character of a maraud, disgrace- ful in civilized warfare, and calculated only to inflame more deadly enmity and determined opposition. NOTE. The reader may desire to know the sequel of Lady Harriet Ackland's romantic stoiy. Her husband re- covered from his wounds, and they returned together to England. Major Ackland retained a gratefufsense of the kind treatment they had experienced from the Americans. At a dinner party he had warm words with another British officer, who questioned the American character for courage. A duel ensued, in which the major was killed. The shock to Lady Har- riet produced mental derangement. She recovered in the course of a couple of years, and ultimately was married to Mr. Brudenell, the worthy chaplain who had been her companion andprotector in the time of her distress. CHAPTER XXIII. Having given the catastrophe of the British invasion from the North, we will revert to that part of the year's campaign which was passing under the immediate eye of Washington. We' left him encamped at Pott's Grove towards the end of September, giving his troops a few days' repose after their severe fatigues. Being re- joined by Wayne and Smallwood with their brigades, and other troops being arrived from the Jerseys, his force amounted to about eight thousand Continentals and three thousand mili- tia ; with these he advanced, on the 30th of September, to Skippack Creek, about fourteen miles from Germantown, where the main body of the British army lay encamped ; a detach- ment under Cornwallis occuji^'ing Philadel- phia. Immediately after the battle of Brandy- wine, Admiral Lord Howe with great exertions had succeeded in getting his ships of war and transports round from the Chesapeake into the Delaware, and had anchored them along the western shore from Reedy Island to Newcastle. They were prevented from approaching nearer by obstructions which the Americans had placed in the river. The lowest of these were at Bil- 27 lingsport (or Bylling's Point), where chevaux- de-frise in the channel of the river were pro- tected by a strong redoubt on the Jersey shore. Higher up were Fort MiflBin on Mud (or Fort) Island, and Fort Mercer on the Jersey shore ; with chevaux-de-frise between them. Wash- ington had exerted himself to throw a garrison into Fort Mifflin, and keep up the obstructions of the river. " If these can be maintained," said he, " General Howe's situation will not be the most agreeable ; for if his supplies can be stopped by water, it may easily be done by land. To do both shall be my utmost endeav- or ; and I am not without hope that the ac- quisition of Philadelphia may, instead of his good fortune, prove his ruin." * Sir William Howe was perfectly aware of this, and had concerted operations with his brother by land and water, to reduce the forts and clear away the obstructions of the river. With this view he detached a part of his force into the Jerseys, to proceed, in the first in- stance, against the fortifications at Billingsport. Washington had been for some days anxious- ly on the lookout for some opportunity to strike a blow of consequence, wiien two intercepted letters gave him intelligence of this movement. He immediately determined to make an attack upon the British camp at Germantown, wliile weakened by the absence of this detachment. To understand the plan of the attack, some description of the British place of encampment is necessary. Germantown, at that time, was little more than one continued street, extending two miles north and south. The houses were mostly of stone, low and substantial, with steep roofs and protecting eaves. They stood apart from each other, with fruit trees in front and small gar- dens. Beyond the village, and about a hun- dred yards east of the road, stood a spacious stone edifice, with ornamented grounds, stat- ues, groves, and shrubbery, the country-seat of Benjamin Chew, chief justice of Pennsylvania previous to the Revolution : we shall have more to say concerning this mansion presently. Four roads approached the village from above ; that is, from the north. The Skippack, whicli was the main road, led over Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy down to and through the vil- lage toward Philadelphia, forming the street of which we have just spoken. On its right, and nearly parallel, was the Monatawny or Ridge » Letter to the President of Congress. Sparks, v. 71. 418 BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. [1777. road, passing near tlie Scliuylkill, and enter- ing the main road below the village. On the left of the Skijipack or main road, was the Limekiln road, running nearly parallel to it for a time, and then turning towards it, almost at right angles, so as to enter the village at the market-place. Still further to the left or east, and outside of all, was the Old York road, falling into the main road some distance helow the village. The main body of the British forces lay en- camped across the lower part of the village, divided into almost equal parts by the main street or Skippack road. The right wing, commanded by General Grant, was to the east of the road, the left wing to the west. Each wing was covered by strong detach- ments, and guarded by cavalry. General Howe had his head-quarters in the rear. The advance of tlie army, composed of the 2d battalion of British light-infantry, with a train of artillery, was more than two miles from the main body, on the west of the road, vv'ith an outlaying picket stationed with two six-pounders at Allen's house on Mount Airy. About three-quarters of a mile in the rear of the light-infantry, lay encamped in a field op- posite " Chew's House," the 40th regiment of infantry, under Colonel Musgrave According to "Washington's plan for the at- tack, Sullivan was to command the right wing, composed of his own division, principally Mary- land troops, and the division of General Wayne. He was to be sustained by a corps de reserve^ under Lord Stirling, composed of Nash's North Carolina and Maxwell's Virginia brigades, and to be flanked by the brigade of General Con- way. He was to march down the Skippack road and attack the left Aviug ; at the same time General Armstrong, with the Pennsylvania militia, was to pass down the Monatawny or Ridge road, and get upon the enemy's left and rear. Greene with the left wing, composed of his own division and the division of General Ste- phen, and flanked by McDougall's brigade, was to march down the Limekiln road, so as to en- ter the village at the market-house. The two divisions were to attack the enemy's right wing in front, McDougall with his brigade to attack it in flank, while Smallwood's division of Mary- land militia and Fonnan's Jersey brigade, mak- ing a circuit by the Old York road, w*ere to at- tack it in the rear. Two-tlnrds of the forces were thus directed against the enemy's right wing, under the idea that, if it could be forceds the whole army must be pushed into the Schuyl- kill, or compelled to surrender. The attack was to begin on all quarters at daybreak.* About dusk, on the 8d of October, the army left its encampment at Matuchen Hills, by its different routes. Washington accom- panied the right wing. It had fifteen miles of weary march to make over rough roads, so that it was after daybreak when the troops emerged from the woods on Chestnut Hill. The morning was dark with a heavy fog. A de- tachment advanced to attack the enemy's out picket, stationed at Allen's House. The patrol was led by Captain Allen McLane, a brave Mary- land ofllcer, well acquainted with the ground, and with the position of the enemy. He fell in with double sentries, whom he killed with the loss of one man. The alarm, however, was given ; the distant roll of a drum and the call to arms, resounded through the murky air. The picket guard, after discharging their two six-pounders, were routed, and retreated down the south side of Mount Airy to the battalion of light-infantry who were forming in order of battle. As their pursuers descended into the valley, the sun rose, but was soon obscured. Wayne led the attack upon the light-infantry. " They broke at first," -writes he, " without waiting to receive us, but soon formed again, wlien a heavy and well-directed fire took place on both sides," They again gave way, but being supported by the grenadiers, returned to the charge, Sullivan's division and Conway's brigade form- ed on the west of the road, and joined in the attack ; the rest of the troops were too far to the north to render any assistance. Tlie in- fantry, after fighting bravely for a time, broke and ran, leaving their artillery behind. They were hotly pursued by Wayne. His troops remembered the bloody 20th of September, and the ruthless slaughter of their comrades. " They pushed on with the bayonet," says Wayne. " and took ample vengeance for that night's work." The officers endeavored to restrain their fury towards those who cried for mercy, but to little purpose. It was a terrible melee. The fog, together with the smoke of the cannonry and musketry, made it almost as dark as night : our people mistaking one an- other for tlie enemy, frequently exchanged shots before they discovered their error. The * Letter of "Washington to the President of CongrcsB. Letter of Sullivan to the President of New Hampshire. % s?;CT(s .Et. 45.] BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. 419 whole of the enemy's advance were driven from their camping ground, leaving their tents stand- ing, with all their baggage. Colonel Musgrave, with sis companies of the 40th regiment, threw himself into Chew's House, barricaded the doors and lower windows,*and took post above stairs ; the main torrent of the retreat passed by pur- sued by "Wayne into the village. As the residue of this division of the army came up to join in the pursuit, Musgrave and his men opened a fire of musketry upon them from the npper windows of his citadel. This brought them to a halt. Some of the officers were for pushing on ; but General Knox stout- ly objected, insisting on the old military maxim, never to leave a garrisoned castle in the rear. His objection unluckily prevailed. A Sag was sent with a summons to surrender. A young Virginian, Lieutenant Smith, volunteered to be the bearer. As he was advancing, he was fired upon and received a mortal wound. The house was now cannonaded, but the artil- lery was too light to have the desired efi'ect. An attempt was made to set fire to the base- ment. He who attempted it was shot dead from a grated cellar window. Half an hour was thus spent in vain ; scarce any of the de- fenders of the house were injured, though many of the assailants were slain. At length a regiment was left to keep guard upon the mansion and hold its garrison in check, and the rear division again pressed forward. This half hour's delay, however, of nearly one-half of the army, disconcerted the action. The divisions and brigades thus separated from each other by the skirmishing attack upon Chew's House, could not be reunited. Tlie fog and smoke rendered all objects indistinct at thirty yards distance ; the different parts of the army knew nothing of the position or •movements of each other, and the commander- in-chief could take no view nor gain any infor- mation of the situation of the whole. The orig- inal plan of attack was only eflTectively carried into operation in the centre. The flanks and rear of the enemy were nearly unmolested ; still the action, though disconnected, irregular, and partial, was animated in various quarters. Sullivan, being reinforced by Nash's North Carolina troops and Conway's brigade, pushed on a mile beyond Chew's House, where the left wing of the enemy gave way before him. Greene and Stephen, with their divisions, having had to make a circuit, were late in coming into action, and became separated from each other, part of Stephen's division being arrested by a heavy fire from Chew's House and pausing to return it : Greene, however, with his division, comprising the brigades of Muhlenberg and Scott, pressed rapidly forward, drove an advance regiment of light-infantry before him, took a number of prisoners, and made his way quite to the market-house in the centre of the village, where he encountered the right wing of the British drawn up to receive him. The impetuosity of his attack had an evident efl^ect itpon the enemy, who began to- waver. Forman and Smallwood, with the Jer- sey and Maryland militia, were just showing themselves on the right flank of the enemy, and our troops seemed on the point of carrying the whole encampment. At this moment a singular panic seized our army. Various causes are assigned for it. Sullivan alleges that his troops had expended all their cartridges, and were alarmed by seeing the enemy gathering on their left, and by the cry of a light-horse- man, that the enemy were getting round them. Wayne's division, which had pushed the enemy nearly three miles, was alarmed by the ap- proach of a large body of American troops on its left flank, which it mistook for foes, and fell back in defiance of every efibrt of its officers to rally it. In its retreat it came upon Ste- phen's division and threw it into a panic, being, in its turn, mistaken for the enemy ; thus all fell into confusion, and our army fled from their own victory. In the mean time, the enemy, having recov- ered from the first efi'ects of the surprise, ad- vanced in their turn. General Grey brought up the left wing, and pressed upon the Ameri- can troops as they receded. Lord Cornwallis, with a squadron of light-horse from Philadel- phia, arrived just in time to join in the pursuit. The retreat of the Americans was attended with less loss than might have been expected, and they carried off" all their cannon and wounded. This was partly owing to the good generalship of Greene, in keeping up a retreat- ing fight Avith the enemy for nearly five miles ; and partly to a check given by Wayne, who turned his cannon upon the enemy from an eminence, near White Marsh Church, and brought them to a stand. The retreat contin- ued through the day to Perkiomen Creek, a dis- tance of twenty miles. The loss of the enemy in this action is stated by them to be seventy-one killed, four hundred and fifteen woimded, and fourteen missing : 420 SUDDEN PANIC AND RETREAT OF THE AMERICANS. [17^77. among the killed was Brigadier-General Ag- new. The American loss was one hundred and fifty killed, five hundred and twenty-one wound- ed, and about four hundred taken prisoners. Among the killed was General Nash of North Carolina. Among the prisoners was Colonel Mathews of Virginia, who commanded a Vir- ginia regiment in the left wing. Most of his officers and men were killed or w^ounded in fighting bravely near the market-house, and he himself received several bayonet wounds. Speaking of Washington's conduct amidst the perplexities of this confused battle, Gen- eral Sullivan writes, " I saw, with great con- cern, our brave commander-in-chief exposing himself to the hottest fire of the enemy, in such a manner, that regard for my country obliged me to ride to him, and beg him to re- tire. He, to gratify me and some others, with- drew to a small distance, but his anxiety for the fate of the day soon brought him up again, where he remained till our troops had re- treated." The sudden retreat of the array gave him surprise, chagrin, and mortification. "Every account," said he subsequently, in a letter to the President of Congress, " confirms the opinion I at first entertained, that our troops retreated at the instant when victory was declaring her- self in our favor. The tumult, disorder, and even despair, which, it seems, had taken place in the British army, were scarcely to be paral- leled ; and it is said, so strongly did the ideas of a retreat prevail, that Chester was fixed on for their rendezvous. I can discover no other cause for not improving this happy opportu- nity, than the extreme haziness of the weather." So also Captain Heth of Virginia, who was in the action. "What makes this inglorious flight more grating to us is, that we know the enemy had orders to retreat, and rendezvous at Chester ; and that upwards of two thousand Hessians had actually crossed the Schuylkill for that purpose ; that the tories were in the ut- most distress, and moving out of the city ; that our friends confined in the new jail made it ring with shouts of joy ; that we passed, in pursuing them, upwards of twenty pieces of cannon, their tents standing filled with their choicest baggage ; in fine, every thing was as we could wish, when the above flight took place." * No one was more annoyed than Wayne. * Letter to Cul. Lamb in the Lamb Papers, N. Y. Hist. Society, and quoted in the Life of Lamb, p. 183. "Fortune smiled on us for full three hours," writes he ; " the enemy were broke, dispersed, and flying in all quarters — we were in posses- sion of their whole encampment, together with their artillery, park, &c., &c. A wind-mill at- tack was made upon a house into which sis light companies had thrown themselves, to avoid 'our bayonets. Our troops were deceived by this attack, thinking it something formidable. They fell back to assist, — the enemy believing it to be a retreat, followed, — confusion ensued, and we ran away from the arms of victory open to receive us." In fact, as has justly been observed, by an experienced ofiicer, the plan of attack was too widely extended for strict concert, and too com- plicated for precise co-operation, as it had to be conducted in the night, and Avith a large pro- portion of undisciplined militia; and yet, a bewildering fog alone appears to have prevented its complete success. But although the Americans were balked of tne victory, wiiich seemed within their grasp, the impression made by the audacity of this attempt upon Germantown, was greater, we are told, than that caused by any single inci- dent of the war after Lexington and Bunker's Hill.* A British military historian, a contemporary, observes : " In this action the Americans acted upon the oflfensive ; and though repulsed with loss, showed themselves a formidable adver- sary, capable of charging with resolution, and retreating with good order. The hope, there- fore, entertained from the efi"ect of any action with them as decisive, and likely to put a speedy termination to the war, was exceedingly abated." t The battle had its effect also in France. The Count De Vergennes observed to the American commissioners in Paris on their first interview^ that nothing struck him so much as General Washington's attacking and giving battle to General Howe's army ; that to bring an army raised within a year to this pass promised every thing. The efltect on the army itself may be judged from letters written at the time by ofiicers to their friends. " Though we gave away a com- plete victory," writes one, " Ave have learnt this valuable truth, that we are able to beat them by vigorous exertion, and that we are far superior in point of swiftness. We are in high * Reed'B Memoirs, vol. i., p. 319. Civil War in America, i. 269. J2r. 45.] WASHINGTON AT WHITE MARSH-THE FORTS ON THE DELAWARE. 42I spirits; every action gives our troops fresh vigor, and a grccater opinion of their own strength. Another bout or two must make the situation of the enemy very disagreeable." * Another writes to his father • " For my own part, I am so fully convinced of the justice of the cause in which we are contending, and that Providence, in its own good time, will succeed and bless it, that, were I to see twelve of the United States overrun by our cruel in- vaders, I should still believe the thirteenth would not only save itself, but also work out the deliverance of the others." t CHAPTER XXIV. Washin-gton remained a few days at Perki- omen Creek, to give his army time to rest, and recover from the disorder incident to a retreat. Having been reinforced by the arrival of twelve hundred Rhode Island troops from Peekskill, under General Varnum, and nearly a thousand Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania troops, he gradually drew nearer to Philadelphia, and took a strong position at White Marsh, within fourteen miles of that city. By a resolution of Congress, all persons taken within thirty miles of any place occupied by British troops, in the act of conveying supplies to them, were sub- jected to martial law. Acting under the reso- lution, Washington detached large bodies of militia to scour the roads above the city, and between the Schuylkill and Chester, to inter- cept all supplies going to the enemy. On the forts and obstructions in the river, Washington mainly counted to complete the harassment of Philadelphia. These defences had been materially impaired. The works at Billingsport had been attacked and destroyed, and some of the enemy's shij)s had forced their way through the chevaux-de-frise placed there. The American frigate Delaware, stationed in the river betwen the upper forts and Philadel- phia, had run aground before a British battery, and been captured. It was now the great object of the Howes to reduce and destroy, and of Washington to de- fend and maintain, the remaining forts and obstructions. Fort Mifflin, which we have al- ready mentioned, was erected on a low, green, * Captain Hoth to Colonel Lamb. t Major Shaw. Memoirs, by Josiah Quincy, p. 41. reedy island in the Delaware, a few miles be- low Philadelphia, and below the mouth of the Schuylkill. It consisted of a strong redoubt, with extensive outworks and batteries. There was but a narrow channel between the island and the Pennsylvania shore. The main chan- nel, practicable for ships, was on the other side. In this were sunk strong chevaux-de-frise, diffi- cult either to be weighed or cut through, and dangerous to any ships that might run against them ; subjected as they would be to the bat- teries of Fort Mifflin on one side, and on the other to those of Fort Mercer, a strong work at Red Bank on the Jersey shore. Fort Mifflin was garrisoned by troops of the Maryland line, under Lieutenant-Colonel Sam- uel Smith of Baltimore ; and had kept up a brave defence against batteries erected by the enemy on the Pennsylvania shore, A rein- forcement of Virginia troops made the garrison between three and four hundred strong. Floating batteries, galleys, and fire-ships, com- manded by Commodore Hazelwood, were sta- tioned under the forts and about the river. Fort Mercer had hitherto been garrisoned by militia, but Washington now replaced them by four hundred of General Varnum's Rhode Isl- and Continentals. Colonel Christopher Greene was put in command ; a brave officer who had accompanied Arnold in his rough expedition to Canada, and fought valiantly under the walls of Quebec. "The post with which you are in- trusted," writes Washingon in his letter of in- structions, "is of the utmost importance to America. The whole defence of the Dela- ware depends upon it; and consequently all the enemy's hopes of keeping Philadelphia, and finally succeeding in the present campaign." Colonel Greene was accompanied by Captain Mauduit Duplessis, who was to have the direc- tion of the artillery. He was a young French engineer of great merit, Avho had volunteered in the American cause, and received a commis- sion from Congress. The chevaux-de-frise in the river had been constructed under his super- intendence. Greene, aided by Duplessis, made all haste to put Fort Mercer in a state of defence ; but before the outworks were completed, he was surprised (October 22) by the appearamje of a large force emerging from a wood within can- non shot of the fort. Their uniforms showed them to be Hessians. They were, in fact, four battalions twelve hundred strong of grenadiers, picked men, beside light-infantry and chasseurs, 423 DEFENCE OF FORT MERCER— DEATH OF COUNT DONOP. [1777. all commanded by Count Donop, who had fig- ured in the last year's campaign. Colonel Greene, in nowise dismayed by the superiority of the enemy, forming in glistening array before the wood, prepared for a stout resistance. In a little while an officer was de- scried, riding slowly up with a flag, accom- panied by a drummer. Greene ordered his men to keep out of sight, that the fort might appear but slightly garrisoned. When within proper distance, the drummer sounded a parley, and the officer summoned the garrison to surrender ; with a threat of no quarter in case of resistance. Greene's reply was, that the post would be defended to the last extremity. The flag rode back and made report. Forth- with the Hessians were seen at work throwing up a battery Avithin half a mile of the outworks. It was finished by four o'clock, and opened a heavy cannonade, under cover of which the enemy were preparing to approach. As the American outworks were but half fin- ished, and were too extensive to be manned by the garrison, it was determined by Greene and Duplessis that the troops should make but a short stand there ; to gall the enem.y in their ai)proach, and then retire within the redoubt, which was defended by a deep intrenchment, boarded and fraised. Donop led on his troops in gallant style, un- der cover of a heavy fire from his battery. They advanced in two columns, to attack the outworks in two places. As they advanced, they were excessively galled by a flanking fire from the American galleys and batteries, and by sharp volleys from the outworks. The lat- ter, however, as had been concerted, were quickly abandoned by the garrison. The en- emy entered at two places, and, imagining the day their own, the two columns pushed on with shouts to storm different parts of the redoubt. As yet, no troops were to be seen ; but as one of the columns approached the redoubt on the north side, a tremendous discharge of grape- shot and musketry burst forth from the em- brasures in front, and a half-masked battery on the left. The slaughter was prodigious ; the column was driven back in confusion. Count Donopy with the other column, in attempting the south side of the redoubt, had passed the abatis ; some of his men had traversed the fosse ; others had clambered over the pickets, when a similar tempest of artillery and musketry burst upon them. Some were killed on the spot, many were wounded, and the rest were driven out. Donop himself was wounded, and remained on the spot ; Lieutenant-Colonel Min- gerode, the second in command, was also dan- gerously wounded. Several other of the best officers were slain or disabled. Lieutenant- Colonel Linsing, the oldest remaining officer, endeavored to draw ofl" the troops in good or- der, but in vain ; they retreated in confusion, hotly pursued, and were again cut up in their retreat by the flanking fire from the galleys and floating batteries. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded in this brief but severe action, was about four hundred men. That of the Americans, eight killed and twenty-nine wounded. As Captain Mauduit Duplessis was traversing the scene of slaughter after the repulse, he was accosted by a voice from among the slain: " Whoever you are, draw me hence." It was the unfortunate Count Donop. Duplessis had him conveyed to a house near the fort, where every attention was paid to his comfort. He languished for three days, during which Du- plessis was continually at his bedside, " This is finishing a noble career early," said the count sadly, as he found his deat:i api roaching— then, as if conscious of the degrading service in which he had fallen, hired out by his prince to aid a foreign power in quelling the brave strug- gle of a people for their liberty, and contrasting it with that in which the chivalrous youth by his bedside was engaged— "I die," added he bitterly, " the victim of my ambition, and of the avarice of my sovereign." * E ^ was but thirty- seven years of age at the time of his death. According to the plan of the enemy, Fort Miflain, opposite to Fort Mercer, was to have been attacked at the same time by water. The force employed was the Augusta of sixty-four guns ; the Roebuck of forty-four, two frigates, the Merlin sloop of eighteen guns, and a galley. They forced their way through the lower line of chevaux-de-frise ; but the Augusta and Mer- lin ran aground below the second line, and every eflTort to get them off proved fruitless. To divert attention from their situation, the other vessels di-ew as hear to Fort Mifllin as they could, and opened a cannonade ; but the obstructions in the river had so altered the channel that they could not get within very eff-ective distance. They kept up a fire upon the fort throughout the evening, and recom- * De Chastellus, vol. i., p. 266. ^T. 45.] DE KALB COMMISSIONED M A JOE-GENERAL— PEESUMPTION OF CONWAY. 433 menced it early in the morning, as did likewise the British batteries on the Pennsylvania shore ; hoping that under cover of it the ships might he got oft. A strohg adverse wind, however, kept the tide from rising sufficiently to float them. The Americans discovered their situation, and sent down four fire-sliips to destroy them, but without effect. A heavy fire was now opened upon them from the galleys and floating batteries. It was warmly returned. In the course of the action, a red-hot shot set the Augusta on fire. It was impossible to check the flames. All haste was made with boats to save the crew, while the other ships drew off as fast as possible to get out of the reach of the explosion. She blew up, however, while the second lieutenant, the chaplain, the gunner, and several of the crew were yet on board, most of whom perished. The Merlin was now set on fire and abandoned ; the Eoebuck and the other vessels dropped down the river, and the attack on Fort Mifllin was given up. These signal repulses of the enemy had an animating efiect on the public mind, and were promptly noticed by Congress. Colonel Greene, who commanded at Fort Mercer, Lieutenant- Colonel Smith of Maryland, who commanded at Fort Mifflyi, and Commodore Hazelwood, who commanded the galleys, received the thanks of that body ; and subsequently, a sword was voted to each, as a testimonial of distin- guished m.frit. CHAPTER XXV. "We have heretofore had occasion to advert to the annoyances and perplexities occasioned to Washington by the claims and pretensions of foreign officers who had entered into the ser- vice. Among the officers who came out with Lafayette, was the Baron Be Kalb, a German by birth, but who had long been employed in the French service, and though a silver-haired veteran, sixty years of age, was yet fresh and active and vigorous ; which some attributed to his being a rigid water drinker. In the month of September, Congress had given him the com- mission of major-general, to date with that of Lafayette. This instantly produced a remonstrance from Brigadier-General Conway, the Gallic Iliber- niau, of whom we have occasionally made men- tion, who considered himself slighted and forgot, in their giving a superior rank to his own to a person who had not rendered the cause the least service, and who had been his inferior in France. He claimed, therefore, for himself, the rank of major-general, and was supported in his pretensions by persons both in and out of Congress; especially by Mifflin, the quarter- master-general. Washington had already been disgusted by the overweening presumption of Conway, and was surprised to hear that his application was likely to be successful. He wrote on the 17th of October, to Eichard Henry Lee, then in Con- gress, warning him that such an appointment would be as unfortunate a measure as ever was adopted— one that would give a fatal blow to the existence of the army. " Upon so interest- ing a subject," observes he, "I must speak plainly. The duty I owe my country, the ardent desire I have to promote its true inter- ests, and justice to individuals, require this of me. General Conway's merit as an officer, and his importance in this army, exist more in his own imagination than in reality. For it is a maxim with him to leave no service of his own untold, nor to want any thing which is to be obtained by importunity. * * * * I would ask why the youngest brigadier in the service should be put over the heads of tlie oldest, and thereby take rank and command of gentlemen who but yesterday were his seniors ; gentlemen who, as I will be bound to say in behalf of some of them at least, are of sound judgment and un- questionable bravery. ****** 'jj^is truth I am well assured of, tliat they will not serve under him. I leave you to guess, there- fore, at the situation tliis army would be in at so important a crisis, if this event should take place." This opposition to his presumptuous aspi- rations, at once threw Conway into a faction forming under the auspices of General Miffiin. This gentleman had recently tendered his resignation of the commission of major-general and quartermaster-general on the plea of ill health, but was busily engaged in intrigues against the commander-in-chief, towards whom he had long cherished a secret hostility. Con- way now joined with him heart and hand, and soon became so active and prominent a member of the faction that it acquired the name of Gomcay^s Cabal. The object was to depreciate the military character of Washington, in com- parison with that of Gates, to whom was at- 424 THE CONWAY CABAL— WILKINSON BEAKER OF DESPATCHES. IHI'J. tributed the whole success of the Northern campaign. Gates was perfectly ready for such an elevation. He was intoxicated by his good fortune, and seemed to forget that he had reaped where he had not sown, and that the defeat of Burgoyne had been insured by plans concerted and put in operation before his arri- val in the Northern Department. In fact, in the excitement of his vanity, ' Gates appears to have forgotten that there was a commander-in-chief, to whom he was account- able. He neglected to send him any despatch on the subject of the surrender of Burgoyne, contenting himself with sending one to Con- gress, then sitting at Yorktown. Washington was left to hear of the important event by casual rumor, and was for several days in anx- ious uncertainty, until he received a copy of the capitulation in a letter from General Putnam. Gates was equally neglectful to inform him of the disposition he intended to make of the army under his command. He delayed even to forward Morgan's rifle corps, though their services were no longer needed in his camp, and were so much required in the South It was determined, therefore, in a council of war, that one of Washington's staff should be sent to Gates to represent the critical state of affairs, and that a large reinforcement from the North- ern army would, in all probability, reduce Gen- eral Howe to the same situation with Bur- goyne, should he remain in Philadelphia, with- out being able to remove the obstructions in the Delaware, and open a free communication with his shipping. Colonel Alexander Hamilton, his youthful but intelligent aide-de-camp, was charged with this mission. He bore a letter from Washing- ton to Gates, dated October 30th, of which the following is an extract: " By this opportunity, I do myself tlie pleas- ure to congratulate you on the signal success of the army under your command, in compel- ling General Burgoyne and his whole force to surrender themselves prisoners of war ; an event that does tlie highest honor to the American arms, and which, I hope, will be at- tended with the most extensive and happy consequences. At the same time, I cannot but regret that a matter of such magnitude, and so interesting to our general oj)erations, should have reached me by report only ; or through the channel of letters not bearing tliat authen- ticity which the importance of it required, and which it would have received by a line under your signature stating the simple fact." Such was the calm and dignified notice of an instance of official disrespect, almost amounting to insubordination. It is doubtful whether Gates, in his state of mental effervescence, felt the noble severity of tlie rebuke The officer whom Gates had employed as bearer of his despatch to Congress was Wilkin- son, his adjutant-general and devoted syco- phant : a man at once pompous and servile. He was so long on the road that the articles of the treaty, according to his own account, reached the grand army before he did the Con- gress. Even after his arrival at Yorktown he required three days to arrange his papers, pre- paring to deliver them in style. At length, eighteen days after the surrender of Burgoyne had taken place, he formally laid the docu- ments concerning it before Congress, preluding them with a message in the name of Gates, but prepared the day before by himself, and follow- ing them up by comments, explanatory and eulogistic, of his own He evidently expectea to produce a great effect by this rhetorical display, and to be sig- nally rewarded for his good tidings, but Con- gress were as slow in expressing their sense of his services, as he had been in rendering -them. He swelled and chafed under this neglect, but affected to despise it. In a letter to his patron, Gates, he observes : " I have not been honored with any mark of distinction from Congress. Indeed, should I receive no testimony of their approbation of my conduct, I shall not be mor- tified. My hearty contempt of the world will shield me from such pitiful sensations." * A proposal was at length made in Congress that a sword should be voted to him as the bearer of such auspicious tidings : upon which Dr. Witherspoon, a shrewd Scot, exclaimed, "I think ye'll better gie the lad ajyair of spurs." A few days put an end to Wilkinson's sus- pense, and probably reconciled him to the world ; he was breveted a brigadier-general. A fortuitous circumstance, which we shall explain hereafter, apprised Washington about this time that a correspondence, derogatory to his military character and conduct, was going on between General Conway and General Gates. It was a parallel case with Lee's cor- respondence of the preceding year ; and Wash- in2rton conducted himself in it with the same * Gates's Papers, N. Y. Hist. Librarj- t Life of Lord StirUng, by W. A. Duer, p. 182. Mt. 45.] THE CONWAY LETTER— WASHINGTON'S APOLOGY FOR HIS ARMY. 425 dignified forbearance, contenting himself with letting Conway know, by the following brief note, dated November 9th, that his correspond- ence was detected. " SiE — A letter which I received last night contained the following paragraph — ' In a letter from General Conway to General Gates, he says, '■'■Heaven has determined to save your country^ or a wealc general and had counsellors would have ruined it.'''' ' " I am, sir, your humble servant, " Geokge Washington." The brevity of this note rendered it the more astounding. It was a hand-grenade thrown into the midst of the cabal. The effect upon other members we shall show hereafter : it seems, at first, to have prostrated Conway. An epistle of his friend Mifflin to Gates inti- mates, that Conway endeavored to palliate to Washington the censoi-ious expressions in his letter, by pleading the careless freedom of lan- guage indulged in familiar letter writing; no other record of such explanation remains, and that probably was not received as satisfactory. Certain it is, he immediately sent in his resig- nation. To some he alleged, as an excuse for resigning, the disparaging way in which he had been spoken of by some members of Congress ; to others he observed, that the campaign was at an end, and there was a prospect of a French war. The real reason he kept to him- self, and Washington suffered it to remain a secret. His resignation, however, was not ac- cepted by Congress ; on the contrary, he was supported by the cabal, and was advanced to further honors, which we shall specify here- after. In the mean time, the cabal went on to make invidious comparisons between the achieve- ments of the two armies, deeply derogatory to that under Washington. Publicly, he took no notice of them ; but they drew from him the fol- lowing apology for his army, in a noble and characteristic letter to his friend, the celebrated Patrick Henry, then governor of Virginia. " The design of this," writes he, " is only to in- form you, and with great truth I can do it, strange as it may seem, that the army which I have had under my immediate command, has not, at any one time, since General Howe's landing at the head of Elk, been equal in point of numbers to his. In ascertaining this, I do not confine myself to Continental troops, but comprehend militia. The disaffected and luke- warm in this State, in whom unhappily it too much abounds, taking advantage of the dis- traction in the government, prevented those vigorous exertions which an invaded State ought to have yielded. ***** j ^r^^, left to fight two battles, in order, if possible, to save Philadelphia, with less numbers than com- posed the army of my antagonist, whilst the world has given us at least double. This im- pression, though mortifying in some points of view, I have been obliged to encourage; be- cause, next to being strong, it is best to be thought so by the enemy ; and to this cause, principally, I think is to be attributed the slow movements of General Howe. "How diflerent the case in the Northern Department ! There the States of New York and New England, resolving to crush Burgoyne, continued pouring in their troops, till the sur- render of that army ; at wliich time not less than fourteen thousand militia, as I have been informed, were actually in General Gates's camp, and those composed, for the most part, of the best yeomanry of the country, well armed, and in many instances supplied with provisions of their own carrying. Had the same spirit pervaded the people of this and the neighboring States, we might before this time have had General Howe nearly in the situation of General Burgoyne. ***** " My own difficulties, in the course of the campaign, have been not a little increased by the extra aid of Continental troops, which the gloomy prospect of our affairs in the North im- mediately after the reduction of Ticonderoga, induced me to spare from this army. But it is to be hoped that all will yet end well. If THE CAUSE IS ADVANCED, INDIFFERENT IS IT TO ME WHERE OR IN WHAT QUARTER IT HAPPENS." We have put the last sentence in capitals, for it speaks the whole soul of Washington. Glory with him is a secondary consideration. Let those who win, wear the laurel — sufficient for him is the advancement of the cause. NOTE. We subjoin an earnest appeal of Washington to Thomas Wharton, President of Pennsylvania, on the 17th of October, urging him to keep up the quota of troops demanded of the State by Congress, and to fur- nish additional aid. " I assure you, sir," writes he, "it is a matter of astonishment to every part of the continent to hear that Pennsylvania, the most opulent and populous of all the States, has but twelve hundred militia in the field, at a time when the enemy are en- deavoring to make themselves completely masters of, 426 FOKT MIFFLIN ATTACKED AND BRAVELY DEFENDED. [1111. and to fix their quarters in, her capital." And Major- General Armstrong, commanding the Pennsylvania militia, writes at the same time to the Council of his State : — " Be not deceived with wrong notions of Gen- eral Washington's numbers ; be assured he wants your aid. Let the brave step forth, their example will animate the many. You all speak well of our com- mander-in-chief at a distance ; don't you want to see him, and pay him one generous, one martial visit, when kindly invited to his camp near the end of a long campaign ? There you will see for yourselves the unremitting zeal and toils of all the day and half the night, multiplied into years, without seeing house or home of his own, without murmur or complaint ; but believes and calls this arduous task the service of his country and of his God." CHAPTER XXVI. The non-arrival of reinforcements from the Northern army continued to embarrass Wash- ington's operations. The enemy were making preparations for further attempts upon Forts Mercer and Mifflin. General Howe was con- structing redoubts and batteries on Province Island, on the west side of the Delaware, within five hundred yards of Fort Mifflin, and mounting them with heavy cannon. Washington consult- ed with his general officers what was to be done. Had the army received the expected reinforce- ments from the North, it miglit have detached sufficient force to the west side of the Schuylkill to dislodge the enemy from Province Island ; but at present it would require almost the whole of the army for the purpose. This would leave the public stores at Easton, Bethlehem, and Allen- town, uncovered, as well as several of the hos- pitals. It would also leave the post at R»d Bank unsupported, through which Fort Mifflin was reinforced and supplied. It was deter- mined, therefore, to await the arrival of the expected reinforcements from the North, before making any alteration in the disposition of the army. In the mean time, the garrisons of Forts Mercer and Mifflin were increased, and General Varnum was stationed at Red Bank with his brigade, to be at hand to render reinforcements to either of them as occasion might require. On the 10th of November, General Howe commenced a heavy fire upon Fort Mifflin from his batteries, which mounted eighteen, twenty- four, and thirty-two pounders. Colonel Smith doubted the competency of his feeble garrison to defend the works against a force so terribly effective, and wrote to Washington accordingly. The latter in reply represented ihe great im- portance of the works, and trusted*they would be maintained to the last extremity. General Varnum was instructed to send over fresh troops occasionally to relieve those in the garrison, and to prevail upon as many as possible of the militia to go over. The latter could be employed at night upon the works to repair the damage sustained in the day, and might, if they desired it, return to Pied Bank in the morning. Washington's orders and instructions were faithfully obeyed [Major Fleury, a brave French officer, already mentioned, acquitted himself with intelligence and spirit as engineer ; but an incessant cannonade and bombardment for several days, defied all repairs. The block- houses were demolished, the palisades beaten down, the guns dismounted, the barracks re- duced to ruins. Captain Treat, a young officer of great merit, who commanded the artillery, was killed, as were several non-commissioned offi- cers and privates ; and a number were wounded. The survivors, who were not wounded, were exhausted by want of sleep, hard duty, and constant exposure to the rain. Colonel Smith himself was disabled by severe contusions, and obliged to retire to Red Bank. The fort was in ruins ; there was danger of its being carried by storm, but the gallant Fleury thought it might yet be defended with the aid of fresh troops. Such were furnished from Varnum's brigade : Lieutenant-Colonel Russell, of the Connecticut line, replaced Colonel Smith. He, in his turn, was obliged to relinquish the command through fatigue and ill health, and was succeeded by Major Thayer of Rhode Island, aided by Captain (afterwards Commo- dore) Talbot, who had distinguished himself in the preceding year by an attack on a ship-of- war in the Hudson. The present was an occa- sion that required men of desperate valor. On the fourth day the enemy brought a large Indiaman, cut down to a floating battery, to bear upon the works ; but though it opened a terrible fire, it was silenced before night. The next day several ships-of-war got within gun- shot. Two prepared to attack it in front, others brought their guns to bear on Fort Mercer ; while two made their way into the narrow channel between Mud Island and the Pennsylvania shore, to operate with the British batteries erected there. At a concerted signal a cannonade was opened from all quarters. The heroic little garrison stood the fire without flinching ; the danger, ^T. 45.] FORT MIFFLIN REDUCED— MISSION OF HAMILTON TO GATES. 427 however, was growing imminent. The bat- teries on Province Island enfiladed the works. The ships in the inner channel approached so near as to throw hand-grenades into the fort, while marines stationed in the round-tops stood ready to pick off any of the garrison that came in sight. The scene now became awful ; incessant fir- ing from ships, forts, gondolas, and floating batteries, with clouds of sulphui'ous smoke, and the deafening thunder of cannon. Before night there was hardly a fortification to defend ; palisades were shivered, guns dismounted, the whole parapet levelled. There was terrible slaughter ; most of the company of artillery were destroyed. Fleury himself was wounded. Captain Talbot received a wound in the wrist, but continued bravely fighting imtil disabled by another wound in the hip.* To hold out longer was impossible. Colonel Thayer made preparations to evacuate the fort in the night. Every thing was removed in the evening, that could be conveyed away without too much exposure to the murderous fire from the round-tops. The wounded were taken over to Eed Bank accompanied by part of the garri- son. Thayer remained with forty men until eleven o'clock, when they set fire to what was combustible of the fort they had so nobly de- fended, and crossed to Red Bank by the light of its fl-ames. The loss of this fort was deeply regretted by Washington, though he gave high praise to the officers and men of the garrison. Colonel Smith Avas voted a sword by Congress, and Fleury received the commission of lieutenant- colonel. Washington still hoped to keep possession of Red Bank, and thereby prevent the enemy from weighing the chevaux-de-frise before the frost obliged their ships to quit the river. " I am anxiously waiting the arrival of the troops from the northward," writes he, " who ought, from the time they had my orders, to have been here before this. Colonel Hamilton, one of my aides, is up the North River, doing all he can to p\ash them forward, but he writes me word, that he finds many unaccountable delays thrown in his way. The want of these troops has embarrassed all my measures exceedingly." The delays in question will best be explained by a few particulars concerning the mission of Colonel Hamilton. On his way to the head- Life of Talbot, by Ilenry T. Tuckerman, p. 31. quarters of Gates, at Albany, he found Gov- ernor Clinton and General Putnam encamped on the opposite sides of the Hudson, just above the Highlands ; the governor at New Windsor, Putnam at Fishkill. About a mile from Nifew Windsor, Hamilton met Morgan and his rifle- men, early in the morning of the 2d of Novem- ber on the march for Washington's camp, having been thus tardily detached by Gates. Hamil- ton urged him to hasten on with all possible despatch, which he promised to do. The col- onel had expected to find matters in such a train, that he would have little to do but hurry on ample reinforcements already on the march ; whereas, he found that a large part of the Northern army was to remain in and about Albany, about four thousand men to be spared to the commander-in-chief; the rest were to be stationed on the east side of the Hudson with Putnam, who had held a council of war how to dispose of them. The old general, in fact, had for some time past been haunted by a pro- ject of an attack upon New York, in which he had twice been thwarted, and for which the time seemed propitious, now that most of the British troops were reported to have gone from New York to reinforce General Howe. Hamil- ton rather disconcerted his project, by directing him, in Washington's name, to hurry forward two Continental brigades to the latter, together with Warner's militia brigade ; also, to order to Red Bank a body of Jersey militia about to cross to Peckskill. Having given these directions, Hamilton hastened on to Albany. He found still less disposition on the part of Gates to furnish the troops required. There was no certainty, he said, that Sir Henry Clinton had gone to join General Howe. There was a possibility of his returning up the river, which would expose the arsenal at Albany to destruction, should that city be left bare of troops. The New England States, too, would be left open to the ravages and depredations of the enemy ; be- side, it would put it out of his power to attempt any thing against Ticondcroga, an undertaking of great importance in which he miglit engage in the winter. In a word, Gates had schemes of his own, to which those of the commander- in-chief must give way. Hamilton felt, he says, how embarrassing a task it was for one so young as himself to op- pose the opinions and plans of a veteran, whose successes had elevated him to the highest im- portance ; though he considered his reasonings 428 HAMILTON VISITS THE CAMPS OF GOVERNOR CLINTON AND PUTNAM. [1111. tinsubstantial, and merely calculated to " catch the Eastern people." It was with the greatest diflBculty he prevailed on Gates to detach the brigades of Poor and Patterson to the aid of the commander-in-chief; and, finding reinforce- ments fall thus short from this quarter, he wrote to Putnam to forward an additional thousand of Continental troops from his camp. " I doubt," writes he subsequently to "Washing- ton, " whether you would have had a man from the Northern army if the whole could have been kept at Albany with any decency." Having concluded his mission to Genei'al Gates, Hamilton returned to the camp of Gov- ernor Clinton. The worthy governor seemed the general officer best disposed in this quarter to promote the public weal, independ- ent of personal considerations. He had re- cently expressed his opinion to General Gates, that the army under "Washington ought at present to be the chief object of attention, " for on its success every thing worth regarding de- pended." The only need of troops in this quarter at present was to protect the country from little plundering parties, and to carry on the works necessary for the defence of the river. The latter was the governor's main thought. He was eager to reconstruct the fortresses out of which he had been so forcibly ejected ; or rather to construct new ones in a better place about "West Point, where obstructions were again to be extended across the river.* Putnam, on the contrary, wished to keep as much force as possible under his control. The old general was once more astride of what Hamilton termed his " hobby-horse," an expe- dition against New York. He had neglected to forward the troops which had been ordered to the South : not the least attention had been paid by him to Hamilton's order from Albany, in Washington's name, for the detachment of an additional thousand of troops. Some, which had come dowij from Albany, had been marched by him to Tarrytown : he himself had recon- noitred the country almost down to King's Bridge, and was now advanced to the neigh- borhood of "White Plains. "Every thing," * Governor Clinton and myself have been down to\-iew the fortB, and are both of opinion that a boom, thrown across at Fort Constitution, and a battery on each 8ide of the river, would answer a much better purpose than at Fort Montgomery-, as the garrison would be reinforced by militia with more expedition, and the ground much more definable (defcndablc ?).— Putnam to Washington, 7th No- vember, ITil. Sparks^ Cor. of the Rev., ii. 30. writes Hamilton, •" is sacrificed to the whim of taking New York." The young colonel was perplexed how to proceed with the brave- hearted, but somewhat wrong-headed old gen- eral ; who was in as bellicose a mood now that he was mounted on his hobby, as when at the siege of Boston he mounted the prize mortar " Congress," and prayed for gunpowder. Hamilton, in his perplexity, consulted Gov- ernor Clinton. The latter agreed with him that an attempt against New York would be a mere " suicidal parade," wasting time and men. The city at present was no object, even if it could be taken, and to take it would require men that could ill be spared from more sub- stantial purposes. The governor, however, understood the character and humors of his old coadjutor, and in his downright way, ad- vised Hamilton to send an order in the most empluitical terms to General Putnam, to de- spatch all the Continental troops under him to "^"ashington's assi.-tance, and to detain the mili- tia instead of them. A little of the governor's own hobby, by the way, showed itself in his councils. " He thinks," writes Hamilton, " that there is no need of more Continental troops here than a few, to give a spur to the militia in working upon the fortifications." The " emphatical " letter of Hamilton had the effect the governor intended. It unhorsed the belligerent veteran when in full career. The project against New York was again given up, and the reinforcements reluctantly ordered to the South. " I am sorry to say," writes Hamilton, " the disposition for marching in the officers, and men in general, of these troops, does not keep pace with my wishes, or the exigency of the occasion. They have unfortu- nately imbibed an idea that they have done their part of the business of the campaign, and are now entitled to repose. This, and the want of pay, make them adverse to a long march at this advanced season." Governor Clinton borrowed six thousand dollars for Hamilton, to enable him to put some of the troops in motion ; indeed, writes the colond, he has been the only man who has done any thing to remove these difficulties. Hamilton advised that the command of the post should be given to the governor, if he would accept of it, and Putnam should be recalled ; " whose blimders and caprices," said he, " are endless." "Washington, however, knew too well the Mt. 45.] INTRIGUES OF THE CABAL— THE WORKS AT RED BANK DESTROYED. 429 innate worth and sterling patriotism of the old general, to adopt a measure that might deeply mortify him. The enterprise, too, on which the veteran had been bent, was one which he him- self had appx'oved of when suggested under other circumstances. He contented himself, therefore, with giving him a reprimand in the course of a letter, for his present dilatoriness in obeying the orders of his commander-in- chief. " I cannot but say," writes he, " there has been more delay in the march of the troops than I think necessary ; and I could wish, that in future my orders may be immediately com- plied with, without arguing upon the propriety of them. If any accident ensues from obeying them, the fault wiU be upon me, not upon you." Washington found it more necessary than usual, at this moment, to assert his superior command, from the attempts which were being made to weaken his stand in the public estima- tion. Still he was not aware of the extent of the intrigues that were in progress around him, in which we believe honest Putnam had no share. There was evidently a similar game going on with that which had displaced the worthy Schuyler. The surrender of Burgoyne, though mainly the result of Washington's far- seeing plans, had suddenly trumped up Gates into a quasi rival. A letter written to Gates at the time, and still existing among his papers, lays open the spirit of the cabal. It is without signature, but in the handwriting of James Lovell, member of Congress from Massachu- setts ; the same who had supported Gates in opposition to Schuyler. The following are ex- tracts : " You have saved our Northern Hem- isphere ; and in spite of consummate and repeated blundering you have changed the con- dition of the Southern campaign, on the part of the enemy, from offensive to defensive. * * The campaign here must soon close ; if our troops are obliged to retire to Lancaster, Read- ing, Bethlehem, &c., for winter-quarters, and the country below is laid open to the enemy's flying parties, great and very general will be the murmur — so great, so general, that nothing inferior to a commander-in-cliief will be able to resist the mighty torrent of public clamor and public vengeance. " We have had a noble army melted down by ill-judged marches — marches tliat disgrace the authors and directors, and which have oc- casioned the severest and most just sarcasm and contempt of our enemies. " How much are you to be envied, my dear general ! How different your conduct and your fortune ! " A letter from Colonel Mifflin, received at the writing of the last paragraph, gives me the disagreeable inteUigence of the loss of our fort on the Delaware. You must know the conse- quences — loss of the river boats, galleys, ships- of-war, &c. ; good winter-quarters to the ene- my, and a general retreat, or ill-judged, blind attempt on our part to save a gone character. " Conway, Spotswood, Conner, Eoss, and Mifflin resigned, and many other brave and good officers are preparing their letters to Con- gress on the same subject. In short, this army will be totally lost, unless you come down and collect the virtuous band who wish to fight under your banner, and with their aid save the Southern Hemisphere. Prepare yourself for a jaunt to this place — Congress must send for you." * Under such baleful supervision, of which, as we have observed, he was partly conscious, but not to its full extent, Washington was obliged to carry on a losing game, in which the very elements seemed to conspire against him. In the mean time. Sir William Howe was following up the reduction of Fort Mifflin by an expedition against Fort Mercer, which still impeded the navigation of the Delaware. On the 17th of November, Lord Cornwallis was detached with two thousand men to cross from Chester into the Jerseys, where he would be joined by a force advancing from New York. Apprised of this movement, Washington de- tached General Huntington, with a brigade, to join Varnum at Red Bank. General Greene was also ordered to repair thither with his division, and an express was sent off to General Glover, who was on his way through the Jerseys with his brigade, directing him to file off to the left towards the same point. These troops, with such militia as could be collected, Washington hoped would be sufficient to save the fort. Before they could form a junction, however, and reach their destination, CornwaUis appeared before it. A defence against such superior force was hopeless. The works were aban- doned ; they were taken possession of by the enemy, who proceeded to destroy them. After the destruction had been accomplished, the reinforcements from the North, so long and so anxiously expected, and so shamefully delayed, * Gates's Papers, N. Y. Hist. Soo. Lib. 430 PROPOSED ATTACK ON PHILADELPHIA— REED AT HEAD-QUARTERS. [1777. made their appearance. " Had they arrived but ten days sooner," writes "Washington to his brother, " it would, I think, have put it in my power to save Fort Mifflin, which defended the chevaux-de-frise, and consequently have ren- dered Philadelphia a very ineligible situation for the enemy this winter." The troops arrived in ragged plight, owing to the derangement of the commissariat. A part of Morgan's rifle corps was absolutely un- able to take the field for want of shoes, and such was the prevalent want in this particu- lar, that ten doUai's reward was offered in gen- eral orders for a model of the best substitute for shoes that could be made out of raw hides. The evil which Washington had so anxiously striven to prevent had now been effected. The American vessels stationed in the river had lost all protection. Some of the galleys escaped past the batteries of Philadelphia in a fog and took refuge in the upper part of the Delaware ; the rest were set on fire by their crews and abandoned The enemy were now m possession of tlie river, but it was too late in the season to clear away the obstructions, and open a passage for the large ships. All that could be efiected at present, was to open a suflicient channel for transports and vessels of easy burden to bring provisions and supplies for the army. "Washington advised the navy board, now that the enemy had the command of the river, to have all the American frigates scuttled and sunk immediately. The board objected to sinking them, but said they should be ballasted and plugged, ready to be sunk in case of attack. "Washington warned them that an attack would be sudden so as to get possession of them be- fore they could be sunk or destroyed ; — his advise and warning were unheeded ; the con- sequence will hereafter be shown. CnAPTEPv XXYII. On the evening of the 24th of November "Washington reconnoitred, carefully and thought- fully, the lines and defences about Philadelphia, from the opposite side of the Schuylkill. His army was now considerably reinforced ; the garrison was weakened by the absence of a large body of troops under Lord Oornwallis in the Jerseys. Some of the general officers thought this an advantageous moment for an attack npon the city. Such was the opinion of Lord Stirling ; and especially of General "Wayne, Mad Anthony, as he was familiarly called, always eager for some daring enterprise. The recent victory at Saratoga had dazzled the public mind, and produced a general impatience for something equally striking and effective in this quarter, Keed, "Washington's former secre- tary, now a brigadier-general, shared largely in this feeling. He had written a letter to Gates, congratulating him on having "reduced his proud and insolent enemy to the necessity of laying his arms at his feet; " assuring him that it would " enroll his name witli the happy few who shine in history, not as conquerors, but as distinguished generals. I have for some time," adds he, " volunteered with this army, which, notwithstanding the labors and efforts of its amiable chief, has yet gathered no laurels." * Keed was actually at head-quarters as a volunteer, again enjoying much of "Washing- ton's confidence, and anxious that he should do something to meet the public wishes. "Wash- ington was aware of this prevalent feeling, and that it was much wrought on by the intrigues of designing men, and by the sarcasms of the press. He was now reconnoitring the enemy's works to judge of the policy of the proposed attack. " A vigorous exertion is under con- sideration," writes Reed ; " God grant it may be successful ! " t Every thing in the neighborhood of the enemy's lines bore traces of the desolating hand of war. Several houses, owned probably by noted patriots, had been demolished ; others burnt. Villas stood roofless ; their doors and windows, and all the woodwork, had been carried off to make huts for the soldiery. Notliing but bare walls remained. Gardens had been trampled down and destroyed ; not a fence nor fruit-tree was to be seen. The gathering gloom of a November evening height- ened the sadness of this desolation. "With an anxious eye "Washington scrutinized the enemy's works. They appeared to be ex- ceeding strong. A chain of redoubts extended along the most commanding ground from the Schuylkill to the Delaware. They were framed, planked, and of great thickness, and were sur- rounded by a deep ditch, enclosed and fraised. The intervals were filled with an abatis, in constructing which all the apple trees of the ♦ Reed to Gates. Gates's Tapers, t Reed to President Wharton. ^T. 45.] THE ENEMY'S WORKS RECONNOITRED— EXPLOIT OF LAFAYETTE. 431 neighborhood, beside forest trees, had been sacrificed.* The idea of Lord Stirling and those in favor of an attack, was, that it should be at difterent points at daylight ; the main body to attack the lines to the north of the city, while Greene, embarking his men in boats at Dunk's -Ferry, and passing down the Delaware, and Potter, with a body of Continentals and militia, mov- ing down the west side of the Schuylkill, should attack the eastern and western fronts, Washington saw that there was an oppor- tunity for a brilliant blow, that might satisfy the impatience of the public, and silence the sarcasms of the press ; but he saw that it must be struck at the expense of a fearful loss of life. Returning to camp, he held a council of war of his principal officers, in which the matter was debated at great length and with some warmth ; but without coming to a decision. At bi-eaking up, Washington requested that each member of the council would give his opinion the next morning in writing, and he sent off a messenger in the night for the written opinion of General Greene. Only four members of the council, Stirling, "Wayne, Scott, and Woodford, were in favor of an attack ; of which Lord Stirling drew up the plan. Eleven (including Greene) were against it, objecting, among other things, that the enemy's lines were too sti'ong and too well supported, and their force too numerous, well disciplined and experienced, to be assailed without great loss and the hazard of a failure. Had Washington been actuated by mere per- sonal ambition and a passion for military fame, or had he yielded to the goadings of faction and the press, he might have disregarded the loss and hazarded the failure ; but his patriot- ism was superior to his ambition ; he shrank from a glory that must be achieved at such a cost, and the idea of an attack was abandoned. General Keed, in a letter to Thomas Whar- ton, president of Pennsylvania, endeavors to prevent the cavilling of that functionary and his co-legislators ; who, though they had rendered very slender assistance in the campaign, were extremely urgent for some striking achieve- ment. " From my own feelings," writes he, "I can easily judge of yours and the gentlemen round, at the seeming inactivity of this army for so long a time. I know it is peculiarly * Life and Cor. of Reed, vol. i., p. 34L irksome to the general, whose own judgment led to more vigorous measures ; but there has been so great a majority of his officers opposed to every enterprising plan, as fully justifies his conduct." At the same time Reed confesses that he himself concurs with the great major- ity, who deemed an attack upon Philadelphia too hazardous. A letter from General Greene received about this time, gave Washington some gratifying in- telligence about his youthful friend, the Mar- quis de Lafayette. Though not quite recovered from the wound received at the battle of Brandywine, he had accompanied General Greene as a volunteer in his expedition into the Jerseys, and had been indulged by him with an opportunity of gratifying his belliger- ent humor, in a brush with Cornwallis's out- posts, " The marquis," writes Greene, " with about four hundred militia and the rifle corps, attacked the enemy's picket last evening, killed about twenty, wounded many more, and took about twenty prisoners. The marquis is charmed with the spirited behavior of the militia and rifle corps ; they drove the enemy above half a mile, and kept the ground until (3ark. The enemy's picket consisted of about three hundred, and were reinforced during the skirmish. The marquis is determined to be in the way of danger." "^ Lafayette himself, at the request of Greene, wrote an animated yet modest account of the affair to Washington. "I wish," observes he, " that this little success of ours may please you ; though a very trifling one, I find it very interesting on account of the behavior of our soldiers." f Washington had repeatedly written to Con- gress in favor of giving the marquis a com- mand equal to his nominal rank, in considera- tion of his illustrious and important connec- tions, the attachment he manifested to the cause, and the discretion and good sense he had displayed on various occasions. " I am con- vinced," said he, " he possesses a large share of that military ardor which generally charac- terizes the nobility of his country. Washington availed himself of the present occasion to support his former recommenda- tions, by ti'ansmitting to Congress an account of Lafayette's youthful exploit. He received, in return, an intimation from that body, that it was their pleasure he should appoint the mar- * Washington's Writings. Sparks, vol. v., p. 171. t Memoirs of Lafayette, vol. i., p. 122, 432 MODIFICATION OF THE BOARD OF WAR— EVOLUTIONS AND SKIRMISHES. [1111. qnis to the command of a division in the Con- tinental army. The division of General Stephen at this time was vacant ; that veteran officer, who had formerly won honor for himself in the French war, having been dismissed for misconduct at the battle of Germantown, the result of intemperate habits, into which he un- fortunately had fallen. Lafayette was forthwith appointed to the command of that division. At this juncture (November 27th), a modi- fication took place in the Board of War, indica- tive of the influence which was operating in Congress. It was increased from three to five members : General Mifflin, Joseph Trumbull, Eichard Peters, Colonel Pickering, and last, though certainly not least. General Gates. Mifflin's resignation of the commission of quar- termaster-general had recently been accepted ; but that of major-general was continued to him, though without pay. General Gates was appointed president of the board, and the Presi- dent of Congress was instructed to express to him, in communicating the intelligence, the high sense which that body entertained of his abilities, and peculiar fitness to discharge the duties of that important office, upon the right execution of which the success of the Amcrr- can cause so eminently depended ; and to in- form him it was their intention to continue his rank as major-general, and that he might offi- ciate at the board or in the field, as occasion might require ; furthermore, that he should re- pair to Congress with all convenient despatch, to enter upon the duties of his appointment. It was evidently the idea of the cabal that Gates was henceforth to be the master spirit of the war. Ilis friend Lovcll, chairman of the committee of foreign relations, writes to him on the same day to urge him on. " We want you at difi'erent places ; but vre want you most near Germantown, Good God ! What a situation we are in ; how diff'erent from what might have been justly expected ! You will be astonished when you know accurately what numbers have at one time and another been collected near Philadelphia, to wear out stockings, shoes, and breeches. Depend upon it, for every ten soldiers plOiCed under the com- mand of our Fabius, five recruits will be wanted annually during the war. The brave fellows at Fort Mifflin and Red Bank have despaired of succor, and been obliged to quit. The naval departments have fallen into circumstances of seeming disgrace. Come to the Board of War, if only for a short season. * * * * jf it was not for the defeat of Burgoyne, and the strong appearances of a European war, our afii'airs are Fabiused. into a very disagreeable posture." * While busy faction Avas thus at work, both in and out of Congress, to undermine the fame and authority of Washington, General Howe, according to his own thi-eat, was preparing to " drive him beyond the mountains." On the 4th of December, Captain Allen Mc- Lane, a vigilant officer already mentioned, of the Maryland line, brought word to head-quar- ters, that an attack was to be made that very night on the camp at White Marsh. Washing- ton made his dispositions to receive the medi- tated assault, and, in the mean time, detached McLane with one hundred men to reconnoitre. The latter met the van of the enemy about eleven o'clock at night, on the Germantown Road ; attacked it at the Three Mile Run, forced it to change its line of march, and hov- ered about and impeded it throughout the night. About three o'clock in the morning the alarm-gun announced the approach of the enemy. They appeared at daybreak, and en- camped on Chestnut Hill, within three miles of Washington's right wing. Brigadier-Gen- eral James Irvine, with six hundred of the Pennsylvania militia, was sent out to skirmish with their light advanced parties. He encoun- tered them at the foot of the hill, but after a short conflict, in which several were killed and wounded, his troops gave way and fled in all directions, leaving him and four or five of his men wounded on the field, who were taken prisoners. General Howe passed the day in reconnoi- tring, and at night changed his ground, and moved to a hill on the left, and within a mile of the American line. It was his wish to liave a general action ; but to have it on advanta- geous terms. He had scrutinized Washington's position and pronounced it inaccessible. For three days he manoeuvred to draw him from it, shifting his own position occasionally, but still keeping on advantageous ground. Wash- ington was not to be decoyed. He knew the vast advantages which superior science, disci- pline, and experience, gave the enemy in open field fight, and remained within his lines. All his best officers approved of his policy. Sev- eral sharp skirmishes cfccurred at Edge Hill and elsewhere, in which Morgan's riflemen and the * Gates's Tapers, N. Y. Hist. Soc. L JEr. 45.] PROMOTION OF CONWAY— CONSULTATION ABOUT WINTER-QUARTERS. 433 Maryland militia were concerned. There was loss on both sides, but the Americans gave way before a great superiority of numbers. In one of these skirmishes General Eeed had a narrow escape. He was reconnoitring the enemy at Washington's request, when he fell in with some of the Pennsylvania militia who had been scattered, and endeavored to rally and lead them forward. His horse was shot through the head, and came with him to the ground ; the enemy's flankers were running to bayonet him, as he was recovering from his fall, when Captain Allen McLane came up in time with his men to drive them oif and rescue him. He was conveyed from the field by a light-horseman.* On the 7th there was every appearance that Howe meditated an attack on the left wing, Washington's heart now beat high, and he pre- pared for a warm and decisive action. In the course of the day he rode through every bri- gade, giving directions how the attack was to be met, and exhorting his troops to depend mainly on the bayonet. His men were inspir- ited by his words, but still more by his looks, so calm and determined ; for the soldier re- gards the demeanor more than the words of his general in the hour of peril. The day wore away with nothing but skir- mishes, in which Morgan's riflemen, and the Maryland militia under Colonel Gist, rendered good service. An attack was expected in the night, or early in the morning ; but no attack took place. The spirit manifested by the Americans in their recent contests, had ren- dered the British commanders cautious. The nest day, in the afternoon, the enemy were again in motion ; but instead of advanc- ing, filed off to the left, halted, and lit up a long string of fires on the heights ; behind which they retreated, silently and precipitately, in the night. By the time Washington re- ceived intelligence of their movement, they were in full march by two or three routes for Philadelphia. He immediately detached light parties to fall upon their rear, but they were too far on the way for any but light-horse to overtake them. An intelligent observer writes to President Wharton from the camp : "As all their move- ments, added to their repeated declarations of driving General Washington over the Blue Mountains, were calculated to assure us of * Life and Cor. of Reed, vol. i., p. 351. 28 their having come out with the determination to fight, it was thought prudent to keep our post upon the hills, near the church. I understand it was resolved, if they did not begin the attack soon, to have fought them at all events, it not being supposed that they could, consistent with their own feelings, have secretly stolen into the city so suddenly after so long gasconading on what they intended to do." * Here then was another occasion of which the enemies of Washington availed themselves to deride his cautious policy. Yet it was clearly dictated by true wisdom. His heart yearned for a general encounter with the enemy. In his despatch to the President of Congress, he writes, " I sincerely wish that they had made an attack ; as the issue, in all probability, from the disposition of our troops and the strong situation of our camp, would have been fortunate and happy. At the same time I must add, that I'eason, prudence, and every principle of policy, forbade us from quit- ting our post to attack them. Nothing but success would have justified the measure ; and this could not be expected from their position." At this time, one of the earliest measures re- commended by the Board of War, and adopted by Congress, showed the increasing influence of the cabal ; two inspectors-general were to be appointed for the promotion of discipline and reformation of abuses in the army; and one of the persons chosen for this important office, was Conway, with the rank, too, of major-general! This was tacitly in defiance of the opinion so fully expressed by Washing- ton of the demerits of the man, and the ruinous effects to be apprehended from his promotion over the heads of brigadiers of superior claims. Conway, however, was the secret colleague of Gates, and Gates was now the rising sun. Winter had now set in with all its severity. The troops, worn down by long and hard ser- vice, had need of repose. Poorly clad, also, and almost destitute of blankets, they required a warmer shelter than mere tents against the inclemencies of the season. The nearest towns which would afford winter-quarters, were Lan- caster, York, and Carlisle ; but should the army retire to either of these, a large and fertile dis- trict would be exposed to be foraged by the foe, and its inhabitants, perhaps, to be dra- gooned into submission. * Letter of Elias Boudinot, Commiesary of Prisoners, to President Wharton.— Z,?/e and Cor. of J. Reed, vol. i., p. 351. 434 DREARY MARCH TO VALLEY FORGE— HUTTING. [1777. Much anxiety was felt by the Pennsylvania Legislature on the suhjcct, who were desirous that the army should remain in the field. Gen- eral Keed, in a letter to the president of that body, writes : " A line of winter-quarters has been proposed and supported by some of his [Washington's] principal officers ; but I believe I may assure you he will not come into it, but take post as near the enemy, and cover as much of the country as the nakedness and wretched condition of some part of the army will admit. To keep the field entirely is im- practicable, and so you would think if you saw the plight we were in. You will soon know the plan, and as it has been adopted principally upon the opinions of the gentlemen of this State, I hope it will give satisfaction to you and the gentlemen around you. If it is not doing what we would, it is doing what we can ; and I must say the general has shown a truly feeling and patriotic respect for us on this occasion, in which you would agree with me, if you knew all the circumstances." The plan adopted by Washington, after hold- ing a council of war, and weighing the dis- cordant opinions of his officers, was to hut the army for the winter at Valley Forge, in Chester County, on the west side of the Schuylkill, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. Here he would be able to keep a vigilant eye on that city, and at the same time protect a great extent of country. Sad and dreary was the march to Valley Forge ; uncheered by the recollection of any recent triumph, as was the march to winter- quarters in the preceding year. Hungry and cold were the poor fellows who had so long been keeping the field ; for provisions were scant, clothing worn out, and so badly otf were they for shoes, that the footsteps of many might be tracked in blood. Yet at this very time we are told, " hogsheads of shoes, stockings, and clothing, were lying at different places on the roads and in the woods, perishing for want of teams, or of money to pay the teamsters." * Such were the consequences of the derange- ment of the commissariat. Arrived at Valley Forge on the 17th, the troops had still to brave the wintry weather in their tents, until they could cut down trees and construct huts for their accommodation. Those who were on the sick list had to seek temporary shelter wherever it could be found. Gordon's Hist. Am. "W.ir, vol. ii., p. 279. among the farmers of the neighborhood. Ac- cording to the regulations in the orderly book, each hut was to be fourteen feet by sixteen ; with walls of logs filled in with clay, six feet and a half high; the fireplaces were of logs plastered ; and logs sjilit into rude jjlanks or slabs furnished the roofing. A hut v/as allotted to twelve non-commissioned officers and sol- diers. A general officer had a hut to himself. The same was allowed to the staff of each bri- gade and regiment, and the field officer of each regiment ; and a hut to the commissioned offi- cers of each company. The huts of the sol- diery fronted on streets. Those of the officers formed a lino in the rear, and the encam])ment gradually assumed the look of a rude military village. Scarce had the troops been two days em- ployed in these labors when, before daybreak on the 22d, word was brought that a body of the enemy had made a sortie toward Chester, apparently on a foraging expedition. Wash- ington issued orders to Generals Huntington and Varnum, to hold their troops in readiness to march against them. " Fighting will be far preferable to starving," writes Huntington. " My brigade are out of provisions, nor can the commissary obtain any meat. I have used every argument my imagination can invent to make the soldiers easy, but I despair of being able to do it much longer." " It's a very pleasing cir.curastance to the division under my command," writes Varnum, " that there is a probability of their marching ; three days successively we have been destitute of bread. Two days we have been entirely without meat. The men must be supplied, or they cannot be commanded." In fact, a dangerous mutiny had broken out among the famishing troops in the preceding night, which their officers had had great difii- culty in quelling. Washington instantly wrote to the President of Congress on the subject. " I do not know from what cause this alarming deficiency, or rather total failure of supplies arises ; but un- less more vigorous exertions and better regula- tions take place in that line (the commissaries' department) immediately, the army must dis- solve. I have done all in my power by re- monstrating, by writing, by ordering the com- missaries on tliis head, from time to time ; but without any good effect, or obtaining more than a present scanty relief. Owing to this, the march of the army has been delayed on more ^T. 45.J WASIlINGTOxN'S VINDlCATOllY LETTER. 435 than one interesting occasion, in the course of the present campaign ; and had a body of the enemy crossed the Schuylkill this morning, as i liad reason to expect, the divisions which I ordered to be in readiness to march and meet them could not have moved." Scarce had Washington desj)atched his letter, when he learnt that the Legislature of Penn- sylvania had addressed a remonstrance to Con- gress against his going into winter-quarters, in- stead of keeping in the open field. This letter, received in his forlorn situation, surrounded by an unhoused, scantily clad, half-starved army, shivering in the midst of December's snow and cold, put an end to his forbearance, and drew from him another letter to the President of Congress, dated on the 23d, which we shall largely quote ; not only for its manly and truth- ful eloquence, but for tho exposition it gives of the difficulties of his situation, mainly caused by unwise and intermeddling legislation. And first as to the commissariat : — " Though I have been tender, heretofore," writes he, " of giving any opinion, or lodging complaints, as the change in that department took place contrary to my judgment, and the consequences thereof were predicted ; yet, find- ing that tho inactivity of tho army, whether for want of provisions, clothes, or other essentials, is charged to my account, not only by tho com- mon vulgar, but by those in power, it is time to speak plain in exculpation of myself. With truth, then, I can declare, that no man, in my opinion, ever had his measures more impeded than I have by every department of the army. " Since the month of July, we have had no assistance from tlie quartermaster-general ; and to want of assistance from this department, the commissary-general charges great part of his deficiency. To this I am to add, that not- withstanding it is a standing order, and often repeated, that the troops shall always liave two days' provisions by them, that they might be ready at any sudden call ; yet an oppor- tunity has scarcely ever offered of taking an advantage of the enemy, that it has not been either totally obstructed, or greatly impeded on tbis account. * * * --i^ jYs a proof of the little benefit received from a clothier-general, and as a further proof of the inability of an army, under the circumstances of this, to per- form the common duties of soldiers (besides a number of men confined to hospitals for want of shoes, and others in farmers' houses on the same account), we have, by a field return this day made, no less than two thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-eiglit men now in camp unfit for duty, because they are barefoot, and otherwise naked. By the same return, it ap- pears that our whole strength in Continental troops, including the eastern brigades, which have joined us since the surrender of General Burgoyne, exclusive of tho [Maryland troops sent to Wilmington, amounts to no more tluin eight thousand two hundred in camp fit for duty ; notwithstanding which, and that since the 4th instant, our numbers fit for duty, from the hardships and exposures they have under- gone, particularly on account of blankets (num- bers having been obliged, and still are, to sit up all night by fires, instead of taking comfort- able rest in a natural and common Avay), have decreased near two thousand men. "We find gentlemen, without knowing whether tho army was really going into w-in- ter-quarters or not (for I am sure no resolution of mine could warrant the remonstrance), repro- bating the measure as much as if they thouglit the soldiers were made of stocks or stones, and equally insensible of frost and snow ; and more- over, as if they conceived it easily practicable for an inferior army, under the disadvantages I have described ours to be — which are by no means exaggerated — to confine a superior one, in all respects well appointed and provided for a winter's campaign, within the city of Phila- delphia, and to cover from depredation and waste the States of Pennsylvania and Jersey. But Vv'hat makes this matter still more extra- ordinai'y in my eye is, that these very gentle- men, who were well apprised of the nakedness of the troops from ocular demonstration, who thought their own soldiers worse clad than others, and who advised me near a month ago to postpone the execution of a plan I was about to adopt, in conse(]nence of a resolve of Con- gress for seizing clotlios, under strong asstir- ances that an ample supply would be collected in ten days, agreeably to a decree of the State (not one article of which, by the by, is yet come to hand), should think a winter's cam- paign, and the covering of those States from tho invasion of an enemy, so easy and practi- cable a business. I can assure those gentlemen, that it is a much easier, and less distressing thing, to draw remonstrances in a comfortable room by a good fireside, than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow, with- out clothes or blankets. However, although they seem to have little feeling for the naked 430 RETROSPECT OF THE YEAR. [177^. and distressed soldiers, I feel abundantly for them, and, from my soul, I pity those miseries, which it is neither in my power to relieve nor prevent. " It is for these reasons, therefore, that I have dwelt upon the subject ; and it adds not a little to my other difBculties and distress, to find that much more is expected from me than is possi- Ijle to be performed, and that, upon the ground of safety and policy, I am obliged to conceal the true state of the army from public view, and thereby expose myself to detraction and calumny." In the present exigency, to save his camp from desolation, and to relieve his starving sol- diery, he was compelled to exercise the author- ity recently given him by Congress, to forage the country round, seize supplies wherever he could find them, and pay for them in money or in certificates redeemable by Congress. He ex- ercised these powers with great reluctance ; rurally inclined himself, he had a strong sym- pathy with the cultivators of the soil, and ever regarded the yeomanry with a paternal eye. He was apprehensive, moreover, of irritating the jealousy of military sway, prevalent through- out the country, and of corrupting the morals of the army. " Such procedures," writes he to the President of Congress, "may give a mo- mentary relief; but if repeated, will prove of the most pernicious consequences. Beside spread- ing disaflfection, jealousy, and fear among the people, they never fail, even in the most vet- eran troops, under the most rigid and exact discipline, to raise in the soldiery a disposition to licentiousness, to plunder and robbery, diffi- cult to suppress afterward, and which has proved not only ruinous to the inhabitants, but in many instances to armies themselves. I re- gret the occasion that compelled us to the measure the other day, and shall consider it the greatest of our misfortunes if we should be under the necessity of practising it again." How truly in all these trying scenes of his military career, does the patriot rise above the soldier ! "With these noble and high-spirited appeals to Congress, we close Washington's operations for 1777 ; one of the most arduous and event- ful years of his military life, and one the most trying to his character and fortunes. He began it with an empty army chest, and a force dwin- dled down to four thousand half-disciplined men. Throughout the year he had had to con- tend, not merely with the enemy, but with the parsimony and meddlesome interference of Congress. In his most critical times that body had left him without funds and without rein- forcements. It had made promotions contrary to his advice, and contrary to military usage ; thereby wronging and disgusting some of his bravest officers. It had changed the commis- sariat in the very midst of a campaign, and thereby thrown the whole service into confu- sion. Among so many cross-purposes and discour- agements, it was a difficult task for Washington to "keep the life and soul of the army to- gether." Yet he had done so. Marvellous in- deed was the manner in which he had soothed the discontents of his aggrieved officers, and reconciled them to an ill-requiting service ; and still more marvellous the manner in which he had breathed his own spirit of patience and perseverance in his yeoman soldiery, during their sultry marchings and countermarchings through the Jerseys, under all kinds of priva- tions, with no visible object of pursuit to stim- idate their ardor, hunting, as it were, the ru- mored apparitions of an unseen fleet. All this time, too, while endeavoring to as- certain and counteract the operations of Lord Howe upon the ocean, and his brother upon the laud, he was directing and aiding military measures against Burgoyne in the North. Three games were in a manner going on under his supervision. The operations of the commander- in-chief are not always the most obvious to the public eje ; victories may be planned in his tent, of which subordinate generals get the credit; and most of the moves which ended in giving a triumphant check to Burgoyne, may be traced to "Washington's shifting camp in the Jerseys. It has been an irksome task in some of the preceding chapters, to notice the under-current of intrigue and management by which some part of this year's campaign was disgraced ; yet even-handed justice requires that such machina- tions should be exposed. We have shown how successful they were in displacing the noble- hearted Schuyler from the head of the North- ern department; the same machinations were now at work to undermine the commander-in- chief, and elevate the putative hero of Saratoga on his ruins. He was painfully aware of them ; yet in no part of the war did he more thor- oughly evince that magnanimity which was his grand characteristic, than in the last scenes of this campaign, where he rose above the taunt- ^T. 45.] THE CONWAY LETTER— LETTER OF GATES TO WASHINGTON. 437 ings of the press, the sneerings of the cabal, the murmurs of the public, the suggestions of some of his frieuds, and the throbbing impulses of his own courageous heart, and adhered to that Fabian policy which he considered essential to the safety of the cause. To dare is often the impulse of selfish ambition or harebrained valor : to forbear is at times the proof of real greatness. CHAPTER XXVIII. While censure and detraction had dogged Washington throughout his harassing cam- paign, and followed him to his forlorn encamp- ment at VaUey Forge, Gates was the constant theme of popular eulogium, and was held up by the cabal, as the only one capable of retrieving the desperate fortunes of the South. Letters from his friends in Congress urged him to hasten on, take his seat at the head of the Board of War, assume the management of military affairs, and sme the country ! Gates was not a strong-minded man. Is it a wonder, then, that his brain should be bewil- dered by the fumes of incense offered up on every side? In the midst of his triumph, however, while feasting on the sweets of adula- tion, came the withering handwriting on the wall ! It is an epistle from his friend Mifilin. " My dear General," writes he, " an extract from Conway's letter to you has been procured and sent to head-quarters. The extract was a collection of just sentiments, yet such as should not have been intrusted to any of your family. General Washington enclosed it to Conway without remarks. * * * * -^j jg^j. Gen- eral, take care of your sincerity and frank disposition ; they cannot injure yourself, but may injure some of your best friends. Affec- tionately yours." Nothing could surpass the trouble and con- fusion of mind of Gates on the perusal of this letter. Part of his correspondence with Con- way had been sent to head- quarters. But what part? What was the purport and extent of the alleged exti-acts ? How had they been obtained? Who had sent them? Mifflin's letter specified nothing ; and this silence as to particulars, left an unbounded field for torment- ing conjecture. In fact, MiflSin knew nothing in particular when he wrote ; nor did any of the cabal. The laconic nature of Washington's note to Conway had thrown them all in confu- sion. None knew the extent of the correspond- ence discovered, nor how far they might l>e individually compromised. Gates, in his perplexity, suspected that his portfolio had been stealthily, opened and his letters copied. But which of them ? — and by whom? He wrote to Conway and Mifliin, anxiously inquiring what part of their corre- spondence had been thus surreptitiously ob- tained, and " who was the villain that had played him this treacherous trick. There is scarcely a man living," says he, " who takes a greater care of his letters than I do. I never fail to lock them up, and keep the key in my pocket. * * * * j^Q punishment is too severe f§r the wretch who betrayed ine ; and I doubt not your friendship for me, as well as your zeal for our safety, will bring the name of this miscreant to light." * Gates made rigid inquiries among the gentle- men of his staft'; all disavowed any knowledge of the matter. In the confusion and perturba- tion of his mind, his suspicions glanced, or were turned, upon Colonel Hamilton, as the channel of communication, he having had free access to head-quarters during his late mission from the commander-in-chief. In this state of mental trepidation. Gates wrote, on the 8th of Decem- ber, the following letter to Washington : " SiE : — I shall not attempt to describe what, as a private gentleman, I cannot help feeling, on representing to my mind the disagreeable sit- uation in which confidential letters, when ex- posed to public inspection, may place an unsus- pecting correspondent ; but, as a public ofiicer, I conjure your Excellency to give me all the assistance you can in tracing the author of the infidelity which put extracts from General Con- way's letters to me into your hands. Those letters have been stealingly copied, but which of them, when, and by whom, is to me as yet an unfathomable secret. * * * * It is, I believe, in your Excellency's power to do me and the United States a very important service, by detecting a wretch who may betray me, and capitally injure the very operations under your immediate directions. * * * * xhe crime being eventually so important, that the least loss of time may be attended with the worst consequences, and it being unknown to me whether the letter came to you from a mem- ber of Congress, or from an officer, I shall have * Gates's Papers, N. Y. Hist. Lib. 438 WASHINGTON'S ANSWER TO GATES— WARNING LETTER EROil DR. CRAIK. [ITv?. the honor of transmitting a copy of this to the President, that the Congress may, in concert with your Excellency, obtain as soon as possi- ble a discovery which so deeply affects the safety of the States. Crimes of that magnitude ought not to remain unpunished." A copy of this letter was transmitted by Gates to the President of Congress. Washington replied with characteristic dig- nity and candor. "Your letter of the 8th ultimo," writes he (Januai-y 4th), " came to my hand a few days ago, and, to my great surprise, informed me that a copy of it had been sent to Congress, for what reason I find myself unable to account ; but, as some end was doubtless in- tended to be answered by it, I am laid under the disagreeable necessity of returning my an- swer through the same channel, lest any mem- ber of that honorable body should harbor an unfavorable suspicion of my having practised some indirect means to come at the contents of the confidential letters between you and Gen- eral Conway. "I am to inform you, then, that Colonel Wilkinson, on his way to Congress, in the month of October last, fell in with Lord Stir- ling at Eeading, and, not in confidence, that I ever understood, informed his aide-de-camp, Major McWilliams, that General Conway had written this to you : ' Heaven has been deter- mined to save your country, or a weak general and bad counsellors would have ruined it.' Lord Stirling, from motives of friendship, transmitted the account with this remark : ' The enclosed was communicated by Colonel Wilkinson to Major McWilliams. Such wicked duplicity of conduct I shall always think it my duty to de- tect.' " Washington adds, that the letter written by him to Conway was merely to show that gen- tleman that he was not imapprised of his in- triguing disposition. " Neither this letter," continues he, " nor the information which oc- casioned it, was ever directly or indirectly com- municated by me to a single oflacer in this army, out of my own family, excepting tlie Marquis de Lafayette, who, having been spoken to on the subject by General Conway, applied for and saw, under injunctions of secrecy, the letter which contained Wilkinson's information; so desirous was I of concealing every matter that could, in its consequences, give the small- est interruption to the tranquillity of this army, or afford a gleam of hope to the enemy by dis- sensions therein. * * * xill Lord Stirling's letter came to my hands, I never knew that General Conway, whom I viewed in the light of a stranger to you, was a correspondent of yours ; much less did I suspect that I was the subject of your confidential letters. Pardon me, then, for adding, that so far from conceiv- ing the safety of the States can be affected, or in the smallest degree injured, by a discovery of this kind, or that I should be called upon in such solemn terms to point out the author, I considered the information as coming from yourself, and given with a view to forewarn, and consequently to forearm me, against a se- cret enemy, or in other words, a dangerous in- cendiary ; in which character sooner or later this country will know General Conway. But in this, as in other matters of late, I have found myself mistaken." This clear and ample answer explained the enigma of the laconic note to Conway, and showed that the betrayal of the defamatoiy correspondence was due to the babbling of Wil- kinson. Following the mode adopted by Gates, Washington transmitted his reply through the hands of the President of Congress, and thus this matter, which he had genei'ously kept se- cret, became blazoned before Congress and the world. A few days after writing the above letter, Washington received the following warning from his old and faithful friend. Dr. Craik, dated from Maryland, Jan. C. " Notwithstand- ing your unwearied diligence and the unparal- leled sacrifice of domestic happiness and ease of mind which you have made for the good of your country, yet you are not wanting in secret enemies, who would rob you of the great anfl truly deserved esteem your country has for you. Base and villanous men, through chagrin, envy, or ambition, are endeavoring to lessen you in the minds of the people, and taking un- derhand methods to traduce your character. The morning I left camp, I was informed that a strong faction was forming against you in the new Board of War, and in the Congress. * '■' The method they are taking is by holding Gen- eral Gates up to the people, and making them believe that you have had a nmnber three or tfour times greater than the enemy, and have done nothing ; that Philadelphia was given up by your management, and that you have had many opportunities of defeating the enemy. It is said they dare not appear openly as your enemies; but that the new Board of War is composed of such leading men, as will tlirow ^T. 4G.] ANONYMOUS LETTER— GATES AT YORKTOWN. 439 sucli obstacles and difHculties in your way as to force you to resign." * An auonymous letter to Patrick Henry, dated from Yorktown, Jan. 12th, says among other things, " "We have only passed the Eed Sea ; a dreary wilderness is still before us, and unless a Moses or a Joshua are raised up in our behalf, we must perish before we reach the promised land. * * * * gut ig our case desperate ? By no means. "We have wisdom, virtue, and strength enough to save us, if they could be called into action. The Northern army has shown us what Americans are capable of doing with a general at their head. The spirit of the Southern army is no way inferior to the spirit of the Northern. A Gates, a Lee, or a Con- way, would in a few weeks render them an ir- resistible body of men. The last of the above officers has accepted of the new office of in- spector general of our army, in order to reform abuses ; but the remedy is only a palliative one. In one of his letters to a friend, he says, 'a great and good God hath decreed America to be free, or the [general] and weak counsellors would have ruined her long ago.' " t Another anonymous paper, probably by the same hand, dated January 17th, and sent to Congress under a cover directed to the presi- dent, Mr. Laurens, decried all the proceedings of the Southern army, declaring that the prop- er method of attacking, beating, and conquer- ing the enemy, had never as yet been adopted by the commander-in-chief ; that the late suc- cess to the Northward was owing to a change of the commanders ; that the Southern army would have been alike successful had a similar change taken place. After dwelling on the evils and derangements prevalent in every de- partment, it draws the conclusion, " That the head cannot possibly be sound, when the whole body is disordered ; that the people of America have been guilty of idolatry, by making a man their God, and the God of heaven and earth will convince them by woful experience, that he is only a man ; that no good may be expect- ed from the standing army until Baal and his worshippers are banished from the camp." J Instead of laying this mischievous paper be- fore Congress, Mr. Laurens remitted it to "Wash- ington. He received the following reply : " I cannot sufficiently express the obligation I feel to jon for your friendship and politeness, upon an occasion in which I am so deeply interested. I * Sparks. Washington's Writings, vol. v., p. 493. t Idem, vol. v., p. 493. I Idem, vol. v. p. 497. was not unapprised that a malignant faction had been for some time forming to my preju- dice ; which, conscious as I am of having ever done all in my power to answer the important purposes of the trust reposed in me, could not but give me some pain on a personal account. But my chief concern arises from an apprehen- sion of the dangerous consequences which in- testine dissensions may produce to the common cause. " My enemies take an ungenerous advantage of me. They know the delicacy of my situa- tion, and that motives of policy deprive me of the defence I might otherwise make against their insidious attacks. They know I cannot combat their insinuations, however injurious, without disclosing secrets which it is of the utmost moment to conceal. But why should I expect to be exempt from censure, the unfail- ing lot of an elevated station ? Merit and tal- ents, with which I can have no pretensions of rivalship, have ever been subject to it. My heart tells me, that it has ever been my unre- mitted aim to do the best that circumstances would permit ; yet I may have been very often mistaken in my judgment of the means, and may in many instances deserve the imputation of error." Gates was disposed to mark his advent to power by a striking operation. A notable pro- ject had been concerted by him and the Board of War for a winter irruption into Canada. An expedition was to proceed from Albany, cross Lake Champlain on the ice, burn the British shipping at St. Johns, and press for- ward to Montreal. "Washington was not con- sulted in the matter : the project was submitted to Congress, and sanctioned by them without his privity. One object of the scheme was to detach the Marquis de Lafayette from "Washington, to whom he was devotedly attached, and bring him into the interests of the cabal. For this pur- pose he was to have the command of the expe- dition ; an appointment which it was thought would tempt his military ambition. Conway was to be second in command, and it was trusted that his address and superior intelligence would virtually make him the leader. Tlie first notice that "Washington received of the project was in a letter from Gates, enclos- ing one to Lafayette, informing the latter of his appointment, and requiring his attendance at Yorktown to receive his instructions. Gates, in his letter to "Washington, asked hia 440 LAFAYETTE TO WASHINGTON— GATES'S LETTER TO WASHINGTON. [1778. opinion and advice ; evidently as a matter of form. The latter expressed himself obliged by the " polite request," but observed that, as he neither knew the extent of the objects in view, nor the means to be employed to effect them, it was not in his power to pass any judgment upon the subject, lie wished success to the enterprise, " both as it might advance the pub- lic good and confer personal honor on the Mar- quis de Lafayette, for whom he had a very par- ticular esteem and regard." The cabal, however, had overshot their mark. Lafayette, who was aware of their intrigues, was so disgusted by the want of deference and respect to the commander-in-chief evinced in the whole proceeding, that he would at once have declined the appointment, had not Washington himself advised him strongly to accept it. He accordingly proceeded to Yorktown, where Gates already had his little court of schemers and hangers on. Lafayette found liim at table, presiding with great hilarity, for he was social in his habits, and in the flush of re- cent success. The young marquis had a cordial welcome to his board, which in his buoyant conviviality contrasted with the sober decen- cies of that of the thoughtful commander-in- chief in his dreary encampment at Yalley Forge. Gates, in his excitement, was profuse of promises. Every thing was to be made smooth and easy for Lafayette. He was to have at least two thousand five hundred fight- ing men under him. Stark, the veteran Stark, was ready to co-operate with a body of Green Mountain Boys. " Indeed," cries Gates, chuck- ling, " General Stark will have burnt the fleet before your arrival ! " It was near the end of the repast. The wine had circulated freely, and toasts had been given according to the custom of the day. The marquis thought it time to show his flag. One toast, he observed, had been omitted, which he would now propose. Glasses were accord- ingly filled, and he gave, " The commander-in- chief of the American armies." The toast was received without cheering. Lafayette was faithful to the flag he had un- furled. In accepting the command, he consid- ered himself detached from the main army and under the immediate orders of the commander- in-chief. He had a favorable opinion of the military talents of Conway, but he was aware of the game he was playing ; he made a point, therefore, of having the Baron de Ivalb ap- pointed to the expedition ; whose commission being of older date than that of Conway, would give him the precedence of that officer, and make him second in command. This was reluctantly ceded by the cabal, who found them- selves baffled by the loyalty in friendship of the youthful soldier. Lafayette set out for Albany without any very sanguine expectations. Writing to Wash- ington from Flemington, amid the difficulties of winter travel, he says : " I go on very slow- ly ; sometimes drenched by rain, sometimes covered vrith snow, and not entertaining many handsome thoughts about the projected incur- sion into Canada. Lake Champlain is too cold for producing the least bit of laurel ; and, if I am not starved, I shall be as proud as if I had gained three battles." * CHAPTER XXIX. Washington's letter of the 4th of January, on the subject of the Conway correspondence, had not reached General Gates until the 22d of January, after his arrival at Yorktown. 'So sooner did Gates learn from its context, that all Washington's knowledge of that correspond- ence Avas confined to a single paragraph of a letter, and that merely as quoted in conversa- tion by Wilkinson, than the whole matter ap- peared easily to be explained or shuffled oflf. He accordingly took pen in^hand, and addressed Washington as follows, on the 23d of January : " The letter which I had the honor to receive yesterday from your Excellency, has relieved me from unspeakable uneasiness. I now an- ticipate the pleasure it will give you when you discover that what has been conveyed to yoa for an extract of General Conway's letter to nie, was not an information which friendly motives induced a man of honor to give, that injured virtue might be forearmed against se- cret enemies. The paragraph which your Ex- cellency has condescended to transcribe, is spu- rious. It was certainly fabricated to answer the most selfish and wicked purposes." He then goes on to declare that the genuine letter of Conway was perfectly harmless, con- taining judicious remarks upon the want of discipline in the army, but making no mention of weak generals or bad counsellors. " Partic- Sparks' Cor. Am. Rev. vol. ii., p. 74. Mr. 46.] GATES'S EXPLANATORY LETTER TO WASHINGTON, 441 ular actions rather than persons were blamed, but with impartiality, and I am convinced he did not aim at lessening, in my opinion, the merit of any person. His letter was perfectly harmless ; however, now that various reports have been circulated concerning its contents, they ought to be submitted to the solemn in- spection of those who stand most high in the * public esteem. " Anxiety and jealousy would arise in the breast of very respectable officers, w^ho, sensi- ble of faults which experience, and that alone, may have led them into, would be unnecessarily disgusted, if they perceived a probability of such errors being recorded. " Honor forbids it, and patriotism demands that I should return the letter into the hands of the writer. I will do it ; but, at the same time, I declare that the paragraph conveyed to yom' Excellency as a genuine part of it, was, in words as well as in substance, a wicked forgery, " About the beginning of December, I was informed that letter had occasioned an explana- tion between your Excellency and that gentle- man. Not knowing whether the whole letter or a part of it had been stealingly copied, but fearing malice had altered its original texture, I own, sir, that a dread of the mischiefs which might attend the forgery, I suspected would be made, put me some time in a most painful situa- tion. When I communicated to the officers in my family the intelligence which I had receiv- ed, they aU entreated me to rescue their char- acters from the suspicions they justly conceived themselves liable to, until the guUty person should be known. To facilitate the discovery, I wrote to your Excellency ; but, unable to learn whether General Conway's letter had been transmitted to you by a member of Con- gress, or a gentleman in the army, I was afraid much time would be lost in the course of the inquiry, and that the States might receive some capital injury from the infidelity of the person who I thought had stolen a copy of the obnox- ious letter. Was it not probable that the se- crets of the army might be obtained and be- trayed through the same means to the enemy ? For this reason, sir, not doubting that Congress would most cheerfully concur with you in trac- ing out the criminal, I wrote to the president, and enclosed to him a copy of my letter to your Excellency. " About the time I was forwarding those letters, Brigadier-General Wilkinson returned to Albany. I informed him of the treachery which had been committed, but I concealed from him the measures I was pursuing to unmask the author. Wilkinson answered, he was assured it never would come to light ; and endeavored to fix my suspicions on Lieutenant-Colonel Troup,* who, he said, might have incautiously conversed on the substance of General Con- way's letter with Colonel Hamilton, whom you had sent not long before to Albany. I did not listen to this insinuation against your aide-de- camp and mine." In the original draft of this letter, which we have seen among the papers of General Gates, he adds, as a reason for not listening to the in- sinuation, that he considered it even as ungen- erous. "But," pursues he, "the light your Excellency has just assisted me with, exhibiting the many qualifications which are necessarily blended together in the head and heart of Gen- eral Wilkinson, I Avould not omit this fact ; it wiU enable your Excellency to judge whether or not he would scruple to make such a forgery as that which he now stands charged with, and ought to be exemplarily punished." This, with considerable more to the same purport, intended to make Wilkinson the scape-goat, stands can- celled in the draft, and was omitted in the let- ter sent to Washington ; but by some means, fair or foul, it came to the knowledge of Wil- kinson, who has published it at length in his Memoirs, and who, it vfiU be found, resented the imputation thus conveyed. General Conway, also, in a letter to Wash- ington (dated January 27), informs him that the letter had been returned to him by Gates, and that he found with great satisfaction that " the paragraph so much spoken of did not exist in the said letter, nor any thing hke it." He had intended, he adds, to publish tlie letter, but had been dissuaded by President Laurens and' two or three members of Congress, to whom he had shown it, lest it should inform the enemy of a misunderstanding among the American generals. He therefore depended upon the justice, candor, and generosity of General Washington, to put a stop to the for- gery. On the 9th of February, Washington wrote Gates a long and searching reply to his letters of the 8th, and 23d of January, analyzing them, and showing how, in spirit and import, they contradicted each other ; and how sometimes the same letter contradicted itself. How in * At that time an aide-de-camp of Gates. 442 WASHINGTON'S SEARCHING ANALYSIS OF THE EXPLANATION. [1778. the first letter the reality of the extracts was by implication allowed, and the only solicitude shown was to find out the person who brought them to light ; while, in the second letter, the whole was pronounced, " in word as well as in substance, a wicked forgery." " It is not my intention," observes "Washington, "to contra- dict tliis assertion, but only to intimate some considerations which tend to induce a supposi- tion, that, though none of General Conway's letters to you contained the offensive passage mentioned, there might have been something in them too nearly related to it, that could give such an extraordinary alarm. If this were not the case, how easy in the first instance to have declared there was nothing exceptionable in them, and to have produced the letters themselves in support of it ? The propriety of the objections suggested against submitting them to inspection may very well be ques- tioned. ' The various reports circulated con- cerning their contents,' were perhaps so many arguments for making them speak for them- selves, to place the matter upon the footing of certainty. Concealment in an affair which had made so much noise, though not by my means, will naturally lead men to conjecture the worst, and it will be a subject of speculation even to candor itself. The anxiety and jealousy you apprehend from revealing the letter, will be very apt to be increased by suppressing it." We forbear to foUow Washington through his stern analysis, but we cannot omit the con- cluding paragraph of his strictures on the char- acter of Conway, " Notwithstanding the hopeful presages you are pleased to figure to yourself of General Conway's firm and constant friendship to America, I cannot persuade myself to retract the prediction concerning him, which you so em- phatically wish had not been inserted in' my last. A better acquaintance with him, than I have reason to think you have had, from what you say, and a concurrence of circumstances, oblige me to give him but little credit for the qualifications of his heart, of which, at least, I beg leave to assume the privilege of being a tolerable judge. Were it necessary, more in- stances than one might be adduced, from his behavior and conversation, to manifest that he is capable of all the malignity of detraction, and all the meanness of intrigue, to gratify the absurd resentment of disappointed vanity, or to answer the purposes of personal aggrandize- ment, and promote the interest of faction." Gates evidently quailed beneath this letter. In his reply February 19th, he earnestly hoped that no more of that time, so precious to the public, might be lost upon the subject of Gen- eral Conway's letter. " Whether that gentleman^" says he, " does or does not deserve the suspicions you express, would be entirely indifferent to me, did he not possess an office of high rank in the army of the United States. As to the gentleman, I have no personal connection with him, nor had I any correspondence previous to his writing the letter which has given oftence, nor have I since written to him save to certify what I know to be the contents of that letter. He, therefore, must be responsible ; as I heartily dislike controversy, even upon my own account, and much more in a matter wherein I was only accidentally concerned," &c., &c. The following was the dignified but freezing note with which Washington closed this corre- spondence. " Valley Forge, 24^!. Feb., 1778. " SiE : — I yesterday received your favor of the 19th instant. I am as averse to contro- versy as any man ; and, had I not been forced into it, you never would have had occasion to im- pute to me even the shadow of a disposition tow- ards it. Your repeatedly and solemnly disclaim- ing any offensive views la those matters which have been the subject of our past correspond- ence, makes me willing to close with the desire you express of burying them hereafter in silence, and, as far as future events will permit, oblivion. My temper leads me to peace and harmony with all men ; and it is peculiarly my wish to avoid any personal feuds or dissensions with those who are embarked in the same great national interest with myself, as every difference of this kind must, in its consequences, be very injuri- ous. I am, sir," &c. Among the various insidious artifices resorted to about this time to injure the character of Washington and destroy public confidence in his sincerity, was the publication of a series of letters purporting to be from him to some members of his family, and to his agent, Mr. Lund Washington, which, if genuine, would prove him to be hollow-hearted and faithless to the cause he was pretending to uphold. They had appeared in England in a pamplilct form, as if printed from originals and drafts found in possession of a black servant of Washington, .Et. 46.] SPURIOUS LETTERS— LAFAYETTE AND THE CANADA EXPEDITION. 443 who had been left behind ill, at Fort Lee, when it was evacuated. They had recently been re- printed at New York in Eivington's Koyal Gazette ; the first letter making its appearance on the 14th of February. It had also been printed at New York in a handbill, and extracts published in a Philadelphia paper. Washington took no public notice of this publication at the time, but in private corre- spondence with his friends, he observes : " These letters are written with a great deal of art. The intermixture of so many family circumstances (which, by the by, want founda- tion in truth) gives an air of plausibility, which renders the villany greater ; as the whole is a contrivance to answer the most diabolical purposes. Who the author of them is, I know not. From information or acquaintance he must have had some knowledge of the compo- nent parts of my family ; but he has most egre- giously mistaken the facts in several instances. The design of his labors is as clear as the sun in its meridian brightness." * And in another letter, he observes, " They were written to show that I was an enemy to independence, and with a view to create distrust and jealousy. It is no easy matter to decide whether the villany or the artifice of these letters is greatest." f The author of these letters was never dis- covered, lie entirely failed in his object ; the letters were known at once to be forgeries. J * Letter to General Henry Lee, Virginia. — Sparks^ Writings of Washington, vol. v. 378. t Letter to Landon Carter. Idem, p. 391. t The introduction to the letters states them to have been transmitted to England by an officer serving in De- lancej-'s corps of loyalists, who gives the following account of the w.ay he came by them : — Among the prisoners at Port Lee, I espied a mulatto fellow, whom I thought I recollected, and who confirmed my conjectures by gazing very earnestly at me. I asked him if he knew me. At first, ho was unwilling to own it; but when he was about to be carried oft', thinking, I suppose, that I might perhaps be of some service to him, he came and told me that he was Billy, and the old servant of General Wasliington. He had been left there on account of an indisposition Which prevented his attending his master. I asked him a great many questions, as j'ou may suppose ; but found very little satisfaction in his answers. At last, however, he told me that he had a small portmanteau of his master's, of which, when he found that he must be put into confine- ment, ho entreated my care. It contained only a few stockings and shirts ; and I could see nothing worth my care, except an almanack, in which he had kept a sort of a journal, or diary of hia proceedings since his first coming to New York ; there were also two letters from his lady, one from Mr. Custis, and some pretty long ones from a Mr. Lund Washington. And in the same bundle with them, the first draughts, or foul copies of answers to them. I read these with avidity ; and being highly enter- Letters received at this juncture from Lafay- ette, gave Washington tidings concerning the expedition against Canada, set on foot without consulting him. General Conway had arrived at Albany three days before the marquis, and his first word when they met was- that the expedition was quite impossible. Generals Schuyler, Lincoln, and Arnold, had written to Conway to that effect. The marquis at first was inclined to hope the contrary, but his hope was soon demolished. Instead of the two thousand five hundred men that had been promised him, not twelve hundred in all were to be found fit for duty, and most part of these were " naked even for a summer's campaign ; " all shrank from a winter incursion into so cold a country. As to General Stark and his legion of Green Mountain Boys, who, according to the gasconade of Gates, might have burnt the fleet before Lafayette's arrival, the marquis received at Albany a letter from the veteran, " who wishes to know," says he, " what nuiiiber of men, for what time, and for ichat rendezvous, I desire him to raise.'''' Another officer, who was to have enlisted men, would have done so, had he received money. " One asks what encouragement his people will have ; the other has no clothes ; not one of them has received a dollar of what was due to them. I have applied to every body, I have begged at every door I could these two days, and I see that I could do some- thing were the expedition to be begun In five weeks. But you know we have not an hour to lose ; and, indeed, it is now rather too late had we every thing in readiness." The poor marquis was in de^air — but what most distressed him was the dread of ridicule. He had written to his friends that he had the command of the expedition ; it would be known throughout Europe. "I am afraid," says he, "that it will reflect on my reputa- tion, and I shall be laughed at. My fears upon that subject are so strong that I would choose to become again only a volunteer, unless Con- gress offers the means of mending this ugly business by some glorious operation." tained with them, have shown them to several of my friends, who all agree with me, that he is a very difterent character from what they had supposed him. In commenting on the above, Washington observed that his mulatto man Billy, had never been one moment in the power of the enemy, and tliat no part of his baggage nor any of his attendants were captured during the whole course of the yfar.— Letter to Timothy Pickering, Sparks, ix. 149. 444 LAFAYETTE'S PERPLEXITIES AND WASHINGTON'S COUNSELS— THE CABAL. [1118. A subsequent letter is in the same vein. The poor marquis, in his perplexity, lays his whole heart open to "Washington with childlike simplicity. " I have written lately to you, my distressing, ridiculous, foolish, and indeed nameless .situation. I am sent, with a great noise, at the head of an army for doing great things ; the whole continent, France and Eu- rope herself, and, what is worse, the British army, are in great expectations. How far they will be deceived, how far we shall be ridiculed, you may judge by the candid account you have got of the state of our affairs. I confess, my dear general, that I find myself of very quick feelings whenever my reputation and glory are concerned in any thing. It is very hard that such a part of my happiness, without which I cannot live, should depend upon schemes which I never knew of but when there was no time to put them into execution. I assure you, my most dear and respected friend, that I am more unhappy than I ever was, * * * * I should be very happy if you were here, to give me some advice ; but I have nobody to consult with." Washington, with his considerate, paternal counsels, hastened to calm the perturbation of his youthful friend, and dispel those fears respecting his reputation, excited only, as he observed, " by an uncommon degree of sensi- bility." " It will be no disadvantage to you to have it known in Europe," writes he, " that you have received so manifest a proof of the good opinion and confidence of Congress as an impor- tant detached command. * * * * However sensibly your ardor for glory may make you feel this disappointment, you may be assured that your character stands as fair as ever it did, and that no new enterprise is necessary to wipe off this imaginary stain." The project of an irruption into Canada was at length formally suspended by a resolve of Congress ; and Washington was directed to recall the marquis and the Baron de Kalb, the presence of the latter being deemed absolutely necessary to the army at Yalley Forge. La- fayette at the same time received assurance of the high sense entertained by Congress of his prudence, activity, and zeal, and that nothing was wanting on his part to give the expedition the utmost possible effect. Gladly the young marquis hastened back to Valley Forge, to enjoy the companionship and find himself once more under the paternal eye of Washington ; leaving Conway for the time in command at Albany, " where there would be nothing, perhaps, to be attended to, but some disputes of Indians and tories." Washington, in a letter to General Arm- strong, writes, " I shall say no more of tha Canada expedition than tliat it is at an end. I never was made acquainted with a single cir- cumstance relating to it." * CHAPTER XXX. The Conway letter was destined to be a further source of trouble to the cabal. Lord Stirling, in whose presence, at Reading, Wil- kinson had cited the letter, and who had sent information of it to Washington, was now told that Wilkinson, on being questioned by General Conway, had declared that no such words as those reported, nor any to the same effect, Avere in the letter. His lordship immediately wrote to Wilkin- son, reminding him of the conversation at Readhig, and telling him of what he had re- cently heard. " I well know," writes his lordship, " that it is impossible you could have made any such declaration ; but it will give great satisfaction to many of your friends to know whether Con- way made such inquiry, and what was your answer ; they would also be glad to know what were the words of the letter, and I should be very much obliged to you for a copy of it." Wilkinson found that his tongue had again brought him into difiiculty ; but he trusted to his rhetoric, rather than his logic, to get him out of it. He wrote in reply, that lie perfectly remembered spending a social day with his lordship at Reading, in which the conversation became general, unreserved, and copious ; though the tenor of his lordship's discourse, and the nature of their situation, made it confidential. " I cannot, therefore," adds he, logically, " re- capitulate particulars, or charge my memory with the circumstances you mention ; but, my lord, I disdain low craft, subtlety, and evasion, and will acknowledge it is possible, in the warmth of social intercourse, when the mind is relaxed and the heart is unguarded, that observations may have elapsed which have not since occurred to me. On my late arrival in camp, Brigadier-General Conway informed me * Sparks' 'Writings of "Washington, vol. v., i>. ^T. 46.] CORRESPONDENCE— WILKINSON'S HONOR WOUNDED. 445 that he had heen charged by General Washing- ton with writing a letter to Major-General Gates, which reflected on the general and the army. The particulars of this charge, which Brigadier-General Conway then repeated, I cannot now recollect. I had read the letter alluded to ; I did not consider the information conveyed in his Excellency's letter, as expressed by Brigadier-General Conway, to be literal, and well remember replying to that effect in dubious terms. I had no inducement to stain my vera- city, were I so prone to that infamous vice, as Brigadier Conway informed me he had justified the charge. " I can scarce credit my senses, when I read the paragraph in which you request an extract from a private letter, which had fallen under my observation, / have heen indiscreet, my lord, hut ie assured I will not he dislionor- ahU:' This communication of Lord Stirling, Wilkin- son gives as the first intimation he had re- ceived of his being implicated in the disclosure of Conway's letter. When he was subse- quently on his way to Yorktown to enter upon his duties as secretary of the Board of War, he learnt at Lancaster that General Gates had de- nounced him as the betrayer of that letter, and had spoken of him in the grossest language. " I was shocked by this information," writes he ; " I had sacrificed my lineal rank at Gen- eral Gates's request ; I had served him with zeal and fidelity, of which he possessed the strongest evidence, yet he had condemned me unheard for an act of which I was perfectly innocent, and against which every feeling of my soul revolted with horror. ***** I worshipped honor as the jewel of my soul, and did not pause for the course to be pursued ; but I owed it to disparity of years and rank, to former connection and the affections of my own breast, to drain the cup of conciliation and seek an explanation." The result of these and other considerations, expressed with that grandiloquence on which Wilkinson evidently prided himself, was a letter to Gates, reminding him of the zeal and devotion with which he had uniformly asserted and maintained his cause ; " but, sir," adds he, " in spite of every consideration, you have wounded my honor, and must make acknowledgment or satisfaction for the injury." " In consideration of our past connection, I descend to that explanation with you which I should have denied any other man. The en- closed letters unmask the villain and evince my innocence. My lord shaU bleed for his conduct, but it is proper I first see you." The letters enclosed were those between him and Lord Stirling, the exposition of which he alleges ought to acquit him of sinister inten- tion, and stamp the report of his lordship to General Washington with palpable falsehood. Gates writes briefly in reply. "Sir, — The following extract of a letter from General Washington to me will show you how your honor has been called in question ; which is all the explanation necessary upon that matter ; any other satisfaction you may command." Then followed the extracts giving the in- formation communicated by Wilkinson to Major Mc Williams, Lord Stirling's aide-de-camp. " After reading the whole of the above ex- tract," adds Gates, " I am astonished, if you really gave Major McWiUiams such informa- tion, how you could intimate to me that it was possihle Colonel Troup had conversed with Colo- nel Hamilton upon the subject of General Con- way's letters." According to Wilkinson's story he now pro- ceeded to Yorktown, purposely arriving in the twilight, to escape observation. There he met with an old comrade. Captain Stoddart, re- counted to him his wrongs, and requested him to be the bearer of a message to General Gates. Stoddart refused ; and warned him that he was running headlong to destruction: "but ruin," observes Wilkinson, " had no terrors for an ardent young man, who prized his honor a thousand fold more than his life, and who was willing to hazard his eternal happiness in its defence." He accidentally met with another military friend, Lieutenant-Colonel Ball, of the "Vir- ginia line, "whose spirit was as independent as his fortune." He willingly became bearer of tlie following note from Wilkinson to General Gates : " Sir, — I have discharged my duty to you, and to my conscience ; meet me to-morrow morning behind the English church, and I wiU there stipulate the satisfaction which you have promised to grant," &c. Colonel Ball was received with complaisance by the general. The meeting was fixed for eight o'clock in the morning, with pistols. At the appointed time Wilkinson and his second, having put their arms in order, were about to sally forth, when Captain Stoddart made his appearance, and informed Wilkinson 446 WILKINSON'S WOUNDED HONOR HEALED. [Ills. that Gates desired to speak with him. Where ? — In the street near the door. — " The surprise robbed nie of circumspection," continues Wil- kinson, " I requested Colonel Ball to halt, and followed Captain Stoddart. I found Gen- eral Gates unarmed and alone, and was received with tenderness but manifest embarrassment ; he asked me to walk, turned into a back street, and we proceeded in silence till we passed the buildings, when he burst into tears, took me by the hand, and asked me ' how I could think he wished to injure mc ? ' I was too deeply affected to speak, and he relieved my embar- rassment by continuing : '/ injure you! it is impossible. I should as soon think of injuring my own child.' This language," observes Wil- kinson, " not only disarmed me, but awakened all my confidence and all my tenderness, I was silent ; and he added, ' Besides, there was no cause for injuring you, as Conway acknowl- edged his letter, and has since said much harder things to Washington's face,' " Such language left me nothing to require," continues Wilkinson. " It was satisfactory beyond expectation, and rendered me more than content. I was flattered and pleased ; and if a third person had doubted the sincerity of the explanation I would have insulted him," A change soon came over the spirit of this maudlin scene, Wilkinson attended as secre- tary at the War Office, " My reception from the president. General Gates," writes he, "did not correspond with his recent professions ; he was civil, but barely so, and I was at a loss to account for his coldness, yet had no suspicion of his insincerity," Wilkinson soon found his situation at the Board of War uncomfortable ; and after the lapse of a few days set out for Valley Forge, On his way thither he met Washington's old friend, Dr. Craik, and learnt from him that his promotion to the rank of brigadier-general by brevet, had been remonstrated against to Con- gress by forty-seven colonels. He therefore sent in his resignation, not wishing, he said, to hold it, unless he covld wear it to the honor and advantage of his country ; " and this con- duct," adds he, " however repugnant to fashion- able ambition, I find consistent with those prin- ciples in which I early drew my sword in the present contest." At Lancaster, Wilkinson, recollecting his re- solve that Lord Stirling " should bleed for his conduct," requested his friend, Colonel Moy- lan, to deliver a " perem^jtory message " to his lordship. The colonel considered the measure rather precipitate, and suggested that a suitable acknowledgment from his lordship would be a more satisfactory reparation of the wrong than a sacrifice of the life of either of the parties. " There is not in the whole range of my friends, acquaintance, and I might add, in the universe," exclaims Wilkinson, " a man of more sublimated sentiment, or who combined with sound dis- cretion a more punctilious sense of honor, than Colonel Moylan," Taking the colonel's advice, therefore, he moderated his peremptory mes- sage to the following note : " My Lord, — The propriety or impropriety of your communicat- ing to his excellency any circumstance which passed at your lordship's board at Eeading, I leave to be determined by your own feelings and the judgment of the public ; but as the affair has eventually induced reflections on my integrity, the sacred duty I owe my honor obliges me to request from your lordship's hand, that the conversation which you have published passed in a private company during a convivial houry His lordship accordingly gave it under his hand, that the words passed under such cir- cumstances, but under no injunction of secrecy. Whereupon Wilkinson's irritable but easily pacified honor was appeased, and his sword slept in its sheath. At Valley Forge Wilkinson had an interview with Washington, in which the subject of Gen- eral Conway's letter was discussed, and the whole correspondence between Gates and the commander-in-chief laid before him, " This exposition," writes Wilkinson, " un- folded to me a scene of perfidy and duplicity of which I had no suspicion," It drew from him the following letter to Washington, dated March 2Sth : "I beg you to receive the grate- ful homage of a sensible mind for your con- descension in exposing to me General Gates's letters, which unmask his artifices and efforts to ruin me. The authenticity of the informa- tion received through Lord Stirling I cannot confirm, as I solemnly assure your Excellency I do not remember the conversation which passed on that occasion, nor can I recollect particular passages of that letter, as I had but a cursory view of it at a late hour. However, I so well remember its general tenor, that, although General Gates has pledged his word it was a wicked and malicious forgery, I will stake my reputation, if the genuine letter is produced, that words to the sartue effect will appear." ^T. 46.] WILKINSON'S RESIGNATION— CLOSING REMARKS ON THE CONWAY CABAL. 447 A few daya afterwards, Wilkinson addressed the following letter to the President of Con- gress : " Sir, — While I make my acknowledgments to Congress, for the appointment of secretary to the Board of War and Ordnance, I am sorry I should be constrained to resign that office ; but, after the acts of treachery and falsehood in which I have detected Major-Gen eral Gates, the president of that board, it is impossible for me to reconcile it to my honor to serve with him."* After recording this letter in his Memoirs, Wilkinson adds : " I had previously resigned my brevet of brigadier-general, on grounds of patriotism ; but I still retained my commis- sion of colonel, which was never to my knowl- edge revoked ; yet the dominant influence of General Gates, and the feuds, and factions, and intrigues which prevailed in Congress and in the army of that day, threw me out of em- ploy." There we shall leave him ; it was a kind of retirement which we apprehend he had richly merited, and we doubt whether his country would have been the loser had he been left to enjoy it for the remainder of his days. Throughout all the intrigues and manoeuvres of the cabal, a part of which we have laid be- fore the reader, Washington had conducted himself with calmness and self-command, speak- ing on the subject to no one but a very few of his friends ; lest a knowledge of those internal dissensions should injure the service. In a letter to Patrick Henry he gives his closing observations concerning them. " I can- not precisely mark the extent of their views ; but it appeared in general, that General Gates was to be exalted on the ruin of my reputation and influence. This I am authorized to say, from undeniable facts in my own possession, ffom publications, the evident scope of which could not be mistaken, and from private de- tractions industriously circulated. General Mifflin, it is commonly supposed, bore the sec- ond part in the cabal ; and General Conway, I know, was a very active and malignant par- tisan ; but I have good reason to believe that their machinations have recoiled most sensibly upon themselves." An able and truthful historian, to whose re- searches we are indebted for most of the docu- ■ Wilkinson's Memoirs, vol. 1., p. 409. ments concerning the cabal, gives it as his opinion that there is not sufficient evidence to prove any concerted plan of action or any fixed design among the leaders : a few aspiring men like Gates and Mifflin, might have flattered themselves with indefinite hopes, and looked forward to a change as promising the best means of aiding their ambitious views ; but that it was not probable they had united in any clear or fixed purpose.* These observations are made with that au- thor's usual candor and judgment ; yet, wanting as the intrigues of the cabal might be in plan or fixed design, they were fraught with mis- chief to the public service, inspiring doubts of its commanders and seeking to provoke them to desperate enterprises. They harassed Wash- ington in the latter part of his campaign ; con- tributed to the dark cloud that hung over his gloomy encampment at Valley Forge, and might have effected his downfall, had he been more irascible in his temper, more at the mercy of impulse, and less firmly fixed in the aff'ec- tions of the people. As it was, they only tended to show wherein lay his surest strength. Jealous rivals he might have in the army, bitter enemies in Congress, but the soldiers loved him, and the large heart of the nation always beat true to him. NOTE. The following anecdote of the late Governor Jay, one of our purest and most illustrious statesmen, is furnished to us by his son Judge Jay : — " Shortly before the death of John Adams, I was sitting alone with my father, conversing about the American Revolution. Suddenly he remarked, 'Ah, William ! the history of that Revolution will never be known. Nobody now alive knows it but John Adams and myself.' Surprised at such a declaration, I asked him to what he referred ? He briefly replied, * The proceedings of the old Congress.' Again I inquired, * What proceedings ? ' He answered, ' Those against Washington ; from first to last there was a most bitter party against him.' " As the old Congress always sat with closed doors, the public knew no more of what passed within than what it was deemed expedient to disclose. CHAPTER XXXI. During the winter's encampment in Valley Forge, Washington sedulously applied himself to the formation of a new system for the army. * Sparks' Writings of "Washington. Vol. v., Appendix —where there is a series of documents respecting the Con- w:iy cabal. 448 REFORMS IN THE ARMY— SCARCITY IN THE CAMP. [1Y78. At his earnest solicitation Congress appointed a committee of five, called the Committee of Arrangement, to repair to the camp and assist him in the task.* Before their arrival he had collected the written opinions and suggestions of his ofiicers on the subject, and from these, and his own observations and experience, had prepared a document exhibiting the actual state of the army, the defects of previous systems, and the alterations and reforms that were necessary. The committee remained three months with him in camp, and then made a report to Congress founded on his statement. The reforms therein recommended were gener- ally adopted. On one point, however, there was much debate. Washington had urged that the pay of the officers was insufficient for their decent subsistence, especially during the actual depreciation of the currency ; and that many resignations were the consequence. He recom- mended not only that their pay should be in- creased, but that there should be a provision for their future support, by half pay and a pensionary establishment ; so as to secure them from being absolutely impoverished in the sei*- vice of their country. This last recommendation had to encounter a great jealousy of the army on the part of Congress, and all that Washington could effect by strenuous and unremitted exertions, was a kind of compromise, according to which officers were to receive half pay for seven years after the war, and non-commissioned officers and privates eighty dollars each. The reforms adopted were slow in going into operation. In the mean time, the distresses of the army continued to increase. The sur- rounding country for a great distance was ex- hausted, and had the appearance of having been pillaged. In some places where the in- habitants had provisions and cattle they denied it, intending to take them to Philadelphia, where they could obtain greater prices. The undisturbed communication with the city had corrupted the minds of the people in its vicin- age. " This State is sick even unto the death," eaid Gouverneur Morris. The parties sent out to forage too often re- turned empty-handed. " For some days past there lias been little less than a famine in the ctoip," writes Washington, on one occasion. " A part of the army has been a week without * Names of the committee— General Keed, Nathaniel Folsom, Prancis Dana, Charles Carroll, and Gouverneur Morris. any kind of flesh, and the rest three or four days. Naked and starving as they are, we can- not enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery, that they have not been, ere this, excited by their suffering to a general mutiny and desertion." The committee, in their report, declared that the want of straw had cost the lives of many of the troops. " Unprovided with this, or materials to raise them from the cold and wet earth, sickness and mortality have spread through their quarters in an astonishing de- gree. Nothing can equal their sufferings, ex- cept the patience and fortitude with which the faithful part of the army endure them." A British historian cites as a proof of the great ascendency of Washington over his " raw and undisciplined troops," that so many remained with him throughout the winter, in this wretched situation and still more wretched plight ; almost naked, often on short allowance, with great sickness and mortality, and a scarci- ty of medicines, their horses perishing by hun- dreds from hunger and the severity of the season. He gives a striking picture of the indolence and luxury which reigned at the same time in the British army in Philadelphia. It is true, the investment of the city by the Americans rendered provisions dear and fuel scanty ; but the consequent privations were felt by the in- habitants, not by their invaders. The latter revelled as if in a conquered place. Private houses were occupied without rendering com- pensation ; the officers were quartered on the principal inhabitants, many of whom were of the Society of " Friends ; " some even trans- gressed so far against propriety as to introduce their mistresses into the quarters thus oppres- sively obtained. The quiet habits of the city were outraged by the dissolute habits of a camp. Gaming prevailed to a shameless de- gree. A foreign officer kept a faro bank, at which he made a fortune, and some of the young officers ruined themselves. " During the whole of this long winter of riot and dissipation," continues the same writer, " Washington was suffered to remain undisturbed at Valley Forge, with an army not exceeding five thousand effective men ; and his cannon frozen up and immovable. A noc- turnal attack might have forced him to a dis- advantageous action or compelled him to a dis- astrous retreat, leaving behind him his sick, cannon, ammunition, and heavy baggage. It ^T. 46.] EXPLOIT OF HENRY LEE— LETTER FROM GENERAL LEE. 449 might have opened the way for supplies to the city, and shaken off the lethargy of the British army. In a word," adds he, "had General Howe led on his troops to action, victory was in his power and conquest in his train." * "Without assenting to the probability of such a result, it is certain that the army for a part of the winter, while it held Philadelphia in siege, was in as perilous a situation as that which kept a bold front before Boston, without ammunition to serve its cannon. On one occasion there was a flurry at the most advanced post, where Captain Henry Lee (Light-horse Harry) with a few of his troops was stationed. He had made himself formida- ble to the enemy by harassing their foraging parties. An attempt was made to surprise him. A party of about two hundred dragoons, taking a circuitous route in the night, came upon him by daybreak. He had but a few men with him at the time, and took post in a large store-house. His scanty force did not allow a soldier for each window. The dra- goons attempted to force their way into the house. There was a warm contest. The dra- goons were bravely repulsed, and sheered off, leaving two killed and four wounded. " So well directed was the opposition," writes Lee to "Washington, " that we drove them from the stables, and saved every horse. We have got the arms, some cloaks, &c., of their wounded. The enterprise was certainly daring, though the issue of it very ignominious. I had not a sol- dier for each window." Washington, whose heart evidently warmed more and more to this young Virginian officer, the son of his " lowland beauty," not content with noticing his exploit in general orders, wrote a note to him on the subject, expressed with unusual familiarity and warmth. "My dear Lee," writes he, " although I have given you my thanks in the general orders of this day, for the late instance of your gallant be- havior, I cannot resist the inclination I feel to repeat them again in this manner. I needed no fresh proof of your merit to bear you in re- membrance. I waited only for the proper time and season to show it ; those I hope are not far off. * * * Offer my sincere thanks to the whole of your gallant party, and assure them, that no one felt pleasure more sensibly, or rejoiced more sincerely for your and their escape, than your affectionate," &c. * Stedman. 29 In effect, Washington not long afterwards strongly recommended Lee for the command of two troops of horse, with the rank of major, to act as an independent partisan corps. " His genius," observes he, " particularly adapts him to a command of this nature ; and it will be the most agreeable to him of any station in which he could be placed." It was a high gratification to Washington when Congress made this appointment ; ac- companying it with encomiums on Lee as a brave and prudent officer, who had rendered essential service to the country, and acquired distinguished honor to himself and the corps he commanded. About the time that Washington was glad- dened by the gallantry and good fortune of " Light-horse Harry," he received a letter from another Lee, the captive general, still in the hands of the enemy. It had been written nearly a month previously. " I have the strongest reason to flatter myself," writes Lee, " that you will interest yourself in whatever interests my comfort and welfare. I think it my duty to inform you that my situation is much bettered. It is now five days that I am on my parole. I have the full liberty of the city and its limits ; have horses at my com- mand furnished by Sir Henry Clinton and General Eobertson ; am lodged with two of the oldest and warmest friends I have in the world. Colonel Butler and Colonel Disney of the forty-second regiment. In short, my situa- tion is rendered as easy, comfortable, and pleas- ant as possible, for a man who is in any sort a prisoner." Washington, in reply, expressed his satisfac- tion at learning that he was released from con- finement, and permitted so many indulgences. " You may rest assured," adds he, " that I feel myself very much interested in your welfare, and that every exertion has been used on my part to effect your exchange. This I have not been able to accomplish. However, from the letters which have lately passed between Sir William Howe and myself, upon the subject of prisoners, I am authorized to expect that you will return in a few days to your friends on parole, as Major-General Prescott will be sent in on the same terms for that purpose." Difficulties, however, stiU occurred ; and General Lee and Colonel Ethan Allen were doomed for a few months longer to suffer the annoyance of hope deferred. The embarkation of General Burgoyne and 450 MRS. WASHINGTON JOINS THE GENERAL— BRYAN FAIRFAX. [1778. his troops from Boston, became also a subject of difficulty and delay ; it being alleged that some stipulations of the treaty of surrender had not been complied with. After some cor- respondence and discussion, it was resolved in Congress that the embarkation should be sus- pended, until a distinct and explicit ratification of the convention should be properly notified to that body by the court of Great Britain. Burgoyne subsequently obtained permission for his own return to England on parole, on ac- count of ill health. In the month of February, Mrs. Washington rejoined the general at A^ alley Forge, and took up her residence at head-quarters. The ar- rangements consequent to her arrival bespeak the simplicity of style in this rude encampment. " The general's apartment is very small," writes she to a friend ; " he has had a log cabin built to dine in, which has made our quarters much more tolerable than they were at first." Lady Stirling, Mrs. Knox, the wife of the general, and the wives of other of the officers, were also in the camp. The reforms in the commissariat had begun to operate. Provi- sions arrived in considerable quantities ; sup- plies, on their way to the Philadelphia market to load the British tables, were intercepted and diverted into the hungry camp of the patriots ; magazines were formed in Valley Forge ; the threatened famine was averted ; " grim-visaged war " gradually relaxed his features, and affairs in the encampment began to assume a more cheering aspect. In the latter part of the winter, Washington was agreeably surprised by a visit from his old and highly esteemed friend, Bryan Fairfax. That gentleman, although he disapproved of the measures of the British government which had severed the colonies from the mother country, was still firm in allegiance to his king. This had rendered his situation uncomfortable among his former intimates, who were gener- ally embarked in the Eevolution. He had re- solved, therefore, to go to England, and remain there until the peace. Washington, who knew his integrity and respected his conscientious- ness, received him with the warm cordiality of former and happier days ; for indeed he brought with him recollections always dear to his heart, of Mount Vernon, and Belvoii", and Virginia life, and the pleasant banks of the Potomac. As Mr. Fairfax intended to embark at ISTew York, Washington furnished him witli a pass- port to that city. Being arrived there, the conscience of Mr. Faii'fax prevented him from taking the oaths prescribed, which he feared might sever him from his wife and children, and he obtained permission from the British com- mander to return to them. On his way home he visited Washington, and the kindness he again experienced from him, so different from the harshness with which others had treated him, drew from him a grateful letter of ac- knowledgment after he had arrived in Vir- ginia. " There are times," said he, " when favors conferred make a greater impression than at others, for, though I have received many, I hope I have not been unmindful of them ; yet, that at a time your popularity was at the high- est and mine at the lowest, and when it is so common for men's resentments to run high against those who differ from them in opinion, you should act with your wonted kindness towards me, has affected me more than any favor I have received ; and could not be believed by some in New York, it being above the run of common minds." * Washington, in reply, expressed himself gratified by the sentiments of his letter, and confident of their sincerity. " The friendship," added he, " which I ever professed and felt for you, met with no diminution from the differ- ence in our political sentiments. I know the rectitude of my own intentions, and believing in the sincerity of yours, lamented, though I did not condemn, your renunciation of the creed I had adopted. Nor do I think any person or power ought to do it, whilst your conduct is not opposed to the general interest of the peo- ple and the measures they are pursuing ; the latter, that is our actions, depending upon our- selves, may be controlled ; while the powers of thinking, originating in higher causes, can- not always be moulded to our wishes." The most important arrival in the camp was that of the Baron Steuben, towards the latter part of February. He was a seasoned soldier from the old battle fields of Europe ; having served in the seven years' war, been aide-de- camp to the great Frederick, and connected with the quartermaster-general's department. Hon- ors had been heaped upon him in Germany. * Bryan Fairfax continued to reside in "Virginia until his death, which happened in 1802, at seventy-five years of age. He became proprietor of Belvoir and heir to the family title, but the laitter he never assumed. During the latter years of his life he was a clergyman of the Episco- pal Church. Mr. 46.] ARRIVAL OF BARON STEUBEN— APPOINTED INSPECTOR-GENERAL. 451 After leaving the Prussian army he had been grand marshal of the court of the Prince of IIohenzoUern-Hechingen, colonel in the circle of Suahia, lieutenant-general under the Prince Margrave of Baden, and knight of the Order of Fidelity ; and he had declined liberal ofters from the King of Sardinia and the Emperor of Austria. With an income of about three thou- sand dollars, chiefly arising from various ap- pointments, he "was living pleasantly in distin- guished society at the German courts, and mak- ing occasional visits to Paris, when he was persuaded by the Count de St. Germain, French Minister of War, and others of the French cab- inet, to come out to America, and engage in the cause they were preparing to befriend. Their object was to secure for the American armies the services of an Officer of experience and a thorough disciplinarian. Through their persuasions he resigned his several offices, and came out at forty-eight years of age, a soldier of fortune, to the rude fighting grounds of America, to aid a half-disciplined people in their struggle for liberty. No certainty of re- muneration was held out to him, but there was an opportunity for acquiring military glory ; the probability of adequate reward should the young republic be successful ; and it was hinted that, at all events, the French court would not suffer him to be a loser. As his means, on re- signing his offices, were small, Beaumarchais furnished funds for his immediate expenses. The baron had brought strong letters from Dr. Franklin and Mr: Deane, our envoys at Paris, and from the Count St. Germain. Land- ing in Portsmouth in New Hampshire, Dec. 1st, he had forwarded copies of his letters to Washington. " The object of my greatest am- bition," writes he, " is to render your country all the service in my power, and to deserve the title of a citizen of America by fighting for the cause of your liberty. If the distinguished ranks in which I have served in Europe should be an obstacle, I had rather serve under your Excellency as a volunteer, than to be an object of discontent among such deserving ofiicers as have already distinguished themselves among you." " I would say, moreover," adds he, " were it not for the fear of offending your modesty, that your Excellency is the only person under whom, after having served under the King of Prussia, I could wish to pursue an art to which "I have wholly given myself up." By Washington's direction, the baron had proceeded direct to Congress. His letters pro- cured him a distinguished reception from the president. A committee was appointed to confer with him. He offered his services as a volunteer : making no condition for rank or pay, but trusting, should he prove himself worthy and the cause be crowned with success, he would be indemnified for the sacrifices he had made, and receive such further compensa- tion as he might be thought to merit. The committee having made their report, the baron's proffered services were accepted with a vote of thanks for his disinterestedness, and he was ordered to join the army at Valley Forge. That army, in its ragged condition and squalid quarters, presented a sorry aspect to a strict disciplinarian from Germany, accustomed to the order and appointments of European camps ; and the baron often declared, that under such circumstances no army in Europe could be kept together for a single month. The liberal mind of Steuben, however, made every allowance ; and Washington soon found in him a consummate soldier, free from pedan- try or pretension. The evils arising from a want of uniformity in discipline and manoeuvres throughout the army, had long caused Washington to desire a well-organized inspectorship. He knew that the same desire was felt by Congress. Con- way had been appointed to that office, but had never entered upon its duties. The baron ap- peared to be peculiarly well qualified for such a department ; Washington determined, there- fore, to set on foot a temporary institution of the kind. Accordingly he proposed to the baron to undertake the office of inspector- general. The latter cheerfully agreed. Two ranks of inspectors were appointed under him ; the lowest to inspect brigades, the highest to superintend several of these. Among the in- spectors was a French gentleman of the name of Ternaut, chosen not only for his intrinsic merit and abilities, but on account of his being well versed in the English as well as the French language, which made him a necessary assist- ant to the baron, who, at times, needed an in- terpreter. The gallant Fleury, to whom Con- gress had given the rank and pay of lieutenant- colonel, and who had exercised the office of aide-major in France, was soon after employed likewise as an inspector.''' In a little while the whole army was under * Washington to tho President of Congress. Sparks, V. 347. 452 STEUBEN DISCIPLINES THE ARMY— GREENE AS QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. [1778. drill ; for a great part, made up of raw militia, scarcely knew the manual exercise. Many of the officers, too, knew little of manoeuvring, and the best of them had much to learn. The baron furnished his sub-inspectors with written instructions relative to their several functions. He took a company of soldiers under his im- mediate training, and after he had suflBciently schooled it, made it a model for the others, ex- hibiting the manoeuvres they had to practise. It was a severe task at first for the aide-de- camp of the Great Frederick to operate upon such raw materials. His ignorance of the lan- guage, too, increased the difficulty, where ma- noeuvres were to be explained or rectified. He was in despair, until an officer of a New York regiment, Captain Walker, who spoke French, stepped forward and ofifered to act as inter- preter. " Had I seen an angel from Heaven," says the baron, " I could not have been more rejoiced." He made "Walker his aide-de-camp, and from that time had him always at hand. For a time, there was nothing but drills throughout the camp, then gradually came evolutions of every kind. The officers were schooled as well as the men. The troops, says a person who Vas present in the camp, were paraded in a single line with shouldered arms ; every officer in his place. The baron passed in front, then took the musket of each soldier in hand, to see whether it Avas clean and well polished, and examined whether the men's accoutrements were in good order. He was sadly worried for a time with the militia; especially when any manoeuvre was to be performed. The men blundered in their exercise ; the baron blundered in his English ; his French and German were of no avail ; he lost his temper, which was rather warm ; swore in all three languages at once, which made the matter worse, and at length called his aide to his assistance ; to help him curse the block- heads, as it was pretended — but no doubt to explain the manoeuvre.* Still the grand marshal of the court of Ho- lienzollern mingled with the veteran soldier of Frederick, and tempered his occasional bursts of impatience , and he had a kind, generous heart, that soon made him a favorite with the men. His discipline extended to their com- * On one occasion having exhausted all his German and French oaths, he vociferated to his aide-de-camp, Major "Walker, " Vien mon ami "Walker — vien mon bon ami. Sacra — G — dam de gaucherie of desc badauts— je ne puis plus— I can curse dem no more." — Garden, Anecdotes of the American War, p. S41. forts. He inquired into their treatment by the officers. He examined the doctor's reports; visited the sick ; and saw that they were well lodged and attended. He was an example, too, of the regularity and system he exacted. One of the most alert and indefatigable man in the camp ; up at day- break if not before, whenever there were to be any important manoeuvres, he took his cup of coflfee and smoked his pipe while his servant dressed his hair, and by sunrise he was in the saddle, equipped at all points, with the star of his order of knighthood glittering on his breast, and was oft" to the parade, alone, if his suite were not ready to attend him. The strong good sense of the baron was evinced in the manner in which he adapted his tactics to the nature of the army and the situ- ation of the country, instead of adhering with bigotry to the systems of Europe. His instruc- tions were appreciated by all. The officers re- ceived them gladly and conformed to them. The men soon became active and adroit. The army gradually acquired a proper organization, and began to operate like a great machine ; and Washington found in the baron an intelligent, disinterested, truthful coadjutor, well worthy of the badge he wore as a knight of the Order of Fidelity. Another great satisfaction to Washington) was the appointment by Congress (March 3d) of Greene to the office of quartermaster-gen- eral ; still retaining his rank of major-general in the army. The confusion and derangement of this department during the late campaign, while filled by General Mifflin, had been a source of perpetual embarrassment. That officer, however capable of doing his duty, was hardly ever at hand. The line and the staff were consequently at variance ; and the country was plundered in a way sufficient to breed a civil war between the staff and the inhabitants. Washington was often obliged to do the duties of the office himself, until he declared to the Committee of Congress that " he would stand quartermaster no longer." .* Greene undertook the office with reluctance, and agreed to per- form the military duties of it without compen- sation for the space of a year. He found it in great disorder and confusion, but, by extraor- dinary exertions and excellent system, so ar- ranged it, as to put the army in a condition to take the field and move with rapidity the mo- * Correspondence of the Revolution, vol. ii., P- 2V4. iET. 46.] FORTIFICATIONS OF THE HUDSON— HOWE FORAGES THE JERSEYS. 453 ment it should be required.* The favor in which Greene stood with the commander-in- chief, was a continual cause of mean jealoiisy and cavil among the intriguing and the en- vious ; hut it arose from the abundant proofs "Washington had received in times of trial and difficulty, that he had a brave, affectionate heart, a sound head, and an efficient arm, on all of which he could thoroughly rely. CHAPTER XXXII. The Highlands of the Hudson had been care- fully reconnoitred in the course of the winter by General Putnam, Governor Clinton, his brother James, and several others, and subse- quently by a committee from the New York Legislature, to determine upon the most eligible place to be fortified. West Point was ulti- mately chosen : and Putnam was urged by Washington to have the works finished as soon as possible. The general being called to Con- necticut by his private affairs, and being in- volved in an inquiry to be made into the loss of Forts Montgomery and Clinton, Major-Gen- eral McDougall was ordered to the Highlands, to take command of the different posts in that department, and to press forward the construc- tion of the works, in which he was to be as- sisted by Kosciuszko as engineer. Before General McDougall's arrival, Briga- dier-General Parsons had commanded at West Point. A letter of Washington to the latter suggests an enterprise of a somewhat romantic chai'acter. It was no less than to pounce upon Sir Henry Clinton, and carry him off prisoner from his head-quarters in the city of New York. The general was quartered in the Kennedy house near the Battery, and but a short distance from the Hudson. His situation was rather lonely ; most of the houses in that quarter having been consumed in the great fire. A retired way led from it through a back yard or garden to the river bank ; where Greenwich street extends at present. The idea of Washington was, that an enterprising party should embark in eight or ten whale-boats at King's Ferry, just below the Highlands, on the first of the ebb, and early in the evening. In six or eight hours, with change of hands, the boats might he rowed under the shadows of the western shore, and * WaBhington to Greene. — Writings of Washington, vol. vii., p. 152. approach New York with muffled oars. There were no ships of war at that time on that side of the city ; all were in the East River. The officers and men to be employed in the enter- prise were to be dressed in red, and much in the style of the British soldiery. Having cap- tured Sir Henry, they might return in their swift whale-boats with the flood tide, or a party of horse might meet them at Fort Lee. " What guards may be at or neai' his quarters, I cannot say Avith precision," writes Washing- ton, " and therefore shall not add any thing on this score. But I think it one of the most prac- ticable, and surely it will be among the most desirable and honorable things imaginable to take him prisoner." The enterprise, we believe, was never at- tempted. Colonel Hamilton is said to have paralyzed it. He agreed with Washington that there could be little doubt of its success ; " but, sir," said he, "have you examined the conse- quences of it ? " " In what respect ? " asked the general. " Why," replied Hamilton, " we shall rather lose than gain by removing Sir Henry from the command of the British army, because we perfectly understand his character ; and by taking him off we only make way for some other, perhaps an abler officer, whose character and dispositions we have to learn." The shrewd suggestions of his aide-de-camp had their effect on Washington, and the project to abduct Sir Henry was abandoned.* The spring opened without any material al- teration in the dispositions of the armies. Washington at one time expected an attack upon his camp ; but Sir William was deficient in the necessary enterprise ; he contented him- self with sending out parties which* foraged the surrounding country for many miles, and scoured part of the Jerseys, bringing in consid- erable supplies. These forays were in some in- stances accompanied by wanton excesses and needless bloodshed ; the more unjustifiable, as they met with feebly resistance, especially in the Jerseys, where it was difficult to assemble militia in sufficient force to oppose them. Another ravaging party ascended the Dela- wai-e in flat-bottomed boats and galleys ; set fire to public storehouses in Bordentown con- taining provisions and munitions of war ; burnt two frigates, several privateers, and a number of vessels of various classes, some of them laden with military stores. Had the armed vessels ■ WilkiuBon's Memoirs, vol. i., p. 852. 454 THE CABAL AT AN END— DOWNFALL OF CONWAY. [ms. been sunk according to the earnest advice of Washington, the greater part of them might have been saved. A circular letter was sent by Washington on the 20th to all the general officers in camp, re- questing their opinions in writing, which of three plans to adopt for the next campaign : to attempt the recovery of Philadelphia; to transfer the war to the north and make an at- tempt on New York ; or to remain quiet in a secure and fortified camp, disciplining and ar- ranging the army until the enemy should begin their operations ; then to be governed by cir- cumstances. Just after the issue of this circular, intelli- gence received from Congress showed that the ascendency of the cabal was at an end. By a resolution of that body on the 15th, Gates w.as directed to resume the command of the North- ern department, and to proceed forthwith to Fishkill for that purpose. He was invested with powers for completing the works on the Hudson, and authorized to carry on operations against the enemy should any favorable opportunity ofl:er, for which purposes he might call for the artificers and militia of New York and the East- tern States : but he was not to undertake any ex- pedition against New York without previously consulting the commander-in-chief. Washing- ton was requested to assemble a council of major-generals to determine upon a plan of operations, and Gates and Mifflin, by a subse- quent I'esolution, were ordered to attend that council. This arrangement, putting Gates under Washington's order, evinced the determi- nation of Congress to sustain the latter in his proper authority. Washington in a reply to the President of Congress, who had informed him of this ar- rangement, mentioned the circular he had jnst issued, " There is not a moment to be de- layed," observed he, " in forming some general system, and I only wait the arrival of Generals Gates and Mifflin to summon a council for the purpose. The next day (24th) he. addressed a letter to Gates, requesting him, should he not find it inconvenient, to favor him with a call at the camp, to discuss the plan of operations for the campaign. A similar invitation was sent by him to Mifflin ; who eventually re- sumed his station in the line. And here we may note the downfall of the intriguing individual who had given his name to the now extinguished cabal. Conway, after the departure of Lafayette and De Kalb from Albany, had remained but a short time in the command there, being ordered to join the army under General McDougall, stationed at Fish- kill. Thence he was soon ordered back to Al- bany, whereupon he wrote an impertinent let- ter to the President of Congress, complaining that he was " boxed about in a most indecent manner." " What is the meaning," demanded he, " of removing me from the scene of action on the opening of the campaign ? I did not desert-e this burlesque disgrace, and my honor will not permit me to bear it." In a word, he inti- mated a wish that the president would make his resignation acceptable to Congress. To his surprise and consternation, his resig- nation was immediately accepted. He instantly wrote to the president, declaring that his mean- ing had been misapprehended ; and accounting for it by some orthographical or grammatical faults in his letter, being an Irishman, who had learnt his English in France. " I had no thoughts of resigning," adds he, " while there was a prospect of firing a single shot, and espe- cially at the beginning of a campaign which in my opinion will be a very hot one." All his efforts to get reinstated were unavail- ing, though he went to Yorktown to make them in person. " Conway's appointment to the inspectorship of the army, with the rank of major-general, after he had insulted the com- mander-in-chief," observes Wilkinson, " was a splenetic measure of a majority of Congress, as factious as it was ill-judged." They had become heartily ashamed of it; especially as it had proved universally unpop- ular. The office of inspector-general with the rank of major-general, with the proper pay and appointments, were, at Washington's recom- mendation, voted by them on the 6th of May to Baron Steuben, who had already performed the duties in so satisfactory a manner. NOTE. As General Conway takes no farther part in the events of this history, we shall briefly dispose of him. Disappointed in his aims, he became ii-ritable in his temper, and oftensive in his manners, and frequently indulged in acrimonious language respecting the com-, mander-in-chief, that was highly resented by the army. In consequence of some dispute he became involved in a duel with General John Cadwalader, in which he was severely wounded. Thinking his end approach- ing, he addressed the following penitential letter to Washington : Philadelphia, 23d July, 177S. Sir :— I find myself just able to hold the pen during Ml. 46.] LORD NORTH'S CONCILIATORY BILLS. 455 The capture of Burgoyne and his army was now operating with powerful effect on the cab- inets of both England and France. With the former it was coupled with the apprehension that France was about to espouse the American cause. The consequence was Lord North's " Conciliatory Bills," as they were called, sub- mitted by him to Parliament, and passed with but slight opposition. One of these bills regu- lated taxation in the American colonies, in a manner which, it was trusted, would obviate every objection. The other authorized the appointment of commissioners clothed with powers to negotiate with the existing govern- ments ; to proclaim a cessation of hostilities ; to grant pardons, and to adopt other measures of a conciliatory nature. "If what was now proposed was a right measure," observes a British historian, "it ought to have been adopted at first and before the sword was drav/n ; on the other hand, if the claims of the mother country over her col- onies were originally worth contending for, the strength and resources of the nation were not yet so far exhausted as to justify ministers in relinquishing them without a further struggle." * Intelligence that a treaty between France and the United States had actually been con- cluded at Paris, induced the British minister to hurry off a draft of the bills to America, to forestall the effects of the treaty upon the pub- lic mind. General Tryon caused copies of it to be printed in New York and circulated through the country. He sent several of them to Gen- eral Washington, 15th April, with a request that they should be communicated to the of- ficers and privates of his army, Washington felt the singular impertinence of the request. He transmitted them to Congress, observing a few minutes, and take this opportunity of expressing my sincere grief for having done, written, or said any thing disagreeable to your Excellency. My career will soon be over, therefore justice and truth prompt me to declare my last sentiments. You are in my eyes the great and good man. May you long enjoy the love, veneration, and esteem of these States, whose liberties you have asserted by your virtues. I am, with the greatest respect, &c., Thomas Conwat. Contrary to all expectation, he recovered fi-om his wound; but, finding himself without rank in the army, covered with public opprobrium, and his very name become a byword, he abandoned a country in which he had dishonored himself, and embarked for France in the course of the year. * Stedman. that the time to entertain such overtures was past. " Nothing short of independence, it ap- pears to me, can possibly do. A peace on other terms would, if I may be allowed the expres- sion, be a peace of war. The injuries we have received from the British nation were so un- provoked, and have been so great and so many, that they can never be forgotten." These and other objections advanced by him met with the concurrence of Congress, and it was unani- mously resolved that no conference could be held, no treaty made with any commissioners on the part of Great Britain, until that power should have withdrawn its fleets and armies, or acknowledged in positive and express terms the independence of the United States. On the following day, April 23d, a resolution was passed recommending to the different States to pardon, under such restrictions as might be deemed expedient, such of their citi- zens as, having levied war against the United States, should return to their allegiance before the 16th of June. Copies of this resolution were struck off in English and German, and enclosed by Washington in a letter to General Tryon, in which he indulged in a vein of grave irony. " Sir, — Your letter of the I7th and a tripli- cate of the same were duly received. I had the pleasure of seeing the drafts of the two bills, before those which were sent by you came to hand ; and I can assure you they were suffered to have a free currency among the of- ficers and men under my command, in whose fidelity to the United States I have the most perfect confidence. The enclosed Gazette, pub- lished the 24th at Yorktown, wiU show you that it is the wish of Congress that they should have an unrestrained circulation.* " I take the liberty to transmit to you a few printed copies of a resolution of Congress of the 23d instant, and to request that you will be in- strumental in communicating its contents, so far as it may be in your power, to the persons who are the objects of its operations. The be- nevolent purpose it is intended to answer will, I persuade myself, sufiiciently recommend it to your candor. I am. Sir," &c. The tidings of the capitulation of Burgoyne had been equally efiicacious in quickening the * In the Gazette of that date the Conciliatory Bills were published by order of Congress ; aa an instance of their reception by the public, we may mention that in Rhode Island the populace burned them under the gallows. ( 456 REJOICINGS AT VALLEY FORGE— SIR WILLIAM HOWE. [1778. action of the French cabinet. The negotiations, which had gone on so slowly as almost to reduce our commissioners to despair, were brought to a happy termination, and on the 2d of May, ten days after the passing by Congress of the resolves just cited, a messenger arrived express from France with two treaties, one of amity and commerce, the other of defensive al- liance, signed in Paris on the 6th of February by M. Girard on the part of France, and by Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee on the part of the United States. This last treaty stipulated that, should war ensue between France and England, it should be made a common cause by the contracting par- ties, in which neither should make truce or peace with Great Britain without the consent of the other, nor either lay down their arms xzntil the independence of the United States was established. These treaties were unanimously ratified by Congress, and their promulgation was cele- brated by public rejoicings throughout the country. The 6th of May was set apart for a military fete at the camp at Valley Forge. The army was assembled in best array ; there was solemn thanksgiving by the chaplains at the head of each brigade ; after which a grand parade, a national discharge of thirteen guns, a general feu de joie, and shouts of the whole army, " Long live the King of France — Long live the friendly European Powers — Huzza for the American States." A banquet succeeded, at which Washington dined in public with all the oflBcers of his army, attended by a band of music. Patriotic toasts were given and heartily cheered. " I never was present," writes a spectator, "where there was such unfeigned and perfect joy as was discovered in every coun- tenance. Washington retired at five o'clock, on which there was universal huzzaing and clapping of hands — ' Long live General Wash- ington.' The non-commissioned officers and privates followed the example of their officers as he rode past their brigades. The shouts continued till he had proceeded a quarter of a mile, and a thousand hats were tossed in the air. Washington and his suite turned round several times and cheered in reply." Gates and Mifflin, if in the camp at the time, must have seen enough to convince them that the commander-in-chief was supreme in the affec- tions of the army. On the 8th, the council of war, ordered by Congress, was convened ; at which were pres- ent Major-Generals Gates, Greene, Stirling, Mif- flin, Lafayette, De Kalb, Armstrong, and Steu- ben, and Brigadier-Generals Knox and Dupor- taU. After the state of the forces, British and American, their number and distribution, had been laid before the councQ by the commander- in-chief, and a fuU discussion had been held, it was unanimously determined to remain on the defensive, and not attempt any offensive opera- tion until some opportunity should occur to strike a successful blow. General Lee was not present at the council, but afterwards signed the decision. While the Conciliatory BUls failed thus sig- nally of their anticipated effect upon the Con- gress and people of the United States, they were regarded with indignation by the royal forces in America, as offering a humiliating contrast to the high and arrogant tone hitherto indulged towards the " rebels." The;; struck dismay too into the hearts of the American royalists and refugees ; who beheld in them sure prognostics of triumph to the cause they had opposed, and of mortification and trouble, if not of exile, to themselves. The military career of Sir William Howe in the United States was now drawing to a close. His conduct of the war had given much dissat- isfaction in England. His enemies observed that every thing gained by the troops was lost by the general ; that he had suffered an enemy with less than four thousand men to reconquer a province which he had recently reduced, and lay a kind of siege to his army in their winter quarters ; * and that he had brought a sad re- verse upon the British arms by failing to co- operate vigorously and efficiently with Bur- goyne. Sir William, on his part, had considered him- self slighted by the ministry ; his suggestions, he said, were disregarded, and the reinforce- ments withheld which he considered indispen- sable for the successful conduct of the war. He had therefore tendered his resignation, which had been promptly accepted, and Sir Henry Clinton ordered to relieve him. Clin- ton arrived in Philadelphia on the 8th of May, and took command of the army on the 11th. Sir William Howe was popular among the officers of his army, from his open and engag- ing manners ; and, perhaps, from the loose rule which indulged them in their social excesses. A number of them combined to close his in- * Btedman, vol. i., p. 384. ^T. 46.] THE MISCHIANZA— LAFAYETTE DETACHED TO WATCH PHILADELPHIA. 457 glorious residence in Philadelphia by a still more inglorious pageant. It was called the MiscniANZA (or Medley), a kind of regatta and tournament, the former on the Delaware, the latter at a country-seat on its banks. The regatta was in three divisions ; each with its band of music, to which the oarsmen kept time. The river was crowded with boats, which were kept at a distance from the squadrons of gayly decorated barges, and the houses, bal- conies, and wharves along the shore, were filled with spectators. We forbear to give the fulsome descriptions of the land part of the Mischianza furnished by various pens ; and will content ourselves with the following, from the pen of a British writer who was present. It illustrates sufficiently the absurdity of the scene. " All the colors of the army were placed in a grand avenue three hundred feet in length, lined with the king's troops, between two tri- umphal arches, for the two brothers, the Ad- miral Lord Howe and the General Sir William Howe, to march along in pompous procession, followed by a numerous train of attendants, with seven silken Knights of the Blended Eose, and seven more of the Burning Mountain, and fourteen damsels dressed in the Turkish fashion, to an area of one hundred and fifty yards square, lined also with the king's troops ; for the ex- hibition of a tilt and tournament,or mock fight of old chivalry, in honor of those two heroes. On the top of each triumphal arch was a figure of Fame bespangled with stars, blowing from her trumpet, in letters of light, Tes lauriers sont immortels (Thy laurels are immortal)." On this occasion, according to the same writer, " men compared the importance of Sir Wil- liam's services with the merit he assumed, and the gravity with which he sustained the most excessive praise and adulation." The unfortunate Major Andr6, at that time a captain, was very efficient in getting up this tawdry and somewhat effeminate pageant. He had promoted private theatricals during the winter, and aided in painting scenery and de- vising decorations. He wrote a glowing de- scription of the Mischianza, in a letter to a friend, pronouncing it as perhaps the most spendid entertainment ever given by any army to their general. He figured in it as one of the Knights of the Blended Kose. In a letter written to a lady, in the following year, he al- ludes to his preparations for it as having made him a complete milliner, and offers his services to furnish her supplies in that department. At the time of this silken and mock heroic display, the number of British chivalry in Phil- adelphia was nineteen thousand five hundred and thirty, cooped up in a manner by an Amer- ican force at Valley Forge, amounting, accord- ing to official returns, to eleven thousand eight hundred men. Could any triumphal pageant be more ill-placed and ill-timed ! CHAPTER XXXIII. Soon after Sir Henry Clinton had taken the command, there were symptoms of an intention to evacuate Philadelphia. Whither the enemy would thence direct their course was a matter of mere conjecture. Lafayette was therefore detached by Washington, with twenty-one hundred chosen men and five pieces of cannon, to take a position nearer the city, where he might be at hand to gain information, watch the movements of the enemy, check their pred- atory excursions, and fall on their rear when in the act of withdrawing. The marquis crossed the Schuylkill on the 18th of May, and proceeded to Barren Hill, about half way between Washington's camp and Philadelphia, and about eleven miles from both. Here he planted his cannon facing the south, with rocky ridges bordering the Schuyl- kill on his right ; woods and stone houses on his left. Behind him the roads forked, one branch leading to Matson's Ford of the Schuyl- kill, the other by Swedes' Ford to Valley Forge. In advance of his left wing was McLane's com- pany and about fifty Indians. Pickets and videttes were placed in the woods to the south, through which the roads led to Philadelphia, and a body of six hundred Pennsylvania militia were stationed to keep watch on the roads leading to White Marsh. In the mean time Sir Henry Clinton, having received intelligence through his spies of this movement of Lafayette, concerted a plan to entrap the young French nobleman. Five thousand men were sent out at night, under General Grant, to make a circuitous march by White Marsh, and get in the rear of the Ameri- cans ; another force under General Grey was to cross to the west side of the Schuylkill, and take post below Barren HUl, while Sir Henry 458 PLAN TO ENTRAP LAFAYETTE— PREPARATIONS TO LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. [111$. in person "svas to lead a third division along the Philadelphia road. The plan came near heing completely success- ful, through the remissness of the Pennsyl- vania militia who had left their post of obser- vation. Early in the morning, as Lafayette was conversing with a young girl who was to go to Philadelphia and collect information under pretext of visiting her relatives, word was brought that red coats had been descried in the Avoods near "White Mai'sh. Lafayette was ex- l^ecting a troop of American dragoons in that quarter, who wore scarlet uniforms, and sup- posed these to be them ; to be certain, how- ever, he sent out an officer to reconnoitre. The latter soon came spurring back at full speed. A column of the enemy had pushed forward on the road from White Marsh, were within a mile of the camp, and had possession of the road leading to Valley Forge. Another column was advancing on the Philadelphia road. In fact, the young French general was on the point of being surrounded by a greatly superior force. Lafayette saw his danger, but maintained his presence of mind. Throwing out small parties of troops to show themselves at various points of the intervening wood, as if an attack on Grant was meditated, he brought that general to a halt, to prepare for action, while he with his main body pushed forward for Matson's Ford on the Schuylkill. The alarm-guns at sunrise had apprised "Washington that the detachment under Lafay- ette was in danger. The troops at Valley Forge were instantly under arms. "Washington, with his aides-de-camp and some of his general officers, galloped to the summit of a hill, and anxiously reconnoitred the scene of action with a glass. His solicitude for the marquis was soon relieved. The stratagem of the youthful warrior had been crowned with success. He completely gained the march upon General Grant, reached Matson's Ford in safety, crossed it in great order, and took a strong position on high grounds which commanded it. The ene- my arrived at the river just in time for a skirmish as the artillery was crossing. Seeing that Lafayette had extricated himself from their hands, and was so strongly posted, they gave over all attack, and returned somewhat disconcerted to Philadelphia ; while the youth- ful marquis rejoined the army at Valley Forge, where he was received with acclamations. The exchange of General Lee for General J Prescott, so long delayed by various impedi- ments, had recently been effected, and Lee was reinstated in his position of second in com- mand. Colonel Ethan Allen, also, had been released from his long captivity in exchange for Colonel Campbell. Allen paid a visit to the camp at Valley Forge, where he had much to tell of his various vicissitudes and hardships. "Washington, in a letter to the President of Congress suggesting that something should be done for Allen, observes : " His fortitude and firmness seem to have placed him out of the reach of misfortune. There is an original some- thing about him that commands admiration, and his long captivity and sufferings have only served to increase, if possible, his enthusiastic zeal. He appears very desirous of rendering his services to the States, and of being em- ployed ; and at the same time, he does not dis- cover any ambition for high rank." In a few days, a brevet commission of colonel arrived for Ahen ; but he had already left camp for his home in Vermont, where he appears to have hung up his sword ; for we meet with no further achievements by him on record. Indications continued to increase of the de- parture of troops from Philadelphia. The military quarters were in a stir and bustle ; effects were packed up ; many sold at auction ; baggage and heavy cannon embarked ; trans- ports fitted up for the reception of horses, and hay taken on board. "Was the whole army to leave the city, or only a part ? The former was probable. A war between France and England appeared to be impending: in that event Philadelphia would be an ineligible posi- tion for the British army. New Tork, it was concluded, would be the place of destination ; either as a rendezvous, or a post whence to attempt the occupation of the Hudson. "Would they proceed thither by land or water ? Supposing the former, "Wash- ington would gladly have taken post in Jersey to oppose or harass them, on their march through that State. His camp, however, was encumbered by upwards of three thousand sick ; and covered a great amount of military stores. He dared not weaken it by detaching a suffi- cient force ; especially as it was said the enemy intended to attack him before their departure. For three weeks affairs remained in this state. "Washington held his army ready to march toward the Hudson at a moment's warn- ing ; and sent General Maxwell with a brigade of Jersey troops, to 'co-operate with Major- Mt. 46.] ARRIVAL OF BRITISH COMMISSIONERS— THEIR DISAPPOINTMENT. 459 General Dickinson and the militia of that State, in breaking down the bridges and harassing the enemy, should they actually attempt to march through it. At the same time he wrote to General Gates, who was now at his post on the Hudson, urging liim to call in as large a force of militia as he could find subsistence for, and to be on the alert for the protection of that river. In the mean time, the commissioners empow- ered under the new Conciliatory Bills to nego- tiate the restoration of peace between Great Britain and her former colonies, arrived in the Delaware in the Trident ship-of-war. These were Frederick Howard, Earl of Carlisle; "William Eden (afterwards Lord Aukland), brother of the last colonial governor of Mary- land ; and George Johnstone, sometimes called commodore, from having served in the navy, but more commonly known as Governor John- stone, having held that office in Florida. He was now a member of Parliament, and in the opposition. Their secretary was the celebrated Dr. Adam Ferguson, an Edinburgh professor ; author of a Roman History, and who in his younger days (he was now about fifty-five years of age) had been a " fighting chaplain at Fonte- noy." The choice of commissioners gave rise to much criticism and cavil ; especially that of Lord Carlisle, a young man of fashion, amiable and intelligent, it is true, but unfitted by his soft European habits for such a mission. " To captivate the rude members of Congress," said Wilkes, " and civilize the wild inhabitants of an unpolished country, a noble peer was very properly appointed chief of the honorable em- bassy. His lordship, to the surprise and ad- miration of that part of the New World, carried with him a green ribbon, the gentle manners, winning behavior, and soft insinuating address of a modern man of quality and a professed courtier. The muses and graces with a group of little laughing loves were in his train, and for the first time crossed the Atlantic." * Mr. Eden, by his letter still in existence, t appears to have been unkindly disposed tow- ards America. Johnstone was evidently the strongest member of the commission. Fox pronounced him " the only one avIio could have the ear of the people in America," he alone had been their fi-iend in Great Britain, and was acquainted with the people of Pennsylvania. * 19 Parliamentary Hist., 1338. t Force's Am. Arcliives, vol. i. 962. The commissioners landed at Philadelphia on the 6th of June, and discovered, to their astonishment, that they had come out, as it were, in the dark, on a mission in which but a half confidence had been reposed in them by government. Three weeks before their depar- ture from England, orders had been sent out to Sir Henry Clinton to evacuate Philadelphia and concentrate his forces at New York ; yet these orders were never imparted to them. Their letters and speeches testify their surprise and indignation at ^nding their plan of opera- tions so completely disconcerted by their own cabinet. " We found every thing here," writes Lord Carlisle, " in great confusion ; the army upon the point of leaving the town, and about three thousand of the miserable inhabitants embarked on board of our ships, to convey them from a place where they think they would receive no mercy from those w^o will take possession after us." So Governor Johnstone, in speeches subse- quently made in Parliament : " On my ar- rival, the orders for the evacuation had been made public — the city was in the utmost con- sternation : a more affecting spectacle of woe I never beheld." And again : "-The commis- sioners were received at Philadelphia with all the joy which a generous people could express. Why were you so long a-coming ? was the gen- eral cry. Do not abandon us. Retain the army and send them against Washington, and the affair is over. Ten thousand men will arm for you in this province, and ten thousand in the lower counties, the moment you take the field and can get arms. The declarations were general and notorious, and I am persuaded, if we had been at liberty to have acted in the field, our most sanguine expectations would have been fulfilled." The orders for evacuation, however, were too peremptory to be evaded, but Johnstone declared that if he had known of them, he never would have gone on the mission. The commissioners had prepared a letter for Con- gress, merely informing that body of their ar- rival and powers, and their disposition to pro- mote a reconcihation, intending quietly to await an answer ; but the unexpected situation of aftairs occasioned by the order for evacua- tion, obliged them to alter their resolution, and to write one of a different character, bringing forward at once all the powers delegated to them. On the 9th June, Sir Henry Clinton informed 460 THE COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS— THEIR MANIFESTO. [1118. "Wasliington of the arrival of the commissioners, and requested a passport for their secretary, Dr, Ferguson, the historian, to proceed to Yorktown bearing a letter to Congress. "Wash- ington sent to Congress a copy of Sir Henry's lettei-, but did not consider himself at liberty to grant the passport until authorized by them. "Without waiting the result, the commission- ers forwarded, by the ordinary military post, their letter, accompanied by the " Conciliatory Acts " and other documeiiJ:s. They were re- ceived by Congress on the 13th. The letter of the commissioners was addressed " to His Ex- cellency, Henry Laurens, the President and others, the members of Congress." The read- ing of the letter was interrupted ; and it came near being indignantly rejected, on account of expressions disrespectful to France ; charging it with being the insidious enemy of both England and her colonies, and interposing its pretended friendship to the latter " only to prevent recon- ciliation and prolong this destructive war." Several days elapsed before the Congress re- covered sufficient equanimity to proceed with the despatches of the commissioners, and de- liberate on the propositions they contained. In their reply, signed by the president (June lYtli), they observed, that nothing but an earnest desire to spare further eifusion of blood, could have induced them to read a paper con- taining expressions so disrespectful to his most Christian Majesty, or to consider propositions so derogatory to the honor of an independent nation; and in conclusion they expressed a readiness to treat as soon as the King of Great Britain should demonstrate a sincere disposi- tion for peace, either by an explicit acknowl- edgment of the independence of the States, or by the withdrawal of his fleets and armies. "We will not follow the commissioners through their various attempts, overtly and covertly, to forward the object of their mission. We can- not, however, pass unnoticed an intimation conveyed from Governor Johnstone to General Joseph Reed, at this time an influential member of Congress, that eflfectual services on his part to restore the union of the two countries might be rewarded by ten thousand pounds sterling, and any office in the colonies in His Majesty's gift. To this, Eeed niad'e his brief and mem- orable reply : " I am not worth purchasing ; but such as I am, the King of Great Britain is not rich enough to do it." A letter was also written by Johnstone to Robert Morris, the celebrated financier, then also a member of Congress, containing the fol- lowing significant paragraph : " I believe the men who have conducted the affairs of America incapable of being influenced by improper mo- tives ; but in all such transactions there is risk ; and I think that whoever ventures, should be assured, at the same time, that honor and emol- ument should naturally follow the fortune of those who have steered the vessel in the stonn and brought her safely into port. I think "Wash- ington and the President have a right to every favor that grateful nations can bestow, if they could once more unite our interest, and spare the miseries and devastation of war." These transactions and letters being com- municated to Congress, were pronounced by them daring and atrocious attempts to corrupt their integrity, and they resolved that it was incompatible with their honor to hold any cor- respondence or intercourse with the commis- sioner who made it ; especially to negotiate with him upon affairs in which the cause of liberty was concerned. The commissioners, disappointed in their hopes of influencing Congress, attempted to operate on the feelings of the public, at one time by conciliatory appeals, at another by threats and denunciations. Their last measure was to publish a manifesto recapitulating their official proceedings ; stating the refusal of Congress to treat with them, and offering to treat within forty days with deputies from all or any of the colonies or provincial Assemblies ; holding forth, at the same time, the usual offers of conditional amnesty. This measure, like all which had preceded it, proved ineffectual ; the commissioners embarked for England, and so terminated this tardy and blundering attempt of the British Government and its agents to effect a reconciliation — the last attempt that was made. Lord Carlisle, who had taken the least promi- nent part in these transactions, thiis writes in the course of them to his friend, tlie witty George Selwyn, and his letter may serve as a peroration. " I enclose you our manifesto, which you will never read. 'Tis a sort of dy- ing speech of the commission ; an effort from which I expect little success. * * * * Every thing is upon a great scale upon this continent. The rivers are immense ; the climate violent in heat and cold ; the prospects magnificent ; the thunder and lightning tremendous. The disorders incident to the country make every \ ^T. 46.] PREPARATIONS TO EVACUATE PHILADELPHIA— COUNCIL OF WAR. 461 constitution tremble. We have nothing on a great scale with us but our blunders, our mis- conduct, our ruin, our losses, our disgraces and misfortunes, that -will mark the reign of a prince, who deserves better treatment and kinder fortunes." CHAPTEE XXXIV. The delay of the British to evacuate Phila- delphia tasked the sagacity of "Washington, but he supposed it to have been caused by the arrival of the commissioners from Great Brit- ain. The force in the city in the mean time had been much reduced. Five thousand men had been detached to aid in a sudden descent on the French possessions in the West Indies ; three thousand more to Florida. Most of the cavalry with other troops had been shipped with the provision train and heavy baggage to New York. The effective force remaining with Sir Henry was now about nine or ten thousand men ; that under Washington was a little more than twelve thousand Continentals, and about thirteen hundred militia. It had already ac- quired considerable proficiency in tactics and field manoeuvring under the diligent instruc- tions of Steuben. Early in June, it was evident that a total evacuation of the city was on the point of tak- ing place : and circumstances convinced Wash- ington that the march of the main body would be through the Jerseys. Some of his oflicers thought differently, especially General Lee, who had now the command of a division com- posed of Poor, Yarnum, and Huntington's brigades. Lee, since his return to the army, had resumed somewhat of his old habit of cynical supervision, and had his circle of ad- mirers, among whom he indulged in caustic comments on military affairs and the merits of commanders. On the present occasion he addressed a letter to Washington, dated June 15th, suggesting other plans which the enemy might have in view. " Whether they do or do not adopt any of these plans," added he, " there can no in- convenience arise from considering the sub- ject, nor from devising means of defeating their purposes, on the supposition that they will." Washington, in his reply, gave the sug- gestions of Lee a candid and respectful con- sideration, but in the course of his letter took occasion to hint a little gentle admonition. " I shall always be happy," writes he, " in a free communication of your sentiments upon any important subject relative to the service, and only beg that they may come directly to myself. The custom which many officers have, of speaking freely, and reprobating measures, which, upon investigation, may be found to be imavoidable, is never productive of good, but often, of very mischievous consequences." In consequence probably of the suggestions of Lee, Washington called a general council of war, on the I7th, to consider what measures to adopt ; whether to undertake any enterprise against the enemy in their present circum- stances — whether the army should remain in its actual position, until the final evacuation had taken place, or move immediately toward the Delaware — whether, should the enemy march through the Jerseys, it would be advisable to attack them while on the way, or to push on di- rectly to the Hudson, and secure that impor- tant communication between the Eastern and Southern States ? In case an attack while on the march were determined on, should it be a partial or a general one ? Lee spoke eloquently on. the occasion. He was opposed to an attack of any kind. He would make a bridge of gold for the enemy. They were nearly equal in number to the Americans, and far superior in discipline ; in fact, never had troops been better disciplined. An attack would endanger the safety of the cause. It was now in a prosperous state, in consequence of the foreign alliance just formed ; all ought not to be put at risk at the very mo- ment of making such an alliance. He advised merely to follow the enemy, observe their mo- tions, and prevent them from committing any excesses. Lee's opinions had still great weight with the army ; most of the ofiicers, both foreign and American, concurred with him. Greene, Lafayette, Wayne, and Oadwalader, thought differently. They could not brook that the enemy should evacuate the city, and make a long march through the country unmolested. An opportunity might present itself, amid the bustle and confusion of departure, or while embarrassed in defiles with a cumbrous baggage train, of striking some signal blow, that would indemnify them for all they had suffered in their long and dreary encampment at Valley Forge. Washington's heart was with this latter counsel; but seeing such want of unanimity 462 EVACUATIOX OF PHILADELPHIA— COUNCIL OF WAR. [1778. among his generals, he requested their opinions in writing. Before these were given in, word was brought that the enemy had actually evac- uated the city. Sir Henry had taken his measures with great secrecy and despatch. The army commenced moving at three o'clock on the morning of the 18th, retiring to a point of land below the town formed by the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill, and crossing the former river in boats. By ten o'clock in the morning the rear- guard landed on the Jersey shore. On the first intelligence of this movement, Washington detached General Maxwell, with his brigade, to co-operate with General Dickin- son and the New Jersey militia in harassing the enemy on their march. He sent General Arnold, also, with a force to take command of Philadelphia, that ofBcer being not yet sufli- ciently recovered from his wound for field ser- vice ; then breaking up his camp at Valley Forge, he pushed forward with his main force in pursuit of the enemy. As the route of the latter lay along the east- ern bank of the Delaware as high as Trenton, "Washington was obliged to make a consider- able circuit, so as to cross the river higher up at Coryell's Ferry, near the place where, eighteen months previously, he had crossed to attack the Hessians. On the 20th, he writes to General Gates : " I am now with the main body of the army within ten miles of Coryell's Ferry. General Lee is advanced with sis brigades, and will cross to-night or to-morrow morning. By the last intelligence the enemy are near Mount Holly, and moving very slowly ; but as there are so many roads open to them, their route could not be ascertained. I shall enter the Jer- seys to-morrow, and give you the earliest notice of their movements, and whatever may affect you." Heavy rains and sultry summer heat retarded his movements ; but the army crossed on the 24th. The British were now at Moorestown and Mount Holly. Thence they might take the road on the left for Brunswick, and so on to Staten Island and New York ; or the road to the right through Monmouth, by the Heights of Middletown to Sandy Hook. Uncertain wliich they might adopt, Washington detached Colonel Morgan with six hundred picked men to reinforce Maxwell, and hang on their rear ; while he himself pushed forward with the main body towards Princeton, cautiously keeping along the mountainous country to the left of the most northern road. The march of Sir Henry was very slow. His army was encumbered with baggage and pro- visions, and all the nameless superfluities in which British officers are prone to indulge. His train of wheel carriages and bat horses was twelve miles in extent. He was retarded by heavy rain and intolerable heat ; bridges had to be built and causeways constructed over streams -and marshes, where they had been de- stroyed by the Americans. From his dilatory movements, Washington suspected Sir Henry of a design to draw him down into the level country, and then, by a rapid movement on his right, gain possession of the strong ground above him, and bring him to a general action on disadvantageous terms. He himself was inclined for a general action whenever it could be made on suit- able ground : he halted, therefore, at Hopewell, about five miles from Princeton, and held an- other council of war while his troops were re- posing and refreshing themselves. The result of it, writes his aide-de-camp. Colonel Hamil- ton, " would have done honor to the most honorable society of midwives and to them only." * The purport was to keep at a distance from the enemy, and annoy them by detach- ments. Lee, according to Hamilton, was the prime mover of this plan, in pursuance of which a detachment of fifteen hundred men was sent off under Brigadier-General Scott, to join the other troops near the enemy's line. Lee was even opposed to sending so large a number. Generals Greene, Wayne, and Lafayette were in the minority in the council, and subsequently gave separately the same opinion in writing, that the rear of the enemy should be attacked by a strong detachment, while the main army should be so disposed as to give a general bat- tle, should circumstances render it advisable. As this opinion coincided with his own, Wash- ington determined to act upon it. Sir Henry Clinton in the mean time had ad- vanced to AUentown, on his way to Brunswick, to embark on the Raritan. Finding the pas- sage of that river likely to be strongly disputed by the forces under Washington, and others advancing from the north under Gates, he changed his plan, and turned to the right by a road leading through Freehold to Navesink * MS. letter of Ilainilton to Elias Boudinot. JEt. 40.] CONTKADICTORY CONDUCT OF LEE RESPECTING THE COMMAND. 4G3 and Saiuly Hook ; to embark at tlio latter place. Washington, no longer in doubt as to tlio route of the euonij-'s march, detached "Wayne with one thousand men to join tlio advanced corps, Avhich, thus augmented, was upwards of four thousand strong. The connnand of the advance properly belonged to Leo as senior major-general ; but it was eagerly solicited by Lafoyctte, as an attack by it was intended, and Leo was strenuously opposed to every thing of the kind. "NVashington willingly gave his con- sent, provided General Leo were satistied with the arrangement. The latter ceded the com- mand without hesitation, observing to the mai'- quis that he was well pleased to bo freed from all responsibility in executing plans which he was sure would fail. Lafayette set out on the 25th to form a junc- tion as soon as possible with the force mider General Scott ; while "Washington, leaving his baggago at Kingston, moved with the main body to Cranberry, three miles in tho rear of the advanced corps, to be ready to sup- port it. Scarce, however, had Lee rolinciuished the command, when he changed his mind. In a note to "Washington, ho declared that, in assent- ing to tho arrangement, he had considered the command of the detachment one more fitting a young volunteering general than a veteran like himself, second in command in the army. He now viewed it in a ditYerent light. Lafayette would be at tho head of all tho Continental pai'ties already in tho line ; sis thousand men at least ; a couunand next to that of tho com- mander-in-chief. Should the detachment march, therefore, he entreated to have the command of it. So far he spoke personally, " but," added he, " to speak as an ofileer, 1 do not think that this detachment ought to march at all, until at least the head of the enemy's right column has passed Cranberry ; then if it is necessary to march the whole army, I cannot see any im- propriety in the marquis's commanding this detachment, or a greater, as an advanced guard of the army ; but if this detachment, with Max- well's corps, Scott's, Morgan's, and Jackson's, is to be considered as a separate, chosen, active corps, and put under the marquis's command until the enemy leave the Jerseys, both myself and Lord Stirling will bo disgraced." Washington was perplexed how to satisfy Lee's punctilious claims without wounding the feelings of Lafayette. A chango in tho dis- position of tho enemy's lino of march furtiishod an expedient. Sir Henry Clinton, tinding him- self harassed by liglrt troops on tho tlanks, and in danger of an attack in tho rear, placed all his baggage in front under tho convoy of Knyp- hausen, while ho threw tho main strength of his army in the roar under Lord Connvallis. This made it necessary for Washington to strengthen his advanced corps ; and ho took this occasion to detach Lee, with Scott's and Varnum's brigades, to support tho force under Lafayette. As Lee Avas the senior major-gen- eral, this gave him tho command of the whole advance. Washington explained the matter in a letter to tho marquis, who resigned tho com- mand to Leo when the latter joined him on the 2'rth. That evening the enemy encamped on high ground near Monmouth Court House. Lee encamped Avith tlie advance at English- town, about five miles distant. Tlio main body was throe miles in his roar. About sunset, Washington rodo forward to tho advance, and anxiously reconnoitred Sir Henry's position. It was protected by woods and morasses, and too strong to bo attacked with a prospect of success. Should the enemy, however, proceed ten or twelve miles further unmolested, they would gain the heights of Middlotown, and be on ground still more dilH- cult. To prevent this, ho resolved that an attack should be made on their roar early in the morning, as soon as their front should bo in motion. This plan he communicated to General Lee, in presence of his otlicors, order- ing him to make dispositions for the attack, keeping his troops lying on their arms, ready for action on the shortest notice; a dispo- sition ho intended to observe with his own troops. This done, ho Kxle back to the main body. Aiiprohensivo that Sir Henry might decamp in tho night, Washington sent orders to Leo before midnight, to detach six or seven hun- dred men to lio near tho enemy, watch and give notice of their movements, and hold them in chock when on tho march, until tho rest of the troops could come up. General Dickinson was charged by Leo with this duty. IMorgan was likewise stationed with his corps to be ready for skirmisliing. Early in the morning, Washington received an express from Dickinson, informing him that the enemy were in motion. He instantly sent orders to Lee to push forward and attack them, unless there should be powerful reasons 4G4 RETREAT OF THE ADVANCE CORPS— SINGULAR CONDUCT OF LEE. [Ills. to the contrary, adding, that he was coming on to support him. For that purpose he im- mediately set forward with his own troops, ordering them to throw by their knapsacks and blankets. Knyphausen, with the British vanguard, had began about daybreak to descend into the valley between Monmouth Court House and Middletown. To give the long train of wag- gons and pack-horses time to get weU on the way, Sir Henry Clinton with his choice troops remained in camp on the heights of Freehold, until eiglit o'clock, when he likewise resumed the line of march toward Middletown. In the mean time Lee, on hearing of the early movement of the enemy, had advanced with the brigades of Wayne and Maxwell, to support the light troops engaged in skirmish- ing. The difficulty of reconnoitring a country cut up by woods and morasses, and the per- plexity occasioned by contradictory reports, embarrassed his moverfients. Being joined by Lafayette with the main body of the advance, he had now about four thousand men at his command, independent of those under Morgan and General Dickinson. Arriving on the heights of Freehold, and rid- ing forward with General Wayne to an open place to reconnoitre, Lee caught sight of a force under march, but partly hidden from view by intervening woods. Supposing it to be a mere covering party of about two thousand men, he detached Wayne with seven hundred men and two pieces of artillery, to skirmish in its rear and hold it in check ; while he, with the rest of his force, taking a shorter road through the woods, would get in front of it, and cut it off from the main body. He at the same time sent a message to Washington, apprising him of this movement and of his certainty of suc- cess.* Washington in the mean time was on his march with the main body, to support the ad- vance, as he had promised. The booming of cannon at a distance indicated that the attack so much desired had commenced, and caused him to quicken his march. Arrived near Free- hold church, where the road forked, he de- tached Greene with part of his forces to the right, to flank the enemy in the rear of Mon- mouth Court House, while he, with the rest of the column, would press forward by the other road. * E-i-idence of Dr. McHenry on the Court-Martial. Washington had alighted while giving these directions, and was standing with his arm thrown over his horse, when a countryman rode up and said the Continental troops were retreating. Washington was provoked at what he considered a false alarm. The man pointed, as his authority, to an American fifer who just then came up in breathless aifright. The fifer was ordered into custody to prevent his spread- ing an alarm among the troops who were ad- vancing, and was threatened with a flogging should he repeat the story. Springing on his horse, Washington had moved forward but a short distance when he met other fugitives, one in the garb of a sol- dier, who all concurred in the report. He now sent forward Colonels Fitzgerald and Harrison, to learn the truth, while he himself spurred past Freehold meeting house. Between that edifice and the morass beyond it, he met Gray- son's and Patton's regiments in most disorderly retreat, jaded with heat and fatigue. Riding up to the officer at their head, Washington de- manded whether the whole advanced corps were retreating. The officer believed they were. It seemed incredible. There had been scarce any firing — Washington had received no notice of the retreat from Lee. He was stiU almost inclined to doubt, when the heads of several columns of the advance began to appear. It was too evident — the whole advance was fall- ing back on the main body, and no notice had been given to him. One of the first officers that came up was Colonel Shreve at the head of his regiment ; Washington, greatly surprised and alarmed, asked the meaning of this retreat. The colonel smiled significantly — he did not know — he had retreated by order. There had been no fighting excepting a slight skirmish with the enemy's cavalry, which had been re- pulsed. A suspicion flashed across Washington's mind, of wrong-headed conduct on the part of Lee, to mar the plan of attack adopted con- trary to his counsels. Ordering Colonel Shreve to march his men over the morass, halt them on the hill beyond and refresh them, he gal- loped forward to stop the retreat of the rest of the advance, his indignation kindling as he rode. At the rear of the regiment he met Major Howard ; he, too. could give no reason for the retreat, but seemed provoked at it — declaring that he had never seen the like. An- other officer exclaimed with an oath that they were flying from a shadow. /St. 46.] BATTLE OF MONMOUTH COURT HOUSE. 465 Arriving at a rising ground, Washington be- eld Lee approaching with the residue of his 3mmand in full retreat. By this time he was iiioroughly exasperated. " What is the meaning of all this, sir ? " de- manded he, in the sternest and even fiercest tone, as Lee rode up to him. Lee for a moment was disconcerted, and hesitated in making a reply, for Washington's aspect, according to Lafayette, was terrible. " I desh'e to know the meaning of this dis- order and confusion," was again demanded still more vehemently. Lee, stung by the manner more than the words of the demand, made an angry reply, and provoked still sharper expressions, which have been variously reported. lie attempted a hurried explanation. His troops had been thrown into confusion by contradictory intel- ligence ; by disobedience of orders ; by the meddling and blundering of individuals ; and he had not felt disposed, he said, to beard the whole British army with troops in such a situa- tion. " I have certain information," rejoined Wash- ington, " that it was merely a strong covering party." " That may be, but it was stronger than mine, and I did not think proper to run such a risk." " I am very sorry," replied Washington, " that you undertook the command, unless you meant to fight the enemy." ' " I did not think it prudent to bring on a general engagement." " Whatever your opinion may have been," replied Washington, disdainfully, " I expected my orders would have been obeyed." This all passed rapidly, and, as it were, in flashes, for there was no time for parley. The enemy were within a quarter of an hour's march. Washington's appearance had stopped the retreat. The fortunes of the day were to be retrieved, if possible, by instant arrange- ments. These he proceeded to make with great celerity. The place was favorable for a stand ; it was a rising ground, to which the enemy could approach only over a narrow causeway. TJie rallied troops were hastily formed upon liiis eminence. Colonels Stewart and Ramsey, with two batteries, were stationed in a covert of woods on their left, to protect them and 1 keep the enemy at bay. Colonel Oswald was posted for the same purpose on a height, with two field-pieces. The promptness with which 30 every thing was done showed the effects of the Baron Steuben's discipline. In the interim, Lee, being asked about the disposition of some of the troops, replied that he could give no orders in the matter ; as he supposed General Washington intended he should have no further command. Shortly after this, Washington, having made all his arrangements with great despatch but admirable clearness and precision, rode back to Lee in calmer mood, and inquired, " Will you retain the command on this height or not ? if you will, I will return to the main body, and have Ig formed on the next height." " It is equal to me where I command," re- plied Lee. " I expect you will take proper means for checking the enemy," rejoined Washington. " Your orders shall be obeyed ; and I shall not be the fii'st to leave the ground," was the reply. A warm cannonade by Oswald, Stewart, and Eamsey, had the desired eflect. The enemy were brought to a stand, and Washington had time to gallop back and bring on the main body. This he formed on an eminence, with a wood in the rear and the morass in front. The left wing was commanded by Lord Stirling, who had with him a detachment of artillery and several field-pieces. General Greene was on his right. Lee had maintained his advanced position with great spirit, but was at length obliged to retire. He brought off his troops in good order across a causeway which traversed the morass in front of Lord Stirling. As he had promised, he was the last to leave the ground. Having formed his men in a line, beyond the morass, he rode up to Washington. " Here, sir, are my troops," said he ; " how is it your pleasure I should dispose of them ? " Washmgton saw that the poor fellows wore exhausted by march- ing, counter-marching, hard fighting, and the in- tolerable heat of the weather : he ordered Lee, therefore, to repair with them to the rear of Englishtown, and assemble there all the scat- tered fugitives he might meet with. The batteries under the direction of Lord Stirling opened a brisk and well-sustained fire upon the enemy ; who, finding themselves warmly opposed in front, attempted to turn the left flank of the Americans, but were driven back by detached parties of infantry stationed there. They then attempted the right ; but here were met by General Greene, who had 466 LEE FOILED BY SIR HENRY CLINTON— RETREAT OF THE ENEMY. [lYTS. planted his artillery under Knox, on a com- manding ground, and not only checked them but eutiladed those who were in front of the left wing. Wayne too, with an advanced party posted in an orchard, and partly sheltered by a barn, kept up a severe and well-directed fire upon the enemy's centre. Kepeated attempts were made to dislodge him, but in vain. Col- onel Monckton of the royal grenadiers, who had distinguished himself and been wounded in the battle of Long Island, now undertook to drive Wayne from his post at the point of the bayonet. Having made a brief harangue to his men, he led them on in column. Wayne's men reserved their fire, until Colonel Monck- ton, waving his sword, called out to his grena- diers to charge. At that instant a sheeted volley laid him low, and made great slaughter in his column, which was again repulsed. The enemy at length gave way, and fell back to the ground which Lee had occupied in the morning. Here their flanks were secured by woods and morasses, and their front could only be approached across a narrow causeway. Notwithstanding the difficulties of the po- sition, Washington prepared to attack it ; order- ing General Poor with his own and the Caro- lina brigade, to move round upon their right, and General Woodford on their left ; while the artillery should gall them in front. Before these orders could be carried into effect the day was at an end. Many of the soldiers had sunk upon the ground, overcome by fatigue and the heat of the weather; all needed re- pose. The troops, therefore, which had been in the advance, were ordered to lie on their arms on the ground .they occupied, so as to be ready to make the attack by daybreak. The main army did the same, on the field of action, to be at hand to support them. Washington lay on his cloak at the foot of a tree, with Lafayette beside him, talking over the strange conduct of Lee ; whose disorderly retreat had come so near being fatal to the army. It was indeed a matter of general pei-plexity, to which the wayward character of Lee greatly contributed. Some who recollected his previ- ous opposition to all plan of attack, almost suspected him of wilfully aiming to procure a defeat. It would appear, however, that he had been really surprised and thrown into con- fusion by a move of Sir Henry Clinton, who, seeing the force under Lee descending on his rear from Freehold heights, had suddenly turned upon it, aided by troops from Knyp- hausen's division, to obhge it to call to its assistance the flanking parties under Morgan and Dickinson, which were threatening his baggage train. So that Lee, instead of a mere covering party which he had expected to cut off, had found himself front to front with the whole rear division of the British army ; and that, too, on unfavorable ground, with a deep ravine and a morass in his rear. He endeavored to form his troops for action. Oswald's artillery began to play, and there was some skirmishing with the enemy's light-horse, in which they were repulsed. But mistakes occurred ; orders were misunderstood ; one corps after another fell back, until the whole retreated, almost without a struggle, before an inferior force. Lee, himself, seemed to partake of the confusion ; taking no pains to check the retrograde movement, nor to send notice of it to the main body upon which they were falling back. What opinions Washington gave on the sub- ject, in the course of his conversation with the marquis, the latter does not tell us ; after it was ended, he wrapped himself in his cloak, and slept at the foot of the tree, among his soldiers. At daybreak the drums beat the reveille. The troops roused themselves from their heavy sleep, and prepared for action. To their sur- prise, the enemy had disappeared : there was a deserted camp, in which were found four ofiicers and about forty privates, too severely wounded to be conveyed away by the retreat- ing army. Sir Henry Clinton, it appeared, had allowed his wearied troops but short repose on the preceding night. At ten o'clock, when the American forces were buried in their first sleep, he had set forward to join the division under Knyphausen, which, with the baggage train, having pushed on during the action, was far on the road to Middletown. So silent had been his retreat, that it was imheard by Gen- eral Poor's advance party, which lay near by. The distance to which the enemy must by this time have attained, the extreme heat of the weather, and the fatigued condition of the troops, deterred Washington from continuing a pursuit through a country, where the roads were deep and sandy, and there was great scarcity of water. Besides, persons well ac- quainted with the country assured him that it would be impossible to annoy the enemy in ^ their embarkation, as he must approach the place by a narrow passage, capable of being ^T. 40.] THE KILLED AND WOCXDED— POSITIONS OF THE ENEMY. 467 defended by a few men against his whole force. Detaching General Maxwell's brigade and Mor- gan's rifle corps, therefore, to hang on the rear of the enemy, prevent depredation and encom*- age desertions, he determined to shape his course with his main body by Brunswick toward the Hudson, lest Sir Henry should have any design upon the posts there. The American loss in the recent battle was eight officers and sixty-one privates killed, and about one hundred and sixty wounded. Among the slain were Lieutenant-Colonel Bonner of Pennsylvania, and Major Dickinson of Virginia, both greatly regretted. The officers who had charge of the burying parties reported that they found two hundred and forty-five non-commissioned officers and privates, and four officers, left dead by the enemy on the field of battle. There were fresh graves in the vicinity also, into which the ene- my had hurried their slain before retreating. The number of prisoners, including those found wounded, was upwards of one hundred. Some of the troops on both sides had per- ished in the morass, some were found on tlie border of a stream which ran through it among alder bushes, whither, overcome by heat, fatigue, and thirst, they had crawled to drink and die. Among the gallant slain of the enemy was Colonel Monckton, who fell so bravely wlien leading on his grenadiers. His remains were interred in the burial-ground of the Freehold meeting-house, upon a stone of which edifice his name is rudely cut.* After giving his troops a day's repose Wash- ington decamped on the SOtli, His march lay through a countiy destitute of water, with deep, sandy roads wearying to the feet, and re- flecting the intolerable heat and glare of a July sun. Many of the troops, harassed by previous fatigue, gave out by the way. Some few died, and a number of horses were likewise lost. Washington, ever considerate of the health and comfort of his men, encamped near Brunswick on open, airy grounds, and gave them time to repose ; while Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron Burr, at that time a young and enterprising officer, was sent on a reconnoitring expedition, to learn the movements and intentions of the enemy. He was authorized to despatch trusty persons into New York to make observations, collect reports, and get newspapers. Others were to be sent to the heights of Bei'gen, Weehawk, and ■ Lossing'8 Field Book of the Revolution, ii. S63. Hoboken, which command a view of the bay and river, to observe the situation of the ene- my's forces, and note whether any movement among the shipping gave signs of an expedition up the Hudson ; the immediate object of solici- tude. Sir Henry Clinton with the royal army had arrived at the Highlands of Navesink, in the neighborhood of Sandy Hook, on the 30th of June. He had lost many men by desertion, Hessians especially, during his march through the Jerseys, which, with his losses by killed, wounded, and captured, had diminished his army more than two thousand men. The storms of the preceding winter had cut off the peninsula of Sandy Hook from the main land, and formed a deep channel between them. Fortunately the squadron of Lord Howe had arrived the day before, and was at anclior within the Hook. A bridge was immediately made across the channel with the boats of the ships, over which the army passed to the Hook on the 5th of July, and thence was distributed. It was now encamped in three divisions on Staten Island, Long Island, and the Island of New York : apparently without any immediate design of offensive operations. There was a vigorous press in New York to man the large ships and fit them for sea, but this was in con- sequence of a report that a French fleet had arrived on the coast. Relieved by this intelligence from all appre- . hensions of an expedition by the enemy up the Hudson, Washington relaxed the speed of his movements, and halted for a few days at Para- mus, sparing his troops as much as possible during the extreme summer heats. CHAPTER XXXV. Havixg brought the army to a halt, we have time to notice a correspondence between Gen- eral Lee and Washington immediately subse- quent to the affair of Monmouth. The pride of the general had been deeply wounded by the rebuke he had received on the field of battle. On the following day (June 29th) he addressed a note to Washington on the subject. By mis- take it was dated July 1st. " From the knowl- edge I have of your Excellency's character," writes he, " I mitst conclude tliat nothing but the misinformation of some very stupid, or misrepresentation of some very wicked person, 468 CORRESPONDENCE— LEE TRIED BY COURT-MARTIAL. [1778. could have occasioned your making use of so very singular expressions as you did on my coming up to the ground where you had taken post. They implied that I was guilty either of disobedience of orders, want of conduct, or want of courage. Your Excellency will there- fore infinitely oblige me by letting me know on which of these three articles you ground your charge. I ever had, and hope shall ever have, the greatest respect and veneration for General Washington. I think him endowed with many great and good qualities ; but in this instance, I must pronounce that he has been guilty of an act of cruel injustice towards a man, who certainly has some pretensions to the regard of every servant of this country. And I think, sir, I have a right to demand some reparation for the injury committed ; and, unless I can obtain it, I must in justice to myself, when this campaign is closed, which I believe T,'ill close the war, retire from the service at the head of which is placed a man capable of of- fering such injuries. But at the same time, in justice to you, I must repeat that I from my soul believe that it is not a motion of your own breast, but instigated by some of those dirty earwigs, who will forever insinuate theraslves near persons high in office : for I really am convinced that when General "Washington acts from himself, no man in his army will have reason to complain of injustice or indecorum." The following was "Washington's reply : " Sir, — I received your letter (dated through mistake the 1st of July), expressed as I con- ceive in terms highly improper. I am not con- scious of making use of any very singular ex- pressions at the time of meeting you, as you intimate. "What I recollect to have said was dictated by duty and warranted by the occa- sion. As soon as circumstances wiU permit, you shall have an opportunity of justifying yourself to the army, to Congress, to America, and to the world in general ; or of convincing them that you were guilty of a breach of or- ders, and of misbehavior before the enemy on the 28th Instant, in not attacking them as you had been directed, and in making an unneces- sary, disorderly, and shameful retreat. I am," &c., &c. To this Lee rejoined, in a note, misdated 28th June. "Sir, you cannot afford me greater pleasure than in giving me the opportunity of ehowing to America the sufficiency of her re- spective servants. I trust that temporary pow- er of office, and the tinsel dignity attending it, will not be able, by all the mists they can raise, to obfuscate the bright rays of truth. In the mean time, your Excellency can have no objec- tion to my retiring from the army," &c. Shortly after despatching this note, Lee ad- dressed another to "Washington. " I have re- flected on both your situation and mine," writes he, " and beg leave to observe, that it will be for our mutual convenience that a court of in- quiry should be immediately ordered : but I could wish that it might be a court-martial ; for, if the affair is drawn into length, it may be difficult to collect the necessary evidences, and perhaps might bring on a paper war betwixt the adherents to both parties, which may oc- casion some disagreeable feuds on the conti- nent ; for all are not my friends, nor all your admirers. I must entreat, therefore, from your love of justice, that you will immediately ex- hibit your charge, and that on the first halt I may be brought to a trial." "Washington in reply acknowledged the re- ceipt of the two last notes, and added, " I have sent Colonel Scamniel and the adjutant-general, to put yoii under arrest, who will deliver you a copy of the charges on which you will be tried." The following were the charges : 1st. Disobedience of orders, in not attacking the enemy on the 28th of June, agreeably to repeated instructions. 2d. Misbehavior before the enemy on the same day, by making an unnecessary, disorder- ly, and shameful retreat. 3d. Disrespect to the commander-in-chief in two letters, dated tlie 1st of July, and the 28th of June. A court-martial was accordingly formed on the 4th of July, at Brunswick, the first halting place. It was composed of one major-general, four brigadiers, and eight colonels, with Lord Stirling as president. It moved with the army, and convened subsequently at Paramus, Peeks- kill, and K'orthcastle, the trial lasting until the 12th of August. From the time it commenced, "Washington never mentioned Lee's name when he could avoid it, and when he could not, he mentioned it without the smallest degree- of i acrimony or disrespect. i Lee, on the contrary, indulged his natural irritability of temper and sharpness of tongue. "When put on his guard against any intemperate railings against "Washington, as calculated to ^T. 46.] LEE SENTENCED— THE SENTENCE APPROVED BY CONGRESS. 469 injure his cause, lie spurned at the advice. " No attack, it seems, can be made on General "Washington but it must recoil on the assailant. I never entertained the most distant wish or intention of attacking General Washington. I have ever honored and respected him as a man and a citizen ; but if the circle which sur- rounds him chooses to erect him into an. infalli- ble divinity, I shall certainly prove a heretic ; and if, great as he is, he can attempt wound- ing every thing I ought to hold dear, he must tliank his priests if his deityship gets scratched in the scuffle." * In the repeated sessions of the com't-martial and the long examinations which took place, many of the unfavorable impressions first re- ceived, concerning the conduct and motives of Lee, were softened. Some of the officers in his detachment, who had made accusations against him to the commander-in-chief pre- vious to the trial, especially Generals Wayne and Scott, were found not to have understood all the circumstances of the case in which he was placed in his encounter with the rear division of Sir Henry Clinton, and that that division had been largely reinforced by troops from General Knyphausen. Lee defended himself with ability. He con- tended that after the troops had commenced to fall back, in consequence of a retrograde movement of General Scott, he had intended to form them on the first advantageous ground he could find, and that none such presented it- self until he reached the place where he met General Washington ; on which very place he had intended to make battle. He denied that in the whole course of the day he had uttered the word retreat. But this retreat, said he, though necessary, was brought about contrary to my orders, contrary to my intention ; and, if any thing can deduct from my credit, it is, that I did not order a retreat which was so necessary.t Judge Marshall observes of the variety of reasons given by Lee in justification of his re- treat, " if they do not absolutely establisli its propriety, they give it so questionable a form, as to render it probable that a public examination never would have taken place, could his proud spirit have stooped to offer explanation instead of outrage to the commander-in-chief." The result of the prolonged and tedious in- vestigation was, that he was found guilty of * Letter to Joseph Reed. Sparks' Biog. of Lee, p. 174. t Letter to Dr. Eiish, Sparks' Biog. of Lee. all the charges exhibited against him; the second charge, however, was softened by omit- ting the word shameful^ and convicting him of making an " unnecessary, and in some instances a disorderly retreat." He was sentenced to be suspended from all command for one year : the sentence to be approved or set aside by Con- gress. We must again anticipate dates, to dispose briefly of the career of General Lee, who is not connected with subsequent events of the Revo- lution. Congress were more than three mouths in coming to a decision on the proceedings of the court-martial. As the House always sat with closed doors, the debates on the subject are unknown, but are said to have been warm. Lee urged for speedy action, and regretted that the people at large could not be admitted to form an audience, when the discussion was en- tered into of the justice or iniquity, wisdom or absurdity of the sentence that had been passed upon him. At length, on the 5th of December, the sentence was approved in a very thin ses- sion of Congress, fifteen members voting in the affirmative and seven in the negative. From that time Lee was unmeasured in his abuse of Washington, and his reprobation of the court-martial, which he termed a " court of inquisition." He published a long article in the newspapers relative to the trial and to the aflTair at Monmouth, calculated to injure Washington. " I have neither the leisure nor inclination,"' observes' the latter, "to enter the lists with him in a newspaper ; and so far as his produc- tion points to personality, I can and do from my inmost soul despise it. =;==!= * * j^ ]jq. came a part of General Lee's plan, from the moment of his arrest, though it was an event solicited by himself, to have the world believe that he was a persecuted man, and party was at the bottom of it. But however convenient it may have been for his purposes to establish this belief, I defy him, or his most zealous par- tisans, to adduce a single instance in proof of it, unless bringing him to trial, at his own re- quest, be considered in this light. I can do more ; I will defy any person, out of my own family, to say, that I have ever mentioned his name, if it was to be avoided ; and when not, that I have not studiously declined expressing any sentiment of him or his behaviek-. How far tliis conduct accords with his, let his own breast decide. ***** ^g j never en- tertained any jealousy of him, so neither did I ever do more than common civility and proper 470 LEE'S RURAL RETIREMENT— HIS DEATH AND WILL. [1778. respect to his rank required, to conciliate his good opinion. His temper and plans were too versatile and violent to attract my admiration ; and, that I have escaped the venom of his tongue and pen so long is more to he wondered at than applauded ; as it is a favor of which no officer, under whose immediate command he ever served, has had the happiness, if happiness can he thus denominated, of hoasting." * Lee's aggressive tongue at length involved him in a quarrel with Colonel Laurens, one of "Washington's aides, a high-spirited young gen- tleman, who felt himself bound to vindicate the honor of his chief. A duel took place, and Lee was wounded in the side. Towards spring he retired to his estate in Berkley County in Virginia, "to learn to hoe tobacco, which," observes he with a sarcastic innuendo at Washington, "is the best school to form a consummate Oeneral. This is a discov- ery I have lately made." He led a kind of hermit life on his estate ; dogs and horses were his favorite companions. ,His house is described as a mere shell, destitute of comforts and conveniences. For want of partitions the different parts were designated by lines chalked on the floor. In one corner was his bed ; in another were his books ; his saddles and harness in a third ; a fourth served as a kitchen. "Sir," said ho to a visitor, "it is the most convenient and economical establishment in the world. The lines of chalk which you see on the floor, mark the divisions of the apartments, and I can sit in any corner and overlook the whole without moving from my chair." In this retirement he solaced his mortifica- tion and resentment by exercising his caustic pen in " Queries Political and Military," in- tended to disparage the merits and conduct of Wasliington, and which were j^ublished in a Maryland newspaper. His attempts, it is need- less to say, were fallacious, and only recoiled on his OAvn head. The term of his stispension had expired, when a rumor reached him that Congress intended to take away his commission. He was in bod- ily pain at the time ; his horses wei-e at the door for an excursion of business ; the intelli- gence "ruffled his temper beyond all bounds." In his hArry and heat, without attempting to ascertain the truth of the report, he scrawled the following note to the President of Cou- * Washington to Roed. Sparks, vol. vi. 13a. gress : " Sir, I understand that it is in contem- plation of Congress, on the principle of econ- omy, to strike me out of their service. Con- gress must know very little of me, if they suppose that I would accept of their money, since the confirmation of the wicked and in- famous sentence which was passed upon me. I am, sir," &c. This insolent note occasioned his prompt dis- missal from the service. He did not complain of it ; but in a subsequent and respectful letter to the president, explained the mistaken infor- mation which had produced his note, and the state of body and mind in which it was written. " But, sir," added he, " I must entreat, in the acknowledging of the impropriety and inde- corum of my conduct in this affair, it may not be supposed that I mean to court a restoration to the rank I held ; so far from it, that I do assure you, had not the incident fallen out, I should have requested Congress to accept my resignation, as, for obvious reasons, whilst the army is continued in its present circumstances, I could not serve with safety and dignity," &c. Though bitter in his enmities, Lee had his friendships, and was warm and constant in them as far as his capricious Lnmors would allow. There was nothing crafty or mean in his char- acter, nor do we think he ever engaged in the low intrigues of the cabal ; but he was a disap- pointed and embittered man, and the gall of bitterness overflowed his generous qualities. In such a discordant state of feeling, he was not a man for the sweet solitude of the country. He became weary of his Virginia estate ; though in one of the most fertile regions of the Shen- andoah Valley. His farm was mismanaged ; liis agents were unfaithful ; he entered into ne- gotiations to dispose of his property, in the course of which he visited Philadelphia. On arriving there, he was taken with chills, fol- lowed by a fever, which went on increasing in violence, and terminated fatally. A soldier even x;nto the end, warlike scenes mingled with the delirium of his malady. In his dying moments he fancied himself on the field of bat- tle. The last words he was heard to utter were, " Stand by me, my brave grenadiers ! " He left a will and testament strongly marked by his peculiarities. There are bequests to in- timates of horses, weapons, and suras to pur- chase rings of affection ; ample and generous provisions for domestics, one of whom he styles his " old and faithful servant, or rather, hum- ble friend." His landed estate in Berkley was ^T. 46.] ARRIVAL OF A FRENCH FLEET— CORRESPONDENCE. 471 to be divided into three equal parts, two of then) between two of his former aides-de-camp, and the other third between two gentlemen to whom he felt nnder obligations. All his* resid- uary property to go to his sister Sidney Lee and her heirs. Eccentric to the last, one clause of his will regards his sepulture : " I desire most earnestly that I may not be biaried in any church or churchyard, or within a mile of any Presby- terian or Anabaptist meeting-house ; for, since I have resided in this country, I have kept so much bad company while living, that I do not choose to continue it when dead." This part of his will was not complied with. He was buried w'ith military honors in the cemetery of Christ Church ; and his funeral was attended by the highest civic and military characters, and a large concourse of citizens. The magnanimity exhibited by Washington in regard to Lee while liviag, continued after his death. He never spoke of him with asper- ity, but did justice to his merits, acknowledging that " he possessed many great qualities." In after years, there was a proposition to publish the manuscripts of General Lee, and Washington was consulted in the matter, as there might be hostile articles among them which he might wish to have omitted. " I can have no request to make concerning the work," writes he in reply. " I never had a difference with that gentleman but on public grounds ; and my conduct towards him on this occasion was such, only, as I felt myself indispensably bound to adopt in discharge of the public trust reposed in me. If this produced in him un- favorable sentiments of me, I can never con- sider the conduct I pursued, with respect to him, either wrong or improper, however I may regret that it may have been differently viewed by him, and that it excited his anger and ani- madversions. Should there appear in General Lee's writings any thing injurious or unfriendly to me, the impartial and dispassionate v/orld must decide how far I deserved it from the general tenor of my conduct." CHAPTER XXXVI. WniLE encamped at Paramus, Washington, in the night of the 13th of July, received a let- ter from Congress informing him of the arrival of a French fleet on the coast ; instructing him to concert measures with the commander, the Count D'Estaing, for offensive operations by sea and land, and empowering him to call on the States from New Hampshire to New Jersey inclusive, to aid with their militia. Tlie fleet in question was composed of twelve ships of the line and six frigates, with a land force of four thousand men. On board of it came Mons. Gerard, minister from France to the United States, and the Hon. Silas Deane, one of the American ministers who had effected the late treaty of alliance. The fleet had sailed from Toulon on the 13th of April. After struggling against adverse winds for eighty- seven or eighty-eight days, it had made its ap- pearance off the northern extremity of the Virginia coast and anchored at the mouth of the Delaware, on the eighth ^of July. Thence the count despatched a letter to Washington, dated at sea. "I have the honor of imparting to your Excellency," Avrites he, "the arrival of the king's fleet, charged by his majesty with the glorious task of giving his allies, the United States of America, the ftiost striking proofs of his affection. Nothing will be wanting to my happiness, if I can succeed in it. It is aug- mented by the consideration of concerting my operations with a General such as your Excel- lency. The talents and great actions of Gen- eral Washington have insured him, in the eyes of all Europe, the title truly sublime of Deliv- erer of America," &c. The count was unfortunate in the length of his voyage. Had he arrived in ordinary time, ■he might have entrapped Lord Howe's squad- ron in the river ; co-operated with Washington in investing the British army by sea and land, and, by cutting off its retreat to New York, compelled it to surrender. Finding the enemy had evacuated both city and river, the count sent up the French min- ister and Mr. Deane to Philadelphia in a frigate, and then, putting to sea, continued along the coast, A little earlier, and he might have in- tercepted the squadron of Lord Howe on its w\ay to New York. It had had but a very few days the advantage of him, and when he arrived with his fleet in the road outside of Sandy Hook, he descried the British ships quietly an- chored inside of it. A frank and cordial correspondence took place forthwith between the count and Y>'ash- ington, and a plan of action was concerted be- tween them by the intervention of confidential officers ; Washington's aides-de-camp, Laurens 472 PERTURBATION AT NEW YORK— D'ESTAING AT RHODE ISLAND. [1778. and Hamilton, boarding tlie fleet while off the Hook, and Major Chouin, a French oflicer of merit, repairing to the American head-quarters. The first idea of the count was to enter at Sandy Hook, and capture or destroy the Brit- ish fleet composed of sis ships of the line, four fifty gunships, and a number of frigates and smaller vessels ; should he succeed in this, which his greatly superior force rendered prob- able, he was to proceed against the city, with the co-operation of the American forces. To be at hand for such purpose, Washington crossed the Hudson, Avith his army, at King's Ferry, and encamped at White Plains about the 20th of July. In the mean time New York was once more in a violent pei-turbation, "British seamen," says a writer of the tipies, " endured the morti- fication, for the first time, of seeing a British fleet blocked up and insulted in their own har- bor, and the French flag flying triumphantly without. And this was still more embittered and aggravated, by beholding every day vessels under English colors captured under their very eyes by the enem3^"* The army responded to tlieir feelings; many royalists of the city, too, hastened to offer their services as volun- teers ; there was, in short, a prodigious stir in every department, military and naval. On the other hand, the French oflScers and crcAvs were in the higliest state of excitement and exultation. The long low point of Sandy Hook was all that intervened between them and a splendid triumph, and they anticipated the glory of " delivering America from the English colors which they saw waving on the other side of a simple barrier of sand, upon so great a crowd of masts." * Several experienced American pilots and mas- ters of vessels, however, who had accompanied Colonels Laurens and Hamilton on board of the fleet, declared that there was not sufficient depth of water on the bar to admit the safe passage of the largest ships, one of whicii car- ried 80 and another 90 guns : the attempt, therefore, was reluctantly abandoned ; and the ships anchored about four miles oflF, near Shrewsbury on the Jersey coast, taking in pro- visions and water. The enterprise wliich the American and French commanders deemed next worthy of a combined operation, was the recapture of Rhode Island proper, that is to say, the island * Brit. Ann. Register for 177S, p. 229. t Letter of the count. which gives its name to the State, and which the enemy had made one of their military de- pots and strongholds. In anticipation of such an enterprise, Washington on the 17th of July wi-ote to General Sullivan, who commanded at Providence, ordering him to make the necessary preparations for a descent from the mainland upon the island, and authorizing him to call in reinforcements of New England militia. He subsequently sent to his aid the Marquis La- fayette with two brigades (Varnum's and Glo- ver's). Quartermaster-General Greene also was detached for the service, being a native of the island, well acquainted with its localities, and having great influence among its inhabitants. Sullivan was instructed to form his whole force. Continental, State, and militia, into two equal divisions, one to be commanded by Greene, the other by Lafayette. On the 22d of July, the French fleet, having finished taking in its supplies, appeared again in full force off the bar at Sandy Hook. The British, who supposed they had only been wait- ing on the Shrewsbury coast for the high tides of the latter part of July, now prepared for a desperate conflict ; and, indeed, had the French fleet been enabled to enter, it is diflicult to con- ceive a more terrible and destructive struggle than would have ensued between these gallant and deadly rivals with their powerful arma- ments brought side to side, and cramped up in so confined a field of action. D'Estaing, however, had already determined his course. After a few demonstrations otf the harbor, he stood away to the eastward, and on the 29th arrived off Point Judith, coming to anchor within five miles of Newport. Rhode Island (proper), the object of this ex- pedition, is about sixteen miles long, running deep into the great Narraganset Bay. Seacon- net Channel separates it on the east from the mainland, and on the west the main channel passes between it and Conanicut Island. The town of Newport is situated near the south end of the island, facing tlie west, with Conanicut Island in front of it. It was protected by bat- teries and a small naval force. Here General Sir Robert Pigott, who commanded in the island, had his head-quarters. The force under him was about six thousand strong, variously posted about the island, some in works at the north end, but the greater part within strongly intrenched lines extending across the island, about three miles from the town. General Greene hastened from Providence on hearing JEt. 4G.] OPERATIONS BY SEA AND LAND— LORD HOWE'S FLEET. 473 of the arrival of the fleet of Count D'Estaing, and went on board of it at the anchorage to concert a plan of operations. Some questions of etiquette and precedence rose between them in settling the mode in which the attack was to be conducted. It was at length agreed that the fleet should force its way into the harbor at the same time that the Americans approached by land, and that the landing of the troops from the ships on the west side of the island should take place at the same time that the Americans should cross Seaconnet Channel, and land on the east side near the north end. This ' com- bined operation was to have been carried promptly into effect, but was postponed until the 10th of August to give time for the rein- forcements sent by "Washington to arrive. The delay was fatal to the enterprise. On the 8th, the Count D'Estaing entered the harbor and passed up the main channel, ex- changing a cannonade with the batteries as he passed, and anchored a little above the town, between Goat and Conaiiicut Islands. The English, on his approach, burned or scuttled three frigates and some smaller vessels, which would otherwise have been captured. General Sullivan, to be ready for the concerted attack, had moved down from Providence to the neigh- borhood of Rowland's Ferry, on the east side of Seaconnet passage. The British troops stationed opposite on the north end of the island, fearful of being cut ofi^, evacuated their works in tlie night of the 8th, and drew into the lines at Newport. Sullivan, seeing the works thus abandoned, could not resist the temptation to cross the channel in flat -bottomed boats on the morning of the 9th, and take possession of them. This sudden movement, a day in advance of the concerted time, and without due notice given to the count, surprised and offended him, clashing with his notions of etiquette and punc- tilio. He, however, prepared to co-operate, and was ordering out his boats for the purpose, when, about two o'clock in the day, his atten- tion v/as called to a great fleet of ships standing toward Newport. It was, in fact, the fleet of Lord Howe. That gallant nobleman had heard of the danger of Newport, and being reinforced by four stout ships, part of a squadron coming out under Admiral Byron, liad hastened to its relief; though stiU inferior in force to the French admiral. The delay of the concerted attack had enabled him ta arrive in time. The wind set directly into the harbor. Had he en- tered promptly, the French would have been placed between two fires, from his ships and the batteries, and cramped up in a confined channel, where their largest ships had no room to operate. His lordship, Iiowever, merely stood in near the land, communicated with General Pigott, and having informed himself exactly of the situation of the French fleet, came to anchor at Point Judith, some distance from the south-west entrance of the bay. In the night the wind changed to the north- east. The count hastened to avail himself of the error of the British admiral. Favored by the wind, h6 stood out of the harbor at eight o'clock in the morning to give the enemy battle where he should have good sea-room ; previ- ously sending word to General Sullivan, who had advanced the preceding afternoon to Qua- ker Hill, about ten miles north of Newport, that he would land his promised troops and marines, and co-operate Avith him on his re- turn. The French ships were severely cannonaded as they passed the batteries, but without ma- terial damage. Forming in order of battle, they bore down upon the fleet of Lord Howe, confidently anticipating a victory from their superiority of force. The British ships slipped their cables at their approach, and likewise formed in line of battle, but his lordsliip avoid- ed an encounter while the enemy liad the weathergage. To gain this on the one part, and retain it on the other, the two fleets ma- noeuvred throughout the day, standing to the southward, and gradually disappearing from the anxious eyes of the belligerent forces on Rhode Island. The army of Sullivan, now left to itself be- fore Newport, amounted to ten tlionsand men, having received the militia reinforcements. Lafayette advised the delay of hostile operations until the return of D'Estaing, but the American commander, piqued and chagrined at the depar- ture of his allies, determined to commence the siege immediately, without waiting for his tardy aid. On the twelfth, however, came on a tem- pest of wind and rain, which raged for two days and nights witii unexampled violence. Tents were blown down ; several soldiers and many horses perished, and a great part of the ammunition recently dealt out to tlie troops was destroyed. On the 14th, the weather cleared up and the sun shone brightly, but the army was worn down and dispirited. Had the British troops sallied forth at this juncture hale 474 D'ESTAING REFUSES TO CO-OPERATE— DEPARTURE OF THE FLEET. [1118. and fresh from comfortable quarters, it might have fared badly with their weatherbeaten be- siegers. The latter, however, being unmolested, had time to breathe and refit themselves. The day was passed in drying their clothes, cleaning their arms, and putting themselves in order for action. By the next morning they were again on the alert. Expecting the prompt return of the French, they now took post on Honeyman's Hill, about two miles from the British lines, and began to construct batteries, form lines of communication, and make regular approaches. The British w'ere equally active in strengthening their defences. There was casual cannonading on each side, but nothing of consequence. Several days elapsed without the reappearance of the French. The situation of the besiegers was growing critical, when, on the evening of the 19th, they descried the expected fleet standing toward the harbor. All now was exultation in the camp. Should the French with their ships and troops attack the town by sea and land on the one side, while the Americans assailed it on the other, the sur- render of the place was inevitable. These sanguine anticipations, however, were shortlived. The French fleet was in a shatter- ed and forlorn condition. After sailing from before Newport, on the 20th, it had manoeuvred for two days with the British fleet, each un- willing to enter into action without having the weathergage. "While thus mnnceuvring, the same furious storm which had raged on shore separated and dispersed them with fearful ravage. Some single encounters of scattered ships subsequently took place, but without de- finite result. All were too much tempest-tost and disabled to make good fight. Lord Ilowe with such of his ships as he could collect bore away to New York to refit, and the French admiral was now before Newport, but in no plight or mood for fighting. In a letter to General Sullivan, he informed him that pursuant to the orders of his sovereign and the advice of his officers, he was bound for Boston, being instructed to repair to that port, should he meet with misfortune, or a superior British force appear upon the coast. Dismayed at this intelligence, which threat- ened ruin and disgrace to the enterprise, Sulli- van wrote a letter of remonstrance to the count, and General Greene and the Marquis Lafayette repaired with it on board of the admiral's ship, to enforce it by their personal exertions. They represented to the count the , certainty of carrying the place in two days, by a combined attack ; and the discouragement and reproach that would foUow a failure on this their first attempt at co-operation ; an at- tempt, too, for which the Americans had made such great and expensive preparations, and on which they had indulged such sanguine hopes. These and other considerations equally urgent had their weight with the count, and he was inclined to remain and pursue the enterprise, but was overruled by the principal officers of his fleet. The fact is, that he was properly a land ofiicer, and they had been indignant at his having a nautical command over their heads. They were glad, therefore, of any opportunity to thwart and mortify him ; and now insisted on his complying with his letter of instructions, and sailing for Boston. On Lafayette's taking leave, the count assured him that he would only remain in Boston time enough to give his men repose after their long sufi'erings, and refit his ships ; and trusted to leave the port again within three weeks after entering it, " to fight for the glory of the French name and the inter- ests of America." * The marquis and General Greene returned at midnight, and made a report of the ill success of their mission. Sullivan sent another letter on the following day, urging D'Estaing in any event to leave his land forces. All the general officers, excepting Lafayette, joined in signing and sending a protest against the departure of the fleet for Boston, as derogatory to the honor of France, contrary to the intention of his most Christian majesty and the interest of his nation, destructive of the welfare of the United States, and highly injurious to the alliance formed be- tween the two nations. The fleet was already under way when Colonel Laurens got on board of the admiral's ship with the letter and pro- test. The count was deeply ofiended by the tone of the protest, and the manner in which it was conveyed to him. He declared to Colo- nel Laurens that " this paper imposed on the commander of the king's squadron the painful, but necessary law of profound silence." He continued his course to Boston. At the sailing of the ships there was a feeling of exasperation throughout the camp. Sullivan gave vent to his vexation in a general order on the 24th, wherein he observed : " The general cannot help lamenting the sudden and unex- pected departure of the French fleet, as he finds * Letter of Lafayette % Washington. Memoirs, T i., p. 194. .Et. 46.] IRRITATION BETWEEN THE ALLIED FORCES— RHODE ISLAND ABANDONED. 475 it has a tendency to discourage some who placed great dependence upon the assistance of it; though he can by no means suppose the army or any part of it, endangered by this movement. He yet hopes the event will prove America able to procure that by her own arms which her allies refuse to assist in obtaining." On cooler reflection he thought proper, in subsequent orders, to explain away the rash and unwarrantable imputation on French loyal- ty contained in the foregoing document, but a general feeling of irritation against the French continued to prevail in the army. ^xo had been foretold, the departure of the fleet was a death-blow to the enterprise. Be- tween two and tliree thousand volunteers aban- doned the camp in the course of four and twenty hours; others continued to go off; desertions occurred among the militia, and in a few days the number of besiegers did not exceed that of the besieged. All thoughts of offensive operations were now at an end. The question was how best to extricate the army from its perilous position. The harbors of Rhode Island being now free, and open to the enemy, reinforcements might pour in from New York, and render the with- drawal of the troops disastrous, if not impos- sible. To prepare for rapid retreat, if necessary, all the heavy artillery that could be spared, was sent off from the island. On the 28th it was determined, in a council of war, to fall back to the military works at the north end of the island and fortify there, until it should be known whether the French fleet would soon return to their assistance, the Marquis Lafayette setting off Avith all speed to have an interview with the Count D'Estaing, and ascertain the fact. General Sullivan broke up his camp, and commenced his retreat tMat very night, between nine and ten o'clock ; the army retiring by two roads ; the rear covered by parties of light troops, under Colonels Livingston and Lau- rens. * Their retreat was not discovered until day- light, when a pursuit was commenced. The covering parties behaved gallantly, making fre- quent stands, abandoning one eminence only to take post on another, and keeping up a retreating fire that checked the advance of the enemy. After a series of skirmishes they were pressed back to the fortified grounds on the north end of the island ; but Sullivan had already taken post there, on Batt's Hill, the main body of his army being drawn up in order of battle, with strong works in their rear, and a redoubt in front of the right wing. The British now took post on an advanta- geous height called Quaker Hill, a little more than a mile from the American front, whence they commenced a cannonade which was brisk- ly returned. Skirmishing ensued until about ten o'clock, when two British sloops-of-war and some small vessels having gained a favora- ble position, the enemy's troops, under cover of their fire, advanced in force to turn the right flank of the American army, and capture the redoubt which protected it. This was bravely defended by General Greene: a sharp action ensued, which had nearly become a general one ; between two and three hundred men were killed on each side ; the British at length di-ew back to their artillery and works on Qua- ker Hill, and a mutual cannonade was resumed and kept up until night. On the following day (29th) the enemy continued his distant firing, but waited for reinforcements before coming to close quarters. In the mean time, General Sullivan had received intelligence that Lord Howe had again put to sea with the design, no doubt, to attempt the relief of Newport, and then followed another report that a fleet with troops was actually off Block Island, and must arrive almost immedi- ately in the harbor. Under these circumstances it was determined to abandon Rhode Island. To do so with safety, however, required the utmost caution, as the hostile sentries were within four hundred yards of each other, and any suspicious movements would be easily discovered and reported to the British commander. The position on Batt's Hill favored a deception. Tents wei-e brought forward and pitched in sight of the enemy, and a great part of the troops employed throughout the day in thi'owing up works, as if the post was to be resolutely maintained ; at the same time, the heavy baggage and stores were quietly con- veyed away in the rear of the hill, and ferried across the bay. As soon as it was dark the tents were struck, fires were lighted at various points, the troops withdrawn, and in a few hours the whole were transported across the channel to the mainland. In the height of the transit, Lafayette arrived. He had ridden from the island to Boston, a distance of nearly seventy miles, in seven hours, and had conferred with the French admiral. D'Estaing had convinced him of the inade- 476 nOWE RETURNS TO ENGLAND— WASHINGTON'S LETTER TO HIS BROTHER. [1778. quacy of liis naval force, but had made a spirited oflfer of leading his troops by land to co-operate with the Americans, Eager to be in time for any engagement that might take place, Lafay- ette had spurred back still more speedily than he went, but was disappointed and mortified at finding all the fighting over. He arrived in time, however, to bring off the pickets and covering parties, amounting to a thousand men, which he did in such excellent order that not a man was left behind, nor the smallest article lost. The whole army had crossed by two o'clock in the morning unperceived by the enemy, and had reason to congratulate themselves on the course they had taken, and the quickness of their movements ; for the very next day Sir Henry Clinton arrived at Newport in a light squadron, with a reinforcement of four thou- sand men, a naval and land force that might effectually have cut off Sullivan's retreat, had he lingered on the island. Sir Henry finding he had arrived a day too late, returned to New York, but first detached Major-General Sir Charles Grey with the troops, on a ravaging expedition to the eastward ; chiefly against ports which were the haunts of privateers. This was the same general that had surprised "Wayne in the preceding year, and effected such slaughter among his men with the bayonet. He appears to have been fitted for rough and merciless warfare. In the course of his present expedition he destroyed more than seventy vessels in Acushnet River, some of them privateers with their prizes, others peaceful merchant ships. New Bedford and Fair Haven having been made military and naval deposits, were laid waste, wharves demolished, rope-walks, store-houses and mills, with several private dwellings, wrapped in flames. Similar destruction was effected at the Island of Martha's Vineyard, a resort of privateers ; where the inhabitants were dis- armed and a heavy contribution levied upon them in sheep and cattle. Having thus ravaged the coasts of New England, the squadron returned laden with inglorious spoil to New York. Lord Howe, also, who had sailed for Boston in the hope of intercepting the Count D'Es- taing, and had reached there on the 30th of August, found the French fleet safely sheltered in Nantasket Road, and protected by American batteries erected on commanding points. He also returned to New York, and shortly after- ward, availing himself of a permission granted him some time before by government, resigned the command of the fleet to Admiral Gambier, to hold it until the arrival of Admiral Byron. His lordship then returned to England, having rendered important services by his operations along the American coast and on the waters of the Delaware, and presenting a strong contrast, in his incessant activity, to the easy indolence and self-indulgence of big brother. The failure of the combined enterprise against Rhode Island was a cause of universal chagrin and disappointment, but to none more so than to Washington, as is evident from the follow- ing passage of a letter to his brother, John Augustine : " An unfortunate storm, and some measures taken in consequence of it by the French ad- miral, blasted in one moment the fairest hopes that ever were conceived ; and, from a moral certainty of success, rendered it a matter of rejoicing to get our own troops safe off the island. If the garrison of that place, consisting of nearly six thousand men, had been captured, as there was, in appearance at least, a hundred to one in favor of it, it would have given the finishing blow to British pretensions of sover- eignty over this country ; and would, I am persuaded, have hastened the departure of the troops in New York, as fast as their canvas wings would carry them away." But what gave Washington the greatest solicitude, was the effect of this disappoint- ment upon the public mind. The failure of the enterprise was generally attributed to the de- parture of the French fleet from Newport, and there was at one time such popular exaspera- tion, tliat it was feared the means of repairing the French ships at Boston would be withheld. Count D'Estaing, and the other French ofiicers, on their part, were irritated by the protests of the American oflScers, and the expressions in Sullivan's general order derogatory to French loyalty. The count addressed a letter to Con- gress, explaining and vindicating his conduct subsequent to his arrival on the coast. Washington regarded this mutual irritation wliich had so suddenly sprung up between the army and the fleet, with the most poignant anxiety. He wrote to Sullivan and Greene on the subject, urging them to suppress the feuds and jealousies which had already arisen, to conceal as much as possible from the soldiery and public the misunderstandings which had occurred between the oflficers of the two na- ^Et. 46.] WASHINGTON'S LETTER TO D'ESTAING— INDIAN WARFARE. 477 tions ; to discountenance all illiberal and un- friendly observations on the part of the army, and to cultivate the utmost harmony and good will. Congress, also, endeavored to suppress the protest of the olBcers of Sullivan's army which had given so much offence ; and, in a public resolution, expressed tlieir perfect approbation of the conduct of the count, and their sense of his zeal and attachment. Nothing perhaps tended more to soothe his wounded sensibilities, than a letter from "Wash- ington, couched in the most delicate and con- siderate language. " If the deepest regret, that the best concerted enterprise and bravest ex- ertions should have been rendered fruitless by a disaster, which human prudence was incapa- ble of foreseeing or preventing, can alleviate disappointment, you may be assured that the whole continent sympathizes with you. It will be a consolation to you to reflect, that the thinking pai't of mankind do not form their judgment from events ; and that their equity will ever attach equal glory to those actions Avhich deserve success, and those which have been crowned with it. It is in the trying cir- cumstances to which your excellency lias been exposed, that the virtues of a great mind are displayed in their brightest lustre, and that a general's character is better known than in the hour of victory. It was yours, by every title which can give it ; and the adverse element, which robbed you of your prize, can never deprive you of the glory due to you." CHAPTER XXXVII. WniLK hostilities were carried on in the customary form along the Atlantic borders, In- dian warfare, with all its atrocity, was going on in the interior. The British post at Niagara was its cradle. It was the common rallying place of tories, refugees, savage warriors, and other desperadoes of Ihe frontiers. Hither Brant, the noted Indian chief, had retired after the repulse of St. Leger at Fort Schuyler, to plan further mischief; and here was concerted the memorable incursion into the Valley of Wyoming, suggested hf tory refugees,who had until recently inhabited it. The Valley of Wyoming is a beautiful region lying along the Susquehanna. Peaceful as was its aspect, it had been the scene of sanguinary feuds prior to the Revolution, between the people of Pennsylvania and Connecticut, who both laid claim to it. Seven rural forts or block- houses, situated on various parts of the valley, had been strongholds during these territorial contests, and remained as places of refuge for women and children in times of Indian ravage. The expedition now set on foot against it, in June, was composed of Butler's rangers, Johnson's loyal greens, and Brant, with lus Indian braves. Their united force, about eleven hundred strong, was conducted by Colo- nel John Butler, renowned in Indian warfare. Passing from the Chemung and Susquehanna in canoes, they landed at a place called Three Islands, struck through the wilderness to a gap or "notch" of the mountains, by which they entered the Valley of Wyoming. Butler made his head-quarters at one of the strongholds al- ready mentioned, called Wintermoot's Fort, from a tory family of the same name. Hence he sent out his marauding parties to plunder and lay waste the country. Rumors of this intended invasion had reached the valley some time before the appearance of the enemy, and had spread great consternation. Most of the sturdy yeomanry were absent in the army. A company of sixty men, enlisted under an act of Congress, and hastily and im- perfectly organized, yet styling themselves reg- ulars, took post at one of the strongholds called Forty Fort ; where they were joined by about three hundred of the most efBcient of the yeo- manry, armed and equipped in rude rustic style. In this emergency old men and boys volun- teered to meet the common danger, posting themselves in the smaller forts in which women and children had taken refuge. Colonel Zebu- Ion Butler, an officer of the Continental army, took the general command. Several officers arrived from the army, having obtained leave to repair home for the protection of their fami- lies. They brought word that a reinforcement, sent by Washington, was on its way. In the mean time the marauding parties sent out by Butler and Brant were spreading deso- lation through the valley ; farm-houses were wra]iped in flames ; husbandmen were mur- dered while at work in the fields ; all who had not taken refuge in the fort were threatened with destruction. What was to be done? Wait for the arrival of the promised reinforce- ment, or attempt to check the ravage ? The latter was rashly determined on. Leaving the women and children in Forty 478 MASSACRE OF WYOMING— MOVEMENTS OF THE ARMIES. [1778. Fort, Colonel Zebulon Butler with his men sal- lied forth on the 8d of July, and made a rapid move upon Wintermoot Fort, hoping to come upon it by surprise. They found the enemy drawn up in front of it, in aline extending from the river to a marsh ; Colonel John Butler and his rangers, with Johnson's royal greens, on the left ; Indians and tories on the right. The Americans formed a line of the same extent ; the regulars under Colonel Butler on the right flank, resting on the river, the militia under Colonel Denison on the left wing, on the marsh. A sharp fire was opened from right to left ; after a few volleys the enemy in front of Colonel Butler began to give way. The Indians, however, throwing themselves into the marsh, turned the left flan^ of the Ameri- cans, and attacked tlie militia in the rear. Denison, finding himself exposed to a cross fire, sought to change his position, and gave the word to fall back. It was mistaken for an order to retreat. In an instant the left wing turned and fled ; all attempts to rally it were vain ; the panic extended to the right wing. The savages, throwing down their rifles, rushed on with tomahawk and scalping-kuife, and a horrible massacre ensued. Some of the Ameri- cans escaped to Forty Fort, some swam the river ; others broke their way across the swamp, and climbed the mountain ; some few were taken prisoners ; but the greater number were slauglitered. The desolation of tlie valley was now com- pleted ; fields were laid waste, houses burnt, and their inhabitants murdered. According to the British accounts, upwards of four hun- dred of the yeomanry of Wyoming were slain, but the women and children were spared, " and desired to retire to their rebel friends." * Upwards of five thousand persons, says the same account, fled in the utmost distress and consternation, seeking refuge in the settlements on the Lehigh and the Delaware, After com- pleting this horrible work of devastation, the enemy retired before the arrival of the troops detached by Washington. >, We might have swelled our narrative of this affair by many individual acts of atrocity com- mitted by royalists on their old friends and neighbors, and even their near relatives ; but we forbear to darken our page by such stigmas on human nature. Sufiice it to say, it was one of the most atrocious outrages perpetrated * Gentleman's Magazine for 1778, p. 545. throughout the war ; and, as usual, the tories concerned in it were the most vindictive and merciless of the savage crew. Of the measures taken in consequence we shall speak hereafter. For a great part of the summer, Washington had remained encamped at White Plains, watch- ing the movements of the enemy at New York. Early in September he observed a great stir of preparation ; cannon and military stores were embarked, and a fleet of one hundred and forty transports were ready to make sail. What was their destination? AVashington deplored the facility possessed by the enemy of transporting their troops from point to point by sea. " Their rapid movements," said he, "enable them to give us solicitude for the safety of remote points, to succor which we should have to make ruin- ous marches, and after all, perhaps, flnd our- selves the dupes of a feint." There Avere but two capital objects which they could have in view, beside the defeat and dispersion of his army. One was to get posses- sion of the forts and passes of the Highlands ; the other, by a junction of their land and naval forces, to attempt the destruction of the French fleet at Boston, and regain possession of that town. These points were so far asunder, that it was diflicult to protect the one, without leav- ing the other exposed. To do the best that the nature of the case would admit, Washington strengthened the works and reinforced the gar- rison in the Highlands, stationing Putnam with two brigades in the neighborhood of West Point. General Gates was sent with three brigades to Danbury in Connecticut, where he was joined by two brigades under General Mc- Dougall, while Washington moved his camp to a rear position at Fredericksburg on the bor- ders of Connecticut, and about thirty miles from West Point, so as to be ready for a move- ment to the eastwai-d, or a speedy junction for the defence of the Hudson. To facilitate an eastern movement he took measures to have all the roads leading to Boston repaired. Scarce had Washington moved from White Plains, when Sir Henry Clinton threw a de- tachment of five thousand men under Lord Cornwallis into the Jerseys, between theHack- ensack and Hudson Elvers, and another of three thousand under Knyphausen into Westchester County, between the Hudson and the Bi'onx. These detachments held communication with each other, and by the aid of flat-bottomed boats could unite their forces, in twenty-four hours, on either side of the Hudson. iET. 46.] MASSACRE OF BAYLOR'S DRAGOONS— MASSACRE OF INFANTRY. 479 "Washington considered these mere foraging expeditions, though on a large scale, and de- tached troops into the Jerseys to co-operate with the militia in checking them ; but, as something more might be intended, he ordered General Putnam to cross the river to West Point, for its immediate security: while he him- self moved with a division of hisarmy toFishiiill. Wayne, who was with the detachment in the Jerseys, took post with a body of militia and a regiment of light-horse in front of the division of Lord Oornwallis. The militia were quar- tered at the village of New Tappan ; but Lieu- tenant-Colonel Baylor, who commanded the liglit-horse, chose to encamp apart, to be free, as is supposed, from the control of Wayne. He took up his quarters, therefore, in Old Tap- pan, where his men lay very negligently and unguardedly in barns. Cornwallis had intelli- gence of their exposed situation, and laid a plan to cut off the whole detachment. A body of troops from Knyphausen's division was to cross the Hudson in the night, and come by surprise upon the militia in 'Smr Tappan : at the same tin)e, Major-General Grey, of marauding renown, was to advance on the left, and attack Baylor and his dragoons in their careless quar- ters in Old Tappan. Fortunately Knyphausen's troops, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, were slow in crossing the river, and the militia were apprised by deserters of their danger in time to escape. Not so with Baylor's party. General Grey, having cut off a sergeant's patrol, advanced in silence, and surrounded with his troops three barns in which the dragoons were sleeping. We have seen, in his surprise of Wayne's de- tachment in the preceding year, how stealthy and effective he was in the work of destruction. To prevent noise he had caused his men to draw the charges and take the flints from their guns, and fix their bayonets. The bayonet was his favorite weapon. With this his men rushed forward, and, deaf for a time to all cries of mercy, made a savage slaughter of naked and defenceless men. Eleven were killed on the spot, and twenty-five mangled with repeated thrusts, some receiving ten, twelve, and even sixteen wounds. Among the wounded were Colonel Baylor and Major Clough, the last of whom soon died. About forty were taken prisoners, mostly through the humane interposi- tion of one of Grey's captains, whose feelings revolted at the orders of his sanguinary com- mander. This whole movement of troops, on both sides of the Hudson, was designed to cover an expedition against Little Egg Harbor, on the east coast of New Jersey, a noted rendezvous of American privateers. It was conducted in much the same spirit with that of General Grey to the eastward. Three hundred regular troops, and a body of royalist volunteers from the Jerseys, headed by Captain Patrick Fergu- son, embarked at New York on board galleys and transports, and made for Little Egg Har- bor under convoy of vessels of war. They were long at sea. The country heard of their coming ; four privateers put to sea and escaped ; others took refuge up the river. The wind prevented the transports from entering. The troops embarked in row galleys and small craft, and pushed twenty miles up the river to the village of Chestnut Neck. Here were batteries without guns, prize ships which had been hastily scuttled, and storehouses for the recep- tion of prize goods. The batteries and store- houses were demolished, the prize ships burnt, saltworks destroyed, and private dwellings sacked and laid in ashes ; all, it was pretended, being the property of persons concerned in privateering, or " whose activity in the cause of America and unrelenting persecution of the loyalists, marked them out as the proper objects of vengeance." As those persons were pointed out by the tory volunteers of New Jersey who accompanied the expedition, we may suppose how far private pique and neighborly feud entered into these proscriptions. The vessels which brought this detachment being wind-bound for several days, Capt. Fer- guson had time for another enterprise. Among the forces detached by Washington into the Jerseys to check these ravages, was the Count Pulaski's legionary corps, composed of three companies of foot, and a troop of horse, of- ficered principally by foreigners. A deserter from the corps brought word to the British commander that the legion Avas cantoned about twelve miles up the river ; the infantry in three houses by themselves ; Count Pulaski with the cavalry at some distance apart. Informed of these circumstances. Captain Ferguson embarked in boats with two hundred and fifty men, ascended the river in the night, landed at four in the morning, and surrounded the houses in which the infantry were sleeping. " It being a night attack," says the captain in his oflicial report, "little quarter of course could be given, so there were only Jive prisoners.'''' 480 RETALIATION ON DONOFS RANGERS— ARRIVAL OF ADMIRAL BYRON. [1778. It was indeed a massacre similar to those of the bayonet-loving General Grey. Fifty of the infantry were butchered on the spot; among whom were two of the foreign officers, the Baron de Bose and Lieutenant de la Broderie. The clattering of hoofs gave note of the ap- proach of Pulaski and his horse, whereupon the British made a rapid retreat to their boats and pulled down the river, and thus ended the marauding expedition of Captain Ferguson, worthy of the times of the buccaneers. He attempted afterwards to excuse his wanton butchery of unarmed men, by alleging that the deserter from Pulaski's legion told him the count, in his general orders, forbade all granting of quarters ; information which proved to be false, and which, had he been a gentleman of honorable spirit, he never would have believed, especially on the word of a deserter. The detachment on the east side of the Hud- son likewise made a predatory and disgraceful foray from their lines at King's Bridge, toward the American encampment at "White Plains, plundering the inhabitants without discrimina- tion, not only of their provisions and forage, but of the very clothes on their backs. None were more efficient in this ravage than a party of about one himdred of Captain Donop's Hessian yagers, and they were in full maraud between Tarrytown and Dobbs' Ferry, when a detach- ment of infantry under Colonel Eichard Butler, and of cavalry under Major Henry Lee, came upon them by surprise, killed ten of them on the spot, captured a lieutenant and eighteen privates, and would have taken or destroyed the whole, had not the extreme roughness of the country impeded the action of the cavalry, and enabled the yagers to escape by scrambling up hill-sides or plunging into ravines. This oc- curred but throe days after the masse ere of Colo- nel Baylor's party, on the opposite side of the Hudson. The British detachments having accomplished the main objects of their movements, returned to New York ; leaving those parts of the coun- try they had harassed still more determined in their liostility, having achieved nothing but v.-hat is least honorable and most detestable in warfare. "We need no better comment on these measures than one furnished by a British writer of the day. " Upon the whole," ob- serves he, " even if the treaty between France and America had not rendered all hope of suc- cess from the present conciliatory system hope- less, these predatory and irritating expeditious would have appeared peculiariy ill-timed and unlucky. Though strongly and warmly recom- mended by many here as the most effectual mode of war, we scarcely remember an instance in which they have not been more mischievous than useful to the grand objects of either re- ducing or reconciling the provinces." * "We may add here that General Grey, vvlio had most signalized himself in these sanguinary exploits, and who from his stealthy precaution to insure the use of the bayonet, had acquired the surname of " no flint," was rewarded for a long career of military services by being raised to the peerage as Lord Grey of Howick, ulti- mately Earl Grey. He was father of the cele- brated prime minister of that name. About the middle of September Admiral Byron arrived at New York with the residue of the scattered armament, which had sailed from England in June to counteract the designs of the Count D'Estaiug. Finding that the count was still repairing his shattered fleet in the harbor of Boston, he put to sea again as soon as his ship^were refitted, and set sail for that port to entrap him. Success seemed like- ly to crown his schemes : he arrived off Boston on the 1st of November : his rival was still in port. Scarce had the admiral entered the bay, however, when another violent storm drove him out to sea, disabled his ships, and com- pelled him to put into PJiode Island to refit. Meanwhile the count having his ships in good order, and finding the coast clear, put to sea, and made 'the best of his way for the "West Indies. Previous to his departure he issued a proclamation dated the 28th of October, ad- dressed to the French inhabitants of Canada, inviting them to resume allegiance to their for- mer sovereign. This was a measure in which he was not authorized by instructions from his government, and Avhich was calculated to awaken a jealousy in the American mind as to the ultimate views of France in taking a part in this contest. It added to the chagrin occa- sioned by the failure of the expedition against Rhode Island, and the complete abandonment by the French of the coasts of the United States. The force at New York, which had been an object of watchful solicitude, was gradually dispersed in different directions. Immediately after the departure of Admiral Byron for Bos- ton, another naval expedition had been set on Annual Register, 1778, p. 215. Mt. 46.] CAPTURE OF SAVANIf AH— LINCOLN IN COMMAND AT THE SOUTH. 481 foot by Sir Henry Clinton. All being ready, a fleet of transports with five thousand men, under General Grant, convoyed by Commodore Hotham with a squadron of six ships of war, set sail on the third of November, with the secret design of an attack on St. Lucia. Towards the end of the same month, another body of troops, under Lieutenant-Colonel Camp- bell, sailed for Georgia in the squadron of Com- modore Hyde Parker ; the British cabinet hav- ing determined to carry the war into the South- ern States. At the same time General Provost, who commanded in Plorida, was ordered by Sir Henry Clinton to march to the banks of the Savannah Eiver, and attack Georgia in flank, while the expedition under Campbell should attack it in front on the seaboard. "We will briefly note the issue of these enterprises, so far beyond Washington's conti-ol. The squadron of Commodore Hyde Parker anchored in the Savannah Eiver towards the end of December. An American force of about six hundred regulars, and a few militia under General Eobert Howe, were encamped near the town, being the remnant of an army with which that officer had invaded Florida in the preceding summer, but had been obliged to evacuate it by a mortal malady which desolated his camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell landed his troops on the 29th of December, about three miles be- low the town. The wliole country bordering the river is a deep morass, cut up by creeks, and only to be traversed by causeways. Over one of these, six hundred yards in length, with a ditch on each side, Colonel Campbell advanced, putting to flight a small party stationed to guard it. General Howe had posted his little army on the main road with the river on his left and a morass in front. A negro gave Campbell information of a path leading through the morass, by which troops might get unob- served to the rear of the Americans. Sir James Baird was detached witli the light in- fantry by this path, while Colonel Campbell ad- vanced in front. The Americans, thus sud- denly attacked in front and rear, were com- pletely routed ; upwards of one hundred were either killed on the spot, or perished in the morass ; thirty-eight oflicers and four hundred and fifteen privates were taken prisoners, the rest retreated up the Savannah Eiver and crossed into South Carolina. Savannah, the capital of Georgia, was taken possession of by the victors, with cannon, military stores, and 31 provisions; their loss was only seven killed and nineteen wounded. Colonel Campbell conducted himself with great moderation ; protecting the persons and property of the inhabitants, and proclaiming security and favor to all that should return to their allegiance. Numbers in consequence flocked to the British standard : the lower part of Georgia was considered as subdued, and posts were established by the British to main- tain possession. While Colonel Campbell had thus invaded Georgia in front. General Prevost, who com- manded the British forces in Florida, had re- ceived orders from Sir Henry Clinton to take it in flank. He accordingly traversed deserts to its southern frontier, took Sunbury, the only remaining fort of importance, and marched to Savannah, where he assumed the general command, detaching Colonel Campbell against Augusta. By the middle of January (1779) all Georgia was reduced to submission, A more experienced American general than Howe had by this time arrived to take com- mand of the Southern Department, Major-Geu- eral Lincoln, who had gained such reputation in the campaign against Burgyone, and whose appointment to this station had been solicited by tlie delegates from South Carolina and Georgia. He had received his ordei-s from Washington in the beginning of October. Of his operations at the South we shall have occa- sion to speak hereafter. CHAPTEE XXXVIII. About the beginning of December, Washing- ton distributed his troops for the winter in a line of strong cantonments extending from Long Island Sound ^o the Delaware. General Putnam commanded at Danbury, General Mc- Dougall in the Highlands, while the head-quar- ters of the commander-in-chief were near Mid- dlebrook in the Jerseys. The olyeets of this arrangement were the protection of the coun- try ; the security of the important posts on the Hudson, and the safety, discipline, and easy subsistence of the army. In the course of this winter he devised a plan of alarm signals, which General Philemon Dickinson was employed to carry into elfect. On Bottle Hill, Vv-hich commanded a vast map of country, sentinels kept watch day and 482 LAFAYETTE'S CANADA SCHEME— CONDEMNED BY WASHINGTON. [1118. night. Should there be an irruption of the enemy, an eighteen pounder, called the Old Sow, fired every half hour, gave the alarm in the daytime or in dark and stormy nights ; an immense fire or beacon at other times. On the booming of that heavy gun, lights sprang up from hill to hill along the difl:erent ranges of heights ; the country was aroused, and the yeo- manry, hastily armed, hurried to their gather- ing places. "Washington was now doomed to experience great loss in the narrow circle of those about him, on whose attachment and devotion he could place implicit reliance. The Marquis Lafayette, seeing no immediate prospect of ac- tive employment in the United States, and an- ticipating a war on the continent of Europe, was disposed to return to France to offer his services to his sovereign ; desirous, however, of preserving a relation Avith America, he merely solicited from Congress the liberty of going home for the next winter ; engaging him- self not to depart until certain that the cam- paign was over. AVashington backed his ap- plication for a furlough, as an arrangement that would still link him with the service ; express- ing his reluctance to part with an ofiicer who united " to all the military fire of youth an uncommon maturity of judgment." Congress in consequence granted the marquis an unlim- ited leave of absence, to return to America whenever he should find it convenient. The marquis, in truth, was full of a grand project for the following summer's campaign, which he was anxious to lay before the cabinet of Versailles ; it was to effect the conquest of Canada by the combined forces, naval and mili- tary, of France and the United States. Of course it embi'aced a wide scope of operations. One body of American troops was to be direct- ed against Detroit ; another against Niagara ; a third was to seize Oswego, launch a flotilla, and get command of Lake Ontario ; and a fourth to penetrate Canada by the river St. Francis, and secure Montreal and the posts on Lake Champlain. While the Americans thus invaded Upper Canada, a French fleet with five thousand men was to ascend the St. Lawrence, and make an attack on Quebec. The scheme met the approbation of a great majority in Congress, who ordered it to bo communicated to Dr. Franklin, then minister at Paris, to be laid by him before the French cabinet. Pre- vious to a final determination, the House pru- dently consulted the opinion of the commander- in-chief. Washington opposed the scheme, both by letter and in a personal interview with Congress, as too complicated and extensive, and requiring too great resources in men and money to be undertaken with a prospect of success. He opposed it also on political grounds. Tliough it had apparently originated in a proposition of the Marquis Lafayette, it might have had its birth in the French cabinet, with a view to some ulterior object. He suggested the danger of introducing a large body of French troops into Canada, and putting them in possession of the capital of a province attached to them by all the ties of blood, habits, manners, religion, and former connection of government. Let us realize for a moment, said he, the striking ad- vantages France would derive from the posses- sion of Canada ; an extensive territory, abound- ing in supplies for the use of her islands ; a vast source of the most beneficial commerce with the Indian nations, which she might then mo- nopolize ; ports of her own on this continent in- dependent of the precarious good-will of an ally ; the whole trade of Newfoundland when- ever she pleased to engross it, the finest nur- sery for seamen in the world ; and finally, the facility of awing and controlling tlicse States, the natural and most formidable rival of every maritime power in Europe. All these advan- tages he feared might prove too great a tempta- tion to be resisted by any power actuated by the common maxims of national policy ; and, with all his confidence in the favorable senti- ments of France, he did not think it politic to subject her disinterestedness to such a trial. " To waive every other consideration," said he, grandly, in the conclusion of a letter to the President of Congress, " I do not like to add to the number of our national obligations. I would wish, as much as possible, to avoid giving a foreign power new claims of merit for services performed to the United States, and would ask no assistance that is not indispensa- ble." The strenuous and far-seeing opposition of Washington was at length effectual; and the magnificent, but hazardous scheme, was entire- ly, though slowly and reluctantly abandoned. It appears since, that the cabinet of France had really no hand either in originating or promot- ing it ; but, on the contrary, was opposed to any expedition against Canada; and the in- structions to their minister forbade him to aid in any such scheme of conquest. Much of the winter was passed by Washington .Et. 47.] DISSENSIONS IN CONGRESS— PATRIOTIC APPEALS OF WASHINGTON. 483 in Philadelphia, occupied in devising and discuss- ing plans for the campaign of 1779. It was an anxious moment with Mm. Circumstances which inspired others with confidence, filled him with solicitude. The alliance with France had produced a baneful feeling of security, which, it appeared to him, was paralyzing the en- ergies of the country. England, it Avas thought, would now be too much occupied in securing her position in Europe, to inci*ease her force or extend her operations in America. Many, therefore, considered the war as virtually at an end ; and were unwilling to make the sacri- fices, or supply the means necessary for impor- tant military undertakings. Dissensions, too, and party feuds were break- ing out in Congress, owing to the relaxation of that external pressure of a common and im- minent danger, which had heretofore produced a unity of sentiment and action. That august body had, in fact, greatly deteriorated since tlie commencement of the war. Many of those whose names had been as watchwords at the Declaration of Independence, had withdrawn from the national councils ; occupied either by their individual affairs, or by the affairs of their individual States. Washington, whose com- prehensive patriotism embraced the whole Union, deprecated and deplored the dawning of this sectional spirit. America, he declared, had never stood in more imminent need of the wise, patriotic, and spirited exertions of her sons than at this period. The States, sep- arately, were too much engaged in their local concerns, and had withdrawn too many of their ablest men from the general council, for the good of the common weal. " Our political system," observed he, " is like the mechanism of a clock ; it is useless to keep the smaller wheels in order, if the greater one, the prime mover of the whole, is neglected." It was his wish, therefore, that each State should not only choose, but absolutely compel its ablest men to attend Congress, instructed to investigate and reform public abuses. Nothing can exceed his appeal to the pa- triotism of his native State, Virginia, in a letter to Colonel Harrison, the speaker of its House of Delegates, written on the 30th of December. " Our affairs are in a more distressed, ruinous, and deplorable condition than they have been since the commencement of the war. By a faithful laborer, then, in the cause ; by a man who is daily injuring his private estate without the smallest earthly advantage, not common to all in case of a favorable issue to the dispute ; by one who wishes the prosperity of America most devoutly, but sees it, or thinks he sees it, on the brink of ruin ; you are besought most earnestly, my dear Colonel Harrison, to exert yourself in endeavoring to rescue your country, by sending your best and ablest men to Con- gress. These characters must not slumber nor sleep at home in such a time of pressing danger. They must not content themselves with the enjoyment of places of honor or profit in their own State, while the common interests of America are mouldering and sinking into irre- trievable ruin. * * =H jf J yfQj.Q iq ]^q called upon to draw a picture of the times and of men, from what I have seen, heard, and in part know, I should in one word say, that idleness, dis- sipation, and extravagance seem to have laid fast hold of most of them ; that speculation, pecula- tion, and an insatiable thirst for riches, seem to have got the better of every other considera- tion, and almost of every order of men ; that party disputes and personal quarrels are the great business of the day ; while the moment- ous concerns of an empire, a great and ac- cumulating debt, ruined finances, dc^preciated money, and want of credit, which in its conse- quences is the want of every thing, are but secondary considerations, and postponed from day to day, from week to week, as if our affairs wore the most promising aspect. ***** In the present situation of things, I cannot help asking where are Mason, Wythe, Jeffer- son, Nicholas, Pendleton, Nelson, and another I could name ? And why, if you are suffi- ciently impressed with your danger, do you not, as New York has done in the case of Mr. Jay, send an extra member or two, for at least a limited time, till the great business of the nation is put upon a more respectable and happy establishment ? * * * I confess to you I feel more real distress on account of the present appearance of things, than I have done at any one time since the commencement of the dispute." Nothing seems to have disgusted him more during his visit to Philadelphia, than the man- ner in which the concerns of the patriot camp were forgotten amid the revelry of the capital. " An assembly, a concert, a dinner, a supper, that will cost three or four hundred pounds, will not only take men off from acting in this business, but even from thinking of it ; while a great part of the officers of our army, from absolute necessity, are quitting tJiP service, and 484 INDIAN ATROCITIES TO BE SUPPRESSED— THE JERSEY TROOPS. [1779. the more virtuous few, rather than do this, are sinking by sure degrees into beggary and want." In discussing the poUcy to be observed in the next campaign, "Washington presumed the enemy Avould maintain tlieir present posts, and conduct the war as heretofore ; in wluch case lie was for remaining enthely on the defensive ; with the exception of such minor operations as might be necessary to check the ravages of the Indians. The country, he observed, was in a languid and exhausted state, and had need of repose. The interruption to agricultural pursuits, and the many hands abstracted from husbandry by military service, had produced a scarcity of bread and forage, and rendered it difficult to subsist large armies. Neither was it easy to recruit these armies. There was abundance of employment; wages were high, the value of money was low ; consequently there was but little temptation to enlist. Plans had been adopted to remedy the deranged state of the currency, but they would be slow in operation. Great economy must in the mean time be observed in the public expenditure. The participation of France in the war, also, and the prospect that Spain would soon be embroiled with England, must certainly divide the attention of the enemy, and allow America a breathing time ; these and similar considera- tions were urged by Washington in favor of a defensive policy. One single exception was made by him. The horrible ravages and mas- sacres perpetrated by the Indians and tlieir tory allies at "Wyoming, had been followed by similar atrocities at Cherry "Valley, in the State of New York, and called for signal vengeance to prevent a repetition. "Washington knew by experience that Indian warfare, to be effective, should never be merely defensive, but must be carried into the enemy's country. The Six Nations, the most civilized of the savage tribes, had proved themselves the most formidable. His idea was to make war npon them in their own style ; penetrate their country, lay waste their villages and settlements, and at the same time destroy the British post at Niagara, that nestling-place of tories and refugees. The policy thus recommended was adopted by Congress. An expedition was set on foot to carry that part relative to the Indians into execution : but here a circumstance occurred, which "Washington declared gave him more pain than any thing that had happened in the war. A Jersey brigade being ordered to march, the officers of the first regiment hesi- tated to obey. By the depreciation of paper money, their pay was incompetent to their support ; it was, in fact, merely nominal ; tlie consequence was, as they alleged, that they were loaded with debt, and their families at home were starving ; yet the Legislature of their State turned a deaf ear to their com- plaints. Thus aggrieved, they addressed a re- monstrance to the Legislature on the subject of their pay, intimating that, should it not re- ceive the immediate attention of that body, they might, at the expiration of three days, be considered as having resigned, and other offi- cers might be appointed in their place. Here was one of the many dilemmas which called for the judgment, moderation, and great personal weight and influence of "Washington. He vi'as eminently the soldier's friend, but he was no less thoroughly the patriot general. He knew and felt the privations and distresses of the ariliy, and the truth of the grievances complained of; but he saw, also, the evil con- sequences that might result from such a course as that which the officers had adopted. Act- ing, therefore, as a mediator, he corroborated the statements of the complainants on the one hand, urging on government the necessity of a more general and adequate provision for the officers of the army, and the danger of subject- ing them to too severe and continued priva- tions. On the other hand, he represented to the officers the difficulties with which government itself had to contend from a deranged currency and exhausted resources ; and the unavoidable delays that consequently impeded its moneyed operations. He called upon them, therefore, for a further exertion of that patience and per- sevei-ance which had hitherto done them the highest honor at home and abroad, had inspired him with unlimited confidence in their virtue, and consoled him amidst every perplexity and reverse of fortune to Avhich the national affairs had been exposed. " Now that we have made so great a progress to the attainment of the end we have in view," observed he, " any thing like a change of conduct would imply a very unhappy change of principle, and a for- getfulness, as well of what we owe to ourselves, as to our country. Did I suppose it possible this could be the case even in a single regiment of the army, I should be mortified and cha- grined beyond expression. I should feel it as a wound given to my own honor, which I con- sider as embarked with that of the array at large. ^T. 47.] DISCONTENT OF THE JEKSEY TROOPS— WYOMING REVENGED. 485 But the gentlemen," adds he, " cannot be in earnest ; they cannot seriously intend any thing that would he a stain on their former reputation. They have only reasoned wrong about the means of obtaining a good end ; and on consideration, I hope and flatter myself, they will renounce what must appear to be improper. At tlie opening of a campaign, when under marching orders for an important service, their own honor, duty to the public and to themselves, and a regard to military propriety, will not suffer them to persist in a measure which would be a violation of them all. It will even wound their delicacy, coolly to re- flect that they have hazarded a step which has an air of dictating to their country, by taking advantage of the necessity of the moment ; for the declaration they have made to the State, at so critical a time, that unless they obtain relief in the short period of three days, they must be considered out of the service, has very much that aspect." These and other observations of similar pur- port, were contained in a letter to General Maxwell, their commander, to be laid before the ofBcers. It produced a respectful reply, but one ^vliich intimated no disposition to swerve from their determination. After reiterating their grievances, " we are sorry," added they, " that yon should imagine w^e meant to disobey orders. It was and is still our determination to march with our regiment, and to do the duty of officers unfil the Legislature shall have a reasonable time to appoint others, but no longer. "We beg leave .to assure your Excel- lency, that we have the highest sense of your ability and virtues ; that executing your orders has ever given us pleasure ; that we love the service, and love our country ; — ^but when that country gets so lost to virtue and justice, as to forget to support its servants, it then becomes their duty to retire from its service." A commander of less magnanimity than Washington would have answered this letter by a stern exercise of military rule, and driven the really aggrieved parties to extremity. He nobly contented himself with the following comment on it, forming a paragraph of a letter to General Maxwell. " I am sorry the gentle- men persist in the principles which dictated the step they have taken ; as, the more the aflfair imfolds itself, the more reason I see to disapprove it. But in the present view they have of the matter, and with their present feel- ings, it is not probable any new argument that could be ofiiered would have more influence than the former. While, therefore, the gentlemen continue in the execution of their duty, as they declare themselves heartily disposed to do, I shall only regret that they have taken a step of which they must hereafter see the impro- priety." The Legislature of New Jersey imitated the forbearance of "Washington. Compounding with their pride, they let the oflicers know that on their withdrawing the memorial, the subject matter of it would be pi-omptly attend- ed to. It was withdrawn. Resolutions were immediately passed, granting pecuniary sup- plies to both oflacers and soldiers. The morfey was forthwith forwarded to camp, and the bri- gade marched. Such was the paternal spirit exercised by Washington, in all the difficulties and discon- tents of the army. How clearly he understood the genius and circumstances of the people he was called upon to manage ; and how truly was he their protector even more than their commander ! We shall briefly dispose of the Indian cam- paign. The first act was an expedition from Fort Schuyler by Colonel "Van Scbaick, Lieu- teuant-Colonel Willett, and Major Cochran, with about six hundred men, who, on the 19th of April, surprised the towns of the Ononda- gas ; destroyed the whole settlement, and re- turned to the fort without the loss of a single man. The great expedition of the campaign, how- ever, was in revenge of the massacre of Wyo- ming. Early in the summer, three thousand men assembled in that lately desolated region, and, conducted by General Sullivan, moved up the west branch of the Susquehanna into the Seneca country. While on the way, they were joined by a part of the western army, under General James Clinton, who had come from the valley of the Mohawk by Otsego lake and the east branch of the Susquehanna. The united forces amounted to about five thousand men, of which Sullivan had the general command. The Indians, and their allies the tories, had received information of the intended invasion, and appeared in arms to oppose it. They were much inferior in force, however, being about fifteen hundred Indians and two hundred white men, commanded by the two Butlers, Johnson, and Brant. A battle took place at Newtown on the 29th of August, in which they were easily defeated. Sullivan then pushed forward 486 PREDATORY WARFARE OF THE ENEMY— HOSTILITIES ON THE HUDSON. [1779. into the heart of the Indian country, penetrat- ing as far as the Genesee Elver, laying every thing waste, setting fire to deserted dwellings, destroying corn-fields, orchards, gardens, every thing that could give sustenance to man, the design heing to starve the Indians out of the country. The latter retreated before him with their families, and at length took refuge under the protection of the British garrison at Niag- ara. Having completed his errand, Sullivan returned to Easton in Pennsylvania. The thanks of Congress were voted to him and his army, but he shortly afterward resigned his commission on account of ill health, and retired from the service. A similar expedition was undertaken by Colonel Brodhead, from Pittsburg up the Alle- gany, against the Mingo, Muncey, and Seneca tribes, with similar results. The wisdom of "Washington's policy of carrying the war against the Indians into their country, and conducting it in their own way, was apparent from the general intimidation produced among the tribes by tliese expeditions, and the subsequent infre- quency of their murderous incursions ; the in- stigation of which by the British, had been the most inhuman feature of this war. CHAPTER XXXIX. The situation of Sir Henry Clinton must have been mortifying in the extreme to an officer of lofty ambition and generous aims. His force, between sixteen and seventeen thousand strong, was superior in number, discipline, and equip- ment to that of Washington ; yet his instruc- tions confined him to a predatory warfare car- ried on by attacks and marauds at distant points, harassing, it is true, yet irritating to the country intended to be conciliated, and brutalizing to his own soldiery. Such was the nature of an expedition set on foot against the commerce of the Chesapeake ; by which com- merce the armies were supplied and the credit of the government sustained. On the 9th of May, a squadron under Sir George Collier, con- voying transports and galleys, with twenty- five hundred men, commanded by General Mathews, entered these waters, took possession of Portsmouth without opposition, sent out armed parties against Norfolk, Sufiblk, Gos- port, Kemp's Landing, and otlier neighboring places, wliere were immense quantities of pro- visions, naval and military stores, and mer- chandise of all kinds ; with numerous vessels, some on the stocks, others richly laden. Wher- ever they went, a scene of plunder, coniiagra- tion, and destruction ensued. A few days suf- ficed to ravage the whole neighborhood. While this was going on at the south, Wash- ington received intelligence of movements at New York and in its vicinity, which made him apprehend an expedition against the Highlands of the Hudson. Since the loss of Forts Montgomery and Chn- ton, the main defences of the Highlands had been established at the sudden bend of the river where it winds between West Point and Con- stitution Island. Two opposite forts com- manded this bend, and an iron chain which was stretched across it. Washington had projected two works also just below the Highlands, at Stony Point and Verplanck's Point, to serve as outworks of the mountain passes, and to protect King's Ferry, the most direct and convenient communication between the Northern and Middle States. A small but strong fort had been erected on Verplanck's Point, and was garrisoned by seventy men under Captain Armstrong. A more important work was in progress at Stony Point. When completed, these two forts, on opposite promontories, would form as it were the lower gates of the Highlands ; miniature Pillars of Hercules, of which Stony Point was the Gibraltar. • To be at hand in case of any real attempt upon the Highlands, Washington drew up with his forces in that direction ; moving by the way of Morristown. An expedition up the Hudson was really the object of Sir Henry Clinton's movements, and for this he was strengthened by the return of Sir George Collier with his marauding ships and forces from Virginia. On the 30th of May, Sir Henry set out on his second grand cruise up the Hudson, with an armament of about seventy sail, great and small, and one hundred and fifty flat boats. Admiral Sir George Collier com- manded the armament, and there was a land force of about five thousand men under General Vaughan. The first aim of Sir Henry was to get posses- sion of Stony and Verplanck's Points ; his former expedition had acquainted him with the importance of this pass of the river. On the morning of the 31st, the forces were landed in two divisions, the largest under General ^T. 47.] CONNECTICUT RAVAGED— FAIRFIELD DESTROYED. 487 Vaughan, on the east side of the river, about seven or eight miles below Verplaiick's Point ; the other, commanded by Sir Henry in person, landed in Haverstraw Bay, about three miles below Stony Point. There were about thirty men in the unfinished fort ; they abandoned it on the approach of the enemy, and retreated into the Highlands, having first set fire to the block-house. The British took quiet possession of the fort in the evening ; dragged up cannon and mortars in the night, and at daybreak opened a furious fire upon Fort Lafayette. It was cannonaded at the same time by the armed vessels, and a demonstration was made on it by the division under General Vaughan. Thus surrounded, the little garrison of seventy men was forced to surrender with no other stipula- tion than safety to their persons and to the property they had in the fort. Major Andre was aide-de-camp to Sir Henry, and signed the articles of capitulation. Sir Henry Clinton stationed garrisons in both posts, and set to work with great activity to complete the fortification of Stony Point. His troops remained for several days in two divisions on the opposite sides of the river ; the fleet generally fell down a little below King's Ferry ; some of the square-rigged ves- sels, however, with others of a smaller size, and flat-bottomed boats, having troops on board, dropped down Haverstraw Bay, and finally disappeared behind the promontories wliich advance across the upper part of the Tappan Sea. Some of the movements of the enemy per- plexed "Washington exceedingly. lie presumed, however, that the main object of Sir Henry was to get possession of West Point, the guardian fortress of the river, and that the capture of Stony and Verplanck's Points were preparatory steps. He would fain have dislodged him from these posts, which cut off all communication by the way of King's Ferry, but tliey were too stroug ; he had not the force nor military ap- paratus necessary. Deferring any attempt on them for the present, he took measures for the protection of West Point. Leaving General Putnam and the main body of the army at Smith's Clove, a mountain pass in the rear of Haverstraw, he removed his head-quarters to New Windsor, to be near West Point in case of need, and to press the completion of its works. General McDougall was transferred to the command of the Point. Three brigades were stationed at different places on the oppo- site side of the river, under General *Heath, from which fatigue parties crossed daily to work on the fortifications. This strong disposition of the American forces checked Sir Henry's designs against the Highlands. Contenting himself, therefore, for the present, with the acquisition of Stony and Verplanck's Points, he returned to New York ; where he soon set on foot a desolating expedition along the seaboard of Connecticut. That State, while it furnished the American armies with provisions and recruits, and infested the sea with privateers, had hitherto experienced noth- ing of the horrors of war within its borders. Sir Henry, in compliance with his instructions from government, was now about to give it a scourging lesson ; and he entertained the hope that, in so doing, he might draw down Wasli- ington from his mountain fastnesses, and lay open the Hudson to a successful incursion. General (late Governor) Tryon, was the oflScer selected by Sir Henry for this inglorious, but apparently congenial service. About the beginning of July he embarked with two thou- sand six hundred men, in a fleet of trans- ports and tenders, and was convoyed up the Sound by Sir George Collier with two ships of war. On the 5th of July, the troops landed near New Haven, in two divisions, one led by Tryon, the other by Brigadier-General Garth, his lieu- tenant. They came upon the neighborhood by surprise ; yet the militia assembled in haste, and made a resolute though ineffectual opposi- tion. The British captured the town, disman- tled the fort, and took or destroyed all the vessels in the harbor ; with all the artillery, ammunition, and public stores. Several pri- vate houses were plundered ; but this, it was said, was done by the soldiery contrary to orders. The enemy, in fact, claimed great credit for lenity in refraining from universal sackage, considering the opposition they had experienced while on the march, and that some of the inhabitants of the town had fired upon them from the windows. They next proceeded to Fairfield ; where, meet- ing with greater resistance, they thought the moment arrived for a wholesome example of severity. Accordingly, they not merely ravag- ed and destroyed the public stores and the ves- sels in the harbor, but laid the town itself in ashes. The exact return of this salutary lesson gives the destruction of ninety-seven dwelling- houses, sixty-seven barns and stables, forty-eight 488 NORWALK DESTROYED— STORMING OF STONY POINT. [17V9. store-honses, three places of worship, a court- house, a jail, aud two school-houses. The sight of their homes laid desolate, and their dwellings wrapped in flames, only served to exasperate the iuhahitants, and produce a more detenmined opposition to the progress of the destroyers ; whereupon the ruthless ravage of the latter increased as they advanced. At Norwulk, where they landed on the 11th of July, they burnt one hundred and tliirty dwelling houses, eighty-seven barns, twenty- two store-houses, seventeen shops, four mills, two places of worship, and five vessels which were in the harbor. All this was private prop- erty, and the loss fell on individuals engaged in the ordinary occupations of life. These acts of devastation were accompanied by atrocities, inevitable where the brutal passions of the sol- diery are aroused. They were unprovoked, too, by any xmusual acts of hostility, the militia having no time to assemble, excepting in small parties for the defence of their homes and fire- sides. The loss of the British throughout the whole expedition amounted, according to their own accounts, to twenty killed, ninety-six wounded, and thirty-two missing. It was intended to crown this grand ravage by a descent on New London, a noted rendez- vous of privateers ; but as greater opposition was expected there than at either of the other places, the squadron returned to Huntington Bay, on Long Island, to await reinforcements ; and Commodore Collier proceeded to Throg's Neck, to confer with Sir Henry Clinton about further operations. In this conference Sir Henry was assured that the recent expedition Avas producing the most salutary etfects ; that the principal inhab- itants were incensed at the apathy of Washing- ton in remaining encamped near the Hudson, while their country was ravaged and their homes laid in ashes ; that they complained equally of Congress, and talked of withdrawing from it their allegiance, and making terms with the British commanders for themselves ; finally, it was urged that the proposed expedition against New London would carry these salutary eifects still further, and confirm the inhabitants in the sentiments they were beginning to ex- press. Such were the delusive representations con- tinually made to the British commanders in the course of this war ; or rather, such were the delusions in which they themselves indulged, and which led theni to the commission of acts calculated to rend still further asunder the kin- dred countries. Washington, however, was not culpable of the apathy ascribed to him. On hearing of the departure of the expedition to the eastward, and before he was acquainted with its definite object, he detached General Heath, with two brigades of Connecticut militia, to oounteract the movements of the enemy. This was all that he could spare from the force stationed for the protection of the Highlands. Any weak- ening of his posts there might bring the enemy suddenly upon him, such was their facility in moving from one place to another by means of their shipping. Indeed, he had divined that a scheme of the kind was at the bottom of the hostile movement to the eastward. As a kind of counter-check to Sir Henry, he had for some days been planning the recapture of Stony Point and Fort Lafayette. He had recon- noitred them in person ; spies had been thrown into them, and information collected from de- serters. Stony Point having been recently strengthened by the British was now the most important. It was a rocky promontory advanc- ing far into the Hudson, which washed three sides of it. A deep morass, covered at high water, separated it from the mainland, but at low tide might be traversed by a narrow causeway and bridge. The promontory was crowned by strong works, furnished with heavy ordnance, com- manding the morass and causeway. Lower down were two rows of abatis, and the shore at the foot of the hill could be swept by vessels of war anchored in the river. The garrison Avas about six hundred strong, commanded by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Johnson. To attempt the surprisal of this isolated post, thus strongly fortified, was a perilous enterprise. General Wayne, Mad Anthony as he was called from his daring valor, was the ofiicer to whom Washington proposed it, and he engaged in it with avidity.* According to Washington's plan, it was to be attempted by light-infantry only, at night, and with the utmost secrecy, securing every person they met to prevent dis- covery. Between one and two hundred chosen men and officers were to make the surprise ; preceded by a vanguard of prudent, deter- mined men, well commanded, to remove ob- structions, secure sentries, and drive in the guards. The whole were to advance with * It is a popular tradition, that whenWasbington pro- posed to Wayr.o the stoi-ming of Stony Point, the reply was, " General, I'll storm h— 11 it j/ou will only plan it." ^T. 41.] THE STORMING AND CAPTURE OF STONY POINT. 489 fixed bayonets and unloaded muskets ; all was to be done with the bayonet. These parties were to be followed by the main body, at a small distance, to support and reinforce them, or to bring them off in case of failure. All were to wear white cockades or feathers, and to have a watchword, so as to be distinguished from the enemy. " The usual time for exploits of this kind," observes Washington, " is a little before day, for which reason a vigilant officer is then more on the watch. I therefore recom- mend a midnight hour." On getting possession of Stony Point, "Wayne was to turn its guns upon Fort Lafayette, and the shipping. A detachment was to march down from West Point by Peekskill, to the vicinity of Fort Lafayette, and hold itself ready to join in the attack upon it, as soon as the cannonade began from Stony Point. On the 15th of Jvily, about mid-day, Wayne set out with his light-infantry from Sandy Beach, fourteen miles distant from Stony Point. The roads were rugged, across mountains, mo- rasses, and narrow defiles, in the skirts of the Dunderberg, where frequently it was necessary to proceed in single file. About eight in the evening, they arrived within a mile and a half of the forts, without being discovered. Not a dog barked to give the alarm — all the dogs in the neighborhood had been privately destroy- ed beforehand. Bringing the men to a halt, Wayne and his principal officers went nearer, and carefully reconnoitred the works and their environs, so as to proceed understandingly and without confusion. Having made their obser- vations they returned to the troops. Midnight, it will be recollected, was the time recommend- ed by Washington for the attack. About half- past eleven, the whole moved forward, guided by a negro of the neighborhood who had fre- quently carried in fruit to tlie garrison, and served the Americans as a spy. Tie led the way, accompanied by two stout men disguised as farmers. The countersign was given to the first sentinel, posted on high ground west of the morass. While the negro talked with him, tlie men seized and gagged him. The sentinel liosted at the head of the causeway was served in the same manner ; so that hitherto no alarm was given. The causeway, however, Avas overflowed, and it was some time after twelve o'clock before the troops could cross ; leaving tliree hundred men under General Muhlenberg, on the western side of the morass, as a re- serve. At the foot of the promontory, the troops were divided into two columns, for simulta- neous attacks on opposite sides of the woiks. One hundred and fifty volunteers, led by Lieu- tenant-Colonel Fleury, seconded by Major Po- sey, formed the vanguard of the right column. One hundred volunteers under Major Stewart, the vanguard of the left. In advance of each was a forlorn hope of twenty men, one led by Lieutenant Gibbon, the other by Lieutenant Knox ; it was their desperate duty to remove the abatis. So well had the whole aftair been conducted, that the Americans were close upon the outworks before they were discovered. There was then severe skirmishing at tlie pick- ets. The Americans used the bayonet ; the others discharged their muskets. The reports roused the garrison. Stony Point was instantly in an uproar. The drums beat to arms ; every one hurried to his alarm post ; the works were hastily manned, and a tremendous fire of grape shot and musketry opened upon the assailants. The two columns forced their way with the bayonet, at opposite points, surmounting every obstacle. Colonel Fleury was the first to enter the fort and strike the British flag. Major Posey sprang to the ramparts and shouted, " The fort is our own." Wayne, who led the right column, received at the inner abatis a con- tusion on the head from a musket ball, and would have fallen to the ground, but his two aides-de-camp supported him. Thinking it was a death wound," Carry me into the fort," said he, " and let me die at the head of my column." He was borne in between his aides, and soon recovered his self-possession. The two columns arrived nearly at the same time, and met in the centre of the works. The garrison surrendered at discretion. At daybreak, as Washington directed, the guns of the fort were turned on Fort Lafayette and the shipping. The latter cut their cables and dropped down the river. Through a series of blunders, the detachment from West Point, which was to have co-operated, did not arrive in time, and came unprovided with suitable am- munition for their battering artillery. This part of the enterprise, therefore, failed ; Fort Lafay- ette held out. The storming of Stony Point stands out in high relief as one of the most brilliant achieve- ments of the war. The Americans had efiected it without firing a musket. On their part, it was the silent, deadly work of the bayonet ; the fierce resistance they met at the outset may 490 GENEROUS LETTER OF LEE TO GENERAL WAYNE. [1779. be judged by the havoc made in their forlorn hope ; out of twenty-two men, seventeen were either killed or wounded. The whole loss of the Americans was fifteen killed and eighty- three wounded. Of the gai'rison, sixty-three were slain, including two ofticers ; five hundred and fifty-three were taken prisoners, among whom were a lieutenant- colonel, four captains, and twenty-three subaltern ofiicers. Wayne, in his despatches, writes : " The hu- manity of our brave soldiery, who scorned to take the lives of a vanquished foe when calling for mercy, reflects the liighest honor on them ; and accounts for the few of the enemy killed on the occasion." His words reflect honor on himself. A British historian confirms his eulogy. " The conduct of the Americans upon this oc- casion was highly meritorious," writes he ; " for they would have been fully justified in putting the garrison to the sword ; not one man of which was put to death but in fair combat." * We are happy to record an instance of gen- erous feeling on the part of General Charles Lee, in connection with Stony Point. When he heard of Wayne's achievement, he wrote to him as follows : " What I am going to say, you will not, I hope, consider as paying my court in this hour of your glory ; for, as it is at least my present intention to leave this continent, I can have no interest in paying my court to any individual. AVhat I shall say, therefore, is dic- tated by the genuine feelings of my heart. I do most sincerely declare, that your assault of Stony Point is not only the most brilliant, in my opinion, throughout the whole course of the Avar on either side, but that it is the most bril- liant I am acquainted with in history ; the as- sault of Schweidnitz by Marshal Laudon, I think inferior to it. I wish you, therefore, most sincerely, joy of the laurels you have de- servedly acquired, and that you may long live to wear them." This is the more magnanimous on the part of Lee, as AVayne had been tlie chief witness against liim in the court-martial after the affair of Monmouth, greatly to his annoyance. While Stony Point, therefore, stands a lasting monument of the daring courage of " Mad An- thony," let it call up the remembrance of this freak of generosity on the part of the eccentric Lee. Tidings of the capture of Stony Point, * Stedman, vol. i., p. 145.] and the imminent danger of Fort Lafayette, reached Sir Henry Clinton just after his" con- ference with Sir George Collier at Throg's Neck. The expedition against New London was instantly given up ; the transports and troops were recalled ; a forced march was made to Dobbs' Ferry on the Pludson ; a de- tachment was sent up the river in transports to relieve Fort Lafayette, and Sir Henry fol- lowed with a greater force, hoping Washington miglit quit his fastnesses, and risk a battle for the possession of Stony Point. Again the Fabian policy of the American commander-in-chief disa^jpointed the British general. Having well examined the post in company with an engineer and several general officers, he found that at least fifteen hundred men would be required to maintain it, a num- ber not to be spared from the army at present. The works, too, were only calculated for de- fence on the land side, and were open towards the river, where the enemy depended upon j)rotection from their ships. It would be neces- sary to construct them anew, with great labor. The army, also, would have to be in the vicin- ity, too distant from West Point to aid in com- pleting or defending its fortifications, and ex- posed to the risk* of a general action on un- favorable terms. For these considerations, in which all his officers concurred, Washington evacuated the post on the 18th, removing the cannon and stores, and destroying the works ; after which he drew his forces together in the Highlands, and established his quarters at West Point, not knowing but that Sir Henry might attempt a retaliatory stroke on that most important fort- ress. The latter took possession of Stony Point, and fortified and garrisoned it more strongly than ever, but was too Avary to risk an attempt upon the strongholds of the High- lands. Finding Washington was not to be tempted out of them, he ordered the transports to fall once more down the river, and returned to his former encampment at Philipsburg. CHAPTER XL. The brilHant affair of the storming of Stony Point, was somewhat overshadowed by the result of an enterprise at the eastward, under- taken without consulting Washington. A Brit- ish detachment from Halifax of seven or eight JEt. 47.] EXPEDITION AGAINST PENOBSCOT— EXPLOIT OF MAJOR HENRY LEE. 491 hundred men, had founded in June a nailitary post -on the eastern side of the Bay of Penob- scot, nine miles below the river of that name, and were erecting a fort there, intended to protect Nova Scotia, control the frontiers of Massachusetts, and command the vast wooded regions of Maine ; whence inexhaustible sup- plies of timber might be procured for the royal shipyards at Halifax and elsewhere. The people of Boston, roused by this move- ment, which invaded their territory, and touched their pride and interests, undertook, on their own responsibility, a naval and mili- tary expedition intended to drive off the in- vaders. All Boston was in a military bustle, enrolling militia and volunteers. An embargo of forty days was laid on the shipping, to fa- cilitate the equipment of the naval armament ; a squadron of armed ships and brigantines un- der Commodore Saltonstall, at length put to sea, convoying transports, on board of which were near four thousand land troops under General Lovel. Arriving in the Penobscot on the 25th of May, they found Colonel Maclean posted on a peninsula, steep and precipitous toward the bay and deeply treached on the land side, with three ships of war anchored before it. Lovel was repulsed, with some little loss, in an attempt to effect a landing on the peninsula ; but finally succeeded before daybreak on the 28th. The moment was propitious for a bold and vigorous blow. The fort was but half fin- ished ; the guns were not mounted ; the three armed vessels could not have offered a formi- dable resistance ; but, unfortunately, the en- ergy of a Wayne was wanting to the enterprise. Lovel proceeded by regular siege. He threw up works at seven hundred and fifty yards dis- tance, and opened a cannonade, which was continued from day to day, for a fortnight. The enemy availed themselves of the delay to ; strengthen their works, in which they were I aided by men from the ships. Distrustful of I the efliciency of the militia and of their con- I tinuance in camp, Lovel sent to Boston for a I reinforcement of Continental troops. He only awaited their arrival to carry the place by I storm. A golden opportunity was lost by this excess of caution. It gave time for Admiral I Collier at New York to hear of this enterprise, : and take measures for its defeat. i On the 13th of August, Lovel was astounded 'Jj by intelligence that tlie admiral was arrived I before the bay with a superior armament. Thus fairly entrapped, he endeavored to extri- cate his force with as little loss as possible. Before news of Collier's arrival could reach the fort, he re-embarked his troops in the transports to make their escape up the river. His armed vessels were drawn up in a crescent as if to give battle, but it was merely to hold the enemy in check. They soon gave way; some were captured, others were set on fire or blown up, and abandoned by their crews. The transports being eagerly pursued and in great danger of being taken, disgorged the troops and seamen on the wild shores of the river : whence they had to make the best of their way to Boston, struggling for upwards of a hundred miles through a pathless wilderness, before they reached the settled parts of the country ; and several of them perishing through hunger and exhaustion. If Washington was chagrined by the signal failure of this expedition, undertaken without his advice, he was cheered by the better fortune of one set on foot about the same time, imder his own eye, by his young friend. Major Henry Lee of the Virginia dragoons. This active and daring officer had frequently been employed by him in scoui-ing the country on the west side of the Hudson to collect information ; keep an eye upon the enemy's posts ; cut off their sup- plies, and check their foraging parties. The cotip de main at Stony Point had piqued his emulation. In his communications to head- quarters he intimated that an opportunity pre- sented for an exploit of almost equal daring. In the course of his reconnoitring, and by means of spies, he had discovered that the British post at Paulus Hook, immediately op- posite to New York, was very negligently guarded. Paulus Hook is a long low point of the Jersey shore, stretching into the Hudson, and connected to the mainland by a sandy isth- mus. A fort had been erected on it, and gar- risoned with four or five hundred men, under the command of Major Sutherland. It was a strong position. A creek fordable only in two places rendered tlie hook difficult of access. Within this, a deep trench had been cut across the isthmus, traversed by a drawbridge with a barred gate ; and still within this was a double row of abatis, extending into the water. The whole position, with the country imme- diately adjacent, was separated from the rest of Jersey by the Hackensack River, running par- allel to the Hudson, at the distance of a very few miles, and only traversable in boats, excepting 492 NIGHT SURPRISAL OF PAULUS HOOK. [1779. at the New Bridge, about fourteen miles from Paulus Hook. Confident in the strength of his position, and its distance from any American force. Major Sutherland had become remiss in his military precautions ; the want of vigilance in a com- mander soon produces carelessness in subal- terns, and a general negligence prevailed in the garrison. All this had been ascertained by Major Lee ; and he now proposed the daring project of sur- prising the fort at night, and thus striking an insulting blow " within cannon shot of New York." Washington was pleased with the project ; he had a relish for signal enterprises of the kind ; he was aware of their striking and salutary effect upon both friend and foe ; and he was disposed to favor the adventurous schemes of this young officer. The chief danger in the present one, would be in the evacuation and retreat after the blow had been effected, owing to the proximity of the enemy's force at New York. In consenting to the enterprise, therefore, he stipulated that Lee should not un- dertake it unless sure, from previous observa- tion, that the post could be carried by instant surprise ; when carried, no time was to be lost in attempting to bring off cannon or any other articles ; or in collecting stragglers of the gar- rison who might skulk and hide themselves. He was " to surprise the post ; bring off the garrison immediately, and effect a retreat." On the 18th of August Lee set out on the expedition, at the head of three hundred men of Lord Stirling's division, and a troop of dis- mounted dragoons under Captain McLane. The attack was to be made that night. Lest the enemy should hear of their movement, it was given out that they were on a mere foraging excursion. The road they took lay along that belt of rocky and wooded heights which bor- ders the Hudson, and forms a rugged neck be- tween it and the Hackensack. Lord Stirling followed with five hundred men, and encamped at the New Bridge on tliat river, to be at hand to render aid if required. As it would be per- ilous to return along the rugged neck just men- tioned, from the number of tlie enemy en- camped along the Hudson, Lee, after striking the blow, was to push for Dow's Ferry on the Hackensack, not far from Paulus Hook, where boats would be waiting to receive him. It Avas between two and three in the morning when Lee arrived at the creek which rendered Paulus Hook difficult of access. It liappened, fortunately, that Major Sutherland, the British commander, had, the day before, detached a foraging party under a Major Buskirk, to a part of the country called the Englisl: Neighborliood, As Lee and his men approached, they were mis- taken by the sentinel for this party on its re- turn. The darkness of the night favored tlio mistake. They passed the creek and ditch, en- tered the works unmolested, and had made themselves masters of the post before the neg- ligent garrison were well roused from sleep. Major Sutherland and about sixty Hessians threw themselves into a small block-house oa the left of the fort and opened an irregular fire. To attempt to dislodge them would have cost too much time. Alarm guns from the ships iu the river and the forts at New York threat- ened speedy reinforcements to the enemy. Having made one hundred and fifty-nine pris- oners, among whom were three officers, Lee commenced his retreat, without tarrying to de- stroy either barracks or artillery. He had achieved his object : a coup de main of signal audacity. Pew of the enemy were slain, for there was but little fighting, and no massacre. His own loss was two men killed and three wounded. His retreat was attended by perils and per- plexities. Through blunder or misapprehen- sion, the boats which he was to have found at Dow's Ferry on the Hackensack, disappointed him ; and he had to make his way with his weary troops up the neck of land between that river and the Hudson, in imminent danger of being cut up by Buskirk and his scouting de- tachment. Fortunately Lord Stirling heard of his peril, and sent out a force to cover his re- treat, which was effected in safety. "Washing- ton felt the value of this hardy and brilliant exploit. " The increase of confidence," said he, " which the army will derive from this affair and that of Stony Point, though great, will be among the least of the advantages resulting from these events." In a letter to the Presi- dent of Congress, he extolled the prudence, ad- dress, enterprise, and bravery displayed on the occasion by Major Lee ; in consequence of which the latter received the signal reward of a gold medal. Washington was now at West Point, dili- gently providing for the defence of the High- lands against any farther attempts of the ene- my. During the time that he made this his head-quarters, the most important works, we are told, were completed, especially the fort at uEt. 4'7.] STYLE OF LIVING AT HEAD-QUARTERS— CLINTON REINEORCED. 493 West Point, which formed the citadel of those mountains. Of his singularly isolated situation with re- spect to public affairs, we have evidence in the following passage of a letter to Edmund Ean- dolph, who had recently taken his seat in Con- gress. " I shall be happy in such communica- tions as your leisure and other considerations will permit you to transmit to me, for I am as totally unacquainted with the political state of things, and what is going forward in the great national council, as if I was an alien ; when a competent knowledge of the temper and de- signs of our allies, from time to time, and the frequent changes and complexion of affairs in Europe might, as they ought to do, have a con- siderable influence on the operations of our army, and would in many cases determine the propriety of measures, which under a cloud of darkness can only be groped at. I say this upon a presumption that Congress, either through their own ministers or that of France, must be acquainted in some degree with the plans of Great Britain, and the designs of France and Spain. If I mistake in this conjec- ture, it is to be lamented that they have not better information ; or, if political motives render disclosures of this kind imjiroper, I am content to remain in ignorance." Of the style of living at head-quarters, we have a picture in the following letter to Doctor John Cochran, the surgeon-general and physi- cian of the army. It is almost the only in- stance of sportive writing in all Washington's correspondence. / " Deae Doctor : — I have asked Mrs. Coch- ran and Mrs, Livingston to dine with me to- morrow ; but am I not in honor bound to ap- prise them of their fare? As I hate deception, even where the imagination only is concerned, I will. It is needless to premise that my table is large enough to hold the ladies. Of this they had ocular proof yesterday. To say how it is usually covered is more essential ; and this shall be the purport of my letter. "Since our arrival at this happy spot, we have had a ham, sometimes a shoulder of ba- con, to grace the head of the table ; a piece of roast beef adorns the foot ; and a dish of beans or greens, almost imperceptible, decorates the '\ centre. When the cook has a mind to cut a ' figure, wliich I presume will be the case to- ., morrow, we have two beefsteak pies, or dishes I of crabs, in addition, one on each side of the centre dish, dividing the space, and reducing the distance between dish and dish to about six feet, which, without them, would be about twelve feet apart. Of late he has had the sur- prising sagacity to discover that apples will make pies, and it is a question if, in tlie vio- lence of his efforts, we do not get one of apples instead of having both of beefsteaks. If the ladies can put up with such entertainment, and will submit to partake of it on plates once tin but now iron (not become so by the labor of scouring), I shall be happy to sec them." We may add, that, however poor the fare and poor the table equipage at head-quarters, every thing was conducted with strict etiquette and decorum, and we make no doubt the ladies in question were handed in with as much courtesy to the bacon and greens and tin dishes, as though they were to be regaled with the dainti- est viands, served up on enamelled plate and porcelain. The arrival of Admiral Arbuthnot, with a fleet, bringing three thousand troops and a sup- ply of provisions and stores, strengthened the hands of Sir Henry Clinton. Still he had not sufficient force to warrant any further attempt up the Hudson; Washington, by his diligence in fortifying West Point, having rendered that fastness of the Highlands apparently impreg- nable. Sir Henry turned his thoughts, there- fore, towards the South, hoping, by a success- ful expedition in that direction, to counter- balance ill success in other quarters. As this would require large detachments, he threw up additional works on New York Island and at Brooklyn, to render his position secure with the diminished force that would remain with him. At this juncture news Avas received of the arrival of the Count D'Estaing, with a formida- ble fleet on the coast of Georgia, having made a successful cruise in the West Indies, in the course of which he had taken St. Vincent's and Granada. A combined attack upon New York was again talked of. In anticii)ation of it, Washington called upon several of the Middle States for supplies of all kinds, and reinforcements of militia. Sir Henry Chnton, also, changed his plans ; caused Rhode Island to be evacuated ; the troops and stores to be brought away ; the garrisons brought off from Stony and Verplanck's Points, and all his forces to be concentrated at New York, which he endeavored to put in the strongest posture of defence. 494 FRENCH MINISTER AT HEAD-QUARTERS— LETTER TO LAFAYETTE. [1779. Intelligence recently received, loo, that Spain had joined France in hostilities against Eng- land, contributed to increase the solicitude and perplexities of the enemy, -while it gave fresh confidence to the Americans. The Chevalier de la Luzerne, minister from France, with Mons. Barbe Marbois, his secretary of legation, having recently landed at Boston, paid Washington a visit at his mountain for- tress, bringing letters of introduction from Lafayette. The chevalier not having yet an- nounced himself to Congress, did not choose to be received in his public character. "If he had," writes "Washington, " except paying him military lionors, it was not my intention to depart from that plain and simple manner of living, which accords with the real interest and policy of men struggling under every diffi- culty for the attainment of the most inestimable blessing of life, liberty.'''' In conformity with this intention, he wel- comed the chevalier to the mountains with the thunder of artillery, and received him at his fortress Avith military ceremonial ; but very probably surprised him with the stern sim- plicity of his table, while he charmed him with the dignity and grace with which he presided at it. The ambassador evidently acquitted himself with true French suavity and diplo- matic tact. " He was polite enougli," writes "Washington, " to approve my principle, and condescended to appear i)leased with our Spar- tan living. In a word, he made us all exceed- ingly happy by his aftability and good humor while he remained in camp." Tlie letters from Lafayette spoke of his favor- able reception at court, and his appointment to an honorable situation in the French army. " I had no doubt," writes "Washington, " that this would be the case. To hear it from your- self adds pleasure to the account. And here, my dear friend, let me congratulate you. ISIone can do it with more warmth of affection, or sincere joy than myself. Your forward zeal in the cause of liberty ; your singular attachment to this infant world ; your ardent and per- severing efforts, not only in America, but since your return to France, to serve the United States ; your polite attention to Americans, and your strict and uniform friendship for me, have ripened the first impressions of esteem and attaclnnent which I imbibed for you, into such perfect love and gratitude, as neither time nor absence can impair. This will warrant my as- suring you that, whether in the character of an officer at the head of a corps of gallant Frenchmen, if circumstances should require this, whether as a major-general commanding a division of the American army, or whether, after our swords and spears have given place to the ploughshare and the pruning-hook, I see you as a private gentleman, a friend and companion, I shall welcome you with all the warmth of friendship to Columbia's shores ; and, in the latter case, to my rural cottage, where homely fare and a cordial reception, shall be substituted for delicacies and costly living. This, from past experience, I know you can submit to ; and if the lovely partner of your happiness will consent to participate with us in such rural entertainment and amuse- ments, I can undertake, on behalf of Mrs. "Washington, that she will do every thing in her power to make Virginia agreeable to the marchioness. My inclination and endeavors to do this cannot be doubted, when I assure you, that I love everybody that is dear to you, and consequently participate in the pleasure you feel in tlie prospect of again becoming a parent, and do most sincerely congratulate you and your lady on this fresh pledge she is about to give you of her love." "Washington's anticipations of a combined operation with D'Estaing against New York were again disappointed. The Frencli admiral, on arriving on the coast of Georgia, had been persuaded to co-operate with tlie Southern army, under General Lincoln, in an attempt to recover Savannah, Avhich liad fallen into the hands of the British during the preceding year. For three weeks a siege was carried on with great vigor, by regular approaches on land, and cannonade and bombardment from the shipping. On the 9th of October, although the approaches were not complete, and no sufficient breach had been effected, Lincoln and D'Estaing, at tlie head of their choicest troops, advanced before daybreak to storm the works. The assault was gallant but unsuccessful ; both Americans and French had planted their stand- ards on the redoubts, but were finally repulsed. After the repulse, both armies retired from before the place, the French having lost in killed and wounded tipwards of six hundred men, the Americans about four hundred. D'Estaing himself was among the wounded, and the gallant Count Pulaski among the slain. The loss of the enemy was trifling, being pro- tected by their works. The Americans recrossed the Savannali River ^T. 47.] BRITISH INVASION OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 495 into Sontli Carolina; tlie militia returned to their homes, and the French re-embarked. The tidings of this reverse, which reached Washington late in November, put an end to all prospect of co-opei-ation from the French fleet ; a consequent change took place in all his plans. The militia of New York and Massa- chusetts, recently assembled, were disbanded, and arrangements were made for the winter. The army was thrown into two divisions ; one was to be stationed under General Heath in the Highlands, for the protection of "West Point and the neighboring posts ; the other and prin- cipal division was to be hutted near Morris- town, where Washington was to have his head- quarters. The cavalry were to be sent to Con- necticut. Understanding that Sir Henry Clinton was making preparations at New York for a large embarkation of troops, and fearing they might be destined against Georgia and Carolina, he resolved to detach the greater part of his Southern troops for the protection of those States; a provident resolution, in which he was confirmed by subsequent instructions from Congress. Accordingly, the North Carolina brigade took up its march for Charleston, in November, and the whole of the Virginia line in December. Notwithstanding the recent preparations at New York, the ships remained in port, and the enemy held themselves in collected force there. Doubts began to be entertained of some furtive design nearer at hand, and meas- ures were taken to protect the army against an attack when in winter-quarters. Sir Henry, however, was regulating his movements by tliose the French fleet might make after the repulse at Savannah. Intelligence at length arrived that it had been dispersed by a violent storm. Count D'Estaing, with a part, had shaped his course for France ; the rest had proceeded to the West Indies. Sir Henry now lost no time in carrying his plans into operation. Leaving the garrison of New York under the command of Lieutenant- General Knyphausen, he embarked several thousand men, on board of transports, to be convoyed by five ships of the line and several frigates under Admiral Arbuthnot, and set sail on the 26th of December, accompanied by Lord Cornwallis, on an expedition intended for the capture of Charleston and the reduction of South Carolina. END OF VOL. ni. ? LIFE OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME FOUKTH. CHAPTER I. The dreary eDcampment at Valley Forge had become proverbial for its hardships ; yet they i were scarcely more severe than those suffered i by Washington's army during the present winter, while hutted among the heights of I Morristown. The winter set in early, and was uncommonly rigorous. The transportation of , supplies was obstructed ; the magazines were i exhausted, and the commissaries had neither ! money nor credit to enable them to replenish \ them. For weeks at a time the army was on half allowance ; sometimes without meat, some- times without bread, sometimes without both. There was a scarcity, too, of clothing and blankets, so that the poor soldiers were starv- ; ing with cold as well as hunger. Washington wrote to President Peed of i' Pennsylvania, entreating aid and supplies from j that State to keep his army from disbanding. I " We have never," said he, "experienced a like I extremity at any period of the war." * I The year 1V80 opened upon a famishing camp. " For a fortnight past," writes Washington, on ithe 8th of January, "the troops, both officers fand men, have been almost perishing with I want. Yet," adds he, feelingly, " they have I borne their sufferings with a patience that \ merits the approbation, and ought to excite [the sympathies, of their countrymen." I The severest trials of the Revolution, in fact, were not in the field, where there were shouts to excite and laurels to be won, but in the squalid wretchedness of ill-provided camps, where there was nothing to cheer and every ♦ Life of Reed, ii. 189. thing to be endured. To suffer was the lot of the revolutionary soldier. A rigorous winter had much to do with the actual distresses of the army, but the root of the evil lay in the derangement of the cur- rency. Congress had commenced the war without adequate funds, and without the power of imposing direct taxes. To meet pressing emergencies, it had emitted paper money, which, for a time, passed currently at par ; but sank in value as further emissions succeeded, and that, already in circulation, remained un- redeemed. The several States added to the evil by emitting paper in their separate ca- pacities : thus the country gradually became flooded with a " continental currency," as it was called ; irredeemable, and of no intrinsic value. The consequence was a general de- rangement of trade and finance. The conti- nental currency declined to such a degree, that forty dollars in paper were equivalent to only one in specie. Congress attempted to put a stop to this de- preciation, by making paper money a legal tender, at its nominal value, in the discharge of debts, however contracted. This opened the door to knavery, and added a new feature to the evil. The commissaries now found it difficult to purchase supplies for the immediate wants of the army, and impossible to provide any stores in advance. They were left destitute of funds, and the public credit was prostrated by the accumulating debts suffered to remain uncan- celled. The changes which had taken place in the commissary department added to this con- fusion. The commissary-general, instead of receiving, as heretofore, a commission on ex- 32 498 THE ARMY AT MORRISTOWN-EXPEDITION AGAINST STATEN ISLAND. [1780. penditures, was to have a fixed salary in paper currency ; and liis deputies were to be com- pensated in like manner, without the usual al- lowance of rations and forage. No competent agents could be procured on such terms ; and the derangement produced throughout the de- partment compelled Colonel Wadsworth, the able and upright commissary-general, to resign. In the present emergency Washington was reluctantly compelled, by the distresses of the army, to call upon the counties of the State for supplies of grain and cattle, proportioned to their respective abiUties. These supplies were to be brought into the camp within a certain time ; the grain to be measured and the cattle estimated by any two of the magistrates of the county in conjunction with the commissary, and certificates to be given by the latter, speci- fying the quantity of each and the terms of payment. Wherever a comphance with this call was refused, the articles required were to be im- pressed : it was a painful alternative, yet noth- ing else could save the army from dissolution or starving. Washington charged his oflicers to act with as much tenderness as possible, graduating the exaction according to the stock of each individual, so that no family should be deprived of what was necessary to its subsist- ence. " While your measures are adapted to the emergency," writes he to Colonel Matthias Ogden, " and you consult what you owe to the service, I am persuaded you will not forget that, as we are compelled by necessity to take the property of citizens for the support of an army on which their safety depends, we should be careful to manifest that we have a reverence for their rights, and wish not to do any thing which that necessity, and even their own good, do not absolutely require." To the honor of the magistrates and the peo- ple of Jersey, Washington testifies that his re- quisitions were punctually complied with, and in many counties exceeded. Too much praise, indeed, cannot be given to the people of this State for the patience with which most of them bore these exactions, and the patriotism with which many of them administered to tlie wants of their countrymen in arms. Exhausted as the State was by repeated drainings, yet, at one time, when deep snows cut ofl^ all distant sup- phes, Washington's army was wholly subsisted by it. " Provisions came in with hearty good will from the farmers in Mendham, Chatham, Hanover, and other rural places, together with stockings, shoes, coats, and blankets; whde the women met together to knit and sew for the soldiery." * As the winter advanced the cold increased in severity. It was the most intense ever re- membered in the country. The great bay of New York was froz;en over. No supplies could come to the city by water. Provisions grew scanty ; and there was such lack of firewood, that old transports were broken up, and unin- habited wooden houses pulled down for fuel. The safety of the city was endangered. The ships-of-war, immovably ice-bound in its har- bor, no longer gave it protection. The insular security of the place was at an end. An army with its heaviest artillery and baggage might cross the Hudson on the ice. The veteran Knyphausen began to apprehend an invasion, and took measures accordingly; the seamen of the ships and transports were landed and formed into companies, and the inhabitants of the city were embodied, officered, and subjected to garrison duty. Washington was aware of the opportunity which ofi'ered itself for a signal coiqi de main, but was not in a condition to profit by it. His troops, hutted among the heights of Morris- town, were half fed, half clothed, and inferior in number to the garrison of New Y^ork. He was destitute of funds necessary to fit them for the enterprise, and the quartermaster could not furnish means of transportation. Still, in the frozen condition of the bay and rivers, some minor blow might be attempted, sufficient to rouse and cheer the spirits of the people. With this view, having ascertained that the ice formed a bridge across the strait between the Jersey shore and Staten Island, he projected a descent upon the latter by Lord Stirling with twenty-five hundred men, to sur- prise and capture a British force of ten or twelve hundred. His lordship crossed on the night of the 14th of January, from De Hart's Point to the island. His approadi was discovered; the troops took refuge in the works, which were too strongly situated to be attacked ; a channel * Ii:r6m manuscript notes by the Kov. Joseph F. Tuttle. This worthy clergyman gives many anecdotes illustrative of the active patriotism of the Jersey women. Anna Kitchel, wife of a farmer of Whippany, is repeatedly his theme of well-merited eulogiura. Her potato bin, meal bag and granary, writes he ;jiad always some comfort for the patriot soldiers. When unable to billet them m her house, a huge kettle filled with meat and vegetables was hung over the fire, that they might not go away hungry. ^T. 48.] CALDWELL, THE PREACHER PATRIOT-FORAY LX remainitt^ open through the ice across the bay a boat ^vas despatched to New York for rein- forcemeats. TO WESTCHESTER COUNTY. 499 The projected surprise having thus proved a complete failure, and his own situation becom- ing hazardous, Lord Stirling recrossed to the Jersey shore with a number of prisoners whom he had captured. He was pursued by a party of cavalry, which he repulsed, and effected a retreat to Elizabethtown. Some few stragglers fell into the hands of the enemy, and many of his men were severely frostbitten. By way of retort, Knyphausen, on the 2oth of January, sent out two detachments to harass the American outposts. One crossed to Paulus Hook, and being joined by part of the garrison of that post, pushed on to Newark, surprised and captured a company stationed there, set • fire to the academy, and returned without loss. The other detachment, consisting of one hundred dragoons and between three and four hundred infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Boskirk, crossed from Staten Island to Trem- bly's Point, surprised the picket-guard at Eliza- bethtown, and captured two majors, two cap- tains, and forty-two privates. This, likewise, was eftected without loss. The disgraceful part of the expedition was the burning of the town house, a church, and a private residence, and the plundering of the inhabitants. The church destroyed was a Presbyterian place of worship, and its pastor, the Eev. James Caldwell, had rendered himself an especial ob- ject of hostility to both Briton and tory. He was a zealous patriot ; had served as chaplain to those portions of the American army that successively occupied the Jerseys; and now officiated in that capacity in Colonel Elias Dayton's regiment, beside occasionally acting as commissary. His church had at times served as hospital to the American soldier ; or shelter to the hastily assembled militia. Its bell was the tocsin of alarm; from its pulpit he had many a time stirred up the patriotism of his countrymen by his ardent, eloquent, and pa- thetic appeals, laying beside him his pistols be- fore he commenced. His popularity in the army, and among the Jersey people, was un bounded. He was termed by his friends a "rousing gospel preacher," and by the enemy a "frantic priest" and a "rebel fire-band." was not in his pulpit." We shall have occasion to speak of the fortunes of this pastor and hi. lamily hereafter. Another noted maraud during Knyphausen's military sway, was in the lower part of West- chester County, in a hilly region lying between the British and American lines, which had been the scene of part of the past year's campaign.' Being often foraged, its inhabitants had become belligerent in their habits and quick to retaliate on all marauders. In this region, about twenty miles from the British outposts, and not far from White Plains the Americans had established a post of three hundred men at a stone building commonly known as Young's house, from the name of its owner. It commanded a road which passed from north to south down along the narrow but fertile valley of the Sawmill River, now known by its original Indian name of the Neperan. On this road the garrison of Young's house kept a vigilant eye, to intercept the con- voys of cattle and provisions which had been collected or plundered by the enemy, and which passed down this valley toward New York. This post had long been an annoyance to the enemy, but its distance from the British lines had hitherto saved it from attack. The coun- try now was covered with snow ; troops could be rapidly transported on sleighs ; and it was determined that Young's house should be sur- prised, and this rebel nest broken up. On the evening of the 2d of February, an expedition set out for the purpose from King's Bridge, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Norton, and consisting of four flank companies of guards, two companies of Hessians, and a party of Yagers, all in sleighs ; beside a body of Yager cavalry, and a number of mounted Westchester refugees, with two three-pounders. The snow, being newly fallen, was deep ; the sleighs broke their way through it with difficulty. The troops at length abandoned them and pushed forward on foot. The cannon were left behind for the same reason. It was a weary tramp ; the snow in many places was more than two feet deep, and they had to take by-ways and cross-roads to avoid the American patrols. The sun rose while they were yet seven miles from Young's house. To surprise the post was out of the question ; still they kept on. Before On the present occasion, his church was set on they could reach the house the country had fire by a virulent tory of the neighborhood, taken the alarm, and the Westchester yeo- who, as he saw it wrapped in flames, " re- raanry had armed themselves, and were hasten- gretted that the black-coated rebel, Caldwell, I ing to aid the garrison. BURNING OF YOUNG'S HOUSE-ARNOLD IN PHILADELPHIA. [1T80. 500 The Britisla light infantry and grenadiers in- vested the mansion; tlie cavahy posted them- selves on a neighboring eminence, to prevent retreat or reinforcement, and the house was assailed. It made a brave resistance, and was aided by some of the yeomanry stationed in an adjacent orchard. The garrison, however, was overpowered; mimberswere killed, and nmety ^vere taken prisoners. The house was sacked and set in flames ; and thus, having broken up this stronghold of the country, the party has- tened to effect a safe return to the lines with their prisoners, some of whom were so badly wounded that they had to be left at different farm-houses on the road. The detachment reached King's Bridge by nine o'clock m the same evening, and boasted that, in tins enter- prise, they had sustained no other loss than two killed and twenty-three wounded. Of the prisoners many were doubtless farmers and farmers' sons, who had turned out in de- fence of their homes, and were now to be transferred to the horrors of the jail and sugar- house in New York. We give this affair as a specimen of the petite guerre carried on in the southern part of Westchester County, the neu- tral GRomD, as it was called, but subjected from its vicinity to the city, to be foraged by the royal forces, and plundered and insulted by refugees and tories. No part of the Union was more harried and trampled down by friend and foe, during the Eevolution, than this debatable region and the Jerseys. CHAPTER II. The most irksome duty that Washington had to perform during this winter's encampment at Morristown, regarded General Arnold and his military government of Philadelphia in 1778. To explain it requires a glance back to that period. At the time of entering upon this command, Arnold's accounts with government were yet unsettled; the committee appointed by Con- gress, at his own request, to examine them, having considered some of his charges dubious, and others exorbitant. Washington, however, still looked upon him with favor, and, but a month previously, had presented him with a pair of epaulettes and a sword-knot, "as a testimony of his sincere regard and approba- tion." The command of Philadelphia, atfthis time, was a delicate and difficult one, and required to be exercised with extreme circumspection. The boundaries between the powers vested in the military commander, and those inherent in the State government, were ill defined. Dis- affection to the American cause prevailed both among the permanent and casual residents, and | required to be held in check with firmness but toleration. By a resolve of Congress, no goods, wares, or merchandise were to be removed, transferred, or sold, until the ownership of them could be ascertained by a joint com- mittee of Congress and of the Council of Penn- sylvania ; any public stores belonging to the enemy were to be seized and converted to the use of the army. Washington, in his letter of instructions, left it to Arnold's discretion to adopt such measures as should appear to him most effectual and least offensive in executing this resolve of Congress ; in which he was to be aided by an assistant quartermaster-general, subject to his directions. "You wiU take every prudent step in your power," writes Washington, " to preserve tran- quillity and order in the city, and give security to individuals of every class and description, restraining, as far as possible, till the restora- tion of civil government, every species of per- secution, insult, or abuse, either from the soldiery to the inhabitants, or among each other." One of Arnold's first measures was to issue a proclamation enforcing the resolve of Congress. In so doing, he was countenanced by leading personages'of Philadelphia, and the proclama- tion was drafted by General -Joseph Pvced. The measure excited great dissatisfaction, and cir- cumstances attending the enforcement of it gave rise to scandal. Former instances of a mercenary spirit made Arnold liable to suspi- cions, and it was alleged that, while by the proclamation he shut up the stores and shops so^ that even the officers of the army could not' procure necessary articles of merchandise, he was privately making large purchases for his own enrichment. His style of living gave point to this scandal. He occupied one of the finest houses in the* city ; set up a splendid establishment; had hiff carriage and four horses and a train of domes-' tics; gave expensive entertainments, and in-" dulg'ed in a luxury and parade, which were^ condemned as little befitting a repubhcan gene-j ral ; especially one whose accounts with gov- ^T. 48.] ARNOLD'S ASSOCIATIONS-CHARGES AGAINST HIM. 501 ernment were vet unsettled, and who had im- putations of mercenary rapacity still hanging over him. Ostentatious prodigality, in fact, was Arnold's besetting sin. To cope with his overwhelming expenses, he engaged in various speculations, more befitting the traflacking habits of his early life than his present elevated position. Nay he availed himself of that position to aid his speculations, and sometimes, made temporary use of the public moneys passing through his hands. In his impatience to be rich, he at one time thought of taking command of a privateer, and making lucrative captures at sea. In the exercise of his military functions, he had become involved in disputes with the presi- dent (Wharton) and executive council of Penn- sylvania, and by his conduct, which was deem- ed arbitrary and arrogant, had drawn upon himself the hostility of that body, which be- came stern and unsparing censors of his con- duct. He had not been many weeks in Philadelphia before he became attached to one of its reigning belles, Miss Margaret Shippen, daughter of Mr. Edward Shippen, in after years chief justice of Pennsylvania. Her family were not considered well affected to the Amei'ican cause ; the young lady herself, during the occupation of the city by the enemy, had been a " toast " among the British officers, and selected as one of the beau- ties of the Mischianza. Arnold paid his addresses in an open and honorable style, first obtaining by letter the sanction of the father. Party feeling at that time ran high in Philadelphia on local subjects connected with the change of the State govern- ment. Arnold's connection with the Shippen family increased his disfavor with the president and executive council, who were whigs to a man ; and it was sneeringly observed, that " he had courted the loyalists from the start." General Joseph Eeed, at that time one of the executive committee, observes in a letter to General Greene, " Will you not think it extra- ordinary that General Arnold made a public entertainment the night before last, of which, not only common tory ladies, but the wives and daughters of persons proscribed by the State, and now with the enemy at New York, formed a very considerable number ? The fact is liter- ally true." Regarded from a diiferent point of view, this conduct might have been attributed to the (ji courtesy of a gallant soldier ; who scorned to ! carry the animosity of the field into the draw- mg-room ; or to proscribe and persecute the wives and daughters of poHtical exiles. In the beginning of December, General Reed became president of the executive council of Pennsylvania, and under his administration tlio ripening hostility to Arnold was brought to a crisis. Among the various schemes of the lat- ter for bettering his fortunes, and securing tlie means of living when the war should come to an end, w^as one for forming a settlement in the western part of the State of New York, to be composed, principally, of the officers and soldiers who had served under him. His scheme was approved by Mr. John Jay, the pure-minded patriot of New York, at that time President of Congress, and was sanctioned by the New York delegation. Provided with letters from them, Arnold left Philadelphia about the 1st of January (17Y9), and set out for Albany to obtain a grant of land for the purpose, from the New York Legislature. Within a day or two after his departure, his public conduct was discussed in the executive council of Pennsylvania, and it was resolved unanimously, that the course of his military command in the city had been in many cases oppressive, unworthy of his rank and station, and highly discouraging to the liberties and interests of America, and disrespectful to the supreme executive authority of the State. As he was an officer of the United States, the complaints and grievances of Pennsylvania were set forth by the executive council in eight charges, and forwarded to Congress, accompanied by documents, and a letter from President Reed. Information of these facts with a printed copy of tlie charges, reached Arnold at Wash- ington's camp on the Raritan, which he had visited on the way to Albany. His first solici- tude was about the effect they might have upon Miss Shippen, to whom he was now engaged. In a letter dated February 8th, he entreated her not to suft'er these rude attacks on him to give her a moment's uneasiness— they could do him no injury. On the following day he issued an address to the public, recalling his faithful services of - nearly four years, and inveighing against the proceedings of the president and council ; who, n-ot content with injuring him in a cruel and unprecedented manner with Congress, had ordered copies of their charges to be printed and dispersed throughout the several States, 502 ARNOLD'S ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC— HIS MARRIAGE. [1780. for the purpose of prejudicing the public mind against him, while the matter was yet in sus- pense. " Their conduct," writes he, " appears the more cruel and malicious, in making the charges after I had left the city ; as my inten- tion of leaving the city was known for five weeks before." This complaint, we must ob- serve, was rebutted, on their part-, by the asser- tion that, at the time of his departure, he knew of the accusation that was impending. In conclusion, Arnold informed the public that he had requested Congress to direct a court-martial to inquire into his conduct, and trusted his countrymen yi'ould suspend their judgment in the matter, until he should have an opportunity of being heard. Public opinion was divided. His brilliant services spoke eloquently in his fovor. His admirers repined that a fame won by such daring exploits on the field should be stifled down by cold calumnies in Philadelphia ; and many thought, dispassionately, that the State authorities had acted with excessive harshness towards a meritorious officer, in widely spread- ing their charges against him, and thus, in an unprecedented way, putting a public brand upon him. On the 16th of February, Arnold's appeal to Congress was referred to the committee which had under consideration the letter of President Peed and its accompanying documents, and it was charged to make a report with all conven- ient despatch. A motion was made to suspend •Arnold from all command during the inquiry. To the credit of Congress it was negatived. Much contrariety of feeling prevailed on the subject in the committee of Congress and the executive council of Pennsylvania, and the correspondence between those legislative bodies was occasionally tinctured with needless acri- mony. Arnold, in the course of January, had obtain- ed permission from Washington to resign the command of Philadelphia, but deferred to act upon it, until the charges against him should be examined, lest, as he said, his enemies should misinterpret his motives, and ascribe his resig- nation to fear of a disgraceful suspension in consequence of those charges. About the middle of March, the committee brought in a report exculpating him from all criminality in the matters charged against him. As soon as the report was brought in, he con- sidered his name vindicated, and resigned. Whatever exultation he may have felt was short-lived. Congress did not call up and act upon the report, as, in justice to him, they should have done, whether to sanction it or not ; but referred the subject anew to a joint committee of their body and the assembly and council of Pennsylvania. Arnold was, at this time, on the eve of marriage with Miss Ship- pen, and, thus circumstanced, it must have been peculiarly galling to his pride to be kept under the odium of imputed delinquencies. The report of the joint committee brought up animated discussions in Congress. Several resolutions recommended by the committee were merely of a formal nature, and intended to soothe the wounded sensibilities of Pennsyl- vania ; these were passed without dissent ; but it was contended that certain charges advanced by the executive council of that State were only cognizable by a court-martial, and, after a warm debate, it was resolved (April 3d), by a large majority, that the commander-in-chief should appoint such a court for the considera- tion of them. Arnold inveighed bitterly against the injustice of subjecting him to a trial before a military tribunal for alleged offences of which he had been acquitted by the committee of Congress. He was sacrificed, he said, to avoid a breach with Pennsylvania. In a letter to Washington, he charged it all to the hostility of President Reed, who, he afiirmed, had by his address kept the affair in suspense for two months, and at last obtained the resolution of Congress di- recting the court-martial. He urged Washing- ton to appoint a speedy day for the trial, that he might not linger under the odium of an unjust public accusation. " I have no doubt of obtaining justice from a court-martial," writes he, " as every officer in the army must feel himself injured by the cruel and unprece- dented treatment I have met with. * * * * When your Excellency considers my sufterings, and the cruel situation I am in, your own humanity and feeling as a soldier will render every thing I can say further on the subject imnecessary." It was doubtless soothing to his irritated pride, that the woman on whom he liad placed liis affections remained true to him ; for his marriage with Miss Sbippen took place just five days after the mortifying vote of Congress. Washington sympathized with Arnold's im- patience, and appointed the 1st of May for the trial, but it was repeatedly postponed ; first, at the request of the Pennsylvania council, to JET. 48.] ARNOLD COURT-MARTIALED-VERDICT. TO BE REPRIMANDED. 50c allow time for the arrival of witnesses from the South ; afterwards ia consequence of threatening movements of the enemy, which obliged every officer to be at his post, Arnold, in the mean time, continued to reside at Phila- delphia, holding his commission in the army, but iilling no pubUc office ; getting deeper and deeper in debt, and becoming more and more unpopular. Having once been attached in the street in the course of some i?opular tumult, he affected to consider his life in danger, and applied to Congress for a guard of Continental soldiers, " as no protection was to be expected from the authority of the State for an honest man." Ife was told in reply, that his application ought to have been made to the executive authority of Pennsylvania ; " in whose disposi- tion to protect every honest citizen. Congress had full confidence, and liiglily disapr)roved the insiniuition of every individual to the con- trary.^'' For months, Arnold remained in this anxious and irritated state. His situation, he said, was cruel. His character would continue to suffer until he should be acquitted by a court-martial, and he would be effectually prevented from joining the army, which he wished to do as soon as his wounds would permit, that he might render the country every service in his power in this critical time. " For though I have been ungratefully treated," adds he, " I do not con- sider it as from my countrymen in general, but from a set of men, who, void of principle, are governed entirely by private interest." At length, when the campaign was over, and the army had gone into winter-quarters, the long-delayed court-martial was assembled at Morristown. Of the eight charges originally advanced against Arnold by the Pennsylvania council, four only came under the cognizance of the court. Of two of these he was entirely acquitted. The remaining two were, First. That while in the camp at Valley Forge, he, without the knowledge of the com- mander-in-chief, or the sanction of the State government, had granted a written permission for a vessel belonging to disaffected persons, to proceed from the port of Philadelphia, then in possession of the enemy, to any port of the United States. Second. That, availing himself of his official authority, lie had appropriated the public wag- gons of Pennsylvania, when called forth on a special emergency, to the transportation of pri- vate property, and that of persons who volun- tarily remained with the enemy, and were deemed disaffected to the interests and inde- pendence of America. In regard to the first of these charges, Ar- nold alleged that the person who applied for the protection of the vessel, had taken the oatli of allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania required by the laws; that he was not residing in Philadelphia at the time, but had applied on behalf of himself and a company, and tliat the intentions of that person and his associates with regard to the vessel and cargo appeared to be upright. As to his having granted the permission witliout the knowledge of the commander-in- chief, though present in the camp, Arnold alleged that it was customary in the army for general officers to grant passes and protections to inhabitants of the United States, friendly to the same, and that the protection was given in the present instance, to prevent the soldiery from plundering the vessel and cargo, coming from a place in the possession of the enemy, until the proper authority could take cogni- zance of the matter. In regard to the second charge, while it was proved that under his authority public waggons had been so used, it was allowed in extenua- tion, that they had been employed at private expense, and without any design to defraud the public or impede the military seiwice. In regard to both charges, nothing fraudulent on the part of Arnold was proved, but tiie transactions involved in the first were pro- nounced irregular, and contrary to one of the articles of war ; and in the second, imprudent and reprehensible, considering the high station occupied by the general at the time, and the court sentenced him to be reprimanded by the commander-in-chief. The sentence was con- firmed by Congress on the 12th of February (1780). We have forborne to go into all the particulars of this trial, but we have considered them at- tentively, discharging from our minds, as much as possible, all impressions produced by Arnold's subsequent history, and we are surprised to find, after the hostility manifested against him by the council of Pennsylvania, and tlieir ex- traordinary measure to possess the public mind against him, how venial are the trespasses of wliich he stood convicted. He may have given personal offence by his assuming vanity; by the arrogant exercise of 504 ARNOLD REPRIMANDED— SOUTH CAROLINA THREATENED. [1780. his military authority ; he may have displeased by his ostentation, and awakened distrust by his speculating propensities; but as yet his patriotism was unquestioned. No turpitude had been proved against him ; his brilliant ex- ploits shed a splendor round his name, and he appeared before the public, a soldier crippled in their service. All these should have pleaded in his favor, should have produced indulgence of his errors, and mitigated that animosity which he always contended had been the cause of his ruin. The reprimand adjudged by the court-martial was administered by Washington with consum- mate delicacy. The following were his words, as repeated by M. de Marbois, the French secre- tary of legation : " Our profession is the chastest of all : even the shadow of a fault tarnishes the lustre of our finest achievements. The least inadver- tence may rob us of the public favor, so hard to be acquired. I reprehend you for having for- gotten, that, in proportion as you had rendered yourself formidable to your enemies, you should have been guarded and temperate in your de- portment towards your fellow-citizens. " Exhibit anew those noble qualities which have placed you on the list of our most valued commanders. I will myself furnish you, as far as it may be in my power, with opportunities of regaining the esteem of your country." A reprimand so mild and considerate, accom- panied by such high eulogiums and generous promises, might have had a favorable effect upon Arnold, had he been in a different frame of mind ; but he had persuaded himself that the court would incline in his favor and acquit him altogether ; and he resented deeply a sen- tence, which he protested against as unmerited. His resentment was aggravated by delays in the settlement of his accounts, as he depended upon the sums he claimed as due to him, for the payment of debts by which he was harass- ed. In following the matter up, he became a weary, and probably irritable, applicant at the lialls of Congress, and, we are told, gave great offence to members by his importunity, while he wore out the patience of his friends ; but public bodies are prone to be offended by the importunity of baffled claimants, and the patience of friends is seldom proof against the reiterated story of a man's prolonged diffi- culties. In the month of March, we find him intent on a new and adventurous project. He had proposed to the Board of Admiralty an expedi- tion, requiring several ships of war and three or four hundred land troops, offering to take command of it should it be carried into effect, as his wounds still disabled him from duty on land. Washington, who knew his abilities in either service, was disposed to favor his propo- sition, but the scheme fell through from the impossibility of sparing the requisite number of men from the army. What Arnold's ultimate designs might have been in seeking such a com- mand, are rendered problematical by his subse- quent conduct. On the failure of the project, he requested and obtained from Washington leave of absence from the army for the sum- mer, there being, he said, little prospect of an active campaign, and his wounds unfitting him for the field. CHAPTER III, The return of spring brought little allevia- tion to the sufleriugs of the army at Morris- town. All means of supplying its wants or recruiting its ranks were paralyzed by the continued depreciation of the currency. While Washington saw his forces gradually diminish- ing, his solicitude was intensely excited for the safety of the Southern States. The reader will recall the departure from New York, in the latter part of December, of the fleet of Admiral Arbuthnot with the army of Sir Henry Clinton, destined for the subjugation of South Carolina. " The richness of the country," says Colonel Tarleton, in his history of the campaign, " its vicinity to Georgia, and its distance from Gen- eral Washington, pointed out the advantage and facility of its conquest. While it would be an unspeakable loss to the Americans, the possession of it would tend to secure to the crown the southern part of the continent which stretches Beyond it." It was presumed that the subjugation of it would be an easy task. The population was scanty for the extent of the country, and was made up of emigrants, or the descendants of emigrants, from various lands and of various nations : Huguenots, who had emigrated from France after the revoca- tion of the edict of Nantz ; Germans, from the Palatinate ; Irish Protestants, who had re- ceived grants of land from the crown ; Scotch Highlanders, transported hither after the disas- trous battle of CuUoden ; Dutch colonists, who ^T. 48.] LINCOLN IN COMMAND AT CHARLESTON— TARLETON. 505 had left New York, after its submission to Eng- land, and been settled here on bounty lands. Some of these foreign elements might be hostile to British domination, but others would be favorable. There was a large class, too, that had been born or had passed much of their lives in England, who retained for it a filial aifection, spoke of it as Tiome^ and sent their children to be educated there. The number of slaves within the province and of savages on its western frontier, together with its wide extent of unprotected sea-coast, were encouragements to an invasion by sea and land. Little combination of militia and yeo- manry need be apprehended from a population sparsely scattered, and where the settlements were widely separated by swamps and forests. "Washington was in no condition to render prompt and effectual relief, his army being at a vast distance, and considered as " in a great measure broken up." The British, on the con- trary, had the advantage of their naval force, " there being nothing then in the American seas which could even venture to look at it." * Such were some of the considerations which prompted the enemy to this expedition ; and which gave Washington great anxiety concern- ing it. General Lincoln was in command at Charles- ton, but uncertain as yet of the designs of the enemy, and at a loss what course to pursue. Diffident of hiraself, and accustomed to defer to the wisdom of Washington, he turns to him in his present j)erplexity. " It is among my misfortunes," writes he, modestly, (Jan. 23d), " that I am not near enough to your Excellency to have the advantage of your advice and di- rection. I feel my own insufficiency and want of experience. I can promise you nothing but a disposition to serve my country. If this town should be attacked, as now threatened, I know my duty will call me to defend it, as long as opposition can be of any avail. I hope my inclination will coincide with my duty." The voyage of Sir Henry Clinton proved long and tempestuous. The ships were dispersed. Several fell into the hands of the Americans. One ordnance vessel foundered. Most of the artillery horses, and all those of the cavalry perished. The scattered ships rejoined each other about the end of January, at Tybee Bay on Savannah River ; where those that had sus- tained damage were repaired as speedily as * Annual Register 1780, p. 217. possible. The loss of the cavalry horses was especially felt by Sir Henry, There was a corps of two hundred and fifty dragoons, on which he depended greatly in the kind of guerilla warfare he was likely to pursue, in a country of forests and morasses. Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton, who commanded them, was one of those dogs of war, which Sir Henry was prepared to let slip on emergencies, to scour and maraud the country. This "bold dra- goon," SO' noted in Southern warfare, was about twenty-six years of age, of a swarthy complexion, with small, black, piercing eyes. He is described as being rather below the mid- dle size, square-built, and strong, " with large muscular legs." It will be found that he was a first-rate partisan officer, prompt, ardent, active, but somewhat unscrupulous. Landing from the fleet, perfectly dismounted, he repaired with his dragoons, in some of the quartermaster's boats, to Port Eoyal Island, on the seaboard of South Carolina, " to collect at that place, from friends or enemies, by money or by force, all the horses belonging to the islands in the neighborhood." He succeeded in procuring horses, though of an inferior qual- ity to those he had lost, but consoled himself with the persuasion that he would secure better ones in the course of the campaign, by " exer- tion and enterprise," — a vague phrase, but very significant in the partisan vocabulary. In the mean time, the transports having on board a great part of the army, sailed under convoy on the 10th of February, from Savannah to North Edisto Sound, where the troops dis- embarked on the 11th, on St. Johns Island, about thirty miles below Charleston. Thence, Sir Henry Clinton set out for the banks of Ashley Eiver, opposite to the city, while a part of the fleet proceeded round by sea, for the purpose of blockading the harbor. The ad- vance of Sir Henry was slow and cautious. Much time was consumed by him in fortifying intermediate ports, to keep up a secure com- munication with the fleet. He ordered from Savannah all the troops that could be spared, and wrote to Knyphausen, at New York, for reinforcements from that place. Every pre- caution was taken by him to insure against a second repulse from before Charleston, which might prove fatal to his military reputation. General Lincoln took advantage of this slow- ness on the part of his assailant, to extend and strengthen the works. Charleston stands at the end of an isthmus formed by the Ashley 506 WASHINGTON'S SOLICITUDE FOR THE SOUTH. [1780. and Cooper Rivers. Beyond the main works on the land side he cut a canal, from one to the other of the swamps which border these rivers. In advance of the canal were two rows of abatis and a double picketed ditch. Within the canal, and between it and the main works, were strong redoubts and batteries, to open a flunking Are on any approaching column, while an inclosed horn work of masonry formed a kind of citadel. A squadron, commanded by Commodore Whipple, and composed of nine vessels of war of various sizes, the largest m^ounting forty- four guns, was to co-operate with Forts Moul- trie and Johnston, and the various batteries, in the defence of the harbor. They were to lie before the bar so as to command the entrance of it. Great reliance also was placed on the bar itself, which it was thought no ship-of-the- line could pass. Governor Rutledge, a man eminent for tal- ents, patriotism, firmness, and decision, was clothed with dictatorial powers during the present crisis ; he had called out the militia of the State, and it was supposed they would duly obey the call. Large reinforcements of troops also were expected from the North. Under all these circumstances, General Lincoln yielded to the entreaties of the Inhabitants, and, instead of remaining with his army in the open country, as he had intended, shut himself up with them in the place for its defence, leaving merely his cavalry and two hundred light troops outside, who were to hover about the enemy and prevent small parties from marauding. It Avas not until the 12th of March that Sir Henry Clinton effected his tardy approach, and took up a position on Charleston Neck, a few miles above the town. Admiral Arbuthnot soon showed an intention of introducing his ships into the harbor, barricading their waists, anchoring them in a situation where they might take advantage of the first favorable spring-tide, and fixing buoys on the bar for their guidance. Commodore Whipple had by this time ascertained by sounding, that a wrong ^idea had prev.ailed of the depth of water in the harbor, and that his ships could not anchor nearer than within three miles of the bar, so that it would be impossible for him to defend the passage of it. He quitted his station with- in it, therefore, after having destroyed a part of the enemy's buoys, and took a position where his ships might bo abreast, and form a cross-fire with the batteries of Fort Moultrie, where Colonel Pinckney commanded. Washington was informed of these facts, by letters from his former aide-de-camp. Colonel Laurens, who was in Charleston at the time. The information caused anxious forebodings. " The impracticability of defending the bar, I fear, amounts to the loss of the town and garrison," writes he in reply. " It really ajipears to me, that the propriety of attempting to defend the town, depended on the probability of de- fending the bar, and that when this ceased, the attempt ought to have been relinquished." The same opinion was expressed by him in a letter to Baron Steuben ; " but at this distance," adds he considerately, " we can form a very imperfect judgment of its propriety or neces- sity. I have the greatest reliance in General Lincoln's prudence, but I cannot forbeai- dread- ing the event." His solicitude for the safety of the South was increased, by hearing of the embarkation at New York of two thousand five hundred British and Hessian troops, under Lord Eaw- don, reinforcements for Sir Henry Clinton. It seemed evident the enemy intended to push their operations with vigor at the South ; per- haps, to make it the principal theatre of the war. " We are now beginning," said Washington, " to experience the fatal consequences of the policy which delayed calling upon the States for their quotas of men in time to arrange and prepare them for the duties of the field. What to do for the Southern States, without involv- ing consequences equally alarming in this quar- ter, I know not." Gladly would he have hastened to the South in person, but at this moment his utmost vigi- lance was required to keep watch upon New York and maintain the security of the Hudson, the vital part of the confederacy. The weak state of the American means of warfare in both quarters, presented a choice of difficulties. The South needed support. Could the North give it without exposing itself to ruin, since the enemy, by means of their ships, could suddenly unite their forces, and fall upon any point that they might consider weak? Such were the perplexities to which he was continually sub- jected, in having, with scanty means, to pro- vide for the security of a vast extent of coun- try, and with land forces merely, to contend with an amphibious enemy. " Congress will better conceive in how deli- cate a situation we stand," writes he, " when I yEx. 48.] WASHINGTON'S HOPEFUL LETTER TO STEUBEN— CONTINENTAL CURRENCY. 507 inform them, that the whole operating force pres- ent on this and the other side of the North River, amounts only to ten thousand four hundred rank and file, of which about two thousand eight hundred will have completed their term of ser- vice by the last of May ; while the enemy's regular force at New York and its dependen- cies, must amount, upon a moderate calculation, to about eleven thousand rank and file. Our situation is more critical from the impossibility of concentrating our force, as well for the want of the means of taking the field, as on account of the early period of the season." * Looking, however, as usual, to the good of the whole Union, he determined to leave some- thing at hazard in the Middle States, where the country was internally so strong, and yield fur- ther succor to the Southern States, which had not equal military advantages. "With the con- sent of Congress, therefore, he put the Mary- land line under marching orders, together with the Delaware regiment, which acted with it, and the first regiment of artillery. The Baron De Kalb, now at the head of the Maryland division, was instructed to conduct this detachment with all haste to the aid of General Lincoln. He might not arrive in time to prevent the faU of Charleston, but he might assist to arrest the progress of the enemy and save the Carolinas. "Washington had been put upon his guard of late against intrigues, forming by members of the old Conway cabal, who intended to take advantage of every military disaster to destroy confidence in him. His steady mind, however, was not to be shaken by suspicion. "Against intrigues of this kind incident to every man of a public station," said he, "his best support Avill be a faithful discharge of liis duty, and he mijst rely on the justice of his country for the event." His feelings- at the present juncture are ad- mirably expressed in a letter to the Baron de Steuben. " The prospect, my dear Baron, is gloomy, and the storm threatens, but I hope we shall extricate ourselves, and bring every thing to a prosperous issue. I have been so in- ured to difficulties, in the course of this contest, that I have learned to look upon them with more tranquillity than formerly. Those which now present themselves, no doubt require vig- orous exertions to overcome them, and I am far from despairing of doing iV t ♦ Letter to the President, April 2d. t Washingtotfa Writings, vii. 10. CHAPTER IV. We have cited the depreciation of the cur- rency as a main cause of the difliculties and distresses of the army. The troops were paid in paper money at its nominal value. A me- morial of the officers of the Jersey line to the legislature of their State, represented the de- preciation to be so great, that four months' pay of a private soldier would not procure for his family a single bushel of wheat, the pay of a colonel would not purchase oats for his horse, and a common laborer or express rider could earn four times the pay in paper of an Amer- ican officer. Congress, too, in its exigencies, being desti- tute of the power of levying taxes, which vested in the State governments, devolved upon those governments, in their separate ca- pacities, the business of supporting the army. This produced a great inequality in the condi- tion of the troops ; according to the means and the degree of liberality of their respective States. Some States furnished their troops amply, not only with clothing, but with many comforts and conveniences ; others were more contracted in their supplies ; while others left their troops almost destitute. Some of the States, too, undertook to make good to their troops the loss in their pay caused by the de- preciation of the currency. As this was not general, it increased the inequality of condition. Those who fared worse than others were in- censed not only against their own State, but against the confederacy. They were disgusted with a service that made such injurious distinc- tions. Some of the officers resigned, finding it impossible, imder actual circumstances, to maintain an appearance suitable to their rank. The men had not this resource. They mur- mured, and showed a tendency to seditious combinations. These, and other defects in the military sys- tem, were pressed by Washington upon the at- tention of Congress in a letter to the President : " It were devoutly to be wished," observed he, " that a plan could be devised by which every thing relating to the army could be conducted on a general principle, under the direction of Congress. This alone can give harmony and consistency to our military establishment, and I am persuaded it will be infinitely conducive to public economy." * * Waehins>-ton's "Writings, Sparks, vol. vii . 508 DESTITUTION OF THE ARMY— EETURN OF LAFAYETTE. [1780. In consequence of this letter it vras proposed ia Congress to send a committee of three of its members to head-quarters to consult with the commander-in-chief, and, in conjunction with him, to effect such reforms and changes in. the various departments of the army as might be deemed necessary. "Warm debates ensued. It was objected that this would put too much power into a few hands, and especially into those of the commander-in-chief; '■'■that his inflxience teas already too great; that even his virtues afforded motives for alarm ; that the enthusiasm of the army, joined to the Mnd of dictatorship already confided to him, put Congress and the United States at his mercy ; that it teas not expedient to expose a man of the highest virtues to such temptations.'''' * The foregoing passage from a despatch of the French minister to his government, is strongly illustrative of the cautious jealousy still existing in Congress with regard to military power, even though wielded by "Washington. After a prolonged debate, a committee of three was chosen by ballot ; it consisted of General Schuyler and Messrs. John Mathews and Nathaniel Peabody. It was a great satis- faction to "Washington to have his old friend and coadjutor, Schuyler, near him in this ca- pacity, in which, he declared, no man could be more useful, " from his perfect knowledge of the resources of the country, the activity of his temper, his fruitfuluess of expedients, and his sound military sense." t The committee, on arriving at the camp, found the disastrous state of aftairs had not been exaggerated. For five months the army had been unpaid. Every department was des- titute of money or credit, there were rarely provisions for six days in advance ; on some occasions the troops had been for several suc- cessive days without meat; there was no forage ; the medical department had neither tea, choco- late, wine, nor spirituous liquors of any kind. Yet the men," said "Washington, " have borne their distress in general, with a firmness and patience never exceeded, and every commenda- tion is due to the officers for encouraging them to it by exhortation and example. They have suffered equally with the men, and, their rela- tive situations considered, rather more." In- deed, we have it from another authority, that many officers for some time lived on bread and * Washington's Writings, Sparks, vol. vii., p. 15. t Washington to James Duane, Sparks, vii. 34. cheese, rather than take any of the scanty al- lowance of meat from the men.* To soothe the discontents of the army, and counteract the alarming efiects of the depre- ciation of the currency. Congress now adopted the measure already observed by some of the States, and engaged to make good to the Con- tinental and the independent troops the differ- ence in the value of their pay caused by this depreciation ; and that all moneys or other articles heretofore received by them, should be considered as advanced on account, and com- prehended at their just value in the final settle- ment. At this gloomy crisis came a letter from the Marquis de Lafayette, dated April 27th, an- noimcing his arrival at Boston. "Washington's eyes, we are told, were suffused with tears as he read this most welcome epistle, and the warmth with which he replied to it, showed his affectionate regard for this young nobleman. " I received your letter," writes he, "with all the joy that the sincerest friendship could dic- tate, and with that impatience which an ardent desire to see you could not fail to inspire. * * * * I most sincerely congratulate you on your safe arrival in America, and shall em- brace you with all the w^armth of an aflection- ate friend when you come to head-quarters, where a bed is prepared for you." He would immediately have sent a troop of horse to escort the marquis through the tory settlements between Morristown and the Hud- son, had he known the route he intended to take ; the latter, however, arrived safe at head- quarters on the 12th of May, where he was welcomed by acclamations, for he was popular with both officers and soldiers. Washington folded him in his arms in a truly paternal em- brace, and they were soon closeted together^o talk over the state of affairs, when Lafayette made known the result of his visit to France. His generous efforts at court had been crowned with success, and he brought the animating in- telligence that a French fleet, under the Che- valier de Ternay, w^as to put to sea early in April, bringing a body of troops under the Count de Eochambeau, and might soon be ex- pected on the coast to co-operate with the American forces ; this, however, he was at lib- erty to make known only to 'Washington and Con,<2;ress. * Gen. William Irvine to Joseph Reed. Reed's Me moirs, vol. ii., p. 201. ^T. 48.] ARNOLD'S DEBTS AND LIABILITIES— HE GROWS DESPERATE. 509 Remaining but a single day at head-quarters, lie hastened on to the seat of government, where he met the reception which his generous enthusiasm in the cause of Aijierican Independ- ence had so fully merited. Congress, in a resolution on the 16th of May, pronounced his return to America to resume his command a fresh proof of the disinterested zeal and perse- vering attachment which had secured him the public confidence and applause, and received with pleasure a " tender of the further services of so gallant and meritorious an officer." "Within three days after the departure of the marquis from Morristown, Washington, in a letter to him, gave his idea of the plan which it would be proper for the French fleet and army to pursue on their arrival upon the coast. The reduction of New York he considered the first enterprise to be attempted by the co-oper- ating forces. The whole eflfective land force of the enemy he estimated at about eight thou- sand regulars and four thousand refugees, with some militia, on which no great dependence could be i)laced. Their naval force consisted of one seventy -four gun ship, and three or four small frigates. In this situation of aflTairs the French fleet might enter the harbor and gain possession of it without difliculty, cut off its communications, and with the co-operation of the American army, oblige the city to capitu- late. He advised Lafayette, therefore, to write to the French commanders, urging them, on their arrival on the coast, to proceed with their land and naval forces, with all expedition, to Sandy Hook, and there await further advices ; should they learn, however, that the expedition under Sir Henry Chnton had returned from the South to New York, they were to proceed to Ehode Island. General Arnold was at this time in Philadel- phia, and his connection with subsequent events requires a few words concerning his career, daily becoming more perplexed. He had again petitioned Congress on the subject of his ac- counts. The Board of Treasury had made a report far short of his wishes. He had ap- pealed, and his appeal, together with all the documents connected with the case, was re- ferred to a committee of three. The old doubts and difliculties continued : there was no pros- pect of a speedy settlement ; he was in extrem- ity. The French minister, M. de Luzerne, was at hand ; a gtoerous-spirited man, who had manifested admiration of his military character. To him Arnold now repaired in his exigency ; made a passionate representation of the hard- ships of his case ; the inveterate hostility he had experienced from Pennsylvania ; the in- gratitude of his country ; the disorder brought into his private aflairs by the war, and the ne- cessity he should be driven to of abandoning his profession, unless he could borrow a sum equal to the amount of his debts. Such a loan, he intimated, it might be the interest of the King of France to grant, thereby securing the attachment and gratitude of an American gen- eral of his rank and influence. The French minister was too much of a di- plomatist not to understand the bearing of the intimation, but he shrank from it, observing that the service required would degrade both parties. " When the envoy of a foreign power," said he, " gives, or if you wiU, lends money, it is ordinarily to corrupt those who receive it, and to make them the creatures of the sover- eign whom he serves ; or rather, he corrupts without persuading ; he buys and does not se- cure. But the league entered into between the king and the United States, is the work of jus- tice and of the wisest policy. It has for its basis a reciprocal interest and good will. In the mission with which I am charged, my true glory consists in fulfilling it without intrigue or cabal ; without resorting to any secret prac- tices, and by the force alone of the conditions of the alliance." M. de Luzerne endeavored to soften this re- pulse and reproof, by complimenting Arnold on the splendor of his past career, and by allud- ing to the field of glory still before him ; but the pressiu-e of debts was not to be Mghtened by compliments, and Arnold retired from the interview a mortified and desperate man. He was in this mood when he heard of the expected arrival of aid from France, and the talk of an active campaign. It seemed as if his military ambition was once more aroused. To General Schuyler, who was about to visit the camp as one of the committee, he wrote on the 25th of May, expressing a determination to re- join the army, although his wounds still made it painful to walk or ride, and intimated, that, in his present condition, the command at West Point would be best suited to him. In reply, General Schuyler wrote from Mor- ristown, June 2d, that he had put Arnold's let- ter into Washington's hands, and added : " He expressed a desire to do whatever was agree- able to you, dwelt on your abilities, your mer- its, your sufferings, and on the well-earned 510 MUTINY OF THE CONNECTICUT TROOPS— WASHINGTON WRITES TO REED. [1780. claims you have on your country, and intimated, that as soon as his arrangements for the campaign should take place, he would properly consider you." In the mean time, the army with which Washington was to co-operate in the projected attack upon New York, was so reduced hy the departure of troops whose term had expired, and the tardiness in furnishing recruits, that it did not amount quite to four thousand rank and file, fit for duty. Among these was a prev- alent discontent. Their pay was five months in arrear ; if now paid, it would be in Conti- nental currency, without allowance for depre- ciation, consequently almost worthless for pres- ent purposes. A long interval of scarcity and several days of actual famine brought matters to a crisis. On the 25th of May, in the dusk of the even- ing, two regiments of the Connecticut line as- sembled on their parade by beat of drum, and declared their intention to march home bag and baggage, " or, at best, to gain subsistence at the point of the bayonet." Colonel Meigs, while endeavoring to suppress the mutiny, was struck by one of the soldiers. Some officers of the Pennsylvania line came to his assistance, parad- ing their regiments. Every argument and ex- postulation was used with the mutineers. They were reminded of their past good conduct, of the noble objects for which they were contend- ing, and of the future indemnifications prom- ised by Congress. Their answer was, that their sufferings were too great to be allayed by prom- ises, in which they had little faith ; they wanted present relief, and some present substantial re- compense for their services. It was with difficulty they could be prevailed upon to return to their huts. Indeed, a few turned out a second time, with their packs, and were not to be pacified. These were arrested and confined. This mutiny, Washington declared, had given him infinitely more concern than any thing that had ever happened, especially as he had no means of paying the troops excepting in Conti- nental money, which, said he, " is evidently im- practicable from the immense quantity it would require to pay them as much as would make up the depreciation." His uneasiness was in- creased by finding that printed handbills were secretly disseminated in his camp by the ene- my, containing addresses to the soldiery, per- suading them to desert.* * Letter to the President of Cong., May 27. Sparks, vii. 54. In this alarming state of destitution, Wash- ington looked round anxiously for bread for his famishing troops. New York, Jersey, Penn- sylvania, and Maryland, were what he termed his " flour country." Virginia was sufficiently tasked to supply the South. New York, by legislative coercion, had already given all that she could spare from the subsistence of her in- habitants. Jersey was exhausted by the long residence of the army. Maryland had made great exertions, and might stiU do something more, and Delaware might contribute hand- somely, in proportion to her extent : but Penn- sylvania was now the chief dependence, for that State was represented to be full of flour. Washington's letter of the 16th of December, to President Reed, had obtained temporary re- lief from that quarter ; he now wrote to him a second time, and still more earnestly. " Every idea you can form of our distresses, will foil short of the reality. There is such a combina- tion of circumstances to exhaust the patience of the soldiery, that it begins at length to be worn out, and we see in every line of the army, features of mutiny and sedition. All our de- partments, all our operations, are at a stand, and unless a system very diflferent from that which has a long time prevailed, be immedi- ately adopted throughout the States, our aifairs must soon become desperate beyond the possi- bility of recovery." Nothing discouraged Washington more than the lethargy that seemed to deaden the public mind. He speaks of it with a degree of des- pondency scarcely ever before exhibited. " I have almost ceased to hope. The country is in such a state of insensibility and indifference to its interests, that I dare not flatter myself with any change for the better." And again — "The present juncture is so interesting, that if it does not produce corresponding exertions, it will be a proof that motives of honor, public good, and even self-preservation, have lost their influence on our minds. This is a decisive moment ; one of the most, I will go further, and say, the most important America has seen. The court of France has made a glorious eflFort for our deliverance, and if we disappoint its intentions by our supineness we must become contemptible in the eyes of all mankind, nor can we after that venture to confide that our allies wiU persist in an attempt to establish what, it will appear, we wan* inclination or ability to assist them in." With these and similar observations, he sought to rouse Presi- MtUs.] WASHINGTON APPEALS TO CONGRESS— SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. 511 dent Eeed to extraordinary exertions. " This is a time," writes he, "to hazard and to take a tone of energy and decision. All parties but the disaffected will acquiesce in the necessity and give it their support." He urges Eeed to press upon the legislature of Pennsylvania the policy of investing its executive with plenipo- tentiary powers. " I should then," writes he, " expect every thing from your ability and zeal. This is no time for formality or ceremony. The crisis in every point of view is extraordinary, and extraordinary expedients are necessary. 1 am decided in this opinion." His letter procured relief for the army from the legislature, and a resolve empowering the president and council, during its recess, to de- clare martial law, should circumstances render it expedient. " This," observes Eeed, " gives us a power of doing what may be necessary without attending to the ordinary course of law, and we shall endeavor to exercise it with prudence and moderation." * In like manner, Washington endeavored to rouse the dormant fire of Congress, and impart to it his own indomitable energy. " Certain I am," writes he to a member of that body, " un- less Congress speak in a more decisive tone, unless they are vested with powers by the several States, competent to the purposes of war, or assume them as matters of right, and they and the States respectively act with more energy than they have hitherto done, that our cause is lost. We can no longer drudge on in tlie old way. By ill-timing the adoption of measures, by delay in the execution of them, or by unwarrantable jealousies, we incur enor- mous expenses and derive no benefit from them. One State will comply with a requisition of Congress ; another neglects to do it ; a third executes it by halves ; and all difi'er, either in 'the manner, the matter, or so much in point of time, that we are always working up-hill ; and, while such a system as the present one, or rather want of one, prevails, we shall ever be unable to apply our strength or resources to any advantage — I see one head gradually changing into thirteen. I see one army branch- ing into thirteen, which, instead of looking up to Congress as the supreme controlling power of the United States, are considering themselves dependent on their respective States. In a word, I see the powers of Congress dechning too fast for the consideration and respect which * Sparks, Corr. of the Rev., vol. ii., p.;466. are due to them as the great representative body of America, and I am fearful of the con- sequences."* At this juncture came official intelligence from the South, to connect which with the general course of events, requires a brief notice of the operations of Sir Henry Clinton in that quarter. CHAPTEE V. In a preceding chapter we left the British fleet under Admiral Ai'buthnot, preparing to force its way into the harbor of Charleston. Several days elapsed before the ships were able, by taking out their guns, provisions, and water, and availing themselves of wind and tide, to pass the bar. They did so on the 20tli of March, with but slight opposition from sev- eral galleys. Commodore Whipple, then, see- ing the vast superiority of their force, made a second retrograde move, stationing some of his ships in Cooper Eiver, and sinking the rest at its mouth so as to prevent the enemy from running up that river, and cutting off com- munication with the country on the east : the crews and heavy cannon were landed to aid in the defence of the town. The reinforcements expected from the North were not yet arrived ; the militia of the State did not appear at Governor Eutledge's com- mand, and other reliances were failing. " Many of the North Carolina militia whose terms have expired leave us to-day," writes Lincoln to Washington, on the 20th of March. " They cannot be persuaded to remain longer, though the enemy are in our neighborhood." t At this time the reinforcements which Sir Henry Clinton had ordered from Savannah were marching toward the Cambayee under Brigadier-General Patterson. On his flanks moved Major Ferguson with a corps of rifle- men, and Major Cochrane with the infantry of the British legion ; two brave and enterprising officers. It was a toilsome march, through swamps and difficult passes. Being arrived in the neighborhood of Port Eoyal, where Tarle- ton had succeeded, though indifferently, in re- mounting his dragoons, Patterson sent* orders to that officer to join him. Tarleton hastened to obey the order. His arrival was timely. * Letter to Joseph Jones. Sparks, vii. 67. , t Correspondence of the Rev., vol. ii., p. 419. 512 COLONEL WILLIAM WASHINGTON— CHARLESTON REINFORCED BY WOODFORD. [f780. The Carolina militia having heard that all the British horses had perished at sea, made an attack on the front of General Patterson's force, supposing it to be without cavalry. To their surprise, Tarleton charged them with his dra- goons, routed them, took several prisoners, and, what was more acceptable, a number of horses, some of the militia, he says, " being accoutred as cavaliers." Tarleton had soon afterwards to encounter a worthy antagonist in Colonel William Wash- ington, the same cavalry officer who had dis- tinguished himself at Trenton, and was destined to distinguish himself still more in this South- ern campaign. He is described as being sis feet in height, broad, stout, and corpulent. Bold in the field, careless in the camp ; kind to his soldiers ; harassing to his enemies ; gay and good-humored ; with an upright heart and a generous hand, a universal favorite. He was now at the head of a body of Continental cav- alry, consisting of his own and Bland's light- horse, and Pulaski's hussars. A brush took place in the neighborhood of Eantoul's Bridge. Colonel Washington had the advantage, took several prisoners, and drove back the dragoons of the British legion, but durst not pursue them for Avant of infantry.* On the 7th of April, Brigadier-General Wood- ford with seven hundred Virginia troops, after a forced march of five hundred miles in thirty days, crossed from the east side of Cooper Eiver, by the only passage now open, and threw himself into Charleston. It was a timely reinforcement, and joyfully welcomed ; for the garrison, when in greatest force, amounted to little more than two thousand regulars and one thousand North Carolina militia. About the same time Admiral Arbuthnot, in the Koebuck, passed Sullivan's Island, with a fresh southerly breeze, at the head of a squad- ron of seven armed vessels and two transports. " It was a magnificent spectacle, satisfactory to the royalists," writes the admiral. The whigs regarded it with a rueful eye. Colonel Pinck- ney opened a heavy cannonade from the bat- teries of Fort Moultrie. The ships thundered in reply, and clouds of smoke were raised, under the cover of which they slipped by, with no greater loss than twenty-seven men killed and wounded. A store-ship which followed the squadron ran aground, was set on fire and abandoned, and subsequently blew up. The * Gordon, iii. p. 352— see also Tarleton, Hist. Campaign, p. 8. ships took a position near Port Johnston, just without the range of the shot from the Ameri- can batteries. After the passage of the ships, Colonel Pinckney and a part of the garrison withdrew from Fort Moultrie. The enemy had by this time completed his first parallel, and the town being almost en- tirely invested by sea and land, received a joint summons from the British general and admiral to surrender. " Sixty days have passed," writes Lincoln in reply, " since it has been known that your intentions against this town were hostile, in which, time has been aff'orded to abandon it, but duty and inclination point to the propriety of supporting it to the last ex- tremity." The British batteries were now opened. The siege was carried on deliberately by regular parallels, and on a scale of magnitude scarcely warranted by the moderate strength of the place. A great object with the besieged was to keep open the channel of communication with the country by the Cooper Eiver, the last that remained by which they could receive reinforcements and supplies, or could retreat, if necessary. For this purpose, Governor Eut- ledge, leaving the town in the care of Lieuten- ant-Governor Gadsden, and one-half of the exec- utive council, set off with the other half, and endeavored to rouse the militia between the Cooper and Santee Eivers. His success was extremely limited. Two militia posts were established by him ; one between these rivers, the other at a ferry on the Santee ; some regu- lar troops, also, had been detached by Lincoln, to throw up works about nine miles above the town, on the Wando, a branch of Cooper Eiver, and at Lempriere's Point ; and Brigadier-Gen- eral Huger,* with a force of militia and Conti- nental cavalry, including those of Colonel Wil- liam "Washington, was stationed at Monk's Corner, about thirty miles above Charleston, to guard the passes at the head waters of Cooper Eiver. Sir Henry Clinton, when proceeding with his second parallel, detached Lieutenant-Colo- nel Webster with fourteen hundred men to break up these posts. The most distant one was that of Huger's cavalry at Monk's Corner. The surprisal of this was intrusted to Tarleton, who, with his dragoons, was in Webster's ad- vanced guard. He was to be seconded by Major Patrick Ferguson with his riflemen. * Pronounced Hugee— of French Huguenot descent. ^T. 48.] MAJOR FERGUSON—TARLETON AT MONK'S CORNER AND LANEAU'S FERRY. 51Ji Ferguson was a fit associate for Tarleton, in hardy, scrambling, partisan enterprise ; equally intrepid and determined, but cooler and more open to impulses of humanity. He was the son of an eminent Scotch judge, had entered the army at an early age, and served in the German wars. The British extolled him as superior to the American Indians, in the use of the rifle, in short, as being the best marks- man liviijg. He had invented one which could be loaded at the breach and discharged seven times in a minute. It had been used with effect by his corps, "Washington, according to British authority, had owed his life at the battle of Germantown, solely to Ferguson's ignorance of his person, having repeatedly been within reach of the colonel's unerring rifle.* On the evening of the 13th of April, Tarle- ton moved with the van toward Monk's Corner. A night march had been judged the most ad- visable. It was made in profound silence and by unfrequented roads. In the course of the march, a negro was descried attempting to avoid notice. He was seized. A letter was found on him from an officer from Huger's camp, from which Tarleton learned something of its situation and the distribution of the troops. A few dollars gained the services of the negro as a guide. The surprisal of General Huger's camp was complete. Several officers and men who attempted to defend themselves, were killed or wounded. General Huger, Col- onel "Washington, vrith many others, officers and men, escaped in the darkness, to the neigh- boring swamps. One hundred officers, dra- goons, and hussars, were taken, with about four hundred horses and near fifty waggons, laden with arms, clothing, and ammimition. Biggins Bridge on Cooper Kiver was like- wise seciired, and the way opened for Colonel "Webster to advance nearly to the head of the passes, in such a manner as to shut up Charles- ton entirely. In the course of the maraud which generally accompanies a surprisal of the kind, several dragoons of the British legion broke into a house in the neighborhood of Monk's Corner, and maltreated and attempted violence upon ladies residing there. The ladies escaped to Monk's Corner, where they were protected, and a carriage furnished to convey them to a place of safety. The dragoons were appre- hended and brought to Monk's Corner, where ♦ Annual Register, 1781, p. 52. by this time Colonel "Webster had arrived. Major Ferguson, we are told, was for put- ting the dragoons to instant death, but Colo- nel "Webster did not think his powers war- ranted such a measure. " They were sent to head-quarters," adds the historian, " and, I believe, afterwards tried and whipped." * We gladly record one instance in which the atrocities which disgraced this invasion met with some degree of punishment ; and we hon- or the rough soldier, Ferguson, for the fiat of "instant death," with which he would have requited the most infamous and dastardly out- rage that brutalizes warfare. During the progress of the siege, General Lincoln held repeated councils of war, in which he manifested a disposition to evacuate the place. This measure was likewise urged by General Du Portail, who had penetrated, by secret ways, into the town. The inhabitants, however, in an agony of alarm, implored Lin- coln not to abandon them to the mercies of an infuriated and licentious soldiery, and the gen- eral, easy and kind-hearted, yielded to their entreaties. The American cavalry had gradually reas- sembled on the north of the Santee, under Col- onel "White of New Jersey, where they were joined by some mihtia infantry, and by Colonel "William "Washington, with such of his dra- goons as had escaped at Monk's Corner. Corn- wallis had committed the country between Cooper and "Wando Elvers to Tarleton's charge, with orders to be continually on the move with the cavalry and infantry of the legion ; to watch over the landing places ; obtain in- telligence from the town, the Santee Eiver, and the back country, and to burn such stores as might fall into his hands, rather than risk their being retaken by the enemy. Hearing of the fortuitous assemblage of Amer- ican troops, Tarleton came suddenly upon them by surprise at Laneau's Ferry. It was one of his bloody exploits. Five officers and thirty- six men were killed and wounded, and seven officers and six dragoons taken, with horses, arms, and equipments. Colonels "White, "Wash- ington, and Jamieson, with other officers and men, threw themselves in the river, and es- caped by swimming ; while some, who fol- lowed their example, perished. The arrival of a reinforcement of three thou- sand men from New York enabled Sir Henry ♦ Stedman, ii. 183. 33 514 CLINTON REINFORCED— CHARLESTON CAPITUATES. [1780. Clinton to throw a powerful detachment, under Lord Cornwallis, to the east of Cooper Eiver, to complete the investment of the town and cut off all retreat. Fort Moultrie surrendered. The batteries of the third parallel were opened upon the town. They were so near, that the Hessian yagers, or sharpshooters, could pick off the garrison while at their guns or on the parapets. This fire was kept up for two days. The besiegers crossed the canal ; pushed a double sap to the inside of the abatis, and pre- pared to make an assault by sea and land. All hopes of successful defence were at an end. The works were in ruins ; the guns al- most all dismounted ; the garrison exhausted with fatigue, the provisions nearly consumed. The inhabitants, dreading the horrors of an assault, joined in a petition to General Lincoln, and prevailed upon him to ofter a surrender on terms which had already been offered and re- jected. These terms were still granted, and the capitulation was signed on the 12th of May. The garrison were allowed some of the honors of war. They were to march out and deposit their arms, between the canal and tlie works, but the drums were not to beat a British marcli nor the colors to be uncased. The Continental troops and seamen were to be allowed their baggage, but were to remain prisoners of war. The officers of the army and navy were to re- tain their servants, swords and pistols, and their baggage unsearched ; and were permitted to sell their horses ; but not to remove them out of the town. The citizens and the militia were to be considered prisoners on parole ; the latter to be permitted to return home, and both to be protected in person and property as long as they kept their parole. Among the prison- ers, were the lieutenant-governor and five of the council. The loss of the British in the siege was seventy-six killed and one hundred and eighty- nine wounded ; that of the Americans nearly the same. The prisoners taken by the enemy, exclusive of the sailors, amounted to five thou- sand six hundred and eighteen men ; compris- ing every male adult in the city. The Conti- nental troops did not exceed two thousand, five hundred of whom were iu the hospital ; the rest were citizens and militia. Sir Henry Clinton considered the fall of Charleston decisive of the fate of South Caro- lina. To complete the subjugation of the country, he planned three expeditions into the interior. One, under Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, was to move up the Savannah to Augusta, on the borders of Georgia. Another, under Lieutenant-Colonel Cruger, was to pro- ceed up the south-west side of the Santee Eiver to the district of Ninety-Six,* a fertile and salubrious region, between the Savannah and the Saluda Rivers ; while a third under Corn- wallis was to cross the Santee, march up the north-east bank and strike at a corps of troops under Colonel Buford, which were retreating to North Carolina with artillery and a mmiber of waggons, laden with arms, ammunition, and clothing. Colonel Buford, in fact, had arrived too late for the relief of Charleston, and was now mak- ing a retrograde move ; he had come on with three hundred and eighty troops of the Vir- ginia line, and two field-pieces, and had been joined by Colonel Washington with a few of his cavalry that had survived the surprisal by Tarleton. As Buford was moving with celerity, and had the advantage of distance, Cornwallis detached Tarleton in pursuit of him, with one hundred and seventy dragoons, a hundred mounted infantry, and a three-pounder. The bold partisan pushed forward with his usual ardor and rapidity. The weather was sultry, many of the horses gave out through fatigue and heat ; he pressed others by the way, leav- ing behind such of his troops as could not keep pace with him. After a day and night of forced march he arrived about dawn at Buge- ley's Mills. Buford, he was told, was about twenty miles in advance of him, pressing on with all diligence to join another corps of Americans. Tarleton continued his march ; the horses of the three-pounder were knocked up and unable to proceed ; his wearied troops were continually dropping in the rear. Still he urged forward, anxious to overtake Buford be- fore ho could form a junction with the force he was seeking. To detain him he sent for- ward Captain Kinlock of his legion with a flag, and the following letter : " SiK, — Resistance being vain, to prevent the effusion of blood, I make offers which can never be repeated. You are now almost en- compassed by a corps of seven hundred light troops on horseback ; half of that number are infantry with cannons. Earl Cornwallis is like- wise within reach with nine British regiments. * So called in early times from being ninety-six miles from the principal town of the Cherokee nation. iET. 48.] TARLETON'S BUTCHERY AT WAXHAW. 515 I Tvarn yon of the temerity of further inimical proceedings." He concluded by offering the same conditions granted to the troops at Charleston ; " if you ai'e rash enough to reject them," added he, " the blood be upon your head." Kinlock overtook Colonel Buford in full march on the banks of the "Waxhaw, a stream on the border of North Carolina, and delivered the summons. The colonel read the letter without coming to a halt, detained the flag for some time in conversation, and then returned the following note : " SiE, — I reject your proposals, and shall de- fend myself to the last extremity. " I have the honor, &c." Tarleton, who had never ceased to press for- ward, came upon Buford's rear-guard about three o'clock in the afternoon, and captured a sergeant and four dragoons. "^Buford had not expected so prompt an appearance of the enemy. He hastily drew up his men in order of battle, in an open wood, on the right of the road. His artillery and waggons, which were in the ad- vance escorted by part of his infantry, were ordered to continue on their march. There appears to have been some confusion on the part of the Americans, and they had an impetuous foe to deal with. Before they were w-ell prepared for action they were attacked in front and on both flanks by cavalry and mounted infantry. Tarleton, who advanced at the head of thirty chosen dragoons and some infantry, states that when within fifty paces of the Con- tinental infantry, they presented, but he heard their oflicers command them to retain their fire until the British cavalry were nearer. It was not until the latter were within ten yards that there was a partial discharge of musketry. Several of the dragoons sufiered by this fire. Tarleton himself was unhorsed, but his troopers rode on. The American battalion was broken ; most of the men threw down their arms and begged for quarter, but were cut down without mercy. One hundred and thirty were ^ain on the spot, and one hundred and fifty so mangled and maimed that they could not be moved. Colonel Buford and a few of the cavalry es- caped, as did about a hundred of the infantry, who were with the baggage in the advance. Fifty prisoners were all that were in a con- dition to be carried off by Tarleton as trophies of this butchery. The whole British loss was two officers and three privates killed, and one officer and four- teen privates wounded. What, then, could excuse this horrible carnage of an almost pros- trate enemy ? We give Tarleton's own excuse for it. It commenced, he says, at the time he was dismounted, and before he could mount another horse ; and his cavalry were exasper- ated by a report that he was slain. Cornwalhs apparently accepted this excuse, for he ap- proved of his conduct in the expedition, and recommended him as worthy of some distin- guished mark of royal favor. The world at large, however, have not been so easily satisfied, and the massacre at the Waxhaw has re- mained a sanguinary stain on the reputation of that impetuous soldier. The two other detachments which had been sent out by Clinton, met with nothing but sub- mission. The people in general, considering resistance hopeless, accepted the proffered pro- tection, and conformed to its humiliating terms. One class of the population in this colony seems to have regarded the invaders as deliverers. " All the negroes," writes Tarleton, " men, women, and children, upon the appearance of any detachment of king's troops, thought them- selves absolved from all respect to their Amer- ican masters, and entirely released from servi- tude. They quitted the plantations and fol- lowed the army." * Sir Henry now persuaded himself that South Carolina was subdued, and proceeded to station garrisons in various parts, to maintain it in subjection. In the fulness of his confidence, he issued a proclamation on the 3d of June, dis- charging all the military prisoners from their paroles after the 20th of the month, excepting those captured in Fort Moultrie and Charles- ton. All thus released from their parole were reinstated in the rights and duties of British subjects; but, at the same time, they were bound to take an active part in support of the government hitherto opposed by them. Thus the protection afforded them while prisoners was annulled by an arbitrary fiat — neutrality was at an end. All were to be ready to take up arms at a moment's notice. Those who had families were to form a militia for home de- fence. Those who had none, were to serve with the royal forces. All who should neglect to return to their allegiance, or should refuse to take up arms against the independence of their » Tarleton's Hist, of Campaign, p. 89. 516 KNYPHAUSEN MARAUDS THE JERSEYS. [1Y80. country, were to be considered as rebels and treated accordingly. Having struck a blow, which, as he con- ceived, was to ensure the subjugation of the South, Sir Henry embarked for New York on the 5th of June, with a part of his forces, leav- ing the residue under the command of Lord Cornwallis, who was to carry the war into North Carolina, and thence into Virginia. CHAPTER VI. A HANDBILL published by the Britisli author- ities in New York, reached Washington's camp on the 1st of June, and made known the sur- render of Charleston. A person from Amboy reported, moreover, that on the 30th of May he had seen one hundred sail of vessels enter Sandy Hook, These might bring Sir Henry Clinton with the whole or part of his force. In that case, flushed with his recent success, he might proceed immediately up the Hudson, and make an attempt upon West Point, in the present distressed condition of the garrison. So thinking, Washington wrote to General Howe, who commanded that important post, to put him on his guard, and took measures to have him furnished with supplies. The report concerning the fleet proved to be erroneous, but on the 6th of June came a new alarm. The enemy, it was said, were actually landing in force at Elizabethtown Point, to carry fire and sword into the Jerseys ! It was even so. Knyphausen, through spies and emissaries, had received exaggerated ac- counts of the recent outbreak in Washington's camp, and of the general discontent among the l>eople of New Jersey ; and was persuaded that a sudden show of military protection, follow- ing up the news of tlie capture of Charleston, would produce a general desertion among Washington's troops, and rally back the in- habitants of the Jerseys to their allegiance to the crown. In this belief he projected a descent into the Jerseys with about five thousand men, and some light artillery, who were to cross in divi- sions in the night of the 5 th of June from Staten Island to Elizabethtown Point. The first division, led by Brigadier-General Stei-ling, actually landed before dawn of the 6th, and advanced as silently as possible. The heavy and measured tramp of the troops, however, caught the ear of an American senti- nel stationed at a fork where the roads from the old and new point joined. He challenged the dimly descried mass as it approached, and receiving no answer, fired into it. That shot wounded General Sterling in the thigh, and ul- timately proved mortal. The wounded general was carried back, and Knyphausen took his place. This delayed the march until sunrise, and gave time for the troops of the Jersey line, un- der Colonel Ehas Dayton, stationed in Eliza- bethtown, to assemble. They were too weak in numbers, however, to withstand the enemy, but retreated in good order, skirmishing occa- sionally. The invading force passed through the village ; in the advance, a squadron of dragoons of Simcoe's regiment of Queen's Rangers, with drawn swords and glittering helmets ; followed by British and Hessian in- fantry.* Signal guns and signal fires were rousing the country. The militia and yeomanry armed themselves with such weapons as were at hand and hastened to their alarm posts. The enemy took the old road, by what was called Gallop- ing Hill, toward the village of Connecticut Farms ; fired upon from behind walls and thickets by the hasty levies of the country. At Connecticut Farms, the retreating troops under Dayton fell in with the Jersey brigade, under General Maxwell, and a few militia join- ing them, the Americans were enabled to make some stand, and even to hold the enemy in check. The latter, however, brought up seve- ral field-pieces, and being reinforced by a second division which had crossed from Staten Island some time after the first, compelled the Ameri- cans again to retreat. Some of the enemy, exasperated at the unexpected opposition they had met with throughout their march, and pretending that the inhabitants of this village had fired upon them from their windows, began to pillage and set fire to the houses. It so hap- pened that to this village the Reverend James Caldwell, " the rousing gospel preacher," had removed his family as to a place of safety, after his church at Elizabethtown had been burnt down by the British in January. On the pres- ent occasion he had retreated with the regi- ment to which he was chaplain. His wife, however, remained at the parsonage with her two youngest children, confiding in the protec- * Passages in the Hist, of Elizabethtown, Capt. "W. C. De Hart. ^T. 48.] MURDER OF MRS. CALDWELL— RETREAT OF KNYPHAUSEN. 517 tion of Providence, and the humanity of the enemy. When the sacking of the village took place she retired with her children into a hack room of the house. Her infant of eight months was in the arms of an attendant ; she herself was seated on the side of a bed holding a child of three years by the hand, and was engaged in prayer. All was terror and confusion in the village ; when suddenly a musket was discharg- ed in at the window. Two balls struck her in the breast, and she fell dead on the floor. The parsonage and church were set on fire, and it was with difficulty her body was rescued from the flames. In the mean time Knyphausen was pressing on with his main force towards Morristown. The booming of alarm guns had roused the country ; every valley was pouring out its yeo- manry. Two thousand were said to be already in arms below the mountains. "Within half a mile of Springfield Knyphausen halted to reconnoitre. That village, through which passes the road to Morristown, had been made the American raUying-point. It stands at the foot of what are called the Short Hills, on the west side of Railway River, which runs in front of it. On the bank of the river, Gen- eral Maxwell's Jersey brigade and the militia of the neighborhood, were drawn up to dispute the passage ; and on the Short Hills in the rear was Washington with the main body of his forces, not mutinous and in confusion, but all in good order, strongly posted, and ready for action. Washington had arrived and taken his posi- tion that afternoon, prepared to withstand an encounter though not to seek one. All night his camp fires lighted up the Short Hills, and he remained on the alert expecting to be assail- ed in the morning ; but in the morning no enemy was to be seen. Knyphausen had experienced enough to con- vince him that he had been completely misin- formed as to the disposition of the Jersey peo- ple and of the ai-my. Disappointed as to the main objects of his enterprise, he had retreated under cover of the night, to his place of em- barkation, intending to recross to Staten Island immediately. In the camp at the Short Hills was the Rev- erend James Caldwell, whose home had been laid desolate. He was still ignorant of the event, but had passed a night of great anxiety, and, procuring the protection of a flag, hasten- ed back in the morning to Connecticut Farms. He found the village in ashes, and his wife a mangled corpse ! In the course of the day Washington receiv- ed a letter from Colonel Alexander Hamilton, who was reconnoitring in the neighborhood of Elizabethtown Point. " I have seen the enemy," writes he. " Those in view I calcu- late at about three thousand. There may be, and probably are, enough others out of sight. They have sent all their horses to the other side except about fifty or sixty. Their baggage has also been sent across, and their wounded. It is not ascertained that any of their infantry have passed on the other side. * * * ■jj^g present movement may be calculated to draw us down and betray us into an action. They may have desisted from their intention of pass- ing till night, for fear of our falling upon their rear." As Washington was ignorant of the misin- formation which had beguiled Knyphausen into this enterprise, the movements of that general, his sudden advance, and as sudden retreat, were eqnally inexplicable. At one time, he supposed his inroad to be a mere foraging in- cursion ; then, as Hamilton had suggested, a device to draw him down from his stronghold into the plain, when the superiority of the British force would give them the advantage. Knyphausen, in fact, had been impeded in crossing his troops to Staten Island, by the low tide and deep muddy shore, which rendered it difiicnlt to embark the cavalry ; and by a de- structive fire kept up by the militia posted along the river banks, and the adjacent woods. In the mean while he had time to reflect on the ridicule that would await him in New York, should his expedition prove fruitless, and end in what might appear a precipitate flight. This produced indecision of mind, and induced him to recall the troops which had already crossed, and which were necessary, he said, to protect his rear. For several days he lingered with his troops at Elizabethtown and the Point beyond ; obhg- ing Washington to exercise unremitted vigilance for the safety of the Jerseys and of the Hud- son. It was a great satisfaction to the latter to be joined by Major Henry Lee, who with his troop of horse had hastened on from the vicin- ity of Philadelphia, where he had recently been stationed. In tlie mean time, the tragical fate of Mrs. Caldwell produced almost as much excitement 518 SIR HENRY CLINTON'S ARRIVAL NORTH— SKIRMISH NEAR RAHWAY. [1780, throngliont the country as that which had been caused in the preceding year, by the massacre of Miss McCrea. She was connected with some of the first people of New Jersey ; was winning in person and character, and univer- sally beloved. Knyphausen v.'as vehemently assailed in the American papers, as if responsi- ble for this atrocious act. The enemy, however, attributed her death to a random shot, dis- charged in a time of confusion, or to the vengeance of a menial who had a deadly pique against her husband ; but the popular voice persisted in execrating it as the wilful and Avanton act of a British soldier. On the 17th of June the fleet from the South actually arrived in the bay of New York, and Sir Henry Clinton landed his troops on Staten Island, but almost immediately re-embarked them ; as if meditating an exi^edition up the river. Fearing for the safety of "West Point, Wash- ington set off on the 21st June, with the main body of his troops, towards Pompton; while General Greene, with Maxwell and Stark's brigades, Lee's dragoons, and the militia of the neighborhood, remained encamped on the Short Hills, to cover the country and protect the stores at Morristown. Washington's movements were slow and wary, unwilling to be far from Greene until better informed of the designs of the enemy. At Eockaway Bridge, about eleven miles be- yond Morristown, he received word on the 23d, that the enemy were advancing from Eliza- bethtown against Springfield. Supposing the military depot at Morristown to be their ultimate object, he detached a brigade to the assistance of Greene, and fell back five or sis miles, so as to be in supporting distance of him. The re-embarkation of the troops at Staten Island had, in fact, been a stratagem of Sir Henry Clinton to divert the attention of Wash- ington, and enable Knyphausen to carry out the enterprise which had hitherto hung fire. No sooner did the latter ascertain that the American commander-in-chief had moved off" with his main force towards the Highlands, than he sallied from Elizabethtown five thou- sand strong, with a large body of cavalry, and fifteen or twenty pieces of artillery ; hoping not merely to destroy the public stores at Mor- ristown, but to get possession of tiiose diflicult hills and defiles, among which Washington's army had been so securely posted, and which con- stituted the strength of that part of the country. It was early on the morning of the 23d that Knyphausen pushed forward toward Spring- field. Beside the main road which passes directly through the village toward Morristown, there is another, north of it, called the Vaux- hall road, crossing several small streams, the confluence of which forms the Eahway. These two roads unite beyond the village in the prin- cipal pass of the Short Hills. The enemy's troops advanced rapidly in two compact col- umns, the right one by the Yauxhall road, the other, by the main or direct road. General Greene was stationed among the Short Hills, about a mile above the town. His troops were distributed at various posts, for there v.'ere many passes to guard. At five o'clock in the morning, signal-guns gave notice of the approach of the enemy. The drums beat to anus throughout the camp. The troops were hastily called in from their posts among the mountain passes, and prepara- tions were made to defend the village. Major Lee, with his dragoons and a picket- guard, was posted on the Yauxhall road, to check the right column of the enemy in its advance. Colonel Dayton, with his regiment of New Jersey militia, Avas to check the left column on the main road. Colonel Angel of Ehode Island, with about two hundred picked men and a piece of artillery, was to defend a bridge over the Eahway, a little west of the town. Colonel Shreve, stationed with his regi- ment at a second bridge over a branch of, the Eahway east of the town, was to coyer, if necessary, the retreat of Colonel Angel. Those parts of Maxwell and Stark's brigades which were not thus detached, were drawn up on high ground in the rear of the town, having the militia on their flanks. There was some sharp fighting at a bridge on the Yauxhall road, where Major Lee with his dragoons and picket guard held the right column at bay ; a part of the column, however, forded the stream above the bridge, gained a commanding position, and obliged Lee to retire. The left column met with similar opposi- tion from Dayton and his Jersey regiment. None showed more ardor in the fight than Caldwell the chaplain. The image of his mur- dered Avife was before his eyes. Finding the men in want of wadding, he galloped to the Presbyterian church and brought thence a quantity of Watts's psalm and hymn books, Avhich he distributed for the purpose among the soldiers. " Noav," cried he, "put Watts into them, boys ! " ^T. 48.] SPRINGFIELD BURNT— THE JERSEYS EVACUATED. 519 The severest fighting of the day was at the bridge over the Kahway. For upwards of half an hoar Colonel Angel defended it with his handful of men against a vastly superior force. One-fourth of his men were either killed or disabled : the loss of the enemy was still more severe. Angel was at length compelled to re- tire. He did so in good order, carrying off his wounded, and making his way through the village to the bridge beyond it. Here his re- treat was bravely covered by Colonel Shreve, but he too was obliged to give way before the overwhelming force of the enemy, and join the brigades of Maxwell and Stark upon the hill. General Greene, finding his front too much extended for his small force, and that he was in danger of being outflanked on the left by the column pressing forward on the Vaushall road, took post with his main body on the first range of hills, where the roads were brought near to a point, and passed between him and the height occupied by Stark and Maxwell. He then threw out a detachment which check- ed the further advance of the right column of the enemy along the Vauxhall road, and secured that pass through the Short Hills. Feeling himself now strongly posted, he awaited with confidence the expected attempt of the enemy to gain the height. No such attempt was made. The resistance already experienced, especially at the bridge, and the sight of mili- tia gathering from various points, dampened the ardor of the hostile commander. He saw that, should he persist in pushing for Morris- town, he would have to fight his way through a country abounding with difficult passes, every one of which would be obstinately disputed ; and that the enterprise, even if successful, might cost too much, beside taking him too far from New York, at a time when a French armament might be expected. Before the brigade detached by "Washington arrived at the scene of action, therefore, the enemy had retreated. Previous to their retreat they wreaked upon Springfield the same ven- geance they had infiicted on Connecticut Farms. The whole village, excepting four houses, was reduced to ashes. Their second retreat was equally ignoble with their first. They were pursued and harassed the whole way to Eliza- bethtown by light scouting parties and by the militia and yeomanry of the country, exasper- ated by the sight of the burning village. Lee, too, came upon their rear guard with his dra- goons ; captured a quantity of stores abandoned by them in the hurry of retreat, and made prisoners of several refugees. It was sunset when the enemy reached Eliza- bethtown. During the night they passed over to Staten Island by their bridge of boats. By six o'clock in the morning all had crossed and the bridge had been removed — and the Stat'J of New Jersey, so long harassed by the campaign- ings of either army, was finally evacuated by the enemy. It had proved a school of war to the American troops. The incessant marchings and counter-marchings; the rude encampments ; the exposure to all kinds of hardship and pri- vation ; the alarms ; the stratagems ; the rough encounters and adventurous enterprises of which this had been the theatre for the last three or four years, had rendered the patriot soldier hardy, adroit, and long-suffering ; had accus- tomed him to danger, inured him to discipline, and brought him nearly on a level with the European mercenary in the habitudes and usages of arms, while he had the superior in- citements of home, country, and independence. The ravaging incursions of the enemy had ex- asperated the most peace-loving parts of the country ; made soldiers of the husbandmen, acquainted them with their own powers, and taught them that the foe was vulnerable. The recent ineffectual attempts of a veteran general to penetrate the fastnesses of Morristown, though at the head of a veteran force, " which would once have been deemed capable of sweep- ing the whole continent before it," was a lasting theme of triumph to the inhabitants ; and it is still the honest boast among the people of Mor- ris County, that " the enemy never were able to get a footing among our hills." At the same time the. conflagration of villages, by which ■ they sought to cover or revenge their repeated failures, and their precipitate retreat, harassed and insulted by half-disciplined militia, and a crude, rustic levy, formed an ignominious close to the British campaigns in the Jerseys. OIIAPTEE VII. Appeehessive that the next move of the enemy would be up the Hudson, Washington resumed his measures for the secin-ity of West Point ; moving towards the Highlands in the latter part of June. Circumstances soon con- vinced him that the enemy had no present in- tention of attacking that fortress, but merely 520 THE LADIES SUBSCRIBE TO RELIEVE WASHIXGTOX— THE FRENCH FLEET. [1*780. menaced him at various points, to retard his operations, and oblige him to call out the mili- tia ; thereby interrupting agriculture, distress- ing the country, and rendering his cause un- popular. Having, therefore, caused the mili- tary stores in the Jerseys to be removed to more remote and secure places, he counter- manded by letter the militia, which were march- ing to camp from Connecticut and Massachu- setts. He now exerted himself to the utmost to procure from the different State Legislatures, their quotas and supplies for the regular army. " The sparing system," said he, " has been tried until it has brought us to a crisis little less than desperate." This was the time, by one great exertion, to put an end to the war. The basis of every thing was the completion of the Con- tinental battalions to their full establishment ; otherwise, nothing decisive could be attempted, and this campaign, like all the former, must be chiefly defensive. He Avarned against those " indolent and narrow politicians, who, except at the moment of some signal misfortune, are continually crying, all is well, and who, to save a little present expense, and avoids ome tem- porary inconvenience, with no ill designs in the main, would protract the war, and risk the perdition of our liberties." * The desired relief, however, had to be effected through the ramifications of General and State governments, and their committees. The oper- ations were tardy and unproductive. Liberal contributions were made by individuals, a bank was established by the inhabitants of Philadel- phia to facilitate the supplies of the army, and an association of ladies of that city raised by subscription between seven and eight thou- sand dollars, which were put at the disposition of Washington, to be laid out in such a manner as he might think " most honorable and grati- fying to the brave old soldiers Avho had borne so great a share of the burden of the war." The capture of General Lincoln at Charles- ton had left the Southern department without a commander-in-chief. As there were likely to be important military operations in that i|uarter, Washington had intended to recom- mend General Greene for the appointment. He was an ofBcer on whose abilities, discretion, and disinterested patriotism he had the fullest reliance, and whom he had always found thoroughly disposed to act in unison Avith him * Letter to Gov. Trumbull. Sparks, vii. 93. in his general plan of carrying on the war. Congress, however, with unbecoming precipi- tancy, gave that important command to Gen- eral Gates (June 13 th), without waiting to con- sult Washington's views or wishes. Gates, at the time, was on his estate in Vir- ginia, and accepted the appointment with avid- ity, anticipating new triumphs. His old asso- ciate. General Lee, gave him an ominous cau- tion at parting. " Beware that your Northern laurels do not change to Southern willows! " On the 10th of July a French fleet, under the Chevalier de Ternay, arrived at Newport, in Ehode Island. It was composed of seven ships of the line, two frigates, and tAvo bombs, and convoyed transports on board of AA'hich Avere upwards of five thousand troops. This was the first division of the forces promised by France, of which Lafayette had spoken. The second division had been detained at Brest for want of transports, but might soon be expected. The Count de Eochambeau,Lieutenant-Gener- al of the royal armies, was commander-in-chief of this auxiliary force. He was a veteran, fifty-five years of age, who had early distin- guished himself, when colonel of the regiment of Auvergne, and had gained laurels in A^arious battles, especially that of Kloster camp, of Avhich he decided the success. Since then, he had risen from one post of honor to another, until intrusted Avith his present important com- mand.* Another officer of rank and distinction in tins force, Avas Major-General the Marquis de Chastellux, a friend and relative of Lafayette, but much his senior, being now forty-six years of age. He Avas not only a soldier, but a man of letters, and one familiar Avith courts as Avell as camps. Count Eochambeau's first despatch to Ver- gennes, the French minister of State (July IGth), gaA'e a discoiu'aging picture of aftairs. " Upon my arrival here," writes he, " the coun- try was in consternation, the paper^money had fallen to sixty for one, and even the govern- ment takes it up at forty for one, Washington had for a long time only three thousand men under his command. The arrival of the Mar- quis de Lafayette, and the announcement of succors from France, afforded some encourage- ment ; but the tories, who are A'ery numerous, gave out that it was only a temporary assist- ance, like that of Count d'Estaing. In de- * Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rocham- hesm, was liorn at Vendoiue, in France, 1725. yET. 48.] ROCHAMBEAU'S FIRST IMPRESSIONS— LANDING OF FRENCH TROOPS. 521 sci'ibing to you our reception at this place, we shall show you the feeling of all the inhabi- tants of the continent. This town is of con- siderable size, and contains, like the rest, both whigs and tories. I landed with my staff, without troops ; nobody appeared in the streets ; those at the windows looked sad and depressed. I spoke to the principal persons of that place, and told them, as I wrote to Gen- eral Washington, that tliis was merely the ad- vanced guard of a greater force, and that the king was determined to support them with his whole power. In twenty-four hours their spirits rose, and last night all the streets, houses, and steeples were illuminated, in the midst of fireworks, and the greatest rejoicings. I am now here with a single company of gren- adiers, until wood and straw shall have been collected ; my camp is marked out, and I hope to have the troops landed to-morrow." Still, however, there appears to have been a lingering feeling of disappointment in the pub- lic bosom. " The whigs are pleased," writes de Rochambeau, " but they say that the king ought to have sent twenty thousand men, and twenty ships, to drive the enemy from New York ; that the country was infallibly ruined ; that it is impossible to find a recruit to send to General Washington's army, without giving him one hundred hard dollars to engage for sis months' service, and they beseech his majesty to assist them with all his strength. The war will be an expensive one ; we pay even for our quarters, and for the land covered with the camp." * The troops were landed to the east of the town ; their encampment was on a fine situa- tion, and extended nearly across the island. Much was said of their gallant and martial ap- pearance. There was the noted regiment of Auvergne, in command of which tlie Count de Eochambeau had first gained his laurels, but which was now commanded by his son the vis- count, thirty years of age. A legion of six hundred men also was especially admii-ed ; it was commanded by the Duke de Lauzun (Lau- zun-Biron), who had gained reputation in the preceding year by the capture of Senegal. A feeling of adventure and romance, associated with the American struggle, had caused many of the young nobility to seek this new field of achievement, who, to use de Eochambeau's words, " brought out with them the heroic and * Sparks. Writings of 'Washington, vii. 504. chivalrous courage of the ancient French no- bility." To their credit be it spoken also, they brought with them the ancient French polite- ness, for it was remarkable how soon they ac- commodated themselves to circumstances, made light of all the privations and inconveniences of a new country, and conformed to the famil- iar simplicity of republican manners. Gen- eral Heath, who, by Washington's orders, was there to offer his services, was, by his own ac- count, " charmed with the oflacers," who, on their part, he said, expressed the highest satis- faction with the treatment they received. The instructions of the French ministry to the Count de Eochambeau placed him entirely under the command of General Washington, The French troops were to be considered as auxiliaries, and as such were to take the left of the American troops, and, in all cases of cere- mony, to yield them the preference. This con- siderate arrangement had been adopted at the suggestion of the Marquis de Lafayette, and was intended to prevent the recurrence of those questions of rank and etiquette which had heretofore disturbed the combined service. Washington, in general orders, congratu- lated the army on the arrival of this timely and generous succor, which he hailed as a new tie between France and America ; anticipating that the only contention between the two armies would be to excel each other in good oflices, and in the display of every military virtue. The American cockade had hitherto been black, that of the French was white; he recom- mended to his officers a cockade of black and white intermingled in compliment to their allies, and as a symbol of friendship and union. His joy at this important reinforcement was dashed by the mortifying reflection, that he was still unprovided with the troops and mili- tary means requisite for the combined opera- tions meditated. Still he took upon himself the responsibility of immediate action, and forthwith despatched Lafayette to have an in- terview with the French commanders, explain the circumstances of the case, and concert plans for the proposed attack upon New York. " Pressed on all sides by a choice of difficitl- ties," writes he to the President, " I have adopted that line of conduct which suited the dignity and faith of Congress, the reputation of these States, and the honor of our arms. Neither the season nor a regard to decency would permit delay. The die is cast, and it remains with the States to fulfil either their 522 ARRIVAL OF A BRITISH FLEET— ARNOLD IN COMMAND AT WEST POINT. [1780, engagements, preserve their credit, and support their independence, or to involve us in disgrace and defeat. ***=;=** I shall proceed on the supposition that they will ultimately consult their own interest and honor, and not suffer us to fail for want of moans, which it is evidently in their power to afford. What has been done, and is doing, by some of the States, confirms the opinion I have entertained of the sufficient resources of the country. As to the disposition of the people to submit to any ar- rangements for bringing them forth, I see no reasonable grounds to doubt. If we fail for want of proper exertions, in any of the govern- ments, I trust the responsibility will fall where it ought, and that I shall stand justified to Con- gress, to my country, and to the world." The arrival, however, of the British Admi- ral Graves, at ISfew York, on the 13th of July, with six ships-of-the-line, gave the enemy such a superiority of naval force, that the design on New York was postponed until the second French division should make its appearance, or a squadron under the Count de Guichen, which was expected from the West Indies. In the mean time Sir Henry Clinton, who had information of all the plans and move- ments of the allies, determined to forestall the meditated attack upon New York, by beating up the French quarters on Rhode Island. This he was to do in person at the head of six thou- sand men, aided by Admiral Arbuthnot witlf his fleet. Sir Henry accordingly proceeded with his troops to Throg's Neck on the Sound ; there to embark on board of transports which Arbuthnot was to provide. No sooner did Washington learn that so large a force had left New York, than he crossed the Hudson to Peekskill, and prepared to move towards King's Bridge, with the main body of his troops, which had recently been reinforced. His in- tention was, either to oblige Sir Hemy to aban- don his project against Ehode Island, or to strike a blow at New York during his absence. As Washington was on horseback, observing the crossing of the last division of his troops, General Arnold approached, having just arrived in the camp. Arnold had been manoeuvring of late to get the command of West Point, and, among other means, had induced Mr. Rob- ert R. Livingston, then a New York member of Congress, to suggest it in a letter to Wash- ington as a measure of great expediency. Arnold now accosted the latter to know whether any place had been assigned to him. He was told that he was to command the left wing, and Washington added, that they would have further conversation on the subject when he returned to head-quarters. The silence and evident chagrin with which the reply was re- ceived surprised Washington, and he was still more surprised when he subsequently learned that Ai'nold was more desirous of a garrison post than of a command in the field, although a post of honor had been assigned him, and active service was anticipated. Arnold's excuse was that his wounded leg still unfitted him for action either on foot or horseback ; but that at West Point he might render himself useful. The expedition of Sir Henry was delayed by the tardy arrival of transports. In the mean time he heard of the sudden move of Wash- ington, and learned, moreover, that the posi- tion of the French at Newport had been strengthened by the militia from the neighbor- ing country. These tidings disconcerted his plans. He left Admiral Arbuthnot to proceed with his squadron to Newport, blockade the French fleet, and endeavor to intercept the second division supposed to be on its way, while he with his troops hastened back to New York. In consequence of their return Washington again withdrew his forces to the west side of the Hudson ; first establishing a post and throwing up small works at Dobbs' Ferry, about ten miles from King's Bridge, to secure a communication across the river for the trans- portation of troops and ordnance, should the design upon New York be prosecuted. Arnold now received the important com- mand which he had so earnestly coveted. It included the fortress at West Point and the posts from Fishkill to King's Ferry, together with the corps of infantry and cavalry ad- vanced towards the enemy's line on the east side of the river. He was ordered to have the works at the Point completed as expe- ditiously as possible, and to keep all his posts on their guard against surprise ; there being constant apprehensions that the enemy might make a sudden effort to gain possession of the river. Having made these arrangements, Washing- ton recrossed to the west side of the Hudson, and took post at Orangetown or Tappan, on the boi-ders of the Jerseys, and opposite to Dobbs' Ferry, to. be at hand for any attempt upon New York. The execution of this cherished design, how- ^T. 48.] GREENE RESIGNS THE OFFICE OF QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. 523 ever, was again postponed by intelligence that the second division of the French reinforce- ments was blockaded in the harbor of Brest by the British : Washington still had hopes that it might be carried into effect by the aid of the squadron of the Count de Guichen from the West Indies ; or of a fleet from Cadiz. xVt this critical juncture, an embarrassing de- rangement took place in the quartermaster- general's department, of which General Greene was the head. The reorganization of this de- partment had long been in agitation. A sys- tem had been digested by Washington, Schuy- ler, and Greene, adapted, as they thought, to the actual situation of the country, Greene had offered, should it be adopted, to continue in the discharge of the duties of the depart- ment without any extra emolument other than would cover the expenses of his family. Con- gress devised a different scheme. He con- sidered it incapable of execution, and likely to be attended with calamitous and disgraceful results ; he therefore tendered his resignation. Washington endeavored to prevent its being accepted. " Unless effectual measures are taken," said he, " to induce General Greene and the other principal officers of that depart- ment to continue their services, there must of necessity be a total stagnation of military business. We not only nmst cease from the preparations for the campaign, but in all proba- bility, shall be obliged to disperse, if not dis- band the army, for want of subsistence." The tone and manner, however, assumed by General Greene in offering his resignation, and the time chosen when the campaign was opened, the enemy in the field, and the French com- manders waiting for co-operation, were deeply offensive to Congress. His resignation was promptly accepted : there was a talk even of suspending him from his command in the line. Washington interposed his sagacious and considerate counsels to allay this irritation, and prevent the infliction of such an indignity upon an officer, for whom he entertained the highest esteem and friendship. " A procedure of this kind, without a proper trial," said he, ''must touch the feelings of every officer. It wiU show in a conspicuous point of view the un- certain tenure by which they hold their com- missions. In a word, it will exhibit such a specimen of power, that I question much if there is an officer in the whole line that will hold a commission beyond the end of the cam- paign, if he does till then. Such an act in the most despotic government would be attended at least with loud complaints." The counsels of Washington prevailed ; the indignity was not inflicted, and Congress was saved from the error, if not disgrace, of dis- carding from her service one of the ablest and most meritorious of her generals. Colonel Pickering was appointed to succeed Greene as quartermaster-general, but the latter continued for some time, at the request of Washington, to aid in conducting the business of the department. Colonel Pickering acquitted himself in his new office with zeal, talents, and integrity, but there were radical defects in the system which defied all ability and exertion. The commissariat was equally in a state of derangement. " At this very juncture," writes Washington (Aug. 20th), " I am reduced to the painful alternative, either of dismissing a part of the militia now assembling, or of letting them come forward to starve ; which it will be extremely difficult for the troops already in the field to avoid. * * * * Every day's experience proves more and more that the pres- ent mode of supplies is the most uncertain, expensive, and injurious, that could be devised. It is impossible for us to form any calculations of what we are to expect, and consequently, to concert any plans for future execution. No adequate provision of forage having been made, we are now obliged to subsist the horses of the army by force, which, among other evils, often gives rise to civil disputes, and prosecutions, as vexatious as they are burdensome to the pub- lic." In his emergencies he was forced to empty the magazines at West Point ; yet these afforded but temporary relief; scarcity con- tinued to prevail to a distressing degree, and on the 6th of September, he complains that the army has for two or three days been entirely destitute of meat. *' Such injury to the disci- pline of the army," adds he, " and such distress to the inhabitants, result from these frequent events, that my feelings are hurt beyond de- scription at the cries of the one and at seeing the other." The anxiety of Washington at this moment of embarrassment was heightened by the receipt of disastrous intelligence from the South ; the purport of which we shall succinctly relate in another chapter. 524 PROPOSED INVASION OF NORTH CAROLINA— THOMAS SUMTER. [1780. CHAPTER Yin. Lord Coenwallis, -when left in military command at the South by Sir Henry Clinton, was charged, it will be recollected, with the invasion of North Carolina. It was an en- terprise in which much difficulty was to be apprehended, both from the character of the people and the country. The original settlers were from various parts, most of them men who had experienced political or religious op- pression, and had brought with them a quick sensibility to wrong, a stern appreciation of their rights, and an indomitable spirit of free- dom and independence. In the heart of the State was a hardy Presbyterian stock, the Scotch Irish, as they were called, having emi- grated from Scotland to Ireland, and thence to America ; and who were said to possess the impulsiveness of the Irishman, with the dogged resolution of the Covenanter. The early history of the colony abounds with instances of this spirit among its people. " They always behaved insolently to their gov- ernors," complains Governor Barriugton in 1731 ; " some they have driven out of the country — at other times they set up a govern- ment of their own choice, supported by men under arms. It was in fact the spirit of popu- lar liberty and self-government which stirred within them, and gave birth to the glorious axiom: "the rights of the many against the exactions of the few." So ripe was this spirit at an early day, that when the boundary line was run, in 1V27, between North Carolina and Virginia, the borderers were eager to be in- cluded within the former province, " as there they payed no tribute to God or Ca3sar." It was this spirit which gave rise to the con- federacy, called the Regulation, formed to with- stand the abuses of power ; and the first blood shed in our country, in resistance to arbitrary taxation, was at Almance in this province, in a conflict between the regulators and Governor Tryon. Above all, it should never be for- gotten, that at Mecklenburg, in the heart of North Carolina, was fulminated the first dec- laration of independence of the British crown, upwards of a year before a like declaration by Congress, A population so characterized presented formidable diflficulties to the invader. . The physical difficulties arising from the nature of the country consisted in its mountain fast- nesses in the north-western part, its vast for- ests, its sterile tracts, its long rivers, destitute of bridges, and which, though fordable in fair weather, were liable to be swollen by sudden storms and freshets, and rendered deep, turbu- lent, and impassable. These rivers, in fact, which rushed down from the mountain, but wound sluggishly through the plains, were the military strength of the country, as we shall have frequent occasion to show in the course of our narrative. Lord Cornwallis forbore to attempt the in- vasion of North Carolina until the summer heats should be over and the harvests gathered in. In the meantime he disposed of his troops in cantonments, to cover the frontiers of South Carolina and Georgia, and maintain their in- ternal quiet. The command of the frontiers was given by him to Lord Rawdon, who made Camden his principal post. This town, the capital of Kershaw District, a fertile, fruitful country, was situated on the east bank of the Wateree River, on the road leading to North Carolina. It was to be the grand military depot for the projected campaign. Having made these dispositions, Lord Corn- wallis set up his head-quarters at Charleston, where he occupied himself in regulating the civil and commercial affairs of the province, in organizing the militia of the lower districts, and in forwarding provisions and munitions of war to Camden. The proclamation of Sir Henry Clinton, put- ting an end to all neutrality, and the rigorous penalties and persecutions with which all in- fractions of its terms were punished, had for a time quelled the spirit of the country. By degrees, however, the dread of British power gave way to impatience of British exactions. Symptoms of revolt manifested themselves in various parts. They were encouraged by in- telligence that De Kalb, sent by "Washington, was advancing through North Carolina, at the head of two thousand men, and that the militia of that State and of Virginia were joining his standard. This was soon followed by tidings that Gates, the conqueror of Burgoyne, was on his way to take command of the Southern forces. The prospect of such aid from the North re- animated the Southern patriots. One of the most eminent of these was Thomas Sumter, whom the Carolinians had surnamed the Game Cock, He was between forty and fifty years of age, brave, hardy, vigorous, resolute. He Mt. 4S.] SLOW ADVANCE OF DE KALE— GATES TAKES COMMAND. 525 had served against the Indians in his boyhood, during the old French war, and had been pres- ent at tl\e defeat of Braddock. In the present Avar he had held the rank of lieutenant-colonel of riflemen in the Continental line. After the fall of Charleston, when patriots took refuge in contiguous States, or in the natural fastnesses of the country, he had retired with his family into one of the latter. The lower part of South Carolina for up- wards of a hundred miles back from the sea is a level country, abounding with swamps, locked up in the windings of the rivers which flow down from the Appalachian Mountains. Some of these swamps are mere canebrakes, of little use until subdued by cultivation, when they yield abundant crops of rice. Others are cov- ered with forests of cypress, cedar, and laurel, green all the year and odoriferous, but tangled with vines and almost impenetrable. In their bosoms, however, are fine savannahs ; natural lawns, open to cultivation, and yielding abun- dant pasturage. It requires local knowledge, however, to penetrate these wildernesses, and hence they form strongholds to the people of the country. In one of these natural fastnesses on the borders of the Santee, Sumter had taken up his residence, and hence he woidd sally forth in various directions. During a temporary ab- sence his retreat had been invaded, his house burnt to the ground, his wife and children driven forth without shelter. Private injury had thus been added to the incentives of pa- triotism. Emerging from his hiding-place, he had thrown himself among a handful of fellow- suflferers who had taken refuge in North Caro- lina. They chose him at once as a leader, and resolved on a desperate struggle for the deliver- ance of their native State. Destitute of regu- lar weapons, they forged rude substitutes out of the implements of husbandry. Old mill- saws were converted into broad-swords ; knives at the ends of poles served for lances ; while the country housewives gladly gave up their pewter dishes and other utensils, to be melted down and cast into bullets for such as had fire- arms. When Sumter led this gallant band of exiles over the border, they did not amount in num- ber to two hundred ; yet, with these, he at- tacked and routed a well-armed body of British troops and tories, the terror of the frontier. His followers supplied themselves with wea- pons from the slain. In a little while his band was augmented by recruits. Parties of militia, also, recently embodied under the compelling measures of Cornwallis, deserted to the patriot standard. Thus reinforced to the amount of six hundred men, he made, on the 30th of July, a spirited attack on the British post at Eocky Mount, near the Catawba, but was repulsed. A more successful attack was made by him, eight days afterwards, on another post at Hang- ing Rock. The Prince of Wales regiment which defended it was nearly anniliilated, and a large body of North Carolina loyalists, under Colonel Brian, was routed and dispersed. The gallant exploits of Sumter were emulated in other parts of the country, and the partisan war thus commenced was carried on with an audacity that soon obliged the enemy to call in their outposts, and collect their troops in large masses. The advance of De Kalb with reinforcements from the North, had been retarded by various difficulties, the most important of which was want of provisions. This had been especially the case, he said, since his arrival in North Carolina. The legislative or executive power, he complained, gave him no assistance, nor could he obtain supplies from the people but by military force. There was no flour in the camp, nor were dispositions made to furnish any. His troops were reduced for a time to short allowance, and at length, on the 6th of July, brought to a positive halt at Deep River.* The North Carolina militia, under General Cas- well, were already in the field, on the road to Camden, beyond the Pedee River. He was anxious to form a junction with them, and with some Virginia troops, under Colonel Por- terfield, reliques of the defenders of Charles- ton ; but a wide and sterile region lay between him and them, diflacult to be traversed, unless magazines were established in advance, or he were suppUed with provisions to take with him. Thus circumstanced, he wrote to Con- gress and to the State Legislature, representing his situation, and entreating relief. For three weeks he remained in this encampment, forag- ing an exhausted country for a meagre sub- sistence, and was thinking of deviating to the right, and seeking the fertile counties of Meck- lenburg and Rowan, when, on the 25th of July, General Gates arrived at the camp. The baron greeted him with a Continental salute from his little park of artillery, and re- ceived him with the ceremony and deference * A brancli of Cape Fear River. The aboriginal name Sapporah. 526 DESOLATE MARCH— GATES CROSSES THE PEDEE. [1780. due to a superior officer who was to take the command. There was a contest of politeness between the two generals. Gates approved of De Kalb's standing orders, but at the first re- view of the troops, to the great astonishment of the baron, gave orders for them to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment'' s warning. It was evident he meant to signalize himself by celerity of movement in contrast with protracted delays. It was in vain the destitute situation of the troops was represented to him, and that they had not a day's provision in advance. His reply was, that waggons laden with supplies were com- ing on, and would overtake them in two days. On the 27th, he actually put the army in motion over the Buffalo Ford, on the direct road to Camden. Colonel Williams, the ad- jutant-general of De Kalb, warned him of the sterile nature of that route, and recommended a more circuitous one further north, which the baron had intended to take, and which passed through the abundant county of Mecklenburg. Gates jjersisted in taking the direct route, ob- serving that he should the sooner form a junc- tion with Caswell and the North Carolina militia ; and as to the sterility of the country, his supplies would soon overtake him. The route proved all that had been repre- sented. It led through a region of pine bar- rens, sand hills, and swamps, with few human habitations, and those mostly deserted. The supplies of which he had spoken never over- took him. His army had to subsist itself on lean cattle, roaming almost wild in the woods ; and to supply the want of bread with green Indian corn, unripe apples, and peaches. The consequence was, a distressing prevalence of dysentery. Having crossed the Pedec Eiver on the 3d of August, the army was joined by a handful of brave Virginia regulars, under Lieutenant- Colonel Porterfield, who had been wandering about the country since the disaster of Charles- ton ; and, on the 6th, the much-desired junc- tion took place with the North Carolina miUtia. On the 13th they encamped at Bugeley's Mills, otherwise called Clermont, about twelve miles from Camden, and on the following day were reinforced by a brigade of seven hundred Vir- ginia militia, under General Stevens. On the approach of Gates, Lord Rawdon had concentrated his forces at Camden. The post was flanked by the "Wateree River and Pine- tree Creek, and strengthened with redoubts. Lord Cornwallis had hastened hither from Charleston on learning that affairs in this quarter were drawing to a crisis, and had ar- rived here on the 13th. The British effective force thus collected was something more than two thousand, including oflicers. About five hundred were militia and tory refugees from North Carolina. The forces under Gates, according to the re- turn of his adjutant-general, were three thou- sand and fifty-two fit for duty ; more than two-thirds of them, however, were militia. On the 14th, he received an express from General Sumter, who, with his partisan corps, after harassing the enemy at various points, was now endeavoring to cut off their supplies from Charleston. The object of the express was to ask a reinforcement of regulars to aid him in capturing a large convoy of clothing, ammunition, and stores, on its way to the gar- rison, and which would pass Wateree Ferry, about a mile from Camden. Gates accordingly detached Colonel "Wood- ford of the Maryland line, with one hundred regulars, a party of artillery, and two brass field-pieces. On the same evening he moved with his main force to take post at a deep stream about seven miles from Camden, in- tending to attack Lord Rawdon or his redoubts should he march out in force to repel Sumter. It seems hardly credible that Gates should have been so remiss in collecting information concerning the movements of his enemy as to be utterly unaware that Lord Cornwallis had arrived at Camden. Such, however, we are assured by his adjutant-general, was the fact."" By a singular coincidence. Lord Cornwallis on the very same evening sallied forth from Cam- den to attack the American camp at Clermont. About two o'clock at night, the two forces blundered, as it were, on each other about half way. A skirmish took place . between their advanced guards, in Avhich Porterfield of the Virginia regulars was mortally wounded. Some prisoners were taken on either side. From these the respective commanders learnt the nature of the forces each had stumbled upon. Both halted, formed their troops for action, but deferred further hostilities until daylight. Gates was astounded at being told that the enemy at hand was Cornwallis with three thou- sand men. Calling a council of war, he de- manded what was best to be done. For a mo- * >r:irrative of Adjutant-General 'Williams. Mt. 48.] BATTLE OF CAMDEN— DEATH OF DE KALB. 527 ment or two there was blank silence. It was broken by General Stevens of the Virginia mi- litia, w^itb the significant question, "Gentle- men, is it not too late now to do any thing but fight ? " No other advice was asked or offered, and all were required to repair to their respec- tive commands,* though General de Kalb, we are told, was of opinion that they should re- gain their position at Clermont, and there await an attack. In forming the line, the first Maryland di- vision, including the Delawares, was on the right, commanded by de Zalb. The Virginia militia under Stevens, were on the left. Cas- well with the North Carolinians formed the centre. The artillery was in battery on the road. Each flank was covered by a marsh. The second Maryland brigade formed a reserve, a few hundred yards in rear of the first. At daybreak (Aug. 16th), the enemy were dimly descried advancing in column ; they ap- peared to be displaying to the right. The dep- uty adjutant-general ordered the artillery to open a fire upon them, and then rode to Gen- eral Gates, who was in the rear of the line, to inform him of the cause of the firing. Gates ordered that Stevens should advance briskly with his brigade of Virginia militia and attack them while in the act of displaying. No sooner did Stevens receive the order than he put his brigade in motion, but discovered that the right wing of the enemy was already in line. A few sharp shooters were detached to run forward, post themselves behind trees within forty or fifty yards of the enemy to extort their fire while at a distance, and render it less terrible to the militia. The expedient failed. The British rushed on shouting and firing, Ste- vens called to his men to stand firm, and put them in mind of their bayonets. Eis words were unheeded. The inexperienced militia, dis- mayed and confounded by this impetuous as- sault, threw down their loaded muskets and fled. The panic spread to the North Carolina militia. Part of them made a temporary stand, but soon joined with the rest in flight, rendered headlong and disastrous by the charge and pur- suit of Tarleton and his cavalry. Gates, seconded by his officers, made several attempts to rally the militia, but was borne along with them. The day was hazy; there was no wind to carry off the smoke, which hung over the field of battle hke a thick cloud. Nothing could be seen distinctly. Supposing that the regular troops were dispersed like the militia, Gates gave all up for lost, and retreated from the field. The regulars, however, had not given way. The Maryland brigades and the Delaware regi- ment, unconscious that they Avere deserted by the militia, stood their ground, and bore the brunt of the battle. Though repeatedly broken, they as often rallied, and bra^eed even the deadly push of the bayonet. At length a charge of Tarleton's cavalry on their flank threw them into confusion, and drove them into the wooA and swamps. None showed more gallantry on this disastrous day than the Baron de Kalb ; he fought on foot with the second Maryland brigade, and fell exhausted after receiving eleven wounds. Ilis aide-de- camp, De Buysson, supported him in his arms and was repeatedly wounded in protecting him. He announced the rank and nation of his gen- eral, and both were taken prisoners. De Kalb died in the course of a few days, dictating in his last moments a letter expressing his aflTection for the officers and men of his division who had so nobly stood by him in this deadly strife. If the militia fled too soon in this battle, said the adjutant-general, the regulars remained too long ; fighting when there was no hope of vic- tory.* General Gates in retreating had hoped to rally a sufficient force at Clermont to cover the retreat of the regulars, but the further they fled, the more the militia were dispersed, until the generals were abandoned by all but their aids. To add to the mortification of Gates, he learned in the course of his retreat that Sumter had been completely successful, and having re- duced the enemy's redoubt on the TVateree, and captured one hundred prisoners and forty loaded waggons, was mai'ching off with his booty on the opposite side of the river ; appre- hending danger from the quarter in which he had heard firing in the morning. Gates had no longer any means of co-operating with him ; he sent orders to him, therefore, to retire in the best manner he could ; while he himself proceeded with General Caswell towards the village of Charlotte, about sixty miles distant. Cornwallis was apprehensive that Sumter's corps might form a rallying point to the routed army. On the morning of the 17th of August, therefore, he detached Tarleton in pursuit with * Williams' Narrative. * Williams' Narrative. 528 SUMTER SURPRISED BY TARLETON AT THE WAXHAWS. [1780. a body of cavalry and light infantry, about three hundred and fifty strong. Sumter was retreating up the western side of the "Wateree, much encumbered by his spoils and prison- ers. Tarleton pushed up by forced and con- cealed marches on the eastern side. Horses and men suffered from the intense heat of the weather. At dusk Tarleton descried the fires of the American camp about a mile from the opposite shore. He gave orders to secure all boats on the river, and to light no fire in the camp. In the morning his sentries gave word that the Americans were quitting their en- campment. It was evident t\my knew noth- ing of a British force being in pursuit of them. Tarleton now crossed the Wateree ; the infantry with a three-pounder passed in boats ; the cavalry swam their horses where the river was not fordable. The delay in crossing, and the diligence of Sumter's march, increased the distance between the pursuers and the pursued. About noon a part of Tarleton's force gave out through heat and fatigue. Leaving them to repose on the bank of Fishing Creek, he pushed on with about one hundred dragoons, the fresh- est and most able ; still marching with great circumspection. As he entered a valley, a dis- cliarge of small-arms from a thicket tumbled a dragoon from his saddle. His comrades gal- loped up to the place, and found two American videttes, whom they sabred before Tarleton could interpose. A sergeant and five dragoons rode up to the summit of a neighboring hill to recon- noitre. Crouching on their horses they made signs to Tarleton. He cautiously approached the crest of the hill and looking over beheld the American camp on a neighboring height and apparently in a most negligent condition. Sumter, in fact, having pressed his retreat to the neighborhood of the Catawba Ford, and taken a strong position at the mouth, of Fishing Creek, and his patrols having scoured the road without having discovered any signs of an en- emy, considered himself secure from surprise. The two shots fired by his videttes had been heard, but were supposed to have been made by militia shooting cattle. The troops having for the last four days been almost without food or sleep, were now indulged in complete relax- ation. Their arms were stacked, and they were scattered about, some strolling, some lying on the grass under the trees, some bath- ing in the river. Sumter himself had thrown off part of his clothes on account of the heat of the weather. Having well reconnoitred this negligent camp, indulging in summer supineness and sultry repose, Tarleton prepared for instant attack. His cavalry and infantry formed into one line dashed forward with a general shout, and, be- fore the Americans could recover from their surprise, got between them and the parade ground on which the muskets were stacked. All was confusion and consternation in the American camp. Some opposition was made from behind baggage waggons, and there was skirmishing in various quarters, but in a little while there was a universal flight to the river and the woods. Between three and four hun- dred were killed and wounded ; all their arms and baggage with two brass field-pieces fell into the hands of the enemy, who also recap- tured the prisoners and booty taken at Camden. Sumter with about three hundred and fifty of his men effected a retreat ; he galloped off, it is said, without saddle, hat, or coat. Gates, on reaching the village of Charlotte, had been joined by some fugitives from his army. He continued on to Hillsborough, one hundred and eighty miles from Camden, where he made a stand and endeavored to rally his scattered forces. His regular troops, however, were little more than one thousand. As to the militia of North and South Carolina, they had dispersed to their respective homes, depending upon the patriotism and charity of the farmers along the road for food and shelter. It was not until the beginning of September that Washington received word of the disas- trous reverse at Camden. The shock was the greater, as pre^vious rej)orts from that quarter had represented the operations a few days pre- ceding the action as much in our favor. It was evident to Washington that the course of war must ultimately tend to the Southern States, yet the situation of affairs in the North did not permit him to detach any suflacient force for their relief. All that he could do for the present was to endeavor to hold the enemy in check in that quarter. For this purpose, he gave orders that some regular troops, en- listed in Maryland for the war, and intended for the main army, should be sent to the south- ward. He wrote to Governor Rutledge of South Carolina (12th September), to raise a permanent, compact, well-organized body of troops, instead of depending upon a numerous • army of militia, always " inconceivably expen- sive, and too fluctuating and undisciplined " to oppose a regular force. He was stUl more ur- ^T. 48.] WASHINGTON'S OPINION OF MILITIA— HIS LETTER TO GATES. 529 gent and explicit on this head in his letters to the President of Congress (Sept. 15th). " lieg- ular troops alone," said he, " are equal to the exigencies of modern war, as well for defence as offence; and whenever a snhstitute is at- tempted, it must prove illusory and ruinous, Iv'o militia will ever acquire the habits neces- sary to resist a regular force. The firmness requisite for the real business of fighting is only to be attained by a constant course of disci- pline and service. I have never yet been wit- ness to a single instance, that can justify a dif- ferent opinion ; and it is most earnestly to be wished, that the liberties of America may no longer be trusted, in any material degree, to so precarious a dependence. * * * * In nay ideas of the true system of war at the south- ward, the object ought to be to have a good army, ratber than a large one. Every exertion should be made by North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, to raise a permanent force of six thousand men, exclusive of horse and artillery. These, with the occasional aid of the militia in the vicinity of the scene of ac- tion, will not only suffice to prevent the further progress of the enemy, but, if properly supplied, to oblige them to compact their force and re- linquish a part of what they now hold. To expel them from the country entirely is what we cannot aim at, till we derive more ctFectual support from abroad; and by attempting too much, instead of going forward, we shall go backward. Could such a force be once set on foot, it would immediately make an inconceiv- able change in the face of aifairs not only in the opposition to the enemy, but in expense, consumption of provisions, and Avaste of arms and stores. No magazines can be equal to the demands of an army of militia, and none need economy more than ours." He had scarce written the foregoing, when he received a letter from the now vmfortunate Gates, dated at Hillsborough, Aug. 30th and Sept. 3d, .giving particulars of his discomfiture. No longer vaunting and vainglorious, he pleads nothing but his patriotism, and deprecates the fall which he apprehends awaits him. The ap- peal which he makes to "Washington's magna- nimity to support him in this day of his re- verse, is the highest testimonial he could give to the exalted character of the man whom he once affected to underrate, and aspired to sup- plant. "Anxious for the public good," said he, "I shall continue my unwearied endeavors to stop 34 the progress of the enemy, reinstate our affairs, recommence an offensive war, and recover all our losses in the Southern States. But if being unfortunate is solely a reason sufficient for re- moving me from command, I shall most cheer- fully submit to the orders of Congress, and re- sign an office which few generals would be anxious to possess, and where the utmost skill and fortitude are subject to be baffled by diffi- culties, which must for a time surround the chief in command here. That your Excellency may meet with no such difficulties, that your road to fame and fortune may be smooth and easy, is the sincere wish of your most humble servant." Again : " If I can yet render good service to the United States, it will be necessary it should be seen that I have the support of Congress, and of your Excellency ; otherv.'ise, some men may think they please my superiors by blaming rae, and thus recommend themselves to favor. But you, sir, wiU be too generous to lend an ear to such men, if such there be, and will show your greatness of soul rather by protect- ing than slighting the unfortunate." "Washington in his reply, while he acknowl- edged the shock and surprise caused by the first account of the unexpected event, did credit to the behavior of the Continental troops. " The accounts," added he, " which the enemy give of the action, show that their victory was dearly bought. Under present circumstances, the system which you are pursuing seems to be extremely proper. It would add no good purpose to take a position near the enemy while you are so far inferior in force. If they can be kept in check by the light irregular troops under Colonel Sumter and other active officers, they will gain nothing by the time which must be necessarily spent by you in col- lecting and arranging the new army, forming magazines, and replacing the stores which were lost in the action." "Washington still cherished the idea of a com- bined attack upon New York as soon as a French naval force should arrive. The de- struction of the enemy here would relieve this part of the Union from an internal war, and enable its troops and resources to be united with those of France in vigorous efforts against the common enemy elsewhere. Hearing, there- fore, that the Count de Guichen, with his "West India squadron, was approaching the coast, "Washington prepared to proceed to Hartford in Connecticut, there to hold a conference with the Count de Eochambeau and the Chevalier 530 TRAITOROUS SCHEMES OF ARNOLD. [1780. de Ternay, and concert a plan for future opera- tions, of which the attack on New York was to form the principal feature. CHAPTER IX. "We have now to enter upon a sad episode of our revolutionary history — the treason of Ar- nold. Of the military skill, daring enterprise, and indomitable courage of this man — ample evidence has been given in the foregoing pages. Of the implicit confidence reporfed in his patri- otism by Washington, sufficient proof is mani- fested in the command with which he was act- ually intrusted. But Arnold was false at heart, and, at the very time of seeking that command, had been for many months in trai- torous correspondence with the enemy. The first idea of proving recreant to the cause he had vindicated so bravely, appears to have entered his mind wlien the charges pre- ferred against liim by the council of Pennsyl- vania were referred by Congress to a court- martial. Befoi'e that time he had been in- censed against Pennsylvania ; but now his wrath was excited against his country, which appeared so insensible to his services. Disap- pointment in regard to the settlement of Ids accounts, added to his irritation, and mingled sordid motives with his resentment ; and he began to think how, while he wreaked his vengeance on his country, he might do it with advantage to his fortunes. With this view he commenced a correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton in a disguised handwriting, and, under the signature of Gustavus^ representing himself as a person of importance in the American ser- vice, who, being dissatisfied with the late pro- ceedings of Congress, particularly the alliance with France, was desirous of joining the. cause of Great Britain, could he be certain of per- sonal security, and indemnification for what- ever loss of property he might sustain. His letters occasionally communicated articles of intelligence of some moment which proved to be true, and induced Sir Henry to keep up the correspondence; which was conducted on his part by his aide-de-camp. Major John Andre, likewise in a disguised hand, and under the signature of John Anderson. Months elapsed before Sir Henry discovered who was his secret correspondent. Even after discovering it he did not see fit to hold out any very strong inducements to Arnold for deser- tiac. The latter was out of command, and had nothing to offer but his services ; which in his actual situation were scarcely worth buying. In the mean time the circumstances of Ar- nold were daily becoming more desperate. Debts were accumulating, and creditors becom- ing more and more importunate, as his means to satisfy them decreased. The public repri- mand he had received was rankling in his mind, and filling his heart with bitterness. Still he hesitated on the brink of absolute in- famy, and attempted a half-way leap. Such was his proposition to M. de Luzerne to make himself subservient to the policy of the French government, on condition of receiving a loan equal to the amount of his debts. This he might have reconciled to his conscience by the idea that France was an ally, and its policy likely to be friendly. It was his last card be- fore resorting to utter treachery. Failing in it, his desperate alternative was to get some im- portant command, the btitrayal of which to the enemy might obtain for him a munificent re- ward. He may possibly have had such an idea in his mind some time previously, when he sought the command of a naval and military expedi- tion, which failed to be carried into effect ; but such certainly was the secret of his eagerness to obtain the command of West Point, the great object of British and American solicitude, on the possession of which were supposed by many to hinge the fortunes of the war. lie took command of tlie post and its de- pendencies about the beginning of August, fix- ing his head-quarters at Beverley, a country- seat a little below West Point, on the opposite or eastern side of the river. It stood in a lonely part of the Highlands, high up from the river, yet at the foot of a mountain covered with woods. It was commonly called the Robinson House, having formerly belonged to Washing- ton's early friend. Colonel Beverley Robinson, who had obtained a large part of the Phillipse estate in this neighborhood, by marrying one of the heiresses. Colonel Robinson was a roy- alist ; had entered into tlie British service, and was now residing in New York, and Beverley with its surrounding lands had been confis- cated. From this place Arnold carried on a secret correspondence with Major Andr6. Their let- ters, still in disguised hands, and under the names of Gustavus and John Anderson, pur- ^T. 48.] MAJOR ANDRE. 531 ported to treat merely of commercial opera- tions, but the real matter in negotiation was the betrayal of West Point and the Highlands to Sir Henry Clinton. This stupendous piece of treachery was to be consummated at the time when "Washington, with, the main body of his army, would be drawn down towards King's Bridge, and the French troops landed on Long Island, in the projected co-operation against New York, At such time, a tiotilla under Eodney, having on board a large land force, was to ascend the Hudson to the High- lands, whicb would be surrendered by Arnold almost without opposition, under pretext of in- sufficient force to make resistance. The im- mediate result of this surrender, it was Antici- pated, would be the defeat of the combined at- tempt upon New Yoi-k ; and its ultimate effect might be the dismemberment of the Union, and the dislocation of the whole American scheme of warfare. We have before had occasion to mention Major Andre, but the part which he took in this dark transaction, and tlie degree of roman- tic interest subsequently thrown around his memory, call for a more specific notice of hii«. He was born in London 1751, but his parents were of Geneva in Switzerland, where he was educated. Being intended for mercantile life, he entered a London counting-house, but had scarce attained his eighteenth year when he formed a romantic attachment to a beautiful gir]. Miss Honora Sneyd, by whom his passion was returned, and they became engaged. This sadly unfitted him for the sober routine of the counting-house. " All my mercantile calcula- tions," writes he in one of his boyish letters, " go to the tune of dear Honora." The father of the young lady interfered, and the premature match was broken ofl". Andre abandoned the counting-house and entered the army. His first commission was dated March 4, 1771 ; but he subsequently visited Germany, and returned to England in 1773, still haunted by his early passion. His lady love, in the mean time, had been wooed by other admirers, and in the present year became the second wife of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, a young widower of twenty-six.* Andre came to America in 177-4, as lieuten- ant of the Eoyal English Fusileers; and was among the officers captured at Saint Johns, early in the war, by Montgomery. He still * Father, by his first marriage, of the celebrated Maria Edgeworth.; bore about with him a memento of his boyish passion, the " dear talisman," as he called it, a miniature of Miss Sneyd painted by himself in 1769. In a letter to a friend, soon after his capture, he writes, " I have been taken prisoner by the Americans, and stripped of every thing except the picture of Honora which I conceal- ed in my moiith. Preserving that, I yet think myself fortunate." His temper, however, appears to have been naturally light and festive; and if he still cherished this " tender remembrance," it was but as one of those documents of early poetry and romance, which serve to keep the heart warm and tender among the gay and cold reali- ties of fife. What served to favor the idea was a little song which he had composed Avhen in Philadelphia, commencing with the lines. Return enraptured hours When Delia's heart was mine ; and which was supposed to breathe the remem- brance of his early and ill-requited passion.* His varied and graceful talents, and his en- gaging manners, rendered him generally popu- lar; while his devoted and somewhat subser- vient loyalty recommended him to the favor of his commander, and obtained him, without any distinguished military services, the appointment of adjutant-genei-al with the rank of major. He was a prime promoter of elegant amuse- ment in camp and garrison ; manager, actor, and scene painter in those amateur theatricals in which the British officers delighted. He was one of the principal devisers of the Mischi- anza in Philadelphia, in which semi-etFeminate pageant he had figured as one of the knights champions of beauty ; Miss Shippen, afterwards Mrs. Arnold, being the lady whose peerless charms he undertook to vindicate. He held, moreover, a facile, and at times, satirical pen, and occasionally amused himself with carica- turing in rhyme the appearance and exploits of the " rebel officers." Andre had already employed that pen in a furtive manner, after the evacuation of Phila- delphia by the British ; having carried on a correspondence with the leaders of a body of loyalists near the waters of the Chesapeake, who were conspiring to restore the royal gov- ernment.! In the present instance he had en- gaged, nothing loth, in a service of intrigue and manoeuvre which, however sanctioned by mili- tary usage, should hardly have invited the zeal * Composed at the request of Miss Rebecca Redman, t Simcoe's Military Journal, pp. 163, 154. 533 ARNOLD'S NEGOTIATIONS WITH ANDRfi. [1780. of a high-minded man. "We say manoeuvre, because he appears to have availed himself of his former intimacy with Mrs. Arnold, to make her an unconscious means of facilitating a cor- respondence with her husband. Some have inculpated her in the guilt of the transaction, hut we think unjustly. It has been alleged that a correspondence had been going on be- tween her and Andre previous to her marriage, and was kept up after it ; but as far as we can learn, only one letter passed between them, written by Andr6 in August 16th, 1779, in which he sohcits her remembrance, assures her that respect for her and the fair circle in which he had become acquainted with her, remains unimpaired by distance or political broils, re- minds her that the Mischianza had made him a complete milliner, and offers her his services to furnish her with supplies in that department. " I shall be glad," adds he sportively, " to enter into the whole detail of cap wire, needles, gauze, &c., and to the best of my abilities ren- der you, in these trifles, services from which I hope you would infer a zeal to be further em- ployed." The apparent object of this letter was to open a convenient medium of communi- cation, which Arnold might use without excit- ing her suspicion. Various circumstances connected with this nefarious negotiation, argue lightness of mind and something of debasing alloy on the part of Andr6. The correspondence carried on for months in the jargon of traffic, savored less of the camp than the counting-house ; the pro- tracted tampering with a brave but necessitous man for the sacrifice of his fame and the be- trayal of his trust, strikes us as being beneath the range of a truly chivalrous nature. Correspondence had now done its part in the business ; for the completion of the plan and tlie adjustment of the traitor's recompense, a personal meeting was necessary between Arnold and Andre. The former proposed that it should take place at his own quarters at the Eobinson House, where Andr6 should come in disguise, as a bearer of intelligence, and under the feign- ed name of John Anderson. Andre positively objected to entering the American lines ; it was arranged, therefore, that the meeting should take place on neutral ground, near the Ameri- can outposts, at Dobbs' Ferry, on the 11th of September, at twelve o'clock. Andr6 attended at the appointed place and time, accompanied by Colonel Beverley Robinson, who was ac- quainted with the plot. An application of the latter for the restoration of his confiscated property in the Highlands, seemed to have been used as a blind in these proceedings. Arnold had passed the preceding night at what was called the White House, the residence of Mr. Joshua Hett Smith, situated on the west side of the Hudson in Haverstraw Bay, about two miles" below Stony Point. He set off thence in his barge for the place of rendez- vous ; but, not being protected by a flag, was fired upon and pursued by the British guard- boats stationed near Dobbs' Ferry, He took refuge at an American post on the western shore, whence he re'turned in the night to his quarters in the Robinson House. Lest his ex- pedition should occasion some surmise, he pretended, in a note to Washington, that he had been down the Hudson to arrange signals in case of any movement of the enemy upon the river. New arrangements were made for an inter- view, but it was postponed until Washington should depart for Hartford to hold the proposed conference with Count Rochambeau and the other French officers. In the mean time, the British sloop-of-war, Vulture, anchored a few miles below Teller's Point, to be at hand in aid of the negotiation. On board was Colonel Robinson, who, pretending to believe that General Putnam still commanded in the High- lands, addressed a note to him requesting an interview on the subject of his confiscated property. This letter he sent by a flag, enclos- ed in one addressed to Arnold ; soliciting of him the same boon should General Putnam be absent. On the 18th Sept., Washington with his suite crossed the Hudson to Verplanck's Point, in Arnold's barge, on his way to Hartford. Ar- nold accompanied him as far as Peekskill, and on the way, laid before him with affected frank- ness, the letter of Colonel Robinson, and asked his advice. Washington disapproved of any such interview, observing, tliat the civil authori- ties alone had cognizance of these questions of confiscated property. Arnold now openly sent a flag on board of the Vultm-e, as if bearing a reply to the letter he had communicated to the commander-in- chief. By this occasion he informed Colonel Robinson, that a person with a boat and flag would be alongside of the Vulture, on the night of the 20th ; and that any matter he might wish to communicate, would be laid be- fore General Washini2;ton on the following Sat- Mr. 48.] MIDNIGHT CONFERENCE ON THE BANKS OF THE HUDSON. 533 urday, when he might be expected back from Newport. J On the faith of the information thus covertly conveyed, Andre proceeded up the Hudson on the 20th, and went on board of the Vulture, where he found Colonel Robinson, and expect- ed to meet Arnold. The latter, however, had made other arrangements, probably with a view to his personal security. About half-past eleven, of a still and starlight night (the 21st), a boat was descried from on board, glidiug si- lently along, rowed by two men with muffled oars. She was hailed by an officer on watch, and called to account. A rtian, seated in the stern, gave out that they were from King's Ferry, bound to Dobbs' Ferry. He was order- ed alongside, and soon made his way on board. He proved to be Mr. Joshua Hett Smith, already mentioned, whom Arnold had prevailed upon to go on board of the Vulture, and bring a person on shore who was coming from New York with important intelligence. He had given him passes to protect him and those with him, in case he should be stopped, either in going or returning, by the American water guard, which patrolled the river in whale-boats. He had made him the bearer of a letter addressed to Colonel Beverley Robinson, which was to the following purport : " This will be delivered to you by Mr. Smith, Avho will conduct you to a place of safety. Neither Mr. Smith nor any other persons shall be made acquainted with your proposals; if they (which I doubt not) are of such a nature, that I can officially take notice of them, I shall do it with pleasure; I take it for granted Colonel Robinson will not propose any thing, that is not for the interest of the United States as well as of himself." All this use of Colonel Robinson's name was in- tended as a blind, should the letter be inter- cepted. Robinson introduced Andr6 to Smith by the name of John Anderson, who was to go on shore in his place (lie being unwell), to have an interview with General Arnold. Andre wore a blue great coat which covered his uniform, and Smith always declared that at the time he was totally ignorant of his name and military character. Robinson considered this whole nocturnal proceeding full of peril, and would have dissuaded Andre, but the latter was zeal- ous in executing his mission, and, embarking in the boat with Smith, was silently rowed to the western side of the river, about six miles below Stony Point. Here they landed a little after midnight, at the foot of a shadowy mountain called the Long Clove ; a solitary place, the haunt of the owl and the whippoorwill, and well fitted for a treasonable conference. Arnold was in waiting, but standing aloof among the thickets. He had come hither on horseback from Smith's house, about three or four miles distant, attended by one of Smith's servants, likewise mounted. The midnight ne- gotiation between Andre and Arnold was car- ried on in darkness among the trees. Smith remained in the boat, and the servant drew off to a distance with the horses. One hour after another passed away, when Smith ap- proached the place of conference, and gave warn- ing that it was near daybreak, and if they lin- gered much longer the boat would be discovered. The nefarious bargain was not yet complet- ed, and Arnold feared the sight of a boat going to the Vulture might cause suspicion. He prevailed, therefore, upon Andr6 to remain on shore until the following night. The boat was accordingly sent to a creek higher up the river, and Andre, mounting the servant's horse, set off with Arnold for Smith's house. The road passed through the village of Haverstraw. As they rode along in the dark, the voice of a sentinel demanding the countersign startled Andre with the fearful conviction that he was within the American lines, but it was too late to recede. It was daybreak when they arrived at Smith's house. They had scarcely entered when the boom- ing of cannon was heard from down the river. It gave Andre uneasiness, and with reason. Colonel Livingston, who commanded above at Verplanck's Point, learning that the Vulture lay within shot of Teller's Point, which divides Haverstraw Bay from the Tappan Sea, had sent a party with cannon to that point in the night, and they were now firing upon the sloop of war. Andrd watched the cannonade with an anxious eye from an upper window in Smith's house. At one time he thought the Vulture was on fire. He was relieved from painful solicitude when he saw the vessel weigh anchor and drop down the river out of reach of cannon shot. After breakfast, the plot for the betrayal of "West Point and its dependent -posts was adjust- ed, and the sum agreed upon that Arnold was to receive, should it be successful. Andre was furnished with plans of the works, and explan- atory papers, which, at Arnold's request, he placed between his stockings and his feet ; 534 THE BARGAIN COMPLETED— THE NEUTRAL GROUND. [1780. promising, ia case of accident, to destroy them. All matters being thus arranged, Arnold pre- pared to return in his own barge to his head- quarters at the Robinson House. As the Vul- ture had shifted her ground, he suggested to Andre a return to New York by land, as most safe and expeditious ; the latter, however, in- sisted upon being put on board of the sloop of war, on the ensuing night. Arnold consented ; but, before his departure, to provide against the possible necessity of a return by land, he gave Andr6 the following pass, dated from the Eobinson House : " Permit Mr. John Anderson to pass the guards at the White Plains, or below, if he chooses; he being on public business by my direction. B. Aenold, M. Genl." Smith also, who was to accompany him, was furnished with passports to proceed either by water or by land. Arnold departed about ten o'clock. Andre passed a lonely day, casting many a wistful look toward the Vulture. Once on board of that ship he would be safe ; he would have fulfilled his mission ; the capture of West Point would be certain, and liis triumph would be complete. As evening approached he grew impatient, and spoke to Smith about departure. To his surprise, he found the latter had made no preparation for it ; he had discharged his boatmen, who had gone home : in short, he refused to take him on board of the Vulture. The cannonade of the morning had probably made him fear for his personal safety, should he attempt to go on board, the Vulture having resumed her exposed position. lie offered, however, to cross the river with Andre at King's Ferry, put him in the way of returning to New York by land, and accompany him for some distance on horseback. Andr6 was in an agony at finding himself, notwithstanding all his stipulations, forced within the American lines ; but there seemed to be no alternative, and he prepared for the hazardous journey. He wore, as we have noted, a military coat under a long blue surtout ; he was now per- suaded to lay it aside, and put on a citizen's coat of Smith's; thus adding disguise to the other humiliating and hazardous circumstances of the case. It was about sunset when Andrd and Smith, attended by a negro servant of the latter, crossed from King's Ferry to Verplanck's Point. After proceeding about eight miles on the road toward White Plains, they were stopped be- tween eight and nine o'clock, near Crompond, by a patrolling party. The captain of it was uncommonly inquisitive and suspicious. The passport with Arnold's signature satisfied him. He warned them, however, against the danger of proceeding further in the night. Cow Boys from the British lines were scouring the country, and had recently marauded the neighborhood. Smith's fears were again excit- ed, and Andre was obliged to yield to them. A bed was furnished them in a neighboring house, where Andre passed an anxious and restless night, under the very eye, as it were, of an American patrol. At daybreak he awoke Smith, and hurried their departure, and his mind was lightened of a load of care, when he found himself out of the reach of the patrol and its inquisitive com- mander. They were now approaching that noted part of the country, heretofore mentioned as the Neutral Ground, extending north and south about thirty miles, between the British and American lines. A beautiful region of forest- clad hills, fertile valleys, and abundant streams, but now almost desolated by the scourings of Skinners and Cow Boys ; the former professing allegiance to the American cause, the latter to the British, but both arrant marauders. One who had resided at the time in this region, gives a sad picture of its state. Houses plundered and dismantled ; enclosures broken down ; cattle carried away ; fields lying waste ; the roads grass-grown ; the country mournful, solitary, silent — reminding one of the desola- tion presented in the song of Deborah. " In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jacl, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked in by-paths. The inhabitants of the villages ceased ; they ceased in Israel." * About two and a half miles from Pine's Bridge, on the Croton Eiver, Andre and his companion partook of a scanty meal at a farm- house which had recently been harried by the Cow Boys. Here they parted, Smith to return home, Andre to pursue his journey alone to New York. His spirits, however, were cheerful ; for, having got beyond the patrols, he con- See Dwight's Travels, vol. iii. ^T. 48.] ANDRfi BROUGHT TO A STAND, AND SEARCHED. 535 sidered the most perilous part of his route ac- complished. About six miles beyond Pine's Bridge he came to a place where the road forked, the left branch leading toward White Plains in the in- terior of the country, the right inclining tow- ai'd the Hudson. lie had originally intended to take the left hand road, the other being said to be infested by Cow Boys. These, however, were not to be apprehended by him, as they belonged to the lower party or British ; it led, too, more directly to New York ; so he turned do^vT^ it, and took his course along the river road. He had not proceeded far, when coming to a place where a small stream crossed the road and ran into a woody dell, a man stepped out from the trees, levelled a musket and brought him to a stand, while two other men similarly armed, showed themselves prepared to second their comrade. The man who had first stepped out wore a refugee uniform. At sight of it, Andr6's heart leapt, and he felt himself secure. Losing all caution, he exclaimed eagerly : " Gentlemen, I hope you belong to our party ? " — " What party ? " was asked. — " The lower party," said Andre. — " We do," was the reply. All re- serve was now at an end. Andre declared himself to be a British officer ; that he had been up the country on particular business, and must not be detained a single moment. He drew out his watch as he spoke. It was a gold one, and served to prove to them that he was Avhat he represented himself, gold watches being seldom worn in those days, excepting by persons of consequence. To his consternation, the supposed refugee now avowed himself and his companions to be Americans, and told Andr6 he was their pris- oner ! It was even so. The sacking and burning of Young's House, and the carrying of its rustic defenders into captivity, had roused the spirit of the Neutral Ground. The yeomanry of that harassed country had turned out in parties to intercept freebooters from the British lines, who had recently been on the maraud, and might be returning to the city with their spoils. One of these parties, composed of seven men of the neighborhood, had divided itself. Four took post on a hill above Sleepy Hollow, to watch the road which crossed the country ; the other tliree, John Paulding, Isaac Van Wart, and David Williams by name, stationed themselves on the road which runs parallel to the Hudson. Two of them were seated on the grass playing at cards to pass away the time, while one mounted guard. The one in refugee gai'b who brought Andre to a stand, was John Paulding, a stout-hearted youngster, who, like most of the young men of this outraged neighborhood, had been re- peatedly in arms to repel or resent aggressions, and now belonged to the militia. He had twice been captured and confined in the loathsome military prisons, where patriots sutfered in New York, first in the North Dutch Church, and last in the noted Sugar House. Both times he had made his escape ; the last time, only four days previous to the event of which we are ti'eating. The ragged refugee coat, which had deceived Andr^, and been the cause of his betraying himself, had been given to Paulding by one of his captors, in exchange for a good yeoman garment of which they stripped him.* This slight circumstance may have produced the whole discovery of the treason. Andr6 was astounded at finding into what hands he had fallen ; and how he had betrayed himself by his heedless avowal. Promptly, however, recovering his self-possession, he en- deavored to pass off his previous account of himself as a mere subterfuge. " A man must do any thing," said he laughingly, "to get along." He now declared himself to be a Con- tinental officer, going down to Dobbs' Ferry to get information from below ; so saying, he drew forth and showed the pass of General Arnold. This, in the first instance, would have been sufficient ; but his unwary tongue had ruined him. The suspicions of his captors were com- pletely roused. Seizing the bridle of his horse, they ordered him to dismount. He warned them that he was on urgent business for the general, and that they would get themselves into trouble should they detain him. "We care not for that," was the reply, as they led him among the thickets, on the border of the brook. Paulding asked whether he had any letters about him. He answered, no. They pro- ceeded to search him, A minute description is given of his dress. He wore a round hat, a blue surtout, a crimson close-bodied coat, some- what faded : the button-holes worked with * Stated on the authority of Commodore Hiram Pauld- ing, a son of the captor, who heard it repeatedly from tho lips of his father. , 536 ANDRifi TAKEN AS A SPY— CIRCUMSTANCES OF HIS CAPTURE. [1780. gold, and the buttons covered with gold lace, a nankeen vest, and small-clothes and boots. They obliged him to take otf his coat and vest, and found on him eighty dollars in Con- tinental money, but nothing to warrant sus- picion of any thing sinister, and were disposed to let him proceed, when Paulding exclaimed : " Boys, I am not satisfied — his boots must come oflF." At this Andre changed color. His boots, he said, came off with difficulty, and he begged he might not be subjected to the inconvenience and delay. His remonstrances were in vain. He was obliged to sit down : his boots were drawn off, and the concealed papers discovered. Hastily scanning them, Paulding exclaimed, " My God ! He is a spy ! " He demanded of Andr6 were he had gotten these papers. " Of a man at Pine's Bridge, a stranger to me," was the reply. While dressing himself, Andr6 endeavored to ransom himself from his captors ; rising from one offer to another. He would give any sum of money if they would let him go. He would give his horse, saddle, bridle, and one hundred guineas, and would send them to any place that might be fixed upon. Williams asked him if he would not give more. He replied, that he would give any reward they might name either in goods or aioney, and would remain with two of their party while one went to New York to get it. Here Paulding broke in and declared with an oath, that if he would give ten thousand guin- eas, he should not stir one step.* The unfortunate Andre now submitted to his fate, and the captors set off with tlieir prisoner for North Castle, the nearest American post, distant ten or twelve miles. They proceeded across a hilly and woody region, part of the way by the road, part across fields. One strode in front, occasionally holding the horse by the bridle, the others walked on either side. Andr6 rode on in silence, declining to answer further questions until he should come before a military officer. About noon, they halted at a fai-m house where the inhabitants were taking their mid-day repast. The wortliy housewife, moved by Andr6's prepossessing appearance and dejected air, kindly invited him to par- take. He declined, alleging that lie had no * Testimony of David Williams. appetite. Glancing at his gold-laced crimson coat, the good dame apologized for her rustic fare. "Oh, madam," exclaimed poor Andre with a melancholy shake of the head, " it is all very good — but, indeed, I cannot eat ! " This was related to us by a venerable matron, who was present on the occasion, a young girl at the time, but who in her old days could not recall the scene and the appearance of Andre without tears. The captors with their prisoner being arrived at North Castle, Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson, who was in command there, recognized' the handwriting of Arnold in the papers found upon Andr6, and, perceiving that they were of a dangerous nature, sent them oft' by express to General Washington, at Hartford. Andre, still adhering to his assumed name, begged that the commander at West Point might be informed that John Anderson, though bearing his passport, was detained. Jameson appears completely to have lost his head on the occasion. He wrote to Arnold, stating the circumstances of the arrest, and that the papers found upon the prisoner had been despatched by express to the commander-in- chief, and at the same time, he sent the pris- oner himself, under a strong guard, to accom- pany the letter.* Shortly afterwards, Major Tallmadge, next in command to Jameson, but of a much clearer head, arrived at North Castle, having been ab- sent on duty to White Plains. When the cir- cumstances of the case were related to him, he at once suspected treachery on the part of Arnold. At his earnest entreaties, an express was sent after the officer who had Andr6 in charge, ordering him to bring the latter back to North Castle ; but by singular perversity or obtuseness in judgment, Jameson neglected to countermand the letter which he had written to Arnold. When Andre was brought back, and was pacing up and down the room, Tallmadge saw at once by his air and movements, and the mode of turning on his heel, that he was a military man. By his advice, and under his escort, the prisoner was conducted to Colonel Sheldon's post at Lower Salem, as more secure than North Castle. Here Andre, being told that the papers found upon his person liad been forwarded to Wasli- * Sparks' ArnoUl. We would note generally, that we are indebted to Mr. Sparks' work for many particulars given by us of this tale of treason. ^T. 48.] ANDRE'S LETTER TO WASHINGTON— REMINISCENCE OF ANDRE. 537 ington, addressed to him immediately the fol- lowing lines : " I beg your Excellency will be persuaded that no alteration in the temper of ray mind or apprehensions for my safety, induces me to take the step of addressing you ; but that it is to secure myself from the imputation of having assumed a mean character for treacherous pui*- poses or self-interest. * * It is to vindicate my fame that I speak, and not to solicit se- curity. " The person in your possession is Major John Andre, adjutant-general of the Britisli army. " The influence of one commander in the army of his adversary is an advantage taken in war. A correspondence for this purpose I held ; as confidential (in the present instance) with his Excellency, Sir Henry Clinton. To favor it, I agreed to meet upon ground not within the posts of either army, a person who was to give me intelligence. I came up in the Vulture man-of-war for this efi'ect, and was fetched from the shore to the beach. Being there, I was told that the approach of day would prevent my return, and that I must be concealed until the next night. I was in my regimentals, and had fairly risked my person. " Against my stipulation, my intention, and without my knowledge beforehand, I was con- ducted within one of your posts. Thus was I betrayed into the vile condition of an enemy within your posts. " Having avowed myself a British ofiicer, I have nothing to reveal but what relates to my- self, which is true, on the honor of an officer and a gentleman. " The request I have made to your Excel- lency, and I am conscious that I address myself well, is, that in any rigor policy may dictate, a decency of conduct towards me may mark, that, though unfortunate, I am branded "with nothing dishonorable ; as no motive could be mine, but the service of my king, and as I Was involuntarily an impostor." This letter he submitted to the perusal of Major Tallmadge, who was surprised and agi- tated at finding the rank and importance of the prisoner he had in charge. The letter being despatched, and Andre's pride relieved on a sensitive point, he resumed his serenity, appar- ently unconscious of the awful responsibility of his situation. Having a talent for carica- ture, he even amused himself in the course of the day by making a ludicrous sketch of him- self and his rustic escort under march, and pre- senting it to an ofiicer in the room with him. " This," said he gayly, " will give you an idea of the style in which I have had the honor to be conducted to my ju-esent abode." NOTE. Andre's propensity for caricature had receutlj- been indulged in a mock heroic poem in three cantos, cele- brating an attack upon a British picket by Wayne, with the driving into the American camp of a drove of cattle by Lee's dragoons. It is written with great humor, and is full of grotesque imagery. " Mad An- thony" especially is in broad caricature, and repre- sented to have lost his horse upon the great occasion." His horse that carried all his prog, His military speeches, His corn-stalk whiskey for his grog — Blue Btookings and brown breeches. The cantos were published at different times in Rivingtou's Gazette. It so happened that the last canto appeared on the very day of Andre's capture, and ended with the following stanza, which might be considered ominous : — And now I've closed my epic strain, I tremble as I show it, Lest this same warrio-drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet. CHAPTER X. Ok the very day that the treasonable con- ference between Arnold and Andre took place, on the banks of Haverstraw Bay, Washington had his interview with the French officers at Hartford. It led to no important result. In- telligence was received that the squadron of the Count de Guichen, on which they had re- lied to give them superiority by sea, had sailed for Europe. This disconcerted their plans, and Washington, in consequence, set out tw^o or three days sooner than had been anticipated on his return to his head-quarters on the Hudson. He was accompanied by Lafayette and General Knox with their suites ; also, part of the way, by Count Matthew Dumas, aide-de-camp to Eochambeau. The count, who regarded Wash- ington with an entluisiasm w^hich appears to have been felt by many of the young French officers, gives an animated picture of the manner in which he was greeted in one of the towns through which they passed. "We arrived there," says he, " at night ; the whole popula- tion had salfied forth beyond the suburbs. We were surroimded by a crowd of children carry- ing torches, and reiterating the acclamations 538 ARRIVAL OF WASHINGTON— FLIGHT OF ARNOLD, [1*780. of the citizens ; all were eager to touch the person of liim Avhom they hailed with loud cries as their father, and they thronged before us so as almost to prevent our moving onward. General "Washington, much affected, paused a few moments, and pressing my hand, ' We may be beaten by the English,' said he, ' it is the chance of war ; but there is the army they will never conquer ! ' " These few words speak that noble confidence in the enduring patriotism of his countrymen, which sustained him throughout all the fluc- tuating fortunes of the Eevolution ; yet at this very moment it was about to receive one of the cruellest of wounds. On approaching the Hudson, Washington took a more circuitous route than the one he had originally intended, striking the river at Fishkill just above the Highlands, that he might visit West Point, and show the marquis the works which had been erected there during his absence in France. Circumstances detained them a niglit at Fishkill, Their baggage was sent on to Arnold's quarters in the Eobinson House, with a message apprising the genei'al that they would breakfast there the next day. In the morning (Sept. 24th) they were in the saddle before break of day, having a ride to make of eighteen miles through the mouutains. It was a pleasant and animated one. Washing- ton was in excellent spirits, and the buoyant marquis, and geuial, warm-hearted Knox, were companions Vith whom he was always dis- posed to unbend. When witliin a mile of the Eobinson House, Washington turned down a cross road leading to the banks of the Hudson. Lafayette ap- prised him that he was going out of the way, and hinted that Mrs. Arnold must be waiting breakfast for him. " Ah, marquis ! " replied he good-humoredly, " you young men are all in love with Mrs. Arnold. I see you are eager to be with her as soon as possible. Go you and breakfast with her, and tell her not to wait for me. I must rido down and examine the re- doubts on this side of the river, but will be with her shortly." The mai-quis and General Knox, however, turned off and accompanied him down to the redoubts, while Colonel Hamilton, and Lafay- ette's aide-de-camp. Major James McHenry, continued along the main road to the Eobinson House, bearing Washington's apology, and re- quest that the breakfast might not be retarded. The family with the two aides-de-camp sat down to breakfast. Mrs. Arnold had arrived but four or five days previously from Philadel- phia, T/ith her infant child, then about six months old. She was bright and amiable us usual. Arnold was silent and gloomy. It was an anxious moment with him. This was the day appointed for the consummation of the plot, when the enemy's ships were to ascend the river. The return of the commander-in- chief from the East two days sooner than had been anticipated, and his proposed visit to the forts, threatened to disconcert every thing. What might be the consequence Arnold could not conjecture. An interval of fearful im- aginings was soon brought to a direful close. In the midst of the repast a horseman alighted at the gate. It was the messenger bearing Jameson's letter to Arnold, stating the capture of Andre, and that dangerous papers found on him had been forwarded to Washington. The mine had exploded beueatli Arnold's feet ; yet in this awful moment he gave an evidence of that quickness of mind which had won laurels for him when in the path of duty. Controlling the dismay that must have smitten him to the heart, he beckoned Mrs. Arnold from the breakfast table, signifying a wish to speak with her in private. When alone with her in her room up stairs, he announced in hurried words that he was a ruined man, and must instantly fly for his life ! Overcome by the shock, she fell senseless on the floor. With- out pausing to aid her, he hurried down stairs, sent the messenger to her assistance, probably to keep him from an interview with the other ofllcers ; returned to the breakfast room, and informed his guests that he must haste to West Point to prepare for the reception of the com- mander-in-chief ; and mounting the horse of the messenger, which stood saddled at the door, galloped down by what is still called Arnold's Path, to the landing-place, where his six-oared barge was moored. Throwing himself into it, he ordered his men to pull out into the middle of the i-iver, and then made down with aU speed for Teller's Point, which divides Haver- straw Bay from the Tappan Sea, saying he must be back soon to meet the commander-in-chief. Washington arrived at the Eobinson House shortly after the flight of the traitor. Being informed that Mrs. Arnold was in her room, unwell, and that Arnold had gone to West Point to receive him, he took a hasty breakfast, and repaired to the fortress, leaving word that he and his suite would return to diimer. ^T. 48.] FLIGHT OF ARNOLD— LETTER FROM THE TRAITOR. 539 In crossing the river, be noticed tliat no salute was fired from the fort, nor was there any jn-eparation to receive him on his Landing, Colonel Lamb, the officer in command, who came down to the shore, manifested surprise at seeing him, and apologized for this want of military ceremony, by assuring him he had not been apprised of his intended ^•isit. "Is not General Arnold here?" demanded Washington. " No, sir. He has not been here for two days past ; nor have I heard from him in that time." This was strange and perplexing, but no sinister suspicion entered "Washington's mind. He remained at the Point throughout the morning inspecting the fortifications. In the mean time, the messenger whom Jameson had despatched to Hartford with a letter covering the papers taken on Andre, arrived at the Kob- inson House. He had learnt, while on the way to Hartford, that Washington had left that place, whereupon he turned bridle to overtake him, but missed him in consequence of the general's change of route. Coming by the lower road, the messenger had passed through Salem, where Andr6 was confined, and brought with him the letter written by that unfor- tunate officer to the commander-in-chief, the purport of which has already been given. These letters being represented as of the ut- most moment, were opened and read by Colonel Hamilton, as Washington's aide-de-camp and confidential officer. He maintained silence as to their contents ; met Washington, as he and his companions were coming up from the river, on their return from West Point, spoke to him a few words in a low voice, and they retired together into the house. Whatever agitation Washington may have felt when these docu- ments of deep-laid treachery were put before Lim, he wore his usual air of equanimity when he rejoined his companions. Taking Knox and Lafayette aside, he communicated to them the intelligence, and placed the papers in their hands. " Whom can we trust now ? " was his only comment, but it spoke volumes. His first idea was to arrest the traitor. Con- jecturing the direction of his flight, he de- spatched Colonel Hamilton on horseback to spur with all speed to Verplanck's Point, which commands the narrow part of the Hudson, just below the Highlands, with orders to the com- mander to intercept Arnold should he not al- ready have passed that post. This done, when dinner was announced, he invited the company to table. " Come, gentlemen ; since Mrs. Ar- nold is unwell, and the general is absent, let us sit down without ceremony." The repast was a quiet one, for none but Lafayette and Knox, beside the general, knew the purport of the letters just received. In the mean time, Arnold, panic-stricken, had sped his caitiff flight through the High- lands ; infamy howling in his rear ; arrest threatening him in advance ; a fugitive past the posts which he had recently commanded ; shrinking at the sight of that flag which hither- to it had been his glory to defend ! Alas ! how changed from the Arnold, who, but two years previously, when repulsed, wounded and crip- pled, before the walls of Quebec, could yet write proudly from a shattered camp, " I am in the way of my duty, and I know no fear ! " He had passed through the Highlands in safety, but there were the batteries at Ver- planck's Point yet to fear. Fortunately for him, Hamilton, with the order for his arrest, had not arrived there. His barge was known by the garrison. A white handkerchief displayed gave it the sane-, tion of a flag of truce : it was sufifered to pass without question, and the traitor eftected his escape to the Vulture sloop-of-war, anchored a few miles below. As if to consummate his degradation by a despicable act of treachery and meanness, he gave up to the commander his coxswain and six bargemen as prisoners of war. We are happy to add, that this perfidy excited the scorn of the British officers ; and, when it was found that the men had supposed they were acting under the protection of a flag, they were released by order of Sir Henry Clin- ton. Colonel Hamilton returned to the Kobinson House and reported the escape of the traitor. He brought two letters also to Washington, which had been sent on shore from the Vul- ture, under a flag of truce. One was from Arnold, of which the following is a transcript : u Sir^—The heart which is conscious of its own rectitude, cannot attempt to palliate a step which the world may censure as wrong ; I have ever acted from a principle of love to my coun- try, since the commencement of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and the colonies; the same principle of love to my country actuates my present conduct, however it may appear inconsistent to the world, who seldom judge right of any man's actions. 540 ARNOLD ON BOARD OF THE VULTURE— DISTRESS OF MRS. ARNOLD. [1780. " I ask no favor for myself. I have too often experienced the ingratitude of my country to attempt it ; but, from the known humanity of your Excellency, I am induced to ask your pro- tection for Mrs. Arnold from every insult and injury that a mistaken vengeance of my country may expose her to. It ought to fall only on me ; she is as good and as innocent as an angel, and is incapahle of doing wrong. I beg she may be permitted to return to her friends in Philadelphia, or to come to me as she may choose ; from your Excellency I have no fears on her account, but she may suffer from the mistaken fury of the country." The other letter was from Colonel Beverley Eobinson, interceding for the release of Andre, on the plea that he was on shore under the sanction of a flag of truce, at the request of Arnold. Robinson had hoped to find favor with "Washington on the score of their early inti- macy. Notwithstanding "Washington's apparent tran- quillity and real self-possession, it was a time of appalling distrust. How far the treason had extended ; who else might be implicated in it, was unknown. Arnold had escaped, and was actually on board of the "Vulture ; he knew every thing about the condition of the posts : might he not persuade the enemy, in the pres- ent weak state of garrisons, to attempt a conj) de main ? "Washington instantly, therefore, despatched a letter to Colonel "Wade, who was in temporary command at "West Point. " Gen- eral Arnold is gone to the enemy," writes he. "I have just now received a line from him en- closing one to Mrs. Arnold, dated on board of the "Vulture. I request that you will be as vigilant as possible, and as the enemy may have it in contemplation to attempt some enterprise, even to-night, against these posts, I Avish you to make, immediately after the receipt of this, the best disposition you can of your force, so as to have a proportion of men in each work on the east side of the river." A regiment stationed in the Highlands was ordered to the same duty, as well as a body of the Massachusetts militia from Fishkill. At half-past seven in the evening, "Washington wi-ote to General Greene, who, in his absence, commanded the army at Tappan ; urging him to put the left division in motion as soon as possible, with orders to proceed to King's Fer- ry, where, or before they should arrive there, they would be met with further orders. " The division," writes he, " will come on light, leav- ing their heavy baggage to follow. You will also hold all the troops in readiness to move on the shortest notice. Transactions of a most interesting natui-e, and such as will astonish you, have been just discovered." His next thought was about Andre. He was not acquainted with him personally, and the intrigues in which he had been engaged, and the errand on which he had come, made him consider him an artful and resolute person. He had possessed himself of dangerous informa- tion, and in a manner had been arrested with the key of the citadel in his pocket. On the same evening, therefor<^, "Washington wrote to Colonel Jameson, charging that every precau- tion should be taken to prevent Major Andr6 from making his escape. " He will no doubt effect it, if possible ; and in order that he may not have it in his power, you will send him under the care of such a party and so many officers as to preclude him from the least op- portunity of doing it. That he may be less liable to be recaptured by the enemy, who will no doubt make every effort to regain him, he had better be conducted to this place by some upper road, rather than by tlie route of Crom- pond. I would not wish Mr. Andre to be treated with insult ; but he does not appear to stand upon the footing of a common prisoner of war, and therefore he is not entitled to the usual indulgences which they receive, and is to be most closelj' and narrowly watched." In the mean time, Mrs. Arnold remained in the room in a state bordering on frenzy. Ar- nold might well confide in the humanity and delicacy of "Washington in respect to her. He regarded her with the sincerest commiseration, acquitting her of all previous knowledge of her husband's guilt. On remitting to her, by one of his aides-de-camp, the letter of her husband, written from on board of the Vulture, he in- formed her that he had done all that depended upon himself to have him arrested, but not hav- ing succeeded, he experienced a pleasure in assuring her of his safety.* A letter of Hamilton's written at the time, with all the sympathies of a young man, gives a touching picture of "Washington's first interview with her. " She for a time entirely lost herself. The general went up to see her, and she upbraid- ed him with being in a plot to murder her child. One moment she raved, another she melted into tears, sometimes she pressed her infant to her Memoirs of Lafayette, 1., p. 264, Mt. 48.] ANDRE'S CONDUCT AS A PRISONER— HIS CONVERSATIONS. 541 bosom, and lamented its fate, occasioned by the imprudence of its father, in a mimner that would have pierced insensibility itself. All the sweatness of beauty, all the loveliness of inno- cence, all the tenderness of a wife, and all the fondness of a mother, showed themselves in her appearance, and conduct." During the brief time she remained at the Eobinson House, she was treated with the ut- most deference and delicacy, but soon set off, under a passport of "Washington, for her fath- er's house in Philadelphia. CHAPTER XI. Ox the 26th of September, the day after the treason of Arnold had been revealed to Wash- ington, Andr6 arrived at the Robinson House, having been brought on in the night, under es- cort and in charge of Major Tallmadge. "Wash- ington made many inquiries of tlie major, but declined to have the prisoner brought into his presence, apparently entertaining a strong idea of his moral obliquity, from the nature of the scheme in which he had been engaged, and the circumstances under which he had been arrested. The same evening he transmitted him to West Point, and shortly afterwards, Joshua H. Smith, who had likewise been arrested. Still, not considering them secure even there, he de- termined on the following day to send them on to the camp. In a letter to Greene he writes : " They wiU be under an escort of horse, and I wish you to have separate houses in camp ready for their reception, in which they may be kept perfectly secure ; and also strong, trusty guards, trebly ofBcered, that a part may be constantly in the room with them. They have not been permitted to be together, and must be kept apart. I would wish the room for iTr. Andre to be a decent one, and that he may be treated with civility ; but that he may be so guarded as to preclude a possibility of his escaping, which he will certainly attempt to effect, if it sliall seem practicable in the most distant degree." Major Tallmadge continued to have the charge of Andre. Not regarding him from the anx- ious point with the commander-in-chief, and liaving,had opportunities of acquiring a person- al knowledge of him, he had become fascinated by liis engaging qualities. " The ease and affa- bility of his manners," writes he, "polished by the refinement of good society and a finished education, made him a most delightful compan- ion. It often drew tears from my eyes, to find him so agreeable in conversation on different subjects, when I reflected on his future fate, and that too, as I feared, so near at hand." Early on the morning of the 28th, tlie pris- oners were embarked in a barge, to be conveyed from West Point to King's Ferry. Tallmadge placed Andre by his side on the after seat of the barge. Being both young, of equal rank, and prepossessing manners, a frank and cordial intercourse had grown up between them. By a cartel, mutually agreed upon, each miglit put to the other any question not involving a third person. They were passing below the rocky heights of West Point, and in full view of the fortress, when Tallmadge asked Andre whether he would have taken an active part in the attack on it, should Arnold's plan have suc- ceeded. xindr6 promptly answered in the af- firmative ; pointed out a table of land on tlie west shore, where he would have landed at the head of a select corps, described the route he would have taken up the mountain to a height in the rear of Fort Putnam, overlooking the whole parade of West Point — " and this he did," writes Tallmadge, " with much greater exactness than I could have done. This emi- nence he would have reached without difficulty, as Arnold would have disposed of the garrison in such manner as to be capable of little or no opposition — and then the 'kcxj of the country would have been in his hands, and he would have had the glory of the splendid achievement.'''' Tallmadge fairly kindled into admiration as Andr6, with hereditary French vivacity, acted the scene he was describing. " It seemed to him," he said, " as if Andre were entering the fort sword in hand." He ventured to ask what was to have been his reward had he succeeded. " Military glory was all he sought. The thanks of his general and the approbation of his king would have been a rich reward for such an undertaking." Tallmadge was perfectly charmed, but adds quietly, " I think he further remarked, that, if he had succeeded, he was to have heen promoted to the rank of a Irigadier-generaV While thus the prisoner, confident of the merit of what he had attempted, kindled with the idea of an imaginary triumph, and the youthful officer who had him in charge, caught fire from his enthusiasm, the barge glided through that solemn defile of mountains. 542 STORY OF CAPTAIN HALE— ANDRE'S PRISON AT TAPPAN. [1Y80. through which, but a few days previously, Ar- nold, the panic-stricken traitor of the drama, had fled like a felon. After disembarking at King's Ferry near Stony Point, they set off for Tappan under tlie escort of a body of horse. As they approach- ed the Clove, a deep defile in the rear of the Highlands, Andre, who rode beside Tallmadge, became solicitous to know the opinion of the latter as to what would be the result of his cap- ture, and in what light he would be regarded by General "Washington and by a military tri- bunal, should one be ordered. Tallmadge evaded the question as long as possible, but be- ing urged to a full and explicit reply, gave it, he says, in the following words : " I had a much-loved classmate in Yale College, by the name of Nathan Hale, who entered the army in 1775. Immediately after the battle of Long Island, General 'Washington wanted informa- tion respecting the strength, position, and probable movements of the enemy. Captain Hale tendered his seiwices, went over to Brooklyn, and was taken, just as he was pass- ing the ontposts of the enemy on his return ; said I with emphasis — ' Do you remember the sequel of the story?' 'Yes,' said Andr6. ' He was hanged as a spy ! But you surely do not consider his case and mine alike ? ' ' Yes, precisely similar ; and similar will be your fate.' " * * The fate of tlio heroic youth hero alluded to, deserves a more ample notice. Born in Coventry, Connecticut, June 6th, 1755, he entered Yale College In 1770, and grad- uated with Bome distinction in September, 1773, having previously contracted an engagement of marri.ige ; not unlike Andre in this respect, who wooed his " Honora" at eighteen. On quitting college he engaged as a teacher, as is common with young men in New England, while study- ing for a profession. His half- formed purpose was to devote himself to the ministry. As a teacher of youth, he was eminently skilful, and equally appreciated by parents and pupils. He became universally popular. " Everybody loved him," said a lady of his acquaintance, " he was so Bx^rightly, intelligent and kind, and so handsome." Ho was teaching at Now London, when an express ar- rived, bringing tidings of the outbreak at Lexington. A town meeting was ciiJled, and Halo was among the most ardent of the speakers, proposing an instant march to the scene of hostilities, and offering to volunteer. " A sense of duty," writes ho to his father, " urges me to sacrifice every thing for my country." He served in the army before Boston as a lieutenant ; prevailed on his company to extend their term of service by offering them his own paj-, and for his good conduct re- ceived from Congress the commission of captain. lie commanded a company in Colonel Knowlton's regiment in the following year. After the disastrous battle of Long Island, Washington applied to that oiHcer for a competent person to penetrate the enemy's camp, and procure intel- ligence of their designs ; a service deemed vital in that " He endeavored," adds Tallmadge, " to an- swer my remarks, but it was manifest he was more troubled in spirit than I had ever seen him before." " We stopped at the Clove to dine and let the horse-guard refresh," continues Tallmadge. "While there, Andr6 kept reviewing his shabby dress, and finally remarked to me, that he was positively ashamed to go to the head- quarters of the American army in such a plight. I called my servant and directed him to bring my dragoon cloak, which I presented to Major Andre. This he refused to take for some time ; but I insisted on it, and he finally put it on and rode in it to Tappan." The place which had been prepared to re- ceive Major Andr6, is still pointed out as the " 70 Stone House." The caution which Wash- ington had given as to his safe keeping was strictly observed by Colonel Scammel, the ad- jutant-general, as may be seen by his orders to the officer of the guards. " Major Andre, the prisoner under your guard, is not only an officer of distinction in the British army, but a man of infinite art and address, who will leave no means unattempted to make his escape, and avoid the ignominious death which awaits him. You are therefore, in addition to your sentries, to keep two officers constantly in the room with him, with their swords drawn, whilst the other officers who dispiriting crisis. Hale, in the ardor of patriotism, volun- teered for the unenviable enterprise, though fully aware of its peril, and the consequences of capture. Assuming his old character as schoolmaster, he crossed the Bound at night from Norwalk to Huntington on Long Island, visited the British encampments unsuspected, made drawings of the enemy's works, and noted down memoranda in Latin of the information he gathered, and then retraced his steps to Huntington, where a boat was to meet him and convey him back to the Connecticut shore. Unfortunately a British guard-ship was at that time anchored out of view in the Sound, and had sent a boat on shore for water. Halo mistook it for the expected boat, and did not discover his mistake until he foimd him.self in ' the hands of enemies. Ho was stripped and searched, the plans and memoranda were found concealed in the solea of his shoes, and proved him to be a gpj'. He was conveyed to the guard-ship, and thence to New York, where he was landed on the 21st September, the day of the great fire. He was taken to General Howe's head-quarters, and, after brief parley with his judge, or- dered for execution the next morning at daybreak — a sen- tence carried out by the provost martial, the brutal and infamous Cunningham, who refused his request for a Bible, and destroyed a letter he had addressed to his mother, for the reason afterwards given by himself, " that the rebels should never know they had a man who could die with such firmness." His patriot spirit shone forth in his dying words,—" I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Ml. 48.] CORRESPONDENCE ON ANDR]fi'S BEHALF— TRIAL AND SENTENCE. 543 are out of the room are constantly to keep walking the entry and around the sentries, to see that they are alert. No person whatever to be permitted to enter the room, or speak with him, unless by direction of the command- er-in-chief. You are by no means to suffer him to go out of the room on any pretext whatever." * The capture of Andr6 caused a great sensa- tion at New York. He was universally popu- lar with the army, and an especial favorite of Sir Henry Clinton. The latter addressed a let- ter to "Washington on the 29th, claiming the release of Andre on similar ground to that urged by Colonel Robinson — his having visited Arnold at the particular request of that gen- eral officer, and under the sanction of a flag of truce ; and his having been stopped while trav- elling under Arnold's passports. The same letter enclosed one addressed by Arnold to Sir Henry, and intended as a kind of certificate of the innocence of Andr6. " I commanded at the time at West Point," writes the renegade, " had an undoubted right to send my flag of truce to Major Andre, who came to me under that protection, and having held conversation with him, I delivered him confidential papers in my own handwriting to deliver to your Ex- cellency. Thinking it much properer he should return by land, I directed him to make use of the feigned name of John Anderson, under which he had, by my direction, come on shore, and gave him my passports to go to the "White Plains, on his way to New York. * * * * All which I had then a j'ight to do, being in the actual service of America, under the orders of General "Washington, and commanding gen- eral at "West Point and its dependencies." He concludes, therefore, that Andr6 cannot fail of being immediately sent to New York. Neither the official demand of Sir Henry Clinton, nor the impudent certificate of Arnold, had any effect on the steady mind of "Washing- ton. He, considered the circumstances under which Andr6 had been taken such as would have justified the most summary proceedings, but he determined to refer the case to the ex- amination and decision of a board of general officers, which he convened on the 29th of Sep- tember, the day after his arrival at Tappan. It was composed of six major-generals, Greene, Stirling, St. Clair, Lafayette, E. Howe, and Steu- ben ; and eight brigadiers. Parsons, James Clin ■ From a copy among the papers of General Hand. ton, Knox, Glover, Paterson, Hand, Hunting- don, and Stark. General Greene, who was well versed in military law, and was a man of sound head and kind heart, was president, and Colonel John Lawrence, judge advocate-gen- eral. Colonel Alexander Hamilton, who, like Tall- madge, had drawn to Andre in his misfortunes, as had most of the young American officers, gives, in letters to his friends, many interesting particulars concerning the conduct of the pris- oner. ""When brought before the board of officers," writes he, ''he met with every mark of indulgence, and was required to answer no interrogatory which would even embarrass his feelings. On his part, while he carefully con- cealed every thing that might implicate others, he frankly confessed all the facts relating to himself, and upon his confession, without the trouble of examining a witness, the board made up their report." It briefiy stated the circinnstances of the case, and concluded witli the opinion of the court, that Major Andre, adjutant-general of the British army, ought to be considered a spy from the enemy, and, agreeably to the law and usage of nations, ought to suffer death. In a conversation with Hamilton, Andr6 acknowl- edged the candor, liberality, and indulgence with which the board had conducted them- selves in their painful inquiry. He met the result with manly firmness. " I foresee my fate," said he ; " and though I pretend not to play the hero, or to be indifferent about life, yet I am reconciled to whatever may happen ; conscious that misfortune, not guilt, has brought it upon me." Even in this situation of gathering horrors, he thought of others more than of himself. " There is only one thing that disturbs my tranquillity," said he to Hamilton. " Sir Hen- ry Clinton has been too good to me; he has been lavish of his kindness. I am bound to him by too many obligations, and love him too well, to bear the thought that he should re- proach himself, or others should reproach him, on the supposition of my having conceived myself obliged, by his instructions, to run the risk I did. I would not for the world leave a sting in his mind that should embitter his future days." He could scarce finish the sen- tence; bursting into tears, in spite of his ef- forts to suppress them, and Avith difficulty col- lected himself enough afterwards to -add, " I wish to be permitted to assure him that I did 544 ANDRE AFTER CONDEMNATION— HIS QUALITIES. [1780. not act under this impression, but submitted to a necessity imposed upon me, as contrary to my own inclination, as to his wishes." His request was complied with, and he wrote a letter to Sir Henry Clinton to the above pur- port. He made mention also of his mother and three sisters, to whom the value of his commission would be an object. " It is need- less," said he, " to be more explicit on this sub- ject; I am persuaded of your Excellency's goodness." * He concluded by saying, " I receive the great- est attention from his Excellency, General "Washington, and from every person under whose charge I happen to be placed." This letter accompanied one from "Washing- ton to Sir Henry Clinton, stating the report of the board of inquiry, omitting the sentence. " From these proceedings," observes he, " it is evident that Major Andre was emjiloyed in the execution of measures very foreign to the ob- jects of flags of truce, and such as they were never meant to authoiize in the most distant degree ; and this gentleman confessed with the greatest candor, in the course of his examina- tion, that it was impossible for him to suppose that he came on shore under the sanction of a flag." Captain Aaron Ogden, a worthy officer of the New Jersey line, was selected by "Washing- ton to bear these despatches to the enemy's post at Paulus Hook, thence to be conveyed across the Hudson to New York. Before his departure, he called by "Washington's request on the Marquis Lafayette, who gave him in- structions to sound the officer commanding at that post whether Sir Henry Clinton might not be willing to deliver up Arnold in exchange for Andre. Ogden arrived at Paulus Hook in the evening, and made the suggestion, as if inci- dentally, in the course of conversation. The oflicer demanded if he had any authority from "Washington for such an intimation. " I have no such assurance from General Washington," replied he, " but I am prepared to say, that if such a proposal were made, I believe it would be accepted, and Major Andre set at liberty." The ofiicer crossed the river before morning, and communicated the matter to Sir Henry Clinton, but the latter instantly rejected the * The commission was sold by Sir Henry Clinton, for tlio benefit of AnUri'a mother aud sisters. The King, also, settled a pension on the mother, and offered to confer the honor of knighthood on Andre's brother, in order to wipe away all stain from the family, that the circumstance of his fate might be thought to occasion. expedient as incompatible with honor and mili- tary principle. In the mean time, the character, appearance, deportment, and fortunes of Andre, had inter- ested the feelings of the oldest and sternest sol- diers around him, and completely captivated the sympathies of the younger ones. He was treated with the greatest respect and kindness throughout his confinement, and his table was supplied from that of the commander-in-chief. Hamilton, who was in daily intercourse with him, describes him as well improved by ed- ucation and travel, with an elegant turn of mind, and a taste for the fine arts. He had at- tained some proficiency in poetry, music, and painting. His sentiments were elevated, his elocution was fluent, his address easy, polite, and engaging, with a softness that conciliated aflEection. His talents and accomplishments were accompanied, says Hamilton, by a difii- dence that induced you to give him credit for more than appeared. No one felt stronger sympathy in his case than Colonel Tallmadge, no doubt from the consideration that he had been the means of bringing him into this awful predicament, by inducing Colonel Jameson to have him con- ducted back when on the way to Arnold's quarters. A letter lies before us, written by Tallmadge to Colonel Samuel B. Webb, one of Washington's aides-de-camp. " Poor Andre, who has been under my charge almost ever since he was taken, has yesterday had his trial, and though his sentence is not known, a dis- graceful death is undoubtedly allotted him. By heavens, Colonel Webb, I never saw a man whose fate I foresaw whom I so sincerely pitied. He is a young fellow of the greatest accom- plishments, and was the prime minister of Sir Henry on all occasions. He has unbosomed his heart to me so fully, and indeed let me know^ almost every motive of his actions since he came out on his late mission, that he luis endeared me to him exceedingly. Unfortunate man! He will undoubtedly suffer death to- morrow ; and though he knows his fate, seems to be as cheerful as if he were going to an as- sembly. I am sure he will go to the gallows less fearful for his fate, and with less concern than I shall bejiold the tragedy. Had he been tried by a court of ladies, he is so genteel, handsome, polite a young gentleman, that I am confident they would have acquitted him. But enough of Andre, who, though he dies la- mented, falls justly." ^T. 48.] INTERCESSIONS FOR ANDR^— AFFECTING LETTER OF ANDRE. 545 The execution was to liave taken place on the 1st of October, at five o'clock in the after- noon ; but in the interim Washington received a second letter from Sir Henry Clinton, dated September 30th, expressing an opinion that the board of inquiry had not been rightly informed of all the circumstances on which a judgment ought to be formed, and that, in order tliat he might be perfectly apprised of the state of the matter before he proceeded to put that judg- ment in execution, he should send a commission on the following day, composed of Lieutenant- Governor Elliot, "William Smith, chief justice of the province, and Lieutenaut-Genei'al Eobin- son, to Avait near Dobbs' Ferry for permission and safe conduct to meet Washington, or such persons as he should appoint to converse with them on the subject. This letter caused a postponement of the ex- ecution, and General Greene was sent to meet the commissioners at Dobbs' Ferry. They came up in the morning of the 1st of October, in a schooner, with a flag of truce, and were accompanied by Colonel Beverley Eobinson. General Eobertson, however, was the only com- missioner permitted to land, the others not being military officers. A long conference took place between him and General Greene, without any agreement of opinion upon the question at issue. Greene returned to camp promising to report faithfully to Washington the arguments urged by liobertson, and to inform the latter of the result. A letter also was delivered to Greene for Washington, which Arnold had sent by the commissioners, in which the traitor reasserted the right he had possessed, as commanding of- ficer of the department, to transact all the mat- ters with which Andr6 was inculpated, and insisted that the latter ought not to suifer for them. "But," added he, "if after this just and candid representation of Major Andre's case, the board of general officers adhere to their former opinion, I shall suppose it dictated by passion and resentment ; and if that gentle- man should sufier the severity of their sentence, I shall think myself bound, by every tie of duty and honor, to retaliate on such unhappy per- sons of your army as may fall within my power, that the respect due to flags, and to the laws of nations, may be better understood and ob- served. I have further to observe, that forty of the principal inhabitants of South Carolina have justly forfeited their lives, which have hitherto been spared by the clemency of his 35 Excellency, Sir Henry Clinton, who cannot in justice extend his mercy to them any longer, if Major Andre suffers ; which, in all probability, will open a scene of blood at which humanity shudders. " Suffer me to entreat your Excellency, for your own sake and the honor of humanity, and the love you have of justice, that you suffer not an unjust sentence to touch the life of Major Andre. But if this warning should be disre- garded, and he suffer, I call Heaven and earth to witness, that your Excellency will be justly answerable for the torrent of blood that may be spilt in consequence." Beside this impudent and despicable letter, there was another from Arnold containing the farce of a resignation, and concluding with the following sentence : " At the same time I beg leave to assure your Excellency, that my at- tachment to the true interests of my country is invariable, and that I am actuated by the same principle which has ever been the gov- erning rule of my conduct in this unhappy con- test." The letters of Arnold were regarded with merited contempt. Greene, in a brief letter to General Eobertson, informed him that he had made as full a report of their conference to the commander-in-chief, as his memory would serve, but that it had made no alteration in Washington's opinion and determination. Eobertson was piqued at the brevity of the note, and professed to doubt whether Greene's memory had served him with sufficient fulness and exactness ; he addressed therefore to Washington his own statement of his reasoning on the subject; after despatching which he and the other commissioners returned in the schooner to New York. During this day of respite Andre had con- ducted himself with his usual tranquillity. A likeness of himself, seated at a table in his guard-room, which he sketched with a pen and gave to the officer on guard, is still extant. It being announced to him that one o'clock on the following day was fixed on for his execu- tion, he remarked, that since it was his lot to die, there was still a choice in the mode ; he therefore addressed the following note to Washington : " Sir : — Buoyed above the terror of death by the consciousness of a life devoted to honorable pursuits, and stained with no action that can give me remorse, I trust that the request I make to your Excellency at this serious period. 546 THE NATURE OF ANDRE'S MISSION. [17S0. and which is to soften my last moments, will not be rejected. Sympathy towards a soldier will surely induce your Excellency and a mili- tary tribunal to adapt tlie mode of my death to the feelings of a man of honor. " Let me hope, sir, that if aught in my char- acter impresses you with esteem towards me ; if aught in my misfortunes marks me as the victim of policy and not of resentment, I shall experience the operation of these feelings in your breast by being informed that I am not to die on a gibbet." Had Washington consulted his feelings mere- ly, this affecting appeal might not have been in vain, for, though not impulsive, he was emi- nently benevolent. Andre himself had testified to the kind treatment he had experienced from the commander-in-chief since his capture, though no personal interview had taken place. Washington had no popular censure to appre- hend should he exercise indulgence, for the popular feeling was with the prisoner. But he had a high and tenacious sense of tlie duties and responsibilities of his jjosition, and never more than in this trying moment, when he had to elevate himself above the contagious sympa- thies of those around him, dismiss all personal considerations, and regard the peculiar circum- stances of the case. The long course of insid- ious operations which had been pursued to undermine the loyalty of one of his most trusted officers; the greatness of the evil which the treason would have effected, if suc- cessful; the uncertainty how far the enemy had carried, or might still be carrying, their scheme of corruption, for anonymous intima- tions spoke of treachery in other quartci's ; all these considerations pointed this out as a case in which a signal example was required. And what called for particular indulgence to the agent, if not instigator of this enormous crime, who had thus been providentially de- tected in disguise, and with the means of its consummation concealed upon his person? His errand, as it has been eloquently urged, " viewed in the light of morality, and even of that chivalry from which modern war pretends to derive its maxims, was one of infamy. He had been commissioned to buy with gold what steel could not conquer; to drive a bargain with one ready for a price to become a traitor ; to count out the thirty pieces of silver by which British generals and British gentlemen were not ashamed to purchase the betrayal of a cause, whose shining virtue repelled their power, and dimmed the glory of their arms." * Even the language of traffic in which this negotiation had been carried on between the pseudo-Gustavus and John Anderson, luad, as has before been observed, something ignoble and debasing to the chivalrous aspirant who stooped to use it ; especially when used as a crafty covering in bargaining for a man's soul.t It has been alleged in Andr6's behalf, as a mitigating circumstance, that he Avas involun- tarily a spy. It is true, he did not come on shore in borrowed garb, nor with a design to pass himself off for another, and procure secret information ; but he came, under cloak of mid- night, in supposed safety, to effect the betrayal of a holy trust ; and it was his undue eagerness to secure the objects of this clandestine inter- view, that brought him into the condition of an undoubted spy. It certainly should not soften our view of his mission, that he em- barked in it without intending to subject him- self to danger. A spice of danger would have given it a spice of heroism, however spurious. WLen the rendezvous was first projected, he sought, through an indirect channel, to let Ar- nold know that he would come out with a- flag. (We allude to a letter written by him from Xew York on the 7th of September, imder his feigned signature, to Colonel Sheldon ; evi- dently intended to be seen by Arnold ; " I will endeavor to obtain permission to go out with a flag.") If an interview had taken place under that sacred protection, and a triumphant trea- son had been the result, what a brand it would have affixed to Andre's name, that he had pros- tituted a flag of truce to such an end. We dwell on these matters, not to checl': the sentiment of sympathy awakened in Andre's behalf by his personal qualities, but to vindi- cate the fair name of Washington from that " blot " which some have attempted to cast upon it, because, in exercising his stern duty as protector of the public weal, during a time of secret treason, he listened to policy and justice rather than mercy. In doing so, he took counsel with some of his general oflicers. * Speocli of the Hon. Henrj' J. Raymond, at tbo dedi- cation of the Andre monument. t See letter of Gustavus to John Anderson. " My partner of -whom I hinted in a former letter, has about ten thousand pounds cash in hand, ready for a specuLation, if any should offer; I liave also one thousand pounds in hand, and can collect fifteen hundred more in two or three ^ days. Add to this, I have some credit. From these lanta you can judge of the purchase that can be made." j^T. 48.] EXECUTION OF ANDRfi— REWARD OF THE CAPTORS. 547 Their opinions coincided with his own — that Tinder present circumstances, it was important to give a signal warning to tlie enemy, by a rigorous observance of the rules of war and the usages of nations in like case?.* But although Andr6's request as to the mode of his death was not to bo granted, it was thought best to let him remain in uncertainty on the subject ; no answer, therefore, was re- turned to his note. On the morning of the 2d, he maintained a calm demeanor, though all around him were gloomy aijd silent. He even rebuked his servant for shedding tears. Hav- ing breakfasted, he dressed himself with care in the full imiform of a British officer, which he liad sent for to New York placed his hat upon the table, and accosting the officers on guard — " I am ready," said he, " at any mo- ment, gentlemen, to wait upon you." He walked to the place of execution between two subaltern officers, arm in arm, with a se- rene countenance, bowing to several gentlemen whom he knew. Colonel Tallraadge accom- panied him, and we quote his words. " When he came within sight of the gibbet, he appeared to be startled, and inquired with some emotion whether he was not to be shot. Being in- formed tliat the mode first appointed for his death could not consistently be altered, he ex- claimed, ' How hard is my fate ! ' but imme- diately added, ' it will soon bo over.' I then shook hands with him under the gallows, and retired." t "While waiting near the gallows until prepara- tions were made, says another authority, who was present, he evinced some nervousness, put- ting his foot on a stone and rolling it ; and making an effort to swallow, as if checking an hysterical affection of the tliroat. All things being ready, he stepped into the waggon ; ap- peared to shrink for an instant, but recovering * We subjoin a Britit=li officer's view of Andre's case. " He was tried by a board of general officers as a spy, and condemned' to be hanged. The American general has been censured for directing this ignominious sentence to be carried into execution ; but doulitless Major Andro was "well aware when he undertook the negotiation, of the fate that awaited him should he fall into the hands of the en- emy. The laws of war award to spies the punishment of death. It would, therefore, be difficult to assign a reason why Major Andre should have been exempted from that fate to which all others are doomed under similar circum- stances, although the amiable qualities of the man ren- dered the individual case a subject of peculiar com- miseration."— Orj'^m and Services of the Coldstream Guards : by Col. MacKinnon, vol. ii., p. 9. t MSS. of Col. B. Tallmadgo in possession of his daugh- ter, Mrs. J. P. Cushman, of Troy, N. Y. hitoself, exclaimed : " It will be but a momen- tary pang ! " Taking off" his hat and stock, and opening his shirt collar, he deliberately adjusted the noose to his neck, after which he took out a handker- chief and tied it over his eyes. Being told by the officer in command that his arms must be bound, he drew out a second handkerchief, with which they were pinioned. Colonel Scam- mel now told him that he had an opportunity to speak, if he desired it. His only reply was, " I pray you to bear witness that I meet my fate like a brave man." The waggon moved from under him and left him suspended. He died almost without a struggle.* He remained suspended for about half an hour, during which time a deathlike stillness prevailed over the surround- ing multitude. His remains were interred within a few yards of the place of his execu- tion ; whence they were transferred to England in 1821, by the British consul, then resident in New York, and were buried in Westminster Abbey, near a mural monument which had been erected to his memory. Never has any man, suffering under like cir- cumstances, awakened a more universal sym- pathy even among those of the country against which he had practised. His story is one of the touching themes of the Eevolution, and his name is still spoken of with kindness in the local traditions of the neighborhood where he was captured, Washington, in a letter to the President of Congress, passed a high eulogium on the cap- tors of Andre, and recommended them for a handsome gratuity ; for having, in all proba- bility, prevented one of the severest strokes that could have been meditated by the enemy. Congress accordingly expressed, in a formal vote, a high sense of their virtuous and patri- otic conduct ; awarded to each of them a farm, a pension for life of two hundred dollars, and a silver medal, bearing on one side an escut- cheon on which was engraved the word Fidel- ity, and on the other side the motto, Vincit amor Patrice. These medals were delivered to them by General Washington at head-quarters, with impressive ceremony. Isaac Van Wart, one of the captors, had been present at the execution of Andre, and was deeply affected by it. He was not fond of re- calling the subject, and in after life could rarely speak of Andre without tears. ■ Thatcher's Military Journal, p. 275. 548 ARNOLD'S KEWARD— WASHINGTON'S OPINION OF ARNOLD. [1780. Joshua H. Smith, who aided in bringing An- dre and Arnold together, was tried by a court- martial on a charge of participathig in the trea- son, but was acquitted, no proof appearing of his having had any knowledge of Arnold's plot, though it was thought he must have been con- scious of something wrong in an interview so mysteriously conducted. Arnold was now made brigadier-general in the British service, and put on an official level with honorable men who scorned to associate with the traitor. "What golden reward he was to have received had his treason been success- ful, is not known ; but six thousand three hun- dred and fifteen pounds sterling were paid to him, as a compensation for losses which he pretended to have suffered in going over to the enemies of his country. The vilest culprit, however, shrinks from sustaining the obloquy of his crimes. Shortly after his arrival in New York, Arnold publish- ed an address to the Inhabitants of America, in which he endeavored to vindicate his con- duct. He alleged that he had originally taken up arms merely to aid in obtaining a redress of grievances. He had considered the Decla- ration of Independence precipitate, and the reasons for it obviated, by the subsequent prof- fers of the British government ; and he in- veighed against Congress for rejecting those offers, without submitting them to the people. Finally, the treaty with France, a proud, an- cient, and crafty foe, the enemy of the Protes- tant faith and of real liberty, had completed, he said, the measure of his indignation, and determined him to abandon a cause sustained by iniquity and controlled by usurpers. Besides this address, he issued a proclamation inviting the officers and soldiers of the Ameri- can army, who had the real interest of their country at heart, and who were determined to be no longer the tools and dupes of Congress, and of France, to rally under the royal standard, and fight for true American liberty ; holding out promises of large bounties and liberal sub- sistence, with compensation for all the imple- ments and accoutrements of war they might bring with them. Speaking of this address, " I am at a loss," said Washington, " which to admire most, the confidence of Arnold in publishing it, or the folly of the enemy in supposing that a produc- tion signed by so infamous a character will have any weight with the people of these States, or any influence upon our officers abroad." | He was right. Both the address and the proc- lamatiou were regarded by Americans with the contempt they merited. None rallied to the standard of the renegade but a few desert- ers and refugees, who were already within the British lines, and prepared for any desperate or despicable service.* Colonel John Laurens, former aide-de-camp to Washington, in speaking of Andre's fate, observed, " Arnold must undergo a punishment comparatively more severe, in the permanent, increasing torment of a mental hell." Wash- ington doubted it. " He wants feeling," said he. " From some traits of his character which have lately come to my knowledge, he seems to have been so hackneyed in villany, and so lost to all sense of honor and shame, that, while his faculties wiU enable him to continue his sordid pursuits, there will be no time for re- morse." And in a letter to Governor Eeed, Washington writes, " Arnold's conduct is so villanously perfidious, that there are no terms that can describe the baseness of his heart. That overruling Providence which has so often and so remarkably interposed in our favor, never manifested itself more conspicuously than in the ♦ The following passages of a letter ■written by Sir Thomas Romilly in London, Dec. 12, 1780, to the Rev. John Roget, are worthy of citation : " What do j'ou think of Arnold's conduct ? you may ■u'ell suppose he does not want advocates here. I cannot join with them. If he thought, the Americans not justi- fied in continuing the war, after the offer of such favorable terms as the commissioners held out to them, why did he keep his command for two years afterwards? ♦**■»• " The arguments used by Clinton and Arnold In their letters to Washington, to jirove that Andre could not bo con.sidcred as a spy, are, first, that he had with him, when he was taken, a protection of Arnold, who was at that time acting under a commission of the Congress, and, th.erefore, competent to give protections. Certainly he was, to all strangers to his negotiations with Clinton, but not to Andre, who knew him to be at that time a traitor to the Congress — nay, more, whose protection was granted for no other purpose but to promote and give effect to his treacher3-. In the second place, tlicy say that at the time he was taken he was upon neutral ground ; but they do not deny that ho had been within the American linos in disguise. The letters written by Andre himself, show a firm, cool intrepidity, worthy a more glorious end. * * ****** " The fate of this unfortunate young man, and the manly style of his letters, have raised more compassion here than the loss of thousands in battle, and have excited a warmer indignation against the Americans, than any former act of the Congress. When the passions of men are so deeply affected, you will not expect to find them keep within the bounds of reason. Panegyrics of the gal- lant Andre are unbounded ; they call him the English Mutius, and t.alk of erecting monuments to his memory. Cert.ainly, no man in his situation could have behaved with more determined cour.age ; but Ids situation was by no means such aa to admit of these exaggerated praises." Ml. 48.] DEATH OF MRS. ARNOLD— ARNOLD'S MOTHER. 549 timely discovery of his horrid intention to sur- render the post and garrison of West Point into the hands of the enemy. ***** jj^g confidence and folly which have marked the subsequent conduct of this man, are of a piece with his villany, and all three are perfect in their kind." Mrs. Arnold, on arriving at her father's house in Philadelphia, had decided on a separa- tion from her husband, to whom she could not endure the thoughts of returning after his dis- honoi*. This course, however, was not allowed her. The executive council, wrongfully sus- pecting her of having aided in the correspond- ence between her husband and Andre, know- ing its treasonable tendency, ordered her to leave the State within fourteen days, and not to return during the continuance of the war. " "We tried every means," writes one of her connections, " to prevail on the council to per- mit her to stay among us, and not to compel her to go to that infernal villain, her husband.* Mr. Shippen (her father) had promised the council, and Mrs. Arnold had signed a writing to the same purpose, engaging not to write to Gen- eral Arnold any letters whatever, and to receive no letters without showing them to the council, if she was permitted to stay." It was all in vain, and, strongly against her will, she rejoin- ed her husband in Now York. His fear for her personal safety from the fury of the people proved groundless. That scrupulous respect for the female sex, so prevalent throughout the United States, was her safeguard. "While the whole country resounded with execrations of her husband's guilt ; while his effigy was dragged through the streets of town and village, burnt at the stake, or swung on the gibbet, she passed on secure from injury or insult- The execrations of the populace were silenced at her approach. Arriving at nightfall at a village where they were preparing for one of these burnings in effigy, the pyre remained unkindled, the people dispersed quietly to their homes, and the wife of tlie traitor was suffered to sleep in peace. She returned home but once, about five years after her exile, and was treated with such cold- ness and neglect that she declared she never could come again. In England her charms and virtues, it is said, procured her sympathy and friendship, and helped to sustain the social po- sition of her husband, who, however, was " generally slighted, and sometimes insulted." f * Lettei-B and Papers relatins of Pennsylvania, p. bdv. • to the Provincial History t Idem, IsvL She died in London, in the winter of 1796. In recent years it has been maintained that Mrs. Arnold was actually cognizant and participant of her husband's crime ; but, after carefully examining all the proofs adduced, we remain of opinion that she was innocent. "We have been induced to enter thus largely into the circumstances of this story, from the undiminished interest taken in it by the readers of ximerican history. Indeed, a romance has been thrown around the memory of the unfor- tunate Andre, which increases with the pro- gress of years ; while the name of Arnold will stand sadly conspicuous to the end of time as ,the only American officer of note, throughout all the trials and vicissitudes of the Revolution, who proved traitor to the glorious cause of his country. NOTE. The following fragment of a letter from Arnold's mother to him in early life, was recently put into our hands. Well would it have been for him had he ad- hered to its pious, though humble counsels. Norwich April 12 1754. " dear childe. I received yours of 1 instant and was glad to hear that you was well : pray my dear let your first consern be to make your pease with god as itt is of all conserns of y« greatest importence. Keep a stedy watch over your thoughts, words and actions, be dutifuU to superiors obliging to equalls and affibel to inferiors. ****** from your afectionate Hannah Arnold. P. S. I have sent you fifty shillings youse itt pru- dently as you are acountabcU to God and your father. Your father and aunt joyns with me in love and servis to Mr Cogswell and ladey and yourself Your sister is from home. To Mr benedict arnold your father put at twenty more canterbury CHAPTER XII. As the enemy would now possess the means, through Arnold, of informing themselves thor- oughly about West Point, Washington hastened to have the works completed and strongly gar- risoned, Major-General Greene was ordered to march with the Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, and Stark's brigades, and take temporary command (ultimately to be trans- ferred to General Heath), and the Pennsylvania troops, which had been thrown into the fortress 550 SCHEME TO ENTRAP ARNOLD. [1180. at the time of Arnold's desertion, were relieved. "WasLington himself took post with his main army, at Prakeness, near Passaic Falls in New- Jersey. Insidious attempts had been made by anony- mous papers, and other means, as we have already hinted, to shake the confidence of the commander-in-chief in his officers, and espe- cially to implicate General St. Clair in the late conspiracy. Washington was exceedingly dis- turbed in mind for a time, and engaged Major Henry Lee, Avho was stationed with his dra- goons on the lines, to probe the matter through secret agents in New York. The result proved the utter falsehood of these insinuations. At the time of making this inquiry, a plan was formed at Washington's suggestion to get possession of the i)erson of Arnold. The agent pitched upon by Lee for the purpose, was the sergeant-major of cavalry in his legion, John Champe by name, a young Virginian about twenty-four years of age, whom he describes as being rather above the middle size — full of bone and muscle ; with a saturnine countenance, grave, thoughtful, and taciturn, of tried loyalty and inflexible courage. By many promises and much persuasion, Lee brought him to engage in the attempt. " I have incited his thirst for fame," writes he, " by impressing on his mind the virtue and glory of the act." Champe was to make a pretended desertion to the enemy at New York. There he was to enlist in a corps which Arnold was raising, in- sinuate himself into some menial or military situation about his person, and, watching for a favorable moment, was, with the aid of a con- federate from NcAvark, to seize him in the night, gag him, and bring him across the Hud- son into Bergen woods, in the Jerseys. Washington, in approving the plan, enjoined and stipulated that Arnold should be bi'ought to him alive. '"No circumstance whatever," said he, " shall obtain my consent to his being put to death. The idea which would accom- pany such an event, would be, that ruffians had been hired to assassinate him. Mj aim is to make a public example of him, and this should be strongly impressed upon those who are employed to bring him off." The pretended desertion of the sergeant took X'lace on the night of October 20th, and was attended with difficulties. He had to evade patrols of horse and foot, beside stationary guards and irregular scouting parties. Major Lee could render him no assistance other than to delay pursuit, should his departure be dis- covei-ed. About eleven o'clock the sergeant took his cloak, valise, and orderly book, drew his horse from the picket, and mounting, set out on his hazardous course, while the Major retired to rest. He had not been in bed half an hour, when Captain Carnes, offic'er of the day, hurrying into his quarters, gave word that one of the patrols had fallen in with a dragoon, who, on being challenged, put spurs to his horse, and escapeu. Lee pretended to be annoyed by the intrusion, and to believe that the pretended dragoon was some countryman of the neighborhood. The captain was piqued ; made a muster of the dragoons, and returned with word that the sergeant-major was missing, who had gone off Avith horse, baggage, arms, and orderly book. Lee was now compelled to order out a party in pursuit under Cornet Middleton, but in so doing, he contrived so many delays, that, by the time they were in the saddle, Champe had an hour's start. His pursuers, too, were obliged in the course of the night, to halt occasionally, dismount and examine the road, to guide them- selves by the horse's tracks. At da^^ break they pressed forward more rajjidly, and from the summit of a hill descried Champe, not more than half a mile in front. The sergeant at the same moment caught sight of his pursuers, and now the chase became desperate. Champe had originally intended to make for Paulus Hook, but changed his course, threw his pur- suers at fault, and succeeded in getting abreast of two British galleys at anchor near the shore beyond Bergen. He had no time to lose. Cornet Middleton was but two or three hun- dred yards behind him. Throwing himself off his horse, and running through a marsh, he plunged into the river, and called to the galleys for help. A boat was sent to his assistance, and he was conveyed on board of one of those vessels. For a time the whole plan promised to be successful ; Champe enlisted in Arnold's corps ; was employed about his person ; and every arrangement was made to surprise him at night in a garden in the rear of his quarters, convey him to a boat, and ferry him across the Hud- son. On the appointed night, Lee, Avith three dragoons and three led horses, was in the woods of Hoboken, on the Jersey shore, wait- ing to receive the captive. Hour after hour passed away, — ^no boat approached, — day broke ; Mt. 48.] FAILURE OF THE SCHEME— INCURSIONS FROM CANADA. 551 and the major, with his dragoons and his led horses, returned perplexed and disappointed to the camp. Washington was extremely chagrined at the issue of the undei'taking, fearing that the ser- geant had been detected in the last scene of his perilous and difficult enterprise. It subse- quently proved, that on the day preceding the night fixed on for the capture, Arnold had re- moved his quarters to another part of the town, to superintend the embarkation of troops, pre- paring (as was rumored) for an expedition to be directed by himself, and that the American legion, consisting chiefly of American deserters, had been transferred from their barracks to one of the transports. Among the troops thus transferred was John Champe ; nor was he able for a long time to effect his escape, and resume his real character of a loyal and pa- triotic soldier. He was rewarded when he did so, by the munificence of the commander-in- chief, and the admiration of his old comrades in arms ; having so nobly braved, in his coun- try's cause, not merely danger, but a long course of obloquy. "We have here to note the altered fortunes of the once prosperous General Gates. Ilis late defeat at Camden had withered the laurels snatched at Saratoga. As in the one instance he had received exaggerated praise, so in the other he suffered undue censure. The sudden annihilation of an army from which so much had been expected, and the retreat of the gen- eral before the field was absolutely lost, ap- peared to demand a strict investigation. Con- gress therefore passed a resolution (October 5th), requiring Washington to order a court of inquiry into the conduct of Gates as commander of the Southern army, and to appoint some other officer to the command until the inquiry should be made. Washington at once selected Greene for the important trust, the well-tried officer Avhom he would originally have chosen, had his opinion been consulted, when Con- gress so unadvisedly gave the command to Gates. In the present instance his clioice was in concurrence Avith tlie expressed wishes of the delegates of the three Soutliern States, con- veyed to him by one of their number. Washington's letter of instructions to Greene (October 22d) showed the implicit confidence lie reposed in the abilities and integrity of that excellent officer. " Uninformed as I am," writes he, " of the enemy's force in that quar- ter, of our own, or of the resources Avhicli it will be in our power to command, for carrying on the war, I can give you no particular in- structions, but must leave you to govern your- self entirely according to your own prudence and judgment, and the circumstances in which you find yourself. I am aware that the nature of the command will offer you embarrassments of a singular and complicated nature, but I rely upon your abilities and exertions for every thing your means aj^II enable you to effect. With regard to the court of inquiry, it was to be conducted in the quarter in whicli Gates had acted, where all the witnesses were, and where alone the requisite information could be obtained. Baron Steuben, who was to accom- pany Greene to the South, was to preside, and the members of the court were to be such gen- eral and field officers of the Continental troops as were not present at the battle of Camden, or, having been present, were not wanted as witnesses, or were persons to whom General Gates had no objection. Tlie affair was to be conducted with the greatest impartiality, and with as much despatch as circumstances would permit. Washington concludes his letter of instruc- tions to Greene, with expressions dictated by friendship as well as official duty. " You will keep me constantly advised of the state of your afiairs, and of every material occurrence. My warmest wishes for your success, reputation, health, and happiness accompany you." Ravaging incursions from Canada had har- assed the northern parts of the State of New York of late, and laid desolate some parts of the country from which Washington had hoped to receive great supplies of flour for the armies. Major Carleton, a nephew of Sir Guy, at the head of a motley force, European, Tory, and Indian, had captured Forts Anne and George. Sir John Jolmson also, with Joseph Brant, and a mongrel half-savage crew, had laid waste the fertile region of the Moliawk Pdver, and burned the villages of Schoharie and Caughnawaga. The greatest alarm prevailed throughout the neighboring country. Governor Clinton him- self took the field at the Iiead of the militia, but before he arrived at the scene of mischief, the marauders had been encountered and driven back by General Van Rensselaer and the militia of those parts ; not, however, until they had nearly destroyed the settlements on tlie Mo- hawk. Washington now put Brigadier-General James Clinton (the governor's brother) in com- mand of the Northern department. 552 A STANDING ARMY NEEDED— LAFAYETTE AND HIS LIGHT-INFANTRY. [1780. The state of the army was growing more and more a subject of solicitude to the commander- in-chief. He felt weary of struggling on, with such scanty means, and such vast responsibility. The campaign, which, at its commencement, had seemed pregnant with favorable events, had proved sterile and inactive, and was draw- ing to a close. The short terms for which most of the troops were enlisted must soon expire, and then the pre#it army would he reduced to a mere shadow. The saddened state of his mind may be judged from his let- ters. An ample one addressed to General Sul- livan, fully lays open his feelings and his diffi- culties. "I had hoped," writes he, "but hoped in vain, that a prospect was displaying whicb would enable me to fix a period to my military pursuits, and restore me to domestic life. The favorable disposition of Spain ; the promised succor from France ; the combined force in the West Indies ; the declaration of Russia (acceded to by other governments of Europe, and hu- miliating to the naval pride and power of Great Britain) ; the superiority of France and Spain by sea in Europe ; the Irish claims and English disturbances, formed, in the aggregate, an opinion in my breast, Avhich is not very susceptible of peaceful dreams, that the hour of deliverance was not far distant ; since, how- ever unwUling Great Britain might be to yield the point, it would not be in her power to con- tinue the contest. But, alas! these prospects , flattering as they were, have proved delusory, and I see nothing before us but accumulating distress. " "We have been half of our time without provisions, and are likely to continue so. We have no magazines, nor money to form them ; and in a little time we shall liave no men, if we have no money to pay them. In a word, the history of the war is a history of false hopes and temporary devices, instead of system and economy. It is in vain, however, to look back, nor is it our business to do so. Our case is not desperate, if virtue exists in the people, and there is wisdom among our rulers. But to sup- pose that this great Revolution can be accom- plished by a temporaiy army, that this army will be subsisted by State supplies, and that taxation alone is adequate to our wants, is in my opinion absurd, and as unreasonable as to expect an inversion in the order of nature to accommodate itself to our views. If it was necessary, it could be proved to any person of a moderate understanding, that an annual army. raised on the spur of the occasion, besides be- ing unqualified for the end designed, is, in va- rious ways which could be enumerated, ten times more expensive than a permanent body of men under good organization and military discipline, which never was nor ever will be the case with new troops. A thousand argu- ments resulting from experience and the nature of things, might also be adduced to prove that the army, if it is dependent upon State sup- plies, must disband or starve, and that taxa- tion alone, especially at this late hour, cannot furnish the means to carry on the war." * We wiU here add, that the repeated and elab- orate reasonings of Washington, backed by dear- bought experience, slowly brought Congress to adopt a system suggested by him for the organ- ization and support of the army, according to which, troops were to be enlisted to serve throughout the war, and all officers who con- tinued in service until the return of peace were to receive half-pay during life. CHAPTER XIII. The Marquis Lafayette at this time com- manded the advance guard of Washington's army, composed of six battalions of light-in- fantry. They were better clad than the other soldiery ; in trim uniforms, leathern helmets, with crests of horse-hair. The officers were armed with spontoons, the non-commissioned officers with fusees ; both with short sabres which the marquis had brought from France, and presented to them. He was proud of his troops, and liad a young man's ardor for active service. The inactivity which had prevailed for some time past was intolerable to him. To satisfy his impatient longings, Wasliington had permitted him in the beginning of October to attempt a descent at night on Staten Island, to surprise two Hessian encampments. It had fallen through for want of boats, and other re- quisites, but he saw enough, he said, to con- vince him that the Americans were altogether fitted for such enterprises.! The marquis saw with repining the campaign drawing to a close, and nothing done that would rouse the people in America, and be spoken of at the Court of Versailles. He was urgent with Washington that tlie campaign * Writings of W'ashincton, vii. 22S. t Memoircs de Lafayette, T. 1, p. 337. ^T. 48.] LAFAYETTE ANXIOUS FOR ACTION— MARQUIS DE CHASTELLUX. 553 should be terminated by some brilliant stroke. " Any enterprise," writes he, " will please the people of this country, and show them that we do not mean to remain idle when we have men ; even a defeat, provided it Avere not disastrous, would have its good effect." Complaints, he hinted, had been made in France of the prevailing inactivity. " If any thing could decide the ministry to yield us the succor demanded," writes he, " it would be our giving the nation a proof that we are ready." The brilliant stroke, suggested with some detail by the marquis, was a general attack upon Fort Washington, and the otlier posts at the north end of the island of New York, and, under certain circumstances, which he speci- fied, maTce a ftishfor the city. "Washington regarded the project of his young and ardent friend with a more sober and cautious eye. " It is impossible, my dear marquis," replies he, " to desire more ardently than I do to terminate the campaign by some happy stroke ; but we must consult our means rather than our wishes, and not endeavor to better our affairs by attempting things, which for want of success may make them worse. We are to lament that there has been a misap- prehension of our circumstances in Europe ; but to endeavor to recover our reputation, we should take care that we do not injure it more. Ever since it became evident that the allied arms could not co-operate this campaign, I have had an eye to the point you mention, de- termined, if a favorable opening should offer, to embrace it : but, so far as my information goes, the enterprise would not bo warranted. It would, in my opinion, be imprudent to throw an army often thousand men upon an island, against nine thousand, exclusive of seamen and militia. This, from the accounts we have, ap- pears to be the enemy's force. All we can do at present, therefore, is to endeavor to gain a more certain knowledge of their situation, and act accordingly." The British posts in question were accord- ingly reconnoitred from the opposite banks of the Hudson, by Colonel Gouvion, an able French engineer. Preparations were made to carry the scheme into effect, should it be detei-- mined upon, in which case Lafayette was to lead the attack at the head of his light troops, and be supported by Washington with his main force ; Avhilc a strong foraging party sent by General Heath from West Point to White Plains in Westchester County, to draw the attention of the enemy in that direction, and mask the real design, was, on preconcerted signals, to advance rapidly to King's Bridge, and co-operate. Washington's own officers were kept in ig- norance of the ultimate object of the prepara- tory movements. " Never," writes his aide- de-camp. Colonel Humphreys, " never was a plan better arranged, and never did circum- stances promise more sure or complete success. The British were not only unalarmed, but our own troops were misguided in their operations." As the plan was not carried into effect, we have forborne to give many of its details. At this juncture, the Marquis de Chastellux arrived in camp. He was on a tour of curios- ity, Avhile the French troops at Rhode Island were in winter-quarters, and came on the invi- tation of his relative, the Marquis Lafayette, who was to present him to Washington. In after years he published an account of Ins tour, in which we have graphic sketches of the camp and the commanders. He arrived with his aides-de-camp on the afternoon of November 23d, and sought the head-quarters of the com- mander-in-chief. They were in a large farm- house. There was a spacious tent in the yard before it for the general, and several smaller tents in an adjacent field for his guards. Bag- gage waggons were arranged about for the transportation of the general's effects, and a number of grooms were attending to very fine horses belonging to general officers and their aides-de-camp. Every thing was in perfect order. As De Chastellux rode up, he observed Lafayette in front of the house, conversing with an officer, tall of stature, Avith a mild and noble countenance. It Avas Washington. De Chas- tellux alighted and was presented by Lafayette. His reception was frank and cordial. Washing- ton conducted him into the house. Dinner Avas over, but Generals Knox, Wayne, and Howe, and Colonels Hamilton, Tilghman, and other officers, were still seated round the board. Washington introduced De Chastellux to them, and ordered a repast for the former and his aides-de camp : all remained at table, and a fcAV glasses of claret and Madeira promoted socia- bility. The marquis soon found himself at his ease with Washington, "The goodness and benevolence which characterize him," observes he, " are felt by all around him ; but the con- fidence he inspires is never familiar ; it springs from a profound esteem for his virtues, and a great opinion of his talents." In the evening, after the guests had retired, 554 WASHINGTON AT HEAD-QUARTERS— DE CHASTELLUX'S IMPRESSIONS OF HIM. [1*780. "Washington conducted the marquis to a cham- ber prepared for him and his aides-de-camp, apologizing with nobly frank and simple polite- ness, that his scanty quarters did not afford more spacious accommodation. The next morning, horses were led up after breakfast ; they were to review the troops and visit Lafayette's encampment seven miles dis- tant. The horses which De Ohastellux and "Washington rode, had been presented to the latter by the State of Virginia. There were fine blood horses also for the aides-de-camp. " "Washington's horses," writes De Chastellux, " are as good as they are beautiful, and all per- fectly trained. He trains them all himself. He is a very good and a very hardy cavalier, leaping the highest barriers, and riding very fast, without rising in the stirrups, bearing on the bridle, or suffering his horse to run as if wild." In the cauip of artillery where General Knox received them, the marquis found every thing in perfect order, and conducted in the Euro- pean style. "Washington apologized for no sa- lute being fired. Detachments were in move- ment at a distance, in the plan of operations, and the booming of guns might give an alarm, or be mistaken for signals. Incessant and increasing rain obliged "Wash- ington to make but a short visit to Lafayette's camp, whence, putting spurs to his horse, he conducted his French visitors back to head- quarters on as fast a gallop as bad roads would permit. There were twenty guests at table that day at head-quarters. The dinner was in the Eng- lish style, large dishes of butcher's meat and poultry, with different kinds of vegetables, fol- lowed by pies and puddings, and a dessert of apples and hickory nuts. Wasliington's fond- ness for the latter was noticed by the marquis, and indeed was often a subject of remark. He would sit picking them by the hour after din- ner, as he sipped his wine and conversed. One of the general's aides-de-camp sat by him at the end of the table, according to cus- tom, to carve the dishes and circulate the wine. Healths were drunk and toasts were given ; the latter were sometimes given by the gen- eral through his aide-de-camp. The conversa- tion was tranquil and pleasant. "Washington willingly entered into some details about the principal operations of the war, " but always," says the marquis, " with a modesty and con- ciseness, which proved sufficiently that it was out of pure complaisance that he consented to talk about himself." "Wayne was pronounced agreeable and ani- mated in conversation, and possessed of wit ; but Knox, with his genial aspect and cordial manners, seems to have won De Chastellux's heart. " He is thirty -five years of age," writes he, " very stout but very active ; a man of tal- ent and intelligence, amiable, gay, sincere, and loyal. It is impossible to know him without esteeming him, and to see him without loving him." It was about half-past seven when the com- pany rose from the table, shortly after which, those who Avere not of the household departed. There was a light supper of three or four dishes, with fruit, and abundance of hickory nuts ; the cloth was soon removed ; Bordeaux and Ma- deira wine were placed npon the table, and conversation went on. Colonel Hamilton was the aide-de-camp who officiated, and announced the toasts as they occurred. " It is customary," writes the marquis, " towards the end of the supper to call upon each one for a sentment, that is to say, the name of some lady to whom he is attached by some sentiment either of love, friendship, or simple preference." It is evident there was extra gayety at the table of the commander-in-chief during this visit, in compliment to his French guests ; but we are told, that gay conversation often pre- vailed at the dinners at head-quarters among the aides-de-camp and young officers, in wliich "Washington took little part, though a quiet smile would show that he enjoyed it. "We have been tempted to quote freely the remarks of De Chastellux, as they are those of a cultivated man of society, whose position and experience made him a competent judge, and who had an opportunity of observing "Washing- ton in a ftimiliar point of view. Speaking of his personal appearance, he writes : " His form is noble and elevated, well- shaped, and exactly proportioned; his physi- ognomy mild and agreeable, but such, that one does not speak in particular of any one of its traits ; and that in quitting him there remains simply the recollection of a fine countenance. Ilis air is neither grave nor familiar ; one sees sometimes on his forehead the marks of thought, but never of inquietude ; while inspiring re- spect he inspires confidence, and his smile is always that of benevolence. " Above all, it is interesting," continues the mai'quis, " to see him in the midst of the gen- ^T. 48.] EXPLOIT OF MAJOR TALLMADGE— CORNWALLIS IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 555 eral officers of liis array. General iu a republic, he has not the imposing state of a marshal of France who gives the order ; hero in a repub- lic, he excites a different sort of respect, which seems to originate in this sole idea, that the welfare of each individual is attached to his person." He sums up his cliaracter in these words : " Bi'ave without temerity ; laborious without ambition ; generous withoxit prodigality ; noble without pride ; virtuous without seventy ; he seems always to stop short of that limit, where tlie virtues, assuming colors more vivid, but more changeable and dubious, might be taken for defects." During the time of this visit of the marquis to head-quarters, news was received of the un- expected and accideutal appearance of several British armed vessels in the Hudson ; the effect was to disconcert the complicated plan of a coup-de-main upon the British posts, and finally, to cause it to be abandoned. Some parts of the scheme were attended with success. The veteran Stark, with a de- tachment of twenty-five hundred men, made an extensive forage in Westchester County, and Major Tallmadge with eighty men, chiefly dismounted dragoons of SheVlon's regiment, crossed in boats from the Connecticut shore to Long Island, where the Soimd was twenty miles wide ; traversed the Island on the night of the 22d of November, surprised Fort George at Coram, captured the garrison of fifty -two men, demolished the fort, set fire to magazines of forage, and recrossed the Sound to Fairfield, without the loss of a man, an achievement which drew forth a high eulogium from Con- gress. ■% At the end of IsTovember the army went into winter-quarters ; the Pennsylvania line in the neighborhood of Morristown, the Jersey line about Pompton, the New England troops at "West Point, and the other posts of the High- lands ; and the New York line was stationed at Albany, to guard against any invasion from Canada. The French army remained stationed at New- port, excepting the Duke of Lauzun's legion, which was cantoned at Lebanon in Connecti- cut. Washington's head-quarters were estab- lished at New Windsor, on the Hudson. We will now turn to the South to note the course of affairs in that quarter during the last few months. CHAPTER XIV. CoENWALLis having, as he supposed, entirely crushed the " rebel cause " in South Carolina, by the defeats of Gates and Sumter, remained for some time at Camden, detained by tlie ex- cessive heat of the weather and the sickness of part of his troops, broken down by the hard- ships of campaigning under a southern sun. He awaited also supplies and reinforcements. Immediately after the victory at Camden, he had ordered the friends to royalty in North Carolina " to arm and intercept the beaten army of General Gates," promising that he would march directly to the borders of that province in their support ; he now detached Major Patrick Ferguson to its western confines, to keep the war alive in that (juarter. This resolute partisan had with him his own corps of light-infantry, and a body of royalist militia of his own training. His whole force was be- tween eleven and twelve hundred men, noted for activity and alertness, and unincumbered with baggage or artillery. His orders were to skirt the mountain coun- try between the Catawba and the Yadkin, harass the whigs, inspirit the tories, and em- body the militia under the royal banner. This done, he was to repair to Charlotte, the capital of Mecklenburg County, where he would find Lord Cornwallis, who intended to make it his rendezvous. Should he, however, in the course of his tour, be threatened by a superior force, lie was immediately to return to the main army. No great opposition, liowever, was ap- prehended, the Americans being considered totally broken up and dispirited. During the suspense of his active operations in the field, Cornwallis instituted rigorous measures against Americans who continued under arms, or, by any other acts, manifested what he termed " a desperate persev^eranee in opposing His Majesty's Government." Among these Avere included many who had taken ref- uge in North Carolina. A counnissioner was appointed to take possession of their estates and property ; of the annual product of which a part was to bo allowed for the support of their families, the residue to be applied to the maintenance of the war. Letters from several of tlie principal inhabitants of Charleston hav- ing been found in the baggage of the captured American generals, the fonr.er were accused of breaking their parole, and holding a treason- 556 RIGOR OF CORNWALLIS— MOUNTAIN MEN OF CAROLINA. [1780. able correspondence with the armed enemies of England ; they were in consequence confined on board of prison ships, and afterwards trans- ported to St. Augustine in Florida. Among the prisoners taken in the late com- bats, many, it was discovered, had British pro- tections in their pockets ; these were deemed arrant runagates, amenable to the penalties of the proclamation issued by Sir Henry Clinton on the 3d of June ; they were therefore led forth from the provost and hanged, almost without the form of an inquiry. These measures certainly Avere not in keep- ing with the character for moderation and be- nevolence usually given to Lord Oornwallis ; but they accorded with the rancorous spirit manifested toward each other both by whigs and tories in Southern warfare. If they were intended by his lordship as measures of policy, their effect was far different from what he anticipated ; opposition was exasperated into deadly hate, and a cry of vengeance was raised throughout the land. Oornwallis decamped from Camden, and set out for North Carolina. In the subjugation of that province, he counted on the co-operation of the troops which Sir Henry Clinton was to send to the lower part of Virginia, which, after reducing the Virgin- ians to obedience, were to join his lordship's standard on the confines of North Carolina. Advancing into the latter province, Corn- wallis took post at Charlotte, where he had given rendezvous to Ferguson. Mecklenburg, of which this was the capital, was, as the read- er may recollect, the " heady high-minded " county, where the first declaration of independ- ence had been made, and his lordship from uncomfortable experience soon pronounced Charlotte " the Hornet's Nest of North Caro- lina." The surrounding country was wild and rug- ged, covered with close and thick woods, and crossed in every direction by narrow roads. All attempts at foraging were worse than use- less. The plantations were small and afforded scanty supplies. The inhabitants were stanch whigs, with the pugnacious spirit of the old Covenanters. Instead of remaining at home and receiving the king's money in exchange for their prodiice, they turned out witli their rifles, stationed themselves in covert places, and fired upon the foraging parties ; convoys of provisions from Camden had to fight their way, and ex- presses were shot down and their despatches seized. The capture of his expresses was a sore an- noyance to Oornwallis, depriving him of all intelligence concerning the movements of Col- onel Ferguson, whose arrival he was anxiously awaiting. The expedition of that doughty partisan oflficer here calls for especial notice. He had been chosen for this military tour as being calculated to gain friends by his concili- ating disposition and manners, and his address to the people of the country was in that spirit : " "We come not to make war upon women and children, but to give them money and relieve their distresses." Ferguson, however, had a loyal hatred of whigs, and to his standard flocked many rancorous tories, besides outlaws and desperadoes, so that with all his concili- ating intentions, his progress through the coun- try was attended by many exasperating ex- cesses. He was on his way to join Oornwallis when a chance for a signal exploit presented itself. An American force under Colonel Elijah Clarke, of Georgia, was retreating to the mountain dis- tricts of North Carolina, after an unsuccessful attack upon the British post at Augusta. Fer- guson resolved to cut oft' their retreat. Turn- ing towards the mountains, he made his way through a rugged wilderness and took post at Gilbert-town, a small frontier village of log- houses. He was encouraged to this step, say the British chroniclers, by the persuasion that there was no force in that part of the country able to look him in the face. He had no idea that the marauds of his followers had arrayed the very wilderness against him. "All of a sudden," say the chroniclers just cited, " a nu- merous, fierce, and unexpected enemy sprung u[*in the depths of the desert. The scattered inhabitants of the mountains assembled with- out noise or warning, under the conduct of six or seven of their militia colonels, to the num- ber of six hundred strong, daring, well-mounted, and excellent horsemen." * These, in fact, were the people of the moun- tains which form the frontiers of the Carolinas and Georgia, "mountain men," as they were commonly called, a hardy race, half huntsmen, half herdsmen, inhabiting deep narrow valleys, and fertile slopes, adapted to grazing, watered by the coldest of springs and brightest of streams, and embosomed in mighty forest trees. Being subject to inroads and surprisals from the Chickasaws, Oherokees, and Creeks, a tacit * Annual Register, 1781, p. 52. Ml. 48.] MOUNTAIN MEN AND FIERCE MEN OF KENTUCKY. 657 league existed among them for mntiial defence, and it only needed, as in the present instance, an alarm to be circulated through their settle- ments by swift messengers, to bring them at once to the point of danger. Beside these there were other elements of war suddenly gathering in Ferguson's vicinity. A band of what were termed " the wild and fierce " inhabitants of Kentucky, with men from other settlements west of the Alleghanies, had crossed the moun- tains, led by Colonels Campbell and Boone, to pounce upon a quantity of Indian goods at Au- gusta ; but had pulled up on hearing of the repulse of Clarke. The stout yeomen, also, of the district of Ninety-Six, roused by the ma- rauds of Ferguson, had taken the field, under the conduct of Colonel James Williams, of Gran- ville County. Here, too, were hard-riders and sharp-shooters, from Ilolston Eiver, Powel's Valley, Botetourt, Fincastle, and other parts of Virginia, commanded by Colonels Campbell, Cleveland, Shelby, and Sevier. Such were the different bodies of mountaineers and back- woodsmen, suddenly drawing together from various parts to the number of three thousand. Threatened by a force so superior in numbers and fierce in hostility, Ferguson issued an ad- dress to rouse the tories. " The Backwater men have crossed the mountain," said he, " McDowell, Hampton, Shelby, and Cleveland are at their head. If you choose to be trodden upon forever and ever by a set of mongrels, say so at once, and let women look out for real men to protect them. If you desire to live and bear the name of men, grasp your arms in a moment and run to camp." The taunting appeal produced but little ef- fect. In this exigency, Ferguson remembered the instructions of Cornwallis, that he should rejoin him should ho find himself threatened by a superior force ; breaking up his quarters, therefore, he pushed for the British army, sending messengers ahead to apprise his lord- ship of his danger. Unfortunately for him, his missives were intercepted. Gilbert-town had not long been vacated by Ferguson and his troops, when the motley host we have described thronged in. Some were on foot, but the greater part on horseback. Some were in homespun garb ; but the most part in hunting-shirts, occasionally decorated with colored fringe and tassels. Each man had his long rifle, a hunting-knife, his wallet, or knapsack and blanket, and either a buck's tail or sprig of evergreen in his hat. Here and there an oflScer appeared in the Continen- tal uniform of blue and buif, but most pre- ferred the half-Indian hunting-dress. There was neither tent nor tent-equipage, neither baggage nor baggage-waggon to encumber the movements of that extemporaneous host. Prompt warriors of the wilderness, with them it was " seize the weapon — sjjring into the saddle — and away ! " In going into action, it was their practice to dismount, tie their horses to the branches of trees, or secure them in some other way, so as to be at hand for use when the battle was over, either to pursue a flying enemy, or make their own escape by dint of hoof. There was a clamor of tongues for a time at Gilbert-town; groups on horseback and foot in every part, holding hasty council. Being told that Ferguson had retreated by the Cher- okee road toward North Carolina, about nine hundred of tlie hardiest and best mounted set out in urgent pursuit ; leaving those who were on foot, or weakly mounted, to follow on as fast as possible. Colonel William Campbell, of Virginia, having come from the greatest dis- tance, was allowed to have command of the whole party ; but there was not much order nor subordination. Each colonel led his own men in his own way. In the evening they arrived at the Cowpens, a grazing neighborhood. Here two beeves were killed and given to be cut up, cooked, and eaten as quick as possible. Before those who were slow or negligent had half prepared their repast, marching orders were given, and all were again in the saddle. A rapid and irregu- lar- march was kept up all night in murky darkness and through a heavy rain. About daybreak they crossed Broad River, where an attack was appreliended. Not finding the en- emy, they halted, lit their fires, made their morning's meal, and took a brief repose. By nine o'clock they were again on the march. The rainy night had been succeeded by a bright October morning, and all were in high spirits. Ferguson, they learnt, had taken the road toward King's Mountain, about twelve miles distant. When within three miles of it their scouts brought in word that he had tak^n post on its summit. The oflicers now held a short consultation on horseback, and then pro- ceeded. The position taken by Ferguson was a strong one. King's Mountain rises out of a broken country, and is detacned, on the north, from inferior heights by a deep valley, so as to 558 BATTLE OF KING'S MOUNTAIN. [1780. resemble an insulated promontory about balf a mile in length with sloping sides, excepting on the north. The mountain was covered for the most part with lofty forest trees free from undei'wood, interspersed with boulders and masses of gray rock. The forest was suffi- ciently open to give free passago to horsemen. As the Americans drew nearer, they could, occasionally, through openings of the wood- land, descry the glittering of arms along a level ridge, forming the crest of King's Mountain. This, Ferguson had made his stronghold ; boast- ing that " if all the rebels out of hell sliould attack him, they would not drive him from it." Dismounting at a small stream which runs through a ravine, the Americans picketed their horses or tied them to the branches of the trees, and gave them in chai-ge of a small guard. They then formed themselves into three divisions of nearly equal size, and pre- pared to storm the heights on three sides. Campbell, seconded by Shelby, was to lead the centre division ; Sevier with McDowell the right, and Cleveland and Williams the left. The divisions were to scale the mountain as nearly as possible at the same time. The figlit- ing directions were in frontier style. "When once in action, every one must act for himself. The men were not to wait for the word of command, but to take good aim and fire as fast as possible. When they could no longer hold their ground, they were to get behind trees, or retreat a little, and return to the fight, but never to go quite off. Campbell allowed time for the flanking divi- sions to move to the right and left along the base of the mountain, and take their proper distances ; he then pushed up in front with the centre division, he and Shelby, each at tlie head of his men. The first firing was about four o'clock, when a picket was driven in by Cleveland and Williams on the left, and pur- sued up the mountain. Campbell soon arrived within rifle distance of the crest of the moun- tain, whence a sheeted fire of musketry was opened upon him. He instantly deployed his men, posted them behind trees, and returned the fire with deadly effect. Ferguson, exasperated at being thus hunted into this mountain fastness, had been chafing in his rocky lair and meditating a furious sally. • He now rushed out with his regulars, made an impetuous charge with the bayonet, and dis- lodging his assailants from their coverts, began to drive them down the mountain, they not having a bayonet among them. He had not proceeded far, when a flanking fire was opened by one of the other divisions ; facing about and attacking this he was again successful, when a tbird fire was opened from another quarter. Thus, as fast as one division gave way before the bayonet, another came to its relief ; while those who had given way rallied and returned to the charge. The nature of the fighting-ground was more favorable to the rifle than tlie bayonet, and this was a kind of warfare in wliich the frontier men were at home. The elevated jiosition of the enemy also was in favor of the Americans, securing them from the danger of their own cross-fire. Ferguson found tliat he was completely in the hunter's toils, beset on every side ; but he stood bravely at bay, until the ground around him Avas strewed with the killed and wounded, picked off by the fatal rifle. His men were at length broken and retreated in confusion along the ridge. He galloped from place to place endeavoring to rally them, when a rifle ball brought him to the ground, and his white horse was seen careering down the mountain without a rider. This closed the bloody fight ; for Ferguson's second in command, seeing all further resist- ance hopeless, hoisted a white flag, beat a par- ley, and sued for quarters. One hundred and fifty of the enemy had fallen, and as many been wounded ; while of the Americans, but twenty were killed, though a considerable number were wounded. Among those slain was Colonel James Williams, who had com- manded the troops of Ninety-Six, and j^roved himself one of the most daring of the partisan leaders. Eight hundred and ten men were taken pris- oners, one hundred of whom were regulars, the rest royalists. The rancor awakened by civil war was shown in the treatment of some of the prisoners. A court-martial was held the day after the battle, and a number of tory- prisoners who had been bitter in their hostility to the American cause, and flagitious in their persecution of their countrymen, were hanged. This was to revenge the death of American prisoners hanged at Camden and elsewhere. The army of mountaineers and frontier men tlius fortuitously congregated, did not attempt to follow up tlieir signal blow. They had no general scheme, no plan of campaign ; it was the spontaneous rising of the sons of the soil, to revenge it on its invaders, and, having Mr. 48.] RETROGRADE MARCH OF CORNWALLIS— GENERAL MARION. 559 effected their purpose, tliey returned in tri- umph to their homes. They were little aware of the importance of their achievement. The hattle of King's Mountain, inconsiderable as it was in the numbers engaged, turned the tide of Southern warfare. The destruction of Fer- guson and his corps gave a complete check to the expedition of Oornwallis. He began to fear for the safety of South Carolina, liable to such sudden irruptions from the mountains ; lest, while he was facing to the north, these hordes of stark-riding warriors might throw themselves behind him, and produce a popular combustion in the province he had loft. He resolved, there- fore, to return with all speed to that province and provide for its security. On the 14th of October he commenced his retrograde and mortifying march, conducting it in the night, and with such hurry and con- fusion, that nearly twenty waggons, laden with baggage and supplies, were lost. As he pro- ceeded, the rainy season set in ; the brooks and rivers became swollen, and almost impassable ; the roads deep and miry ; provisions and forage scanty ; the troops generally sickly, having no tents. Lord Oornwallis himself was seized with a bilious fever, which obliged him to halt two days in the Catawba settlement, and afterwards to be conveyed in a waggon, giving up the com- mand to Lord Eawdon. In the course of this desolate march, the British suffered as usual from the vengeance of an outraged country, being fired upon from behind trees and other coverts by the yeoman- ry ; their sentries shot down at tlieir encamp- ments ; their foraging parties cut off. " The enemy," writes Lord Rawdon, " are mostly mounted militia, not to be overtaken by our infantry, nor to be safely pursued in this strong country by our cavalry." For two weeks they were toiling on this re- trograde march, through deep roads, and a country cut up by water-courses, with the very elements arrayed against them. At length, after fording the Catawba where it was six hundred yards m^ ide, and three and a half deep, and where a handful of rilleraen might have held them in check, the army arrived at Winnsborough, in South Cafolina. Hence, by order of Oornwallis, Lord Rawdon wrote on the 24th of October to Brigadier-General Les- he, who was at that time in the Chesapeake, with the force detached by Sir Henry Clinton for a descent upon Virginia, suggesting the ex- pediency of his advancing to North Carolina for the purpose of co-operation with Cornwal- lis, who feared to proceed far from South Car- olina, lest it should be again in insurrection. In the mean time his lordship took post at Winnsborough. It Avas a central position, where he might cover tljc country from pai-ti- san incursions, obtain forage and supplies, and await the co-operation of General Leslie. CHAPTER XV. The victory at King's Mountain had set the ])artisan sjnrit throughout the country in a blaze. Francis Marion was soon in the field. He had been made a brigadier-general by Gov- ernor Rutledge, but his brigade, as it was called, was formed of neighbors and friends, and was continually fluctuating in numbers. He was nearly fifty years of age, and small of stature, but hardy, healthy, and vigorous. Brave but not braggart, never avoiding danger, but never rashly seeking it. Taciturn and ab- stemious ; a strict disciplinarian : careful of the lives of his men, but little mindful of his own life. Just in his dealings, free from every thing selfish or mercenary, and incapable of a meanness. He had his haunts and strongholds in the morasses of the Pedee and Black River. His men were hardy and abstemious as him- self; they ate their meat without salt, often subsisted on potatoes, were scantily clad, and almost destitute of blankets. Marion was full of stratagems and expedients. Sallying forth from his morasses, he would overrun the lower disti-icts, pass the Santee, beat up the small posts in the vicinity of Charleston, cut up the communication between that city and Camden ; and having struck some signal blow, so as to rouse the vengeance of the enemy, would re- treat again into his fenny fastnesses. Hence the British gave him the bye name of the Swamp Fox, but those of his countrymen who knew his courage, his loftiness of spirit, and spotless integrity, considered him the Bayard of the South. Tarleton, who was on duty in that part of the country, undertook, as he said, to draw the swamp fox from his cover. He accordingly marched cautiously down the east bank of the Wateree with a body of dragoons and infantry, in compact order. The fox, however, kept close ; he saw that the enemy was too strong for him. Tarleton now changed his plan. By 500 FIGHT AT BLACK STOCK HILL— GATES AT HILLSBOROUGH. [1780. day he broke up his force into small detach- ments or patrols, giving them orders to keep near enough to each other to render mutual sup- port if attacked, and to gather together at night. The artifice had its eflPect. Marion sallied forth from his covert just before daybreak to make an attack upon one of these detachments, when, to his surprise, he found himself close upon the British camp. Perceiving the snare that had been spread for him, he made a rapid retreat. A close pursuit took place. For seven hours Marion was hunted from one swamp and fastness to another ; several stragglers of his band were captured, and Tarleton was in strong hope of bringing him into action, when an ex- press came spurring from Cornwallis, calling for the immediate services of himself and his dragoons in another quarter. Sumter was again in the field ! That inde- fatigable partisan, having recruited a strong party in the mountainous country to which he retreated after his defeat on the Wateree, had reappeared on the west side of the Santee, re- pulsed a British party sent against him, killing its leader ; then, crossing Broad River, had effected a junction with Colonels Clark and Brannan, and now menaced the British posts in the district of Ninety-Sis. It was to disperse this head of partisan war that Tarleton was called off from beleaguering Marion. Advancing with his accustomed ce- lerity, he thought to surprise Sumter on the Enoree River. A deserter apprised the latter of his danger. He pushed across the river, but was hotly pursued, and his rear-guard roughly handled. He now made for the Tyger River, noted for turbulence and rapidity ; once beyond this, he might disband his followers in the woods. Tarleton, to prevent his passing it un- molested, spurred forward in advance of his main body with one hundred and seventy dra- goons, and eighty mounted men of the infantry. Before five o'clock (Nov. 20) his advanced guard overtook and charged the rear guard of th'e Americans, who retreated to the main body. Sumter finding it impossible to cross Tyger River in safety, and being informed that the enemy, thus pressing upon him, were with- out infantry or cannon, took post on Black Stock Hill, with a rivulet and rail fence in front, the Tyger River in the rear and on the right flank, and a large log-barn on the left. The barn was turned into a fortress, and a part of tlie force stationed in it to fire through the apertures between the logs. Tarleton halted on an opposite height to await the arrival of his infantry, and part of his men dismounted to ease their horses. Sumter seized this moment for an attack. He was driven back after some sharp fighting. The enemy pursued, but were severely galled by the fire from the log barn. Enraged at seeing his men shot down, Tarleton charged witli Iiis cavalry, but found it impossible to dislodge the Americans from their rustic fortress. At the approach of night he fell back to join his inftm- try, leaving the ground strewed with his killed and wounded. The latter were treated with great humanity by Sumter. The loss of the Americans was only three killed and four wounded. Sumter, who had received a severe wound in the breast, remained several hours on the field of action ; but, understanding the enemy would be powerfully reinforced in the morning, he crossed the Tyger River in the night. He was then placed on a litter between two horses, and thus conducted across the country by a few faithful adherents. The rest of his little army dispersed themselves through the woods. Tarle- ton, finding his enemy had disappeared, claimed the credit of a victory ; but those who consid- ered the atljxir rightly, declared that he had re- ceived a severe check. While the attention of the enemy was thus engaged by the enterprises of Sumter and Ma- rion and tlieir swamp warriors, General Gates was gathering together the scattered fragments of his army at Hillsborougli. When all were collected, his whole force, exclusive of militia, did not exceed fourteen hundred men. It was, as he said, " rather a shadow than a substance." His troops, disheartened by defeat, were in a forlorn state, without clothing, without pay, and sometimes without provisions. Destitute of tents, they constructed hovels of fence-rails, poles, brushwood, and the stalks of Indian corn, the officers faring no better than the men. The vanity of Gates was completely cut down by his late reverses. He had lost, too, the con- fidence of his officers, and was unable to main- tain discipline among his men ; who through their irregularities became a terror to the country people. On the retreat of Cornwallis from Charlotte, Gates advanced to that place to make it his winter-quarters. Huts were ordered to be built, and a regular encampment was com- menced. Smallwood, with a body of militia, Mt. 48.] GATES'S DOMESTIC MISFORTUNES— ARRIVAL OF GREENE. 561 was stationed below on the Catawba to guard the road leading through Camden ; and further down was posted Brigadier-General Morgan, with a corps of light troops. To add to his depression of spirits, Gates received the melancholy intelligence of the deatli of an only son, and, while he was yet writhing under the blow, came oflBcial de- spatches informing him of his being superseded in command. A letter fro^ Washington, we are told, accompanied them, sympathizing with him in his domestic misfortunes, adverting with peculiar delicacy to his reverses in battle, assur- ing him of his undiminished confidence in his zeal and capacity, and his readiness to give him the command of the left wing of his army as soon as he could make it convenient to join him. The effect of this letter was overpowering. Gates was found walking about his room in the greatest agitation, pressing the letter to his lips, breaking forth into ejaculations of gratitude and admiration, and when he could find utter- ance to his thoughts, declared that its tender sympathy and considerate delicacy had con- veyed more consolation and delight to his heart than he had believed it possible ever to have felt again.* General Greene arrived at Charlotte, on the 2d of December. On his way from the North he had made arrangements for supplies from the different States ; and had left the Baron Steuben in Virginia to defend that State and procure and send on reinforcements and stores for the Southern army. On the day following his arrival, Greene took formal command. The delicacy with which he conducted himself towards his unfortunate predecessor is said to have been "edifying to the army." Consulting with his officers as to the court of inquiry on the conduct of General Gates, ordered by Con- gress ; it was determined that there was not a sufficient nurnber of general officers in camp to sit upon it ; that the state of General Gates's feelings, in consequence of the death of his son, disqualified him from entering upon the task of his defence ; and that it would be indelicate in the extreme to press on him an investigation, which his honor would not permit him to defer. Beside, added Greene, his is a case of misfor- tune, and the most honorable course to be pur- * Related by Dr. William Reed, at that time super- intendent of the Hospital department at Hillsborough, to Alexander Garden, aide-de-camp to Greene.— Garden's Anecdotes, p. 350. 36 sued, both with regard to General Gates and the government, is to make such representa- tions as may obtain a revision of the order of Congress directing an inquiry into his conduct. In this opinion all present concurred. Gates, in fact, when informed in the most delicate manner of the order of Congress, was urgent that a court of inquiry should be imme- diately convened : he acknowledged there was some important evidence that could not at present be procured; but he relied on the honor and justice of the court to make allow- ance for the deficiency. He was ultimately brought to acquiesce in the decision of the coun- cil of war for the postponement, but declared that he could not think of servmg until the matter should have been properly investigated. He determined to pass the interim on his estate in Virginia. Greene, in a letter to "Washington (December 7th), writes : " General Gates sets out to-morrow for the northward. Many offi- cers think very favorably of his conduct, and that, whenever an inquiry takes place, he will honorably acquit himself." The kind and considerate conduct of Greene, on the present occasion, completely subdued the heart of Gates, The coldness, if not ill- will, with which he had hitherto regarded him, was at an end, and, in all his subsequent cor- respondence with him, he addressed him in terms of affection. "We take pleasure in noting the generous con- duct of the General Assembly of Virginia tow- ards Gates. It was in session when he arrived at Richmond. " Those fathers of the common- wealth," writes Col. H. Lee, in his Memoirs, " appointed a committee of their body to wait on the vanquished general, and assure him of their high regard and esteem, that their re- membrance of his foriner glorious services was never to be obliterate by any reverse of for- tune ; but, ever mindful of his great merit, they would omit no opportunity of testifying to the world the gratitude which Virginia, as a mem- ber of the American Union, owed to him in his military character." Gates was sensibly affected and comforted by this kind reception, and retired with a lighten- ed heart to his farm in Berkeley County. The whole force at Charlotte, when Greene took command, did not much exceed twenty- three hundred men, and more than half of them were militia. It had been broken in spirit by the recent defeat. The officers had fallen into habits of negligence ; the soldiers were loose 562 GREENE'S APHORISMS-GALLANT EXPLOIT OF COLONEL WASHINGTON. [1780. and disorderly, without tents and camp equi- page ; badly clothed and fed, and prone to re- lieve tlieir necessities by depredating upon the inhabitants. Greene's letters written at the time, abound with military aphorisms suggested by the squalid scene around him. " There must be either pride or principle," said he, "to make a soldier. No man wiU think himself bound to fight the battles of a State that leaves him perishing for want of covering ; nor can you inspire a soldier with the sentiment of pride, while his situation renders him an object of pity, rather than of envy. Good feeding is the first principle of good service. It is impossible to preserve discipline where troops are in want of every thing— to attempt severity will only thin the ranks by a more hasty desertion." The state of the country in which he was to act was equally discouraging, " It is so exten- sive," said he, " and the powers of government so weak, that everybody does as he pleases. The inhabitants are much divided in their poli- tical sentiments, and the whigs and tories pur- sue each other with little less than savage fury. The back country people are bold and daring ; but the people upon the sea shore are sickly, and but indifferent militia." " War here," observes he in another letter, " is upon a very diflferent scale to what it is at the Northward. It is a plain business there. The geography of the country reduces its ope- rations to two or three points. But here it is everywhere ; and the country is so full of deep rivers and impassable creeks and swamps, that you are always liable to misfortimes of a capital nature. The whigs and tories," adds he, » are continually out in small parties, and all the middle country is so disaflfected that you cannot lay in the most trifling magazine, or send a waggon through the^^oountry with the least article of stores withoii^a guard." A recent exploit had given some animation to the troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, detached with a troop of light-horse to check a foraging party of the enemy, scoured the country within thirteen miles of Camden. Here he found a body of loyalist mihtia strongly posted at Clermont, the seat of Colonel Ruge- ley, their tory commander. They had en- pco'nsed themselves in a large barn, built of logs, and had fortified it by a slight intrenchment and a line of abatis. To attack it with cavalry was useless. Colonel Washington dismounted a part of his troops to appear like infantry ; placed on two waggon-wheels the trunk of a pine-tree, shaped and painted to look like a field-piece, brought it to bear upon the enemy, and, displaying his cavalry, sent in a flag sum- moning the garrison to surrender instantly, on pain of having their log castle battered about their ears. The garrison, to the number of one hundred and twelve men, with Colonel Eugeley at their head, gave themselves up prisoners of war.* Cornwallis, mentioning the ludicrous affair in a letter to Tarleton, adds sarcastically : " Eugeley will not be made a brigadier." The unlucky colonel never again appeared in arms. The first care of General Greene was to re- organize his army. He went to work quietly but resolutely : called no councils of war ; com- municated his plans and intentions to few, and such only as were able and willing to aid in executing them. " If I cannot inspire respect and confidence by an independent conduct," said he, " it will be impossible to instil disci- pline and order among the troops." His efforts were successful ; the army soon began to as- sume what he termed a military complexion. He was equally studious to promote harmony among his oflicers, of whom a number were young, gallant, and intelligent. It was his de- light ^to have them at his genial but simple ta- ble, where parade and restraint were banished, and pleasant and instructive conversation was promoted; which, next to reading, was his great enjoyment. The manly benignity of his manners diflused itself round his board, and a common sentiment of affection for their chief united the young men in a kind of brother- hood. I rinding the country around Charlotte ex- hausted by repeated foragings, he separated the army into two divisions. One, about one thousand strong, was commanded by Brigadier- General Morgan, of rifle renown, and was com- posed of four hundred Continental infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Howard of the Mary- land line, two companies of Virginia militia, under Captains Tripplet and Tate, and one hun- dred dragoons, under Lieutenant-Colonel Wash- ington. With these Morgan was detached tow- ards the district of Ninety-Six, in South Caro- lina, with orders to take a position near the confluence of the Pacolet and Broad Rivers, and assemble the militia of the country. With the other division, Greene made a march of toilful diflSculty through a barren country, with waggons and horses quite unfit for service, to ' Williams' Narrative. ^x.48.] GREENE ON THE PEDEE RIVER-HOSTILE EMBARKATIONS TO T. E SOUTH. 563 Hicks' Creek, in Chesterfield district, on the east side of the Pedee Eiver opposite the Che- raw IliUs. There he posted liimself, on the 26th, partly to discourage the enemy from at- tempting to possess themselves of Cross Creek wliieh would give them command of the greatest part of the provisions of the lower coxmtry partly to form a camp of repose; ."and no army," writes lie, "ever wanted one more, the troops having totally lost their discipline." " I will not pain your Excellency," writes he to Washington, " with further accounts of the wants and sufferings of this army ; but I am not without great apprehension of its entire disso- lution, unless the commissary's and quartermas- ter's departments can be rendered more compe- tent to the demands of the service. Nor are the clothing and hospital departments ui)on a better footing. Not a shilling in the pay cliest, nor a prospect of any for months to come. This is really making bricks without straw." Governor Rutledge also wrote to Washington from Greene's camp, on the 28th of December, imploring aid for South Carolina. " Some of the stanch inhabitants of Charleston," writes he, " have been sent to St. Augustine, and others are to follow. The enemy have hanged many people, who, from fear, or the impracticability of removing, had received protections or given paroles, and from attachment to, liad afterwards taken part with us. They have burned a great number of houses, and turned many women, formerly of good fortune, with their children (whom their husbands or parents, from an un- willingness to join the enemy, had left), almost naked into the woods. Their cruelty and the distresses of the people are indeed beyond de- scription, I entreat your Excellency, therefore, seriously to consider the unhappy state of South Carolina and Georgia ; and I rely on your hu- manity and your knowledge of their importance to the Union for such speedy and effectual support, as may compel the enemy to evacuate every part of these countries." * CHAPTER XVI. The occurrences recorded in the last few chapters made Washington apprehend a design on the part of the enemy to carry the stress of war into the Southern States. Conscious that * Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 188. he was the man to whom all looked in time of emergency, and who was, in a manner, respon- sible for the general course of military affairs, he deeply felt the actual impotency of his position. In a letter to Franklin, who was minister- plenipotentiary at the court of Versailles, he strongly expresses his chagrin. " Disappointed of the second division of French troops, but more especially in the expected naval superi-" ority, which was the pivot upon which every thing turned ; we have been compelled to spend an inactive campaign, after a flattering prospect at the opening of.it, and vigorous struggles to make it a decisive one on our part. Latterly we have been obliged to become spectators of a^succession of detachments from the army at New York in aid of Lord Cornwallis, while our naval weakness, and the political dissolution of a great part of our army, put it out of our power to counteract them at the southward, or- to take advantage of them here." The last of these detachments to the South took place on the 20th of December, but was not destined, as Washington had supposed, for South Carolina. Sir Henry Clinton had received in- formation that the troops already mentioned as being under General Leslie in the Chesapeake, had, by orders from Cornwallis, sailed for Charleston, to reinforce his lordship ; and tliis detachment was to take their place in Virginia. It was composed of British, German, and refu- gee troops, about seventeen hundred strong, and was commanded by Benedict Arnold, now a brigadier-general in his majesty's service. Sir Henry Clinton, who distrusted the fidelity of the man he had corrupted, sent with him Colo- nels Dundas and Simcoe, experienced officers, by Avhose advice he was to be guided in every important measure. He was to make an incur- sion into Virginia, destroy the public magazines, assemble and arm the loyalists, and hold him- self ready to co-operate with Lord Cornwallis. He embarked his troops in a fleet of small ves- sels, and departed on liis enterprise animated by the rancorous spirit of a renegade, and prepared, as he vaunted, to give the Americans a blow " that would make the whole continent shake." We shall speak of his expedition hereafter. As Washington beheld one hostile armament afteu another winging its way to the South, and received applications from that quarter for as- sistance, which he had not the means to furnish, it became painfully apparent to him, that the 564 WASHINGTON URGES A FOREIGN LOAN— MISSION OF COLONEL LAURENS. [1780. efforts to carry on the war had exceeded the natural capabilities of the country. Its widely diffused population, and tlic composition and temper of some of its people, rendered it diffi- cult to draw together its resources. Commerce ■s\-a3 almost extinct; there was not sufficient natural wealth on which to found a revenue ; paper currency had depreciated through want of funds for its redemption until it was nearly worthless. The mode of supplying the army by assessing a proportion of the productions of the earth, had proved ineffectual, oppressive, and productive of an alarming opposition. Domestic loans yielded hut .trifling assistance. The patience of the army was nearly exhaust- ed ; the people were dissatisfied with the mode of supporting the war, and there was reason to apprehend, that, under the pressure of imposi- tions of a new and odious kind, they might imagine they had only exchanged one kind of tyranny for another. We give hut a few of many considerations which Washington was continually urging upon the attention of Congress in Ins full and perspicuous manner ; the end of which was to enforce his opinion that a foreign loan was in- dispensably necessary to a continuance of the war. His earnest counsels and entreaties were at length successful in determining Congress to seek aid both in men and money from abroad. Accordingly, on the 28th of December they commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel John Lau- rens, special minister at the court of Versailles, to apply for such aid. The situation he had lield, as aide-de-camp to the commander-in- chief, had given him an opportunity of observ- ing the course of affairs, and acquainting him- self with the wants and resources of tlie comi- try; and he was instructed to confer with Washington, previous -to his departure, as to the objects of his mission. Not content with impressing him verbally with his policy, Wash- ington gave him a letter of instructions for his government, and to be used as occasion might require. In this he advised him to solicit a loan sufficiently large to be a foundation for substantial arrangements of finance, to revive public credit, and give vigor to future opera- tions ; — next to a loan of money, a naval force was to be desired, sufficient to maintain a constant superiority on the American Qpast ; also additional succor in troops. In a word, a means of co-operation by sea and land, with purse and sword, competent by a decided effort to attain, once for all, the great objects of the alliance, the liberty and independence of the United States, He was to show, at the same time, the ample means possessed by the nation to repay the loan, from its comparative freedom from debt, and its vast and valuable tracts of unsettled lands, th.e variety and fertility of its climates and soils, and its advantages of every kind for a lucrative commerce, and rapid increase of population and prosperity. Scarce had Colonel Laurens been appoint- ed to this mission, when a painful occurrence proved the urgent necessity of the required aid. In the arrangements for winter-quarters, the Pennsylvania line, consisting of six regiments, was hutted near Morristown. These troops had experienced the hardships and privations common to the whole army. General Wayne, who commanded them, had a soldier's sympa- thy in the sufferings of his men, and speaks of them in feeling language : " Poorly clothed, badly fed, and worse paid," writes he, " some of them not having received a paper dollar for near twelve months ; exposed to winter's pierc- ing colfl, to drifting snows and chilling blasts, with no protection but old worn-out coats, tat- tered linen overalls, and but one blanket be- tween three men. In this situation the enemy begin to work upon their passions, and have found means to circulate some proclamations among them. * * * The officers in general, as well as myself, find it necessary to stand for hours every day exposed to wind and weather among the poor naked fellows, while they are working at their huts and redoubts, often assist- ing with our own hands, in order to produce a conviction to their minds that we share, and more than share, every vicissitude in ctmimon with them : sometimes asking to participate their bread and water. The good effect of this conduct is very conspicuous, and prevents their mur- muring in public ; but the delicate mind and eye of humanity are hurt, very mucli hurt, at their visible distress and private complainings." How strongly is hero depicted the trials to which the soldiers of the Revolution were con- tinually subjected. But the Pennsylvania line had an additional grievance peculiar to them- selves. Many of them had enlisted to serve " for three years, or during war," that is to say, for less than three years should the war cease in less time. When, however, having served for three years, they sought their dis- charge, the officers, loth to lose such experi- ^T. 49.] REVOLT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 565 enced soldiers, interpreted the terms of enlist- ment to mean three years, or to the end of the war, should it continue for a longer time. This chicanery naturally produced great ex- asperation. It was heightened by the conduct of a deputation from Pennsylvania, which, while it left veteran troops unpaid, distributed gold by handsful among raw six-month levies, whose time was expiring, as bounties on their re-enlisting for the war. The first day of the New Year arrived. The men were excited by an extra allowance of ar- dent spirits. In the evening, at a preconcerted signal, a great part of the Pennsylvania line, non-commissioned officers included, turned out under arms, declaring their intention to march to Philadelphia, and demand redress from Con- gress. Wayne endeavored to pacify them; they were no longer to be pacified by words. He cocked his pistols ; in an instant their bayo- nets were at his breast. " We love, we respect you," cried they, " but you are a dead man if you fire. Do not mistake us ; we are not going to the enemy : were they now to come out, you would see ns fight under your orders with as much resolution and alacrity as ever." * Their threat was not an idle one. In an at- tempt to suppress the mutiny there was a bloody alTra}^, in which numbers were wounded on both sides ; among whom were several offi- cers. One captain was killed. Three regiments which had taken no part in the mutiny were paraded under tlieir officers. The mutineers compelled them to join their ranks. Their number being increased to about thirteen hundred, they seized upon six field- pieces, and set out in the night for Pliiladel- phia under command of their sergeants. Fearing the enemy might take advanta'ge of this outbreak, Wayne detached a Jersey bri- gade to Chatham, and ordered the militia to be called out there. Alarm fires were kindled upon the hills ; alarm guns boomed from post to post ; the country was soon on the alert. Wayne' was not " Mad Anthony " on the present occasion. All his measui'es were taken with judgment and forecast. He sent provi- sions after the mutineers, lest they should sup- ply their wants from the country people by force. Two officers of rank spurred to Phila- delpliia, to apprise Congress of the approach of the insurgents, and put it upon its guard. Wayne sent a despatch with news of the out- * Quincy's Memoir of Major Bhaw, p. 85. break to Washington ; he then mounted his horse, and accompanied by Colonels Butler and Stewart, two officers popular with the troops, set off after the mutineers, either to bring them to a halt, or to keep with them, and seek every occasion to exert a favorable influence over them. Washington received Wayne's letter at his head-quarters at New Windsor on the 3d of January. His first impulse was to set out at once for the insurgent camp. Second thoughts showed the impolicy of such a move. Before he could overtake the mutineers, they would either have returned to their duty, or their af- fair would be in the hands of Congress. How far, too, could his own troops be left with safety, distressed as they were for clothing and provisions ? Beside, the navigation of the Hud- son v/as still open ; should any disaffection ap- pear in the neighboring garrison of West Point, the British might send up an expedition from New York to take advantage of it. Under these circumstances, he determined to continue at New Windsor. He wrote to Wayne, however, approving of his intention to keep with the troops, and im- prove every favorable interval of passion. His letter breathes that paternal spirit with which he watched over the army ; and that admirable moderation mingled with discipline with which he managed and moulded their wayward moods. " Opposition," said he, " as it did not succeed in the first instance, cannot be efl["ectual while the men remain togethei-, but will keep alive resentment, and may tempt them to turn about and go in a body to the enemy ; who, by their emissaries, will use every argument and means in their power to per- suade them that it is their only asylum ; which, if they find their passage stopped at the Dela- ware, and hear that the Jersey militia are col- lecting in their rear, they may think but too probable. I Avould, tlierefore, recommend it to you to cross the Delaware with them, draw from them what they conceive to be their prin- cipal grievances, and promise faithfully to rep- resent to Congress and to the State the sub- stance of them, and endeavor to obtain a re- dress. If they could be stopped at Bristol or Germantown, the better. I look upon it, that if you can bring them to a negotiation, matters may be afterwards accommodated ; but that an attempt to reduce them by force will either drive them to the enemy, or dissipate them in such a manner that they will never be recov- ered." 566 REVOLT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. [1Y81. How clearly one reads in this letter that tem- perate and magnanimous spirit which moved over the troubled waters of the Eevolution, allayed the fury of the storms, and controlled every thing into peace. Having visited the Highland posts of the Hudson, and satisfied himself of the fidelity of the garrisons, "Washington ordered a detach- ment of eleven hundred men to be ready to march at a moment's warning. General Knox, also, was despatched by him to the Eastern States, to represent to their governments the alarming crisis produced by a long neglect of the subsistence of the army, and to urge them to send on 'immediately money, clothing, and other supplies for their respective lines. In the mean time, as Washington had appre- hended. Sir Henry Clinton received intelligence at New York of the mutiny, and hastened to profit by it. Emissaries were despatched to the camp of the mutineers, holding out oifers of pardon, protection, and ample pay, if they would return to their allegiance to the crown. On the 4th of January, although the rain pour- ed in torrents, troops and cannon were hurried on board of vessels of every description, and transported to Staten Island, Sir Henry accom- panying them. There they were to be held in rejidiness, either to land at Amboy in the Jer- seys, should the revolters be drawn in that di- rection, or to make a dash at West Point, should the departure of Washington leave that post assailable. General Wayne and his companions. Colonels Butler and Stewart, had overtaken the insur- gent troops on the 3d of January, at Middle- brook. They were proceeding in military form, under the control of a self-constituted board of sergeants, whose orders were implicitly obeyed. A sergeant-major, who had formerly deserted from the British army, had the general command. Conferences were held by Wayne with ser- geants delegated from each regiment. They ai)peared to be satisfied with the mode and promises of redress held out to them ; but the main body of the mutineers persisted in revolt, and proceeded on the next day to Princeton. Wayne hoped they might continue further on, and would gladly have seen them across the Delaware, beyond the influence of the ene- my ; but their leaders clung to Princeton, lest in further movements they might not be able to keep their followers together. Their pro- ceedings continued to be orderly ; military forms were stiU observed ; they obeyed their leaders, behaved well to the people of the country, and committed no excesses. General Wayne and Colonels Butler and Stewart remained with them in an equivocal position ; popular, but without authority, and almost in durance. The insurgents professed themselves still ready to march under them against the enemy, but would permit none other of their former oflBcers to come among them. The Marquis de Lafayette, General St. Clair, and Colonel Laurens, the newly-appointed minister to France, arrived at the camp and were admitted ; but afterwards were ordered away at a short notice. The news of the revolt caused great conster- nation in Philadelphia. A committee of Con- gress set ofi" to meet the insurgents, accompa- nied by Eeed, the president of Pennsylvania, and one or two other officers, and escorted by a city troop of horse. The committee halted at Trenton, whence President Reed wrote to Wayne, requesting a personal interview at four o'clock in the afternoon, at four miles' distance from Princeton. Wayne was moreover told to inform the troops, that he (Reed) would be there, to receive any pro^-nsitions from them, and redi'ess any injuries they might have sus- tained ; but that, after the indignities they had oftered to the marquis and General St. Clair, he could not venture to put himself in their power. Wayne, knowing that the letter was intend- ed for his troops more than for himself, read it publicly on the parade. It had a good effect upon the sergeants and many of the men. The idea that the president of their State should have to leave the seat of government and stoop to treat with them, touched their sectional pride and their home feelings. They gathered round the horseman who had brought the letter, and inquired anxiously whether Presi- dent Reed was unkindly disposed towards them ; intimating privately their dislike to the business in which they were engaged. Still, it was not thought prudent for Presi- dent Reed to trust himself within their camp. Wayne promised to meet him on the follow- ing day (7th), though it seemed uncertain whether he was master of himself, or whether he was not a kind of prisoner. Tidings had just been received of the movements of Sir Henry Clinton, ?.nd of tempting overtures he intended to make, and it was feared the men might listen to them. Three of the light-horse ^T. 49.] ARTICLES OF ACCOMMODATION— MUTINY OF JERSEY TROOPS. 567 were sent in the direction of Amboy to keep a look-out for any lauding of the enemy. At this critical juncture, two of Sir Henry's emissaries arrived in the camp, and delivered to the leaders of the malcontents a paper con- taining his seductive proposals and promises. Tlie mutineers, though openly arrayed in arms against their government, spurned at the idea of turning " Arnolds," as they termed it. The emissaries were seized and conducted to Gen- eral Wayne, who placed them in confinement, promising that they should be liberated, should the pending negotiation faih This incident had a great effect in inspiring hope of the ultimate loyalty of the troops ; and the favorable representations of the temper of tlie men, made by General Wayne in a personal interview, determined President Reed to ven- ture among them. The consequences of their desertion to the enemy were too alarming to be risked. " I have biit one life to lose," said he, " and my country has tlie first claim to it." * As he approached Princeton with his suite, he found guards regularly posted, who turned out and saluted him in military style. The wht;»}e line was drawn out under arms near the college, and the artillery on the point of firing a salute. He prevented it, lest it should alarm the country. It was a hard task for him to ride along the line as if reviewing troops regu- larly organized ; but the crisis required some sacrifice of the kind. The sergeants were all in the places of their respective ofiicers, and saluted the president as he passed ; never were mutineers more orderly and decorous. The propositions now oifered to the troops were : — To discharge all those who had enlisted indefinitely for three years or during the war ; the fact to be inquired into by three commis- sioners appointed by the executive — where the original enlistment could not be produced in evidence, the oath of the soldier to suflice. To give immediate certificates for the deficit in their pay caused by the depreciation of the currency, and the arrearages to be settled as soon as circumstances would permit. To furnish them immediately with certain specified articles of clothing which were most wanted. These propositions proving satisfactory, the troops set out for Trenton, where the negotia- tion was concluded. Most of the artillerists and many of the in- ■ Letter to the Executive Council. fantry obtained their discharges ; some on their oaths, others on account of the vague terms under which they had been enlisted ; forty days' furlough was given to the rest, and thus, for a time, the whole insurgent force was dis- solved. The two spies who had tampered with the fidelity of the troops,' were tried by a court- martial, found guilty, and hanged at the cross- roads near Trenton. A reward of fifty guineas each, was otfered to two sergeants who had arrested and delivered them up. They declined accepting it ; saying, they had merely acted by order of the board of sergeants. The hundred guineas were then ofiered to the board. Their reply is worthy of record, " It was not," said they, " for the sake or through any expectation of reward, but for the love of our country, that we sent the spies immediately to General Wayne ; we therefore do not consider our- selves entitled to aijy other reward but the love of our country, and do jointly agree to accept of no other." The accommodation entered into with the mutineers of the Pennsylvania line appeared to Washington of doubtful policy, and likely to have a pernicious efiect on the whole army. His apprehensions were soon justified by events. On the night of the 20th of January, a part of the Jersey troops, stationed at Pompton, rose in arms, claiming the same terms just yielded to the Pennsylvanians. For a time, it was feared the revolt would spread throughout the line. Sir Henry Clinton was again on the alert. Troops were sent to Staten Island, to be ready to cross into the Jerseys, and an emissary was despatched to tempt the mutineers with seduc- tive oifers. In this instance, Washington adopted a more rigorous course than in the other. The present insurgents were not so formidable in point of numbers as the Pennsylvanians; the greater part of them, also, were foreigners, for whom he felt less sympathy than for native troops. He was convinced too of the fidelity of the troops under his immediate command, who were from the Eastern States, A detachment from the Massachusetts line was sent under Major-General Howe, who was instructed to compel the mutineers to unconditional submis- sion ; to grant them no terms while in arms, or in a state of resistance ; and on their sur- render, instantly to execute a few of the most active and incendiary leaders, " You will also 568 RATIFICATION OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATIOX— ARNOLD IN VIRGINIA. [1781. try," added he, " to avail yourself of the ser- vices of the militia, representing to them how dangerous to civil liberty, is the precedent of armed soldiers dictating to their country." His orders were pimctually obeyed, and were crowned with complete success. Howe had the good fortune, after a tedious night march, to surprise the mutineers napping in their huts just at daybreak. Five minutes only were al- lowed them to parade without their arms and give up their ringleaders. This was instantly complied with, and two of them were executed on the spot. Thus, the mutiny was quelled, the officers resumed their command, and all things were restored to order.* Thus terminated an insurrection, which, for a time, had spread alarm among the friends of American liberty, and excited the highest hopes of its foes. The circumstances connected with it had ultimately a beneficial efifect in strength- ening the confidence of those friends, by prov- ing that, however the Americans might quarrel with their own government, nothing could again rally them under the royal standard. A great cause of satisfaction to Washington was the ratification of the articles of confeder- ation between the States, which took place not long after this agitating juncture. A set of articles had been submitted to Congress by Dr. Franklin, as far back as 1775. A form had been prepared and digested by a committee in 1776, and agreed upon, with some modifications, in 1777, but had ever since remained in abey- ance, in consequence of objections made by in- dividual States. The confederation was now complete ; and Washington, in a letter to the President of Congress, congratulated him and the body over which he presided, on an event long wished for, and which he hoped would have the happiest eftects upon the politics of this country, and be of essential service to our cause in Europe. It was, after all, an instrument far less effi- cacious than its advocates had anticipated ; but it served an important purpose in binding the States together as a nation, and keeping them from falling asunder into individual powers, after the pressure of external danger should cease to operate. * Memoir of Major Shaw, by Hon. Josiali Qiiincy, p. 89. CHAPTER XVII. The armament with which Arnold boasted he was " to shake the continent," met with that boisterous weather which often rages along our coast in the winter. His ships were tem- pest-tost and scattered, and half of his cavalry horses and several of his guns had to be thrown overboard. It was the close of the year when he anchored in the Chesapeake. Virginia, at the time, was almost in a de- fenceless state. Baron Steuben, who had the general command there, had recently detached such of his regular troops as were clothed and equipped, to the South, to reinforce General Greene. The remainder, five or six hundred in number, deficient in clothing, blankets, and tents, were scarcely fit to take the field, and the volunteers and militia lately encamped be- fore Portsmouth, had been disbanded. Gov- ernor Jefferson, on hearing of the arrival of the fleet, called out the militia from the neighbor- ing counties ; but few could be collected on the spur of the moment, for the whole country was terror-stricken and in confusion. Having-Iand and sea forces at his command, Arnold opened the new year with a buccaneering ravage. As- cending James Eiver with some small vessels which he had captured, he landed on the fourth of January with nine hundred men at West- over, about twenty-five miles below Richmond, and pushed for the latter place, at that time little more than a village, though the metropo- lis of Virginia. Halting for the night within twelve miles of it, he advanced on the follow- ing day with as much military parade as possi- ble, so as to strike terror into a militia patrol, which fled back to Richmond, reporting that a British force, fifteen hundred strong, was at hand. It was Arnold's hope to capture the governor ; but the latter, after providing for the security of as much as possible of the public stores, had left Richmond the evening before on horseback to join his family at Tuckahoe, whence, on the following day, he conveyed them to a place of safety. Governor Jefferson got back by noon to Manchester, on the opposite side of James River, in time to see Arnold's marauders march into the town. Many of the inhabitants had fled to the countiy ; some stood terrified spec- tators on the hills ; not more than two hundred men were in arms for the defence of the place ; these, after firing a few volleys, retreated to .Ex. 49.] RAVAGING INCURSION OF ARNOLD-WASHINGTON'S OPINION OF HAMILTON. 569 Richmond and Shockoe Hills, whence they were driven by the cavalry, and Arnold had possession of the capital. He sent some of the citizens to the governor, offering to spare the town, provided his ships might come up James River to be laden with tobacco from the ware- houses. His offer was indignantly rejected, whereupon fire was set to the public edifices,' stores, and workshops; private houses were pillaged, and a great quantity of tobacco con- sumed. While this was going on. Colonel Simcoe had southward, he adjured Jefferson not to permit attention to immediate safety so to engross his thoughts as to divert him from measures for reinforcing the Southern army. About this time an important resolution was adopted in Congress. Washington had repeat- edly, in his communications to that body, at- tributed much of the distresses and disasters of the war to the congressional mode of conducting business through committees and " boards," thus causing irregularity and delay, preventing secrecy and augmenting expense! ^ t::^^:':,!^-!-- - - -^ ^-^« =:^.= river, where ho destroyed a cannon foundry and sacked a public magazine ; broke off the trunnions of the cannon, and threw into the river the powder which he could not carry away, and, after effecting a complete devasta- tion, rejoined Arnold at Richmond, which dur- ing the ensuing night resounded with the drunken orgies of the soldiery. Having completed his ravage at Richmond, Arnold re-embarked at Westover and fell slowly placed upon them." gress decided to appoint heads of departments ; secretaries of foreign affairs, of war and of ma- rine, and a superintendent of finance. " I am happy, thrice happy, on private as well as pubhc account," writes he, " to find that these are in train. For it will ease my shoulders of an immense burthen, which the deranged and perplexed situation of our affairs, and the dis- tresses of every department of the army, had down the river, landing occasionally to burn, plunder, and destroy ; pursued by Steuben with a few Continental troops and all the militia that he could muster. General Nelson, also, with similar levies opposed him. Lower'down the river some skirmishing took place, a few of Arnold's troops were killed and a number wounded, but he made his way to Portsmouth General Sullivan, to whom this was written and who was in Congress, was a warm friend of Washington's aide-de-camp. Colonel Hamil- ton, and he sounded the commander-in-chief as to the qualifications of the colonel to take charge of the department of finance. " I am unable to answer," replied Washington, "be- cause I never entered upon a discussion with ., ,-r » ,, , ' — ^ -^ i^^^yvl cuLcicu iiijuu a uiscussion witn oppose e Norfolk, ^^^ere he took post on the him, but this I can venture to advance, from a 20th of January and proceeded to fortify. thorough knowledge of him, that there are few Steuben would have attempted to drive him men to be found of his age, who have more trom this position, but his means were totally general knowledge than he possesses; and none inadequate. Collecting from various parts of the country all the force tJiat could be mus- tered, he so disposed it at different points as to hem the traitor in, prevent his making further incursions, and drive him back to his intrench- ments should he attempt any. Governor Jefferson returned to Richmond after the enemy had left it, and wrote thence to the commander-in-chief an account of this ravaging incursion of "the parricide Arnold." It was mortifying to Washington to see so in- considerable a party committing such extensive depredations with impunity, but it was his opinion that their principal object was to make a diversion in favor of Cornwallis ; and as the evils to be apprehended from Arnold's preda- whose soul is more firmly engaged in the cause, or who exceeds him in probity and sterling virtue." This was a warm eulogium for one of Wash- ington's circumspect character, but it was sin- cere. Hamilton had been four years in his military family, and always treated by him with marked attention and regard. Indeed, it had surprised many to see so young a man ad- mitted like a veteran into his counsels. It was but a few days after Washington had penned the eulogium just quoted, when a scene took place between him and the man he had praised so liberally, that caused him deep chagrin. We give it as related by Hamilton himself, in a letter to General Schuyler, one of whose tory incursions were not to be compared with daughters he had recently married, the injury to the common cause, and the dan- "An unexpected change has taken place in ger to Virginia in particular, whicli would re- my situation," writes Hamilton (Feb 18) " I suit from the conquest of the States to the | am no longer a member of the general's family 570 MISUNDERSTANDING BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND HAMILTON. [1181. This information will surprise you, and the manner of the change will surprise you more. Two days ago the general and I passed each other on the stairs :— he told me he wanted to speak to me. I answered that I would wait on him immediately. I went below and deliv- ered Mr. Tilghman a letter to be sent to the commissary, containing an order of a pressing and interesting nature. " Returning to the general, 1 was stopped on the way by the Marquis de Lafayette, and we conversed together about a minute on a matter of business. He can testify how impa- tient I was to get back, and that I left him in a manner which, but for our intimacy, would have been more than abrupt. Instead of find- ing the general, as is usual, in his room, I met him at the head of the stairs, where, accosting me in an angry tone, ' Colonel Hamilton (said he), you have kept me waiting at the head of the stairs these ten minutes ;— I must tell you, sir, you treat me with disrespect.' I replied, without petulancy, but with decision, 'I am not conscious of it, sir ; but since you have tliought it necessary to tell me so, we part.' ' Yery well, sir (said he), if it be your choice,' or something to this effect, and we separated. I sincerely believe my absence, which gave so much umbrage, did not last two minutes. " In less than an hour after, Tilghman came to me in the general's name, assuring me of his great confidence in my abilities, integrity, use- fulness, &c., and of his desire, in a candid con- versation, to heal a difference which could not have happened but in a moment of passion. I requested Mr. Tilghman to tell him,— 1st. That I had taken my resolution in a manner not to be revoked. 2d. That as a convei;sation could serve no other purpose than to produce ex- planations, mutually disagreeable, though I certainly would not refuse an interview, if he desired it, yet I would be happy if he would permit me to decline it. 3d. That though de- termined to leave the family, the same princi- ples which had kept me so long in it, would continue to direct my conduct towards him when out of it. 4th. That, however, I did not wish to distress him, or the public business, by quitting him before he could derive other assist^ ance by the return of some of the gentlemen who were absent. 5th. And that, in the mean time, it depended on him to let our behavior to each other be the same as if nothing had happened. He consented to decline the con- versation, and thanked me for my offer of continuing my aid in the mamier I had men- tioned. " I have given you so particular a detail of our difference, from the desire I have to justify myself in your opinion. Perhaps you may think I was precipitate in rejecting the over- ture made by the general to an accommodation. I assure you, my dear sir, it was not the effect of resentment ; it was the deliberate result of maxims I had long formed for the government of my own conduct." In considering this occurrence, as stated by Hamilton himself, we think he was in the wrong. His hurrying past the general on the stairs without pausing, although the latter ex- pressed a wish to speak with him ; his giving no reason for his haste, which, however " press- the letter he had to deliver, he could have spared at least a moment to do ; his tarrying below to talk with the Marquis de Lafayette, the general all this time remaining at the head of the stairs, had certainly an air of great disrespect, and we do not wonder that the commander-in-chief was deeply offended at be- ing so treated by his youthful aide-de-camp. His expression of displeasure was measured and dignified, however irritated he may have been, and such an explanation, at least, was due to him, as Hamilton subsequently rendered to General Schuyler, through a desire to justify himself in that gentleman's opinion. The re- ply of Hamilton, on the contrary, savored very much of petulance, however devoid he may have considered it of that quality, and his avowed determination "to part," simply be- cause taxed by the general with want of re- spect, was singularly curt and abrupt. Washington's subsequent overture intended to soothe the wounded sensitiveness of Hamil- ton and soften the recent rebuke, by assurances of unaltered confidence and esteem, strikes us as in the highest degree noble and gracious, and furnishes another instance of that magnanimity which governed his whole conduct. AVe trust that General Schuyler, in reply to Hamilton's appeal, intimated that he had indeed been pre- cipitate in rejecting such an overture. The following passage in Hamilton's letter to Schuyler, gives the real key to his conduct on this occasion. "I always disliked the oflice of an aide-de- camp, as having in it a kind of personal depend- ence. I refused to serve in this capacity with two major-generals, at an early period of the war. Infected, however, with the enthusiasm JE:r.A9.] THE RECONCILIATIOX-CORNWALMS ABOUT TO INVADE NORTH CAROLINA. 571 of the times, an idea of the general's character overcame my scruples, and induced me to ac- cept his invitation to enter into liis family. * * * It has been often with great difficulty that I have prevailed upon myself not to re- nounce it ; but while, from motives of public utility, I was doing violence to my feelings, I was always determined, if there should ever happen a breach between us, never to consent to an accommodation. I was persuaded that when once that nice barrier which marked the boundaries of what we owed to each other should be thrown down, it might be propped again, but could never be restored." Hamilton, in fact, had long been ambitious of an independent position, and of some oppor- tunity, as he said, " to raise his character above mediocrity." When an expedition by Lafay- ette against Staten Island had been meditated in the autumn of 1780, he had applied to the commander-in-chief, through the marquis, for the command of a battalion, which was witli- out a field-oiEcer. Washington had declined 011 the ground that giving him a whole battalion might be a subject of dissatisfaction, and that should any accident happen to him in the act- ual state of affairs at head-quarters, the com- mander-in-chief would be embarrassed for want of his assistance. He had next been desirous of the post of ad- jutant-general, which Colonel Alexander Scam- mel was about to resign, and was recommended for that office by Lafayette and Greene, but, before their recommendations reached Wash- ington, he had already sent in to Congress tlie name of Brigadier-General Hand, who received the nomination. These disappointments may have rendered Hamilton doubtful of his being properly appre- ciated by tlie commander-in-chief; impaired his devotion to him, and determined him, as he says, " if there should ever happen a bi-each between them, never to consent to an accom- modation." It almost looks as if, in his high- strung and sensitive mood, he had been on the watch for an offence, and had grasped at the shadow of one. Some short time after the rupture had taken place, Washington received a letter from Lafay- ette, then absent in Virginia, in which the Mar- quis observes, " Considering the footing I am upon with your Excellency, it would, perhaps, appear strange to you, that I never mentioned a circumstance which lately happened in your family. I was the first who knew of it, and from that moment exerted every means in my power to prevent a separation, which I knew was not agreeable to your Excellency. To this measure I was prompted by affection to you; but I thought it was improper to mention any thing about it, until you were pleased to impart it to me." The following was Washington's reply : "The event, which you seem to speak of with re- gret, my friendship for you would most assur- edly have induced me to impart to you the moment it happened, had it not been for the request of Hamilton, who desired that no men- tion should be made of it. Why this injunction on me, while he was communicating it himself, is a little extraordinary. But I complied, and religiously fulfilled it." We are happy to add, that though a tempo- rary coolness took place between the connnand- er-in-chief and his late favorite aide-de-camp, it was but temporary. The friendship between these illustrious men was destined to survive tlie Revolution, and to signalize itself through many eventful years, and stands recorded in the correspondence of Washington almost at the last moment of his life,* CHAPTER XYIII. The stress of war, as Washington appre- hended, was at present shifted to the South. In a former chapter, we left General Greene, in the latter part of December, posted with one division of his army on the east side of the Pedee River in North Carolina, having detached General Morgan with the other division, one thousand strong, to take post near the conflu- ence of the Pacolet and Broad Rivers, in South Carolina, Cornwallis lay encamped about seventy miles to the south-west of Greene, at Winnsborough in Fairfield district. General Leslie had recently arrived at Charleston from Vii'ginia, and was advancing to reinforce him with fifteen hundred men. This would give Cornwallis such a su- periority of force, that he prepared for a second invasion of North Carolina. His plan was to leave Lord Rawdon at the central post of Cam- den with a considerable body of troops to keep * His last letter to Ilamilton, in whieh. ho assures him of " his very groat esteem and regard," was written by Washington -but two days before his death. Sparks, xi. 409. 572 TARLETON SENT AGAINST MORGAN. [1781. all quiet, while bis lordship by rapid marches would throw himself between Greene and Vir- ginia, cut him off from all reinforcements in that quarter, and oblige him either to make battle with his present force, or retreat precipi- tately from North Carolina, which would be disgraceful.* In either case Cornwallis counted on a general rising of the royalists ; a re-estab- lishment of regal government in the Oarolinas, and the clearing away of all impediments to further triumphs in Virginia and Maryland. By recent information, he learnt that Morgan had passed both the Catawba and Broad Rivers, and was about seventy miles to the north-west of him, on his way to the district of ISTinety-Six. As he might prove extremely formidable if left in his rear, Tarletou was sent in quest of him, with about three hundred and fifty of his fa- mous cavalry, a corps of legion and light-infan- try, and a number of the royal artillery with two field-pieces ; about eleven hundred choice troops in all. His instructions were to pass Broad River for the protection of Ninety-Six, and either to strike at Morgan and push him to the utmost ; or to drive him out of the coun- try, so as to prevent his giving any trouble on that side. Cornwallis moved with his main force on the 12th of December in a north-west direction be- tween the Broad River and the Catawba, lead- ing toward the back country. This was for the purpose of crossing the great rivers at their fords near their sources ; for they are fed by innumerable petty streams which drain the mountains, and are apt in the winter time, when storms of rain jirevail, to swell and be- come impassable below their forks. He took this route also, to cut oflf Morgan's retreat, or prevent his junction with Greene, should Tarle- ton's expedition fail of its object. General Leslie, whose arrival was daily expected, was to move up along the eastern side of the Wateree and Catawba, keeping parallel with his lordship and joining him above. Every thing on the part of Cornwallis was well plan- ned, and seemed to promise him a successful campaign. Tarleton, after several days' hard marching, came upon the traces of Morgan, who was post- ed on the north bank of the Pacolet, to guard the passes of tliat river. He sent word to Cornwallis of his intention to force a passage across the river, and compel Morgan either to * Cornwallis to Lord George Germain, March 17. fight or retreat, and suggested that his lordship should proceed up the eastern bank of Broad River, so as to be at hand to co-operate. His lordship, in consequence, took up a position at Turkey Creek, on Broad River. Morgan had been recruited by North Caroli- na and Georgia militia, so that his force was nearly equal in number to that of Tarleton, but, in point of cavalry and discipline, vastly inferior. Cornwallis, too, was on his left, and might get in his rear ; checkiug his impulse, therefore, to dispute the passage of the Pacolet, he crossed that stream and retreated towards the upper fords of Broad River. Tarleton reached the Pacolet on the evening of the loth, but halted on observing some troops on the opposite bank. It was merely a party of observation which Morgan had left there, but he supposed that officer to be there in full force. After some manoeuvring to deceive his adversary, he crossed the river before daylight at Easterwood shoals. There was no opposi- tion. Still he proceeded warily, until he learnt that Morgan, instead of being in his neighbor- liood, was in full march toward Broad River. Tarleton now pressed on in pursuit. At ten o'clock at night he reached an encampment which Morgan had abandoned a few houi-s pre- viously, apparently in great haste, for the camp fires were still smoking and provisions had been left behind half-cooked. Eager to come upon his enemy while in the confusion of a hurried flight, Tarleton allowed his exhausted troops but a brief repose, and, leaving his baggage under a guard, resumed his dogged march about two o'clock in the night ; tramping forward through swamps and rugged broken grounds, round the western side of Thickety Mountain. A little before daylight of the 17th, he captured two videttes, from whom he learnt, to his sur- prise, that Morgan, instead of a headlong re- treat, had taken a night's repose, and was actu- ally preparing to give him battle. Morgan, in fact, had been urged by his offi- cers to retreat across Broad River, which was near by, and make for the mountainous country ; but, closely pi'essed as he was, he feared to be overtaken while fording the river, and while his troops wei'e fotigued, and in confusion ; be- side, being now nearly equal in number to the enemy, military pride would not suffer him to avoid a combat. The place where he came to a halt, was known in the early grants by the name of Han- nah's Cowpens, being part of a grazing estab- ^T. 49.] BATTLE OF THE COWPENS. 573 lishment of a man named Hannah. It was in an open wood, favorable to the action of cavah-y. Thei^ were two eminences of unequal height, and separated from each other by an interval about eighty yards wide. To the first emi- nence, which was the highest, there was an easy ascent of about three hundred yards. On these heights Morgan had posted himself. His flanks were improtected, and the Broad Eiver, running parallel on his rear, about six miles distant, and winding round on the left, would cut off retreat, should the day prove unfortu- nate. The ground, in the opinion of tacticians, was not well chosen ; Morgan, a veteran bush-fight- er, vindicated it in after times in his own characteristic way. " Had I crossed the river, one-half of the militia would have abandoned mc. Had a swamp been in view they would have made for it. As to covering my wings, I knew the foe I had to deal with, and that there would be nothing but downright fighting. As to a retreat, I wished to cut off all hope of one. Should Tarleton surround me with his cavalry, it would keep my troops from breaking away, and make them depend upon tlieir bayonets. When men are forced to fight, they will sell their lives dearly." In arranging his troops for action, he drew out his infantry in two lines. The first was composed of the North and South Carolina militia, under Colonel Pickens, having an ad- vanced corps of North Carolina and Georgia volunteer riflemen. This line, on which he had the least dependence, was charged to wait until the enemy were within dead shot ; then to take good aim, fire two volleys and fall back. The second line, drawn up a moderate dis- tance in the rear of the first, and near the brow of the main eminence, was composed of Colo- nel Howard's light infantry and the Virginia riflemen ; all Continental troops. They were informed of the orders which had been given to the first line, lest they should mistake their falling back for a retreat. Colonel Howard had the comnumd of this line, on which the greatest reliance was placed. About a hundred and fifty yards in the rear of the second line, and on the slope of the lesser eminence, was Colonel "Washington's troop of cavalry, about eighty strong ; with about fifty mounted Carolinian volunteers, under Major McCall, armed with sabres and pistols. British writers of the day gave Morgan credit for uncommon ability and judgment in the dis- position of his force ; placing the militia, in whom he had no great confidence, in fidl view on the edge of tlie wood, and keejung his best troops out of sight, but drawn up in excellent order and prepared for all events.* It was about eight o'clock in the morning (Jan. 17th), when Tarleton came up. The posi- tion of the Americans seemed to him to give great advantage to his cavalry, and he made hasty preparations for immediate attack, antici- pating an easy victory. Part of his infantry he formed into a line, with dragoons on each flank. The rest of the infantry and cavalry were to be a reserve, and to wait for orders. There was a physical difference in the condi- tion of the adverse troops. The British were haggard from want of sleep and a rough night- tramp ; the Americans, on the contrary, wei'e fresh from a night's rest, invigorated by a morn- ing's meal, and deliberately drawn up. Tarle- ton took no notice of these circumstances, or disregarded them. Impetuous at all times, and now confident of victory, he did not even wait until the reserve could be placed, but led on his first line, which rushed shouting to the at- tack. The North Carolina and Georgia riflemen in the advance, delivered their tire with effect and fell back to the flanks of Pickens' militia. These, as they had been instructed, waited until the enemy were within fifty yards, and then made a destructive volley, but soon gave way before tlie push of the bayonet. The British in- fantry pressed up to the second line, while forty of their cavalry attacked it on the right, seek- ing to turn its flank. Colonel Howard made a brave stand, and for some time there was a bloody conflict; seeing himself, however, in danger of being outflanked, he endeavored to change his front to the right. His orders were misunderstood, and his troops were falling into confusion, when Morgan rode up and ordered them to retreat over the hill, where Colonel Washington's cavalry were hurried forward for their protection. The British, seeing the troops retiring over the hill, rushed forward irregularly in pursuit of what they deemed a routed foe. To their astonishment, they were met by Colonel Wash- ington's dragoons, who spurred on them impet- uously, while Howard's infantry, facing about, gave them an effective volley of musketry, and then charged with the bayonet. The enemy now fell into complete confusion. * Annual Register, 1781, p. 674 MORGAN PUSHES FOR THE CATAWBA— CORNWALLIS IN PURSUIT OF HIM. [1781. Some few artillerymen attempted to defend their guns, but were cut down or taken prison- ers, and the cannon and colors captured. A panic seized upon tlie British troops, aided no doubt by fatigue and exhaustion. A general flight took jilace. Tarleton endeavored to bring his legion cavalry into action to retrieve the day. They had stood aloof as a reserve, and now, infected by the panic, turned their backs upon their commander, and galloped otf through the woods, riding over the flying in- fantry. Fourteen of his officers, however, and forty of his dragoons, remained true to him ; with these he attempted to withstand the attack of Washington's cavalry, and a fierce melee took place ; but on the approach of Howard's infan- try Tarleton gave i;p all for lost, and spurred oft' with his few but faithful adherents, trusting to the speed of their horses for safety. They made for Hamilton's ford on Broad Eiver, thence to seek the main army under Oorn- wallis. The loss of the British in this action was ten officers and above one hundred men killed, two hundred wounded, and between five and six hundred rank and file made prisoners ; while the Americans had but twelve men killed and sixty wounded. The disparity of loss shows how complete had been the confusion and de- feat of the enemy. " During the ^hole period of the war," says one of their own writers, " no other action reflected so much dishonor on the British arms."* The spoils taken by Morgan, according to his own account, were two field-pieces, two stand- ards, eight hundred muskets, one travelling forge, thirty-five waggons, seventy negroes, upwards of one hundred dragoon-horses, and all the music. The enemy, however, had de- stroyed most of their baggage, which was im- mense. Morgan did not linger on the field of battle. Leaving Colonel Pickens with a body of militia under the protection of a flag, to bury the dead and provide for the wounded of both armies, he set out on the same day about noon, with his prisoners and spoils. Lord Cornwallis, with his main force, was at Turkey Creek, only twenty -five miles distant, and must soon hear of the late battle. His object was to get to the Catawba before he could be intercepted by his lordship, who lay nearer than he did to the Stedman, ii., p. 324. fords of that river. Before nightfall lie crossed Broad Eiver at the Cherokee ford, and halted for a few hours on its northern bank. Before daylight of the 18th he was again on the march. Colonel Washington, who had been in pursuit of the enemy, rejoined him in the course of the day, as also did Colonel Pickens, who had left such of the wounded as could not be moved, under the protection of a fiag of truce. Still fearing that he miglit be intercepted be- fore he could reach the Catawba, he put his prisoners in charge of Colonel Washington and the cavalry, with orders to move higher up into the country, and cross the main Catawba at the Island ford ; while he himself pushed forward for that river by the direct route ; thus to dis- tract the attention of the enemy should they be in pursuit, and to secure his prisoners from being recaptured. CornwalUs, on the eventful day of the l7th, was at his camp on Turkey Creek, confidently waiting for tidings from Tarleton of a new tri- umph, when, towards evening, some of his routed dragoons came straggling into camp, hag- gard and forlorn, to tell the tale of his defeat. It was a thunder-stroke. Tarleton defeated ! and by the rude soldier he had been so sure of entrapping ! It seemed incredible. It was confirmed, however, the next morning, by the arrival of Tarleton himself, discomfited and crest-fallen. In his account of the recent bat- tle, he represented the force under Morgan to be two thousand. This exaggerated estimate, together with the idea that the militia would now be out in great force, rendered his lord- ship cautious. Supposing that Morgan, elated by his victory, would linger near the scene of his triumph, or advance toward Ninety-Six, Cornwallis remained a day or two at Turkey Creek to collect the scattered remains of Tarle- ton's forces, and to wait the arrival of General Leslie, whose march had been much retarded by the waters, but who " was at last out of the swamps." On the 19th, having been rejoined by Leslie, his lordship moved towards King's Creek, and thence in the direction of King's Mountain, until informed of Morgan's retreat toward the Catawba. Cornwallis now altered his course in that direction, and, trusting that Morgan, en- cumbered, as he supposed him to be, by prison- ers and spoils, might be overtaken before he could cross that river, detached a part of his force, without baggage, in pursuit of him, whilo he followed on with the remainder. ^T. 49.] CORNWALLIS AT RAMSOUR'S MILLS— GREENE'S DISPOSITION OF HIS ARMY. 575 Nothing, say the British chroniclers, could exceed the exertions of the detachnaent; but Morgan succeeded in reaching the Catawba and crossing it in the evening, just two hours before those in pursuit of him arrived on its banks. A heavy rain came on and fell all niglit, and by daybreak the river was so swol- len as to be impassable.* This sudden swelling of the river was consid- ered by the Americans as something providen- tial. It continued for several days, and gave Morgan time to send oif his prisoners who had crossed several miles above, and to call out the militia of Mecklenburg and Eowan Counties to guard the fords of the river. t Lord Oornwallis had moved slowly with his main body. lie was encumbered by an immense train of baggage ; the roads were through deep red clay, and the country was cut up by streams and moi-asses. It was not until the 25th, that he assembled his whole force at Eamsour's Mills, on the Little Catawba, as the south fork of that river is called, and learnt that Morgan had crossed the main stream. ISTow he felt the loss he had sustained in the late defeat of Tarleton, of a great part of his light troops, which are the life and spirit of an army, and especially efficient in a thinly-peo- pled country of swamps and streams, and for- ests, like that he was entangled in. In this crippled condition, he determined to relieve his army of every thing that could im- pede rapid movement in his future operations. Two days, therefore, were spent by him at Ramsour's Mills, in destroying all such baggage and stores as could possibly be spared. He began with his own. His officers followed his example. Superfluities of all kinds were sac- rificed without flinching. Casks of wine and spirituous liquors were staved ; quantities even of provisions were sacrificed. No waggons were spared but those laden with hospital stores, salt, and ammunition, and four empty ones, for the sick and wounded. The alacrity with which these sacrifices of comforts, con- veniences, and even necessaries, were made, was honorable to both ofiicers and men.f * Stedman, ii. 326. Corn-«vallis to Sir H. Clinton ; see also Remembrancer, 11S1, part 1, 303. t This sudden swelling of the river has been stated by Bomo ^VTiter8 as having taken place on the 29th, on the ap- proach of Cornwallls's main force, whereas it took place on the 23d, on the approach of the detachment sent by his lordship in advance in pursuit of Morgan. The inac- curacy as to date has given rise to dispute* among his- torians. t Annual Register, 1781, p. 53. • The whole expedient was subsequently sneer- ed at by Sir Henry Clinton, as being " some- thing too like a Tartar move;" but his lord- ship was preparing for a trial of speed, where it was important to carry as light weight as possible. * CHAPTER XIX. General Gkeene was gladdened by a letter from Morgan, written shortly after his defeat of Tarleton, and transmitted the news to Wash- ington with his own generous comments. " The victory was complete," writes he, " and the action glorious. The brilliancy and success with which it was fought, does the highest honor to the American arms, and adds splen- dor to the character of the general and his offi- cers. I must beg leave to recommend them to your Excellency's notice, and doubt not but from your representation, Congress will receive pleasure from testifying their approbation of their conduct." Another letter from Morgan, written on the 25th, spoke of the approach of Cornwallis and his forces. " My numbers," writes he, " are at this time too weak to fight them. I intend to move towards Salisbury, to get near the main army. I think it would be advisable to join our forces, and fight them before they join Phillips, which they certainly will do if they are not stopped." Greene had recently received intelligence of the landing of troops at "Wilmington, from a British squadron, supposed to be a force under Arnold, destined to push up Cape Fear River, and co-operate with Cornwallis; he had to prepare, therefore, not only to succor Morgan, but to prevent tliis co-operation. He accortj- ingly detached General Stevens with his Vir- ginia militia (whose term of service was nearly expired) to take charge of Morgan's prisoners, and conduct them to Charlottesville in Virginia. At tlie same time he wrote to the Govern- ors of North Carolina and Virginia, for all the aid they could furnish ; to Steuben, to hasten forward his recruits, and to Shelby, Campbell, and others, to take arms once more, and rival their achievements at King's Mountain. Tills done, he left General Huger in com- mand of the division on the Pedee, with or- ders to hasten on by forced marches to Salis- bury, to join the other division ; in the mean 576 GREENE JOINS MORGAN— CORNWALLIS CROSSES THE CATAWBA. [1781. time he set off on horseback to Morgan's camp, attended merely by a guide, an aide-de-camp, and a sergeant's guard of dragoons. His ob- ject was to aid Morgan in assembling militia and checking the enemy until the junction of his forces could be effected. It was a hard ride of upwards of a hundred miles through a rough country. On the last day of January he reach- ed Morgan's camp at Sherrard's ford on the east side of the Catawba. The British army lay on the opposite side of the river, but a few miles distant from it, and ajipeared to be making preparations to force a passage across, as it was subsiding, and would soon be fordable. Greene supposed Cornwallis had in view a junction with Arnold at Cape Fear ; he wrote, there- fore, to General Huger to hurry on, so that with their united forces they could give his lordship a defeat before he could effect the junction. "J«wi not without Ao^es," writes he, " of mining Lord Cornioallis if he persists in his mad scheme of pushing through the coun- try ; and it is my earnest desire to form a junc- tion as early for this purpose as possible. De- sire Colonel Lee to force a march to join us. Here is a fine field, and great glory aheadP More correct information relieved him from the apprehension of a co-operation of Arnold and Cornwallis. The British troops which had lauded at Wilmington, were merely a small de- tachment sent from Charleston to establish a military depot for the use of Cornwallis in his southern campaign. Tliey had taken posses- sion of Wilmington without opposition. Greene now changed his plans. He was aware of the ill-provided state of the British army, from the voluntary destruction of their waggons, tents, and baggage. Indeed, when he first heard of this measure, on his arriving at Sherrard's ford, he had exclaimed : " Then Cornwallis is ours." His plan now was to tempt the enemy continually with the prospect of a battle, but continually to elude one ; to harass them by a long pursuit, draw them higher into the country, and gain time for the division advancing under Huger to join him. It was the Fabian policy that he had learnt un- der Washington, of whom he prided himself on being a disciple. As the subsiding of the Catawba would en- able Cornwallis to cross, Greene ordered Mor- gan to move off silently with his division, on the evening of the 31st, and to press his march all night, so as to gain a good start in advance, while lie (Greene) would remain to bring on the militia, who were employed to check the enemy. These militia, assembled from the neighboring counties, did not exceed five hun- dred. Two hundred of them were distributed at different fords ; the remaining three Iitui- dred, forming a corps of mounted riflemen under General Davidson, were to watch the movements of the enemy, and attack him whenever he should make his main attempt to cross. When the enemy should have actually crossed, the different bodies of militia wore to make the best of their way to a rendezvous, six- teen miles distant, on the road to Salisbury, where Greene would be waiting to receive them, and conduct their further movements. While these dispositions were being made by the American commander, Cornwallis was pre- paring to cross the river. The night of the 31st was chosen for the attempt. To divert the attention of the Americans, he detached Colonels Webster and Tarleton with a part of the army to a public ford called Seattle's ford, where he supposed Davidson to be stationed. There they were to open a cannonade, and make a feint of forcing a passage. The main attempt, however, was to be made six miles lower down, at McGowan's, a private and un- frequented ford, where little, if any, opposition was anticipated. Cornwallis set out for that ford, with the main body of his army, at one o'clock in the morning. The night was dark and rainy. He had to make his way through a wood and swamp where there was no road. His artil- lery stuck fast. The line passed on without them. It was near daybreak by the time the head of the column reached the ford. To their surprise, they beheld numerous camp fires on the opposite bank. Word was hastily carried to Cornwallis that the ford was guarded. It was so indeed : Davidson was there with his riflemen. His lordship would have waited for his artil- lery, but the rain was still falling, and might render the river unfordable. At that place the Catawba was nearly five hundred yards wide, about three feet deep, very rapid, and full of large stones. The troops entered the river in platoons, to support each other against the current, and were ordered not to fire until they should gain the opposite bank. Colonel Hall, of the light-infantry of the guards, led the way ; the grenadiers followed. The noise of the water and the darkness covered their movements until they were nearly half-way across, when they were descried by an Ameri- Ml. 49.] A SKIRMISH WITH MILITIA— CORN WALLIS'S PURSUIT OF GREENE. 577 can sentinel. He challenged them three times, and receiving no answer, fired. Terrified by the report, the man who was guiding the Brit- ish turned and fled. Colonel Hall, thus aban- doned, led the way directly across the river ; whereas the true ford inclined diagonally fur- ther down. Hall had to pass through deeper water, but he reached a part of the bank where it was unguarded. The American pickets, too, which had turned out at the alarm given by tlie sentinel, had to deliver a distant and slanting fire. Still it had its effect. Three of the British were killed, and thirty-six wounded. Colonel Hall pushed on gallantly, but was shot down as he ascended the bank. The horse on which Cornwallis rode was wounded, but the brave animal carried his lordship to the shore, where he sank under him. The steed of Brig- adier-General O'Hara rolled overVith him into the water, and General Leslie's horse was borne away by the tumultuous current and with difli- culty recovered. General Davidson hastened with his men towards the place where the British were land- ing. The latter formed as soon as they found themselves on firm ground, charged Davidson's men before he had time to get them in order, killed and wounded about forty, and put the rest to flight. General Davidson was the last to leave the ground, and was killed just as he was mount- ing his horse. AVhen the enemy had effected the passage, Tarleton was detached with his cavalry in pursuit of the militia, most of whom dispersed to their homes. Eager to avenge his late disgrace, he scoured the country, and made for Tarrant's tavern, about ten miles dis- tant, where about a hundred of them had as- sembled from different fords, on their way to the rendezvous, and were refreshing them- selves. As Tarleton came clattering upon them with his legion, they ran to their horses, delivered a hasty fire, which emptied some of his saddles, and then made for the Avoods ; a few of the worst mounted were overtaken and slain. Tarleton, in his account of his cam- paigns, made the number nearly fifty ; but the report of a British officer, who rode over the ground shortly afterwards, reduced it to ten. The truth probably lay between. The surviv- ors were dispersed beyond rallying. Tarleton, satisfied with his achievement, rejoined the main body. Had he scoured the country a few miles further. General Greene and his suite might have fallen into his hands. 37 The general, informed that the enemy had crossed the Catawba at daybreak, awaited anxiously at the rendezvous the arrival of the militia. It was not until after midnight that he heard of their utter dispersion, and of the death of Davidson. Apprehending the rapid advance of Cornwallis, he hastened to rejoin Morgan, who with his division was pushing- forward for the Yadkin, first sending orders to General Huger to conduct the other division by the most direct route to Guilford Court- house, where the forces were to be united. Greene spurred forward through heavy rain and deep miry roads. It was a dreary ride and a lonely one, for he had detached his aides- de-camp in different directions, to collect the scattered militia. At mid-day he alighted weary and travel-stained at the inn at Salis- bury, where the army physician who had charge of the sick and wounded prisoners re- ceived him at the door, and inquired after his well-being. " Fatigued, hungry, alone, and penniless," was Greene's heavy-hearted reply. The landlady, Mrs. Elizabeth Steele, overheard his desponding words. While he was seated at table, she entered the room, closed the door, and drawing from under her apron two bags of money which she had carefully hoarded in those precarious times, " Take these," said the noble-hearted woman ; " you will want them, and I can do without them." This is one of the numberless instances of the devoted patriotism of our women during the Eevohition. Their patriotism was apt to be purer and more disinterested than that of the men. Cornwallis did not advance so rapidly as had been apprehended. After crossing the Cataw- ba, he had to wait for his waggons and artil- lery, which had remained on the other side in the woods ; so that by nightfall of the 1st of February, he was not more than five miles on the road to Salisbury. Eager to come up with the Americans, he mounted some of the in- fantry upon the baggage horses, joined them to the cavalry, and sent the whole forward under General O'Hara. They arrived on the banks of the Yadkin at night, between the 2d and od of February,, just in time to capture a few waggons lingering in the rear of the Ameri- can army, which had passed. The riflemen who guarded them retreated after a short skirmish. There were no boats with which to cross ; the Americans had secured them on the other side. The rain which had fallen throughout the day had overflooded the ford 578 A SEVERE MARCH— CONTEST OF SKILL BETWEEN THE TWO ARMIES. [1781. by which the American cavalry had passed. The pursuers were again brought to a stand. After some doubt and delay, Cornwallis took his course up the south side of the Yadkin, and crossed by what is still called the Shallow Ford, while Greene continued on unmolested to Guilford Court-house, where he was joined by General Huger and his division, on the 9th. Cornwallis was now encamped about twenty- five miles above them at the old Moravian town of Salem. Greene summoned a council of war (almost the only time he was known to do so) and submitted the question whether or not to offer battle. There was a unanimous vote in the negative. A fourth part of the force was on the sick list, from nakedness and exposure. The official returns gave but two thousand and thirty-six, rank and file, fit for duty. Of these upwards of six hundred were militia. Cornwallis had from twenty-five hundred to three thousand men, including three hundred cavaliy, all thorougldy disciplined and well equipped. It was determined to continue the retreat. The great object of Greene now was to get across the river Dan, and throw himself into Virginia, With the reinforcements and assist- ance he might there expect to find, he hoped to effect the salvation of the South, and prevent the dismemberment of the Union. The object of Cornwallis was to get between him and Virginia, force him to a combat before he could receive those reinforcements, or enclose him in between the great rivers on the west, the sea on the east, and the two divisions of the British army under himself and Lord Rawdon on the north and south. His lordship had been in- formed that the lower part of the Dan, at pres- ent, could only be crossed in boats, and that the country could not afford a sufficient number for the passage of Greene's army ; he trusted, therefore, to cut him off from the upper part of the river, where alone it was fordable. Greene, however, had provided against such a contingency. Boats had been secured at various places by his agents, and could be col- lected at a few hours' notice at the lower fer- ries. Instead, therefore, of striving with his lordship for the upper fords, Greene shaped his course for Boyd's and Irwin's fords, just above the confluence of the Dan and Staunton Eivers which forms the Roanoke, and about sseventy miles from Guilford Court-house. This would give him twenty-five miles advantage of Lord Cornwallis at the outset. General Kosciuszko was sent with a party in advance to collect the boats and throw up breastworks at the ferries. In ordering his march, General Greene took the lead with the main body, the baggage, and stores. General Morgan would have had the command of the rear-guard, composed of seven hundred of the most alert and active troops, cavalry and light-infantry ; but, being disabled by a violent attack of ague and rheumatism, it was given to Colonel Otho H. Williams (for- merly adjutant-general), who had with him Colonels Howard, Washington, and Lee. This corps, detached some distance in the rear, did infinite service. Being lightly equip- ped, it could manoeuvre in front of the British line of march, break down bridges, sweep off provisions, and impede its progress in a variety of ways, while the main body moved forward unmolested. It was now that Cornwallis most felt the severity of the blow he had received at the battle of the Cowpens in the loss of his light troops, having so few to cope with the elite corps under Williams. Great abilities were shown by the com- manders on either side in this momentous trial of activity and skill. It was a long and severe march for both armies, through a wild and rough country, thinly peopled, cut up by streams, partly covered by forests, along deep and frozen roads, under drenching rains, with- out tents at night, and with scanty supplies of provisions. The British suffered the least, for they were well equipped and comfortably clad ; whereas the poor Americans were badly off for clothing, and many of them without shoes. The patriot armies of the Revolution, however, were accustomed in their winter marches to leave evidences of their hardships in bloody foot-prints. We forbear to enter into the details of this masterly retreat, the many stratagems and manoeuvres of the covering party to delay and hoodwink the enemy. Tarleton himself bears witness in his narrative, that every measure of the Americans was judiciously designed and vigorously executed. So much had Cornwallis been misinformed at the outset as to the means below of passing the river, and so difficult was it, from want of light troops, to gain informa- tion while on the march, that he pushed on in the firm conviction that he was driving the American army into a trap, and would give it a signal blow before it could cross the Dan. In the mean time, Greene, with the main Mt. 49.] CORNWALLIS AT HILLSBOROUGH— HIS PROCLAMATION. 579 body, reached the banks of the river, and suc- ceeded in crossing over with ease in the course of a single day at Boyd's and Irwin's ferries, sending back word to Williams, who with his covering party was far in the rear. That intel- ligent officer encamped, as usual, in the evening, at a wary distance in front of the enemy, but stole a march upon them after dark, leaving his camp fires burning. He pushed on all night, arriving at the ferry in the morning of the 15th, having marched forty miles within the last four and twenty hours ; and made such despatch in crossing, that his last troops had landed on the Virginia shore by the time the astonished enemy arrived on the opposite bank. Nothing, according to their own avowal, could surpass the grief and vexation of the British at discovering, on their arrival at Boyd's ferry, " that all their toils and exertions had been vain, and that all their hopes were frus- trated." * CHAPTER XX. Foe a day the two armies lay panting within sight of each other on the opposite banks of the river, which had put an end to the race. In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated the day of the crossing, Greene writes : " On the Dan Eiver, almost fatigued to death, having had a retreat to conduct of upwards of two hundred miles, manoeuvring constantly in the face of the enemy to give time for the militia to turn out and get off our stores." And to Washington he writes (Feb. 15), " Lord Cornwallis has been at our heels from day to day ever since we left Guilford, and our movements from thence to this place have been of the most critical kind, having a river in oTsr front and the enemy in our rear. The miserable condi- tion of the troops for clothing has rendered the march the most painful imaginable, many hun- dred of the soldiers tracking the ground with their bloody feet. Your feelings for the suffer- ings of the soldier, had you been with us, would have been severely tried." lie concludes by an honorable testimonial in tlieir favor : " Our army are in good spirits, notwithstanding their sufferings and excessive fatigue." On the 16th the i*iver began to subside ; the enemy might soon be able to cross. Greene prepared for a further retreat by sending for- * Annual Register, 1781. ward his baggage on the road to Halifax, and securing the passage of the Staunton. At Halifax he was resolved to make a stand, rather than suffer the enemy to take posses- sion of it without a struggle. Its situation on the Eoanoke would make it a strong position for their army, supported by a fleet, and would favor their designs both on Virginia and the Carolinas. With a view to its defence, in- trenchments had already been thrown up, under the direction of Kosciuszko. Lord Cornwallis, however, did not deem it prudent, under present circumstances, to ven- ture into Virginia, where Greene would be sure of powerful reinforcements. North Carolina was in a state of the utmost disorder and con- fusion ; he thought it better to remain in it for a time, and profit by having compelled Greene to abandon it. After giving his troops a day's repose, therefore, he put them once more in motion on the 18th, along the road by which he had pursued Greene. The latter, who was incessantly on the alert, was informed of this ^•etrograde move, by a preconcerted signal ; the waving of a white handkerchief, under cover of the opposite bank, by a female patriot. This changed the game. Lee, with his le- gion, strengthened by two veteran Maryland companies, and Pickens, with a corps of South Carolina militia, all light troops, were trans- ported across the Dan in the boats, with orders to gain the front of Cornwallis, hover as near as safety would permit, cut off his intercourse with the disaffected parts of the country, and check the rising of the royalists. " If we can but delay him for a day or two," said Greene, " he must be ruined." Greene, in the mean while, remained with his main force on the northern bank of the Dan ; waiting to ascertain his lordship's real designs, and ready to cross at a moment's warning. The movements of Cornwallis, for a day or two, were of a dubious nature, designed to per- plex his opponents ; on the 20th, however, he took post at Hillsborough. Here he erected the royal standard, and issued a proclamation, stating that, v.-hereas it had pleased Divine Providence to prosper the operations of his majesty's arms in driving the rebel army out of the province, he invited all his loyal subjects to hasten to this standard with their arms and ten days' provisions, to assist in suppressing the remains of rebellion, and re-establishing good order and constitutional government. By another instrument, all who could raise 580 THE COUNTRY SCOURED BY LEE AND PICKENS— AFFAIR WITH COLONEL PYLE. [1781. independent companies were called upon to give in their names at head-quarters, and a bounty in money and lands was promised to those who should enlist under them. The com- panies thus raised were to be formed into regi- ments. These sounding appeals produced but little effect on the people of the surrounding districts. Many hundreds, says Tarleton, rode into the camp to talk over the proclamation, inquire the news of the day, and take a view of the king's troops. The generality seemed desirous of peace, but averse from any exertion to pro- cure it. They acknowledged that the Conti- nentals had been chased out of the province, but apprehended they would soon return. " Some of the most zealous," adds he, " prom- ised to raise companies, and even regiments ; but their followers and dependents were slow to enlist." Tarleton himself was forthwith de- tached with the cavalry and a small body of infantry, to a region of country lying between the Haw and Deep Rivers, to bring on a con- siderable number of loyalists who were said to be assembling there. Eumor, in the mean time, had magnified the effect of his lordship's proclamations. Word was brought to Greene, that tlie tories were flocking from all quarters to the royal standard. Seven companies, it was said, had been raised in a single day. At this time the reinforce- ments to the American camp had been little more than six hundred Virginia militia, under General Stevens. Greene saw that at this rate, if Cornwallis were allowed to remain undis- turbed, he would soon have complete command of North Carolina ; he boldly determined, therefore, to recross the Dan at all hazards with the scanty force at his command, and give his lordship check. In this spirit he broke up his camp and crossed the river on the 23d. In the mean time, Lee and Pickens, who were scouting the country about Hillsborough, received information of Tai'leton's recruiting expedition to the region between the Haw and Deep Rivers. There was no foe they were more eager to cope with ; and they resolved to give him a surprise. Having forded the Haw one day about noon, they learnt from a countryman that Tarleton was encamped about three miles off, that his horses were unsaddled, and that every thing indicated confident secu- rity. They now pushed on under covert of the woods, prepared to give the bold partisan a blow after Ms own fashion. Before they reached the place Tarleton had marched on; they captured two of his staffs, however, who had remained behind, settling with the people of a farm-house for supplies furnished to the detachment. Being informed that Tarleton was to halt for the night at the distance of six miles, they still trusted to surprise him. On the way, however, they had an encounter with a body of three or four hundred mounted royalists, armed with rifles, and commanded by a Colonel Pyle, marching in quest of Tarleton. As Lee with his cavalry was in the advance, he was mis- taken for Tarleton, and hailed with loyal accla- mations. He favored the mistake, and was taking measures to capture the royalists, when some of them, seeing the infantry under Pick- ens, discovered their error, and fired upon the rear-guard. The cavalry instantly charged upon them ; ninety were cut down and slain, and a great number wounded ; among the lat- ter was Colonel Pyle himself, who took refuge among thickets on the borders of a piece of water which still bears his name. The Ameri- cans alleged in excuse for the slaughter, that it was provoked by their being attacked ; and that the sabre was used, as a continued firing might alarm Taiieton's camp. We do not wonder, however, that British writers pro- nounced it a massacre ; though it was but fol- lowing the example set by Tarleton himself, in this ruthless campaign. After all, Lee and Pickens missed the object of their enterprise. The approach of night and the fatigue of their troops, made them defer their attack upon Tarleton until morning. In the mean time, the latter had received an ex- press from Cornwallis, informing him that Greene had passed the Dan, and ordering him to return to 'Hillsborough as soon as possible. He hastened to obey. Lee with his legion was in the saddle before daybreak ; but Tarleton's troops were already on the march. " The le- gion," writes Lee, " accustomed to night expe- ditions, had been in the habit of using pine- torch for flambeau. Supplied with this, though the morning was dark, the enemy's trail was distinctly discovered, whenever a divergency took place in his route. Before sunrise, however, Tarleton had forded the Haw, and " Light-Horse Harry " gave over the pursuit, consoling himself that though he had not effected the chief object of his enter- ,J prise, a secondary one was completely exe- cuted, which would repress the tory spirit just ^T. 49.] MAN(EUVRES OF CORNWALLIS— GREENE REINFORCED. 581 beginning to burst forth. "Fortune," writes he in his magniloquent way, "Fortune, which sways so imperiously the affairs of war, de- monstrated throughout the operation its su- preme control.* Nothing was omitted on the part of the' Americans, to give to the expedi- tion the desired termination ; but the very bright prospects which for a time presented themselves, were suddenly overcast; — the ca- I>ricious goddess gave us Pyle and saved Tarle- ton." The re-appearance of Greene and his army in North Carolina, heralded by the sconrings of Lee and Pickens, disconcerted the schemes of Lord Oornwallis. The recruiting service was interrupted. Many royalists who were on the way to his camp returned home. For- age and provisions became scarce in the neigh- borhood. He found himself, he said, " amongst timid friends and adjoining to inveterate rebels." On the 26th, therefore, he aban- doned Hillsborough, threw himself across the Haw, and encamped near Alamance Creek, one of its principal tributaries, in a country favor- able to supplies and with a tory population. ^^His position was commanding, at the point of concurrence of roads from Salisbury, Guilford, High Eockford, Cross Creek, and Hillsborough. It covered also the communication with Wil- mington, where a depot of military stores, so important to his half-destitute army, had re- cently been established. Greene, with his main arraj^, took post about fifteen miles above him, on the heights between Troublesome Creek and Reedy Fork, one of the tributaries of the Haw. His plan was to cut the enemy off from the upper counties ; to harass him by skirmishes, but to avoid a gen- eral battle ; thus gaining time for the arrival of reinforcements daily expected. He rarely lay more than two days in a place, and kept his light troops under Pickens and "Williams between him and the enemy ; hovering about the latter ; intercepting his intelligence ; attack- ing his foraging parties, and striking at his flanks whenever exposed. Sharp skirmishes occurred between them and Tarleton's cavalry with various success. The country being much of a wilderness, obliged both parties to be on the alert; but the Americans, accustomed to bush-fighting, were not easily surprised. On the Gth of March, Cornwallis, learning that the light troops under Williams were very * Lee'B Memoirs of the War, i. 319. carelessly posted, put his army suddenly in mo- tion, and crossed the Alamance in a thick fog ; with the design to beat up their quarters, drive them in upon the main army, and bring Greene to action should he come to their assistance. His movement was discovered by the Ameri- can patrolSj and the alarm given. Williams hastily called in his detachments, and retreated Avith his light troops across Reedy Fork, while Lee with his legion manoeuvred in front of the enemy, A stand was made by the Americans at Wetzell's Mill, but they were obliged to re- tire with the loss of fifty killed and wounded. Cornwallis did not pursue ; evening was ap- proaching, and he had failed in his main object ; that of bringing Greene to action. The latter, fixed in his resolve of avoiding a conflict, had retreated across the Haw, in order to keep up his communication with the roads by which he expected his supplies and reinforcements. The militia of the country, who occasionally flocked to his camp, were chiefly volunteers, who fell off after every skirmish, " going home," as he said, " to tell the news." " At this time," said he on the 10th, " I have not above eight or nine hundred of them in the field ; yet there have been upwards of five thousand in motion in the course of four weeks. A force fluctuat- ing in this manner can promise but slender hopes of success against an enemy in high dis- cipline, and made formidable by the superior- ity of their numbers. Hitherto, I have been obliged to eft'ect that by finesse which I dare not attempt by force." * Greene had scarcely written this letter when the long-expected reinforcements arrived, hav- ing been hurried on by forced marches. They consisted of a brigade of Virginia militia, under General Lawson, two brigades of North Caro- lina militia, under Generals Butler and Eaton, and four hundred regulars, enlisted for eighteen months. His whole effective force, according to oflicial returns, amounted to four thousand two hundred and forty-three foot, and one hun- dred and sixty-one cavalry. Of his infantry, not quite two tliousand were regulars, and of these, three-fourths Avere new levies. His force nearly doubled in number that of Cornwallis, which did not exceed two thousand four hun- - dred men ; but many of Greene's troops were raw and inexperienced, and had never been in battle; those of the enemy were veteran?, schooled in warfare, and, as it were, welded Letter to Governor Jefferson, March 10. 582 BATTLE OF GUILFORD COURT-HOUSE. [1Y81. together by campaigning in a foreign land, Tv'here their main safety consisted in standing by each other. Greene knew the inferiority of his troops in this respect ; his reinforcements, too, fell far short of what he had been led to expect, yet he determined to accept the battle which had so long been offered. The corps of light troops, under "Williams, which had rendered such effi- cient service, was now incorporated with the main body, and all detachments were ordered to assemble at Guilford, within eight miles of the enemy, where he encamped on the 14th, sending his waggons and heavy baggage to the Iron Works at Troublesome Creek, ten miles in his rear. Cornwallis, from the difficulty of getting cor- rect information, and from Greene's frequent change of position, had an exaggerated idea of the American force, rating it as high as eight thousand men : still he trusted in his well- seasoned veterans, and determined to attack Greene in his encampment, now that he seemed disposed for a general action. To provide against the possibility of a retreat, he sent his carriages and baggage to Bell's Mills, on Deep River, and set out at daybreak on the 15th for Guilford. Within four miles of that place, near the New Garden Meeting-house, Tarleton with the ad- vanced guard of cavalry, infantry, and yagers, came upon the American advance-guard, com- posed of Lee's partisan legion, and some moun- taineers and Virginia militia. Tarleton and Lee were well matched in military prowess, and the skirmish between them was severe. Lee's horses, being from Virginia and Pennsylvania, were superior in weight and strength to those of his opponent, which had been chiefly taken from plantations in South Carolina. The latter were borne down by a charge in close column ; several of their riders were dismounted, and killed or taken prisoners. Tarleton, seeing that his weakly mounted men fought to a dis- advantage, sounded a retreat ; Lee endeavored to cut him off: a general conflict of the van- guards, horse and foot, ensued, when the ap- pearance of the main body of the enemy obliged Lee, in his turn, to retire with precipitation. During this time, Greene was preparing for action on a woody eminence, a little more than a mile south of Guilford Court-House. The neighboring country was covered with forest, excepting some cultivated fields about the court- house, and along the Salisbury road, which passed through the centre of the place, from south to north. Greene had drawn out his troops in three lines. The first, composed of North Carolina militia, volunteers, and riflemen, under Generals Butler and Eaton, was posted behind a fence, with an open field in front, and woods on the flanks and in the rear. About three hundred yards behind this, was the second line, com- posed of Virginia militia, under Generals Ste- vens and Lawson, drawn up across the road, and covered by a wood. The third line, about four hundred yards in the rear of the second, was composed of Continental troops or regu- lars ; those of Virginia under General Huger on the right, those of Maryland under Colonel Williams on the left. Colonel Washington with a body of dragoons, Kirkwood's Dela- ware infantry, and a battalion of Virginia militia covered the right flank ; Lee's legion, with the Virginia riflemen under Colonel Camp- bell, covered the left. Two six-pounders were in the road, in advance of the first line ; two field-pieces with the rear-line near the court-house, where General Greene took his station. About noon the head of the British army was descried advancing spiritedly from the south along the Salisbury road, and defiling into the fields. A cannonade was opened from the two six-pounders in front of the first American line. It was answered by the Brit- ish artillery. Neither produced much eifect. The enemy now advanced coolly and steadily in three columns ; the Hessians and Highland- ers under General Leslie, on the right, the Royal artillery and guards in the centre, and Webster's brigade on the left. The North Carolinians, who formed the first line, waited until the enemy were within one hundred and fifty yards, when, agitated by their martial ar- ray and undaunted movement, they began to fall into confusion ; some fired off their pieces without taking aim ; others tln-ew them down, and took to flight. A volley from the foe, a shout, and a charge of the bayonet, completed their discomfiture. Some fled to the woods, others fell back upon the Virginians, who formed the second line. General Stevens, who commanded the latter, ordered his men to open and let the fugitives pass, pretending that they had orders to retire. He had taken care, how- ever, to post forty riflemen in the rear of his own line, with orders to fire upon any one who should leave his post. Under his spirited com- Ml. 49.] BATTLE OF GUILFORD COUET-HOUSE. 583 mand and example, tlie Virginians kept their ground and fought bravely. The action became much broken up and di- versified by the extent of the ground. The thick- ness of the woods impeded the movements of the cavalry. The reserves on both sides were called up. The British bayonet again suc- ceeded ; the second line gave way, and General Stevens, who had kept the field for some time, after being wounded in the thigh by a musket- baD, ordered a retreat. The enemy pressed with increasing ardor against the third line, composed of Continental troops, and supported by Colonel Washington's dragoons and Kirkwood's Delawares. Greene counted on these to retrieve the day. They were regulars ; they were fresh, and in perfect order. He rode along the line, calling on them to stand firm, and give the enemy a warm reception. The first Maryland regiment which was on the right wing, was attacked by Colonel "Web- ster, with the British left. It stood the shock bravely, and being seconded by some Virginia troops, and Kirkwood's Delawares, drove Web- ster across a ravine. The second Maryland regiment was not so successful. Impetuously attacked by Colonel Stewart, with a battalion of the guards, and a company of grenadiers, it faltered, gave way, and fled, abandoning two field-pieces, which were seized by the enemy. Stewart was pursuing, when the first regiment which had driven Webster across the ravine, came to the rescue with fixed bayonets, while Colonel Washington spurred up with his cav- alry. The fight now was fierce and bloody. Stewart was slain ; the two field-pieces were retaken, and the enemy in their turn gave way and were pursued with slaughter ; a destruc- tive fire of grape-shot from the enemy's artil- lery checked the pursuit. Two regiments ap- proached on the right and left ; Webster re- crossed the ravine and fell upon Kirkwood's Delawares. There was intrepid fighting in different parts of the field ; but Greene saw that the day was lost ; there was no retrieving the effect produced by the first flight of the North Carolinians. Unwilling to risk the utter destruction of his army, he directed a retreat, which was made in good order, but they had to leave their artillery on the field, most of the horses having been killed. About three miles from the field of action he made a halt to col- lect stragglers, and then continued on to the place of rendezvous at Speedwell's Iron Works on Troublesome Creek. The British were too much cut up and fa- tigued to follow up their victory. Two regi- ments with Tarleton's cavalry attempted a pur- suit but were called back. Efforts were made to collect the wounded of both armies, but they were dispersed over so wide a space, among' woods and thickets, that night closed before the task was accomplished. It Avas a dismal night even to the victors ; a night of unusual darkness, with torrents of rain. The army was destitute of tents ; there were not suffi- cient houses in the vicinity to receive the wounded ; provisions were scanty ; many had tasted very little food for the last two days ; comforts were out of the question. Nearly fifty of the wounded sank under their aggra- vated miseries, and expired before morning. The cries of the disabled and dying, who re- mained on the field of battle, during the night, exceeded all description. Such a complicated scene of horror and distress, adds the British writer, whose words Ave quote, it is hoped, for the sake of humanity, rarely occurs, even in military life.* The loss of the Americans in this hard-fought affair, was never fully ascertained. Their of- ficial returns, made immediately after the ac- tion, give little more than four hundred killed and wounded, and between eight and nine hun- dred missing; but Lord Cornwallis states in his despatches, that between two and three hundred of the Americans were found dead on the field of battle. The loss sustained by his lordship, even if numerically less, was far more fatal; for, in the circumstances in which he was placed, it was not to be supphed, and it completely maimed him. Of his small army, ninety-three had fallen, four hundred and thirteen were wounded, and twenty-six missing. Among the killed and wounded were several officers of note. Thus, one-fourth of his army was either killed or disabled ; his troops were exhausted by fatigue and hunger ; his camp was encum- bered by the wounded. His victory, in fact, was almost as ruinous as a defeat. Greene lay for two days within ten miles of him, near the Iron Works on Troublesome Creek, gathering up his scattered troops. He had imbibed the spirit of Washington, and re- mained undismayed by hardships or reverses. Writing to the latter, he says : " Lord Corn- wallis will not give up this country, without * Stedman, vol. ii. p. 346. 584 GREENE IN PURSUIT OF CORNWALLIS. [1781. being soundly beaten. I wish our force was more competent to the business. But I am in hopes, by httle and little, to reduce him in time. His ti'oops are good, well found, and fight with great obstinacy. "Virginia," adds he, " has given me every support I could wish or expect, since Lord Cornwallis has been in North Carolina ; and nothing has contributed more to this, than the prejudice of the people in favor of your Excel- lency, which has extended to me from the friendship you have been pleased to honor me with." * And again : " The service here is extremely severe, and the officers and soldiers bear it with a degree of patience that does them the highest honor. I have never taken off my clothes since I left the Pedee. I was taken with a fainting last night, owing, I suppose, to excessive fa- tigue and constant watching. I am better to- day, but far from well. I have little prospect of acquiring much reputation while I labor un- der so many disadvantages. I hope my friends will make full allowances ; and as for vulgar opinion, I regard it not." In Washington he had a friend v^'hose appro- bation was deai'er to him than the applause of thousands, and who knew how to appreciate him. To Greene's account of the battle he sent a cheering reply. " Although the honors of the field do not fall to your lot, I am con- vinced you deserve them. The chances of war are various, and the best-concerted measures and most flattering prospects, may and often do deceive us, especially while we are in the power of the militia. The motives which in- duced you to risk an action with Lord Corn- wallis are supported upon the best military principle, and the consequence, if you can pre- vent the dissipation of your troops, will no doubt be fortunate." The consequence, it will be found, was such as Washington, with his usual sagacity, pre- dicted. Cornwallis, so far from being able to advance in tlie career of victory, could not even liold the ground he had so bravely won, but was obliged to retreat from the scene of tri- xamph, to some secure position where he might obtain supplies for his famished army. Leaving, therefore, about seventy of liis of- ficers and men, who were too severely wounded to bear travelling, together with a number of wounded Americans, in the New Garden Meet- ■ Sparta. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 267. ing -house, and the adjacent buildings, under the protection of a flag of truce, and placing the rest of his wounded in waggons or on horse- back, he set out, on the third day after the action, by easy marches, for Cross Creek, other- wise called the Haw, an eastern branch of Cape Fear River, where was a settlement of Scottish Highlanders, stout adherents, as he was led to believe, to the royal cause. Here he expected to be i^lentifuUy supplied with provisions, and to have his sick and wounded well taken care of. Hence, too, he could open a communica- tion by Cape Fear River, with Wilmington, and obtain from the depot recently established there, such supplies as the country about Cross Creek did not aftord. On the day on which he began his march, he issued a proclamation, setting forth his vic- tory, calling upon all loyal subjects to join his standard, and holding out the usual promises and threats to such as should obey or should continue in rebellion. No sooner did Greene learn that Cornwallis was retreating, than he set out to follow him, determined to bring him again to action ; and presenting the singular spectacle of the van- quished pursuing the victor. His troops, how- ever, suffered greatly in this pursuit, from win- try weather, deep, wet, clayey roads, and scar- city of provisions ; the country through wliich they marched being completely exhausted ; but they harassed the enemy's rear-guard with frequent skirmishes. On the 28th, Greene arrived at Ramsey's Mills, on Deep River, hard on the traces of Cornwallis, who had left the place a few hours previously, with such precipitation, that sev- eral of his wounded, who had died while on the march, were left behind unburied. Several fresh quarters of beef had likewise been forgot- ten, and were seized upon with eagerness by the hungry soldiery. Such had been the ur- gency of the pursuit this day, that many of the American troops sank upon the road exhausted with fatigue. At Deep River, Greene was brought to a stand. Cornwallis had broken down the bridge by which he had crossed.; and further pursuit for the present was impossible. The constancy of the militia now gave way. They had been continually on the march with little to eat, less to drink, and obliged to sleep in the woods in the midst of smoke. Every step had led tliem from their homes and increased their privations. They were now in want of every ^T. 49.] GREENE CHANGES HIS PLAN— WEARY RETREAT OF THE BRITISH. 585 thing, for the retreating enemy left a famished country behind liim. Tlie term for which most of them had enlisted was expired, and they now demanded their dischai'ge. The de- mand was just and reasonable, and, after striv- ing in vain to shake their determination, Greene felt compelled to comply with it. His force thus reduced, it would be impossible to pursue the enemy further. The halt he was obliged to make to collect provisions and rebuild the bridge, wotdd give them such a start as to leave no hope of overtaking them should they con- tinue their retreat; nor could he fight them upon equal terms should they make a stand. The regular troops would be late in the field, if raised at all: Virginia, from the unequal op- eration of the law for drafting, was not likely to furnish many soldiers : Maryland, as late as the 13th instant, had not got a man ; neither was there the least prospect of raising a man in North Carolina. In this situation, remote from reinforcements, inferior to the enemy in numbers, and without hope of support, what was to be done ? " If the enemy falls down toward "Wilmington," said he, " they will be in a position where it would be impossible for us to injure them if we had a force." * Suddenly he determined to change his course, and carry the war into South Carolina. This would oblige the enemy either to follow him, and thus abandon North Carolina; or to sacrifice all his posts in the upper part of North Caro- lina and Georgia, To Washington, to whom he considered himself accountable for all his policy, and from whose counsel he derived confidence and strength, he writes on the pres- ■ ent occasion. " All things considered, I think the movement is warranted by the soundest reasons, both political and military. The ma- noeuvre will be critical and dangerous, and the troops exposed to every hardship. But as I shai-e it with them, I may hope they will bear up under it with that magnanimity which has always supported them, and for which they de- serve every thing of their country." — " I shall take every measure," adds he, " to avoid amis- fortune. But necessity obliges me to commit myself to chance, and, I trust, my friends will do justice to my reputation, if any accident at- tends me." In this brave spirit, he apprised Sumter, Pickens, and Marion, by letter, of his inten- tions, and called upon them to be ready co-op- * Greene to Washington. Cor. Rev., iii. 27S. erate with all the militia they could collect; promising to send forward cavalry and small detachments of light infantry, to aid them in capturing outposts before the army should ar- rive. To Lafayette he writes at the same time. " I expect by this movement to draw Cornwallis out of this State, and preiaent Mm from forming a junction with Arnold. If you follow to sup- port me, it is not impossible that we may give him a drubbing, especially if General Wayne comes up with the Pennsylvanians." In pursuance of his plan, Greene, on the 30th. of March, discharged all his militia with many thanks for the courage and fortitude with which they had followed him through so many scenes of peril and hardship ; and joyously did the poor fellows set out for their homes. Then, after giving his " little, distx'essed, though suc- cessful army," a short taste of the repose they needed, and having collected a few days' pro- vision, he set forward on the 5th of April toward Camden, where Lord Eawdon had his head-quarters. Cornwallis, in the mean time, was grievously disappointed in the hopes he had formed of ob- taining ample provisions and forage at Cross Creek, and strong reinforcements from the roy- alists in that neighborhood. Neither coidd he open a communication by Cape Fear Eiver, for the conveyance of his troops to Wilmington. The distance by water was upwards of a hun- dred miles, thfe breadth of the river seldom above one hundred yards, the banks high, and the inhabitants on each side generally hostile. He was compelled, therefore, to continue his retreat by land, quite to Wilmington, where he arrived on the Tth of April, and his troops, weary, sick, and wounded, rested for the pres- ent from the " unceasing toils and unspeakable hardships, which they had undergone during the past three months." * It was his lordship's intention, as soon as he should have equipped his own corps and re- ceived a part of the expected reinforcements from Ireland, to return to the upper country, in hopes of giving protection to the royal inter- ests in South Carolina, and of preserving the health of his troops until he should concert new measures with Sir Henry Clinton.t His plans were all disconcerted, however, by intel- ligence of Greene's rapid march toward Cam- * See Letter of Cornwallis to Lord George Germain, April 18. Also Annual Register, 1781, p. 72. t Answer to Clinton's Narrative, Introduction, p. vi. 586 CORNWALLIS MARCHES FOR VIRGINIA— ARNOLD AT PORTSMOUTH. [1781. den. Never, we are told, was liis lordship more affected than by this news. " My situa- tion here is very distressing," writes he. " Greene took the advantage of my being obliged to come to this place, and has marched to South Carolina. My expresses to Lord Eaw- don on my leaving Cross Creek, warning him of the possibility of such a movement, have all failed ; mountaineers and militia have poured into the back part of that province, and I much fear that Lord Eawdon's posts will be so dis- tant from each other, and his troops so scat- tered, as to put him into the greatest danger of being beaten in detail, and that the worst of consequences may happen to most of the troops out of Charleston." * It was too late for his lordship to render any aid by a direct move towards Camden. Be- fore he could arrive there, Greene would have made an attack ; if successful, his lordship's army might be hemmed in among the great rivers, in an exhausted country, revolutionary in its spirit, where Greene might cut off their subsistence, and render their arms useless. All thoughts of offensive operations against North Carolina were at an end. Sickness, de- sertion, and the loss sustained at Guilford Court-house, had reduced his little army to fourteen hundred and thirty-five men. In this sad predicament, after remaining sev- eral days in a painful state of irresolution, he determined to take advantage of Greene's hav- ing left the back part of Virginia open, to march directly into that province, and attempt a junction with the force acting there under General Phillips. By this move, he might draw Greene back to the northward, and by the reduction of "Vir- ginia, he might promote the subjugation of the South. The move, however, he felt to be per- ilous. His troops were worn down by upwards of eight hundred miles of marching and coun- ter-marching, through an inhospitable and im- practicable country ; they had now three hun- dred more before them ; under still worse cir- cumstances than those in which they first set out ; for, so destitute were they, notwithstand- ing the supplies received at "Wilmington, that his lordship, sadly humorous, declared, "his cavalry wanted every thing, and his infantry every thing but shoes."t There was no time for hesitation or delay ; Greene might return and render the junction * Letter to Major-General Phillips. t Annual Register, 1781, p. 90. with Phillips impracticable : having sent an express to the latter, therefore, informing him of his coming, and appointing a meeting at Petersburg, his lordship set oft' on the 25th of April, on his fated march into Virginia. We must now step back in dates to bring up events in the more northern parts of the Union. CHAPTER XXI. In a former chapter we left Benedict Arnold fortifying himself at Portsmouth, after his ravaging incursion. At the solicitation of Gov- ernor Jefierson, backed by Congress, the Chev- alier de la Luzerne had requested the French commander at the eastward to send a ship of the line and some frigates to Chesapeake Bay to oppose the traitor. Fortunately, at this junc- ture a severe snow-storm (Jan. 22d) scattered Arbuthnot's blockading squadron, wrecking one ship of the line and dismasting others, and enabled the French fleet at Newport to look abroad ; and Eochambeau wrote to "Washington that the Chevalier Destouches, who command- ed the fleet, proposed to send three or four ships to the Chesapeake. Washington feared the position of Arnold, and his well-known address, might enable him to withstand a mere attack by sea ; anxious to ensure his capture, he advised that Destouches should send his whole fleet, and that De Eo- chambeau should embark about a thousand men on board of it, with artillery and apparatus for a siege ; engaging, on his own part, to send off im- mediately a detachment of twelve hundred men to co-operate. " The destruction of the corps under the command of Arnold," writes he, " is of such immense importance to the welfare of the Southern States, that I have resolved to attempt it with the detachment I now send in conjunction with the militia, even if it should not be convenient for your Excellency to detach a part of your force ; provided M. Destouches is able to protect our operations by such dispo- sition of his fleet as will give us the command of the bay, and prevent succors from being sent from New York." Before the receipt of this letter, the French commanders, acting on their first impulse, had, about the 9th of February, detached M. de Til- ly, with a sixty-gun ship and two frigates, to make a dash into the Chesapeake. Washington was apprised of their sailing just as he was ^T. 49.] EXPEDITIONS SENT AGAINST ARNOLD— WASHINGTON AT NEWPORT. 587 preparing to send off the twelve hundred men spoken of in his letter to De Eochambeau. He gave the command of this detachment to Lafayette, instructing him to act in conjunction ^x\ih. the militia and the ships sent by Destou- ches, against the enemy's corps actually in Vir- ginia. As the case was urgent, he was to suffer no delay, when on the march, for want either of provisions, forage, or waggons, but where ordinary means did not suffice, he was to resort to military impress. " You are to do no act whatever with Arnold," said the letter of in- struction, " that directly or by implication may screen him from the punishment due to his treason and desertion, which, if he should fall into your hands, you wiU execute in the most summary manner." Washington wrote at the same time to the Baron Steuben, informing him of the arrange- ments, and requesting him to be on the alert. " If the fleet should have arrived before this gets to hand," said he, " secrecy will be out of the question ; if not, you will conceal your expectations, and only seem to be preparing for defence. Arnold, on the appearance of the fleet, may endeavor to retreat through North Carolina. If you take any measure to obviate this, the precaution will be advisable. Should you be able to capture this detachment with its chief, it will be an event as pleasing as it will be useful." Lafayette set out on his march on the 22d of February, and Washington was indulging the hope that, scanty as was the naval force sent to the Chesapeake, the combined enterprise might be successful, when, on the 27th, he re- ceived a letter from the Count de Eochambeau announcing its failure. De Tilly had made his dash into Chesapeake Bay, but Arnold had been apprised by the British Admiral Arbuthnot of his approach, and had drawn his ships high up Elizabeth Eiver. The water was too shallow for the largest French ships to get within four leagues of him. One of De Tilly's frigates ran aground, and was got off with difficulty, and that commander, seeing that Arnold was out of his reach, and fearing to be himself blockad- ed should he linger, put to sea and returned to Newport ; having captured during his cruise a British frigate of forty-four guns, and two pri- vateers with their prizes. The French commanders now determined to follow the plan suggested by Washington, and operate in the Chesapeake with their whole fleet and a detachment of land troops, being. as they said, disposed to risk every thing to hinder Arnold from establishing himself at Portsmouth. Washington set out for Newport to concert operations with the French commanders. Be- fore his departure, he wrote to Lafayette, on the 1st of March, giving him intelligence of these intentions, and desiring him to transmit it to the Baron Steuben. " I have received a letter," adds he, "from General Greene, by which it appears that Cornwallis, with twenty- five hundred men, was penetrating the country with very great rapidity, and Greene with a much inferior force retiring before him, having determined to pass the Eoanoke, This intelli- gence, and an apprehension that Arnold may make his escape before the fleet can arrive in the bay, induces me to give you greater latitude than you had in your original instructions. You are at liberty to concert a plan with the French general and naval commander for a descent into North Carolina, to cut off the de- tachment of the enemy which had ascended Cape Fear Eiver, intercept, if possible, Corn- wallis, and relieve General Greene and the Southern States. This, however, ought to be a secondary object, attempted in case of Arnold's retreat to New York ; or in case his reduction should be attended with too much delay. There should be strong reasons to induce a change of our first plan against Arnold if he is stiU in Virginia." Washington arrived at Newport on the 6th of March, and found the French fleet ready for sea ; the troops, eleven hundi-ed strong, com- manded by General the Baron de Viomenil, being already embarked. Washington went immediately on board of the Admiral's ship, where he had an interview with the Count de Eochambeau, and arranged the plan of the campaign. Eeturning on shore he was received by the inhabitants with enthu- siastic demonstrations of affection ; and was gratified to perceive the harmony and good will between them and the French army and fleet. Much of this he attributed to the wisdom of the commanders, and the discipline of the troops, but more to magnaninfity on the one part, and gratitude on the other ; and he hailed it as a happy presage of lasting friendship between the two nations. On the 8th of March, at ten o'clock at night, he writes to Lafayette : " I have the pleasure to inform you that the whole fleet went out with a fair wind this evening about sunset. 588 EXGAGEMENT OF THE ENGLISH AND FKENCH FLEETS. [1781. We have not heard of any move of the British in Gardiner's Bay. Should we luckily meet with no interruption from them, and Arnold should continue in Virginia, until the arrival of M. Destouches, I flatter myself you will meet with that success which I most ardently wish, not only on the public, hut your own account." The British fleet made sail in pursuit, on the morning of the 10th ; as the French had so much the start, it was hoped they would reach Chesapeake Bay before them. Washington felt the present to be a most important mo- ment. " The success of the expedition now in agitation," said he, " seems to depend upon a naval superiority, and the force of the two fleets is so equal, that we must rather hope for, than entertain an assurance of victory. The attempt, however, made by our allies to dis- lodge the enemy in Virginia, is a bold one, and should it fail, will nevertheless entitle them to the thanks of the public." On returning to his head-quarters at New Windsor, Washington on the 20th of March found letters from General Greene, informing him that he had saved all his baggage, artillery, and stores, notwithstanding the hot pursuit of the enemy, and was now in his turn following them, but that he was greatly in need of rein- forcements. " My regard for the public good, and my inclination to promote your success," writes Washington in reply, " will prompt me to give every assistance, and to make every diversion in your favor. But what can I do if I am not furnished with the means ? From what I saw and learned at the eastward, I am convinced the levies will be late in the field, and I fear far short of the requisition. I most anxiously wait the event of the present operation in Virginia. If attended with success, it may have the hap- piest influence on our southern affairs, by leav- ing the forces of Virginia free to act. For while there is an enemy in the heart of a coun- try, you can expect neither men nor supplies from it, in that full and regular manner in wliich they ought to be given." In the mean time, Lafayette with his detach- ment was pressing forward by forced marches for Virginia. Arriving at the Head of Elk on the 3d of March, he halted until he should re- ceive tidings respecting the French fleet. A letter from the Baron Steuben spoke of the preparations he was making, and the facility of taking the fortifications of Portsmouth, " sword in hand." The youthful marquis was not so sanguine as the veteran baron. " Arnold,'*said he, " has had so much time to prepare, and plays so deep a game ; nature has made the position so respectable, and some of the troops under his orders have been in so many actions, that I do not flatter myself to succeed so easi- ly." On the 7th he received Washington's let- ter of the 1st, apprising him of the approaching departure of the whole fleet with land forces. Lafayette now conducted his troops by water to Annapolis, and concluding, from the time the ships were to sail, and the winds which had since prevailed, thsiFrench fleet must be already in the Chesapeake, he crossed the bay in an open boat to Virginia, and pushed on to confer with the American and French commanders ; get a convoy for his troops, and concert matters for a vigorous co-operation. Arriving at York on the 14th, he found the Baron Steuben in the bustle of military preparations, and confident of having five thousand militia ready to co-operate. These, with Lafoyette's detachment, would be sufiicient for the attack by land ; nothing was wanting but a co-operation by sea ; and the French fleet had not yet appeared, though double the time necessary for the voyage had elapsed. The marquis repaired to General Muhlenburg's camp near Suflfolk, and reconnoi- tred with him the enemy's works at Ports- mouth ; this brought on a trifling skirmish, but every thing appeared satisfactory ; every thing promised complete success. On the 20th, word was brought that a fleet had come to anchor within the capes. It was supposed of course to be the French, and now the capture of the traitor was certain. He himself from certain signs appeared to be in great confusion ; none of his ships ventured down the bay. An officer of the French navy bore down to visit the fleet, but returned with the astounding intelligence that it was British ! Admiral Arbuthnot had in fact overtaken Destouches on the 16th of March, off" the capes of Virginia. Their forces were nearly equal ; eight ships of the line and four frigates on each side, the French having more men, the English more guns. An engagement took place which lasted about an hour. The British van at first took the brunt of the action, and was severely handled ; the centre came up to its relief. The French line was broken and gave way, but ral- lied, and formed again at some distance. The crippled state of some of his ships prevented the British admiral from bringing on a second iET. 49.] LETTER TO COLONEL LAURENS— MEASURES TO REINFORCE GREENE. 589 encounter ; nor did the Frencli seek one, but shaped their course the next day back to New- port. Both sides claimed a victory. The Brit- ish certainly effected the main objects they hac^ in view ; the French were cut off from the Chesapeake ; the combined enterprise against Portsmouth was disconcerted, and Arnold was saved. Great must have been the apprehen- sions of the traitor, while that enterprise threat- ened to entrap him. He knew the peculiar peril impending over him ; it had been an- nounced in the sturdy reply of an American prisoner, to his inquiry what his countrymen would do to him if he was captured. — " They would cut off the leg wounded in the service of your country and bury it with the honors of war ; the rest of you they would hang ! " The feelings of Washington, on hearmg of the result of the enterprise, may be judged from the following passage of a letter to Colonel John Laurens, then minister at Paris. "The failure of this expedition, which was most flat- tering in the commencement, is much to be regretted ; because a successful blow in that quarter would, in all probability, have given a decisive turn to our affairs in all the Southern States ; because it has been attended with con- siderable expense on our part, and much incon- venience to the State of Virginia, by the assem- bling of our militia ; because the world is dis- appointed at not seeing Arnold in gibbets ; and above all, because we stood in need of something to keep us afloat till the result of your mission is known ; for be assured, my dear Laurens, day does not follow night more certainly, than it brings with it some additional proof of the impracticability of carrying on the war, without the aids you were directed to solicit. As an honest and candid man, as a man whose all de- pends on the final and happy termination of the present contest, I assert this, while I give it. decisively as my opinion, that, without a for- eign loan, our present force, which is but the remnant of an arn&y, cannot be kept together this campaign, much less will it be increased, and in readiness for another. ****** If France delays a timely and powerful aid in the critical posture of our affairs, it will avail us nothing should she attempt it hereafter. "We are at this hour suspended in the balance ; not from choice, but from hard and absolute neces- sity ; and you may rely on it as a fact, that we cannot transport the provisions from the States in which they are assessed, to the army, because we cannot pay the teamsters, wlio will no longer work for certificates. * * In a word, we are at the end of our tether, and now or never our deliverance must come. * * * How easy would it be to retort the enemy's own game upon them ; if it could be made to com- port with the general plan of the war, to keep a superior fleet always in these seas, and France would put us in condition to be active, by ad- vancing us money. The riiin of the enemy's schemes would then be certain ; the bold game they are now playing would be the means of effecting it, for they would be reduced to the necessity of concentrating their force at capital points ; therebj' giving up all the advantages they have gained in the Southern States, or be vulnerable everywhere." "Washington's anxiety was now awakened for the safety of General Greene. Two thousand troops had sailed from New York under Gen- eral Phillips, probably to join with the force under Arnold, and proceed to reinforce Corn- wallis. Should they form a junction, Greene would be unable to withetand them. "With these considerations "Washington wrote to La- fayette, urging him, since he was already three hundred miles, which was half the distance, on the way, to push on with all possible speed to join the southern army, sending expresses ahead to inform Greene of his approach. The letter found Lafayette on the 8tli of April, at the Head of Elk, preparing to march back with his troops to the banks of the Hud- son. On his retui-n through Virginia, he had gone out of his way, and travelled all night for the purpose of seeing "Washington's mother at Fredericksburg, and paying a visit to Mount Vernon. He now stood ready to obey "Wash- ington's orders, and march to reinforce General Greene ; but his troops, who were cliiefly from the Eastern States, murmured at the prospect of a campaign in the southern climates, and deser- tions began to occur. Upon this he announced in general orders, that he was about to enter on an enterprise of great difficulty and danger, in which he trusted his soldiers would not aban- don him. Any, however, who were unwilling, should receive permits to return home. As he had anticipated, their pride was roused by this appeal. All engaged to continue for- ward. So great was the fear of appearing a laggard, or a craven, that a sergeant, too lame to march, hired a place in a cart to keep up with the army. In the zeal of the moment, Lafayette borrowed money on his own credit from the Baltimore merchants, to purchase 590 EXPEDITION OF GENERAL PHILLIPS— MOUNT VERNON MENACED. [1781. summer clothing for bis troops, in which he was aided, too, by the ladies of the city, with Avhom he was deservedly popular. Tlie detachment from New York, under Gen- eral Phillips, arrived at Portsmouth on the 26th of March. That officer immediately took com- mand, greatly to the satisfaction of the British officers, who had been acting under Arnold. The force now collected there amounted to three thousand five hundred men. The garri- son of New York had been greatly weakened in furnishing this detachment, but Oornwallis had urged the policy of transferring the seat of war to Virginia, even at the expense of abandoning New York ; declaring that until that State was subdued, the British hold upon the Carolinas must be difficult, if not precari- ous. The disparity in force was now so great, that the Baron Steuben had to withdraw his troops, and remove the military stores into the inte- rior. Many of the militia, too, their term of three months being expired, stacked their arms, and set off for their homes, and most of the residue had to be discharged. General Phillips had hitherto remained quiet in Portsmouth, completing the fortifications, but evidently making preparations for an expe- dition. On the 16th of April, he left one thou- sand men in garrison, and, embarking the rest in small vessels of light draught, proceeded up James Eiver, destroying armed vessels, public magazines, and a ship-yard belonging to the State. Landing at City Point, he advanced against Petersburg, a place of deposit of military stores and tobacco. He was met about a mile below the town by about one thousand militia, under General Muhlenburg, who, after disputing the ground inch by inch for nearly two hours, with considerable loss on both sides, retreated across the Appomattox, breaking down the bridge behind them. Phillips entered the town, set fire to the to- bacco warehouses, and destroyed all the ves- sels lying in the river. Eepairing and crossing the bridge over the Appomattox, he proceeded to Chesterfield Court-house, where he destroy- ed barracks and public stores ; while Arnold, with a detachment, laid waste the magazines of tobacco in the direction of Warwick. A fire was opened by the latter from a few field-pieces on the river bank, upon a squadron of small armed vessels, which had been intended to co- operate with the French fleet against Ports- mouth. The crews scuttled or set fire to them, and escaped to the north side of the river. This destructive course was pursued until they arrived at Manchester, a small place op- posite Richmond, where the tobacco ware- houses were immediately in a blaze. Rich- mond was a leading object of this desolating enterprise, for there a great part of the mili- tary stores of the State had been collected. Fortunately, Lafiiyette, with his detachment of two thousand men, had arrived there, by forced marches, the evening before, and being joined by about two thousand militia and sixty dra- goons (the latter, principally young Virginians of family), had posted himself strongly on the high banks on the north side of the river. There being no bridge across the river at that time. General Phillips did not think it prudent to attempt a passage in face of such a force so posted ; but Avas extremely irritated at being thus foiled by the celerity of his youthful opponent, who now assumed the chief command of the American forces in Virginia. Returning down the south bank of the river, to the place where his vessels awaited him. General Phillips re-embarked on the 2d of May, and dropped slowly down the river below the confluence of the Chickahominy. He was fol- lowed cautiously, and his movements watched by Lafayette, who posted himself behind the last-named river. Despatches from Cornwallis now informed Phillips that his lordship was advancing with all speed from the South to effect a junction with him. The general immediately made a rapid move to regain possession of Petersburg, where the junction was to take place. Lafay- ette attempted by foi'ced marches to get there before him, but was too late. Falling back, therefore, he recrossed James Eiver and sta- tioned himself some miles below Richmond, to be at hand for the protection of the iiublic stores collected there. During this main expedition of Phillips, some of his smaller vessels had carried on the plan of plunder and devastation in other of the riv- ers emptying into the Chesapeake Bay ; setting fire to the houses where they met with resist- ance. One had ascended the Potomac and menaced Mount Vernon. Lund Washington, who had charge of the estate, met the flag which the enemy sent on shore, and saved the property from ravage, by furnishing the vessel with provisions. Lafayette, who heard of the circumstance, and was sensitive for the honor ^T. 49.] DEATH OF GENERAL PHILLIPS— INEFFICIENT STATE OF THE ARMY. 591 of "Wasliington, immediately wrote to him on the subject. " This conduct of the person who represents you on your estate," writes he, " must certainly produce a bad eifect, and con- trast with the courageous replies of some of your neighbors, whose houses in consequence have been burnt. You will do what you think proper, my dear general, but friendship makes it my duty to give you confidentially the facts." Washington, however, had previously re- ceived a letter from Lund himself, stating all the circumstances of the case, and had imme- diately written him a reply. He had no doubt that Lund had acted from his best judgment, and with a view to preserve the property and buildings from impending danger, but he was stung to the quick by the idea that his agent should go on board of the enemy's vessels, ear- ly them refreshments, and " commune with a parcel of plundering scoundrels," as he termed them. " It would have been a less painful cir- cumstance to me to have heard," writes he, " that in consequence of your noncompliance with their request, they had burnt my house and laid my plantation in ruins. You ought to have considered yourself as my representa- tive, and should have reflected on the bad ex- ample of communicating with the enemy and making a voluntary offer of refreshments to them, with a view to prevent a conflagration." In concluding his letter, he expresses his opinion that it was the intention of the enemy to prosecute the plundering plan they had be- gun ; and that it would end in the destruction of his property, but adds, that he is " prepared for the event." He advises his agent to de- posit the most valuable and least bulky articles in a place of safety. " Such and so many things as are necessary for common and present use must be retained, and must run their chance through the fiery trial of this summer." Such were the steadfast purposes of "Wash- ington's mind when war was brought home to his door, and threatening his earthly paradise of Mount Vernon. In the mean time the desolating career of General Phillips was brought to a close. He had been ill for some days previous to his arri- val at Petersburg, and by the time he readied there, was no longer capable of giving orders. He died four days afterwards ; honored and deeply regretted by his brothers in arms, as a meritorious and well-tried soldier. What made his death to be more sensibly felt by them at this moment, was, that it put the traitor, Arnold, once more in the general command. He held it, however, but for a short time, as Lord Cornwallis arrived at Peterst)urg on the 20th of May, after nearly a month's weary marching from Wilmington. His lordship, on taking command, found his force augmented by a considerable detachment of royal artillery, two battalions of light infantry, the VGth and 80th British regiments, a Hessian regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe's corps of Queen's rangers, cavalry and infantry, one hundred ya- gers, Arnold's legion of royalists, and the gar- rison of Portsmouth. He was cheered also by intelligence that Lord Rawdon had obtained an advantage over General Greene before Cam- den, and that three British regiments had sailed from Cork for Charleston. His mind, we are told, was now set at ease with regard to South- ern affairs : his spirits, so long jaded by his harassing tramps about the Carolinas, were again lifted up by his augmented strength, and Tarleton assures iis, that his lordship indulged in " brilliant hopes of a glorious campaign in those parts of America where he command- ed." * How far these hopes were realized, we shall show in a future page. CHAPTER XXII. While afl:airs were approaching a crisis in Virginia, troubles were threatening from the North. There were rumors of invasion from Canada; of war councils and leagues among the savage tribes ; of a revival of the territo- rial feuds between New York and Vermont. Such, however, was the deplorable inefficiency of the military system, that though, according to the resolves of Congress, there were to have been thirty-seven thousand men under arms at the beginning of the year, Washington's whole force on the Hudson in the month of May did not amount to seven thousand men, of- whom little more than four thousand were effective. He still had his head-quarters at New Wind- sor, just above the Highlands, and within a few miles of West Point. Here he received intelli- gence that the enemy were in force on the op- posite side of the Hudson, marauding the coun- try on the north side of Croton River, and he ordered a hasty advance of Connecticut troops in that direction. * Tarleton. History of the Campaign, p.'SOl. 592 MARAUD OF DELANCEY— DEATH OF COLONEL GREENE. [ITSI. The Croton Eiver flows from east to west across Westchester County, and formed as it were the barrier of tlie American lines. The advanced posts of "Washington's army guarded it, and by its aid, protected the upper country from the incursions of those foraging parties and marauders wMcli had desolated the neutral ground below it. The incursions most to be guarded against were those of Colonel Delan- cey's loyalists, a horde of tories and refugees which had their stronghold in Morrisania, and were the terror of the neighboring country. There was a petty war continually going on between them and the American outposts, often of a ruthless kind. Delancey's horse and De- lancey's rangers scoured the country, and swept off forage and cattle from its fertile valleys for the British army at New York. Hence they were sometimes stigmatized by the opprobri- ous appellation of Cow Boys. The object of their present incursion was to surprise an outpost of the American army sta- tioned near a fordable part of the Croton Eiv- er, not far from Pine's Bridge. The post w^as commanded by Colonel Christopher Greene, of Rhode Island, the same who had successfully defended Fort Mercer on the Delaware, when assailed by Count Donop. He was a valuable officer, highly prized by Washington. The en- terprise against his post was something like that against the post of Young's House ; both had been checks to the foragers of this har- assed region. Colonel Delancey, who led this foray, was successor to the unfortunate Andre as Adju- tant-general of the British army. He con- ducted it secretly, and in the night, at the head of a hundred horse and two hundred foot. The Croton was forded at daybreak, just as the night-guard had been withdrawn, and the farm houses were surprised and assailed in which the Americans were quartered. That occu- pied by Colonel Greene and a brother officer. Major riagg, was first surrounded. The Major started from his bed, and discharged his pistols from a window, but was shot through the head, and afterwards despatched by cuts and thrusts of the sabre. The door of Greene's room was burst open. He defended himself vigorously and effectively with his sword, for he had great strength, but he was overpowered by numbers, cut down, ^d barbarously mangled. A massacre was going on in other quarters. Besides these two officers, there were between thirty and forty killed and wounded, and several made prison- ers. It is said that Colonel Delancey was not present at the carnage, but remained on the south side of the Croton to secure the retreat of his party. It may be so ; but the present exploit was in the spirit of others by which he had contributed to harry this beautiful region, and made it a " bloody ground." No foes so ruthless had the American patriots to encoun- ter as their own tory countrymen in arms. Before the troops ordered out by Washing- ton arrived at the post, the marauders had made a precipitate retreat. They had attempt- ed to carry off Greene a prisoner, but he died within three-quarters of a mile of the house. His captors, as they passed by the farm houses, told the inhabitants that, should there be any inquiry after the colonel, they had left him dead at the edge of the woods.* Greene was but forty-four years of age at the time of his death, and was a model of manly strength and comeliness. A true soldier of the Eevolution, he had served at Lex- ington and Bunker's Hill ; followed Arnold through the Kennebec wilderness to Quebec ; fought under the walls of that city ; distin- guished himself by his defence of Fort Mercer on the Delaware, and by his kind treatment of his vanquished and wounded antagonist, Colonel Donop. How different the treatment experi- enced by him at the hands of his tory country- men! The commander-in-chief, we are told, heard with anguish and indignation the tragical fate of this his faithful friend and soldier. On the subsequent day, the corpse of Colonel Greene was brought to head-quarters, and his funeral solemnized with military honors and universal grief.t At this juncture Washington's attention was called in another direction. A frigate had ar- rived at Boston, bringing the Count de Barras, to take command of the French naval force. He was a veteran about sixty years of age, and had commanded D'Estaing's vanguard, when he forced the entrance of Newport harbor. The count brought the cheering intelligence, that an armament of twenty ships of the line, with land forces, was to sail, or had sailed, from France, under the Count de Grasse for the West Indies, and that twelve of these ships * Letter of Paymaster Hughes. See Bolton's "West- chester Co., vol. ii., p. 94. t Lee's Memoirs of the "War, vol. 1., p. 407. ^T. 49.] INTERVIEW OF WASHINGTON AND DE ROCHAMBEAU— PLAN OF ATTACK. 593 were to relieve the squadron at Newport, and might be expected on the coast of the United States in July or August. The Count de Kdchambeau, having received despatches from the court of France, now re- quested an interview with Washington. The latter appointed Weathersfield in Connecticut for the purpose ; and met the count there on the 22d of May, hoping to settle a definitive plan of the campaign. Both as yet were igno- rant of the arrival of Oornwallis in Yirginia. The policy of a joint expedition to relieve the Carolinas was discussed. As the French ships in Newport were stiU blockaded by a superior force, such an expedition would have to be made by land. A march to the Southern States was long and harassing, aijd always attended with a great waste of life. Such would cer- tainly be the case at present, wl^n it would have to be made in the heat of summer. The difficulties and expenses of land transportation, also, presented a formidable objection. On the other hand, an effective blow might be struck at New York, the garrison having been reduced one-half by detachments to the South. That important post and its dependen- cies might be wrested from the enemy, or, if not, they might be obliged to recall a part of their force from the South for their own de- fence. It was determined, therefore, that the French troops should march from Newport as soon as possible, and form a junction with the Ameri- can army on the Hudson, and that both should move down to the vicinity of New York to make a combined attack, in which the Count de Grasse should be invited to co-operate with his fleet and a body of land troops. A vessel was despatched by De Eochambeau, to inform the Count de Grasse of this arrange- ment ; and letters were addressed by Washing- ton to the executive authorities of New Jersey and the New England States, urging them to fiU up their battalions and furnish their quotas of provisions. Notwithstanding all his exer- tions, however, when he mustered his forces at Peekskill, he was mortified to find not more than five thousand effective men. Notwith- standing, too, all the resolutions passed in the legislatures of the various States for supplying the army, it would, at this critical moment, have, been destitute of provisions, especially bread, had it not been for the zeal, talents, and activity of Mr. Robert Morris, now a delegate to Congress from the State of Pennsylvania, 38 and recently appointed superintendent of finance. This patriotic and energetic man, when public means failed, pledged his own credit in transporting military stores and feeding the army. Throughout the Eevolution, Wash- ington was continually baffled in his hopes caused by the resolutions of legislative bod- ies, too often as little alimentary as the east wind. The Count de Eochambeau and the Duke de Lauzim being arrived with their troops in Con- necticut, on their way to join the American army, Washington prepared for spirited opera- tions ; quickened by the intelligence that a part of the garrison of New York had been detached to forage the Jerseys. Two objects were con- templated by him: one, the surprisal of the British works at the north end of New York Island ; the other, the capture or destruction of Delancey's corps of refugees in Morrisania. The attack upon the posts was to be conducted by General Lincoln, with a detachment from the main army, which he was to bring down by water — that on Delancey's corps by the Duke de Lauzun with his legion, aided by Sheldon's dragoons, and a body of Connecticut, troops. Both operations were to be carried into effect on the 3d of July. The duke was to march down from Eidgebury in Connecticut, for the purpose. Every thing was to be con- ducted with secrecy and by the way of sur- prisal. Should any thing occur to prevent Lincoln from attempting the works on New York Island, he was to land his men above Spyt den Duivel Creek, march to the high gi-ounds in front of King's Bridge, lie concealed there until the duke's attack on Delancey's corps should be announced by firing or other means ; then to dispose of his force in such manner as to make the enemy think it larger than it really was ; thereby deterring troops from coming over the bridge to turn Lauzun's right, while he prevented the escape over the bridge of Delancey's refugees when routed from Morrisania. Washington, at the same time, wrote a confi- dential letter to Governor Clinton, informing him of designs upon the enemy's posts, " Should we be happy enough to succeed," writes he, " and be able to hold our conquest, the advan- tages will be greater than can well be imagined. But I cannot flatter myself that the enemy wiU permit the latter, unless I am suddenly and considerably reinforced. I shall march down the remainder of this army, and I have hopes 594 ENCAMPMENTS OF THE AMERICAN AND FRENCH ARMIES. [1781. that the Frencli force will be near at hand at the time. But I shall, notwithstanding, direct the alarm-guns and beacons to be fired in case of success ; and I have to request that your Excellency will, upon such signals, communicate the meaning of them to the militia, and put yourself at the head of them, and march with the utmost expedition to King's Bridge, bring- ing with you three or four days' provision at least." It was a service which would have been ex- actly to the humor of George Clinton. In pursuance of the plan, Lincoln left the camp near Peekskill on the 1st, with eight hundred men, and artillery, and proceeded to Teller's Point, where they were embarked in boats with muffled oars, and rowed silently at night down the Tappan Sea, that region of mystery and secret enterprise. At daylight they kept concealed under the land. The Duke de Lauzun was supposed, at the same time, to be on the way from Connecticut. "Washington, at three o'clock on the morning of the 2d, left his tents standing at Peekskill, and commenced his march with his main force, without baggage; making a brief halt at Croton Bridge, about nine miles from Peekskill ; another at the Sleepy Hollow Church, near Tarrytown, where he halted until dusk, and completed the rest of his march in the night, to Valentine's Hill, four miles above King's Bridge, where he arrived about sunrise. There he posted himself to cover the detached troops, and improve any advantages that might be gained by them. Lincoln, on the morning of the 2d, had left his flotilla concealed under the eastern shore, and crossed to Fort Lee to reconnoitre Fort Washington from the clifts on the opposite side of the Hudson. To his surprise and chagrin, he discovered a British force encamped on the north end of New York Island, and a ship-of- war anchored in the river. In fact, the troops which had been detached into the Jerseys, had returned, and the enemy were on the alert ; the surprisal of the forts, therefore, was out of the question. Lincoln's thoughts now were to aid the Duke de Lauzun's part of the scheme, as he had been instructed. Before daylight of the 3d, he landed his troops above Spyt den Duivel Creek, and took possession of the high ground on the north of Harlem Eiver, where Fort Independ- ence once stood. Here he was discovered by a foraging party of the enemy, fifteen hundred strong, who had sallied out at daybreak to scour the country. An irregular skirmish en- sued. The firing was heard by the Duke de Lauzun, who was just arrived with his troops at Eastchester, fatigued by a long and forced march in sultry weather. Finding the country alarmed, and all hope of surprising Delancey's corps at an end, he hastened to the support of Lincoln, Washington also advanced with his troops from Valentine's Hill. The British, perceiving their danger, retreated to their boats on the east side of Harlem River, and crossed over to New York Island. A trifling loss in killed and wounded had been sustained* on each side, and Lincoln had made a few prisoners. Being disappointed in both objects, Washing- ton did not care to fatigue his troops any more, but suffered tliem to remain on their arms, and spent a good part of the day reconnoitring the enemy's wo^ks. In the afternoon he retired to Valentine's Hill, and the next day marched to Dobbs' Ferry, where he was joined by the Count de Eochambeau on the 6th of July. The two armies now encamped ; the Americans in two lines, resting on the Hudson at Dobbs' Ferry, where it was covered by batteries, and extending eastward toward the Neperan or SawmiU River ; the French in a single line on the hiUs further east, reaching to the Bronx River. The beautiful valley of the Neperan intervened between the encampments. It was a lovely country for a summer encampment ; breezy hills commanding wide prospects ; um- brageous valleys, watered by bright j)astoral streams, the Bronx, the Spraine, and the Nep- eran, and abounding with never-failing springs. The French encampment made a gallant display along the Greenburgh hills. Some of the of- ficers, young men of rank, to whom this was all a service of romance, took a pride in deco- rating their tents, and forming little gardens in their vicinity. " We have a charming position among rocks and under magnificent tulip trees ; " writes one of them, the Count Dumas. General Washington was an object of their enthusiasm. He visited the tents they had so gayly embellished; for, with all his gravity, he Avas fond of the company of young men. They were apprised of his coming, and set out on their camp-tables plans of the battle of Trenton ; of West Point, and other scenes con- nected with the war. The greatest harmony prevailed between the armies. The two com- manders had their respective headMrnarters in farm houses, and occasionally, on t^^Pe occa- sions, long tables were spread in the adjacent Mt. 49.] GRAND RECONNOITRING EXPEDITIONS. 595 barns, which were converted into banqueting halls. The young French officers gained the good graces of the country belles, though little acquainted with their language. Their en- campment was particularly gay, and it was the boast of an old lady of the neighborhood many years after the war, that she had danced at head-quarters when a girl with the celebrated Marshal Berthier, at that time one of the aides- de-camp of the Coimt de Rochambeau.* The two armies lay thus encamped for three or four weeks. In the mean time letters urged Washington's presence in Virginia. Eichard Henry Lee advised that he should come with two or three thousand good troops, and be clothed with dictatorial powers. " There is nothing, I think, more certain," writes Lee, " than that your personal call would bring into immediate exertion the force and the resouixes of this State, and the neighboring ones, which, directed as they would be, will effectually dis- appoint and baffie the deep-laid schemes of the enemy." " I am fully persuaded, and upon good mili- tary principles," writes "Washington in reply, " that the measures I have adopted will give more effectual and speedy relief to the State of Virginia, than my marching thither, with dic- tatorial powers, at the head of every man I could draw from hence, without leaving the important posts on the North River quite de- fenceless, and^hese States open to devastation and ruin. My present plan of operation, which I have been preparing with all the zeal and activity in my power, will, I am morally cer- tain, with proper- support, produce one of two things, either the fall of New York, or a with- drawal of the troops from Virginia, excepting a garrison at Portsmouth, at which place I have no doubt of the enemy's intention of establish- ing a permanent post." "Within two or three days after this letter was written, "Washington crossed the river at Dobbs' Ferry, accompanied by the Count de Rochambeau, General de Beville, and General Duportail, to reconnoitre the British posts on the north end of New York Island. They were escorted by one hundred and fifty of the New Jersey troops, and spent the day on the Jersey heights ascertaining the exact position of the enemy on the opposite shore. Their next movement was to reconnoitre the enemy's posts at King's Bridge and on the east side of New * Bolton's History of Westchester Co., vol. 1., p. 243. York Island, and to cut off, if possible, such of Delancey's corps as should be found without the British fines. Five thousand troops, French and American, led by the Count de Chastellux and General Lincoln, were to protect this reconnoissance, and menace the enemy's posts. Every thing was prepared in- secrecy. On the 21st of July, at eight o'clock in the evening, the troops began their march in sep- arate columns ; part down the Hudson River road, part down the SaAvmill River valley; part by the Eastchester road. Scammel's light infantry advanced through tlie fields to waylay the roads, stop all communication, and prevent intelligence getting to the enemy. Sheldon's cavalry with the Connecticut troops were to scour Throg's Neck. Sheldon's infantry and Lauzun's lancers were to do the same with the refugee region of Morrisania. The whole detachment arrived at King's Bridge about daylight, and formed on the height back of Fort Independence. The ene- my's forts on New York Island did not appear to have the least intelligence of what was going on, nor to be aware that hostile troops were upon the heights opposite, until the latter dis- played themselves in full array, their arms flashing in the morning sunshine, and their ban- ners, American and French, unfolded to the breeze. "While the enemy was thus held in check, "Washington and De Rochambeau, accompanied by engineers and by their staffs, set out under the escort of a troop of dragoons, to reconnoitre the enemy's position and works from every point of view. It was a wide reconnoissance, extending across the country outside of the British lines from the Hudson to the Sound. The whole was done slowly and scientifically, exact notes and diagrams being made of every thing that might be of importance in future operations. As the " cortege " moved slowly along, or paused to make observation, it was cannonaded from the distant works, or from the armed vessels stationed on the neighboring waters, but without injuring it or quickening its movements. According to De Rochambeau's account, the two reconnoitring generals were at one time in an awkward and hazardous predicament. They had passed, he said, to an island separated by an arm of the sea from the enemy's post on Long Island, and the engineers were employed in making scientific observations, regardless of the firinar of small vessels stationed in the 596 EFFECT OF THE RECONNOISSANCE-MOVEMENTS OF CORNWALLIS. [1781. Sound. During this time, the two generals, exhausted by fatigue and summer heat, slept under shelter of a hedge. De Rochambeau was the first to awake, and was startled at observ- ing the state of the tide, which during their slumber had been rapidly rising. Awakening Washington and calling his attention to it, they hastened to the causeway by which they had crossed from the mainland. It was covered with water. Two small boats were brought, in which they embarked with the saddles and bridles of their horses. Two American dra- goons then returned in the boats to the shore of the island, Avhere the horses remained under care of their comrades. Two of the horses, which were good swimmers, were held by the bridle and guided across ; the rest were driven into the water by the smack of the whip, and followed their leaders ; the boats then brought over the rest of the party. De Rochambeau admired this manoeuvre as a specimen of American tactics in the management of wUd horses ; but he thought it lucky that the enemy knew nothing of their embarrassment, which lasted nearly an hour, otherwise they might literally have been caught napping. WhUe the enemy's works had been thoroughly reconnoitred, hght troops and lancers had per- formed their duty in scouring the neighbor- hood. The refugee posts which had desolated the country were brokea up. Most of the ref- ugees, Washmgton says, had fled and hid them- selves in secret places; some got over by stealth to the adjacent islands, and to the ene- my's shipping, and a few were caught. Having effected the purposes of their expedition, the two generals set off with their troops, on the 23d, for their encampment, where they arrived about midnight. The immediate effect of this threatening movement of Washington, appears in a letter of Sir Henry Clinton to Cornwallis, dated July 26th, requesting him to order three regiments to New York from Carolina. " I shall probably want them as well as the troops you may be able to spare me from the Chesapeake for such offensive or defensive operations as may offer in this quarter," * And Washington writes to Lafayette a few days subsequently : " I think we have already effected one part of the plan of the campaign settled at Weathersfield, that is, giving a sub- stantial relief to the Southern States, by obhg- ing the enemy to recall a considerable part of their force from thence. Our views must now be turned towards endeavoring to expel them totally from those States, if we find ourselves incompetent to the siege of New York." We will now give the reader a view of affairs in Viro-inia, and show how they were ulti- mately\ffected by these military manoeuvres and demonstrations in the neighborhood of King's Bridge. CHAPTER XXIII. The first object of Cornwallis on the junction of his forces at Petersburg in May, was to strike a blow at Lafayette. The marquis was en- camped on the north side of James River, be- tween Wilton and Richmond, with about one thousand regulars, two thousand militia, and fifty dragoons. He was waiting for reinforce- ments of mihtia, and for the arrival of General Wayne, with the Pennsylvania line. The latter had been ordered to the South by Washington, nearly three months previously ; but unavoid- ably delayed. Joined by these, Lafayette would venture to receive a blow, "that being beaten he might at least be beaten with decency, and CornwaUis pay something for his victory." His lordship hoped to draw him into an action before thus reinforced, and with that view, marched, on the 24th of May, from Peters- bur- to James River, which he crossed at Westover, about thirty mUes below Richmond. Here he was joined on the 26th by a reinforce- ment just arrived from New York, part of which he sent under General Leslie to strength- en the garrison at Portsmouth. He was re- lieved also from military companionship with the infamous Arnold, who obtained leave of absence to return to New York, where busi- ness of importance was said to demand his at- tention. While he was in command of the British army m Virginia, Lafayette had refused to hold any correspondence, or reciprocate any of the civilities of war with him; for which he was highly applauded by Washington. Being now strongly reinforced, Cornwallis moved to dislodge Lafayette from Richmond. The latter, conscious of the inferiority of his forces, decamped as soon as he heard his lordship had crossed James River. 1 am Correspondence relative to operations in Virginia, 153. ♦ Letter to Hamilton, May 23d. J^- Mt. 49.] MARAUDS OF TARLETON— ATTEMPT TO SURPRISE GOVERNOR JEFFERSON. 597 resolved," said he, " on a war of skirmishes, ■without engaging too far, and above all, to be on my guard against that numerous and excel- lent cavalry, which the militia dread, as if they were so many savage beasts." He now directed his march toward the upper country, inclining to the north, to favor a junction with "Wayne. Cornwallis followed him as far as the upper part of Hanover County, destroying public stores wherever found. He appears to have undervalued Lafayette on account of his youth. " The boy cannot escape me," said he in a let- ter which was intercepted. The youth of the marquis, however, aided the celerity of his movements ; and now that he had the respon- sibility of an independent command, he re- strained his youthful fire, and love of enter- prise. Independence had rendered him cautious. " I am afraid of myself," said he, " as much as of the enemy." * Cornwallis soon found it impossible either to overtake Lafayette, or prevent his junction with Wayne ; he turned his attention, there- fore, to other objects. Greene, in his passage through Virginia, had urged the importance of removing horses out of the way of the enemy ; his caution had been neglected ; the consequences were now felt. The great number of fine horses in the stables of Virginia gentlemen, who are noted for their love of the noble animal, had enabled Corn- wallis to mount many of his troops in first-rate style. These he employed in scouring the country, and destroying public stores. Tarle- ton and his legion, it is said, were moimted on race-horses. " Under this cloud of light troops," said Lafayette, "it is difficult to counteract any rapid movements they may choose to take ! " The State Legislature had been removed for safety to Charlottesville, where it was assem- bled for the purpose of levying taxes, and draft- ing militia. Tarleton, with one hundred and eighty cavalry and seventy mounted infantry, was ordered by Cornwallis to make a dash there, break, up the legislature, and carry off members. On his way thither, on the 4th of June, he captured and destroyed a convoy of arms and clothing destined for Greene's army in North Carolina. At another place he sur- prised several persons of note at the house of a Dr. Walker, but lingered so long breakfasting, that a person mounted on a fleet horse had time to reach Charlottesville before him, and * Letter to Col. Alexander Hamilton, May 23, 1780. spread the alarm. Tarleton crossed the Ri- vanna, which washes the hill on which Char- lottesville is situated ; dispersed a small force collected on the bank, and galloped into the town thinking to capture the whole assembly. Seven alone fell into his hands ; the rest had made their escape. No better success attended a party of horse under Captain McLeod, de- tached to surprise the Governor (Thomas Jeffer- son), at his residence in Monticello, about three miles from Charlottesville, where several mem- bers of the legislature were his guests. The dragoons were espied winding up the mountain ; the guests dispersed ; the family was hurried off to the residence of Colonel Carter, six miles distant, while the governor himself made a rapid retreat on horseback to Carter's Mountain. Having set fire to all the public stores at Charlottesville, Tarleton pushed for the point of Fork at the confluence of the Rivanna and Fluvanna ; to aid, if necessary, a detachment of yagers, infantry, and hussars, sent under Colo- nel Siracoe to destroy a great quantity of mili- tary stores collected at that post. The Baron Steuben, who was stationed there with five hundred Virginia regulars and a few militia, and had heard of the march of Tarleton, had succeeded in transporting the greater part of the stores, as well as his troops, across the river, and as the water was deep and the boats were all on his side, he might have felt himself secure. The unexpected appearance of Simcoe's infan- try, however, designedly spread out on the opposite heights, deceived him into the idea that it was the van of the British army. In his alarm he made a night retreat of thirty miles, leaving the greater part of the stores scattered along the river bank; which were destroyed the next morning by a small detach- ment of the enemy sent across in canoes. On the 10th of June, Lafayette was at length gladdened by the arrival of Wayne with about nine hundred of 1;he Pennsylvania line. Thus reinforced he changed his whole plan, and ven- tured on the aggressive. Cornwallis had gotten between him and a large deposit of military stores at Albemarle Old Court House. The marquis, by a rapid march at night, through a road long disused, threw himself* between the British army and the stores, and, being joined by a numerous body of mountain militia, took a strong position to dispute the advance of the enemy. Cornwallis did not think it advisable to pur- sue this enterprise, especially as he heard 508 SKIRMISH WITH SIMCOE— CORNWALLIS PURSUED TO JAMESTOWN ISLxiND. [llSl. Lafayette would soon be joined by forces under Baron Steuben. Yielding easy credence, there- fore, to a report that the stores had been removed from Albemarle Court House, he turned -his face toward the lower part of Vir- ginia, and made a retrograde march, first to Richmond, and afterwards to "Williamsburg. Lafayette, being joined by Steuben and his forces, had about four thousand men under him, one-half of whom were regulars. He now followed the British army at the distance of eighteen or twenty miles, throwing forward his light troops to harass their rear, which was covered by Tarleton and Simcoe with their cavalry and infantry. Cornwallis arrived at "Williamsburg on the 25th, and sent out Simcoe with his rangers and a company of yagers to destroy some boats and stores on the Ohikahominy River, and to sweep off the cattle of the neighborhood. Lafayette heard of the ravage, and detached Lieutenant- Colonel Butler, of the Pennsylvania line, Avith a corps of light troops and a body of horse under Major McPherson, to intercept the ma- rauders. As the infantry could not push on fast enough for the emergency, McPherson took up fifty of them behind fifty of his dragoons, and dashed on. He overtook a company of Simcoe's rangers under Captain Shank, about six miles from "Williamsburg, foraging at a farm ; a sharp encounter took place ; McPherson at the outset was unhorsed and severely hurt. The action continued. Simcoe with his in- fantry, who had been in the advance convoying a drove of cattle, now engaged in the fight. Butler's riflemen began to arrive, and supported the dragoons. It was a desperate melee ; much execution was done on both sides. Neither knew the strength of the force they were con- tending with ; but supposed it the advance guard of the opposite army. An alarm gun was fired by the British on a neighboring hill. It was answei'ed by alarm guns at "Williamsburg. The Americans supposed the whole British force coming out to assail them, and began to retire. Simcoe, imagining Lafayette to be at hand, likewise drew ofi", and pursued his march to "Williamsburg. Both parties foiight well ; both had been severely handled ; both claimed a victory, though neither gained one. The loss in killed and wounded on both sides was severe for the number engaged ; but the statements vary, and were never reconciled. It is certain the result gave great satisfaction to the Ameri- cans, and inspired them with redoubled ardor. An express was received by CornwaUis at "Williamsburg which obliged him to change his plans. The movements of Washington in the neighborhood of New York, menacing an at- tack, had produced the desired effect. Sir Hen- ry Clinton, alarmed for the safety of the place, had written to Cornwallis requiring a part of his troops for its i)rotection. His lordship prepared to comply with this requisition, but as it would leave him too weak to continue at "Williamsburg, he set out on the 4th of July for Portsmouth. Lafayette followed him on the ensuing day, and took post within nine miles of his camp ; intending, when the main body of the enemy should have crossed the ford to the island of Jamestown, to fall upon the rear guard. Corn- wallis suspected his design, and prepared to take advantage of it. The wheel carriages, bat horses, and baggage, were passed over to the island under the escort of the Queen's rangers ; making a great display, as if the main body had crossed ; his lordshij), however, with the great- er part of his forces, remained on the main land, his right covered by ponds, the centre and left by morasses, over which a few narrow causeways of logs connected his position with the country, and James Island lay in the rear. His camp was concealed by a skirt of woods, and covered by an outpost. In the morning of the 6th, as the Americans were advancing, a negro and a dragoon, em- ployed by Tarleton, threw themselves in their way, pretending to be deserters, and informed them that the body of the king's troops had passed James River in the night, leaving nothing behind but the rear guard, composed of the British legion and a detachment of infantry. Persuaded of the fact, Lafayette with his troops crossed the morass on the left of the enemy by a narrow causeway of logs, and halt- ed beyond about sunset. Wayne was detached with a body of riflemen, dragoons, and Conti- nental infantry, to make the attack, while the marquis with nine hundred Continentals and some militia stood ready to support him. "Wayne easily routed a patrol of cavalry and drove in the pickets who had been ordered to give way readily. The outpost which covered the camp defended itself more obstinately ; though exceedingly galled by the riflemen. "Wayne pushed forward with the Pennsylvania line, eight hundred strong, and three field-pieces, to attack it ; at the first discharge of a cannon more than two thousand of the enemy emerged ^T. 49.] VALOR OF WAYNE— AFFAIR AT HOBKIRK'S HILL. 599 from their concealment, and he found too late that the whole British line was in battle ar- ray before him. To retreat was more danger- ous than to go on. So thinking, with that im- petuous valor which had gained him the name of Mad Anthony, he ordered a charge to be sounded, and threw himself liorse and foot Avith shouts upon the enemy. It was a sanguinary conflict and a desperate one, for the enemy were outflanking him right and left. Fortunately, the heaviness of the fire had awakened the suspicions of Lafayette : — it was too strong for the outpost of a rear-guard. Spurring to a point of land which commanded a view of the British camp, he discovered the actual force of the enemy, and the peril of Wayne. Galloping back, he sent word to Wayne to fall back to General Muhlenberg's brigade, wliich had just arrived, and was forming within half a mile of the scene of conflict. Wayne did so in good or- der, leaving behind him his three cannon ; the horses which drew them having been killed. The whole army then retired across the mo- rass. The enemy's cavalry would have pursued them, but Corjiwallis forbade it. The night was falling. The hardihood of Wayne's attack, and his sudden retreat,' it is said, deceived and perplexed his lordship. He thought the Amer- icans more strong than they realTy were, and the retreat a mere feint to draw him into an am- buscade. That retreat, if followed close, might have been converted into a disastrous flight. The loss of the Americans in this brief but severe conflict, is stated by Lafayette to have been one hundred and eighteen killed, wounded, and prisoners, including ten officers. The Brit- ish loss was said to be five officers wounded, and seventy-five privates killed and wounded. " Our field ofllcers," said Wayne, " were gen- erally dismounted by having their horses either killed or wounded under them. I will not con- dole with the marquis for the loss of two of his, as he was frequently requested to keep at a greater distance. His natural bravery rendered him deaf to admonition." Lafayette retreated to Green Springs, where he rallied and reposed his troops. Cornwallis crossed over to Jamestown Island after dark, and three days afterwards, passing James Eiver with his main force, proceeded to Portsmouth. His object was, in conformity to his instruc- tions from the ministry, to establish there or elsewhere on the Chesapeake, a permanent post, to serve as a central point for naval and military operations. In his letter to Washington giving an account of these events, Lafayette says : " I am anxious to know your opinion of the Virginia campaign. The subjugation of this State was incontestably the principal object of the ministry. I think your diversion has been of more use than any of my manoeuvres ; but the latter have been above all directed by political views. As long as his lordship desired an action, not a musket has been fired ; the moment he would avoid a combat, we began a war of skirmishes ; but I had always care not to compromise the army. The naval superiority of the enemy, his superi- ority in cavalry, in regular troops, and his thou- sand other advantages, make me consider.myself lucky to have come oft" safe and sound. I had my eye fixed on negotiations in Europe, and I made it my aim to give his lordship the disgrace of a retreat." * We will now turn to resume the course of General Greene's campaignings in the Caro- linas. CHAPTER XXIV. It will be recollected that Greene, on the 5th of April, set out from Deep River on a retro- grade march to carry the war again into South Carolina, beginning by an attack on Lord Raw- don's post at Camden. Sumter and Marion had been keeping alive the revolutionary fire in that State ; the former on the north-east fron- tier, the latter in his favorite fighting ground between the Pedee and Santee Rivers. On the re-appearance of Greene, they stood ready to aid with heart and hand. On his way to Camden, Greene detached Lee to join Marion with his legion, and make an attack upon Fort Watson by way of diversion. For himself, he appeared before Camden, but finding it too strong and too well garrisoned, fell back about two miles, and took post at Ilobkirk's Hill, hoping to draw his lordship out. He succeeded but too well. His lordship at- tacked him on the 25th of April, coming upon him partly by surprise. There was a hard- fought battle, but through some false move among part of his troops, Greene was obhged to retreat. His lordship did not pursue, but shut himself up in Camden, waiting to be re- joined by part of liis garrison which was ab- sent. Memoires do Lafayette, t. i., p. 440. 600 RAWDON ABANDONS CAMDEN— RAPID SUCCESSES OF THE AMERICANS. [1781. Greene posted himself near Camden ferry on the Wateree, to intercept these reinforcements. Lee and Marion, who had succeeded in captur- ing Fort Watson, also took a position on the high hills of Santee for the same purpose. Their efforts were unavaiHng. Lord Eawdon was rejoined hy the other part of his troops. His superior force now threatened to give him the mastery. Greene felt the liazardous nature of his situation. His troops were fatigued by their long marchings ; he w^as disappointed of promised aid and reinforcements from Virginia; still he was undismayed, and prepared for another of his long and stubborn retreats. " We must always operate," said he, " on the maxim that your enemy will do what he ought to do. Lord Eawdon will push us back to the mountains, but we will dispute every inch of ground in the best manner we can." Such were his words to General Davie on the evening of the 9th of May, as he sat in his tent with a map before him studying the roads and fast- nesses of the country. An express was to set off for Philadelphia the next morning, and he requested General Davie' who was of that city, • to write to the members of Congress with whom he was acquainted, painting in the strongest colors their situation and gloomy prospects. The very next morning there was a joyful reverse. Greene sent for General Davie. "Eaw- don," cried he, exultingly, " is preparing to evacuate Camden ; that place was the key of the enemy's line of posts, they will now all fall or be evacuated : all will now go well. Burn your letters. I shall march immediately to the Congaree." His lordship had heard of the march of Corn- wallis into Virginia, and that all hope of aid from him was at an end. His garrison was out of provisions. All supplies were cut off by the Americans ; he had no choice but to evacuate. He left Camden in flames. Immense quantities of stores and baggage were consumed, together with the court-house, the gaol, and many pri- vate houses. Eapid successes now attended the American arms. Fort Motte, the middle post between Camden and Ninety-Six, was taken by Marion and Lee. Lee next captured Granby, and marched to aid Pickens in the siege of Augus- ta ; while Greene, having acquired a supply of arms, ammunition, and provisions, from the captured forts, sat down before the fortress of Ninety-Six, on the 22d of May. It was a great mart and stronghold of the royalists, and was principally garrisoned by royalists from New Jersey and New York, commanded by Colonel Cruger, a native of New York. The siege lasted for nearly a month. The place was valiantly defended. Lee arrived with his legion, having failed before Augusta, and invested a stockaded fort which formed part of the works. Word was brought that Lord Eawdon was pressing forward with reinforcements, and but a few miles distant on the Saluda. Greene en- deavored to get up Sumter, Marion, and Pickens, to his assistance, but they were too far on the right of Lord Eawdon to form a junction. The troops were eager to storm the works before his lordship should arrive. A partial assault was made on the 18th of June. It was a bloody contest. The stockaded fort was taken, but the troops were repulsed from the main works. Greene retreated across the Saluda, and halted at Bush Eiver, at twenty rniles distance, to ob- serve the motion of the enemy. In a letter thence to Washington, he writes : " My fears are princi- pally from the enemy's superior cavalry. To the northward, cavalry is nothing, from the numerous fences ; but to the southward, a dis- order, by a superior cavalry, may be improved into a defeat, and a defeat into a route. Vir- ginia and North Carolina could not be brought to consider cavalry of such great importance as they are to the security of the army and the safety of a country." Lord Eawdon entered Ninety-Six on the 21st, but sallied forth again on tlie 24th, taking with him all the troops capable of fatigue, two thou- sand in number, without wheel carriage of any kind, or even knapsacks, hoping by a rapid move to overtake Greene. Want of provisions soon obliged him to give up the i:)ursuit, and return to Ninety-Six. Leaving about one-half of his force there, under Colonel Cruger, he sallied a second time from Ninety-Six, at the head of eleven hundred infantry, with cavalry, artillery, and field-pieces, marching by the south side of the Saluda for the Congaree. He was now pursued in his turn by Greene and Lee. In this march more than fifty of his lordship's soldiers fell dead from heat, fatigue, and privation. At Orangeburg, where he ar- rived on the 8th of July, his lordship was joined by a large detachment under Colonel Stuart. Greene had followed him closely, and having collected all his detachments, and being joined by Sumter, appeared within four miles of ^T. 49.] SUMTER TO ATTACK BRITISH POSTS— EXPLOITS OF LEE AND HAMPTOX. 601 Orangeburg on the 10th of July and offered battle. The offer was not accepted, and the position of Lord Rawdon was too strong to be attacked. Greene remained there two or three days ; when learning that Colonel Cruger was advancing with the residue of the forces from Ninety-Six, which would again give his lordship a superiority of force, he moved oft" with his infantry on the night of the 13th of July, crossed the Saluda, and posted himself on the east side of the Wateree, at the high hills of Santee. In this salubi'ious and delightful re- gion, where the air was pure and breezy, and the water delicate, he allowed his weary sol- diers to repose and refresh themselves, awaiting the arrival of some Continental troops and mi- litia from North Carolina, when he intended to resume his enterprise of driving the enemy from the interior of the country. At the time when he moved from the neigh- borhood of Orangeburg (July 13tli), he detached Sumter with about a thousand light troops to scour the lower country, and attack the British posts in the vicinity of Charleston, now left uncovered by the concentration of their forces at Orangeburg. Under Sumter acted Marion, Lee, the Hamptons, and other enterprising par- tisans. They were to act separately in break- ing up the minor posts at and about Dorchester, but to unite at Monk's Corner, where Lieuten- ant-Colonel Coates was stationed with the ninth regiment. This post carried, they were to re- unite with Greene's army on the high hills of Santee. Scarce was Sumter on his march, when he received a letter from Greene, dated July 14th, stating that Cruger had formed a junction with Lord Rawdon the preceding night ; no time, thei'efore, was to be lost, " Push your opera- tions night and day ; station a party to watch the enemy's motions at Orangeburg. Keep Colonel Lee and General Marion advised of all matters from above, and tell Colonel Lee to thunder even at the gates of Charleston." Conformably to these orders, Colonel Henry Hampton with a party was posted to keep an eye on Orangeburg. Lee witli his legion, ac- companied by Lieutenant-Colonel Wade Hamp- ton, and a detachment of cavalry, was sent to carry Dorchester, and then press forward to the gates of Charleston ; while Sumter with the main body, took up his line of march along the road on the south side of the Congaree, tow- ards Monk's Corner. As Lee approached Dorchester, Colonel Wade Hampton, with his cavalry, passed to the east of that iilace, to a bridge on Goose Creek, to cut oft' all communication between the garrison and Monk's Corner. His sudden appearance gave the alarm, the garrison abandoned its post, and when Lee arrived there he found it de- serted. He proceeded to secure a number of horses and waggons, and some fixed ammuni- tion, which the garrison had left behind, and to send them off to Hampton. Hampton, kept in suspense by this delay, lost patience. He feared that the alarm would spread through the country, and the dash into the vicinity of Charleston be prevented — or, perhaps, that Lee might intend to make it by himself. Abandon- ing the bridge at Goose Creek, therefore, he set off with his cavalry, clattered down to the neighborhood of the lines, and threw the city into confusion. The bells rang, alarm guns were fired, the citizens turned out under arms. Hampton captured a patrol of dragoons and a guard, at the Quarter House ; completed his bravado by parading his cavalry in sight of the sentinels on the advanced works, and then re- tired, carrying off fifty prisoners, several of them ofticers. Lee arrived in the neighborhood on the fol- lowing day, but too late to win any laurels. Hampton had been beforehand with him, made the dash, and "thundered at the gate." Both now hastened to rejoin Sumter on the evening of the 16th, who was only waiting to collect his detachments, before he made an attack on Colonel Coates at Monk's Corner. The assault was to be made on the following morning. During the night Coates decamped in silence ; the first signal of his departure was the burst- ing of flames through the roof of a brick church, which he had used as a magazine, and which contained stores that could not be carried away. A pursuit was commenced ; Lee with his le- gion, and Hampton with the State cavalry, took the lead. Sumter followed with the in- fantry. The rear-guard of the British, about one hundred strong,- was overtaken with the baggage, at the distance of eighteen miles. They were new troops, recently arrived from Ireland, and had not seen service. On being charged by the cavalry sword in hand, they threw down their arms without firing a shot, and cried for quarter, which was granted. While Lee was securing them, Captain Arm- strong with the first section of cavalry pushed on in pursuit of Coates and the main body. That oflicer had crossed a wooden bridge ovet 602 EXPLOIT OF CAPTAIN ARMSTRONG— BOLD STAND OF COLONEL COATES. [lYSl. Quimby Creek, looseued the planks, and was only waiting to be rejoined by his rear-guard, to throw them off, and cut off all pursuit. His troops were partly on a causeway beyond the bridge, partly crowded in a lane. He had heard no alarm guns, and knew nothing of an enemy being at hand, until he saw Armstrong spurring up with his section. Coates gave or- ders for his troops to halt, form, and march up ; a howitzer was brought to bear upon the bridge, and a fatigue party rushed forward to throw off the planks. Armstrong saw the dan- ger, daslied across the bridge with his section, drove off the artillerists, and captured the how- itzer before it could be discharged. The fa- tigue men, who had been at work on the bridge, snatched up their guns, gave a volley, and fled. Two dragoons fell dead by the how- itzer; others were severely wounded. Arm- strong's party, in crossing the bridge, had dis- placed some of the jjlauks, and formed a chasm. Lieutenant Carrington with the second section of dragoons leaped over it; the chasm being thus enlarged, the horses of the third section refused. A pell-mell fight took place between the handful of dragoons who had crossed, and some of the enemy. Armstrpng and Carring- ton were engaged hand to hand with Colonel Coates and his officers, who defended them- selves from behind a waggon. The troops were thronging to their aid from lane and causeway. Armstrong, seeing the foe too strong in front, and no reinforcement coming on in rear, wheeled off with some of his men to the left, galloped into the woods, and pushed up along the stream to ford it, and seek the main body. During the melee, Lee had come up and en- deavored with the dragoons of the third sec- tion to replace the planks of the bridge. Their efforts were vain ; the water was deep, the mud deeper ; there was no foothold, nor was there any firm spot where to swim the horses across. "While they were thus occupied, Colonel Coates, with his men, opened a fire upon them from the other end of the bridge ; having no fire-arms to reply with, they were obliged to retire. The remainder of the planks were then thrown off from the bridge, after which Colo- nel Coates took post on an adjacent plantation, made the dwelling-house, which stood on a ris- ing ground, his citadel, placed the howitzer be- fore it, and distributed part of his men in out- houses and within fences, and garden pickets, which sheltered them from the attack of cav- alry. Here he awaited the arrival of Sumter with the main body, determined to make a desperate defence. It was not until three o'clock in the after- noon, that Sumter with his forces appeared upon the ground, having had to make a consid- erable circuit on accoimt of the destruction of the bridge. By four o'clock the attack commenced. Sum- ter, with part of the troops, advanced in front, under cover of a line of negro huts, which he wished to secure. Marion, with his brigade, much reduced in number, approached on the right of the enemy, where there was no shelter but fences ; the cavalry, not being able to act, remained at a distance as a reserve, and, if necessary, to cover a retreat. Sumter's brigade soon got possession of the huts, where they used their rifles with sure effect. Marion and his men rushed up through a galling fire to the fences on the right. The enemy retired within the house and garden, and kept up a sharp fire from doors and win- dows and picketed fence. Unfortunately, the Americans had neglected to bring on their ar- tillery ; their rifles and muskets were not suffi- cient to force the enemy from his stronghold. Having repaired the bridge, they sent off for the artillery and a supply of powder, which ac- companied it. T^e evening was at hand ; their ammunition was exhausted, and they retired iu good order, intending to renew the combat with artillery in the morning. Leaving the cavalry to watch and control the movements of the enemy, they drew off across Quimby bridge, and encamped at the distance of three miles. Here, when they came to compare notes, it was found that the loss in killed and wounded had chiefly fallen on Marion's corps. His men, from their exposed situation, had borne the brunt of the battle ; while Sumter's had suf- fered but little, being mostly sheltered in the huts. Jealousy and distrust were awakened, and discord reigned in the camp. Partisan and volunteer troops readily fall asunder under such circumstances. Many moved off in the night. Lee, accustomed to act independently, and un- willing perhaps to acknowledge Sumter as his superior officer, took up his line of march for head-quarters without consulting him. Sumter still had force enough, now that he was joined by the artillery, to have held the enemy in a state of siege ; but he was short of ammuni- ^T. 49.] END OF THi: CAMPAIGN— EMBARRASSMENTS OF WASHINGTON. 603 tion, only twenty miles from Charleston, ^t a place accessible by tide water, and he appre- hended the approach of Lord Eawdon, who, it was said, was moving down from Orangeburg. He therefore retired across the Santee, and re- joined Greene at his encampment. So ended this foray, which fell far short of the expectations formed from the spirit and activity of the leaders and their men. Various errors have been pointed out in their 'opera- tions, but concerted schemes are rarely carried out in all their parts by partisan troops. One of the best effects of the incursion, was the drawing down Lord Eawdon from Orangeburg, with five hundred of his troops. He returned no more to the upper country, but sailed not long after from Charleston for Europe. Colonel Stuart, who was left in command at Orangeburg, moved forward from that place, and encamped on the south side of the Conga- ree Kiver, near its junction with the Wateree, and within sixteen miles of Greene's position on the high hills of Santee. The two armies lay in sight of each other's fires, but two large rivers intervened, to secure each party from sud- den attack. Both armies,however, needed repose, and military operations were suspended, as if by mutual consent, during the sultry summer heat. The campaign had been a severe and try- ing one, and checkered with vicissitudes ; but Greene had succeeded in regaining the greater part of Georgia and the two Carolinas, and, as he said, only wanted a little assistance from the North to complete their recovery. He was soon rejoiced by a letter from Washington, in- forming him that a detachment from the army of Lafayette might be expected to bring him the required assistance ; but he was made still more happy by the following cordial passage in the letter : " It is with the warmest pleasure I express my full approbation of the various movements and operations which your military conduct has lately exhibited, while I confess to you that I am unable to conceive what more could have been done under your circumstances, than has been displayed by your little, perse- vering, and determined army." CHAPTER XXV. After the grand reconnoissance of the posts on New York Island, related in a former page, the confederate armies remained encamped about Dobbs' Ferry and the Greenburg hills, awaiting an augmentation of force for their meditated attack. To "Washington's great dis- appointment, his army was but tardily and scantily recruited, while the garrison of New York was augmented by the arrival of three thousand Hessian troops from Europe. In this predicament he despatched a circular letter to the governments of the Eastern States, repre- senting his delicate and embarrassed situation. " Unable to advance with prudence beyond my present position," writes he, " while, perhaps, in the general opinion, my force is equal to the commencement of operations against New York, my conduct must appear, if not blamable, highly mysterious at least. Our allies, who were made to expect a very considerable augmentation of force by this time, instead of seeing a prospect of advancing, must conjecture, upon good grounds, that the campaign will waste fruit- lessly away. It will be no small degree of tri- umph to our enemies, and will have a per- nicious influence upon our friends in Europe, should they find such a failure of resource, or such a want of energy to draw it out, that our boasted and extensive preparations end only in idle parade. * * The fulfilment of my en- gagements must depend upon the degree of vigor Avith which the executives of the several States exercise the powers with which they have been vested, and enforce the laws lately passed for filling up and supplying the army. In full confidence that the means which have been voted will be obtained, I shall continue my operations." Until we study Washington's full, perspicu- ous letters, we know little of the difliculties he had to struggle with in conducting his cam- paigns; how often the sounding resolves of legislative bodies disappointed him ; how often he had to, maintain a bold front when his coimtry failed to back him ; how often, as in the siege of Boston, he had to carry on the war without powder ! In a few days came letters from Lafayette, dated 26th and 30th of July, speaking of the embarkation of the greatest partof Cornwallis's army at Portsmouth. " There are in Hampton Eoads thirty transport ships full of troops, most of them red coats, and eight or ten brigs with cavalry on board." He siipposed their destina- tion to be New York, yet, though wind and weather were favorable, they did not sail. " Should a French fleet now come into Hamp- ton Roads," adds the sanguine marquis, " the British army would, I think, be ours." 604 CHANGE OF THE GAME— MARCH OF THE ARMIES TO THE CHESAPEAKE. [1781. At this jnncture arrived the French frigate Concorde at Newport, bringing despatches from Admiral the Count de Grasse. He was to leave St. Domingo on the 3d of August, with be- tween twenty-five and thirty ships of the line, and a considerable body of land forces, and to steer immediately for the Chesapeake, This changed the face of affairs, and called for a change in the game. All attempt upon New York was postponed ; the whole of the French army, and as large a part of the Amer- icans as could be spared, were to move to Vir- ginia, and co-operate with the Count de Grasse for the redemption of the Southern States. Washington apprised the count by letter of this intention. He wn-ote also to Lafayette on the 15th of August : " By the time this reaches you, the Count de Grasse will be in the Chesa- peake, or may be looked for every moment. Under these circumstances, whether the enemy remain in full force, or whether they have only a detachment left, you will immediately take such a position as will best enable you to pre- vent their sudden retreat through North Caro- lina, which I presume they will attempt the instant they perceive so formidable an arma- ment." Should General Wayne, with the troops des- tined for South Carolina, still remain in the neighborhood of James E'lver, and the enemy have made no detachment to the southward, the marquis was to detain these troops until he heard again from Washington, and was to inform General Greene of the cause of their detention. " You shall hear further from me," concludes the letter, " as soon as I have concerted plans and formed dispositions for sending a reinforce- ment from hence. In the mean time, I have only to recommend a continuance of that pru- dence and good conduct which you have mani- fested through the whole of your campaign. You will be particularly careful to conceal the expected arrival of the count ; because, if the enemy are not apprised of it, they will stay on board their transports in the bay, which will be the luckiest circumstance in the world." Washington's " soul was now in arms." At length, after being baffled and disappointed so often by the incompetency of his means, and above all, thwarted by the enemy's naval po- tency, he had the possibility of coping with them both on land and sea. The contemplated expedition was likely to consummate his plans, and wind up the fortunes of the war, and he determined to lead it in person. He would take with him something more than two thousand of the American army ; the rest, chiefly North- ern troops, were to remain with General Heath, who was to hold command of West Point, and the other posts of the Hudson. Perfect silence was maintained as to this change of plan. Preparations were still carried on, as if for an attack upon New York. An ex- tensive encampment was marked out in the Jerseys, and ovens erected, and fuel provided for the baking of bread ; as if a part of the be- sieging force was to be stationed there, thence to make a descent upon the enemy's garrison on Staten Island, in aid of the operations against the city. The American troops, them- selves, were kept in ignorance of their destina- tion. General Washington, observes one of the shrewdest of them, matures his great plans and designs under an impenetrable veil of se- crecy, and while we repose the fullest confi- dence in our chief, our opinions (as to his in- tentions) must be founded only on doubtful conjecture.* Previous to his decampment, Washmgton sent forward a party of pioneers to clear the roads towards King's Bridge, as if the posts recently reconnoitred were about to be at- tempted. On the 19th of August his troops were paraded with their faces in that direction. When all were ready, however, they were or- dered to face about, and were marched up along the Hudson Paver, towards King's Ferry. De Eochambeau, in like manner, broke up his encampment, and took the road by White- Plains, North Castle, Pine's Bridge, and Crom- pond, toward the same point. All Westchester County was again alive with the tramp of troops, the gleam of arms, and the lumbering of artil- lery and baggage waggons along its roads On the 20th, Washington arrived at King's Ferry, and his troops began to cross the Hud- son with their baggage, stores, and cannon, and encamp at Haverstraw. He himself crossed in the evening, and took up his quarters at Colo- nel Hay's, at the White House. Thence he wrote confidentially to Lafayette, on the 21st, now first apprising him of his being on the march with the expedition, and repeating his injunctions that the land and naval forces, al- ready at the scene of action, should so combine their operations, that the English, on the ar- rival of the French fleet, might not be able to ^ See Thaeher's Military Journal, p. 322. ^T. 49.] STRATAGEMS TO DECEIVE THE ENEMY— EXPEDITION TO CONNECTICUT. 605 escape. He wrote also to the Count de Grasse (presuming that the letter would find hun in the Chesapeake), urging him to send up all his frigates and transports to the Head of Elk, by the 8th of September, for the transportation of the combined army, which would be there by that time. He informed him also, that the Count de Barras had resolved to join him in the Chesapeake with his squadron. One is re- minded of the tissue of movements planned fi'om a distance, which ended in the capture of Burgoyne. On the 22d, the French troops arrived by their circuitous route, and began to cross to Stony Point, with their artillery, baggage, and stores. The operation occupied between two and three days ; during which time "Washing- ton took the Count de Eochambeau on a visit to West Point, to show him the citadel of the Highlands, an object of intense interest, in con- sequence of having been the scene of Arnold's treason. The two armies having safely crossed the Tludson, commenced, on the 25th, their several lines of march towards the Jerseys ; the Amer- icans for Springfield on the Eahway, the French for Whippany towards Trenton. Both armies were still kept in the dark, as to the ultimate object of their movement. An intelligent ob- server, already quoted, who accompanied the army, writes : " Our situation reminds me of some theatrical exhibition, where the interest and expectations of the spectators are continu- ally increasing, and where curiosity is wrought to the highest point. Our destination has been for some time matter of perplexing doul^t and uncertainty ; bets have run high on one side, that we were to occupy the ground marked, out on the Jersey shore to aid in the siege of New York ; and on the other, that we are steal- ing a march on the enemy, and are actually destined to Virginia, in pursuit of the army under Cornwallis. * * * * ^ number of bateaux mounted on carriages have followed in our train ; supposed for the purpose of convey- ing the troops over to Staten Island." * The mystery was at length solved. "We have now passed all the enemy's posts," con- tinues the foregoing writer, " and are pursuing our route with increased rapidity, toward Phil- adelphia. "Waggons have been prepared to carry the soldiers' packs, that they may press forward with greater facility. Our destination Thacher'8 Military Journal, p. 323. can no longer be a secret. Cornwallis is un- questionably the object of our present expedi- tion. ***** His Excellency, General Washington, having succeeded in a masterly piece of generalshi]), has now the satisfaction of leaving his adversary to ruminate on his own mortifying situation, and to anticipate the perilous fate which awaits his friend, Lord Cornwallis, in a different quarter." * Washington had in fact reached the Dela- ware with his troops, before Sir Henry Clinton was aware of their destination. It was too late to oppose their march, even had his forces been adequate. As a kind of counterj^lof, therefore, and in the hope of distracting the attention of the American commander, and drawing off a part of his troops, he hurried off an expedition to the eastward, to insult the State of Connecticut and attack her seaport of New London. The command of this expedition, which was to be one of ravage and destruction, was given to Arnold, as if it was necessary to complete the measure of his infamy, that he should carry fire and sword into his native State, and dese- crate the very cradle of his infancy. On the 6th of September he appeared off the hai'bor of New London with a fleet of ships and transports and a force of two thousand infantry and three hundred cavalry ; partly British troops, but a great part made up of American royalists and refugees, and Hessian Yagers. New London stands on the west bank of the river Thames. The approach to it was defend- ed by two forts on the opposite sides of the riv- er, and about a mile below the town; Fort Trumbull on the west and Fort Griswold on the east side, on a heiglit called Groton Hill. The troops landed in two divisions of about «ight hundred men each ; one under Lieuten- ant-Colonel Eyre on the east side, the other under Arnold on the west, on the same side with New London, and about three miles below it. Arnold met with but little opposition. The few militia which manned an advance battery and Fort Trumbull, abandoned their posts, and * "Washington several years afterwards, speaking of this important inarch in a letter to Noah Webster, writes : "That much trouble was taken, and finesse used, to mis- guide and bewilder Sir Henry Clinton in regard to the real object, by fictitious comniunicutions, as well as by making a deceptive provision of ovens, forage, and boats in his neighborhood, is certain, nor were less pains taken to de- ceive our own army, for I had always conceived where the imposition does not completely take place at home, it would never sufficiently succeed abroad."— Sparks, ix. 404. 606 ARNOLD RAVAGES NEW LONDON— WASHINGTON AT PHILADELPHIA. [1781. crossed the river to Fort Griswold. He pushed on, and took possession of the town. Colonel Eyre had a harder task. The militia, ahout one hundred and fifty-seven strong, had collected in Fort Griswold, hastily and imper- fectly armed it is true, some of them merely with spears ; hut they were brave men, and had a brave commander, Colonel William Ledyard, brother of the celebrated traveller. The fort was square and regularly built. Arnold, una- ware of its strength, had ordered Colonel Eyre to take it by a coup-de-main. He discovered his mistake, and sent counter orders, but too late. Colonel Eyre forced the pickets; made his way into the fosse, and attacked the fort on three sides ; it was bravely defended ; the ene- my were repeatedly repulsed ; they returned to the assault, scrambled up on each other's shoulders, effected a lodgment on the fraise, and made their way with fixed bayonets through the embrasures. Colonel Eyre received a mor- tal wound near the works ; Major Montgomery took his place ; a negro thrust him through with a spear as he mounted the parapet ; Major Bromfield succeeded to the command, and car- ried the fort at the point of the bayonet. In fact, after the enemy were within the walls, the fighting was at an end and the slaughter commenced. Colonel Ledyai'd had ordered his men to lay down their arms ; but the enemy, exasperated by the resistance they had experi- enced, and by the death of their officers, con- tinued the deadly work of the musket and bay- onet. Colonel Ledyard, it is said, was thrust through with his own sword after yielding it. up to Major Bromfield. Seventy of the garri- son were slain, and thirty-five desperately wounded ; and most of them after the fort had been taken. The massacre was chiefly perpe- trated by the tories, refugees, and Hessians. Major Bromfield himself was a New Jersey loy- alist. The rancor of such men against their patriot countrymen was always deadly. The loss of the enemy was two officers and forty-six soldiers killed, and eight officers and one hun- dred and thirty-five soldiers wounded. Arnold, in the mean time, had carried on the work of destruction at New London. Some of the American shipping had effected their es- cape up the river, but a number were burnt. Fire, too, was set to the public stores ; it com- municated to the dwelling-houses, and, in a lit- tle while, the whole place was wrapped in flames. The destruction was immense, not only of public but private property : many families once living in affluence were ruined and ren- dered homeless. Having completed his ravage, Arnold retreat- ed to his boats, leaving the town still burning. Alarm guns had roused the country ; the trai- tor was pursued by the exasperated yeomanry ; he escaped their well-merited vengeance, but several of his men were killed and wounded. So ended his career of infamy in his native land ; a land which had once dehghted to hon- or him, but in which his name was never thenceforth to be pronounced without a male- diction. The expedition, while it added one more hateful and disgraceful incident to this unnatu- ral war, failed of its main object. It had not diverted Washington from the grand object on which he had fixed his mind. On the 30th of August, he, with his suite, had arrived at Phil- adelphia about noon, and alighted at the city tavern amidst enthusiastic crowds, who wel- comed him with acclamations, but wondered at the object of this visit. During his sojourn* in the city he was hospitably entertained at the house of Mr. Morris, the patriotic financier. The greatest difficulty with which he had to contend in his present enterprise, was the want of funds, part of his troops not having received any pay for a long time, and having occasionally given evidence of great discontent. The service upon which they were going was disagreeable to the northern regiments, and the douceur of a little hard money would have the effect, Washington thought, to put them into a proper temper. In this emergency he was accommo- dated by the Count de Rochambeau, with a loan of twenty thousand hard dollars, which Mr. Eobert Morris engaged to repay by the first of October. This pecuniary pressure was relieved by the arrival in Boston, on the 25th of August, of Colonel John Laurens from his mission to France, bringing with him two and a half mil- lions of livres in cash, being part of a subsidy of six millions of livres granted by the French king. On the 2d of September the American troops passed through Philadelphia. Theil* line of march, including appendages and attendants, ex- tended nearly two miles. The general officers and their staff's were well dressed and well mounted, and followed by servants and baggage. In the rear of every brigade were several field- pieces with ammunition waggons. The soldiers kept step to the sound of the drum and fife. In ^T. 49.3 MARCH THROUGH PHILADELPHIA— CORNWALLIS AT YORKTOWN. 607 the rear followed a great number of waggons laden with tents, provisions, and baggage, be- sides a few soldiers' wives and children. The weather was warm and dry. The troops as they marched raised a cloud of dust " like a Bmothering snow-storm," which almost blinded them. The begriming effect was especially mortifying to the campaigner whom we quote, " as ladies were viewing them from the win- dows of every house as they passed." Notwith- standing the dusty and somewhat ragged plight of the soldiery, however, they were cheered with enthusiasm by the populace, who hailed them as the war-worn defenders of the coun- try. The French troops entered on the following day, but in different style. Halting within a mile of the city, they arranged their arms and accoutrements ; brushed the dust off of their gay white uniforms faced with green, and then marched in with buoyant step and brilliant ar- ray to the swelling music of a military band. The streets were again thronged by the shout- ing populace. The windows were crowded with ladies ; among whom probably were some of the beauties who had crowned the British knights in the chivalrous mime of the Mischi- anza, now ready to bestow smiles and wreaths on their Gallic rivals. At Philadelphia Washington received de- spatches from Lafayette, dated the 21st and 24th of August, from his camp at the Forks of York River in Yirginia. The embarkation at Portsmouth, which the marquis had supposed might be intended for New York, was merely for Yorktown, where Cornwallis had determin- ed to establish the permanent post ordered in his instructions, Yorktown was a small place situated on a projecting bank on the south side of York Riv- er, opposite a promontory called Gloucester Point. The river between was not more than a mile wide, but deep enough to adnyt ships of a large size and burthen. Here concentrating his forces, he had proceeded to fortify the op- posite points, calculating to have the works finished by the beginning of October ; at which time Sir Hemy Clinton intended to recommence operations on the Chesapeake. Believing that he had no present enemy but Lafayette to guard against, Cornwallis felt so secure in his position, that he wrote to Sir Henry on the 22d of Au- gust, offering to detach a thousand or twelve hundred men to strengthen New York against the apprehended attack of the combined armies. While Cornwallis, undervaluing his youthful adversary, felt thus secure, Lafayette, in con- formity to the instructions of Washington, was taking measures to cut off any retreat by land which his lordship might attempt on the ar- rival of De Grasse. With this view he called upon General Thomas Nelson, the Governor of Virginia, for six hundred of the militia to be collected upon Blackwater ; detached troops to the south of James River, under pretext of a design to dislodge the British from Portsmouth, and requested General Wayne to move south- ward, to be ready to cross James River at Westover. As to himself, Lafayette was prepared, as soon as he should hear of the arrival of De Grasse, to march at once to Williamsburg and form a junction with the troops which were to be landed from the fleet. Thus a net was qui- etly drawn round Cornwallis by the youthful general, while the veteran felt himself so secure that he was talking of detaching troops to New York. Lafayette, at the time of writing his de- spatches, was ignorant that Washington had taken command of tlie expedition coming to his aid, and expressed an affectionate solicitude on the subject. " In the present state of affairs, my dear General," writes he, " I hope you will come yourself to Virginia, and that, if the French army moves this way, I wiU have at least the satisfaction of beholding you, myself, at the head of the combined armies." In con- cluding liis letter, he writes : " Adieu, my dear General. I heartily thank you for having or- dered me to remain in Virginia ; and to your goodness to me I am owing the most beautiful prospect I may ever behold." The letter of Lafayette gave no account of the Count de Grasse, and Washington expressed himself distressed beyond measure to know what had become of that commander. He had heard of an English fleet at sea steering for the Ches- apeake, and feared it might arrive and frustrate all the flattering prospects in that quarter. Still, as usual, he looked to the bright side. " Of many contingencies," writes he, " we will hope for the most ])ropitious events. Should the retreat of Lord Cornwallis by water be cut off by the arrival of either of the French fleets, I am persuaded you will do all in your power to prevent his escape by land. May that great felicity be reserved for you." Washington left Philadelphia on the 5th of September, on his way to the Head of Elk. 608 LETTER OF WASHINGTON— VISIT TO MOUNT VERNON. [1181. About three miles below Chester, he was met by an express bearing tidings of the arrival of the Count de Grasse in the Chesapeake with twenty-eight ships of the line. "Washington in- stantly rode back to Chester to rejoice with the Count de Kochambeau, who was coming down to that place from Philadelphia by water. They had a joyous dinner together, after which "Washington proceeded in the evening on his destination. The express meantime reached Philadelphia most opportunely. There had been a grand review of the French troops, at which the President of Congress and all the fashion of the city were present. It was followed by a ban- quet given to the officers by the French Minis- ter, the. Chevalier de Luzerne. Scarce were the company seated at table, when despatches came announcing the arrival of De Grasse and the landing of three thousand troops under the Marquis St. Simon, who, it was added, had opened a communication with Lafayette. All now was mutual gratulation at the ban- quet. The news soon went forth and spread throughout the city. Acclamations were to be heard on all sides, and crowds assembling be- fore the house of the French Minister rent the air with hearty huzzas for Louis the Sixteenth. Washington reached the Head of Elk on the 6th. The troops and a great part of the stores were already arrived, and beginning to embark. Thence he wrote to the Count de Grasse, felicitating him on his arrival ; and in- forming him that the van of the two armies were about to embark and fall down the Ches- apeake, form a junction with the troops under the Count de St. Simon and the Marquis de La- fayette, and co-operate in blocking up Cornwal- lis in York Kiver, so as to prevent his retreat by land or his getting any supplies from the country. " As it will be of the greatest im- portance," writes he, " to prevent the escape of his lordship from his present position, I am persuaded that every measure which prudence can dictate will be adopted for that purpose, until the arrival of our complete force, when I hope his lordship will be compelled to yield his ground to the superior power of our combined forces." Every thing had thus far gone on well, but there were not vessels enough at the Head of Elk for the immediate transportation of all the troops, ordnance, and stores ; a part of the troops would have to proceed to Baltimore by land. Leaving General Heath to bruig on the American forces, aud the Baron de Viomenil the French, "Washington, accompanied by De Rochambeau, crossed the Susquehanna early on the 8th, and pushed forward for Baltimore. He was met by a deputation of the citizens, who made him a public address, to which he replied, and his arrival was celebrated in the evening with illuminations. On the 9th he left Baltimore a little after daybreak, accompanied only by Colonel Hum- phreys ; the rest of his suite were to follow at their ease ; for himself, he was determined to reach Mount Vernon that evening. Six years had elapsed since last he was under its roof; six wearing years of toil, of danger, and of constant anxiety. During all that time, and amid all his military cares, he had kept up a regular weekly correspondence with his steward or agent, regulating all the affairs of his rural es- tablishment with as much exactness as he did those of the army. It was at a late hour when he arrived at Mount "Vernon; where he was joined by his suite at dinner time on the following day, and by the Count de Eochambeau in the evening. Gene- ral Chastellux and his aides-de-camp arrived there on the 11th, and Mount Vernon was now crowded with guests, who were all entertained in the ample style of old Virginian hospitality. On the 12th, tearing himself away once more from the home of his heart, "Washington with his military associates continued onward to join Lafayette at "Williamsburg. CHAPTER XXVI. Lord Cornwallis had been completely rous- ed from his dream of security by the appear- ance, on the 28th of August, of the fleet of Count de Grasse within the capes of the Dela- ware. Three French ships of the line and a frigate soon anchored at the mouth of York River. The boats of the fleet were immediately busy conveying three thousand three hundred land forces, under the Marquis de St. Simon, up James River to form the preconcerted junc- tion with those under Lafayette. Awakened to his danger, Cornwallis, as "Washington had foreseen, meditated a retreat to the Carolinas. It was too late. York River was blocked up by French ships ; James River was filled with armed vessels covering the transportation of the troops. His lordship re- Ml. 49.] ACTION BETWEEN THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH FLEETS. 609 connoitred Williamsburg ; it was too strong to be forced, and Wayne had crossed James Eiver to join his troops to those under the marquis. Seeing his retreat cut off in every direction, Cornwallis proceeded to strengthen his works ; sending off repeated expresses to apprise Sir Henry Clinton of his perilous situation. The Count de Grasse, eager to return to the West Indies, urged Lafayette to make an imme- diate attack upon the British army, with the American and French troops under his com- mand, without waiting for the combined force under Washington and Rochambeau, offering to aid him with marines and sailors from the ships. The admiral was seconded by the Marquis de St. Simon. They represented that the works at Yorktown were yet incomplete ; and that that place and Gloucester, immediately oppo- site, might be carried by storm by their superior force. It was a brilliant achievement which they held out to tempt the youthful command- er, but he remained undazzled. He would not, for the sake of personal distinction, lavish the lives of the brave men confided to him ; but would await the arrival of the combined forces, when success might be attained with little loss, and would leave to Washington the couj) de grace ; in all probability the closing triumph of the Avar. The Count de Grasse had been but a few days anchored within the Chesapeake, and fif- teen hundred of his seamen were absent, con- veying the troops up James River, when Admi- ral Graves, who then connnanded the British naval force on the American coast, appeared with twenty sail off the capes of Virginia. De Grasse, anxious to protect the squadron of the Count de Barras, which was expected from Rhode Island, and which it was the object of Graves to intercept, immediately slipped his cables and put to sea with twenty-four ships, leaving the rest to blockade York and James Rivers. Washington received information of the sail- ing of the fleet from the capes, shortly after his departure from •Mount Vernon, and instantly despatched missives, ordering the troops who were embarked at the Head of Elk to stop until the receipt of further intelligence, fearing that the navigation in Chesapeake Bay might not be secure. For two days he remained in anxious uncertainty, until, at Bowling Green, he was relieved by favorable rumors concerning the fleet, which were confirmed on his arriving at Williamsburg on the evening of the 14th. 39 Admiral Graves, it appeared, on the sallying forth of the French fleet, immediately prepared for action, although he had five ships less than De Grasse. The latter, however, was not dis- posed to accept the challenge, his force being weakened by the absence of so many of his seamen, employed in transporting troops. His plan was to occupy the enemy by partial ac- tions and skilful manoeuvres, so as to retain his possession of the Chesapeake, and cover the arrival of De Barras. The vans of the two fleets, and some ships of the centre, engaged about four o'clock in the afternoon of the 7th of September. The con- flict soon became animated. Several ships were damaged, and many men killed and wounded on both sides. De Grasse, who had the advantage of the wind, drew off after sunset ; satisfied with the damage done and sustained, and not disposed for a general action ; nor was the British admiral inclined to push the engagement so near night, and on a hostile coast. Among his ships that had suffered, one had been so severely handled, that she was no longer seaworthy, and had to be burnt. For four days the fleets remained in sight of each other, repairing damages and mano3uvring ; but the French having still the advantage of the wind, maintained their pru- dent policy of avoiding a general engagement. At length De Grasse, learning that De Barras was arrived within the capes, formed a junction with him, and returned with him to his former anchoring ground, with two English frigates which he had captured. Admiral Graves, dis- appointed in his hope of intercepting De Barras, and finding the Chesapeake guarded by a supe- rior force with which he could not prudently contend ; having, moreover, to encounter the autumnal gales in the battered state of several of his ships, left the coast and bore away for New York. Under convoy of the squadron of De Barras came a fleet of transports, conveying land forces under M. de Choisy, with siege artillery and military stores. It should be mentioned to the credit of .De Barras, that, in his orders from the French minister of marine to come to America, he was left at liberty to make a cruise on the banks of JSTewfoundland ; so as not to be obliged to serve under De Grasse, who was his inferior in rank, but whom the minister wished to continue in the com- mand. "But De Barras," writes Lafayette, " nobly took the part of conducting, himself, the artillery from Rhode Island, and of coming 610 WASHINGTON AND DE ROCHAMBEAU VISIT THE FRENCH FLEET. [1781. with all his vessels and placing himself under tlie orders of an admiral his junior in ser- vice." * From Williamsburg, Washington sent for- ■\vai"d Count Fersen, one of the aidcK-de-camp of De Eochambeau, to hurry on the French troops with all possible despatch. He wrote to the same purport to General Lincoln : " Every day we now lose," said he, " is comparatively an age ; as soon as it is in our power with safety, we ought to take our position near the enemy. Hurry on, then, my dear sir, with your troops, on the wings of speed. The want of our men and stores is now all that retards our immediate operations. Lord Cornwallis is improving every moment to the best advantage ; and every day that is given him to make his preparations may cost us many lives to en- counter them." It was with great satisfaction Washington learned that Admiral de Barras had anticipated his wishes, in sending transports and prize vessels up the bay to assist in bringing on the French troops. In the mean time he with Count de Eochambeau was desirous of having an interview with the admiral on board of his ship, provided he could send some fast-sailing cutter to receive them. A small ship, the Queen Charlotte, was furnished by the admiral for the purpose. It bad been captured on its voyage from Charleston to New York, having Lord Eawdon on board, and had been commo- diously fitted up for his lordship's reception. On board of this vessel Washington and De Eochambeau, with the Chevalier de Chastellux and Generals Knox and Duportail, embarked on the 18th, and proceeding down James Eiver, came the next morning in sight of the French fleet riding at anchor in Lynn Haven Bay, just under the point of Cape Henry. About noon they got along side of the admiral's ship, the Ville de Paris, and were received on board with great ceremony, and naval and military parade. Admiral de Grasse was a tall, fine- looking man, plain in his address and prompt in the discharge of business. A plan of co- operation was soon arranged, to be carried into effect on the arrival of the American and French armies frorii the North, which were actually on their way down the Chesapeake from the Head of Elk. Business being despatched, din- ner was served, after which they were con- ducted throughout the ship, and received the * Memoirs of Lafayette, t. i., ji. 467. visits of the oflBcers of the fleet, almost all of whom came on board. About sunset Washington and his com- panions took their leave of the admiral, and returned on board of their own little ship ; when the yards of all the ships of the fleet were manned, and a parting salute was tliun- dered from the Ville de Paris. Owing to storms and contrary winds, and other adverse circumstances, the party did not reach Williams- burg until the 22d, when intelligence was re- ceived that threatened to disconcert all the plans formed in the recent council on board ship. Admiral Digby, it appeared, had arrived in New York with six ships of the line, and a reinforcement of troops. This intelligence Washington instantly transmitted to the Count de Grasse by one of the Count de Eochambeau's aides-de-camp. De Grasse in reply expressed great concern, observing that the position of affairs was changed by the arrival of Digby. " The enemy," writes lie, " is now nearly equal to us in strength, and it would be imprudent in me to place myself in a situation that would prevent my attacking them should they attempt to afford succor." He proposed, therefore, to leave two vessels at the mouth of York Eiver, and the corvettes and frigates in James Eiver, which, with the French troops on shore, would be suflScient assistance ; and to put to sea with the rest, either to intercept the enemy and fight them where there was good sea room, or to blockade them in New York should tliey not have sailed. On reading this letter, Washington dreaded that the present plan of co-operation might likewise fall through, and the fruits of all his schemes and combinations be lost when within his reach. With the assistance of the fleet, the reduction of Yorktown was demonstrably cer- tain, and the surrender of the garrison must go far to terminate the war ; whereas the depar- ture of the ships, by leaving an opening for succor to the enemy, might frustrate these brilliant prospects, and involve the whole enter- prise in ruin and disgrace. Even a momentary absence of the French fleet might enable Corn- wallis to evacuate Yorktown and effect a re- treat, with the loss merely of his baggage and artillery, and perhaps a few soldiers. These and other considerations were urged in a letter to the count, remonstrating against his putting to sea. Lafayette was the bearer of the letter, and seconded it with so many particulars re- specting the situation of the armies, and argued ^T. 49.] THE ALLIED ARMIES NEAR WILLIAMSBURG. Gil the case so earnestly and eloquently, that the count consented to remahi. It was, further- more, determined in a council of war of his ofEcers, that a large part of the fleet should anchor in York Eiver ; four or five vessels be stationed so as to pass up and down James River, and a battery for cannon and mortars be erected with the aid of the allied troops on Point Comfort. By the 25th the American and French troops were mostly arrived and encamped near "Wil- liamsburg, and preparations were made for the decisive blow. Yorktown, as has already been noted, is situ- ated on the south side of York Eivei-, imme- diately opposite Gloucester Point. Cornwallis had fortified the town by seven redoubts and six batteriss on the land side, connected by intrenchments ; and there was aline of batteries along the river. The town was flanked on each side by deep ravines and creeks emptying into York River ; their heads, in front of the town, being not more than half a mile apart. The enemy had availed themselves of these natural defences in the arrangements of extensive out- works, with redoubts strengthened by abatis ; field-works mounted with cannon, and trees cut down and left with the branches pointed outward. Gloucester Point had likewise been fortified ; its batteries, with those of YorktOAvn, com- manding the intervening river. Ships of war were likewise stationed on it, protected by the guns of the forts, and the channel was ob- structed by sunken vessels. The defence of Gloucester Point was con- fided to Lieutenant-Colonel Dundas, with six or seven hundred men. The enemy's main army was encamped about Yorktown, within the range of the outer redoiibts and field-works. "Washington and his staif bivouacked that night on the ground in the open air. He slept under a mulberry tree, the root serving for his pillow. On the following morning the two armies drew out on each side of Beaver Dam Creek. The Americans, forming the right "wing, took station on the east side of the creek ; the French, forming the left wing, on the west. That evening Cornwallis received despatches from Sir Henry Clinton, informing him of the arrival of Admiral Digby, and that a fleet of twenty-three ships of the line, with about five thousand troops, would sail to his assistance, probably on the 5th of October. A heavy fir- ing Avould be made by them on arriving at the entrance of the Chesapeake. On hearing it, if all went well at Yorktown, his lordship was to make three separate columns of smoke ; and four, should he still possess the post at Glou- cester Point. Cornwallis immediately wrote in reply : " I have ventured these last two days to look General "Washington's whole force in the face in the position on the outside of my works, and have the pleasure to assure your Excellency, that there is but one wish throughout the army, which is that the enemy would advance. * * "* * I shall retire this night within the works, and have n6 doubt, if relief arrives in any reasonable time, York and Gloucester will be both in the possession of His Majesty's troops. I believe your Excellency must depend more on tlio sound of our cannon than the signal of smokes for information ; however, I will at- tempt it on the Gloucester side." * Tliat night his lordship accordingly aban- doned his outworks, and drew his troops within the town ; a measure strongly censured by Tarleton in his Commentaries as premature ; as cooping up the troops in narrow quarters, and giving up a means of disputing, inch by inch, the approaches of the besiegers, and thus gain- ing time to complete the fortifications of the town. The outworks thus abandoned were seized upon the next morning by detachments of American light-infantry and French troops, and served to cover the troops employed in throwing up breastworks. Colonel Alexander Scammel, officer of the day, while reconnoitring the ground abandoned by the enemy, was set upon by a party of Hessian troopers. He at- tempted to escape, but was wounded, captured, and carried off to Yorktown. "Washington, to whom he had formerly acted as aide-de-camp, interested himself in his favor, and at his re- quest Cornwallis permitted him to be removed to "Williamsburg, where he died in the course of a few days. He was an officer of much merit, and his death was deeply regretted by "Washington and the army. The combined Frencli and American forces were now twelve thousand strong, exclusive of the Virginia militia which Governor Nelson had brought into the field. An instance of patriotic self-devotion on tl^e part of this func- tionary is worthy of special record. The treas- * CorreBpondence relative to defence of York, p. 199. 612 OrERATIONS BEFORE YORKTOWN— LAST SKIRMISH OF TARLETOK [nsi. nry of Virginia was empty ; the governor, fear- ful that the militia would disband for want of pay, had endeavored to procure a loan from a wealthy individual on the credit of the State. In the precarious situation of affairs, the guar- antee was not deemed sufficient. The gov- ernor pledged his own property, and obtained the loan at his individual risk. On the morning of the 28th of September, the corahined armies marched from Williams- burg toward Yorktown, about twelve miles distant, and encamped at night within two miles of it, driving in the pickets and some patrols of cavalry. General de Choisy was sent across Y^rk Kiver, with Lauzun's legion and General Weedon's brigade of militia, to watch the enemy on the side of Gloucester Point. By the first of October the line of the be- siegers, nearly two miles from the works, formed a semicircle, each end resting on the river, so that the investment by laud was com- plete ; while the Count de Grasse, with the main fleet, remained in Lynn Haven Bay, to ^keep off" assistance by sea. About this time the Americans threw up two redoubts in the night, which, on being discover- ed in the morning, were severely cannonaded. Three of the men were killed and several severely wounded. While Washington was superintending the works, a shot struck the ground close by him, throwing up a cloud of dust. The Rev. Mr. Evans, chaplain in the army, who was standing by him, Avas greatly agitated. Taking off his hat and showing it covered with sand, " See here. General," ex- claimed he. "Mr. Evans," said Washington with grave pleasantry, " you had better carry that home, and show it to your wife and chil- dren." * The besieged army began now to be greatly distressed for want of forage, and had to kill many of their horses, the carcasses of which were continually floating down the river. In the evening of the 2d of October, Tarleton with his legion and the mounted infantry were passed over the river to Gloucester Point, to assist in foraging. At daybreak Lieutenant- Colonel Dundas led out part of his garrison to forage the neighboring country. About ten o'clock the waggons and bat horses laden with Indian corn were returniiig, covered by a party of infantry, with Tarleton and his dragoons as a rear-guard. The waggons and infantry had * Thacher'8 Military Journal, p. 336. nearly reached York River, when word was brought that an enemy was advancing in force. The report was confirmed by a cloud of dust from which emerged Lauzun and the French hussars and lancers. Tarleton, with part of his legion, advanced to meet them ; the rest, Avith Simcoe's dra- goons, remained as a rear-guard in a skirt of woods. A skirmish ensued, gallantly sustained on each side, but the superiority of Tarleton's horses gave him the advantage. General Choisy hastened up with a corps of cavalry and infantry to support the hussars. In the medley fight, a dragoon's horse, wounded by a lance, plunged, and overthrew both Tarleton and his steed. The rear-guard rushed from their covert to rescue their commander. They came gallop- ing up in such disorder, that they were roughly received by Lauzun's hussars, Avho were drawn up on the plain. In the mean time Tarleton scrambled out of tlie melee, mounted another horse, and ordered a retreat, to enable his men to recover from their confusion. Dismounting forty infantry, he placed them in a thicket. Their fire checked the hussars in their pursuit. The British dragoons rallied, and were about to charge ; when the hussars retired behind their infantry ; and a fire was opened upon the British by some militia from behind a fence. Tarleton again ordered a retreat to be sounded, and the conflict came to an end. The loss of the British in killed and wounded was one officer and eleven men ; that of the French two officers and fourteen hussars. This was the last affair of Tarleton and his legion in the revolutionary war. The next day General Choisy, being rein- forced by a detachment of marines from the fleet of De Grasse, cut off all communication by land between Gloucester and the country. At this momentous time, when the first parallel before the besieged city was about to be opened, Washington received despatches from his faithful coadjutor, General Greene, giving him important intelligence of his co- operations in the South ; to consider which we will suspend for a moment our narrative of affairs before Yorktown. CHAPTER XXVII. Foe some weeks in the months of July and August, General Greene had remained en- camped with his main force on the high hills J Mt. 49.] GREENE ON THE HIGH HILLS OF SANTEE— HE MARCHES AGAINST STUART. 613 of Santee, refreshing and disciplining his men, and awaiting, the arrival of promised reinforce- ments. He was constantly looking to "Washing- ton as his polar star by which to steer, and feared despatches from him had been inter- cepted. " I wait with impatience for intelli- gence," said he, " by which I mean to govern my own operations. If things are flattering in the North, I will hazard less in the South ; but, if otherwise there, we must risk more here." In the mean time, Marion with his light troops, aided by Colonel Washington with bis dragoons, hold control over the lower San- tee. Lee was detached to operate with Sum- ter's brigade on the Congaree, and Colonel Harden with his mounted militia was scouring the country about the Edisto. The enemy was thus harassed in every quarter ; their convoys and foraging parties waylaid ; and Stuart was obliged to obtain all his supplies from below. Greene was disappointed as to reinforce- ments. All that he received were two hundred North Carolina levies and five hundred South Carolina militia ; still he prepared for a bold efl:brt to drive the enemy from their remaining posts. For that purpose, on the 22d of August he broke up his encampment on the " benign hills of Santee," to march against Colonel Stuart. The latter still lay eneami)ed about sixteen miles distant in a straight line ; but the Congaree and "Wateree lay between, bordered by swamps overflowed by recent rains ; to cross them and reach the h(jstile camp, it was necessary to make a circuit of seventy miles. While Greene was making it, Stuart abandoned his position, and moved down forty miles to the vicinity of Eutaw Springs, where he was re- inforced by a detachment from Charleston with provisions. Greene followed on by easy marches. He had been joined by General Pickens with a party of the Ninety-Six militia, and by the State troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Hender- son ; and now moved slowly to give time for Marion, who was scouring the country about the Edisto, to rejoin him. This Avas done on the 5th of September at Laurens' Place, within seventeen miles of Stuart's camp. Here bag- gage, tents, every thing that could imptnie mo- tion, was left behind, and on the afternoon of the seventh, the army was pushed on within seven miles of the Eutaws, where it bivouacked for the night, Greene lying on the gi'ound wrap- ped in his cloak, with the root of a tree for a pillow. At four o'clock in the morning his little army was in motion. His whole force at that time did not exceed two thousand men ; that of the enemy he was seeking, about twenty- three hundred. The Americans, however, were superior in cavalry. Owing to the difficulty of receiving information, and the country being covered with forests, the enemy were not aware of Greene's approach, until he was close upon them. His army advanced in two columns, which were to form the two lines of battle. The first column, commanded by General Marion, was composed of two battalions of North and two of South Carolina militia. The second column of three brigades ; one of North Carolina, one of Virginia, and one of Maryland Continental troops. Colonel Lee with his legion covered the right flank, Colonel Henderson the left. Colonel Washington, with his dragoons and the Delaware troops, formed the reserve. Each column had two field-pieces. Within four miles of Eutaw they met with a British detachment of one hundred and fifty infantry and fifty cavalry under Major Coffin, sent forward to reconnoitre; it was put to flight after a severe skirmisli, in which a num- ber were killed and wounded, and several taken prisoners. Supposing this to be the van of the enemy, Greene halted his columns and formed. The South Carolinians in equal divi- sions formed the right and left of the first line, the North Carolinians the centre. General Marion commanded the right ; General Pick- ens, the left; Colonel Malmedy, the centre. Colonel Henderson with the State troops cov- ered the left of the line ; Colonel Lee with his leijion the right. Of the second line, composed of regulars, the North Carolinians, under General Sumner, were on the right; the Marylanders, under Colonel Williams, on the left ; the Virginians, under Colonel Campbell, in the centre. Colonel Washington with his cavalry fol- lowed in the rear as a corps de reserve. Two three-pounders moved on the road in the centre of the first liue. Two six-pounders in a like position in the second line. In this order the troops moved forward, keeping their lines as well as they could through open woods, which covered the coun- try on each side of the road. Within a mile of the camp they encountered a body of infantry thrown forward by Colonel Stuart, to check their advance while he had 614 BATTLE OF EUTAW SPRINGS. [1781. time to form his troops in order of battle. These were drawn up in line in a wood two hundred yards west of Eutaw Springs. The right rested on Eutaw Creek (or brook), and was covered by a battalion of grenadiers and infantry under Major Majoribanks, partly con- cealed among thickets on the margin of the stream. The left of the line extended across the Charleston road, with a reserve corps in a commanding situation covering the road. About fifty yards in the rear of the British line was a cleared field in which was their encamp- ment, with the tents all standing. Adjoining it was a brick house with a palisadoed garden, which Colonel Stnart intended as a protection, if too much pressed by cavalry. The advanced party of infantry, which had retired firing before the Americans, formed on the Hanks of Colonel Stuart's line. The Caro- linian militia had pressed after them. About nine o'clock the action was commenced by the left of the American line, and soon became general. The militia fought for a time with the spirit and firmness of regulars. Their two field-pieces were dismounted ; so was one of the enemy's ; and there was great carnage on both sides. The militia fought until they had expended seventeen rounds, when 'they gave way, covered by Lee and Henderson, who fought bravely on the flanks of the line. Sumner, with the regulars who formed the second line, advanced in fine style to take the place of the first. The enemy likewise brought tlieir reserve into action ; the conflict con- tinued to bo bloody and severe. Colonel Hen- derson, who commanded the State troops in the second line, was severely wounded ; this caused some confusion. Sumner's brigade, formed partly of recruits, gave way under tlie superior fire of the enemy. The British rushed forward to secure their fancied victory. Greene, seeing their line disordered, instantly ordered "Williams with his Marylanders to '' sweep the field with the bayonet." "Williams was seconded by Colonel Campbell with the Virginians. The order was gallantly obeyed. They delivered a deadly volley at forty yards' distance, and then advanced at a brisk rate, with loud shouts and trailed arms, prepared to make the deadly thrust. The British recoiled. "While the Marylanders and Virginians attacked them in front, Lee with his legion turned their left flank and charged them in rear. Colonel Hampton with the State cavalry made a great number of prisoners, and Colonel "Washington, coming up with his reserve of horse and foot, completed their defeat. They were driven back through their camp ; many were cap- tured ; many fled along the Charleston road, and others threw themselves into the brick house. Major Majoribanks and his troops could still enfilade the left flank of the Americans from their covert among the thickets on the border of the stream. Greene ordered Colonel "Wash- ington with his dragoons and Kirkwood's Dela- ware infantry to dislodge them, and Colonel Wade Hampton to assist with the State troops. Colonel "Washington, without waiting for the infantry, dashed forward with his dragoons. It was a rash move. The thickets were im- pervious to cavalry. The dragoons separated into small squads and endeavored to force their way in. Horses and riders were shot down or bayoneted ; most of the officers were either killed or wounded. Colonel "Washington had his horse shot under him ; he himself Avas bayoneted, and would have been slain, had not a British officer interposed, who took him pris- oner. By the time Hampton and Kirkwood came up, the cavalry were routed : the ground was strewed with the dead and the wounded ; horses were x>lunging and struggling in the agonies of death ; others galloping about with- out their riders. "While Hampton rallied the scattered cavalry, Kirkwood with his Dela- wares charged with bayonet upon the enemy in the thickets. Majoribanks fell back with his troops, and made a stand in the palisadoed garden of the brick house. Victory now seemed certain on the side of the Americans. They had driven the British from the field, and had taken possession of their camp ; unfortunately, the soldiers, thinking the day their own, fell to plundering the tents, de- vouring the food, and carousing on the liquors found there. Many of them became intoxi- cated and unmanageable — the officers inter- fered in vain ; all was riot and disorder. The enemy in the mean time recovered from their confusion, and opened a fire from every window of the house and from the palisadoed garden. There was a scattering fire also from the woods and thickets on the right and left. Four cannon, one of which had been cap- tured from the enemy, were now advanced by the Americans to batter the house. The fire from the windows was so severe, that most of the officers and men who served the cannou ^T. 49.] BATTLE OF EUTAW SPRINGS. 615 were either killed or wounded, Greene ordered the survivors to retire; they did so, leaving the cannon behind. Colonel Stuart was by this time rallying his left wing, and advancing to support the right ; when Greene, finding his ammunition nearly exhausted, determined to give up the attempt to dislodge the enemy from their places of ref- uge, since he could not do it without severe loss ; whereas the enemy could maintain their posts but a few hours, and he sliould have a better opportunity of attacking them on their retreat. He remained on the ground long enough to collect his wounded, excepting those who were too much under the fire of the house, and then, leaving Colonel Hampton with a strong picket on the field, he returned to the position seven miles off, \vhich he had left in the morning ; not finding water anywhere nearer. The enemy decamped in the night after de- stroying a large quantity of provisions, staving many barrels of rum, and breaking upwards of a thousand stand of arms which they threw into the springs of the Eutaw ; they left behind seventy of their wounded, who might have im- peded the celerity of their retreat. Their loss in killed, wounded, and captured, in this action, Avas six hundred and tliirty-three, of whom five hundred were prisoners in tlie hands of the Americans ; the loss sustained by the latter in killed, wounded, and missing, was five hundred and thirty-five. One of the slain most deplored was Colonel Campbell, who had so bravely led on the Yirginiaus. He fell in the shock of the charge with the bayonet. It was a glorious close of a gallant career. In his dying mo- ments he was told of the defeat of the enemy, and is said to have uttered the celebrated ejacu- lation of General Wolfe, " I die contented." In the morning. General Greene, who knew not that the enemy had decamped, detached Lee and Marion to scour the country between Eutaw Springs and Charleston, to intercept any reinforcements which might be coming to Colo- nel Stuart, and to retard the march of the lat- ter should he be retreating. Stuart, however, had met with reinforcements about fourteen miles from Eutaw, but continued his retreat to Monk's Corner, within .twenty-five miles of Charleston. Greene, when informed of the retreat, had followed with his main force almost to Monk's Corner ; finding the number and position of the enemy tfto strong to be attacked with prudence. he fell back to Eutaw, where he remained a day or two to rest his troops, and then re- turned by easy marches to his old position near the heights of Santee. Thence, as usual, he despatched an account of affairs to Washington. " Since I wrote to you before, we have had a most bloody battle. It was by far the most obstiuate fight I ever saw. Victory was ours ; and had it not been for one of those little incidents which frequently happen in the progress of war, we should have taken the whole British army. * * * j ^m trying to collect a body of militia to oppose Lord Cornwallis shoidd he attempt to escape through Forth Carolina to Charleston. Charles- ton itself may be reduced, if you will bend your forces this way, and it will give ma great pleas- ure to join your Excellency in the attempt ; for I shall be equally happy, whether as a prin- cipal or subordinate, so that the public good is promoted." Such was the purport of the intelligence re- ceived from Greene. Washington considered the affair at Eutaw Springs a victory, and sent Greejie his congratulations. " Fortune," writes he, " must have been coy indeed, had she not yielded at last to so persevering a pursuer as you have been." " I can say with sincerity, that I feel with the highest degree of pleasure the good effects which you mention as resulting from the per- fect good understanding between you, the mar- quis, and myself. I hope it will never be inter- rupted, and I am sure it never can be while we are all influenced by the same pui-e motive, that of love to our country and interest in the cause in which we are embarked." We Avill now resume our narrative of the siege of Yorktown, CHAPTER XXA^III. General Lincoln had the honor, on the night of the 6th of October, of opening the first parallel before Yorktown. It was within six hundred yards of the enemy ; nearly two miles in extent, and the foundations were laid for two redoubts. He had under him a large detachment of French and American troops, and the work was conducted with such silence and secrecy in a night of extreme darkness, that the enemy were not aware of it until day- light. A severe cannonade was then opened 616 THE ALLIED ARMIES ATTACK YORKTOWN. [1781. from the fortifications ; but the men were im- der cover and continued M'orking ; the great- est emulation and good will prevailing between the officers and soldiers of the allied armies thus engaged. By the afternoon of the 9th the parallel was completed, and two or three batteries were ready to fire upon the town. " General Wash- ington put the match to the first gun," says an observer who was present ; " a furious dis- cliarge of cannon and mortars immediately fol- lowed, and Earl Cornwallis received his first salutation." * Governor Nelson, who had so nobly pledged his own property to raise funds for the public service, gave another proof of his self-sacrific- ing patriotism on this occasion. He was asked which part of the town could be most eflective- ly cannonaded. He pointed to a large hand- some house on a rising ground as the probable head-quarters of the enemy. It proved to be his own.t The governor had an uncle in the town, very old, and afflicted with the gout. He had been for thirty years secretary under the royal%3plo- nial government, and was still called Mr. Secre- tary Nelson. He had taken no part in the Revolution, unfitted, perhaps, for the struggle, by his advanced age and his infirmities ; and had remained in Yorktown when taken posses- sion of by the English, not having any personal enmity to apprehend from them. He had two sons in Washington's army, who now were in the utmost alarm for his safety. At their re- quest Washington sent in a flag, desiring that their father might be permitted to leave the place. " I was a witness," writes the Count de Chastellux in his Memoirs, " of the cruel anx- iety of one of those young men, as he kept his eyes fixed upon the gate of the town by which the flag Avould come out. It seemed as if he were awaiting his own sentence in the reply that was to be received. Lord Cornwal- lis had not the inhumanity to refuse so just a request." The appearance of the venerable seci-etary, his stately person, noble countenance, and gray hairs, commanded respect and veneration. " I can never recall without emotion," writes the susceptible count, " his arrival at the head- quarters of General Washington. He was seated, his attack of the gout still continuing, and while we stood around him, he related with a serene visage what had been the effect of our batteries." * His house had received some of the first shots ; one of his negroes had been killed, and the head-quarters of Lord Cornwallis had been so battered, that he had been driven out of them. The cannonade was kept up almost inces- santly for three or four days from tlic batteries above mentioned, and from three others man- aged by the French. " Being in the trenches every other night and day," writes an observer already quoted,t " I have a fine opportunity of witnessing the sublime and stupendous scene which is continually exhibiting. The bomb- shells from the besiegers and the besieged are incessantly crossing each other's path in the air. They are clearly visible in the form of a black ball in the day, but in the night they ap- pear like a fiery meteor with a blazing tail, most beautifully brilliant, ascending majesti- cally from the mortar to a certain altitude, and gradually descending to the spot where they are destined to execute their work of destruction. When a shell falls, it whirls round, burrows and excavates the earth to a considerable ex- tent, and, bursting, makes dreadful havoc around." "Some of our shells, overreaching the town, are seen to fall into the river, and, bursting, throw up columns of water like the spouting monsters of the deep." The half-finished works of the enemy suf- fered severely, the guns were dismounted or si- lenced, and many men killed. The red-hot shot from the French batteries north-west of the town reached the English shipping. The Charon, a forty-four gun ship, and three large transports, were set on fire by them. The flames ran up the rigging to the tops of the masts. The conflagration, seen in the darkness of the night, with the accompanying flash and thundering of cannon, and soaring and bursting of shells ; and the tremendous explosions of the ships, all presented a scene of mingled magnificence and horror. On the night of the 11th the second parallel was opened by the Baron Steuben's division, within tliree hundred yards of the works. The British now made new embrasures, and for two or three days kept up a galling fire upon those at work. The latter were still more annoyed by the flanking fire of two redoubts three hun- dred yards in front of the British works. As * Thacher's Military Journal. t Giveu on the authority of Lafayette. Sparks, viii. 201. Chastellux, vol. ii., pp. 19-23. t Thacher. ^T. 49.] ATTACK OxV THE EEDOUBTS. they enfiladed the intrenchments. and were supposed also to command the communication between Yorktown and Gloucester, it was re- solved to storm them both, on the night of the 14th; the one nearest the river by a detachment of Americans commanded by Lafayette; the other by a French detachment led by the Baron de Viomenil. The grenadiers of the regiment of Gatinais were to be at the head of the French detachment. This regiment had been formed out of that of Auvergne^ of which De Eocham- beau had been colonel, and which, by its brave and honorable conduct, had won the appellation of the regiment D'Auvergne sans tache (Au- vergne without a stain). When De Rochambeau .assigned the Gatinais grenadiers their post in the attack, he addressed to them a few soldier- like words. " My lads, I have need of you this night, and hope you will not forget that we have served together in that brave regiment of Auvergne sans tache." They instantly replied, that if he would promise to get their old name restored to them, they would sacrifice them- selves to the last man. The promise was given. In the arrangements for the American assault, Lafayette had given the honor of leading the advance to his own aide-de-camp, Lieutenant- Colonel Gimat. This instantly touched the military pride of Hamilton, who exclaimed against it as an unjust preference, it being liis tour of duty. The marquis excused himself by alleging that the arrangement had been sanc- tioned by the commander-in-chief, and could not be changed by him. Hamilton forthwith made a spirited appeal by letter to Washington. The latter, who was ignorant of the circum- stances of the case, sent for the marquis, and, finding that it reaUy was Hamilton's tour of duty, directed that he should be reinstated in It, which was done.* It was therefore arranged that Colonel Gimat's battalion should lead the van, and be followed by that of Hamilton, and that the latter should command the whole ad- vanced corps.f About eight o'clock in the evening rockets were sent up as signals for the simultaneous attack. Hamilton, to his great joy, led the ad- vance of the Americans. The men, without waiting for the sappers to demolish the abatis in regular style, pushed them aside or pulled them down with their hands, and scrambled 617 ove,-^ hke rough bush-fighters. Hamilton was the first to mount the parapet, placing one foot on the shoulder of a soldier, who knelt on cue knee for the purpose.* The men mounted after inm. Not a musket was fired. The redoubt was carried at the point of the bayonet The loss of the Americans was one sergeant and eight privates killed, seven ofiicers and twenty- five non-commissioned ofi5cers and privates wounded. The loss of the enemy was eight killed and seventeen taken prisoners. Among the latter was Major CampbeU, who had com- manded the redoubt. A New Hampshire cap- tain of artillery would have taken his life in revenge of the death of Ins favorite Colonel Scammel,* but Colonel namih<)n prevented him. Not a man was killed after he ceased to resist.t The French stormed the other redoubt, which was more strongly garrisoned, with equal gal- lantry, but less precipitation. They proceeded according to rule. The soldiers paused while the sappers removed the abatis, during which time they were exposed to a destructive fire, and lost more men than did the Americans in their headlong attack. As the Baron de Vio- menil, who led the party, was thus waiting. Major Barbour, Lafayette's aide-de camp, came through the tremendous fire of the enemy, with a message from the marquis, letting him know that he was in his redoubt, and wished to know where the baron was. "Tell the marquis," replied the latter, " that I am not in mine, but will be in it in five minutes." The abatis being removed, the troops rushed to the assault. The Chevalier de Lameth, Lafayette's adjutant-general, was the first to mount the parapet of the redoubt, and received a volley at arms' length from the Hessians who manned it. Shot through both knees, he fell back into the ditch, and was conveyed away under care of his friend, the Count de Dumas. The Count de Deuxponts, leading on the royal grenadiers of the same name, was likewise wounded. The grenadiers of the Gatinais regiment re- * Lee's Memoirs of the "War, li. 342. t Lafayette to Washington. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 426. * Leake's Life of John Lamb, p. 259. t Thacher, p. 341. N. B.— Gordon, in his history of the war, asserts that Lafayette, with the consent of Washington, ordered that, in captnring the redoubt, no quarter should be shown ; in retaliation of a massacre perpetrated at Fort Griswold. It is needless to contradict a statement so opposed to the characters of both. It has been denied by both Lafayette and Hamilton. Not one of the enemy was killed unless in action. 618 DESPERATE SITUATION OF CORNWALLIS. [1181. membei'ed the promise of De Rochambeau, and fonglit w'lili true Gallic fire. One-tliird of tliem were slain, and among tliem Captain de Sireuil, a valiant officer of chasseurs ; hut the regiment by its bravery on this occasion regained from the king its proud name of the Royal Au- vergne. Washington was an intensely excited specta- tor of these assaults, on the result of which so much depended. He had dismounted, given liis horse to a servant, and taken his stand in the grand battery with Generals Knox and Lin- coln and their staffs. The risk he ran of a chance shot, while watching the attack through an embrasure, made those about him imeasy. One of his aides-de-camp ventured to observe that the situation was very much exposed. " If you think so," replied he gravely, " yon are at liberty to step back." Shortly afterwards a musket ball struck the cannon in the embrasure, rolled along it, and fell at his feet. General Knox grasped his arm. " My dear general," exclaimed he, " we catft spare you yet." " It is a spent ball," replied Washington quietly ; " no harm is done." When all 'w'as over and the redoubts were taken, he drew a long breath, and turning to Knox, observed, " The work is done, and well done ! " Then called to his servant, " William, bring me my horse." In his despatches he declared that in these assaults nothing could exceed the firmness and bravery of tlie troops. Lafayette also testified to the conduct of Colonel Hamilton, " whose well-known talents and gallantry," writes he, " were on this occasion most conspicuous and serviceable." * The redoubts thus taken were included the same night in the second parallel, and howitzers were mounted upon them tlie following day. The capture of them reduced Lord Cornwallis almost to despair. Writing that same day to Sir Henry Clinton, he observes, " My situation now becomes very critical ; we dare not show a gun to their old batteries, and I expect that their new ones will open to-morrow morning. * * * The safety of the place is, therefore, so precarious, that I cannot recommend that the fleet and army should run great risk in en- deavoring to save us," — a generous abnegation of self on the part of the beleaguered com- mander. Had the fleet and army sailed, as he had been given to expect, about the 5tli of Oc- * Lafayette to Washington. Correspondence of the Revolution, iii. 426. tober, they might have arrived in time to save his lordship ; but at the date of the above letter they were still lingering in port. Delay of naval succor was fatal to British operations in this war. The second parallel was now nearly ready to open. Cornwallis dreaded the effect of its bat- teries on his almost dismantled works. To re- tard the danger as much as possible, he ordered an attack on two of the batteries that were in the greatest state of forwardness, their guns to be spiked. It was made a little before day- break of the 16th by about three hundred and fifty men, under the direction of Lieutenant- Colonel Abercrombie. He divided his forces ; a detachment of guai'ds and a company of gren- adiers attacked one battery, and a corps of light-infantry the other. The redoubts which covered the batteries were forced in gallant style, and several pieces of artillery hastily spiked. By this time the supporting troops from the trenches came up, and the enemy Avere obliged to retreat, leaving behind them seven or eight dead and six pris- oners. The French, who had guard of this part of the trenches, had four officers and twelve privates killed or wounded, and the Americans lost one sergeant. The mischief had been done too hastily. The spikes were easily extracted, and before evening all the batteries and the parallel were nearly complete. At this time the garrison could not show a gun on the side of the works exposed to attack, and the shells were nearly expended ; the place was no longer tenable. Rather than surrender, Cornwallis determined t6 attempt an escape. His plan was to leave his sick and wounded and his baggage behind, cross over in the night to Gloucester Point, attack Choisy's camp before daybreak, mount his infantry on the captured cavalry horses, and on such other as could be collected on the road, push for the upper coun- try by rapid marches until opposite the fords of the great rivers, then turn suddenly northward, force his way through Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the Jerseys, and join Sir Henry Clinton in New York. It was a wild and daring scheme, but his situation was desperate, and the idea of sur- render intolerable. In pursuance of this design, sixteen large boats were secretly prepared; a detachment was appointed to remain and capitulate for the town's people, the sick and the wounded ; a large part of the troops were transported to the ^T. 49.] CORXWALLIS CAPITULATES— TERMS OF CAPITULATION. 619 Gloucester side of the river before midnight, and the second division had actually embarked, ■vt'hen a violent storm of wind and rain scattered the boats, and drove them a considerable dis- tance down the river. They Avere collected with difficulty. It was now too late to effect tlie passage of the second division befoi'e day- break, and an effort was made to get back the division which had already crossed. It was not done until the morning was far advanced, and the troops in recrossing were exposed to the fire o^ the American batteries. The hopes of Lord Cornwallis were now at an end. His works were tumbling in ruins about him, under an incessant cannonade ; his garrison was reduced in numbers by sickness and death, and exhausted by constant watching and severe duty. Unwilling to expose the resi- due of the brave troops which had stood by him so faithfully, to the dangers and horrors of an assault which could not fail to be successful, he ordered a parley to be beaten about ten o'clock on the morning of the 17th, and de- spatched a flag with a letter to "Washington pro- posing a cessation of hostilities for twenty -four hours, and that two officers might be appointed by each side to meet and settle terms for the surrender of the posts of York and Gloucester. Washington felt unwilling to grant such de- lay, when reinforcements might be on the w^ay for Cornwallis from New York. In reply, therefore, he requested, that previous to the meeting of commissioners, his lordship's propo- sals might be sent in writing to the American lines, for which purpose a suspension of hostil- ities during two hours for the delivery of the letter, would be granted. This was complied with ; l>ut as the proposals offered by Cornwal- lis were not all admissible, Washington drew up a schedule of such terms as he would grant, and transmitted it to his lordship. The armistice was prolonged. Commis- sioners met, the Viscount de Noailles and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Laurens on the part of the allies; Colonel Dundas and Major Eoss on the part of the British. After much discussion, a rough draft was made of the terms of capitula- tion to be submitted to the Britisli general. These Washington caused to be promptly tran- scribed, and sent to Lord Cornwallis early in the morning of the 19th, with a note expressing his expectation that they would be signed by eleven o'clock, and that the garrison would be ready to march out by two o'clock in the afternoon. Lord Cornwallis was fain to comply, and, ac- cordingly, on the same day, the posts of York- town and Gloucester were surrendered to General Washington as commander-in-chief of the combined army; and the ships of war, transports, and other vessels, to the Count de Grasse, as commander of the French fleet. The garrison of Yorktown and Gloucester, including the officers of the navy and seamen of every denomination, were to surrender as prisoners of war to the combined army ; the land force to remain prisoners to the United States, the sea- men to the King of France. The garrison was to be allowed the same honors granted to the garrison of Charleston when it surrendei-ed to Sir Henry Clinton. The officers were to retain their side arms ; both officers and soldiers their private property, and no part of their baggage or papers was to be subject to search or inspection. The soldiers were to be kept in Virginia, Maryland, or Penn- sylvania, as much by regiments as possible, and supplied with the same rations of proAa- sions as the American soldiers. The officers were to be permitted to proceed, upon parole, to Europe or to any maritime port on the continent of America, in possession of Brit- ish troops. The Bonetta sloop-of-war was to be at the disposal of Lord Cornwallis ; to con- vey an aide-de-camp, with despatches to Sir Henry Clinton, with such soldiers as he might think proper to send to Few York, and was to sail without examination. • (We will here ob- serve that in this vessel, thus protected from scrutiny, a number of royalists, whose conduct had rendered them peculiarly odious to their countrymen, privately took their departure.) It was arranged in the allied camp that Gen- eral Lincoln should receive the submission of the royal army, precisely in the manner in which the submission of his own army had been received on the surrender of Charleston. An eye-witness has given us a graphic descrip- tion of the ceremony. NOTE. The number of prisoners made by the above capit- ulation amounted to 7,073, of whom 5,950 were rank and file; six commissioned, and twenty -eight non- commissioned officers, and privates, bad previously been captured in the two redoubts, or in the sortie of the garrison. The loss sustained by the garrison during the siege, in killed, wounded, and missing, amounted to 552. That of the combined army in killed was about 300. The combined army to which Cornwallis surrendered, was estimated at 1G,000, of whom 7,000 were French, 5,500 Continentals, and 3,500 militia. — Holmes's Annals, vol. ii., p. 333. 620 SURRENDER OF THE ROYAL ARMY— NATIONAL REJOICINGS. [1781. " At about 12 o'clock the combined army was drawn up in two lines more than a mile in length, the Americans on the right side of the road, the French on the left. Washington, mounted on a noble steed, and attended by his staff, was in front of the former ; the Count de Rochambeau and his suite, of the latter. The French troops, in complete uniform, and well equipped, made a brilliant appearance, and had marched to the ground with a band of mu- sic playing, Avhich was a novelty in the Amer- ican service. The American troops, but part in uniform, and all in garments much the worse for wear, yet had a spirited, soldiei"-like air, and were not the worse in the ej'es of their countrymen for bearing the marks of hard ser- vice and great privations. The concourse of spectators from the country seemed equal in number to the military, yet silence and order prevailed. " Al)0ut two o'clock the garrison sallied forth, and passed through with sJiouldered arms, slow and solemn steps, colors cased, and drums beating a British march. They were all well clad, having been furnished with new suits prior to the capitulation. They were led by General O'llara on horseback, who, riding up to Gene- ral Washington, took off his hat and apologized for the non-appearance of Lord Cornwallis, on account of indisposition. Washington received him with dignified courtesy, but pointed to Major-General Lincoln as the officer who was to receive the submission of the garrison. By him they were conducted into a field where they were to ground their arms. In passing through the line formed by the allied army, their march was careless and irregular, and their aspect sullen, the order to " ground arms " was given by their platoon officers with a tone of deep chagrin, and many of the soldiers threw down their muskets with a violence sufficient to break them. This irregularity was checked by General Lincoln ; yet it was excusable in brave men in their unfortunate predicament. This ceremony over, they were conducted back to Yorktown, to remain under guard until re- moved to their places of destination." * On the following morning, Washington in general orders congratulated the allied armies on the recent victory, awarding high praise to the officers and troops botli French and Amer- ican, for their conduct during the siege, and specifying by name several of the generals and * Thacher, p. 346. Other officers who had especially distinguished themselves. All those of his army who were under arrest, were pardoned and set at liberty. " Divine service," it was added^ " is to be per- formed to-morrow in the several brigades and divisions. The commander-in-chief earnestly recommends that the troops, not on duty, should universally attend, with tliat seriousness of deportment and gratitude of heart wliich the recognition of such reiterated and astonishing interpositions of Providence demand of us." Cornwallis felt deeply the humiliation of this close to all his wide and wild campaigning, and was made the more sensitive on the subject by circumstances of which he soon became appris- ed. On the very day that he had been com- pelled to lay down his arms before Yorktown, the lingering armament intended for his relief sailed from New York. It consisted of twenty- five ships of the line, two fifty gun ships, and eight frigates ; with Sir Henry Clinton and seven thousand of his best troops. Sir Henry arrived off the capes of Virginia on the 24th, and gathered information which led him to ap- prehend that Lord Cornwallis had capitulated. He hovered off the mouth of the Chesapeake until the 29th, when, having fully ascertained that he had come too late, he turned his tardy prows toward New York. Cornwallis, in a letter written subsequently, renders the following testimony to the conduct of his captors : " The treatment, in general, that we have received from the enemy since our surrender, has been perfectly good and proper ; but the kindness and attention that has been shown to us by the French officers in particular, their delicate sensibility of our situ- ation, their generous and pressing offer of mo- ney, both public and private, to any amount, lias really gone beyond what I can possibly de- scribe, and will, I hope, make an impression in the breast of every officer, whenever the for- tune of war shall put any of them into our power." In the mean time, the rejoicings which Wash- ington had commenced with appropriate so- lemnities in the victorious camp, had spread throughout the Union. " Cornwallis is taken ! " was the universal acclaim. It was considered a death-blow to the war. Congress gave way to transports of joy. Thanks were voted to the connnander-in-chief, to the Counts de Piochambeau and De Grasse, to the officers of the allied arimes generally, and to the corps of artillery and engineers es- ^T. 49.] DISSOLUTION OF THE COMBINED ARMIES— DEATH OF JOHN PARKE CUSTIS. 621 pecially. Two stands of colors, trophies of the capitulation, were voted to Washington, two pieces of field ordnance to De Rochambeau and De Grasse ; and it was decreed that a marble column, commemorative of the alliance between France and the United States, and of the vic- tory achieved by their associated arms, should be erected in Yorktown. Finally, Congress is- sued a proclamation, appointing a day for gen- eral thanksgiving and prayer, in acknoAvledg- ment of this signal interposition of Divine Providence. Far different was the feeling of the British ministry when news of the event reached the other side of the Atlantic. Lord George Ger- main was the first to announce it to Lord North at his office in Downing Street. " And how did he take it ? " was the inquiry. " As he would have taken a ball in the breast,'' replied Lord George, " for he opened his arms, ex- claiming wildly as he paced up and down the apartment, ' Oh God ! it is all over ! ' " * CHAPTER XXIX. Washington would have followed up the re- duction of Yorktown by a combined operation against Charleston, and addressed a letter to the Count de Grasse on the subject, but the count alleged in reply that the orders of his court, ulterior projects, and his engagements with the Spaniards, rendered it impossible to remain the necessary time for the operation. The prosecution of the Southern war, there- fore, upon the broad scale which Washington had contemplated, liad to be relinquished ; for, without shipping and a convoy, the troops and every thing necessary for a siege would have to be transported by land with immense trou- ble, expense, and delay ; while the enemy, by means of their fleets, could reinforce or with- draw the garrison at pleasure. Under these circumstances, Washington had to content himself, for the present, with detach- ing two thousand Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia Continental troops, under General St. Clair, for the support of General Greene, trust- ing that, with this aid, he would be able to command the interior of South Carolina, and confine the enemy to the town of Charleston. A dissolution of the combined forces now took place. The Marquis St. Simon embarked * Wraxall's Historical Memoirs, vol. ii., p. 99. his troops on the last of October, and the Count de Grasse made sail on the 4th of No- vember, taking with him two beautiful horses which Washington had presented to him in to- ken of cordial regard. Lafayette, seeing there was no probability of further active service in the present year, re- solved to return to France on a visit to his family, and, with Washington's approbation, set out for Philadelphia to obtain leave of ab- sence from Congress. The British prisoners were marched to Win- chester in Virginia and Frederickstown in Ma- ryland, and Lord Cornwallis and his principal officers sailed for New York on parole. The main part of the American array em- barked for the Head of Elk, and returned north- ward under the command of General Lincoln, to be cantoned for the winter in the Jerseys and on the Hudson, so as to be ready for ope- rations against New York, or elsewhere, in the next year's campaign. The French army were to remain for the winter, in Virginia, and the Count de Rocham- beau established his head-quarters at Williams- burg. Having attended in person to the distribution of ordnance and stores, the departure of prison- ers, and the embarkation of the troops under Lincoln, Washington left Yorktown on the 5th of November, and arrived the same day at El- tham, the seat of his friend Colonel Bassett. He arrived just in time to receive the last breath of John Parke Custis, the son of Mrs. Washing- ton, as he had, several years previously, ren- dered tender and pious offices at the death-bed of his sister, Miss Custis. The deceased had been an object of Washington's care from child- hood, and been cherished by him with paternal aftection. Formed under his guidance and instructions, he had been fitted to take a part in the public concerns of his country, and had acquitted himself with credit as a member of the Virginia Legislature. He was but ^ twenty-eight years old at the time of his deatli;^ and left a widow and four young children. It' was an unexpected event, and the dying scene was rendered peculiarly affecting from the pres- ence of the mother and wife of the deceased. Washington remained several days at Eltham to comfort them in their afflictions. As a con- solation to Mrs. Washington in her bereave- ment, he adopted the two youngest children of the deceased, a boy and girl, who thenceforth formed a part of his immediate family. 622 WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON— LAFAYETTE SAILS FOR FRANCE. [1782. From Eltham, Washington proceeded to Mount Vernon ; but public cai'es gave him little leisure to attend to his private concerns. We have seen how repeatedly his steady mind had been exercised in the darkest times of the rev- olutionary struggle, in buoying up the public heart Avhen sinking in despondency. He had now an opposite task to perform, to guard against an overweening confidence inspired by the recent triumph. In a letter to General Greene, ho writes : " I shall remain but a few days here, and shall proceed to Philadelphia, when I shall attempt to stimulate Congress to the best improvement of our late success, by taking the most vigorous and effectual measures to be ready for an early and decisive campaign the next year. My greatest fear is, that Con-' gress, viewing this stroke in too important a point of light, may think our work too nearly closed, and will fall into a state of languor and relaxation. To prevent this error, I shall em- ploy every means in my power, and if, unhap- pily, we sink into that fatal mistake, no part of the blame shall be mine." In a letter written at the same time to La- fayette, who, having obtained from Congress an indefinite leave of absence, was about to sail, he says : " I owe it to your friendship, and to my aifectionate regard for you, my dear mar- quis, not to let you leave this country, without carrying Avith you fresh marks of my attach- ment to you, and new expressions of the high sense I entertain of your military conduct, and other important services in the course of the last campaign." In reply to inquiries which the marquis had made respecting the operations of the coming year, he declares that every thing must depend absolutely for success upon the naval force to be employed in these seas and the time of its appearance. " l^o land force," writes he, " can act decisively unless it is ac- companied by a maritime superiority ; nor can more than negative advantages be expected without it. For proof of this we have only to recur to instances of tlie ease and facility with which the British shif 'I their ground, as ad- vantages were to be obtained at either extrem- ity of the continent, and to their late heavy loss the moment they failed in their naval su- periority. * * * * j\ doubt did not exist, nor does it at this moment, in any man's mind, of the total extirpation of the British force in the Carolinas and Georgia, if the Count de Grasse could have extended his co-opei*ation two mouths longer." We may add here that Congress, after reso- lutions highly complimentary to the marquis, had, through the secretary of foreign affairs, recommended to the ministers plenipotentiary of the United States, resident in Europe, to con- fer with the marquis, and avail themselves of his information relative to the situation of na- tional affairs, which information the various heads of departmen*s were instructed to furnish him ; and he was furthermore made the bearer of a letter to his sovereign, recommending him in the strongest terms to the royal considera- tion. Much was anticipated from the generous zeal of Lafayette, and the influence he would be able to exercise in France in favor of the Amer- ican cause. ■ ^Towards the end of November, Washington was in Philadelphia, Avhere Congress received him with distinguished honors. He lost no time in enforcing the policy respecting the en- suing campaign, which he had set forth in his letters to General Greene and the marquis. His views were met by the military committee of Congress, with wliich he was in frequent con- sultation, and by the secretaries of war, finance, and public affairs, who attended their confer- ences. Under his impulse and personal super- vision, the military arrangements for 1782 were made with unusual despatch. On the 10th of December resolutions were passed in Congress for requisitions of men and money from the several States ; and Washington backed those requisitions by letters to the respective govern- ors, urging prompt compliance. Strenuous ex- ertions, too, were made by Dr. Franklin, then minister in France, to secure a continuance of efiicieut aid from that power ; and a loan of six millions had been promised by the king after hearing of the capitulation of Yorktown. The persuasion that peace was at hand was, however, too prevalent for the public to be roused to new sacrifices and toils to maintain what was considered the mere shadow of a war. The States were slow in furnishing a small part of their respective quotas of troops, and still slower in answering to the requisitions for money. After remaining four months in Philadelphia, Washington set out in March to rejoin the army at Newburg on tlie Hudson. He was at Mor- ristown in the Jerseys on the 28th, when a bold project was submitted to him by Colonel Mat- thias Ogden, of the Jersey line. Prince William Henry,* son of the king of England, who was * Afterwards William IV. ^T. 50.] PROJECT TO CAPTURE PRINCE WILLIAM HENRY— RETALIATORY MEASURES. 623 serving as a midsliipman in the fleet of Admiral Digby, was at that time in New York with tlie admiral, an object of great attention to the array, and the tory part of the inhabitants. The project of Colonel Ogden was to surprise the prince and the admiral at their quarters in the city, and bring them off prisoners. He was to be aided in the enterprise by a captain, a subaltern, three sergeants, and thirty-sis men. They were to embark from the Jersey shore on a rainy night in four whaleboats, well manned, and rowed with muflBed oars, and were to land in New York at half-past nine, at a wharf not far from tlie quarters of the prince and admiral, which were in Ilnnover Square. Part of the men were to guard the boats, while Colonel Ogden with a strong party was to proceed to the house, force the doors if necessary, and capture the prince and admiral. In returning to the boats, part of the men, armed with gims and bayonets, were to precede the prison- ers, and part to follow at half a gunshot dis- tance, to give front to the enemy until all were embarked. The plan Avas approved by "Washington, but Colonel Ogden was charged to be careful that no insult or indignity be offered to the prince or admiral, should they be captured. They Avere, on the contrary, to be treated Avith all possible respect, and conveyed Avithout delay to Congress. HoAV far an attempt was mfwle to carry this plan into operation, is not known. An exag- gerated alarm seems to have been awakened by extravagant reports circulated in New York, as appears by the following citation from a pa- per or letter dated April 23d, and transmitted by Washington to Ogden : " Great seem to be their apprehensions here. About a fortnight ago a number of flat-boats were discovered by a sentinel from the bank of the river (Hudson), which are said to have been intended to fire the suburbs, and in the height of the conflagration to make a descent on the lower part of the cify, and wrest from our embraces his Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, Prince William Henry, and several other illus- trious personages — since which great precau- tions have been taken for the security of those gentlemen, by augmenting the guards, and to render their persons as little exposed as pos- sible." These precautions very probably disconcerted the project of Colonel Ogden, of which we find no other traces. In a recent letter to General Greene, Wash- ington had expressed himself strongly on the subject of retaliation. " Of all laws it is the most difficult to execute, where you have not the transgressor liimself in your possession. Humanity Avill ever interfere, and plead strong- ly against the sacrifice of an innocent person for the guilt of another." It was but three or four months after this writing, that his judgment and feelings Avere put to the proof in this respect. We have had occasion to notice the marauds of the New Y'"ork refugees in the Jerseys. One of their number by the name of Philip White had been captured by the Jersey people, and killed in at- tempting to escape from those Avho were con- ducting him to Monmouth jail. His partisans in New York determined on a signal revenge. Captain Joseph Iluddy, an ardent Avhig, Avho had been captured Avhen bravely defending a block-house in Monmouth County, and carried captiA^e to Ncav Y^'ork, was noAv drawn forth from prison, conducted into the Jerseys by a. part}- of refugees, headed by a Captain Lippen- cott, and hanged on the heights of Middletown with a label affixed to his breast, bearing the inscription, " Up goes Iluddy for Philip White." The neighboring country cried out for retali- ation. Washington submitted the matter, Avith all the evidence furnished, to a board of gen- eral and field-officers. It Avas unanimously de- termined that the offender should be demand- ed for execution, and, if not given up, that re- taliation should be exercised on a British pris- oner of equal rank. Wasliington accordingly sent proofs to Sir Henry Clinton of Avbat he stigmatized as a murder, and demanded that Captain Lippencott, or the officer who com- manded the execution of Captain Iluddy, should be given up ; or if that officer should be inferior in rank, so many of the perpetrators as would, according to the tariff of exchange, be an equiv- alent. " To do this," said he, " will mark the justice of your Excellency's character. In fail- ure of it, I shall hold myself justifiable in the eyes of God and man, for the measure to which I will resort." Sir Henry declined a compliance, but stated that he had ordered a strict inquiry into the circumstances of Captain Iluddy's deatli, and would bring the perpetratprs of it to immediate trial. Washington about the same time received the copy of a resolution of Congress approving of his firm and judicious conduct, in liis appli- 624 CASE OF CAPTAIN ASGILL— CASE OF COLONEL WEBB. [1T82. cation to the British general at New York, and promising to supj^ort him " in his fixed purpose of exemplary retaliation." He accordingly ordered a selection to he made hy lot, for the above purpose, from among the British officers, prisoners at Lancaster in Pennsylvania. To enhance the painful nature of the case, the lot fell upon Captain Charles Asgill of the guards, a youth only nineteen years of age, of an amiable character and high hoi>es and expectations, being only son and heir of Sir Charles Asgill, a wealtliy baronet. The youth bore his lot with firmness, but his fellow prisoners were incensed at Sir Henry Clinton for exposing him to such a fate by re- fusing to deliver up the culprit. One of their number, a son of the Earl of Ludlow, solicited permission from "Washington to proceed to New York and lay the case before Sir Guy Carleton, who had succeeded in command to Sir Henry Clinton. In granting it, Washington intimated that, though deeply aftected by the unhappy fate to which Captain Asgill was subjected, and devoutly wishing that his life might be spared, there was but one alternative that could save him, of which the British commander must be aware. The matter remained for some time in sus- pense. Washington had ordered that Captain Asgill should be treated " with every tender attention and politeness (consistent with his present situation), which his rank, fortune, and connections, together with his unfortunate state, demanded," and the captain himself acknowl- edged in writing the feeling and attentive man- ner in which tliose connnands were executed. But on tlie question of retaliation Washington remained firm. Lippencott was at length tried.by a court- martial, but, after a long sitting, acquitted, it appearing tliat he had acted under the verbal orders of Governor Franklin, president, of tlie board of associated loyalists. The British com- mander reprobated the death of Captain Huddy, and broke up the board. Tliese circumstances changed in some degree the ground upon wliich Washington was pro- ceeding. He laid tlie whole matter before Congress, admitted Captain Asgill on parole at Morristown, and subsequently intimated to the secretary of war his private opinion in favor of his release, with permission to go to his friends in Europe. In the mean time Lady Asgill, the mother of the youth, had written a pathetic letter to the Count de Vergennes, the French minister of state, imploring his intercession in belialf of her son. The letter was shown to the king and queen, and by their direction the count wrote to Washington soliciting the liberation of As- gill. Washington, as has been shown, had al- ready suggested his release, and was annoyed at the delay of Congress in the matter. He now referred to that body the communication from the count, and urged a favorable decision. To his great relief, he received their directions to set Captain Asgill at liberty. This, like the case of the unfortunate Andre, was one of the painful and trying predicaments in which a strict sense of public duty obliged Washington to do violence to his natural im- pulses, and he declares in one of his let- ters, that the situation of Captain Asgill often filled him with the keenest anguish. "I felt for him on many accounts ; and not the least when, viewing him as a man of honor and sen- timent, I considered how unfortunate it was for him that a wretch who possessed neither, should be the means of causing him a single pang or a disagreeable sensation." NOTE. While these pages are going through the press, we have before us an instance of that conscientious regard for justice which governed Washington's conduct. A favorite aide-de-camp, Colonel Samuel B. Webb, who had been wounded in the battles of Bunker's Hill and White Plains, was captured in December, 1777, when commanding a Connecticut regiment, and ac- companying General Parsons in a descent'upon Long Island. He was then but twenty-four j-ears of age, and the youngest colonel in the army. Presuming upon the favor of General Washington, who had pro- nounced him one of the most accomplished gentlemen in the service, he wrote to him, reporting his capture, and begging most strenuously for an immediate ex- change. He received a prompt, but disappointing reply. Washington lamented his unfortunate condi- tion. " It •ivould give me pleasure," said he, " to ' render you any services in my power, but it is impos- sible for me to comply with your request, without violating the principles of justice, and mcurring a charge of partiality.'' In fact, several officers of Colonel Webb's rauk had been a long time in durance, and it was a rule with \ Washington that those first captured should be first released. To this rule he inflexibly adhered, however , his feelings might plead for its infringement. Colonel Webb, in consequence, was not exchanged until the present year; when Washington, still on principles of ' justice, gave him the brevet rank of Brigadier-general and the command of tba light-infantry. Ml. 50.] DISCONTENTS OF THE ARMY— EXTRAORDINARY LETTER FROM COL. NICOLA. 625 CHAPTER XXX. In disposing of the case of Captain Asgill, we liave anticipated dates, and must revert to the time when Washington again estabhshed his head-quarters at Fewburg on the Hudson. The solicitude felt by him on account of the univer- sal relaxation of the sinews of war, was not allayed by reports of pacific speeches, and mo- tions made in the British parhament, which might be delusive. " Even if the nation and parliament," said he, " are really in earnest to obtain peace with America, it will, undoubt- edly, be wisdom in us to meet them with great caution and circumspection, and by all means to keep our arms firm in our hands ; and in- stead of relaxing one iota in our exertions, rather to spring forward with redoubled vigor, that we may take the advantage of every fa- vorable opportunity, until our wishes are fully obtained. No nation ever yet sufl:ered in treaty by preparing, even in the moment of negotia- tion, most vigorously for the field." Sir Guy Carleton arrived in New York early in May to take the place of Sir Henry Clinton, who had solicited his recall. In a letter dated May 7th, Sir Guy informed Washington of his being joined with Admiral Digby in the com- mission of peace ; he transmitted at the same time printed copies of the proceedings in the House of Commons on the 4th of March, re- specting an address to the king in favor of peace ; and of a bill reported in consequence thereof, authorizing the king to conclude a peace or truce with the revolted provinces of North America. As this bill, however, had not passed into a law when Sir Guy left Eng- land, it presented no basis for a negotiation ; and was only cited by him to show the pacific disposition of the British nation, with which he professed the most zealous concurrence. Still, though multiplied circumstances gradu- ally persuaded Washington of a real disposition on the part of Great Britain to terminate the war, he did not think fit to relax his prepara- tions for hostilities. Great discontents prevailed at this time in the array, both among ofiicers and men. The neglect of the States to furnish their propor- tions of the sum voted by Congress for the prosecution of the war, had left the army al- most destitute. There was scarce money suf- ficient to feed the troops from day to day; indeed, there were days when they were abso- 40 lutely in want of provisions. The pay of the ofiicers, too, was greatly in arrear; many of them doubted whether they would ever receive the half pay decreed to them by Congress for a term of years after the conclusion of tlie war, and fears began to be expressed that, in the event of peace, they would all be disbanded with their claims unliquidated, and themselves cast upon the community penniless, and unfit- ted, by long military habitudes, for the gainful piu'suits of peace. At this juncture, Washington received an ex- traordinary letter from Colonel Lewis Nicola, a veteran officer, once commandant of Fort Mif- flin, who had been in habits of intimacy with him, and had warmly interceded in behalf of tlie suffferiug army. In this letter he attributed all the ills experienced and anticipated by the army and the public at large to the existing form of government. He condemned a repub- lican form as incompatible with national pros- perity, and advised a mixed government like that of England ; which, he had no doubt, on its benefits being properly pointed out, would be readily adopted. " In that case," he adds, " it will, I believe, be uncontroverted, that the same abilities which have led us through diffi- culties apparently insurmountable by human power, to victory and glory ; those qualities that have merited and obtained the universal esteem and veneration of an army, would be most likely to conduct and direct us in the smoother paths of peace. Some people have so connected the idea of tyranny and mon- archy, as to find it very difficult to separate them. It may, therefore, be requisite to give the head of such a constitution as I propose, some title apparently more moderate ; but, if all other things were once adjusted, I believe strong arguments might be produced for ad- mitting the title of King, which, I conceive, would be attended with some material advan- tages." Washington saw at once that Nicola was but the organ of a military faction, disposed to make the army the basis of an energetic gov- ernment, and to place him at the head. The suggestion, backed by the opportunity, might have tempted a man of meaner ambition : from him it drew the following indignant letter : " With a mixture of great surprise and as- tonishment, I have read with attention the sen- timents you have submitted to my perusal. Be assured, sir, no occurrence in the course of the war has given me more painful sensations, than 626 JUNCTION OF THE ALLIED ARMIES— PROPOSED REDUCTION OF THE ARMY. [1782. your information of there being such ideas ex- isting in the army, as you have expressed, and I must view with abhorrence, and repreliend with severity. For tlie present, tlie communi- cation of them will rest in my own bosom, un- less some further agitation of the matter sliall make a disclosure necessary. " T am much at a loss to conceive what part of my conduct could have given encouragement to an address, which to me seems big with the greatest mischiefs that can befall my country. It I am not deceived in the knowledge of my- self, you could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. At the same time, in justice to my own feelings, I must add, that no man possesses a more sincere wish to see ample justice done to the army than I do ; and as far as my powers and influence, in a constitutional way, extend, they shall be employed to the utmost of my abilities to effect it, should there he any occasion. Let me conjure you, then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself, or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communi- cate, as from yourself or any one else, a senti- ment of the like nature.'' On the 2d of August, Sir Guy Carleton and Admiral Digby wrote a joint letter to "Washing- ton, informing him that they wei'e acquainted, by authority, that negotiations for a general peace had already been commenced at Paris, and that the independence of the United States would be proposed in the first instance by the British commissioner, instead of being made a condition of a general treaty." Even yet, Washington was wary. " From the former infatuation, du])licity, and perverse system of British policy," said he, " I confess I am induced to doubt every thing ; to suspect every thing." * * * u "\yiijxtgygi. tjjg ^q^i intention of the enemy may be, I think the strictest attention and exertion, which have ever been exercised on our part, instead of be- ing diminished, ought to be increased. Jeal- ousy and precaution at least can do no harm. Too much confidence and supineness may be pernicious in the exteme." What gave force to this policy was, that as yet no offers had been made on the part of Great Britain, for a general cessation of hostilities, and, although the British commanders were in a man- ner tied down by the resolves of the House of Commons, to a defensive war, only in the United States, they might be at liberty to transport part of their force to the West Indies to act against the French possessions in that quarter. With these considerations he wrote to the Count de Eochambeau, then at Baltimore, ad- vising him, for the good of the common cause, to march his troops to the banks of the Hud- son, and form a junction with the American army. The junction took place about the middle of September. The French army crossed the Hudson at King's Ferry to Verplanck's Point, where the American forces were paraded un- der arms to welcome them. The clothing and arms recently received from France or captured at Yorktown, enabled them to make an unusu- ally respectable appearance. Two lines wei-e formed from the landing-place to head-quarters, between which Count Eochambeau passed, es- corted by a troop of cavalry ; after which he took his station beside General Washington : the music struck up a French march, and the whole army passed in review before them. The French army encamped on the left of the American, near Crompond, about ten miles from Verplanck's Point. The greatest good wiU con- tinued to prevail between the allied forces, though the Americans had but little means of showmg hospitality to their gay Gallic friends. " Only conceive the mortification they must suffer, even the general officers," says Wash- ington in a letter to the secretary of war, " when they cannot invite a French officer, a visiting friend, or a travelling acquaintance, to a better repast than whiskey hot from the still, and not always that, and a bit of beef without vegetables will afford them." Speaking of a contemplated reduction of the army to take place on the 1st of January : " While I premise," said he, " that no one I have seen or heard of appears opposed to the principle of reducing the army as circumstances may require ; yet I cannot help fearing the result of the measure in contemplation, under present circumstances, when I see such a num- ber of men, goaded by a thousand stings of re- flection on the past, and of anticipation on the future, about to be turned into the world, soured by penury, and what they caU the in- gratitude of the public, involved in debts, with- out one forthing of money to carry them home, after having spent the flower of their days, and many of them their patrimonies, in establishing the freedom and independence of their country, and suffered every thing that human nature is capable of enduring on this side of death : — I ^T. 51.] DISCONTENTS OF THE ARMY AT NEWBURG-ANONYMOUS PAPERS 627 repeat it, that when I consider these irritating circumstances, without one thing to soothe their feelings or dispel the gloomy prospects, I can- not avoid apprehending that a train of evils will follow, of a every serious and distressing nature. * * * * " I wish not to heighten' the shades of the picture so far as the reality would justify me in doing it. I could give anecdotes of patriot- ism and distress, which have scarcely ever been paralleled, never surpassed in the history of mankind. But you may rely upon it, the pa- tience and long-suffering of this army are al- most exhausted, and that there never was so great a spirit of discontent as at this instant. While in the field, I think it may be kept from breaking out into acts of outrage ; but when we retire into winter-quarters, unless the storm is previously dissipated, I cannot be at ease re- specting the consequences. It is high time for a peace." CHAPTER XXXI. The anxious fears of "Washington in regard to what might take place on the approaching reduction of the army, were in some degree realized. After the meeting with the French army at Verplanck's Point, he had drawn up his forces to his former encampment at New- burg, where he established his head-quarters for the winter. In the leisure and idleness of a winter camp, the discontents of the army had time to ferment. The arrearages of pay became a topic of constant and angry comment as well as the question, whether the resolution of Congress, granting half pay to officers who should serve to the end of the war, would be carried into effect. Whence were the funds to arise for such half pay ? The national treas- ury was empty ; the States were slow to tax themselves ; the resources of foreign loans was nearly exhausted. The articles of confedera- tion required the concurrence of nine States to any act appropriating public money. There had never been nine States in favor of the half pay establishment ; was it probable that as i many would concur in applying any scanty funds that might accrue, and which would be imperiously demanded for many other pur- poses, to the payment of claims known to be , unpopular, and to the support of men, who, the necessity for their services being at an end, might be regarded as drones in the community ? The result of these boding conferences was a memorial to Congress in December, from the officers in camp, on behalf of the army, repre- senting the hardships of the case, and proposing that a specific sum should be granted them for the money actually due, and as a commutation for half pay. Three officers were deputed to present the memorial to Congress, and watch over and promote its success. The memorial gave rise to animated and long discussions in Congress. Some members were for admitting the claims as founded on engagements entered into by the nation ; others were for referring them to the respective States of the claimants. The winter passed away with- out any definite measures on the subject. On the 10 th of March, 1783, an anonymous paper was circulated through the camp, calling a meeting at eleven o'clock the next day, of the general and field-officers, of an officer from each company, and a delegate from the medical stafi; to consider a letter just received from their representatives in Philadelphia, and what meas- ures, if any, should be adopted to obtain that redress of grievances which they seemed to have solicited in vain. On the following morning an anonymous ad- dress to the officers of the army was privately put in circulation. It professed to be from a fellow-soldier, who had shared in their toils and mingled in their dangers, and who till very lately had believed in the justice of his country. "After a pursuit of seven long years," ob- served he, " the object for which we set out is at length brought within our reach. Yes, my friends, that suff'ering courage of yours was active once ; it has conducted the United States of America through a doubtful and bloody war ; it has placed her in the chair of inde- pendency, and peace returns to bless — whom ? a country willing to redress your wrongs, cher- ish your worth, and reward jonr services? a country courting your return to private life, with tears of gratitude and smiles of admira- tion, longing to divide with you that independ- ency v/hich your gallantry has given, and those riches which your wounds have preserved ? Is this the case ? or is it rather a country that tramples upon your rights, disdains your cries, and insults your distresses? Have you not more than once suggested your wishes, and made known your wants to Congress — wants and wishes, which gratitude and policy should have anticipated, rather than evaded? And have you not lately, in the meek language of 628 ANONYMOUS PAPERS— MEETING OF OFFICERS CALLED. [1783. entreating memorials, begged from tlieir justice what you could no longer expect from their favor? How have you been answered? Let the letter, which you are called to consider to- morrow, make rej^ly ! " If this, then, be your treatment, while the swords you wear are necessary for the defence of America, what have you to expect from peace, when your voice shall sink, and your strength dissipate by division ; when those very swords, the instruments and companions of your glory, shall be taken from your sides, and no remaining mark of military distinction left but your wants, infirmities, and scars? Can you then consent to be the only sufferers by this Eevolution, and, retiring from the field, grow old in poverty, wretchedness, and con- tempt? Can yon consent to wade through the vile mire of dependency, and owe the miserable remnant of that life to charity, which has hith- erto been spent in honor ? If you can, go, and carry with you the jest of Tories, and the scorn of Whigs ; the ridicule, and what is worse, the pity of the world ! Go, starve and be forgot- ten ! But if your spirits should revolt at this ; if you have sense enough to discover, and spirit sufficient to oppose tyranny, under whatever garb it may assume, whether it be the plain coat of republicanism, or the splendid robe of royalty ; if you have yet learned to dis- criminate between a people and a cause, be- tween men and principles ; awake, attend to your situation, and redress yourselves ! If the present moment be lost, every future effort is in vain ; and your threats then will be as empty as your entreaties now. " I would advise you, therefore, to come to some final opinion upon what you can bear, and what you will suffer. If your determina- tion be in any proportion to your wrongs, carry your appeal from the justice to the fears of government. Change the milk-and-water style of your last memorial. Assume a bolder tone, decent, but lively, spirited, and determined ; and suspect the man who would advise to more moderation and longer forbearance. Let two or three men, who can feel as well as write, be appointed to draw up your last re- monstrance, for I would no longer give it the suing, soft, unsuccessful epithet of memorial. Let it represent in language, that will neither dishonor you by its rudeness, nor betray you by its fears, what has been promised by Con- gress, and what has been performed ; how long and how patiently you have suffered ; how little you have asked, and how much of that little has been denied. Tell them, that, though you were the first, and would wish to be the last, to encounter danger, though despair itself can never drive you into dishonor, it may drive you from the field ; that the wound, often ir- ritated and never healed, may at length be- come incurable ; and that the slightest mark of indignity from Congress now, must operate like the grave, and part you forever ; that, in any political event, the army has its alternative. If peace, that nothing shall separate you from your arms but death ; if war, that courting the auspices, and inviting the direction of your il- lustrious leader, you will retire to some unset- tled country, smile in your turn, and ' mock when their fear cometh on.' But let it repre- sent, also, that should they comply with the request of your late memorial, it would make you more happy and them more respectable ; that, while war should continue, you would follow their standard into the field ; and when it came to an end, you would withdraw into the shade of private life, and give the world another subject of wonder and applause ; an army victorious over its enemies, victorious over itself." This bold and eloquent, but dangerous ap- peal, founded as it was upon the wrongs and sufferiugs of a gallant army and the shameful want of sympathy in tardy legislators, called for the full exercise of "Washington's character- istic firmness, caution, and discrimination. In general orders he noticed the anonymous paper, but expressed his confidence that the good sense of oflBcers would prevent thenl from paying at- tention to such an irregular invitation ; which he reprobated as disorderly. With a view to counteract its effects, he requested a like meet- ing of ofiicers on the 15th instant, to hear the report of the committee deputed to Congress. " After mature deliberation," added he, " they wiU devise what further measures ought to be adopted as most rational and best calculated to obtain the just and important object in view." On the following day another anonymous address was circulated, written in a more mod- erate tone, but to the same purport with the fii'st, and affecting to construe the general or- ders into an approbation of the object sought ; ' only changing the day appointed for the meet-> ing. " Tin now," it observed, " the command-! er-in-chief has regarded the steps you have taken for redress with good wishes alone ; his ostensible silence has authorized your meet-i Mr. 51.] WASHINGTON ADDRESSES THE AEMY. 629 ings, and his private opinion sanctified your claims. Had he disliked the object in view, ■would not the same sense of duty which for- bade you from meeting on the third day of the week, have forbidden you from meeting on the seventh ? Is not the same subject held up to your view ? and has it not passed the seal of ofiice, and taken all the solemnity of an order ? This will give system to your proceedings, and stability to your resolves." &c., &c. On Saturday, the 15th of March, the meet- ing took place. Washington had previously sent for the oflBcers, one by one, in private, and enlarged on the loss of character to the whole army, that woidd result from intemper- ate resolutions. At the meeting, General Gates was called to the chair. Washington rose and apologized for appearing there, which he had not intended to do when he issued the order directing the assemblage. The diligence, how- ever, which had been used in circulating anony- mous writings, rendered it necessary he should give his sentiments to the army, on the nature and tendency of them. He had taken this opportunity to do so, and had committed his thoughts to writing, which, with the indul- gence of his brother ofiicers, he would take the liberty of reading to them. He then proceeded to read a forcible and feeling address, pointing out the irregularity and impropriety of the recent anonymous sum- mons, and the dangerous nature of the anony- mous address ; a production, as he observed, addressed more to the feelings and passions than to the judgment ; drawn with great art, calculated to impress the mind with an idea of premeditated injustice in the sovereign pow- er of the United States, and to rouse all those resentments which must unavoidably flow from such a belief. On these principles he had opposed the ir- regular and hasty meeting appointed in the anonymous summons, not from a disinclination to afford officers every opportunity, consistent with their own honor and the dignity of the army, to make known their grievances. " If my conduct heretofore," said he, " has not evinced to you, that I have been a faithful friend to the army, my declaration of it at this time would be equally ufiavailing and improp- er. But as I was among the first who em- barked in the cause of our common country ; as I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you on public duty ; as I have been the constant companion and witness of your distresses, and not among the last to feel and acknowledge your merits ; as I have ever considered my own mihtary reputation f,s inseparably connected with that of the army ; as my heart has ever expanded with joy when I have heard its praises, and my indignation has arisen when the mouth of detraction has been opened against it ; it can scarcely be sup- posed at this last stage of the war that I am iudifl:erent to its interests." ***** ^: "For myself," observes he, in another part of his address, " a recollection of the cheerful assistance and prompt obedience I have experi- enced from you under every vicissitude of for- tune, and the sincere aifection I feel for an army I have so long had the honor to com- mand, will oblige me to declare in this public and solemn manner, that for the attainment of complete justice for all your toils and dangers, and the gratification of every wish, so far as may be done consistently with the great duty I owe my countiy and those powers we are bound to respect, you may fully command my services to the utmost extent of my abilities. " While I give you these assurances, and pledge myself in the most unequivocal manner to exert whatever abilities I am possessed of in your favor, let me entreat you, gentlemen, on your part, not to take any measures which, viewed in the calm light of reason, will lessen the dignity and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained ; — let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your country, and place a full confidence in the purity of the in- tentions of Congress; that, previous to your dissolution as an army, they will cause all your accounts to be fairly liqiiidated, as directed in the resolutions which were published to you two days ago ; and that they will adopt the most eflPectual measures in their power to ren- der ample justice to you for your faithful and meritorious services. And let me conjure yon, in the name of our common country, as you value your own sacred honor, as you respect the rights of humanity, and as you regard the military and national character of America, to express your utmost horror and detestation of the man who wishes, under any specious pre- tences, to overturn the liberties of our conn-- try ; and who wickedly attempts to open the flood-gates of civil discord, and deluge our ris- ing empire in blood. By thus determining and thus acting, you will pursue the plain and di- rect road to the attainment of your wishes ; you will defeat the insidious designs of our 630 THE EFFECT OF WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS— LETTER IN BEHALF OF THE ARMY. [llSd. enemies, who are compelled to resort from open force to secret artifice ; you will give one more distinguished proof of unexampled pa- triotism and patient virtue, rising superior to the pressure of the most complicated suffer- ings ; and you will, by the dignity of your con- duct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind : — ' Had this day been wanting, the Avorld had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.' " After he had concluded the address, he ob- served, that iis a corroborating testimony of the good disposition in Congress toward the army, he would communicate to them a letter received from a worthy member of that body, who on all occasions had approved himself their fast friend. He produced an able letter from the Hon. Joseph Jones, which, while it pointed out the difficulties and embarrassments of Congress, held up very forcibly the idea that the army would, at all events, be generously dealt with. Major Shaw, who was present, and from whose memoir we note this scene, relates that "Washington, after reading the first paragraph of the letter, made a short pause, took out his spectacles, and begged the indulgence of his audience while he put them on, observing at the same time that he had grown gray in their service, and now found himself growing Mind. " There was something," adds Shaw, " so natu- ral, so unaffected, in this appeal, as rendered it superior to the most studied oratory ; it forced its way to the heart, and you might see sensi- bility moisten every eye." " Happy for America," continues Major Shaw, " that she has a patriot army, and equally so that Washington is its leader. I rejoice in the opportunity I have had of seeing this great man in a variety of situations ; — calm and in- trepid when the battle raged ; patient and per- severing under the px-essure of misfortune, mod- erate and possessing himself in the full career of victory. Great as these qualifications deserv- edly render him, he never appeared to me more truly so than at the assembly we have been speaking of. On other occasions he has been supported by the exertions of an army and the countenance of his friends ; but on this he stood single and alone. There was no saying where the passions of an army which were not a little inflamed, might lead ; but it was generally allowed that further forbearance was dangerous, and moderation had ceased to be a virtue. Under these circumstances he ap- peared, not at the head of his troops, but, as it were, in opposition to them ; and for a dread- ful moment the interests of the army and its general seemed to be in competition ! He spoke,— »every doubt was dispelled, and the tide of patriotism rolled again in its wonted course. Illustrious man ! What he says of the army may with equal justice be applied to his own character : — ' Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of per- fection to which human nature is capable of attaining.' " * The mement Washington retired from the as- semblage, a resolution was moved by the warm- hearted Knox, seconded by General Putnam, and passed unanimously, assuring him that the officers reciprocated his affectionate expressions with the greatest sincerity of Avhich the human heart is capable. Then followed resolutions, declaring that no circumstances of distress or danger should induce a conduct calculated to sully the reputation and glory acquired at the price of their blood and eight years' faithful services ; that they continued to have an un- shaken confidence in the justice of Congress and their country ; and that the commander- in-chief should be requested to write to the President of Congress, earnestly entreating a speedy decision on the late address forwai-ded by a committee of the army. A letter was accordingly written by Wash- ington, breathing that generous, yet well-tem- pered spirit, with which he ever pleaded the cause of the army. " The result of the proceedings of the grand convention of ofl3cers," said he, " which I have the honor of enclosing to your Excellency for the inspection of Congress, will, I flatter myself, be considered as the last glorious proof of patriotism which could have been given by men who aspired to the distinction of a patriot army, and will not only confirm their claim to the justice, but will increase their title to the gratitude, of their country. " Having seen the proceedings on the part of the army terminate with perfect unanimity, and in a manner entirely consonant to my wishes ; being impressed with the liveliest sentiments of affection for those who have so long, so patiently, and so cheerfully suffered and fought under my immediate direction; Quincy'6 Memoir of Major Shaw, p. 104. Mt. 51.] NEWS OF PEACE— PROCLAMATIONS FOR A CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES. 631 having, from motives of justice, duty, and gratitude, spontaneously offered myself as an advocate for their rights ; and having heen requested to write to your Excellency, earnestly entreating the most speedy decision of Congress upon the subjects of the late address from the army to that honorable body ; it only remains for me to perform the task I have assumed, and to intercede on their behalf, as I now do, that the sovereign power will be pleased to verify the predictions I have pronounced, and the confidence the army have reposed in the justice of their country," After referring to former representations made by him to Congress, on the subject of a half pay to be granted to officers for life, he adds : " If, besides the simple payment of their wages, a further compensation is not due to the sufferings and sacrifices of the oflacers, then have I been mistaken indeed. If the whole army have not merited whatever a grateful people can bestow, then have I been beguiled by prejudice and built opinion on the basis of error. If this country should not, in the event, perform every thing which has been requested in the late memorial to Congress, then will my belief become vain, and the hope that has been excited, void of foundation. And if, as has been suggested for the purpose of inflaming their passions, ' the officers of the army are to be the only sufferers by the Revolution ; if, re- tiring from the field, they are to grow old in poverty, wretchedness, and contempt ; if they are to wade through the vile mire of depend- ency, and owe the miserable remnant of that life to charity, which has hitherto been spent in honor ; ' then shall I have learned what in- gratitude is, then shall I have realized a tale which will imbitter every moment of my future life. But I am under no such apprehensions, A country, rescued by their arms from impend- ing ruin, will never leave unpaid the debt of gratitude." This letter to the President was accompanied by other letters to members of Congress ; all making similar direct and eloquent appeals. The subject was again taken up in Congress, nine States concurred in a resolution commuting the half pay into a sum equal to five years' whole pay ; and the whole matter, at one mo- ment so fraught with danger to the republic, through the temperate wisdom of \Yashington, was happily adjusted. The anonymous addresses to the army, which were considered at the time so insidious and inflammatory, and which certainly were ill- judged and dangerous, have since been avowed by General John Armstrong, a man who had sustained with great credit to himself various eminent posts under our government. At the time of writing them he was a young man, aide-de-camp to General Gates, and he did it at the request of a number of his fellow-officers, indignant at the neglect of their just claims by Congress, and in the belief that the tardy movements of that body required the spur and the lash, "Washington, in a letter dated 23d January, 1797, says, " I have since had sufficient reason for believing that the object of the author was just, honorable, and friendly to the coun- try, though the means suggested by him were certainly liable to much misunderstanding and abuse." CHAPTER XXXII. At length arrived the wished-for news of peace. A general treaty had been signed at Paris on the 20th of January. An armed ves- sel, the Triumph, belonging to the Count d'Estaing's squadron, arrived at Philadelphia from Cadiz, on the 23d of March, bringing a letter from the Marquis de Lafayette to the President of Congress, communicating the in- telligence. In a few days Sir Guy Carleton informed Washington by letter, that he was ordered to proclaim a cessation of hostilities by sea and land. A similar proclamation issued by Congress, was received by Washington on the I7th of April, Being unaccompanied by any instruc- tions respecting the discharge of the part of the army with him, should the measure be deemed necessary, he found himself in a perplexing situation. The accounts of peace received at different times, had raised an expectation in the minds of those of his troops that had engaged " for the war," that a speedy discharge must be the consequence of the proclamation. Most of them could not distinguish between a proclama- tion of a cessation of hostilities and a definitive declaration of peace, and might consider any further claim on their military services an act of injustice. It was becoming difficult to en- force the discipline necessary to the coherence of an army. Washington represented these circumstances in a letter to the president, and 632 A PLEA FOR THE SOLDIERS— FURLOUGHS GRANTED. [1'783. earnestly entreated a prompt determination on the part of Congress, as to what was to be the period of the services of these men, and how he was to act respecting their discharge. One suggestion of his letter is expressive of his strong sympathy with the patriot soldier, and his knowledge of what formed a matter of pride with the poor fellows who had served and suifered under him. He urged that, in dis- charging those who had been engaged "for the war," the non-commissioned officers and sol- diers should be allowed to take with them, as their own property, and as a gratuity, their arms and accoutrements. " This act, observes he, " would raise pleasing sensations in the minds of these worthy and faithful men, who, from their early engaging in the war at mod- erate bounties, and from their patient continu- ance under innumerable distresses, have not only deserved nobly of their country, but have obtained an honorable distinction over those who, with shorter terms, have gained large pecuniary rewards. This, at a comparatively small expense, would be deemed an honorable testimonial from Congress of the regard they bear to these distinguished worthies, and the sense they have of their suffering virtues and services. ****** "These constant companions of their toils, preserved with sacred attention, would be handed down from the present possessors to their children, as honorary badges of bravery and military merit ; and would probably be brought forth on some future occasion, with pride and exultation, to be improved with the same military ardor and emulation in the hands of posterity, as they have been used by their forefathers in the present establishment and foundation of our national independence and glory." This letter despatched, he notified in general orders that the cessation of hostilities should be proclaimed at noon on the following day, and read in the evening at the head of every regiment and corps of the army, " after which," adds he, " the chaplains with the several bri- gades will render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his overruling the wrath of man to his own glory, and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations." Having noticed that this auspicious day, the 19th of April, completed the eighth year of the war, and was the anniversary of the event- ful conflict at Lexington, he went on in genei'al orders, to impress upon the army a proper idea of the dignified part they were called upon to act. " The generous task for which we first flew to arms being accomplished; the liberties of our country being fully acknowledged, and firmly secured, and the characters of those who have persevered through every extremity of hardship, suffering, and danger, being immor- talized by the illustrious appellation of the pa- to'iot army, nothing now remains, but for the actors of this mighty scene to preserve a perfect, unvarying consistency of character, through the very last act, to close the drama with ap- plause, and to retire from the military theatre with the same approbation of angels and men which has crowned all their former virtuous actions." The letter which he had written to the pres- ident produced a resolution in Congress, that the service of the men engaged in the war did not expire until the ratification of the definitive articles of peace ; but that the commander-in- chief might grant furloughs to such as he thought proper, and that they shoiild be al- lowed to take their arms with them. "Washington availed himself freely of this permission : furloughs were granted without stint ; the men set out singly or in small par- ties for their rustic homes, and the danger and inconvenience were avoided of disbanding large masses, at a time, of unpaid soldiery. Now and then were to be seen three or four in a group, bound probably to the same neighbor- hood, beguiling the way with camp jokes and camp stories. The war-worn soldier was al- ways kindly received at the farm-houses along the road, where he might shoulder his gun and fight over his battles. The men thus dismissed on furlough were never called iipon to rejoin the army. Once at home, they sank into do- mestic life ; their weapons were hung up over their fire-places ; military trophies of the Revo- lution to be prized by future generations. In the mean time Sir Guy Carleton was mak- ing preparations for the evacuation of the City of New York. The moment he had received the royal order for the cessation of hostilities, he had written for all the shipping that could be procured from Europe and the "West Indies. As early as the 27th of April a fleet had sailed for different parts of Nova Scotia, carrying off about seven thousand persons, with all their effects. A great part of these were troops, but many were royalists and refugees, exiled by the laws of the United States. They looked for- .Et. 51.] SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI— LETTER TO THE GOVERNORS OF STATES. 633 ward with a dreary eye to their voyage, *' bound," as one of them said, " to a country where there were nine months of winter and three months of cold weather every year." On the 6th of May a personal conference took place between Washington and Sir Guy at Orangetown, about the transfer of posts in the United States, held by the British troops, and the delivery of all property stipulated by the treaty to be given up to the Americans. On the 8th of May, Egbert Benson, "William S. Smith, and Daniel Parker, were commissioned by Congress to inspect and superintend at New York the embarkation of persons and property, in fulfilment of the seventh article of the pro- visional treaty. While sadness and despair prevailed among the tories and refugees in New York, the of- ficers in the patriot camp on the Hudson were not without gloomy feelings at the thought of their approaching separation from each other. Eight years of dangers and hardships, shared in common and nobly sustained, had welded their hearts together, and made it hard to rend them asunder. Prompted by such feelings. General Knox, ever noted for generous im- pulses, suggested, as a mode of perpetuating the friendships thus formed and keeping alive the brotherhood of the camp, the formation of a society composed of the officers of the army. The suggestion met with universal concurrence, and the hearty approbation of Washington. Meetings were held, at which the Baron Steuben, as senior officer, presided. A plan was drafted by a committee composed of Generals Knox, Hand, and Huntingdon, and Captain Shaw, and the society was organized at a meet- ing held on the 13th of May, at the baron's quarters in the old Verplanck House, near Fishkill. By its formula, the officers of the American army in the most solemn manner combined themselves into one society of friends to endure as long as they should endure, or any of their eldest male posterity, and in failure thereof, their collateral branches who might be judged worthy of being its supporters and members. In memory of the illustrious Koman, Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus, who retired from war to the peaceful duties of the citizen, it was to be called "The Society of the Cincinnati." The objects proposed by it were to preserve inviolate the rights and liberties for which they had contended ; to promote and cherish na- tional honor and union between the States ; to maintain brotherly kindness toward each other, and extend relief to such officers and their fami- lies as might stand in need of it. In order to obtain funds for the purpose, each officer was to contribute one month's pay, the interest only to be appropriated to the re- lief of the unfortunate. The general society, for the sake of frequent communications, was to be divided into State societies, and these again into districts. The general society was to meet annually on the first Monday in May, the State societies on each 4th of July, the dis- tricts as often as should be agreed on by the State society. The society was to have an insignia called " The Order of the Cincinnati." It was to be a golden American eagle, bearing on its breast emblematical devices ; this was to be suspended by a deep-blue ribbon two inches wide, edged with white ; significative of the union of Amer- ica with France. Individuals of the respective States, distin- guished for patriotism and talents, might be admitted as honorary members for life ; their numbers never to exceed a ratio of one to four. The French ministers who had officiated at Philadelphia, and the French admirals, gener- als, and colonels, who had served in the United States, were to be presented with the insignia of the order, and invited to become members. .Washington was chosen unanimously to of- ficiate as president of it, until the first general meeting, to be held in May, 1784. On the 8th of June, Washington addressed a letter to the governors of the several States on the subject of the dissolution of the army. The opening of it breathes that aspiration after the serene quiet of private life, which had been his dream of happiness throughout the storms and trials of his anxious career, but the full fruition of which he was never to realize. " The great object," said he, " for which I had the honor to hold an appointment in the service of my country being accomphshed, I am now preparing to return to that domestic retirement which, it is well known, I left with the greatest reluctance ; a retirement for which I have never ceased to sigh, through a long and painful absence, and in which (remote from the noise and trouble of the world) I meditate to pass the remainder of hfe in a state of undis- turbed repose." His letter then described the enviable con- dition of the citizens of America. " Sole lords and proprietors of a vast tract of continent. 634 CIRCULAR LETTER TO THE GOVERNORS OF STATES. [1*783. comprehending all the various soils and cli- mates of the world, and abounding with all the necessaries and conveniences of life ; and ac- knowledged possessors of " absolute freedom and independency." " This is the time," said he, " of their political probation ; this is the moment when the eyes of the whole world are turned upon them ; this is the moment to estab- lish or ruin their national character forever. This is the favorable moment to give such a tone to the federal government, as will enable it to answer the ends of its institution ; or this may be the moment for relaxing the powers of the Union, annihilating the cement of the con- federation, and exposing us to become the sport of European politics, which may play one State against another, to prevent their growing im- portance, and to serve their own interested purposes. " "With this conviction of the importance of the present crisis, silence in me would be a crime. I will therefore speak the language of freedom and sincerity without disguise. " I am aware, however," continues he mod- estly, " that those who differ from me in politi- cal sentiment may perhaps remark, that I am stepping out of the proper line of my duty, and may possibly ascribe to arrogance or ostenta- tion, what I know is the result of the purest intention. But the rectitude of my own heart, which disdains such unworthy motives ; the part I have hitherto acted in life ; the deter- mination I have formed of not taking any share in public business hereafter ; the ardent desire I feel, and shall continue to manifest, of quietly enjoying, in private life, after all the toils of war, the benefits of a wise and liberal govern- ment ; will, I flatter myself, sooner or later convince my countrymen, that I could have no sinister views in delivering, with so little re- serve, the opinions contained in this address." He then proceeded ably and eloquently to discuss what he considered the four things es- sential to the well-being, and even the exist- ence of the United States as an independent power. First. An indissoluble union of the States \under one federal head, and a perfect acqu!es- cence of the several States, in the full exercise of the prerogative vested in such a head by the constitution. Second. A sacred regard to public justice in discharging debts and fulfilling contracts made by Congress for the piu'pose of carrying on the war. Third. The adoption of a proper peace estab- lishment ; in which care should be taken to place the militia throughout the Union on a regular, uniform, and eflicient footing. " The militia of this country," said be, " must be con- sidered as the palladium of our security, and the first effectual resort in cases of hostility. It is essential, therefore, that the same sys- tem should pervade the whole ; that the for- mation and discipline of the militia of the con- tinent should be absolutely uniform, and that the same species of arms, accoutrements, and military apparatus should be introduced in every part of the United States." And Fourth, A disposition among the peo- ple of the United States to forget local preju- dices and policies ; to make mutual concessions, and to sacrifice individual advantages to the interests of the community. These four things "Washington pronounced the pillars on which the glorious character must be supported. " Liberty is the basis, and whoever would dare to sap the foundation, or overturn the structure, under whatever specious pretext he may attempt it, will merit the bitterest ex- ecration and the severest punishment which can be inflicted by his injured country." "We forbear to go into the ample and admir- able reasoning with which he expatiates on ^ these heads, and above all, enforces the sacred inviolability of the Union ; they have become familiar with every American mind, and ought to govern every American heart. Nor will we dwell upon his touching appeal on the subject of the half pay and commutation promised to the army, and which began to be considered in the odious light of a pension. " That provi- sion," said he, " should be viewed as it really was — a reasonable compensation offered by Congress, at a time when they had nothing else to give to the ofiicers of the army for services then to be performed. It was the only means to prevent a total dereliction of the service. It was a part of their hire. I may be allowed to say it was the price of their blood and of your independency ; it is therefore more than a common debt, it is a debt of honor." Although we have touched upon but a part of this admirable letter, we cannot omit its af- fecting close, addressed as it was to each in- dividual governor. " I have thus freely declared what I wished to make known, before I surrendered up my public trust, to those who committed it to me. The task is now accomplished. I now bid adieu ^Mt. 51.] MUTINY IN THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. 635 to your Excellency, as the chief magistrate of your State, at the same time I bid a last fare- well to the cares of office and all the employ- ments of public life. " It remains, then, to be my final and only request, that your Excellency will communicate these sentiments to your legislature at their next meeting, and that they may be considered the legacy of one, who has ardently wished, on all occasions, to be useful to his country, and who even in the shade of retirement, will not fail to implore the divine benediction on it. " I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection ; that he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to gov- ernment, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow-citizens of tlie United States at large, and particularly for brethren who have served in the field ; and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which are the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in those things we can never hope to be a happy nation." While the patriot army, encamped under the eye of Washington, bore their hardships and privations without flinching, or returned quietly to their homes with, as yet, no actual reward but the weapons with which they had vindicated their country's cause ; about eighty newly re- cruited soldiers of the Pennsylvania line, sta- tioned at Lancaster, suddenly mutinied and set off" in a body for Philadelphia, to demand re- dress of fancied grievances from the legislature of the State. Arriving at that city, they were joined by about two hundred comrades from the barracks, and jjroceeded on the 2d of June with beat of drum and fixed bayonets to the State House, where Congress and the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania were in session. Placing sentinels at every door to prevent egress, they sent in a written message to the president and council, threatening military vio- lence if their demands were not complied with in the course of twenty minutes. Though these menaces were directed against the State government, Congress felt itself out- raged by being thus surrounded and blockaded for several hours by an armed soldiery. Fear- ing lest the State of Pennsylvania might not be able to furnish adequate protection, it ad- journed to meet within a few days at Prince- ton ; sending information, in the mean time, to Washington of this mutinous outbreak. The latter immediately detached General Howe with fifteen hundred men to quell the mutiny and punish the offenders ; at the same time, in a letter to the President of Congress, he expressed his indignation and distress at seeing a handful of men, "contemptible in numbers and equally so in point of service, and not worthy to be called soldiers," insulting the sovereign authority of the Union, and that of their own State. He vindicated the army at large, however, from the stain the behavior of these men might cast upon it. These were mere recruits, soldiers of a day, who had not borne the heat and burden of the war, and had in reality few hardships to complain of. He contrasted their conduct with that of the sol- diers recently furloughed ; — veterans, who had patiently endured hunger, nakedness, and cold ; who had suffered and bled without a murmur, and who had retired, in perfect good order, to their homes, without a settlement of their ac- counts or a farthing of money in their pockets. While he gave vent to this indignation and scorn, roused by the " arrogance and folly and wickedness of the mutineers," he declared that he could not sufliciently admire the fidelity, bravery, and patriotism of the rest of the army. Fortunately, before the troops under Gen- eral Howe reached Philadelphia, the mutiny had been suppressed without bloodshed. Sev- eral of the mutineers were tried by a court- martial, two were condemned to death, but ul- timately' pardoned, and four received corporal punishment. Washington now found his situation at head- quarters irksome ; there was little to do, and he was hable to be incessantly teased with ap- plications and demands, which he had neither the means nor power to satisfy. He resolved, therefore, to while away part of the time that must intervene before the arrival of the defini- tive treaty, by making a tour to the northern and western parts of the State, and visiting the places which had been the theatre of important military transactions. He had another object in view ; he desired to facilitate as far as in his power the operations which would be neces- sary for occupying, as soon as evacuated by the British troops, the posts ceded by the treaty of peace. 636 TOUR TO THE NORTHERN POSTS— THE ARMY TO BE DISCHARGED. [1783. Governor Clinton accompanied him on the expedition. They set out by water from New- burg, ascended the Hudson to Albany, visited Saratoga and the scene of Burgoyne's sur- render, embarked on Lake George, where light boats had been provided for them, traversed that beautiful lake so full of historic interest, proceeded to Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; and after reconnoitring those eventful posts, returned to Schenectady, whence they pro- ceeded up the valley of the Mohawk River, " to have a view," writes "Washington, " of that tract of country which is so much celebrated for the fertility of its soil and the beauty of its situation." Having reached Fort Schuy- ler, formerly Fort Stanwix, they crossed over to Wood Creek, which empties into Oneida Lake, and affords the water communication with Ontario. They then traversed the coun- try to the head of the eastei'n branch of the Susquehanna, and viewed Lake Otsego and the portage between that lake and the Mo- hawk River. Washington returned to head-quarters at Kewburg on the 5th of August, after a tour of at least seven himdred and fifty miles, per- formed in nineteen days, and for the most part on horseback. In a letter to the Chevalier de Ohastellux, written two or three months after- wards, and giving a sketch of his tour through what was, as yet, an unstudied wilderness, he writes : " Prompted by these actual observa- tions, I could not help taking a more extensive view of the vast inland navigation of these United States from maps and the information of others ; and could not but be struck with the immense extent and importance of it, and with the goodness of that Providence which has dealt its favors to us with so profuse a hand ; would to God, we may have wisdom enough to improve them. I shall not rest contented till I have explored the western country, and tra- versed those lines, or a great part of them, which have given bounds to a new empire." The vast advantages of internal communication between the Hudson and the great lakes, which dawned upon Washington's mind in the course of this tour, have since been realized in that grand artery of national wealth, the Erie Ca- nal. CHAPTER XXXIII. By a proclamation of Congress, dated 18th of October, all officers and soldiers absent on furlough were discharged from further service ; and "all others who had engaged to serve dur- ing the war, were to be discharged from and after the 3d of November. A small force only, composed of those who had enlisted for a defi- nite time, were to be retained in service until the peace establishment should be organized. In general orders of November 2d, Washing- ton, after adverting to this proclamation, adds : " It only remains for the commander-in-chief to address himself once more, and that for the last time, to the armies of the United States, how- ever widely dispersed the individuals who com- pose them may be, and to bid them an affec- tionate and a long farewell." He then goes on to make them one of those paternal addresses which so eminently charac- terize his relationship with his army, so differ- ent from that of any other commander. He takes a brief view of the glorious struggle from which they had just emerged ; the unpromis- ing circumstances under which they had under- taken it, and the signal interposition of Provi- dence in behalf of their feeble condition ; the unparalleled perseverance of the American armies for eight long years, through almost every possible suffering and discouragement ; a perseverance which he justly pronounces to be little short of a standing miracle. Adverting then to the enlarged prospects of happiness opened by the confirmation of na- tional independence and sovereignty, and the ample and profitable employments held out in a Republic so happily circumstanced, he exhorts them to maintain the strongest attachment to THE TiNiON, and to carry with them into civil society the most conciliatory dispositions ; prov- ing themselves not less virtuous and useful as citizens, than they had been victorious as sol- diers ; feeling assured that the private virtues of economy, prudence, and industry would not be less amiable in civil life, than the more splendid qualities of valor, perseverance, and enterprise were in the field. After a warm expression of thanks to the of- ficers and men for the assistance he had re- ceived from every class, and in every instance, he adds : " To the various branches of the army the General takes this last and solemn opportunity ^T. 51.] EVACUATION OF NEW YORK. 637 of professing Lis invariable attachment and friendship. He wishes more than bare profes- sions were in his power ; that he was really able to be usefid to them aU in future life. He flatters himself, however, they will do him the justice to believe, that whatever could with propriety be attempted by him has been done. " And being now to conclude these his last public orders, to take his ultimate leave in a short time of the military character, and to bid a final adieu to the armies he has so long had the honor to command, he can only offer in their behalf his recommendations to their grate- ful country, and his prayers to the God of armies. May ample justice be done them here, and may the choicest of Heaven's favors, both here and hereafter, attend those who, under the Divine auspices, have secured innu- merable blessings for others. "With these wishes, and this benediction, the commander- in-chief is about to retire from service. The curtain of separation will soon be drawn, and the military scene to him will be closed forever." There was a straightforward simplicity in Washington's addresses to his army ; they were so void of tumid phrases or rhetorical em- bellishments ; the counsels given in them were so sound and practicable ; the feelings expressed in them so kind and benevolent ; and so per- fectly in accordance with his character and con- duct, that they always had an irresistible effect on the rudest and roughest hearts. A person who was present at the breaking up of the army, and whom we have had frequent occasion to cite, observes, on the conduct of the troops, " The advice of their beloved command- er-in-chief, and the resolves of Congress to pay and compensate them in such manner as the ability of the United States would permit, ope- rated to keep them quiet and prevent tumult, but no description would be adequate to the painful circumstances of the parting scene. Both oflScers and soldiers, long unaccustomed to the affairs of private life, turned loose on the world to starve, and to become the prey to vulture speculators. Never can that melan- choly day be forgotten when friends, compan- ions for seven long years in joy and in sorrow, were torn asunder without the hope of ever meeting again, and with prospects of a misera- ble subsistence in future." * Notwithstanding every exertion had been made for the evacuation of New York, such ■ Thacher, p. 421. was the number of persons and the quantity of effects of all kinds to be conveyed away, that the month of November was far advanced be- fore it could be completed. Sir Guy Carleton had given notice to Washington of the time he supposed the different posts would be vacated, that the Americans might be prepared to take possession of them. In consequence of this no- tice. General George Clinton, at that time Gov- ernor of New York, had summoned the mem- bers of the State council to convene at East- chester on the 21st of November, for the pur- pose of establishing civil government in the districts hitherto occupied by the British ; and a detachment of troops was marched from West Point to be ready to take possession of the posts as they were vacated. On the 21st the British troops were drawn in from the oft-disputed post of King's Bridge and from M'Gow^an's Pass, also from the various posts on the eastern part of Long Island. Pau- lus Hook was relinquished on the following day, and the afternoon of the 25th of November was appointed by Sir Guy for the evacuation of the city and the opposite village of Brooklyn. Washington, in the mean time, had taken his station at Harlem, accompanied by Governor Clinton, who, in virtue of his office, was to take charge of the city. They found there General Knox with the detachment from West Point. Sir Guy Carleton had intimated a wish that Washington would be at hand to take immedi- ate posses.sion of the city, and prevent all out- rage, as he had been informed of a plot to plun- der the place whenever the king's troops should be withdrawn. He had engaged, also, that the guards of the redoubts on the East River, cov- ering the upper part of the town, should be the first to be withdrawn, and that an officer should be sent to give Washington's advanced guard information of their retiring. Although Washington doubted the existence of any such plot as that which had been report- ed to the British commander, yet he took pre- cautions accordingly. On the morning of the 25th the American troops, composed of dra- goons, light-infantry, and artillery, moved from Harlem to the Bowery at the upper part of the city. There they remained until the troops in that quarter were withdrawn, when they marched into the city and took possession, the British embarking from the lower parts. A formal entry then took place of the mili- tary and civil authorities. General Wasliington and Governor Clinton, with their suites, on 638 PARTING SCENE OF WASHINGTON AND HIS OFFICERS AT NEW YORK. [1783. horseback, led the procession, escorted by a troop of Westchester cavahy. Then came the lieutenant-governor and members of the coun- cil, General Knox and the officers of the armj, the speaker of the Assembly, and a large num- ber of citizens on horseback and on foot. An American lady, -who was at that time very young and had resided during the latter part of the war in the city, has given us an ac- count of the striking contrast between the American and British troops. " We had been accustomed for a long time," said she, " to mil- itary display in all the finish and finery of gar- rison life ; the troops just leaving us were as if equipped for show, and with their scarlet uniforms and burnished arms, made a brilliant display ; the troops that marched in, on the contrary, were ill-clad and weather-beaten, and made a forlorn appearance ; but then they were our troops, and as I looked at them, and thought upon all they had done and sufi'ered for us, my heart and eyes were full, and I admired and gloried in them the more, because they were weather-beaten and forlorn." The city was now a scene of public festivity and rejoicing. The governor gave banquets to the French ambassador, the commander-in- chief, the military and civil officers, and a large number of the most eminent citizens, and at night the public were entertained by splendid fireworks. In the course of a few days Washington pre- pared to depart for Annapolis, Avhere Congress was assembling, with the intention of asking leave to resign his command. A barge was in waiting about noon on the 4th of December at Whitehall ferry to convey him across the Hud- son to Paulus Hook. The principal officers of the army assembled at Fraunces' Tavern in the neighborhood of the ferry, to take a final leave of him. On entering the room, and finding him- self surrounded by his old companions in arms, who had shared with him so many scenes of hardship, difficulty, and danger, his agitated feelings overcame his usual self-command. Filling a glass of wine, and turning upon them his benignant but saddened countenance, " With a heart full of love and gratitude," said he, " I now take leave of you, most devoutly wishing that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable." Having drunk this f'arewell benediction, he added with emotion, " I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged if each of you will come and take me by the hand." General Knox, who was nearest, was the first to advance. Washington, affected even to tears, grasped his hand and gave him a broth- er's embrace. In the same affisctionate manner he took leave severally of the rest. Not a word was spoken. The deep feeling and manly ten- derness of these veterans in the parting moment could find no utterance in words. Silent and solemn they followed their loved commander as he left the room, passed through a corps of light- infantry, and proceeded on foot to Whitehall ferry. Having entered the barge, he turned to tliem, took off his hat and waved a silent adieu. They replied in the same manner, and having watched the barge until the intervening point of the Battery shut it from sight, returned, still solemn and silent, to the place where they had assembled.* On his way to Annapolis, W ashington stop- ped for a few days at Philadelphia, where with his usual exactness in matters of business, he adjusted with the Comptroller of the Treasury his accounts from the commencement of the war down to the 13th of the actual month of December. These were all in his own hand- writing, and kept in the cleanest and most ac- curate manner, each entry being accompanied by a statement of the occasion and object of the charge. The gross amount was about fourteen thou- sand Ifve hundred pounds sterling ; in which were included moneys expended for secret in- telligence and service, and in various incidental charges. All this, it must be noted, was an ac- count of money actually expended in the pro- gress of the war ; not for arrearage of pay ; for it wiU be recollected Washington accepted no pay. Indeed, on the final adjustment of his ac- counts, he found himself a considerable loser, having frequently, in the hurry of business, neg- lected to credit himself with sums drawn from his private purse in moments of exigency. The schedule of his public account furnishes not the least among the many noble and im- pressive lessons taught by his character and ex- ample. It stands a touchstone of honesty in office, and a lasting rebuke on that lavish ex- penditure of the public money, too often heed- lessly, if not wilfully, indulged by military commanders. In passing through New Jersey, Pennsylva- * Marshall's Life of "Washington. ^T. 51.] WASHINGTON RESIGNS HIS COMMISSION AND RETURNS TO MOUNT VERNON. 639 nia, and Maryland, the scenes of his anxious and precarious campaigns, Washington was everywhere hailed with enthusiasm by the people, and greeted with addresses by legisla- tive assemblies, and learned and religious in- stitutions. He accepted them all with that modesty inherent in his nature ; little thinking that this present popularity was but the early outbreaking of a fame, that was to go on widening and deepening from generation to generation, and extending over the whole civil- ized world. Being arrived at Annapolis, he addressed a letter to the President of Congress, on the 20th of December, requesting to know in what man- ner it would be most proper to offer his resig- nation ; whether in writing or at an audience. The latter mode was adopted, and the Hall of Congress appointed for the cei'emonial. A letter from "Washington to the Baron Steu- ben, written on the 23d, concludes as follows : " This is the last letter I shall write while I continue in the service of my country. The hour of my resignation is fixed at twelve to- day, after which I shall become a private citi- zen on the banks of the Potomac." At twelve o'clock the gallery, and a great part of the floor of the Hall of Congress, were filled Avith ladies, with public functionaries of the State, and with general oflicers. The mem- bers of Congress were seated and covered, as representatives of the sovereignty of the Union. The gentlemen present as spectators were stand- ing and uncovered, "Washington entered, conducted by the sec- retary of Congress, and took his seat in a chair appointed for him. After a brief pause the president (General Mifflin) informed him, that "the United States in Congress assembled, were prepared to receive his communication." Washington then rose, and in a dignified and impressive manner, delivered a short address. " The great events," said he, " on which my resignation depended, having at length taken place, I now have the honor of offering my sin- cere congratulations to Congress, and of pre- senting myself before them, to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the ser- vice of my country." After expressing his obligations to the army in general, and acknowledging the peculiar services, and distinguished merits of the con- fidential officers who had been attached to his person, and composed his family during the war, and whom he especially recommended to the favor of Congress, he continued — " I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my official life, by com- mending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God; and those who have the superintendence of them, to his holy keeping. " Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of action ; and, bidding an affectionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of all the employments of pubhc life." " Few tragedies ever drew so many tears from so many beautiful eyes," says a wi'iter who was present, " as the moving manner in which his Excellency took his final leave of Congress." * Having delivered his commission into the hands of the president, the latter, in reply to his address, bore testimony to the patriotism with which he had answered to the call of his country, and defended its invaded rights before it had formed alliances, and while it was with- out funds or a government to support him ; to the wisdom and fortitude with which he had conducted the great military contest, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power, through all disasters and changes. " You may retire," added he, " from the theatre of action with the blessings of your fellow-citizens ; but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command ; it will continue to animate remotest ages." The very next morning Washington left An- napolis, and hastened to his beloved Mount Vernon, where he ai-rived the same day, on Christmas-eve, in a frame of mind suited to enjoy the sacred and genial festival. " The scene is at last closed," said he in a letter to Governor Clinton; "I feel myself eased of a load of public care. I hope to spend the remainder of my days in cultivating the af- fections of good men, and in the practice of the domestic virtues. CHAPTER XXXIV. For some time after his return to Mount Vernon, Washington was in a manner locked up by the ice and snow of an uncommonly rig- * Editor of the Maryland Gazette. 640 WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON— A SOLDIER'S REPOSE. [1784. orous winter, so that social intercourse was in- terrupted, and he could not even pay a visit of duty and affection to his aged mother at Fred- ericksburg. But it was enough for him at pi-es- ent that he was at length at home at Mount Vernon. Yet the habitudes of the camp stiU haunted him ; he could hardly realize that he was free from military duties ; on waking in the morning he almost expected to hear the drum going its stirring rounds and beating the reveille. " Strange as it may seem," writes he to Gen- eral Knox, " it is nevertheless true, that it was not until very lately I could get the better of my usual custom of ruminating as soon as I waked in the morning, on the business of the ensuing day ; and of my surprise at finding, after revolving many things in my mind, that I was no longer a public man, nor had any thing to do with public transactions. I feel now, however, as I conceive a weary traveller must do, who, after treading many a weary step, with a heavy burthen on his shoulders, is eased of the latter, having reached the haven to which all the former were directed, and from his house-top is looking back, and tracing, with an eager eye, the meanders by which he es- caped the quicksands and mires which lay in his way ; and into which none but the all-pow- erful Guide and Dispenser of human events could have prevented his falling." And in a letter to Lafayette he writes : " Free from the bustle of a camp and the busy scenes of public life, I am solacing myself with those tranquil enjoyments which the soldier, who is ever in pursuit of fame ; the statesman, whose watchful days and sleepless nights are spent in devising schemes to promote the welfare of his own, perhaps the ruin of other countries — as if this globe was insufficient for us all ; and the courtier, who is always watching the counte- nance of his prince in hopes of catching a gra- cious smile, can have very little conception. I have not only retired from all public employ- ments, but I am retiring within myself, and shall be able to view the solitary walk, and tread the paths of private life with heartfelt satisfaction. Envious of none, I am deter- mined to be pleased with all ; and this, my dear friend, being the order of my march, I wiU move gently down the stream of life until I sleep with my fathers." And subsequently, in a letter to the Mar- chioness de Lafayette, inviting her to America to see the country, " young, rude, and uncultivated as it is," for the liberties of which her husband had fought, bled, and acquired much glory, and whei'e everybody admired and loved him, he adds : " I am now enjoying domestic ease under the shadow of my own vine and my own fig- tree, in a small viUa, with the implements of husbandry and lambkins about me. * * * Come, then, let me entreat you, and call my cottage your own ; for yoi;r doors do not open to you with more readiness than mine would. You will see the plain manner in which we live, and meet with rustic civility ; and you shall taste the simplicity of rural life. It will diversify the scene, and may give you a higher relish for the gayeties of the court when you return to Versailles." During the winter storms, he anticipates the time when the retuVn of the sun will enable him to welcome his friends and companions in arms to partake of his hospitality ; and lays down his impretending plan of receiving the curious visitors who are likely to throng in upon him. " My manner of" living," writes he to a friend, " is plain, and I do not mean to be put out of it. A glass of wine and a bit of mutton are always ready ; and such as will be content to partake of them, are always wel- come. Those who expect more will be disap- pointed." Some degree of economy was necessary, for his financial concerns had suffered during the war, and the products of his estate bad fallen off during his long absence. In the mean time the supreme council of Pennsylvania, properly appreciating the disin- terestedness of his conduct, and aware that popular love and popular curiosity would attract crowds of visitors to Mount Vernon, and sub- ject him to extraordinary expenses, had in- structed their delegates in Congress to call the attention of that body to these circumstances, with a view to produce some national reward for his eminent services. Before acting upon these instructions, the delegates were instructed to send a copy of them to "Washington for his approbation. He received the documents while buried in accounts and calculations, and when, had he been of a mercenary disposition, the offered in- tervention in his favor would have seemed most seasonable ; but he at once most gratefully and respectfully declined it, jealously maintaining the satisfaction of having served his country at the sacrifice of his private interests. Applications began to be made to him bj Mt. 52.] JAC^B VAN BRAAM— DOMESTIC LIFE AT MOUNT VERNON. 641 persons desirous of writing the history of the Kevolution, for access to the pubHc papers in his possession. He excused liimself from sub- mitting to their inspection those relative to the occurrences and transactions of liis late com- mand, until Congress should see fit to open their archives to the historian. His old friend, Dr. Craik, made a similar application to Washington in behalf of a person who purposed to write his memoirs. He re- plied, that any memoir of his life distinct and unconnected with the general history of the war, would rather hurt his feelings than flatter his pride, while he could not furnish the papers and information connected with it without subject- ing himself to the imputation of vanity, adding: "I had rather leave it to posterity to think and say what they please of me, than, by any act of mine, to have vanity or ostentation imputed to me." It was a curious circumstance, that scarce had "Washington retired from the bustle of arms and hung up his sword at Mount Vernon, Avhen he received a letter from the worthy who had first taught him the use of that sword in these very halls. In a word, Jacob Van Braam, his early teacher of the sword exercise, his fellow campaigner and unlucky interpreter in the aifair of the Great Meadows, turned up once more. Ills letter gave a glance over the current of his life. It would appear that after the close of the French war, he had been allowed half pay in consideration of his services and misadven- tures ; and, in process of time, had married, and settled on a farm in Wales with his wife and wife's mother. He had carried with him to England a strong feeling in favor of America, and on the breaking out of the Eevolution had been very free, and, as he seemed to think, elo- quent and effective in speaking in aU companies and at country meetings against the American war. Suddenly, as if to stop his mouth, he re- ceived orders from Lord Amherst, then com- mander-in-chief, to join his regiment (the 60tl)), in which he was appointed eldest captain in the 3d battalion. In vain he pleaded his rural occu- pations ; his farm cultivated at so much cost, for which he was in debt, and which must go to ruin should he abandon it so abruptly. No ex- cuse was admitted — he must embark and sail for East Florida, or lose his half pay. He ac- cordingly sailed for St. Augustine in the bcgin- ining of 17TG, with a couple of hundred recruits ipicked up in London, resolving to sell out of jthe army on the first opportunity. By a series !iof cross-purposes he was prevented from doing 41 so until in 1779, having in the interim made a campaign in Georgia. "He quitted the ser- vice," he adds, " with as much pleasure as ever a young man entered it." He then returned to England and took up his residence in Devonshire, but his invincible propensity to talk against the ministry made his residence there uncomfortable. His next move, therefore, was to the old fertile province of Orleannois in France, where he was still living near Malesherbes, apparently at his ease, enjoying the friendship of the distinguished personage of that name, and better versed, it is to be hoped, in the French language than whec he ofi5ciated as interpreter in the capitulation at the Great Meadows. The worthy major ap- peared to contemplate with joy and pride the eminence to which his early pupil in the sword exercise had attained. "Give me leave, sir, before I conclude," writes he, " to pour out the sentiments of my soul in congratulations for your successes in the Amer- ican contest ; and in wishing you a long life, to enjoy the blessing of a great people whom you have been the chief instrument in freeing from bondage." So disappears from the scene one of the ear liest personages of our history. As spring advanced. Mount Vernon, as had been anticipated, began to attract numeroui? visitors. They were received in the frank, un- pretending style Washington had determined upon. It was truly edifying to behold how easily and contentedly he subsided from the authoritative commander-in-chief 6f armies, into the quiet country gentleman. There was nothing awkward or violent in the transition. He seemed to be in his natural element. Mrs. Washington, too, who had presided with quiet dignity at head-quarters, and cheered the wm- try gloom of Valley Forge with her presence, presided witl% equal amenity and grace at the simple board of Mount Vernon. She had a cheerful good sense that always made her an agreeable companion, and was an excellent manager. . She has been remarked for an in- veterate habit of knitting. It had been ac- quired, or at least fostered, in the wintry en- campments of the Eevolution, where she used to set an example to her lady visitors, by dili- gently plying her needles, knitting stockings for the poor destitute soldiery. In entering upon the out-door management of his estate, Washington was but doing in per. son what he had long been doing through others 642 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE FAIRFAXES— MEETING OF THE ORDER 0^ CINCINNATI. [1'784. He had never virtually ceased to be the agricul- turist. Throughout all his carapaigus he had kept himself informed of the course of rural affairs at Mount Vernon. By means of maps on which every field was laid down and num- bered, he was enabled to give directions for their several cultivation, and receive accounts of their several crops. No hurry of affairs prevented a correspondence with his overseer or agent, and he exacted Aveekly reports. Thus his rural were interwoven with his military cares ; the agriculturist was mingled with the soldier ; and those strong sympathies with the honest cultivators of the soil, and that paternal care of their interests to be noted throughout his military career, may be ascribed, in a great measure, to the sweetening influences of Mount Vernon. Yet as spring returned, and he re- sumed his rides about the beautiful neighbor- hood of this haven of his hopes, he must have been mournfully sensible, now and tlieu, of the changes which time and events had effected there. The Fairfaxes, the kind friends of his boy- hood, and social companions of his riper years, were no longer at hand to share his pleasures and lighten his cares. There were no more hunting dinners at Belvoir. lie paid a sad visit to that happy resort of his youth, and contemplated with a mournful eye its charred ruins, and the desolation of its once ornamented grounds. George William Fairfax, its former possessor, was in England ; his political princi- l>les had detained him there during the war, and part o'^ liis property had been sequestered ; still, though an exile, he continued in heart a friend to America, his hand had been open to relieve the distresses of Americans in England, and he had kept up a cordial correspondence with "Washington. Old Lord Fairfax, the Nimrod of Greenway Court, Washington's early friend and patron, with whom he had first learned to follow the hounds, had lived on in a green old age at his sylvan retreat in the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah ; popular with his neighbors and unmolested by the Whigs, although frank and open in his adherence to Great Britain. lie had attained his ninety-second year when tidings of the surrender of Yorktown wounded the national pride of the old cavalier to the quick, and snapped the attenuated thread of his existence.* • So, at least, records in homely proso and verso a rev- The time was now approaching when the first general meeting of the Order of Cincin- nati was to be held, and Washington saw with deep concern a popular jealousy awakened con- cerning it. Judge Burke, of South Carolina, had denounced it in a pamphlet as an attempt to elevate the military above the civil classes, and to institute an order of nobility. The Legislature of Massachusetts sounded an alarm that was echoed in Connecticut, and prolonged from State to State. The whole Union was put on its guard against this effort to form a hereditary aristocracy out of the military chiefs and powerful families of the several States. Washington endeavored to allay this jealousy. In his letters to the presidents of the State societies, notifying the meeting which was to be held in Philadelphia on the 1st of May, he expressed his earnest solicitude that it should be respectable for numbers and abilities, and wise and deliberate in its proceedings, ^o as to convince the public that the objects of the insti- tution were patriotic and trustworthy. The society met at the appointed time and place. Washington presided, and by liis saga- cious councils effected modifications of its con- stitution. The hereditary principle, and the power of electing honorary members, were abolished, and it was reduced to the harmless, but highly respectable footing on which it still exists. In notifying the French military and naval officers included in the society of the clianges Avhich had taken place in its constitution, he expressed his ardent hopes that it would render permanent those friendships and connections which had happily taken root between the offi- cers of the two nations. All clamors against i the order now ceased. It became a rallying place for old comrades in arms, and Washington > continued to preside over it until his death. In a letter to the Chevalier de Chastellux, for > whom he felt an especial regard, after inviting j him to the meeting, he adds : " I will only re- ;, erend historiographer of Mount Vernon. " When old Lord Fairfax heard that "Washington had captured Lord Cornwallis and all hia army, he called to his black waiter, 'Come, Joe I carry me to bed, for it is high time for mo ; to die 1' " Then up rose .Joe, all at the word, And took his master's arm, And thus to bed he softly led The lord of Greenway farm. There oft he called on Britain's name, And oft he wept full sore. Then sia;hcd — thy will, oh Lord, be done — And word spake never more. See We EMS' Life of Washington. ^T. 52.] TOUR OF WASHINGTON AND DR. CRAIK TO THE WEST. peat to yon the assurances of my friendsliip, and of the pleasure I shoiiid feel in seeing you in the shade of those trees which my hands have planted; and which, by their rapid growth, at once indicate a knowledge of my declining years, and their disposition to spread their mantles over me, before I go hence to re- turn no more." On the irth of August he was gladdened by having the Marquis de Lafayette under his roof, who had recently arrived from France. The marquis passed a fortnight with him, a loved and cherished guest, at the end of which he departed for a-time, to be present at the cere- mony of a treaty with the Indians, Washington now prepared for a tour to the west of tiie Appalachian Mountains, to visit his lands on the Oliio and Kanawha Eivers. Dr. Craik, the companion of his various campaigns, and who had accompanied him in 1770 on a similar tour, was to be his fellow-traveller. The way they were to travel may be gathered from Washington's directions to the doctor :— " You will have occasion to take nothing from home but a servant to look after your horses, and such bedding as you may think proper to make use of. I will carry a marquee, some camp utensils, and a few stores. A boat, or some | other kind of vessel, will be provided for the voyage down the river, eitlier at my place on the Youghiogheny or Fort Pitt, measures for this purpose having already been taken. A few medicines, and hooks and lines, you may probably want." This soldier-like tour, made in hardy mili- tary style, with tent, pack-horses, and frugal supplies, took him once more among the scenes of his youthful expeditions when a land sur- veyor in the employ of Lord Fairfax ; a leader of Virginia militia, or an aide-de-camp of the unfortunate Braddock. A veteran now in years, and a general renowned in arms, he so- berly permitted his steed to pick his way across the mountains by the old military route, still called Braddock's Road, over which he had spurred in the days of youtliful ardor. His original intention had been to survey and in- spect his lands on the Monongahela River ; then to descend the Ohio to the great Kanawha, where also he had large tracts of wild land. On arriving on the Monongahela, however, he heard such accounts of discontent and irritation among the Indian tribes, that he did not con- sider it prudent to venture among them. Some of his land on the Monongahela was settled ; 64^ the rest was in the wilderness, and of little value in tlie present unquiet state of the country. He abridged his tour, therefore ; proceeded no further west than the Monongaliela ; ascended that river, and then struck southward through the wild, unsettled regions of the Alleganies, until he came out into the Shenadoah Valley near Staunton. He returned to Mount Vernon on the 4th of October ; having, since the first of September, traveUed on horseback six hun- dred and eighty miles, for a great part of the time in wild, mountainous country, where he was oMiged to encamp at night. This, like his tour to the northern forts with Governor Clin- ton, gave proof of his unfailing vigor and ac- tivity. During all this tour he had carefully observed the course and character of the streams flowing from the west into the Ohio, and the distance of their navigable parts from the head naviga- tion of the rivers east of the mountains, with the neai^est and best portage between then:. For many years he had been convinced of the practicability of an easy and short communica- tion between the Potomac and James Rivers, and the waters of the Ohio, and tlience on to the great chain of lakes ; and of the vast ad- vantages that would result therefrom to the States of Virginia and Maryland. He had even attempted to set a company on foot to under- take at their own expense the opening of such a communication, but the breaking out of the Revolution had put a stop to the enterprise. One object of his recent tour was to make obser- vations and collect information on the subject ; and all that he had seen and heard quickened his solicitude to carry the scheme into effect. Political as well as commercial interests, he conceived, were involved in the enterprise. He had noticed that the flanks and rear of the United States were possessed by foreign and formidable powers, who miglit lure the western people into a trade and alliance with them. The Western States, he observed, stood as it were upon a pivot, so that the touch of a fea- ther might turn them any way. They had looked down the Mississippi, and been tempted in that direction by the facilities of sending every thing down the stream ; whereas they had no means of coming to us but by long land transportations and rugged roads. The jealous and untoward disposition of the Spaniards, it was true, almost barred the use of the Missis- sippi ; but they might change their policy, and invite trade in that direction. The retention IDEAS OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT-PARTING WITH LAFAYETTE. [1^84. made a tour of the Eastern States, " crowned everywhere," writes Washington, "with wreaths of love and respect. " * They returned together to Mount Vernon, where Lafayette again passed several days, a cherished inmate of the domestic circle. "When his visit was ended, Washington, to 644 hv the British government, also, of the posts of Detroit, Niagara, and Oswego, though con- trary to the spirit of the treaty, shut up the channel of trade in that quarter. These posts, however, would eventually he given up ; and then, he was persuaded, the people of New Vnrk Avould lose no time in removing every • i t„. f^ l^tllin he way of a water communication; defer the parting scene, accompanied hun to obstacle '^ «^^;^^^^^^^^^ „ ^ ^^ ^^^ u if they do Annapolis. On returning to Mount Vernon, and " I.^^^^\^; "f J^ r^ ;;^ n.v Nation of the he wrote a farewell letter to the marquis, hor- Ht':Mch :^^ Z^^^ necessity of dering more upon the sentimental than almost lales, wmcii wm ^ i ^^ ^^^^^^ .^ ^^.^ mnltifarions correspondence. 'tZZ^Y^^ therefore, to lose no " In the nroment of onr separation npon the It l>*o» «'J ^ " = • ■ fe^rable road as I have travelled, and every honr since, t,me rn -3' "S^' f ^J *;^ 'l\e.iern trade I have felt all that love, respect, and attachment rconneXg r Po.c ^^and Ja.es Elvers for yon, with which length of years, close con- with the waters beyond the mountains. The industry of tlie western settlers had hitherto been checked by the want of outlets to their products, owing to the before-mentioned ob- '^tacles : " But smooth the road," said he, " and make easy the way for them, and then see what an influx of articles will pour upon us ; how amazingly our exports will be increased by them, and how amply all shall be compensated for any trouble and expense we may encounter to effect it." Such were some of the ideas ably and amply set forth by him in a letter to Benjamin Harrison, Governor of Virginia, who, struck with his plan for opening the navigation of the western waters, laid the letter before the State Legislature. The favor with which it was re- ceived induced AVashington to repair to Rich- mond and give his personal support to the meas- ure. He arrived there on the 15th of Novem- ber' On the following morning a committee of five members of the House of Assembly, headed by Patrick Henry, waited on hmi m behalf of that body, to testify their reverence for his character and affection for his person, and their sense of the proofs given by him since his return to private life, that no change of situation could turn his thoughts from the wel- fare of his country. The suggestions of Wash- ington in his letters to the governor, and his representations, during this visit to Richmond, gave the first impulse to the great system of internal improvement since pursued throughout the United States. At Richmond he was joined by the Marquis de Lafayette ; who since their separation had accompanied the commissioners to Fort Schuy- ler, and been present at the formation of a treaty with the Indians ; after which he had nection, and your merits have inspired me. I often asked myself, as our carriages separated, whether that was the last sight I ever should have of you ? And though I wished to answer no, my fears answered yes. I called to mind the days of my youth, and found they had long since fled to return no more ; that I tvas now descending the hill I have been fifty-two years climbing, and that, though I was blessed with a good constitution, I was of a short-lived family, and might soon expect to be entombed in the mansion of my fathers. These thoughts darkened the shades, and gave a gloom to the picture, and consequently, to my prospect of ever seeing you again." CHAPTER XXSV. Washington's zeal for the public good liad • now found a new channel ; or, rather, his late . tours into the interior of the Union had quick- ened ideas long existing in his mind on the sub- t ject of internal navigation. In a letter to Richard Henry Lee, recently chosen President of Congress, he urged it upon his attention ; suggesting that the western waters should be explored, their navigable capabilities ascer-. tained, and that a complete map should be made ; of the country; that in all grants of land byi the United States, there should be a reserve: made for special sale of all mines, mineral and; salt springs*; that a medium price should be adopted for the western lands sufficient to pre-> vent monopoly, but not to discourage useful, settlers. He had a salutary horror of "land * Letter of Washington to the MaichioneBS de La- fayette. ^T. 53.J SCHEME OF INLAND NAVIGATION-RURAL IMPROVEMENTS. 645 jobbers" and "roaming speculators," prowling about the country like wolves; marking and surveying valuable spots to the great disquiet of the Indian tribes. " The spirit of emigration is grefit," said he ; " people have got impatient, and though you cannot stop the road, it is yet in your power to mark the way ; a little while, and you will not be able to do either." In the latter part of December he was at An- napolis, at the request of the Assembly of Vir- ginia, to arrange matters with the Assembly of Maryland respecting the communication be- tween the Potomac and the western waters. Through "his indefatigable exertions two com- panies were formed under the patronage of the governments of these States, for opening the navigation of the Potomac and James Pvivers, and he was appointed president of both. By a unanimous vote of the Assembly of Virginia, fifty shares in the Potomac, and one hundred in the James River company, were appropriated for his benefit, to the end that, while the great works he had promoted would remain mon- uments of his glory, they might also be monuments of the gratitude of his country. The aggregate amount of these shares was about forty thousand dollars. Washington was exceedingly embarrassed by the appropriation. . To decline so noble and un- equivocal a testimonial of the good opinion and good will of his countrymen, might be construed into disrespect, yet he wished to be perfectly free to exercise his judgment and express his opinions in the matter, without being liable to the least suspicion of interested motives. It had been Jiis fixed determination, also, when he sur- rendered his military command, never to hold any other ofiice under government to which emolument might become a necessary append- age. From this resolution his mind had never swerved, While, however, he declined to receive the profi'ered shares for his own benefit, he inti- mated a disposition to receive them in trust, to be applied to the use of some object or institu- tion of a public nature. His wishes were com- plied with, and the shares were ultimately ai> propriated by him to institutions devoted to public education. Yet, though the love for his country would thus interfere with his love for his home, the dream of rm-al retirement at Mount Vernon still went on. " The more I am acquainted with agricul- tural atfairs," he says, in a letter to a friend in England, " the better I am pleased with them ; , insomuch that I can nowhere find so much sat- isfaction as in those innocent and useful pur- suits. While indulging these feelings, I am led to reflect, how much more delightful to an un- debauched mind is the task of making improve- ments on the earth, than all the vain glory that can be acquired from ravaging it by the most uninterrupted career of conquest. '' How pitiful, in this age of reason and re- ligion, is that false ambition which desolates the world with fire and sword for the purpose of conquest and fame, compared to the milder virtues of making our neighbors and our felloAv- men as happy as their frail convictions and per- ishable natures will permit them to be." He had a congenial correspondent in his quondam brother-soldier, Governor Clinton of New York, whose spear, like his own, had been turned into a pruning-hook. " Whenever the season is proper and an op- portunity off'ers," writes he to the governor, " I shall be glad to receive the balsam trees or others which you may think curious and exotic with us, as I am endeavoring to improve the grounds about my house in this way." He re- commends to the governor's care certain grape- vines of the choicest kinds for the table, which an uncle of the Chevalier de Luzerne had en- gaged to send from France, and which must be about to arrive at ISTew York. He is literally going to sit under his own vine and his own fig-tree, and devote himself to the quiet pleas- ures of rural life. At the opening of the year (1785) the entries in his diary show him diligently employed in preparations to improve iiis groves and shrub- bery. On the 10th of January he notes that the white tliorn is full in berry. On the 20th he begins to clear the pine groves of under- growth. ' In February he transplants ivy under the walls of the garden to whicli it still clings. In March he is planting hemlock trees, that most beautiful species of American evergreen, num- bers of which had been brought hither from Occoquan. In April he is sowing holly berries in drills, some adjoining a green-brier hedge on the north side of the garden gate ; others in a semicircle on the lawn. Many of the lioljy bushes thus produced, are still flourishing about the place in full vigor. He had learnt the policy, not sufficiently adopted in our country, of clothing his ornamented grounds as much as possible Avith evergreens, which resist the rigors of our winter, and keep up a cheering 646 THE BURTHEN OF COERESFONDENCE-OENAMENTAL CULTIVATION. [1785. verdure throughout the year. Of the trees fit- ted for shade in pasture land he notes the lo- cust, maple, black mulberry, black walnut, black gum, dogwood, and sassafras, none of which, he observes, materially injure the grass beneath them. Is then for once a soldier's dream realized ? Is he in perfect enjoyment of that seclusion from the world and its distractions, which he had so often pictured to himself amid the hard- ships and turmoils of the camp ? Alas, no ! The "post," that "herald of a noisy world," invades his quiet and loads his table with let- ters, until correspondence becomes an intoler- able burthen. He looks in despair at the daily accumulating mass of unanswered letters. " Many mistaken- ly think," writes he, " that I am retired to ease, and to that kind of tranquillity which Avould grow tiresome for want of employment ; but at no period of my life, not in the eight years I served the public, have I been obliged to write so much myself, as I have done since my re- tirement." * Again—" It is not the letters from ray friends which give me trouble, or add aught to my perplexity. It is references to old mat- ters, with which I have nothing to do ; appli- cations which often cannot be complied with ; inquiries which would require the pen of a his- torian to satisfy ; letters of compliment as im- meanlng perhaps as they arc troublesome, but which must be attended to ; and the common- place business which employs my pen and my time often disagreeably. These, with company, deprive me of exercise, and unless I can obtain relief, must be productive of disagreeable con- sequences." From much of this drudgery of the pen he was subsequently relieved by Mr. Tobias Lear, a young gentleman of New Hampshire, a grad- uate of Harvard College, who acted as his pri- vate secretary, and at the same time took charge of the instruction of the two children of the late Mr. Parke Custis, whom Washington had adpoted. There was another tax imposed by his celeb- rity upon his time and patience. Applications were continually made to him to sit for his likeness. The following is his sportive reply to Mr. Francis Hopkinson, who apphed in be- half of Mr. Pine : " ' In for a peimy in for a pound,'' is an old adage. I am so hackneyed to the touches of * Lottci- to Uicliiird Hcnvy Lee. the painters' pencil, that I am altogether at their beck, and sit ' like Patience on a monu- ment,' whilst they are delineating the lines of my face. It is a proof among many others, of what habit and custom can accomplish. At first I was impatient at the request, and as res- tive under the operation as a colt is under the saddle. The next time I submitted very reluc- tantly, but with less flouncing. Now no dray- horse moves more readily to his tliill, than I to the painter's chair. It may easily be conceiv- ed, therefore, that I yield a ready obedience to your request, and to the views of Mr, Pine." It was not long after this that M. Houdon, an artist of great merit, chosen by Mr. Jefferson and Dr. Franklin, arrived from Paris to make a study of Washington for a statue, for the Leg- islature of Virginia. He remained a fortnight at Mount Vernon, and having formed his mod- el, took it with him to Paris, where he pro- duced that excellent statue and likeness to be seen in the State House in Richmond, Virginia. Being now in some measure relieved from the labors of the pen, "Washington had more time to devote to his plan for ornamental culti- vation of the grounds about his dwehing. We find in his diary noted down with cu- rious exactness, each day's labor and the share he took in it; his frequent rides to the Mill Swamp ; the Dogue Creek ; the " Plantation of the Neck," and other places along the Potomac in quest of young elms, ash trees, white thorn, crab-apples, maples, mulberries, willows, and lilacs; the winding walks which he lays out, and the trees and shrubs which he plants along them. Now he sows acorns and buck-eye nuts brought by himself from the Monongahela ; now he opens vistas through the Pine Grove, com- manding distant views through the woodlands ; and now ho twines round his columns scarlet honeysuckles, which his gardener tells him will blow all the summer. His care-worn spirit freshens up in these em- ployments. With him Mount Vernon is a kind of idyl. The transient glow of poetical feeling Avhich once visited his bosom, when in boyhood he rhymed beneath its groves, seems about to return once more; and we please ourselves with noting among the trees set out by him, a group of young horse-chestnuts from West- moreland, his native county, the haunt of his schoolboy days ; which had been sent to him by Colonel Lee (Light-Horse Harry), the son of his "Lowland Beauty." A diagram of the plan in which he had laid out ^T. 63.] MANAGEMENT OF THE ESTATE— VISIT OF MR. WATSON. 647 his grounds, still remains among his papers at Mount Vernon'; the places are marked on it for particular trees and shrubs. Some of those trees and shrubs are still to be found in the places thus assigned to them. In the present neglected state of Mount Vernon, its walks are overgrown, and vegetation runs wild ; but it is deeply interesting still to find traces of these toils in which Washington delighted, and to know that many of the trees which give it its present umbrageous beauty were planted by his hand. The ornamental cultivation of which we have spoken, was confined to the grounds appertain- ing to what was called the mansion-house farm ; but his estate included four other farms, all ly- ing contiguous, and containing three thousand two hundred and sixty acres ; each farm having its bailiff or overseer, with a house for his ac- commodation, barns and outhouses for the pro- duce, and cabins for the negroes. On a general map of the estate, drawn out by Washington himself, these farms were all laid down accu- rately and their several fields numbered; he knew the soil and local qualities of each, and regulated the culture of them accordingly. In addition to these five farms there w-ere several hundred acres of fine woodland, so that the estate presented a beautiful diversity of laud and water. In the stables near the man- sion-house were the carriage and saddle horses, of which he was very choice; on the four farms there were 54 draught horses, 12 mules, 317 head of black cattle, 360 sheep, and a great number of swine, which last ran at large in the woods. He now read much on husbandry and gar- dening, and copied out treatises on those sub- jects. He corresponded also with the celebrat- ed Arthur Young ; from whom he obtained seeds of all kinds, improved ploughs, plans for laying out farm-yards, and advice on various parts of rural economy. "Agriculture," writes he to him, "has ever been among the most favored of my amuse- ments, though I have never possessed much skill in the art, and nine years' total inattention to it has added nothing to a knowledge, which is best understood from practice ; but with the means you have been so obliging as to furnish me, I shall return to it, though rather late in the day, Avith more alacrity than ever." In the management of his estate he was re- markably exact. No negligence on the part of the overseers or those under them was passed | over unnoticed. He seldom used many words on the subject of his plans; rarely asked advice; but, w^hen once determined, carried them di- rectly and silently into execution ; and was not easily dissuaded from a project when once com- menced. We have shown, in a former chapter, his mode of apportioning time at Mount Vernon, prior to the Revolution. The same system was, in a great measure, resumed. His active day began some time before the dawn. Much of his correspondence was despatched before breakfast, which took place at half-past seven. After breakfast he mounted his horse which stood ready at the door, and rode out to differ- ent parts of his estate, as he used to do to va- rious parts of the camp, to see that all was right at the outposts, and every one at his duty. At half-past two he dined. If there was no company he would write until dark, or, if pressed by business, until nine o'clock in the evening ; otherwise he read in the evening, or amused himself with a game of whist. His secretary, Mr. Lear, after two years' res- idence in the family on the most confidential footing, says, — " General Washington is, I be- lieve, almost the only man of an exalted char- acter, who does not lose some j)ai-t of his re- spectability by an intimate acquaintance. I have never found a single thing that could les- sen my respect for him. A complete knowledge of his honesty, uprightness, and candor in all his private transactions, has sometimes led me to think him more tlian a man." The children of Parke Custis formed a lively part of his household. He was fond of children and apt to unbend with them. Miss Custis, re- calling in after life the scenes of her childhood, writes, "I have sometimes made him laugh most heartily from sympatliy with my joyous and extravagant spirits ; " she observes, how- ever, that " he was a silent, thoughtful man. He spoke jittle generally ; never of himself. I never heard him relate a single act of his life during the war, I have often seen him per- fectly abstracted, his lips moving ; but no sound was perceptible." An observant traveller, Mr. Elkanah Watson, who visited Mount Vernon in the winter of 1785, bearer of a letter of introduction from General Greene and Colonel Fitzgerald, gives a home picture of Washington in his retire- ment. Though sure that his credentials would secure him a respectful reception, he says, " I 648 WASHINGTON IN SOCIAL LIFE. [1785. trembled -with awe as I came into the presence of this great man. I found him at table with Mrs, Washington and his private family, and was received in the native dignity, and with that urbanity so peculiarly combined in the character of a soldier and an eminent private gentleman. He soon put me at my ease, by unbending, in a free and affable conversation. " The cautious reserve which wisdom and policy dictated, whilst engaged in rearing the glorious fabric of our independence, was evi- dently the result of consummate prudence and not characteristic of his nature. I observed a peculiarity in his smile, which seemed to illu- minate his eye ; his whole countenance beamed with intelligence while it commanded confi- dence and respect. " I found him kind and benignant in the domestic circle ; revered and beloved by all around him ; agreeably social, without osten- tation ; delighting in anecdote and adventures; without assumption ; his domestic arrange- ments harmonious and systematic. His ser- vants seemed to watch his eye, and to antici- pate his every wish ; hence a look was equiv- alent to a command. His servant Billy, the faitliful companion of his military career, was always at his side. Smiling content animated and beamed on every countenance in his pres- ence." In the evening Mr. Watson sat conversing for a full hour with Washington after all the family had retired, expecting, perhaps, to hear him fight over some of his battles ; but, if so, he was disappointed, for he observes : " He modestly waived all allusions to the events in which he had acted so glorious and conspicuous a part. Much of his conversation had reference to the interior country, and to the opening of the navigation of the Potomac by canals and locks, at the Seneca, the Great and Little Falls. His mind appeared to be deeply absorbed by that object, then in earnest dontemplation." Mr. Watson had taken a severe cold in tlie course of a harsh winter joui'ney, and coughed excessively. Washington pressed him to take some remedies, but he declined. After retiring for the night his coughing increased. " When some time had elapsed," writes he, "the door of my room was gently opened, and, on draw- ing my bed curtains, I beheld Washington him- self, standing at my bedside with a bowl of hot tea in his hand. I was mortified and distressed beyond expression. This little incident, occur- ring in common life with an ordinary man. would not have been noticed ; but as a trait of the benevolence and private virtue of Washing- ton, deserves to be recorded." The late Bishop White, in subsequent years, speaking of Washington's unassuming manners, observes : " I know no man who so carefully guarded against the discoursing of himself or of his acts, or of any thing that pertained to liim ; and it has occasionally occurred to me when in his company, that, if a stranger to his person were present, he would never have known from any thing said by him tbat he was conscious of having distinguished himself in the eye of the world." An anecdote is told of Washington's conduct while commander-in-chief; illustrative of his benignant attention to others, and his freedom from all assumption. While the army was en- camped at Morristown, he one day attended a religious meeting where divine service was to be celebrated in the open air. A chair had been set out for his use. Just before the ser- vice commenced, a woman with a child in her arms approached. All the seats were occupied. Washington immediately rose, placed her in the chair which had been assigned to him, and remained standing during the whole service.* The reverential awe with which his deeds and elevated position threw around him was often a source of annoyance to him in private life ; especially when he perceived its eff'ect upon the young and gay. We have been told of a case in point, when he made his appear- ance at a private ball where all were enjoying themselves with the utmost glee. The moment he entered the room the buoyant mirth was checked ; the dance lost its animation ; every face was grave ; every tongue was silent. He remained for a time, endeavoring to engage in conversation with some of the young people, and to break the spell ; finding it in vain, he retired sadly to the company of the elders in an adjoining room, expressing his regret that his presence should operate as such a damper. After a little while light laughter and happy voices again resounded from the ball-room ; upon which he rose cautiously, approached on tip-toe the door, which was ajar, and there stood for some time a delighted spectator of the youthful revelry. Washington in fact, though habitually grave aiiH thoughtful, was of a social disposition, and loved cheerful society. He was fond of the * MS. notes of the Rev. Joseph F. Tuttlc. ^T. o3.J WASHINGTON IN SOCIAL LIFE. 649 dance ; and it was the boast of many ancient dames in our day, who had been belles in the time of the Eevolution, that they had danced minuets with him, or had him for a partner in contra-dances. There were balls in camp, in some of the dark times of the Revolution. " "We had a little dance at my quarters," writes General Greene from Middlebrook, in March, 1779. "His Excellency and Mrs. Greene danced upwards of three hours without once sitting down. Upon the whole, we had a pretty little frisk." * A letter of Colonel Tench Tilghman, one of "Washington's aides-de-camp, gives an instance of the general's festive gayety when in the above year the army was cantoned near Mor- ristown. A large company, of which the Gen- eral and Mrs. "Washington, General and Mrs. Greene, and Mr. and Mrs. Olney were part, dined with Colonel and Mrs. Biddle. Some little time after the ladies had retired from table, Mr. Olney followed them into the next room. A clamor M'as raised against him as a deserter, and it was resolved that a party should be sent to demand him, and that if the ladies refused to give him up, he should be brought by force. Washington humored the joke, and offered to head the party. He led it with great formality to the door of the drawing-room, and sent in a summons. The ladies refused to give up the deserter. An attempt was made to capture him. The ladies came to the rescue. There was a mel6e ; in the course of which his Excellency seems to have had a passage at arms with Mrs. Olney. The ladies were victorious, as they always ought to be, says the gallant Tilghman.t More than one instance is told of Washing- ton's being surprised into hearty fits of laugh- ter, even during the war. We have recorded one produced by the sudden appearance of old General Putnam on horseback, with a female prisoner en croupe. The following is another which occurred at the camp at Morristown. Washington had purchased a young horse of * Greene to Colonel 'Waclsworth. MS. t This sportive occurrence gave rise to a piece of camp Bcandal. It was reported at a distance that Mrs. Olney had been in a violent rage, and had told Washington that, " if he did not let go her hand she would tear hifl eyes out, and that though he was a general, he was but a man." Mr. Olney wrote to Colonel Tilghman, begging him to refute the scandal. The latter gave a true statement of the aftair, declaring that the whole was done in jest, and that in the mock contest Mrs. Olney had made use of no expressions unbecoming a lady of her good breeding, or such as were taken the least amiss by the general. great spirit and power. A braggadocia of the array, vain of his horsemanship, asked the privi- lege of breaking it. Washington gave his con- sent, and with some of his officers attended to see the horse receive his first lesson. After much preparation, the pretender to equitation mounted into the saddle and was making a great display of his science, when the horse s suddenly planted his forefeet, threw up his heels, and gave the unlucky Gambado a somer- set over his head. Washington, a thorough horseman, and quick to perceive the ludicrous in these matters, was so convulsed with laugh- ter, that, we are told, the tears ran down his cheeks.* Still another instance is given, which oc- curred at the return of peace, when he was sailing in a boat on the Hudson, and was so overcome by the drollery of a story told by Major Fairlie of New York, of facetious mem- ory, that he fell back in the boat in a paroxysm of laughter. In that fit of laughter, it was sagely presumed that he threw off the burthen of care which had been weighing down his spirits throughout the war. He certainly re- laxed much of his thoughtful gravity of de- meanor when he had no longer the anxieties of a general command to harass him. Tlie late Judge Brooke, who had served as an officer in the legion of Light-horse Harry, used to tell of having frequently met Washington on his visits to Fredei'icksburg after the revolutionary war, and how " hilarious " the general was on those occasions with " Jack Willis, and other friends of his young days," laughing heartily at the comic songs which were sung at table. Colonel Henry Lee, too, who used to be a favored guest at Mount "Vernon, does not seem to have been much under the influence of that " reverential awe " which Washington is said to have inspired ; if we may judge from the following anecdote. Washington one day at table mentioned his being in want of carriage horses, and asked Lee if he knew where he could get a pair. " I have a fine pair, general," replied Lee. " but you cannot get them." " Why not ? " " Because you will never pay more than half price for any thing ; and I must have full price for my horses." The bantering reply set Mrs. Washington laughing, and her parrot, perched beside her, * Notes of the Rev. Mr. Tuttle. MS. 650 SOCIAL LIFE or WASHINGTON— DEATH OF GENERAL GREENE, [ITSo. joined in the laugh. The general took this fa- miliar assault upon his dignity in great good part. " All, Lee, you are a funny fellow," said he, — " see, that hird is laughing at you." * Hearty laughter, however, was rare with Washington. The sudden explosions we hear of were the result of some sudden and ludi- crous surprise. His general habit was a calm seriousness, easily softening into a benevolent smile; In some few of his familiar letters, yet pre- served, and not relating to business, there is occasionally a vein of pleasantry and even of humor ; but almost invariably, they treat of matters of too grave import to admit of any thing of the kind. It is to be deeply regretted that most of his family letters have been pur- posely destroyed. The passion for hunting had revived with Washington on returning to his old hunting- grounds; but he had no hounds. His kennel liad been broken up when he went to the wars, and the dogs given away, and it was not easy to replace them. After a time he received sev- ei'al liounds from France, sent out by Lafayette, and other of the French officers, and once more sallied forth to renew his ancient sport. The French hounds, however, proved indifter- ent ; he was out with them repeatedly, putting other hounds with tliem borrowed from gen- tlemen of the neighborhood. They improved NOTE. Another instance is on record of one of Washing- ton'* fits of laughter, which occurred in subsequent years. Judge Marshall and Judge Washington, a rel- ative of the general, were on their way ou horseback to visit Mount Vernon, attended by a black servant, who had charge of a large portmanteau containing their clothes. As they passed through a wood on the skirts of the Mount Vernon grounds, they were tempted to make a hasty toilet beneath its shade ; being covered with dust from the state of the roads. Dismounting, they threw off their dusty garments, while the servant took down the portmanteau. As he opened it, out flew cakes of Windsor soap and fancy articles of all kinds. The man by mistake had changed their port- manteau at the last stopping place for one which re- sembled it, belonging to a Scotch pedlar. The con- sternation of the negro, and their own dismantled state, struck them so ludicrously as to produce loud and repeated bursts of laughter. Washington, who happened to be out upon his grounds, was attracted by the noise, and so overcome by the strange plight of his friends, and the whimsicality of the whole scene, that he is said to have actually rolled on the grass with laughter. — See Life of Judge J. Smith. * Comrauuicatod to ua in a letter from a son of Colonel Loe. after a while, but were never stanch, .ind cr.nsed him frequent disappointment"?. Probably he was not as stanch himself as formerly ; an in- terval of several years may have blunted his keenness, if we may judge from the following entry in his diary : " Out after breakfast with my hounds, found a fox and ran him sometimes hard, and some- times at cold hunting from 11 till near 2 — when I came home and left the himtsmen with them, who followed in the same manner two hours or more, and then took the dogs off with- out killing." He appears at one time to have had an idea of stocking part of his estate with deer. In a letter to his friend, George WiUiam Fairfax, in England, a letter expressive of kind recol- lections of former companionship, he says : " Though envy is no part of my composition, yet the picture you have drawn of your present habitation and mode of living,- is enough to cre- ate a strong desire in me to be a participator of the tranquillity and rural amusements you have described. I am getting into the latter as fast as I can, being determined to make the remainder of my life easy, let the world or the affairs of it go as they may. I am not a littlo obliged to you for contributing to this, by pro- curing me a buck and doe of the best English deer ; but if you have not already been at this trouble, I would, my good sir, now wish to re- lieve you from it, as Mr. Ogle of Maryland has been so obliging as to j^resent me six fawns from his park of English deer at Bellair. With these, and tolerable care, I shall soon have a full stock for my small paddock.* While Washington was thus calmly enjoying himself, came a letter from Henry Lee, who was now in Congress, conveying a mournful piece of intelligence : " Your friend and second, the patriot and noble Greene, is no more. Uni- versal grief reigns here." Greene died on the 18th of June, at his estate of Mulberry Grove, on Savannah River, presented to him by the State of Georgin. His last illness was brief; caused by a stroke of the sun ; he was but forty-four years of age. The news of his death struck heavily on Washington's heart, to whom, in the most ar- * George WiUiam F.iirfax rcsiJed in Bath, -where he died on the 3J of April, 17S7, in the sixty -third year of his age. Though his income was greatly reduced by the con- fiscation of his property in Virginia, he contributed gen- erously during the revolutionary war to the relief of American prisoners. — Sparks^ WashingtoiVs Writings, v. ii., p. 53. ^T. 53.] WASHINGTON'S ENCOMIUMS OF GENERAL GREENE— REVERIES OF PEACE. 651 duous trials of the KsvolntioT^, lis had been a second self. lie hac^ c.'- -j.' '''T.r'liington as his model, and possessed naturally many of his great qualities. Like him, he was sound in judgment ; persevering in the midst of discour- agements ; calm and self-possessed in time of danger ; heedful of the safety of others ; heed- less of his own. Like him, he was modest and unpretending, and like him he had a perfect command of temper. He had Washington's habits of early rising, and close and methodical despatch of business, "never suffering the day to crowd upon the morrow." In private intercourse he was frank, noble, candid, and intelligent; in the hurry of business he was free from petulance, and had, we are told, " a winning blandness of manner that won the affections of his ofBcers." His campaigns in the Carolinas showed him to be a worthy disciple of Washington, keeping the war alive by Ids own persevering hope and inexhaustible energy, and, as it were, fighting almost without weapons, nis great contest of generalship with the veteran Cornwallis, has ensured for him a lasting renown. " He was a great and good man ! " was Wash- ington's comprehensive eulogy on him ; and in a letter to Lafayette he writes : " Greene's death is an event Avhich has given such general concern, and is so much regretted by his nu- merous friends, that I can scarce persuade my- self to touch upon it, even so far as to say that in him you lost a man who affectionately re- garded, and was a sincere admirer of you." * Other deaths pressed u]wn Washington's sen- sibility about the same time. That of General McDougall, who had served his country faith- fully through the war, and since with equal fidelity in Congress. That, too, of Colonel Tench Tilghman, for a long time one of Wash- ington's aides-de-camp, and " who left," writes he, " as fair a reputation as ever belonged to a human character." " Thus," adds he, " some of the pillars of the Revolution fall. Others are mouldering by insensible degrees. May our country never want props to support the glo- rious fabric." In iiis correspondence about this time Avith several of the French noblemen who had been his associates in arms, his letters breathe the * We are happy to learn that a complete collection of the correspondence of General Greene is about to he pub- lished by his worthy and highly cultivated grandson, George Washington Greene. It is a work that, like Bparks' Writings of Washington, should form a part of every American library. spirit of peace which was natural to him ; for war Avith him had only been a matter of pa- triotism and public duty. To the Marquis de la Rouerie, who had so bravely but modestly fought under the title of Colonel Armand, he writes : " I never expect to draw my sword again. I can scarcely conceive the cause that would induce me to do it. My time is now oc- cupied by rural amusements in which I have great satisfaction ; and my first wish is (al- though it is against the profession of arms, and would clip the Avings of some of our young sol- diers who are soaring after glory) to see the whole world in peace, and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving who should contribute most to the happiness of mankind." So, also, in a letter to Count Eochambeau, dated July 31st, 1786 : " It must give pleas- ure," Avrites he, " to the friends of humanity, even in this distant section of the globe, to find that the clouds Avhich threatened to burst in a storm of Avar on Europe, have dissipated, and left a still brighter horizon. * * * * As the rage of "conquest, which in times of barbar- ity stiraidated nations to blood, has in a great measure ceased ; as the objects Avhich formerly gave birth to wars are daily diminishing; and as mankind are becoming more enlight- ened and humanized, I cannot but flatter my- self with the pleasing prospect, that a more liberal policy and more pacific systems will take place amongst them. To indulge this idea afl^ords a soothing consolation to a philan- thropic mind ; insomuch that, although it should be found an illusion, one Avould hardly Avish to be divested of an error so grateful in itself and so innocent in its consequences." And in another letter,—" It is thus, you see, my dear Count, in retirement upon my farm I speculate upon the fate of nations, amusing myself with innocent reveries that mankind will one day groAV happier and better." How easily may the wisest of men be de-- ceived in their specidations as to the future, especially Avhen founded on the idea of the perfectibility of human nature. These halcyon dreams of universal peace were indulged on the very eve, as it were, of the French Revolution, Avhich was to deluge the AvOrld in blood, and Avhen the rage for conquest was to have un- bounded scope under the belligerent sway of jSTapoleou. 652 WASHINGTON DOUBTS THE SOLIDITY OF THE CONFEDERATION. [1786. CHAPTER XXXVI. From his quiet retreat of Mount Vernou, "Wasliington, though ostensibly withdrawn from pubUc affairs, was watching witla intense sohcitude the working together of the several parts in the great political confederacy ; anx- ious to know whether the thirteen distinct States, under the present organization, could form a sufficiently efficient general government. He was daily becoming more and more doubt- ful of the solidity of the fabric he had assisted to raise. The form of confederation which had bound the States together and met the' public exigencies during the Revolution, when there was a pressure of external danger, was daily proving more and more incompetent to the purposes of a national government. Congress had devised a system of credit to provide for the national expenditure and the extinction of the national debts, which amounted to some- thing more than forty millions of dillars. The system experienced neglect from some States and opposition from others ; each consulting its local interests and prejudices, instead of the interests and obligations of the whole. In like manner treaty stipulations, which bound the good faith of the whole, were slighted, if not violated by individual States, apparently un- conscious that they must each share in the disci'edit thus brought upon the national name. In a letter to James Warren, who had former- ly been President of the Massachusetts provin- cial Congress, Washington writes: "The con- federation appears to me to be little more than a shadow without the substance, and Congress a nugatory body ) their ordinances being little attended to. To me it is a solecism in politics ; indeed, it is one of the most extraordinary things in nature, that Ave should confederate as a nation, and yet be afraid to give the rulers of that nation (who are creatures of our own mak- ing, appointed for a limited and short duration, and who are amenable for every action and may be recalled at any moment, and are subject to all the evils which they may be instrumental in producing) sufficient powers to order and direct the affairs of the same. By such policy as this the wheels of government are clogged, and our brightest prospects, and that high expectation which was entertained of us by the wondei'ing world, are turned into astonishment ; and from the high ground on which we stood, we are descending into the vale of confusion and dark- ness."* Not long previous to the writing of this let- ter, Washington had been visited at Mount Ver- non by commissioners, who had been appointed by the legislatures of Virginia and Maryland to form a compact relative to the navigation of the rivers Potomac and Pocomoke, and of part of the Chesapeake Bay, and who had met at Alexandria for the purpose. During their visit at Mount Vernon, the policy of maintaining a naval force on the Chesajieake, and of estab- lishing a tariff of duties on imports to which the laws of both States should conform, was discussed, and it was agreed, that the commis- sioners should propose to the governments of their respective States the appointment of other commissioners, with powers to make con- joint arrangements for the above purposes ; to wliich the assent of Congress was to be solicited. The idea of conjoint arrangements between States, thus suggested in the quiet councils of Mount Vernon, was a step in the right direction, and Avill be found to lead to important results. From a letter, written two or three months subsequently, we gather some of the ideas on national policy which were occupying Washing- ton's mind. " I have ever been a friend to adequate powers in Congress, without which it is evident to me we never shall establish a na- tional character, or be considered as on a re- spectable footing by tlie powers of Europe. We are either a united people under one head and for federal purposes, or we are thirteen independent sovereignties, eternally counteract- ing each other. If the former, whatever such a majority of the State as the constitution points out, conceives to be for the benefit of the whole, should, in my humble opinion, be submitted to by the minority. I can foresee no evil greater than disunion ; than those unrea- sonable jealousies (I say unreasonable, because I would have a ^jro^jc?* jealousy always awako, and the United States on the Avatch to prevent individual States from infracting the constitu- tion with impunity) which are continually poi- soning our minds and filling them Avith imagi- nary evils for the pi-evention of real ones." t An earnest correspondence took place some months subsequently between Washington and the illustrious patriot, John Jay, at that time Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Avherein the signs of the times were feelingly discussed. * Sparks, ix. 139. t See Letter to James McHenry. Sparks, is. 121. ^T. 54.] CORRESPONDENCE WITH JOHN JAY— INSURRECTION IN MASSACHUSETTS. G53 " Our affairs," writes Jay, " seem to lead to some crisis, something that I cannot foresee or conjecture. I am uneasy and apprehensive, more so than during the war. Then we had a fixed object, and though the means and time of obtaining it were problematical, yet I did firm- ly believe that we should ultimately succeed, because I did firmly believe that justice was with us. The case is now altered. "We are going and doing wrong, and therefore I look forward to evils and calamities, but without being able to guess at the instrument, na- ture, or measure of them. ******* What I most fear is, that the better kind of people, by which I mean the people who are orderly and industrious, who are content with their situations, and not uneasy in their cir- cumstances, will be led by the insecurity of property, the loss of public faith and rectitude, to consider the charms of liberty as imaginary and delusive. A state of uncertainty and fluc- tuation must disgust and alarm." Washington, in reply, coincided in opinion that public afixiirs were drawing rapidly to a crisis, and he ac- knowledged the event to be equally beyond his foresight. " We have errors," said he, " to correct. We have probably had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confed- eration. Experience has taught us that men will not adopt and carry into execution meas- ures the best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of coercive power. I do not conceive we can exist long as a nation, without lodging, somewhere, a i)Ower which will pervade the whole Union in as energetic a manner, as the authority of the State govern- ments extends over the several States. To be fearful of investing Congress, constituted as that body is, with ample authorities for nation- al purposes, appears to me the very climax of popular absurdity and madness. Could Con- gress exert them for the detriment of the peo- ple, without injuring themselves in an equal or greater proportion ? Are not their interests inseparably connected with those of their con- stituents? By the rotation of appointments must they not mingle frequently with the mass of the citizens ? Is it not rather to be appre- hended, if tliey were not possessed of the pow- ers before described, that the individual mem- bers would be induced to use them, on many occasions, very timidly and ineflicaciously, for fear of losing their popularity and future elec- tion ? We must take human nature as we find it ; perfection falls not to the share of mortals. " What then is to be done ? things cannot go on in the same strain forever. It is much to be feared, as you observe, that the better kind of people, being disgusted with these circum- stances, will have their minds prepared for any revolution whatever. We are apt to run from one extreme to another. * * * * I am told that even respectable characters speak of a monarchical form of government without hor- ror. From thinking proceeds speaking, thence acting is often but a single step. But how irrev- ocable and tremendous ! What a triumph for our enemies to verify their predictions ! What a triumph for the advocates of despotism to find that we are incapable of governing our- selves, and that systems, founded on the basis of equal liberty, are merely ideal and falla- cious ! Would to God that wise measures may be taken in time to avert the consequences we have but too much reason to apprehend. " Ketired as I am from the world, I frankly acknowledge I cannot feel myself an uncon- cerned spectator. Yet, having happily assisted in bringing the ship into port, and having been fairly discharged, it is not my business to em- bark again on the sea of troubles. " Nor could it be expected that my senti- ments and opinions would have much weight in the minds of my countrymen. They have been neglected, though given as a last legacy, in a most solemn manner. I then perhaps had some claims to public attention. I consider myself as having none at present. His anxiety on this subject was quickened by accounts of discontents and commotions in the Eastern States produced by the pressure qf the times, the public and private indebtedness, and the imposition of heavy taxes at a moment of financial embarrassment. General Knox, now Seci-etary at War, who had been sent by Congress to Massachusetts to in- quire into these troubles, thus writes about the insurgents : " Their creed is, that the property of the United States has been protected from the confiscation of Britain by the joint exer- tions of all^ and therefore ought to be tlie com- mon 2yTopcrty of all, and he that attempts op- position to this creed, is an enemy to equity and justice, and ought to be swept from off" the face of the earth." Again : " They are deter- mined to annihilate all debts, public and pri- vate, and have agrarian laws, which are easily eflfected by the means of unfunded paper, which shall be a tender in all cases what- ever." 654 WASHINGTON'S REFLECTIONS ON THE INSURRECTION. [1786. In reply to Colonel Ilenry Lee in Congress, who had addressed several letters to hun on the subject, Wasliington writes: "You talk, my good sir, of employing influence to appease the present tumults iu Massachusetts. I know not where that influence is to be found, or, if attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for the disorders. Influence is not goternment. Let us have a government by which our lives, liberties, and properties will be secured, or let us know the worst at once. There is a call for decision. Know precisely what the insurgents aim at. If they have real grievances, redress them, if possible ; or acknowledge the justice of them and your inability to do it at the mo- ment. If they have not, employ the force of government against them at once. If tbis is inadequate, all will be convinced that the su- perstructure is bad and wants support. To delay one or other of these expedients, is to exasperate on the one hand, or to give confi- dence on the other. * * * * Let the reins of government, then, be braced and held with a steady hand, and every violation of the con- stitution be reprehended. If defective, let it be amended ; but not suffered to be trampled upon whilst it has an existence." A letter to him from his former aide-de- camp, Colonel Humpbreys, dated New Haven, November 1st, says : " The troubles in Massa- chusetts still continue. Government is pros- trated in the dust, and it is much to be feared that there is not energy enough in that State to re-establish the civil powers. The leaders of the mob, whose fortunes and measures are desperate, are strengthening themselves daily ; and it is expected that they will soon take pos- session of the Continental magazine at Spring- field, in which there are from ten to fifteen thousand stand of arms in excellent order. " A general want of compliance with the re- quisitions of Congress for money seems to prog- nosticate that we are rapidly advancing to a crisis. Congress, I am told, are seriously alarmed, and hardly know which way to turn or what to expect. Indeed, my dear General, nothing but a good Providence can extricate us from the present convulsion. " In case of civil discord, I have already told you it was seriously my opinion tliat you could not remain neuter, and that you would be obliged, in self-defence, to take one part or the other, or withdraw' from the continent. Your friends are of the same opinion." Close upon the receipt of this letter, came in- telligence that the insurgents of Massachusetts, far from being satisfied with the redress which had been offered by their general court, were still acting in open violation of law and govern- ment ; and that the chief magistrate had been obliged to call upon the militia of the State to support the constitution. " What, gracious God ! is man," writes Wash- ington, " that there should be such inconsistency and perfidiousness in his conduct. It was but the other day, that we were shedding our blood to obtain the constitutions under which we now live ; constitutions of our own choice and making ; and now we are unsheathing the sword to overturn them. The thing is so unac- countable, that I hardly know how to realize it, or to persuade myself that I am not under the illusion of a dream." His letters to Knox show the trouble of his mind. " I feel, my dear General Knox, infi- nitely more than I can express to you, for the disorders which have arisen in these States. Good God ! who, besides a tory, could have foreseen, or a Briton predicted them ? I do as- sure you that, even at this moment, when I re- flect upon the present prospect of our affairs, it seems to me to be like the vision of a dream. '■■= * * * After what I have seen, or rather what I have heard, I shall be surprised at noth- ing ; for, if three years since, any person had told me that there would have been such a for- midable rebellion as exists at this day against the laws and constitution of our own making, I should have thought him a bedlamite, a fit sub- ject for a madhouse. '^ * * In regretting, which I have often done with the keenest sor- row, the death of our much lamented friend, General Greene, I have accompanied it of late with a query, whether he would not have pre- ferred such an exit, to the scenes which, it is more than probable, many of his compatriots may live to bemoan." To James Madison, also, he writes in the same strain. " How melancholy is the reflec- tion, that in so short a time, we should have mnde such large strides towards fulfilling the predictions of our transatlantic foes ! ' Leave them to themselves, and their government will soon dissolve.' Will not the wise and good strive hard to avert this evil? Or will their supineness suffer ignorance and the arts of self- interested and designing, disaffected, and despe- rate characters, to involve this great country in wretchedness and contempt? What stronger evidence can be given of the want of energy in Mr. 54.] PLAN OF A CONVENTION— WASHINGTON HEADS THE VIRGINIA DELEGATION. 655 onr government than these disorders ? If there is not power in it to check them, what security has a man for life, liberty, or property ? To you, I am sure I need not add aught on the subject. The consequences of a lax or ineffi- cient government are too obvious to be dwelt upon. Thirteen sovereignties pulling against each other, and all tugging at the federal head, will soon bring ruin on the whole ; whereas, a liberal and energetic constitution, well checked and well watched, to prevent encroachments, might restore us to that degree of respectability and consequence to which we had the fairest prospect of attaining." Thus Washington, even though in retirement, was almost imconsciously exercising a powerful influence on national affairs ; no longer the sol- dier, he was now becoming the statesman. The opinions and counsels given in his letters were widely effective. The leading expedient for federal organization, mooted in his conferences with the coumiissioners of Maryland and Vir- ginia, during their visit to Mount Vernon in the previous year, had been extended and ripened in legislative assemblies, and ended in a plan of a convention composed of delegates from all the States, to meet in Philadelphia for the sole and express purpose of revising the federal sys- tem, and correcting its defects ; the proceedings of the convention to be subsequently reported to Congress, and the several legislatures, for approval and confirmation. Washington was unanimously put at the head of the Virginia delegation ; but for some time objected to accept the nomination. He feared to be charged with inconsistency in again ap- pearing in a public situation, after his declared resolution to the contrary. " It will have also," said he, " a tendency to sweep me back into the tide of public affairs, when retirement and ease are so much desired by me, and so essen- tially necessary." * Beside, he had just avow- ed his intention of resigning the presidency of the Cincinnati Society, which was to hold its triennial meeting in May, in Philadelphia, and he could not appear at the same time and place on any other occasion, without giving offence to his worthy companions in arms, the late of- ficers of the American army. These considerations were strenuously com- bated, for the weight and influence of his name and counsel were felt to be all-important in giving dignity to the delegation. Two things ■ Letter to Edmund Randolph, governor of Virginia. contributed to bring him to a favorable de- cision : First, an insinuation that the opponents Mifflin, now governor of the State, who with Judge Peters and a civil and military escort was waiting to receive him. Washington had hoped to be 6G0 NATIONAL OVATIONS TO WASHINGTON. [1789. spared all military parade, but found it was not to be evaded. At Chester, where he stopped to breakfast, there were preparations for a pub- lic entry into Philadelphia. Cavalry had as- sembled from the surrounding country ; a superb white horse was led out for Washington to mount, and a grand procession set forward, with General St. Clair of revolutionary noto- riety at its head. It gathered numbers as it advanced ; passed under triumphal arches en- twined with laurel, and entered Philadelphia amid the shouts of the multitude. A day of public festivity succeeded, ended by a display of fireworks. Washington's reply to the congratulations of the mayor at a great civic banquet, spoke the genuine feelings of his modest nature, amid these testimonials of a world's applause. " When I contemplate the interposition of Providence, as it was visibly manifested in guiding us through the Revolu- tion, in preparing us for the reception of the general government, and in conciliating the good will of the people of America toward one another after its adoption, I feel myself op- pressed and almost overwhelmed with a sense of divine munificence. I feel that nothing is due to my personal agency in all those wondei'- ful and complicated events, except what can be attributed to an honest zeal for the good of my country." We question whether any of these testimo- nials of a nation's gratitude affected Washington m(n-e sensibly than those he received at Tren- ton. It was on a sunny afternoon when he ar- rived on the banks of the Delaware, where, twelve years before, he had crossed in darkness and storm, through clouds, of snow and drifts of lloatiug ice, on his daring attempt to strike a blow at a triumphant enemy. Here at present all was peace and sunshine, the broad river flowed placidly along, and crowds awaited him on the opposite bank, to hail him with love and transport. We will not dwell on the joyous ceremonials with w"hich he was welcomed, but there was one too peculiar to be wmitted. The reader may remember Washington's gloomy night on the banks of the Assunpink, which flows through Trenton ; the camp fires of Cornwallis in front of him ; the Delaware full of floating ice in the rear ; and his sudden resolve on that midnight retreat which turned the fortunes of the campaign. On the bridge crossing that eventful stream, the . ladies of Trenton had caused a triumphal arch to be erected. It was entwined with evergreens and laurels, and bore the inscription, " The defender of the mothers will be the protector of the daughters." At this bridge the matrons of the city were assem- bled to pay him reverence ; and as he passed under the arch, a number of young girls, dressed in white and crowned with garlands, strewed flowers before him, singing an ode expressive of their love and gratitude. Never was ovation more graceful, touching, and sincere; and Wash- ington, tenderly aff'ected, declared that the im- pression of it on his heart could never be effaced. His whole progress through New Jersey must have afforded a similar contrast to his weary marchings to and fro, harassed by doubts and perplexities, with bale fires blazing on its hills, instead of festive illuminations, and when the ringing of bells and booming of cannon, now so joyous, were the signals of invasion and maraud. In respect to his reception in New York, Washington had signifiedi n a letter to Govern- or Clinton, that none could be so congenial to his feelings as a quiet entry devoid of cere- mony ; but his modest wishes were not com- plied with. At Elizabethtown Point, a com- mittee of both Houses of Congress, with various civic functionaries, waited by appointment to receive him. He embarked on board of a splen- did barge, constructed for the occasion. It was manned by thirteen branch pilots, masters of vessels, in white uniforms, and commanded by Commodore Nicholson. Other barges fancifully decorated followed, having on board the heads of departments and other public officers, and several distinguished citizens. As they passed through the strait between the Jerseys and Staten Island, called the Kills, other boats dec- orated with flags fell in their wake, until the whole, forming a nautical procession, swept up the broad and beautiful bay of New York, to the sound of instrumental music. On board of two vessels were parties of ladies and gentlemen who sang congratulatory odes as Washington's barge approached. The ships at anchor in the harbor, dressed in colors, fired salutes as it passed. One alone, the Galveston, a Spanish man-of-war, displayed no signs of gratula- tion until the barge of the general was nearly abreast; when suddenly as if by magic, the yards were manned, the ship burst forth, as it were, into a full array of flags and signals, and thundered a salute of thirteen guns. He approached the landing place of Murray's c ., O - < - C z < : cr :: c r < .: ^T. 57.] HIS TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO NEW YORK— THE INAUGURATION. 661 "Wharf, amid the ringing of bells, the roaring of cannoury, and the shouting of multitudes collected on every pier-head. On landing, he was received by Governor Clinton. General Knox, tpo, who had taken such an affectionate leave of hira on his retirement from military life, was there to welcome him in his civil ca- pacity. Other of his fellow-soldiers of the Revolution were likewise there, mingled with the civic dignitaries. At this juncture an offi- cer stepped up and requested Washington's orders, announcing himself as commanding his guard. Washington desired him to proceed ac- cording to the directions he might have received in the presept arrangements, hut that for the future the affection of his fellow-citizens was all the guard he wanted. Carpets had been spread to a carriage pre- pared to convey him to his destined residence, but he preferred to walk, lie was attended by a long civil and military train. In the streets through which he passed the houses were deco- rated with flags, silken banners, garlands of flowers and evergreens, and bore his name in every form of ornament. The streets were crowded with people, so that it was with diffi- culty a passage could be made by the city ofli- cers. Washington frequently bowed to the multitude as he passed, taking off his hat to the ladies, who thronged every window, waving their handkerchiefs, throwing flowers before him, and many of them shedding tears of enthusiasm. That day he dined with his old friend Govern- or Clinton, who had invited a numerous com- pany of public functionaries and foreign diplo- matists to meet him, and in the evening the city was brilliantly illuminated. Would the reader know the effect upon Wash- ington's mind at this triumphant entry into New York ? It was to depress rather than to excite him. Modestly diffident of his abilities to cope with the new duties on which he was entering, he was overwhelmed by what he re- garded as proofs of public expectation. Noting in his diary the events of the day, he writes : " The display of boats which attended and joined us on this occasion, some with vocal and some with instrumental music on board ; the decorations of the ships, the roar of cannon, and the loud acclamations of the people which rent the skies, as I passed along the wharves, filled my mind with sensations as painful (con- sidering the reverse of this scene, which may be the case after all my labors to do good) as they are pleasing." - The inauguration was delayed for several days, in which a question arose as to the form or title by which the President elect was to be addressed; and a committee in both Houses was appointed to report upon the subject. The question was started without Washington's privity, and contrary to his desire ; as he feared that any title might awaken the sensitive jeal- ousy of republicans, at a moment when it was all-important to conciliate public good-will to the new form of government. It was a relief to him, therefore, when it was finally resolved that the address should be siniply " the Presi- dent of the United States," without any addi- tion of title ; a judicious form which has re- mained to the present day. The inauguration took place on the 30th of April. At nine o'clock in the morning, there were religious services in all the churches, and prayers put up for the blessing of Heaven on the new government. At twelve o'clock the city troops paraded before Washington's door, and soon after the committees of Congress and the heads of departments came in their car- riages. At half-past twelve the procession moved forward, preceded by the troops, next came the committees and heads of departments in their carriages ; then Washington in a coach of state, his aide-de-camp, Colonel Humphreys, and his secretary, Mr. Lear, in his own carriage. The foreign ministers and a long train of citi- zens brought up the rear. About two hundred yards before reaching the hall, Washington and his suite alighted from their carriages, and passed through the troops, who were drawn up on each side, into the hall and senate chamber, where the Vice President, the Senate, and House of Representatives were assembled. The Vice President, John Adams, recently inaugurated, advanced and conducted Washington to a chair of state at the upper end of the room. A solemn silence prevailed ; when the Vice President rose, and informed him that all things were prepared for him to take the oath of office required by the constitution. The oath was to be administered by the Chancellor of the State of New York, in a bal- cony in front of the senate chamber, and in full view of an immense multitude occupying the street, the windows, and even roofs of the ad- jacent houses. The balcony formed a kind of open recess, with lofty columns supporting the roof. In the centre was a table with a covering of crimson velvet, upon which lay a superbly bound Bible on a crimson velvet cushion. 662 THE INAUGURATION OF "WASHINGTON. [1Y89. This was all the pfiraphernalia for the august scene. All eyes were fixed upon the balcony, when, at the appointed hour, "Washington made his appearance, accompanied by various public functionaries, and members of the Senatg and House of Eepresentatives. lie was clad in a full suit of dark-brown cloth, of American manufacture, with a steel -hilted dress sword, white silk stockings, and silver shoe-buckles. His hair was dressed and powdered in the fashion of the day, and worn in a bag and soli- taire. His entrance on the balcony was hailed by universal shouts. He was evidently moved by this demonstration of public affection. Ad- vancing to the front of the balcony, he laid his hand upon his heart, bowed several times, and then retreated to an arm-chair near the table. The populace appeared to understand that the scene had overcome him ; and were hushed at once into profound silence. After a few moments "Washington rose and again came forward. John Adams, the Vice President, stood on his right ; on his left the Chancellor of the State, Eobert R. Livingston ; somewhat in the rear were Roger Sherman, Alexander Hamilton, Generals Knox, St. Clair, the Baron Steuben, and others. The chancellor advanced to administer the oath prescribed by the constitution, and Mr. Otis, the secretary of the Senate, held up the Bible on its crimson cushion. The oath was read slowly and distinctly ; "Washington at the same time laying his hand on the open Bible. "When it was concluded, he replied solemnly, " I swear — so help me God ! " Mr. Otis would have raised the Bible to his lips, but he bowed down reverently and kissed it. The chancellor now stepped forward, waved his hand and exclaimed, "Long live George "Washington, President of the United States ! " At this moment a flag was displayed on the cu- pola of the hall ; on which signal there was a general discharge of artillery on the battery. All the bells in the city rang out a joyful peal, and the multitude rent the air with acclama- tions. "Washington again bowed to the people and returned into the senate chamber, where he delivered, to both Houses of Congress, his in- augural address characterized by his usual mod- esty, moderation^ and good sense, but uttered with a voice deep, slightly tremulous, and so low as to demand close attention in the lis- teners. After this he proceeded with the whole assemblage on foot to St. Paul's Chui-ch, where prayers suited to the occasion were read by Dr. Prevost, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, who bad been appointed by the Senate one of the chaplains of Congress. So closed the ceremonies of the inauguration. The whole day was one of sincere rejoicing, and in the evening there were brilliant illumi- nations and fireworks. "We have been accustomed to look to Wash- ington's private letters for the sentiments of his heart. Those written to several of his friends immediately after his inauguration, show how little he was excited by his official elevation. " I greatly fear," writes he, " that my countrymen will expect too much of me. I fear, if the issue of public measures should not correspond with their sanguine expectations, they will turn the extravagant, and I might almost say undue praises which they are heap- ing upon me at this moment, into equally ex- travagant, though I wiU fondly hope unmerited censures." Little was his modest spirit aware that the praises so dubiously received were but the open- ing notes of a theme that was to increase from age to age, to pervade all lands and endure throughout all generations. In the volumes here concluded, we have en- deavored to narrate faithfully the career of Washington from childhood, through his early surveying expeditions in the wilderness, his diplomatic mission to the French posts on the frontier, his campaigns in the French war, his ar- duous trials as commander-in-chief, throughout the Revolution, the noble simplicity of his life in retirement, until we have shown him ele- vated to the presidential chair, by no effort of his own, in a manner against his wishes, by the unanimous vote of a grateful country. The plan of our work has necessarily carried, us widely into the campaigns of the Revolution, even where "Washington was not present in person ; for his spirit pervaded and directed the whole, and a general knowledge of the whole is necessary to appreciate the sagacity, forecast, en- during fortitude, and comprehensive wisdom with which he conducted it. He himself has signified to one who aspired to write his biogra- phy, that any memoirs of liis life distinct and un- connected with the history of the war, would be unsatisfactory. In treating of the Revolution, iEx. 57.] CONCLUDING REMARKS. we liave endeavored to do justice to what we consider its most striking characteristic ; the greatness of the object and the scantiness of the means. "We have endeavored to keep in view the prevaiUng poverty of resources, the scan- dalous neglects, the squalid miseries of all kinds, with which its champions had to contend in their expeditions through trackless wildernesses, or thinly peopled regions ; beneath scorching suns or inclement skies ; their wintry marches to be traced by bloody footprints on snow and ice ; their desolate wintry encampments, ren- dered still more desolate by nakedness and famine. It was in the patience and fortitude with which these ills were sustained by a half- disciplined yeomanry, voluntary exiles from their homes, destitute of all the "pomp and circumstance " of war to excite them, and ani- mated solely by their patriotism, that we read the noblest and most affecting characteristics of that great struggle for human rights. They do wrong to its moral grandeur, who seek by commonplace exaggeration, to give a melo-dra- matic effect and false glare to its military opera- tions, and to place its greatest triumphs in the conflicts of the field. Lafayette showed a true sense of the nature of the struggle, when IsTapoleon, accustomed to effect ambitious pur- poses by hundreds of thousands of troops, and tens of thousands of slain, sneered at the scanty armies of the American Revolution and its " boasted allies." " Sire," was the admirable and comprehensive reply, " it was the grandest of causes won by skirmishes of sentinels and outposts." In regard to the character and conduct of Washington, we have endeavored to place his deeds in the clearest light, and left them *to speak for themselves, generally avoiding com- ment or eulogium, "We have quoted his own words and writings largely, to ex^^lain his feel- ings and motives, and give the true key to his policy ; for never did a man leave a more truth- ful mirror of his heart and mind, and a more thorough exponent of his conduct, than he has left in his copious correspondence. There his character is to be found in all its majestic sim- plicity, its massive grandeur, and quiet colossal strength. He was no hero of romance ; there was nothing of romantic heroism in his nature. As a warrior, he was incapable of fear, but made no merit of defying danger. He fought for a cause, but not for personal renown. Gladly, when he had won the cause, he hung up his sword never again to take it down. Glory, til at blatant word, which haunts some military minds like the bray of the trumpet, formed no part of his aspirations. To act justly was his instinct, to promote the public weal his constant effort, to deserve the " affections of good men" his ambition. "With such qualifications for the pure exercise of sound judgment and compre- hensive wisdom, he ascended the presidential chair. There for the present we leave him. So far our work is complete, comprehending the whole military life of "Washington, and his agency in public affairs, up to the formation of our con- stitution. How well we have executed it, we leave to the public to determine; hoping to find it, as heretofore, far more easily satisfied with the result of our labors than we are our- selves. Should the measure of health and good spirits, with which a kind Providence has blessed us beyond the usual term of literary labor, be still continued, we may go on, and in another volume, give the presidential career and closing life of Washington. In the mean time, having found a resting-place in our task, we stay our hands, lay by our pen, and seek that relaxation and repose which gathering years require. W. I. SUN^YSIDE, 1857. END OF VOL. IV. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. VOLUME FIFTH CHAPTER I. The eyes of the world were upon "Washing- ton at the commencement of his administration. He had won laurels in the field : would they continue to flourish in the cabinet ? His posi- tion was surrounded by difficulties. Inex- perienced in the duties of civil administration, he was to inaugurate a new and untried system of government, composed of States and people, as yet a mere experiment, to which some looked forward with buoyant confidence, — many with doubt and apprehension. He had moreover a high-spirited people to manage, in whom a jealous passion for freedom and independence had been strengthened by war, and who might bear with impatience even the restraints of self-imposed government. The constitution Avhich he was to inaugurate had met with vehement opposition, when under discussion in the General and State govern- ments. Only three States, New Jersey, Dela- ware, and Georgia, had accepted it unani- mously. Several of the most important States had adopted it by a mere majority ; five of them under an expressed expectation of specified amendments or modifications ; while two States, Rhode Island and North Carolina, still stood aloof. It is true, the irritation produced by the con- flict of opinions in the general and State con- ventions, had, in a great measure, subsided ; but circumstances might occur to inflame it anew. A diversity of opinions still existed concerning the new government. Some feared that it would have too little control over the individual States ; that the political connection would prove too weak to preserve order and prevent civil strife; others, that it would be too strong for their separate independence, and would tend toward consolidation and despotism. The very extent of the country he was called upon to govern, ten times larger than that of any previous republic, must have pressed with weight upon "Washington's mind. It presented to the Atlantic a front of fifteen hundred miles, divided into individual States, differing in the forms of their local govern- ments, differing from each other in interests, in territorial magnitudes, in amount of popula- tion, in manners, soils, climates, and produc- tions, and the characteristics of their several peoples. Beyond the Alleghanies extended regions al- most boundless, as yet for the most part wild and uncultivated, the asylum of roving Indians and restless, discontented white men. "V^ast tracts, however, were rapidly being peopled, and would soon be portioned into sections re- quiring local governments. Tlie great natural outlet for the exportation of the products of this region of inexhaustible fertility, was the Mississippi ; but Spain opposed a barrier to the free navigation of tliis river. Here was pecu- liar cause of solicitude. Before leaving Mount Vernon, "Washington had heard that the hardy yeomanry of the far West were becoming im- patient of this barrier, and indignant at the ap- parent indifference of Congress to their prayers for its removal. He had heard, moreover, that British emissaries were fostering these discon- tents, sowing the seeds of disaftection, and offering assistance to the "Western people to seize on the city of New Orleans and fortify the mouth of the Mississippi ; while, on the other hand, the Spanish authorities at New Orleans 666 THE NEW GOVERNMENT— ALEXANDER HAMILTON. [1189. "were represented as intriguing to eifect a sep- aration of the "Western territory from the Union, with a view or hope of attaching it to the dominion of Spain. Great Britain, too, Avas giving grounds for territorial solicitude in these distant quarters hj retaining possession of the "Western posts, the surrender of which had been stipulated by treaty. Her plea was, that debts due to Brit- ish subjects, for which by the same treaty the United States were bound, remained unpaid. This the Americans alleged was a mere pretext ; the real object of their retention being the mo- nopoly of the far trade ; and to the mischiev- ous influence exercised by these posts over the Indian tribes, was attributed much of the hos- tile disposition manifested by the latter along the "Western frontier. "While these brooding causes of anxiety ex- isted at home, the foreign commerce of the Union was on a most unsatisfactory footing, and required prompt and thorough attention. It was subject to maraud, even by the corsairs of ^Ugiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, who captured American merchant vessels and carried their crews into slavery ; no treaty having yet been made with any of the Barbary powers except- ing Morocco. To complete the perplexities which beset the new government, the finances of the country were in a lamentable state. There was no money in the treasury. The efforts of the former government to pay or fund its debts, had failed ; there was a universal state of in- debtedness, foreign and domestic, and public credit was prostrate. Such was the condition of affairs when "Wash- ington entered upon his new field of action. He was painfully aware of the diflaculties and dangers of an undertaking in which past history and past experience afforded no precedents. " I walk, as it were, on untrodden ground," said he ; " so many untoward circumstances may intervene in such a new and critical sit- uation, that I shall feel an insuperable difii- dence in my own abilities. I feel, in the ex- ecution of my arduous office, how much I shall stand in need of the countenance and aid of every friend to myself, of every friend to the revolution, and of every lover of good govern- ment." * As yet he was without the support of con- stitutional advisers, the departments under the new government not being organized ; he could turn with confidence, however, for counsel in an emergency to John Jay, who still remained at the head of affairs, where he had been placed in 1784. He was sure of sympathy also in his old comrade. General Knox, who continued to oSiciate as secretary of war ; while the affairs of the treasury were managed by a board, con- sisting of Samuel Osgood, "Walter Livingston, and Arthur Lee. Among the personal friends not in oflice, to whom "Washington felt that he could safely have recourse for aid in initiating the new government, was Alexander Hamilton. It is true, many had their doubts of his sincere adhesion to it. In the convention in Phila- delphia, he had held up the British constitu- tion as a model to be approached as nearly as possible, by blending some of the advantages of monarchy with th.e republican form. The form finally adopted was too low-toned for him ; he feared it might prove feeble and in- efficient ; but he voted for it as the best attain- able, advocated it in the State convention in New York, and in a series of essays, collec- tively known as the Federalist, written con- junctively with Madison and Jay; and it was mainly through his efforts as a speaker and a writer that the constitution was ultimately ac- cepted. Still many considered him at heart a monarchist, and suspected him of being secretly bent upon bringing the existing government to the monarchical form. In tliis they did him injustice. He still continued, it is true, to doubt whether the republican theory would admit of a vigorous execution of the laws, but was clear that it ought to be adhered to as long as there was any chance for its success. " The idea of a perfect equality of political rights among the citizens, exclusive of all permanent or hereditary distinctions," had not hitherto, he thought, from an imperfect structure of the government, had a fair trial, and " was of a nature to engage the good wishes of every good man, whatever might be his theoretic doubts ; " the endeavor, therefore, in his opinion, ought to be to give it "a better chance of success by a government more capable of energy and order." * "Washington, who knew and appreciated Hamilton's character, had implicit confidence in his sincerity, and felt assured that he would loyally aid in carrying into effect the constitu- tion as adopted. * Letter to Edward Rutledge. Hamilton's 'Writina ^T. 5Y.] QUERIES AS TO PRESIDENTIAL ETIQUETTE. 667 It was a great satisfaction to "Washington, on looking round for reliable advisers at tins mo- ment, to see James Madison among the mem- bers of Congress : Madison, who had been with him in the convention, who had laljored in the Federalist, and whose talents as a speaker, and calm, dispassionate reasoner ; whose extensive information and legislative experience destined him to be a leader in the House. Highly ap- preciating his intellectual and moral worth, "Washington would often turn to him for coun- sel. " I am troublesome," would he say, " but you must excuse me ; ascribe it to friendship and confidence." Knox, of whose sure sympathies we have spoken, was in strong contrast with the cool statesman just mentioned. His mind was ar- dent and active, his imagination vivid, as was his language. He had abandoned the military garb, but still maintained his soldier-like air. He was large in person, above the middle stat- ure, with a full face, radiant and benignant, bespeaking his open, buoyant, generous nature. He had a sonorous voice, and sometimes talked rather grandly, flourishing his cane to give ef- fect to his periods.* He was cordially appre- ciated by "Washington, who had experienced his prompt and efficient talent in time of war, had considered him one of the ablest officers of tlie revolution, and now looked to him as an energetic man of business, capable of giving practical advice in time of peace, and cherished for him that strong feeling of ancient compan- ionship in toil and danger, which bound the veterans of the revolution firmly to each other. CHAPTER II. The moment the inauguration was over, "Washington was made to perceive that he was no longer master of himself or of his home. " By the time I had done breakfast," wi'ites he, " and thence till dinner, and afterwards till bed-time, I conld not get rid of the ceremony of one visit before I had to attend to another. In a word, I had no leisure to read or to an- swer the despatches that were pouring in upon me from all quarters." How was he to be protected from these in- trusion^ In his former capacity as command- er-in-chief of the armies, his head-quarters had been guarded by sentinels and military eti- * See Sullivan's Letters on Public Characters, p. 84. quette ; but what was to guard the privacy of a popular chief magistrate ? "What, too, were to be the forms and cere- monials to be adopted in the presidential man- sion, that would maintain the dignity of his station, allow him time for the performance of its official duties, and yet be in harmony with the temper and feelings of the people, and the prevalent notions of equality and republican simplicity ? The conflict of opinions that had already oc- curred as to the form and title by which the President was to be addressed, had made him aware that every step at the outset of his career would be subject to scrutiny, perhaps cavil, and might hereafter be cited as a precedent. Look- ing around, therefore, upon the able men at hand, such as Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, he propounded to them a series of questions as to a line of conduct proper for him to observe. In regard to visitors, for instance, would not one day in the week be sufficient for visits of compliment, and one hour every morning (at eight o'clock for example) for visits on business ? Might he make social visits to acquaintances and public characters, not as President, but as private individual ? And then as to his table — under the preceding form of government, the Presidents of Congress had been accustomed to give dinners twice a week to large parties of both sexes, and invitations had been so indis- criminate, that every one who could get intro- duced to the President, conceived he had a right to be invited to his board. The table was, therefore, always crowded, and with a mixed company ; yet, as it was in the nature of things impracticable to invite everybody, as many offences were given as if no table had been kept. "Washington was resolved not to give general entertainments of this kind, but in his series of questions he asked whether he might not in- vite, informally or otherwise, six, eight, or ten official characters, including in rotation the members of both Houses of Congress, to dine with him on the days fixed for receiving com- pany, without exciting clamors in the rest of the community. Adams in his reply talked of chamberlains, aides-de-camp, masters of ceremony, and evinced a high idea of the presidential office and the state with which it ought to be maintained. " The office," writes he, " by its legal authority defined in the constitution, has no equal in the world excepting those only which are held by 668 VIEWS OF ADAMS AND HAMILTON. [1YS9. crowned heads ; nor is the royal authority in all cases to be compared to it. The royal ofBce in Poland is a mere shadow in comparison with it. The Dogeship in Venice, and the Stadt- holdership in Holland, are not so much — neither dignity nor authority can be supported in hu- man minds, collected into nations or any great numbers, without a splendor and majesty in some degree proportioned to them. The send- ing and receiving ambassadors is one of the most splendid and important prerogatives of sovereigns, absolute or limited, and this in our ' constitution is wholly in the Pi-esident. If the state and pomp essential to this great depart- ment are not in a good degree preserved, it will be in vain for America to hope for considera- tion with foreign powers." * According to Mr. Adams, two days in a week would be required for the receipt of visits of compliment. Persons desiring an interview with the President should make application through the minister of state. In every case the name, quality, or business of the visitor shoidd be communicated to a chamberlain or gentle- man in waiting, who should judge whom to admit, and whom to exclude. The time for re- ceiving visits ought to be limited, as for ex- ample, from eight to nine or ten o'clock, lest the whole morning be taken up. The Presi- dent might invite what official character, mem- bers of Congress, strangers, or citizens of dis- tinction he pleased, in small parties without ex- citing clamors ; but this should always be done without formality. Ilis private life should be at his own discretion, as to giving or receiving informal visits among friends and acquaint- ances ; but in his official character, he should have no intercourse with society but upon pub- lic business, or at his levees. Adams, in the conclusion of his reply, ingenuously confessed that his long residence abroad might have im- pressed him with views of things incompatible with the present temper and feelings of his fellow-citizens ; and Jefferson seems to Lave been heartily of the same opinion, for speaking of Adams in his Arias, he observes that "the glare of royalty and nobility, during his mission to England, had made him believe their fasci- nation a necessary ingredient in government." t Hamilton, in his reply, while he considered it a primary object for the public good, that the dig- nity of the presidential office should be sup- ported, advised that care should be taken to * Life and "Works of John Adams, vol. viii., p. • t Jeflferson's Works, ix. 97. avoid SO high a tone in the demeanor of the occupant, as to shock the prevalent notions of equality. The President, he thought, should hold a levee at a fixed time once a week, remain half an liour, converse cursorily on indifferent subjects with such persons as invited his attention, and then retire. He should accept no invitations, give formal entertainments twice, or at most, four times in the year ; if twice, on the anniversaries of the declaration of independence and of his inaugu- ration : if four times, the anniversaiy of the treaty of alliance with France and that of the definitive treaty with Great Britain to be added. The President on levee days to give informal invitations to family dinners ; not more than six or eight to be asked at a time, and the civil- ity to be confined essentially to members of the legislature, and other official characters : — the President never to remain long at table. The heads of departments should, of course, have access to the President on business. For- eign ministers of some descriptions should also be entitled to it. " In Europe, I am informed," writes Hamilton, "ambassadors only have direct access to the chief magistrate. Something very near what prevails there would, in my opinion, be right. The distinction of rank between di- plomatic characters requires attention, and the door of access ought not to be too wide to that class of persons. I have thought that the mem- bers of the Senate should also have a right of individual access on matters relative to the puhlic administration. In England and France peers of the realm have this right. We have none such in this country, but I believe it wiU be satisfactory to the people to know that there is some body of men in the state who have a right of continual communication with the President. It will be considered a safeguard against secret combinations to deceive him." * The reason alleged by Hamilton for giving the Senate this privilege, and not the Eepre- sentatives was, that in the constitution " the Senate are coupled with the President in cer- tain executive functions, treaties, and appoint- ments. This makes them in a degree his con- stitutional counsellors, and gives them a peculiar claim to the right of access." These are the only written replies ^liat we have before us of Washington's advisers on this subject. Hamilton's "Works, vol. iv., p. 3. JEt. 57.] ANECDOTE OF THE FIRST LEVEE— JOUEXEY OF MES. WASHINGTON. 669 Colonel Humphreys, formerly one of "Wash- ington's aides-de-camp, and recently secretary of Jefferson's legation at Paris, was at present an inmate in the presidential mansion. General Knox was frequently there ; to these Jefferson assures us, on Washington's authority, was as- signed the task of considering and prescribing the minor forms and ceremonies, the etiquette, in fact, to be observed on public occasions. Some of the forms proposed by them, he adds, were adopted. Others were so highly strained that Washington absolutely rejected them. Knox was no favorite with Jefferson, who had no sympathies with the veteran soldier, and styles him "a man of parade," and Humphreys he appears to think captivated by the ceremo- nials of foreign courts. He gives a whimsical account, which he had at a second or third hand, of the first levee. An ante-chamber and presence room were provided, and when those who were to pay their court were assembled, the President set out, preceded by Humphreys. After passing through the ante-chamber, the door of the inner room was thrown open, and Humphreys entered first, calling out with a loud voice, " The President of the United States." The President was so much discon- certed with it that he did not recover in the whole time of the levee, and, when the com- pany were gone, he said to Humphreys, " Well, you have taken me in once, but by , you shall never take me in a second time." This anecdote is to be taken with caution, for Jefferson was disposed to receive any re- port that placed the forms adopted in a dispar- aging point of view. He gives in his Ana a still more whimsical ac- count on the authority of " a Mr. Brown," of the ceremonials at an inauguration ball at which Washington and Mrs. Washington presided in almost regal style. As it has been proved to be entirely incorrect, we have not deemed it worthy an insertion. A splendid ball was in fact given at the Assembly Eooms, and another by the French Minister, the Count de Mous- tier, at both of which Washington was present and danced ; but Mrs. Washington was not at either of them, not being yet arrived, and on neither occasion were any mock regal ceremo- nials observed. Washington was the last man that would have tolerated any thing of the kind. Our nest chapter will show the almost casual manner in which the simple formalities of his republican court originated. CHAPTER III. Ox the 17th of May, Mrs. Washington, ac- companied by her grandchildren, Eleanor Cus- tis and George Washington Parke Custis, set out from Mount Vernon in her travelling cai'- riage with a small escort of horse, to join her husband at the seat of government ; as she had been accustomed to join him at head-quar- ters, in the intervals of his revolutionary cam- paigns. Throughout the journey she was greeted with public testimonials of respect and affection. As she approached Philadelphia, the President of Pennsylvania and other of the State func- tionaries, with a number of the principal in- habitants of both sexes, came forth to meet her, and she was attended into the city by a numerous cavalcade, and welcomed with the ringing of bells and firing of cannon. Similar honors were paid her in her pro- gress through New Jersey. At Elizabethtown she alighted at the residence of Governor lAv- ingston, whither Washington came from New York to meet her. They proceeded thence by water, in the same splendid barge in which the general had been conveyed for his inaugura- tion. It was manned, as on that occasion, by thirteen master pilots, arrayed in white, and had several persons of note on board. There was a salute of thirteen guns as the barge passed the Battery at New York. The land- ing took place at Peck Slip, not far from the presidential residence, amid the enthusiastic cheers of an immense multitude. On the following day, Washington gave a demi-ofiicial dinner, of which Mr. Wingate, a senator from New Hampshire, who was pres- ent, writes as follows : " The guests consisted of the Vice President, the foreign ministers, the heads of departments, the Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives, and the Senators from New Hampshire and Georgia, the then most Northern and Southern States. It was the least showy dinner that I ever saw at the President's table, and the company was not large. As there was no chaplain present, the President himself said a very short grace as he was sitting down. After dinner and dessert were finished, one glass of wine was passed around the table, and no toast. The President rose, and all the company retired to the draw- ing-room, from which the guests departed, as every one chose, without ceremony." 670 THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSEHOLD— HIS EQUIPAGE. [ns9. Oa the evening of the following day (Friday, May 29th), Mrs. Washington had a general re- ception, which was attended by all that was distinguished in official and fashionable society. Henceforward there were similar receptions every Friday evening, from eight to ten o'clock, to which the families of all persons of respecta- bility, native or foreign, had access, without special invitation ; and at which the President was always present. These assemblages were as free from ostentation and restraint as the ordinary receptions of polite society ; yet the reader will find they were soon subject to in- vidious misrepresentation ; and cavilled at as " court-like levees " and " queenly drawing- rooms." Beside these public receptions, the presiden- tial-family had its private circle of social inti- macy ; the President, moreover, was always ready to receive visits by appointment on pub- lic or private business. The sanctity and quiet of Sunday were strict- ly observed by "Washington. He attended church in the morning, and passed the after- noon alone in his closet. No visitors were ad- mitted, excepting perhaps an intimate friend in the evening, which v/as spent by him in the bosom of his family. The household establishment was conducted on an ample and dignified scale, but without ostentation, and regulated with characteristic system and exactness. Samuel Fraunces, once landlord of the city tavern in Broad street, where "Washington took leave of the officers of the ai'my in 1783, was now Steward of the presidential household. He was required to render a weekly statement of receipts and ex- I)enditures, and warned to guard against waste and extravagance. " We are happy to inform our readers," says Fenno's Gazette <^ the day, " that the President is determined to pursue that system of regularity and economy in his household which has always marked his pub- lic and private life." In regard to the deportment of "Washington at this juncture, we have been informed by one who had opportunities of seeing him, that he still retained a military air of command which had become habitual to him. At levees and drawing-rooms he sometimes appeared cold and distant, but this was attributed by those who best knew him to the novelty of his posi- tion and his innate diffidence, which seemed to increase with the light which his renown shed about him. Though reserved at times, his re- I serve had nothing repulsive in it, and in social intercourse, where he was no longer under the eye of critical supervision, soon gave way to sol- dier-like frankness and cordiality. At all times his courtesy was genuine and benignant, and totally free from that stately condescension sometimes mistaken for politeness. Nothing we are told could surpass the noble grace with which he presided at a ceremonial dinner ; kindly attentive to all his guests, but particu- larly attentive to put those at their ease and in a favorable light, who appeared to be most diffi- dent. As to Mrs. Washington, those who really knew her at the time, speak of her as free from pretension or affectation; undazzled by lier position, and discharging its duties with the truthful simplicity and real good-breeding of one accustomed to preside over a hospitable mansion in the " Ancient Dominion." She had her husband's predilection for private life. In a letter to an intimate she writes : " It is owing to the kindness of our numerous friends in all quarters that my new and xmwished for situation is not indeed a burden to me. When I was much younger, I should probably have enjoyed the innocent gayeties of life as much as most persons of my age ; but I had long since placed all the prospects of my futui-e worldly happiness in the still enjoyments of the fireside at Mount Vernon. " I little thought, when the war was finished, that any circumstances could possibly happen, which would call the General into public life again. I had anticipated that from that mo- ment we should be sufl;ered to grow old to- gether in solitude and tranquillity. That was the first and dearest wish of my heart." * Much has been said of Washington's equi- pages, when at New York, and of his having four, and sometimes six horses before his car- riage, with servants and outriders in rich liv- ery. Such style we would premise was usual at the time both in England and the colonies, and had been occasionally maintained by the continental dignitaries, and by Governors of the several States, prior to the adoption of the new constitution. It was still prevalent, we are told, among the wealthy planters of the South, and sometimes adopted by 'merchant princes ' and rich individuals at the North. It does not appear, however, that Washington ever indulged in it through ostentation. When * Quoted in a note to Sparks, p. 422. ^T. 57.] ALARMIXG ILLNESS OF THE TRESIDEXT— A NOMINATION REJECTED. 671 he repaired to the Hall of Congress, at his in- auguration, he was drawn by a single pair of horses in a chariot presented for the occasion, on the panels of which were emblazoned the arms of the United States. Beside this modest equipage there was the ample family carriage which had been brought from Virginia. To this four horses were put when the family drove out into the country, the state of the roads in those days requiring it. For the same reason six horses were put to the same vehicle on journeys, and once on a state occasion. If there was any thing he was likely to take a pride in, it was horses ; he was passionately fond of that noble animal, and mention is occasionally made of four white horses of great beauty which he owned while in 'New York.* His favorite exercise when the weather permitted it was on horseback, accompanied by one or more of the members of his household, and he was noted always for being admirably mounted, and one of the best horsemen of his day. CHAPTER IV. As soon as Washington could command suf- ficient leisure to inspect papei's and docu- ments, he called unofiicially upon the heads of departments to furnish him with such reports in writing as would aid him in gaining a dis- tinct idea of the state of public affairs. For this purpose also he had recourse to the public archives, and proceeded to make notes of the foreign official correspondence from the close of the war until his inauguration. He was in- terrupted in his task by a virulent attack of an- thrax, which for several days threatened morti- fication. The knowledge of his perilous condi- tion spread alarm through the community ; he, however, remained unagitated. His medical adviser was Dr. Samuel Bard, of New York, an excellent physician and most estimable man, who attended him with unremitting assiduity. * For gome of these particulars concerning "Washington ■we are indebted to the late 'WilUam A. Duer, president of Columbia, College, who in his boyhood was frequently in the President's house, playmate of young Custis, Mrs. "Washington's grandson. Washington's Residences in New YorA-.— The first Presi- dential residence was at the junction of Pearl and Cherry streets, Franklin Square. At the end of about a year, the President removed to the house on the west side of Broad- way, near Rector street, afterwards known as Bunker's Mansion House. Both of these buildings have disappeared, in the course of " modern improvements." Being alone one day with the doctor, Wash- ington regarded him steadily, and asked his candid opinion as to the probable result of his case. " Do not flatter me with vain hopes," said he, with placid firmness ; " 1 am not afraid to die, and therefore can bear the worst." The doctor expressed hope, but owned that he had apprehensions. " Whether to-night or twenty years hence, makes no difference," observed Washington. " 1 know that I am in the hands of a good Providence." His sufferings were intense, and his recovery was slow. For six weeks he was obliged to lie on his right side ; but after a time he had his carriage so con- trived that he could extend himself at full length in it, and take exercise in the open air. While rendered morbidly sensitive by bodily pain, he suffered deep annoyance from having one of his earliest nominations, that of Benja- min Fishburn, for the place of naval officer of the port of Savannah, rejected by the Senate. If there was any thing in which Washington was scrupulously conscientious, it was in the exercise of the nominating power ; scrutinizing the fitness of candidates ; their comparative claims on account of public services and sacri- fices, and with regard to the equable distribu- tion of offices among the States ; in all which he governed himself solely by considerations for the public good. He was especially scrupulous where his own friends and connections were concerned. " So far as I know my own mind," would he say, " I would not be in the remotest degree influenced in making nominations by motives arising from the tics of family or blood." He was principally hurt in the present in- stance by the want of deference on the part of the Senate, in assigning no reason for rejecting his nomination of Mr, Fishburn. He acqui- esced, however, in the rejection, and forthwith sent in the name of another candidate ; but at the same time administered a temperate and dignified rebuke. " Wliatever may have been the reasons which induced your dissent," writes he to the Senate, " I am persuaded that they were such as you deemed sufficient. Permit me to submit to your consideration, whether, on occasions where the propriety of nominations appears questionable to you, it would not be expedient to communicate that circumstance to me, and thereby avail yourselves of the informa- tion which led me to make them, and which I would with pleasure lay before you. Probably my reasons for nominating Mr. Fishburn may 672 DEATH OF WASHINGTON'S MOTHER— THE DEPARTMENTS ORGANIZED. [1789. tend to show that such a mode of proceeding, in such cases, might be useful. I will therefore detail them." He then proceeds to state, that Colonel Fish- burn had served under his own eye with repu- tation as an officer and a gentleman ; had dis- tinguished himself at the storming of Stony- Point ; had repeatedly been elected to the As- sembly of Georgia as a representative from Chatham County, in which Savannah was situ- ated ; had been elected by the officers of the militia of that county Lieutenant Colonel of the militia of the district ; had been member of the Executive Council of the State, and presi- dent of the same ; had been appointed by the council to an office which he actually held, in the port of Savannah, nearly similar to that for which "Washington had nominated him. " It appeared therefore to me," adds Wash- ington, " that Mr. Fishburn must have enjoyed the confidence of the militia officers in order to have been elected to a military rank — the con- Jidence of the freemen to have been elected to the Assembly — the confidence of the Assembly, to have been selected for the Council, and the confidence of the Council to have been appoint- ed collector of the port of Savannah." "We give this letter in some detail, as relating to the only instance in which a nomination by "Washington was rejected. The reasons of the Senate for rejecting it do not appear. Tiiey seem to have felt his rebuke, for the nomination last made by him was instantly confirmed. "While yet in a state of convalescence, "Wash- ington received intelligence of the death of his mother. The event, which took place at Fred- ricksburg in Virginia, on the 25th of August, was not unexpected ; she was eighty-two years of age, and had for some time been sinking under an incurable malady, so that when he last parted with her he had apprehended that it was a final separation. Still he was deeply afifected by the intelligence ; consoling himself, however, with the reflection that " Heaven had spared her to an age beyond which few attain ; had favored her with the full enjoyment of her mental faculties, and as much bodily health as usually fiills to the lot of fourscore." Mrs. Mary "Washington is represented as a woman of strong plain sense, strict integrity, and an inflexible spirit of command. "We have mentioned the exemplary manner in which she, a lone widow, had trained her little flock in their childhood. The deference for her, then instilled into their minds, continued throughout life, and was manifested by "Washington when at the height of his power and reputation. Eminently practical, she bad thwarted his mili- tary aspirmgs when he was about to seek honor in the Bi'itish navy. During his early and dis- astrous campaigns on the frontier, she would often shake her head. and exclaim, " Ah, George had better have staid at home and cultivated his farm." Even his ultimate success and re- nown had never dazzled, however much they may have gratified her. "When others congrat- ulated her, and were enthusiastic in his praise, she listened in silence, and would temperately reply that he had been a good son, and she be- lieved he had done his duty as a man. Hitherto the new government had not been properly organized, but its several duties had been performed by the officers who had them in charge at the time of "Washington's inaugura- tion. It was not until the 10th of September that laws were passed instituting a department of Foreign Affairs (afterwards termed Depart- ment of State), a Treasury department, and a department of "War, and fixing their respective salaries. On the following day, "Washington nominated General Knox to the department of "War, the duties of which that officer had hith- erto discharged. The post of Secretary of the Treasury was one of far greater importance at the present moment. It was a time of financial exigency. As yet no statistical account of the country had been attempted ; its fiscal resources were wholly unknown ; its credit was almost annihilated, for it was obliged to borrow money even to pay the interest of its debts. "We have already quoted the language held by "Washington in regard to this state of things before he had assumed the direction of affairs. " My endeavors shall be unremittingly exerted, even at the hazard of former fame, or present popularity, to extricate my country from the embarrassments in which it is entangled through want of credit." Under all these circumstances, and to carry out these views, he needed an able and zealous coadjutor in the Treasury department ; one equally solicitous with himself on the points in question, and more prepared upon them by financial studies and investigations than he could pretend to be. Such a person he consid- ered Alexander Hamilton, whom he nominated as Secretary of the Treasury, and whose quali- fications for the office were so well understood by the Senate that his nomination was confirm- ed on the same day on which it was made. ^T. 57.] EDMUXD RANDOLPH— ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS. 673 "Within a few clays after Hamilton's appoint- ment, the House of Representatives (Sept. 21), acting upon the policy so ardently desired by Washington, passed a resolution, declaring their opinion of the high importance to the honor and prosperity of the United States, that an adequate provision should be made for the sup- port of public credit ; and instructing the Sec- retary of the Treasury to prepare a plan for the purpose, and report it at their next session. The arrangement of the Judicial department was one of "Washington's earliest cares. On the 27th of September, he wrote unofficially to Edmund Randolph, of "V^irginia, informing him that he had nominated him Attorney-General of the United States, and would be highly grat- ified with his acceptance of that office. Some old recollections of the camp and of the early days of the Revolution, may have been at the bottom of this good-will, for Randolph had joined the army at Cambridge in 1775, and act- ed for a time as aide-de-camp to Washington in place of Mifflin. He had since gained expe- rience in legislative business as member of Congress, from 1779 to 1782, Governor of "V^ir- ginia in 1786, and delegate to the convention in 1787. In the discussions of that celebrated body, he had been opposed to a single execu- tive, professing to discern in the unity of that power the " fostus of monarchy ;" and prefer- ring an executive consisting of three ; whereas, in the opinion of others, this plural executive would be "a kind of Cerberus with three heads." Like Madison, he had disapproved of the equality of suffrage in the Senate, and been, moreover, of opinion, that the President should be ineligible to office after a given num- ber of years. Dissatisfied with some of the provisions of the constitution as adopted, he had refused to sign it ; but had afterwards supported it in the State convention of Virginia. As we recollect him many years afterwards, his appearance and address were dignified and prepossessing; he had an-expi-essive countenance, a beaming eye, and somewhat of the ore rotundo in speaking. Randolph promptly accepted tlie nomination, but did not take his seat in the cabinet until some months after Knox and Hamilton. By the judicial system established for the Federal Government, the Supreme Court of the United States was to be composed of a chief justice and five associate judges. There were to be district courts with a judge in each State, and circuit courts held by an associate judge 43 and a district judge. John Jay, of New York, received the appointment of Chief Justice, and in a letter enclosing his commission, Washing- ton expressed the singular pleasure he felt in addressing him " as the head of that depart- ment which must be considered as tlie keystone of our political fabric." Jay's associate judges were, John Rutledge of South Carohna, James Wilson of Pennsylva- nia, William Gushing of Massachusetts, John Blair of Virginia, and James Iredell of North Carolina. Washington had originally nomi- nated to one of the judgeships his former mili- tary secretary, Robert Harrison, familiarly known as tlie old Secretary ; but he preferred the office of Chancellor of Maryland, recently conferred upon him. On the 29th of September, Congress adjourn- ed to the first Monday in January, ai'ter an ar- duous session, in which many important ques- tions had been discussed, and powers organized and distributed. The actual Congress was in- ferior in eloquence and shining talent to the first Congress of the revolution ; but it possessed men well fitted for the momentous work before them ; sober, solid, upright, and well informed. An admirable harmony had prevailed between the legislature and the executive, and the ut- most decorum had reigned over the public de- liberations. Fisher Ame.«, then a young man, Avho had acquired a brilliant reputation in Massachusetts by the eloquence with which he had champion- ed the new constitution in the convention of that important State, and who had recently been elected to Congress, speaks of it in the following terms : " I have never seen an assem- bly where so little art was used. If they wish to carry a point, it is directly declared and jus- tified. Its merits and defects are plainly stated, not without sophistry and prejudice, but with- out management. * * * There is no inti'igue, no caucusing, little of clanning together, little asperity in debate, or personal bitterness out of the House." XJHAPTER V. The cabinet was still incomplete ; the depart- ment of foreign affairs, or rather of State, as it was now called, was yet to be supplied with a head. John Jay would have received the nom- ination had he not preferred the bench. Wash- 674 THOMAS JEFFERSON— SKETCH OF HIS CHARACTER AND OPINIONS. [1789. ington next thought of Thomas Jeiferson, who had so loug filled the post of Minister Plenipo- tentiary at the Court of Versailles, but had re- cently solicited and obtained permission to re- turn, for a few months, to the United States, for the purpose of placing his children among their friends in their native country, and of ar- ranging his private affairs, which had suffered from his protracted absence. And here we will venture a few particulars concerning this emi- nent statesman, introductory to the important influence he was to exercise on national affairs. His political principles as a democratic repub- lican, had been avowed at an early date in his draft of the Declaration of Independence, and subsequently in the successful war which he made upon the old cavalier traditions of his native State ; its laws of entails and i)rimogen- iture, and its church establishment, a war which bi'oke down the hereditary fortunes and hered- itary families, and put an end to the hereditary aristocracy of the Ancient Dominion. Being sent to Paris as minister plenipotenti- ary a year or two after the peace, he arrived there, as he says, " when the American revolu- tion seemed to have awakened the thinking part of the French nation from the sleep of des- potism in which they had been sunk." Carrying with him his republican principles and zeal, his house became the resort of Lafay- ette and others of the French oflicers who had served in the American revolution. They were mostly, he said, young men little shackled by habits and prejudices, and had come back with new ideas and new impressions which began to be disseminated by the press and in conversa- tion. Politics became the theme of ail societies, male and female, and a very extensive and zeal- ous party was formed which acquired the ap- pellation of the Patriot Party, who, sensible of the abuses of the government under, which they lived, sighed for occasions of reforming it. This party, writes Jefferson, " comprehended all the honesty of the kingdom sufficiently at leisure to think, the men of letters, the easy bourgeois, the young nobility, partly from re- flection, partly from the mode ; for these senti- ments became matter of mode, and, as such, united most of the young women to the party." By this party Jefferson was considered high authority from his republican principles and experience, and his advice was continually sought in the great effort for political reform which was daily growing stronger and stronger. His absence in Europe had prevented his taking part in the debates on the new constitution, but he had exercised his influence through his corresppndence. " I expressed freely," writes he, " in letters to my friends, and most partic- ularly to Mr. Madison and General "Washington, my approbations and objections." * What those approbations and objections were appears by the following citations, which are important to be kept in mind as illustrating his after con- duct: " I approved, from the first moment, of the great mass of what is in the new constitu- tion, the consolidation of the government, the organization into executive, legislative, and ju- diciary ; the subdivision of the legislature, the happy compromise of the interests between the great and little States, by the different manner of voting in the different Houses, the voting by persons instead of States, the qualified negative on laws given to the executive, which, howev- er, I should have liked better if associated with the judiciary also, as in New York, and the power of taxation : what I disapproved from the first moment, was the want of ^ bill of rights to guard liberty against the legislative as well as against the executive branches of the government ; that is to say, to secure freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom from monopolies, freedom from unlawful imprison- ment, freedom from a permanent military, and a trial by jury in all cases determinable by the laws of the land." "What he greatly objected to was the perpetual re-eligibility of the President. " This, I fear," said he, " will make that an office for life, first, and then hereditary. I was much an enemy to monarchies before I came to Europe, and am ten thousand times more so since I have seen what they are. There is scarcely an evil known in these countries which may not bo traced to their king as its source, nor a good which is not derived from the small fibres of republican- ism existing among them. I can further say, with safety, there is not a crowned head in Eu- rope whose talents or merits would entitle him to be elected a vestryjnan by the people of any parish in America." f In short, such a horror had he imbibed of kingly rule, that, in a familiar letter to Colonel Humphreys, who had been his Secretary of Le- gation, he gives it as the duty of our young Ke- public " to besiege the throne of heaven with eternal prayers to extirpate from creation this * Aiitobiography, Works, 1. 79. t Letter to Washington, May 2, 17S8. Works, ii. 375. -Et. 57. J THOMAS JEFFERSON AND GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. 675 class of human lions, tigers, and mammoths, called kings, from whom, let him perish who does not say, ' Good Lord, deliver us ! ' " Jefferson's pohtical fervor occasionally tended to exaltation, but it was genuine. In his ex- cited state he regarded with quick suspicion every thing in his own country that appeared to him to have a regal tendency. His sensitive- ness had been awakened by the debates in Congress as to the title to be given to the Pres- ident, whether or not he should be addressed as His Highness ; and had been relieved by the decision that he was to have no title but that of office, viz. : President of the United States. " I hope," said Jefferson, " the terms of Excel- lency, Honor, "Worship, Esquire, forever disap- pear from among us from that moment. I wish that of Mr. would follow them." * With regard to the re-eligibility of the Pres- ident, his anxiety was quieted for the present, by the elevation of "Washington to the Presi- dential chair. " Since the thing [re-eligibUity] is established," writes he, " I would wish it not to be altered dui-ing the lifetime of our great leader, whose executive talents are superior to those, I believe, of any man in the world, and who, alone, by the authority of his name, and the confidence reposed in his perfect integrity, is fully qualified to put the new government so under way as to secure it against the efforts of opposition. But, having derived from our error all the good there was in it, I hope we shall correct it the moment we can no longer have the same name at the helm." t Jefferson, at the time of which we are speak- ing, was, as we have shown, deeply immersed in French politics and interested in the success of the " Patriot Party," in its efforts to reform the country. His despatches to government all proved how strongly he was on the side of the people. " He considered a successful reforma- tion in France as insuring a general reformation throughout Europe, and the resurrection to a new life of their people now ground to dust by the abuses of the governing powers." Gouverneur Morris, who was at that time in Paris on private business, gives a different view of the state of things produced by the Patriot party. Morris had arrived in Paris on the 3d of February, 1789, furnished by Washington with letters of introduction to persons in Eng- land, France, and Holland. His brilliant talents, ready conversational powers, easy confidence in * Letter to Mr. Carraichael, Works, iii. 85 t Letter to F. Hopkinson, Works, ii. 587. society, and striking aristocratical appearance, had given him great currency, especially in the court party and among the ancient nobility ; in which direction his tastes most inclined. He had renewed his intimacy with Lafayette, whom he found "full of politics," but "too re- publican for the genius of his country." In a letter to the French minister, residing in Few York, Morris writes on the 23d of Febru- ary, 1789 : " Your nation is now in a most im- portant crisis, and the great question — shall we hereafter have a constitution, or shall will continue to be law — employs every mind and agitates every heart in France. Even volup- tuousness itself rises from its couch of roses and looks anxiously abroad at the busy scene to which nothing can now be indifferent. " Your nobles, your clergy, your people, are all in motion for the elections. A spirit which had been dormant for generations starts up and stares about, ignorant of the means of obtain- ing, but ardently desirous to possess its object — consequently active, energetic, easily led, but also easily, too easily, misled. Such is the in- stinctive love of freedom which now grows warm in the bosom of your country." When the king was constrained by the popu- lar voice to convene the States General at Ver- sailles for the purpose of discussing measures of reform, Jefferson was a constant attendant upon the debates of that body. " I was much acquainted with the leading patriots of the As- sembly," writes he, "being from a country which had successfully passed through similar reform ; they were disposed to my acquaintance and had some confidence in me. I urged most strenuously an immediate compromise to secure what the government was now ready to yield, and trust to future occasions for what might still be wanting." The " leading patriots" here spoken of, were chiefly the deputies from Brittany, who, with others, formed an association called the Breton Club, to watch the matters debated in Parlia- ment and shape the course of affairs. Morris, speaking of Jefferson at this juncture, observes, " He and I differ in- our system of politics. He, with all the leaders of liberty here, is desirous of annihilating distinctions of order. How far such views may be right, re- specting mankind in general, is, I think, ex- tremely problematical. But, with respect to this nation, I am sure it is wrong and cannot eventuate well." * * Life of G. Morris, i. 313. 676 JEFFERSON ON THE FRENCH CRISIS— WASHINGTON'S OPINION. [1789. Jefferson, in a letter to Thomas Paine (July 11), giving some account of the proceedings of the States General, observes, " The National Assembly (for that is the name they take) having shown, through every stage of tliese transactions, a coolness, wisdom, and resolution to set fire to the four corners of the kingdom, and to perish with it themselves rather than to relinquish an iota from their plan of a total change of government, are now in complete and undisputed possession of the Sovereignty. The executive and aristocracy are at their feet ; the mass of the nation, the mass of the clergy, and the army are with them ; they have pros- trated the old government and are now begin- ning to build one from the foimdation." It was but three days after the date of this letter that the people of Paris rose in their might, plundered the arsenal of the Invalides, furnished themselves with arms, stormed the Bastille ; and a national guard, formed of the Bourgeoisie, with the tricolored cockade for an emblem and Lafayette as commander, took Paris under its protection. Information of these events was given at midnight to the king at Versailles by Koche- foucauld-Liancourt. " It is a revolt," ex- claimed the king. " Sire," replied Liancourt, '' it is a revolution ! " Jefferson, in his despatches to government, spoke Avith admiration of the conduct of the people throughout the violent scenes which ac- companied this popular convulsion. " There was a severity of honesty observed, of which no example has been known. Bags of money, offered on various occasions through fear or guilt, have been uniformly refused by the mobs. The churches are now occupied in singing ' De Profundis ' and ' Eequiems ' for the repose of the souls of the brave and valiant citizens who have sealed, with their blood, the liberty of the nation, * * * y^Q cannot suppose this par- oxysm confined to Pa^is alone ; the whole coun- try must pass successfully through it, and happy if they get through as soon and as vrell as Paris has done." * Gouverneur Morris, writing on the same sub- ject to 'Washington, on the 31st of July, ob- serves : " You may consider the Ee volution as complete. The authority of the king and of the nobility is completely subdued ; yet I trem- ble for the constitution. They have all the romantic spirit and all the romantic ideas of * Letter to John Jay. Jefferson's Works, iii. 80. government, which, happily for America, we were cured of before it was too late." The foregoing brief notices of affairs in rev- olutionary France, and of the feelings Avith Avhich they were viewed by American states- men resident there, Avill be found of service in illustrating subsequent events in the United States. The first news of the Revolution reached America in October, and v/as hailed by the great mass of the people Avith enthusiasm. Washington in reply to his old comrade in arms, the Count deEochambeau, observes: " I am per- suaded I express the sentiments of my fellow- citizens, when I offer an earnest prayer that it may terminate in the permanent honor and happiness of your government and people." But, in a reply of the same date (13th Oct.) to Gouverneur Morris, he shoAvs that his circum- spect and cautious spirit was not to be hurried away by popular excitement. " The revolution Avhich has been effected in France," writes he, " is of so wonderful a nature, that the mind can hardly realize the fact. If it ends as our last accounts to the 1st of August predict, that na- tion will be the most powerful and happy in Europe ; but I fear, though it has gone trium- phantly through the first paroxysm, it is not the last it has to encounter before matters are finally settled. In a word, the revolution is of too great a magnitude to be effected in so short a space, and with the loss of so little blood. The mortification of the king, the intrigues of the queen, and the discontent of the princes and noblesse, will foment divisions, if possible, in the National Assembly ; and they will, un- questionably, avail themselves of every faux pas in the formation of the constitution, if they do not give a more open, active opposition. In addition to these, the licentiousness of the peo- ple on one hand, and sanguinary punishments on the other, will alarm the best disposed friends to the measure, and contribute not a little to the overthrow of their object. Great temperance, firmness, and foresight are neces- sary in the movements of that body. To for- bear rimning from one extreme to another, is no easy matter : and should this be the case, rocks and sheh^es, not visible at present, may wreck the vessel and give a higher-toned des- potism than the one which existed before." * Hamilton, too, regarded the recent events in France with a mixture of pleasure and appre- • Writings of Washington, x. S9. ^T. 57.] WASHINGTON'S JOURNEY THROUGH THE EASTERN STATES. 677 hension. In a letter to Lafayette lie writes : " As a friend to mankind and to liberty, I re- joice in the efforts which you are making to establish it, while I fear much for the final success of the attempts, for the fate of those who are engaged in it, and for the danger in case of success, of innovations greater than will consist with the real felicity of your nation. * * * I dread disagreements among those Avho are now imited, about the nature of yonr constitutton ; I dread the vehement character of your people, whom, I fear, you may find it more easy to bring on, than to keep within proper bounds after you have put them in mo- tion. I dread the interested refractoriness of your nobles, who cannot all be gratified, and who may be unwilling to submit to the requisite sacrifices. And I dread the reveries of your philosophic politicians, who appear in the mo- ment to have great influence, and who, being mere speculatists, may aim at more refinement than suits either with human nature or the composition of your nation." * The opposite views and feelings of Hamilton and Jefierson, with regard to the French revo- lution, are the more interesting, as these emi- nent statesmen were soon to be brought face to face in the cabinet, the policy of Avhich would be greatly influenced by French afi"airs ; for it was at this time that "Washington wrote to Jefierson, oflfering him the situation of Secre- tary of State, but forbearing to nominate a successor to his post at the Court of Versailles, iintil he should be informed of his determina- tion. CHAPTER VI. At the time of writing the letter to Jefi'erson, off'ering him the department of State, "Washing- ton was on the eve of a journey through the Eastern States, with a view, as he said, to ob- serve the situation of the country, and with a hope of perfectly re-establishing his health, which a series of indispositions had much im- paired. Having made all his arrangements, and left the papers appertaining to the office of Foreign Aftairs imder the temporary superin- tendence of Mr. Jay, he set out from New York on the 15th of October, travelling in his car- riage with four horses, and accompanied by his official secretary. Major Jackson, and his private HamOton'a AVorks, v. 440. secretary, Mr. Lear. Though averse from pub- lic parade, he could not but be deeply affected and gratified at every step by the manifestations of a people's love. "Wherever he came, all labor was suspended ; business neglected. The bells were rung, the guns were fired ; there were civic processions and military parades and tri- umphal arches, and all classes poured forth to testify, in every possible manner, their gratitude and aff"ection for the man whom they hailed as the Father of his country ; and well did his noble stature, his dignified demeanor, his ma- tured years, and his benevolent aspect, suit that venerable appellation. On the 22d, just after entering Massachusetts, he was met by an express from the Governor of the State (the Hon. John Hancock), inviting him to make his quarters at his house while he should remian in Boston, and announcing to him that he had issued orders for proper escorts to attend him, and that the troops with the gentlemen of the Council would receive him at Cambridge and wait on him to town. Washington, in a courteous reply, declined the Governor's invitation to his residence, hav- ing resolved, he said, on leaving New York, to accept of no invitations of the kind while on his journey, through an unwillingness to give trouble to private families. He had accordingly instructed a friend to engage lodgings for him during his stay in Boston. He was highly sen- sible, he observed, of the honors intended him ; but, could his wishes prevail, he would desire to visit the metropolis without any parade or extraordinary ceremony. It was never Wash- ington's good fortune, on occasions of the kind, to have his modest inclinations consulted; in the present instance they were little in accord with the habits and notions of the Governor, who, accustomed to fill public stations and pre- side at public assemblies, which he did with the punctilio of the old school, was strictly ob- servant of every thing appertaining to official rank and dignity. Governor Hancock was now about fifty-two years of age, tall and thin, of a commanding deportment and graceful manner, though stooping a little and much afflicted with the gout. He was really hospitable, which his ample wealth enabled him to be, and was no" doubt desirous of having Washington as a guest under his roof, but resolved, at all events, to give him a signal reception as the guest of the State over which he presided. Now it so hap- pened that the "select-men," or municipal authorities of Boston, had also made arrange- 678 WASHINGTON'S ENTRY INTO BOSTON— A QUESTION OF ETIQUETTE. [1*789. ments for receiving the President in their civic domain, and in so doing had proceeded without consulting the Governor ; as might have been expected, some clashing of rival plans was the result. In pursuance of the Governor's arrangement, tlie militia, with General Brooks at their head, and Mr. Samuel Adams, the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, at the head of the Executive Council, met Washington at Cambridge, and escorted him Avith great ceremony to town. Being arrived at the grand entrance, which is over what is called " The Neck," the Lieutenant-Governor and the Executive Council were brought to a sudden halt by observing the municipal au- tliorities drawn up in their carriage, in formal array, to pay civic honors to the city's guest. Here ensued a great question of etiquette. The Executive Council insisted on the right of the Governor, as chief of the State, to receive and welcome its guest, at the entrance of its capital. " He should have met him at the boundary of the State over which he presides," replied the others ; " and there have welcomed him to the hospitalities of the commonwealth. When the President is about to enter the town, it is the delegated right of the 7minicipal authorities thereof to receive and bid him welcome." The contending parties remained drawn up resolutely in their carriages, while aides-de- camp and marshals were posting to and fro be- tween them, carrying on a kind of diplomatic parley. In the mean time the President, and Major Jackson, his secretary, had mounted on horse- back, and were waiting on the Neck to be con- ducted into the town. The day was unusually cold and murky. Washington became chilled and impatient, and when informed of the cause of the detention, " Is there no other avenue into the town ? " demanded he of Major Jack- son. He was, in fact, on the point of wheeling about, when word was brought that the con- troversy was over, and that he would be re- cieved by the municipal authorities. We give his own account of the succeeding part of the ceremony. " At the entrance, I was welcomed by the select-men in a body. Then following the Lieutenant-Governor and Council in the order we came from Cambridge (preceded by the town corps, very handsomely dressed), we passed through the citizens, classed in their different professions, and under their own banners, till we came to the State House." The streets, the doors, the windows, the housetops, were crowded with well-dressed people of both sexes. " He was on horseback," says an observer, " dressed in his old continen- tal uniform, with his hat off. He did not bow to the spectators as he passed, but sat on his horse with a calm, dignified air. He dismounted at the old State House, now City Hall,* and came out on a temporary balcony at the west end ; a long procession passed before him, whose salutations he occasionally returned. These and other ceremonials being over, the Lieutenant-Governor and Council, accompanied by the Yice-President, conducted Washington to his lodgings, where they took leave of him." And now he is doomed to the annoyance of a new question of etiquette. He had previously accepted the invitation of Governor Hancock to an informal dinner, but had expected that that functionary would wait upon him as soon as he should arrive ; instead of which he received a message from him, pleading that he was too much indisposed to do so. Washington dis- trusted the sincerity of the apology. He had been given to understand that the Governor wished to evade paying the first visit, conceiv- ing that, as Governor of a State, and within the bounds of that State, the point of etiquette made it proper that he should receive the first visit, even from the President of the United States. Washington determined to resist this pretension ; he therefore excused himself from the informal dinner, and dined at his lodghigs, where the Vice-President favored him with his company. The next day the Governor, on consultation with his friends, was persuaded to waive the point of etiquette, and sent " his best respects to the President," informing him that, if at home and at leisure, he would do himself the honor to visit him in half an hour, intimating that he would bave done it sooner had his health permitted, and that it was not without . hazard to his health that he did it now. The following was Washington's reply, the last sentence of which almost savors of irony : " SuNDAT, 26tli October, 1 o'clock. " The President of the United States presents his best respects to the Governor, and has the honor to inform him that he shall be home till two o'clock. " The President need not express the pleas- ure it win give him to see the Governor ; but at the same time, he most earnestly begs that * This -nas written some years ago. ^T. 67.] ' WASHINGTON RETURNS TO NEW YORK— COL. JOHN TRUMBULL. 679 tlie Governor will not hazard his health on the occasion." From Washington's diary we find that the Governor found strength to pay the litigated visit within the specified time — though, accord- ing to one authority, he went enveloped in red baize, and was borne in the arms of servants into the house.* It does not appear that any harm resulted from the hazard to which the Governor exposed himself. At all events the hydra etiquette was silenced, and every thing went on pleasantly and decorously throughout the remainder of Wash- ington's sojourn in Boston. Various addresses were made to him in the course of his visit, but none that reached his heart more directly than that of his old compan- ions in arms, the Cincinnati Society of Massa- chusetts, who hailed him as "their glorious lead- er in war, their illustrious example in peace." " Dear, indeed," said he, in reply, " is the occasion which restores an intercourse with my associates in prosperous and adverse fortune ; and enhanced are the triumphs of peace par- ticipated with those whose virtue and valor so largely contributed to procure them. To that virtue and valor your country has confessed her obligations. Be mine the grateful task to add to the testimony of a connection which it was my pride to own' in the field, and is now my happiness to acknowledge in the enjoy- ments of peace and freedom." After remaining in Boston for a week, feted in the most hospitable manner, Jie appointed eight o'clock, on Thursday the 29th, for his de- parture. The appointed time arrived, but not the escort ; whereupon, punctual himself, and fearing, perhaps, to be detained by some new question of etiquette, he departed without them, and was overtaken by them on the road. His journey eastward terminated at Ports- mouth, whence he turned his face homeward by a middle route through the interior of the country to Hartford, and thence to New York, where he arrived between tv,ro and three o'clock on the 13th of November. CHAPTER VII. Not long after Washington's return from his eastern tour, Colonel John Trumbull, his aide- de-camp in former days, now an historical paint- * Sullivan's Letters on Public Character?, p. 15. er of eminence, arrived from Europe, where he had been successfully prosecuting his art and preparing for his grand pictures, illustrative of our revolutionary history. At Mr. Jefferson's house in Paris, he had been enabled to sketch from life the portraits of several of the French officers who had been present at the capture of Cornwallis, and were now amoiJg the popular agitators of France. He had renewed his mili- tary acquaintance with Lafayette; witnessed the outbreak of the revolution ; the storming of the Bastille ; and attended the marquis on one occasion, when the latter succeeded in calming the riotous excesses of a mob, princi- pally workmen, in the Faubourg St. Antoine. . Trumbull brought an especial message from Lafayette. The marquis had been anxious that Washington should know the state of affairs in France, and the progress and prospects of the momentous cause in which he was engaged, but, in the hurry of occupation, had not time to write with the necessary detail ; finding, how- ever, that Trumbull was soon to depart for the United States, he invited him to breakfast with him at an early hour and alone, for the express purpose of explaining matters to him frankly and fully, to be communicated by him to Wash- ington, immediately on his arrival in America. We give the Colonel's report of Lafayette's conversation, as he has recorded it in his auto- biography. " You have witnessed the surface of things," said the marquis ; " it is for me to explain the interior. The object which is aimed at by the Duke de Eochefoucauld, M. Condorcet, myself, and some others, who consider ourselves leaders, is to obtain for France a constitution nearly resembling that of England, which we regard as the most perfect model of government hith- erto known. To accomplish this, it is necessary to diminish, very essentially, the power of the king ; but our object is to retain the throne, in great majesty, as the first branch of the legisla- tive power, but retrenching its executive power in one point, which, though very important in the British crown, Ave think is needless here. The peerage of France is already so numerous, that we would take from our king the right of creating new peers, except in cases where old families might become extinct. To all this, the king (who is one of the best of men, and sincerely desirous for the happiness of his peo- ple) most freely and cordially consents. " We wish a House of Peers with powers of legislation similar to that of England, restricted 080 LAFAYETTE TO WASHINGTON"— JEFFERSON MADE SECRETARY OF STATE. [1789. in number to one hundred members, to be ' elected by the whole body from among them- selves, in the same manner as the Scotch peers are in the British parliament. * * * We wish, as the third brancli of the legislative body, a House of Representatives, chosen by the great body of the people from among them- selves, by sufA a ratio as shall not make the House too numerous ; and this branch of our project meets unanimous applause. * * * Unhappily, there is one powerful and wicked man, who, I fear, will destroy this beautiful fabric of human happiness — the Duke of Or- leans. He does not, indeed, possess talent to carry into execution a great project, but he pos- sesses immense wealth, and France abounds in marketable talents. Every city and town has young men eminent for abilities, particularly in the law — ardent in character, eloquent, ambi- tious of distinction, but poor. These are the instruments which the duke may command by money, and they will do his bidding. His ha- tred of the royal family can be satiated only by their ruin ; his ambition, probably, leads him to aspire to the throne. " You saw the other day, in the mob, men who were called les Marseillois, leg patriots 2^<^'>' excellence. You saw them particularly active and audacious in stimulating the discontented artisans and laborers, who composed the great mass of the mob, to acts of violence and feroci- ty ; these men are, in truth, desperadoes, as- sassins from the south of France, familiar with murder, robbery, and every atrocious crime, who have been brought up to Paris by the money of the duke, for the very purpose in which you saw them employed, of mingling in all mobs, and exciting the passions of the people to fi-enzy. " This is the first act of the drama. The sec- ond will be to influence the elections, to fill the approaching Assembly with ardent, inexperi- enced, desperate, ambitious young men, who, instead of proceeding to discuss calmly the de- tails of the plan of which I have given you the general outline, and to carry it quietly into operation, will, under disguise of zeal for the people, and abhorrence of the aristocrats, 'drive every measure to exti-emity, for the pur- pose of throwing the aftairs of the nation into utter confusion, when the master spirit may ac- complish his ultimate purpose." * Such was the report of affairs in France which Lafayette transmitted by Trumbull to ' 'I * Trumbull's Autobiography, 151. Washington. It was not long after this Con- versation of the colonel with the marquis that, the sittings of the National Assembly being transferred from Versailles to Paris, the Breton club fixed itself on the site of the convent of Jacobins ; threw open its doors to the public, and soon, under the appellation of the Jacobin Club, exercised the baleful influence in public affairs which Lafayette apprehended. Washington had listened with profound at- tention to the report rendered by Trumbull. In the course of a subsequent conversation the latter informed him that Mr. Jefi'erson had em- barked for America, and, it Avas probable, had already landed at Norfolk in Virginia. Wash- ington immediately forwarded to him his com- mission as Secretary of State, requesting to know his determination on the subject. Jefferson, in reply, expressed liimself flattered by the nomination, but dubious of his being equal to its extensive and various duties, while, on the other hand, he felt familiar with the du- ties of his present office. " But it is not for an individual to choose his path," said he. " You are to marshal us as may best be for the public good. * * * Signify to me, by another line, your ultimate wish, and I shall conform to it cordially. If it should be to remain in New York, my cliief comfort will be to work under your eye ; my only shelter the authority of your name and the wisdom of measures to be dictated by you and implicitly executed by me." * Washington, in answer, informed him that he considered the successful administration of the general government an object of almost infinite consequence to the present and future happinciss of the citizens of the United States ; that he regarded the office of Secretary for the depart- ment of State very important, and that he knew of no person who, in his judgment, could better execute the duties of it than himself.t Jefferson accordingly accepted the nomina- tion, but observed that the matters which had called him home, would probably prevent his setting out for New York before the month of March. CHAPTER VIII. CoxcnEss reassembled on the 4th of January (1790), but a quorum of the two Houses was not present until the 8th, when the session was * Jefferson's Works, vol. iii., p. 125. t Washington's Writings, x. 77. ^T. 58.] FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY. 681 opened by "Washington in form, with an address dehvered before them in the Senate chamber.* Among the most important objects suggested in the address for the dehberation of Congress, were provisions for national defence; provis- ions for facihtating intercourse with foreign na- tions, and defraying the expenses of diplomatic agents ; laws for the naturalization of foreign- ers ; uniformity in the currency, weights, and measures of the United States; facilities for the advancement of commerce, agriculture, and manufactures ; attention to the post-office and post-roads ; measures for the promotion of sci- ence and literature, and for the support of pub- lic credit. This last object was the one which Washing- ton had more immediately at heart. The gov- ernment was now organized, apparently, to the satisfaction of all parties ; but its efficiency would essentially depend on the success of a measure which Washington had pledged him- self to institute, and which was yet to be tried ; namely, a system of finance adapted to revive the national credit, and place the public debt in a condition to be paid off. The credit of the country was at a low ebb. The confeder- acy, by its articles, had the power of contract- ing debts for a national object, but no control over the means of payment. Thirteen inde- pendent legislatures could grant or withhold the means. The government was then a gov- ernment under governments — the States had more power than Congress. At the close of * As tho degree of state -witli which the session was opened was suhsequeutly a matter of comment, we extract from Washington's diary his own account of it, premising that the regulations were devised by General Knox and Colonel Humphreys. " Friday, 8th, according to appointment, at 11 o'clock, I set out for the City Hall in my coach, preceded by Col- onel Humphreys and Major Jackson in uniform (on my two white horses), and followed by Messrs. Lear and Nel- son in my chariot, and Mr. Lewis, on horseback, following them. In their rear was the Chief Justice of the United Btates and Secretaries of tho Treasury and "War Depart- ments in their respective carriages, and in tho order they are named. At the outer door of the Hall, I was met by the door-keepers of tho Senate and House, and conducted to the door of the Senate chamber, and passing from thence to the chair through the Senate on the right and House of Representatives on the left, I took my seat. The gentlemen who attended me followed and took their stands behind the senators ; the whole rising as I entered. After being seated, at which time the members of both Houses also sat, I rose (as they also did), and made my speech, delivering one copy to the President of the Senate and another to the Speaker of the House of Representatives- after which, and being a few moments seated, I retired, bowing on each side to the assembly (who stood) as I passed, and descending to tiio lower hall attended as before, I returned with them to my house." the war the debt amounted to forty-two mil- lions of dollars ; but so little had the country been able to fulfil its engagements, owing to the want of a sovereign legis||iture having tho sole and exclusive power of laying duties ujwn imports, and thus providing adequate ro.sources, that the debt had swollen, through arreiars of interest, to upwards of lit'ty-four raillions. Of this amount nearly eight millions were due to France, between three and ^our millions to pri- vate lenders in Holland, fl.ul about two hun- dred and fifty thousand jii Spain ; making, al- together, nearly twehe millions due abroad. The debt contracted at home amounted to up- wards of forty-two millions, and was due, orig- inally, to officers and soldiers of the revolution- ary war, who had risked th|>ir lives for the cause ; farmers who h.vi lurnishe'd supplies for the public service, or M^ho:.'e property had been assumed for it ; capitalists who, in critical pe- riods of the war, had adventured their fortunes in support of their country's independence. The domestic debt, therefire, could not have had a more sacred and patriotic origin ; but, in the long delay of national justice, the paper which represented 1 ^.oso outstanding claims, had sunk to less th; n a sixth of its nominal value, and the larger portion of it had booii parted with at that depreciated rate, either la the course of trade, or to speculative purchi'.s- ers, who were willing to take the risk of even'- ual payment, however little their oonfidejice seemed to be warranted, at the time, by tho pecuniary condition and prospects of the coun- try. The debt, when ^hus transferred, lost its commanding appeal to patriiitic syiv.yr.^-^:;,' ; but remained as obligatory in the eye of justice. In public newspapers, however, and in private circles, the propriety of a discrimination be- tween the assignees and the original holders of the public securities, was freely discussed. Beside the foreign and domestic debt of the federal government, the States, individually, were involved in liabilities contracted for the common cause, to an aggregate amount of about twenty-five millions of dollars ; of which, more than one-half was due from three of them ; Massachusetts and South Carolina each owing more than five millions, and Virginia more than three and a half. The reputation and the well- being of the government were, therefore, at stake upon the issue of some plan to retrieve the national credit, and establish it upon a firm and secure foundation. 682 FOREIGN AND DOJIESTIC DEBTS— WASHINGTON ON SECTIONAL JEALOUSIES. [1790. The Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Hamil- ton), it will be remembered, had been directed by Congress to prepare such a plan during its recess. In the one thus prepared, he asserted, what none were disposed to question, the pro- priety of paying H;he foreign debt according to its terms. He asserted, also, the equal validity of the original claims of the An^erican creditors of the government; whether those creditors were the original holders of its certificates or subsequent purchasers of them at a depreciated value. The idea of any distinction between them, which some were inclined to advance, lie repudiated as alike unjust, impolitic, and im- practicable. He urged, moreover, the assump- tion, by the general government, of the separate debts of the States, contracted for the common cause, and that a !ike provision should be made for their payment as for the payment of those of the Union. They were all contracted in the struggle for national independence, not for the independence of any particular part. No more money would be required for their discharge as federal, than as State debts. Money could be raised more readily by the federal government than by the States, and all clashing and jealousy between State and federal debtors would thus be prevented. A reason, also, which, no doubt,, had great weight with him, though he did not bring it under consideration in his report, for fear,' probably, of offending the jealousy of State sovereignty, dormant, but not extinct, was, that it would tend to iinite the States finan- cially, as they were united politically, and strengthen the central government by rallying capitalists around it ; subjecting them to its in- fluence, and rendering them agents of its will. He recommended, therefore, that the entire mass of debt be funded ; the Union made re- sponsible for it, and taxes imposed for its liqui- dation. He suggested, moreover, the expedien- cy, for the greater security of the debt and punctuality in the payment of interest, that the domestic creditors submit to an abatement of accruing interest. The plan was reported to the House by Mr. Hamilton, the 14th of January, but did not un- 'dergo consideration until the 8th of February, when it was opposed with great earnestness, especially the point of assuming the State debts, as tending to consolidation, as giving an undue influence to the general government, and as being of doubtful constitutionality. -This finan- cial union of the States was reprobated, not only on the floor of Congress, but in different parts of the Union, as fraught with political evil. The Northern and Eastern States gene- rally favored the plan, as did also South Caro- lina, but Virginia manifested a determined op- position. The measure, however, passed, in Committee of the Whole, on the 9th of March, by a vote of 31 to 26. The funding of the State debts was supposed to benefit, materially, the Northern States, in which was the entire capital of the country ; yet, South Carolina voted for the assumption. The fact is, opinions were honestly divided on the subject. The great majority were aiming to do their duty — to do what was right ; but their disagreement was the result of real difll- culties incident to the intricate and complicated problem with which they had to deal. A letter from Washington's monitory friend, Dr. Stuart of Virginia (dated March 15th), spoke with alarm of the jealous belief growing up in that quarter, that the Northern and Eastern States were combining to pursue their own ex- clusive interests. Many, he observed, who had heretofore been warm supporters of the govern- ment, were changing their sentiments, from a conviction of the impracticability of union with States whose interests were so dissimilar. Washington had little sympathy with these sectional jealousies ; and the noble language in which he rebukes them, cannot be too largely cited. " I am sorry," observes he, " such jeal- ousies as you speak of, should be gaining ground and poisoning the minds of the southern peo- ple ; but, admit the fact which is alleged as the cause of them, and give it full scope, does it amount to more than was known to every man of information before, at, and since the adoption of the Constitution? Was it not always be- lieved that there are some points which pecu- liarly interest the Eastern States? And did any one who reads human nature, and more especially the character of the eastern people, conceive that they would not pursue them steadily, by a combination of their force ? Are there not other points which equally concern the Southern States ? If these States are less tenacious of their interest, or if, while the East- ern move in a solid phalanx to effect their views, the Southern are always divided, which of the two is most to be blamed? That there is a diversity of interests in the Union, none has denied. That this is the case, also, in every State, is equally certain ; and that it even ex- tends to the counties of individual States, can be as readily proved. Instance the southern ^T. 58.] JEFFERSOX ARRIVES IN NEW YORK— HIS IMPRESSIONS OF AFFAIRS. 683 and northern parts of Virginia, the upper and lower parts of South Carolina. Have not the interests of these always been at variance? Witness the county of Fairfax. Have not the interests of the people of that county va- ried, or the inhabitants been taught to believe so ? These are well-known truths, and yet it did not foUow that separation was to result from the disagreement. " To constitute a dispute, there must be two parties. To understand it well, both parties, and all the circumstances, must be fully heard ; and, to accommodate diiferences, temper and mutual forbearance are requisite. Common danger brought the States into confederacy, and on their union our safety and importance depend. A spirit of accommodation was the basis of the present Constitution. Can it be expected, then, that the southern or eastern parts of the empire will succeed in all their measures ? Certainly not. But I will readily grant that more points will be carried by the latter than the former, and for the reason which has been mentioned ; namely, that in all great national questions, they move in unison, whilst the others are di- vided. But I ask again, which is most blame- worthy, those who see and will steadily pursue their interest, or those who cannot see, or see- ing, will not act wisely ? And I wiU ask an- otlier question, of the highest magnitude in my mind, to "wit, if the Eastern and Northern States are dangerous in union, will they be less so in separation ? If self-interest is their gov- erning principle, will it forsake them, or be re- strained by such an event ? I hardly think it would. Then, independently of other consid- erations, what would Virginia, and such other States as might be inclined to join her, gain by a separation ? Would they not, unquestionably, be the weaker party ? " At this juncture (March 21st), when Virginian discontents were daily gaining strength, Mr. Jefferson arrived in New York to undertake the duties of the Department of State. We have shown his strong antipathies, while in Paris, to every thing of a monarchical or aris- tocratical tendency ; he had just been in Vir- ginia, where the forms and ceremonials adopted at the seat of our government, were subjects of cavil and sneer ; where it was reported that Washington affected a monarchical style in his official intercourse, that he lield court-like levees, and Mrs. Washington " queenly drawing-rooms," at which none but the aristocracy were admit- ted, that the manners of both were haughty, and their personal habits reserved and exclu- sive. The impressions thus made on Jefferson's mind, received a deeper stamp .on his arrival in New York, from conversations with his friend Madison, in the course of which the lat- ter observed, that " the satellites and syco- phants which surrounded Washington, had wound up the ceremonials of the government to a pitch of stateliness which nothing but his personal character could have supported, and which no character after him could ever main- tain." Thus prepossessed and premonished, Jeffer- son looked round him with an apprehensive eye, and appears to have seen something to startle him at every turn. We give, from his private correspondence, his own account of his impressions. "Being fresh from the French revolution, while in its first and pure stage, and, consequently, somewhat whetted up in my own republican principles, I found a state of things in the general society of the place, which I could not have supposed possible. The revolution I had left, and that we had just gone through in the recent change of our own gov- ernment, being the common topics of conversa- tion, I was astonished to find the general prev- alence of monarchical sentiments, insomuch, that in maintaining those of republicanism, I had always the whole company on my hands, never scarcely finding among them a single co- advocate in that argument, unless some old member of Congress happened to be present. The furthest that any one would go in support of the republican features of our new govern- ment, would be to say, ' the present constitu- tion is weU as a beginning, and may be allowed a fair trial, but it is, in fact, only a stepping- stone to something better.' " This picture, given under excitement, and with preconceived notions, is probably over- charged; but allowing it to be true, we can hardly wonder at it, viewed in connection with the place and times. New York, during the session of Congress, was the gathering place of politicians of every party. The revolution of France had made the forms of government once more the universal topics of conversation, and revived the conflict of opinions on the subject. As yet, the history of the world had furnished no favorable examples of popular government ; speculative writers in England had contended that no government more popular than their own, was consistent with either internal trau- 684 HAMILTON'S APPEAL TO JEFFERSON. [1190. quillity, the supremacy of the laws, or a great extent of empire. Our repubhc was ten thoes larger than any that had yet existed. Jay, one of the calmest thinkers of the Union, expressed himself dubiously on the subject. " Whether any people could long govern themselves in an equal, uniform, and orderly manner, was a question of vital importance to the cause of liberty, but a question which, like others, Avhose solution depends on facts, could only be determined by experience — now, as yet, there had been very few opportunities of making the experiment." Alexander Hamilton, though pledged and sincerely disposed to support the republican form, with regard to our country, preferred, theo- reticalhj, a monarchical form ; and, being frank of speech, and, as Gouverneur Morris writes, " prone to mount his hobby," may have spoken openly in favor of that form as suitable to France ; and as his admirers took their creed from him, opinions of the kind may have been uttered pretty freely at dinner-tables. These, however, which so much surprised and shocked Mr. Jeft'erson, were probably merely specula- tive opinions, broached in unguarded hours, with no sinister design, by men who had no thought of paving the way for a monarchy. They made, however, a deep impression on his apprehensive mind, which sank deeper and deeper until it became a fixed opinion with him, that there was the desire and aim of a large party, of which Hamilton was the leader, to give a regal form to the government. CHAPTER IX. The question of the assumption of the State debts was resumed in Congress on the 29th of March, on a motion to commit, which was car- ried by a majority of two ; the five members from North Carolina (now a State of the Union) who Avcre strongly opposed to assumption, hav- ing taken their seats and reversed the position of parties on the question. An angry and in- temperate discussion was revived, much to the chagrin of Washington, who was concerned for the dignity of Congress ; and who considered the assumption of the State debts, under proper restrictions and scrutiny into accounts, to be just and reasonable.''' On the 12th of April, ■ See letter to David Stuart, "Writings, x. p. 98. when the question to commit was taken, there was a majority of two against the assumption. On the 2Gth the House was discharged, for the present, from proceeding on so much of the report as related to the assumption. Jefferson, who had arrived in New York in the midst of what he terms " this bitter and angry contest," had taken no concern in it ; being, as he says, " a stranger to the ground, a stranger to the actors in it, so long absent as to have lost all familiarity with the subject, and to be unaware of its object." We give his own account of an earnest eftbrt made by Hamilton, who, he says, was " in despair," to resuscitate, through his influence, his almost hopeless project. " As I was going to the President's one day, I met him [Hamilton] in the street. He walked me backwards and forwards before the President's door for half an hour. He painted pathetically the temper into which the legislature had been wrought ; the disgust of those who were called the creditor States ; the danger of the secession of their members, and the separation of the States, He observed that the members of the administration ought to act in concert ; that though this question was not of my depart- ment, yet a common duty should make it a common concern ; that the President was the centre on which all administrative questions ultimately rested, and that all of us should rally around him, and support, with joint efforts, measures approved by him ; and that the ques- tion having been lost by a small majority only, it was probable that an appeal from me to the judgment and discretion of some of my friends, might effect a change in the vote, and the ma- chine of government, now suspended, might be again set into motion. I told him that I was really a stranger to the whole subject ; that not having yet informed myself of the system of finance adopted, I knew not how far this was a necessary sequence ; that undoubtedly, if its rejection endangered a dissolution of our Union at this incipient stage, I should deem that the most unfortunate of all consequences, to avert which all partial and temporary evils should be yielded. I proposed to him, however, to dine with me the next day, and. I would invite another friend or two, bring them into confer- ence together, and I thought it impossible that reasonable men, consulting together coolly, could fail, by some mutual sacrifices of opinion, to form a compromise Avhich was to saVe the Union. The discussion took place. I could take no part in it but an e^ortatory one, be- Mr. 58.] SEAT OF GOVEKNMENT— CAVILLINGS ABOUT PRESIDENTIAL ETIQUETTE. 685 cause I Tvas a stranger to the circumstances wliicli should govern it. But it was finally agreed, that whatever importance had been at- tached to the rejection of this proposition, the preservation of the Union, and of concord among the States, was more important, and that, therefore, it would he better that the vote of rejection should be rescinded, to effect which some members should change their votes. But it was observed that this pill would be pecu- liarly bitter to the Southern States, and that some concomitant measure should be adopted to sweeten it a little to them. There had be- fore been projects to fix the seat of government either at Philadelphia or at Georgetown on the Potomac ; and it was thought that, by giving it to Philadelphia for ten years, and to George- town permanently afterwards, this might, as an anodyne, calm in some degree the ferment which might be excited by the other measure alone. So two of the Potomac members (White and Lee, but White with a revulsion of. stom- ach almost convulsive) agreed to change their votes, and Hamilton undertook to carry the other point. In doing this, the influence he had established over the eastern members, with the agency of Eobert Morris with those of the Middle States, effected his side of the engage- ment." * The decision of Congress was ultimately in favor of assumption, though the form in which it finally passed differed somewhat from the proposition of Hamilton. A specific sum was assumed ($21,500,000), and this was distributed among the States in specific portions. Thus modified, it passed the Senate, July 22d, by the close vote of fourteen to twelve : and the House, July 24th, by thirty-four to twenty- eight, '' after having," says Washington, " been agitated with a warmth and intemperance, with prolixity and threats which, it is to be feared, have lessened the dignity of Congress and de- creased the respect once entertained for it." The question about the permanent seat of government, which, from the variety of con- tending interests, had been equally a subject of violent contests, was now compromised. It was agreed that Congress should continue for ten years to hold its sessions at Philadelphia ; dur- ing which time the public buildings should be erected at some place on the Potomac, to which the government should remove at the expira- tion of the above term. A territory, ten miles * Jefferson's Works, ix. 93, The Anaa. square, selected for the purpose on the confines of Maryland and Virginia, was ceded by those States to the United States, and subsequently designated as the District of Columbia. One of the last acts of the Executive during this session was the conclusion of a treaty of peace and friendship with the Creek nation of Indians, represented at New York by Mr. M'GiUivray, and thirty of the chiefs and head men. By this treaty (signed August 7th), an extensive territory, claimed by Georgia, was relinquished, greatly to the discontent of that State ; being considered by it an unjustifiable abandonment of its rights and interests. Jeffer- son, however, lauded the treaty as important, " drawing a line," said he, " between the Creeks and Georgia, and enabling the govern- ment to do, as it wiU do, justice against either party offending." In familiar conversations with the President, Jefferson remonstrated frequently and earnestly against the forms and ceremonies prevailing at the seat of government. Washington, in reply, gave the explanation which we have stated in a preceding chapter ; that they had been adopted at the advice of others, and that for himself he was indifferent to all forms. He soon, however, became painfully aware of the exaggerated notions on the subject prevalent in Virginia. A letter from his friend. Dr. Stuart, informed him that Patrick Henry had scouted the idea of being elected to the Senate ; he was too old, he said, to fall into the awkward imitations which were now become fashionable. " From this expression," adds Mr. Stuart, " I suspect the old patriot has heard some extra- ordinary representations of the etiquette estab- lished at your levees." Another person whom Dr. Stuart designates as Col. B , had af- firmed " that there was more pomp used there than at St. James's where he had been, and that Washington's bows were more distant and stiff"." These misapprehensions and exaggerations, prevalent in his native State, touched Washing- ton to the quick, and called forth a more sen- sitive reply than, on such subjects, he was ac- customed to make. "That I have not been able," writes he, " to make bows to the taste of poor Colonel B (who, by the by, I believe never saw one of them), is to be re- gretted, especially, too, as, upon those occa- sions, they were indiscriminately bestowed, and the best I was master of. Would it not have been better to throw the veil of charity over 686 THE PRESIDENT'S LEVEES— RIVALRY IN THE CABINET. [1790. them, ascribing their stiffness to the effects of age, or to the unskilfulness of my teacher, rather than to pride and the dignity of office, •which, God knows, has no charms for me? For I can truly say, I had rather be at Mount Vernon with a friend or two about me, than to be attended at the seat of government by the officers of state and the representatives of every power in Europe." He then goes on to give a sketch of his levees, and the little ceremony that prevailed there. As to the visits made on those occa- sions to the presidential mansion, they were optional, and made without invitation. " Be- tween the hours of three and four, every Tues- day, I am prepared to receive them. Gentle- men, often in great numbers, come and go, chat with each other, and act as they please ; a porter shows them into the room and they retire from it when they please, and without oeremony. At their first entrance they salute me, and I them, and as many as I can talk to, I do. "What pomp there is in all this, I am unable to discover. Perhaps it consists in not sitting. To this, two reasons are opposed : first, it is unusual ; secondly, which is a more substantial one, because I have no room large enough to contain a third of the chairs which would be sufficient to admit it. " Similar to the above, but of a more sociable kind, are the visits every Friday afternoon to Mrs. "Washington, where I always am. These public meetings, and a dinner once a week, to as many as my table will hold, with the refer- ences to and from the different departments of State, and other communications with all parts of the Union, are as much, if not more, than I am able to undergo ; for I have already had, within less than a year, two severe at- tacks — the last worse than the first. A third, more than probably, will put me to sleep with my fathers." Congress adjourned on the 12th of August. Jefferson, commenting on the discord that had prevailed for a time among the members, ob- serves, that in the latter part of the session, they had reacquired the harmony which had always distinguished their proceedings before the introduction of the two disagreeable sub- jects of the Assumption and the Kesidence : " these," said he, " really threatened, at one time, a separation of the legislature sine die.'''' " It is not foreseen," adds he sanguinely, " that any thing so generative of dissension can arise again ; and, therefore, the friends of gov- ernment hope that, that difficulty surmounted in the States, every thing will work well." * "Washington, too, however grieved and dis- appointed he may have been by the dissensions which had prevailed in Congress, consoled him- self by the fancied harmony of his cabinet. Singularly free himself from aU jealousy of the talents and popularity of others, and solely ac- tuated by zeal for the public good, he had sought the ablest men to assist him in his arduous task, and supposed them influenced by the same un- selfish spirit. In a letter to Lafayette, he writes, " Many of your old acquaintances and friends are concerned with me in the administration of this government. By having Mr. Jefferson at the head of the department of State, Mr, Jay of the judiciary, Hamilton of the treasury, and Knox of war, I feel myself supported by able coadjutors who harmonize extremely well to- gether." Yet, at this very moment, a lurking spirit of rivalry between Jefferson and Hamilton was already existing and daily gaining strength. Jefferson, who, as we have intimated, already considered Hamilton a monarchist in his prin- ciples, regarded all his financial schemes with suspicion, as intended to strengthen the influ- ence of the treasury and make its chief the master of every vote in the legislature, " which might give to the government the direction suited to his political views." Under these impressions, Jefferson looked back with an angry and resentful eye to the manner in which Hamilton had procured his aid in effecting the measure of assumption. He now regarded it as a finesse by which he had been entrapped, and stigmatized the meas- ure itself as a " fiscal manoeuvre, to which he had most ignorantly and innocently been made to hold the candle." t CHAPTER X. DuRixG these early stages of his administra- tion the attention of Washington was often called off from affairs at home to affairs in France ; and to the conspicuous and perilous part which his frieud and disciple, Lafayette, was playing in the great revolutionary drama. "Your friend, the Marquis de Lafayette," writes the Marquis de la Luzerne, " finds him- Jefl'erson's "Works, iii. 184. t Idem, ix. 92. ^T. 58.] LETTERS FROM LAFAYETTE TO WASHINGTON. G67 self at the head of the revolution ; and, indeed, it is a very fortunate circumstance for the State that he is, but very little so for himself. Never has any man been placed in a more critical sit- uation. A good citizen, a faithful subject, he is embarrassed by a thousand difficulties in making many people sensible of what is proper, who very often feel it not, and who sometimes do not understand what it is." Lafayette, too, amid the perplexities of con- ducting a revolution, looked back to the time when, in his early campaigns in America, he had shared "Washington's councils, bivouacked with him on the field of battle, and been ben- efited by his guardian wisdom in every emer- gency. " How often, my well-beloved general," writes he (January, 1790), "have I regretted your sage councils and friendly support. We have advanced in the career of the revolution without the vessel of State being wrecked against the rocks of aristocracy or faction. In the midst of eflforts, always renewing, of the partisans of the past and of the ambitious, we advance towards a tolerable conclusion. At present, that which existed has been destroyed ; a new political edifice is forming ; without be- ing perfect, it is sufficient to assure liberty. Thus prepared, the nation will be in a state to elect, in two years, a convention which can correct the faults of the constitution. * * * The result will, I hope, be happy for my coun- try and for humanity. One perceives the germs of liberty in other parts of Europe. I will encourage their development by all the means in my power." Gouverneur Morris, who is no enthusiast of the revolution, regards its progress with a du- bious eye. Lafayette, in the previous month of November, had asked his opinion of his situ- ation. " I give it to him," writes Morris, "s«ns menagement. I tell him that the time ap- proaches, when all good men must cling to the throne. That the present king is very valu- able on account of his moderation ; and if he should possess too great authority, might be persuaded to grant a proper constitution. That the thing called a constitution, which the As- sembly have framed, is good for nothing. That, as to himself, his personal situation is very deli- cate. That he nominally, but not really, com- mands his troops. That I really cannot under- stand how he is to establish discipline among them, but, unless he can accomplish that object he must be ruined sooner or later." On the 22d of January, 1790, Morris writes to Washington, " Our friend, Lafayette, burns with desire to be at the head of an army in Flanders, and drive the Stadtholder into a ditch. He acts now a splendid, but dangerous part. Unluckily, he has given in to measures, as to the constitution, Avhich he does not heart- ily approve, and heartily approves many things which experience will demonstrate to be injuri- ous." * Far removed as Washington was from the theatre of political action, and but little ac- quainted with many of the minute circumstan- ces which might influence important decisions, he was cautious in hazarding opinions in his replies to his French correspondents. Indeed, the whole revolutionary movement appeared to him so extraordinary in its commencement, so wonderful in its progress, and so stupendous in its possible consequences, that he declared himself almost lost in the contemplation of it. " Of one thing you may rest perfectly assured," writes he to the Marquis de la Luzerne, " that nobody is more anxious for the happy issue of that business than I am ; as no one can wish more sincerely for the prosperity of the French nation than I do. Nor is it without the most sensible pleasure that I learn that our friend, the Marquis de Lafayette, has, in acting the arduous part which has fallen to' his share, con- ducted himself with so much wisdom and ap- parently with such general satisfaction." A letter subsequently received from Lafay- ette gives him two months' later tidings, ex- tending to the middle of March. " Our revolu- tion pursues its march as happily as is possible, with a nation which, receiving at once all its liberties, is yet subject to confound them with licentiousness. The Assembly has more of ha- tred against the ancient system, than of experi- ence to organize the new constitutional govern- ment ; the ministers regret their ancient pow- er, and do not dare to make use of that which they have ; in short, as all which existed has been destroyed, and replaced by institutions very incomplete, there is ample matter for critiques and calumnies. Add to this, we are attacked by two sorts of enemies ; the aristo- crats who aim at a counter-revolution, and the factious who would annihilate all authority, perhaps even attempt the life of the members of the reigning branch. These two parties fo- ment all the troubles. * Sparks' Life of Morris, ii. 86. 688 THE KEY OF THE BASTILLE— FRONTIER DIFFICULTIES. [1790. " After having avowed all this, my dear gen- eral, I will tell you, with the same frankness, that we have made an admirahle and almost incredible destruction of all the abuses, of aU the prejudices ; that all which was not useful to the people ; all which did not come from them, has been retrenched ; that, in considering the situation, topographical, moral, and politi- cal of France, we have effected more changes in ten months, than the most presumptuous patri- ots could have hoped, and that the reports about our anarchy, our internal troubles, are greatly exaggerated." In concluding this letter, he writes : " Per- mit me, my dear general, to offer you a picture representing the Bastille, such as it was some days after I had given orders for its demoli- tion. I make you homage, also, of the prin- cipal key of this fortress of despotism. It is a tribute which I owe you, as son to my adopted father, as aide-de-camp to my general, as missionary of liberty to its patriarch." "^ Thomas Paine was to have been the bearer of the key, but he forwarded it to "Washing- ton from London, " I feel myself happy," writes he, " in being the person through whom the marquis has conveyed this early trophy of the spoils of despotism, and the first ripe fruits of American principles, transplanted into Eu- rope, to his great master and patron. That the principles of America opened the Bastille is not to be doubted, and, thei*efore, the key comes to the right place." "Washington received the key with reverence, as " a token of the victory gained by liberty over despotism ;" and it is still preserved at Mount Vernon, as a precious historical relic. His affectionate solicitude for the well-being of Lafayette, was somewhat relieved by the contents of his letter ; but, while his regard for the French nation made him rejoice in the pro- gress of the political reform which he consid- ered essential to its welfare, he felt a generous solicitude for the personal safety of the youth- ful monarch, who had befriended America in its time of need. " Happy am I, my good friend," writes he to the marquis, " that, amidst all the tremendous tempests which have assailed your political ship, you have had address and fortitude enough to steer her hitherto safely through the quicksands and rocks which threatened instant destruction on every side ; and that your young » Mem. de Lafayette, T. ii. 44G. king, in all things, seems so well disposed to conform to the wishes of the nation. In such an important, such a hazai'dous voyage, when every thing dear and sacred is embarked, you know full well my best wishes have never left you for a moment. Yet I will avow, that the ac- counts we received through the English papers, which were sometimes our only channels of information, caused our fears of failure almost to exceed our expectations of success." Those fears were not chimerical ; for, at the very time he penned this letter, the Jacobin club of Paris had already sent forth ramifica- tions throughout France ; corresponding clubs were springing up by hundreds in the prov- inces, and every thing was hurrying forward to a violent catastrophe. Three days after the despatch of the last- cited letter, and two days after the adjourn- ment of Congress, "Washington, accompanied by Mr. Jefferson, departed by water on a visit to Rhode Island, which State had recently acceded to the Union. He was cordially wel- comed by the inhabitants, and returned to New York, after an absence of ten days, whence he again departed for his beloved Mount Vernon, there to cast off public cares as much as possi- ble, and enjoy the pleasures of the country during the residue of the recess of Congress. CHAPTER XI. Frequent depredations had of late been made on our frontier settlements by what "Washington termed " certain banditti of Indi- ans " from the north-west side of the Ohio. Some of our people had been massacred and others carried iilto deplorable captivity. Strict justice and equity had always formed the basis of "Washington's dealings with the Indian tribes, and he had endeavored to con- vince them that such was the general policy ot our government ; but his efforts were often thwarted by the conduct of our own people ; the encroachments of land speculators and the lawless conduct of our frontiersmen ; and jeal- ousies thus excited were fomented by the in- trigues of foreign agents. The Indians of the Wabash and the Miami Rivers, who were the present aggressors, were numerous, warlike, and not deficient in disci- pline. They were well armed also, obtaining weapons and ammunition from the posts which -^T. 58.] GENERAL HARMER'S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS. 689 the British still retained within the territories of the United States, contrary to the treaty of peace. "Washington had deprecated a war with these savages, whom he considered acting under delusion ; but finding all pacific overtures un- availing, and rather productive of more daring atrocities, he felt compelled to resort to it, alike by motives of policy, humanity, and justice. An act had been provided for emergencies, by which the President was empowered to call out the militia for the protection of the fron- tier ; this act he put in force in the interval of Congress ; and under it an expedition was set on foot, which began its march on the 30th of September from Fort Washington (which stood on the site of the present city of Cincinnati). Brigadier General Harmer, a veteran of the revolution, led the expedition, having under him three hundred and twenty regulars, with militia detachments from Pennsylvania and Virginia (or Kentucky), making in all fourteen hundred and fifty-three men. After a march of seventeen days, they approached the princi- pal village of the Miamis. The Indians did not await an attack, but set fire to the village and fled to the woods. The destruction of the place, with that of large quantities of provisions, was completed. An Indian trail being discovered. Colonel Hardin, a continental officer who commanded the Kentucky militia, v/as detached to follow it, at the head of one hundred and fifty of his men, and about thirty regulars, under Captain Armstrong and Ensign Hartshorn. They fol- lowed the trail for about, six miles, and were crossing a plain covered by thickets, when suddenly there were volleys of rifles on each side, from unseen marksmen, accompanied by the horrid war-whoop. The trail had, in fact, decoyed them into an ambush of seven hundred savages, under the famous warrior Little Turtle. The militia fled, without firing a musket. The savages now turned upon the little handful of regulars, who stood their ground, and made a brave i*esistance with the bayonet until all were slain, excepting Captain Armstrong, Ensign Hartshorn, and five privates. Tlie ensign was saved by falling behind a log, which screened him from liis pursuers, Armstrong plunged into a swamp, where he sank up to his neck, and remained for several hours in the night within two hundred yards of the field of action, a spectator of the war-dance of the savages over the slain. The two officers who escaped 44 thus narrowly, found their way back to the camp about six miles distant.* The army, notwithstanding, elTected the main purpose of the expedition in laying waste the Indian villages and destroying their winter's stock of provisions, after which it coujinenced its march back to Port Washington. On the 21st of October, when it was halted about ten miles to the west of CLillicothe, an opportunity was given Colonel Hardin to wipe out the late disgrace of his arms. He was detached with a larger body of militia than before, and sixty regulars, imder Major Willys, to seek and bring the savages to action. The accounts of these Indian wars are very confused. It appears, however, that he had another encounter with Little Turtle and his braves. It was a bloody battle, fought well on both sides. The militia behaved bravely, and lost many men and ofla- cers, as did the regulars ; Major Willys fell at the commencement qf the action. Colonel Hardin was at length compelled to retreat, leaving the dead and wounded in the hands of the enemy. After he had rejoined the main force, the whole expedition made its way back to Fort Washington, on the banks of the Ohio. During all this time, Washington had been rusticating at Mount Vernon, in utter ignorance of the events of this expedition. Week after week elapsed, without any tidings of its issue, progress, or even commencement. On the 2d of November, he wrote to the Secretary of War (General Knox), expressing his surprise at this lack of information, and his anxiety as to the result of the enterprise, and requesting him to forward any ofiiicial or other accounts that he might have relating to it. "This matter," observed he, "favorable or otherwise in the issue, will be required to be laid before Congress, that the motives which induced the expedition may appear." Nearly another month elapsed ; the time for the reas- sembling of Congress was at hand, yet Wash- ington was still without the desired informa- tion. It was not until the last of November, that he received a letter from Governor George Clinton, of New York, communigating particu- lars of the atfair related to him by Brant, the celebrated Indian chief. "If the information of Captain Brant be true," wrote Washington in reply, " the issue of the expedition against the Indians will indeed prove unfortunate and disgraceful to the troops who suffered themselves to be ambuscaded." Butler's History of Kentucky, 192. 690 A NATIONAL BANK— OPPOSITE CABINET POLICY. [1*790. CHAPTER XII. CoNGP.Ess reassembled according to adjourn- ment, on the first Monday in December, at Philadelphia, which was now, for a time, the seat of government. A house belonging to Mr. Robert Morris, the financier, had been hired by Washington for his residence, and at his re- quest, had undergone additions and alterations, in a plain and neat, and not by any means in an extravagant style." His secretary, Mr. Lear, had made every preparation for his arrival and accommodation, and, among other things, had spoken of the rich and elegant style in which the state car- riage was fitted up. " I had rather have heard," replied "Washington, " that my coach was plain and elegant than rich and elegant." Congress, at its opening, was chiefly occupied in financial arrangementp, intended to establish the public credit and provide for the expenses of government. According to the statement of the Secretary of the Treasury, an additional annual revenue of eight hundred and twenty- six thousand dollars would be required, princi- pally to meet the additional charges arising from the assumption of the State debts. He proposed to raise it by an increase of the impost on foreign distilled spirits, and a tax by way of excise on spirits distilled at home. An Impost and Excise bill was accordingly introduced into Congress, and met with violent opposition. An attempt was made to strike out the excise, but failed, and the whole bill was finally carried through the House. Mr. Hamilton, in his former Treasury report, had recommended the establishment of a Na- tional Bank ; he now, in a special report, urged the policy of the measure. A bill introduced in conformity with his views, was passed in the Senate, but vehemently opposed in the House ; partly on considerations of policy ; but chiefly on the ground of constitutionality. On one side it was denied that the constitution had given to Congress the power of incorporation ; on the other, side it was insisted that such power was incident to the power vested in Congress for raising money. The question was argued at length, and with great ardor, and after passing the House of V Representatives by a majority of nineteen votes, came before the executive for his approval. "Washington was fully alive to the magnitude of tho question and the interest felt in it by the opposing parties. The cabinet was divided on it. Jefferson and Randolph denied its con- stitutionality ; Hamilton and Knox maintained it. "Washington required of each minister the reasons of las opinion in writing ; and, after maturely weighing them, gave his sanction to the act, and the bill was carried into eftect. The objection of Jefferson to a bank was not merely on constitutional grounds. In his subsequent writings he avows himself opposed to banks, as introducing a paper instead of a cash system — raising up a moueyed aristocracy, and abandoning the public to the discretion of avarice and swindlers. Paper money might have some advantages, but its abuses were in- evitable, and by breaking up the measure of value, it made a lottery of all private property. These objections he maintained to his dying day ; but he had others, which might have been more cogent with him in the present in- stance. He considered the bank as a powerful engine intended by Hamilton to complete the machinery by which the whole action of the legislature was to be placed under the direction of the Treasury, and shaped to further a mo- narchical system of government. "Washington, he aflSrmed, was not aware of the drift or effect of Hamilton's schemes. " Unversed in finan- cial projects and calculations and budgets, his approbation of them was bottomed on his con- fidence in the man." "Washington, however, was not prone to be swayed in his judgments by bjind partiality. When he distrusted his own knowledge in re- gard to any important measure, he asked the written opinions of those of his council who he thought were better informed, and examined and weighed them, and put them to the test of his almost unfailing sagacity. This was the way he had acted as a general, in his military councils, and he found the same plan efiicacious in his cabinet. His confidence in Hamilton's talents, information, and integrity, had led him to seek his counsels ; but his approbation of those counsels was bottomed on a careful in- vestigation of them. It was the same in regard to the counsels of Jefferson ; they were received with great deference, but always deliberately and scrupulously weighed. The opposite policy of these rival statesmen brought them into in- cessant collision. "Hamilton and myself," writes Jefferson, " were daily pitted in the cabinet like two cocks." The warm-hearted Knox always sided with his old companion in arms : whose talents he revered. He is often ^T. 59.] WASHINGTON'S INDIAN POLICY— FIRST CONGRESS EXPIRES. 691 noticed with a disparaging sneer by Jeiferson, , in consequence. Randolph commonly adhered to the latter, Washington's calm and massive intellect overruled any occasional discord. His policy with regard to his constitutional advisers has been happily estimated by a modern states- man : " He sought no unit cabinet, according to the set phrase of succeeding times. He asked na suppression of sentiment, no concealment of opinion ; he exhibited no mean jealousy of high talent in others. He gathered around him the greatest public men of that day, and some of them to be ranked with the greatest of any day. He did not leave Jefferson and Hamilton without the cabinet, to shake, perhaps, the whole fabric of government in their fierce wars and rivalries, but he took them within, where he himself might arbitrate their disputes as they arose, and turn to the best account for the country their suggestions as they were made." * In the mean time two political parties were forming throughout the Union, under the ad- verse standards of these statesmen. Both had the good of the country at heart, but differed as to the policy by which it was to be secured. The Federalists, who looked up to Hamilton as then- model, were in favor of strengthening the general government so as to give it weight and dignity abroad and efiiciency at home ; to guard it against the encroachments of the individual States and a general tendency to anarchy. The other party, known as republicans or democrats, and taking Mr. Jefferson's view of affairs, saw in all the measures advocated by the Federalists, an intention to convert the Federal into a great central or consolidated government, preparatory to a change from a republic to a monarchy. The particulars of General Harmer's expedi- tion against the Indians, when reported to Congress, gave great dissatisfaction. The con- duct of the troops, in suffering themselves to be surprised, was for some time stigmatized as disgraceful. Further troubles in that quarter were apprehended, for the Mianiis were said to be less disheartened by the ravage of their vil- lages than exultant at the successful ambuscades of Little Turtle. Three Seneca chiefs, Cornplanter, Half Town, and Great Tree, being at the seat of govei-nment on business of their own nation, offered to visit these belligerent tribes, and persuade them to bury the hatchet. Washington, in a set speech. * Speech of R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia. encouraged them in the undertaking. "By this humane measure," said he, " you will ren- der these mistaken people a great service, and probably prevent their being swept off the face of the earth. The United States require only that these people should demean themselves peaceably. But they may be assured that the United States are able, and will most certainly punish them severely for all their robberies and murders." Washington had always been earnest in his desire to civilize the savages, but had little faith in the expedient which had been pursued, of sendmg their young men to our colleges ; the true means, he thought, was to introduce the arts and habits of husbandry among them. In concluding his speech to the Seneca chiefs, he observed, " When you return to your coun- try, tell your nation that it is my desire to pro- mote their prosperity by teaching them the use of domestic animals, and the manner that the white people plough and raise so much corn ; and if, upon consideration, it would be agreea- ble to the nation at large to learn those arts, I will find some means of teaching them at some places within their country as shall be agreed upon." In the course of the present session, Congress received and granted the applications of Ken- tucky and Vermont for admission into the Union, the former after August, 1792 ; the lat- ter immediately. On the 3d of March the term of this first Congress expired. Washington, after reciting the various important measures that had been effected, testified to the great harmony and .cordiality which had prevailed. In some few instances, he admitted, particularly in passing the law for higher duties on spirituous liquors, and more especially on the subject of the bank, " the line between the southern and eastern interests had appeared more strongly marked than could be wished," the former against and the latter in favor of those measures, " but the debates," adds he, " were conducted with tem- per and candor." As the Indians on the north-west side of the Ohio still continued their hostilities, one of the last measures of Congress had been an act to augment the military establishments, and to place in the hands of the executive more ample means for the protection of the frontiers. A new expedition against the belligerent tribes had, in consequence, been projected. General St. Clair, actually governor of the territory 692 WASHINGTON'S JOURNEY SOUTH— PROSPEROUS STATE OF THE COUNTRY. [I'ZOl. west of the Oliio, was appointed commander-in- chief of tlie forces to be employed. Washington had been deeply chagrined by the mortifying disasters of General Harmer's expedition to the Wabash, resulting from In- dian ambushes. In taking leave of his old mili- tary comrade, St. Clair, he wished him success and honor, but gave him a solemn warning. " You have your instructions from the Secretary of War. I had a strict eye to them, and will add but one word — Beware of a sm-prise ! You know how the Indians fight. I repeat it — Beware of a surprise ! " With these warning words sounding in his ear, St. Clair departed.* CHAPTER XIII. In the month of March Washington set out on a tour through the Southern States ; travel- ling with one set of horses and making occa- sional halts. The route projected, and of which lie had marked oif the halting places, was by Ti-edericksburg, Richmond, Wilmington (N. C), and Charleston to Savannah ; thence to Augus- ta, Columbia, and the interior towns of North Carolina and Virginia, comprising a journey of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven miles; all which he accomplished without any interrup- tion from sickness, bad weather, or any un- toward accident. " Indeed," writes he, " so highly were we favored that we arrived at each place where I proposed to make any halt, on the very day I fixed upon before we set out. Tlie same horses performed the whole tour; and, although much reduced in flesh, kept up their full spirits to the last day." He returned to Philadelphia on the 6th of July, much pleased with his tour. It had ena- bled him, he said, to see with his own eyes, the situation of the country, and to learn more ac- curately the disposition of the people than he could have done from any verbal information. He had looked around him, in fact, with a paternal eye, been cheered as usual by con- tinual demonstrations of a nation's love, and his heart had warmed with the reflection how much of this national happiness had been won by his own patriotic exertions. " Every day's experience of the government of the United States," writes he to David Humphreys, " seems to confirm its establish- ment, and to render it more popular. A ready acquiescence in the laws made imder it shows, , in a strong light, the confidence which the people have in their representatives, and in the upright views of those who administer the government. At the time of passing a law imposing a duty on home-made spirits, it was vehemently afiirmed by many that such a law could never be executed in the Southern States, particularly in Virginia and South Carolina. * * But from the best information I could get on my journey respecting its operations on the minds of the people— and I took some pains to obtain information on this point — there re- mains not a doubt but it will be carried into eff'ect, not only without opposition, but with very general approbation, in those very parts where it was foretold that it never would be submitted to by any one." " Our public credit," adds he, " stands on that ground, which, three years ago, it would have been madness to have foretold. The astonishing rapidity with which the newly in- stituted bank was filled, gives an unexampled proof of the resources of our countrymen, and their confidence in public measures. On the first day of opening the subscription the whole number of shares (twenty thousand) were taken up in one hour, and application made for up- wards of four thousand shares more than were granted by the institution, besides many others that were coming in from various quarters." * To his comrade in arms, Lafayette, he also writes exultingly of the flourishing state of the country and the attachment of all classes to the government : " While in Europe, wars or commotions seem to agitate almost every nation, peace and tran- quillity prevail among us, except in some parts of our Western frontiers, where the Indians have been troublesome, to reclaim or chastise whom, proper measures are now pursuing. This contrast between the situation of the peo- ple of the United States and those of Europe, is too striking to be passed over, even by the most superficial observer, and may, I believe, be considered as one great cause of leading the people here to reflect more attentively on their own prosperous state, and to examine more minutely, and consequently approve more fully, of the government under which they live, than they otherwise would have done. But we do not wish to be the only people who may taste Rush's "Washington in Domestic Life, p. 07. ■ "Writings, s. 171. iET. 59.] GOUVERNEUR MORRIS ON FRENCH AFFAIRS-LETTERS OF LAFAYETTE. 69< the sweets of an eqiial and good government. We look with an anxious eye to the time when happii^ss and tranquillity shall prevail in your country, and when all Europe shall be freed from commotion, tumults, and alarms." Letters from Gouverneur Morris had given him a gloomy picture of French affairs. " This unhappy country," writes he, " bewildered in pursuit of metaphysical whimsies, presents to our moral view a mighty ruin. Like the rem- nants of ancient magnificence, we admire the architecture of the temple, while we detest the false god to whom it was dedicated. Daws and ravens, and the birds of night, now build their nests in its niches. The sovereign, hum- bled to the level of a beggar's pity, without re- sources, without authority, without a friend. The Assembly at once a master and a slave, ne A' in power, wild in theory, raw in practice. It engrosses all functions, though incapable of exercising any, and has taken from this fierce, ferocious people, every restraint of religion and of respect. * * * Lafayette has hitherto acted a splendid part. The king obeys but de- tests him. He obeys because he fears. Who- ever possesses the royal person may do what- ever he pleases with the royal character and authority. Hence it happens that the minis- ters are of Lafayette's appointment." * Lafayette's own letters depict the troubles of a patriot leader in the stormy times of a revo- lution: a leader warm, generous, honest, im- pulsive, but not far-seeing. " I continue to be forever tossed about on an ocean of factions and commotions of every kind ; for it is my fate to be attacked with equal animosity ; on one side, by all that is aristocratic, servile, par- liamentary, in a word, by all the adversaries of my free and levelling doctrine ; on the other, by the Orleans and anti-monarchical factions, and all the workers of disorder and pillage. If it is doubtful whether I may escape person- ally from so many enemies, the success of our grand and good revolution is, at least, thank heaven, assured in France, and soon it will propagate itself in the rest of the world, if we succeed in establishing public order in this country. Unfortunately, the people have much better learnt how to overturn despotism, than to comprehend the duty of submission to law. It is to you, my dear General, the patriarch and generalissimo of the promoters of universal lib- erty, that I ought always to render a faithful * Sparks' Life of G. Morris, ii. 117-lia account of the conduct of your aide-de-camp in the service of this grand cause." And in a subsequent letter : " I would that I could give you the assurance that our troubles were terminated, and our constitution estab- hshed. Nevertheless, though our horizon is still very dark, we commence to foresee the moment when a new legislative body will re- place this Assembly ; and, unless there come an intervention of foreign powers, I hope that four months from this your friend will have resumed the life of a peaceful and simple citi- zen. " The rage of party, even between the differ- ent shades of patriots, has gone as lar as possi- ble without the effusion of blood ; but if ani- mosities are far from subsiding, present cir- cumstances are somewhat less menacing of a collision between the different supporters of the popular cause. As to myself, I am always the butt for attacks of all parties, because they see in my person an insurmountable obstacle to their evil desigus. In the mean time, what appears to me a species of phenomenon, my popularity hitherto has not been shaken." And in another letter, he speaks of the mul- tiplying dangers which menaced the progress of reform in France : " The refugees hovering about the frontiers, intrigues in most of the despotic and aristocratic cabinets, our regular army divided into Tory officers and undisci- plined soldiers, licentiousness among the people not easily repressed, the capital, that gives the tone to the empire, tossed about by anti-revo- lutionary or factious parties, the Assembly fa- tigued by hard labor, and very unmanageable. However, according to the popular motto, pa ira, it will do." When Lafayette thus wrote, faction was pre- dominant at Paris. Liberty and equality began to be the watch-words, and the Jacobin club had set up a journal wliich was spreading the spirit of revolt and preparing the fate of roy- alty. " I assure you," writes Washington, "I have often contemplated, with great anxiety, the danger to which you are personally exposed by your peculiar and delicate situation in the tumult of the time, and your letters are far from quieting that friendly concern. But to one who engages in hazardous enterprises for the good of his country, and who is guided by pure and upright views, as I am sure is the case with you, life is but a secondary consideration. " The tumultuous populace of large cities are 694 JOHN ADAMS— FLIGHT AND RECAPTURE OF LOUIS XVI. [1V91. ever to be dreaded. Their indiscriminate vio- lence prostrates, for the time, all public au- thority, and its consequences are sometimes extensive and terrible. In Paris, we may sup- pose these tumults are peculiarly disastrous at this time, when the public mind is in a ferment, and when, as is always the case on such occa- sions, there are not wanting wicked and design- ing men whose element is confusion, and who will not hesitate in destroying the public tran- quillity to gain a favorite point." Sympathy with the popular cause prevailed with a part of Washington's cabinet. Jefferson was ardent in his wishes that the revolution might be established. He felt, he said, that the permanence of our own revolution leaned, in some degree, on that of France ; that a failure there would be a powerful argument to prove there must be a failure here, and that the suc- cess of the French revolution was necessary to stay up our own and " prevent its falling back to that kind of half-way house, the English constitution." Outside of the cabinet, the Vice-President, John Adams, regarded the French revolution with strong distrust. His official position, how- ever, was too negative in its nature to afford him an opportunity of exerting influence on public affairs. He considered the post of Vice- President beneath his talents. " My country," writes he, " has, in its wisdom, contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." * Impatient of a situation of which, as lie said, he could do neither good nor evil, he resorted, for mental relief, to the press, and for upwards of a year had exercised his fertile and ever ready pen, in furnishing Fenno's Ga- zette of the United States, with a series of pa- pers entitled, " Discourses on Davila," being an analysis of Davila's History of the Civil "Wars of France in the 16th century. The aim of Mr. Adams, in this series, was to point out to his countrymen the dangers to be apprehended from powerful factions in ill-balanced forms of government ; but his aim was mistaken, and he was charged with advocating monarchy, and laboring to prepare the way for an heredi- taiy presidency. To counteract these " politi- cal heresies," a reprint of Paine's Rights of Man, written in reply to Burke's pamphlet on the French revolution, appeared under the aus- pices of Mr. Jefferson. * Life, i. 460. While the public mind was thus agitated with conflicting opinions, news arrived in August, of the flight of Louis XVI. from Paris, and his recapture at Varennes. All Jefferson's hatred of royalty was aroused by this breach of royal faith. " Such are the fruits of that form of government," said he, scornfully, " which heaps importance on idiots, and which the tories of the present day are trying to preach into our favor. It would be unfortunate were it in the power of any one man to defeat the issue of so beautiful a revolution. I liope and trust that it is not, and that, for the good of suffer- ing humanity all over the earth, that revolution will be established and spread all over the world." He was the first to communicate the intelli- gence to Washington, who was holding one of his levees, and observes, " I never saw him so much dejected by any event in my life." Wash- ington himself, declares that he remained for some time in painful suspense, as to what would be the conseqxiences of this event. Ultimately, when news arrived that the king had accepted the constitution from the hands of the National Assembly, he hailed the event as promising happy consequences to Fra'^ce, and to mankind in general ; and what added to his joy, was the noble and disinterested part which his friend, Lafayette, had acted in this great drama. " The prayers and wishes of the human race," writes he to the marquis, " have attended the exer- tions of your nation ; and when your affairs ai'e settled under an energetic and equal govern- ment, the hearts of all good men will be satis- fied." CHAPTER XIV. A FEW weeks of autumn were passed by Washington at Mount Vernon, with his family in rural enjoyment, and in instructing a new agent, Mr. Robert Lewis, in the management of his estate ; his nephew. Major George A. Washington, who ordinarily attended to his landed concerns, being absent among the mountains in quest of health. The second Congress assembled at Philadel- phia on the 24th of October, and on the 25th Washington delivered his opening speech. After remarking upon the prosperous situation of the country, and the success which had at- tended its financial measures, he adverted to iET. 59.] OPERATIONS AGAINST THE INDIANS— EXPEDITION UNDER ST. CLAIR. 695 the offensive operations against the Indians, which government had heen comi:)elled to adopt for the protection of the "Western fron- tier. Some of these operations, he observed, liad been successfnl, others were still depend- ing. A brief statement will be sufficient of the successful operations alluded to. To re- concile some of the people of the West, to the appointment of General St. Clair as command- er-in-chief in that quarter, a local board of war had been formed for the Western country, em- powered to act in conjunction with the com- *manding officer of the United States, in calling out the militia ; sending out expeditions against the Indians, and apportioning scouts through the exposed parts of the district of Kentucky. Under this arrangement, two expeditions had been organized in Kentucky against the villages on the Wabash. The first, in May, was led by General Charles Scott, having General Wilkin- son as second in command. The second, a vol- unteer enterprise, in August, was led by Wil- kinson alone. Very little good was effected, or glory gained by either of these expeditious. Indian villages and wigwams were burned, and fields laid waste ; some few warriors were killed and prisoners taken, and an immense ex- pense incurred. Of the events of a third enterprise, led by General St. Clair himself, no tidings had been received at the time of Washington's opening speech ; but we will anticipate the official de- spatches, and proceed to show how it fared with that veteran soldier, and how far he profited by the impressive warning, which he had received from the President at parting. The troops for his expedition assembled early in September, in the vicinity of Fort Washing- ton (now Cincinnati). There were about two thousand regulars, and one thousand militia. The regulars included a corps of artillery and several squadrons of horse. An arduous task was before them. Roads were to be opened through a wilderness ; bridges constructed for the conveyance of artillery and stores, and forts to be built so as to keep up a line of communi- cation between the Wabash and the Ohio, the base of operations. The troops commenced their march directly North, on the 6th or Tth of September, cutting their way through the woods, and slowly constructing the line of forts. The little army, on the 24th of October, according to the diary of an officer, was respect- able in numbers — " upon paper " — but, adds he, " the absence of the first Regiment, and de- sertions from the militia, had very much re- duced us. With the residue there was too generally wanting the essential stamina of sol- diers. Picked up and recruited from the off- scourings of large towns and cities, enervated by idleness, debauchery, and every species of vice, it was impossible they could have been made competent to the arduous duties of In- dian warfare. An extraordinary aversion to service was also conspicuous amongst them, and ' demonstrated by repeated desertions ; in many instances, to the very foe we were to combat. The late period at which they had been brought into the field, left no leisure nor opportunity to discipline them. They were, moreover, badly clothed, badly paid, and badly fed. * * * * The military stores and arms were sent on in infamous order. Notwithstanding pointed or- ders against firing, and a penalty of one hun- dred lashes, game was so plenty and presented such a strong temptation, that the militia and the levies were constantly offending, to the great injury of the service and the destruction of all order in the army." * After placing garrisons in the forts, the gen- eral continued his march. It was a forced one with him, for he was so afflicted with the gout that he could not walk, and had to be helped on and off of his horse ; but his only chance to keep his little army together was to move on. A number of the Virginia troops had already, on the 27th of October, insisted on their dis- charges ; there was danger that the whole bat- talion would follow their example, and the time of the other battalions was nearly up. The plan of the general was to push so far into the enemy's country, that such detachments as might be entitled to their discharges, would be afraid to return. The army had proceeded six days after leav- ing Fort Jefferson, and were drawing near a part of the country where they were likely to meet with Indians, when, on the 30th of Oc- tober, sixty of the militia deserted in a body; intending to supply themselves by plundering the convoys of provisions which were coming forward in the rear. The 1st United States regiment, under Major Hamtranck, was de- tached to march back beyond Fort Jefferson, apprehend these deserters, if possible, and at all events, prevent the provisions that might be on the way, from being rifled. The force thus detached, consisted of three hundred of * Diary of Col. Winthrop Sargent, Adjutant-General of tlie U. S. ariuy during the campaign of 1791. 696 ENCAMPMENT OF ST. CLAIR— CONTEST WITH INDIANS. [ngi. the best disciplined men in the service, with experienced officers. Thus reduced to 1,400 effective rank and file, the army continued its march to a point about twenty-nine miles from Fort Jefferson, and ninety-seven from Fort Washington, and fif- teen miles south of the Miami villages, where it encamped, November 3d, on a rising ground with a stream forty feet wide in front, running westerly. This stream was mistaken by Gen- eral St. Clair for the St. Mary, which empties itself into the Miami of the lakes ; but it was, in fact, a tributary of the Wabash. A number of new and old Indian camps showed that this had been a place of general resort ; and in the bends of the stream were tracks of a party of fifteen, horse and foot ; a scouting party most probably, which must have quitted the ground just before the arrival of the army. The troops were encamped in two lines, the right wing composed of Butler, Clarke, and Patterson's battalions, commanded by Major- Geiieral Butler, forming the first line ; Patter- son on the right, and four pieces of artillery on the right of Butler. The left wing, consisting of Beddingcr and Gaither's battalions, and the second United States regiment, commanded by Colonel Darke, formed the second line ; with an interval of about seventy yards, which was all that the ground allowed. The length of the lines was nearly four hundred yards; the rear somewhat more, and the front somewhat less. A troop of horse, commanded by Captain Tru- man, and a company of riflemen under Captain Faulkner, were upon the right flank, and Snow- den's troop of horse on the left. The ground descended gradually in front of the encampment to the stream, which, at this time, was fordable, and meandered in its course ; in some places, one hundred yards dis- tant from the camp, in others not more than twenty-five. The immediate spot of the en- campment was very defensible against regular troops ; but it was surrounded by close woods, dense thickets, and the trunks of fallen ti'ees, with here and there a ravine, and a small swamp — all the best kind of cover for stealthy Indian warfare. The militia were encamped beyond the stream about a quarter of a mile in the ad- vance, on a high flat ; a much more favorable position than that occupied by the main body ; and capacious enough to have accommodated the whole, and admitted any extent of lines. It was the intention of St. Clair to throw up a slight work on the following day, and to move on to the attack of the Indian villages as soon as he should be rejoined by Major Hamtrauck and the first United States regiment. The plan of this work he concerted in the evening with Major Ferguson of the artillery, a cool, inde- fatigable, determined man. In the mean time. Colonel Oldham, the commanding officer of the militia, was directed to send out two detach- ments that evening, to explore tlie country and gain information concerning the enemy. The militia, however, showed signs of insubordina-* tion. They complained of being too much fa- tigued for the purpose ; in short, the service was not, and probably could not be enforced. Sentinels posted around the camp, about fifty paces distant from each other, formed the prin- cipal security. About half an hour before sunrise on the next morning (Nov. 4th), and just after the troops had been dismissed on parade, a horri- ble sound burst forth from the woods around the militia camp, resembling, says an officer, the jangling of an infinitude of horse bells. It was the direful Indian yell, followed by the sharp reports of the deadly rifle. The militia returned a feeble fire and then took to flight, dashing helter-skelter into the other camp. The first line of the continental troops, which was hastily forming, was thrown into disorder. The Indians were close upon the heels of the flying militia, and would have entered the camp with them, but the sight of troops drawn up with fixed bayonets to receive them, checked their ardor, and they threw themselves behind logs and bushes at the distance of seventy yards ; and immediately commenced an attack upon the first line, which soon was extended to the second. The great weight of the attack was upon the centre of each line where the artillery was placed. The artillery, if not well served, was bravely fought ; a quantity of canister and some round shot were thrown in the direction whence the Indians fired ; but, concealed as they were, and only seen occasionally as they sprang from one covert to another, it was im- possible to direct the pieces to advantage. The artillerists themselves were exposed to a murderous fire, and every officer, and more than two-thirds of the men, were killed and wounded. Twice the Indians pushed into the camp, delivering their fire and then rushing on with the tomahawk, but each time they were driven back. General Butler had been shot ^T. 59.] DEFEAT OF GENERAL ST. CLAIR. 697 from his horse, and was sitting down to have his wound dressed, when a daring savage, dart- ing into the camp, tomahawked and scalped him. He failed to carry otf his trophy, being instantly slain. The veteran St. Clair, who, unable to mount his horse, was borne about on a litter, pre- served his coolness in the midst of the peril and disaster, giving his orders with judgment and self-possession. Seeing to what disadvantage his troops fought with a concealed enemy, he ordered Colonel Darke, with his regiment of regulars, to rouse the Indians from their covert with the bayonet, and turn their left flank. This was executed with great spirit : the ene- my were driven three or four hundred yards ; but, for want of cavalry or riflemen, the pur- suit slackened, and the troops were forced to give back in turn. The savages had now got into the camp by the left flank ; again several charges were made, but in vain. Great cai*- nage was suffered from the enemy concealed in the woods ; every shot seemed to take eft'ect ; all the officers of the second regiment were picked off, excepting three. The contest had now endured for more than two hours and a half. The spirits of the troops flagged under the loss of the officers ; half of the army was killed, and the situation of the remainder was desperate. There appeared to be no alternative but a reti-eat. At half-past nine. General St. Clair ordered Colonel Darke, with the second regiment, to make another charge, as if to turn the right wing of the enemy, but, in fact, to regain the road from which the army was cut off. This object was effected. " Having collected in one body the greatest part of the troops," writes one of the officers, " and such of the wounded as could possibly hobble along with us, we pushed out from the left of the rear line, sacri- ficing our artillery and baggage." Some of the wounded officers were brought off on horses, but several of the disabled men had to be left on the ground. The poor fellows charged their pieces before they were left : and the flriug of musketry heard by the troops after they quit- ted the camp, told that their unfortunate com- rades were selling their lives dear. It was a disorderly flight. The troops threw away arms, ammunition, and accoutrements ; even the officers, in some instances, divested themselves of their fusees. The general was mounted on a pack horse which could not be pricked out of a walk. Fortunately, the ene- my did not pursue above a mile or two, re- turning, most probably, to plunder the camp. By seven in the evening, the fugitives reach- ed Fort Jefferson, a distance of twenty-nine miles. Here they met Major Ilamtranck with the first regiment; but, as this force was far from sufficient to make u]) for the losses of the morning, the retreat was continued to Fort Washington, where the army arrived on the 8th at noon, shattered and broken-spirited. Many poor fellows fell behind in the retreat, and fancying the savages were upon them, left the road, and some of them were wandering several days, until nearly starved. In this disastrous battle the whole loss of regular troops and levies amounted to five hundred and fifty killed, and two hundred wounded. Out of ninety-five commissioned officers who were on the field, thirty-one were slain and twenty-four wounded. Of the three hundred and nineteen militia. Colonel Oldham and three other officers were killed and five wounded ; and of non-commissioned officers and privates, thirty-eiglit were killed and twenty- nine wounded. Fourteen artificers and ten pack horsemen were also killed, and thirteen wounded. So that, according to Colonel Sar- gent's estimate, the whole loss amounted to six hundred and seventy-seven killed, including thirty women, and two hundred and seventy- one wounded. Poor St. Clair's defeat has been paralleled with that of Braddock. No doubt, when he realized the terrible havoc that had been made, he thought sadly of Washington's parting words, " Beware of a surprise ! " We have a graphic account of the manner in which the intelligence of the disaster was received by Washington at Philadelphia. Tow- ards the close of a winter's day in December, an officer in uniform dismounted in front of the President's house, and, giving the bridle to his servant, knocked at the door. He was in- formed by the porter that the President was at dinner and had company. The officer was not to be denied ; he was on public business, he brought despatches for the President. A servant was sent into the dining-room to com- municate the matter to Mr. Lear. The latter left the table and went into the hall, where the officer repeated what he had said to the porter. Mr. Lear, as secretary of the President, offered to take charge of the despatches and deliver them at the proper time. The officer replied that he was just arrived from the Western 698 THE PRESIDENT'S OUTBURST— THE APPORTIONMENT BILL, [1191, army ; his orders were to deliver the de- spatches promptly to the President in person ; but that he would wait his directions. Mr.' Lear returned, and, in a whisper, communi- cated to the President what had passed. Wash- ington rose from the table and went into the hall, whence he returned in a short time and resumed his seat, apologizing for his absence, but without alluding to the cause of it. One of the company, however, overheard him, as he took his seat, mutter to himself, with an ejaculation of extreme impatience, "I knew it would be so! " Mrs. Washington held her drawing-room that evening. The gentlemen repaired thither fr9m the table. Washington appeared there with his usual serenity ; speaking courteously to every lady, as was his custom. By ten o'clock all the company had gone ; Mrs. Wash- ington retired soon after, and Washington and his secretary alone remained. The general walked slowly backward and forward for some minutes in silence. As yet there had been no change in his manner. Tak- ing a seat on a sofa by the fire he told Mr. Lear to sit down ; the latter had scarce time to no- tice that he was extremely agitated, when he broke out suddenly : " It's all over ! — St. Clair's defeated ! — routed : the officers nearly all kill- ed, the men by wholesale ; the rout complete ; too shocking to think of, and a surprise into the bargain ! " All this was uttered with great vehemence. Then pausing and rising from the sofa, he walked up and down the room in silence, violently agitated, but saying nothing. When near the door he stopped short ; stood still for a few moments, when there was an- other terrible explosion of wrath. " Yes," exclaimed he, " here, on this very spot, I took leave of him ; I wished him suc- cess and honor. ' You have your instructions from the Secretary of War,' said I, ' I had a strict eye to them, and will add but one word, BEWAEE OF A suEPEisE ! You know liow the Indians fight us. I repeat it, bewaee of a sxjEPEisE.' He went off with that, my last warning, thrown into his ears. And yet ! ! To suffer that army to be cut to pieces, hacked, butchered, tomahawked, by a surprise — the very thing I guarded him against — God ! God ! " exclaimed he, throwing up his hands, and while his very frame shook with emotion, " he's worse than a murderer ! How can he answer it to his country ! The blood of the slain is upon him — the curse of widows and orphans — the curse of heaven ! " Mr. Lear remained speechless; awed into breathless silence by the appalling tones in which this torrent of invective was poured forth. The paroxysm passed by. Washington again sat down on the sofa — he was silent — ap- parently uncomfortable, as if conscious of the ungovernable burst of passion which had over- come him. " This must not go beyond this room," said he at length, in a subdued and al- tered tone — there was another and a longer pause ; then, in a tone quite low : " General St. Clair shall have justice," said he. " I look- ed hastily through the despatches ; saw the whole disaster, but not all the particulars. I will receive him without displeasure ; I will hear him without prejudice ; he shall have full justice." * Washington had recovered his equanimity. " The storm," we are told, " was over, and no sign of it was afterwards seen in his conduct or heard in his conversation." How well he kept his word, in regard to General St. Clair, will hereafter be shown. CHAPTER XV. I^r the course of the present session of Con- gress a bill was introduced for apportioning representatives among the people of the several States, according to the first enumeration. The constitution had provided that the num- ber of representatives should not exceed one for every thirty thousand plersons, and the House of Representatives passed a bill allotting to each State one member for this amount of popu- lation. This ratio would leave a fraction, greater or less, in each State. Its operation was unequal, as in some States a large surplus would be unrepresented, and hence, in one branch of the legislature, the relative power of the State be affected. That, too, was the popu- lar branch, which those who feared a strong executive, desired to provide with the counter- poise of as full a representation as possible. To obviate this difficulty the Senate adopted a ncAv principle of apportionment. They as- sumed the total population of the United States, and not the population of each State, as the basis on which the whole number of represent- atives should be ascertained. This aggregate they divided by thirty thousand : the quotient Rush's Washington in Domestic Life. ^T. 60.J WASHINGTOiN'S VETO— INTENTION OF EETIREMENT. 699 gave one hundred and twenty as the number of representatives ; and this number they apportion- ed upon the several States according to their pop- ulation ; allotting to each one member for every tliirty thousand, and distributing the residuary members (to mak« up the one hundred and twenty) among the States having the largest fractions. After an earnest debate, the House concurred, and the bill came before the President for his decision. The sole question was as to its con- stitutionality ; that being admitted, it was un- exceptionable. "Washington took the opinion of his cabinet. Jelferson and Eandolph consid- ered the act at variance with the constitution. Knox was undecided. Hamilton thought the clause of the constitution relating to the subject somewhat vague, and was in favor of the con- struction given to it by the legislature. After weighing the arguments on both sides, and maturely deliberating, the President made up his mind that the act was unconstitutional. It was the obvious intent of the constitution to apply tlie ratio of representation according to the separate members of each State, and not to the aggregate of the population of the United States. Now this bill allotted to eight of the States more than one representative for thirty tliousand inhabitants. He accordingly returned the bill with his objections, being the first ex- ercise of the veto power. A new bill was sub- stituted, and passed into a law ; giving a repre- sentative for every tliirty-three thousand to each State. Great heat and asperity were manifested in the discussions of Congress throughout the present session. Washington had observed with pain the political divisions which were growing up in the country ; and was deeply concerned at finding that they were pervading the halls of legislation. The press, too, was contributing its powerful aid to keep up and increase the irritation. Two rival papers ex- isted at the seat of government ; one was Fen- no's Gazette of the United States, in which John Adams had published his " Discourses on Da- vila ;" the other was the National Gazette, edit- ed by Philip Freneau. Freneau had been edi- tor of the New York Daily Advertiser, but had come to Philadelphia in the autumn of 1791 to occupy the post of translating clerk in Mr. Jef- ferson's office, and had almost immediately (Oct. 81) published the first number of his Gazette. Notwithstanding his situation in the office of the Secretary of State, Freneau became and continued to be throughout the session, a viru- lent assailant of most of the measures of govern- ment; excepting such as originated with Mr. Jefierson, or were approved by him. Heart-weary by the political strifes and dis- agreements which were disturbing the country and marring the harmony of liis cabinet, the charge of government was becoming intolerably irksome to "Washington ; and he longed to be released from it, and to be once more master of himself, free to indulge those rural and agri- cultural tastes which were to give verdure and freshness to his future existence. He had some time before this expressed a determination to retire from public life at the end of his presi- dential term. But one more year of that term remained to be endured ; he was congratulat- ing himself with the thought, wlien Mr. Jeffer- son intimated that it was his intention to retire from office at the same time with himself. "Washington was exceedingly discomposed by this determination. Jefferson, in his Anas, as- sures us that the President remonstrated with him against it, " in an affectionate tone." For his own part, he observed, many motives com- pelled him to retire. It was only after much pressing that he had consented to take a part in the new government and get it under way. "Were he to continue in it longer, it might give room to say that, having tasted the sweets of office, he could not do without them. He observed, moreover, to Jefferson, that he really felt himself growing old ;■ that his bodily health was less firm, and his memory, always bad, was becoming worse. The other faculties of his mind, perhaps, might be evincing to others a decay of which, he himself might be insensible. This apprehension, he said, partic- ularly oppressed him. His activity, too, had declined ; business was consequently more irksome, and the longing for tranquillity and retirement had become an irresistible passion. For these reasons he felt himself obliged, he said, to retire ; yet he should consider it unfortunate if, in so doing, he should bring on the retirement of the great officers of government, which might produce a shock on the public mind of a dangerous consequence. Jefferson, in reply, stated the reluctance with which he himself had entered upon public em- I)loyment, and tlie resolution he had formed on accepting his station in the cabinet, to make the resignation of the President the epoch of his own retirement from labors of which he was heartily tired. He did not believe, how- 700 JEFFERSON'S CHARACTER OF HAMILTON— MR. MADISON. [1192. ever, that any of his brethren in the adminis- tration had any idea of retiring ; on the con- trary, he had perceived, at a late meeting of the trustees of the sinking fund, that the Secre- tary of the Treasury had developed the plan he intended to pursue, and that it embraced years in its view. Washington rejoined, that he considered the Treasury department a limited one, going only to the single object of revenue, while that of the Secretary of State, embracing nearly all the objects of administration, was much more im- portant, and the retirement of the officer, there- fore, would be more noticed ; that though the government had set out with a pretty general goodwill, yet that symptoms of dissatisfaction had lately shown themselves, far beyond what he could have expected ; and to what height these might arise, in case of too great a change in the administration, could not be foreseen. Jefferson availed himself of this opportunity to have a thrust at his political rival. " I told him," (the President,) relates he, " that in my opinion there was only a single source of these discontents. • Though they had, indeed, ap- peared to spread themselves over the "War de- partment also, yet I considered that as an over- flowing only from their real channel, which would never have taken place if they had not first been generated in another department, to wit, that of the Treasury. That a system had there been contrived for deluging the States with paper money instead of gold and silver, for withdrawing our citizens from the pursuits of commerce, manufoctures, buildings, and other branches of useful industry, to occupy them- selves and their capitals in a species of gam- bling, destructive of morality, and which had introduced its poison into the government it- self." * Mr. Jefferson went on, in the same strain, to comment at large upon the measures of Mr. Hamilton, but records no reply of importance on the part of Washington, whose object in seeking the conversation had been merely to persuade his Secretary to remain in the cabinet ; and Avho had no relish for the censorious com- ments to which it had given rise. Yet with all this political rivalry, Jefferson has left on record his appreciation of the ster- ling merit of Hamilton. In his Anas, he speaks of him as " of acute understanding, disinterest- ed, honest, and honorable in all private trans- * Jefferson's "Works, ix. lOi actions ; amiable in society, and duly valuing virtue in private life. Yet so bewitched and perverted by the British example, as to be under thorough conviction that corruption was essential to the government of a nation." In support of this sweeping exception to Mr; Hamilton's political orthodoxy, Mr. Jefferson gives, in his Anas, a conversation which occur- red between that gentleman and Mr. Adams, at his (Mr. Jefferson's) table, after the cloth was removed. " Conversation," writes he, " began on other matters, and by some circumstance was led to the British constitution, on which Mr. Adams observed, ' purge that constitution of its corruption, and give to its popular branch equality of representation, and it would be the most perfect constitution ever devised by the wit of man.' Hamilton paused and said, ' purge it of its corruption, and give to its popular branch equality of representation, and it would become an impracticable government; as it stands at present, with all its supposed defects, it is the most perfect government which ever existed,' " * This after-dinner conversation appears to us very loose ground on which to found the opin- ion continually expressed by Mr. Jefferson, that " Mr. Hamilton was not only a monarchist, but for a monarchy bottomed on corruption." Subsequent to Washington's remonstrance with Mr. Jefferson above cited, he had confi- dential conversations with Mr. Madison on the subject of his intended retirement from office at the end of the presidential term, and asked him to think what .would be the proper time and mode of announcing his intention to the public ; and intimating a wish that Mr. Madison would prepare for him the announcement. Mr. Madison remonstrated in the most earnest ; manner against such a resolution, setting forth, i in urgent language, the importance to the country of his continuing in the presidency. Washington listened to his reasoning with pro- found attention, but still clung to his resolution. •. In consequence of St. Clair's disastrous defeat ; and the increasing pressure of the Indian war, ; bills had been passed in Congress for increasing i the army, by adding three regiments of infantry and a squadron of cavalry (which additional force was to serve for three years, unless sooner t discharged), also for establishing a uniform militia system. The question now came up as to the appoint- ■ Jefferson's Works, vol. ix., p. 96. Ml. 60.] WASHINGTON TO ST. CLAIR— REQUESTS MADISON'S ADVICE. 701 ment of an officer to command in the Western frontier. General St. Clair, in a letter to Washington, expressed a wish that a court of inquiry might be instituted to investigate his conduct in the late expedition. " Your desire," replied Washington, March 28th, " of rectify- ing any errors of the public opinion relative to your conduct, by an investigation of a court of inquiry, is highly laudable, and would be read- ily complied with, were the measure practica- ble. But a total deficiency of officers in actual s'ervice, of competent rank to form a legal court for that purpose, precludes the power of grati- fying your wishes on this occasion. "The intimation of your wishes to afford your successor all the information of which you are capable, although unnecessary for my per- sonal conviction, must be regarded as an addi- tional evidence of the goodness of your heart, and of your attachment to your country." In a letter dated March 31st, St. Clair urged reasons for being permitted to retain his com- mission " until an opportunity should be pre- sented, if necessary, of investigating his conduct in every mode presented by law." These reasons, Washington replied, would be conclusive with him under any other circum- stances than the present. " But the establish- ment of the troops," observes he, " allows only of one Major-General. You have manifested your intention of retiring, and the essential in- terests of the public require that your successor should be immediately appointed, in order to repair to the frontiers. " As the House of Representatives have been pleased to institute an inquiry into the causes of the failure of the late expedition, I should hope an opportunity would thereby be afforded you of explaining your conduct in a manner satisfactory to the public and yourself." St. Clair resignetl his commission, and was succeeded in his Western command by General Wayne, the mad Anthony of the revolution, still in the vigor of his days, being forty seven years of age. " He has many good points as an officer," writes Washington, " and it is to be hoped that time, reflection, good advice, and, above all, a due sense of the importance of the trust which is committed to him, will correct his foibles, or cast a shade over them." * Washington's first thought was that a deci- sive expedition conducted by this energetic man of the sword, might retrieve the recent frontier * Letter to Governor Lee. X. 248. Waahington'a Writings, disgrace, and put an end to the persevering hos- tility of the Indians. In deference, however, to the clamors which had been raised against the war and its expenses, and to meet what appear- ed to be the prevalent wish of the nation, he reluctantly relinquished his more energetic pol- icy, and gave in to that which advised further negotiations for peace ; though he was far from anticipating a beneficial result. In regard to Sty Clair, we will here add : that a committee of the House of Eepresentatives ultimately inquired into the cause of the failure of his expedition, and rendered a report, in which he was explicitly exculpated. His adju- tant-general also (Winthrop Sargent), in his private diary, testifies to St. Clair's coolness and bravery, though debilitated by illness. Public sentiment, however, remained for a long time adverse to him; but Washington, satisfied with the explanations which had been given, continued to honor him with his confidence and friendship. Congress adjourned on the 8th of May, and soon afterward Washington set off on a short visit to Mount Vernon. The season was in all its beauty, and never had this rallying place of his affections appeared to him more attractive. How could he give up the prospect of a speedy return to its genial pursuits and pleasures from the harassing cares and j anglings of public life. On the 20th of May, he wrote to Mr. Madison on the subject of their late conversation. " I have not been unmindful," says he, " of the sentiments expressed by you. On the contrary, I have again and again revolved them with thoughtful anxiety, but without being able to dispose my mind to a longer continuation in the office I have now the honor to hold, I, there- fore, still look forward with the fondest and most ardent wishes to spend the remainder of my days, which I cannot expect to be lo.ug, in ease and tranquillity." He now renewed the request he had made Mr. Madison, for advice as to the proper time and mode for announcing his intention of re- tiring, and for assistance in preparing the an- nouncement. " In revolving this subject my- self," writes he, "my judgment has always been embarrassed. On the one hand, a previous declaration to retire, not only carries with it the appearance of vanity and self-importance, but it may be construed into a manoeuvre to be in- vited to remain ; and, on the other hand, to say nothing, implies consent, or, at any rate, would leave the matter in doubt ; and to de- 702 JEFFERSON OPPOSES WASHINGTON'S RETIREMENT. [1792. cline afterwards, might be deemed as bad and uncandid." " I would fain cany my request to you fur- ther," adds he. " As the recess [of Congress] may afford you leisure, and, I flatter myself, you have dispositions to oblige me, I Avill, without apology, desire, if the measure in itself should strike you as projjer, or likely to produce public good, or private honor, that you w'ould turn your thoughts to a valedictory address from me to the public." He then went on to suggest a number of the topics and ideas which the address was to con- tain ; all to be expressed in " plain and modest terms." But, in the main, he left it to Mr. Madison to determine whether, in the first place, such an address would be proper ; if so, what matters it ought to contain, and when it ought to appear ; whether at the same time ■with his [Washington's] declaration of his in- tention to retire, or at the close of his career. Madison, in reply, approved of the measure, and advised that the notification and address should appear together, and be promulgated through the press in time to pervade every part of the Union by the beginning of November. With the letter he sent a draft of the address. " You will readily observe," writes he, " that, in executing it, I have aimed at that plainness and modesty of language, which you had in view, and which, indeed, are so peculiarly be- coming the character and the occasion ; and that I had little more to do as to the matter, than to follow the just and comprehensive out- line which you had sketched. I flatter myself, however, that, in every thing which has de- pended on me, much improvement will be made, before so interesting a paper shall have taken its last form." * Before concluding his letter, Madison ex- pressed a hope that Washington would recon- sider his idea of retiring from oflice, and that the country might not, at so important a con- juncture, be deprived of the inestimable advan- tage of having him at the head of its councils. On the 23d of May, Jeftersoii also addressed a long letter to Washington on the same subject. " When you first mentioned to me your purpose of retiring from the government, though I felt all the magnitude of the event, I was in a con- siderable degree silent. I knew that, to such a mind as yours, persuasion was idle and im- pertinent ; that, before forming your decision, * Washington's Writings. Sparks, xii. 382. you had weighed all the reasons for and against the measure, had made up your mind in full view of them, and that there could be little hope of changing the result. Pursuing my reflections, too, I knew we were some day to try to walk alone, and, if tlie essay should be made while you should be alive and looking on, we should derive confidence from that circum- stance, and resource if it failed. The public mind, too, was then calm and confident, and therefore in a favorable state for making the experiment. But the public mind is no longer so confident and serene ; and that from causes in which you are no ways personally mixed." Jefferson now launched out against the public debt and all the evils which he apprehended from the funding system, the ultimate object of all which was, said he, " to prepare the way for a change from the present republican form of government to that of a monarchy, of which the English constitution is to be the model." He concluded by pronoimcing the continuance of Washington at the head of affairs, to be of the last importance. " The confidence of the whole Union," writes he, " is centred in you. Your being at the helm will be more than an answer to every ar- gument which can be used to alarm and lead the people in any quarter into violence or ce- cession. North and South will hang together, if they have you to hang on ; and, if the first corrective of a numerous representation should fail in its eflfect, your presence will give time for trying others not inconsistent with the union and peace of the States. " I am perfectly aware of the oppression under which your present office lays your mind, and of the ardor with which you pant for re- tirement to domestic life. But there is some- times an eminence of character on which society has such peculiar claims, as to control the pre- dilections of the individual for a particular walk of happiness, and i-estrain him to that alone, arising from the present and future bene- dictions of mankind. This seems to be your condition, and the law imposed on you by Providence, in forming your character, and fashioning the events on which it was to ope- rate ; and it is to motives like these, and not to personal anxieties of mine or others, who have no right to call on you for sacrifices, that I ap- peal from your former determination and urge a revisal of it, on the ground of change in the aspect of things. Should an honest majority result from the new and enlarged representa- ^T. 60.] JEFFERSON TO LAFAYETTE— FEENEAU'S GAZETTE. 703 tion, should those acquiesce, whose principles or interests they may control, your wishes for retirement would be gratified with less danger, as soon as that shall be manifest, without await- ing the completion of the second period of four years. One or two sessions will determine the crisis ; and I cannot but hope, that you can resolve to add one or two more to the many years you have already sacrificed to the good of mankind." * CHAPTER XVI. The letter of Jefferson was not received by "Washington until after his return to Philadel- phia, and the purport of it was so painful to him, that he deferred from day to day having any conversation with that statesman on the subject. A letter written in the mean time, by Jefferson to Lafayette, shows the predominant suspicion, or rather belief, which had fixed it- self in the mind of the former, and was shaping his course of action. " A sect," writes he, " has shown itself among us, who declare they espoused our constitution not as a good and sufiicient thing in itself, but only as a step to an English constitution, the only thing good and sufiicient in itself, in their eyes. It is happy for us that these are preach- ers without followers, and that our people are firm and constant in their republican purity. You will wonder to be told that it is from the Eastward chiefly, that these champions for a king, lords, and commons, come. They get some important associates from New York, and are puffed up by a tribe of Agioteurs which have been hatched in a bed of corruption, made up after the model of their beloved England. Too many of these stock-jobbers and king-job- bers have come into our legislature, or rather, too many of our legislature have become stock- jobbers and king-jobbers. However, the voice of the people is beginning to make itself heard, and will probably cleanse their seats at the next election." f In regard to the suspicions and apprehensions avowed in the above letter, and which appa- rently were haunting Jefferson's mind, Hamil- ton expressed himself roundly in one of his cabinet papers : "^he idea of introducing a monarchy or aristocracy into this country, by employing the ■ Writings, x. 508. t Jeflerson's Works, iii. 450. influence and force of a government continually changing hands, towards it, is one of those visionary things that none but madmen could meditate, and that no wise man will believe. If it could be done at all, which is utterly in- credible, it would require a long series of time, certainly beyond the life of any individual, to effect it — who, then, would enter into such a plot? for Avhat purpose of interest or ambi- tion ? " And as to the charge of stock-gambling in the legislature, Hamilton indignantly writes : " As far as I know, there is not a member of the legislature who can properly be called a stock-jobber or a paper dealer. There are several of them who were proprietors of pubhc debt, in various ways; some for money lent and property furnished for the use of the public during the war, others for sums received in payment of debts, and it is supposable enough that some of them had been purchasers of the public debt, with intention to hold it as a valu- able and convenient property, considering an honorable provision for it as a matter of course, " It is a strange perversion of ideas, and as novel as it is extraordinary, that men should be deemed corrupt and criminal for becoming proprietors in the funds of their country-. Yet, I believe the number of members of Congress is very small, who have ever been considerable proprietors in the funds. As to improper spec- ulations on measures depending before Con- gress, I believe never was any body of men freer from them." * On the 10th of July, Washington had a con- versation with Jefferson on the subject of the letter he had recently received from him ; and endeavored with his usual supervising and moderating assiduity to allay tlie jealousies and suspicions which were disturbing the mind of that ardent politician. These, he intimated, had been carried a great deal too far. There might be desires, he said, among a few in the higher walks of life, particularly in the great cities, to change the form of government into a monarchy, but he did not believe there were any designs ; and he believed the main body of the people of the Eastern States were as steadily for republicanism as in the Southern. He now spoke with earnestness about articles in the public papers, especially in the Gazette edited by Freneau, the object of which seemed to be to excite opposition to the government, * narailton's Works, iv. 268. 704 CONVERSATION BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON— HAMILTON. [1-7 9! and which had actually excited it in Pennsyl- vania, in regard to the excise law. " These articles," said lie, feelingly, " tend to produce a sepai-ation of the Union, the most dreadful of calamities ; and whatever tends to produce an- archy, tends, of course, to produce a resort to monarchical government." The articles in question had, it is true, been chiefly levelled at the Treasury department, but Washington accepted no immunity from attacks pointed at any dejaartment of his government ; assuming that they were aimed directly at him- self. " In condemning the administration of the government, they condemned me," said he, " for, if they thought these were measures pur- sued contrary to my sentiments, they must con- ceive me too careless to attend to them or too stupid to understand them." He acknowledged, indeed, that he had signed many acts of which he did not approve in all their parts ; but never had he put his hand to one which he did not think eligible, on the whole. As to the bank which had been so mi;ch complained of, he observed that, imtil there was some infallible criterion of reason, a differ- ence of opinion must be tolerated. He did not believe the discontents extended far from the seat of government. He had seen and spoken with many people in Maryland and Vir- ginia in his late journey, and had found them contented and happy. Jefferson's observations in reply tended, prin- cipally, to iterate and enforce what he had al- ready urged in his letter. The two great popu- lar complaints were, he said, that the national debt was unnecessarily increased by the As- sumption, and that it had furnished the means of corrupting both branches of the legislature. In both Houses the're was a considerable squad- ron whose votes were devoted to the paper and stock-jobbing interest. On examining the votes of these men they would be found uni- formly for every treasury measure, and as most of these measures had been carried by small majorities, they had been carried by these very votes. It was a cause of just uneasiness there- fore, when we saw a legislature legislating for their own interests in opposition to those of the people. " Washington," observes Jefferson, " said not a word on the corruption of the legislature." He probably did not feel disposed to contend against what he may have considered jealous suspicions and deductions. But he took uj) the other point and defended the Assum]\tion, arguing, says Jefferson, that it had not in- creased the debt, for that all of it was ?ionest delt. He justified the excise law, too, as one of the best laws that could be passed, as nobody would pay the tax who did not choose to do it. We give this conversation as noted down by Jefferson in his " Anas." It is one of the very few instances we have of Washington's infor- mal discussions with the members of his cabi- net, and it bears the stamp of that judgment, considerateness, delicacy, and good faith which enabled him to moderate and manage the way- ward passions and impulses of able men. Hamilton was equally strenuous with Jeffer- son in urging upon Washington the policy of a re-election, as it regarded the public good, and wrote to him fully on the subject. It was the opinion of every one, he alleged, with whom he had conversed, that the affairs of the na- tional government were not yet firmly estab- lished ; that its enemies, generally speaking, were as inveterate as ever ; that their enmity had been sharpened by its success and all the resentments which flow from disappointed pre- dictions and mortified vanity ; that a general and strenuous effort was making in every State to place the administration of it in the hands of its enemies, as if they were its safest guar- dians; that the period of the next House of Representatives was likely to prove the crisis of its national character ; that if Washington con- tinued in oflice, nothing materially mischievous was to be apprehended ; but, if he should quit, much was to be dreaded ; that the same mo- tives which had induced him to accept origin- ally, ought to decide him to continue till mat- ters had assumed a more determinate aspect ; that, indeed, it would have been better as it regarded his own character, that he had never consented to come forward than now to leave the business unfinished and in danger of being undone ; that in the event of storms arising, there would be an imputation either of want of foresight or want of firmness ; and, in fine, that on public and personal accounts, on patri- otic and prudential considerations, the clear path to be pursued by him would be again to obey the voice of his country ; which, it was not doubted, would be as earnest and as unani- mous as ever. In concluding his letter, Hamilton observes, "The sentiments I have delivered upon this ^T. 60.] A WARRING CABINET-HAMILTON'S ATTACK ON JEFFERSON. 705 occasion, I can truly say, proceed exclusively from au anxious concern for the public welfare and an affectionate personal attachment." Mr. Edmund Randolph also, after a long let- ter on the "jeopardy of the Union," which seemed to him " at the eve of a crisis," adds : " The fuel which has been already gathered for combustion wants no addition. But how aw- fully might it be increased, were the \iolence, which is now suspended by a universal submis- sion toyour pretensions, let loose by your res- ignation. Permit me, then, in the fervor of a dutiful and affectionate attachment to you, to beseech you to penetrate the consequences of a dereliction of the reins. The constitution would never have been adopted but from a knowledge that you had once sanctioned it, and an expectation that you would execute it. It is a in a state of probation. The most inauspi- cious struggles are past, but the public delib- erations need stability. You alone can give them stability. You suffered yourself to yield when the voice of your country summoned you to the administration. Should a civil war arise, you cannot stay at home. And how much easier will it be to disperse the factions, which are rushing to this catastrophe, than to subdue them after they shall appear in arms ? It is the fixed opinion of the world, that you surrender nothing incomplete." * Not the cabinet, merely, divided as it was in its poHtical opinions, but all parties, however discordant in other points, concurred in a desire that Washington should continue in oflSce — so truly was he regarded as the choice of the na- tion. But though the cabinet was united in feeling on this one subject, in other respects its dissen- sions were increasing in virulence. Hamilton, aggrieved by the attacks made in Freneau's paper upon his funding and banking system, his duty on home-made spirits, and other points of his financial policy, and upon himself, by holding him up as a monarchist at heart, and considering these attacks as originating in the hostility of Freneau's patron, Mr. Jefferson, addressed a note signed T. L., to the editor of ithe Gazette of the United States, in which he observed that the editor of the National Gazette received a salary from government, adding the significant quere — whether this salary was paid him for translations or for publications, the de- sign of which was to vilify those to whom the 45 ^ WaBliington's 'Writings, x. 514. voice of the people had committed the adminis- tration of our public affairs, to oppose the measures of government, and, by false insinua- tions, to disturb the public peace ? " In com- mon life it is thought ungrateful for a man to bite the hand that puts bread in his mouth ; but, if the man is hired to do it, the case is altered." In another article, dated August 4th, Mr. Hamilton, under the signature of "An Ameri- can," gave some particulars of the negotiations which ended m the establishment of the Nation- al Gazette, devoted to the interests of a certain party, of which Mr. Jefferson was the head. "An experiment," said he, " somewhat new in the history of pohtical manoeuvres in this coun- try ; a newspaper instituted by a public officer, and the editor of it regularly pensioned with the public money in the disposal of that officer. * * * * But, it may be asked— is it possible that Mr. Jefferson, the head of a principal de- partment of the government, can be the patron of a paper, the evident object of which is to decry the government and its measures ? If he disapproves of the government itself, and thinks it deserving of his opposition, can he reconcile it to his own personal dignity and the princi- ples of probity, to hold an office under it, and employ the means of official influence in that opposition ? If he disapproves of the leading measures which have been adopted in the course of his administration, can he reconcile it with the principles of delicacy and propriety, to hold a place in that administration, and at the same time to be instrumental in vilifying measures which have been adopted by majorities of both branches of the legislature, and sanctioned ly the chief magistrate of the Union ? " This attack brought out an affidavit from Mr. Freneau, in which he declared that his coming to Philadelphia was his own voluntary act-, that, as an editor of a newspaper, he had never been urged, advised, or influenced by Mr. Jeffer- son, and that not a single line of his Gazette was ever directly or indirectly written, dictated, or composed for it, by the Secretary of State. Washington had noticed this growing feud with excessive pain, and at length found it ne- cessary to interfere and attempt a reconciliation between the warring parties. In the course of a letter to Jefferson (Aug. 23d), on the subject of Indian hostilities, and the possibility of their being furnished by foreign agents to check, as far as possible, the rapid increase, extension, and consequence of the United States, " How 706 WASHINGTON'S HEALING ADMONITIONS— HAMILTON'S REPLY. [1792; unfortunate then," observes he, " and how much to be regretted that, while we are encompassed on all sides with armed enemies and insidious friends, internal dissensions should be harrow- ing and tearing our vitals. The latter, to me, is the most serious, the most alarming, and the most afflicting of the two ; and without more charity for the opinions and acts of one another in governmental matters, or some more infalli- ble criterion by which the truth of speculative opinions, before they have undergone the test of experience, are to be prejudged, than has yet fallen to the lot of fallibility, I believe it will be diiScult, if not impracticable, to manage the reins of government, or to keep the parts of it together ; for if, instead of laying our shoulders to the machine after measures are decided on, one pulls this way and another that, before the utility of the thing is fairly tried, it must inevitably be torn asunder ; and, in my opinion, the fairest prospect of happiness and prosperity that ever was presented to man, will be lost perhaps forever. " My earnest wish and fondest hope, there- fore, is, that instead of wounding suspicions and irritating charges, there may be liberal allow- ances, mutual forbearances, and temporizing yieldings on all sides. Under the exercise of these, matters will go on smoothly, and, if pos- sible, more prospei-ously. "Without them, every thing must rub ; tlie wheels of government will clog ; our enemies will triumph, and, by throw- ing their weight into the disaffected scale, may accomplish the ruin of the goodly fabric we have been erecting." Admonitions to the same purport were ad- dressed by him to Hamilton. " Having pre- mised these things," adds he, " I would fain hope that liberal allowances will be made for the po- litical opinions of each other ; and, instead of those wounding suspicions and irritating charges, with which some of our gazettes are so strongly impregnated, and which cannot fail, if persevered in, of pushing matters to extrem- ity, and thereby tearing the machine asunder, that there may be mutual forbearance and tem- porizing yielding on all sides. Without these I do not see how the reins of government are to be managed, or how the Union of the States can be much longer preserved." * * * " I do not mean to apply this advice to any measures which are passed, or to any particular character. I have given it in the same general terms to other officers of the government My earnest wish is, that balsam may be poured into all the wounds which have been given, to pre- vent them from gangrening, and from those fa- tal consequences which, the community may sustain if it is withheld." * Hamilton was prompt and affectionate in his reply, expressing sincere regret at the circum- stances which had given rise to the uneasy sen- sations experienced by Washington. " It is my most anxious wish," writes he, " as far as may depend upon me, to smooth the path of your administration, and to render it prosperous and happy. And if any prospect shall open of heal- ing or terminating the differences which exist, I shall most cheerfully embrace it ; though I con- sider myself as the deeply injured party. The recommendation of such a spirit is worthy of the moderation and wisdom which dictated it." He then frankly acknowledged that he had had " some instrumentality " in the retaliations which of late had fallen upon certain public characters. " I considered myself compelled to this con- duct," adds he, " by reasons public as well as personal, of the most cogent nature. I hiow I have been an object of uniform opposition from Mr. Jefferson, from the moment of his coming to the city of New York to enter upon his pres- ent office. I Tcnow^ from the most authentic sources, that I have been the frequent subject of the most imkind whispers and insinuations from the same quartei*. I have long seen a formed party in the legislature under his aus- pices, bent upon my subversion. I cannot doubt, from the evidence I possess, that the National Gazette was instituted by him for po- litical purposes, and that one leading object of it has been to render me and all the measures onnected with my department as odious as possible." "Nevertheless," proceeds he, "I can truly say, that, excepting explanations to confidential friends, I never, directly or indi- rectly, retaliated or countenanced retaliation till very lately. * * * * * But when I no longer doubted that there was a formed party deliberately bent upon the sub- version of measures which, in its consequences, would subvert the government; when I saw that the undoing of the funding system in par- ticular, (which, whatever may be the original measures of that system, would prostrate the credit and honor of the nation, and bring the government into contempt with that description of men who are in every society the only firm * Writings, s. p. 284. JEt. 60.] JEFFEKSON'S EEPLY TO WASHINGTON'S LETTER. 707 supporters of government,) was an avowed ob- ject of the party ; and that all possible pains were taken to produce that effect, by rendering it odious to the body of the people, I considered it a duty to endeavor to resist the torrent, and, as an effectual means to this end, to draw aside the veil from the principal actors. To this strong impulse, to this decided conviction, I have yielded ; and I think events will prove that I have judged rightly. " Nevertheless, I pledge my hand to you, sir, that, if you shall hereafter form a plan to re- unite the members of your administration upon some steady principle of co-operation, I will faithfully concur in executing it during my con- tinuance in office. And I will not, directly or indirectly, say or do a thing that shall endanger a feud." Jefferson, too, in a letter of the same date, assured "Washington that to no one had the dis- sensions of the cabinet given deeper concern than to himself — to no one equal mortification at being himself a part of them. His own grievances, which led to those dissensions, he traced back to the time when Hamilton, in the spring of 1790, procured his influence to effect a change in the vote on Assumption. " When I embarked in the government," writes he, " it was with a determination to intermeddle not at all with the legislature, and as little as possible with my co-departments. The first and only instance of vai-iance from the former part of my resolution, I was duped into by the Secre- tary of the Treasury, and made a tool for for- warding his schemes, not then sufliciently un- derstood by me ; and of all the errors of my political life, this has occasioned me the deepest regret." * * * u jf jj. j^^g ^^^^ supposed that I have ever intrigued among the members of the legislature to defeat the plans of the Sec- retary of the Treasury, it is contrary to all truth. * * * That I have utterly, in my private conversations, disapproved of the system of the Secretary of the Treasury, I acknowledge and avow.; and this was not merely a specula- tive difference. His system flowed from prin- ciples adverse to liberty, and was calculated to undermine and demolish the republic by crea- ting an influence of his department over the members of the legislature." In regard to Freneau's Gazette, Mr. Jefferson absolutely denied that he had set it up, but ad- mitted that, on its first establishment, and sub- sequently from time to time, he had furnished the editor with the Leyden Gazette, requesting that he would always translate and publish the material intelligence contained in them. " But as to any other direction or indication," adds he, " of my wish how his press should be con- ducted, what sort of intelligence he should give, what essays encourage, I can protest, in the presence of Heaven, that I never did, by myself or any other, directly or indirectly, say a sylla- ble, nor attempt any kind of influence. I can further protest, in the same awful presence, that I never did, by myself or any other, di- rectly or indirectly, write, dictate, or procure any one sentence or sentiment to be inserted in his or any other Gazette, to which my name was not affixed, or that of my office. * * * " Freneau's proposition to publish a paper having been about the time that the writings of PuBLicoLA and the Disgotjeses on Davila had a good deal excited the public attention, I took it for granted, from Freneau's character, which had been marked as that of a good Whig, that he would give free place to pieces written against the aristocratical and monarchical prin- ciples these papefs had inculcated. * =f= * " As to the merits or demerits of his paper, they certainly concern me not. He and Fenno [editor of the United States Gazette] are rivals for the public favor ; the one courts them by flattery, the other by censure ; and I believe it will be admitted that the one has been as ser- vile as the other severe. But is not the dig- nity and even decency of government com- mitted, when one of its principal ministers en- lists himself as an anonymous writer or para- graphist for either the one or the other of them ? " Mr. Jefferson considered himself particularly aggrieved by charges against him in Fenno's Gazette, which he ascribed to the pen of Mr. Plamilton, and intimated the possibility, that after his retirement from office, he might make an appeal to the country, should his own justifi- cation or the interests of the Eepublic require it, subscribing his name to whatever he might write, and using with freedom and truth the facts and names necessary to place the cause in its just form before that tribunal. " To a thor- ough disregard of the honors and emoluments of office, I join as great a value for the esteem of my countrymen ; and conscious of having merited it "by an integrity which cannot be re- proached, and by an enthusiastic devotion to their rights and liberty, I will not suffer my re- tirement to be clouded by the slanders of a man, whose history, from tlie moment at which his- 708 A PROCLAMATION-WASHINGTON UNANIMOUSLY RE-ELECTED. [1792. tory can stoop to notice hiui, is a tissue of machinations against the liberty of the country which has not only received and given him bread, but heaped its honors on his head." Washington's solicitude for harmony in his cabinet had been rendered more anxious by public disturbances in some parts of the coun- try. The excise law on ardent spirits distilled within the United States, had, from the time of its enactment by Congress in 1791, met with opposition from the inhabitants of the Western counties of Pennsylvania. It had been modi- fied and rendered less offensive within the pres- ent year ; but the hostihty to it had continued. Combinations were formed to defeat the execu- tion of it, and the revenue officers were riot- ously opposed in the execution of their duties. Determined to exert all the legal powers with which he was invested to check so darmg and unwarrantable a spirit, Washington, on the 15th of September, issued a proclamation, warning all persons to desist from such unlawful com- binations and proceedings, and requiring all courts, magistrates, and officers to bring the m- fractors of the law to justice ; copies of which proclamation were sent to the governors of Pennsylvania and of North and South Carolina. On the 18th of October, Washington made one more effort to allay the discord in his cab- inet. Finding it impossible for the rival secre- taries to concur in any system of politics, he urged them to accommodate their differences by mutual yieldings. " A measure of this sort," observed he, " would produce harmony and consequent good in om- public councils, and the contrary will inevitably produce confusion and serious mischiefs ; and all for what ? Because mankind cannot think alike, but would adopt different means to attain the same end. For I will frankly and solemnly declare, that I believe the views of both to be pure and well meant, and that experience only will decide with re- spect to the salutariness of the measures which are the subjects of this dispute. " Why, then, when some of the best citizens of the United States— men of discernment- uniform and tried patriots— who have no smis- ter views to promote, but are chaste in their ways of thinkmg and acting, are to be found, some on one side and some on the other of the questions which have caused these agitations- why should either of you be so tenacious of your opinions as to make no allowance for those of the other? * * * * " I have a great, a sincere esteem and regard for you both ; and ardently wish that some line could be marked out by which both of you could walk." CHAPTEPv XVII. It was after a long and painful conflict of feelings that Washington consented to be a can- didate for re-election. There was no opposition on the part of the public, and the vote for him in the Electoral College was unanimous. In a letter to a friend, he declared himself grate- fully impressed by so distinguished and honora- ble a testimony of public approbation and con- fidence. In truth he had been apprehensive of being elected by but a meagre majority, which he acknowledged would have been a matter of chagrin. George Clinton, of New York, was held up for the Vice-Presidency, in opposition to John Adams ; but the latter was re-elected by a ma- jority of twenty-seven electoral votes. But though gratified to find that the hearts of his countrymen were still with him, it was with no emotion of pleasure that Washington looked forward to another term of public duty, and a prolonged absence from the quiet retire- ment of Mount Vernon. The session of Congress, which was to close his present term, opened on the fifth of Novem- ber. The continuance of the Indian war formed a painful topic in the President's address. Ef- forts at pacification had as yet been unsuccess- ful: two brave officers, Colonel Hardin and Major Trueman, who had been sent to negotiate with the savages, had been severally murdered. Vigorous preparations were therefore making for an active prosecution of hostilities, in which Wayne was to take the field. Washington, with benevolent earnestness, dwelt upon the humane system of civilizing the tribes, by incul- cating agricultural tastes and habits. The factious and turbulent opposition which had been made in some parts of the country to the collection of duties on spirituous liquors distiUed in the United States, was likewise ad- verted to by the President, and a determination expressed to assert and maintain the just au- thority of the laws ; trusting in the " full co- operation of the other departments of govern- ment, and the zealous support of all good citi- zens." In a part of the speech addressed to the ^T. 60.] OPENING OF CONGRESS-WASHINGTON INSTALLED FOR HIS SECOND TERM. 709 House of Eepresentatives, he expressed a strong hope that the state of the national finances was now sufficiently matured to admit of an ar- rangement for the redemption and discharge of the public debt. " No measure," said he, " can be more desirable, whether viewed with an eve to its intrinsic importance, or to the general sentiment and wish of the nation." The address was well received by both houses, and a disposition expressed to concur with the President's views and wishes. The discus- sion of the subjects to which he had called their attention, soon produced vehement conflicts of opinion in the house, marking the growing vir- ulence of parties. The Secretary of the Treas- ury, in reporting, at the request of the House, a plan for the annual reduction of so much of the national debt as the United States had a right to redeem, spoke of the expenses of the Indian war, and the necessity of additional in- ternal taxes. The consideration of the report was parried or evaded, and a motion made to reduce the military establishment. This gave an opportunity for sternly criticizing the mode in which the Indian war had been conducted ; for discussing the comparative merits and cost of regular and militia forces, and for inveighing against standing armies, as dangerous to liber- ty. These discussions, while they elicited much heat, led to no present result, and gave way to an inquiry into the conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to certain loans, which the President, in conformity to acts of Con- gress, had authorized him to make ; but con- cerning the management of which he had not furnished detailed reports to the legislature. The subject was opened by Mr, Giles, of Vir- ginia, who moved in the House of Representa- tives a series of resolutions seeking information in the matter, and who followed his resolutions by a speech, charging the Secretary of the Treasury with official misconduct, and intimat- ing that a large balance of public money had not been accounted for. A report of the Secretary gave all the in- formation desired ; but the charges against him continued to be urged with great acrimony to the close of the session, when they were signal- ly rejected, not more than sixteen members voting for any one of them. The veneration insjiired by the character of "Washington, and the persuasion that he would never permit himself to be considered the head of a party, had hitherto shielded him from at- tack ; a little circumstance, however, showed that the rancor of party was beginning to glance at him. On his birth-day (Feb. 22) many of the mem^ hers of Congress were desirous of waiting on him in testimony of respect as chief magistrate of the Union, and a motion was made to adjourn for half an hour for that purpose. It met with serious opposition as a species of homage— it was setting up an idol dangerous to liberty— it had a bias towards monarchy ! Washington, though he never courted popu- larity, was attentive to the signs of public opin- ion, and disposed to be guided by them when right. The time for entering upon his second term of Presidency was at hand. There had been much cavilling at the parade attending his first installation. Jefi'erson especially had pro- nounced it " not at all in character with the simpHcity of republican government, and look- ing, as if wishfully, to those of European Courts." To guide him on the coming occasion, Wash- ington called the heads of departments togeth- er, and desired they would consult with one another, and agree on any changes they might consider for the better, assuring them he would willingly conform to whatever they should advise. They held such consultation, and ultimately gave their individual opinions in writing, with regard to the time, manner, and place of the President's taking the oath of office. As they were divided in opinion, and gave no positive advice as to any change, no change was made. On the 4th of March, the oath was publicly ad- ministered to Washington by Mr. Justice Gush- ing, in the Senate Chamber, in presence of the heads of departments, foreign ministers, such members of the House of Eepresentatives as were in town, and as many other spectators as could be accommodated. CHAPTER XVIII. Early in 1792, Gouverneur Morris had re- ceived the appointment of minister plenipoten- tiary to the French court. His diplomatic" correspondence from Paris gave shocking ac- counts of the excesses attending the revolution. France he represented as governed by Jacobin clubs. Lafayette, by endeavoring to check their excesses, had completely lost his author- ity. "Were he to appear just now in Paris, 710 OVERTHROW OF THE FRENCH MONARCHY— IMPRISONMENT OF LAFAYETTE. [1792. unattended by his army," writes Morris, " he would be torn to pieces." "Washington receiv- ed these accounts with deep concern. What was to be the fate of that distracted country — what was to be the fate of his friend ! Jefferson was impatient of these gloomy picturings ; especially when he saw their effect upon Washington's mind. " The fact is," writes he, "that Gouverneur Morris, a high-flying monarchy man, shutting his eyes and his faith to every fact against his wishes, and believing every thing he desires to be true, has kept the President's mind constantly poisoned with his forebodings." His forebodings, however, were soon veri- fied. Lafayette addi-essed from his camp, a letter to the Legislative Assembly, formally denouncing the conduct of the Jacobin club as violating the declaration of rights and the con- stitution. His letter was of no avail. On the 20th of June bands from the Faubourg St. Antoine, armed with pikes, and headed by Santerre, marched to the Tuileries, insulted the king in the presence of his family, obliging him to put on the bonnet rouge, the baleful cap of liberty of the revolution. Lafayette, still loyal to his sovereign, hastened to Paris, appeared at the bar of the Assembly, and demanded, in the name of the army, the punishment of those who had thus violated the constitution, by in- sulting in his palace, the chief of the executive power. His intervention proved of no avail, and he returned with a sad and foreboding heart to his army. On the 9th of August, Paris was startled by the sound of the fatal tocsin at midnight. On the 10th the chateau of the Tuileries was at- tacked, and the Swiss guard who defended it, were massacred. The king and queen took refuge in the National Assembly, which body decreed the suspension of the king's authority. It was at once the overthrow of the mon- archy, the annihilation of the constitutional party, and the commencement of the reign of terror. Lafayette, who was the head of the constitutionalists, was involved in their down- fall. The Jacobins denounced him in the Na- tional Assembly ; his arrest was decreed, and emissaries were sent to carry the decree into effect. At first he thought of repairing at once to Paris and facing his accusers, but, on second tiiou^^hts, determined to bend before the storm and await the return of more propitious days. Leaving every thing in order in his army, which remained encamped at Sedan, he set off with a few trusty friends for the Netherlands, to seek an asylum in Holland or the United States, but, with his companions, was detained a prisoner at Eochefort, the first Austrian post. " Thus his circle is completed," writes Mor- ris. " He has spent his fortune on a revolution, and is now crushed by the wheel which he put in motion. He lasted longer than I expected." Washington looked with a sadder eye on this catastrophe of Lafayette's high-hearted and gallant aspirations, and mourned over the ad- verse fortunes of his friend. The reign of terror continued. " We have had one week of unchecked murders, in which some thousands have perished in the city," writes Morris to Jefferson, on the 10th of Sep- tember. " It began with between two and three hundred of the clergy, who had been shot because they would not take the oaths prescrib- ed by the law, and which they said were con- trary to their conscience." Thence tJiese execu- tors of speedy justice went to the abhaye where persons were confined who were at court on the 10th of August. These were despatched also, and afterwards they visited the other prisons. "All those who were confined either on the accusation or suspicion of crimes, were destroy- ed." The accounts of these massacres grieved Mr. Jefferson. They were shocking in themselves, and he feared they might bring great discredit upon the Jacobins of France, whom he consid- ered republican patriots, bent on the establish- ment of a free constitution. They had acqui- esced for a time, said he, in the experiment of retaining an hereditary executive, but finding, if pursued, it would ensui'e the re-establishment of a despotism, they considered it absolutely indispensable to expunge that ofiice. " In the struggle which was necessary, many guilty per- sons fell without the forms of trial, and with them, some innocent. These I deplore as much as anybody, and shall deplore some of them to the day of my death. But I deplore them as I should have done, had they fallen in battle. It was necessary to use the arm of the people, a machine not quite so blind as balls and bombs, but blind to a certain degree. A few of their cordial friends met at their hands the fate of enemies. But time and truth will rescue and embalm their memories, while their posterity wiU be enjoying that very liberty for which they would never have hesitated to offer up their lives. The liberty of the whole earth was ^T. 60.] WASHINGTON'S CONCERN FOR LAFAYETTE— MORRIS ON EVENTS IN FRANCE. 711 depending on the issue of the contest, and was ever such a prize won with so little innocent blood ? My own aflections have been deeply wounded by some of the martyrs to this cause, but rather than it should have failed, I would have seen half the earth desolated ; were there but an Adam and Eve left in every country, and left free, it would be better than as it now is." * Washington, who contemplated the French revolution with a less sanguine eye than Jeffer- son, was simply shocked at the atrocities which disgraced it, and at the dangers to be appre- hended fz'om an unrestrained populace. A let- ter which he received from Gouverneur Morris (dated October 23d), placed the condition of the unfortunate Louis XVI., the ancient friend and ally of America, in a light to awaken his benevolent sympathy, " You will have seen," writes Morris, " that the king is accused of high crimes and misdemeanors ; but I verily believe that he wished sincerely for this nation, the enjoyment of the utmost degree of liberty, which their situation and circumstances will permit. He wished for a good constitution, but, unfortunately, he had not the means to obtain it, or, if he had, he was thwarted by those about him. What may be his fate God only knows, but history informs us that the passage of dethroned monarchs is short from the prison to the grave." JSTothing, however, in all the eventfid tidings from France, gave Washington greater concern than the catastrophe of his friend Lafayette. His first thoughts prompted the consolation and assistance of the marchioness. In a letter to her, he writes : " If I had words that could convey to you an adequate idea of my feelings on the present situation of the Marquis Lafay- ette, this letter would appear to you in a differ- ent garb. The sole object in writing to you now, is to inform you that I have deposited in the hands of Mr, Nicholas Van Staphorst of Amsterdam, two thousand three hundred and ten guilders, Holland currency, equal to two hundred guineas, subject to your orders. " This sum is, I am certain, the least I am indebted for services rendered me by the Mar- quis de Lafayette, of which I never yet have received the account. I could add much, but it is best, perhaps, that I should say little on this subject. Your goodness will supply my deficiency. * Letter to Mr. Short. JeflFerson's Works, iii. 501. " The uncertainty of your situation, after all the inquiries I have made, has occasioned a delay in this address and remittance ; and even now the measure adopted is more the effect of a desire to find where you are, than from any knowledge I have obtained of your residence." Madame de Lafayette, in fact, was at that time a prisoner in France, in painful ignorance of her husband's fate. She had been com- manded by the Jacobin committee to repair to Paris about the time of the massacres, but was subsequently permitted to reside at Chavaniac, under the surveillance of the municipality. We will anticipate events by adding here, that some time afterwards, finding her husband was a prisoner in Austria, she obtained permis- sion to leave France, and ultimately, with her two daughters, joined him in his prison at 01- mutz, George Washington Lafayette, the son of the General, determined to seek an asylum in America. In the mean time, the arms of revolution- ary France were crowned with great success. " Towns fall before them without a blow," writes Gouverneur Morris, " and the declara- tion of riglits produces an effect equal at least to the trumpets of Joshua." But Morris was far from drawing a favorable augury from this success. " We must observe the civil, moral, religious, and political institutions," said he. " These have a steady and lasting effect, and these only. * * ^ Since I have been in this country, I have seen the worship of many idols, and but little of the true God. I have seen many of those idols broken, and some of them beaten to dust. I have seen the late constitu- tion, in one short year, admired as a stupen- dous monument of human wisdom, and ridi- culed as an egregious production of folly and vice. I wish much, very much, the happiness of this inconstant people. I love them. I feel grateful for their efforts in our cause, and I con- sider the establishment of a good constitution here as the principal means, under Divine Prov- idence, of extending the blessings of freedom to the many millions of my fellow-men, who groan in bondage on the continent of Europe, But I do not greatly indulge the flattering illu- sions of hope, because I do not yet perceive that reformation of morals, without which, lib- erty is but an empty sound." * * Life of Morris, ii. 248. 712 EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI.— FRANCE DECLARES WAR AGAINST ENGLAND. [1793. CHAPTER XIX. It was under gloomy auspices, a divided cab- inet, and increasing exasperation of parties, a suspicion of monarchical tendencies, and a threatened abatement of popularity, that Wash- ington entered upon his second term of presi- dency. It was a portentous pei'iod in the his- tory of the world, for in a little while came news of that tragical event, the beheading of Louis XVI. It was an event deplored by many of the truest advocates of liberty in America, who, like Washington, remembered that unfor- tunate monarch as the friend of their country in her revolutionary struggle ; but others, zeal- ots in the cause of political reform, considered it with complacency, as sealing the downfall of the French monarchy and the establishment of a republic. An event followed hard upon it to shake the quiet of the world. Early in April intelligence was received that France had declared war against England. Popular excitement was now wound up to the highest pitch. What, it was asked, were Americans to do in such a junc- ture ? Could they remain unconcerned specta- tors of a conflict between their ancient enemy and republican France ? Should they fold their arms and look coldly on a war, begun, it is true, by France, but threatening the subversion of the republic, and the re-establishment of a mon- archical government ? Many, in the wild enthusiasm of the moment, would at once have precipitated the country into a v/ar. Fortunately this belligerent im- pulse was not general, and was checked by the calm, controlling wisdom of Washington. He was at Mount Vernon when he received news of the war, and understood that American ves- sels were already designated, and some even fitting out to serve in it as privateers. He forthwith despatched a letter to Jefferson on the subject. " War having actually commenced between France and Great Britain," writes he, " it behooves the government of this country to use eveiy means in its power to prevent the citizens thereof from embroiling us with either of those powers, by endeavoring to maintain a strict neutrality." Hastening back to Philadelphia, he held a cabinet council on the 19th of April, to deliber- ate on the measures proper to be observed by the United States in the present crisis ; and to determine upon a general plan of conduct for the Executive. In this council it was unanimously deter- mined that a proclamation should be issued by the President, " forbidding the citizens of the United States to take part in any hostilities on the seas, and warning them against carrying to the belligerents any articles deemed contraband according to the modern usages of nations, and forbidding all acts and proceedings inconsistent with the duties of a friendly nation towards those at war." It was unanimously agreed also, that should the republic of France send a minister to the United States, he should be received. No one at the present day questions the wis- dom of Washington's proclamation of neutral- ity. It was our true policy to keep aloof from European war, in which our power would be in- efiicient, our loss certain. The measure, how- ever, was at variance with the enthusiastic feel- ings and excited passions of a large portion of the citizens. They treated it for a time with some forbearance, out of long-cherished reverence for Washington's name ; but his popularity, hitherto unlimited, was no proof against the inflamed state of public feeling. The proclama- tion was stigmatized as a royal edict ; a daring assumption of power ; an open manifestation of partiality for England and hostility to France. Washington saw that a deadly blow was aimed at his influence and his administration, and that both were at hazard ; but he was con- vinced that neutrahty was the true national policy, and he resolved to maintain it, whatever might be his immediate loss of popular favor. His resolution was soon put to the test. The French republic had recently appointed Edmond Charles Genet, or ' Citizen Genet,' as he was styled, minister to the United States, He was represented as a young man of good parts, very well educated, and of an ardent temper. He had served in the bureau of For- eign Affairs under the ministry of Vergennes, and been employed in various diplomatic situ- ations until the overthrow of the monarchy, when he joined the popular party, became a political zealot, and member of the Jacobin club, and was rewarded with the mission to America. A letter from Gouverneur Morris apprised Mr. Jefferson that the Executive Council had furnished Genet with three hundred blank com- missions for privateers, to be given clandes- tinely to such persons as he might find in .Et. 61.] FRENCH MISSION TO THE UNITED STATES— RECEPTION OF GENET. 713 America inclined to take them. "They sup- pose/' writes Morris, " that the avidity of some adventurers may lead them into measures which would involve altercations with Great Britain, and terminate finally in a war." Genet's conduct proved the correctness of this information. He had landed at Charles- ton, South Carolina, from the French frigate the Ambuscade, on the 8th of April, a short time before the proclamation of neutrality, and was received with great rejoicing and extrava- gant demonstrations of respect. His landing at a port several hundred miles from the seat of government, was a singular move for a dip- lomat ; but his object in so doing was soon evi- dent. It is usual for a foreign minister to pre- sent his credentials to the government to which he comes, and be received by it in form before he presumes to enter upon the exercise of his functions. Citizen Genet, however, did not stop for these formalities. Confident in his nature, heated in his zeal, and flushed with the popular warmth of his reception, he could not pause to consider the proprieties of his mission and the delicate responsibilities involved in diplomacy. The contiguity of Charleston to the AVest Indies made it a favorable port for fitting out privateers against the trade of these islands ; and during Genet's short sojourn there he issued commissions for arming and equipping vessels of war for that purpose, and manning them with Americans. In the latter part of April, Genet set out for the north by laud. As he proceeded on his journey, the newspapers teemed with accounts of the processions and addresses with which he was greeted, and the festivities which cele- brated his arrival at each place. Jefferson, in a letter to Madison written from Philadelphia on the 5th of May, observes with exultation : '' The war between France and England seems to be producing an eifect not contemplated. All the old spirit of 1776, rekindling the news- papers from Boston to Charleston, proves this ; and even the monocrat papers are obliged to pubhsh the most furious philippics against Eng- land. A French frigate * took a British prize [the Grange] ofif the Capes of Delaware the other day, and sent her up here. Upon her coming into sight, thousands and thousands of the yeomanry of the city crowded and covered the wharves. Never was there such a crowd seen there ; and when the British colors were * The Ambuscade. seen reversed, and the French flying above them, they burst into peals of exultation, I wish we may be able to repress the spirit of the people within the limits of a fair neutrality. * * * We expect Genet daily." A friend of Hamilton writes in a difi'erent vein. Speaking of Genet, he observes : " He has a good person, a fine ruddy comi^lexion, quite active, and seems always in a bustle, more like a busy man than a man of business. A Frenchman in his manners, he announces himself in all companies as the minister of the republic, etc., talks freely of his commission, and, like most Europeans, seems to have adopted mistaken notions of the penetration and knowledge of the people of the United States. His system, I think, is to laugh us into the war if he can." On the 16th of May, Genet arrived at Phila- delphia. His belligerent operations at Charles- ton had already been made a subject of com- plaint to the government by Mr. 'Hammond, the British minister; but they produced no abatement in the public enthusiasm. " It was suspected," writes Jefferson, "that there was not a clear mind in the President's counsellors to receive Genet, The citizens, however, de- termined to receive him. Arrangements were taken for meeting him at Gray's Ferry, in a great body. He escaped that, by arriving in town with the letters which brought informa- tion that he was on the road." * On the following day, various societies and a large body of citizens waited upon him with addresses, recalling with gratitude the aid given by France in the achievement of American in- dependence, and extolling and rejoicing in the success of the arms of the French republic. On the same day, before Genet had presented his credentials and been acknowledged by the President, he was invited to a grand republican dinner, " at which," we are told, " the com- pany united in singing the Marseilles hymn. A deputation of French sailors presented them- selves, and were received by the guests with the ' fraternal embrace.' The table was deco- rated with the ' tree of liberty,' and a rod cap, called the cap of liberty, was placed on the head of the minister, and from his travelled in succession from head to head round the table." t This enthusiasm of the multitude was re- garded with indalgence, if not favor, by Jeffer- son, as being the effervescence of the true * Letter to Madison, Works, iii. 562. t Jay's Life, vol. i., p. 301. 714 DEPRECATIONS OF HAMILTON— GENET PRESENTS HIS LETTER OF CREDENCE. [1798. spirit of liberty ; but was deprecated by Ham- ilton as an infatuation that might " do us much harm, and could do France no good." A let- ter, written by him at the time, is worthy of full citation, as embodying the sentiments of that party of which he was the leader. " It cannot be without danger and inconvenience to our interests, to impress on the nations of Europe an idea that we are actuated by the same spirit which has for some time past fatally misguided the measures of those who conduct the affairs of France, and sullied a caiase once glorious, and that might have been triumphant. The cause of France is compared with that of America during its late revolution. "Would to Heaven that the comparison were just ! "Would to Heaven we could discern, in the mirror of French affairs, the same decorum, the same grav- ity, the same order, the same dignity, the same solemnity, which distinguished the cause of the American revolution ! Clouds and darkness would not then rest upon the issue as they now do. I own I do not like the comparison. "When I contemplate the horrid and systematic massa- cres of the 2d and 3d of September ; when I observe that a Marat and a Kobespierre, the notorious prompters of those bloody scenes, sit triumphantly in the convention, and take a conspicuous part in its measures — that an at- tempt to bring the assassins to justice has been obliged to be abandoned — when I see an unfor- tunate prince, whose reign was a continued demonstration of the goodness and benevolence of his heart, of his attachment to the people of whom he was the monarch, who, though edu- cated in the lap of despotism, had given re- peated proofs that he was not the enemy of liberty, brought precipitately and ignomin- iously to the block without any substantial \proof of guilt, as yet disclosed — without even an authentic exhibition of motives, in decent regard to the opinions of mankind ; when I find the doctrines of atheism openly advanced in the convention, and heard with loud ap- plauses ; when I see the sword of fanaticism extended to force a political creed upon citi- zens who were invited to submit to the arms of France as the harbingers of liberty ; when I behold the hand of rapacity outstretched to prostrate and ravish the monuments of relig- ious worship, erected by those citizens and their ancestors ; when I perceive passion, tumult, and violence usurping those seats, where reason and cool deliberation ought to preside, I ac- knowledge that I am oilad to believe there is no real resemblance between what was the cause of America and what is the cause of France ; that the difference is no less great than that between liberty and licentiousness. I regret whatever has a tendency to confound them, and I feel anxious, as an American, that the ebullitions of inconsiderate men among us may not tend to involve our reputation in the issue." * "Washington, from his elevated and responsi- ble situation, endeavored to look beyond the popular excitement, and regard the affairs of France with a dispassionate and impartial eye, but he confessed that he saw in the turn they had lately taken the probability of a terrible confusion, to which he could predict no certain issue : a boundless ocean whence no land was to be seen. He feared less, he said, for the cause of liberty in France from the pressure of foreign enemies, than from the strifes and quar- rels of those in whose hands the government was intrusted, who were ready to tear each other to pieces, and would more probably prove the worst foes the country had. CHAPTER XX. On the 18th of May, Genet presented his let- ter of credence to the President ; by whom, notwithstanding his late unwarrantable pro- ceedings at Charleston, he was well received ; "Washington taking the occasion to express his sincere regard for the French nation. Jefferson, who, as Secretary of State, was present, had all his warm sympathies in favor of France, roused by Genet's diplomatic speech. " It was impossible," writes he to Madison, " for any thing to be more affectionate, more magnanimous, than the purport of Genet's mis- sion. ' We wish you to do nothing,' said he, ' but what is for your own good, and we will do all in our power to promote it. Cherish your own peace and prosperity. You have expressed a willingness to enter into a more liberal commerce with us ; I bring full powers to form such a treaty, and a preliminary decree of the National Convention to lay open our country and its colonies to you, for every pur- pose of utility, without your participating the burthens of maintaining and defending them. "We see in you, the only person on earth who * HamUtou's AVorks, v. 56G. yET, 61.] EXPOSTULATIONS OF WASHINGTON— RESTITUTION OF CAPTURED VESSELS. 715 cau love ns sincerely, and merit to be so loved.' In short, he otFers every thing, and asks noth- ing." "Yet I kno^v the oiiers will he opposed," adds Jefferson, " and suspect they will not he accepted. In short, my dear sir, it is impossi- ble for you to conceive what is passing in our conclave ; and it is evident that one or two, at least, under pretence of avoiding war on the one side, have no great antipathy to run foul of it on the other, and to make a part in the confederacy of princes against human liberty." The ' one or two,' in the paragraph above cited, no doubt, imply Hamilton and Knox. "Washington again, in conversation, endeav- ored to coimteract these suspicions which were swaying Jefferson's mind against Ms contem- poraries. We give Jefferson's own account of the conversation. " He (Washington) observed that, if anybody wanted to change the form of our government into a monarchy, he was sure it was only a few individuals, and that no man in the United States would set his face against it, more than himself; but, that this was not what he was afraid of; his fears were from another quarter ; that there was more danger of anarchy being introduced.'''' He then adverted to Freneau's paper and its partisan hostilities. He despised, he said, all personal attacks upon himself, but observed that there never had been an act of the gov- ernment which that paper had not abused. " He was evidently sore and warm," adds Jef- ferson, " and I took his intention to be, that I should interpose in some way with Freneau ; perhaps, withdraw his appointment of trans- lating clerk in my ofSce. But I will not do it." It appears to us rather an imgracious deter- mination on the part of Jefferson, to keep this barking cur in his employ, when he found him so annoying to the chief, whom he professed, and we believe with sincerity, to revere. Neither are his reasons for so doing satisfac- tory, savoring, as they do, of those strong po- litical suspicions already noticed. "His (Fre- neau's) paper," observed he, " has saved our constitution, which was galloping fast into monarchy, and has been checked by no means so powerfully as by that paper. It is well and universally known, that it has been that paper which checked the career -of the monocrats ; the President, not sensible of the designs of the party, has not, with his usual good sense and sangfroid, looked on the efforts and effects of this free press, and seen that, though some bad things have passed through it to the public, yet tlie good have preponder- ated immensely." * Jefferson was mistaken. Washington had regarded the efforts and effects of this free press with his usual good sense ; and the in- jurious influence it exercised in public affairs, was presently manifested in the transactions of the government with Genet. The acts of this diplomatic personage at Charleston, had not been the sole ground of the complaint preferred by the British minister. The capture of the British vessel, the Grange, by the frigate Am- buscade, formed a gi'aver one. Occurring with- in our waters, it was a clear usurpation of na- tional sovereignty, and a violation of neutral rights. The British minister demanded a res- titution of the prize, and the cabinet were unanimously of opinion that restitution should be made ; nor was there any difficulty with the French minister on this head ; but resti- tution was likewise claimed of other vessels captured on the high seas, and brought into port by the privateers authorized by Genet. In regard to these there was a difference of sentiment in the cabinet. Hamilton and Knox, were of opinion that the government should interpose to restore the prizes ; if being the duty of a neutral nation to remedy any injury sustained by armaments fitted out in its ports. Jefferson and Ptandolph contended that the case should be left to the decision of the courts of justice. If the courts adjudged the commis- sions issued by Genet to be invalid, they would, of course, decide the captures made under them to be void, and the property to remain in the original owners; if, on the other hand, the legal right to the property had been transferred to the captors, they would so decide. Seeing this difference of opinion in the cab- inet, Washington reserved the point for further deliberation ; but directed the Secretary of State to communicate to the ministers of France and Britain, the principles in which they concurred ; these being considered as settled. Circular let- ters, also, were addressed to the Governors of several States, requiring their co-operation, with force, if necessary, to carry out the rules agreed upon. Genet took umbrage at these decisions of the government, and expressed his dissatisfac- tion in a letter, complaining of them as viola- * Works, ix. 143. 716 DISSATISFACTION OF GENET— WASHINGTON CALLED TO MOUNT VERNON. [1793. tions of natural right, and subversive of the ex- isting treaties between the two nations. His letter, though somewhat wanting in strict de- corum of language, induced a review of the subject in the cabinet ; and he was informed that no reason appeared for changing the sys- tem adopted. He was further Informed that in the opinion of the executive, the vessels which had been illegally equipped, should de- part from the ports of the United States. Genet was not disposed to acquiesce in these decisions. He was aware of the grateful feelings of the nation to France : of the popu- lar disposition to go all lengths short of war, in her favor ; of the popular idea, that repub- lican interests were identical on both sides of the Atlantic ; that a royal triumph over repub- licanism in Europe, would be followed by a combination to destroy it in this country. He had heard the clamor among the populace, and uttered in Freneau's Gazette and other news- papers, against the policy of neutrality ; the people, he thought, were with him, if "Washing- ton was not, and he believed the latter would not dare to risk his popularity in thwarting their enthusiasm. He persisted, therefore, in disregarding the decisions of the government, and spoke of them as a departure from the ob- ligations it owed to France ; a cowardly aban- donment of friends when danger menaced. Another event added to the irritation of Ge- net. Two American citizens, whom he had engaged at Charleston, to cruise in the service of France, were arrested on board of the pri- vateer, conducted to prison, and prosecutions commenced against them. The indignant feel- ings of Genet were vented in an extraordinary letter to the Secretary of State. When speak- ing of their arrest, " The crime laid to their charge," writes he — " the crime which my mind cannot conceive, and which my pen al- most refuses to state — is the serving of France, and defending with her children the common glorious cause of liberty. " Being ignorant of any positive law or treaty, which deprives Americans of this privi- lege, and authorizes officers of police arbitra- rily to take mariners in the service of France from on board of their vessels, I call upon your intervention, sir, and that of the President of the United States, in order to obtain the im- mediate releasement of the above-mentioned officers, who have acquired, by the sentiments animating them, and by the act of their engage- ment, anterior to any act to the contrary, the right of French citizens, if they have lost that of American citizens." The lofty and indignant tone of this letter had no effect in shaking the determination of government, or obtaining the release of the prisoners. Washington confesses, however, that he was very much harried and perplexed by the " disputes, memorials, and what not," with which he was pestered, by one or other of the powers at war. It was a sore trial of his equanimity, his impartiality, and his discrim- ination, and wore upon his spirits and his health. " The President is not well," writes Jefferson to Madison (.June 9th) ; " little lingering fevers have been hanging about him for a week or ten days, and affected his looks most remarkably. He is also extremely affected by the attacks made and kept up on him, in the public papers. I think he feels these things more than any other person I ever yet met with. I am sin- cerely sorry to see them." Jefferson's sorrow was hardly in accordance with the resolution expressed by him, to retain Freneau in his office, notwithstanding his inces- sant attacks upon the President and the meas- ures of his government. Washington might well feel sensitive to these attacks, which Jefferson acknowledges were the more mischievous, from being planted on popular ground, on the uni- versal love of the people to France and its cause. But he was not to be deterred by personal con- siderations, from the strict line of his duty. He was aware that, in withstanding the public infatuation in regard to France, he was putting an unparalleled popularity at hazard ; but he put it at hazard without hesitation ; and, in so doing, set a magnanimous example for his suc- cessors in office to endeavor to follow. CHAPTER XXI. In the latter part of July, Washington was suddenly called to Mount Vernon by the death of Mr. Whiting, the manager of his estates. During his brief absence from the seat of gov- ernment, occurred the case of the Little Saeah. This was a British merchant vessel which had been captured by a French privateer, and brought into Philadelphia, where she had been armed and equipped for privateering; manned with ©ne hundred and twenty men, many of them Americans, and her name changed into that of Le Petit Democrat. This, of course. ^T. 61.] CASE OF THE LITTLE SARAH— JEFFERSON'S INTERVIEW WITH GENET. 717 was in violation of Washington's decision, which had heen communicated to Genet. General Mifflin, now Governor of Pennsylva- nia, being informed, on the 6th of July, that the vessel was to sail the next day, sent his secretary, Mr. Dallas, at midnight to Genet, to persuade him to detain her until the President should arrive, intimating that otherwise force would be used to prevent her departure. Genet flew into one of the transports of pas- sion to which he was prone ; contrasted the treatment experienced by him from the officers of government, with the attachment to his nation professed by the people at large ; declared that the President was not the sovereign of the country, and had no right, without consulting Congress, to give such instructions as he had issued to the State Governors ; threatened to appeal from his decision to the people, and to repel force by force, should an attempt be made to seize the privateer. Apprised of this menace. Governor Mifflin forthwith ordered out one hundred and twenty of the militia to take possession of the privateer, and communicated the circumstances of the case to the cabinet. Mr. Jeflferson now took the matter in hand, and, on the 7th of July, in an interview with Genet, repeated the request that the privateer be detained until the arrival of the President. Genet, he writes, instantly took up the subject in a very high tone, and went into an immense field of declamation and complaint. Jefferson made a few efforts to be heard, but, finding them ineffectual, suffered the torrent of vitu- peration to pour on. He sat in silence, there- fore, while Genet charged the government with having violated the treaties between the two nations ; with having suffered its flag to be insulted and disregarded by the English, who stopped its vessels on the high seas, and took out of them whatever they suspected to be French property. He declared that he had been thwarted and opposed in every thing he had to do with the governmen-t ; so that he some- times thought of packing up and going away, as he found he could not be useful to his nation in any thing. He censured the executive for the measures it had taken without consulting Congress, and declared that, on the President's return, he would certainly press him to convene that body. He had by this time exhausted his passion and moderated his tone, and Jefferson took occasion to say a word. "I stopped him," writes he, " at the subject of calling Congress ; explained our constitution to liim as having divided the functions of government among three different authorities, the executive, legis- lative, and judiciary, each of which were su- preme on all questions belonging to their de- partment, and independent of the others ; that all the questions which had arisen between him and us, belonged to the executive department, and, if Congress were sitting, could not be car- ried to them, nor would they take notice of them." Genet asked with surprise, if Congress were not the sovereign. " No," replied Jefferson. " They are sover- eign only in making laws ; the executive is the sovereign in executing them, and the judiciary in construing them, where they relate to that department." " But at least," cried Genet, " Congress are bound to see that the treaties are observed." " No," rejoined Jefferson. " There are very few cases, indeed, arising out of treaties, which they can take notice of. The President is to see that treaties are observed." " If he decides against the treaty, "demand- ed Genet, " to whom is a nation to appeal ? " " The constitution," replied Jefferson, " has made the President the last appeal." Genet, perfectly taken aback at finding his own ignorance in the matter, shrugged his shoulders, made a bow, and said, " he would not compliment Mr. Jefferson on such a con- stitution ! " He had now subsided into coolness and good humor, and the subject of the Little Sarah being resumed, Jefferson pressed her detention until the President's return ; intimating that her previous departure would be considered a very serious offence. Genet made no promise, but expressed him- self very happy to be able to inform Mr. Jefferson that the vessel was not in a state of readiness ; she had to change her position that day, he said, ' and fall down the river, somewhere about the lower end of the town, for the convenience of taking some things on board, and would not depart yet. When Jefferson endeavored to extort an assurance that she would await the President's return, he evaded a direct committal, intima- ting however, by look and gesture, that she would not be gone before that time, " But let me beseech you," said he, " not to permit any attempt to put men on board of her. She is 718 EVASIVE ASSURANCES OF GENET— HIS INSOLENT CONDUCT TO GOVERNMENT. [1793. filled with high-spirited patriots, and they will unquestionably resist. And there is no occa- sion, for I tell you she will not be ready to depart for some time." Jeiferson was accordingly impressed with the belief that the privateer would remain in the river until the President should decide on her case, and, on communicating this conviction to the Governor, the latter ordered the militia to be dismissed. Hamilton and Knox, on the other hand, were distrustful, and proposed the immediate erection of a battery on Mud Island, with guns mounted to fire at the vessel, and even to sink her, if she attempted to pass. Jefferson, however, refus- ing to concur in the measure, it was not adopt- ed. The vessel, at that time, was at Gloucester Point, but soon fell down to Chester. Washington arrived at Philadelphia on the 11th of July ; when papers requiring " instant attention," were put into his hands. They re- lated to the case of the Little Sarah, and were from Jefferson, who, being ill with fever, had retired to his seat in the country. Nothing could exceed the displeasure of Washington when he examined these papers. In a letter written to Jefferson, on the spur of the moment, he puts these indignant que- ries : " What is to be done in the case of the Little Sarah, now at Chester ? Is the minister of the French republic to set the acts of this government at defiance with impunity ? And then threaten the executive with an appeal to the people ! What must the world think of such conduct, and of the government of the United States in submitting to it ? " These are serious questions. Circumstances press for decision, and, as you have had time to consider them (upon me they come unexpec- tedly), I wish to know your opinion upon them, even before to-morrow, for the vessel may then be gone." Mr. Jefferson, in a reply of the same date, informed the President of his having received assurance, that day, from Mr. Genet, that the vessel would not be gone before his (the Presi- dent's) decision. In consequence of this assurance of the French minister, no immediate measures of a coercive nature were taken with j-egard to the vessel ; but, in a cabinet council held the next day, it was determined to detain in port all privateers which had been equipped within the United States by any of the belligerent powers. No time was lost in communicating this de- termination to Genet ; but, in defiance of it, the vessel sailed on her cruise. It must have been a severe trial of Washing- ton's spirit to see his authority thus braved and insulted, and to find that the people, notwith- standing the indignity thus offered to their chief magistrate, sided with the aggressors, and exulted in their open defiance of his neutral policy. About this time a society was formed under the auspices of the French minister, and in imitation of the Jacobin clubs of Paris. It was called the Democratic Society, and soon gave rise to others throughout the Union ; all taking the French side in the present questions. The term democrat, thenceforward, began to designate an ultra-republican. Fresh mortifications awaited Washington, from the distempered state of public sentiment. The trial came on of Gideon Heufield, an Amer- ican citizen, prosecuted under the advice of the Attorney-General, for having enlisted, at Charleston, on board of a French privateer Avhich had brought prizes into the port of Phil- adelphia. Tbe populace took part with Ilenfield. lie had enlisted before the proclamation of neu- trality had been published, and even if he had enlisted at a later date, was he to be punished for engaging with their ancient ally, France, in the cause of liberty against the royal despots of Europe ? His acquittal exposed Washmgton to the obloquy of having attempted a measure which the laws would not justify. It showed him, moreover, the futility of attempts at pun- ishment for infractions of the rules proclaimed for the preservation of neutrality ; while the clamorous rejoicing by which the acquittal of Ilenfield had been celebrated, evinced the pop- ular disposition to thwart the line of policy which he considered most calculated to promote the public good. Nothing, however, could in- duce him to swerve from that policy. " I have consolation within," said he, " that no earthly effort can deprive me of, and that is, that neither ambitious nor interested motives have influenced my conduct. The arrows of malev- olence, therefore, however barbed and well- pointed, can never reach the most vulnerable part of me ; though, whilst I am set up as a inai% they will be continually aimed." * Hitherto Washington had exercised great forbearance toward the French minister, not- withstanding the little respect shown by the * Letter to Governor Lee. Sparks, x. 359. ^T. 61.] THE RECALL OF GENET DEMANDED— JEFFERSON'S INTENDED RETIREMENT. 719 latter to the rights of the United States ; but the official communications of Genet were becoming too offensive and insulting to be longer tolerated. Meetings of the heads of de- partments and the Attorney-General were held at the President's on the 1st and 2d of August, in which the whole of the official correspond- ence and conduct of Genet was passed in re- view ; and it was agreed that his recall should be desired. Jefferson recommended that the desire should be expressed w.'th great delicacy ; the others were for peremptory terms. Knox v/as for sending him off at once, hut this propo- sition was generally scouted. In the end it was agreed that a letter should be written to Gou- verneur Morris, giving a statement of the case, with accompanying documents, that he might lay the whole before the executive council of France, and explain the reason for desiring the recall of Mr. Genet. It was proposed that a publication of the whole correspondence, and a statement of the proceedings, should be made by way of appeal to the people. This produced animated debates. Hamilton spoke vrith great warmth in favor of an appeal. Jefferson opposed it. " Genet," said he, " wiU appeal also ; it will become a contest between the President and Genet. Anonymous writers will take it up. There will be the same difference of opinion in 2^uMic as in our cabinet — there will be the same differ- ence in Congress, for it must be laid before them. It would work, therefore, very unpleas- antly at home. How would it work abroad ? "Washington, already weary and impatient, under the incessant dissensions of his cabinet, was stung by the suggession that he might be held up as in conflict with Genet, and subjected, as he had been, to the ribaldry of the press. At this unlucky moment Knox blundered forth with a specimen of the scandalous libels already in circulation ; a pasquinade lately printed, called the Funeral of George "Washington, wherein the President was represented as placed upon the guillotine, a horrible parody on the late decapitation of the French King. " The President," writes Jefferson, " now burst forth into one of those transports of passion beyond his control ; inveighed against the per- sonal abuse which had been bestowed upon him, and defied any man on earth to produce a single act of his since he had been in the government that had not been done on the purest motives. " He had never repented but once the having slipped the moment of resigning his office, and that was every moment since. In the agony of his heart he declared that he had rather be in his grave than in his present situation ; that he had rather be on his farm than to be made emperor of the world— and yet, he said, indig- nantly, they are charging me with wanting to be a king ! " All were silent during this burst of feeling — a pause ensued— it was difficult to resume the question. Washington, however, who had recovered his equanimity, put an end to the difficulty. There was no necessity, he said, for deciding the matter at present; the propo- sitions agreed to, respecting the letter to Mr. Morris, might be put into a train of execution, and, perhaps, events would show whether the appeal would be necessary or not." * CHAPTER XXII. Washington had hitherto been annoyed and perplexed by having to manage a divided cabi- net ; he was now threatened with that cabinet's dissolution. Mr. Hamilton had informed him by letter, that private as well as public reasons had determined him to retire from office towards the close of the next session ; probably with a view to give Congress an opportunity to ex- amine into his conduct. Now came a letter from Mr. Jefferson, dated July 31st, in which he re- called the circumstances which had induced him to postpone for a while his original inten- tion of retiring from office at the close of the first four years of the republic. These circum- stances, he observed, had now ceased to such a degree as to leave him free to think again of a day on which to withdraw ; "at the close, therefore, of the ensuing month of September, I shall beg leave to retire to scenes of greater tranquillity, from those for which I am every day more and more convinced that neither my talents, tone of mind, nor time of life fit me." Washington was both gi-ieved and embar- rassed by this notification. FuU of concern, he called upon Jefferson at his country residence near Philadelphia ; pictured his deep distress at finding himself, in the present perplexing juncture of affairs, about to be deserted by those of his cabinet on whose counsel he had counted, and whose places he knew not where to find persons competent to supply ; and, in * Jefferson's Works, ix. 164. 720 INTERVIEW BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON— A NAVAL CHALLENGE. [1793. his chagrin, again expressed his repentance that he himself had not resigned as he had once meditated. The public mind, he went on to observe, was in an alarming state of ferment ; political com- binations of various kinds were forming ; where all this would end he knew not. A new Con- gress was to assemble, more numerous than the last, perhaps of a different spirit ; the first ex- pressions of its sentiments would be important, and it would relieve him considerably if JelTer- son would remain in office, if it were only until the end of the session. Jefferson, in reply, pleaded an excessive re- pugnance to public life ; and, what seems to have influenced him more sensibly, the actual uneasiness of his position. lie Avas obliged, he said, to move in exactly the circle which he knew to bear him peculiar hatred ; " the wealthy aristocrats, the merchants connected closely with England ; the newly-created paper fortunes." Thus surrounded, his words were caught, multiplied, misconstrued, and even fabricated, and spread abroad to his injury. Mr. Jefferson pleaded, moreover, that the opposition of views between Mr. Hamilton and himself was peculiarly unpleasant, and destruc- tive of the necessary harmony. With regard to the republican party he was sure it had not a view which went to the frame of the govern- ment ; he believed the next Congress would attempt nothing material but to render their own body independent ; the manoeuvres of Mr. Genet might produce some little embarrass- ment, but the repubhcans would abandon that functionary the moment they knew the nature of his conduct. Washington replied, that lie believed the views of the republican party to be perfectly pure : " but when men put a machine into mo- tion," said he, " it is impossible for them to stop it exactly where they would choose, or to say where 4t will stop. The constitution we have is an excellent one, if we can keep it where it is." He again adverted to Jefferson's constant suspicion that there was a party disposed to change the constitution into a monarchical form, declaring that there was not a man in the United States who would set his face more decidedly against such a change than himself. " No rational man in the United States sus- pects you of any other disposition," cried Jef- ferson ; " but there does not pass a week in Q'hich we cannot prove declarations dropping from the monarchical party, that our govern- ment is good for nothing ; is a milk-and-water thing which cannot support itself; that we must knock it down and set up something with more energy." " If that is the case," rejoined Washington, " it is a proof of their insanity, for the repub- lican spirit of the Union is so manifest and so solid that it is astonishing how any one can ex- pect to move it." We have only Jefferson's account of this and other interesting interviews of a confidential nature which he had with the President, and we give them generally almost in his own words, through which, partial as they may have been, we discern Washington's constant efforts to moderate the growing antipathies between the eminent men whom he had sought to assist him in conducting the government. He continued to have the highest opinion of Jefferson's abili- ties, his knowledge of foreign affairs, his thorough patriotism ; and it was his earnest desire to retain him in his cabinet through the whole of the ensuing session of Congress ; be- fore the close of which he trusted the affairs of the country relating to foreign powers, Indian disturbances, and internal policy, would have taken a more decisive, and it was to be hoped agreeable form than they then had. A com- promise was eventually made, according to which Jefferson was to be allowed a temporary absence in the autumn, and on his return was to continue in office until January. In the mean time Genet had proceeded to Kew York, which very excitable city was just then in a great agitation. The frigate Ambus- cade, while anchored in the harbor, had been challenged to single combat by the British frig- ate Boston, Captain Courtney, which was cruis- ing off the Hook. The challenge was accepted ; a severe action ensued ; Courtney was killed ; and the Boston, much damaged, was obliged to stand for Halifax. The Ambuscade returned triumphant to New York, and entered the port amid the enthusiastic cheers of the populace. On the same day, a French fleet of fifteen sail arrived from the Chesapeake and anchored in the Hudson river. The officers and crews were objects of unbounded favor with aU who inclined to the French cause. Bompard, the command- er of the Ambuscade, was the hero of the day. Tri-colored cockades, and tri-colored ribbons were to be seen on every side, and rude at- tempts to chant the Marseilles Hymn and the Carmagnole resounded through the streets. Mt. 61.] EECEPTION OF GENET IN NEW YORK— GRIEVANCES OF GENET. 721 In the midst of this excitement, the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon announced that Citizen Genet was arrived at Powles Hook Ferry, directly opposite the city. There was an immediate assemblage of the republican party in the fields now called the Park. A committee was appointed to escort Genet into the city, lie entered it amid the almost frantic cheerings of the populace. Addresses were made to him expressing devoted attachment to the French republic, and abjuring all neutrality in regard to its heroic struggle, " The cause of France is the cause of America," cried the enthusiasts, " it is time to distinguish its friends from its foes." Genet looked around him. The tri-colored cockade figured in the hats of the shouting multitude ; tri-colored ribbons fluttered from the dresses of females in the windows ; the French flag was hoisted on tlie top of the Tontine OoflFee House (the City Ex- change), surmounted by the cap of liberty. Can we wonder that what little discretion Genet possessed, was completely overborne by this tide of seeming popularity ? In the midst of his self-gratulation and complacency, however, he received a letter from Mr. Jefferson (Sept. 15th), acquainting him with the measures taken to procure his recall, and enclosing a copy of the letter written for that purpose to the American minister at Paris, It was added that, out of anxious regard lest the interests of France might suffer, the Execu- tive would, in the mean time, receive bis (M. Genet's) communications in writing, and admit the continuance of his functions so long as they should be restrained within the law as thereto- fore announced to him, and should be of the tenor usually observed towards independent nations, by the representative of a friendly power residing with them. The letter of the Secretary. of State threw Genet into a violent passion, and produced a reply (Sept, 18th), written while he was still in a great heat. In this he attributed his disfavor with the American government to the machi- nations of " those gentlemen who had so often been represented to him as aristocrats, partisans of monarchy, partisans of England and her constitution, and consequently enemies of the principles which all good Frenchmen had em- braced Avith religious enthusiasm." " These persons," he said, " alarmed by the popularity which the zeal of the American peoi)le for the cause of France had shed upon her minister ; alarmed also by his inflexible and incorruptible 40 attachment to the severe maxims of democracy, were striving to ruin him in his own country, after having united all their efforts to calum- niate him in the minds. of their fellow-citizens." " These people," observes he, " instead of a democratic ambassador, would prefer a minister of the ancient regime, very complaisant, very gentle, very disposed to pay court to people in office, to conform blindly to every thing which flattered their views and projects; above all, to prefer to the sure and modest society of good farmers, simple citizens, and honest arti- sans, that of distinguished personages who speculate so patriotically in the public funds, in the lands, and the paper of government." In his heat. Genet resented the part Mr, Jef- ferson had taken, notwithstanding their cordial intimacy, in the present matter, although this part had mei-ely been the discharge of an offi- cial duty. "Whatever, Sir," writes Genet, " may be the result of the exploit of which you have rendered yourself the generous instru- ment, after having made me beheve that you were my friend, after having initiated me in the mysteries which have influenced my hatred against all those who aspire to absolute power, there is an act of justice which the American people, which the French people, which all free people are interested in demanding ; it is, that a particular inquiry should be made, in the approaching Congress, into the motives which have induced the chief of the executive power of the United States to take upon himself to demand the recall of a public minister, whom the sovereign peoj)le of the United States have received fraternally and recognized, before the diplomatic forms had been fulfilled in respect to him at Philadelphia." The wrongs of which Genet considered him- self entitled to complain against the executive, commenced before his introduction to that func- tionary. It was the proclamation of neutrality which first grieved his spirit. "I was ex- tremely wounded," writes he, " that the Presi- dent of the United States should haste, before knowing what I had to transmit on the part of the French republic, to proclaim sentiments over which decency and friendship should at least have thrown a veil." He was grieved, moreover, that on his first audience, the President had spoken only of the friendship of the United States for France, without uttering a word or expressing a single sentiment in regard to its revolution, although all the towns, all the villages from Charleston 722 NEUTRALITY ENDANGERED BY GREAT BRITAIN. [1*793. to Philadelphia, had made the air resound with their ardent voices for the French republic. And what further grieved his spirit was, to ob- serve " that this first magistrate of a free peo- ple had decorated his saloon with certain me- dallions of Capet [meaning Louis XVI.] and his family, which served in Paris for rallying signs." "We forbear to cite further this angry and ill- judged letter. Unfortunately for Genet's ephe- meral popularity, a rumor got abroad that he had expressed a determination to appeal from the President to the people. This at first was contradicted, but was ultimately established by a certificate of Chief Justice Jay, and Mr. Ru- fus King, of the United States Senate, which was published in the papei's. The spirit of audacity thus manifested by a foreign minister, shocked the national pride. Meetings were held in every part of the Union to express the public feeling in the matter. In these meetings the proclamation of neutrality and the system of measures flowing from it, were sustained, partly from a conviction 'of their wisdom and justice, but more from an undiminished aftection for the person and char- acter of "Washington ; for many who did not espouse his views, were ready to support him in the exercise of his constitutional functions. The warm partisans of Genet, however, were the more vehement in his support from the temporary ascendency of the other party. They advocated his right to appeal from the President to the people. The President, they argued, was invested with no sanctity to make such an act criminal. In a republican country the people were the real sovereigns. CHAPTER XXIII. While the neutrality of the United States, so jealously guarded by "Washington, was en- dangered by the intrigues of the French minis- ter, it was put to imminent hazard by ill-ad- vised measures of the British cabinet. There was such a scarcity in France, in con- sequence of the failure of the crops, that a famine was apprehended. England, availing herself of her naval ascendency, determined to increase the distress of her rival by cutting off all her supplies from abroad. In June, 1793, therefore, her cruisers were instructed to de- tain all vessels bound to France with cargoes of corn, flour, or meal, take them into port, unload them, purchase the cargoes, make a proper allowance for the freight, and then re- lease the vessels ; or to allow the masters of them, on a stipulated security, to dispose of their cargoes in a port in amity with England. This measure gave umbrage to all parties in the United States, and brought out an earnest re- monstrance from the government, as being a violation of the law of neutrals, and indefensi- ble on any proper construction of the law of nations. Another grievance which helped to swell the tide of resentment against Great Britain, was the frequent impressment of American seamen, a wrong to which they were particularly ex- posed from national similarity. To these may be added the persistence of Great Britain in holding the posts to the south of the lakes, which, according to treaty stipu- lations, ought to have been given up. "Wash- ington did not feel himself in a position to press our rights under the treaty, with the vigorous hand that some would urge ; questions having risen in some of the State courts, to obstruct the fulfilment of our part of it, which regarded the payment of British debts contracted before the war. The violent partisans of France thought nothing of these shortcomings on our own part ; and would have had the forts seized at once ; but "Washington considered a scrupulous dis- charge of our own obligations the necessary pre- liminary, should so violent a measure be deemed advisable. His prudent and conscien- tious conduct in this particular, so in unison with the impartial justice which governed all his actions, was cited by partisan writers, as indicative of his preference of England to " our ancient ally." The hostilities of the Indians north of the Ohio, by many attributed to British wiles, still continued. The attempts at an amicable nego- tiation had proved as fruitless as "Washington had anticipated. The troops under "Wayne had, therefore, taken the field to act often- sively ; but from the lateness of the season, had formed a winter camp near the site of the present city of Cincinnati, whence "Wayne was to open his campaign in the ensuing spring. Congress assembled on the 2d of December (1793), with various causes of exasperation at work ; the intrigues of Genet and the aggres- - sions of England, uniting to aggravate to a degree of infatuation the partiality for France, .Et. 61.] THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH TO CONGRESS— HIS CENSURE OF GENET. 723 and render imminent the chance of a foreign war. Washington, in his opening speech, after ex- pressing his deep and respectful sense of the renewed testimony of pnblic approbation mani- fested in his re-election, proceeded to state the measures he had taken, in consequence of the war in Europe, to protect the rights and inter- ests of the United States, and maintain peaceful relations with the belligerent parties. Still he pressed upon Congress the necessity of placing the country in a condition of complete defence. " The United States," said he, " ought not to indulge a persuasion .that, contrary to the order of human events, they wiU forever keep at a distance those painful appeals to arms with which the history of every nation abounds. There is a rank due to the United States among nations, which will be withheld, if not abso- lutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it ; if we desire to secure peace — one of the most powerful instruments of our prosper- ity — it must be known that we are, at all times, ready for war." In the spirit of these remarks, he urged measures to increase the amount of arms and ammunition in the arsenals, and to improve the militia establishment. One part of his speech conveyed an impres- sive admonition to the House of Kepresenta- tives : " No pecuniary consideration is more urgent than the regular redemption and dis- cliarge of the public debt ; in none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable." The necessity of augmenting the public rev- enue in a degree commensurate with the ob- jects suggested, was likewise touched upon. In concluding his speech, he endeavered to impress upon his hearers the magnitude of their task, the important interests confided to them, and the conscientiousness that should reign over their deliberations. " Without an tmpre- judiced coolness, the welfare of the government may be hazarded ; without harmony, as far as consists with freedom of sentiment, its dignity may be lost. But, as the legislative proceedings of the United States will never, I trust, be re- proached for the want of temper or of candor, so shall not the public happiness languish for the want of my strenuous and warmest co- operation." In a message to both Houses, on the 5th of December, concerning foreign relations, Wash- ington spoke feelingly with regard to those with the representative and executive bodies of France : " It is with extreme concern I have to inform you that the proceedings of the person whom they have unfortunately appointed their minister plenipotentiary here, have breathed nothing of the friendly spirit of the nation which sent him ; their tendency, on the con- trary, has been to involve us in war abroad, and discord and anarchy at home. So far as his acts, or those of his agents, have threatened our immediate commitment in the war, or fla- grant insult to the authority of the laws, their effect has been coimteracted by the ordinary cognizance of the laws, and by an exertion of the powers confided to me. Where their dan- ger was not imminent, they have been borne with, from sentiments of regard for his nation ; from a sense of their friendship towards us ; from a conviction, that they would not _ suffer us to remain long exposed to the action of a person, who has so little respected our mutual dispositions ; and, I will add, from a reliance on the firmness of my fellow-citizens in their princii^les of peace and order." John Adams, speaking of this passage of the message, says : " The President has given Genet a bolt of thunder." He questioned, however, whether Washington would be sup- ported in it by the two Houses — " although Le stands at present, as high in the admiration and confidence of the people as ever he did, I expect he will find many bitter and desperate enemies arise in consequence of his just judgment against Genet." * In fact, the choice of speaker showed that there was a majority of ten against the admin- istration, in the House of Eepresentatives ; yet it was manifest, from the affectionate answer on the 6th, of the two Houses, to Washington's speech, and the satisfaction expressed at his re- election, that he was not included in the oppo- sition which, from this act, appeared to await his political system. Tlie House did justice to the purity and patriotism of the motives which had prompted him again to obey the voice of his country, when called by it to the Presiden- tial chair. " It is to virtues which have com- manded long and universal reverence, and ser- vices from which have flowed great and lasting benefits, that the tribute of praise may be paid, without the reproach of flattery ; and it is from the same sources that the fairest anticipations may be derived in favor of the public happiness." * Letter to Mrs. Adams. Life, vol. i., p. 460. 724 JEFFERSON'S REPORT— HE RETIRES FROM THE CABINET. [119Z. Notwithstanding the popular ferment in fa- vor of France, both Houses seemed to have approved the course pursued by "Washington in regard to that country ; and as to his procla- mation of neutrality, while the House approved of it in guarded terras, the Senate pronounced it a " measure well-thned and wise ; manifesting a watchful solicitude for the welfare of the nation, and calculated to promote it." Early in the session, Mr. Jefferson, in compli- ance with a requisition which the House of Representatives had made, Feb. 23d, 1791, fur- nished an able and comprehensive report of the state of trade of the United States with different countries ; the nature and extent of exports and imports, and the amount of tonnage of the American shipping : specifying, also, the vari- ous restrictions and prohibitions by which our commerce was embarrassed, and, in some in- stances, almost ruined, " Two methods," he said, " presented themselves, by which these impediments might be removed, modified, or counteracted ; friendly arrangement or coun- tervailing legislation. Friendly arrangements were preferable with all who would come into them, and we should carry into such arrange- ments all the liberality and spirit of accommoda- tion which the nature of the case would admit. But," he adds, " should any nation continue its system of prohibitive duties and regulations, it behooves us to protect our citizens, their com- merce and navigation, by counter prohibitions, duties, and regulations." To effect this, he sug- gested a series of legislative measures of a reta- liatory kind. * "With this able and elaborate report, Jefferson closed his labors as Secretary of State. His last act was a kind of parting gun to Mr. Genet. This restless functionary had, on the 20th of December, sent to him translations of the in- structions given him by the executive council of France ; desiring that the President would lay them ofheially before both Houses of Con- gress, and proposing to transmit successively, other papers to be laid before them in like manner. Jefferson, on the 31st of December, informed Genet that he had laid his letter and its accom- paniments before the President. "I have it in charge to observe," adds he, " that your functions as the missionary of a foreign nation here, are confined to the transactions of the affairs of your nation with the Executive of Soe Jefferson' a "Works, vol. vii. the United States ; that the communications which are to pass between the executive and legislative branches, cannot be a subject for your interference, and that the President must be left to judge for himself what matters his duty or the public good may require him to propose to the deliberations of Congress. I have, therefore, the honor of returning you the copies sent for distribution, and of being, with great respect, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant." Such was Jefferson's dignified rebuke of the presumptuous meddling of Genet, and indeed his whole course of official proceedings with that minister, notwithstanding his personal in- timacy with him and his strong French par- tialities, is worthy of the highest approbation. Genet, in fact, who had calculated on Jeffer- son's friendship, charged him openly v/ith hav- ing a language official and a language confiden- tial, but it certainly was creditable to him, as a public functionary in a place of high trust, that, in his official transactions, he could rise superior to individual prejudices and partialities, and con- sult only the dignity and interests of his country. "Wasliington had been especially sensible of the talents and integrity displayed by Jefferson during the closing year of his secretaryship, and particularly throughout this French per- plexity, and had recently made a last attempt, but an unsuccessful one, to persuade him to re- main in the cabinet. On the same day with his letter to Genet, Jefferson addressed one to "Washington, reminding him of his having post- poned his retirement from office until the end of the annual year. " That term being now arrived," writes he, " and my propensities to retirement becoming daily more and more irre- sistible, I now take the liberty of resigning the office into your hands. Be pleased to accept it with my sincere thanks for all the indulgences which you have been so good as to exercise towards me in the discharge of its duties. Con- scious that my need of them has been great, I have still ever found them greater, without any other claim on my part than a firm pursuit of what has appeared to me to be right, and a thorough disdain of all means which were not as open and honorable as their object was pure. I carry into my retirement a lively sense of your goodness, and shall continue gratefully to remember it." The following was "Washington's reply: " Since it has been impossible to prevent you to forego any longer the indulgence of youi JEt. 62.] EDMUND RANDOLPH— DEBATE ON JEFFERSON'S REPORT. 725 desire for private life, the event, however anx- ious I am to avert it, must be submitted to. " But I cannot suffer you to leave your station vrithout assuring you, that the opinion which I had formed of your integrity and talents, and which dictated your original nomination, has been confirmed by the fullest experience, and that both have been eminently displayed in the discharge of your duty." The place thus made vacant in the cabinet was filled by Mr. Edmund Eandolph, whose office of Attorney-General was conferred on Mr. William Bradford, of Pennsylvania. No one seemed to throw off the toils of office with more delight than Jefferson ; or to betake himself with more devotion to the simple oc- cupations of rural life. It was his boast, in a letter to a friend, written some time after his return to Monticello, that he had seen no news- paper since he had left Philadelphia, and he be- lieved he should never take another newspaper of any sort. " I think it is Montaigne," writes he, " who has said, that ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head. I am sure it is true as to every thing political, and sliall endeavor to estrange myself to every thing of that character." Yet the very next sentence shows the lurking of the old party feud. " I indulge myself in one political topic only — that is, in declaring to my countrymen the shameless corruption of a portion of the representatives of the first and second Con- gresses, aiid their imjilicit devotion to the trcas- We subjoin his comprehensive character of Washington, the result of long observation and cabinet experience, and written in after years, when there was no temptation to insincere eulogy : "His integrity was most pure; his justice the most inflexible I have ever known ; . no motives of interest or consanguinity, of friend- ship or hatred, being able to bias his decision. He was, indeed, in every sense of the word, a wise, a good, and a great man." • CHAPTER XXIV. Public affairs were becoming more and more complicated, and events in Europe were full of gloomy portent. "The news of this evening," * Letter to E. Kandolpli. Works, iv. 103. writes John Adams to his wife, on the 9th of January, " is, that the queen of France is no more. "When will savages be satisfied with blood ? No prospect of peace in Europe, there- fore none of internal harmony in AmcBica, We cannot well be in a more disagreeable sit- uation than we are with all Europe, with all Indians, and with all Barbary rovers. Nearly one-half of the Continent is in constant oppo- sition to the other, and the President's situa- tion, which is highly responsible, is very dis- tressing." Adams speaks of having had two hours' con- versation with Washington alone in his cabinet, but intimates that he could not reveal the pur- port of it, even by a hint ; it had satisfied him, however, of Washington's earnest desire to do right ; his close application to discover it, and his deliberate and comprehensive view of our affairs with all the world. " The anti-federal- ists and the Frenchified zealots," adds Adams, " have nothing now to do that I can conceive of, but to ruin his character, destroy his peace, and injure his health. He supports all their attacks with firmness, and his health appears to be very good." * The report of Mr. Jefferson on commercial intercourse, was soon taken up in the House in a committee of the whole. A series of resolu- tions based on it, and relating to the privileges and restrictions of the commerce of the United States, were introduced by Mr. Madison, and became the subject of a warm and acrimonious debate. The report upheld the policy of turn- ing the course of trade from England to France, by discriminations in favor of the latter ; and the resolutions were to the same purport. The idea was to oppose commercial resistance to commercial injury; to enforce a perfect com- mercial equality by retaliating impositions, as- suming that the commercial system of Great Britain was hostile to the United States — a po- sition strongly denied by some of the debaters. Though the subject was, or might seera to be, of a purely connnercial nature, it was inev- itably mixed up with political considerations, according as a favorable inclination to England or France was apprehended. The debate waxed warm as it proceeded, with a strong infusion of bitterness. Fisher Ames stigma- tized the resolutions as having French stamped upon the very face of them. Whereupon, Colo- nel Parker of Virginia, wished that there were * Life of John Adams, vol. i., p. 461. 726 A NAVAL FORCE PROPOSED— AUDACITY OF GENET. [1794. a stamp on the forehead of every one to desig- nate whether he were for France or England. For himself, he would not be silent and hear that nation abused, to whom America was in- delited for her rank as a nation. There was a burst of applause in the gallery ; but the inde- corum was rebuked by the galleries being cleared. The debate, which had commenced on the 13th of January (1794), was protracted to the Sd of February, when the question being taken on the first resolution, it was carried by a ma- jority of only five, so nearly were parties di- vided. The further consideration of the re- maining resolutions was postponed to March, when it Avas resumed, but, in consequence of the new complexion of afiairs, was suspended without a decision. The next legislative movement was also pro- ductive of a warm debate, though connected with a subject which appealed to the sympa- thies of the whole nation. Algerine corsairs had captured eleven American merchant ves- sels, and upwards of one hundred prisoners, and the regency manifested a disposition for further outrages. A bill Avas introduced into Congress proposing a force of six frigates to ]n-otect the commerce of the United States against the cruisers of this piratical power. The bill met with strenuous opposition. The force would require time to prepare it ; and would then be insufiicient. It might be laying the foundation of a large permanent navy and a great public debt. It would be cheaper to purchase the friendship of Algiers with money, as was done by other nations of superior mar- itime force, or to purchase the protection of those nations. It seems hardly credible at the present day, that such policy could have been urged before an American Congress, without provoking a burst of scorn and indignation ; yet it was heard without any emotion of the kind ; and, though the bill was eventually passed by both Houses, it was but by a small majority. It received the hearty assent of the President. In the course of this session, fresh instances had come before the government of the mis- chievous activity and audacity of Genet ; show- ing that, not content with compromising the neutrality of the United States at sea, he was attempting to endanger it by land. From doc- uments received, it appeared that in November he had sent emissaries to Kentucky, to enrol American citizens in an expedition against New Orleans and the Spanish possessions ; furnish- ing them with blank commissions for the pur- pose.* It was an \enterprise in which the ad- venturous people of that State were ready enough to embark, through enthusiasm for the French nation and impatience at the delay of Spain to open the navigation of the Mississippi. Another expedition was to proceed against the Floridas ; men for the purpose to be enlisted at the South, to rendezvous in Georgia, and to be aided by a body of Indians and by a French fleet, should one arrive on the coast. A proclamation from Governor Moultrie checked all such enlistments in South Caro- lina, but brought forth a letter from Genet to Mr. Jefferson, denying that he had endeavored to raise an armed force in that State for the service of the republic : " At the same time," adds he, " I am too frank to conceal from you that, authorized by the French nation to de- liver brevets to such of your fellow-citizens who feel animated by a desire to serve the fairest of causes, I have accorded them to sev- eral brave republicans of South Carolina, whose intention appeared to me to be, in expatriating themselves, to go among the tribes of inde- pendent Indians, ancient friends and allies of France, to inflict, if they could, in concert with them, the harm to Spaniards and Englishmen, which the governments of those two nations had the baseness to do for a long time to your fellow-citizens, under the name of these sav- ages, the same as they have done recently un- der that of the Algerines." Documents relating to these transactions were communicated to Congress by "Washing- ton early in January. But, though the expe- dition set on foot in South Carolina had been checked, it was subsequently reported that the one in Kentucky against Louisiana, was still in progress and about to descend the Ohio. These schemes showed such determined pur- pose, on the part of Genet, to undermine the peace of the United States, that "Washington, without waiting a reply to the demand for his recall, resolved to keep no further terms with that headlong diplomat. The dignity, possibly the safety of the United States, depended upon immediate measures. • In a cabinet council it was determined to supersede Genet's diplomatic functions, deprive him of the consequent privileges, and arrest his person ; a message to Congress, avowing such * American State Papers, ii. 36. ^T. 62.] RECALL OF GENET— HIS SUCCESSOR ARRIVES— BRITISH AGGRESSIONS. 727 determination, was prepared, but at this criti- cal juncture came despatches from Gouverneur Morris, announcing Genet's recall. The French minister of foreign affairs had, in fact, reprobated the conduct of Genet as un- authorized by his instructions and deserving of punishment, and Mr. Faucliet, secretary of the executive council, was appointed to succeed him. Mr. Fauchet arrived in the United States iu February. About this time vigilance was required to guard against wrongs from an opposite quarter. "We have noticed the orders issued by Great Britain to her cruisers iu June, 1793, and the resentment thereby excited in the United States, On the 6th of the following month of November, she had given them additional in- structions to detain all vessels laden with the produce of any colony belonging to France, or carrying supplies to any such colony, and to bring them, with their cargoes, to British ports, for adjudication in the British courts of admiralty. Captures of American vessels were taking place in consequence of these orders, and heightening public irritation. They were con- sidered indicative of determined hostility on the part of Great Britain, and they produced measures in Congress preparatory to an appre- hended state of war. An embargo was laid, prohibiting all trade from the United States to any foreign place for the space of thirty days, and vigorous preparations for defence were adopted with but little opposition. On the 27th of March, resolutions were moved that all debts due to British subjects be sequestered and paid into the treasury, as a fund to indemnify citizens of the United States for depredations sustained from British cruis- ers, and that all intercourse with Great Britain be interdicted until she had made compensation for these injuries, and until she should make surrender of the Western posts. The popular excitement was intense. Meet- ings were held on the subject of British spolia- tions. 'Peace or war' was the absorbing question. The partisans of France were now in the ascendant. It was scouted as pusillani- mous any longer to hold terms with England. " No doubt," said they, " she despises the pro- clamation of neutrality, as an evidence of tim- idity ; every motive of self-respect calls on the people of the United States to show a proper spirit." It was suggested that those who were in favor of resisting British aggressions should mount the tri-colored cockade ; and forthwith it was mounted by many ; while a democratic society was formed to correspond with the one at Philadelphia, and aid in giving effect to these popular sentiments. While the public mind was in this inflam- mable state, Washington received advices from Mr. Pinckney, the American minister in Lon- don, informing him that the British ministry had issued instructions to the commanders of armed vessels, revoking those of the 6th of November, 1793. Lord GrenviUe also, in con- versation with Mr. Pinckney, had explained the real motives for that order, showing that, however oppressive in its execution, it had not been intended for the special vexation of Amer- ican commerce. Washington laid Pinckney's letter before Congress on the 4th of April. It had its ef- fects on both parties ; federalists saw in it a chance of accommodating difficulties, and, therefore, opposed all measures calculated to irritate ; the other party did not press their belligerent propositions to any immediate de- cision, but showed no solicitude to avoid a rup- ture. Jefferson, though reputed to be the head of the French party, avowed in a letter to Madi- son his hope that war would not result, but that justice would be obtained in a peaceable way ; * and he repeats the hope in a subse- quent letter. "My countrymen," writes he, " are groaning under the insidts of Great Brit- ain. I hope some means will turn up of recon- ciling our faith and honor with peace. I con- fess to you, I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another." t " 'Tis as great an error," writes Hamilton, at the same time, " for a nation to overrate as to underrate itself. Presumption is as great a fault as timidity. 'Tis our error to overrate ourselves and underrate Great Britain ; we forget how little we can annoy, how much wo may be annoyed." | The war cry, however, is too obvious a means of popular excitement to be readily given up. Busy partisans saw that the feeling of the populace was belligerent, and every means were taken by the press and the demo- cratic societies to exasperate this feeling; ac- cording to them the crisis called, not for niod- * Jefferson's Works, vol. iv., p. 102. t lb. vol. iv., p. 104. Letter to John Adams. t namilton's Works, iv. 528. 728 JAY APPOINTED MINISTER TO ENGLAND— JEFFERSON ON EUROPEAN MISRULE. [1794. eration, but for decision; foi- energy. Still, to adhere to a neutral position would argue tame- ness — cowardice ! Washington, however, was too morally brave to be clamored out of his wise moderation by such taunts. He resolved to i^revent a war if possible, by an appeal to British justice, to be made through a special en- voy, who should represent to the British gov- ernment the injuries we had sustained from it in various ways, and should urge indemnifica- tion. The measure was decried by the party favor- able to France, as an undue advance to the British government ; but they were still more hostile to it when it was rumored that Hamil- ton Avas to be chosen for the mission. A member of the House of Representatives ad- dressed a strong letter to the President, depre- cating the mission, but especially the reputed choice of the envoy. James Monroe, also, at that time a member of the Senate, remon- strated against the nomination of Hamilton, as injurious to the public interest, and to the in- terest of Washington himself, and offered to explain his reasons to the latter in a private interview. Washington declined the interview, but re- quested Mr. Monroe, if possessed of any facts which Avould disqualify Mr. Hamilton for the mission, to communicate them to him in writing. " Colonel Hamilton and others have been mentioned," adds he, " but no one is yet abso- lutely decided upon in my mind. But as much will depend, among other things, upon the abili- ties of the person sent, and his knowledge of the affairs of this country, and as I alone am responsible for a proper nomination, it certainly behooves me to name such a one as, in my judg- ment, combines the requisites for a mission so peculiarly interesting to the peace and happi- ness of this country." Hamilton, however, aware of the " collateral obstacles " which existed with respect to him- self, had resolved to advise Washington to drop him from the consideration, and to fix upon another character ; and recommended John Jay, the Chief Justice of the United States, as the man whom it would be advisable to send. " I think," writes he, " the business Avould have the best chance possible in his hands, and I flatter myself, that his mission would issue in a manner that would produce the njost import- ant good to tlie nation." * naiiulton's Works, vol. iv., p. 531. Mr. Jay was the person ultimately chosen. Washington, in his message, thus nominating an additional envoy to Great Britain, expressed undiminished confidence in the minister actually in London. " But a mission like this," observes he, " while it corresponds with the solemnity of the occasion, will announce to the world a solicitude for a friendly adjustment of our com- plaints and a reluctance to hostility. Going immediately from the United States, such an envoy will cai-ry with him a full knowledge of the existing temper and sensibility of our coun- try, and will thus be taught to vindicate our rights with firmness, and to cultivate peace with sincerity." The nomination was approved by a majority of ten Senators. By this sudden and decisive measure Wash- ington sought to stay the precipitate impulses of public passion ; to give time to put the co^in- try into a complete state of defence, and to pro- vide such other measures as might be necessary if negotiation, in a reasonable time, should prove unsuccessful.* Notwithstanding the nomination of the en- voy, the resolution to cut off all intercourse with Great Britain passed the House of Repre- sentatives, and was only lost in the Senate by the casting vote of the Vice President, which was given, according to general belief, " not from a disinclination to the ulterior expedience of the measure, but from a desire," previously, " to try the effect of negotiation." t While Washington was thus endeavoring to steer the vessel of State, amid the surges and blasts which were threatening on every side, Jefferson, who had hauled out of the storm, writes serenely from his retirement at Monti- cello, to his friend Tench Coxe at Paris : " Your letters give a comfortable view of French affairs, and later events seem to confirm it. Over the foreign powers, I am convinced they will triumph completely, and I cannot but hope that that triumph, and the consequent dis- grace of the invading tyrants, is destined, in order of events, to kindle the wrath of Europe against those who have dared to embroil them in such wickedness, and to bring, at length, kings, nobles, and priests, to the scaffolds which they have been so long deluging with human blood. I am still warm whenever I think of these scoundrels, though I do it as seldom as I can, preferring infinitely to contemijlute the * Letter to Edmund Randolph. Writings, x. 403. t Washington to Tobias Lear. Writings, x. 401. A^r. 62.] MONROE APPOINTED MINISTER TO FRANCE— PENNSYLVANIA INSURRECTION. 729 tranquil growtli of my lucerne and potatoes. I have so completely withdrawn myself from these spectacles of usurpation and misrule, that I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month ; and I feel myself infinitely the hap- pier for it." * CHAPTER XXV. The French government having so promptly complied with the wishes of the American gov- ernment in recalling citizen Genet, requested, as an act of reciprocity, the recall of Gouverneur Morris, whose political sympathies were con- sidered highly aristocratical. The request was granted accordingly, but Washington, in a let- ter to Morris, notifying him of his being super- seded, assured him of his own undiminished confidence and friendship. James Monroe, who was appointed in his place, arrived at Paris in a moment of great reaction. Eobespierre had terminated his bloody career on the scaffold, and the reign of terror was at an end. The new minister from the United States was received in public by the Convention. The sentiments expressed by Monroe on delivering his credentials, were so completely in unison with the feelings of the moment, that the President of the Convention embraced him with emotion, and it was decreed that the American and French flags should be entwined and hung up in the hall of the Con- vention, in sign of the union and friendship of the two republics. # Chiming in with the popular impulse, Mon- roe presented the American flag to the Con- vention, on the part of his country. It was received with enthusiasm, and a decree was passed, that the national flag of France should be transmitted in return, to the government of tlie United States. "Washington, in the mean time, was becom- ing 'painfully aware that censorious eyes at home were keeping a watch upon his adminis- tration, and censorious tongues and pens were ready to cavil at every measure. " The affairs of this country cannot go wrong," writes he ironically to Gouverneur Morris; "there are so many watchful guardians of tliem^ and such infallible guides, that no one is at a loss for a director at every turn." * Works, iv. 104. This is almost the only instance of irony to be found in his usually plain, direct correspond- ence, and to us is mournfully suggestive of that soreness and weariness of heart with which he saw his conscientious policy misun- derstood or misrepresented, and himself becom- ing an object of party hostility. Within three weeks after the date of this let- ter, an insurrecticm broke out in the western part of Pennsylvania on account of the excise law. We have already mentioned the riotous opposition this law had experienced. Bills of indictment had been found against some of the rioters. The marshal, when on the way to serve the processes issued by the court, was fired upon by armed men, and narrowly es- caped with his life. He was subsequently seiz- ed and compelled ta renounce the exercise of his official duties. The house of General ISTe- vil, inspector of the revenue, was assailed, bu* the assailants were repulsed. They assembled in greater numbers ; the magistrates and mili- tia officers shrank from interfering, lest it should provoke a general insurrection ; a few regular soldiers were obtained from the gar- rison at Fort Pitt. There was a parley. The insurgents demanded that the inspector and his papers should be given up ; and the soldiers march out of the house and ground their arms. The demand being refused, the house was at- tacked, the outhouses set on fire, and the gar- rison was compelled to surrender. The mar- shal and inspector finally escaped out of the country ; descended the Ohio, and, by a circu- itous route, found their way to the seat of gov- ernment ; bringing a lamentable tale of their misadventures. Washington deprecated the result of these outrageous proceedings. " If the laws are to be so trampled upon with impunity," said he, " and a minority, a small one too, is to dic- tate to the majority, there is an end put, at one stroke, to republican government." It was intimated that the insurgent district could bring seven thousand men into the field. Delay would only swell the growing disaffec- tion. On the 7th of Aygust Washington issued a proclamation, warning the insurgents to dis- perse, and declaring that if tranquillity were not restored before the 1st of September, force would be employed to compel submission to the laws. To show that this was not an empty threat, he, uu the same day, made a requisi- tion on the governors of New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, and Virginia, for militia to 730 WASHINGTON PROCEEDS AGAINST THE INSURGENTS— THEIR ALARM. [1794. compose an army of twelve thousand men ; afterwards augmented to fifteen thousand. In a letter to the Governor of Virginia (Light-Horse Harry Lee), he says : " I consid- er this insurrection as the first formidable fruit of the Democratic Societies, brought forth, I believe, too prematurely for their own views, which may contribute to the annihilation of them. " That these societies were instituted by the artful and designing members (many of their body, I have no doubt, mean well, but know little of the real plan), primarily to sow among tlie people the seeds of jealousy and distrust of the government, by destroying aU confidence in the administration of it, and that these doc- trines have been budding and blowing ever since, is not new to any one who is acquainted with the character of their leaders, and has been attentive to their manoei;vres. I early gave it as my opinion to the confidential char- acters around me, that if these societies were not counteracted (not by prosecutions, the ready way to make them grow stronger), or clid not fall into disesteem from the knowledge of their origin, and the views with which they had been instituted by their father. Genet, for purposes well known to the government, they would shake the government to its foimdation." The insurgents manifesting a disposition to persevere in their rebellious conduct, the Presi- dent issued a second proclamation on the 25th of September, describing in forcible terms, the perverse and obstinate spirit with which the lenient propositions of government had been met, and declaring his fixed purpose to reduce the refractory to obedience. Shortly after this he left Philadelphia for Carlisle, to join the army, tlien on its march to suppress the insur- rection in the western part of Pennsylvania. Just as Washington was leaving Pliiladelphia, a letter was put into his hands from Major-Gcn- cral Morgan. The proclamation had roused the spirit of that revolutionary veteran. He was on his way, he wrote, to join the expedition against the insurgents, having command of a division of the Virginia militia, of which Gen- eral Lee was commander-in-chief. Washington replied from Carlisle to his old companion in arms : " Although I regret the occasion which has called you into the field, I rejoice to hear you are there ; and it is probable I may met you at Fort Cumberland, whither I shall proceed as soon as I see the troops at this rendezvous in condition to ad- vance. At that place, or at Bedford, my ulte- rior resolution must be taken, either to advance with the troops into the insurgent counties of this State, or to return to Philadelphia for the purpose of meeting Congress the 3d of next month. " Imperious circumstances alone can justify my absence from the seat of government, whilst Congress are in session ; but if these, from the disposition of the people in the refractory coun- ties, and the state of the information I expect to receive at the advanced posts, should appear to exist, the less must yield to the greater duties of my ofiice, and I shall cross the moun- tains with the troops ; if not, I shall place the command of the combined force under the or- ders of Governor Lee of Virginia, and repair to the seat of government." We will here note that Lawrence Lewis, a son of Washington's sister, Mrs. Fielding Lewis, having caught the spirit of arms, accompanied Morgan as aide-de-camp, on this expedition. The prompt zeal with which he volunteered into the service of his country was, doubtless, highly satisfactory to his uncle, with whom, it will be seen, he was a great favorite. On the 9th of October Washington writes from Carlisle to the Secretary of State : " Tlie insurgents are alarmed, but not yet brought to their proper senses. Every means is devised by thera and their friends and associates, to induce a belief that there is no necessity for troops crossing the mountains; although we have information, at the same time, that part of the people there are obliged to embody themselveSjfc to repel the insults of another part." On the 10th, the Pennsylvania troops set out from Carlisle for their rendezvous at Bed- ford, and Washington proceeded to Williamsport, thence to go on to Fort Cumberland, the ren- dezvous of the Virginia and Maryland troops. He arrived at the latter place on the 16th of October, and found a respectable force assem- bled from those States, and learnt that fifteen hundred more from Virginia were at hand. All accounts agreed that the insurgents were great- ly alarmed at the serious appearance of things. " I believe," writes Washington, " the eyes of all the well-disposed people of this country will soon be opened, and that they will clearly see the tendency, if not the design, of the lead- er of the self-created societies. As far as I have heard them spoken of, it is with strong reprobation." jEt. 62.] SUPPRESSION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA INSURRECTION. 731 At Bedford he arranged matters and settled a plan of military operations. The Governors of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, were at the head of the troops of their respective States, but Governor Lee was to have the general com- mand. This done, Washington prepared to shape his course for Philadelphia—" but not," says he indignantly, " because the impertinence of Mr. Bache, or his correspondent, has under- taken to pronounce that I cannot, constitution- ally, command the army, Avhilst Congress is in session." In a letter to Governor Lee, on leaving him in command, be conveyed to the army the very high sense he entertained " of the enlightened and patriotic zeal for the constitution and the laws which had led them cheerfully to quit their families, homes, and the comforts of pri- vate life, to undertake, and thus far to perform, a long and fatiguing march, and to encounter and endure the hardships and privations of a military life." " No citizen of the United States," observes he, " can ever be engaged in a service more important to their country. It is nothing less than to consolidate and to preserve the bless- ings of that revolution which, at much expense of blood and treasure, constituted us a free and independent nation." His parting admonition is — "that every offi- cer and soldier will constantly bear in mind, that he comes to support the laws, and that it would be peculiarly unbecoming in him to be, in any way, the infractor of them ; that the es- sential principles of a free government confine the province of the military when called forth on such occasions, to these two objects : first, to combat and subdue all who may be found in arms in opposition to the national will and au- thority ; secondly, to aid and support the civil magistrates in bringing offenders to justice. The dispensation of this justice belongs to the civil magistrates ; and let it ever be our pride and our glory to leave the sacred deposit there inviolate." Washington pushed on for Philadelphia, through deep roads and a three days' rain, and arrived there about the last of October. Gov- ernor Lee marched with the troops in two di- visions, amounting to fifteen thousand men, into the western counties of Pennsylvania. This great military array extinguished at once the kindling elements of a civil war, by making resistance desperate." At the approach of so overwhelming a force the insurgents laid down their arms, and gave assurance of submission, and craved the clemency of government. It was extended to them. A few were tried for treason, but were not convicted ; but as some spirit of discontent was still manifest, Major- General Morgan was stationed with a detach- ment for the winter, in the disalFected region. The paternal care with which Washington watched, at all times, over the welfare of the country, was manifested in a letter to General Hamilton, who had remained with the army. " Press the Governors to be pointed in order- ing the officers under their respective com- mands to march back with their respective corps; and to see that the inhabitants meet with no disgraceful insults or injuries from them." It must have been a proud satisfaction to Washington to have put down, without an effusion of blood, an insurrection which, at one time, threatened such serious consequences. In a letter to Mr. Jay, who had recently gone minister to England, he writes : " The insur- rection in the western counties of this Stat^ will be represented differently, according to the wishes of some and the prejudices of others, who may exhibit it as an evidence of what has been predicted, ' that we are unable to govern ourselves.' Under this view of the subject, I am happy in giving it to you as the general opinion, that this event, having happened at the time it did, was fortunate, although it will be attended with considerable expense." After expressing his opinion that the ' self- created societies ' who were laboring to effect some revolution in the government, were the fomenters of these western disturbances, he adds : " It has afforded an occasion for the peo- ple of this country to show their abhorrence of the result and their attachment to the constitu- tion and the laws ; for I believe that five times the number of militia that was required, would have come forward, if it had beep necessary, in support of them. " The spirit which blazed out on this occa- sion, as soon as the object was fully understood and the lenient measures of the government were made known to the people, deserves to be communicated. There are instances of general officers going at the head of a single troop, and of light companies ; of field officers, when they came to the place of rendezvous, and found no command for them in that grade, turning into the ranks and proceeding as private soldiers, under their own captains ; and of numbers, pos- 732 WASHINGTON'S DENUNCIATION OF SELF-CREATED SOCIETIES. [1794. sessing tLe first fortunes in the country, stand- ing in the ranks as private men, and marching day by day, with their knapsacks and haver- sacks at their backs, sleeping on straw with a single blanket in a soldier's tent, during the frosty nights which we have had, by way of exami)le to others. Nay, more, many young Quakers, of the first families, character, and property, not discouraged by the elders, have turned into the ranks and marched with the troops, " These things have terrified the insurgents, who liad no conception that such a spirit pre- vailed ; but while the thunder only rumbled at a distance, were boasting of their strength and wishing for and threatening the militia by turns ; intimating that the arms they should take from them would soon become a magazine in their hands." CHAPTER XXVI. In his speech on the opening of Congress, (November 19th), Washington, in adverting to the insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, did not hesitate to denounce " certain self-created societies " as "fomenters of it." After detail- ing its commencement and progress, lie ob- serves : " While there is cause to lament that occurrences of this nature should have dis- graced the name or interrupted the tranquillity of any part of our community, or should have diverted to a new application any portion of the public resources, there are not wanting real and substantial consolations for the misfortune. It has demonstrated, that our prosperity rests on solid foundations; by furnishing an addition- al proof that my fellow-citizens understand the true principles of government and liberty ; that they feel their inseparable union ; that, not- withstanding all the devices which have been used to sway them from their interest and duty, they are now as ready to maintain the author- ity of the laws against licentious invasions, as they were to defend their rights against usurpa- tion. It has been a spectacle, displaying to the highest advantage the value of republican gov- ernment, to behold the most and least wealthy of our citizens standhig in the same ranks as private soldiers ; preeminently distinguished by being the army of the constitution ; unde- terred by a march of three hundred miles over rugged mountains, by the approach of an in- clement season, or by any other discourage- ment. Nor ought I to omit to acknowledge the efiicacious and patriotic cooperation which I have experienced from the chief magistrates of the States to which my requisitions have been addressed. " To every description, indeed, of citizens, let praise be given ; but let them persevere in their afl:'ectionate vigilance over that precious depos- itory of American happiness, the Constitution of the United States. Let them cherish it, too, for the sake of those who, from every clime, are daily seeking a dwelling in our land. And when, in the calm moments of reflection, they shall have retraced the origin and progress of the insurrection, let them determine whether it has not been fomented by combinations of men, who, careless of consequences, and disre- garding the unerring truth, that those who arouse cannot always appease, a civil convul- sion, have disseminated from ignorance or per- version of facts, suspicions, jealousies, and ac- cusations of the whole government." This denunciation of the "self-created so- cieties " was a bold step, by which he was sure to incur their resentment. It was not relished by some members of the Senate, but the ma- jority gave it their approval. In the House, where the opposition party was most powerful, this passage of the President's speech gave rise to much altercation, and finally, the majority showed their disapprobation . by passing it over in silence in the address voted in reply. The "self-created societies," however, which had sprung up in various parts of the Union, had received their death-blow ; they soon be- came odious in the public eye, and gradually disappeared ; following the fate of the Jacobin clubs in France. It was with great satisfaction that Washing- ton had been able to announce favorable intel- ligence of the campaign of General Wayne against the hostile Indians west of the Ohio. That brave commander had conducted it with a judgment and prudence little compatible with the harebrained appellation he had acquired by his rash exploits during the Eevolution. i Leaving his winter encampment on the Ohio in f the spring (of 1794), he had advanced cau- r tiously into the wild country west of it ; skir- mishing with bands of lurking savages, as he t advanced, and establishing posts to keep up i communication and secure the transmission of 'supplies. It was not until the 8th of August that he arrived at the junction of the rivers ^T. 62.] WAYNE'S CAMPAIGN— HAMILTON EESIGNS. 733 All Glaize and Miami, in a fertile and populous region, where the Western Indians had their most important villages. Here he threw up some works, which he named Fort Defiance. Being strengthened by eleven hundred mounted volunteers from Kentucky, his force exceeded that of the savage warriors who had collected to oppose him, which scarcely amounted to two thousand men. These, however, were strongly encamped in the vicinity of Fort Miami, a Brit- ish post, about thirty miles distant, and far within the limits of the United States, and seemed prepared to give battle, expecting, pos- sibly, to be aided by the British garrison. Wayne's men were eager for a fight, but he, remembering the instructions of government, restrained his fighting propensities. In a let- ter to his old comrade Knox, Secretary of War, he writes, " Though now prepared to strike, I have thought proper to make the enemy a last overture of peace, nor am I without hopes that they will listen to it." His overture was ineffectual ; or rather the reply he received was such as to leave him in doubt of the intentions of the enemy. He ad- vanced, therefore, with the precautions he had hitherto observed, hoping to be met in the course of his march by deputies on peaceful missions. On the 20th, being arrived near to the en- emy's position, his advanced guard was fired upon by an ambush of the enemy concealed in a thicket, and was compelled to retreat. The general now ordered an attack of horse and foot upon the enemy's position ; the Indians were roused from their lair with the point of the bayonet ; driven, fighting for more than two miles, through thick woods, and pursued with great slaughter, until within gunshot of the British fort. " We remained," writes the general, " three days and nights on the banks of the Miami, in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and corn were consumed, or otherwise destroyed, for a considerable distance both above and below Fort Miami ; and we were within pistol-shot of the garrison of that place, who were compelled to remain quiet spectators of this general de~ vastation and conflagration." It was trusted that this decisive battle, and the wide ravages of villages and fields of corn with which it was succeeded, would bring the Indians to their senses, and compel them to solicit the peace which they had so repeatedly rejected. In his oflicial address to Congress, Washing- ton had urged the adoption of some definite plan for the redemption of the public debt. A plan was reported by Mr. Hamilton, 20th Jan- uary, 1795, which he had digested and prepared on the basis of the actual revenues, for the fur- ther support of public credit. The report em- braced a comprehensive view of the system which he had pursued, and made some recom- mendations, which after much debate were adopted. So closed Mr. Hamilton's labors as Secretary of the Treasury. He had long meditated a re- tirement from his post, the pay of which was inadequate to the support of his family, but had postponed it, first, on account of the accusations brought against him in the second Congress, and of which he awaited the investigation; secondly, in consequence of events which ren- dered the prospect of a continuance of peace precarious. But these reasons no longer oper- ating, he gave notice, on his return from the Western country, that on the last day of the ensuing month of January he should give in his resignation. He did so, and received the following note from Washington on the sub- ject : "After so long an experience of your pub- lic services, I am naturally led, at this moment of your departure from oflice (which it has al- ways been my wish to prevent), to review them. In every relation which you have borne to me, I have found that my confidence in your tal- ents, exertions, and integrity has been well placed. I the more freely render this testi- mony of my approbation, because I speak from opportunities of information which cannot de- ceive me, and which furnish satisfactory proof of your title to public regard. " My most earnest wishes for your happiness will attend you in your retirement, and you may assure yourself of the sincere esteem, re- gard, and friendship, of, dear sir, your affec- tionate," &c.* Hamilton's reply manifests his sense of the kindness of this letter. " As often as I may re- call the vexations I have endured," writes he, "your approbation will be a great and precious consolation. It was not without a struggle that I yielded to the very urgent motives which impelled me to relinquish a station in which I could hope to be in any degree instru- mental in promoting the success of an adminis- tration under your direction. * * What- * Writings, xi. 16. 734 KNOX RESIGNS— JAY'S TREATY ARRIVES FOR RATIFICATION. [1795. ever may be my destination hereafter, I entreat you to be persuaded (not the less from ray hav- ing been sparing in professions) that I shall never cease to render a just tribute to those eminent and excellent qualities, which have been already productive of so many blessings to your country ; that you Avill always have my fervent wishes for your public and personal felicity, and that it will be my pride to culti- vate a continuance of that esteem, regard, and friendship, of which you do me the honor to assure me. With true respect and affectionate attachment, I have the honor to be," &c.* Hamilton was succeeded in office by Oliver "Wolcott, of Connecticut, a man of judgment and ability, who had served as comptroller, and was familiar with the duties of the office. Knox likewise had given in his resignation at the close of the month of December. " After having served my countiy nearly twenty years," writes he to "Washington, " the greatest portion of which under your immediate auspices, it is with extreme reluctance that I find myself constrained to withdraw from so honorable a station. But the natural and powerful claims of a numerous family will no longer permit me to neglect their essential interests. In what- ever situation I shall be, I shall recollect your confidence and kindness, with all the fervor and purity of affection of which a grateful heart is susceptible." " I cannot suffer you," replies Washington, " to close your public service, without uniting with the satisfaction which must arise in your own mind from a conscious rectitude, my most perfect persuasion that you have deserved well of your country. "My personal knowledge of your exertions, whilst it authorizes me to hold this language, justifies the sincere friendship which I have ever borne for you, and which will accompany you in every situation of life ; being with affec- tionate regard, always yours," &c. There was always 'a kindly warmth in Wash- ington's expressions toward the buoyant Gen- eral Knox. Knox was succeeded in the war department by Colonel Timothy Pickering, at that time Postmaster-General. The session of Congress closed on the 8d of March, 1795. * ■Writings, xi. 16. CHAPTER XXYII. Washington had watched the progress of the mission of Mr, Jay to England, with an anxious eye. He was aware that he had ex- posed his popularity to imminent hazard, by making an advance toward a negotiation with that power ; but what was of still greater mo- ment with him, he was aware that the peace and happiness of his country were at stake on the result of that mission. It was, moreover, a mission of great delicacy, from the many intri- cate and difficult points to be discussed, and the various and mutual grounds of complaint to be adjusted. Mr. Jay, in a letter dated August 5th, 1794, had informed him confidentially, that the min- istry were prepared to settle the matters in dispute upon just and liberal terms ; still, what those terms, which they conceived to be just and liberal, might prove when they came to be closely discussed, no one could prog- nosticate. Washington hardly permitted himself to hope for the complete success of the mission. To ' give and take,' he presumed would be the re- sult. In the mean time there were so many hot heads and impetuous spirits at home to be managed and restrained, that he was anxious the negotiation might assume a decisive form, and be brought to a speedy close. He was perjilexed too, by what, under existing circum- stances, appeared piratical conduct, on the part of Bermudan privateers, persisting in capturing American vessels. At length, on the 7th of March, 1795, four days after the close of the session of Congress, a treaty arrived which had been negotiated by Mr. Jay, and signed by the ministers of the two nations on the 19th of November, and was sent out for ratification. In a letter to Washington, which accompa- nied the treaty, Mr. Jay wrote : " To do more was impossible. I ought not to conceal from you that the confidence reposed in your per- sonal character was visible and useful through- out the negotiation." Washington immediately made the treaty a close study ; some of the provisions were per- fectly satisfactory ; of others, he did not ap- prove ; on the whole, he considered it a mat- ter, to use his own expression, of 'give and take,' and believing the advantages to out- weigh the objections, and that, as Mr. Jay al- JEt. 63.] RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY— POPULAR DISCONTENT. 735 leged, it was the best treaty attainable, he made up his mind to ratify it, should it be ap- proved by the Senate. As a system of predetermined hostility to the treaty, however, was already manifested, and efforts were made to awaken popular jeal- ousy concerning it, Washington kept its pro- visions secret, that the public mind might not be preoccupied on the subject. In the course of a few days, however, enough leaked out to be seized upon by the opposition press to ex- cite public distrust, though not enough to con- vey a distinct idea of the merits of the instru- ment. In fact, the people were predisposed to condemn, because vexed that any overtures had been made toward a negotiation, such overtures having been stigmatized as cowardly and de- grading. If it had been necessary to send a minister to England, said they, it should have been to make a downright demand of repara- tion for wrongs inflicted on our commerce, and the immediate surrender of the Western posts. In the mean time Jay arrived on the 28th of May, and found that during his absence in Eu- rope, he had been elected governor of the State of New York ; an honorable election, the re- sult of no eff'ort nor intrigue, but of the public sense entertained by his native State, of his pure and exalted merit. He, in consequence, resigned the office of Chief Justice of the United States. In the course of this month arrived Mr. Adet, who had been appointed by the French gov- ernment to succeed Mi*. Fauchet as minister to the United States. He brought with him the colors of France which the Convention had in- structed him to present as a testimonial of friendship, in return for the American flag which had been presented by Mr. Monroe, The presentation of the colors was postponed by him for the present. The Senate was convened by Washington on the 8th of June, and the treaty of Mr. Jay was laid before it, with its accompanying docu- ments. The session was with closed doors, discussions were long and arduous, and the treaty i;nderwent a scrutinizing examination. The twelfth article met with especial objec- tions. This article provided for a direct trade be- tween the United States and the British West India Islands, in American vessels not exceed- ing seventy tons burden, conveying the produce of the States or of the Islands ; but it prohib- ited tlie exportation of molasses, sugar, coifee. cocoa, or cotton, in American vessels, either from the United States or the Islands, to any part of the world. Under this article it was a restricted intercourse, but Mr. Jay considered the admission even of small vessels, to the trade of these islands, an important advantage to the commerce of the United States. He had not sufliciently adverted to the fact that, among the prohibited articles, cotton was also a prod- uct of the Southern States. Its cultivation had been but recently introduced there; so that when he sailed for Europe hardly suffi- cient had been raised for domestic consumption, and at the time of signing the treaty very little, if any, had been exported. Still it was now becoming an important staple of the South, and hence the objection of the Senate to this 'arti- cle of the treaty. On the 24th of June two- thirds of the Senate, the constitutional major- ity, voted for the ratification of the treaty, stipulating, however, that an article be added suspending so much of the twelfth article as respected the West India trade, and that the ) President be requested to open, without delay, ■ further negotiation on this head. l Here was a novel case to be determined. Could the Senate be considered to have ratified the treaty before the insertion of this new ar- ticle ? Was the act complete and final, so as to render it unnecessary to refer it back to that body ? Could the President put his final seal upon an act before it was complete? After much reflection, Washington was satisfied of the propriety of ratifying the treaty with the qualification imposed by the Senate. In the mean time the popular discontent which had been excited concerning the treaty was daily increasing. The secrecy which had been maintained with regard to its provisions was wrested into a cause of offence. Repub- lics should have no secrets. The Senate should not have deliberated on the treaty with closed doors. Such was the irritable condition of tlie pub- lic mind when, on the 29th of June, a senator of the United States (Mr. Mason of Virginia) sent an abstract of the treaty to be published in a leading opposition paper in Philadelphia. The whole country was immediately in a blaze. Beside the opposition party, a portion of the Cabinet was against the ratification. Of course it received but a faltering support, while the attack upon it was vehement and sustained. The assailants seemed determined to carry their point by storm. Meetings to oppose the rati- 736 OPPOSITION TO THE TKEATY— POPULAR CLAMORS. [1795. fication were held in Boston, New York, Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, and Charleston. The smaller towns throughout the Union followed their example. In New York, a copy of the treaty was burnt before the governor's house. In Philadelphia, it was suspended on a pole, carried about the streets, and finally burnt in front of tlie British minister's house, amid the shoutings of the populace. The whole country seemed determined, by prompt and clamorous manifestations of dissatisfaction, to make Washington give way. He saw their purpose ; he was aware of the odious points of view on which the treaty might justly be placed ; his own opinion was not particularly favorable to it ; but he was convinced that it was better to ratify it, in the manner the Senate had advised, and with the reservation already mentioned, than to suffer matters to remain in their present un- settled and precarious state. Before he could act upon this conviction a new difficulty arose to suspend his resolution. News came that the order of the British gov- ernment of the 8th of June, 1793, for the seiz- ure of provisions in vessels going to French ports, was renewed. Washington instantly di- rected that a strong memorial should be drawn up against this order ; as it seemed to favor a construction of the treaty which he was deter- mined to resist. While this memorial was in course of preparation-, he was called off to Mount Vernon. On his way thither, though little was said to him on the subject of the treaty, he found, he says, from indirect dis- courses, that endeavors were making to place it in all the odious points of view of which it was susceptible, and in some which it would not admit. The proceedings and resolves of town meet- ings, also, savoring as he thought of party preju- dice, were forwarded to him by express, and added to his disquiet. " Party disputes are now 1 carried to such a length," writes he, " and truth I is so enveloped in mist and false representation, i that it is extremely difficult to know through what channel to seek it. This difficulty, to one who is of no party, and whose sole wish is to pur- sue with undeviating steps a path, which would lead this country to respectability, wealth, and happiness, is exceedingly to be lamented. But such, for wise purposes it is presumed, is the turbulence of human passions in party disputes, when victory more than truth is the palm con- tended for, that ' the post of honor is a private station. ' " * The opposition made to the treaty from meetings in different parts of the Union gave him the most serious uneasiness, from the effect it might have on the relations witli France and England. His reply (July 28th) to an address from the selectmen of Boston, contains the spirit of his replies to other addresses of the kind, and shows the principles wliich influenced him in regard to the treaty : "In every act of my administration," said he, " I have sought the happiness of my fellow- citizens. My system for the attainment of this object has uniformly been to overlook all per- sonal, local, and partial considerations ; to con- template th^ United States as one great whole ; to confide that sudden impressions, when er- roneous, tvould yield to candid reflection ; and to consult only the substantial and permanent interests of our country. " Nor have I departed from this line of con- duct, on the occasion which has produced the resolutions contained in your letter. " Without a predilection for my own judg- ment I have weighed with attention every ar- gument which has at any time been brought into view. But the constitution is the guide which I never can abandon. It has assigned to the President the power of making treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate. It was, doubtless, supposed that these two branches of government would combine, without pas- . sion, and with the best means of information, those facts and principles upon which the suc- cess of our foreign relations will always de- pend ; that they ought not to sxibstitute for their own conviction, the opinions of others, or to seek truth through any channel but that of a temperate and well-informed investigation. " Under this persuasion, I have resolved on ■ the manner of executing the duty before me. ', To the liigh responsibility of it, I freely submit, and you, gentlemen, are at liberty to make these ■ sentiments known as the grounds of my pro- cedure. While I feel the most lively gratitude for the many instances of approbation from i my country, I cannot otherwise deserve it, i than by obeying the dictates of my con- science." t The violence of the opposition increased. I Washington perceived that the prejudices against the treaty were more extensive than * Writiugs, xi. 40. t Writings. Sparks, xi. 42. ^T. 63.] INCREASI^-G CLAMOR-FAUCHET'S INTERCEPTED DESPATCH. 737 was generally imagined. " How should it be otherwise," said he, " when no stone has been left unturned that could impress on the minds of the people the most arrant misrepresenta- tion of facts ; that their rights have not only been neglected, but absolutely sold; that there are no reciprocal advantages in the treaty ; that tlie benefits are all on the side of Great Britain ; and wliat seems to have had more weight with them tljuu all the rest, and to have been most pressed, tliat the treaty is made with the de- sign to oppress the Freucli, in opea violation of our treaty with that naliou ; and contrary, too, to every principle of gratitude and sound policy. " Never, during his administration, had he seen a crisis, in his judgment, so pregnant with interesting events, nor one from which, whether viewed on one side or the other, more was to be apprehended. If the treaty were ratified, the partisans of the French, " or rather," said he, " of Avar and confusion," would excite them to hostility ; if not ratified, there was no foreseeing the con- sequences as it respected Great Britain. It was a crisis, he said, that most oninently cahed upon the administration to be wise and tem- perate, as well as firm. The public clamor continued, and induced a reiterated examina- tion of the subject ; but did not shake his pur- pose. " There is hut one straight course,'''' said he, " and that is to seeh truth and pursue it steadily.'''' * CIIAPTEE XXVIII. Toe difficult and intricate questions pressing upon the attention of government left Washing- ton little mood to enjoy the retirement of Mount Vernon, being constantly in doubt whether his presence in Philadelphia were not necessary. In his letters to Randolph, he re- quested to be kept continually advised on this head. " While I am in office I shall never suf- fer private convenience to interfere Avith what I conceive to be my official duty." — '• I do not require more than a day's notice to repair to the seat of government." His promptness Avas soon jiut to the test. Early in August came a mysterious letter, dated July 31, from Mr. Pickering, the secre- tary of war. * See Letters to Edmund Randolph. Writings, xi.,pp. 45-51. 47 " On the subject of the treaty," Avrites Pick- ering, " I confess I feel extreme solicitude, and for a spec'ial reason, Avhich can be comnnmi- cated to you only in person. I entreat, there- fore, that you will return Avith all convenient speed to the seat of government. In the mean- while, for the reason above referred to, I pray you to decide on no important political measure, in whatever form it may be presented to you. Mr. Wolcott and I (Mr. Bradford concurring) waited on Mr. Eandolph, and urged his writing to request your return. lie wrote in our pres^ ence, but we concluded a letter from one of u? also expedient. With the utmost sincerity T subscribe myself yours and my country's friend- This letter is for your OAvn eye alone." The receipt of this enigmatical letter induced Washington to cut short his sojourn at Mount Vernon, and hasten to Philadelphia. He ar- rived there on the 11th of August ; and on the same day received a solution of the mystery, A despatch written by Fauchet, the French minister, to his government in the precedin;.;' month of November, Avas placed in Washing, ton's hands, Avith a translation of it made by Mr. Pickering. The despatch had been found on board of a French privateer, captured by a British frigate, and had been transmitted to the ministry. Lord Grenville, finding it contained passages relating to the intercourse of Mr. Ran- dolph, the American secretary of state, Avith Mr. Fauchet, had sent it to Mr. Hammond, the British minister in Philadelphia. He had put it into the hands of Mr. Wolcott, the secretary of the treasury, who had shoAvn it to the sec- retary of Avar and the attorney-general ; and the contents had been considered so extraor- dinary as to call forth the mysterious letter en- treating tlie prompt return of Washington. The folloAving passages in Fauchet's inter- cepted despatch related to tlie Western insur- rection and the proclamation of Washington : " Tavo or three days before the proclamation was published, and of course before the cab- inet had resoh^ed on its measures, the secretary of state came to my house. All his counte- nance was grief. He i-equested of me a private couA'ersation. It was all over, he said to me ; a civil Avar is about to ravage our unhappy country. Four men, by their talents, their in- fluence, and their energy, may save it. But, debtors of English merchants, tliey Avill be de- prived of tlieir liberty if they take the smallest step. Could you lend them instantaneously funds to shelter them from English prosecution ? 738 CONDUCT OF RANDOLPH— HIS RESIGNATION OF OFFICE. [1795. This inquiry astonished me much. It was im- possible for me to make a satisfactory answer. You know my want of power and deficiency in pecuniary means." * * * " Thus, with some thousands of dollars, the Republic could have decided on civil war or peace. Thus the coiisciences of the pretended patriots of America hate already their jj^if^^-^^ — " What will be the old age of this government, if it is thus already decrepit ? " The perusal of the letter gave Washington deep perplexity and concern. He revolved the matter in his mind in silence. The predomi- nant object of his thoughts recently had been to put a stop to the public agitation on the sub- ject of the treaty ; and he postponed any new question of difficulty until decided measures had laid the other at rest. On the next day, there- fore (12th), he brought before the cabinet the question of immediate ratification. All the members were in favor of it excepting Mr. Randolph; he had favored Jt before the news of the British provision order, but now pro- nounced it unadvisable, until that order were revoked, and there should be an end of the war between France and England. This led to further discussion, and it was finally agreed to ratify the treaty immediately ; but to accom- pany the ratification with a sti'ong memorial against the provision order. The ratification was signed by Washington on the 18th of August. His conduct towards Randolph, in the in- terim, had been as usual, but now that the de- spatch of public business no longer demanded • the entire attention of the cabinet, he pro- ceeded to clear up the doubts occasioned by the intercepted despatch. Accordingly, on the following day, as Randolph entered the cabinet, Washington, who was conversing with Picker- ing and Wolcott, rose and handed to him the letter of Fauchet, asking an explanation of the questionable parts. Randolph appears to have been less agitated by the production of the letter, than hurt that the inquiry concerning it had not first been made of him in private. He postponed making any specific reply, until he should have time to examine the letter at his leisure ; and observed on retiring, that, after the treatment he had experienced, he could not think of remaining in oflice a moment longer. In a letter to the President the same day he writes : " Your confidence in me, sir, has been unlimited, and I can truly affirm unabused. My sensations, then, cannot be concealed, when I find that confidence so suddenly withdrawn, without a word or distant hint being previously dropped to me. This, sir, as I mentioned in your room, is a situation in which I cannot hold my present office, and therefore I hereby resign it. " It will not, however, be concluded from lience that I mean to relinquish the inquiry. No, sir, very far from it. I will also meet any inquiry ; and to prepare for it, if I learn there is a chance of overtaking Mr. Fauchet before he sails, I will go to him immediately. " I have to beg the favor of you to jjermit me to be furnished Vith a copy of the letter, and I will prepare an answer to it ; which I perceive that I cannot do as I wish, merely upon the few hasty memoranda which I took with my pencil. " I am satisfied, sir, that you will acknowl- edge one piece of justice to be due on the oc- casion ; which is, that until an inquiry can be made, the affair shall continue in secrecy under your injunction. For, after pledging myself for a more specific investigation of all the sugges- tions, I here most solemnly deny that any over- ture came from me, which was to produce mo- ney to me or any others for me ; and that in any manner, directly or indirectly, was a shil- ling ever received by me ; nor was it ever con- templated by me, that one shilling should be applied by Mr. Fauchet to any purpose rela- tive to the insurrection," Washington, in a reply on the following day, in. which he accepted his resignation, observes : " Whilst you are in pursuit of means to remove the strong suspicions arising from this letter, no disclosure of its contents will be made by me ; and I will enjoin the same on the public officers who are acquainted with the purport of it, unless something will appear to render an explanation necessary on the part of the gov- ernment, and of which I will be the judge." And on a subsequent occasion he writes : " No man would rejoice more than I to find that the suspicions which have resulted from the intercepted letter were unequivocally and honorably removed." Mr. Fauchet, in the mean time, having learnt previous to embarkation, that his despatch had been intercepted, wrote a declaration, denying tliat Mr. Randolph had ever indicated a will- ingness to receive money for jjersonal objects, and affirming that lie had no intention to say any thing in his letter to liis government, to the disadvantage of Mr. Randolph's character.* * Sparks' Writings of "Washington, xi. 90. JET. 63.] LVFAMOUS CHARGES AGAINST THE CHARACTER OF WASHINGTON. 739 Mr. Raudolph now set to work to prepare a pamphlet in explanation of his conduct, inti- mating to his friends, that in the course of his vindication, he would hring things to view which would affect Washington more than any thing which had yet appeared. * While thus occupied he addressed several notes to Washington, requiring information on various points, and received concise answers to all his queries. On one occasion, where he had required a particular paper, he published in the Gazette an extract from his note to Washington; as if fearing the request might be denied, lest the paper in question should lay open many confi- dential and delicate matters. In reply, Washington writes: "That you! may have no cause to complain of the with- holding of any paper, however private and confidential, which you shall think necessary in a case of so serious a nature, I have directed that you should have the inspection of my let- ter of the 22d of July, agreeably to your re- quest, and you are at full liberty to publish, without reserve, any and evevi/ private and confidential letter I ever wrote to you ; naj, more, every word I ever uttered to you or in your hearing, from whence you can derive any advantage in your vindication. I grant this permission, inasmuch as the extract alluded to manifestly tends to impress on the public an opinion, that something was passed between us, which you should disclose with reluctance, from motives of delicacy with respect to me. * * * That public will judge, when it comes to see your vindication, how far and how proper it has been for you to publish private and con- fidential communications which oftentimes have been written in a hurry, and sometimes with- out even copies being taken ; and it will, I hope, appreciate my motives, even if it should condemn my prudence, in allowing you the unlimited license herein contained." The merit of this unlimited license will be properly understood when it is known that at this time, Washington was becoming more and more the object of the malignant attacks of the press. The ratification of the treaty had opened the vials of party wrath against him. " His military and political character," we are told, " was attacked with equal violence, and it was averred that he was totally destitute of merit, either as a soldier or a statesman. He was * Writings, xi. 89. charged with having violated the constitution, in negotiating a treaty without the previous ad- vice of the Senate, and that he had embraced within that treaty subjects belonging exclu- sively to the legislature, for which an impeach- ment was publicly suggested. Nay more, it was asserted that he had drawn from the treasury, for his private use, more than the salary annexed to his oflice." * This last charge, so incompatible with the whole character and conduct of Washington, v.'as fully refuted by the late Secretary of the Treasury, who explained that the President never himself touched any part of the compen- sation attached to his office, but that the whole was received and disbursed by the gentleman who superintended the expenses of his house- hold. That the expenses at some times ex- ceeded, and at other times fell short of the quarter's allowance; but that the aggregate fell witliin the allowance for the year. At this time the General Assembly of Mary- land made a unanimous resolution to the fol- lowing effect : that " observing with deep con- cern, a series of efforts, by indirect insinuation or open invective, to detach from the first magistrate of the Union, the well-earned con- fidence of his fellow-citizens ; they think it their duty to declare, and they do hereby de- clare their unabated reliance on the integrity^ judgment, and 2yatr lot ism of the President of the United States." In a reply to the Governor of Maryland, Washington observed : " At any time the ex- pression of such a sentiment would have been considered as higlily honorable and flattering. At the present, when the voice of malignancy is so high-toned, and no attempts are left un- essayed to destroy all confidence in the consti- tuted authorities of this country, it is peculiarly grateful to my sensibility." * * * " I have long since resolved, for the present time at least, to let my calumniators proceed without any notice being taken of their invec- tives by myself, or by any others, with tny participation or knowledge. Their views, I dare say, are readily perceived by all the en- lightened and well-disposed part of the com- munity ; and by the records of my adminis- tration, and not by the voice of faction, I ex- pect to be acquitted or condemned hereafter." The vindication which Mr. Randolph had been preparing, appeared in December. In * See Marshall's Washington, vol. ii., p. 370. r40 EANPOLrH'S VINDICATION— GEORGE WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE. [1795. this, he gave a narrative of the principal events relating to the case, his correspondence with the President, and the whole of the French minister's letter. He endeavored to explain those parts of the letter which had brought the purity of his conduct in question ; but, as has been observed, " he liad a difficult task to per- form, as he was obliged to prove a negative, and to explain vagne expressions and insinua- tions connected with his name in Faucliet's letter." * Fauchet himself furnished the best vindica- tion in his certificate above mentioned ; but it is difficult to reconcile his certificate with the language of his official letter to his government. We are rather inclined to attribute to miscon- ceptions and hasty inferences of tlie French minister, the construction put by liiin in his letter, on the conversation he had licld with Mr. Randolph. The latter injured his cause by the embit- tered feelings manifested in his vindication, and the asperity with which he spoke of Washing- ton there and elsewhere. He deeply regretted it in after life, and in a letter to the Hon. Bush- rod Washington, written in 1810, he says: "I do not retain the smallest degree of that feel- ing which roused me fifteen years ago, against some individuals. * * * jf j could now present myself before your venerated uncle, it would be my pride to confess my contrition, that I suffered my irritation, let the cause be Avhat it might, to use some of those expressions respecting him, Avhich, at this moment of in- difference to the ideas of the world, I wish to recall, as being inconsistent with my subsequent conviction. My life will, I hope, be sufficiently extended for the recording of my sincere opin- ion of his virtues and merit, in a style which is not the result of a mind merely debilitated by misfortune, but of that Christian philosophy on which alone I depend for inward tranqui]lity."t After a considerable interval from the resig- nation of Randolph, Colonel Pickering was transferred to the Department of State, and Mr. James McHenry was appointed Secretai-y of War. The office of Attorney-General be- coming vacant by the death of Mr. Bradford, was offered to Mr. Charles Lee of Virginia, and accepted by him on the last day of Novem- ber. During the late agitations, George Washing- * ISTote of Mr. Sparks. Wusliington'.s "Writings, xi. 90. t MarshaU's Life of "Washiuglou, 2d edition, vol. ii., note sx. ton Lafayette, the son of the General, had ar- rived at Boston under the name of Motier, accompanied by his tutor, M. Frestel, and had written to Washington apprising him of his arrival. It was an embarrassing moment to Washington. The letter excited his deepest sensibihty, bringing with it recollections of Lafayette's merits, services, and sufferings, and of their past friendship, and he resolved to be- come " father, friend, protector, and supporter" to his son. But he must proceed with caution ; on account of his own official character as Ex- ecutive of the United States, and of the position of Lafayette in regard to the French govern- ment. Caution, also, was necessary, not to endanger the situation of the young man him- self, and of his mother and friends whom he had left behind. Philadelphia would not be an advisable residence for him at present, until it was seen what opinions would be excited by his arrival ; as Washington would for some time be absent from the seat of government, while all the foreign functionaries were residing there, particularly those of his own nation. Washington sugge.sted, therefore, that he should enter for the present as a student at the Uni- versity in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and en- gaged to pay all the expenses for the residence there of himself and his tutor. These and other suggestions were made in a private, and confi- dential letter to Mr. George Cabot of Boston, Senator of the United States, whose kind ser- vices he enlisted in the matter. It was subsequently thought best that young Lafayette should proceed to New York, and remain in retirement, at the country house of a friend in its vicinity, pursuing his studies with his tutor, until Washington shoiald direct other- wise. CHAPTER XXIX. In his speech at the opening of the session of Congress in December, Washington presented a cheerful summary of the events of the year. " I trust I do not deceive myself," said he, " while I indulge the persuasion, that I have never met you at any period when, more than at present, the situation of our public affairs has afforded just cause for mutual congratula- tion, and for inviting you to join with me in profound gratitude to the Author of all good, for the numerous and extraordinary blessings we enjoy." ^T. G3.] MEETING OF CONGRESS— WASHINGTON'S SPEECH. 741 And first he announced that a treaty had heen conclnded provisionally, by General Wayne, with the Indians north-west of the Ohio, by which the termination of the long, expensive, and distressing war with those tribes was placed at the option of the United States. "In the adjustment of the terms," said he, " the satisfaction of the Indians was deemed an object worthy no le^ of the pohcy than of the liberality of the tinited States, as the necessary basis of durable tranquiUity. This object, it is believed, has been fully attained. The articles agreed upon will immediately be laid before the Senate, for their considera- tion." * A letter from the Emperor of Morocco, re- cognizing a treaty which had been made with his deceased father, insured the continuance of peace with that poAver. The terms of a treaty with the Dey and re- gency of Algiers had been adjusted in a manner to authorize the expectation of a speedy peace in that quarter, and the liberation of a number of American citizens from a long and grievous captivity. A speedy and satisfactory conclusion was anticipated of a negotiation with the court of Madrid, " which would lay the foundation of lasting harmony with a power whose friend- ship," said Washington, " we have uniformly and sincerely desired to cherish." Adverting to the treaty Avith Great Britain and its conditional ratification, the result on the part of his Britannic Majesty was yet unknown, but Avhen ascertained, would immediately be placed before Congress. " In regard to internal affairs, every part of the Union gave indications of rapid and various improvement. With burdens so light as scarcely to be perceived ; with resources fully adequate to present exigencies ; with govern- ments founded on the genuine principles of ra- tional liberty ; and with mild and wholesome laws, was it too much to say that our country exhibited a spectacle of national happiness never surpassed, if ever before equalled ? " In regard to the late insurrection : " The misled," observed he, " have abandoned their errors, and pay the respect to our constitution * These preliminary articles were confirmed by a de- finitive treaty concluded on the 7th of August. Wayne received high testimonials of approbation both from Con- gross and the Tresident, and made a kiud of triumphal entry into Philadelphia amid the enthusiastic acclamations of the people. and laws which is due from good citizens to the public authorities. These circumstances have induced me to pardon generally the of- fenders here referred to, and to extend forgive- ness to those who had been adjudged to capital punishment." After recommending several objects to the attention of both Houses, he concludes by ad- vising temperate discussion and mutual forbear- ance wherever there was a difference of opinion ; advice sage and salutary on aU occa- sions, but particularly called for by the excited temper of the times. There was, as usual, a cordial answer from the Senate ; but, in the present House of Representatives, as in the last one, the opposi- tion were in the majority. In the response reported by a committee, one clause expressing undiminished confidence in the chief magistrate was demurred to ; some members affirmed, that, with them, it had been considerably diminished by a late transaction. After a warm altercation, to avoid a direct vote, the response was recommitted, and the clause ob- jected to modified. The following is the form adopted : " In contemplating that spectacle of national happiness which our country exhibits, and of Avhich you, sir, have been pleased to make an interesting summary, permit us to acknowledge and declare the very great share which your zealous and faithful services have contributed to it, and to express the affectionate attachment Avhich we feel for your character." The feelings and position of Washington with regard to England at this juncture, may be judged from a letter dated December 22d, to Gouverneur Morris, then in London, and who Avas in occasional communication with Lord Grenville. AVashington gives a detail of the various causes of complaint against the British government which Avere rankling in the minds of the American people, and Avhich Morris vras to mention, unofficially, should he converse with Lord Grenville on the subject, " I give you these details," Avrites he, " as evidences of the impolitic conduct of the British govern- ment towards these United States ; tliat it may be seen hoAV difficult it has been for the Execu- tive, under such an accumulation of irritating circumstances, to maintain the ground of neu- trality which had been taken ; and at a time when the remembrance of the aid we have re- ceived from France in the Revolution was fresh in every mind, and Avhile the partisans of that country were continually contrasting the aftec- 742 PRESENTATION OF FRENCH COLORS— ACTION ON THE TREATY. [1796. tions of that people with the unfriendly dispo- sition of the British government. And that, too, while their oion sufferings, during the war with the latter, had not heen forgotten. " It is well Icnown tliat peace has been (to borrow a modern phrase) the order of tlie day with me, since the disturbances in Europe first commenced. My policy has been, and will continue to be, while I have the honor to re- main in the administration, to maintain friendly terms with, but be independent of, all the nations of the earth ; to share in the broils of none ; to fulfil our own engagements; to supply the wants and be carriers for them all. * * * Nothing short of self-respect, and that justice which is essential to a national character, ought to involve us in war. :^ :(: :}: ^ ^ sf: ^ " By a firm adherence to these principles, and to the neutral policy which has been adopted, I have brought on myself a torrent of abuse in the factious papers of this country, and from the emnity of the discontented of aU descriptions. But having no sinister objects in view, I shall not be diverted from my course by these, nor any attempts which are, or shall be, made to withdraw the confidence of my constituents from me. I have nothing to ask ; and, discharging my duty, I have nothing to fear from invective. The acts of my adminis- tration will appear when I am no more, and the intelligent and candid part of mankind will not condemn my conduct without recurring to them." The first day of Jannary, being " a day of general joy and congratulation," had been ap- pointed by Washington to receive the colors of France sent out by the Committee of Safety. On that day they were presented by Mr, Adet with an address, representing, in glowing lan- guage, the position of France, " struggling not only for her own liberty, but for that of the hu- man race. Assimilated to, or rather identified with free people by the form of her government, she saw in them only friends and brothers. Long accustomed to regard the American people as her most faithful allies, she sought to draw closer the ties already formed in the fields of America, under the auspices of victory, over the ruins of tyranny." Washington received the colors with lively sensibility and a brief reply, expressive of the deep solicitude and high admiration produced by the events of the French struggle, and his joy that the interesting revolutionary move- ments of so many years had issued in the for- mation of a constitution designed to give per- manency to the great object contended for. In February the treaty with Great Britain, as modified by the advice of the Senate, came back ratified by the king of Great Britain, and on the last of the month a proclamation was issued by the President, declaring it to be the supreme law of the land. The opposition in the House of Representa- tives were oftended that Washington should issue this proclamation before the sense of that body had been taken on the subject, and denied the power of the President and Senate to com- plete a treaty without its sanction. They were bent on defeating it by refusing to pass the laws necessary to carry it into effect ; and, as a preliminary, passed a resolution requesting the President to lay before the House the instruc- tion to Mr. Jay, and the correspondence and other documents relative to the treaty. Washington, believing that these papers could not he constitutionally demanded, re- solved, he said, from the first moment, and from the fullest conviction of his mind, to 7'esisl the 2>'>"inciple^ which was evidently in- tended to be established l>y the call of the House ; he only deliberated on the manner in which this could be done with the least bad consequences. After mature deliberation and with the as- sistance of the heads of departments and the Attorney-General, he prepared and sent in to the House an answer to their request. In this he dwelt upon the necessity of caution and secrecy in foreign negotiations, as one cogent reason for vesting the power of making treaties in the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the principle on which that body was formed, confining it to a small number of members. To admit a right in the House of Representa- tives to demand and have all the papers re- specting a foreign negotiation would, he ob- served, be to establish a dangerous precedent. " It did not occur to him," he added, " that the inspection of the papers called for, could be relative to any purpose under the cognizance of the House of Representatives, except that of an impeachment, which the resolution had not expressed. He had no disposition to with- hold any information which the duty of his station would permit, or the public good should require to be disclosed ; and, in fact, all the papers affecting the negotiation with Great ^T. G4.J RUFUS KING— WASHINGTON'S VIEW OF THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. 743 Britain had been laid before the Senate, when the treaty itself had been communicated for their consideration and advice." After various further remarks, he concludes : " As, therefore, it is perfectly clear to my un- derstanding that the assent of the House of Representatives is not necessary to the validity of a treaty ; as the treaty with Great Britain exhibits itself in all the objects requiring legis- iative provision ; and on these, the papers called for can throw no light ; and as it is essen- tial to the due administration of the govern- ment, that the boundaries fixed by the constitu- tion between the different departments, should be observed, a just regard to the constitution _ and to the duty of my ofiice, under all the cir- cumstances of this case, forbid a compliance ■with your request." A resolution to make provision for carrying the treaty into effect, gave rise to an animated and protracted debate. Meanwhile, the whole country became agitated on the subject ; meet- ings were held throughout the United States, and it soon became apparent that the popular feeling was with the minority in the House of Representatives, who favored the making of the necessary appi'opriations. The public will prevailed, and, on the last day of April, the resolution was passed, though by a close vote of fifty-one to forty-eight. For some months past, Mr. Tlioraas Pinckney had been solicitous to be relieved from his post of Minister Plenipotentiary at London, but the doubtful issue of the above dispute, and the difficulty of finding a fit substitute for him, had caused delay in the matter ; for, as Mr, Hamil- ton observed : " The importance, to our security and commerce, of a good understanding with Great Britain, rendered it very important that a man able, and not disagreeable to that govern- ment, should be there." Such a man at length presented in Mr, Rufus King, of New York. He had vindicated the treaty with his pen in part of a series of papers signed Camillus; he had defended it by his manly and brilliant elo- quence in the Senate ; he was now about to quit his seat in that body. Hamilton, who knew him well, struck off his character admi- rably in a letter to the President. " Mr. King," writes he, " is a remarkably well-informed man, a very judicious one, a man of address, a man of fortune and economy, whose situation affords just grounds of confidence ; a man of unimpeachable probity where he is known, a firm friend of the government, a supporter of the measures of the President ; a man who cannot but feel that he has strong pretensions to confidence and trust." Mr. King was nominated to the Senate on the 19th of May, and his nomination was con- firmed. On the 1st of June, this session of Congress terminated. On the 12th of that month Washington, in a letter to Colonel Humphrey, then in Portugal, speaks of the recent political campaign : " The gazettes will give you a pretty good idea of the state of politics and parties in this country, and will show you, at the same time, if Bache's Au- rora is among them, in what manner I am at- tacked for persevering steadily in measures which, to me, appear necessary to preserve us, during the conflicts of belligerent powers, in a state of tranquillity. But these attacks, unjust and unpleasant as they are, will occasion no change in my conduct, nor will they produce any other effect in my mind than to increase the soli- citude which long since has taken fast hold of my heart, to enjoy, in the shades of retirement, the consolation of believing that I have ren- dered to my country every service to which my abilities were competent — not from pecu- niary or ambitious motives, nor from a desire to provide for any men, further than their intrin- sic merit entitled them, and surely not with a view of bringing my own relations into office. Malignity, therefore, may dart its shafts, but no earthly power can deprive me of the satis- faction of knowing that I have not, in the whole course of my administration, committed an intentional error." On the same day (June 12th) Jefferson, writ- ing from his retirement at Mouticello, to Mr. Monroe in Paris, showed himself sensitive to the influence of Washington's great popularity in countervailing party schemes. " Congress have risen," writes he. "You will have seen by their proceedings the truth of what I always observed to you, that one man outweighs them all in the influence over the people, who have supported his judgment against their own and that of their representatives. Republicanism must lie on its oars, resign the vessel to its pilot, and themselves to what course he thinks best for them." In Bache's Aurora of June 9tli, an anonymous article had appeared, disclosing queries pro- pounded by Washington, in strict confidence, to the members of the cabinet in 1793, as to the conduct to be observed in reference to England and France. As soon as Jefferson saw 744 CORRESPONDENCE OF WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON— MONROE RECALLED. [1796. this article he wrote to Washington (June 19th), disclaiming his having had any concern in that hreach of official trust. "I have formerly mentioned to you," observed he, " that from a very early period of my life, I had laid it down as a rule of conduct never to write a word for the public papers. From this I have never de- parted in a single instance." Jefferson further intimates a suspicion that a third party had been endeavoring to sow tares between him and Washington, by representing him (Jefferson) as still engaged in the bustle of politics, and in turbulence and intrigue against the government. This drew forth a noble reply from Washing- ton. " If I had entertained any suspicion be- fore," writes he, " that the queries, which have been published in Bache's paper, proceeded from you, the assurances you have given me of the contrary, would have removed them ; but the truth is, I harbored none. * * * " As you have mentioned the subject your- self, it would not be frank, candid, or friendly to conceal, that your conduct has been represented as derogating from that opinion I had conceived you entertained of me ; that to your particular friends and 'connections you have described, and they have denounced me as a person under a dangerous influence ; and that, if I would lis- ten more to some other opinions, all would be Avell. My answer invariably has been, that I had never discovered any thing in the conduct of Mr. Jefferson to raise suspicions in my mind of his insincerity ; that, if he would retrace my public conduct while he was in the administra- tion, abundant proofs would occur to him, that truth and right decisions were the sole object of my pursuit ; that there were as many in- stances within his own knowledge of my having decided against as in favor of the opinions of the person evidently alluded to ; and, moreover, that I w^as no believer in the infallibility of the politics or measures of any man living. In short, that I was no party man myself, and that the first wish of my heart was, if parties did exist, to reconcile them. " To this I may add, and very truly, that, until within the last year or two, I had no con- ception that parties would or even could, go the length I have been witness to ; nor did I believe until lately, that it was within the bounds of probability, hardly within those of possibility, that, while I was using my utmost exertions to establish a national character of our own, independent, as far as our obligations and justice would permit, of every nation of the earth, and wished, by steering a steady course, to preserve this country from the horrors of a desolating war, I should be accused of being the enemy of one nation, and subject to tlio in- fluence of another ; and, to prove it, that every act of my administration would be tortured, and the gi'ossest and most insidious misrepre- sentations of them be made, by giving one side only of a subject, and that, too, in such exagger- ated and indecent terms as could scarcely be applied to a Nero, a notorious defaulter, or even to a common pickpocket. But enough of this ; I have already gone further in the ex- pression of my feelings than I intended." Shortly after the recess of Congress another change was made in the foreign diplomacy. Mr. Monroe, when sent envoy to France, had been especially instructed to explain the views and conduct of the United States in forming tlie treaty with England ; and he had been am- ply furnished with documents for the purpose. From his own letters, however, it ajjpeared that he had omitted to use them. Whether this rose from undue attachment to France, from mistaken notions of American interests, or from real dislike to the treaty, the result was the very evil he had been instructed to prevent. The French government misconceiv- ed tlie view^s and conduct of the United States, suspected their policy in regard to Great Brit- ain, and when aware that the House of Kepre- sentatives would execute the treaty made by Jay, became bitter in their resentment. Symp- toms of this appeared in the capture of an American merchantman by a French privateer. Under these circumstances it was deemed expe- dient by Washington and his cabinet, to recall Mr. Monroe, and appoint another American citizen in his stead. The person chosen was Charles Cotesworth Plnckney of South Carolina, elder brother of the late minister to London. Immediately after this appointment, which took place in July, despatches were received from Mr. Mon- roe, communicating complaints which had been addressed to him, against the American gov- ernment, by M. De La Croix, French minister of exterior relations, and his reply to tlie same. His reply, though it failed to change the policy of the French Directory, was deemed able and satisfactory by the Executive, Soraewliat later came a letter from Mr. Monroe, written on the 24th, by which it api)eared that the long and confidential letter written by Washington on ^T. 64.] NEUTRAL POLICY OF WASHINGTON— HIS FAREWELL ADDRESSi 745 :.December 22d, and cited in a previous page of this chapter, had, by some chance, got into the .hands of the French Directory, and " produced .an ill effect." In a reply to Monroe, dated August 25th, Washington acknowledged the authenticity of the letter, "but I deny," added he, "that there is any thing contained in it that the French gov- ernment could take exception to, unless the .expression of an ardent wish that the United States miglit remain at peace with all the world, taking no part in the disputes of any part of it, should have produced this effect. I also gave it as my opinion, that the sentiments of the mass of the citizens of this country were in unison with mine." And in conclusion, he observes : " My con- duct in public and private life, as it relates to the important struggle in which the latter na- tion [France] is engaged, has been uniform from the commencement of it, and may be summed up in a few words. I have always wished well to the French revolution ; that I have always given it as my decided opinion, that no nation had a right to intermeddle in the internal con- cerns of another ; that eveiy one had a right to form and adopt whatever government they liked best to live under themselves ; and that, if this country could, consistenly with its en- gagements, maintain a strict neutrality, and thereby preserve peace, it was bound to do so by motives of policy, interest, and every other consideration, that ought to actuate a people situated as we are, already deeply in debt, and in a convalescent state from the struggle Ave have been engaged in ourselves. " On these principles I have steadily and uniformly proceeded, bidding defiance to calum- nies calculated to sow the seeds of distrust in the French nation, and to excite their belief of an influence possessed by Great Britain in the councils of this country, than which nothing is more unfounded and injurious." * Still the resentful policy of the French con- tinued, and, in October, they issued an arret ordering the seizure of British property found on board of American vessels, and of provisions bound for England — a direct violation of their treaty with the United States. * For the entire letter see Washington's Writings, xi. 164. CHAPTER XXX. The period for the presidential election was drawing near, and great anxiety began to be felt that Washington w^ould consent to stand for a third term. No one, it was agreed, had greater claim to the enjoyment of retirement, in consideration of public services rendered ; but it was thought the aftairs of the country would be in a very precarious condition should he re- tire before the wars of Europe were brought to a close. Washington, however, had made up his mind irrevocably on the subject, and resolved to an- nounce, in a farewell address, his intention of retiring. Such an instrument, it will be recol- lected, had been prepared for him from his own notes, by Mr. Madison, when he hud thought of retii'ing at the end of his first term. As he was no longer in confidential intimacy with Mr. Madison, he turned to Mr. Hamilton as his adviser and coadjutor, and appears to have con- sulted him on tiie subject early in the present year, for, in a letter dated New York, May 10th, Hamilton writes : " Wlien last in Phila- delphia, you mentioned to me your wish that I should re-dress a certain paper which you had prepared. As it is important that a thing of this kind should be done with great care and at much leisure, touched and retouched, I sub- mit a wish that, as soon as you have given it the body you mean it to have, it may be sent to me." The paper was accordingly sent on the 15th of May, in its rough state, altered in oue part since Hamilton had seen it. " If you should think it best to throw the whole into a different form," writes Washington, "let me request, notwithstanding, that my draft may be return- ed to me (along with yours) with such amend- ments and corrections as to render it as perfect as the formation is susceptible of ; curtailed if too verbose, and relieved of all tautology not necessary to enforce the ideas in the original or quoted part. My wish is, that the whole may appear in a plain style ; and be handed to the public in an honest, unaffected, simple garb." Wo forbear to go into the vexed question concerning this address ; how much of it is founded on Washington's original " notes and heads of topics ;" how much Avas elaborated by Madison, and how much is due to Hamil- ton's recasting and revision. The whole came 746 THE FAREWELL ADDRESS— WASHINGTON'S LAST SPEECH TO CONGRESS. [1796. under the supervision of Washington ; and the instrument, as submitted to the press, was in his handwriting, with many ultimate correc- tions and alterations. Washington had no pride of authorship •, his object always was to effect the purpose in hand, and for that he oc- casionally invoked assistance, to ensure a plain and clear exposition of his thoughts and inten- tions. Tlie address certainly breathes this spirit throughout, is in perfect accordance with his words and actions, and "in an honest, unaf- fected, simple garb," embodies the system of policy on which he had acted throughout his administration. It was published in Septem- ber, in a Philadelphia paper called the Daily Advertiser.'^ The publication of the address produced a great sensation. Several of the State legisla- tures ordered it to be put on their journals. " The President's declining to be again elect- ed," writes the elder Wolcott, " constitutes a most important epoch in our national aff'airs. The country meet the event with reluctance, but they do not feel that they can make any claim for the further services of a man who has conducted their armies through a successful war ; has so largely contributed to establish a national government ; has so long presided over our councils and directed the public ad- ministration, and in the most advantageous manner settled all national differences, and who can leave the administration where nothing but our folly and internal discord can render the country otherwise than happy." The address acted as a notice, to hush the acrimonioi^s abuse of him which the opposition was pouring forth under the idea that he would be a candidate for a renomination. " It will serve as a signal, like the dropping of a hat, for the party racers to start," writes Pisher Ames, " and I expect a great deal of noise, whipping and spurring." Congress formed a quorum on the 5th day of December, the first day of the session which succeeded the publication of the Farewell Ad- dress. On the Yth, Washington met the two Houses of Congress for the last time. In his speech he recommended an institution for the improvement of agriculture, a military academy, a national university, and a gradual increase of the navy. The disputes with France were made the subject of the following remarks : * Tlie rea.ler will fuul the entire Address in the Appen- dix to this volume. " While in our external relations some serious inconveniences and embarrassments have been overcome and others lessened, it is with much pain and deep regret I mention that circum- stances of a very unwelcome nature have lately occurred. Our trade has suffered and is suffer- ing extensive injuries in the West Indies from the cruisers and agents of the French Eepub- lic ; and communications have been received from its minister here which indicate the dan- ger of a further disturbance of our commerce by its authority ; and which are in other re- spects far from agreeable. It has been my con- stant, sincere, and earnest wish, in conformity with that of our nation, to maintain cordial harmony and a perfectly friendly imderstand- ing with that Republic. This wish remains unabated ; and I shall persevere in the endeav- or to fulfil it to the utmost extent of what shall be consistent with a just and indispensable re- gard to the rights and honor of our country ; nor will I easily cease to cherish the expecta- tion, that a spirit of justice, candor, and friend- ship, on the part of the Republic, wiU eventual- ly ensure success. " In pursuing this course, however, I cannot forget what is due to the character of our gov- ernment and nation; or to a full and entire confidence in the good sense, patriotism, self- respect, and fortitude of my countrymen." In concluding his address he observes, " The situation in which I now stand for the last time in the midst of the representatives of the peo- ple of the United States, naturally recalls the period when the administration of the present form of government commenced, and I cannot omit the occasion to congratulate you and my country on the success of the experiment, nor to repeat ray fervent supplications to the Su- preme Ruler of the universe and Sovereign Arbiter of nations, that his providential care may be still extended to the United States; that the virtue and happiness of the people may be preserved, and that the government which they have instituted for the protection of their liberties may be perpetual." The Senate, in their reply to the address, after concurring in its views of the national prosperity, as resulting from the excellence of the constitutional system and the wisdom of the legislative provisions, added, that they would be deficient in gratitude and justice did they not attribute a great portion of these ad- vantages to the virtue, firmness, and talents of his administration, conspicuously displayed ia ^T. 65.] REPLY OF THE HOUSE— COMPLAINTS OF THE FRENCH MINISTER. 747 the most trying times, and on the most critical occasions. Kecalling his arduous services, civil and mili- tary, as well during the struggles of the revolu- tion as in the convulsive period of a later date, their warmest affections and anxious regards would accompany him in his approaching re- tirement. " The most eftectual consolation that can oflfer for the loss we are about to sustain, arises fi-om the animating reflection, that the influence of your example will extend to your successors, and the United States thus continue to enjoy an able, upright, and energetic ad- ministration." The reply of the House, after premising at- tention to the various subjects recommended to their consideration in the address, concluded by a warm expression of gratitude and admira- tion, inspired by the virtues and services of the President, by his wisdom, firmness, moderation, and magnanimity ; and testifying to the deep regret with which they contemplated his ni- tended retirement fi-om office. " May you long enjoy that liberty which is so dear to you, and to which your name will ever be so dear," added they. " May your own virtue and a nation's prayers obtain the hap- piest sunshine for the decline of your days, and the choicest of future blessings. For our coun- try's sake, and for the sake of republican lib- erty, it is our earnest wish that your example may be the guide of your successors ; and thus, after being tbe ornament and safeguard of the present age, become the patrimony of our de- scendants." Objections, however, were made to some parts of the reply by Mr. Giles, of Virginia. He was for expunging such parts as eulogized the present administration, spoke of the wisdom and firmness of Washington, and regretted his retiring from office. He disapproved, he said, of the measures of the administration with re- spect to foreign relations ; he believed its want of wisdom and firnmess had conducted the na- tion to a crisis threatening greater calamity than any that had before occurred. He did not regret the President's retiring from office. He believed the government of the United States was founded on the broad basis of the people, that they were competent to their own govern- ment, and the remaining of no man in office was necessary to the success of that govern- ment. The people would truly be in a calam- itous situation, if one man were essential to the existence of the government. He was convinc- ed that the United States produces a thousand citizens capable of filling the presidential chair, and he would trust to the discernment of the people for a proper choice. Though the voice of all America should declare the President's retiring as a calamity, he could not join in the declaration, because he did not conceive it a jnisfortune. He hoped the President would be happy in his retirement, and he hoped he would retire.* Twelve members voted for expunging those parts of the reply to which Mr. Giles had ob- jected. Among the names of these members we find that of Andrew Jackson, a young man, twenty-nine years of age, as yet Unknown to fame, and who had recently taken his seat as delegate from the newly admitted State of Ten- nessee. The vote in favor of the whole reply, however, was overwhelming. The reverence and affection ■ expressed for him in both Houses of Congress, and their re- gret at his intended retirement, were in unison with testimonials from various State legislatures and other public bodies, which were continual- ly arriving since the publication of his Farewell Address. During the actual session of Congress, Wash- ington endeavored to prevent the misunder- standings, which were in danger of being aug- mented between the United States and the French Government. In the preceding month of November, Mr. Adet, the French minister, had addressed a letter to the Secretary of State, recapitulating the complaints against the government of the United States made by his predecessors and himself, denouncing the insid- ious proclamation of neutrality and the wrongs growing out of it, and using language calculat- ed to inflame the partisans of France : a copy of which letter had been sent to the press for publication. One of the immediate objects he had in view in timing the publication, was sup- posed by Washington to be to produce an eti:ect on the presidential election ; his ultimate ob- ject, to establish such an influence in the coun- try as to sway the government and control its measures. Early in January, 1797, therefore, Washington requested Mr. Pickering, the Sec- retary of State, to address a letter to Mr. Pinck- ney, United States minister to France, stating all the complaints alleged by the French minis- ter against the government, examining and re- * See Mr. Giles' speecti, as reported iu the Aurora newspaper. 748 JOHN ADAMS DECLARED PRESIDENT— SPURIOUS LETTERS DENOUNCED. [Il9l. viewing the Scamo, and accompanying the state- ment with a collection of letters and papers re- lating to the transactions therein adverted to. " From a desire," writes he, " that the state- ments be full, fair, calm, and argumentative, without asperity or any thing more irritating in the comments than the narration of facts, which expose unfounded charges and assertions, does itself produce, I have wished that the let- ter to Mr. Pinckney may be revised over and over again. Much depends upon it, as it relates to ourselves, and in the eyes of the world, what- ever may be the effect as it respects the gov- erning powers of France." The letter to Mr. Pinckney, with its accom- panying documents, Avas laid before Congress on the 19th of January (1797), to be transmit- ted to that minister. " The immediate object of his mission," says Washigton in a special message, " was to make that government such explanations of the principles and conduct of our own, as by manifesting our good faith, might remove all jealousy and discontent, and maintain that harmony and good imderstand- ing with tlie French Republic, which it has been my constant solicitude to preserve. A government which required only a knowledge of the truth to justify its measures, could but be anxious to have this fully and frankly dis- played." In the month of February the votes taken at the recent election were opened and counted in Congress ; Avhen Mr. Adams, having the highest number, was declared President, and Mr. Jefferson, having the next numbei", Vice- President ; their term of four years to com- mence on the 4th of March next ensuing. Washington now began to count the days and hours that intervened between him and his retirement. On the day preceding it, he writes to his old fellow-soldier and political coadjutor, Ilenry Knox : '' To the wearied trav- eller, who sees a resting place, and is bending his body to lean thereon, I now compare my- self ; but to be suffered to do this in peace, is too much to be endured by some. To misrep- resent my motives, to reprobate my politics, and to weaken the confidence which has been reposed in my administration, are objects wliich cannot be relinquished by those who will be satisfied with nothing short of a change in our political system. The consolation, however, which results from conscious rectitude, and the approving voice of my country, imequivocally expressed by its representatives, deprive their sting of its poison, and place in the same point of view, both the weakness and malignity of their efforts. " Although the prospect ofv retirement is most grateful to my soul, and I have not a wish to mix again in the great world, or to partake in its politics, yet I am not without my regrets at parting with (perhaps never more to meet) the few intimates whom I love, and among these, be assured, you are one. h: * * -pij^ remainder of my life, which in the course of nature cannot be long, will be occupied in rural amusements ; and though I shall seclude my- self as much as possible from the noisy and bustling world, none would, more than myself, be regaled by the company of those I esteem, at Mount Vernon ; more than twenty miles from which, after I arrive there, it is nyt likely that I shall ever be." On the morning of the 3d of March, the last day of his official career, Washington addressed a letter to the Secretary of State on the subject of the spurious letters,. heretofore mentioned,* first published by the British in 177(3, and sub- sequently republished during his administra- tion, by some of his political enemies. lie had suffered every attack on his executive conduct to pass unnoticed while he remained in public life, but conceived it a justice due to his char- acter solemnly to pronounce those letters a base forgery, and he desired that the present letter might be " deposited in the office of the Department of State, as a testimony to the truth to the present generation and to poster- ity." On the same day he gave a kind of farewell dinner to the foreign ministers and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. Jefferson, and other conspicuous personages of both sexes. " Dur- ing the dinner much hilarity prevailed," says Bishop AVhite, who was present. When the cloth was removed Washington filled his glass : " Ladies and gentlemen," said he, " this is the last time I shall drink your health as a public man; I do it with sincerity, wishing you all possible happiness." The gaiety of the company was checked in an instant ; all felt the importance of this leave- taking ; Mrs. Liston, the wife of the British minister, was so much affected that tears streamed down her cheeks. On the 4th of March, an immense crowd had gathered about Congress Hall. At eleven * Life of WasbingtOQ, vol. iii., Svo, pp. 360, 361. ^T, 65.] ACCLAMATIONS OF THE PEOPLE— WASHINGTOX AT MOUNT VERNON. 749 o'clock, Mr. Jefferson took the oath as Vice- President in the presence of the Senate ; and proceeded with that body to the Chamber of the House of Representatives, which was densely crowded, many ladies occupying chairs ceded to them by members. After a time, Washington entered amidst enthusiastic cheers and acclamations, and the waving of handkerchiefs. Mr. Adams soon followed and was likewise well received, but not with like enthusiasm. Having taken the oath of office, Mr. Adams, in his inaugural ad- dress, spoke of his predecessor as one " who, by a long course of great actions, regulated by prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude, had merited the gratitude of his fellow-citizens, commanded the highest praises of foreign na- tions, and secured immortal glory with poster- ity." At the close of the ceremony, as Washington moved toward the door to retire, there was a rush from the gallery to the corridor that threatened the loss of life or limb, so eager were the throng to catch a last look of one who had so long been the object of public ven- eration. When Washington was in the street he waved his hat in return for the cheers of the multitude, his countenance radiant with benignity, his gray hairs streaming in the wind. The crowd followed him to his door ; there, turning round, his countenance assumed a grave and almost melancholy expression, his eyes were bathed in tears, his emotions were too. great for utterance, and only by gestures could he indicate his thanks and convey his farewell blessing.* In the evening a splendid banquet was given to him by the principal inhabitants of Phila- delphia in the Amphitheatre, which was deco- rated with emblematical paintings. All the heads of departments, the foreign ministers, several officers of the late army, and various persons of note, were pi-esent. Among the paintings, one represented the home of his heart, the home to which he was about to hasten — Mount Vernon. CHAPTER XXXI. His official career being terminated, Wash- ington set off for Mount Vernon accompanied by Mrs. Washington, her grand-daughter Miss * From personal recollections of William A. Duer, late President of Columbia College. Nelly Custis, and George Washington Lafay- ette, with his preceptors. Of the enthusiastic devotion manifested tow- ards him wherever he passed, he takes the fol- lowing brief and characteristic notice: "The attentions we met with on our journey were very flattering, and to some, whose minds are differently formed from mine, woiild have been highly relished; but I avoided, in every in- stance where I had any previous notice" of the intention, and could, by earnest entreaties, pre- vail, all parade and escorts." He is at length at Mount Vernon, that haven of repose to which he had so often turned a wishful eye, throughout his agitated and anx- ious life, and where he trusted to pass quietly and serenely the remainder of his days. He finds himself, however, " in the situation of a new beginner; almost every thing about him required considerable repairs, and a house is immediately to be built for the reception and safe keeping of his military, civil, and private papers." " In a word," writes he, " I am al- ready surrounded by joiners, masons, and paint- ers, and such is my anxiety to be out of tlieir hands, that I have scarcely a room to put a friend into, or to sit in myself, without the music of hammers and the odoriferous scent of paint." Still he is at Mount Vernon, and as the spring opens, the rural beauties of the country exert their sweetening influence. In a letter to his friend Oliver Wolcott, who, as Secretary of the Treasury, was still acting on " the great theatre," he adverts but briefly to public affairs. " For myself," adds he, exultingly, " having turned aside from the broad walks of political into the narrow paths of private life, I shall leave it with those whose duty it is to consider subjects of this sort, and, as every good citizen ought to do, conform to Avhatsoever tlie ruling powers shall decide. To make and sell a little flour annually, to repair houses going fast to ruin, to build one for the security of my papers of a public nature, and to anuise myself in agri- cultural and rural pursuits, will constitute em- ployment for the few years I have to remain on this terrestrial globe. If, also, I could now and then meet tlie friends I esteem, it would fill the measure and add zest to my enjoy- ments ; but, if ever this happens, it must be under my own vine and fig-tree, as I do not think it probable that I shall go beyond twenty miles from them." And again, to another friend he indulges in 750 WASHINGTON AT MOUNT VERNON— LAWRENCE LEWIS. [1797. pleasant anticipations : " Eetired from noise myself and the responsibility attached to pub- lic employment, my hours will glide smoothly on. My best wishes, however, for the pros- perity of our country will always have the first I^lace in my thoughts; while to repair build- ings and to cultivate my farms, which require close attention, will occupy the few years, per- haps d^'s, I may be a sojourner here, as I am now in the sixty-fifth year of my peregrination through life." * A letter to his friend James McHenry, Sec- retary of War, furnishes a picture of his every- day life. " I am indebted to you," writes he, " for several unacknowledged letters ; but never mind that ; go on as if you had answers. You are at the source of information, and can find many things to relate, while I have nothing to say that could either inform or amuse a Sec- retary of War in Philadelphia. I might tell him that I begin my diurnal course with the sun ; that, if my hirelings are not in their places at that time, I send them messages of sorrow for their indisposition ; that, having put these wheels in motion, I examine the state of things further ; that the more they are probed the deeper I find the wounds which my build- ings have sustained, by an absence and neglect of eight years ; that, by the time I have ac- complished these matters, breakfast (a little after seven o'clock, about the time I presume you are taking leave of Mrs. McHenry) is ready ; that, this being over, I mount my horse and ride round my farms, which employs me until it is time to dress for dinner, at which I rarely miss seeing strange faces, come, as they say, out of respect to me. Pray, would not the word curiosity answer as well ? And how dif- ferent this from having a few social friends at a cheerful board ! The usual time of sitting at table, a walk, and tea bring me within the dawn of candle light ; previous to which, if not prevented by company, I resolve that, as soon as the glimmering taper supplies the place of the great luminary, I will retire to my writing table and acknowledge the letters I have re- ceived ; but when the lights are brought I feel tired and disinclined to engage in this work, conceiving that the next night will do as well. The next night comes, and with it the same causes for postponement, and so on. Having given you the history of a day, it will serve for a year, and, I am persuaded, you will not re- Letter to William Heath. Writings, xi. 199. quire a second edition of it. But it may strike you that in this detail no mention is made of any portion of time allotted for reading. The remark would be just, for I have not looked into a book since I came home ; nor shall I be able to do it until I have discharged my work- men; probably not before the nights grow longer, when possibly I may be looking in Doomsday Book." In his solitary rides about Mount Vernon and its woodlands, fond and melancholy thoughts w'ould occasionally sadden the land- scape as his mind reverted to past times and early associates. In a letter to Mrs. S. Fair- fax, now in England, he writes : " It is a mat- ter of sore regret when I cast my eyes toward Belvoir, which I often do, to reflect that the former inhabitants of it, with whom we lived in such harmony and friendship, no longer re- side there, and the ruins only can be viewed as the mementoes of former pleasures." The influx of strange faces alluded to in the letter to Mr. McHenry, soon became over- whelming, and Washington felt the necessity of having some one at hand to relieve him from a part of the self-imposed duties of Virginia hospitality. With this view^ he bethought him of his nephew Lawrence Lewis, the same who had gained favor with him by volunteering in the Western expedition, and accompanying General Knox as aide-de-camp. He accordingly ad- dressed a letter to him in which he writes : " Whenever it is convenient to you to make this place your home, I shall be glad to see you. * * 'i' As both your aunt and I are in the decline of life, and regular in our habits, especially in our hours of rising and going to bed, I require some person (fit and proper) to ease me of the trouble of entertaining company, particularly of nights, as it is my inclination to retire (and unless prevented by very particu- lar company, I always do retire) either to bed or to my study soon after candle light. In taking those duties (which hospitality obliges one to bestow on company) otf my hands, it w^ould render me a very acceptable service." * In consequence of this invitation, Lawrence thenceforward became an occasional inmate at Mount Vernon. The place at this time pos- sessed attractions for gay as well as grave, and was often enlivened by young company. One great attraction was Miss Nelly Custis, Mrs. * MS. Letter. -Et. 65.] MISS NELLY CUSTIS— WASHINGTON'S COUNSEL IN LOVE MATTERS. 751 "Washington's grand-danghter, who, with her brother George W. P. Cnstis, had been adopted by the General at their father's death, when they were quite cliildren, and brought up by him with the most affectionate care. He was fond of children^ especially girls ; as to boys, with all his spirit of command, he found them at times somewhat imgovernable. I can gov- ern men, would he say, but I cannot govern boys. Miss Nelly had grown up under the spe- cial eye of her grandmother, to whom she was devotedly attached, and who was particular in enforcing her observance of all her lessons, as well as instructing her in the arts of housekeep- ing. Slie was a great favorite with the Gen- eral ; Avhom, as we have before observed, she delighted with her gay whims and sprightly sallies, often overcoming his habitual gravity, and surprising him into a hearty laugh. She was now maturing into a lovely and at- tractive woman, and the attention she received began to awaken some solicitude in the Gener- al's mind. This is evinced in a half sportive letter of advice written to her during a tem- porary absence from Mount Vernon, when she was about to make her first appearance at a ball at Georgetown. It is curious as a speci- men of Washington's counsel in love matters. It would appear that Miss Nelly, to allay his solicitude, had already, in her correspondence, professed " a perfect apathy toward the youth of the present day, and a determination never to give herself a moment's uneasiness on ac- count of any of them." Washington doubted the firmness and constancy of her resolves. " Men and women," writes he, " feel the same inclination towards each other noio that they always have done, and which they will con- tinue to do, until there is a new order of things ; and you, as others have done, may find that the passions of your sex are easier raised than al- layed. Do not, therefore, boast too soon, nor too strongly of your insensibility. * * * Love is said to be an involuntary passion, and it is, therefore, contended that it cannot be resisted. This is true in part only, for like all things else, when nourished and supplied plentifully with aliment, it is rapid in its progress ; but let these be withdrawn, and it may be stifled in its birth, or much stinted in its growth. * * * Although we cannot avoid first impressions, we may assuredly place them under guard. * * * When the fire is beginning to kindle and your heart growing warm, propound these questions to it. Who is this invader ? Have I a competent knowledge of him ? Is he a man of good character ? A man of sense ? For be assured, a sensible woman can never be happy with a fool. What has been his walk in life ? * * * Is his fortune sufficient to maintain me in the manner I have been accustomed to live, and as my sisters do live ? And is he one to whom my friends can have no reasonable ob- jection ? If all these interrogatories can be sat- isfactorily answered, there will remain but one more to be asked ; that, however, is an impor- tant one. Have I sufficient ground to conclude that his affections are engaged by me ? With- out this the heart of sensibility will struggle against a passion that is not reciprocated." * The sage counsels of Washington, and the susceptible feelings of Miss Nelly, were soon brought to the test by the residence of Law- rence Lewis at Mount Vernon. A strong attach- ment for her grew up on his part, or perhaps already existed, and was strengthened by daily intercourse. It was favorably viewed by his uncle. Whether it was fully reciprocated was uncertain. A formidable rival to Lewis ap- peared in the person of young Carroll of Car- rollton, who had just returned from Europe, adorned with the graces of foreign travel, and whose suit was countenanced by Mrs. Washing- ton. These were among the poetic days of Mount Vernon, when its halls echoed to the tread of lovers. They were halcyon days with Miss Nelly, as she herself declared, in after years, to a lady, from whom we have the story : " I was young and romantic then," said she, " and fond of wandering alone by moonlight in the woods of Mount Vernon. Grandmamma thought it wrong and unsafe, and scolded and coaxed me into a promise that I would not wander in the woods again unaccompanied. But I was missing one evening, and was brought home from the interdicted woods to the draw- ing-room, where the General was walking up and down with Ins hands beliind him, as was his wont. Grandmamma, seated in her great arm-chair, opened a severe reproof." Poor Miss Nelly was reminded of her prom- ise, and taxed with her delinquency. She knew that she had done wrong — admitted her fault, and essayed no excuse ; but, when there was a slight pause, moved to retire from the room. She was just shutting the door when she overheard the General attempting, in a low voice, to intercede in her behalf. " My dear," » MS. Letter. 752 GEORGE WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE— ADDRESS TO MR. MONROE. [1Y9'7. observed he, " I would say no more — perhaps she was not alone." His intercession stopped Miss Nelly in her retreat. She re-opened the door and advanced up to the General with a firm step. " Sir," said she, " you brought me up to speak the truth, and when I told Grandmamma I was alone, I hope you believed I icas alone.'''' The General made one of his most magnani- mous bows. " My child," replied he, " I beg jour pardon," "We will anticipate dates, and observe that the romantic episode of Miss Nelly Custis ter- minated to the General's satisfaction ; she be- came the happy wife of Lawrence Lewis, as will be recorded in a future page. Early in the autumn, Washington had been relieved from his constant solicitude about the fortunes of Lafayette. Letters received by George W. Lafayette from friends in Hamburg, informed the youth that his father and family had been liberated from Olmutz and were on their way to Paris, with the intention of em- barking for America. George was disposed to sail for I'rance immediately, eager to embrace his parents and sisters in the first moments of their release. Washington urged him to defer liis departure until he should receive letters from the prisoners themselves, lest they should cross the ocean in different directions at the same time, and pass each other, which would be a great shock to both parties. George, how- ever, was not to be persuaded, and " I could not withhold my assent," writes Washington, " to the gratification of his wishes, to fly to the arms of those whom he holds most dear." George and his tutor, Mr. Frestel, sailed from New York on the 26th of October. Washing- ton writes from Mount Vernon to Lafayette : " This letter, I hope and expect, will be pre- sented to you by your son, who is highly de- serving of such parents as you and your amia- ble lady. " He can relate, much better than I can describe, my participation in your sufferings, my solicitude for your relief, the measures I adopted, though ineffectual, to facilitate your liberation from an unjust and cruel imprison- ment, and the joy I experienced at the news of its accomplishment. I shall hasten, therefore, to congratulate you, and be assured that no one can do it with more cordiality, with more sin- cerity, or with greater affection on the restora- tion of that liberty which every act of your life entitles you to the enjoyment of; and I hope I may add, to the uninterrupted possession of your estates, and the confidence of your country." The account Avhich George W. Lafayette had received of the liberation of the prisoners of Olmutz was premature. It did not take place until the 19th of September, nor was it until in the following month of February that the happy meeting took place between George and his family, whom he found residing in the chateau of a relative in Holstein. CHAPTER XXXII. Washington had been but a few months at Mount Vernon, when he received intelligence that his successor in office had issued a procla- mation for a special session of Congress. He was not long in doubt as to its object. The French government had declared, on the recall of Mr. Monroe, that it would not receive any new minister plenipotentiary from the United States until that power should have redressed the grievances of which the republic had com- plained. When Mr, Monroe had his audience of leave, Mr. Barras, the president of the Direc- tory, addressed him in terms complimentary to himself, but insulting to his country, " The French Eepublic hopes," said he, " that the successors of Columbus, of Raleigh, and of Penn, ever proud of their liberty, will never forget that they owe it to France. * * * In their wisdom, they will weigh the magnanimous benevolence of the French people with the art- ful caresses of perfidious designers, who meditate to draw them back to their ancient slavery. Assure, Mr. Minister, the good American people that, like them, we adore liberty ; that they will always have our esteem, and that they will find in the French people the republican gen- erosity which knows how to accord peace, as it knows how to make its sovereignty respected. " As to you, Mr. Minister Plenipotentiary, you have fought for the principles, you have known the true interests of your country. De- part with our regrets. We give up, in you, a representative of America, and we retain the remembrance of the citizen whose persona) qualities honor that title." A few days afterwards, when Mr, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney presented himself as successor to Mr. Monroe, the Directory refused to receive him, and followed up the indignity ^T. 65.] FRENCH INDIGNITIES— THREE ENVOYS TO FRANCE. 753 by ordering him to leave the territories of the republic. Its next step was to declare applica- ble to American ships the rules in regard to neutrals, contained in the treaty which Wash- ington had signed with England. It was in view of these facts and of the cap- tures of American vessels by French cruisers, that President Adams had issued a proclamation to convene Congress on the 15th of May. In his opening speech, he adverted especially to what had fallen from Mr. Barras in Monroe's audience of leave. " The speech of the President," said he, " discloses sentiments more alarming than the refusal of a minister, because more dan- gerous to our independence and union ; and, at the same time, studiously marked with indig- nities towards the government of the United States. It evinces a disposition to separate the people from their government ; to persuade them that they have different affections, prin- ciples, and interests from those of their fellow- citizens, whom they themselves have chosen to manage their common concerns, and thus to produce divisions fatal to our peace. Such at- tempts ought to be repelled with a decision which shall convince France and the world, that we are not a degraded people, humiliated under a colonial spirit of fear, and sense of in- feriority, fitted to be the miserable instrument of foreign influence, and regardless of national honor, character, and interest." Still he announced his intention to institute a fresh attempt by negotiation, to effect an amicable adjustment of differences, on terms compatible with the rights, duties, interests, and honor of the nation, but in the mean time he recommended to Congress to provide effectual measures of defence. Though personally retired from public life, Washington was too sincere a patriot to be indifferent to public affairs, and felt acutely the unfriendly acts of the French Government, so repugnant to our rights and dignity. "The President's speech," writes he, " will, I con- ceive, draw forth, mediately or immediately, an expression of the public mind ; and as it is the right of the people that this should be carried into effect, their sentiments ought to be une- quivocally known, that the principles on which the government has acted, and which, from the President's speech, are likely to be continued, may either be changed, or the opposition that is endeavoring to embarrass every measure of the executive, may meet effectual discounte- nance. Things cannot and ought not to remain 48 any longer in their present disagreeable state. Nor, should the idea that the government and the people have different views, be suffered any longer to prevail at home or abroad ; for it is not only injurious to us, but disgraceful also, that a government constituted as ours is, should be administered contrary to their interest, if the fact be so." * In pursuance of the policy announced by Mr. Adams, three envoys extraordinary were ap- pointed to the French repubhc, viz. : Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and El- bridge Gerry ; the two former federalists, the latter a democrat. The object of their mission, according to the President, was " to dissipate umbrages, remove prejudices, rectify errors, and adjust all differences by a treaty between the two powers." Washington doubted an adjustment of the differences. " Candor," said he, " is not a more conspicuous trait in the character of govern- ments than it is of individuals. It is hardly to be expected, then, that the Directory of France will acknowledge its errors and tread back its steps immediately. This would announce at once, that there has been precipitancy and in- justice in the measures they have pursued ; or that they were incapable of judging, and had been deceived by false appearances." About this time he received a pamphlet on the " Military and Political Situation of France." It was sent to him by the author. General Dumas, who, in the time of our revo- lution, had been an officer in the army of the Count de Rochambeau. "Your Excellency," writes Dumas, " will observe in it (the pamph- let) the effect of your lessons." Then speaking of his old military chief : "General Rocham- beau," adds he, "is still at his country seat near Vendome. He enjoys there tolerably good health considering his great age, and reckons, as well as his military family, amongst his most dear and glorious remembrances, that of the time we had the honor to serve under yoiu' command." Some time had elapsed since Washington had heard of his old companion in arms, who had experienced some of the melo-dramatic vicissi- tudes of the French revolution. After the ar- rest of the king ho had taken anew the oath of the constitution, and commanded the army of the north, having again received the baton of field marshal. Thwarted in his plans by the Letter to Thomas Pinckney. Writings, si. 202. 754 THEIR DEGRADING TREATMENT— WAR WITH FRANCE THREATENED. [1797. minister of war, he had resigned and retired to his estate near Vendome ; but, during the time of terror had been arrested, conducted to Paris, thrown into the conciergerie, and condemned to death. When the car came to convey a number of the victims to the guillotine, he was about to mount it, but the executioner seeing it full, thrust him back. "Stand back, old marshal," cried he, roughly, " your turn will come by and bye." (Retire toi, vieux marechal, ton tour viendra plus tard.) A sudden change in political affairs saved his life, and enabled him to return to his home near Vendome, where he now resided. In a reply to Dumas, which Washington for- warded by the minister plenipotentiary about to depart for France, he sent his cordial remem- brances to de Eochambeau. * The three ministers met in Paris on the 4th of October (1797) but were approached by Talleyrand and his agents in a manner which demonstrated that the avenue to justice could only be opened by gold. Their official reportt reveals the whole of this dishonorable intrigue. It states that Mr. Pinckney received a visit from Mr. Bellarni, the secret agent of Mr. Tal- leyrand, who assured him that Citizen Talley- rand had the highest esteem for Amei'ica and the citizens of the United States, and was most anxious for their reconciliation with France. With that view some of the most offensive pas- sages in the speech of President Adams (in May, 1797) must be expunged, and a douceur of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars put at the disposal of Mr. Talleyrand for the use of the Directory, and a large loan made by America to France. On the 20th of October, the same subject was resumed in the apartments of the plenipoten- tiary, and, on this occasion, beside the secret agent, an intimate friend of Talleyrand was present. The expunging of the passages in the President's speech was again insisted on, and it was added that, after that, money was the principal object. " We must have money — a great deal of money ! " were his words. At a third conference, October 21st, the sum * The worthy de Rochambeau survived the storms of the Revolution. In 1803 he was presented to Napoleon, who, pointing to Berthier and other generals who had once served under his orders, said : " Marshal, behold your scholars." " The scholars have surpassed their master," replied the modest veteran. In the following year he received the cross of grand ctficer of the legion of honor, and a marshal's pension. He died full of years and honors, in 1807. t American State Papers, vols. iii. and iv. was fixed at 32,000,000 francs (6,400,000 dol- lars), as a loan secured on the Dutch contribu- tions, and 250,000 dollars in the form of a dou- ceur to the Directory. At a subsequent meeting, October 27th, the same secret agent said, " Gentlemen, you mis- take the point, you say notTiing of the money you are to gixe — you make no offer of money — on that point you are not explicit.'''' " We are explicit enough," replied the American envoys. " We will not give you one farthing ; and be- fore coming here, we should have thought such an offer as you now propose, would have been regarded as a mortal insult." On tins indignant reply, the wily agent inti- mated that if they would only pay, by way of fees, just as they would to a lawyer, who should plead their cause, the sum required for the pri- vate use of the Directory, they might remain at Paris until they should receive further orders from America as to the loan required for gov- ernment. * Being inaccessible to any such disgraceful and degrading propositions, the envoys re- mained several months in Paris unaccredited, and finally returned at separate times, without an official discussion of the object of their mis- sion, t During this residence of the envoys in Paris, the Directory, believing t\\Qpeo2ile of the United States would not sustain their government in a war against France, proceeded to enact a law subjecting to capture and condemnation neutral vessels and their cargoes, if any portion of the latter was of British fabric or produce, although the entire property might belong to neutrals. As the United States were at this time the great neutral carriers of the world, this iniquitous decree struck at a vital point in their maritime power. X When this act and the degrading treatment of the American envoys became known, the spirit of the nation was aroused, and war with France seemed inevitable. The crisis was at once brought to Washing- ton's own door. " You ought to be aware," writes Hamilton to him. May 19, "that in the event of an open rupture with France, the public voice will again call you to command * Sec Life of Talleyrand, by the Rev. Charles K. Mo- Harg, pp. 161, 162. t Marshall left France April 16th, 1798 ; Gerry on the 26th of July. Pinckney, detained by the illness of hia daughter, did not arrive in the United States until early in October. % McHarg'8 Life of Talleyrand, 160. Mt. 65.] WASHINGTON APPOINTED COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. 755 the armies of your country; and though all who are attached to you will, from attachment as well as public considerations, deplore an oc- casion which should once more tear you from that repose to which you have so good a right, yet it is the opinion of all those with whom I converse, that you will be compelled to make the sacrifice. All your past labors may de- mand, to give them efiicacy, this farther, this very great sacrifice." The government was resolved upon vigorous measures. Congress, on the 28th of May, au- thorized Mr. Adams to enlist ten thousand men as a provisional army, to be called by him into actual service, in case of hostilities. Adams was perplexed by the belligerent duties thus suddenly devolved upon him. How should lie proceed in forming an army ? Should he call on all the old generals who had figured in the revolution, or appoint a young set ? Mili- tary tactics were changed, and a new kind of enemy was to be met. " If the French come here," said he, " we will have to march with a quick step and attack, for in that way only they are said to be vulnerable." These and other questions he propounded to "Washington by letter, on the 22d of June. " I must tax you sometimes for advice," writes lie. " We must have your name, if you will in any case permit us to use it. There will be more efficacy in it than in many an army." And McHenry, the Secretary of War, writes, about the same time : " You see how the storm tliickens, and that our vessel will soon require its ancient pilot. WiU you — may we flatter ourselves, that, in a crisis so awful and impor- tant, you will — accept the command of all our armies? I hope you will, because you alone can unite all hearts and all hands, if it is pos- sible that they can be united." In a reply to the President's letter, Washing- ton writes, on the 4th of July : " At the epoch of my retirement, an invasion of these States by any European power, or even the proba- bility of such an event happening in my days, was so far from being contemplated by me, that I had no conception that that or any other oc- currence would arise in so short a period, which could turn my eyes from the shade of Mount Vernon. * * * j^ cagg of actual invasion, by a formidable force, I certainly should not in- trench myself under the cover of age and re- tirement, if my services should be required by ! my country to assist in repelling it." And in his reply of the same date, to the Secretary of War, he writes : " I see, as you do, that clouds are gathering, and that a storm may ensue ; and I find, too, from a variety of hints, that my quiet, under these circumstances, does not promise to be of long continuance. * * * * * H: ^ " As my whole life has been dedicated to my country in one shape or another, for the poor remains of it, it is not an object to contend for ease and quite, when all that is valuable is at stake, further than to be satisfied that the sacrifice I should make of these, is acceptable and desired by my country." Before these letters were despatched he had already been nominated to the Senate (July 3d) commander-in-chief of all the armies raised or to be raised. His nomination was unanimously confirmed on the following day, and it was de- termined that the Secretary of War should be the bearer of the commission to Mount Vernon, accompanied by a letter from the President. " The reasons and motives," writes Mr. Adams in his instructions to the Secretary, " which prevailed with me to venture upon such a step as the nomination of this great and illustrious character, whose voluntary resignation alone occasioned my introduction to the office I now hold, were too numerous to be detailed in this letter, and are too obvious and important to escape the observation of any part of America or Europe. But as it is a movement of great delicacy, it will require all your address to com- municate the subject in a manner that shall be unofiensive to his feelings and consistent with all the respect that is due from me to him. " If the General should decline the appoint- ment, all the world will be silent and respect- fully assent. If he should accept it, all the world, except the enemies of this country, will rejoice." Mr. McHenry was instructed to consult Washington upon the organization of the army, and upon every thing relating to it. He was the bearer also of a letter from Hamilton. " I use the liberty," writes he, " which my attach- ment to you and to the public authorizes, to otFer you my opinion, that you should not de- cline the appointment. It is evident that the public satisfaction at it is lively and universal. It is not to be doubted that the circumstances will give an additional spring to the public mind, will tend much to unite, and will facilitate the measures which the conjunction requires." It was with a heavy heart that Washington found his dream of repose once more inter' 756 ARRANGES FOR THREE MAJOR-GENERALS— HAMILTON SECOND IN COMMAND. [1797. rupted ; but his strong fidelity to duty would not permit him to hesitate. He accepted the commission, however, with the condition that he should not be called into the field until the army was in a situation to require his presence ; or it should become indispensable by the ur- gency of circumstances. " In making this reservation," added he, in his letter to the President, " I beg it to be un- derstood that I do not mean to withhold any assistance to arrange and organize the army, which you may think I can afl:brd. I take the liberty, also, to mention that I must decline having my acceptance considered as drawing after it any immediate charge upon the public ; or that I can receive any emoluments annexed to the appointment before entering into a situ- ation to incur expense." He made another reservation, through the Secretary of "War, but did not think proper to embody it in his public letter of acceptance, as that would be communicated to the Senate, which was, that the principal officers in the line and of the staff, should be such as he could place confidence in. As to the question which had perplexed Mr. Adams whether, in forming the army, to call on all the old generals or appoint a new set, Washington's idea was that, as the armies about to be raised were commencing de novo, the President had the right to make officers of citi- zens or soldiers at his discretion, availing him- self of the best aid the country afforded. That no officer of the old army, disbanded fourteen years before, could expect, much less claim, an appointment on any other ground than superior experience, brilliant exploits, and general celeb- rity founded on merit. It was with such views that, in the arrange- ments made by him with the Secretary of "War, the three Major-Gen erals stood, Hamilton, who was to be Inspector-General, Charles Cotes- worth Pinckney (not yet returned from Europe), and Knox : in which order he wished their commissions to be dated. The appointment of Hamilton as second in command was desired by the public, on account of his distinguished ability, energy, and fidelity. Pickering, in recommending it, writes : " The enemy whom we are now preparing to encounter, veterans in arms, led by able and active officers, and ac- customed to victory, must be met by the best blood, talents, energy, and experience, that our country can produce." "Washington, speaking of him to the President, says : " Although Col- onel Hamilton has never acted in the character of a general officer, yet, his opportunities as the principal and most confidential aid of the com- mander-in-chief, afforded him the means of viewing every thing on a larger scale than those whose attention was confined to divisions or brigades, who know nothing of the correspond- ences of the commander-in-chief, or of the various orders to, or transactions with, the gen- eral staff of the army. These advantages, and his having served with usefulness in the old Congress, in the general convention, and hav- ing filled one of the most important departments of government, with acknowledged abilities and integrity, have placed him on high ground, and made him a conspicuous character in the United States and in Europe. * * * " By some he is considered an ambitious man, and, therefore, a dangerous one. That he is ambitious, I shall readily grant, but it is of that laudable kind which prompts a man to excel in whatever he takes in hand. He is enterprising, quick in his perceptions, and his judgment intuitively great — qualities essential to a mili- tary character." Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was placed next in rank, not solely on account of his mili- tary qualifications, which were great, but of his popularity and influence in the Southern States, where his connections were numerous and pow- erful ; it being apprehended that, if the French intended an invasion in force, their operations would commence south of Maryland ; in which case it would be all important to embark Gen- eral Pinckney and his connections heartily in the active scenes that would foUow. By this arrangement Hamilton and Pinckney took precedence of Knox, an officer whom "Washington declared he loved and esteemed ; but he trusted the exigencies of the case would reconcile the latter to the position assigned to him. " "Viewing things in this light," writes he to Knox, July 16th, " I would fain hope, as we are forming an army anew, which army, if needful at all, is to fight for every thing which ought to be dear and sacred to freemen, that former rank will be forgotten, and, among the fit and chosen characters, the only contention will be who shall be foremost in zeal at this crisis to serve his country, in whatever situa- tion circumstances may place him." The reply of Knox, written in the glow of the moment, bespoke how deeply his warm im- pulsive feelings were wounded. " I yesterday received your favor," writes he, "which I JEt. 66.] KNOX AGGRIEVED— AN EXPLANATION. 757 opened with all the delightful sensations of aifection, which I always before experienced npon the receipt of your letters. But I found, on its perusal, a striking instance of that vicis- situde of human affairs and friendships, which you so justly describe. I read it with astonish- ment, which, however, subsided in the reflec- tion that few men know themselves, and there- fore, that for more than twenty years I have been actiJig under a perfect delusion. Con- scious myself of entertaining for you a sincere, active, and invariable friendship, I easily be- lieved it was reciprocal. Nay more, I flattei-ed myself with your esteem and respect in a mili- tary point of view. But I find that others, greatly my juniors in rank, have been, upon a scale of comparison, preferred before me. Of this, perhaps, the world may also concur with you that I have no just reason to complain. But every intelligent and just principle of soci- ety required, either that I should have been previously consulted in an arrangement, in which my feelings and happiness have been so much wounded, or that I should not have been dragged forth to public view at all, to make the comparison so conspicuously odious." After continuing in an expostulatory vein, followed by his own views of the probable course of invasion, he adds, toward the close of his letter, — " I have received no other noti- fication of an appointment than what the news- papers announce. "When it shall please the Secretary of "War to give me the information, I shall endeavor to make him a suitable answer. At present, I do not perceive how it can pos- sibly be to any other purport, than in the nega- tive." In conclusion, he writes : "In whatever situ- ation I shall be, I shall always remember with pleasure and gratitude, the friendship and con- fidence with which you have heretofore honor- ed me. " I am, with the highest attachment, &c." "Washington was pained in the extreme at the view taken by CTcneral Knox of the ar- rangement, and at the wound which it had evidently given to his feelings and his pride. In a letter to the President (25th Sept.), he writes : " "With respect to General Knox, I can say with truth there is no man in the United States with whom I have been in habits of greater intimacy, no one whom I have loved more sincerely, nor any for whom I have had a greater friendship. But esteem, love, and friendship can have no influence on my mind. when I conceive that the subjugation of our government and independence are the objects aimed at by the enemies of our peace, and when possibly our all is at stake." In reply to Knox, "Washington, although he thought the reasons assigned in his previous letter ought to have been sufficiently explana- tory of his motives ; went into long details of the circumstances under which the military ap- pointments had been made, and the important considerations which dictated them ; and show- ing that it was impossible for him to consult Knox previously to the nomination of the gen- eral oflicers. " I do not know," writes he, " that these ex- planations will afford you any satisfaction or produce any change in your determination, but it was just to myself to make them. If there has been any management in the business, it has been concealed from me. I have had no agency therein, nor have I conceived a thought on the subject that has not been disclosed to you with the utmost sincerity and frankness of heart. And now, notwithstanding the insinua- tions, which are implied in your letter, of the vicissitudes of friendship and the inconstancy of mine, I will pronounce with decision, that it ever has been, and, notwithstanding the un- kindness of the charge, ever will be, for aught I know to the contrary, warm and sincere." The genial heart of Knox was somewhat soothed and mollified by the " welcome and much esteemed letter of "Washington, in which," said he, " I recognize fully all the substantial friendship and kindness which I have invaria- bly experienced from you," Still he was tena- cious of the point of precedence, and unwilhng to serve in a capacity which would compromise his pride. "If an invasion shall take place," writes he, "I shall deeply regret all circum- stances which would insuperably bar my hav- ing an active command in the field. But if such a measure should be my destiny, I ^hall fervently petition to serve as one of your aides- de-camp, which, with permission, I shall do with all the cordial devotion and affection of which my soul is capable." On the ISth of October "Washington learnt through the Gazettes of the safe arrival of Gen-*" eral Pinckney at New York, and was anxious lest there should be a second part of the diffi- culty created by General Knox. On the 21st he writes again to Knox, reiterating his wish to have him in the augmented corps a major- crcneral. 758 PINCKNEY ACCEPTS HIS APPOINTMENT— WASHINGTON'S KETKEAT INVADED. [1*798. " "We shall have either 720 war, or a severe contest with France ; in either case, if you will allow me to express my opinion, this is the most eligible time for you to come forward. In the first case, to assist with your coimsel and aid in making judicious provisions and ar- rangements to avert it ; in the other case, to share in the glory of defending your country, and, by making all secondary objects yield to that great and primary object, display a mind superior to embarrassing punctilios at so critical a moment as the present. " After having expressed these sentiments with the frankness of undisguised friendship, it is hardly necessary to add, that, if you should finally decline the appointment of Major-Gen- eral, there is none to whom I would give a more decided preference as an aide-de-camp, the oflfer of which is highly fiattering, honor- able, and grateful to my feelings, and for which I entertain a high sense. But, my dear General Knox, and here again I repeat to you, in the language of candor and friendship, examine well your own mind upon this subject. Do not unite yourself to the suite of a man, whom you may consider as the primary cause of what you call a degradation, with unpleasant sensations. This, while it is gnawing upon you, would, if I should come to the knowledge of it, make me unhappy ; as my first wish would be that my military family, and the whole army, should consider themselves a baud of brothers, willing and ready to die for each other." Before Knox could have received this letter, he had on the 23d of October, written to the Secretary of War, declining to serve under Hamilton and Piuckney, on the principle that " no oflicer can consent to his own degradation by serving in an inferior station." General Piuckney, on the contrary, cheerfully accepted his appointment, although placed under Hamil- ton, who had been of inferior rank to him in the last war. It was with the greatest pleas- ure he had seen that oflicer's name at the head of the list of major-generals, and applauded the discernment which had placed him there. He regretted that General Knox had declined his appointment, and that his feelings should be hurt by being outranked. " If the authority," adds he, " which appointed me to the rank of second major in the army, will review the ar- rangement, and place General Knox before me, I will neither quit the service nor be dissat- isfied." * Letter to the Secretary of War. CHAPTER XXXIII. Eaelt in November (1798) Washington left his retirement and repaired to Philadelphia, at the earnest request of the Secretary of War, to meet that public functionary and Major-Gener- als Hamilton and Piuckney, and make arrange- ments respecting the forces about to be raised. The Secretary had prepared a serieS of ques- tions for their consideration, and others were suggested by Washington, all bearing upon the organization of the provisional army. Upon these Washington and the two Major-Generals were closely engaged for nearly five weeks, at great inconvenience and in a most inclement sea- son. The result of their deliberations was reduc- ed to form, and communicated to the Secretary in two letters drafted by Hamilton, and signed by the Commander-in-chief. Not the least irk- some of Washington's task, in his present posi- tion, was to wade through volumes of applica- tions and recommendations for military appoint- ments ; a task which he performed with ex- treme assiduity, anxious to avoid the influence of favor or prejudice, and sensitively alive to the evil of improper selections. As it was a part of the plan on which he had accepted the command of the army to decline the occupations of the oflice until circumstances should require his presence in the field ; and as the season and weather rendered him impatient to leave Philadelphia, he gave the Secretary of War his views and plans for the charge and direction of military affairs, and then set out once more for Mount Vernon. The cares and concerns of ofiice, however, followed him to his retreat. " It is not the time nor the atten- tion only," writes he, " which the public duties I am engaged iu require, but their bringing upon me applicants, recommenders of applicants, and seekers of information, none of whom, per- haps, ai'e my acquaintances, with their servants and horses to aid in the consumption of my for- age, and what to me is more valuable, my time, that I most regard ; for a man in the country, nine miles from any house of entertainment, is differently situated from one iu a city, where none of these inconveniences are felt." In a letter, recently received from Lafayette, the latter spoke feelingly of the pleasure he experienced in conversing incessantly with his son George about Mount Vernon, its dear and venerated inhabitants, of the tender obligation, so profoundly felt, which he and his son had ^T. 67.] CORRESPONDENCE WITH LAFAYETTE-A MARRIAGE AT MOUNT VERNON. 759 contracted towards him who had become a fa- ther to both. In the conclusion of his letter, Lafayette writes that, from the information he had re- ceived, he was fully persuaded that the French Directory desired to be at peace with the Uni- ted States. " The aristocratical party," adds he, " whose hatred of America dates from the commencement of the European revolution, and the English government, which, since the Declaration of Independence, have forgotten and forgiven nothing, will rejoice, I know, at the prospect of a rupture between two nations heretofore united in the cause of liberty, and will endeavor, by all the means in their power, to precipitate us into a war. * * h: * g^^^ you are there, my dear General, independent of all parties, venerated by all, and if, as I hope, your information lead you to judge favorably of the disposition of the French government, your influence ought to prevent the breach from widening, and should insure a noble and durable reconciliation." In his reply, Dec. 25th, "Washington says : " You have expressed a wish worthy of the benevolence of your heart, that I would exert all my endeavors to avert the calamitous effects of a rupture between our countries. Believe me, my dear friend, that no man can deprecate an event of this sort more than I should. * * You add, in another place, that the Executive Directory are disposed to an accommodation of all differences. If they are sincere in this de- claration, let them evidence it by actions ; for words, unaccompanied therewith, will not be much regarded now. I would pledge myself that the government and peoj^le of the United States will meet them heart and hand at a fair negotiation ; having no wish more ardent than to live in peace with all the world, provided they are suflfei-ed to remain undisturbed in their just rights." " Of the politics of Europe," adds he, in an- other part of his letter, " I shall express no opinion, nor make any inquiry who is right or who is wrong. I wish well to all nations and to all men. My politics are plain and simple. I think every nation has a right to establish that form of government under which it conceives it may live most happy ; provided it infringes no right, or is not dangerous to others ; and that no governments ought to interfere with the internal concerns of another, except for the security of what is due to themselves." Wasliington's national pride, however, had been deeply wounded by the indignities inflicted on his country by the French, and he doubted the propriety of entering into any fresh negoti- ations with them, unless overtures should be made on their part. As to any symptoms of an accommodation they might at present evince, he ascribed them to the military measures adopted by the United States, and thought those measures ought not to be relaxed. We have spoken in a preceding chapter of a love affair growing up at Mount Vernon be- tween Washington's nephew, Lawrence Lewis, and Miss Nelly Oustis, The parties had since become engaged, to the General's great satisfac- tion, and their nuptials were celebrated at Mount Vernon on his birthday, the 22d of Feb- ruary (1799). Lawrence had recently received the commission of Major of cavalry in the new army which was forming; and Washington made arrangements for settling the newly mar- ried couple near him on a part of the Mount Vernon lands, which he had designated in his will to be bequeathed to Miss Nelly. As the year opened, Washington continued to correspond with the Secretary of War and General Hamilton on the affairs of the provi- sional army. The recruiting business went on slowly, with interruptions, and there was delay in furnishing commissions to the officers who had been appointed. Washington, who was not in the secrets of the cabinet, was at a loss to account for this apparent torpor. " If the augmented force," writes he to Hamilton, " was not intended as an in terrorem measure, the delay in recruiting it is unaccountable, and baffles all conjecture on reasonable grounds." The fact was, that the military measures taken in America had really produced an effect on French policy. Efforts had been made by M. Talleyrand, through unofficial persons, to induce an amicable overture on the part of the United States. At length that wily minister had written to the French Secretary of Legation at the Hague, M. Pichon, intimating tliat what- ever plenipotentiary the United States might send to France to put an end to the existing differences between the two countries, would be undoubtedly received with the respect due to the representative of a free, independent, and powerful nation. M. Pichon communicated a copy of this letter to Mr. William Vans Mur- ray, the American minister in Holland, who forthwith transmitted it to his government. Mr. Adams caught at the chance for an extrica- tion from his belligerent difficulties, and laid (60 NEW MISSION TO FRANCE— SOLICITUDE FOE, THE ARMY. [1799. this letter before the Senate on the 18th of February, at the same time nominating Mr. Murray to be minister plenipotentiary to the French Eepublic. Washington expressed his extreme surprise when the news of this unexpected event reached him, " But far, very far indeed," writes he, " was that surprise short of what I experienced the next day, when, by a very in- telligent gentleman immediately from Philadel- phia, I was informed that there had been no direct overture from the government of France to that of the United States for a negotiation ; on the contrary, that M. Talleyrand was play- ing the same loose and roundabout game he had attempted the year before with our envoys ; and which, as in that case, might mean any thing or nothing, as Avould subserve his pur- poses best." Before the Senate decided on the nomination of Mr. Murray, two other persons were associ- ated with him in the mission, namely, Oliver Ellsworth and Patrick Henry. The three en- voys being confirmed, Mr. Murray was instruct- ed by letter to inform the French Minister of foreign affairs of the. fact, but to apprise him that his associate envoys would not embark for Europe until the Directory had given assurance, through their Minister for Foreign Affairs, that those envoys would be received in proper form and treated with on terms of equality. Mr. Murray was directed at the same time to have no further informal communications with any French agent. Mr. Henry declined to accept his appoint- ment on account of ill health, and Mr. William Ricliardson Davie was ultimately substituted for him. Throughout succeeding months, Washington continued to superintend /rom a distance the concerns of the army, as his ample and minute correspondence manifests ; and he was at the same time earnestly endeavoring to bring the affairs of his rural domain into order. A six- teen years' absence from home, with short in- tervals, had, he said, deranged them consider- ably, so that it required all the time he could spare from the usual avocations of life to bring tjiem into time again. It was a period of in- cessant activity and toil, therefore, both mental and bodily. He was for hours in his study oc- cupied with his pen, and for hours on horse- back, riding the rounds of his extensive estate, visiting the various farms, and superintending and directing the works in operation. All this he did with unfailing vigor, though now in his sixty-seventh year. Occasional reports of the sanguinary conflict that was going on in Europe would reach him in the quiet groves of Mount Yernon, and awaken his solicitude. " A more destructive sword," said he, " was never drawn, at least in modern times, than this war has produced. It is time to sheathe it and give peace to man- kind." * Amid this strife and turmoil of the nations, he felt redoubled anxiety about the success of the mission to France. The great successes of the allies combined against that power ; the changes in the Directory, and the rapidity with which every thing seemed verging towards a restoration of the monarchy, induced some members of the cabinet to advise a suspension of the mission ; but Mr. Adams was not to be convinced or persuaded. Having furnished the commissioners with their instructions, he gave his final order for their departure, and they sailed in a frigate from Rhode Island on the 3d of November. A private letter written by Washington shortly afterwards to the Secretary of War, bespeaks his apprehensions : " I have for some time past viewed the political concerns of the United States with an anxious and painful eye. They appear to me to be moving by ha.sty strides to a crisis ; but in what it will result, that Being, who sees, foresees, and directs all things, alone can tell. The vessel is afloat, or very nearly so, and considering myself as a passenger only, I shall trust to the mariners (whose duty it is to watch) to steer it into a safe port." His latest concern about the army was to give instructions for hutting the troops accord- ing to an idea originally suggested by Hamil- ton, and adopted in the revolutionary war. " Although I had determined to take no charge of any military operations," writes he, " unless the troops should be called into the field, yet, under the present circumstances, and consider- ing that the advanced season of the year will admit of no delay in providing winter quarters for the troops, I have willingly given my aid in that business, and shall never decline any assistance in my power, when necessary, to pro- mote the good of the service." t * Letter to William Vans Murray, t Washington's Writings, si. 463. ^T. 67.] PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF HIS ESTATE— LETTER TO HAMILTON. 761 CHAPTER XXXIV. WiXTKK had now set in, with occasional wind and rain and frost, yet Washington still kept up his active round of in-door and out-door avocations, as his diary records. He was in full health and vigor, dined out occasionally, and had frequent guests at Mount Vernon, and, as usual, was part of every day in the saddle, going the rounds of his estates, and, in his mil- itary phraseology, " visiting the outposts." He had recently walked with his favorite nephew about the grounds, showing the im- provements he intended to make, and had especially pointed out the spot where he pur- posed building a new family vault ; the old one being damaged by the roots of trees which had overgrown it and caused it to leak. " This change," said he, " I shall make the first of all, for I may require it before the rest," " "When I parted from him," adds the nephew, " he stood on the steps of the front door, where he took leave of myself and another. * * * It was a bright frosty morning ; he had taken his usual ride, and the clear healthy flush on his cheek, and his sprightly manner, brought the remark from both of us that we had never seen the General look so well. I have some- times thought him decidedly the handsomest man I ever saw ; and when in a lively mood, so full of pleasantry, so agreeable to all with whom he associated, that I could hardly real- ize he was the same "Washington whose dig- nity awed all who approached him." * For some time past Washington had been occupied in digesting a complete system on which his estate was to be managed for several succeeding years ; specifying the cultivation of the several farms, with tables designating the rotations of the crops. It occupied thirty folio pages, and was executed with that clearness and method which characterized all his busi- ness papers. This was finished on the 10th of December, and was accompanied by a letter of that date to his manager or steward. It is a valuable document, showing the soundness and vigor of his intellect at this advanced stage of his existence, and the love of order that reigned throughout his affairs. " My greatest anxiety," said he on a previous occasion, " is to have all these concerns in sucli a clear and distinct form, that no reproach may attach it- * Paulding's Life of Washingtoiij vol. ii., p. 196. self to me when I have taken my departure for the land of spirits." * It was evident, however, that full of health and vigor, he looked forward to his long-cher- ished hope, the enjoyment of a serene old age in this home of his heart. According to his diary, the morning on which these voluminous instructions to his steward were dated was clear and calm, but the afternoon was lowering. The next day (llth) he notes that there was wind and rain, and " at night a large circle round the moon.'''' The morning of the 12th was overcast. That morning he wrote a letter to Hamilton, heartily approving of a plan for a military academy, which the latter had submitted to the Secre- tary of War. " The establishment of an insti-. tution of this kind upon a respectable and ex- tensive basis," observes he, "has ever been considered by me an object of primary import- ance to this country ; and while I was in the chair of government I omitted no proper op- portunity of recommending it in my public speeches and otherwise, to the attention of the legislature. But I never undertook to go into a detail of the organization of such an academy, leaving this task to others, whose pursuit in the path of science and attention to the ar- rangement of such institutions, had better quali- fied them for the execution of it. * * * * I sincerely hope that the subject will meet with due attention, and that the reasons for its establishment which you have clearly pointed out in your letter to the secretary, will pre- vail upon the legislature to place it upon a permanent and respectable footing." He closes his letter with an assurance of " very great esteem and regard," the last words he was ever to address to Hamilton. About ten o'clock he mounted his horse, and rode out as usual to make the rounds of the estate. Tlie ominous ring round the moon, which he had observed on the preceding night, proved a fatal portent. " About one o'clock," he notes, " it began to snow, soon after to hail, and then turned to a settled cold rain." Having on an overcoat, he continued his ride without regard- ing the weather, and did not return to the house until after three. His secretary approached him with letters to be franked, that they might be taken to the post-office in the evening. Washington franked the letters, but observed that the weather was * Letter to James McHenry. "Writings, xi. 407. 762 WASHINGTON'S LAST HOURS— HIS FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. [1799. too bad to send a servant out witla them, Mr. Lear perceived that snow was hanging from his hair, and expressed fears that he had got wet ; but he rephed, " No, his great-coat had kept him dry." As dinner had been waiting for him he sat down to table without changing his dress. " In the evening," writes his secretary, " he appeared as well as usual." On the following morning the snow was three inches deep and still falling, which pre- vented him from taking his usual ride. He complained of a sore throat, and had evidently taken cold the day before. In the afternoon the weather cleared up, and he went out on the grounds between the house and the river, to mark some trees which were to be cut down. A hoarseness which had hung about him through the day grew worse towards night, but he made light of it. He was very cheerful in the evening, as he sat in the parlor with Mrs. Washington and Mr. Lear, amusing himself with the papers which had been brought from the post-office. When he met with any thing interesting or enter- taining, he would read it aloud as well as his hoarseness would permit, or he listened and made occasional comments while Mr. Lear read the debates of the Virginia Assembly. On retiring to bed, Mr. Lear suggested that he should take something to relieve the cold. "No," replied he, "you know I never take any thing for a cold. Let it go as it came." In the night he was taken extremely ill with ague and difficulty of breathing. Between two and three o'clock in the morning he awoke Mrs. Washington, who would have risen to call a servant ; but he would not permit her, lest she should take cold. At daybreak, when the servant woman entered to make a fire, she was sent to caU Mr. Lear. He found the general breathing with difficulty, and hardly able to utter a word intelligibly. Washington desired that Dr. Craik, M'ho lived in Alexandria, should be sent for, and that in the mean time Rawlins, one of the overseers, should be summoned, to bleed him before the doctor could arrive. A gargle was prepared for his throat, but whenever he attempted to swallow any of it, he was convulsed and almost suffocated. Eaw- lins made his appearance soon after sunrise, but when the general's arm was ready for the operation, became agitated. " Don't be afraid," said the general, as well as he could speak. Eawlins made an incision. " The orifice is not large enough," said Washington. The blood. however, ran pretty freely, and Mrs, Wash- ington, uncertain whether the treatment was proper, and fearful that too much blood might be taken, begged Mr. Lear to stop it. When he was about to untie the string, the general put up his hand to prevent him, and as soon as he could speak, murmured, " more — more ; " but Mrs. Washington's doubts prevailed, and the bleeding was stopped, after about half a pint of blood had been taken. . External ap- plications were now made to the throat, and his feet were bathed in warm water, but with- out aflfording any relief. His old friend. Dr. Craik, arrived between eight and nine, and two other physicians, Drs. Dick and Brown, were called in. Various remedies were tried, and additional bleeding, but all of no avail. " About half-past four o'clock," writes Mr. Lear, " he desired me to call Mrs. Washington to his bedside, when he requested her to go down into his room and take from his desk two wills, which she would find there, and bring them to him, which she did. Upon look- ing at them, he gave her one, which he ob- served was useless, as being superseded by the other, and desired her to burn it, which slie did, and took the other and put it into her closet. " After this was done, I returned to his bed- side and took his hand. He said to me : ' I find I am going, my breath cannot last long. I believed from the first, that the disorder would prove fatal. Do you arrange and record all my late military letters and papers. Arrange my accounts and settle my books, as you know more about them than any one else ; and let Mr. Eawlins finish recording my other letters which he has begun.' I told him this should be done. He then asked if I recollected any thing which it was essential for him to do, as he had but a very short time to continue with us. I told him that I could recollect nothing ; but that I hoped he was not so near his end. He observed, smiling, that he certainly was, and that, as it was the debt which we must all pay, he looked to the event with perfect resignation." In the course of the afternoon he appeared to be in great pain and distress from the diffi- culty of breathing, and frequently changed his posture in the bed. Mr. Lear endeavored to raise him and turn him with as much ease as possible. " I am afraid I fatigue you too much," the general would say. Upon being assured to the contrary, " Well," observed he ^T. 67.] DEATH OF WASHINGTON— THE FUNERAL. 7G3 gratefully, " it is a debt we must pay to each other, and I hope when you want aid of this kind you will find it." His servant, Christopher, had been in the room during the day, and almost the whole time on his feet. The general noticed it in the afternoon, and kindly told him to sit down. About five o'clock hie old friend. Dr. Craik, came again into the room, and approached the bedside. "Doctor," said the general, "I die hard, but I am not afraid to go. I beheved, from my first attack, that I should not survive it— my breath cannot last long." The doctor pressed his hand in silence, retired from the bedside, and sat by the fire absorbed in grief. Between five and six the other physicians came in, and he was assisted to sit up in his bed. " I feel I am going," said he ; " I thank you for your attentions, but I pray you to take no more trouble about me ; let me go off quietly ; I ♦ cannot last long," He lay down again; all retired excepting Dr. Craik. The general con- tinued uneasy and restless, but without com- plaining, frequently asking what hour it was. Further remedies were tried without avail in the evening. He took whatever was ofi'ered to him, did as he was desired by the physicians, and never uttered sigh or complaint. " About ten o'clock," writes Mr. Lear, " he made several attempts to speak to me before he could effect it. At length he said, ' I am just going. Have me decently buried, and do not let my body be put into the vault in less than three days after I am dead.' I bowed assent, for I could not speak. He then looked at me again, and said, ' Do you understand me ? ' I replied, ' Yes.' ' 'Tis well,' said he. " About ten minutes before he expired (which was between ten and eleven o'clock) his breath- ing became easier. He lay quietly ; he with- drew his hand from mine and felt his own pulse. I saw his countenance change. I spoke to Dr. Craik, who sat by the fire. He came to the bedside. The general's hand fell from his wrist. I took it in mine and pressed it to my bosom. Dr. Craik put his hands over his eyes, and he expired without a struggle or a sigh. " "While we were fixed in silent grief, Mrs. "Washington, who was seated at the foot of the bed, asked with a firm and collected voice, ' Is he gone ? ' I could not speak, but held up my hand as a signal that he was no more. ' 'Tis well,' said she in the same voice. ' All is now over ; I shall soon follow him ; I have no more trials to pass through,' " "We add from Mr. Lear's account a few par- ticulars concerning the funeral. The old family vault on the estate had been opened, the rub- bish cleared away, and a door made to close the entrance, which before had been closed with brick. The funeral took place on the 18th of December. About eleven o'clock tbe people of the neighborhood began to assemble. The corporation of Alexandria, with the militia and Free Masons of the place, and eleven pieces of cannon, "arrived at a later hour. A schooner was stationed off Mount Vernon to fire minute guns.. About three o'clock the procession began to move, passing out through the gate at the left wing of the house, proceeding round in front of the lawn and down to the vault, on the right wing of the house ; minute guns being fired at the time. The troops, horse and foot, formed the escort ; then came four of the clergy. Then the general's horse, with his saddle, holsters, and pistols, led by two grooms in black. The body was borne by the Free Masons and ofli- cers ; several members of the family and old friends, among the number Dr. Craik, and some of the Fairfaxes, followed as chief mourners. The corporation of Alexandria and numerous private persons closed the procession. The Eev. Mr, Davis read the funeral service at the vault, and pronounced a short address ; after which the Masons performed their ceremonies, and the body was deposited in the vault. Such were the obsequies of "Washington, sim- ple and modest, according to his own wishes ; all confined to the grounds of Mount "Vernon, which, after forming the poetical dream of his life, had now become his final resting-place. On opening the will which he had handed to Mrs. "Washington shortly before his death, it was found to have been carefully drawn up by himself in the preceding July ; and by an act in conformity with his whole career, one of its first provisions directed the emancipation of his slaves on the decease of his wife. It had long been his earnest wish that the slaves held by him in Ms own right should receive their free-- dom during his life, but he had found that it would be attended with insuperable difiiculties on account of their intermixture by marriage with the " dower negroes," whom it was not in his power to manumit under the tenure by which they were held. "With provident benignity he also made pro- vision in his will, for such as were to receive their freedom under this devise, but who, from 764 PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS ON WASHINGTON'S DEATH— CONCLUSION. [1799. age, bodily infirmities, or infancy, might be un- able to support themselves, and he expressly forbade, under any pretence whatsoever, the sale or transportation out of Virginia, of any slave of whom he might die possessed. Though born and educated a slaveholder, this was all in consonance with feelings, sentiments, and principles which he had long entertained. In a letter to Mr. John F. Mercer, in Septem- ber, 1786, he writes ; " I never mean, unless some particular circumstances should compel me to it, to possess another slave by purchase, it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be abolished by law." And eleven years after- wards, in August, 1797, he writes to his nephew, Lawrence Lewis, in a letter which we have had in our hands, " I wish from my soul that the legislature of this State, could see the policy of a gradual abolition of slavery. It might pre- vent much future mischief." A deep sorrow spread over the nation on hearing that "Washington was no more. Con- gress, which was in session, immediately ad- journed for the day. The next morning it was resolved that the Speaker's chair be shrouded with black : that the members and officers of the House wear black during the session, and that a joint committee of both Houses be ap- pointed to consider on the most suitable man- ner of doing honor to the memory of the man, " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citizens." Public testimonials of grief and reverence were displayed in every part of the Union. Nor were these sentiments confined to the United States. When the news of Washing- ton's death reached England, Lord Bridport, who had command of a British fleet of nearly sixty sail of the line, lying at Torbay, lowered his flag half-mast, every ship following the example ; and Bonaparte, First Consul of France, on announcing his death to the army, ordered that black crape should be suspended from all the standards and flags, throughout the public service, for ten days. In the preceding volumes of our work, we have traced the career of Washington from early boyhood to his elevation to the presiden- tial chair. It was an elevation he had neither sought nor wished ; for when the independence of his country was achieved, the modest and cherished desire of his heart had been " to live and die a private citizen on his own farm ; " * and he had shaped out for himself an ideal elysium in his beloved shades of Mount Vernon. But power sought him in his retirement. The weight and influence of his name and character were deemed all essential to complete his work ; to set the new government in motion, and con- duct it through its first^erils and trials. With unfeigned reluctance he complied with the im- perative claims of his country, and accepted the power thus urged upon him : advancing to its exercise with diffidence, and aiming to sur- round himself with men of the highest talent and information whom he might consult in emergency ; but firm and strong in the resolve in all things to act as his conscience told him was " right as it respected his God, his coun- try, and himself." For he knew no divided fidelity, no separate obligation ; his most sacred duty to himself was his highest duty to his country and his God. ♦ In treating of his civil administration in this closing volume, we have endeavored to show- how truly he adhered to this resolve, and with what inflexible integrity and scrupulous regard to the public weal he discharged his functions. In executing our task, we have not indulged in discussions of temporary questions of contro- verted policy which agitated the incipient establishment of our government, but have given his words and actions as connected with those questions, and as illustrative of his char- acter. In this volume, as in those which treat of his military career, we have avoided rheto- rical amplification and embellishments, and all gratuitous assumptions, and have sought, by simple and truthful details, to give his charac- ter an opportunity of developing itself, and of manifesting those fixed principles ■ and that noble consistency which reigned alike through- out his civil and his military career. The character of Washington may want some of those poetical elements which dazzle and delight the multitude, but it possessed fewer inequalities, and a rarer union of virtues than perhaps ever fell to the lot of one man. Pru- dence, firmness, sagacity, moderation, an over- ruling judgment, an immovable justice, courage that never faltered, patience that n^ver wearied, truth that disdained all artifice, magnanimity without alloy. It seems as if Providence had endowed him in a preeminent degree with the qualities requisite to fit him for the high destiny * Writings, ix., p. 412. Mt. 67.] CONCLUSION. 705 he was called upon to fulfil — to conduct a momentous revolution which was to form an era in the history of the world, and to inaugu- rate a new and untried government, which, to use his own words, was to lay the foundation " for the enjoyment of much purer civil liberty, and greater public happiness, than have hither- to been the portion of mankind." The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history ; shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant gloiy, "With us his memory remains a national property, where all sympathies throughout our widely-extended and diversified empire meet in unison. Under aU dissensions and amid all the storms of party, his precepts and example speak to us from the grave with a paternal appeal ; and his name — by all revered — forms a universal tie of broth- erhood—a watchword of our Union. " It will be the duty of the historian and the sage of all nations," wi'ites an eminent British statesman, (Lord Brougham,) " to let no occa- sion pass of commemorating this illustrious man ; and until time shall be no more, will a test of the progress which our race has made in wisdom and virtue, be derived from the veneration paid to the immortal name of Wash'- ington." APPENDIX. I. PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON. [The following notices of the various representations of "Washiugton, -which have been prepared by the publisher for the illustrated edition of this work, are kindly furnished by Mr. n. T. Tuckekman, from a volume which he has now in press.] The earliest portraits of TVashington are more in- teresting, perhaps, as memorials than as works of art ; and we can easily imagine that associations endeared them to his old comrades. The dress (blue coat, scar- let facings, and underclothes) of the first portrait, by Peale, and the youthful face, make it suggestive of the first experience of the future commander, when, ex- changing the surveyor's implements for the colonel's commission, he bivouacked in the wilderness of Ohio, the leader of a motley band of hunters, provincials, and savages, to confront wily Frenchmen, cut forest roads, and encounter all the perils of Indian ambush, inclem- ent skies, undisciplined followei's, famine, and wood- land skirmish. It recalls his calm authority and prov- idential escape amid the dismay of Braddock's defeat, and his pleasant sensation at the first whistling of bul- lets in the weary march to Fort Necessity. To Charles Wilson Peale, we owe this precious relic of the chief- tain's youth. His own career partook of the vicissi- tudes and was impressed with the spirit of the revolu- tionary era ; a, captain of volunteers at the battles of Trenton and Germantown, and a State representative of Pennsylvania, a favorite pupil of West, an ingenious mechanician, and a warrior, he always cherished the instinct and the faculty for art ; and even amid the bustle and duties of the camp, never failed to seize auspicious intervals of leisure, to depict his brother oflBcers. This portrait was executed in 1772, and is now at Arlington House. The resolution of Congress by which a portrait by this artist was ordered, was passed before the occupa- tion of Philadelphia. Its progress marks the vicissi- tudes of the revolutionary struggle ; commenced in the gloomy winter and half-famished encampment at Valley Forge, in 1778, the battles of Trenton, Prince- ton, and Monmouth intervened before its completion. At the last place Washington suggested that the view from the window of the farm-house opposite to which he was sitting, would form a desirable back-ground. Peale adopted the idea, and represented Monmouth Court House and a party of Hessians under guard, marching out of it.* The picture was finished at Princeton, and Nassau Hall is a prominent object in the background ; but Congress adjourned without making an appropriation, and it remained in the art- ist's hands. Lafayette desired a copy for the King of France; and Peale executed one in 1779, which was sent to Paris ; but the misfortunes of the royal family occasioned its sale, and it became the property of the Count de Menou, who brought it again to this country, and presented it to the National Institute,' where it is now preserved. Chapman made two copies at a thou- sand dollars each ; and Dr. Craik, one of the earliest and warmest personal friends of Washington, their commissions as officers in the French War having been signed on the same day (1754), declared it a most faithful likeness of him as he appeared in the prime of his life.t There is a tradition in the Peale family, honorably represented through several generations, by public spirit and artistic gifts, that intelligence of one of the most important triumphs of the American arms was received by Washington in a despatch he opened while sitting to Wilson Peale for a miniature intended for his wife, who was also present. The scene occurred one fine summer afternoon ; and there is something attractive to the fancy in the association of this group quietly occupied in one of the most beautiful of the arts of peace, and in a commemorative act destined to * MS. Letter of Titian R. Peale to George Livermore, Esq. t PniLADELpniA, Feb. 4.— His Excellency General Washington set ofi" from this city to join the army in New Jersey. "During the coureie of his short stay, the only re- lief he has enjoyed from service since he first entered it, ho has been honored witli every mark of esteem, &c. The Council of this State being desirous of having his picture in full length, requested his sitting for that pui-pose, which he politelv complied with, and a striking likeness was taken by 'Mr. Peale, of this city. The portrait is to be placed in the council chamber. Don Juan Marrailes,_the Minister of France, has ordered five copies, four of which, we hear, are to be sent abroad. — Penn. Packet, Feb. 11, 1779. Peale's first portrait was executed for Col. Alexan- der ; his last is now in the Bryan Gallery, New York. He painted one in 1770 for John Hancock, and besides that for New Jersey, others for Pennsylvania and Maryland. APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. 767 gratify conjugal love and a nation's pride, with the progress of a war and the announcement of a victory fraught with that nation's liberty and that leader's eternal renown. The characteristic traits of Pealc's portraits of Washington now at the National Institute and Arling- ton House, and the era of our history and of "Washing- ton's life they embalm, make them doubly valuable in a series of pictorial illustrations, each of which, inde- pendent of the degree of professional skill exhibited, is essential to our Washingtonian gallery. Before Trumbull and Stuart had caught from the living man his aspect in maturity and age— the form knit to ath- letic proportions by self-denial and activity, and clad in the garb of rank and war, and the countenance open with truth and grave with thought, yet rounded with the contour and ruddy with the glow of early man- hood — was thus genially delineated by the hand of a comrade, and in the infancy of native art. Of the four- teen portraits by Peale, that exhibiting Washington as a Virginia colonel in the colonial force of Great Brit- ain, is the only entire portrait before the revolution extant.* One was painted for the college of New Jer- sey, at Princeton, in 1780, to occupy a frame in which a portrait of George the Third had been destroyed by a cannon ball during the battle at that place on the Sd of January, 1777. It still remains in the possession of the College, and was saved fortunately from the fire which a few years ago consumed Nassau Hall. Peale's last portrait of Washington, executed in 1783, he re- tained until his death, and two years since it was sold with the rest of the collection known as the " Peale Gallery," at Philadelphia. There is a pencil sketch also by this artist, framed with the wood of the tree in front of the famous Chew's house, around which cen- tred the battle of Germantown.t A few octogenarians in the city of brotherly love used to speak, not many years since, of a diminutive family, the head of which manifested the sensitive temperament, if not the highest capabilities of artistic genius. This was Robert Enop Pine. He brought to America the earliest cast of the Venus de Medici, which was privately exhibited to the select few — the manners and morals of the Quaker city forbidding its exposure to the common eye. He was considered a superior colorist, and was favorably introduced into society in Philadelphia by his acknowledged sympathy for the American cause, and by a grand project such as was afterwards partially realized by Trumbull ; that of a series of historical paintings, illustrative of the American Revolution, to embrace original portraits of the leaders, both civil and military, in that achieve- ment, including the statesmen who were chiefly instru- mental in framing the Constitution and organizing the Government. He brought a letter of introduction to the father of the late Judge Hopkinson, whose portrait he executed, and its vivid tints and correct resem- * A miniature, said to have Iseen painted in 1757, at the age of 25, has been engraved for Irving's W.ashinyton. t"The Editor of "the Cincinnari Enquirer v.-da l.itely shown a pencil sketch of General Washington, taken from life bv Charles Wilson Peale, in the year 1777. It was framed from a part of the elm-tree then standing in front of Chew's house, on the Germantown battle-ground, and the frame was made by a sou of Dr. Craley, of Revolution- ary fame." blance still attest to his descendants the ability of the painter. He left behind him in London, creditable p~ortraits of George the Second, Garrick, and the Duke of Northumberland. In the intervals of his business as a teacher of drawing and a votary of portraiture in general, he collected, from time to time, a large num- ber of " distinguished heads," although, as in the case of Ceracchi, the epoch and country were unfavorable to his ambitious project ; of these portraits the heads of General Gates, Charles Carroll, Baron Steuben, and Washington, are the best known and most highly prized. Pine remained three weeks at Mount Vernon, and his portrait bequeathes some features with great accuracy ; artists find in it certain merits not discov- erable in those of a later date ; it has the permanent interest of a representation from life, by a painter of established reputation ; yet its tone is cold and its ef- fect unimpressive, beside the more bold and glowing pencil of Stuart. It has repose and dignity. In his letter to Washington, asking his co-operation in the design he meditated. Pine says, "I have been some time at Annapolis, painting the portraits of patriots, legislators, heroes, and beauties, in order to adorn my large picture ; " and .he seems to have commenced his enterprise with sanguine hopes of one day accomplish- ing his object, which, however, it was reserved for a native artist eventually to complete. That his appeal to Washington was not neglected, however, is evident from an encouraging allusion to Pine and his scheme, in the correspondence of the former. " Mr. Pine," he says, " has met a favorable reception in this country, and may, I conceive, command as much business as he pleases. He is now preparing materials for liistor- ical representations of the most important events of the war."* Pine's picture is in the possession of the Hopkinson family at Philadelphia. The fac-simile of Washington's letter proves that it was taken in 1785. A large copy was purchased at Montreal, in 1817, by the late Henry Brevoort, of New York, and is now in the possession of his son, J. Carson Brevoort, at Bed- ford, L. I.t The profile likeness of Washington by Sa.\RPLESs, is a valuable item of the legacy which Art has be- queathed of those noble and benign features ; he evi- dently bestowed upon it his greatest skill, and there is no more correct facial outline of the immortal sub- ject in existence ; a disciple of Lavater would probably find it the most available side-view for physiognomical inference ; it is remarkably adapted to the burin, and has been once, at least, adequately engraved ; it also has the melancholy attraction of being the last portrait of Washington taken from life. One of Canova's fellow-workmen, in the first years of his artistic life, was a melancholy enthusiast, whose thirst for the ideal was deepened by a morbid tenacity of purpose and sensitiveness of heart; — a form of character peculiar to Italy; in its voluptuous phase illustrated by Petrarch, in its stoical by Alfieri, and in its combination of patriotic and tender sentiments by Foscolo's "Letters of Jacopo Ortis." The political confusion that reigned in Europe for a time, seriously * Sparks' Writings of Washington. t This portrait is now in the engraver's hands for the illustrated edition of this work. 768 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. interfered with tlie pursuit of art ; and tliis was doubt- less a great motive with Guiseppe Ceracchi for visit- ing America ; but not less inciting was the triumph of freedom, of which that land had recently become the scene — a triumph that so enlisted the sympathies and fired the imagination of the republican sculptor, that he designed a grand national monument, com- memorative of American Independence, and sought the patronage of the newly organized government in its behalf. Washington, individually, favored his de- sign, and the model of the proposed work received the warm approval of competent judges ; but taste for art, especially for grand monumental statuary, was quite undeveloped on this side of the Atlantic, and the re- cipient of Papal orders found little encouragement in a young republic, too busy in laying the foundation of her civil polity, to give much thought to any memori- als of her nascent glory. It was, however, but a ques- tion of time. His purpose is even now in the process of achievement. Washington's native State volunta- rily undertook the enterprise for which the general government, in its youth, was inadequate ; and it was auspiciously reserved for a native artist, and a single member of the original confederacy, to embody, in a style worthy of more than Italian genius, the grand conception of a representa^ve monument, with Wash- ington in a colossal equeArian statue as the centre, and the Virginia patriots and orators of the Revolu- tion, grouped around his majestic figure. Ceracchi, however, in aid of his elaborate project, executed the only series of marble portraitures from life of the re- nowned founders of the national government ; his busts of Hamilton, Jay, Trumbull, and Governor George Clin- ton, were long the prominent ornaments of the Academy of Fine Arts, in New York ; the latter, especially, was remarkable, both in regard to its resemblance to the original, and as a work of art. His most important achievement, however, was a bust of Washington, generally considered the most perfect representation of the man and the hero combined, after Stuart's and Houdon's masterpieces. It is in the heroic style, with a fillet. The fate of this valuable efSgy was singular. It was purchased by the Spanish Ambassador, as a gift to the Prince of Peace, then at the height of his power at Madrid ; before the bust reached Spain, Godoy was exiled, and the minister recalled, who, on his ar- rival, transferred it, unpacked, to Richard Meade, Esq., of Philadelphia, in whose family it remained until two years ago, when, at the administrators' sale of that gentleman's fine collection of paintings, it was pur- chased by Governeur Kemble, and can now be seen at his hospitable mansion, on the banks of the Hudson. The zeal of Ceracchi in his cherished purpose, is indicated by the assurance he gave Dr. Hugh William- son — the historian of North Carolina, and author of the earliest work on the American climate, and one of the first advocates of the canal policy — when inviting him to sit for his bust — that he did not pay him the compliment in order to secure his vote for the national monument, but only to perpetuate the " features of the American Cato." With characteristic emphasis, the honest Doctor declined, on the ground that pos- terity would not care for his lineaments ; adding that, " if he were capable of being lured into the support of any scheme whatever, against his convictions of right, wood, and not stone, ought to be the material of his image."* Baffled, as Ceracchi ultimately was, in the realiza- tion of hopes inspired alike by his ambition as a sculp- tor and his love of republican institutions, he carried to Europe the proud distinction of having taken the initia- tive in giving an enduring shape to the revered and then unfamiliar features of Washington. He executed two busts, one colossal, a cast of which was long in the New York Academy of Fine Arts. Impoverished, the dar- ling scheme of his life frustrated in America, and his own patriotic hopes crushed by the victories of Bona- parte in Italy, and his rapid advances towards impe- rial sway, the enthusiastic artist brooded, with intense disappointment, over the contrast between the fresh and exuberant national life, of which he had partaken here, and the vassalage to which Europe was again reduced. Napoleon and Washington stood revealed, as it were, side by side — the selfish aggrandizement of the one, who trampled on humanity under the prestige of military fame, and the magnanimity of the other, content to be the immaculate agent of a free people, after sacrificing all for their welfare. Imbued with the principles and a witness of the self-control which consummated our revolutionary triumph, Ceracchi be- held, with an impatience that caution only restrained, the steady and unscrupulous encroachment of Bona- parte on all that is sacred in nationality and freedom. Somewhat of the deep indignation and the sacrificial will that nerved the hand of Charlotte Corday, some- what of the fanaticism that moved the student-assassin of Kotzebue, and, perhaps, a little of the vengeful ire of Ravaillac, at length kindled the Italian blood of the sculptor. He became one of the most determined se- cret conspirators against the now established usurper. The memoirs of the time speak of his " exaggerated notions," his disdain of life, of the profound gloom that often clouded his soul, of the tears he alternately shed of admiration at the brilliant exploits of the conqueror, and of grief at the wrongs inflicted on the beautiful land of his nativity. " This man," says one fair chronicler of those exciting times, " has a soul of fire." A plot, which is stigmatized as nefarious, and, accord- ing to rumor, was of the Fieschi stamp, aimed at the life of Bonaparte, when First Consul, was finally dis- covered, and Ceracchi became legally compromised as one of those pledged to its execution. He was tried, boldly acknowledged his murderous intention, and was condemned to death. Among his fellow-conspirators were two or three republican artists with whom he had become intimate at Rome ; they were arrested at the opera, and daggers found upon their persons : the plot is designated in the annals of the time as the Arena Conspiracy. Ceracchi was a Corsican by birth ; and, from an ardent admirer, thus became the deadly foe of his great countryman ; and the gifted artist, the enthusiastic republican, the vindictive patriot, and the sculptor of Washington — perished on the scafibld. His bust gives Washington a Roman look, but has been declared to exhibit more truly the expression of the mouth than any other work. Those of Hamilton * Dr. Hosaok's Essays. APPENDIX— WASHINGTON POKTRAITS. and Gorernor Clinton, bj this artist, are deemed by their respective families, as correct as portraits, as they are superior as pieces of statuary. And this is I presumptive evidence in favor of the belief that Ce- j racchi's attachment to the heroic style did not serious- i| ly interfere with the general truth of his portraiture. I The design of a sfatne was, therefore, only realized on the arrival of Hounoy. The history of this sculptor IS a striking contrast to that of Ceracchi. A native of I Versailles, he flourished at an epoch remarkably pro- lific of original characters in all departments of letters I and art. Many of these, especially his own country- i men, have been represented by Eis chisel. He enjoyed j a long and prosperous existence, having survived the taste he initiated, and the friends of his youth, but maintaining a most creditable reputation to his death, which occurred in his eighty-eighth year. He rose to distinction by a new style, which appears to have ex- hibited, according to the subject, a remarkable sim- , plicity on the one hand, and elaboration on the other. An over-estimate of the effect of details marred his more labored creations ; but he had a faculty of catch- ing the air, and a taste in generalizing the conception, both of a real and fiinciful subject, which manifested unusual genius. There was an individuality about his best works that won attention and established his fame. Of the ideal kind, two were the subjects of much critical remark, though for different reasons. One of them was intended to exhibit the effect of cold —an idea almost too melo-dramatic and physical for sculpture, but quite in character for a Frenchman, aiming, even in his severe and limited art, at theatri- cal effect. The other was a statue of Diana— the object of numerous Ion mots, first, because it was ordered by Catharine of Russia, who, it was generally thought, had no special affinity with the chaste goddess ; and, secondly, on account of the voluptuous character given it by the artist, which procured for his Diana th'ename of Venus. Houdon's bust of Voltaire gained him re- nown at once in this department of his pursuit, and is a memorable example of his success. How various the characters whose similitudes are perpetuated by his chisel— Gluck and Buffon, Rousseau and D'Alem- bert, Mirabeau and Washington ! Jefferson, in behalf of the State of Virginia, arranged with Houdon at Paris, to undertake the latter commission ; and he ac- companied Dr. Franklin to the United States. He re- mained at Mount Vernon long enough to execute a model of Washington's head, and familiarize himself with every detail of his features and the traits of his natural language ; but that implicit fidelity, now evi- dent in the busts of our own leading sculptors, was not then in vogue, and the artists of the day were rather adepts in idealizing than in precise imitation of nature ; therefore, the result of Houdon's labors, though, in general, satisfactory, cannot be used with the mathe- matical exactitude, as a guide, which greater attention to minutite would have secured. There is a sketch by Stuart indicating some minute errors in the outline of Houdon's bust. On leaving, he presented Washington with the bas-relief which used to hang over his chair in the library at Mount Vernon. He completed the statue after his return to Paris, and in the diary of Gouverneur Morris is an entry noting his attendance 769 at the artist's studio, to stand for the figure of his il- lustrious friend, whom, before he became corpulent, he is said to have resembled. He alludes to the cir- cumstance as " being the humble employment of a mannikin;" and adds, "this is literally takincr the advice of St. Paul, to be all things to all men." ° The original cast of the head of this statue is still at Mount Vernon, and the statue itself is the cherished ornament of the Capitol at Richmond, and has been declared, by one of Washington's biographers, to be " as perfect a resemblance, in face and figure, as the art admits;" while, on the other hand, a critic of large and studious observation, who was well acquainted with the appear- ance of the original, says that, as a likeness, the head IS inferior to Ceracchi's bust. The costume is authen- tic, that Washington wore as commander-in-chief; it has been assailed with the usual arguments— its want of classical effect, and its undignified style ; but less conservative reasoners applaud the truth of the dra- pery, and the work is endeared as af\iithful and unique representation of the man— the only one from life, be- queathed by the art of the sculptor. " Judge Mar- shall," says Dr. Sparks in a letter to us, "once told me that the head of Houdon's statue at Richmond, seen at a point somewhat removed towards the side, from the front, presented as perfect a resemblance of the living man as he could conceive possible in mar- ble." Rembrandt Peale, when quite young, became the companion of his father's artistic labors. In compli- ment to the latter, Washington sat for a likeness to the novice of eighteen, who says the honor agitated more than it inspired him, and he solicited his father's intercession and countenance on the memorable oc- casion. Of the precise value of his original sketch it is difficult to form an accurate opinion, but the mature result of his efforts to produce a portrait of Washing- ton has attained a high and permanent fame. He availed himself of the best remembered points, and always worked with Houdon's bust before him. This celebrated picture is the favorite portrait of a large number of amateurs. It is more dark and mellowed in tint, more elaborately worked up, and, in some respects, more effectively arranged, than any of its predecessors. Enclosed in an oval of well-imitated stone fretwork, vigorous in execution, rich in color, the brow, ej-es, and mouth, full of character — altogether it is a striking and impressive delineation. That it was thus originally regarded we may infer from the unanimous resolution of the U. S. Senate, in 1832, appropriating two thousand dollars for its pur- chase, and from the numerous copies of the original, in military costume, belonging to the artist, which have been and are still ordered. Rembrandt Peale is said to be the only living artist who ever saw Wash- ington. In the pamphlet which he issued to authen- ticate the work, we find the cordial testimony to its fidelity and other merits of Lawrence Lewis, the eldest nephew of Washington : of the late venerable John Vaughan, of Bishop White, Rufus King, Charles Carroll, Edward Livingston, General Smith, Dr. James Thatcher, and Judge Cranch. Chief Justice Marshall says of it : "It is more Washington himself than any portrait I have even seen ; " and Judge Peters explains 49 770 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. his approval by declaring, " I judge from its effect on my heart." ******* No artist enjoyed the opportwaities of Coloxel Trumbull as the portrayer of Washington. As aide- de-camp he was familiar with his appearance in the prime of his life and its most exciting era. At the commencement of the Revolutionary struggle, this officer was among the most active, and essentially pro- moted the secure retreat of the American forces, under General Sullivan, from Rhode Island ; he, therefore, largely partook of the spirit of those days, came freely under the influence of Washington's character as it pervaded the camp, and had ample time and occasion to observe the Commander-in-Chief in his military aspect, and in social intercourse, on horseback, in the field, and at tlie hospitable board, in the councils of war, when silently meditating his great work, when oppressed with anxiety, animated by hope, or under the influence of those quick and strong feelings he so early learned to subdue. After Trumbull's resignation, and when far away from the scene of Washington's glory, he painted his head from recollection, so dis- tinctly was every feature and expression impressed upon his mind. In the autumn of 17S9 he returned from Europe, and began his sketches of the chiefs and statesmen of the Revolution, afterwards embodied in the pictures that adorn the Rotunda of the Capitol, and the originals of which, invaluable for their authenticity, may now be seen in the gallery at New Haven. Here is preserved the most spirited portrait of Washington that exists — the only reflection of him as a soldier of freedom worthy of the name, drawn from life. The artist's own account of this work is given in his memoirs : " In 1792 I was again in Philadelphia, and there painted the portrait of General Washington, now placed in the gallerj^ at New Haven, the best, certainly, of those that I painted, and the best, in my estimation, which exists in his heroic and military character. The city of Charleston, S. C, instructed Mr. W. R. Smi^^h, one of the repre- sentatives of South Carolina, to employ me to paint for them a portrait of the great man, and I undertook it con amore, as the commission was unlimited, mean- ing to give his military chai'actor at the most sublime moment of its exertion — the evening previous to the battle of Trenton, when, viewing the vast superiority of his approaching enemy, the impossibility of again crossing the Deleware or retreating down the river, he conceives the plan of returning by a night march into the country from which he had been driven, thus cutting off the enemy's communication and destroying the depot of stores at Brunswick." There is a singular felicity in this choice of the moment to represent Washington, for it combines all the most desirable elements of expression characteristic of the man. It is a moment, not of brilliant achievement, but of in- trepid conception, when the dignity of thought is united with the sternness of resolve, and the enthusi- asm of a daring experiment kindles the habitual mood of self-control into an unwonted glow. As the artist unfolded his design to Washington, the memory of that eventful night thrilled him anew ; he rehearsed the circumstances, described the scene, and his face was lighted up as the memorable crisis in his country's fate and his own career was renewed before him. He spoke of the desperate chance, the wild hope, and the hazardous but fixed determination of that hour ; and, as the gratified painter declares, "looked the scene." " The result," he says, " was, in my own opinion, eminently successful, and the General was satisfied." Whether the observer of the present day accedes to the opinion, that he " happily transferred to the canvas the lofty expression of his animated countenance, the resolve to conquer or perish ; " whether the picture comes up to his preconceived ideal of the heroic view of Washington or not, he must admit that it combines great apparent fidelity, with more spirit and the genius of action, than all other portraits. Although not so familiar as Stuart's, numerous good copies of Trumbull's Washington, some from his own, and others by later pencils, have rendered it almost as well known in this country. Contemporaries give it a decided preference ; it recalled the leader of the Ameri- can armies, the man who was " first in the hearts of his countrymen," ere age relaxed the facial muscles and modified the decisive lines of the mouth ; it was asso- ciated in their minds with the indignant rebuke at ^Monmouth, the brilliant surprise at Trenton, and the heroic patience at Valley Forge ; it was the Washing- ton of their youth who led the armies of freedom, the modest, the brave, the vigilant and triumphant chief. Ask an elderly Knickerbocker what picture will give you a good idea of Washington, and he will confidently refer you, as the testimony his father has taught him, to Trumbull's portrait in the City Hall. When Lafiiyette first beheld a copy of this picture, in a gentleman's house in New Jersey, on his visit to this country, a few years before his death, he uttered an exclamation of delight at its resemblance. An excellent copy, by Vanderlyn, adorns the U. S. House of Representatives, for the figure in which, Geo. B. Rapalye, Esq., a highly respected citizen of New York, stood with exemplary patience, for many days, wearing a coat, perhaps the first specimen of American broadcloth, that had been worn by Washington. The air of the figure is as manly and elegant, the look as dignified and commanding, and the brow as practical in its moulding, as in Stuart's representation of him at a more advanced period ; but the face is less round, the profile more aquiline, the complexion has none of the fresh and ruddy hue, and the hair is not yet blanched j It is, altogether, a keener, more active, less thoughtful, but equally graceful and dignified mau. He stands in an easy attitude, in full uniform, with his hand on his horse's neck ; and the most careless observer, though ignorant of the subject, would recognize, at a glance, the image of a brave man, an intelligent officer, and ^ an honorable gentleman. The excellent engraving of j Durand has widely disseminated Trumbull's spirited , head of Washington. Although the concurrent testimony of those best \ fitted to judge, give the palm to Trumbull's portrait, j now in the gallery at New Haven, as the most faithful , likeness of Washington in his prime, this praise seems to refer rather to the general expression and air, than j to the details of the face. Trumbull often fiitled in . giving a satisfactory likeness ; be never succeeded in . APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. rendering the complexion, as is obvious by comparing that ofliis picture in the New York City Hall with any or all of Stuart's heads ; the former is yellow, and gives the idea of a bilious temperament, while the latter, in every instance, have the florid, ruddy tint, which, we are assured, was characteristic of Washing- ton, and indicative of his active habits, constant exposure to the elements, and Saxon blood. The best efforts of Trumbull were his first, careful sketches ; he never could elaborate with equal effect; the collec- tion of small, original heads, from which his historical pictures were drawn, are invaluable, as the most authentic resemblances in existence of our revolution- ary heroes. They have a genuine look and a spirited air, seldom discoverable in the enlarged copies. " Washington," says Trumbull, in describing the picture, " is represented standing on elevated ground, on the south side of the Creek at Trenton, a little below the stone-bridge and mill. He has a recon- noitring glass in his hand, with which he is supposed to have been examining the strength of the hostile army, pouring into and occupying Trenton, which he has just abandoned at their appearance; and, having ascertained their great superiority, as well in numbers as discipline, he is supposed to have been meditating how to avoid the apparently impending ruin, and to have just formed the plan which he executed during the night. This led to the splendid success at Prince^ ton on the following morning ; and, in the estimation of the great Frederic, placed his military character on a level with that of the greatest commanders of ancient or modern times. Behind, and near, an attendant holds his horse. Every minute article of dress, down to the buttons and spurs, and the buckles and straps of the horse furniture, were carefully painted from the different objects." The gentleman who was the medium of this com- mission to Trumbull, praised his work ; but aware of the popular sentiment, declared it not calm and peace- ful enough to satisfy those for whom it was intended. With reluctance, the painter asked Washington, over- whelmed as he was with official duty, to sit for another portrait, which represents him in his every-day aspect, and, therefore, better pleased the citizens of Charles- ton. "Keep this picture," said Washington to the artist, speaking of the first experiment, " and finish it to your own taste." When the Connecticut State Society of Cincinnati dissolved, a few of the members purchased it as a gift to Yale College. Gilbert Stuart's most cherished anticipation when he left England for America, was that of executing a portrait of Washington. A consummate artist in a branch which his o\^n triumphs had proved could be rendered of the highest interest, he eagerly sought illustrious subjects for his pencil. This enthusiasm was increased in the present case, by the unsullied fame and the exalted European reputation of the American hero, by the greatest personal admiration of his character, and by the fact that no satisfactory representation existed abroad of a man whose name was identical with more than Roman patriotism and magnanimity. Stuart, by a series of masterly portraits, had established his renown in London, he had mingled in the best society ; his vigorous mind was cognizant 771 of all the charms that wit and acumen lend to human intercourse, and he knew the power which genius and will may so readily command. His own nature was more remarkable for strength than refinement- he was eminently fitted to appreciate practical talents and moral energy ; the brave truth of nature rather than her more delicate effects, were grasped and re- produced by his skill ; he might not have done justice to the ideal contour of Shelley, or the gentle features of Mary of Scotland, but could have perfectly reflected the dormant thunder of Mirabeau's countenance, and the argumentative abstraction that knit the brows of Samuel Johnson. He was a votary of truth in her boldest manifestations, and a delineator of character in its normal and sustained elements. The robust, the venerable, the moral picturesque, the mentally charac- teristic, he seized by intuition ; those lines of physiog- nomy which channelled by will the map of inward life, which years of consistent thought and action trace upon the countenance, the hue that, to an observant eye, indicates almost the daily vocation, the air suggestive of authority or obedience, firmness or vacillation, the glance of the eye, which is the measure of natural in- telligence and the temper of the soul, the expression [ of the mouth that infallibly betrays the disposition, the tint of hair and mould of features, not only attest- ing the period of life but revealing what that life has been, whether toilsome or inert, self-indulgent or adventurous, care-worn or pleasurable— these, and such as these records of humanity, Stuart transferred, in vivid colors and most trustworthy outlines, to the canvas. Instinctive, therefore, was his zeal to delineate Washington ; a man, who, of all the sons of fame, most clearly and emphatically wrote his character in deeds upon the world's heart, whose traits required no imagination to give them effect and no metaphysical insight to unravel their perplexity, but were brought out by the exigencies of the time in distinct relief, as bold, fresh, and true as the verdure of spring and the lights of the firmament, equally recognized by the humblest peasant and the most gifted philosopher. To trace the history of each of Stuart's portraits of Washington would prove of curious interest. One of his letters to a relative, dated the second of November, 1794, enables us to fix the period of the earliest experi- ment. " The object of my journey," he says, " is only to secure a portrait of the President and finish yours." One of the succeeding pictures was bought from the artist's studio by Mr. Tayloe, of Washington, and is, at present, owned by his son, B. Ogle Tayloe, Esq. ; another was long in the possession of Madison, and is now in that of Gov. E. Coles, of Philadelphia. The full-length, in the Presidential mansion, at the seat of Government, was saved through the foresight and care of the late Mrs. Madison, when the city was taken by the British in the last war. Stuart, however, always denied that this copy was by him. Another portrait of undoubted authenticity was offered to and declined by Congress, a few years ago, and is owned by a Boston gentleman ; and one graced the hospitable dwelling of Samuel Williams, the London banker. For a long period artistic productions on this side of the water were subjects of ridicule. Tudor not inaptly called the New England country meeting-houses " wooden 772 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. lanterns;" almost every town boasted an architectural monstrosity popularly known as somebody's " folly ; " the rows of legs in Trumbull's picture of the Signing of the Declaration, obtained for it the sarcastic name, generally ascribed to John Randolph, of "the shin piece ; "and Stuart's full-length, originally painted for Lord Lansdowne, with one arm resting on his sword- hilt, and the other extended, was distinguished among artists by the title of the " tea-pot portrait," from the resemblance of the outline to the handle and spout of that domestic utensil. The feature, usually exagger- ated in poor copies, and the least agreeable in the original, is the mouth, resulting from the want of support of those muscles consequent on the loss of teeth, a defect which Stuart vainly attempted to remedy by inserting cotton between the jaw and the lips; and Wilson Peale more permanently, but not less inefl'ectually, sought to relieve by a set of artificial teeth. We have seen in western New York, a cabinet head cf Washington which bears strong evidence of Stuart's pencil, and is traced directly by its present owner to his hand, which was purchased of the artist and pre- sented to Mr. Gilbert, a member of Congress from Columbia County, New York, a gentleman who held the original in such veneration that he requested, on his death-bed, to have the picture exhibited to his fading gaze, as it was the last object he desired to be- hold on earth. The remarks of the latter artist indi- cate what a study he made of his illustrious sitter : " There were," he said, " features in his face totally difi'erent from what he had observed in any other human beifig ; the sockets of the eyes, for instance, were larger than what he ever met with before, and the upper part of the nose broader. All his features were indicative of the strongest passions ; yet, like Socrates, his judgment and great self-command made him appear a man of a different cast in the eyes of the world." The color of his eyes was a light grayish blue, but according to Mr. Oustis, Stuart painted them of a deeper blue, saying, " in a hundred years they will have faded to the right color." While Congress was in session at Philadephia, in 1794, Stuart went thither with a letter of introduction to Washington, from John Jay. He first met his illustrious subject on a reception evening, and was spontaneously accosted by him with a greeting of dignified urbanity. Familiar as was the painter with eminent men, he afterwards declared that no human being ever awakened in him the sentiment of reverence to such a degree. For a moment, he lost his self- possession— with him an experience quite unprece- dented—and it was not until several interviews that he felt himself enough at home with his sitter to give the requisite concentration of mind to his work. This was owing not less to the personal impressiveness of "Washington— which all who came in contact with him felt and acknowledged— than to the profound respect and deep interest which the long anticipations of the artist had fostered in his own mind. He failed, proba- bly from this cause, in his first experiment. No por- trait-painter has left such a reputation for the faculty of eliciting expression by his social tact, as Stuart. He would even defer his task upon any pretext until he succeeded in making the sitter, as he said, " look like himself." To induce a natural, unconscious, and characteristic mood, was his initiative step in the exe- cution of a portrait. Innumerable are the anecdotes of his ingenuity and persistence in carrying out this habit. More or less conversant with every topic of general interest, and endowed with rare conversational ability and knowledge of character, he seldom failed to excite the ruling passion, magnetize the prominent idiosyn- crasy, or awaken the professional interest of the occu- pant of his throne, whether statesman, farmer, actor, judge, or merchant ; and his fund of good stories, narrat- ed with dramatic effect, by enchaining the attention or enlisting the sympathies, usually made the delighted listener self-oblivious and demonstrative, when, with an alertness and precision like magic, the watchful limner transferred the vital identity of his pre-occu- pied and fivscinated subject, with almost breathing similitude. In Washington, however, he found a less flexible character upon which to scintillate his wit and open his anecdotical battery. Facility of adaptation seldom accompanies great individuality ; and a man whose entire life has been oppressed with responsibility, and in whom the prevalent qualities are conscience and good sense, can scarcely be expected to possess humor and geniality in the same proportion as self-control and reflection. On the professional themes of agricul- ture and military science, Washington was always ready to converse, if not with enthusiasm, at least in an attentive and intelligent strain ; but the artillery of repartee, and the sallies of fancy, made but a slight impression upon his grave and reserved nature. He was deficient in language— far more a man of action than of words— and had been obUged to think too much on vast interests, to " carry America in his brain," as one of his eulogists has aptly said, to readily unbend in colloquial diversion. By degrees, however, the desirable relation was established bjitween himself and the artist, who, of seven^ portraits, justly gave the preference to the Lansdowne picture and the unfinished one now possessed by the Boston Athenseum. They, doubtless, are the most perfect representations of Washington, as he looked at the time they were exe- cuted, and will ever be the standards and resource of subsequent delineators. The latter, supposed by many to have been his original " study," engaged his atten- tion for months. The freshness of color, the studious modelling of the brow, the mingling of clear purpose and benevolence in the eye, and a through nobleness and dignity in the whole head, realize all the most intelligent admirer of the original has imagined— not, indeed, when thinking of him as the intrepid leader of armies, but in the last analysis and complete image of the hero in retirement, in all the consciousness of a sublime career, unimpeachable fidelity to a national trust, and the eternal gratitude of a free people. It is this masterpiece of Stuart that has not only perpet- uated, but distributed over the globe the resemblance of Washington. It has been sometimes lamented, that so popular a work does not represent him in the aspect of a successful warrior, or in the flush of youth ; but there, seems to be a singular harmony between this venerable image— so majestic, benignant, and serene -and the absolute character and peculiar example of APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. 773 "Washington, separated from what was purely inciden- tal and contingent in his life. Self-control, endurance, dauntless courage, loyalty to a just but sometimes desperate cause, hope through the most hopeless crisis, and a tone of feeling the most exalted, united to habits of candid simplicity, are better embodied in such a calm, magnanimous, mature image, full of dignity and sweetness, than if portrayed in battle array or melo- dramatic attitude. Let such pictures as David's Napo- leon—with prancing steed, flashing eye, and waving sword— represent the mere victor and military genius ; but he who spurned a crown, knew no watchword but duty, no goal but freedom and justice, and no reward but the approval of conscience and the gratitude of a country, lives more appropriately, both to memory and in art, under the aspect of a finished life, crowned with the harvest of honor and peace, and serene in the con- summation of disinterested purpose. A letter of Stuart's which appeared in the New York Evening Pest, in 1853,* attested by three gentle- men of Boston, with one from Washington making the appointment for a sitting, proves the error long cur- rent in regard both to the dates and the number of this artist's original portraits. He there distinctly states that he never executed but three from life, the first of which was so unsatisfoctory that he destroyed it ; the second was the picture for Lord Lansdowne ; and the third, the one now belonging to the Boston Athenaeum. Of these originals he made twenty-six copies. The finishing touches were put to the one in September, 1795, and to the other, at Philadelphia, in the spring of 1790. This last, it appears by a letter of Mr. Custis, which we have examined, was undertaken against the desire of Washington, and at the earnest * Extract from article in N. Y. Evening Post, March 15lk, 1853 :— It may set this question at rest to state, that Stuart himself has given an account of all the portraits of Wash- ington that he x^aiuted. A gentleman of Philadelphia has in his possession the originals of the following documents. [Edit. Post.]— Sir :— I am under promise to Mrs. Eingliam, to sit for j-ou to-morrow at. nine o'clocli, and wishing to linow if it be convenient to you tliat I should do so, and whether it shall be at your own house, (as she talked of the State-House.) I send this note to you to ask information. — I am, Sir, your obedient servt., GEO. WASHINGTON. Monday Evening, IKA April, 1796. This letter was endorsed in "Washington's handwrit- ing,— "Mr. Stuart, Chestnut Street." At the foot of the manuscript are the following certificates : — In looking over my papers to f.nd one that had the signature of George Washington, I found this, asking me when he should sit for his portrait, which is now owned by Samuel Williams, of London. I have thought it proper it should be his, especially as he owns the only original painting I ever made of Washington, except one I own myself. I paint- ed a third, but rubbed it out. I now present this to his" brother, Timo Williams, for said Samuel, Boston, 9lh of March, 1823. GT. STUART. Attest— J. P. Davis. W. Button. L. Baldwin. N. E. — Mr. Stuart painted in ye winter season his first portrait of Washington, but destroyed it. The next paindag was ye one uwacl by S. Williams ; the third Mr. S. now has — two only remain, as above stated. T. V. The picture alluded to in the above note of t}ie late Timo Williams, as hcnng thon in Mr. Stuart's posec.-sion, is the one now in the Boston Athcnasum ; and tii;it -wlLch belonged to the late Samuel Williams, Esq., alluded to in Mr. Stuart's note above quoted, is yet extant and owjied by the sou of an American gentleman, (Ju/m D. Lewis, Esq.,) who died in London some years since, where it still remains. Mr. Williams !iad paid for it at the sale of tlie per.-onal ett'ect.s of the Marquis of Lansdowne,— lo -whom it was originally pre.-?ented by Mr. Bingliam, of Phil.ide!- phia, — two thousand guineas. It is this portrait,'"full length and life size, from which the bad engTa\-ing was made by Heath, so mtmy copies of which are still to be seen in this country. solicitation of his wife, who wished a portrait from life of her illustrious husband, to be placed among the other family pictures at Mount Vernon. For this ex- press purpose, and to gratify her, the artist commenced the work, and Washington agreed to sit once more. It was left, intentionallj', unfinished, and when subse- quently claimed by Mr. Custis, who offered a premium upon the original price, Stuart excused himself, much to the former's dissatisfaction, on the plea that it was a requisite legacy for his children. Simultaneously with the Lansdowne portrait the artist executed for William Constable that now in the possession of his grandson, Henry E. Pierrepont, Esq., of Brooklyn, L. L Motives of personal friendship induced the artist to exert his best skill in this instance ; it is a fac-simile of its prototype, and the expression has been thought even more noble and of higher significance, more in accordance with the traditional character of the sub- ject, than the Athenseum picture. It has the eyes looking off, and not at the spectator, as in the latter. Mr. Constable, the original proprietor, was aide to General Washington ; and when Lafayette visited this country in 1824, upon entering the drawing-room at Brooklyn Heights, where the picture hangs, he ex- claimed, '• That is my old friend, indeed ! " Colonel Nicholson Fish, and General Van Rensselaer, joined in attesting the superior excellence of the likeness. The usual objection to Stuart's Washington is a certain feebleness about the lines of the mouth, which does not correspond with the distinct outline of the frontal region, the benign yet resolved eye, and the harmonious dignity of the entire head ; but this defect was an inevitable result of the loss of teeth, and their imperfect substitution by a false set. In view of the state of the arts in this country at the period, and the age of Washington, we cannot but congratulate our- selves that we have so pleasing and satisfactory a por- trait, and exclaim, with Leslie, " how fortunate it was that a painter existed in the time of Washington, who could hand him down looking like a gentleman ! " Dr. Marshall, brother of the Chief Justice, said that Wash- ington did not resemble Pine's portrait, when he knew him, that Wertmuller's had too French a look, another by Wertmuller had eyes too light, but that Stuart's was prodigiously " like." Opinions are quite diverse in regard to the Wert- muller portrait. There are many points of executive merit in the original not completely rendered in the engraving ; the air of the head, the grave and refined look, the well-arranged hair, neat ruffles, and old-fash- ioned coat, sprinkled at the shoulders with powder, at once gave the somewhat vague yet unmistakable im- pression of " the portrait of a gentleman." There is an expression of firmness and clear-sightedness, and an erect, brave attitude which reveals the soldier ; and there is more animation than we are accustomed to see in portraits of Washington. The latter trait is, probably that which led to the selection of this picture as an illustration to Irving's Biography. AnoLPnE UlricWeetsiuller was a devoted student of art, but his taste and style were chiefly formed un- der the influence of the old French Academy — and long before the delicate adherence to nature which now re- deems the best modern pictures of French artists, had 774 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON PORTRAITS. taken the place of a certain artificial excellence and devotion to mere effect. The career of this accom- plished painter was marked by singular vicissitudes; — a native of Stockholm, after preparatory studies there, he went to Paris, and remained several years acquiring both fame and fortune by his pencil ; the latter, how- ever, was nearly all lost by the financial disasters at the outbreak of the Revolution, and Wertmuller em- barked for America, and arrived in Philadelphia in 1704. He was well received and highly estimated; Washington sat to him ; * in 1796 he returned to Eu- rope, but, after a brief period, the failure of a commer- cial house in Stockholm, in whose care he had placed his funds, so vexed him, that he returned to Philadel- phia, where he soon after exhibited his large and beau- tiful picture of " Danse " — which, while greatly admired for the executive talent it displayed, was too excep- tionable a subject to meet with the approbation of the sober citizens, whose sense of propriety was so much more vivid than their enthusiasm for art. Wertmuller soon after married a lady of Swedish descent, pur- chased a farm in Delaware county, Penn., and resided there in much comfort and tranquillity, until his death in 1812. His pictures were sold at auction ; and a small copy of the " Danse " brought $500 ; the original, some years after, being purchased in New York for three times that sum. In an appreciative notice of him, which appeared soon after his death in a leading literary journal, there is the following just reference to his portrait of Washington: "It has been much praised and frequently copied on the continent of Eu- rope ; but it has a forced and foreign air, into which the painter seems to have fallen by losing sight of the noble presence before him, in an attempt after ideal dignity." t Wertmuller was eminent in his day for miniatures and oil portraits. Our first knowledge of him was derived from the superb picture of Dana;, which, for some time, occupied a nook, curtained from observa- tion, in the studio of the late Henry luman, of New York, and it was exhibited in Washington City, thirty years ago. There was fine drawing and rich color in this voluptuous creation — enough to convey a high idea of the skill and grace of the artist. With this picture vividly in the mind, it is diihcult to realize that the chaste, subdued portrait of Washington was from the same hand. It was confidently asserted that Washington inva- riably noted in his diary his sittings to portrait paint- ers, and that no entry appears in reference to this jjicture. Its claim to originality was, therefore, ques- tioned. With the impatience of the whole subject, however, that Washington confessed at last, he may have ceased to record what became a penance ; and were the picture satisfactory in other respects, we should not be disposed to complain that it was skil- fully combined from other portraits. But, in our view, the engraving, at least, has intrinsic faults. It is neither the Washington familiar to observation as por- trayed, nor to fancy as idealized. There is a self-con- scious expression about the mouth, not visible in Stu- ;'.it's or Trumbull's heads, and out of character with * See notice of 'WertinuUer in Analectic Magazine, 1815. t Analectic Magazine. itself; the eyebrows are raised so as to indicate either a supercilious or a surprised mood, both alien to Wash- ington's habitual state of mind ; it is impossible for the brows to be knit between the eyes, and arched over them at the same time, as in this engraving ; the eyes themselves have a staring look ; the animation so much wanted is here obtained at the expense of that serenity which was a normal characteristic of the man ; we miss the modesty, the latent power, the placid strength, so intimately associated with the looks as well as the na- ture of Washington ; the visage is too elongated ; compared with the Athenaeum portrait this picture has a commonplace expression ; it does not approach it in moral elevation ; we should pass it by in a gallery as the likeness of a gentleman and a brave officer, but not linger over it as the incarnation of disinterested, magnanimous, loyal courage, such as lent a certain unconscious, impressive, and superior aspect to Wash- ington, and divided him, by an infinite distance, from the mob of vulgar heroes. * * * 4f- * * The latest and most triumphant attempt to embody and illustrate the features, form, and character of Washington in statuary, was made by the late Ameri- can sculptor — Thomas Crawford. How well he stud- ied, and how adequately he reproduced the head of his illustrious subject, may be realized by a careful examination of the noble and impressive marble bust of Washington from his chisel, now in the possession of John Ward, Esq., of New York. Essentially, and as' far as contour and proportions are concerned, based upon the model of Houdon, — this beautiful and majes- tic effigy is instinct with the character of its subject, so that while satisfactory in detail as a resemblance caught from nature, it, at the same time, is executed in a spirit perfectly accordant with the traditional im- pressions and the distinctive ideas whence we derive our ideal of the man, the chieftain, and the patriot ; the moulding of the brow, the pose of the head, and especially the expression of the mouth, are not less au- thentic than effective. But the crowning achievement of this artist is his equestrian statue executed for the State of Virginia, and now the grand trophy and or- nament of her Capital. " When on the evening of his arrival, Crawford went to see, for the first time, his Washington in bronze at the Munich foundry, he was surprised at the dusky precincts of the vast area; sud- denly torches flashed illumination on the magnificent horse and rider, and simultaneously burst forth from a hundred voices a song of triumph and jubilee ; thus the delighted Germans congratulated their gifted brother and hailed the sublime work — tj'pical to them of American freedom, patriotism, and genius. The Ba- varian king warmly recognized its original merits and consummate effect ; the artists would suffer no inferior hands to pack and despatch it to the sea-side ; peas- ants greeted its triumphal progress ; the people of Richmond were emulous to share the task of conveying it from the quay to Capitol Hill ; mute admiration fol- lowed by ecstatic cheers, hailed its unveiling, and the most gracious native eloquence inaugurated its erec- tion. We might descant upon the union of majesty and spirit in the figure of Washington, and the vital truth of action in the horse, the air of command and APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 775 of rectitude, the martial vigor and grace, so instantly felt by the popular heart, and so critically praised by the adept in sculpture cognizant of the difficulties to overcome, and the impression to be absolutely con- veyed by such a work in order to make it at once true to nature and to character ; we might repeat the dec- laration that no figure, ancient or modern, so entirely illustrates the classical definition of orator}', as con- sisting in action, as the statue of Patrick Henry, one of the grand accessories of the work — which seems in- stinct with that memorable utterance, " Give me lib- erty, or give me death ! " By a singular and affecting coincidence, the news of Crawford's death reached the United States simultaneously with the arrival of the ship containing this colossal bronze statue of Wash- ington — his " crowning achievement." In this work, the first merit is naturalness ; although full of equine ardor, the graceful and noble animal is evidently sub- dued by his rider ; calm power is obvious in the man ; restrained eagerness in the horse ; Washington's left hand is on the snafiie bridle, which is drawn back ; he sits with perfect ease and dignity, the head and face a little turned to the left, as if his attention had just been called in that direction, either in expectancy, or to give an order; he points forward, and a little up- wards ; the figure is erect, the chest thrown forward, the knees pressed to the saddle, the heel nearly be- neath the shoulder, and the sole of the foot almost horizontal. The seat is a military and not a hunting seat ; the horse is recognized by one acquainted with breeds, as "*a charger of Arab blood." * * * * * * His hands were large, as became one inured to practical achievement ; his forehead was of that square mould that accompanies an executive mind, not swell- ing at the temples, as in the more ideal conformation of poetical men ; a calm and benevolent light usually gleamed from his eyes, and they flashed, at times, with valorous purpose or stern indignation ; but they were not remarkably large as in persons of more fluency, and foretold Washington's natural deficiency in lan- guage, proclaiming the man of deeds, not words; neither had they the liquid hue of extreme sensibility, nor the varying light of an unsubdued temperament ; their habitual expression was self-possessed, serene, and thoughtful. There was a singular breadth to the face, invariably preserved by Stuart, but not always by Trumbull, who often gives an aquiline and some- what elongated visage: no good physiognomist can fail to see in his nose that dilation of the nostril and prominence of the ridge which belong to resolute and spirited characters; the distance between the eyes marks a capacity to measure distances and appreciate form and the relation of space ; but these special traits are secondary to the carriage of the body, and the ex- pression of the whole face, in which appear to have blended an unparalleled force of impression. When fully possessed of the details of his remarkable counte- nance, and inspired by the record of his career, we turn from the description of those who beheld the man on horseback, at the head of an army, presiding over the national councils, or seated in the drawing-room, to any of the portraits, we feel that no artist ever caught his best look, or transmitted his features when kindled by that matchless soul. If we compare any selection of engravings with each other, so inferior are the greater part extant, we find such glaring discrep- ancies, that doubts multiply ; and we realize that art never did entire justice to the idea, the latent signifi- cance, and the absolute character of Washington. There is dignity in Houdon's bust, an effective fiicial angle in the craj'on of Sharpless, and elegance, wisdom, and benignity in Stuart's head; but what are they, each and all, in contrast with the visage we behold in fancy, and revere in heart ? It has been ingeniously remarked, that the letters received by an individual indicate his character better than those he writes, be- cause they suggest what he elicits from others, and thereby furnish the best key to his scope of mind and temper of soul ; on the same principle the likeness drawn, not from the minute descriptions, but the vivid impressions of those brought into intimate contact with an illustrious character, are the most reliable materials for his portrait ; they reflect the man in the broad mirror of humanity, and are the faithful da- guerreotypes which the vital radiance of his nature leaves on the consciousness of mankind. 11. WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. [The original MS. of the Farewell AddresB, in Washington's handwriting, and with his revisions and alterations, hav- ing been purchased by James Lenox, Esq., of New York, that gentlemaa caused a few copies of it, with some illustrative documents, to be printed for private distribution. By permission of Mr. Lenox it is here reprinted, with the alterations, aud with his explanatory remarks.] PREFACE. This reprint of Washington's Farewell Address to the people of the United States, is made from the original man- uscript recently sold in Philadelphia by the Administrators of the late Mr. David C. Claypoole, in whose possession it had been from the date of its first publication. The paper is entirely in the autograph of Washington : no one ac- quainted with his handwriting can inspect it, and doubt for a moment the statements to that efl'ect made by Mr. Claypoole and Mr. Rawle. Upon examining the manuscript, it was found that, in addition to its importance as an historical document, aud its value from being in the autograph of Washington, it was of gre.it interest as a literary curiosity, and threw light upoil'the disputed question of the authorship of the Ad- dress. It clearly shows the process by which that paper 77G APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. ■was wrought into the form in which it was first given to the public ; and notes written on the -margin of passages and paragraphs, which have been erased, prove, almost beyond a doubt, that this draft was submitted to the judg- ir^crt of other persons. Such memoranda were unneces- sary either for Washington's own direction on a subsequent revision, or for the guidance of the priiUer ; but he might very naturally thus note tlie reasons which had led him to make the alterations before he asked the advice and opin- ion of his friends. It seems probable, therefore, that this is the very draft sent to General Hamilton and Chief Jus- tice Jay, as related in the letter of tlje latter. Some of the alterations, however, were evidently made during the writ- ing of the paper ; for in a few instances a part, and even the whole, of a sentence is struck out, which afterwards occurs in the body of the address. Mr. Claypoole's description of the appearance of the manuscript is very accurate. There are many alterations, corrections, and interlineations : and whole sentences and paragraphs are sometimes obliterated. All these, how- ever, have been deciphered without much trouble, and carefully noted. It was thought best to leave the text in this edition as it was first printed : only two slight verbal variations were found between the corrected manuscriiJt, and the common printed copies. All the interlineations and alterations are inserted in brackets [ ], and where, in any case, words or sentences have been struck out, either with or without corrections in the text to supply their place, these portions have been deciphered and are printed in notes at the foot of the page. The reader will thus be enabled to perceive at a glance the changes made in the composition of the ad- dress ; and if the draft made bj- General Hamilton, and read by him to Mr. Jay, should be published, it will be seen how far Washington adopted the modifications and suggestions made by them. When this preface was tlius far prepared for the press, an opportunity was afibrded, through the kindness of John C. Hamilton, Esq., to examine several letters which passed between Washington and General Hamilton relating to the Address, and also a copy of it in the handwriting of the latter. It appears from these communications that the President, both in sending to him a rough draft of the document, and at subsequent dates, requested him to pre- pare such an Address as he thought would be appropriate to the occasion ; that Washington consulted him particu- larly, and most minutely, on many points connected with it ; and that at different times General Hamilton did for- ward to the President three drafts of such a paper. The first was sent back to him with suggestions for its correc- tion and enlargement ; from the second draft thus altered and improved, the manuscript now printed may i^e sup- posed to have been prepared by Washington, and trans- mitted for final examination to General Hamilton and Judge Jay ; and with it the third draft was returned to the President, and may probably yet be found among his papers. The copy in the possession of Mr. Hamilton is probably the second of these three drafts : it is very much altered and corrected throughout. In com.paring it with that in Washington's autograpli, tlie sentiments are found to be the same, and the words used are very frequently identical. Some of the passages erased in the manuscript are in the draft : three paragraphs, viz. those on pages 50, 51, and 52, have nothing corresponding to them in the draft ; but a space is left in it, evidently for the insertion of addition.al matter. The comparison of these two papers is exceed- ingly curious. It is difficult to conceive liow two persons could express the same ideas in svibstantiallj" the same lan- guage, and yet with much diversity in the construction of the sentences, and the position of the words. L. New York, A2)ril 12, 1850. FAREWELL ADDRESS. Friends, axd Fellow-Citizens : The period for a new election of a Citizen, to ad- minister the Executive Government of the United States, being not far distant, and the time actually ar- rived, when your thoughts must be employed in desig- nating the person, who is to be clothed with that important trust [*], it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprise you of the resolution I have formed, to decline being considered among the number of those, out of whom a choice is to be made. I beg you, at the same time, to do me the justice to be assured, that this resolution has not been taken, without a strict regard to all the considerations apper- taining to the relation, which binds a dutiful citizen to his country — and that, in withdrawing the tender of service which silence in my situation might imply, I am influenced by no diminution of zeal for your future interest, no deficiency of grateful respect for your past kindness ; but [am supported by] t a full conviction that the step is compatible with both. The acceptance of, and continuance hitherto in, the ofEce to which j"our suffrages have twice called me, have been a uniform sacrifice of inclination to the opinion of duty, and to a deference for Avhat appeared to be your desire. — I constantly hoped, that it would have been much earlier in my power, consistently with motives which I was not at liberty to disregard, to re- turn to that retirement, from which I had been reluc- tantly drawn. — The strength of my inclination to do this, previous to the last election, had even led to the preparation of an address to declare it to you; but mature reflection on the then perplexed and critical posture of our affairs with foreign Nations, and the unanimous advice of persons entitled to my confidence, impelled me to abandon the idea. — I rejoice that the state of j'our concerns, external as well as internal, no longer renders the pursuit of inclination incompatible with the sentiment of duty, or propriety ; and [am persuaded] J whatever partial- ity [may be retained] § for my services, [that] |1 in the present circumstances of our country [you] will not disapprove ray determination to retire. The impressions, [with] 1[ which I first [undertook]** the arduous trust, were explained on the proper oc- casion. In the discharge of this trust, I will only say that I have, with good intentions, contributed [towards] ft the organization and administration of the government, the best exertions of which a very fallible judgment was capable. Not unconscious, in the out- set, of the inferiority of my qualifications, experience in my own eyes, [perhaps] still more in the eyes of others, has [strengthened] 'H the motives to diffidence of myself; and every day the increasing weight of years admonishes me more and more, that the shade of retirement is as necessary to me as it will be wel- come. — Satisfied that if any circumstances have given * for another term t act under t that § any portion of you may yet retain H even they t: under ** accepted tt to U not lessened APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 777 peculiar value to my services, they were temporary, I have the consolation to believe, that, while choice and prudence invite me to quit the political scene, patriot- ism does not forbid it. ["•^] In looking forward to the moment, which is [in- tended] to terminate the career of my public life, my feelings do not permit me to suspend the deep acknowl- edgment [of] t that debt of gratitude which I owe to my beloved country, — for the many honors it has conferred upon me ; still more for the stedfast confi- dence with which it has supported me ; and for the opportunities I have thence enjoyed of manifesting my inviolable attachment, by services faithful and perse- vering, though [in usefulness unequal] I to my zeal. — If benefits have resulted to our country from these services, let it always be remembered to your praise, and as an instructive example in our annals, that [§] under circumstances in which the Passions agitated in every direction were liable to [mislead] || amidst appearances sometimes dubious, vicissitudes of fortune often discouraging — in situations in which not unfre- quently want of success has countenanced the spirit of criticism [the constancy of your support] was the es- sential prop of the efforts and [a] Tf guarantee of the plans by which they were effected. Profoundly pene- trated with this idea, I shall carry it with me to the grave, as a strong incitement to unceasing vows [**] that Heaven may continue to you the choicest tokens of its beneficence — that your union and brotherly affection may be perpetual — that the f^e^3 constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be sacredly maintained — that its administration in every depart- ment may be stamped with wisdom and virtue — that, in fine, the happiness of the people of these States, under the auspices of liberty, may be made complete, by so careful a preservation and so prudent a use of this blessing as will acquire to them the glory [ft] of recommending it to the applause, the affection, and adoption of every nation which is yet a stranger to it. Here, perhaps, I ought to stop. — But a solicitude for your welfare which cannot end but with my life, and the apprehension of danger, natural to that solici- tude, [urge me, on an occasion like the present, to offer] IX to your solemn contemplation, and to recom- mend to your frequent review, some sentiments which are the result of much reflection, of no inconsiderable observation [§§], and which appear to me all important to the permanency of your felicity as a people. — These will be offered to you with the more freedom as you can only see in them the disinterested warnings of a * May 1 also have that of knowing in my retreat, that the involuntary errors, I have probably committed, have been the sources of no serious or lasting mischief to our country. I may then expect to realize, without alloy, the eweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow- citizena, the benign influence of good laws under a free government ; the ever favorite object of my heart, and the liappy rev/ard, I trust, of our mutual cares, dangers and labours. In the margin opposite this paragraph is the following note in Washington's Autograph, also erased, "obliterated to avoid the imputation of aft'ccted modesty." t demanded by + unequal m usefulness § the constancy of your support 1! wander and fluctuate ' tuo ** the only return I can henceforth make tr or satist.action tt encouraged by the remembrance of your indulgent reception of my sentiments on an occasion not dissimilar to tlie present, urge me to offer §§ and experience departing friend, who can [possibly] have no personal motive to bias his counsels. — [Nor can I forget, as an encouragement to it, your indulgent reception of my sentiments on a former aud not dissimilar occasion.] Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment. The Unity of Government which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to j'ou. — It is justly so ; — for it is a main Pillar in the Edifice of your real inde- pendence ; [the support] of your tranquillity at home ; your peace abroad ; of your safety; [*] of your pros- perity [t] ; of that very Liberty which you so highly prize. — But, as it is easy to foresee, that from [difier- ent] X causes, and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the'conviction of this truth : — as this is the point in your [political] fortress against which the bat- teries of internal and external euemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and in- sidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual hap- piness ; — that you should cherish [§] a cordial, habit- ual, and immoveable attachment [to it, accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity ; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety ; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned, and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our Country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the ^>arious parts.] II — For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. — Citizens [by birth or choice of a common country] ,TI that country has a right to concentrate your affections. — The name of American, which be- longs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appel- lation [**] derived from local discriminations.— With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion, Manners, Habits, and political Principles.— You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together.— The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts— of common dangers, sufferings and successes. — But these considerations, however powerfully they address themselves to your sensibility, are greatly out- weighed by those which apply more immediately to your Interest.— Here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the Union of the whole. The Forth in an [unrestrained] it intercourse with * in every relation t in every shape I v.arious § towards it II that you should accustom yourselves to reverence it as the Palladium of your political safety and prosjierity, adapting constantly your words and actions to that mo- mentous idea ; that you should watch for its preservation with jealous anxiety, discountenance whatever may sug- gest a suspicion that it can in any event bo abandoned ; and frown upon the first dawning of any attempt to alien- ate any portion of our Country from the rest, or to en- feeble the sacred ties which now link together the several parts. ^^ . ■, H of a common country by birth or choice ** to be tt unfettered 778 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAEEWELL ADDRESS. the South, protected by the equal Laws of a common government, finds in the productions of the latter [*] great additional resources of maritime and commercial enterprise — and precious materials of manufacturing industry. — The Scmth, in the same intercourse, bene- fiting by the agency of the jVorth, sees its agriculture grow and its commerce expand. Turning jjartly into its own channels the seamen of the Novtli, it finds its particular navigation envigorated ; — and while it con- tributes, in different ways, to nourish and increase the general mass of the national navigation, it looks for- ward to the protection of a maritime strength to which itself is unequally adapted.— The East, in a like inter- course with the West, already finds, and in the pro- gressive improvement of interior communications, by land and water, will more and more find, a valuable vent for the commodities which it brings from abroad, or manufoctures at home. — The West derives from the East supplies requisite to its growth and comfort, and what is perhaps of still greater consequence, it must of necessity owe the secure enjoyment of indispensable outlets for its own productions to the weight, influence, and the future maritime strength of the Atlantic side of the Union, directed by an indissoluble community of interest, as one Nation. [Any other] -j- tenure by which the West can hold this essential advantage, [whether derived] % from its own separate strength or from an apostate and unnatural connection with any foreign Power, must be intrinsically precarious. [§] [1] While [then] every part of our Country thus [feels] 1 an immediate and particular interest in Union, all the parts ** [combined cannot fail to find] in the united mass of means and efforts [ft] greater strength, greater resource, proportionably greater security from external danger, a less frequent inter- ruption of their peace. by foreign Nations; and, [what is] \X of inestimable value ! they must derive from Union an exemption from those broils and wars between themselves, which [so frequently] §§ afflict neighboring countries not tied together by the same government; which their own rivalships alone would be sufficient to produce ; but which opposite foreign alliances, attachments, and intrigues would stimulate and embitter. — Hence likewise they will avoid the ne- cessity of those overgrown Military establishments, which under any form of government are inauspicious to liberty, and which [are to be regarded] ||| as par- ticularly hostile to Republican Liberty : In this sense it is that your Union ought to be considered as the main prop of your liberty, and that the love of the one ought to endear to you the preservation of the other. These considerations speak a persuasive language to [every]T]T[ reflecting and virtuous mind,— [and] *** exhibit the continuance of the Union as a primary ob- "ject of Patriotic desire.— Is there a doubt whether a ■ common government can embrace so large a sphere ? * many of the peculiar + the \ either § liable every moment to be disturbed by the fluctuat- ing combination^ of the primary interests of Europe, wliich muKt be expected to regulate the conduct of the Nations of which it is composed. II And t; finds ** of it tt cannot fail to find W which is an advantase §§ inevitably mi there is reason to regard ItTf any *** they Let experience solve it.— To listen to mere speculation in such a case were criminal. — [We are authorized] * to hope that a proper organization of the whole, with the auxiliary agency of governments for the respective subdivisions, will afford a happy issue to the experi- ment. 'Tis well worth a fair and full experiment, [t] With such powerful and obvious motives to Union, [afiecting] % all parts of our country [§], while experi- ence shall not have demonstrated its impracticabilitj', there will always be [reason] 1 to distrust the patriot- ism of those, who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its bands. [H] — In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of serious concern, that [any ground should have been furnished for char- acterizing parties by] ** Geograpldcal discriminations — Northern and Southern — Atlantic and Western; [whence designing men may endeavor to excite a be- lief that there is a real difference of local interests and views.] tt One of the expedients of Party to acquire influence, within particular districts, is to misrepre- sent the opinions and aims of other districts. — You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepre- sentations ; — They tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. — The inhabitants of our Western couutrj- have lately had a useful lesson on this [head.] JJ — They have seen, in the negotiation by the Executive, and in * 'Tis natural t It may not impossibly be found, that the spirit of party, the machinations of foreign powers, the corruption and aml^ition of individual citizens are more formidable adversaries to the Unity of our Empire than any inherent difficulties in the scheme. Against these the mounds of national opinion, national sympathy and national jealousy ought to be raised. I as § have II cause in the effect itself n Besides the more serious causes already hinted as threatening our Union, there is one less dangerous, but sulHciently dangerous to make It prudent to be upon our guard against it. I allude to the petulance of party differ- ences of opinion. It is not uncommon to hear the irrita- tions which these excite vent themselves in declarations that the difterent parts of the United States are ill affected to each other, in menaces that the Union will be dissolved by this or that measure. Intimations like these are as in- discreet as they are intemperate. Though frequently made with levity and without any really evil intention, they have a tendency to produce the consequence which they indi- cate. They teach the minds of men to consider the Union as precarious ; — as an object to which they ought not to at- tach their hopes and fortunes ; — and thus chill the senti- ment in its fa%-our. By alarming the pride of those to whom they are addressed, they set Ingenuity at work to depreciate the value of the thing, and to discover reasons of inditference towards it. This is not wise.— It will be much wiser to habituate ourselves to reverence the Union as the palladium of our national happiness ; to aceommo- date constantly our words and actions to that idea, and to discountenance wliatever may suggest a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned. (In the margin opposite tlnn jjaragraph are the words, " Not important enough.'') ** our parties for some time past hav e been too much characterized by tt These discriminations, the mere contrivance of the spirit of Party, (always dexterous to seize every handle by which the passions can be wielded, and too skilful not to turn to account the sympathy of neighbourhood), have furnished an argument against the Union as evidence of a real ditference of local interests and views ; and serve to hazard it by organizing larger districts of country, under the leaders of contending factions ; whoso rivalships, pre- judices and schemes of ambition, rather than the true in- terests of the Country, will direct the use of their influ- ence. If it be possible to correct this poison in the habit of our body politic, it is worthy the endeavours of the mod- erate and the good to efl'ect it, tt subject APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 779 the unanimous ratification by the Senate, of the Treaty with Spain, and in the universal satisfaction at that event, throughout the United States, a decisive proof how unfounded were the suspicions propagated among them of a poUcy in the General Government and in the AtUmtic States unfriendly to their interests in re- gard to the Mississippi.— They have been witnesses to the formation of two Treaties, that with G. Britain, and that with Spain, which secure to them every thing they could desire, in respect to our foreign Relations towards confirming their prosperity.— Will it not be their wisdom to rely for the preservation of those ad- vantages on the Uniox by which they were procured ? — Will they not henceforth be deaf to those advisers, if such there are, who would sever them from their Brethren, and connect them with Aliens ?— To the efiicacy and permanency of your Union, a Government for the whole is indispensable. — No alli- ances, however strict, between the parts, can be an adequate substitute. — They must inevitably experience the infractions and interruptions which all alliances in all times have experienced. — Sensible of this momen- tous truth, you have improved upon your first essay, by the adoption of a Constitution of Government, bet- ter calculated than your former for an intimate Union, and for the efficacious management of your common concerns. This government, the offspring of our own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security vrith energy, and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment, has a just claim to your confidence and your support. — Respect for its authority, compliance with its Laws, acquies- cence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the funda- mental maxims of true Liberty. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. — But the Constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all. — The very idea of the power and the right of the People to establish Govern- ment, presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established Government. All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plaus- ible character, with [the real] design to direct, con- troul, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency.— They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force— to put [*] in the place of the delegated' will of the Nation, the will of a party ;— often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community ;— and, according to the alternate tri- umphs of different parties, to make the public adminis- tration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans, digested by common councils and modified by mutual interests.— However combina- tions or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, [t] they are likely. t and purposes in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprin- cipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the People, and to usurp for themselves the reins of Gov- ernment; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.— Towards the preservation of your Government and the permanency of your present happy state, it is requisite, not only that you steadily discountenance irregular opposition to its acknowledged authority, but also that you resist with care [the] spirit of inno- vation upon its principles however specious the pre- texts. — One method of assault may be to eflect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will im- pair the energy of the system, [and thus to] t under- mine what cannot be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be invited, remember that time and habit are at least as necessary to fix the true character of Governments, as of other human institu- tions — that experience is the surest standard, by which to test the real tendency of the exi.sting Consti- tution of a Country — that facility in changes upon the credit of mere hypothesis and opinion exposes to per- petual change, from the endless variety of hypothesis and opinion : — and remember, especially, that for the eflScient management of your common interests, in a country so extensive as ours, a Government of as much vigour as is consistent with the perfect security of Liberty is indispensable — Liberty itself will find in such a Government, with powers properly distributed and adjusted, its surest guardian. — [It is indeed little else than a name, where the Government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member of the Society within the limits prescribed by the laws, and to maintain all in the secure and tran- quil enjoyment of the rights of person and property .]J I have already intimated to you the danger of Parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on Geographical discriminations. — Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the bane- ful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally. This Spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from [our] § nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the [human] mind.— It exists under different shapes in all Governments, more or less stifled, controuled, or repressed ; but in those of the popular form it is seen in its greatest rankness, and it is truly their worst enemy. — [||] I Owing: to you as I do a frank and free disclosure of my heart, I shall not conceal from you the belief I enter- t.'iin, that your Government as at presenl constituted is far more likely to prove too feeble than too powerful. § human . . ^ ,.„ ,. . II In Republics of narrow extent, it is not diincult tor tho^e who at any time hold the reins of Power, and command the ordinary public favour, to overturn the es- tablished [constitution]* in favour of their own agsran- dizement —The same thing; may likewise be too often ac- complished in such Republics, by partial combinations of men! who thoufli not in office, from birth, riches or other sources of d-i^tinction, have extraordinary influence and numerous [adlurents. ] t-By debauchini? the Military force, by surprisintr some commanding citadel, or by soine other sudden and unforeseen movement, the fate of the Kepulilic is decided.-But in Rei'iblics of large extent, usurpation can scarcely make its way through these avenues— the powers and" opportunities of resistance of a wide extenaed . order t retaiuera 780 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. The alternate domination of one faction over an- other, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. — The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the ab- solute power of an Individual : and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of Party are sufficient to make it the interest and the duty of a wise People to discourage and restrain it.— It serves always to distract the Public Councils and enfeeble the Public administration. — It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. — It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access [to the Government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country, are subjected to the policy and will of another.] * There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the Administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the Spirit of Liberty. — This within certain limits is probably true — and in Governments of a Monarchical cast. Patriot- ism may look with indulgence, if not with favour, upon the spirit of party. — But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. — From their natural ten- dency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose, — and there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. — A fire not to be quenched ; it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, [instead of warming, it should] •)• consume. — It is important, likewise, that the habits of think- ing in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine them- selves within their respective constitutional spheres ; avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one depart- ment to encroach upon another. — The spirit of en- croachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, [X] whatever [the form of government, a real] § despotism.— A just estimate of that love of power, and [\\] proneness to and numerous nation, defy the succesBfnl efforts of the or- dinary Military force, or of any collections which wealth and patronage may call to their aid. — In such Republics, It is safe to assert, that the conflicts of popular factions are the chief, if not the only inlets, of usurpation and Tyranny. * through the channels of party passions. It frequently subjects the policy of our own country to the policy of some foreign country, and even enslaves the will of oiir Govern- ment to the will of some foreign Government. + it should not only w.arm, hut t imder § forms, a 11 the , abuse it, which predominates in the human heart, is suflBcient to satisfy us of the truth of this position. — The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of political power, by dividing and distributing it into difierent depositories, and constituting each the Guar- dian ' of the Public Weal [against] * invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern ; some of them in our country and under our own eyes. — To preserve them must be as necessary as to instittite them. — If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. — But let there be no change by usurpation ; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the [customarj'] t weapon by which free governments are destroyed. — The precedent [X] must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or [transient] § benefit which the use [1] can at any time yield. — Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity. Religion and morality are indis- pensable supports. — In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. — The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. — A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. — Let it simply be asked whc?e is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deseri the oaths, which are the in- struments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that mo- rality can be maintained without religion. — Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure — reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. — 'Tis substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. — The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of Free Government. — Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifierence upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric ? — [Promote thep as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. — In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.] — "^ As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit.— One method of preserving it is * fi-om t usual and natural t of its use § temporary II itself H Cultivate industry and frugality, as auxiliaries to good morals and sources of private and public prosperity.— Is there not room to rearet that our propensity to expense exceeds our means forlt ? Is there not more luxury among us and more ditl'usively, than suits the actual stage of our national progress ? Whatever may be the apology for lux- ury in a country, mature in the Arts which are its minis- tere, and the cause of national opulence — can it promote the advantage of a young country, almost wholly agricul- tural, in the infancy of the Arts, and certaiuly not in the maturity of wealth ? (Over this paragr.aph in the original a piece of paper is wafered,oa which the passage is written, as printed in the test.) APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS 781 to use it as [sparingly] * as possible*: — avoiding occa- sions of expense by cultivating peace, but remember- ing also that timely disbursements to prepare for dan- ger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it — avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by [shunning] t occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of Peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burthen which we ourselves ought to bear. The execution of these maxims belongs to your Representatives, but it is necessary that public opinion should [co-operate.] % — To facilitate to them the performance of their duty, it is essential that you should practically bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue — that to have Revenue there must be taxes — that no taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant — that the intrinsic embarrassment inseparable from the selection of the proper objects (which is always a choice of difficulties) ought to be a decisive motive for a candid construction of the conduct of the Government in making it, and for a spirit of acquiescence in the measures for obtain- ing Revenue which the public exigencies may at any time dictate. — Observe good faith and justice towards all Na- tions. [§] Cultivate peace and harmony with all. — Religion and morality enjoin this conduct ; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it? — It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no dis- tant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a People al- ways guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. — Who can doubt but that in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its virtue ? The experiment, at least, is recom- mended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature.— Alas ! is it rendered impossible by its vices ? In the execution of such a plan nothing is more essential than that [permanent, inverate] 1 antipathies ao-ainst particular nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded ; and that in place of them just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated.— The Nation, which indulges towards an- other [an] :[ habitual hatred or [an] ** habitual fond- ness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its ani- mosity or to its affection, either of which is sufiBcient to lead it astray from its duty and its interests.— An- tipathy in one Nation against another [tt] disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and in- tractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dis- pute occur.— Hence frequent collisions, obstinate, en- venomed and bloody contests.- The Nation prompted by ill-will and resentment sometimes impels to War * Httle t avoiding ^ t coincide § aid cultivate peace and harmony with all, for m pub- lic as well as in private transactions I am persuaded that honesty will always be found^to be the best pol.c)^ ^ I't^'bege'^s of course a similar sentimeut in that other the Government, contrary to [the best] * calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the [national] propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject;— at other times it makes the animosity of the Nation subservient to projects of hostility, instigated by pride, ambition, and other sin- ister and pernicious motives. — The peace, often some- times perhaps the Liberty, of Nations has been the victim. — f So likewise a passionate attachment of one Nation -^; I for another produces a variety of evils. — Sympathy for the favourite nation facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no rea\ common interest exists, and infusing into one [t] the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a par- ticipation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, with- ;out adequate inducement or justification : It leads also to concessions to the favourite Nation of privileges "denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the Nation making the concessions ; [J] by unnecessarily 'parting with whai ought to have been retained, § and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to re- jtaliate in the parties from whom equal privileges are (Withheld; and it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or (deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the fa- jvourite Nation) facility to betray, or sacrifice the Interests of their own country without odium, some- 'times even with popularity : — gilding with the ap- pearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a com- mendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation. — As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. — How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils '.—Such an attachment of a small and weak, towards a great and powerful nation, dooms the for- mer to be the satellite of the latter. Against the iusiduous wiles of foreign influence, [I conjure you to] believe me, [fellow citizens], ] the .jealousy of a free people ought to be [constantly] T! awake, since history and experience prove that foreign ■ influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.— But that jealousy to be useful must be , impartial ; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defence against it.— Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they ^'actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. —Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favourite, are liable to become suspected and odious ; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and con- fidence of the people, to surrender their interests.—^ "The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign -j Nations is, [in extending our commercial relations,] I si^/ to have with them as little FolUical connection as pos- - sible. So far as we have already formed engagements * its own § 2dly t another 11 my friends, I Istly T incessantly 782 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS. let them be fulfilled with [*] perfect good faith.— Here let us stop. — Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. — Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. — Hence therefore it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by [t] artificial [ties] I in the ordinary vicis- situdes of her politics, [or] § the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities. Our detached and distant situation invites and ena- bles us to pursue a diSerent course. — If we remain one People, under au efiicient government, the period is not far oflT, when we may defy material injury from external annoyance ; when we may take such an atti- tude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve [upon] | to be scrujiulously respected. — When I'H] belligerent nations, under the impossibility of mak- ing acquisitions upon us, will [not] lightly hazard the giving us provocation [**] ; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest guided by [ft] justice shall counsel.— Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situa- tion?- — Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground ? — Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of anj' part of Europe, entangle our peace and pros- perity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, in- terest, humour or caprice ? — 'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent al- liances [XX] with any portion of the foreign world ; — so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it — for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidel- ity to [existing] §§ engagements, ([I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private afi'airs] |||, that honesty is [always] the best policy). — [I repeat it therefore let those engagements] 1[1[ be observed in their genuine sense. — But in my opinion it is unneces- sary, and would be unwise to extend them. — Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments, on a respectably defensive posture, we may safely trust to [tem.porary] *** alliances for extra- X ordinary emergencies. ^ Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. — But even our commercial policj- should hold an equal and impartial hand : — neither seeking nor granting exclu- sive favours or preferences ; — consulting the natural course of things ; — diffusing and diversifying by gentle means the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing ; — establishing with Powers so disposed — in order to give to trade a stable course, to define the rights of our ilerchants and to enable the Government to support them — conventional rules of intercourse, the best that present circumstances and mutual opinion will permit; but temporary, and liable to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate; constantly keeping in view, that 'tis folly in one nation to look for disinterested favours [from] ttt another, — that it must pay with a portion of * oircumspection indeed, but with t an t connection § in II to oliscrvo TI neither of two **■ to tlirow our weight into the ojiposite scale 1toui- tt intimate connections §§ pre-existing III! for I hold it to be as true in public as in private trans- actions Tili tlioso must *** occasional ttt at its independence for whatever it may accept under that character — that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favours and yet of being reproached with in- gratitude for not giving more. — There can be no great- er error than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from Nation to Nation. — 'Tis an illusion which experi- ence must cure, which a just pride ought to discard. In offering to you, my Countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope the}' will make the strong and lasting impression, I could wish, — that they will controul the usual current of the passions or prevent our Nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of Na- tions. — But if I may even flatter myself, that they may be productive of some partial benefit; some occasional good ; that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism, this hope will be a full recom- pense for the solicitude for your welfare, by which they have been dictated. — How far in the discharge of my oiEcial duties, I have been guided by the principles which have been delin- eated, the public Records and other evidences of my conduct must witness to You, and to the World. — To myself, the assurance of my own conscience is, that I have at least believed myself to be guided by them. In relation to the still subsisting War in Europe, my Proclamation of the 22d of April 1793 is the index to my plan. — Sanctioned by your approving voice and by that of Your Representatives in both Houses of Con- gress, the spirit of that measure has continually gov- erned me :— uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. After deliberate examination with the aid of the best lights I could obtain, [*] I was well satisfied that our country, under all the circumstances of the case, had a right to take, and was bound in duty and interest to take a Neutral position. — Having taken it, I deter- mined, as far as should depend upon me, to maintain it, with moderation, perseverance and firmness. — [The considerations which respect the right to %iold this conduct, [it is not necessary] t on this occasion [to detail.] I will only observe, that according to my understanding of the matter, that right, so far from being denied by the Belligerent Powers, has been vis- tually admitted by all. — ] J (* and from men diBagreeins? in their impressions of the origin, progrens, and nature of that war,) t some of them of a delicate nature, would he improp- erly the subiect of explanation. t The considerations which respect the right to hold this conduct, some of them of a delicate nature, would be improperly the subject of explanation on this occasion. I will barely observe that according to my understanding ol the matter, that right so far from being denied by any bel- ligerent Power, has been virtually admitted liy all.— This paragraph is then erased from the word "con- duct," and the following sentence interlined, " would be improperly the subiect of particular discussion on this oc- casion. I will barely observe that to me they appear to be warranted by well-established principles of the Laws of Nations as applicable to the nature of our alliance with France in connection with tlie circumstances of the War, and the relative situation of the contending Parties." A piece of paper is afterw.ards watered over both, on which the p.aragraph as it stands in the text is written, and on the margin is the following note : "This is the lirst draft, and it is questionable which of the two is to be pre- ferred." APPENDIX-PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS ON THE DEATH OF WASHINGTON. The duty of holding a neutral conduct may be in- ferred, without anything more, from the obligation which justice and humanity impose on every Nation, in cases in which it is free to act, to maintain inviolate the relations of Peace and Amity towards other Nations. The inducements of interest for observing that con- duct, will best be referred to your own reflections and experience. With me, a predominant motive has been to endeavour to gain time to our country to settle and mature its yet recent institutions, and to progress without interruption to that degree of strength and consistency, which is necessary to give it, humanly speaking, the command of its own fortunes. Though in reviewing the incidents of my Adminis- tration, I am unconscious of intentional error— I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I [may] have committed many errors. — [Whatever they may be I] * fervently beseech the Al- mighty to avert or mitigate [the evils to which they may tend.] f— I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence ; and that after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service, with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest, [t] Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it, which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself and his progenitors for [several] § genera- tions ;— I anticipate with pleasing expectation that re- treat, in which I promise myself to realize, without alloy, the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow citizens, the benign influence of good Laws under a free Government,— the ever favourite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labours and dangers.] Go. Washington. United States, i 19t/i September, \ 1796. III. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN CONSEQUENCE OF TPIE DEATH OF WASHINGTON. SPEECH OF JOHN MAESHALL IN THE HOUSE OF EEPEESENTATIVES, AND EESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE HOUSE, DECEMBER IOth, 1799.^ !Mr. Speaker, The melancholy event, which was yesterday an- nounced with doubt, has been rendered but too certain. Our Washington is no more ! The hero, the patriot, and the sage of America ; the man on whom in times of danger every eye was turned, and all hopes were placed, lives now only in his own great actions, and in the hearts of an affectionate and afflicted people. If, Sir, it had even not been usual openly to testify respect for the memory of those whom Heaven has se- lected as its instruments for dispensing good to man, 3'et such has been the uncommon worth, and such the extraordinary incidents, which have marked the life of him whose loss we all deplore, that the whole Amer- ican nation, impelled by the same feelings, would call with one. voice for a public manifestation of that sor- row, which is so deep and souniversal. * I deprecate the evils to which they may tend, and t them } May I without the charge of ostpntatioii add, that neither ambition nor interest has been the impelling cause of my actions— that I have never designedly misused any power conlidcd to me nor hesitated to use one, where I thought it could redound to your benefit ? May I wthout the appearance of affectation say, that the fortune with which I came into office is not bettered otherwise than by the improvement in the value of property which the quick progress and uncommon prosperity of our country have produced ? May I still further add without breach of del- icacy, that I shall retire without cause for a blush, with no sentiments alien to the force of those vows for the happi- ness of his country so natural to a citizen who sees in it More than any other individual, and as much as to one individual was possible, has he contributed to found this our wide-spreading empire, and to give to the western world independence and freedom. Having effected the great object for which he was placed at the head of our armies, we have seen him convert the sword into the ploughshare, and sink the soldier in the citizen. When the debility of our federal system had become manifest, and the bonds which connected this vast continent were dissolving, we have seen him the chief of those patriots who formed for us a constitution, which, by preserving the union, will, I trust, substan- tiate and perpetuate those blessings which our Revo- lution had promised to bestow. In obedience to the general voice of his country, calling him to preside over a great people, we have seen him once more quit the retirement he loved, and, in a season more stormy and tempestuous than war it- self, with calm and wise determination pursue the true interests of the nation, and contribute, more than any the native soil of his progenitors and himself for four gen- erations ? On the margin opposite this paragraph is the following note: "This paragraph may have the appearance of self- distrust and mere vanity.'' § four II The paragraph beginningwith the words, " May I with- out the charge of ostentation add," ha\ing been struck out, the follomng note is written on the margin of that which is inserted in its place in the text : " Continuation of the paragraph preceding the last ondingwith the word ' rest.' " Ti The intelligence of the death of Washington had been received the preceding day, and the House immediately adjourned. The next morning Mr. Marshall addressed this speech to the House. \ 784 APPENDIX— PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS ON THE DEATH OF WASHINGTON. other could contribute, to the establishment of that sys- tem of policy, which will, I trust, yet preserve our peace, our honor, and our independence. Having been twice unanimously chosen the chief magistrate of a free people, we have seeu him, at a time wlicu his re-election with universal suffrage could not be doubted, afford to the world a rare instance of moderation, by withdrawing from his station to the peaceful walks of private life. However the public confidence may change, and the public aflections fluctuate with respect to others, with respect to him they have, in war and in peace, in pub- lic and in private life, been as steady as his own firm mind, and as constant as his own exalted virtues. Let us, then, Mr. Speaker, pay the last tribute of re- spect and affection to our departed friend. Let the grand council of the nation display those sentiments which the nation feels. For this purpose I hold in my hand some resolutions, which I take the liberty of ofi'er- ing to the house. Eesolvtd, That this house will wait on the President, in condolence of this mournful event. Resolved, That the Speaker's chair be shrouded with black, and that the members and officers of the house wear black during the session. Resolved, That a committee, in conjunction with one from the Senate, be appointed to consider on the most suitable manner of paying honor to the memory of the man, first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow-citizens. LETTER EEOM THE SENATE TO THE PEESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 23 December, 1799. Sir, The Senate of the United States respectfully take leave to express to you their deep regret for the loss their country sustains in the death of General George Washington. This event, so distressing to all our fellow-citizens, must be peculiarly heavy to you, who have long been associated with him in deeds of patriotism. Permit us. Sir, to mingle our tears with yours. On this occa- sion it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father. The Almighty Disposer of human events has taken from us our greatest benefac- tor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with rev- erence to him " who maketh darkness his pavihon." With patriotic pride we review the life of our Wash- ington, and compare him with those of other countries who have been pre-eminent in fame. Ancient and modern times are diminished before him. Greatness and guilt have too often been allied ; but his fame is whiter than it is brilliant. The destroyers of nations stood abashed at the majesty of his virtues. It re- proved the intemperance of their ambition, and dark- ened the splendor of victory. The scene is closed, and we are no longer anxious lest misfortune should sully his glory ; he has travelled on to the end of his journey, and carried with him an increasing weight of honor ; he has deposited it safely, where misfortune cannot tarnish it, where malice cannot blast it. Fa- vored of Heaven, he departed without exhibiting the weakness of humanity. Magnanimous in death, the darkness of the grave could not obscure his bright- ness. Such was the man whom we deplore. Thanks to God, his glory is consummated. Washington yet lives on earth in his spotless example ; his spirit is in Heaven. Let his countrymen consecrate the memory of the heroic general, the patViotic statesman, and the virtu- ous sage. Let them teach their children never to for- get, that the fruits of his labors and his example are their inheritance. THE PEESIDENT'S ANSWER. 23 December, 1T99. Gentlemen of the Senate, I receive with the most respectful and affectionate sentiments, in this impressive address, the obliging expressions of your regret for the loss our country has sustained in the death of her most esteemed, beloved, and admired citizen. In the multitude of my thoughts and recollections on this melancholy event, you will permit me to say, that I have seen him in the days of adversity, in some of the scenes of his deepest distress and most trying perplexities. I have also attended him in his highest elevation and most prosperous felicity, with uniform admiration of his wisdom, moderation, and constancy. Among all our original associates in that memorable league of this continent, in 1774, which first expressed the sovereign will of a free nation in America, he was the only one remaining in the general government. Although with a constitution more enfeebled than his, at an age when he thought it necessary to prepare for retirement, I feel myself alone, bereaved of my last brother, yet I derive a strong consolation from the unanimous disposition which appears in all ages and classes, to mingle their sorrows with mine on this common calamity to the world. The life of our Washington cannot suffer by a com- parison with those of other countries who have been most celebrated and exalted by fame. The attributes and decorations of royalty could only have served to eclipse the majesty of those virtues which made him, from being a modest citizen, a more resplendent lumi- nary. Misfortune, had he lived, could hereafter have sullied his glory only with those superficial minds, who, believing that character and actions are marked by success alone, rarely deserve to enjoy it. Malice could never blast his honor, and envy made him a singular exception to her universal rule. For himself, he had lived long enough to life and to glory ; for his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been an- swered, he would have been immortal ; for me, his departure is at a most unfortunate moment. Trusting, however, in the wise and righteous dominion of Provi- dence over the passions of men and the results of their actions, as well as over their lives, nothing remains for me but humble resignation. His example is now complete ; and it will teach wis- dom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. 785 long as our history shall be read. If a Trajan found a Phny, a Marcus Aurelius can never want biographers, eulogists, or historians. John Adams. JOINT EES0LUTI0X8 ADOPTED BY BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. Decemler IZd. Eesolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That a marble monument be erected by the United States at the Capitol of the city of Washington, and that the family of General Wash- ington be requested to permit his body to be deposited under it, and that the monument be so designed as to commemorate the great events of his military and political life. And he it further resolved, That there be a funeral procession from Congress Hall, to the German Lutheran Church, in memory of General George Washington, on Thursday the 26th instant, and that an oration be pre- pared at the request of Congress, to be delivered before both Houses that day ; and that the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, be desired to request one of the Members of Congress to prepare and deliver the same. And he it further resolved, That it be recommended to the people of the United States, to wear crape on their left arm, as mourning, for thirty days. And be it further resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to direct a copy of these resolutions to be transmitted to Mrs. Washington, assuring her of the profound respect Congress" will ever bear for her person and character, of their con- dolence on the late afflicting dispensation of Provi- dence; and entreating her assent to the interment of the remains of General Washington in the manner expressed in the first resolution. Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to issue his proclamation, notifying to the people throughout the United States the recommenda- tion contained in the third resolution. Deceviber 30th. Resolved, That it be recommended to the people of the United States to assemble, on the twenty-second day of February next, in such numbers and manner as may be convenient, publicly to testify their grief for the death of General George Washing- ton, by suitable eulogies, orations, and discourses, or by public prayers. And it is further resolved, That the President be re- quested to issue a proclamation for the purpose of carrying the foregoing resolution into effect. IV. WASHINGTON'S WILL. j In the Name op God, Amen : I I, George Washington, of Mount Vernon, a citizen '^'le United States, and lately President of the same, ordain, and declare this instrument, which Tiy own hand, and every page thereof ^ame,* to be my last Will and .1 others. debts, of which there are but ^ It ;. gnitude, are to be punctually and speedup ;.•;•' , , le legacies herein after bequeathed, are to be disc A as soon as circumstances will per- mit, and in the manner directed. Item. — To my dearly beloved wife, J^ri^a Washing- ton, I give and bequeath the use, profit, and benefit of my whole estate real and personal, for the term of her natural life, except such parts thereof as are spe- cially disposed of hereafter. My improved lot in the town of Alexandria, situated on Pitt and Cameron streets, I give to her and her heirs for ever ; as I also i«lo my household and kitchen furniture of every sort and kind, with the liquors and groceries which may be on hand at the time of my decease, to be used and disposed of as she may think proper. Item. — Upon the decease of my wife, it is my will and desire that all the slaves whom I hold in nuj own Tight shall receive their freedom. To emancipate them during her life would, though earnestly wished * In the origin.'il manuscript, George Washington's mame was written at the bottom of every page. 50 by me, be attended with such insuperable difficulties, on account of their intermixture by marriage with the dower negroes, as to excite the most painful sensa- tions, if not disagreeable consequences to the latter, while both descriptions are in the occupancy of the same proprietor ; it not being in my power, under the tenure by which the dower negroes are held, to manu- mit them. And whereas, among those who will re- ceive freedom according to this devise, there may be some, who, from old age or bodily infirmities, and others who, on account of their infancy, will be unable to support themselves, it is my will and desire, that all who come under the first and second description, shall be comfortably clothed and fed by my heirs while they live; and that such of the latter descrip- tion as have no parents living, or, if living, are un- able or unwilling to provide for them, shall be bound by the court until they shall arrive at the age of twenty- five years ; and in cases where no record can be pro- duced, whereby their ages can be ascertained, the judgment of the court, upon its own view of the sub- ject, shall be adequate and final. The negroes thus bound, are (by their masters or mistresses) to be taught to read and write, and to be brought up to some useful occupation, agreeably to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, providing for the support of orphan and other poor children. And I do hereby expressly forbid the sale or transportation out of the said Commonwealth, of any slave I may die possessed 786 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. of, under any pretence whatsoever. And I do, more- over, most pointedly and most solemnly enjoin it upon my executors hereafter named, or the survivors of them, to see that this clause respecting slaves, and every part thereof, be religiously fulfilled at the epoch at which it is directed to take place, without evasion, neglect, or delay, after the crops which may then be on the ground are harvested, pai-ticularly as it respects the aged and infirm ; seeing that a regular and per- manent fund be established for their support, as long as there are subjects requiring it ; not trusting to the uncertain provision to be made by individuals. And to my mulatto man, Willicmi, calling himself William Lee, I give immediate freedom, or, if he should prefer it, (on account of the accidents which have befallen him, and which have rendered him incapable of walking, or of any active employment,) to remain in the situa- tion he now is, it shall be optional in him to do so ; in either case, however, I allow him an annuity of thirty dollars, during his natural life, which shall be inde- pendent of the victuals and clothes he has been accus- tomed to receive, if he chooses the last alternative ; but in full with his freedom, if he prefers the first; and this I give him, as a testimony of my sense of his attachment to me, and for his faithful services during the Revolutionary war. Item. — To the trustees (governors, or by whatsoever other name they may be designated) of the Academy in the town of Alexandria, I give and bequeath, in trust, four thousand dollars, or in other words, twenty of the shares which I hold in the Bank of Alexandria, towards the support of a free school, established at and annexed to, the said Academy, for the purpose of educating such orphan children, or the children of such other poor and indigent persons, who are unable to accomplish it with their own means, and who, in the judgment of the trustees of the said seminary, are best entitled to the benefit of this donation. The aforesaid twerity shares I give and bequeath in per- petuity ; the dividends only of which are to be drawn for and applied, by the said trustees for the time being, for the uses above mentioned ; the stock to re- main entire and untouched, unless indications of failure of the said bank should be so apparent, or a discontinuance thereof should render a removal of this fund necessary. In either of these cases, the amount of the stock here devised is to be vested in some other bank or public institution, whereby the interest may with regularity and certaint^y be drawn and applied as above. And to prevent misconception, my meaning is, and is hereby declared to be, that these twenty shares are in lieu of, and not in addition to, the thousand pounds given by a missive letter some years ago, in consequence whereof an annuity of fifty pounds has since been paid towards the support of this institution. Item. — Whereas, by a law of the Commonwealth of Virginia, enacted in the year 1785, the Legislature thereof was pleased, as an evidence of its approbation of the services I had rendered the public during the Revolution, and partly, I believe, in consideration of my having suggested the vast advantages which the com- munity would derive from the extension of its inland navigation under legislative patronage, to present me with one hundred shares, of one hundred dollars each, in the incorporated Company, established for the pur- pose of extending the navigation of James River from the tide water to the mountains; and also with fifty shares, of £100 sterling each, in the corporation of another company, likewise established for the similar purpose of opening the navigation of the River Poto- mac from the tide water to Fort Cumberland; the ac- ceptance of which, although the offer was highly honorable and grateful to my feelings, was refused, as inconsistent with a principle which I had adopted and had never departed from, viz., not to receive pecuniary compensation for any services I could render my coun- try in its arduous struggle with Great Britain for its rights, and because I had evaded similar propositions from other States in the Union ; adding to this refusal,^, however, an intimation, that, if it should be the pleas-* ure of the legislature to permit me to appropriate the said shares to public vses, I would receive them on those terms with due sensibility ; and this it having consented to in flattering terms, as will appear by a subsequent law, and sundry resolutions, in the most ample and honorable manner ; — I proceed, after this recital, for the more correct understanding of the case, to declare : that, as it has always been a source of serious regret with me, to see the youth of these United States sent to foreign countries for the purpose of education, often before their minds were formed, or they had imbibed any adequate ideas of the happiness of their own ; contracting too frequently, not only , habits of dissipation and extravagance, but principles unfriendly to republican government, and to the true | and genuine liberties of mankind, which thereafter . are rarely overcome ; for these reasons it has been my ardent wish to see a plan devised on a liberal scale, , which would have a tendency to spread systematic ^ ideas through all parts of this rising empire, thereby , to do away local attachments and State prejudices, as far as the nature of things would, or indeed ought to , admit, from our national councils. Looking anxiously . forward to the accomplishment of so desirable an ob- , ject as this is (in my estimation), my mind has not been able to contemplate any plan more likely to efffc* ^ the measure, than the establishment of a Univehsitt in a central part of the United States, to which the youths of fortune and talents from all parts thereof may , be sent for the completion of their education, in all the ^ branches of polite literature, in arts and sciences, in acquiring knowledge in the principles of politics and good government, and, as a matter of infinite import- ^' ance in my judgment, by associating with each other and forming friendships in juvenile years, be enabled . to free themselves in a proper degree from those local ^ prejudices and habitual jealousies which have just j| been mentioned, and which, when carried to excess,,, are never-failing sources of disquietude to the public ^ mind, and pregnant of mischievous consequences to j, this country. Under these impressions, so fully ^ dilated, Item.— I give and beqiwjath, in perpetuity, the fifty shares which I hold in the Potomac company, (under ^ the aforesaid acts of the Legislature of Virginia,) to- wards the endowment of a University, to be established j within the limits of the District of Columbia, under th« APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. 787 auspices of the general government, if that government should incline to extend a fostering hand towards it ; and, until such seminary is established, and the funds arisi^ng on these shares shall be required for its sup- port, my further will and desire is, that the profit accuring therefrom shall, whenever the dividends are made, be laid out in purchasing stock in the bank of Columbia, or some other bank, at the discretion of my executors, or by the Treasurer of the United States for the time being under the direction of Congress, pro- vided that honorable body should patronize the meas- ure ; and the dividends proceeding from the purchase of such stock are to be vested in more stock, and so on, until a sum adequate to the accomplishment of the object is obtained ; of which I have not the smallest doubt, before many years pass away, even if no aid or encouragement is given by the legislative authority, or from any other source. Item.— The hundred shares which I hold in the James River Company, I have given and now confirm in perpetuity, to and for the use and benefit of Liberty Hall Academy, in the County of Rockbridge in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Hem. — I release, exonerate, and discharge the estate of my deceased brother, Samuel Washington, from the payment of the money which is due to me for the land I sold to Philip Pendleton, (lying in the county of Berkeley,) who assigned the same to him, the said Samuel, who by agi'cemcnt was to pay me therefor. And whereas, by some contract (the purport of which was never communicated to me) between the said Samuel and his son, Tliornton Washington, the latter became possessed of the aforesaid land, without any conveyance having passed from me, either to the said Pendleton, the said Samuel, or the said Thornton, and without any consideration having been made, by which neglect neither the legal nor equitable title has been alienated ; it rests therefore with me to declare my intentions concerning the premises ; and these are, to give and bequeath the said land to whomsoever the said Thornton Washington (who is also dead) devised the same, or to his heirs for ever, if he died intestate; exonerating the estate of the said Thornton, equally with that of the said Samuel, from payment of the purchase money, ^vhich, with interest, agreeably to the original contract with the said Pendleton, would amount to more than a thousand pounds. And where- as two other sons of ray said deceased brother Samuel, namely, George Steptoe Washington, and Lawrence Augustine Washington, were, by the decease of those to whose care they were committed, brought under my protection, and, in consequence, have occasioned advances on my part for their education at college and other schools, for their board, clothing, and other incidental expenses, to the amount of near five thou- sand dollars, over and above the sums furnished by their estate, which sum it may be inconvenient for them or their father's estate to refund ; I do for these reasons acquit them and the said estate from the pay- ment thereof, my intention being, that all accounts between them and me, and their father's estate and me, shall stand balanced. Item.—lhQ balance due to me from the estate of Bartholomew Dandridge, deceased, (my wife's brother,) and which amounted on the first day of October, 1795, to four hundred and twenty-five pounds, (as will appear by an account rendered by his deceased son, John Dandridge, who was the acting executor of his father's will,) I release and acquit from the payment thereof. And the negroes, then thirty-three in number, formerly belonging to the said estate, who were taken in exe- cution, sold, and purchased in on my account, in the year {blank), and ever since have remained in the ' possession and to the use of Mar;/, widow of the said Bartholomew Dandridge, with their increase, it is my will and desire shall continue and be in her possession, without paying hire, or making compensation for the same for the time past, or to come, during her natural life ; at the elxpiration of which, I direct that all of them who are forty years old and upwards shall receive their freedom ; and all under that age, and above six- teen, shall serve seven years and no longer ; and all under sixteen years shall serve until they are twenty- five years of age, and then be free. And, to avoid disputes respecting the ages of any of these negroes, they are to be taken into the court of the county in which they reside, and the judgment thereof, in this relation, shall be final andi'ecord thereof made, which may be adduced as evidence at any time thereafter if disputes should arise concerning the same. And I further direct, that the heirs of the said Bartholomew Dandridge shall equally share the benefits arising from the services of the said negroes according to the tenor of this devise, upon the decease of their mother. Item. — If Charles Carter, who intermarried with my niece Betty Leivis, is not suQiciently secured in the title to the lots he had of me in the town of Fredericks- burg, it is my will and desire, that my executors shall make such conveyances of them as the law requires to render it perfect. Item. — To my nephew, William Augustine Washing- ton, and his heirs, (if he should conceive them to be objects worth prosecuting), a lot in the town of Man- chester, (opposite to Richmond,) No. 2G5, drawn on my sole account, and also the tenth of one or two hundred acre lots, and two or three half-acre lots, in the city and vicinity of Richmond, drawn in partner- ship with nine others, all in the lottery of the deceased William Byrd, are given ; as is also a lot which I pur- chased of John Hood, conveyed by William Willie and Samvel Gordon, trustees of the said John Hood, numbered 139, iu the town of Edinburgh, in the County of Prince George, State of Virginia. jtem. — To my nephew, Bushrod Washington,* I give and bequeath all the papers in my possession which relate to my civil and military administration of the affairs of this country. I leave to him also such of my private papers as are worth preserving ; and at the decease of my wife, and before, if she is not inclined to retain them, I give and bequeath my library of books and pamlphets of every kind. Item.S.a,\'mg sold lands which I possessed in the * As General Washington never had .iny children, he eave the larger part of his propertyto his nephews .and niece«, and the children of Mrs. Waehiugtou's son by her first marriage. The principal heir was Biishrod Washington, eon of his brother John Augustme W ash- ingtou. 788 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. State of Pennsylvania and part of a tract held in equal right with George Clinton, late governor of New York, in the State of New York, my share of land and in- terest in the Great Dismal Swamp, and a tract of land which I owned in the County of Gloucester, — withholding the legal titles thereto, until the con- sideration money should be paid — and having more- over leased and couditioually sold (as will appear by the tenor of the said leases) all my lands upon the Great Kenhawa, and a tract upon Difficult Run, in the County of Loudoun, it is my will and direc- tion, that whensoever the contracts are fully and re- spectively complied with, according to the spirit, true intent, and meaning thereof, on the part of the pur- chasers, their heirs or assigns, that then, and in that case, conveyances are to be made, agreeably to the terms of the said contracts, and the money arising therefrom, when paid, to be vested in bank stock ; the dividends whereof, as of that also which is already vest- ed therein, are to inure to my said wife during her life ; but the stock itself is to remain and be sub- ject to the general distribution hereafter directed. Item,. — To the Earl of Buchan I recommit the " Box made of the Oak that sheltered the great Sir William Wallace, after the battle of Falkirk," presented to me by his Lordship, in terms too flattering for me to re- peat, with a request " to pass it, on the event of my decease, to the man in my country, who should appear to merit it best, upon the same conditions that have induced him to send it to me." Whether easy or not to select the man, who might comport with his Lord- ship's opinion in this respect, is not for me to say ; but, conceiving that no disposition of this valuable curiosity can be more eligible than the recommitment of it to his own cabinet, agreeably to the original design of the Goldsmiths' Company of Edinburgh, who presented it to him, and, at his request, consented that it should be transferred to me, I do give and bequeath the same to his Lordship ; and, in case of his decease, to his heir, with my grateful thanks for the distinguished honor of presenting it to me, and more especially for the favorable sentiments with which he accompanied it. Item. — To my brother Cliarles WasMngton, I give and bequeath the gold-headed cane left me by Dr. FravMin in his will. I add nothing to it because of the ample provision I have made for his issue. To the acquaintances and friends of my juvenile years, Laiv- renca Washingtoti and Robert Wafldngton, of Chotanck, I give my other two gold-headed canes, having ni}' arms engraved on them; and to each, as they will be useful where they live, I leave one of the spyglasses, which constituted part of my equipage during the late war. To my compatriot in arms and old and intimate friend, Dr. Craih, I give mj^ bureau (or, as the cabinet-makers call it, tambour secretary) and the circular chair, an appendage of my study. To Dr. David Stewart I give my large shaving and dressing table, and my telescope. To the Reverend, now Bryan, Lord Fail-fax, I give a Eible, in three large folio volumes, with notes, presented to me by the Right Reverend TiLOiims Wilson,, Bishop of Sodor and Mau. To General de Lafayttte I give a pair of finely- Ivrought steel pistols, taken from the enemy in the revolutionary war. To my sisters-in-law, Eannak WasMngton and Mildred Washington, to my friends, Eleanor Stuart, Hannah Washington, of Fairfield, and Elizabeth Washington, of Hayfield, I give each a mourning ring, of the value of one hundred dollars. These bequests are not made for the intrinsic value of them, but as mementos of my esteem and regard. To Tobias Lear I give the use of the farm, which he now holds in virtue of a lease from me to him and his de- ceased wife, (for and during their natural lives,) free from rent during his life ; at the expiration of which, it is to be disposed of as is hereinafter directed. To Sally B. Haynie, (a distant relation of mine,) I give and be- queath three hundred dollars. To Sarah Green, daughter of the deceased TJiomas Bishop, and to Ann Walker, daughter of John Alton, also deceased, I give each one hundred dollars, in consideration of the attachment of their fathers to me ; each of whom hav- ing lived nearly forty years in my family. To each of my nephews, William Avgustine WasJiington, George Lewis, George Steptoe. Washington, Busitrod WasJiing- ton, and Samuel Washington, I give one of the swords or couteaux, of which I may die possessed ; and they are to choose in the order they are named. These swords are accompanied with an injunction not to unsheath them for the purpose of shedding blood, ex- cept it be for self-defence or in defence of their coun- try and its rights ; and in the latter case, to keep them unsheathed, and prefer falling with them in their hands to the relinquishment thereof And now, having gone through these specific devices, with explanations for the more correct understanding of the meaning and design of them, I proceed to the distribution of the more important part of my estate, in manner following ; First. — To my nephew, Bnshrod Washington, and his heirs, (parti}' in consideration of an intimation to his deceased father, while we were bachelors, and he had kindly undertaken to superintend my estate during my military services in the former war between Great Britain and France, that, if I should fall therein. Mount Vernon, then less extensive in domain than at present, should become his property,) I give and bequeath all that part thereof, which is comprehended within the following limits, viz. Beginning at the ford of Dogue Run, near my Mill, and extending along the road, and bounded thereby, as it now goes, and ever has gone, since my recollection of it, to the ford of Little Hunt- ing Creek, at the Gum Spring, until it comes to a knoll opposite to an old road, which formerly passed through the lower field of Muddy-Hole Farm ; at which, on the north side of the said road, are three red or Spanish oaks, marked as a corner, and a stone placed ; thence by a line of trees, to be marked rectangular, to the back line or outer boundary of the tract between Thomson Mason and myself; thence with that lino easterly (now double ditching, with a post and rail fence thereon) to the run of Little Hunting Creek; thence with that run, which is the boundary between the lands of the late Humphrey Peahe and me, to the tide water of the said creek ; thence by that water to Potomac River ; thence with the river to the mouth of Dogue Creek ; and thence with the said Dogue Creek to the place of beginning at the aforesaid ford ; con- APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. 789 taining upwards of four thousand acres, be the same more or less, together with the mansion-house, and all other buildings and improvements thereon. Secoxd. — In consideration of the consanguinity be- tween them and my wife, being as nearly related to her as to myself, as on account of the affection I had for, and the obligation I was under to, their father when living, who from his youth had attached himself to my person, and followed my fortunes through the vicissitudes of the late Revolution, afterwards devot- ing his time to the superintendence of my private con- cerns for many years, whilst my public employments rendered it impracticable for me to do it myself, there- by affording me essential services, and always perform- ing them in a manner the most filial and respectful ; for these reasons, I say, I give and bequeath to George Fayette Washington and Lawrence Augustine Wasldng- ton, and their heirs, my estate east of Little Hunting Creek, lying on the River Potomac, including the farm of three hundred and sixty acres, leased to Tobias Lear, as noticed before, and containing in the whole, by deed, two thousand and twenty-seven acres, be it more or less ; which said estate it is my will and desire should be equitably jmd advantageously divided between them, according to quantity, quality, and other circum- stances, when the youngest shall have arrived at the age of twenty-one years, by three judicious and disin- terested men ; one to be chosen by each of the brothers, and the third by these two. In the me.an time, if the termination of my wife's interest therein should have ceased, the profits arising therefrom are to be applied for their joint uses and benefit. Third. — And whereas it has always been my inten- tion, since my expectation of having issue has ceased, to consider the grandchildren of my wife in the same light as I do my own relations, and to act a friendly part by them ; more especially by the two whom we have raised from their earliest infancy, namely, Eleanor Parhe Custis and George Washington Parke Custis ; and whereas the former of these hath lately intermarried with Laivrence Lewis, a son of my deceased sister, Betty Lewis, by which the inducement to provide for them both has been increased ; wherefore, I give and bequeath to the said Lawrence Lewis, and Eleanor Parhe Liwis, his wife, and their heirs, the residue of my Mount Vernon estate, not already devised to my nephew, Bushrod Washington, comprehended with. in the following description, viz. All the land north of the road leading from the ford of Dogue Run to the Gum Spring as described in the devise of the other part of the tract to Bushrod Washington, until it comes to the stone and three red or Spanish oaks on the knoll ; thence with the rectangular line to the back line (between Mr. 2Iason and me) ; thence with that line westerly along the new double ditch to Dogue Run, by the tumbling dam of my Mill ; thence with the said run to the ford aforementioned. To which I add all the land I possess west of the said Dogue Run and Dogue Creek, bounded easterly and south- erly thereby ; together with the mill, distillerj-, and all other houses and improvements on the prem- ises, making together about two thousand acres, be it more or less. FouETH.— Actuated by the principle already men- tioned, I give and bequeath to Gem-ge Washington ParJce Custis, the grandson of my wife, and my ward, and to his heirs, the tract I hold on Four Mile Run, in the vicinity of Alexandria, containing one thousand two hundred acres, more or less, and my entire square, No. 21, in the city of Washington. Fifth.— All the rest and residue of my estate real and personal, not disposed of in manner aforesaid, in whatsoever consisting, wheresoever lying, and when- soever found, (a schedule of which, as far as is recol- lected, with a reasonable estimate of its value, is here- unto annexed,) I desire may be sold by my executors at such times, in such manner, and on such credits, (if an equal, valid, and satisfactory distribution of the specific property cannot be made without,) as in their judgment shall be most conducive to the interests of the parties concerned ; and the moneys arising there- from to be divided into twenty-three equal parts, and applied as follows, viz. To William Augustine Wash- ington, Elizabeth Spotswood,. Jane Tliornton, and the heirs of Ann Ashton, sons and daughters of my deceas- ed brother, Augustine Washington, I give and bequeath four parts ; that is, one part to each of them. To Fielding Lewis, George Lewis, Robert Lewis, Howell Lewis, and Betty Carter, sons and daughters of my de- ceased sister Betty Lewis, I give and bequeath five other parts ; one to each of them. To George Steptoe Washington, Lawrence Augustine Washington, Harriot Paries, and the heirs of Thornton Washington, song and daughters of my deceased brother, Samuel Wasli- ington, I give and bequeath other four parts; one to each of them. To Corbin Washington, and the heirs o{ Jane Washington, son and daugther of my deceased bi'other, JoJm Augustine Washington, I give and be- queath two parts ; one to each of them. To Samuel Washington, Frances Ball, and Mildred Hammond, son and daughters of my brother Charles Washington, i give and bequeath three parts ; one part to each of them. And to George Fayette Washington, Charles Augustine Washington, and Maria Washington, sons and daughter of my deceased nephew, George Angus- tine Washington, I give one other part ; that is, to each a third of that part. To Elizabeth L'arlce Law, Martha Parhe Peter, and Eleanor Parke Lewis, I give and bequeath three other jlarts ; that is, a part to each of them. And to my nephews, Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis, and to my ward, the grandson of my wife, I give and bequeath one other part; that is a third thereof to each of them. And, if it should so hap- pen that any of the persons whose names are here euu- merated (unknown to me) should now be dead, or should die before mo, that in either of these cases, the heir of such deceased person shall, notwithstanding, derive all the benefits of the bequest in the same manner as if he or she was actually living at the time. And, by way of advice, I recommend it to my executors not to bo precipitate in disposing of the landed property, (herein directed to be sold,) if from temporary causes the sale thereof should be dull ; experience having fully evinced, that the price of land, especially above the falls of the river and on the western waters, has been progressively rising, and cannot be long checked in its increasing value. And I particularly recommend it to such of the legatees (under this clause of my will), as 790 APPENDIX— WASHINGTON'S WILL. can make it convenient, to take each a share of my stock in the Potomac Company in preference to the amount of what it might sell for; being thorouglily convinced myself that no uses to which the money can be applied, will be so productive as the tolls arising from this navigation when in full operation, (and thus, from the nature of things, it must be, ere long,) and more especially if that of tlie Shenandoah is added thereto. The family vault at Mount Vernon requiring repairs, and being improperly situated besides, I desire that a new one of brick, and upon a larger scale, may be built at the foot of what is commonly called the Vine- yard Enclosure, on the ground which is marked out ; in which my remains, with those of my deceased rela- tions (now in the old vault), and such others of my family as may choose to be entombed there, may be deposited. And it is my express desire, that my corpse may be interred in a private manner, without parade or funeral oration. Lastly, I constitute and appoint my dearly beloved wife, Martha Washington, my nephews, William Avgustine Washington, Bitshrod Washington, George Stei)toe Washington, Samuel Washington, and Laio- rence Lewis, and my ward, George Washington Parl-e Custis (when he shall have arrived at the age of twen- ty-one years), executrix and executors of this my will and testament ; in the construction of which it will be readily perceived, that no professional character has been consulted, or has had any agency in the draft ; and that, although it has occupied many of my leisure hours to digest, and to throw it into its present form, it ma}', notwithstanding, appear crude and incorrect ; but, having endeavored to be plain and explicit in all the devises, even at the expense of prolixity, perhaps of tautology, I hope and trust that no disputes will arise concerning them. But if, contrary to expectation, the case should be otherwise, from the want of legal expressions, or the usual technical terms, or because too much or too little has been said on any of the devises to be consonant with law, my will and direc- tion expressly is, ■ that all disputes (if unhappily any should arise) shall be decided by three impartial and intelligent men, known for their probity and good understanding, two to be chosen by the disputants, each having the choice of one, and the third by those two ; which three men, thus chosen, shall, unfettered by law or legal constructions, declare their sense of the testator's intention ; and such decision is, to all intents and purposes, to be as binding on the parties as if it had been given in the Supreme Court of the United States. In ttitness of all and of each of the i/iings herein con- lained, I have set my hatid and seal^ this ninth day of July, in the year one thousaiid seven hundred and ninety,* and of the Independence of the United States tlie twentyfourth. GEORGE WASHINGTON. * It appears that the testator omitted the word "nine." INDEX. Abercrombie, General— Bupersedea General Shirley, commander-in-chief, encamped at Lake George proceeds against Ticouderoga, falls back, attacks the French works, repulsed by Montcalm, superseded by Major-General Amherst, Abercbombie, Lieutenant-Colon- el, attacks American batteries, ACKLAND, Lady Harriet — ■with Burgoyne's army, during the action, her distreBs, eeeks her husband, kind treatment of, subsequent history, AcKLAND, Major — commands the Grenadiers, wounded and taken prisoner, Bubsequent history (note), Adams, John — birth of American independence, at town meetings, on the General Congress, opposes petition to the king, on the choice of commander-in- chief, proposes "Washington as com- mander-in-chief, on the conduct of Washington, opposes Lee, and urges Ward as second in command, opposed to Lee and Gates, on the act of Massachusetts Gen- eral Court, to General Thomas on Schuy- ler's unpopularity, picture of festivities at head- quarters, on the defence of New York, member of the Board of War and Ordnance, on the Declaration of Independ- ence, its great importance, concerning sectional jealousies, on committee to confer with Lord Howe, at Washington's inauguration, on presidential etiquette, distrusts the French Revolution, on the office of Vice President, his " Discourses on Davila," on the British Constitution, concerniiiic Washington's judg- ment of Genet, to his wife on affairs, elected President, inaugural address, convenes Congress, address concerning French in- dignities, to Washington, asking advice, on the appointment of Washing- ton commander-in-chief, nominates minister to France, 188 Adams, Mrs. — to her husband on the appear- ance of Washington, description of General Lee, account of party at General Mifflin's, to her husband on the cannonade, Adams, Samuel— as moderator, proposes Mr. Duch6 as chaplain, to his wife about Mr. Duche, apprised of the movement of troops, irresolute as to commander-in- chief, excepted from proffered pardon, on the united conmiand of Schuy- ler and Gates, meets Washington atCambridge, Adams, Sir Thomas, Adet, Mr.— minister from France, presents the colors of France, complaints against the govern- ment of the United States, Agnew, Brigadier General— in the expedition against Dan- bury, killed at Germantown, Albany, panic at St. Clair's retreat, Allen, the fighting parson, Allkn, Ethan — at the head of the Green Moun- tain Boys, volunteers in the public cause, described, commands expedition to Ticon- deroga, proceeds to Shoreham, arrives at Shoreham, addresses his men, surprises Ticonderoga, expedition against St. Johns, returns to Ticonderoga, rivalry with Arnold, to Now York Congress, designs on Canada, to Trumbull, repairs to Congress, repairs to New York convention, to Trumbull on the invasion of (j^nada, superseded by Seth Warner, joins as a volunteer, to Trumbull, sent to reconnoitre, report to Schuyler, recruiting, to Montgomery on Canadian volunteers, meets Major Brown, decides to attack Montreal, taken prisoner, reception by General Prcscott, sent to England, to General Preseott, memory of, treatment by the British, exchanged for Colonel Campbell visits Valley Forge, leaves for home. Allen, Levi — to Washington on the treatment 161 of Ethan Allen, 198 103 project to effect liis release, 199 Allen, William, 252 202 Alton, John, Washington's ser- 221 vant, taken ill, 64 Ambuscade, engagement with the 129 Boston, 720 130 Amboy, disaffection of people, 243 131 American Colonies — affection for the mother country 108 140 resolve not to purchase British fabrics, 110 147 American Army — 149 besieging Boston, its nature, 150 disposition of its forces, ' 150 251 distribution of before Boston, 164 678 condition and discipline, 164 107 spirit of insubordination, 165 camp described, 165 735 strict discipline, 169 739 scarcity of powder, 171 critical condition, 171 747 difficulty of tilling up, 197 greatly weakened, 206 lack of equipments, 206 344 strength in and about New York, 228 420 retreat from before Quebec, 231 366 British description of, 288 385 at New Brunswick, 303 ' contrasted with the British, 332 marches through Philadelphia, 370 144 described by a'Hessian, 415 144 approach of winter, 433 14-1 destitution of, 508 pass through Philadelphia, 600 144 discontent of, 627 144 memorial to Congress, 627 145 anonymous address, 628 145 other anonymous papers, 628 145 meeting ofofficers, 629 145 addressed by Washington, 629 146 resolutions of meeting, 638 174 its breaking up described, 637 174 contrastedVith the British, 638 174 American Militia— 175 fly before the British, 275 175 cowardice of, 287 175 signalize themselves, 330 gallant exploits, 331 176 American Prisoners, treatment 177 of, 335, 336 177 American Seamen, impressment 178 of, 182 Ames, Fisher— 182 on the first Congress, 182 debate on Jc tferson's report, on Washington's farewell ad- 153 dress, 154 Amesbvuy, a British spy, 184 Amherst, M.ijor General— 184 to reduce Louisburg, 184 embarks, 184 arrives at the bay of Gabarus, 185 landing of troops, 185 takes Louisburg, 199 supersedes General Abercrom- 45S bie, 458 to advance against Ticonderoga 458 and Crown Point, 722 673 726 746 355 INDEX. emliarks for Ticonderoga, 97 repairs the works at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 98 consequences of his delay, 98 further delay, 101 again in the field, 102 arrives at Montreal, 102 Amherst, Captain, despatched to England with news of the cap- ture of Louisburg, 90 Anderson, Ephraim— plan for destroying British ships, 256 entertained by Congress, 256 to the President of Congress on his progress, 256 Andre, Major — and the Mischianza, 457 aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Clin- ton, 487 correspondence with Arnold, 530 sketch of his life, 531 attempted interview with Ar- nold, 532 goes on board the Vulture, 533 interview with Arnold, 533 remains ashore all night, 533 anxiety to escape, 534 crosses to Verplanck's Point, 534 stopped by patrolling party, 534 approaches the Neutral Ground, 534 parts with Smith, 534 etopped by Paulding, 535 arrested and searched, 536 taken to North Castle, 536 sent to Arnold, 536 brought back, 536 taken to Lower Salem, 536 to Washington, 537 amuses himself by sketching, 537 propensity for caricature (note), 537 taken to the Robinson House, 541 sent to West Point, 541 conversation with Major Tall- madge, 541 his fate predicted, 642 arrives at Tappan, 542 frank confession, 543 condemned as a spy, 543 concerning Sir Henry Clinton, 543 qualities of, 544 execution postponed, 645 afiectiug appeal to Washington, 545 nature of his mission, 646 British view of his case (note), 546 his execution, 547 burial, 547 transferred to Westminster Ab- bey, 547 sympathy in behalf of, 547 Angbl, Colonel, in the fight at Springfield, 518 Annapolis before the revolution (note), 107 Anspachers arrive at New York, 352 Arbcthnot, Admiral- arrival with troops, 493 convoys expedition to South Car- olina, 495 enters Charleston harbor, 511 passes Fort Moultrie, 512 squadron scattered by a storm, 586 encounters the French fleet, 5S8 Armstrong, Colonel John, com- mands expedition against Kit- tanning, 81 Armstrong, Major General — to check the British, 390 at Brandywine, S92 posted at the Schuylkill, 396 on Washington (note), 425 author of anon.vnous papers, 631 Armstrong, Captain- commands at Verplanck's Point 486 pursues Colonel Coatos, 601 fight at (Juiraby Creek, 602 decoyed into an ambush, 689 Armstrong, Major, attention to Mercer, 327 Arnold, Benedict — arrives at Castleton, 144 proposes the surprisal of Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, 144 aspires to the command, 144 serves as volunteer, 145 desires to command Ticonde- roga, 145 2 is disappointed and protests, 145 commands armed schooner, 145 surprises St. Johns, 145 rivalry with Ethan Allen, 174 opinion of Allen, 174 dilficulties withC^olonel Hinman, 175 and the committee of inquiry, 175 indignation, 176 sets oft' for Cambridge, 176 commands the expedition as lieu- tenant colonel, 181 sets out for Canada, 181 to Washington, on the expedi- tion, 183 to Washington, on bis progress, 185 toils of the expedition, 186 obstacles to the expedition, 186 perseverance, 193 embarks on the Chaudiere, 193 arrives at Point Levi, 194 sudden apparition, 194 at Point Levi, 202 crosses to Wolfe's Cove, 203 discovered by a boat from the Lizard, 203 on the Heights of Abraham, 203 obstacles before him, 203 holds a council of war, 203 demands a surrender, 204 retires to Point aux Trembles, 204 joined by Montfroniery, 206 leads his division against St. Roque, 213 wounded, 213 assisted back to camp, 214 determination and resources, 214 gallant resolve, 214 promoted to brigadier general, 230 keeps up the blockade, 230 difficulties, 230 accident, 230 obtains leave of absence, 230 at Montreal, 234 afi"air at the Cedars, 234 council of war, ' 235 exchange of prisoners, 235 to Commissioners of (Jongress, 235 joins Sullivan, 239 commands flotilla at Ticon- deroga, 292 at Valcour Island, 292 his force, 293 engages the British, 293 escapes the enemy, 293 overtaken, brave resistance, 294 burns his vessels, 294 arrives at Crown Point, 294 passed over by Congress, 343 to Washington on his non-pro- motion, 844 reasons for, 344 hastens to Danbury, 344 takes post at Ridgcfield, 345 throws up a breastwork, 345 narrow escape, 345 presses the enemy hard, 346 made major-general, 346 presented with a horse by Con- gress, 346 declines the command of the Hudson, 351 business with Congress, 351 commands Philadelphia, 353 volunteers to relieve Fort Schuy- ler, 383 encourages Gansevoort, 387 reinforced, <> 387 to Gates, determination, 387 success of his stratai,'cm, 387 selects a camping ground, 400 skirmishes with the enemy, 401 impetuous attack, 402 quarrel with Gates, 403 indignant letter to Gates, 403 tries to goad Gates on, 408 rushes to the fight, 410 desperate valor, 410 storms Burgoyne's camp, 410 wounded, 410 to take command of Philadel- phia, 462 unsettled accounts, 500 command of Philadelphia, 500 issues proclamation, 500 style of living, 500 disputes, 501 attachment to Miss Shippen 501 projects a settlement in New York, 501 charges against, 501 sets out for Albany, ] 501 address to the public, 501 appeal to Congress, 502 exculpated by Congress, ' 502 resigns hjs command, 502 dissatisfaction with Congress, 502 to Washington on the court- martial, 602 marries Miss Shippen, 602 application for a guard, 603 tried by court-martial, 503 sentenced to be reprimanded, 603 reprimanded by Washington, 504 projects an expedition, 504 and the French minister, 509 applies to rejoin the army, 509 seeks the command of West Point, 522 appointed to the command of West Point, 523 treason of, 630 correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton, 530 desperate state of atfairs, 530 takes command of West Point, 630 head-quarters at the Robinson House, 530 carries on secret correspondence with Andre, 630 scheme of treachery, 531 attempted interview with Andre, 532 accompanies Washington, 532 message to Colonel Robinson, 532 interview with Andre, 633 the bargain completed, 533 returns to bead-quarters, 634 arrival of Washington, 538 hears of Andre's capture, 638 flight, 538 escapes to the Vulture, 539 gives up his crew as prisoners of war, 539 to Washington concerning his wife, 540 certificate in behalf of Andre, 543 to Washington, threatening re- taliation for Andre, 545 rewarded by the British, 548 address to the inhabitants of America, 548 proclamation to the American army, 648 letter from his mother (note), 649 subsequent fortunes, 549 commands British detachment, 663 arrives in the Chesapeake, 568 buccaneering ravages, 668 takes post at Portsmouth, 569 returns to New York, 596 commands expedition against New London, 605 attacks New London, 605 ravages the town, 606 Arnold, Mrs., hears of Arnold's ruin, 638 interview with Washington, 541 ordered to leave the State, 549 her fortunes, 549 AsGiLL, Captain Charles, 624 Asgill, Lady, to the Count de Vergennes, 624 Assistance, Writs of, 109 Atlee, Colonel, retires before General Grant, 264 forms an ambush and falls back on Lord Stirling, 264 taken prisoner, 265 Augusta ship of war burned, 423 Babcock, Colonel, to Governor Cooke, on the agitations in New York, " 274 operations of the enemj-, 274 Bache's Aurora, 743 Baird, Sir James, 481 Baker, Remember, Ethan Allen's lieutenant, 144 Balcarras, Lord, commands light infantry, 409 defends the intrenchments, 410 INDEX. at 384 384 385 385 479 Ball, Lieutenant Colonel, takes hostile message 1o Gates, 340 Barbour, Major, carries message to Baron de Viomenil, 617 Bard, Dr. Samuel, attends Wash- ington, g.jj Bakras, Count de, arrives at Bos- ton, 59, address to Mr. Monroe, 752 Barren Hill, Lafayette stationed on, 457 Barton, Colonel, captures Gen- eral Prescott, 367 voted a sword and promoted, 367 Bastille, key of, 688 Batt's Hill, occupied by General Sullivan, 475 action at, 475 Baum, Lieutenant, commands ex- pedition against Bennington, 383 Bets out from camp, — slow march, intrenches himself, defeated, Baylor, Lieutenant Colonel Old Tappan, surprised by Major General Grey, 479 Baxter, Colonel, at Fort Wash- ington, 296 killed, 296 Beall, General, to secure Pine's Bridge, 288 Beacgen, Captain de, 70 Bedel, Colonel, in command at the Cedars, 234 menaced by Captain Forster, 234 repairs to Montreal for reinforce- ments, 234 Bedford Pass neglected, 263 Beefsteak (The) and Tripe Club, 25 Bellarni, M., and the American envoys, 754 Belt of Wampura, 30 BemiB's Heights fortified, 400 situation of, 401 Bennington, expedition against, 379 situation of, 383 people on the alert, 384 battle of, 385 second battle, 386 spoils of victory, 386 Benson, Kgbert, commissioner to New York, 633 Berkshire Committees acquit Schuyler, 232 Bernard, Gov. Sir Francis, calls upon the General Court to re- scind their resolution, 114 Bkrtuier, Marshal, 595 Beville, General de, reconnoitres, 595 Bienville, Celeron de, despatched with 300 men to the Ohio, 21 orders the English traders to de- part, 21 Bigain's Bridge secured by the British, .. 513 Bied, Colonel, commands attack on Peekskill, 338 retreat, 339 Bishop, Washington's servant, 92 Black (The) Hunter, 57 Black rifle, 57 Black Stock Hill, fight at, 560 Blair, John, acting governor, 88 judge of Supreme Court, 673 Bland, Colonel, at Brandywine, 393 Bland, Richard, delegate to the General (3ongress, 129 Blockade of Boston, a play, 218 Board of War modified, 432 Boklen (The) Book, 6 Bo.mpard, Captain, at New York, 720 Bonaparte, on the death of Wash- ington, 764 Bonner, Lieutenant Colonel, slain at Monmouth Court-house, 467 Bordentown, public storehouses burned, 453 BoscAWEN, Admiral, sails for Louisburg, 90 receives a vote of praise by Par- liament, 90 BosKiRK, Lieutenant Colonel, sur- prises EJizabethtown, 499 Boston resibts payment of duties, 109 demand for British goods di- minished, riot against stamp act, proceedings in regard to stamp militia demonstrations, convention held at, arrival of British forces, town meeting against the right of the king to send troops, refuses to quarter the troops, massacre, arrival of tea, destruction of tea, passage of the Boston Port Bill, general league recommended at town meeting, Port Bill carried into effect, excitement in, condition of, town meetings, rumored cannonading of, like a place besieged, besieged, arrival of British troops, feeling against the British in, in a state of siege, question of bombardment, preparations in the harbor, destitution and sickness. 110 112 112 114 , 114 f 114 114 114 118 124 124 125 126 126 127 129 129 134 137 149 149 165 170 189 207 218 221 223 223 224 225 225 advances to attack Fort Du- quesne, 52 reception of Captain Jack, 62 his delay, 53 solicitude for Washington, 63 continued iHarch, 63 deserted Indian camp, 63 three stragglers shot and scalped, 63 opening of bombardment, British prepare to evacuate, hurried preparations, evacuation, occupied by the Americans, after the siege, people of, project expedition against Penobscot, 491 Boston frigate engagement with the Ambuscade, 720 Boston massacre, 118 Boston Port Bill, 125 Boston tea party, 124 Botetourt, Lord, Governor of Virginia, 116 his manners, 116 his promptness, lie his style and equipage, 116 opening of the session, 116 dissolves the House of Bur- gesses, 116 conciliatory conduct, 117 his death, lis Bottle Hill, Americans encamped at, 330 alarm post, 481 Boudinot, Elias, to Pres. Whar- ton, 433 Bougainville, Db, detached to watch Wolfe's movements, 99 arrives too late, 101 retires, 101 Bouquet, Colonel, stationed at R.aystown, 92 attaches an ofiicer and men to Indian scouting parties, 93 halt at Loyal Hannan, 94 sends out a reconnoitring party, 94 Bourlamarque dismantles Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, 97 makes a stand at the Isle aux Noix, 97 Braa.m, Van. (See Van Braam.) Bkaddock, Major General Ed- ward, appointed generalissi- mo of the colonial forces, 52 his character, 52 anecdotes of, 53 lands at Hampton, 53 proceeds to Alexandria, 54 invites Washington to join his staff, 54 holds a council, 55 sets out from Alexandria, 57 commencement of troubles, 57 interview with Franklin, 58 sets oft' for Will's Creek, 58 arrives at Fort Cumberland, 58 his discipline, 59 treatment of Indians, 59 to Governor MoiTis, 60 his impatience and obstinacy, 60 arrival of conveyances, 01 leaves Fort Cumberland, 61 asks the advice of Washington, 62 i difficulties of the march, 63 precautions, 64 encamps at Thicketty Run, 64 sends scouts to Fort Duquesne, 64 Bcarooyadi's sou killed by mis- take, 64 admirable conduct, 64 tardiness of his march, 65 crosses the Monongnhcla, 65 commencement ofthe battle, 66 panic of the advanced guard, 67 attempts to rally them, 67 is wounded ; his despair, 67 the route, 68 reach the Gre.at Meadows, 68 his death, dying requests, 69 character, 69 Bradford, William, attorney gen- eral, 725 death of, 740 Bradstreet, Lieutenant Colonel, secures a Seminole, 91 expedition against Fort Fron- tenac, 91 captures the fort, 91 Brandywine (battle of the), can- nonading commenced, 393 conflicting reports, 393 desperate conflict, 395 description of the retreat, 395 Brandywine Creek, 392 Brannan, Colonel, joins Marion, 560 Brant, Mohawk Sachem, 160 at Niiigara, 477 depredations of, 551 Breed's Hill, 152 to be fortified, 152 fortified, 152 under the enemy's fire, 153 Breton Club, 675 Brevman, Colonel, to the rehef of Baum, 385 arrives, and renews the battle, 3S0 mortally wounded, 410 Bridport, Lord, death of Wash- ington, 764 Bright Lightning, 60 British ministry, efforts to sup- press smuggling, 109 manufactures, resolutions not to import, 110 officers, their scornful spirit, 150 troops at Boston, 164 attack the court, 186 plan of oper.ations, 207 officers and their amusements, 218 move against Dorchester Heights, 222 postponed by a storm, 223 retire, 223 preparations for retreat from Boston, 223 embarkation from Boston, 224 designs against New York, 239 plans for the attack 011 Long Island, 263 crossing from Long Island, 274 land at New York, 275 repulse Americans, 275 land at Throg's Neck. 283 ships move up to Bourdett's Ferry, 286 cross the Hudson above Fort Lee, 299 view of aftairs, 305 picket surprised, 322 army contrasted with American, 332 evacuate the Jerseys, 355 invasion from Canada, 357 fleet leaves New York, 309 enters the Delaware, 370 sails out of the Capes, 370 enters the Chesapeake, 374 Brodhead, Colonel, expedition against the Indians, 486 Bromfield, Major, attack on Fort Griswold, 606 Brooke, Judge, on Washington's hUarity, 649 3 INDEX. Brooke, General, meets Washing- ton at Cambridge, 678 Brooklyn, defences of, 260 Brooks, Lieutenant General, at- tacks Burgoyne's ^mp, 410 joins Prescott, " 151 Brown, Dr., attends Washington, 76? Brown, Lieutenant, brings flag of truce, 247 recognition of Washington's rank, 247 Brown, Major John, despatched into Canada, 177 sent to reconnoitre, 181 projects with Allen an attack on Montreal, 184 and Maior Livingston take Fort Cham'blee, 191 drives Colonel Maclean hack, 192 successful feint, 212 Brown, Colonel, surprises Ticon- deroga, 403 threatens Diamond Island, 403 Brown, Lieutenant Colonel, com- mands expedition to Augusta, 514 Brudenell, Mr., accomjSanies Lady Ackland, 412 Brunswick troops hired by Eng- land, ' 229 BoFORD, Colonel, pursued by Tar- leton, 514 rejects Tarleton's proposals, 515 defeated by Tarleton, 515 Bunker's Hill to be fortified, 151 position of, 151 works thrown up, 154 advance of General Pigot, 154 etl'ect of the American tire, 155 advance of General Uowe, 155 British chocked, 155 second attack, 155 British again retreat, 155 spectators, 155 tliird attack, 155 Americans driven from the breastwork on the left, 156 British advance with the bay- onet, 156 American ammunition exhaust- ed, 156 desperate struggle, 156 American retreat, 156 Stark, Reed, and Knowlton maintain their ground, 156 Putnam endeavors to rally the troops, 156 British take possession, 156 resume, 157 relative merits of the American officers, 157 occupied by the British, 164 Burgesses, (Va.) House of, con- vened, 37 vote thanks to Washington and his officers, 47 grant £20,000 for the public ser- vice, 52 meetiiig called, 126 Bullitt, Captain, brave conduct, 95 promoted to Major, 95 Bdrooynb, General, arrives at Boston, 149 surprise, 149 cannonading at Bunker's Hill, 155 described, 104 history of, 164 accused by Junius, 164 " The Maid of the Oaks," 164 Walpole's witticism, 164 " The Heiress " praised by Wal- pole, 164 correspondence with Lee, 171 proposes an intei-view with Lee, 172 in Canada, 238 pursues Sullivan, 239 reported arrival at Quebec, 354 plan of campaign, 357 leaves St. Johns, 358 on Lake Champlain, 358 arrives at Crown Point, 359 advancing, 360 issues proclamation, 360 fortifies Mount Hope, 303 pursues the flotilla, 364 moves towards the Hudson, 376 reaches Fort Anne, 370 feeling towards the Indians, 377 murder of Miss McCrea, 377 at Fort Edward, 378 difliculties at, 379 opposite Saratoga, 384 hears of Baum's surrender, 386 correspondence with Gates, 388 dubious position, 398 to Lord Germain on his pros- pects, 399 silent preparations, 400 moves across the Hudson, 400 march of his army, 400 encamps near Gates, 401 plan of battle, 401 attacked by Arnold, 402 on the situation of the ladies, 402 critical situation, 402 news from Clinton, 403 sends word to Clinton^ 403 harassed by the Americans, 404 within intrenchments, 408 movement against Gates, 409 prepares for battle, 409 retreats to his camp, 410 shifts his position, 411 determines on retreat, 411 at the burial of General Fraser, 411 dismal retreat, 412 concerning Lady Ackland, 412 reaches Saratoga, 412 destruction of Schuyler's pro- perty, 413 calls a council of war, 413 fortifies his camp, 413 capitulates, 414 terms of capitulation, 414 number of troops, 415 meeting with Gates, 415 kind reception by Schuyler, 416 question of embarkation, 450 Burke, Judge, denounces the Cin- cinnati, 642 Burke, Edmund, on the employ- ment of men-of-war as custom- house officers, 110 on the state of affairs in Ame- rica, 329 Burr, Aaron, a volunteer, 182 Montgomery's aide-de-camp, 211 on a reconnoitiMug expedition, 492 Burton, Lieutenant Colonel, or- dered to advance, 66 the detachments fall back upon him in confusion, 66 Bush, Crean, 67 Bushnell's stibmarine battery, 279 BusKiRK, Major, 492 Butler, Colonel, accompanies Wayne, 565 Butler, Gen., reinforces Greene, 581 at Guilford Court House, 582 Bdtler, Major General, with General St. Clair, 696 killed, 697 Butler, Lieutenant Colonel, to intercept Colonel Bimcoe 598 Butler, Colonel, at Oriskany, 380 Butler, Colonel John, commands expedition against Wyoming, 477 at Wintermoot's Fort, " 477 battle of Wyoming, 478 Butler, Colonel Kichard, sur- prises a party of Hessi.ans, 480 Butler, Colonel Zebulon, in com- mand of Forty Fort, 477 battle of Wyoming, 478 Butlers of Tryon County, 160 Butterfield, Major, surrenders the Cedars, 234 Bryant, Lieutenant, at Throg's Neck, 2S3 Byrd, Colonel, 89 Byrd, Mr., visits the garrison, 254 Byron, Admiral, arrives at New York, ■ 480 tries to entrap D'Estaing, 480 C Cadwalader, Colonel John, com- mands detachment of volun- teers, 311 stationed at Bristol, 311 prevented by the ice, 317 dilemma, 320 marches to Burlington, 320 to Washington advising pursuit, 320 sends in pursuit of Donop, 321 at Crosswicks, 322 Cadwalader, Lambert, 252 at Fort Washington, 284 posted in the outer lines, 296 forced to retreat, 297 Caldwell, Reverend James, the " rousing gospel preacher," 499 his church burnt, 499 Ills return home, 517 in the fight at Springfield, 518 Caldwell, Mrs., killed by the British, 517 popular excitement, 518 Callbeck, Mr., taken prisoner, 198 to Washington, 198 Calvert, Benedict, 123 Cambridge, assembling of patriots, 134 Camden, battle of, 527 flight of American militia, 527 Burnt by the British, 600 Campbell, Colonel William, pur- sues Major Ferguson, 657 in the battle of King's Mountain, 55S at Guilford Court House, 582 at Eutaw Springs, 613 charges the British, 614 his death, 615 Campbell, Colonel, orders a 're- treat, 213 Campbell, Lieutenant Colonel, to attack Fort Montgomery, 406 checked by the Americans, 406 killed, 407 thrown into jail, 334 appeals to Washington, 334 exchanged for Ethan Allen, 453 to surprise New Tappan, 479 sails for Georgia, 481 lands his troops, 481 defeats the Americans, 481 takes Savannah, 481 moderate conduct, 481 detached against Augusta, 481 Campbell, Lord, wounded at Sul- livan's Island, 265 Campbell, Major, takes Ethan Allen prisoner, 184 Campbell, Major, killed, 617 Canada, campaign against, 85 project of invasion, 170 defences and disposition, 178 force of the enemy in, 238 expedition against projected, 439 found impracticable, 443 suspended by Congress, 444 Lafayette's scheme against, 482 Washington's opposition to, 482 abandoned, 482 Cape Breton to be reduced, 88 Caramhe, Lieutenant Governor, apprised of Arnold's designs, 203 Carleton, Colonel Guy, com- mands the grenadiers, 98 commands the battery at the Isle of Orleans, 98 persuades Indians to war against the Americans, 179 amount of forces, 191 emliarks from Montreal, 191 attacked by Colonel Warner, 191 retreats to Montreal, 191 flics from Montreal, 194 escapes in diguis*, 194 arrives at Quebec, 204 strength of force, 206 treatment of Montgomery's mes- sengers, 211 captures Dearborn and party, 213 reinforced, 230 makes a sortie, 230 Americans retreat, 231 treatment of Americans, 231 plan of campaign, 292 armament completed, 293 takes possession of Crown Point, 294 returns to Canada, 295 to remain in Canada, 357 arrives at New York, 625 to Washintrton on peace, 625 to Washington on negotiations for peace, . 626 to Washington on peace. 631 INDEX. preparation to evacuata Kew York, ' 632 interview with Washington, 6;S evacuates New Yorlc, 637 Cakleton, Major, captures Forts Anne and George, • 552 Carlisle, Earl of, commissioner from Great Britain, 459 state of Philadelphia, 459 to George Selwyn, 460 Carnes, Captain, discovers Ohampe's escape, 650 Cabpenteb, Captain, joins Lord Stirling, 264 Carrington, Lieut., at Quimly's Creek, 602 Carroll, of Carrollton, and Miss Custis, 751 Caswell, General, on the road to Camden, 525 at the battle of Camden, 527 Cedars, aflair at, 2.34 Chadd's Ford, 392 Chamberlaynb, Mr., asks ■Wash- ington to dinner, 92 Champe, John, scheme to entrap Arnold, 550 pretended desertion, 650 enlists in Arnold's corps, 550 failure of his plan, 551 rewarded, 551 Champlain, Lake, engagement, 293 Idlled and wounded, 294 Chapman, Colonel, 61 Charleston fortified', 2-54 joy at General Lee's arrival, 254 expedition against, 495 defences of, 505 reinforced, 512 strength of garrison, 512 eummoned to surrender, 512 Britisli batteries opened on, 512 capitulates, 514 loss in tlie siege, 514 CharK'stown, arsenal sacked, 134 burned, 155 alarm during the play, 218 Charlestown Neck, to ho seized by the Americans, 150 reconnoitred, 151 described, 151, 218 Charlottesville, Tarleton enters, 597 Cuastellox, Marquis do, arrives at Newport, 620 introduced to Washington, 653 description of his visit, 553 reconnoissance, 595 at Mount Vernon, COS anecdote of Mr. Secretary Nel- son, 616 Cuatua.v, Lord, on the oiiposition of the colonists to the mutiny act, 113 opinion of theGcner.al Congress, 132 vain efforts in behalf of America, 139 conciliatory bill, 139 Chattcrton's Hill, military posi- tion, 286 attack of the British, 2S7 killed and wounded, 288 Cheeseman, Capt., before Quebec, 212 death, 212 Clierry Valley, atrocities at, 484 Chesapeake, expedition against, 486 Chestnut Ilill, British encamped on, 432 Chesterfield Court House, British maraud, 590 Chestnut Neck, village destroyed by the British, 479 Chew, Benjamin, mansion of, 417 Chew's House, fortified by Mus- grave, 419 Chetney, Thomas, 093 Cuoisecl, Duke de, prediction, 118 Choisy, General M. de, arrives with troops, 609 crosses York River, 612 skirmish with Tarleton, C12 CnouiN, Major, at the American head-quarters, 472 Chrlstopher, Washington's ser- vant, ~ 763 Church, Dr. Benjamin, treason- able letter, 187 Bantence, 187 mitigation of sentence— death, Cincinnati, Society of, formed, popular je.alousy of, modification of its constitution, Cincinnati, Society of Massachu- setts, address to Washington, Clark, Colonel, joins Marion, Clarke, Colonel Elijah, on the retreat, Clermont, exploit of Col. Wash- ington, Cleveland, Colonel, in the battle of King's Mountain, Clinton, Charles, Clinton, George, conferences Washington, descent and career, on the .alert for the British, promptness in raising levies, sag.icious measures, visits Forts Constitution and Montgomery, arrival of reinforcement, to Washington on the patriot- ism of the country people, precautions against British ships, contemplates descent on Long Island, on military exigencies, st.ationed in the Highlands, safety of the Hudson, affair between Generals Lee and Ile.ith, commands the Highland forts, iiromoted, lis patriotism, to Washington on his defences, governor of New York, on tile alert, at Kingston, hastens to the Highlands, prepares for an attack, escape, measures to oppose the British, intercepts a letter from Bur- goyne to Clinton, reaches Kingston too late, wishes to strengthen the de- fences of the Hudson, finds money for Hamilton, takes the field, tour with Washington, summons state council at East Chester, at Harlem, enters New York, receives Washington at New York, Clinton, General J.ames, Clinton, J.aines, at the Highlands, descent and career, appointed to command Forts Montgomery and Constitution, the conspiracy in New York, put on the alert, in command of Fort Clinton, narrow escape, joins Sullivan, 'in command of the Northern de- partment, Clinton, Sir Henry, arrives at Boston, joins Howe at Bunker's Hill, described, arrives at New York harbor interview with the mayor, departure, expedition to the South, lands at Long Island, S. C, constructs batteries, attempts to cross from Long Island, repulsed in another attempt, arrival at New York, lands on Long Island, at Flatlands, marches from Fl.atlands, secures the Bedford Pass, crosses from Long Island, advances against White Plains, awaits reinforcements, moves up the Hudson, lands at Verplanck's Point, plan of operations, crosses to Stony Point, inarches round the Dunderberg, 405 divides his force, 406 meets with opposition, 406 letter to Burgoyne intercepted, 408 project to capture, 453 plan to entrap Lafayette, 457 ordered to evacuate Philadel- phia, 459 informs Washington of the ar- rival of commissioners, 460 evacuates Philadelphia, 462 dilatory movements, 462 at Allentown, 462 changes plan of route, 462 changes the line of march, 463 encamps ne.ar Monmouth Court House, 463 battle of Monmouth Court House, 465 falls back, 468 silent retreat, 466 arrives at Sandy Hook, 467 arrives at Newport, 476 returns to New York, 476 sends troops into the Jerseys and Westchester County, 478 sets on foot a naval expedition against St. Lucia, 481 confined to pi-cdatory warfare, 486 expedition up the Hudson, 487 t.akes Stony Point, 487 captures Fort Lafayette, 487 returns to New York, 487 desolating expedition against Connecticut, 487 capture of Stony Point by Wayne, 490 hastens up the Hudson, 490 fortifies and garrisons Stony Point, 490 returns to Philipsburg, 490 concentrates his forces at New York, 493 expedition to South Carolina, 495 damage during the voyage, 505 at Tybee bay, 505 disembarks at St. John's Island, 505 advance to Charleston on Charleston Neck, reinforced, fall of Charleston, garrisons South Carolina, issues a proclamation, sends expeditions into the inte- rior, embarks for New York, arrives at Now York, project against Rhode Island, changes his plan, correspondence with Arnold, releases Arnold's crew, to Washington claiming the re- lease of Andre, rejects exchange of Arnold for Andr6, sends commission relative to Andr6, detaches Arnold to Virginia proceedings on the revolt of Pennsylvania line, on the destruction of Cornwallis' batjgage, 575 to Cornwallis for troops, 596 licarsof the Virginia expedition, 605 promised relief to Cornwallis, Oil tardy movements, refuses to deliver the murderer of Captain Huddy, recalled at his own request, Closter Dock, landing of British Clougu, Major, killed, Coates, Lieutenant Colonel, i Monk's Corner, decamps in silence, bold stand, Cot)l)lo Hill, fortified by Putnam, 199 CocniiAN, Maj., expedition against tiie Onoudagas, Cochrane, Major, march from Savannah, Coffin, Major, put to flight, CoLBWUN, Colonel, watches the enemy, CoLDEN, Lieutenant Governor, re- tires into the fort, assailed I'y the mob. 505 506 513 514 515 515 516 516 518 522 523 530 540 542 544 545 563 566 620 023 625 299 479 601 602 C02 485 511 613 400 112 112 INDEX. ■burned in effigy, 112 Cole, Colonel, 75 Collier, Admiral Sir George, convoys expedition to tiie Chesapeake, 486 expedition up the Hudson, 486 convoys expedition against Con- necticut, 487 contVrs with Sir Henry Clinton, 488 arrives at the Penobscot, 491 relieves the fort, 491 Commissariiit, changes in, 372 Commissioners, arrive from Great Britain, 459 land at Philadelphia, 459 letter to Congress, 460 unsuccessful attempts at nego- tiation, 460 embark for England, 400 Committee of Arrangement, ap- pointed by Congress, 448 report ou the sufferingB of the army, 448 Comnnttee of Conference ■with Lord Howe, 272 conference, 272 Committee of Inquiry visit Ar- nold, 175 their instructions, 170 Committee of Safety, 137 suspect a design on the maga- zine at Concord, 140 urge the enlistment of troops, 143 appoint Arnold Colonel, 144 Conciliatory bills sent to Ame- rica, 455 effect of, 456 Concord, military stores collected at, 137 expedition against, 140 alarm of the people, 141 exertions to remove and conceal the stores, 141 advance of the British, 141 take possession of the town, 141 destroy the stores, 141 British attacked, 141 British retreat harassed by the Americans, 141 Confederacy, ratification of the, 568 Congress (General) recommended by the Virginia House of Bur- gesses, 125 first meeting fixed upon, 126 assembled, 130 prayers, 130 rumors that Boston had been cannonaded, 131 opening speerhes, 131 declaration of colonial rights, 131 resolutions, 132 state papers, 132 held at New York, 132 denounces the acts of Parlia- ment, 132 address to the king and petition to Parliament, 132 its discussion, 132 masterly state papers, 132 the second general, 140 petition to the king moved, 146 federal union formed, 146 council of twelve, 146 exercise their federated powers, 146 retaliating decree, 146 declare Massacliusetts absolved from the crown, 146 adopt the army, 147 elect Washington commander- in-chief, 148 other military appointments, 148 on the English generals, 103 on General Howe, 103 accept TiconderoL'a, 174 determine to invade Canada, 176 committee from, confer with Washington, 188 order formation of a new army, 195 to Schuyler on his proposed re- signation, 195 order Schuyler to Tryon county, 214 applaud Schuyler's conduct, 215 divide the middle and southern colonies into two departments, 226 enlistment act, 233 establish a war office 233 6 243 251 274 274 278 284 311 322 334 334 339 341 346 346 350 declare the United States free and independent, 243 adopt the Declaration of Inde pendence, settle dispute between Schuyler and Gates, action on Lord Howe's over- tures, appoint a committee to confer with Lord Howe, leave the question of the aban- donment of New York to Washington's discretion forbid the destruction of New York, reorganizes the army, requests Washington to obstruct the Hudson, clothe Washington with addi- tional powers, invests Washington with dicta- torial powers, refuse to comply with Lee's re- quest, retaliatory measures, declines the resignation of Schuyler, reprimands Schuyler, make Arnold major-general, vote Arnold a horse, refuse to admit Gates to the floor, summon Schuyler and St. Clair, 371 appoint Gates to the command of the northern department, 371 proceedhigs of, at the battle of Brandywine, S95 anonymous letter to, against Washington, 438 refuse to treat with Great Brit- ain, 455 recommend the pardoning of Tories, 455 ratifies treaties with France, 456 reception of the despatches of the British commissioners, 460 reply to the commissioners, refuse to negotiate with John stone, approves the sentence of Lee, informs Washington of the ar ri\-:£l of the French fleet, ' approve of d'Estaing's conduct, 477 approve Lafajelte's Canada scheme, 482 deterioration of, 483 vote a gold medal to Major Hen- ry Lee, financial difficulties, charges against Arnold, order court-martial on Arnold, cojifirms sentence against Ar- nold, jealousy of military power, appoint a committee to confer with Washington, appoint Gates "to the southern department, accepts Greene's resignation, rewards the captors of Andr order a court of inquiry into the conduct of Gates, new system for the organization and support of the army send Colonel Laurens to France, 564 committee to meet Pennsylvania insurgents, 566 appoints lieads of departments, 569 rejoicings at the surrender of Yorktown, resolutions concerning Lafay ette, murder of Captain Huddy, proclamation concerning peace, resolution concerning the ser- vice of the soldiers, threatened liy mutineers, discharge of the army, resignation of Washington, its composition, reassembles, assumption of State debts dis- cussed, adopted, discords in, reassembles at Philadelphia, impost and excise bill, 460 471 492 497 502 502 503 508 508 520 523 547 551 552 620 622 623 631 632 635 636 639 673 681 684 685 086 090 690 assembhng of the second, 694 apportionment bill, 69S assembles December, 1793, 722 does justice to Washington, 723 bill to increase naval force, 726 Washington's denunciation of secret societies, "732 response to Washington, 732 reply to Washington's last ad- dress, 732 authorizes the enlistment of a provisional army, 732 Congress (Massachusetts) at Bos- ton, 137 adjourn to Concord, 137 assume supreme authority, 137 remonstrate with Governor Gage, 137 system and order, 137 nominate general officers, 187 Connecticut abets the opposition of Massachusetts, 130 people march towards Boston, 135 sends volunteers, 143 Legislature of, favor the sur- prisal of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 144 committee appointed, 144 Massachusetts and Rhode Island fit out armed vessels, 187 troops desert, 197 reception at home, 197 trooiis described by Graydon 252 by Washington, 252 dingy regimentals, 253 their composition, 253 British expedition against, 487 Connecticut Farms, sacked by the enemy. Conspiracy In New York, letter relative to, (note,) its ramifications. Constitution of the United States, formation of, opposition to. Continental Army. (See Ameri- can Army.) CoNTKECCEUR, Captain, surprises the fort, Contiibutions for the Continental Army, 520 Convention of Virginia, at Wil- liamsburg, 128 at Richmond, 139 for considering and revising the federal system, 655 Conway's Cabal, 423 Conway, Gen., appointed briga- dier general, character of, in Washington's camp, gallant conduct, pretensions of, joins faction opposed to Wash- incton, corresjiondence with Gates, attempts at explanation, sends in his resignation, promoted, to be appointed to the Canada expedition, 439 Lafayette's opinion of, 440 to Washington on his letter, 441 remains at Albany, 444 downfall of, 4.'i4 resignation accepted, 454 fails to get reinstated, 454 duel with Cadwalader, (note,) 454 penitential letter to Washing- ton, (note,) 455 subsequent history, (note,) 455 Cook, James, in the expedition against Quebec, 98 sounds the river, 99 Copp's Ilill, British battery on, 131 Corbie's Tavern, 240 rendezvous of conspirators, 240 CoRNPLANTEB, at the seat of gov- ernment, 691 CoRKWALLis, Lord, arrival at New Y try, 613 decoyed into an ambush, 689 battle with Indians, 689 Harmer, Brigadier General, leads an expedition against the In- dians, 689 destroys Miami village, 689 expedition reported to Congress, 691 Harijage, Major, 402 Harrison, Benjamin, delegated to the General Congress, 129 on committee to confer with Washington, 188 on the bombardment of Boston, 189 member of the board of war and ordnance, 233 Harrison, Colonel Robert IT., secretary to Washmgton, 189 characterized, 330 referee for exchange of prisoners, 333 to Congress predicting the ene- my's repulse, 393 appointment of, 673 Hartshorn, Ensign, decoyed into an ambush, 689 Haslet, Colonel John, joins Lord Stirling's brigade, 262 statement of, 265 attempt to take Rogers the ren- egade, 285 publicly thanked, 285 detached to Chatterton's Hill, 287 killed at Princeton, 325 Hay, Colonel, to "Washington on the protection of the High- lands, 249 Hatiland, Colonel, crosses Lake Champlain, 102 Hazard, postmaster, to Gates concerning Lee, 282 on the Hessians, (note,) 329 Hazel WOOD, Commodore, in the Delaware, 421 receives thanks of Congress, 423 Heath, General, takes command of the minute men, 142 brings them to a halt, 142 appointed brigadier general, 148 to fortify Lechmere Point, 200 despatched to New York, 227 on the discipline of MifHin's troops, 260 preparations to receive the enemy, 260 retreat from Long Island, 269 to keep guard on New York , island, 274 landing of the British at Throg's Neck, " 2S3 skilful distribution of his troops, 283 appearance of the enemy at White Plains, 287 the two armies at White Plains, 288 American defences, 2SS to secure the Highlands, 290 in command at the Highlands, 292 described, 292 refuses to obey Lee, 301 to Washington for instructions, 302 refuses to order troops for Lee, 306 military punctilio, 30G on the conduct of Lee, 300 to march into the Jerseys, 321 advances towards New York, 327 pompous summons to Fort In- dependence, 327 rebuked by Washington, 328 stationed in the Highlands, 495 charmed with the French offi- cers, 521 commands West Point, 604 Henderson, Lieutenant Colonel, joins Greene, 013 at Eutaw Springs, CIS severely wounded, 614 Hendrick, Mohawk warrior, slain, 75 Henfield, Gideon, case of, 718 Henry, Patrick, introduces his resolutions. 111 speech on his resolutions. 111 anecdote. 111 delegate to the General Con- gress, 129 sets out for Philadelphia, 130 12 sectional distinctions, 130 speech at the opening of the General Congress, 131 opinion of Washington, 132 speech before the Convention at Richmond, 139 letter to against Washington, 439 declines appointment , 760 Herkimer, General, commands in Tryon County, 361 at Oriskany, 380 dispute with his officers, 380 attacked by the enemy, 381 wounded, 381 death, 3S1 Herrick, Colonel, at Bennington, 3S5 Hertbcrn, William de, progeni- tor of the Washingtons, 6 Hessians hired by England, 229 in Canada, 229 arrive in America, 257 sanguinary fury, 265 reinforce Howe, 2S(\ American opinion of, 312 stationed at Trenton, "312 captured by Washington, 817 treatment, , 319 plunder both sides, * 329 described by Hazard, (note,) 329 tactics, 385 Heth, Captain, on the battle of Germantown, 420 to Colonel Lamb, on the same, 420 HiCKEY, Thomas, Washington's body guard, 240 convicted and hanged, 241 Highlands, state of defences, 404 IIiLL, Lieutenant Colonel, attacks Colonel Long, 365 Hinjiax, Colonel, to reinforce Ti- conderoga, 174 arrives at 'J'joonderoga, 175 difflcuUics with Arnold, 175 in command of Ticonderoga, 177 Hitchcock, Colonel, reinforces Cadwaladcr, 312 Hobkirk's Hill, affair at, £99 Holbourne, Admiral, demonstra- tion against Louisburg, 87 Holmes, Rear- Admiral, 99 Hood, Commodore, on the troubles in Boston, 114 to Grenville on the sedition, 117 HoTHAM, Commodore, convoj-s expedition against St. Lucia, 481 takes a model of Washington, 646 House of Representatives "on the public credit, 673 opposition to Washington, 742 makes provision for the treaty, 743 re]3ly to Washington's last ad- dress, 747 Howard, Major, retreating, 464 Howard, Colonel, under Morgan, 562 at the battle of the Cowpens, 573 Howe, Lord, in the expedition against Ticonderoga, 90 dies while leading the van, 60 Howe, Admiral Lord, fondness for business, 230 character and services, 226 arrives at New York, 246 proclamation of, 247 comes as a mediator, 247 sends flag of truce, 247 sends General Sullivan on pa- role to Congress with over- tures, 271 plan of compromise, 271 to Franklin on re-imion of Great Britain and America, 272 conference with Commissioners, 272 and Frankhn, anecdote, 272 conflagration in New York, 278 issues proclamation, S05 to Washington on the treatment of prisoners, 335 gets his fleet into the Delaware, 417 at Sandy Hook, 467 brings his fleet to the relief of R. I., 473 manoeuvres of the fleets, 473 bears away to New York, 474 return to England, 476 Howe, General Robert, at Savan- nah, 481 defeated by the British, 481 Howe, Major General, quells mu- tiny, 568 despatched to quell a tnutiny, 635 Howe, Sir William, in the expe- dition against Quebec, 93 ascends the heights of Abraham, 100 arrives at Boston, 149 lands with troops at Moulton's Point, reconnoitres the American works, sends for reinforcements, prepares for the assault, advances against the fence, troops thrown into confusion, makes a feint of attacking the fence, wounded, description of, reproached by Congress, intrenched, measures taken, issues proclamation, to Washington concerning Ethan Allen, measures to repress excesses, perplexed, declines attacking Dorchester Height, retreat from Boston, steers for Halifax, indolent disposition, arrives at New York, to his government on the state of affairs, plans for the battle of Long Island, accompanies division from Flat' lands, at Throg's Neck, lands on Pell's Point, at New Rochelle, postpones the assault, plan of attack on Fort Washing- ton, the attack, conduct of the seamen, hears of the capture of the Hes- sians, on the march, contrasted with Washington, to Washington concerning Lee, 333 to Lord C-ermaine, relative to Lee, 333 prepares to attack Peekskill, 338 crosses to the Jerseys, 353 Bailies from Brunswick, endeavors to draw Washington out, another attempt, evacuates the Jerseys, leaves New York, enters the Delaware, sails out of the chpes, lands from the fleet, issues proclamation, at Elkton, battle of Brandywino, neglects to pursue his advan- tage, pushes for Philadelphia, halts at Germantown, detaches a force against Billings- port, head-quarters, constructing redoubts on Prov- ince Island, attacks Fort Mifflin, expedition against Fort Mercer, 429 preparing to drive Washington beyond the mountains, meditates attack on the Ameri- can camp, manasuvTcs, retires to Philadelphia, excesses of foraging parties, resignation accepted, the Mischianza, Hubbard, Colonel, at Bennington, 385 Huddy, Captain Joseph, mur- dered in revenge for Philip While, 623 Hudson River, defences of, 216 strategetlcal position, 248 defences, 279 153 153 154 154 155 155 156 156 163 163 164 189 189 198 219 222 223 224 226 220 242 242 263* 263 285 285 285 296 296 299 322 322 332 353 354 355 355 369 370 370 389 390 391 S93 396 398 398 417 418 426 42(5 432 432 432 433 453 456 456 INDEX. British ships move up, 280 new obstructions, 280 opened for tlie British, 407 HuGER, Brigadier General, at Monli's Corner, 512 surprised by Tarleton, 513 in command on the Pedee, 575 at Guilford Court House, 578, 582 HiTGHES, Colonel, ordered to im- press water-craft, 267 Humphreys, Colonel, on prepara- tion for attacking the British posts, 553 accompanies Washington to Mount Vernon, 60S to Washington on the troubles in Massachusetts, 654 meets Washington, 655 inauguration of Washington, 661 Washington's first levee, anec- dote, 669 Huntingdon, Colonel, hangs on the enemy's rear, 345 Huntington, Major, 306 Huntington, General, to join Var- num, 429 on the destitution of the troops, 434 society of the Cincinnati, 633 Independence, dawning spirit of, 'iS Indian council at Logstowu, 27, 29 Indian traders, described, ' 20 Indian warfare, 477 Indian war dance, 17 Indians, leave Braddock, 61 retreat, 74 outrages of, 78 troubles with, 119 visit Washington at Cambridge, 178 with Burgoyne, 376 murder Miss McCrca, 377 desert Burgoyne, 378 described by a Hessian, 384 oblige St. Leger to decamp, 387 difficulties with, 688 hostilities north of the Ohio, 722 treaty with Wayne, 741 Innes, Colonel, at Winchester, 44 concerning the Indians, 61 Iredell, James, judge of supreme court, 673 Iroquois, stand aloof, 91 Irvine, Colonel, taken prisoner, 238 Irvine, James, Brigadier General, taken prisoner, 432 Jack, Captain, commands hunt- ers, 57 at Little Meadows, 62 departs with his band. 62 Jackson, Andrew, 747 Jackson, Major, accompauies Washington, 677 I Washington's reception at Bos- i ton, 678 Jacobin Club, 680 Jacobs, Captain, Indian sachem, 82 killed, 82 |i Jameson, Lieutenant Colonel, I sends papers found on Andro to Washington, 536 informs Arnold of the capture of Andr6, 536 Jay, John, drafts address to the people of Great Britain, 132 and the conspiracy in New York, 239 to Rutledge, 281 to Gouverneur Morris, on the defence of New York, 281 to Rutledge, concerning Lee, 282 on the opposition to Washing- ton, (note,) 447 approves of Arnold's plan of setttlement in New York, 501 correspondence with Washing- ton, 653 at the head of affairs, 6G6 appointed chief justice, 673 on republicanism, 683 concerning Genet, 722 envoy to Great Britain, 728 progress of negotiations, 734 his treaty with France, 734 return to America, 735 elected Governor of New York, 735 Jefferson, Thomas, Arnold's in- vasion, 568 correspondence with Washing- ton, 569 escapes to Carter's Mountain, 597 on Knox and Humphreys, 669 anecdotes related by, 669 sketch of character and opinions, 674 in Paris, 674 opinions on the new constitution, 674 re-eligibility of the President, 674 horror of kingly rule, 674 on titles, 675 Washington's election to the Presidency, 675 on French politics, 675 and the leading patriots, 675 to Paine on the National As- sembly, 676 on the French Revolution, 076 appointed secretary of stale, 680 arrives at New York, • 6S3 impressions concerning the po- litical tone of society, 683 conversation with Hamilton, 684 remonstrates with Washington on ceremonials, 685 discords in Congress, 086 concerning Hamilfon, 686 accompanies Washington to Rhode Island, 688 opposed to a National Bank, 690 rivalry with Hamilton, 690 sympathy with the French rev- olution, 694 hatred of royalty, 094 intention of retirement, 699 concerning Hamilton, 700 appreciation of Hamilton, 700 conversation between Hamilton and Adams, 700 urging Washington not to retire, 702 to Lafayette, suspicions, 703 conversation with Washington on political matters, 703 to Washington on dissensions with Hamilton, 707 concerning Gouverneur Morris, 709 on the atrocities of the French revolution, 710 to Madison, on the war between England and France, 713 to Madison on Genet's speech, 714 conversation with Washington on attacks of the press, 715 on Freneau's paper, 715 concerning French prizes, 715 relative to Washington's illness, 716 case of the Little Sarah, 717 concerning recall of Genet, 719 intention to resign, 719 interview with Washington, 719 to Genet, announcing application for his recall, 721 report on the state of trade, 724 rebuke to Genet, 724 retirement from office, 724 at Monticello, 725 character of Washington, 725 on war with Great Britain, 727 to Tench Coxe, from Monticello, 728 to Monroe, on Washington's in- fluence, 743 on breach of official trust, 743 elected vice-president, 748 talces the oath of office, 749 Jeskakake, Shannoah sachem, 30 Johnson family, power in New York, 159 style of living, 160 adherents, 160 incite the Indians to hostility, 174 Johnson, Colonel Guy, supports the royal cause, 160 fortifies Guy's Park, 160 holds an Indian council, 160 doubtful intentions, 160 at Montreal, 178 contemplates hostilities, 235 Johnson, Sir John, supports the royal cause, 160 fortifies the family hall, 160 fortifies Johnson Hall, 214 prepares for hostilities, 214 surrenders to General Schuyler, 215 contemplates hostilities, 235 retreats among the Indians, 235 rumored to be in the field, 235 contemplated inroad of, 354 on his way to attack Fort Schuy- ler, 359 depredations, 551 Johnson, Sir William, 55 expedition against Crown Point, 74 defeats the French, 75 erects Fort William Henry, 75 made baronet and superintend- ent of Indian aflairs, 75 joins Abercrombie, 91 to attack Fort Niagara, 97 conducts the siege, 97 captures the fort, 97 beforo^Montreal, 102 influence with the Six Nations, 108 concern at the difficulties, 159 death, 159 Johnson, of Maryland, nominates Washington commander-in- chief, 147 Johnstone, George, commissioner from Great Britain, 459 Fox's opinion of, 459 on the state of Philadelphia, 459 attemi^t to bribe General Reed, 460 to Robert Morris, attempts at corruption, 4C0 Joncaire, Captain, 23 his history, 24 appears at Logstown, 24 addresses the chiefs, 24 writes to the Governor of Penn- sylvania, 24 interview with Washington, 30 entertains Washington at sup- per, SO his diplomacy with the Indians, 31 Jones, David, Lieutenant, and Miss McCrea, 377 Jones, Honorable Joseph, letter on army grievances, 630 JuMONViLLE, his death, 42 instructions found upon him, 42 Junius, description of Lord Bote- tourt, 116 K Kelly, Maior, destroys bridge at Stony Brook, 325 Kenb, Maj., letter to, intercepted, 186 Kentucky admitted into the Union, 691 Kbppel, Commodore, arrives with his squadron, 53 furnishes cannon, 54 Kiashuta, a Seneca sachem, 121 King, Rufus, concerning Genet, 722 character of, 743 minister to Great Britain, 743 King's Bridge to be fortified, 217 reconnoitred by Washington, 236 works at, 236 fortified camp at, 276 demonstration at, 629 relinquished by the British, 637 King's County Committee, accus- ing Schuyler, 231 disaflectcd, 258 King's Mountain, situation, 558 battle of, 558 its efiect, 559 Kingston burnt by the British, 408 Kingston, Lieutenant, bears a note to Gates, 414 KiNLOCK, Captain, takes summons to Colonel Buford, 515 Kip's B.aj', landing of British, 275 anecdote of Washington, 275 KiRKWooD, at Eutaw Springs, 614 KiTCHEL, Anna, (note,) 498 Kittanning taken and burned, 82 Knowlton, Captain, joins Put- nam, 143 leads a fatigue party, 151 puts up a rampart, 154 repulses General Howe, 155 maintains his position, 156 13 INDEX. promoted to major, 169 captures a British guard, 218 to attack Staten Island, 2a6 gallant affair at an outpost, 277 wounded, 277 death, 277 Knox, Henry, offers to obtain ar- tillery and ordnance stores, 190 account of, ICO instruction, 190 sets off on his errand, 190 to Washington concerning artil- lery and stores, 207 arrival at camp, 219 stentorian lungs, 315 promoted, 330 sent to Massachusetts, 337 inspects the forts of the High- lands, 351 objects to leave Chew's house garrisoned, 419 accompanies Washington, 537 described by Chastellux, 554 despatched to the Eastern States, 5G6 and Washington, anecdote, CIS moves patriotic resolutions, C30 suggests the society of the Cin- cinnati, 633 at Harlem, 637 enters New York, 637 parting with Washington, 63S to Washington concerning Mas- sachusetts insurgents, 653 meets Washington, 655 reception of Washington, 661 at Washington's inauguration, 662 officiates as Secretary of War, 666 described, 667 presidental etiquette, 669 appointed Secretary of War, 672 in favor of a national bank, 690 sides with Hamilton, 690 concerning French prizes, 715 case of the Little Sarah, 717 concerning recall of Genet, 719 and Washington, anecdote, 719 to Washington, resigning, 734 position assigned to, 756 to Washington on his appoint- ment, 757 ^to Washington on his reply, 757 Knox, Lieutenant, leads forlorn hope at Stony Point, 489 Knyphausbn, Genera], reinforces Howe, 285 menaces Fort Washington, 290 at Cecil Court House, 391 attempts to cross Chadd's Ford, 394 moves with the British van- guard, 464 sent into Westchester County, 478 left in command of New York, 495 prepares for defence, 498 sends expeditions against New- ark and Elizabethtown, 499 plans descent into the Jerseys, 516 passes through Elizabethtown, 516 sack of Connecticut farms, 517 presses on toward Morristown, 517 halt before Springfield, 517 retreat, 517 indecision, 517 assailed for the murder of Mrs. Caldwell, 518 moves against Springtield, 518 engages the Americans, 518 retreat, 519 Koscicszco, Thaddeus, joins the army, 343 fortitics Bemis' Heights, 400 advances to the Dan, 578 intrenches Halifax, 579 Lafatet'je, George Washington, 711 arrives in America, " 740 accompanies Washington, 749 departs from New York, 752 rejoins his familj-, 752 Lafayette, Madame de, 711 Lafayette, Marquis de, at Phila- delphia, 374 offers letters of recommendation, 374 his appeal, 374 appointed major general, 374 meets Washington, 374 description of American army, 375 modest reply to Washington, 375 nature of his appointment, 375 joins Sullivan's division, 393 wounded, 394 on Howe's neglect, 396 to Washington, account of skir- mish, 431 appointed to a division, 432 proceeds to Yorktown, 440 toasts the commander-in-chief, 440 sets out for Albany, 440 to Washington, anticipations, 440 perplexities, 443 to Washington on his troubles, 444 returns to "Valley Forge, 444 keeps watch in Philadelphia, 457 encamps on Barren Hill, 457 nearly surrounded, 458 extricates himself, 458 commands the advance, 463 resigns command to Lee, 405 detached to the expedition against Rhode Island, 472 interview with D'Estaing, 474 sets out for Boston to see D'Es- taing, 475 returns to the American camp, 476 brings off" the pickets and cover- ing parties, 476 asks leave of absence, 482 project for the conquest of Ca- nada, 482 arrival at Boston, 508 reaches the American camp, 508 reception by Congress, 509 despatched to the French com- manders, 521 accompanies Washington, 537 proposes exchange of Andro for Arnold, " 544 commands the advance guard, 552 attempted enterprise, 562 anxious for action, 553 in the camp of the Pennsyl- van\an mutineers, 566 to Washington on Hamilton, 571 in command of detachment, 5S7 instructions, 587 sets out on his march, 587 further instructions, 587 forced marches for Virginia, 588 at the Head of Elk, 588 arrives at York, 5S8 marches to join Greene, 589 saves Richmond, 590 to Washington on Lund Wash- ington's compromise, 591 refuses to correspond with Ar- nold, 596 retires from before Cornwallis, 597 assumes the aggressive, 597 joined by Steuben, 598 follows Cornwallis, 598 retreats to Green Springs, 599 account of his campaign, 599 to Washington on the embarka- tion of the British, 603 measures to cut off Cornwallis's retreat, 607 to Washington, urging him to command, 607 prevails on De Grasse to remain, 611 to storm a redoubt, 617 carries the works, 617 false statement concerning, (note,) 617 concerning Hamilton, 618 asks leave of absence, 621 to Congress with news of peace, 631 at Mount Vernon, 643 on the French revolution, 679 to Washington on the same, 687 to Washington presenting the key of the Bastille, 688 on affairs in France, 693 downfall of, 710 prisoner at Rochefort 710 on his way to Paris, 752 correspondence with Washing- ton, 758 La Force, accompanies Washing- ton, 31 prowling about the country, 40 Washington's opinion of, in Washington's power, kept in prison, his fortunes, Lake of the Dismal Swamp, Lamb, Colonel, arrives boforo St. Johns with artillery, before Quebec, effective lire from the ice bat- tery, relative to Aaron Burr, in the attack, wounded, assists Arnold, wounded, receives Washington at West Point, Lameth, Chevalier de, wounded in the attack, Langdon, President, offers pray- ers, Langlade, commands the Indians, 376 Laurens, Col., duel with Lee, 470 boards the French fleet, carries a protest to D'Estaing, informs Washington of affairs in Charleston, on Andre's fate, special minister to France, visits the camp of the Pennsyl- vania mutineers, arrives from France with the loan, capitulation of Yorktown, Laorbns, 'Mr., remits letter to Washington, Lauzun, Duke de, at Newport, to join the American Army, skirmish with Tarleton, Lawrence, Colonel, Lawrence, Colonel John, judge advocate general, Lawson, Genr, reinforces Greene, at Guilford Court House, Lear, Tobias, Washington's pri- vate secretary, on Washington's charactew, at the inauguration of Washing- ton, accompanies Washington, Washington's state coach, concerning St. Clair's defeat, Washington's illness, last hours of Washington, death of Washington, Learned, Colonel, receives flag of truce, Lechmere Point, fortified by Put nam, Ledtard, Colonel William, de fence of Fort Griswold, 606 Lee, Arthur, in the treasury board, 668 Lee, General Charles, at Boston, 134 history, his birth, serves in America, adopted by the Mohawks, wounded at the battle of Ticon- deroga, at the siege of Fort Niagara, joins Amherst at Crown Point, 135 at the surrender of Montreal, 135 in Portugal, 135 brave conduct," 136 opposes the ministry, 135 received by Frederick the Great, 135 at Warsaw, 135 accompanies the Polish ambas- sador to Constantinople, 136 dangers and escapes, 136 again in England, 136 reception, 1.36 censured liy a friend, 136 embittered against the king and ministers, 136 returns to Poland, 130 hopes of active service, 136' major general in the Polish army, 136 restless life, 139 aflair of honor, 136; attacks upon the ministry, 136; advocates the cause of the colo- , nies, 13w visits America, 19g reputation, ISw to Edmund Burke, 137^ 41 42 51 51 107 183 211 211 211 213 213 346 346 538 617 151 471 474 506 548 564 666 606 619 439 621 693 612 56 543 581 582 646 647 661 677 690 697 762 762 763 223 199 135 135 135 135 135 135 14 INDEX. at Mount Vernon, 138 purchases an estate, 138 cultivates the acquaintance of leading men, 138 efficient in organizing the Mary- land militia, 138 manners, 139 fondness for dogs, 139 to Adams, 139 at Philadelphia, 147 appointed major general, 148 elected third in command, 148 accepts appointment, 148 sets out from Philadelphia, 158 anecdote, 168 description by Mrs. AdamSj 163 Washington's military counsel- lor, 168 commands left wing, 169 strict discipline, 169 profanity, 169 correspondence with Burgoyne, 171 declines an interview with Bur- goyne, 172 on tlie bombardment of Boston, 189 and Mrs. Adams, 202 to Richard H. Lee, givipg his policy, 205 sets^ut for Rhode Island, 205 test oath, 205 legislative censures, 205 to Washington, relative to the defence of New York, 208 at New Haven, 209 military notions, 209 reply to New York Committee of Safety, 209 to Washington on recruiting suc- cess, 210 on the disposition of New York, 210 arrives at New York, 215 to Washington, on a resolve of Congress, 215 on the arrival of Sir Henry Clin- ton, 215 characteristic menace, 216 plans of defence, 216 measures against Tories, 216 defiance of Governor Tryon and Captain Parker, 217 removal of cannon, 217 strengthens New York, 217 ordered to Canada, 217 to Washington on affairs iu New York, 217 contempt for titles, 218 appointed to command the south- ern department, 226 to Washington on his appoint- ment, 226 sets out for the south, 236 opinion of Washington, 227 to Washington from the south, 227 to Washington on Clinton's ex- pedition, 254 foils Clinton, 254 arrives at Charleston, 254 to Washington on the condition of Charleston, 254 encamps on Haddrell's Point, 254 describes the attack on Sulli- van's Island, 254 receives thanks of Congress, 255 to Washington for cavalry, 255 expected in camp, 282 to President of Congress on the designs of the British, 282 arrives in camp, 283 to Gates on the meddling of Congress, 283 arrives at White Plains, 286 commands at Northcastle, 291 to Washington on his position, 298 allusion to Greene, 298 to Reed explaining his projects, SCO to Bowdoin, plana and schemes, 301 to Washington on removing troops across the Hudson, 301 to Heath on his right to com- mand, 302 to Reed disparaging Washing- ton, 303 to Washington on his delay, 305 interview with General Heath, 305 question of authority, 306 changes his mind, 306 crosses the Hudson, laggard march, 306 on military greatness, 307 at Morristown, 308 to Congress on liis plans, 308 correspondence with Washing- ton, 308 to Heath to forward troops, 308 tardiness of his march, 308 and the militia, 309 to Gates dirparaging Washing- ton, 309 captured by Colonel Harcourt, 309 eftect of his loss, 310 secret of his conduct, 310 character of, 310 treatment of, 332 to Congress from New York, 334 to Washington on the refusal of Congress, 334 actual treatment of, 834 diminished importance, 336 to Washington on his captivity, 449 exfl • i^ed for General Prescott, 458 in command of a division, 461 to Washington on the enemy's plans, 461 opposed to attack, 461 relinquishes the command of the advance to Lafayette, 463 military punctilio, 463 commands the advance, 463 encamps at Englishtown, 463 advances against the enemy, 464 manoeuvre, 464 retreat, 464 angry meeting with Washington, 465 battle of Monmouth Court House, 465 conduct, 465 cause of retreat, 466 correspondence with Washing- ton, 467 charges against, 468 court-martiallcd, 468 concerning Washington, 469 sentenced, 469 sentence approved by Congress, 469 abuse of Washington, 469 duel with Colonel Laurens, 470 retires to his estate, 470 style of living, 470 queries political and military, 470 insolent note to Congress, 470 dismissed the service, 470 to Congress, apologetic, 470 his character, 470 his death, 470 his will, 470 burial, 471 his manuscripts, 471 to Wavne applauding his cap- ture of Stony Point, 490 caution to Gates, 5-0 Lee, Charles, attorney general, 740 Lee, Henry, " Light Horse Harry," S91 repulses a surprise, 449 promoted, 449 surprises a party of Hessians, 480 proposes an attack on Paulus Hook, 491 sets out for Paulus Hook, 492 surprises the post, 492 diflicult retreat, 492 rewarded with a gold medal by Congress, 492 joins Washington, 517 tight at Springtield, r,is concerning Arnold's consisiracy, 550 escape of Champe, 550 on the reception of Gates by the General Assembly of Virginia, 561 crosses the Dan, 679 affair with Pyle's loyalists, 580 on Tarieton's escape, 580 skirmish with Tarleton, 5S2 at Guilford Court House, 582 joins Marion, 599 capture of Fort Watson, 630 capture of Fort Mottc, 600 captures Granby, 600 exploits of, 601 pursues Colonel Coatos, 601 detached to operate with Cum- ter, 613 at Eutaw Springs, CIS anecdote of Washington, 649 communicates the death of Greene, 650 to Washington on the presidency, 658 commands the army, 731 puts down the insurrection, 731 Lee, Richard Henry, delegate to General Congress, 129 speech before the General Con- gress, ISl drafts memorial to British colo- nies, 132 urging Washington's presence in Virginia, 595 Legislatures dissolved, 114 Leitch, Major, commands Vir- ginia troops, 252 joins Knowlton in an attack, 277 wounded, 277 death, 277 Lempriere's Point, works thrown up, 512 Leslie, Captain, killed at Prince- ton, 325 Leslie, General, attack on Chat- terton's Hill, 287 at Maiden Head, 323 advancing to reinforce Cornwal- lis, 571 at Guilford Court House, 582 ordered to Portsmouth, 596 Lewis, Colonel, 121 Lewis, Major Andrew, 72 taken prisoner, 95 Lewis, Major George, attends on Mercer, 327 Lewis, Lawrence, aide-de-camp to Morgan, 730 invited to Mount Vernon, 750 aflectionfor Miss Custis, 751 marries Miss Custis, 759 Lewis, Robert, Washington's agent, 694 Lexington, battle of, 140 loss of Americans and British, 142 Liberty Tree, 129 Light House Point, surprised by Wolfe, 90 Lincoln, General, contemplates descent on Long Island, 279 at Bennington, 374 at Manchester, 378 to Schuyler on Stark's victory, 385 joins Gates, 403 wounded, 411 commands the southern depart- ment, 481 unsuccessful siege of Savannah, 494 to Washington in his pei-plexity, 505 strengthens Charleston, 505 remains within the citj', 506 to Washington on the unwilling- ness of troops to remain, 511 replies to summons to surrender, 512 in favor of evacuating Charles- ton, 513 skirmish with the British, 594 grand reconnoisance, 595 opens the first parallel before Yorktown, 615 receives the submission of ,the royal army, 619 returns north with the army, 621 LipPENCOTT, Captain, hangs Cap- tain Huddy, 623 tried and acquitted, 624 LisTON, Mrs., at Washington's farewell dinner, 743 Little Egg Harbor, expedition against, 479 Little Meadows, 40 Braddook's expedition encamped, 61 Little Sarah, case of, 716 Little Turtle decoys Colonel Hardin into an aml)Ush, 689^ Lively ship of war fires ou Breed's Hill, 152 Livingston, Brockholst, in corre- spondence with Schuyler, 399 to Schuyler on the prospect of a battle, 400 Livingston, Major, and Major Brown take Fort Chamblee, 191 drive Colonel Maclean back, 192 Livingston, Colonel, joins Schuy- ler, 3SS 15 INDEX. carmonades the Vulture, 533 Livingston, Henry Brockliolat, on the Btate of aftairs at Ti- conderoga, 360 Livingston, Peter R., 280 Livingston, Peter Van Burgh, ad- dress to Washinston, 160 Livingston, Judge Robert R., ITS suggests Arnold as commander of West Point, 522 at the inauguration of "Wash- ington, C62 Livingston, Walter, in the treas- ury board, 666 Livingston, William, Brig. Gen., 2-13 sends word of the British plans, 2G1 to Washington, 304 Logstown, Council of Indians at, 27, 29, 120 London Chronicle, remarks on General Burgoyne, 218 Long, Colonel, commands the bat- teaux, 364 arrives at Fort Anne, 305 retreats to Fort Edward, 365 Long Island, battle of, 260 landing of the British, 261 Britisi occupy Flatbush, 261 reinforced by Hessians, 262 De Heister reaches Flatbush, 263 plan of the British, 263 nocturnal march, 263 occupy the Bedford pass, 263 Cen. Grant engages Lord Stir- ling, 264 Sir Henry Clinton turns the American left, 264 Sullivan's division defeated, 264 Lord Stirling surrounded, 265 forbearance of the British, 266 killed and wounded, 266 fatal neglect, 266 retreat from, 268 described by a witnees, 268 midnight gun, 208 Long Island tradition, 269 alarm of the British, 269 in possession of the British, 269 Loudon, Earl of, 77 implied censure of Washington, 84 arrives at Albany, 84 in winter quarters, Ro reception of Washington, 86 sets sail for Halifax, 86 joins Admiral Holboumo at Halifax, 87 returns to New York, !w relieved from command, 8s Louisburg to be attacked, 86 another attempt to be made, SS invested, 89 captured, 90 LovEL, General, commands expe- dition against Penobscot, 491 at first repulsed, but efl'ects a landing, 491 besieges the fort, 491 sends for reinforcements, 491 disastrous retreat, 491 LovELL, James, to Gates on the command, 347 to Gates on his position, 349 to Gates, 429 invocation to Gates, 432 Lowantica Valley, S30 Loyalists in the revolution, 279 Luzerne, Chevalier de la, visits Washington, 494 and Arnold, 509 requests ships to oppose Ar- nold, 586 b.anquet to the officers, 60S to Washington on the position of Lafayette, 0S7 Lyman, General, 74 Lynch, Thomas, on committee to confer with Washington, iss on the bombardment of Boston, 1S9 McCall, Major, at the battle of the Cowpens, 573 McCrea, Jane, 377 murdered by Indians, S77 its effect, 378 the story of her murder, (note,) 378 McDouoALL, General, strength- ens Heath's position, 283 in command at Chatterton's Hill, 283 at Morristown, 321 commands at Peekskill, 338 fires the barracks and retires, 338 commands at Peekskill, 350 commands in the Highlands, 453, 481 joins Gates, 478 commands at West Point, 487 death of, C51 McDowell, Colonel, in the battle of King's Mountain, 558 McGiLLivBAY, represents the Creeks, C85 McGowan's Ford, affair at, 577 McGowan's Pass, relinquished by the British, 637 McHenrt, Major James, break- fasts with Arnold, 538 secretary of war, 740 to Washington on the command of the army, 755 McLane, Captain Allen, brings word of intended attack, 432 attacks the enemy's van, 432 routs the picket guard, 453 expedition against Paulus Hook, 491 McLeod, Captain, attempt to sur- prise Jefferson, 597 McPherson, Major, to intercept Simcoe, 598 skirmish with Captain Shank, 598 Mackay, Captain, 44 arrives at Washington's camp, 45 Mackenzie, Captain Robert, to Washington, 133 Maclean, Colonel, and his High- land emigrants, 191 driven back by Majors Brown and Livingston, 192 at Quebec, 203 loyalty, 204 Madison, James, member of Con- gress, C67 ceremonials of the government, 684 remonstrates with Washington on his intention to retire, 700 prepares a valedictory address fur Washington, 702 debate on Jefferson's report, 725 Magaw, Colonel, 252 commands Fort Washington, 284 cannonades the British frigates, 286 in favor of holding Fort Wash- ington, 295 refuses to surrender, 296 disposition for defence, 296 Majoribanks, Major, at Eutaw Springs, 614 falls back, 614 Maliiedy, Col., at Eutaw Springs, 613 Manchester, British maraud, 590 Manchester, Duke of, compares the conduct of Clinton and Dunmore, 216 remarks on siege of Boston, 225 Manly, Captain, captures muni- tions of war, 197 Marbois, Barbe, 494 Marion, Francis, his character, 5.59 bye names, 559 pursued by Tarleton, 560 capture of Fort Watson, 600 captureof Fort Motte, 600 attack on Colonel Coatos, 602 controls the lower Santee, 013 joins Greene, 613 at Eutaw Springs, 613 Markoe, Captain, escorts Wash- ington, 157 MAKsri, Rev. John, letter relative to plot in New York, (note,) 241 Marshall, Judge, on Lee's re- treat, 469 envoy to France, 753 Mar;h:i's Vineyard ravaged by the British, 476 Martin, Colonel, 79 Maryland, Gener.al Assembly, con- lidence in Washington, 739 Maryland troops described, 169 sharpshooting, 169 described by Graydon, 252 Mason, Mr., divulges terms- of treaty, 735 Mason, George, friend of Wash- ington, 113 to W'ashington on non-importa- tion, 115 drafts plan of association for the non-importation and use of British goods subject to duty, 115 Massachusetts, General Court of, advise a Congress, 112 petition the king for relief, 114 urge the other colonial Legisla- tures to join for redress, 114 refuse to rescind the resolution, 114 protest against military occupa- tion, 117 refuse to transact business, 117 transferred to Cambridge, 117 resolution against a standing army, 117 refuse to provide for the troops, 118 prorogued, 118 Assembly recommend a Gene- ral Congress, 125 general election, 137 semi-belligerent state of affairs, 137 Congress of, raise troops, , 143 prep.are to receive Washington, 161 send a deputation to meet Wash- ington, 161 address of welcome to General Lee, 161 number of troops, 165 their destitution, 166 AVashington's apology, 166 liberality, 167 asks for troops, 169 Rhode Island and Connecticut lit out armed vessels, 187 passes an act for litting out armed vessels, insurrection, quelled, Mathew, General, in the attack on Fort Washington, expedition against the Chesa- peake, takes Portsmouth, ravages the neighborhood, Matdews, Colonel, taken pri- soner, 420 Mathews, John, on committee to confer with Washington, 508 Matson's Ford, Lafayette posted on, 458 Matthews, David, mayor of New York, apprehended, 239 detained for trial, 240 Mawhood, Colonel, at Princeton, 324 attacks Mercer, retreats towards Trenton, Maxwell, General, at Morris town, commands light troops, skirmish with the British, engages the enemy's vanguard, 392 sent to the Jerseys, 458 ordered to harass the enemy, 462 Maynards, Judge, 25 Meade, Colonel, Washington's aide-de-camp, 330 Mecklenburg, spirit of the inhabit- ants, 556 Meigs, CJoIonel, enterprise against Sag-Harbor, 346 struck while attempting to sup- press a mutiny, Mercer, Captain George, Wash- ington's aide-de-cani]), Mercer, George, declines to act as distriimtor of stnmps, Mercer, Hugh, account of, arrives at Fort Cumberland wounded, with Colonel Armstrong, wounded, accompanies Washington on a tour of inspection, a visitor at Mount Vernon, disciplines militia, about marching to Williams- burg, 143 madebrigadier general, 243 joins the army, 243 ISS 653 655 297 486 486 486 324 325 321 390 391 510 76 112 58 82 104 las 16 INDEX. appointed to a command, 243 on the abandonment of New York, 273 conversation with "Washington on resistance, 305 leads the advance on Princeton, 324 encounters Colonel Mawhood, 324 wounded, 324 death, 327 character, 327 MiDDLETON, Cornet, sent in pur- suit of Champe, 550 MiFFLTN, General, urges Lee's ap- pointment as second in com- mand, . 14S aide-de-camp to \yashington, 107 secretary to Washington, 1S9 suggests a name for the captur- ed mortar, 197 Adjutant General, manners and entertainments, 202 promoted, 232 encamped near Kingshridge, 236 characterized by Graydon, 252 discipline of his troops, 260 arrives with troops, 267 observes movement among the British ships, 267 premature retreat, 268 returns to the lines, 268 retreats in safety, 269 sent to Philadelphia for aid, 300 at Philadelphia, 307 supports the claims of Conway, 423 opposition to Washington, 423 membfer of the Board of War, 432 to Gates on Conway's letter, 430 meets Washington, 655 receives Washington, 659 case of the Little Sarah, 716 Miles, Colonel, commands battal- ion, 252 at Brooklyn, 262 Militia system, its inefficiency, 82 organization of,iu Massachusetts, 137 Ministerial array, 147 Minute men rally under General Heath, 142 form a camp, 143 MiuEPOix, Marquis de, 52 Mischianza in honor of Sir Wm. Howe, 238 Mississippi, navigation of, 065 MoNCKTON, Brigadier, in the expe- dition against Quebec, 98 commands battery at Point Levi, 93 wounded, 101 MoNCKTON, Colonel, killed in an at- tack on Wayne, 466 burial, 4Q7 Monk's Corner, Brigadier-General Hugor at, • 512 surprised by Tarloton, 513 Monmouth Court House, battle of, 405 killed and wounded, 467 Monro, Colonel, in command of Fort William Henry, 86 Monroe, James, in the advance against Trenton, 316 takes two cannon, 316 remonstrates against Hamilton, 728 minister to Fi-ance, 729 reception in France, 729 ropalled, 744 to Washington on an intercept- ed letter, 745 address to by M. Barras, 752 Montcalm, his operations, 85 takes Oswego, 85 returns in triumph to Montreal, 85 again takes the (lold, 86 attacks Fort William Henry, 86 captures and destroys it, S6 returns to Canada, 87 prepares his defence, 91 repulses Abercronilne, 91 in command of Quebec, 93 abandons his intrencliments, 100 sends for reinforcements, 100 advances against Wolfe, 100 receives his death wound, 101 to General Towusend, 101 to De Ramsay, 101 his death, 101 Montgomery, Rich'd, at the land- ing before Louisburg, 89 I appointed brigadier-general, 148 at Ticouderou:a, 1 78 birth and services, 178 emigrates to New York and mlirricB, 178 appointed brigadier-general, 178 appearance and manners, 178 embarkation for the Isle aux Noix, 179 invests St. Johns, 1S3 • presses the siege of St. Johns, 191 to Carlton on the treatment of prisoners, 191 takes St. Johns, 192 treatment of prisoners, 192 proceeds to Montreal, 192 takes Montreal, 194 prepares to descend the St. Law- rence, 194 to Schuyler on insubordination of troops, 194 annoyances, 194 intention to resign, 195 joins Arnold, 208 arrives before Quebec, 210 plan of attack, 210 strength of force, SIO on Arnold and his troops, 210 summons Quebec to surrender, 211 to Carleton, 211 ]ii'opares to attack, 211 efforts to incite the inhabitants, 211 anecdote, 211 project of an escalade, 211 plait of attack, 212 the attack, 212 leads his men, 212 surprises the picket, 212 death, 212 burial, 214 MoNTGOMERT, Major, attack on Fort Griswold, 606 MosTocR, Andrew, acts as inter- preter, 21 accompanies Adjutant Muse, 44 Montreal, capitulates to Amherst, 102 taken by Montgomery, 194 MoNTRESOR, Captain, enters the deserted American works, 269 bearer of flag to Washington, 278 Morgan, Daniel, arrives at camp, 169 in the attack on Quebec, 213 takes command, 213 carries two batteries, 213 hemmed in, brave defence and - surrender, 214 exchanged, 27S recommended to the command ofa rifle regiment, 278 mans the lines, 280 sent to fight the Indians, 373 attacks the enemj'. eflect of his corps on the enemy, 402 to attack Burgoj'ne, 409 harasses the enemy, 410 to reinforce Maxwell, 462 to Charlotte, 561 detached to South Carolina 562 on his way to Ninety Six, 572 retreats from Tarleton, 572 at the Cowpons, 572 reasons for selecting, 573 disposition of troojis, 673 battle of the Cowpens, 573 spoils taken, 574 pushes for the Catawba, 574 crosses the Catawba, 575 approach of Cornwallis, 575 pushes for the Yadkin, 577 correspondence with Washing- ton, 730 loft with detachment, 731 Morocco, treaty with, 666 Morris, Capt., wins Miss Philipse, 78 wounded at Sullivan's Island, 255 Morris, Governor, appoints com- missioners, 53 at Alexandria, 55 to Croghan, 56 Morris, Gouverneur, on Gates, 388 on Pennsylvania, 448 on the French crisis, C75 differs from Jefierson, 675 to Washington ou the French revolution, 676 on the iame, 6S7 to Washington on Lafayette, 687 to Washington on affairs in France, 693 minister to France, 709 representation of afl'airs in France, 710 concerning Lafayette and the Reign of Terror, 710 relative to Louis XVI., 711 on the successes of France, 711 to Jefierson ou Genet, 712 recalled, 729 Morris, Robert, sends money to Washington, 321 patriotic exertions, 593 entertains Washington, 606 Morris, Colonel Roger, 276 Morristown, its position, S30 sufferings of the American army at, 497 MoTHB, Admiral de Bois de la, arrives at Louisburg, 87 Moulder, Captain, at Princeton, 325 MouLTiiiE, Colonel William, com- mands at Sullivan's Island, 254 glorious defence, 255 receives thanks of Congress, 255 proclamation, 726 Mount Defiance, strategetical posi- tion, 250 Mount Hope, fortified by Bur- goyne, 363 Mount Independence, evacuated, 363 Mount Vernon, named in honor of Admiral Vernon, 12 quiet disturbed, 54 situation of, 103 assumes a military tone, 138 in danger, 200 saved from ravage, 590 revisited by Washington, 608 MowAT, Lieutenant, destroys Fal- mouth, 187 MoYLAN, Col., and Wilkinson, 446 Muhlenberg, Gen., near Suffolk, 588 encounters Gen. Phillips, 590 Mulgrave, Major, to embark, 222 Murdering Town, 34 Murray, JBrigadier, with Wolfe, 98 detached to operate against ship- ping above Quebec, 90 breaks the French centre, 101 attacks De Levi, 10: is repulsed, lo: retreats into Quebec, lo: desperate condition, 10: arrival of a British fleet, i 10 ordered to advance against Mon- treal, 102 ascends the river, 102 Murray, William Vans, minister to Franco, 760 MuRijAY, Mrs., anecdote, 275 Muse, Major, teaches Washing- ton the art of war, 25 arrives in camp, 44 charged with cowardice, 48 obtains grant of land (note), 121 MusGRAVE, Colonel, encamped, 418 take's post in Chew's House, 419 Muskingum, 22 Mutiny of American troops, 510 N Nash, General, kUled at German- town, 420 National Bank, 690 National Gazette, edited by Philip Freneau, 699 Navigation Laws, 108 Nelson, Gen. Thomas, opposes Arnold, 569 called on for troops, 607 patriotism, 611 another proof, 616 Nelson, Mr. Secretary, anecdote, 616 Neutral ground, 534 Nevil, Gen., house of, assailed, 729 Newark surprised by the British, 499 New Bedford ravaged by the British, 476 New England resists the project of taxation, 110 continues the disuse of tea, 118 17 INDEX. army, its situation, 146 New Hampshire Bends volunteers, 143 grants, 144 New Haven taken by the British, 487 New Jersey, oi^iniou of the revo- lution, 304 prison ship, 'Soii militia turn out with alacrity, 354 troops, discontent of, 4S4 Legislature of, satisfies the troops, 485 invaded by Rnj-phausen, 516 evacuated, 519 troops, mutiny of, 567 New London, expedition against, G05 taken by Arnold, 605 New Orleans, COS Newport, situation of, 472 Newtown, battle at, 47S New York resents the attempt against the independence of the judiciary, 109 proceedings in regard to stamp act, 112 resists the mutiny act, 113 powers of Governor and Assem- bly suspended, 113 at the revolution, 159 events in, 174 in a panic at Lee's approach, 209 adverse influences in, 215 arrival of Sir Henry Clinton, 215 its eftects, 215 letters descriptive of, 228 batteries at, (note,) 202 alarm of conspiracy, 239 arrival of British troojjs, 241 further arrivals, 241 popular joy at the declaration of independence, 244 destruction of the statue of George III., 244 arrival of more ships, 244 panic of the people, 245 convention at White Plains, 245 arrival of Lord Howe, 246 station secret committee in New York, 246 military measures, 248 arrival of a hundred sail, 257 forces collected in and about, 257 convention order out levies, 258 panic and distress, 261 terror of the inhabitants, 264 question of its destruction, 270 letters of British officers relative to, 270 British ships come opposite, 270 question of abandonment, 273 left by Congress to the discretion of Washington, 274 agitations in, 274 more ships move up the Sound, 274 evacuated by Putnam, 275 conflagration in, 278 ascribed to American incendi- aries, 278 Committee of Safety, to Wash- ington on the defence of the Highlands, 280 in perturbation on account of French fleet, 472 bay frozen over, 498 scarcity of food and fuel, 498 reduction of, meditated, 509 to be attacked, 593 failure of intended attack on, 594 alarm in, 623 preparations to evacuate, 033 evacuated, 637 excitement concerning the French war, Niagara, expedition against, rallying place for Indians, Tories, &c., Nichols, Colonel, at Benning- ton, Nicholson, John, Indian inter- preter, Nicholson, Commodore, recep- tion of Washington at Now York, Nicola, Colonel Lewis, extraordi- nary letter of, NoAiLLES, Viscount de, capitula- tion of Yorktown, 18 Non-importation Associations, ef- fect on British commerce, 118 Nooks Hill, attempt to fortify, 67 North, Lord, premier, 118 repeals duties except on tea, 118 on the right of taxation, 118 bill favoring the export of tea, 124 surrender of Cornwallis, 020 North Carolina to be invaded, 524 the people and country, 524 North Church used for fuel, 189 Norwalk devastated by the Brit- ish, 488 O Ogden, Capt. Aaron, concerning the exchange of Arnold for Andre, 544 Ogden, Colonel Matthias, project to capture Prince William Henry, 623 O'Hara, General, at the Yadkin, 577 surrenders the garrison of York- town, 620 Ohio Company, formation of, 20 despatch ChristojiherGist to ex- plore the Ohio, 21 estalilish a trading company at Will's Creek, 24 Ohio Tribes incensed at the French, 27 Ohio, expedition to the; 119 Old South Church, desecration of, 189 Oldham, Colonel, with St. Clair, 696 killed, 697 Olney, Mrs., and Washington, 649 Onondagas, settlement destroyed by the Americans, 485 Oriskany, battle of, 3S0 killed and wounded, 381 Orme, Capt. Robert, liopes of suc- cess, 54 to Washington, 54 Osgood, Samuel, in the treasury board, 666 Oswald, secretary to Arnold in the attack on Quebec, 213 leads forlorn hope, 213 marches to Danbury, S44 at Monmouth Court House, 465 Otis, James, against writs of as- sistance, _ 109 Paine, Mr., * 147 Paine, Thomas, 286 on Washington's retreat across the Jerseys, 311 moral qualities of Washington, 311 to Washington on the key of the Bastille, 688 Rights of Man reprinted, 694 Palfrey, Colonel William, substi- tutes an original prayer, 201 Palmer, Edmund, a spy, 373 Paris, treaty of peace signed at, 462 Paris, Colonel, dispute with Her- kimer, 380 killed by Red Jacket, 381 Parker, Colonel, debate on Jefl'er- son's report, 725 Parker, Daniel, commissioner to New York, 633 Parker, Commodore Hyde, expe- dition against Georgia, 481 Parker, Sir Peter, attacks Sulli- van's Island, 254 is repulsed, 255 burns the Act;eon, 255 Parliament taxes America, 110 imposes fresh duties on Ameri- can imports, 113 extends the mutiny act to Amer- ica, 113 importuned by British mer- chants, 118 passes the Boston Port Bill, 125 other acts to the injury of Bos- ton, 125 Parsons, Gen., sent to Peekskill, 356 at West Point, 453 Patterson, Colonel, interview with Wasliington, 247 Patterson, Brigadier General, moves from Savannah, Paulding, John, and Andre, Paulus Hook, situation of, carried by Major Lee, relinquished by the British, Peabodt, Nathaniel, on commit- tee to confer with Washington, Peekskill, attack on, Pellew, Edward, Lord Exmouth, on Lake ChamplaLn, Pendleton, Edmund, delegate to the General Congress, sets out for Philadelphia, against Washington as command- er-in-chief, Pennsylvania troops described, sharpshooting, described by Gray don. Legislature of, remonstrate againstthe army going into winter quarters, troops, their grievances, revolt, march towards Philadelphia, at Princeton, British emissaries in camp, accept propositions oflered, mutiny of. Council of, offer to Washington, insurrection in, quelled, Penobscot, Bay of, British fort at, expedition against, Percy, Lord, advances to reinfdrce Colonel Smith, continues the retreat, conduct of soldiers, sharp skirmishing, narrow escape, failure of ammunition, to lead the attack against Dor- chester Heights, on Long Island, leaves Flatlands in Clinton's di- vision, attacks the American lines, to reinforce Howe, menaces Fort Washington, Peters, Richard, secretary to Governor Morris, in camp, secretary to board of war and ordnance, Peters, Judge, receives Washing- ton, Petersburg ravaged by the British, Perouney, Chevalier de, Philadelphia during the battle of Braudywine, strength of the British, question of attack on, British defences, British army described, number of British in, preparations to evacuate, evacuated by the British, Philipsb, Miss Mary, Phillips, General, commands ar- tillery, fortiiies Sugar Hill, demurs to the expedition against Bennington, in the attack on Gates, covers Burgoyne's retreat, visits Baroness do Riedesel, sails from New York, arrives at Portsmouth, marauds the country, regains Petersburg, death of, Phipps' Farm, battery erected on, Phoinix ship of war sails up the Hudson, move up near Fort Montgomery, and Rose retreat, Piankeshas, king of, interview with the French am- bassadors, PiCHON, M.jtoWm. Vans Murray, Pickens, General, crosses the Dan, aftair with Pyle's loyalists, joins Greene, at Eutaw Springs, Pickering, Colonel Timothy, with the Essex militi:i. 511 535 491 492 637 338 294 129 130 147 169 169 252 435 5G4 564 565 506 567 567 635 640 729 731 491 491 141 142 142 142 142 142 222 Ltil 203 28'j 2SS 290 56 59 6C0 590 47 S95 430 430 430 448 457 tfOl 462 358 863 883 409 410 414 589 590 690 590 591 200 245 249 259 23 759 579 580 613 613 INDEX. quartermaster-general, 624 Becretary of war, 734 to Washington urging his return, 737 Becretary of state, 740 recommends Hamilton as second in command, 756 PiEL, Lieutenant, character of Rahl, 31S account of treatment of Hessian prisoners, 319 Pierce, Leigh, anecdote of Wash- ington, 655 PiGOT, Gen., ascends Breed's Hill, 154 orders a retreat, 154 PiGOTT, General Sir Robert, com- mands at Rhode Island, amount and disposition of force, Pilgrims, PiNCKNET, Colonel, commands Fort Moultrie, cannonades the British fleet, withdraws with part of the gar- rison from Fort Moultrie, PiKCKNET, Mr., concerning Brit- ish aggressions, PiNOKNEY, Charles Cotesworth, minister to France, dismissed by tlie French Gov- ernment, envoy to France, appointed major general, his acceptance. Pine's Bridge, Piqua, Indian town, PiTOAiRN, Major, sent forward to Concord, enters Lexington, orders tho American j'eomanry to disperse, puts them to flight, slain at Bunker's Hill, Pitt, William, administration, Pittsburg, embryo city, Plains of Abraham, taken possession of by Wolfe, battle, victory of the English., PoMEROT, Seth, nominated general officer, appointed brigadier general, in favor of occupying Charles ton heights, sharpshooting, attempts to rally the troops, Pontiac's war, PoNTiAC and Colonel Croghan, Poor, Gen., to attack Burgoyue, attacks the enemy, PoRTEKFiELD, Colouel, commands Virginia troops, joins Gates, mortally wounded. Port Royal Island, landing of Tarleton, 505 Portsmouth, expedition against, 588 PoSBY, Major, at the storming of Stony Point, 489 Potomac river, 106 Powder, scarcity of, 171 PowEL, brigadier general, in the invasion from Canada, Prayers in Washington's camp, Pkbscott, Colonel William, to fortify Bunker's Hill, leave Cambridge, crosses tho Neck, ascends Bunker's Hill, anxiety, inspires confidence, sends for reinforcements. 472 472 109 506 512 512 727 744 752 753 756 758 288 22 140 140 140 141 157 88 119 98 100 100 101 137 148 150 156 156 108 119 409 409 525 526 526 358 45 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 DDii^oi^i iv=ii..Lv.x^^^.^...o, 153 tenders the command to Warren, 154 encourages his men, 155 orders a retreat, 156 services at Bunker's Hill, ", 157 at Throg's Neck, 283 Pkescott, General, and Ethan Allen, 1S5 confined in jail, _ 199 commands British forcee in Rhode Island, 366 exchanged for Lee, 458 Preston, Major, in command of St. Johns, 183 manful resistance, 191 capitulates, 192 Pbevost, Genera], ordered to at- tack Georgia, 481 takes Suubm-y, 481 arrives at Savannah and takes command, 481 Prevost, Bishop, 662 Pride AUX, Brigadier General, to attack Fort Niagara, 97 embarks at Oswego, 96 besieges Fort Niagara, 97 is killed, 97 Prince William Henry, project to capture, 622 Princeton, British forces assem- bled at, 322 action at, . 325 killed and wounded, 325 Pringle, Captain, conducts Brit- ish armament on Lake Cham- plain, 293 engages Arnold, 293 draws ofif for the night, 293 Prisoners, exchange of, 332 Province Island, fortified by Gen. Howe, 426 PcLASKi, Count, a volunteer, 391 obtains a command, 430 infantry massacred by Fei'guson, 479 PusAz, Hugh de, Bishop of Dur- ham, his wealth and retinue, 6 prepares to join the crusade, but is induced to remain, 7 PoTNAM, Captain, despatched to Cambridge, 154 Pdtnam, Israel, detached to re- connoitre, 90 at Boston, 134 his history, 134 hearsof the battle of Lexington, 135 in command of a regiment, 143 appointed major general, 148 in command of Connecticut troops, 150 in favor of occupying Charles- town heights, 150 opinion of American soldiers, 151 joins Prescott, 151 advises fortifying Breed's HiU, 152 asks for reinforcements, 153 arrives at the redoubt, 153 words with Prescott, 153 orders a breastwork on Bunker's Hill, 153 suggests a novel rampart, 153 rallies the reinforcements, 155 attempts to rally the troops, 156 a leading spirit at Bunker's Hill, 157 at Prospect Hill, 104 his merits, 167 complimented by Washington, 168 commands the centre, 168 and his female prize, 186 christens the captured mortar, 197 takes possession of Cobble Hill, 199 fortifies Leohmere Point, 199 anecdote of, 200 treats his men to an exploit, 218 ready to attack Boston, 222 appointed to command in New York, 227 military rule, 227 military devices, 256 to Gates on tho British force, 256 in command of Long Island, 262 crosses to Long Island, 262 in favor of abandoning New York, 273 to be stationed in New York, 274 retreat from New York, 275 described by Col. Humphreys, 275 traditional anecdote, 275 loss in the retreat, 275 at McGowan's Pass, 276 commands troops in the Jerseys, 290 takes command of Philadelphia, 307 ordered to Princeton, 330 amount of force, 330 stratagem to conceal his weak- ness, 330 to command the Hudson, 351 on the alert, 373 to Sir Henry Clinton on Edmund Palmer, 373 force at Peekskill, 404 to Clinton on the designs of tho enemy, 404 to Clinton on the movements of the enemy, 405 prepares for an attack, 405 outmanceuvred by Sir Henry Clinton, 407 to Washington on the move- ments of "the British, 407 desires to attack New York, 427 his "hobby-horse," 428 goes to Connecticut on private matters, 453 near West Point, 478 at West Point, 479 comniands at Danbury, 481 at Smith's Clove, 487 seconds the resolutions of Knox, 630 Putnam, Colonel Rufus, directs the works about Kingsbridge, 236 Pyle, Colonel, defeated by Lee and Pickens, 580 a Quaker Hill occupied by the Brit- ish, 413 Quebec, its situation, 98 capitulates, 101 alarm caused by Arnold, 204 besieged by Montgomery, 211 the assault, 212 arrival of reinforcements, 230 blockade raised, 231 QuiNCY, Josiah, at town meetings, 129 Rahl, Colonel, attack on Chatter- ton's Hill, 287 attack on Fort Washington, 296 drives in Colonel Rawlings, 297 in command of Trenton, 312 described, 312 reconnoitres the banks of the Delaware, 313 warned of the attack, 315 alarm at an outpost, 315 relaxes his vigilance, 315 bewildered by the attack, 317 rash charge, 317 wounded, 317 taken prisoner, 317 his character, 318 dying request, 318 death and burial, 318 Ramsey, Colonel, at Monmouth Court House, 465 Randolph, Edmund, nominated attorney general, 673 opinions and presence, 673 opposed to a national bank, _ 690 to Washington, urging a continu- ance of office, 705 concerning French prizes, 715 succeeds Jefferson as secretary of state, 725 Fauchet's despatch, 737 correspondence with Washing- ton, 738 resigns, 738 his vindication, 739 to Bushrod Washington, his con- trition, 740 Randolph, Peyton, heads a com- pany of volunteers, 81 elected moderator, 117, 126 delegate to General Congress, 129 president of second Congress, 146 return to Virginia Assembly, 146 Randolph, of Tuckahoe, and his horse Shakespeare, 104 Rank of officers, 51 Rapelyb, Mrs., betrays the Amer- icans, 2G9 Rawdon, Lord, 406 embarks from New York, 506 at Camden, 524 concentrates his forces at Cam- den, 526 on the American yeomanry, 559 aftair at Hobkirk's Hill, 599 evacuates Camden, 600 enters Ninety-Six, 600 pursues Grant, 600 at Orangeburg, 600 19 INDEX. departs for Europe, 603 RAWLiNGS,Colouel, at Fort Wash- ington, 296 driven in by Rahl, 297 Rawlins bleeds M^'ashington, 7C2 Red Hook, battery erected at, 200 cannonaded, 264 Red Jacket at Oriskany, 381 Reed, Colonel Joseph, ordered to assist Frescott, 153 repulses General Ilowe, 155 maintains his position, 156 Washington's eecrctarj-, 168 remonstrance of friends, 168 on scarcity of powder, 171 on reserve of ammunition, 180 departs for Philadelphia, 189 meets Lieutenant Brown, 247 recognition of Washington's rank, 247 declines to receive the letter, 247 on sectional jealousies, 252 on the policy of remaining in New York, 257 relative to Clinton's arrival at New Tork, 257 on the British, 257 on Putnam's happiness, 262 to his wife, 270 on the awkward position of the army, 270 concerning desertions, 271 to his wife, anxieties, 274 reports a skirmish, 277 insolence of British troops, 277 to his wife, from Harlem Heights, 281 opposed to holding Fort Wash- ington, 295 to Lee, disparaging to Washing- ton, "" 299 despatched to Burlington, 300 rebuke from Washington, 301 reconciliation, (note,) 304 on Washington's return to Princeton, 306 Btationed at Bristol, 311 marches to Bordentown, 320 to Washington from Trenton, 321 sends in pursuit of Donop, 321 Burprises a British picket, 322 scours the country, 327 appeal to Washington, 353 to Gates, comparing exploits, 430 to Wharton, relative to attack on Philadelphia, 431 narrow escape of, 433 on keeping the field, 434 reply to Johnstone, 460 drafts proclamation for Arnold, 500 to Greene, on Arnold's conduct, 601 president of the executive coun- cil of Pennsylvania, 501 increased powers, 511 revolt of the Pennsylvania line, 566 arrives at Princeton, 566 propositions to the troops, 567 Reign of Terror, commencement of, 710 Reparti, Captain, 32 Republicans, party formed, 691 Revolution commenced, 143 trials of the, 497 Reynell, Lieutenant, 402 Rhode Island, sends volunteers, 143 troops, their fine condition, 165 Massachusetts and Connecticut fit out armed vessels, 187 (proper,) situation of, 472 plan of attack, . 473 siege abandoned, 475 retreat from, 475 evacuated by the British, 493 RicnAKDSON, Colonel, joins Wash- ington at New York, 271 Richmond in Arnold's possession, 569 RiEDESLL, Baron, in Canada, 238 in the invasion from Canada, 358 attacks St. Clair's rear-guard, 305 demurs to the expedition against Bennington, 383 in the attack on Gates, 409 covers Burgoyne's retreat, 410 RiEDESEL, Baroness de, with Burgoyne's army, 399 account of movement, 399 20 dines in camp, 410 during the battle, 411 describes burial of General Fra- ser, 411 exposed to the horrors of war, 413 scarcity of water, 414 reception by Schuyler, 416 Rifle dress, origin of, 93 RiKER, Lieutenant, 195 Robertson, General, communi- cates with General Howe, 223 Robertson, Lieutenant General, on commission concerning Andre, 545 to Washington on Andre, 545 Robinson, Colonel Beverly, and Washington, 77 in the attack against Fort Mont- gomery, 406 connection with Arnold's trea- son, 532 attempted interview, 532 to Washington, interceding for Andre, 540 accompanies commission, 645 Robinson, Speaker, thanks Wash- ington on behalf of the colony, 103 objects to Patrick Henry's reso- lutions, 111 RocHAMBEAU, Couut de,espected, 508 arrives at Newjiort, 520 past history, 620 to Vergennes on the state of affairs, 520 his troops, 521 informs Washington of ships to be sent to the Chesapeake, 586 arranges plan of campaign with Washington, 587 interview with Washington, 593 arrival with troops, 593 at Dobbs' Ferry, 594 reconnoitres, 595 awkward predicament, 596 breaks up nis camp, 604 visits West Point with Wash- ington, 605 pecuniary assistance, 006 accompanies Washington, 008 addresses the Gatinais grena- diers, 617 at Williamsburg, 621 at Verplanck's Point, 626 retrospect of, 722 RocHEFODCAULD, Liancourt, and Louis XVL, 676 Rockaway Bridge, Washington at, 518 Rocky Mount attacked by Sum- ner, 525 RoDNET, to advance against the British, 390 Rogers, Colonel Robert, the rene- gade, 279 at Mamaroneck, 285 RoMiLLT, Sii Thomas, on Arnold's conduct, (note,) 548 Rose, ship of war, saUa up the Hudson, 245 moves up near Fort Montgom- ery, 249 and "Phcenix retreat, 259 Ross, Major, capitulation of York- town, 619 RuGELEY, Colonel, taken by Col- onel Washington, 562 Rush, Dr. Benjamin, at Mercer's deathbed, 327 Russell, Lieut. Colonel, takes command of Fort Mifllin, 426 RuTLEDGE, Edward, member of the board of war and ordnance, 233 on committee to confer with Lord Howe, 272 clothed with dictatorial powers, 506 endeavors to rouse the militia, 512 to Washington imploring aid for South Carolina, 563 RuTLEDGE, John, judge of su- preme court, 073 Sackville, Lord George, and ' General Lee, 136 Sag Harbor, expedition against, 346 Saltonstall, Commodore, con- voys expedition against Penob- scot, Saratoga occupied by Burgoyne, Sargent, Colonel, estimate of St. Clair's loss, Saunders, Admiral, Savage Mountain, Savannah besieged by D'Estaing and Lincoln, besiegers repulsed, killed and wounded, ScA.MiiEL,Colonel Alexander, mis- take, vigilant guard over Andre, capture and death, ScARooTADi accompanies the half- king, arrives in camp, at Braddock's camp, taken by the French, Ills release, son killed by mistake, remains true to the English, accounts for Braddock's defeat, opinion of British soldiers, Schuyler, Philip, appointed ma- jor general, sets out from Philadelphia, his origin and education, in the old French war, in the expedition against Ticon- deroga, delegate to Congress, sympathy with Washington, recollections with Lee, letters from, ordered to Ticonderoga, arrives at Ticonderoga, to Washington, picture of a frontier post, complaints to Washington, to Washington, to Washington on invasion of Canada, repairs to Albany, to Washington recommending the employment of savages, toWashingtononthe expedition to Quebec, returns to Ticonderoga, illness, arrives at the Isle aux Noix, sends Allen and Brown to recon- noitre, skii-mish before St. Johns, information of the fort, return to the Isle aux Noix, arrival of reinforcements, prepares to invest St. Johns, illness, return to Ticonderoga, . meets Colonel Warner, on Allen's imprudence, to Washington on his annoy- ances, to Washington on the Canada expedition, to Congress on the conduct of troops, indignation, high-minded rebuke, intention to retire, to Congress, to Washington, annoyance from sectional preju- dice, to Washington on the disasters in Canada, urges reinforcements for Canada, 214 besieges and captures Sir John Johnson, 215 conduct applauded by Congress, 215 prejudice against, 231 dcrnands a court of inquiry, 232 question of command with Gates, 250 to Washington concerning the command, arrives at Crown Point, at Ticonderoga, returns to Albany, question of command settled, on the security of the Northern department, direction of affairs, asks a court of inquiry, tenders his resignation, 491 412 697 99 61 494 494 494 268 643 611 41 44 69 62 62 64 74 74 148 157 157 158 15S 158 15S 158 174 176 176 177 177 177 178 17S 179 179 170 179 179 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 185 185 191 195 195 195 195 195 190 196 214 250 250 250 251 251 337 339 £39 339 INDEX. resignation not accepted, to Congress on its resolve, misunderstaudiuga with Con- gresB, reprimanded by Congress, in Philadelphiia, takes his seat in Congress, services at Philadelphia, on the point of resigning, report of committee of inquiry, memorial to Congress, reinstated in his command, reception at Albany, on fortifj'ing Mount Independ- ence, enforces cleanliness, at Ticonderoga, hastens to Fort George, to Congress on the invasion from Canada, to Washington, with St. Clair's letter, hopeful Jetters, to General Herkimer, to Washington on the evacua- tion of Ticonderoga, throws up works on Moses Creek, to Washington on the enemy's movements, slanders against, desires a serutiiij', summoned to Congress, cause of prejudice against, (note,) retires to Fort Miller, takes post at Stillwater, appeals for reinforcements, recalled to attend court of in- quiry, Bends relief to Gansevoort, moves from Stillwater, to Duane on the appointment of Gates, to Lincoln on Stark's victory, to Stark on his victory, means augmenting, returns to Albany, promotes the success of the campaign, benevolent condnct, on committee to confer with Washington, to Arnold on Wasliington's dis- position, ScHuyLER, Mrs., anecdote, SooTT, Captain, wounded at Sul- livan's Island, Scott, General Charles, expedi- tion against Indians, Seat of Government, Sectional jealousies, Washington to Schuyler, John Adams on, Washington's general order upon, Washington relative to, Sbvier, Colonel, in the battle of King's Mountain, Seymour, Colonel Thomas, com- mands Connecticut light- horse, to Washington, for a discharge of troops, to Gov. Trumbull, explanatory, Shank, Captain, skirmish with McPherson, Sharpe, Governor, furnishes waggons, Shaw, Captain, society of the Cin- cinn.ati, Shaw, Major, to his father, Washington and the army, Shee, Colonel, Shbldurn-e, M.ajor, and detach- ment captured, Shelby, Colonel, in the battle of King's Mountain, Shenandoah, Valley of, ravaged by Indians, She jjQis instigates outrages on the colonists, at Kittanning, Shepard, Colonel, wounded, Sherman, Roger, member of the board of war and ordnance, 558 introduces Gates to Congress, at Washington's inauguration, Shingis, chief of the Delawares, blockades Fort Pitt, Shippen, Edward, Shippen, Miss Margaret, Shirley, Governor of Massachu- setts, SniRtEY, William, to Gov. Morris, Shirley, Gen., expedition against Niagara, referred to on a point of rank, plan of campaign, recalled to Kngland, Short Hills, Washington postedat, Shkeve, Colonel, retreating, in the fight at Springfield, SnuLDHAM, Admiral, Shurtee's Creek, SiLLiMAN, Gea., rouses the coun- try, joined by Arnold and Wooster, Silver Heels in Braddock's camp, SiMCOB, Colonel, accompanies Ar- nold, devastates Westham, deceives Steuben, ravages, skirmish with Butler, Sireuil, Captain de, slain, Skene, Colonel, joins Burgoyne, suggests an expedition to Ben- nington, to accompany the expedition, Skenesborough, arrival of flotilla from Ticonderoga, Skinners, Slavery, Washington concerning, Smallwood, Colonel, equipment of his battalion, reinforces Washington, bravery of his macaronis, wounded, to co-operate with Rodney, his new militia, stationed on the Catawba, Smith, Joshua Hett, delivers Ar- nold's letter to Col. Robinson, takes Andre ashore, accompanies Andr6, parts with AndrS, seuf a prisoner to West Point, acquitted. Smith, Lieut. Col, commands ex- pedition against Concord, sets out on his march, people rising, sends for reinforcements, sends M.ajor Pitcairn forward, arrives at Lexington, enters Concord, retreats on Boston, harassed by the Americans, reinforced by Lord Percj', Smith, Lieut. Col. Samuel, com- mands Fort Mifflin, receives thanks of Congress, on the defence of Fort Mifflin, disabled, voted a sword by Congress, Smith, Lieutenant, killed while bearing flag. Smith, William, the historian, on Cage, SiMiTH, Chief Justice, William, on commission concerning Andre, i Smith, WiUiam S., comniissioner to New York, Soldiers' claims, adjusted, (note,) South Carolina, invasion of, condition and population, ^■mptoms of revolt, lower part described, Spain and the Mississippi, Specht, Brigadier General, in command of Burgoyne's camp, Spencer, Joseph, appointed briga- dier general, ofl'ended on a question of rank, at Roxbury, at Harlem, Spicer, Major, at Brandywine, Spotswood, CJolonel Alexander, forms Washington's guard. 349 Springfield, N. J., American 662 troops at, 517 29 fight at, 518 108 burned by the British, 519 501 St.amp Act projected, 110 501 its p.assage. 110 first opposition to. 110 55 preparations to enforce it, 112 61 popular agitation. 112 repealed. 113 74 Stanislaus, King, makes Genera 76 Lee his aide-de-camp, 136 77 friendship for General Lee, 136 77 Stanwix, (Jolonel, 86 517 Stark, John, carries the alarm. 142 464 arrives with troops from New 618 Haven, 150 223 to reinforce Prescott, 153 27 arrives at Bunker's Hill, 154 anecdote. 154 344 repulses General Howe, 155 345 maintains his position. 156 leads the advance guard. 310 59 at Bennington, 374 appeal to his patriotism. 382 563 at Bennington, 384 569 serves on his own responsibility 384 597 insubordination. 384 598 sallies out and meets the enemy 384 598 attacks Baum, 385 618 defeats Baum, 385 376 to Lafayette, 443 forage in Westchester county. 555 379 Staten Island, British throwing up 383 works. 243 treachery of the people. 243 364 St. Clair, Colonel, detached to 534 Three Rivers, 237 704 takes command of Ticonderoga 349 252 announces the aj^pearance of the 252 enemy. 355 258 to Schuyler on Burgoyne's force. 359 266 on desperate state of Ticonde- 287 roga, 359 390 his garrison, 360 397 evacuates Ticonderoga, 361 561 calls a councU of war, evacuates Ticonderoga anc 363 533 Mount Independence, 363 533 his retreat. 364 534 attacked by General Fraser, 365 534 reaches Fort Edward, 366 541 summoned to Congress, 371 547 insinuations against, in the camp of the Pennsylvania 550 140 mutineers. 566 140 sent to reinforce Greene, 621 140 receives Washington, 660 140 at Washington's inauguration. 662 140 commands Indi.an expedition, 692 141 cautioned by Washington, 692 141 his army. 695 141 ch.ar.acter and equipment. 695 141 on his march. 695 141 desertions. 605 his encampment. 696 421 surprised by Indians, 696 423 conduct in the battle, 097 426 flight of. 697 258 reach Fort Jefferson, 697 427 arrives at Fort Washington, 697 asks for a court of inquiry. 701 419 resigns his commission, exculpated by House of Repre- 701 126 sentatives, St. Claie, Sir John, precedes 701 545 Braddock, 53 to Governor Morris, 53 633 engages waggons and horses. 54 119 his wrath at Fort Cumberland, 56 121 in the advance to Fort Duquesne 65 495 orders Washington to Williams- 504 burg, 92 524 Steele, Mrs. Elizabeth, and Gene- 525 ral Greene, 578 666 Stephens, Colonel Adam, joins Washington, 38 409 promoted by Washington, 44 with Washington, 72 148 at Princeton, 304 167 at the battle of Germantown, 419 109 dismissed, 432 276 Sterling, (Jolonel, lands at Fort 393 Washington, 297 at Princeton, 304 343 mortally wounded. 516 21 INDEX. Bteuben, Baron, arrival in camp, 450 his history, 461 to Washington, on his desire to serve America, 451 proceeds to Congress, 451 appointed inspector general, 451 disciplines the army, 452 anecdotes of, 452 character and habits, 452 eflect of his discipline, 4C5 to preside over court of inquiry, 551 commands in Virginia, 568 opposes Arnold, 569 at York, 588 obliged to withdraw, 590 deceived by Simcoe, 597 opens second parallel before Yorktown, 616 society of the Cincinnati, 633 at Washington's inauguration, 662 Stevens, General, joins Gates, 526 at the council of war, 527 at the battle of Camden, 527 takes charge of Morgan's pris- oners, 575 at Guilford Court Ilouse, 582 orders a retreat, 582 Stewart, Captain, assists Brad- dock, 67 accompanies Braddoclc, 68 Stewart, Colonel, at Monmouth Court House, 465 accompanies Wayne, 565 Stewart, Colonel, at Guilford Court House, 583 Stickney, Colonel, at Bennington, 385 Stirling, Lord, in command at New York, 227 report on the condition of the Highlands, 236 moves against General Grant, 2G4 holds him in check, 264 attacks Cornwallis, 265 surrenders himself, 266 exchanged, 278 resolves to entrap Rogers, 285 to cross at King's Ferry, 290 crosses the Hudson, 291 falls back on Trenton, 387 at Matouchiu Church, 355 driven in by Cornwallis, 355 in favor of attacking Philadel- phia, 430 correspondence with Wilkinson * on the Conway letter, 445 appeases the honor of Wilkin- son, 446 at Monmouth Court House, 465 encamps at the New Bridge, 492 unsuccessful descent on Staten Island, 498 retreats to Elizabethtown, 499 St. Johns, Canada, expedition against, 145 surprised by Arnold, 145 General Schuyler appears be- fore it, 182 invested by Montgomery, 183 its resistance, 183 capitulates, 192 St. Johns Island, landing of Sir Henry Clinton, 505 St. Leger, Colonel, to make a diversion, 358 invests Fort Schuyler, 379 summons it to surrender, 379 tries to intimidate the garrison, 382 makes regular approaches, 3S2 presses the siege, 387 obliged to decamp, 387 St. Luc commands Indians, 376 reputation, 384 St. Lucia, expedition against, 481 Stobo, Captain, left as hostage, 47 letter from Fort Duquesne, 49 imprisoned in Quebec, 52 his escape, 52 obtains grant of land, (note,) 121 Stockwell, Lieutenant, guides Col. Willett, 382 Stoddart, Capt., and Wilkinson, 445 Stoningtou cannonaded, 186 Stony Point, landing of the Brit- ish, 405 being fortified, 486 taken by the British, 487 22 position of, 488 garrison of, 488 plan of attack, 488 stormed by the Americans, 489 killed and wounded, 490 conduct of the Americans, 490 evacuated and destroyed Ijy the Americans, 490 fortified and garrisoned by the British, 490 St. Pierre, Chevalier Legardeur de, reception of Washington, 31 gives Washington his reply to Gov. Dinwiddle, 32 his reply to Governor Dinwid- dle, 36 comm.ands Canadians and In- dians, 75 slain, 75 Stringer, Doctor, dismissed, 340 St. Simon, Marquis, lands with troops, 608 embarks his troops, 021 Stdart, Col., joins Lord Rawdon, 600 encamps on the Congaree, 603 moves to Eutaw Springs, 613 battle of Eutaw Springs, 613 decamps, 615 retreats to Monk's Corner, 615 Stuart, Doctor, to Washington on sectional interests, 682 to Washington on ceremonials, 685 Sugar Hill commands Ticonder- oga, 363 fortified by the British, 363 Sugar House, 336 Sulgrave, " Washington's Manor," described, 9 Sullivan, General, under Major General Lee, 169 sent to Portsmouth, 188 desp.atched to New York, 227 despatched to Canada, 229 takes command, 237 to Washington, hopeful, 237 mistakes the enemy's force, 238 to Washington on Thonjpson's expedition, 238 retreats, 239 joined by Arnold, 239 embarks for Crown Point, 239 requests leave of absence, _ 250 tenders his resignation, ^ 251 in temporary command, 201 reconnoitres, 264 retreats, 264 taken prisoner, 265 at Vealtown, 309 hastens to join Washington, 310 joins Wasiiington, 312 ordered to advance and charge, 316 attacks Trenton, 316 at Morristown, 330 behind the Sourland Hills, 354 to advance to the Highlands, 350 joins Washington, 390 attempt to surprise the enemy, 390 at Brandywine, 393 at the battle of Germantown, 419 describes Washington at Ger- mantown, 420 to attack Rhode Island, 472 moves from Providence, 473 occupies abandoned works, 473 before Newport, 473 at Honeyman's Hill, 474 protest against D'Estaing's pro- ceeding to Boston, 474 general order on the departure of the French fleet, 474 retreats to Batt's Hill, 475 commands expedition against the Indians, 4^85 battle at Newtown, 4S5 laj's the Indian country waste, 486 thanked by Congress, 486 retires from the ser\ice, 486 Hamilton's talent for finance, 569 Sullivan's Island fortified, 254 battle of, 254 bravery of troops, 255 British .account, 255 deficiency of powder, 255 enemy repulsed, 255 loss of the Americans, 255 Sumner, Gen., at Eutaw Springs, 613 gives way," CH Sumter, Thomas, character and services, 524 chosen leader, 525 attacks the British at Rocky Mount, 525 successful attack on Hanging Rock, 525 sends to Gates for reinforce- ments, 526 reduces redoubt onthe Wateree, 527 surprised by Taiieton, 529 again in the field, 560 menaces the British posts, 560 fight at Black Stock Hill, 560 detached to scour the country, 601 pursues Colonel Coatcs, 601 attack on Colonel Coates, 602 rejoins Greene, 603 Sutherland, Major, commands at Paulus Hook, 492 Symonds, Colonel, joins Stark, 385 Talbot, Captain, at Fort Mifflin, 426 wounded, 427 Talleyrand and the American envoys, 754 amicable overtures, 759 Tallmadge, Major, and Andre, 536 escorts Andre to the Robinson House, 541 fascinated by Andre, 541 conversation with Andre, 541 predicts Andre's fate, 642 to Colonel Webb, commiser- ating Andr6, 544 account of Andre's execution, 547 successful exploit, 555 Tanacharisson, a Seneca chief, 21 accompanies Washington to the French post, 30 letter to Washington, 41 prepares for battle, 43 opinion of white men's warfare, 48 his death, 48 Tarleton, Lieutenant Colonel Banastre, on the expedition to South Carolina, 504 description of, 505 obtains horses for his dragoons, 505 joins General Patterson, 512 surprises General Hugo's camp, 513 surprises Americans at Laneau's Ferry, 513 pursues Colonel Buford, 514 butchery at Waxhaw, 515 his excuse, 515 pursues Sumter, 528 surprises Sumter, 529 in quest of Marion, 560 fight at Black Stock Hill, 560 sent in quest of Morgan, 572 at Pacolet, 572 battle of the Cowpens, 573 detached to Beattie's Ford, 576 surprise at Tarrant's Tavern, 577 recruiting expedition, 580 recalled to Hillsborough, 580 skirmish with Lee, 582 in Virginia, 697 skirmish with the French, 612 Tarrant's Tavern, militia sur- prised by Tarleton, 577 Tash, Colonel, ordered toFishkill, 281 Tate, Captain, under Morgan, 562 Taxation of American colonies, 109 Ten Brobck, General, 388 arrives on the field, 410 Ternant, M., inspector, 451 Ternay, Chevalier dc, to com- mand French fleet, 508 arrives at Newport, 520 Thayer, commands Fort MifBin, 426 evacuates the Fort, 426 Thicketty Run, Braddock en- camps at, 64 Thomas, John, appointed briga- dier genei-al, 148 commands the right wing, 150 fortifies Roxbury Neck, 164 oftended on a question of mnk, 167 at Roxbury. 169 sets out for Dorchester Heights, 221 INDEX. reinforcpil, 222 commands in Canada, 226 promotion, 226 head-quarters at Albany, 226 arrives at Quebec, 230 sends a tire-ship, 230 prepares to retreat, 230 at Point Deschambault, 231 retreats to the mouth of the Sorel, 237 illness and death, 237 Thompson, Brig. Gen., despatched to Canada, 229 at the moutli of the Sorcl, 237 preparing' to retreat, 237 captured at Three Rivers, 238 Thompson, Colonel, at Sullivan's Island, 254 repulses Sir Henry Clinton, 254 receives thanks of Cont;ress, 254 Three Mile Run, skirmish at, 432 Throg'e^ Neck, position of, 282 landing of the British , 283 Ticonderoga, to be reduced, 88 dismantled, 97 expedition against, 144 surprised by Ethan Allen, 145 strength of garrison, 177 preparations for defence, 292 threatened, 354 approach of Burgoyne, 359 thickening alarms, 360 enemy advancing, 3G0 evacuated, 361 Burgoyne fortifies Mount Hope, 363 invested, 303 commanded by Sugar HiU, 363 evacuated, 363 effects of evacuation, 366 surprised by Colonel Brown, 403 evacuated by the British, 416 TiLGHMAN, Colonel Tench, on Gen- eral Lee, 284 rival generalship, 289 enemy at Dobbs' Ferry, 289 to R. R. Livingston, relative to Greene, 298 Washington's aide-de-camp, 330 AVa> to Sir William Howe proposing an exchange for Lee, 333 on the treatment of prisoners, 333 concerning treatment of Colonel Campbell, 334 to Congress on retaliation, 334 to Robert Morris on the same, 335 to Howe on the prison ships, 335 calls for reinforcements, 337 to Governor Cooke on the neces- sity of union, 337 iirs;es the reinforcement of Schuyler, 337 on sectional jealousies, 337 critical situation, 338 orders troops to Peekskill, 388 designs of the enemy, 338 to Gales on the adjutant gene- ralsiiip, 341 on foreign oiBcers, 342 reprehends distinctions among tlie troo)^8, 343 forms a guard, 343 questions of rank, 343 to Henry Lee on Arnold's pro- motion, 343 to Arnold explaining his non- promotion, 344 to Congress on injustice to Ar- nold, 346 publicly thanks Colonel Meigs, 346 concerning Schuyler, 347 rebukes Gates, 348 to MoDougall on the fortifica- tions of the Hudson, 350 52 328 328 329 330 331 331 331 331 332 332 to Greene on the forts, S51 his foresight, 351 oflers Arnold the command of the Hudson, 351 to McDougall describing Put- nam, 351 to Dr. Craikon his appointment, 352 at Middlebrook, 352 amount of force, 352 to Patrick Henry giving warn- ing, 352 strengthens his position, 353 uncertainty of British move- ments, 353 reply to Reed's appeal, 354 on Burgoyi.e's reported designs, 364 speculations on the enemy's movements, 355 to Clinton and Putnam order- ing out troops, 356 evacuation of Ticonderoga, 361 reiiiforees Schuyler, 361 news of St. Clair, 362 to Schuyler on St. Clair, 362 to Sir William Howe proposing to exchange Prcscott for Lee, 367 to Trumbull on the treatment of Prescott, 367 sends Arnold to Schuyler, 367 to Schuyler hopefully, 367 cautions, 368 to Schuyler on the enemy's force, 368 plans to harass Burgoyue, 368 a delusive letter, 369 sets out for the Delaware, 369 to Gates on Howe's movements, 369 moves to Germantown, 370 orders and counter orders, 370 to Putnam relative to Connecti- cut, 370 declines to nominate command- er for the Northern Depart- ment, 371 regret at the removal of Schuy- ler, 371 soothing counsels, 372 news of British fleet, 373 to Putnam to be on the alert, 373 sends Colonel Morgan to fight the Indians, 373 reinforces Gates, 373 force in Burgoyne's rear, 374 makes the acquaintance of La- fayette, 374 on foreign appointments, 375 marches through Philadelphia, 375 at Wilmington, 376 to Putnam on Stark's victory, 386 enemy lauding, 390 reconnoitres, 390 risk of capture, 390 determines to risk a battle, 391 - stirring appeal to the army, 392 changes position, 392 position of the army, 892 battle of Brandywine, 393 profits by Howe's inactivity, 396 retreats to Germantown, 396 mancEUvres of the r.rmies, 396 at Warwick Furnace, 396 to Putnam for reinforcements, 398 to Gates for Morgan's corps, 398 rests at Pott's Grove, 398 to Trumbull on tho taking of Philadelphia, 398 amount of force, 417 advaiices to Sklppack Creek, 417 to Congress on Howe's situation, 417 determines to attack the British camp, 4-17 plan of attack, 418 conduct in the battle of German- town, 420 to Congress on the battle, 420 remains at Perkiomen Creek, 421 reinforced, 421 at White Marsh, 421 intercepts supplies, 421 the importance of Fort Mercer, 421 to Richard Henry Lee on the promotion of Conway, 423 to Gates on tho surrender of Burgoyne, 424 to Conway on his letter to Gates, 425 to Patrick Henry, apology for his army, 425 to Thomas Wharton for aid, (note,) 426 in want of reinforcements, 426 instructions in regard to the forts, 426 loss of Fort Mifflin, 427 hopes to keep Red Bank, 427 reprimands Putnam, 429- intrigues agair.pt, 429 Fort Mercer taken, 429 arrival of reinforcements, 420 advising the sinking of the American vessels, 430 reconiiOitres Philadelphia, 430 opportunity for a brilliant blow, 431 council of war, 431 on the promotion of Lafayette, 431 camp menaced by Howe, 432 skirmishes, 433 encourages his troops, 433 tho enemy retire, 433 to Congress on threatened at- tack, 433 approach of winter, 433 winter-quarters, 434 arrival at Valley Forge, 434 destitution of troops, 434 in vindication, 435 exercises his authority, 436 to Congress on the consequences, 436 retrospect of 1777, 436 to Gates on the Conway letter, 438 to Laurens on the conduct of his enemies, 438 correspondence with Gates, 440 searching reply to Gateo's ex- planation, 441 closing note to Gates, 442 foraed letters, 442 to General Henry Lee on the forged letters, 443 to Landon Carter on the same, 443 introduction to forged letters, 443 Canada expedition, 443 to Lafayette, consoling, 444 to Patrick Henry on \he cabal, 447 party opposed to Washiuglou, (note,) 447 reforms in the army, 448 destitution in camp, 448 situation described, 448 to Captain Leo on his exploit, 449 recommends Captain Lee for promotion, 449 to General Leo on his exchange, 449 arrival of Mrs. Washington, 450 better times, 450 arrival of Bryan Fairfax, 450 to Bryan Fairfax on their friend- ship, • 450 arrival of Baron Steuben, 450 promotion of Green,e, 452 project to capture Sir Henry (jlinton, 453 circular on plan of next cam- paign, 454 to Congress on forming a sys- tem, 454 downfall of Conway, 454 sends Lord North's bills to Con- gress, 455 to Governor Tryon enclosing resolutions of Congress, 455 rejoiciiigs at Valley Forge, 456 council of war determines on de- fensive measures, 456 American force, 457 solicitude for Lafayette, 458 to Congress on Ethan Allen, 458 preyares to decr.mp, 459 sends Sir Henry Clinton's letter to Congress, 460 amount of force under, 461 to Lee, admonitory, 461 council of war, 461 Philadelphia evacuated, 462 pursues the enemy, 462 crosses the Delaware at Cory- ell's Ferry, 462 council opposed to a general ac- tion, 462 determines to attack the army, 462 perplexed to satisfy Lee 463 resolves u^ion an attack, 463 orders Lee to wr.tch the enemy, 463 orders Lee to attack, 463 27 INDEX. sets forward to the attack, 464 retreat of American troops, 464 meets Colouel Shreve and Major Howard retreating, 464 angry meeting with Lee, 465 checks the retreat, 465 dispositions for battle, 465 battle of Monmouth Court House, . 465 retreat of the enemy, 466 fliaroh to Brunswick, 467 halts at Paramus, 467 correspondence with General Lee, 467 puts Lee under arrest, 468 conduct in relation to Lee, 468 on Lee's abuse, 469 magnanimity in regard to Lee, 471 arrival of French fleet, 471 correspondence with Count D'Ea- taing, 471 plan of operations, 472 encamps at White Plains, 472 orders Sullivan to prepare for a descent upon Rhode Island, 472 to John Augustine on the fail- ure of the expedition against Rhode Island, 476 anxiety as to its eft'ects, 476 to D'Lstaing on his failure, 476 enemy's movements, 478 strengthens the Highlands, 478 moves his camp to Fredericks- burg, 478 moves to Fishkill, 479 distribution of troops, 481 head-quarters near Middlebrook, 481 plan of alarm signals, 481 opposes Lafayette's Canada scheme, 482 in Philadelphia, 483 on the deterioration of Congress, 483 to Colonel Harrison on the de- cline of public spirit, 483 disgust at the neglect of Con- gress, 483 policy of the next campaign, 484 unjust retaliation on the In- dians, 484 discontent of Jersey troops, 484 acts as a mediator, 484 address to the ofiicers, 485 replj' of the officers, 485 to General Maxwell on the de- termination of his ofBcers, 485 apprehends an expedition against the Highlands, 486 measures for the protection of West Point, 487 removes to New Wir.dsor, 487 detaches General Heath to act against the British in Con- necticut, 488 plans the recapture of Stony Point and Fort Lafayette, 488 proposes the storming of Stony Point io Wayne, 488 plan of surprisal, 488 evacuates Stony Point, 490 at West Point, 490 expedition against Penobscot, 491 on the surprise of Paulus Hook, 492 on the capture of Stony Point and Pauius Hook, 492 furthers the defences of the Hud- son, 492 to Edmund Randolph for infor- mation of affairs, 493 to Dr. Cochran describing style of living, 493 reception of the Chevalier de la Luzerne, 494 to Lafayette, 494 chaiige of plans, 495 sends troops to the South, 495 to President Reed for aid, 497 on the destitution of the troops, 497 calls upon the counties for sup- plies, 498 to Colo^jel Ogden, to regard the rights of the people, 498 bay of New York, frozen over, 498 projects a descent on Staten Island, 498 Arnold's government of Phila- delphia, ^00 28 good opinion of Arnold, 600 instructions to Arnold, 500 sympathy with Arnold, 602 reprimand to Arnold, 504 soJicitude for the safety of the Southern States, 604 on the safety of Charleston, 506 to Congress, on his situation, 606 reinforces Lincoln, 507 steadfastness of mind, 607 to Baron Steuben on his difficul- ties, 507 to Congress, on military reforms, 507 committee appointed to consult with, 608 to Lafayette on his return, 508 reception of Lafayette, 608 to Lafayette, on the reduction of New York, 509 reduction of the army, 510 mutiny in camp, 510 to Pres. Reed, for relief, 610 endeavors to rouse Congress, 611 surrender of Charleston, 616 supplies West Point, 516 in position at Short Hills, 517 watches Knyphausen, 517 sets off towards Ponypton, 618 enemy move against Springfield, 618 applies to the State Legislature for aid, 520 congratulates the army on the arrival of French troops, 521 his line of conduct, 522 crosses the Hudson, 522 interview with Arnold, 522 withdraws his forces, 523 interposes in the difficulty be- tween Greene and Congress, 623 on the derangement of the com- missariat, 523 the reverse at Camden, 529 on militia and regular troops, 629 to Gates on the battle of Camden, 629 prepares to proceed to Hartford, 529 crosses to Verplanck's Point, 532 interview with French officers, 637 returns to head-quarters, 537 reception by the people, 537 detained at Fishkill, 538 ride to the Robinson House, 538 arrives at the Robinson House, 638 at West Point, 538 hears of Arnold's treason, 539 sends in pursuit of Arnold, 539 letters from Arnold and Colonel Robinson, 540 to Colonel Wade, urging vigi- lance, 640 to General Greene, to proceed to King's Ferry, 640 to Colonel Jameson, to prevent Andre's escape, 640 interview with Mrs. Arnold, 541 Andre brought to the Robinson House, 541 to Greene on the custody of An- dre and Smith, 541 refers the case of Andr6 to a board of general officers, 643 tij Sir Henry Clinton, concern- ing Andr6, 544 Andre's appeal, 545 eulogium on the captors of An- dre, 548 on Arnold's address, 648 opinion of Arnold, 648 to Governor Reed on Amold'c conduct, 548 strengthens West Point, 549 takes post at Prakeness, 550 plan to capture Arnold, 550 failure of Champe's design, 651 appoints Greene to command the Southern army, 651 confidence in Greene, 651 state of the army, 662 to Gen. Sullivan on the state of . the country and army, 652 to Lafayette on his desire for action, 653 preparations to attack the Brit- ish posts, 553 his horsemanship, 553 personal appearance, 655 his character, 655 at New Windsor, 65-5 to Franklin on his disappoint- ment, 563 necessitous state of the country, 563 instructions to Colonel Laurens, 564 revolt of the Pennsylvania line, 564 to Wayne on the revolt, 565 disafiection in the army, 667 suppresses mutiny of Jersey troops, 567 articles of confederation, 668 heads of departments formed, 669 eulogium on Hamilton, 569 misunderstanding with Hamil- ton, 670 to Lafayette on Hamilton, 571 reconciliation with Hamilton, 571 to Greene on the battle of Guil- ford Court House, 584 on the destruction of Arnold's corps, 586 instructions to Lafayette, 587 to Steuben on Arnold, 587 sets out for New York, 587 to I>afayette on Cornwallis, 587 at Newport, 587 arranges plan of campaign with Rochambeau, 587 to Lafayette on the sailing of the French fleet, 588 returns to New Windsor, 588 to Greene on the chance of re- inforcements, 588 to Colonel Laurens on the fail- ure of the Portsmouth expedi- tion, 589 anxiety for Greene, 589 orders Lafayette to join Greene, 689 to Lund Washington on his con- duct towards the enemy, 591 force on the Hudson, 591 death of Colonel Greene, 592 arrival of Count de B.aiTas, 592 interview with Rochambeau, 693 number of force, 593 plan of operations, 593 to Gov. Clinton on his designs, 593 march to King's Bridge, 694 failure of the enterprise, 694 at Dobbs' Ferry, 594 to Lee on his plans, 695 reconnoitres the British posts, 595 at King's Bridge, 695 awkward predicament, 596 to Lafayette on the effect of the reconnoissance, 696 disappointment as to reinforce- ments, 663 to the Eastern States, 603 to Lafayette on the arrival of the Count de Grasse, 604 determines to command the ex- pedition, 604 crosses to Haverstraw, 604 visits West Point with Rocham- beau, 606 move toward Virginia, 605 to Noah Webster on the Virgin- ia expedition (note), 605 welcome at Philadelphia, 606 concern about De Grasse, 607 to L.afayette on Cornwallis, 607 arrival of the Count I>f Grasse, 608 reaches the head of Elk, 608 to De Grasse on Cornwallis, 608 at Baltimore, 608 revisits Mount Vernon, 608 pushes on to Williamsburg, 608 hurries on the troops, 610 on board the French fleet, 610 plan of operations, 610 arrival of Admiral Digby, 610 threatened departure of the French fleet, 610 armv drawn up at Beaver Dam Creek, 611 strength of forces, 611 anecdote, 612 despatches from Greene, 612 to Greene on the battle of Eu- taw Springs, 615 fires the first gun against York- town, 616 witnesses the storming of the re- doubts, 618 anecdote, 619 INDEX. and Knox, anecdote, 618 surrender of Yorktown, 619 and General O'Hara, 620 on the victory, 620 reinforces General Greene, 621 dissointion of combined armies, 621 at Eltham, 621 death of John Parke Custis, 621 proceeds to Mount Vernon, 622 to Greene on the improvement of the victory, 622 to Lafayette on the next cam- paign, 622 reception by Congress, 622 policy of the ensuing campaign, 622 bold project of Coluuel Ogdeu, 623 to Greene on retaliation, 623 murder of Captain Huddy, 623 demand on Sir Henry Clinton, 623 the case of Capt. Asgill, 624 case of Colonel Webb, (note,) 624 at Newburg, 625 continues his precautions, 625 arrival of Sir Guy Carleton, 625 propositions of peace, 625 discontent in the army, 625 letter from Colonel Nicola, 625 indignant reply to Nicola, 625 negotiations for peace, 626 to Kochambeau, advising a junc- tion, 626 at Verplanck's Point, 626 on the reduction of the army, 626 discontent of the army, 627 anonymous paper, 628 addresses committee of the army, 629 to Congress on behalf of the arrayj 630 news ot peace, 631 a plea for the soldier, 632 general order on peace, 632 grants furloughs, 632 interview with Sir Gtiy Carleton, 633 president of the Society of the Cincinnati, 633 on the dissolution of the army, 633 mutiny of Pennsylvania troops, 635 to Congress on the mutiny, 635 tour tln-ough New York, 635 to Chasteliux on his tour, 636 parting address to the army, 636 at Harlem, 637 enters New York, 637 farewell to his officers, 638 adjustment of his accounts, 63S journey to Annapolis, 639 to Baron Steuben on his resig- nation, 639 resigns his commission, 639 returns to Mount Vernon, 639 to Gov. Clinton on his retire- ment, 639 to Knox on his retirement, 640 to Lafayette ; a soldier's i-epose, 640 to the Marchioness do Lafayette, 640 manner of living, 640 declines the otl'er of the Pennsyl- 'vania council, 641 applications fnma authors, 641 to Dr. Craik on his Memoirs, 641 reception of visitor.-", 641 management of his estate, 641 popular feeling against the Cin- cinnati, 642 presides at a meeting of the Cin- cinnati, 642 to Chasteliux on his regard, 643 arrival of Lafayette, 643 tour west of the Motintains, 643 observations on internal naviga- tion, 643 to Governor Harrison on internal improvement, 644 reception by the Virginia House of Assembly, 644 joined by Lafayette, 644 parting with Lafayette, 644 to Richard Henry Leo on inland navigation, 644 at Annapolis, 645 appropriation of Virginia As- sembly, 645 naval improvements, 645 to Governor Clinton concerning naval matters, 645 burden of correspondence, 646 to Francis Hopkinson on sitting for likenesses, 646 ornamental cultivation, 646 extent of his estate, 647 life at Mount Vernon, 647 private character, 647 fondness for children, 647 in social life, 648 unassuming manners, 648 attention to others, anecdote, 648 social disposition, 648 festive gayety, 649 and Mrs. "Olney, 649 laughter, anecdote, 649 anecdote. Judges Marshall and Washington, (note,; 649 anecdote. Colonel Lee, 649 passion for hunting, 650 anecdote, fox hunting, 650 to Geo. Wm. Fairfax about deer, 650 death of Greene, 650 to Lafayette on Greene, 651 to the Marquis de la Rouerie, 651 to Rochambeau, reveries of peace, 651 doubts the solidityof the confed- eration, 652 to James Warren on the confed- eration, 652 ideas on national policy, 652 correspondence with John Jay, 653 to Colonel Lee on the Massachu- setts insurrection, 653 to Knox on the same, 654 to James Madison on the same, 664 at the head of the Virginia dele- gation, 655 Massachusetts insurrection quell- ed, 655 attends the convention, 665 anecdote, 656 to Lafayette on the new consti- tution, 656 returns to Mount Vernon, 657 on the ratification of the consti- tution, 657 to Lafayette on the Presidency, 657 to Colonel Lee on the same, 657 to Hamilton on the same, 658 to Lafayette on the same, 658 elected President, 669 parting with his mother, 659 to Knox on his election, 659 sets out for New York, 669 public dinner at Alexandria, 659 progress to New York, 659 reception at Philadelphia, 660 reception at Trenton, 660 reception at New York, 660 inauguration of, 661 concluding remarks, ' 662 the new government, 665 difficulties of his position, 666 confidence in Hamilton, 666 and Madison, 667 privacy invaded, 607 Presidential etiquette, 667 first levee, anecdote, 669 attends balls, 669 presidential dinner, 669 presidential household, 670 his deportment, 670 his equipage, 670 love of horses, 671 residence in New York, (note), 671 alarming illness, 671 exercises of the nominating power, 671 rebukes the Senate, 671 death of his mother, 672 nominates Hamilton as secretary of the treasury, 672 and Edmund Randolph, 673 to .Jay, enclosing his commission, 673 department of state, 673 to Rochambeau on the French revolution, 676 to Gouverneixr Morris on the same, 676 offers to appoint Jetferson secre- tary of state, 677 journey through the Eastern States, 677 Hancock's invitation, 677 reception at Boston, question of etiquette, 678 account of the ceremony, 678 reply to Governor Hancock, 678 address of the Cincinnati Society of Massachusetts, 679 return to New York, 679 message from Lafayette on af- fairs in France, 679 appoints JeflTerson secretary of state, 680 opens the session, (note,) 681 measures suggested in his ad- dress, 681 public credit, 681 on sectional jealousies, 682 assumption of State debts, 684 forms and ceremonies, 685 to Dr. Stuart on his levees, 685 to Lafayette on his cabinet, 686 to Luzerne on the French revo- lution, 687 receives the key of the Bagtille, 688 to Lafayette, solicitude for, 688 visits Rhode Island, 68^ return to Mount Vernon, 688 diflficulties with the Indians, 688 information of Indian expedition, 689 residence at Philadelphia, 690 national bank, 690 his judgment, 690 opposite cabinet policy, 691 addresses Seneca chiefs, 691 on the first Congress, 691 cautions General St. Clair, 692 tour through the Southern States, 692 return to Philadelphia, 692 to Da\id Humphrej s on the sta- bility of the government, 692 public credit, 692 to Lafayette on the state of the country, 693 to Lafayette on his personal dan- ger, . 693 concerning the flight and cap- ture of Louis XVL, 694 to Lafayette on French aftairs, 694 at Mount Vernon, 694 speech on the opening of the sec- ond Congress, 694 intelligence of St. Clair's dis- aster, 697 eftect upon him, 698 vetoes the apportionment bill, 699 weary of political strife, 690 intention of retirement, 699 to St. Clair on a court of inquiry, 701 retains his confidence in St. Clair, 701 visits Mount Vernon, 701 to Madison on his intention to retire, 701 asks Madison's advice, 702 valedictory address, -702 conversation with Jefl'erson on political matters, 703 to Jeflerson on his dissensions with Hamilton, . 706 to Hamilton on the same, 706 on taking the oath of office, 709 takes the oath of office, 709 state of aSairs in Franco, 709 Lafayette's downfall, 710 atrocities of the French revolu- tion, 711 to Madame de Lafayette, 7il commencement of second term, 712 war between France and Eng- land, 712 proclamation of neutrality, 712 view of French aflfairs, 714 reception of Genet, 714 conversation with Jefferson on attacks of the press, 715 restitution of French prizes, 715 newspaper attacks, 716 adherence to duty, 716 called to Mount Vernon, 716 case of the Little Sarah, , 718 trial of Gideon Henfleld, 718 concerning the recall of Genet, 719 burst of feeling, 719 threatened dissolution of the cab- inet, 719 interview with Jefl'erson, 719 ill-advised measures of Great Britain, 722 Indian hostilities, 722 29 INDEX. opening acidreBS to Congress, mes8MiJ0 relative to Genet, to Jeti'ersoii on hie retirement, characterized by Jeflerson, concerniDg Frei.ch expeditions, relative to Genet, relative to Bntish aggrsBBions, ■wise nnoderation, to Monroe in regard to Hamil- ton, nominates Jay as envoy to Great Britain, inimical letter, insurrection in Pennsylvania, proclamation to the iusurcents, to Governor Lee on the Demo- cratic Societiep, issues second pvoxjlamation, leaves for Carlisle, correspnnilence Avith Morgan, to the Secretary of State, arrives at Cumberland, 4> to Governor Lee concerning the army, arrived at Philadelphia, to Hamilton, his paternal care, to Jay on the Pennsylvania in- surrection, denunciation of self-created so- cieties, to Kuox on his resignation, anxiety about the cegtiation with England, Jay's treaty, ratification of the treaty, at Mount Vernon, excitement ag:iinst, reply to the select men of Bos- 722 723 724 725 727 727 727 728 728 728 729 729 729 730 730 730 730 730 730 731 731 731 731 732 734 734 734 735 736 736 public clamors, to Randolph reqitesting to he advised, recalled to the seat of govern- ment, Fauchet's intercepted despatch, sisns the ratification, conduct toward Randolph, permits unlimited dstlosure, malignant attacks of the press, reply to the Gov. of Maryland, arrival of Lafayette's son, to Geo. Cabot coucerniug young Lafavette, speech at the opening of Con- gress, to Gouverneur Morris on the conduct of Great Britain, receives the colors of France, treaty with Great Britain, demand by the House of Repre- sentatives, reply to the resolution, to Col. Humphrey on the state of politics, noble reply to Jefferson, to Monroe on intercepted letters, determines to retire, farewell address, sensation produced by, last speech to Congress, complains of the French minis- ter, letter to Mr. Pinckney, to Knox on the prospect of re- tirement, denounces spurious letters, farewell dinner, at the inauguration of Adams, farewell to the people, banquet in honor of, sets off for Mount Vernon, arrives at home, letters relating to, to Mrs. 8. Fairfax on Belvoir, strange faces, invites Lawrence Lewis to Mount Vernon, advice to Nelly Custis, anecdote of Miss Custis, to Lafayette by his son, on the French indignities, pamphlet from General Dumas, reply to Dumas, threatened war with France, on accepting the command, appointed commander-in-chief, 80 761 761 762 762 762 763 763 763 764 740 741 742 742 742 742 743 744 745 745 745 746 746 747 748 748 748 748 749 749 749 749 749 749 750 750 750 751 751 752 753 753 754 754 755 755 accepts the commission, 756 to Knox on his appointment, 756 to Adams concennng Knox, 757 to Knox, explanatory, 757 to Knox, urgii g his acceptance, 758 repairs to Philadelphia, 758 taxed with the cares of ofQce, 758 return at Mouiit Verion, 768 correspondence with Lafayette, 759 Burprir-ed at the appointment of minister to France, 760 the conflict in Europe, 760 solicitude for the army, 760 life at Mount Vernon, 761 plan for the management of his estate, to Hamilton on military acad- emy, illness, remedies, his last hours, his death, his funeral, his will, to John F. Mercer on slavery, to Lawrence Lewis on the same, 764 public testimonials of grief, 764 retrospect, 764 discharge of his civil functions, 764 character of, 764 hisfnne, 765 Washingtos, Major George A., 694 Washington, John Augustine, raises an independent com- pany, 139 entreats Mrs. Washington to leave Mount Vernon, 200 Washington, Lawrence, return from England, campaign in the West Indies, return home, marries Miss Fairfax, his attachment to George, becoines manager of the Ohio Company, his views on restraints on con- science, failini,' health, departs for the West Indies, arrival at Barbadoes, goes to Bermuda, letters home, return, death, his character, his will, Washington, Lund, on the dan- ger at Mount Vernon, 200 compromises with the enemy, 591 Washington, Martha, death and character of, 672 Washington, Mrs. at Mt. Vernon, 200 arrival at Cambridge, 201 equipage, 201 presides at head-quarters, 201 celebration of Twelfth Night, 201 at New York, arrival at Valley Forge, presides at Mount Vernon, journey to New York, general reception. her deportment, death of Washington, Washington, Mary, Washington, Colonel Wm. A., leads the advance at Trenton, 316 Watts, Major, at Oriskany, wounded, 380 381 Waxhaw, Tarleton's butchery at, 515 228 450 641 669 670 670 763 12,54 takes two cannon, described, brush with the enemy, .joins Colonel White, "surprised at Laneau's Ferry, exploit at Clermont, under Morgan, at the battle of the Cowpens, in charge of the prisoners, at Guilford Court House, with Marion, at Eutaw Springs, brings up the reserve, taken prisoner, Waterbcrt, Co'onel, raises and disbands a regiment, 209 gallant conduct, 293 taken prisoner, 294 Watson, Elkanah, picture of Washington in retirement, 648 351 857 376 S95 397 397 397 397 397 397 418 418 430 463 464 466 479 488 488 489 489 490 666 665 666 696 697 598 722 732 733 733 733 741 253 84 64 Wayne, Anthony, 252 in command at Ticonderoga, 337 examines the defences of the Highlands, Graydon's account of, at Chester, at Brandywine, hovers about the enemy, to Washington concerning the enemy, heai s of premeditated attack, attacked by the British, demands a court-martial, is exonerated, in the battle of Germantown, drives in the enemy, in favor of attacking Philadel phia, detached to the advance, detached to attack the enemy, at Monmouth Court House, oppo>es Cornwallis, to storm Stony Point, anecdote, (note,) marches Hgainst Stony Point, carries the fort, on the conduct of his soldiers, revolt of troops, pur.-ues the mutineers, overtakes the troops, ordered South, joins Lafayette, in a rnorass, — appoiii ted to Western command, 701 takes the field against the In dians, expedition against the Indians, builds Fort Defiance, overtures of peace, defeats the Indians, treaty with the Indians, Webb, Colonel, Webb, Major General, marches to the relief of Oswe- go, Webster, Lieut. -Col., to break up American posts, Webster, Col, detached to Beat' tie's Ford, at Guilford Court House, Weedon, Col., conducts Hessian prisoners to Newtown, Weshington, William, of Wesh- ii ^ton, Wesstngton, De, origin of the liame. West, Major, West Point, decided to be forti- fied, Westchester County, British in- road, 499 Wetzell's Mill, afi"air at, 681 Whipple, Commodorej commands fleet at Charleston, 506 changes his position, 606 retrograde move, 513 Whipple, Gen. William, 384 White, Bishop, on Washington's unassuming manners, WashinL'tou's farewell dinner, White, Colonel, with American cavalry, surprised by Tarlcton, White, Philip, captured and killed, White, Mingo, speech to Wash- ington, White" Plains, camp at, incendiarism at. White Thdnder with Washing- ton, in Brnddock's camp. Whiting, Mr., death of, Wild Hunter of Juniata, Wilkes on the appointment of the Earl of Carlisle, Wilkinson, Gen., interview with Gen. Lee, account of Lee's capture, hastens to Sullivan, secret of Lee's conduct, joins Washington, Washington's difficulties, 612 67C 683 319 356 453 648 748 513 613 623 120 286 289 SO 59 716 66 469 309 309 SIO 310 312 312 INDEX. takes a letter from Gates to Washington, panders to Gates, watclies Burgoyne, at Burgoyne'8 surrender, despatched by Gates to Congress, to Gates on the respect of Con- gress, breveted brigadier general, relative to the Conway corre- spondence, correspondence •with Stirling on the Conway letter, honor wonnded by Gates, arrives at Yorktuwn, interview with Capt. Stoddart, meets Lieut. Col. Ball, reconciliation with Gates, 6ut)Sfquent reception by Gates, sends in his resignation, to Stirling on the Conway letter, interview with Washington, to Washington on the Conway letter, resigns position as Secretary of the Board of War, retirement, expedition against Indians, WiLLARD, Counsellor, WiLLET, Lieut. Col. Marinus, de- feats British scouting party, sallies from Fort Schuyler, sacks the enemy's camp, volunteers to seek Schuyler, expedition against theOnondagas, Williams, David, and Andr6, Williams, Col., driven in, at Brooklyn, Williams, Col. James, takes the field, in the battle of King's Mountain, killed, Williams, Colonel Otho H., com- mands the rear guard, crosses the Dan, at Guilford Court House, at Eutaw Spi'ings, attacks the British, Williams, Major, with the artil- lery, captured, Williamsburg rejoicings, 112 Wills' Creek, 27 Wills, Major, killed in battle, 6S9 Wilniiiigtoa taken by the British, 576 Wilson, Jas., member of the Board of War and Ordnance, 233 Wilson, Jas., Judge of Supreme Court, Winchester, panic at, alarm at, attack apprehended, WiNGATE, Mr., account of presi dental dinner, Wintormoot's Fort, Colonel J. But- ler at, ~«7 Wirt on the organization of the General Congi-ess, WiTHEKSPOON, Dr., proposes pair of spurs for Wilkinson, WoLCOTT, Oliver, Secretary of the Treasury, , WoLCOTT (the elder) on Washing- ton's farewell address, Wolfe, military services, lands before Louisburg and storms the works, surprises Light House Point, recei)tion in England, to besiege Quebec, ascends the St. Lawrence, debarks on the Isle of Orleans, his transports damaged by a storm, establishes batteries, crosses the St. Lawrence and encamps below the Mont- morency, reconnoitres up the river, resolves to attack Montcalm in his camp, crosses the Montmorency, is repulsed, his mortification, illness, calls a council of war, changes \)la.n of operations, reconnoitres the town, his health, campaigning song, Gray's Elegy, anecdote, descends the river, 673 73 79 79 669 131 424 734 746 98 98 passes the eentinel, 100 lands near Cape Diamond, 100 takes possession of the plains of Abraham, 100 attacked by Montcalm, 100 wounded, 100 his last words and death, 101 Wood Creek, fight at, 365 Woodford, Brig. Gen., reinforces Charleston, 513 WooLFORD, Col., reinforces Sum- ter, 52S WoosTEB, David, appointed briga- dier general, 148 noble conduct, 183 before Quebec, 230 recalled, 237 hastens to Danbury, 344 joins Silliman, and takes com- mand, 345 attacks the British rear-guard, 345 mortally wounded, 345 death, »--... 346 Worcester, iHilitary stores col- lected at, 137 Writs of Assistance, 109 Wyoming Valley, description of, 477 expedition aaaiiist, 477 ravaged by Brant and Butler, 477 desolation completed, 478 Wyoming, battle of, 478 massacre of Americans, 478 Yankee Doodle, 141 Yorktown, situation of, 607 its defences, 611 invested, 612 siege of, 616 description of bombardment, 616 storming of the redoubts, 617 capitulates, 619 terms of capitulation, 619 number of prisoners, killed, wounded, and missing, and troops on both sides, (note,) 639 effect of surrender, 620 Young's House, expedition against, 499 taken and burnt, 600 31 THB END. 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